1929 lancasbtr^ fanab %^hUt ^omtg. 01' THE lanrasbm IParisIj E^giater ^ocietg. Ipatrons. The Right Rev. the LORD BISHOP OF MANCHESTER. The Right Rev. the LORD BISHOP OF LIVERPOOL. The Right Rev. the LORD BISHOP OF CARLISLE. CouncfL Lt.-Col. FISHWICK, F.S.A., The Heights, Rochdale, President. JAMES CLAYTON, Radclifire. HENRY BRIERLEV, B.A., Thornhill, Wigan, Hon. Secretary. WILLIAM FARRER, F.S.A., Hall Garth, Carnforth. Colonel PARKER, Browsholme Hall, Clithcroe. ARTHUR SMITH, B.A., LL.B., Wigan. * Rev. Canon STANNING, M.A., Leigh Vicarage, Lancashire. CHARLES W. SUTTON, M.A., Manchester Free Library. W. ASHETON TONGE, Staneclyffe, Disley. J. R. FAITHWAITE, Williams Deacon's Bank, Limited, Manchester, Hon. Treasurer. * Died December 28th, 1907. ;28) 0)E(0 o >,(0 o d O uo CU D x:H 1 V ( ^- Ji:" OF the ^srialj dljurrlr ai Carttnd IN THE €onni^ oi lancaat^r. Cbmfmittga, fSitnals, anJr M^JrMnga 1559-1661. Transcribed by HENRY BRIERLEV, Wigan. The Index by AMY WILSON, Wigan, AND CLEMENT HALL BRIERLEY, Bombay. Printed and published -with the permission of Rev. R. B. P. Wells, M.A., Vicar. Printed for the Lancashire Parish Register Society, BY James Clegg, at the Aldine Press, 1907. /^F St. Mary's Priory Church, Cartmel, the late eminent ecclesiologist, Sir Stephen Glynne, wrote in 1833: "This magnificent Church is decidedly the most interesting and beautiful in the County of Lancaster;" and taking into account the beauty of the situation the description is still equally applicable. The Church is situate rather over two miles to the north-west of the well-known health resort, Grange-over-Sands, and the railway station nearest to it is Cark on the Furness line. It is generally concluded that the "Cherchebi" of Domesday Book refers to Cartmel and betokens the existence of a church at that early period. The ancient parish was extensive and practically included all the country between the Kent and the Leven, and extended a full third up the eastern shore of Lake Windermere. The townships forming the ancient parish are Upper Allithwaite, Lower Allithwaite, Upper Hol ker, Lower Holker, Broughton East, Cartmel Fell, and Staveley. The Registers here printed are the two earliest. Volume I. measures 2i-| inches by 6^, and consists of 43 leaves of parch ment without cover. Volume H. measures 12^ inches by 6f, and consists of y^ leaves of parch ment also without cover. Both volumes are in a splendid state of preservation and are about to be bound at the expense of the Lancashire Parish Register Society. No Episcopal Transcripts are known to exist. The thanks of the Society are due to the present Vicar of Cartmel, Rev. R. B. P. Wells, M.A., as also to his predecessor, Rev. F- Halsey, M.A., for their kindness in making the work of tran scription and collation easy. ^abk ai (lantmts. PAGES. Preface v.-vi. Errata viii. Christenings i — ny Burials ii8 — 214 Weddings 215 — 256 Index of Christian Names and Surnames . 257 — 307 „ Places 308—313 „ Trades, etc 314 — 316 C^rrata. Page I, Foot Note. — The inverted commas should precede N. B. (in Jth line of Note). ,, 24, The 4th entry from bottom is on page 42 of original Register and not on 44. ,, 30, nth line from bottom, /or Barwicke read Borwicke. ,, 70, 20th line from bottom, for Nughal read Mughal. ,, 72, 15th line from bottom, for Machet read Machel. „ 81, Top line — Voefatgate may be Yoefalgate. ,, 93, The letter "d." at end of 7th line from bottom, seems to imply that the child died on the 7th — this from further reference to original Register. ,, 108, 6th line from bottom, for Parker read Parke. ,, 124, and line from bottom — Burn ( or ) Burie, query whether Buric [Borwicke]. ,, 132, The page number of original, "34" ought to appear opposite the first entry of 1592. ,, 160, sth entry in 1614, Greeue may be Greene. ,, 194, 13th line from bottom, for Rollt read Robt. ,, 207, 15th line from top, for Fieldbroghtio read Fieldbroghto. ,, 212, and line from bottom — Houseman is probably Vouseman. „ 231, The Year heading should be 1614-1616. ,, 248, 8th line from bottom to be deleted. 'f b^ ^tpsUt lonb of Carftndl. P- I Cartmell The Regester booke of Cartmell for 1559 Christininges Wedings & burialles be- gininge the third daye of Januarye in the first yeare of the Reigne of o' most gracious sou'"aigne Ladye Elizabeth bye the grace of god of England france & Ireland Queene defender of the fay the &c. Hnno Dni jrl 1559. Q. Eliz. began to reign Nov. 17 1558. A.D. begins in this Regr ye first of Jan. CHRISTNINGES. Imprimis John Cowpthwait baptised 6 Januarye Henrye Barrowe baptised 9 ,, [The word "baptised" though occurring in original is henceforth omitted.} Witim Roskell 5 Februarye Thomas Danson 27 ,, Ed-ward Fell & Edward Bell 28 ,, Agnes Wilson 4 Marche Thomas Wilson 10 ,, Richard Atkinson 4 Aprill WiBm Turner Richard Casson & Xpofer Robinson 12 ,, Richard Gate & Ellin Preston 23 ,, * Written on bach of front cover. In a modem hand is also written "The oldest Register Book of the Parish Church of Cartmell commencing 3d January AD 1559 — the Christenings in it are continued to March 1617 — the Marriages & Burials to March 1608." On the inside of front cover N.B. — "A Direction for searching this Register." Note, "that by the ignorance of the Scribe all the Christenings from i6or vnto 1617 are written together by themselves & no burials nor Mariages amongest them: then from the year 1601 vnto 1607 the burials are first sett by themselves in each yeare & the weddings after All the rest are sett downe in order." B CARTMEL PARISH REGISTERS. 1559-1560 George Casson Richard Barrowe & Margret Bigland Robert WaUes Wittm Fell & Margret Hale Thomas Sowraye Edward Suart Richard Marshell John Holme Richard Canny Mathewe Staines & Eliz : Fell' Edward Holme Agnes Newbye & Wittm Danson Agnes Fell Richard Barwick 6 Maye 20 18 June ) J J? 2 Julye 24 >. 29 >> 10 August 4 September 12 ,, 10 October 4 November 12 December 23 .. p. 2 Anno Regni diet : dne nre Elizabethe Regine &c Secundo et Anno dni xfi 1560. Elizabethe Fell Edward Holme & Anne Roskell Issabell Barrowe Mabell Newbye & Elizabethe Newbye Ellin Fell Thomas Jenkinsonn Mychaell Hodgsonn Jennett Brockbanck RoBt Barber Wittm Canny Ann Willsonn Richard Batman .. Wittm Burie & John Mackereth Richard Backhouse Hugh Barrowe Anne Taylor Wittm Barrowe Thomas Simpsonn Agnes Turner Richard Waller James Muckelt Jennett Muckelt .. Wittm Barrowe John Catonn Isabell ToUinson .. Issabell Roskell .. Mabell Waller Bryan Killner Ellin CuTwen Richard Holme 4 Januarye 15 J i 30 >> 2 Februarye 26 J J I Marche 10 >) 14 )} > J >> 25 yj 6 April! 15 ?) 24 iJ 29 }J 6 Maie 23 }) 10 June > J J J 27 J J 6 Julye J? >f 4 August 12 September II October 19 ?? 10 November 12 December 16 1561-1562 CHRISTENINGS. p. 3 Anno Regni dne nre Elizabethe Regine et tertio et Anno Dfii xfi 1561. Mabell Mackerethe Allic Maytchell Issabell Brittonn Agnes Catonn Issabell Simpsonn Margret Newbye Jennet Barrowe John Gurnell James Burye ... Wittm Burne Robert Atkinson John Fletcher Richard Barwick p. 4 John Burie & Wittm Sand Wittm Burye Elizabethe Pepper Margret Harrisonn Richard Asborner Thomas Fell Sibell Taylor John Newbye Robert Kellett Richard Millner . Hugh Muckelt Wittm Coward Agnes pker ... Wittm Burye ... Jennet Burne Richard Fell MychaeU Harrison p. 5 Anno Regni Dne nre Elizabethe Regine et quarto et Anno Dni xri 1562. 2 Januaxye 10 j» 22 II 3 J Februarye 13 4 March 20 ? J 2228 II Aprill Maie IS 18 14 June 29 17 Julye 2425 August 27 1318 26 9 ft SeptemberOctober 15 10 J) November 3 14 December 22 }} 26 it John Warde 4 Januarye John Wilsonn ... . 16 ,, Issabell Pepper ... . • 22 Jennet Webster ... . jf tr Issabell Malyarye ... . 9 Februarye Issabell Asborner ¦ 21 Richard Pell _ ... . 4 March Richard Barwick ... . J J J J Eliz : Pattonn ... . • 13 „ Roger Killner ... • ¦ 3° >; CARTMEL PARISH REGISTERS. 1562-1563 Issabell Barwick 6 Aprill James Kellett 9 ,, Xpwfer Canny 23 ,, Elizabeth Sand 4 Maie Wittm Atkinson John Addisonn 29 James Sand . . . Ellin Fell 12 June Issabell Robinsonn John Barrowe 13 Julye Elizabethe Fletcher Xpofer Turner Edward Burye Thomas Barwick Myles Wright Robert Cowart Arthur Taylor Jane Barrowe Agnes Holme Robert Bell . . . Jennet Rigge John Crosfeild Jennet Barbon Hugh Birckett Agnes Swaynsonn James Barrowe Issabell Birckett John Turner ... p. 6 Anno Regni Dne nre Elizabethe Regine et quinto et Anno Dni xri 18 J J 21 >f 24 2 ff August 14 16 f » 1318 September 24 3 } f October 17 }f 22 5 ff November 12 7 December 16 j> 23 >) 29 J J 1563. Thomas Roper John Simpsonn Agnes Fell Wittm Sclater Wittm Pepper Richard Turner Wittm Fell ... Agnes Seatle ... John Coward Agnes Walkar Agnes Preston Jennet Preston Agnes Brockbanck Mabell Barwick Richard Boome Margret Hodgsonn 9 16 58 Januarye ft Februarye tt 21 10 tj March 13 26 2 Aprill 2026 >5 J? 29 13 f) Maie 17 J J 23 18 June 1563-1564 CHRISTENINGS. Anne Fletcher Ellin Walkar John Barber ... Xpoffer Brittonn Rowland Canny Agnes Waller Richard Canny Thomas Catonn John Waynhouse Henrye Barrowe Edward Barrowe Roger Barrowe Agnes Fell . . . John Allexander John Barrowe Thomas Kelltett p. 7 Anno Regni dfle nre Elizabethe Regine &c. Sexto et anno xri 26 June 12 Julye 22 4 f> August 13 9 ff September IS ff 27 IS fj October 25 if 27 19 If November 27 9 December 23 ;> 29 )) 1564. John Killner Thomas Barber ... Wittm Birckett ... Richard Bell Richard Jenkinson Bryan Taylor Mabell Fell Finstwhat [sic] Xpofer Helme George Simpsonn Issabell Newbye ... Witim Boome Wittm- Archer James Brockbanck Witim Barrowe Richard Newbye . . . Mabell pker Witim Suart p. 8 Mabell Fell Richard Barrowe . . . John Allexander ... James Boornes Thomas Kellett ... Jane Bigland Jane Barrowe Mychaell Canny ... George Dawson ... 7 Januarye 18 )t 28 )> IS Februarye 14 >j I March 10 jj 12 Aprill 26 ff 20 Maie 12 June 18 ff 3 Julye 6 ff 12 August II September 18 ft 12 October 18 ff 28 ) > 7 November 10 J f 21 ft 6 December 18 tf 23 ff CARTMEL PARISH REGISTERS. 1565-1566 Anno Regni Dne nre Elizabethe Regine &c. Septimo et Anno Dni xri 1565. Bryan Canny ... Wittm Hodgson Robert Archer Richard Bell ... Oliver Kellet Issabell Robinson p. 9 Edward Caton Richard Carter Margret Swaynson Agnes Barber John Punder ...^ Mabell Barrowe Wittm Wallas Jane Catonn ... James Parker Ellin Kellet ... Thomas Gate John Harrison Witim Harrison Issabell Canny & Elizabeth John Archer ... Issabell Barrowe Jennet Woodborne Archer 28 Januarye 23 9 Februarye . 20 It ¦ 23 3 >> Marche . 8 jr • 17 . 6 Aprill 12 jt • 19 ¦ 14 Male ., 16 • 3 JulyeAugust ¦ 14 . 20 12 SeptemberOctober . 18 2 tf November • IS December 20 . 28 Ittt Anno Regni dni nre Elizabethe Regine &c. Octavo et Anno dni xri 1566. James Barber Edward Kellett Xpofer Barwick Jennet Fell ... Thomas Kellett Jennet Hodgsonn Jennet Coward Richard Swaynson Wittm Kellett Walter Barber Jennet Fell ... Xpofer KeUett James Holme Issabell Barrowe Anthony Barwick Anthony Pepper Anne Catonn 3 Januarye 22 ft 28 Februarye II March 16 tf 28 J J 2 Aprill 28 J> 12 Maie 23 n 27 ff 7 June 20 ft 24 ft IS Julye S August 1566-1567 CHRISTENINGS. Richard Fell Witim Barber Wittm Barrowe John Oskliff Issabell pke Richard Simpsonn John Kellett John Tollingson ... Richard Bigland ... George Waynhouse Thomas Bigland ... Katherin Waynhouse Mychaell Barrowe p. II Anno Regni dfle nre Elizabethe Regine &c. Nono et Anno dni xri 13 August 3° 2 tt September II tt 23 tt 27 6 tt October 18 26 12 fttt November 4 December 13 ft 24 ft 1567. Wittm Seatle Jennett Briggs Agnes Fell James Roskell Richard Hodgson John Barber Thomas Barrowe ... Richard Waller George Sowraye ... Nicholas Canny John Stones Thomas Barrowe ... Richard Holme Wittm Harrisonn ... Issabell Newbye ... Thomas Prestonn Issabell Atkinson ... John Taylor Elizabethe Jenkinsonn George Newbye Myles Taylor Witim Thornes Richard Gurnell ... 7 Januarye 29 tt 4 Februarye 9 tt 2 Marche 17 tt 16 Aprill 29 tt 4 Maie II tt I June 8 Julye 21 tt I August 9 tt 12 September 14 )) 3 October IS J t 27 J) 22 November 9 December 16 p. 12 Anno Regni dne nre Elizabethe Regine &c. decimo et anno dni xri 1568. Anne Hodgson Bryan Canny Ellin Huttonn 5 Januarye 20 ,, II Februarye 8 CARTMEL PARISH REGISTERS. 1568-1569 Thomas Champney Jane Kellett Agnes Cowpthwate Rowland Canny Agnes Batmann Ellin Bigland Wittm Barrowe George Sclater Richard Fell John Pepper Agnes Taylor Mychaell Champneye Margret Simpsonn John Hodgsonn Ellin Fletcher Anne Mytchellson Myles Pepper James Finstwhat Myles Barwick Agnes Burye John Waynhouse Eliz: Barber Richard KiUner Thomas Coward Jane Taylor p. 13 Anno Regni dne nre Elizabethe Regine &c. vndecimo et Anno dni xfi 21 Februarye 27 s t> March 28 7 ApriU 12 ff 20 4 tt Maie 16 If 2 June 6 Julye 10 10 tf Augu&t 23 II16 ft September ff 20 7 ft October 9 f> 21 8 ft November 1216 6 ff ft December 22 ft 1569. Gilbert Fell John Sand Myles Taylor Agnes Simpsonn .. Nicholas Carmy .. Nicholas Canny ., John Barrowe Robert Bell Anne Harrison Robert Bell John Newbye Mabell Kellett Edward Barber Xpofer Barwick .. Thomas Asborner Issabell Burne Mabell Newbye Thomas Robinson Witim Swaynson . ... 8 ... 18 ... 25 January tt Februarye 4 Aprill ... 23 ff ... 29 ... 14 ft Maie ft tf ... 19 ... 13 JuneAugust tf ... 27 ... 6 tf SeptemberOctober ... 9 ft tf ... 7 ff November ... 12 2 tt December I569-I57X CHRISTENINGS. Ellin Barrowe Anne Hastwitle Jane Kellett ... Witim Walker 2 December 16 „ 27 ,. P- 14 Anno regni dfle nre Elizabethe Regine &c. duodecimo et Anno dni xfi P-iS 1570. Robert Muckelt Richard Archer Richard Brittonn Xpofer Harry e Xpofer Taylor Richard Taylor John Harrye ... Margret Muckelt Marye Catonn Margrett Parke Richard Simpsonn Edward Barbonn John Catonn ... Richard Bigland John Harryes Jane Muckelt Jennett Bare ... Witim Newbye Hughe Seatle Issabell Dansonn Thomas Barrowe Margrett Seatle Witim Mackerell Richard Turner Ellin Killner ... Richard Kellett Anthony Simpson Witim Barrowe 7 Januarye 22 4 tt Februarye 10 2617 tttt March t>3 Apr'ill 10 ff 20 15 tt Male 21 ft 27 18 tt June 29 4 ft August 14 tt 25 2 tt September 21 9 ft October tt 16 3 ft ft November 8 December 27 Anno Regni dfle nre Elizabethe Regine &c. decimo tertio et Anno dni xri 1571. Jane Barwick Xpoffer Robinsonn Agnes Newbye George Batman Witim Hodgsonn .. Mychaell Barrowe Jane Kellett 8 Januarye 14 ,, 10 Februarye 20 ,, 16 March 3 Aprill 8 „ 10 CARTMEL PARISH Witim Taylor Mabell Fletcher Wittm Turner p. 1 6 Jennett Simpsonn Richard Canny Thomas Oskliff Robert Barwick Anne Dawsonn Ellin Carter ... Thomas Barbonn . George Holme 1572. Henry Holme Issabell Bell Henry Bell Robert Barrowe Salomonn Pattonn George Grubye Wittm Wilsonn 17 Jennet Barrowe Agnes Cowart James Finstwhat Thomas Asborner Jennet Bigland Jennet Brockbancke George Killner Issabell Mitchellsonn Elizabethe Thornburgh Elizabethe Swaynson Thomas Barrowe Sibell Killner Edward Robinsonn Myles Killner George Turner James Harrye Eliz: Gurnell John Burye Rowland Waters Jane Fletcher & Agnes Patton ... . Jane Baarowe & Agnes Kellett ... . Elizabeth Brockbancke Anno Regni dne nre Elizabethe Regine &c. Decimo quinto et Anno dni xri 1573. Anne Sowraye 12 Januarye John Rowansonn & Henry Fell 28 ,, REGISTERS. 1571-1573 13 Aprill 18 ft 30 t t 2 Maie 24 tt 6 June 25 September 28 October 25 November 16 1 1 24 December bethe Regine &c. no dni xri 6 Januarye 12 tt 16 Februarye 23 tt 3 Marche II tt 30 tt 4 Aprill 12 ft 8 Maie 12 f ) 1 June 28 ft 2 Julye 10 tf 20 tt 12 August 20 ft 26 tt I September 1 1 ft 20 ft 8 October tt tf 23 1 1 10 November 25 tf 3 December 28 ) » I573-IS74 CHRISTENINGS. II John Barrowe Richard Canny Elizabethe Caton & John Burgas p. i8 John Waller ... ... Witim Canny & Issabell Bigland John Fell Edward Barwick ... Richard Gate Richard Canny Mychaell Sands ... Roger Canny Thomas. Kellett ... Agnes Brockbancke Jennet Thornburgh Margret Mychellsonn Rowland Wilsorm . . . Jane Fletcher Thomas Brockbanck Hugh Dickonsonn Jennet Robinsonn Witim Bell Jennet Mackereth Thomas Brockbanck Agnes Cowpthwat Jane Fell John Jacksonn Agnes Waters Thomas Batmann Issabell Dawsonn ... 4 Februarye ff tt 27 S tt March 20 tt 3° 68 28 12 Aprill ft ft Maie 19 8 ft June 20 9 26 tt Julye tf f f 6 16 ft August tt 23 2 ft September tt ft 12 14 tf October 8 November ) t tt 14 ft 19 9 tt December 14 tf p. 19 Anno regni dfle nfe Elizabethe Regine &c. Decimo sexto et anno dni xri John Nealsonn Margret Rigg Richard Barrowe James Brockbanck Agnes Bell John Bare Mabell Harrisonn Anne Bum Ellin Barrowe Edward Bell ... Anthony Harrisonn Jane[?] Robinson James Parke John Cassonn Thomas Atkinsonn 1574. 12 2 26 19 JanuaryeFebruarye ) t March 6 Aprill 24 13 tt Maie J> )) 23 16 tt June tt 15 7 8 tt August SeptemberOctober CARTMEL PARISH REGISTERS. 1574-1576 Witim Brittonn Thomas Simpsonn John Barrowe 16 November II December 26 P- 20 'Anno~regni dne nfe Elizabethe regine &c. decimo septimo et anno dni xfi 1575. Anne Blaine Thomas Dickonsonn Issabell Jacksonn Thomas Pattonn Nicholas Cassonn Issabell Pickeringe Richard Burnes Richard Killner Richard Fell Witim Bell Robert Curwenn & Margret Barrow Hugh Barrowe Mabell Dansonn Margret Sclater & Margret Barrowe George Taylor Thomasin Fell and John Swaynson Gilbert Killner Richard Barrowe & Ellin Kellet ... Thomas Bigland Thomas Grubye & Wittm Carter Richard Rowanson & Richard Bell Richard FeU Agnes Rigge Margret Barrowe Thomas Britton of Lindall ... A child of Issabell Stones ... Richard Sclater Agnes Walters Mabell Caton 6 Januarye 12 2424 31 Februarye March 2728 19 April!Maie 23 tt 7 June II tt 191718 7 tt Julye tt August tt ) J 21 ft S September 2S 26 ft if 29 16 ft October 18 ft 19 ft 23 9 ft November 13 ft 27 9 ft December II >) Anno regni dne nfe Elizabethe Regine &c. decimo octavo et Anno dni xfi 1576. Margret Fell Richard Fell Robert Nealson and Marye Waynhouse Margret Archer Prudence Dickonson 6 Januarye 5 Februarye 8 „ John Pull Margret Barrowe Edward Barber II IS „ 21 IS76-I577 CHRISTENINGS. 13 Maargret Dansonn Jennet Barrowe of Buckcragg Henry Bell Thomas Burn Xpofer Swaynson & John Crosfeild Witim Fletcher John Robinsonn Thomas Robinsonn John Brockbanck & Margret WUson Allic Stones John Barrowe & Agnes Harrye Agnes Brockbanck John Barrowe ... Ellin Barrowe Myles Pepper Richard Wilson & Peter Sand . . . Hugh Marr & RoBt Barrowe Jennet pke baptised & alsoe the same daye buryed EHzabeth Burgas Margret Taylor Wittm Swaynsonn Two children of Witim Taylors of Holker Witim Swaynson Allic Harry & Mabell Muckelt Richard Simpson John Newbye & John Rownson Thomas Barber James Holme Anne Sowraye Margret Fell Xpofer Kellet Sr Agnes Holme Henrye Fletcher & John Wenington Thomas Wales 2 2 Februarye 26 „ 3 March 14 ,. 17 t, I Aprill 16 IS 20 Maie 30 ft 10 June 24 28 s tf Julye August 7 6 I ft SeptemberOctober 7 ft 9 ft 14 tf IS18 I ft ft November 10 ft 25 ft 30 27 ft December p. 22 Anno Regni dne nfe Elizabethe Regine &c. Decimo nono et Anno dni xfi 1577. MabeU Burye Robert Carter & Margret Barwick Thomas Barrowe Mabell Burye ... Jane Walkar .... p. 23 Gilbert Preston Roland Britton Ellin Waller Edward Killher Thomasin Dawson & Mabell Fell Anne Dickonson Mabell Brockbancke Witim Bare & Rowland Pepper ... 27 Januarye 3 Februarye II tt tt tt 6 March 17 tt 20 tt 22 tt 25 tt 7 Aprill 14 CARTMEL PARISH REGISTERS. 1577-1578 Mabell Stones Edward Wainhouse and John Barrowe Wittm Fletcher Richard Barrowe & James Killner de Stavlaye .. Ellin Barrowe Anne Thomburghe Witim Barrowe & Mabell pker Jennet Barwick Peter Bell & Witim Killner Rowland Bell James Bell Xpofer Banvick Margret Curwen Margret Burn Thomas Harrisonn Jennet Harrison Margret Danson Robert Brittonn Jennet Sand John Barrowe Thomas Newton John Barrowe & Mabell Fletcher p. 24 Anno regni dfle nfe Elizabethe Regine &c. vicessimo et Anno dfli xri 1578. James Carter Jennet Pickering Ellin Fletcher Edmond Nealson & Witim Dawson John Archer John Prestonn Richard Kellet Mabell Bowann Bridgett Dickonson Witim Harrisonn Agnes Cassonn Witim Hodgson Robert Burrowe Robert Nealson Margret Bare George Simpson & John Brockbanck .... ... Margret Barrowe & Margret Rowandson ... Lawrenc Carter Myles Dicksonn A chylde of Richard Bums Richard Wilson ... James Muckelt & Issabell Swaynson A child of Hugh Milner 25 6 Aprill Maie IS tt 2926 tttt 21 June 7 Julye 21 4 8 18 tt August tt tt 23 It 24 I 13 tt SeptemberOctober 14 28 4 11 It November II tt 17 tt 68 Februarye ti 17 16 It March 18 6 Aprill 7 tf 21 tt 24 I ft Maie 8 June IS 20 9 ft JulyeAugust 24 ft tf 17 tt September 22 ? J 16 October 22 tt 23 2 ft November 1578-1580 CHRISTENINGS. '5 A Chylde of Thomas Gurnelles A chyld of Richard Wilsons Witim Brockbanck & Barnard Swaynson Richard Millner 7 November 31 t. 20 December p. 25 Anno Regni dne nre Elizabethe Regine &c. vicessimo primo et anno dfli xfi 1579. Margret Knype Maryon Sclater A chylde of the doughter of Peter Kellet Margret Barrowe Nicholas Curwen Edward Barber Francis Thurlwaye George Seatle Anne Harrison Dorothye Barber James Bigland John Barbon Jane Fell Richard Bigland Charles Dickonsonn Mabell Prestonn Robert Cassonn Agnes Danson & Gilbert Fell... Issabell Fell Issabell Fletcher Wittm Sand Jennet Pepper Margret Fell & Witim Peper Mabell Finstwhat Margret Bort & a Chyld of Augustyne Felles buryed \sic\ Anne Hebson Anne Swaynson & John Fletcher Chyld of Ric : Barrowe of Headhouse Thomas Fell & Eliz : Kilnea- p. 26 Thomas Caton John Harrye Margret Browne 10 ,, Ann : Regni dne nfe Elizabethe Regine &c. vicessimo secundo et anno dni xfi 1580. Peter Cannye 3 Januarye Dorothye Thornburghe John Newbye & Ellin Thorns Ane Wales & Myles Sand 12 ,, Agnes Barrowe 20 Februarye Mabell' Pepper Jennet Muckelt & Issabell Danson Ric : Fletcher & ij children of Rowland Barrowe 28 ,, I IS 16 I Januarye Februarye It March 3 31 S tt 2028 10 tt April! 24 6 26 JuneJulye ft 27 2 13 ft August October 16 ft 23 tt 2428 tttf 11 ft I November 6 ft II tf IS 3 ft December 6 tt i6 CARTMEL PARISH REGISTERS. 1580-1582 Thomas Taylor Richard Taylor & Jennet Bell A chyld of John Barrow de Flookburgh buryed [sic] Jennet Archer Otywell Holme Richard Newbye and Anne Elye Ellin Pickering 1 Edward Barrowe & Nicholas Barrowe John Bigland & John Roskell Bryan Taylor & Margret Wilson A Chylde of James Belles of Newton ... p. 27 John Shawe Ane Bell & Anne Barrowe A child of Richard Stones of Broughton A chyld of James Belles of Kentsbanck Edward Mychelsonn A chylde of Wittm Barrowe de Birkby Issabell Idle & Jennet Barrowe ... John Simpson & Richard Simpson Richard Newbye John Thornburgh gent : Dorothye & Marye Swaynson EHin Wilkinson 6 March 13 tt 14 .' 2022 ,, 10 Aprill 12 ,, 14 ,, 16 ,, 17 Maie 242S >, 26 „ 12 June 7 Julye 15 6 2S August II December Anno Regni dfle nfe Elizabethe Regine &c. vicessimo tertio et anno Dfli xfi 1581. Margret Leece A chylde of Wittm Leece . . . A chylde of Robert Hodgson Mabell Archer & Witim Britton Edward Barrowe John Bell Anne Swaynson 28 Gilbert Thorns John Fell and Francis Cannye Robert Killner Oliver Barrowe & Issabell Danson Wittm Allexander Margcet Pepper IssabeU Sand Jennet Burye James Rownson George Bigland Anno Regni dne nfe Elizabethe Regine &c. vicessimo quarto et anno dfli xri 8 2 JanuaryeFebruarye 12 tt 1416 It March 24 8 16 2429 AprillJulyeAugust October 18 November 20 13 December 26 n 2728 1 1 1 1 Elizabeth Muckelt A chyld of Robert Barrowes A chyld of Edward Simsons 1582. 4 Januarye 7 f 8 „ 1582-1583 CHRISTENINGS. 17 Richard Shawe Wittm Carter Mabell Birckett A chyld of James Dansons A chyld of Ric : Simsons A chyld of Mychaell Rownsons A child of Thomas Pickerings Rowland Thornburgh gent : Edward Burn A child of Ric : Stones Xpofer Fletcher EHzabeth Sclater Margret Bury & Myles Canny A chylde of Wittm Swaynson p. 29 A chyld of Robert Caton A Chylde of John Cowpers Peter Barrowe Witim Waller A child of Henry Holmes de Flookburg'h A chylde of Thomas Huberstye Witim Barwick & Dorothye Browne A chyld of Nicholas Dicksons Witim Newbye Richard Barwick Edward Britton Allexander Rigge Edward Britton A childe of Edward Biglands Peter Danson John Killner & Andrewe Taylor 18 Februarye 19 2 March 4 6 13 It Aprill tt It 14 t f 29 ft tf 6 Maie 13 ft 30 tt 10 June 13 tt 29 tf 3° IS Julye 2024 18 tt August September 16 October 21 3 tt November 9 ft 11 ft 3° P-30 Anno regni dfle nfe Elizabethe Regine &c. vicessimo quinto et anno dni xfi 1583. Issabell Barrowe A chylde of James Knypes . . . A childe of Xpofer Finsthwats Edward Barrowe Elizabethe Harrye A chyld of Witim Dicksons . . . A chylde of Witim Jenkinsons WiBm Sand Mabell Crosfeild Thomas Pepper Richard Barrowe Edward Barrowe Thomas Mychelson Xpofer Canny 7 12 Januarye Februarye 13 6 tt March 13 It 20 8 It September IS16 ft tf 23 30 October II November 24 ft c i8 CARTMEL PARISH REGISTERS. 1584-1585 P-3I i6 Januarye 2S Februarye 15 March 17 It 13 Aprill 11 Maie 14 June 4 August 6 It 13 It IS ti 21 It 2 September 3 II 17 October 2 November 16 It 22 It I December Anno regni dfle nfe Elizabethe Regine &c. vicessimo sexto et anno dfli xfi 1584. Anne Thornburgh Jane Rothman A chyld of Edward Wainhouse ... A chyld of Peter Bircket Roger Brockbanck Henry Muckelt Jennet Swaynson Xpofer Barrowe & Richard Muckelt Thomas Burun [ ?] John HoUydaye Robert Muckelt Wittm Turner Wittm Bowman A chylde of Robert Sowrayes Witim Fletcher Mychaell Rownson & George Cowp Thomas Newbye Elizabeth Newbye Thomas Newton Elizabeth Barrowe A childe of Agnes Burye Ellin Dickson 14 ,, Anno Regni dfle nfe Elizabethe Regine &c. vicessimo septimo et anno dni nfi 1585. John Barrowe 16 Februarye Agnes Seatle 18 ,, Anne Burskowe ,, ,, A chylde of Richard Wallers 10 March Margret Leece & Margret Barber 21 ,, Agnes Caton doughter of RoBt of Kark 11 Julye p. 32 Witim Hutton of Cartmell fell gent : his children vt seqE vizt : Imp. I. Francisca Hutton nata vltimo die Januarij Anno dni 1585 2. Thomas Hutton natus 17 die Februarij Anno diii 1586 3. Richardus Hutton natus 4 die Marcij Anno dni 1588 4. Helena Hlitton nata 29™ die Octobris Anno dni 1591 5. -Nicholaus Huttonn natus 18 die Marcij Anno dni 1594 6. Maria Huttonn nata 6 die Septembris Anno diii 1596 7. Dorothea Hutton nata 25 die Aprilis Aimo diii 1597 8. Georgius Hutton natus 13 die Octobris Anno diii 1603 Geo : son of Wittm Hutton of Cartmell Fell Gent : Bapt y» 28 of Januarij Aho Domj 1673 Feb 5. Thomas son of M' Witt Hutton bapt : 1592 CHRISTENINGS. 19 p. 33 Anno Regni dfle nre Elizabethe Regine &c. tricessimo quarto et Anno dfli 1592 begininge the yeare wth the first daye of Aprill. John Kellett sonn of James of Lindale i Aprill Bryan Oskliffe the sonn of Bryan 7 ,, Marie Preston doughter of James Anne Malyarye doughter of John Thomas Ssheffeld son of George ¦Wittm Walker son of Tho : of Backbarowe ... n ,, John Hayton son of Henrye 7 Maie Henry Newbye son of John de Feildend 10 ,, Margret Barrowe doughter of Peter de Abbot Hall 11 ,, John Dawsonn sonn of Wittm 4 June A chyld of Witim Barwicke John Barrowe son of John of Ayshead Edward Newbye the son of Nicholas 26 ,, Margret Newbye doughter of Gilbert 13 Julye Issabell Batman doughter of Richard 8 August Witim Cowart sonn of Edward 13 ,, Marie Cowell doughter of Henrye 16 ,, EUin Hodgson doughter of John 21 ,, Thomas Muckelt son of James 1 Agnes Waller doughter of Wittm junior ¦Robert Swaynson & Ellin son & doughter of Edward 3 September Margret Barrowe doughter of Ric : 10 ,, Issabell Burgas doughter of Ric : 13 ,, Agnes Barwick doughter of Thomas 15 ,, Margret Burskowe doughter of Tho : 27 ,, Anne Stones doughter of Xpofer 6 October Wittm Barrowe son of George Wittm Kellett sonn of John 9 ,, John Marr son of Witim 15 ,, Margret Robinson doughter of Ric : 20 ,, Margrett Canny doughter of Ric : 28 ,, John Barber son of Myles 6 November John Burye sonn of John of Aynsam Elizabethe Suart doughter of Edward Jenmet Barrowe doughter of Robt Robert Cowart son of Thomas Margret Hodgson doughter of Tho : ... Elizabethe Mylner doughter of John . . . Margret Cassonn doughter of Tho : ... Richard Birckett son of John Xpofer Newbye sonn of Wittm Allic Morecroft the doughter of Myles Anne Barrowe doughter of Wittm 7 Januarye 12 16 2128 1017 202126 7 December CARTMEL PARISH REGISTERS .s. 1592-1593 12 Januarye It ft 14 16 17 >j 21 tt 23 8 18 ft Februarye ft 27 ft tf 2 tf Marche 4 tt 9 ft 12 tf 1316 18 ft ft 25 ft 30 tf Wittm Bigland son of John Richard Barrowe son of Wittm Wittm Baines son of Wittm Witim Stones son of John Elizabethe Cowart doughter of Robt . . Anne Britton doughter of Wittm Agnes Seatle doughter of Ric : Rowland Turner son of Xpofer Thomas Barrowe son of Peter Richard Simpson son of Ric : Agnes Waythman doughter of Wittm John Robinson son of Wittm Katherin Danson doughter of Robt .. Agnes Bell doughter of RoBt John Milner sonn of Rowland Elizabethe Barrowe doughter of John Arthur Barrowe son of RoBt Wittm Wallas sonn of Mychaell Elizabeth Taylor doughter of Geo : .. Edward Britton son of Edward p. 35 Anno regni dfle nfe Elizabethe Regine &c. tricessimo quinto et Anno dfli xfi 1593. Agnes the doughter of Witim Barban Richard Walker son of RoBt Mary Holme doughter of Ric : Xpofer & John the sons of Martin Canny Allic Greenwood doughter of Witim Issabell Seatle doughter of Henry EUin Killner doughter of John de Newton Richard Walker basse begotten of Thomas Robert Barrowe son of Henry Wittm Seatle son of Myles Jane Barrowe doughter of Xpofer Elizabethe Fell doughter of Edward Arthur Atkinson son of Thomas Jennet Preston doughter of George Issabell Barwick doughter of Anthony Margret Fell doughter of Augustyne Wittm Taylor son of Thomas Thomas Parker son of Thomas pker the Schoolm' of Cartmell Agnes Barber doughter of Hugh Issabell Thwait doughter of Lanclet Margret Huberstye doughter of James Ewan Taylor son of Xprofer de Ayshead John Staynton son of Richard 48 Aprill tt 9 tt 17 28 4 If Maie 10 ft II ft 25 tt 9 June 10 I tf Julye 7 ff 9 16 ft tf 24 ft 29 tf 17 August 2026 ftft 30 ft 31 2 tf September IS93-IS94 CHRISTENINGS. 21 Agnes Newbye doughter of Edw : de Seatle Allic Caton doughter of Witim James Thorns son of Robert Issabell Dickonson doughter of Hugh Elizabethe Hodgson doughter of Tho : Margret Mackereth doughter of RoBt Eliz : Brockbanck doughter of James Mabell Turner doughter of Ric : Ane Stones doughter of Robert Mychaell Simpson son of RoBt Witim BeU son of RoBt Agnes Dickson doughter of Mathewe and Elizabeth Briggs doughter of Richard , 36 Richard Barrowe son of Edmond Hugh Barrowe sonn of Xpofer ... . John Wenington son of Edward ... Stephen Britton son of Stephen ... Jennett Kellett doughter of Edm : John Kellett sonn of Hugh Issabell Newbye doughter of Richard Witim Barow son of Wittm Anthony Strickland son of W™ ... . John Crosfeild son of John Elizabeth Barwick doughter of Edward John Kellett son of Edward Thomas Archer son of John James Cassonn sonn of Xpofer . . . Ellin' Canny doughter of Nicho : Agnes Barrowe doughter of Ric : Agnes Muckelt doughter of RoBt Eliz : Atkinson doughter of RoBt 3 September 26 28 „ 30 >. • 2 October 8 „ 10 November 14 ., 21 9 December 21 ,, 26 „ 27 t, 30 .) 20 Januarye 27 ,. 25 Februarye 4 March S tt 10 ,, tt tf 22 ,, 23 It 27 p. 37 Anno Regni dfle nfe Elizabethe Regine &c. Tricessimo sexto et Anno dni xri 1594. Anne Bircket doughter of George Margret Robinsonn doughter of Ric John Barrowe son of Hugh de Nether Anne Batmann doughter of Ric : Jennet Canny doughter of Ric : ... Robert Stones son of John Agnes Simpson doughter of Wittm Xpofer Canny son of Martin Issabell Cowell doughter of Henry Issabell Simpson doughter of Ric Edward Barwick son of Roland Jolm Barwick son of Tho: Margerye Taylor doughter of Ewan Newto Aprill 9 1612 ft } f Maie 24 tf 22 June 29 ff 30 14 tf Julye 20 28 ) t t ) 22 CARTMEL PARISH REGISTERS. Rowland Kellett son of Robert Issabell Kellett doughter of John Margret Brockbanck doughter of John Jennet Barrowe doughter of Peter Anne Batman doughter of Ric : Anne Hodgson doughter of Tho : Issabell Brittonn doughter of Xpofer . . Robert Stons son of Xpofer Richard Fell son of James IssabeU BeU doughter of Wittm Margret Atkinson doughter of James . . Margret Barrowe doughter of John . . Arme Simpson doughter of RoBt p. 38 John Turner son of Xpofer de Hampsfeild 'Hugh Milner son of John Edward Casson son of Edward ... Ellin Cowell doughter of Ric : Wittm Dawson son of Wittm Issabell Warde doughter of Rowland Robert Muckelt the son of Ric : Marye Greenwood doughter of W" Jane Caton doughter of Thomas Edward Preston son of Wittm ... Agnes Taylor doughter of Arthur Leonard Killner son of John Richard Robinson son of Ric : de Allythwat Margret Dickson doughter of John Roger Fell son of Roger of Walton . Edward Cowart son of Robert ... Thomas Askewe son of W™ Margret Malyarye doughter of John . Ellin Milner doughter of Roland Eliz : Barrowe doughter of RoBt Issabell Champneye doughter of Jo : Thomas Carter son of Edward ... Edward Barwick son of Wittm ... Edward Canny son of Edward ... Richard Kellett son of Edward ... Issabell Barwick doughter of Wittm . Robert Stones son of Robert Issabell Taylor doughter of Thomas . P- 39 Anno Regni dne nfe Elizabethe Regine &c. tricessimo septimo et Anno dni xfi s. 1594-1595 30 36 Julye August ft II tt 20 3 t } September 15 ft 22 1 1 1 1 tt 1 1 28 tf ft 29 S tt October 6 tt 27 tt tt tt 29 3 tt November 10 ft It ft 17 3 t f Januarye 20 10 ft Februarye II ft tt tf 20 26 tftf 28 s ft March 6 tt 7 tt 9 tt 17 tf 23 tf tt tt 30 tf 1595. Agnes Moorcroft doughter of Myles Hugh Dickonson son of Thomas Jennet Newby doughter of Gilbert 7 Maie 2 June IS9S-I596 CHRISTENINGS. 23 3 Julye Richard AUinbye son of Thomas Wittm Edmondson son of Oswold de Rippon Issabell Taylor doughter of Rowland Marye Kilner doughter of Myles Richard Barrowe son of Hugh Richard Swaynson son of Wittm of Slaypstons Robert Barrowe son of Wittm Xpofer Marr son of Wittm Richard Bell son of Richard Kentsbanck ... Richard Brockbanck son of Edward Elizabeth Simpson doughter of Thomas . . . Elizabeth Dickonson doughter of Hugh ... James Holme son of Richard Myles Bircket son of Edward Wittm Fletcher son of W"' Witim Canny son of Nicholas James Cassonn son of Edward John Barwick son of Ewan Richard Burgas son of Richard Jennet Roskell doughter of Richard Margret Taylor doughter of Xpofer James Barwick son of Edwarde Thomas Danson the son of Robert Robert Barwick son of Ewann p. 40 John Cassonn sonn of John Thomas Towers sonn of Tho : Edward Newbye son of Edw : AUic Barber doughter of Xpofer EUin Warde doughter of Robert IssabeU Brockbancke doughter of Jo : John Simpsonn sonn of Ric : Anno Regni dfle nfe Elizabethe Regine &c. tricessimo octavo et anno dfli xri 46 tt ft IS J J 20 10 tt August 17 If 26 } t 7I September October 2 ft 3 28 ft ft 5 November 23 ft 14 December IS18 IS ft Januarye Februarye 10 March 14 tf 21 ft 22 >> 31 ft 1596. Witim Dickonson son of Ric : EUin Turner doughter of Xpwfer of Hampsfeild Xpofer Hodgson son of Xpofer de Kark Henry Jenkinson son of Witim Peter Barrowe son of Witim Elizabeth Leech doughter of Tho : James Gaytskell son of Tho : IssabeU Simpson doughter of W" George HoUydaye son of John Elizabeth Bigland doughter of Jo : Xpofer Britton son of Steven Lanclett Louder son of Rowland Wittm Warde son of Rowland 18 AprUl 13 16 Maie It 20 It 26 June 27 4 It Julye II 26 t t September 24 CARTMEL PARISH REGISTERS. 1596-1598 p. 41 Edwarde Walker son of Tho : de Newbridge ... 26 September Richard Burye son of John Edward Kellett son of John 14 December Allic Cowell doughter of Ric : 18 ,, Issabell Stones doughter of Xpofer ...^ 21 ,, Anne Walker doughter of Richard 5 Januarye Edward Bell son of MychaeU 6 ,, Anno Regni dfle nfe Elizabethe Regine et tricessimo nono et Anno Dni xri 1597. Agnes Clarke doughter of Gilbert John Batman son- of Tho : John Rowlandson son of ~ Thomas Jane Mackerell doughter of RoBt Richard Hubberstye son of James John Barwick son of John James Hodgson son of Xpofer Jennet Barrowe doughter of Jo : Margret Muckelt doughter of RoBt Richard Holme son of Tho : Margret Turner doughter of W™ Richard Kellet son of 'RoBt de Nether Newton. George Harrison son of George Marye Bigland doughter of George Eliz: DebdeU doughter of W^ Witim Dickson & John Gilping Richard Bircket son of John Thomas Muckelt & Elizabeth Barwick Wittm Robinson son of Ric : Edward Waynhouse son of Rowland Agnes Barrowe EUin Stones Wittm Pepper son of Tho : Thomas Backster Richard Kellett son of Robert Xpofer Taylor son of Xpofer John Birckett son of George p. 42 II 8 AprUl Maie 1 1 16 It It 17 It 23 It 22 June 9 Julye 14 It 29 I 18 It August It 19IS It September 21 2 It October II November 14 December 21 46 It Januarye 26 II 26 8 It Februarye It March 13 tt P- 44 Anno Regni dne nfe Elizabethe Regine &c. quadragessimo et anno dfli xri 1598. Marrye Barrowe doughter of Wittm . Wittm Holme son of Ric : Issabell Barber doughter of Hugh Margret Moslaye 26 March 16 Aprill 21 20 1598 CHRISTENINGS. 25 Richard Muckelt son of Ric : Francis AUexander son of John . . . John Moorcroft & Aime Robinson doughter Wittm Witim Brittonn son of Edward . . . John Killner son of George Henry Barwick son of John Ellin Carter doughter of Lawrenc Wittm Preston son of Wittm Peter Champney of the pish of Bethom Issabell Preston doughter of Geo : John Brockbanck son of Edward Wittm Simpson son of Tho : Mabell Barrowe doughter of Mychaell Wittm Newbye son of George Gilbert Fell sonn of Roger Peter Barber base son of Peter ... Issabell Barbon [?] doughter of Tho : Allic Newbye doughter of Tho : Wittm Carter son of Edward Richard Holme son of Ric : Agnes Batman doughter of Ric : Ellin Danson doughter of Robert Robert Barrowe son of Nicholas Jane Helme doughter of Xpofer John Barrowe son of Edmond Elizabeth Turner doughter of Ric : . . Agnes Barwick doughter of Bryan Margret Townson doughter of RoBt .. Thomas Walker base son of RoBt John Cowell s. of Henrye Margret Simpson doughter of Tho : . . Allic Crosfeild doughter of Wittm Anne Britton doughter of Xpofer Myles Stones son of Xpofer Agnes Kellett doughter of RoBt Richard KeUett son of Wittm Richard Rigge son of AUexander Peter Kellett son of Xpofer Richard Barwick son of Ewan Leonard Harper sonn of Leonard Agnes Staynton doughter of Richard & Mabell Robinson doughter of Richard Agnes Moore doughter of Tho : Elizabeth Killner doughter of Myles .. Dorothye pker doughter of Tho : Elizabeth Newby doughter of John . . Edward Turner son of Xpofer John Killner son of Tho : of PuUhouse ... •• 7 Maie ughter .. 14 It ... .. 28 It 12 June .. 16 It 22 It ... •• 25 •¦ 23 II Julye .. 24 II ... • ¦ 31 7 .. 8 1' August It ¦ • 13 II .. 20 It ... .. 27 10 1 1 September .. 24 I 11 October .. 8 It .. 13 .. 16 ItIt . .. .. 17 11 .. 19 It .. 20 It .. 22 It .. 23 It .. 24 It .. 25 .. 8 It November .. 13 .. 16 ItIt .. 24 It .. 30 8 It December .. 16 It .. 19 26 II1 1 .. 31 11 Robins on 6 Januarye 7 IS 1719 24 26 CARTMEL PARISH REGISTERS. 1598-1599 Robert Fell son of James & 7 Februarye Agnes Fell doughter of the same James Agnes Barrowe doughter of John Richard Taylor son of Arthur & Wittm Kellett son of John de Myarsyde Richard Milner son of Rowland p. 45 George KiUner son of John de Kark & Thomas Simpson son of Richard Robert Simpson son of Augustyne Xpofer Barber son of Myles Ellin Parke doughter of Jo: de Holker 15 Mabell Brockbanck doughter of James and 25 Margret Barrowe doughter of Ric: ,, II ,, 14 .. 2S .. 4 March 9 .. II p. 46 Anno regni dfle nfe Elizabethe Regine &c. Quadragessimo primo et anno dfli xfi 1599. Amie Kellet doughter of Edw : ... Dorothye Cowell doughter of Ric : Thomas Barwick son of Ewan ... Elizabeth Barrowe doughter of W John Askewe son of Wittm & Thomas Barwick son of Wittm ... Thomas Barrowe son of John Wittm Casson son of Edward Thomas Rollinson son of John ... Margret Briggs & Eliz : Casson . . . Agnes Asborner doughter of Thomas de Churchtown John Rownson sonn of Tho : p. 47 Elizabeth Birckett doughter of Georg John Pullontsaye son of Maryon Richard Holme son of Richard . . . James Allanson son of RoBt James Bigland son of Henrye John Suart son of Edward Elizabeth Kellett doughter of Edward Margret Cowart dougMer of RoBt John Atkinson son of James Wittm Walker son of Robert Mychaell Champney son of John Margret pker doughter of Richard Wittm Cowpthwat son of Edward Thomas Barwick son of Edw : ... Eliz : Brittonn doughter of Steven Margret Fell doughter of James . . . Thomas Simpson & Margret Simpson son & doughter of Wittm Aprill 4 6 ft tf 7 ft 9 If 15 16 ft tt 20 ff 22 ) t 3° 17 ff Maie 24 6 ft June 7 ft 10 ft 22 26 tt I Julye 3 6 tt ti 28 ,, 5 August 1213 14 1599 CHRISTENINGS. 27 Henry Seatle son of Henry Ellin Barrowe doughter of Tho : John Wilson son of Tho : Wittm FeU son of Augustyne Marye AUinbye doughter of Thomas Mary Barrowe doughter of Xpofer Thomas HoUydaye son of John John Barrowe son of Hugh Agnes Killner doughter of John Thomas Barwick son of Tho : John Carter son of Lawrence Jane Hodgson doughter of Tho : & Edward Bigland son of George & James Danson son of Richard Randall Preston son of John Thomas Holme son of Tho : Margret Sand doughter of Nicholas Isaac Wainhouse sonn of Robert Agnes Barber doughter of John Anne Burgas doughter of Ric : Peter Barrowe son of Xp5fer & Wittm B'ell son of Richard Witim Barwick son of Anthony Agnes Cowert doughter of Edw: John Sand sonn of Nicho : Xpofer Barber son of Edward Issabell Seatle doughter of Robert Wittm Stones son of Xp>ofer ... Thomas Bigland sonn of John and Elizabeth Simpson doughter of Wittm de Holker Jennet Seatle doughter of Ric : Roger Burrow son of RoBt of Stavlaye EUin Batman doughter of Tho : John Killner son of Thomas Margret Turner doughter of Xpofer of Hampsfeild Margret Clarck doughter of Gilbert Peter Wilson son of Walter Richard Simpson son of Richard of Flookburgh James Taylor son of George Margret Barrowe doughter of Nicholas of Green Banck Robert Barrowe son of Wittm Issabell Hodgson doughter of Xpofer Jennet Mylner doughter of John and Issabell Barrowe doughter of W™ Agnes Lowder doughter of Rowland John Moorcroft son of Myles Thomas Prestonn son of George Esq' Thomas Walker son of Tho : 19 August 24 I, 30 it s September 9 ft 17 ft 18 tf 22 ti 23 1 1 25 1 1 30 1 1 I October 4 t t 7 tf II tt 18 tt 28 tt II November 30 i i 4 December II ft 14 ft 23 tf 24 ft 27 ft 28 ft 2 Januarye 4 ft 13 1 1 22 1 1 29 i f II Februarye 12 1 1 19 ft 24 ft 26 it 27 t f •7 March 28 CARTMEL PARISH REGISTERS. 1599-1600 Agnes Stones doughter of John and Robert Canny son of Ric : George Waynhouse son of Tho : Thomas Brockbanck son of John and EUin Bigland doughter of James 1600. John Waller son of John 9 March 19 ;. 23 30 March P- 49 Anno Regni dfle nfe Elizabethe Regine &c. quadragessimo secundo et anno dfli nfi 1600. 13 Aprill Agnes Barrowe doughter of MychaeU. Issabell Newbye doughter of Richard Edward AUixander son of John ... Richard Walker son of Richard & Francis Barlaye son of Francis ... Jennet Barrowe doughter of Thomas . Margrett Patton doughter of James Elizabeth Bolton doughter of Myles . Jennett Newby doughter of Wittm John Fell son of Xpofer George Maytchell son of Leonard Lawrenc Newton son of John John Archer son of Thomas Marye doughter of Wittm Barrowe Ellin Stones doughter of Ric : Wittm Askewe son of Wittm Thomas Fletcher sonn of Xpofer Ellin Muckelt doughter of Thomas George Newbje son of Richard ... Thomas Kellett son of Wittm Ellin Brockbanck doughter of James . George Gaytskell son of Thomas Edward Canny son of Richard ... Jennet Brauton [or Branton] daughter of John Agnes Carter doughter of Mychaell Agnes CrosfeUd alias Newbye doughter of Allic Crosfeild Agnes Batman doughter of Richard .. Leonard Wane son of Wittm Francis Pullontsaye son of Maryon Xpofer Preston son of George Issabell Muckelt doughter of Edward Richard Taylor alias Barrowe Marye Barrowe doughter of Thomas .. Margret Barrowe doughter of Richard James Sclater son of Ric : George Preston son of George Issabell Hayton doughter of Henry . . 17 ft 20 ft 26 3 tf Maye 4 ;) S 11 II18 ft Maye 2526 ft tf 4 June 13 If 24 If 30 12 ft Julye 13 ft 1416 ft ff 22 ft 2728 tfIf 30 tf 4 August 10 16 tftf 17 ft 23 ft 27 4 1 1 September II it 13 if 21 ft 23 >J i6oo-i6oi CHRISTENINGS. 29 Margret Taylor doughter of George Richard Kellett son of Edward Francis Preston Jennet Carter doughter of Witim Agnes Fell doughter of Peter Marye Burye doughter of Myles John Parke son of John Jun' of Holker . . . Edward Brathwat son of Edward Mabell Kellett doughter of Xpofer M' Leake did begin to Regester Richard Simpson son of Ric : Elizabeth Cowell doughter of Henry Xpofer Prestonn sonn of George Esq' Margret Simpson doughter of W™ Wittm Barwick son of Anthony Margret Kellett doughter of John p. 50 Edward Robinson son of Witim & Elizabeth Rowanson doughter of John John Helme son of Xpofer John Stones sonn of Robert Ellin Kellett doughter of RoBt Anne Dawsonn doughter of Witim Margret Turner doughter of Ric : 29 September 5 October 16 ,, 18 „ 20 ,, 11 It 30 November 6 JanuaryFebruary 4 18 2428 5 March 7 It 9 .. 13 t, 16 P- 51 Chriss: Anno regni dne nfe Elizabethe Regine &c. quadragessimo tertio et anno Dfli xfi 1601. William Kellett and Jane Kellett the sonne and daughter of Edward of Nether Carke Edward Bigland sone of Henery Edward Bell sone of Robert & John Fell sone of Xpofer Fell Dorithye Rigg daught : of Allexander and Agnes Kilner daught : of Myles WiUiam Birey sone of Lenoard Elizabeth Simpson base daght : of Robert Thomas Walker and Jenett Walker sone and daughter vnto Thomas Agnes Brockbanke daught : of Edward XjKjfer Simpson sone of Augustine Margaret Barowe daght : of Thomas John Kilner sone of Robert Kilner Hellin Kilner daught : of George Kilner James Muckelt sone of Richard Muckelt Edward Pepper sone of Thomas William Settle sone of Robert Settle EHzabeth Greenhould daught: of James 2425 27 I 6 Aprill May 13 ,1 14 I, 17 I, 23 t, 28 „ 3 June 10 „ 16 ,, 18 „ 19 tt 3° CARTMEL PARISH REGISTERS. 1601 Barbirye Hodshon daght : of Xpofer Hodshon of Cartmelfell Margaret Birkett daght : of George Xpofer Barrow sone of John Barrowe James Harper sone of Lenoard Harper James Casson sone of James of y° Feledge John Holme sone of Richard Holme Edmond Johnson sone of Edward and Margaret Kelett daught : of Robert of Nether Nuton Agnes Newbye daght : of Thomas Hellin Taylor daght: of Arthur Taylor WiUiam Archer sone of Thomas John Woane sone of William Woane John Newbye sone of George Newbye Henery Muckelt sone of Robert Elizabeth Gyles daught : of John Richard Carter sone of Robert Carter Issabell Suett daught : of Edward Alice Gayte daught : of Edward Gayte Marye Bateman daught : of Richard of y° Grange Richard Cayton sone of Thomas Cayton Wittm Waller sone of Edward Waller Anne Fell daught: of James Fell p. 52 Richard Barwicke sone of Edward Barwicke & Richard Harison alias Brockbanke Edward Dawson sone of John Dawsbn Maball Sande daght : of Nicholas Thomas Barrow sone of Michaell Henery Birey sone of John Bireye George Barrow sone of Hugh de Newton John Simpson sone of Thomas Issabell Atkinson daght : of Robert John Carter sone of Edward Bryan Borcke sone of Xpofer HeUine Fell daught : of Richard FeU Elizabeth Cowhard daught : of Robert John Barbar sone of Myles and IssabeU Barwicke daught : of Richard Rowland Briges sone of Richard Margaret Barrow dau : of George Richard Borwicke sone of Thomas John BeU sone of Michaell Bell William Thorneburgh sone of Xpofer and Isabell Milner daught : of Rowland Elizabeth Burne da : of Wittm Burne Isabell Bigland dau : of James Sr Isabell Stones dau : of Xpofer Jenett Cannye dau : of Richard Cannye 21 Julie 2S I August It It 5 It 13 It 23 It 27 2 11 September 4 It 5 6 It It 13 It IS 1 1 20 It 2S It 29 I It October 7 It 1016 11 It 6 Nouember 14 16 ItIt 2226 1 1 It 27 6 It Decmber 14 It 21 6 It Januarye 7 It 10 It 22 1 1 2S 1 1 27 It 31 2 It Februarie 7 1 1 12 It 14 It 21 tt i6oi-i6o2 CHRISTENINGS. 