^^. ^'^W «YiaiLIl«'¥]MlI¥EI^SflT!T«' 1929 Hantasbir^ ^P^^^b Hcgtster ^omtg IN CO-OPERATION WITH THE EniJj^rait^ of Uiberirool ^rljool of ICocal Bistor^ anb Hwor&s. ^\ft Earliest H^gist^ra OF IHE lancaalri« IParialj H^giatn* ^orietij. pattoiis. The Right Rev. the LORD BISHOP OF MANCHESTER. The Right Rev. the LORD BISHOP OF LIVERPOOL. The Right Rev. ihb LORD BISHOP OF CARLISLE. (Touncit. LiEUT.-CoL. FISHWICK, F.S.A., The Heights, Rochdale, President. Right Reverend BISHOP WELLDON, The Deanery, Manchester. JAMES CLAYTON, Radcliffe. HENRY BRIERLEY, B.A., Thornhill, Wigan, Hon. Secretary. WILLIAM FARRER, F.S.A., Hall Garth, Carnforth. Colonel PARKER, Browsholme Hall, Clitheroe. ARTHUR SMITH, B.A., LL.B., Wigan. CHARES W. SUTTON, M.A., Manchester Free Library. W. ASHETON TONGE, Staneclyffe, Disley. J. R. FAITHWAITE, 19, Crescent Road, Birkdale, Southport, Hon. Treasurer. (35) St. Xichui.a.-s i\,nisn rnvurii. Uveuvool. OF the 1660 to 1704. WITH SOME OF THE EARLIER (Eptaropal ©ranarripta COMMENCING IN 1604. Transcribed and Edited by HENRY PEET, F.S.A. Also an Appendix being ^tpavt on tijt (Bttlmasticai H^corba IN THE DlOCESE OF LIVERPOOL. Printed fob the Lancashire Parish Register Society in co-operation with the University of LivERi>ooL School of Local History AND Records BY James Clegg, at the Aldine Press, Rochdale. 1909. ®abb of Cotttenta. pages. St. Nicholas's Parish Church . . frontispiece Corrigenda vii. Introduction ix. — xvi. Volume I. Christenings (1659-1673) I— 16 Marriages (1662-1671) 17—19 Burials (1661-1673) .... 20—30 Volume II. Christenings (1673-1704) • 31—127 Marriages (1673-1704) . 128 — 144 Burials (1673-1704) .... . 145—213 Episcopal Transcripts, List of 214 Index to Names .... . 215—285 Index to Places .... . 286—287 Bishop's Tr.anscripts .... . 289-328 Index to Bishop's Transcripts . • • 329—343 Local Ecclesiastical Records . 1—30 (KomjMt&a. Page 2, line 12 from top, for "Boote [Booth ?]" read "Boots." „ 4, line 15 from top do. do. „ 8, line 24 from bottom do. do. „ 79, line 9 from top for " Alcroft " read " Ascroft." „ 82, line 17 from top for "Moud" read "Moss" (Mosse in Transcript). „ 82, line 20 from top for "Bezakiell" read " Bezaliell." „ 91, line 16 from top, after "\]\egih\e" read "Keyton" in Transcript. ,, 214, add the year 16 14. ifntroiJttttion. THE first Register Book of the chapel of St. Nicholas, Liverpool, was transcribed and printed by me in 1893. It formed part of my Inventory of the Parish Churches of Liverpool, a small octavo volume issued during the time I filled the office of Churchwarden. It is here reprinted, together with the second Register Book. Both volumes are folio in size, written on parch ment, neatly bound in rough calf, and contain Baptisms, Marriages and Burials. Volume I. consists of fifty-one leaves, of which twenty-five are blank, and Volume II. contains one hundred and twenty-five leaves, of which ten only are blank. They cover a period of forty-four years, from the Restoration in 1660, to the early years of the reign of Queen Anne, 1704, and are replete with genealogical details of the men who laid the com mercial foundations of this great city and port. All the ancient Register Books, antecedent to 1660, are lost, but this loss can in a measure be supplied, for some of the missing years, at least, by the Bishop's Transcripts, which in a more or less imperfect condition, are indifferently cared for in the Diocesan Registry at Chester. They commence in 1604, and although there are many gaps, they may be consulted with advantage to clear up any doubtful entries in the Registers, and so far as the first half of the 17th century is concerned, (1604 to 1660) they are the only record in existence of the Baptisms, Marriages and Deaths of the inhabitants. The years for which these Bishop's Transcripts exist are enumerated on page 214. It is not difficult to assign a cause for the complete disappearance of the ancient Registers, which presumably commenced in 1538 in accordance with the Injunctions of Thomas Cromwell. The disturbed condition of the little town during the Civil War, its three sieges, the military occupation of the Chapel of St. Nicholas on more than one occasion, and last but not least, the appointment, during the Commonwealth, of a " Lay Register" in each parish, explain the loss. Whatever records survived all these disasters were handed over to this functionary, whose chief recommendation for appointment as custo dian of the new registers, was the zeal he had displayed in the destruction of the old ! Fortunately the Register Books which have come down to us, are in a fairly good state of preservation. In the two books which form this volume, the entries have, for the most part, been regularly and continuously made, but the penman ship and orthography are of varying quality. It is somewhat singular that the writing changes at very frequent intervals, — sometimes every year, which would lend some colour to the suggestion that they were written by the Churchwarden, and not by the minister or clerk. There is also some internal evidence that the entries were not made at the time the rite or ceremony was performed, but were written up weekly or monthly, from notes made by the clerk. As a conse quence, it will be found that the Registers were kept in all sorts of ways, according to the idiosyncrasies of the scribe for the time being. In some years they are careless, slipshod and untidy, and very simple words are spelt in a most extraordinary manner. Then again another writer uses innumerable abbreviations, very frequently giving only the initial letter of the word, and this is especially noticeable in the case of the names of streets. In some of the later years the entries were XI. evidently made by a very illiterate person, who wrote badly, and whose attempts at phonetic spelling consider ably increased the labour of transcription. Occasionally the writing is almost illegible, and in many places it is fast fading, and can only be deciphered with difficulty. A very casual examination of the volumes shews most clearly the importance of having them printed, and thus placing beyond the possibility of loss all that is still legible, but which in the course of years, may become entirely obliterated. By a careful analysis of the various entries, some few items of interest can be gleaned. For genealogical students the Register is of great utility, but it does not throw much light on the history of the period, or on passing events in the town itself The bitter party strife which characterised the half century that followed the Restoration, and sharply divided the townspeople into two hostile camps, finds no reflection in the pages of the Register. There are no " small-talk " entries, no notes about the weather or other physical phenomena, and with one single exception, no scraps of local scandal, or personal peculiarities — nothing in fact, which gives light and shade, to the long grey vista of names and dates. The trades and occupations of the inhabitants, and the names of streets and places, are however of great interest, and in some years these are so fully detailed that a Directory of householders, with their places of abode and occupation, could be compiled without much difficulty. The names of the following streets are men tioned, and they are here set out in alphabetical order:* — * For topographical description of the Streets, see the Author's Liverpool in the Reign of Queen Anne, published by Henry Young & Sons, Liverpool, igo8, containing Maps and Plans, and a List of the inhabitants according to streets. xu. Atherton Street Bridge Alley Cable Street Castle Ditch Castle Hey Castle Hill Castle Street Back of the Castle In the Castle Chapel Alley Chapel Street CheapsideChurchyard By Church Gate By New Church Common Garden Cook Street Dale Street Dry Bridge Fenwick Alley Fenwick Street Hackin's Hey Harrington Street On the Heath High Street James Street John Street Jugler Street Lancelots Hey Lord Street Moor Street Moorefields New Shambles New Market Old Hall Street Pool Lane Over the Pool Preeson's Row Red cross Street Rosemary Lane Tower Alley Tower Yard Tythebarn Street Waterside Water Street * By the White Cross A few other places, then at a distance, but now within the city boundaries, are mentioned, such as Walton, Low Hill, the Breck Side in West Derby, Kirkdale, Toxteth Park and Wavertree. Incidentally reference is made to Crosse Hall, Alms Houses, the Castle, the Tower, Half-Mile House and Bank Hall — the latter as the residence of Sir Edward Moore, Baronet, described as "Knight." Within the ruined Castle, and at the back of the Castle, as well as on the edge of the ancient Moat, or Castle Ditch as it was generally designated, a number of small tenements had been built, inhabited Xlll. mainly by poor people. This will explain the numerous references to the Castle, as the residence of many of those whose names appear in the Register. The trades and occupations, constantly noted, supply valuable evidence of the relative importance, during the period under review, of the agricultural and shipping interests, and of the industries generally which flourished in the town. Writers in the past have been tempted to magnify unduly the greatness of Liverpool as a Port during the 17th century, and to ante-date the period when her over-sea commerce became of real importance and of commanding volume. That a few ships traded with Ireland during the Middle Ages is undoubted ; that this Irish trade, captured from Chester, was never again lost, is amply demonstrated ; that there was some trade with Spain in the Tudor age, and that a few stray vessels found their way to the American Colonies before the Civil War commenced, may also be conceded ; but this Register supplies abundant evidence that the vast majority of the inhabitants were dependent upon industries other than shipping for their livelihood, down almost to the last decade of the century. There is very little indica tion of much shipping activity before 1675. After that date "merchants" begin to multiply, and such trades as shipwright, ship-carpenter, sail-maker, anchor-smith, block- maker, roper and the like, are found in increasing num bers ; but to the closing years of the century there is an overwhelming preponderance of trades and industries allied to an agricultural community, rather than those which flourish amongst men "who go down to the sea in ships, and do their business in great waters." Mari time enterprise was undoubtedly beginning to enrich the few, but the multitude were as yet mainly depen dent on agriculture for their daily bread. This is clearly .XIV. indicated in the pages of the Register by the greater number of such occupations as husbandman, wool-comber, weaver, currier, tanner, brewer, heyward, skinner, gar dener, malster, distiller, miller, &c. In the last quarter of the century a vast change was unquestionably creeping over the town. The agri cultural interest was falling into the background — slowly, yet surely giving place to over-sea commerce as the staple on which the town must prosper. The seventy ships with which the port was credited — mere coal- barges in point of tonnage — were at the close of the century, continually engaged in so active a trade with the Plantations that they were not available for purposes of transport, and William III. had to look elsewhere for help when he wished to convey his troops to Ireland. The Register gives numerous instances of merchants living in Liverpool who hailed originally from Boston in New England, from Maryland, Virginia and from the West India Islands. The population was increasing. People of position and wealth were attracted to the rising port from the surrounding districts, and also from distant parts of the country, many of them permanently settling here, and their descendants, in some few in stances, are still with us. Occasionally the home whence these settlers came, can be traced in the Register. After 1680 the number of those described as mariner, sailor and seaman, increases every year. The Burial Register is a mute witness to the in sanitary condition of the town, and to the appalling mortality which was the natural result. A death in a family is rapidly followed by the death of several mem bers of the same household, and of residents in the adjoining houses. Once infection entered the home, the occupants seemed to die in battalions. Whole families were cut off apparently in a few days. Calamities of XV. this nature occurred with startling frequency, and as we know from contemporary and later records, scarcely any serious attempt was made to grapple with the question of sanitation until comparitively recent times. That this ghastly condition of affairs should have been allowed to continue amongst an enterprising and enlightened com munity, is the more surprising vvhen we take into account the ready adaptability of the town for a per fect drainage system. Built on rising ground, with a sharp fall to the noble river, whose coursing tides scour the estuary twice a day, the facilities for carrying off sewage are remarkably easy. But the rich, intoxicated with their new-grown prosperity, had only time to grow richer ; whilst the poor amidst their squalid surroundings, were content to live in a polluted atmosphere, so long as they shared in a modest degree the wealth which poured in, with ever increasing volume — the pestilence, heedless of the golden shower, meanwhile stalking through the murky tortuous streets, claiming rich and poor alike as its victims. It is worthy of note that during the period covered by this Register, St. Nicholas's was the only Church in Liverpool, and the adjoining churchyard practically the only local place of interment The Church of St. Nicholas dates from 1361, but no portion of the existing building can claim any greater antiquity than 1775.* Until the passing of the Act constituting Liverpool a separate Parish, in 1699, it was simply a chapel-of-ease to the mother Church at Walton. Its correct and official designation is "The Chapel of Our Lady and St. Nicholas." * See the Author's Inventory of the Pariah Churches of Liverpool, 1893, pages 105-107; and Liverpool in the Reign of Queen Anne, 1908, pages 102 and 103. XVI. In conclusion I have to acknowledge the courtes\- of the Rector of Liverpool, Canon J. A. Kempthorne, M.A., (recently appointed Bishop of Hull) in giving me every possible facility for the free and uninterrupted transcription of the Registers, and for permission to print. My thanks are also due to Miss Mary Reeve, who has thrice checked every entry, and has materially assisted me in the tedious and laborious task of making the Index. HENRY PEET, F..S.A. Liverpool, igio . mt %i5fas 0f m, jaicbolas', mbtt^aol VOLUME I. H "Feoiegter Boohe, BEARING DATE FROM THE YEAR OF OUR LORD GOD 1 66 1. p. I {On the fly leaf). Jo. y° Sonne of Antho. Banister was Baptized the 28 of November 1668 Edward Davis soon of Robert Davis was baptized the 13 of December 1668 Robert the sonne of avillia Kellej- was baptized y° 13 of December 1668 p. 8 {On the third leaf, tlie intervening leaves being blank). Richard sonne of John Rimmer baptized 30 November 1660 Thomas sonne of M' John Pemberton baptized 4 De cember 1664 Elizabeth daughter of Thomas Holland, Barber, was boarne the 5 day of August in the year of our lord 166 1 and baptized in the same month Peeter y° sonn of James Scasbricke was borne the 26 of January and was baptized the 2 of February in y° yeare 1669 p. 9 {On the fourth leaf). Margery daughter of John Rimmer was baptized the 27"" of November 1659 p. 10 Margreat Washington, widdow, buried 25 September 1662 Thomas sonne of Henry Charnocke baptized 18 March 1663 Robert sonne of Rodger James was borne the p. 12 {Blank, with the exception of the two following entries). The sonne of Henry Weatton baptized January 1665 Elizabeth daughter of William Garner buried 26 January 1661 B LIVERPOOL REOISLRRS (.St. NICHOLAS). 1660-1662 Cbristeninga. 1600. Eline d. of William Poultney Richard s. of Thomas Berch 1661. Henry s. of William Wattinough ... ... .. Thomas s. of Anthony Char Robert s. of Thomas Narbury. Borne July 20' baptized John s. of Richard Boore Jane d. of William Ranforde Richard s. of Edmond Balle John s. of William Achars Johns, of John Rimmer Thomas s. of Richard Bushell John s. of James Boote [ ? Booth] Edward s. of Thomas Ashbrooke Robert s. of Robert Kenion Allis d. of Edmond Whalley Margreat d. of Thomas Coventree Richard s. of Thomas Berch Hannah d. of John Monelley Sarrah d. of Edmond Levesley p. 13 William s. of Hugh Rannell Thimothy s. of M'. John Fogge William s. of Richard Windell 1662. Thomas s. of Lourence Jumpe Elizabeth d. of William Greaton Edward s. of Gregory Formby Eline d. of Thomas Rooe Richard s. of John Griffith Margreat d. of Willia Belley Randell s. of Randell Dawson Rachell d. of John Darby Elizabeth d. of James Smoult Jefferi s. of Richard Walls Robert s. of William Mills Thomas s. of Thomas Bickistath Elizabeth d. of WiUiam Williams, Junior Thomas s. of John Kelly Henry s. of Thomas Robinson Elizabeth Johnson d. of . ... [Register mutilated, no Transcript available] 5 January 8 May 30 June 27 July I Sept. 29 ,, 7 Oct. 20 ,, 24 23 .. 3 Nov. 30 >» 23 Oct. 27 ., 5 Dec. 6 Jany. 10 26 2 Feb. it 23 .. 28 March 68 Aprill tt 13 it 23 I it May 15 2 Sept. 9 12 it Oct. 26 8 Aug. 9 Nov. 16 t, 14 Dec. I662-I663 CHRISTENINGS. p. 14 Thomas s. of Thomas Allcocke .. Rachall d. of Simond Arrowsmith Richard s. of Richard Browne Elizabeth d. of William Blundell was borne Dec 27 about one aclocke in the morning and baptized John s. of John Erby Peeter s. of William Nichols Christophers, of Thomas Gallowee Thomas s. of Thomas Holland, barber ... Margery d. of Richard Rimmer Margreate d. of Thomas Waynwright William s. of Thomas Glover Mertha d. of Cuthbeard Holland Allis d. of Thomas Hordis Anne d. of John Bamber S Dec. 18 „ 28 .. 29 I 18 29 I IS ^5 1813 Jany. ttit Feb. March 1663. Christophers, of Robert Woodside William s. of Balliffe John Higginson John s. of William Goore Gorge s. of Edward Flittcraft .... of John Rimmer [Register mutilated no Transcript] p. 15 Raph s. of John Allcocke Ann d. of John Heayes Ann d. of Richard Bushell Ann d. of Parsefall Holme Mary d. of John Litherland Elizabeth d. of Thomas Jonson, seaman ... Elizabeth d. of Thimothy Tarleton Robert Leadbeater Josuah s. of William Simson Margreat d. of M' Silvister Richman Margreat d. of William Bruerton Katheren d. of Abraham Sanderson Elizabeth d. of Edward Litherland Ann d. of Cuthbeard Kilshaw Elizabeth d. of William Williamson, junior Samuel s. of M' Richard Parcefell Mary d. of Richard Newport Henry s. of Joseph Willson William s. of Robert Cliffe Mary d. of [John Kenion] from Transcript p. 16 Thomas s. of Edward Tarleton, borne June 22, about eight a'clocke in the morning, and baptized Elizabeth d. of William Halsoe 25 March 8 Aprill 10 10 12 13 3 May 3 10 ,, 10 14 , J 1] 24 ,t 2528 21 11 9 June 14 1 f 15 tf 19 i) 21 ti 22 9 Aug. 9 ft 13 July 9 Aug. 4 LIVERPOOL RK(;iSTERS (St. NICHOLAS). 1663-1664 Elizabeth d. of John Cooke Elizabeth d. of Richard Marcer John s. of John Rimmer Richard s. of John Higginson Allis d. of Thomas Fletcher Samuell s. of John Blundell John s. of Thomas Jumpe .M..rgreat d. of William Poultney William s. of Richard Formby Anne d. of Henry Bushell William .s. of John Harries .., Raph s. of John Marcer Jai'ett ll. of William Jonson William s. uf Frances Hunter Anne d. of James Boote [? Booth] Henry s. of Henry Tarbocke John s. of Thomas Loye p. 17 Robert s. of Thomas Asbroocke Johns, of William Wattmough William s. of John Rimmer, roper Thomas s. of Rodger James John s. of Nathan Glave >Lary d. of Robeard England Johns, of John Walker John -;. of Simond Arrowsmith Margreat d. of Henry Crayne John s. of Richard Windefeld Mary d. of Thomas Coventree Allis d. of Robert Davis Margery d. of Thomas Scasbricke WilHam =;. of William Greaton 1664. Anne d. of Edmond Balle Robeart s. of John Moneley Martha d. of Thomas Berch Margreat d. of Edward Banks p. 18 Elizabeth d. of Thomas Lynirhar Jane d. of John Borton Allis d. of Richard Crumton Mary d. of M' John Leeh Johns of William Ranford Elizabeth d. of William Danty Dority d. of Thomas Rooe Margreate d. of M' Edward Allcocke Anne d. of Thomas Hordis Eline d. of Thomas Lancelett Thomas s. of Hugh Ranald Silvesters, of M' John Sandiford 30 Aug. 30 6 66 Sept. 13 13 13 IS 4 Oct'. 18 25 -5 I Nov. 8 15 15 17 27 Dec. 27 2S 6 Jany. 14 15 IS 26 31 Feb. 28 16 M.arch 25 March 3 Aprill to } i II } t 12 ft 24 ) t 24 tt I May 3 >t 3 1 1 S f, 5 } f 8 ft IS ) t 19 ) t 2S } > 1664-1665 CHRISTENINGS. Richard s. of John Rimer John s. of James Balle ... . Elizabeth d. of Robert Leatton Lorance s. of James Scasbricke . Rodger s. of Richard Jones John Leigh, min. Thomas Bridge, Rob' Fleetwood, p. 19 Henry s. of William Nichols Dority d. of M' Thomas Sandiford Elizabeth d. of Edward Barton William s. of Richard Bushell Thomas s. of Peeter Martine Ann d. of Thomas Pattericke Sarah d. of Anthony Walles Anne d. of William Richarson John s. of William Milles ... Abraham s. of John Sanderson William s. of Robert Ryding of Toxtath parke Eline d. of Richard Tarleton Eline d. of Richard Marcer Margreat d. of Robert Blevin Thomas s. of Thomas Johnson, shopkeeper William s. of Robeart Robinson Thomas s. of Thomas Simson . Elizabeth d. of Robert [Mercer from Transcript p. 20 John s. of Thomas Dickinson Allixander s. of James Heayes ... William s. of John Marsh Elizabeth d. of M' Thomas Allcocke Mertha d. of Willia Simson ... . Richard s. of John Erby Elizabeth d. of Gilbert Blundell Comelyous s. of John Holland ... Peeter s. of John Erloum Febe d. of John Lunte Dorythy d. of William Blundell Mary d. of Richard Davies Mathew s. of John Heyes William s. of Edmond Whalley Peeter s. of John Presscott ... . Euen s. of James Jones 27 May 29 M 29 5 June 19 .. chappellwardens 10 July 17 -> 24last day 9 Aug. 21 ,, 30 " 9 Sept. II 16 ,, 18 ,, 6 Oct. 18 „ 23 .. 27 M 30 >. 16 I Nov. 12 16 20 3 Dec. II25 22 Jany. 7 Feb. 7 „ 12 22 ,, 23 12 March 19 n 19 .. 22 1665. Samuell s. of Richard Parr Jane d. of John Poultney ... John s. of Thomas Robinson 26 March 27 M last day LIVERPOOL REGISTERS (St. NICHOLAS). 1 66s Thomas s. of William Newport p. 21 Henry s. of John Rowson AVilliam s. of John Lyon Elinor d. of Richard Windell Anne d. of Edward Eceles Mary d. of John Litherland Dorithy d. of Gorge Glo^'er Daniell s. of Pattericke Rannalls Thomas s. of Robert Edwards Elizabeth d. of William Forber Margreat d. of Charels Fairherst William s. of Peeter Dawson Margreat d. of Robert Bell Thomas s. of James Winfield Thomas s. of Thimothy Tarleton Margery d. of Anthony Johnson Thomas s. of Thomas Plum Jane d. of Richard Morecroft Anne d. of Marke Hebron Edward s. of Richard . [Register mutilated, no Transcript] p. 22 Thomas s. of M' Thomas Chappman, Junior ... William s. of Thomas Jumpe Aster d. of Thomas Waiuwright Anne d. of Richard Marcer Mary d. of Gorge Kinge Mary d. of William Dainty \\\ Eline d. of Richard Rimmer ... ,][ Elizabeth d. of John Celley ' ' Margreat d. of John Story [.' Elizabeth d. of Jeremiah Henlev ... ... Jacob s. of Gorge Bennett ... ' Richard s. of Avery Garth, being the sonne of Richard Garth late of Morden in the county of Surrey, Esq', was baptized in the veare ot our Lord god 1665 William s. of James Fletcher Thomas s. of Edward Charr ..' Jane d. of William Poultney James s. of John Poole ... .' William s. of William Marcer p- 23 Margreat d. of M' John Archer Richard s. of Gorge Printton Silyister s. of M' Silvister Richman .'. AA ilham s. of Cuthbeard Holland John s. of Richard Walles William s. of AVilliam Bruerton William s. of Thomas Stockley James s. of AVilliam AA^atmouKh 5 Aprill 9 ', 9 „ II ,, 12 16 16 „ 2025 >. -'5 .. 7 May 7 ,', II 21 10 June II f, 18 „ 25 -. 30 ,.. 27 July 26 June 2 July 2 5 2 4 9 14 27 30last day 3 August y tt 10 11 22 tt 24 1 t 30 ) J 7 Sept 17 IJ I Oct. 15 ti 22 It 20 Nov. 26 J) 28 i66s-i666 CHRISTENINGS. William s. of M' John Leigh, minester Mary d. of Homphry Marcer Elizabeth d. of Euen Garrett Ann d. of James Balle Raph s. of John Marcer William s. of John Tomson William s. of Thomas Williamson . . . Richard s. of John Holme Martha d. of Thomas Gildoes William s. of William .... [Register mutilated, no Transcript] p. 24 Mary and Mertha d.'s of Simon Arrowsmith Edward s. of Edward Sutton, deceased Lorance and Edward sons of John Rimmer Raphe s. of Rodger James Henry s. of M' Henry Higginson Elizabeth d. of Phillipe Harrison Thomas s. of Robert Weade Mary d. of Thomas Woofall Elizabeth d. of Peeter Alline . . . d. of John Monelley, junior Jane d. of William Rice Richard s. of Thomas Galloway Hugh s. of Thomas Lininker ... Elizabeth d. of Robert England Mary d. of John Cooke Anne d. of M' Samuel Fazakerley p. 25 Anne d. of Hannah Woode, widow Dec. S6 6 10IIII24 31 28 1016 Jany. 19 » 18 „ 19 n 21 ,, 28 ,, 28 „ 30 „ 30 3 7 1 1 4 14142323 Feb. March 1666. Thomas s. of John Bockley Gilbeard s. of Thomas Allcocke Margreatt d. of John Bamber . . . James s. of Robert Blevin, seaman John s. of John Monelley Mary d. of John Monelley Gorge s. of Thomas Berch Anne d. of William Williamson Margery d. of Thomas Coventree James s. of Robert Davies Hannah d. of William Williamson Farington s. of David Lake Sarah d. of Henry Houghton . . . Mary d. of Rich. Windall, baptized the day [Appears to have been a later found in the Transcript] James s. of James Sanderson Anne d. of John Blundell Nicholas s. of Thomas Hordis . . . 27 27 28 I 6 1015 24 26 2 2 -'7 10 March Aprill Aprill May MarchMay afforsd insertion — not 1313 29 8 LIVERPOOL REGISTERS (St. NICHOLAS). 1666 AVilliam s. of Thomas Ryding i June Charles s. of James Heayes 3 " John s. of John Pemberton [Register mutilated — no Transcript] p 26 Thomas s. of Thomas Pattericke 8 July Gorge s. of Raph Anton 11 ,, Robert s. of Robert Blevine, tailor 13 Aug. Mary d. of AA'illiam AA'orrall 21 ,, AA'illiam s. of Henry Knowles 26 ,, Charles s. of John Herries 7 Sept. Jane d. of AA'illiam Greaton 9 ,, John s. of Anthony AA'alls 23 ,, Elizabeth d. of Gorge Bennett 3 Oct. ... of Henry Hardman [This entry is not in ihe IVanscript] 4 ,, John s. of John Philpe 4 >> Hannah d. of Robertt Leadbeatter 9 ,, Dorithy d. of Hugh Rannalles 10 ,, Edward and Jane s. & d. of Thomas Perrey ... 22 ,, Robeart s. of M' Richard Parclfall 27 ,, Thomas s. of AA'illiam Richardson 28 ,, Eline d. of Robert Marcer 28 ,, Sarah d. of Thomas Smawshaw 5 Nov. Edward s. of Edward Fry 8 ,, p. 27 Elizabeth d. of AA'illiam Rycroft 11 ,, AVilliam s. of James Boote [Booth ?] 13 ,, Johns, of James Flecher 1.=; ,, Rodger s. of Thomas Roe 16 ,, Thomas s. of AVilliam Kelley 16 Dec. Elizabeth d. of HeniA' Charnocke 23 ,, Gilliert s. of Richard Formby 25 ,. Johns, of Robert AA'oodside 26 ,, Anne d. of Thomas Narbery 26 ,, Jane d. of Anthony Charr 27 ,, John s. of Robert Turnor i Jany. Thomas s. of Thomas Dickinson 4 ,, Elizabeth d. of AA'illiam Hardman 8 ,, Elizabeth d. of Parcifall Holme 13 ,, Darcu.^ d. of Merian Carry 13 ,, Anne d. of Richard Johnes 20 ,, Jane d. of Thomas Johnson, seaman 20 ,, Anne d. of Robert Weads 24 ,, Mary d. of Thomas Simson 27 , , Edward s. of Thimothy Tarleton 29 ,, Ketheren d. of Richard Moorecroft 30 ,, p. 28 Elline d. of AA'illiam Barton 30 ,, James s. of John Erlum 20 Feb. Samell d. of John Borton 21 Joanna d. of Richard Davis 24 I666-I667 CHRISTENINGS. William s. of Richard Parr Dorithy d. of John Kichlay Anne d. of Nicholas Stonns Gilbertt s. of Thomas Bickisstath Thomas s. of John Waring [Appears to be a later insertion — no Transcript for comparison]... Margrett d. of Hugh Diggels 1667. Elline d. of William Johnson Samuell s. of David Hall Robert s. of Nicholas Marcer Mary d. of Iramuse Harvy Elizabeth d. of John Allcocke . . . . d. of John Monelley Elizabeth d. of Richard Tarleton Thomas s. of Richard Williamson, sargent Margreat d. of Thomas Tatlocke Mertha and Mary d. 's of William Poultney Mary d. of Marke Hebron p. 29 Dorithy d. of Henry Crayne Sammuell s. of Samuell Fazakerley Thomas s. of William Forber Anne d. of Richard Wright Margreatt d. of George Glover Thomas s. of Anthony Banister William s. of Robert Kenion Peeter s. of M' Silvister Richman James s. of James Winfiled Henry s. of Thomas Gregson Elizabeth d. of John Banks Lidiah d. of John Blundell Jane d. of Richard Bushell Henery s. of William Nicholes Elizabeth d. of Robert Edwards William s. of Thomas Williamson Philip s. of William Mills John s. of Richard Marcer John s. of John Lunt p. 30 Edward s. of William Newport Thomas s. of Gorge Penkeman Mary d. of Joseph Cropper John s. of John Brindell, seaman William s. of William Yonger Moses s. of John Sanderson Martha d. of William Carry Samuell s. of William Worrall Susannah d. of Charels Feirherst Margery d. of William Baley 3 March 3 II 12 17 last day of March I Aprill 8 M 8 it 14 ti 16 ti 21 if 23 it 24 it last of Aprill 2 May 7 1) 15 It 16 it 19 it 29 tt 2 June 2 ti II It 30 a 7 July 21 it 24 It II Aug. II tt II 1 ) IS 1 J 25 tt 25 1 1 27 It IS Sept. 16 tl 23 } ) 26 tt 27 It 29 t t 29 Jt last of Sept. I ( 3ct. IO LIVERPOOL REGISTERS (St. NICHOLAS). 1667-1668 Edmond s. of M' Thomas Johnson William s. of Robert Marcer Edmond s. of Ellis Lyon Allin s. of Robert Davis Fortune s. of George Kinge Robert s. of Robert Woodside Luke s. of Raph Anton John s. of Anthony Johnson Johns, of John Litherland Jane d. of John Litherland Anne d. of John Lacocke, pansenger for Ireland Nathaniell s. of Jerimiah Hinley p. 31 Anne d. of William Done Richard s. of John Yeates Margreat d. of Thomas Rooe Samuell and Eline s. and d. of Thomas Berch... Mathew s. of Jonathan Glave Eline d. of John Kelley Richards, of Robert Blevine, seaman Gilbert s. of Edward Litherland Elizabeth d. of James Jerrom [appears to be a later insertion squeezed in. No Transcript for comparison] Baniamine s. of James Balle Elizabeth d. of George Printon William s. of William Blundell Elizabeth d. of John Poole . . s. of John Prescott Thomas s. of Peeter Alline Homphrey s. of James Topping 1668. Gillbert s. of Edward Litherland Bryan s. of Parcefall Holme John s. of John Waring Margreat and Elizabeth d. 's of Thomas Doming Elizabeth d. of Cuthbeard Holland Izabell d. of Thomas Perrey p. 32 Margreat d. of Mr. John Leigh, minister Richard s. of John Morecroft Jotham s. of Joseph Pecocke Elinor d. of Henry Carnocke , Mary d. of Joseph Richerson, borne May 24 and baptized y' John son of Thomas Gildos ... ... ... ... jZ Jane d. of AVilliam Robinson, seaman jr " Richard s. of William AVilliamson 21 John s. of John Rimer, roper 21 " Allis d. of Robert Crossman last day 4 Oct. 6 tt 13 tt 13 ) t 15 ty 22 ti 22 } 1 27 7 it Nov. 1015 ts Nov. 17 IS li Dec. I Jany. 2 it 19 il 19 tt 19 tt 29 ti 30 tl 3 Feby. 9 J t 9 18 I 1 1 It March II ; t 13 It 24 f ) 25 March 12 Aprill 5 16 19 [2] ti 1 1 21 II 29 3 tt May 17 June I668-I669 CHRISTENINGS. Margreatt d. of Bastwell of Dublin in Ireland Thomas s. of William Preeson William s. of Richard Marsh Anne d. of James Flecher John s. of Thomas Hordis Izabell d. of Edmond Whalley Margeiy d. of Philep Harrison Mary d. of John Holla:nd Anne d. of Thomas Simson Margreat d. of Thomas Nicholson ... Thomas s. of John Lyon 33 Izabell d. of William AVatmough Aygnus d. of John Richards Marke s. of John Tue Eline d. of Peeter Martine Ellin d. of John Mercer Thomas s. of John Moniley Thomas s. of Tho. Williamson Rebeca d. of Abram Pomfret Ellin d. of AVitti. Breaerton Hannah d. of Hugh Renalls [Sidney] the daughter of John Hesketh Elliz. d. of Thomas Ashton John s. of Raph Johnson Richard s. of Willi. Herdman Hugh s. of Hugh Letham Hannah d. of John Banks Elizabeth d. of Henry Higginson 34 Jame d. of Raph Antton Robert s. of Willi. Eceles John s. of James [Cjranes John s. of William Lyon James s. of Gilbert Sutton ..• Ellin d. of Richard Windle 1669. Thomas s. of Willi. Worall John s. of Nicholas Mercer Sarah d. of Docter Richmond [appears io be a later insertion — does not occur in Transcript] Thomas s. of Richard Morcroft Samuell s. of William Nicholes Elizabeth d. of John Phillips John s. of Thomas Linicher Izabell d. of Robert England John s. of Thomas Ryding Richard s. of James Johnes William s. of William Downe Gilbert s. of Thomas Jumpe I July 23 June 19 July 19 July 26 tl 26 it 28 tt 9 Aug. 9 it II li 23 it 2 Sept. 6 ts 12 li 12 ti 28 ii 8 Oct. II »; 15 J t 18 ti 27 it 7 Dec. 27 tt 24 Jany. 24 li 3 Feb. 7 tt [14] „ 14 it 8 March 15 tl 21 It 21 il 24 it 2S March 28 It I Aprill 3 it IS it 29 11 - May 0 it 9 1 1 16 It 23 LIVERPOOL REGISTERS (St. NICHOLAS). 1669 Elizabeth d. of Robert Turner Henry s. of Henry Sevenson p. 35 Rebekah d. of Peeter Dawson John s. of James Sanderson Margrett d. of Gorge Penkaman Henry s. of M' John Leigh, minister Henry s. of Thomas AVainewright Katheren d. of Richard AVright Anne d. of Robert Biggings Elizabeth d. of John Walles Charles s. of Thomas Dickinson AVilliam s. of John Harries Margreatt d. of Richard Rimer Robert s. of Roger Gorsuch Elizabeth d. of Thomas Whitthead Edward s. of Edward Parr John s. of John Borton Eline d. of AVilliam Ricraft Eline d. of Henry Jobson Thomas s. of Thomas Woolfall John & Anne s. & d. of Richard Formby Thomas s. of John Joynson Elizabeth d. of Richard Gill Sarah d. of Richard Tarleton AVilliam s. of Thomas [Berch from Transcript] p. 36 Obediah s. of Daniell Swift Katherene d. of Henry Hardman Phebe d. of M' Ja. Jerrom [appears to have been a later insertion — does not occur in the Transcript] John s. of Raph Eccleston Thomas s. of Robert Mercer AVilliam s. of Edward Baneks Richard s. of Thomas Roe Elizabeth d. of Thomas Norbury, was borne Oct. 17 about 8 aclocke att night, and baptized John s. of Thomas Nicholson Samuell s. of Thomas Smalshaw ... ... Elizabeth d. of Richard Bushell Thomas s. of Joseph Richardson ... ... ... Nathaniell s. of John Richards .^ Margreat d. of Ellis Lyon ,,. \\\ Mary d. of Roger James \\ Ann d. of Daniell Curtious 7 Elizabeth d. of Thomas Patterick ..'. ... Elizabeth d. of John Monelley, junior Peeter s. of James Scasbricke Mary d. of John Morecroft 23 May 26 It 30 tt 6 June 8 it 9 li 24 It 27 It I July 7 ti 18 tl 19 tt I Aug. last of July 3 Aug. 6 11 8 11 9 it 15 Ji 19 Sept. 21 11 22 tt 26 1 J 26 It 22 Jt 28 J , 3 Oct. ditto die II ; J IS 1 1 17 It 26 II 26 1 1 28 Nov. s Dec. 6 Jany. 13 16 16 16 19 2S 26 2 Feb. I669-I670 CHRISTENINGS. 13 Thomas s. of Anthony Johnson Victoria d. of John Warring [Ann dau. of from Transcript] Henry Knowles p. 37 Richard s. of William Johnson 1670. Elizabeth d. of Robert Bushell Anne d. of Thomas Newland Alis d. of William Mills William s. of John Kelley Mary d. of M' John Hesketh Elizabeth d. of James Winfield Hannah d. of James Story Eline d. of Robert Leadbeater Margreat d. of John Litherland Thomas s. of Simon Arrow-smith John s. of Thomas Boulton Henry s. of Thomas Cocks Thomas s. of Henry Crayne Margret d. of Witt Mullinex Sarah d. of Witt Fleetwood Rachell d. of Raph Anton Mary d. of James Brindle AVilliam s. of Witt Prieston Mary d. of Henry Houghton Alice d. of Thomas Hurdis Richard s. of Richard Morecroft John s. of George . [Register mutilated] p. 38 AVilliam s. of Godfrey Hughs Ann d. of Peter Allin Richard s. of Thomas Lion Margret d. of James Fletcher Alice d. of Witt Crompton Johns, of Richard Gill Katheren d. of M' Thomas Bickistath James s. of Thomas Topping Martha d. of Thomas Gildus [appears to be a later insertion — no Transcript for comparison]... Margratt d. of Thomas Cemp Elizabeth d. of M' Thomas Johnson Sarah d. of M' Thomas Cleaton Robert s. of John Davis Mathew s. of Henry Cragg Roger s. of M' Thomas Chapman Richard s. of Richard Diggles Richard s. of Thomas Witthead Gilbert s. of Edward Johnes Thomas s. of Richard Marcer John s. of M' Robert Seacom Feb. 20 20 [23] 27 27 March last of March 24 Aprill 8 May 8 „ 12 ,, 24 Aprill 19 .) 3 May 3 .> 15 ,. 16 ,, 24 ., 29 ,. 6 June 12 26 ,, 27 ,. 30 .. 10 July 17 M tt 2S27 M 7 August 7 16 ,, 1612 Sept. 21 ,, 23 Oct. 2S26 ,, 27 I 2779 13 Nov. 14 LIVERPOOL REGISTERS (St. NICHOLAS). 1670-1671 Elizabeth d. of John Pemberton Katheren d. of Henry Leay Joseph s. of AA'illiam AA'attmough Alis d. of AVilliam Nicholes p. 39 Nathaniell s. of Edward Simson Mary d. of Richard Piatt Henry s. of John Tewe Thomas s. of John Story AVilliam s. of AA'illiam Barton .. Margreatt d. of Anthony Banister Richard s. of M' Robert Hunter Robert s. of AA'illiam Evns Abram s. of John Morcroft Gorge s. of Edward Browne Edward s. of James Rothwell [appears to be a later insertion — no Transcript for com parison] Thomas s. of Cuthbeard Holland Catheren d. of Thomas Barker James s. of Raph Johnson ... Allis d. of AVilliam Ansdall Hamlett s. of Thomas Stockley John s. of John AA'alles John s. of John Tumpson . . . Thomas s. of Robert Blevine Raph s. of John Lunt Thomas s. of John Glover ... 1671. Jane d. of Irasmus Harvey Thomas s. of William Williamson Martha d. of Gorge Bennett Thomas son of Ralph E . . . [Regist mutilated — no Transcript] p. 40 Sara d. of Evan Stocke Edward s. of AA'illiam Rice Thomas s. of Thomas Birch John s. of Edward Archer ... Richard s. of Hugh Digles Henry s. of Jo" Lancelott [appears to Imve been a later insertion — nn Transcript for com parison] Thomas s. of Thomas AVhitehead Sarah d. of AV"" Fleetwood, borne y» 4 and Bapt Elizabeth d. of Anthony AA'ood Marg" d. of M' Raph AV-^son Elizabeth d. of John Clarke James s. of Bryan Borrick ... John s. of Thomas Dichfield 6 Dec. 10 14 20 21 29 29 .. 2 Jany. 6 „ 6 „ 13 .. 17 » 2525 2 Feb. 12 1213 M 15 „ 1619 I2 1519 March last of March 23 Aprill 2S .. 25 „ 24 „ 7 May 29 ,. 6 June 2 July 8 June 4 July 10 June 14II Sept. 18 Oct. 22 ,, 28 Nov. I67I-I672 CHRISTENINGS. IS Mary d. of Jo" Richards Margery d. of Robt. Biggins Thomas s. of John Haslome Jonathan s. of Jo" Joinson Carrill s. of Doct' Silvester Richmond Rebecka d. of Rob' Bellen Shamuel d. of Edward AVilliam.son [appears to have been a later insertion — no Transcript for comparison] 1672. p. 41 Rich. s. of Roger James George s. of George King Alice d. of Nich. Mercer Anne d. of Jo" Everett John s. of Willm Lambe Willm s. of George Naylor Rich. s. of Jo" Kennion AV" s. of Robert Lunt Sarah d. of Capt. Edw. Tarleton Jo" s. of John Ashhurst Rebecka d. of M' Ja. Jerrom Alice d. of M' Peter Atherton Peter s. of Thomas Hurdes John s. of Jo" Whittley Marg*' d. of Thomas Tyrer Elizabeth d. of John Tiew Margery d. of Edw. Halsall Jane d. of Williii Fleetwood, borne 9 & baptiz. Phillip son of Math. Walker Rebecka d. of AV"" Vallentine Ellen d. of Peter Allen AVilliam s. of Rich. Gill John s. of Edw. Ogden Jonath" s. of Willm Benn p. 42 John s. of James RothAvell Joseph s. of Jo" Dichfield James s. of Rich. Tarleton Sam" s. of Rich. Mercer Sam" s. of Tho. Gildus Jo" s. of W"" Literland, Drap Dorathy d. of James Fletcher Anne d. of Edw. Booker Edw. s. of Edw. Rycroft Charles s. of Hen. Stevenson Charles s. of Charles Smith Williii s. of W"" Preeson Isabell d. of Jo" Tomson Mary d. of W"" Trueman 26 Dec. 6 Jany. Feb. 12 2 21 ,, 18 March 30 March I May 6 8 ,1 II 1, 30 6 June 10 ,, t> 27 4 July 5 11 22 tl 31 IS tt Aug. 30 8 tt Sept. 12 11 2119 11 Oct. 24 28 I M II Nov. 4 11 10 11 10 I 11 Dec. 6 It 10 it 14 26 2812 J i } J 1 1 Feb. 1616 IJ f f 23 J ) 23 28 ) t 11 i6 LIVERPOOL REGISTERS (St. NICHOLAS). 1672-1673 Kath. d. of Robert Rylance Mathias s. of AV"" Gaily ... Raph s. of Edw. AVillinson March 1673. Kath. d. of Rich. Diggles ... John s. of Edw. Browne Thomas s. of Thomas Jumpe Sidney d. of M" Jo" Hesketh Anne d. of Anth. AVood Rich. s. of Thomas Stockley Thomas s. of Rich. Tarleton Thomas s. of Gilb" Sutton 16 25 March ^S I Aprill 3 Jl 3 .' 1 4 f 1 30 7 May 1662-1665 MARRIAGES. 17 1662. p. I John Pascofild and Elizabeth Ploney Thimothy Tarleton was maried the Richard Right was maried the Thomas Marcer and Jane Mercer Richard AVollfull and Elizabeth Rushton Erasmus Harvey was maried 1663. Thomas Blundell and Eline Walles Thomas Fletcher and Dorithy Barker John Tomson and Mertha Garrett Henry Thornton and Dority Dochson Robert Robinson and Margrery Riding AVilliam Richardsonn and Izabell Martine Robert Blevine and Katherenn Harrison John Greene of Thornton and Margery F oiler of Ince-Blundell John Finch and Elizabeth Ireland, both of Hayle AVood : Gorge King and Katheren Kelly, of this Towne Robert Biggings and Anne Bickistath, of this Towne, by Banns 1664. p. 2 Robert Edwards and Judeth Anderton AA^illiam Webster and Margreat Waynwright, both of Hyton parish John Loyle and Mary Hoult, both of this Towne Richard Holland and Franches Simson Peeter Erby and Mary Woods 1665. Thomas Baneks of Jince in Cheshire and Anne Glover of Brombro AVillm Rimmer, of Liverpoole, and Allis Halsall, of the same towne, ware maried y° Nicholas Rimmer, of Formbie, and Allis Rimmer, of the same towne, ware maried . . . John Marttin, of Salghall-massey, in the county of Chester, and Margret Addleington, of Halle, in the county of Lancaster, ware maried Pirsivall Holme, of Lifpoole, and Ann Blundell 21 July 19 August 2S J J 8 Dec. 21 Feb. II August 13 May 18 ,, 22 ,} 26 July 18 Aug. I Sept. 6 Jany. 6 Feb. 6 „ 31 Jany. 4 Feb., 1665 23 S 23 Aprill MayOct Nov. 28 March 5 Jen., 1662 20 Feb., 1663 30 June, 1664 2 April 21 July ^9 July 1 24 29 Sept. October 4 Nov. 14 It i6 it 4 Feb. 14 Feb. i8 LIVERPOOL REGISTERS (St. NICHOLAS). 1665-1667 John Bockley and Margreatt AA'illiamson, with licence 14 May Lorence Brownloe and Rebeeah Bird, with licence 26 June AA'illiam AA'orrall and Elizabeth Granger, with licence Raphe Anthom and Elizabeth Higginson, both of this Towne, with licence p, 3 Thomas Perrey and Alice Rimmer. both of this towne, by publycation John Philpe and Izabell Morecroft, by publication John Lancaster and Eline Barrow, by publication JohnWinfield, of Darby, and Elizabeth Knowles, of Woulton, with lycence James Topping and Anne Kenion, both of this Towne Edward Parre and Margreatt Tyrer, both of this Towne, with a lycence Henry Gobson and Bettrigh Bowton, being three times publised John Bacnks, of Kirkdall, and Jane Eccleston, of this towne, with a licence 1666. James Brindell and Anne Bradshaw, both of this Towne, with publication 28 Aprill John Holland and Elinor Scasbricke, both of Bebington, with a licence 16 ,, Thomas Boardman and Sarah Tarleton, both of this Towne, with a licence i July James Coppell and Jane Tyrer, of Tarbocke in Hyton parrish, with licence 28 ,, p. 4 AA'illiam Barton and Margery loye [Loyle in the Transcript] by publication 27 Sept. John AA'hittley and Anne Kelley, both of this Towne .' 28 Oct. Joseph Richerson and Sarah Re-\'enshaw, with licence 18 Nov. John Boats and Elizabeth AA'illiamson, both of this Towne, by publication 23 Jany. Gorge Martine and Sarah AA'attmough, with licence 2 Feb. Gorge Fry and Margreatt Tarleton, both of this Towme, with licence 6 ,, 1667. AA'illiam^ Robinson and Eline Blanchard, by publication i p \j;av M' AVilliam Squire and Isabell Story, with licence 10 June I667-I67I MARRIAGES. 19 P- 5 Thomas Doming and Margreat Brookes, both of this Towne John Joynson and Elizabeth Mawthew, both of this Towne, by publication John Richards and Margery Dasbery, both of this Towne, by publication Peeter Atherton and Eline Sandiford, both of this Towne, with licence 1668. Richard Jacson and Anne Eccleston, widdow, with licence Thomas Cocks and Margery Cryane, with lincens John Medowes and Mary Ravenscroft, of Geaton in Worrall, with lycence John Walles and Jane Levesley, with lycence . . . Abraham Aired and Margery Blevin, with lycence [The marriage of Thomas Heyes and Elizabeth Seddon, Feb. 10, 1668, by licence, appears in the Transcript, but is not entered in this Register Book] 1669. Robert Rylands and Katheren Heyes 13 Aprill Henry Leay and Elizabeth Bushell, with a lycence 28 July Edward Simson and Eline Hinley, both of this Towne 22 Oct. 28 July I Oct. 16 Dec. 22 March II 24 JuneDec. 10 13 30 January Oct Jany. 1670. Edward Tirer and Ann Hairfoote 23 May Richard Warbrick and Catherine Scasebrige, with a licence i July Michael Barker and Elizabeth Ervie 4 July Nickolas Mollenix and Janatt Roose, with lincence 5 Feb. William Carter and Allis Tyrer, with lincence. . . 5 ,, 1671. William Carry and Margreat Orell, both of this Towne, by publication 18 Oct. M' William Olliffe and Margrett Winstanley ... 9 Sept. 20 LIVERPOOL REGISTERS (St. NICHOLAS). 1661-1662 18udall0. 1661. 3 Alli^ Chantrill, widdow ADis AA'oodward, widdow sonn Richard Scasbricke Anne Char, of Brombrow AA'illiam Berry 1662. Sarah Bartin d. of John Bartine Ketheren d. of AA'illiam Garner Barbery d. of Edward Flitcraft . . . Samwell d. of John Blundell Thomas s. of Edward Tarleton ... Richard Berch Phillipp Cocke James s. of John Chambers Richard s. of Henry Moore Alixander AA'harocke James s. of Frances Hunter Samyell AA'illiamson Elizabeth wife of Thomas Celley Mary d. of M' George Glover ... p. 4 -7 Feb. 4 March 19 ij 21 - , 12 " 2S March 4 Aprill ^ 1 1 5 6 tl 1 1 II It II 1 I 3° 30 23 10 11 May July Oct. 20 11 30 17 11 Nov. John Baneks sonne of Lorence Baneks of Kirdall was borne the first day of May in the yeare of our lord god one thousand sixe hundred and eleven and baptized afterwards att Liverpoole the same month The above ciiir x relating to John Baneks is wr'iitcn on a slip of paper, and bound in with the parchment leaves Elizabeth wife of Thomas Char M" Susannah AA'alshman M" Margreat Bird John s. of AA'illiam Harison, of Goeborne M' Thomas Weaver John s. of Thomas Hancocke Rachall d. of Simon Arrowsmith Randell s. of Randell Dawson Margreat wife of Richard Holland . . . Elizabeth Ricraft, widdow John Hewett, a pas.senger intening for Ireland. Margery lurting 26 Nov. .. 10 Dec. - ~ ,, .. 28 „ 3 Jany. .. 2 Feb. .. 18 Janv. •• 5 Feb. •• II .. 12 land .. 12 •• 18 I662-I664 liCRIALS. Robert Hervey 12 Feb. Abraham s. of John Whittellaw, of toxtath parke 22 ,, Thomas Plum 25 ,, Edward s. of M' Edward Moore, of banke hall 26 ,, Katheren wife of Thomas AValker 15 ]\Iarch 1663. M' Henry Borscoe p. 5 M' Edward Formby Daniell s. of Richard Everitt, of Toxtath Ann d. of John Rimmer Hannah d. of Tho. Simson Elizabeth wife of Peeter Wallker Mary wife of Edward Barnes, of AVe Anne dau. of Richard Bushell William Holme, mason Katheren Coppow% widdow Elizabeth wife of Richard Wright AVilliam s. of Phillip Norris, of Formby Peeter s. of Sillvister Richman Robert s. of Christopher Warton George AA' right John s. of AVilliam Goore Elizabeth d. of Thimothy Tarleton . . . . . s. of Bryan Webster Mary d. of John Litherland Clare Harrocks, widdow p. 6 AA'illiam Peerson Katheren Hill, widdow Dorithy d. of Thomas Jumpe Thomas Rattlife M' Robert Sutton Henry Tarbocke Margreat Gilberthropp, widdow Elizabeth wife of Robert Lyon Richard Eccleston s. of M" . . . John s. of Richard Windell Robert s. of Robert Wead Bartholomew s. of John Tomson Josuah s. of William Simson John s. of Robert Woodside Ann Marcer 1664. Thomas s. of Thomas Holland, barbar Elizabeth wife of Thomas Litherland Henry s. of Henry Tarbocke EUinor Wetherby parke 27 March 19 Aprill 6 3 16 May Aprill May 15 ,, 20 ,, I June 5 ,, 22 > J 22 J , 2525 July 30 10 a Aug. 25 6 Sept. 12 28 IJ Oct. 4 Nov. 14 Jany. IS II 17 il 29 11 31 I Feb. s f ' 2 2 f 1 25 il 25 t } 27 4 f } March 29 March 3 Aprill 14 It 2S i> . 22 LIVERPOOL REGISTERS (St. NICHOLAS). 1664-1665 p. 7 Samuell s. of M' Richard Higginson, of Wescheste B . . r [of Chester in the Transcript] William s. of Robert Cliffe Ann Browne, widdow Homphrey Roby Rachell d. of Even Marsh Thomas Andoe, seaman Elizabeth d. of Robert Marcer Allis Strakey wife of John Starkey Thomas Blundell Thomas Kelly Elizabeth wife of John Houghton Dorithy Robinson, wdddow Alis Caderton Margreate Manering Thomas s. of Peeter Martine Lidiah wife of John Walker Alixander s. of James Heyes Thomas s. of Edmound Levesley Darcus d. of William Garner M" Dorithy Sandiford, widdow p. 8 M' John Leigh Allis wife of Joseph Keile Thomas Nicholson Elizabeth wife of Robert Cliff William s. of M' John Leigh, curate Alderman Thomas Story Richard Holland M' Edward Allcocke ... Allis wife of John Sutton William Dainty Henry s. of William Nicholes 1665. Elizabeth d. of William Holsoe Robert s. of M' Richard Percefall ... Robert s. of John Monelley Eline Robinson, widdow Mary d. of Marke Hebron was baptized* John s. of Thomas Robinson Samwell wife of William Parker Thomas Brockbank James s. of William Parker p. 9 Dority wife of Thomas Flecher Hannah d. of Henry Tarbucke Katherem wife of Gorge Suddon John s. of Robert Kenion J 7 BuriaVRegfsL^r.'"" °^ ^'"'^ "''''°° """^ P^^^^^^'^ '^"'"^'^ ^y "'"^'ke in the 2 I Aprill 23 ,, II May 19 ,y 6 June 18 July 7 Sept. 27 tl 6 Oct. 20 tt 4 Nov. 13 tt 19 11 19 It 22 tt I Dec. 8 11 IS it IS 11 23 11 3 Jany. 10 tt 18 J 1 18 tJ 5 Feb. 4 tJ 13 It 27 J 1 I March 6 It 13 li 26 March 27 it 2 Aprill 23 11 10 May 14 It 18 it 2S It 2S tt last day last day S [une II t * 1 66s BURIALS. 23 Richard s. of Robert Kenion Rachall d. of M' Richard Williamson AVilliam s. of Peeter Dawson Anne d. of Thomas Johnson . . . . d. of Robert Leadbeater ... Edward s. of Thomas Ashb rocke John s. of William Ackers Allis d. of Thomas Woolfall Allis Johns, widdow Sarah d. of M' John Pemberton Jacob s. of Gorge Bennett Anne d. of James Boots Elizabeth d. of John Monelley Jannatt d. of John Rimmer Martha d. of Cuthbeard Holland p. 10 M' John Higginson John Heayes Christopher Hudson Raph s. of John Marcer Edward Sutton Thomas Ashbrocke Mertha d. of Edward Barton ... d. of EUinor Balle Deborah d. of William Forber Rodger Harrison Eline d. of Richard Tarleton Elizabeth d. of James Blevin Richard Boore Elizabeth wife of Franches Foster ... Thomas s. of Thomas Chapman, junior Eline d. of Edward Banks Richard s. of Thomas Galloway Daniell s. of Joseph Willson Henry s. of Thomas Robinson Henri s. of Joseph Willson p. II Richard s. of William Hothersall Jane d. of William Poultney James Hoult Samuell s. of Jonathan Glave John s. of William Mills Lorance s. of John Rimmer iMargreat d. of William Bruerton Thomas s. of Robert Weads . ... d. of John Moneley Allice Norris, widdow Sarah wife of M' John Chanler Jane Borton, widdow William s. of Thomas Williamson ... Anthony Miries 13 June 14 26 s 8 11 li July 11 25 ,. 26 last day 3 August 4 J J 5 1 J 9 J t 12 IJ 13 1 1 13 18 1 ) ? t 30 4 Sept. s J> 17 11 2426 28 4 111111 Oct. 9 11 15 11 19 11 21 11 23 i J 29 I Jt Nov. 9 1 i 22 I II Dec. 2 11 4 tt 24 II Jl January IS -9 It Dec. 19 Jany. 27 11 29 4 It Feb. 1018 8 It 11 March II 11 22 It LIVERPOOL REGISTERS (St. NICHOLAS). 1666-1667 P- 13 1666., John Holme Margreatt d. of Edward Baneks Dorithy d. of Gorge Glover AVilliam s. of Peeter Dawson Richard s. of Thomas Galloway AVilliam s. of John Tomson Margreat Slator, widdoAV Nancy wife of Nathen Glave Richard Brockebanke AVilliam Dainty, junior John s. of AA'illiam Ranforde AVilliam Rice, of this Towne Margery Brockbanke AVilliam and Rowe [sic] Anne d. of Thomas Coventree Allis d. of Anthony Johnson Sisly Harrison, widdow Jane d. of AVilliam Ranford, decesed Henry s. of Hennry Higginson Johns, of Thomas Dickinson Robert s. of M' Richard Percifall Eline <1. of Robert M.iner Jane i\Iartine, wido\v John s. of Robert AVoodside Edward s. of James Frey Dorithy Bickistath [Bixteth ;;; Transcript] widdow Mary Kide [Kidd in Transcript] widdow Margreatt wife of AA'illiam Jumpe Thomas s. of Thimothy Tarleton Anne wife of M' Lorence Briers M' Mihall Tarleton Mary wife of John Williamson Johanah d. of Rich. Davis Samuell s. of Robert Leadbeater William s. of Richardd Parr Hugh s. of M' Hugh Lathom Anne d. of Richard Kenion, decesed 1667. Mary d. of Thomas Simson Thomas Witter Jane Allcocke, widdow Margreat wife of M' Edw'ard AVilliamson Edward AValker, of Pilling Georg Ands, passenger for Ireland Raph s. of Rodger James Allixander Parlances, seaman 2 Aprill 21 9 i 1 May 12 11 22 11 3° 11 2S 4 JuneJuly S ) 1 3° 5 6 IJ Sept. It 1316 tJ Jl 2326 10 J ' J) Oct. 13 11 Nov. 7 11 12 11 17 It 2427 i 1 Dec. 7 1016 1 1 Jany. ; 1 27 ,, 30 7 il Feb. 10 tl 12 28 3 11 11 March 12 It 7 ? J 15 J) 28 March 8 Aprill 19 J 1 19 } 1 2128 3 1111 May 1667 BURIALS. 2S John s. of James Flecher p. 14 Anne d. of Robert Hardman Henry Rattcliff, searvant of AVillia Blundell Thomas Litherland AVilliam Eccleston Allis Pemberton George Fry, marchant James s. of Robert Blevine, seaman Margreat d. of Thomas Woolefall AVilliam s. of Robert Blevine, tailor Richard Holford Cristopher s. of Hugh Lathom John ... a Passenger intendinge for Ireland William s. of William Simson Mary d. of John Cooke Peeter s. of mister Sillvister Richman Mertha d. of William Simson Mertha d. of William Simson Rebeckah Granger Thomas Corlel, of Reniworth in Lancashire Anne d. of M" Samuell Fazakerley p. 15 Edward s. of John Rimmer John Christiann, marchant Rodger Busshell Margreat wife of James Apleton William s. of James Boats Edward Barton Samuell s. of M' Samuell Fazakerley John Williamson, senior Elizabeth d. of Thomas Robinson Anne wife of M" Gilbert Formby Alline s. of Robert Davis Margery d. of William Bailey Elizabeth wife of William Ecouss William Greaton Charles Fairhurst Jane d. of Richard Busshell Nathen Glave William s. of Oliver Fairherst Jayne d. of Anthony Charr John Clinton, Anne Irishman Margreate d. of Gorge Glover Elizabeth Parkinson Eline d. of John Thomson, mariner, latly decesed Anne wife of Thomas Pattericke Dorithy wife of John Yeats p. 16 AVilliam s. of John Hirres Anne d. of William Doane M' William Kitchine, marchant 4 M.iy 7<¦) 1017 2024 2 June 5 II 8 13 4 July 46 10II17 2122 2629 3 Aug 12 14 ,, 10 Sept 16 18 6 Oct 1219 2728 9 10 12 13 27 9 12 2120 22 2 Nov Dec jany 26 LIVERPOOL REGISTERS (St. NICHOLAS). 1667-1668 Liddiah d. of John Blundell Samuell s. of Thomas Berch Eline d. of Thomas Berch Elinor wife of M' Robert Moore Hannah wife of Peeter Beate James Woolfall Thomas s. of Richard Williason, cariorgen John Griflith William s. of Thomas Williamson, seaman Thomas Massey, of Nether Walton, nere Warinton Samuell s. of Richard Parr Henry s. of Thomas Laneslett 1668. Thimothy Tarleton Margreat d. of Thomas Doming Thomas Harvey, a seaman, borne in county of Dossett Edward Everitt Samuell Postlethwitt Hannah d. of Samuell Postlethwitt Edward Shouldham, of linne, in the county of Norfolke Peeter I^aiardus [Lafardus in Transcript] Hugh Nicholas, of Mosson Anne wife of Thomas Norbury p. 17 Alis wife of Robert Marcer Thomas Scasbricke Margreatt d. of M' John Leigh Jotham s . of Joseph Peacocke John Yeates Robert Blevine, tayler Robert Robinson Margery d. of Phillip Harison Thomas Ha.seldine Sarah Booth, widdow Jane d. of William Greaton Elizabeth wife of Anthony Thomson Alis d. of Robert Crossman John Hodgson Thomas Simson John Kenion John Rowson Sarah wife of Samuell Fazackerly Jane wife of Edmund Livesley Ann wife of John Sanders Ann Augustin p. 18 Ann wife of Richard Williamson '.'. Richard Blevine Feb. 18 Jany. 2S29 46 13 16 2727 38 March 22 Aprill 25 I May 14 tt 22 11 23 tJ 5 June 13 it 14 tl 12 tt 19 tt 232626 11Ittt 12 July 1416 IJ Jl 29 7 IJ August II )) 12 11 14 11 24 16 S J 1 Sept. Oct. 22 ii 30 22 28 10 Sept. Nov. 10 Dec. 12 Oct. las1 day of Dec I668.I669 BURIALS. 27 Mertha d. of Willi Simpson William Eccleston Cisley Williamson Anne wife of John Owen [appears io be a later insertion — does not occur in Transcript] Ellen d. of John Higinson Thomasin Moniley Mary wife of David Cooke George Prenton Richard Bullock last day of Dec. 6 Jany. 12 6 999 10 Feb. MarchAprill 1669. Jane d. of Thomas Witter Leonard Finkes, gentleman Mary d. of William Dainty William Middleton Mary wife of Robert Curran John s. of John Story Thomas Robinson Mertha d. of William Cary p. 19 Jonathan Beecroft, Bornley in Lancashire... William Formby, of Formby Eline wife of Richard Windle . . . Izabell d. of Robert Woodside ... William s. of Edward Eceles Mathew s. of John Heyes Gray s. of Edward Moore, esquire Jacob s. of John Sanderson Dorithy wife of William Downe John s. of M' John Warring Cornelious s. of John Holland ... Crostopher s. of Thomas Galloway Margery Heald, widdow Richard s. of Richard Bushell ... Aster d. of Robert Davis John Poole Thomas Richerson Elizabeth wife of Thomas Galloway William Simson M' Edmund Parre, of Heasome, in Prescott parish William Edwards, of Measberry, in the county of Salopp, gent, man p. 20 Mertha d. of Thomas Gildus Moses s. of John Sanderson John Walles, of this towne Elizabeth d. of Thomas Whitthead Jane d. of William Rice Jane Cue, of Lancaster Parrish . . . Thomas s. of Richard Morecroft 12 Aprill 26 ,, 9 May 12 ,, 19 ». 27 » 28 „ 29 „ 3 June 10 „ 17 >. 21 ,, 22 ,, 22 ,, 22 „ I July 2 „ 4 ,, 5 >. 5 » 14 » 17 >. 18 '„ 19 23 .. 2327 ,, 30 ,> I August 5 „ 9 ,, 12 „ 15 >, 16 ,, 21 „ 21 28 LIVERPOOL REGISTERS (St. NICHOLAS). 1669-1670 Edward Howrowbine Elizabeth d. of John Walles Samuell s. of M' Richard Parcefall William s. of Richard AA'indfield John s. of John Morecraft William s. of William Done M' Edward Williamson [Alderman AVilliamson in Transcript] John Erloum AA'illiam Thompson Mary d. of John Coweard AA'illiam s. of Richard Lurting Margreat Formby Ann Printon, widdow James s. of John Bamber Elin Blevin, widdow p. 21 Parnell wife of Michaell Barker Mary Hill John Glover, carrier Homphrey Marcer Elin Hesketh Thomas Waller Elizabeth wife of Richard Crumton 1670. AVilliam Ball Isabell Squire Nathaniell s. of Jerimiah Hindley Margery d. of Richard Rimer Ellizabeth Burch Jane d. of Robert Briers Margery d. of Robert Blevine Margret d. of Thomas Nichollson AVilli Windle William Johnson Allic wife of Willi Cary Rebeca d. of Peetter Dawson Robert Eceles Ellin wife of William Moniley, the sargent p. 22 Johns, of John Burton William s. of William Bruerton AVilliam Bradoke Martha wife of Willi Robinson John s. of AA'illiam Bradoke Elizabeth d. of Janne Alcocke, wid. Catherine wife of Robert Ryland Mary d. of John Jackson Richard s. of Edward Tarleton Thomas s. of John Cooke 22 August -^8 „ 2Q ,, 29 8 Sept. 15 „ 23 2S25 -, 28 30 3 Oct. 10 „ 10 ,, II ,, 8 Jany. 2017 Feb. 17 ,, 6 March II 5 April 8 „ 5 ,, II ,, II21 I May 5 „ 7 8 „ II IS >, 23 r, 30 ,, 28 „ 2 June 4 ,, 6 ., 13 ,, 13 ,, 19II Aug. 20 ,, 3 Sept. I670-I672 BURIALS Mertha d. of William Poultney Robert s. of William Eccus Margery Horrowbine, widdow Margreat wife of John Poultney Sarah wife of Edward Heys AVilliam Royston Elin Ryding Thomas Banks Sevall wife of AA'illiam Leech Peeter s. of Peeter Martin . . . Eline d. of John Everitt AA'^illiam s. of John Celley . . . Robert s. of M' Robert Briers Thomas Berch Ann dau. of Nicholas Stone Richard Atherton John Higginson Richard Whithead John s. of M" Robert Seacome William Chorley Eline Kenion Abram TindaU John s. of George King Richard s. of John Whitley 29 4 Sept. s ) t 12 II 14 25 II Oct. last day 7 Nov. 12 it 19 t i 2S II 29 3 18 Jl Jany. ) 1 las I Jt : of Jany Feb. 6 Jl 10 11 12 tt 19 I It March 2 1 i 19 1 y 23 i 1 1671. Richard Norris Thomas Norbury Richard Rogerson James Apleton Elizabeth Moore Dority d. of William Forbor Thomas s. of John Kelley ... Jane Story John s. of Raph Eccleston ... Ann wife of AVilliam Olive Eline wife of George Lucus Henry s. of Thomas Gregson Elizabeth d. of Anthony Charr Mary wife of Symon Arrowsmith Williii Rimmar, marrin' Bureaus, 1672 p. 24 Margery d. of Wm. Riinar Marg" d. of M" Thomas Clarke Elinor wife of AVillam Bayle)- ... Alice d. of Tho. Hurdes Willm Price 3 Aprill II ,, 13 ,. IS ,: 15 ,¦ 22 4 ^lay 4 II 23 n 15 June 16 1822 21 Sept. 10 Aprill 22 May 3° J ) 6 June II Nov, 30 LIVERPOOL REGISTERS (St. NICHOLAS). 1672-1673 Alderman Thomas Blackmore John Williamson, marrin' ... Rich. s. of Rob" . . . ? Rob" Breers, M'chant Jane d. of David Wilson ... Law. Brownlow, gent. Thomas Tattlock John Whitestones 1673. 2117 Nov. Dec. 2520 2618 tt Jany. tt It 29 30 March Aprill LIVi^POOLE, 1673. ^be IReQiStei* Booke for this Towne comencing ye 1 8th May 1673. VOLUME II. Cbrisnings. 1673. Rob" Halsall of this Towne, Deborah d. of Baptized Elizabeth d. of John Walls Elizabeth d. of George Hull John s. of John Lancellott [entered again June 5th AViBm s. of M' Wiiim Strangewaies Benjamen s. of John Story John s. of Thomas Kempe John s. of John Lancellott John s. of James AVhittfield Raph s. of Thomas AA'illiamson, Juo' Sarah d. of M' Christopher Jans Rob" s. of Edward Jones . . . Rob" s. of Hugh Diggles ... Thomas s. of Hugh Langford John s. of John Kelly Witim s. of Thomas Walls Jane d. of Thomas Gallway Edward s. of Edward Holerobin Mary d. of AA'illiam Ricroft ... . Thomas s. of Roger Gorsuch, draper Hester d. of Thomas Nicholson Jane d. of Richard Marsh [entered again July 24th] Mary d. of Wiltm Lyon Jane d. of Rob" Fleetwood ... . Thomas s. of Thomas Topping Jane d. of Richard Marsh Alice d. of Rob" Farrar Susannah d. of John Barker ... . Jane d. of Ald'man Thomas Johnson Patrick s. of Richard Wright ... . Margrett d. of M' John Pemberton . Martha d. of Wittm Stevenson ... . Anne d. of Richard Moorecroft ... . under under 21 May 23 2S June 2S 29 2 3 S5 68 14 15 18 2027 I 36 10 20 202024 24 24 64 Aug 12 21 July 2S28 30 ;2 LIVERPOOL REGISTERS (St. NICHOLAS). 1673-1674 Thomas s. of M' Richard AA'illiamson James s. of Richard Mercer Elizabeth d. of M' Rob" Seacome .. Savage s. of AVilliam Leech Peter s. of AVilliam Eceles Debora d. of AA'illiam Fleetwood AA'illiam s. of Edward Halsall iVlice d. of Henry Jobson James s. of Richard Mercer Rob'' s. of Richard Mercer Elizabeth d. of Joseph Littler Sarah d. of Rob" Bushell Anne d. of Hugh Richardson Richard s. of Phillip Harrison Edward s. of Phillip Norres Jane d. of Gilbert Lowe Jane d. of Robert Worrall Anne d. of William Carter AVilliam s. of Bryan Holme Sam" s. of Jonathan Gleave John s. of M' Jo" Higginson Mary d. of John Hoult Mary d. of Rob" Turner John s. of Thomas Roe John s. of Jo" Fisher Hannah d. of Thomas Holerobin John s. of John Moneley Sam" s. of Biyan Borrick Thomas s. of Peter Rimmar Richard s. of Cuthb" Holland Jane d. of James Travers, S'jant Mary d. of John Hoult Mary d. of George Naylor Judith d. of Joshuah Mercer Mary d. of Thomas Clarke, m'chant Nicholas s. of Hugh Reynolds John s. of AA''illiam Huyton of Toxteth Alice d. of Rob" Prenton John s. of Richard Eccleston Henry s. of Thomas Edwardson Isabell d. of John Clarke Parke I 28 45 13 17 232S I 47 14 21 26 26 6 8 1314IS 29 26 6 7 8 9 101318 24 2 3 II 20 22 Sep. II Oct. I 1 Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. 2 March 1674. Joseph s. of Jo" Fisher Mary d. of Thomas Boulton Lydia d. of John Glover Henry s. of M' Silvester Richmond ... Rachell d. of Thomas Knowling, marrin' Elizabetli d. of Jo" Haslom 29 6 7 1515^5 :\Iarch Aprill i674 CHRISTENINGS. 33 Dorathy d. of John Ashhurst Emely d. of Jo" Cooke Dorathy d. of Richard Bleven Raph s. of Raph Anton \lice d. of Anthony Banister James s. of Henry Smith, draper James s. of Rob" Blevm Judith d. of Wiiim Mercer Tymothy s. of Thomas Lambe Alice d. of John Nichalson, shooemaker ... John s. of George Southerne James s. of Henry Smith Jo" s. of John Hodgson Elizabeth d. of Char. Lawrenson Margery d. of Ellis Lyon, joyner Henry s. of James Phillips, marin' Edward s. of Edward Hayes [Ashton crossed out and Hayes substituted] Marg" d. of Edward Rycrofte, butcher ... John s. of Jo" Richards, joyner Rob'' s. of Thomas Matheys, taylor Elizab d. of James Seatle Rebecka d. of Thomas Brand of Long-Sutton in Lincolnshire Gent Wiltm Witimson, marin' Sarah d. of AV" W"'son ... p'dict Hannah d. of Rob" Lunt, taylor James s. of James Jerrom, merchant, borne 27 July Jane d. of Roger James, ship-wright Jane d. of Jo" Moorecroft, butcher Sarah d. of Christopher Pinington Martha d. of Thomas Heyes, marin' ... . Marg" d. of Phillip Norres, marriner Margery d. of Thomas Dicconson, joyner Roger s. of Wiiim AVattmough, anckor-smith . Gladdis d. of Jo" Harris, m'chant Mary d. of W"" Gaily, sadlertree-maker ... . Ruth d. of Josh. Fisher, inkeeper Jane d. of Thomas Ditchfield, carpent' ... . Elizab : d. of Jo" Higginson, butcher ... . Marg" d. of James Whittfield, porter ... . Jane d. of Thomas Rimmar, marin' ElizaB. d. of Wiiim Trueman, lin-weaver Peter s. of Peter Atherton, grocer David s. of David Cook, marrin' James s. of Griffith Bivans, mariner Mary d. of Joseph Litler, marin' Anne d. of Capt. Edw. Tarleton, marin' ... . Thomas s. of W° Christian, trunckmaker 23 Aprill 3 May 8 „ 2 June 9 .> 1014 21 ,,• 21 ,, 6 „ 28 May 28 „ 28 „ 8 July II12 12 2526 „ 27 ,, Aug. Sep. 29 2 22 6 II 25 3031 6 8 II 13ISIS 20 29 >, 2 Oct. 2 ,, II ,, 2S 3 Nov. 6 ,, 34 LIVERPOOL REGISTERS (St. NICHOLAS). 1674-1675 AVittm s. of James Whinfield, mariner AA'ittm s. of AVittm Benn, marin' Jo" s. of Joseph Jones, merchant Marg" d. of John Lancaster Margery d. of Wittm Scarisbreck Ellen d. of Richard Windle, marrin' Elizabeth d. of Rob" Emery Anth: s. of Anth. AVood, ironmonger Raph s. of Jeffrey Culcheth, merchant AVillm s. of [^/(2«/^] Marshall Elizabeth d. of Josh. Cobham, watch-case-maker John s. of Rob" Heywood Jane d. of George Moorecroft, inkeeper Isabell d. of John Faulkener, carter Bryan s. of AVitlm Blundell, mariner Marg" d. of John Hesketh, gent., survey' of his Ma"" Customes in this port [omitted] s. of Henry Stephenson, tydesman ... Thomas s. of Robert Seacome, gent Raph s. of [omitted] Dorathy d. of John Barker, tanner Tuball s. of Thomas Tompson, shipwright James s. of Thomas Stockley, innkeeper Jane d. of Edw. Halsall, butcher Anne d. of John Harris, mariner Jo" s. of Jo" Ditchfield, skinner Jane d. of Edward Halsall, butcher 1675. John s. of Rob" Fleetwood, merchant Ellen d. of Jo" AVi'Hmson, marin' Thomas s. of AA'ittm Litherland, mercer Hannah d. of AA'ittm Preeson, marriner Elizabeth d. of James Win.stanley, watch-smith Nehemiah s. of Thomas Gildus, taylor Joseph s. of M' Rob" Hunter, minister Ellen d. of Rob" Birch, marin' John s. of Wiiim Rycroft, marin' Jacob s. of Thomas Edwardson, marin' Ellen d. of Edward Browne, tydesman John s. of John Litherland ' Mary d. of John Finley, taylor Elizabeth d. of Thom'as Bennett Anne d. of M' Tho. Shawe, grocer Marg" d. of Tho. Darwin, butcher Thomas s. of Thomas Rowell, husb-man Sarah d. of Edw. AVittmson, marin' Peter s. of Jo" Phillips, bellman John s. of Rodger Gorsuch, mercer ,.. , 8 Nov. 9 ), 9 ,, 9 ,, II , , 1 1 >) 18 ,, 20 ,, 20 ,, 24 , , 12 Dec. 9 tt 28 Jt 7 Jan. 9 Jt 17 It 17 11 31 It 31 It 3 Feb. 14 tt IS 19 I March I It 4 It I It 2S March 3 Aprill 4 JJ 18 ,, 2 May 3 It 10 1 J 13 ) J 14 tt IS 1 1 16 ) y 17 11 17 y 1 18 y ) 16 June 27 1 1 27 11 27 11 2 July 4 It i67S CHRISTENINGS. 35 Isabell d. of Edw. Ogden, taylor Peter s. of Jo" Dodgson, marin' John s. of Rob" Farrar, marin' Wittm s. of Christopher Fleetwood Henry s. of Doct' Rich. AVilliamson Peter s. of Doct' Silvest' Richmond Wittm s. of Thomas Bickesteth, Alderman Thomas s. of AVittm Mason Mary d. of Peter Skarisbreck, block-mal Sarah d. of Raph AVilliamson, marin' Ellenor d. of Edward Booker, tobacconist Anne d. of Jo" Price Anne d. of George King, pyper . . . Ellen d. of Tho. Gallway, marin' Jane d. of Thomas Eceles, cooper Ellen d. of Rob" Jackson, mason Thomas s. of Josh. Fisher, vintner Daniell s. of Jo" AA'hittley, simball-man Rob" s. of W™ Pemberton, labourer Anne d. of Tymothy Langford, marrin' Bridgett d. of Jo" Fisher, marin' Maudlin d. of Rob'' Richardson, taylor Kath. d. of Nicholas Mercer, mason ElizaB d. of W"" Hodgkins, shipwright Anne d. of W" And'ton, marin' Hen. s. of Hen. Higginson, watch-maker Jane d. of Rob" Bushell, slater Jo" s. of M' George Dearden, Gent. ... Jane d. of Thomas Mathews, taylor ... George s. of George Thompson, marin' Kath. d. of Raph Stones Rob" s. of Hen. Stephenson, tydesman Thomas s. of Gilb'' Lowe, tobacconist Jo" s. of Jo" Fisher, marin' Jo" s. of Rob" Cowley Jo" s. of Rich. Unsworth, bricklayor Jo" s. of George Moorecroft, inkeeper Jo" s. of Peter Mason, glover Jo" s. of Caleb Highfield, joyn' Jo" s. of Tho. Topping, marin' Kath d. of Thomas Tyrer, carpent' ... Jo" s. of Jo" Hesketh, Gent, surveyor Ruth d. of W"' AVinstanley, watch-smith Jo" s. of Jo" Tiew, marin' Marg" d. of Jo" Kenion, hush: John s. of Jo" Hoult, spring-maker ... W" s. of Jeremy Clarke, wooll-comb' Tho. s. of Thomas Rimar Elinor daught' to Edw. Hornby, taylor 4 July S it 9 IJ II il 14 tJ 14 11 3° I 4 11 yVug. Sep. 4 y • 9 y y 9 M 9 1 t 19 26 1 f 6 Oct. 10 y f II 2028 1 y y y I Nov. 2 y y 4 1 y 5 IJ S 10 Dec. 12 11 12 ?.' 19 ,, 27 ,, 27 11 31 4 16 IJ Jan. ; J 16 1 1 17 tt 25 11 30 Jl 31 3 Feb. 7 i 1 II a II 1618 i 1 III i 22 26 2 It 11 March 3 j; 36 LIVERPOOL REGISTERS (St. NICHOLAS). 1675-1676 Susannah d. of Ottewell Rhodes, tobacconist John s. of AV" Valentine, gunsmith Kath. d. of Jo" Kelly, carter Marv d. of Jo" Marshall, marin' Jo.sh. s. of Wittm Triewman, weaver 1676. Thomas s. of M' Tho. Leadbetter, clerke, borne y" 1 6th instant twixt i & 2 in y° morning & bap' as in v" margent Hester d. of Rich" Mercer, milln' Sam" s. of Tho. Roe, water-bayliffe Mary d. of W"" Eceles, coop' Thomas s. of Tho. Sandiford, husbandman . . . Jo" s. of Rob" Worrall, mason Hannah d. of Anth. AVood, ironmonger Raph s. of Raph Jo"son, shooemaker Jo" s. of Joseph Prior, watchmaker Edward s. of Rich. Banist', grocer Marg" d. of Jo" Johnson, schoolem' Hester d. of Rich. Ashton, carpent' Sarah d. of Hen. Smith, mercer AVittm s. of Jo" Moneley, marin' Anne d. of Rob" Lunt, taylor Thomas s. of Tho. Clayton, m'chant Jo" s. of Rich. Edge, cart' Jo" s. of John Lawrenson, marin' Slbina d. of Edw^ Clayton, howse-wright AVittm s. of Edw. Heyes, carter Rich. s. of Rich Parr, jackmaker Thomas s. of Geo. Southem, marrin' Ellen d. of Thomas AA'ithington, marin' Joseph s. of Edw-. Winstanley, glasier AA''ittm s. of AA''ittm Houghton, inkeeper, borne 4"' March 1674 & bapt. as in y" margent... Rebecka d. of ditto Houghton, borne 25 June last & bapt as in y" margent Mary d. of John Ruddock, m'cht Origen, s. of Jo" Richards, joyner Edward s. of Gilb'' Aspinwall of y* Parke, Esquier Anne d. of Hugh Diggles, currier Rob'' s. of Rich. Tarleton, marin' Margery d. of Wittm Tompson, shipp-carpent' Marg" d. of Henry AVaring Arthur s. of Arthur Calcott, Gent Dorathy d. of Hugh Richardson, carpent' Jonathan s. of Jo" AValls, marin' Jo" s. of Adam Sale, inkeeper Mar\' d. of W"" Benn, marin' March 56 16 17 24 25 March 27 „ 27 28 I J J Aprill 2 It II J y 24 1 y 2S Jt 30 16 Jt May 11 2328 IJ s June s 11 s 11 27 2 July 2 11 9 Jt 14 16 IJ 11 17 J 1 18 1 } 18 1 J 19 > J 23 r 66 6 11 Aug. IJit y 1 7 * J 14 ) 1 20 i • 20 , , 21 ., 21 ) I I676-I677 CHRISTENINGS. 37 Margery d. of Tho. Holerobin, translat' Mary d. of W"" Bennett, shooemaker John s. of Richard Shea, carter Daniell s. of Abraham Broadley, marin' ... Marg" d. of Peter Slater Katherin d. of Gilb" Jumpe, marin' Jo" s. of Edw. Jones, pewterer, borne 29"' August last about 5 in y° morn & bapt Rich. s. of Rich. Blevin, marin' Raph s. of David Hynde, marin' Ellen d. of James Ackers, currier Katherin d. of Jo" Waring, kings-sercher Rich. s. of W" Sowthard, sh-carpent' Ellen d. of Tho. Blythe of Maxfield Ellen d. of Cuthb" Holland, translat' Hannah d. of W"" Chantrell, marin' Hannah d. of James Jerrom, m'chant Marg" d. of W" Williamson, marin' Ruth d. of Jo" Mercer, plaisterer Raph s. of Rob" Birchall, marin' Tho. s. of Josh Boulton, worsted -comber Jo" s. of AV™ Scarisbreck, marin' Rebecka d. of Jo" Pemberton, apothecary Mary d. of Rich. Windle, cooper Mary d. of Rob'' Emery, roape-maker Mary d. of W™ Angsdale, porter Jo" s. of W™ Wattmough, anckor-smith Hannah d. of Rob" Turner, mason Ellen d. of Rich. Moorecroft, butcher Jo" s. of Joseph Jones, merchant Rich. s. of Jo" Crompton, marin' Tho. s. of Jo" Nicholson, cordwind' W™ s. of Thomas Cock, marrin' Anne d. of Ellis Lyon, joyner Tho. s. of Timothy Whittlowe, smith Anne d. of James Brindle, marin' Alice d. of Rob'' Wade, marin' Joshuah s. of Joshuah Fisher, inkeep' Alice d. of Thomas Chapman, m'chant Charles s. of AV™ Christian, trunckmaker Rob" s. of Tho. Woods, brewer Jo" s. of John Barker, m'chant 1677. Thomas s. of John Litherland, watch-maker ... James s. of James Travers, s'jant Thomas s. of W™ Nicholls, wine-cooper Anne d. of James Seatle, marin' Henry s. of Grifiath Bivens, marin' 27 Aug. 28 JJ 29 11 2 Sep. 10 11 10 1 J 12 J J 17 ) 1 21 }J 4 Oct. 8 J J 9 1 J 2S tt 29 Jt 2 Nov. 8 J J 8 u 12 tt 12 11 22 J J 23 25 11 3 Dec. 3 3 3 17 17 27 10 Jan. 28 28 2 Feb. 9 8 22 25 2S 4 Marci s 5 2 . Apr. S JJ 23 J J 23 JJ 2S JJ 38 LIVERPOOL REGISTERS (St. NICHOLAS). 1677 John s. of Joseph Littler, carpent' James s. of James Jones, butcher Sarah d. of Rich. Percivall, m'chant Hannah d. of Tho. Naylor, grocer Thomas s. of John Jeffs, taylor Jane d. of Rob" Bushell, slater Ellen d. of Tho. Robinson, marin' Thomas s. of Thomas Edwardson, marin' Joseph s. of AV" Trueman, lin-drap Marg" d. of Rich. Banist', grocer Thomas s. of Rob'' Prenton, stone-getter Marg" d. of Edw. Browne, tydesman Maiy d. of Thomas Stockley, inkeep' Anne d. of Thomas Wainewright, marin' Anne d. of Rich Fleetwood, marin' Rebecka d. of Rob" Seacome, gent Sidney daughter of Jo" Hesketh, gent Diana d. of Jo" Sargent, carpent' Evan s. of Henry Christian, marin' Alice & Marg", daughters of Joseph Pryor, watch-maker Elizabeth d. of AV"" Litheriaud, drap Peter s. of Thomas Hearfoote, shooemaker Barbery d. of W" Tarieton, plarsterer Jonathan s. of W" Newport, mariner Mary & Martha daughters of AA'"" Lyon, ship- carpent' Elizabeth d. of Edw. Wittmson, marin' Thomas s. of Thomas Marsh, mariner Ellen d. of Jeffrey Culcheth, m'chant Debora d. of AV™ Valentine, gunsmith Rob" s. of Rob" Turner, mason Marg" d. of Henry Harder, shooemaker Hannah d. of Jo" Sand'son, marin' Hen. s. of AVittm Boates, haberdasher ... ... Jo" s. of George Naylor, taylor Nathaniell s. of Rich. W"'son, chirurgeon ..'. Martha d. of Peter Scarisbreck, block-maker ... Symon s. of John Fisher, marin' Rob" s. of Rob" Biggins, marin' Alice d. of James Harper, carpent' .. Rob" s. of Rich. SeddoM, habedasher Isabell d. of Francis Sellers, barber ... Jane d. of Roger Gorsuch, draper Thomas s. of Jeremy Clarke, WTOll-comber '.'.' Rachell d. of Geo. Merrv, mason Mary d. of John Wittmson, marrin' ... John s. of Wm. Houghton, porter Rebecka d. of Jo" Lancelott, marin'' 29 9 Apr. May 10 It 12 1 1 21 ! t 29 13 1 t June 1718 it1 f 20 tl 24 I July 3 1 1 9 1 1 12 1 1 22 y y 2 2 } ) 26 29 J y 10 Aug. 30 26 2 1111 Sep. 3 1 1 16 16 11 y y 16i613 11It Oct. 21 S 11 Non-. 13 ' 1 9 18 y f y y 22 y f 22 y y 2 Dec. 9 11 17 18 18 1111 18 11 4 8 Jan. 2 Feb. 3 1 1 4 II 1677-1678 CHRISTENINGS. John s. of Rob" Cowley, joyner n Feb. Jane d. of John Whitfield, watch-maker 15 ,, James s. of Joshuah Wittmson, m'chant 18 Dan" s. of W"" Winstanley, spring maker ... 20 Alice d. of Phillip Harrison, mariner 8 March Ellen d. of Richard Shea, carter 9 ,, Rich. s. of Tho. Mathews, taylor 10 ,, Dorathy d. of Rob" Bushell, ship wright 13 ,, Elizabeth d. of John Wadsworth, innkeep' ... 19 ,, Anne d. of James Prescott, draper 19 ,, Ester, d. of Barnett Sancus [spelled Sampus, see Aug. 24th, 1679, and Samples, Mar. 7th, ^685] 24 „ 1678. Hannah d. of Henry Smith, drap 4 Aprill Anne d. of Sam" Rhoades, inckle-weav' 8 ,, Marg" d. of Tho. Salthowse, marin' 14 ,, Jo" s. of James Jerrom, m'chant 12 ,, EHzabeth d. of Jo" Ratcliffe, attorney 26 Wittm s. of Joseph Bird, carpenter i May Edmund s. of Edmund Bennett, marin' 5 ,, James s. of Nicholas Quiggins, mariner 5 ,, Thomas s. of John Kenion, husbandman 5 ,, James s. of James Boulton, mariner 7 ,, W™ s. of Thomas Gawthart, mariner 12 ,, Dorathy d. of Jo" Dodgson, cooper 12 ,, Rob'' s. of Richard Bushell, marin' 12 ,., Marg" d. of John Hoult, spring-maker 13 ,, Marg" d. of Jo" Broadbelt, marin' 16 ,, John s. of Thomas Tyrer, carpent' 17 ,, Jo" s. of [omitted] 19 ,, W" s. of Edward Hornby, taylor 20 ,, Abigail d. of Rob" Wade, marin' 20 ,, Anne d. of Hen. Higginson, watch-maker ... 24 ,, Richard s. of Thomas Withington, mariner ... 2 June Henry s. of Edward Moorecroft, gent 5 ,, Marg'* d. of Phillip Norres, marin' 9 ,, Hannah d. of John Plumpton, marin' 10 ,, Isaac s. of Edward Green, m'chant 13 ,, George s. of Thomas Battersby, taylor 16 ,, Sam" s. of Edward Booker, tobacconist 18 ,, John & Elizabeth, son & dau. of David Henshall, hush" 8 July W"" s. of Wittm Kirshawe, minstrell 18 ,, Margery d. of George Tompson, marin' 21 ,, Jane d. of Wittm Jumpe, mariner 21 ,, Martha d. of Jo" Waring, Gent 21 ,, 39 40 LIVERPOOL REGISTERS (St. NICHOLAS). 1678 Anne d. of Thomas Nirholsnn. shooemaker ... Thomas s. of Thomas AA'right, mariner Jonas s. of AA'ittm Pemberton, austler Thomas & Ellen son & dau. of Dan" Mather, husbandman Elizabeth d. of Thomas Carter, husbandman ... Richard s. of James Atherton, pipemaker Elizabeth d. of Thomas Bushell, marin' John s. of John Hatton, ship-carpent' Richard s. of Rich. Edge, carter Elizabeth d. of Gilbert Sutton, carpent' Ellen d. of . . . . Robson, Millner [Roger Robson, Millner, occurs in the burials, April 7th, 1682] James s. of James Smalley, mariner Susan d. of Jo" Barker, tanner Thomas s. of AA'ittm Huyton, millner Henry s. of John Thomas, mariner Gregry s. of Jo" Marshall, mariner Mary d. of John Pierce, carpenter Mary d. of Rob" Fleetwood, m'chant John s. of Rob" AVhitfield, watch-maker Rachell d. of Rich. Parr, jack-maker Mary d. of Caleb Highfield, joyner Mary d. of Rob" AA'ood, husbandman Elizabeth d. of Geo. Moorecroft, vintner Michaell s. of John Kelly, carter Phebe d. of Richard Ashton, saAvyer Margery d. of John Richards, joyn' Rob" s. of Edward Dobb, marin' Elizabeth d. of Hugh Richardson Peter s. of Thomas Lambe, mariner Rob" s. of John Wright, marriner EHzabeth d. of Peter Parr, mariner AV" s. of Richard Stananought, ship-carpent'... Isaac s. of John Clarke, mariner Joseph s. of Rob" Lunt, taylor ... Ellis s. of Richard Wetherby, carpent' Amy d. of M' Christopher Jans ! ' . Anne d. of Rich. Blevin, marin' ' AVittm s. of Edward Wittmson, marin' '..'. ... George s. of George Penkeman, heyward ... ... jNIarth d. of Henry Mercer, marin' Rob" s. of John Hesketh, Gent Joshuah s. of Richard Diggles, glasier Ellen d. of [omiiied] ..'. 23 July John s. d. of Nicholas Longworth Mary d. of Jo" AA^ittmson, marin' of James A\'instanley, carpent' Elizabeth-" .-f t.t;„i..,.. t 28 11 J J 28 It 29 it 29 11 30 I 18 J ' Aug a 22 y y I Sep. 5 88 8 6 y y 11 It 11 9 li 9 it 10 Jt 17 26 ttJ 1 -9 6 11 Oct. 7 11 7 8 iltl 21 11 21 11 2417 It Nov. 25 It 1718 I It it Dec. 4 J ) II li 15 It 15 11 17 11 I Jan, 9 It 12 tt 13 tt 14 11 IS it I678-I679 CHRISTENINGS. 41 Rich. s. of Ridiard Smalley, taylor Henry s. of Thomas AA'oods, labourer Thomas s. of John Gamond, cooper Sarah d. of Thomas Carter, attourney Alice d. of Edward Browne, tydes-man . . . Hannah d. of Capt. Edw. Tarleton, gent. Ellen d. of Thomas Bennett, cobler Elisha & Elijah sons of Nathan Kenardy, tobacconist Rob" s. of Wittm Southward, carpent' John s. of Thomas Harper, labourer Marg" d. of AV" Scarisbreck, mariner Elizabeth d. of Rob" Blevin, marin' Mary d. of John Duke, millner Anne d. of Rob" Farrer, mariner Richard s. of Richard Wittmson, chirurgeon Wittm s. of Edward Jones, pewterer Wittm s. of James Everett, mariner Elizabeth d. of James Bradley, porter George s. of George Sowtherne, marin' . . . Mary d. of John Story, watch maker 1679. James s. of Thomas Bradley, grocer ... Rebecka d. of Henry Smith, draper Ellen d. of Jo" Nicholson, shooemaker Thomas s. of Thomas Boulton, mariner Thomas s. of Jo" Scarisbreck, mariner Marg" d. of Peter Mason, glover Eedeth d. of Jeremy Hunt, inkeeper James s. of John Norres, mariner Thomas s. of Wittm Anesdell, porter Anne d. of John Sand'son, mariner . . . . . . [^f«to(^ dau. of Wittm Carter, porter., Martha & Isabell daughters of Wittm Benn, mariner John s. of Joseph Littler, carpent' Hannah d. of Christopher Fleetwood, mariner James s. of James Brindle, mariner John & Ruth, s. & dau. of Moses Hughes, cabenett maker Thomas s. of Thomas Jumpe, carpent' ... Joseph s. of Wittm Preeson, mariner George s. of Bryan Borrick, mariner Elizabeth d. of Wittm Pemberton Alice d. of Charles Lawrenson, glover Jane d. of Jeffrey Houghton, labourer . . . John s. of Thomas Tyrer, carpenter IS Jan. IS JJ 21 J J 29 J ) 30 12 Feb. 26 J ? 26 I J ) March 2 If 2 i ' 2 J y 2 • 3 . 66 1111 11 9 1 y . 12 1) • 17 1 1 . 20 i i . 26 March ¦ 27 it • 30 . 6 Aprill 1 1 Jl • 13 it ¦ 13 i 1 • 14 tt . 20 11 • 23 17 ¦ 27 tt • 27 I tl May r 4 tl ¦ 4 11 II 11 II it II 11 • 13 It • IS . 16 . 18 . 18 11 y 1 Jt it 42 LIVERPOOL REGISTERS (St. NICHOLAS). 1679 Jane d. of Edward Fleetcroft, skiner Elizabeth d. of James Prescott, drap Dorathy d. of AVeston Browne, gent John s. of Richard Christian, skinner Mary d. of Thomas Posten, gardener Marg" d. of Joshuah Cobham, watchcase-maker Richard s. of Thomas Edwardson, marin' Thomas s. of Thomas Salthowse, marin' John s. of John Walley, mariner John s. of Thomas Birch, mariner Jane d. of Thomas Stanton, mariner Jane d. of John Fisher, mariner Mary d. of Edward Hornby, taylor Thomas s. of Edward Tyrer, mariner Jennet d. of Wittm Jumpe, marin' Jane d. of Hen. Christian, marin' Thomas s. of Thomas Robinson, marin' Marg" d. of Raph Rogers, bricklayer Marg" d. of Wittm Webster, marin' Alice d. of Rich. Banister, grocer John s. of John Chorley, gent Christophers, of John Smalshawe Wittm s. of Wittm Bayley, shipwright Lidea d. of John Catteroe Katherin d. of Edward Green, m'chant Johns, of George Merry Grace d. of Barnett Sampus Elizabeth d. of John Parker Anne d. of Gilbert Jumpe Jane d. of Edmund Croston, mariner Johns, of John Crompton, marin' John s. of Thomas Ditchfield, howse-wright ... Mary d. of John Price Elizabeth d. of Thomas Heyes, marin' Edward s. of Timothy Tarleton, marin' Thomas s. of Thomas Hearf ord Mary d. of Tho. Whitehead Edmund s. of Edward Tyrer, tailor Robert s. of John Lawson, lin-drap. John s. of John Wadsworth, inkeep' John s. of Francis Raine, painter Dorathy d. of Tho. Lea Rachell d. of Thomas Marsh, marin' Samwell daughter of Robert Biggins, marin' . . . Samuell son of Jo" Molleneuxe, apoth Kath. d. of Thomas Ecchoes, fery-man Joseph s. of Rich. Tarleton, marin' Rebecka d. of W"' Boates, haberdasher John s. of Richard Fleetwood John s. of John Wright, mariner 20 May 23 JJ 2S J J 6 June 22 J J 17 J J -,-| J J 25 J J 26 JJ 26 J J 2 July " 11 4 M 6 li 6 It 7 It 7 11 13 tt 18 Jl 20 tt 20 11 23 11 25 It 12 Aug. 8 it 18 1 1 24 1 1 28 11 31 J t 7 Sep. 10 y 1 II J J II IJ 11 IJ 19 It 21 J 1 30 It I Oct. 5 11 7 yt 7 y 1 16 y 1 20 Nov. 7 Dec. 31 it I Jan. 6 M 8 li 14 II 26 1 f 1679-1680 CHRISTENINGS. 43 Humphrey s. of Rob'' Cowley, joyner AVittm s. of Tho. Woods, labourer ... Joane d. of James Jones, butcher Samwell daughter of Jo" Blundell, juo', marin' Wittm s. of John Pierce, marin' Jane d. of Rob" Higinson, marin' . . . Anne d. of Bryan Holme, mason James s. of Rob" Birch, marin' Wittm s. of Wittm Braddock, bricklayer Mary d. of Edw. Heatliffe, mariner ... AVittm s. of Edw. Tarleton, marin' ... Emlen d. of Rich. Copple, mariner ... Wittm s. of Jo" Royle, mariner Hannah d. of Peter Scarisbreck, block-maker.. 1680. Anne d. of Edw. Bell, husbandman Mary d. of Peter Martin, marin' Elizabeth d. of John Kennion Thomas s. of Thomas Hollis, plaisterer . . . James s. of James Seatle, marin' Victoria d. of Tho. Chapman, m'chant . . . John s. of John Broadbelt, mariner John s. of Rob'' Prenton, mason John s. of John Urmston, mariner Phebe d. of W™ Winstanley, spring-maker Marg" d. of John Marshall, marin' James s. of Jeremiah Clarke, worsted-comber John s. of Thomas Lunt, mariner Alice d. of [omitted] Elizabeth d. of Capt. Edward Tarleton, marin Jonathan s. of Jo" Lancellott, marin' Anne d. of Jo" Wittmson, bayliffe Rob" s. of George Naylor, taylor Matthew s. of Math. Adlington, innkeep' Dorathy d. of Christopher Jans, Gent. Anne d. of Edward Moorecroft, gent Elizabeth d. of Jo" Dodgson, marin' John s. of Rob" Bushell, shipp-wright .. Elizabeth d. of Thomas Bullocke, marin' Anthony s. of Thomas Ga^vther, mariner Priscilla d. of Thomas Sandiford, labourer John s. of Thomas Dugdale, carver . . . Wittm s. of Rob" Middleton, marin' Agnis d. of Joseph Bird, marin' Myles s. of Jo" Rimer, marin' James s. of James Goore, marin' Wittm s. of W"" Kery, marin' Susan d. of Wittm Angsdell, porter ... 5 Feb. 0 1819 24 2S March May 44 77 23 25 March 3° JJ II AprHl 13IS2128 2 3 5 S 7 13 23232S 30 6 7 13 13 1517 1819202022 22 I July 4 4 June 44 LIVERPOOL REGISTERS (St. NICHOLAS). 1680 John s. of Edward AA'instanley, glasier 15 July James s. of Edward Rycroft, butcher 18 ,, Wittm s. of AA'ittm Rice, mariner 18 ,, Edward s. of Edward Green, m'chant 31 ,, Wiftm s. of Thomas Bennett, shooe-maker ... 22 ,, Elizabeth d. of Edm. Bennett, marin' 25 ,, Margery d. of Edw. Howrobin, marin' 25 ,, Johns, of James Boulton, marrin' 5 Aug. John s. of Raph Rogers, bricklayer 8 ,, James s. of Ferdinando Basques, marin' 13 ,, John s. of Rich. Rimmer, marin' 15 ,, John s. of . . . [omitted] 17 ,, Elizabeth d. of John Harrison, marin' 17 ,, Elizabeth d. of Tho. Cocke, marin' 18 ,, Edward s. of James Heys, taylor 21 ,, Richard s. of George Penkeman, pinner 23 ,, Henry s. of Edward Halsall, butcher 25 ,, Thomas s. of John Mercer, marin' 5 Sep. Johns, of James Whittle, millner 8 ,, Tymothy s. of Peter Marsh, marin' g ,, Hugh s. of Hugh Diggles, currier 12 ,, Martha d. of Joseph Jones, m'chant 16 ,, Elizabeth d. of Wittm Erby, marin' 20 ,, Mary d. of Timoth: Langford, carpent' 30 ,, Gilb'' s. of Richard Rimmer, marin' borne y° 13 ,, James s. of Edward Jones, pewterer 4 Oct. Ellen d. of Edward Horneby, taylor 4 ,, Mary d. of John Sand'son, marin' 4 ,, Nicholas s. of John Thomas, mariner 6 ,, Izabl d. of John Tew, mariner j8 ,, John s. of Richard Tew, marrin' 18 ,, Thomas s. of Randle Gallway, mariner 24 ,, Henrys, of Henry Smith, draper 24 ,, Alexand' s. of Thomas Rimmer, marin' 25 ,, Anne d. of Thomas Bushell, marin' 26 Richard s. of Raph Stones, mariner 3 Nov. Ruth d. of Anthony Wood, Sadler 16 Margrett d. of Wittm Litherland, draper ... 16 '' Wittm s. of James Wilson, bricklayer 21 ,', Rachell d. of AVittm Southward, carpent' James s. of Thomas Sharpies, labourer 28 AA'ittm s. of Andrew Dennis, carpenter 29 Joshuah s. of David Poole, m'chant 2 Dec. John s. of John Barker, m'chant e George s. of John Catteroe, chapman 6 AVittm s. of Wittm Rycroft, mariner .. 12 Anne d. of Edward Wittmson, marin' ... j, Henry s. of Henry Mercer, marin' 14 " Anne d. of Nicholas Longworth .... ^n " i68o-i68i CHRISTENINGS. 45 Mary d. of Thomas Birch, marriner Elizabeth d. of Edward Fleetcroft, skiner James s. of Jo" Tompson, mariner Martha d. of Rob" Seacome, gent Elinor d. of Edw. Booker, tobacconist Joseph s. of Joseph Pryor, watch-maker Katherin d. of Rich. Eccleston, marin' Barbery d. of James Prescott, draper Ellener d. of Thomas Tyrer, house wright John s. of Jo" Nicholson, shooe-maker Anne d. of Thomas Harper, labourer Wittm s. of Thomas Gardner, carpent' Charles s. of Thomas Houlgh [Hough] tanner Hillery s. of Jo" Pierce, shipwright Rob'' s. of Thomas Clayton, m'chant Francis s. of Francis Raine, painter Mary d. of Jeremy Hunt, innkeep Barthias d. of Oliver Mullenex, port' Elizab d. of Nicholas Quigan, joyner Elizab d. of Rich. Wetherby, carpent' Amy d. of Thomas Bushell, m'chant-navigator Wittm s. of Thomas Bayley, marin' Richard s. of Thomas Lambe, marin' John s. of John Boulton, translator 168L Elizabeth d. of Thomas Gerrard, stationer John s. of Edmund Croston, marin' Anne d. of Richard Windle, marin' John s. of Sam" Urmston, mariner Sarah d. of John Walls, marin' Johannah d. of Joseph Tarleton, marin' . . . Joseph & Elizabeth s. & dau. of AV"" Chantrell, marin' John s. of Rob" Woods, labourer James s. of [omitted] AVittm s. of Richard Rose, slater James s. of Thomas Posten, garder Margery d. of James Bradely, porter Anne d. of Wittm Johnson, marin' Ephraim s. of Thomas Ditchfield, carpent' Margrett d. of Richard Mercer, milln' . . . Rachell d. of W"" Webster, marin' Elizabeth d. of Wittm Gorsuch, coop. Anne d. of Jo" Gilchrist, marin' Mary d. of James AVinstanley, carpent' ... Joshuah s. of Thomas Walls, marriner ... Elizabeth d. of Thomas Tompson, marin' Dec. 22 I 66 i8 21 Jan. Feb. 27 I J J March 66 6 13 <5 17 31 March 6 Aprill 17 tJ 21 It 2426 1111 II May IS 1 1 15 11 24 26 11li 3° J 1 30 11 5 June S II 7 11 7 88 1 J J J 9 JJ 46 LIVERPOOL REGISTERS (St. NICHOLAS). 1681 Caleb s. of Caleb Highfield, joyner Mary d. of John Lawrenson, marin' Elizabeth d. of James Hacking, mason Zakerias s. of Thomas Ecchoes, ferryman Mary d. of Thomas Heys, mariner James s. of Thomas Robinson, mariner Edward s. of Jeffrey Houghton, husbandm" ... John & Alice s. & dau. of Cuthb" Holland, cobler Andrew s. of Robert AVhitfield, watchmaker ... John s. of Henry Christian, mariner John s. of Jo" Gayman, coop John s. of John Lawson, lin. -drap Ri. Diggles, chap"ward: John Gamond 1012 121417 2223 24252729 12 June AVittm s. of Jo" Hoult, springmaker Shamuell daughter of Jo" Blundell, marin' David s. of AVittm Benn, mariner John s. of AA'ittm Neale, marin' Jane d. of AA""" Carter, porter Margr" d. of John Edgecar, marin' John s. of Henry Harder, shooemaker Charles s. of Thomas Croston, plaisterer Joseph s. of Edw. AVright, mariner Nathan" s. of Timothy Whitlowe, smith ... Marg" d. of Gilbert Sutton, carpent' EHzabeth d. of John Litherland, watch-maker., Richard s. of Richard Riiiier, mariner Mary d. of Roger Gorsuch, inkeep. Richard s. of John Ratcliffe, atturney John s. of Humphrey Turner, smith Bartholemew s. of Joseph Bird, marin' John s. of Thomas Guyle, baker James s. of George Southern, mariner Rich. s. of Henry Stephens, mariner Thomas s. of James Hodgson, atturney Ellen d. of James Peters, taylor Elizabeth d. of Elijah Cobham, marin' Sam" s. of Jo" M"Mullen, mariner Rich. s. of Thomas Cragge, mariner Elizabeth d. of Jonath" Livesey, mariner Jane d. of Randle Gallway, marin' Mary d. of James Fisher, shooemaker James s. of James Everett, mariner Tabitha d. of John Glover Iszabell d. of George Smith, porter Mary d. of Wittm Angsdell, porter Jane d. of Nicholas Mercer, mason 7 July 7 1214 17 18 19 20 3 Aug. 6 10II14 17 21 2525 28 I 4 II II18 18 2929 30 4 Oct S II161616 Sep i68i CHRISTENINGS. 47 Thomas s. of Thomas Ackerley, marin' James s. of Richard Fleetwood, marin' Jonathan s. of Jonath AA'ade, joyn' Elizabeth d. of AV"" Skarisbreck, mar' Sarah d. of Ottewell Rhoades, tobacc Elizabeth d. of AA'™ Jumpe, marin' Alice d. of Jo" Royle, marin' Anne d. of Geo. Moorecroft, inkeep Mary & Martha daughters of Edward Tyrer, marin' James s. of James Phillips, carpent' John s. of Joshuah Cobham, watch-maker George s. of AVittm Tarleton, labourer Ellen d. of John Kelly, carter Elizabeth d. of Tho. Lunt, marin' Ellen d. of Edward Briscoe, carpent' Ginnet d. of James Brindle, marin' Elizabeth d. of Rich. W^son, chirurgeon Hannah d. of Charles Green, naylor Thomas s. of Thomas Rimer, marin' deceased... Richard s. of John Walley, marin' John & Ellen, son & dau. of John Rowell, cobler John s. of Edward Tyrer, taylor Alice d. of James Smalley, marin' AVittm s. of Thomas Bennett, translator Jane d. of Thomas Stanton, marin' Wittm & Owen sons of Thomas Carter, attourney Abigail d. of Rob" Wade, mariner Thomas s. of John Smalshaw, block-maker ... John s. of John Sanderson, mariner John s. of Thomas AA'ebster, mariner James s. of John Riiner, ship-carpent' Christoph' s. of Thomas Anion, sh.-carpt' Anne d. of Edmund Bennett Thomas s. of Thomas Marsh, mariner Elizabeth d. of . . . [omitted^ Wittm s. of John Catteroe, chapman Dorathy d. of Henry Smith, draper Richard s. of Richard Formby, marin' Margery d. of John Harrison Marg" d. of W" Trueman, lin. drap Thomas s. of Edward Hornby, taylor Anne d. of Nath. Kenardy, tobacconist Sarah d. of W" Boates, haberdasher Hester d. of John Mercer, marin' Thomas s. of Thomas Bayley, marin' Katherin d. of Thomas Hearfoote, shooemak'... IsabeU d. of Jo" Clarke, marin' Thomas s. of Law. Turner, translator i6 Oct. 26 il 4 Nov. 6 6 1 1 7 13 13 24 28 28 I Dec. I S 7 IS 18 25 I Jan. 3 4 10 16 17 20 20 23 26 I Feb. 2 S 5 S S 12 13 14 15 16 16 , , 17 11 20 y y 20 1 J 22 Jt 24 f f I Mart 7 ,, 7 J? 48 LIVERPOOL REGISTERS (St. NICHOLAS). 1681-1682 Anne d. of AA'ittm Samples, chandler Mary d. of AVittm Erby, marin' Anne d. of Thomas Battersby, taylor 1682. John s. of John Kenion Anne d. of Thomas Hodge, marriner Thomas s. of Richard Seddon, haberdasher Anne d. of Rob'' Farrer, mariner Ellin d. of Christoph' Davis, marriner . . . John s. of John Brindle, husbandman Marg" d. of Henry AA'hinnery, marin' John s. of Tho. Sharpies, labourer Ester d. of AA'" Preeson, marin' Edward s. of George Tompson, marin' ... John s. of Thomas Gawthert, marin' Jane d. of John Dodgson, marin' Wittm s. of Tho. Bushell, marin' Jacob s. of James Heys, taylor ... Katherin d. of Jo" Price, mar' Mary d. of Rob" Prenton, mason Margery d. of Peter Martin, marin' John s. of AA'™ Pemberton, mariner Sarah d. of Rich. Stananought, carpent' Sarah d. of Cuthb'' Sharpies, marin' Martha d. of Tho. Salthowse Margery d. of Jo" Lancelott, marin' John s. of Edw. Barrow, mariner AA^"" s. of Math. CHfton, mariner Rodeger s. of John Lawson Jane d. of Geo. Aspinwall, taylor EHzabeth d. of Oliver Houghton, taylor ... Elizabeth d. of Jo" Crompton, marin' Hannah d. of James Richardson, inkeep. Rebecka d. of Tho. Whitehead, shoomaker . John s. of Edw. Tarleton, mariner Thomas s. of Tho. Coppowe, mariner Anne d. of Raph Mercer, milner Charles s. of Charles Lawrenson, glover ... Marg" d. of Gilb" Formby, marin' AA'™ s. of AA'™ Newport, mariner Nath" s. of Moses Hughes Henry s. of Thomas Boulton, translator ... . Tho. s. of Raph Rogers, bricklayer ... . John s. of John Thomas, mariner Anne d. of AV™ Anderton, marin' James s. of Jo" Fisher, mariner Tho. s. of Edw. Ackers, howse-carpent' ... '. Tho. 5. of Francis Raine, painter 20 March 20 „ 20 Aprill 4 J J 6 tl II J J 9 J J 9 J J 17 IJ 18 1 1 18 25 11 30 1 ) 4 May 6 11 S t. 14 11 21 Jl 2S Jl 29 ) J 6 June 6 11 II 11 1 2 18 y y 19 11 25 i ' 26 1 J 28 y 1 9 July 17 11 18 Jt 23 1 1 ¦> -• -.1 11 24 1 1 6 Aug 6 1 1 6 1 y 8 11 13 11 13 It 13 tl 14 if 20 11 23 tf i682 CHRISTENINGS. 49 John s. of John Marshall, mariner ... Jo" s. of John Jeffs, taylor James s. of AV™ Balshawe, pewterer . . . Rich. s. of John Scarisbreck, mariner Elizabeth d. of Rich. Holland, mason Mary d. of AV™ Letherland, mercer . . . La\v. s. of Edw. Bell, labourer Elizabeth d. of Hen. AVilkins Ruth d. of Jo" Kenion, husbandman Elizab. d. of Rich. Robinson, marin' Henry s. of Tho. Edwardson, mariner James s. of James Joanes, butcher ... Rich. s. of Jo" Ratcliffe, aturney AA™ s. of Lawrence Rifner, marin' ... George s. of George Naylor, taylor ... Nicholas s. of Nicholas Mercer, mason \A'ittm s. of AA'™ Metcalfe, marin' . . Annah d. of Anth. AA'ood, m'chant ... Thomas s. of James AVilson, bricklayer James s. of Robert Fleetwood, m'chant Gerrard s. of AA'™ AA'instanley Frances d. of Tho. Bradley, tydes-man Edward s. of Edward Fleetcroft, skiner Ellen & Alice daughters of Edw. AV™son, bayliffe Thomas s. of Jo" AA'ittmson, mariner Marg" d. of Jo" Thorton, labourer ... Mary d. of Rich. Edge, carter Tho. s. of Thomas Rowell, hus5man Alice d. of Rich. Rimer, mariner ... Mary d. of Gerrard AVinstanley, apoth. AVittm s. of W™ Chantrell, mariner ... Sarah d. of Tho. Gerrard, stationer ... W™ s. of Rob'' Seale, mariner AA'ittm s. of Bernard Scott, porter ... Dorathy d. of Henry Smith, draper Jane d. of John Duke, millner Anne d. of Sam" Urmston, marin' . . . Margret d. of W™ AA'ebster, mariner . . . Elizabeth d. of Jonathan AVade, joyner James s. of Thomas Ackerley, marin' Jane d. of Nathan" Mercer, marin' ... Margr" d. of James Boulton, marin' Ellen d. of Bryan Holme, mason Margery d. of Edw. Howrobin, marin' Shorletta d. of Tho. Hough, tanner ... John s. of James Thomason, carter ... Anne d. of Thomas Tompson, marin' Katherin d. of Raph Stones, cooper Mary d. of Wittm Gorsuch, cooper ... 29 Aug. 23 3 SPP- 7 „ 7 2 1 29 Oct. 8 ,. 9 17 27 30 I Nov. 7 ,j 9 J. 14 18 „ 2b „ 3 Dec. 31 2 Jan. 9 ,, 14 J J 28 J J 28 ) J 28 J J 3° J J 31 » 4 Feb. 4 ,, II J J 18 J J 18 , 18 J J 21 2 2 J) 23 -'5 J J 4 March 50 LIVERPOOL REGISTERS (St. NICHOLAS). 1682-1683 Sarah d. of Tho. Poston, gardener James s. of Robert AVhitfield, watch maker John s. of James Hodgson, atturney Rich. s. of John Rowell, shooemaker Thomas s. of Jo" Parker, mariner George s. of Rich. Stubbs, curler 4 6 II12 17 23 March 1683. Raph s. of James Prescot, mercer ... Margery d. of Edw. Heatley, marin' James s. of Robert Blundell, millner Mary d. of Humphey Turner, smith Anthony s. of Anth. Bushell, marin' Rich. s. of John Lawrenson, mariner Gilbert s. of Jo" Harrison, carpenter Richard s. of Rich. Gardner, kings s'cher Hugh s. of Hugh Diggles, curier Sarah d. of Tho. Sharpies, labourer John s. of Thomas Browne, mariner... Gabrell s. of AV™ Samples, labourer Ellen d. of Jo" Nicholson, shooemaker Rowland s. of Peter Scarisbreck, block maker James s. of James Peters, taylor George s. of Thomas Tyrer, bayliffs peer AVittm s. of AVittm Pope, wayt' & s'cher Elizabeth d. of Tho. Ditchfield, carpent' Alice d. of AV™ Southward, carpenter Alice d. of James Cooper, carpent' . . . John s. of Rich. Rose, slater John s. of AVittm Jumpe, mariner ... Percivall s. of Thomas Croston, plaisterer Jane d. of Tho. Southward, carpenter Elizabeth d. of George Smith, port' Thomas s. of Alexand' Hesketh, mariner Raph s. of AV™ Livesley, shooemaker Jo" s. of Rich. AVetherby, carpent' ... . James s. of James Everard, mariner Jane d. of Rich. Eccleston, maulster Tho. s. of AA'ittm Bradock, brickmaker . Sarah d. of Rob" Prenton, mason ... , Sarah d. of Rich. Quuquit, mariner ... . EHzab d. of Rich. Banister, grocer ... . EHzabeth d. of Timothy Tarieton, marin' Mary d. of Joshuah Mercer, mariner ... . John s. of Rob" Midleton, mariner ... Marg" d. of AV™ Glover, mariner ... . John s. of AV™"Faierhurst, labourer ... Jane d. of George Merry, brickmaker . 25 March 2S 1 1 25 11 25 11 2S f y 25 8 y y Apri 10 1618 yt1 } yy 22 it 22 ii 2S i 1 25 J y 29 M 29 I May I 6 ) J 4 June 24 ) 1 15 July IS 1 1 29 11 29IS 11 Aug. 19 11 20 11 20 1 1 20 It 2326 38 1 1 11 Sep. i 1 9 f 1 14 16 16 11 1 i 17 J J ^Z 11 1683 CHRISTENINGS. 51 6 1014 15 21 9 Nov. Rich. s. of John Tiew, mariner 30 Sep. Thomas s. of Joseph Cornet, innkeep 30 ,, Anne d. of John Revell, joyner 4 Oct. Rich. s. of Rob" Higginson, rope maker 5 ,, Margr" d. of Rich. Gorsuch, mariner Martha d. of Edw. Starkie, watch-m' Peter s. of Edward Jones, pewterer Elizabeth d. of Thomas Urmston, shipwright ... AA'ittm s. of John Cateroe, chapman Ellen d. of Bryan Nicholson, shooemaker Joseph s. of John Hoult, spring-maker Joseph s. of Joseph Pryor, watch-maker, was borne 19"" instant '% hower past two of the clocke in )° morning & baptized as in m'gent Isabell d. of Thomas Bragger, barber Thomas s. of Peter Rifrier, mariner Richards, of AVittm Skarisbreck, mariner ElizaB d. of Rich. Bradley, tanner Anne d. of Jonath" Livesley, mariner Anne d. of Thomas Perkins, marin' Gilb" s. of Jo" Barker, gent Jane d. of George Tompson, labourer Christopher s. of Randall Gallway, mariner Richard s. of Jo" Smoult, marin' Jane d. of David Poole, m'chant Grace d. of Thomas Anion, carpent' Dorathy d. of Bertie Entwisle, esquire Lewis s. of Edmund Bennett, mariner Richard s. of Richard Fleetwood, mariner Alexand' s. of Charles Green, chap" warden ... Sarah d. of James Kilner, mariner Peter s. of Peter Mason, glover Thomas s. of Thomas Sandiford, labourer Thomas s. of Edward Tyrer, taylor Gilb" s. of John Rimmer, carpent' John s. of James Strangewaies Mary d. of Thomas Edwardson, marin' Thomas s. of Thomas Tyrer, smith Peter s. of Edward AVright, mariner Marg" d. of Thomas Bayley, marin' Maryd. of Thomas Dawtrie, inkeep Ellenor d. of Thomas Bullock, marin' Thomas Guildhouse Robert Clarke Joseph s. of Evan Haireford, sug'-baker Johns, of Nicholas Quiggen, joyner 19 1 1 11 II1818 11 11 f y 20 yi -3 „ 2527 Ihc. 17 Jan. 27 11 29 I 11 Feb. 7 11 7 1 y 7 11 10 1 i ro 11 12 11 17r8 " 21 , , 28 2 it March 3 i ' 46 i i f \\'ardens '3 March 52 LIVERPOOL REGISTERS (St. NICHOLAS). 1684 1684. Thomas s. of Rich. Seddon, haberdasher John s. of AA'ittm Holland, mariner Thomas s. of Thomas AA'ebster, carpent' .. Lawrence s. of John Gillchrist, mariner.. John s. of Thomas Gawthert, mariner Elizabeth d. of Jo" AA'alley, mariner Elizabeth d. of Wittm Boates, haberdasher Jonathan s. of Peter Marsh, mariner Edward s. of James Richardson, innkeeper Edward s. of Edward Barrowe, mariner .. Marg" d. of James Prescott, mercer Anne d. of Jeremy Hunt, innkeeper Jane d. of AA'™ AA'right, mariner Elizab d. of AVittm Neale, mariner Sarah d. of Moses Hughes, toy-maker .\bstract sent to AVarrington, twixt 12 1683 incl it 12 June inst. excl James s. of James Hodgson, atturney Joseph .s. of AA'™ Preeson, mariner John s. of Tho. Salthowse, marin' , Peters, of Thomas Sherwin, gent \A''^ s. of Christopher Davis, mariner Sarah d. of AA'™ Letherland, draper Richard s. of Henry Kerby, marin' Mary d. of Cuthbert Sharpies, marin' Elizabeth d. of John Cowpthwait, marin' .. Elizabeth d. of Thomas Hareford, shooemak Thomas s. of AV™ Pemberton, labourer AA'ittm s. of John AA'alls, marin' Thomas s. of Anthony AVood, sadler Alice d. of John Kelly, carter Henry s. of John Gamond, cooper Marg" d. of Edward Tarleton, juo', mar Sam" s. of Thomas Conford, bricklayer ... George s. of George Southerne, mariner ... Sam" s. of John Letherland, watch-maker Katherin d. of John Smalshaw, block-maker Josiah s. of Ottiwell Roades, tobacconist .. Elizabeth d. of Thomas Dugdell, carver Sarah d. of AVittm Johnson, marin' ... AVittm s. of John Fletcher, marin' AVittm s. of Thomas Hornby, slater Elizabeth d. of Richard Tarieton, marin'" Mary- d. of Thomas AVhitehead, shooemaker -Marg" d. of James Goolding, bricklayer ... -A.lice d. of James Benn, mariner Thomas s. of AVittm Angsdell, porter" 25 March 31 I Aprill I 11 13 1 1 24 6 1 1 May 14 11 21 11 I June 3 11 48 i 1 9 y ' II y ' Mav 15151516 17 20242429 5 101214IS IS202127 27 29 3 3 3 10 II1319 24 31 31 5 J"iy Auk. 1684 CHRISTENINGS. S3 Dorathy d. of Henry Smith, draper ... John s. of Wittm Pope, wayft' & sercher Thomas s. of John Marshall, marin' Henry s. of John Crane, glasier Edward s. of Edward Poultney, marin' Elizabeth d. of James Brindle, carter Elizabeth d. of John Heathcote of Maryland m'chant Evan s. of John Thomas, mariner Richards, of Caleb Hiefield, joyner ... Wittm s. of John Riiner, marin' Rachell d. of Abraham Mather, marin' AA'ittm s. of John Marsh, taylor EUinor d. of John Harrison, marin' . . . Ruth d. of Edward Jones, pewterer . . . Henry s. of Raph Rogers, bricklayer AVittm s. of Henry Hunt, butcher Thomas s. of Bryan Nicholson, shooemaker Abigail d. of Tho. Gerrard, station' Martha d. of AVittm Erby, marin' Thomas s. of John Galley, marin' Elizabeth d. of Thomas Birch, marin' Elizabeth d. of Wittm Newport, marin' .. Wittm s. of Thomas Martin, carpent' Johannah d. of John Ratcliffe, atturney .. Gilbert s. of Francis Raine, paint' Edward s. of Henry Leadbeter, inn-keeper Mathew s. of AVittm Heys, marin' Mary.d. of John Harrison, plaisterer Anne \i. of John Mercer, slater Dan" s. of John Letherland, marin' Marg" d. of Nicholas Mercer, mason Ellen d. of John Row-ell, shooemaker John s. of Edward AVittmson, b-speer [bailiff peer] James s. of M' George Sharpls, surveyor . Mary d. of M' Edward Starkey, watchmaker James s. of Jo" Sanderson, marriner Jane d. of AVilliam Pemberton, post John s. of Francis Sellers, barber William s. of Edward Houlcrofft, smith .. Margery d. of Thomas Harper, laborer .. James s. of Peter Mason, glover John s. of John Meddowcroft, inkeeper .. Ellizabeth d. of William Anderton, marin' Mary d. of David Henshaw, laborer Peter s. of George Hoole, mariner Richard s. of Charles Lawrenson, glover .. Margrett d. of M' Richard Houghton 4 Sep. 4 ., 7 . , 7 .. 7 . , II f J r 2 ) J 21 s J J Oct. 12 11 21 f y 2326 11 yi 28 14 Nov. 23 y 1 24 1 ) 27 3 11 Dec. 7 8 8 2628 IJ 1111 It11 7 Jan. 2S It 2S I it Feb. 5 ) 1 9 li 17 18 111 1 J9 11 21 y 1 24 1 ' 2S y 1 27 r 11 March II I ly 2 8 y y 8 f ) 9 i > 10 11 10 11 54 LIVERPOOL REGISTERS (St. NICHOLAS). 1684-1685 Edith d. of M' Thomas Carter, aturney AA'illiam s. of WilHam Lloyd, millener AA'illiam s. of Richard Browne of Northweeke, Essex Jane d. of Edmond Bennett, marrener Edward s. of Edward Tyrer, marrener James s. of George Naylor, taylor Ellizabeth d. of Henery Christian, marin' Jane d. of Robert Fauster, marriner 1685. Ann d. of M' Richard Gardner John s. of Thomas Tompson, marriner Mathew s. of Mathew CHffton, marriner Georg s. of George Smith, porter Henery s. of AA'illiam Bradock, brick maker ... John s. of John Scarisbrick, marriner AVilliam s. of Henery AVhinery, marriner Jane d. of Edward Ackers, carpenter Charles s. of AA'illiam AA'instanley, smith Thomas s. of John Heys, smith Thomas s. of Anthony Bushell, marriner Jane d. of AA'illiam Ballshaw, pewterer [ ?] AVilliam s. of Anthony Banister, joyner John s. of John Kennion, husbandman Liddea d. of James Peeterson, saylor Susannah d. of John Smoult, marin' Richard s. of James Thomason, carter Ellen d. of James Skinner, marriner Mary d. of Jonathen AA'ade, joyner John s. of John Norres, marrener Katherin d. of John Lawson, lin-drap' Peter s. of James Cooper, marriner Hannah d. of Robert Farrer, marin' Ann d. of Joseph Littler, carpenter Mary d. of Edmond Ball, marriner John s. of Mr. Peter Heindley, scoolefn' Alice d. of Gilbert Formby, marin' Thomas s. of Robert Molleneux, carpent' Doraty d. of Robert Stubs, shoomaker Symon s. of Cuthbert Sharpies, marriner Peter s. of Owen Vaughan, gentleman Ann d. of Richard AVilliamson, chrurgeon Josiah s. of James Boulton, marriner Hannah the suposed daughter of Tho. Hurdes. . . Robert Clarke Richard Shaw- March IS 1515 14 192223 24 March 29 16 Aprill 19 21 I May 3 J. 3 J. 3 J. 7 JJ ID 17 24 24 JJ 24 26 28 ,, 28 „ 7 June 8 ,j IS jj IS J, 28 „ 2S JJ 2S J, 3 July S JJ S JJ 7 JJ 12 ,, 14 JJ IS ,, I Wardens i68s CHRISTENINGS. 55 Mary d. of James Kequith, cooper John s. of John CatteraU, chapman John s. of John Taylor, planter Thomas s. of Thomas Bennett , cobler ... Richard s. of Tho. Bradley, w-aiter & searcher Alice d. of Robert Seale, mar William s. of Lawrence Turner, shoomaker Jane d. of Jonathen Levesley, mariner Richard s. of Thomas Rimmer, mariner ... Hellina d. of Edward Hornby, taylor James s. of John Lawrencson, mariner John s. of John Maddock, slater Susanah d. of William Harrison, taylor ... Dorathy d. of John Lunt, marriner Ann d. of John Sargent, carpent' Alice d. of Bryan Hoolme, mason Ann d. of Thomas Powell, gentleman Mary d. of Peter Rimmer, marriner Elizabeth d. of James Barton Barbara d. of Lawrance Rymor Abell s. of Thomas Edwardson George s. of Oliver Mulleneux Aless d. of Peter Rymor, marriner Peter s. of Robert Whitfield, watchmaker Richard s. of John Breckell Kathrine d. of Thomas Croston John s. of James Killneor Henry s. of Ralph Mercer, millnor Thomas s. of John Rowell Elizabeth d. of Nathaniel Hayle Abraham s. of John Clearke Alice d. of Otwell Rohades Ann d. of George Tarvin Thomas s. of Thomas AVebster, carpent' ... Martha & Mary, daus. to Ralph Stones, cooper Robert s. of John Ashmore, glover Jonathan s. of John Walles, marriner Elianord. of Richard Standenought, ship-carpent James s. of Richard Bradly, skiner Elizabeth d. of John Danson, mariner Elizabeth d. of John Peeres, ship carpenter Elleanor d. of Doctor Bramhall Ruth d. of Edwar Luis, gouldsmith Elleanor d. of John Parker, marriner Thomas s. of Thomas Tiror, b.-peer [bailiff's peer] Allis d. of William Lawrence, taler John s. of John Gaily, marrenor Ann d. of John Copperthat, marrenor Aug i6 July 19212631 2 4 4 4999 II13 16 23 23 30 6 25 2727 2 Oct 8 II12 13 25 I S 8 Sep Nov IS 29 30 6 Dec 13 1317 2020 2327 27 28 29 3 Jan 17 56 LIVERPOOL REGISTERS (St. NICHOLAS). 1685-1686 AVilliam s. of Danel Mather, laborer... . Paulona d. of il' Benor Anna d. of M' Richard Banister MaiT d. of Richard AA'etherby, carpentor . Mary d. of Jeremiah Sellers, barber ... Ellis s. of Barnet Samples AA'illiam s. of AA'itt Southerd, carppentor . Thomas s. of John Gammon, coopor Robert s. of Thomas Bragor, harbor Thomas s. of Robert Middelton, marrenor Richard s. of James Biron Johnathan s. of John AA'ally, marrenor Anice d. of Tho. Bayly, marrenor ... Gane d. of John Marcer Gane d. of M' James Prescot, drapor 1686. Elizabeth d. of Joseph Cornhill Edmund s. of Rober. Higinson, ropemaker Richar. s. of Peeter Masson, glover ... Thomas s. of Thomas Hese, marrenor Elizabeth d. of Timythy Langford, car. Anna d. of AA'itt Renall, marrenor ... John s. of AA'itt Erby, sailor Timothy s. of Timothy Tarlton, marrenor James s. of James Hodgson, attorny ... Gane d. of James Benn, marrenor ... Gane d. of Richard Gaily, carppentor Gane d. of John Shipard, glover AA'itt s. of Henry Leadbeater, inkeeper EHn d. of AA'itt Scasbrick, marrenor ... Elizabeth d. of Richard Blevin, sailor Richard s. of Edward Tyror, tailor ... Elizabeth d. of James Everett, marrenor John s. of John Ashw-orth, organist ... -A.lis d. of Thomas Ackerly, carppentor Anna d. of John Ro, attumy Margret d. of Robert Burt, marrenor Esther d. of AVitt Boates, haberdashor, was the first that was baptized since e\-ening pra\ begun the first John s. of Thomas Danson, sailor ... Elin d. of Edward Barrow-, marrenor John s. of Francis Rene, limnor [spelled Raine elsewhere aud in ihe Burials, Mar. ^th, i6yg] Jane d. of Peeter Scasbrick, block-maker . Mary d. of John Barker, balif-peere EHn d. of John Geps, tailor [probably a mis spelling of Jeffs] a4 Jan. 16 J J Feb. 24 28 7 1 y 11 March II It II 1 y 12 11 14 11 1418 Jt 11 21 11 21 il 23 " 2S March 26 28 111 1 28 11 29 s ApriU II 18 111 ' 18 1 1 18 1 f 20 11 21 11 2S 29 11 29 11 2 May 4 11 5 It 5 1 y 6 i ' 9 i » 9 J' 10 y 1 II y 1 13 ,, i686 CHRISTENINGS. S7 Elin d. of Henry Rowel, carttor Catherin d. of AVitt Holland, marrenor Beniamin s. of John Hoult, spring- makeor Margret d. of AVitt Cropor, slator Eline d. of AVilliam Rimor, sailor Sara d. of M' Richard Houghton, bel-pee Mary d. of Rober Stubs, shew-maker James s. of James Goulding, brick-layor . Ann d. of John Lankester Elizabeth d. of Henry Cristin, salor ... Thomas s. of M' Tho. Sherwin, gentlman Elizabeth d. of AVilliam Right, salor Edward s. of Edward Tarlton, marrenor . John s. of Timothy Metcalfe, sailor ... William s. of John Nickallson, shew-makor Saray d. of Anthony AVoods, sadlor . . . Allis d. of Edward Jones, chandlor . . . Henery s. of M' David Poole, marchant [entered twice] George s. of M' Richard Sedin, haberthashor Thomas s. of Thomas Tarlton, marrenor Williams, of Thomas Posten, laboror Margret d. of William Tarlton, plasterer . . . AA'illiam s. of Rodger Gorsuch, coopor Denton s. of M' John Pickerin, gentl : James s. of George Aspenall, tailor Thomas s. of Richard Rose, slator William s. of William Horst, cartor Edward s. of Thomas Kenyon, sailor William s. of Witt AVorall, marenor Elizabeth d. of Humphry Tomor, anker-smith Eline d. of Edward Dob, sailor Thomas s. of Thom. Anyon, carpentor ... John s. of AA'illiam Chantrill Thomas s. of James Strangwayes, tides-man Richard s. of James Low, shew-makor Mary d. of Thomas Tornor, tidesman Thomas s. of Edward Nickinson, shew-makor John s. of Edward Crane, harbor RoB s. of Johnathan Cooke, laboror Jemima d. of M' Witt Clayton, gentlman . . . Ann d. of Tho. Gawther, marenor Witt s. of Witt Neale, salor Ann d. of John Harieson, brickmakor Elizabeth d. of Mathew Bushell, marinor Susana d. of George Sudord, marrenor . . . Johnathan s. of Edward Briscoe Thomas s. of Thomas Ditchfeild, carpentor James s. of James Litsgou, haberdasher ... • 23 May • 24 J J I June I , . 6 ) 1 . 8 i 1 9 11 • 13 t 1 • 15 . 16 y 1 1 y ¦ 17 1 y . 22 J J • 27 ii ¦ 27 i y 29 2 July 4 It 18 1 1 18 11 21 i ' 22 ,' y 24 1 1 27 11 27 • 8 11 Aug. ¦ 8 1 i II 11 II 11 • 15 1 16 11 y y • 16 1 y 17 y J 17 11 19 y y 22 1 1 24 11 • 29 11 29 12 1 1 Sep. . 12 . 16 1 f ii • 19 i y . 20 il • 23 IJ ¦ 27 . 28 I 1 1 11 Oct. • 3 IJ 58 LIVERPOOL REGISTERS (St. NICHOLAS). 1686 Jane d. of Thomas Miachill, shew-maker Peter s. of Thomas Sudord, carpentor Thomas s. of Giles Grene, hardware-man Bryon s. of Nathanle Marsor, marenor Eline d. of Joseph Wright Anne d. of John Harrieson, ship-right Ginit d. of Richard Johnson, house-right Bryon s. of Bryon Nickinson, shew makor Joseph & Mary, twins, son & dau. of John Daking, talor Elizabeth d. of John Kelly, cartor Richard s. of John Marshall, husbandman Elizabeth d. of M' Tho. Sweeting, linin-drapor Ann d. of George Longworth, sailor George Higginson Jn" Crowther Margret d. 'of John Crane, glaser AVilliam s. of John Meddowcroft, inkeepor William s. of Ralph Rodgor, bricklayor Ales d. of James Richardson, innkeeper Elenor d. of Roger James, ship-carpentor AVilliam s. of Auttiewell Roads, l)ackaness [sic] John & Margret, twins of John AA'ilson, laboror Eline d. of William Vallentine, gunsmith Elizabeth d. of James Watckinson, marinor John s. of Thomas Lietherland, sailor AHxand. & Susanna s. & d. of Robert Hallsoe... Witt s. of George Sharpies, one of his Ma'''=' searchers Josua s. of AVitt Smith, a pothecarie Magdelin d. of John Duck, laboror Edward s. of Christfher Davis, mariner Sara d. of Robert Hinly, milnor Ralphs, of Thomas Beling, coopor Elizab d. of Edward Howcroft, smith Katherin d. of Ralph Lee, brick maker Elizabeth d. of John Wakefeild Tho. s. of James Lloyd, sailor Mary d. of . . . Quingin, joyner Tho. s. of RoB Johnson, shew makor Emanuwell s. of RoB Glover, millnor Timothy s. of Richard Tarlton Eline d. of George Smith, portor Richard s. of Richard Robinson, sailor John s. of Witt Anderton, sailor Anne d. of Witt Lloyd, millinor AVittiam s. of Thomas Salltus, salor 5 13 21 2S 30 I I 2 5 7 8 Oct. Nov. Wardens 14 Nov 18 21212428 30 8 Dec II13 26 Ja I I 2 12 S 161616 202023 232424 25272830 2 Feb. 1686-1687 CHRISTENINGS. 59 Benjamine s. of William Preeson, marrenor ... 13 Feb. Alis d. of Thomas Pearkins 15 ,, John s. of M' George Hocknull, esq' 17 ,, Thomas s. of William Balshaw 17 ,, Samuel s. of John Ashmore 20 ,, Elizabeth d. of M' Henry Smith, woolin drapor 20 ,, Elizabeth d. of Thomas Hearford, shewmakor... 24 ,, Susanna d. of William Pope, tide-water 28 ,, John s. of M' John Lawson, linin-drapor i March Richard s. of William Bradcok, brick-maker ... 2 ,, John & Mathew two twins of Randle Gallowayes, marrenor 3 , , Thomas s. of Robert Asbrock, marrinor 6 ,, Davids, of David Henshall 6 ,, Henry s. of Richard Gorsuch 9 , , Susanna d. of Robert Sale 13 ,, Margret d. of John Ivens 15 ,, Thomas s. of Thomas Whitfeild, marrenor ... 17 ,, James s. of John Scasbrick, marrenor 20 ,, Johnathan s. of John Smoult, sailor 22 ,, Richard s. of John Rimor, sailor 28 ,, William s. of William Glover, marrenor 29 ,, 1687. Elizabeth d. of Richard Higginson, bucher ... 3 Aprill Mary d. of John Crompton, marenor 22 ,, Richard s. of Johnathan Leavesly, marenor ... 24 ,, Liddea d. of John CattraU, glover 24 ,, Sara d. of James Gording, marenor 26 ,, James s. of James Longworth, carter 26 ,, ¦John s. of Witt Spensly, shewmaker 2 Mav George s. of John Talor, husbandman 3 .', Eliz. d. of John Marshall, marenor 4 Eliz. d. of Edward Bell, laborer 5 ,, Edward s. of Dacra Baratt, Esq' 6 ,, Henry s. of Thomas Harpor, husbandman ... 8 ,, Thomas s. of RoB Prenton, carter 9 ,, Silvester s. of Silvester Morecroft, milliner ... 9 ,, Ann d. of M' Tho. Cartor, attorny 12 Elin d. of Henery Riggol, marenor 12 Ann d. of James Skinor, marenor 15 ,, John s. of Henry Standishstreet, marenor ... 16 ,, Eliz. d. of John Litherlan, marenor 17 ,, Ezzekle s. of James Millit, tobacka cut 22 ,, William s. of James Sanderson, marenor 22 ,, Henry s. of John Ash worth, orgenor 23 ,, Catherin d. of Nicholis Toby, marenor 25 ,, Williams, of Mundick Laces, marenor 29 ,, -6o LIVERPOOL REGISTERS (St. NICHOLAS). 1687 Mathew s. of William Heyes Sarah d. of John Walls ... Margret d. of John Huchen Ellen d. of John Sayle Jane d. of Jonathan AA'ade . . . William s. of Will. Rankins June Jn" Crowther Edwd. Craine Elyzabeth d. of John AVilliamson, mariner Lidia d. of Tho. Jump, mariner AVilliam s. of John Galley, mariner ... John s. of Tho. Batersbie, taylor Evan s. of Peter March, mariner AVilliam s. of Tho. Crompton, merchant Marv d. of M' James Prescot Hanna d. of Tho. Theaker, elarke ... Elyzabeth d. of John Whitefield Grace d. of Charles Lawrenson Thomas s. of M' James Barton Richard s. of John Kenion Martha d. of Christopher James Margret d. of WilHam Newport Richard s. of Henry Hunt Peter s. of James Cooper John s. of John Royle, mariner James s. of Thomas Croston Elen d. of John Gildcrist Mary d. of Bernard Samples John s. of M' Richard Garner A\'illiam s. of John Robertson Tho. & Susannah s. & d. of James Peters Jane d. of Edw. Ackers Thomas s. of Edw. Crane, chyrurgian Robert s. of Robert Stubbs James s. of John Brett Sarah d. of Tho. Michall Charles s. of Thomas Tarleton Susannah d. of George Hoy les Mathew s. of Richard Lillies Anne d. of Richard Houghton Mary d. of Jonathan Spand Sarah d. of Henry Christian William s. of Thomas Tyrer, taylor ... Thomas s. of George Whicklife Anne d. of Richard Woods Anne d. of M' Nich. Rigby, de Harrock Richard s. of AVilliam Stocken 1 1 II JJ II 22 ,, I July 2 May Wardens 3 July 3 10 1017 2121 24 4 Aug 8 IIIIIIIS1718 25 29 31 2 Sep 4 4 7 II14 2023 28 2 3 5 II 1314 16 20 2127 30 Oct I687-I688 CHRISTENINGS. 61 Emlin d. of Jn° Norris Mary d. of Petter Rimmor Joseph s. of Lawrence Rimmer Robert s. of M' William Clayton Nathaniel s. of Nicholas Mercer Margrett d. of John Travers AVilliam s. of AVilliam Turner Elizabeth d. of James Everett Mathew s. of George Naylor AA'itt s. of John Greton Dorathy d. of AA'™ Parsons, Leiveten" [Lieulcnant i Ralph s. of Ralph Stones Arthur s. of M' George Sharpies Anne d. of John Johnson, porter Jane d. of Witt™ Gore John s. of M' Tho. Sandiford Rich"* s. of Rich"" Bannister Elizabeth d. of Jn° Parker Thomas s. of Samuell Ormson George s. of Tho. Holland James s. of Will™ Gorsutch Henry s. of Nathaniel Hale Elizabeth d. of Tho. Thomson, seaman Margrett d. of M' Tho. Baynham Gilbert s. of Rich"* Harrison Margrett d. of John Lawrencson Grace d. of James Ackers Aaron s. of Jn° Serjant George s. of Jn° Thornton Ellin d. of AV™ Ducksbury Margery d. of James Ben Mary d. of Tho. Bradley Jn° s. of Cristopher Chambler Jn° s. of William Valentine Josya s. of Robert AVhitfield, watch mak' Anne d. of George Maull Oliver s. of Tho. Gardner Betters, of Silvester Sandiford Mathew s. of M' Tho. Heys Dorathy d. of Tho. Bennitt Margery d. of M' Tho. Tyrer, carpent' Jane d. of Jn" Reynolds 1688. Margrett d. of Edward Poultney Tho. s. of Jn° Scasbrick Mary d. of Jn" Harrinson Sarah d. of Edward Tarleton Jane d. of Petter Rimmer 5 Nov. 14 )) 20 1 1 24 11 24 1 11 Dec. 7 11 12 ,, 14 11 15 ,, 17 26 1 1 11 30 11 I Jan. 10 11 12 ,, 12 f > 17 18 111 f 22 1 f 24 a 27 It 2 Feb. 4 11 s 1 f 10 12 19 , , 19 y f 22 ) f 26 • J 28 tt 4 March 6 y y 8 8 y f J » II , , 13 , , 12 ' y ¦IS ! i 19 ,, 23 11 29 March I April 2 11 5 1 1 62 LIVERPOOL REGISTERS (St. NICHOLAS). 1688 Marthah & Mary daughters of Tho. Marsh AA'itt son of Robert Pharrow Marth. d. of Jonathan Lievesly Elizabeth d. of John Robinson Anne d. of Edward Barrow Eliner d. of Oteeall Rodes Nathaniel s. of AA'illiam Letherland Mai7 d. of Randle Gallaway AVitt s. of John Rimor, seaman Samuell s. of John Gamond Ellin d. of Edw"* Henshaw Anne d. of Lawrence Turner Anne d. of Robert Middleton Anne d. of Thomas Bushell Samuell s. of Thomas Ackerley Gregory s. of Gilbert Formbey Charles s. vj' AA'illiam Dugdale Thomas s. of John Brakell Elizabeth d. of Mathew Clifton James s. of John Marshell Isabell d. of John Searjeant Margret d. of Andrew Mackmorie Richard s. of Richard Wilson Thomas s. of Richard Stonenought Richard s. of John Deaker Elyzabeth d. of Peter Scasbricke Peter s. of Witt Pluckinton Edw" s. of Edw" Starkie Mary d. of John Galley AVitt s. of John Jeffs Mary d. of Silvester Richmond Mary d. of Rebecka Cx[oft ?] AVitt s. of Tho. AVorrall '..'. Edw" s. of Edw" Nicholson Ann d. of Joseph Wright Tho. s. of Tho. Dugdalle '^.\ Elyzabeth d. of Nathaniel Millet Ann d. of Robert Shurlaker Peters, of Peter Mayson Samuel s. of James Beck Elen d. of James Morres Tho. s. of Robert Houghton Elyzabeth d. of AVitt Bellion Richard s. of John Harison Elizabeth d. of S' Robert King .".'.' Anne d. of Jn° Marshall Edw" Crane Jn° Am ery April ;m June 12 16I" 19 ^?, 23 r I 6 10II14 2729 3 7 7 12 13 I July 20 June 21 26 2627 28 3 July 10IS 18 2 Aug, 8 191919 21 2328 22 39 II 16 18 28 Sep Wardens i688 CHRISTENINGS. 63 Alice d. of Mathew Bushell Alexander s. of Witt Pope ... Anne d. of Jn° Wakefeild . . . Elizabeth d. of Roger Merrick Katherine d. of John Sandiford [entered Nov. 15] Thomas s. of Jn" Robertson Hugh s. of AVilliam Reynolds Thomas s. of Richard Blevin Anne d. of Thomas Tarlton John s. of Charls Coope [Cooper}] Mary d. of Witt Harrison ... James s. of Thomas Webster Edward s. of Nathaniell Mercer Bridgett d. of Thomas Allenson Mary d. of Richard Houghton . Ales d. of Richard Culcheth Katherine d. of Jn° Sandiford . Richard s. of Richard Galley Rachell d. of Thomas Bullock . Anne d. of Silvester Moorecroft . AVill. s. of Jn" Mercer Will. s. of Charles Coop [Cooper 7] James s. of James Prescott ... Dorrothy d. of Will. Robinson Thomas s. of Nicholas Longworth Robert s. of John Gleave ... James s. of Will. Boates Thomas s. of Bryan Nicolson . Robert s. of John Bellin Alice d. of Jn" Willson ... . Jasper s. of Jn° Ashworth ... . Jn" s. of Peeter Lyon Anne d. of Will. Loyd ... . Alice d. of Richard Seddan Henry s. of Henry Whinerry Margrett d. of Nicholas Toby . Elizabeth d. of Jn° Crompton . Jn" s. of Jn" Crane Dorothy d. of George Sharpies . Bethyah d. of Joseph Pryor Tho. s. of James Lythgoe ... Sarah d. of Edward Hormbie . Jane d. of Ralph Rogers ... Katharine d. of John Lyon ... . Margret d. of James Strangways Alis d. of Edmond Rigley ... John s. of John Alen Nicolas s. of Nicolas Rigbie agam 4 Oct. s J J II JJ II J J IS J J 21 J J 24 J J 26 J J 2 Nov. 5 JJ 6 J J 8 ,, 8 J J 1 1 , f 14 J J 14 J' 15 , , 18 , , 20 , J 20 , J 25 J J 28 J J 9 Dec. 9 11 10 11 16 it 18 11 21 11 23 1 y 26 y I 29 11 I Jan. I , , 7 ., 13 11 14 ,, 15 ) ' 17 M 20 ; y 22 y ) I 11 27 1 1 28 11 30 11 31 It 5 Feb 7 ;) 10 )) 64 LIVERPOOL REGISTERS (St. NICHOLAS). 1 688-1 689 Alis d. of Witt Bibbie Margret d. of Tho. Spencer Deborah d. of Tho. Morgan Martha d. of Witt Stocken Edmond s. of John Brett Joseph s. of John Catharow Abraham s. of Tho. Sandiford Easter d. of Jonathan Spann James s. of James Cooper Sarah d. of James AVakenson Giles s. of Giles Lumaine AA'illiam s. of Tho. Dichfield Samuel s. of Benjamin Burton Elen d. of Samuel Massie Ann d. of Henery Ledbetter Jane d. of Thomas Anyon Katherin d. of James Mitchell AVilliam s. of John Sliegh AVilliam s. of Thomas Bealey Jane d. of William Wright John s. of John Ashworth Katherin d. of Thomas Jumpe 1689. Alexander s. of Robert Levison Alice d. of Robert Ashbrooke Elizabeth d. of Jeffrey Gibson Elizabeth d. of James Richardson Thomas s. of George Sutharne Margaret d. of Thomas Nuttall AA'illiam s. of Robert Phelps Leonard s. of James Loy Mary d. of John Meddowcroft Ann d. of Otawell Roads Mary d. of AVittm Holland Mary d. of John Bamber Margery d. of AVittm Shaw Richard s. of Richard Rose John s. of John Bolton, parson Sarah d. of Jonathan Livsey James s. of James Settle, an Ireishman Roger s. of AA'illiam Glover Charles s. of James Hodgson AA'illiam s. of Abraham Rogers Dorothy d. of John Tory Barberiy d. of Charles Spranger Samuel s. of Samuel Goldsmith Ellin d. of AA'illiam Niblett Mary d. of Robert Blundell 1 1 12 1314 1824 Feb. March 4 10 II12 1315 17 19 20212121 8 Aprill 9 10II IS1616 2126 II II 4 5 8 9 12 1416 1919 20 Mav i689 CHRISTENINGS. 65 Henry s. of James Gourden 21 May John s. of AVilliam Hurst, carter 21 , , Elizabeth d. of John Sanderson 24 ,, Robert s. of Timothy Armitage 24 ,, James s. of Thomas Kenyon 26 ,, Mary d. of Francis Varner 29 ,, Elizabeth d. of Thomas Johnson 30 ,, Elizabeth d. of John Greaton 2 June Mary d. of John AVhitfeild 5 ,, James s. of Thomas Jenkinson 7 ,, Humphrey s. of William Andsdale 9 ,, Mary d. of Richard Tarlton 10 ,, Elizabeth d. of Samuell Jackson 11 ,, Edward s. of Edward Bigglands 12 ,, Robert s. of Michael Sheals 16 ,, John s. of John Ravell 19 ,, AVilliam s. of Edw-ard Poultney 23 ,, Sarah d. of Henry Kirckbey 24 ,, Henry s. of James Barton 25 ,, John s. of John Eaton 26 ,, Edward s. of Edw-ard Richmond 30 ,, AA'alter s. of John Robinson i July Samuel s. of Samuel AA'right 7 ,, Margaret d. of Seth Naylor 7 ,, Elizabeth d. of James Golding, bricklaylor ... 7 ,, Edward s. of John Nicholson, shoomaker ... 7 ,, Margaret d. of Sabath Holsall 8 ,, Elizabeth d. of Tho. Gawther, marriner 10 ,, AA'illiam s. of AA'illiam Fletcher, marriner ... 10 ,, Mary d. of Tho. Bradley, t5-de-w-ater 12 ,, Ellin d. of John Harrison 18 ,, Robert s. of John Seal 21 ,, Mary d. of Thomas Battersby, taylor 21 ,, Samuels, of Samuel Frizell 22 ,, Samuel s. of M' Thomas Sherwin 24 ,, Ann d. of Tho. AVhittfield, marriner 28 Johns, of Edward Henshaw, blacksmith 4 -^ug. Ann d. of John Chresty 4 jj Edward s. of William Ogle 12 ,, Elizabeth d. of Tho. Alcock, marriner 13 ji Julian d. of Richard Halsall Arthurs, of Richard Taylor 14 ,, Jane d. of Jonathan Higginson, marriner Arthur s. of Arthur Hardy 20 ,, Alice d. of Edward Tyrer, taylor 21 ,, Sarah d. of Joseph Ry 23 ,, Mary d. of John Rimer, marriner 5 Sep. Thomas s. of Thomas Ward, Dean of Carickvergus 10 ,, Margaret d. of John Blevin, marriier n ,, 66 LIVERPOOL REGISTERS (St. NICHOLAS). 1689 John s. of Thomas Bennett, translater ... WilHam s. of Herdman AVesthead Thomas s. of AVilliam Christian, marriner John s. of Edward Holcroft, black-smith ... EHzabeth d. of Thomas Sellers Thomas s. of Jn° Kelley James s. of Robert Greenw-ood Margret d. of Peeter Guy Ellen d. of James Skiiier Alice d. of Robert BusheH Thomas s. of John Stiles Charles s. of AA'illiam Bibbey Jn" s. of George AA'hittley John s. of Thomas Crompton Jn° s. of Jn° Mattison Katherine d. of Edward AVilliamson Tho. s. of Timothy Tarlton Sarah d. of Jonathan Rogers Winifred d. of Jn° Rooks Robert s. of Andrew Gallop Anne d. of Jn° Cooper Thomas s. of Ralph Birch AA'itt s. of George Frost Anne d. of Ralph Leigh AVilliam s. of Cap' AVilliam Ormsby of Ireland Jeremiah s. of James Kemp Catherine d. of Silvester Moorecroft AVilliam s. of AVilliam Vallentine, gunn-smilh... John s. of Mathew Gorton, barber Deborah d. of John Marshall, marriner Catherine d. of AVittm Gorsuch, cooper John s. of John Robertson, watch-maker Jane d. of Robert Glover, miller Margaret d. of George Fells, marriner AA'illiam s. of Thomas Tyrer, taylor Johns, of Thomas Tarleton Richard s. of AVittm Rawlins, innkeeper Catherine d. of James Pemberton Alice d. of John Ormshaw, black smith John s. of Thomas Harefoot, shoomaker Margaret d. of Charles Dickinson, butcher Dorothy d. of AA'illiam Glegg, waiter Hanah d. of Thomas Carter, attorney Cicely d. of John Travers, white-smith Catherine d. of John Kenyon, sexton Alexander s. of Edward Lewis, goldsmith Richard s. of Robert Even of Ireland, shoomaker Peter s. of AA'illiam Parr, marriner James s. of James Benn, marriner 15 Sep. 17 23 23 24 26 26 I Oct. 6 7 778 ID II1414 14 18 1820 23 27 4 4 S6 6 10 II 131421 2 2 14 27 2727 27 2829 I 44 s Dec. 1689 CHRISTENINGS. 67 Mary d. of James Toppin Ann d. of Henry Marcer, marriner John s. of Thomas Morris James s. of John Phillips George s. of John Cooke Margaret d. of Richard AVilson, marriner Johns, of James Everit, marriner John s. of James Leyland Mary d. of John AA'adland, gardener Thomas s. of AA'illiam Du.xbery David s. of William Hambleton Ann d. of AVittm Hill Elizabeth d. of Gilbert Alcock, marriner . . . Margaret d. of James Byrom, labourer Katherine d. of Robert Stubbs, cordwainer Edward s. of M' Edward Crane Mary d. of AA'illiam Goore, marriner Thomas s. of John Parke, marriner Gilbert s. of Peter Riiner, marriner David s. of Lawrence Tompson Gladdis d. of M' Robert Norman Elizabeth d. of Jn° Fells AVilliam s. of Edward Barrow John s. of Robert Stananough Gilbert s. of Peeter Rimmer Bridgett d. of M' Richard Houghton Jn" s. of Jn° Wakefeild Martha d. of Thomas Nowell, marriner . . . Jane d. of Wittm Ball Ann d. of Henry Lockiri alias Lawson . . . James s. of Robert Spencer William s. of Stephen Hornby Henrys, of John Parker Ann d. of Henry Sigesmith [J^eb. 14, i6g Buried, Henry Sicksmiih] James s. of William Anderton John s. of John Lawson Richard s. of M' Richard Gardner, land-w-aiter Mary d. of Richard AVhite, fruiterer Martha d. of Rob' Middleton, marriner . . . John s. of P-eter Rainford Robert s. of Robert Gibbins Johns, of Samuel Bayley Thomas s. of Thomas Cragg Elizabeth d. of Cuthbert Sharpies William s. of Thomas Mitchill John s. of Ralph Mercer Jonathan s. of Jonathan Livesley Margrett d. of Paul Waterhouse 7 Dec. 1717 1719 19 2 2 262627 2929 I Jan 2 4 46 9 12 13 17 1926 2 Feb 4 46 10II14 16 17 18 19 22 -J 23 I iV 229 10II 18 21 24 2526 March 68 LIVERPOOL REGISTERS (St. NICHOLAS). 1 689-1 690 James s. of Henry Harker Rebecka d. of Voseby Beesley ... . Richard s. of Georg Smith 1690. Ellen d. of Charles Diggles Richard s. of Georg Mall ... Anne d. of James AA'hitfeild Robert s. of AA'illiam Robinson, cooper Mary d. of Jn" AA'illiamson George s. of AA'illiam Tarleton . Christian d. of Thomas Newton Jn° s. of Richard Henshaw-... Elizabeth d. of AA'ill. Moxon James s. of Robert Heendley Samuel s. of George Naylor Anne d. of Jn" AValker ... . Mary d. of AA'illiam Simner AUice d. of Frances Raine Sarah d. of James Crofts ... Josef s. of John Catrall ... . Josef s. of James Tom.son ... Ann d. of Thomas Harper John s. of Edmond Ball AA'illiam s. of John Baneks ... Hanagh d. of AA'illiam Bradock . Francis s. of M' Francis Varnnor Mary d. of Thomas Poston... Randall s. of Randall Galloway Elizabeth d. of James Beck Timothys, of John Gamond Philowp s. of Gorge Braine Ruth d. of Otwell Rodes Susanah d. of Cristyford Baneks Marey d. of Robert Kerfoot Margreat d. of Lowrans Tornor John s. of AA'illiam Pope Judagh d. of M' Gorge Taylor . , Gabrall s. of Herman Gabonds .. Marey d. of M' Josef Hulmes .. Ann d. of Chrystfher Davis Samuel s. of Robert Houghton Ann d. of Richard AVhithead . . John s. of Edward Ackers Thomas s. of William Glover .. Thomas s. of David Henshaw ... Elizabeth d. of Andrew Mackmor-y Catarine d. of James Settell ..' Hannah d. of AA'illiam Letherland 27 March 29 JJ 29 6 Aprill 7 1 1 13 13 1415 18 2 2 22 25 27 23 II 21 May June 10 IS IS 1718191929 30 I Julv 6 10 1617 JJ 20-I .. 23 JJ 25 JJ 25 JJ 27 JJ 31 2 Auk. 1690 CHRISTENINGS. 69 Margreat d. of Thomas Bore Jane d. of William Croper Susanah d. of Se\erin Peeterson, doctor Mosis s. of John Sargent Jane d. of James Strangways James s. of John Sandiforde Elizabath d. of James Hartlife Elizabath d. of Robert Johnson Silvaster 3. of Silvaster Richmond Ann d. of M' James Prescott Mary d. of AVilliam Stockton John s. of James Addison Elizabath d. of Gilburt Norres AVilliam s. of Thomas Bushall Ann d. of M' Thomas Johnson Ann d. of John Royle ..." Richard s. of Thomas Holland Richard s. of Edmund Rigley Thomas s. of AVilliam Rooe Elizabath d. of Henery Leadbeter Allin d. of John Marshall Elizabath d. of Brine [Bryan] Nicinson Sare d. of William Millburne Mary d. of Henery Ficharton John s. of AA'illiam Pluckinton Thomas s. of Timothy Lancford John s. of Thomas Harinson John s. of William Rite Samwell s. of AVilliam Midleton William s. of John Crane Jane d. of William Holland John s. of Georg B rue r John s. of John Crompton Robert s. of AA'illiam Nuport John s. of James Pemberton Peter s. of Richard Roose Ann d. of Robert Hugs Mary d. of Peter Lyon Hanagh d. of Edward Nicinson Robert s. of John Frensh Margray d. of James Ackers Robert s. of AVilliam Huddlestone ... Jane d. of William Streets Rachall d. of John Couard William s. of Edward Biglands Jane d. of Richard Seddon Phaby d. of John Marshall Edward s. of Thomas Tarleton Alizabath d. of Thomas Sw-eetinc ... 9 Aug. 13 .. 14 ... 23 .. 28 „ 28 „ II Sep. ^5 JJ 17 JJ 21 ,, 21 23 JJ 24 >> I Oct. 7 7 1219 20 203030 55 1919 30 I 121616 25 I 8 10IS26 29 30 I 3 3 6 Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. 70 LIVERPOOL REGISTERS (St. NICHOLAS). 1690-1691 AVilliam s. of John Amarsom James s. of Thomas Chapman Mary d. of Harman AVastide Mary d. of Richard Higinsonn Thomas s. of James Petersonn AA'illiam s. of Charls Cooper Mathew- s. of Mathew Rimer lisabella d. of Johnathan Higison Charles s. of Charles Lawarsonn Richard s. of Richard Houghton Judath d. of Ralph Burch Mathew s. of Mathew Gorton John s. of Richard Harisonn John s. of John Ashworth Mary d. of John Thornton Elizabath d. of Richard Singleton Elizabath d. of Lynorl Ball John s. of Robert Barrow Jane d. of AVilliam Moore Elizabath d. of Georg Sutharon Sedne d. of Silvester Moorecroft Ralph s. of Richard Cilthath Catharin d. of John Hill W™ Hurst John Crane 1691. John s. of Nichlass Long\vorth EUinor d. of AA'illiam Hughs Ann d. of Gilbert Allcock Robert s. of James Bushill [inserted between the lines and again seven entries further on] Ann d. of Gorge Lyon John s. of John Scasbrick Lowrans s. of John Fells, cobler Thomas s. of Nicklass Toby Cristyford s. of Cristyford Chandler John s. of John Rimmer, mariner Robert s. of James Bu-shell Elizabeth d. of M' AVilliam Borke Grace d. of Richard Barnond Jenat d. of James Gordin Sarah d. of Johnathan Livesley Henry s. of AA'iHiam Fletcher Marey d. of AVilliam Ogells '.'.' John s. of Robert Evens Margreat d. of John Tomson ... 6 Feb. 79 .. 10 ,, 10 ,, 14 J. 15 ,. IS .. 16 ,, 18 „ ^ ¦> ^ - J J 4 March 77 10 ,, 15 .> 18 ,, 16 29 „ 29 2 Aprill Wardens Aprill J J May 1526 3 8 10 18 202426 3 29 I7 9 21 23 2628 June I69I CHRISTENINGS. 71 Elizabeth d. of John Robinson .. Emey d. of Richard Stananought Catherin d. of AA'itt Croft ... George s. of Witt Niblat ... Judidi d. of Nathaniell Marser Margreat d. of James Barton Henry s. of Ric" Leadbeater Jane d. of M' James Starkey James s. of Humprey Toping Witt s. of John Seale Searah d. of Edmond Ball ... EHzabath d. of M' Witt Squire Tho. s. of Robert Bixtath, laborer Ric" s. of M' George Tarvin Searah d. of M' Noh. Webb [Noah, see burials Sep. 25th, i6gi] Ric"" s. of Henry Blevin George s. of M' George Sharplis Edmond s. of John Tyrar, taylor Robert s. of Robert Farrar Elizabath d. of Charles Diggles Ric" s. of John Plum Elizabeth d. of Witt Hurst, carter Margery d. of Witt Robison, cooper. Ralpth s. of Ralpth Rogers Mundick s. of Mundick Lease, marriner Strange s. of M' Witt Rolins Elin d. of Ric" Woods, taylor Jane d. of Henry Balantine Marey d. of Alexander Dury [ ? Drury] Joseph & Beniamin sons of Tho : Anyon Bridgat d. of Nichalas Quigin Searah d. of John Marsh, tayler Debrah d. of Otiwal Rodes Ann d. of John Lawson Ric" s. of Gilbert Formby ... AVitt s. of Edward Howcroft Edward s. of Henry Rigal . . . John s. of AVitt Stokes Jane d. of Tho. Benit Tho. s. of Ed. Tyrar, tayler Tho. s. of Ric" Bradley ... Emlin d. of James Wakinson Elin d. of Ric" Wilson Hesketh s. of Tho. Bradley Elizabath d. of Witt Pope Tho. s. of Tho. Marsh, marriner Witt s. of Edward Therman Cathrin d. of John Dunn ... 30 June 30 >, July I 2 2 7 7 7 1419 25 30 i^ 3 Aug. Sep 5 6 7 10 23 27 30 I 6 77 889 1420 20 21 28 29 4 Oct 4 12131717 18 2123 2627 28 29 I Nov. 72 LIVERPOOL REGISTERS (St. NICHOLAS). 1691 Marey d. of Edward Short Jeneat d. of Edward Seddon Hanagh d. of James Kempe Tho. s. of Robert Schorlaker Potter s. of Samuell Baley AVitt s. of John Blevin John s. of John Lady Baterige d. of Seath Nayler John s. of Johnathan Mulaney Tho. s. of John Crane, glaser Johns, of Witt Stokton John s. of John Wadland Margreat d. of Tho. AVorrow James s. of James Richardson Marey d. of AVitt Lloyd Ann d. of Edward Barrow Robert s. of Edward Henshaw, blacksmith Thomas s. of William Anderton Branton s. of John Sandy ford William s. of Levinus Heuston Rebecay d. of Roger Stanought Marey d. of Thomas Johnson, junyor Elizabeth d. of George Felles Marey d. of Joseph Cornell John s. of Robert Felps Marey d. of Isaac Justes William s. of William Gostige, cooper Marey d. of Peter Southerd Elizabeth d. of Thomas Bore Sarah d. of Thomas Allcock Thomas s. of Charles Dickinson, bucher Elizabeth d. of Thomas Rimmer Elizabeth d. of William Beebey, brick : John s. of Thomas Jump Marey d. of Robert Youes Richard s. of John Lintol, cooper Isabella d. of Pall Wallterhouse [Paul Waterhouse see Jan. 22nd, idgf] Frances d. of Ser Robert King Elizabeth d. of Richard Wright Edward s. of William Ellisson William s. of M' Richard Garner James s. of Hermon Whested Sarah d. of Henry Smith, merchant ... Ann d. of M' Richard Houghton Witt s. of Robert Carfut Richard s. of Cristopher Rygson John s. of John Travers John s. of Roger James 10 Nov. 18 21 2626 27 I 4 488 1012 13 1618 30 30 30 30 30 5 5 7 7 16 16 17 19 19 19 2016 2626 Dec Jan Feb. 04 4 9 10ID 12 1216 18 18 1691-169* CHRISTENINGS. 73 Elizabeth d. of John Tinsley, gunsmith John s. of John Rimer John s. of James Beck John s. of Thomas Nutell, labror John s. of Henry Merser Martha d. of James Loy Richard s. of Thomas Haryson.. Margreat d. of Thomas Spenser Sarah d. of Thomas Webster .. John s. of Thomas Bulock Thomas s. of Edward Biglans . . Marey d. of Doctor Peterson Thomas s. of John Anderton Isabella d. of George Holland . . Emey d. of Thomas Balif Sarah d. of William Webster . . Kathrin d. of Thomas Tomson . . Alee d. of Lorans Rimer . . . Marey d. of Thomas Sweeting Pheby d. of Cristyforde Banckes Elizabeth d. of Anthony Rimer... Robert s. of Robert Johnson Edward s. of Edward Tarlton Catherin d. of Peter Ranford Jane d. of William Ball 2 1 Feb. 2121 212223 2328 I Mar 3 77 131314 15 15 IS 20 20 23 242527 28 John Crane James Townsend Wardens 1692. Witt s. of Tho. Sherwin Thomas s. of Henry Hopwood . . . Thomas s. of John Marsh, draper George s. of George Moberley ... Elizabath d. of George Moberly James s. of Tho. Whitfild Thomas s. of William Anderton Richard s. of Richard Henshaw Elizehath d. of James Skiner Margreat d. of Witt Kinston Ann d. of Tho. Andoe Tho. s. of Tho. Battersby . . . Eddith d. of Witt Fornifall Witt s. of Witt Roe Ruth d. of Tho. Medcalfe Bridgett d. of John Lawson Jane d. of James Cowper . . . Mary d. of John Jeffs March Aprill 31 21 26 26 2628 28 10 May 12 17 17 22 24 29 30 121314 June 74 LIVERPOOL REGISTERS (St. NICHOLAS). 1692 Samuell s. of Richard Galley Johns, of AVttm Fletcher Alice d. of Peter Mason Elizabeth d. of Thom Charnock Thom s. of Richard Birch Robert s. of Elizabeth Ashbrooke William s. of M' William Bourke Nathan s. of Nathan Kenordy William s. of Henry AVhitakers Sarah d. of M' Silvester Richmond Edwards, of David Owens Margrett d. of Robert Woods, a stranger Richard s. of William Rimmer Elizabeth d. of Thomas Patherne Maryd. of John Frances John Windesse, a youth about 1 4 years of age. . . Sarah d. of John Huges Henry s. of William Lyon James s. of William Glover Elizabeth d. of John Anderton Jam s. of John Royle Elizabeth d. of John Catterell Ann d. of Andrewe Ovett Elizabeth d. of Richard Gorsuch Susanna d. of William Niblett John s. of John Styles Margrett d. of Sam Glover John s. of M' William Rollins Hanna d. of John Gamon Thomas s. of Roger James Sarah d. of Daniell Genkinson Margrett d. of John Parker David s. of John AValker Ellin d. of Thomas Bixter Dorothy d. of Catherine Fells Thomas s. of Humfrey Topping Thoiii s. of Thoiii Breading Mary d. of John White John s. of Aid' James Prescott John s. of William Shawe Elizabeth d. of John Marser Ann d. of John Williamson Witt s. of Andrew Mackmory Margreat d. of James Letherbarroe Ellin d. of John Sargant EHzaboth d. of Tho Crompton Judith d. of John Marshel Ann d. of Lawrense Scasbrick Rebeckah d. of Otiwel Roads Aug 21 June 2121 21 26 5 July 6 1010 21 25 26282829 30 4 4 5 77 9 1016 20 22 25 4S 7 99 14 IS18 252728 29 29 3S 69 18 I X 46 Sep Oct Nov I692-I693 CHRISTENINGS. 75 James s. of Marey Perrey, widow Ann d. of Robert Eceles Witt s. of AVitt Bashford Dorothey d. of James Strangeways . . . Witt s. of AVitt Stokton Dorathey d. of George Burges Margreat d. of Tho. Michal Henry s. of John Bursh Alein d. of Tho. Perkins, mariner . . . Elizabeth d. of Tho. Bradley Margreat d. of Rouland Anyon Joseph & Beniamin sons of John Lunt Comfort daughter of Robert Phelpes Elizabath d. of Witt AVilliamson Hannah d. of John Crane John s. of Richard Jones Elizehath d. of John Taylor Ann d. of Henry Blevin Elizabeth d. of M' Witt Claton Richard s. of Samuell Baley Richard s. of Henry Warbrick Elizabeth d. of Robert Barrow Joseph s. of Joseph Cornnell Marey d. of Robert Evines Cathrin d. of Rich" Roberts Marey d. of Edmond Rigley John s. of John Blon Joseph s. of George Naylor Marey d. of Robert Henley Silvester s. of M' Richard Houghton Sarah d. of M' Witt Lloyd, desesed ... Sarah d. of Will Moxon Ruth d. of Witt Benn John s. of Nickalas Colier Witt s. of Edward Ackars Ameley d. of Robert Stubbs Thomas s. of John Peton Margreat d. of Joseph Alin Jane d. of Robert Corties 8 Nov. 1693. James s. of James Borton ... John s. of Tho. Molenex . . . Alice d. of John Please Legh s. of John Ashworth ... Witt s. of Johnathon Higinson Edward s. of Lawrense 'Turner Marey d. of James Sanderson 9 tJ 10 J) 20 1 1 30 J> 27 it IS It 4 Dec. 5 it 6 it II tt II it 14 a 16 ii 22 ij 23 it 27 it 3 Jan. 3 it 6 it 6 it II it 18 it 20 Ji 30 tj 31 it 2 Feb. 5 It 8 tt 9 ti 14 it 14 it 15 it 22 It 26 It 7 March 13 ii 14 J J 19 tt 28 March 31 it 3 Aprill 4 It 4 II 4 11 4 it 76 LIVERPOOL REGISTERS (St. NICHOLAS). 1693 Charles s. of John Beck Sarah d. of John Smoult Peter s. of Tho. Jumpe Elizabeth d. of Mathew Gorton.. Seera d. of Tho. Tilsley Alice d. of James Bushell Samuell s. of George Sharpies .. Joseph s. of Tho. Corbin Ellizabeth d. of Levenus Hewstonn Hannah d. of AVilliam Milburn Samuell s. of William Braddock Ellin d. of Martin Sims Richard s. of Rodger Jones Katherin d. of Hugh Guybon ... Thomas s. of Thomas Bushell ... AVilliam s. of Henery Bellantine Katherin d. of Allexander Drury Elin & Elizabeth daus. of Christopher Davis Henery s. of Hugh Perry ... Henery s. of Henery Sicksmith Mary d. of George Barker ... Ellizabeth d. of Jonathan Leivsley Ralph s. of Ralph Birch ... Allice d. of John Tayler Mary d. of William Ashton John s. of George Lyon Thomas s. of William Belling Ann d. of Silvester Morecroft Katherin d. of William Ogle James s. of Thomas Rimmer Charles s. of Charles Cooper Katherin d. of John Simson AVilliam s. of John Wakefield Thomas s. of John Duke ... Martha d. of George Tarvin Thomas s. of Richard Gardner William s. of John Rimmer John s. of John Graeton Joseph s. of John Marshall James s. of George AVhitlife John s. of Ann Marsden by John Booth James s. of Thomas Bennet Ellizabeth d. of Rice Adams Isaack s. of Edward Man ... Richard s. of John Lawson Ralph s. of John Sandiford James s. of Rich. Seddon ... Esther d. of Charles Ratclife John s. of John Banks 4 Aprill II14 JJ 13 13 6 1818 i8242727 3030 2 May 4 5 1417 2128 31 I June 5 S7 II18 19 20 22 24 2525 27 2 July 2 II 22 2528 2931 I Aug I 3 J J 3 1 693 CHRISTENINGS. 77 EUizebeth d. of Randle Gallaw-ay James s. of James Ackers John s. of Joseph Wright Tho. s. of Richard Garner Jane d. of John Dunn An d. of Joseph Smith Ellizabeth d. of John Marsh John s. of John Walls Edward s. of Richard Tasker Margret d. of Edward Ricroft Martha & Mary daus. of Gawther Morecroft AVilliam s. of Richard AA'ilson Katherin d. of John Kelly Mary d. of John Berthire John s. of Bryan Nickalson Ellin d. of James Marshall James s. of James Roberts Eleanor d. of John Plumb Ellizabeth d. of Edward Short Ellizabeth d. of John Birch Jane d. of Richard Wright Mary d. of Thomas Johnson John s. of Robert Gorsuch Richard s. of Thomas Dugdell John s. of Samuell AVarren Ellizabeth d. of Thomas AVilson John s. of Thomas Heys John s. of John Robinson An d. of Robert Middleton Tho. & Jane s. & d. of Lowranse Thomson Katherin d. of John Scarsbrick William s. of Hugh Addams Martha d. of William Prior Kathrin d. of John Tomson Elizabeth d. of John Pmerton [ ? Fcmberion] Thomas s. of Witt Rowlens Thomas s. of John Sanderson Elizabeth d. of Henery Atherton Richard s. of Severine Peeterson Tho. s. of John Lady Sarah d. of Will . Gorsteth Ann d. of John Marshell Thomas s. of Hermon AA'esthed Richard s. of William Dantson James s. of James Davis Henery s. of Richard Rose William s. of William Cropper John s. of William Christian Thomas s. of John Pilsbury 5 Aug. 7 11 14 26 1111 20 yt 2 2 It 27 tt 29 5 6 It Sep. 1 1 10 11 14 11 14 > 1 17 18 it11 2r 11 25 I 11 Oct. 5 1 1 S 11 10 1 f 10 11 14 11 19 J t 23 11 24 11 24 11 25 26 11 11 29 It 29 11 29 2 11 Nov. 2 8 It 11 14 11 15 It 19 ti 21 J J 2328 11 11 27 3 it Dec. 6 6 It tt 7 1 1 7 11 10 * ( ?8 LIVERPOOL REGISTERS (St. NICHOLAS). 1693-1694 John s. of John Larel Hannah d. of AVilliam Street ... Eleanor d. of AA'illiam Robinson 12 16 21 Dec. 169| Mary d. of George Cook Jonas s. of Henery Smith Margery d. of Richard Robinson Mary d. of Paul AA'aterhouse Jane d. of Thomas Bore Ellizabeth d. of AVilliam Ball .. Ellin d. of Abraham Smith Williams, of John Stiles Margret d. of Thomas Bickesteth Edward s. of Peter Eaton Francis s. of AVilliam Fowler .. Sarah d. of AVilliam Lloyd Jane d. of Nickolas Longworth Peter s. of Jeremiah Harrison .. Henery s. of Thomas Bradley .. Allice d. of Thomas Harrison .. AVilliam s. of John Balmer Richard s. of Edward Seddon . . Ann d. of Edward Howcroft Frances d. of James Beck An d. of John Thomson An d. of Hugh Diggles Hannah d. of Augustin Swift .. Bridget d. of AVilliam Croft .. Eleanor d. of Rodger Winstandley John s. of Robert Karefoot Hannah d. of AVilliam Hews Joshua s. of Mundick Lace James s. of Robert Johnson Jane d. of Seath Nailer Jan. 9 9 10 ^ 2 2425 25 29 I Feb 456 18 18 18 212626 26 27 I 2 6 6 9 12 25 29 March 1694. Mary & Marther daus. of AVitt Belling EHng d. of Thomas Thomson John s. of John Cleveland 2 Aprel Richard Warbrick, AA'arden Silvester Morecroft 1 694 CHRISTENINGS. 79 Richard s. of Richard Barnet 9 Aprill John s. of William Roe Eleanor d. of William Newport John s. of AVilliam Boats Thomas s. of Thomas Alcock Fairfax daughter of John AValker, Esq'° ... . Richard s. of Thomas Holland Margret d. of Humphrey Topping Thomas s. of Hugh Alcroft Ann d. of Edward Derby Ann d. of Thomas Anyon Richard s. of Gilbert Formby John s. of AA'illiam Risliton Robert s. of AVilliam AVilliamson Elizabeth d. of John AVilliamson Thomas s. of Thomas Charnock Mary d. of AA'illiam AVorall Rosamond d. of John Frances Jane d. of John Lintol Jane d. of John Crane Mary d. of John Clare Margret d. of Leonard Boar Margret d. of Ralph Leigh Mary d. of James Skiner John s. of Richard Higginson Ralph s. of John Royle Frances d. of Samuell Glover ^lary d. of Henery Bellendine Penelope d. of M' George Sharpies Sarah d. of Edward Tarleton William s. of William Spicer Amy d. of Edward Gafney Jemima d. of James Loyd John s. of James Kemp Thomas s. of James Kenion John s. of AVilliam AVebster Jane d. of William Bibby An d. of Thomas Battersby Jane d. of George Feris John s. of Richard Kilshaw William s. of Edmund Rigley Robert s. of William Fletcher James s. of Thomas Marrow Simon s. of John Rimmer Hannah d. of William Ben James s. of Allexander Hesketh Ellizabeth d. of Ralph Higinson Olivia d. of Robert Shields .-..-¦ 22 23 24 24 24 25 J. 26 „ I May I 3 5 10 10 17 28 3° 23 5 June 8 JJ 10 It 15 28 I 11 July I 11 I y 1 3 8 10 tt 10 11 13 11 19 11 19 It 22 I 11 Aug, I 3 11 4 11 5 8 li It 9 It 12 11 13 16 ti 23 11 24 26 iJ 26 LIVERPOOL REGISTERS (St. Ellizabeth d. of Thomas Brittain Ellizabeth d. of Thomas Mollynex Silvester s. of Silvester Morecroft Sarah d. of John Sandiford An d. of Edward Tyrer Ellizabeth d. of Richard Roeson Mary d. of Henery AVhittaker ... Ellin d. of Robert Stubs Richard s. of John Birch Edmund s. of Thomas Mitchell Thomas s. of James Letherbarrow An d. of William Bashford John s. of Rodger James Hannah d. of John Robinson ... Jane d. of James Gleast Martha d. of George Boardman Mary d. of Timothy Horsefield John s. of William Watts Ellin d. of Andrew Mackmorry John s. of William Higginson .. Geoge s. of Robert Brewer Sarah d. of Samuell Perry Katherin d. of Peter Southart .. John s. of Robert Shurlock Mary d. of John Toneard Margaret d. of Peter Rainford .. Ellizabeth d. of John Holt John s. of Thomas Spencer Elleanor d. of M' AVilliam Clayton John s. of John Serjant Sarah d. of AVilliam Rimmer . Mary d. of AVilliam Pope ... Edward s. of Edward Henshaw Harker s. of James Bushell Katherin d. of Humphrey Turner Margret d. of John Cowley John s. of Richard Roberts William s. of AA'illiam Glover .. Cattran d. of Jams Pimberton .. Thomas s. of John France AVilliam s. of AVilliam Furnivall Charles s. of AVilliam Lyon Ellizabeth d. of WilHam Shaw .. Thomas s. of Thomas Dod An d. of Joshua Maude Rachaell d. of John Thomson .. Richard s. of John Anderton .. An d. of M' Thomas Dobson .. NICHOLAS). 29 6 Aug. Sep. 9 JJ 14 JJ 17 J J 20 J J 23 JJ 30 2 Oct. 5 11 7 11 7 ? J i 9 11 1 1 11 13 11 IS16 y 1 i y 24 1 f 24 il 29 11 29 n 31 5 II Nov. 8 11 13 11 14 11 15 11 IS 18 26 3 It tt Jt Dec. 5 11 5 Jl I? 16 18 11 11 11 23 11 25 26 11It 27 11 29 I it Jan. 2 11 9 11 10 Jt 13 It 14 it 1694 I694-I69S CHRISTENINGS. 81 Dorothy d." of John Banks Henery s. of M' John Travis Johns, of John Marshall, porter An d. of Henery Blevin Margret d. of John Lawson John s. of Edmund Ball Sarah d. of John Whigh Rebecka d. of Thomas Corbin John s. of John Banister Mary d. of Samuell Baily An d. of Thomas Jumpe Robert & Ellizabeth s. & d. of Allexander Maudit son of John Ashworth Grace d. of James Cooper Cristopher s. of M' Richard Jones Ellizabeth d. of John Patten Ellizabeth d. of Edward Fearn Katherin d. of William Stockton Hanah d. of John Smith An d. of M' Silvester Richmond James s. of Samuell Warren James s. of John Marsh William s. of John Lyon Drury 31 Jan. 22 ? ' 21 JJ 23 JJ 30 3 JJ Feb. 10 11 13 11 13 11 17 It 17 it 23 tt 17 it 252628 4 ft1 1 11 March 10 It 10 1 1 14 tl 15 11 20 11 21 11 Silvester Morecroft, Warden Hugh Langford, Sidesman 1695. Ann d. of John Tilsdley Priciley d. of Jn" Richards James s. of James Saundersori ... Richard s. of Charles Dickinson Robert s. of Charles Ratlife Henry s. of Rouland Jones Gravill s. of Hugh Gibens Richmond s. of Richard Houghton W™ s. of Abraham Aldersey Jane d. of Tho. Johnson, jun. ... Andrew s. of Hugh Perry Henry s. of Richard Whitehead George s. of James Golden Jane d. of Jn" Taylor Johana d. of Henry Tyrer W™ s. of Henry Wathmough ... Joyce d. of Jn" Scazbrick Anne d. of Jn" Tinsley Jonathan s. of W" Anderton 25 March 27 JJ 27 2 Aprill 3 li 4 11 4 it II tl 19 It 19 11 21 It 21 It 24 il 25 28 II 11 29 I 6 11 May tt 82 LIVERPOOL REGISTERS (St. NICHOLAS). 