31 Richard Parker sone of Thomas Scoolmaist : . Francis Roothman sone of WiUiam & Edward Kellett sone of Edward James Braithwhett sone of Richard Dorithy Jenkinson da : of WiUiam Edward Rawlingson sone of John Jane Kilner dau : of Thomas of Pulhouse George Waller sone of John and John Whaites sone of Lancelott alio Dom 1602. Wittm Borwicke sone of Anthonye Sara Wainhouse dau : of Robert Ame Preston dau : of George Esq' Margaret Settle da : of Richard Jennet FeU dau : of Peter Xpofer Briton sone of Xpofer de Lindell Wittm' Wilson sone of Thomas Wittm Ashbumer sone of Thomas Jenett Fletcher dau : of Xpofer Robert Baines sone of William Hugh DebdeU Wittm Waynhouse sone of Thomas & Wittm Askew sone of Wittm George Waller sone of George of Tempi : Robert Britton sone of Xpofer of Lindall ... Anthonye Preston sone of Wittm Gloouer ... John Barbar sone of Edward Edward Newbye sone of John Newbye John AUanson sone of Robert Allanson Dorithye and Jenet daughters of Tho : Walker. p. 53 Anne Rowndson daught : of Thomas Robert and Margaret sone and daughter vnto ¦Richard Cowell Margaret Kellett daughter of Edward John Barrowe sone of William Barowe Agnes Patton daught : of James Patton Gilbert Atkinson sone of James Atkinson and Jenett Hodshon dau : of Thomas of Newton . Richard Surges sone of Richard Agnes Barrowe dau : of Xpofer Barowe ... Richard Sande [sic] of Henerye Sande John Kilner sone of Rowland Kilner Thomas Holme sone of Thomas 'Holme ... George Slayter sone of Richard WiUiam Taylor sone of John Taylor & Agnes Holme dau : of James Holme WUliam Turner sone of Xpofer 26 Februarie 4 March 10 It 14 It 17 It 19 It 30 March 31 2 April] 3 ff 78 ttit II tt IS16 fttt 27 I Maye 2 it 7 ft 30 ft I June 1216 itit 24 ft ft 1 1 7 if 9 18 28 I ftft August 1018 ft 1 1 19 1 1 23 12 ft September 22 ft 23 ft 29 2 tf October 32 CARTMEL PARISH REGISTERS. 160J-1603 Richard Fell the sone of Xpofer and Maball the base daught : of Claris Pull of Churcht : Henerye the sone of Francis Barley and Edward the sone of John HoUidaye Dorithye Simpson daug : of Xpofer Elizabeth Staines dau : of John Jenett Bell alias Brockbanke John Taylor sone of Myles of Meethopp Margaret Staines dau : of Xpofer James Spight sone of James Agnes Newton dau : of John iNewton Agnes Preston daugt : of John John Simpson sone of Wittm of Holker Richard BeU sone of Wittm Bell Richard Barrow sone of Wittm of Borebanke ... Jenett Borwicke dau : of John Borwicke Edward Waynhouse the sone of Rowland and James Townson sone of Robert Nicholas Dawson sone of William Anne Bigland daught : of George Issabell Barrowe dau : of Nicolas Edward Bell sone of WiUiam Bell Xpofer Summer sone of Xpofer John Barrowe sone of Nicolas Barrowe Margret Preston daughter of Georg Agnes Casson daught : of Richard Casson Edward Barowe sone of William of Stavley Agnes Champney daught : of John Champney & Agnes Barowe dau : of John Barowe Margaret Hodshon daught : of Thomas and John Brockbanke sone of John Dorithye Preston dau : of Thomas Gloouer Richard Simpson sone of Thomas Jenett Settle dau : of Henery Settle James Hodshon sone of Robert of Meethopp ... Jane Knype the daught : of Isaack Gener : 3 October 10 1 1 22 It 7 Nouember 12 It 24 26 ItIt 29 It 21 12 It December 19 26 I It It Januarye 10 Februarie 13 ft 14 ft 22 26 ft tf 6 March 8 ft 9 ft 14 ft 11 16 ft tt 21 ft 22 » ) anno Domj 1603. IssabeU Settle daught : of Robert p. 54 Elizabeth Hayton dau : of Henery Thomas Finstwhait sone of Jam.es Agnes Barbar dau : of John jun' Richard Clarke sone of Gilbert and John Newbye the sone of Wittm Rowland Turner sone of Richard and Anne Danson daught : of Robert Margaret Moyses dau : of Henerye ... ..." 29 4 6 13 March Aprill tt It 14 It 8 10 Maye i603 CHRISTENINGS. 33 Elizabeth Hodshon dau : of Xpofer IsabeU Danson dau : of Richard Danson John Simpson sone of Wittm and James Boricke sone of Edwen Agnes Preston daught : of Thomas of Newton . . . John Roper sone of Richard Roper Thomas Kendall base sone of Richard Xpofer Simpson sone of Augustyne John Jenkinson sone of Wittm James Moorecrofte sone of Myles and George Taylor sone of James George Robinson sone of Richard of Stavley . . . Richard Kilner sone of Rowland of Newton Jane Turner the daught: of Edward Margaret Fell dau : of Xpofer Fell Margaret Dickson daught : of William Thomisine Dawson daught : of Hugh and Dorithye Barrow dau: of Wittm Issabell Carter the daught : of Lawrence Elizabeth Simson daughter of WUliam Thomas Milner sone of Rowland Margaret Brockbancke dau : of John John Kellet sone of John Kellett George Hutton sone of William of Cartmell fell gentleman Thomas Simpson sone of Xpofer Richard Suerd sone of Edward James Hodshon sone of Xpofer Elizabeth Walker dau : of Thomas William Britton sone of Xpofer William Turner sone of Xpofer Elizabeth Barrow dau: of Nicholas Robert Barrow sone of Nicholas Agnes Newbye dau : of Wittm James Brathwhet sone of Edward Thomas Simpson sone of WiUiam Jenett Greenhould dau : of James Xpofer Barbar sone of Hugh of Barber greene... Nicolas Dawson sone of Wittm Dawson IssabeU Birrey dau : of John Birrey of Churchtowne and IssabeU Barrowe dau : of WiUiam Marie Burne dau : of Wittm of Broughton John Staines sone of Mathew Staines Bryan Taylor and Agnes sone and daughter vnto James Taylor of Meethopp Dorithye Atkinson dau : of Robert Atkinson . . . Anne Gyles dau : of John Gyles Agnes Cowpthwait daught : of Edward of Hampesfeild 20 26 Maye s June 12 ft It ft 20 3 6 ft Julye ft 10 it 29 3 if August 13 ft IS18 ft 4 September 7 ti IS ft 2526 0 ft if October 16 18 I It ft Nouember 4 ft 14 2 ft December 8 18 ftft 21 26 ft If 29 t ) 6 Januarie 23 ft 24 26 ft ft 29 ft ft 2 ft Februarie 10 it 17 ff 22 tt 24 ft 27 34 CARTMEL PARISH REGISTERS. 1603-1604 p. 55 WiUiam Woane the sone of William Anne Helme the daught : of Xpofer Helme Jenett KeUett daught : of Robert Kellett ... . Robert Borricke sone of Xpofer Borricke and Agnes Canny daught: of Richard Kannye... . HeUine Walker daught : of Richard George Staines sone of Robert Staines 2 March 3 S 19 11 21 22 Anno Regni Domj nfi Jacobi secundo &c. annoque Domj 1604. George Katon sone of Thomas Katon of Flookbrough i6 Aprill Elizabeth Barrow daugh : of Hugh of Cafen ende i8 ,, Issabell Suerd daught : of George 28 ,, Marie Barrowe daught : of Tho : of Alithw' ... 4 Maye Agnes Rallingson daught : of John Rawllingson and Marie Din base daught : of Miles Din 8 ,, John Barrow sone of Tho : of Flookeburgh & Elizabeth Taylor da : of Arthur of Lindall ... 13 ,, Jenett Waller daught : of Geore [sic] of Templand 19 ,, James Holme sone of Richard of Alithwhait ... 20 ,, Marie Barowe daught : of John of Aseade ... 24 ,, James Johnson sone of Edward Johnson 25 ,, William Carter sone of William of Cartlayne ... 30 ,, Alice Barowe daught : of Nicholas of Stanley ... 31 ,, Isabell Barton the base daught' of Richard ... 3 June Robert Setle sone of Richard of y° Fell yeat ... 8 ,, John Briges sone of Richard Brigs of Flookbrough 10 ,, John Newbye sone of Edward of Walton 11 ,, Richard WUson sone of Thomas of Flookbrough 12 ,, Margaret Robinson dau: of Wittm allias Blenkett 22 ,, Isabell Barowe da : of Thomas of the Wood and Issabell Muckelt da : of Richard of FeUd Broughton jun' 28 ,, Elizabeth FeU dau : of John FeU 30 ,, Leonard Ashburner sone of Tho : of y" Church Towne i Julie Peter Borricke sone of Edwine of Heselrigg ... 2 ,, Jenett Swartbracke y" base dau : of William ... 6 ,, Lawrence Jenkinson sone of WUliam 10 ,, WUUam Kellett sone of Hugh of The Hee ... 11 ,, IsabeU BeU dau : of MichaeU BeU 22 Ann Brockbancke dau : of William 26 ,, Xpofer Barrowe sone of Hugh of Ou'nuton ... 3 August Maball Barrow dau : of John of y« Hee and James Newbye sone of James of Seatle 6 ,, i6o4 CHRISTENINGS. 35 Robert Kellett sone of Robert of the Buckcragg & Elizabeth Harper da : of Leonard of Churchtowne Jane Dawson dau : of John of Aynesome Eliza : Taylor dau : of Arthur of Lindall Eliza : Holme dau : of Richard of Tenterbancke Margaret Brockbancke da : of Edward Feildbrough : Agnes Kellett dau : of William of Carke John Birrey the sone of Leonard Birrey Richard Patton sone of James Ann Walker dau : of Robert Walker Maball Newbye dau : of William Newbye of Seatle and Eliza : Kellett dau : of Edward of Dawthorne Anne Knype dau : of Isaacke of Woodbroughton John Hobson sone of Dauide of Kendall Elizabeth Borwicke dau : of Xpofer of Fayrigg--- Elizabeth Borwicke dau : of Thomas of Fayrigg Hellin Borricke dau : of Richard of Carke p. 56 Thomas Sande sone of Henery and Jenett Bruschough dau : of Thomas James Fell sone of Richard of Hampesf ell George Taylor sone of Rich : of y° Freeth Margaret Barber da : of John Barbar & Richard Waller sone of Edward of Grange Maball Barow dau: of Peter Blacksmith Francis Staines sone of Xpofer of Ayshead Jenett Brockbanke dau : of John of the same ... Richard Kilner sone of Myles of Flookbrough . . . Robert Staines sone of Xpofer of Seatle Tomison Boulton dau : of Myles of Borebanke... Margaret Fell dau : of Peter of Nether Carke ... Margaret Barrow dau : of John of Stanley Margaret Taylor da : of John Taylor Issabell Muckelt dau : of Robert Margaret Bigland da : of James Edward Carter sone of Edward de Cartlayn Agnes Kellett da : of Xpofer of Hampesfeild . . . Marie Britton da : of Xpofer of Lindall Margaret Carter da : of Robert EUine Barber da : of Edward John Hodshon sone of Xpofer of Carke & Jenett Canney dau : of Richard of Lindall Margaret Hawe da : of WiUiam Geo : Sheaffild the sone of George John Newton sone of John of Cartmelfell Michaell Bell sone of Wittm of Sheepcoate EUine Brockbancke the base dau : of Wittm John Turner sone of Xpofer of Hampesfell & Thomas AUinbye sone of Tho : pish Clarke . . . Anne Lowder daught : of Witim of Stanley 12 August 18 22 23 26 28 I September 36 It It 7 It 9 It 21 It 23 1 It October 3 It 7 18 It t> 19 It 20 26 It It 30 It 31 I 91 Nouember 7 It 22 It 25 2 tt December 4 It 78 19 16 tt 28 tt I Januarie S 18 It It 20 It 21 13 23 JJ 29 ., I Februarie 36 CARTMEL PARISH REGISTERS. 1604-1605 Jenett Barrow da : of Edward eidm Xpofer HoUiday sone of John and Tomison Settle da : of Robert of Alithwat Thomas Asburner sone of John of Churchton James Newbj'e sone of Tho : of Nether carke Gyles Parke sone of John of Holker & Gillion Kilner da : of Thomas William Harison sone of John of Stauley . . . Elizabeth Bigland da: of George William Barowe sone of Robert and James Taylor sone of Myles Wittm Holme sone of Thomas of Templand Barbirie Birkett dag : of Edward of Cartmelfell Thomas Preston sone of John of Walton . . . Isabell Barowe dau : of Nicho : of Ayshead Robert Barowe sone of Rich : of Abatthall . 6 Februarie 10 It • 13 It 20 It 21 It . 24 It ¦ 25 It I March 2 It 1 10 J' II 1 1 21 1 1 ¦ 24 It anno bomj 1605. Edward Hodshon sone of Robert of Methopp .. James Barber sone of Myles of Barber green .. John Strickland sone of Edmond of Mildame .. Margaret Barowe dau: of Robert of Stauley .. Magaret Bell dau : of Richard Bell Margaret Fell dau : of James of Kirkitthead End Rowland Turner sone of Edward mercer Marye Taylor dau : of James de Meethopp James Holme sone of James of Flookburgh p. 57 Marye Cowhard and Jenett Cowhard the daught of Robert Cowhard of Seatle Thomas Atkinson the sone of James Atkinson . . Jane Preston daught: of Wittm glouer Alice Clarke dau : of Gilbert Clarke and Issabell Corbutt dau : of John .Corbutt EUine Barrow dau : of John of Alithwait Elizabeth Simpson dau : of Thomas of Flookb : & EUine Cayton dau : of Thomas of Lindall Margaret Finstwhait dau : of James Finstwhait.. Dorithye Barbar dau : of Peter Barbar HeUine Kilner dau : of Rowland Kilner John Cowpthwaite sone of Edward of Hampesfell Thomas Bireye sone of John of Church Towne Shoemaker Arthur Taylor sone of James of Lindall John Fell sone of Roger of Walton Margaret Newbye dau : of George of Tempi d and Tho : Parkinson sone of Thomas Jane Simpson dau : of Wittm of Holker 25 March 26 3° .. 8 AprUl 9 It 1214 21 22 5 Maye 20 „ 2S It 29 It 8 June 16 23 ., 29 3 Julie 10 „ II 31 8 August 9 ,3 i6os CHRISTENINGS. 37 Margaret Sand da : of Nicho : of Staueley Wittm Boore the sone of Thomas Bore Jane Barrow dau: of Michaell of Borebanke ... Jenett Barowe dau : of George of Ashead HeUine Newbye dau : of Edward of Walton James Barrowe sone of Henery of Ou'nuton Robert Peper sone of Edward of Grange Jenett Birkett dau : of George of y° Milne Dame Robert Tompson sone of John of Churchtowne... Maball Barrow dau: of Xpofer of Broughton ... IssabeU FeU dau : of Thomas FeU Agnes FeU dau : of Xpofer of Ou'nuton Witim Roskell sone of Thomas Roskell EUine Askew dau : of William Askew of Walton and Rowland MaycheU sone of George John Barrow the sone of William of Stauley James Taylor sone of George of Lindall and Rich : Champney the sone of John of the same place John Burnes the sone of Wittm of Feildbroughton Margaret Burschow dau : of John of Flookb : . . . John Gyles sone of John Gyles of the same HeUine Simpson dau : of John of Flookburgh . . . Jane Waller daught : of Thomas of Barber Greene Jenett Martendale dau : of John base begotten... Isabell Turner dau : of Richard Turner Maball Brockbanke dau : of James of Hesselrigg Edward Harison sone of Lawrence John Staines the sone of John of the head house Edward Robinson the sone of Richard of Staueley Jane Kilner dau : of John Kilner John Burne sone of Henery Burne Margaret Blundell dau : of John and Margaret Holme dau : of Richard of Alithwhait Elizabeth Chrosfeild dau : of Wittm of Feildbrought : Jane Sandes dau : of Henery and Myles Barrow sone of Nicholas of Greeues James Barowe sone of Hugh of the Pudle . . , Agnes Lawder the da : of Wittm of Staueley Lawrence Swaynson sone of Wittm of Foxfeild and Henery Wilson son of Henerye of Alithwhait Margaret Hodshon dau : of Xpofer sen' . . . John Woane sone of William p. 58 John Hodshon sone of Thomas of y° Cartlayne Richard Borricke sone of Edwine of Heslerigg John Greenhould sone of James of Backbarrow Anne Kellet dau : of Robert of Buck Cragg & Eliza : Bigland daughter of George 14 August 18 ?) 2728 I It It September 2S It 27 3 It October 12 tt 19 It 21 1 1 27 28 tt It I Nouember 7 It 19 It 21 It 25 26 I tt It December 16 ti 2326 28 I It 11 It Januarye 3 It 10 It 14 It 19 It ft tf 31 s ft Februarie and 10 ti 14 16 ftIt & 23 ft 2 March 3 tf 38 CARTMEL PARISH REGISTERS. 1605-1606 Thomas Parker sone of Richard of y" pish of Cokera 12 March Xpofer Boricke sone of Anthonye of Walton ... „ „ Eliza : Woodend dau : of Nicholas 18 ,, Margaret Simson dau : of Xpofer „ „ Jenett Brockbanke dau : of Edward 19 ,, Robert Tompson sone of John Tompson 23 ,, Robert Taylor sone of Jam'es Taylor „ „ Richard Newbye sone of Peter Newbye , „ John Brockbanke sone of Wittm of Howbanow. . . „ „ anno Dom: 1606. George Rigg sone of George the younger Issabell Seatle daught : of Henery of y" Grange Elizabeth Cayton daught: of Thomas Richard Danson sone of Robert of Flookeb : ... MabaU Simpson the daught : of Wittm of Quarellflatt EUine Setle dau : of Richard of the felyeat Agnes Turner daught : of Xpofer of Nethernuton Wittm Preston sone of Thomas of Nethernuton William Wallas sone of Rowland of Cartmelfel... Margaret Finstwhait dau : of James MabaU Cannye dau : of Richard of Staueley . . . Margaret Barrow dau : of Jerome and Robert MuUinixe sone of Robert Agnes Taylor & Alice Taylor base children of Wittm Taylor of 'Clauesend in Garstang ... Margaret Pepper dau : of Thomas Pepp>er Jenett 'WUson dau : of Wittm of Churchtow : ... Wittm Wallas the sone of Edward of Cartmell... Margaret Michelson dau : of Edward Henery Wilson sone of Richard of Alithw' Eliza : Diconson dau : of Thomas Thomas Dickeson sone of Richard Anne Newbye dau : of James Ju' of Fairigg Thomas Casson sone of Richard of Owerigg and John Burschough sone of Thomas Robert BeU sone of Michaell of Kentsbanke . . . Margaret Besbrowne dau : of Xpofer Thomas Kihier sone of Robert of Walton MichaeU Newbye sone of William of Heselrigg... Bryam Taylor sone of James of M'Sethopp and Margaret Slaytor dau : of Richard Gyles Barbon sone of Hugh of Holker Anne Simpson dau : of Thomas de Flookebrough Elizabeth Muckelt dau : of Gilbert 25 March 4 Aprill 6 tf II ft 13 J» 14 fi 19 J J 28 tt 4 M,aye 16 if 18 ft 25 tf 9 June II if 22 it 27 ft 29 ft S Julye ID ) t 28 ft 7 August 18 j> 25 it 31 i t 24 September 28 it 29 1 1 2 October 3 tf 17 tf i6o6 CHRISTENINGS 39 Edward Barrow & Witim Barow sones of Wittm Barowe of The HUl in Ou'nuton Robert Barrowe sone of Hugh of y° Cawfen end Agnes Dixon dau : of Wittm of LindaU Isaack Turner sone of Edward mercer Ann Danson dau: of Xpo' late of Flookburgh... Richard KeUett sone of Robert of Nether Nuton Bryam Slayter sone of Geo : Slayter and Anne Kellett dau : of John of The Myersyde Witim Barbar sone of Hugh of Barbergreene Margaret Barowe dau : of Witim of Speelbanke MabaU Borwicke dau : of Xpofer of Ashead Edward Newbye sone of Nicholas Newbye Wittm Staines sone of Mathew of Ou'nuton 59 JohnMilner sone of Hugh of Alithwhait ... Wittm Dawson sone of Witim Ju' of Aynesome Xpofer Champney sone of John Champney of Lindall Issabell Johnson dau : of Edward Johnson and Isaacke 'Helme sone of Xpofer of Churchtowne Jenett Barrow daught : of John of Stauley . . . Witim Slayter sone of Rich : of Ou'nuton . . . Xpofer Barowe sone of Robert of Stauley ... Anne Swaynson dau : of Wittm Ju' of Greenbank Eliza : Wilson dau : of Thomas of Flookburge . . Witim Waller sone of Rich : of Cartlayne Rowland Borwicke sone of Edwin of Hessellrig.. Marie Barowe daught : of Nicho : of Stauley .. Gillion Dixon dau : of Nicholas of Lindall Agnes Bell da : of Witim BeU of AHthw' Thomas Preston sone of Thomas gloouer Thomas Waller sone of George of Templand and Agnes Waller dau : of Thomas of Barbergreene. . . Elizabeth KeUett dau : of Xpofer of Hampesfell Issabell Hodshon dau : of Xpofer of Ou'carke and Witim Hodshon sone of Xpofer of Cartmelfell and Witim Taylor sone of John of Tenterbanke Thomas Patton sone of James of Church towne Alice Barrow dau : of Nicholas of Grenebanke Jenett Simpson dau : of John of Flookburgh Edward Fell sone of Rich : of Hampesfell John Danson sone of Robert Danson of Flookburgh Agnes Jackeson base begotten dau : of Thomas Jackeson of Siluerdayle Issabell Frames daught : of Roger Frames James Borwicke sone of Peter of Ashead Arthur Cowell sone of Richard Cowell and Margaret Corbutt daught' of John Corbutt 19 October 26 „ 28 „ 30 I, 2 Nouember 13 „ 21 30 2 December 7 I, 9 It 2S ,, 4 Januarie S8 13 18 23 31 I Februarie 3 It 6 „ 12 „ 13 I, 14 „ 22 24 » I March It )> 4 It 5 » 10 ,. 12 „ 13 ., 18 40 CARTMEL PARISH REGISTERS. 1607 anno Worn 1607. 60 Peter Muckelt sone of Edward of Walton and Thomas Rawlingson sone of John of Backbar : Milner Micaell Simpson sone of Augustine of Birkebye... HeUine Barrow daught : of John of The Hee . . . Sibell MaycheU dau : of George of Hampesfell... Elizabeth Fell daught : of Peter of Nethercarke Edward Taylor base begotten sone of Richard... Agnes Bonvicke dau : of Edward of Walton Anne Burne dau : of Wittm of Feild broughton John Milner sone of Rowland of Flookburgh >Sc John Barbar sone of Edward the younger Robert Caton sone of Thomas of Lindall IsabeU Birey dau : of Leonard of Woodbroughton IsabeU Taylor dau : of George of Churchtowne... William Woodfen the sone of Tho : of Alithw'... Isabell Casson dau : of Tho : Casson the younger & Margret Rownson dau : of Roger of Ashead Henery Bigland sone of James of Grange Isaacke Burne sone of Thomas Burne Jane Birey dau : of John sen' of Churchtowne... Edward Carter sone of Lawrence Carter Agnes Kilner dau : of Rowland of Ou'nuton Margaret Setle dau : of Robert of Alithwhait . . . Walter Preston sone of Thomas of Walton Margaret Holme da : of Rich : of Tenterbanke... Thomas Fell the sone of Edward of Nether Carke Wittm Smalebrooke sone of Wittm of London ... Wittm Knypie sone of Isaacke Knype Isabell Holme dau : of James Holme Robert Dawson sone of John Dawson and Saray Barrow dau : of Michaell Barrow John Howe sone of Wittm Howe Elizabeth Borwicke dau : of Rich : iu' of Carke Wittm Taylor sone of Robert Taylor of Slacke... Thomisin Brockebanke dau : of Wittm of Howbarow Robert Newbye sone of John of Churchtowne . . . James Fell sone of Edward ju' Marie Barbar dau : of John of Ayshead Jenett Briges the base dau : of Thomas Briges of AdgarUe in Furnas John Jenkinson sone of Wittm John Xewbye the sone of Edward of Walton . . . Alice Clough the base dau : of John Clough of Preston in Andemes 26 March 28 )> 29 ft 30 ft 31 it 3 Aprill 10 tt 14 ti 19 a 20 tf 27 }) S Maye 7 )j 17 tt 18 it 24 ft 28 it 10 June 13 ft IS jj 24 ,j 2S n 3 Julie S it tf it 15 tf 6 August 9 ,. 13 >, 2026 „ 6 September 9 ., 13 20 October i6o7 CHRISTENINGS. 41 61 John Clarke sone of Gilbert of Flookburgh Elizabeth Hodshon dau : of Tho : of Cartlayne Thomas Banschough [sic] sone of John of Flookb : Xpofer Parke sone of John of Holker and Agnes Barrowe da : of Edward of Flookburgh ... Edward Holme sone of Tho : of Templand Elizabeth Birey dau : of John of Churcht : Showmaker Eliza : Harye base da : of John Harye Margaret Preston da : of John of Walton Wittm Fletcher sone of Rich : of Lindall Henery Muckelt sone of Rich : iu' of Feild Brought : & Jenett Rownson da : of Tho : of Ayshead . . . Witim Asborner sone of John of Churcht : Geo : Taylor sone of Myles of Methopp Anne Townson dau : of Robert of Walton Robert Gyles sone of John of Flookburgh John Barrow sone of Robert of Greenb : and Witim Sands sone of Richard of Stauley Isabell Barbon dau : of Hugh of Holker Thomas Burne sone of Henery of The Wood . . . Kathiren Barrow da : of John of Alithw' & John Newton sone of Rich : of Cartmel FeU . . . Agnes Sande da : of Henery of Alithw' Rich : Barbar sone of Peter of Barbar Greene & Robert Warde sone of Rowland Warde John Bateman sone of Rich : of y° Grange Edward Chrosfeild sone of Witim of Feildb : & Richard Wilson sone of Myles Wilson of Churcht : Margaret Bigland dau : of George John Woane sone of Wittm of Holker John Newbie sone of Thomas of Carke RoBt Barowe sone of Tho : of Flookburgh RoBt Britton sone of Xpofer of Lindall RoBt Britton sone of John of Ayshead Nicho : Dawson sone of Hugh of Sauley . . . Xpofer Harison sone of Law : of Seatle . . . Issabell Fell the base da : of James Ju' Isaake Burne sonn of Xpofer & Tymothye Askew sone of Wittm of Walto . . . Witim Turner sone of Edward of Holker . . . Thomas Strickland sone of Thomas of Cartmel Fell & Dorithye Strickland daughter of Edmond of MUdam George Carter sone of Wilm of Cartlayne IssabeU FeU dau: of John FeU waller Wittm Johnson sone of Edward and Thomas Burschough sone of Thomas 9 October II ,1 20 „ 25 „ 28 „ 31 16 tt Nouember 22 J) 23 )j 25 tt tf 28 itit 29 4 ft December 9 tt 18 )) 8 Januarie 10 )) 12 19 a 24 tf 29 )J 2 Februarie 8 » 9 »:. II )] 14 If ff tt J) JJ J) )) 17 J» 20 it 2 March 3 tf 6 » 9 tt 13 ff 42 CARTMEL PARISH REGISTERS. 1607-1608 Thomas Boricke sone of Anthonye of Walton ... 14 Rowland Lowder sone of Wittm Lowder 16 Anthonye Baire sone of Wittm of Woodbroughton 22 March anno Dom 1608. Tomisin KUner daught : of Myles of Flookburgh Francis Turner sone of Xpofer of Hampesfeild... HeUine Barber daught : of Myles of Barbar greene Margaret Fell dau : of Xpofer of Ou'nuton Nicholas Tompson sone of John of Feildbroughton Nicho : Barrow sone of Nicholas of Greenbancke John Kilner sone of Roger Kilner Jennet Fell daught : of James FeU of Kirkitt ende Agnes Danson da : of Robert Jun' of Flookbrough Thomas Boricke sone of Peter of Ayshead George Carter sone of Edward of Cartlayne George Seatle sone of Rich : of Fell yeat Agnes Burne daught : of Wittm of Feildbrought : John Birkett sone of George of Mildam Maball Simson dau : of Xpofer of Flookburgh . . . Agnes Barowe dau : of Nicholas of Ou'nuton . . . John Pepper sone of Edward of Slacke Agnes Willson dau: of Wittm of Churchtowne... Richard Staines sone of Gilbert Staynes Agnes Slayter dau : of Rich : of Neth'nuton James Greenhould sone of James of Backbarow... Rowland Wallas sone of Rowland of Alithwt ... Ann Simpson dau : of Thomas of Flookburgh . . . Robert Staines sone of Robert of Feildbroughton Agnes Cowhard dau : of Robert of Seatle Peter Staines sone of John of Headhouse Robert Sands sone of Nicho : of Staueley Jennet Simpson dau : of Wittm Ju' of Holker & James Milner bayse sone of James Milner Thomas Newbye sone of Peter Agnes Waller dau : of Richard of Cartlayne & Jennet Dixon dau : of Richard of Lindall Issabell Brockbancke dau : of Edward Margaret Bigland dau : of Thomas Bigland Walton Edward Wilson sone of Henirie MichaeU Bell sone of Rich : Bell of Alithwhait . . . Thomas Becke sone of Rich'' Becke of Meethopp Xpofer Barrow sone of George of Ou'nuton p. 62 Xpofer Barrow sone of Robert of Stauley & Peter Newbie sone of James iu' of Fayrigg . . . Wittm Preston sone of Thomas of Walton & Rowland Waynhouse sone of Rowland Walter Taylor sone of James of Methopp 24 March I Aprill 3 ,, 7 ft 12 jy 8 Maye 20 it 27 8 tt June 12 )) 21 ft 23 3 ft Julie IS it 17 ft 20 tt 27 6 tt August 7 8 9 16 f) ft tt 18 J) ft 29 4 tt September 2S 2 it October 12 it 3 ft Nouember 8 tf II it It tt 13 It 14 16 tia It tt 21 tt 25 tt I608-I609 CHRISTENINGS. 43 Andrew Taylor sone of Richard of Methopp of the pishe of Beethome Agnes Berie dau : of John Berrie of Churchtowne Showmaker Cathirine Simson daught : of John Simson of Flookburgh Wittm Cayton sone of Tho : of Flookb : ... Margaret Sande dau : of Nicho : of Staueley . John Willson sone of Henery of Alithw' ... Agnes Simpson dau : of Tho : of Flookb : & Issabell Simpson da : of Wittm late of Holker . Rich : Cannye sone of Richard of Backbarowe. Thomas Barrowe sone of Witim of the same Jenett Borwicke dau : of Tho : of Fayrigg Elizabeth Goose dau : of John Goose Margaret BeU dau : of Michaell of Cartlayne . Xpo' Fell sone of Xpo' of Cartlayne Witim Barrow and Maball Barowe sone and dau of Robert Barow of Neth'nuton Jane Barrowe dau : of RoBt of Staueley HeUine Brockbancke dau : of Roger of Ayshead Issabell Beare dau : of Tho : of Woodbrought : .. Thomas Hodshon sone of Xpo' of Carke John Carbut sone of John Corbutt Witim Milner sone of Hugh of Alithw' Agnes Barowe dau : of Nicho : of Greeues Peter Muckelt sone of Gilbert of Walton I December 3 .. S .. 8 „ 10II 16 26 „ 3 Januarie 8 „ IS „ 18 „ 30 .. 31 ., 9 Februarie IS » 9 Marche 12 „ 19 i> anno Donj 1609. Margaret Carter dau : of Witim of Flookb : John Kilner sone of Rowland of Ou'nuton Margaret Boricke da : of Xpo' of Ayshead. . . Edward Waller sone of George of Templand & Jenett MaycheU da : of Geo : of Hampesfeild Agnes Chrosfeild da : of Witim of Feildb : Issabell Casson da : of Rich : of Owerigg . . . Edward Waynhouse sone of Row : of Alithw' Witim Waynhouse sone of Tho : of Rostatt & IsabeU Besbrowne da : of Xpo' John Tumer sone of Xpo' of Neth'nuton . . . Robert Barrow sone of Thomas Barrow of Walton Peter Barowe sone of Nicho : of Stauley Wittm Slayter so : of Geo : of The Mossend .. George Suert so : of Geo : of Churcht : Anthonye Bell so : of Witim BeU of Alithwhait.. Agnes Barowe dau : of Henirie Barow sone and daughter of George Barrowe of Ayshead p. 63 John Rigg the sone of AUexander Rigg 27 Marche 30 .. 31 » 2 AprUl 3 >. 4 ,. 6 „ II17 23 7 16 17 25 Maye 7 June 44 CARTMEL PARISH REGISTERS. 1609 Margaret Holme'daught : of Richard of Templand Margaret Johnson dau : of Edward Johnson Perciuell Preston sone of John Preston of Walton Elizabeth Pepp the dau : of Thomas of Nether Carke Peter Newbye sone of Nicho : of the same place John Ashburner y" base begotten sone of Tho : of y" Churcht : & Margaret Barber dau : of John Barbar Edward Wright sone of Wittm of Backbarowe ... Edward Britton sone of Henerye Britton of Lindall Anne Burschough da : of John of Flookburgh & John Halliday sone of John HaUiday Wittm Pepper sone of John of YorefuUyeat George Cowpthaite sone of Edward of Hampesf : Dorithye Barber dau : of Edward of Ou'nuton ... Dorithye Helme dau : of Xpo' of Churchtowne... Jennett Seatle daught : of Robert of Alithwhaite John Dawson sone of Wittm Dawson of Aynesome & Marye BeU dau: of Wittm of Blenkett Hugh Barrow sone of Rowland of Ayshead Wittm KeUett and Agnes Kellett sone and daught : of Edward Kellett of Rostwhait Thomas Ashburner the base sone of Tho : of Churcht : Dorithye KeUett dau : of Robert of Buckcragg ... Elizabeth Dawney da : of John Dawney Rowland Lowder sone of Witim of Staueley Kathiren Fell dau : of Peter of Carke . . . WUson sone of Thomas of Flookburgh Margaret Barrow dau : of Hugh of Cayserend . . . Eme Barowe dau : of Edward of Stauley Thomas Barrowe sone of John of Staueley Margaret Sandus dau : of Nicho : Sandus of Stauley & Issabell Wariner dau : of Robert of Cartmell Fell Edward Fell sone of Roger of Walton Elizabeth Fell dau : of Thomas of Churchtowne Wittm Warde sone of Rowland Warde and Henery Fletcher sone of John of FeUdbroughton Agnes Johnson daught : of Edward of Nether newton Ann Bowman da : of Wittm of Hampesfeild Marie Waynhouse da : of Edward of Birkbye ... Elizabeth Birrie da : of John sen' of Churchtowne James Taylor sone of George of Churchtown . . . Richard Barber sone of Hugh of Holker Arthur Taylor sone of James of Methopp John Fell alias Beare the sone of John FeU 13 Julie 4 August 10 it 14 it 17 ft 24 ti JJ tt 27 » I September 8 tf 13 it 14 ft 17 ft )) )) 29 " I October 3 jj 8 ft 10 It 16 ft 21 tt 24 tt 2S J) » ») 5 Nouember 6 It 8 If 10 It 17 ft 23 24 j> 2S J) 29 It 30 It I December 3 tt S It 10 I609-I6IO CHRISTENINGS. 45 Anne FeU dau : of Edward of Carke and Edward Parke the sone of John of Holker Margaret Borwicke the dau : of Huan of Fayrigg Wittm Waller sone of Thomas of Barbergreen ... Anne Wilson dau : of Rich : Wilson of Alithwhait Dorithye Michelson da : of Edward of Greenbanke Elizabeth Rownson da : of Thomas Rownson Ashead Samuell Knype sone of Isaacke of Woodbroughton Wittm Barber sone of Hugh of Barber green ... Christibell Frame dau : of Roger Frame of Walton Witim Barrow sone of Xpo' of Greenbanke IssabeU Fell da : of James Ju' of Walton Richard Hodshon sone of Thomas of Cartlayne... Marion Slayter dau : of Rich : of Lindall p. 64 Xpofer Staines sone of Mathew Staines Jenett Brockbancke dau : of Witim of Howbarrowe Anne Preston dau : of Thomas gloouer Maball Barrow dau : of Richard of Abatt Hall... Margaret Brockbancke dau : of Wittm of Ashead Thomas Gyles sone of John of Flookburgh Witim Dixson sone of Nicholas of Lindall & Agnes Dawson da : of John of Aynesome Jenett Newbye dau : of John of Churchtowne . . . Richard Simpson sone of Augustin of Templand James Finstwhaite sone of James of Nether Carke Agnes Birrie dau : of Leonard of Woodbroughto & Marie Bigland da : of James of Grange James Fell sone of Gilbert of Walton 24 December 29 It » tt 5 Januarie IS )' )) It 19 jj 20 tt ?. :i 22 ji 23 )j 25 J5 31 >J 2 Februarie 4 It 15 >) 21 It 22 tt 23 tt 26 It 3 March 7 tt 10 jj 12 ») 14 anno Donj 16010 [sic]. Isaacke Harison sone of Lawrence of Seatle ... Marie Holme dau : of Richard of Alithwhaite . . . Anne Wright dau : of John Blowmer Jane Jenkinson dau: of WiUiam of Quarelflatt... Margaret Wilson dau : of Henery Willson James Muckelt sone of Gilbert of Walton Edward Barrowe sone of John of Alithwhait ... Dorithye Clarke dau : of Gilbert of Flookburgh. . . Agnes Muckelt da : of Ed : Muckelt of Walton... IssabeU Patton da : of James of Churchtowne . . . Anne Cayton dau : of Tho : of Flookburgh and HeUine Barber da : of Peter of Gatesyde William KeUett sone of John of Myersyde John Bigland sone of George of Biglaiid Jane Aschowe dau : of Witim of Walton Edward Barowe sone of Thomas Barrowe Servant vnto Edward Waynhouse of Birkbye ... 26 March 8 ApriU 9 fj II jj 13 tf 22 J) 18 Maye It June IS 17 24 ft 27 46 CARTMEL PARISH REGISTERS. 1610 HeUine Muckelt dau : of Rich : of Ju' of FeUdb : Jenett Burschough dau : of Tho : of Flookb : Jenett Rownson dau : of Roger of Ayshead Thomas Fell sone of Edward of Grisgarth James Newbye sone of Witim of Heselrigg Margaret Harison dau : of John of Stauley James Taylor sone of John of Tenterbanke Rowland Barrow the base sone of John Barrowe of Ou'nuton Henery Bigland sone of Geo : of Carke Robert Boricke sone of Peter of Ou'nuton Jane Turner dau: of Edward of Holker Richard Muckelt sone of James of Feildbro : ... Myles Barrowe sone of Heniry of Cartmelfell ... John Atkinson sone of Robert Howbarrow Agnes Sands da : of Henirie of Alithwhait John Swaynson sone of Witim of Cartmel Fell ... Richard Dicconson the base sone of John Jenett Holme dau : of Thomas of Templand John Burne sone of Xpofer Burne p. 65 Agnes Carter dau : of Lawrence of Feildb : & Elizabeth Newton dau : of John of Cartmell Margaret Diconson dau : of Charles Diconson ... John Barrow sone of MichaeU Barowe of Borebanke & Thomas Storye sone of Lawrence Storye John Taylor sone of Richard of Methopp Wittm Fell sone of Xpofer of Ou'nuton James Newbie sone of Wittm of the same place... Margaret Staynes dau : of John of the Headhouse MUes Burne sone of Willam of Feildbroughton... Marie Grenehould dau : of James of Backbarri)we George Ashburner sone of John of Churchtowne Edward Waller sone of Richard of Cartlayne ... John Bowman sone of Wittm of Hampesfell buried [sic] EUine Fletcher dau : of Richard of LindaU Xpofer Willson sone of Thomas of Flookburge... Thomas Cayton sone of Thomas of Lindall James Milner sone of Hugh of Alithwhaite Balthasar Wryght sone of WiUiam Wright Edward Turner sone of Xpofer of Hampesfell . .. Xpofer Britton sone of Xpofer of Lindall Robert Bell sone of Peter of Dawthorne Jenett Champney dau : of John of Lindall Margaret Tompson dau : of John of Feildbroughton Edward Taylor sone of Myles Taylor of Lindall Agnes Wilson dau : of WiUiam of Churchtowne Issabell Simson dau : of John of Flookburgh ... 6 Julie 8 ft 10 ft II ft 25 j> 28 tt 2 August 4 tt 12 )? 16 ti 19 it 22 ft 2 September 17 ft 21 ft 24 ft 14 October tt j» 2 Nouember 9 a 15 ft 30 " IS December 19 ft 30 )j s Januarie 6 J) 15 tt 17 ft 21 tt 24 ft JJ jj 8 Februarie M J? 17 it 18 tf 23 ft 24 J7 26 ft 2 March 3 jj 7 ft 10 J) 12 tf r6io-i6ii CHRISTENINGS. Myles Dixon sone of Richard Dixon pyper George Birkett sone of George Birkett & HeUine Chrosfeild dau: of William of Feildbrought: 17 March 23 » 47 ano Donj 16U. Lettice WUson dau : of Myles WUson i Aprill Anne Borricke dau : of Anthonye Borricke ... 8 „ John Wilson sone of Richard Wilsone of Alithw' & Elizabeth Owayne the base dau : of Morgane Owayne of London 15 ,, Anne Casson dau : of Thomas of Aynesome and Elizabeth Whinfell dau: of Hugh of London ... 16 „ Margaret Newton dau : of Rich : of Cartmel fels 20 „ Kathiren Strickland dau : of Edmond of Aynsome 23 „ William Knyj>e the sone of Edward of YorfuU gate Issabell KeUett dau : of Xpofer of Hampesfell ... 2 Maye Thomas Kilner sone of Rowland of Newton & Jane Waone dau : of Wittm Waone 5 „ Michaell Barrowe sone of Edward and Edward FeU sone of James Fell 12 „ John Burskowe sone of John Burschough 15 ,, EUine Birrie dau : of Leonard Birrie 19 „ Margaret Simpson dau : of Xpofer Simpson ... 21 „ Anne Preston dau : of Thomas Preston 22 „ Issabell Cayton dau : of Witim of Flookburgh & Thomas Howe sone of Witim Howe of Cark ... 2 June William Canney sone of Richard of Lindall ... 27 „ Izabell Staines dau : of Gilbert 11 Julye Margaret WaUas dau : of Myles 17 „ Peter Staines sone of Mathew „ „ IssabeU Barrowe dau: of John 28 ,, Thomas Swaynson sone of 30 „ p. 66 Agnes Taylor dau : of Robert of Hampesfell ... 14 August Elizabeth Barber dau : of Edward of Barber Green & Maball Waller dau : of Edward of Holker 19 „ Anne Barrow dau : of Witim of Speelbanke ... 25 „ Jane Birkett dau : of John Birkett of Carke ... 12 September Xpofer Casson sone of James of y" Feledge ... 15 „ Wittm Fletcher sone of John of Feildbrought : ... 21 „ Robert Milner sone of Rowland of Flookburgh... 22 „ HeUine Clarke dau : of GUbert of Flookb : ... 27 „ Elizabeth Barrow dau : of George of >Newton ... 3 October HeUine Newbie dau : of Thomas of Nether Carke 7 „ Margaret Waller dau : of George of Templand & John Birrie son of John Showmaker of Churcht : 18 „ 48 CARTMEL PARISH REGISTERS. Richard Carter sone of Edward of Cartlayne Richard Muckelt sone of Richard of Holker Issabell Bell dau : of Wittm of Alithwhait Thomas Simpson sone of Thomas of Flookburgh Issabell Greenhould dau : of James Ju' of Backb : James Bell sone of Michaell of Kentsbanke Margaret Danson dau : of Robert of Flookburgh Anne Corbut dau : of John of Flookburgh & Robert Seatle sone of Robert of Cartlayne Richard Pepper sone of Edward of HampesfeU... Maball Carter dau : of Wittm of Cartlayne & Witim Fletcher the sone of Wittm of Burnbarow Marye Dixon dau : of Nicholas of Lindall Margaret ChrosfeUd dau : of Rich : of Feildbro : Robert MaycheU sone of Geo : of Hamj>esfeild... Peter Fell sone of Peter of Carke James Sande the sone of Rich : of Stauley Issabell Newbye dau : of Edward of Walton John Fell sone of James of Kirkehead End Agnes Turner dau: of Edward of Holker James Barrow sone of William of Stauley Robert Bateman the base sone of RoBt of Halifaxe Robert Barbon sone of Hugh of Holker John Bell sone of Richard of The Well John Carter sone of Wittm of Flookburgh Anne Slater dau : of Rich : & sone vnto Bryam Jenett Swaynson dau : of Robert of Cartmel Fels George Taylor sone of Geo : of Churchtowne Elizabeth Fell dau : of GilBt of Walton ... Anne Pepper dau : of Thomas of Holker & Hugh Barrow sone of Rowland of Ayshead Jane Brockbanke dau : of Roger of the same & Margaret Barber dau : of Edw : of Ou'nuto George Mowson sone of Allan Mowson Edward Barber sone of Peter Barber Robert Barrowe sone of John of Stauley ... Gervise Rigg sone of AUexander Rigg jun' .s. i6ii-r6i2 20 October 22 J) 24 )) 27 s It Nouember 18 28 It 4 December 8 J) 10 20 ,^ 27 )> 3° It 12 Januarie 13 16 It 27 It 3° 10 It Februarie II It 1416 11 17 It 19 ,, 23 tt 25 I tt March 3 It 68 ItJ) 12 jj 19 r 24 tt ano Doni 1612. p. 67 Oswolde Sill sone of Charles Sill* John Champney sone of Xpofer of Methopp R[obe]rt Preston sone of Francs of Walton . . . Knype dau : of Wittm Knype Jun' . Wenington sone of Wittm of Stribus Anne Turnley dau : of Robert Robert Barrowe sone of Nicholas of Stauley ApriU 16 26 ' Dates torn off this and four following entries. Owing to the tearing off of the margin the text is defective. t6l2 CHRISTENINGS. 49 IssabeU Marr dau : of Hugh Marr John Baire base sone of John Baire Edward Bowman sone of Witim of Hampesf Id ... James Dawson sone of Wittm of Aynssome Rowland Barrow sone of Robert of Greeav Thomas Borwicke sone of Edwine of Heselrigg... George Seatle sone of Robert of Alithw' and HeUine Barrowe dau: of Rich: of Ou'nuton ... Agnes Wallas dau : of Rowland WaUas John Birkett sone of Wittm Birkett of Holker . . . Margaret Newbye & Agnes Newbie daughters of Nicholas Newbie of Nether Carke John Chatburne the base sone of RoBt of Garestangg Elizabeth Barrowe dau : of Peter of Ou'nuton & Thomas the sone of Edward Michelson of GreenBke Isacke Bell sone of Witim Bell of Blenckett Jane Burschough dau : of Bryam Burschough . . . Issabell Kilner dau : of Roger of Aysead Xpofer Helme sone of Xpofer of Churctowne . . . John Barrowe sone of Thomas of The Woode Jane Knype dau : of Isaacke of Woodbroughton Richard Bateman sone of Rich : late of The Grange & Thomas Cowpthwait sone of Ed : of Hampesfell Robert Holme the sone of Richard of Tenterbanke Margaret Taylor dau : of James of Methopp & Xpofer Lowder sone of Wittm of Staueley Margaret Bonvioe dau : of Thomas of Fayrigg ... Henery Barrow sone of Edward of Alithw' Robert Britton sone of Henery of Lindall George Hayle sone of George of Templand Jane Parke dau : of John of Holker Agnes Barrowe dau : of RoBt of iNether nuto ... Wittm Simpson sone of John of Flookbrou : Witim Britton sone of Edward of Churchtowne Anne Bateman dau : of Richard of Tempd Myles Chamber the base sone of Myles of Kendal! Thomas Teldesley sone of Edward Esq' John Preston sone of John Preston of Walton . . . Edward Barrowe sone of John of y° Hee Issabell Hc^lme dau : of Wittm Holme CoUier & Xpofer Borricke sone of Xpofer of Ashead Agnes Barrowe dau : of Edward of Flookburgh... Xpofer CoUison sone of Edward CoUison Marye Wilson dau : of Henery Wilson of Alithw* Edward Cayton sone of Thomas of Flookburgh... HeUine FeU dau: of John FeU waUer Tomisin Johnson dau: of Edward Johnson 2 Maye / It lO )J 20 tf 21 )) " tf » ») 25 )) 9 June 14 J? 19 It 22 tf 23 It )J ft 24 ft 29 3 Julie S jj 9 »> 14 11 19 ft 20 tf 27 ft 30 9 ft August 14 ft 23 ft 24 ft 30 2 September 9 >5 10 )> 20 ») 21 tt 23 JJ )) If 24 S ' October 6 ft 7 16 ft 5° CARTMEL PARISH REGISTERS. 1612-16x3 HeUine Gyles dau : of John Gyles John Britton sone of John of Ayshead Dorithye Waynhouse dau : of Edward of Birkebye John Diconson the base sone of John of Oolterthwait & Dorithye Denye da : of John Dennye ... Thomas Barrow sone of John of Alithw' ... Wittm Barber sone of Xpofer of Lindall ... John Barrow sone of Robert of Stanly Eliza : Taylor dau : of Wittm of Hampesfeild & Eliza : Kannye dau : of Rich : of Backbarrow p. 68 Agnes Bisbrowne dau : of Xpo' Thomas Slayter sone of George Cisclife Boore dau : of Thomas of Woodbrouto. Marie Barrowe da : of Nicholas of Greeues Issabell Staines the base dau : of George . . . Thomas Lecke sone of Tho : of Nethernuton John Newton sone of John of Cartmel FeU EUine Barber dau : of Edw : Jun' of Barber Green Micha : Bell sone of Rich : of Kentsbancke & Dorithye Greenhould dau : of James smith Eliza: Casson dau: of James of Walton Margaret Swaynson da : of Witim of Cartmd FeU Margaret Danson dau : of Robert of Flookburgh Anne Yeates dau : of Nicho : Carpenter Tomisin Casson & IssabeU Casson daughters of James Casson of FeU Edge Anne Biglande dau : of George Biglande the younger Xpofer Staines sone of John of y" Head house ... John Burne sone of Wittm of Feildbroughto ... Hellin WaUer dau : of Rich : of Cartlayne John MaycheU sone of John of Grange Jenett Bigland dau : of James of the same & Margret Bateman base dau: of Roger Marie Lawson the base da : of Rich : Lawson... 20 October 21 26 ft ft 10 Nouember tt )) 22 6 ft December 18 jj 24 27 ft 30 jj 10 Januare 13 ft 14 ft 20 7i 24 tt 31 JJ it I tf Februarie 8 ti 12 ft 14 ft 2 March 5 7 ,> 9 ,. 13 » 17 22 anno Donj I6t3. Dorithye Bell dau: of Wittm of Alithw' Elizabeth Barrow dau: of Edward of Walton ... Margaret Muckelt dau : of Rich : of Feildbro : ... Elizabeth Fell dau : of John of Walton webster... Margaret Roskell dau : of John of the Greene . . . Thomas Pepp sone of John of YorfuU Yeat & Agnes Knype dau : of Geo : of Newton Jane Bell dau : of Edward BeU of Walton IssabeU Bigland dau : of George of Nether Carke Marye Pye dau : of 'Witim Pye locksmith 25 31 9 20 March Aprill 22 May-p 31 t't 13 June I6I3-I6I4 CHRISTENINGS. 51 Margret Pepper dau : of Rich : Andif eild John Fell sone of Xpofer of Ou'nuton Thomas Brockbanke sone of Wittm of Howbafw Anne Rownson dau : of Roger of Ayshead Thomas Casson sone of Witim of Walton Witim Newbye sone of Nicho : of Nether Carke Robert" Staines, sone of Mathew of Newton John Barrowe & Jenett Barow sone & daught : of Edward Barrow of Alithwhait Jenett Oscliffe dau : of Edw : of Rauens Winder Wittm Hosfell the sone of Witim Hosfell Elizabeth Muckelt dau : of James of Feildbrou : Witim Greenhou'ld sone of Ja : Ju' of Backbarow Marie Rownson dau : of Witim of Walton Elizabeth Hodshon dau : of Xpofer of Ou'carke Ann Newbye dau : of John of The Churchtowne Witim Birkett sone of Witim of Holker Issabell Boricke dau: of Xpofer of Ayshead ... p. 69 Edward Swaynson sone of Rowld of Churchtown Showmaker Issabell Finstwhait dau : of James of Nether Carke HeUine Barrow dau : of Edward of Stauley Thomas Asburner sone of John of Churchtowne blacksmith Margret Swaynson dau : of Xpo' of Newton Stephen Fell sone of James Fell of Walton Edward Bigland sone of Thomas of Walton & Issabell Fletcher dau : of John of Feildbroughto Richard Newbye the base sone of John Newbye Robert Barrow sone of Peter of Ou'nuton Agnes Barrow dau : of Egipt Barrowe Margret Johnson dau : of Edward of Nether nuton' Elizabeth Borwicke dau : of Rowland Borwicke... Margaret Borwicke dau: of Peter of Ayshead... Witim Bruer the base sone of James Bruer Xpofer Preston sone of Thomas of Walton Dorithye Muckelt dau : of Gilbert of Walton & GeoTge Asburner sone of Tho : of Flookburgh . . . James Barrow sone of Edward of Nether Carke James Bateman the base sone of Ja : Bateman & Mich : Rownson sone of Thomas of Ayshead . . . HeUine Birkett dau : of Geo : of the Milne dame Edmund Burschough and Jane Burskowe son and daughter of John Burskowe of Flookb : 21 June 29 4 tt Julie 5 It 31 I 8 It August It 9 It 1016 It 19 It 27 3 4 It September October 12 •» 17 ti 21 It 25 II It Nouember 30 )) 2 December 12 It 27 tt 9 Januarie 13 It 24 jj 25 It 30 S It Februarie 10 It 25 J) 27 >? 28 ,. 13 March 1416 ft 1! anno Doitj 16H. George Staines sone of Gilbert of Brought : ... 27 March John Rownson sone of Edward of Hesselrigg ... 31 „ 52 CARTMEL PARISH REGISTERS. 1614 p. 70 George Birrye sone of John of Churcht : shoemaker Anne FeU dau : of Edward FeU of Grisgarth ... Wittm Britton sone of Edward of Churchtowne... Anne Yeates dau : of Nicholas Yeates Richard Milner sone of Hugh of Alithwhait ... Thomas Asburner sone of Thomas of Flookburgh & Roger Parke sone of John of Holker 'Henery Newbye ¦sone of Wittm of Heselrigg . . . John Haries the base sone of John ¦Harries Eliza: Barber dau : of Xpofer Barber James Borwicke sone of Rich : ju' of Ou' Carke John Simpson sone of Jo : late of Flookbrugh . . . IssabeU Preston dau : of Tho : of Churchtowne James Wilson sone of Thomas of Flookburgh ... Michaell Bell son of Mich : of Cartlayne . .'. Geo : Simpson sone of Augustin of Templd Wittm Britton sone of Xpofer of Lindall & Hugh Holme sone of Thomas of Templand Margaret Pepj>er dau : of Jo : of Churchtowne... Jane Barber daught : of Peter of Barber green ... Dorithye Fell dau : of Hugh of Alithwhait Wittm Burne sone of Henerye of y* Woode IssabeU Turneley dau : of Robert Turnley Alice Slayter dau: of Richard Slayter Robert Fell sone of James of Walton Agnes Cayton dau : of Thomas Cayton of Lindall Anne Holme dau : of Richard of Tenterbanke ... Thomas Glover the base sone of Thomas and Elizabeth Kilner daught : of Row : of Ou'nuton James Casson sone of James of Walton John Geldert & Thomas Geldert sones of Wittm Geldert of Churchtowne Mercer Anne Cowp dau : of George of Flook : Marion Kilner 'the base dau : of Edmond ... Agnes MaycheU dau : of George MaycheU John Setle sone of Robert of Alithw' Agnes Newton dau : of Richard late of y" Height Elizabeth Birey dau : of John sen' of y" Churcht : & Dorithye SiU dau : of Charles of Bigland Margaret Strickland dau : of Edmond of Milne dame Issabell Fletcher dau : of Richard of LindaU ... Jenett Staines dau : of John of f Headhouse ... Margaret Knype dau : of Edward of YorefuU yeat Roger Brockbanke sone of Roger Brockbancke... IssabeU Pepper dau : of Edward of Hampesfeild Robert Kellett sone of Xpofer of Grange Edward Harison sone of John Harison of Stauley John Lecke sone of Thomas Lecke of Nether nuton 12 AprUl 18 „ 27 „ I Maye 8 „ 9 I, id „ 24 ,1 26 „ 29 ., 12 June 13 tt 5 July 24 ti 31 It 2 August 14 » 22 „ 29 t, 3° 7 September 14 „ 16 2 October 9 „ 10 „ 13 It 16 „ 30 tt 2 Nouember 6 10 24 25 27 I6I4-I6I5 CHRISTENINGS. S3 p. 71 Anne Kilner the base dau : of Edward of Stauley Peter Barber sone of Hugh of Barbergreen & Andrew Barrow sone of Michaell of Borebanke... Jenett 'Helme dau : of Xpofer of Churchtowne... Maball Borwicke dau : of Nicho : of Backbarowe IssabeU Patton dau : of James Patton Elizabeth Birrie dau : of Leonard Birrie Jenett Martindale dau : of Peter of Grange John Bell sone of Peter Bell of Dawthorne Xpofer Kellett sone of John of Myersyde Jenett Waller dau : of Edw: of Holker Xpofer Brockbancke sone of Witim of Howbarow John Burschough sone of Bryam of Nether Carke Margaret Barrow dau : of Rowland of Ayshead Witim Stockdell sone of Francs of Langlands John Cannye sone of Huon smith Mathew Bowman sone of Witim of Hampesfild John Fell sone of Peter of iNether Carke . . . Issabell Storie dau : of Lawrence Storye ... James Dixon sone of Nicho : of Lindall ... John Fell & Issabell Fell sone & daughter of James Fell yoimger of Walton & John Newbye sone of Peter of Ou' Carke IssabeU Asburner dau : of John of Churcht : ... Agnes Chrosfeild dau : of Rich : of Feildbrought : Margaret Carter dau : of Edward of Cartlayne . . . Marion OsklifF dau : of Edward of Winder Stephin Bateman sone of Rich : of Templand . . . Wittm Grenewoode sone of James of Backbafw & Anne Brockbanck dau : of Wittm of Ashead Thomas Asburner sone of Thomas of FlookBh : Issabell Barrowe dau : of Tho : of Holker anno Donj 1615. Marye Simpson dau : of Tho : of Flookburgh . . . Jenett WaUas dau: of Rowland of Alithwhait... Thomas Corbott sone of John of Cirkett end . . . Thomas Taylor sone of RoBt Taylor of Slacke . . . George Barrow sone of Edward of Flookbroug : Anne Barrow dau : of Edward of Alithwhait . . . Witim Cayton & Alice Cayton sone & dau : of Thomas Cayton of Flookburgh and Witim Cayton base sone of Witim of FlookBh : Edward Howe sone of Witim Howe John Bell sone of Wittm of Blenkett John Taylor sone of Witim of Hampesfeild Robert Barrow sone of Robert late of Nethernuto James Martindale sone of Witim of Methopp ... 27 Nouember 30 7 It December II It 14 2628 J)Ittt 31 tt 2 Januarie 8 It 9 It 13 It 22 4 Februarye 5 )> 10 It 12 It 15 16 It 17 J) 21 It 2226 I March 5 It 12 16 It 21 tt 2S March 27 3 6 Aprill" II ft IS ft 16 it 17 ft 25 16 Maye 25 j> 29 jj 54 CARTMEL PARISH REGISTERS. 1615-1616 Edmunde WaUer sone of Richard of Cartlayne... 4 June Kathiren Barrowe dau: of John of Stauley ... 8 „ Thomas Muckelt sone of Richard of Holker and Issabell Birrey dau: of Edward of Lindall ... 10 „ Eliza: Borwicke dau: of Peter of Heselrigg ... 11 „ Hellin Grenehould ^ 18 „ Ann Rownson dau : of Wittm Rownson and Issabell Diconson dau : of Jo : of Churchtowne... 20 „ James Gyles sone of John of Flookburgh & Edward Waynhouse sone of Edward of Birkebye 21 „ Xpofer Fell sone of James of Cirket End 13 Julie Jane Michelson dau : of Edward of GrenBke ... 17 „ Barnard Bell sone of Edward of Walton 21 „ Henery Waller sone of George of Templand ... 23 „ Margaret Rigg dau: of AUexander of Birkbie ... 26 „ Marye Dawson dau : of Wittm younger of Aynesome 29 „ Hellin Barrowe dau : of Edw : of TenterBk ... 30 „ The months " August " " September " " October " " Nouember " are written but with no entries. Dorithye Barrowe dau : of Edw : of Walton Wittm Tompson sone of John of Greens ... Xpofer Brockbanke sone of Edward of Speelb : James MaycheU sone of John of Grange ... John Wright & Hellin Wright sone & daught : of Wittm Forgeman of Burae Barrowe . . . Robert Becke sone of Henery of Fayrigg ... Margaret Walker dau : of Tho : of Lindall Margaret Swaynson dau : of Row : of Churchtow : Agnes Rownson dau : of Edw : of Heselrigg & Maball Kannye dau : of Rich : of Backbarrow James Dixon sone of Rich : of Lindall pyp Xpofer Barrow sone of Nicho : of Greens and Rich : Staines sone of Oliuer of Setle Sara Bigland dau : of George of Bigland . . . John Simpson sone of Rich : of Nether Carke James Knype sone of George of Yorfelyeat & Maball Holme dau : of Rich : of Tenterbanke Margaret Atkinson dau : of Arthur of Walton Marie Harrye dau : of John of Woodbroughton Margaret Bigland dau : of John of Quarelflatt Elizabeth Knype dau : of Wittm of Backbarow Michaell Barrow sone of Edward of Stauley anno Donj 1616. Wittm Kilner sone of Myles of Flookburgh Edward Fell sone of James Ju' of Walton & Jane Champney dau : of Thomas of Methopp • 24 December ¦ 27 It : 4 Januarie . 18 f It • 19 . 26 . 28 : S ItttIt Februarie • 13 j> ¦ 19 It • 25 . 26 . 28 ItItti • 3 Marche 8 tt 10 tf • 14 „ • 19 ft 20 J) • 25 Marche • 27 ft t6i6 CHRISTENINGS. 5S Marie Preston dau : of Thomas of Walton Anne Casson dau : of James of Feledge Margret Gill base dau : of Henerye Eliza : Boricke dau : of Nicho : of Backbarowe & James Fell sone of Xpofer of Ou'nuton Wittm Johnson sone of E'dwd of Aynesome p. 72 George Kilner sone of Myles of Seatle Edward Staines sone of Mathew of Ou'nuton ... Kathiren Lowder dau : of Wittm of Stauley Elizabeth Roskell dau : of John of y° Greene . . . John Stainton sone of John of y° Gaytesyde John Newbie sone of Peter of Ou'carke Anne Barbon dau : of Hugh of Holker Anthonye Birrie sone of John of Churchtowne Showmak : Wittm Leese sone of Tho : of y° FeUdende Stephin Britton sone of Stephin of Feildb : "" Jenett Britton dau : of Henery of Lindall Thomas Waynhouse sone of Robert of Birkbye... Elizabeth Storye dau : of Law : Cowp James Barrow sone of Witim of Grange Xpofer Barrow sone of Nicho : of Stauley Eliza : Fell dau : of James Ju' of Walton Wittm Fell sone of Roger of Ou'nuton Marie Barrow dau: of Egipt of Ayshead John Borwicke sone of Xpwfer of Cartmel f : ... Jenett KeUett dau : of Xpofer of Grange John Milner sone of James of y° Holme Anne Birkett dau : of John of Nether Carke John Fletcher sone of John of Feildbrought : & Edmond Dawson sone of Wittm Ju' of Aynesom Eliza : Barrow dau : of John ju' of Ayshead Agnes Dennye dau : of John of Nether Carke . . . Henery Wilson sone of Richard of Alithwhait . . . Thomas Gurnell sone of Thomas of Flookburgh Margaret Preston dau : of Edward Preston Isisabell Cowper the base dau : of George Cowper & of the bodye of Issabell Purges Edward Wallas sone of Ed : of CartmelfeU Phillip Bigland sone of Tho : of Walton Thomas Stockdayle sone of Francis Richard Briges sone of James of Flookbrough . . . Wittm Asburner sone of Tho : of the same Thomas Elee the base sone of Rich : and of the bodye of Margt Newbye Dorithye Greenhould dau : of Wittm of Backbar : Xpofer Burschowe sone of John of Flookb : Agnes Martindale dau : of Peter of Grange Richard Surges sone of John of Flookburgh ... I AprUl 2 ft 3 tt 7 J) 14 Jf 20 tf 24 26 28 6 J)ft ft Maye 20 26 It ft 3 June 4 ft It jj 10 tt 13 II 14 JJ IS il 24 s Julye 21 It 23 )J 31 4 August 9 16 ttti 2428 I J? It September 9 tt 12 t! IS " 16 tt 21 ti 22 It 24 tf 2526 tf ft 2 October s 18 JJJJ 21 JJ 25 >» 56 CARTMEL PARISH REGISTERS. i6i6 Elizabeth Preston dau : of George Esq' Anne Geldert dau : of Witim of Churcht : mercer Robert Slayter sone of George of Nethernuton... Thomas Fell sone of Thomas of Nether Carke end Marye Baxowe dau : of Edward of Tenterbanke Eliza: Bowes dau: of John of Cartmelfell John AUinbye the base sone of Jerome and of the bodye of Agnes Clarke Wittm Hodshon sone of Xpofer of Ou' Carke . . . IssabeU Elee dau : of John of Tentbancke Anne Taylor dau : of Wittm of Hampesfeild ... Kathiren Mallirey dau : of John of Flookbrough Jane Barowe dau: of Richard of Abutthall Geo : Cowper son of George of Flookbrough and George Grenhould sone of James of Backb : p. 73 Myles Seatle sone of Hugh of Alithw' Andrew Bell sone of Rich : of Kentsbancke Agnes Bigland dau : of Geo : sen' of Backbarow John Staines sone of GilBt of Feildbroughton . . . Edward Swaynson sone of Xpofer of Ou'nuton... George Fell sone of John of Walton waller &. James Maycell sone of George of Grange William Wilson sone of Henery of Alithw' John Browninge sone of Xpofer of Newton Isaack Knype sone of Isaak Knyj>e gent : Jenett Fell dau : of Thomas of Churchtown waller & George Kilner sone of Edward of Fidlerhawe... Agnes Finstwhait dau : of James of Nether Carke Edward Borricke sone of Peter of Kanny Hill ... John Barrowe sone of Rowland of Ayshead & Hellin Seatle dau : of George of Cartlayne Robert Newb)ie sone of John of y° Churchtowne Jane Wright dau : of Wittm of Bumbarrowe & Margaret Parke dau : of John of Holker Jane Muckelt dau : of Richard of St Andrew Moore and Jenett Sauell dau : of Francis labore at the pp mUne 26 „ 31 » 8 Nouember 13 ,t 29 2 December 3 tj 9 ft IS JJ 17 it 18 JJ 4 Januarie 9 it 10 JJ 14 JJ 20 JJ )> J) 24 JJ 6 Februar)'e II JJ 12 JJ J) »j 20 JJ 21 JJ 28 3 March [Here end the Baptisms in Original Vol. /.] i6i7 CHRISTENINGS. 57 VOLUME 2. [On Cover] 1608. [Within Cover] Christenings till 1617 are in ye old Book. 2 p. 24 Cbilssings 1617. IssabeU Newbye dau : of John of Stanley . . . Marye Barrowe dau : of Edw : of Flookbrough. 2 p. 25 Jane Barrowe dau : of Edward of Alithw'.,. James Barrowe sone of Peter of Ouernuton Witim Carter sone of Edward of Cartlayne Issabell Borwicke dau : of Peter of Ayesaide Witim Casson sone of Thomas of Hesselrigg Agnes Fell dau : of John of Walton ¦HeUine Pepper dau : of John of Yorefulyeat George Barrowe sone of Witim of The Grange. Rowland Barrowe sone of Hugh of Ouernuton. Jenett Harrie dau : of Witim of The Churchtowne Agnes Johnson dau: of Edw: of Aynesome ... Issabell Britton dau : of Edward of Churchtowne Robert Lecke sone of Thomas of Nethernuton and Agnes Barrowe dau : of Wittm of Stauley Anne Bigland dau : of James of The Grange ... Augustine Danson sone of James of Holker Eliza : Pepper dau : of John of The Churchtowne and Dorithie Birkett dau : of Wittm of Holker . . . Jenett Danson dau : of Michaell of Flookbrough Wittm Barrowe sone of Wittm of Fidlerhawe ... James Taylor sone of RoBt of The Slacke Anne Mawde 'the base dau : of Thomas of the pishe of Bingley Dorithie Bateman dau : of Richard of Templand HeUine Wallas dau : of Rowland of Alithw' . . . Thomas Walker sone of James of Backbarrowe... Agnes Rownson dau : of Tho : of Ayesaid Eliza : Kilner dau : of Wittm of Frith Richard Holme sone of Richard of Tenterbancke James FeU sone of James of Walton Lawrence Britton sone of Xpo°' of LindaU Margaret Barrowe dau : of Thomas of Holker. . . Margaret Gyles dau : of John of Flookbrough . . . Dorithie Bell dau : of Ed : of Walton Xpo" Rawlinson sone of John of Backbarrowe and IssabeU Rownson dau : of Edward of Hesselrigg Xpo"' Barrowe sone of Richard of Lindall Jenett Sill dau : of Charles of Backbarrowe John Punder sone of Henerye of Alithw' 2 p. 26 Anne Dixon dau : of Myles of LindaU 30 I MarchApriU 4 16 JJft 30 4 ft Maye 3 June 15 JJ 19 JJ 25 JJ 30 6 JJ Julie 13 19 J) August 20 II16 JJ Septemb : JJ 17 JJ 30 2 JJ October II JJ 14 JJ 31 I JJ Nouemb : 2 JJ 9 JJ 19 JJ 21 JJ 24 JJ 27 I JJ December 22 JJ 23 Januarie 25 ti 29 I it Februarie 12 JJ IS a 58 CARTMEL PARISH REGISTERS. 1617-1618 Wittm Staines sone of OUiuer of Aynesome John Asburner sone of Thomas of Flookbrough Maball Swaynson dau : of John of Backbarrowe Anne Preston dau : of Wittm of Walton sen' . . . Anne Greenhood dau : of Wittm of Backbarrowe Edward Geldert sone of Wittm of Churchtowne... John Fell sone of Edward of Girsgarth Xpo°' Robinson base sone of Xpo" of y" pishe of Kendall milner Francis Sands dau : of Giles of Nether Carke . . . James Barbar the sone of Xpo" of LindaU aitb Donj 1618. 2 p. 29 John Barrowe sone of John Barrowe of Alithwhait Dorithie Seatle dau : of 'Henery of Alithw' Jenett Patton dau: of James Patton Thomas Asburner sone of John of the Churcht : Henery Waller sone of Edward of Holker John Bowman sone of W™ of Hampsfeild Richard Staines sone of Edward of Lindall and James WaUer sone of George John Kellett sone of Thomas of Ayesaide John Newbie sone of Witim of Hesselrigg Dorithie Howe dau : of Witim Howe John Bigland sone of Richard of Holker Issarell Waynhowse sone of Edw : of Birkebye ... Edward Brockbancke sone of Edw : of Sp>eelbancke Issabell Barbar dau : of Wittm iu' of Lindall ... John Brockbancke sone of Roger of Ayesaid . . . Hellin Britton dau : of Thomas of Alithw' Agnes Staines dau : of Mathew Staines of Ouernuton Richard Heardson sone of Wittm of CannyhUl ... Egipte Knype sone of George of YorefuUyeat . . . Richard Burne sone of Wittm of FeUdbroughto... Richard Harrye sone of Wittm of Churchtowne... Wittm Pepper sone of Richard of Andefeild Eliza : Eeley dau : of Rich : of the Green Grange Margaret Brathwhait dau : of John of Flookb : ... George Borwicke the sone of Nicho : of Stribus Anne Becke base dau : of Rich : of the pishe of Sedboie Robert Michelson sone of Edward of Greenbancke John Brockbancke sone of George of Churchtowne Agnes Cayton dau : of John of Flookb : Tho : Greenhood sone of James younger of Bacbarrowe EUza : FeU dau : of Roger of Ouernuton 20 Februarie 22 It -4 tt 25 It I March 10 It 12 It 18 )) 19 j> 23 tt 25 March I Aprill 3 JJ 5 JJ 12 JJ 14 16 JJJJ JJ JJ 17 JJ 19 26 JJ 27 3 Maye 4 JJ 7 JJ II JJ 12 JJ 13 a 17 „ 22 JJ 4 June 22 »j 24 S ti Julie 2328 JJJJ 29 a 31 s 6 JJ August JJ 9 JJ II 1* i6i8 CHRISTENINGS. 59 Eliza : Carter dau : of Edw : of Cartlayne Jenett Wainhowse dau : of John of Rostwhait . . . 2 p. 30 Anne Longemire dau : of Htenerie Reader of Stauley chapell James Danson sone of Tho : of Churcht : Robert Barrowe sone of Edw : of Tenterbancke and EUine Thornes dau : of Gilbert of Ouernuton . . . Anne Martindale dau : of Peter of Grange Marie Knype dau : of Edw : of Yorefulyeat A child of Gawen Hirdson's Wood Cutter Anne Dixson dau : of Nicho : of LindaU and Thomas Taylor sone of Huan of Ayesaid ... Issabell WaUer dau : of Rich : of Cartlayne Issabell Atkinson dau : of Arthur Atkinson Richard Barrowe sone of Edw : of The Headhowse Stephen Muckelt sone of James of Feildb : Jenett Hayle dau : of George of Templand James Corbot sone of John of Kirkett End Lawrence Swaynson sone of Row : of Churcht : Marie Allexander dau : of Thomas of Churcht : Issabell Chrosfeild dau : of Rich : of Feildbroughto James Cowart sone of Tho : of y° pishe of Dalton Ann Briggs dau : of James of Flookb : Edward Newbie sone of Rich : of Seatle Edw : Barbar sone of Edward of Ouernuton Jane Seatle dau : of Hugh of Alithwhait Agnes KUner dau : of Edward of Staueley Mich : Newbie sone of James of Walton Isacke Bateman sone of Tho : of Feildb : Margaret Barrowe dau : of John iu' of Ayesaid and James Bell sone of Wittm of Nethernuton Wittm Seatle sone of George of Cartlayne and Thomas Muckelt of The Moore 'sone of Rich : ... John Barrowe sone of Edward of Walton Edmond Casson sone of Wittm of Walton and Agnes Holme dau : of Tho : of Templand Eliza : Swaynson of Yorfulyeat James Becke sone of Henerye of Fayrigg Alice Knype dau : of Isacke Knype of Woodb : gener : Issabell Britton dau : of Edw : of Churcht : MabaU Barrowe dau : of John of Stauley Elizabeth Casson dau : of Tho : of Hesselrigg . . . Marg : Moone dau : of James of Flookb : Marg : Wallas dau : of Row : of Alithw' Agnes Leece dau : of Tho : of Hesselrigg and Wittm Martindale sone of Jo : of LindaU _ Bryan Barrowe sone of John younger of Alithw' and WUUam Barrowe sone of Egipt of Ayesaid 17 August 24 ., 26 28 JJJJ I 6 8 Sept : JJJJ II JJ 17 JJ )> JJ 20 JJ 21 ,, 23 JJ 24 JJ 25 ts 27 4 tf October 8 JJ 17 it 20 ti 22 it 23 JJ 25 8 JJ Nouemb : 9 JJ 1016 JJ 23 JJ 34 JJ 30 a 13 December 18 JJ 24 JJ 2526 JJ JJ 2 Januarie 36 JJ 13 JJ 17 JJ 25 JJ 6o CARTMEL PARISH REGISTERS. 1618-1619 Edward Casson sone of James of Felledge 2 p. 31 Marie Carter dau : of Wittm of Flookb : Alice Barrow dau : of Rowland of Ayesaide Margaret Atkinson dau : of John of Churcht : ... Agnes Walker dau : of Thomas of Lindall Thomas Champney sone of Xpofer of Methope... Jaine Walker dau : of Richard Walker of Kirket End Jane Bell dau : of Wittm younger of Woodbroughto Eliza : Styth base dau : of Francis of the pishe of Lane: Issabell Bigland dau : of George of Bigland Dorithie Barbon dau : of Hugh of Holker and Issabell Burges dau : of John of Flookb : Richard Diconson sone of John of Vltertwhait grene [?] Edward Kilner sone of Myles of Seatle Augustine Garnet the sone of Robert of The Churcht : EUine Barrowe dau: of Edw: of Alithw' Anne Bigland dau : of John of Quarelflatt Anne Garnet dau : of Xpofer of Churchtowne and Marie Kilner dau : of Roger of LindaU Anthonie Lowther sone of Wittm of Stauley Marg : Fell dau : of James sen' of Walton and 2)onj 1619. John Kellett sone of Xpor of Grange Xpor Barrowe sone of RoBt of Stauleye Agnes MaycheU dau: of John of Grange 2 p. 34 John Rownson sone of Richard of Ayesaid Jenett Bell dau : of Peter of Dawthorne Row: Borwicke sone of Ed : of Fayrigg Wittm Britton sone of Tho : of Grange Agnes Harison dau : of John of Stauley Margt Cowptwhait dau : of Nicho : of Hampesfeild Xpor Barrowe sone of Edward of Stauleye MabaU Britton dau : of John of Ayesaid Eliza : Britton dau : of Stephen of FeUdb : Wittm Knype sone of Wittm of Backbarrowe ... Thomas Pepper sone of John of Churcht : Jenett Birrey dau : of John of Churcht : Xpo' Burne sone of Hen : of The Wood Edmond Thornbrough base sone sone [sic] of John genr : John Preston sone of Tho : of Walton Gillion Newton dau: of John of Cartmelfels ... Alice Meakinge dau : base dau : of John Januarie Februarie IS 18 21 2428 March 7 J) 10 It 21 It ^5 March 29 I Aprill 4 JJ S 6 18 JJ JJJJ 25 JJ 29 I JJ Maye 2 JJ 1418 JJ JJ 23 jj 24 28 JJ JJ 31 6 JJ June 9 J) 12 j» i6i9 CHRISTENINGS. 61 2p Tho: Gyles sone of John of Flookb : Agnes Simson dau : of Rich : of Nether Carke . . . Thomas Helme sone of Xpo' of Churcht : Jeff iray Knype sone of Tymothye of Owenaye . . . Robert Baire the sone of Thomas of Woodbroughton and James Bancke sone of James of Ouernuton Anne Preston dau : of George Preston of Holker Esq' and Dorithie Barber dau : of Wittm of Barbargreene James Britton & Agnes Britton children of Flenerie of LindaU John Eeley sone of John of Tenterbancke Eliza : Barrow dau : of John of Flookb : Taylor RoBt Greehood sone of James younger of Backbarrowe & Jenett Marr dau : of George of the same Francis Woodd sone of Thomas gent : of Churcht : Jenet Barrowe dau : of Hugh of Nethernuton . . . George Birkett sone of John of Nether Carke . . . Wittm Newbie sone of Peter of Ouer Carke and Issabell Helme base dau : of John of Beethome... Margaret MaycheU dau : of George of Hampesfeild Marg : Asburner dau : of Tho : of Flookb : Eliza: Barrowe dau: of Hugh of Ouernuton ... Witim Finstwhait sone of James of Nether Carke and John Dixon sone of Myles of Lindall Edward Townson sone of Tho : of Kirbie RoBt Heardson sone of Wittm of Walton John Barrowe sone of Edward of Flookb : 35 Agnes AUinbie dau: of Jerome AUinbie Wittm Geldert sone of Wittm of Birkbie Elizabeth FeU dau: of Xpor of Ouernuton Jane Borricke dau : of James of Walton IssabeU Woaton dau : of GilBt of Churcht : Thomas Danson sone of James of Holker John Barrowe sone of Wittm of Ouernuton Thomas Greenhood sone of James of Backb-irrow blacksmith Jane Cayton dau : of John of Flookb : and MabaU Brockbancke dau : of Wittm of Ayesaid Marie Muckelt dau : of Hugh of Birkbie and Maball Borricke dau : of Peter of Canney Hill... John Wright sone of Richard of Backbarrowe ... George Bigland sone of Rich : of Holker and Thomas Burne sone of Thomas of Woodbrought : Thomas Taylor sone of Wittm of Hampesfeild . . . Agnes Barrowe dau : of Wittm of the Hee Hellin Dennie dau : of John of Holker 13 June 20 „ 22 „ 25 >, 29 .! II Julie 26 12 JJ August 13 jj 22 JJ 23 15 JJ Septemb : 23 tf 3 October 5 8 JJJJ 20 JJ 21 JJ 22 JJ 23 8 JJ Nouemb : ID JJ 21 13 JJ December 19 ^j 21 JJ tt JJ 13 Januarie 16 „ 17 » 22 23 tt 3° » 13 Febru : 16 62 CARTMEL PARISH REGISTERS. 1619-1620 Thomas Pepper sone of Rich : of Grange ... 21 Edward Rallingson sone of John of Backbarrowe 28 George Martindale sone of Peter of Grange ... 3 Margaret Barbar dau : of Xpor of Lindall ... 4 George Slater sone of George of Nethernuton & James Brockbancke sone of John of Hesselrigg... 5 Rich : Borrick sone of Xp5r of Meethopp 7 RoBt Bateman sone of Richard of Templand ... 19 George Barrowe sone of John of Alithw' 20 Anne Sands dau : of Gyles of Flookb : „ Ann Eeley dau : of Richard of the Greene and John Garnett sone of Xpor of Churcht : , Febru ; March 1620. 2 p. 38 John Swaynson sone of RoBt of Yorefulyeat ... 28 March and Peter Dawson sone of Witim of Aynesome... „ „ James Newbie sone of John of Stauley 2 Aprill Thomas Rownson sone of Tho : of Ayesaid ... 3 „ Eliza: Barrowe dau : of Xpor 9 ,, Margt Cannye dau : of Rich : of Backb : 10 „ Jane Barbon dau : of Witim of Walton 15 „ James Kellet sone of Wittm of LindaU 16 ,, Margt Newbie dau : of John of Churcht : 17 „ James Fell sone of James of Walton 20 „ Jenett Bell dau: of Rich: of Nethernuton ... 26 ,, Richard Rownson sone of Edw : of Hesselrigg ... i Maye Eliza: Barrowe dau: of John of Stauley 8 „ John Bateman sone of Peter of Churchtowne ... 28 ,, Margt Bateman dau : of Tho : of Feildbrought : 9 June Edward Britton sone of Edw : of Churcht : ... 10 „ Edw : Barbar & Maball Barbar children of Edw : of Ouernuton 16 „ HeUine Lawder dau : of Wittm of Stauley 20 „ Eliza: Harrie dau : of Wittm of Churchtowne ... 25 ,, John Barrowe sone of Ed: of Tenterbancke ... 17 Julie James Taylor sone of Rich: of Methopp 22 „ 2 p. 39 James Taylor sone of Huan Taylor of Ayesaid... 27 „ John Mallirey sone of John of Flookbrough ... 29 „ Francis Bigland dau : of Thomas of Woodbroughton 2 August Agnes Kellett dau : of Xpor of Grange John Swaynson sone of Xpofer of Ouernuton ... Thomas Danson sone of Thomas of Churchtowne Margt Knype dau : of George of Yorefulyeat . . . Wittm & James FeU sones of Roger of Ouernuton Margt Simson dau : of Tho : of Flookb : Eliza : Tasker base dau : of RoBt of Brindles in Lancsishire and EUine Preston dau : of Tho : of Walton 4 2228 31 7 14 30 Septemb : l620 CHRISTENINGS. 63 2 p. Peter Fell base sone of Roger of Ouernuton ... i October Eliza : Cowp dau : of Geo : of Churcht : Showmaker 3 „ Eliza: Barrowe dau: of Hugh of Ouernuton ... 4 „ Marie Barrowe dau : of Row : of Ayesaid ... 16 ,, Xpor Borwicke sone of Wittm of Ayesaid RoBt Roskell sone of John of y° Greene . . . Wittm Birket sone of Geo : Birkett of Nether Carke and EUine Barbar dau : of Wittm of Lindall iun' ... Wittm Fell sone of John of Walton Anne Borricke dau : of Nicho : of Stribus Mar: Robinson base dau : of Edward of Fornasfells John Newbie sone of James of Walton Margaret Milner dau : of Lancelote of Lindall . . . Richard Bell sone of Peter of Dawthorne Agnes Danson dau : of Mich : of Flookb : Ann Michelson dau : of Edw : of GreenBk Marion WaUer dau : of Rich : of Cartlayne Agnes Barrowe dau : of Xpor of Greens James Borwicke sone of Edw : of Fayrigg RoBt Kellett sone of Thomas of Cartlayne Alice Cowp dau : of Geo : of Flookb : and Issabell Cowp dau: of Tho: of 'Nethernuton ... Jenett Birkett dau : of Wittm of Holker and Charles Sill sone of Charles of Backbar : John Wood base sone of John of Boulton and EUine Brockbancke dau : of Roger of Ayesaid . . . Marie Barrowe dau : of John jun' of the same . . . Marie Stainton dau : of John of Birkbye Issabell Brockbancke dau : of Edward of Speelbancke Xpofer Dixon sone of Myles of Lindall 40 Thomas Dicconson sone of John of Vltertwhait Richard Cayton sone of James of Templand ... Marie Hayle dau : of George of the same IssabeU Bancke dau : of James of Ouernuton . . . John Atkinson sone of John of Churcht : Marie Waynhowse dau : of John of Rostatt RoBt Thornes sone of GilBt Ouernuton Marie Hirdson dau : of Gawine of Holker Jenet Atkinson dau : of John of Woodbr : Margt Kilner dau : of Myles of Lindall and John Parke base sone of John of Churcht : . . . ,, „ Agnes KeUett dau : of Rich : of Flookb : 22 Anne Pepper and Margaret daug : of John of Yorefulyeat 24 „ Agnes Barrowe dau : of John of Flookb : 25 „ Anne Rownson dau : of Richard of Ayesaid ... 9 March 2S28 JJJJ 29 JJ 30 2 JJ Nouemb : 12 JJ 1718 JJ JJ 29 I JJ December 14 JJ 15 JJ 17 JJ 18 JJ 27 JJ 29 JJ 31 JJ 8 Januarye 13 JJ IS JJ 23 JJ 24 28 2 JJJJ February JJ JJ 5 JJ 9 JJ 10 JJ 20 »» 64 CARTMEL PARISH REGISTERS. 1620-1621 Edward Holme sone of Edw : of Flookb : Thomas Atkinson sone of Arthur of Walton & John Dobson sone of Geo : of Hampesfeild Richard Waller sone of Edw : of Holker ... Wittm Burne sone of Wittm of Feildbrought : . EUine Leece dau : of Thomas of Feildend 13 March 14 19 2325 2p ario Dom: 1621. 42 Eliza : Walker dau : of Richard of Kirket End... Henerye Casson sone of Wittm of Walton John Swaynson sone of Rowland Swaynson and Marie Asburner dau : of John both of Churchtowne and RoBt Crosfeild sone of Gawine of Barbargreene Wittm Seatle base sone of Wittm of Alithw' Jenett Staines dau ; of OUiuer of Aynesome Margaret Preston dau : of George Preston of Holker Esq: Margaret Barrowe dau : of Nich : of Greaues and John Lowe sone of John of Wigane in Lancashire John Howrud [sic] sone of John Howard of Alithwhaite IssabeU Muckelt dau : of James Muckelt of Feildbrought: Wittm Simpson sone of Rich : of Flookburgh ... Wittm Hirdson sone of Wittm of Stauley Marie Burne dau : of Henerye of the Wood Garvasse Fell sone of Thomas of Churchtowne... Peter Birkett sone of John of Nether Carke Richard Townson sone of Thomas of Lindall ... Marie Bateman dau : of Thomas of Feildbrought : John AUexander sone of Thomas of Churcht : ... James Casson sone of Thomas of Hesselrigg and Eliza : Simpson dau : of John of Tenterbancke... Thomas Britton sone of Thomas of Grange Elizabeth Garnett dau : of RoBt of Churchtowne Witim Barrowe sone of Edward of Walton and Agnes Carter dau : of Wittm of Flookb : John Addison sone of James of Backbarrowe ... John Barbon sone of Hugh of Holker Edward Barrowe sone of Edward of Nether Carke and Issabell Fell dau : of Edw : of Girsegarth ... John Newbie sone of Henerye of Feildend Jane Dawson dau: of Witim of Aynesome I.sabell Brathwhait dau: of John of Flookb : ... Maball Fletcher dau: of Rich: of LindaU 3 April IS „ 22 „ 28 „ 3° » 20 Maye 21 27 » 3 June II It 24 tt 27 It 3° I It Julie 3 It 5 tt 20 tt 25 II 29 7 It August 14 It 17 It 21 It 26 tt 9 Septemb 10 JJ 14 JJ 17 JJ l62I CHRISTENINGS. 65 2 p. 43 Eliza : Barrowe dau : of John of Kentsbancke... Edward Punder sone of Henerye of Alithw' John Barbon sone of Wittm of Walton and EUine FeU dau : of Peter of Nether Carke Marye Sceauell dau : of Francis of Nether Cark^: pap man Thomas KUner sone of Edward of Fidler hawe... EUine Waynhowse dau : of Edward of Birkbie ... John Rigg sone of George of the same Marye Briggs dau : of James of Flookb : Henerye Bigland sone of George of Bigland Agnes Newbie dau : of Richard of Nether Carke and Jerome Barrowe sone of John of Alithwhait Agnes Swaynson dau : of John of Backbarrowe and Eliza: Swaynson dau : of Lawrence of Ayesaid... Richard Fell sone of John Fell of Walton Webster Edward Hills sone of Walter Hills a poor man... Elizabeth Swaynson dau : of RoBt of Yoreful yeat and HeUine Warde dau : of Row : of Alithw' . . . Thomas Greenhoode sone of James the younger of Backb : John Barrowe sone of Hugh of Ouernuton John Harries the sone of John Harries of Woodbroughton Jenett Muckelt dau : of Richard of the Moore and John Cayton sone of John of Flookbrough Thomas Seatle sone of George of Cartlayne Peter Barrowe sone of Egipt of Ayesaid Agnes Robinson base dau : of James of Lancaster Margaret Mallirey dau : of John of Flookbrough George Rallison sone of John of Backbarrowe . . . Xpo' Borwicke the sone of James of Walton Edward BeU the sone of Wittm of Nethernuton and Edward Wilson sone of Richard George Taylor sone of RoBt de Slacke Marye AUinbye dau : of Jerome of Churchtowne James Bell sone of Richard of Nether Nuton ... James Barrowe sone of Edward of Flookbrough Agnes Moone dau : of James of Flookbrough . . . Richard Pepper sone of Richard of AndifeUd . . . George Bigland sone of John of Wharrelflatt . . . Wittm Marr sone of George of Backbarrowe ... Maball Barrowe dau : of Rowland of Ayesaid . . . Jenett Chrosfeild dau : of Rich : of FeUdb : 2 p. 44 RoBt Danson sone of Mich: of Flookbrough... Jane Parke the dau : of John Parke of Churchtowne 23 Septemb : 24 JJ 2 October 3 9 JJ 14 JJ 21 JJ 25 JJ 29 JJ 14 Nouember JJ JJ 27 JJ 8 Decemb : 16 It 20 JJ 21 JJ 23 „ 24 JJ 5 Januarie 9 JJ 12 JJ 13 JJ 21 JJ 28 JJ 2 Februarie 7 „ 10 ,, 14 ti 19 JJ 28 JJ 5 March 10 JJ II JJ 17 JJ 19 JJ 21 JJ 66 CARTMEL PARISH REGISTERS. 1622 2 2 p. 45 aho Worn: 1622. Robert Walker sone of Thomas of Lindall Francis Benn sone of Anthonye of Cokermoth ... George Brockbancke sone of Geo : of Churcht : and Edward Greenhood sone of James of Backbarrowe and Myles Pepper of Holker James Swaynson sone of Wittm of Foxefeild ... Eliza : Bateman dau : of Richard of Templand... Marye Knype dau: of Wittm of Stauley Xpofer Taylor sone of Bryam of Lindall and Agnes KUner dau : of Myles of Seatle EUine Britton dau : of Stephine of Feildbrought : and Maball Cowptwhait dau: of Nicholas 2 p. 46 Elizabeth Bateman dau : of Peter of Churcht : ... Richard Browninge sone of Xpofer of Feildb : ... George Preston sone of Wittm of Walton Joseph Atkinson base sone of John of Nethernuton John Cowper sone of George of Churchtowne ... Marie Addison base dau : of Phillip Minister at Milium Thomas Atkinson sone of Arthur of Walton Wittm Taylor sone of Wittm of Hampesfeild ... Agnes Robinson dau : of Richard of Alithw' . . . John Fell sone of James FeU Jun' of Walton ... Maball Martindale dau : of Peter of Grange Jane Kilner dau: of Thomas of Seatle Thomas Fletcher sone of Thomas of Rauens winder genf Thomas Carter sone of Edward of Cartlayne Alice Canney dau : of Robert of Cannye Hill ... Robert Barrowe sone of Wittm of Ouernuton . . . Giles Sande sone of Giles of Flookbrough Agnes Newbie dau : of Richard of Seatle and Jenett Massiter base dau : of Rowland Henerye Newton sone of John of Cartmelfells... Michael Asburner sone of Thomas of Flookbrough Margaret Bancks dau : of Myles of Cartlayne ... HeUine Eeley dau : of Richard of Nether Cark and Eliza : Barbar dau : of Edward of Ouernuton ... Elizabeth Preston dau : of George of Holker Esq' IssabeU Knype dau : of Edward of Yorefulyeat... Issabell Seatle dau: of James of Grange Wittm Waynehowse sone of Edward of Birkbye and IssabeU Barbar dau : of Xpofer of Lindall Richard Newbie sone of John of Myersyde .. ... Thomas Simson base sone of Richard of Birkbj'e Anne Brathwhait dau : of George of Grange ... 26 March 2 ApriU 7 JJ 9 JJ II JJ 17 JJ 23 JJ 25 3 JJ Maye 5 JJ 7 8 ,, 9 JJ 1318 26 JJ JJJJ 29 JJ 30 JJ S June 16 18 JJ JJ 19 JJ 25 I JJ Julie 22 JJ 23 •J 31 9 JJ August 12 16 JJ September JJ 22 JJ 29 8 JJ October 29 4 JJ Nouember CHRISTENINGS. 67 Issabell Harrye dau : of Wittm of Churchtowne Robert Barrowe sone of Xpor of Greeues Hugh Barrow sone of John of Ayesaid Jenett Kellett dau : of Thomas of Nethernuton... Edward Greenhood sone of Wittm of Backbarrowe Anne Cayton dau : of Wittm of Myersyde and Jennett Danson dau : of James of Flookbr : Hellin Dixon dau : of Nicholas of Lindall [No entries] 2 p. 47 Wittm Harries sone of John of Woodbroughton Elizabeth Kellett dau : of Thomas of Grange . . . Edward Staines sone of Edward of Lindall Eliza : Sowrey dau : of Edward of Backbarrowe 2 p. 49 1623. Richard Fell of Ouernuton sone of Roger . . . Margaret Simson dau : of Rich : of Flookb : Xpo' Fell sone of Thomas of Nethernuton John Rigg sone of George of Aynesome . . . Richard Britton sone of Edward of Churcht : John Borricke sone of James of Walton Hall John Benson sone of Antho : of Alithw' John Barrowe sone of John of Flookb : Anne Newbie dau : of Peter of Ouer Carke 2 p. 50 Thomas Rigg sone of George of Birkbye ... Edward Borricke sone of Nicholas of EUersyde. Elizabeth Rownson dau : of Rich : of Ayesaid Robert Stott sone of John Stott of Walton Agnes Dawson dau : of Wittm of Aynesome Anne Newbie dau : of Peter of Ouer Carke Edwd Cowpthwait sone of Nich: Marie FeU dau : of Peter of Neth' Carke . . . Marie Taylor dau : of James of Meethopp . . . Thomas Birket sone of George of Neth' Carke and EUine Newbie dau : of Richard of Seatle ... George Parke sone of George late of Holker Thomas Atkinson sone of Richard of Holker Elizabeth Newbie dau : of James of Walton Marion Bowes dau : of John of Witherslacke EUine Waynhowse dau : of John of Rostwhait. [No entries] Margaret Barrowe dau : of Hugh of Nether Nuton Peter Fell sone of Xpor of Ouernuton Issabell Staines dau : of Rich : of the Headhowse Anne Swaynson dau : of Peter of Dawthorne ... HeUine Borricke dau : of Edward of Fayrigg ... Anne Britton dau: of Thomas of Grange S 1217 I 22 Nouember December 10 Januarie 23 J, Februarie 6 March 9 JJ 10 JJ 23 JJ 29 March 10 ApriU 16 JJ 20 JJ 5 Maye II JJ 29 JJ S June 30 Julie 3 August 7 JJ 13 JJ 31 JJ 8 September 30 JJ 24 It I October 19 " 9 Nouember 13 JJ 26 JJ II December 21 JJ 28 JJ Januarie I Febm : 2 JJ 13 JJ 22 JJ 23 JJ 21 March 68 CARTMEL PARISH REGISTERS. 1624 ano H>om: 1624. 2 p. 54 Edward Barrowe sone of Edw" of Walton Rowland Swaynson sone of Rowland of Churcht : Andrew Barrowe sone of John of Skelhill Margaret Hayle dau : of Geo : of Templand & Jane Brittone dau : of Tho : of Nether Carke ... Harrye Martindale sone of Peter of Grange Jenett Geldert dau : of Wittm of Churcht : Anne Casson dau : of Wittm of Walton Peter KeUett sone of Thomas of Felyeat Saray Briggs dau: of James of Flookb: Ann Mallirey dau : of John of the same and Thomas Wilson sone of Thomas of the same place Xpor Fletcher sone of Thomas of Rauenswinder James Rigg sone of George of Birkbye Issabell Preston dau: of John of Ouernuton ... Jenett Brathwhait dau : of Geo : of Grange Myles Swaynson sone of Lawrence of Ayesaid ... John Newton sone of Law : of Lindall Bryan Champney sone of Edwd of Methopp ... Margt Kirbie dau : of Jo : of Nether Carke Ann Borricke dau: of Wittm of Ayesaid Ann Cayton dau : of Tho : of Flookb : Xpor Leese sone of Thomas of Walton Agnes Muckelt dau : of RoBt of Feildb : Agnes Borricke dau of James of Walton Richard Newbie sone of Henery of Fidlerhawe... Margt Burne dau : of Henery of Walton John AUinbye sone of Richard of Churcht : Richard Roper sone of John of Woodbrought : . . . Wittm Brathwhait sone of John of Flookb : 2 p. 55 Thomas Simson sone of Tho : of Flookb : Egine Barrowe sone of Egine of Churchtowne ... George Seatle sone of Geo : of Cartlayne RoBt Simson sone of John of Tenterbancke Arthur Barrowe sone of Xpor of Greeues Margaret Rownson dau : of Richard of Ayesaid Issabell Taylor dau: of Bryam of Lindall Issabell Dixon dau: of Myles of LindaU Thomas Cayton sone of Wittm of Myersyde & John Taylor sone of Richard of Holker Stephen Britton sone of Xpor of Speelbancke ... Edward BeU sone of Richard of Nether Nuton... Huan Borricke sone of Robert of Hesselrigg ... Richard Simson sone of RoBt of Templand Marie Champney dau : of Xpor of Meethopp . . . Ann Marr dau: of Geo: of Backbarrow Eliza : Kellett dau : of Xpor of Grange II Aprill 12 JJ 29 Maye 31 JJ 3 June 13 JJ 27 JJ 29 JJ 4 Julie 24 JJ 27 JJ 17 August 23 JJ 6 Septemb : 8 JJ 13 JJ JJ JJ 22 JJ 24 JJ 27 JJ 3 October 6 JJ 7 JJ 10 JJ 21 JJ 29 JJ 8 Nouember 9 JJ 18 JJ 24 JJ 17 December 24 JJ 27 JJ II Januarye 13 JJ 16 JJ 19 JJ 23 JJ 28 JJ 31 JJ 13 Febmarye 14 JJ 15 JJ 20 I624-I625 CHRISTENINGS. 69 Clement Taylor sone of Xpor of Cartmelfells ... Agnes Bateman dau: of John of Grange Margaret Barrowe dau : of Thomas of the Wood & James Atkinson sone of Arthur- of Walton John Preston sone of Thomas of Walton & Margt Waller dau : of Richard of Cartlone Jenett Cowhard dau : of Wittm of Buckcragg . . . p. 58 anno 2)nj 1625. Richd so of RoBt Parker of the Grang Christopher so of Hugh Barrow of Staveley Jenet d. of Edward Turner of Holker Wittm so of James Seatle of Grange Agnes d. of John Rawlinso of Backbarow Richd son of Thomas Ashburner of Flookbarow Jane d. of Willia Tailor of Hamsfeld Thomas son of Thomas Walker of Kirketend . . . Georg son of John Stainton of Birkeby Agnes d. of Thomas Bigland of Mungeon Alice d. of Richd Taylor the younger of Lindell Jane d. of Leonard Hirdson of Churchtowne . . . John so of Thomas Bateman of Fieldbroghton... Isabell d. of Richd Pepper of the Grange Tomasin d. of Jerome AUinbie of Churchtowne... Agnles d. of Agnes Vardy [or] Va'rey base^ begotten by James Kilner of Staveley Esther d. of Margaret Kellet base begotten by M' W™ Sands of Graithwait in Fomes Ellin d. of Thomas Townso of Lindell RoBt so of Richd Kellet of Flo'okbarow Edward son of Richd Dawney of Frith Alice d. of Miles Kilner of Seatle Agnes d. of Willia BeU of Nethernewton Edward son of Georg Cooper of Churchtowne... John son of James Mughall of Fieldbroughton . . . Mary d. of Agnes Macareth base begotten by Michael Hobson of Lowrig in the parish of Grassamore Henry son of James Bigland of Fidlerhall Margaret d. of Edward Walker of Backbarow Beatrice d. of Charles SciU of Backbarow Margaret d. of Peter Borwicli of Barbergreene Christofer son of John Fell of Kirketend ... Thomas son of Willia Carter of Flookbarow Alice d. of James Danson of Churchtowne WiUia son of W"" Kellet of Lindell John son of John Barrow Junior of Ashead Robert son of Robert Fletcher of Lindell 22 Februarye 27 JJ I March 9 J) 13 ¦' 31 March 10 April! 18 JJ 27 JJ I Maye 4 JJ 9 JJ II JJ 22 JJ 26 ji 29 JJ 2 June s JJ 12 it 17 23 I 6 July it JJ it II ,, 14 JJ 15 u 24 !1 28 JJ 3 Aug 7 8 )J 10 a 25 ,, 1 1 Septemb : 70 CARTMEL PARISH REGISTERS. 1625 Jenet d. of Thomas Walker of Lindell Willia son of James Newbie of Walton Isabel d. of John Stot of Walton Julian d. of Miles Kilner of Lindell Edward son of John Bigland of Mungeon Dorothy d. of John Pepper of Churchtowne 2 p. 59 Richd son of John Ashburner of Churchtowne. Margret d. of Edwd Barrow of Flookbarow Agnes d. of W™ Walker of Quarelflatt ... . MabeU d. of Thomas Danson of Churchtowne. Edward son of Peter Swainso of Nethercark . Edward son of John Mar of Backbarow Anne d. of James Bonvick of Backbarow Wittm son of John Barow of Flookbarow ., Isal>el d. of WUUa Kellet of Lindell ... Robert son of Robert Taylor of the Stock Mary d. of WUlia Harries of AUithwait Richd son of Richd Simson theld^er of Flookbarow Willia son of Edwd Brokbank of StaiTtbank ... Thomas son of James Moone of Flookbarow ... Majrgai-et d. of Christopher Finstwait of Flookbarow Richd son of John Parke of Churchtown'^.' Mary d. of Georg Brokbank of Churchtowne James son of Gilbert Thornes WUlia son of John Kellet of Nethercarke RoBt son of James Greenwood thelder of Backbarow Mary d. of Thomas Britton of the Grange John son of Henry Punder Thomas son of Hugh Nughal of Birkbie Marie d. of James Casson John son of John Morecroft of The Grange Jennet d. of Walter Taylor of Lindell Jane d. of Richard Elay of Holker Elizabeth supposed d. of Ewan Taylor of Fidler haU Mary d. of Willia Geldert of Churchtowne John son of Edward Britton of Churchtowne ... Margaret d. of Richard Clark of Flookbarow ... Margaret d. of Thomas Barow of Ayshead James son of Robert Taylor of Overnewton Jenet d. of John Fletcher of Lindell Richard son of Richd Robinson of AUithwait ... WiUiam son of John Mughall of the Moore William son of Georg: Rigge of Birkby George s. of Nicolas Dixon Margret d. of Edward KUner of Fidler hall John son of Gilbert FeU of Churchtowne Christofer son of John Preston of Overnewton . . . 16 Septemb 22 JJ 26 JJ 2 Octob : 3 JJ JJ JJ 5 )J JJ JJ 9 JJ 16 JJ 17 JJ JJ JJ 19 JJ 23 JJ JJ JJ 24 JJ 35 JJ 5 Xovenib 7 )> 12 )j 22 JJ 26 JJ 4 Decemb II JJ 18 JJ I January s JJ 8 JJ 16 14 22 JJ 31 JJ 5 Febr: 6 JJ 13 JJ 14 JJ 16 JJ 22 JJ 24 JJ 26 JJ 2 March JJ JJ JJ JJ 7 JJ 21 It 1626 CHRISTENINGS. 71 anno Dnj 1626. 2 p. 61 John son of Lawrence Swainson Eyshead ... Isabel d. of Edward Borwick of Fayrig Richard son of RicRd Milner of Flookbarow . Isabel d. of John Howred of Alithw' Edward son of Peter Newbie of Overnewto . Edward son of Willia Knipe of Staveley ... John son of Georg Coop>er of Flookbarow ... Margret d. of Edward Sorey of the Hee ... Agnes d. of John Kilner of Staveley Mabel d. of John Brokbank of Overnewto Alice d. of Roger Fell of Overnewto Jane d. of Josias Dawson of Churchtowne Margret d. of Richard Bateman of Templand . 2 p. 62 Thomas son of Robert Wilkinson of the Grange Robert son of Hugh Barow of Nether Newton. WiUia son of Thomas Harison of Birkbie ... John son of Willia Birket of Holker Thomas son of Thomas Caton of Flookbarow . RoBt son of Edward Staines of Lindell Briget d. of Alice Berry supposed by John Holme of Brigfield Elizabeth d. of Willia Caton of Myreside ... Steven son of Thomas Alexander of Churchtowne EUin d. of John Barber of Barbergreene Thomas son of Willia Britton of the Grange .. Arthur son of Richd Taylor of LindfiU Thomas son of James Banke of Ovemev/ton Wittm so of James Rowneso of Cartmel FeU . . John son of Robert Garnet of Churchtowne Richard son of Georg Dixon of Fl'oO'kbarow Thomas so of Edward Walker of Backbarow . . Richard son of Richard Simpson of Birkbie Margaret d. of Robert Swainso of Yorfellyate .. Ellin d. of Nicolas Berwick of Backbarow Edward & Peter sons of Richd Barber of Barbergreene Jane d. of Thomas Fletcher of Winder WiUia so of Prudence Beesly supposed by RoBt Staines of the Headhouse Thomas son of Thomas Towneson of Lindell Isabell d. of Michael Danson of Flookbarow Mary d. of Mary Taylor of Meethop supposed by M' John Thornburgh James son of Nicolas Robinson of Cartmelfell John son of Thomas Casson of Woolrig . . . Margaret d. of Georg Braithwait of Grange James son of James Seatle of the Grange ... 26 March 3 April 5 JJ 6 , 8 JJ 14 16 JJ -3 25 26 JJJJ ;j 27 4 JJ MaV 14 JJ 15 JJ JJ 18 'J 21 J) 2 2 'J 25 7 JJ June 1418 JJ 26 JJ 10 16 Julye 17 18 JJ 19 JJ 21 23 )J IJ 30 3J 13 August 20 JJ 22 JJ 24 JJ 29 3 JJ S-eptember 72 CARTMEL PARISH REGISTERS. 1626-1627 Elizabeth d. of Wittm Archer of Overnewton ... Mary d. of John Barow of Skelhill Elizabeth d. of Elizabeth Chakell supposed by Frances Gurnell John son of John Mallo'rie of Flookbarow Thomas son of James Casson of Walton Mathew son of Peter Martindale of Grange Thomas so of Eliz : Muckel of Nethercark supposed by Wittm Parker Elizabeth d. of Peter Bateman of Churchtowne... Margaret d. of John Rownson of Eyshead John son of Chrofer Barrow of the Greeues Georg son of John Mar of Burnbarow Austin son of Robert Simpson of Templand Anne d. of Peter Champney of Walton John so of Margret Barow of Cark supposed by WUUa Rawlinso Milner Nicolas son of Willia Canny of Lindell Dorothy d. of M' Antonie Studert of Kendall ... Anne d. of Georg Wainhouse of Holker Thomas son of John Atkinson of Fieldbroughton 'Georg son of Thomas Ashburner of Flookbarow Agnes d. of James Milner of the Moore Willia son of John Kirbie Anne d. of John Wainehouse John son of James Newbie of Walton Mary d. of Richd Rownso of Eyshead Antonie son of Edward Pierson of Cartmelfell... Georg son of Edward Champney of Beethom parish Elizabeth d. of Thomas Roskel of Holker 63 Willia son of John Brokbank of Hesselrig Isabel' d. of Robert Kilner of Staveley Margret d. of Georg Machet of Grange Thomas son of RoBt Wilkins5 of Grange Dorothy d. of Henry Burne of the Wood MabeU d. of Georg Haile of Templand Isabel d. of Georg Mar Nicolas son of Nicolas Cowperthwait of Hamsfeld John, son of John Barrow of Nether Newto Richd & John sons of Richd Simson Junior of Flookbarow Margret d. of James Greenhead of Backbarow ... John son of John Simson of Flookbarow 5 September 10 " 12 )) 13 JJ 25 I October JJ JJ 4 JJ 12 JJ 22 ^, 27 JJ 29 I JJ November 18 JJ 24 6 JJ December JJ JJ 14 JJ 17 JJ 23 JJ 24 28 JJJJ I January JJ JJ 7 JJ 21 JJ 29 13 28 I JJ February JJ March 4 JJ 7 JJ II If 14 19 21 23 anno Dnj 1627. 2 p. 64 Jenet d. of Thomas WUson of Flookborow Jenet d. of John Brokbank of Fieldbroghton Richd son of Georg Cooper of Churchtowne 31 March 1 April x627 CHRISTENINGS. 73 EHzabeth d. of Wittm Barber of Barber Greene [struck through] Edward son of RoBt Borwick of Haslerigg Hugh Barber wife of Barber Greene [struck through] Alice wife of WiUia Powe [?] of Cartmel Fell [struck through] Margaret d. of Francis Steanes of Aishead Dorothy d. of Richd Taylor of Holker Willia son of Christopher Britto of Speelbanke ¦*& John Burnes Margaret d. of Christopher Kellet of Grange ... Judith d. of James Brigs of Flookborow Thomas son of Thomas Bond of Flookborow . . . Robert son of John Crosfeld of Witherslack . . . WiUia son of Thomas Simson Isabel d. of Christopher Cowherd of FloO'kborow Margaret d. of John Turner of Hampsfeld John son of Richd Newbie of Overcarke John son of Witim Casson of Churchtowne Henry son of James Grenhold thelder of Backbarow Isabtel d. of James Danson of Churchtowne Jenet d. of Witim Seatle of Flookbarow Margret d. of Richd Clark of Flookborow Briget d. of Georg Bigland of Bigland Richd son of RoBt Muckel of Fieldbroghto Elizabeth d. of Richd Muckell of Moore Mary d. of LawTence Newton Reader at Lindell Chappell Mabel d. of Thomas Walker of LmdeU Ellin d. of Robert Flecher of Lindall John so of James Danso & W™ Roper son of John Isabel d. of WUUa Borwick of Eyshead , 65 Anne d. of M' Richard Tomlinson Minister at Cartmel! Jane d. of John Caton of Flookborow Anne d. of Thomas Barow of Walto Margret d. of George Rig of Birkby Brian son of Brian Taylor of Lindell Ellin d. of Richard Barber of Barbergreene Thomas son of Henry Newbie of Overcarke John so of Nicolas Dixon of the PuUhouse Isabel d. of John Bateman of the Grange EUzabeth d. of John Taylor of Furnes fels Rowland son of Richard Milner of Flookbarow John son of John Atkinso of Lindell Georg son of Miles Dixon of Lindell * Added in later hand. 15 April 16 15 3. 27 JJ 3 May 17 JJ JJ JJ 18 JJ 23 JJ 3 June 13 JJ JJ JJ 16 JJ 28 JJ I July 9 JJ IS JJ 24 JJ 3 August 5 9 JJ 12 J J 15 JJ 24 JJ 3 September 23 JJ 30 JJ 14 October 16 JJ 23 JJ 25 JJ JJ JJ 26 JJ II Novembei' 12 JJ 13 J) 14 )j 16 JJ 18 JJ 23 JJ 74 CARTMEL PARISH REGISTERS. 1 627-1628 Georg son of John KUner of Staveley James son of Miles Dawson of Walton John son of John Braithwait of Flookborow Margaret d. of WiUia Walker of Carke Michael son of James Rowenson of the height in Cartmel Fell Dorothy d. of Josias Dawson of the Church towne Dorothy d. of Willia Taylor of Hampsfeld & Alice another d : Margaret d. of Thomas Britton of Grange Thomas son of RoBt Taylor of the Slacke John son of John Parke of Churchtowne Isabel supposed d. of Charles Stevenso of Kendall parish Robert son of Wittm Staines of the headhouse... Richard son of W" Kellet of Nether Carke Alice d. of Edward Kilner of Fidler hall Wittm son of John Braithwait of WoO'dbroughton Margaret d. of Egine Barow of Churchtowne ... Margaret d. of Richard Eilye Thomas son of Richard Waller of the Grange ... Edward son of Willia Cowheard of Buckcrag ... Miles son of John Moorecroft of the Grange ... Elizabeth d. of Edward Carter of Cartlane Thomas son of John Barrow Juniorof Aishead... Isabel d. of Peter Swainson of Girsegarth Jenet d. of Arthur Atkinso of Walton Jane d. of James Casson of the Feledge Henry son of John Barrow of Flookbarow Agnes d. of Richd Bell of OvernewtS Anne d. of John Fell of Kiirket end Chrofer son of Thomas Kelltet of Felyate Agnes d. of John Simpso of Flookbarow EHin d. of James Mughal of Fieldbroghton EUin d. of John Stainton 24 November 25 J. 2 December 14 31 26 JJ January JJ 7 JJ 20 JJ 24 JJ 29 3 JJ February JJ J) JJ J) 4 JJ 10 JJ JJ JJ JJ JJ 13 JJ 20 JJ JJ JJ 21 JJ 27 2 JJ March IS 16 JJJJ anno 2>nj 1628. 