169s :69s Tho. s. of Thomas Preston Mary d. of Tho. Arosmith Mary d. of Tho. Nutall AV™ s. of M' Jn° Cleaveland Tho. s. of John Cockshutt Christopher s. of Christopher Horner Henry s. of Henry Rigby ¦Mary d. of Jn° Dugles Sarah d. of Tho. Sweeting Tubell s. of Jn° Jeffes Mary d. of Jn° Greemvood Alee d. of Edward Man Sarah d. of James Davis Anne d. of Richard Wright Peter s. of Peter Stoctdon James s. of Joseph Alen Jn° s. of W™ Moud [ ?] James s. of Jno. Stiles Elizabeth d. of Jn" Hill Elizabeth d. of Bezakiell [?] Burges ... Catherin d. of Christopher Chamler Ruth d. of Severin Peterson Henry s. of Tho. Riiner Richard s. of Jn" Mercer Jacob s. of Jn" Stringer Henry s. of AV™ Crofts Elizabeth d. of Peter Rimmor, mariner Tho. s. of Jn° Dunn Mary d. of Richard Wilson Margrett d. of Charles Lumas [Lomax, see ISth, 1697] Anne d. of Randle Gallaway Elizabeth d. of M' Rich. Clayton ... Dorothy d. of Tho. Bennitt Martha d. of Rowland Anyon Anne d. of George Tarvin Edwards, of Edward Ackers Levenas s. of Levenas Hewston Rich. s. of Jonathan Higginson Alee d. of Rich. Cooper Henry s. of Henry Wright Dorrothy d. of George AA'ebb Sarah d. of Robert Illiard Elen d. of Rich. Singleton Margrett d. of Jn° Clayor Francis s. of Jeffry Croft Tho. s. of Richard Roe Tho. s. of Jn° Craine Feb 7 May 9 ti 13 tt 14 It 23 26 1111 31 it 3 6 June tt 7 ti 10 it 14 16 18 it tltt 20 28 11 tt 30 tt 30 4 6 tt July tt 7 ti 10 tt 10 it 14 18 Jl tt 24 11 25 11 25 It 3° 11 2 Aug. 14 18 18 it Jt it 20 Ji 24 Ji 25 4 it Sep. 5 8 tt11 17 tt 23 it 23 ti 24 ti 25 JJ 29 2 tt Oct. 8 t 1 1^95 CHRISTENINGS. 83 W" s. of Thomas Edwardson Elizabeth d. of Hew Ascroft AV" s. of Silvester Morecroft W™ s. of W™ Benden , Nicolas s. of Symon Clarke Joshua s. of Joshua Henshaw Elin d. of Paul Waterhouse Mathew s. of Richard Tasker George s. of George Whitelife Ann d. of Peeter Eaton John s. of Thomas Henshaw was born y' September and bap" y" 3'" of October Izabel d. of John Parks Elizabeth d. of Henery Warton Sarah d. of Robert Gorsuch Richard s. of James Beck Elizabeth d. of Jn" Rimor Henry s. of W™ Roe Joan d. of Anthony Agesse [ ?] Tho. s. of Jn" Hewes Elizabeth d. of Peter Lewis Rob' s. of Jn" Baumor Jn° s. of W" Elisson Tho. s. of Thomas Harrisson Tymothy s. of W™ Robinson Johana d. of Jn° Corbutt Mary d. of Jn" Brindle Roberts, of Jn" Wainewright Edmund s. of M' Tho. Mollinex ... . Danial s. of Timothy Horsfield Jn" s. of W™ Moxon James s. of Robert Carefoot Mary d. of James Kempe John s. of Jn° Anderton Charles s. of Nathanell Sayles Richard s. of Hugh Digles John s. of M' Richard Garner Anne d. of Richard Lathom John s. of Henry Robinson Thomas s. of Jams Pemberton Sarah d. of Thomas Lutner Caterin d. of AA'™ Couley Jane d. of Charles Cooper Hannah d. of Robert Bruer Ralfe s. of Ralfe Hinley Amey d. of W™ Ogles Elizabeth d. of W™ Sands Hannah d. of Rich. Owin . ... 8 Oct. . ... 9 tt 15 tt . ... 17 it . ... 17 it . ... 27 . ... I tt Nov. • •¦• 3 II • ••• 5 . ... 6 28 of 11II /9S 7 It . ... 14 11 . ... 17 J f . ... 17 ti 21 ; y I Dec. . ... 5 It . ... 10 •J II IJ 12 11 . ... 17 It 25 . ... 26 11 11 27 tt 31 tt 10 Jan. 9 1 f IS 16 f » y f r6 f 1 20 2 It Feb. 3 tl 4 >> 7 ) 1 13 if IS 18 11i y 18 11 18 11 23 tt 23 M 24 1 f 25 2 11 March 2 ) 1 84 LIVERPOOL REGISTERS (St. NICHOLAS). 1695-1696 James s. of Jn° Smoult Mary d. of Jn° Lutnor Joseph s. of Jn° Caterall Elizabeth d. of W™ Furnivall Jane d. of Michaell Short Thomas s. of Jn° Fells James s. of Thomas Spenser Beniamin & Gilbert sons of Jn° Marsall Mary d. of Jn° Sarjant Jn° s. of Robert Johnson Hillery s. of Thomas Bradley Thomas s. of W™ Jee Richard s. of Peter Ousey AV™ s. of Henry Tyrer Thomas s. of John Plumbe Elin d. of James Brounbill Sycilly d. of Richard Robinson James s. of James Strangwayes Edward s. of Jn° Tyrer 2 March 3 3 0 4 5 8 8 8 8 10 10 10 17 22 22 23 24 1696. Caterin d. of Thomas Crompton Thomas s. of Edward Porter ... Gilbert s. of Gilbert Levesley . . . Peter s. of Silvester Richmond ... Rachell d. of Thomas Mitchell Aprill Hugh Langford, chapell warden Joseph Briggs, sidsman Jn° s. of James Kenyon Mary d. of Thomas Winstanley Margrett d. of Jn" Ashworth Jane d. of James Mercer ... Jn" s. of Jn° Couley AV™ s. of Jn" Bland Martha d. of Thomas Wilson . Elizabeth d. of Charles Digles . William s. of Jn" Scasbrick Eligah s. of Eligah Cubham . Edw-ard s. of Edward Halsall . Elizabeth d. of W™ Fletcher . Jn" s. of John Rimor Elizabeth d. of W™ Croft ... . Thomas s. of Thomas Cowduck Anne d. of Edward Gafney Thomas s. of George Callasbey 14 Aprill 15 1 1 19 11 23 26 t i 11 27 tl 29 1 1 30 5 11 May 6 6 111 1 7 11 II 11 12 11 15 It 17 it 19 ti 1696 CHRISTENINGS. 8S borne Edmund s. of Edmund Rigley ... Elin d. of Gouther Moorecroft ... Jn° s. of Thomas Bamber Ralfe s. of James Gleast Elizabeth d. of Henry Unsworth Elisabeth d. of Thomas Patrick Robert & William sons of Robert Asbrooke Beresford s. of Robert Sheilds ... Cysley d. of Nicoles Rimmor . . . Hannah d. of John Digles Henry s. of Henry Valantine ... Margrett d. of Jn" Williamson ... Sarah d. of George Lyon Elizabeth d. of James Whitefeild Charles s. of Charles Hiliard . . . Anne d. of Edward Tarlton Mary d. of William Pope Mary d. of Roger Jones Robert s. of William Worrall ... Jane d. of Thomas Langford ... Hannah d. of John Lady Mary d. of Lorance Turner Elizabeth d. of James Marshall Sarah d. of George Holland Richard s. of Robert Biby Tho. s. of Thomas Bicksteth ... Hannah d. of Roger James James s. of James Bushell Caterine d. of Jerimiah Harrison Elin d. of James Loyd Mary d. of Seath Naylor Elin d. of John Lintell Ralfe s. of Mary Derby Sarah d. of Nicolas Longworth Lorance s. of Lorance Harrison Anne d. of W™ Royston Thomas s. of W™ Fulor Thomas s. of Thomas Smith ... Hannah d. of James Davis Thomas s. of George Naylor ... Martha d. of John Smalshaw . . . Dorothy d. of Jn" Cleaveland . . . Anne d. of Bryan Nicolson Elizabeth d. of W™ Loyde Aug. 20 George s. of W™ Danson Sep. 6 Aron s. of Severen Peterson Sep. 10 Thomas s. of John Birch Sep. 9 George s. of John White 21 May 26 28 31 31 I 2 2 77 10 II 13 18 21 23 25 30 30 I 3 7 7 10 1217 1919222223262727 55 6 II13 19 30 29 30 30 2 6 II14 June July Aug, Sep. 86 LIVERPOOL REGISTERS (St. NICHOLAS). 1696 696 borne Sep. 19 AVilliam s. of William Hudleston ,, Sep. 16 .\nne d. of Nicoles Toby ... . ,, Sep. 24 William s. of James Cooper Sep. 23 William s. of W™ Ball ... . Sep. 23 William s. of AVilliam Hews Sep. 23 Margery d. of Edward Nicolson 15 Johns, of Witt Sedon ... . Sep. 23 Margrett d. of Tho. Tinsley Sep. 30 Thomas s. of Peter Raineford . Oct. 21 Elizabeth d. of Henry Cock Sep. 25 Anne d. of M' Richard Clayton . Oct. 14 EHzabeth d. of M' W" Swettnham Nov. 5 Margrett d. of W™ Laithwaite Nov. 18 George s. of John Howard ... Dec. 5 Mary d. of William Basford Dec. 8 Demeras daughter of James Letherbarrow Henry s. of John Joynson Thomas s. of John Marshall Henry s. of Andrew Mackmurrey Mary d. of John Smith James s. of William Hurst Elizabeth d. of William Watts .. Elizabeth d. of Peter Ridford .. Margrett d. of Henry Hart Richard s. of James Macinson .. Margrett d. of Richard Boyce .. Richard s. of James Stevenson .. Edward s. of AVilliam Lyon Nicolas s. of Richard Garnor .. Richard s. of Charls Dickeson, borne 6 of October & bap' ii"" Feb. I John s. of John Cockshutt Feb. I Elizabeth d. of Edward Tyrer Jane d. of John Walls Feb. 4 Richard s. of John Gamond J J 10 John s. of John Johnson ,j 12 Andrew s. of James Donell JJ 13 John s. of James Bibby ,, 21 Margrett d. of Charles Heyes .. ]SIar. 1 Hannah d. of William Robinson ,, 8 James s. of John France ,, 10 William s. of AVilliam Higginson ., 13 Margrett d. of Savige Leich 12 John s. of Richard Lathom ,, 14 Amie d. of AA'illiam Rimor ,, 18 Catrine d. of Rob' Shoriock ,, 16 Alee d. of Charles Lucas Jan.Jan. Jan.Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. 14 Jan. 19 Jan. 21 Jan. 22 16 24 Sep. 24 JJ 24 ,, 29 ,, I Oct. 3 JJ 21 ,, 4 JJ 7 JJ 30 .. 4 .. 3 Nov. 5 » 23 JJ 15 Dec. 8 J, 17 J. 30 " 6 Jan. 7 -J 10 ,, 10 ,, 1216 ,, 20 27 24 J> 29 28 ,, 4 Feb. S >. 9 JJ II IJ 14 JJ 16 ,j 1925 JJ 12 March 13 16 ,, 16 ,, 18 „ 18 „ 21 ,, 24 JJ Joseph Briggs Adam Bury i697 CHRIS'IENINGS. 87 born March 26 11 IS 15 it Aprill 5 It 11 I tl 11 I 11 11 I 11 11 I 11 11 8 ti ii 7 tl 11 6 It ti 9 it il 15 tl 11 17 II It 12 It Jt 12 il ii 17 1 1 it 23 IJ 11 26 11 11 28 11 May 6 It it 5 it tt 14 it it 9 ij i 1 17 ti 11 23 it it 28 11 11 16 ) 1 June 5 it May 28 tt June 3 11 ij 4 It it 5 ii May 3° it 1 1 27 11 June 6 it 11 9 It 11 5 11 It 19 II it 24 1 1 11 22 it J J 23 tl 11 4 tl 11 5 Ji it 19 1697. Josephs, of Joseph Bean Allexander s. of Tho. Woodward Mary d. of James Beck Nickalas s. of Thomas Mitchell Margret d. of John Diggels Seser son of AV™ Cock Jane d. of John Whigh Marg' d. of Robt. Stubs Mary d. of John Taylor Marg' d. of George Taylor Alee d. of Thomas Spencer Martha d. of John Parks An d. of James Accas Ellin d. of John Mills Mundick s. of Murdick Lace John s. of Henry Preston Thomas s. of Thomas Spencer .. George s. of Catherine Gorsuch .. Philip s. of Tho. Harrison Richard s. of Humphery Toping Alee d. of Nichalas Hatton William s. of Thomas Corlel [ ?] John s. of John Taylor Sarah d. of Samuel Wareing Joseph s. of Joseph Bentley Ruth d. of John Sinson Simon s. of Charles Cooper Mary d. of Rich" Right Catherine d. of Rich" Jones Jennet d. of Thomas Harper George s. of James Brownbill .. Joseph s. of Hugh Gibbons Thomas s. of Hen. Whartton W™ s. of John Plumb An d. of John Ashworth Penellapey d. of W™ Moss Eliz. d. of Cha. Radclife John s. of John Cooley James s. of John Francis Edward s. of William Row John s. of Richard Waneright ., Mary d. of John Tyrer Mary d. of John Patton Jams s. of Henry Whitfield Anthony s. of John Banister Marg' d. of W™ Christion ... . 29 March 3 Apr. 5 J J / JJ 10 J J T r J J II J J 12 JJ 12 J J IS J J 18 J J 20 JJ 20 JJ 21 J J 0 ¦, J J 27 JJ 28 J J ^ May 2 11 4 i 1 9 11 II 11 17 It 20 11 25 1 1 31 1 1 2 June 3 Jl 5 11 6 11 6 11 8 11 8 } 1 8 y 1 28 May 10 June 14 11 18 1 i 22 It 25 tt 28 11 28 tt 10 11 IS ti 22 It 88 LIVERPOOL REGISTERS (St. NICHOLAS). 1697 born June 28 11 11 28 il 11 July 26 3 10 11 It II } f 11 15 11 11 15 11 fl 19 11 Jl 28 itII Aug. 31 I 11 11 9 11 11 3 11 11 14 11 ft 14 i 1 ,, 23 .' y 11 12 tl 11 i8 it J J 1 1 11 2316 11 11 21 ItttIJ Itit It It1 1 Sep. Aug. Sep. 11 24 28 4 26 12 8 it 11 19 1111 i 1 19 17 11 It 21 11 11 y 1 II21 • f Oct. 23 3 y ' 1 i 11 ) J Sep. Oct. 4 23 3 I y 1 9 11 y 1 9 13 It 14 14 11 19 1 y It ^3 26 An d. of Tho. Charnock Maryd. of Tho. Ball Sarah d. of Severen Peterson Hannah d. of Bryon Blundel Marg' d. of John Birch Mary d. of Tho. Corbin Hen. s. of Edw" Darbey John s. of John Richards James s. of Tho. Beck Tho. s. of John Waneright Tho. s. of Tho. Britton W"s. of W™ Moxon Iseball d. of Richard Singelton . . Marg* d. of Tho. Gerrard John s. of Tho. Marrow Rob' s. of Sain Runckhorn Alee d. of Josias Lutner Sarah d. of AA"™ Denton Hannah d. of W™ Street Eliz: & An daus. of Tho. AVilliamson Susan d. of Rich" Owin Edm" s. of Edmund Ball Janethan s. of Janethan Higinson Gilbert s. of James Sutton Marg' d. of Hen. Warbrick Alee d. of Jonas Keynyon Tho. s. of Tho. Jump Geo. s. of Cutbert Sharpels Alee d. of Law. Hoole John s. of Henry Quee [spelled Quay elsewhere] Eliz : d. of Edw" Marcer AV™ s. of Tho. Thomson ... . An d. of Eliz. Morris John s. of An Biggins Rachell d. of Edw" Barrow... Mary d. of Hen. Smith ... . Tho. s. of Rob' James Catharine d. of Gilbert Formby AV™ s. of Peter Lewis Eliz. d. of Rich" Hougton ... . John s. of John Tilsley ... . Rich" s. of Geo. Simson ... . Chris, s. of James Glest ... . An d. of John Bamber ... . Hillery son of Tho. Bradlev Jane d. of AV™ Flecher "... . John s. of John Lawson Mary d. of Jos. Roe I July 6 ,, 29 June 8 July 18 „ 19 JJ 19 JJ 21 ,, 2 Aug. 5 J. 10 „ 12 „ 15 JJ 17 J. 19 27 ,j 19 JJ 20 „ 23 JJ 24 JJ 29 J. 31 7 Sep. 9 JJ 10 15 JJ 1622 ,, 24 J. 28 „ 29 29 22 5 Oct. 5 'J 5 JJ I 13 •> 14 JJ 17 ,. 19 JJ 15 .' 11 17 20 „ 26 „ 28 ., i697 CHRISTENINGS. 89 born Oct. 24 IJ 29 ) J 30 tl Nov. 24 5 Oct. 22 Nov. 8 11 II tt 14 1111 20 28 11 25 11 23 11 Dec. 13 8 ii11 10 16 11 23 f 1 3 11 19 11 11 22 18 Jan. 2 J J 19 J 1 11 20 6 11 3 11 3 Itit Feb 30 28 2 11 4 Jan. 20 11 2 1} 23 11 24 1 f 2 JJ 24 Feb. 10 11 9 IJ 13 y 1 14 11 13 JJ 19 11 11 it 19 18 26 111 1 2526 Martha d. of Peter Stokdin Hanah d. of Tho. Brooks Rich" s. of Pall Waterhouse Mary d. of AV™ Ben AV™ s. of W™ Houghton Mary d. of W™ Heword John s. of John Walker Goodwin s. of John White An d. of Rich" Wilson Jane d. of Tho. Arasmith Timothy s. of Tho. AVhitlow John s. of John Smallshaw James s. of W™ Bendon Jane d of Rich" Higginson ... . Mary d. of John Banks And. of W™ Ward Edw" s. of W™ Webster Isack s. of Tho. Battersbey ... . Marg' d. of Hen. Watmough ... . Ellin d. of John Robertson ... . W™ s. of W™ Pluckington Hanah d. of Rich" Poole Hannah d. of Michell Short ... . Jane d. of Tho. Boore John s. of W™ Gee James s. of Rich" Right Ruth d. of John Killingham ... . Tho. s. of Rob' Floyd Johns, of W™ Ogle Martha d. of Joseph Eaton ... . Tho. s. of Tho. Allingson Geo. s. of John Fells Christion dau. of Peter Eaton ... Hen. s. of Rob' Hilliard Hugh s. of Tho. Lanckford Pall s. of John Anderton Marmyduck s. of Marmyduck Deane Marg' d. of W™ Shaw Sarah d. of Charles Lomax Alee d. of DanieU Tellit Catherine d. of Hen. Blevin Tho. s. of John Dun John s. of Rob' Seacum Edw" s. of John Parker Eliz. d. of James Norris Ann d. of Peter Linniker Marg' d. of Hugh Perrey Hen. s. of Ja. Strangway Eliz. d. of Sam Glover 31 Aug. 2 Nov. 3 il 4 1} 9 J> 10 11 14 11 16 11 18 tJ 25 It 29 11 2 Dec. I 11 7 11 14 1 7 16 11 23 11 25 ,T 27 11 27 J J 27 J ' 5 Jan. 9 il 25 11 30 11 9 M 10 il 10 ti 8 Feb 3 11 8 tl II 11 27 it 26 Jan. 27 1 1 28 11 5 11 2 Feb IS )) 18 It 17 i 1 17 tt 23 11 24 11 28 ti I Mai 4 1 J 8 11 S 11 90 LIVERPOOL REGISTERS (St. NICHOLAS). 1697-1698 horn Feb. 27 March i JJ 13 ,, 16 ,, 18 Aprill 3 7 8 II 6 17 13 7 AV™ s. of Tho. Molenaux ... Eliz. d. of John Lutner AV™ s. of John Thomson John s. of Sam Truman Martha d. of Levenias Huston AV™ s. of AV™ Heys John s. of Ja. Pinington John s. of W™ Fisher Jo" s. of Hen. Whittiger Tho. s. of Edward Clifton ... An d. of Ja. Gibbins Tho. s. of W™ Cropper W™ s. of Jo" Crane Martha d. of John Scasebrik 8 March 14 16 J J 24 JJ 31 3 Aprill 10 1 1 12 11 14 11 20 1 1 6 11 2426 26 1 f 11 11 Adam Bury, wardin John Lady, sides. born Aprill 8 11 11 29 11 11 30 11 Jl 27 11 May 10 Jt 6 It y J 8 it J J 12 11 11 II J f 11 y 1 1 1 II 14 i f 11 17 It June 5 11 11 12 11 11 18 11 11 26 11 11 25 11 11 24 y i 11 23 It tl 28 11 Jully II It 11 6 11 It 12 It It 6 Jt 1 1 14 11 11 iO 11 11 9 Ji fi II tt 17 x8 11698]. Mary d. of Abraham Aldersay Margrett d. of Roger Jones Edward & Ann s. & d. of Jn" Rice Tho. s. of Ralfe Rogores ... Jn" s. of James Litherbaro ... Ann d. of Henery Hougdson Lucy d. of Jn" Noblitt Witti s. of Tho. DochiH ... Ann d. of James Ackares ... EUizebeth d. of W™ Naylor EUizebeth d. of W™ Robinson Will s. of Gorge Whitly . . . Else d. of James Riggly Jn" s. of Edw'ard Heyes Edmond s. of Jn° Partrige . . . Jerimiah s. of Jerim"* Bentlly Olifer s. of Henry Mullenex Sarah d. of Jn" Plume Peeter s. of Jn" Ashworth ... Margrett d. of Niclos Tomson Luke s. of Severine Peeterson Thomas s. of Thomas Heyes Esille d. of W™ Sands Elline d. of Enok Standly . . . William s. of Tho. Hadshaw James s. of Jn" Fillipes Else d. of W" Danson Anne d. of Jn" Robinson Robert s. of Ric. Robinson 27 Aprill 4 May 6 „ 8 JJ 15 JJ 16 17 JJ 17 j> 17 ,j 18 „ 19 JJ 24 JJ 15 [June] 21 22 ,, 26 „ 27 JJ 28 ,, 5 Jully 8 „ 1212 14 J. 1418 ,, 18 ,J 21 21 ,, 22 1698 CHRISTENINGS. 91 born JuUy 11 a 14 16 11 it 23 11 ii J J Aug. 27 4 11 it 12 It it 22 ii it tt tt 98 11 st 10 It it J J Sep. J J Aug. JJ Sep. J J Aug. 30 7 29 3 18 J J Sep. 10 11 11 19 „ Oct. 19 2 ,j Sep. „ Oct. 30 J, Sep. J J Oct. 29 8 11 It 14 it 11 19 11 It 14 11 11 27 tt it 23 it it ,j Nov. 24 2 tt it 4 11 JJ 19 it it tJ ii 5 18 tt Si 27 SI li 30 It it „ Dec. 24 I 11 11 2 11 It 11 It 8 18 il J J 7 It ii 23 11 11 22 tt 11 31 II It 31 11 Jan. 9 it il it it I 16 Ruth d. of James Chadok Jeane dau. of W™ Roe Mary d. of Jn° Lintode Ogustin s. of Thomas AVood w^ard Thomas s. of Hugh Diggles ... . Margrett d. of W™ Clayton, Esq. . John s. of Tho. Rimmor Else d. of Edmond Riggly Margrett d. of W™ Swetnam ... . Elizebeth d. of Samuell AVaring ... . Mary d. of Jespor Eaton Mary d. of Tho. Foster Elizabeth d. of Cha. Cooper ... . Jonathan s. of John Marser ... . Sarah d. of James Cempe Ann d. of Tho. C . . . . [illegible]. Elizabeth d. of Nathen Canerday Elizabeth d. of Rob. Shields ... . Jane d. of Henrey Ounsworth ... . Eliz"" d. of Nichels Rimer Eliss d. of Rob' Bibey Rich. s. of Rich. Rigley Tubal s. of Tho. Michel Elizab"' d. of John Johnson John s. of William Bashford ... . Rich. s. of John Rimer Elizabeth d. of Rich. Galley ... . Witt s. of Tho. Bixteath Elin d. of Sheath Naylor Margreatt d. of John Marsh ... . Jane d. of John Smallshaw George s. of James Kenyon ... . Henery s. of Rich. Houghton Jackobe s. of John Smallshaw ... Elizab"" d. of Ceaveler Christion Mary d. of Rich. Boone Rob* s. of Henery Smith Margrey d. of Edward Hemhlaw] . Henrey s. of James Fleettwood ... Susanah d. of John Fargeson ... . Rich. s. of Jeramih Harinson ... Pauli s. of John Wackfilde Andrew s. of Jaf ery Croft Marey d. of Witt Ellinsone ... . Elizabeth d. of John Bushell ... . John s. of Johnathen Higginson ... . Witt s. of Rich. Suthart Catherine d. of Thomas Dudley... . IsabaU d. of Savige Leech , 19 July • 24 • 31 I Aug 8 . 28 ¦ 25 . 16 • 17 ¦ 17 • 5 Sep. 8 8 8 10 • 15 • 27 • 27 6 [Oct • 7 9 • 9 • 13 • 27 I Nov. I • 3 • 3 ¦ 4 10 . 16 . 24 • 24 . 28 4 Dec. 4 8 8 ¦ 12 • 16 ¦ 21 21 ¦ 27 . 28 3 Jan. • 5 12 12 19 92 LIVERPOOL REGISTERS (St. NICHOLAS). 1698-1699 )orn an. 24 11 11 21 11 11 25 11 11 27 27 27 26 ) ) 11 „ Feb. 31 2 J J J' 2 JJ Jan. „ Feb. 25 15 ) t 11 5 } ' If 17 r ' y y 24 II f 1 21 ,, March 4 JJ 11 5 ',', Feb. 4 26 ,, March 10 J J J J 18 IS , 21 20 22 born March 31 April 53 2 4 9 9 1010 101016 1316 20 24 14 Ann d. of Abraham Smith John s. of Henrey Houghton Witt s. of Witt Ducksbury John s. of Witt Fuller AVitt s. of Charles Ratclife AA'itt s. of John Lady John s. of John Gore John s. of John Greenewood Edward s. of Marmeducke Dayn... Ralph s. of John Johnson Timothy s. of John Cockshad [Coc/ Janed. of Will Suthert Valantine s. of William Rollins... Elin d. of William Croft Rob' s. of Thomas Becke Eliner d. of Tho. Bamber Constantine dau. of Jo. Whitte . . . George s. of Rich. Johnson AVitt s. of Edward Nicholson Joseph s. of John Cliveland Tho. s. of Tho. Amery Tho. s. of Tho. Deane Rich. s. of Rich. Poole Margreat d. of Joh. Stand[l]y [ ?] Francies d. of Silvester Richmond Tho. s. of WiH Part 1699. Beniamen s. of Jo" Dredge Isack s. of Jo" CatroU Jo" s. of Henery Hart Isable d. of George Lyon Rich. s. of Rich. Roe Jo" s. of Henery Radford Ester d. of Nickolas Longworth . . . Rich. s. of Rich. Roberts Mary d. of Jo" Rothweel Margreat d. of George Tarvin ... Hanah d. of Witt Hudlston Mary d. of Peter Suthert AVitti s. of Witti Fletcher, marriner Eliz. d. of Sam. Burne [ ?] James s. of Hew Corkhill Tho. s. of Tho. Boore, carter ... Fortond dau. of John Orell ... 26 Jar . ... 27 11 ... 29 ii ... 31 y 1 2 Feb. ¦J ... „ J 1 ¦•• 5 11 ... 4 11 ... 7 11 ... 7 1 y hut] 8 11 ... 21 it 21 f ' ... 28 J y ... 28 1 ) 21 , , ... 7 March ... 12 11 ... 13 li ... 14 It ... 16 1 1 ... 19 11 21 11 ... 24 1 1 2 3 11 ... 28 11 John Lady Cha. Diggles ... 2 April ¦ •• II il • ¦• 12 t ... 16 1 II y ... 13 s ... 19 1 ... 13 1 •¦ 16 1 ... 16 .•¦ 16 -> -< -.1 ' ... 14 1 I May 2 11 •¦¦ 3 1 i699 CHRISTENINGS. 93 born May 6 Rob' s. of Lawrence Buttler ,, ,, 7 Witti s. of John Tomson 8 Eliz. d. of Rich. Wilson ,, ,, 3 Grace d. of Joseph Briggs, draper „ ,, 2 AVitti s. of Witti Denton, clerke ,, ,, 10 Hen. s. of John Berch, salor ,, ,, 14 Isack s. of John Evenson ,, ,, 10 John s. of AVitti Bushell ,, ,, 15 Alice d. of Jo" Whiteley, marriner ,, ,, 18 James s. of John Cowley, salor ,, ,, 17 John s. of James Norres, marriner ,, ,, 21 Rob' s. of Lawrence Harrinson ,, ,, 27 Eliz. d. of Gravell Purifie, mar ,, ,, 17 Tho. s. of Tho. Spencer, shoomaker .. . ,, ,, 22 Eliz. d. of John Plum, carter ,, ,, 30 John s. of Rich. Diggles, salor ,, ,, 29 Witti s. of Witti Coates, salor ,, ,, 27 Rob' s. of Hugh Kinley, salor ,, ,, 19 Frances d. of Tho. Coare, wine cooper ,, ,, 31 Barthya d. of John Stringer, salor ,, ,, 28 Elin d. of John Anderton, shoomaker... ,, June 3 Margreat d. of Rich. Singleton, salor... „ ,, 6 Edw. s. of Edward Seddon, talor ,, ,, 13 Rih s. of Tho. Brittane, marriner ,, „ 14 Eliz. d. of Witti Hughes ,, ,, 18 Eliz. d. of Jonothan Mulline, ship-ca. JJ JJ 25 John s. of John Carter, ship-carpinter I J J J 30 Alice d. of Geo. Simpson [?] marriner ,, July 8 Lawrence s. of Thomas Corlel John s. of Gouther Cerfoot, saylor J J ,, 6 Jane d. of Philemon Towns, geager [?] J J J, II Edmonds, of Edmond Ball, marrier... ,, ,, 15 Elizabeth d. of Tho. Ball, aterney ... JJ JJ 19 John s. of Rowland Jones, joyner JJ ,j 20 Elin d. of Rich. Rimer, saylor J J ,j 19 Elizabeth d. of W™ Houghton, sadler J J J J 23 John s. of John Parkes, naveagater ... J J J J 31 Ann d. of John Whigh, carp" ,, Aug. 6 Rob' s. of Rob' Sacome, inhoulder ... JJ JJ 13 John s. of George Holand, carp' ,, ,, 18 Will. s. of Edward Heys, cooper J, ,j 22 Grifeth s. of Will. Bibey, bricklay. ... JJ JJ 22 Margreat d. of Rob. Berchall J J J J 16 Frences d. of Levinas Hewston, mer'... ,, Sep. 2 AVill s. of Rich. Latham, taylor ,, ,, 6 Elizabeth d. of Tubal Thomson, say'... ,, Aug. 3 James s. of James Tarrlton, naylor ... ,, Sep. 6 Edward s. of Roger James, carp" ,, 6 James s. of PaU Watterhous 9 May 10 It 11 it II 11 12 It 15 11 17 iJ 18 ii 19 11 23 11 0 1 20 11 24 a 28 11 29 Jl 29 JJ 31 11 I June I J J I 11 6 11 9 11 6 11 12 tl 22 11 22 st 26 JJ 29 tt 3 July II 11 13 tt 20 11 15 25 it 23 11 23 IJ 27 II 6 Aug '3 11 17 11 22 y i 27 It 30 11 30 1 1 5 Sep. 8 11 S ? 1 fl It 94 LIVERPOOL REGISTERS (St. NICHOLAS). 1699 born Sep. 24 James s. of James Townsend, draper... 26 Sep. ,, ,, 24 Jane d. of Will. Cowduck, labror ... i Oct. ,, ,, 26 James s. of Henery Balandine, mar — 28 Sep ,, ,, 25 John s. of Tho. Bradley, tide-water ... 3 Oct. ,, ,, 30 AA'ill. s. of Rob. Shurlecar, brick-1. ... 9 ,, John s. of Nicholes Hatten, sayl. ... 10 ,, ,, Oct. 6 Clement s. of Clement Sales 12 ,, ,, ,, 6 James s. of John Plumb, terney 8 ,, ,, ,, 8 Margreat d. of John Tildsley 16 ,, ,, ,, 6 Else d. of Franceas Latherbarow ... 19 ,, ,, ,, 14 AV™ s. of James Lythgoe, inhoP 23 ,, ,, ,, 21 Mary d. of Josies Lutner 34 jj ,, ,j 22 Owen s. of Peter Eaton, statchner ... 22 ,, ,j JJ 18 Hanah d. of Edmund Ball, savl. ... 22 ,, ,j J, 23 AViU s. of Win Bibey ' 26 ,, JJ JJ 27 Ann d. of WiU Gee, moister 30 ,, JJ JJ 26 Tho. s. of Win Oagles, tide-water ... 30 ,, JJ 16 Tho. s. of John Banester, spring-mak. 30 ,, ,, Nov. I Sereah d. of AA'™ Benn, sayloi- 7 Nov. ,, Oct. 28 Edward s. of James Gibons, mar. ... 13 ,, ,. Nov. 19 Isabel d. of Cristepher Adkinson ... 19 ,, ,, ,, 18 Jo" s. of James Lloyd, sailour 21 ,, ,, ,, 17 Edward s. of AVill. Lorance, sailor ... 22 ,, ,, ,, 20 Jo" s. of Tho. Molyneux, attorney ... 23 ,, ,, ,, 19 Maryd. of Lorance Hoole 24 ,, 16 Elin d. of M' Tho. Johnson, mar' ... 28 ,, ,, ,, 21 Edwards, of James Gleast, atorney ... 30 ,, ,, .. 27 Elizabeth d. of Edward Clifton, pain. 3 Dec , , , . 20 James s. of James Sanderson 3 , , J, ,j 21 Bastin s. of Jo" Waiuwright, carver ... 5 ,, ,, 23 George s. of Peter Lewis, watch' ... 6 ,, Dec. 3 Tho. s. of John Giuldus, barb' 7 jj ,, ,, 13 Elizabeth d. of John Short 17 ,, ,, 15 Rachell d. of James Danson 19 ,j JJ 24 John s. of Joseph Eaton 29 jj , , , , 26 Mary d of Alexander Smith 4 Jan. ,, ,, 24 Kathrin d. of Peter Rainford, gard'... 4 ,, JJ ,. 29 AVill. s. of AA'ill Christian, sailour ... 3 jj J J J J 28 Mary d. of AVill Flourst, carter 3 jj ,, Jan. 6 John s. of WUl. Noblett, taylor 16 jj 7 Rob' s. of Tho. Lath wood 16 jj J. ,, 9 Henrey s. of John Crane 16 ,• J J .. 31 Iseball d. of John Rimor, sailor ... 5 Feb. 31 Jo" s. of Will. Fornefall, inhould' ... 13 ,, Feb. I AViU. s. of Rich. Whitehead, shoo' ... 11 ,, ., 4 Cathrine d. of Jo" Patten 13 ,, 9 Isable d. of Jo" Barnes n ., 9 Sibell d. of John Barns, shoomaker ... 11 ,, ,j 12 Jane d. of Jo" Molyneux, watch' 20 ,, 1699-170° CHRISTENINGS. 95 born Feb. 1320 21 27 1728 29 27 March iI 35 74 7 12 9 7 II Cha. s. of Cha. Radclife, watchma' , James s. of Tho. Luttner Martha d. of James Warin Joseph & Benjamen sons of Hen Qua Ann d. of Tho. Garratt, carpent' Johnathan s. of Joh" AVallker Alice d. of James Accers Ann d. of Jo" Smalshaw Margreat d. of Tho. Tyror AA'ill s. of AVill Robinson, coop' ... Elizabeth d. of Ralph Seacom ... Ann d. of Henery Moleys Ann d. of Jo" Farer, saylor Will s. of Tho. Williamson, rop' John s. of John Seacome Elin d. of Rich. Reainford Ann d. of M' David Mories Fiainsis s. of Frainsis Scott Ann d. of Will Moxon Margreat d. of M' Rich. Houghton .. 21 Feb. .. 27 J 1 .. 27 .. 28 ¦• 3 ItIt March ¦ 36 J J 1 1 10 .. 6 11 •• 7 It ... 14 ... 6 It It ... 12 11 ... 14 Jl ... 14 ... 18 Jl 11 ... 19 11 21 11 ... 21 11 ... 21 11 Cha. Diggles Cha. Radclife 17 2430 21 18 27 1700. born March 14 Ann d. of Humphrey Topping, of Dale Street, skinner ,, ,, 23 Ann d. of Thomas Spencer, of Lord Street, carter Amy d. of William Bendon, of Red Cross Street, blockmaker Elizabeth d. of John Hamond of Jugler Street, draper Elizabeth d. of Palmer Vicars of Red Cross Street, gent John s. of Joseph Row of Tythe Barn Street, taylor James s. of Abram Alder-sey, gent Ann d. of AVilliam Swetenham, gent ... Hugh s. of John Thompson of y' Castle Hey, sailor Aprill I Alice d.'of Thomas Charnock, of Jugler Street, saylor 3 Henry s. of Henry Whitfield of y" Back of y" Castle, sailor 9 ,, 8 Cuthbert s. of Cuthbert Sharpies, mayor 10 March 30 Joshua s. of Thomas Heys, marriner... lo „ 17 Mary d. of W" Clayton; merch'' ... 3 March I Aprill 2 12 3 75 96 LIVERPOOL fcBGISTERS > 2 Mary d. of John Wainwright of Lord Street, tobaoonist JJ 12 Margery d .of Rob' Quaile of Dry Bridge, sailor JJ 12 Jane d. of James Troughton of Lord Street, taylor ,, 12 Lawrence s. of Thomas Harrison of John Street 21 J J 20 Thomas s. of Thomas Threllfull, of Old Hall Street, sailor 24 23 July 24 it 26 It I Aug. 5 tt 13 tt 15 tl 15 ti 19 tt 20 tt 3 Sep. 16 JJ 18 JJ 23 j> 24 JJ 3 Oct. 6 tt 9 It 9 It 9 tt 10 » J IS ti 16 11 98 LIVERPOOL REGISTERS, (St. NICHOLAS). 1700 00 born Oct. 16 John s. of Pall AA'atterhous 24 Oct. ,, 13 Elizabethd. of George AA'hiteclif of Dale Street, ship-carpender 24 ,, ,, 19 Ann d. of Roger James, of Moor Street, ship-carpender 25 ,, J, 22 Robert s. of Hugh Corkhill of Moor Street, taylor 28 Nov. 3 Thomas s. of John Henshaw of Chappell Street, sailor 6 [Nov.] ,, 3 Elizabeth d. of Henry Whitaker of y' back of y° Castle, sugar-boyler ... g Oct. 28 Elizabethd. of John Lawson of Atherton Street, sailor jt- Nov. 6 Elizabeth d. of John Siddall of Red " Cross Street, skinner j^ ,, 20 James s. of James Pennington of Lord Street, labourer 24 ,, 22 Elizabeth d. of Peter Lyon of Dale Street, taylor 27 ,, 24 Elizabeth d. of James Leatherbarrow of Dale Street, carter 27 ,j 16 Margrett d. of John Geast of Lord " Street, labourer j jy^^ ,, 29 Elizabeth d. of James AVarrener of Preestons Row, taylor 2 ,, 24 Thomas s. of Edw-ard Henshaw- of Dale " Street, blacksmith . Dec. I Edmond s. of Edmond Carr of y" Isle " of Man ' . 3 Bryan s. of AVilliam Holme of John Street, mason 6 Mary- d. of Joseph Allen of Moor Street, sailor JJ I William s. of WUliam Marsh of Tythe- " Barn Street, husbandman n 3 Daniell s. of John Scarsbrick of Moor Street, marriner j2 IJ 9 Ann d. of AVilliam Houghton of Dale " Street, collar-maker jc ,, 10 John s. of Thomas Potter and Eliz. AVebster of Hyton 21 17 John s. of Henry Ounsworth of Tythe Bam Street, bricklaver ,2 23 John s. of John Linthall of Moor Street, wine-cooper ' , JJ 10 Thomas s. of Richard Robinson of Castle " Street, cobler ^ 3 Thomas s. of Enoch Stanley of Harrington " Street, skinner 24 ,, 26 Dec 27 11 7 Jan. 14 IS IS it 10 It 20 11 1700 CHRISTENINGS. 99 horn Dec. 18 Sarah d. of Samuell Runckhorn of Atherton Street, carpender „ 23 John s. of Richard Row of Castle Street, sailour Jan. 5 Ellen d. of John Rice of Tythe Barn Street, sailour ,, I John s. of Robert Birch of Dale. Street, carpender ,, 8 Katherine d. of William Lyon, over y" Poole, roper ,, 7 AVilliam s. of George Simpson, of Common Garden, marriner 8 Rachell d. of Michaell Short of Dale Street, butcher , , 12 Elizabeth d. of Robert Seacome of Water Street, inkeeper ,, 6 Alice d. of M' John Cleaveland of Dale Street, merch' ,, 4 Ann d. of Daniel Whittle of Launcelotts Hey, sailour , J 13 Alice d. of James Chadwick, over y° Poole ,, 28 Jane d. of Thomas Ellison and Judith Parks of Derby J J 20 Margarett d. of John French, Back o'th Castle, porter ,j 30 Susanna d. of Robert Fletcher of Lord Street ,, 26 Mary d. of William Chadwick of Dale Street, labourer ,j 28 Samuell s. of Thomas Laithwood of Dale Street, collar-maker ,, 22 AVilliam s. of John Weight of Dale Street, wheelwright J J 29 Judith d. of William Younger, of Tythe Bam Street, carpender Feb. 8 Janed. of John Rothwell of Launceletts Hey, sailour Jan. 29 John s. of William Denton of Dale Street, coustomer Feb. 14 Sarah d. of William Seddon of Tythe Barn Street, blacksmith ,, 20 Elizabeth d. of James Ackers of Dale Street, currier ,, 19 Elizabeth d. of Richard Whiteside of Red X Street, labourer ,, 15 Susanna d. of Samuell Glover of Jugler Street, joyner ,, 26 Philip s. of Robert Bibby of Cable Street, joyner 22 7 J 23 11 29 tt 30 ti 2 Feb. 2 tl 4 II 5 11 9 tl 13 11 13 tt 20 11 26 1 1 26 11 26 tt 3 March loo LIVERPOOL REGISTERS (St. NICHOLAS). 1700-1701 born March 4 Mark s. of John Philips of Moorefields, sailour 7 March , , 4 George s . of John Grifith of Jugler Street , barber 10 , , 2 Elizabeth d. of Richard Halsall of Jugler Street, sailour 10 8 Elizabeth d. of William Bashford, of Castle Street, distiller 13 Feb. 26 George s. of John Cockshutt, of Chappell Street, merch' 13 March 1 1 William s. of John Fells of Cooke Street, horse-hyrer 17 ,, 13 Elizabeth d. of James Saunderson of Chappell Street, y° Chester Post... 17 , , 7 Susanna d. of William Danson, of Cable Street, sailour 18 ,, 14 William s. of Robert Parr and Sarah Winstanley 24 Jo. Seacome Joseph Eaton 1701. ,, 16 Elizabeth d. of John Walker, Esqr. ... 27 March , , 24 Ann d. of Rob' Houghton of Tythe Barn Street, sailor , J 30 Joseph & Mary s. & d. of Robert Johnson of Tythebarn Street ,, 26 William s. of Henry Heys of Cable Street, ship-carpender J J 20 Carill s. of M' Richard Houghton, aid' J J 29 Daniell s. of George Whiteley, a stranger & passenger to Ireland Aprill 7 Jane d. of John Bannister of Dale Street ,, 7 Clements, of John Nicolson of Chappell Street ,, 10 John s. of Richar J Roberts of Red Cross Street ,j 12 AA'illiam s. of William Fuler of Chappell Street, sailor ,, 14 AVilliam s. of Thomas Mercer of Moorefields ,, 17 William s. of William Sands of Lord Street, labourer 21 ,, 12 Ellen d. of John Antherton of Hackens Hey, carpender 23 JJ 21 Rob' s. of William Coats of Launcelots Hey, sailor 24 28 „ I Aprill I 377 10 1317 17 1 701 CHRISTENINGS. roi born Aprill 13 Alice d. of M' Joseph Eaton, bookseller 24 Aprill ,, ,, 24 Henry s. of Edward Lunn of Cooke Street, marriner 29 ,, 30 Elizabeth d. of M' W™ Hurst, mercer 30 , , 28 Mary d. of James Westhead of Red Cross Street, sailour 4 May , , 30 Ann d. of James Kenyon of Lord Street, labourer 4 May I Rachell d. of John Richards of Bridge Alley, sailor 5 Aprill 28 John s. of John Taylor of Water Street, sailor 5 ,, 30 Elizabeth d. of Joseph Fleetwood ... 6 ,, 24 Ann d. of George Hewston, by y° Church Gate, sailor 7 May 5 Maiy d. of Thomas Bamber, of Cable Street, sailor 8 Aprill 28 Thomas s. of Thomas Dudley, of Chappell Street, marriner 9 May 5 Thomas s. of Thomas Bibby of Dale Street 11 ,, 9 Johns, of John Cowley of Church Yard, sailor 13 ,, 9 John s. of Lawrence Butler of Cable Street, sailour 13 , ,, 10 Sarah d. of John Petridge of Preesons Row, sailour 14 ,, 12 John s. of Henry Weatherhill of Moore fields, customhouse officer 15 ,, 9 Rebecca d. of John Dredge of Dale Street, patten-maker 20 ,, 10 Henry s. of M' Joseph Briggs of Castle Street, mercer 20 , , II John s. of William Gaulter of Waterside, sailour 20 ,, 19 Katherine d. of Peter Wrench of Water Street 23 ,, 18 Charles s. of Charles Davis of Atherton Street, sailor 25 ,, 26 W™ s. of Thomas Hind and [blank] ... of Castle Street, merch' 28 ,, 15 Thomas s. of Richard Lurting of James Street, blacksmith 28 „ 27 Sarah d. of Peter Eaton of Common Garden i June ,, 27 Thomas s. of M' Anthony Wells, of Red Cross Street, merch' 4 June 3 Ann d. of Tho.Finion of Moore Street, sailor 10 I02 LIVERPOOL REGISTERS (St. NICHOLAS). 1701 boi n June 6 11 9 11 13 8 J 13 & 1410 10 8 5 4 17 22 28 18 28 29 29 29 July 20 JJ 14 June 30 July 9 June 29 July II 11 12 il 28 11 28 11 14 1 1 26 Aug. 16 11 25 11 10 John s. of M' John Plumb, attorney ... Ann d. of M' Tho. Ball, attorney AA'illiam s. of David Morres, coustomer Rob' & Thomas sons of John Hutchinson of Launcelotts Hey, sailor Joseph & Benjamine sons of Rich. Jones of Red Cross Street, merch' Hanah d. of Henery Ballandine, of Common Garden, marriner Richard s. of John Marshall of Moore Street, groeier James s. of James Kemp of Poole Lane John s. of M' Levinus Hewston, merch' Brook s. of M' Silvester Richmond, merch' Rich" s. of Rich Boon of Launcelotts Hey Edward s. of [Tho?] Tildesley of Water Street James s. of AVilliam Laithwaite of Chappell Street, watchcase maker Mary d. of Bryan Blundell, marriner... AVilliam & Ann s. & d. of W™ Rimmer of John Street, sailor William s. of Rich. Hunter George s. of Abraham Smith, of James Street, porter Francis s. of M' Johnathan Dicks of Cable Street, collector of y° Salt [customs] John s. of John Smalshow John & Eliz. s. & d. of Rob' Hunter; Cook Street Jane d. of Jo" Piatt, Castle Hey John s. of George Glover, Old Hall Street Tho. s. of Rich" Galley, Jo" Street Peter s. of W™ Furnivall, Water Street Marg' d. of Henrey Morrison, Juglers Street AV™ s. of W™ Mercer, mason L" Street Marg' d. of James Thomas, Ch. yd. ... Alice d. of Hugh Stirrup, Castle Hill Marg' d. of Rob' Whitfield, joyner, Moorefeilds Joshua s. of Josiah Lutener, Cable Street Tho. s. of M' Gilbert Lievesley, Water Street Ellin d. of Cha. Dickinson, Phenix Alley Tho. s. of John Shepen, Landslets Hey 10 June 10 ,, 13 JJ 13 J. 14 17 ,j 1719 JJ 18 J, 19 JJ 23 ,, 24 I July 4 J. 27 JJ 16 ,, 7 J. 7 JJ 17 JJ 17 JJ 18 „ 24 J, 28 „ 28 „ 30 ,j 3 Aug. 2 Sep 31 Aug. 10 lyoi CHRISTENINGS. 103 Aug. 4 tt 26 il 7 It 7 IS 13 il 12 11 20 11 11 16 18 11 23 Sep. IS 30 8 J J 4 it 9 >> 5 JJ 13 JJ IS JJ 19 29 Oct. Aug. 3 21 Oct. 15 JJ J J J J JJ 1512 2 28 IIit 9 25 JJ 26 JJ 31 It 31 Nov. 3 II 3 f 1 2 29 J J 12 11 IS 18 1 1 11 20 11 22 11 24 11 25 11 30 10 Oct. 221616 J J JJ JJ 10 J J 23 J J 25 J J 21 Rich" s. of Rich" Rimer, Landslets Hey 10 Aug. Kathrine d. of Jo" Bushell, Preesons Row Rob' s. of Rob' Rob'son, Dale Street John s. of Tho. Walley, Cable Street... W™ s. of Tho. Glover, Landslets Hey John s. of Jo" Poultney, Fenwix Street Jon"" s. of Thomas AVilkinson, Poole Lane Alice d. of Rich Davis, Jo" Street Rich" s. of Rich" Harper, Cook Street Edith d. of Tymothy Smallshow, Fenix Street Ellin d. of Nathan Kenardy Williana dau. of Rob' Sherlock, Lord Street, bricklayer Eliz. d. of Widdow Rushton, Dale Street James s. of James Glest, AVater Str'... Kathrin d. of Edw" Howrobin, Jo" Street Rob' s. of Symon Aldridg, Jugler Street Eliz. d. of Henry Mercer, Cooke Street Elizabeth d. of M' John Seacome, Chappie Street Rich" s. of Widdow Wright, Landslets Hey Alice d. of Thomas Mitchell of Chappell Street Marg' d. of Henrey Smith, Water Street Allice d. of Rob' Wainwright, Castle Street James s. of Christopher Bay Iif , Jo" Street Tho. s. of W™ CoUey, Atherton Street Ralph s. of Georg Taylor, Water Street Rob' s. of Tho. BuUman, Dale Street Rich" s. of Rich" Serjant, Moorefeilds Alice d. of Alderman Thomas Johnson Elizabeth d. of James Gregory, of Cook Street, joyner Thomas s. of John Joynson of y' Church Yard, roper Mary d. of James Taylor of Old Hall Street, butcher John s. of John Diggles, Morefields, corerer James s. of Thomas Burton of Old Hall Street Thomas s. of Nathaniel Jameson, of Fenix Street Ann d. of James Norres, of Preestons Row, sailor 30 14 1 1 4 19 20 Sep.[Oct.] 23 8 28 1 11 29 t 2 Nov. 29 Oct. 3 Nov. 12 it 12 tl 13 II 2527 3°3° 3° 104 LIVERPOOL REGISTERS (St. NICHOLAS). 1701 born Nov. 9 Elizabeth d. of John Low of Dale Street, slater 13 Nov. 5 Mary d. of James Danson, Cooke Street, taylor 14 8 Ellen d. of Mary Taylor, a serv', a Bastard 14 II Ann d. of Rich" Clarkson of Old Hall, sailor 18 2 Frances d. of Ed. Clifton, Preesons Row, painter 20 18 Hen. s. of Lawrence Lawrenson, of Dale Street, marriner 22 14 Charles s. of Charles Griffith, Castle, sailor 25 Jane d. of W™ Hull of Red Cross Street, carpender 22 Elizab"' d. of Johnathan Dunbavin, bricklayer and of Eliz. Moris, a Bastard ... 22 John s. of John Williams, Castle, labourer 19 AVilliam s. of W™ Webster, Castle Street, mariner 27 Ann d. of Timo Blakebourn, Preesons Row, sailor 23 John s. of Christoph' Atkinson, Dale Street, porter 2 Dec 30 Hanah d. of Edw. NuttaU, labour' ... 7 Dec. 4 Mary d. of Nicols Longworth, Dale Street, labour' 8 I Mary d. of James Fleetwood, Water Street, glaizer 9 I Thomas s. of Rich" Henshaw, Dale Street, skinner 10 4 William s. of Henry Brown, Jugler Street, malster 11 12 Thomas s. of Tho. Foster, Lord Street, sailor 15 10 Joshua s. of James Tunstall, Back o'th' Castle, porter 16 1 2 William s. of James Grice, Hackens Hey, shoomaker 16 Maryd. of Tho. Dagnall, Cooke Street, taylor 17 Mary d. of W™ Ward, Dale Street, labourer 16 Ellen d. of Christop' Swarbrett, Back o'th Castle, mason 23 Ann d. of Tho. Arowsmith, Waterside, sailor 17 23 24 16 I Jan. I70I CHRISTENINGS. 105 born Dec. 29 Daniel s. of John Stringer, Waterside, sailor 1 Jan. ,, 21 Mary d. of John Gildus, Castle Street, barber i ,, 27 James s. of Rob' Litherland, Cooke Street, carpender 3 ,, 31 Alice d. of Tho. Lutenor, Dale Street, labour' 11 ,, 31 Deborrah d. of John Styles, Red X Street, sale-maker n Jan. 5 John s. of John Standish, John Street, porter 13 ,, 8 Mary d. of W™ Bibby, Poole Lane, bricklayer 15 ,, 7 Josiah s. of Josiah Potter, Dale Street, sailour 15 ,, 14 Thomas s. of John Low, Moorefields, labour' ... 18 ,, 14 Alice d. of John Shaw, Moor Street, sailor 22 ,, 22 William s. of Georg Simpson, Comon Garden, marri' 22 ,, 22 Thomas s. of Tho. Hurst, James Street, carpender 27 ,, 24 Alice d. of W™ Mason, Poole Lane, carpender 29 ,, 27 Williams, of John Webster, Tythe Barn Street, labour' 30 ,, 24 Francis s. of Francis Scott, Lord Street 31 ,, 25 Edward s. of W™ Tarleton, Churchyard, marriner 3 Feb ,, 30 Alice d. of Sarah Aspinwell and Sam" Sanford 4 Feb. I James s. of John Travers, Dale Street, whitesmith 10 ,, 3 Rich" s. of Rich" Dagnol, Moorfieldes, combmaker 11 ,, 7 Rich" s. of Ezekell Ellis, L" Street ... 16 ,, 14 Edward s. of James Cooper, Cable Street, carpend' 17 ,, 8 WiUiam s. of W™ Low, Dale Street, inkeeper 17 ,, 12 Elizabeth d. of John Smallshaw, block- maker 19 ,, 20 Lawrences, of Daniel! Doland of Athlone in Ireland from M' W" Travers's 21 , , 16 James s . of John Greenwood, John Street, porter 23 ,, 16 Elizabeth d. of John Johnson, Castle Hill, shooemaker 24 io6 LIVERPOOL REGISTERS (St. NICHOLAS). 1701-1702 25 Feb. born Feb. 13 Maryd. of Rob' Brookfield, Tythe Barn Street, sailour ,, ,, 20 Mary- d. of Hugh Gibbons, Churchyard, porter ,, ,, 23 Frances d. of James Gibbons, merch' ,, March 10 Rob' s. of John Fleetwood, Tythe Barn Street, merch' ,, ,, 6 Hanahd. of Lawrence Harrison, Chapp' Street, marriner ,, ,, 18 Thomas s. of Tho. Tompson, James Street, carp"' 26 ,, 2 March 10 .. 23 ., Joseph Eaton Jo. Seacome. 1702. born March 19 John s. of Isaac Juestis, Dal Str, plast' 29 March J J ,j 22 Thomas s. of Nicolas Holland, Lanclet Hey, carpent' 30 ,, ,, 20 Johns, of John Smith of Burnley, yeoman 31 ,, ,, 24 Margery d. of Denis Grish 31 ,, ,, 29 John s. of Tho. Amery, Dale Street, grocer J J 30 Mary d. of James Loyd, sailor, church yard J J 29 John s. of Alice Ashton by John Myas of Chester Aprill 3 Elizabeth d. of Witt™ Denton, Fenix Street J, 3 John s. of Will™ Cowley, Dal Street, sailour J J 8 Sarah d. of John Tildesley, Water Street, gunsmith William s. of James Tounsend, merser John s. of James Davies, Castle Hey, slator Nathenuell s. of Thomas Whitlow George s. of John Smith, Fenix Alley, porter 10 Juliana d. of Will™ Clayton, Water Street, marchant 23 Mary d. of Tho. Marrow, Hakens Hey, sailour 23 Henrys, of W™ Holme, Jo" Street, mason 27 17 Hauxley s. of Ambros S(t)ephenson, asistente sertcher 28 25 Mary d. of John Saile, Dale Street, labourer , ^^^y 1 13 14 23 7 Ap r 7 8 8 9 13 IS 19 19 23 23 26 27 1702 born April 24 J, 28 „ 28 May 79 9 April 25 May 1 2 II1014 6 13 II 2025 17 2427 25 2331 June 6 I 8 CHRISTENINGS. Ann d. of John Patten, Dale Street, gardenor Thomas s. of Will™ Pope, Common Garden Elizebeth d. of W™ Benn, More Street, mariier Ann d. of Peter Stokton, Dale Street, skinner ,.. James s. of Charles Lucas, Dale Street, sailour Alice d. of W™ Part, Cable Street, marener Isebell d. of Robart Moon, Churchyard, marrener Elizebeth d. of Thomos Patreck Mary d. of John Farrow, Preeson Roe, sailour Elizebeth d. of James Tarlton, Castel Street, nalor Elizebeth d. of Lorrance Houle, Lanclet Hey, sailour Ann d. of Will™ Bushell, Old Hall Street, marrenor Thomas s. of James Blase, Dale Street, laborrer Michael s. of Thomas Core, Water Street, coopper 21 Ralph s. of Will™ Carter, Chapel Street, laborrer 25 James s. of Mary wife of Will Bond, Poole Lane, bricklayer, born about seven wikes after marrige 27 John s. of Tho. Williamson, Over the Poole, roper 28 Alice d. of Henry Cock, Lord Street, sailour 29 Cristopher s. of Ann Low by Christopher Thomas of Hinley, bastard ... 30 Alice d. of Edw. Case, Poole Lane, house carpent' 31 Elizebeth d. of Stephen Adkisson, Water Street, marrener Alice d. of John Ball Mary d. of Thom. Beeck, Common Garden, marrenor John s. of John Hickcock, Water Street, sailour Georg s. of John Alblaster (Harington Street, lodger at James Davies), Lishfield, mason 107 4 May 4 7 9 12 12 14 14 15 17 18 19 19 4 June 4 JJ 7 JJ 8 ,, 8 io8 LIVERPOOL REGISTERS (St. NICHOLAS). 1702 born June 8 Mary d. of Robert Whigbey, Dale Street, sailour 1 1 Thomas s. of Richard Owen, Lord Street joyner 15 John s. of Samuel Waterhous, Red Cross Street, laborrer 6 Thomas s. of John Earle, chapel Street, marchant 17 AVilliam s. of Thoiii. Blackmore, Old Halle Street, sailour 20 John s. of Robar. Martin, Preesons Rooe, sailour 27 Anne d. of Jeremiah Harrison, Castile Hill, blacksmith 22 James s. of George Holland, James Street, ship-carpinter 14 Elizebeth d. of John Hodgeson of Cook Street, smith 27 Thomas s. of Richard Vernon, Fenick Alley, cooper 29 Jane d. of William Moss, John Street, writing-master 30 Mary d. of Goater Cearefote, Coke Street, sealer July I Thomas s. of John Worthin, Back of Castle, sealer June 29 Mary d. of Robart Acson, Lord Street, blacksmith July 2 Denes s. of Thomas Alison, Water Street, lorn monger June 30 Mary d. of Richard Goodin, Lord Stret, oostom house ofise July 10 Ellin d. of John Bale, Deale Stret, clock- meaker 4 Edward s. of Edvard Walker, of Chapel Yard, mariner 9 Catern d. of Hennery Bleven, Leansleth Hey, mariner 9 John s. of William Hudlestone, Deale Stret, gardiner 13 Catemd. of Thomas Chearrnock, Jugler Stret, sealler 19 Anne d. of Henrey Margison, Deale Stret, laborer 14 Marey d. of Reafe Rogers, Tithbarne Stret, brickleare 17 Marey d. of Roger Midcafe, solger from Will [Daves?], Poole Leane 21 Elin d. of Job Cooke, Back of y° Cassel, leaborer 12 Jone 17 17 23 24 25 29 28 29 I July I7889 9 14 14 II162126 26 27 1702 CHRISTENINGS. 109 born July 20 Ruthd. of Hennery Heart, Fenix Street, poorter ,, 20 Henrey s. of William Ogles, Common Gearden ,, 25 Elizabeth d. of James Chadwick from M' Morfis in More Stret , , 30 Edward s. of Thomas Bradley, Leansleth Hey, custom house horfiser ,, 22 Henrey s. of Henrey Hey, Atherton Stret, carpender ,, 30 Anne d. of Richard Daves, John Stret, sleater ,, 23 Joseph s. of Leansleath Lancester, More Stret, sealer Aug. 3 Elizabeth d. of James Everit, Deale Stret, roper ,, I Elizabeth d. of Henrey Warbrick, Wheater Street, mariner ,, 9 Robart s. of William Coubley, pleing sealer ,, 10 Elizabeth d. of Robart Dudley, chapel yard, silversmith ,, 7 Margret d. of Nixies Rimmer, Ceabel Street, mariner ,, II James s. of William Duxberey, haxing hey, porter ,, II William s. of Edmond Roston, Morefiles, pipe-meaker ,, 12 John s. of Jeremy Couard, Leansletts Hey, sealer ,, 15 Anne d. of Hennery Witfield, Back of Cassel, sealer 20 ,, 16 Miriam d. of Henrey Preson, Cassel Street, marriner 20 J J 15 John s. of James Eyes, by new Chorch, joyner 20 ,, 20 John s. of Margey Tomson, Widdow, by John Jonson, sealer. Red Cross Street, Bastert ,, 19 Anne d. of John Mearser, Brig Alley, sealer ,, 14 Mearey d. of John Robinson, Morefields, joyner 23 ,, 15 Ellin d. of Joseph Walley, Cassel Hill, sealer ,, 15 Samuel s. of Nemy Gildos, Cassil Dich, marinor 24 ,, 26 Edward s. of John Williamson, Ceable Street, marinor 28 28 July 29 JJ 29 J J 2 Aug 3 11 3 11 5 11 10 tt II 11 II ti 12 tt 13 11 16 11 17 J J 18 11 23 23 IIO LIVERPOOL REGISTERS (St. NICHOLAS). 1702 born Aug. 20 James s. of Peter Ranfort, Herinton Street, geardner 51 Aug. Sep. 4 Thomas s. of John Joynson, Ceabel Streeat, marinor 10 Sep. ,, 4 Margretd.of James Sedon, Fenix Street, bucher 10 ,, ,, II Richard s. of Christoforth Swarbrick, Morefield, laborer 11 ,, Aug. 2 John s. of John Plum, Tithbame Street, Cearter Sep. 5 Elizabeth d. of Thomas Ownsworth, Lord Stret, laborer 4 Jane d. of Thomas Ball, Fenix Stret, atorney at law 7 Cattern d. of John Scarbrick, More Stret, sealer 13 Richard s. of James Banner, brick- meaker, in Castle 17 Joseph s. of Joseph Eaton, Common Garden, booke-seller 17 Margrat d. of James Chadwick, Over y" Poole John s. of Daniel Jenkisson, Water Street, taylor 26 Mathieu s. of John Thornton, Cook Street, sealor 24 Elizebeth d. of Alixander Smith, Guglar Street, laborer 28 25 Robart s. of John Hornbey, Common Garden, sealor Will™ s. of Ralph Peeters, atorne at law. Red Cros Street 26 Thom. s. of Will™ Gortor, Red Cros Street, carpenter 29 Jonatha s. of Chugbert Sharpies, Guglor Stree, alder™ 3 Henry s. of John March, Preesons Roe, porter Oct. 7 Ann d. of John Hamar, Poole Lane, house-wright I Ann d. of James Penington, Lord Stree, laborer 13 Richard s. of Rich Barnett, Morefield, sope bioyller 9 Rebecka d. of John Banest', Dale Street, spring-maker 15 9 Charles s. of Jeper Eaton, Cook Street, tide-water 19 9 Richard s. of Richard Singlton, Castell Street, sealor 19 1313 1417 2022242428 29 2 Oct. 2 8 9 7 3 3 1702 CHRISTENINGS. born Oct.. 19 Thomas s. of Jhon Losson, Athertons Street, marrenor 21 Oct. 19 Jhon s. of John Don, Poole Lane, marrener 22 19 Elizebeth d. of John Richardson, Bridg Aley, salor 23 20 Richar. s. of John Gregson, Lord Street, laborrer 23 10 Richard s. of Thomas Ashton, Castell Hill, carpenter 10 20 Lucresea d. of William Jackson of Lenleats Heey, sealor & Hanah Chantrell, a basterd 27 22 Jane d. of Frances Heyes, Rosemary Lane, salor 28 15 Ellen d. of John Allenn, of the Castell, labourrer 29 27 John s. of Robert Thomasson, More- filds, shoomaker 3 Nov. 20 Redman s. of James Gleast, Warter Street, atornney i 23 Phillip s. of John Frences, Dale Street, barbar 5 24 Ealles d. of Jam. Accars, Dale Street, correar 5 23 Gillbert s. of Lawrence Riggby, Olid HaU Street, carpenter 5 Nov. 4 Mary d. of Barton Shuttleworth, Cable Street, gent 5 5 Esther d. of Christopher Eddison, Tyth Bam Street, mason 8 6 Grace d. of William Lethwate, Chappell Street, watch case maker 12 6 Elizebeth d. of John Aspinall, Preesons Roe, saylor 12 8 Robert s. of Richar. Bleven, Lancelets Hey, carpenter 16 8 Ann d. of Rattlef Choriey, Castel Street, laborer 16 II Jane d. of Henry Hogson, Poole Lane, salor 17 10 George s. of Henry Ballantin, Water Street, marrenor 21 16 Dorethy d. of Joseph Banes, Cable Street, marrenor 26 14 Samuel s. of James Hamar, Dale Street, marchant 26 18 Elizebeth d. of Richard Whithed, Lord Street, laborrar 29 24 John s. of John Sedon, Cook Street, sealor 30 112 LIVERPOOL REGISTERS (St. NICHOLAS). 1702 born Nov. 25 Edward s. of [blank] Loyd, Lancelets Hey, sealor i Dec. Dec. 2 Savage s. of Savage Lech, Chapel Street, taylor 8 ,, ,, I Hannah d. of Henry Wettecar, Back of Castell, shuger-boylor 3 ,, ,, 3 Ann d. of Willim Yonger, Tyethbarn Street, carpenter 8 ,, 7 Mary d. of Edward Rycroft, Ould HaU Street, butcher 13 ,, ,, 7 Henry s. of Henry Wotherall, Lancelets Heay, tyde- water 14 ,, ,, 10 Richard s. of Franses Jacson, costom hous boteman 15 ,, ,, 14 Mary d. of John Low, Dale Street, plastarar 20 ,, 15 EUizebeth d. of Wittm Stock, Lord Street, laborar 20 ,, ,j II Thomas s. of John Plum, atorney a law, Guglor Street 21 ,, ,, 12 John s. of James Hadwin, John Street, jounor 22 ,, J J 20 Ann d. of Thomas Tyrer, John Street, talor 26 ,, J J 13 George s. of John Seddon, Castle Street, porter 26 ,, ,j 29 Thomas & Grace s. & d. of Edward Nuttell, Harrington Street, labourer 30 ,, JJ 24 Ann d. of Thomas Darbyshire, Harrington Street, labourer ... 31 ,, Jane d. of AVilliam Hurst, Dale Street, draper 31 ,, JJ 21 Sarah d. of Christopher Lucas, Over y° Poole, labourer i Jan. J J 18 James s. of Samuell Sams, Harrington Street, labourer i ,, JJ 9 James s. of Henry Ounsworth, Tyth Barne Street, bricklayor i ,, Jan. 5 EUen d. of Richard Latham, Chappell Street, taylor 8 ,, J J 10 Ann & Margratt dau° of Charles Perry, of Harrington Street, shoemaker 10 Dec. 23 Margratt d. of Thomas Carter, Cable Street, saylor 15 ,, Jan. 4 Roger s. of Roger Jones, Dale Street, carter 19 ,, J, 16 Elizebeth d. of Christopher Bealy, Common Garden, joyner 20 J, 1 Jane d. of John Cockshutt, Mayor ... 21 ,, 1702 CHRISTENINGS. 113 born Jan. 26 Elizebeth d. of Henry Chorley, Water Street, haberdasher 26 Jan. 22 Thomas s. of Thoma Whalley from Elinor Jameses, Cook Street ... 24 ,, 12 Leigh Fleetwood, s. of Silvester Richmond, Water Street, merchant 26 30 Rob. s. of Rob. Queil, James Street, mariner 2 Feb. 26 James s. of Richard Rimmer, Poole Lane, saylor 2 ,, 28 Amily d. of Cavalier Christian, Atherton Street, marriner 2 ,, Feb. I Howit s. of John Ashworth, Lanceletts Hey, organest 2 ,, I Ann d. of Daniell AVallter, saylor, lodger at Lyonall Boer's in Chappell Street 3 ,, Jan. 24 Mary d. of John Mills, Over y" Poole, labourer 4 ,, Feb. 3 Ellen d. of John Ditton, in Castle, button maker 5 ,, Jan. 29 Mary d. of Peter Linacre, AVater Stret, gunsmith 6 ,, 3 AVilliam s. of Thomas Frith, Phenix Street, shoemaker 6 ,, 31 Ellen d. of Robert Hillyard, Cable Street, bricklayer 9 ,, 3 Ann d. of John LintoU, James Street, cooper 10 ,, 10 Robert s. of Thomas HaUiday, Moorefiellds, joyner 11 , , 10 Margratt d. of James Troughton, Lord Street, taylor 15 ,, 12 Elizebeth d. of Edward Jow'kobin, John Street, saylor 18 ,, 14 Peter s. of Isaac de Groote, Atherton Street, limmner 19 ,, 18 AVilliam s. of Thomas Lee, Moorefields, tobacconest 25 ,, 26 Paul s. of Paul Waterhouse, Chappell Street, baker 28 ,, 21 WUliam s. of Richard Stubs, Castle Street, currier 2 Mar. 20 Mary d. of Richard Diggles, Fenex Alley, salor 2 ,, 22 Jonathan s. of John Rogars, chanlor, a stranger 2 ,, 20 George s. of George Talor, Chappel Street, maltstar 4 ,, 114 LIVERPOOL REGISTERS (St. NICHOLAS). 1 702-1 703 born Jan. 1 1 Rebeka d. of John Mullenex, at John Stills, Red Cros Stree, shoemaker 4 March March i Johns, of Mathies Gibson, James Street, marchant 4 ,, I Mary d. of James Booling, Harringtons Street, salor 5 Feb. 2b James s. of William Basford, Dale Street, destUler 8 ,, 21 Sarah d. of John France, John Street, porter 3 ,, ?,\ Matthew s. of Richard Whitesidd, Red Cross Street, labourer 9 Mar. 5 Edwards, of William Chaddwick, Dale Street, plasterer 10 ,, 6 Martha d. of James Smith, Dale Street, confecioner 10 6 John s. of Timothy Lamm, James Street, saylor 16 Feb- 27 Esther d. of Joh Weiright, John Street, tobacconest 17 Mar. 9 Jane d. of Huddlleston, Castle Street, carpenter 17 ,, 14 Elizebeth d. of Sammuell Edward, Juggler Street, butcher 23 ,, 2 Sarah d. of Thomas Bullman, Dale Street, clock maker 17 Robert Seacome Thomas Dugdale 1703. born Mar. 25 Peter s. of Ja. Kenion, Lord Street, labourer 25 March 22 Tho. s. of Edw" Gee, Lord Street, joyner 30 ,, 26 Barbery d. of Jo" Ferguson, Jo" Street, sailor 29 Rich" & Ann s. & d. of Jo" Diggles, Jugler Street, currior 27 John s. of Jo" Dredge, Daile Street, patten-m' 29 Tho. s. of Rich" Bruce, Poole Lane, labourer 28 Hillery s. of Geo. Whitely, Daile Street, carp' April 2 Jonathan s. of W™ Newport, Cook Str', sailor g 5 Cassandra d. of James Gibbons, AA'ater Street, mere"' 8 30 11 2 Apr 5 11 6 It 6 11 10 Apr. 12 14 i8 26 27 28 1703 CHRISTENINGS. 115 born April 4 Mary d. of Anothy Pierson of Ireland, glover and Marjery Fisher, servant, at Widdow Manley, Hackins Haye, a bastered ,, ,, II John s. of Griffith Perry, Castle, felt- maker ,, ,, 7 John s. of Rich Harper, Fenwick Street, cooper ,, ,, 10 Margaret d. of Rich" Joanes, AVater Street, inn-keeper ,, ,, 25 Cath. d. of Rich" Penkiman, Lanclets Hey, sailor ,, ,, 6 Johns of Rich" Gaily, Jo" Street, ship- carper ,, ,, 23 Ann d. of Robert Turner, Cook Street, sailor ,, ,, 24 Rich" s. of Guilbert Leivsey, Water Str', mariner 29 ,, ,, ,, 25 Dorothy d. of Jo^ Smith, husbandman from Edmond Crostons, Water Street 30 , , ,, ,, 24 Rich" s. of Rich" Morecroft, Castle Hill, butcher 4 May ,, May 4 Rich" s. of Simon Alderidge, Jugler Street, upolsterer 4 , , ,, Apr. 30 Roberts.ofW™Hurst, Morefields, carter 9 ,, ,, May II Tho. s. of Tho. Birchell, Dale Str', ship-wright , , 12 AV™ s. of W™ Crother, Daile Str', weaver ,, ,, 21 Jo" s. of James Tayler, Rosemary Lane, butcher ,, ,, 15 Robert s. of Jo" Fleetwood, Tythbarne Str', mere"' ,, ,, 24 W™ s. of James W™son, Castle Hey, labourer ,j J J 23 Jo" s. of Peter Dodson, Churchyard, cooper ,, ,, 18 Ellin d. of Jo" Lukner, Cable Street, brickmaker ,, JJ 23 Eliz. d. of Robert Asbrooke, Daile Str', plaster ,, June 8 Eliz. d. of Tho. Leadbeter, Water Street, grocer ,, ,, 10 Eliz. d. of Nich. Thompson, Atherton Street, carp' ,, ,, 25 Mary d. of John Parkes, Kooke Street, sailer ,, July I Rechard s. of Daved Morress, Lansetd Hay, land water ,, June 28 John & Jane s. & d. of John WaUs, Fenix Street, taler 17 ) y 17 1 f 23 1 • 27 11 31 1 y I June I it 2 y f 8 1 f 17 f y I July 2 J J 5 tt ii6 LIVERPOOL REGISTERS (St. NICHOLAS). 1703 born June 26 Daved s. of John Walker, Churchyard, riting mastr July I .-Mice d. of John Willson, Cable Street, saler 6 July 6 „ 8 Tho. s. of John Cooley, churchyard, saler 12 II Tho. s. of Tho. Lathert, Dall Street, colier maker 12 June 28 Ellin d. of James Lythgoe, Fenex Ealy 13 Julv 9 Ann d. of Tho. Blakemore, Ould Hall Street, salor 13 8 John & Mary s. & d. of Rechard Robson, in y" Cassell, cobler 14 2r Rechard s. of James Eveson, Cassell Hill, saler r4 II James s. of Rechard Longton, Rosmary Lane, saler 14 8 Mary d. of Tho. Amery, Dall Strett, grosher 15 9 Ellin d. of John Boule, Dall Strett, clock-maker 15 II Mary d. of Henary Hayes, Addertons Strett, carpender 16 8 Mary d. of Tho. Lankfourd, Poole Lane, carpender r 8 6 Jane d. of AA'illiam Moxon, Chaple Strett, shoomaker 20 r7 Elizebeth d. of Robarte Bebey, Cable Street, house-right 24 Jane d. of Tho. Glover, Lanslet Hay,, saler 24 Mary d. of FrancessDurlach, Lord Strett 27 28 Robart s. of Rechard Remer, Lanlett Hay Aug. 2 Martayd. of AVUliam Ward, Dall Strett, laberr ,, 3 John s. of John Tomson, Castell Hell, saler July 27 Frances d. of Larence Baley, John Strett, brickleayer Aug. 2 Gilbert s. of John Huchasson, Chappell Street, sailer ,, 13 James s. of James Gregory, Lansslatt Heay, tumer July 29 AVilliam s. of Jefery Croftt, Back of y" Castle, plaster Aug. 21 Elizabeth d. of John Dugdall, Loard Street, carver 21 ,, 17 Richard s. of John Greenwood, Johns Street, poarter 25 27 1 y 27 11 27 11 I Aug 5 11 6 st 9 11 12 11 17 11 16 1 1 1703 born Aug. 17 11 27 11 15 f f 26 11 24 Sep. I Aug. 31 Sep. 10 JJ 9 12 12 16 19 1517 28 28 28 28 Oct. 2 11 4 11 3 11 Sep' I 29 J J Oct. 13 26 Aug. 27 JJ 27 J J 30 J J 31 J J 6 Sept. 7 11 15 ft 12 y 1 CHRISTENINGS. 117 Francese d. of M' Richard Houghton, Water Street, merch' Edward s. of John Litherland, Poole Lane, carpenter Robert s. of James Fleetwood, Castel Street, gleaser Jo" s. of Jo" Rimmer, Fenwick Street, sailor Jo" s. of Tho. Wilson, Preeson Rowe, sailor Mary d. of John Bolefield, Dail Street, labourer Ann d. of Sam" Glover, New Market, joyner Jo" s. of W™ Halsall, Fenwick Street, sailer Margaret d. of Georg Simson, Water Street, sailor James s. of Tho Price, Castle, labourer i^ John s. of Tho. BlundaU, in Mathews Backside, Chappell Street, sailor 21 Elizabeth d. of W™ Lowe, Daile Street, innkeeper 21 Rachell d. of Tho. Patrick, Fenwick Alley, lab' 22 Ambros s. of Nathan Tompson, Cook Street, flaxman Ellin d. erf Nich Longworth, Hacking Heye, lab' Jane d. of Elizabeth wife of Rich" I-urting in Jameses Street Ann d. of W™ Cragg, Fenwick Street, carpenter Hanah d. of Josiah Luttener, Cable Street, brickmaker Ann d. of Tho Wilkinson, Poole Lane, sailer Francis s. of Rich" Brooksby, Castle Street, merch' Hanah d. of Edw" Walker, Chap" yard, sailer Ann d. of Tho. Tildesly, Tower yard, tydsman n Corney s. of Ambrose Stephenson, Atherton Street, oflScer of Salt ... 12 Robert s. of W™ Dickson, Castle, lab' 13 David s. of Josiah Poole, Moore Street, gen 14 AA'™ s. of Tho. Battersby, Comon Garden, taylor 19 23 ,. 27 ,, I Oct. 5 J. 36 „ 78 ,, ii8 LIVERPOOL REGISTERS (St. NICHOLAS). 1703 born Oct. 2 Mary d. of Robert HiU, Castle Street, taylor 20 Oct. , , 17 Ann d. of Jo" Robinson, Rosemary Lane, ship-carpenter 24 ,, ,, 17 Mary d. of Arthur Smith, Hackines Hey, saylor 22 ,, ,, 15 Robert s. of W™ Robinson, Castle Stret, cooper ... 25 „ Sep. 27 W™ s. of Jo" Dunn, Poole Lane, mariner 7 ,, Oct. 22 W^ s. of Rich" Wright, Chapell Street, sayl' ,, 16 Margaret d. of Tho. Bamber, Castle Street, sayler ,, 27 Mary d. of Tho. Boond, Chapell Street, sayler Nov. 5 Mary d. of Jo" Hamer, Poole Lane, sailer , , 4 Mary d. of Jo" AVhite, Cable Street, sailer ,, 6 Robert s. of Rich" Owine, Lord Street, joyner ,, 16 John s. of Joseph Eaton, Water Street, bookseller ,, II David s. of George Hughston, Preesons Rowe, saylor 15 Ellin d. of Jo" Webster, Tythbarne Street, labourer ,, 21 Catherin d. of Tho. Dagnall, Cook Street, taylor ,, 26 Jo" s. of Robert Axson, Lord Street, blacksmith , , 26 Jane d. of Hugh Patten, Chapell Street, merch"' ,, 24 Ellen d. of John AVhigby, Moorefields, sailor 24 Sam. s. of W™ Fuler, Chapell Street, sailor Dec. 2 AV™ s. of Ralph Rogers, Tythbarne Street Nov. 27 George s. of Tho. Worsley, in Castle, labourer Dec. I Hanah d. of Jo" Plumbe, atomy-at-law, Juglers Street ,, 8 Frances d. of Crispin Rogers, Daile Street, shooemaker 9 AV™ s. of Rich" Daviss, Jo" Street, slater Nov. 1 2 Fortinatus s. of W™ Sands, Lord Street, labouror Dec. 8 Jo" s. of Jo" Nicholson, Water Street, cooper 10 James s. of Rich" Hallsall, Juglers Str. , sailor 26 ) ) 26 ) t 2 Nov. 8 It 4 It 15 1 f 16 11 18 11 18 It 26 II 27 11 28 f ) 29 11 30 6 Dec. 9 ) 1 8 1 1 10 It 12 11 12 1 1 15 It 16 1 t 1703 CHRISTENINGS. 119 born Dec. 21 Eliz. & Rich" s. & d. of Robert Shoriock, Lord Street 21 Dec. 9 Tho. s. of Jo" Henshaw, Red Cross Street, carpent' 22 ,, 23 Jo" s. of James Danson, Cook Street, taylor 24 22 Jo" s. of W" Cragg, Lord Street, sailor 27 ,, 18 Hugh s. of PhUlip Tatlelock, Daile Street 28 26 Stephen s. of Jo" Lawrancson, Castle Hill, saler 17 Joseph s. of Henry Browne, Juglers Str., malster 14 Tho. s. of Robert Litherland, Atherton Str 20 Sarah d. of Sephen Adkinson, Water Str., mar' 23 Jonath. s. of Adam Oldfield, Lord Str., mere"' 23 James s. of Jo" Taylor, Dry Bridge, sailer Jan. 4 Jo" s. of Tho. Endsworth, Lord Street, labouror 2 Henry s. of Tho. Southerne, Jo" Street, labouror 4 W" s. of Henry Marjerson, Daile Street, la' II Nich. s. of Barton Shuttleworth, gen"" 6 Jo" s. of James Everard, Daile Stre: roper 12 II Jo" s. of Jo" Seacume, Chapell Str., mere"' 12 6 Marg' d. of James Sanderson, Chapel yard 13 9 Edw" s. of John Smalshaw, blockmaker 16 13 Eliz. d. of Henry Ballandine, Water Str 16 Jo" s. of Robert Hyhsham, lodger at M' Joaneses in Lancellots Haye 13 Ann d. of Jo" Stringer, Chapell Alley, sailor 15 Rich' s. of Tho. Hadshaw, Rosemary Lane 10 Ellen d. of Samuell Warren, Lancellots Heye, marener 14 James s. of Tho. AUanson, Water Street, iron-mon: 27 John s. of Tho. Anderton, Lord Str., shooemaker 19 Tho. s. of Tho. Coare, Water Str., merchant 28 I 28 J 29 . 29 ) 23 J» 3 Jan 9 It 10 1 10 } 12 y 16 17 19 20 27 26 3 Feb 3 J J I20 LIVERPOOL REGISTERS (St. NICHOLAS). 1703 born Feb. i W™ s. of Peter Eaton, Castle Str., bookbinder Jan. 31 Marg' d. of John Ashton, Daile Str., gardenar Feb. I Janed. of Tho. Darbishire, Castle Heye, carpenter ,, 1 Mary d. of Daniell Tellet, Poole Lane, carpenter ,, Jan. 20 Vellentine s. of James Gleast, attorney. Water Street ,, Feb. II Dan. s. of John Baron, by New Church, labourer ,, ,, 6 John s. of John Francises, Daile Str', barber ,, ,, 18 John s. of Tho. Trethown, Chapell Str', sailor ,, ,, 15 James s. of Tho. Lowe, Tythbarne Str', lab' ,, ,, 13 Eliz. d. of Jo" Marsh, Preesons Rowe, porter ,, ,, 24 Joshanah dau. of Daniell Murphy, Cook Str', sailor 26 -Mary d. of Robert Slater, Lord Str', lab' ,, ,, 25 [//^egz We] d. of Tho Bateson, Harington Street, blacksmith ,, ,, 27 Elizabeth & Mary dau" of Edward Finch, Old Hall Street, butcher... ,, ,, 16 Edw" s. of Robert Newport at Ann Flittcroftes in Lord Street, sailor ,, Mar. 5 Charles s. of James Davis, Harington Street, slater ,, ,, I John s. of Rich" Singleton, Moore Street ,, Feb. 27 Jo" s. of Jo" Crookes, Poole Lane, lab' 8 ,, Mar. 3 Rich" s. of Mathias Millet, Moorefields, bricklayor 13 ,, ,, 8 Ellin d. of Jo" Pateridge, Preesons Rowe 15 ,, ,, 10 Allice d. of Hugh Gibbons, Churchyard, porter 16 ,, ,, 8 Eliz. d. of Joseph Storry, Fenwick Street 16 ,, ,, II Edward s. of Tho. Almond, Old Hall Street, joyner 20 ,, 14 Tho. s. of John Anderton, Lord Str', carpenter 21 ,, ,, 18 Eliz. d. of John Smith, Fenwick Aly, porter 22 ,, ,, 13 Johns, of Edmond Rushton, Moorefields, pype-maker 24 JJ JJ 19 Johns.of Jo" Lowe, Daile Str', plasterer 26 6 Feb. 6 J J 6 11 6 11 14 11 15 11 17 11 21 11 21 11 23 II 28 11 29 11 29 y J 2 March 3 1 } 6 If 7 11 29 March 29 JJ 29 JJ 3° J J 3° 2 Aprill 5 JJ 6 J J 1 703-1 704 CHRISTENINGS. 121 born Mar. 1 1 Joseph s. of W™ Lyon, Over y* Poole, rope-maker 27 March ,, ,, 12 John s. of Henry Fogg, Hacking Hay, innkeeper 28 ,, 1704. born Mar. a6 W° s. of Robert Barrow, Jugler Street, a pothycarie ,, ,, 19 Marg' d. of W™ Bennett, Waterside, carpenter ,, ,, 20 Hana d. of Joseph Harefoot, Preeson Row, tayler ,, ,, 30 Rich" s. of Jo" Ashworth, Lancelots Haye, organist ,, ,, 24 Nathaniels.of Rich" Barnett, Tythbarne Str', soope-boyler ,, ,, 30 Jo" s. of Ja. Cottam, Daile Street, carter , , , , 29 W™ s . of Alexander Eckerson, Jo" Street, carpenter ,, ,, 30 John s. of Rich" Searjent, Moorefield, sailer ,, Apr' 2 Theophilus s. of Tho. Michell, Lancellots Haye 10 ,, ,, ,, 6 John s. of Paterick Carr, from Henry Hardnies, Chapell Street, sailor. . . 10 ,, ,, March 30 Simon s. of James Loyde, Lancellots Haye, salor n ,, IJ JJ 5 John s. of Geo. Faire, Cooke Street, carpenter 10 ,, ,, Apr' 8 Henry s. of Edw" Gille, Phenick Ally, labouror 12 ,, John s. of Elias Whitfield, bom the 29 May, 1703 J J J J 7 Tho. s. of Geo. Sharrock, Coock Street, juner 13 „ JJ JJ 14 Jo" s. of Tho. Bale, Fenwick Street, attorny 14 ,, J, ,, 16 Geo. s. of Peter Southert, Moore Street, sailor 16 ,, ,, ,, 17 Bridget d. of Widow Hodson, Jo" Street 17 ,, ,, ,, II Ralph s. of Jo" Johnson, Castle Hill, shooemaker 17 ,, ,, ,, 14 Eliz. d. of Tho. Foster, Poole Lane, sailor 17 ,, John Fells Tho. Deane 122 LIVERPOOL REGISTERS (St. NICHOLAS). 1704 born Apr' 10 Jo s. of W™ Bibby, Poole Lane, brick layer 18 Aprill ,, „ 10 Rob' s. of W. Clayton, Wat' Street, m'chant 19 ,, ,, ,, 14 Jane d. of Ja. Tarleton, C. Street, nailor 20 ,, ,, ,, 13 Ellin d. of Tho. Fletch', a poore passe' at Marg' Woolf als in Moorefields 20 ,, ,, ,, 24 Jo" s. of W. Butherworth, P. Lane, b"" smith ,, ,, 26 Geor. s. of Jo" Nicholson, Chap. S., salt-offic' Tho. s. of Jn" Saul, Dale Street, labourer „ May 2 AV™ s. of Tho. Houghton, L. Hay, tide's man „ 3 Rich" s. of W™ Benn, Cook S., brick- maker ,j JJ 9 W™ s. of W™ Marsh, T.bam S., husbandman ,, ,, 3 Mary d. of Tho. Spark, Com. gard., sailor I Mary d. of Rich" Durnall, Red X S., sailor ,, ,, 7 Mary d. of Jo" Rice, O. Hall Street, sailor ,, ,, II Ja. s. of Tho. French, Harrington S., sho. mak' ,, ,, 13 Alice d. of Isack De Grote, Red Cros Street, limner ,, ,, 10 Jo" s. of Step. Burrows, T. B. Street, white-s. ,, ,, 7 Jane d. of Jo. Robinson, P' Roe, joyner „ „ 12 W™ s. of W™ Moss, Jo" Stret, writeing mast' „ ,, 12 Agnus d. of Rich" Ainsworth, B'' Cas, slater ,, ,, 17 Edw" s. of Chris. Laurenson, Red X S., sho-mak' Mary d. of Ral. Peters, C. Street, attomey-at-law ,, ,, 23 Tho. s. of Tho. Williamson, Jun', ove pooU, roper ,, ,, 30 Jane d. of Jo" Knight, W. Street, chirurgion ,, June 4 Edw" s. of Lau. Harrison, Chap. S., sailor ,, ,, 8 Rich" s. of Tho. Halste, Pool Lane, sailor ,, ,j 10 Jos. s. of Tho. Darbyshire, Cas. Hey, carpenter 27 J J 28 JJ "7 May 8 JJ 8 JJ 9 JJ 10 J J 10 JJ 10 tj 17 JJ 17 J > 17 JJ 14 j» 14 JJ 18 JJ 22 JJ 25 1 J 25 J J 6 June 7 JJ 10 JJ 12 II IV 34 born May 24 J J June 10 J J JI JJ Jl JJ JJ 14 15 22 J J JJ 24 JJ JJ ) J 24 28 JulyJune I 26 JJ 27 July JJ 29 5 18 JJ 18 II 17 tt 26 11 26 It11 24 28 Aug. I J J 4 JJ 2 July JJ 31 16 JJ 16 JJ 10 JJ J J 13 8 CHRISTENINGS. 123 Tho. s. of Tho. Johnson, Water Street, m'chant 14 June Jo" s. of Tho. Hornby, Com. Garden, sailor 15 ,, Jo" s. of Rob' Aspinall, Dale S., labour' 19 ,, Nich. s. of Nich Rimer, Cas. S., sayl' 21 ,, Riiih. s. of Geor. Holland, Jam. S., saU' 22 ,, Ja. s. of Ja. Hamer, deceas". Dale S., m'chant 25 ,, Jo" s. of Ja. Asley, Lord Street, labourer 28 Tho. s. of W™ Denton, W' S., dark to y° [new brew hous ?] 30 22 Cath' d. of Ja. Grice, Cas. Street, bellman 3 juiy 27 Jn' s. of Jn" Styles, Redcross S., saile- mak' e Tho. s. of Jn" Tyldesley, W. S. , gunsmith ^ | \ Jos. s. of Jos. Brigs, Castle S., draper g Tho. s. of Rob' Martin, Pree" Roe ... g " Pet. s. of Jo" Mule, Phcenix S., taylor g || Mary d. of Abr. Smith, Ja. S., port'... n Rob' s. of Tho. Edw" of Rixam, born at Edw" Orm's in Old Hall Street, Marg' d. of Jn" Tyr' & Jane Heathy, bastard, Jugler Street 23 ,, Jane d. of Jo" Hammerston, Cook S., sayl' 24 „ Rob' s. of Jn' Linacer, tide-survey', L. Hey 26 „ Rob' s. of Chris. Baylay, Com. Gard., joyn' 28 „ Eliz. d. of Jn° Law, Moorefield, labour' 30 ,, Han. d. of Edw" CHffton, Rose M. Lane, pai' 2 Aug. Ann d. of Hen. Battersby, at Jtf" Styles, Red Cross Street, saile maker ... 3 ,, Rich" s. of Tim. Lamb, Wat'side, sayl' 7 ,, Susannagh d. of Ja. Cooper, Cab. S., carpen' .... 7 „ Marg' d. of Tho. Hartly, Cook S. ... 9 ,, Mar. d. of Tho. Langford, Pool Lane, carp' 7 „ Rich s. of Edw" Shuttleworth, R. M. L. 17 ,, Marg' d. of Tho. Frith, Jugl'S.jShomak' 20 „ W™ s. of Gab. Westhead, H. Hey ... 21 Jo" s. of Hen. Chorley, W'S.,hab'dash' 22 25 Jane d. of Alex Smith, Cas. S., labour' 25 ,, 124 LIVERPOOL REGISTERS (St. NICHOLAS). 1704 born July 14 Peter s. of Sam" Lidiat, Lari Hey, sailor 29 Aug. ,, ,, 25 Peter s. of W™ Lowe, Dale S., innkeeper 29 ,, ,, ,, 20 Tho. s. of James Tomlinson, Churchyard 29 ,, ,, ,, 23 Hannagh d. of John Dawson, Com. Gar., sayl' 30 ,, ,, 28 John s. of Hugh Corkhill, More S., taylor i Sep. Evan s. of John Cowill, Jugl' S., taylor 5 ,, ,, Aug. 12 Henry s. of Gerrard Hallsall, Moorfields, musician 5 ,, ,, ,, 27 Ann d. of Tho. Thompson, James Street, sailor 6 ,, ,, Sep. I Sarah d. of John Williams, Castle, labourer 10 ,, ,, ,, 7 Thomas s. of Jer Edward, Lan Hey, sailor 12 ,, Martha d. of Jn" Digby, Pool Lane, surv' 13 „ ,, ,, II James s. of Jo. Gardner, Water Street, tayler 18 ,, ,, ,, II Thomas s. of Henry Jackson, Dale S., black ....[?] 19 , , ,, ,, II Elice d. of John Gregson, Pheenix Street, porter 19 ,, ,, ,, 9 Sam s. of ... . Waterworth, Red cross S., labourer 21 ,, ,, ,, 23 Ann d. of John Short, Castle, carpenter 23 ,, ,, ,, 26 Eliz. d. of John Henshaw, Chap" S., sailor 2 Oct. ,, ,, 26 Thomas s. of Tho. Heaps, Cab'' S., sayler 3 :, ,, ,, 22 Rich" s. of Char. Lucas, Dale Street, sail' 3 ,, ,, 30 Mary d. of Edw" Case, Cable Street, carpent' 4 ,, ,, Oct. 7 John s. of W™ Coppall, Water S., sayler 15 ,, ,, ,, 8 Janed. of Savagh Leich, Chap' S., tayler 16 ,, ,, ,, 10 Davids, of Sam' Edward, Jug' S., butch' 17 ,, ,, ,, II Eliz d. of John Wallker, Rose M. Lane, savl' 17 , ,, IS Susan d. of Rob' Ecclest", T. B. Street, butcher 19 ,, ,, ,, 14 Johanna d. of Tho. Cook, Harring. S., sayler 20 ,, ,, ,, 20 Martha d. of Tho' Mercer, Moorfields, sayler 23 ,, ,, 25 Isabel d. of James Kenyon, Lord St., labourer 25 ,, ,, ,, 15 Eliz. d. of John Letherland, P" Lane, ship carpenter 26 ,, 1704 CHRISTENINGS. 125 II 11 It 11 born Oct 13 John s. of John Allen, of Castle, sailer 30 Oct. JJ J J 16 Thomas s. of Rich" Longton, Rose M. Lane, sail' 31 ,, 29 Will™ s. of Jos. Eaton, Water St., bookseller 31 ,, 29 Rob' s. of Law- Rigby, R. M. Lane, carpent' 5 Nov. John s. of Hugh CorkhUl ,, Nov. Eliz. d. of Rich. Howorth, Old Hall St.j gard' 7 „ „ Oct. 28 Rachaell d. of W™ Glover, Lord St., carpenter 8 ,, ,, Nov. 3 Zacharias s. of John Werthington, B'' Cas., say' 8 ,, 6 Hanna d. of Edw" Wills, Lan. Hey, mariner 6 ,, 10 Thomas s. of Tho' Amery, Dale Street, grocer 14 „ 9 Alice d. of Tho° Marshew, Com. Gard. husb"man 17 ,, 17 Penelope d. of Rich" Godwin, Tho' S., offic' cust 22 ,, 18 Rich" s. of Henry Thomson, Old Hall St., sailer 22 ,, 22 Barnett s. of Alice Guy by Barnett Brace [ ?] weaver, born at Jos. Tyrer's, Jugler St., bastard 16 Ann d. of John Thomson, Old HaU St. , carpenter 26 Thomas s. of Tho° Ratcliff, John St., cobler 18 Peter s. of Gillb' Levesley, AVater St., merchant II William s. of Hugh Patten, Chapel St., merchant J J Dec. I Victoria d. of John Hartly, Water St. ,, Nov. 30 Thomas s. of Nich Holland, Phenix St., carpent' „ 28 Dan" s. of Dan" Gibson, Water St., hosier „ „ 14 Eliz d. of WUl™ Tettcomb, Com. Gard. ,, Dec. 24 Eliz. d. of Peter Worthington, Chap" St., merch' 24 ,, ,, ,, 13 Jane d. of John Plumb, Cheapside, carter 28 ,, ,, 15 Rach"d. of Rob' Suthart, P'L., carp. 27 Jane d. of Josiah Poole, Moor St., gentle 29 ,, 23 Richard s. of Geo. Tayler, Chap' St,. maulster 2 Jan. 23 1 i 29 11 30 11 6 Dec 7 J J II 11 13 It 14 IS 14 SS st 11 126 LIVERPOOL REGISTERS (St. NICHOLAS). 1704 born Dec. 28 Mary d. of John Syddall, Fenix Alley, porter 3 Jan. ,, ,, 30 Tho. s. of Rob' Heys, R. M. Lane, sailor 9 ,, ,, Jan. 2 Ann d. of Rich" Harrison, sayler, from James Richardson's, Jugler Street 10 ,, ,, ,j 14 Rich" s. of Rich" Diggles, R. M. Lane, sail' 22 ,, JJ J, 5 Ann d. of David Morris, Cable St., Land W' 19 ,, ,, 9 Sarah d. of John Ball, Cable St., sayler 23 ,, ,, ,, 16 John s. of Rich" Dagnall, Moorf', comb-mak' 24 ,, ,j J, 13 Eliz. d. of AA^ Cragg, Fcenix St., joyner 24 ,, ,, ,, 26 Thomas s. of Tho' Blackmore, T. B. St., sailer ,, ,, 25 W™ s. of Henry Whittaker, Lord Street, sugar-boil' ,, ,, 24 Thomas s. of John Dridge, Dale St., patten maker Martin s. of Witt Croft ,, Feb. 7 John s. of Thom Standich, Dale St., shoe maker 9 Rob' s. of John Moon, Old Hall St., sailer 7 Thom' s. of Ambrose Stevenson, [ . . . . ?] Street 10 AV™ s. of Dani Seall, Harringt" Street, sail' 4 Eliz. d. of James Smith, Jugler Street confect' II Eliz. d. of Tho' Aron [?] O. H. St., sayler Elizabeth d. of Edward [illegible] 13 Thomas s. of W™ Huddleston, D. S. Gard' 19 ,, 15 Marg' d. of Tho. Appleby, Castle, _ mason 20 ,, 20 Eliz. d. of John Samson, Chap' St., sayler 23 ,, 19 John s. of John Hornby, spring-maker at John Banisters, Dale Street ... 19 Geo. s. of Sii. Richmond, Water St., m'ch 27 ,, 12 Eliz. d. of James Chadwick, or'e Poole 12 ,, 24 GUbert s. of Henry Ownsworth, T. B. St., bricklay' 2 March ,, 20 Alice d. of James Fleetwood, glazier... 6 ,, March 7 Ellin d. of Edmund Gee, Lord Street, joyner 13 „ 28 J J 30 ) 1 5 Feb 7 tt 12 St 13 11 13 J 1 14 11 IS 1 f 16 1 1 19 It 1704 CHRISTENINGS. i»7 born March 6 Ann d. of Lionel Boar, T. B. St., labourer ,, ,, 10 Catherine d. of John Burnyeats, Old HaH St., shoem' ,, „ 13 Mary d. of Henry Walshe, Lan. Hey sail' „ „ I Dorothy d. of Will Nellson, R. M. Lane, sail' ,, ,, 21 Eliz. d. of Paul Waterhouse, Chapp St , bread-ba' ,, ,, 8 Will s. of John Banister, Dale Street spring-mak' „ ,, 10 Martha d. of Rob' Rownson, Jug' St. grocer 13 March IS 19 22 22 Tho. Coore John Scasbrick [The following ig entries appear at the end of the 'Baptismal Register, irregularly scribbled over the page]. Sep. 18 1706 John the son of Henry Potter was baptized the 24 of Sep" April y' II John son of William Fleming, sayler Rebeckah daughter of Thomas Corbin the ii"* Febemary 1694 Mary daughter of Tomas Corbin born 16 of July 1696 Thomasson of Thomas Corbin was bom the 24of November 1701 Ann daughter of James Farrar was born y° ii"" June 1707 Robert son of James Farrar born y" 10 of December 1708 Elizabeth daughter of Elias Whitfield born July y' 21 : 1704 Thomas s. of Elias Whitfield was born y° December 2°"" Aprill 12"' 1705 Will son of John Hoggins John son of Robert Smith born the 7"' of July, 1706 Pattrick son of Pattrck Noris born y' 14"' April 1707 James son of James Carr bom y' 21 March 1706 Catharine d. of Elias Whitfield, ship carpinter, born November 23 1707 William son of William Rushton, born y* lo"" day of May 1698 Elinor daughter of Eliaas Whitfield, born y' 21 May 1709 Fransis son of Thomas Leckonbey, born y» 9 June 1709 Elizabeth daughter of Adom Mackmuion bom y' 25 May 1709 James son of James Flettwood, bom 20 April 1709 Sam MinshuU LIVRPOOLE, 1673. n^be "RCOeStCr BOOf^C for Marriges comencing ye i8th May 1673: as fott : VOLUME II. ni>arriaae6. 1673. M' Thomas Knowling & Mary Formby, Widd: 24 July Richard Blevin & Katherin Brookebanke 25 ,, M' George Southem & Susan AVinstanley 3 August M' John Harris & M"' Anne Green 21 ,, M' Nath" Jones & EUinor Ryding 23 ,, M' Tymothy Aspinwall & Jane Percivall 2 Octob' Rob" Bamb' & Elizabeth Tarleton 25 John Falkener & Joane Hall 19 February 1675. James Prescott, drap : & Anne Massey of Sale in Cheshire, Gent 14 Octob' John Halsted & Elizabeth Richardson 21 Daniell Danvers, suger baker & Margr" daught' of M' Sorocold of Barton bv M' Hunt' v Lvcence dat : 1676. SamueU Fazakerley, Towne Clarke and Alice Dannett of Wau'tree Thomas Gerrard, stationer, & Abigail Pickring of Warrington Peter Allen, blacksmith & Elizabeth Lunt of Lunt in Sephton pish Peter Marsh, Gent. & M'" Mary Olney W™ Carter & Marg" Harrocks of Parke, by Lycence dated 17"" Apr. 1677 [^iV] John son of Ald'man Tho. Wittmson & Anne daughter of Thomas Clayton, Merchat, by Lycence dat. 19"" Aug' inst AVittm Boates, habedasher & . . . Penny Rich. Seddon, habedasher & Jane Sutton John AValley & Susan Glover, by Lycence dat. 14 Feb. 1676 7 February 19 May 5 June 24 JJ 20 Aprill 28 „ AugustFeb' I677-I680 MARRIAGES, 129 28 May 14 June 28 July 30 1 f 18 Octob' 25 f J 12 Februa iry 1677. Wittm Carter & Margrett Horrocks, y Lycence dated 17"' instant [entered twice, see 1676] 28 Aprill 1678. Thomas Carter, attourney & Hannah- Breers, AA'iddow, y Lycence dated y° 23'" instant... Thomas Birch, mariner, & Jane Edge ,by Lycence dat. io"" instant Peter Pemberton of Chester, goldsmith & Katherin Urmston of this Towne, by Lycence dat. 23'" instant Wittm Hulmes of Bould & Ellen Boulton of Windle, by Lycence dated 27"' instant Charles Green, naylor, & Margrett Reynolds, y° Lycence dat. 13"" instant Robert Lucas & Alice Blevin of Liv'poole, by Lycence dated 23'" October inst Thomas Lunt & Margrett Crumpton, by Lycence dat. y° 9 : instant 1679. Jacobus Benn & Alice AVoodside y Lycence dated y' 7"" instant 12 June Cuthbert Sharpies & Ellen Lievesley, by Lycence dated 21" instant 28 August Thomas Bayley & Marg" Tarleton, by Lycence dated 17"" instant 23 Septemb' Joseph Tarleton & Marg" Bayley, by Lycence dated 15"" instant 25 ,, Thomas Warmisham & Alice Fazakerley, Widdow, by Lycence dated 28"" instant 30 Octob' John Edgecar & Susan Seale, by Lycence dated 27"" instant ditto John Fisher & Jane Rimer, by Lycence dated y" 4"" instant ditto 1680. Edward Lewis & Elizabeth Green by Lycence dated 20"" instant 22 Septemb' Richard Gunston, tydesman, & Bridgett Sales, by Lycence dated 5"" instant 8 Novemb' Jonathan Livesley & Anne Burges, by Lycence dated 13"" instant 16 Decemb' I30 LIVERPOOL REGISTERS (St. NICHOLAS). 