2 p. 67 Michael son of Christopher Taylor of Cartmel Fell 27 March Willia son of Richd Walker of Kirketend „ John son of Thomas Haniso of the Gateside ... 31 „ Richard son of Richd Waller of Templand ... i Ajjrill Wittm. so of Edward BaiTo of Flookborow ... 10 „ Edward son of Georg Brathwait of the Grange ... „ ^Margaret d. of WUlia Harrie of Allithw' n „ Mary d. of Peter Bateman of the Grange 12 „ Robert son of James Bigland of Fidler hall ... 20 ,' WiUia son of Rowland Brathwait of Seatle ... 21 1628 CHRISTENINGS. 75 2 p. Jenet & Agnes d. of John Presto of Overnewton... Richd son of James Milner of the Moore John son of Thomas Leese of the Field end WiUia & Jane children of James Moons Jenet supposed d. of Edward Benson of Fornes Robert son of Richard Kellet of Wilsonhil! John son of Thomas Barow of Eyshead Margaret d. of Walter Taylor of Beethom parish Mabel supposed d. of Henry Becke of Fayrig ... Isabel' d. of James Kilner of Staveley John son of Richard Maybery of Churchtowne . . . Richard son of Thomas Holine of Templand ... Isabel d. of John Mughal of Lindell Henry supposed son of Henry Becke & Jenet Hierdso widow John so of John Kellet of Neathercarke John son of Georg Seatle of the Grange Thomas son of Richard Simpso of Flookbarow... John son of Willia Kellet of Lindell Margaret d. of Nicolas Borwick of Burnbarow ... John son of Georg Kilner of Staveley Willia son of John Barber of Barbergreene Anne d. of Chrofer Finstwhait of Flookbarow... EUin d. of Hugh MughaU of Birkby RoBt son of Henry Beck of Fayrig Margaret d. of Edward Walker of Backbarow . . . Thomas son of Richard Bateman of Templand... EUin d. of Chrofer Barrow of the Greeves Edward son of Edward Sorey of the Grange John son of Henry Barow of Staveley Agnes d. of Willia Caton of Myreside Dorothy d. of John Holderedge of Birkby Robert son of Robert Binlase in Kendall EUin d. of John Kirby in Carke Marian d. of Edwd Britton of Churchtowne Elizabeth d. of Edward Berwick of Fayrig Mary d. of Thomas Caton of Flookbarow Willia son of RoBt Wilkinson of Grange Mary d. of Miles Kilner Marion d. of Brian Taylor of Meethop in BeethS Ellin d. of James Casson of Heselrig 5 Georg son of Thomas Preston of Walton EUin d. of Edward Turner of Holker Jenet d. of James Seatle of the Grange John son of Roger Fell of Overnewto Jane d. of Wittm Knij)e gent : of Woodbroughto Agnes d. of Wittm Archer of Overnewton Agnes d. of Hugh Barow of Mosseside apud Newto 25 Aprill 27 JJ4 M 5 8 12IS17 25 8 June JJ 14 1819 28 9 Ju JJ 1213 6 August II15 JJ 24 ,j 25 Septeber 9 IS 3J 20212325 I 12IS 26 31 2 5 28 October November 5 December 76 CARTMEL PARISH REGISTERS. 1628-1629 WiUia son of Christopher Mar of Backbarow .. Elizabeth d. of Roger Baker of Churchtowne . . Jerome son of Jerome AUinbie of Churchtowin Jenet d. of Henry Beny of Churchtowne Richd son of John Simson of Flookbarow Thomas son of John Rownson of Ayshead Alice d. of John Barow of SkelhiU Jenet d. of James Borwick of Walton hall Richard son of RoBt Barow of the Abbot hall.. Thomas son of Thomas Roskell Robert son 'of Thomas Bond of Flookborow .. Elizabeth d. of John Staines of Youfallyatt Edward son of Willia Barow of Staveley Agnes d. of Thomas Simson of Greenbanke Isabel d. of James Bonvick of Fieldbroghton . . Margaret d. of Peter Champney of Walton Margaret d. of John Barow of Flookbarow 7 December ~ ^ tt 12 Januarie 18 „ 2124 JJ 30 '.. 4 February 7 „ 12 22 „ I March 9 JJ 13 .. anno S)nj 1629. p. 69 Georg S'O'U of John Taylor of Churchtowne Jenet d. of James Casson of Walton Richd son of John Flecher of Lindell Agnes d. of Miles Kilner of Seatle Richard son of Peter Martindale of Grange John son of Edward Robinso of AUithwait Jenet d. of Georg Brokbank of Churchtowne Richd son of Richard Steanes of the headhouse Thomas son of Georg Wainhouse of Holker Nicolas son of John Barrow of Neather newton Elizabeth d. of Thomas Cockey of Girsgarth . Richard son of Thomas Casson of Woolrigg . Anne & Isabell d. of GilBt Fell of Churchtowne Robert son of Robert Simson of Templand Christofer son of Francis Staines of Ayshead . Margaret d. of John Barrow of Flookbarow Elizabeth d. of Richard Taylor of Lindell ... Richard son of Thomas Danson of Churchtowne Richard son of Richard Rownson of Ayshead Peter son of James Barrow of Flookbarow Margaret d. of Richard Robinson of AUithwhait John son of Georg Dixon of Flookbarow . . . Margaret d. of John Brokbanke of Fieldbroghto Jane d. of Willia Barow of Woodbroghton Isabel d. of Richard Bell junior of Kentsbank John son of Hugh FeU of Birkbye Margery d. of Willia Geldert of Churchtowne ; p. 70 Edward son of John KUner of Staveley Mary d. of John Park of Churchtowne I April 3 JJ 4 JJ JJ 6 May 14 21 26 „ 27 „ 28 „ 31 2 II 23 June 24 2 July 5 JJ 22 „ 23 „ 28 „ 2 August JJ JJ 6 ., II16 23 >, 3 September 1629 CHRISTENINGS. 77 Mary d. of Rober Parker of Grange Alice d. of Christopher KeUet of Grange Gabriel son of Henry Punder of AUithw' Anne d. of GilBt Thornes of Newton Ellin d. of WiUia Canny of Lindell Thomas son of John Presto of Overnewto Michael son of Edward Neubie of Walto Agnes d. of Christopher 'Cowheard of Flookbarow Do'rothy d. of M' Richd Tomlinso preacher at Cartmel Isabel d. of John Turner of Hampsfield John son of Nicolas Robinson of the Height ... Margaret d. of James Brigs of Flookbarow Agnes d. of John Parker of Churchto^vne Elizabeth d. of Wittm Stains of the Headhowse Edmund son of Rowland Tumer of Fieldbroghto Alexander son of GeO'rg Rig of Birkby Marian d. of Wittm Hodgson of Cartmelfel Elizabeth d. of Thomas Flecher of Ravenswinder John son of Georg Birkett of Holker Christopher son of Georg Cowperthwait of Hampsfild Ellin d. of Thomas Holme of Birkby Mary d. of John Bowes of Cartmel Fell Agnes d. of Richd Kellet John son of Willia Kellet of Neather Cark Bridget d. of John Cowell of Staveley Anne d. of Thomas Alexander of Churchtowne Willia son of WUlia Britton of the Grange James son of Georg Brathw' of the Grange Jenet d. of Edward Kilner of Fidlerhall Mary d. of Robert Garnet of Churchtowne Jo: Brockbank s. of J. B. Htesehig Edward son of John Moorecroft of Grange EUzabeth d. of John Wainhouse of Rostat James son of James Danson of Churchtowne . . . Elizabeth d. of Richard Borwick of Staveley ... Richard son of Robert Taylor of the Slacke . . . John son of Robert Britton of Ayshead Marganet d. of Richard WaUer of Templand ... Thomas son of James Milner of the Moore Georg son of WiUiam Knipe of 'Heselrig Elizabeth d. of Robert Borwick of Heselrig Katherin supposed d. of Henry Garskill of Hampsfild EHin d. of Richard Simpso of Flookbarow Thomas son, of Richard Holme of Templand . . . Thomas son of John Bigland of Mungeon Robert son of Isaac Wainhouse of Birkbie 12 September 27 „ JJ JJ 3° JJ 4 October II18 „ I November 23 28 JJJJ JJ 7 JJ December 19 JJ 23 JJ 27 JJ JJ 38 J) January 'J 10 JJ 21 JJ 22 JJ 24 ,, 25 26 J'JJ JJ jj 30 S JJ February JJ JJ 14 ., 19 JJ 20 JJ 10 JJ 12 JJ 21 JJ 25 )) 28 5 JJ March JJ 8 JJ JJ 13 JJ 78 CARTMEL PARISH REGISTERS. 1629-1630 Isabel d. of Thomas Thornpso of Meethop in Beetho parish William son of Miles Dawson of Walton 1630. p. 7 2 Mary d. of Willia Seatle of Flookbarow James son of James Xewbie of Walto Ellin d. of John Bateman of Grang Thomas son of Henry Taylor of Cartmelfel Jenet d. of Thomas Leese of the field end John son of John Jackson of Churchtowne Mabel' d. of Nicolas Cowperthwait of Hampsfield Ellin d. of Robert Seatle of Kirketend Jane d. of Henry Bigland of the Grang Dorothy d. of Willia Caton of Myreside Ellin d. of RoBt Barow of Boort-banke Elizabeth d. of Richd Kilner of Heselrig RoBt son of Willia Barrow of Staveley Mary d. of Richard Maybery of Churchtowne ... Agnes d. of Brian Borwicke of Grang Edward son of Thomas BrittS of the Grang Wittm son of Richard Xewbie of Neather carke Alice d. of James Kilner of Staveley Jenet d. of Richard Milner of the Moore Thomas son of Richard Taylor of Holker John son of John Howrud of Templand James son of Thomas Barow of the Wood in Walt5 Jenet d. of Richard Kellet of Rostat Anne d. of John Xewbie of Greenhurst Willia son of Willia Hobson of Churchtowne ... John son of Edward Cowheard of Hampsfeld ... Stephen son of Christop'her Barow of the Greaves Jane d. of Nicolas Borwick of Backbarow Georg son of Georg Bigland of Bigland Christopher son of Rowland Tumer of Xeather newto Agnes d. of Christopher Britton of Speelbanke... Agnes d. of Willia Wilso of Flookbarow James so of Brian Taylor of Lindell Margaret d. of Lawrence Swainso of Eyshead . . . Margaret d. of Willia Flecher of Hampsfeld ... Thomas son of Thomas Barrow of Eyshead Thomasin d. of Georg Cooper of Churchtowne... James son of Edward Walker of Backbarow ... Robert son of Mathew Westby of Woolrig Elizabeth d. of John Parke of Churchtowne ... Edward son of John Newbie the younger of Walt5 Agnes d. of John Roper of Woodbroghto 14 March 24 JJ 27 March 7 April JJ JJ JJ JJ II J' 12 JJ 25 2 JJ May JJ JJ 3 6 JJ 16 „ JJ JJ 23 ,. 27 „ 28 „ 3 June 8 July II t't 25 >. 2 Augu.st 5 J. IS „ 27 „ 29 JJ 30 JJ 2 September -lo '. 19 26 JJ 27 JJ 4 October JJ 18 JJ 24 JJ 25 JJ I630-I63I CHRISTENINGS. 79 2 p, 73 James so of James Taylor of Churchtowne Peter son of John Staines Edward son of James Casson of Heselrig John son of Thomas Wilson of Flookborow Elizabeth d. of John Rawlinso of Walto Margaret d. of Richard BeU of Kentsbanke John son of Thomas Wilson of Flookborough . . . Thomas son of John Barow thel'der of Flookborogh John son of John Kirbye of Tenterbanke Elizabeth d. of James IBrigs of Flookbarow John son of John Newto Junior of Cartmelfell . . . Edward son of John Tumer of Neather Newton Ellin d. of Rich Bateman of Templand WiUia son of Henry Washinto of Cartmel Fell... Agnes d. of John Barrow the yonger of Ayshead Ellin d. of Miles Dixon of Lindell Richard son of Peter Bateman of Churchtowne... Margaret d. of Richard WaUer of Templand ... Richard son of Roland Tumer of Fieldbroghto Jenet & Margaret d. of Richard Robinso of AUithwait Edward son of Edward Newbie of Walton Georg son of Walter Taylor of Meethop Jenet d. of Stephen Britton of Fieldbroghton ... Christopher son of Willia Kellet of Lindell Richard son of James Seatle of the Grang Elizabeth d. of Christopher Barber of Barbergreene Agnes & Isabel d. of Richard Barow of the Abbot HaU Elizabeth d. of John Clarkson of Flookborough EUin Askewe d. of Tho : Askewe [entry in margin] Edward son of Henry X'ewbie of Ouercark Miles son of Edward Britton of Churchtowne ... Jane d. of Edward Tumer of Holker ... James son of John Fell of Kirketend . . . Anne d. of John Barber of Barbergreene John son of Edward Carter of the Grange Ellin d. of Edward Sorey of the Grange anno H>nj 163 1. 2 p. 74 Dorothy d. of John Stot of Walto Margaret d. of WiUia Barber of Barbergreene John son of Henry Berry of Churchtowne... Margaret d. of John Stainton Jenet d. of RoBt Barrow of Staveley EUin d. of John Brokbank of Fieldbroghto Jenet d. of Hugh MughiH of AUithw' Robert son of WUlia Archer 5 November JJ JJ 14 JJ 15 J, 18 „ 19 JJ 20 „ 21 26 December I January 13 17 3 6 JJ February JJ JJ J J JJ JJ 7 JJ 13 JJ 20 28 JJ 'J JJ 6 JJ March 7 8 J'JJ 20 JJ JJ JJ 22 JJ 27 March 2 ApriU 3 JJ JJ 9 29 I May 8o CARTMEL PARISH REGISTERS. 1631 Margaret d. of John Parker of Churchtowne . . . Margaret d. of Richd Simson of AUithw' Edward son of Miles Rawlinso of Cartmel Fell... Margaret d. of John Harriso of Staveley WiUia son of Richd Newbie of Ouercarke Nicolas son of James Greeirhead senior of backbarow Dorothy d. of John Brathw' of Fl'oo^kborow Thomas son of Robert Barow of Kentsbanke ... Jenet d. of Rowland Braithwait Elizabeth d. of WiUia Borwick of Eyshead Willia son of Gilbert FeU of Churchtowne Thomas son of John Kilner of Staveley John son of Arthur Atkinso of the hill Thomas son of Thomas Cockey of Girsegarth... Jane base d. of Elizabeth Fell by John Hinde ... Jenet d. of Thomas Kellet of the Fellyate 2 p. 75 Margaret d. of Lawrence Wils5 of AUithw' Anne d. of Richd Balme of So^rby neare Hallifax John son of Christopher Mar of Backborow . . . George base begotten son of Rowland Shefild of Ouemewto Agnes d. of Willia Addis5 of Towewoo^d in Winander Isaac son of Willia Knipe gent : Richd son of James Danso of Flookbarow John son of Peter Champney of the Wood in Walto John son of Richard Kellet of Lindell Mabel d. of Richard Crosfild of Hampsfild Jam'es son of Henry Becke of Fayrig Willia son of Thomas Swainson of Greenbank . . . WUlia son of Willia Waone of Holker Margaret d. of RoBt Barrow of Greaves Willia son of John Staines of Woodbroghton, ... Margaret d. of Brian Borwick of the Grange John son of Thomas Burscow of Flookborow . . . EUin d. of Thomas Roskell Junior of Holker ... Jane d. of Willia Caton of the Myreside ... ... Thomas son of John Simpson of Flookborow . . . John & Isabel d. of John Kellet of Churchtowne Thomas son of Richard Newbie of Neather Carke James son of Henry Bigland of Grange Hellten d. of Robert Wilkinso of Grange Jane d. of Jerome AUinbie Christophenson of Thomas Simpson of Flookbarow John base begotten so'U of John Fell of Churchtowne I May 2 t. 3 tl 15 II 19 tt 24 3 June July II JJ 17 JJ 20 3 JJ August 7 JJ JJ JJ 14 JJ 17 JJ 24 13 JJ Septiemher 19 JJ 25 J* JJ JJ 2928 JJ JJ 3 October 9 Jy 10 JJ 12 JJ 16 JJ 23 6 JJ November 8 JJ 15 JJ 30 JJ JJ 2 JJ December 4 JJ S JJ 7 J) 24 JJ I63I-I632 CHRISTENINGS. 81 the Ellin d. of Robert Swainson of Voefatyate Jenet d. of Richard Millner of Flookborow Willia son of Robert Simpson of Templand Jo^hn SO'U of Hugh Barrow of O'ver NewtO'U Jenet Braithwait d. of Georg Braithw' of Grange Thomas son of Thomas Casson of O'wrig .. Mary d. of RoBt Flecher of LindeU Effin d. of Willia Harries of AUithw' Agnes d. of James Casson of Felledge Robert son of Willia Walker of Myreside . . John son of Miles Kilner of Lindell John son of Jo'hn Turner of Hamsfeld Jenet d. of Thomas Flecher gent : of Ravenswinder Christopher 'Son of Roger FeU of Overnewto James son of Thomas Atkinso of Neathernewto ... 26 December 6 ... 8 January JJ JJ e JJ 12 ... 19 JJ 22 J' ... 23 ... 6 JJ February ... 13 JJ JJ4 JJ March ider 10 14 2 p. 76 anno 2)nj 1632. Thomas son of John Barrow Junior of Flookborow Edward son of James Strickland of Cartmel Fell Ellin d. of Richard Bell of Ouernewton . . . Isabell d. of Rowland WaUas of Lindell Elizabeth d. of Francis Staines of Myreside Edward eon of John Barber of Ouernewton Agnes d. of John Pepper of the Grange ... Nicolas son of Richard Mayberry of Churchtowne Christopher son of John Turner of Nethernewto Brian son of Peter Borwick of Grang Isabel d. of Christopher Finstat of Flookborogh Thomas son of W™ Kelliet of Churchtowne spurius 2 p. 77 Elizabeth d. of Richard Kellet of Rostat ... Rowland son of Richard Milner of the Moore Peter son of Richard Barber of Barbergreene Agnes d. of James Mughall of Fieldbroghton Marganet d. of iHugh Seatle of AUithwait . . . Edward son of Georg Rig of Birkbye Elizabeth d. of Robert Mughall of Fieldbroghto Margaret d. of Hugh Seatle of AUithwait . . . Jane d. of John Simpso of Flbokbarow Isabel d. of Robert Barrow of Boorebanke Margaret d. of Hugh FeU of Templand . . . Jam'es son of Richard Taylor of Lindell . . . Agnes d. of Willa Staines of Eyshead Mary d. of John Atkinso of Walton Henry son of WUliam Barrow of Fieldbroghto. El'Un d. of Georg Wainhouse of WaltO'U ... Richd son of John Newton of the Hey Jenet d. of WiUia Wilson of FlookbarO'W ... 25 March JJ JJ 2 Aprill 18 „ 6 May 20 „ 23 ,j 27 J. 30 4 9 13 29 3 27 29 June July 30 JJ 10 August IS JJ 19 JJ 27 J, I September 17 J. G 82 CARTMEL PARISH REGISTERS. 1632 29 JJ 30 JJ JJ JJ JJ 7 It October II18 JJ JJ 24 28 I JJ JJ November It JJ 4 JJ II JJ i:: It Margaret d. of Hugh Barow of Staveley 19 September John son of Thomas B'Ond of Flookborow 23 „ Isabell d. of John Newbie of Greenhurst „ „ Margaret d. of WiUia Archer of Ouernewton ... „ „ John son of RoBt Atkinson of Neathercarke ... „ „ John son of James. Braithw' of the Grang Thomas son of John Mughel of Lindell Margaret d. of Wittm Canny of LindeU Jenet d. of Thomas Barrow of Backbarow Willia SO'U of James Casson of Heselrig James son of Thomas Finstwait of Neathercark John son of John Staines of Greenbanke Annfe d. of Richard Bor\ricke of Fayrig Agnes d. of John Newby of Walton Mary d. of Rich'' Simpso senior of Flookborow Jane d. of Edward Cowheard of HamjKfild Ellin d. of Richd Milner of Neathercark ... Robert son of James AUenso of HamsfieM Miles son of Georg Taylor of Meethop Rowland son of Richd Kilner of Avsheid WiUia son of Edward Kilner of Fidler Hall ... Jane d. of WUlia Presto of Walto Mary d. 'of Christopher Barrow of Greene John son of Rowland Turner of Fieldbroghto ... Margaret d. of James Kilner of Staveley Richard BulfeU son of Daniel BulfeU preacher of God's word Elizabeth d. of John Kirby of Nethercarke Isabel d. of John Moorecroft of the Grange . . . Richard son of Richard BeU of Kentsbanke . . . Jane d. of William Bell of Cartlone Jenet d. of Thomas Britton of the Grange 78 Mariana d. of Thomas Walker of Backbarow... Robert son 'Of WiUia Cowheard of Nethernewton John son of Nicolas Cowperthwait of Hampsfield Prudence d. of Christopher Cowheard Hugh son of Thomas Barow of Ayshead Agnes d. of Willia Britton of the Grange Jane d. of Jam'es Danson of Churchtowne Mary d. of Thomas Burscow of Flookbarow ... Anne d. of Thomas Brokbanke John son of John Bateman of the Grange Elizabeth d. of GilBt FeU of the Churchtowne ... Elizabeth d. of John Brokbanke Agnes d. of Robert Kilner of Staveley Isabel d. of John Bigland of Munyon Margaret d. of John Brokbanke of Greenhurst ... Christopher son of WiUia Knijje of Backbarow... „ Thomas son of Thomas Berry of AUithwait ... 26 9 December 23 24 J' 27 JJ I January 2 JJ 9 JJ 18 JJ 21 JJ JJ JJ JJ JJ 23 JJ 30 JJ 3 February 4 JJ JJ JJ 8 JJ 10 JJ II JJ 12 JJ 14 JJ I632-I633 CHRISTENINGS. 83 Peter son of Robert Borwick of Fayrig Edward son of Richard Holme of Templand Edward son of Edward Turner of Holker ... Nicollas son of Robert Barrow of Greenbanke John son of James Braithwait of Newton . . . Ellin d. of Robert CoweU of Hamsfeld Anne d. of Peter Bateman of the Churchtowne 26 February 3 March II1724 2P-79 anno Dnj 1633. Thomas & Elizabeth the supposed [sic] of Charles Stephens5 & begotten on the bodye of Jenet Wallas Elizabeth d. of John Stot of Walton Margaret d. of John Brokbanke of Heselrig Richard son of Georg Cannie of Lindall . . Elizabeth d. of WiUiam Barwicke of Cartmel Fell EHin d. of Christopher Britton of Spilbanke 2 p. 80 Anne d. of John Wheats of Barngarthe Thomas son of John Clarkson of Flookborow Edward sO'U of Willia Harrison of Staveley John son of Thomas Bushte of the Felyate . . . Agnes d. of Edward Walker of Backbarow Richard & Robert sons of John Barrow junior of Ayshead Edward son of James Seatle of the Grange ElUn d. of Anthonie Britton of LindeU EUin supposed d. of WiUia Pepper Willia son of John Barber of Ouernewton Jenet d. of James Barrow of Flookbarow . . . Anne d. of John Flecher of Lindell Alice d. of Robert Barrow of Staveley William son of Thomas Burne of Spelbanke Mites son of Georg Cooper of Churchtowne Agnes d. of Edward Burne of Walton Nicolas son of Robert Barrow of Greenbanke Edward son of WiMia Carter of Churchtowne Elizabeth d. of Isaac Burne Robert son of Robert Barrowe John son of Thomas Bury Dorothy & Isabel d. of James Briges of Flbokborrow WUIa ISO of James Milner of the Moorte . . John so of John Kilner of Staveley Anne d. of Nicolas Barow of Eynsome Francis d. of Thomas Pull of CartmelfeU .. Richd son of RoBt Seatle of Kentsbanke . . Wittm son of John Simson of Flookbarow.. Margaret d. of Miles Harriso of Cartm-elfeU 28 Ma 31 JJ JJ 4 Ap JJStf 6 2528 S May 9 10II1216 26 7 II13 20 29 7 Jun ch July 2 August 9 .. 17 ,1 23 JJ 25 JJ 4 September 84 CARTMEL PARISH REGISTERS. 1633-1634 Edward son of Henry Bury of Churchtowne Edward s5 of Thomas FeU of Nethercarke EUin d. of John Wainhouse of Birkby Dorothy d. of Georg Settte of Cartlone Isabel d. of John FeU' of Churchtowne Jenet d. of Peter Champney John son of Thomas Townso of LindeU ... Mary d. of Wittm Caton of Myresidle Margaret d. of Richd Taylor of Hblker ... Agnes d. of Thomas Danson of Churchtowne Mary d. of Georg Brathw' of the Grange . . . Margaret d. of John Hind of Holker FaithfuU son of Peter Bateman of the Grange Thomas & Margaret children of Thomas Barow of Fayrig Agnes d. of Rich'' Millner of Flookborow ... Alice d. of Thomas Cowpthwait of Hamsfild John son of John Preston of Overne-vvton . . . 2 p. 81 Richard son of Thomas Simson of Birkby Anne d. of W"" Holtoie of Girsegarth Michaell son of Thomas Barrow of Backbarow Agnes d. of Richard Waller of Templand . . . RoBt son of Thomas Wilson of Floo'kbairow Witim son of James Casson of the Felledge Mathias son of Thomas Smith Wittm son of John Barrow junior of Flookbarow Hugh son of WiUia Kellet of Lindell Barbery d. of Christopher Taylor of CartmelfeU Martin son of Richard Maybery of Churchtowne Rowland so of Rowland Brathw' of Woodbroghton^ Agnes d. of Robert Atkinson of Nether Carke ... A'Une d. of Willia Knipe genttema & Ro'Bt son of John Staines both of Woodbroghton Edward son of William Harrison of Stavetey . . . John son of Richard Simson, junior of flookborow John son of Henry Muckell of CartmelfeU Thomas son of Richard Simso'U of Birkbye 2 p. 8a anno Dnj 1634. Agnes d. of Rowland Turner of Nethernewto ... Thomas son of Thomas Atkinso of Nethernewto Thomas son of Henry Becke of Fayrig Anine d. of Edwd Newby of Ouercark & Jenet d. of Edwd Carter of Cartlone Richd so of RoBt Wilkinso of Hamsfild & Thomas son of Georg Bigland Mary d. of Thomas Flecher of Raveinswinder gent : Jane d. of Richard Bell of Kentsbanke 8 September 17 October 28 „ 4 December 8 „ 12 „ 16 „ 5 January JJ JJ 8 J, 12 J, 20 „ 21 ,j 26 27 ,j 29 JJ 4 February 17 JJ 23 .. 24 JJ 2 March JJ JJ 3 JJ 7 JJ 10 „ 14 JJ 16 19 23 JJ 24 25 March 27 JJ I April 8 13 20 i634 CHRISTENINGS. 85 James so of Tho : Presto of Girsgarth & Thomiso d. of Richd Crosfild of Fieldbaro'W 25 April Edward son of Richard Newbie of CartmelfeU!... 27 ,, Edward so of Edward Borwick of Fayrig 28 ,, John so of John Brokbank carpenter of Fidlerhall i May Timothy & John sons of John Barber of Barber greenfe & Marg' d. of John Simson 4 ,, Mabel d. of John Newbie & Jane d. of Jo'hn Brathw' of Flookbarow 11 „ Roger son of John Barow of Flookbarow John son of Thomas Roskel of Holker John son of John Fell of Kirketend James so^n of James Borwicke of Walton hall . . . WiUia so of Edward Walker of Backbarow Anne d. of Brian Borwicke of Gran^ge JO'hn so of Peter Martindale of Grange Mabel d. of WiUia Atkinson of Eyshead Jenet d. of Richd Kelltet of Rostat & Ellin d. of Lawrence Swainson of Newto John son of James Rowland of 'Cartmel Fell Ellin d. of John Staines of Fieldbroghton Isabel d. of Robert Mughel of Fieldbroghton . . . Jenet d. of Robert Barow of Staveley Thomas son of Richard Robinson of AUithwait Isabel d. of Richard Milner of Nethercarke John Barrow alias Tumer son of John Turner of Oxenparke in Fomes & of Margaret Barow of Abbothall 25 „ 2 p. 83 Agnes d. of Jo'hn Turner of Hams'feld 2 September RoBt supposed so of Marmaduke Woodhouse & Margt Barow of Staveley 3 „ Isabel d. of Edward Barow of the Heigh 9 „ Edwd son, of Thomas Carter of Cartlone 14 „ Annte d. of Mites Penny of Broome 15 John, so of Richd Clark of Fl'ookbrogh & Mites so of Jamies Bank of Newto 18 „ Jeruet d. of W™ Sandes of Staveley 21 „ Francis son of Thomas Preston of Cartmelfell... 23 „ Edward son of M' Daniel Bul'fiD Minister here ... „ „ Elizabeth d. of Richard MuchaU Junior of Holker 26 „ Robert son of Thomas CassO'n of Woolrig 2 October Roland son of Christopher Barrow of Groves . . . James son of James Braithw' of the Grange Richd so of Tho : Allanby of Churchtowne & Mafgt d. of John Simso Junior of Flookb: Agnes d. of Richard Newbie of Overcarke James son of Richard Simson of Flookbarow thelder James son' of John Simson of Flokbarow thelden IS JJ 16 JJ 19 JJ 20 JJ 21 JJ 25 JJ 27 JJ 2 June IS JJ 22 JJ ^d, JJ 7 July II August 24 JJ 7 JJ IS JJ 26 JJ 3° JJ 31 JJ 2 November 86 CARTMEL PARISH REGISTERS. 1634-1635 Anne d. of Thomas Holme of AUithw' Chrofer so of Georg Wainhouse Mites son of Peter Swainson of Buckcrag . Thomas son of Thomas Askew of Walton . Anne d. of Henry Newby of Ouercarke Alice d. of Thomas Leece of Askerig Isabel d. of WiUia Stoanes of Yorfelyate . Hugh son of John KeUet of Churchtowne . Isabel d. of Thomas Kellet of Felyate Edward son of John Barber of Overnewton Dorothy d. of Thomas Simson of Flookbrogh Thomas so of W" Wilso & EUin d. of James Brigs both of flookbrogh EUin. d. of Thomas Finstw' of Tenterbanke Isabel d. of Tho : Bury of Kirketend & Tomasin d. of Egin Barow of Churchtowne Mabel d. of James Kilner of Staveley & Anne d. of RoBt Barow of Boouebanke Thomas son of Thomas Burscow of Flookbrogh Judith d. of Thomas Swainson of Greenbanke Katherin d. of Rowland Tumer of Fieldbroghto Jenet d. of Robert Simson of Birkby W" so of W" Canny of Lindall & Michael so of Willia BeU of Cartlone Rowland son of Edward Cowheard of Hamsfild Elizabeth d. of Christopher Mar of Backbarow James son of John Fell Junior of Kirketend Edward son of Thomas FeUI of Nether Carke John son of Francis Tumer of Linddl Thomas son of John Kelltet of Flookbrogh Isabel d. of James Allonson of Hamsfel'd ... Mary & Isabel d. of John Kirby of Tenterbanke Chrofer so of Edwd Turner of Lindel & Richd so of Richd BeU of OuemewtS . . . Alice d. 'Of WiUia Bush of FeUyate . . . WUUa so of Milies Dixon of Lindell & John son of Michael Danso'n of Flookbrogh Peter son of Richard Taylor of Liradell Agnes d. of JO'hn Turneir of Ayshead 7 November 13 JJ 17 .. 24 26 „ 28 „ I December 3 » 4 ,j 7 ,. 14 JJ 16 21 JJ 22 „ 4 January 12 ,j 16 JJ 20 „ 2527 JJ 2 February 4 JJ 12 ,j IS .. 20 „ 22 „ I March 2 8 JJ 12 „ 16 „ 21 1635. ; p. 85 James son of Edward Britton of Churchtowne ... Robert son of Robert Borwick of Fayrig John & Anne children of John Cowell of Staveley John so of John. Hind & Mary Barow Isabel d. of Edward Harrison of Hartborow Agnes d. of James Harison of CartmelfeU Ellin d. of James Barow of Ovemewton 28 March 29 JJ 8 April 16 „ 20 JJ 23 J, i63S CHRISTENINGS. 87 John son of William Walker of Myreside i May Pebeir so of Willia Archer of Ayshead Richard son of John Atkinson of Walton . . . Dorothy d. of Htenry Beck of Fayrig Edwd so of Tho : Cowpth' of Buckrag & Ellin d. of John Morecroft of Grange Clarence d. of John Barow of SkelihiM' Robert so of Nicolas Barow of Tenterbanke EUin d. of Hugh Barow of Mosseside Isabel d. of Milies Dawson of Woodbroghton Agnes d. of Francis Stones of Flookbrogh... John so of W" Wittmso of WaJney ini Dalton parish Austin' so of Hugh Fell of Birkby & Arme d. of Witim Presto of Fieldbroghto Willia so of Lawrence Jenkinso of Holker Edwd so of John Broad of Lindal Jenet d. of 'Tho: Patton of Churchtowne ... Agnes d. of John Robinson of CartmelfeU John s5 of Isaac Hudltesto of Nethercark & Thomasin Bolto of Flookbrogh Thomas so of John Bateman' of Grang Arme d. of Richd Simso of AUithw' John so of John Newby of Gieenhurst & John son of Edwd Walker of Backbarow . . . John son of John Thwaits of Churehtowne Jane d. of John Carter of Churchtowne ... Margaret d. of Willia Carter Gfeorg so of Georg Rig of Ensome Alice d. of Hugh Barow of Staveley Dorothy d. of John Parke of Churchtowne James ¦son of Edward KUner of Fidlerhall . . . Edward son of John Brokbanke of FieMbroghton Isabel d. of James Milner of Holme James so of Mites Harriso of Cartmelfel & AiUce d. of John Clarkso of Flbokbarow ... Witim so of Tho : Cockey of Frith & Richd of Henry Wilso of AUithw' Jeinet d. of John Mar of Backbarow Anne d. of W" Barow of Woodbroghtd Elizabeth d. of Christopher Swainson of FidterhaU Francis son of Hugh Diconson junior of Wraisholme Chrofer so of Isaac Burne of Walto & Elizabeth d. of John Newto of Cartmel Fell John son of Wittm Harries of AUithw' Agnfes d. of RoBt Bell of Dawtho'me Isabel d. of Mites Kilner of Lindell & James son. of Thomas Barow of Backbarow 19 J JJ 4 JJ 5 JJ 7 JJ 13 26 JJ JJ 29 JJ 31 8 JJ June 14 JJ IS JJ 21 JJ 24 JJ 2528 JJ JJ I July 12 16 JJ JJ 19 JJ 29 2 JJ August 12 JJ 13 16 JJ JJ J) 18 JJJJ 23 9 if September 21 JJ 2424 JJ October 2S JJ 2 November 10 JJ 15 JJ 88 CARTMEL PARISH REGISTERS. 1635-1636 W"" so of John Kilner of Stavetey Alice d. of RoBt Kilner of Stavetey EUin d. of Jamies Greenhead senior of Backbarow Edward son of Robert Barow of Abbothall John son of Thomas Woodbume of Slacke Christopher son 'of Christopher Finstw' of Flookbarow Anne d. of Richard Simson of Flookbrogh towne en^d Willia son of Henry Bury 'of Churchtowne . . . Isabel d. of Robert Gamer of Churchtowne Georg son .of Edward Waller of Templand Miles son of Rowland Wall'as of Lindall . . . Jarrues so of Richd Maybery of Churchtowne & Margaret d. of John Fell 2 p. 86 Alice d. of Johni Barow of Ayshead WiUia SO'U of Georg Canny of LindeU Rowland son of Tho : Hodgso Junior of Cartm-elfelil Georg son of John Wainhouse of Rostat . . . James so of Tho : Alexander Chrofer so of W" Kelet of Churchtowne & Isabel d. of Nicolas Cowpth w' James so of John 'Hodgso of Backbarow . . . John so of Edw*" Burne of Walto & Francis supposed so of John Tumer of Hamsfeld alias Barrow Margaret d. of Wilia Britton of Grange . . . Jane d. of Chrofer Cowheard of Templand Edw'' .son of Richaff'd Borwick of Stavetey ... Alice d. of Richd Holme of Templand RoBt so of John Swainso of Cartmel Fell ... EUzabeth d. of James Danso Margt d. of OhrSfer Barber anno Dnj 1636. 2 p. 87 Anoe d. of Thomas Flecher of Ravenswmder gent : Elin d. of John Fell of Churchtowne Georg son of Georg Rig junior of Birkby 2 p. 88 Thomas & John sons of Georg Braithw' of Grange Mary d. of John Simpson of Flookbarow William Sz: Margaret children of James Seatle of Grange Annie d. of Robert Britton of Eyshead Christopher son of Thomas Walker of Backbarow John so of Tho : Atkinso of Nethernewto & MabeiJd. of Tho : Banow of Eyshead Isabel d. of Antonye Preston of Greenhurst 22 Xo\ember 23 JJ 28 „ 29 JJ 10 December 16 17 29 JJ 3 6 JanuaryeJan: 10 JJ 17 JJ 19 JJ 24 JJ 27 9 JJ February JJ »> 23 28 7 JJJJ March JJ 8 JJ JJ 13 JJ 1416 JJ JJ 17 JJ 20 JJ 21 jj 36 Api-il JJ 2226 JJ JJ 24 JJ 15 May JJ j» 16 19 JJ 22 1636 CHRISTENINGS. 89 Marg' d. of John Brokbank of Barbergreene Wilia so of John Gurnlel John son of Henry Wilson Junior of Allithw' Wittm son of W"" Baire of Woodbroghto . . . Sybil d. of Edw'd Jepson Isabel d. of James Ca^sso of Ainsom'e & Margt of Miles Barow of Greenbanke Tho-mas so of Tho : AUbnbie EUin d. of James Nub te Jenlet d. of Michael Simso Samuel son of Samuel Corbet ... >¦ Chrofer so of James Danson & Dorothy d. Robert Pepper Anne d. of John Moorecroft Wittm so of W™ Cato of Myreside Alice d. of Thomas Bond of Flookbarowe... W™ so of Michael Newby of Fayrig Peter son of WiMa Archer Georg so of Witi'm Cowheard Jenet d. of Antony Bell Isabel d. of Wittm Sands Isabel d. of Chrofer Britton of Lindel Jenet d. of John Kirby of Tenterbank Thomas so of Chr : Britto of Spelbank John & Margaret children of Brian Taylor of Methop Jeoet d. of Edward Barow Junior of AUithw' James son of John Milner of AUithw' Jameis so of Brian Borwick Edward so of John Staines James so of W" KeUet of Lindel RoBt so of John Barber of Oueimuto Mathew so of JO'hn Stones Jenet d. of Willia Greenhead John so of Wilia Warbreck of Kirketend . Isabel d. of NicoJ'as B^arow of Nethercarke Edward san> of Richard Keltet of Rostat . Dorothy d. of John Wainhouse Elizabeth d. of Tho : Duckett Dorothy d. of Tho : Casson of Woolrig Isabel d. ¦of Jameis Milner Christopbeir son of Peter Martindate of Grange Marg' d. of John Stot James so of John Barow of Flookbrogh John so of Edwd Robinso of Stavely Georg so of W" Carter Sara d. of Timothy Woodward John son of Hugh MugheU Dorothy d. of Laurence Jenkinso of 26 May 3 June 12 JJ 13 JJ 26 JJ 27 JJ 30 II July 12 JJ 17 JJ 20 JJ 24 ,j 21 7 8 16 tt August JJJJ 22 10 JJ September 12 JJ 14 18 JJJJ 19 JJ JJ 26 2 JJ JJ October 1016 JJJJ 24 26 JJJJ 27 JJ 30 5 JJ November 10 JJ 13 18 JJ JJ 20 JJ JJ JJ 23 8 JJ December 17 JJ 21 JJ JJ JJ 2428 JJJJ I January 90 CARTMEL PARISH REGISTERS. 1636-1637 Mary d. of Robert Britton Agnes d. of Robert Barow Mairy d. of Miles Rawlinson Nicollas so of Chr : Barow Jane d. of Tho : Simso of Birkby Thomas son of Thomas Carter of Cartlone Miles so of Edwd Robinso Edwd so of Rowland Tumer Rowland so of Tho : Hodgso Junior of CartmelfeU Jenet d. of Edwd Barow of Hee Margaret d. of Wittm Wilso James so of Tho : Wifeo Edwd so of John Tumer of Hamsfeld Jenet d. of RoBt Taylor of Slacke Margt d. of John Thwait Mary d. of W" Knipe Richd so of Richard Maybery of forge Mabel d. of Tho : Finstw' Mafgt d. of Edwd Barwicke Peter so of John Bowes of Eyshead Mafgt d. of Edwd WaMler Chrofer so of Francis Turner Joihn so of John Roper Agntes d. of WiUia Harriso of Stavetey Isabel' d. of Edward Walker of Backbarow January 13 1517 2227 JJ 2 6 12 IS 16 19 22 24 I 8 IS 19 20 February March 1637. p. 90 Alice d. of Robert Fteoher of LindeU Mary d. of Edward Kilner of Fidlerhal ... Jenet d. of Edward Staines of Lindall Georg son of Robert Setl'e of Kentsbanke Jane d. of Edwd Cowheard Isabel d. of RoBt Barow James son of Thomas Bury of Alithw' Thomas so of Peter Bateman of the Grange John son of Georg Wainhouse in Walton . . . Walter son of Georg Cowpthw' Jane d. of Edw'd Cowheard Dorothy d. of John Burne of Woodbroghton AKce d. of Thomas Kellet of Felyate Wittm son of Tho : Askew Jenet d. of Joihn Barow Edward son of Thomas Pull of Cartmelfell Philp son of James Braithwait of Nethernewto Isabel d. of Wittm Bush Edwd so of Tho : Burscow of Flookbrogh ... Jenet d. of James Braitliwait of the Grange 25 March 26 „ 2 April 8 10 1216 JJ 19 2325 tl 30 3 May 7JJ 14 1637 CHRISTENINGS. 91 Anne d. of Robert Cowell of Lindell Agnes d. of Thomas Bury of Grange John son of Thomas Swainson of Greenbanke . . . Margaret d. of John Newton Junior of Cartmelfel Richard son of Richard Simson of Alithw' blind Dick Agnes d. of Thomas Preston of Cartmelfell William son of Thomas Preston of Girsegarth . . . John so of John Tomson Witim son of RoBt Borwicke Margaret d. of Richard Newbie of Nether Carke Thomas son of Hawdon of Flookbarowe Maiy d. of Witim Canny of LindeU Jenet d. of Richd Walter Jane d. of Nicolas Cowpthw' Isabel d. of Robert Simson of Templand Anne base d. of Allan Park of Winder on Jane now wife of W™ Ashbumer Robert son of Witim Bell of Cartlane EUzabeth d. of Robert Kilner of Stavetey 2 p. 91 Agnes d. of Georg Canny of Lindall Margaret d. of WiUiam Ashburner of Flookbrogh Agnes d. of Robert Tompson of Walton John son 'of 'Henry Flecher & Margaret d. of Robert Wilkinson John, base son of John Channey of Methop and Jenet Brokbank of Hoobarow Richd sooii of John Stains of Fieldbroghto Anne d. of John Brode of Grange Witim son of James Newbie of Walto Thomas so of Ric : Muckelt Junior Marg' d. of RoBt BeU of Dawthorne Jenet d. of John Stains of Churchtowne Elizabeth d. of WiUiam Ho'lme of Girsegarth ... Witim son of Edwd Bowman Witim son of Antony Presto of HoUiday John so of W™ WaUer of H'olker Richd son of Jo'hn Turner of Ayshead Agnes d. of Christopher Swainson of Fidler hall Jane d. of Wiliam Walker of Myreside RoBt son of RoBt Barow of Borebank Mites so of John Kilner of Stavetey Nicolas, so of W™ Atkinso of Hlartbano Marg' d. of Tho : Barow Jenet d. of Chrofer Mar of Backbaro Jane d. of Thomas Patten Arme d. of John Brathw' of Flookbrogh WilTia so of Tho : Bush of Holker Edward son of Edward Pearson of Cartmel feU... 21 May 5 June 23 J) 25 JJ 2 Juliy 17 ,-, 31 JJ 13 August J) JJ 22 JJ 24 JJ 27 Sept : 24 JJ 31 Aug: 2 October II JJ IS JJ 22 JJ I November 5 fy 10 it 19 ti 20 tt 30 tt JJ tf 7 December 16 JJ 17 JJ 20 JJ 31 JJ 2 January 6 JJ 14 JJ IS JJ 24 JJ 28 JJ 4 Februaj-y It JJ 5 JJ II JJ 13 J! JJ i? IS JJ 18 *j 19 92 CARTMEL PARISH REGISTERS. 1637-1638 John son of Edward Jepson of Churchtowne Vintner 20 Georg so of Henry MuckeU of Cartmel fell ... 7 Jane d. of Thomas Carter 11 Johnson of W"" Greenhould of Backbarow ... 18 Georg son of John Carter of Churchtowne ... 19 Februaiy March anno &nj 1638. 2 p. 92 Richard son of Richard Maybery of the Fo'rge . . . Agnes d. of James Slater of Overniewton Mites son of Miles Harison of Blakeholme Margaret d. of John Swainson of Cartmelfell ... Isabel base d. of Arthur Atkinso of Walto & Elizabeth SebdeU Elln d. of John Bateman of the Grange John so of John Simso of Flookbrogh Alice d. of W™ Baire of Woodbroghto Willia so of W™ Britto of Grange Elin d. of Rowland Tumer Marg' base d. of Robert BelT Edward so of John Addiso of CartmelfeU Margaret d. of Georg Rig Junior of Birkebie ... Elizabeth d. of Hugh Barow Georg son of Edwd Britto of Churchtowne Mary d. of Edward Kilner of Fidler hall James son of John Pell of Churchtowne Elz : d. of John Gurnel William son of WiUiam Keltet of Lindel W" so of John Barow of the HU James so of Chrofer Harison John son of Edward Walls of Stavetey Thomas so of Tho : Simson Anne d. of Henry Wilso of Alithw' Elizabeth d. of Mites Barrow of Greenbanke ... Eliz : d. of W" Banow of Alithw' Christopher son of John Clarkson of F'lookbarough Georg so of James Dixon Wittm s5 of W™ Carter of Churchtowne Agnes d. of Robert Barow of Aysiehead 2 p. 93 Margaret d. of James AUonso of the Grange Mary d. of Richd Barber Marg' d. of Thomas Cowpthw' Mary & Katherin d. of Henry Berry of Ohurchtownte Richd son of Hugh Eel .,, Thomas so of Tho : Woodbume of Slacke Jane d. of Antony Bel Isabel d. of Edward FeU of Walto ... ... '." 27 March 28 „ 15 April 27 JJ 14 May 20 „ 27 JJ JJ JJ 4 June 9 JJ 19 >j_ JJ JJ 22 July 6 August 9 t, 19 J, 2 September 9 J, 1° JJ 16 „ JJ JJ 19 JJ 30 JJ JJ JJ 7 October JJ JJ 21 JJ 28 „ JJ JJ 29 JJ 4 X^ovember 5 J, II JJ 9 December 16 JJ 17 JJ 23 J, 1638-1639 CHRISTENINGS. 93 John s5 of John Fell of Kirketend Isabel d. of Georg Garnet of Morehow Georg son of Georg Brathw' Alice d. of John Brokbank of Ovemewto ... Thomas son of M' John Brooke Curate of Cartmel Marg' d. of David Wilson of Lindall Thomas son of Edwd Newbie Alice d. of Thomas Barow E Urn d. of RoBt MughaU James son of Thomas Walker James son of John Roper Mabel' d. of W" Sands of Stauley Wittm so of Wittm Rawlinson Barbara d. of John Barow Chrofer so of W" Harrisi of AiUiithw' Isabel d. of John Milner Thomas son of James Casson of Felledge & James son of Steven Fel Sara & Agnes d. of RoBt Wainhouse of Birkby John son of Francis Stains Anne d. of John Kilner of Templand Thomasin d. of Richard Staines of Aynesome Mary d. of John Barow of Eyside John so of Edward Sorey of Grange Christopher son of Edward Burne of Walton anno 2)nj 1639. p. 94 Mary d. of ¦Christopher Finstwhat of FlookbarO'we Brian & Arthur sons of Brian Taylor of Miethop Mary d. of Robert Tayl'O'ur of SUlacke John so of John Morecroft Elizabeth d. of James Barrow of Flookborogh.. Robert son of Robert Kikier late of Stavetey . . Jane d. of Lawrence Jenkinson of Holker Agnes d. of Thomas Spenoe Jane d. of Peter Chapny AgneS' d. of Henry Willso Edward son of Richard Pepper of Hampsfielde.. John & Agnes children of James Setle of Grange Thomas so of John Hodgso WiUia son of Edward Bowman of Hamsfeld Margaret d. of James Brathw' of Grange James soni of John Whaits of Churchtowne & d Edward Whaits so of y° s" John Agnes d. of Thomas Burscow of Myreside Anne d. of John Tomson of Stavetey Richd so of Bria'U Borick of Grange Agnles d. of Tho : Atkinso of Nethernewto James so of Tho : Bury of Grange 28 December 31 JJ 6 Januarie JJ 8 JJ JJ 10 JJ JJ JJ JJ JJ 1416 JJJJ 2028 JJJJ 2910 JJ February JJ JJ 13 JJ 17 28 6 JJJJ March JJ JJ 10 JJ 17 JJ 25 [1639] 27 March 31 ... 7 April 8 I, 21 13 May 2 June 16 „ JJ JJ 17 J. 23 JJ J' JJ 26 „ 3° „ 6 Julie 7 ,j 9 J, 14 J, IS ,j 25 JJ 94 CARTMEL PARISH REGISTERS. 1639 Robert son of Arthur Atkinsonn of Rostwhait Jane d. of RoBt Pep]>er of Churchtowne . . . Marg' d. of Tho : Casson of Woolrig Annie d. of John Simso of Flookbrogh W" son of Edwd Tumer of Lind'aU Mary d. of Chrofer Cowheard of Templand Johnson of John Hawdon Thomas son of Edward Borwicke of Fayrig James so of Richd Kilner WilTia son of Richard Taylor of Holker ... John so of Edwd Barrow nf the Hee Isabel d. of John Taj-lor of the Greene Isabel d. of Edwd Barow of Alithw' Jane d. of RoBt Bowskell gent : Wil'ia son of W"" Atkinson Elizabeth d. of Georg Rig Junior George son of Edwd Robinso Georg son of Richd Holme of Templand ... John son of John Simson of Flookbarow . . . Agnes d. of W" Carter of Cartlane Alice d. of William Knipe gen't'teman Francis son of John Staines Elin d. of Wittm Canny of LindeU James so of Tho : Hodgso of Cartmelfel . . . RoBt & Dorothy children of Tho : Simso . . . Chrofer so of Thn : Finstat of Nethercark Jane d. of Tho : Danson Elizabeth d. of Robert Bel of Dawthorne ... Chrofer son of Chrofer Britton of Lindel . . . Agnes d. of John Burne Margt d. of James Dixon Tho : base so of Arthur Cowel & Anne BeU Elizabeth d. of Richd WaUer of Tepland ... Henry son of James Barow M'argaret d. of Gilbert Fell late of Churchtowne Jenet d. of Robert Barrow of Nethemiewton 2 P- 95 John so of John Newbte of AUithw' Jenet d. of W" Canny of Lindell Edward & Richard sons of Edward Cowheard Hampsfeld Anne d. of Peter Batema John so of Robert Tompson of Woolrig Marg' d. of Peter Barow Roland son of Roland Tumer Thomas son of Ric&d Simson Agnes d. of Michael Newbie Richd son of Steven Fell of Greenbanke . . . James s5 of . . . Fel of HasfeiM James so of RoBt Borwick of Fayrig 30 Julie 4 August 26 I JJ September JJ It JJ JJ JJ JJ 15 JJ 22 JJ 29 JJ JJ JJ JJ JJ JJ jt 30 9 ft October JJ „ 13 fi JJ JJ 27 JJ JJ JJ 30 3 JJ November 10 JJ 12 18 JJ J7 JJ JJ 19 JJ 23 JJ 24 15 JJ December JJ JJ 17 JJ 2226 12 JJJJ January 19 26 JJJJ 31 2 JJ February 1 639- 1 640 CHRISTENINGS. 95 John so of Georg Bury of Holker Dorothy d. of Richd Mughel of HOlker the suppos'' so of RoBt Cowhard Samuel so of Timothy Woodward- Marg' d. of W" Hariso Rowland so of Edwajrd Wallas ... Agneis d. of Tho : Nubie James so of John Kilner of Stavely Witim so of John Broade Lawrtenoe Harriso so of Isaac Robert so of Richard Simpso & Mary d. of Francis Tumer Marg' d. of W™ Borwicke Thomas so of RoBt Barow Thomas so of John Kirby of Nethercarke Witim so of Tho : Bury of Templand Isiabel d. of John Roper Margaret d. of William Holme of Girsegarth 1640. 2 p. 96 Doiio,thy d. of Georg Seatte of Cartlane junior Richard son of Rowland Tumer of Ouemewto Elizabeth d. of William Barnes of LindaU ... Agnes d. of John Newton of the Height . . . Agnes d. of John Brokbang of Buckcrag . . . Marg' d. of Rich" Crosfeld Agnes d. of Isaac Burne Willia so of John Newby of Greenhurst Marg' d. of John Barow of the Hill James son of Nicolas Birket Jane d. of GeO'rg .Wainhouse of Walton WilUa son- of Georg Cowperthw' of Hamsfel'd John so of W" Wilso Janie d. of E^dward Fell of Flookborough . . . Walter ison of Brian Taylor of M'ethop Elin d. of John Turner of 'Hamsfeld Richd so of RoBt Cowell of Grange Thomas son of Tho : Bush of Holker Mabel d. of Johm Barber Wiliam son of Henry Newbie of Overcarke Anne d. of Lawrence Cooper of Flookborogh Mabel d. of James Braithwait of Lindall ... Christopher son of James Danson of Churchtowne Ed'ward base son of Christopher Barow 'Of Nether mewtS Robert son of John Staines of Fieldbroghto Thomas son of Thomas Milner of Flookborow . . . Willia so of W" Wailfcer of Myreside 8 February 1012 IS1620 2 March JJ JJ 3 JJ 4 JJ IS J, JJ JJ 18 „ 22 29 March 3° JJ 31 I JJ April 4 JJ JJ JJ 14 JJ 20 JJ JJ 26 JJ JJ JJ JJ 29 JJ JJ JJ JJ 3 JJ May 10 JJ JJ JJ 14 JJ JJ JJ 25 28 JJ 31 14 JJ Junie 20 28 JJ JJ 30 5 JJ July 96 CARTMEL PARISH REGISTERS. 1640 Elizabeth d. 'Of Tho : Presto of Cartmelfel Edward son of Antony Preston of Greenhurst . James son, of James Danson of Flookbarogh . Sara d. of Christopher S'wainso of Fidler HaU . Agnes d. of Edward Waller of Ainsome ... . Edward so of Edward Eley James so of Georg Taylor of Lindall John so of Georg Rig of ChurchtO'Wne Thomas son of Thomas Swainson of Greenbanke Edward son of Edward Walker of BackharO'W Margaret d. of Thomas Preston of Girsegarth Edward son of Thomas Alonbie of Churchto\vne Margaret d. of Christopher Mar of Backbarowe Thomas so'n, of Jdhn Bury of Churchto\vne RoBt so of RoBt Barow James son of Mites KUlner of LindeU Mary d. of Thomas Slater of Lindal ... Jenet d. of John KeUet of Ho'lker Annie d. of Edwd HarisS of Seatte John son of Nicolas Tomso of Greaues Thomas so of W™ Waler Thomas so of John Gumel of spooned closes Samuell so of Miles Dawson .... Agnes d. of Antony Pul Elizabeth d. of Christopher Britton of Spelbanke Symon son of Thomas Symson of FloO'kborogh ... Agnes d. of Wilia Rawlinison of Hesellrig Jenet d. of John Brokbanke of Churchtowne . . . Anne d. of Willia Greenwood of Backbarow ... James son of WiUiam Atkins^on of CartmelfeU... 2 p. 97 James son of Tho : Patto of 'Churchtoune James so of Tho : Cato of Lindall Agmes d. of Lawrence Swainso of Ayshead Willia son of Henry Ftecher of Fieldbroghton ... Jane d. of SSeven Birkett of Oartm^elfelil Mabel d. of John Mar of Backbarowe Mary d. of Mites Barow of Greenbank Georg so of Tho : Woodbume Agnes d. of John Whaits of ChurchtO'Wne Margaret d. of Rowland Harrison of Cartmelfell Witim so of Georg Brathw' of Grang Barbara d. of RoBt Barow WUliam son of Robert Caton of Linidel Hienry son of Tho : Burne of Spelbank DO'iiothy d. of Tho : Askew Lawrence son of Mites Harrison of Blakeholme. . . Jenet d. of Edward FeU^ of Walto Isabel d. of EdW B'orwick Robert son of WiUiam Baire of Woodbroghto . . . s July 8 „ 26 „ 3 August 4 JJ 30 J, 3 Septemb : 6 ,j II I, 13 It 21 JJ 23 JJ 27 ,j 28 „ JJ JJ 29 JJ I October 4 „ 6 „ 7 JJ II JJ 25 II tt ft 26 „ 28 „ 30 JJ 2 November 13 JJ 27 ,j 2 December J) JJ 6 JJ 12 JJ 18 ,j 22 „ 23 JJ JJ JJ 29 JJ 3° JJ 17 January JJ J- 18 „ 24 J, JJ JJ I Febmary 7 JJ 8 ,. 1 640- 1 64 1 CHRISTENINGS. 