1681-1685 1681. Gilbert Formby, mariner & Elizab. Formby, by Lycence dated 25"" instant 26 June Wittm'Glover& Sarah Rawson, both of Liv'poolee by Lycence dat. 30"' inst. [sic] Edward Barrow & Rachell Mannell, by Lycence dat. 13"" inst Thomas Edwardson & Jane Bayley of Liv'poole, by Lycence dat. 12"" Oct Thomas Bramhall of Maxfild & Mary Aspinwall of Liv' poole by Lycence dat. 18"" inst. ... Rob" Abram & Ellen .... by Publicacon ... John Burges & Agnis Sykes of Liv'p. asked att Walton Thomas Croft & Marg" Dannett, by Lycence dat. i8"' Jan. last I Aug' 15 JJ 14 Octob' 20 Novemb' 3 Dec. 2 Feb' 1682. W™ Heyes & Sarah Vize by Licence dat. ditto ... 21 August James Gotten & Sarah Downes by Licence dat. 29 Dec. last 1683. Thomas Sandeford & Mistris Ashton, wid. by Lycence dat. y° 16"" inst John Danson, marin' & Mary daught' of W™ AA'orrall of I-iv'poole by Lycence dat. 7"" instant John Crane & Jane Reynolds by Lycence dated 19"' instant 1684. James Barton & Elizabeth Johnson, by Licence dat. 12"" instant Rob" Seacome & Katherin Atherton, by Licence dat. 3'" instant Wittm Newton & Hannah Ambrose, by Lycence dat. 3'" instant 1685. John Barrow & Elizabeth Seatle, by Lycence 30"' March last i Aprill Jonathan Moneley & Hannah Rimmer, by Lycence dat. 7"" instant 21 ,, Matthew Bushel and Elizabeth Williamson, by Lycence dat. 12"" instant 15 Decemb' 16 January 22 Aprill 8 Novemb' 21 Octob' 24 Octob' II Dec. 4 Febr. 1686-1687 MARRIAGES. 131 1686. Thomas Sweeting and Sarah Livesly, by Lycence dat. 17 instant 26 January 1685. James AVatkinson and Elizabeth Hinly, by Lycence dated 13"* instant ' Thomas Harryson and Anne Answorth, by Lycence dated 21" instant Thomas Tarlton and Anne Woods, by Lycence dat. 23 instant Thomas Sandeford and Elizabeth Hunter, by Lycence dated 13"" inst 1686. William Smith and Sarah Abraham, by Lycence dat. 12 instant John Hey and Allice Willson, by publycation the 3-4-5 daye of Aprill 1686 John Barrow and Anne Marcer, by publycation in the Church RoB. Houghton and Anne Clarkson, by publycation 3 June James Gordin and Anne Ormthon, by Lycence dat. 14"" instant M' Nicklas Rigby and Eleanor Cleaton, maried by Licence dated 7"", 1686 John Whitfeild and Mary Diggles, by Licences dated 5 Oct. 1686 ' George AA-'ickliffe and Mary Coventree, by licence dated 20"' 1686 AVilliam Stocton and Mary Herbert, by licence, dated 2 7 instant [sic] John Travis and Elizabeth Higginson, by licence dated 6"" instant Charles Cooper and Margret Parr, by licence dated March 21 1687. William Chantrell and Jane Kilner, by licence... Humphry Floud & Mary Richardson, both of Chester, by licence dated the same day . . . William Robinson & Elinor Green, by licence dated 2"" Nov T-homas Alenson and Alice Fauster, by licence Edmund Rigly & Jane Warbrick, being first published 17 [month illegible] 15 Feb. 22 August 23 JJ IS Octob' 14 Aprill 5 JJ 13 May 3 June 17 July 21 Sep 10 Oct. 25 Nov. 9 Jan. 7 Feb. 2 Apr. 19 June 16 July 3 Nov. 5 Dec. 132 LIVERPOOL REGISTERS (St. NICHOLAS). 1688-1691 17 17 20 Nov. Jan. 1688. Henry Leadbeater & Margret Lunt, both of Liverpoole, by Licence i May AVitt Fletcher and Elenor Rimer, both of Leverpool, by licence dated the same day... 30 July Thomas Alcock & Deborah Liveshey, both of Liverpoole, by licence 15 Octob' DanieU Sephton & Sarah L'layton, both of this towne, by licence John Rimmer & Mary Arrowsmith, both of this towne, by licence Jn° Tipping & Anne Rimmer, by licence Peeter Ranford & Margery Scazbrick, by licence 1689. James Pemberton & Elizabeth Dunster [?] by publication AA'illiam Heyes & INIary Angsdall, by licence ... Charles Diggles & Jane Ellison, by Lycence ... Henry Appleton & Elizabeth Andrews by Lycence Jeremiah Harrison & Ellen Allen, by lycence ... Richard Grundy of London & Sarah Pemberton, by licence Jonathan Kendrick & Ann Jackson, by licence. . . AAHlHam Roe & Margaret Grain, by Lycence ... Thomas Potter & Alice Fleetwood, by Lycence.. . Richard Henshaw, skiner & Ellin AVindle, by Lycence Fi-ankland Barlow of Macclesfield & Rebeeah Griffith, by lycence 1690. Hanery Ballandine & Hanah Story, by Lycence John Lady and Hanha Ranolds, by Lycence ... Johnathen Molina & Susanah Plomton, by Lycence Robert Bickstath and Allin Smith by Lycence Andrew Ovitt and Martha Midleton ...' Joseph Cornwell and Sara AA'alls AVilliam AVebster and Sara Glover Thomas Corbin and Judeth Marcer ... John LintoU and Mary AVindle Levinus Houston and Elizabeth Black Lycence 1691. Robert Gostidge and Ann Wallker James Hormby and Sarah Heys Gaulter Brice and Hanagh Preeson, by Lycence 25 17 Aprill 21 19 JJ May 23 June 1910 JulyNov. 21 11 30 " 12 Jan. 13 ditto IS Sep. 25 16 Jl Oct. 18 2 11 Dec. 13 8 It Feb. 6 11 19 i t 5 11 30 18 Aprill Aug. I69I-I694 MARRIAGES. 133 Henry Warbrick and Jone Hoult Gorge Moberlay and Shusan : AccUston William Houlme and Ellin Fisher M' AVilliam Swetnam and M' Bethya AVillis, by Lycence William Benn and Elizabeth Woods, by Lycence Edward Pery and Marey Tournor, by Lycence... Rouland Anyon & Marey Higinson, by Lycence William Williamson and Margreat Travers, by Lycence John Crane James Townsend 30 Aug. 9 Sep. I Nov. 26 Decem. 30 .. 22 Jan. 27 JJ 4 Feb. Wardens 1692. Parson Richmond & Mary Dudel Cristopher Moore & Elizabeth Lion William Danson and Ann Maule, by Lycence M' WUliam Bispon & M" Elizabeth Massey Robert Sheles & Elizabeth Lewis AUdermon Tho Tyrer & M" Ann Clayton. . . Richard Vos & Jane Galey Witt Watson & Jane James John Crompton & M" Mary Hulmes Tho Harasmith & Elin Withington Robert Jenings & Elizabeth Letherland ... Tho Dudley & Margery Townsend 5 ApriU 14 JJ 18 Aug. 25 Aug. 22 Sep. 22 Nov. 20 Dec. 20 20 ,, 19 Jan. 19 ,• 21 Feb. James Townsend, Warden. 1693. Gilbert Formby & Margret Case John Clare & Margret Green Francis Scot & Dorothy Hulgrave Edward Henshaw & Jane Worrall . . . Edward Rachdell & Ellizabeth Norbeiy John Parks & An Seale ... 20 ... 25 Aprill Mav I 10 Sep.Oct. ro IQ Nov. 1693*4. Timothy Mutch of West Derby and Grace Gerrard of Sefton 17 Feb. Richard Warbrick, Warden Silvester Morecroft 134 LIVERPOOL REGISTERS (St. NICHOLAS). 1694-1696 1694. M' Thomas Wright & M" Ellizabeth Clayton .. John Brindle & Dorothy Buck Henery Tyrer 8l Margret Prior Henery Hardy & Ellin Robinson George Aldcroft & Eleanor Nelson Jonathan Gerrard & Ellin Fletcher Lawrence Stananoug'ht & Margery Wilson M' Gilbert Lievsley & M" Ellizabeth Martin .. Robert Braer & Margret Borough 1695. Charles Digles and Elin W™son Thomas Thompson & Margery Thompson Thomas Langford & Anne Alcock Charles Hewes & Elin Stochford Henry AVhitefeild & Margrett Harrison Nicolas Hatten & Martha Ovitt Paterick Wright & Anne Agger Thomas Smith & Mary Perry Jn" Bushell & Alee Croft ..' Thomas Roe & Easter Hodson 9 Aprill 21 JJ 10 May 6 Sep. 14 Oct. IS _.. 10 Nov. 29 Jan. 6 March 18 June 2 Sep. 9 '. 17 JJ 17 JJ 29 6 Oct. Nov. 9 28 „ 24 Jan. Hugh Langford, chapelwarden Joseph Briggs, sidesman 1696. John Rice & Elizabeth Cooke John Johnson & Jane Walton William Renolds & Elizabeth Moore John Brookefeild & Anne Gleave James Hartley & Alee Woods Edward Mercer & Elizabeth Shelton Thomas Boone & Johanah Hearvey . . . Christopher AVhiteing & Mary Baxter Edward Rice &i Jane Hand James Anderton & Elin AVilliamson . . . Jonas Kenyon & Elizabeth Barton . . . Samuell Runkhorne & Sarah Anderton AVilliam Tatlock & Sarah Hunter Henry Qua & Anne Sailes George Symson & Caterin Barker Vincent SneUing & Martha Green Hugh Mecanley & Elizabeth Dainty ... John Smallwood & Alee Atherton Tho Limbrey & Esther Mercer Joshua Tunstall & Mary Winstanley John Poston & EUin AVright ... '... June Oct. Nov. 24 Aprill I May 28 „ 34 16 29 9 5 17 16 1920262629 21 31 9 16 Dec. J J Jan. Feb. 29 March Joseph Briggs Adam Bury I697-I698 Marriages. »3S 1697. Thomas Johnson & Eliz. Barrow Robt. Seacum & Jane Henshew ... . Joseph Eaton & An Bennet James Tarlton & Eliz: Sky ner George Ireton & Eliz : Poole Thomas Allingson & Mary Byrom James Woods & Mary Hunter . , W™ Neyler & Eliz. Pemberton . . George Leuis & An Tarlton Tho. Dudley & Sarah Tarlton . . W™ Radclife &c An Sanford John Hamer & Marg' Lee Jubel Thomson & Eliz. Jump Rich" Rimer & Eliz. Wadkinson Rich" Boone & Mary Charnock . . Tho Wilkinson & Alee Jobson . . W™ Bastin & Eliz. Pemberton .. James Rigley & Easter Iryton [Huyton in Transcript] Tho. Standley & An Standstid Rich" Sotherd & Grace Brown Cavelere Christian & Mary Brown John Sanderson & Eliz. Ecckels John Ball & An Longworth Tho. Robtson & Ellin Robtson [Robinson Transcript] Tho Lenney & Susanna Crowther EUizebeth Burch & W™ Bushell 7 Aprill 13 J. 17 ,. 18 ,, 29 J. I Mav 18 ,; 12 Aug. 12 Sep. 23 JJ 23 29 Oct. I Nov. 19 Dec. 13 Jan. 13 JJ 27 3 Feb. 17 >. 27 JJ I March 5 J. 31 5 ApriU 13 J. 17 March 1698. Adam Bury, Warden. John Lady [The four preceding entries were again written Itere, but have been erased^ WUl. Coass & Eliz. Marcer WUl Sudlow & Ann Lyon Henery Blackburn & Ann Cragg Henary Redford & EHzB Perkins Nathanell Maud & Elizabeth Moleyneux ... James Townsend & Elizabeth Crane [ ?] ... Joseph Shaw and Elin Atherton Charles Eatton & Margrey Dyace [Dice in Transcript] John Reynhoulds & Grace Alerton Cristopher Chamler & Eliz. Christon 6 24 June Aug. Sep. Dec. Jan. II Feb. John Lady Cha: Diggles 136 LIVERPOOL REGISTERS (St. NICHOLAS). 1699-1700 1699. Henery Hardwick & Eliz Bordman Tho. Latherd and Sarah WorroU Joseph Perr and Mary Langford Tho. Lewis and Susanah Gandey Ralph AVillimason and Marg' AVillson Nathaniell Hewood, Clerk & Mary Truman ... John Shepard & Eliz Hughes Henry Trelffull & Ann Balmer John Hamerton & Ann Whitehead Ricli : Raineforde & Catherin Scaesbrick Joseph Beanes & Catherin Diggles Alix Smith & Margrett Byaes Tho. Marcer, saler & Elise Wollsey James AVesthead, saylor, & Ann Brown John AValker, saylor & Elizabeth Law [ ?] Jacobe Faror & Catheraine Hewss tho . . . ? [Hughes in Transcript] Cristopher Clitherow & Jane Hall Jo" Young, Chester & Catharine Halethom Jo" Holingworth & Elizabeth Williamson Christopher Adkinson & Elin Mather Lorance Loranson, saylor & Elin Poter Jo" Wright, saylor & Elin Cooke Tho. Sellick, doc' & Rebackeh Valantine Tho Glover, saylor & Elise Cloworth Jo" Widdowson & Dorathy Rimer Jo" Parker, salor & Elizabeth Formbey Wi™ Moss, scrivner & Hanah Branker Patrick Kermett, salor & Eliz. Rogers Tho. Haladay, joyn' & Eliz. Gibons Jo" Trusttram & Ruth Winstanley Rich Brown of Wigen & Eliz Deinford Josias Dumbabin of Warrington, lab' & Mary Moore of Nottingham Charles HiUyerd, bricklayor & Elin Pluckington, both of this towne Tho. Daggnall, taylor & Martha Benn 1700. Cha. Cha. Robert Meking, sailor & Ann Braying Robert Woolfall & Ann Rycroft of West Derby. . . Anthony Trustram of Letherland & Ruth Fisher of Liverpoole John Jackson of Liverpoole & Mary Morris of AVest Kerby 9 April 25 May 29 J J 4 June 25 J J 27 J .* 2 July 2 J» 17 JJ 3 Aug. 20 J J 20 >J 21 ti 26 IS 31 t f 3 Sep. 13 11 19 1 1 23 J 1 26 It 26 11 10 Oct. 13 tl 23 1 f 29 tl I Nov. 2 Jl 12 Dec 26 }¦> 14 Jan. Diggles Radclif 2 Apiill 6 May 26 / 1 27 ) » 1700 MARRIAGES. 137 Nathaniel Corles of Manchester & Katherine Sidebottom of Chedell 4 June John Low of Liverpoole & Margrett Smoult of Kirkdale 19 ,, M' Richard Carter of Mawdesley & Ann HockenhuU of Liverpoole 6 Aug. Thomas Sefton of Warrington Parish & Mary Rhodes of Burton Wood 27 ,, Robert Mertin & Margery Richards of Liverpoole 28 ,, John Siddall & Ann Bamber of y" Parish of Liverpoole 10 Sep. Roger Cross of AVest Derby & Katherine Anderton of Knowsley i6 ,, Henry Morrison & Margrett Howard of Liverpoole 28 , , AVilliam Mercer of Kirkdale & Elizabeth Mercer of Leverpoole Nicolas Holland & Elizabeth Sale, both of Liverpoole William Mettcalfe & Ann AVinfield, both of this Town & Parish Hugh Stomp & Elizabeth Kindley, both of Liverpoole Samuell Wade of Upton & Martha Robinson of Wallesey in Cheshire Peter Wright & Maudlan Williams, both of Liverpoole 2 ,, M' John Earl & M" Eleanor Tyrer, both of Liverpoole 10 ,, Christopher Bayliff & Tabitha Bamber, both of this Parish 19 , , Robert Edwards & Elizabeth Richardson, both of this Parish 21 ,, Humphrey AVilliams & Margarett Thomas, both of this Parish 31 ,, Silvester Moorcroft & Ann Pollard, of this Parish 8 Jan. Thomas Sefton of Hyton Parish & Alice Gregson of West Derby 8 ,, James Gregory of this Parish & Catherine Litherland of Kirkdale 13 ,, James Williamson & Jane Wright, both of Newton 21 , , Simond Owens of this Parish & Jane Adshaw of Formby 26 ,, William Fell & Mary Scarsbrick 29 ,, William Ireland & Mary Anyon, both of this Parish 4 Feb. JosephHeys&MaryWathew, both of Sefton Parish 8 ,, Timothy Blakborne & Susanna Eccleston, both of this Parish 12 29 JJ 12 Nov. 12 J » 16 JJ I Dec. 138 LIVERPOOL REGISTERS (St. NICHOLAS). 1 700-1701 William Mertin & Catherine Norres, both of West Derby 12 Feb. John Styles & Ann Ashton, both of this Parish. . . 26 ,, Francis Durlidge & Margarett Hesketh, both of this Parish 4 March Jo: Seacome Joseph Eaton 1701. James Taylor & Lydia Hall, both of this Parish 21 Aprill John AVebster & Ellen Duxbery ,, ,, 21 ,, James Evenson & Ann Dike ,, ,, 22 ,, William CoUey & Hannah MiUington ,, 22 ,, Thomas Sommers & Hannah Nicholls ,, i May Lawrence Winstanley & Dorothy Brindle ,, i ,, Joshua Potter & Alice Royle, both of this Parish 6 ,, John AVright & Ann Kenwright ,, ,, 7 ,, Robert Grimsditch & Ann Williamson ,, 3 June Johnathan Bowler & Eliz. Paine ,, 10 ,, John Holbrook of Warrington & Mary Horobin of Bold 10 ,. John Marsh & Jane Siddall, both of this Parish 29 ,, Rich" Tatlock & EHz. Johnson, Tyth Barn Street 2 Aug. Samuell Atkinson & Margarett Hardman, L" Street 5 , John Ormshow & Eliz Caine, Hackens Hey ... 10 ,, James Blace & Allice Penkeyman 30 ,, M' Henrey Brooks & M" Jane Hesketh 8 Sep. Jo" Nunns & Allice Wade, Moore Street 11 ,, Henrey Croft of Cureden & Ann Pilkington, Ecleston 16 ,, Tho. Hamond, Lev'poole & Eliz Mercer, of Prescott 16 ,, John Pyper, mariner & Susan Russell 2 Oct. John Fleetwood & Martha Dutton, Tyth Barn Street 11 ,, M' Joseph Show & M" Margaret Danvers, Water Street 21 ,, Rob' Axon & Martha Clare, Castle HUl 23 ,, Rich" Cragg & Mary Symonds, Water Street ... 29 ,. John Worthington & Marg. Thomas 6 Aug. John Edmonson of Ulverston & Ellen Edmonson of Highsham 3 Nov. John Woolfall of Poole lane, sailor & Elizabeth Parks of West Derby 2 Dec. Thomas Ashton of y' Castle, carpend' & Jane Galloway 4 9 Dec. 9 i6 2.| 26 27 1701-1702 MARRIAGES. i39 John Bagott & Margrett Ball, Common Garden William Cowley & Alice Mills at M' Pluckintons John Roans & Mary Carter, Oldhall Str Tho. Cliff of West Derby & Eliz. Miles of AVavertre Henry Margerson & Ann Wharton, Dale Street Richard Serjeant & Ann Smalshaw, Moorfields John Aspinall & Mary Duke, Redcross Street... 8 Jan. Lawrence Turner & Margarett Johnson, Dale Street 8 ,, Joseph Parr, Moor Street, Merch' & Mary Shoriock 20 ,, Rich" Buckley, Dale Street, marriner & Mary Bannister 20 ,, Rich" Aynsworth, Dale Street, slater & EHz. Martin 29 ,, Rich" Blevin & Judith Anderton, Launcelotts Hey 2 Feb. Thomas Massey, shooemaker & Katherine Jump 3 ,, Peter Martindale & Margrett Darbyshire, of Billinge in y" Parish of Wiggan 5 , , Thomas Pattisson, Poole lane & Eliz. Jenning... 9 ,, Rob' Bravin of Manchester, chapman & Margrett Birchall of Cable Street it ,, Dionisious Griffith & Mary Woolfall, Moorfields 14 ,, Isaac Foster of Chap" Street, sailmaker & Hannah Mathew 3 March Joseph Eaton Jo. Seacome 1702. AVilliam Bond, Lord Street, bricklayer & Mary 5 April Nodding Edward Brown of Aughton, butcher & Ellen Standish of Liverpoole Thomas Houghton, tidesman & Margret Bond... John Phillips of Moorefields, sailour & Ann Caldey Charls Perry of Coock Street, shoemaker & Ann Sinson Charls Leigh, labourrer. Dale Street, lodger at Symon Roberts and Agnis Dickinson Hugh Upton of Hale Banck, taylour & Mary EUam of Hale James Beuel [?] [Bushel in Transcript] of Hull, marrener &Elizebeth Hughes, Widow, Harringtons Street 8 ,, Samuel Edwards, butcher & Ann Morecroft, Dale Street 24 „ Edward Withers of London 8: Ellin Simner, John Street, Liverpoole 19 July / JJ 14 J J 14 JJ 14 J J 26 May I June 140 LIVERPOOL REGISTERS (St. NICHOLAS). 1702 Alexander Ecckerson from Rich" Gaily in John Street, carpender and Catherine Blundell ... 26 July James Richarson of Preston & Elizabeth Niclson of John Street, Leverpoole 26 ,, Edmond Rishton from Edward Lyons in Morefields, pipemaker & Mary Padmore 27 , Edward Litherland of Thorton, mason & Elizabeth Bradley of Sephton, spinster 17 Aug Lawrence Bayley, Dale Street at John Glovers, brickleyer & Tabith Glover 24 ,, Peter Hormby, Dale St. slater & Ester Kenyon i Sep. Henry Bardwod, Lord St. carpender & Marey Margreson i ,, Tho Frith of Castel, shumaker & Anne Almon of Halewood 2 ,, Richard Brookesbey, Castle Street, growser & Eliz. Barton 3 ,, Edward Ryley of Preston, plummer & Anne Gabbot of Leverpoole 7 ,, John Dugdale, AA'ater Street, carver & Alies Flecher of AVest Darbey 7 ,, James Foster of Cuerdley in y" parish of Prescott & Margret Smith, Liverpoole 10 ,, John Walls, Phenex Stret, talor & Shusana Ingam 29 ,. John Gregson, Water Stree, laborr' & Ann Wake 8 Oct. Thomas Andarton, Harringtons Stree, shoemaker & Elizebeth More 9 ,, Henry Battarsbe, servant to Aid" Johnson, sealor & Mary Talor 20 ,, John Bilsland, Cooke Street, cooper & Mary Worrall 28 „ Thomas Ley at Nicolas Tomson, Atherton Street, carpenter and Agnus Bayen 28 ,, James Bonnor of Castell, bricklayer & Elizabeth Leigh, widow i Nov. Henry Tommosson at Dry Bridg, salor & Jone Poultney 4 ,, Antony Smith, Hackens Heay, sealor & Margery Scasbrick 23 ,, John Haile of Weston in the county of Chester, y Oman and Eales Hemes of AA'est Derby ... 5 Dec. Thomas Hill of the oyle of Mackgee in the county of Anthrem in the kingdom of Ireland & Mary Allen of Liverpoole, Widow 5 ,, John Lorinson, More Street, sealor & Elizebeth Bradley S ^, John Darbe, salor from William Crofts, Haringtons Street & Elizebeth Strainge of Cirkdale ... 9 ,, Gorge Spondle & Ann Pott 15 1702-1703 MARRIAGES. 141 Daved Grason from James Athertons in Morefields, pipe-maker & Mary Tyrer George Marser, on the Brek Side in West Darbey & Elizebeth BusheU Peter Manchester of Rattclife parish, clothier & EHzbeth Walley of y' same Edward Williams of Chester, wheelwhright & Elizebeth Bozewell of y° same James Allen of Red Cross Street, seilmaker and Eliner Taylor of y' same John Macer of Hackins Hey, blacksmith & Elizebeth WiUd John Cowell at William Seddons in olid Hale Street, taylor and Jane Finch Henry Glover of Reinell, husbandman and Sarah Potter of y' same Henry Pott, servant of y° Rector of Wallton and Alice Johnson of Bootle 23 Dec. 24 5 Jan- 26 Feb. Thomas Dugdale Robert Seacome 1703. Rich" Winstandly, taylor & Elizabeth Tyrer from M' Jo" Procters, Water Str' 30 March Mathias Millet from Robert Shorlocks, Lord Str' bricklayer, and Sarah Chadwick ... 30 , , Hugh Patten, merch' and Sarah Dudley, Widdow in Chapell Street 3° jj Tho. Sparkeof Eastham, sailor & Esther Clough 30 ,, Henry Houghton of Prescot & Mary Coulton, ser"' to M' Sheeles, AVater Str' 4 ApriU Joseph Harefoot, Preesons Rowe & . Gray, ser"' to M' Jo" Sandiford 8 Henry Fogg, ser"' to Aid' Tho. Tyrer & Eliz. Sharpies, ser' to M' Ja. Hamer 4 May Rich" Thornhill, lodger at Alice Formby's in Red Cross Street, sailer & Jenet Carter ... n jj John Barron, ser"' at Peter Hombies in Preesons Rowe & Ruth WUliames 24 ,, Edw" Gill, ser"' to Edw" Fames in Castle Street, mUler & Ann Holland, ser"' to M" Margaret W™son I June Leigh Kenion of Burton Wood, husbandman & Jane Ditchfield of Great Sankey 6 „ Tho. Currie, husbandman of West Darby & Ellin Kenion of y° same 17 ,, 142 LIVERPOOL REGISTERS (St. NICHOLAS). 1703 Anthony Baister [ ? probably a misspelling of Banister] of Dall Street & Dorety Wenstenley William Crage of Phenex Street, joyner & Phebey Winfeelt William Everitt, mariner & Elizehath AVindfield in Moast Street [Moor Street ?] Richard Highiton, sayler, lodger att Pheby Windfield in Moast Street [Moor Street ?] & Adgenous Rodditt Ralfe Luntt, sailer & Ann AA'esthead, living in Reedcross Street Thomas Parker & Eline Lawrence, living in Deale Street GabrieU Westhead & Jane Hearefoott, living in Hackings Heay John Ryley of Castle Heye, bricklayer & Eliza. Tarleton James Fells, sailor, lodger at Alexander Heskieth, Moore Street & Ellen Gleave Henry Dawson of y° Castle, miller & Bridget Buckly James Thomasson of Daile Street, porter & Ann Rushton, widdow John Gardner of Water Street, taylor & Jane Buckly Tho. Standish of Bootle & EUen Johnson both of AA'alton Parrish Stephen Greenwood, Phenwick Street, taylor & Ann Lunt Hugh Coventry of AVood Church in Cheshire, cooper & EUen Walton of Willison Rich" Charnock of Bidston in Cheshire, shoomaker & Eliza: Gill of y° same Henry Red of Belfast in Ireland & Eliza. Murphy in Moore Street, Liverpoole Rich" Bleven, Redcross Street & Margaret Deye of Franckby in Cheshire Tho Harrison, Preeson Rowe, carpenter & Ann Wainwright Hugh Dyckes, shooemaker & Lidia Kenion, Moorefieldes W™ Marjerson, at M' Danvers & Jane Gee Edw" Rattclife, Jo" Street, shooemaker & Ann Harrison Edw" Lunn, Cook Street & Ellen Windle Tho. Cooke, sailor, from Castle Haye & Ann Thompson Tho. Hollis, Moore Street, sailor & Rebecka AVhitehead 29 June 6 July 25 11 31 li 19 Aug. 24 J 1 29 tl 7 Sep. 22 J J 19 Oct 31 J J 7 Nov. 9 It 14 J • 25 If 27 It 27 tt 28 ts 30 IS 30 It Dec. 14 JJ 19 11 31 Dec. 2 Jan 6 9 12 20 20 26 1 1 3 Feb. 1703-1704 MARRIAGES. 143 Jerimia Snow from Leeds & Rachell Berchell, Cable Street James Martland of Olderfleeft in y" county of Antrim & Mary HUl, Moore Street Edw" Banckes, lodger at James Penkimans in Lancellots Haye & Margaret Cardwell Robert Goodicor, James Street, marinor & Rachell Marsh A\'™Scerryof Belfast, shipwright & Ann Johnson, Chapell Street Edw" Willes, Wather Street, marrinor & Ann Buckley George AVhiticor at M' Rollines & Alice Gorsuch Edw" Tyrer, Harrington Str', taylor & Jane Renshaw John Midleton, Castle Haye, sailor & Katherin Dodson, Widow Doc: John Tarieton, Castle Str' & Elizabeth Norris 12 ,, John Whitfield, lodger at W™ Lambs, Lord Str' husbandman & Mary Darnell 24 ,, Henry Jackson, blacksmith, lodger at Humphry Prescots, Daile Str' & Ann Prescot 24 ,, Tho. Key, servant to M' Silvester Richmond, AVater Str' merch' & Isabell Gardener ... 2K ,, Tho. Wharton of Little AVoolton, husbandman & Alice Daviss of Haile [PFojod 26 ,, John Denton of Eccleston, husbandman & Jane John,son of MaghuU 28 ,, 1704. Henry Loyd of Mosten, sailor & Frances Bradly of Liverpoole 30 March David Scott of Greenock in the County of Aisanthrow [sic] in Scotland & Dorothy Spencer of Liverpoole ..; A\'™ Porter of Castle, taylor & Ellen Spencer Peter Knowles, sailor, lodger at Elliz. Prestons in Castle Str' & Evis Beacess [ ?] • • 19 Apr. •• 20 „ IS .. 20 John Fells Tho. Deane Jo" Hornby, Dale Street, joyn' & Marg' Plumb 23 Apr" W™ Kingston, W"° Street, barb' & Sarah Boats 23 ,, Tho. Glover of West Derby, yeoman & EUin Heys of Dann: i May Tho Cricklow, sayl', lodger at Ja. Coopers in Cable Street & Han. Sourbuts 8 144 LIVERPOOL REGISTERS (St. NICHOLAS). 1704 Jn" Bumgeat, shoemak' & Mary Glover, Old Hall Street 7 June Rich" Danson, Hackings Hey, mill' & Dorothy Dodson 18 ,, Jn° Rimsey in Hey s'., sail' & Ma: Farrer ... 22 ,, Laur. Bearon of Sephton, yeoman & Ann Whitehead 24 ,, Jn° Fenny, Castle Hill, shoemaker & Marg' Banks 25 ,, Ja. Heys, Jugler Street, labour' & Martha Dalson 5 July Jos. Jackson, Dale Street, harbour & Dorathy Stubs 23 ,, Ralph !Mercer, mason, lodger at Ja. Tunstalls, Har : S. & Ann GaskeU AA'ill. Everad, ropemaker, lodg' at Tho. AA'illiamsons ov'r y" PooU & Eliz. Marsh... Gilbert Hesket, sail', lodg' at Eliz. Johnson's Lan. Hey & Marg. Harpur AA'ill. Blevin, serv' to D. Danvers, Red Cross Street, & Marga' Charnock Dan" Charnock, sayl', lodg' at Jn° Stringers by Ch. y" & Maiy Green AVill Glover, house-carpenter & Marg' Nuttall in Lord Street John Shurlock, & . . Smith, servant att M' Danvers , Red Cross Street Rich" Croser, sayl', lodger at Marg' Baggots Tow' Alley & Dor . Phillips Arthur Myers of Lan. Hey, mariner & Mary AVadley Tho. Bryers, carp', lodg' at Ann Barnes, Moor Street & Mary AVallis John [Flecher?] pipemaker, lodger att Ann Hankshaws in Moorfields & Ann Law Bernard Breshaw, Chap St., weaver & Alice Guv Rob' Sawley, Cook St., Shoemaker and Eliz.' Kermitt 29 Jan. John Green, nail' at Waterside & Ellin Mather 30 ,, Edw" Cropper of Hack' Hey, sail' & Rachaell Stevenson 6 Pej3_ Thomas Green, glaz', lodg' at James Fleetwoods & Isabel Kelly u John Bridson, sail' at Hugh Colkits, Moore Street, & Esther Wainwright 10 John Hall, sayl', lodg' at Henry Rigbys, Chappell Street & Mary Greenfield 26 Tho Coore John Scasbrick. 25 J J 26 J J 31 J J 6 Aug. 30 JJ 26 Sep. 27 J 1 30 tt I Oct. 26 JJ I Dec. 20 J J LIVKPOOLE, 1673. TTbe "KegCSter HBOOfie for Buryalls comenceing y* I Sth May, 1673, viz': VOLUME II. Burialls. 1673. M' Symon Grinter mathematitian Sarah d. of M' Christoph' Jans M' Lawrence Breers m'chant John Sturzaker Ald'man Jo" s. of Jo" Ashhurst M' Symon Arrowsmith Richard Finley Sarah d. of Rich Rogersonn Raph HalsaU Sarah d. of Hen Hardman Mary d. of W™ Christian Mathias s. of W™ Gaily Ellen wife of Wittm Poultney Ellen d. of Rich Rogerson Isabell d. of Wittm Wattmough Ellen Burton Elizabeth wife of M' Tho. Chapman, sen. William Brisby Alice d. of Tho Salthowse Elizabeth wife of Tho. Hurdis 1674. William Leech taylor Peter s. of W™ Sandis marrin' Margery d. of Rob" Kenion Christopher Brookebanke Jane wife of Edw. Rawkin Thomas Smalshaw seaman John Lytherland carpent' Rob" Fleetwood of Down HoUand accidentaUy drowned in this River Wittm s. of Wittm Strangewaies gent Edw Bowman, serv' to Rob" Woodside, marin' John Goore of this towne Wittm Warbrick marrin' 27 May 16 June 21 JJ 25 JJ 28 JJ 22 July 22 Sep. 19 Oct. 20 11 22 tt 10 Nov 4 Dec. 4 Jan. 4 JJ 18 J J 28 It I Feb. 10 March 13 It 16 It 3 April! 6 JJ 13 JJ 20 J J 20 J J 10 May 27 it 12 June 4 July 7 JJ 23 JJ 24 1 » 146 LIVERPOOL REGISTERS (St. NICHOLAS). .674. 675 coop: .¦• watchmaker James Whitfield watchmaker ..._ Anne wife of James Brindle mann' Hannah d. of Rob" Lunt taylor ••¦•¦•¦•• Richard Woods s'vant to Capt. Edw. Tarleton, marrin' James Glover Rich Wright marin' John Sparrow labourer Sarah wife of Jo" Molleneuxe apothecary Edward Bankes carter Thurstan Diggles ElizaB d. of James Seatle Anne wife of Rob" Echoes . s. of Joseph Prior Roger Moore silke weaver Thomas Trickett, stranger Nathaniell Postlethwait ingraver Margrett wife of Rob" Ticknor inkeeper [blank] of James Ackers [blank] of John Kelly carter Jane d. of Edward Halsall butcher 1675. John Sander serv' of Augustin AVilkins of y* Parke nere this towne Ruth d. of Joshuah Fisher innkeeper John s. of Rob" Fleetwood Anne d. of George King piper Anne wife of Alderman Tho. Andoe Richard AVilson of Alisett in CartmeU Peter Slater s. of Hen. Slater, Esq. in y' County of Lancaster Richard Johnson shooemaker Thomas s. of Tho Stanton marin' Wittm Strangewayes, gent John Prescott Elizabeth wife of Rich Widdoes David Hall labourer James s. of Wittm Galley saddletree-maker . . . Mary d. of Rich Windle coop Marg" Granger, widdowe James Fletcher shooemaker Anne d. of W™ Dicconson labourer Peter s. of Jo" Phillips bellman Rich s. of Richard Tarleton marin' Richard Tompson mariner Roger Anderton, gentleman John Anderton, gentleman 27 July 30 >' 3 Aug. 4 .' 14 JJ 17 J. 23 " 8 Sep. 7 Oct. 27 ,, 8 Nov. 15 Dec. 19 Jan. 22 ,, 15 Feb. 19 j> 12 March 12 ,, 16 30 12 31 March AprUlMarch 19 JJ 30 5 J J May 6 } } 10 f t 10 It II ,, 13 18 18 1* 11tt II June 14 1 1 14 1 1 23 I 11 July 12 It 13 11 1726 1 1 1 • 29 ; J 1675-1676 BURIALS. 147 Roger s. of W™ Wattmough anchor-smith Rob'* Woodside marrin' Dorathy d. of Symond Arowsmith marin' Elizabeth wife of Rob'' Bamber mariner Wittm s. of AVittm Benn mariner ... Jane Gerrard, widdowe Richard s. of Rob" Kennion cooper Wittm s. of John Harris marriner ... ElizaB wife of Tho Lancellot carpent' John Jackson innkeeper Elizabeth wife of Thomas Glover taylor Raph Anton roape-maker John Tempest, gentleman Susan wife of Rob'' Lawrenson John s. of AV™ Wattmough anchor-smith Elizabeth wife of Thomas Ditchfield carpent Thomas Tyrer mariner Thomas Scarisbreck ser\-ant to Owner Richard Tarleton of this Towne Michaell Bell .servant of David Willson mariner Martha wife of Henry Higginson watch-maker Hannah wife of M' David Cooke marrin' Penelope wife of M' Xortcliffe lawyer Richard Jones of Tredarth marin' . . . AVittm Eccleston, chirurgeon to David Cooke his shipp bound for Virginer George Bennett grocer Peter s. of Alderman Peter Lurtinge James s. of Rob" Blevin . . . . s. of John Weaver, gent Jane d. of Rob" Bushell slater Richard s. of PhUlip Harrison marin' John s. of George Moorecroft vintn' John s. of Thomas Topping marin' Cornelius s. of John HoUand carter Mary d. of [omiiied] John s. of Thomas Ditchfield carpent' John s. of AA'™ Valentine gunsmith ... Anne d. of Anthony Wood iron-mong' A stranger y' fell into M'" Bennetts Well W™ s. of Richard Erby marin' Rob" s. of Edward Jones pewterer . . . Marg" d. of Jo" Pemb'ton apoth. ... 2 Aug. 1676. Sep.Oct. Nov. 15 2130 II 48 ro 21 22 2222 ,, 29 JJ 3 Dec. 3 .. 6 ,j 6 JJ 7 ,, 8 „ 10 ,, IS .. 15 J. IS 24 5 Jan- 5 JJ 25 JJ 25 JJ 27 „ 28 „ I Feb. 4 JJ 23 5 March 6 J, 7 JJ 13 J. 18 ,, 18 ., 19 ,, 24 Gilbert s. of John Lawrenson Katherin d. of Thomas Tyrer ;\Iarg" Norris, AViddowe . . . mariner carpent' 30 March I Aprill 148 LIVERPOOL REGISTERS (St. NICHOLAS). 1676-1677 Thomas s. of Thomas Jumpe carpent' Edward s. of Sam" Fazakerley towne-clerke . . . Thomas Jarvis servant to AA'™ Hodgkin, ship wright Jacob s. of Thomas Edwardson mariner Margery wife of Abraham Aldred mariner . . . Henrys, of Thomas Edwardson mariner Edward s. of Richard Banister grocer Alice Middleton, widdowe Marg" Corles, widdowe Thomas Ashton joyner Anne d. of Hugh Richardson John & Mary s. & d. of AA'ittm Lyon ship-wright Peter s. of Docter Silvest' Richmond John s. of John Hesketh, gentleman Maryd. of AV™ Poultney carpent' Rebecka d. of Jo" Lancelott marin' John Bradley of Boston in New England, m'chant John s. of Thomas Salthowse Thomas Douglas of Boston, p' diet Joseph Smith sug'-baker Raph Parr joyner John Tompson labourer Sarah d. of Raph AA'™son marin' Miles Richardson, servant Jane Walls, widdowe AVittm Bushell marriner Sarah d. of Silvest' Richmond, gent A s'vant of AVittm AVorralls marin' Peter AA'alker porter George Pressick sadler Thomas Duke of y° Parke Elizabeth wife of Thomas Sandiford m'chant Mary d. of Rich AVindle cooper Marg" wife of Roger Richardson taylor Thomas Roe shooemaker Rebecka d. of John Pemberton apoth Katherin wife of black John AVittmson marin' Adam Sale innkeeper 1677. Henry Houghton woollen-draper Mathew Adlington's Mayden Elizabeth wife of James Story marin' Isabell wife of Anthony AA'alls marin' Robert Ticknor innkeeper Raph Massam, Alderman [ Rob" s. of Rich Tarleton marin' 2 Aprill 5 it 3 11 4 11 6 II 8 11 I May I 11 3 tt 10 It 9 11 10 y 1 17 It 19 It 19 tt 25 11 29 tt 31 It 6 June II J J 17 J J 20 11 I July 4 JJ 30 J J 31 JJ I Aug. 13 J J 18 JJ 12 Sep. 24 Nov. 3 Dec. 3 11 6 11 17 1 1 Jan. 5 April! 5 JJ 5 J. 6 „ II 16 „ 18 „ 1677-1678 BURIALS. 149 Thomas s. of Wittm Nicholls coop Wittm Tompson ship-carpent' Edward s. of John Gathorne of Manchest', gent. Gilb" Lowe tobaccoe-cutter Henry s. of Rich W™son chimrgeon Jane wife of Jo" Walls mariner Rob" Goore awstler Thomas Benn taylor Alice wife of Richard Rimer mariner Thomas s. of Wittm Litherland draper Anthony Walls mariner Anne d. of Rob" Turner mason Thomas s. of Edward Hornby taylor A child left in y= Towne hits name & fathers unknowne Marke s. of Rob" Nelson m'chant Thomas Mulleneux austler Alice & Marg" dau'of Joseph Pryor wath-maker Richard s. of Rich Parr jack-maker James Scarisbreck block-maker Marg" d. of GUb" Sutton Phillip Norres mariner Rob'' Mercer mariner Sarah d. of Henry Smith draper Sidney d. of John Hesketh, gent Amy d. of Christ Jans m'chant Rob" Halsall linnen-drap Marg" Eccleston, widdow Marg" wife of Rob" Hall smith Henry Alker labourer Nathaniell s. of W™ Blankeley Wittm Houghton porter Thomas Chapman, senior, gent Jonathan s. of John Walls marin' Mary d. of Thomas Clayton, gent 25 ApriU 30 JJ 30 JJ 23 May 6 June 9 II 10 1 y II y 1 II 1 1 16 1 1 22 11 2 July 8 1 1 9 11 9 11 26 11 10 Aug. 21 11 I Sep. ro J y 10 i y 10 II 8 Oct. 9 J 1 18 11 9 Nov. I Dec. I J J 6 J J 22 Jan. 16 Feb. 17 1 1 II March 1678. Henry Corles, Alderman 4 Aprill Elizabeth Overon, widdow 5 ,, Marg" d. of Tho. Wainwright marin' 13 ,, Peter Lurting, Alderman 14 ,, Richard s. of Thomas Stanton marin' 15 ,, John Ditchfield tanner 15 ,, Sarah wife of Jo" Walker, Alderman, deceased 15 ,, Susan wife of Peter Liegh hatter 16 ,, Marg" relict of Thomas Birch bayliff 23 ,, John s. of Wittm Simpson malt-maker 7 May Ellin Patrick schoole-mistris 9 ,, ISO LIVERPOOL REGISTERS (St. NICHOLAS). 1678 James s. of Anth. AA'alls marin' Jane Rogerson, widdowe Sam" Fazakerley towne-clerke Peter s. of Thomas Hurdes mason Jane wife of Nicholas Stone marin' Thomas s. of Thomas AVright marin' Jane d. of AVittm Jumpe marin' Raph Hasledine labourer David Murrey of Isle-Man, gent Thomas s. of Thomas Marsh marin' Alice wife of Thomas Darwin butcher Richard s. of John Kenion husbandman Elizabeth d. of David Henshawe, husB John Moneley marrin' Mary Ca^py, spinster Katherin Hurdes, spinst' Gabrell Wood of Wiggan upholsterer Edw. Moore of Bankhall, knight Margery wife of John Richards joyner Sam" s. of Thomas Roe shooemaker James s. of AA^™ Rycroft butcher John s. of John Pluckington gardener Mary d. of John Pierce carpenter Ellen Poole, widdowe Alice AVoodside, widdowe Thomas s. of Dan" Mather husband: Jonathan s. of AA'™ Newport marin' Gregory s. of John Marshall marin' AA'ittm s. of John Higginson marin' Rogers, of Rich. Jones pewterer Anne Copple, widdowe Jonas s. of AA'™ Pemberton labourer Henry Crane taylor Rob'' s. of Rob'' Biggins mariner Jeffrey Culcheth merchant Rich Mercer mariner Maryd. of John AA'ittmson marin' Ellen d. of Jeffrey Culcheth, deceased m'chant Rob" Tumer mason Maryd. of Edw. Sutton smith Henry s. of Thomas AA'oods porter Margery d. of George Tompson marin' Abigail d. of Rob'' AVade mariner John s. of Joseph Littler carpent' Jonathan s. of W™ Trueman webster Thomas Millner AV™ s. of Thomas Hurdes mason Elisha s. of Nathan Kenardy tobacconist Jane Hayward, widdowe 20 May 24 J J 31 6 July 7 J J 27 I 6 It Aug. J J 9 JJ II JJ 20 J J 27 3 11 Sep. IS 16 18 J J J J JJ 30 9 11 Oct. 8 It 14 11 20 11 22 26 II1 1 30 Si 31 21 11 Nov. 2828 2 11 11 Dec. 8 11 II 11 24 11 27 11 II Jan. 1216 11 11 17 11 21 11 24 3 11 Feb. 4 J J 4 8 11 11 10 ) J 13 IT I Man I8 J J 11 9 11 i679 BURIALS. '51 1679. Elizabeth Hill, widdowe Rob" Walls of Westend John s. of AA'™ Houghton marin' Wittm Parker mariner Marg" wife of Timothy Johnson Joshuah s. of Rich Diggles, glasier . Jane wife of Thomas Topping marin Tho. s. of AA'ittm Angsdell porter . John Rimmer mariner Henry Mason an old poore man Alice Middleton, widdowe Marg" Corles, widdowe Thomas Ashton, joyn' Wittm s. of Richard Jones pewterer Elizabeth d. of Hen. Higginson watch-maker Edward Holme John Holland carter John Sand'son porter Amy d. of Christ Jans, gent Paul Venney, French-man Henry s. of Hen. Higginson watch maker John Chandler, Alderman Rob'' Worrall mason George Aspinwall porter Anne wife of Tho. Holerobin translator Wittm Galley sadle tree-maker Elizabeth wife of Henry Higginson watch maker Joseph s. of Wittm AA'attmough anchor smith Myles s. of Christopher Barrow marrin' Wittm s. of W™ Bayley carpenter ... Marg" d. of Edw. Scarisbrick marin' Marg" d. of Raph Rogers bricklayer John s. of Rich Davis mariner Anne wife of David Wilson marin' John s. of Randle Dawson marin' . John Tyrer Edward Tyrer taylor Rob" Kennion cooper John Wittmson marin' Thomas Blankeley Wittm Wallworth bricklayer ... Rob" Thisleton of Wharton labourer WiSm Fleetwood glasier Mary d. of Tho Heys marriner John Parr tydesman Henry s. of John Rawson Raph Wittmson marin' June 3 ApriU 2 6 II 12 20 222829 12 I May 3 10 II 13 23 25 39 II r I II15 19 27 July 5 69 26 5 Aug 7 10 28 7 Sep 4 12 16 16 28 5 29 JJ 12 Nov 13 Dec. Oct. 152 LIVERPOOL REGISTERS (St. NICHOLAS). 1679-1680 Thomas Rifner mariner Grace Mercer, spinst' Martha d. of John Waring, gent Katherin d. of Thomas Ecchoes Hemy s. of Thomas Ecches, p' die. Ferry-man Elizabeth d. of AV™ Chantrell marin' John s. of Francis Raine, limner Hugh Culcheth of AViggan 1680. EUen Lurting, widdowe Sam" Fartclough Michaell Rumley gardener Marg" Clarke a passenger home neer Garstang in Lanchashire, spinst' Jane Galley, widdowe Jane d. of Tho. Stanton marin' Bryan Mercer marin' James s. of Jeremy Clarke worsted-comber Emblem wife of Thomas Copple baker . . . John Holland carter John Christian, s'vant of Jo" Edgecar, marin' Anne wife of John Moneley, deceased, marin' Dorathy wife of Thomas Preeson marin' Agnis d. of Joseph Bird marin' John s. of Rich Rimer marrin' Thomas Jackson of y" Fy Ide Rob'' s. of John AVainwright Thomas Shawe grocer James Travers serjant Joseph s. of W™ Trueman lin.-webst' Jane d. of Edmund Croston marrin' Joseph s. of Wittm Preeson marrin' Martha wife of John Higginson shooemaker Thomas Barker m'chant Thomas s. of Randle Gallway marrin' . EUinor d. of Edw. Booker tobacconist . Sam" Rhoades waytor & searcher ... Ellen w-ife of James Harper carpent' Origen s. of John Richards joyner ... John s. of Rich Edge carter John s. of John Litherland watch-maker [omitted] d. of Rob" Farrar marrin' Katherin Wittmson, widdowe Alice Read, widdowe Elizabeth Rydeing, widdowe Richard s. of Jo" Percivall m'chant A daughter of Hugh Richardsons unbabtized Roger Gorsuch woollen draper 25 Dec. 28 ¦JJ 28 Jan. 12 Feb 19 11 23 It 5 March 19 JJ 28 Aprill 7 JJ 15 J J 21 tl 24 tt II May 13 j» 16 J J 25 JJ 2 June 20 JJ 21 Aug. 23 JJ 24 JJ 31 JJ 20 Sen 29 3 Dec 56 J J ) J 9 16 J J J J 3f~' M 31 J) 3 Jan. 9 J J 12 It 24 It 4 Feb S J J 14 f i68o-i68i BURIALS. »S3 John Baytop perry- wigg maker Wittm s. of Richard Bushell marriner ... John Smith marriner Mary wife of Thomas Edwardson marrin' John s. of John Heywood Christopher Smedley painter-stayn' Maiy Swift d. of Ald'man Jarvais of Dublin in Ireland Alice Griffith, widdowe Ellis Lyon joyner Elizabeth d. of Rob" MuUeneuxe Thomas Tompson shipp-wright Katherin wife of Thomas Roe shooemaker Marg" d. of Thomas Boulton marin' 2 2 Feb. 222 2 2425 2524 262828 28 8 March 17 JJ 1681. Susan Keaton, widdowe Thomas Woods, porter Edward Winstanley glasier Hugh Barrowe Anne Sherwin of Plimert [Plymyard ?] in Worrall widdow John Weaver inkeep Jacob Barrow Alice Sowthert James Bradley porter Barbery d. of James Prescott draper John s. of Sam" Urmston marriner Edward Jorden, gent Marg" d. of Jo" Marshall marin' . . . Alice Coventry, widdowe Wittm Kerrinton ship-wright Jane d. of Tho Posten gardener Marg" Darbishire, spinster Rachell d. of Wittm Webst' marin' John s. of John Battersby taylor Jane d. of Roger Gorsuch, deceased . . . Wittm Wattmough anckor-smith James s. of James Smalley marrin' Joseph s. of Edw. Wright marin' ... Thomas s. of Thomas Boulton marin' Raph s. of Edward Booker tobacconist Bartholemeux s. of Joseph Bird marin' John Poultney marrin' Thomas s. of George Southem marin' 28 March 28 „ 15 ApriU 20 20 July 22 May 17 JJ I June 6 17 97 232323 2525 3 Aug 1926 12 Sep. Ri Diggles, Chap'" warden John Gamond 154 LIVERPOOL REGISTERS (St. NICHOLAS). 1681 Wittm s. of Thomas Bennett cobler AVittm s. of Tho Battersby taylor ... Edmund Lyon mugg-man John s. of Rob" Bushell marrin' ... George s. of Geo. Southerne marrin' Anne d. of John AA'ittmson marin' . . . John s. of Thomas Guyle baker AHce d. of Crrthbert Holland Henry s. of Thomas Guyle baker ... Dorathy d. of Tho Lea currier John s. of Jo" Chorley, Ald'man Rob'' s. of Jo" AA'right mariner Emlen d. of Rich Copple marin' . . . Joice Jorden relict of Edward Jorden, plant' late deceased Anne d. of Jo" Gillchrist marin' AVittm s. of Thomas Woods porter Johns, of John Crompton marin' ... Maudlen d. of Rob'' Richardson taylor EHzabeth d. of James Longworth AVittm s. of Edw. Heyes cart' Kath. Lyon, widdow Lidia d. of John Cattero chapman ... Edmund s. of Edm Bermet mariner James s. of Edw Jones pewterer Hen. s. of Bryan Holme mason Rob" s. of John Mercer marin' Marg" d. of Raph W™son marin' . . . Joseph & John sons of Edw. Winstanley glasier John s. of John Broadbelt marin' . . . W™ s. of Thomas Bayley mariner ... Jane d. of George AA'orsley husbandman W™ s. of AVittm Ricroft porter John s. of John Sand'son marin' John s. of AV™ Ma.5on mariner John s. of John Barker m'chant Wittm s. of Jo" Moneley deceased marin' Anne d. of John Naper, gent Thomas s. of AA'ittm Saudis marin' Mary d. of AA'ittm Erby marin' EHzabeth wife of AA'ittm AA'orrall marin' Ellen d. of Edw. Hornby taylor John s. of Josh Cobham watchmaker John s. of George King, deceased pyper Rich s. of John Ratcliffe atturney ... Ellen d. of AV™ Dickson husbandman Thomas s. of Oliver Houghton taylor Edw. s. of S' Edw Moore of Bankehall James s. of Rob" Fleetwood m'chant Nov. 14 Sep. 19 JJ 24 J. 28 „ 2 Oct 3 JJ 5 J. 6 JJ 6 JJ II JJ 14 JJ 14 JJ 1617 JJ 18 „ 18 „ 27 JJ 29 I2 6 JJ 7 JJ 7 JJ 8 ,j 14 JJ 14 JJ 17 JJ 18 ,, 22 „ 22 ,, 2228 „ 3° >' 2 Dec. 6 J, 8 J, 8 „ 9 JJ 10 ,, 13 JJ 13 JJ 14 JJ 14 JJ 18 „ 18 ,, 26 I68I-I682 BURIALS. 15s Thomas s. of John Scarisbreck mariner Ellen d. of Thomas Bennett translator Annah d. of Anth Wood m'chant Anne wife of Raph Massam, Alderman Elizabeth d. of Thomas Tompson, mariner JoJin & Ellen s. & d. of John Rowell, translat'... Jane d. of James Traves, late s'jant, deceased... George Moorecroft innkeep Wittm & Owen sons of Thomas Carter, attourney Elizabeth d. of Richard Shea, cart' Barnett Leanbeefe mariner Elizabeth d. of John Kenion marin' Abigail d. of Rob'' Wade mariner Ellizabeth wife of Edward Dobb mariner Thomas Hancock barber Scisley d. of Edward Dobb marin' Anne wife of Wittm Vallentine gunsmith Richard s. of Richard Brush, stranger Marg" d. of James Cooper carpent' Mary d. of Thomas Whitehead shooemaker . . . Thomas s. of John Smalshawe blockmaker ... Dorathy d. of Hen Smith draper Jane d. of Nicholas Mercer mason Thomas s. of Thomas Postern gardener Thomas s. of Thomas Bayley marrin' Henry s. of John Thomas mariner Gilbert Formby, Alderman Anne d. of Thomas Harper John s. of James Jerrom m'chant 1682. Sarah d. of Abraham Mather marin' Ruth d. of Anth. AA'ood merchant Alice wife of Richard Crompton, gent James Jones butcher James Southert millner Ellen d. of Rob" Birch ElizaB d. of Jo" Litherland watchmaker Roger Robson millner Wittm s. of John Norres marriner Sarah wife of Peter Parr mariner Edw. s. of George Tompson marin' Jo" s. of Thomas Sharpies labourer James Roe barber Elnathan s. of John Deakin taylor Wittm Rycroft marin' Jonathan Gleave smith Benjamen Lawe, gent 28 Dec. 2 Jan. 3 8 J J It 10 It II li II 11 14 11 21 11 222628 It 1 1 It 31 I it Feb. 46 J J It 7 8 Ittt 10 tt 13 it 14 16 iiit 17 tt 1726 ts st 27 3 IS March 7 JJ 13 J J 26 March 27 2828 JJ It it 29 11 31 I April! 7 It 7 Jt 24 11 27 11 2728 4 8 11 It May ) J 1516 JJ11 iS6 LIVERPOOL REGISTERS (St. NICHOLAS). 1682 Ephraim s. of Thomas Ditchfield carpent' Alice d. of Jo" Tarleton mariner James s. of W™ Watmough anchor smith Richard s. of Richard Rimer mariner ... Ellen wife of Cuthbert Sharpies mariner Anne Andoe, widdowe Nathan" s. of Edw. Simpson, deceased ... Hannah d. of John Tarleton marin' Robb'' Hall, senior Stephen s. of Stephen Smith, stranger James Smalley, mariner Anne d. of Thomas Roe shooemaker Jane d. of Thomas Stanton marin' Ellen d. of Rich Moorecroft butcher Alice d. of Rich Banister grocer Mathew Pincock labourer Pendleton s. of Tho. Boulton mariner ... Thomas Jumpe mariner Elizabeth d. of W™ Jumpe marin' Henry s. of Thomas Walls mariner W™ s. of W™ Bradock brickmaker Thomas s. of Raph Jenkinson smith Elizabeth d. of Joseph Scott of Tredarth ... Tho. s. of Thomas Shurlock mariner ... Rob'' Amery, Chapell-warden Elizabeth d. of Tho Winstanley locksmith Rob'' Shurlecar mariner Johns, of Edward Jones pewterer Thomas s. of Rob" Prenton mason Marg" d. of W™ AVebster mariner John s. of Edward Halsall butcher Katherin d. of John Kelly carter George s. of AA'™ Tarleton plaisterer Mary d. of W™ Prenton mason Ellenor Jones, widdow Rebecka wife of Peter Sufners sale-maker Peter s. of Thomas Lambe marin' [omitted] wife of Oliver Houghton taylor James s. of James Travers, s'jant AV™ s. of Jo" Hoult spring-maker John s. of John Walley mariner Wittm Jumpe mariner Joane wife of Thomas Stockley innkeep John s. of Joseph Pryor watchmaker Elizabeth d. of Nichol Mercer mason ... Anne d. of James Seatle mariner Rob" Lyon, a poor old man Margery d. of Jo" Harrison mariner Rebecka d. of Jeremy Hunt in-keep 22 May II June 18 ¦ „ 19 JJ 21 J, 23 J. 24 JJ 2528 „ 29 ,, 5 July 8 J, II JJ II J, 12 ,, 15 J. 20 ., 26 ,, 27 31 JJ 31 .. 8 Aug. 9 JJ 10 ,, 14 JJ 16 ,, 16 22 ,, 23 29 31 I Sep. 6 JJ II JJ 1214 JJ 25 ,. 26 ,, 3 Oct. 4 JJ 3 J. 3 JJ 13 JJ IS JJ 17 „ 18 „ 23 JJ I682-I683 BURIALS. 157 Johns, of Edw. Tarleton mariner Ellen wife of Peter Atherton bayliffe James Harper mariner Elizabeth wife of Anthony Carr marin' Marg" d. of John Edgecar marin' John s. of Thomas Gawther marin' James s. of Tho. Robinson mariner Mary d. of AA'™ Benn mariner Mary d. of Elinor Lyon, widd: Hester d. of Mary Linaker, vid Tho. s. of Rich Seddon merchant Scisley wife of Rob'' Fleetwood bayliffe James s. of Rich Fleetwood mariner Edward s. of W™ Carter porter Edward s. of Edward Green m'chant Martha d. of Jo" Mulleneux hatter Ellen d. of Edward Liegh mariner Wittm s. of Lawrence Rifner marin' Wittm s. of John Cattero chapman Ruth d. of Jonath" Ridge of Chester Rich s. of Tho. Harrison of Graceby Mary wife of Francis Sellers, barber John s. of Edward Barrow marin' Robert Goore labourer Alice d. of James Smalley marin' Dorathy d. of Henry Smith draper Wittm s. of Oliver Mulleneux porter Richard s. of Thomas Holland mariner 1683. Edw. Romsey, gent late of y" County Munmoth John Wittmson bayliffs peer Elizabeth wife of Thomas Jumpe carpent' Mary wife of James Mulleneux mason Ellizabeth d. of James Gerrard, gent Mary Norris, spinster Wittm Oliffe mariner Ellen wife of Alderman Tho. Eccleston, deceased Wittm s. of Wittm Chantrell mariner Thomas s. of W™ Harrison taylor Marg" wife of Rob'' Seacome of Everton Thomas s. of Raph Rogers bricklayer Wittm s. of John Mercer mariner Jenet d. of W™ Johnson mariner Katherin Broadbelt, widdow Margery d. of Peter Martin marin' Elizabeth wife of Rob" Burt mariner Alice d. of John Nicholson shoomaker 26 Oct. 29 JJ 6 Nov. 6 J J 17 J J 17 11 17 11 17 11 21 11 23 28 1 J 11 30 10 Dec. 15 16 1 1 SI 20 11 23 5 6 1 1 Jan. J J 25 J J 31 13 Feb. 14 2 JJ March 28 March I Aprill I 11 4 1 1 14 1 1 5 11 I May 3 J J 10 11 10 11 12 11 19 11 23 1 1 5 June 6 J 1 10 It 19 f 1 22 158 LIVERPOOL REGISTERS (St. NICHOLAS). 1683 Jane d. of Nathan" Mercer mariner Grace d. of Tho Merryman of Dublin Randall Da^•is mariner Hannah d. of AV™ Blundell marin' EHzab d. of Rich Smalley taylor John s. of Thomas Browne mariner Elizabeth wife of John Jeffs taylor Mary d. of Roger Gorsuch, deceased AA'ittm s. of Thomas Carter aturney Sarah d. of Tho. Shai-ples labourer Thomas s. of John Winstanley aturney Elizabeth d. of Peter Mason glover Dan" s. of [omiiied] Reynolds M"' Margery Formby, widdowe John s. of James Goolding bricklayer Rich s. of Christopher Butler razor-grind' Anne wife of James VA'instanley laborer Anne d. of AA'™ Dixson laborer John s. of Jo" Sanderson mariner EHzabeth d. of Ottev>ell Rhoades ^lary d. of AA'™ Ainsdell porter Richard Crompton merchant Henry s. of Tho. Edwardson marin' Thomas Stockley innkeeper Lawrence s. of Edw Bell labourer Thomas s. of Jo" Haslome mariner Obedience wife of James Gerrard, gent of New hall, nere AViggan in Comit. Lane, gent.... 6 ,, Rich. Cleaveland, sug'-baker 2 Nov. Jane d. of Thomas Birch mariner 2 ,, EUinor Lyon, widdowe Richard Edge carter 17 jj Ellen Winstanley, widowe Anne d. of Peter Martin mar James Marrow Richard s. of John Smoult marin' [omiiied] d. of Joshuah Mercer mar Mary wife of Ald'man Tho Wittmson Wittm Suckett mariner [omitted] s. of George Hull marriner Wittm s. of Francis Hunt mariner Mary Travers, spinst' AVittm Hunter Alice d. of AV™ Lawrence taylor John Tarleton of Sephton pish yeoman ... John s. of Jo" Everett husbandman ... . Elizab Mercer, widdowe James s. of Rob" Bradshawe minist' ... . Ellinor wife of John MuUeneuxe apoth «3 June 6 8 July y y 8 8 11 11 17 11 17 I 6 11 Aug. 11 9 1 1 10 ) t 13 11 21 y y 2128 7 8 11 1 y Sep. ? J 10 J J 12 1 1 IS 11 IS 11 21 11 30 4 1 1 Oct. 25 Dec. 3 Jan. 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 8 20 17 20 1683-1684 BURIALS. IS9 AVittm Crompton m'chant Thomas Copple bread-baker Ald'man Thomas Bickersteth John Price mariner ElizaB d. of Edmund Bennett ElizaB Livesley, spinster ... James Samples husbandman Anne d. of Rob" Farrer marin' Peter s. of Peter Mason glover 20 Jan. 23 jj II March 12 1316 212223 1684. George Braithwait m'chant Hugh Richardson, wright ... 26 March 3 Aprill Thomas Guildhouse Robert Clark Wardens Rob" AVittmson, Ald'man Grace wife of Cadwaleder AA'inne, gent John AA'ebb, gent AVittm s. of James Winfield marin' ... Mary d. of Thomas Coventree mariner Marg" d. of James AA'hitfield porter Cuthbert Holland, poore-man John s. of AA'ittm Pemb'ton John Moorecroft butcher Elizabeth d. of Henry Hunt butcher Mary Leech, spinst' John Letherland marrin' Thomas Lancellott carpent' Elizabeth d. of Rob'' Johnson Thomas s. of John Gamond coop. ... Richard s. of Richard Smalley taylor Daniell Harrison of y^ Field Sam " Cooper glasier Mary wife of Geo Braythwait m'chant Jeny wife of AVittm Halsall labourer Wiiim s. of Thomas Horneby slater Thomas Andoe, Ald'man Rob" s. of Marg" Woods, widd Rob" Crosse of Rainhill, gent Alice Kennion Abigail Martin, widdow John Allcock, marriner John Percivall merchant Edward Lea marriner Jane d. of Bejamen Hyatt a passeng' Sarah d. of Rob" Prenton carter .. II May 19 >' 23 2628 J J J J 11 2 June 6 18 2 J J 11 July 9 It II 11 15 11 21 11 23 2.6 1 1 11 31 9 11 Aug. II18 1 1 It 19 11 22 1 f 24 JJ 27 2 11 Sep. 21 1 1 22 IJ 27 I Jt Oct. 4 6 ft J J i6o LIVERPOOL REGISTERS (St. NICHOLAS). 1684- 1685 John s. of Henry Carter of Everton ... Anne wife of Richard Diggles b.-peer Richard Eccleston marriner Martha d. of AVittm Erby marin' ... Marg" wife of John Lancellot marin' Mary Woollfall widdowe Ellinor d. of John Harrison marin' AA'ittm Taylor, gent AVittm s. of John Royle mariner AVilliam Fairehurst, a poore man Jane wife of John Fisher marriner ... John Rattliffe attourney Thomas Birch marriner Jane d. of M' David Poole m'cht Thomas s. of Thomas Webster carpent Riith d. of John Mercer slater Mary wife of Richard Joans peuter" Ellen d. of John Rowell shoomak' ... Ellizabeth d. of W. AVilliamson mariner Ann wife of James Benn marriner . . . Edward Archer, pauer Humphrey Travers towne-sergant ... Henery s. of Henery Christian marriner Jane wife of Even Gerrard laborour Alice wife of Edward Dobb marriner Ellizabeth Winfeild, spinst' Ruth d. of Edward Joanes peuter ... Richard Joans marriner 12 Nov. 14 JJ 26 „ 4 Dec. 9 J. IIIS ,j 18 „ 2225 JJ 3° JJ 13 Jan. 17 JJ 29 JJ 5 Feb. 7 JJ 19 » 22 3 March 4 JJ II JJ 1921 2123 JJ 23 .- 24 1685. Alice Harper, widdow Nickolas Hardman, a servant to Jo" Hensha[zy] park .... Scissley Bennett, widdow Samuell Moorecroft butcher ... ... John s. of Thomas Sellers barber ... Thomas s. of William Angsdaile porter Mary Hoult, widdow Grace wife of Jerimiah Hunt Jane d. of George Tompson marin' James s. of Peter Mason glover Susan wife of John Egiecar John Bickesteth plasterer AHce Harper, widow AprUl II 10 1314 17 18 2122 Robert Clarke Richard Shaw AVardens 10 May 10 ,j 10 i685 BURIALS. i6i John Muneley talor Thomas Preeson mariner Elline d. of Thomas Roe late of this towne Elizabeth wife of Peter Alline smith Anthony s. of Anthony Bushell luariner Samuell s. of John Mulleneux apothecary Ann d. of James Prescott John s. of John Lawson linen-draper Percivall s. of Thomas Croston Mary Rycroft, widow Elizabeth d. of Thomas Harefoott ... Richard s. of James Thomason carter James s. of James Hodgson atorney Nicolas Heayes, stranger mariner ... George s. of Bryan Burock mariner Thomas Holland mariner EHzabeth d. of Henry Christian Edward s. of Edward Poultney Richard AVindle cooper Edward Parker, servant to Christopher More Susana d. of Peter Summers Cathrine relict of Edward Leigh John s. of John Brindle Oliver Houghton Mary d. of Joshua Mercer mariner AA'itt Bridge servant of AVilliam Preeson John s. of Robert AVhitfield Ann d. of Thomas AA'ainewright Mary Blundell, widow Samuell s. to John MackmuUen . . . Leanora d. to Christopher Jans Mary d. of Thomas Hoult Elizabeth wife of Thomas Harison Jane d. of George Merey bricke-layor Thomas Diston fereyman, drowned Thomas Tucker mariner, drowned . . . Edward Harison mariner, drowned Anslem AA'oulds, forest boy John s. of AVilliam Pope Elizabeth d. of Timothy Tarleton James Muckold carpender drowned Robert s. of Aldf" Thomas Clayton . . . AVilliam s. of William Bradock Edward Dobson, Esq' Elizabeth of John Parker [sic] AVilliam s. of Mary Peney Timothy Gamond joyner James s. of James Settle mariner ... Mary d. of John Harison breeklayor 19 May 22 2229 " 9 June 17 ., 27 J, 29 2 2 4 7 July 9 II14 1415 .. 18 ,, 192 2 24 29 ,, 31 JJ I Aug. I I J. 3 JJ 8 „ 9 JJ IS JJ 17 JJ 18 „ 1919 .. 22 ,, 24 242426 ,, 2 Sep. 2 3 JJ 4 8 „ 9 .. 1212 ,, 1619 i62 LIVERPOOL REGISTERS (St. NICHOLAS). 1685 Abraham s. of Gerrard AVinstandly, apothcc EHzjibeth d. of Thomas Ditchfield, carp' ... Charles s. of Charles Lawranson, glover ... Arm d. of Timothy Langford carpender Mary Brindle, spinster Ann d. of Doctor Thomas Brumhall Margrett d. of AA'illiam Glover Thomas s. of John Parker John Cooke drowned Jane d. of Richard Ecclston mar: late ... Samuell s. of John Mulleneux hatter John s. of Edward AA'illiamson mariner ... Richard Quequick mariner Rachael Marchell, spinster John s. of Thomas Gaulter mariner A souldier at Richard Gunstons, M' Ja. Bird John s. of James Killnor mariner Elizabeth AVinstandly widow Elizat>eth d. of Peter Atherton grocer . . . Alice Goore, widow Elline Johnson, a pasinger John Starkie, clearke of this Chapell Kathrine d. of John Smallsh.aws blockmaker Edward s. of Edward Tyrer mariner Frances Adkinson mariner Margrett d. of Rich Gorsuch marin' .\nn d. of Nathaniel Mercer carpend' ... Sarah d. of John AA'alls mariner Mathew s. of Mathew Clifton mariner . . . Richard Shaw aprentis talor M' Garard AA'instandly, Bely Pet-r Henry IMarcer s. of Ralph Marcer, milnor ould Jsabel Anderton John Everet milnor Margret Goare, elder George Done s. of Richard Done Richard Ashton, a poore man Margret Settle in Lord Street Mary Coopor, wife of James Cooper, carpend James AVilliames a soulgor Thomas Gildous, overseeor of poore Mary d. of John Hoole mUl Mary d. of Ralph Stones cooper Peter s. of James Cooper carppenter AVUliam Atherton, a tapster boy Jo.seph s. of Robert Thasker ' Robert Milton died att M' Pluckintons . . . John Lankester marrenor James s. of George Sharpies, gent 22 Sep. 23 " 25 2528 29 ,j 28 2 Oct. 12 ,, 1213 16 ,. 17 17 20 ,, 2727 JJ 28 ,, 31 31 ,.. I No\'. 9 1215 ^32428 II12 21 -7 7 Dec. -3 >> 26 ,, 29 ,, 30 " 31 19 Jan. 6 ,j 6 JJ 8 JJ 9 20 29 JJ i68s-i686 BURIALS. 163 Charles Roby wine-ooopor 31 Jan. M'' Susana Cleaveland, widd 3 Feb, John Marchand a soulger 4 , , William AA'instandly spring-maker 13 ,, Thomas Gill s. of Richard Gill marrenor ... 13 Robert Abraham carppentor 14 ,, Richards, of James Ackers corrior 18 ,, ould Edward Scasbrick marrenor 19 ,, Thomas Garat stasionor 22 ,, John AA'right marrenor 24 Edward Lee s. of Edward Lee marrenor ... 24 Christian Hughs, alies Owen, an ould cripple ... 3 Mairh M " Clare, widd, Halewood i ,, John Marcer, marrenor 5 , , Richard Holme, s. of John Holmes 5 Mary d. of Richard Whetherby carpenter ... 6 ,, Margret d. of Nicholas Mercer mason 12 ,, Giles Landsdale a solger 13 , , Elizabeth d. of Parsevall Holme 15 ,, Johnathan s. of John AA'ally marrenor 23 ,, 1686. Elizabeth wife of Nicklis Longworth 25 March Jane Hunt midwife 2b ,, Gane d. of AVitt Right mar 28 Edward s. of Thomas Bridg glasser 30 , , Ann wife of Johnathan Monely ship- right ... 31 Richard Cropor a tealor 31 James s. of James Brindle marrenor 31 ,, Feby d. of AVitt AA'instandly .spring-makor ... 3c ,, Josiah s. of Elline Boulton, widow 8 Aprill Ruth d. of John Kenion labourer 10 ,, Edmunds, of Robert Higgeson rope-maker ... 15 ,, Elin Boulton, widdow 17 ,, Nicholas Corran rope makor 19 . , AA'itt s. of AA'itt Southard carpenter 19 ,, Prissilla d. of Tho Sandeford 19 ,, Ann d. of AViU Renalls marrener 27 ,, Alis d. of Ottevvel Rods laboror 3 May AA'illiam Roberts marrenor 7 ,, Jane wife of John Smallshall blockmakor ... 14 ,, Cristefor s. of Cristiefor Jance, gent 15 ,, Richard AA'ilHam.son balife-peere 16 AVilliam s. of John Rimor marrenor 17 ,, Jane d. of John Shipard glo\'er 19 , , John Birchal watchmaker 20 ,, Thomas s. of Thomas Sandeford laboror ... 23 ,, Richard Formby marrenor 9 June 10 June 14 15 1/ 28 29 8 July 9 11 15 t 7 23 23 27 27 27 164 LIVERPOOL REGISTERS (St. NICHOLAS). 1686 Johnathan s. of Thomas Tyror blacksmith . Marthay wife of Lenord Andrew AA'Uliam s. of Henery AA'henorry Margery d. of RoB Burt marrenor Elin Parker, widdow Ales Rimor, widdow George s. of George Pinkeman laboror ... . Margrett wife of Thomas AVinstandley, smith . Peter Allin blacksmith Jane d. of Edward Ackers carpenter ... . Thomas s. of Thomas Tarlton marrenor Thomas s. of Thomas Marsh marrenor ... Eline d. of AA'illiam Samples Edward s. of Edward Tarlton marrenor Thomas AA'instandly blacksmith Mary wife of John Heyes blacksmith Denton s. of M' John Pickerin, Esq 28 ,, Eline d. of John AA'right 30 ,, Eline d. of James Skinor, marenor 20 Airg. John s. of AVilliam Mascie 23 ,, John s. of Edwar-d Crane barber 3 Sep. Mary d. of Johnathan AA'ade joynor 7 , , Elis Harding husbandman 7 ,, Mathew s. of Witt He.5e marenor 10 ,, .GabriU s. of AA'itt Samples porter 10 ,, Mary d. of Thomas Tornor tidesman 11 Elizabeth d. of John Danson salor 13 ,, Johnathan s. of John AA'alles marenor 13 ,, Rachell d. of Tho. Tyror blacksmith 14 ,, James s. of James Strangwaies tidewater ... 21 ,, Edmund s. of Underwood, a stranger 24 ,, Doriethy wife of AA'itt Chantrell 24 ,, Margret d. of Tho. Briers 26 ,, M'* Rebecca Brownlow, gentl 27 ,, AVUliam Clare talor 4 Oct. -Anne wife of Rober Wright 4 , , John s. of James Tomason carter 4 ,, Mary d. of James Tomason carter 4 ,, George Higginson ] Jn° Crowther | wardens s John Seedle jorney man taylor 6 Oct. Elizabeth wife of George Hoole, sailor 12 Thomas Tiror blacksmith 12 Anne d. of John Hese felt-makor r2 Mary wife of Thomas Tiror blacksmith 19 James Cuckit cooper ,, Robert Clark tobackconis ... ... ',3 1 686 BURIALS. 165 Eline d. of Joseph AA'right M" Ann Branand wife of M' John Branand, scriven' Mary wife of Charles Coopor house right ould Elnor Bankes, widd Thomas s. of Robert Blevin salor ould William Rideing cooper M' Thomas Bramall, doctor of fizick John s. of Ralph Rogor bricklayor ould John Hill laboror ould Widd. Pottor Charles Greene ironmungor Giles Greene ironmungor M" Bushell, widdow Ellenor Winstandly, widdow Jane d. of Thomas Mitchel shomaker John & Margret 2 twins of John Willsons laborer M'' . . . Lime, wife of M' Oliever Lime, gentleman M' . . . Black, marchand in Ireland Robert Kenyon laboror Thomas s. of Bryon Nickinson shewmaker Thomas Lyon blacksmith Susana wife of John Wally marrenor Elizabeth d. of James Everet sailor Diana d. of John Sargant carpenter Ales d. of Edward Dob salor John s. of Thomas Lytherland sailor Mary d. of Edward Dob salor John s. of John Tarleton salor Johns, of John Marsh taylor Martha d. of Ralph Stones coopor Henry Stemson, boateman to the Kings-bote Josua s. of Witt Smith a pothecary Thomas s. of John Hese Margret d. of M' Prescoat drapor Ales Coran, widd Anne Higinson, widd. Richard s. of John Marshall, porter Mary Harvye, widd William s. of William Worall marinor ... M' John Web grosor William s. of Othywell Roads baccoo-cuttor Joseph s. of John Daken taylor John s. of John Bland carpenter Ann Holme spinster Judeth wife of William Scasbrick Iszabell wife of Even Marsh Ann Roberts, a pasingor Lettis wife of Thomas Boulton Johnathan s. of Edward Briscoe 23 Oct. 24 1 1 27 J J 28 11 29 11 4 Nov 4 1 1 6 11 6 11 10 J J 17 11 17 1 1 2r It 24 11 28 11 r Dec. 7 J J 7 11 - 11 5 11 10 11 10 11 13 11 19 J J 20 J J 20 J J 21 J J 24 JJ 27 J J 31 J) 6 Jan. 6 Ji 7 11 18 it 22 11 28 1 1 31 11 I Feb 2 1 1 12 11 13 Ji 14 Jl 16 11 17 JJ 20 11 22 11 24 1 1 25 11 28 1 1 i66 LIVERPOOL REGISTERS (St. NICHOLAS). 1686-1687 Patience Bratherton, spinster 2 March Thimothy s. of Richard Tarleton marrenor ... 3 ,, John & Mathew sens of Randle Galloways ... 4 ,, Christofer Butler, a seaman 6 ,, Alis Carter, widd 7 ,, John s. of John Renalls 10 ,, James Hackings masson 11 , , Robert Massy webster 13 ,, EHzabeth wife of SamueU Ridge 16 ,, Robert & John sons of John Lawson, millinor ... 19 , , Ann d. of Allixander . seaman 24 ,, Jnnat d. ef Richard Johnson carpentor 28 ,, 1687. Dorrythy d. ef Hew Renalld i Apr. William s. of AVilliam Gorsuch cooper 2 ,, Jane wife of AVilliam Right marrenor \ ,, .\nna d. of Anthony AA'oods ironmugor 7 , , Ales Glover, ef Everton, widd 9 ,, Rebecka d. ef Anthony Banister, joynor 9 , , Jehn Tew, a seaman 12 ,, Tho. AA'right borne in Southworth neare AA'inwick in Lankeshire but lived in Larne in the North of Ireland 20 ,, Martha d. of Tho. Tyror blacksmith 22 ,, Peter s. of Edw'ard AA'right marenor 28 ,, Henry Banister miller 3 May Joseph s. ef Joseph Richardson shewmaker ... 3 ,, Thomas s. of George Tarvin tide-water 3 ,, John AA'erall masson 5 ,, Henery s. of Richard Gorsuch 7 ,, Elizabethd. of AA'illiam Challonor 8 ,, Rebecka d. of AA'illiam Johnson marenor ... 9 ,, Silvester s. ef Sillvester Morecroft 11 ,, Eliz. d. of John Peares ship-carpent 13 ,, James s. of Nicholls Quiggin joyner 18 ,, Elizabeth d. of M' Henry Smith draper ... 31 ,, Francis Reyne payntor i June Rogg. Brookbanck marenor i ,, Olliver Mullinex porter 11 ,, Widdo Styphensen 11 ,, John s. of Edward Bayley of Dublin 11 ,, Margery d. of Margret Goore 13 ,, Cristopher s. of Richard Barret of Wesminister 16 ,, Tho. s. of M' Thomas Clayton 17 ,, Ann Bruer school mistris 21 ,, Thomas s. of Robert Johnsone 9 Julv Thomas Carington n 1 687 BURIALS Alis d. of Bryan Holme Jeremiah s. ef John Robinson Anthonie Wood Ann wife of John Pye James s. of Ed^vard Ricraft Sarah d. of Anthony AA'ood Lidia d. ef Tho. Jumpe Witt Turner tidewater Thomas AA'hitehall Anne wife ef Thoraas Mear Dorathy d. of James Thomason Deborah d. of Robert Giles James s. of John Brett Mathew s. ef William Heys John Copperthwaite Ellin Holt M' James Jerrom Abraham Kirkhovie Frances wife of Edward Celebert Margrett d. ef Edward Rycroft Timothie s. of Timothie Tarleton Jn's. of Jn" Royle Jn" WooUer dier Hannah d. of Jn° Harri[.yo«] Anne d. ef Richard AVoods Jehn Lurting Jehn AVillis glasier Sussanna d. of Robert Houghton Nathaniel s. ef Nicholas Mercer Maryd. of WUl™ Smith ... Charles s. of Thomas Tarleton Will™ s. of W™ Turner John Letherland watch maker Nicholas s. of John Thomas Thomas s. of James Betters Robert s. of M' W™ Clayton Anne d. of W™ Lloyde W™ s. of John Sanderson James Mercer miller Tho. s. of Linell Bore Tho. Croston plaisterer Anne Hill, widd. M" Eliz. Tarleton, widd Margrett Masson Mary d. of Jn° Marsh taylor 167 Jn° Crowther Edw° Crane 14 July 23 3 Aug 3 II JJ 21 31 2 1 Sep. 24 r Oct. 8 ., 9 J. II 15 ,j 18 „ 29 Nov. 9 1414 18 „ 21 ,, 24 25 JJ 26 5 Dec. AVarden: 1216 „ 16 ,, 25 JJ 29 3' 14 Jan. '5 ii; JJ 24 Feb. 2021 i68 LIVERPOOL REGISTERS (St. NICHOLAS). 1687-1688 Ellin wife of Jonathan Wade Benjamin s. of Jn° Holt Amey d. of Tho Bayly Lydia d. ef James Petters ... Elliz. d. ef Jn" Letherland Margrett wife of Jn° Mercer Mary d. of W™ Lloyde Mary d. ef James Kemp Ellin d. of Will™ Ducksbury Anne d. of Margrett Boulton AVilliam Smith apothecary Jane wife of Richard Lurting Jonathan AVade Micheal Barker Margery wife ef Tho. Tyrer, carpenter Robert Bradshaw Jn" s. of WUl™ Murreys 1688. Mary d. of John Story Dorathy d. of Bertie Antwisle, Esq' Tho. s. of Richard Bradley Margery Horacks Margrett wife of W™ Hurst carter Ellin d. ef Jehn Lunt Mary Flower James Ball marriner James s. ef James Boulton ., John s. ef George Hecknell, jentleman Ann Worrall- John s. of Seth Naylor Ann d. of George Tarvin . . Elin Bixteth Richard Passe Alice Crompton John Lawrenson Abigail d. of John Sergeant Jane d. of John Renolds Peter s. of James Cooper .. Mary d. of Tho. Bradley .. Henery s. of M' David Poole Charles s. of George Tarvin Tho. s. of Edward Tyrer ... Arthur s. of George Sharpies Elyzabeth d. of Richard Blevin Elin wife of James Hornbie Elenor d. ef Otywell Rodes Jane d. of Richard Tyrer ... . Will Jenien 26 Feb. 27 J J 27 J 1 27 1 ¦ 29 2 11 March ¦> 11 3 M 5 } y 6 y y 12 ¦ 1 16 J ) 16 , 1 t6 y y 20 1 i 21 i 23 J J -.T March Ap' 27 31 I 44 9 14 19 20 23 24 30 8 May 121315 2024 22 6 7 8 12 9 J'-iiy 12 1521 30 June i688 BURIALS. 169 Alice Partington Anna d. of Henery Cristian Ralph s. ef Ralph Stones James Briarley Ann d. of James Thomasson AVitt s. of John Rimer M' Robert Hunter Jane d. of Richard Dobb Thomas Chaddeck Ruth d. of Moses Hughes AVill s. of Thomas Tyrar Mary wife of Robert Wade Jn" Galley WiU Wright A stranger whose name was Mary Ales Heyes Anne d. ef Jn" Lancaster Hugh Hodgkinson Richard Edwards Elizabeth d. of Tho. Bennett John Ashley Margrett Molleneux Elizabeth d. ef Peeter Scazbrick Ellen Bradley Margrett Fosster Anne Williamson Anne Monelley Katherine d. of Will Glegg Jane wife of Tho Roe . . . WiUHalsoU William Poultney Mary d. of Thomas Marsh John Knowles William CatteraU Norman s. of Joseph Rickebey Tho. s. of Rich Stananought Anne d. of John Wakefeild Robert s. of Thomas Bellion Dorothy wife of Jn° Deakin Ralph Stones Susanah d. of Georg Sutherin Robert s. of Jn" Gleave James s. of James Prescott ... Richard s. of Henry Hunt . . . Tho. s. of The. Nowell ... 8 Au; 14 J 20 , 2222 , 24 , I Sep 9 I Oct I" 2 8 IS1818 26 2027 30 5 Nov 202424 25 Edw"' Crane Jn" Amery " Wardens 8 Dec IS16 18 21 23 262729 30 66 6 10101316 1722 4 Feb Jan 170 LIVERPOOL REGISTERS (St. NICHOLAS). 1688-1689 M" Victoria Moore Elyzabeth d. of AA'ill Anderton .. The. s. of John Hughborn Katharine wife of Tho Styth M' Tho. Sandiford Ann wife of John AVilson Henery s. of John Ashworth [in ihe margin] George s. of AVill Mary d. of Francis Whetstone .. Henery Holland Elen d. of Tho. Stanenought John Whitefield James s. of John Catherow M' John Shaw minister Margret d. of Tho. Spencer Ellen d. of Tho. Galloway Elizabeth d. of John Baldwin .. Robert Richton David White Francis Fosster John Lea John Loyd ... William Peeters Thomas Meyer Tarlton 3 7 8 8 17 17 17 25 r 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 13 26 2627 272828 29 Feb. M roll 1689. Henry s. of Richard Stananough Lawrence Eckles Elizabeth d. of James Addison ... Margrett wife of Henry Leadbeater John s. of John Scazbrick Ann d. of Thomas Carter [blank] d. ef Ralph Stones Elizabeth d. of Thomas Harefoot Thomas s. of M' Nicholson Elizabeth Clacy Ann d. of Robert Middleton Hanah d. of Edward Tarleton ... Margaret Sheppherd Ann d. of Richard Gardner Alice d. of Archiball Fitzrandall Richard s. of Peter Mason Elizabeth Singleton Thomas s. of Robert Seal Catherine d. of Thomas Jump . . . William Rylands M" EUin Bickesteth Catherine d. of James Dobbin ... 29 March 29 J J 30 JJ 31 J J 31 3 Aprill 56 11 ' J 6 It 8 J J 9 11 10 11 II If 14 5 J 12 1 : 13 J J 13 }J 15 11 15 1 1 17 IS 17 tt i689 BURIALS. 171 George Winstanley 19 Aprill Richard s. of Richard Gardner 19 ,, Elizabeth d. of Michael Tisdall 12 , , Ellizabeth d. of Henry Christian 16 ,, Peter s. of William Pluckington 20 ,, Martha d. of Lawrence Myars 20 ,, Esther Fells 22 ,, Margaret d. of John Crane 22 ,, Margart Simner 25 ,, Ellin d. of Edward HolsaU 26 Susana d. ef James Peters 26 ,, James & Elizabeth s. & d. of John Marshall ... 27 ,, Margery d. of M' Thomas Tyrer 29 ,, Henry s. of Thomas Bernard 29 ,, M'* Lucy Woodworth i May M" Elizabeth wife ef Cap' W™ Clayton i Wittm s. of Ralph Rogers i ,, Jennet d. of James Brindle i ,, George Seddon 2 ,, Richard s. of Richard Banister 2 ,, Sarah wdfe of John Smith, a soldier 2 ,. Jane d. of John Eastwick, minister 4 , , William s. of Henry Leadbeater 4 ,, James s. of Thomas Croston 6 ,, Ellin d. of James Morris 6 ,, Charles s. of William Winstanley 8 ,, Susana d. of WilHam Harrison 8 , , Sarah d. of Edward Hornby 8 ,, Thomas Warmingham, attorney 11 , , Sarah d. of Jonathan Livsey 11 ,, Richard Williamson, a soldier shott to death ... 11 ,, George s. of Jn" Thornton 9 ,, Hugh s. of Charles Cambell 12 ,, Margaret d. of John Fletcher 13 ,, Benjamin s. of Isaac Holroyde 13 ,, Martha d. of AA'illiam Knowles 14 ,, Richard s. of Edward Tyrer 14 ,, AA'illiam s. of John Jeffs 18 ,, John s. of Robert Anthony 19 ,, Elizabeth d. of Jn" A\'hitfield, saylor 21 , , Martha d. of Thomas Marsh 21 ,, Elizabeth d. of Richard Falkener 21 ,, Alice d. of Thomas Perkins 20 ,, Ann wife of William AVebster 22 ,, Martha wife of Edward Starkey 26 ,, Jane d. of Noah Webb, clerk 28 ,, Captaine Vincent 29 ,, William Wright 29 ,, Anne d. of Andrew Hambleton ... 30 ,, 172 LIVERPOOL REGISTERS (St. NICHOLAS). 1689 Anne wife of John Mead Abigaile d. of Abigaile Gerrard Katherin d. of Noah Webb Captaine Thristram Flower Mary d. of Robert Shoriock Robert s. of Jehn Ratclif William s. ef Edward Holcroft ... AVilliam s. of John Walls, seaman Elizabeth wife of John Riddle . . . Roger s. of Jn° Fosster Elizabeth d. ef Jehn Dodson Frances wife of Jn° Ashworth ... Elizabeth wife of James Seymere Mary d. ef Will Harrison John s. of John Riddle Charles s. of Henry Kinge Mary Nichalson Georg s. of Robert Beacon Anne wife of Samuell Charles ... Anne d. of Georg Maule William Nichalls Jenkin s. of Cap' Jenkin Thomas Henry s. of Henry Hunt Isaac s. ef Isaac Helroyd of Dublin Catherine wife of Hugh Perry . . . Jane Moneley, widow Elizabeth d. ef Edward Tarleton marriner Henry Carter attomey William Vallentine gunsmith ... Ellin d. of John Seal Robert Cotton taylor Jehn Macer sho maker John Hitchin taylor Ann d. of Jehn LawTencson James s. of John Lawrencson Richard Fowler Charles King mathametition ... James Wolstenhalgh a soldier Mary d. of Nathaniel Davis John MoUineux hatter Martha Littler Margaret d. of AV™ Trueman Barberry d. of Charles Spranger of Dublin Elizabeth wife of George Sharpies, surveyor Ellin d. of William Trueman . . . Silence d. of David Poole, merchant Margaret d. of M' Edward Williams of Dublin John Wilson marriner Ruth d. of Edward Lewis goldsmith 2 June ¦> - J J 3 .. 4 JJ 4 .J 7 JJ 10 „ 10 „ II JJ 13 .. 14 JJ 15 J. 16 ,, 16 ,, 18 „ 18 „ 19 JJ 19 IJ 22 „ 28 „ 30 JJ I July I JJ 12 ,j 15 JJ 19 JJ 20 „ 21 JJ 21 JJ 22 „ 29 JJ 27 JJ 30 JJ 24 JJ 7 Aug. 8 J, 13 .. 13 .. 18 „ 23 J J 24 JJ 24 JJ 28 ,, 28 ,, 28 ,, I I 3 7 Sep. 1689 BURIALS. 173 Robert s. of M' Robert Mason of Dublin ... George Miller an Irishman Mary d. of Thomas Seay Georg s. of Humphrey Harryson Elizabeth wife of Richard Moorecroft Thomas Plumbe Agnes wife of William Cristian Hugh Boyde Margrett wife of William Robinson Nathaniell s. of Nathaniell Daves Alice d. of Richard Seddan Alexander s. ef Robert Houghton Thomas s. of Thomas Annyon Elizabeth Kenyon Elizabeth d. of Georg Hoole M' William Yarner Robert Tayler seaman Francis s. of Francis Marsden Thomas s. of Bryan Nichalson Elizabeth d. of Jn" Parker Rachel wife of Thomas Bushel Eliz. d. of M' AVill Squire Will s. of Edward Poultney Ann Walls of Dublin, widow Ruth d. of Edm'' Bennett Richard Crompton marriner Grace d. of Tho. Annyon shipp-carpenter Elizabeth d. of Tho. Tompson porter ... Gilberts, of James Beck James s. of George Sutharne marriner ... Edward Haines marriner Cap' AVilliam Wright Mary d. of Jehn Crompton marriner Ellin Letherland, widdow Grace d. of Nathaniel Trimble Thomas Preston marriner Richard Hitchin marriner Edmund Ball marriner Ellin wife of George Fells marriner Margaret wife ef Edward Poultney Jonathan Cooke John s. ef William Anderton Samuel s. of Samuel Norman John Blakin a soldier Ann Atkinson Martha d. of James Tompson Dorothy d. of M' William Glegg, waiter ... Cap' Henry Gwither Thomas s. of Ralph Birch ropemaker .. 9 Sep. 13 2121 22 22 23 23 28 28 I Oct 2 345 10 II II 14 15 16 17 18 24 25 27 3 Nov 10II 12 12 12 14 IS 16 16 18191920 21 2327 2829 174 LIVERPOOL REGISTERS (St. NICHOLAS). 1689 Sarah wife of James Taylor of Lazy hill, taylor Jehn s. ef Mathew Gorton barber James Blevin house-carpenter Margaret d. of James Taylor of Lazy-hill &c Mary d. of Nathaniel Ellwood of Droghada ... Edith d. of John Holmes Sarah d. of Sarah AA'alls, widow Richard Ketch marriner Thomas Harvy marriner Margaret wife ef Nathaniel Ellwood of Droghada Elizabeth d. of James Everit marriner Sarah d. of Ann SmaUhaw, widow Henry Rowel carter Even Harefoot Isaac Condon marriner Samuels, of Samuel Goldsmith Thomas Stoneton marriner M'^ AHce Gage of Ireland John Pluckington gardener Charles s. of Richard Diggles glasier Caleb Lane marriner Sarah Travers Pasky Edwards Bingham AA'illiams of Ireland Richard Tyler of Ireland Robert Bushell marriner Margaret Burton Thomas s. of John Styles marriner Pasky Gaily marriner Thomas Lynes mariner Peter Mentell marriner William Juers shipp-carpenter EUin BrownbeU Margaret wife of M' Alexand' Tompkins of London Derry 22 Elizabeth wife ef Robert Bushell late of Rockheuse 22 AVilliam Adivis marriner 22 Thomas Seaman marriner 23 John Tucker marriner 25 Jacob Perry marriner 27 Robert s. of M' Thomas Sandiford, merch' ... 29 Katherine d. of William Gorsuch wine-cooper 29 Elizabetli d. of Jehn Fells marriner 29 James Steele marriner 30 Jane wife of Thomas Ackers marriner 31 Peter s. of Thomas Suthworth i James s. of James Crofts i Robert s. of Thomas Perkins 2 29 Nov. I Dec. 2 J J 3 ,, 8 J J 9 JJ 9 ., 12 14 14 M 15 ,, 16 ,, 19 ,, 20 J J 20 J J 21 24 26 27 -7 27 30 3° 4 Jan, 6 1 1 12 17 18 21 2 ( Feb. 1689 BURIALS. 17s William Redman marriner M" Rutter, widow Francis Jury marriner Jehn Fowler marriner John Jump marriner Edward s. of Edward Tarleton, junior, marriner John s. of Robert Stanenought .. EUin wife ef Edmund Lea bellman Katherine d. of James Pemberton AVinyf red Squire, widow Thomas Letherland taylor John Merady marriner Elizabeth d. of Richard Robinson marriner Godfrey Morgan marriner Samuel Nelson merchant ... Ellin Smith, widow Elizabeth d. of James Bayley Richard Trotter marriner Francis Gyles marriner ... Richard Smith, late of Ireland Jehn Drew saylor Bartholomew Vicary marriner Phillip Partridge marriner Henry RoUin marriner John s. of John Bolton, clerke Edward Bell labourer Mary d. ef Robt Woodside Samuel Seacom marriner . . . Jane Smith, widow John Clarke surgeon Elin wife of Richard Abram carpenter Jane AVaimvright, widow James Byrom labourer John Welkes marriner Joshua AValls s. of Tho. Walls marriner Michael Tumer marriner Elizabeth d. ef Tho. Gawther Mary d. of Henry Kerby . . . AVill s. of Hermon AA'esthead James Brindle Jn°s. ef Will Rycroft ... Mary d. of Noah Webb Elizabeth Kirckheven Will. Curtes mariner Anne Stenton Richard s. of Richard Robinson Anne Gallimore Mary Richardson of Drougheda 4 Feb. 4 11 5 11 5 11 7 11 7 11 7 M 9 y y 9 yi 10 ,, II 11 12 II 13 11 14 11 14 11 15 11 15 ,, 16 11 16 11 19 11 18 11 23 It 24 1 i 28 it 28 11 2 March 2 11 4 It 4 11 6 11 8 11 8 11 12 JJ 14 J J IS ) J 16 j> 18 11 20 11 23 It 26 y y 27 11 28 11 29 11 29 l> 29 IS 29 It 30 11 3° 11 176 LIVERPOOL REGISTERS (St. NICHOLAS). 