97 Margaret d. of RoBt Birket of CartmelfeU: Mabel d. of Ric : Staines of Ainsome Jau'e d. of WUliam Carter of Churchtowne Edwd so of E'dward Wallliis Margt d. of George Robinso of Stavely Edward son of Willia Brittoni of Churchtowne . . . Richard son of Georg Canny Edwd so of John Carter Godfrey son of Richard Maybury of Churchtowne Lawrence son of James Swainson of CartmelfeU 7\n,ne d. of RoBt S'kyren Agnes d. of Tho: Pepp of Yofulyate John son of John Turner of Ayshead Witim son of Antonie Bell of Kentsbanke 14 16 February JJ 23 JJ 24 JJ JJ 7 tt March 8 JJ 14 JJ 15 JJ 17 it 21 JJ 24 anno Dnj 1641. : p. 98 Georg son of John Langmyre of the Hill Henry son of Thomas Cowperthwait of Buckcrag Elizabeth d. of Thomas Carter of Cartlane Mary d. of John Stricklond of CartmelfeU Agnes d. of Edward Fell Mary d. of James Birket of Cartmel Fell Margaret d. of Chrofer Barber Michael so of Edward Newby of Speelbank Jeniet d. of James vVUenso of Grange Witim so of Thomas Walker Jenet d. of Wilia Bush of Churchtowne Jenet d. of John Fell of Churchtowne John son of Robert Machel of Blatbend Curwen son of Robert Rawlinson of Nether Carke genttema Richard so of Witim Sands of Stavley RoBt son of John KUner of Churchtounie Margaret d. of John Newby of Walto Richd so of Richd Taylor of SeedhaU; Wiliam son of Robert Barrow of Staveley Jane d. of John Parker of Churchtoune Margaret d. of James Seatle of Grange Julian d. of John Roper of Woodbroghto Dorothy d. of James Casson of the gateside Marg' base d. of Marg' Gelderd widow Dorothy d. of Thomas Spence of AUithw' Brian son of Thomas Burscow of Welknow Jane ¦d. of John Tumer of Hasfeld Elizabeth base d. of Isaac Huddleston & Thomasin Bolton of Flookbrogh Jamesi son of John Howdo of Nethercarke 25 March 28 JJ 4 April 12 JJ IS 18 JJ 19 24 26 9 May 16 6 June 7 JJ 14 JJ 29 20 Julie 25 JJ JJ JJ JJ JJ JJ 22 5 JJ August Septemb^ JJ JJ 19 JJ 21 J) 98 CARTMEL PARISH REGISTERS. 1641-1642 Edward so of James Braithw' Christopher son of Thomas Swainson of Greenbanke Alice d. of WiUiam Walker of Myreside Dorothy d. of Isaac Burne of Stavetey Wilia son of James Dixon of Lindall Edwd son of Peter Champney Margaret d. of Edward Bigland of Nethercarke.. Thomas son of Christopher Towmine of Bolton parishe Mabel d. of Christopher Preiston of Nethernewto Jamies son of John M'Ooreorof t of Grange . . . John son of Thomas Skaite of Flookborough 2 p. 99 WiUia son of Thomas Cato of LindaU Mabel d. of Edwd Bowman Peiter so of RoBt Barow of Ouemewto Hanna d. of Tho : Mayso of Lancaster Elizabeth d. of Edwd Walker of Bridgend... Peter so of RoBt Bel of Dawthorne James so of Thomas Simson Agnes d. of Georg Rig of Churchtoune . . . Hugh son of Peter Barow of Backbarow . . . Edwaird so of Edwd KUner Elizabeth d. of Thomasi Simson of Birkbie Jane d. of Thomas Casson of Woolrigge ... Jeniet d. of Georg Bury of Birkby Jane d. of RoBt Tompso of Woolrig Mary d. of Thomas AtkinsS of Nether Newton Mary d. of Edward Tum^er of Lindell Edwd s5 of JoJhni Barow Chrofer so of Chrofer Barow of Greeues ... Isabel d. of Edward Bcmvick of Fayrig John son of Richard Barber of Thorpinstie & Thomas son of Michael Nubie of Barbergreene & Margaret d. of James Fryer of Winder John so of Tho : Bury of Templand Isabel base d. of Willia Fel Richd son of John Staines of Churchtowne Richd son of W" Canny of LindeU Thomas son of James Slater of Fildbroghton Edward son of W™ Carter of Cartlane DorO'thy d. of Wittm Knipe gent : Jeniet d. of Richard Pepp>er of Blaithend . . . Elin d. of Edward Barow of the Hee 29 Sepfcmb' 3 Octob' 10 „ II 7 Novemb' 14 ,j 28 „ 31 » 18 Decemb' 20 „ 23 JJ 2 January 3 ,j 5 ,j 9 JJ 16 „ JJ JJ 23 JJ JJ JJ 30 JJ 6 February JJ JJ 10 „ 13 JJ 20 „ 27 JJ 2 March 13 20 JJ 2122 anno H)nj 1642. 2 p. 100 Elzabeth d. of John Kilner of Staveley 25 March EUzabeth d. of Thomas WaUlas of Cantmel Fel... 12 April 1642 CHRISTENINGS. 99 Margaret d. of John Brokbank of Churchtoune RoBt so of Georg Seatle Mary d. of W™ Carter of Churchtoune Anne d. of Tho : RostkeU Thom'as son of Edward Fel of Myreside Nicollas son of Georg Canny of LindaU Eliz : d. of John Burne Hugh so of John MUher of AUithw' Jane d. of RoBt Bell of Grange Chrofer so of Georg Bitathw' of Grang RoBt so of RoBt Ftecher of Lindel John so of Edwd Barow of Alithw' Wittm sio of Richd Holme of Templand Clement so of Richd Mabery Antony so of Antonie Preston Marian d. of Tho : Slater James son of Jo'hn Bury Junior of Churchtoune Jenet d. of James Seatte of Cartloine John s5 of John Brioade Elizabeth d. of Robert Britto of Aysidie Georg so of RoBt Borick Isabel d. of Edwd Cowhard Thomas so of Tho : Hodgso & Katherin d. of John Scotson Witim son of Jameisi Nubie of Barbergreene . . . Mabel d. of M' Finstat Thomasin d. of John Fell Marg* d. of Henry WilSo Jane d. of John Brathw' Jane d. of Henry Bury of Churchtoune John son of Robert Barow of NethemewtO'U . . . Jenet d. of RoBt Barow of Kentsbank Willia son of W" Presto of Walto Elin, d. of James Dawson now of Walton Anne d. of Rich'' Mughal of Holker Mabel d. of John Barow of y° Hil John son of John Myres of the Hill Thomas so of John Roper Jamies son of Rowland Tumier James so of RoBt Seatle of Kirketend Elizab : d. of John Addisoni Jenet d. of Francis Stains of F,lookbrogh RoBt so of W^ Taylor of Slacke RoBit son of Richd Crosfeld Margaret d. of Tho : Bond of Fteokbrogh Georg son of Georg Cowperthwait of Hampsfeld Thomas so of John Simson Junior Wilia son of Wilia WUson John son of RoBt Peppyer of Ohurchtounie . . . 20 Apffiil) JJ JJ 2426 JJ JJ 27 8 JJ May IS j» 19 JJ 22 JJ 5 June JJ JJ 9 JJ JJ JJ 20 JJ 26 25 26 JJ July JJ 27 JJ 31 7 JJ August 14 18 JJ JJ 28 JJ 31 4 JJ Septemb JJ JJ JJ JJ 3 JJ 11 JJ 21 JJ 25 JJ JJ 28 S JJ Octob' JJ JJ 13 5 JJ Deoemb' IS JJ 21 JJ 22 8 JJ January 25 JJ 29 JJ JJ 9S JJ Februar}' M'arch 12 JJ 13 JJ CARTMEL PARISH REGISTERS. 1642-1643 Isabel d. of John Newton 13 March Thomas son. of Thomas Borwicke of Over Carke 15 „ Georg son of Wittm Waune [?] of Walton ... 17 ,, 2pio2 anno Dnj 1643. John son of William WaUer of Barbergreene Edward son of Richard Staines of Ainsome Jenet d. of WiUiam Kirbie of CartmelfeU James son of James Brathw' of Lindall Marg' d. of Richar'd Barnes Thomas so of Samuel Gretney Thomas so of Edwd Barow Anne d. of John Nubie EUin& Agnes d. of John Taylor of Birkbie Mabel d. of Arthur CoweU of the Grange Edward sO'U of Robert Rawlinson of Nether Carke gent : John so of Peter Batema of Grange James so of W"" Baire of Woodbroghto Michael so of Edwd Ely Thomas son of Tho : Muckell of Nether Carke John son of WUlia Canny of Lindall John son of William Harison Elizabeth d. of Robert Barrow of OvernutO'U.. RoBt son of Tho : Finstat Mlarg' d. of Chr: Swainso Elizab : d. of W" Rawlinson Ma'ry d. of John Barow of Headhouse Jane d. of Henry Wilison Mary d. of Tho : Bury of Templand Chrofer son of Thomas Simpson Thomas son of Tho: Patton Edward son of John Barow of Ayside Sara d. of Willia Greenwood of Backbarow .. Jenet d. of RoBt Greenwood of Fieldbrog'hto Mathew son of RoBt Stones of Holker Edwd son of W"" Waler of Holker Ellin d. of Wittm Knipe gent: AUce d. of Richard Borick senior of Ouercarke Elizabeth d. of Peter Barrow of Backbarow . Margaret d. of Richd Kilmer of Flookbroghe. Joihn so of Jo'hn Brokbank of Nethernewto . Thomas so of Tho : Scale of Fl'ookbrogh Jane d. of Robert Bond Isabel d. of James Dixon of Lindal Arthur so of JO'hn Presto of the Hil Brian son of John Borick of Methop Agnes, d. of Georg Seatle of Alithwait 26 March JJ JJ 9 April 13 JJ 25 JJ 12 May 13 JJ 17 JJ 21 JJ 2228 JJJJ 29 JJ 31 18 JJ June 19 JJ 29 26 JJ Julie JJ 9 16 J'JJ 17 JJ 19 JJ 24 JJ 30 JJ JJ JJ 5 August 13 16 2021 28 1 643- 1 644 CHRISTENINGS. John son of John Barber of Ouiernewto . . . RoBt son of Georg Canny of LindaU ... John son of Georg Ashbumer of Churchtoune Wilia son of Richd Taylor of LindaU ... Edwd son of Antony BeU of Kentsbank . . . Thomas so of Henry Ftecher of Fieldbroghto Thomas son of Tho : Cowpth' of Buckcrag . . Edwd 'SOU of John Fel of Churchtoune Wilia son of John Staines of Headhouse Georg son of John Tompso of Stavely Chrofer seal' of Miles Barow of Greenbank . . Jenet d. of James Swainso of Caitmelfelil Jamies so of Tho : Walker of Backbarow EUin d. of Christopher Mar Mary d. of James Brathwait Dorothy d. of David Wilson of A'Uithw' Jenet d. of Hienry Beck of Fayrig MUes son of Georg Taylor of Lindal Edward son of WUlia Sands of Staveley JaiKe d. of Edwd Hariso of Seatte Thomas son of Edward Wal'as of Stavetey . . Edwd s5 of Edwd Walter of Ainsome ... Wilia son of Miles Burnes of FieldbroghtS . . Mary d. of Jo'hn Hawdo of Nether Cark Agnes d. of Georg Hutton gent : William son of Mathew Bowman of Grange . . Anne d. of John Wainihouse 'Of Birkby EilMn d. of Chrofer Presto of Ntethemewto Agnes d. of Tho : Walker senior of browedge Anne d. of RoBt Barow of Nethernewto . . . Ague's d. of Georg Robinso of Stavely . . . Robert son of Gites Barboo of Nethercarke Heniry son of Henry Jepson of LindeU ... Margaret d. of M' John BroO'ks. Miniister Georg ison of Georg Wainhouse of Birkbie Rich" son of RoBt Ftecher of Liindel . . . Isabel' d. of Tristram Tomson of HaAvton parish William son of Henrie Newbie of Heselrig Margaret d. of Thomas Alonbie Jante d. of Arthur Atkinson of Nether Carke & Chrofelr son of Chrofer Britto of Spelbank . . DorO'thy d. of Thomas Burne of the Wood . . Georg son of Robert Machol of the Grange . . Majry supposed d. of Georg Presto 'Of Carke . . 4 Septemb' 12 17 .. JJ JJ 18 J, 24 J. JJ 7} 29 JJ I Octob' IS .. 18 „ 22 „ 6 Novemb ; JJ JJ 7 J. 12 19 .J 30 6 Deoemb' 17 ,j 18 „ 24 J, 26 „ 27 JJ 7 January 22 28 „ 18 February 19 25 >, 4 March 9 1418 anno 2>nj 1644. 2 p. 103 Edw'' so of Edw" FeU of Hamsfeld 7 AprU Marg' d. of John Newbte 14 „ 102 CARTMEL PARISH REGISTERS. 1644 Anne d. of Edward Cowhard of Churchtoune Marg' d. of Tho : Caton of Lindel & John so of John Carter of Churchtoune Dorothy d. of Chr : Cowhard of Templand . . . Nicolas supposed s.on of Nicolas Tomson of Greaues Thomas & Henry sons of Henry Bury John sO'n of Robert Bell of Dawthomie Ellin d. of John Morecroft of Grange Jane d. of Johai Stonies Jane d. of Thomas^ Swainson of Greenbankle... T'hom'as so of Nicolas Striklanid John base so of Jenet Hariso both of Cartmel Fel Wililliam son of TimothyWoodwarde Josias son of John Brathw' soldier Mary d. to Brian Tailor of Methop Brian son of Brian Bo^rwicke of the Grange . . . Judith d. of Leonard Potter Alice d. of James Casson & Agnies d. of James Nubie of Barbergreene & Tho : so of Edwd Bigland of Nethercark Isaac son of Isaac Burne of Staveltey Grace d. of Thomas Flecher gent : WiUia SO'U of John Tumer of A)?s.ide Elizabeth d. of Michael Newbie Edwd son of Edwd Walker of Backbarow Jeinet d. of W™ Britton of Churchtoune WUnia so of Edwd Borick of CannyhU . . . Al'Oe 'd. of John Kellet of Myreside Isabel 'd. of Jo'hn Kirby of Nether Carke Georg son of Georg Setle Richd so of Tho : Patten Amie d. of Richd Kilner of Flookbrogh 2 p. 104 Francis d. of Robert Cawte de Grange ... Anne d. of John R'Op>er de Woodbroghto John son of Edward Fel of Myreside ... James son of James Slater of Fieldbroghton John son of Wiliam Tompson of Fieldbroughton Jenet d. of Edward Turner of Nethernewton Thomas son of Willia Walkeir 2 p. 103 Mary d. of Thomas Finistate Tbomias so of Wittm Kilner of Seatte & Ann/e d. of John Barow Agnes d. of John Burscow of Filookbrogh Anne d. of Edwd Bowman William son of Thomas Spenoe 2 p. 104 James son of John Fell 14 April 15 JJ JJ JJ 28 „ 4 May 7 JJ 12 27 July 26 II JJ August 22 JJ 25 9 JJ Septemb' IS 16 JJ 2326 JJ JJ 29 II Octob' JJ JJ 14 JJ 27 5 JJ Novemb : 25 10 JJ Decemb' IS 29 2 JJ January 3 JJ 12 26 JJ JJ 29 9 JJ February 1644-1645 CHRISTENINGS. 103 Richard son of Richd Barber & Elizabeth d. of Edward Barow Robert Gurnell 16 February Thomas 'Son of Georg Ashbumer 23 „ Jenet d. of James Miller Jane d. of James Nubie Jeniet d. of Witim Taylor of Slacke Mary d. of Robert Settte of Kentsbanke 27 ,, Henry son of Robert Skyring of the forge ... 2 March John & Christopher sons of Robert Ntewbie of Churchtowne 9 ,, William son of Peter Dawson of Ainsome ... ,, ,, 25 JJ 28 JJ 8 June 16 JJ 22 JJ JJ JJ 10 July 13 JJ 20 JJ 27 JJ 10 August anno 2)nj 1645.. Isabel d. of Thomas Walker of Browedge • • • 1 1 May Jenet d. of Percivall Preston Anne d. of Robert Rawlinsoo geot Anne d. of Edwd Barrow of Hee Georg so of Richd MughaU of Holker . . . Thomas so of John Tumer of Hamsfeld Mary d. of Henry Wilso of Al'Kthw' James so of Tho : MughaU of Rostat Jeinet d. of RoBt Baxow of Ouemewto . . . Mabel d. of James Birket Agnes d. of Robert Brathw' of Backbarow Georg so of Chr : Brokbank Hanna d. of John Barow of Flookbrogh 2 p. 105 Jane d. of RoBt BeU of Grange Oliver son of Ridhard Staines of Ainsome Anne d. of William WaDer of Barbergreene Anne d. of Edwd Barow of Churchtoune Thomas so of Wilia Fell of the HiU . . . David so of David Wilson of AUithwaite EUin d. of Richd Newbie of Churchtoune Wilia son 'Of W" Walter of Holker John son of John Barber of Ouemewto . . . Walter son of John Skotson of Backbarow John son of W"" Bayre Georg so of RoBt Barow Jenet d. of Georg Rig John son of John Staines of the Headhouse James s5 of Antony BeU of Kenitsbank ... Arthur son of Arth'ur Atkinson Anne d. of John Fell of Churchto^unie ... Jenet d. of W™ Britto of Churchtoune . . . Anne d. of WiUiam Waune of Holker ... Thomas son of Christopher Britton of Lindall John son of RoBt Greenwood of Fieldbroghto i6 17 24 JJ JJ 7 Septemb' 23 5 October JJ „ JJ It 12 9 It Novemb' I04 CARTMEL PARISH REGISTERS. 1645-1646 Dorothy d. of Tho : Coupthwait Mary d. of WUlia RawUnso of FidterhaU Edwd son of Richd Crosfeld of Ouernut5 . . . Jenet d. of John Robinson of Cartmelfell . . . John son of Tho : Scales of Flbokbrogh Thomas so of George Cowperthwait of Hamsfeld Sara d. of Edwd Killner of Fidlier Ha'lll EUzabeth d. of Edwd Fel of Walton James son of James B'rathwait of Grange Jane d. of Thomas Pepper of YofaUyate Robert & Willia sons of John Hawdon Marg' d. of W™ Greenwood of Backbarow & WiUia son of Robert Bond of Flbokbrogh 2 p. 114 EUzabeth daughter of the sayd Gytes Parke [i.e., son of Jo'hn of Holker] baptized in Algeir in Barbary 2 JJ. 105 Isiabel d. of RoBt Tomso 'Of Wooilrig Walter son of Thomas Forest Marg' d. of John Barow of Lindall & Isabel d. of Wittm Wilsoo of Flookbrogh WUUa son of W" Carter .of Cartlane & Marganet d. of Christopher Barow of Lindall Edwd son of Edwd Robiniso 'Of Staveley James son of James Barow of Ouemiewton . . . RoBt son of Henry Jepson of LindaU) Wilia e'en of Henry Ftecher of Fieildbroghto. . . James son of Chrofer FinS'tat Isabel d. of Robert Nubte of Churchtoune ... Georg son of John Kilrner of Stavetey Edwd son of Tho : Borick of Barbergreene & Marg' d. of Mites Burnes of Fieldbroghto . . . E.lizabeth d. of RoBt Birkett Elin d. of RoBt Stones of Holker Marg' d. 'of Peter Baro'W of Churchtowne Georg Pitaston son of Thomas Preston of ¦Holker Esquire Isabel d. of Peter Batema of Grange Mary d. of RoBt Barrow of Nether Carke Wiliam :Son of W™ Knipe of Woodbroghto gent : Wittm son of Tho : Woodbume of Lindel . . . Daniieil sout of James Dixon of Churchtoune . . . Marg' d. of Edwd Hariso of Seatte Elizabeth d. of James Alinson of Grange ... 16 Novemb' 23 JJ 24 26 J)7 Decemb' 14 18 31 JJ 18 January 25 ., I February 8 12 25 27 J, I March JJ 22 anno Dnj 1646. 2 p. 1 06 Isaac son of Edwd Walilasi of Stavetey 25 March Mabel d. of Mathew Bowman of Grange ... „ „ RoBt son of James Seatte of Cartlone 5 April 1646 CHRISTENINGS. 105 Mary d. of Henry WUso of AUithwdt & Jenet d. of RoBt Machol of Hamsfeld Anne d. of Jameis Atkinson Mabel d. of M' Thomas Ftecher of Ravenswinder Barbara d. of Mites Barowe Alice d. of Jolin Brode of Grange John son of John Brathw' of Churchtoune . . . Roger son of Peter Stricklbnd 'Of Cartmelfell. . . Hienry son of Henry Beck of Fayrig Ni'oollas son of Willia Canny of Lindel Alice d. of Lawnence Cowpie'r of Flookborough Marie d. of Roger Brokbank lof Nether Newto Marg'- d. of Richd Britto of Ayslide Thomas so of Samuel Reve of Lindal' Annie d. of Stephen MughaU 'Of Flbokbrogh... EHin d. of Richd Taylor of Lindal Chrofer son of Clirofer Mar of Girsegarth . . . WiUia son of Tho : Bury of AUithw' Alice d. of Georg Robinson of Stavetey Wilia son of W™ Harison of Stavetey Chrofer son of Leonard Garner William son of George Seatte of Allithwaite... WUlia son of Willia Petty of Nethercarke Thomas so ¦of Tho : Simson John s5 of RoBt Roskell of Birkby Susan, d. of John Kilner of Churchtoune Susan d. of Chrofer Toamine of Walnooke . . . Thomas so of Tho : Caton of Lindall Isabel d. of Steven Britto Junior of Fieldbroghto John' son of W" Harris of Woodbroghto Jolm son of Tho : Leek of Blathend' Elln d. of Michael Carter of Flookbrogh Peter son of Peter Dawson of Ainsome Mary d. of John Brokbank of Buckcrag Debora d. of Tim: Woodwaird Robert son of WUUa Tompso of Fteldbroghton John son of Christopher Barber of Ayside ... John sion of Thomas Alfonbie Roger, son of Chrofer Barow of Lindall John' so of Tho : Slater of Mosseend Mary d. of Richard Kilner of Flookbrogh John son of W" Staines of Nethercarke John Boni of John Rigge of B'irkbie Jonas son of Antonie Preston GUbert son of Georg Stonies of 'Chappd'house Jemiet d. of Robert Bdl' of Dawthorne Edw" s5 of Tho : WiaJlkeir Junior Elizabeth d. of Tho : GurneU of Flookbarow 5 April 12 JJ 19 JJ JJ ,, 29 It JJ ft 30 3 tt May 10 JJ 17 JJ 21 June JJ JJ JJ 28 JJ JJ 5 Julie JJ JJ 12 JJ JJ JJ 19 „ 29 30 6 JJ August Septemb 13 JJ 20 JJ JJ JJ 27 JJ JJ4 Octob' 18 I Novemb"" 5 8 JJJJ IS JJ 22 JJ JJ JJ JJ6 JJ Decemb' II JJ 20 JJ 27 it io6 CARTMEL PARISH REGISTERS. 1646-1647 Ellin d. of Georg Barowe & Isabell base d. of Dorothy Barow 27 Decemb' Antony so of Antony Bury of Cartlone 30 „ Agnes d. of W™ Britton of Churchtoune ... 10 January Hugh so of John Nelso of Grange & Jane d. of Jameis Dixon of Lindal 17 „ Jane d. of Tho: Bume of the Wood' 24 „ Willia soni of James Keltet of Lindall 27 „ Michael son of James Nubie of Ouercarke ... 31 „ Agnes d. of Jo'hn Burscow of Templande Richard, son of WUlia Saute of Keu'tsbanke Anne d. of John Barow of Bore'banke ... Margaret d. of Edward FeU of Hamsfe-M Marg' d. of John Machol of Grange & Jane d. of John MUii'sr of Churchtoune RoBt son of RoBt Stones of the same . . . John son of Tho : GUies of Flbokbrogh . . . Marg' d. of John Keltet of Myreside ... Margaret d. of Arthur Cowel of Grange . . . anno Dnj 1647. 2 p. 107 William son 'Of Michael Caton of FlbO'kbO'rogh 27 March Agnes d. of Robert Tompson of Howrigge ... „ „ Anne d. of Thomas Finstwhait of Nethercarke 28 „ Jane d. of John Tumier of Ayside „ „ John son of Edwd Rawlinso of SpeelbaU'ke ... „ „ William son of Robert Rawlinson of Carke gentteman 2 April WiUiam son of James Freera of Gateside Edward son of William Wainhouse of Birkbie Anne d. of Jdhn Moorecroft of Grange Alice d. of Richard Borwicke of Overcarke... Henry son of Robert Britton of Fieldbroghton Gervase so of Edwd Fell of Walton Jenet d. of Edwd Walter of Ainsome Brian son of Peter Champney of Waltb Wilia son of Thomas Skates, of Flookbrogh... Isabeil d. of John Taylour of Birkbie Thomas son of Robert Skyring Jenet d. of Thom'as Howe of Flookbrogh Rowland son of Rowland Lowther of Stavetey 2 May Katherin d. of William Knij)e of Woodbroughton gentleman p Thomas son of Tho : Swamso of Greenbanke „ „ Priscilla d. of Mites Dawson „ Marian d. of Thomas Kendal of Tlempland. . . 16 „ George son of Georg Ashburner of Churchtoune 23 „ Margaret d. of Edward Walias, of Stavete)- ... 30 ,' 7 Febmary 14 JJ 21 „ 28 „ 14 March JJ JJ 21 4 II 18 25 i647 CHRISTENINGS. I07 Georg son of Witim Kilner of Seatte Thomas son of Chr : B,rokbank of Grange . . . Elizabeth d. of Wiliam Sandes of Stavetey . . . Miargaret d. of Peter Borwicke of the Grange Thomas Preston son of Thomas Preston of Holker Esquire William son of Georg Preston of Holker Dorothy d. of Stephen Mughel of Kentsbanke Wiliam son of William HobsO'U of Overcarke ; p. 108 Edward' son of Wiliam Carter of Churchtounie Henrie son of John Houseman of Churchtoune Dorothy d. of George Rigge of Birkbie Edward son of Edward Barowe of Churchtowne James son of Richd Caton of Flookbrogh RoBt son of RoBt Nubie of Churcht : ... George son of John Bigland of Biglanide Peter son of EdWard Borwicke of Ayside GUes son of M' John Brooks Minister . . . Georg base son of Georg Cooper of Lancaster & Agnes Ely of Felyate Margaret d. of Michael Nubie of Barbergreene Thomas son of Lawirtenoe Jenkinson of Walton Samuel son of Thomas Greenwood of Churchtowne John son of Robert Barow of Kentsbanke Tho : so of Hienry Borick of Fayrig & Daniiiel' son of W™ Rawlimson James son of James Knipe of Ayside Tho : so of Tho : Presto of CartmdfeU William son of Richard Mughall senior of Holkei- Robert son of Nicolas To^mson of Greaves . . . Richard son of John Pepper of Andefild Edward son of Edward Barrowe of Hill Dorothy d. of RoBt Seatte of Kentsbanke ... Richard son of Edward Casson of Neather Carke Isabell d. of John Stones of the Hea'dhouse & Jenet d. of Christopher Cowheard of Templand Roger Sonne of John Fel of ChurchetO'wne ... William son of Thomas Cowperthwait of Buckcragge Wiliam son (rf John Tumer •of Hamsfeld Elizabeth d. of Mathew Bowman of Grange Mary d. of Robert Cowdl of Grang Agnes d. of Heniry Jepso of Lindel Thomas so of Edward Barow of Alithwait Wiliam son of Wiliam Bond of Kentsbanke Richard son of Thomas MuckeU of Moore Ju'diith d. of Richard Nubie of Chmxihtowne. 6 June JJ JJ JJ JJ 13 J. 20 „ II JuUe 28 „ 15 August 29 JJ 22 5 Septemb' 12 „ 19 „ it ft 3 October JJ JJ 22 „ 3° 7 No'vemb' II JJ 14 JJ 21 „ 28 „ 5 Decemb' 19 29 JJ 9 Januarie 1° JJ 16 23 JJ 6 February JJ j^ 13 JJ ia8 CARTMEL PARISH REGISTERS. 1647-1648 Mary d. of James Rownson of Ayieside 14 Feibmary William son. of John Barowe of Stavetey ... 15 „ Francis d. of Christopher Braithwait of Wallton 22 „ Elizabeth d. of Robert Baicw of Nether Carke i March Georg & ElUn children of James Braithwait of Grange 2 „ John son of John Killner of Stavetey 5 ,, Tho : son of Thomas Spenoe ^^ ,, WilMa SO'n of Henry WifeO'U junior of Alithwait ,, also William son of Timothy Askew of Ovemewton 12 „ Wiliam soin of Edward CroS'field of Fieldbroughton 14 „ Jenet d. of Georg Canny of Lindal' 19 „ 2 p. 109 In testimony of the truth of this Register we whose names are Vniderwritten have herevnto sub scribed Mense Augusti d. 8 1648 Christopher Hudson Minister of CaiTtmel Lawrence Jenkinso of Holker James Taylbur of Newton Geo.rge Co'Wpthwat of LindaU John. Atkinson, of Walton John Cowel of Stavetey Churchwardens 2 p. 110 anno Doniinj 1648. Thomas so of James Casso^ni of the Field end James son of John Berwick of the Grange ... Edward son of Richard' Britton of Ouernewton Geoir,g son of Robert Staines of Churchtoune. . . Margaret d. of Edward Fell of Myreside Michael son of John Howden of Nether Carke Isabel d. of John Barrow of Lindel Elizabeth d. of John Burscow of Templand ... Antony so of Antonte Blell of Kentsbanke Peter base son of Peter Harttey of Boilton . . . John son of Witim FdJ of Walton Margaret d. of Miles Bell .of Fieldbroghton . . . Thomas soni of Tho: Finstwhat of Nether Carke Jane d. of Christopher Brokbanke of Hoobarow John so of Georg FeiUl of Churchtounie Jane d. of Giles, Parker of Holker . . . 2 p. 114 Janle d. of Gytes Parke 2 p. 1 10 Roger son of Allan Piarke of Frith . . . Christopher son of John Roper of Fieldbroghto Georg son of John Cowper of Churchtoune . . . Thomas son of Daniel Pennington: of Hamsfeld 26 March I7 8 April May JJ 9 JJ 14 JJ 16 4 June 6 J, JJ JJ 13 ,. 16 „ 25 JJ 9 Julie 19 JJ 23 JJ 1648 CHRISTENINGS. 109 Lawrence son of James Kd'let 'of Lindell. . . . Agnes d. of Witim Knipe of Ovemewton Robert son of John Atkinson of Hoobarow . Jane d. of John Be'll of Cartlone Agnes d. of Edward Rawlinson of HoHcer . Jenet d. of Roger Brokbanke de Aysidte William & John sons of ChrSfer PenningtS of Ohurchtounie Christopher son of Thomas Bursco'W of Walton Edward son of WU'lia Greenwood of browedge Thomas son of Wilia Wainhouse of B'irkbte.. Agnes d. of Willia Harris of Woodbroghto^n. . Georg son of John Rig of Kentsbanke Agrues d. of Edward Harrison of Seatle Elizabeth d. of Thomas Pepper of Yorfalyate John son of Peter Dawson of Ainsome Georg son of John Bigland of Hdlker Margaret d. of Johiii Broad of Grange Jane d. of Georg Seatte of AUithwait Bliziabeth d. of Richd Miller of Flookbrogh.. Nicottas son of Miles Barrow of Kentsban.ke .. Agnes d. of Chrofer Finstwhat of Nethercarke 2 p. 1 1 1 Jane d. of John Housman of Churchtoune James son of Steven Mughal of Felyate Thomas son of Robert Barow of Walton T^^l ^- ¦'If W;*^^Tomson ) ^^ Fiej,dbroghton Jenet d. of Mites Bume ) ° Jo'hn son of Thomas Bush of Holker Isabel d. of Witim Waune of Nethewcarke . . WilKa son of Richard Crosfeld of Newton . . Nicolas son of John Barow of Newton Jeniet d. of James Newbie of broghton John son of John Simson of Flookbarow Margaret d. of Thomas Patestoni of Holker Esq Isaak so of John Tumier of this Townie Elizabeth d. of Georg Presto of Hoilker Sara d. of Tho : FlieJcher of Ravenswind' Gent Alice d. of John Bond of Flookbrog'h ... Elizabeth d. of RoBt Roskel in Birkbye Agnes d. of Georg Barrow of Flookbrogh Margaret d. of James Newbte of Overcarke Francis son of Thomas Casson of Walton Jenet d. of Jannes Freens of Woodbroghton Richard son of Georg Bigland of Holiker Robert son of Jamesi Taylor oi Lindel . . . Alice d. of Thomas Gurnell of Flookbarow Brian son of Thomas Slater of Newton . . . John son of Jamies !^(fflhe^ of Flookborow Isiabel d. of James Kilner of Grange 6 August 20 JJ 21 JJ 27 JJ JJ JJ 29 JJ I Septemb' 3 6 10 JJ JJ October 25 Jj 29 12 JJ November 19 26 4 JJ December 10 JJ 14 JJ 17 JJ 29 JJ 31 JJ 7 Januarie 1416 18 JJJJJJ 17 JJ 21 JJ JJ JJ 24 4 8 ft February JJ II18 JJ J) 25 JJ JJ JJ J> JJ 10 March II JJ 14 JJ CARTMEL PARISH REGISTERS. 1648-1653 John son of John Dent of Floo^kbrogh ... Mary d. of Robert Skyring of the Fo,rge Agnies d. of Christopher Mar of Girsegarth .. anno Dnj 1649. 2 p. 113 John son of Thomas Caton of Fteokbrogh .. Dorothy d. of Henry Wilson of AUithwait .. Richard son of Michael Bel of AlM'thwait .. Richard son of Robert Bell of Holker William son of Thomas Taylor of Hamsfeld.. Susan d. of M' Wilia Knipe of Woodbroghti gent : Thomas son of John Bigland of Bigland Margaret d. of James BeU of Cartiione Anne d. of Wiliam Saul of Grange Marian d. of Willia Britton of Churchtoune . . Isabel d. of Christofer Barow of Lindel Margaret d. of WiUiam Wallter of Holker 18 March 27 [1649] April 8 JJ 17 22 JJ 29 JJ S May 1650. Charles son of Gyles Parke 25 July 1652. John son of Will : Whaytes of Churchtoune . . . Rowland son of Edward Swaynson of Churchtoune 15 February 2 p. 114 Jdhn son of Gytes Parke 20 7ber 2 p. 113 Richard son of Will: Cowtar 'Of Churchtoune 3 Desember 1653. Thom-as son of John Burnes of Speelebanke... 17 ApriU Isabell da. of WiUiam Taylor of Slacke ... 23 August 2 p. 1 15 Births since December the 7"" Anno Dnj 1653. Thomas Pepper written at top of page Edward sion of Edward B'Owman of Hampsfeild Thomas son of Edwawd Kilhier of Seatte Thomas son of Robert Greenehood of Feildbroughton WUiam son of WUliam Harris of Woodbroug'hton Thomas son of Thomas Danson of Greaves . . . Edward son of George Kilhier of Backebarrow Richard son of John Parke of Churchtowne... Agnes daugh : of Robert Barrow of Walton . . . 13 20 27 4 25 November December 1653-1654 CHRISTENINGS. February Nicholas son of Peter Dason of Ainsome ... 5 January Elizabeth daughter of Richard Nuby of Kentsbanke , „ Christopher son of John Fel of Kirkhead end 15 „ Wildiam son of Thomas Burscough of Walton 22 „ Jane daughter of John Wainiehouse of Birkeby „ „ Thomas son of Jarvis Fell of Churchtowne ... „ „ John son of Laruodiott Stexons [Sexton's] of Nethercarke Adam son of Adam Bieirran of Holker Thomas son of James Wa,rbricke of HeSlerige 12 ,, Jane daughter of Edward Coupthwayte of Grainge „ j, John son of John Biarriow of Boorebanke ... 19 „ Janie daughter ¦of WUUam CrosfeUd of Lindall jj j, Richard son of Robert Schyron of the Fourge 26 „ Myites son of George KUlner of Seatle jj j, George son of Allon Parke of Frith 12 March Thomas son of William Pepper of Neither Carke 19 „ 2 p. 116 Robert son of John Kilner Junior of the Heads of Staveley Birtbs anno Somfnt 1654 2 p. 121 Maitbew Bowman son of Mathew of Grainge... 26 March Jeniet dau : of John B'arrow of Bairowfeild in Stavetey „ „ Jane dau : of Anthony Berry of Kirkehead end 2 April Margret dau : of Thomas Graeniehood of Backebarrow Margret da : of Wiliam Haite of Grainge Isabel da : of James Bell of Neither Newton Mary da : 'Of John Cowel'l junior of Stavetey. . Thomas son, of Henery Wilson of Alithw' . . Elin da : of ThO'mas Taylor of Holkar Anne d. of James Nuby of Barber Greene .. Marian d. of Richard Bell of Kentsbanke Annte d. of John Broad of Grainge Jane d. of John Riggemayden of Holkar William ison of E'dward Rawlinson of Hd'kar William son of John, Simpson of Flookeburgh John son of John Marshall of Aynsome John son of Th.omas Attkinson of Walton Agmes d. of Richard Rowneson of Heisterigge Agnes d. of William Tompson of FeiM Broughton „ Jane d. of RoBt Roskal of the Greene 21 9 16 23 30 JJ 7 14 May CARTMEL PARISH REGISTERS. 1654 Thomas son of Christop Barrowes of Nether Newton Henery son of Htenery WUson of Grainge Thomas son of Thomas Taylor of Cartmel' FeU Mabal d. of Anthony BeU of Ken'tsban'ke ... John son of Thomas' Barwicke of B'arbergreene 2 p. 122 Alice d. of Stephen Muckelt of Fel Yat Elin d. of George Fdll of Fell Yeat Elizabeth d. of Edward Crosfeild of FeUd Broughton John soin of John Peppter of Andyef eild Thomas son of Thomas Sympson of Mireside EUn d. of Richard Sympson of Hteadhouse . . . Catherin da : of Robert Rawlinson of Nether Cark Esquire Mary d. of Philip Bennet Minister of Cartmell Elizabeth d. of John Houseman of Churchtowne James son of James Greenehood of Backebarrow Alice d. of Michael! Ashbumer^ of Flookeburgh burd Robert son of Robert B,dl of Douthome Mary d. of Henery Jepson of Lindall Annie d. of George Barwicke of Walton John son of WUUam Bmaithwayte of Flookburgh Jane d. of Edward Carter of Feilldbrioughton. . . Robert son of Thomas Gytes of Flookburgh . . . Edward son of Robert Bond of Flookburgh . . . WUliam son- of Thomas Caton of Myreside . . . James son of James Taylor of Lindall John son of Richard Holme of Staveley Lawrence son of Richard Taylor of Holar [sic] Sarah d. of John Britton of Church Toune . . . Anne 'd. of John Barrow yongest of Stavely. . . Anne d. of Christop Burscough of Church Towne Jenet d. of Michael' Nuby of Spaete Banke . . . William son of George Ashbumer of Church Toune Robert son of Evan Bonvicke of Hesterigge . . . Richiard son^ of Thomas Taylor of HampsfdM Ma : d. of George Hutton .of Thorphinsty Genit : Jenieit 'd. of Wiliam Rawlinson of Fei'M end. . . Mary d. of Michael Carter of Flookburgh . . . Thomas son of John Burscough of Flookburgh Richardson of Wiliam Harris of Woodbroughton Thomas son of John Attkinso>n of Walton John son of Edward' Walter of Cartlane 21 May 28 „ 18 June 2 July 16 JJ JJ 23 JJJJ JJ JJ 23 30 6 June JJ August 27 JJ JJ JJ 3 September 24 I October JJ 8 >» JJ 2229 JJJJ S November ft 19 JJ JJ 3 December 10 JJ JJ JJ JJ 17 24 JJJJ JJ 1654-1655 CHRISTENINGS. 113 26 December 31 7 JJ January JJ JJ 14 JJ 21 28 4 JJJJ Feb: II18 JJJJ JJ Jj JJ J.- 25 4 JJ March Richard son of James Nuby of Ouer Carke . . . Jlenet d. of Henery Becke of Stavely Dorathy d. of William Wainehouse of Birkby John son of Edward Barwicke of Ayse-head... William son of Edward Barrow of Churchtowne Jenet d. of William Greeneh'ood of Backebarrow Isabel & Margret d. of Robert Lewnes of LindaU Jane d. of Mytes BeU of Hampsfeild Wiliam son of Stephen Britton of Feild Broughton' 2 p. 123 Richard son of James Britton of Fdlldbroughton Mytes son of Mytes Cowheard of Neither Carke Michadl son of Richard Oai-ke of Flookburgh Elizabeth d. of Edward Swainson of Fidler Haw Agnes d. of Richard Corker of Feildbroughton John son of James Seatte 'Of Grainge „ „ Wiliam s,on of Robert Wa;lker of Neither Newton ,, „ Myites son of Christop Barrow of Lindall ... ,, ., Thomas son of 'Christop Keltet of Myreside ... 11 „ Jane d. of Roger Brockbanke of Aysehead ... ,, „ 2 p. 126 Birtbes anno Domj 1655. Anne d. of James Harrison of Cartmel Fell... 25 March Anne d. of George Preston, of Holkar „ „ William son of Thomas Seatte of Cartlane ... „ ,, Jane d. of Richard Muckelt of Holkar „ „ Mary d. of George Bigland of Holkar i Aprill Francis son of JohU' Parke of Church Townie „ „ Agnes d. of Mytes Harrison of Cartmel Fell... E'En d. of James Knipe of Ayisehead Agnes d. of Robert Maichel of Hampsefeild Elizabeth d. of Richard B,arrow junior of Lindall Edward son of Thomas S'pence of Alythwayte James son ofRobert Eley of Alithwayte ,, „ Robert son of John Dodshon of Flookeburgh ,, „ James son of Thomas AUian.by of Churchtowne ,, „ Margret d. of Edward Swaynson of ChurchtO'Wne 29 ,, Briget d. of Jamies Bell of Alithwayte 6 May Isabdl d. of James Braythwayte of Grainge ... 10 „ Anne d. of Thomas Harrison of Seatte 13 „ Mytes son of Thomas Burnes of Walton ... 23 „ Jane d. of John Bumes of Spaetebanke ... 24 „ Annie d. of Th'O : Tompson of Churchtowne ... 27 „ John son of James Fairebank of Lindall ... „ „ Agnies d. of Tho: Brigs late of Newton ... 3 June Elizabeth d. of Tho : Atkinson of Slacke ... „ „ Peter son of Richard Bel of Holkar 10 „ WiUiam son of Rowlandi Tumer of Ovemewton i July 8 IS 22 114 CARTMEL PARISH REGISTERS. 1655 Abigalil d. of Michaell Ashbumer of Alithwayte Agnes d. of Wiliam Killner of Seatle Mary d. of John Barrow of Lindall Hugh son of Thomas Muckelt of AUthwayte... 2 p. 127 Thomas son of Tho : Caton y.o.ungest of Flookburgh Li'dia d. of John Cowheard of Lindal Rowland son. of Lawrence SwaynBon of Church Towne John son of Robert Barrow of Burnes in Walton John Barrow son of William, of P'lookburgh ... Anne d. of Tho : Greenehood of Backbarrow Ednvard son of Tho : Danson of Greaves Ro'ger son of James Killner of Casttehead ... George son of Edward KiUner of Seatte Isabel! d. of Thomas Taylor of Ho.l.kar Isabel' d. of George Dixon of Lindalili Thom'as son of George Kiler [sic] of Seatle... Edward son of John Walter of Walton Thomas son of Timothy Askew of Newton . . . Annie d. of Willliam Nobtet of Flo'oke-burgh . . . John son of William Canny of LindaU Nicholas sion of George Barwicke of Speelebanke JO'hn son of John Fell of Walton John son of Edward Braythwayte of Grainge... Thomas son of William Whaytes of Church- To wne Thomas son of Christopher Holme of Flooke burgh Edward son of Mathew Bowman of Grainge ... Janie 'd. of George Rigge of Birkeby Anne d. of Nicholas Tompson of Greaves ... Dorathy 'd. of Gabriel! Punder of Alithwayte... EUzabeth d. of John Casson of Hezterigge . . . Edward son of Rowland Turner of Over Newton Effin d. of M' Phillip Bennet minister att Cartmdl Church Agnes d. of Jarvis. Fell of Churchtowne Elizabeth d. of Ed^vard Walker of Backebarrow Jeinet d. of John Waller of Barber Greene ... James soni of Thomas Flether of Ravens Winder gent : Maball d. of Michaell Nuby of Speefe'banke . . . Margret d. of James Howie of Grainge Richard son, of MichaeU Caton of Hie Jerome son of Jerome AUtoby of Holkar . . . son of Edward Bell of Flookeburgh . . . Robert son of John Barrow of Hill in Newton Elin d. of Adam Berran of Boorebanke I July 13 ,. JJ JJ IS JJ 22 „ 29 „ 5 August 12 JJ 19 JJ JJ JJ JJ JJ 23 26 JJ J) JJ 2 JJ September JJ JJ 9 28 JJ 17 30 it JJ 7 JJ October 28 „ 2 November 4 ,„ S J, 7 JJ 8 „ 18 „ 2021 „ 25 .. 14 December 15 JJ 30 J, JJ JJ 2 January 13 15 1655-1656 CHRISTENINGS. US Richardson of Nicholas Barrow of Cartmel Fell ¦WiUiam son of William Holme of Backebarrow Jenet d. of Michadl Rownescxn of Foxefeild... Dorathy d. of Wiliam Harris of Woodbroughton Jenet d. of Peter Dason of Aynesome Elizabeth d. of Austin Danson of ChurchtO'Wne John son of John Bigland of Bigland Wiliam son of William Pepj)er of Neither Carke Elizabeth d. of Hugh Barrow of Aysehead ... Edward son of Thomas Gurnell of Flookeburgh IsabeU d. of William Hale of Grainge 2 p. 128 John son of George Sander of Neitliier Newton James son of Thomas Barwicke of Barbergreene Jenet d. of George Barrow of Flookeburgh ... 27 January 10 Febrtinry 13 J. 20 „ 25 JJ JJ JJ 27 2 March S 12 18 Birtbes anno Dnj 1656. 2 p. 131 Esther d. of Peter Kellatt of Fellgate Esther d. of Tho : Dickonson of Wreasom gent : James son of Richard Briggs of Flookeburgh Margrett d. of John Barrow of y" Head of Staveley Frances d. of Thomas Hodgshon of Cartmel Fdl Elizabeth d. of Robert Barrow of Greaves junior Elin d. of Stephen Britton of Feildbroughton James son of William Tarbucke of Holkar . . . Mary d. of John KeUlatt of Myresyde Margrett d. of George Bigland of Holkar Agnes 'd. of Thomas Addinson of 'Cartmell Fell Margret d. of Thomas Taylor of Cantmell FeU IsabeU d. of William Tompson of Fdldbroughton Mary d. of John Broad of Grainge Margret d. of Edward Moorecroft of Grainge John son. of Richard Sympson of Headhouse. . . Mytes son of Edward Wilson of Alythwaite . . . Ellin d. of John Houseman of Churchtowne . . . Agnes d. of Anthony Berry of Kirkhead End... George son of James Greenehood' of Backebarrow Mary d. of Richard Taylor of Holkar . . . d. of Robert Rawlinson of Carke gent : Sarah d. of Richard Rowneson of Hezlerigge. . . Oliver son of Thomas Caton of Flookeburgh... Robert son of Robert Dewthwayte of Hampsefeild Robert son of John Killner of y° 'Head of Staveley 6 Aprill n 14 JJ 19 JJ 23 18 JJ May JJ JJ 20 JJ 2126 JJJJ 7 June 10 JJ II JJ 12 JJ JJ 18 3 JJ JulyAugust 10 JJ 23 10 JJ Septemb 20 tt 21 ft 22 i» ii6 CARTMEL PARISH REGISTERS. 1656 John son of Christop : Preston of N.e^vton Marian d. of Richard Wilson of Templand and burted ye 29"" of y° instant Roger son of JO'hn Brockebanke of Seatte 2 p. 132 Mary d. of John Britton of Churchtoune Margret d. of Jo'hn Barrow of Aysehead Geo'rge son of George Fell of Churchtoune ... Jane -d. of Richard E'Cll of Kentsbanke Rowland son of William Braithwayte of Barbar Greene James son of Jam.es Barwicke of Fayrigge . . . son of George Garnett of Lightwoode John son of Christop : Turner of Churchtowne John son of Christop : Burscough of Churchtowne Elizabeth d. of John Waynebouse of Birkeby... John son of James Knipe of Lindal Elizabeth d. of John Barrow of Hampse Feild Anne d. of Robert Roskalil of Greene Brigett d. of John Covell of Stavely Agnes d. of Edward Crosfeild of Feilldbroughton Isabell d. of James. Kel'latt of LindaU Mary d. of Edward Bowman 'Of Hampsefeild ... Edmond son of Edward Waller of Cartlane ... Richard son of Thomas Taylor of Holkar Margrett d. of Richard Dixon of Flookeburgh Jane d. of John Bell of Cart Lane Jane d. of Chrisltop : Kellatt of Myreside Thomas son of E'dwine Barwicke of Fayrerigge Elind. of George Dixon of Lindall James son of Edward Casson of Carke & buried ye 13"* of March '56 Mytes son of Garvis FeU of Churchtoune Thomas son of James Braythwayte of Grainge Isabel d. of E'dward Brockebanke of Fidlerbaw Agnes d. of George Kill'nier of Backbarrow ... Wiliam son of Myles Barrow of Greenebanke James son of Richard Nuby of Birkeby .¦ Thomas son of Hugh Barrow of Aysehead junior Elin d. of John Seatle of Cart Lane Jane d. of John Marshal of Aynsome ... of AUon Parke of Frith John son of John Actkinson of Walton John son of John BuiscO'Ugh of Templand' Isabell 'd. of James Taylor of LindaU John son of Thomas. Waynehouse of Rostat . . . Margret d. of John Sympson of Flookeburgh... Anne d. of Witi Waynehouse of Birkeby 22 Septiemb 2527 JJJJ JJ I JJ October 9 JJ 13 22 JJ 24 JJ 30 3 JJ Novemb : 9 JJ 10 JJ 12 JJ 22 JJ 24 26 JJ JJ 29 I JJ Deoemb : JJ JJ 7 JJ 12 16 JJ J) 28 JJ 2 January 8 JJ IS JJ 24 JJ JJ JJ 27 5 JJ Febru aa-y JJ JJ JJ JJ 27 4 JJ March 6 JJ 10 JJ 17 JJ 19 JJ I657-166I CHRISTENINGS. 117 ffiirtbes anno Domj 1657. 2 p. 135 Witi sod' of Peter Barow of Walton 6 A'larch WiUiam son of George Killher of Seatte ... 30 ,, Bridget d. of MichaeU Caton of Hie 31 ,, Elizabeth d. of John Parke of Churchtowne... 8 ApriU Jane d. of Robert Baimow of Lindall „ „ Mary d. of James Bel of Lindal „ „ Edward son of James Fdl of Walton 27 May John son of Stiphen Muckelt of Cartelane ... 4 June An d : of John Barrow of y° mosside at Newton 25 „ Edward son, of Thomas KUlner of Walton. ... 5 July Tho : son of William Hale of Grainge 23 „ Margret d. of Tho : Hinde of LindaU 9 August Jennett d. of Robert Walker of Lindall 10 Septem : James son of Austen Danson of Church towne 30 „ Tho : sone of Peter KeUett of Grainge i October Margret daughter of JameS' Seatte of Grainge 6 ,, Anne d. of Allan Birkett of Grainge „ „ William son of WUl : Whaits of Churchtowne 18 „ Tho : son of Tho : Danson of Greaves 8 Novemb : Ed : son of Edward Carter of Broughton ... 12 „ Isabell d. of Stiphen Britten of Broughton ... 2 December Arthur Atkinson son of Thomas Atkinson of Walton 24 January Edward Pepper son of William of Carke in Holker 28 „ James son of Wilham Kilner of Seatle 25 February John Cowperthwaite son of Edward late of Grange 12 March EHzabeth KUner daughter of Edward of Seatte 15 „ Anne Swainson d. of Lawrence of Churchtowne 21 „ 1658. 2 p. 137 An,ne fil : Johannis B'rathw.ayte de Nether Carke bapt : 6 March 1661. John fil : Richardi Crewdson de Cartmell Fel bap' at Crosthwayte 18 July [Here end the Christenings in Original Volume II] Ilg CARTMEL PARISH REGISTERS. 1559-1560 BURIALS. asurialles anno pteblcto 1559. p. I P-3 Hugh Simpsonn buryed [The word " buryed," though appearing in original, Margret Brockbanck widdowe the wife of Edward Killner Thomas Newbye Robert Asbomer Marie Simpison the wife of Xpofer Roper James Hodgson ... Hugh Houghton Katherin Fell Edward Stones Agnes Robinson the wife of Ric : Robinson the wife of Witim Waller EdwaT'd Bumes James Brockbanck James Caton's wife Augustyne Dansonn Richard Roskell his wife Richard Newbye the wife of Lancltett FeU John Bare Edward Fel James Bare Thomas Atkinsonn 3 Januarye 1560. John Bare 'the wife of Mychaell Wallas Stephen Marchell Witim Swaynson the wife of George Danson,n Witim Moore John Mackerethe Wittm Kelett John Robinson the wife of Mathewe Barrowe Mychaell Newbye Thomas Knype John Mackerethe Richard Crosfeild is henceforth omitted.} ... 9 JJ ... 24 '7 JJ Februarye ... 10 JJ ... 14 ... 18 JJ JJ ... 24 ... 6 MarOh ... 20 ... 7 JJ ApriU ... 27 ... 8 JJ Maye ... 23 JJ ... 10 June 4 ... 4 JulyeAugust ... 14 ... 6 ... 16 ... 24 JJ September JJ October ... 15 November ... 25 12 JJ December ... 7 I ... 8 Januai-ye Februarj-e JJ ... 14 4 JJ Marche .., 14 ... 10 JJ Aprill ... 19 ... 28 •• 3 JJJJ Maie ... 15 JJ .. 17 2 JJ Julie .. 20 j» 1560-1562 BURIALS. Richard Woodborne Margret Newbye the wife of Witim Turner ... the wife of Robert Webster Anne Cannye the wife of Richard Burgas Robert Fel' the wife of Mathewe Barrowe Witim Turner Jenne/tt AUexander the wife of Edward Bume ... Edward Barrowe Peter Barrowe P- 5- 5 p. 4). 4 1561. Richard Hebsonn Witim FeU Stephen Walkar Oliver Fell his wif Robert Fel Thomas Jenkinson Htenrye Hastwitle Henry Burye John WUson Henrye Hoikne Anne Kjiype the wife of Thomas RoskeU Lawrenc Newton Thomas Gurnell Bartholomewe Cassonn Richard Roper Robert Brockbanck the ¦wife of Witim Archer the wife of James Suart Witim Moore Margret Cowper the wife of Witim Newbye . Jdhn Ftetcher the wife of Witim Bdil ... . Thomas Harrisonn RoBt Seatle Peiter Barwick Witim Gurnell the wife of Witim Pepper . 1562. Richard' Barrowe the wife of Hugh Barrowe 119 20 August JJ5 JJ September 22 3 JJ October 7 JJ 25 I JJ November IS18 8 JJ December 24 JJ JJ tl 16 January 20 JJ 22 3 18 JJ Februarye JJ 24 10 JJ March 10 Apriia 14 JJ 20 6 JJ Maie 24 6 JJ June 20 JJ 22 6 JJ Juilye 13 28 12 •>i it August 20 2 83 JJ September JJ October 23IS JJ Novem^bcr 18 9 JJ December 20 26 JJJJ 2 3 JanuaryeFebruarye CARTMEL PARISH REGISTERS. 1 562-1563 the wife of George Waynhouse Ro'beiit Britton Gilbert Burye p. 6 the wUe of Thomas Harrisonn IssabeU Sand John Maskowe James Robinsonn Thomas Brittonn Witim Knype Agnes Killir.er the wUe of James Fell James Banck the wife of Myles Barber thea wife of Richard Webster Henry Barwick Thomas Mackerethe the wife of Thomas Bigland Richand Bumes John Caton Thomas Harrisonn Peiter Muckelt Witim Barrowe 1563. p. 7 the wife of Edward Bum Edward Bigland Jennet Fletcher George Bigland, George Danson Wittm Hastwitle George D'anson the wife of Richard Orakell... the wife of Witim Simpson . . . John Harrison Jameis Banck Peter Waynhouse The wife of Thomas Archer the wife of Witim Knype ... Thomas Pinder Robert Anchen the wife of James Hodgsonn the wife of Wittm Sand the wife of Witim Swaynsion Richard' Barber .... the wifle of Xpofer Thornburgh the wife .of Witim Knype Issabdl Robinson the wife of Mathewe Stanes 12 Februarye 17 J, 28 „ 12 March 13 JJ 2 AprUl 13 JJ 17 „ 28 „ 16 Maie IJ j» 5 June 21 23 JJ 8 Julye 26 „ 8 August 26 „ 28 ,Sef)tember 27 October 3 December 23 JJ 24 Januarye 14 Februarye 26 „ I March 18 „ 4 ApriU 12 ,j 5 Maie 10 „ 8 June II JJ 10 Julye 18 JJ 22 „ 4 August 18 J, 12 September 22 „ 5 October 14 JJ 4 November 13 JJ 12 December 28 „ 1564-1565 BURIALS. I2t 1564. Mathew Stonies John Jackson the wife of Richard Bell Wittm Sand Ewan Barwick Thomas Barrowe Richard Carter Edward Swaynson The wife of James Barrowe Issabdl Hate the wife of Thomas Pepper . . . the wife of Lawreu'C Sand . . . Agnes Harrisonn •the wife of Robert Barrowe . . . Henlrye Bel Thomas Barrowe & James Dawson Robert Simpsonn Anthony Foster & his wife . . . Margret Caton Oliver Fel Affic Beli Thomas Barber Edward Caton 1565. p. 9 The wife of James WaJkar John Rowlinson Wittm Sand the wife of Richard Roper Edward! Caton John Burye Mabell Wallter the wife of Wittm Walter George Barrowe Witim Fel James Barber John Jackson Annie Walter I'SS'abelll' Waller the wife of Richard CrakhUil the wife of Witim Simpson Anthonye GurneU James Muckelt Thomas Thorns Richard Barrowe . . . EliEn Woodborne ... Henrye Waynhouse .: January's 18 Febmarye 20 JJ 6 March 20 JJ 8 ApriU 14 JJ 9 Maie ^2, June 23 Julye 28 August 20 September 28 JJ 30 JJ 6 O'ctober 9 JJ 23 JJ 17 November 29 JJ II December 29 JJ II Januarye 4 Februarye 13 JJ 28 JJ 12 March 20 JJ 9 ApriU 16 JJ 26 JJ 3 Maie 7 JJ 17 JJ 18 Julye 9 August I September 6 JJ 24 JJ 10 October 25 fj 28 ft 16 November 16 December CARTMEL PARISH p. II 1566. John Addisonn Margret Hodgson Kaltherin Dawson Richard Thomes Issabell Barwick James Finstwhat the wife of Witim Marshell James Rownson Witim Pepper James Mackerethe John Sand A chylde of Mongay Dodgsons Bryan Wade Richard Pepper George Taylor Jamies Knype Katherin Dawson Agnes Canny Hughe Webster Jane Parker Hugh Simpson Wittm Barber George Asbomer Mabel Seatte Agnes Roper RE( }IS' FERS. 1566-15 8 Januarye ¦• 12 JJ .. 10 Februarye •• 14 JJ ¦•20 „ •¦ 25 „ 9 March .. 16 „ •• 25 „ 7 April •• 12 JJ •¦ 22 „ •¦ 30 ., 7 Maie .. 12 Julye ¦• 17 J, •• 26 „ 24 August 20 September .. 27 October 10 November .. 16 „ 8 December .. 22 „ ••30 ., 1567. Issabel' Britton the wife of Richard BeU MabeE Parke Robert Sand Anthony Guxneli John Jackson the ¦wife of Richard Bel'l Agnes Gumel the -wife of Xpofer Thom-burgh p. 12 the ^vife of Wittm Robinson Edward Sheriffe the wife of Ri'Chard Bell Edward Catonn the wife of Wittm Barrowe the wife of Wittm Stones George Bigland Agnes Harrison The wife of Richard Stones John Willsonn 3 Januarye IS JJ 23 I JJ Februarye 13 )j 1410 JJ March 1218 6 JJ Aprill 9 26 14 JJJJ Maie 7 June 10 JJ 17 26 4 28 JJj> Julye P-I3 p. 14 1567-1569 BURIALS. I Roger Fel . 20 August James BeU . 14 September Issabel Carter • 23 „ the wife of Richard Kellett ... . 10 October Jane Brockbanck ¦ 22 „ Jamies FeU ¦ 28 _„ John Shawe 20 November James Birckett ¦ 24 „ Myles Barrowe • 30 JJ John Mackereth 5 December Roger Fell • i6 ,j Witim Ki'ltner • 23 „ 1568. Witim Punder 3 Januarye Peter Waynhouse ¦ 22 Henrye Barrowe ¦ 23 „ Mychael' Brittonn . 20 Februarye Wittm Greenwood 21 Anthony Brockbanck ¦ 26 „ Witim War,de 7 March Issabell Gate ¦ 10 „ Thomas Hodgsonn ¦ 25 „ Richard Roper 3 ApriU Witim Helme • 14 JJ the wife of James Robinson • 17 JJ the wife of Edward Simpso'inn 6 Mate Heiniry Barrowe • 12 J, James Holme • 24 „ Richard Barwick . 5 June IssabeU Canny . 13 Jul'ye Edward Kefllett • 28 „ Katherin Dawsomi . 16 August Mabell Muckelt 2 September the wife of Henrye Burne ... . . 13 October Maryonn S,impsonn . 25 Decem'ber Mytes Gumell ¦ 26 1569. the wife of Robert Harrisonn 5 Jannarye Alanni Harrisonn • 12 JJ Myites Dawson ¦ 23 „ John Thorns 10 Februarye James Finstwhat • IS J, the wife of Robert Hodgson 19 JJ Richard Marshell I March Robert Taylor ¦ 26 „ Richard Seatle • 30 JJ 123 124 CARTMEL PARISH REGISTERS. 1569-157 1 Witim Moore the \rife of Lawrenc Britton the wife of John Cowart John Mackerethe Guye Fel Richard Barrowe the wife of .Witim Marshell Edward FeUi Robert Bare James Stones Mytes Pul John Mackereth the wife of Gilbert Fel Richard Harrisonn RoBt Taylor Witim Cowpthwait 12 April 20 JJ 28 JJ 5 Maie 9 JJ 23 JJ 29 JJ 16 June 4 Julye 4 August 7 JJ 16 September 2 October IS November 10 December 1570. p. 15 Katherin Barrowe Alice Bumes the wife of Wittm Carter Wittm Barrowe Wittm Brittonn Witim Kellett James Caton Richard Robinsonn John Barrowe Katherin Grubye ... Robert Webster Rowland Wallas ... the wife of James Fletcher . . . John Robinsonn & Witim Simps Richard Catonn George Rigge John G ate the wife of Rowlland Robinsonn. Richard MaytcheU Thomas Barwick Wittm Asborner James Strickl'and Issabell Burnes John Stones ... Witim Cowart 3 Januarye 16 JJ 26 JJ 18 Februarye 28 JJ I March 8 JJ 28 JJ 18 April. 16 Maie 27 JJ 3 June 25 JJ 10 August 19 JJ 15 September 28 JJ 6 October 19 JJ 12 November 23 JJ 5 December 12 JJ 19 JJ 1571. 16 Henrye Bum [or] Burie the wife of Thomas. Barrowe 5 Januarye 23 „ 1571-1572 BURIALS. 125 the wife of James Bdl the wife of Tho'mas Brittonn Myc'hael Fel Edmo'iid. Johnson' the wife of Henry Wilsonn . . Gilbert Sowraye I'ssabaim Turner Roger Canny Tliomas Barrowe the wife of Richard Suart . . Henrye Barrowe George Taylor Sibdl Caiton the wife of Richard Newbye Wittm Catonn Margret Parke the wife of Richard Fdl of Kirkhead Issabell Seatle seatte Richard Stones George Catonn John Webster Issabdl Rowandson Richard Baririowte Richard Newbye of the Milinhouse 1572. 17 the wife of E^dward Simson of Holkar Thomas pker Edward Walter the wife of John Tborniete . the wife of Edward Barrowe the wife of George Marshell Roger Barrowe James Barrowe Issabel H'arrison the wife of Mytes Newton Richard Hall EUzabeth Simpsonn Thomas Grubye Elzabeth Walker Witim Sand IssBbell Cowper Witim Dicksonn the wife of John Jackson Stephen Addiso,nn Thomas Wi&onn Geonge Carter the wife of Edward Brockbanck 6 Februarye 16 JJ 27 JJ 4 March 8 JJ 23 JJ JJ JJ 26 ApriU S Maie 10 JJ 15 JJ 20 JJ 9 J une 30 JJ 10 August 27 JJ 3 September S October 23 JJ 6 No'vember 28 JJ 7 December 10 JJ 17 JJ 3 Januarye S Februarye 9 JJ 8 JJ 18 March 28 JJ 20 ApriU 23 JJ 29 JJ 4 Maie 28 JJ IS June 14 Julye 6 August 28 JJ 10 September 16 October 29 JJ 6 November 13 JJ II December 20 126 CARTMEL PARI SH REC }IST KRS. 1573-1575 1573. p. i8 Roger Fefl 17 Januarye Elizabethe Hodgsom • 20 Thomas Barrowe 9 Fj^bruarye Hugh Barrf,,ve fif Ayshead • 20 „ Thomas Suart 10 March Elizabeth Hodgsonn ¦ 28 „ George Thomburghe 10 Aprill Thomas Martchell • 23 „ Wittm Yeat^.s 4 Maie I.^.satjeU .Simpsonn ¦ 24 „ Richard Webster 14 June Wi rim Catonn ¦ 24 Robert Muckelt 19 Ju!ye Witim Fdl 8 August John Barrowe 19 S,^ptf-rnli--r Wittm Jenkinsonn 8 Octoljer Jane Suart I Decern bf-r John KeUett • 24 „ Richard Carter ¦ 29 „ 1574. p. 19 Jane Prestonn 8 Januane Edward Pr^-.stonn .18 „ ' John Swaynson 3 Ffrbruary ¦ Issabel Bigland • 20 „ Richard RoskeU - 28 ,, the wife of Thoma.; Kilfcer 10 March the wife of Witim Prestonn • 14 JJ Hugh Hairisorm • 24 Thomas Xewbye . . 13 Aprill John Killner . . 19 •¦ Richard FeU 2 Mai'^ Richard Ne^vbve Glover ... . .. 18 „ the wife of Rowland Barrow- 12 June Robert Davie •• 23 „ the wife of John Taylor ... . . 5 August Rowland Warde . •¦ 21 „ Thomas Muckelt , .. 15 .S-eptembf-r Witim Cannye . •• 30 ,>j Nicholas Waller 10 Xovemb^-r Jennet Swaynson .. 16 „ James Nealsorm. .. 13 Decembjer 1575. p. 20 John Walker 16 Januar}-e Myles Wilson .. 12 Februarie I575-I576 BURIALS. 127 John Harrison Nicholas Cassonn Jane Atkinsonn Witim Taylor the wife of John RoskeU the wife of Witim Danson the wife of Witim Holme the wife of Wittm Pull the wife of Richard Canny Witim Pul Margret Knype Augustyne Oskliff Thomas Holme p. 2 1 James Holtne James Barwick two childiTen of Edward Simpson's John Barrowe the wife of John Sandls of Stavlaye . Robert Bamrowe the wife of Witim Roskel the wife of Robert Cailter & the wife of John Wikon Wittm Swaynson Robert Carter the wife of Huglie FeU of the Gate Witim Dickson of Lindall the wife of Robert Barwick A chylde of RoBt Muckelts of Brought the wife of Richard Newbye Hes'ri the wife of Thomas Hodgso^n ¦the wife of Gilbert Stones ... A chylde of Henry Barrowes A chylld of Henry Burges A chylde of Witim Leece . . . 1576. p. 22 Richard Barrowe ... John Dawson RoBt BeU Hughe Muckelt Fard'inando Benson James Sand Rich'amd Kelett de Graing Roger Newby of Headhouse Thomas Bigland of Mimgeon Mabel pker the wife of Heniry Barrowe de Greave LaW'i'enc Fell 15 Februarye 29 March 30 JJ 2 ApriU 8 JJ 21 JJ 3 Maie 5 JJ 8 ,, 10 JJ 9 June 4 Julye 14 JJ 10 August 16 JJ 22 JJ 24 JJ 3 September 13 JJ IC ) JJ 27 JJ 5 October 7 JJ IS JJ JJ JJ 16 JJ 10 November 16 JJ IS December 16 JJ 20 JJ 24 JJ 25 JJ 8 Januarye 9 JJ 10 JJ 14 Februar}'e 17 JJ 18 JJ 22 JJ 2 March 4 JJ 5 ft 14 JJ 20 J) 128 CARTMEL PARISH REGISTERS. 1576-1577 Richard Taylor was burted whoe suffered the same daj'C at Blacragge Bridge end for murthering wilfully e Richard Kilner of Witherslack ... 10 Aprill Roger Brockbanck 22 „ Nicholas Walter 6 Maie Anne Robinsonn 17 „ Bryan, B'irckett 29 „ the wife of Peter Birckett 6 June Elizabeth Prestonn 13 „ Edward Waller 20 ,, Richard Robinsonn 24 Julye Margret Dockerye 7 August Edwajnd Brockbanck 13 „ John Harrjie 20 „ A chiM called John Bum 24 „ One yong man wch was drowned in the brodwaters 12 September Elin Simpson 30 November The wife of RoBt Britton of LindaU 24 December The wife of John Fletcher of Lindall 25 „ The wife of Edward Robinson of Stavelaye ... 27 j, P- 23 1577. the wUe of Xpofer Roper p. 24 the wife of Robert Waters the wife of Jam'es Roper the wife of James Barrowe the wife of John Harrye the wife of Roger Fell John Pepper & a child of Xpofer KeUett Mytes Pepper the wife of Robert Muckelt 'the \vi'fe of Myites Pepper the wife of Thomas Woodbom Robert Waller , the wife of Jam,es Newbye & Jennet Keltet the wife of Thomas Cowart Mychaell] Newbj^e of .Seatte Edward KiUner the wife of Wittm Keltett the -wife of Anithony Foster A chyld 'Of John Websters Jenmet Walkar A chylde of James Harrisons One little mann Rownd faced wch was Drouned at Grainge Robert Hastwitle the wife of Johin Bo\vTdal Wittm Bibie 2 Februarye I March 2 6 J. 16 „ 25 J, 10 ApriU 13 JJ IS JJ 20 „ 21 3 12 Maie 14 JJ 26 June 27 JJ 29 JJ 7 August 8 „ 24 JJ I September 17 JJ 2 1577-1579 BURIALS. 129 A childe of Gyles Barbon n October the wife of Richard Hanison & Henrye Barrowe 29 „ Henry Seatle P- 25 1578. Richard Atkinson the wife of Robert Burgas . Witim Britton Witim Knyi>e Thomas Walkar the wife of Robert Simpson Richard Simpsonn the wife of George Bigland John Waters the wife of Rich : Simpson . Richard Gurnell ... ... Witim Muckdt A chUd of Witim Fletchers . the wife of Robert Swaynson Robert Canny Peter Greenwood M' John Preston Wittm Swaynson Robert Warriner Richard FeU ... A child of Richard Walters the wife of James Bigland the wife of Richard Harrison the wife of George Bircket . . Robert Jackson 26 1579. James Barwick his wife Witim Barrow of Lindall MychaeU Britton^n A chylde of Thomas Wates John, Catonn Mytes Kilner The wife of Robert Maytchell Witim Kellett of Kark... . Margret Taylor The wife of Richard Catonn John PeTd)ie Scott Richard Holme Robert Parker The wife of John HoUydaye Hugh Marr Katherin Barrowe & 14 November II Januarye 13 JJ 1410 JJ Febmarye 20 19 JJ March 8 Aprill 24 2 JJ Maie 6 June 171218 2 II Julye JJ September 3 JJ II JJ 15 JJ 24 5 JJ OctO'ber 10 28 I JJJJ December 2 JJ 7 Januarye 10 JJ 31 12 JJ Februarye 2728 JJJJ 9 June 25 30 68 23 JJ JulyeAugust JJ October 29 10 JJ November 15 JJ 23 ft 130 CARTMEL PARISH REGISTERS. 1579-1581 Richard Carter the wife of Xpofer Berber A chylde of John Thurlwayes James Brockbanck P 27 1580. Roger Barrowe the wife of Thomas Barrowe Smith the wife of John pke the wife of Gilbert Hal'e Josephe Knype the wif of Hugh Mar Richard Burnn [ ?] the wife of Edmond Walker the wife of Richard Bumn Witim Catomi wife Jennet Waller the wife of John Brockbanck Thomas Newbye of Seatte the wife of James Harrye A chylde of George Thornburgh A chyld of Hugh Miner's the wife of RoBt Bar,ro,we of Kark ithe wife of RoBt Bare Witim Mackereth the wif of Mychaell Harrison the wif of Witim Casson Witim Rownson A chyld of Richard Roskell John Hodgsonn the wife of John Rowandsonn Witim RoskeU ¦Witim Carter of Templand . . . John Thornburgh gent : son of Wittm the wife of ThomaS' Brockbanck John Brockbanck of Ayshead p. 28 1581. John Dickonson the wife of Nicholas Muckdt Rouland Briggs James Keene John Barrowe of Greuves John Martindall the wife of Robert BeU, the wife of John Carter Robert Martindall Anthony Foster 4 December 15 JJ 29 JJ 6 Januarye 10 JJ II JJ 12 JJ 14 68 JJ Februarye JJ 10 JJ 12 JJ 13 7J 2420 JJ March 21 jj 23 10 JJ Aprill 13 JJ 23 JJ 2 June 8 JJ II 6 JJ Julye 7 6 JJ August 12 20 JJ November 22 8 JJ December 31 10 Januarye 20 JJ 30 4 JJ Februarye 7 8 JJ March 9 JJ 10 JJ IS 26 JJ 4. 1581-1584 BURIALS. 131 the wife of Thomas Britton Witim Peppver the wife of Hugh Barrowe James Harrison & a chyld w"'' was borne at Witim Brockbancks John Harrison Richard Britton James KiUher of Stavelaye Edward Carter P- 29 1582. Gilbert Atkinson Robert Maytchell Xpofer Canny Margret Simpsonn James Idle the wife of Witim BeU A son of Leonard Ralirtsons of Fumeis drouned at The Grainge Peter Dansonn Jennet BeU the wife of Rowland Cowart the wife of Walter Ftetcher Peter Idle p. 30 1583. Richard Wilsonn de Allythwat w"'' hanged Peter Idle the wife of Richard Mylner the wife of Bryan Wilann prest Robert Dicksonn Peter Barber Henrye Barrowe John Bowrdall A child of Robert Hodgsons A chyld of Edward Brittons A chylde of John Feles The wife of Thomas Hutton Robert Hodgsonn Witim Bnockbanck Anthony Wayn,house the wife of Witim Britton the wife of Edward Kellett Richard Robinson 7 Aprill p. 31 Richard Seatle James Walker 1584. 14 JJ 22 JJ at 12 June 19 JJ 12 Julye 30 September II December 6 Januarye 10 JJ 28 Febmarye 3 Marche 15 Maie 22 Julye Fdl 1 August 12 September 13 JJ 7 November 8 JJ 20 December himselfe 2 Januarye 10 Februarye 13 March 18 JJ 22 JJ 23 JJ 6 June 20 JJ 16 Julye JJ JJ 18 JJ 24 August 5 September 9 JJ II October 30 JJ 4 November 25 JJ 17 Febmarye I March 132 CARTMEL PARISH REGISTERS. 1584-1592 John Canny A chyld of AUa.nn Myars John Taylor of Ayshead A chylde of Wittm Turners . Edward Birckett A chyld of Wittm Turner's Agnes Birckett Wittm Turner A chjid of Henryie Burrowe. Witim Bowmann the wife of John. Danson 1585. John HoUydaye Jenniet Brockbanck Richaird Pattonn AlUc Bdl Richard Rigge of Churchtowne Margret P'restomi wife of Xpofer Preston of Holker Esquire the wife of James Rownson . . . Witim Stones Heare did S' Bryan WiUann Curat of Cartmell Leave of from Regestering Apiill Thomas pker 'Curat of Cartmell did begin to regester 1592 being the tyme of his entrye IS March 1712II AprdUMaie 2526 JJJJ I June IS August 20 4 24 JJ September November 8 Februarye 10 4 JJ March 22 2 Aprill I June 3 JJ 9 JJ 1592. Wittm Turner son of John de HampsfeU'd the wife of James Thorns the wife of Tho: GurneU Hugh Barrowe the wife of RoBt Taylor de Slack the wife of Robert Barrow de Newton the wife of Jo : Brockbanck H'eslrigg A chylde of Tho : Taj'lors de Lindall Janie Taylor dought' O'f RoBt of Slack Olde Hans'hawe wife sister of Thomas Fell' of Vlu'ston the wife of Xpofer Walker Castlhed John Fell of Templand Nicholas. Dawson the mfe of Tho : Barrow de Newton the wife of Edward Barrowe de Borbanck . . . Robert Punder Edward Wenington I AprUl 7 9 10II 7 Maie 10 JJ II JJ JJ JJ 17 JJ 9 June 13 JJ 17 JJ 19 „ 1592 BURIALS. 133 Agnes Wenington the wif of Edw : Edward Newbye son of Nicholas Richard Kilner son of John of Newton Robert HaU of Water Syde Witim Asborner son of Thomas Elizabeth Baiinowe doughter of Wittm John Seatte sonn of George Henrye Cowell son of Henry Witim Kelett son of Oliver MabeU Robinsonn ... the wife of Tho : Simpsonn of Flookburgh Thomas Simj>sonn cte Peartree John Newbye son of John Thomas Simpson de Birkbye Nicholas Canny de Backbarowe Agnes Bruskowe doughter of Tho : Xpofer FeU Issabell Muckelt & Agnes Cassonn Eliz : Harrison Thomas Barwick son of John Witim Carter John Roper Margret Briggs doughter of Ric : Witim Casson & Rob'CTt Barrowe Margret Casson wife of James Witim Cowart of LindaU An,ne Simpson doughter of Ric : p. 35 George Thornburgh Jane Dickoiison wife of Ric : Thomas Britton Witim Fdd de Newton Agnes WatteiwooiTth James Robinson Issabel Simpson Roger Clarke son of Ric : Ralphs Dickonson son of Ric : Anne Layton- vxor Charles Layton gent : Edward Walker Henrye Britton M"' Knype the wife of Antho : gen : the wife of Hugh Ke'let Altc Keltett Richard Canny Margret Taylor James Wilson Robert Cowart son of Tho : Margret Hodgson Jennet Simpson Margret Muckelt 24 9 June Jul}-e JJ JJ II JJ 1418 JJ JJ 19 I JJ August 4 JJ 21 ^^ 28 JJ 30 JJ 31 JJ JJ I JJ September 2 JJ 3 JJ JJ JJ 4 JJ 56 JJJJ 9 JJ rj JJ 10 JJ 13 JJ 15 „ 2528 JJ JJ 29 JJ 3° I JJ October 2 JJ 3 JJ 4 JJ 9 JJ 14 JJ 17 JJ 23 4 JJ November 6 JJ ;J JJ 1418 JJJJ 23 28 i? 30 8 JJ December 18 JJ 24 JJ 134 CARTMEL PARISH REGISTERS Hugh Barrowe of Flookburgh Jennet the wife of Ric : Danson Richard Birckett son of Jo : John Rothman son of James Richard Jenkinisonn Eliz : Wilson the wife of Symond Issabell Canny the doughter of Ric : John Barrowe of Flookburgh Jenniet Warde the wife of Witim Edward Kelet of Flookburgh Mychaell Danson of Flookburgh Anne Britton doughter of Witim Thomas Barrowe son of Peter John Fell of Churchtowne John Waynhouse of Rostwhat Richard Huberstye of Flookburgh 1593. 36 Xpofer Keltett of Buckcragge Agnes Waythman doughter of Wittm George Canny of Backbarrowe James Harrison de Stavelaye Eliz : Seatle wife of Ric : John Canny son of Martin James Atkinson de Cartmelfell Ellin the wife of Wittm Britton Churchtown ... Ellin the wife of Thomas Pepper Xpofer the son of Martin Katherin the wife of RoBt Harrison of Cartmel FeU Issabel Seatte doughter of Henry Elizabeth Barrowe doughter of John Marye Altexander doughter of John Wittm Britton of Churchtowne Robert Harrison son of Edward Wittm Barbon of Churchtowne Jennet the wife of Richard Wilson the wife of James Barwick of Kark John Simpson son of Richard Agnes Barbon doughter of Witim the wife of John Burne of Myars IssabeU the wife of Tho : Atkinson AUic Greenwood doughter of W™ Margret Barrowe doughter of Peter Jennet the wife of Henrye Barwick Agnes Harrison singlwoman of Cartmell Fell ... John Pepper son of W™ of Cartmel feU Bryan Harrisonn of Cartmel Fdl :s. 1592-15 19 Januarye 24 JJ 26 JJ 5 Februarye 8 JJ 18 JJ JJ JJ 20 JJ 21 JJ 22 JJ 27 JJ 4 Marche 7 JJ 12 JJ 14 JJ 31 JJ 2 Aprill II IS16 18 JJ 2829 7 Maie IS JJ 18 JJ 25 JJ I June 7 JJ 12 JJ 14 JJ 17 JJ 18 JJ JJ JJ 8 Julye 16 JJ 23 JJ 24 JJ 26 JJ 3 August 16 )i I593-IS94 BURIALS. 135 Richard Clark of Flookburgh One infant of Henrye Cowdles being not christened Margret pke doughter of John de Holker Edward Hodgson of PuUhouse Richard Fletcher of FeUdbroughton Richard Britton de Churchtowne Margret Archer doughter of Ric : p. 37 Richard Brockbanck of Spilbanck Agnes Cliarke the wife of Ric : of Flookb : Ric : Taylor the son of Arthur Roger Burn buryed near vnto the funt Elizabeth Robuison Leonard Dickonsonn the dark of this pish Mychaell Danson of Flookburgh Myites. Harrison of Cartmell FeUi Jennet Briggs the wife of S' Thomas John Brockbanck son of James Jennet Simpson doughter of RoBt A child of RoBt Stons' of Broughton Myles Dockerye Bridget Dickonson doughter of Ric : Jennet Bigland doughter of Henrye Jun' John Maskowe Wittm Waller of Grainge A chyldof Robert RoskeU Margrett Pattonn the wife of Ric : A chUde of John- Hollydayes Issabell Fell in the Church Jennet Keltett doughter of Edward Agnes Barber doughter of Hugh Isabell Preston Elizabeth Barwick wife of Edward Ellin Burn in the Church Issabel Dickonson doughter of Hugh Robert Harrison Hugh Seatte Elin Pepper John Gumel ... Richard Pul of Churchtowne Nicholas Danson Xpofer Simpson Jennet Knype James Thorns John Robinson son of John P-38 1594. 22 August 24 JJ 30 I JJ September 7 8 JJ JJ 9 JJ lOi6 J) JJ 23 28 I JJJJ October 2 1618 JJ jjJ/ 25 26 T2 JJ November 26 JJ 29 JJ JJ 4 JJ December 16 26 JJJJ 30 4 JJ Januarye JJ JJ 9 JJ II JJ 13 JJ 14 26 JJ J' 27 JJ 2918 JJ Februarye 2326 15 JJJJ March 20 JJ 27 JJ Richard Fell Mychaell Champney 8 Aprill 136 CARTMEL PARISH REGISTERS. 1594-1596 A chyld of Thomas Pepper . . . Wittm Milner son of Richard M' Xpofer Preston esquire . . . Wittm Casson son of John . . . Witim Keltett son of Edward Edward Burye p. 39 John Barrowe son of Hugh Nether Newton. the wife of Xpofer Simpson in the Church Thomas Cowart John Fell John Bigland the wife of Ric : Barber de Barber Greene Henrye Barrowe of Greaves Peter Kellett Nicholas Brockbanck Witim Waynhouse in the Church Edward Barwick Edward Wilson John Turner . . . A chyld of Martin Canny Ellin BeU Issabell Taylor James Ftetcher Richard Stones Wittm Swainson. Robert Britton Leonard Kilner son of John James Newbye A chyld of Nicholas Newbye a bastard Jennet Hodgson y° wife of Xpofer James Cassonn of the Fell edge 10 Maie 21 27 J, 13 June 16 „ 15 Julye 3 August 5 JJ IS JJ 23 ^ J, 10 September 3 October 4 JJ 9 JJ 12 ,j 15 J, 21 JJ 27 ,j JJ JJ 29 J, 4 Novem'ber 29 JJ 6 December 9 JJ 20 Januarye 8 Febmarye II JJ 16 „ 18 JJ 6 March 16 „ p. 40 1595. the wife of Thomas Pepper . . . Robert Barrowe Allic Pull in the Church Robert Barrowe de Boorbanck 3 ApriU 8 JJ 14 ,j. 22 Maie p. 41 Issabell Harryson wif of Geo Richard Walter Wittm Barrowe of Ayshead vxor Edward Muckelt Roger Fell James Bar\vick Walter Newton George WaUer 1596. de Kark 9 Maie 12 „ 12 June 25 Julye 13 October 19 November II December 30 IJ IS96-IS97 BURIALS. 137 Hugh Fell & a chyld of Thomas Bai'rowes of Allythwat in the Church vxor Mathewe Barrowe & a Chyld of George Sheffelde M''^ Thornburghe wife of W™ Esquir Thomas Dickonson 3 Januarye 19 Februarye 10 March 1597. ,42 wittm Barrowe the wife of Xpofer Barrowe Martin Canny A chylde of Ric Stones de Seatle Agnes Muckelt , Ric : Brockbanck son of Edw : Xpofer Barrowe Witim Dickson of Lindall . . . Wittm Simpson Oliver Stones Richard Barrow son of Hugh Agnes Levens Agnes Stones Rowland Hodgson Agnes Sand Elizabeth WUkinsonn MabeU Swaynson the wife of Xpofer Jennet Hodgson & IssabeU Burye Mabel Harrison & Agnes Brockbanck SibeU FeU & A chyld of Edward Brittons Mabell Cowart John Barwick son of John . . . Elizabeth Holine Agnes Atkinson Agnes Bigland & Margret Fel the doughter of Augustyne James Swaynson de Cartmel Fell Nicholas Barrowe de Stavlaye Witim Britton de Lindall ... Cristobdl Fletcher A chyld of Bryan Barwicke ... Witim Wallas de Cartmel FeU Walter Preston son of W" . . . EUzabeth GurneU predicta Eliz_: seipsam suspenderat 17° die Julij pdict : ... Elizabeth Barwick doughter of Wittm Jennet Barrowe wife of Edw : Jennet Batma April 9 JJ 12 J? 1619 2128 Male 10 JJ II JJ 12 JJ IS18 JJ JJ 25 I JJ June 2 JJ 45 6 JJ J J JJ 10 JJ 12 JJ 1710 JulVe 12 JJ 2026 JJ JJ 21 2 JJ August 138 CARTMEL PARISH REGISTERS. 1597 Mabel Barwick Jennet Sclater wife of James 43 Thomas Harryson of Cartmel Fell Ane Wallas Henry Jnglish being drouned on Furnes Sand . . . Edward Simpson Agnes Barrowe Agnes Caton the wife of Thomas Mabell Waynhouse John Turner of Hampsfeild Jane Mylner John Canny son of Martin IssabeU Turner the wife of John Jennett Cowper John Newton John Barrowe son of George James Birckett Anne Barrowe the wife of Hugh Issabell Knyf>e John Kellett James Kellett Elizabeth Wenington Agnes Birckett Ellin Ftetcher Peter Birckett John Mallyarye John Idle & Margret Wainhouse wife of Edward Richard Taylor son of Arthur Agnes Britton Mabell Britton James Muckelt Elizabeth Fletcher Jennet Newbye & Anne Asborner John. Burye & Myles Punder Rowland Britton & Bryan Simpson John Waynhouse James Finstwhat & Margret Fletcher James Pull John Keltett Wittm Fletcher Martin Birckett & Issabell Newby Jennet Suart Richard RoskeU & John Dickson Agnes the wife of Bryan Sclater Wittm Fletcher & Margret Barrowe Witim Simpsonn Robert Caton Thomas Muckelt Jennett Muckelt 3 August 21 I JJ September 5 JJ 9 JJ 10 JJ 15 jtt 22 it 23 II it October 14 16 JJ JJ JJ „ 17 JJ 19 JJ 20 JJ 22 JJ 23 JJ 29 JJ 30 JJ I Novtimber 3 JJ 4 8 5J JJ 9 JJ 10 JJ II JJ 12 JJ 13 JJ 15 16 JJ JJ 17 JJ 19 JJ 21 )J 22 JJ 24 JJ 25 JJ 27 28 JJJJ 29 J! December 5 JJ 10 JJ II ft 12 ft 14 JJ 16 IS97-I598 BURIALS. 139 Oliver Fell Jane Danson Agnes Atkinson & Elizabeth Swaynson Elizabeth Wallas Xpofer Taylor & Katherin Waller Agnes Waynhouse Richard Idle Margret Newton Xpofer Finstwhat Hugh Crosfeild John Wane & Ric : Kellet Margret FeU Witim Simpson Issabell Wenington Margret Harrison Witim Robinson Richard Punder Witim Pepper, son of Thomas El'iin Muckelt Bryan Clarck John Barrowe John Barrowe son of Thomas Maryon pker doughter of Tho : pker of Sandwitch and Katherin Caton Katherin Simpson wife of Witim Margret Simpson & John Barrow Margret Seatle & Edward Canny Robert Walas Anne Barrowe wife of Roger ¦two children of Tho. : Walkers of Todemyer Xpofer Danson & Jennet Barrowe Elizabeth Pull doughter of Edward Dorothy Barrowe Robert Thorns Edward Britton Robert Pull son of Edward . . . IssabeU Kellet doughter of John Mytes Canny Xpofer Taylor son of Xpofer RoBt Atkinson & Issabell Caton John Jackson p. 44 Richard Casson of Owrigg . . . Issabell [sic] 1598. Anne Fell & 'Mabell Canny Peter Canny & Jennet Canny Witim Stavelaye & EUin GatskeU . 156 Burials A.D. 1597 219 „ A.D. 1623 17 December 18 JJ 19 JJ 2028 JJJJ 29 JJ 31 6 JJ Januarye ir JJ 16 18 JJJJ 19 i7 21 JJ 2526 ft tt 27 t* 29 8 JJ Februarye JJ 10 JJ II JJ 12 JJ 17 JJ 2226 JJJJ 27 JJ JJ 28 JJ JJ 2 March 3 JJ 4 JJ 56 JJ JJ 7 8 JJ JJ 12 JJ 14 JJ 21 ft 24 ft 26 March 28 JJ 31 JJ 140 CARTMEL PARISH REGISTERS. 1598 p. 45 Edward Barrowe Jennet Greenwood Jeane Catonn Nicholas Warde Witim Marr James JMuckelt & Edmond WalKr Issabell Newbye Issabell Bond Xpofer Roper Agnes Wallerd [sic] Edward Waller Witim HcJme son of Richard Em Finstwhat wife of Xpofer Thomas Bond & Anne Harry Xpofer MarsheU Thomas Asborner Robert Nealson, Issabell Burn Thomas Taylor Margret Benson Issabell Canny Edward Brockbanck John Britton son of George & Jennet Marye Moslaye Edward Britton Mabell Newbye Mabell Dickson James Crosfeild Anne Fel of Karke Elin Walker wife of Lawrenc James Bigland Margret Birckett Jennet Cowart doughter of RoBt Elizabeth Douthorn Gilbert FeU of Ow,rigge Mabell Carter Dorotliye Barber wife of Edward Richard Muckelt sonn of Ric : ... Alio Huberstye wife of James . . . George Mackereth drouned vpon Kent Agnes Nealson p. 46 Margret Burgas Kathe.rin David Richard Holme son of Richard . Richard Beesla)Te beinge drouned vpon John Moorcroft son of Mytes AlUc Pul Margret Robinson wife of James . Issabell Barwick wife of Witim . NV^w San Kent '9 San I Aprill 3 J' 7 8 ?' 10 ,, 20 JJ JJ JJ 21 JJ 24 JJ 27 JJ 29 J' ti JJ It 3 JJ Male 8 JJ 1516 JJ 18 JJ 19 JJ 2526 JJ 4 June 10 18 JJ JJ 22 JJ 24 8 Jul';.- 21 JJ 29 9 18 JJ August 21 JJ 25 12 jj September 20 JJ 27 7 JJ October 16 JJ 19 JJ 32 JJ 29 JJ 30 8 JJ November 1598-1599 BURIALS. 141 Anne Bigland doughter of John 29 November Witim Sands 4 December John Newby 7 „ Richard Kellett son of Witim 16 ]Margiet Atkinson doughter of James „ „ Edward Cassonn son of Xpofer 19 „ A chylde of Witim Wane 25 ,, Wittm Burj'e 29 „ Xpofei- Prestonn i Januarye Grace Barrowe 7 ,t Witim Knype 10 „ Thomas Backster & Xpofer Taylor sonn of Xpofer 13 jj Agnes Muckelt wife of Peter 17 jj Xpofer Baitier son of Mytes 18 „ John Turner & Jennet Atkinson 19 „ Thomas Caton de Karke and Issabell Barrowe ... 25 „ Lawrenc Fell of Newton 26 „ Richard FeU de Walton 23 „ Mabel Fdl 3 Febmarye Elin Thorns 7 » Issabel Marshell wife of John 9 jj RoBt Fell son of James de Walton 17 jj Issabell Rownson 18 „ Agnes FeU doughter of the said James 19 jj A child of Tho : Walkers Bridgend 24 Margrett Preston wife of Edward of Walton ... 26 ,, Richard Moore son of Tho : 3 March IssabeU Barrowe \rife of Henne 24 „ [sic] Agnes Turner doughter of W" jj jj John Burns of Myars S u IssabeU Casson wife of W" 7 jj Mychaell BeU de FeU Yeat 12 MychaeU Harrisonn 18 ,, Richard Fell of Broughton 21 ,, Agnes Robinson wife of Witim of the Churchtowne 24 „ 1599. S' John Cowpland minister Margret Burjje wife of John de Aynsam ... 95 p. 48 A chyld of MychaeU Carters A chyld of Myles Buryes Jennet FeU & a chylde of Margret Brockbancks Margret Malyarye 'doughter of Jo : Mabell Fel doughter of August : Wittm Dickonson son of Ric : Peter FeU son of Jo : de Newton Sibell Preston wyfe of Ric : and Thomas Claxckson ••¦ 27 31 March ApriU IS19 28232429 31 Maie 142 CARTMEL PARISH REGISTERS. 1599-1600 Mabell Brockbanck doughter of Ja : Ric : Newbye sen' of Karke John Suart son of Edward Katherin Rop wife of Xpofer Chyld of Wittm Carters A ohylde of Ric : Muckelts Jun' John Askewe son of Wittm Ellin pke doughter of John Wittm RoskeU son of RoBt A chyld of Tho : Walkers Agnes Suggener of Lindal - John Pullontsaye son of Maryon James Barrowe Eliza : Keltet doughter of Edward Thomas Simpson son of Witim MabeU Roper wife of Ric : Richard Archer John Sand son of Nicholas John Kilner son of Thomas Anne Jenkinson wife of Wittm Lawrenc Britton son of RoBt EUin Carter wife of John p. 49 James Taylor son of George A chylde of Richard Simpsons Margret Taylor wife of George John Barrowe son of Wittm Roger Barrowe son of RoBt Wittm Cowpthat son of Edward Elizabeth FeU of Walton Marye B arrowe doughter of Wittm John Barrowe son of John Jolin- BeU son of Nicholas Richard Simpson alias Halt Ric : de Flook : A chylde of John Greenwoods Mabell Britton 6 June 7 J) 2326 22 JJ JJ Julye 25 8 JJ August 1 1 JJ „ JJ 24 JJ 25 I JJ September 2 JJ 1416 14 J) JJ November 24 3 JJ December 29 a 31 it 8 Januarye 14 I JJ Febmarye 9 JJ II JJ 12 JJ 19 JJ 20 JJ 2326 JJ JJ JJ JJ 2728 9 JJ JJ March 16 JJ p 50 1600. Robert Stones son of Robert & Robert Barrowe son of Wittm 18 Aprill Wittm Harrison of Stavelay 23 „ EUin Ward 24 „ Jennet Barrow doughter of Tho : 30 „ Margret Wane wife of Wittm ... 4 Maie A chyldof Jo: Kellet Myersyed 25 „ John Archer son of Thomas 28 „ Mathewe Dicksonn 9 June Agnes Simpson sister of Ric : Simpson of Karke 14 „ JO'hn Walker son of Tho : 20 „ i6oo-i6or BURIALS. 143 James Barrowe John Barwick son of Xpofer Issabell Burye wife of Witim Xpofer Preston son of Geo : de Graing Anthony Knype gent : A chyld of John Buryes Allic Pepper Witim Askewe son' of Witim John Barrowe son of Xpofer Margret Wane doughter of W Thomas Brockbanck Xpofer Preston son of Tho : Richard Simpson Agnes Stones wife of Ric : . . the wife of Richard Kilner . . Richard Killner John Killner Jennet Carter the wife of Wittm Agnes Barrowe doughter of Mychell Witim Barwick son of Anthony . . . Agnes Carter doughter of MychaeU Thomas Barrowe son of Peter John Bircket of Holker 1601. p. 73 Witim Sowrey Jane Kellett EUzabeth Bonvicke Wittm Kdlett Jenett Walker dau : of Thomas . Thomas Walker sone of Thomas Agnes Lowder Grace Robinson Maball Bancke of Cartmel FeU . Issabell Staynes Allies Morecroft John Fell sone of Xpo' ... . . James Townson and Alice Newton A chyld of Richard Burges IssabeU Thomes Margaret Bomvicke John Holme AlUce Gate the dau : of Edward Laurence Walker Jennet Gate Issabell Beare Wittm Casson Jenett Harison of Cartmel Fell . . 25 I II June Julye August 23 JJ 30 JJ JJ I JJ September 29 2 JJ October 4 18 JJ November JJ 26 JJ JJ 11 JJ 2728 2 JJ JJ Januarye 3 JJ 5 24 JJ Febmarye 27 3 JJ March 22 J J 22 ApriU 25 JJ 27 4 JJ Maye 14 JJ 15 JJ 4 16 June JJ 29 31 3 6 JJ Julye August JJ II JJ S September 9 ,, 20 JJ 21 2 ft October 1018 3 JJJJ Nouember 10 JJ 24 „ 144 CARTMEL PARISH REGISTERS. 1601-1602 Margaret Fell wife of Augustin Robert Earle and A child of James Bonvicke Myles Strickland Wittm Robinson of Churchtowne p. 74 Margaret Fell dau : of James and Peter Barrowe sone of Xpo' Thomas Harison of Lancaster Hugh Mackerel and Robert Brittane sone of Xpor and Elline Hayton John Barbar sone of Myles Thomas Hutton gentteman Issabell Swaynson Wittm Walker sone of Robert Wittm Cannye Wittm Staines sone of Xpor Margaret Staines Xpo' Simson sone of Arthur Ann Buram the wife of Mytes Edward Barrow sone of Robert of Greenbanck . . . Edward Bigland sone of Henery iunior Mabal Walker A chUd of John Barrows of Ay said Wittm Barrow sone of John Jenett Wallas the wife of George Xpo' Preston of Nether Nuton William Swaynson sone of Anthonye Hno Donj 1602. John Brockbancke sone of John Jenett Barrow wife of James MabaU Pull wife of Richard EUzabeth Preston wife of George Esq' Edward Robinson sone of Richard of Stauley . . . Witim Bu-kett of Holker "... Edmond Barrowe Milner Elten Barrowe wife of Edmond Richard Stainton Roger Brockbancke of Aysaid Alice Cayton of Flookbrough Xpo' Thornburgh of Greenbancke Anne Swaynson wife of Antho : of Cartmel Fdl Witim Ashbumer sone of Thomas Smith Richard Burges of Flookburgh Eline Walker wife of Thomas Jenett Newbye Wittm Cayton Wheelwright 7 December 21 „ 23 JJ 2428 „ 29 JJ 5 Januarye 28 3 Februarye 15 JJ 17 JJ 20 ,, 19 JJ 21 JJ 22 JJ 23 28 8 JJ JJ March 12 JJ II J' 19 JJ 24 J) 3° March I ApriU 4 JJ 10 J* 18 JJ 29 2 8 JJ May JJ 7 18 j» 21 6 JJ June II JJ 14 26 4 18 28 ftJJ Julie JJJJ I602-I603 BURIALS. 145 Richard Kellett of Tenterbancke Thomas Burschough Doiothie Jenkinson dau : of Witim Ann Britton dau : of Xpo' Issabell Barrow wife of Edward ... Margaret Barrowe wife of Xpo' ... Edward Waynhowse sone of Rowland MabaU BeU IssabeU Suert John Kilner Allioe Rigg the wife of Allexander George Taylor sone of James Edward Swaynson Witim Wallas Agnes Swaynson John Woane sone of Witim Richard Borwicke Issabell Settte dau : of Robert . . . Jenett Walker dau : of Tho : Anthonie Borwicke of Cartmelfels Thomas Waynhouse & John Milner Margaret Wallas p. 75 Jenett Cannye Margaret Swa)Tison wife of Lawrence Edmond Cannye IssabeU Jackson of Lindall Dorothie Simson Agnes Gurndl wife of Thomas . . . John Cowell sone of Henery Jenett Jackson of Lindall Jenett Newbie Nicholas Dawson sone of Witim iu' Jenett Branton , Jenett Brockbancke Michael Harison of Cartmel Fell Issabell Milner wife of John James Bell of the Sheepcoats Issabdl Warde dau : of Rowland and Richard FeU Agnes Barrowe p- 76 anno 2)onj 1603. Margaret Barrowe the wife of Michaell Richard Simson of Tenterbancke MabaU Sands William Nealson of Flookbrough Margaret Fell Roger FeU sone of Roger of Walton Alice Finstwhait 31 5 8 Julie August JJ 10 JJ II JJ 29 JJ 31 S JJ September 10 JJ IS JJ JJ 18 JJ 23 JJ 22 I ft October II JJ 12 JJ 13 JJ 19 26 JJ JJ 2728 2 JJ JJ Nouember 3 18 JJjj 27 JJ 29 I JJ December II JJ 30 i? JJ ft 9 Januarye 24 JJ 29 2 JJ Februarye 3 6 JJJJ 7 March 22 28 March 29 JJ 3° S Aprill 19 JJ 2927 JJ Maye 146 CARTMEL PARISH REGISTERS. 1603-1604 John Simson. son of WiUiam Issabell Cayton Margaret Borwicke John Jenkinson sone of Wiliam Agnes Birkett wife of George John P.irke sone of John of the pishe of Dalton was drowned vpon Kent Sands ... Maball Barbon the wife of Gyles William Bonvicke was buried heath gree Thomas Barrow 'Of Stauley & Elten Parke of Holker Robert Hodgson Margaret Brockbancke dau : of John ... Richard Wilson of Churchtowne Wittm Carter of Cartlaye [sic] Jenett Archer Witim Borwicke of Cartmel Fels EUine Peper wife of Witim Lawrence Swaynson, of Cartmel Feh . . . Witim Britton sone of Xpo' of Lindall EUzabeth Barrowe dau : of Nicholas' ... Wittm Robinson allias Blencket Margaret Danson of Flookbrough Thomas. Barrowe A chyld of Hugh Barrowe of Newton . . . John Barbon Jun' of The Churchtowne & Jenett Knype John Cowptwhait sone of Edward Wittm Rownson of Holker Margaret Barrow dau : of RoBt Michaell Barrow of the Abbutt HaU ... Robert Bonvicke sone of Xpo' p- 77 1604. Margaret Strickland dau : of Thomas Jennett Kellett the wife of E^dward Margaret Chrosfeild the wife of Edward ... Agnes Borwicke the wife of Edward of Walton-. Arthur Taylor of Lindall A chUd of Roger ffels not baptized Richard Britton of Churchtowne Anne Dawson d. of Wiliam Jun' Agnes Bonvicke wife of Anthonye of Walton . James Robinson, of Neth' Carke Jenett Wilson the wife of Peter of fflookb : John Briggs sone of Richard of fflookburgh Anne Briggs the wife of Richard Briggs Elizabeth Simson the wife of John of the same. Margarett Casson the wife of James of ffeledge. 7 June 16 Julie 17 JJ 20 „ 23 ,j 19 August 9 September IS JJ 29 JJ 3 October 4 Nouember 14 JJ 18 JJ 6 December 7 jj 8 JJ 10 Januarye 19 )j II Febmarye 12 JJ 18 JJ 21 JJ 27 JJ 6 March 7 JJ 10 JJ 19 JJ 20 March 3 AprUl 7 JJ 10 JJ 12 JJ 19 J' 22 JJ 8 Maye II JJ I June 7 JJ II JJ 19 JJ 22 JJ II Tulie I604-I605 BURIALS. 147 AUce Wilkmson of fflookburgh Issabell Preston dau : of George of Grange Jenett Swartbracke ye base dau : of Wittm Robert Kellett sone of Robert of Buckcragg A child of John Blundels not bapt : Mabell Hodshon wife of Wiliam Agnes Taylor the d. of James at Methop ... A child of William Swainsons of Grenbancke John Newbie sone of Edward of Walton . . . Mabal Metchel wife of James Peter Borwicke the sone of Edwine of ffayrig John Swaynson of Yorfulyeat Alice Peper d. of Thomas Agnes Settle wife of James of ye ffelyeat . . . Margaret Brockbancke dau : of Edward ... Arme Birrie wife of Myles of ye Churchtowne Jenett Waller of the Grange and Jenett Peper dau : of Myles Hugh Kellett of the Hee Issabell Sande of the Churchtowne and Agnes Robinson of AUthwhait Richard Danson of fflookburgh . . . Elizabeth Wilson of Alithwhait . . . Edward Harison of Cartmell Anne Lowder the dau : of Witim of Stauley p. 78 Margaret Bigland dau : of Edward of Munion Edward Wennington of Lindall Thomas Sand the sone of Henery of Churchtowne Hnno 2)onj 1605. 27 Julie 18 „ 22 „ 12 August 17 JJ 25 JJ 6 September 23 ,j 5 October 14 JJ IS J, 19 JJ 15 Nouember 28 „ 29 JJ 5 December 7 JJ 14 It 3° JJ JJ JJ 9 Januarye 16 „ 29 JJ 3 ffebruarye 9 March 12 JJ 14 ,j Annoque Renj Donj nri Regis Jacobi &c. tertio et Scotiae xxxviij Elizabeth Borwicke wife of Richard of Carke Robert Keltett the sone of Robert of Buckcragg Jenett Bateman the dau : of Richard of Grange.. Elizabeth Bigland dau : of George John Newton the son of John of CartmelfeU James Holme sone of James Holme of fflookburg Jenett Howe the wife of RoBt of CartmeUeUs Agnes Borwicke wife of James of Walton ... WiUiam Barrowe of Birkbye Anne Wilfeon wife of Henery of Alithwhait Jenett Hodgson dau : of Thomas of Newton Rowland Thornburgh sone of Rowland of HamesfeU gener : Issabell Taylor wife of James of LindaU . . . Agnes Slater wife of George Issabell Wennington d. of Robert • 27 March g 29 10 Aprill ¦ 23 JJ h 4 JJ Maye 22 JJ 9 June . 10 JJ • 17 ¦ 7 JJ Julie . 12 JJ • 23 JJ • 29 JJ • 3° JJ 148 CARTMEL PARISH REGISTERS. 1605-1606 Kath're Barbar 10 August EUine Cayton dau ; of Thomas of LindaU Jane Barrow dau : of Michaell of Boorbancke ... Issabell KeUett of Tenterbancke Thomas Parkinson the base sone of Thomas ... Margaret Swa)'nson wife of Ed : of Luderburne John Barbon of Walton Arthur Ta) lor so-ne of James of LindaU Richard Robinson of Alithwhait John Barrow sone of Wil'Ham John Burnes sone of WUliam of fifeildbroughto... John Marshall of Cartmel ffels Witim Addison of Towerwood in Cartmelffells... Jane Waller dau : of Thomas Issabell Suert dau : of George A child of Witim Swaynson Ju' of Greenbancke Elizabeth ffell dau : of John of Walton Waller ... 79 Margaret Harison of Stauley Widow Kathiren Newbye wife of James Sen' of Seatte ... Richard Harrie of Woodbroughton A daught.;-r of John Birrie the sone of Hen : A chid of Ed : ffells of the Hardcragg in Wakon Alan Myers 17 19 „ 27 a 29 18 ft September 21 6 JJ October 17 9 JJ Nouember 21 JJ 22 JJ 27 10 JJ December 20 j-j 29 ft 6 Januarye 17 28 0 JJ JJ ffebruarye 6 JJ II16 )j 1 March ID „ II JJ 13 JJ 16 George Taylor sone of Rich : of the freeth Shephard 23 John Woane sone of WilUam of Holker IssabeU Barrow wife of Rich : of AUthwhait and John Hodgson sone of Thomas of Cartlayne ... James Milner of the Home Thomas Parker sone of Rich : of the pishe of Cokeram Richard Chamney sone of John Jenett Preistman & Richard Bonvicke sone of Edwine Borwicke of Hesselrigg 19 „ Roger Wajmhowse 23 „ p. 80 1606. Edward Robinson of Cartmel Fells 26 March John Robinson of the same 27 „ Jenett Dixon daugt : of Nicholas 7 Aprill Xpo' Taylor of Lindall 10 ,, Jenett Milner the wife of James of The Holme... 14 „ Wittm Baire sone of Wittm and Jenett Staines the wife of Richard late of Seatte 23 „ Elizabeth Baire wife of William of Woodbroughton 30 ,, Jane Sande dau : of Henery of Alithw' 8 Maye EUine Myers widow and Witim Wallas the Sonne of Rowland of Cartmelfell 27 June John Parke of Alithwhait i Julie i6o6-i6o7 fiURIALS. 149 James Fletcher of LindaU Xpo' Danson of Flookbrough and Xpo' Danson sone of James of Churchtowne drowned about Winder Jerome Barrowe of Alithwait who was drowned in Windermor Water Elizabeth the dau: of George Bigland John Fell of the Churchtowne Slayter Hughe Houghton of Lindall & Allele Houghton of Ou'nuton A child of Thomas Hodgsons of Cartmelfell none Richard Walker of Birkeby John Brockbancke sone of Witim of Howbarrowe Agnes Dixon dau : of Wittm of Lindall John Barrow sone of Robert p. 8 1 Margaret Barrow dau : of Tho : of The Wood . . . A child of Edward Keltett of Dawthorne Anne Hawkes of Warton drowned on Cartmell Sands Margaret WilsO'U wife of Rich : of Churchtowne Robert Harison of Hartbarrow Alice Harison wife of Bryam of CartmelfeU George Harison of Woodbroughton Isacke Turner sone of Edward Mercer Kathiren Barrow wife of Richard of Headhowse A child of Witim Waones Anne Swaynson dau : of Witim of Greenbancke James Slater of Ou'nuton bur"* aboue gree Henery Wilson sone of Richard of Alithw' Witim Barber sone of Hugh of Barbargreene ... Elizabeth the wife of Geo : Rigg Jun' was drowned vpon the sands beyonde Winder . . . Jenett Rownson wife of John of Aysaid beneath gree George Birkett late sone of Peter and John Danson sone of RoBt Danson Agnes Borwicke wife of Anthonye of Cartmelfells James Bonvicke sone of Peter of Aysaid 1607. [no entry] John Beare of Walton sone of Robert aboue gree Thomas Brockbancke sone of Xpo' of Speelbancke Elizabeth Barrowe at Carkebrigesend Lancotet Thorpe and EUzabeth the wife of John Walter of the Grange Anne Burne the dau : of Wittm of Feildbroughton Witim Turner of The Churchtowne Alice Barrowe dau : of Nich : of 7 Julie August 9 JJ 13 JJ 14 JJ 2520 JJ SeptemberOctober 2128 JJ JJ 29 12 JJ Nouember 21 JJ 3 December 9 JJ 14 JJ 21 JJ 2 Januarye 26 JJ 29 JJ 30 2 JJ Februarye 14 JJ 17 26 JJJJ 28 JJ 10 March II JJ 12 JJ 20 JJ March 4 April] 17 28 JJJJ 29 JJ 30 II JJ Maye 18 «j 15° CARTMEL PARISH REGISTERS. 1607 p. 82 A child of Wittm Simsone Jun' of Holkar Agnes Marshall wife of Rich : of Ludderburne . . . Elizabeth Strickland of Cartmelfells A child of Richard Holme of Tenterbancke Margaret Holme dau : of Rich : of Tenterbancke Margaret Robinson of Cartmelfells Jenett Holme wife of Richard of Carke beneath gree Edward Robinson sone of Stephen of Cartmelfells Jenett Birrie wife of Thomas of Churchtowne . . . Wittm Barrowe sone of Henei7e of Woodbroughto Agnes Jackson of the Grange Mytes Burne of ffeildbroughton benath gree Wittm Hodgson of ffoxefeUd beneath gree Rowland Pejjer of Cartmelfells Jenett WaUas dau : of Rowland of the same James Rothman of Woodbroughton The wife of Rich : Bigland of Holker A Child of Hugh Barbons not bapt : Anne Tomson wife of John of the Churchtowne John Newbie the sone of Wittm of Ou' Nuton ... MabaU Birrie wife of John of Churchtowne Showmaker James Danson of fflookbrough Richard Marshall of CartmelfeUs James Greenwood beneath gree Margaret Rownson wife of Tho : of Aysaid aboue gree John Turner sone of Edward Mercer John Borwicke sone of Thomas of fifayrigg A ChUd of James ffells not bapt : Maball Asburner wife of Tho : blacksmith and Jenett Birrie the wife of Jo : Cowp of Churchtowne Kathiren Sands of Cartmelfells HeUen Newton the wife of John of CartmelfeUs Peter Muckelt of Walton James MaycheU Thomas MitcheU of CartmelfeUs Alice Clough dau : of John of Preston John Rownson of Aysaid beneath gree Henery Penington drowned on Kent sands Edmond Strickland sone of Tho : of Cartmelfells & Jenett Briggs base dau : of Tho : of Argarlaye... Wittm Turner sone of Edw: of Holker Witim Hirdson drowned one Kent sands A stUborne child of John ffletchers of Broughton Margaret Lowther of Stauley Thomas Diconson of Walton 25 Maye 10 June II JJ 25 9 JJ Julye 10 18 JJ JJ 3 August S JJ 13 JJ 14 JJ 19 JJ 2013 JJ September 1416 JJJJ 29 10 JJ October 28 I JJ Nouember 9 JJ 21 JJ 29 3 December 28 „ 4 Januarie IS „ 20 „ 23 J, 26 „ 28 „ 3 ffebmarie 7 J, 26 „ 14 March 19 .. 21 22 „ 24 JJ [Here end the Burials in Original Vol: I.] i6o8 BURIALS. 151 VOLUME 2. 2 p. 2 p. p-3 anno bonj 1608. Margaret Towanson James Swaynson of CartmelfeUs A Stilborne child of Edward Kellets of Dawthorne Rowland Briggs son of James of Flookbrougl Jenett Turner of Holker James Borwicke sone of Myles of Cartmelfell'! Witim Pepper of Cartmelfells A stilbome chUd of Edward Cowpthwaits .. Issabell Fell dau : of James Jun' of Walton Jenett Barber dau : of Edward of Barbergreene Jennett Birket dau : of George of Milnedame. RoBt Tompson drowned on Kent Sands James Burges of Flookbrough Wittm Fletcher of LindaU RoBt Warde sone of Rowland Warde Wittm Askew the sone of Witim of Walton . Robert Tomson sone of John of Comeforth . Edward Turner of Feildbroughton mercer . John Fell of Ouernuton and HeUin Pearson . Jane the dau : of RoBt Mackereth Witim Sandes wife of Stauley Edward Swaynson sone of John of Cartmelfell Elizabeth Hodgson dau : of Thomas of Cartlayne Witim Johnson sone of Edward RoBt Barrowe sone of Thomas of Flookburgh Margaret FeU dau : of Xpofer of Felyeat RoBt Barrowe of Greenbancke Jun' Margaret Bigland dau : of George Agnes Wilson dau : of Wittm of Churchtowne Elizabeth Diconson dau : of Thomas of Walton Marye Barbar the dau : of John of Aysaide ... John Burne sone of Henery and Marye Barrowe dau: of John of Aysaide Jane Knype dau : of Isacke & RoBt Pepper sone of Edward Pepper Jenett Simpson dau : of Wittm Jun' and AUice Garnett w"" her towe children the wife of Thomas Garnett of Cartmelfells Margaret Preston dau : of John of Walton . . . Wittm Preston sone of Thomas of Nethernuton Witim Simpson of Holker and Lawrence Tomer drouned on Kent Sands . . . HeUine Baine the wife of Robert 26 March 5 Aprill 1316 24 30 I M; lye June 4 26 I 7 II121418 24 JJ 28 „ 8 Julte 10 „ II 14 „ 23 „ 24 JJ 27 JJ 5 August 14IS „ 16 27 J. 3 September 26 JJ 29 JJ JJ J) 12 October 152 CARTMEL PARISH REGISTERS. 1608-1609 Witim Thombroughe of HampesfeUd Esq' ... Jenett Simpson wife of Witim Juni' of Holker RoBt Barrowe sone of Hugh of Ouernuton . . . Jenet Barbar dau : of Hugh of Barbargreene... Xpo' Barrowe sone of Hugh of Ouernuton ... IssabeU Wilson wife of Witim of Churchtowne Robert Newbye sone of John of Churchtowne Jenett FeU wife of Augustine of the same . . . A StUborne child of John Parks of Holker and A stilborne child of John Fletchers of Feildbroughton IssabeU WaUas of CartmelfeUs Margaret Taylor wife of Wittm of Holker . . . Robert Sande sone of Nicholas of Stauley ... Agnes WUson dau : of Richard of Alithw' . . . Margaret Simpson dau : of Xpor of Flookbrough and A chUd of George Bigland not baptd ... William Simpson of Quarelflatt and A chUd of Roger Fells of Walton Edward WUson sone of Henery WUson Maball Simpson dau : of Xpor of Flookbrough Margaret Bell dau : of Michaell of Cartlaye [sic] Rowland Lowder sone of Wittm of Stauley . . . Xpor Fell sone of Xpor of Cartlayne IssabeU Barrowe dau: of John of Aysaide ... John Harison of Grissingham Anne the wife of RoBt KeUett of Nethernuton Witim Barrowe sone of RoBt of the same ... Jenet Russell of Cartmel fells Kathhren Simpson dau : of John of Flookb : . . . John Burschowe sone of Thomas Jenet Burschowe dau : of Thomas of Flookb : Thomas Preston sone of Tho : glouer and AUice Swaynson of Cartmelfells Myles Boulton Thomas Burschowe sone of Tho : of Flookb : 7 October 8 JJ 14 JJ 18 JJ 19 JJ 21 JJ 25 JJ 29 JJ 30 JJ 25 Nouember II December 19 JJ 20 JJ 29 JJ 2 Januarye 10 JJ II JJ 15 JJ n JJ 19 JJ 21 JJ 27 JJ I Februarie 5 JJ 15 JJ 19 JJ 21 JJ 3 March 6 JJ 15 JJ ^9 JJ p. 4 1609. Peter Muckelte sone of Gilbert of Walton and A child of Witim Prestons a stilborne Hugh Britton sone of Stephen Edward Waynhouse sone of Rowland of Alithw' WiHiam Wayhouse sone of Thomas of Rostatt Henery Hayton of Walton Wittm Cayton sone of Thomas wheelwright... Kathiren Burgesse Widowe Agnes Simpson dau : of Tho : Jun' of Flookb : p. 5 Wittm Barrowe of the HiU in Ouernuton ... 29 March 31 JJ 6 ApriU II JJ 16 JJ 18 JJ 26 JJ 6 Maye 13 JJ 1609-1610 BURIALS. 153 Margaret Barbar dau: of John Barbar ... Agnes Barrowe dau : of George of Ayshead James Hubberstie of Flookbrough Margaret Barrowe the wife of George Rowland Waynhouse the sone of Rowland of Alithw' Tomasine Simpson wife of Hugh of Birkbye .. Margaret Sands dau : of Henerye of Alithw'.. Agnes the wife of Thomas Pepper of Nether Carke Georgje Suerde sone of George A stilborne chylde of Elizabeth Johnsons John Hallidaye the sone of John and Nicholas Tumer of Chrostwhait drowned beneath Humferhead WiUiam Simpson of Holker Agnes Staines the wife of Mytes Elizabeth Fletcher wife of Xpor of Rauenswinder JohnElis [no entries] Anne Bowman dau : of Witim Richard Preston of Walton Jenett Barrowe wife of Edward of Winder ... Elizabeth Borwicke dau : of Richard Junior of Carke A daughter of John Burschowes of Flookbrough Richard Newbie of Nethercarke Anne Wilson dau : of Richard of Alithwhait... James Taylor of Lindall Alice Brockbancke wife of Thomas of Howbarrowe Witim Dixon sone of Nicholas of Lindall and Agnes Dawson dau : of John of Aynesome . . . The wife of Nicholas Harison of Holker Symond Wilson sone of Tho : of Flookbrough A stilborne chyld of Xpor Potters of Myersyde Agnes Birrie dau : of Leonard of Woodbroughton Maball Maschowe wife of John of Cartmel Fells anno Dom : 16010 [sic]. Xpo' Parke the sone of John of Holker... . Richard Holime of Alithwhait Richard Briggs of Flookbrough IssabeU Taylor wife of Xpor of Lindall A daughter of Tho : Pepers of Nether Carke. John Johnson cooke of Holker Robert Lancaster of Preesoe James Muckelt sone of GUbert of Walton . 21 Maye 4 June 7 J, II18 Julie 25 5 Auguste 25 ,j 26 3 September 2 1 8 October 13 JJ 19 JJ 3° JJ Nouember 2 December 5 JJ 13 JJ i6 18 „ 16 Januarye 27 JJ 23 Februarie 26 „ 3 March 7 JJ 8 JJ 23 JJ 28 March 48 ApriU 10 12 13 . 