1690 1690. James s. of Humphrey Prescott Ellen Dingle Thomas Heads EUen Holland AVUI Rice Ralph Ducker Tho. s. of Thomas Morris Gilbert s. of Francis Raine John Goatom marriner Thomas Fawcett marriner Catherine d. of John Lyon AVilliam s. of John Sly David Perry ef Ireland, gent. ... Mary d. ef Jehn AA'adland gardiner Thomas Fielder marriner Richard Myles marriner John Weckley marriner Jehn Henshaw ef Parke, yeoman John s. of John Rimmer marriner . David Oar, gent Nicholas Labear marriner John Dean marriner Andrew Finlow Jn" Amery AA'™ Hurst Sarah d. of Richard Kequith Roger s. of AVittm Glover marriner Thomas s. of Anthony Bushell John Sanders marriner Mary d. of Thomas Jump marriner Richard Heldby marriner Mary Linacar, widow George Ford marriner Thomas Ackerly shipp-carpenter Grace Topping, widow Robert Thomas marriner Mary d. of W™ Simner Jehn Kenyon sexton ._ Jacob Townsend, liuetennant of the shipp Dover Ann d. ef Richard Houghton merchant John Fagg marriner Mary Cropper, widow David s. of AVilliam Hambleton marriner John Granger marriner James Cary malt-man I Aprill 33 5566 79 10 ID II12 13 IS17 171818 20 20 21 21 nA'ardens 23 24 24 2425262629 45 57 7 7 1010 1010 12 Aprill M 1690 BURIALS. 177 Richard Wood mariner Mary Bernard Robert s. of Wittm Lawrenson ... Moses s. of John Searjeant William Anderton saylor Mary d. of Peter Guy Robert Simpson Docter Redriffe Griffith M' Isaac Wood late of Ireland . . . Benjamin Stephens marriner ... Thomas Wheeler marriner Stephen Worsley marriner Catherine d. of John Lawson linen-draper Ellin wife of Joseph Cornall John Holland seiner Henry Baset mariner Rebeckaw d. of Josuha Merser ... Edward Lewis gouldsmith Edward Jones pewterer Elizabeth Hall Martha wife of William Gl»gge . . . John Baker mariner Marey d. of William Hughs Marey wife of John Anderton . . . Jehn Bebworth bucher William Langmead mariner ... Elizabeth d. of M' Danvies John Olliver mariner Lewis Prowmundy Daniell Wills mariner Henry Deparke mariner Thomas AVeller mariner Henry Smith draper John Comer mariner Henry Smith mariner Jeremiah Hunt Robert s. of William Robinson . . . Ann Masey Thomas s. of John Goulding of Dublin Ann Jump, widdow Latisha Normone d. of Samuel Normone Owsewell Cutler mariner Edward Tarlton, allderman Elizabeth d. of Ellin Fileps ... Marey wife of Rodger Smith Bengiman Gregory Marthaw d. of George Tarvin . . . Margreat d. of Thomas Nutell . . . 13 May 1414 14 IS 15 15 15 1616 16 17 1819232424 25 26 2727 28 30 I2 468 9 II 12121718 22232628 29 46 121618 23 25 2526 June July 178 LIVERPOOL REGISTERS (St. NICHOLAS). 1690 Ser James Stepellton of Loundon Ann d. of Thomas Jump Feby wife of James Jerrom Alee d. of John Buckley James s. of CoUnall [Colonel] Hermon John s. of Edmond Ball Anthony Carr mariner Culbert KUlshew Robert Richason John Cocklin seeman Mathew Wallker miller Margret wife of Curnell [Colonel] Hermon Thomas Gackson taylor Ann Dichfilde widow William s. of John Taylor Margratt d. of Thomas Boore . . . Thomas Jump mariner John Tomlison Thomas Turner Sare d. of Thomas Tucker Mary d. of Philipe Coks Danill Cross, sarv' to Docter Crane Richard Worall sordbearer Margrett wife of Jn" Marshall . . . Thomas s. of Nidiolas Longword Richard Jones Elizabath d. of Tho. Sweeting ... William Formby mariner Jone Lurtin, widdow John s. of James Addison Jane Atherton, widdow Mary wife of John Slie Ellin wife of Thomas Galliway . . . Carall Richmond Elizabeth wife of Edward Car . . . Ann Browne, widdow Ellin wife of Richard Tarleton carpinter Ann Marcer Jane Holland Sara wife of John Lyon Timothy Tarleton Elizabath d. of Will Rideing . . . William s. of Mathew Rimer William s. of John Litherland . . . Ann Browne, widdow Aice Gobem Jane Fitteley Iraland EHzabath Kenyon, widow 29 July 30 J, 4 Aug. 6 JJ 8 „ 9 JJ II JJ 12 J, 12 ,, 17 JJ 17 JJ 24 JJ 26 ,, 26 „ 26 ,, II Sep. II JJ 15 .J 3 Oct. 6 ,j 13 JJ 13 J. 19 JJ 20 ,, 26 ,, 2727 JJ II Nov. 18 „ 29 JJ 10 Dec. 13 JJ 16 ,, 20 ,, 26 „ 26 „ 28 „ I Jan. 12 „ 24 ,, 25 27 JJ 29 JJ 2 Feb. 8 ,j 9 JJ 10 13 JJ I690-I69I BURIALS. 179 Elizabath d. of Thomas Sweeting Elizabath wife of Robert Prenton John s. of John Medowcroft Edward s. of Thomas Harisonn Ouin Garard John Johnsonn porter Richard Johnsonn William s. of James Huston William s. of Alderman John Chorley Edward Crane surgent Sare d. of Edward Tarleton Richard Shooe porter W™ Hurst John Crane 21 Feb. 25 .. I March 69 2021 222326 31 10 Aprill ( Wardens 1691. Elizabeth d. of Henry Leadbeater William s. of William Rathbome Edward Tarlton, junyor Elizabeth wife of Edward Heyes Catherine wife of Thomas Bourn Margreat wife of M' Danill Danvers Ann wife of Robert Houghton . . . Dorathy wife of Thomas Sturgicar Balif Richard Tarlton Richard s. of Charles Lowrinson Marey Lowson, a servant John s. of William Revet Edward s. of John Nickallson ... Marey ApeUton of the Parke ... . Ann d. of Edward Barrow James s. of Marey ApeUton ... . Elizabet d. of Thomas Poston ... Robert s. of Richard Davis Thomas AUhand Catherine Chapman Alee d. of Richard Killshaw ... . Thomas Galloway balif Thomas Sharpells laborer ... . William Houlm mariner Thomas Mathew Sarah Breakell John Barton prisnor Margreat d. of James Jackson ... . Thomas s. of Edward Crane ... . Marey d. of M' Richard Houghton . , Marey d. of Hermon Weshead 15 Aprill IS 17212122 3 May 5 8 12 2323 28 29 I June 3 6 16 2021 23 30 2 July 3 8 10 12 18 23 24 i8o LIVERPOOL REGISTERS (St. NICHOLAS). 1691 John s. of Robert Mullenex William s. of James Kewkit Josuha s. of Thomas Cerben John s. of Roger Gostidge Richard Cromton Jane wife of Richard Whitehead Elizabeth Marser Alee Barker, widdow Susanah wife of John Gillgrist . . . James Settell mariner The wife of M' Thomas Crishton Mosis s. of John Sargant Robert Johnson, seynor Gorge Smith perter Catherine d. of AUixsander Hesketh John s. of Noah Weeb Fabey d. of Jehn Marshall mariner Marthaw d. of Marthaw Seall ... Ellin wife of John Rimmer Peter s. of Jeramyah Arryson ... Randell s. of Randell Galloway John s. of James Sanderson Ellin wife of Henry Fasakerly ... M" Marthaw Cooke leaf of Irland John Asley sadler Alee wife of M' Thomas AUinson Elizabeth d. of Charles Diggells James s. ef Robert Mullenex Jane wife of Charles Diggles John Meddowcroft Thomas s. of Richard Marser James s. of Homphery Toping Ann Bleven EHzabeth wife of Thomas Rimmer Jehn Ward, docter Thomas Williamson, alderman . . Sarah d. of Doctor Peterson George s. of William Tarlton .. John s. of Robert Felps Sarah wife ef M' Hose Robert Jones Peter s. of Sam veU Balif Elizabeth d. of Thomas Rogers .. John s. of Thomas Jump Elizabeth d. of Brichard Nickson Captin Robert Claton John s. of Hugh Gibons Johanagh d. ef Margreat Tarlton 25 26 28 July JJ 11 29 46 ss Aug J J 9 J J II J J 12 IS 20 IS 25 I 6 SI Sep. J J 13 JJ 25 JJ 25 6 JJ Oct. II J J 24 J J 25 J J 27 JJ 30 2 J J Nov. 7 JJ IS JJ 19 J J 20 J J 30 8 J J Dec. 9 16 26 JJJJJJ 7 Jan. 12 J J 13 tl IS 1818 ISSI It 20 11 22 Ji 22 11 24 11 24 26 tt 11 29 11 2923 J J Feb. 23 JJ I69I-1692 BURIALS. 181 John Sloy marenor Richard s. of Roger Jones John s. of Henry Merser Deborah d. of Otiwell Rodes William s. of John Seale John s. of Roger James Richard s. of Richard Johnson .. John s. of Robert Stananought .. Johanagh Gildus Elizabeth Morecroft Elizabeth d. of Richard Banister 24 Feb. 2427 3 Mar 33 1215172026 Edward s. of Edward Tarlton Elizabeth d. of M" Jeram .. Richard s. of Witt Stoken ... Thomas Dickinson Docktor Silvester Richmond Thomas Bamber mariner Ales Warton Isabel d. of Ursala Wilson Ann d. of John Sargant William Letherland James Peterson Susanah wife of Cristopher Banks John Webber Thomas s. of Tho. Battersby Marey d. of John Marsh draper Elizabath wife of John Crompton Robert Ashbruck Isabell Sutton Aaron s. of John Seargeant Margery wife of George Hoole . . Phebe d. of Christopher Bankes Edmund Leadbeater Robert s. of John Sale Elizabeth d. of Anthony Rimmer Mary d. of Thom Poston William s. of M' William Bourke Jennett d. of William Jumpe Thomas s. of John Skasbricke .. M' Thomas Fisher, a stranger .. John Harrison Thomas s. of Richard Bradley .. Elizabeth Denton John Crane James Townsend 1692. Wardens 2 April 28 1719 20 7 28 6 May ^3 1414 232328 3131 16 June 232328 2 July 49 II121620 29 30 5 Aug 13 .. i82 LIVERPOOL REGISTERS (St. NICHOLAS). 1692 Peter Nicholls 15 Aug. Thomas Pirkins 17 jj John s. of Henry Hopwood . . 21 ,, Mary d. of John Barker 24 ,, Wittm s. of Cap' Thoin Bushell 24 Mary d. of John Coward i Sep. John s. of John Lawson i8 ,, Jane wife of Raphe Rogers 22 ,, Thomas Litler, ser' to Docker Norris 5 Oct. Tho. s. of Tho. Bixath: ... ., 11 ,, Margreat wife of Robert Rylanse 17 ,, Elizabath d. of Tho Rimer 17 ,, Robert s. of M' John: Barker 18 ,, Mundick s. of Mundick Lease 29 ,, Margreat d. of James Barton 29 ,, Sarah wife of Charles Lawrenson i Nov. Alice d. of Robert Ashbruck 9 ,, Sarah d. of The. Webster 12 ,, Alice wife of John Brindle 14 ,, John Vise 15 , , Witt s. of Witt Gorsich 19 ,, Tho. Rowel 22 ,, Dorathey d. of George Burges 3 Dec. James Ackerly s. of Tho Ackerly 4 ,, Witt Lloyd 4 „ Ann d. of Tho. Bushal 8 ,, Hannah d. of Cristoph' Fleetwood 12 ,, John s. of Robert Barow 13 ,, Beniammin s. of John Lunt 15 ,, Ruth Atherton 16 ,, Silvester s. of Silvester Richmond, jun 17 ,, Elizabath d. of Tho Bradley 18 ,, Elizabath Rowel 19 , , Ann Ascroft 19 ,, James s. of John Royle 15 ,, Peter Oringe 24 ,, Elizabeth wife of Cuthbert Sharpies 28 ,, Judeth d. of John Marshel ... .. 28 ,, Jane d. of Robert Glover 29 ,, Joseph s. of John Lunt 30 ,, Ralpth Croper s. of Tho. Croper i Jan Wife of Witt Burke i John s. of John Please 2 Mathew Home Tho. s. of Robert Prenton Cristopher Rogerson 15 Robert s. of Johnathan Cooke 15 Georg« s. of George Moberly 17 2 II 1692-1693 BURIALS. 183 Margery Loy Joseph s. of Joseph Cornwell Elinn Stursicor Rich'' s. of Cristopher Rogerson Richard s. of George Mall Margery d. of James Byram John s. of Tho Vernon Henry Sicksmith Elizabeth d. of John Ormeshow Edwards, of Daved Owens Ann d. of George Brown Jane Robison Marey Adison Ales Tompson Aleis d. of Ed. Rigley Elizabeth d. ef Silvester Moorecroft . Tho. Bushal mariner Charles s. of Witt Naile James s. of Witt Anderton Ann d. of Silvester Moorecroft ... 1693. Ann Poultney, widow Witt Seacham Tho. s. of James Peeterson ... . Margreat Booats, widow Lowrense s. of Lowrense Rimer Tho. s. of Timothy Tarlton ... . Elizabath Cowley Marey d. of Ed. Rigley Mary d. of Nickolas Quiggin . . . William s. of Henery Ellison . . . George s. of John Barrow An d. of Henery Leadbetter Houmphrey s. of William Angsdell John s. of William Bourk Katherin d. of Hugh Guybon . . . Margret d. of James Ackers Allice wife of George Brown Jinnet d. of John Tayler William Moss John s. of Richard Gardner Martha d. of Christofer Jans Robert s. of Robert Johnson John s. of John Stiles Alderman John Chorley ... 24 I Jan. Feb. I j> I JJ ... • •• 5 JJ • •• 5 JJ ... 7 J J ... 14 JJ ... II J J ... 19 ... 28 2 J J JJ March ••• 3 JJ ... ... 4 j> •¦¦ 5 JJ . . . II. ... 18 JJ JJ ... 20 JJ ... 23 JJ ... 24 JJ ... 27 March ... 29 JJ ... 30 )> ... 30 ... 10 JJ April ... 10 JJ ... 13 JJ ... ... 13 j> James Townsend, warden ... 19 April ... ... 21 JJ ... ... 24 JJ ... ... 24 it ... ... 25 it ... ... 29 •¦• 3 ... 6 ... 8 tt May JJ JJ ... ... 14 JJ ... ... 17 11 ... 19 It ... ... 21 tt ... 23 tt ... ... 39 91 ... ... 29 tl i84 LIVERPOOL REGISTERS (St. NICHOLAS). Martha d. of Peter Oringe Mary d. of Robert Carefoot Ellizabeth wife of John Winstandley Margret d. of John Wharton James s. of Thomas Whitfield An d. of John Williamson . . . Joseph s. of John Caterall ... Mary Oringe Allice Walker Sarah d. of Thomas Alcock Mary d. of Thomas Johnson Dorothy d. of John Sutton . . . Richard s. of William Rimmer Edward Tyrer marriner . . . Frances d. of Gilber Norris William Williamson marriner Deborah d. of John Marshall Ellizabeth d. of Gilbert Norris Jinet d. ef John Caterall ... Katherin Williamson Mary wife of John Robinson John Wainwright Ellizabeth Gardner Rebecka d. of Henery Stanistreet Henery s. of Thomas Harper Elizabeth wife of James Everet David Jones Ellizabeth d. of Thomas Bear Margret d. of Oliver Black And. of Henery Blevin Mary d. ef Jehn Richards ... Margret d. ef Thomas Michaell Richard Morecroft butcher Rachaell d. of John Court . . . Richard Francklin Sarah d. of Edmund Ball . . . Edward s. of John Smallshaw Allice d. of Thomas Perkins Izabell d. of Paul Waterhouse Thomas s. of Giles Green ... William s. of Thomas Poston Peter Wilson ...- Thomas s. of Jehn Crane ... Thomas s. ef Rodger James Elizabeth wife of David Poole Suzanah d. of WilHam Niblet Thomas s. of John Duke . . . Ellizabeth d. of Peter Alkxanders 1693 30 May 31 J J I June 6 J J 7 JJ 9 JJ 9 J J 9 J J II J J 16 JJ 22 J? 24 JJ 24 JJ 24 JJ 28 JJ 28 J J 29 JJ 2 July 2 JJ 2 JJ 3 1 1 3 11 4 11 S y ) 5 J J 7 11 10 11 19 11 20 11 22 11 23 1 1 26 11 27 tl 27 11 4 Aug. 12 J J 15 J y IS 11 19 11 27 11 28 11 2 Sep. II JJ II J J 19 J J 21 11 22 tl 24 It i693 BURIALS. 185 Ellin Fells Mary d. of Gawther Morecroft James s. of James Roberts ... Eleanor wife of Henery Hunt John s. of John Lady John Seale marriner William s. of Edward Acckers Marg d. of John Rodgers . . . Robert s. of Robert Stubs . . . Ralph Birch John s. of Samuell Warren Margery d. of Thomas Tyrer smith Elzabeth d. of Ralph Higgson Ales Rowell, widow Ralph Standish Joseph Right Danell Stons Allice Tarleton, widdow ... John s. of Thomas Bennet . . . Sarah wife of Joseph Cornwell John s. of John Wakefield ... Henery s. of John Biram ... An wife of Richard Praeson Christopher Banks Jane d. of Thomas Sweeting James Winstandley Catherin d. of John Thomsom Joseph Cornwall Richard Holland John s. of Robert Evans Allice Warmingham Mary Kingston Lawrence Scarsbrick Thomas s. of Thomas Keaton James Barton Joseph s. of Thomas Corbin Katherin d. of Richard Roberts An d. of Edward Bigland . . . Margery d. of Gilbert Norris John s. of Richard Harrison Katherin d. of Peter Rainford Rebecka d. of Otiwell Rodes Henery s. of Henery Sicksmith Samuell s. of George Sharpies Richard s. of John Lintol ... Sacra d. of John Tildsley . . . Alderman Thomas Brookbank WiUiam 5imson 24 Sep. 24 JJ 28 JJ 2 Oct. 6 11 6 11 12 tl IS ii 24 tl 24 tt 25 J J 25 J J 12 Nov. 17 J J 18 J J 19 JJ 23 JJ 5 Dec. 5 IS 10 SS IS ss 16 11 17 IS 18 1 1 21 It 23 tl 23 IS 26 IS 28 SI 4 Jan. 5 11 8 11 8 IS 9 SI 10 SI 10 It II IS 11 II II tt 13 11 16 It 16 St 18 II 19 It 28 tt 31 19 I Feb. 6 f« i86 LIVERPOOL REGISTERS (St. NICHOLAS). 1693-1694 Francis s. of William Fewler ... Ellin d. of Richard Rose William s. of William Middleton Ellin d. of Henery Rawell William s. of John Wakefield ... Ellizabeth wife of John Biram ... . George Anton Hannah d. of Augustin Swift ... . Jehn Redman Ellizabeth wife of William Angsdell Jane wife of William Porter ... . Comfort d. of Robert Phelps ... . Thomas Riggel William Spicer John s. of William Fletcher ... . Jane wife of Thomas Edwarson 6 8 18 20 222325 I 6 7 9 16 21 2127 27 Feb. March 1694. Jane wife of William Doksburey Catherin d. of M' Edward Green 5 ApriU 8 „ Richard Warbrick, warden Silvester Morecroft Jane d. of Robert Curteous Rodger James Ellizabeth d. of Stephen Plant Ellin wife of Richard Bamet Ellizabeth d. of Hugh Ascroft Allice wife of Nicholas Hatten An wife of William Bastin Ellizabeth wife of M' William Bispham Simons, of Cuthbert Sharpies Ellizabeth d. of James Croft Mary d. of M' Silvester Richmond . . . Martha d. of William Belling James s. of Richard Seddon William s. of Henery Whiteker Thomas Reynald Ellizabeth d. of John Lawrenson Richard s. of Richard Barnet Ellin d. of Edward Barrow Margret d. of M' Richard Houghton James Lievsley William Eckles Allice wife of John Kelly John Lawson Mrs. An BusheU 12 Aprill 13 11 15 It 25 8 11 May 9 JJ II18 J J tl 21 Jt 23 JJ 30 J J 4 June 10 It 20 it 21 8 July 10 tt IS It 24 il 25 I It Aug. 3 >J 13 19 17 99 i694 BURIALS. 187 Mary wife of William Benson 20 Aug. Mary d. of John Clare " 29 ,, Bridget d. of Thomas Sandiford 30 ,, Johns, of William Wright 9 Sep. John s. of James Kemp 10 ,, Williams, of John Crane 20 ,, Richard Rose 7 Oct. Rachaell Alcock 18 ,, Thomas Sellers 21 ,, Henery Higginson 24 ,, Isaack s. of John Clerk 27 ,, Hannah wife of Robert Breuer 27 ,, Allice d. of John Wilson 5 Nev. Mary Downes 9 ,, Dorothy wife of Lawrence Thomson 28 ,, M' Martyn Willis 5 Dec. William s. of John Anderton 7 ,, Margret wife of John Mills 9 ,, Ellizabeth Mills 14 ,, Allice d. of Thomas Harrison 14 ,, William s. of William Spicer 19 ,, Richard Taylor 27 ,, Ann wife of M' Thomas Tyrer 31 ,, Thomas Willis, Esquir 25 ,, Left by the desesed a bond Ritten, five pound to the poore of Liverpoole which was disstributed by the hand of us, Edmond Hinley Roger Richardson Ellin wife of John Neal i Jan. Margret d. of John Cowley 2 ,, Sarah d. of M' John Sandiford 2 ,, Mary wife of John Rimmer 16 ,, William s. of Gilbert Norris 24 ,, John s. of James Roberts 26 ,, James Bispham 5 Feb. Ellizabeth d. of Rice Adams 7 ,, Mary wife of Lawrence Myers 11 , , Edward Eceles 20 ,, Katherin wife of Allexander Drury 4 March Katherin d. of John Scarsbrick 5 , , Benjamin s. of William Bradock 7 ,, Mary d. of William Pope 10 ,, Ellizabeth d. of John Harrison 12 ,, Bridget d. of M' Severin Peterson 13 ,, An d. of Thomas Jumpe ... 18 ,, Thomas Willis, Esq 25 ,, Silvester Morecroft, warden Hugh Langford, sidesman i88 LIVERPOOL REGISTERS (St. NICHOLAS). 1695 1695. Thomas Willes, Esqre Abell Owin Hannah d. of W™ Street ... Eliabeth Alcock, widdow . . . Jn" s. of Jn" Sarjant AV™ Robinson W™ Goarsuch Elizabeth Leigh Anne d. of James Brindle . . . Ralph s. of Jn" Tactlock ... Rob' s. of W™ Lorance Richmond s. of M' Rich Houghton Richard Maull Rich. Tue M"AnneW™son John Sharpe Margrett wife of M' Jn" Mathews Elizabett d. of Edw'' Fearne Dorothy Fletcher, widdow ... Thomas s. of AV™ Lorance James Sympken, widdow [sic] . Jn" s. of M' Tho Sherwin . . . TubeU s. of Jn" Jeffes Thomas s. of Rich Bleven ... Jn" s. of Rich Roberts Jn" s. of John Robinson Richard Rimer Richard s. of Jn" Birch Rob' s. of Rob' Farrer Tho. s. of Tho. Tinsley Elizabeth Morecroft Mary Woods Daniell s. of Jn" Stringer ... Jn" s. of Rich Fleetwood ... Margrett Cashell Anne Harrisson Tho. s. of Hugh Ascroft ... Tho. s. of Lorance Thompson AV™ s. of Jn" Hues Francis Catlin Elizabeth d. of Jn" Fleyde Bridgett wife ef Thomas Sandiford James Goore Lorance Myres Jn" Carlise Mary wife of Tho. Batterby May 25 March 27 JJ 7 Aprill 9 II 21 2224 27 30 22 6 6 1718 19 26 3° I I 88 1920 2 July 12 1414 14 26 2 Aug 33 77 15 21 June 23 3 29 6 16 16 2325 Sep Oct' 1695-1696 BURIALS. 189 W™ s. of James Whitefeild Samuell s. of Tho. Garrard Peter Martin Thomas s. of Jn" Dickinson Johana d. of Henry Tyrer . . Mary Grundy Rich Houseman Elizabeth wife of W™ Massey Jn" Woods Grace d. of James Cooper .. Richard s. of Samuell Balife Jonathan s. of Jonathan Leevesley Anne Clef ton Debora d. of Henry Parr . . . Mary d. of Tho. Keaton John Winstanley Debora wife of James Ackers Robert s. of Jn" Wainewright Anne Chappell Richard s. of James Beck Joseph s. of Jn" Whigh Thomas s. of Jn" Dunne Anne Johnson Hannah d. of Jn" Robinson Charles s. of Nathaniell Seales Jn" s. of Richard Garner ... Thomas s. of Richard Roe Elizabeth d. of Robert Hudleston Elizabeth d. of James Pemberton Richard s. of Hugh Digles Jn" s. of Robert Carefoot ... Jn" s. ef Henry Robinson ... Jn" s. of W™ Watts Margrett d. of Joseph Allen Margrett d. of Jn" Lutner ... Edward s. of Edward Ackers Elin d. of Thomas Bixteth William s. ef W™ Law Benjemin s. of Jn" Marshall Margrett d. of Jn" Travers ... Anna d. of Richard Owing [1696.] Elizabeth d. of Jn" Fletcher Margrett Heatley Sarah d. of Thomas Sweeting Hugh Langford, Chapell Warden Joseph Briggs, Sidsman 29 Oct. 29 2 JJ Nov. 22 JJ 24 II J J Dec. 1718 J J J J 23 11 23 It 23 1 1 24 J) 2 Jan. 3 JJ 3 JJ 4 JJ 9 JJ 14 16 Jtit 19 It 23 5 tt Feb. 6 6 J J 11 7 tt 10 11 14 11 20 11 20 It 22 It 25 11 29 I It March 5 8 tl11 9 JJ 10 11 II 11 12 11 17 11 19 It 3° 3 6 March Aprill J J 190 LIVERPOOL REGISTERS (St. NICHOLAS). 1696 James s. of Thomas Spenser 7 Aprill Richard Gunston W™ s. of Jonathan Higginson Rachell Arrosmith Katerin d. of W™ Couley Hannah d. of James Kempe William s. of Silvester Moorecroft Margrett d. of Widdow Formby Edward s. of John Tyrer W™ Glover Robert Farrer Dorothy Fleetwood Henry s. of Jn" Craine John Martin John s. of William Moxon Anne wife of Jn" Blundell James Pemberton Mary d. of Elizabeth Barker Abell s. of John Blease Jane wife of Gilbert Norres Mathew s. of William Cragg Dorothy d. of John Cleaveland James Jerom Lidiah wife of M' Thomas Johnson Anne d. of M' Peter Eaton M' Thomas Williamson Elizabeth d. of M' Silvester Richmond George s. of Peter Lyon Thomas & Dorithy s. & d. of Jn" Fells . . . Anne d. of Abraham Ald'say Mary d. ef Thomas Boore Jane d. of Thomas Boore M' Thomas Edwardson Margrett Tomlinson Thomas s. of Peter Raineford Margett d. of M' Richard Houghton James Sanderson Richard s. of Richard Henshall Jonathan s. of M' Jn" Loyde John Stevenson Rebecca d. of Joseph Trewman M' Thomas Cartor M' William Vincent Elizabeth d. of Richard Tasker Sarah d. of M' Edward Tarlton Francis d. of M' Daniell Danvas Samuell s. of George Naylor Alee d. of Thomas Brooks Elizabeth d. of Richard Cleyton 15 J J 21 J J 28 J J 28 JJ 28 J J 30 11 2 May 23 JJ 7 June 21 J J 26 J J 30 II 12 July 27 JJ 2 Aug. 13 J J 14 JJ 17 J J 19 JJ 24 JJ 2 Sep. 7 J J 9 JJ 4 Oct. 6 J J 7 II 9 tl 13 11 13 J J 14 tt 24 It 30 It I Nov. I JJ 2 1 J 2 11 6 tt II JJ 12 11 12 11 13 SJ 13 it 23 it 25 tt 25 it 29 it 29 J J 30 It 1696 BURIALS. 191 Dorothy Bushell James s. of George Whiteley Daniell s. of M' Daniell Danvas Houmphry Tumor Dameris d. of James Letherbarrow Jane d. of Michaell Short ... Thomas Frankline Hannah d. of John Digles ... Mary wife of Silverster Richmond Nicolas Ducke Mary d. of Tymothy Langford . Anne wife of Jonathan Lievesly. Abraham s. of John S[i]ringer . John s. of Thomas Mullinex Henry Jobson William Symson Anne d. of Bryan Nicolson Catrine d. of Jeffry Croft ... William s. of William Fumifall Elin Sutten John s. of Jasper Eaton ... . Anne d. of Nicolas Toby ... . Edward s. of William Lyon Anne d. of John Marshall ... . Marian Cairy Margrett Culshett Margrett wife Thomas Sherrwin Mossas Knight Ruth d. of Katrine Jenkinson . Edward Denison Francis Tempest Alee Sherlock Jn" s. of Jn" Rimor Gilbert Greson Anne d. of Edward Gafney Thomas Wdbster Susanah Clarkson Elizabeth d. of Robert Hews Jn" Woodward Thomas Rimor Charles s. of Charles Cooper . William s. of Jn" Robinson Alee d. of Edward Clifton ... . M' William Williamson ... . Henry s. of Thomas Bradley Catrine d. of John Kelley ... . 4 Dec. 5 8 10 1820 7 Jan 9 16 18i8 20212121 2226262931 I Feb 2 666 7 8 121213131921232827 3 March 4 4 5 131616 2325 25 Joseph Briggs Adam Bury 192 LIVERPOOL REGISTERS (St. NICHOLAS). 1697 1697. Eliz. Greenwood Mathew Pluckington Edmund s. of Edmund Rigley ... Rob' s. of W™ Middleton An d. of James Accas An wife of Richard Windle Rob' s. of W™ Worrall Iseball d. of David Henshew Catherine wife of James Brownbill Aron s. ef Severan Peterson Peter s. of Silvester Richmond ... Martha wife of W™ Moss Eliz. d. of Joseph Cornwell Eliz. d. of James Skyner Hannah d. of W™ Huddelston . . . Ralph s. of Ralph Birch Alee wife of Jams Steevensen . . . Ralph s. of James Glest ..; An d. of Silvester Richmond Mary d. of John Digle Eliz Right Mary d. of Savidge Leech Eliz. d. of Richard Singelton ... Peter s. of Severin Peterson Mary d. of Severin Peterson Mary d. of Tho. BaU An d. of Thomas Williamson ... Marg' wife of The. Grifith Ellin d. of John Sargent Marg' Pint [Plat ^] John Harrison Tho. Flower AV™ Pemberton Isebel wife of W™ Renals Mary d. of Hen Smith Mary Seacum Tho. Brooks Mary Merydith Edward s. of W™ Roe Samuell s. of Jehn Smallwood ... Robert Seacum Roland Anyon Emey d. of W™ Rimer Joseph s. of Joseph Bentley An d. of Eliz Morris Rich'' s. of Humphery Toping ... 10 Aprill II J J 12 II 13 11 23 May 26 JJ 27 J J 3 June 4 JJ 8 » J 9 JJ 10 JJ 14 II 20 11 23 11 14 July 14 J J 25 JJ 2 Aug. 8 J J 13 it 14 J? 15 11 17 it 27 tl 31 tl 9 Sep. 14 JJ 18 J J 23 JJ 26 JJ 4 Oct. 12 J J 15 J J 19 tl I Nov I J J 21 tl 21 11 21 tl 24 11 25 11 25 It 26 11 29 it 7 Dec. 1697-1698 BURIALS. 193 Marg' Haddock Eliz. d. of Abraham Aldersey . . . John Hoole Edmund s. of Edmund Ball James Prescott Hannah Norbury Ellin Massey John Tyrer Ellin d. of Tho. Johnson, jun' ... An Blackmore Marg' wife of Rob' Bushell Sarah Cuqueth Marg' Dickinson Jane d. of Tho. Harper Rob' Jenion Alse Ashton Ralph s. of Ralph Lee ... . W™ s. of Rob' Asbrack Ellin d. of M' Tho Rimer John Rowlet Marg' d. of Jo" Wilson Eliz. Barwell Sarah d. of Mosses Hughes Eliz d. ef Cha Radlife W™ s. of Ja. Margison Mary son [sic] ef Jo" Holt Tho s. of Tymothy Langford Penelepey d. of Jo. Bentley Lenord Roads Jane d. of Tho. Boore Catherine Blackmore Sarah d. of AV™ Rimer 1698. John Clare Robert Hole Margery d. of Richard Blevin James s. of Jn" Ormshaw . . . Pole s. of Jn" Andarton Robert Bellin William Dikinson James Gaskin Gilbert s. of James Sutten ... John s. of Jn" Smalshaw Hanah wife of Walter Brice 12 Dec. 22 J ' 27 28 28 IS 1111 7 J in. 23 11 27 „ 3 Feb. 9 14 16 16 22 23 24 27 9 March 10 10 12 14 15 19 22 26 29 „ 3 Aprill 13 1 y 14 11 25 26 1111 Adam Bury, warden John Lady 29 Aprill ... ... 3 May 5 8 12 13 iS 24 3f 194 LIVERPOOL REGISTERS (St. NICHOLAS). 1698 Hanah Jeram Elizebeth wife Jn" Wright Henarih s. of Henary Richmond EUizebeth d. of Harman Westhead Peeter s. of Robert Ekeles M" Francis Squire EUizebeth d. of Levenes Heuston Roger Barron James Stephenson Amih Chamberland [Amiah in Transcript] Hanah d. of Jn" Smith James Peerem Richard Abram Francis s. ef Jn" Huchinsen Ralfe Lee Mary Angsdale Jn" WUlson Gorge Caterall Hannah d. of Tho. Brakes Elizab d. ef John Sanderson Jane wife ef Rich Sedon Edward s. of Jehn Parker Alexand' s. of Alexander Drurey Elizabeth d. of Tho Molyneux Elizabth d. of Tho. Patrick Margreat d. of Hen. Langdale John Bud Margreat Smarlew Elinor Pecoke John s. of Tho. Dudley Marthay d. of Levenus Hewston Rich. s. of GUbert Formby Mary d. of Samuell Warin Martha d. of Jehn Farror AViU ChantrU Margreat Willimsen, widdow Phabey d. of WUl Litheriand Jehn Bradley Seath Naylor Elizabeth Deane, att Cuthbert Sharp[/M] Rich. Cooper Charles Heys Ann Hollond James s. of Hermon Westhead Jane wife of Edmund AVhalley George Grifeth Elizabeth d. of Nathan Canabie Samuell Sanford 2 June 6 J J 10 JJ 15 JJ 23 J J 24 J J II July 16 ) ' 16 11 16 1 1 18 y } 26 11 26 11 30 tt 30 It 4 Aug. 13 JJ 23 J J 26 J J 7 Sep. 16 J J 20 JJ 24 JJ 25 JJ 25 JJ 6 Oct. 7 J J 13 11 17 11 21 11 20 11 21 11 20 II 21 11 24 11 25 1 ' 29 J J 5 Nov. 7 11 9 11 II 11 II 11 II 1 1 14 11 23 11 29 1 1 5 - Dec. 5 11 I698-I699 BURIALS. 195 Cristopher Richardson, clerk Blund: Robert Mary Maris James Jackson Robert Sedon William Briggs ... Rich. Diggles Rob' Bradshaw ... Will s. of WUl Hariey Zackery Cooke John s. of Edward Hease Rich. s. of John Plomb Lowrance Turner Susanah Peeterson Ellin Brown Bryon Hollme Elin wife of Cha. Hilliard Rich. Shaw Robert Letherborow The. Webster Hanah d. of Henry Warbrick Tho. s. of John Winstanly Easter d. of Edw Lyon Mary d. of Peeter Sumers George Smith Tho. Churchley Roger Tyrer s. of Tho. Tyror, tay. Lorance Tyrer s. of Tho. Tyror Ann Johnson Catharine d. of Tho Hearf oot ... Maudit Ashworth s. of J . . . [ ?] Ashw[orih] Margreatt d. of John Marsh Jan. March 1699. Madam Sutellworth ... Cristopher Goodman ... Tho. s. of Rob' Ashbrook John s. of Henery Tyrer Mary d. ef Jo" Bankes Jo" Sherlicker Eliz. wife of W™ Porter Ruth Gear Margret d. of Roger Jons Jo" s. of W™ Gee Eliz. d. of Tho Johnson Rob. Thornton 5 Dec. II JJ 16 ,, 16 JJ 13 JJ 19 J' 21 J, 29 JJ 31 6 12 J, 19 'J 21 J, 30 J, 31 JJ 13 Feb. 13 .. 17 JJ 20 ,, 21 ,, 21 JJ 28 „ 28 „ I 4 JJ 4 JJ 5 JJ 6 JJ 9 JJ 1010 ,, IS JJ John Lady Cha. Diggles I Ap. 3 4 10 101010 11 131416 16 196 LIVERPOOL REGISTERS (St. NICHOLAS). 1699 Edward s. of Edward HaUso ao Ap. Margreat d. of George Tarvin 22 ,, John Copwal 24 ,, Witti s. of Bryan BlundeU, marriner 25 ,, Rich. s. of Mathew Nalor 26 ,, EUice Rice, widdow 26 ,, EUin Hewerth 27 ,, Jane Chantrell, widdow 29 ,, Edw. Foxcroft, doct' 3° u John Parkinson 2 May Alice Whitle S » Sidney wife of Silvester Moorecroft 5 jj John Macarte from Corke 8 ,, Henry Wharton talor 13 ,, James Lawrenson s. of Ric Lawrenson, defer... 13 ,, Catherin Stowell 13 jj John Carter 14 jj William Tatlock cooper 19 ,, Evan Christian 29 ,, Steeven Andersby 9 June Ann d. of John Lyon roper 11 jj Elizabeth Newcome 18 ,, Ann d. of Silverster Moorecroft 18 ,, Mary Shurliker 26 ,, Frances Witter, widdow 29 ,, Ann wife ef John Storie, watchmaker 2 July Catherin wife of Tho. OUies, plasterer 9 ,, Sara d. of Tho. Tarleton salemaker 18 ,, Roger Hoosman talor 21 ,, Robert Bmer porter 24 ,, W™ s. of Daniell Tellit carpinter 27 ,, Alice Mercer 3 Aug. Martha Briggs 6 ,, Ellin EUenson 14 ,, Ann Midlton, widdow 16 ,, John s. of John Carter carp' 17 ,, Joseph s. of Rob' Johnson lab' 28 ,, Even Marsh navegater 30 ,, Elice Stenton 7 Sep. Frances s. of Jefrey Croft 15 ,, Elizabeth Radclife 15 ,, Joseph s. of John Cliveland mar' 21 ,, Emlin Suthart 24 ,, The. Suthart u Oct. Thomas Cowducke lab' 15 Elizabeth d. of Rich. Fairhurst '. ... 18 Rob' James carpent' 22 Febelnglefild ', " 1699 BURIALS. 197 Elice wife of Rich Moore lab' Elizabeth d. of Jo" KUey, Cork Richard Element saylor Elizabeth AUcoke Elizabeth d. of Jo" Joynson rop' Tho. s. of Edward Nickelson show Rob' Midelton sailour Dorathy Bolton Hanah Seacome Nathaniell Dunbabin Rob' Brodbelt Ann wife of Tho. Harefoot show' Easter Brown Marcey wife of Rich Tattlock . . . Elice Marcer Mary wife of M' Joseph Parr mar' Robert Fox Jane wife of M' Jo" Thomas Samii Vernnan taylor Jane Accers Charles Jackson in y" Cas [Castle] Rich. Stanenought sailour Ann d. of John Wight George s. of William Aspinwall James s. of John Phillips ... . Elizabeth wife of M' Tho. Johnson, sene' William Newport Martha wife of Rob Gilles Rich s. of Edmund Ball M' Jonas Kenyon marc' Rob' Cearfoot in-hould' M' Peetr Lewis watchmak' Samuall Dugdall carpinter John Moneley sailour ... - ... Elizab d. of Tho Atherton barber Elizabeth wife of Tho. Harper . . . John s. of Jo" Dredge paten-maker Eliz wife of Rich. Arnett Will Angsdall porter M' Will Porter march' John Kelley John Button Mary wife of M' John Rimor sailoor Rob* s. of Tho. Lethwood sadler Ann Wright, widow .. 29 Oct. .. 29 11 .. 29 .. 12 11 Nov. .. 14 .. 16 I 11 11 Dec. •¦ 3 J J •• 5 J J ¦• 7 .. 8 J J J J .. 9 11 .. 10 tl .. II 11 II 11 .. 14 .. 18 11it .. 29 11 .. 10 Jan. . . 20 11 .. 20 It 22 1 1 .. 23 .. 28 I 11 11 Feb. 2 tl I II ¦¦ 5 ii •¦ S n •• 13 11 .. 14 11 •• IS It .. 21 it .. 22 11 .. 29 •• 3 11 March .. 4 J J •• 7 it .. II it .¦ II tt 12 It •• 13 1 1 •• 13 11 • • 21 tt .. 24 tt Cha Diggles Cha Radclife 198 LIVERPOOL REGISTERS (St. NICHOLAS). 1700 1700. Charles Ratcliff watch-maker John s. of Thomas Bradley Thomas s. of Peter Alexander Thomas Winstandley weaver .. Mary d. of James Saunderson John Lyon shooemaker Ann wife of Ed. Norris sailor Richard Gardener offcier ... . Ann Swan William s. of John Stock Jehn Dixson from Leeds James s. of James Saunderson ... Ellen wife of Daniell Jenkinson Joseph Battersby taylor ... ... ., Elizabeth Saunderson William Tarleton whitelimer ... . Alice d. of James Akers Gershom s. of Palmer Vicars ... . John s. of Thomas Hamlett ... . Robert s. of Hugh Kinley Ruth d. of Henry Plumb Hannah d. of Rob' Brewer ... . W™ s. of Thomas MoUineux, att" Susan Banks John s. of W™ HockenhuU, gent Mary d. of Thomas Richardson John Walker Elizabeth Travers, widdow John s. ef Henry Hodgson Katherine wife of Richard Rainford . Richard s. ef Gilbert Norris William Campbell ¦ . Rebecka d. ef Witt Boats William Street Isabella Harrison Thomas Harper Victoria d. of John Wareing Richard s. of Richard Worrall ... John Hopkins of Jugler Street ... William Fountain of Water Street Alexander Norres, doctor of Physick Samuell Law, apothecary in Castle Street Hanah wife of Henry Lomass, Lord Street John Griffith, painter. Moor Street Margrett Cobham EHzabeth Jackson ef Dale Street Edith d. of William Furnivall ... NICHOLAS). 25 : March 27 J J I . Aprill I J J I J) 4 11 4 6 1111 7 11 10 IS 12 J) 13 16 1111 20 1 1 23 11 25 11 • 3° 2 8 11 May JJ 12 ) J 14 It 14 JJ 14 JJ 17 18 J J IS 21 IS 22 11 I June I It 3 11 7 11 15 16 18 11 J J J J 19 JJ 20 11 21 It 24 26 1111 30 8 July et ... 9 13 eet ... 12 18 ii II 22 li 2 8 Aug. If 1700 BURIALS. 199 Frances d. of John Lancaster of Cooke Street . Elizabeth wife of M' John Pemberton ... . Elizabeth wife of John White of Cable Street . Thomas Hurst s. of Thomas Hurst of Old Hall Street Aid' Thomas Johnson Hannah Saunderson of Old Hall Street . . . M' Henry Barron from Drehedagh Mary wife of Richard AA'ilson, Comon garden Mary d. of M' Silvester Richmond M' Joshua Fisher, Aid' :.. Jane wife of William Denis, Chappell Street Rebecka wife of Anthony Bannister of Dale Street Hannah wife of John Formby, Lord Street Ann wife of Thomas Edwards of Hackens hey. John Barlow of Dale Street Arthur s. of Oliver Black, Dale Street William Thornton of Atherton Street MichaeU Kelly of Lord Street Ellen wife of M' Joseph Shaw, draper Ralph s. of William Rushton, of Dale Street . M" Elizabeth Kenyon of Water Street ... . William s. of Ratclif Chorley Ann d. of Thomas Anyon Samuell Urmston of Cheshire Johannah d. of Jasper Eaton of Cook Street . Thomas s. of David Henshaw of Poole Lane . George Gelasby of Castle Street M' Peter Sommers of Red Cross Street ... Charles Lomass of Lord Street Edward s. of William Webster Elizabeth d. of William Fletcher, Fenix Street Mary d. of John Smith Sarah d. of Charles Lomas Ellen d. of Richard Rainford of Moor Street Thomas s. of Thomas Amery Thomas Bibby of Dale Street Margrett d. of John Wainwright of Lord Street Martha wife of William Marsh William s. of William Marsh Jane wife of .David Owen Elizabeth wife of John Stiles Elizabeth wife of Richard Bradley Alexander s. of Richard Godwin Alice Everard of Dale Street Ann Moorecroft John s. of William Fletcher Elizabeth d. of James Leatherbarrow John s. of Robert Flecher ... Sep Ort Nov 9 Aug, 13 14 1617192525 30 2 25 II 15 21 23 23 39 9 10 171720212121 2 35 88 9 9 10 1515 1616 19192229 38 14 17 17 Dec Jan 200 LIVERPOOL REGISTERS (St. NICHOLAS). 1700-1 701 Ralph s. of John Johnson ... William s. of George Simpson William Stockton Mary d. of James Fleetwood Elizabeth d. of Thomas Ball James Warrener taylor Ann d. of Thomas Spencer Margarett d. of Richard Whitle. . Thomas Pearson Margarett Cooke Elizabeth d. ef M' Jehn Seacome Thomas s. of Thomas Boore Ann wife of William Antherton . . Ellen wife of Ralph Johnson Alice wife of Henry Rigby M' John Bayne of Verginia Rachell d. of James Danson Bastin s. of John Wainwright .. Katherine Walsh Benjamine s. of Henry Quay Cuthbert s. of M' Cuthbert Sharpies George s. of Henry Rigby ... .. Ann d. of Peter Linaker Robt BusheU slater Catherine wife of William Gee . . . Ellen wife of John Marsh, porter Susan d. of William Danson Edward s. of M' Marmaduke Dean 20 Jan. 20 ,, 22 ,, 24 JJ 29 ,j 29 JJ 29 JJ 5 Feb. 9 J. 10 ,, II JJ 12 JJ 13 JJ 16 ,, 17 ,j 27 JJ 2 March 3 J. 6 J, 7 JJ 8 JJ 9 JJ II JJ II JJ 12 ,, 24 24 JJ Jo. Seacome Joseph Eaton 1701. George s. of James Saunderson, Chappell Street 29 March Johnathan s. of John Smoult, Comon Garden ... 29 ,, Peter s. of Jame Cooper of Cable Street 31 ,, George s. of Rich Johnson of Phenix Street ... i Aprill Ann Tonnard of Red Cross Street 3 ,, Michael s. of Daniell Murfey, James Street ... 4 ,, M' William Reynolds, Preesons Row 7 ,, Ellen Denton, poor 8 ,, Judith Edwards Old HaU Street 11 ,, Alathy d. of Nehemiah Jones, Castle Street ... 12 ,, Mary d. of Isabell Ivins, peor 13 ,, Thomas s. of Rob' Willson, Atherton Street ... 14 ,, Ann wife of John Phillips, Moorfields 15 , , Elizabeth d. of Gravell Purifie, Chap Street ... 16 ,,' Katherine d. of Rich Wright, Cable Street ... 20 „ 1701 BURIALS. 201 John Walker, Tythe Barn Street 22 Aprill Jane d. of John Bannister, Dale Street 22 Jane Baily of Dale Street 23 Ellen d. of Sam" BaUy, Castle HUl 24 Joseph s. of Rob' Johnson, Tythe Barn Street... 29 John s. of John Francis, Dale Street, barber ... i May John s. of M' W™ Denton, Phenix Street i John IS. of Joseph Parr, Moor Street 3 William s. of Rob' Sherlock, Lord Street ... 4 Elnour BaU, Castle HUl 5 James s. of M' Abram Aldersey y" Kings Survey' 6 William s. of Tho. Adshaw, Launcelotts Hey ... 13 Thomas B. of Tho. Dudley, Chappell Street ... 13 Ann d. of Tho. Richardson, poor 13 Thomasine wife of W™ Rimer, Castle Street ... 15 Ann & Eliz. d's ef Tho Brownbill, Water Street 15 WUliam Rushton, Dale Street 15 Darcus Simpson, Chappell Street 15 Martha d. of W" Cragg, Chappell Street 15 David Parker, a Passenger 18 Mark s. of John Phillips, Moorfields 18 Rachell Sudlow, Preesons Row 19 M" Judith Shaw, Old HaU Street 26 James s. of John Baneks in y° Castle i June Pheby wife of John Parks of Toxteth Park ... 5 Enoch Standley, Harrington Street 6 George Naylor, Phenix Street 6 George s. of John Fells, Cook Street 10 Margarett Rimmer, Lord Street 13 Mauditt s. of Thomas Dean, Jugler Street ... 14 John & Edward sons of Tho. Tarleton, Church yard 14 Benjamine s. of Rich Jones, Red Cross Street... 18 Alice Ratcliff, John Street 25 Alice Jones, Phenix Street 26 Thomas Marsh, James Street 30 Martha wife of George Tarvin 30 Mary wife of Richard Boon, Launcelots Hey ... 2 July Eliz d. of Rich Wright, Launce' Hey 2 Eliz d. of Rob' Thomason, Moorfields 2 Margarett d. of Widdow Lee, in y" Castle ... 2 Tho. s. of Tho. Heys, Red X Street 5 Sarah d. of Samuell Warren, mariner, Lanslets Hey 6 Rob' s. of Rob' Shields, Goldsmith, Water Street 6 Marg' W™son, Widdow, Castle Street 7 Charles Balquey, serv' to Ald'man Johnson ... 7 Ann d. of Roger James, Moore Street 6 Tho s. of Jo" Hycock, saylor. Castle Street ... 9 John s. of James Pinington, L'' Street 9 202 LIVERPOOL REGISTERS (St. NICHOLAS). 1701 Edmund s. ef Thomas Allenson, Water Street... 18 July Isbell AspiuwaU, widdow. Castle HUl 24 ,, Mary d. of Widdow Wright, Lanslets Hey ... 25 ,, Tho. s. of Tho. Dean, draper, Juglers Street ... 25 ,, Hannah Ellis sister to Jo" Whit's wife. Cable Street 26 ,, Jo" s. of Joseph Roe, taylor, James Street ... 26 ,, AUis d. of Hugh Stirup, Castle HUl 28 Eliz d. of Henrey Wharton, Alms Houses ... i Aug. Silvester Moorecroft, millener, Water Street ... 2 ,, Eliz Melyney, Comon Garden 2 ,, Samuell s. of Samuell Warren, mariner, Landslets Hey 4 „ Marg' d. of Hugh Perrey, sayler, Landslets Hey 5 , , Tho. s. of W™ Part, Cable Street 6 ,, Rich" s. of Rich" Higinson, butcher. Old Hall Street 15 ,, Mary d. of Bryon BlondeU, Old HaU Street ... 12 ,, Jennett Blevin from Rob' Lucass, Dale Street... 19 jj The Parr of Lord Street, strainger 24 ,, Ann d. of Georg Hughston, passinger 26 ,, Ann wife ef Jo" Crowther, Deal Street 29 ,, Jane d. of M' W™ Hurst, Dale Street 9 Sep. John s. of Jo" Hunter, Coke Street 12 ,, John s. of Henrey Renord [?] L" Street IS j> Margarett d. of Jo" Fransis, Dale Street ... 15 jj Isbell Esther d. of Jo" Archer, Castle Street ... 18 ,, Rich" s. of Sam. Bay Iif, Castle HiU 23 Mary d. of W™ Neal, Hackins Hey 26 ,, John Wright, watchmaker, Comon Garden ... 5 Oct. Mary wife of Tho. Spooner, passinger 6 , , Tho. Walker, strainger, drowned 9 jj Rob' s. of Symon Aldridg, Juglers Street 15 u Eliz. Merrey, Bridg Alley 16 jj Allice d. of Widdow Whiteley, Poole Lane ... 27 ,, William s. of Ratcliffe Chorley, labourer. Castle Street 29 ,, Elizabeth d. of Widdow Rushton, Dale Street... 28 ,, Roger James, ship carpender, Moor Street ... i Nev. Jacob s. of Jehn Smallshaw, Almshouses 2 ,, Peter Atherton, merch'. Dale Street 19 ,, Jane d. of Tho Langford, carpender, Moore Street 28 ,, Ellen d. of Mary Tayler, Chappell Street, serv' 28 ,, Ralph Edgerton of Manchest' from Alice Brindles 29 ,, John Richardson, sailor. Moor Street 7 Dec. Griffith s. of W™ Bibby, bricklayer, Poole lane... 7 „ Thomas s. of Benjain Story, sailor, Castle hey... 8 „ Sarah d. of W™ Halsall, sailor. Cable Street ... 12 ,, John s. of Hen. Hart, porter, Phenix Str' ... 13 ,, I70I-I702 BURIALS. 203 John Worthington from Mary Balls, Tythe Barn Street James Shaw, Tythe Barn Street Alice Singleton, Old Hall Street, poor Margery Lawrenson, Castle Hill Ellen d. of Charles Diconson, Phenix Alley ... Ann Hull, Aviddow, Castle Street EUen d. of Christopher Swarbreck, back oth Castle Edmond s. of Edmond Ball, Common Gard" ... Mary d. of James Taylor, Old Hall Street ... Margrett wife of John Spencer, Tythe barn Street W™ s. of James Lithgow, Water Street Ann d. of Tho. Arowsmith, marriner, Water Side Elizabeth d. of Rich Halsall, sailour, Jugler Street John s. of James Mercer, butcher. Dale Street... Nicolas s. of Rich" Gardener, Fenix Street W™ s. of George Simpson, marriner, Comon Garden Cuthbert Watkinson, gunsmith, Castle Street ... Ann d. of James Kenyon, lab', Lord Street Rich" Seddon, haberdasher. Water Street James s. of Nicolas Longworth, lab' Ann Coventry, Poole Lane The. s. of Rich" Henshaw, skinner, Dale Street John Saunderson, saylor, Tythebarn Str John Black from M" Lawsons Tho. Molyneux, attorney-at-law Ann d. of W™ Rimor, John Street Lewis White from Rob' Quailes, a stranger Tho. Axon, Lord Street James s. of Jehn Greenwood, porter, John Str. Charles s. of Cha. Griffith in y" Castle, saylor... Frances d. of James Gibbons, merch' Mary wife of John Bamber, roper. Old Hall Street Blanch wife of Rich" Worrall, merch', Chappell Street W™ Barnsley, serv'. Castle Street Henry Leadbeater, inkeeper, High Street Ann Tarleton, widdow, Water Street 13 20 242626 27 30 8 12131417 252727 3° 31 I I 5 9 13IS 152121 22 23 25 34 7 9 10 12 Dec. Jan. Feb. March 1702. Joseph Eaton Jo. Seacome Henry Williamson, barber, Dale Street 28 March Timmothy Leevesley, marchant, More Street ... i Aprill Jane Goure, d. ef Ann Padmore, Chapel Street 3 ,, 204 LIVERPOOL REGISTERS (St. NICHOLAS). 1702 Olid John Lount ... , 8 Aprill Fra[«]ces d. of Edmond Dermitt, Atherton Street 8 ,, Elizebeth wife of James Smith, labourrer. Dale 10 ,, Street Edwards, of James Cooper, carpent', Cable Street 12 ,, Joseph Walls, servant to Will™ Cleaton, Esq' .. . 13 ,, Edward s. of Thomas Tilsdley, Water Street ... 14 ,, Henry s. of Henry Langdal, Coock Street ... 18 ,, Alice wife of John Lund, marrenor, Coock Street 25 ,, Elizebeth Wood, widow, Water Street 30 ,, James s. of John Plumb, attorney, Juglar Street 30 ,, Peter Stockton, skinner. Dale Street 9 May Gorge s. of Cuthbert Sharpies, Aid 9 ,, George s. of Robert Evens, sailour, Tithbarne Street 12 ,, Maryd. of James MackmuUen, mariner, Atherton Street 16 ,, Ellen wife of Humphrey Prescott, smith. Deal Street 16 ,, Hannah d. of Edward Nuttell, labourer, Atherton Street 18 ,, Elizebeth d. of John Taylor, saylor, Phenix Street 19 ,, William s. of William Sands, labourer, LordStreet 30 , , Ann d. of William Bushell, saylor. Olid Hale Street i June Thomas s. of Nathaniell Jameson, writing master, Phenix Street 4 jj Margratt wife of Edmund Bennat, Tyth Barne Street ... 12 ,, Johns, of Elinor Wright, widdowe, Lanceletts Hey 12 ,, Rallph Macer, miller. Dale Street 15 ,, Susannah d. of Sammuell Glover, joyner. Juggler Street 15 ,, Dorothy d. of Robert Plumbe, inkeer. Dale Street 9 ,, Robert s. of Elizebeth Evens, Tyth Bame Street 19 ,, Jane d. of Sarah Dudlowe, widdowe of Chappell Street 21 ,, Catherine d. of Jane Turner, widdow, Poole Lane 27 ,, Wir s. of WU™ Rimmer, sailor, John Street ... 29 ,, Anne wife of William Middleton, saylor, Preesons Roe II July Einer wife of John Earle, merchant, Chappel Street 14 ,, Roger Masiter, lodger at Henery Presson, Castle Street 16 ,, Thomas s. of John Crane, gleasar, Jugler Street 22 ,, James s. of Charles Lucas, saylor. Dale Street... 23 ,, Ellin d. of John Ball, clouk-maker, Dale Street 26 ,, 1702 BURIALS. 205 Victoria Accles from Mathwes Backside, Chappel Street 29 July Easter Sampels d. of Barnet Sampels, Will Lees Backside, Castele Street 29 ,, Ellin d. of John Linton, cooper, Jame Street ... 29 ,, Rob' Howard from Widdow Jumps, Cooke Street 3 Aug. Tho. Jump, carpinder, Lanseleth Hay 5 jj Mary d. of Edwar Man, tobacka-cutter, Tyth barn Street 6 ,, Will™ s. of Henry Heys, carpertenter, Atherton Street 6 „ Hannah wife of John Gamond, cooper, James Street 14 » Mary d. of Ralph Rogers, Tythbam Str, bricklayer 17 ,, John Guest, laborer. Lord Str 18 ,, John s. of James Eyes, joynour, by New Church 20 ,, Jane Withington, widdow, Cooke Street 23 ,, Margrit wife of Jo" Griffey, New Shambles ... i Sep. Levinas Hewston, marchant. Water Street ... 8 ,, Richard s. of Christifeth Swarbrick, labourer, Morefields 13 jj Sarah wife of William Webster, mariner, Casel Street 15 jj Gilbert Aspinall Esq', Lord Street 22 „ Elizebeth Wallker, widdow, Moorefields 3° >> William Middleton, saylor. Juggler Street ... i Oct. Thomas s. of Richard Owen, joyner. Lord Street 4 »j Edward s. of Edward Man, tobacoo-cutter, Deale Street 5 ,, Maryd.ofWUl™Chaddock,plasterar, Dale Street 6 „ Ann d. of John Hamar, house-wright, Poole Lane 8 ,, Mary wife of Ed" Bigland, sealor 13 ,•> Henry s. of John March, porter, Preesons Roe.. . 16 ,, False d. of Tho Luknor, laborrer, Dale Street... 18 ,, Ann wife of Richard Jacson, tide weator, Tyeth barne Street 20 ,, John s. of Joseph Eatton, book-seller. Common Garden i Nov. John Blundel, maulster, Guglar Street 4 „ Eales wife oS. John C . . . . [?] [Cranage in 7'ra«.scr/^i] shoomaker, AA^atar Street ... 5 ,, Isack Justes, slater, Dal Street 9 ,, Elen wife of Richer Bleven, Lord Street, marrenor 11 ,, Mary wife of John Booges, marrenor, Athertons Street 13 ,, Mary wife of Barnet Samples, carter, in the Alley 14 ,, Ann wife of Edward Feme, miller, Castell Street 16 ,, Mathew Gorton, barber, Guglor Street 17 ,, 2o6 LIVERPOOL REGISTERS (St. NICHOLAS). 1702 Mary wife of Richard Woods, talor, Guglor Street 20 Nov. Margret Cortas from Widdow Rogersons, Tyth barne Street 22 ,, Hawksley s. ef Ambrus Steveinson, salt-offeser, Fenex Street 22 ,, John Duke, laboror, over the Poole 27 ,, Elizebeth d. of Joh Aspenal, salor, Presons Roe 28 ,, Jane Banks of Cerkdale, widow 28 ,, Gorge Mall, bred baker, Hackens Heay 30 ,, AVilliam Tomson from John Ormmishals, bruer, Tithbarn Stree 2 Dec. Richards, of Richard Singelton, salor. More Stret 7 ,, Hannah d. of John Lady, sope-beyler, Castell Street 11 ,, Thomas s. of John Stockleof West Darbe, scinner 12 ,, Margret d. of Edward Ricroft, bucher, Ould Hall Street 13 ,, Edward s. of Edward Waltar, sealor. Chapel yard 14 ,, John s. of Widow Sanderson, Tyeth barne Street 14 ,, Elizebeth Robe from James Bobels, Haringtons Street 15 ,, Jane d. of Gerret Holso[/], muesesinor, Morefields 21 ,, Charlott d. of John Degrot, loger at Henry Heayes in Athertons Street 22 ,, Elizebeth Gorton, widow, Guglor Street 22 ,, Johns, of Henry AVetherall, tide-weatar, Lancelates Heay 23 ,, George s. of John Cockshutt, Maior 26 ,, Edward s. of Daniell Morphy, saylor, Cook Street i Jan. Robert Fleetwood, merchant, Tyth Barn Street 2 ,, Penellope wife of Jasper Mauditt, gentlman ... 15 ,, George Higginson, yeomen. Juggler Street ... 16 ,, Christopher Brees, tanner, Lord Street 18 ,, Chatherine wife of John Biby, saylor, Over y° Poole 18 Ann d. of Thomas Darbyshire, laborer, Castl Hey 19 jj Ann d. of Daniell Whittle, sailor, Phenix Alley 21 ,, Henry Scott, saylor from Edward Barrows, Red Crosst Street 22 ,, James s. ef Christopher Bealy, joyner, Common Garden 24 ,, Thomas Bragger, barber, Castle Street 25 ,, Sarah wife of WUliam Tarleton, marriner. Churchyard 26 ,, Elizebeth d. of Henry Chorley, haberdashure, Wat. Street 28 Edward s. of Edward Lyon, pipemaker, Moorefields 29 ,, Richard s. of Tho. Ashton, carpenter. Castle Hill 29 „ 1702-1703 BURIALS. 207 Margratt Plumb, servant at Edward Tyrers in Harrington Street 30 Jan. Thomas s. of John Earle, merchant, Chappie Street 4 Feb. Edmund Wallson from Robert Lucas, Dale Street 6 ,, Grace d. of Edward Nuttell from Hugh Diggles, by y° White Crosse 6 ,, Thomas Musscatt, prentice to Edward Litherland of Poole Lane, ship-carpenter 6 , , Samuell Whitehead, of Orrell, shoomaker ... 8 ,, Richard s. of Richard Jones, inhoUder, Water Street 8 ,, Sarah d. of Ellen Spencer, labourer, on y° Heath n ,, Loranze Loranszon from M' Arthur BoUds, saylor, ChappeU Street 18 , William Swarbrick from William Swarbrick, Moore Street 22 „ Izbell Holme, widdow from Thomas Seall, tobacco cutter, Hackin Hey 22 ,, Sarah d. of Elizabeth Rimmer of y° Almes House 23 ,, Catherine d.of Henry Hardman, labourer. Castle Street 24 ,, John s. of Jeremiah Coward, saylor, Lancelett Hey 27 ,, Ann d. of Charles R. Perry, shoomaker. Castle Hey 2 Mar. George Pendleberry, carter. Lord Street 2 ,, Margratt wife of Henry Harker, Mallster, Dry Bridge 4 ,, Ann d. of Mary Stockton, Dale Street, widdow. . . 5 ,, Humphrey Heiland, Tyth Barn Street, from Widdow Rogeres .'. 10 ,, Richard Banister, grocer, Chappell Street ... 22 ,, Margratt Gamer from Rebekah Sellacks, Phenick Street 22 ,, John s. of John Pemberton, merchant, Castle Street 23 ,, Robert Parren of Benntleane in the Parish of Eceles from Charles Levanson in Dale Street 25 ,, Robert Seacome Thomas Dugdale 1703. Alice d. of Jo" Rice, sailer. Old Hall Street ... 26 March Henry Thompson, sailer, Chapell Street, from Ellin Darbyes 29 „ Christion wife of Moses Hughes, cabinate-maker Water Street 31 „ 2o8 LIVERPOOL REGISTERS (St. NICHOLAS). 1703 W™ Erby from Mary Hateleys in Lanclets Heye 31 March Peter s. of James Kenion, lab'. Lord Str' ... 3 Apr. Catherin Bouker, widdow from Edw" How Robbins, Cable Street, sailer 8 ,, Eliz. wife of Tho. Clarkson, sailer in Chapell Street 13 jj James Murphy, carpenter. More Street 19 ,, Peper Guye, clockmaker, Tythbarne Str' ... 19 ,, Je" s. of M" Hughston, Water Str', widow ... 19 ,, Tho. s. of Jo" MarshaU, grocer. More Str' ... 21 ,, Margaret Johnson from Jo" Birches house in Lanclets Haye, marinor 25 ,, Ann d. of Je" Diggles, currior, Juglors Str' ... 26 ,, Jo" Venables from Mary Darbys, Old Hall Street 28 „ Mary d. of Robert Axen, blacksmith. Lord Str' 29 ,, Margaret wife of Rich" Nash, officer ef Custumes from M' James Glests in Water Street ... 2 May Roger Richardson from AV™ Websters, Castle Str' 5 ,, Ann d. of Rich" Daviss, slater, Jo" Street 9 ,, Robert s. of Rich" Bleven, carpenter, Chapell Str' 12 ,, Benj s. of M" Preeson, Red Cross Str', vriddow 12 ,, Johns, of Ja. Davis, slater. Castle Hey 15 jj John Renshaw, lab' from W™ Renshaws, Castle Hey 16 Julian d. of W™ Clayton, merch'. Water Str' ... 17 jj Rich" Smally from Cross Hall, taylor 26 ,, Hanah d. of Henry Parr, merch'. More Str' ... 31 jj John s. of Rowland Joanes, joyner. Old Hall Str' i June Abraham s. of Jo" Jephs, taylor, Chapell Str'... 2 ,, W™s. of Savidge Leech, taylor, Chapell Str' ... 6 ,, Eliz. d. of Margaret Robinson, from Widdow Justices, Daile Street 14 jj Hanah Cragg ef Chapell Street, Widdow 18 ,, Mary AVardley, Tythbame Str', widdow 20 ,, AAHUiam s. of William Webster, marener, Castell Streett 21 ,, Elizebeth Bruch, servant te John Ashworth, ergniste, Lanslett Hay 29 ,, Catrend. of Henary Blevin, marener, Lanslet Hay 29 ,, Elizebeth Eceles from Elizebeth Sandersons, Tyethbame Street 30 ,, Mary wife of Edward Tyrer, taler, Harintons Street i July Ann d. of Robart Eceles, cooper, Watter Street 4 ,, Ann d. of William Younger, Tyethbame Streete 9 Rechard s. of Gillbard Livesly, marener. Water Strett „ Saray d. of Widdow Goy, Tyethbame Strett ... 12 Tho. s. of The. Lathart, Dall Strett, coUer maker i-z O 11 1703 BURIALS. 209 Margrett d. of Margret Holand, Ould Hori Streete 21 July Mary d. of Thomas Lanckford, carpinter, Poole Laine ... 22 „ Jane d. of Edward Ackers, house rwright, Johns Streett 30 ,, Henry Blevfing, sayler, Lancelett Heay 6 Aug. John Walles, tayler, Fenix Street 6 ,, John s. of James Bushell, Deaile Street 11 ,, Jayne d. of William Moose, mast', Johns Streett 14 ,, Mary wife of John Middleton, sayler, Watter Street 22 ,, Alizabathd. of John Dudgall, caruar, Loard Street 25 ,, James Crooftt, pleasterer, Loard Street 29 ,, Aid' Rich" Windle from John Lintots, Castle Street i Sep. Ellen Banister, Daile Street, widdow 13 ,, Jane wife of Henry Tompson, labour', John Street 13 ,, Margaret d. of Jo" Kelle, shooemaker, Moorefields 15 ,, James s. of AV™ Bonde, brickmaker, Cook Street 18 ,, John s. of Susan Walles, widdow, Fenwicks Street 24 ,, Eliza: d. of W™ Lowe, innkeeper, Daile Street... 23 ,, Ann d. of James Thomason, innholder, Tythbame Street 26 ,, Eliza, d. of Jo" Lady, tallow-chandler. Castle Street i Oct. Grace d. of Barnet Samples from back of W™ Leighes in Castle Street, carter 4 ,, John BoUington, labouror, Moorefield 12 ,, Jennet wife of Jo" Goare, marrenor, Lancellets Hey 12 , , John s. of Tho. Price, labourer. Castle 18 ,, Ann wife of Jo" Lancellet, carpenter, Chapell Street 20 , , Morriss Bowen, tyd-surveyor, from Henry Rigbyes in Chapell Street, cooke 20 ,, Tho. Sherington from Edw" Houghcrofts in Poole Lane, blacksmith 4 Nov. Eliza d. of W™ Newport, sailor, Cook Street ... 4 ,, Robert MuUinux, ser"' from John Jarvises, Chappell-yarde 8 ,, Joseph Tyson s. of Tho. Tyson from Halfe Mille House 8 ,, Rich" Buckley, sailor, Daile Street 15 jj Robert s. of W™ Dickson, lab'. Castle 15 Margaret wife of Bryon Fleetwood of Sephton... 16 ,, John Bankes, shooemaker. Cook Street 17 jj Edw" Nuttall, labourer, Poole Lane 25 ,, Catherin d. of The. DagnaU, taylor, Cook Street 28 ,. Jo" Jeffes, tayler, Harrington Street 5 Dec. James Goore, sailor, Chapell Street 19 ,, Jo" Hodgson, whitesmith, Jo" Street 19 ,, Jonas s. of Henry Smith, marrinor 21 ,, 2IO LIVERPOOL REGISTERS (St. NICHOLAS). 1703 Rich" Jackson, officer, ChapeU Street 23 Dec. John s. of Jo" NichoUson, Water Street 24 „ Jane wife of Abadia Jones, s ...[?] of the Hearth, miller 25 ,, Tho. s. ef Tho. Holt, laboror 25 ,, Sarrah Griffith, Tythbarne Street 2 Jan. Rich" Dakin a poore child from W™ Willsons, Atherton Street 3 jj Hanah d. of Jo" Plumbe, attorney-at-law 8 ,, Margar' wife of Henry Cannor, Old Hall Str ... 13 ,, Eliz. d. of SamuelDone, mer"'. Water Str ... 15 jj Judith wife of Rich" Bleven, Lancellet Haye ... 14 jj Ellen wife of Tho. Cottam, Lord Street i7 jj Tho. s. of Jo" Gamond, cooper, James Street ... 22 ,, Robert s. of W™ Hurst, Moorefields 22 „ Marg' Prescot, Old HaU Street 23 „ Robert s. of . . . . [Thomas] Holyday, joyner, Moorefields [see Baptisms, Feb iiih, 1702] 24 „ John s. of Tho. Boulton, sawyer, Dale Str' ... 24 „ Marg' d. of W™ Robinson, cooper, Castle Str'... 26 ,, W™ Gaiter, carpenter. Cable Str' ^^ r? u Rich" s. of David Morriss, Lancelots Haye ... 7 Feb. Eliz. Hughston, widdow. Water Street 5 " Tho. s. of Jo" Henshaw, carpenter, Red crest Str' 12 ,, Ellin wife of W™ Holm, corrior. Water Str' ... 15 j. Grace d. of James Acckers, do., Castle Heye ... 18 jj James s. of James Bushell, mUlor, Daile Str' ... 24 ,, James s. of The.Lowe, Tythebame Str', lab' ... 26 „ Jane d. of Jo" Tyrer, blacksmith. Cable Str' ... 29 „ Margaret Carrye, Lord Str', poore i Mar. Nich. s. of Barton Shoutleworth, gentleman. Cable Str' 3 .. F rancis Jackson from Henry Rigbyes, Chapele Str' 4 , , W™ s. of W™ Bendon, hlockm[aker]. Waterside... 4 jj John Thomten, labo', Lancellots Heyes 5 » Robert s. of W™ Southwort, sailor, Chapell Str' 5 jj Mary d. of Daniell Tellet, carpenter, Poole Lane 8 ,, Henary Parr, s. of Joseph Parr, Lanslett Hay. . . John s. of George Taylor, malster, Chapell Str' 8 ,, Rich" Wood, taylor, Fenwicke Alley 11 ,, Katherin d. of Michell Taylor, sailer. Pool Lane 12 ,, Jo" s. of John Croockes, labouror, Poole Lane ... 16 ,, James Thomason, carter, Tythbarne Str' 18 ,, Charles s. of James Davis, slater, Harrington Str' 19 ,. Sarah d. of James Rothwell, lab', Hackenes Heye 21 ,, Paule Inglefield, chandler. Castle Str' 21 ,, James s. of John Taylor, sailor, Fenwicke Str'... 23 ,, Ellin Rose, widow, Daile Street 24 ,, Eliza: d. of Robert Sherlock, Lord Str' 24 ,, 1703-1704 BURIALS. Elnor d. of Joseph Walley from Tho. Rideings, sailor. Castle Hill W™ s. of Henry Marjerson, V", Daile Str' Rich" s. of John Ashworth, organest, Lancellots Haye Bridget Kertby, widow, from Tho. Boores, Moorefields Sarah d. of Tho. Bullman, clockmaker, Daile Str' Daniel AVatlers, sailor [from] Benj Storrys, Rosemary Lane Edw" s. of Jo'^Smalshaw, clockemaker. Waterside Joan wife of Henry Warbrick, sailor. Water Str' 1704. Francis s. of Rich Brooksby, groc'. Cast" S. ... George s. of Peter Southwark, sail', Moore S.... Nath. s. ef Rich" Barnet, soap-boil', T. B. St'... Ben: s. of Ben: Story, sail', Rosemary Lane ... Alice wife of W™ Travers, m'ch', O. Hall S. ... Hann. Smith d. of Mary Loyd, R. M. Lane ... Eliz' d. of Christ. Bayley, joyn', Com. Garden... Frances d. of Laur. Bayley, bricklay', John S. Ann d. of Wid. Ball, Hackens Hey Rob' s. of W™ Robinson, cooper. Castle S. Ja. s. of Tho. French, she-maker, Harring" S. Ruth d. of Rob' Shurlock, bricklay', Harrin. S. Mary wife of Tho. French, shoemak', Almhous Ann wife of Tho. Harrison, car', Preeson Row Mar' d. of Rich" Houghton, m'ch', Wat' S. ... Ann Holm, widdow, D. Street Mary d. of Tho Ath'ten, barber. Red Cr. S. ... Rob' Seacom, yeoman, Water Street Eliz d. of Jena: Moonely, carpen'. Red C. S.... Eliz'd. of Jos Flettwood, sail', L. Hey Tho. Sandiford, labourer. Hack. Hey Step. s. of Jo" Laurenson, sail', C. Hill Tho. s. of Wid. Bibby, D. S. [from] Jo" Glovers Edw" s. of Lau. Harrison, sail', C. Str Marg' wife of Ja. Bushell, mill', D. Street Caryl s. of Rich" Houghton, m'ch', W' S. ... Esth' d. of Nich. Longworth, lab', H. H. Jn" s. of Rob' Hysham, lodg' [at] J. Jones, L. Hey Eliz. d. of Alex' Smith, labour', C. Street Ann Tarleton, wid., Harrington Street 24 Mar. 25 it J Ap' 4 11 4 " 5 1 1 9 1 ) II 11 John Fdls Tho. Deane '9 Apr' 21 11 21 ,, 23 ,,. 27 JJ 27 29 11 May 6 J J II J 1 16 1 1 17 M 20 11 25 It 25 1 1 28 30 I June 5 6 7 7 9 9 II 12 16 17 19 -12 LIVERPOOL REGISTERS (St. NICHOLAS). 1704 Mary d. of Marg. Tompson, Red Cross S., Wid. 19 June Tho. s. of Nich Holland, sail', Phee. S 23 ,, Thb. s. of Rich" Gaily, carpenter, Jo" Street ... 23 „ Eliz. d. of Eliz" Houghton, Red Cros Street ... 24 ,, Rob' Bamber at Chris. Bayly's, C. Garden ... 28 ,, Marg' d. of Geo. Simpson, sailour, Wat' S. ... 30 ,, Edw" Nicholls at Jo. Stringer's 6 July Paul s. of W™ Ruthband, Wsmith, P. Lane ... 10 ,, Alice Stannanought ab Edw" Tyrers, H. S., taylor 12 ,, Rich" s. of Nich. Formby, carpenter, Ja. S. ... 12 ,, Tim s. of Tim Horsfield, clerk, T. Barn S. ... 15 ,, Sar. wife of Alld'man Tho Sweeting, 1. drap',C. S. 23 ,, Eliz* d. of Rob' Tuit, m'chant, C. S 24 ,, Chris Spencer of y° Island of Meves [Nevis 7] in 24 ,, y" West Indies, at Geo. Simpson's, W. Street Jn" s. of Eliz. HoUingworth, Chap. S., Widdow 28 ,, Maryd. of Ab. Smith, porter, Ja. Street i Aug. Marga' wife of Rich" Marsh, b'' Castle 2 ,, Ja. s. ef Rich Gaily, carpent', Jo. Street 5 ,, Maryd. of Sarah Guest, L. S., Wid 8 ,, Jo" s. of Jo" Rimmor, Phenix S., sayler 12 ,, Mary d. of Pet' RoyI, L" S., labour' 15 Rob' s. of Lau Butler, sail', Cab. S 26 ,, Mary wife of Rich" Parr, Pheenix Alley i Sept' Isaac Harrison from Nath Thomason's 7 ,, John s. of The' Ownsworth, L" St., lab' 8 ,, John s. of Jos. Eaton, Water St., book -sell' ... 9 ,, Mary d. of Edw" Finch, O. H. St., butcher ... 12 ,, Pet' s. ef W™ Lowe, innkeep', Dale Street ... 14 ,. Martha d. of Tho Langford, i"' Lane, carp' ... 16 „ John s. of Jehn Kells, Moor F., shoemak' ... 17 ,, Shamuell wife of Bryan Blundle marin' 22 ,, Joseph s. of W™ Lyon, o're Poole, loper 28 ,, Ellin wife of Edw" Perter, Castle, taylor 4 Ort. Jonathan s. of Cath' Higginson, Cas. S., Wid. 4 ,, Rebecca d. of John Styles, Red X St., sailmak' 6 Johns, of Ja. Letherbarrow, D. S., cart' ... 10 ,, John s. of John Styles, Red Cross St., saile mak' 14 ,, Johns, of Them» Summers, Red X St., saile mak' 15 ,, Alice d. of John Shaw, Preeson's Row, marn'... 15 ,, Thomas Bushell, Lane. Hey, saylor 15 ,, Johns, of Tho. Trethoun, Chap' St., sayl' ... 23 ,, Henry s. of Humphrey Topping, D. St., skinn' 23 ,, Martha d. ef Char. Perry, John St 27 Alice Wallker, Dale Strert, widdow i Nev. IsabeU d. of James Kenyon, L" St., labor' ... ^ John s. of The' Williamson, o're Pool, rop' % " Mary wife of John Jackson, Dale St., fdltma'... 4 " 1704 BURIALS. 213 Isabell w. of Humphrey Topping, D. St., skin' 5 Nov. James s. of Jas. Hamer, Chap' St., deceased ... 7 ,, Eliz w. of Rich Singleton, Moor St., sayler ... 14 ,, Mary Gore d. of AnnPadmoor, Chap Street ... 14 ,, Eliz. w. of Humphrey Prescott, D. St. , blacksmith 14 ,, Thomas Woods, app' to Tho. Dean, drap', Jugler S 19 „ Will s. of Will Moss, John St., writeing mast'... 27 ,, Will Davenport from M' Golds,, Lowhill ... 10 Dec. Ann d. of David Morris, Cab. Street, landw' ... n ,, Thomas s. of John Cowley, James St., sayler ... 14 ,, William s. of John Webster, T. B. St., labour' 19 „ John s. of James Hadwin, Water St., joyner ... 22 ,, John Buttler, Coin. Gard, lodg' at Jn" Marsh... 28 ,, Ruth d. of Henry Hart, Pheenix St., porter ... 8 Jan. George Hall, Wat' St., sword bearror 14 ,, Ellin w. of Edw" Brisoow, Pheenix St., carpen' 14 ,, Ralph Johnson, Castle Hill, shoemak' 15 ,, Rich" s. of Ann Adshaw, Rose M. Lane 15 „ Anthony Wells, Red Cress St., merchant 16 ,, Mary d. of John Scolfide, D. St., chim-sweeper 17 ,, Rachaell w. of Pet' Linacar, W. St., pter ... 21 ,, Thomas s. of Tho Blackmore, T. B. St., sailer 29 ,, Ellin Lunt at back of Castle, poor 2 Feb. Allex' Smith, Castle St., miller 8 ,, Mary d. of John Greenwood, John St., porter... 18 ,, Mary w. of Sara" Tmman, coop', Water Strreet 25 ,, Ann Whittfield, Old HaU St 6 March Rich" s. of James Rothwell, Cas. St., plaist' ... 6 ,, Marg' w. of W™ Seddon, Chap" Street 7 „ John Pemberton, sen', back Castle, merch' ... 20 , , John s. of W™ Hallshall, Pheenix St., sail' ... 22 „ Thomas Dean, Jugler Street, draper 23 , , Ann d. of Hen Hodson, Waterside, sayl' 23 „ Tho Coore John Scasbrick 214 LIVERPOOL REGISTERS (St. NICHOLAS). ^be Biebop'a XCranscripts for the following years will be found at Chester. 1604 1673 1698 1606 1674 1699 I6I0 167s 1700 I6I7 1676 I70I I6I9 1677 1702 1620 1678 1703 1622 1679 1 70s 1625 1680 1706 1626 I68I 1707 1627 1682 1708 1628 1683 1709 1629 1684 I7I0 1630 1685 I7II 1636 1687 I7I2 1639 1688 I7I3 1640 1689 I7I4 I64I 1690 I7IS 1662 I69I I7I6 1663 1692 I7I7 1664 1693 I7I8 1666 169s I7I9 1668 1696 1720 1669 1697 Mbtxt^. Christian ilanws aiitr ^nxnamts. Baptisms pp. 1-16—31-127. Marriages „ 17-19—128-144- Buriais , 20-30— 14S-S13. Where a name has variants the Head-name has been selected which noW exists or which most closely resembles the raodern equivalent. All variants are separately Indexed with cross references to the Head-name. Where a Surname has an alias each form of the Surname is Indexed under its initial letter. The Christian names are, mth some few exceptions. Indexed under their modern form — the first spelling of the name having generally been continued in connection with the same Surname. When searching for any entry the page should be looked through, as the name frequently occurs more than once. A Ackers — Continued. „ Thomas, 48, 174 Abbaham (Abram) Elin, 175 „ William, 2, 23, 75, 185 „ Biohard, 175, 194 Adams (Addams) Elizabeth, 76, 187 „ Robert, 130, 163 ., Hugh, 77 „ Sarah, 131 „ Rice, 76, 187 Accles, see F^-^^les „ Wilham, 77 AccUston, see Booleston Addison, FJiz^beith, 170 Ackeirley, Alis, 56 „ James, 69, 170, 178 „ James, 49, 182 „ John, 69, 178 „ Samuel, 62 „ Mary, 183 „ Thomas, 47, 49, 56, 62, 176 182 Adivis, William, 174 Ack©i-s (AkeiTs, Achai-s, Aooae, Accers) Adlingbofn (Addleington) Margai-et, 17 „ Alice, 95, 111, 198 „ Mathew, 43, 148 „ Ann, 87, 90, 192 Adshaw (Hadshaw) Ann, 213 „ Debora, 189 „ Jane, 137 „ Edward, 48, 54, 60, 68 ,75, 82, „ Richard, 119, 213 164, 185, 189, 209 „ Thomae, 90, 119, 201 „ Mizabeth, 99 „ WilUam, 90, 201 „ Ellem, 37 Agesse, Anthony, 83 „ Grace, 61, 210 „ Joan, 83 „ Jane, 54, 60, 164, 174, 197, 209 Agger, Anne, 134 „ James, 37, 61, 69, 77, 87, 90, Ainsdell, see Angsdell 95, 99, 111, 146, 163, 183, Ainsiwoi-th (Aynsworth, Answorth) 189, 192, 198, 210 ,, Agnus, 122 „ John, 3, 83, 68 ,, Anne, 131 „ Margray, 69 ,, Richard, 122, 139 „ Margaret, 183 Alblaster, George, 107 „ Rdiohard, 163 „ John, 107 2l6 LIVERPOOL REGISTERS (St. NICHOLAS). Baptisms Marriages ¦ ¦ Burials Aldcroft, George, 134 Aldersay, Abram, 81, 90, 95, 190, 193, 201 ,, Anne, 190 ,, Elizabeth, 193 ,, James, 95, 201 ,, Mary, 90 „ Wilham, 81 Aldred (Alr^d) Abram, 19, 148 ,, Margery, 148 Aldridg (Aldeiidge) Richard, 115 „ Robert, 103, 203 „ Symon, 103, 115, 202 Alerton, Grace, 135 Alexander (Allexanders) ,, Elizabeth, 184 „ Peter, 184, 198 ,, Tliomas, 198 Aikei', Henry, 149 Allcocke (Alcock) Ann, 70, 134 ,, Edward, 4, 22 „ Eliza'beth, 5, 9, 28, 65, 67, 188 197 ,, Gilbert, 7, 67, 70 ,, Jane, 24, 28 „ Joihn, 3, 9, 159 ,, Margaret, 4 „ Rachel, 187 „ Ralpli, 3 „ Sarah, 72, 184 „ Thomas, 3, 5, 7, 65, 72, 79, 132, 184 Allen (Alline, Alin) Ann, 13, 97 ,, Eliza'beth, 7, 161 „ Ellen, 15, 111, 132 ,, James, 82, 141 „ John, 63, 111, 125 ,, Joseph, 75, 82, 98, 189 ,, Joshua, 97 „ Mai-garet, 75, 189 „ Mar-y, 98, 140 „ Peter, 7, 10, 13, 15, 128, 161, 164 ,, Thomas, 10 Allenson (Allingson, Alison, AUanson) ,, Alee, 180 „ Bridget, 63 ,, Denes, 108 ,, Edmund, 96, 202 ,, James, 119 „ Thomas, 63, 89, 96, 108, 119, 131, 135, 180, 202 Allhand, Thomas, 179 Almond, Anne, 140 ,, Edward, 120 „ Thomas, 120 pp. 1-16—31-1S7 „ 17-19~1SS-144 „ 30-30— 145-SlS Amarsom, John, 70 „ William, 70 Ambrose, Hannah, 130 Amery, Ehzabeth, 96 „ John, 62, 106, 169, 176 „ Mary, 116 ,, Robert, 156 „ Tliomas, 92, 96, 106, 116, 125, 199 Andersby, Steeven, 196 Anderton (Andarton) Anne, 35, 48 ,, Elin, 93 „ Ehzabeth, 63, 74, 170 ,, Isabel, 162 „ James, 67, 134, 183 „ John, 58, 73, 74, 80, 83, 89, 93, 119, 120, 146, 173, 177, 187, 193 ,, Jonathan, 81 „ Judith, 17, 139 ,, Katherine, 137 „ Mai-y, 177 „ Paul, 89, 193 ,, Richard, 80 ,, Roger, 146 ,, Sarah, 134 „ Thomas, 72, 73, 119, 120, 140 „ Wilham, 35, 48, 53, .58, 67, 72, 73, 81, 170, 173, 177, 183, 187 Andoe, Anne, 73, 146, 156 „ Thomas, 22, 73, 146, 159 Andrews (Andrew) Elizabeth, 132 ,, Leonard, 164 „ Martha, 164 Ands, Greorge, 24 Angsdell (Ansdall, Ainsdell, Andsdale) AlUs, 14 Elizabeth, 186 Humphrey, 65, 183 Mary, 37, 46, 133, 158, 194 Susan, 43 Thomas, 41, 52, 151, 160 William, 14, 37, 41, 43, 46, 52, 65, 151, 158, 160, 183, 186, 197 Anion (Anyon, Annyon) Ann, 79, 199 Benjamin, 71 Chrisitopher, 47 Grace, 51, 173 Jane, 64 Joseph, 71 Margaret, 75 Martha, 82 Mary, 137 Rowland, 75, 82, 133, 192 INDEX OF NAMES. 217 Baptisms Marriages Burials . pp. 1-16—31-127 17-19— IS8-I44 SO-SO— 145-213 Anion — Gontimted. „ Thomas, 47, 51, 57, 64, 71, 79, 173, 199 Anthony, John, 171 „ Robert, 171 Anton (Antton, Anthom) „ George, 8, 186 „ Jame, 11 ,, Luke, 10 „ Raohel, 13 „ Raph, 8, 10, 11, 13, 18, 33, 147 ,, Robert, 8 Antwisle, see Elntwisle Appldby, Mai-garet, 126 ,, Thomas, 126 Appleton (Apleton) Heni-y, 132 „ James, 25, 29, 179 ,, Margaret, 25 „ Mary, 179 Archer, Edward, 14, 160 „ Isbell Esther, 202 „ John, 6, 14, 202 ,, Margai-et, 6 Aimitage, Robert, 65 „ Timothy, 65 Araett, Elizabeth, 197 „ Richard, 197 Aix)n [4a;o?i?] Ehzabeth, 126 ,, Thomas, 126 Arixiiwsmitih (Arasmith, Harasmith) „ Ann, 104, 203 „ Dorothy, 147 „ Jane, 89 ,, John, 4 „ Mary, 7, 29, 82, 132 „ Mertha, 7 „ Rachel, 3, 20, 190 „ Simond, 3, 4, 7, 13, 20, 29, 145, 147 „ Thomas, 13, 82, 89, 104, 133, 203 Arryson, see Harrison Ascroft, Ann, 182 „ Elizabeth, 83, 186 „ Hugh, 79, 83, 186, 188 „ Thomas, 79, 188 Ashbrooke (Asibrock, Ashbruck) „ Alice, 64, 182 „ Edward, 2, 23 „ Elizabeth, 74, 115 „ Michael, 97 „ Robert, 4, 59, 64, 74, 85, 97, 115, 181, 182, 193, 195 „ Thomas, 2, 4, 23, 59, 195 „ Wilham, 85, 193 Asihley (Asley) James, 123 „ John, 123, 169, 180 Ashmore, John, 55, 59 ,, Robert, 55 ,, Samuel, 59 Ashton, Alice, 106, 193 „ Ann, 138 ,, Edward, 33 „ Elizabeth, Ll ,, Hester, 36 „ John, 106, 120 ,, Margaret, 120 „ Mary, 76 ,, Mistris, 130 „ Phebe, 40 ,, Riohand, 36, 40, 111, 162, 206 „ Thomas, 11, 111, 138, 148, 151, 206 > , , , ,, William, 76 Asbui-sit, Dorathy, 33 „ John, 15, 33, 145 Ashworth, An, 87 „ Frances, 172 ,, Howit, 113 „ Henry, 59, 170 ,, Jasper, 63 „ John, 56, 59, 63, 64, 70, 75, 81, 84, 87, 90, 113, 121, 170, 172, 195, 208, 211 „ Legb, 75 ,, Margaret, 84 „ Maudit, 81, 195 „ Peter, 90 ,, Richardd, 121, 211 Aspenall (Aspinwall) Alice, 105 ,, Edward, 36 ,, Elizabeth, 111, 206 „ George, 48, 57, 151, 197 „ Gilbert, 36, 205 „ Isbell, 202 ,, Jane, 48 ,, James, 67 „ John, 111, 123, 139, 206 ,, Mary, 130 ,, Robei-t, 123 ,, Sarah, 105 „ Timothy, 128 „ William, 197 Atherton (Antherton) Alice, 15, 134 „ Ann, 200 „ Elizaibeth, 77, 162, 197 „ Ellen, 100, 135, 157 „ Henry, 77 ,, Jane, 178 ,, James, 40, 141 „ John, 100 ,, Katherine, 130 „ Mary, 211 „ Peter, 15, 19, 33, 157, 162, 202 2l8 LIVERPOOL REGISTERS (St. NICHOLAS). Baptisms MarriagesBurials Atherton — Continued. „ Richard, 29, 40 „ Ruth, 182 „ Thomas, 197, 211 „ William, 162, 200 Atkinson (Adkinson) Ann, 173 „ Christopher, 94, 104, 136 „ Elizabeth, 107 „ Frances, 162 ,, Isabel, 94 „ John, 104 ,, Samuel, 138 ,, Sarah, 119 „ Stephen, 96, 107, 119 ,, Thomas, 96 Augustin, Ann, 26 Axon (Acson, Axeon) John, 118 „ Mary, 108, 208 „ Robei-t, 108, 118, 138, 208 ,, Thomas, 303 B Bagott, John, 139 ,, Mai-gai-et, 144 Bailey (Bayley, Belley, Bealey) Amey, 168 Anice, 56 Christopher, 112, 123, 206, 211, 212 Edward, 166 Elinor-, 29 Elizabeth, 112, 175, 211 Ellen, 201 Prances, 116, 211 Jane, 130, 201 James, 175, 206 John, 67, 166 Lawrence, 116, 140, 211 Margery, 9, 25 Margaret, 2, 51, 129 Mary, 81 Pot'ter, 73 Richard, 75 Robert, 123 Samuel, 67, 72, 75, 81, 201 Thomas, 45, 47, 61, 56, 64, 129, 154, 165, 168 „ WilHam, 2, 9, 25, 29, 42, 45, 64, 151, 154 Baister, see Banister Baker, John, 177 Baiantine (Bellantine, Balandine, Bellendine) ,, Elizabeth, 119 ,, Geoi-ge, 111 . . pp. 1-16—31-127 . „ 17-19—128-144 „ 20-30—145-213 Baiantine— Continued. ,, Hannalh, 102 „ Heni-y, 71, 76, 79, 94, 102, 111, 119, 132 ,, Jane,' 71 ,, James, 94 „ Mary,' 79 ,, William, 76 Bale, see Ball Baldwin, Elizabeh, 170 „ John, 170 Balif, see BayliflE Ball (Balle, Bale) Alice, 107 „ Anne, 4, 7, 102, 211 ,, Benjamin, 10 „ Edmund, 2, 4, 54, 68, 71, 81, 88, 93, 94, 173, 178, 184, 193, 197 203 ,, Elizabeth, 70, 78, 93, 200 „ Elhn, 108, 204 „ EUinor, 23, 201 ,, Hanah, 94 ,, Jane, 67, 73, 110 „ James, 5, 7, 10, 168 „ John, 5, 68, 81, 96, 107, 108, 121, 126, 135, 178, 204 ,, Lynorl, 70 ,, Margai-et, 139 „ Mary, 54, 88, 96, 192, 203 „ Richard, 2, 197 „ Sarah, 71, 126, 184 „ Thomas, 88, 93, 102, 110, 121, 192, 200 „ Widow, 211 „ William, 28, 67, 73, 78, 86 Balmer, Ann, 136 „ John, 78 „ WilUam, 78 Balquey, Charles, 201 Balshawe (Ballshaw) Jane, 54 ,, James, 49 ,, Tliomas, 59 „ WilUam, 49, 54, 59 Bamber, Anne, 3, 88, 137 „ Eliner, 92 „ Elizabeth, 147 ,, James, 26 „ John, 3, 7, 28, 64, 85, 88, 203 „ Margaret, 7, 118 ,, Mary, 64, 101, 203 „ Robert, 128, 147, 212 „ Tabitha, 137 „ Thomas, 85, 92, 101, 118, 181 Banes, Ann, 96 ,, Dorothy, 111 „ Josopih, 96, 111 INDEX OF NAMES. 