16 2.^ IS4 CARTMEL PARISH REGISTERS. i6jo 2 P-7 Thomas Borwicke of y" High Wood in Cartmel Fells Wittm Tumer sone of Xp5r of Nethernuton . . . Elizabeth Thomebrough wife of George of Greenbancke Witim Dixson sone of Nicholas of Lindall ... A stUl borne child of Thomas Roskells of Holker Elizabeth RoskeU the wife of Thomas afforesaid Edward Newbie of Setle and Thomas Burschowe Carpenter Jenett Halliday Xpor Staines sone of Mathew Staines Issabell Setle the dau : of Richard of Fellyeat Dorithie Carke the dau : of Gilbert of Flookbrough Margaret Harison wife of Xpor of Hartbarrow Edward FeU of Carke WaUer Henerie Birrie of the Churchtowne EUzabeth Newton of CartmeUeUs Richard Seward A stilbome child of Eccleston of Flookbrough Jane Dawson the wife wife of Witim thelder of Aynesome Issabell Dawson Margaret Barrowe widowe of Stanley RoBt Baire of Wa'lton aboue gree Elizabeth Brockbanke Thomas Storie the sone of Lawrence James Setle of FeUyeat beneath gree James Dawson of Witherslacke Kathiren FeU dau : of Peter of Carke Mabal MaycheU the wife of John of Grange... Agnes Burne the wife of Richard of London... MabaU Newbie the wife of Richard of Nethercarke AUice Creakell of CartmelfeUs Marie Greehoode dau : of James of Backb : ... George Asburner sone of John of John [sic] . . . Edward Waller sone of Richard of Cartlayne... John Bowman sone of Witim of Hampesfeild Margaret Swaynson wife of Xpor of Ouernuton Hugh Barrowe of Ayesaid Anthonye Harison the son of Edward of Cartmelfels HeUine Barbar dau : of Peter of Birkebie Jane Danson wife of Xpor of Flookbrough ... Maball Cannye dau : of Richard Junior of Backbarrowe 14 Maye S June 12 JJ 41 JJ 18 JJ 19 JJ 22 12 JJ Julie 16 JJ 21 1 jj August 4 JJ 5 8 JJ 10 JJ 29 I September October 20 I JJ Nouember JJ JJ 2 16 JJ JJ 21 JJ 27 JJ 3 Januarye 9 JJ II JJ 12 ., 15 JJ 17 'J 21 JJ 24 I JJ Februarie 9 it 21 23 ti JJ JJ 12 March i6io-i6ii BURIALS. 155 21 22 31 March 5 April 8 JJ 9 JJ 10II JJ 21 23 Maye Elizabeth Greenhood wife of John and A stilborne child of Richard Holtnes 15 March Margerie Harison of CartmelUels 20 ,, James Holme of Flookburgh and Edward Muckelt of Cartmelfels Agnes Bonvicke 1611. p. 8 IssabeU Waruier p. 9 Kathiren Barrowe wife of Xpor of Stauley John Darbye who was drowned on Kent Sand Maball Borricke of Ayesaide widowe . . . George Sandes sone of John of Alithwhait The wife of John Waynlocke Stephen Britton aboue gree John Wilson sone of Rich : of Alithwhait Hugh Barrowe sone of Rowland Margaret Cowp thait wife of Nichols 19 -j John Cowptwhit sone of Edward of Hamesfild 23 „ Margaret Brathwait dau : of Witim of Haukeshead 4 June Witim Hodgson of Stauley 5 „ Witim Kilner sone of Roger of Lindall ... 15 „ A child of Elizabeth Walkers widowe was murthered by the said Eliza : „ „ Michaell Barrowe sone of Edward of Walton... 29 Julie Witim Kilner of Ouer Carke 4 August Thomas Pepper of Holker 16 „ Jenett Simpson wife of Robert of Flookb : ... 30 „ Elizabeth Sowrey wife of Edward of Backbarrowe 4 September Widowe Walter late wife of Witim of Grange 8 „ John Britton sone of John of Ayesaid 9 „ Alice FeU of Ouernuton widowe late wife of John ... II „ Issabell Kellett dau: of Xpor of Hampesfeild 12 „ Thomas Asburner sone of John of Churchtowne 24 ,, IssabeU Mackereth wife of RoBt of Felyeat ... 29 ,, Xp5r Turner of Hampesfeild beneath Gree ... 2 October John Barrowe sone of Edward of Flookburgh 4 „ IssabeU BeU dau : of Witim of Alithw' 21 „ Agnes Knype of CartmelfeUs „ „ Richard Harison of Cartmelfells 27 „ John Pepper i Nouember Maball Keltett of Rostwhait 2 Hugh Barber Colier & Gilbert Preston ... 4 Elizabeth Barber dau : of Edward Junior ... 9 „ Elizabeth Birkett of the Milne Damm 12 „ Agnes Simson wife of Rich : of Flookburgh... 18 „ 156 CARTMEL PARISH REGISTERS. 1611-1612 2 p. 10 Edward Punder sone of Rich: of AUthw' ... Margaret Danson dau : of RoBt of Flookb : ... Issabell Barrowe dau: of RoBt of Stanley ... Robert Mackereth of the Fell yeat beneath gree A stilborne child of Xp5r Barbers of LindaU... Maball Ca'rter dau: of Wittm of Cartloyne ... Tho: Simson of Flookburgh Jane Simson of Flookbrough Thomas Atkinson sone of Robert of Howbarrowe Robert Seatle sone of Robert of Cartlayne . . . Elizabeth Borwicke of Fidlerhawe Xpor Casson sone of James of the Feledge . . . Edward Shawe of Cartmelfells Gyles Barbon of Holker John Fel' sone of Agustine of Birkbie drowned one [sic] Conisaid Sands Edward Sowrey Wittm Jackson servant to Wittm Dawson seni' of Aynsome ... Margaret Sande of S'lauky Elizabeth Jackson Maball Swayns [sic] wife of James of Cartmelfell beneath Gree and A stilbome child of John Pepper of YorefuUyeat Margaret Walter wife of John Edward Newbie of Walton Peter Cannye of Stanley Wittm Cayton of Flookbrough Edward Harison late servant to Edward Waynhouse [struck through] Brathwhait... Agnes Rigg alias Saltus of Broughton John Simson, of the Height in Cartmelfels ... Dorithie the wife of Xpor Burne Anne Cowell wife of Henery Jenett Barbar dau : of Edward [Peter written over Edwend] Edward Barber brother to the said Jenett Anne Pepper dau : of Thomas of Holker Jane Taylor of Flookbrough 2 p. II Hnno Donj 1612. Margaret Pepper widow Thomas Barrowe of AlithAvhait Agnes Bell widowe of Kentsbancke Kathiren Britton and A child of John Halliday Richard' Brathwhait of Feildbroughton Issabell Johnson „ Issabell Preston of Nethernuton 14 28 Nouember 3 December 6 8 JJ JJ 24 28 JJ 29 ¦JJ 3 Januarie 6 JJ 7 JJ II 16 JJ 18 3 JJ Februarie 101417 18 2224 29 J. I March 12 JJ 15 JJ 17 If 24 " 27 March I April JJ JJ 9 J3 10 JJ l6l2 BURIALS. 157 Eliza : Haithwhitte & Margaret Bateman wife of Rich : of Feildbroughton Elizabeth Fell wife of John Glacier IssabeU Newbye dau : of Edward IssabeU Bume dau : of Wittm of Feildbroughton John Hal'Mday sone of John George Sheiffeild sone of George Rowland Bell sone of James of Nethernuton... EUzabeth Simson wife of Thomas of Flookbrough beneath gree 2 p. 12 John Marr sone of Hugh Thomas Casson of the Feledge George Carter sone of Edward of Cartlayne ... John Boore the base begotten sone of John . . . George Makecleane A stilbome chyld of Law : Storyes Agnes Barrow wife of Xpor Barrow of LindaU Thomas Casson of Aynsome ¦Issabell Brockbancke dau : of John and Dorothye Dawson wife of John aboue gree ... HeUine Walker dau : of Rich : of Birkbye ... Peter Barrowe of Stauley senior Margaret Newbie the daughter of Nicholas of Nether Carke SamueU Knype sone of Issacke of Woodbrought : gentteman A stilborne child of Wittm Cassons Agnes Newbie dau : of Nicholas Agnes Creakell of Cartmelfell Elizabeth Birrey dau : of John, of the Churchtowne A child of John Birreys beneath gree John Birkett sone of Wittm of Holker A child of John Simson of Flookbrough James Barrowe sone of Wittm of Stautey A stilbome child of Hugh Settles RoBt Staines sone of RoBt of Feildb : IssabeU Marr dau : of Hugh of Backbarrowe... Richard Bateman sone of Rich : late of Grange Wittm Leece sone of Wittm senior beinge slayne Elizabeth Baire the wife of Witim of Woodb : Agnes Danson dau : of RoBt of Flookb : Altexander Rigg of the Churchtowne Elline Barbar dau : of Walter Witim Taylor of Holker beneath gree Jenett Harison of the Grange ChristobeU Frame dau: of Roger Thomas Atkinson of Walton George Taylor of Lindall beneath gree 15 AprUl 20212 2 25 29 Maye 7 JJ ri JJ JJ JJ 12 JJ 13 JJ 21 ,, 26 JJ I June 4 JJ II JJ 16 JJ 18 JJ 19 JJ 21 24 JJ 29 JJ JJ I JJ Julie 5 JJ 13 JJ 1418 JJJJ 2028 JJJJ 30 I JJ August 21 JJ 25 28 JJJJ 30 JJ JJ 4 JJ September II iS8 CARTMEL PARISH REGISTERS. 1612-1613 Jenet Cannye of Backbarrowe IssabeU Fell wife of James of Walton and Agnies Danson of Flookbrough ! p. 13 Edward Barrowe of Flookb: Witim Harrison of Cartmelfell Robert Kellett of Buckcragg and Richard Rownson sone of Tho : of Ayesaide Henerie Barrowe sone of Edward of Alithwhait Peter Staines sone of Mathew of Ouernuton . . . Barbirey GurneU the wife of Thomas of Flookb : James Casson of Walton w"'' was drowned one [sic] Kent Sands Augustine Fell of Birkbye Jenett Casson of Walton Rowland Cannye of LindaU Xpor Borwicke sone of Xpor of Ayesaid Agnes Dixon dau : of Witim of LindaU Rich : Simson of Flookbrough townend Gilbert FeU of Walton Walter Agnes Wilson late wife of James of Churchtowne Jenett Barrowe of Stautey John Dodshon of Woodlane [or] Woodland drowned one Conishead Sands Margaret BeU of S'heepcoats widowe Margaret Styche a collier's wife and Geo : Haygate Mytes Muckelt sone of Myles of Cartmelfells Witim Barrowe sone of Geo : of Flookb : Peter Barrowe of Flookb : smith & Kathiren Kelett of Myersyde Richard RoskeU of the Greaues A stilborne child of John Dauids Eliza : Casson dau : of James of Walton IssabeU Diconson wife of John Tomisine Casson dau : of James of the Feledge Richard Barrow of Alithwhait aboue gree Eliza : Barrowe dau : of Geo : of Ouernuton... A StUborne chid of Richard Wilsons of Alithw' Geo : Taylor sone of Geo : Carpenter Xpor Staines sone of Jo : of the Headhowse . . . Issabell Patton dau : of James Jenett Britton of Lindall p. 14 Hnno Donj 1613. A stilborne chUd of Edward FeUs of Girsgarth Margaret Garnett of Cartmelfell IssabeU Newton of Cartmelfell & MabaU Bonvicke of Fayrigg 27 September 7 October ID !f 18 tf 19 ft 27 ft I Nouember 17 JJ 21 JJ 27 6 JJ December IS JJ 23 JJ 31 JJ 3 Januarie 8 JJ 14 16 jiJJ 28 JJ 30 JJ 31 JJ 2 Februarie 3 JJ 5 16 JJJJ 19 JJ 21 3 JJ March 9 JJ IS JJ 17 )j 19 JJ 23 JJ 24 jj 25 March 30 JJ 4 Aprill i6i3 BURIALS. '59 Witim Marshall of Luderburne in CartmelfeU Edward Bell sone of James of Nethernuton and A child of Rich : Holme of Tenterbancke . . . Margaret Bowes base gotten dau : of Peter of Witherslack A stilborne child of Witim CrosfeUd of Feildbroughton Joseph Patton sone of Rich : dec : and A StUborne child of Xpor FeUs Margat the wife of George Knype of Ouernuton Anne Yeats dau : of Nicholas Yeats Kathiren Bigland dau : of Henery of Sdler-hawe Issabdl Staines base dau : of Xp5r and Marie Lawson base dau : of Richard 2 p. 15 Xpo' Atkinson sone of Henerye CoUier Jenett Barrow the wife of Bryan of Fidler hawe CisUffe Noble of CartmelfeUs Margaret Staynes dau : of John of Headhowse Issabel Simson dau : of Witim of Holker and Marg' Fel wife of Henery of Nether Carke ... Agnes Knyj>e dau : of George of YorfuUyeat... Witim B'ritton sone of Edward of Churchtowne Thom'as Barrow sone of Wittm of Stauley Henery Fell of Nether Carke Nicholas Barrowe of Ouernuton Jenett Sharpye dau : of Francs Sharpe Tho : Brockbancke sone of Witim of Howbarrow George Barrow waiter Edward Bonvicke of the Churchtowne EUine Moore the wife of Thomas of Flookbrough Agnes BeU of Dawthome Wittm Newbie the sone of Nicho : of Nether Carke Jenett Barrow dau : of Edward of Alithwhait Peter Newbie of Nether Carke Elizabeth Angaill the base dau : of John of London John Simso,n of Flookbrough Mytes Staines sone of Xpor sen' Richard Settie sone of Henery of Grange Edward Britton of the Churchtowne James Shaw of CartmelfeU Thomas Gurnel of Flookbrough Issabel Borwicke dau : of Xpo' of Aysaid . . . Witim Kilner Witim Barrow of Ouernuton Issabell Swaynson wife of Ed : of Luderburne Marye Rownson dau : of Wittm of Walton . . . Agnes the wife of James Newby of Seatle 5 April 23 JJ 25 !J 26 JJ 3° 3 JJ Maye 12 JJ JJ 28 JJ JJ 30 JJ 3 June 12 JJ IS )' 21 6 8 13 28 I JJ Julie JJ August JJ September 2 JJ 3 68 JJ JJJJ 15 JJ 2028 ItJJ 29 JJ 2 October 28 I JJ Nouember 2 JJ 5 6 16 JJJJJJ 25 I JJ December 3 JJ 5 JJ 10 JJ 14 JJ i6o CARTMEL PARISH REGISTERS. 1613-1614 2 p. 16 Richard Gode semant vnto Tho: Pickeringe 2 Januarie RoBt Barrowe of Greenbancke 15 „ Agnes Wilson the wife of Rich : of Alithwhait 26 „ Elizabeth Kilner wife of Geo : of Flookb : ... 31 „ Issabell Ramsay dau : of Andrew i February's Agnes Barrowe wife of Peter blacksmith ... 11 „ Michadl Newbie of Hesselrigg 23 „ A StUborne child of Wittm Bels iu' of Broughton 9 March Mich : Rowlandson of AValton and Jenett Swaynson dau: of RoBt of Cartmelfell 21 „ 1614. 2 p. 17 Dorithye Bell dau : of Wittm of Alithwhait ... Agnes Cannye of LindaU widowe John Penington the sone of Wittm of Strybus Jenett Penington wife of the said Witim TUie wife of John Taylor of the Greeue ¦Thomas Asburner the sone of John of the Churchtowne Richard Miner the sone of Hugh of Alithwhait Nicholas Newbie of Nether Carke IssabeU Swaynson. wife of John of YorefuUyeat Augustine Fell of the Churchtowne Isacke Bell the sone of Witim of Blenkett ... James Bateman base sone of James and RoBt Wenington of Cartmelfells MabaU Barro-we of Abuthall John Harries base sone of John Maball Kilner Tomisine Johnson dau : of Edward of Aynesome Elizabeth Hodgson dau : of Thomas of Cartmelfells Richard Newton of Cartmelfell and Mich : Bell Nicholas Barrowe of Greenbancke Margaret Slater dau : of Rich : jun' Elizabeth Lindowe Elizabeth Birrie wife of Henery of Churchtowne John Simson sone of John late of Flookbrough Agnes FeU wife of Rich : of Birkebie Andrew Taylor of Lindall Jenett Britton late wife of Edward of Churchtowne Margaret Pepj>er dau : of John of Churchtowne James Taylor of LindaU & Anne Barrowe dau : of Witim of Borebancke A stiU borne child of Tho : Walkers of Lindall Jane Knyjje dau : of Issacke of Woodbroughton 2 p. 18 Anne Knype dau : of Isacke of Woodb : gentleman 5 October 25 March 26 13 April 2326 JJJJ 2 Maye 12 JJ 13 JJ 14 JJ IS JJ 31 JJ 3 June 5 JJ 7 JJ 25 10 JJ Julie 12 JJ 25 JJ 29 JJ 31 9 JJ August 10 JJ II JJ 1218 JJit 19 JJ 24 JJ 26 24 28 JJ September ji i6i4 BURI.A.LS. i6: John Geldert & Thomas Geldert sones of Wittm George Simson sone of Augustine of Templaner wife of Edward of Hampesfeild John Bigland & George sones of James of y" Grange A stilbome child of John Bowes A stilborne child of George Bigland of P'idlerhaw Edward Britton sone of Xpor of Lindall Elizabeth Atkinson dau : of John of y" Wood in Cartmelfell Xpor Addison Deakon of the pishe of Kendal HeUine Hodshon dau : of Thomas of CartmelfeUs Barberye Barrowe wife of Wittm The wife of Wittm Leece of Hesselrigg Margaret Barrowe of the Greeues widow Elizabeth Wallas wife of RoBt of Moorhowe . . . Robert Becke sone of Henerye of Fayrigg ... Issabell Simson late wife of Thomas of Flookb : B'ryam Swaynson of Cartmelfell & John Pepper sone of John of YorefuUyeat John Wright sone of Witim Wright haraerman Richard Casson of Woolrigg 8 September 16 17 8 October 39 2 JJ [sic] Nouember 16 JJ 20 I JJ December 10 JJ 20 23 J' 24 JJ 25 26 JJ )j JJ JJ 21 Januarye 27 JJ 30 JJ 2 Februarie 6 7 JJ March p-23 Hnno Donj 1616. Richard Howie of Thornton in the pishe of Dalton Thoma'S Asburner of Churchtowne Hellin Wright dau : of Witim Hamerman Henerye Bigland of Bigland beneath gree MabaU Holme dau : of Richard of NetherCarke Thomas AUinbie pise Clarke Margaret Preston wife Witim senior of Walton Jenett Barrowe dau : of Hugh of the pudle . . . Issabdl Britton of the pise of Beethome widow 2 stiUbome children of John Walters of y* Church towne John Fletcher of Feildbroughton James Barrowe sone of Witim of Grange Witim Johnson sone of Edward Johnson A stUborne child of John Barrows iunior of Alithwhait Thomas Dixon of LindaU senior 26 March 30 JJ 13 April 17 JJ 18 JJ 22 JJ 7 Maye 15 JJ 18 JJ 22 JJ 6 June 18 JJ 8 Julie 9 JJ 18 JJ 164 CWRTMEL PARISH REGISTERS. 1616-1617 p. 24 Thomas Wilson sen' of Flookbrough Rowland Waynhowse of Alithwhait beneath gree Elizabeth Simson widow of Tenterbancke Agnes Pickering wife of Thomas of Nethercarke IssabeU Cowper base dau : of Geo : of Churcht : Witim Robinson sone of Richard of Stautey ... Elizabeth Fel dau : of James iu' of Walton ... Issabell Parker wife of Rich : of the Grange & Margaret Kilner wife of Wittm of Ouer Carke Margaret Barrow wife of RoBt of Wdknowe... Margaret .Simson wife of Wittm of Flookbrough IssabeU Danson wife of James of Churcht : & Eliza: Roskell wife of Richard of Greaues ... Agnes Btll wife of Richard of Alithwhat Wittm Ca\t()n sone of Thomas Wheelwright... Jenett Bell wife of Wittm of Alithwhait Margaret Simson wife of Xpofer of Flookbrough EHzabeth Preston dau : of George of Holker Esq' A stilborne child of Xpor Brittons of Lindall... Edward Stayns sone of Mathew of Ouernuton A stilborne child of RoBt Seatles of Alithw'... Andrew Bell sone of Richard of Kentsbancke Thomas Simson younger of Flookbrough Jane Walker wife of Thomas of Kirketend and Law : Walker of the Hyhe Wittm Barrowe of Flookbrough Roger Fell of Templland Augustine Simson of Templand Thomas Pickeringe of Nether Carke Marga.ret Tomson wife of Wittm of Alithw' and Myles Seatte sone of Hugh of the same RoBt Danson of Flookbrough Wittm Hutton of Tho'rphinstye gener : aboue gree Jenett Fell dau : of Edward of Girsgarth Thomas Simson senior of Flookbrough Thomas Walker of Kirket End Margaret Swaynson dau : of Xpor of Ouernuton Edward Casson sone of Richard of Owerigg ... Issabell Cayton wife of John of Flookbrough and RoBt BeU of Nethernuton. 2 p. 26 I August 27 18 JJ Septemb : 24 JJ 29 JJ 30 3 JJ October JJ JJ 12 18 JJJJ 3 Nouemb : 26 „ 29 6 JJ December 16 JJ 23 JJ 24 JJ 27 JJ 29 JJ 10 Januarie II JJ 12 JJ 19 JJ 22 JJ 25 JJ 27 JJ S Februarie 10 JJ 14 JJ IS JJ 17 JJ 23 JJ 27 8 JJ March 17 1617. A stilborne child base gotten by Edmond Couell of Lane: ... 25 March Richard Borricke iu' of Ouercarke 27 James Atkinson sone of John of Churchtowne and Jenett Cayton wife of Wittm of Nether Carke... 29 „ i6i7 BURIALS. i6s p. 27 Xpor Keltett sone of John of Myersyde John Altexander of Churchtowne Issabdl Roskel wife of John of the Greene beneath gree Margat Roskell wife of RoBt of the same beneath gree Richard Borricke of Ouer Carke Margairet Baines wife of Wittm of Eltersyde ... Geo: Rigg of Birkbye Anne Garnett wife of Xpor of Churcht : Hugh Simson of Birkebye John Atkinson sone of Wittm of CartmelfeUs & A stilborne chid of Tho : Barrowes of Walton Issabell Cayton of Flookb : widow & Jenett Bel dau : of RoBt Bel of Dawthorne... Henery WaUer the sone of Geo : of Templand beneath gree George Cowp sone of Geo : of Flookbrough and John Barrow of Ouer Carke Richard Holine of Nether Carke A stilborne child supposed to be the sone of Rich : of Ayesaide EUza : Danson of Flookb : spinster Witim Dodshon of Bloweth drowned one Kent Sand RoBt Wallas Carpenter of Cartmelfells Anne Swaynson widow of Greenbancke aboue gree Jenett Harrie dau : of Wittm of Churchtowne RoBt Walker of Kirketende and RoBt RoskeU of the Greene beneath gree Edward Harison sone of John of Stautey aboue g : Issabell Ftetcher of FeUdbroughton beneath g : Ellin Seatte dau : of George of Cartlayne Jane Robinson dau : of Nicho : of Cartmelfells IssabeU Preston dau : of Thomas of the Churcht : Wittm Finstwhait Robert Michelson of Greenbancke aboue gree and Jenett Bell of Dawthorne and AUice Bare wife of Wittm of Woodbroughton Edward Keltett of Rostatt Maball Seatte of Alithw' widow beneath gree... Nicholas Cowpthait of Hampesfeild Agnes Dixon of Lindall and Xpor Taylor of Stot Parke Margaret Birkett of Nether Carke widowe Agnes Fell dau : of John of Walton Kathiren FeU widow of Templand 31 March 3 Aprill 21 JJ 28 4 JJ Maye 12 JJ 13 JJ 14 JJ IS JJ 21 JJ 25 JJ 30 JJ II June 18 JJ 20 JJ 23 JJ 27 4 JJ Julie 7 8 JJ JJ 10 JJ 13 JJ 20 JJ 25 28 it It S August 19 JJ 27 29 6 JJ September II JJ 17 18 JJ JJ 21 JJ 27 JJ i66 CARTMEL PARISH REGISTERS. 1617-1618 MabaU Barrowe of Ayesaid Thomas Gumell of Flookbrough A stilbome child of John Barrowes iu' of Alithw' John Chrosfeild sone of Wittm of Fdldbroughton Agnes Barrow dau : of Wittm of Backbarrowe Richard Birket of Holker Wittm Turner sone of Xp5r of Hamesfeild . . . Anne Mawde base dau : of Thomas in Yorkshire Jenett Robinson of the Churchtowne James Walker sone of Thomas of Backbarrowe beneath gree Edward Cayton of Flookbrough Thomas Simson the elder of Flookb : Edward Barrowe of the Height Issabell Britton dau : of Edw : of Churcht : ... Rowland Milner of Flookb : Thomas Fel of Nether Carke Waller John Burschowe of Flookbrough and Tomisine Borricke of Fa}'rigg widow John Birrie of Churchtowne showmaker beneath gree Thomas Barrow of Holker John KUner of Churchtowne Jane B,ell wife of Ed : of Walton aboue gree and HeUin WaUas dau : of Row : of Alithw' Tow stilborrue children of Tho : Walkers of Lindall p. 28 Thomas Birrey sennior of the Churchtowne ... Eliza : Cayton wife of Thomas of Myersyde and Anthonye Bancke sone of Mytes of Cartmelfell Margaret Gytes dau : of John of Ftookb : Agnes Kelet wife of Edw : of Dawthorne Nicholas Fel of Templand and Nicholas Wilson dyer Wittm Kilner of Ouernuton Ma.rgaret Preston wife of Wittm thelder of Walton John Punder sone of Henerye of Alithw' and Margaret Marshal- wife of Edw : of Ludderburne Nicholas Harison of Holker Mabal Swaynson dau : of John of Backbarrowe Eliza : Taylor wife of James of LindaU Margaret Brockbancke wife of Xpor of Speelbancke 2 p. 31 anno Donj 1618. 12 October 15 ,, 30 10 JJ Nouemb : 1316 JJ JJ 19 JJ 22 JJ 23 JJ 26 4 JJ Deoemb : 10 JJ 19 JJ 27 JJ 29 JJ 12 Januarie 13 JJ 17 18 JJJJ 24 JJ 25 JJ 2 Februarye 4 JJ 5 8 JJJJ II JJ 28 I J, March 2 JJ 3 JJ 7 JJ II 18 JJ JJ 23 RoBt Simson of Holker ... Richard Da'oson of Grange 25 March 26 ,, i6i8 BURIALS. 167 Marg : Barrow dau : of ThOm : of Holker . . . Edmond Strickland of Aynesome EKza : Pepper dau : of John Pepper of Churcht : Xpo' Robinson base sone of Xpo' of the pish of Kendall Ann Dixon dau : of Nicho : of Lindall Margat Preston of Grange Spinster 2 StUborne children of James Bancks of Ouernuton RoBt Wallas of Moorhowe in CartmelfeU John Stainton sone of John of Gatesyde Margaret Strickland of Aynesome Widow ... George Barrowe of Flookbrough Agnes Steele of Walton spinster Agnes Newbie dau : of Witim of Hesselrigg and A chUd of Rich : Simsons of Tenterbancke . . . Isacke Knype sone of Isaacke gener : aboue gree Richard BJel sone of RoBt of Dawthorne RoBt Soall of the pish of Wdwick in Yorkshire 2 p. 32 Amie Preston dau : of Witim sen' of Walton... Richard Burgees sone of John of Flookb : ... Richard Muckelt sone of James of Fdldbroughton Edward Brockbancke of Feildbroughton Jenett Brockbancke the wife of Edward of the same Agnes Majrtindale dau : of Peter of Grange . . . Allan Addison woodcutter to M' Preston Jenett Taylor dau : of George of Churcht : ... RoBt Benson of the Churchtowne Helline Askew wife of Wittm of Walton James Barbar sone of Xpofer of Lindall Witim FeU the sone of Roger of Ouernuton . . . A stilbome child of John Simsons of TenterBk Agnies Dawson wife of Witim Jun' of Aynesome and John Simson of the Height in Cartmelfells Xpofer Brockbancke of Speelbancke Mafgt Newbie wife of Mich : of Owerigg John Newbte sone of Witim of Hesselrigg Issabell Newbie wife of John of Feildend Jenett Patton, wife of James of' Churcht : Richard Fell of Birkbye Margaret Strickland' wife of Thom : of Cartmelfells A stilbome child of Witim Caytons James Danson sone of Tho : of Churcht : Eliza : BeU wife of Witim BeU H'eUinie Cayton wife of Witim of Myersyde beneath gree 29 March 31 „ I ApriU 4 10 13 16 27 ,. 6 Maye II18 „ 20 22 „ 29 I June 7 J. 10 „ 15 .. 5 Julie IS .. 18 „ 23 J. J) J» 26 „ 10 August II J, 12 13 t, IS19 JJ 3° J. 10 Septem ; 22 30 JJ 3 October 5 JJ 10 i68 CARTMEL PARISH REGISTERS. 1618-1619 Tho : Greenwood sone of James iu' of Backbarrowe and Jane Patton of the Churcht : A stilbome child of Hugh Muckelts of Birkeby John Mallirey sone of John of Flookb ; Agnes Becke base dau : of Rich : of the pishe of Sedbore Jenet Robinson of Cartm'elfell spinster EHzabeth Webster wife of John of Beethome... Anne Mallirey wife of John of Flookb : beneath gree George Garnett of Moorehowe in CartmelfeUs Two stilborne children of Xpo' Fells of Ouernuton Altexander Parke of Cartmelfels Xpo' Archer of Ouernuton Wittm Cowell of Meethopp in the pishe of Beethome Edw: SW'a)'nson of Yorefulyeat Isacke Knype of Woodbroughton aboue gree... Mytes Wyeley of Dallon p. 33 Joane Allanson & Joane Allanson dau : of Tho : of y° pishe of Cayton and Rich : Robinson sone of Nicho : of Cartmelfel A stilborne child of John Harries AUice Bume of FeUdbroughton widowe Alice Townson of Walton Elsebeth Swaynson dau : of RoBt of Yorefulyeat A stilborne chyld of Edward Curwens of Flookb base gotten James Danson of the Churcht : and Kathiren Diconson the wife of John of Speelbancke John Swaynson sone of John of Backbarrowe... Richard Newbie sone of John of Staueley Eliza : Roskell dau : of John of the Greene beneath gree II October 1219 JJ 30 JJ I Nouemb ; 4 J. 7 JJ 15 JJ JJ JJ 2 Decemb ; 5 1718 23 5 Januarye 14 JJ 5 Febru : 8 „ JJ JJ 19 6 March 16 „ 17 JJ i) 35 Hnno Donj 1619. Barrowe dau : of Edward of Flookb : . . . Maball Robinson wife of Rich : of Fornasfells Maball Barrow dau : of John of Stauley EUne Harrie of Woodbroughton widow Agnes Parker wife of Edward of Churcht: ... Margaret Atkinson wife of Xpo' of CartmelfeU Agnes MeachelLdau : of John of Grange Jenett Bell dau : of Peter of Dawthorne A stilborne chUd of John Staintons 25 March 30 2 3 II Aprill 13 14 22 i6i9 BURIALS. 169 2 p. 36 Richard Marsihal of Loodierbume in Cartmejfdl 25 Aprill James Taylor sone of John of Holker beneath g : 27 „ Elizabeth Brockbancke of Feildbroughton ... 6 Maye Agnes Taylor of Nethernuton spinster 8 ,, Edward Parker of Churchtowne 10 „ Elizabeth Wenington of CartmelfeU widowe and Isacke Bateman sone of Thomas of Feildbroughton 12 „ Ann Garnett dau : of Xpo' of Churcht : 13 „ Eliza: Barrowe of Ouernuton widow 27 „ Jenet Birrey dau : of John of Churchtowne ... 3 June Thomas Taylor sone of Huan of Ayesaid ... 5 „ Agnes Walter wife of John of Churcht : ... 8 „ Lancetete Lowder sone of Wittm of Stauley ... 10 „ AUce Barrowe dau : of Row : of Ayesaid and Eliza : Taylor wife of Xpo' of CartmdfeU Issabell Pepper of Hampesfeild widowe Alice Meaking dau : of John Edmond Thornbrough base sone of John Edward Barber sone of Ed : of Ouernuton Edward Parke sone of John of Holker . . . Rowland Borwicke sone of Edward of Fayrigg Thomas Cayton of Flookb : Agnes Britton dau : Hen : of LuidaU Thomas Hodshon who did dye at Kilner howse Augustine Garnett sone of RoBt of Churcht : RoBt Bel of Dawthorne John Fletcher sone of Rioh : of LindaU Alice Keene wife of James of Churcht : and Rich : Harrie sone of Wittm of the same John Hodgson sone of Xpo' of Cartme'lfell and Xpo' Burne sone of Heneri : of the Wood ... 29 ,, John Kellett sone of Xpofer of Grange 3 SeptB Issabell Britton dau : of Edw : of Churcht : . . . 5 „ Issabell Hodshon Avife of Thomas of Felyeat beneath g : Issaraell Waynhowse sone of Ed : of Birkbye aboue g : 15 jj James Bancke sane of James of Ouernuton ... 16 „ Agnes Gayte of Lindall widow 18 ,, James Spight of the same and A stilbome child of John Simsons of Tenterbancke 20 „ Jenet Barrow dau : of Hugh of Nethernuton... 22 „ 2 p. 37 Edward Burschough sone of John of Flookb : 8 October Margaret Garnett wife of Robert of Churchtowne who did strangle herself 21 „ Dorithye Bel dau : of Edwd of Kentsbancke aboue g : 29 „ 14 J, 16 22 „ 28 „ 7 Julie 14 17 JJ 21 It I August 3 JJ 5 JJ 18 J, 25 J. 28 „ 170 CARTMEL PARISH REGISTERS. 1619-1620 Xpo' Casson sone of Witim of Walton Jane Biirschowe dau : of John of Flookb : ... Agnes Taylor widow of Lindall beneath g : ... Walter Barbar of Barbargreene Richard Baggtey servant vnto George Preston of Holker Esq' and Eliza : Staines wife of Gilbert of Feildbroughton Agnes Harison of Speelbancke widowe . . . Rich : PuU of Churchtowne John Preston sone of Thomas of Walton James FeU of the Cragg Eliza : Curwine of Myersyde widow aboue gree and Eliza : Barrowe of Stautey widowe ... Eliza : Barrow of the Hee spinster John Dixon sone of Myles of Lindall . . . Witim Jenkinson of Wharelflatt Eliza : Lecke wife of Thomas of Ouernuton and Xpofer Barrowe sone of John of Ayesaid Robert PuU of CartmelfeU aboue gree . . . John Smith a poore begger John Pepper sone of John of Yorefulyeat John Archer of Ouernuton Jenett Crosse of Barton rowe in Lancshire A StUborne child of Witim Greenhoods of Backbarrow A Stilbome child of pciuell TUbumes ... Maball Swaynson wife of An,thonye of Ludderburne in Cartmelfd'ls Ann Tilburne wife of pciuel Maball Ftetcher spinster A StUborne child of Jo : Harries of Feildbroughton Hnno Donj 1620. p. 40 Issabel Burges wife of Roger of Flookb : Anthonye Knype of Cartmelfell gent : aboue g : Wittm Seatle of Cartlayne beneath g : ... XpoferHarison of Hartbarrow Thomas Cayton of Myersyde ElUne Newbie of Nether Carke widow . . . John Swaynson sone of RoBt of Yorefulyeat Xpofer Fell sone of James of Kirketend who was drowned Jane Barbon dau : of Witim of Walton . . . Ann Geldert wife of Witim of Birkbye . . . RoBt Barrow of the Greeues IssabeU Burges- dau : of John of Flookb : Eliza : Cartel- dau : of Ed : of Cartlayne 30 October I Nouemb : 10 JJ 19 JJ 25 .. 4 Decemb : 7 JJ 9 JJ II13 JJ 18 J, 23 JJ 2425 JJ 5 Januarie 8 JJ 23 t, 1 2 Febru : 25 J, 28 „ 4 March 10 „ 17 JJ . 28 March : 15 . 16 . 26 I 6 Aprill JJ JJ Maye 7 0 JJ 9 JJ • 19 JJ . 21 JJ • 27 JJ • 4 June II JJ l620 BURIALS. 171 Margaret Barrowe dau : of Rich : of Abuthall A stUiboimie child of John Brathwhaite of Flookb : A stibome [sic] child of Tho : Brittons of Grange Tho : Dawson base sone of Geo : of Witherslacke Margt Bateman dau : of Tho : of Feildbroughton James Casson of the Fetedge 2 p. 41 Margaret Punder of Alithw' widow Anthonye Swaynson of Ludderburne Hdline Borricke wife of Rowland of Fayrigg beneath g : Jenet Barrowe wife of John of Alithw' beneath giree Kathiren Britton of Lindall Widowe Ann Preston Avife of John of Ouernuton Eliza : Tasker base dau : of RoBt of Brindles. . . John Barrowe sone of Edward of Nether Carke Hugh Milner of Alithw' Kathiren Robinson of Cartmelfell Marie Barrowe dau : of Row : of Ayesaid . . . Agnes BeU wife of Witim of the Headhowse aboue gree Witim Birkett sone of George of Nether Carke and Jenett Staines dau : of Edw : John Swaynson sone of John of Backbarrowe... Henerye Barrowe of Woodbroughton aboue gree Jane Hawle of the Churchtowne widowe MabaU Barbar dau : of Edw : of Ouernuton . . . Edward Alexander of Churchtowne EUza : Casson wife of James of Walton and A stilborne child of James Taylors of Lindall Issabell Harison wife of Xp5r and John Harison sone of the said Xpor aboue gree IssabeU Taylor wife of James of Lindall beneath gree Wittm Newbie of Nether Carke John Wilson sone of Henerye of Alithw' Gilbert Muckelt of Walton beneath gree Agnes Harison wife of John of Stanley Margaret Fell wife of John of Kirketend Robert Blowmer ColUer John Carter sone of Witim of Flookb : Edward Barbar sone of Walter of Barbargreene drowne [sic] George Taylor of LindaU beneath gree Thomas Turner of Holker Cooke James Barrowe sone of Hugh of Ouernuton... Thomas Dicconson sone of John of Alithw' aboue gree 12 June 2 Julie II JJ IS JJ 17 JJ 24 JJ 3 August I Septemb 15 JJ 19 3 JJ October IS JJ 17 JJ 24 JJ 25 " 26 JJ 28 2 JJ Nouemb 5 JJ II JJ 19 26 JJj» 29 30 JJ 5 Decemb ; 8 JJ 19 JJ 22 JJ 26 JJ I Januarye 2 JJ 5 IJ 8 JJ 19 JJ 20 JJ 27 172 CARTMEL PARISH REGISTERS Eliza : Besbrowne dau : of Xpor of Feildbroughton John Cannye of Backbarrowe batchter James Taylor sone of George of the Churchtowne Agnes Danson dau : of Micha : of Flookb : ... A stilborne child of Edw : Barrowes of Alithw' Agnes Dawson of Grange spinster John Rownson sone of James of Cartmelfell... Tho : DanieU of Wihitson in the Countye of Cornewel Issabell Barber wife of Witim of Lindall and A stilborne child of Witim Greenhoods Jemett Walker dau : of Thomas of LindaU 2 p. 42 Eliza: Taylor of Hampesfeild widowe Mafgt Speight of Lindall widowe Witim Walker fidler Agnes Pepper wife of John of Yorefulyeat ... Witim Barbar thelder of Lindall Thomas Higgins j>apman Maball Dawson of Stautey widowe Jenett Keltett dau : of RoBt of Nethernuton . . . Agnes Swaynson of CartmelfeU 2 p. 44 Hno Donj 1621. Witim Bume sone of Wilm of Feildbrought : ... Margaret BeU wife of Witim of Woodbroughton Dorithie Barrowe wife of Edw : of Alithw' ... Elline Barrowe dau: of Edw: of the same ... John Wood base son of John of Bowlton John Christopherson base son of Wittm Eline Cayton late wife of Thomas of Myersyde aboue g : Elline Walton wife of GilBt of Churchtowne . . . Thomas Atkinson sone of Arthur Agnes Barrowe of Greeues widowe John Parke base sone of John of Churchtowne Margaret Barrowe dau : of Nicho : of Greaus Henery Fletcher of Feildbroughton aboue gree Elizabeth Bigland wife of Henery of Fidlerhawe and Jenett Fell the dau : of Tho : of Nethernuton Edward Tildstey sone of Edward of Myerschow Esq' Edw : Huberstye of the pishe of Kendall aboue gree Margaret Michelson of Greenbancke widowe aboue gree Wittm Seatle base sone of Witim of AUthw'... Eliza : Cowp dau : of George of Churchtowne LS. 16J0-1621 29 Januarye 30 I JJ Februarie 48 JJJJ 9 JJ 13 JJ 18 JJ 19 JJ 21 JJ 24 JJ 27 3 JJ March 7 JJ 12 JJ 18 JJ 19 JJ 2026 JJ JJ 29 March 4 68 Aprill JJJJ II16 jj JJ 19 JJ 22 JJ 242624 JJJJ Maye 2528 JJJ) 2 June 8 5J 26 Julie 28 „ 162I-I622 BURIALS. 173 2 p. 45 James Newbie sen' of Seatte Issabell Fell dau : of Edward of Grisgarth and Witim Swaynson of Backbarrowe Witim Simson sone of Richard of Flookb : and Maball Asburner of Holcer Xpofer Harison of Ludderburne John Barbon sone of Witim of Walton Judeth Parke dau : of John of Holker aboue g : Jenett Walter of Templand widowe John Tomson sone of John of Greaues Margaret Sands of Stautey batchter George Carter of Cartlayne and Edward Rownson of Heselrigg John Peper sone of John of Churchtowne Myles Garnett of Cartmelfells and Peter Fel sone of Roger of Ouernuton Henery Becke thelder of Fayrigg aboue gr,ee and Marie Barrowe dau : of John of Ayesaid John Harrye sone of John of Woodbroughton Eliza : wife of Hugh sone of Xpor of Ouernuton beath g : A stilborne child of Richard WUsons of Alithw' Agnes Barrowe of Ayesaid widowe Eliza : Fell late wife of Witim of Ouernuton... Alice Sanderson of Aynesome A stilbome child of John Martindate of Lindal Margaret Bateman of Grange EUine Fdl of the Cragg in Walton widow and Agnes Martindale wife of John of LindaU . . . Elizabeth Sand wife of Henerye of Alithw' . . . John Malterey sone of John of Flookb : 26 August 27 28 Septemb : 29 8 JJ October 13 Nouember 14 JJ 17 JJ 20 JJ 25 I JJ December II JJ IS JJ 21 JJ 22 JJ 29 II JJ Januarye 19 8 16 JJ Febmarye JJ 21 JJ 22 2 JJ March 16 JJ 1622. 2 p. 47 Witim Bore of Woodbroughton Mytes Pepper of Holker IssabeU Swaynson wife of Mytes of CartmelfeU John Blundell of Sim Close drowne & then bur : Issabell Taylor wife of RoBt of Ouernuton & Jane hir dau : Elizabeth Bateman dau : of Peter of Churcht : RoBt Barrowe of Wdknowe John Barrowe sone of Robert of Stauley James Keene of Churchtowne Agnes Pull of Morehow in CartmelfeU and Tho : Dawney sone of Richard of Freth John. Gamett sone of Xpor of Churcht : Eliza : Milner dau : of Lancotet of Feildbrought : March 7 14 ApriU Maw 27 JJ 28 6 JJ June 12 JJ IS JJ 17 JJ 19 2 JJ Julie 4 JJ 174 CARTMEL PARISH REGISTERS. l62» Thomas FeU of Churchtowne and Agnes Kilner dau : of Mytes of Seatte 2 p. 48 Jane Turner dau : of Xpor of Ouernuton Mich : Carter of Flookbrough Tjnnothye Knype of Methopp aboue g : EUzabeth Bell of Nethernuton widow Elizabeth Cowper dau : of Thomas of Preston Margaret Pepper dau : of John of Yorefulyeat John Howrudd sone of John of Alithw' Margaret Walker wife of RoBt of Kirketend... John Fell sone of James iu' of Walton Elizabeth Swaynson of Yorfulyeat widow and AUce Cannye dau : of RoBt of Cannyhill Agnes Newbie dau : of Rich : of Seatte Witim Tomson of Alithw' Margt Tumer of Hampesfeild widowe Anne Poter wife of Xpofer of Myersyde Mafgt Brathwhait of Walton batchter John Wenington of Alithw' Xpofer Hodshon of Ouer Carke A StUborne child of Geo : Parkes of Holker ... Marg' Simson of Flookbrough MabaU Borricke of Walton Myles Barbar of Barbargreene Jenett Preston dau: of John of Onernuton ... John Champney of Kendal John. Rownson sone of James of CartmelfeU. . . Nichalos Adison of LindaU Jenett Barrowe of Barbargreene widow Alice Hodshon of Ouercarke Myles Birrey of Churcht : Xpo' Staines of Aynesome Eliza: Addison of Towerwood Geo : Kilner of Seatle Jenett Fdl of Birkbye widow Issabell Bigland of Bigland Widow and Edward Barrow of Stauley Myles Kilner sone of Thomas of Seatte & Mafgt PuU of Towenvood Nicholas Barrow of Stauley Witim Pepper sone of John of Yorefulyeat . . . Jenett Suert wife of Ed : of Grange John FeU sone of XpC^ of Ouernuton and Thomas Simson base sone of Rich : of Birkbye MichaeU Walas of Woodbroughton John Grymshawe of Whaley John Martindale of Lindal & Mytes Seatle of Alithw' 2 p. 49 Wittm Chrosfeild of Sheepcots neare Cartlayne 15 Julie 25 JJ 24 JJ JJ 10 JJ August 13 JJ 17 I JJ September 7 t* 14 it 20 ti 27 12 JJ October 14 JJ 25 JJ 2728 6 JJ JJ Nouember 9 JJ 14 JJ 27 3 JJ December II JJ 13 J7 22 It I Januarye 3 JJ 4 JJ 9 JJ JJ ft 12 ft 1418 ftJJ 19 JJ 21 JJ 23 JJ 25 2 JJ Februarie 4 JJ 7 8 JJJJ II 18 JJ 1) I622-I623 BURIALS. 17s Issabell Roper wife of Richard of Woodbroughton 22 Februarie Richard Seatte of the Felyeat Witim Swaynson of Cartmelfel Elizabeth Wallas of Woodbroughton Jennett Howe of Flookbrough Issabell Corbutt wife of John of Kirkitend and John Bume of the Wood Mafgt Seatle dau : of RoBt of Alithw' John Barrow sone of Hugh of Ouem,uton and IssabeU Knype dau : of Edw : of Yorefulyeat Agnes Taylor who dted at Ed : Kilner's house and A stilborne child of Witim Brittons of Grange Eliza : Frame wife of Roger of Aliithw' Witim Seatte sone of RoBt of Alithw' 24 JJ 25 ,t 28 „ 2 March 16 p. 50 Hno Donj 1623. Richard Besbrowne sone of Xpo' Edw : Suert of Grange James Harison of Cartmelfdl Showmaker and Kathiren Wilsone of Churchtowne widowe . . . Witim Bell of the Headhowse Thomas Ashburner sone of John of Churchtowne and' EUza : Thomes of Ouernuton and IssabeU Westbye of Greenbancke IssabeU GumeU wife of Bryam of SpoonCT Close and Agnes Walker of Kirketend and Tho: Taylor of Churcht : sen' Witim Newbye sone of Geo : of Templand Alice Kellet wife of RoBt of Ayesaid and Witim Pearson of Flookb : John Lecke sone of Tho : Lecke of Ouernuton Witim Barbar of Lindalli & John Birket of Nether Carke Issabel Chrosfeild of Cartlayne AUice Crooke & EUine Newbie of Nether Carke & Maball Carter of Cartlayne" Henery Muckelt sone of Richard of Feildb : . . Agnes Barrowe dau : of Nicho : of Greeues i Ja : Knype of Aysaid RoBt Seatte & Richard BeU both of Alithw' & Jenest Peper dau : of Jo : Witim Peppier of Flookb : Margareit Barrow wife of Heneiy of Ouemuton Mabal' Bateman of Nether Carke p. 51 Jenett Simson wife of RoBt of Holker and ¦Thomas Hodshon. some of Xpo' of Fdldb : Mafgt Newbie dau : of Geo : of Templand Wittm Home of Alithwhait 29 March 31 ., 5 April 7 .. II JJ . 13 JJ 16 JJ n 20 JJ . 25 JJ . 29 JJ . 30 I JJ Maye 2 JJ . 3 JJ 4 tl n 5 6 ft ti 10 . 16 ftJJ ¦ 17 JJ 176 CARTMEL PARISH REGISTERS. 1623 Row : Kilner of Ouernuton Showmaker & Agnes Brittan wife of John of Ayesaid 21 Maye Wittm Atkinson of CartmelfeU 26 „ Jenett Jackson of Flookbrough widowe 27 „ EUzabeth Brockbancke wife of John Fidlerhawe and Peter Anderson 28 John Benson sone of Antho : & Mafgt Garnet wife of Thomas of Moorehowe... 30 Wittm Thomebrough batchter ^ June John Taylor of Holker 8 Kathiren Muckelt of Feildb : 12 JJ Eliza : Dan'Son wife of Tho : of Churcht : and Mafgt Pepper of Flookb : widowe i8 „ Jane Cayton dau : of John' of Flookb : and Mafgt MaycheU dau : of George of Grange ... 19 „ George Parke of Holker & Egine Knype of YorfuUyeat 20 Rowland Ward of Hampesfeild 22 Edward Bigland of Munione 25 Geo : Knype of Yorefulyeat Mafgt Roskel of Holker and Eliza: Swaynson of Todemvre 28 „ James Bell of Nethernuton 30 ,, Xpo' Simson of Alithwhait 2 Julie Edward Harison of Cartmelfell 5 „ MabaU Milner wife of James of the Moore & Edward Swaynson of CartmelfeU 8 „ EUine Wainhowse wife of Edward of Birkbye 13 „ George Barrowe of Ayesaid & Mar)'e AUinbie dau : of Jerome of Churcht : ... 16 „ Ann Bigland wife of Richard of Holker ... 18 „ Mafgt Simson of Tenterbancke Widow 19 „ Rowland WUson of the pise of Beethom ... 21 ,, Issabell Keltett of Rostatt widowe 24 „ Kathiren Strickland wife of Symond of Hartebarrowe 25 „ Wittm Peper of Grange 27 „ IssabeU Muckelt of Walton widow 28 „ Sibdl Wallas wife of Micha : of Woodb : . . . >, „ Huan Barrowe of the Greeus 31 u HeUine Wilkinson & Tho : Strickland jj » Witim Preston of Walton thelder & Tho : Rigg sone of Geo : of Birkbie 3 August Jo: Borricke sone of James of Walton 4 „ Geo : Rigg sone of Geo : of Birkbye RoBt Hirdson sone of Witim of Canny Hill & AUice Warde widowe 5 „ Eliza: Danson wife of James of Holker ... 9 ,, Elline Brockbancke of Fidlerhawe widowe ... 10 „ 1623 BURIALS. 177 p. 52 Eline Turner wife of Edward of Holker Issabell Seatle of Alithw' widowe & Witim Hirdson of Cannyhill Mytes WaUas of Freeth IssabeU Rume of the pis'he of Dalton Peter Birket sone of Jo : of Nether Carke Rich: Slater iu' of the Hee Gilbert BeU of Alithw' John Fell Walter of Walton Rowland Borwicke of Fayrigg & Antho : Rigg of Haukeshead Eliza : Sowrey dau : of Ed : of Backb : & RoBt Ward of Flookb : Eliza : Barrowe of Ouercarke widowe Agnes Hirdson dau : of Leonard Geo : Newbie of Templand Mabal Newbie dau : of Witim of Ouemuton and Geo : Birket of Nethercarke drowned Witim Hirdson of Hesselrigg Margaret Preston wife of Geo : Esq' of Holker and Kathiren Seatle wife of Hugh of Alithw'... IssabeU Borricke of Birkebie & Maball Borricke of Ouer Carke George Kilner of Flookbrough Agnes Britton wife of Richard of Grange Agnes AUinbye dau : of Rich : of Church : ... and Witim Sowrey sone of Backbarrow Mafgt Burne wife of Witim Feildb : Alice Hayton of Walton widow Hielin Brockbancke dau : of Roger of Ayesaid Kathiren Harison wife of James of Blaykhome Jenett Birkett of Cartmelfell John Marr sone of John of Backbarrow and John Hirdson sone of Leonard Agnes Barrowe of Nethernuton widow Leo : Asburner of Churcht : George Slayter of Nethernuton and Thomas Fel of Ouernuton John Birkett sone of Geo : and John Newbie sone of Geo : Agnes Tumer of Owerigg and IssabeU Kilner wife of George of Ouer Carke... Xpo' Britton sone of Jo : of Ayesaid John Briton of Ayesaid IssabeU Harry dau : of Wittm John Casson of Hesselrigg RoBt Barrowe sone of Rowland of Ouernuton and Tho : Newbie of Seatle Edward Fell of Walton 13 August 21 JJ 22 JJ 27 JJ 29 JJ 31 I J) September 7 JJ 9 a II J' 12 JJ 13 JJ 14 JJ IS JJ 25 JJ 29 " 2 October 3 JJ 4 JJ S6 JJa 7 ti 10 JJ II JJ 19 JJ IS 18 JJ JJ 19 23 24 JJ 26 JJ 29 JJ 30 JJ 7 Nouember II JJ 12 ,» 178 CARTMEL PARISH REGISTERS. 1623 Issabell AUanson of LindaU P- S3 Agnes Robinson base dau : of Mathew of Lancaster Elzabeth Barbar of the Headhowse widow and Richard Chrosfeild of Feildbroughton John Ralinson of Backbar : RoBt Thomes sone of GlBt & Agnes Birket of Nether Carke James Bigland of the Grange Agnes Taylor wife of Wittm of Slacke and Jane Walter of Flookb : widowe Margat Taylor wife of RoBt of Slacke and RoBt Wilkinson' of CartmelfeU Mafgt Staines wife of Xpo' of Aynesome Ann Shaw of CartmelfeU widow Jo: Britton sone of Jo : of Lindal Xpofer Taylor of the Height in Cartmelfells ... Agnes Slater of Ouernuton & Mafgt Sorrow... Elizabeth Champney of LindaU widow Maball Cannye wife of Richard of Canny Hill Witim Kelett sone of Edw : of Dawthorne ... S' Richard Gregg Batcheter of y" Arts Curat & Scoohnaister Issabell Borricke & Maball Wilkinson of Cartmelfel widow John Staines sone of GilBt James Borricke sone of Richard iu' Elline CoweU' dau : of Richard Issabel Britton wife of Xpo' of Lindall Hugh Barbar of Barbargreene Agnes Kellet dau : of Edw : of Dawthorne . . . Tho : Leech of Churcht : & EUza : Fdl of Cartmelfel Xpo' Borricke of Meethopp Harrye Cowell of Thorphinstye & Harrye Sand of Flookb : Edward Keltet of Dawthorne & Margt Clarke wife of GilBt of Flookb : Jenet Staines daii : of Oliuer of Aynesome . . . EUine Barrowe of Lindall & Jenet Cowhard wife of Thomas Wittm Taylor of the Slacke & Geo : Kilner of Ouer Carke Xpo' Dixon sone of Myles of LindaU & Agnes Borricke of Birkbye Wittm Staines sone of OMuer & MabaU Swaynson of YorfuUyeat Witim Baines Jenet Borricke of Walton & Mabal Bell wife of Wilm of AUthw' 14 Nouember 16 JJ 22 JJ 25 JJ ,, JJ 27 " 28 JJ 3° JJ 3 December 6 7 JJ 14 JJ iS JJ 20 JJ 21 JJ 23 J) 24 26 JJ 2 Januarye 3 JJ 6 JJ 7 JJ 9 JJ JJ 17 JJ 2.S 29 30 JJ I Februarye 4 JJ 5 JJ 1623-1624 BURIALS. 179 John Cayton of PUookbrough & Mafgt Barrow of Aynesome EUza : Borricke wife of Edwine of Birkbye and Jenett WaUas dau : of Mytes of Freeth Jenett Maschowe of CartmelfeU RoBt Barrowe sone of John of Stauley IssabeU Cayton wife of Thomas of Flookb : ... Jenett Marr wife of Hugh Eliza : PuU of Churcht : IssabeU Bancke of Ouemuton widow & Hugh Birrey Batchter Edw : Cayton sone of Tho : of Flookb : Eliza: Taylor of Churcht : widow EUine Huberstye of Flookb : widow Robert Sandes of Stautey Mafgt Browning dau: of Xpo' Hen: Bateman sone of Jo : of Grange Agnes Rownson of Holker widow Kathiren Barrowe dau : of John Stautey 2 p. 54 Ann Dixon dau : of Nicho : of Lindall John Marr some of Hugh of Flookb : Jenett WaUas wife of Myles of Freth 219 Burials y" year 156 A.D. 1587 [sic, ought to be 1597] Xpo' Barbar of Barbargreen Jane Townson wife of RoBt EUza : Barrowe dau : of John of Stautey and Mafgt Berrie wife of Mytes of Churcht : & Ja : Wallas of CartmdfeU and Mafgt Wallas of Freth Maball Barrowe dau : of Peter of Flookb : ... Maball Walllas wife of Ed : of Chapelhowse . . . Mich : Newbie of Seatte & Eline Kilner dau : of Geo : of Ouercarke Peter Barrowe of Stautey sen' & Ja : Fell sone of Ja: iu' of Walt: Wittm Swaynson of Greenbancke Agnes Hall spinster of Stautey James Birey of Churcht : & a stilborne child of Jo : Staintons 7 Februarye 8 J, 9 JJ 10 1314 16 19 2021252729 2 March IS16 Hno Don] 1624. p. 56 Witim HaU of Flookbrough 26 March Witim Barrowe of Stautey 30 ,, RoBt Townson of Walton i Aprill Issabel Curwine wife of Edward of Flookb : . . . 2 „ John Howe sone of Witim of the same 4 ,, i8o CARTMEL PARISH REGISTERS. 