219 Baptisms Marriages Burials Banister (Bannister) „ Alice, 33, 42, 156 „ Anna, 56 „ Anthony, 1, 9, 14, 33, 54, 87, 142, 166, 199 ,, Edward, 36, 148 „ EUzabeth, 50, 181 „ Ellen, 209 „ Henry, 166 „ Jane, 100, 201 ]', John, 81, 87, 94, 100, 110, 126, 127, 201 ,, Margaret, 14, 38 „ Mary, 139 „ Rebecca, 110, 166, 199 „ Rijchard, 36, 38, 42, 50, 56, 61, 148, 156, 171, 181, 207 „ Thomas, 9, 94 „ WilUam, 54, 127 Banks (Ban'cks) „ Ghrisitopher, 68, 73, 181, 185 ,, Dorothy, 81 „ Edward, 4, 12, 23, 24, 143, 146 „ Elme, 23 „ Elizabeth, 9 „ Elnor, 165 ,, Hannah, 11 ,, Jane, 206 ,, James, 201 „ John, 9, 11, 18, 20, 68, 76, 81, 89, 195, 201, 209 ,, Lorenioe, 20 ,, Margaret, 4, 24, 144 „ Mary, 89, 195 „ Pheby, 73, 181 „ Slusanna, 68, 181, 198 „ Thomas, 17, 29 „ William, 12, 68 Banner, James, 110 ,, Baohard, 110 Bardwod, Henry, 140 Barker, Alee, 180 ,, Catherine, 14, 134 „ Dorithy, 17, 34 „ EUzabeth, 190 ,, George, 76 ,, Gilbert, 51 „ John, 31, 34, 37, 40, 44, 51, 56, 154, 182 „ Mary, 56, 76, 182, 190 „ Moohael, 19, 28, 168 „ Pamell, 28 „ Robert, 182 ,, Susan, 40 ,, Susanna, 31 . pp. 1-16—31-127 „ 17-19—128-144 ,, 20-30— I45-2IS Barker — Continued. „ Thomas, 14, 152 Barlow, Frankland, 132 „ John, 199 Barnes (Barns) Ann, 144 „ Edward, 21 ,, Isabel, 94 ,, John, 94 „ Mary, 21 „ Sibell, 94 Barnet, Ellin, 186 „ Richard, 79, 110, 121, 186, 211 „ Nathaniel, 121, 211 Barnond, Grace, 70 „ Richard, 70 Barnsley, Wilham, 203 Bai-ret (Baratt) Christopher, 166 ,, Daor-a, 59 „ Bdward, 59 ,, Richard, 166 Barron (Baron) Dan, 120 „ Henry, 199 „ John, 120, 141 ,, Roger, 194 Barrow (Barow) Anne, 62, 72, 179 ,, Ohiisitopher, 151 „ Edward, 48, 52, 56, 62, 67, 72, 88, 130, 167, 179, 186, 206 „ Elizab, 75, 135 „ Ellin, 18, 56, 186 „ George, 183 ,, Hugh, 96, 153 ,, Jacob, 163 „ John, 48, 70, 180, 131, 157, 182, 183 ,, Myles, 151 ,, Raohel, 88 „ Robert, 70, 75, 96, 121, 182 „ William, 67, 121 Barton (Bartin, Borton) ,, Edward, 5, 23, 25 „ EUzabeth, 5, 65, 134, 140 ,, EUm, 8 ,, Henry, 65 ,, Jane, 4, 23 „ James, 55, 60, 65, 71, 75, 130, 182, 185 „ John, 4, 8, 12, 20, 179 ,, Margaret, 71, 182 ,, Mertha, 23 ,, Samell, 8 „ Sarah, 20 ,, Thomas, 60 „ William, 8, 14, 18 Barwell, Elizabeth, 193 Baseit, Henry, 177 220 LIVERPOOL REGISTERS (St. NICHOLAS). Baptisms Marriages Burials Bashford (Basford) An, 80 „ Elizabeth, 100 ,, James, 114 ,, John, 91 ,, Mai-y, 86 „ WilUam, 75, 80, 86, 91, 100, 114 Basques, Ferdinando, 44 ,, James, 44 Bastin, An, 186 „ WilUam, 135, 186 Bastwell, Margaret, 11 Bateson, Thomas, 120 Battei-sby (Batersbie, Batterby) „ Anne, 48, 79, 123 ,, George, 39 „ HeniT, 123, 140 ,, Isaac, 89 ,, James, 96 „ John, 60, 153 ,, Joseph, 198 „ Mary, 65, 188 „ Thomas, 39, 48, 60, 65, 73, 79, 89, 96, 117, 154, 181, 188 ,, WilUam, 117, 154 Baumor, John, 83 „ Robei-t, 83 Baxter, Mary, 134 Bayen, Agnus, 140 Bayne, John 200 Baynham, Margaret, 61 ,, Thomas, 61 Bayley, see Bailey BayUfE (BaUf e) Christopher, 103 137 Elmey, 73 James, 103 Peter, 180 Richard, 189, 202 Samuel, 180, 189, 202 Thomas, 73 Baytop, John, 153 Beacess, Evis, 143 Beacon, George, 172 „ Robert, 172 Bealey, see Bailey Bean (Beanes) Joseph, 87, 136 Bearon, Laurence, 144 Beate, Hannah, 26 „ Peter, 26 Bebworth, John, 177 Beck (Becke, Beeck) Charles, 76 „ Elizabeth, 68 „ Prances, 78 „ Gilbert, 173 „ James, 62, 68, 73, 78, 83, 87, 88, 173, 189 „ John, 73, 76 . pp. 1-16—31-127 . . „ 17-19—128-144 „ 20-30—145-213 Beck — Co7itinued. Mary, 87, 107 Richard, 83, 189 Robert, 92 Sam, 63 Thoanas, 88, 92, 107 Beebey, see Bibby Beecroft, Jonathan, 27 Beesley, Rebecca, 68 „ Yoseby, 68 BeLl, Anne, 43 Edward, 43, 49, 59, 158, 175 EUzabeth, 59 LawienoOj 49, 158 Mai-garet, 6 Michael, 147 Robert, 6 Bellen, see Belling Bellendine, see Baiantine Belley, see Bailey Belling (BelUon, Beling, Bellin) „ Elizabeth, 62 ,, John, 63 „ 'Martha, 78, 186 „ Mary, 78 „ Ralph, 58 ,, Rebecca, 15 „ Robert, 15, 63, 169, 193 „ Thomas, 58, 76, 169 „ William, 62, 76, 78, 186 Bendon (Benden) Amy, 96 ,, James, 89 „ Wilham, 83, 89, 95, 210 Benn (Ben) Alice, 52 ,, Ann, 160 ,, David, 46 „ Elizabeth, 107 ,, Hannah, 79 ,, Isabel, 41 ,, Jane, 56 „ James, 52, 56, 61, 66, 129, 160 ,, Jonathan, 15 ,, Margery, 61 ,, Martha, 41, 136 „ Mary, 36, 89, 157 ,, Richard, 123 „ Ruth, 75 ,, Sarah, 94 „ Thomas, 149 ,, WiHiam, 15, 34, 36, 41, 46, 75, 79, 89, 94, 107, 122, 133, 147, 157 Bennett (Beniit) Anne, 47, 135 ,, Doi-athy, 61, 82 „ Edmund, 39, 44, 47, 51, 54, 154, 159, 173, 204 INDEX OF NAMES. Baptisms . . . Marriages ... Burials ¦ . . • Bennett — Continued. „ EUzabeth, 8, 34, 44, 159, 169 „ Ellen, 41, 155 „ George, 6, 8, 14, 23, 147 ,, Jacob, 6, 23 ,, Jane, 54, 71 ,, James, 76 ,, John, 66, 185 ,, Lewis, 51 ,, Margaret, 121, 204 „ Mai-tha, 14 „ Mary, 37 „ Mre., 147 „ Ruth, 173 ,, Scissley, 160 Thomas, 34, 41, 44, 47, 55, 61, 66, 71, 76, 82, 154, 155, 169, 185 „ William, 37, 44, 47, 121, 164 Benor, Mr., 56 ,, Paulona, 56 Benson, Mary, 187 „ William, 187 Bentley (Bentlly) Jane, 96 ,, Jeremiah, 90, 96 „ Jo, 193 ;, Joseph, 87, 192 ,, Penelepey, 193 Bernard, Henry, 171 „ Mary, 177 „ Thomas, 171 Berry, see Bury Berthire, John, 77 „ Mary, 77 Beuel, see also Bushel, ,, James, 139 Bibby (Bibbie, Beebey, Bebey) „ Alis, 64 „ Catherine, 206 „ Charles, 66 „ EUbs, 91 „ EUzabeth, 72, 116 ,, Griffith, 93, 202 ,, Jane, 79 ,, James, 86 „ Jo, 122 „ John, 86, 206 „ Mary, 105 „ Phihpj 99 ,, Biohard, 85 Robert, 85, 91, 99, 116 „ Thomas, 101, 199, 211 „ Widow, 211 „ WilUaii^ 64, 66, 72, 79, 93, 94, 105, 122, 202 . pp. 1-16—31-127 . „ 17-19—128-144 „ 20-30—145-213 Bickesteth (Bicker-steth, Bixter, Bixtath) „ Anne, 17, 96 ,, Dorithy, 24 „ ElUn, 74, 168, 170, 189 ,, Gilbert, 9 ,, John, 160 ,, Katheren, 13 ,, Margaret, 78 „ Robert, 71, 132 „ Thomas, 2, 9, 13, 35, 71, 74, 78, 85, 91, 96, 159, 182, 189 „ William, 35, 91 Biggins (Biggings) Anne, 12, 88 ,, John, 88 ,, Mar^gei-y, 15 „ Robert, 12, 15, 17, 38, 42, 150 ,, Sam'well, 42 Bigglands, Biglans) An, 185 „ Edward, 65, 69, 73, 185, 205 „ Mary, 205 ,, Thomas, 73 „ William, 69 Bilsland, John, 140 Bii-am, see Byrom Birch (Berch, Burch, Bursh) „ Elizabeth, 28, 53, 77, 135 „ Ellen 10, 26, 34, 165 ,, George, 7 „ Henry, 75, 93 ,, Jane, 168 ,, James, 43 „ John, 42, 75, 77, 80, 85, 88, 93, 99, 188, 208 ,, Judith, 70 „ Margaret, 88, 149 ,, Martha, 4 „ Mary, 45 „ Ralph, 66, 70, 76, 173, 185, 192 „ Richard, 2, 20, 74, 80, 188 „ Robei-t, 34, 43, 99, 155 ,, Samuel, 10, 26 ,, Thomas, 2, 4, 7, 10, 12, 14, 26, 29, 42, 45, 63, 66, 74, 85, 129, 149, 158, 160, 173 ,, William, 12 BirchaU (Berchall) John, 163 ,, Margaret, 93, 139 ,, R.achell, 143 „ Raph, 37 „ Robert, 37, 93 ,, Thomas, 115 Bird, Agnis, 43, 152 ,, Bartholomew, 46, 153 „ Ja., 162 LIVERPOOL REGISTERS (St. NICHOLAS). Baptisms Marriages Burials pp. 1-16—31-127 „ 17-19— 12S-1.U „ 20-SO— 145-213 Bird — Continued. „ Joseph, 39, 43, 46, 162, 153 ,, Margai-et, 20 ,, Rebeca, 18 ,, WiUiam, 39 Biron, James, 56 ,, Richard, 56 Bispham (Bispon) EUzabeth, 186 ,, James, 187 ,, William, 133, 186 Bivans (Bivens) Griffith, 33, 37 „ Henry, 37 ,, James, 33 Bixtath, see Bickesteth Blace, see Blease Black, Ai-thur, 199 „ EHzabeth, 132 „ John, 203 „ Margaret, 184 „ Mr., 165 „ Oliver, 184, 199 Blackburn (Blakborne) Ann, 104 ,, Henry, 135 „ Timothy, 104, 137 Blackmore (Blakemore) Ann, 116, 193 „ Catherine, 193 „ Thomas, 30, 108, 116, 126, 213 „ WilUam, 108 Blakin, John, 173 Blanchard, Eline, 18 Bland, John, 84, 165 „ V,'iUiam, 84 Blankeley, Nathaniel, 149 ,, Thomas, 151 „ WilUam, 149 Blease (Blase, Blace) Abel, 190 ,, James, 107, 138 ,, John, 190 „ Thomas, 104, 107 Blevin (Bleven, Blevfing) Alice, 129 „ Anne, 40, 75, 81, 180, 184 ,, Catherine, 89, 108, 208 „ Dorathy, 33 ,, Elin, 28, 205 ,, EUzabeth, 23, 41, 56, 168 „ Henry, 71, 75, 81, 89, 108, 184, 208, 209 ,, James, 7, 23, 26, 33, 147, 174 ,, Jennett, 202 „ Joihn, 65, 72 ,, Judith, 210 „ Margery, 19, 28, 193 ,, Margaret, 5, 65 „ Richard, 10, 26, 33, 37, 40, ^6, 63, 71, 111, 128, 139, 142, 168, 188, 193, 205, 208, 210 Blevin — Continued. „ Robert, 6, 7, 8, 10, 14, 17, 25, 26, 28, 33, 41, 111, 147, 165, 208 „ Thomas, 14, 63, 165, 188 „ William, 26, 72, 144 Blon, John,- 76 Blundell (BlondeU) Anne, 7, 17, 190 „ Bryan, 34, 88, 102, 196, 202, 212 ,, Catherine, 140 ,, Dorithy, 5 ,, Elizabeth, 3, 5 ,, Gilbei-t, 5 ,, Hannah, 88, 158 ,, James, 50 „ John, 4, 7, 9, 20, 26, 43, 46, 117, 190, 205 ,, Lidiah, 9, 26 „ Mai-y, 64, 102, 161, 202 ,, Robert, 50, 64 ,, Samuel, 4 ,, Samwell, 20, 43, 46, 212 ,, Thomas, 17, 22, 117 „ WilUam, 3, 5, 10, 26, 34, 168, 196 Blythe, Ellen, 37 ,, Thomas, 37 Baar, see Boore Boardman (Bordman) Elizabeth, 136 ,, George, 80 „ (Martha, 80 ^ Thomas, 18 Boats (Booats, Boots) Anne, 4, 23 „ Elizabeth, 52 ,, Esther, 56 „ Henry, 38 „ James, 2, 4, 8, 23, 26, 63 „ John, 2, 18, 79 ,, Margaret, 183 „ Rebecka, 42, 198 „ Sarah, 47, 143 , William, 8, 25, 38, 42, 47, 52, 56, 63, 79, 128, 198 Bobels, James, 206 Bo'ckley, Jolm, 7, 18 ,, 'Thomas, 7 Bolefield, John, 117 „ Mary, 117 Bolld, Arthur, 207 BoUington, John, 209 Bolton, see Boulton Booges, Joim:, 205. „ Mary, 205 Bond (Bonde) James, 107, 209 ,, Margaret, 139 INDEX OF NAMES. 223 Baptisms Marriages .... Burials .... Bond — Continued. „ Mary, 107 „ William, 107, 139, 209 Bonnor, James, 140 Booker (Bouker) Anne, 15 ,, Catherine, 208 „ Edward, 15, 35, 39, 45, 152, 153 „ EUenoi-, 35, 45, 152 ,, Rai>h, 153 ,, Robert, 45 ,, Samuel, 39 Booling, James, 114 „ Mai-y, 114 Boon (Boone, Boond) „ Mary, 91, 118, 201 „ Richard, 91, 102, 135, 201 „ Thomas, 118, 134 Boore (Bore, Boar, Boer) Ann, 127 „ EUzabeth, 72, 184 „ Jane, 78, 89, 190, 193 ,, John, 2 ,, Leonard, 79 „ Lyonal, 113, 127, 167 „ Margai-et, 69, 79, 178 „ Mary, 190 „ Richard, 2, 23 „ Thomas, 69, 72, 78, 89, 92, 167, 178, 184, 190, 193, 200, 211 Booth, John, 76 ,, Sarah, 26 Boots, see Boats and " Corrigenda " Borough, see Burrows Borrick (Burock) ,, Bryan, 14, 32, 41, 161 ,, George, 41, 161 ,, James, 14 ,, Samuel, 32 Borton, see Bar-ton Borscoe, Henry, 21 Boule, Ellin, 116 ,, John, 116 Boulton (Bolton) Anne, 168 „ Dorathy, 197 „ Ellen, 129, 163 ,, Henryj 48 „ James, 39, 44, 49, 54, 168 „ John, 13, 44, 46, 64, 175, 210 ,, Josh, 37 ,, Josiah, 54, 163 ,, Lettis, 165 „ Mai-garet, 49, 153, 168 „ Mary, 32 ,, Pendleton, 156 „ Thomas, 13, 32, 37, 41, 48, 153, 156, 165, 210 , . pp. 1-16—31-127 „ 17-19—128-144 . „ 20-30—145-213 Bourke, see Burke Bourn, Catherine, 179 ,, Thomas, 179 Bowen, Moiiss, 209 Bowler, Jonathan, 138 Bowman, Edward, 145 Bo^vton, Bettrigh, 18 Boyce, Margaret, 86 „ Richard, 86 Boyde, Hugh, 173 Bozewell, Elizabeth, 141 Brace, Barnett, 125 Braddock (Bradoke, Bradcok) ,, Benjamin, 187 „ Hannah, 68 ,, Henry, 54 ,, John, 28 ,, Richard, 59 ,, Sam.uel, 76 ,, Thomas, 50 „ William, 28, 43, 60, 54, 59, 68, 76, 156, 161, 187 „ Bradley, Edward, 109 „ Elizabeth, 41, 51, 75, 140, 182, 199 „ Ellen, 169 „ Prances, 49, 143 „ Hesketh, 71 „ Hillery, 84, 88 „ Henry, 78, 191 ,, James, 41, 45, 55, 153 „ John, 94, 148, 194, 198 „ Margery, 45 „ Mary, 61, 65, 168 „ Richard, 51, 55, 71, 168, 181, 199 „ Thomas, 41, 49, 55, 61, 65, 71, 76, 78, 84, 88, 94, 109, 168, 181, 182, 191, 198 Bradshaw, Anne, 18 ,, Jaimes, 168 „ Robert, 168, 168, 195 Braeiton (Bruerton, Bratherton) „ Ellin, 11 „ Margaret, 3, 23 ,, Patience, 166 „ WilUam, 3, 6, 11, 23, 28 Bi"agger (Bragor) Isabel, 61 ,, Rober"*, 56 „ Thomas, 51, 66, 206 Braine, George, 68 „ Philip, 68 Braithwait, Geoi-ge, 159 „ Mary, 159 224 LIVERPOOL REGISTERS (St. NICHOLAS). Baptisms Marriages Burials pp. 1-16—31-127 „ 17-19—128-144 „ 20-30—145-213 Brakell (Breckell, Breakell) ,, John, 55, 62 ,, Richard, 55 ,, Sarah, 179 ,, Thomas, 62 Bramhall, Ann, 162 ,, Doctor, 56 ,, Elleanor, 55 ,, Thomas, 130, 162, 165 Branand, Ann, 165 ,, John, 165 Brand, Rebecka, 33 ,, 'Thomas, 33 Branker, Hanah, 136 B'l-avin, Robert, 139 Braying, Ann, 136 Breading, Thomas, 74 Breckell, see Brakell Breens (Briers, Bryers) Anne, 24 ,, Haimah, 129 ,, Jane, 28 ,, Lawrence, 24, 146 ,, Margaret, 164 „ Robert, 28, 29, 30 „ Thomas, 144, 164 Brees, Christopher, 206 Breshaw, Bernard, I'ti Brett, Edmund, 64 ,, James, 60, 167 „ John, 60, 64, 167 Brewer (Bruer) Ann, 166 ,, George, 69, 80 „ Hannah, 83, 187, 198 ,, John, 69 „ Robert, 80, 83, 134, 187, 196, 198 Briarley, James, 169 Brice, Gaulter, 132 ,, Hanah, 193 ,, Walter, 193 Bridge, Edward, 163 ,, 'Thomas, 6, 163 ,, Willia.m, 161 Bridson, John, 144 Briers, see Breers Briggs, Grace, 93 ,, Henry, 101 ,, Joseph, 84, 86, 93, 101, 123, 134, 189, 191 „ Martha, 196 „ William, 195 Brindell (Brindle) Alice, 182, 202 „ Anne, 37, 146, 188 ,, Dorothy, 138 ,, Elizabeth, 53 Brindell — Continued. „ Ginnet, 47, 171 „ James, 13, 18, 37, 41, 47, 53, 146, 163, 171, 175, 188 „ John, 9, 48, 83, 134, 161, 182 „ Mai-y, 13, 83, 162 B'risby, William, 145 Briscoe (Briscow) „ Edward, 47, 67, 165, 213 „ Ellen, 47, 213 ,, Jonathan, 57, 165 Brittain (Britton) Elizabeth, 80 ,, Richard, 93 ,, Thomas, 80, 88, 93 Broadbelt (Brodbelt) „ John, 39, 43, 154 ,, Katherine, 157 „ Margaret, 39 ,, Robert, 197 Broadley, Abraham, 37 „ Daniel, 37 Brookbanke (Brookbank) ,, Christopher, 145 ,, Katherin, 128 ,, Margery, 24 ,, Richard, 24 ,, Rogg., 166 „ Thomas, 22, 185 Brookfield, John, 134 ,, Mary, 106 ,, Robei-t, 106 Brooks (Brakes) Alee, 190 ,, Hannah, 89, 194 ,, Henry, 138 ,, Margaret, 19 „ Thomas, 89, 190, 192, 194 Brooksby (Brookesbey) „ Fi-ancis, 117, 211 „ Richard, 117, 140, 211 Brown (Browne) Alice, 41, 183 „ Ann, 22, 136, 178, 183 ,, Dorathy, 42 ,, Easter, 197 „ Edward, 14, 16, 34, 38, 41, 139 „ Ellen, 34, 195 „ George, 14, 183 ,, Grace, 135 ,, Henry, 104, 119 „ John, 16, 50, 158 „ Joseph, 119 ,, Margaret, 38 „ Mai-y, 135 „ Richard, 3, 54, 136 „ Thomas, 50, 158 ,, Weston, 42 „ William, 54, 104 INDEX OF NAMES. 225 Baptism,sMarriages Burials pp. 1-16—S1-1S7 „ 17-19—128-144 „ 2O-SO—I45-2IS Brownbill, Ann, 201 ,, Catherine, 192 „ Elin, 84, 174 „ Elizaibeth, 201 „ George, 87 „ James, 84, 87, 192 „ Thomas, 201 Brownlow (Brownloe) ,, Loranioe, 18, 30 ,, Rebecca, 164 Bruce, Richard, 114 „ Thoinas, 114 Brumhall, see Bramhall Brush (Bruch) Elizabeth, 208 ,, Richard, 155 Bryers, see Breers Buck, Dorothy, 134 Buckley, Aloe, 178 „ Ann, 143 „ Bridget, 142 ,, Jane, 142 ,, John, 178 „ Ridhard, 139, 209 Bud, John, 194 Bullman, Robert, 103 „ Sarah, 114, 211 „ Thomas, 103, 114, 211 Bullock (Bulock) Elizabeth, 43 „ Ellenor, 51 „ John, 73 „ Raohel, 63 „ Richard, 27 „ Thomas, 43, 51, 63, 73 Burges, Anne, 129 „ Bezaliel, 82 „ Dorathy, 75, 182 „ Elizabeth, 83 „ George, 75, 182 „ John, 130 Burke (Bourke, Borke) „ Elizabeth, 70 ,, John, 183 „ William, 70, 74, 181, 182, 183 Burne, EUzabeth, 92 ,, Samuell, 92 Burngeat (Burnyeats) Catherine, 127 „ John, 127, 144 Burock, see Borrick Burrows (Borough) John, 122 „ Margaret, 134 „ Stephen, 122 Burt, Elizabeth, 157 ,, Margery, 164 ,, Margaret, 56 „ Roibert, 56, 157, 164 Burton, Benjamin, 64 Burton — Continued. „ Ellen, 145 „ James, 103 ,, John, 28 „ Margaret, 174 ,, Samuel, 64 „ Thomas, 103 BU17 (Berry) Adam, 86, 90, 134, 135, 191, 193 „ WilUam, 20 Bushell (Bushall) Alice, 63, 66, 76 „ Amy, 45 „ Anne, 3, 4, 21, 44, 60, 62, 107, 182, 186, 204 „ Anthony, 60, 54, 161, 176 „ Dorathy, 39, 191 „ Elizabeth, 12, 13, 19, 40, 57, 91, 141, 174 ,, Harker, 80 „ Henry, 4 „ Jane, 9, 25, 35, 38, 147 „ James, 70, 76, 80, 85, 139, 209, 210, 211 „ John, 43, 91, 93, 103, 134, 154, 209 ,, KaAhrinje, 103 „ Margaret, 193, 211 „ Mathew, 57, 63, 130 „ Mis., 165 „ Raohel, 173 ,, Bichand, 2, 3, 5, 9, 12, 21, 25, 27, 39, 153 „ Roger, 25 „ Roibert, 13, 32, 35, 38, 39, 43, 66, 70, 147, 154, 174, 193, 200 ,, Sarah, 32 „ Thomas, 2, 40, 44, 45, 48, 54, 62, 69, 76, 173, 176, 182, 183, 212 „ William, 5, 48, 69, 93, 107, 135, 148, 153, 182, 204 ButheiTvorth, John, 122 „ W., 122 Butler, Christopher, 158, 166 „ John, 101, 213 „ Lawrence, 93, 101, 212 ,, Richard, 158 „ Robert, 93, 212 Button, John, 197 Byaes, Margaret, 136 Byrom (Byrum, Biram) „ Elizabeth, 186 „ Henry, 185 ,, James, 67, 175, 183 „ John, 185, 186 ,, Margery, 183 ,, Margaret, 67 ,, Mary, 135 Q 226 LIVERPOOL REGISTERS (St. NICHOLAS). Baptisms Marriages Burials C Cadeeton, Alis, 22 Caine, Elizabeth, 138 C'alcot, Arthur, 36 Caldey, Ann, 139 Callasbey, see Gelasby Oamipbell (Camibeli) Charles, 171 „ Hugh, 171 „ WilUam, 198 Canabie, see also Kenardy, „ Elizabeth, 194 „ Nathan, 194 Canerday, see Kenardy Cannor, Henry, 210 „ Margaret, 210 Ca.rdwell, Margaret, 143 Carefoot, see Kerfoot Carey (Caii-y, Carry, Cary) „ Allic, 28 ,, Darcus, 8 ,, James, 176 ,, Margai-et, 210 „ Marian, 8, 191 ,, Martha, 9, 27 „ Mary, 150 „ WilUam, 9, 19, 27, 28 Carington, Thomas, 166 Cai'lise, John, 188 Carr (Car) see also Oharr ,, Anthony, 157, 178 „ Edmund, 98 „ Edward, 178 ,, Elizabeth, 157, 178 ,, James, 127 ,, John, 121 „ Patrick, 121 Carry, see Carey Car-ter, Alis, 166 „ Anne, 32, 59, 170 „ Edith, 64 „ Edward, 157 ,, Elizabeth, 40 ,, Hannah, 66 „ Henry, 160, 172 ,, Jane, 46 ,, Jenet, 141 ,, John, 93, 160, 196 „ Margaret, 112 ,, Mary, 139 ,, Owen, 47, 165 „ Ralph, 107 ,, Richard, 137 ,, Sarah, 41 . . pp. 1-16—31-127 . „ 17-19—128-144 „ 20-30—145-213 Carter — Continued. „ Thomas, 40, 41, 47, 54, 59, 66, 112, 129, 155, 158, 170, 190 „ William, 19, 32, 41, 46, 47, 107, 128, 129, 155, 157, 158 Case, Alice, 107 „ Edward, 96, 107, 124 ,, Margaret, 133 „ Mary, 124 „ Thomas. 96 Cashell, Margai'et, 188 Catlin, Francis, 188 CatteraU (CattraU, Catix>ll) „ EUzabeth, 74 ,, Geoi-ge, 194 ,, Isack, 92 „ Jinet, 184 „ John, 55, 59, 68, 74, 84, 92, 184 „ Joseph, 68, 84, 184 ,, Liddea, 59 ,, WilUam, 169 Cattero (Catero, Catharow) ,, George, 44 ,, James, 170 „ John, 42, 44, 47, 51, 64, 154, 157, 170 ,, Joseph, 64 „ Lidia, 42, 154 „ William, 47, 51, 157 Cearefote, see Kerfoot Celley, see Kelly Cemp, see Kemp Chaddock (Chadok) James, 91 „ Mary, 205 „ Ruth, 91 „ 'Thomas, 169 „ William, 205 Chadwick, AUce, 99 ,, Edward, 114 „ Elizabeth, 109, 126 ,, James, 99, 109, 110, 126 ,, Margaret, 110 „ Mary, 99 ,, Sarah, 141 „ William, 99, 114 Challonor, Elizabeth, 166 „ William, 166 Chamberland, Amiah, 194 Chambers, James, 20 ,, John, 20 Chamler (Chambler, compare Chanler) ,, Catherine, 82 ,, Christopher, 61, 82, 135 ,, Jno., 61 INDEX OF NAMES. 227 MarriagesBurials . pp. 1-16—31-127 „ 17-19—128-144 „ 20-30—145-213 Chanler (Chandler, compare Chamler) ,, Christopher, 70 ,, John, 23, 151 ,, Sarah, 23 Chantrill, Alice, 20 ,, Doriethy, 164 „ EUzabeth, 45, 152 „ Hannah, 37, 111 ,, Jane, 196 ,, John, 67 ,, Joseph, 45 ,, Luci-esea, 111 „ William, 37, 45, 49, 57, 131, 162, 167, 164, 194 Ohapm.ani (Chappman) Alice, 37 ,, Catherine, 179 ,, EUzabeth, 145 ,, James, 70 ,, Roger, 13 „ Thomas, 6, 13, 23, 37, 43, 70, 146, 149 ,, Victoria, 43t Chap'pell, Anne, 189 Char (Oharr) see also Carr, ,, Anne, 20 ,, Anthony, 2, 8, 25, 29 „ Edwardj 6 „ Elizabeth, 20, 29 ,, Jane, 8, 25 „ Thomas, 2, 6, 20 Charles, Anne, 172 ,, Samuel, 172 Charnocke (CHrnooke) Alice, 95 „ An, 88 ,, Catherine, 108 „ Daniel, 144 „ Elinor, 10 „ Elizabeth, 8, 74 „ Henry, 1, 8, 10 ,, Margaret, 144 „ Mary, 135 ,, Richard, 142 ,, Thomas, 1, 74, 79, 88, 95, 108 Chorley, Ann, 111 „ Elizabeth, 113, 206 „ Henry, 113, 123, 206 „ John, 42, 96, 123, 154, 179, 183 „ RatoUffe, 96, 111, 199, 202 „ William, 29, 179, 199, 202 Chresty, Ann, 65 ,, John, 65 Christian (Christin) Agnes, 173 „ Amily, 113 ,, Anna, 169 Christian — Continued. „ Cavalier, 91, 113, 135 ,, Charles, 37 „ Elizabeth, 54, 57, 91, 135, 161, 171 „ Evan, 38, 196 „ Henry, 38, 42, 46, 54, 57, 60, 160, 161, 169, 171 ,, Jane, 42 „ John, 25, 42, 46, 77, 152 „ Margaret, 87 ,, Mary, 145 ,,^ Richard, 42 ,, Sarah, 60 ,, Thomas, 33, 66, 180 „ William, 33, 37, 66, 77, 87, 94, 145, 173 Churchley, Thomas, 195 Olacy, Elizabeth, 170 Clare, John, 79, 133, 187, 193 ,, Martha, 138 „ Mary, 79, 187 ,, Mis., 163 „ WiUiam, 164 Clarke (Clearke, Clerks) ,, Abraham, 65 ,, Deborah, 96 ,, Elizabeth, 14 „ Isaac, 40, 187 ,, Isabell, 32, 47 ,, James, 43, 152 „ Jeremy, 35, 38, 43, 152 „ John, 14, 32, 40, 47, 55, 175, 187 ,, Margaret, 29, 152 „ Mary, 32 „ Nicolas, 83, 96 „ Robert, 51, 54, 159, 160, 164 ,, Symon, 83 „ Thomas, 29, 32, 38 „ William, 35 Clarkson, Anne, 104, 131 „ Elizabeth, 208 ,, Richard, 104 ,, Susanah, 191 „ Thomas, 208 Clayor, John, 82 ,, Margaret, 82 Clayton (Claton, Cleaton, Cleyton) „ Anne, 86, 128, 133 ,, Edward, 36 ,, Eleanor^ 80, 131 „ Elizabeth, 75, 82, 134, 171, 190 ,, Jemima, 57 „ Julia-na, 106, 208 228 LIVERPOOL REGISTERS (St. NICHOLAS). Baptisms Marriages .... Burials . . . . ¦ Clayton — Continued. „ Margaret, 91 „ Mary, 95, 149 „ Richard, 82, 86, 190 „ Robert, 46, 61, 122, 161, 167, 180 „ Sarah, 13, 132 „ Sibma, 36 „ Thomas, 13, 36, 45, 128, 149, 161, 166 „ William, 67, 61, 75, 80, 91, 95, 106, 122, 167, 171, 204, 208 Cleaveland (Cleveland, Cliveland) ,, Alice, 99 ,, Dorothy, 86, 190 „ John, 78, 82, 85, 92, 99, 190, 196 ,, Joseph, 92, 196 ,, Richard, 158 ,, Susana, 163 „ WiUiam, 82 Clerks, see Clarke Cliff (CUffe) Elizabeth, 22 ,, Robert, 3, 22 ,, Thomas, 139 „ WilUam, 3, 22 Clifton (Clefton) Alee, 191 ,, Anne, 189 „ Edward, 90, 94, 104, 123, 191 ,, Elizabeth, 62, 94 ,, Frances, 104 ,, Han., 123 „ Mathew, 48, 54, 62, 162 ,, Thomas, 90 ,, WilUam, 48 CUnton, John, 25 Clitherow, Christopher, 136 Clough, Esther, 141 Cloworth, Elise, 136 Coare (Coore, Core) Elizabeth, 97 ,, Frances, 93 ,, Michael, 107 „ Thomas, 93, 97, 107, 119, 127, 144, 213 Coass, William, 135 Coates (Coats) Robert, 100 ,, William, 93, lOO Cobham (Cobbam, Oubham) Elijah, 46, 84 Elizaibeth, 34, 46 John, 47, 164 Joshua, 34, 42, 47, 154 Margaret, 42, 198 Cock (Cocks, Coks) AUce, 107 „ EUzabeth, 44, 86 pp. 1-16—31-127 17-19—128-144 20-SO— 145-213 Cook — Continued. „ Henry, 13, 86, 107 „ Mary, 178 „ Philip, 20, 178 „ Seser, 87 „ Thomas, 13, 19, 37, 44 ,, William, 37, 87 Cocklin, John, 178 Cockshutt (Cockshad) „ George, 100, 206 ,, Jane, 112 „ John, 82, 86, 92, 100, 112, 206 ,, Thomas, 82 „ Timothy, 92 Colebert, Edward, 167 ,, Frances, 167 CoUer, John, 75 ,, Nickalas, 75 Colkits, Hugh, 144 Colley, Thomas, 103 „ William, 103, 138 Comer, Jolm, 177 Condon, Isaac, 174 Conford, Samuel, 52 ,, Thomas, 52 Cook (Cooke) David, 27, 33, 147 „ EUn, 108, 136 „ Elizabeth, 4, 134 ,, Emely, 33 „ George, 67, 78 ,, Hannah, 147 ,, Johanna, 124 „ John, 4, 7, 25, 28, 33, 67, 108, 162 „ Jonathan, 57, 173, 183 „ Margaret, 200 ,, Martha, 180 „ Mary, 7, 25, 27, 78 „ Robert, 57, 182 ,, Thomas, 28, 124, 142 ,, Zackery, 195 Cooley (Couley, Cowley) ,, Catherine, 83, 190 „ EUzabeth, 96, 183 ,, Humphrey, 43 ,, James, 93 „ John, 35, 39, 80, 84, 87, 93, 101, 106, 116, 187, 213 „ Margaret, 80, 187 „ Robert, 35, 39, 43 „ Thomas, 116, 213 „ WiUiam, 83, 96, 106, 139, 190 Cooper (Cowper) Alice, 50, 82 ,, Anne, 66 ,, Charles, 63, 70, 76, 83, 87, 91, 131, 165, 191 INDEX OF NAMES. 229 BaptismsMarriagesBurials pp. 1-16—31-137 17-19—128-144 20-30— 145-213 Cooper — Continued. „ Edward, 105, 204 ,, EUzabeth, 91 ,, Grace, 81, 189 ,, Jane, 73, 83 „ James, 50, 64, 60, 64, 73, 81, 86, 97, 105, 123, 148, 155, 162, 168, 189, 200, 204 ,, John, 63, 66 ,, Margaret, 155 ,, Mary, 162, 165 „ Peter, 64, 60, 97, 162, 168, 200 ,, Richard, 82, 194 ,, Sii^muel, 159 ,, Simon, 87 ,, Susanna, 123 „ Wilham, 63, 70, 86 Coore, see Coare Coppel (Copple, Copiwal) „ Anno, 150 „ Emblem., 152 ,, Emlen, 43, 154 ,, James, 18 ,, John, 124, 196 ,, Richard, 43, 164 „ Thomaa, 152, 159 „ Wilham, 124 Copperthat, see Cowperthwait Coppow, Katheren, 21 ,, Thoanas, 48 'Copiwal, see Coppel Corbin, Joseph, 76, 185 ,, Joshua, 180 ,, Mary, 88, 127 ,, Rebecca, 81, 127 „ Thomas, 76, 81, 88, 127, 132, 180,185 Corbuitt, Johana, 83 ,, John, 83 Corkhill, Hugh, 92, 98, 124, 125 ,, James, 92 „ John, 124, 125 „ Robert, 98 Corlel, Lawrence, 93 „ Thomas, 25, 87, 93 „ Williaan, 87 Cotrles, Heu'ry, 149 ,, Margaret, 148, 151 „ Nathaniel, 137 Cornell (Cornwell, Comhill) „ EUzabeth, 56, 192 „ ElUn, 177 „ Joseph, 56, 72, 75, 132, 177, 183, 185, 192 „ Mary, 72 „ Sarah, 185 Cornet, Joseph, 51 ,, Thomas, 51 Cornhill, see Cornell OoiTan, see Curran Cortas, see Curtious Cottam, Ellen, 210 ,, James, 121 ,, John, 121 „ Thomas, 210 Ooftten, James, 130 „ Robert, 172 Coubley, Robert, 109 „ WilUam, 109 Coulton, Mary, 141 Court, John, 184 „ Raohael, 184 Coventry (Coventree) Alice, 153 „ Anne, 24, 203 „ Hugh, 142 „ Margery, 7 ,, Margaret, 2 „ (Mary, 4, 131, 159 „ Thomas, 2, 4, 7, 24, 159 Coward (Couard) Jeremiah, 109, 207 „ John, 28, 69, 109, 182, 207 „ Maryj 28, 182 ,, Raohel, 69 Cowell (CowiU) Evan, 124 „ John, 124, 141 Cowduck, Jane, 94 ,, Thomas, 84, 196 ,, William, 94 Cowley, see Cooley Cowper, see Cooper Cowperthwait (Copperthat, Copperthwaite) ,, Ann, 55 „ Elizabeth, 52 „ John, 52, 65, 167 Cragg (Crage) Ann, 117, 135 „ Ehzabeth, 126 „ Hanah, 208 ,, Henry, 13 „ John, 119 „ Martha, 201 ,, Mathew, 13, 190 „ Richard, 46, 138 ,, Thomas, 46, 67 „ WilUam, 117, 119, 126, 142, 190, 201 Cranage, Eales, 205 ,, John, 205 Crane (Crayne, Crains) Docter, 178 „ Dwithy, 9 „ Edward, 57, 60, 62, 67, 164, 167, 169, 179 230 LIVERPOOL REGISTERS (St. NICHOLAS). Baptisms . ¦ Marriages Burials Crane — Continued. EUzabeth, 135 Hannah, 76 Henry, 4, 9, 13, 53, 94, 150, 190 Jane, 79 James, 11 Jtfhn, 11, 63, 57, 68, 63, 69, 70, 72, 73, 75, 79, 82, 90, 94, 130, 133, 164, 171, 179, 181, 184, 187, 190, 204 „ Margery, 19 „ Margaret, 4, 68, 132, 171 „ 'Thomas, 13, 60, 72, 82, 179, 184, 204 „ William, 69, 90, 187 Cricklow, Thomas, 143 Croft (Crofts, Crooftt) Alee, 134 ,, Andrew, 91 ,, Bridget, 78 ,, Catherine, 71, 191 „ EUn, 92 „ Elizabeth, 84, 186 „ Francis, 82, 196 „ Henry, 82, 138 ,, James, 68, 174, 186, 209 „ Jeffry, 82, 91, 116, 191, 196 ,, Martin, 126 ,, Mary, 62 ,, Rebecca, 62 ,, Sarah, 68 ,, Thomas, 130 „ William, 71, 78, 82, 84, 92, 116, 126, 140 Crompton (Crumton, Cromton) „ Alice, 4, 13, 166, 168 ,, Catherine, 84 „ Elizabeth, 28, 48, 63, 74, 181 „ John, 37, 42, 48, 59, 63, 66, 69, 133, 164, 173, 181 „ Margaret, 129 „ Mary, 69, 173 „ Richard, 4, 28, 37, 165, 158, 173, 180 „ Thomas, 60, 66, 74, 84 „ William, 13, 60, 159 Crookes, John, 120, 210 Cropiper (Cropor) Edward, 144 ,, Jane, 69 ,, Joseph, 9 ,, Margaret, 57 ,, Mary, 9, 176 „ Ralph, 182 ,, Richard, 163 ,, Thomas, 90, 182 „ WilUam, 67, 69, 77, 90 Croser, Richard, 144 pp. 1-16—31-127 17-19—128-144 20-30—145-213 Cross (Crosse) Daniel, 178 ,, Roger, 137 „ Robert, 159 Crossman, Allis, 10, 26 „ Robert, 10, 26 Croston, Charles, 46 „ Edmund, 42, 45, 115, 152 „ Jane, 42, 152 ,, James, 60, 171 ,, John, 45 ,, Kathrine, 55 ,, Percival, 50, 161 ,, Thomas, 46, 50, 55, 60, 161, 167, 171 Crowther (Cr-othor) Ann, 202 „ Jno., 58, 60, 164, 167, 202 ,, Susanna, 135 „ WilUam, 115 Crumton, see Ci'ompton Cubham, see Cobham Cu'ckit, see Cuqueth Cue, Jane, 27 Culcheth (Culshett, aithath) Ales, 63 „ Ellen, 38, 150 „ Hugh, 152 „ Jeffrey, 34, 38, 150 ,, Mai-gai-et, 191 „ Raph, 34, 70 ,, Richard, 63, 70 Cuqueth (Cuuquit, Quequick, Cuckit, Kequith, Kewkit) ,, James, 56, 164, 180 ,, Mary, 65 „ Richard, 60, 162, 176 „ Sarah, 50, 176, 193 ,, WilUam, 180 Curran (Con'an) Ales, 165 „ Mai-y, 27 ,, Nicholas, 163 ,, Robert, 27 Currie, Thomas, 141 Curtious (Cor-ties, Cortas, Curries) ,, Ann, 12 ,, Daniel, 12 „ Jane, 75, 186 ,, Margaret, 206 „ Robert, 76, 186 „ William, 175 Cutler-, Owsewell, 177 Dagnall (Daggnall, Dagnol) „ Catherine, 118, 209 „ John, 126 „ Mary, 104 INDEX OF NAMES. 331 BaptismsMarriages 'Burials pp. 1-16—31-127 17-19—128-14420-30— 145-213 Dagnall — Continued. „ Richard, 106, 126 „ Thomas, 104, 118, 136, 209 Dainty (Danty) Elizabeth, 4, 134 „ Mary, 6, 27 „ William, 4, 6, 22, 24, 27 Daking (Deakin, Daken) „ Doi-othy, 169 ,, Elnathan, 155 „ John, 58, 155, 165, 169 ,, Joseph, 58, 165 „ Mary, 58 „ Richard, 210 Dalson, Martha, 144 Dannett, Alice, 128 ,, Mai-garet, 130 Danson (Dantson) Elizabeth, 55, 164 „ Else, 90 ,, George, 85 „ James, 94, 104, 119, 200 „ John, 55, 56, 119, 130, 164 ,, Mary, 104 „ Rachel, 94, 200 ,, Richard, 77, 144 „ Susanna, 100, 200 ,, Thomas, 56 „ William, 77, 85, 90, 100, 133, 200 Danvers (Danvas) „ Daniel, 128, 144, 179, 190, 191 „ EUzabeth, 177 ,, Franch, 190 • „ Margaret, 138, 179 „ Mr., 142, 177 Darbyshire, Ann, 112, 206 ,, Jane, 120 ,, J'OS., 122 „ Margaret, 139, 153 „ Thomas, 112, 120, 122, 206 Darnell, Mary, 143 Darwin, Alice, 150 ,, Margareft, 34 „ Thomas, 34, 150 Dasbery, Margery, 19 Davenport, Will, 213 Davies (Davis, Daves) „ AUoe, 4, 103, 143 „ AUin, 10, 25 „ Ann, 68, 109, 208 „ Aster, 27 „ Charles, 101, 120, 210 „ Christopher, 48, 52, 58, 68, 76 ,, Edward, 1, 58 „ Elizabeth, 76 „ Ellin, 48, 76 Davies— Continued. „ Hannah, 85 „ James, 7, 77, 82, 85, 106, 107, 120, 208, 210 ,, Johanna, 8, 24 „ John, 13, 106, 151, 208 „ Mary, 5, 172 „ Nathaniel, 172, 173 „ RandaH, 158 „ Richard, 5, 8, 24, 103, 109, 118, 161, 179, 208 „ Robert, 1, 4, 7, 10, 13 25, 27, 179 ,, Sarah, 82 „ WilUam, 52, 108, 118 Dawson, Hannah, 124 ,, Henry, 142 „ John, 124, 151 „ Peter, 6, 12, 23, 24, 28 „ Randel], 2, 20, 151 „ Reibekah, 12, 28 „ William, 6, 23, 24 Dawtrie, Mary, 51 ,, Thomas, 51 Dayn, see Deane Deaker, John, 62 ,, Richard, 62 Deakin, see Daking Deane (Dean, Dayn) Edward, 92, 200 „ Elizabeth, 194 „ John, 176 „ Marmaduke, 89, 92, 200 „ Mauditt, 201 „ Thomas, 92, 121, 143, 201, 202, 211, 213 Dearden, George, 35 ,, John, 35 Deinford, Elizabeth, 136 De Grote (De Groote) Alice, 122 ,, Charlott, 206 ,, Isaac, 113, 122 „ John, 206 ,, Peter, 113 Denison, Edward, 191 Dennis (Denis) Andrew, 44 ,, Jane, 199 „ William, 44, 199 Denton, Elizabeth, 106, 181 „ Ellen, 200 „ John, 99 143, 201 „ Sarah, 88 ,, 'Thoma8,123 „ WilUam, 88, 93, 99, 106, 123, 201 Deparke, Henry, 177 232 LIVERPOOL REGISTERS (St. NICHOLAS). BaptismsMarriages Burials Derby (Darby, Darbe) Ann, 79 „ Edward, 79, 88 „ Elhn, 207 „ Henry, 88 „ John, 2, 140 „ Mary, 85, 208 ,, Rachel, 2 ,, Ralfe, 85 Dermitt, Edmund, 204 „ Frances, 204 Deye, Margaret, 142 Dicconson, see Dickinson Dice (Dyace) Margrey, 135 Dickinson (Dicconson, Dickeson) ,, Agnis, 139 ,, Ann, 146 „ Charies, 12, 66, 72, 81, 86, 102, 203 „ Ellin, 102, 203 ,, John, 5, 24, 189 ,, Margery, 33 „ Margaret, 66, 193 ,, Richard, 81, 86 „ Thomas, 6, 8, 12, 24, 33, 72, 181, 189 „ William, 146, 193 Dicks, Francis, 102 ,, Jonathan, 102" Dickson (Dixson) Anne, 168 „ Ellen, 154 ,, John., 198 „ Robert, 117, 209 „ William, 117, 154, 158, 209 Digby, John, 124 „ Martha, 124 Diggles (Digle, Dugles) „ Anne, 36, 78, 114, 160, 208 „ Charles, 68, 71, 84, 92, 95, 132, 134, 135, 136, 174, 180, 195, 197 „ Elizabeth, 71, 84, 180 „ Ellen, 68 ,, Hannah, 85, 191 „ Hugh, 9, 14, 31, 36, 44, 50, 78, 83, 91, 189, 207 ,, Jane, 180 „ John, 82, 85, 87, 93, 103, 114, 191, 192, 208 ,, Joshua, 40, 151 „ Kath., 16, 136 „ Margaret, 9, 87 „ Mary, 82, 113, 131, 192 „ Richard, 13, 14, 16, 40, 46, 83, 93, 113, 114, 126, 151, 163, 160, 174, 189, 195 „ Robert, 31 ,, Thomas, 91 „ Thurstan, 146 pp. 1-16—31-127 ¦ . „ 17-19-128-144 „ 20-30— 145-213 Dike (Dyckes) Ann, 138 „ Hugh, 142 Dingle, EUen, 176 Diston, Thomas, 161 Ditchfield (Dichfilde) Ann, 178 „ EUzabeth, 50, 147, 162 ,, Ephi-aun, 45, 156 ,, Jane, 33,. 141 „ John, 14, 15, 34, 42, 147, 149 ,, Joseph, 15 „ Thomas, 14, 33, 42, 45, 50, 57, 64, 147, 156, 162 „ WilUam, 64 Ditton, Ellen, 113 „ John, 113 Dixson^ see Dickson Dobb (Dob) Alice, 160, 165 „ Edward, 40, 57, 155, 160, 165 „ EUne, 67 „ EUzaibeth, 155 ,, Jane, 169 „ Mary, 165 ,, Richard, 169 ,, Robert, 40 ,, Scisley, 155 Dobbin, Catherine, 170 ,, James, 170 Doibson, An, 80 „ Edward, 161 „ Thomas, 80 Dochill, 'Thomas, 90 „ WiUiam, 90 Dochson, Dority, 17 Dod, Thomas, 80 Dodson (Dodgson) Dorathy, 39, 144 „ Ehzabeth, 43, 172 ,, Jane, 48 „ John, 35, 39, 43, 48, 116, 172 ,, Katherin, 143 ,, Peter, 35, 115 Doland, Daniel, 105 ,, Lawrence, 106 Don, John, 111 Done (Doane, Downe) Anne, 10, 25 „ Dorithy, 27 „ EUzabeth, 210 „ George, 162 ,, Richard, 162 ,, Samuel, 210 „ WilUam, 10, 11, 25, 27, 28 Donell, Andrew, 86 ,, James, 86 Dorning, Elizabeth, 10 „ Margaret, 10, 26 ,, Thomas, 10, 19, 26 Douglas, Thomas, 148 INDEX OF NAMES. 233 Baptisms MarriagesBurials . Downes, see also Done, „ Mary, 187 „ Sarah, 130 Dredge (Dridge) Benjamin, 92 „ John, 92, 101, 114, 126, 197 „ Rebecca, 101 „ Thomas, 126 Drew, John, 175 Drury, Alexander, 71, 76, 81, 187, 194 „ Elizabeth, 81 „ Katherin, 76, 187 „ Mary, 71 „ Robert, 81 Duck (Ducke) John, 58 „ Magdelin, 58 ,, Nicolas, 191 Ducker, Ralph, 176 Ducksbury (Duxbery, Doksburey) „ Elim, 61, 138, 168 ,, Jane, 186 ,, James, 109 „ Thomas, 67 , WilUam, 61, 67, 92, 109, 168, 186 Dudel, Mary, 133 Dudgall, see Dugdale Dudley, Catherine, 91 „ Ehzabeth, 109 ,, Jane, 96 ,, John, 194 „ Robert, 109 ,, Sarah, 141 „ Thomas, 91, 96, 101, 133, 135, 194, 201 Dudlowe, Jane, 204 „ Sarah, 204 Dugdale (Dugdell, Dudgall) „ Charies, 62 „ Elizabeth, 62, 116, 209 „ John, 43, il6, 140, 209 ,, Richard, 77 „ Samuell, 197 „ Thomas, 43, 52, 62, 77, 114, 141, 207 „ William, 62 Dugles, see Diggles Duke, Jane, 49 „ John, 41, 49, 76, 184, 206 „ Mary, 41, 139 „ Thomas, 76, 148, 184 Dunbabin (Dunbavin, Dumbabin) „ Elizabeth, 104 ,, Jonathan, 104 ,, Josias, IS^ „ Nathaniel, 197 pp. 1-16—31-127 17-19—128-144 20-30—145-213 Dunn (Dun) Cathrine, 71 ,, Jane, 77 ,; John, 71, 77, 82, 89, 118, 189 „ Thomas, 82, 89, 189 „ William, 118 Dunster, Elizabeth, 132 Durlaoh, Frances, 116 ,, Mary, 116 Durlidge, Francis, 138 Durnall, Richard, 122 „ Mary, 122 Dutton, Martha, 138 Duxbery, see Ducksbui-y Dyace (Dice) Margrey, 135 Dyckes, see Dike B Eaele (Earl) Einer, 204 „ John, 108, 137, 204, 207 „ Thomas, 108, 207 Ejistwick, Jane, 171 „ John, 171 Eaton (Eatton) Alice, 101 „ Ann, 83, 190 „ Charies, 110, 135 ,, Cristiooi, 89 „ Edward, 78 „ Jasper, 91, 110, 191, 199 ,, Johaimah, 199 „ John, 65, 94, 118, 191, 205, 212 ,, J.oeeph, 89, 94, 100, 101, 106, 110, 118, 125, 135, 138, 139, 200, 203, 205, 212 „ Martha, 89 ,, Mary, 91 ,, Owen, 94 „ Peter, 78, 83, 89, 94, 101, 120, 190 „ Sarah, 101 „ William, 120, 125 Eceles (Ecouss, Eccus, Eoohoes, Accles, Ecckels, Eckles) „ Anne, 6, 75, 146, 208 ,, Edward, 6, 27, 187 „ EUzaJbeth, 25, 135, 208 „ Henry, 152 ,, Jane, 36 „ Katherin, 42, 152 ,, Lawrence, 170 ,, OVCary, 36 „ Peter, 32, 194 „ Roibert, 11, 28, 29, 75, 146, 194, 208 „ Thomas, 35, 42, 46, 152 ,, Victoria, 205 2 34 LIVERPOOL REGISTERS (St. NICHOLAS). Baptisms . . ¦ ¦ Marriages . ¦ ¦ Burials Eceles — Continued. „ WUliam, 11, 25, 27, 29, 32, 36, 186 ,, Zakerias, 46 Eccleston (AccUston) Anne, 19 ,, Ellen, 157 „ Jane, 18, 50, 162 „ John, 12, 29, 32 ,, Katherin, 45 ,, Margaret, 149 „ Raph, 12, 29 „ Richard, 21, 32, 45, 50, 160, 162 „ Robert, 124 ,, Susan, 124, 133 ,, Susanna, 137 ,, Thomas, 157 „ WUliam, 25, 27, 147 Eckerson (Ecckerson) „ Alexander, 121, 140 ,, WilUam, 121 Eddison, Christopher, 111 ,, Esther, 111 Edge, Jane, 129 „ John, 36, 152 „ Richard, 36, 40, 49, 152, 158 „ Mary, 49 Edgecar (Egiecar) „ John, 46, 129, 1-52, 167, 160 ,, Margaret, 46, 167 ,, Susan, 160 Edgerton, Ralph, 202 Edmonson, Ellen, 138 ,, John, 138 Edward (Edwards) Ann, 199 ,, David, 124 „ EUzabeth, 9, 114 ,, Jer., 124 „ Judith, 200 „ Pasky, 174 ,, Richard, 169 „ Robert, 6, 9, 17, 123, 137 „ Samuel, 114, 124, 139 „ Thomas, 6, 123, 124, 199 „ WUUam, 27 Edwardson, Abel, 65 „ Hem-y, 32, 49, 148, 158 „ Jacob, 34, 148 ,, Jane, 186 „ Mary, 51, 153 ,, Richard, 42 „ Thomas, 32, 34, 38, 42, 49, 51, 55, 83, 130, 148, 153, 158, 186, 190 „ William, 83 EUam, Mary, 139 pp. 1-16—31-127 ,, 17-19—128-144 ,, 20-30—145-213 ElUs, Ezekell, 105 „ Hannah, 202 ,, Richard, 105 Ellison (Ellinsone, Ellenson) „ Edward, 72 „ Elm, 196 „ Henry, 183 ,, Jane, 99, 132 ,, John, 83 „ Mary, 91 ,, Thomas, 99 „ WilUam, 72, 83, 91, 183 Ellwood, Margaret, 174 „ Mary, 174 ,, Nathaniel, 174 Emery, EUzabeth, 34 „ Mary, 37 „ Roibert, 34, 37 Endsworth, John, 119 ,, 'Thomas, 119 England, Elizabeth, 7 ,, Izabell, 11 „ Mary, 4 „ Robert, 4, 7, 11 Entwisle (Antwisle) Bertie, 51, 168 ,, Dorathy, 61, 168 Erby, EUzabeth, 44 ,, John, 3, 5, 56 „ Martha, 53, 160 „ Mary, 48, 164 „ Peter, 17 ,, Richard, 5, 147 „ William, 44, 48, 53, 56, 147, 154, 160,208 Erlum (Erloum) James, 8 „ John, 5, 8, 28 Peter 5 Ervie, Elizabeth, 19 Evans (Evns, Evines, Ivens, Even, Evens, Ivins) „ Elizabeth, 204 ,, George, 204= „ IsabeU, 200 „ John, 59, 70, 185 „ Margaret, 59 ,, Mary, 75, 200 ,, Richard, 66 „ Robert, 14, 66, 70, 75, 185, 204 „ WilUam, 14 Evenson, Isack, 93 ,, James, 138 „ John, 93 Everard, Alice, 190 ,, James, 60, 119 ,, John, 119 INDEX OF NAMES. 235 BaptismsMarriages Burials Everard — Continued. „ WiUiam, 144 Everett (Everitt) Anne, 15 ,, Daniel, 21 „ Edward, 26 „ EUne, 29 „ Elizabeth, 56, 61, 109, 165, 174, 184 „ James, 41, 46, 56, 61, 67, 109, 165, 174, 184 „ John, 15, 29, 67, 158, 162 ,, Richard, 2!1 „ WilUam, 41, 142 Eveson, James, 116 „ Richard, 116 Eyes, James, 109, 205 „ John, 109, 205 F Fagg, John, 176 Faire, George, 121 ,, John, 121 Fairherst (Fairehurat) „ Charles, 6, 9, 25 „ Elizabeth, 196 ,, Joihn, 50 ,, Margaret, 6 ,, Oliver, 25 „ Richard, 196 ,, Susanna, 9 „ William, 25, 50, 160 Fargeson, John, 91 ,, Susanna, 91 Farrar (Farrow, Faror, Pharrow) ,, Alice, 31 „ Anne, 41, 48, 95, 127, 159 ,, Hannah, 54 ,, Jacob, 136 ,, James, 127 „ John, 35, 95, 107, 194 „ Ma., 144 ,, Martha, 194 „ Mary, 107 „ Robert, 31, 35, 41, 48, 54, 62, 71, 127, 152, 169, 188, 190 „ WiUiam, 62 Fartclought, Samuel, 152 Faulkener (Falkener) EHzabeth, 171 „ Isabell, 34 „ John, 34, 128 ,, Richard, 171 Fawcett, Thomas, 176 Fazakerley, Alice, 129 ,, Anne, 7, 25 „ Edward, 148 pp. 1-16—31-127 „ 17-19—128-144 „ 2O-SO—I45-213 Fazakerley — Continued. „ EUin, 180 „ Henry, 180 „ Samuel, 7, 9, 25, 26, 128, 148, 150 ,, Sarah, 26 Feai-ne (Fame, Ferne) Ann, 205 „ Edward, 81, 141, 188, 205 „ EUzabeth, 81, 188 Fells (Felles) Catherine, 74 ,, Dorothy, 74, 190 „ EUzabeth, 67, 72, 174 „ Ellin, 173, 185 „ I&ther, 171 „ George, 66, 72, 80, 173, 201 „ James, 142 „ John, 67, 70, 84, 89, 100, 121, 143, 174, 190, 201, 211 ,, Lowrans, 70 „ Margaret, 66 „ Thomas, 84, 190 „ Wilham, 100, 137 Felps, seePhelps Fenny, John, 144 Ferguson, Barbei-y, 114 ,, John, 114 Feris, Geoi-ge, 79 ,, Jane, 79 Fewler, see Fuler Ficharton, Henry, 69 ,, Mary, 69 Fielder, Thomas, 176 Fillipes, see Phillips Fmoh, Edward, 120, 212 „ EUzabeth, 120 ,, Jane, 141 ,, John, 17 „ Mary, 120, 212 Finion, Anne, 101 ,, Thomas, 101 Finkes, Leonard, 27 Finley, John, 34 „ Mary, 34 ,, Richard, 145 Finlow, Andi-ew, 176 Fisher, Bridget, 35 „ Ellen, 133 „ Jane, 42, 160 ,, James, 46, 48 „ John, 32, 35, 38, 42, 48, 90, 129,, 160 ,, Joseph, 32 „ Josh., 33, 35, 37, 146, 199 ,, Margery, 115 „ Mary, 46, 116 „ Ruth, 33, 136, 146 236 LIVERPOOL REGISTERS (St. NICHOLAS). Baptisms Marriages Burials Fisher — Continued. ,, Symon, 38 ,, Thomas, 35, 181 „ WilUam, 90 Fitteley, Jane, 178 Fitzrandall, Alice, 170 „ Archiball, 170 Fleeteroft, see Flitteraft Fleetwood, Ahce, 126, 133 ,, Anne, 38 „ Bryon, 209 „ Christopher, 35, 41, 182 ,, Deborah, 32 „ Dorothy, 190 „ Elizabeth, 101, 211 „ Hannah, 41, 182 ,, Henry, 91 ,, Jane, 15, 31 „ James, 47, 49, 91, 96, 104, 117, 126, 127, 144, 154, 157, 200 „ John, 34, 42, 106, 115, 138, 146, 188 ,, Joseph, 101, 211 ,, Margaret, 209 „ Mary, 40, 96, 104, 146, 154, 157, 200 „ Richard, 38, 42, 47, 51, 157, 188 „ Robert, 5, 31, 34, 40, 49, 106, 115, 117, 145, 146, 154, 157, 206 ,, Sarah, 13, 14 ,, Scisley, 157 „ William, 13, 14, 15, 32, 35, 151 Flement, Richard, 197 Fleming, John, 127 „ WiUiam, 127 Fleteher (Flecher) AlUs, 4, 140 „ Anne, 11 „ Dorithy, 15, 22, 188 „ Ehzabeth, 84, 189, 199 „ Ellin, 122, 134 „ Henry, 70 ,, Jane, 88 „ James, 6, 8, 11, 13, 15, 25, 146 „ John, 8, 25, 52, 74, 144, 171, 186, 189, 199 ,, Margaret, 13, 171 „ Robert, 79, 99, 199 ,, Susanna, 99 „ Thomas, 4, 17, 22, 96, 122 „ William, 6, 52, 65, 70, 74, 79, 84, 88, 92, 96, 132, 186, 199 Flittci-ait (Fleetcroft) Ann, 120 „ Barbery, 20 pp. 1-16—31-127 „ 17-19—128-144 . „ 20-30—145-213 Flitteraft — Continued. „ Edward, 3, 20, 42, 45, 49 ,, Elizabeth, 45 ,, George, 3 ,, Jane, 42 Floud, Humphry, 131 Flower, Mary, 168 ,, Thomas, 192 „ Thristram, 172 Floyd, Elizabeth, 188 „ John, 188 „ Robert, 89 ,, Thomas, 89 Fogg (Fogge) Henry, 121, 141 ,, John, 2, 121 ,, Timothy, 2 FoUer, Margery, 17 Forber, Deborah, 23 ,, Dority, 29 ,, EUzabeth, 6 ,, John, 35 ,, Thomas, 9 „ WilUam, 6, 9, 23, 29 Fond, George, 176 Formby, Alice, 54, 141 ,, Anne, 12, 25 ,, Catherine, 88 ,, Edward, 2, 21 „ EUzabeth, 130, 136 „ Gilbert, 8, 25, 48, 54, 62, 71, 79, 88, 130, 133, 155, 194 ,, Gregory, 2, 62 ,, Hannah, 199 ,, John, 12, 199 ,, Margery, 168 „ Margaret, 28, 48, 190 ,, Mary, 128 „ Nich., 212 „ Richard, 4, 8, 12, 47, 71, 79, 163, 194, 212 „ Widow, 190 „ WiUiam, 4, 27, 178 Foster (Fauster) Alice, 131 ,, Elizabeth, 23, 121 „ Francis, 23, 170 ,, Isaac, 139 ,, Jane, 54 ,, James, 140, „ John, 172 ,, Margaret, 169 ,, Mary, 91 ,, Robert, 54 „ Roger, 172 „ Thomas, 91, 104, 121 Fountain, William, 198 INDEX OF NAMES. 237 Baptisms Marriages Burials Fowler, Francis, 78 „ John, 175 „ Richard, 172 „ William, 78 Fox, Robei-t, 197 Foxcroft, Edward, 196 France, James, 86 „ John, 80, 86, 114 ,, Sarah, 114 „ Thomas, 80 Frances (Francis, Frences) James, 87 „ John, 74, 79, 87, 111, 120, 201, 202 ,, Margaret, 202 „ Mary, 74 „ Philip, 111 ,, Rosamond, 79 Francklin, Richard, 184 „ Thomas, 191 French (Frenefh) Ja., 122 „ John, 69, 99 „ Mairgaret, 99 „ Mary, 211 „ Robert, 69 „ Thomas, 122, 211 Frith, Margaret, 123 „ Thomas, 113, 128, 140 „ Wilham, 113 Frizell, Samuel, 65 Pi-ost, Gfeorge, 66 „ WUliam, 66 Fi-y (Frey) Edward, 8, 24 ,, George, 18, 25 ,, James, 24 Fuler (Fewler, Fulor) Francis, 186 ,, Sam, 118 ,, Thomas, 85 „ WilUam, 85, 100, 118, 186 Fuller, John, 92 „ WilUam, 92 Furnivall (Fomifall) Edith, 73, 198 „ Elizabeth, 84 ,, John, 94 ,, Peter, 102 „ William, 73, 80, 84, 94, 102, 191, 198 G Gabbot, Anne, 140 Gabonds, Gabrall, 68 ,, Herman, 68 Gackson, see Jackson, Gafney, Amy, 79 „ Anne, 84, 191 „ Edward, 79, 84, 191 pp. 1-16—31-127 „ 17-19—128-144 „ 20-30—145-213 Gage, Alice, 74 Galey, see Gaily Gallimore, Anne, 175 Gallop, Andrew, 66 ,, Robert, 66 Galloway (Gallowee, Gallway) ,, Anne, 82 ,, Christopher, 3, 27, 51 „ Elizabeth, 27, 77 „ Ellen, 35, 170, 178 „ Jane, 31, 46, 138 ,, John, 59, 166 „ Mary, 62 „ Mathew, 59, 166 „ Randall, 44, 46, 51, 59, 62, 68, 77, 82, 152, 166, 180 ,, Richai-d, 7, 23, 24 „ Thomas, 3, 7, 23, 24, 27, 31, 35, 44, 152, 170, 178, 179 GaUy (Galley, Galey) EUzabeth, 91 ,, Jane, 56, 133, 152 ,, James, 146, 212 „ John, 53, 65, 60, 62, 115, 169 ,, Mary, 33, 63 ,, Mathias, 16, 145 „ Pasky, 174 „ Richard, 56, 63, 74, 91, 102, 115, 140, 212 ,, Samuel, 74 „ Thomas, 53, 102, 212 „ WilUam, 16, 33, 60, 145, 146, 151 Gamond (Gayman, Gammon, Gamon) ,, Hannah, 74, 205 ,, Henry, 52 „ John, 41, 46, 52, 56, 62, 68, 74, 86, 153, 159, 205, 210 „ Richard, 86 ,, Samuel, 62 „ Thomas, 41, 56, 169, 210 ,, Timothy, 68, 161 Gandey, Susannah, 136 Garard, see Gerrard Gardenor (Gardner) Ann, 54, 170 „ EUzabeth, 184 „ Isabel, 143 ,, James, 124 „ Jo, 124 „ Joto, 142, 183 „ Nicolas, 203 ,, OUver, 61 „ Richard, 50, 54, 67, 76, 170, 171, 183, 198, 203 ,, Thomas, 45, 61, 76 „ WilUam, 45 238 LIVERPOOL REGISTERS (St. NICHOLAS). Baptisms .... Marriages Burials Gamer, Darcus, 22 ,, Elizabeth, 1 ,, John, 60, 83, 189 ,, Katherine, 20 ,, Margaret, 207 ,, Nicolas, 86 ,, Richard, 60, 72, 77, 83, 86, 189 „ Thomas, 77 „ WilUam, 1, 20, 22, 72 Garrett (Garat) Ann, 95 „ EUzabeth, 7 „ Even, 7 ,, Mer-tha, 17 „ 'Thomas, 95, 163 Garth, Avery, 6 ,, Richard, 6 GaskeU, Ann, 144 Gaskin, James, 193 Gathorne, Edward, 149 „ John, 149 Gaulter (Gaiter) John, 101, 162 ,, Thomas, 162 „ Wilham, 101, 210 Gawther (Gawthai-t, Gortor) Ann, 57 ,, Anthony, 43 „ Elizabeth, 65, 175 „ John, 48, 52, 167 ,, Thomas, 39, 43, 48, 52, 57, 65, 110, 157, 175 „ WiUiam, 39, 110 Gayman, see Gamond Geast, John, 98 ,, Margaret, 98 Gee (Jee) Ann, 94 ,, Catherine, 200 „ Edmund, 126 ,, Edward, 114 „ EUm, 126 ,, Jane, 142 ,, John, 89, 195 „ Thomas, 84, 114 „ William, 84, 89, 94, 195, 200 Gelasby (Callasbey) George, 84, 199 ,, 'Thomas, 84 Genkinson, see Jenkinson Geps, see Jeffs Gen-ai-d (Gai-ard) Abigal, 53, 172 ,, EUzabeth, 45, 157 „ Even, 160 „ Grace, 133 „ Jane, 147, 160 ,, James, 157, J.58 „ Jonathan, 134 „ Margaret, 88 ,, Obeiheuce, 158 „ Ouin, 179 pp. 1-16—31-127 „ 17-19-128-144 . . „ 20-30—145-213 G errard— Contmued. ,, Samuel, 189 ,, Sarah, 49 „ Thomas, 45, 49, 53, 88, 128, 189 Gibbons (Gibbins, Gibens) Alice, 120 „ An, 90 ,, Cassandra, 114 „ Edwai-d, 94 ,, Elizabeth, 136 ,, Frances, 106, 203 ,, Gravill, 81 „ Hugh, 81, 87, 96, 106, 120, 180 „ James, 90, 94, 106, 114, 203 „ John, 180 „ Joseph, 87 „ Mary, 106 ,, Robei-t, 67 Gibson, Dan, 125 „ EUzabeth, 64 ,, Jeffrey, 64 ,, John, 114 ,, Mathies, 114 Gilberthropp, Margaret, 21 Gilchrist (Gildcrist, Gillgrist) ,, Anne, 45, 154 ,, Elen, 60 „ John, 45, 62, 60, 154, 180 ,, Lawrence, 52 ,, Susana, 180 Gildus (Gildoes, Guildhouse) ,, Johanagh, 181 „ John, 10, 94, 105 „ Martha, 7, 13, 27 „ Mary, 105 „ Nehemiah, 34, 109 „ Samuel, 15, 109 „ Thomas, 7, 10, 13, 15, 27, 34, 51, 94, 169, 162 GOes (Gyles) Deborah, 167 ,, Francis, 176 ,, Rober-t, 167 GiU (Gille, Gilles) Edward, 121, 141 „ Elizabeth, 12, 142 „ Henry, 121 „ John, 13 „ Martha, 197 „ Richard, 12, 13, 15, 163 „ Robert, 197 „ Thomas, 163 „ William, 15 Glave (Gleave) Anne, 134 „ Ellen, 142 ,, John, 4, 63, 169 „ Jonathan, 10, 23, 32, 155 „ Mathew, 10 INDEX OF NAMES. 239 Baptisms Marriages .... Burials .... Glave— Continued. ,, Nancy, 24 „ Nathan, 4, 24, 25 „ Robert, 63, 169 „ Samuel, 23, 32 Gleast (Glest) Christopher, 88 „ Edward, 94 ,, Jane, 80 „ James, 80, 85, 88, 94, 103, 111, 120, 192, 208 „ Ralph, 85, 192 „ Redman, 111 „ Valentine, 120 Gleave, see Glave Glegg, Dorothy, 66, 173 ,, Katherine, 169 ,, Martha, 177 „ William, 66, 169, 173, 177 Glover, Ales, 166 „ Anne, 17, 117 „ Dorithy, 6, 24 „ Elizabeth, 89, 147 ,, Emanuel, 58 ,, Frances, 79 „ George, 6, 9, 20, 24, 25, 102 „ Henry, 141 „ Jane, 66, 116, 182 „ James, 74, 146 „ John, 14, 28, 32, 46, 102, 140 ,, Lydia, 32 „ Mai-garet, 9, 25, 50, 74, 162 „ Mary, 20, 144 ,, Rachael, 125 „ Roger, 64, 176 „ Robert, 68, 66, 182 „ Samuel, 74, 79, 89, 99, 117, 204 „ Sara, 132 „ Susanna, 99, 128, 204 „ Tabitha, 46, 140 „ Thomas, 3, 14, 68, 103, 116, 136, 143, 147 „ William, 3, 50, 59, 64, 68, 74, 80, 103, 125, 130, 144, 162, 176, 190 Goare, see Goore Goatom, John, 176 Gobemi, Aioe, 178 Goibson, see Jobson Godwin (Goodin) Alexander, 199 „ Mary, 108 ,, Penelope, 126 „ Richard, 108, 125, 199 Gold, Mr., 213 Golding, see Goulding Goldsmith, Samuel, 64, 174 Goodioor, Robert, 143 . . pp. 1-16—31-127 . . „ 17-19—128-144 . . „ 20-30—145-213 Goodin, see Godwin Goodman, Christopher, 195 Goore (Gore, Goare, Goure) AUce, 162 ,, Jane, 61, 203 „ James, 43, 188, 209 ,, Jennet, 209 „ John, 3, 21, 92, 145, 209 ,, Margery, 166 „ Margaret, 162, 166 „ Mary, 67, 213 „ Robert, 149, 157 „ Ruth, 195 „ WiUiam, 3, 21, 61, 67 Gordin (Gording, Gourden) Henry, 65 „ James, 59, 65, 70, 131 ,, Jenat, 70 ,, Sara, 59 Gorsteth, Sarah, 77 „ William, 77 Gorsuch (Gorsich, Gor-sutch) ,, AUce, 143 ,, Catherine, 66, 87, 174 ,, Elizabeth, 45, 74 „ George, 87 ,, Henr-y, 59, 166 „ Jane, 38, 153 ,, James, 61 „ John, 34, 77 „ Margaret, 51, 162 „ Mary, 46, 49, 158 „ Richard, 61, 59, 74, 162, 166 „ Robert, 12, 38, 77, 83 „ Roger, 12, 31, 38, 34, 46, 57, 152, 153, 158 „ Sarah, 83 ,, Thomas, 31 „ WiUiam, 45, 49, 57, 61, 66, 166, 174, 182, 188 Gorton, Elizabeth, 76, 206 „ John, 66, 174 „ Mathew, 66, 70, 76, 174, 205 Gortor, see Gawther Gostige, John, 180 „ Robert, 132 „ Roger, 180 „ William, 72 Goulding (Goolding, Golding, Golden) ,, Elizabeth, 65 ,, George, 81 „ James, 52, 57, 65, 81, 168 „ John, 158, 177 ,, Margaret, 62 „ Thomas, 177 Gourden, see Gordin 240 LIVERPOOL REGISTERS (St. NICHOLAS). Baptisms MarriagesBurials pp. 1-16—31-127 17-19-128-144 20-30-145-213 Goy, Saray, 208 „ Widow, 208 Granger-, EUzabeth, 18 „ Johuj 176 ,, Margaret, 146 ,, Rebecka, 25 Grason (Greson) David, 141 „ Gilbert, 191 Gray, .... 141 Greaton (Greton) Elizabeth, 2, 65 „ Jane, 8, 26 „ John, 61, 65, 76 „ WilUam, 2, 4, 8, 25, 26, 61 Green (Grene) Alexander, 51 ,, Anne, 128 „ Charies, 47, 51, 129, 165 „ Edward, 39, 42, 44, 167, 186 „ Elmor, 131 „ Elizabeth, 129 „ Giles, 68, 165, 184 ,, Hannah, 47 ,, Isaac, 39 „ John, 17, 144 „ Katherine, 42, 186 ,, Margaret, 133 ,, Martha, 134 ,, Mary, 144 „ Thomas, 58, 144, 184 Greenfield, Mary, 144 Greenwood, Elizabeth, 192 ,, James, 66, 106, 203 „ John, 82, 92, 105, 116, 203, 213 „ Mary, 82, 213 ,, Richard, 116 „ Robert, 66 ,, Stephen, 142 Gregoi-y, Benjamin, 177 „ Elizabeth, 103 ,, James, 103, 116, 137 Gregson, AUce, 137 ,, Elice, 124 ,, Henry, 9, 29 „ John, 111, 124, 140 ,, Richard, 111 „ 'Thomas, 9, 29 Greson, see Grason Grice, Catherine, 123 ,, James, 104, 123 „ WilUam, 104 Griffith (Griffey) Alice, 163 „ Charles, 104, 203 ,, Dionisious, 139 „ George, 100, 194 „ John, 2, 26, 100, 198, 205 „ Margaret, 192, 205 „ Rebeeah, 132 Griffith — Continued. „ Redriffe, 177 „ Richard, 2 „ Sarah, 210 ,, Thomas, 192 Grimsditeh, Robert, 138 Grintei- Symon, 145 Grish, Denis, 106 ,, Margery, 106 Groote, see De Groote Grundy, Mary, 189 „ Richard, 132 Guest, John, 205 ,, Mary, 212 „ Sarah, 212 Guildhouse, see Gildus Gunston, Richard, 129, 162, 190 Guy (Guye) Alice, 125, 144 ,, Barnett, 125 ,, Margaret, 66 „ Mary, 177 „ Peter, 66, 177, 208 Guybon, Hugh, 76, 183 ,, Katherine, 76, 183 Guyle, Henry, 154 ,, John, 46, 154 „ Thomas, 46, 154 Gwither, Henry, 173 H Hacking (Hackings) Elizabeth, 46 ,, James, 46, 166 Haddock, Margaret, 193 Hadshaw, see Adshaw Hadwin, James, 112, 213 „ John, 112, 213 Haines, Edwai-d, 173 Hairfoote (Haireford, Hareford, Harefoot, Heai-foote, Hearford) „ Ann, 19, 197 „ EUzabeth, 62, 59, 161, 170 „ Evan, 51, 174 ,, Hana, 121 ,, Jane, 142 ,, John, 66 ,, Joseph, 51, 121, 141 ,, Katherine, 47, 195 ,, Peter, 38 „ Thomas, 38, 42, 47, 52, 59, 66, 161, 170, 195, 197 Hale (HaUe, Hayle) Elizabeth, 55 ,, Henry, 61 ,, John, 140 ,, Nathaniel, 55, 61 INDEX OF NAMES. 241 Baptisms Marriages Burials Halethorn, CarfJierine, 136 Hall, David, 9, 146 „ Elizabeth, 177 ,, George, 213 ,, Jane, 136 ,, Joane, 128 ,, John, 144 „ Lydia, 138 ,, Margaret, 149 „ Robert, 149, 156 ,, Samuel, 9 HalUday (Holyday) Robeit, 113, 210 „ Thomas, 113, 136, 210 Halsall (H!alsoe, Holsall, Holsoe) ,, Alixander, 58 „ Allis, 17 ,, Deborah, 31 „ Edward, 15, 32, 34, 44, 84, 146, 156, 171, 196 „ Elizabeth, 3, 22, 100, 203 „ EUm, 171 „ Gerrard, 124, 206 „ Henry, 44, 124 „ Jane, 34, 146, 206 ,, James, 118 ,, Jeny, 159 „ John, 117, 156, 213 ,, Julian, 65 „ Margery, 15 ,, Margaret, 66 ,, Raph, 145 „ Richard, 65, 100, 118, 203 „ Robert, 31, 58, 149 ,, Sabath, 65 „ Sarah, 202 ,, Susanna, 58 „ William, 3, 22, 32, 117, 159, 169, 202,213 Halste, Richard, 122 „ Thomas, 122 Halsted, John, 128 Hambleton, Andrew, 171 „ Aime, 171 ,, David, 67, 176 „ WilUam, 67, 176 Hamer (Hamai-) Ann, 110, 206 „ James, 111, 123, 141, 213 „ John, 110, 118, 135, 205 „ Mary, 118 ,, Sam, 111 Hamlett, John, 198 „ Thomas, 198 Hammerston (Hamerton) Jane, 123 „ John, 123, 136 Hamond, Elizaibeth, 95 ,, John, 95 „ Thomas, 138 pp. 1-16—31-127 „ 17-19-128-144 „ 20-30— 145-213 Hancocke, John, 20 „ Thomas, 20, 165 Hand, Jane, 134 Hankshaw, Ann, 144 Harder, Henry, 38, 46 ,, John, 46 ,, Margaret, 38 Harding, Elis, 164 Hardman (Herdman) Anne, 25 „ Elizabeth, 8 „ Henry, 8, 12, 146, 307 „ Katherine, 12, 207 ,, Margaret, 138 „ Nickolas, 160 ,, Richard, 11 ,, Robert, 25 ,, Sarah, 145 „ William, 8, 11 Hardnies, see Hardy Hardwick, Henry, 136 Hardy (Hardnies) Arthur, 65 „ Henry, 121, 134 Harefoot, see Hairfoote .Harinson, see Harrison Hai-ker, Henry, 68, 207 ,, James, 68 „ Margaret, 207 Harley, William. 195 Har-per (Harpur) Alice, 38, 160 ,, Anne, 45, 68, 155 „ Elizabeth, 197 „ Ellen, 152 „ Henry, 59, 184 ,, Jane, 193 „ James, 38, 152, 167 ,, Jennet, 87 ,, John, 41, 115 ,, Margery, 63 ,, Margaret, 144 ,, Richard, 103, 115 .,, Thomas, 41, 45, 53, 59, 68, 87, 156, 184, 193, 197, 198 Harraaimith, see Arrowsmith Harris (Harries) Anne, 34 „ Gladdis, 33 „ John, 4, 12, 33, 34, 128, 147 „ WilUam, 4, 12, 147 Harrison (Harinson, Haryson) „ Alice, 39, 78, 187 „ Anne, 57, 58, 108, 126, 142, 188, 211 ,, Daniel, 169 „ Bdward, 122, 161, 179, 211 „ EUzabeth, 7, 44, 161, 187 „ Ellin, 65 „ EUmor, 53, 160 ,, George, 173 R 242 LIVERPOOL REGISTERS (St. NICHOLAS). Baptisms PP- 1-16—31-127 Marriages „ 17-19—128-144 Burials „ 20-30—145-213 Harrison — Continued. „ Gilbert, 50, 61 ,, Hannah, 106, 167 ,, Humphrey, 173 ,, Isaac, 212 „ Isabella, 198 „ Jeremiah, 78, 85, 91, 108, 132, 180 „ John, 20, 44, 47, 50, 53, 57, 58, 61, 62, 65, 69, 70, 156, 160, 161, 167, 181, 185, 187, 192 ,, Katherhie, 17, 85 ,, Lawrence, 85, 93, 97, 106, 122, 211 ,, Margery, 11, '26, 47, 156 ,, Margaret, 134 ,, Mary, 63, 61, 63, 161, 172 „ Peter, 78, 180 ,, Philip, 7, 11, 26, 32, 39, 87, 147 „ Rober-t, 93 „ Roger, 23 „ Richard, 32, 61, 62, 70, 73, 91, 126, 147, 167, 185 ,, Sisley, 24 ,, Susanna, 65, 171 „ Thomas, 69, 73, 78, 83, 87, 97, 131, 142, 157, 161, 179, 187, 211 „ William, 20, 56, 63, 157, 171, 172 Harrocks (Hoi-rocks) Clare, 21 ,, Mar-gery, 168 ,, Margaret, 128, 129 Hart (Heart) „ Henry, 86, 92, 97, 109, 202, 213 „ John, 92, 202 ,, Katherine, 97 ,, Margaret, 86 „ Ruth, 109, 213 Hartly (Hartley) James, 134 ,, John, 125 ,, Margaret, 123 ,, Thomas, 123 ,, Victoria, 125 Hartlife, see also Heatliffe, ,, Elizabeth, 69 ,, James, 69 Har-vey (Hei-vey, Hearvey, Harvy) ,, Irasmus, 9, 14, 17 ,, Jane, 14 ,, Johanah, 134 „ Mary, 9, 165 ,, Robert, 21 „ Thomas, 26, 174 Haseldine, Raph, 150 „ Thomas, 26 Haslom (Haslome) EUzabeth, 32 „ John, 16, 32, 158 „ Thomas, 15, 158 Hateley, Mary, 208 Hatton (Hatten) Alice, 87, 186 „ John, 40, 94 „ Nicholas, 87, 94, 134, 186 Hayes (Heyes, Heys, Hey, Heayes) „ Ales, 169 ,, Alexander, 5, 22 „ Ann, 3 ,, Charles, 8, 86, 194 „ Edward, 29, 33, 36, 44, 90, 93, 154, 179 „ Elizabeth, 42, 179 „ ElUn, 143 ,, Frances, 111 „ Henry, 100, 109, 116, 205, 206 ,, Jacob, 48 ,, Jane, 111 ,, James, 5, 8, 22, 44, 48, 144 „ John, 3, 5, 23, 27, 54, 77, 90, 131, 164 ,, Joseph, 137 ,, Joshua, 95 ,, Katherine, 19 ,, Martha, 33 „ Mary, 46, 116, 151, 164 ,, Margaret, 86 „ Mathew, 5, 27, 53, 60, 61, 167 „ Nicolas, 161 „ Robert, 126 ,, Sarah, 29, 132 „ Thomas, 19, 33, 42, 46, 64, 61, 77, 90, 95, 126, 151, 201 ,, WUUam, 36, 63, 60,90, 93, 100, 130, 132, 154, 167, 205 Hayle, see Hale Hayward, see Heywood Heads, Thomas, 176 Heald, Margery, 27 Heaps, Thomas, 1^ Hearforde, see Hairfoote Heathcote, Elizabeth, 53 ,, John, 53 Heathy, Jane, 123 ,, Margaret, 123 Heatley, see Heatliffe Heatliffe (Heatley) see also Hartlife, ,, Edward, 43, 50 ,, Margery, 50 „ Margaret, 189 ,, Mary, 43 Hebron, Anne, 6 „ Mark, 6, 9, 22 „ Mary, 9, 22 INDEX OF NAMES. 343 Baptisms pp. 1-16—31-127 Marriages „ 17-19—128-144 Burials „ 20-30—145-213 Heendley, see Hinley Henley, Elizaheth, 6 ,, Jeremiah, 6 „ Mary, 75 „ Robert, 76 Henshall, see Henshaw Henshaw (Henshall, Henshew) „ David, 39, 53, 59, 68, 150, 192, 199 „ Edward, 62, 65, 72, 80, 91, 98, 133 „ Elizabeth, 39, 124, 150 „ ElUn, 62 „ Iseball, 192 ,, Jane, 135 „ John, 39, 65, 68, 83, 98, 119, 124, 160, 176, 210 ,, Joshua, 83 ,, Margery, 91 „ Mary, 53 „ Richard, 68, 73, 104, 132, 190, 203 ,, Robert, 72 „ Thomas, 68, 83, 98, 104, 119, 199, 203, 210 Heiibert, Mary, 131 Herdman, see Hardman Hermon, Colonel, 178 „ James, 178 ,, Margaret, 178 Hemes, Eales, 140 Herries, see Hirres Her-vey, see Harvey Hese (Hease) Anne, 164 „ Edward, 195 „ John, 164, 165, 195 „ Mathew, 164 ,, Thomas, 56, 165 „ WilUam, 164 Hesketh, Alexander, ,50, 79, 142, 180 ,, Catherine, 180 ,, Elm, 28 „ Gilbert, 144 ,, Jane, 138 ,, James, 79 „ John, 11, 13, 16, 34, 36, 38, 40, 148, 149 „ Margai-et, 34, 138 „ Mary, 13 ,, Robert, 40 „ Sidney, 11, 16, 38, 149 ,, Thomas, 60 Heuston (Hewstonn, Huston, Hughston, Houston) „ Ann, 101, 202 Heuston — Continued. David, 118 Elizabeth, 76, 194, 210 Frances, 93 George, 101, 118, 202 James, 179 John, 102, 208 Levinus, 72, 76, 82, 90, 93, 102, 132, 194, 205 Martha, 90, 194 Mrs., 208 WUUam, 72, 179 Hewerth, ElUn, 196 Hewett, John, 20 Hewood, see Heywood Heword, Mary, 89 „ WUliam, 89 Hews, see Hughes Heyes, see Hayes Heywood (Hewood, Haywood) ,, Jane, 150 „ John, 34, 153 „ Nathaniel, 136 ,, Robei't, 34 Hickcock, see .Hycock Higginson (Higison) Anne, 39, 165 ,, Catherine, 212 ,, Edmund, 56, 163 „ Elizabeth, 11, 18, 33, 59, 79, 131, 151 „ Ellen, 27 „ George, 58, 164, 206 „ HeniT, 7, 11, 24, 35, 39, 147, 151, 187 „ Isabella, 70 „ Jane, 43, 65, 89 „ John, 3, 4, 23, 27, 29, 32, 33, 79, 80, 91, 160, 162 „ Jonathan, 65, 70, 76, 82, 88, 91, 190, 212 „ Mai-tha, 147, 152 „ Mary, 70, 133 ,, Ralph, 79 ,. Richard, 4, 22, 51, 59, 70, 79, 82, 89, 202 „ Robert, 43, 51, 56, 163 ,, Samuel, 22 „ William, 3, 75, 80, 86, 150, 190 Higgson, Elizabeth, 185 „ Ralph, 185 Highfield (Hiefield) ,, Caleb, 35, 40, 46, 53. ,, John, 36 „ Mary, 40 ,, Richard, 63 244 LFVERPOOL REGISTERS (St. NICHOLAS). Baptisms PP- 1-16—31-127 Marriages . ¦ • „ 17-19—128-144 Burials „ 20-30—145-213 Highiton, Richard, 142 HiU, Ann, 67, 167 „ Elizabeth, 82, 151 „ John, 70, 82, 165 ,, Katherine, 21, 70 „ Mary, 28, 118, 143 „ Rober-t, 118 ,, Thomas, 140 ,, WUliam, 67 Hilliard (Hillyard, IlUard) „ Charies, 85, 136, 195 ,, Elizabeth, 96 „ EUen, 113, 195 ,, Henry, 89 „ Robert, 82, 89, 96, 113 ,, Sarah, 82 Hind (Hynde) David, 37 „ Raph, 37 ,, Thomas, 101 ,, WUUam, 101 Hinley (Hindley, Heendley, Heindley) „ Edmund, 187 „ EUne, 19 „ Elizabeth, 131 ,, James, 68 ,, Jeremiah, 10, 28 ,, John, 54 „ Nathaniel, 10, 28 „ Peter, 64 ,, Ralfe, 83 „ Robei-t, 68, 68 ,, Sara, 58 Hirres (Herries) Char-les, 8 ,, John, 8, 25 ,, WilUam, 25 Hitchin, John, 172 „ Richard, 173 HockenhuU (Hocknull) Ann, 137 „ George, 59, 168 „ John, 59, 168, 198 „ WiUiam, 198 Hodge, Anne, 48 „ Thomas, 48 Hodgkin (Hodgkins) Elrzabeth, 35 „ WilUam, 35, 148 Hodgkirrson, Hugh, 169 Hodson (Hodgson, Hougdson) „ Ann, 90, 213 „ Bridget, 121 ,, Charles, 64 „ Easter, 134 ,, Elizabeth, 108 „ Henry, 90, 96, 198, 213 ,, James, 46, 50, 52, 56, 64, 161 .Tobn 9/? .^a Pin Ofi ins loa f>nQ Hodson — Continued. ,, Thomas, 46 „ Widow, 121 Hoggins, John, 127 „ William, 127 Hogson, Jane, 111 ,, Heni-y, 111 Holbrook, John, 138 Holcroft (Houlcrofft, Houghcroft) see also Howcroft, „ Edward, 53, 66, 172, 209 ,, John, 66 ,, William, 63, 172 Holdby, Richard, 176 Hole, Robert, 193 Holerobin, see Howi-obin Holford, Richard, 25 Holland (Holand) Alice, 46, 154 „ Ann, 141, 194 ,, Catherine, 57 ,, Cor-nelious, 5, 27, 147 „ Cuthbert, 3, 6, 10, 14, 23, 32, 37, 46, 154, 159 „ Elizabeth, 1, 10, 49 „ Ellen, 37, 176 „ George, 61, 73, 85, 93, 108, 123 „ Hem-y, 170 „ Humphrey, 207 ,, Isabella, 73 ,, James, 108 „ Jane, 69, 178 „ John, 5, 11, 18, 27, 46, 52, 93, 147, 151, 152, 177 „ Mai-garet, 20, 209 ,, Martha, 3, 23 „ Mary, 11, 64 „ Nicholas, 106, 125, 137, 212 „ Richard, 17, 20, 22, 32, 49, 69, 79, 123, 157, 186 ,, Sarah, 86 „ Thomas, 1, 3, 14, 21, 61, 69, 79, 106, 125, 157, 161, 212 „ William, 6, 62, 67, 64, 69 HoUingworth, Elizabeth, 212 „ John, 136, 212 HoUis, Thomas, 4S, 142 Holme (Holmes, Hoolme, Hulme, Houlm, Hulmes) „ Alice, 65, 167 „ Ann, 3, 43, 165, 211 „ Br-yan, 10, 32, 43, 49, 65, 98, 154, 167, 195 ,, Edith, 174 ,, Edward, 151 „ Eliza'beth, 8, 163 INDEX OF NAMES. 245 Bapiism,s Marriages Burials pp. 1-16-31-127 17-19—128-144- 20-30—145-213 Holme— Continued. „ Henry, 106, 154 „ labeU, 207 „ John, 7, 24, 163, 174 ,, Josef, 68 „ Mary, 68, 133 „ Parsefall, 3, 8, 10, 17, 163 ,, Ri'Chai-d, 7, 163 „ William, 21, 32, 98, 106, 129, 133, 179, 210 Holroyde, Benjamin, 171 ,, Isaac, 171, 172 Holsoe, see Halsall Holt, Benjamin, 168 „ EUzabeth, 80 „ EUm, 167 „ John, 80, 168, 193 ,, Mary, 193 ,, Thomas, 210 Holyday, see HaUiday Hoole, see Houle Hoosman, see Houseman Hopkins, John, 198 Hopwood, Henry, 73, 182 „ John, 182 „ Thomas, 73 Horacks, see Harrocks Hordis (Hurdia, Hurdes) „ Allis, 3, 13, 29 ,, Anne, 4 „ Elizabeth, 146 ,, Hannah, 54 ,, John, 11 ,, Katherine, 160 ,, Nicholas, 7 ,, Peter, 15, 150 „ Thomas, 3, 4, 7, 11, 13, 15, 29, 54, 145, 160 „ Wilham, 150 Hornby (Hormby, Hormbie) „ Edward, 35, 39, 42, 44, 47, 55, 63, 149, 154, 171 „ Elinor, 35 „ Ellen, 44, 154, 168 „ Hellina, 55 „ James, 132, 168 „ John, 110, 123, 1.26, 143 „ Mary, 42 „ Peter, 140, 141 ,, Robert, 110 „ Sai-ah, 63, 171 ,, Stephen, 67 „ Thomas, 47, 52, 123, 149, 159 „ WilUam, 39, 52, 67, 169 Home, Mathew, 182 Homer, Christopher, 82 Horsefield, Daniel, 83 „ Mary, 80 „ Timothy, 80, 83, 212 Hoi-st, see Hurst Hose, Mr., 180 „ Sarah, 180 Hothersall, Richard, 23 „ WUUam, 23 Hough (Houlgh) Charles, 45 „ Shorietta, 49 ,j Thomas, 45, 49 Houghton, Alexander, 173 „ Anne, 60, T2, 98, 100, 176, 179 ,, Bridgett, 67 „ Carill, 100, 211 ,, Edward, 46 „ Elizabeth, 22, 48, 88, 93, 212 ,, Francese, 117 „ Hem-y, 7, 13, 91, 92, 141, 148 ,, Jane, 41 „ John, 22, 88, 92, 151 „ Jeffrey, 41, 46 „ Margaret, 53, 95, 186, 190, 211 ,, Mary, 13, 63, 179 „ Oliver, 48, 154, 156, 161 ,, Rebecka, 36 „ Richard, 53, 67, 60, 63, 67, 70, 72, 76, 81, 88, 91, 95, 100, 117, 176, 179, 186, 188, 190, 211 ,, Richmond, 81, 188 „ Robert, 62, 68, 100, 131, 167, 173, 179 ,, Samuel, 68 „ Sai-ah, 7, 57 ,, Silvester, 75 ,, Susanne, 167 „ Thomas, 62, 122, 139, 154 „ William, 36, 38, 89, 93, 98, 122, 149, 151 Houlcroft, see Holcroft Honle (Hoole) Alee, 88 „ Elizabeth, 107, 164, 173 „ George, 53, 164, 173, 181 „ John, 162, 193 ,, Lawrence, 88, 94, 107 ,, Margery, 181 „ Mary, 94, 162 „ Peter, 53 Hoult, Benjamin, 57 ,, James, 23 „ John, 33, 35, 39, 46, 51, 57, 166 ,, Jone, 133 ,, Joseph, 51 ,, Margaret, 39 246 LIVERPOOL REGISTERS (St. NICHOLAS). Baptisms .... Marriages .... Burials Hoult — Continued. „ Mary, 17, 32, 160, 161 „ Thomas, 161 ,, WilUam, 46, 156 Houseman (Hoosman) Richard, 189 „ Roger, 196 Houston, see Heuston Howard, George, 86 „ Heni-y, 202 „ John, 86, 202 ,, Margaret, 137 ,, Robert, 205 Howcroft, see also Holcroft, ,, Ann, 78 „ Edward, 58, 71, 78 „ Elizabeth, 58 ,, William, 71 Howorth, Elizabeth, 125 ,, Richard, 125 Howrobin (Horobin, Holerobin, Jowkobin, Howrowbine) ,, Anne, 161 „ Edward, 28, 31, 44, 49, 103, 113, 208 „ Elizabeth, 113 ,, Hannah, 32 ,, Katherine, 103 „ Margei-y, 29, 37, 44, 49 „ Mary, 138 „ Thomas, 32, 37, 151 Hoyles, George, 6O ,, Susanna, 60 Huchen, John, 60 ,, Margaret, 60 Huddlestone, Elizabeth, 189 „ Hannah, 92, 192 ,, Jane, 114 ,, John, 108 „ Robert, 69, 189 ,, Thomas, 126 „ Wilham, 69, 86, 92, 108, 126, 192 Hudson, Christopher, 23 Hughborn, John, 170 „ Thomas, 170 Hughes (Hugs, Hews, Hues, Youes) ,, Ann, 69 ,, Catherine, 136 „ Charles, 134 ,, Ohi-istian, 163, 207 „ Elizabeth, 93, 136, 139, 191 „ Ellinor, 70 ,, Godfrey, 13 ,, Hannah, 78 „ John, 41, 74, 83, 188 „ Mary, 72, 177 . pp. 1-16—31-127 . „ 17-19—128-144 . . „ 20-30—145-213 Hughes — Continued. „ Moses, 41, 48, 62, 169, 193, 207 ,, Nathaniel, 48 „ Robert, 69, 72, 191 „ Ruth, 41, 169 „ Sarah, 62, 74, 193 ,, 'Thomas, 83 „ William, 13, 70, 78,86, 93, 177, 188 Hughston, see Heuston Hulgrave, Dorothy, 133 Hull, Ann, 203 ,, Elizabeth, 31 „ George, 31, 158 ,, Jane, 104 „ William, 104 Hulme, see Holme Hrmt, Anne, 62 „ Eedeth, 41 ,, Eleanor, 185 ,, EUzabeth, 159 ,, Francis, 158 ,, Grace, 160 „ Henry, 63, 60, 159, 169, 172, 185 ,, Jane, 163 ,, Jeremiah, 41, 45, 52, 156, 160, 177 ,, Mary, 45 ,, Rebecka, 156 ,, Richai-d, 60, 169 „ WilUam, 63, 60, 158 Hunter, Elizabeth, 102, 131 ,, Frances, 4, 20 ,, James, 20 „ John, 102, 202 ,, Joseph, 34 ,, Mai-y, 135 „ Mr., 128 „ Richard, 14, 102 „ Robert, 14, 34, 102, 169 ,, Sarah, 134 „ William, 4, 102, 158 Hurdes, see Hordis Hur-st (Horst, Hour-st) „ Elizabeth, 71, 101 „ Jane, 112, 202 ,, James, 86 ,, John, 65 ,, Margaret, 168 „ Mary, 94 „ Robert, 115, 210 ,, Thomas, 105, 199 „ William, 67, 65, 70, 71, 86, 94, 101, 112, 116, 168, 176, 179, 202, 210 INDEX OF NAMES. 247 Baptisms pp. 1-16—31-127 Marriages „ 17-19—128-144 Burials „ 20-30—145-213 Hutchinson (Huchinson) Francis, 194 „ Gilbert, 116 „ John, 102, 116, 194 ,, Robert, 102 „ Thomas, 102 Huyton, Easter, 136 „ John, 32 ,, Thomas, 40 „ William, 32, 40 Hyatt, Benjamin, 159 ,, Jane, 159 Hycock (Hickcock) John, 107, 201 „ 'Thomas, 201 Hysham (Hyhsham) John, 119, 211 „ Robert, 119, 211 Illiakd, see Hilliard Ingam, Shusana, 140 Inglefield, Febe, 196 „ Paule, 210 Ireland, EUzabeth, 17 „ WUUam, 137 Ireton (Iryton) see also Huyton, „ Easter, 135 ,, George, 135 Ivens, see Evans Jackson (Jaoson, Gackson) „ Ann, 132, 205 „ Charles, 197 „ Elizabeth, 65, 198 „ Ellen, 35 „ Franses, 112, 210 „ Henry, 124, 143 „ James, 179, 195 „ John, 28, 136, 147, 212 „ Jos., 144 „ Lucresea, 111 ,, Margaret, 179 „ Mary, 28, 212 „ Richard, 19, 112, 206, 210 ,, Robert, 35 ,, Samuel, 65 „ Thomas, 124, 152, 178 „ William, 111 James, Ann, 98, 201 „ Christopher, 60 ,, Edward, 93 „ Elenor, 58, 113 ,, Hannah, 85 „ Jane, 33, 133 „ John, 72, 80, 181 „ Martha, 60 James — Continued. „ Maiy, 12 ,, Ralph, 7, 24 ,, Richard, 16 ,, Robert, 1, 88, 196 ,, Roger, 1, 4, 7, 12, 15, 24, 33, 58, 72, 74, 80, 85, 93, 98, 181, 184, 186, 201, 202 ,, Thomas, 4, 74, 88, 184 Jameson, Nathaniel, 103, 204 ,, Thomas, 103, 204 Jans (Jance) Amy, 40, 149, 161 ,, Christopher, 31, 40, 43, 145, 149, 151, 161, 163, 183 ,, Dorathy, 43 ,, Leanora, 161 „ Martha, 183 „ Sarah, 31, 145 Jai-vis (Jarvais) Alderman, 163 „ John, 209 ,, Thomas, 148 Jee, see Gee Jeffs (Jephs, Geps) Abraham, 208 „ Elin, 66 ,, Elizabeth, 158 „ John, 38, 49, 66, 63, 73, 82, 158, 171, 188, 208, 209 „ Mary, 73 ,, Thomas, 38 „ Tubell, 82, 188 „ WUliam, 62, 171 Jenion, Robert, 193 „ William, 168 Jenkinson (Genkinson) „ Daniel, 74, 110, 198 „ Ellen, 198 ,, James, 65 ,, John, 110 ,, Katrine, 191 ,, Raph, 156 „ Ruth, 191 ,, Sarah, 74 „ Thomas, 65, 156 Jennings, Elizabeth, 139 „ Robert, 133 Jerrom (Jeram) Elizabeth, 10, 181 „ Hannah, 37, 194 „ James, 10, 12, 15, 33, 37, 39, • 155, 167, 178, 190 „ John, 39, 155 „ Mrs., 181 „ Phebe, 12, 178 ,, Rebecka, 15 Jobson (Gobson) Alice, 32, 135 ,j Eline, 12 „ Henry, 12, 18, 32, 191 248 LIVERPOOL REGISTERS (St. NICHOLAS). Baptisms Marriages .... Burials . ¦ ¦ ¦ Johnson (Jonson) Alderman, 140, 201 „ AUce, 24, 103, 141 „ Anne, 23, 46, 61, 69, 143, 189, 195 „ Anthony, 6, 10, 13, 24 ,, Edmund, 10 „ Elizabeth, 2, 3, 13, 65, 69, 91, 105, 130, 138, 144, 159, 195, 197 „ EUin, 9, 94, 142, 162, 193, 200 „ George, 92, 200 „ Jane, 8, 31, 81, 143 „ Jaiiett, 4, 58, 157, 166 ,, James, 14, 78 „ John, 10, 11, 36, 61, 84, 86, 91, 92, 105, 109, 121, 134, 179, 200 ,, Joseph, 100, 196, 201 ,, Lidiah, 190 „ Margery, 6 „ Margaret, 36, 139, 161, 208 „ Mary, 72, 77, 100, 184 „ Raph, 11, 14, 36, 92, 121, 200, 213 ,, Rebecka, 166 „ Richard, 13, 58, 92, 146, 166, 179, 181, 200 ,, Robert, 58, 69, 73, 78, 84, 100, 169, 166, 180, 183, 196, 201 ,, Sarah, 52 ,, Thomas, 3, .'j, 8, 10, 13, 23, 31, 58, 65, 69, 72, 77, 81, 94, 103, 123, 135, 166, 184, 190, 193, 195, 197, 199 „ Timothy, 151 „ WilUam, 4, 9, 13, 28, 45, 52, 157, 166 Jones (Joanes, Jons, Johnes) ,, Abadia, 210 „ Alathy, 200 „ Allis, 23, 67, 201 ,, Anne, 8 ,, Benjamin, 102, 201 ,, Catherine, 87 ,, Christopher, 81 ,, Christian, 97 „ David, 184 „ Edward, 13, 31, 37, 41, 44, 51, 63, 57, 147, 154, 156, 160, 177 „ Ellenor, 156 ,, Even, 5 „ Gilbert, 13 ,, Henry, 81 ,, Jane, 210 „ James, 5, 11, 38, 43, 44, 49, 154, 155 pp. 1-16—31-127 . „ 17-19—128-144 „ 20-30— I45-2IS Jones — Continued. ,, Joane, 43 ,, John, 34, 37, 75, 93, 156, 208 ,, Joseph, 34, 37, 44, 102 „ Margaret, 90, 115, 195 ,, Martha, 44 ,, Mary, 80, 160 „ Mr-., 119 ,, Nathaniel, 128 ,, Nehemiah, 200 ,, Peter, 51 „ Richard, 5, 8, 11, 75, 76, 81, 87, 102, 115, 147, 150, 151, 160, 178, 181, 201, 207 „ Robert, 31, 147, 180 „ Roger, 6, 76, 86, 90, 97, 112, 150, 181, 195 „ Rowland, 81, 93, 208 „ Ruth, 63, 160 „ WilUam, 41, 151 Jorden, Edward, 153, 154 „ Joice, 154 Jowkobin, see Howrobin Joynson (Joinson) EUzabeth, 197 ,, Henry, 86 „ John, 12, 15, 19, 86, 103, 110, 197 ,, Jonathan, 15 ,, 'Thomas, 12, 103, 110 Juers, William, 174 Jump (Jumipe) „ Anne, 42, 81, 177, 178, 187 „ Dorithy, 21 ,, Elizaibeth, 47, 135, 156, 157 „ Gilbert, 11, 37, 42 „ Jane, 39, 150 ,, Jennet, 42, 181 „ John, 4, 60, 72, 175, 180 „ Katherine, 37, 64, 139, 170 ,, Lawrence, 2 ,, Lidia, 60, 167 ,, Margaret, 24 ,, Mary, 176 Peter 76 ',', Thomas, 2, 4, 6, 11, 16, 21, 41, 60, 64, 72, 76, 81, 88, 148, 156, 157, 167, 170, 176, 178, 180, 187, 205 „ Widow, 206 „ William, 6, 24, 39, 42, 47, 50, 160, 156, 181 Jury, Francis, 175 Justes (Juestis, Justice) „ Isaac, 72, 106, 205 ,, John, 106 „ Mary, 72 „ Widow, 208 INDEX OF NAMES. 249 Baptisms Marriages Burials pp. 1-16—S1-127 „ 17-19—128-144 „ SO-SO— 145-sis K Kabefoot, see Kerfoot Keile, Allis, 22 ,, Joseph, 22 Kells, John, 212 Kelly (Kelley, Celley) AUce, 52, 186 ,, Anne, 18 ,, Avillia, 1 „ EUzabeth, 6, 20, 68, 197 „ Ellen, 10, 47 ',', John, '2, 6, 10, 13, 29, 31, 36, 40, 47, 52, 58, 66, 77, 146, 156, 186, 191, 197, 209 „ Katherme, 17, 36, 77, 156, 191 „ Margaret, 209 ,, Michael, 40, 199 ,, Robert, 1 „ Thomas, 2, 8, 20, 22, 29, 66 „ William, 8, 13, 29 Kemp (Cemp) Hannah, 72, 190 „ James, 66, 72, 79, 83,. 91, 102, 168, 187, 190 * ,, Jer-emrah, 66 „ John, 31, 79, 187 „ Margaret, 13, 31 „ Mary, 83, 168 ,, Sarah, 91 ,, Thomas, 13, 31 Kenardy (Canerdy, Canabie) ,, Aime, 47 „ Elijah, 41 „ Elisha, 41, 150 ,, Ehzabeth, 91 „ Ellin, 103 „ Nathan, 41, 47, 74, 91, 103, 150, 194 Kendrick, Jonathan, 132 Kenion (Kennion, Kenyon) „ Alice, 88, 159 „ Anne, 18, 24, 101, 203 ,, Catheiine, 66 „ Edward, 57 „ Elme, 29, 141 „ Elizabeth, 43, 155, 173, 178, 199 „ Ester, 140 ,, George, 91 „ Isabel, 124, 212 „ James, 65, 79, 84, 91, 101, 114, 124, 203, 208, 212 „ John, 3, 15, 22, 26, 35, 39, 43, 48, 49, 54, 60, 66, 84, 150, 155, 163, 176 Kenion — Continued. „ Jonas, 88, 134, 197 ,, Leigh, 141 ,, Lidia, 142 ,, Margery, 145 ,, Margaret, 35 „ Mary, 3 „ Peter, 114, 208 „ Richard, 15, 23, 24, 60, 147, 150 „ Robert, 2, 9, 22, 23, 146, 147, 151, 165 „ Ruth, 49, 163 „ Thomas, 39, 57, 65, 79 ,, WUliam, 9 Kenwiight, Ann, 138 Kenyon, see Kenion Kequith, see Cuqueth Kerby (Kertby, Kirckbeyl „ Bridget, 211 „ Heni-y, 62, 65, 175 ,, Mary, 175 ,, Richard, 52 ,, Sarah, 65 Kerfoot (Carfut, Cerfoot, Cearefote, Karefoot) ,, Goater, 93, 108 „ James, 83 „ John, 78, 93, 189 „ Mary, 68, 108, 184 „ Roibert, 68, 72, 78, 83, 184, 189, 197 ,, William, 72 Kermett (Kei-mitt, Kermott) „ Elizabeth, 144 „ Patrick, 97, 136 „ WiUiam, 97 Kerrinton, William, 153 Kery, WUliam, 43 Keteh, Richard, 174 Kewkit, see Cuqueth Key, Thomas, 143 Keyton (Keaton) see " Coi-rigenda," ,, Ann, 91 „ Mary, 189 ,, Susan, 163 „ Thomas, 91, 185, 189 Kichlay, Dorithy, 9 ,, John, 9 Kidd (Kide) Mary, 24 Killingham, John, 89 ,, Ruth, 89 Kilner (Killneor, Killnor) Jane, 131 ,, James, 51, 65, 162 ,, John, 55, 162 ,, Sarah, 51 2SO LIVERPOOL REGISTERS (St. NICHOLAS). Baptisms Marriages Burials pp. 1-16—31-127 „ 17-19—128-144 „ 20-30—145-213 Kilshaw (KiUshew) Alee, 179 ,, Anne, 3 „ Cuthbert, 3, 178 ,, John, 79 „ Richard, 79, 179 King (Kinge) Anne, 35, 146 „ Charies, 172 ,, Elizabeth, 62 ,, Fortune, 10 ,, Frances, 72 „ George, 6, 10, 16, 17, 29, 35, 146, 154 „ Henry, 172 ,, John, 29, 154 „ Mai-y, 6 „ Robert, 62, 72 Kirrgston (Kinston) Margaret, 73 „ Mary, 185 „ WUliam, 73, 143 Kinley (Kindley) Elizabeth, 137 „ Hugh, 93, 198 „ Robert, 93, 198 Kirckbey, see Kerby Kirkhovie (Kirckhoven) ,, Abraham, 167 „ Elizabeth, 175 Kirshawe, William, 39 Kitchine, William, 25 Knight, Jane, 122 „ John, 122 ,, Moses, 191 Knowles, Ann, 13 ,, EUzabeth, 18 ,, Henry, 8, 13 ,, John, 169 ,, Martha, 171 „ Peter, 143 ,, William, 8, 171 Knowling, Ra.chel, 32 „ Thomas, 32, 128 Labeab, Nicholas, 176 Lace (Laces, Lease) Joshua, 78 „ Mundick, 59, 71, 78, 87, 182 ,, WUliam, 59 Lacocke, Anne, 10 ,, John, 10 Lady, Elizabeth, 96, 209 „ Hannah, 85, 206 „ John, 72, 77, 85, 90, 92, 96, 132, 135, 186, 193, 195, 206, 209 ,, Thomas, 77 „ WiUiam, 92 Lairdlis, Peeter, 26 Laithwaite (Lethwate) Grace, 111 ,, James, 102 ,, Margaret, 86 „ William, 86, 102, 111 Laithwood (Lathwood, Lethwood) „ Robert, 94, 197 ,, Samuel, 99 ,, Thomas, 94, 99, 197 Lake, David, 7 ,, Farington, 7 Lamb (Lambe, Lamm) John, 16, 114 ,,, Peter, 40, 156 ,, Richard, 46, 123 „ Thomas, 33, 40, 46, 166 ,, Timothy, 33, 114, 123 ,, WUliam, 15, 143 Lancaster (Lankester) Ann, 57, 169 ,, Franices, 199 „ John, 18, 34, 67, 162, 169, 199 ,, Joseph, 109 ,, Leansleath, 109 ,, Margaret, 34 Lancelott (Laneslett) Ann, 209 ,, Eline, 4 ,, Elizabeth, 147 ,, Henry, 14, 26 „ John, 14, 31, 38, 43, 48, 148, 160, 209 ,, Jonathan, ¦43 ,, Margery, 48 ,, Margaret, 160 ,, Rebecka, 38, 148 ,, Thomas, 4, 26, 147, 159 Lane, Caleb, 174 Langdale (Landsdale) Giles, 163 ,, Henry, 194, 204 „ Margaret, 194 Langford (Lancford, Lankfourd) ,, Anne, 35, 162 ,, Elizabeth, 56 „ Hugh, 31, 81, 84, 89, 134, 187, 189 ,, Jane, 85, 202 „ Martha, 123, 212 „ Mary, 44, 116, 136, 191, 209 „ Thomas, 31, 69, 85, 89, 116, 123, 134, 193, 202, 209, 212 „ Timothy, 35, 44, 56, 69, 162, 191, 193 Langmead, WilUam, 177 Larel, John, 78 Latherd (Lathart) see also Laithwood, „ Thomas, 116, 136, 208 Lathom (Latham, Letham) Anne, 83 ,, Christopher, 26 INDEX OF NAMES. 25> Baptisms pp. 1-16—31-127 Marriages „ 17-19—128-144 Burials ,, 20-30—145-213 Lathom — Continued. „ Ellen, 112 „ Hugh, 11, 24, 25 ,, John, 86 „ Richard, 83, 86, 93, 112 „ WUliam, 93 Law (Lawe) Ann, 144 ,, Benjamin, 155 „ Ehzabeth, 123, 136 „ John, 123 ,, Samuel, 198 „ William, 189 Lawrence (Lorance) Alice, 55, 168 „ Edward, 94 „ EUne, 142 „ Robert, 188 „ Thomas, 188 „ WilUam, 55, 94, 158, 188 Lawrenson (Loranson, Loi'inson, Lowrinson, Lorarrszon) ,, Ann, 172 All p o 41 ", Charles, 33, 41, 48, 53, 60, 70, 162, 179, 182 ,, Christopher, 122 „ Edwai-d, 122 „ EUzabeth, 33, 186 „ Gilbert, 147 ,, Grace, 60 „ Henry, 104 „ James, 56, 172, 196 „ John, 36, 46, 50, 55, 61, 119, 140, 147, 168, 172, 186, 211 „ Lawrence, 104, 136, 207 „ Margery, 203 „ Margaret, 61 „ Mary, 46 „ Richard, 50, 53, 179, 196 „ Robert, 147, 177 „ Sarah, 182 „ Stephen, 119, 211 ,, Susan, 147 „ William, 177 Lawson, Ann, 67, 71 „ Bridget, 73 „ Elizabeth, 98 „ Henry, 67 „ John, 42, 46, 48, 64, 69, 67, 71, 73, 76, 81, 88, 98, 161, 166, 177, 182, 186 Katherine, 54, 177 Margaret, 81 Mrs., 203 Richard, 76 Robert, 42, 166 Roger, 48 Lea, Dorothy, 42, 154 „ Edmund, 175 „ EUm, 176 ,, John, 170 ,, 'Thomas, 42, 164 Leadlbetter (Leadbeater, Ledbetter) ,, Ann, 64, 183 ,, Edmund, 181 „ Edwai-d, 53 „ Eline, 13 „ Elizabeth, 69, 115, 179 ,, Hamiah, 8 „ Henry, 53, 56, 64, 69, 71, 132, 170, 171, 179, 183, 203 ,, Margaret, 170 ,, Biohard, 71 „ Robert, 3, 8, 13, 23, 24 ,, Samuel, 24 „ Thomas, 36, 115 „ William, 56, 171 Leanbeefe, Barnett, 155 Lease, see Lace Leatton, Elizabeth, 6 ,, Robert, S Leay, Henry, 14, 19 ,, Katherine, 14 Leckonbey, Fransis, 127 „ Thomas, 127 Lee, Edward, 159, 163 ,, Katherhie, 58 ,, Margaret, 135, 201 „ Ralph, 68, 193, 194 ,, Thomas, 113 ,, Widdov\-, 201 „ William, 113, 205 Leech (Leich, Lech) feabel, 91 ,, Jane, 124 „ Margaret, 86 „ Mary, 159, 192 „ Savage, 32, 86,91, 97, 112,124, 192, 208 „ SevaU, 29 „ William, 29, 32, 97, 145, 208 Leeh, John, 4 „ Mary, 4 Leigh, Anne, 66 ,, Catherine, 161 ,, Charls, 139 „ Edward, 167, 161 „ Elizabeth, 140, 188 ,, Ellen, 157 ,, Herrry, 12 „ John, 5, 7, 10, 12, 22, 26 „ Mai-garet, 10, 26, 79 „ Peter, 149 „ Ralph, 66, 79 252 LIVERPOOL REGISTERS (St. NICHOLAS). Baptisms Marriages Burials Leigh — Continued. ,, Susan, 149 ,, William, 7, 22, 209 Lenney, Thomas, 135 Letham, see Lathom Letherbarrow (Lathei-barow) ,, Demeras, 86, 191 ,, Elizabeth, 98, 199 ,, Else, 94 ,, Franceas, 94 „ James, 74, 80, 86, 90, 98, 191, 199, 212 „ John, 90, 212 ,, Margaret, 74 „ Robert, 196 ,, Thomas, 80 Letherland, see Litheriamd Lethwate, see Laithwaite Levanson, Charles, 207 Levesley, see Livesley Levison, Alexander, 64 ,, Robert, 64 Lewis (Leuis, Luis) Alexander, 66 ,, Edward, 56, 66, 129, 172, 177 ,, Elizabeth, 83, 133 „ George, 94, 135 „ Peter, 83, 88, 94, 197 „ Ruth, 56, 172 „ Thomas, 136 ,, William, 88 Ley, Tliomas, 140 Leyland, James, 67 ,, John, 67 Lidiat, Peter, 124 ,, Samuel, 124 Lillies, Mathew, 60 ,, Richard, 60 Limbrey, Thomas, 134 Lime, Oliever, 165 „ Mis., 166 Linaker (Linacre, Liniohai-, Lynichar, Lirmiker) „ Ann, 89, 200 ,, Elizabeth, 4 „ Hester, 167 „ Hugh, 7 „ John, 11, 123 „ Mary, 113, 157, 176 „ Peter, 89, 113, 200, 213 „ Raohel, 213 „ Robert, 123 „ Thomas, 4, 7, 11 Lintode, see LintoU LintoU (Lintell, Linthall, Lintode) see aZso Linton and Lintot, ,, Ann, 113 „ EUn, 85 pp. 1-16—31-127 17-19—128-144 20-30-145-213 Lintoll — Continued. „ Jane, 79 „ John, 72, 79, 85, 91, 98, 113, 132, 185 „ Mary, 91 ,, Richard, 72, 185 Linton, Ellin., 205 ,, John, 205 Lintot, John, 209 Litherland (Letherland, Lytherland) „ Catherine, 137 ,, Daniel, 53 „ Edward, 3, 10, 117, 140, 207 ,, EUzabeth, 3, 21, 38, 46, 69, 124, 133, 155, 168 „ EUin, 173 ,, GUbei-t, 10 ,, Hannah, 68 ,, Jane, 10 ,, James, 74, 105 „ John, 3, 6, 10, 13, 15, 21, 34, 37, 46, 52, 53, 68, 59, 117, 124, 145, 152, 1,56, 169, 165, 167, 168, 178 ,, Margaret, 13, 44, 74 „ Mary, 3, 6, 21, 49 ,, Nathaniel, 62 ,, Phabey, 194 „ Robert, 105, 119 ,, Samuel, 62 ,, Sarah, 52 ,, Thomas, 21, 25, 34, 37, 58, 119, 149, 165, 176 ,, WUliam, 15, 34, 38, 44, 49, 52, 62, 68, 149, 178, 181, 194 Lithgow (Lythgoe, Litsgou) „ Ellin, 116 „ James, 57, 63, 94, 116, 203 ,, Thomas, 63 „ William, 94, 203 Littler, Ann, 64 ,, Elizabeth, 32 ,, John, 38, 41, 160 „ Joseph, 32, 33, 38, 41, 54, 150 „ Martha, 172 „ Mary, 33 „ Thomas, 182 Livesey, see Livesley Livesley (Levesley, Livesey, Leavesley, Livsey, Lievesley) ,, Anne, 61, 191 ,, Deborah, 132 „ Edmund, 2, 22, 26, 96 „ EUzabeth, 46, 76, 159 „ EUen, 129 INDEX OF NAMES. 253 Baptisms pp. 1-16—S1-127 Marriages , 17-19—128-144 Burials „ 20-30—145-213 Livesley — Continued. „ GUbert, 84, 96, 102, 115, 125, 134, 208 „ Jane, 19, 26, 65 ,, James, 186 „ Jonathan, 46, 51, 55, 69, 62, 64, 67, 70, 76, 129, 171, 189, 191 „ Marth, 62 „ Peter, 125 ,, Raph, 50 „ Richard, 69, 116, 208 „ Sarah, 2, 64, 70, 131, 171 „ Thomas, 22, 102 „ Timothy, 203 „ WUliam, 50 Lloyd (Loyd) Anne, 58, 63, 167 „ Edward, 112 „ Elin, 85 „ Elizabeth, 86 ,, Henry, 143 „ James, 58, 79, 85, 94, 106, 121 ,, Jemima, 79 „ John, 94, 170, 190 ,, Jonathan, 190 „ Mary, 72, 106, 168, 211 „ Sarah, 75, 78 ,, Simon, 121 ,, Thomas, 58 „ Wflham, 64, 58, 63, 72, 75, 78, 85, 167, 168, 182 Lockin, Ann, 67 „ Henry, 67 Lomax (Lumas, Lomass) „ Charles, 82, 89, 199 „ Hanah, 198 „ Henry, 198 ,, Margaret, 82 „ Sarah, 89, 199 Longton, James, 116 „ Richard, 116, 125 ,, 'Thomas, 125 Longworth (Longword) „ Anne, 44, 58, 136 „ Elizabeth, 40, 154, 163 „ EUm, 117 „ Ester, 92, 211 ,, George, 68 ,, Jane, 78 „ James, 69, 154, 203 „ John, 70 „ Mary, 104 „ Nicholas, 40, 44, 63, 70, 78, 85, 92, 104, 117, 163, 178, 203, 211 ,, Sarah, 85 „ Thomas, 63, 178 Loranoe, see Lawrence Loranson, see Lawrenson Losson, Jhon, 111 ,, Thomas, 111 Low (Lowe) Ann, 107 ,, Christopher, 107 „ Elizabeth, 104, 117, 209 „ GUbert, 32, 35, 149 ,, Jane, 32 „ James, 57, 120, 210 „ John, 104, 106, 112, 120, 137 ,, Mary, 112 ,, Peter, 124, 212 ,, Richard, 67 „ Thomas, 35, 105, 120, 210 „ William, 105, 117, 124, 209, 212 Lofivns, Jane, 93 ,, Philemon, 93 Lowson, Mary, 179 Loy (Loye) James, 64, 73 ,, John, 4 „ Leonard, 64 „ Margery, 18, 183 „ Martha, 73 ,, Thomas, 4 Loyle, John, 17 „ Margery, 18 Lucas (Lucus) Alee, 86 „ Charles^ 86, 97, 107, 124, 204 ,, Christopher, 112 „ Eline, 29 ,, George, 29 ,, James, 107, 204 ,, Katherine, 97 „ Pochard, 124 „ Robert, 129, 202, 207 „ Siarah, 112 Lukner, see Lutner Lumaine, Giles, 64 Lumas, see Lomax Lund, Alice, 204 ,, John, 204 Lunn, Edward, 101, 142 ,, Henry, 101 Lunt (Lunte, Lount) Anne, 36, 142 ,, Benjamin, 75, 182 ,, Doa-athy, 56 „ Elizabeth, 47, 128 „ EUin, 168, 213 ,, Febe, 5 ,, Hannah, 33, 146 „ John, 5, 9, 14, 43, 55, 75, 168, 182, 204 ,, Joseph, 40, 75, 182 „ Margaret, 132 „ Raph, 14, 142 254 LIVERPOOL REGISTERS (St. NICHOLAS). Baptisms Marriages Burials Lunt — Continued. „ Robert, 16, 33, 36, 40, 146 ,, Thomas, 43, 47, 129 ,, William, 15 Lurtin (Lurting) Elizabeth, 117 „ EUen, 152 „ Jane, 117, 168 ,, John, 167 ,, Jone, 178 „ Margery, 20 ,, Peter, 147, 149 „ Richard, 28, 101, 117, 168 „ Thomas, 101 „ William, 28 Lutner (Lutnor, Lukner, Luttener) „ Alice, 88, 106, 206 „ Elizabeth, 90 „ Ellin, 115 ,, Hanah, 117 ,, James, 95 ,, John, 84, 90, 115, 189 ,, Joshua, i02 ,, Josiah, 88, 94, 102, 117 ,, Margaret, 189 ,, Mary, 84, 94 ,, Sarah, 83 ,, ITiomas, 83, 95, 105, 205 Lyiiicihar, see Linaker Lynes, Thomas, 174 Lyon (Lion) Anne, 37, 70, 136, 196 Charles, 80 Easter, 195 Edmund, 10, 154 Edward, 86, 140, 191, 195, 206 Elinor, 157, 158 EUzabeth, 21, 98, 133 Ellis, 10, 12, 33, 37, 153 George, 70, 76, 85, 92, 97, 190 Hemy, 74 Isable, 92 John, 6, 11, 63, 76, 81, 148, 176, 178, 196, 198 Joseph, 121, 212 Katherine, 63, 99, 154, 176 Margery, 33 Margaret, 12 Martha, 38 Mar-y, 31, 38, 69, 148, 157 Peter-, 63, 69, 98, 190 Richard, 13 Robert, 21, 156 Sarah, 85, 178 Susan, 97 • Thomas, 11, 13, 165 WUliam, 6, 11, 31, 38, 74, 80, 81, 86, 99, 121, 148, 191, 212 pp. 1-16— 31-127 „ 17-19—128-144 „ 20-30—145-213 M Maoahte, John, 196 Macer, John, 141, 172 „ Ralph, 204 Macinson, James, 86 „ Richard, 86 Mackmorie (Mackmurrey) ,, Andi-ew, 62, 68, 74, 80, .86 ,, Elizabeth, 68 ,, Ellin, 80 „ Henry, 86 ,, Margaret, 62 ,, WUliam, 74 Mac MuUen (Mackmulion) ,, Adam, 127 ,, Elizabeth, 127 ,, James, 204 ,, John, 46, 161 ,, Mary, 204 ,, Samuel, 46, 161 Maddock, John, 55 MaU, see Maull Man, Aloe, 82 „ Edward, 76, 82, 205 ,, Isaac, 76 ,, Mary, 205 Manchester, Peter, 141 Manering, Margaret, 22 Manley, 'Widow, 116 Mannell, Rachel, 130 Marcer, see Mercer Maixjhand, John, 163 Maris, Mary, 195 Margison (Margeison, Mar-jer-son) ,, Anne, 108 „ Henr-y, 108, 119, 139, 211 „ Ja., 193 „ Mar-y, 140 „ William, 119, 142, 193, 211 Marrow, James, 79, 1,58 „ John, 88 ,, Mary, 106 ,, Thomas, 79, 88, 106 Marsden, Ann, 76 „ Francis, 173 ,, John, 76 Marsh (March) „ Elizabeth, 74, 77, 120, 144 „ Ellen, 200 „ Even, 22, 60, 165, 196 „ Henr-y, 110, 205 ,, Iszabel, 165 ,, Jane, 31 ,, James, 81 INDEX OF NAMES. 255 Baptisms Marriages Burials pp. 1-16—S1-127 „ 17-19-128-144 „ 20-30—145-213 Marsh — Continued. „ John, 5, 53, 71, 73, 74, 77, 81, 91, 110, 120, 138, 165, 167, 181, 195, 200, 205, 213 ,, Jonathan, 62 „ Margaret, 91, 195, 212 „ Martha, 62, 171, 199 „ Mary, 62, 167, 169, 181 „ Pet^ 44, 62, 60, 128 „ Rachel, 22, 42, 143 „ Richard, 11, 31, 212 ,, Sarah, 7l „ Thomas, 38, 42, 47, 62, 71, 73, 160, 164, 169, 171, 201 „ Tunothy, 44 „ WilUam, 6, 11, 63, 98, 122, 199 Mar-shall (Mai-sall, Marchell) „ AUm, 69 „ Anne, 62, 77, 191 ,, Benjamin, 84, 189 „ Deborah, 66, 184 , Elizabeth, 59, 85, 171 „ ElUin, 77 „ Gilbert, 84 ,, Gregory, 40, 150 ,, James, 62, 77, 85, 171 „ John, 36, 40, 43, 49, 53, 68, 69, 62, 66, 69, 74, 76, 77, 81, 84, 86, 102, 150, 153, 166, 171, 178, 180, 182, 184, 189, 191, 208 „ Joseph, 76 „ Judith, 74, 182 „ Margaret, 43, 153, 178 „ Mary, 36 „ Pheby, 69, 180 ,, Rachael, 162 „ Richard, 68, 102, 165 „ Thomas, 53, 86, 208 „ WilUam, 34 Marshew, Alice, 125 ,, Thomas, 125 Martin (Martine, Mertin) „ Abigail, 159 ,, Anne, 168 ,, EUne, 11 „ Elizabeth, 134, 139 ,, George, 18 ,, Izabel, 17 ,, Jane, 24 „ John, 17, 108, 190 „ Margery, 48, 157 „ Mary, 43 „ Peter, 5, 11, 22, 29, 43, 48, 157, 158, 189 „ Robert, 108, 123, 137 Martin — Continued. „ Thomas, 5, 22, 53, 123 „ WUUam, 63, 138 Martindale, Peter, 139 Martland, James, 143 Masiter, Roger, 204 Mason (Mayson, Masson) ,, Alice, 74, 105 „ Elizabeth, 158 - ,, Henry, 151 ,, James, 63, 160 „ John, 35, 164 „ Margaret, 41, 167 „ Peter, 35, 41, 61, 63, 56, 62, 74, 158, 159, 160, 170 „ Riohard, 56, 170 „ Robert, 173 ,, Thomas, 36 „ WUliam, 35, 105, 154 Massam, Anne, 155 „ Raph, 148, 165 Massey (Massie, Mascie, Masey) ,, Anne, 128, 177 ,, EUzabeth, 133, 189 ,, Ellin, 64, 193 ,, John, 164 „ Robert, 166 ,, Samuel, 64 „ Thomas, 26, 139 „ WUliam, 164, 189 Masson, see Mason Mather, Abram, 53, 165 „ Daniel, 40, 56, 150 „ EUen, 40, 136, 144 ,, Rachel, 53 ,, Sarah, 155 „ Thomas, 40, 150 „ WilUam, 56 Mathew (Mathews, Matheys) „ ..... 117, 205 ,, Hannah, 139 ,, Jane, 35 ,, John, 188 ,, Margaret, 188 ,, Riohard, 39 ,, Robert, 33 „ Thomas, 33, 36, 39, 179 Mattison, John, 66 Maud (Maude) An, 80 ,, Joshua, 80 ,, Nathanell, 135 Mauditt, Jasper, 206 ,, Penellope, 206 Maule (Maull, Mall) „ Anne, 61, 133, 172 256 LIVERPOOL REGISTERS (St. NICHOLAS). Baptisms Marriages Burials pp. 1-16—31-127 17-19—128-144 20-30—145-213 Maule — Continued. „ George, 61, 68, 172, 183, 206 „ Richard, 68, 183, 188 Mawthew, Elizabeth, 19 Mayson, see Mason Mead, Anne, 172 „ John, 172 Mear, Anne, 167 „ Thomas, 167 Mecanley, Hugh, 134 Medcalfe (Metcalfe, Midcafe) ,, John, 57 „ Mary, 108 ,, Roger, 108 ,, Ruth, 73 ,, Thomas, 73 ,, Timothy, 67 „ WUliam, 49, 137 Meddowcroft, John, 53, 68, 64, 179, 180 „ Mary, 64 „ WiUiam, 58 Medowes, John, 19 Meking, Robert, 136 Mentell, Peter, 174 Merady, John, 175 Mer-cer (Marcer, Mearser) „ Alice, 16, 26, 196, 197 „ Anne, 6, 21, 48, 53, 67, 109, 131, 162, 178 „ Bryon, 58, 152 „ Edward, 63, 88, 134 „ Elizabeth, 4, 5, 22, 74, 88, 103, 135, 137, 138, 156, 158, 180 „ Eline, 5, 8, 11, 24 ,, George, 141 ,, Grace, 152 „ Henry, 40, 44, 65, 67, 73, 103, 162, 181 ,, Hester, 36, 47, 134 ,, Humphrey, 7, 28 „ Jane, 17, 46, 49, 56, 84, 156, 158 ,, James, 32, 84, 167, 203 „ John, 4, 7, 9, 11, 23, 37, 44, 47, 53, 56, 63, 67, 73, 74, 82, 91, 109, 154, 157, 160, 163, 168, 181, 203 Jonathan, 91 Joshua, 32, 60, 168, 161, 177 Judith, 32, 33, 71, 132 Katherine, 35 Margaret, 45, 53, 163, 168 Mar^iha, 40, 124 Mary, 7, 50, 161 Nathaniel, 49, 58, 61, 63, 71, Mercer — Continued. 158, 162, 167 „ Nicholas, 9, 11, 16, 36, 46, 49, 53, 61, 165, 156, 163, 167 „ Ralph, 4, 7, 23, 48, 65, 67, 144, 162 ,, Rebecca, 177 „ Riohard, 4, 5, 6, 9, 13, 15, 24, 32, 36, 45, 82, 150, 180 , Robert, 5, 8, 9, 10, 12, 22, 24, 26, 32, 149, 154 ,, Ruth, 37, 160 ,, Samuel, 15 „ Thomas, 12, 13, 17, 44, 100, 124, 136, 180 „ WUliam, 6, 10, 33, 63, 100, 102, 137, 157 Merrick, Elizabeth, 63 ,, Roger, 63 Meii-y (Merey) Elizabeth, 202 „ George, 38, 42, 50, 161 ,, Jane, 50, 161 ,, John, 42 „ Rachell, 38 Merryman, Grace, 168 ,, Thomas, 158 Mertin, see Martin Metcalfe, see Medcalfe Merydith, Mary, 192 Miachill (MichaU, Michael) see also under Mitchell, ,, Jane, 58 . ,, Margaret, 75, 184 ,, Sai-ah, 60 „ Thomas, 58, 60, 76, 91, 184 ,, Tubal, 91 Midcafe, see Medcalfe Middleton (Midleton) Alice, 148, 161 „ Anne, 62, 77, 170, 196, 204 „ John, 60, 143, 209 ,, Martha, 67, 132 „ Mary, 209 „ Robert, 43, 50, 56, 62, 67, 77, 170, 192, 197 ,, Samwell, 69 ,, Thomas, 56 „ WUUam, 27, 43, 69, 186, 192, 204, 205 Miles, Eliza'beth, 139 Millbume (Milburn) Hannah, 76 ,, Sare, 69 „ WUUam, 69, 76 MiUer, George, 173 MUlington, Hannah, 138 Millit (MUlet) Elizabeth, 62 ,, Ezzekle, 59 INDEX OF NAMES. 257 Baptisms Marriages Burials . pp. 1-16—S1-127 17-19— 12S-144 2O-SO—I45-2IS Millit — Continued. ,, James, 59 „ Mathias, 120, 141 ,, Nathaniel, 62 „ Richard, 120 MiUner, Thomas, 150 Milh (Milles) Alice, 13, 139 ,, Elizabeth, 187 „ EUin, 87 ", John, 5, 23, 87, 113, 187 ,, Margaret, 187 „ Mary, 113 „ PMlip, 9 „ Rober-t, 2 „ WUham, 2, 6, 9, 13, 23 MUton, Robert, 162 MinshuU, Samuel, 127 Jlir-ies, see Myres MitcheU, see also Miachill, „ Alice, 103 ,, Edmund, 80 ,, Jane, 165 ,, James, 64 ,, Katherin, 64 ,, Nicholas, 87 „ Rachel, 84 „ TheophUus, 121 „ 'Thomas, 67, 80, 84, 87, 103. 121, 165 „ William, 67, 87 Moberley, Elizabeth, 73 „ George, 73, 133, 182 Moleys, Ann, 95 „ Henry, 95 MoUna, Jonathan, 132 Molyneux (Mollynex, Molyney, Molleneuxe, Mollenix, Mullinex) ,, Barthias, 45 ,, Edmund, 83 „ Elizabeth, 80, 135, 153, 194, 202 „ ElUnor, 158 ,, George, 55 ,, Heitry, 90 ,, Jane, 94 „ James, 157, 180 „ John, 42, 75, 94, 114, 146, LjT, 158, 161, 162, 172, 180, 191 „ Margaret, 13, 169 „ Martha, 157 ,, Mary, 157 ,, Nicholas, 19 „ Oliver, 45, 55, 90, 157, 166 ,, Rebecca, 114 „ Robert, 64, 153, 180, 209 „ Samuel, 42, 161, 162 Mol viieux— Continued. „' Sarah, 146 „ Thomas, 54, 75, 80, 83, 90, 94, 149, 191, 194, 198, 203 „ WUlia.m, 13, 90, 157, 198 Monelley (Moniley, Mrinelpy, Moonely) „ Aime, 152, 163, 169 „ Elizabeth, 12, 23, 211 „ EUin, 28 ,, Hannah, 2 ,, Jane, 172 i „ John, 2, 4, 7, 9, 11, 12, 22, 23, 32, 36, 160, 1.52, 154, 161, 197 ,, Jonathan, 130, 163, 211 ,, Mary, 7 „ Robert, 4, 22 ,, Thomas, 11 ,, Thomasin, 27 „ William, 28, 36, 164 Moon, Isabel, 107 ,, John, 126 ., Robert, 107, 126 Moore (More) Chrrstopher, 133, 161 „ Edwar-d, 21, 27, 1,50, 1-54 ,, Elice, 197 „ Elinor, 26 „ EUzabeth, 29, 134, 140 „ Gray, 27 „ Henry, 20 ,, Jane, 70 „ Mary, 136 ,, Richard, 20, 197 „ Robert, 26 ,, Roger, 146 „ Victoria, 170 „ William, 70 Moorecroft (Morecroft, Morecraft) ,, Abram, 14 „ Anne, 31, 43, 47, 63, 76, 139, 183, 196, 199 ,, Ed^vard, 39, 43 „ Elizabeth, 40, 173, 181, 183, 188 „ Ellen, 37, 85, 156 „ Gawther, 77, 85, 186 „ George, 34, 36, 40, 47, 147, 166 ,, Henry, 39 ,, Izabel, 18 „ Jane, 6, 33, 34 „ John, 10, 12, 14, 28, 33, 35, 147, 169 ,, Katherine, 8, 66 ,, Martha, 77 S 2s8 LIVERPOOL REGISTERS (St. NICHOLAS). Baptisms MarriagesBurials pp. 1-16—31-127 „ 17-19—128-144 „ 20-30—145-213 'Moorecvoit— Continued. „ Mary, 12, 77, 185 R,ichard, 6, 8, 10, 11, 13, 27, 31, 37, 116, 156, 173, 184 ,, Samuel, 160 ,, Sedne, 70 SUvester, 69, 63, 66, 70, 76, 78, 80, 81, 83, 133, 137, 166, 183, 186, 187, 190, 196, 202 „ Sydney, 196 ,, 'Thomas, 11, 27 ,, WUUam, 83, 190 Moose, see Moss Moi-fis, see also Murphy, ,, Mr., 109 Morgan:, Deborah, 64 ,, Godfrey, 175 ,, Thomas, 64 Morris (Morres, Morie.s, Moris) „ Ann, 88, 95, 126, 192, 213 „ David, 95, 102, 115, 126, 210, 213 ,, Elizabeth, 88, 104, 192 „ Ellen, 62, 171 ,, James, 62 171 ,, John, 67 „ Mary, 136 „ Richard, 115, 210 ,, 'Hiomas, 67, 176 ,, WUUam, 102 Morrison, Henry, 102, 137 ,, Margaret, 102 Moss, see also Moud, ,, Jane, 108, 209 ,, John, 82 ,, Martha, 192 ,, Penellapey, 87 ,, Thomas, 97 ., WUUam, 82, 87, 97, 108, 122, 136, 183, 192, 209, 213 Moud, incorrectly transcribed, should be Moss, 82 Moxon, Ann, 95 Elizabeth, 68 Jane, 116 John, 83, 190 Sarah, 75 "Wliliam, 68, 75, 83, 88, 96, 116, 190 Moyer, Thomas, 170 Muckold, James, 161 Mulaney, John, 72 ,, Jonathan, 72 Mule, John, 123 „ Pet., 123 MuUine, Elizabeth, 93 ,, Jonathan, 93 Mullinex, see Molyneux Murphy (Murfey, Moi-phy) „ Daniel, 120, 200, 206 „ Edward, 206 „ Eliza, 142 ,, James, 208 ,, Joshanah, 120 „ Michael, 200 Murrey (Murreys) David, 150 ,, John, 168 „ WilUam, 168 Musscatt, Thomas, 207 Mutch, Timothy, 133 Myers (Myars, Myas, Myres, Miries) ,, Anthony, 23 ,, Arthur, 144 „ John, 106 „ Lawrence, 171, 187, 188 ,, Martha, 171 „ Mary, 187 Myles, Richard, 176 N Naile, Charles, 183 „ WiUiam, 183 Nailer, see Naylor Narber-y (Norbury) Anne, 8, 26 ,, Elizabeth, 12, 133 ,, Hannah, 193 ,, Robert, 2 „ Thomas, 2, 8, 12, 26, 29 Naper, Anne, 154 ,, John, 154 Nash, Margaret, 208 „ Richard, 208 Navlor (Nayler, Nailer, Neyler, Nalor) ,, Baterige, 72 „ Elin, 91 „ Elizabeth, 90 George, 15, 32, 38, 43, 49, 54, 61, 68, 75, 86, 190, 201 ,, Hannah, 38 „ Jane, 78 ,, James, 54 „ John, 38, 168 ,, Joseph, 75 ,, Margaret, 65 „ Mary, 32, 85 „ Mathew, 61, 196 ,, Richard, 196 „ Robert, 43 ,, Samuel, 68, 190 „ Seth, 65, 72, 78, 85, 91, 168, 194 INDEX OF NAMES. 259 Baptisms Marriages Burials . pp. 1-16—31-127 „ 17-19—128-144 ,. 20-30—145-213 Naylor — Continued. „ Thomas, 38, 85 ,, William, 15, 90, 135 Neal (Neale) Elizabetli, 52 „ EUin, 187 „ John, 46, 187 ,, Mary, 202 „ WiUiam, 46, 52, 57, 202 Nelson, Dorothy, 127 ,, Eleanor, 134 „ Mark, 149 „ Robert, 149 ,, Samuel, 175 „ WUl, 127 Newcome, Ehzabeth, 196 Newland, Anne, 13 ,, Thomas, 13 Newport (Nuport) Edward, 9, 120 „ Eleanor, 79 „ Elizabeth, 53, 209 „ Jonathan, 38, 114, 150 ,, Mai-garet, 60 „ Mary, 3 ,, Richard, 3 „ Robert, 69, 120 ,, Thomas, 6 „ WilUam, 6, 9, 38, 48, ,53, 60. 69, 79, 114, 1.50, 197, 209 Newton, Christian, 68 ,, Thomas, 68 „ WiUiam, 130 Neyler, see Naylor Niblett (Niblat) see also Noblitt, „ Ellin, 64 ,, George, 71 „ Susanna, 74, 184 „ WUham, 64, 71, 74, 184 Nichols (Nicholls, Nicholas) „ Afe, 14 „ Edward, 212 ,, Hannah, 138 „ Henry, 5, 9, 22 „ Hugh, 26 „ Peter, 3, 182 „ Samuel, 11 „ 'Thomas, 37, 149 „ WiUiam, 3, 6, 9, 11, 14, 22, 37, 149, 172 Nicholson (Nichalson, Niclson) „ AUce, 33, 157 „ Anne, 40, 85, 191 „ Bryan, 51, 53, 63, 77, 85, 173, 191 ,, Clement, 100 „ Edward, 62, 65, 86, 92, 179, 197 ,, Elizabeth, 140 N icholson — Continued, „ Ellen, 41, 50, 51 „ George, 122 ,, Hester, 31 „ John, 12, 33, 37, 41, 45, 50, 57, 05, 77, 100, 118, 122, 1.57, 179, 210 ,, Margei-y, 86 ,, Margaret, 11, 28 „ Mary, 172 „ Ml-., 170 ,, Thomas, 11, 12, 22, 28, 31, 37, 40, .53, 63, 170, 173, 197 ,, William, 57, 92 Nickinson (Nicinson) ,, Bryon, 58, 69, 165 „ Edward, 57, 69 „ Elizabeth, 69 ,, Hannah, 69 ,, Thomas, 57, 165 Nickson, Brichard, 180 „ Elizabeth, 180 Niclson, see Nicholson Noblitt, see also Niblett, „ John, 90, 94 ,, Lucy, 90 „ WilUam, 94 Nodding, Mary, 139 Norbury, sec Narbery Norman (Normone) Gladdis, 67 ,, Latisha, 177 „ Robert, 67 ,, Samuel, 173, 177 Norris (Norres) Alice, 23 ,, .'Alexander, 198 „ Ann, 103, 198 „ Catherine, 138 „ Doctor, 182 „ Edward, 32, 198 „ Elizabeth, 69, 89, 143, 184 „ Emlin, 61 ,, Frances, 184 „ Gilbert, 69, 184, 185, 187, 190, 198 ,, Jane, 190 „ James, 41, 89, 93, 103 „ John, 41, 54, 61, 93, 155 ,, Margery, 185 „ Margaret, 33, 39, 147 „ Mary, 157 „ Patrick, 127 „ Philip, 21, 32, 33, 39, 149 „ Richard, 29, 198 „ William, 21, 156, 187 NorteUffe, Mr., 147 ,, Penelope, 147 26o LIVERPOOL REGISTERS (St. NICHOLAS). Baptisms Marriages Burials Na\('ell, Martha, 67 „ Thomas, 67, 169 Nunns, John, 138 Nuport, see Newport ^^^niS,"\04, 112, 204, 207, 209 Grace, 112, 207 Hannah, 104, 204 John, 73 Margaret, 64, 144, 177 Mary, 82 Thomas, 64, 73, 82, 112, 177 O Oagles, see Ogle Oar, David, 176 Ogden, Edward, 15, 35 ,, Isabel, 35 ,, John, 15 Ogle (Ogles, Ogells, Oagles) „ Amey, 83 ,, Edward, 65 „ Henr-y, 109 ,, John, 89 ,, Katherhie, 76 „ Mary, 70 ,, Thomas, 94 „ WiUiam, 65, 70, 76, 83, 89, 94, 109 Oldfield, Adam, 119 ,, Jonathan, 119 Olive, Ann, 29 „ William, 29 OUies, Catherine, 196 „ Thomas, 196 Olliffe (Oliffe) William, 19, 157 Olliver, John, 177 Olney, Mary, 128 Orell, Fortond, 92 ,, John, 92 ,, Margaret, 19 Oringe, Martha, 184 „ Mary, 184 ,, Peter, 182, 184 Orm, Edward, 123 Oimmishal, John, 206 Ormsby, WiUiam, 66 Ormshaw (Ormeshow) AUce, 66 „ EUzabeth, 183 ,, James, 193 ,, John, 66, 138, 183, 193 Ormson, see Di-mston Ormthon, see Urmston Oun.s'wor-th, see Unsworth pp. 1-16—31-127 17-19—128-144 20-30—145-213 Ousey, Peter, 84 ,, Richard, 84 Overon, Elizabeth, 149 Ovett (Ovitt) Andre'.v, 74, 132 „ Ann, 74 „ Martha, 134 Owen (Owens, Owin, Owing) „ Abell, 188 „ Anna', 189 ;, Anne, 27, 97 ,, Christian, 163 David, 74, 183, 199 „ Edward, 74, 183 ,, Ha'unah, 83 „ Jane, 199 „ John., 27 Richard, 83, 88, 97, 108, 118, 189, 205 „ Robert, 118 „ Simond, 137 ,, Susan, 88 „ Thomas, 108, 205 Padmoee, Ann, 203, 213 „ Mar-v, 140 Paine, Elizabeth, 138 Parcefell, see Percivall Parke (Par'kes, Parks) Elizabeth, 138 „ Izabel, 83 Jane 99 ", John, 67, 83, 87, 93, 115, 133, 201 „ Judith, 99 „ Martha, 87 „ Ma.ry, 115 „ Pheby, 201 ,, Thomas, 67 Parker, David, 201 ., Edward, 89, 161, 194 „ Ehn, 164 ,, Elleanor, 55 ;, Elizabeth, 42, 61, 161, 173 ,, Henry, 67 ,, Jamesj 22 „„ „, on John, 42, 50, 55, 61, 67, 74, 89, 1^, 161, 162, 173, 194 ,, Margaret, 74 ,, Samwell, 22 „ Thomas, 50, 142, 162 „ WiUiam, 22, 161 Parkinson, Elizabeth, 26 „ John, 196 Parks, sec Parke INDEX OF NAMES. 261 Baptisms MarriagesBurials Parr (Pai-re) Debora, 189 „ Edmund, 27 „ Edward, 12, 18 „ Elizabeth, 40 ,, Hanah, 208 „ Henry, 189, 208, 210 „ John, 151, 201 „ Joseph, 139, 197, 201, 210 ,, Margret, 131 „ Mary, 197, 212 „ Petei-, 40, 66, 155 „ Raohel, 40 „ Raph, 148 „ Riohard, 5, 9, 24, 26, 36, 40, 149, 212 „ Robert, 100 ,, Samuel, 5, 26 ,, Sarah, 155 „ Thomas, 202 „ WUliam, 9, 24, 66, 100 Pan-en, Robert, 207 Parsons, Dorathy, 61 „ WiUiam, 61 Part, Alice, 107 „ Thomas, 92, 202 „ WUham, 92, 107, 202 Partington, Alice, 169 Partridge CPartrig©) Petridge, Patridge) ,, Edmund, 90 „ EUin, 120 „ John, 90, 101, 120 „ Philip, 175 ,, Sarah, 101 Pascofild, John, 17 Passe, Richard, 168 Pateridge, see Partridge Patherne, Ehzabeth, 74 „ Thomas, 74 Patiances, Allixander, 24 Patrick (Patreck, Pattericke) ,, Ann, 5, 25 „ Elizabeth, 12, 85, 107, 194 „ ElUn, 149 „ Rachel, 117 „ 'Thomas, 5, 8, 12, 25, 85, 97, 107, 117, 194 „ WUUam, 97 Patten (Patton) Ann, 107 ,, Catherine, 94 ,, Elizabeth, 81 „ Hugh, 118, 125, 141 ,, Jane, 118 „ John, 81, 87, 94, 107 „ Mai-y, 87 „ William, 125 pp. 1-16—31-127 17-19—128-144 20-30—145-213 Pattisson, Thomas, 139 Peaies (Peeres) EUzabeth, 55, 166 „ John, 55, 166 Pear-son (Peei-son, Pierson) ,, Anothy, 115 ,, Mary, 115 „ Thomas, 200 ,, WUliam, 21 Pecocke (Pecoke, Peacocke) „ Elin'Or, 194 ,, Joseph, 10, 26 „ Jotham, 10, 26 Peerom, James, 194 Pemberton (Pimberton) Allis, 25 ,, Catherine, 66, 80, 175 „ Elizabeth, 14, 41, 77, 135, 189, ,, Jane, 63 ,, James, 66, 69, 80, 83, 132, 176, s 189, 190 „ John, 1, 8, 14, 23, 31, 37, 48, 69, 77, 147, 148, 169, 199, 207, 213 ,, Jonas, 40, 150 „ Margaret, 31, 147 „ Peter, 129 „ Rebecka, 37, 148 ,, Robert, 35 ,, Sarah, 23, 132 „ Thomas, 1, 52, 83 ,, William, 36, 40, 41, 48, 52, 63, 160, 159, 192 Pendleberry, George, 207 Penkeman (Penkeyman) AUce, 138 ,, Catherine, 115 ,, George, 9, 12, 40, 44, 164 ,, James, 143 „ Margaret, 12 ,, Richard, 44, 115 i ,, Thomas, 9 i Pennington (Pinington) Aim, 110 ' ,, Christopher, 33 „ James, 90, 98, 110, 201 ,, John, 90, 201 „ Sarah, 33 Penny (Peney) . . 128 ,, Mary, 161 ,, William, 161 Percivall (Percifall, Parcefell) ,, Jane, 128 ,, John, 152, 159 „ Riohard, 3, 8, 22, 24, 28, 38, 152 , ' I > „ Robert, 8, 22, 24 ,, Samuel, 3, 28 ,, Sarah, 38 262 LIVERPOOL REGISTERS (St. NICHOLAS). Baptisms Marriages Burials .... Perkins (Pirkirrs) Alein, 75 ,, AUce, 59, 171, 184 ,, Anne, 51 ,, Elizabeth, 135 „ Robert, 174 „ Thomae, 51, 69, 75, 171, 174, 182, 184 Perr, Joseph, 136 Perry (Perrey, Pery) Andrew, 81 Ann, 112, 207 Charies, 112, 139, 207, 212 David, 176 Edward, 8, 133 Griffith, 115 Henry, 76 Hugh, 76, 81, 89, 97, 172, 202 Izabel, 10 Jacob, 174 Jane, 8 James, 75 John, 116 Katherine, 97, 172 Margaret, 89, 112, 202 Martha, 212 Mary, 75, 134 Samuel, 80 Sarah, 80 Thomas, 8, 10, 18 Petridge, see Partridge Petei-s (Peeters, Petters) Ellen, 46 „ James, 46, 50, 60, 167, 168, 171 „ Lydia, 168 „ Mary, 122 „ Ralph, 110, 122 ,, Susannah, 60, 171 „ Thomas, 60, 167 „ William, 110, 170 Peteraon (Peeterson) Aron, 85, 192 „ Bridget, 187 ,, Doctor, 73, 180 „ James, 54, 70, 181, 183 ,, Lidea, 54 ,, Luke, 90 „ Mary, 73, 192 ,, Peter, 192 ,, Riohai-d, 77 ,, Ruth, 82 ,, Sarah, 88, 180 ,, Severine, 69, 73, 77, 82, 85, 88, 90, 187, 192 „ Susanna, 69, 195 „ Thomas, 70, 183 Peton, John, 75 ,, Thomas, 75 Phai-'i-ow, see FaiTar . . pp. 1-16—31-127 „ 17-19—128-144 „ 20-30—145-213 Phelps (Felps) Comfort, 75, 186 „ John, 72, 180 „ Robert, 64, 72, 76, 180, 186 ,, WUliam, 64 PhUlips (Philpe, Fillipes, Fihps) „ Ann, 200 Dor. 144 ", Elizabeth, 11, 177 ,, EUm, 177 ,, Henry, 33 „ James, 33, 47, 67, 90, 197 „ John, 8, 11, 18, 34, 67, ^, 100, 139, 146, 197, 200, 201 „ Mark, 100, 201 „ Peter, 34, 146 Pickerin (Pickring) Abigail, 128 ,, Denton, 57, 164 „ John, 57, 164 Pierce, Hillery, 46 „ John, 40, 43, 45, 150 „ Mary, 40, 160 ,„ WUliam, 43 Pier-son, see Peareon Pilkmgton, Ann, 138 Pilsbury, John, 77 „ Thomas, 77 Pincock, Mathew, 166 Plant, Elizabeth, 186 ,, Stephen, 186 ,, Piatt, Jane, 102 „ John, 102 ,, Mai-garet, 192 „ MaiT, 14 „ Richard, 14 Please, Alice, 76 „ John, 75, 182 Plomton, see Plumpton Ploney, Elizabeth, 17 Pluckington (Pluckinton) Elin, 136 „ John, 69, 150, 174 „ Mathew, 192 „ Ml-., 139, 162 „ Peter, 62, 171 „ William, 62, 69, 89, 171 Plum (Plumb, Plumbe, Plomb) ,, Dorothy, 204 ,, Eleanor, 77 ,, Elizabeth, 93 „ Hannah, 118, 210 „ Henry, 198 ,, Jane, 125 ,, James, 94, 204 „ John, 71, 77, 84, 87, 90, 93, 94, 102, 110, 112, 118, 125, 195, 204, 210 ¦ „ Margaret, 143, 207 INDEX OF NAMES. 263 Baptisms Marriages Burials Plum — Continued. „ Richard, 71, 195 „ Robert, 204 „ Ruth, 198 „ Sarah, 90 „ Thomas, 6, 21, 84, 112, 173 „ William, 87 Plumpton (Plomton) Hannah, 39 „ John, 39 ,, Susanah, 132 Plut, Margaret, 192 Pollard, Ann, 137 Pomfret, Abram, 11 ,, Rebeca, 11 Poole, David, 44, 61, 57, 117, 160, 168, 172, 184 „ Elizabeth, 10, 136, 184 „ EUen, 150 ,, Hannah, 89 „ Henry, 57, 168 „ Jane, 51, 125, 160 ,, James, 6 „ John, 6, 10, 27 ,, Joshua, 44 ,, Josiah, 117, 125 ,, Richard, 89, 92 „ Silence, 172 Pope, Alexander, 63 „ Elizabeth, 71 „ John, 53, 68, 161 „ Mary, 80, 85, 187 ,, Susaima, 59 ,, Thomas, 107 ,, WilUam, 50, 53, 69, 63, 68, 71, 80, 85, 107, 161, 187 Porter, Edward, 84, 212 „ Elizabeth, 195 „ EUm, 212 ,, Jane, 186 ,, Thomas, 84 „ WiUiam, 143, 186, 195, 197 Posten (Poston, Postern) „ EUzabeth, 179 ,, Jane, 153 ,, James, 45 ,, John, 134 „ Mary, 42, 68, 181 ,, Sarah, 60 „ Thomas, 42, 45, 50, 57, 68, 153, 155, 179, 181, 184 „ WUliam, 57, 184 Postlethwait (Postlethwitt) ,, Hannah, 26 ,, Nathaniel, 146 ,, Samuel, 26 Poter, Elin, 136 pp. 1-16—31-127 17-19—128-144 20-30—145-213 Pott, Ann, 140 ,, Hem-y, 141 Potter (Pottor) Henry, 127 „ John, 98, 127 ,, Joshua, 138 ,, Josiah, 105 ,, Sarah, 141 „ Thomas, 98, 132 „ Widow, 165 Poultney, Ann, 183 „ Edward, 53, 61, 65, 161, 173 „ Ellen, 2, 145 ,, Jane, 5, 6, 23 ,, John, 5, 29, 103, 153 ,, Jone, 140 „ Margaret, 4, 29, 61, 173 „ Mary, 9, 148 „ Mertha, 9, 29 ,, William, 2, 4, 6, 9, 23, 29, 65, 145, 148, 169, 173 Powell, Ann, 55 ,, 'Thomas, 55 Preson (Preeson, Praeson) An, 185 ,, Benjamin, 59, 208 ,, Dorathy, 152 „ I&ter, 48 „ Hannah, 34, 132 „ Henry, 109, 204 „ Joseph, 41, 52, 152 ,, Miriam, 109 „ Mrs., 208 „ Richard, 185 „ Thomas, 11, 152, 161 „ WUliam, 11, 15, 34, 41, 48, 62, 69, 152, 161 Prenton, see Printon Prescot (Prescott, Prescoat) „ Anne, 39, 69, 143, 161 ,, Barbery, 45, 153 „ EUzabeth, 42, 213 „ Ellen, 204 „ Humphrey, 143, 176, 204, 213 ,, Jane, 66 „ James, 39, 42, 46, .50, 52, 56, 60, 63, 69, 74, 128, 153, 161 , 169, 176, 193 „ John, 5, 10, 74, 146 ,, Margaret, 52, 165, 210 „ Mary, 60 „ Mr., 165 ,, Peter, 5 ,, Raph, 50 Pressick, George, 148 Preston, EUzabeth, 96, 143 „ Henry, 87, 96 „ John, 87 264 LIVERPOOL REGISTERS (St. NICHOLAS). Baptisms Marriages Burials Pre.ston — Continued. ,, Thomas, 82, 173 Price, Anne, 35 ,, .James, 117 „ John, 35, 42, 48, 97, 159, 209 ,, Katherine, 48 ,, Mai-v, 42 ,, Thoiias, 97, 117, 209 ,, William, 29 Prieston, William, 13 Printon (Printton, Preuton) Alice, 32 ,, Ann, 28 ., EUzabeth, 10, 179 ,, George, 6, 10, 27 ,, John, 43 ,, Mary, 48, 166 ., Riohard, 6 „ Robert, 32, 38, 43, 48, 60, 59, 156, 159, 179, 182 „ Sarah, 50, 159 ,, Thomas, 38, 59, 156, 182 ,, WilUam, 156 Prior (Pryor) Alice, 38, 149 ,, Bethyah. 63 ,, John, 36, 156 „ Joseph, 36, 38, 45, 51, 63, 146, 149, 156 ,, Margaret, 38, 134, 149 ,, Martha, 77 ,, WiUiam, 77 Procter, John, 141 Prowmundy, Lewis, 177 Purifie, EUzabeth, 93, 200 „ Gravelh 93, 200 Pye, Ann, 167 ,, John, 167 Pyper, John, 138 Q Quaile (Queil) Margery, 97 ,, Robert, 97, 113, 203 Quay (Qua, Quee) ,, Benjamin, 95, 200 ,, Henry, 88, 95, 134, 200 ,, John, 88 ,, Joseph, 95 Quequick, see Cuquith Quiggin (Quiggins, Quingin, Quigan) ,, Bridgat, 71 „ Elizabeth, 45 ,, James, 39, 166 ,, John, 51 „ Mary, 58, 183 „ Nicholas, 39, 45, 51, 71, 166, 183 ' . . , Quuquit, see Cuquith . pp. 1-16—31-127 ¦ „ 17-19—128-144 ,, 20-30— I45-2IS R Rachdell, Edward, 133 Radclife (Rateliffe, Ratlife, Ratteliffe) „ Alice, 201 ,, Charies, 76, 81, 87, 92, 95, 136, 193, 197, 198 ,, Edward, 142 ,, Elizabeth, 39, 87, 193, 196 „ Esther, 76 ,, Hemy, 25 ,, Johannah, 63 „ John, 39, 46, 49, 53, 154, 160, „ Richard, 46, 49, 154 ,, Robert, 81, 172 ,, Thomas, 21, 125 „ WiUiam, 92, 135 Radford, Henry, 92 „ John, 92 Raine (Reyne, Rene) Alice, 68 „ Prancis, 42, 45, 48, 53, 56, 68, 152, 166, 176 „ GUbert, 53, 176 „ John, 42, 56, 152 ,, Thomas, 48 Rainford (Ranforde, Ranfort) „ Catherine, 73, 94, 185, 198 „ EUen, 95, 199 ,, Jane, 2, 24 ,, James, 110 ,, John, 4, 24, 67 ,, Margaret, 80 „ Pfeter, 67, 73, 80, 86, 94, 110, 132, 185, 190 „ Richard, 95, 136, 198, 199 ,, Thomas, 86, 190 „ WiUiam, 2, 4, 24 Ranolds, see Reynolds Rankins, William, 60 Rannalls, see Reynolds RatoUffe, see Radclife Rathbome, William, 179 Ravenscroft, Mary, 19 Rawell, see also Rwvell, „ EUm, 186 „ Henry, 186 Rawkin, Edward, 145 ,, Jane, 145 Rawlins (Rolins, Rollins, Rowlens) „ Henry, 175 ,, John, 74 „ Mr., 143 „ Richard, 66 INDEX OF NAMES. 265 BaptismsMarriages Burials Rawlins— Continued. „ Strange, 71 „ Thomas, 77 ,, Valentine, 92 „ WiUiam, 66, 71, 74, 77, 92 Raivson, Henry, 151 ,, John, 151 „ Sarah, 130 Read, Alice, 152 Red, Hemy, 142 Redford, see Ridford Redman, Johu, 186 „ WUliam, 175 Renalls, see Reynolds Rene, see Raine Renord, Henry, 202 „ John, 202 Renshaw, Jane, 143 „ John, 208 „ WiHiam, 208 Revell (Ravell) Anne, 51 ,, John, 61, 65 Revenshaw, SaJ-ah, 18 Revet, John, 179 „ WUliam, 179 Reyne, see Raine Reynolds (Renolds, Renalls, Reynald, R'anolds, Rannalls, Ranald, Rannell) ,, Ann, 163 „ Anna, 56 „ Daniel, 6, 158 „ Dorithy, 8, 166 „ Hannah, 11, 132 „ Hugh, 2, 4, 8, 11, 32, 63, 166 ,, Isebel, 192 „ Jane, 61, 130, 168 „ John, 61, 135, 166, 168 „ Margaret, 129 ,, Nicholas, 32 „ Paterick, 6 „ Thomas, 4, 186 „ William, 2, 56, 63, 134, 163, 192, 200 Rhodes (Rhoades, Roades, Rods) „ Alice, 56, 163 „ Aone, 39, 64 „ Deborah, 71, 181 „ Eliner, 62, 168 „ Elizabeth, 158 ,, Josiah, 52 ,, Lenord, 193 „ Mary, 137 „ Ottewell, 36, 47, 52, 55, 58, 62, 64, 68, 71, 74, 158, 163, 165, 168, 181, 185 pp. 1-16—31-127 17-19—128-144 20-30— I45-2IS Rhodes — Continued. „ Rebecka, 74, 185 „ Ruth, 68 „ Samuel, 39, 152 ,, Sarah, 47 ,, Susanna, 36 ,, WUUam, 68, 165 Rice, Alice, 207 ,, Ann, 90 „ Edward, 14, 90, 134 ,, EUen, 99 „ EUice, 196 ,, Jane, 7, 27 „ John, 90, 99, 122, 134, 207 ,, Maiy, 122 „ WUham, 7, 14, 24, 27, 44, 176 Riohai-ds, Agnus, 11 „ John, 11, 12, 15, 19, 33, 36, 40, 81, 88, 101, 150, 162, 184 „ Margery, 40, 137, 150 „ Mary, 15, 184 ,, Nathaniel, 12 ,, Origen, 36, 152 ,, Priciley, 81 „ Rachel, 101 Richar'dson (Richarson, Richerson) ,, Ales, 58 ,, Anne, 5, 32, 148, 201 ,, Cristopher, 195 ,, Dorathy, 36 „ Edward, 52 „ Elizabeth, 40, 64, 111, 128, 137 ,, Hannah, 48 „ Hugh, 32, 36, 40, 148, 152, 159 „ James, 48, 62, 68, 64, 72, 126, 140 ,, John, 111, 202 „ Joseph, 10, 12, 18, 166 ,, Margaret, 148 „ Mary, 10, 131, 175, 198 „ Maudlin, 35, 154 „ MUes, 148 „ Robert, 35, 154, 178 „ Roger, 148, 187, 208 ,, Thomas, 8, 12, 27, 198, 201 ,, William, 5, 8, 17 Richman, see Richmond Richmond (Richman) An, 81, 192 ,, Brook, 102 ,, CarrUl, 15, 178 ,, Docter, 11 ,, Edward, 66 ,, Elizabeth, 190 ,, Francies, 92 ,, George, 126 266 LIVERPOOL REGISTERS (St. NICHOLAS). Baptisms Marriages ¦ ¦ ¦ Burials Richmond — Continued. Henry, 32, 194 Leigh-Pleetwood, 113 Mar-garet, 3 Mary, 62, 96, 186, 191, 199 Par-son, 133 Peter, 9, 21, 26, 35, 84, 148, 192 Sarah, 11, 74, 148 Silvester, 3, 6, 9, 11, 15, 21, 25, 32, 35, 62, 69, 74, 81, 84, 92, 96, 102, 113, 126, 143, 148, 181, 182, 186, 190, 191, 192, 199 Rickebey, Joseph, 169 ,, Nor-man, 169 Ricraft, see Rycroft Riddle, EUzabeth, 172 „ John, 172 Ridford (Redford) Elizabeth, 86 ,, Henry, 135 ,, Peter, 86 Ridge, Elizabeth, 166 ,, Jonathan, 157 „ Ruth, 157 ,, Samuel, 166 Riding, ser Ryding Rigal, see Riggol Rigby (Rigbie) Alice, 200 ,, Anne, 60 „ George, 200 „ Gilbert, 111 „ Henry, 82, 144, 200, 209, 210 ,, Lawrence, 111, 125 ,, Nicholas, 60, 63, 131 ,, Robert, 125 Riggol (Riggel, Rigal) Edward, 71 ,, Elin, .59 ,, Henrv, 59, 71 ,, Thomas, 186 Right, see Wright Rigley (Riggly, Rigly) Alis, 63, 183 ,, Else, 90, 91 „ Edmund, 63, 69, 75, 79, 85, 91, 131, 183, 192 ,, James, 90, 136 „ Mary, 75, 183 ,, Richard, 69, 91 „ WUliam, 79 Rimmer (Rimer, Rimor, Remer, Rymor) ,, Alexander, 44 „ Alice, 17, 18, 49, 55, 73, 149, 164 ,, Amie, 86 „ Anne, 21, 102, 132, 203 . . pp. 1-16—31-127 . . „ 17-19—128-144 . ¦ „ 20-30—145-213 Rimmer — Continued. Anthony, 73, 181 Barbara, 55 Cysley, 85 Doi-a'thy, 136 Edward, 7, 25 Elenor, 132 Elizabeth, 72, 73, 82, 83, 91, 180, 181, 182, 207 EUm, 6, 57, 93, 180, 193 Emey, 192 Gilbei-t, 44, 51, 67 Hannah, 130 Henry, 82 Isabel, 94 Jane, 33, 61, 129 James, 47, 76, 113 Jannat, 23 John, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 10, 21, 23, 26, 43, 44, 47, 51, 63, 59, 62, 65, 70, 73, 76, 79, 83, 84, 91, 94, 117, 132, 151, 152, 163, 169, 176, 180, 187, 191, 197, 212 Joseph, 61 Lawrence, 7, 23, 49, 65, 61, 73, 167, 183 Margery, 1, 3, 28, 29 Mai-garet, 12, 109, 201 Mary, 55, 61, 65, 187, 197 Mathew, 70, 178 Myles, 43 Nicholas, 17, 85, 91, 109, 123 Peter, 32, 61, 55, 61, 67, 82 Richard, 1, 3, 5, 6, 12, 28, 44, 46, 49, 55, 59, 74, 91, 93, 103, 113, 116, 135, 149, 152, 156, 184, 188 ,, Robert, 116 ,, Sarah^ 80, 193, 207 ,, Simon, 79 „ Thomas, 32, 33, 35, 44, 47, 51, 55, 72, 76, 82, 91, 152, 180, 182, 191, 193 ,, Thomasine, 201 „ William, 4, 17, 29, 49, 63, 57, 62, 74, 76, 80, 86, 102, 157, 163, 169, 178, 184, 192, 193, 201, 203, 204 Rimsey, John, 144 Rishton (Richton) Edmund, 140 ,, John, 79 ,, Robert, 170 ,, WUliam, 79 Roades, see Rhodes Roans, John, 139 INDEX OF NAMES. 267 Baptisms Marriages Burials Robe, Elizebeth, 206 Robert (Roberts) Ann, 165 „ Blund., 195 ,, Cathei-ine, 75, 186 „ James, 77, 186, 187 „ John, 80, 100, 187, 188 „ Richard, 75, 80, 92, 100, 185, 188 „ Symon, 139 „ WUUam, 163 Robertson (Robtson) EUin, 89, 135 „ John, 60, 63, 66, 89, 136 „ Robeit, 103 „ Thomas, 63, 135 ,, WUUam, 60 Robinson (Robison) Anne, 90, 118 „ Dorithy, 22, 63 ,, Eleanor, 78 „ EUzabeth, 25, 49, 62, 71, 90, 175 208 „ Ellen, '22, 38, 134, 135 „ Hannah, 80, 86, 189 „ Henry, 2, 23, 83, 189 „ Jane, 10, 122, 183 ,, James, 46, 157 ,, Jeremiah, 167 „ John, 5, 22, 62, 65, 71, 77, 80, 83, 90, 109, 118, 122, 167, 184, 188, 189, 191 „ Margery, 71, 78 ,, Margaret, 173, 208, 210 „ Martha, 28, 137 „ Mary, 109, 184 „ Richard, 49, 68, 78, 84, 90, 98, 175 „ Robei-t, 5, 17, 26, 68, 90, 118, 177, 211 „ Sycilly, 84 „ Thomas, 2, 5, 22, 23, 25, 27, 38, 42, 46, 98, 135, 157 „ Timothy, 83 „ Walter, 65 „ William, 5, 10, 18, 28, 63, 68, 71, 78, 83, 86, 90, 95, 118, 131, 173, 177, 188, 191, 210, 211 Robson, EUen, 40 „ John, 116 „ Mary, 116 „ Riohard, 116 ,, Roger, 40, 155 Roby, Charles, 163 ,, Homphrey, 22 Rodditt, Adgenous, 142 Rodgor, see Rogers . . pp. 1-16—31-127 . . „ 17-19—128-144 . . „ 20-30—145-213 Roe (Rooe, Ro, Row, Rowe) Anna, 56 Anne, 156 Dority, 4 Edward, 87, 192 Elme, 2, 161 Hem-y, 83 Jane, 169 James, 155 Jeane, 91 John, 32, 56, 79, 95, 99, 202 Joseph, 88, 95, 202 Katherine, 153 Margaret, 10 Mary, 88 Riohard, 12, 82, 92, 99, 189 Roger, 8 Samuel, 36, 150 Thomas, 2, 4, 8, 10, 12, 32, 36, 69, 82, 134, 148, 150, 153, 156, 161, 169, 189 „ William, 24, 69, 73, 79, 83, 87, 91, 132, 192 R'Oeson, see R'Owson Rogeis (Rogor, Rodgor) Abram, 64 ,, Crispin, 118 ,, Elizabeth, 136, 180 ,, Frances, 118 ,, Hem-y, 53 ,, Jane, 63, 182 „ John, 44, 113, 165, 185 ,, Jonathan, 66, 113 ,, Margaret, 42, 151, 185 „ Mary, 108, 205 „ Raph, 42, 44, 48, 53, 58, 63, 71, 90, 108, 118, 161, 157, 165 171, 182, 205 „ Sarah, 66 „ Thomas, 48, 90, 157, 180 „ Widow, 207 „ William, 58, 64, 118, 171 Rogerson, Cristopher, 182, 183 „ Ellen, 145 ,, Jane, 160 „ Richard, 29, 145, 183 ,, Sarah, 145 „ Widow, 206 Rollins, see Rawhns Romsey, Edward, 157 Rooks, John, 66 „ Winifred, 66 Roose, Janat, 19 „ Peter, 69 ,, Richard, 69 Rose, Blhn, 186, 210 ,, Henry, 77 ,, Johu, 50 268 LIVERPOOL REGISTERS (St. NICHOLAS). Baptisms MarriagesBurials Rose — Continued. „ Richard, 45, 50, 57, 64, 77, 186, 187 ,, Thonras, 67 ,, WUliam, 45 Roston (Royston) Anne, 85 ,, Edmund, 109 „ WUliam, 29, 85, 109 Rothwell (Rothweel) Edward, 14 ,, Jane, 99 „ James, 14, 15, 210, 213 ,, John, 15, 92, 99 „ Mary, 92 „ Richard, 213 „ Sarah, 210 Rowe, see Roe Rowell, see also Rawell, ,, Ales, 185 „ Elizabeth, 182 „ Ellen, 47, 53, 57, 155, 160 „ Hemy, 67, 174 „ John, 47, 60, 53, 55, 156, 160 ,, Richard, 50 „ Thomas, 34, 49, 65, 182 Rowlens, .see Rawhns Rowlet, John, 193 Rownson, Martha, 127 „ Robert, 127 Rowson (R'Oeson) Elizabeth, 80 ,, Henry, 6 ,, John, 6, 26 ,, Richard, 80 Royle, Ahce, 47, 138 ,, .\nn, 69 ,, James, 74, 182 „ John, 43, 47, 60, 69, 74, 79, 160, 167, 182 „ Mary, 212 ,, Peter, 212 „ Ralph, 79 ,, William, 43, 47, 160 Royston, see Roston Ruddock, John, 36 „ Mary, 36 Rumley, Michael, 152 Runkhorne (Runckhorn) Robert, 88 ,, Samuel, 88, 99, 134 ,, Sarah, 99 Rushton, Ann, 142 ,, Edmund, 120 „ Ehzabeth, 17, 103, 202 ,, John, 120 „ Ralph, 199 „ Widdow, 103, 202 „ William, 127, 199, 201 Russell, Susan, 138 pp. 1-16—31-127 ¦ „ 17-19—128-144 „ 20-30—145-213 Ruthband, Paul, 212 ,, William, 212 Rutter, Mi-s., 175 Ry, Joseph, 65 ,, Sarah, 65 Rycroft (Ricroft, Ricraft) Ann, 136 „ Edward, 15, 33, 44, 77, 112, 167, 206 ,, Eline, 12 ,, EUzabeth, 8, 20 ,, James, 44, 150, 167 ,, John, 34, 175 ,, Margaret, 33, 77, 167, 206 „ Mary, 31, 112, 161 ,, William, 8, 12, 31, 34, 44, 150, 154, 155, 175 Rydmg (Ridrng) Elb, 29 ,, Elizabeth, 162, 178 ,, Ellinor, 128 ,, John, 11 ,, Margery, 17 ,, Robert, 5 „ Thomas, 8, 11, 211 „ WiUiam, 5, 8, 165, 178 Rygson, Christopher, 72 ,, Richai-d, 72 Rylands (Rylance) Katherine, 16, 28 ,, Margaret, 182 ,, Robert, 16, 19, 28, 182 ,, WUUam, 170 Ryley, Edward, 140 ,, John, 142 Rymei-, see Rimmei- S Sacome, see Seacome Sailes, see Sayles Sale, see Sayles Sallock (Sellick, Sellack) ,, Rebeckah, 207 „ Thomas, 96, 136 Salthouse (Salltus) Alice, 145 „ John, 52, 148 „ Margaret, 39 ,, Martha, 48 „ Thomas, 39, 42, 48, 52, 58, 145, 148 ,, William, 58 Samples (Sampus, Sancus) Anne, 48 „ Bamett, 39, 42, 56, 205, 209 ,, Bernard, 60 ,, EUne, 164 „ Ellis, 56 ,, Ester, 39, 205 „ Gabrel, 50, 164 INDEX OF NAMES. 26 BaptismsMa rriagcs Burials Saiapli^s— Continued. „ Grace, 42, 209 ,, James, 159 „ Mary, 60, 206 „ Wilham, 48, 50, 164 Sams, James, 112 „ Samuel, 112 Samson, EUzabeth, 126 „ John, 126 Sancus, see Samples Sanders, Ann, 26 „ John, 26, 146, 176 Sanderson (Saunderson) ,, Abraham, 3, 5 ,, Anne, 41 „ Elizabeth, 65, 100, 194, 198, 208 „ George, 200 „ Hannah, 38, 199 ,, Jacob, 27 „ James, 7, 12, 53, 69, 75, 81, 94, 100, 119, 180, 190, 198, 200 „ John, 5, 9, 12, 27, 38, 41, 44, 47, 53, 66, 77, 135, 151, 164, 158, 167, 180, 194, 203, 206 „ Katherine, 3 ,, Margaret, 119 „ Mary, 44, 75, 198 ,, Moses, 9, 27 ,, Thomas, 77 „ Widow, 206 „ WiUiam, 59, 167 Sandiford (Sandeford) Abraham, 64 ,, Branton, 72 „ Bridget, 187, 188 ,, Dority, 5, 22 „ EUne, 19 „ Elizabeth, 148 ,, James, 69 „ John, 4, 61, 63, 69, 72, 76, 80, 141, 187 ,, Katherine, 63 „ Peter, 61 ,, PrisciUa, 43, 163 „ Ralph, 76 „ Robert, 174 ,, Sarah, 80, 187 ,, Silvester, 4, 61 „ Thomas, 5, 36, 43, 51, 61, 64, 130, 131, 148, 163, 170, 174, 187, 188, 211 Saudis, Peter, 145 ,, Thomas, 154 „ Wflham, 145, 154 Sands, Elizabeth, 83 „ BsiUe, 90 pp. 1-16—31-127 ,, 17-19-128-144 „ 20-30—145-213 Sands — Continued. ,, Fortinatus, 118 „ WUliam, 83, 90, 100, 118, 2 Sanford, An, 135 „ Sa.muel, 194 Sargent (Serjant, Seai-jeant) „ .\ai-on, 61, 181 ,, Abigail, 168 ,, Ann, 55, 181 ,, Diana, 38, 165 ,, EUin, 74, 192 ,, Isabell, 62 „ John, 38, 56, 61, 62, 69, 74, 84, 121, 165, 168, 177, : 181, 188, 192 „ Mary, 84 „ Moses, 69, 177, 180 „ Richard, 103, 121, 139 Saul, John, 122 „ Thomas, 122 Saunderson, see Sandei'son Sawley, Robert, 144 Sayles (Sayle, Sale, Sailes, Saile, ,, Adam, 36, 148 ,, Anne, 134 „ Bridget, 129 „ Charles, 83, 189 ,, Clement, 94 „ Elizabeth, 137 ,, EUen, 60 „ John, 36, 60, 106, 181 „ Mary, 106 „ Nathaniel, 83, 189 ,, Robert, 59, 181 ,, Susanna, 59 Scasbricke (Scasebrige, Scarbrick, Scarisbi-eck, Skarisbreck. Scazbrick) ,, Ann, 74 „ Catherine, 19, 77, 110, 136, ., Daniel, 98 ;, Edward, 151, 163 ;, Elin, 56 ,, Elinor, 18 „ Elizabeth, 47, 62, 169 ,, Hannah, 43 „ James, 1, 5, 12, 69, 149 ,, Jane, 56 , John, 37, 41, 49, 54, 59, 61 77, 81, 84, 90, 98, 110, 144, 155, 170, 181, 187, „ Joyce, 81 ,, Judeth, 165 ,, Lawrence, 5, 74, 185 „ Margery, 4, 34, 132, 140 270 LIVERPOOL REGISTERS (St. NICHOLAS). Baptisms MarriagesBurials .... Scasbricke — Continued. ,, Margaret, 41, 151 „ Martha, 38, 90 ,, Mary, 35, 137 „ Peter-, 1, 12, 3o, 38, 43, 50, 56, 62, 169 ,, Richard, 20, 49, 51 ,, Ro\vland, 50 ,, Thomas, 4, 26, 41, 61, 147, 155, 181 „ WUliam, 34, 37, 41, 47, 51, 66, 84, 165 Scerry, WUliam, 143 Schorlaker, see Shurlaker Scolfiele, John, 213 „ Mary, 213 Scott, Bernard, 49 „ David, 143 ,, Elizabeth, 156 ,, Francis, 95, lOo, 133 ,, Henry, 206 ,, Joseph, 156 ,, WilUam, 49 Seacome (Seacum, Sacome, Seacham) ,, EUzabeth, 32, 95, 99, 103, 200 ,, Hanah, 197 ,, John, 13, 29, 89, 95, 100, 103, 106, 119, J188, 139, 200 203 ,, Margaret, 157 ,, Martha, 45 „ Mary, 192 „ Ralph, 95 „ Rebecka, 38 „ Robert, 13, 29, 32, 34, 38, 45, 89, 93, 99, 114, 130, 135, 141, 157, 192, 207, 211 ,, Samuel, 175 ,, Thomas, 34 ,, WilUam, 183 Seal (Seale) see also Sayles, ,, Alice, 55 „ An, 133 ,, Daniel, 126 „ ElUn, 172 „ John, 65, 71, 172, 181, 185 ,, Marthaw, 180 ,, R'Obert, 49, 55, 65, 170 ,, Susan, 129 ,, Thomas, 170, 207 ;, WiUiam, 49, 71, 126, 181 Seaman, Tliomas, 174 Seatle (Settle, SetteU) Anne, 37, 156 ,, Catarin, 68 ,, Elizabeth, 33, 130, 146 ,, James, 33, 37, 43, 64, 68, 146, 156, 161, 180 pp. 1-16—31-127 . „ 17-19-128-144 „ 20-30— 145-213 Seatle — Continued, ,, Margaret, 162 Seay, Maiy, 173 ,, Thomas, 173 Seddon (Sedin, Sedon, Seddan, Suddon) ,, AUce, 63, 173 ,, Edward, 72, 78, 93 „ EUzabeth, 19 „ George, 22, 57, 112, 171 ,, Jane, 69, 194 ,, James, 76, 110, 186 ,, Jeanet, 72 „ John, 86, 111, 112 ,, Katherine, 22 ,, Margaret, 110, 213 „ Richard, 38, 48, 52, 57, 63, 69, 76, 78, 128, 157, 173, 186, 194, 203 ,, Robert, 38, 195 ,, Sarah, 99 „ Thomas, 48, 52, 157 „ WiUiam, 86, 99, 141, 213 - Seedle, John, 164 Sefton (Sephton) Daniel, 132 „ Thomas, 137 Sellack, sec Sallock Sellers, Elizabeth, 66 ,, Francis, 38, 53, 1'j7 ,, Isabell, 38 ,, Jeremiah, 56 „ John, 53, 160 ,, Mary, 66, 157 ,, Thomas, 66, 160, 187 Scijant, see Sargent Settle, see Seatle Seymore, Elizabeth, 172 ,, James, 172 Sharpe, John, 188 Sharpies (Shai-pells) Arthur, 61, 168 „ Cuthbert, 48, 62, 04, 67, 88, 95, 110, 129, 156, 182, 186, 194, 200, 204 ,, Dorothy, 63 „ EUzabeth, 67, 141, 172, 182 „ Ellen, 166 „ Geoi-ge, 53, 58, 61, 63, 71, 76, 79, 88, 162, 168, 172, 185, 204 „ James, 44, 53, 162 ,, John, 48, 165 ,, Jonathan, 110 „ Mar-y, 52 ,, Penelope, 79 ,, Samuel, 76, 185 „ 8ai-ah, 48, 60, 1.58 INDEX OF NAMES. 271 BaptismsMarriages Burials . Sharpies — Continued. „ Symon, 64, 186 ,, Thomas, 44, 48, 50, 155. 158, 179 ,, William, 58 Sharrock, George, 121 ,, Thomas, 121 Shaw, Ahce, 105, 212 ,, Anne, 34 „ Elizabeth, 80 „ Ellen, 199 „ James, 203 „ John, 74, 105, 170, 212 ,, Joseph, 135, 199 „ Judith, 201 „ Mai-gei-y, 64 ,, Margaret, 89 „ Richard, 54, 160, 162, 195 ,, Thomas, 34, 152 „ WUUam, 64, 74, 80, 89 Shea, Elizabeth, 155 „ Ellen, 89 ,, John, 37 „ Richard, 37, 39, 155 Sheals, see Shields Shelton, Elizabeth, 134 Shepard (Shipard, Sheppherd) ,, Jane, 56, 163 „ John, 56, 136, 163 „ Margaret, 170 Shepen, John, 102 ,, Thomas, 102 Siierington, 'Thomas, 209 Sherlock (Shoriock, Shurlock) ,, Alee, 191 ,, Catherine, 86 „ EUzabeth, 119, 210 „ John, 80, 144 „ Mary, 139, 172 „ Richard, 119 „ Robert, 80, 86, 103, 119, 141, 172, 201, 210, 211 „ Ruth, 211 ,, Thomas, 156 ,, Williana, 103 „ WilUam, 201 SherwinJ Anne, 153 „ John, 188 ,, Margaret, 191 ,, Peter, 62 ,, Samuel, 65 „ Thomas, 52, 57, 65, 73, 188, 191 „ WilUam, 73 Shields (Sheals, Sheles, Sheeles) ,, Beresford, 85 „ Elizabeth, 91 pp. 1-16—31-127 „ 17-19—128-144 „ 20-30—145-213 Shields — Continued. ,, Michael, 65 ,, Mr., 141 ,, Olivia, 79 „ Robert, 65, 70, 80, 91; 97, 133, 201 Shipard, see Shepard Shooe, Richard, 179 Short, Ann, 124 „ Edwai-d, 72, 77 ,, Elizabeth, 77, 94 ,, Hannah, 89 ,, Jane, 84, 191 „ John, 94, 124 „ Mary, 72 ,, Michael, 84, 89, 99, 191 ,, Rachel, 99 Shouldham, Edward, 26 Show, Joseph, 138 Shurlaker (Shurlecar, SherUcker, Schorlaker) „ Ann, 62 ,, John, 195 ,, . Mar-y, 196 „ Robert, 62, 72, 94, 156 ,, Thomas, 72 „ William, 94 Shurlock, see Sherlock Shuttleworth (Shoutleworth, Sutellworth) „ Barton, 111, 119, 210 „ Edward, 123 ,, Madam, 195 „ Mary, 111 ,, Nicholas, 119, 210 ,, Richard, 123 Sicksmith (Sigesmith) Anne, 67 „ Henry, 67, 76, 183, 185 Siddall (Syddall) Elizabeth, 98 ,, Jane, 138 „ John, 98, 126, 137 „ Mary, 126 Sidebottom, Katherine, 137 Sigesmith, see Sicksmith Simner, Ellui, 139 ,, Margaret, 171 „ Mary, 68, 176 „ WUliam, 68, 176 Simpson (Simson, Symson) ,, AUce, 93 ,, Anne, 11 ,, Darcus, 201 „ Edward, 14, 19, 156 ,, Prances, 17 „ George, 88, 93, 99, 105, 117, 134, 200, 203, 212 272 LIVERPOOL REGISTERS (St. NICHOLAS). Baptisms MarriagesBurials Simpson — Continued. ,, Hannah, 21 ,, John, 76, 149 ,, Josuah, 3, 21 ,, Katherine, 76 ,, Margaret, 117, 212 „ Mary, 8, 24 ,, Mertha, 5, 25, 27 „ Nathaniel, 14, 156 „ Richard, 88 „ Robert, 177 ,, Thomas, 5, 8, 11, 21, 24, 26 ,, William, 3, 5, 21, 25, 27, 99, 105, 149, 186, 191, 200, 203 Sims, Ellin, 76 ,, Martin, 76 Singleton, .^lice, 203 ,, Elen, 82 „ Elizabeth, 70, 170, 192, 213 „ Isabel, 88 „ John, 120 ,, Maigaret, 93 „ Richard, 70, 82, 88, 93, 110, 120, 192, 206, 213 Sinson, Ann, 139 ,, John, 87 ,, Ruth, 87 Skarisbreck, see Scasbricke Ski,nner (Skiner, Skynei-) Ann, 59 „ Elizabeth, 73, 135, 192 „ Ellen, 54, 66, 164 „ James, 54, 59, 06, 73, 79, 164, 192 ,, Mary, 79 Slater, Henry, 146 ,, Margaret, 24, 37 „ Mary, 120 „ Peter, 37, 146 „ Robert, 120 Sliegh, see Sly Sloy, John, 181 Sly (Slie, Sliegh) John, 64, 176, 178 „ Mary, 178 „ William, 64, 176 Smalley, Alice, 47, 157 „ Elizabeth, 158 ,, James, 40, 47, 153, 156, 157 „ Richard, 41, 158, 159, 208 Smallwood, John, 134, 192 ,, Samuel, 192 Smalshaw (Smallshall, Smawshaw, Sriialshow) „ Ann, 95, 139, 174 ,, Christopher, 42 „ Edith, 103 „ Edwai-d, 119, 184, 211 pp. 1-16—31-127 ,, 17-19-128-144 „ 20-30—145-213 Smalshaw — Continued. „ Elizabeth, 105 ., Jacob, 91, 202 ,, Jane, 91, 163 „ John, 42, 47, 52, 86, 89, 91, 95, 102, 105, 119, 155, 162, 163, 184, 193, 202, 211 ,, Katherine, 52, 162 ,, Martha, 85 ,, Samuel, 12 „ Sarah, 8, 174 ,, Thomas, 8, 12, 47, 145, 155 ,, Timothy, 103 Smarlew, Margaret, 194 Smedley, Christopher 153 Smith, .... 144 ,, Abraham, 78, 92, 102, 123, 212 ,, Alexander, 94, 110, 123, 136, 211, 213 „ AUin, 132 „ Ann, 77, 92 ,, Antony, 140 ,, Arthur, 118 ,, Charles, 16 „ Dorathy, 47, 49, 53, 115, 155, 157 „ EUne, 58, 78, 175 „ Eliza'beth, 50, 59, 110, 120, 126, 166, 204, 211 „ George, 46, 50, 54, 58, 68, 102, 106, 180, 195 „ Hannah, 39, 81, 96, 194, 211 „ Henry, 33, 36, 39, 41, 44, 47, 49, 53, 69, 72, 78, 88, 91, 103, 149, 166, 157, 166, 177, 192, 209 ,, Isabel, 46 ,, Jane, 123, 175 ,, James, 33, 114, 126, 204 „ John, 81, 86, 96, 106, 116, 120, 127, 153, 171, 194, 199 „ Jonas, 78, 209 ,, Joseph, 77, 148 ,, Joshua, 58, 165 ,, Katherine, 96 ,, Margaret, 103, 140 „ Ma.rtha, 114 „ Mar-y, 86, 88, 94, 118, 123, 167, 177, 192, 199, 212 ,, Rebecka, 41 „ Richard, 68, 176 „ Robert, 91, 127 ,, Roger-, 177 „ Sarah, 36, 72, 149, 171 ,, Stephen, 156 ,, 1'homas, 85, 96, 134 INDEX OF NAMES. 273 Baptisms Marriages Burials pp. 1-16—31-127 „ 17-19—128-144 ,, 20-30— 145-213 Smith — Continued. „ WUham, 58, 131, 165, 167, 168 Smoult, Elizabeth, 2 ,, James, 2, 84 „ John, 51, 54, 69, 76, 84, 158, 200 ,, Jonathan, 59, 200 ,, Margaret, 137 ,, Richard, 51, 158 ,, Samh, 76 ,, Susannah, 54 SneUing, Vincent, 134 Snow, Jerimia, 143 Soanmers, see Stimmers Sorocold, Margaret, 128 „ Mr., 128 Sotherd, see Southart Sourbuts, Han., 143 Southart (Southard, Southert, Southward, Southwark, Sotherd, Suthert, Suthworth, Sowthert) ,, Alice, 50, 153 ,, Emlinj 196 „ George, 121, 211 ,, Jane, 50, 92 ,, James, 155 ,, Katherine, 80 „ Mary, 72, 92 „ Peter, 72, 80, 92, 121, 174, 211 „ Rachel, 44, 125 „ Richard, 37, 91, 135 „ Robert, 41, 125, 210 „ Thomas, 50, 174, 196 „ WilUam, 37, 41, 44, 50, 56, 91, 92, 163, 210 Southerne (Suthame, Sutharon, Sutherin) „ Elizabeth, 70 „ George, 33, 36, 41, 46, 52, 64. 70, 128, 153, 154, 169, 173 ,, Henry, 119 ,, James, 46, 173 ,, John, 33 ,, Susanna, 169 „ Thomas, 36, 64, 119, 153 Spand (Spann) Easter, 64 ,, Jonathan, 60, 64 „ Maij, 60 Sparke, Mary, 122 „ Thomas, 122, 141 Sparrow, John, 146 Spencer (Spensor) Alee, 87 „ Ann, 95, 200 „ Chi-istopher, 212 ,, Dorothy, 143 „ Ellen, 143, 207 Spencer — Continued. „ James, 67, 84, 190 „ John, 80, 203 „ Margaret, 64, 73, 170, 203 ,, Robert, 67 ,, Sarah, 207 „ Thomas, 64, 73, 80, 84, 87, 93, 96, 170, 190, 200 Spensly, John, 59 ,, WiUiami, 59 Spicer, William, 79, 186, 187 Spondle, George, 140 Spooner, Mary, 202 „ Thomas, 202 Spranger, Barberry, 64, 172 „ Charies, 64, 172 Squire, Elizabeth, 71, 173 ,, Prancis, 194 „ Isabell, 28 „ WUUam, 18, 71, 173 „ Winyfred, 175 Stananought (Standenought, Stonenought, Stanought) ,, Alice, 212 „ Elen, 170 ,, Elianor, 55 „ Emey, 71 ,, Henry, 170 „ John, 67, 175, 181 ,, Lawrence, 134 ,, Rebecay, 72 „ Riohard, 40, 48, 65, 62, 71, 169, 170, 197 „ Robeit, 67, 175, 181 „ Roger, 72 ,, Sarah, 48 „ Thomas, 62, 169, 170 „ William, 40 Standish (Standich) Ellen, 139 ,, John, 105, 126 „ Ralph, 185 „ Thomas, 126, 142 Standishstreet (Stanistreet) „ Henry, 59, 184 ,, John, 59 ,, Rebecka, 184 Standly (Standley, Stanley) „ Ellin, 90 „ Enooh, 90, 98, 201 „ Joh, 92 ,, Margaret, 92 „ Thomas, 98, 135 Standstid, An, 135 Stanley, see Standly Stanton, Jane, 42, 47, 152, 156 T 2 74 LIVERPOOL REGISTERS (St. NICHOLAS). Baptisms MarriagesBurials 1-16—S1-127 17-19—128-144 20-SO— 145-213 Stanton — Continued. ,, Richard, 149 „ Thomas, 42, 47, 146, 149, 152, 156 Starkey (Starkie) Alice, 22 ,, Edward, 51, 53, 62, 171 ,, Jane, 71 ,, James, 71 „ John, 22, 162 ,, Martha, 51, 171 ,, Mary, 53 StaweU, Amy, 96 ,, WiUiam, 96 Steele, James, 174 Stemson, Henry, 165 Stenton, Anne, 175 Stepelton, James, 178 Stephens, Benjamin, 177 ,, Henry, 46 ,, Richard, 46 Stephenson (Stevenson, Sevenson) ,, Alee, 192 ,, Ambrose, 106, 117, 126, 206 ,, Charles, 16 „ Corney, 117 „ Hawksley, 106, 206 „ Henry, 12, 16, 34, 36 „ James, 86, 192, 194 ,, John, 190 ,, Martha, 31 ,, Raohel, 144 ,, Richard, 86 „ Robert, 35 ,, Thomas, 126 ,, Widow, 166 „ WiUiam, 31 Stiles (Styles, StiUs) Deborah, 105 ,, Elizabeth, 199 ,, James, 82 „ John, 66, 74, 78, 82, 106, 114, 123, 138, 174, 183, 199, 212 ,, Rebecca, 212 „ Thomas, 66, 174 ,, William, 78 Stirmp (Storup) Alice, 102, 202 „ Hugh, 102, 137, 202 Stochford, Elm, 134 Stock (Stocke) Elizabeth, 112 „ Evan, 14 ,, John, 198 ,, Sara, 14 „ WUliam, 112, 198 Stocken, compare also Stockton, „ Martha, 64 ,, Riohard, 60, 181 Stocken — Continued. „ William, 60, 64, 181 Stockley (Stockle) Hamlett, 14 ,, James, 34 ,, Joane, 166 ,, John, 206 „ Mai-y, 38 ,, Richard, 16 „ Thomas, 6, 14, 16, 34, 38, 156, 158, 206 ,, William, 6 Stockton (Stokton, Stocton, Stokdin) „ Ann, 107, 207 ,, John, 72 ,, Katherine, 81 „ Martha, 89 „ Mary, 69, 207 „ Peter, 82, 89, 96, 107, 204 ,, Richard, 96 „ William, 69, 72, 75, 81, 131, 200 Stokes, John, 71 „ Willia.m, 71 Stone (Stones, Stonns) Anne, 9, 29 ,, Daniel, 186 ,, Jane, 150 ,, Katherine, 35, 49 ,, Martha, 55, 165 ,, Mary, 66, 162 ,, Nicholas, 9, 29, 150 „ Ralph, 35, 44, 49, 55, 61, 162, 166, 169, 170 ,, Riohard, 4'4 Stonenought, see Stananought Stoneton (Stonton) Elice, 196 „ Thomas, 174 Story (Storie, Storry) Ann, 196 „ Benjamin, 31, 202, 211 „ Elizabeth, 120, 148 „ Hannah, 13, 132 ,, Lsabel, 18 ,, Jane, 29 ,, James, 13, 148 „ John, 6, 14, 27, 31, 41, 168, 196 ,, Joseph, 120 ,, Margaret, 6 „ Mary, 41, 168 „ Thomas, 14, 22, 202 Stowell, Catherine, 196 Strainge, EUsabeth, 140 Strangewaies (Strangwayes) ,, Dorothy, 75 ,, Henry, 89 ,, Jane, 69 „ James, 51, 57, 63, 69, 75, 84, 89, 164 INDEX OF NAMES. 275 Baptisms Marriages Burials pp. 1-16—31-127 „ 17-19—128-144 „ 20-30-145-213 Strangewaies — Continued. ,, John, 51 ,, Margaret, 63 ,, Thomas, 57 „ WUliam, 31, 145, 146 Street (Streets) Hannah, 78, 88, 188 ,, Jane, 69 „ WilUam, 69, 78, 88, 188, 198 Stringer, Abraham, 191 „ Ann, 119 „ Barthya, 93 „ Daniel, 105, 188 ,, Jacob, 82 „ John, 82, 93, 105, 119, 144, 188, 191 212 Stubs (Stubbs) Ameley, 75 ,, Dorathy, 54, 144 „ EUm, 80 ,, George, 50 ,, Katherine, 67 ,, Maigaret, 87 ,, Mary, 57 „ Richard, 50, 113 „ Robert, 54, 57, 60, 67, 75, 80, 87j 185 „ WiUiam, 113 SturzaJier (Stursicor, Sturgicar) „ Dorothy, 179 „ Elinn, 183 ,, John, 145 „ Thomas, 179 S'tyles, see Stiles Styth, Katherine, 170 „ Thomas, 170 Suckett, WUliam, 158 Suddon, see Seddon Sudlow, Rachell, 201 ,, 'WUUam, 135 Sudord, George, 67 „ Peter, 58 ,, Susana, 57 ,, Thomas, 58 Summers (Sommers, Sumers) „ John, 212 „ Mary, 195 „ Peter, 156, 161, 195, 199 „ Rebecka, 156 „ Susana, 161 „ Thomas, 138, 212 Sutellworth, see Shuttleworth Sutharon, Suthai-ne, see Southerne Suthart, see Southart Sutton (Sutten) Alhs, 22 „ Dorothy, 184 „ Edward, 7, 23, 150 Sutton — Continued. „ Elin, 191 ,, Elizaibeth, 40 „ Gilbert, 11, 16, 40, 46, 88, 149, 193 ,, Isabel, 181 ,, Jane, 128 ,, James, 11, 88, 193 ,, John, 22, 184 ,, Margaret, 46, 149 ,, Mary, 160 ,, Robert, 21 ,, Thomas, 16 Sivan, Ann, 198 Swarbrett (Swarbrick, Swarbreck) „ Christopher, 104, 110, 203, 206 „ Ellen, 104, 203 „ Richard, 110, 206 ,, William, 207 Sweetmg, EUzaibeth, 68, 69, 178, 179 ,, Jane, 186 „ Mary, 73 „ Sarah, 82, 189, 212 „ Thomas, 58, 69, 73, 82, 131, 178, 179, 185, 189, 212 Swetenham (Swetnam, Swettnham) ,, Ann, 95 ,, Elizabeth, 86 ,, Margaret, 91 „ William, 86, 91, 95, 133 Swift, Augustin, 78, 186 ,, Daniel, 12 ,, Hannah, 78, 186 „ Mary, 153 „ Obediah, 12 Syddall, see Siddall Sykes, Agnis, 130 Symonds, Mary, 138 Sympken, James, 188 Symson, see Simpson Talor, see Taylor Tarbocke, Hannah, 22 „ Henry, 4, 21, 22 Tarleton (Tai-lton) Alice, 166, 185 „ Anne, 33, 63, 85, 135, 203, 211 ,, Barbery, 38 „ Chai-les, 60, 167 „ Ed-ward, 3, 8, 16, 20, 28, 33, 41, 42, 43, 48, 52, 57, 61, 69, 73, 79, 86, 105, 146, 157, 164, 170, 172, 175, 177, 179, 181, 190, 201 276 LIVERPOOL REGISTERS (St. NICHOLAS). Baptisms Marriages Burials Tarleton — Continued. ,, Elizabeth, 3, 9, 21, 43, 50, 52, 107, 128, 142, 161, 167, 172 „ Ellin, 5, 23 178 „ George, 47, 68, 156, 170, 180 „ Hannah, 41, 156, 170 „ Jane, 122, 168 ,, James, 15, 93, 107, 122, 135 ,, Johanna, 45, 180 ,, John, 48, 66, 77, 143, 166, 157, 158, 166, 201 ,, Joseph, 42, 45, 129 ,, Katherine, 77 „ Margaret, 18, 52, 57, 129, 180, 2-12 „ Mary, 65, 164, 212 ,, Michael, 24 „ Riohard, 5, 9, 12, 15, 16, 23, 28, 36, 42, 52, 58, 65, 146, 147, 148, 166, 168, 178, 179 „ Robert, 36, 148 „ Sarah, 12, 16, 18, 61, 79, 135, 179, 190, 196, 206 „ Thomas, 3, 6, 16, 20, 24, 57, 60, 63, 66, 69, 131, 164, 167, 183, 196, 201 „ Timothy, 3, 6, 8, 17, 21, 24, 26, 42, 50, 56, 58, 66, 161, 166, 167, 178, 183 „ WiUiam, 38, 43, 47, 57, 68, 105, 156, 170, 180, 198, 206 Tarvin, Ann, 65, 82, 168 ,, Charles, 168 „ George, 55, 71, 76, 82, 92, 166, 168, 177, 196, 201 „ Mai-garet, 92, 196 „ Martha, 76, 177, 201 ,, Richard, 71 ,, 'Thomas, 166 Tasker, Edward, 77 „ Elizabeth, 190 ,, Mathew, 83 „• Richard, 77, 83, 190 Tatlocke (Tattlock) Hugh, 119 ,, John, 188 ,, Marcey, 197 ,, Margaret, 9 „ PhUip, 119 „ Ralph, 188 „ Richard, 138, 197 „ Thomas, 9, 30 „ William, 134, 196 Taylor (Talor) Alice, 76 ,, Arthur, 65 ,, Eliner, 141 pp. 1-16—31-127 „ 17-19—128-144 „ 20-30— I45-2IS Taylor — Continued. „ EUzaibeth, 75, 204 ,, EUen, 104, 202 ,, George, 59, 68, 87, 103, 113, 125, 210 ,, Jane, 81 ,, James, 103, 115, 119, 138, 174, 203, 210 ,, Jinnet, 183 „ John, 55, 59, 75, 76, 81, 87, 101, 116, 119, 178, 183, 204, 210 ,, Judagh, 68 ,, Katherine, 210 „ Mary, 87, 103, 104, 140, 202, 203 „ Margaret, 87, 174 ,, Michell, 210 „ Ralph, 103 „ Richard, 65, 125, 173, 187 ,, Robert, 173 „ Sarah, 174 „ WUliam, 160, 178 Tellit (Tellett) Alee, 89 ,, Ann, 96 „ Daniel, 89, 96, 120, 196, 210 „ Mary, 120, 210 „ WiUiam, 196 Tempest, Francis, 191 ,, John, 147 Tettcomb, Elizabeth, 125 „ WUliam, 125 Tewe, see Tue Thasker, Joseph, 162 ,, Robert, 162 Theaker, Hi.nna, 60 „ Thomas, 60 Therman, Edward, 71 „ William, 71 Thisleton, Robert, 151 Thomas, Chi-istopher, 107 „ Evan, 53 „ Hemy, 40, 155 ,, Jane, 197 ,, James, 102 ,, Jenkin, 172 „ John, 40, 44, 48, 63, 155, 167, 197 ,, Margaret, 102, 137, 138 „ Nicholas, 44, 167 „ Robert, 176 Thomason (Tommosson) Ann, 169, 209 „ Dorathy, 167 „ Elizabeth, 201 INDEX OF NAMES. 277 Baptisms pp. 1-16—S1-127 Marriages „ 17-19—128-144 Burials „ 20-30—145-213 Thomason — Continued. ,, Henry, 140 „ James, 49, 54, 142, 161, 164, 167, 169, 209, 210 „ John, 49, 111, 164 ,, Mary, 164 „ Nathaniel, 212 ,, Richard, 54, 161 „ Robert, 111, 201 Thompson (Thomson, Tomson, Tumpson, Tompson) „ Ales, 183 ,, Ambros, 117 „ Anne, 49, 78, 124, 125, 142 ,, Anthony, 26 ,, Bartholomew, 21 „ David, 67 „ Doi-othy, 187 „ Edward, 48, 156 „ Eline, 26, 78 „ Elizabeth, 26, 45, 61, 93, 115, 155, 173 „ Geoi-ge, 35, 39, 48, 51, 160, 155, 160 „ Hem-y, 125, 207, 209 „ Hugh, 96 ,, Isabell, 15 „ Jane, 51, 77, 160, 209 ,, James, 45, 68, 173 „ John, 7, 14, 15, 17, 21, 24, 25, 45, 64, 70, 77, 78, 80, 90, 93, 96, 109, 116, 125, 148, 185 ,, Josef, 68 „ Jubel, 135 [see Tuball] „ Katherine, 73, 77, 185 „ Lawrence, 67, 77, 187, 188 „ Margery, 36, 39, 109, 134, 150 „ Margai-et, 70, 90, 212 „ Martha, 173 „ Mary, 212 „ Nathan, 117 „ Nicholas, 90, 97, 115, 140 „ Rachel, 80 „ Richard, 125, 146 „ Thomas, 34, 46, 49, 64, 61, 73, 77, 78, 88, 97, 106, 124, 134, 153, 156, 173, 188 „ Tuball, 34, 93 „ William, 7, 24, 28, 36, 88, 90, 93, 149, 206 Thornihill, Riohard, 141 Thornton (Thorton) George, 61, 171 „ Henry, 17 „ John, 49, 61, 70, 110, 171, 210 Thornton — Continued. „ Margai-et, 49 „ Mary, 70 ,, Mathieu, 110 „ Robert, 196 „ WUliam, 199 Threlful (Trelfful) Henry, 136 ,, Thomas, 97 'Ticknor, Margaret, 146 „ Robert, 146, 148 Tiew, see Tue Tilsley CTildsIey, Tyldesley, Tinsley) ,, Ann, 81, 117 „ Edward, 102, 204 „ Elizabeth, 73 „ John, 73, 81, 88, 94, 106, 123, 186 ,, Margaiet, 86, 94 „ ^rah, 106 „ Seera, 76, 185 „ Thomas, 76, 86, 102, 117, 123, 188, 204 TindaU, Abram, 29 Tinsley, see Tilsley Tipping, John, 132 Tiror, Tirer, see Tyrer 'Tisdall, Elizabeth, 171 ,, Michael, 171 Toby, Anne, 86, 191 ,, Catherine, 59 ,, Margaret, 63 „ Nicholas, 69, 63, 70, 86, 191 ,, Thomas, 70 Tomlinson Tomilsom) James, 124 „ John, 178 „ Margaret, 190 „ Thomas, 124 Tomm'OBson, see Thomason Tompkins, Alexander, 174 ,, Margai-et, 174 Tomson, see Thompson Toneard (Tonnard) Ann, 200 ,, John, 80 ,, Mary, 80 Topping (Toping) Ann, 96 „ Grace, 176 „ Henry, 212 „ Humphrey, 10, 71, 74, 79, 87, 95, 180, 192, 212, 213 „ Isabell, 213 ,, Jane, 151 „ James, 10, 13, 18, 67, 71, 180 ,, John, 35, 147 ,, Margaret, 79 278 LIVERPOOL REGISTERS (St. NICHOLAS). Baptisms ¦ ¦ - • Marriages .... Burials . . ¦ ¦ Topping — Continued. „ Mary, 67 „ Riohard, 87, 192 „ Thomas, 13, 31, 35, 74, 147, 151 Toi-y, Dorothy, 64 ,, John, 64 Tomnor, see Turner Townsend, Jacob, 176 „ James, 73, 94, 106, 133, 135, 181, 183 ,, Margery, 133 ,, WiUiam, 106 Travers (Travis) Alice, 211 ,, Cicely, 66 „ Ehzabeth, 198 ,, Greorge, 166 „ Henry, 81 ,, Humphrey, 160 ,, Jane, 32, 165 „ James, 32, 37, 105, 152, 156, 156 „ John, 61, 66, 72, 81, 105, 131, 189 „ Margaret, 61, 133, 189 ,, Mary, 158 „ Sarah, 174 ,, Thomas, 166 „ William, 105, 211 Trelffull, see Threlful Trethown (Trethoun) John, 120, 212 „ Thomas, 120, 212 Trickett, Thomas, 146 Trimble, Grace, 173 ,, Nathaniel, 173 Trotter, Richai-d, 176 Troughton, Jane, 97 ,, James, 97, 113 ,, Margaret, 113 Trueman (Truman, Triewman) ,, Elizabeth, 83, 96 „ EUin, 172 ,, John, 90 ,, Jonathan, 160 „ Joseph, 38, 152, 190 ,, Josh., 36 ,, Margaret, 47, 172 „ Mary, 15, 136, 213 ,, Rebecca, 190 „ Samuel, 90, 96, 213 „ WiUiam, 15, 33, 36, 38, 47, 150, 152, 172 Trusttram CTrustram) Anthony, 136 ,, John, 136 Tucker, John, 174 ,, Sare, 178 ,, Thomas, 161, 178 pp. 1-16—S1-127 17-19—128-144 20-SO— I45-2IS Tue (Tew, Tewe, Tiew) ,, Elizabeth, 15 „ Hemy, 14 ,, Izabel, 44 „ John, 11, 14, 15, 35, 44, 51, 166 ,, Mark, 11 „ Richard, 44, 51, 188 Tuit, Elizabeth, 212 „ Robert, 212 Tumpson, see Thompson TunstaU, James, 104, 144 ,, Joshua, 104, 134 Turner (Turnor, Tornor, Tournor) ,, Anne, 62, 116, 149 „ Edward, 76 „ Elizabeth, 12, 57 ,, Hannah, 37 „ Humphrey, 46, 50, 57, 80, 191 ,, Jane, 204 ,, John, 8, 46 „ Katherme, 80, 204 ,, Lawrence, 47, 55, 62, 68, 75, 85, 139, 195 ,, Margaret, 68 „ Mary, 32, 50, 57, 85, 133, 164 „ Michael, 175 „ Robert, 8, 12, 32, 37, 38, 115, 149, 160 „ Thomas, 47, 57, 164, 178 „ WUliam, 56, 61, 167 Tyler, Richard, 174 Tyldesley, see iilsley Tyrer (Tyror, Tyrar, Tirer, Thor) ,, Alice, 19, 65 „ Ann, 80, 112, 187 „ Edmund, 42, 71 „ Edward, 19, 42, 47, 51, 64, 66, 66, 71, 80, 84, 86, 96, 143, 161, 162, 168, 171, 184, 190, 207, 208, 212 ,, Elizabeth, 86, 141 ,, Ellener, 45, 137 ,, George, 60 „ Henry, 81, 84, 134, 189, 195 „ Jane, 18, 168, 210 ,, Johana, 81, 189 „ John, 39, 41, 47, 71, 84, 87, 123, 151, 190, 193, 195, 210 ,, Jonathan, 164 ,, Jos., 126 ,, Katherine, 35, 147 ., Lorance, 195 ;, Margery, 61, 168, 171, 185 INDEX OF NAMES. 279 Baptisms pp. 1-16—S1-127 Marriages „ 17-19—128-144 Burials „ 20-30—145-213 Tyrer — Continued. „ Margaret, 15, 18, 95, 123 ,, Martha, 47, 166 „ Mary, 47, 87, 141, 164, 208 „ Rachel, 164 „ Riohard, 56, 168, 171 ,, Roger, 195 ,, Sarah, 96 „ Thomas, 15, 36, 39, 41, 42, 46, 60, 51, 55, 60, 61, 66, 71, 95, 112, 133, 141, 147, 164, 166, 168, 169, 171, 185, 187, 195 „ WUliam, 60, 66, 84, 169 Tyson, Joseph, 209 „ Thomas, 209 U Undebwood, Edmund, 164 Unsworth (Ounsworth, Ownsworth) „ Elizabeth, 85, 110 „ Gilbei-t, 126 „ Henry, 85, 91, 98, 112, 126 ,, Jane, 91 ,, James, 112 „ John, 35, 98, 212 ,, Richard, 35 ,, Thomas, 110, 212 Upton, Hugh, 139 Urmston (Ormson, Ormthon) „ Anne, 49, 131 ,, Elizabeth, 51 „ John, 43, 45, 153 „ Katherine, 129 „ Samuel, 45, 49, 61, 153, 199 „ Thomas, 51, 61 Valentine (Vallentine) Anne, 156 „ Debora, 38 ,, Elme, 58 „ Henry, 85 „ John, 36, 61, 147 „ Rebecka, 15, 136 „ Wflliam, 16, 36, 38, 68, 61, ( 147, 165, 172 Vaughan, Owen, 54 „ Peter, 54 Venables, John, 208 Venney, Paul, 151 Vemon (Vernnan) John, 183 „ Richai-d, 108 ,, Samn., 197 „ Thomas, 108, 183 Vicars, Elizabeth, 95 ,, Gei-shoni, 198 ,, Palmer, 96, 198 Vicary, Bartholomew, 175 Vincent, Captaine, 171 „ William, 190 Vise (Vize) John, 182 „ Sarah, 130 Vos, Richard, 133 W Wackfilde, see Wakefeild Wade, Abigail, 39, 47, 150, 155 „ Alice, 37, 138 „ EUzabeth, 49 „ EUin, 168 ,, Jane, 60 „ Jonathan, 47, 49, 54, 60, 164, 168 „ Mary, 64, 164, 169 „ Robert, 37, 39, 47, 160, 155, 169 ,, Samuel, 137 Wadkinson, see Watkinson Wadland, John, 67, 72, 176 „ Mary, 67, 176 Wadley, Mary, 144 Wadsworth, Elizabeth, 39 „ John, 39, 42 Wainwright (Waneright, Weiright) „ Alice, 103 ,, Anne, 38, 142, 161 ,, Aster, 6 ,, Bastin, 94, 200 „ Efether, 114, 144 ,, Hemy, 12 ,, Jane, 175 „ John, 83, 87, 88, 94, 97, 114, 152, 184, 189, 199, 200 ,, Katherine, 97 „ Margaret, 3, 17, 149, 199 „ Mary, 97 „ Richard, 87, 97 „ Robert, 83, 103, 152, 189 „ Thomas, 3, 6, 12, 38, 88, 149, 161 ,, Wake, Ann, 140 Wakefeild (Wackfilde) Anne, 63, 169 „ EUzabeth, 58 „ John, 58, 63, 67, 76, 91, 169, 185, 186 „ Paul, 91 „ WUliam, 76, 186 Wakenson, see Watkinson LIVERPOOL REGISTERS (St. NICHOLAS). Baptisms Marriages Burials Walker (Wal&er) Ahce, 184, 212 Anne, 68, 132 David, 74, 116 Edward, 24, 108, 117 Elizabeth, 21, 100, 124, 205 Fairfax, 79 Hannah, 117 John, 4, 22, 68, 74, 79, 89, 95, 100, 116, 124, 136, 149, 198, 201 Jonathan, 96 Katherine, 21 Lidiah, 22 Mathew, 15, 178 Peter, 21, 148 Philip, 15 Sarah, 149 Thomas, 21, 202 Waller, Thomas, 28 Wallis, Mary, 144 WaUs (WaUes) Ann, 173 Anthony, 5, 8, 148, 149, 150 Eline, 17 EUzabeth, 12, 28, 31 Henry, 156 Isa'bel, 148 Jane, 86, 115, 148, 149 James, 150 Jeffrey, 2 John, 6, 8, 12, 14, 19, 27, 28, 31, 36, 45, 52, 56, 60, 77, 86, 116, 140, 149, 162, 164, 172, 209 Jonathan, 36, 55, 149, 164 Joshua, 45, 175 Joseph, 204 Riohard, 2, 6 Robert, 151 Sarah, 5, 45, 60, 132, 162, 174 Susan, 209 Thomas, 31, 45, 166, 175 WilUam, 31, 52, 172 Wallson, Edmund, 207 WaUworth, WUliam, 151 Wally (Walley, Whalley) AUce, 2 Edmund, 2, 5, 11, 194 Elizabeth, 52, 141 ElUn, 109 Elnor, 211 Izabell, 11 Jane, 194 John, 42, 47, 62, 66, 103, 128, 156, 163, 165 Jonathan, 56, 163 pp. 1-16—S1-127 17-19—128-144 20-30—145-213 Wally — Continued. „ Joseph, 109, 211 ,, Richard, 47 ,, Susana, 165 ,, Tliomas, 103, 113 ,, WiUiam, 5 Walsh (Walshe) Hem-y, 127 ,, Katherine, 200 ,, Mary, 127 Walshman, Susanah, 20 Waltar (Wallter) Ann, 113 ,, Daniel, 113 „ Edward, 206 Walton, EUen, 142 ,, Jane, 134 Wanbrick, Elizabeth, 109 ,, Hanah, 195 „ Henry, 76, 88, 109, 133, 195, 211 ,, Jane, 131 ,, Joan, 211 ,, Margaret, 88 ,, Riohard, 19, 76, 78, 133, 186 ,, WiUiam, 145 Ward, An, 89 ,, John, 180 ,, Martay, 116 ,, Mary, 104 ,, Thoinas, 65 ,, Wflham, 89, 104, 116 Wardley, Mary, 208 Waring (Wareing, Warring, Warin) ,, EUzabeth, 91 ,, Hem-y, 36 ,, James, 95 „ John^ 9, 10, 13, 27, 37, 39, 152, 198 ,, Katherine, 37 ,, Margaret, 36 „ Martha, 39, 96, 152 ,, Mary, 194 ,, Samuel, 87, 91, 194 ,, Sarah, 87 „ Thomas, 9, 202 ,, Victoria, 13, 198 Warmingham (Warmisham) Alice, 185 ,, Thomas, 129, 171 Warren, Ellen, 119 ,, James, 81 „ John, 77, 185 „ Samuel, 77, 81, 119, 185, 201, 202 ,, Sarah, 201 Warrener, Elizabeth, 98 „ James, 98, 200 INDEX OF NAMES. 281 Baptisms ¦ ¦ Marriages .... Bu/rials Warton (Whai-ton) Ales, 181 „ Ann, 139 ,, Christopher, 21 „ Elizabeth, 83, 202 „ Henry, 83, 87, 196, 202 „ John, 184 ,, Margai-et, 184 „ Robert, 21 ,, Thomas, 87, 143 Washington, Margaret, 1 Wastide, see Westhead Watckinson, see Watkinson Waterhouse, Elin, 83 „ Elizabeth, 127 „ Isabella, 72, 184 ,, James, 93 „ John, 98, 108 ,, Margaret, 67 „ Mary, 78 „ Paul, 67, 72, 78, 83, 89, 93, 98, 113, 127, 184 ,, Richard, 89 ,, Samuel, 108 Waterworth, Samuel, 124 Wathew, Mary, 137 Watkinson (Wakenson, Wadkinson) „ Cuthbert, 203 „ Ehzabeth, 58, 135 „ Emlin, 71 „ James, 58, 64, 71, 131 „ Sarah, 64 Watlers, see also Waltar, „ Daniel, 211 Watmough (Wattmough) „ Henry, 2, 81, 89 ,, Izabel, 11, 145 ,, James, 6, 156 „ John, 4, 37, 147 ,, Joseph, 14, 151 ,, Margaret, 89 ,, Roger, 33, 147 ,, Sarah, 18 „ Wilham, 2, 4, 6, 11, 14, 33, 37, 81, 145, 147, 151, 153, 156 Watson, William, 133 Watts, Elizabeth, 86 „ John, 80, 189 „ Wflliam, 80, 86, 189 Weade (Weads) Anne, 8 „ Robert, 7, 8, 21, 23 „ Thomas, 7, 23 Weatherhill (Wotherall) „ Henry, 101, 112, 206 „ John, 101, 206 pp. 1-16—31-127 . „ 17-19—128-144 „ 20-30— I45-2IS Weaton (Weatton) Henry, 1 Weaver, John, 147, 153 ,, Thomas, 20 Webb (Web, Weeb) Dorathy, 82 ,, George, 82 ,, Jane, 171 „ John, 159, 166, 180 ,, Katherine, 172 „ Mary, 176 „ Noah, 71, 171, 172, 175, 180 ,, Sarah, 71 Webber, John, 181 Webster, Ann, 171 ,, Bryan, 21 „ Edward, 89, 199 „ Ehzabeth, 98 „ Ellin, 118 ,, James, 63 „ John, 47, 79, 98, 105, 118, 138, 213 „ Margaret, 42, 49, 156 ,, Rachel, 46, 163 „ Sarah, 73, 182, 205 „ Thomas, 47, 62, 55, 63, 73, 160, 182, 191, 195 „ WUUam, 17, 42, 45, 49, 73, 79, 89, 104, 105, 132, 153, 156, 171, 199, 205, 208, 213 Weokley, John, 176 Weeb, see Web'b Weight, see White Weuight, see Wainwright Welkes, John, 175 Weller, Thomas, 177 Wells, Anthony, 101, 213 ,, Thomas, 101 Werthington, see Worthington Westhead (Whested, Wastide) ,, Ann, 142 „ Elizabeth, 194 ,, Gabriel, 123, 142 ,, Hermon, 66, 70, 72, 77, 176, 179 194 „ James! 72, 101, 136, 194 „ Mar-y, 70, 101, 179 ,, Thomas, 77 „ WUliam, 66, 123, 175 Wetherby (Whetherby) „ EUzabeth, 45 „ Ellinor, 21 „ Ellis, 40 ,, John, 50 „ Mary, 56, 163 „ Richard, 40, 46, 50, 56, 163 283 LIVERPOOL REGISTERS (St. NICHOLAS). Baptisms MarriagesBurials pp. 1-16—31-127 „ 17-19—128-144 „ 20-30—145-213 Wettecar, see Whittaker 'Whalley, "see Wally Whaiooke, Alixander, 20 'Wharton, see Wai-ton Wheeler, Thomas, 177 Whetstoine, Francis, 170 „ Mary, 170 Whicklife (Whitlife, Whiteclif, Wickhffe) „ Elizabeth, 98 „ George, 60, 76, 83, 98, 131 ,, James, 76 „ 'Thomas, 60 "Whigby CWhigbey) Ellen, 118 ,, John, 118 ,, Mary, 108 „ Robert, 108 Whigh, Ann, 93 ,, Jane, 87 „ John, 81, 87, 93, 189 ,, Joseph, 189 ,, Sarah, 81 Whinnery (Whenorry) „ Hem-y, 48, 54, 63, 164 ,, Margaret, 48 ,, Wflliam, 54, 164 Whitakers, see 'Whittaker White (Whitte, Weight, Wight) ,, Ann, 197 ,, Constantine, 92 ,, David, 170 ,, Elizabeth, 199 ,, George, 85 ,, Goodwin, 89 ,, Jo., 92 „ John, 74, 85, 89, 99, 118, 197, 199, 202 ,, Lewis, 203 „ Mary, 67, 74, 118 ,, Richard, 67 ,, WUliam, 99 Whitehall, Thomas, 167 Whitehead (Whitthead, Whithed) ,, Anne, 68, 136, 144 „ Elizabeth, 12, 27, 111 ,, Henry, 81 ,, Jane, 180 ,, Mary, 42, 52, 166 ,, Rebecka, 48, 142 „ Richard, 13, 29, 68, 81, 94, 111, 180 „ Samuel, 207 „ Thomas, 12, 13, 14, 27, 42, 48, 52, 155 „ WiUiam, 94 Whiteing, Christopher, 134 Whiteley, see Whittley "Whiteside, Elizabeth, 99 ,, Matthew, 114 ,, Richard, 99, 114 Wutestones, John, 30 Whitfield (Whittfield, Whitefield, Witfield) ,, Andrew, 46 ,, Anne, 65, 68, 109, 213 ,, Catherine, 127 „ EUas, 121, 127 „ Elinor, 127 „ Ehzabeth, 60, 85, 127, 171 „ Henry, 87, 95, 109, 134 ,, Jane, 39 „ James, 31, 33, 50, 68, 73, 85, 87, 146, 159, 184, 189 „ John, 31, 39, 40, 60, 65, 121, 131, 143, 161, 170, 171 ,, Josya, 61 „ Margaret, 33, 102, 159 „ Mary, 66 ,, Peter, 66 „ Robert, 40, 46, 50, 55, 61, 102, 161 „ Thomas, 59, 65, 73, 127, 184 „ William, 189 Whithed, see Whitehead WhitUfe, see 'Whicklife Whitlow (Whittlowe, 'Whittellaw) ,, Abram, 21 ,, John, 21 ,, Nathaniel, 46, 106 „ Thomas, 37, 89, 106 „ Timothy, 37, 46, 89 Whittaker (Whittiger, 'Whitioor, Whitakei-s, 'Whiteker, Wettecar) ,, Elizabeth, 98 ,, George, 143 ,, Hannah, 112 „ Henry, 74, 80, 90, 98, 112, 126, 186 ,, John, 90 „ Mary, 80 „ Wflliam, 74, 126, 186 ¦whittellaw, see Whitlow Whittle (Whitle) Alice, 196 „ Ann, 99, 206 „ Daniel, 99, 206 ,, James, 44 ,, John, 44 „ Margaret, 200 „ Richard, 200 INDEX OF NAMES. 883 Baptisms Marriages Burials pp. 1-16—31-127 „ 17-19—128-144 „ 20-30—145-213 ¦Whittley (Whitly, Whiteley) „ Alice, 93, 202 „ Daniel, 35, TOO „ George, 66, 90, 100, 114, 191 „ Hillery, 114 ,, James, 191 „ John, 15, 18, 29, 35, 66, 93 ,, Riohard, 29 ,, Widow, 202 ,, WUliam, 90 Wickliffe, see 'Whicklife Widdoes, EUzabeth, 146 ,, Richard, 146 Widdowson, John, 97, 136 ,, Margai-et, 97 Wight, see 'White Wilkins, Augustin, 146 „ Elizabeth, 49 „ Hem-y, 49 Wilkinson, Ann, 117 ,, Jonathan, 103 „ Thomas, 103, 117, 135 Willd, Elizabeth, 141 WUliams, Bingham, 174 „ Edward, 141, 172 „ Ehzabeth, 2 ,, Humphrey, 137 ,, James, 162 „ John, 104, 124 „ Margaret, 172 „ Maudlan, 137 „ Ruth, 141 ,, Sarah, 124 ,, WiUiam, 2 Williamson, Alice, 49 „ Anne, 7, 26, 43, 44, 54, 74, 88, 138, 154, 169, 184, 188, 192 „ Cisley, 27 „ Edward, 15, 16, 24, 28, 34, 38, 40, 44, 49, 53, 66, 109, 162 „ EUzabeth, 3, 18, 38, 47, 60, 75, 79, 88, 130, 136, 160 „ EUen, 34, 49, 134 ,, Hannah, 7 „ Henry, 35, 149, 203 „ James, 39, 115, 137 „ John, 24, 26, 30, 34, 38, 40, 43, 49, 53, 60, 68, 74, 79, 85, 97, 107, 109, 128, 148, 150, 151, 154, 157, 162, 184, 212 ,, Joshua, 39 „ Katherine, 66, 148, 152, 184 „ Margaret, 14, 18, 24, 37, 85, 141, 154, 194, 201 Williamson — Continued. „ Mary, 24, 38, 40, 68, 160, 1.58 ,, Nathaniel, 38 ,, Rachel, 23 ,, Raph, 14, 16, 24, 31, 36, 136, 148, 151, 154 ,, Richard, 9, 10, 23, 26, 32, 35, 38, 41, 47, 54, 97, 149, 163, 171 „ Robert, 79, 159 ,, Samuel, 20 „ Sarah, 33, 34, 35, 148 ,, Shamuel, 16, 20 „ Thomas, 7, 9, 11, 14, 23, 26, 31, 32, 49, 74, 88, 95, 107, 122, 128, 144, 158, 180, 190, 192, 212 „ William, 3, 7, 9, 10, 14, 23, 26, 33, 37, 40, 75, 79, 95, 115, 133, 160, 184, 191 WilUs, Bethya, 133 ,, John, 167 ,, Martyn, 187 „ 'Thomas, 187, 188 Wills (Willes) Daniel, 177 ,, Edward, 125, 143 ,, Hanna, 125 Wilson (Willson) „ Alice, 63, 116, 131, 187 „ Anne, 89, 151, 170 ,, Daniel, 23 ,, David, 30, 147, 151 ,, Elin, 71 „ EUzabeth, 77, 93 „ Henry, 3, 23 „ Isabel, 181 ,, Jane, 30 ,, James, 44, 49 „ John, 58, 63, 116, 117, 165, 170, 172, 187, 193, 194 ,, Joseph, 3, 23 „ Margery, 134 „ Margaret, 68, 67, 136, 166, 193 ,, Martha, 84 ,, Mary, 82, 199 „ Peter, 184 „ Richard, 62, 67, 71, 77, 82, 89, 93, 146, 199 „ Roibert, 200 „ Thomas, 49, 77, 84, 117, 200 ,, Ursala, 181 ;; WflUam, 44, 77, 210 Windesse, John, 74 284 LIVERPOOL REGISTERS (St. NICHOLAS). Baptisms Marriages Burials . pp. 1-16— 31-127 „ 17-19—128-144 „ 20-30—145-213 Windle (Windell) Anne, 45, 192 EUm, 11, 27, 34, 132, 142 Ellinor, 6 John, 21 Mary, 7, 37, 132, 146, 148 Richard, 2, 6, 7, 11, 21, 27, 34, 37, 45, 146, 148, 161, 192, 209 ,, Wflham, 2, 28 Winfeelt, see "Winfield Winfield (Windefeld, Winfiled, Whmfield, Winfeelt) „ Ann, 137 „ Elizabeth, 13, 142, 160 „ James, 6, 9, 13, 34, 159 ,, John, 4, 18 „ Phebey, 142 „ Richai-d, 4, 28 ,, TTiomas, 6 „ WiUiam, 28, 34, 159 Whine, Cadwaleder, 169 ,, Grace, 159 Winstanley (Winstandly) ,, Abraham, 162 ,, Ami©, 158 ,, Char-les, 54, 171 ,, Daniel, 39 „ Dorety, 142 „ Edward, 36, 44, 153, 154 ,, Eleanor, 78, 166 „ Elizabeth, 34, 156, 162, 184 „ Ellen, 158 George, 171 „ Gerrard, 49, 162 „ James, 34, 40, 45, 158, 185 „ John, 40, 44, 154, 158, 184, 189, 196 ,, Joseph, 36, 164 ,, Lawrence, 138 ,, Margaret, 19, 164 „ Mary, 45, 49, 84, 134 „ Phebe, 43, 163 ,, Richard, 141 „ Roger, 78 „ Ruth, 35, 136 ,, Sarah, 100 ,, Susan, 128 „ Thomas, 84, 156, 158, 164, 195, 198 „ WUUam, 35, 39, 43, 49, 54, 100, 163, 171 Witfield, see 'Whitfield Withei-s, Edward, 139 Withington, EUen, 36, 133 Withington — Continued. ,, Jane, 205 „ Riohai-d, 39 ,, 'Thomas, 36, 39 Witter, Fi-ances, 196 ,, Jane, 27 „ Thomas, 24, 27 Wollsey, Elise, 136 Wolstenhalgh, James, 172 Wood (Woods) Alee, 134 „ Anne, 7, 16, 60, 131, 147, 167 „ Anthony, 14. 16, 34, 36, 44, 49, 52, 57, 147, 156, 166, 167 „ Elin, 71 „ Elizabeth, 14, 133, 204 „ Gabrell, 150 „ Hannah, 7, 36, 49, 156, 166 ,, Hem-y, 41, 160 ,, Isaac, 177 ,, James, 135 ,, John, 45, 189 ,, Margaret, 74, 159 ,, Mary, 17, 40, 188, 206 „ Riohard, 60, 71, 146, 167, 177, 206, 210 ,, Robert, 37, 40, 45, 74, 159 ,, Ruth, 44, 155 „ Sarah, 57, 167 „ Thomas, 37, 41, 43, 62, 150, 163, 164, 213 ,, Wflliam, 43, 164 Woodside, Alice, 129, 150 ,, Christopher, 3 ,, Izabel, 27 „ John, 8, 21, 24 ,, Mary, 175 „ Robert, 3, 8, 10, 21, 24, 27, 145, 147, 175 Woodward, Alexander, 87 „ Alice, 20 ,, J'ohn, 191 ,, Ogustin, 91 ,, Thomas, 87, 91 Woodworth, Lucy, 171 Woolfall (Woofall, WollfuU) „ Allis, 23 ,, James, 26 ,, John, 138 ,, Margaret, 26, 122 „ Mary, 7, 139, 160 ,, Richard, 17 ,, Robert, 136 „ Thomas, 7, 12, 23, 26 WooUer, John, 167 INDEX OF NAMES. »8S Baptisms MarriagesBurials pp. 1-16—31-127 „ 17-19—128-144 „ 20-30—145-213 Worrall, Ann, 168 „ Blanch, 203 „ Elizabeth, 154 ,, Jane, 32, 133 ,, John, 36, 166 „ Mary, 8, 79, 130, 140 „ Richard, 178, 198, 203 „ Robert, 32, 36, 85, 151, 192 ,, Samuel, 9 ,, Sarah, 136 „ Thomas, H, 62 „ William, 8, 9, 11, 18, 57, 62, 79, 85, 130, 148, 154, 166, 192 Worrow, Mai-garet, 72 „ Thomas, 72 Worsley, George, 118, 154 ,, Jane, 154 „ Stephen, 177 ,, Thoma®, 118 Wortlrin, John, 108 „ Thomas, 108 Worthington (Werthington) ,, Elizabeth, 125 „ John, 126, 138, 203 „ Peter, 126 ,, Zacharias, 125 Wotherall, see 'Weatherhill Woulds, Anslem, 161 Wrench, Katherine, 101 ,, Peter, 101 Wright (Right, Rite) „ Anne, 9, 62, 82, 164, 197 „ Edward, 46, 51, 163, 166 „ Elizabeth, 21, 57, 72, 192, 194, 201 „ Elhn, 58, 134, 164, 166 ,, Elinor, 204 Wright— Continued. „ George, 21 ,, Henry, 82 „ Jane, 52, 64, 77, 137, 163, 166 ,, James, 89 „ John, 40, 42, 69, 77, 96, 136, 138, 154, 163, 164, 187, 194, 202, 204 „ Joseph, 46, 58, 62, 77, 153, 165, 185 ,, Katherine, 12, 200 „ Mary, 87, 202 „ Paterick, 31, 134 „ Peter, 61, 137, 166 „ Richard, 9, 12, 17, 21, 31, 72, 77, 82, 87, 89, 96, 103, 118, 146, 200, 201 „ Robert, 40, 154, 164 ,, Samuel, 65 „ Thomas, 40, 134, 150, 166 „ Widdow, 103, 202 „ William, 62, 57, 64, 69, 118, 163, 166, 169, 171, 173, 187 Yarner (Yarnnor) Francis, 65, 68 „ Mary, 65 „ William, 173 Yeates (Yeats) Dorithy, 25 „ John, 10, 25, 26 ,, Richard, 10 Youes, see Hughes Young, John, 136 Younger, Ann, 112, 208 „ Judith, 99 „ William, 9, 99, 112, 208 II. l^xibtx of ^amts of f laaa. Baptisms pp. 1-16—31-1S7. Marriages „ 17-19—128-144. Burials „ 20-30—146-213. A Alisett in CartmeU, 146 Antrhn, 140, 143 Athlone, 105 Aughton, 139 B Bankhall, 21 150, 164 Barton, 128 Bebbington, 18 Belfast, 142, 143 Benntleane, parish of Eceles, 207 Bidston, 142 Billinge in Wiggan, 139 Bold (Bould) 129, 138 Bootle, 141, 142 Boston in New England, 148 Breck Side, in West Derby, 141 Bromboro, 17, 20 Burnley (Bornley) 27, 106 Burton Wood, 137, 141 C Camckveiigus, 65 CartmeU, 146 Chedell, 137 Chester, 22, 106, 129, 136, 141, 157 Cirkdale, see Kirkdale Cork, 196, 197 Cross HaU, 208 Cuerdley in Prescott, 140 D Dann ...[?] 143 Derby, 18, 99 Dossett, 26 Down Holland, 145 Drougheda, 174, 175, 199 Dublin, 11, 1'53, 168, 166, 172, 173, 177 E Eastham, 141 Eceles, 207 Eccleston, 138, 143 Everton, 157, 160, 166 F FoEMBY, 17, 21, 27, 137 Franckby, 142 Pylde, The, 152, luU G Gahstans in Lanes., 102 Geaton in Worrall, 19 Goeborne, 20 Graceby, 157 Great Sankey, 141 Greenock, 143 H Hale (Halle) 17, 139 Hale Bank, 139 Hale Wood, 17, 143 Half Mfle House, 209 Harrock, 60 Hearth, The, 210 Heasome in Prescott, 27 Highsham, 138 Hinley, 107 HuU, 139 Hyton, 17, 98, 137 Incb Blundell, 17 Ireland, 66, 115, 153, 165, 166, 174, 175, 176, 177, 178, 180 Isle of Man, 98, 150 INDEX OF PLACES. 287 Baptisms MarriagesBurials . pp. 1-16—31-127 „ 17-19—128-144 „ 20-SO— I45-2IS Jince in Cheshire, 17 K KiEKDALE, 20, 137, 140, 206 Knowsley, 137 Lancaster, 27, 146 Larne, 166 Lazy HiU, 174 Leeds, 143, 198 Letherland, 136 Lichfield, 107 Linne (Lynn) in Norfolk, 26 Little Woolton, 143 London, 132, 139, 178 Londonderry, 174 Long Sutton in Lincolnshire, 33 Lowihfll, 213 Lunt, 128 M Macclesfield, 132 Mackgee, Isle of, 140 MaghuU, 143 Man, Isle of, 150 Manchester, 137, 139, 149, 202 Maryland, 53 Mawdesley, 137 Maxfield, 37, 130 Measbury in Salop, 27 Meves (Nevis), Island of, 212 Morden in Surrey, 6 Mosson, 26 Mosten, 143 Monmouth, 167 N Nether Walton, near Warrington, 26 Nevk, Island of, 212 New England, 148 Newhall, near Wigan, 158 Newton, 137 Northweeke, Essex, 54 Nottingham, 136 Pilling, 24 Plimert (Plymyard) 153 Prescott, 138, 141 Preston, 140 R Rainhill, 159 Rattelife, 141 Reinell (Rainhill) 141 Reniworth, 25 Rockhouse, 174 S Sale, 128 Salghall-Massey, 17 Sankey, Great, 141 Sefton (Sephton) 128, 133, 137, 140, 144, 158 Southworth, near Winwick, 166 Sutton, Long, 33 Tarbocke in Hyton, 18 Toxteth Park, 5, 21, 32, 201 Thornton, 17 'Thorton, 140 Tredarth, 147, 156 0 Oldekpleet, 143 U Ulverston, 138 Upton, 137 V Virginia, 147, 200 W Wallesey, 137 Walton, 142 Warrington, 26, 52, 128, 136, 137, 138 Wavertree, 128, 139 Wesohester, 22 Wesminster, 166 West Derby, 133, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 143, 206 Westend, 161 West Indies, 212 West Kerby, 136 Weston, 140 Wharton, 151 Wigan, 139, 152, 158 WUlison, 142 Winwick, 166 Woodchurch, 142 Woolton, 18, 143 WorraU (Wirral) 153 ^amt af tlje pissing f ortiott OF THE (g:t. gltclrolne'a ffiJjurclj) SUPPLIED EY THE itabop's i^rattatripta Eighteen Complete Years, viz.: 1604, 1606, 1610, 1614, 1617, 1619, 1620, 1622, 1625, 1626, 1627, 1628, 1629, 1630, 1636, 1639, 1640, and 1641. f be He0tatm of ^t. ^tcbolaa', Iikr|iool. anno Dni 1604. [Christenings]. . . . . Waynwright I Aprill Ellen Rose .. 19 ^ ,> Ellen Fayrhurst . . eodm die John Barker .. 22 „ William Brookbanke .. 24 ,, Wm. Coffey •• ^9 ^ » Ellen Darwine . . eodm die Hanniball Bagnall filius Samueli militis bap:. Elizabeth Rose .. 16 May Elizabeth Lurtinge . 24 „ Myles Mather , ... . . 10 June Elizabeth Willimson ¦ 10 „ James Aynsdale • II ,, Tymothy Plumpton ¦ 29 „ Anne Jumpe 6 July Elizabeth Hill 9 .. Henry Mason • 23 „ Robert Formby • 25 „ Sara Egekar ¦ 31 » Ric'' Bridge 6 August Ales Gaskin • 12 „ John Hunt • 16 „ Elizabeth Haughto 3 September Elizabeth Moneley - 16 „ Elizabeth Thomasso ¦ 20 „ Peeter Gill ¦ 28 „ Edward Hunt • 29 „ Anne Royle 9 October Robert Williinson ¦ 9 » Sara Rose • 29 „ Richard Rose ¦ 10 Noveb: Edward 'Gogney - 12 „ Elizabeth Dey - • 15 M Ales Harper - 25 » Alexand' Banke • 30 >' Tho: Wade 2 Deceber Alexander M 'cer [Mfrt«r] ¦ 8 „ Richard Sytch ¦ 27 „ Christopher Haughto 9 January Ales Whaley • 9 M I604-I606 Burials — Christenings. 293 Elizabeth Whytestones Nicholas Rimer Ellen Newall Dorythy Hunt Robert Gaskin Ellen Farhurst Robert Plumpton Eliza'beth Davis John Wakefeyld Ric'' Bridge ... John Holypreest oace Tho: Winstandley Infans . Fayrehurst 10 August IS .. same day 19 August 25 » I Sept. 28 ^ „ eodin die Noveber 2529 January 22 February 3 Mch Hnno 2)ni 1606. Christninges. Jane Burton . . . Ales Denteth John Kenadie Einer Gorton Ales Lytherland Esra Pendleton Edward More Elizabeth Williamson Thomas Parkinson Henry Moneley . . . Elizabeth Foster Ales Hoi lande Dorithy Barker . . . John Barker Edward Sherlocker Jane Lansdell Edward Diconson William Blinstone Thoinas Longe William Gogney Robart Witter Anne Nycholson William More Elizabeth Rose Thomas Hey alias Shaw Cicly Williamsonn Thomas Higinson Elizabeth Radbrooke William Banester Ales Griffith William Royle May 26 March 9 Aprill 13 .. 2728 ,, 29 I 9 >. 13 >. 2229 ,> 30 M 8 June 22 „ eodem die 25 June 2 July 5 >, II August 17 M 24 ,, 26 ,, 31 ', eodem die 19 Sepember 28 „ 7 October 16 „ 19 .. eodem die 21 October 294 LIVERPOOL REGISTERS (St. NICHOLAS). i William Whittikers 22 October Ales Lawrenc 2 November William Woodward ... • 25 J J Elizabeth Smithe • 24 December Anne Smolte ¦ 25 }t Thomas Higinson 6 January Amie [Anne ?] Lorting II IJ Sara Williamson • 14 n Richard Henshawe ¦ 17 Jt Margery Moneley , • 4 February Thomas Corker • 5 J? Ellin Gill 6 j> Robart Berry 8 JJ Lettice Lunt - 9 J) Mary Plumpton • 19 n Christopher Brookebancke . 20 ) J Tho: Blanchert . 16 March Mariages. Gyles Mercer and Elizabeth Milner • 4 May Edward Harison and Ellen Bancke • 19 M Thomas Witter and Margaret Thomasson • 5 June William Morres and Alice Thomasson ... . . 29 J J James Rimer and Elizabeth Roughley ... . 6 July William Litherland and Elizabeth Wackfilde . 10 August John Tassy and Margaret Lytherland* ... . II September Richard Smithe and Ales Gillam • 17 January George Corraine and Anne Lawrence ... . 2 February Burialles. Ellen Anglezey 2 Aprill E . . ? Galloway 21 11 Thomas Corraine • 14 May John Bell . 16 It Thomas Warton ¦ 25 It Infans Richardi Eccleston 10 June Edward Bixter 6 July William Sherlocke ¦ 14 11 Richard Eccleston . 21 IS Richard Linge ¦ 30 ss Catherne Hicocke ¦ 14 August Elizabeth Hill ¦ 9 September Infans Johis Alcocke ... ¦ 23 ss Anne Blackmore 1 October George Harison • 23 ss Steven Woodward 2 November John Denton ¦ 17 J J Catherne Bawker • 23 ss *' Lytherland inter Hned o ver "Ban ester' strucl out. 1606 i6o6-i6io Burials — Christenings. 295 Elin Jumpe Elizabeth Jumpe William Dixson, Alderman Anne Leyland Elizabeth Walley Elizabeth Rose Anne Jumpe Infans Joliis Coup [Couper] Isabell Farro' Robart BaUe infans Infans Johis Pemerton James Bushell Isabell Gaskin RoBt Bolton Rycliard the sonne of Ji Pernell Pendleton Michaell Barker . Randle Whaley . Steven Nycholson Edward Harison . Georg Traves Peeter Ellis Margaret Boden . Thomas Ryding . Ann Harison Elenor Bridg Isa;bell Musker . Thomas Woodward Sarah Pollert Isabell Farro' Ales Willimson . . James Quircke Ed-ward Calow James Harper Caterne Radbrook Anne D)rtchfeyld John Fells John Lurting Cicly Nycholson Anne Downes MichaeU Johnes .. Roger Marsh RoBt Higinson .. Ales Banester John Berry 1610. Christninges. Diconso of the Low the 12 December i6 „ 23 J, 2626 ,, 29 .. 8 Janiiar)' 12 „ 17 „ 23 » 4 February 27 March 30 .. 6 Aprill 7 ,j 9 j> 16 ,, 26 2 May 5 .. 7 J, 8 „ 9 ,, 23 J, 27 ., 10 June 17 ,. 19 ). 21 24 M II July 6 August 19 2 Septeber 6 „ 8 „ 12 13 2629 I 3 1618 22 October 296 LIVERPOOL REGISTERS (St. NICHOLAS). 1610 Ellin Gardeno' ... Samuell Wilson . . . Peeter Loyle Ales .Smith Ellen Rose Dorythy Willimson Ales Parker Jane Griffith John Ryse John Urmeston . . . Christian Wigan . . . Elizabeth Moore gen: John Roughley ... Jane Doby Willim Bixteth ... Tho: Harrccke ... Abraham Hodgson Willim Mather . . . Gilbert Formeby Raufi^e Bolton John Buttery Anne Seacom Elizabeth M . Williin J . . ? [parchment torn] . . . [parchment torn] Mariages. RoBt Willimson & Samuell [sic] Brookes Williin Waynwright & Margaret Roughley Thomas Plombe & Jane Seacom Edward^ Correis & Cicly Singleton John Radbrooke & Elizabeth Tossy [or Tassy] Thomas Buttery & Ellin Leadbeater .Michaell Holland & Ellin Aynsdall John Bird & Judeth Rose John Johnson & Ales Musker / ... 23 October 24 ,j 25 .. 8 Noveber 10 ,, II „ 13 .. 17 J, 18 „ 20 „ 27 ., 4 Deceber 4 J, 14 ,, 25 ,j 6 January 13 .. IS ., 20 ,, 23 .. 24 Feb. 7 March 10 Apr. eodm die II June I July 22 Aug: 22 October 3 No: 23 >> 30 January Burialls. Geffray Galloway Tho : Harvy John Seddon John Browne Joney Thomasson John Blackmore ... John Tassy RoBt Money M.argery Leadbeater John Hey Tho : Ryding Rychard Pendleton 9 Apr: 19 >j I May 2 ,, 4 J, 9 J' 12 ,, 26 ,, 4 June 5 » 10 „ 8 July i6io-i6i4 Burials — Christenings. Ellin Moore ¦ 1 8 July Margaret Winstandley . 13 Sep: Margaret Patricke . 18 „ Isabell Farrour ... . 12 October Ales Abraham • 14 .. Isabell Kettle ... . • 17 .. James Quircke ... . ¦ 30 » Em Hunt 10 Noveber Thomas Robinson • 17 Anne Norres ... . • 20 ,, Tho: Fisher .'.. . • 25 Elizabeth Durninge . . 10 Deceb. Jane Seacom ... . 16 Jan. Georg Robinson ... . 12 February Anne Seacom infans . 19 Mch 297 1614.* Christnings Thomas Harison Anne Kettle Jane Rose of Everton Richard Wigan Anne Widdowes Willim Williams . Sara Rose Nyoholas Parkinso Ric" Melling Margaret Bird Christian Buttery Cicly Correis Edw: Pendleton . Margaret Rose . Sara Diconson Ales Johnson John Moneley Tho: Tompson . Tho: Anderton . Caterne Goare Edw: Mather Ric" Tickle ... . Peeter Harrockes John Lyle Alles Walley Jaimes Evance Ellin Winstandley Jane Brookebanke Tho: Hesketh *[The Transcript for this year (I6I4), hitherto missing, was found amongst some unsorted fragmentary parchments, Nov. Sth, 1910]. 25 March 25 JJ 27 j> 30 22 Aprill 25 I II Maye IS 18 1111 22 1 y 3 June 5 J, 8 J, eodm 9 June 13 It IS18 It ss 2713 July 17 J J 21 7 August eodem die 15 st 21 .1 11 Sep. II IS 17 tt 298 LIVERPOOL REGISTERS (St. NICHOLAS). 1614 Elizabeth Vivers Isabell Barker Elizabeth Jumpe Sara Banester Margery Procter Ric'^ Gogney Willim Martin Dorythy Dey Elizabeth Gill Margaret Mcer [Mercer] Tho: Fazakerley Jane Henshaw Williin Huntington Williiii Willimson Tho: Traves Henry Bispam Anne Hey . . . Sudley Haworth Fraunces Smith Ellin Wigan Ellin Plombe Elizabeth Jumpe Tho: . . . ? [illegible] David Griffith Mariages. William Johnson & Margaret Downes Ric" Cooke and Anne Corker John Corker & Anne Peart Williiii Roson & Elizabeth Howrobin Robert Leadbeater & Isabell Cooke Burulls Anne Walker Anne Thomasson Ellin Lawrence Caterne Robinson Infans Robti Melling . . . Williin Willimson RoBt Jumpe Ellin Worrall Georg Curling [or Carliiig] Elizabeth Rylandes Elizabeth Probat Elizabeth Sharpies Joney Carre Ric" Tickle Margery Barker Margery Proctor infans advena 18 Sep. 23 11 27 11 28 11 30 y 1 16 October eodm die 22 It 22 11 26 11 20 November 26 11 II Deceber 16 11 21 It 9 January It tt 29 it 2 Feb. 16 11 23 It 24 11 28 II 29 May 6 June 21 August 9 January 25 It 25 March 8 May 30 II 4 June 6 It 27 11 I July 19 tl 27 11 23 August 8 (Septebr IS ti 21 11 27 It I October 16 II 1614-1617 Burials — Christenings. Ales Plumpton 7 Decem. Ellin Huntington •• 12 ,, Georg Wilson 9 January John Moneley •• 19 .. M'^ Wigley, advena 3 February Hugh Barker •¦ 9 ,. The wiffe of Tho : Madson ¦- 13 ). Ales Eccleston and Henry Martin .. 19 ,, Ellin Mather ' • 23 ,, Henry Rothwell minister 4 March Anthony Gogneye 19 " 1617. Christninges. Georg Fan-our 31 March Willim & Tho: Garden" [Gardener] .. 27 Apnl Margery Banester .. 29 „ Anne Lake of Gressendale 4 May Margaret Aslin .. 21 Eliz: Blundell 8 June Joney Howrobin .. 29 „ Margaret Mather 6 July Thomas Barker .. 20 „ Urcelow Gregory .. 10 Augut Judeth Travis ¦ ¦ 31 ,j Rychard Haule .. 3 Sept. Rychard Charnocke 5 ., Georg Potter •• 7 ,j Williin Farrour ... 8^„ Eliza'beth Anderto ... eodm die Elizabeth Bushell & Willim Lunt .. 14 „ RoBt Linne ... 29 ,, Jane Sanders 16 Noveb. Margaret Diconson .. 18 „ Gyles Eccleston ... 23 „ Williiii Johnson ¦• 27 ,, Anne Gogney 2 Deceb. Elenor Parker 3 .. Ellin Hey .• 13 ,, Charles Brooke 14 ,, Elizabeth Hoh .. eodiii die James Muskin ¦¦ 17 M James Woodward .. 21 ,, Anne Henshaw .. II January Tho: Smith ..20 ,, Tho: Tarlton -. 3° )) Ales Lane .. 2 Feb. Mathew Lunt 2 299 300 LIVERPOOL REGISTERS (St. Rychard Fisher ... Peeter Lurtinge . . . Ellin Sterriker Edward Fazakerley Anne Nycholson ... Elenore Buttrey ... Margaret Holland \^'illiin Harper . . . John Hearnes t Bolton, de Low Mariages. Tho: Dobb & Isabell Okell ... John Bolton & Margaret Higinson Rychard Lunt & Ellin Williinson James Sotherne & Christian Abraham Giles Corker and Anne Bankes . . . Tho: Moneley and Elizabeth Johnson Tho : Jumpe and Cicly Walker . . . Burialls Ales Seacom Willim Norbery ... Ellin Taylier Margaret Hubberstey Georg Farrour infans Elizabeth Foster . . . Jane Blackmore ... Georg Traves Rychard Pollert ... Jane Denton Isabell Simpson ... John Brookbanke John Moneley Willifh Barker Michaell Holland Tho: Buttery Christia Nycholson M'* Harris Elizabeth Moneley Margaret Anderton Ellin Barker Ales Abraham Margei-y Ryse John Rycrofte Tho : Tickle drowned Fraunces Tomlisson Thomas Bibby Rychard Hinde . . . NICHC )LAS). ... 9 Feb. ... 22 II ... eodm die ... 24 Feb. ... 27 11 2 March ... 8 11 ... 13 1 y ... 14 11 ... 25 1 « 1617 3 June 19 Aug. II Sep. 14 j> s October 2 Feb. 25 March 5 April 10 M 4 May 4 Jt 29 J } 19 June 26 li 27 11 8 July II It 16 11 12 August 22 11 29 ss 30 11 eodm die I Septeb. 7 11 8 11 19 11 21 11 3 Octob : 12 11 19 11 25 it 31 11 23 Nov. I6I7-I6I9 Burials — Christenings. 301 Willim Ascroft The wiffe of ye said AA'illini Anne Hurst George Farrour Edward . . . ? [parchment torn] . . . Margaret . [parchment torn] . . . Mary Holyp[/'«M]t John Bould Tho: Banke Margaret Gogney Eliz : Aps . . ? [parchment torn] Caterin of Rauffe ... • ... 16 Deceb. 26 J > II January 27 28 1111 31 13 Febr. IS I J J March 1619. Christninges. Ales Darwin Willm Barowclough .. Margaret Higinson Ric: & RoBt Rose, Tw John Lunt Rauffe Hinde John Seacom Peeter Martin Margaret Garden" [Gar Margaret Jump ... Willm Yonge Elizabeth Bolton . . . Mary Tarelton Savell Bridge Henry Diconson ... Rychard Muskin . . . Peeter Farrour ... Willm Burton Nehemiah Warton Richard Henshaw Margaret Deane .. Margaret Brooke . . Susanna Bushell .. Anne Mosley Eliz: Jamson Sara Winstandley Ellin Tomlisson ... Oswald Woodward Anne Rim" [Rimer] Sara Nydiolson ... Eliz : Potter Mary Carter John Fisher '¦doner] Mas- June 13 April 18 ,, 22 ,, 23 I 12 2330 I 5 >. 8 „ 9 >. 4 July IS „ S Sep. S .. 1621 4 Octo: 7 „ 19 M 4 Nov: 7 ,, 9 ,, 12 25 ,, 5 Dece: 19 M 2125 t, "6 3° tt 9 January 302 LIVERPOOL REGISTERS (St. NICHOLAS). Ellin Jumpe ... . . 10 January John Ecclesto ... . . II ,, Margaret Corker • 17 .. James Tarlton ... . . 19 >) Richard Moore ... . • 22 ,, Rauffe Smith ... . . 26 ,, Willim Worsencroft . • 30 M Willim Jumpe ... . • 13 Februa: John Crane ¦ 18 „ Guy Williiison I March Eliz: Care 2 ,, Williiii Waynwright . 8 „ John Govet ¦ 12 ,, Elizabeth Burges - 13 i> Alexander Fayrfax - IS M Isabell Rose ... . • 18 „ Ales Mather ¦ 24 „ Mariages. Henry Bell & Mary Leech ii Ap. Philip Banes & Ellin Cooke 27 June John Chauntrell & Anne Fletcher 12 Sept. Cntbert Lawrence & Elizabeth Jumpe 9 November Burialls. Rauffe Gaskin I Ap: Myles Kirkdale . 10 ,, Margaret Rycroft I May Williii Hurst . 4 .. Cicly Johnson ¦ 7 ,. Henry Wilson . 7 „ Willm Burto . 19 t> Elizabeth Downes ¦ 29 „ John Winstandley 3 Aug: Elizabeth Gillam . 12 „ Ellin Smith . 22 ,, Rychard Lurtinge • 28 „ Williii Barowclough I .September John Daniell . 8 Octo: M"' Dorythy Cliauntrell • 15 '. Thurstan Woodward . 31 >t Janey Egekar . 22 No: Tudget Bould . II Jan: John Burne, de Manchester • 20 „ Tho : Matson . 5 Febr. Susanna Bushell & Sara Winstandle; 1 . 19 »> Cicly Willimson 22 March Infans Thome Cowdocli . 22 Feb. I6I9 l620 Christenings. 303 1620. [Christenings] Elenor Ryse Ridiard Copple John Gogregar Margaret Johnson Sara Chapma Hugh Wigan Ellin And'ton John Pemerto Willm Trustram Richard Banester Willin Chauntrell John Williiison John Bolton Eliz: Sand'son John Seddon John Yonge John Williiison alias Newto Thomas Lurting Ellin Harp [Harper] John Moneley Ephan Barowclough Ellin Radbrooke John Lunt, de Derby Anne Smith, de Derby Mathew Willmson Willm Lurtinge Anne Holt . . . Anne Walley Ellin Aslin ... RoBt Tompson Caterne Darwin Dorithe Dytch fey Id Elizabeth Corker GabrieU Haughto John Galloway Edmund Lee vsley Margaret Martin Ellin Stricland Elizabeth Woodward W" Singleton Tho : Harison John Gardener Christophe H . . . ? [Held ?] Nycholas Bolto Judeth Eccleston Penelope Bradhurst 2 April 15 M 23 JJ 23 JJ 24 JJ 27 14 JJ May 16 JJ II June 18 JJ eodm die 28 June 2 July 56 7 9 23 31 31 3 August 9 li 9 't 4 Sept. eodm die 1026 Sept. 11 IS 24 Octo: 25 I 11 No: 6 1 J 10 J J 12 Jl 23 > J 29 10 II Deceb 17 18 It il 22 It 3° ^ " eodiii die I Janu: 7 II II il 304 LIVERPOOL REGISTERS (St. NICHOLAS). 1620-1622 John Brookbanke Dorithe Davy Willim Crane Mary Lunt Jane Bolton Eleno' Prescot John Smith Elizaibeth Golborne Anne Martin Rauffe Tomlisson Anne Worral. de Derby Dorithe Tarlton Mariages. Rychard Egekar & Elizabeth Lytherland Tho : ^Vitter & Jane Eccleston Burialls. Dorithee -Moore Cicly Gillam Cicly Jump Richard Sharpies Margaret Long Margaret Jumpe Evan ThomassS Edw: Moore fil: Anthonij Tho: Remching, gent. Hugh Blackmore RoBt Hunt Film Butley Tho : Plumpto Rychard Nvcholl alias Cooke fro Pnrke, Willih Holis Infans Petri Sharpies Robert Witter Cutbert Lawrenc Margaret Pendleto Anne Haughton Margery Smith Isabell Spencer buried Ales Ryding Tho: Griffith Tho : Harison infans Williii Banester puer slaine Slaine John Farror fil. Tho: Raffe Lurtinge ... W" Mason ... ... . Robert Chauntrell 1622. Christninges. Febr: 2 1 Janu : 22 3° 2 10 1818 2728 9 1021 March 4 May [no date] 31 March 4 Apr. S J. 25 JJ 27 JJ 3 May 2 1 June 4 July 9 JJ 22 ,, 3 August 4 J, 15 Sep. 18 October 31 JJ 21 November 23 JJ 29 ,, 23 December 19 J' 3 January 3 >j 7 Febr. eodm die 20 „ ? March 30 March 7 Aprill 9 Apr: 14 Jt l622 Christenings. 305 Edward Williams Margery Plat Tho: Witter Willm Cowell . Anne Dewsbery . Ellin Tennant Sara Mather Ales Deane ... Elizabeth Livesey Elizabeth Doly . Willm Casemt Tho : Rose, de Low Caterne Simne [Simme ?] Sara Marchden Rychard Gerrard sonne of bap : John Walker Henry Singleton ... Susanna Brookes . . . Margaret Webster John Harison Ellin Turner Nycholas Nycholson Ellin Hodgson Thomas Mercer . . . John Scarisbricke Tho: Henshaw ... John Ryding & RoBt Ryd Elizabeth Yong .. Willm Ireland Rychard Mosse . . Margaret Gleast .. John Philips Anthony Johnson Elizabeth Ecclesto Margaret Muskin John Darwin Rauffe Mercer Robert Henshaw Robeit Kighley Ellin Garnet RoBt Martin Ric: Rose ... Ellin Rydinge Anne Yong ... Anne Woodward Willm Pendleton & Edward Christopher iGalloway Rauffe Roson Isa'bel Bolton Sir Charles Gerrard Holt , gemelli 25 Apr: 27 JJ 30 19 JJ May 19 JJ 9 June eodih die 19 June 19 J J 30 19 JJ July 27 1 1 21 II 31 JJ 4 18 August 11 1713 1 1 Sep: 14 11 IS s 11 October 17 25 Octo: 26 11 27 14 it Nove 19 ? J 20 Jl 24 11 25 10 11 Dec: 10 11 17 St 12 Janu : 19 11 27 11 30 11 2 Februar 468 1111 11 II16 It11 27 2 11 March 6 11 14 it 17 ti 20 ) J 3o6 LIVERPOOL REGISTERS (St. NICHOLAS). 1622 Mariages. Williii Roson &: Caterine Jumpe Gilbert Andrew & Anne Hodgson Tho: Tarlton & Ellin Johnson ... Tho: Hodgson ... Ales Wright Dorithy Tickle . . . Anne Rishton Edward Rishton . . . Ales Tomson Christopher Fells John Coppocke . . . Ellin Potter, Widow Tho: Crosby Tho: Johnson Richard Berry Richard Gill Tho: Probat Anne Wilson Margaret Banister Edward Jolly John Downes The wiffe of Mathew Lurtin Margaret Sandiford Elizabeth Mather Anne Carter Elizabeth Naylor Thomas Griffith ... Ales Mather Tho : Jumpe John Woodward & Nathaniel B Rauffe Barker Elizabeth Formby The wiffe of John Hinde Jane Bridge Buriales olto 16 June IS July 3 February 26 March 19 April 30 J, 27 May 10 June I July 28 „ 31 10 Sep: IS JJ 29 JJ 7 October 20 „ eodiii die 4 Noveber 7 ,, 12 25 Deceb : 3 Ja: 5 II 13 28 II Febr. 23 .. 23 JJ 9 March 1625 Christenings. 307 A Coppie taken out of the Register Booke belonginge to the Chappell of Liv"'poole of all the Names of those who were Christoned Married and Buryed w*in the y''e last past endinge att the Annuntiacon of o' Blessed ladie the virgine, Anno Dni, 1625. 1625. Christeninges. WiUm Darsvine bap : Thoiiis Phyby Edward Rogerson bap : Dorithie Kitchin filia Rici Thoms Singleton bap : Elizabeth Boulton bap : Ales Huson ba^i: Sara Garner filia Hugh John Webster bap : ¦ WiUm Lawrence Jane Fisher filia Edward John Witter fill" Thomae Richard WorraU fiU" WiUiii Thorns MeUinge fiU" RoBt Isabell Hallsall filia Rici Anne Hyton filia Williii Jane Woodward filia Johiii Wniiii Dobson fill" RoBt Richard Chaddocke hii' Henrij Thoms Sanif orth fill" Raffe Eliz : Robinson filia Johfii John Walley fill" Johfii Roger Burges fill" Rogeri Judith Darbie fill" [sic] Peeter Edward Tarleton fiU" Thomae Isabell NidioUson filia Edw : Marie Houltt filia Edward Eliz : Crane filia John Anne Williiison filia RoBt Anne Fells filia Williii RoBt Muskin fill" Thomae Sara Chantrell filia John WUlm Gorton fiU" Edward Samuell Tumer filia [sic] Rici ... SamueU Livesley filia [sic] Thomae Richard and Margarett Willmson gemelli Johni WiUm Kenion fill" Rici 6 Aprill eodiii die 7 Aprill 9 JJ 10 ,, 14 JJ 18 ,, 26 „ 6 Maij eodiii die 20 „ 15 June 18 ,, 24 JJ 26 ,, 27 JJ 29 „ 3 Julie 3 >. 8 J, 13 .. I August 4 J, 7 J, 13 JJ 15 JJ 17 JJ 17 J, 21 ,, 23 JJ 27 JJ 7 Septemb' 22 October 2 November 6 „ 12 ,j IS » 3o8 LIVERPOOL REGISTERS (St. NICHOLAS). 1625-1626 Elline Eccleston filia Raffe Eliz : Tarbocke filia Johfii SeveU Croston filia Rici Christopher Jaines fiUa [i/'c] Edm James Mather fill" Wniln ...^ Robertt Higginson fill" Williii John Tickle als BusheU B John Dobson fill" RoBti Ellin Potter filia Thomae Catheren Ireland filia WUliii Edward Charles fiU" WUliii John Dallomore fill" RoBt Marriages. Thoms HoUinsed and Eliz. Woodward . . . Thoiiis Johnson and Effra Haughton Thoins ^Vebster and Sara Rosse Burialls. EUine Nichollson Allexander Tarleton Williii Mather slayne by John Smith M" Rose vx" Edmund Jennett Abraham Edw: Corris Margarett Brookes Williii CoweU John Highfield George Corran Randlor Littleor Thomas Melling Rich: Mather Thorns Waynewright Minister of this towne John Walker John Genkins WUlfii Darrantt WUlfii Felles, Clarke Williii Gorton sepultus Jane ye daughter of Alice Birdge buried ye Margeret Sefton 1626. Christeninges. John Boulton fil. John Boulton Oliver son of Willia Fayrehurst ... ¦ ... Ellin Denson fil. Rich: Denson Edw : son of Owin Jenkin Ellin Bridge fil. Richard Bridge Edw. son of Richard Tompson 16 November 27 11 27 11 27 15 it December 8 Januarie 29 „ primo die Februarie 14 IS 21 It 22 13 M'ch 20 Novemb' 30 5 Febru: 29 M'ch 16 ApriU 23 6 11 May 17 tj 19 6 it June 8 Jt 10 It 16 ti 21 3 Juiij 12 it [torn] 28 August I Sep: 22 it 23 21 it December 8 Januarie 2 Aprill 20 ,, 21 ,, 21 May [sic] 5 .. 10 ,, 1626 Burials — Christenings. 309 Alis fil : Richard Singleton Alis fil : Richard Landesley Margerett fil : Richard Higginson ... . Dorithy fil : John Burton John fil : James Tarleton Anne Duke fil: Tho: Duke Anne Wate fil : James Wate Sara [Anne crossed out] fil : Peter Smith . Alis fil : Chistopher Sanderson Rich : son of John Tarleton Anne fil : John Williamson, sayloe ... Elizabeth fil : Will : Winstandley ... . Ellin fil : Thomas Yonge Richard son of John Matthew Ellin Burton fil : John Burton Richard son of John Bridge Edw. son of Hugh Houghton Richard bastard son of Jane Conitry Willia son of Ralph Mercer Mary fil : Peter Davis Edw. son of Nicholas Ryding Elizabeth fil : Tho : Webster Anne fil : Christopher Bowe Andrew fil : Edw. Lappage, Minister Anne fil : Rob : Dobson Anne fil : Richard Birchinhead Thomas son of RoB : Bickstaffe Jane fil : John Watte Jane Watte Dorithy fil : Tho : Redbrook Hannah fil : Tho : Tarleton John fil: Tho: Hesketh Jane fil : Peter Darby Jane fil : Gilbert Luntt Henry son of Willia Cotton Burialles. Ellin Callow buried the Ellin Fells buried the Willia fil : Willia Quark Henry Brown Elizabeth Dichfield Moade Holland Catherin Rose wife of Roger Rose Elizabeth Knape vxor Rich : Knape Alis Spencer Rob : Woodworth son of John Woodworth Hamblett Webster, Schomaister John son of Richard Brookes II May [sic] same day 12 „ 14 JJ 15 JJ 22 „ 25 JJ 17 June 18 „ 19 J. 30 JJ same day 23 July 3 August 6 September 13 J. 14 J, 21 ,, 25 JJ 28 ,, 13 October 19 November 20 ,, 3 December 10 ,, same day 17 J, 28 „ 22 January 3 February 9 JJ 1428 „ 4 March 6 „ 2 March 21 Aprill 6 May 23 JJ 26 „ 3 June 10 „ 13 JJ 25 .. 26 ,, 16 August same day 310 LIVERPOOL REGISTERS (St. NICHOLAS). 1626-1627 Thomas Plimpton The wdfe of John Barrow ... . James Ford Elizabeth Winstandly widow John Darby, de Ormeschirch . Anne fil : Tho : Gerrard ... . M' Edmund Rose Alderm : Roger Cooke fil : Henry Cooke . Anne Hyton fil : Willia Hyton . Mary the wife of Rich: Brookes Elizabeth Entisley of ye parish of Boulton Ellin Woodworth Thomas fil : RoB Mosse M' John Houghton M' Peter Darby Richard Rose Marriages. Roger Rose & Elizabeth Haslenden Robert Balshaw & Ellin Plimpton John Pemberton & Elizabeth Urmeston . . . John Harper & Margery Brookbanke Richard Tarleton & Elizabeth Barrowclough 1627. Christnings Elizabeth fil : of Rich : Higinson Dorethy fil : Marie Plumpton . James Goore fil : John Goore Richard fil : Richardi Rydeing . Cislie fil : Richardi Copland Anne Garner fil : Hugonis ... Jane fil : Richardi Kenion ... SamueU fil : Thomae Gerrad Thomas fil : John Chantrell Jane fil : Xpofer Gallaway ... WiUm fil : Augustion Yonge and Margaret fil : Willfii Webster Thomas fil : John Mercer . . . Henrie fil : Thomae Worrall RoBte fil : Johis Mills Richard fil : Rich : Derwyne Henrie fil : Henrici Sothern Xpopher fil : Petrie Smith . . . Allexander fil : Thoms Worrall WiUia fil : Egidij Brooks . . . RoBte fil : Johiii Michinie ... Ellenor fil : RoBti Gorsuch 19 August 28 J' 6 September 17 December [sic] 10 September 17 JJ 13 February 14 J J 16 JJ 24 JJ 25 JJ 7 March 10 11 16 11 17 11 18 11 II July 5 September 4 January 7 ,- 5 February s Aprill II17 ti May 10 it 17 June 3° II it Julie II a 19 M 22 II I It 21 II 11 August 12 11 13 11 1412 1 ) October 13 ss 13 1 1 27 SJ 29 il I627-I628 1'urials- RoBte fil : Willfii Fairehurst Elizabeth fil : Johiii Willmson Thomas fil : Richardi Turner Elizabeth fil : Johfii Barrow James fil : Thomse Banister Thomas fil : Thomae Younge Rich : et Ellen gemell Tho : Royle Abraham fil : Thomae Hodgeson Allice fil : Thomas Banister John fil : Richardi Holland Jonathan fil : Johfii Waynewright Cuthbert fil : Johni Archer Thomas fil : Johni Johnson Richard fil : Richardi Blevine Anne fil : Radulfi Sandiforth Allice fil : Thomae Quale . . . Cislie fil : Thomse Boulton Christenings 30 October I November 3° 9 JJ December 7 Januarie 16 j» 17 10 J* Februarie 17 JJ 21 2 J J March 20 JJ - ••• 23 JJ Ri 1628. 27 March 29 13 ApriU 14 Si 311 [The above four entries are repeated at tlie beginning of the transcript for 1628; note discrepancies]. 1627. Burialls. Dorethie Willmson M' John Haughton Peeter Darbie Anne Mather John Seddon Ridiard Eccleston Elizabeth Cooke RoBte Berrie and Dorethie Johnson Notheren Isabell [sic] [i.e., mad Isabell] Marie Dodde Margerie Martin Anne Eccleston Christian Sothern •. Ellen Forber Xpopher fil : Petri Smith Williii fil: Johiii Winstanley Anne Tompson Willin fil : Rich : Blevine Jane Dier Isabell Tarleton - Tho: fil: M' Rich: Rose Harbor Boulton & Marie Walls 8 Aprill 9 It 16 II 19 tt 6 May 7 il 8 II 27 June 28 it 16 Julie 18 it 19 August 20 ss 25 ss 25 October 30 st 31 tt 20 November 21 99 28 It 3 December 10 312 LIVERPOOL REGISTERS (St. NICHOLAS). 1627-1628 Rich : fil : of Katherine Kay Williii the sonne of John Johnson James fil : Tho : Banister Isabell Higinson Anna fil : Tho : Tarleton ^^'illIii . . . ton [Eiton or Exton doubiful] John Woodward and Thomas Tarleton George Wheildyne Nicholas Rydeinge Rich : fil : Johfi Brigs and Rich : fil : Thomae Royle the Hnno Dni XQZQ. John Mercer 29 March M'*' Margaret Haughton 8 Aprill [The last two entries are repeated in transcript for 1628]. 29 December 5 Januarie 19 JJ 22 JJ 30 14 JJ Februarie 26 28 20 J J JJ March 23 .. same day 1627. Mariages. Thomas Bixstaffe & Margarett Williiison . . Richard Greaves & Elizabeth Craine James Chambers & Marie Wright John Melling & Anne Darbie RoBte Midleton & Allice Holland John Lurting & Sibell Blanchard Addam Batte [ ?] & Ellen Perrine 1628. Burialles. John Mercer M'^ Margrett Haughton M' Charll Harp [Harper] John Bannester Ellin wife of Christopher Galloway Jane the wife of Thom : Plimbe iMargery the w'ife of John Fasakerly Mary the Daughter of Willi Rose Ralph Witter son of RoB Witter John son of Edw: Fisher Alis wife of John Bridgs Hugh son of Hugh Haughton Peter Davison Ellin Daughter of Tho : Pemb'ton Claris wife of Rich : AMstecrofft Richard Rose, Alderm : Antonie Berry Willia Tarleton son Edw: TarletS ... ... Alis Lurtinge 2 May 25 August 19 Septemb' II November 19 JJ 28 „ 18 Februarie 29 March 8 Aprill 19 tt 4 May 25 June 26 ,, 27 JJ 14 July 26 ,, 10 Aug. 2 Septem: 26 ,, 27 JJ 29 3 20 28 2829 Oct. 1628 Christenings — 'Marriages — Burials. 313 Tho : son of RoB Woodworth I Jan: Eliz: fil. Jane Leyland ... . : 10 IS Richard son of John Tarlet5 17 11 Edw : son of John Stevens ... . .. I March Richard son of Willia Bonnd . 7 S 1 George Boulton 18 11 John Miller 18 IS Ellin Daughter of Rich : Cooke . 20 ss Richard Barker 24 1 s Margery Martin 27 11 Christeninges. Richard sofie of Rich : Blevin . . . 27 March Anne daughter of Raphe Sandiford I Aprill Alice daughter of Tho: Quale ... 13 tl Cicely Bankes, bastard 14 It Willfii sofie of Willfn Higginson 20 11 Elleanor daughter of Edward Martin 21 ii Mary daughter of James Tarleton 22 11 Eliz : daughter of John Smyth, sailer 3 May Richard sofie of George Wright ..^ 21 it Anne daughter of WiUm Woodward 22 it Anne daughter of Lawrence Gaunt 25 II Katherin daughter of Willfii Derby 12 June Elizabeth daughter of Williii Rose 15 )) Tho : sone of RoBte Woodward 14 July Susan daughter of John Boulton 17 It Eliz : daughter of Willfii Henshaw 17 tt Tho: sone of Thomas Moniley ... 18 11 Richard sone of Willfii Johnson 20 tt Margaret daughter of James Sothern e 26 tl Margaret daughter of Rodger Birch 27 11 Mary daughter of John Lurtinge 17 Aug. Sarah daughter of Valentyne Whyte 17 tt John sofie of Tho : Boulton, sayler 17 tJ Edward sofie of John Tarleton . . . 7 Sept. Ridiard sofie of John MeUinge . . . 17 It RoBte sone of Richard Kenyon . . . 18 11 Martha daughter of Walter Hare 20 It Willfii sofie of Edw: Tarleton ... 21 Oct. Rich : sofie of Rich : Lansdale . . ., , 22 tt John sofie of Raphe Leabron [Heabrc '«?] 25 Nou Aymye the daughter of RoBte Dobso n 4 February Jonathan 'daughter [sic] of James C lambers ... 8 March Maria( JES. John Marsh & Eliz : Rose married th e 7 Decemb. John Eccleston & Margreet Welles 8 JJ Rich : Clayton & Margrett Prescott last June John Mosse & Margret Mather [ ?] 7 Janu: 314 LIVERPOOL REGISTERS (St. NICHOLAS). 1629 A Coppie ofthe Register At Liupoole Anno Dni 1629. 1629. Christeninges. William son .... Bicksteth Richard Rymmer fill" Rici Rymmer et Margaret Loy illegitt' John Greaves fili" Richardi Anne Walker fil : Rici Edward Orme fil : Hieroiii Jonathan Kirkes fil : Johi Jonathan Chambers fil. Jacobi Marye fill : RoBti Midleton Lidia Bradshawe fil : Thoiiis Ellin Eccleston fiU : Willini Alice Ball fill: Christopheri Robertt Slater fill : Christopher Elizabeth Glasborouge fill : Thoiiis Thoiiis Pendleton fill: Willfiii ..< John Smith fil : Rici Baptized John Briggs sonn illegit' Johi et Elizabeth Halsall Bap : the WiUm Blacmore fill : Thofiiae Marij Whalley fil : Nicholi Anne Quarke, bastard fill : Maude Bap : the . . . Willia Robinson fill : JoRi EUin EccleS'ton fill: Thomae Baptized tlie Willia MeUinge fili" Johanni Thoms Houlte fil : Edw : Anne Goore fill : Johi Baptized Sara Lappage fill: Edw: Elizabeth Banister fill : Tho : John Denton fill : Rici Thofiis Joanes fill : Rogeri John Fairehurst fil : Willfn Allexander Marshe fill: Johi Bap: the Thoiiis Holland fil : Rici John Winstanley fil : Edw : John Sephton fil : Edw : Mariages. Thoiiis Blanchard and Marij Syre 3 May Nicholas Mather and Elizabeth Lurtinge 4 ,, Willfii Seacome and Marye Mercer 13 June Johnjnceand Anne Boden p lycence from Chester 26 July Thoms Luies [?] and Catherin Comiii [sic] ... 13 January 19 Aprill 15 May 23 JJ 12 June 14 28 „ 7 Julie 9 JJ 16 „ 10 August 17 JJ 26 „ same day 27 JJ same day same day 27 JJ 30 JJ same day 7 October same day 9 JJ 10 „ 1417 JJ 12 Nouember 13 JJ 20 December 21 ,, last day January 4 March 13 JJ 17 J, I629-I630 Burials — Christenings. 31s BURI.ALLES. Elizabeth Bradshawe als Hauglitoiiii Richard Rymmer fill: illegit' Rici Rymin" et Margaret Loy .. Elizabeth Moneley vx' Thomae Francis Ashe fill: RoBti pegr [peregrinus] Williii filius WiUm Crookes Richard Madson Ann Daughter of Rich : Walker Thofiis sonn of George Wright Robertt sonn of RoBte Dawnes John Smith fiU : Rici .. Ellin Daughter of Thofiis Yonge M' Willia 'Moore sonn of M' Edward Moore Thoms Garrett Anna Daughter of Raffe Sandiforth . . . Ciscelij Corres Thoms Orme sonn of Hirofii [Hieronymus] Orme Alice Daughter of John Tarletonn James Couell [ ?] Frances Bootle Eliz: Griffith Elizabeth Daughter of Thofiis Duke Margarett Daughter of James Sotheron Alice vx' M' Anthoni Moore John Rose . . ., Anne Daughter of M' RoBte . . ? [torn] WiUm MeUinge sonn of John MeUinge John Witter fil: Tho: 28 AprUl 15 May 18 ,, 27 JJ 28 ,, 28 „ 8 June IS JJ 15 " 13 Julie 14 August 16 September 18 „ 2328 „ 10 October 17 ,j 10 Nouember 30 J. I December 19 JJ 23 J. 5 March 9 JJ 12 12 ,, 12 Examinat' et Concordat' cii Registro apud Lever poole Ita testor Hieronimus Orme ibm ludi m' Hnno Dni 1630. Christeninges. Richardi sonne of John Ecclestonn Marie Daughter of Gyles Brookes John Sonne of William Woodward Eliza'beth Daughter of Henry Anderton, Bawber John Sonne of Bryan Blundell Willfii Sonne of Richard Poulton Richard sonne of Richard Singleton Ellen Daughter of Thofiis Boulton Elizabeth Daughter of Richard Sothard . . . John Tyrer sonne of Thofiis Tyrer Elnor Daughter of Willfii Charles 29 March II AprUl II May June 2 16 23II 23 25 JJ 18 Julye 19 t. 3i6 LIVERPOOL REGISTERS (St. NICHOLAS). 1630 WiUm Sonne of Raffe Massome i August Richard .sonne of Raffe Ecclestonn . . . Elizabeth Daughter of George Prescott John sonne of Edward Poynton Anne Daughter of Raffe iSandifoitli . . . John Sonne of Rich : Higginson, Cutler Thofiis Sonne of Thofiis Asbrooke ... Margerett Daughter of Thofiis Burton John Sonne of John Williiison ... .... James sonne of Robert Woodward Anne Daughter of Richard Smith James Sonne of Gilbert Houlte Ann Daughter of John Johnsonn Ann Daughter of Willfii Lonsdell Dorothie Daughter of Thofiis Bicksteth Edward Sonne of Thoins Lees John Sonne of Edward Chambers Ann Daughter of WiUm Higginsonn . Thoins Sonne of James Tarleton Richard base sonne of Rich : Newton Ellen Daughter of Robert Whalley . Emie Daughter of Willfh Samme Anna Daughter of Riohard Browne . Edward Sonne of John Archer ... Thofiis Sonne of Thofiis Webster Maiy Daughter of John Waynwright Margery & Elizabeth Daughters of Rich : Robinsonn Margrett Daughter of WiUm Whitfield Anne Daughter of John Williiison Margarett Daughter of Gualter Haire Marriages. George Wright and Elizabeth Rydinge both of LiCpoole - M' S'herland Adames and M'° Mary Leech p Lycence Richard Garnett and Mary ,Smith of Hyton pishe p Lycence Willfii Boulton and Ellin Goore of Sefton pishe p Lycence 29 Burialls. John Sonne of Richard Denton Ellin Daughter of M' Robert Berry, Aid: Catherin fil : John Stivenson Edwardi fil : John Stivenson Isabell Lawrence, vid : John sonne of James Wade Elizabethe Daughter of Nicholas Rydinge 6 it IS it 29 17 Ji (September 19 tt 23 26 3 It October 4 JJ 13 J J 1728II J J ii November 14 11 21 5 SI December 5 JJ 12 y y 12 y y 6 January 16 J J 17 3 ii February 13 11 13 19 it March 12 it 13 ss 20 ss I May 12 October 29 January ... 27 March ... 15 Aprill ... 16 IJ ... 30 il ... 18 June ... 27 11 .. 30 19 I630-I636 Burials — Christenings. 3«7 Thoins sonne of Thofns Yonnge Ellin Daughter of Thofiis Royle John Adderton an Irishe boy. Drowned Elizabeth Farror, Vid: M' Richard Houghton of Wau"try Francis vx' John Tarleton John Sonne of John MeUinge Anne Corker, Vid : Thofiis sonne of Edw : Houlte James Higginson , ... John Sonne of Peeter Cooke Thoiiis Burton of the Parke syde Richard Sonne of Rich : Newton Elizabeth Daughter of John Banister A passingers Child 'borne in a Barque cominge out of Ireland Anne Banes John Fotherbie a passingers Child Elizabeth Heskitt Dorithie Robinson A Child of W^ 'GoUins Joane Penninge of Toxteth Parke 14 August 20 September 27 J J 16 October 17 JJ 18 J J 25 ?j 6 ¦November 17 11 25 December IS January 16 11 28 11 28 11 31 II 10 February 16 It 4 March 6 Jl 12 11 20 ) J Ita testamur Henricus Shaw, Curat. John Knape \ \ Churchwardens John Higginson J 1636. Christninges. Ellin Daf of Richard Webster Richard son of Willfn HoUinshead ... . Katherin Daf of Tho: Ayndowe Mary Daf of Tho: Ashbrooke Victoria Daf of Peeter Ellis RoBt son of John Williiison Sara Daf of Arthur Findley An Daf of Tho: Eaton Mary Daf of Valentyne Whyte EUin Da? of RoBt Sephton Lettice Daf of Ellis Baylie of Berketh Jane Daf of RoBt Ryiiier Margret Daf of Tho: Couley a stranger John son of Edw : Diconson Tho : son of Richard Higginson, Cutler John son of Edw : Tatlocke Thomas son of Richard Shepheard . . . 26 March 3 Aprill 3 6 JJ11 17 tt 20 It 2228 I 8 11 11 May JJ 9 June 29 1028 July It 31 5 IS August 3i8 LIVERPOOL REGISTERS (St. NICHOLAS). 1636 as she saith Jane Daf of Phillippe Care Margret Daf of George Prescott John son of Thomas Duke Williii son of Richard Harrison Jane Daf of Henry Ambrosse .... Richard son of Law : Mercer Ellin Daf of Mary Crane p'created by Roger Wilcockes Willfii son of RoBt Deynoldes ... Mary Daf of Richard Tarleton ... Elizabeth Daf of Willfii Lurtinge Raphe son of John Johnson, Skynner Willfii son of Margret Eccleston pcreated by Tho : Henshaw of Everton ... Mary Daf of John Birchall Mary Daf of Edw : Farrer . . . Henry son of Henry Wetton Raphe son of Tho: Baylie ... John son of Walter Hare . . . SamueU son of Samuell Hale Willfn son of Willfh GoUins GilBt son of Tho: Bixtath, Aid Thomas son of James Loy . . . Alice Daf of Peeter Loy Richard son of John Roughley Mathew son of Ginnett Stevenson widow pcreated as she saith by one David Willson a North Countryman Ellin Daf of John Walles All Daf of Tho: Bannester Bryan son of James Burton John son of Elizabeth Lewes pcreated as she saith by Tho: Slate of Bebington pish in Cheshire EUin Daf of Edw: Marton James son of Willfii Boa'tes John son of John Tompson Ellin Daf of John Lightbowne RoBt son of Tho : Linaker . . . John son of John Dick.son . . . ;\Iary Daf of Tho: Prieston [may be Priesson] .. Alice Dar of GilBt Hoult Sara Daf of Richard Greaves ... Afi Daf of Willfii Hoult of Birketh Willfii son of Francis Medcalfe ... Afi Daf of Tho: Lievesley 7 August 14 JJ 21 JJ 21 „ 23 JJ 28 „ 30 JJ I 'September S JJ II JJ 14 J. 18 „ 25 29 J. 6 October 8 ,j ,8 „ 9 JJ 16 25 ,. 2828 „ 8 November 10 „ 13 JJ I December • 9 11 • 25 . 26 • 17 IS 11 January . 22 tl - 29 . 28 1111 • 31 . 16 11 February • 19 2 IS March 19 JJ 23 il 1636 Marriages — -Burials. 319 Marriages. Edward Gilbert & Margret Charnocke John \\'ood of Warington pish & Mary Chambers of this towne Willfii Hankeshawe & Elizab : Williiison . Burialls. Afi Daf of Willfii John.son als Sam ... Willfii Bunnrey Catherin Hill' A Child of Isabell Barkers pcreated by one Richard TerriU an Irishman as she saith. M''° Bunoury Alice Knowles Richard Conway John Worrall Alice wife of RoBt Lurtinge Nicholas Nicholson Elizabeth Deane Ellin Daf of John Chantrell . . . Leonard Virell a passenger Willfh base son of Margret Eccleston pcreated by Tho : Henshall of Everton Raphe son of Tho : Bayliffe Margret Daf of John Birchall . . . A Child of John Mellings Willfn Fairhurst Judeth Cooke Sara BusheU John Bolton, Churchwarden RoBt Griffith John son of WiUm Martin A Child of Tho : Sherborne Lawrence Golborne RoBt son of John Williiison Elizabeth Synnett A Child of Richard Harrison . . . Samuell son of Gyles Brookes . . . Richard son of RoBt Millner 17 May . 22 June • 19 February ¦ 27 March • 13 ApriU . 22 it i I June ¦ 9 . 26 4 13 11 July August 1418 7 J J J J September II28 J J J 1 • 5 October 5 I 11 November 2 1} • 3 11 . 10 . 16 I 1111 December 12 . 16 . 28 JJ 11 it • 14 Januarie . 28 ¦ 25 JJ Februarie . 6 March 10 . 16 J J 11 Test. Hen: Shaw Curat" ibidem William (X) Rose his marke William (W D) Dwarihouse his marke Churchwardens 320 LIVERPOOL REGISTERS (St. NICHOLAS). 1639 1639. Christings. Margaret Daughter of S' Theobald Bourke Michaell sonn of Peter Loy Thomas sonn of Gilbert Holt Jane Daf of William GoUins Mary Daughter of Ellen Potter pcreated as she saith by Robert Bicksteth John sonn and Elizabeth Daf of William Wetherby Margaret Daf of John Walls John sonn of Francis Medcalfe Margaret Daf of Luke Harison Elizabeth Daf of Peter Cooke Dorothy Daf of Edward Williamson WiUiam sonn of Henry Worrall Lydia Daf of Catherin Urmeston pcreated as shee saith by Edward Bretney of Whiterston nere Namptwich Edward sonn of Thomas Parr Ann Daf of Robert Woodward Sara Daf of Samuell Aspinall of Toxteth Margaret Daf of Henry Robinson Ann Daf of William Fazakerly Mary Daf of Peter Haliwell John sonn of John Birchall Ann Da f of Laurence Mercer Sara Daf of Edward Martin Anthony sonn of Thomas Banister Peter sonn of Herbert Bolton Elizabeth Daf of Thomas Carr Mary Daf of Robert WUliamson Jane Daf of Richard Lunt Ann Daf of Archie Finley Margaret Daf of Humfrey Lunt Thomas sonn of Thomas Livesley Robert and Raph sonns of Richard Higinson, Butcher Edward sonn of Edward Chambers Dericke and John sonnes of John Shepard Thomas sonn of Thomas Greaves Thomas sonn of Richard Tottie Edward sonn of Edward Tatclocke William sonn of Robert Eceles Thomas sonn of Robert Laurenceson Anna Dar of Richard Williamson Margaret Daf of Anthony Johnson of Everton . . . Catherin Daf of William Birchall 27 March 31 4 Aprill 21 JJ 9 May 14 JJ 3 June 9 3 July 9 1 ' 21 28 11 J J 27 I August September I II IS It IS il IS It 25 6 il October 24 JJ 27 28 JJ J J 31 JJ 31 6 JJ November 9 11 10 11 14 it 24 J J 8 December II18 J J JJ 15 J J 21 JJ I January 3 J J 5 II 12 11 IS 11 23 ti 1639 Christenings — Marriages — Burials . 321 Margery Daf of Robert Miller John somi of Thomas Bradshaw Elizabeth Daf of Thomas Bicksteth, Ald'ma ... Nicholas sonn of John Lurting, Smyth Ellen Daf of Margerie Jackson pcreated as shee saith by WiUiam Charles ... John sonn of James Loy Ann Daf of Gilbert Balshaw Dorothy Daf of William Fisher Luke sonn of William Hamlet John sonn of Thomas Walker Maud Daf of Margerie the wife of Raphe Melling pcreated as she saith by John Crawford a Scotchma Jane and Margaret Dafs of Thomas Asbrooke.. . Margaret Daf of Edward Ricroft George sonn and Ann Daf of Richard Webster. . . Debora Daf of John Tompson Ann daughter of Henry Shaw, minister of Liv'poole Mariages. Hugh Wright & Margaret Corker Edward Formeby & Margerie Croston Burialls. Isabell Moulton a passing"^ child Margaret Crane Widow A 'Child of William Mathew-es Isaake sonn of Samuell Midgley John Plumpton Jane Pemerton Robert Higinson James sonn of Miles Mather William Higinson Alice wife of William Wetherbie Thomas Graceson Jane Daf of William Samme Thomas Legh D' of Divinitie, third sonn to S' Peter Legh of Lime & Rector of Walton & Sephton was buried in Sephton Church May 29 1639 he was a man of great learning, given to hospitality, verie MercifuU to the poore, & the greatest light that ether Church enjoyed in the memorie of man Ann Daf of WUliam Dyall, a passinger Jone Liverpoole William Davison 25 26 26 6 8 23232325 25 January February 2 6 8 10 1315 March 3 December 3 February 27 March I Aprill 8 11 26 11 27 11 27 it 9 May II J J 13 J J 19 J J 21 11 24 11 29 ,, 8 June 7 July 14 JJ w 322 LIVERPOOL REGISTERS (St. NICHOLAS). 1639-1640 Cuthbert Sharpies, Sargant William sonn of WiUiam Boates John Pemerton John Anderton Ann wife of Brian Mercer Dorothy Daf of Edward Williamson Richard sonn of Richard Tarleton . . . Maud wife of Hug Gardiner Mary Daf of Robert WiUiamson Elizabeth Tomason Ellen Tompson Widow Margaret Farrar, widow Catherin Jones. John Eues one of those that were sunke in boate Decemb' 21 Dericke and John Sonnes of John Shepard Joseph Rose Margaret Dewesbury William Harison of Toxteth Isabell wife of William Martin William Marsh, deputy Towne elarke Richard Loy Ann wife of Thomas Bolton Margery Jackson of Dublin Gilbert Holt Ellen Irland Ann Daf of Richard Webster George sonn of Richard Webster Raph sonn of Richard Higinson, butcher John sonn of Thomas Walker Coke- 4 August 31 3 16 JJ September J J 222827 JtJt October 12 November 16 JJ 17 10 JJ December 16 J J 17 JJ 23 J J 27 JJ 2 6 January J J 10 J J 31 17 JJ February 25 J) 25 5 JJ March 8 JJ 9 J J 13 JJ 17 J ) 22 J J 24 JJ Test. Henr. Shaw Curatus ibidem Henry (H) Goare Churchwarden his marke James Burton (O) sidesmB his marke 1640. Christnings. Robert sonn of William Lurting. . . John sonn of John Widowes Marie Daf of John Lightbowne Richard sonn of Francis Androwes Phoebe Daf of John WiUiamson Jane Daf of Richard Livesley . . . Elizabeth Daf of Richard Shepard Catherin Daf of John Lurting . . . Ellen Daf of John HiU 25 March 29 s 6 Aprill 12 14 19 2626 1640 Christenings. 323 Samell Daf of John Roughley John sonn of Thomas Tarleton William sonn and Ann Daf of James Burton ... Jane Daf of John Moore of Bankehall Esquire Christned at Bankehall Ann Daf of WiUiam Lonsdall Catherin Dar of Humfrey Taylor Richard sonn of Richard Johnson Anna Daf of Arthur Mecnon Thomas sonn of John Livesly Roger sonn of Roger Jones Josua sonn and Samell Daf of William Topping Sara Daf of John Bean Marie Daf of Edward Alcocke, Bayliff John Sonn of William Boates Mary Daf of Edward Plomer Elizabeth Daf of William Williamson, Carpint' Debora Daf of Edward Williamson Catherin Daf of Robert Bicksteth James Sonn of Thomas Story Alice Daf of Raph Massome Marie Daf of John Querke Thomas Sonn of John Barker Sara Daf of Richard Rose E lizabeth Da f of Raph Mercer Margaret Daf of Alice Kennish pcreated as shee saith by Richard Charnocke B Thomas Sonn of William Jenson Mary & Judeth Daf of RoBt Wood of Londonderry Sara Daf of John Bolton Edward sonn of James MuS'kin Edward son of Edward Diconson Ann Daf of William Norris Mary Daf of Edmond Sharpe Elizabeth Daf of Riohard Fazakerly Catherin Da f of Roger Harison Mary Daf of John Mosse Margerie Daf of Hemy Goare Ann Daf of George Seddon Robert sonn of John Whitestones Hanna Daf of Richard Dwai-ihouse Thomas son of Thomas Eccleston, Ald'ma John son of John Walls Anna Daf of John Melling William son of Christopher Bennet Ellen Daf of WiUiam Eccleston William son of Thomas Lynaker John son of John Downes Edward son of Richard Higinso, butch' 6 May 10 ,, 24 2 June 5 " 7 1014 JJ 21 ,, 28 „ 2 2 July 22 2 August 9 " 16 23 JJ 3 September 13 20 ,, 21 22 ,, 24 2 October 19 JJ 25 JJ 14 November 25 JJ 30 J. 6 December 13 JJ 20 ,, 25 JJ 3 January 3 JJ 10 31 JJ 1 1 February 3 JJ 14 JJ 16 „ 21 JJ 25 J. 28 „ 7 March 8 „ 10 „ 324 LIVERPOOL REGISTERS (St. Samuell son of ^\'illia Johnso alias Samm William son of Thomas Plombe Marie Da f of Robert Rimmer Weddings. Richard Riuesley & Isabell Goare Evan Marsh & Elizabeth Yonge Hamlet Bennet & Margaret Soane James Muskin & Elizabeth Harison Dericke Browne & Ann Duckenfield John Tarleton & Margerie Formebie Burialls. Ann Daf of Henry Robinson, Bayliff Thomas Golborne Elizabeth Mosse wddow Elizabeth Daf of Richard Anderto Richard Russell, Merchant A child of Robt Molineux's of Crosbie as begotten on Grace Brindle James Boates Ann Daf of Thomas Banister Marie Daf of John Lightbowne Ellen Daf of William Charles B .. Mary Daf of Robert Bicksteth B .. Ouen Simonds a passinger A child of William Ridings John Hurst alias Blacke • .. Ann Daf of Richard Williamson Cicely Plumpton widow- Elizabeth Barker widow Ann Fowler A ChUd of William Blundells Robert Sefton Alice Da f of Gilbert Holt Edward Daf [sic] of Thomas Parr .. John Benn alias Papa a dumb ma .. Michaell Braddocke John son of ^^'illiam AVetherbie Robert Farrar William Dw.arihouse, drowned Josua sonn of William Topping Ann Dewesbury A Child of James Burtons ; . . Samell Daf of William Topping Josua sonn of Thomas Bradshaw Savell wife of Captaine John Lurting Edward Williamson, Saylor NICHC )LAS). IO March ... ir JJ 21 JJ ... II 12 ... 26 ... 8 ... 7 ... 6 Aprill May JJ August September March ... 25 March ... 27 JJ ... 29 JJ ... 31 J J ... 31 aid JJ I Aprill ... 7 J J ... 24 J J ... 30 ¦¦• 3 ... 8 J J May JJ ... 22 J 1 ... 25 i 1 ... 27 } y ... 30 li ... 7 June ... 7 JJ ... 7 ) y ... 10 y i ... 30 ••• 5 ... 6 July i y ... 14 1 y ... 20 ¦•• S 11 August ¦-• 5 J J ... 9 11 ... II 1 1 ... 14 It ... 15 ... 16 1}1 ) ... 21 J J ... 23 ,.. 26 J J 11 1640 I640-I64I Burials — Christenings. 325 A Child of William Mathewes Hugh Haward of Meales Catherin Daf of John Lurting Peter Loy ... Judeth Dar of RoBt Wood of Londonderrie John Holland Mary Daf of RoBt Wood of London Derry Phillip Christian Sara Daf of John Bolton Margaret Daf of Alice Kennish Mary Daf of Thomas Mason Margaret wife of John Lunt Robert son of John Whitestones Margaret wife of John Mosse Margaret Madson 4 September 20 ,, 23 t, 12 November 15 JJ 16 „ 17 .. 23 JJ 5 December 31 Januarie 12 February 24 JJ 27 „ 18 Mardi Test. Hen. Shaw Curat" ibm Roger (X ) Harison Churchwarden his marke John Lurting 1641. Christnings. William son of Thomas Chauner, de Lowe ... 29 March Thomas son of William HoUinshead i Aprill Majry Daf of RoBt Seacome, Clarke 4 ,, Margaret Daf of Henry Davison 16 ,, Richard son of Sara Webster begott as shee saith by RoBt Webster her husband 17 ,, Peter son of Brian Mercer 27 ,, Mary Daf of Richard Woods 2 May Thomas son of William Blundell 9 ,, Ellen Daf of Richard Woofall 9 ,, Alice Daf of RoBt Banister 16 ,, Margerie Daf of Rice Johnes 23 ,, Margaret Daf of William Birchall 25 ,, Ann Daf of William Jumpe 30 ,, Margaret Daf of William Blundell, de Toxteth 13 June George son of RoBt Lodam ... 23 ,, Michael son of Thomas Pemerton 2f ,, Peter son of Thomas Bolton 27 ,, Elizabeth Daf of Thomas Rigbie ... 4 July Thomas son of Elizajbeth West pcreated as S'hee saith by William Coppall of Sephton Parish 6 ,, Thomas son of Thomas Coppall 18 „ Elizabeth Daf of Richard Farrar 25 „ John son of Edward Litleton pedler of Ev'ton. . . 29 „ 326 LIVERPOOL REGISTERS (St. NICHOLAS). 1641 Mary Daf of Henry Garret Ann Daf of Edmond Sargeant de Low^e Elizabeth Daf of Richard Webster WiUiam son of Elize Formeby ... Edward son of Richard Kenion ... Margaret Daf of James Foster Sara Daf of RoB Pares John son of Richard Anderton ... Samell Daf of Richard Williamson Thomas son of John Lightbowne Anna Daf of Thomas Cheney . . . Thomas Son of Thomas Loe Mary Daf of Dericke Brow-ne ... Mary Daf of William Sutton Jane Daf of Richard Cowdocke Margaret Daf of Francis Medcalfe Elizabeth Daf of RoBt Woodward John son of Christofer Rim' Ellen Daf of Jeffery Walls Jane posthume of William Fisher Gennet Daf of William Fazakerly Susan Daf of William Lurting ... Elizabeth Daf of Georg Higinson Richard iSon of Archie Findley Mary Daf of Thomas Greaves . . . Elizabeth Daf of John Tarleton William son of William Williamson Anna Dar of John Tomson John son of Luke Harison Margaret Daf of James Patericke Catheren Daf of Henry Robinson Margaret Daf of John Rice Hugh Son of Thomas Gardiner Ann Daf of Evan Marsh WiUiam son of Edward Ricroft ... John son of Thomas Storie Obedience Daf of John Manwaring Ann Daf of Gualter Hayes WiUiam son of William Dayntith John son of John Greene EUen Daf of Laurence Mercer ... Thoinas Son of Richard Higinson, Butcher Edward son of James Vaux Roger Son of Nicholas Johnes . . . Marriages. AVilliam Wetherbie & EUner Higinson James Woodward & Ann Blevin John Knowles & Jane Holland 15 August 16 ,, 19 JJ 5 September 7 J. 12 ,, 19 JJ 26 ,, 29 JJ 3 October 3 JJ 10 ,, 10 ,, 1017 20 7 November 12 ,, 14 JJ 21 JJ 28 „ 5 Decemb' 7 J, 13 .. 13 » 19 JJ 21 ,, 25 'J 26 „ 6 January 2 February 4 JJ 7 JJ 8 J, 13 •> 14 JJ 17 J. 20 „ 22 „ 27 JJ 27 JJ II March 13 JJ 13 JJ 27 April 10 May 29 JJ I64I Marriages — Burials. 327 Thomas Rigbie & Elizabeth Stones Edward Howrobin & Margerie Fisher WiUiam Granger & Margaret Rimmer Richard Barker & Elizabeth Shurlaker . . Daniell Kellie & Alice Loye widow John Richardson of Upton in Cheshire & Mercer Peter Bolton & Elizabeth Holt George Smyth & Catherin Cartur Thomas Cooke & Savell Bridge William Wilson & Ann Letherbarrow Anthony Hunt & Mary Harison John Eccleston & Jane Clayton >\.nn 12 June [hi anK] 17 17 s July ¦Septemb' I Octob' 27 28 J J Novemb' 27 Decemb' 22 January February 19 Burialls John Robinson Eliza'beth Daf of Thomas Kelley Margaret Daf of Henry Davison Ann wife of Henry Davison 2 twines of Richard Masons Dorothy Patericke Ann Avife of Richard Coke . . . M" Samell Williamson James Harrocks of Toxteth Dorothy wife of John Crane Alice 'Eccleston Peter son of Brian Mercer . . . Thomas son of RoBt Laurence Elizabeth wife of Richard Greaves Thomas Lurting ... Richard Cooke ... Richard Clarke ... M" Catherin Moore Giles Brookes Margerie Riding, de Toxteth Elizabeth Robinson, Widow A Child of Thomas Asbrookes Richard sonn of RoBt Clarke RoBt son of Richard Higinson butch' Thomas base sonn of William Coppall John son of John Downes Edward son of Richard Higinson, buth' William Gorse Jane Bolton widow George son to the Lord Brampston Richard Tompson Alice Kenion widow William Fisher 5 ApriU 12 JJ 18 11 26 11 27 It 29 tt 4 May 4 tl 4 II 7 It 8 it 9 ss 25 ss 26 ss 27 ii 27 II 29 tl 14 June 19 JJ 19 It 19 It 23 1 30 II 30 n 7 July 14 tl 22 It 23 August I Septemb' 2 it 10 JJ 26 JJ 5 October 328 LIVERPOOL REGISTERS (St. NICHOLAS). 164 1 Ann Gilthrop a passing' whose 'husband was killed by the Rebells in Irland Octob' 24 Alice Brimhall Thomas Sonn of John Lightbowne Alice Pendleton Christofer son of Edward Hampton Elizabeth WiUiamson drowned in a well Margaret Daf of Willia Birchall Gideon Busserelle a french boy . . . Elizabeth wife of Roger Rose James Tompson Willia Curreine A 'Child of Willia Toppings . . . John Holland of [Caudy ?] Thomas Whitley & Anthony Wilkinson 2 Children pt of the Distressed Irish An Ma [Man] & a Girle Dorothy Cawtry, Irish Thomas Markeham a Distressed Irish Elizabeth Whitley, Irish Thomas Pratt, Irish Elizabeth Pemerton alias Irland John son of Thomas Markham, Irish Nathaniel son of Thomas Markham, Irish Henry son of Thomas Markeham, Irish Elizabeth Banister widow ... A son of Raph Mercers, butch' Margaret Daf of John Walls A Child of M' Hamptons . . . 8 Novemb' 19 JJ 23 JJ 12 December 14 JJ 22 „ 2 January 4 JJ 5 J. 6 JJ II JJ 21 JJ 23 JJ 2527 JJ 29 JJ I February 2 JJ 5 J. 12 „ 23 J. 24 tl 4 March 4 JJ 15 J, 17 J. test. Hen. Shaw Minist' Liv'poole John Kirk Edward Formbie Churchwardens %nhu ia tfo IBiaI|0|i's Cranscripts. A Abraham, Ales, 297, 300 „ Ohi-istian, 300 „ Jennett, 308 Adames, Sherland, 316 Adderton, John, 317 Aloocke, Ed'wai-d, 323 ,, John, 294 „ Marie, 323 Alker, Elizabeth, 292 Ambrosse, Henry, 318 ,, Jane, 318 Anderton, Elizabeth, 299, 315, 324 „ Elhn, 303 ,, Henry, 315 ,, John, 322, 326 ,, Margaret, 300 „ Richard, 324, 326 ,, Thomas, 297 Andrew (Androwes) Francis, 322 „ Gilbert, 306 „ Riohard, 322 Anglezer (Anglezey) Ellen, 294 ,, Jone, 292 ,, Jane, 292 Anydowe, Katerin, 317 ,, Thomas, 317 Archer, Cuthbert, 311 „ Edward, 316 „ John, 311, 316 Asbrooke (Ashbrooke) Jane, 321 „ Margaret, 321 „ Mary, 317 „ Thomas, 316, 317, 321, 327 ..isoroft, William, 301 Ashbrooke, see Asbrooke /Whe, Francis, 315 „ Robert, 315 Aj^lin, Ellin, 303 „ Margaret, 299 Asphiall, Samuel, 320 „ Sara, 320 Aynsdale (Aynsdall) Alice, 292 ,, EUen, 296 ,, James, 291 B BagnaiiL, Hannibal, 291 „ Samuel, 291 Ball (Balle) Alice, 314 ,, Christopher, 314 „ Robart, 295 Balshaw, Ami, 321 „ Gilbert, 321 „ Robert, 310 Bianes, Anne, 317 „ Philip, 302 Banister (Banester, Bannester) ,, Alice, 295, 311, 325 ,, Ann, 318, 324 „ Anthony, 320 „ Eliza'beth, 314, 317 „ James, 311, 312 „ John, 313, 317 ,, Margaret, 294 «., 306 ,, Margery, 299 ,, Richard, 303 ,, Robert, 326 ,, Sara, 298 ,, Thomas, 311, 312, 314, 318, 320 324 „ William, 293, 304 Bancke (Bankes) Alexander, 291 ,, Anne, 300 „ Cicely, 313 „ Ellen, 294 ,, Thomas, 301 Barker, Dorithy, 293 ,, Elizabeth, 324 „ Ellin, 300 ,, Hugh, 299 ,, Isabel, 298, 319 ,, John, 291, 293, 323 ,, Margei-y, 298 „ Michael, 295 ,, Rauffe, 306 „ Richard, 313, 327 ,, Thomas, 299, 323 ,, William, 300 Barrow, Elizabeth, 311 „ John, 310, 311 Barrowclough, Elizabeth, 310 „ Ephan, 303 „ William, 301, 302 Batte ( ?) (see also Watte), ,, Adam, 312 Bawker, Cathei-ne, 294 Baylie, Ellis, 317 „ Lettice, 317 „ Raphe, 318 „ Thomas, 318 Bayliffe, Raphe, 319 „ Thomas, 319 Bean, John, 323 „ Sara, 323 330 LIVERPOOL REGISTERS (St. NICHOLAS). Bell, Hem-y, 302 ,, John, 294 Beiui, John, 324 Bennet, Christopher, 323 ,, Hamlet, 324 „ WiUiam, 323 Berry (Berrie) Anne, 292 ,, Antonie, 312 ,, Elizabeth, 292 „ Elhn, 316 ,, John, 295 ,, Riohard, 306 „ Robert, 294, 311, 316 Bibby, Thomas, 300 Bicksteth (Bixter, Bixtath, Bixstaffe, Bickstaffe) ,, Catherin, 323 ,, Dorothie, 316 ,, Edward, 294 ,, Elizabeth, 321 ,, Gilbert, 318 ,, Mary, 320, 324 „ Robert, 309, 320, 323, 324 „ Thomas, 309, 312, 316, 318,321 „ William, 296, 314 Birch, Margaret, 313 ,, Rodger, 313 Birchall, Catherin, 320 „ John, 318, 319, 320 ,, Margret, 319, 325, 328 ,, Mary, 318 „ William, 320, 325, 328 Buchinhead, Anne, 309 ,, Richard, 309 Bird (Birde) Elhn, 292 ,, John, 296 ,, Margaret, 297 Budge, see Bridge Bispam, Henry, 298 Bixter, see Bicksteth Bixteth, see Bicksteth Blackburne, Robert, 292 Blaoke, John, 324 Blackmore (Blacmore) Anne, 294 „ Hugh, 304 ,, Jane, 300 ,, John, 296 ,, Thomas, 314 ,, William, 314 Blanchard (Blanchert) Elizabeth, 292 „ Sibell, 312 „ Thomas, 294, 314 Blevine, Ann, 326 „ Richard, 311, 313 ,, William, 311 B'Linstone, William, 293 Blundell, Bryan, 315 „ Eliz: 299 ,, John, 315 „ Margaret, 325 Blundell— CoJUinuetJ. ,, Thomas, 325 „ William, 324, 325 Boates, James, 318, 324 ,, John, 323 „ William, 318, 322, 323 Boden, Anne, 314 ,, Margaret, 295 Bolton (Boulton) Alice, 292 „ Arm, 322 ,, Cislie, 311 ,, Elizabeth, 301, 307 ,, Ellen, 315 ,, George, 313 ,, Harbor, 311 ,, Herbert, 320 ,, Isabel, 305 ,, Jane, 304, 327 „ John, 292, 300, 303, 308, 313, 319, 323, 326 ,, Nathaniel, 306 ,, Nicholas, 303 „ Peter, 320, 325, 327 ,, Raffe, 292, 296 ,, Robert, 295 ,, Sara, 323, 325 ,, Susan, 313 ,, Thomas, 311, 313, 315, 322,325 ,, Wilham, 316 Bonnd, Richard, 313 ,, William, 313 Bootle, Prances, 315 Bould, John, 301 „ Tudget, 302 Boulton, see Bolton Bourke, Margaret, 320 „ Theobald, 320 Bowe, Aime, 309 ,, Christopher, 309 Braddocke, Michael, 324 Bradhm-st, Penelope, 303 Bradshawe, Elizabeth, 315 ,, John, 321 ,, Josua, 324 ,, Lidia, 314 „ Thomas. 314, 321 324 Brampston, Greorge, 327 ,, Lord, the, 327 Bretney, Edward, 320 ,, Lydia, 320 Bridge (Birdge, Bridgs) „ Alice, 308, 312 ,, Elenor, 295 „ Ellin, 308 ,, Jane, 306, 308 ,, John, 309, 312 „ Riohard, 291, 293, 308, 309 „ Savell, 301, 327 Briggs (Brigs) John, 312, 314 „ Riohard, 312 INDEX TO BISHOP'S TRANSCRIPTS. 33 « Brimhall, Alice, 328 Brindle, Grace, 324 Brookbank (Bi'ookebanoke) „ Christopher, 294 ,, Jane, 297 „ John, 300, 304 „ Margery, 310 „ William, 291 Brooke (Brookes) Charles, 299 „ Efeidii, 310 „ Giles, 315, 319, 327 ,, John, 309 „ Mai-garet, 301, 308 „ Mary, 310, 315 ,, Richard, 309, 310 „ Samnell, 296, 319 ,, Stisanna, 305 ,, William, 310 Brown (Browne) Anna, 316 „ Dericke, 324, 326 ,, Henry, 309 „ John, 296 ,, Mary, 326 ,, Richard, 316 Bunnrey (Bunoury) Mris., 319 ,, William, 319 Burges, Elizabeth, 302 „ Roger, 307 Burne, John, 302 Burton, Ann, 323 ,, Bryan, 318 ,, Dorithy, 309 „ Elhn, 309 „ James, 318, 322, 323, 324 ,, Jane, 293 ,, John, 309 ,, Margaret, 316 „ Thomas, 316, 317 „ Wiliam, 301, 302, 323 Bushell, Elizabeth, 299 ,, James, 295 „ John, 308 „ Sara, 319 „ Susanna, 301, 302 Busserelle, Gideon, 328 Butley, EUhi, 304 Buttery (Buttrey) Christian, 297 „ Elenore, 300 „ John, 296 „ Thomas, 296, 300 O Calow (Callow) Edward, 296 „ Ellin, 309 Care (Carr, Caii-e) „ Elizabeth, 302, 320 ,, Jane, 318 „ Joney, 298 „ Phillippe, 318 „ Thomas, 320 Calling, see Curling Carter (Cartur) Anne, 306 „ Catharin, 327 „ Mary, 301 Casemt, William, 305 Caiwtry, Dorothy, 328 Chaddooke, Henry, 307 „ Richard, 307 Chambers, Edward, 316, 320 „ James, 292, 312, 313, 314 ,, John, 316 „ Jonathan, 313, 314 ,, Marv, 319 Chantrell (Chauntrell) Dorothy, 302 „ Ellin, 319 ', John, 302, 307, 310, 319 ,, Robert, 304 ,, Sara, 307 „ Thomas, 310 „ William, 303 Chapman, Sara, 303 Charles, Edwai'd, 308 „ EUen, 321, 324 ,, Elnov, 315 „ William, 308, 315, 321, 324 Clianiooke, Margret, 319, 323 „ Richard, 299, 323 Chauner, Thomas, 325 ,, William, 326 Cheney, Anna, 326 „ Tliomas, 326 Christian, Phillip, 326 Clarke, Richard, 327 „ Robert, 327 Clayton, Jane, 327 „ Ridiard, 313 Coffey, William, 291 Coke, Ann, 327 „ Richard, 327 Comm, Catherin, 314 Conitry, Richard, 309 „ Jane, 309 Conway, Richard, 319 Oioke, Ehzabeth, 311, 320 „ Ellin, 302, 313 „ Henry, 310 „ Isabel, 298 ,, John, 317 „ Judeth, 319 „ Peter, 317, 320 „ Richard, 298, 304, 313, 327 „ Roger, 310 „ Thomas, 327 Copland, Cislie, 310 ,, Richard, 310 Coppall (Copple) Riohard, 303 „ Thomas, 325, 327 „ William, 325, 327 Coppocke, John, 306 Corker, Anne, 298, 317 332 LIVERPOOL REGISTERS (St. NICHOLAS). Corker — Continued. ,, Elizabeth, 303 „ Giles, 300 ,, John, 298 ,, Margaret, 302, 321 „ Thomas, 294 Corraine (Conau, Curreine) „ George, 294, 308 ,, Thomas, 294 ,, William, 328 Correis (Corres, Corns) „ Ciscely, 297, 315 „ Edward, 296, 308 „ John, 292 Cotton, Henry, 309 „ William, 309 Couell, .see Cowell Couley, Margaret, 317 „ Tho: 317 Couper, John, 295 Cowdocke, Jane, 326 „ Richard, 326 ,, Thomas, 302 C'o«ell (Couell) James, 315 ,, William, 305, 308 Ciaiie (Ci-aine) Dorothy, 327 ,, Elizabeth, 307, 312 „ Ellin, 318 ,, John, 302, 307, 327 ,, Margaret, 321 ,, Mary, 318 „ Wilham, 304 Crawford, John, 321 „ Ma.ud (?) 321 Crookes, William, 315 Crosby, Tho: 306 Croston, Margerie, 321 ,, Richard, 308 „ Sevell, 308 Curlhig (Calling) George, 298 Curreine, see Corraine D Dallomohe, John, 308 „ Robert, 308 Daniell, John, 302 Darbie, Darby, see Derby Darrantt, William, 308 Darwin (Denvyne) Ales, 301 ,, Caterne, 303 „ Ellen, 291 „ John, 305 ,, Richard, 310 „ William, 307 Davis, Elizabeth, 293 ,, Mary, 309 „ Peter, 309 Davison, Ann, 327 „ Henry, 325, 327 Davison — Continued. „ Margaret, 325, 327 „ Peter, 312 ,, Wilham, 321 Davy, Dorithe, 304 Dawnes, Robert, 315 Dayntith, sec Denteth Deane, Ales, 305 „ Elizabeth, 319 ,, Margaret, 301 Denson, EUin, 308 „ Riohard, 308 Denteth (Dayntith) Ales, 293 ,, William, 326 Denton, Jane, 300 „ John, 294, 314, 316 ,, Richard, 314, 316 Derby (Darbie, Darby) Anne, 312 ,, Jane, 309 ,, John, 310 „ Judith, 307 „ Katherm, 313 „ Peter, 307, 309, 310, 311 „ WiHiam, 313 Derwyne, see Dai-wiii Deii-esbury (Dewsbery) Anne, 305, 324 ,, Margaret, 322 Dey, Dorithy, 298 ,, Elizaibeth, 291 ,, Jane, 292 Deynoldes, Robert, 318 „ William, 318 Diohfield (Dytchfeyld) Anne, 295 ,, Dorithe, 303 ,, Elizabeth, 309 Dickson (Dixson) John, 318 „ Wilham, 295 Diconson, Edward, 293, 317, 323 „ Henry, 301 ,, John, 295, 317 ,, Margaret, 299 ,, Richard, 295 ,, Sara, 297 Dier, Jane, 311 Dixson, see Dickson Dobb, Tho: 300 Dobson, Arme, 309 „ Aymye, 313 „ John, 308 „ Robert, 307, 308, 309, 313 „ WiUiam, 307 Doby, Jane, 296 Dodde, Marie, 311 Doly, Elizabeth, 305 Downes, Anne, 296 ,, Elizabeth, 302 „ John, 306, 323, 327 „ Margaret, 298 Duckenfield, Ann, 324 Duke, Anne, 309 INDEX TO BISHOP'S TRANSCRIPTS. 333 Duke — Continued. „ Ehzabeth, 315 ,, John, 318 „ Thomas, 309, 315, 318 Durninge, Elizabeth, 297 Dwarihouse, Hanna, 323 „ Rioliard, 323 „ WUliam, 319, 324 Dyall, Ann, 321 „ WUUam, 321 Dytchfeyld, see Dichfield E Eaton, An, 317 „ Tho: 317 Eceles, Rrick. Aff;' " 3 Vols, of Reg. are partly duplicated, hence the total is given as 23. 23 Appendix C. REGISTERS OF THE DIOCESE OF LIVERPOOL BEFORE 1837. L-Date 1538-1596. (12.) Farnworth Aughton Childwall Ormskirk Winwick Hale Prescot Huyton Wigan, All Saints . . . Walton, St. Mary ... Warrington, St. Elphin North Meols 2.-Date 1597-1753. (25.) Sefton Newchurch Melling Upholland Halsall Burtonwood Hollinfare Liverpool, St. Nicholas .. Altcar Kirkby Billinge Ashton, St. Thomas Hindley, All Saints Liverpool, St. Peter Formby, St. Peter St. Helens, St. Mary Rainford Great Sankey Maghull Lowton, St. Luke Liverpool, St. George .. Newton, St. Peter West Derby, St. Mary .. Gt. Crosby, St. Luke (Ba. Liverpool, St. Thomas . 1538 1541IS57 1563 15721573157815801586 1591 1594 1597 1599 16001606 1650 1654 1659 1664 16781696 1698 1704 1710 1713 171817281729 17331734 1735 17371749 1750 3. -Date 1754-1812. (8. Liverpool, St. John St. Paul Toxteth, St. James Liverpool, St. Stephen ...i ,, Holy Trinity.. / Wavertree, Holy Trinity... Liverpool, Ch. Ch. (H. St.) 176717691775 1792 1794 1800 thew ..."1 [1813 ry ...j ":li8i5 1817 1821 Warrington, Holy Trin. (Ba.) 1810 4. -Date 1813-1836. (31.) Liverpool, St. Matthew Garston (Ba. Bu.) Edge Hill, St. Mary Everton, St. George Wigan, St. George ... Toxteth, St. Andrew ,, St. Michael Liverpool, St. Mark Liverpool, St. Philip Southport, Christ Church Woolton 1 _, Liverpool, St. Michael ...] '^^^^ „ St. David Bootle, St. Mary Liverpool, St. Martin B.V.M. ... Liverpool, St. Bride ,, St. Catharine.. ,, St. Luke ,, St. Simon (Ba.) Warrington, St. Paul Burscough Bridge Pemberton West Derby, St. Jude ... Stanley Toxteth, St. John B. Croft Li\'erpool, St. Matthias .. Haigh Kirkdale, St. Mary ...\ Knotty Ash / ¦¦¦}i827 1829 1831 1832 183318341835 1836 Appendix D, OTHER RECORDS THAN PARISH REGISTERS EARLIER THAN THE 19th CENTURY. Altcar.— C.W. Accts., 1774-1882. Supervisors' Accts., 1721. Ashton, St. Thomas.— C.W. Accts., 1797. Conveyance of a Pew, 1782. Act of Consecration, 1746. Aughton.— C.W. Accts., 1738 to date. Brief Bk., 1701- 1727. Ve.st. Min., 1770 to date. Overseers' Accts., 1738-1838. Assessors' Accts., 1787-1814. Constables' Accts., 1739-1842. Waywardens' Accts., 1756. List of Churchwardens and Over seers, 1670-1741. List of Constables, 1670-1751. List of Sur veyors, 1692-1743. 3illinge.-^C.W. Accts., 1771-1857, also containing Vest. Mill., which are also to be found (1708-1761) in the eariiest Mx. Reg. There is no mention of the re-building in 1717. Various interesting papers relating to the Dispute as to the Patronage in 1765- Childwall.— Loose Sheets of C.W. Accts. and Vest. Min. fairly complete from 1557 to 1765. These should be carefully bound. They are full of interest to the local historian. Fam-V70rth. — Some loose C.W. Accts. (now being arranged) for 1603-5-22-55, etc. Vest. Min., Mar. 31, 1673, to date. Many interesting references to local matters : " Easter Monday, Marcli 28, 1687. It is ordered, that there shall be the allowance of twentie shillings for the year ensueing, for a person to keep dogs out of the Church, to awaken those that sleep, and to tell and admonish those that committ any irregularities in the Church in time of Divine Service and Sermon." "1700, Sep. ye i6th. Collected towards the briefe for redeeming the slaves . . . under the Emperor of Fez and Morocko, the sum of 3 pounds 1 1 pence." Farnworth Sunday School, 1792. — ^Mem. and Minute Bk., "with all details; full of quaint interest, ' Scholars to be without regard to meanness of apparel, clean washed and combed, free from any contagious disorder,' to meet at 8 a.m., then to church 10-30, re-assemble at i, then church, then school to 6 p.m., 'to be instructed in reading, English, and the Church Catechism.' Master paid. Rules for teachers, ' spelling books ' and ' reading easys.' Noteworthy for its method, and coming so soon after Raikes." {ex. inf. Vicar). A small parchment deed, dated Jan. 25, 36 Henry viii.; 155 i, providing for a "priest to say and do Divine Service . . and to celebrate and say Mass before the Image and picture of the Rood at the Altar called the Rood Altar in the said Chapell of Farnworth," etc. ; apparently not executed. An order or Declaration of Pennance enjoyned to be perform 'd within the Chapry of Farnworth, bareheaded, bare- footted, and bare legg'd, white wand, white sheet, led by the Wardens into the presence of the Congregation, etc. ; Date 1743 ; the sinners' names are duly written, but the document is not duly certified. Printed Government Order " to prevent profane Cursing and Swearing." George ii. ; printer's date, 1750. Formby, St. Peter. — ^C.W. Accts., 1703 to date. Overseers' Accts., 1703-1777. Constables' Accts., 1709-34. In C.W. Bk., Vol. 2, is a resolution of the Inhabitants to pay ;Qioo and 45,000 Bricks for the Curate's House, on the condition that he shall re side, officiate, and perform Duty in the afternoon on Sabbath Days ; date 1772. In the same volume is a very interesting resolu tion to grant ;^8o " towards repairing the Roman {sic) Chapel in Formby, being given in consideration of the Romans {sic) having paid Taxes to the erecting of the Parsonage House in Formby aforesaid." The Receipt is dated 1796, signed by Francis Crathorne, the money "to be laid out in finishing the Catholic {sic) Chapel," etc. Various lists of Chapel Wardens (1703-1829), Overseers (1703-1778), Constables (1724-1805). Halsall.— ^C.W. Accts., 1759 to date. Vest. Min., 1696 to date. Overseers' and Constables' Accts., 1732-1 755. Terriers, 1738, 1778. Copy of the Will of Edwd. Halsall, 1593. Hindley, All Saints.— C.W. Accts., 1757 to date, with Vest. Min. in same books. 133 Indentures, Leases, Agreements, etc. The most ancient of them are comprised in Bundle 119, consisting of 19 Documents dating from the 14th to the 17th centuries. There are also various interesting Documents of various sorts, bearing upon the Disputes as to the Patronage in the 17th century, and other Parish matters. A certified copy of Catalogue is m the bound volume of Returns. Huyton.-— C.W. Accts., 1721-1887, and Vest. Min. in same books. Terrier 1778. 26 Liverpool, St- Peter and St. Nicholas. — Collections on 27 Briefs (1663-1670) recorded in first Reg. Min. Bk. of Com missioners under the Watch Act (1748-1759). Three Bu. Bks. belonging to the Plan, 1744- 1798. MaghuU.— C.W. Accts., Vest. Min., Overseers' Accts., and Constables' Accts., all from 1780. Newchurch.— C.W. Accts., 1640. Entry of a Brief 165I, in Vol. I. Various Documents dating from 1699 onwards. Prescot.— Seven Bks. of C.W. Accts. and Vest Min. from 1638 to date, unbroken, "very interesting in places." Mention of purchase of " holland cloathe " for surplice in 1 641, 11 J^ yards, cost £t, 4S. od. ; soon afterwards sold by the Puritans for old linen. Mention of removal of Communion Rails in 1641 ; of the destruction by the Puritans of the Organ and Churchyard Cross, and of the purchase of a Pulpit cushion. In 1689 a great pan was hired for 4s. 6d. to boil the Clocke hi! In 1696 the Parish allowed 6d. each for the dinners of poor Communicants (on Sacrament Sundays) living 2 miles from the Church. _ All others, " tho' they come from the remotest part of the parish, ' ' had to provide for themselves. In 1691 it cost £6 to entertain the Bishop. Rainford.- Vest. Min., 1752 onwards. Constables' Acots., 1776-1787. Bastardy Orders, 1790-1810. Sefton— C.W. Accts., 1746 to date. The Wardens (1746) received 3/4 for Catherine Bootle's "Leystall," i.e., grave or vauh, ? in the Church. Constables' Accts., 1718-1830. Toxteth, St. James.— Vest. Min., 1775 to date. Upholland.— Three C.W. Acot. Bks. (one missing). Vol. i, 1723-95. Three Vest. Min., Vol. i, 1791-1823. Buck's View of Church, etc., 1727. Briefs and Collections, entered in the earliest reg., and in one Vest. Bk. ; 3 in 166 1, i in 1662, 5 in 1664, 3 in 1665, e.g., " 2 August, 1665. Collected at the Chapell in Vpholland in Lancashire the some of 27 shillings and 5d. for the pore infected peopill in Londone. Master Broune the minister did collected {sic) it himselfe from set to set (sic)." On the cover of the earliest known Vest. Bk. are the following: — "N.B. May 15, 1751, Margt. Darbyshire and John Ho-\varith, of Holland, under sentence of Excommunication." "April 26, 1752. Ex- Did penance communicated persons, Ellen Higham, Mary Cannerby, Bryan Nov. 28, 'C6. Papist Heyes, Mary Laiths, of Holland, Thos Brown, Mary Orrel and Papist Henry Garswood, Blacksmith of Orrell . . . Churchwardens, to put 'em out of Church, especially in time of Divine Service." 27 Warrington, St. Elphin. — Vest. Min., Vol. i, 1 700-1 781, in cluding Terrier of 1701. Vol. 2, 1782-1843. Constables' Accts. on the outer leaves of old duplicate paper reg. of Rector Ellison. On the outer leaf of the old Parish Bk., No. i, are the names of several persons declared excommunicate by Archdn. Abel Ward, 12 in 1750, 4 in 1755, 8 in 1757. Three other names have had a pen drawn over. Terriers 1663, 1701, 1712, and copy of last made 1717. A small book of Briefs 12 Aug., 1716-3 Oct., 1784. Money collected by Briefs was entered in old Parish Bk. No. i from 18 Aug., 1706, to 22 Ap., 1716. Briefs have also been entered at different times on the outer leaves of several of the old reg. Copy of Faculty in old Parish Bk. No. i, granted to Thomas Patten and Giles Fairclough, 16 July, 1723, to build a Chapel on S. side of Church, adjoining the Massey Chapel. Wigan. — 'C.W. Accts. and Vest. Min., 6 Vols., 1651-1854. Various interesting matters in these books. In 17 13 (Rector Finch), and certainly once earlier, the Vest. Min. stated that since there was a difference between Minister and Vestry, the Reotor chose as his Warden Mr. So and So, " acording to the Cannon and Antient custome before the horrid Rebellion against King Charles the first of ever Blessed memory," and the Parish ioners chose their Warden. In the following year the choice of the two Wardens was unanimous. In a Faculty granted to Rector in 1709 (now in the Chester Registry) the phrase occurs, " the late time of Rebellion, Sacriledge, and confusion." Grant, 10 Oct., 1682, of the N. Chancel Chapel, the Leigh Chapel, by Rd. Leigh, of Lyme, Esqr., for use as a Vestry. "The signa tures have been cut off. " Licence, 5 June, 17 12, for taking down arch, wall, and seat on gallery under same, between the two hollow pillars which divide the new from the old Chancel. Faculty, 26 Feb., 1753, for erection of Mayor's Gallery. 6 Wills, 1642-17 26. II Indentures of Apprenticeships granted by Churchwardens, 1752-1766. 17 Leases, etc., 1774-1799, in cluding Deed of Gift of Pew, Sale of Pew, Grant of Seat and Breadths, etc. N.B. (very valuable) 7 Plans of the Church pre vious to rebuilding in 1848 and 1850. 3 Aug., 1850, Sentence of Consecration of rebuilt Church by Bp. John Graham. N.B., in 1847 Bp. J. B. Sumner declined to consecrate the rebuilt Chancel of Winwick Church on the ground that Ecclesiastical law did not justify the consecration of a portion of the Church, even though completely renewed : the Church still retains its identity. Wigan All SS. was entirely rebuilt with the exception of the Tower and Walmesley Chapel. Winwick. — C.W. Accts., 1698 to date. Memoranda in these books, 1698-1800. Overseers' Accts., 1749-1832, with a few gaps, 1763-73, etc. Constables' Acots., 1711-1808, with some gaps. Highways Accts., 1753-1806, gap, -1790-95. These ac counts are worthy of careful binding. 15 Deeds of various sorts. 2$ 1685-1797- Many bundles of papers, including assessments, bastardy orders, indentures of apprenticeship, " passes, ' ' etc. , etc. Charity Accounts. These papers are kept with Overseers', Con stables', and Highways Accounts in a wooden box. They deserve careful sorting and preservation. Another box contains a fine " Vinegar " Bible (17 17) in 2 Vols. In a drawer of safe there is a copy of the Homilies, black letter, 1640, bought for use in the Church in 1691, and an account book of Offerings in Church, 1793-1806. In the C.W. Bk., 1717 (Rector Finch) there is an interesting Resolution with regard to the treatment of fornication, adultery, and drunkenness, which seem then to have been very rife in the Parish, and the presenting of offenders to the Bishop's Court, " under pain of excommunication ' ' in case of non- submission. 2g Appendix E, Except as mentioned below under I., documents and Records relating to Parishes now in the Diocese of Liverpool, dated be tween 1541 and 1880, may be presumed to be in the Diocesan Registry at Chester. Earlier Records must be sought for in the Diocesan Registry at Lichfield. It is a matter of regret that on the foundation of the Diocese of Liverpool no provision was made, or attempted to be made, for the housing within the Diocese of all muniments relating to the Parishes then transferred from the Diocese of Chester. Since the erection of the first portion of the Diocesan Church House, two fire-proof compartments with Milner's fire-resisting and thief- proof doors have been constructed in the basement beneath the Entrance Hall, and the keys of one compartment handed to me. I. As DIOCESAN REGISTRAR. The space available is inadequate for the storing of all the muniments and documents relating to the Diocese of Liverpool, but under my> supervision the following Documents have been carefully transferred by hand from the Diocesan Registry, Abbey Gateiway, Chester : — All Nominations and Presentations to Benefices in the Diocese of Liverpool. All Conveyances of Church Sites, Parsonages, or Houses of Residence. All Agreements as to Patronage. All Sentences of Consecration. All Assignments of Districts. All Declarations of Trust, of Endowment, and Repair Funds. And all Grants by the Ecclesiastical Commissioners by way of Endow ment or otherwise. The papers relating to each Parish or Dis trict are filed together, and placed in boxes on shelves on either side of the compartment. A MS. Schedule of all papers has been compiled by me, and is my personal property. The only document not relating to any individual Parish is the Grant of Arms to the See of Liverpool. All Tithe Maps, Transcripts of Registers, Terriers, and other documents, at present remain of necessity at Chester. No provision has been made for filing proceedings in the CONSISTORY COURT. There is in my custody, in addition to the documents so removed and filed as above : — One Book containing particulars of all Citations issued out of the Consistory Court since the foundation of the See. Two Books (one full) containing minutes of proceedings in the Consistory Court since the foundation of the See. Two Books (one full) containing particulars of all Marriage Licences granted in the Diocese of Liverpool. Seven Books (six full, about 1,000 pp. 30 each) containing copies of all Faculties granted, and copies or memoranda of all deeds and documents required to be registered, and speaking generally, of all documents produced to the Registrar by virtue of his Oflfice, but not retained in the Registry. Lists of Clergy cited to appear at the several Episcopal Visitations. Sundry Books of Declarations of Churchwardens admitted by the Chancellor in each year of an Episcopal Visitation. Register of Transfers of Advowsons required by the Benefices Act, 1898. II. There is in my custody as REGISTRAR OF THE ARCHDEACONRIES :— Sundry Books containing Declarations of Churchwardens admitted in each Archdeaconry when Visitations held by the Archdeacons. Mandates of Induction to Benefices directed to the Archdeacons. III. In the custody of the BISHOP'S SECRETARIES:— One Book, commencing in 1880, containing entries of all Institu tions, Collations, Licences to Perpetual Curacies, Licences to Assistant Curacies and Chaplaincies, Licences for Divine Service, Ordinations, and other Episcopal Acts, in chronological order. Subscriptions by Clergymen admitted to Benefices or Cures, and by persons ordained (each year bound separately). All the above records and papers are in general good preser vation. The number of Parishes in the Diocese is 217. Very few indeed of the Parishes return transcripts of their Registers, and the Statutory obligation to make such returns is almost univer sally ignored. Any copies received are sent to Chester Registry to be kept with the earlier transcripts, and no record is kept at Liverpool. It is, in my opinion, much to be desired that better accommo dation be provided in the Church House, to admit not only of the transfer from the Registry at Chester of all documents remaining there, but also for future requirements. In recent years quite a considerable number of Trust Deeds relating to Mission Halls have been deposited in the Registry, and the practice seems to be a convenient one. School Deeds might perhaps be so deposited with advantage. It is the practice of the Ecclesiastical Com missioners to send to the Registry all Conveyances made to them, and all Grants and Instruments sealed by them relating to Churches in the Diocese. Diocesan Registry, Church House, Liverpool. RICHARD FARMER,ist March, 1910. JAMES CLHGG, ALDINE PRESS, ROCHDALE. : UiNWtHSlTV LIBRARY -J -^ ji ' - -4 ',.7* ^•®Wm. ,.-.3 1 \f*i^,i''i*i*^¥--' v-i^fl^t' ¦iv N'>iii«