1624 Edward Howe sone of Witim Nicho : Cannye of LmdaU & Xpofer Holiday sone of John JO'hn Wright of Churchtowne aboue gree MabaU BeU of Templand Isabel wife .of James Brokbank of Heslrig [or] Heskrig Wittm Bell junior of Woodbroughton Georg son of Georg Presto of the Grange Agnes Dixon of Lindall Agnes Staines of the Chappelhouse Margaret wife of Thomas Rownso of Ashead Peter Bonvick of Walton Agnes wife of John HoUiday of Greanhirst . . . Alice wife of John Berry of LindaU Edward son of Henry Wilso of Alithwait . . . p. 57 Agnes, daughter of Wittm Barrow drowned ... Alice wife of Thomas Caton, of Lindal Richard Staines of the Chappellhouse John Newbie of the Myreside Anne d. of Thomas Skeldin of Stavetey Marian wife of Mites Wilson of ChurchtO'wne... Edward Fel of Girsegarth Wittm Barrow of Cartmelfell Wittm son of MUes Wilson of Churchtowne . . . Edward son of John Kelet of Myreside Christopher Barrow of Stavetey Francis Stockdell blacksmith Thomas. Stricklond of Bethom parish Agnes Simpson of Alithwait Jenet Fel of Walton widow Edward Rownso of Cartmelfell Edward Brathwait of the Grange Jenet B'Sesley of Barbergreene widow Jenet Barrow of Ovemuton widow Rowland Taylor of LindaU Agnes wife of James Presto of Walto Richard Newby of Myreside EUin d. of Christofer Staines M' Richd Bower Attorney of Sefton in Lancashire Ellin wife of Jam'es Danso of Churchtowne . . . Edward son of Edwd Staines of LindaU Wittm Redhead of Soreby in Yorkshire Isabel wife of John Kl'ner of Stavetey Aloe wife of Thomas Holme of Templand ... Edwd Stevenso of Kendal drownd on Cony side Sands Margairet d. of Henry Burne of Walto 5 April / JJ 10 tt II ft (1 JJ 12 JJ 14 JJ 16 JJ JJ JJ JJ JJ 17 JJ 21 JJ 22 JJ JJ JJ 23 JJ 26 JJ 30 JJ JJ JJ 2 May 4 JJ 6 JJ 9 JJ II JJ 15 JJ 16 JJ 17 JJ 18 JJ 25 71 JJ it 28 J' 3° JJ 6 June 20 JJ 21 JJ 27 JJ 10 July 19 JJ 25 JJ 17 August JJ JJ 28 JJ 30 Septemb : 12 October 15 JJ 3 November 1624-1625 BURIALS. i&i Jenett Dawson of the Grange Margaret wife of Richd Newby of Nether Carke & A stiU'borne child of his Thomas son of Georg Walter of Templand Alexander son of Alexander Rigby Esq' of Broghto in Fumes Geoii'g so of Georg Walter of Templand . . . Elizabeth wife of Wittm Canny of Canny Hill Roger Fel of Ainsom Jenet Keltet of Tenterbanke Mary wife of Harry Beck of Fayrig Mabell Suert of Churchtowne Thomas son of Richard Bateman 2 p. 58 Margaret wife of Henry Wilso of AUithwait Isabell MughaU of the Moore widow Jenet Bell widow of Nethernewton Jenet Birket of Holker widow Richd son of RoBt Simpson John so of Wittm Britton of the Grange p. 60 1625. John Rowenso son of James Rowenso of Cartmelfdl Thomas son of Georg Birket of Nethercark Michael son of Willia PuU of Moorehow in Cartmelfell Richard Bateman of Fieldbroghton WUlia Mughall of Fildbroghto Christofer Harriso of Moorehow ... James Bonvick of Churchtowne Margaret Bigland of Mungeon widow Margaret wife of Hugh Barbon of Holker Willia son of James Seatte of the Grange ... Elizabeth d. of Richd Simpson of Flookbarow John son of Thomas Preston of Walton Willia Keltet of LindeU drowned in Keere ... Kajtherin wife of Lawrence ... of Fieldbroghto Francis & RoBt sons of John Eley of Nethercarke James Swainso of Cartmelfdl at Kitcrag ... Jenet d. of James Casson in Walton John son of John Atkinson of Churchtowne... John son of James Newbie of Walton Willia son of James Newbie of Walto 2 p. 61 Elizabeth wife of Thomas RoskeU of Holker EUin d. of Thomas Townson of Lindell Edward son of John Mar of Backbarow Jenet Briscow of Staveley 5 November 22 JJ 29 6 JJ Decemb : 4 January S6 JJJJ 9 jj 13 S JJ Feb' II JJ 19 JJ 2 Ma,rch 37 March 9 April 20 „ 13 May 17 JJ JJ JJ 6 June JJ JJ 20 „ 16 July JJ JJ 20 August 25 ,j 30 JJ I September 19 JJ 2229 4 October 13 J, 4 November CARTMEL PARISH REGISTERS. 1625-1626 Henry Barow of Ovemewton Mabel wife of Roland Walls of AUithw' & her son Isabel Barow of Broghto widow Georg Taylor of the Churchtowne RoBt son of RoBt Ftecher of LindeU Thomas son of James Moone of Flookbarow... Agnes wife of John Roj>er of Flookbarow . . . Agnes Archer of Overnewton widow James Finstwhait of Nether Carke Willia Bowman of Hampsfdd Gabriel Nicholson of Flookbarow Agnes Blundell of the Grange Jenet daughter of Chrofer Cowheard Robert son of James Greenhead of Backbarow James Holme of Nethercarke Mary d. of Witim Bell of Alithw' MUes Dixon of Lindel Margaret d. of Arthur Atkinso of Walto John son of James Newby of Walto John son of John Moorecroft of the Grang . . . Georg son of RoBt Staines of Fieldbroghton... Christopher son of John Rawlinso of Backbarow Miles Barow of Cartmelfell Margaret d. of Richd Clark of Flookbarow ... Marian Maschate of the Grang widow Richard son of John Ashbumer of Churchtowne Ellin Barow of Staveley widow Dorothy Harison of Cartmelfell Mabel wife of Edward Kilner of Fidler hall ... Agnes wife of Georg Kilner of Stavetey Georg son of Nicolas Dixon of Lindell Margret Walker widow of Lindell WiUia son of George Mar 1626. 2 p. 63 Peter son of Christofer Keltet of Hampsfeld... Isabel d. of WiUia Robinson of Haukshead ... John Swainso senior of CoUingfeld in Cartmel Fel WUliam Barbon of Wakon Thomas Holme of Templand Margaret Atkinso of the Hill widow Jane d. of Hugh Diconso Junior of Wraisholme Georg Kilner of Stavdey John Cowherd of Hampsfeld Jenet d. of Antonie Britton of Lindale Isabel d. of Richard Ftecher of Lindale 18 November I December JJ 27 ft 8 10 12 It JJ JJ 8 January II JJ 12 18 28 JJJJJJ 2 6 February JJ 7 JJ 13 JJ JJ JJ IS JJ 17 JJ 21 JJ 2326 3 JJJJ March 8 JJ II JJ 12 JJ 15 JJ 23 JJ 20 5 AprilMay 6 16 2628 JJ JJJJJJ 30 JJ 3 June 12 26 JJ j« 9 July 1626-1627 BURIALS. 183 Wilia so of James Rownson of CartmelfeU Willia supposed son of RoBt Staines Peter & Edward sons of Richd Barber of Barbergreene Jane d. of Josias Dawso of Chuichtowne Briget supposed d. of John Holme of Brigfield 2 p. 64 Mabell wife of Wiliam Rownson of Walton.. Alice wife of Richard Walter of Templand .. Agnes wife of Richard Canny of Lindale Richard Swainson of Looderburne Jenet Hoghton of Lindell widow Elizabeth Barbon of Walto widow Anne d. of Richd Rownso of Eyshead drownd in Eyshead beck Witim Leese of Fiddend Jennet wife of WilHa Casson of Heselrig Jeniet d. of John Diconson of Vlterthwait Jenet sister to the said John Diconson . . Mabel Carter of Fieldbroghton John son of John Moorecroft of Grange . . Elizabeth Fell of Walton widow Christopher Potter of the Myreside Evan Canny of Backbarow Ellin Milner of Flookborow widow 1627. 2 p. 66 Alice ¦wife of Witim Powe of Cartmelfell John Kilner of Staveley Georg son of W™ Carter of Cartlone Jenet wife of Chfofer Broune of Ainsome Willia son of Thomas Simpso of Flookbarow Agnes Knipe of Eishead widow Elizabeth wife of Witim Bel of Woolrig Thomas son of W™ Carter of Flookbarow Jenet Newbie of Seatte widow Anne CoweU of Hamsfeld widow Agnes Roskel of the Greeves Margaret d. of Georg Machol of Grange Agnes Punder of Flookbarow widow Agnes wife of Richd Barrow of Neather Carke John so of John Simson of Flookborow Jenet Newbie of Eyshead widow Agnes Walker of Neather Carke widow Wilia Askew of Walto Wilia Brokbank of Hoobarow Henry Hewes drowned at the Grange Elin Cowell of Turnegreene widow Jenet Simson of Flookbarow 16 July 31 .. 9 August 23 JJ 27 JJ 19 September 27 JJ 1 1 November 14 26 „ 8 December 10 „ 26 30 3 January 4 ,j 26 „ 28 „ 24 February II March 15 .. 19 15 AprUl 24 JJ JJ JJ 28 „ 5 May 6 JJ II16 „ 19 JJ 2124 JJ 26 „ 27 JJ 21 June 2618 July 12 August 23 JJ 12 November 15 ,j 19 J. 184 CARTMEL PARISH REGISTERS. 1627-1628 Georg son of Thomas Ashburner of Flookbarow 30 November Mathew Staines of Flookbarow drownd in Carkbecke 3 December Isabell wife of Richd Taylor of Lindal ... 13 „ Edward Brokbank kilted in his owne wood with a tree ,, ,, A child of John Barrow Junior of Ne\rton ... 27 Januarie James Brokbank of Heselrig 31 ,, Edward Pul of Cartmelfel 3 February Jenet d. of Miles Dawson of Ternegreene ... 17 ,, Pmdence wife of Edward Cowheard of Hamsfeld 19 Edwin Taylor of the height in Cartmelfells... 27 „ Willa son of John Braithwait in Woodbroghton „ „ IsabeU the supposed d. of Charles Stevenson... 28 ,, Edward Barow of Cartmelfdl „ „ Mabel Casson of the Fell edge 9 March John Swainso thelder in Cartmelfell 20 ,, Robert Briges batchelor in Cartmelfell 21 „ 1628. 2 p. 68 Henry son of John Barrow of Flookbarow ... 25 March Roger son of RoBt Barrow of Stavdey 30 „ Elizabeth d. of Wilia Ftecher of Linddl ... 31 Margaret wife of M' Thomas Parker Minister at Cartmel ^ ^ n AprU Isabel d. of Arthur Atkinso of Walto 6 May John Pepper of Youf al yate ^ ,, John AtkinsS of Churchtowne 8 ,, James Atkinso of Neather Newton 18 ., Agnes Newbie widow of Neather Carke ... 20 „ Jenet d. of John Preston of Overnewton ... 21 „ 2 p. 69 James Taylor of O'vemewton 1 June Lawrence SwainsS of CartmdfeU 8 ,, WiUia sone of Willia Browne of the Frith ... 10 ,, Richard MughaU thelder of Fieldbroghto ... 18 „ RoBt son of WUlia Staines of Yorefalyate ... 23 „ A child of Chfofer Besbrow slaine with an horse i July Dorothy wife of Edward Knipe of Yorfal yate 3 Agnes d. of John Preston of Ovemewto ... 30 ,, Richard son of Thomas Holme of Templand... 10 August Margaret wife of Georg Mar of Ainsome ... 8 September Robert son of Henry Beck of Fayrig i October Mabell Michelson of Cartmelfel widow 12 „ Isabel wife of Lawrence Swainso of Cartmelfels 29 „ Agnes Dixon drowned in Windamer becke ... „ „ Agnes wife of John Pull of Al^lithwait 31 ,, Jenet d. of Thomas Hodshon of Cartmelfel ... 8 December Katherin d. of Willia Dawson of Ainsome ... 9 I628-I629 BURIALS. 185 Thomas Wilson of Ulverston senior & Thomas Wilso junior drowned on Cark Sands Edward Barber of Barbergreene Robert son of Thomas Kellet of the Fellyate... Edward Barrowe so of W" Barow of Stavetey 1629. 2 p. 71 John son of Jerome AlloU'bie of Churchtowne Richard son of Edward Bonvick of Walton hall Anne Seatte of Einsome John Leese son of Thomas Leese of the Fieldend John son of Edward Swainson of Loderbume Ellin d. of Rowland Walls of Lindell Willia son of James Finstat of Neather Cark... Nicolas son of WUlia Canny of Lindell Thomas Batema of the Grang Christopher son of Thomas Flecher of Ravenswinder John Milner of Flookbarow Anne Mughall of Fieldbroghto widow Anne d. of GilBt Fel of Church Towne Christofer Fell of Kirket End Jenet d. of Georg Brokbank of Churchtowne... Dorothy d. of John Howmd of Alithwait Georg Brokbank of the Churchtowne Edward son of WiUiam Thornburgh Esq : Elizabeth d. of Willia Tompson of Fomaisfels Elizabeth d. of Peter Bateman of Churchtowne Margaret d. of Richard Robinson of AUithwait Jenet d. of WiUia Seatle of Flookborough . . . Michael son of Edward Newby of Walton . . . Margaret d. of John Barrow taylbr of Flookbrogh Robert Kelet of the Fellyate Margaret d. of James Brigs of Flookbarow ... Mary d. of John Park of Churchtowne Jenet Ward of Flbokbarow widow Thomas son of Thomas Wilso of Flookbarow John son of Roger Kilner & Thomas Rig drowned in Keere Leonard Wales of Walton 2 p. 72 WiUiam son of James Moone of Flookbarow Aime d. of Thomas Alexander of Churchtowne Peter Godsentvs drowned in Keere Georg Preston of the Grang Jenet d. of Richard Walter of Templand Jenet d. of Georg Mar of Einso Isabel Newbie of Overnewto widow WUlia BeU of WooMg 8 January 12 JJ 22 JJ 20 February 26 March 3 April 4 JJ 4 June 15 »j 27 JJ 21 July 31 f; 3 August 26 28 JJ 29 JJ 31 tt 3 September 6 JJ 9 JJ 12 JJ 23 JJ 20 October 21 JJ 24 JJ 25 7f II November 14 ^, 20 JJ 23 JJ 23 December 27 JJ 17 January 26 JJ 28 JJ 3 February 19 JJ 25 JJ 2 March 10 *i x86 CARTMEL PARISH REGISTERS. 1630-1631 1630. J p. 73 Isabel Taylor of LindeU widow Mathew son of John Caton of Flookborogh . . . ! p. 74 Isaak Wainhouse of Birkbie Katherin supposed d. of Henry Gaskell of Hamsfeld RoBt son of John Simson of Flookbarow Willia son of Antonie Britton of the Grange... Jenet wife of WUlia Barow of Stavetey Agnes d. of Thomas Holme of Templand WiUia son of Richard Newbie of Neather Carke Christopher Hodgso of Cartmelfell Jenet wife of Thomas Barow of Flookbarow... Edward Harrison of Hartborow Dorothy d. of Jonas Dawson of Churchtowne... WiUia son of Willia Hobkin of Churchtowne... Agnes d. of Brian Borwick of the Grang Willia Brokbank of Eyshead EUin wife of Brian Taylor of Lindel James Danson of The Grange Mabd Barow of the Headlhouse Alice wife of Richard Rawlinso John Borwicke of Heselrig Elizabe,th d. of John Parke of Churchtowne... Anne base d. of Wilia Barrow of Woodbroghton John son of John Newton of Cartmelfell Wilia Pow of Cartmelfel & a stilborne child of Richd Barbers Richard Canny of Lindel James Presto of Girsegarth Edward son of John Tumer of Newto Elizabeth Bel of Templand Jenet d. of Arthur Atkinso of the Hil Elizabeth d. of John RaWlinso of Greenhurst. . . John Caton theldest of Flookborow Ellin wife of John' Roper of Woodbroughton . . . 1631. p. 76 Richard Carmy of Canny HiU Jenet Pul of Cartmelfel Elizabeth wife of Christopher Swainso of FidlerhaU Lawrence son of Witim Swainso of Cartmelfdl Brian Taylor of Lin'deU Elizabeth Diconson in Walto Thomas son of Thomas Simson in Flookborough The wife of John Barrow of the Hee 24 AprU 30 JJ 4 May 7 JJ 25 JJ 30 JJ 2 June 7 JJ 18 JJ 18 July 19 JJ II August 17 JJ 2C JJ 24 JJ 11 September 15 JJ 2 October 18 JJ 30 JJ 6 November 4 JJ 18 •J 26 JJ 8 December 8 January 25 JJ 3 March 10 JJ 13 J 20 t 22 t 24 1 26 March 18 April 9 May II JJ 22 JJ 4 June 6 JJ 8 J i 1631-1632 BURIALS. 187 Jenet d. of RoBt Barrow of Stavetey GilBt Berry of Spelbanke Thomas Caton of Mireside John MacheU of the Grange Jenet d. of Richard Milner of the Yate in Flookbarow Thomas Pepper of Nether Carke Rowland Borrick of Heselrig Thomas son of Willia Archer of Ouer newton Elin Robinson of Alithw' The wife of Thomas Bateman Elizabeth Burne of Spyelbanke widow Mabel d. of Thomas Walker of LindeU Emme d. of Lawrence Swainso of Cartmelfel... Lawrence Newton of Lindel Robert Staines of Fieldbroughton Agnes d. of John Roj)er of Woodbroghto Thomas Burne of Woodbroghton Mabel Ashburner of Backbarow Isabel d. of Christopher Cowheard of Flookbarow Isabel wife of Richard Barow of the Abbothall James Gaskell of the Grange Mabel wife of Thomas Presto of Nethernewton John son of Willia Crosfield of Woodbroughton Elizabeth wife of John Park of Churchtowne... Wilia Dawson of Einsome Anne Wariner spinster of Holker Sybil Barow of Cartmelfell Agnes wife of Richard Simson of Birkby Isabel Barow of Walton widow Richard Turner of Overnewto 22 June 27 JJ 30 J' 22 July 23 JJ 24 JJ JJ JJ 3° JJ 24 August 31 JJ 12 September JJ JJ 13 JJ 2 1 October 29 J, 2 November 3 J. S JJ 21 „ 31 December 12 January 27 JJ 31 27 3 2324 Febmary JJ March anno Dnj 1632. 2 p. 79 Margaret d. of Thomas Britton of the Grange 3 April Isabel d. of Lawrence Carter of Fieldbroghto... 15 „ John Awdland of Flookborow 22 „ Christopher son of Christopher Helme of Churchtowne 24 „ Elizabeth d. of Thomas Casson of Heselrig ... i May Mabel d. of James Satterthwait of Backbarow 9 „ Isabel! wife of Peter Newbye of Ouercarke ... 23 „ Christopher son of Willia Swainso of the Foxefield 25 June Thomas son of Thomas Rownson of Ayshead 19 July Robert Kellet of Nethernewton 29 „ Thomas Kilner of Beethom Parishe „ „ Ewan Borwicke of Hesdrig 10 August i88 CARTMEL PARISH REGISTERS. 1632-1633 2 p. James Newby servant to Edwd Marshall of Eynsome Edward son of John Barber Junior of Overnewton Anthony Atkinson servant to M' Laytus Robert son of Richard Holme of Holker Thomas Barrow & GilBt Clark both of Flookborow Isabel Fell of Churchtowne widow Rowland son of James Milner of the Moore . . . Jane wife of Robert Taylor of the Slacke Isabell Marshall! senior of Cartmelfel widow ... James FeU of Kirket End Elizabeth Barrow of Staveley widow Margaret d. of Georg Walter of Templand ... EUin Pepper widow of Nether Carke Agnes Slaiter of the Hee Margaret wife of Richard Simson junior of Flookborow Edward Carter of Cartloane Elizabeth wife of John Atkinson of Walton . . . Mabd wife of Peter Barrowe of Nethernewto Margaret Archer wido'W of Overnewton Mariana d. of Thomas Walker of Backbarow... Ellin Canny of Lindell widow Margaret d. of John Brokbanke of Greenbanke Agnes Atkinson of Walton widow Annie wife of John Bigland of Munnyon Thomas Brokbanke of Wharteflatt Isabel wife of James Berry of Churchtowne . . . Margaret Wallas 1633. 81 Thomas supposed so of Charles Stevenso Isabel d. of John Keltet of Churchtowne Agnes d. of Edward Walker of Backbarow . . . Richard son of Georg Canny of Linddl Elizabeth wife of Mites Muckell of Cartmelfell Dorothy d. of James Brigs of Flookbarow ... WiUia Best gent : drowned on Milthorp Sands Anne d. of Edward Swainso of CartmelfeU ... Hugh Fel of Alithw' AUce d. of Robert Barow of Stavetey Francis son of James Casson of Walton William Kellet of Flookbarow WUUam son of John Simson of Flookborow . . . 82 John Canny of Canny hill Thomas Parker Minister at Cartmel Anne wife of Arthur Atkinson 13 August 18 23 5 JJ SeptemberOctober 13 JJ IS18 JJJJ 1918 JJ March 27 2 JJ December 18 JJ 23 JJ IS Januarye 21 JJ 22 3 JJ February 5 JJ II JJ 13 J' 14 JJ 15 JJ tl JJ 17 JJ 19 JJ 20 10 JJ March 23 JJ 8 26 14 April JJ May 20 JJ 3 9 JuneAugust 10 JJ II ,, 12 I 9 JJ September November 12 JJ 1418 I JJ JJ December 3 JJ 1633-1634 BURIALS. 189 EUin wife of Willia Barow of Boorebanke Wilia Borwick of Cartmelfell Richard Robinson of Stavetey & Isabel wife of RoBt MuchaU of Cartmelfell & Prudence Beestey of Walto Elizabeth Swainso widow of CartmdfeU Katherin Hariso widow of Cartmelfell ... Margaret wife of Thomas Brokbanke of KendaU parish & his daughter drowned in LindaU Poote Agnes wife of Edwd Michdso of Greenbanke Margaret wife of Jolin Barow of Staveley Isabel Leech of Walto widow Michael Barow of Backbarow Martha d. of Thomas Walker of Fayrig Margaret Carter of Flookbarow widow .. Robert Atkinso senior of Hoobarow John Barow theldest of Ayshead RoBt son of RoBt Barow of Kentsbanke Agnes Danson of Flookbarow widow Richvard Milner theldest of the Moore Isaac son of James Harison of Cartmelfell & Michael Hariso .. 8 December 22 JJ 28 JJ IJ >j •• 29 JJ 12 aU January lU •¦ 13 JJ ke 19 JJ .. 21 .. 26 ... 8 JJ JJ February tt JJ ... 19 JJ ... 24 I JJ March 10 ... 18 JJJJ 21 JJ 1634. 2 p. 84 John Keltet of Myreside Edward son of Thomas Fell of Nether carke... Richd Mughall of Fieldbroghton theldest John son of Wilia Carter of Churchtowne Willia son of Edward Walker of Backbarow ... Agnes d. of Nicolas Robinso of the Height ... Robert Muckell theldest & Mafgt Roikstraw both of CartmelfeU Robert son of Thomas Wilson of Flookbarow Agnes d. of Richd MUnei- of Flookbrogh Willia GUsent of Walto & John so of John Bowes of the Height Alice d. of Thomas Co-wperthw' of Hamsfeld... Agnes d. of Robert Atkinso of Nethercarke . . . Thomas son of Henry Becke of Fayrig Mabel wife of Witim Punder of Alithw' Henry Bigland of Fidiler hall Marg' d. of John Simson of Haslerig Isabel wife of John Canny of Backbarow Mafgt wife of Tho : Walker of Backbarow thelder Roger son of John Barrow of Flookbr gh Agnes wife of Miles. Borwick of CartmelfeU . . . I AprU 7 JJ 2020 JJ May 27 JJ 7 June 10 JJ 17 jj 22 JJ 27 JJ 30 21 IJ July 22 4 8 JJ August 10 JJ 19 JJ I September 24 ,j 18 October 190 CARTMEL PARISH REGISTERS. 1634-1635 2 p. 86 p. 87 John Marshal of Cartmelfel Anne d. of John Thwaits of Churchtowne Edward Barow of Borebanke Richard Slater of Overnewto James son of John Simson of Flookbrogh Agnes wife of Willia Steans of Yorfelyate Jane Burscow of Flookbrogh widow & John Barow of Ayshead thelder Richard Parker of Grange Isabel wife of Thomas Casson of Woolrig . . . Anne Fel widow of Kirketend Mites MarshaU of CartmelfeU Robert son of Edward Barber of Ouemewto ... James son of John FeU of Kirketend James son of Georg Walter of Templand Margaret wife of Mites Kilner of Flookbrogh. . . Ellin wife of John Kirby of Tenterbanke Isabell d. of John Kirby of Tenterbanke Agnes Burscow widow of John Burscow of Flookbrogh Thomas Newbie son of Richd Newby of Nethercarke A stilborne child son of Thomas Bond of Flookbrogh George Slater bachdour of Overnewto 1635. Mary wife of John Bury & WiUia Presto of Fieldbroghton Elizabeth wife of Roger Fell of Ouemewto ... Edward Barow of Nether Cark John so of Tho : Barow of Walto Chfofer Bume of Wako Agnes Presto widow of Grange Agnes wife of Chfofer Turner of Nethernewton Mabel Barow widow Jenet wife of Edwd Staines Elin d. of John Morecroft of Grange Jenet Caton of Flookbrogh & Elizabeth d. of Richd Mughal Junior Richd Sil of Heuersha RoBt son of Richd Simso of AUithw' Thomas son of WUlia Bore of Woodbroghto ... Agnes d. of Simon Stricklond John son of Edward Walker of Backbarow ... Agnes wife of Richd Slater of Ovemewto ... Jenet Haris5 of Cartmelfell widow EUzabeth d. of Edwin Canny of Backbarow . . . 20 October 23 *J 27 12 JJ November 18 28 J) JJ I December 16 JJ 17 January 30 9 JJ February 11 JJ JJ JJ 12 18 2 JJ JJ March 6 JJ 15 JJ 17 •• 21 JJ 23 JJ 7 April 12 JJ 23 JJ 27II16 JJ May 22 JJ S6 June JJ 25 JJ 7 July 9 18 JJJJ 20 JJ 22 JJ JJ JJ I Augi 5 JJ 19 JJ 1635 BURIALS. 191 M' Daniel Bulfeld preacher at Cartmel Anne wife of Richd Huberstie of Flookbrogh Isabel wife of Witim Seatte of Flookbarow Chfofer Tumer of Nethernewto John Crosfeld of Churchtowne Willia Ashbumer Claris d. of John Barow SkelhiU Agnes Turner of Holker Agnes d. of Chr : Barber of Lindell Anne Troghton of Backbarow Richard Gane of Duglas Jane wife of John Rowlandso of Ayshead Stephen so of Richd Batema of Templand EUin d. of Richd Ftecher of Linddl John Crosby of Churchtowne Agnes AUonby widow James son of Willia Thornburgh Esq & Alice Barow widow of Fieldbr : W" Punder of AUithw' & Robert son of Nicolas Barow MUes Kilner of Flookbrogh Thomas Townso of Pulhouse John son of Richard Simson of Birkby Isabel d. of James Milner James so of Edwd Britto of Churchtowne Agnes d. of RoBt Swainso of Cartmelfell Barbery d. of Edwd Robinso John son of John Thwait Jenet wife of Edwd Briton of Churchtowne Richd Simson drowned Mabel Hariso of Cartmelfell Jane wife of Chr : Harison Mites so of Edwd Britto of Churchtowne Antony Britto of LindeU ... W" so of Miles Dixon Francis Crosfild of Witherslacke and Marg' wife of Edwd Bowman Isabel d. of Thomas Keltet of Fellyate ... Agnes d. of James Harriso of Cartmel ... John so of Francis Tumer Elizabeth d. of John Newton Junior of Cartmelfdl John Garnett Minister at Lindall Isabel d. of Richard Kilner of Nethercarke Margaret d. of Willia Canny of Lindel ... Edward son of Mites Rawlinson of Cartmelfel Agnes d. of Brian Borwicke of Grange John so of Witim Dixon of Flookbrogh James so of James Taylor 3 18 September JJ 22 3 JJ October 10 JJ II JJ 13 JJ 14 JJ 17 JJ 23 3 JJ November 16 JJ 19 JJ 20 ^, 21 " 23 JJ 25 JJ 29 7 JJ December 18 JJ 2126 JJ JJ 3 8 January JJ II JJ 12 J' 14 JJ IS 16 JJJJ 19 JJ 22 JJ 23 JJ 27 JJ 28 30 February 7 10IIIS19 242829 192 CARTMEL PARISH REGISTERS. 1 635-1636 Mafgt d. of Brian Borwick of Grange Isabel d. of Michael Danson Elizabeth d. of Michael Danson & John son of the said Michael Georg so of Nicolas Robinso & Jane d. of Edward Cowhard Roland son of RoBt Swainson Ellin d. of Georg Brathw' of Grange Mabel d. of Richd Tumer Faithful son of Peter Batema of Grange James s5 of Edward Kilner of FidlerhaU John Rof>er of Flookbrogh John son of James Rawlau'dson of Cartmelfell & Anne d. of W"" Casso of Eynsome & Jane Champney widow of Linddl Dorothye Pull of Cartmelfell Marie d. of Georg Brathw' of Grang & Agnes d. of Tho : Simso of Flookbrogh Edwd so of Edwd Bor'wick of Fayrig Marian wife of Richd Bell 1636. 2 p. 89 Willa son of Henry Washingto Jenet Danson widow John so-n of Peter Martindale of the Grange . . . James so of GilBt Thorns Willia son of Thomas Leese of Fieldend & Mary d. of Jolin Atkinson & John son of Thomas Bury of Grange Jenet d. of RoBt Simso Margaret d. of Willia Archer & James so of Richd Maybury Margaret d. of Chr : Barber Anne d. of John Barber Jane d. of James Danson EUzabeth Barow of Eyshead widow Willia so of WUlia Britton Agnes wife of Richd Muckelt of Hooker Anne Brokbank of Hoobarow & Peter so of RoBt Borwick of Heselrig Jenet d. of RoBt Barow Thomas so of John Barow of Eyshead RoBt so of John Barow of Eyshead Marg' d. of W™ BriWon Ellin d. of James Casson Elizabeth d. of James Danson Jenet wife of Wittm KeUet Margaret BeU of Cartlane March 7 8 10II141619 23 24 26 March 27 J7 31 I JJ April 3 JJ 4 JJ 6 JJ 7 8 JJJJ 13 JJ 14 JJ 1718 JJ JJ 19 JJ 20 JJ 22 JJ 23 JJ 24 JJ 29 JJ 30 7 JJ May 1636 BURIALS. 193 p. 90 Dorothy wife of RoBt Wainliouse John son of John Fell of Kirketend Georg Birket of Nether Carke Jane wife of James Harison Edwd so of RoBt Barow of Abbothal & Jenet d. of Tho : Leese John s5 of John Kilner of Stavetey & Wilia son of James Seatle John son of Roland Harriso Mabel Rol andson widow Willia Barow of Borebanke & Chfofer son of Hugh Barow of Stavetey Mites so of Georg Garnet Jane d. of Richd Bel Edward so of Henry Bury Margaret d. of James Seatte John so of Witim Kellet & Henry so of Witim Warbrak of Kirketend Anne Simson of AUith' & Christopher son of Willia Kellet Mabel wife of James Newbie Chfofer Barow of Woodbroghton William son of John Barow of Flookbarowe ... Mary wife of Thomas Flecher gent : & John so of RoBt Britton WiUia Barow of Woodbroghto Isabel d. of Nicolas Cowperthwait James son of Richard Sands of Staveley drowned in Windamere water Chfofer Kellet of Hamsfeld Thomas Preston of Nethernewton MabelHarington widowe Jenet Brokbank widow Isabel d. of Antony Presto & Witim Burye . . . John^ Bordman of Nethercarke Jenet wife of Willia Dixon WiUia son of Henry Burne Mary Hodgson of Cartmelfel widow Mathew S'On of John Staines John Sands of Vluerston Agnes wife of Peter BeU of Nether Carke Edward son of John Staines John Caton of Flookbarow Miles Swain«.o of Ouernewton Isabel Milner of Flookbarow Rowland Pepper of Cartmelfel Richard son of W™ Barow of Borebanke Jane Knipe widow of Cartmelfel John son of Hugh Mughal 12 May 17 JJ 18 „ 22 JJ 25 JJ 30 JJ 2 June 3 JJ 4 ,j S tt 7 It 8 JJ 13 JJ IS JJ 18 JJ 25 JJ 2 July 10 JJ 14 12 JJ August 27 JJ 31 26 JJ September 30 13 JJ October 22 28 JJ 31 6 tl November 19 JJ 22 3 JJ December 6 JJ 7 JJ 9 JJ 14 JJ IS JJ 30 JJ I Tanuarv o 194 CARTxMEL PARISH REGISTERS. 1636-1637 p. 91 p. 92 Isabel wife of Edward Carter & Mabel Brathw' of Walto widow Margaret wife of Hugh Mughall Edward Barow of AUithw' WiUia Keltet of Churchtowne . . . Witim Bume of FieldbroghtS ... James Fell of Walton Richd Barow of Winder Elizabeth d. of Hugh Barow ... Thomas son of Thomas Carter of Cartlone Anne d. of RoBt Barrow of Borebank ... Thomas Simso of Flookb : Mabel Swainso widow John so of John Sands of Wraisholme . . . Robert son of John Swainson of Cartmelfdl Thomas so of Johri Bateman of the Grange Richard so of Ric : Maybery James son of W™ Kellet of Lindel Ellin d. of John Bateman 1637. Isabel wife of Ric : Muckel of Moore . . . John so of Edwd Sorey of Grange Mafgt wife of Richd Pepper of Grange . . . Jenet Griehead of the bridge Edwin Borwicke of Birkbie Thomas RoskeU senior of Holker Agnes Barow of Ayshead widow Elizabeth Barow of Mireside widow Elizabeth wife of Richd Kellet Hugh Diconson senior of Wraisholme gentleman Jenet d. of John Atkinso of Walto Thomas Burne of Spelbanke Isabel wife of Robert Cowheard Marg' d. of John Whaites Isabel wife of RoBt Barow of Abothall . . Georg so of RoBt Settle of Kentsbank . . Agnes Brigs of Flookbarow bachelor [sic] Anne Haris5 of Cartmelfdl Francis supposed so of John Turner .. Anne d. of Robert Britton of Ayshead .. Mary d. of RoBt Britto Isabel wife of Willia Preston ... Elizabeth wife of Michael BeU Mary d. of Edwd KUner Isabel Walker of LindaU James son of Edward Barow . . . Lawrence Storey of Churchtowne January 3 JJ 9 JJ 10 JJ IS JJ 16 JJ 18 JJ 25 JJ 26 JJ 2 February 3 JJ 14 JJ 26 JJ 4 March 9 JJ IS JJ 18 '7 23 JJ 6 April 8 „ 12 JJ 14 „ 15 JJ 24 J» 28 JJ I May 6 JJ 7 „ 8 »j 9 JJ 13 JJ 27 JJ 28 ^^ 31 JJ 6 June 5 July 7 JJ 26 ft 10 August 20 JJ 22 JJ 29 JJ S September 10 JJ s October 1637-1638 BURIALS. 19s Anne d. of John Bigland of PuUhouse 9 October John son of John Tomson Isabel d. of Chfofer Britton of Lindell Hugh Barow of Ouernewto Anne d. of Allan Parke of Wui'der ... Richard Barow of Abbothal Richd Ecclesto of Flookbrogh John base so of John Champney EUzabeth d. of Robert Kilner Elizabeth d. of Richard Kellet Jenett d. of Richd Walter of Templand Dorothy d. of John Stot Richard KeUet of Rostwhait & Jenet 'd. of John Mar Richard Rawlinson of Baughton EUin Wainhouse widow RoBt Setle of Cartlane Thomas Taylor of the Greene John base so of John Agnathat & Ellin Kellet Mabel wife of Tho : GatskUl Ellin d. of Edward Barow James so of Tho : Alexander Rowland Ward of Hamsfeld Thomas Fell of Churchtowne Jenet Seatle of Grange widow John Wainhouse of Rostat Thomas Barow & Mary Barow Willia son of Edward Bowman of Hampsfild Anne d. of John Braithwait of Flookborough Robert Cowheard of Seatle Edwd Barow of Cartmelfel drowned James Brigs of Flookbrogh David Clenn a Scotchma 1638. 2 p. 93 Margaret Braithw' of Grange widow Mabel Mughal of FidterhaU John Swainson of Cartmelfdh Jam'es Hariso of Seatle & James Hariso of Blakhome 6 „ Edward son of Christopher Borwick late of Kendall 10 „ Alice Britto of LindeU 7 May Elizabeth wife of Wilia Birket of Holker ... 9 „ Johnson of Rowland SwainsS of Churchtowne 19 ,, Wittm Birket of Holker 27 „ William Greenwood of Backbarowe 28 „ Thomas Gatskall of Grang 29 June 10 JJ 16 JJ 18 JJ 25 JJ 30 JJ 22 November 23 JJ 25 JJ 26 JJ 29 JJ 2 December 4 JJ 6 JJ 7 JJ 10 JJ 18 JJ 19 JJ 24 JJ 28 JJ 31 JJ 14 January 18 JJ 23 JJ JJ JJ 24 JJ JJ JJ 27 JJ 28 February 4 March 9 JJ 17 JJ 23 JJ 27 March I April 196 CARTMEL PARISH REGISTERS. 1638-1639 Georg so of Georg Parke late of Holker Wittm son of John Barber of barbergreene ... John so of James Milner of Flookb : Richd Simson of AUithw' Rowland Lowder of Staveley Thomas Barow of Aished Michael Harrison of Blaikholme Thomasin wife of Oliver Staines Margaret Turner of Overnewton widow 2 p. 94 EUin Hodgson of Heselrig Isabel wife of John Newbie of Churchtowne... WiUiam son of John Simson of Flookbarowe... Mabel Danson of Holker Agnes Newby of Templand widow & Agnes wife of Robert Seatle Richd son of Richd Simson of Churchtowne... W™ son of John Kilner Agnes d. of Robert Barow of Ayshead EUin wife of Richd Taylor of Lindel Richd son of James Milner Robert Greenbanke of Borebanke Jenet Rownson of Walto Alice wife of Thomas Kilner of Seatle Mafgt Kellet of Myreside widow Roger Kilner of Lindell Richd Britto of Grange & Mafgt d. of David Wilso of LindaU Georg Machol of Blathend & Isabel d. of RoBt Garnet John Harison of Stavetey Thomas Barrow of Walto Margaret d. of Hugh Dickonson gentteman ... Henry Wils5 senior of AUithw' Sara & Agnes d. of RoBt Wainhouse of Birkbie Mabel Mar of Backbarow widow Isaac son of Robert Barrow Elizabeth wife of Christopher Staines of Ayside 1639. 2 p. 95 Richd Simso senior of Birkby Nicolas Barrow of Greaves Jane d. of Edwd Coward Georg Hayle of Templand Richd son of John Stains of Woodbroghto . . . Robert another son of his Richd Mughel of Fieldbroghto Christopher Stain,es of Ayside Isabel wife of John Staines of Headhouse 30 June I July 29 JJ II August 12 JJ 13 JJ 27 JJ 13 September 18 JJ 24 JJ 29 JJ 3° JJ 3 October 21 JJ 24 JJ 19 Novemb' 20 It 2 December IS JJ 25 jj 10 January 13 JJ 18 JJ 25 JJ 5 February 10 JJ 13 JJ 18 JJ 20 ft 9 March JJ JJ IS JJ 17 JJ 23 JJ 25 March 31 JJ 2 April 10 JJ 12 JJ 26 JJ 27 JJ 31 ,j [sic] 3 May I639-I640 Burials. 197 Robert Kilner of Stavetey Isabel wife of Roland Kilner of Ayside . . . Jenet Setle of Kirketend widow Jenet wife of Wittm Borick of Cannv Hill Chfofer Barber of LindeU Anne wife of W™ Barber Elizabeth d. of W" Holme of Girsgarth... Miles son of Georg Taylor W"" Di.xo of Lindel ..." Edward Mackereth Aime d. of W"" Borwicke of Eyside John so of James Seatte of Grange Edwd son of John Whaits & James his so also Mary Hierdson Lawrence Harriso of Seatte John Tompso of Greaues Jenet wife of Peter Martindate of Grange W" so of Richd Taylor of Holker Dorothy d. of Tho : Simso of Birkby . . . Barbara wife of Thomas Pull of Cartmelfell Gilbert FeU of Birkby Elizabeth d. of John Staines of Nethercarke Mabel Bigland of Nethercarke Ellin Maskew of the Height Ellin wife of Gilbert FeU of Churchtowne Jenet Brokbank of CartmelfeU William Browne of Frith 2 p. 96 William Lowder of Staveley Richd so of Edward Cowhard Tho : Rownson of Eyside Elizabeth d. of Georg Rig of Birkby Edwd so of Edwd Cowhard of Hamsfeld Agnes d. of Michael Newbie of Heselrig James so of Tho : Bury of Grange Agnes Crosfeld of Churchtowne widow . . . James son of Edward FeU Elizabeth Barber of Barbergreene widow Thomas Britton of Grange & Isabel d. of Edward Fel of Walto Elizabeth wife of Lancelot Milner Richd Newby of Gateside 6 May P-97 1640. Rowland son of Edwd Wallis of Staveley Christopher Swainson of CartmelfeU ... Georg Preston senaor of Holker Esquire... Edwd Borwick of Walto 9 JJ 1016 JJ ¦J 19 J> 24 JJ 3° JJ 2 June 18 JJ 19 JJ 25 JJ 29 9 July 21 JJ 29 8 JJ September IS JJ 21 22 J) October 23 JJ 31 3 JJ Novemb' 14 JJ JJ 16 JJ JJ 23 7 JJ December IS a 17 ti 20 it 23 JJ 25 JJ 10 January 5 February 7 JJ JJ 8 JJJJ JJ JJ 8 March 16 JJ 22 JJ 25 March 46 April if 10 198 CARTMEL PARISH REGISTERS. 1640 Thomas Woltey of Cartmelfdl Edward Barrow Wilia Shaw of Burningha in Yorkshire gent : Mabel Kellet of Hamsfeld widowe James Greenwood of Backbarow James Fell of Greenbanke Jenet wife of James Taylor of Methop Hugh Barbon of Holker RoBt supposd so of RoBt Cowheard Henry Setle of Grange James son of Steven Fell of Greenbanke IsabeU d. of John Fell of Churchtowne Edward base so of Edwd Barow Simon Stricklond of Cartmelfell Agnes d. of Isaak Burne of Stavetey Thomas son of John Kirby of Tenterbanke . . . 2 p. 98 Jam,es Bonvik of Walto James Swainson of Cartmelfell Dorothy wife of John Kirby John son of Georg Rig James son of John Fell Thomas son of Tho : Swainson Katherin wife of W" Walter of Holker Henry Barow of Mungion Marg' d. of Rowland Swainso of Churchtoune Edwd son of Edwd Walker EUin d. of John Turner of Hasfeld James Strickland of CartmelfeU Wittm so of W"" Walker of Myreside Agnes wife of Nicolas Tomson Jenet Dawso of Einsome widow Mafgt d. of John Rownso of Eyside Isabel Atkinso of Churchtowne widow W™ F'techer of Grang & Elizabeth wife of Roland Swanso of Lindell... Marg' wife of John Presto of Ouemewto Isabel Holme of Templand widow Thomas Dixon of Lindal & a child of M' Brooks Minister Mabel Keltet of the Buckcrag Beatrice d. of Charles Sill of Backbarow Thomas so of Tho : Atkinso ... John Barrow of Alithw' Isabel wife of Richard Simso strangled Jane Addiso of Myreside Agnes wife of Charles Sill John Newby of AUithw' Willia son of Georg Braithw' 13 April 17 JJ 23 JJ 27 JJ 7 May 8 JJ 9 JJ 16 tt 17 JJ 24 JJ 21 June 23 JJ 4 July 21 JJ 27 JJ 28 JJ 3 September 6 JJ 7 JJ 8 JJ 10 JJ 13 JJ 14 a 16 it 23 It 26 it 10 October II JJ 16 JJ 30 JJ S Novemb' 23 JJ 2 Decemb' 8 JJ 16 JJ 17 J) 18 JJ 24 JJ 10 January 13 It IS it 18 ii 23 J) 25 JJ 28 JJ 29 JJ 1640-1641 BURIALS, 199 Thomas Barsby of Miltho.rp & Hester Higgin of the sam'C drowned both Jenet wife of Percivall Preston of the Hill ... Mabel wife of John Presto of the HiU & Thomas son of Georg Brathwait John so of Georg Rig thel'd' of Eynsome Isabel d. of Edwd Borwicke Jane d. of William Carter of Churchtowne ... Wilia son of Thomas Swainson of Greenbanke slaine by the fall of a stock on him Isabel Fell of Walto widow Agnes Taylor of the Greene spinster 1641. 2 p. 99 Jane Bury of Lindel James Keltet of Holker Tho : Kilner of Seatle & Chfofer Hariso of Seatte James so of Thomas Caton of Lindall ... Rowland Turner of Fieldbroghto Henry Burne of Walton Anne wife of Rowland Tumer Thomas so of John Atkinson of Woodbr : Willia so of Henry Ftecher of Fieldbroghto Marg' d. of John Fell of Churchtowne ... Agnes d. of 'Tho : Pepper of Yorfulyate Jenet d. of John Brokbank of Churchtoune Agnes d. of Georg Rig of Einso Agnes wife of James Fell of Hamsfeld . . Richard Roper of Woodbroghto Isabel wife of Tho. : Alexander Agnes Rownson of Witherslack Isabel d. of Richard Nubie WiUiam Christopherson of Flookborogh 2 p. 100 Isabel wife of Isaac Hariso'n Godfrey so of Richard Maybery Georg son of John Longmire of the HUl Henry Barow of Seatle Jane d. of John Parker of Churchtoune Richd Nubie of Nether Carke Elizabeth d. of James Muckel Rteh'' FeU of Hamsfeld Marg' Clocker Dorothy d. of James Casso of the Gateside John Petty of Methop Jenet Birket of Nethercark widow Agnes d. of Richard Walter of Templand W» Bonck of Canny HU Adam Rawes of Winster Marg' Barow sen of Ayhead widow 4 10 13 IS18 26 3 2 18 February March I April 8 J, 10 „ II13 ,j 21 25 J. 29II May JJ JJ 121416 „ 30 J, 4 June JJ JJ 7 JJ 8 JJ 18 J, 5 Julie 9 JJ II 23 JJ 2 August 7 JJ 8 JJ 2 31 5 Septemb' 21 JJ 27 JJ 7 Octob' 22 „ 25 J. CARTMEL PARISH REGISTERS. 1641-1642 Anne d. of Thomas Presto of Walto EUin wife of Edwd Barow of Flookbrogh Roland so of Rob : Turner & Agnes wife of RoBt Laton of LindaU Hugh Barow of Nether Newton Ellin Barow of Woodbroghto widow Tho : so of Ric : Nubie of Eyside Isabel wife of Robert Mughall of Fieldbroghton Arme Benson widow John son of Thomas Skale of Flookbrogh Agnes wife of Roland Crosfeld Elizabeth d. of Edwd Walker Peter so of Robert Barow of Ouernewto . . . Richard WaUer of Templand Richd so of W"^ BrUto of Grange Georg Seatle of Lindall Isabel wife of Nicolas Sands of Stavley Isabel wife of John Ashburner Mabel wife of Rich" Fell John son of John Barowe Isaac son of WiUia Knipe gent : Isabel Postletwhat of Holker Christopher Helme of Churchtoune William Wilson 28 Octob' I Novemb' 5 JJ 23 2 JJ Decemb' 6 18 JJJJ 23 JJ 25 18 JJ January 24 4 JJ February 7 16 JJ JJ 17 !J 24 )> 2526 JJJJ 27 7 JJ March JJ JJ 1316 JJ JJ 1642. 2 p. loi Dorothy d. of M' Wilia Knipe John son of Thomas Bury of Templand . . . Hugh son of Peter Barow of Backebarrowe Roger Rownso of Ayside Isabel base d. of Wittm Fell of Nethercark WiUia son of Thomas Bury of Templand Wittm WaUis of Cartmelfel Isabel wife of Mites Dixon of Lin,dall . . . Agnes, wife of John Brokbank of Ouernewto Jane 'd. of RoBt Bill of Grange MUes MughaU of Cartmelfell Thomas son of James Slater Thomas Hutton of Thorpinsty gent : Emme d. of Edwd Barrow of Stavetey ... Agnes d. of John Stains of Headhouse ... Thomas so of Edwd Michelso of Greenbank Willia son of W" KeUet of Lindell John Presto of OuernewtS Jane d. of Peter Martindate John so of W"" Warbrecke Elizabeth Barrow of Borebank widow Agnes d. of Tho : Spence of AUithw' . . . 25 March 27 5 JJ April 16 JJ 17 IS 18 JJ May JJ 21 it 25 JJ II June 19 J7 23 17 July 21 JJ 27 JJ 28 3 August 8 „ 1642 BURIALS. 201 M''' Anne Preston of Winder WiUia Crosfild of Fteldbroghton Richd Bel of Kentbank Wilia Stains & RoBt so of RoBt Ftecher RoBt so of RoBt Barow of Borebank RoBt so of Georg Setle of Alithw' Agnes d. of Georg Rig of Churchtoune Thomas son of Michael Newbie Agnes d. of Edwd Waller of Eynsome Gilbert Thornes of Nethernewton & Ellin wife of Richd Newbie of Ayside Agnes d. of John Brokbank of Buckcrag Anne wife of Chfofer Harison Chfofer son of James Danson Dorothy d. of James Comer Margaret d. of Chfofer Barber of Barbergreene Willia son of Henry Newbie of Ouercark John son of Edwd Sorey of Grange Jane d. of Georg Wainhouse Rtehd Bell of Kentsbank & W^ son of W"" Preston Marg' wife of Tho : Carter of Cartlane Richd Caton of Flookborogh Edward Turner of Holker John so of John Newbie of Greenhurst Agnes Slater of Buckcrag widow Charles Sill ¦& Thomas Bury of Grange Willia so of John Nubie Edwd Borick of Fayrig Agnes wife of Roland Tumer Robert Taylo' of Ouernewton Jane 'd. of Nicolas Borwick of Speelbanke . . . Richard Casson of Grange Elizabeth Staines of Headhouse widow James Bigland of Overcark Alice wife of Edwd Johnso of Ainsome John Stricklond of Cartmelfell Katherin wife of John Flecher of Lindell WiUia so of Robert Caton Agnes Crosfeld of Fieldbroghto William son of Chfofer Fell RoBt Pairker of Grang & Thomas so of John Brokbank of Lindell James son of Roland Tumer , Miles Moorecroft of Grange Jenet Casson of Nethernewton Michael Simson of Cartmelfell Edward Mughal of Walton & Thomas Danson of Churchtowne 14 August 17 20 21 23 27 21 Septemb 28 3° I JJ October 12 JJ 17 „ 20 JJ 22 JJ 23 jj 25 JJ 28 I if Novemb' JJ JJ 1316 JJJJ 18 JJ 30 6 )j Decemb' 24 JJ JJ jj 27 28 JJJJ 7 Januarie 10 JJ 13 JJ 22 JJ 29 8 JJ February 13 JJ IS JJ 22 JJ 23 ,j 24 28 4 JJ JJ March 18 JJ 20 202 CARTMEL PARISH REGISTERS. 1^43 1643. 2 p. 103 John so of RoBt Barow of Nethernewto Margaret wife of Thomas Baire Richard Pepper of Grange James Setle of Grang Henry Setle of grange & Jenet wife of Willia Stains of Nether Cark Jenet Webster of Grange Thomas Borick of Fayrig Isabel d. of Edwd Bonvick Jenet wife of Nicolas Robinso Mary d. of RoBt CoweU of Grange Rowland Brathw' John Burnes of Fteldbroghto Edwd so of Antony Preston Marg' d. of WUlia Barnes John Parke of Churchtoune Georg Bury of Ainsome Margaret wife of John Barow & Mary d. of Peter Bateman James Taylor of Lindall Jane d. of Henry Bury of Churchtowne John Staines drowned John son of John Fell Robert so of Tho : Finstat Anne wife of Richard Maybury of Churchtowne John Parker of Churchtoune James Bigland of Seatle Margaret wife of Tho ; Bond Jenet d. of Francis Staines both of Flookbrogh Marg' Bury of Grang widow Richard Maybury of Churchtowne John Brokbanke of Holker Thomas so of Tho : Patton of Churchtoune Thomas Waler of Barbergreene & Katherin d. of Thomas Pul Alice d. of Tho : Bond Isabel d. of Tho : Simson both of Flookbrogh Georg Wainhouse of Birkbie Margaret d. of Thomas Bond Chfofer Britton of Speelbank Elizabeth Kellet of Lindel widow John Presto of the HiU & A chUd of Richd KUner of Flookbrogh Mary d. of Wittm Carter of Churchtoune Mafgt Simson widow of Flookbrogh ... Anne d. of John Newbie of Walton 3 April 9 .. II JJ 17 JJ 18 „ 19 'J 12 May IS .. 17 ,t 18 ,j 27 29 3 June 6 JJ 9 .. 1015 J. 26 „ 28 „ 3 Julie 9 JJ 10 2021 JJ 26 „ 2 August 3 JJ 5 .. 8 JJ 21 JJ 22 1 2 Septemb : 13 ,. 16 29 J. JJ It 26 Octob' 27 „ 31 JJ 3 Novemb' 12 13 JJ I643-I644 BURIALS. 203 Agnes wife of John Brathwait of Churchtoune 2 Decemb' Jane d. of Chr : Taylor & Margaret wife of W™ Carter of Churchtoune ... 6 „ A child of Richd Pepper of Slack ir „ James Knip>e of YofaUyate 25 ,, Peter Barow of Churchtoune 30 „ Marg' d. of James Seatle 12 January Marg' wife of Chfofer Garnet of Churchtoune 20 „ Thomas so of Tho : Walker of backbarow ... 22 „ Marg' d. of M' John Brooke Curate 24 „ Agnes d. of James Mughall 27 „ Richard Hutton of Cartmelfdl gent : 30 ,, Dorothy wife of John Simpson of Flookborough 31 „ Anne wife of Thomas Preston of Churchtoune 18 February Richd Fell of Templand 7 March Elizabeth Simson of Flookbrogh widow ... 14 ., Agnes d. of Tho : Walker 17 „ Agnes Taylor of Churchtoune widow & Anne wife of Tho : Atkinso of Nethernewto... 18 ,, Jenet d. of Richd Pepper of Hasfeld 19 „ Mabel Finstat of Nethercarke 22 „ Jane d. of Arthur Atkinson 23 „ 1644. 2 p. 104 Francis d. of John Staines of Churchtowne ... 26 March Thomas Presto of Churchtowne i April Edmond Kilner of Greenbanke .». . 2 ,, Jenet wife of James Atkinso ' 6 „ Marg' wife of RoBt Barow both of Nethernewto 8 „ James son of James Brathwayt of Grange ... 30 „ Jenet Swainso of Cartmelfell widow i May John Staines of Churchtoune 3 „ John Staines of Headhouse 6 „ Edwd son of Willia Sands Lawrence Britton 8 „ Thomas Baire of Woodbroghto 10 ,, Ellin Nubte of Flookbrogh widow 11 „ Mafgt wife of Georg WaUer of Alithw' 13 „ Alice wife of Richd Robinso of Staveley ... „ „ RoBt Massix drowned 16 ,, Edward Cowpthwat of Hamsfel'd 28 „ Gilbert Stones of the Chappellhouse 5 June RoBt Hierdso of Coulton parish 8 „ Nicolas base so of Nic : Tompson 25 „ Agnes wife of John Greenwood 26 ,, Agnes wife ofTimothy Woodward 29 „ Georg son of George Seatle of Lindel 28 August Isabel wife of Thomas Robinson 14 Septemb' Thomas Walker ofBrowedge 19 ,, 2 04 CARTMEL PARISH REGISTERS. 1644-1645 Peter Bell of Dawthorne ElUn wife of Edwd Walker of Backbarow Georg Bigland of Biglande Alice wife of Richd Stones of Headhouse John so of John Brokbank of Newto Edward Cowheard of Cartmel Mabel d. of Wittm Carter of Cartlane Rowland Brigs of Cartmelfell John Bigland of Holker Edward Carter the carter at Cartlane John Hodgso of Cartmelfell Jane Parke of Holker widow Marian Stephenso Judith d. of Lenard Potter Mabel Cowpthwait Agnes the wife of Thomas Prest5 Agnes Sims5 of Flookbrogh Isabel Seatle of Grange Isabel Dawso James son of Thomas Woodbume John Bury of Churchtoune Elizabeth Casson of Heselrig widow Christopher son of Robert Newbie John son of the same Robert Edward son of John Barow of Flookbrogh ... Anne d. of RoBt Barow of Ayside • 1645. 2 p. 105 Richd Mughal of the Moore WUliam son of Timothy Woodward Tho: Barow M'"* Anne Hoghton d. to S' GilBt Hoghto ... Edwd son of Georg Cowper drowned Anne Atkinson widow Isabel Bigland of Bigland widow Jacob Greenwood of Ouercarke Dorothy d. of David Wilson of AUithw' Jane d. of Edwd Barow of AUithw' John son of James Dawso of Flookbrogh Cicely wife of Richd Mughal senior of Holker Richard Pepper of Holker Elizabeth wife of John Addis5 of Cartmelfell Agnes Parkinson of Lindel Mabel Milner of Flookbrogh widow John Carter Taylor of Flookbrogh Edwd Cowhard of Hamsfeld Jenet BeU of Cartlane Georg so of John Kilner of Stavly 7 Octob' 27 JJ 29 3 J' Novcnib' 5 JJ 9 JJ 252810 JJ JJ December 14 JJ 1718 January J' 2526 JJJJ 29 21 7 8 JJ JJ [sic] February )j 12 JJ 22 3 JJ March 7 JJ 9 JJ 10 JJ 19 JJ 25 March -'7 S 68 April JJJJ 20 JJ 27 28II JJ JJ May IS 28 JJ JJ JJ IS16 June JJ 20 JJ 22 JJ 23 JJ 25 16 Juiy 1645-1646 BURIALS. 205 Edwd Bigland of Nethercarke Agnes d. of RoBt Tompso of Woolrig Alice wife of Peter Taylor of LindeU Richard Pepper of Grange Chfofer son of Thomas Simson WiUia Bush of Churchtowne Agnes wife of Roger Rownso of Eyside Jenett Simson of CartmelfeU widow Jenet wife of Gabriel Punder of AUithw' Jenet wife of Edwd Keltet of Dawthorne Richard Bateman of Templand Ellin d. of Richd Nubie of Churchtoune Georg Rig of Birkby Thomas son of Henry Wilson of AUithw' Anne FeU of Churchtoune widow Jenet d. of RoBt Barrow of NethernutS . . 2 p, 106 Anne Walker Elizabeth d. of James Greenwood of Overcarke Alice wife of WiUiam Carter of Churchtoune Richd Simson of Flookbrogh Agnes wife of Richd Bell of Grange John Harris of Woodbroughton John Harrison of Loderbume . . . Martha Barber of Lindel widow Agnes Kilner of Greenbank widow Witim son of John Howdon . . . Thomasin d. of Henry Bigland of Grange Thomas so of James Dixon of Churchtoune Ellin d. of John Stainton of Birkbie James Bigland of Bigland Agnes Danson of Grange widow 1646. 3 p. 107 Isaac son of Edward Wallas Thomas so of Tho: Pull Arme wife of Peter Archer of Ayside Rowland Stevenso of Cartmelfel Francis Helme widow of Churchtoune Edwd son of Henry Punder Nicolas Borick of Speelbanke WUUa Garnet of CartmelfeU Jenet d. of Rowland Stevenso John Brathw' of Flookbrogh John son of Thomas Barow Jenet d. of RoBt Machol John son of Thomas Skales Thomas Simson of Flookbarow Henry so of Georg Bigland 27 3 July August 12 JJ 14 JJ IS JJ 23 JJ 24 12 5 JJ Septemb'Octob' 21 2 JJ Decemb' 14 JJ 15 JJ JJ 16 JJ JJ JJ JJ 2 January 10 JJ II JJ 14 JJ 15 16 JJJJ 29 7 8 JJ February JJ 9 2 JJ March 13 JJ IS JJ 21 JJ 25 JJ 22 April 2326 1318 JJ JJ May JJ 21 JJ 27 6 JJ June 8 ^^ 14 ,j IS ft 21 tf 23 19 9 tf July August 2o6 CARTMEL PARISH REGISTERS. 1646-1647 Tho : son of Chr : Britto Mabel wife of Richd Sands Edward Pepper of the Grange Thomas son of Georg Bigland Mafgt wife of Chr : Fell John Barrow of the Hee Alice Dogso widow Thomas Simso of Chaj>el Steele in Flookbrogh John Pepper of Churchtoune & Richd Kilner of Flookbrogh Tho : son of Thomas Simso Jenet Taylor of Holker Isabel d. of John Batema John son of AUan Parke John so of W™ Harris of Woodbroghto ... Agnes PhUips5 Isabel wife of James Philipso of Cartmelfell Jenet Lowder of Staveley widow Agnes Cause spinster Agnes Harriso of Cartmelfell widow James son of John Ward of Sorey James SO of Tho: Simson senior Agnes d. of John Burscow Isabel Fell of Greenbank widow Rowland Hariso of Cartmelfell Mafgt d. of John Machol 1647. p. 109 John Brokbank of Heselrig Antonie son of Antony Bury of Cartlone Wittm so of James Keltet of LindeU Anne wife of Henry Wilso of Alithw' Richard Hierdson of Staveley Edwd Greenwood of Fieldend John so of Tho : Atkinso of Ayside EUzabeth Swainson of Greenebanke widow Mary wife of Tho : Caton of Flookbrogh John so of Tho : Lecke of Grange Anne d. of Thomas Finstwhait of Nether Carke Isabel wife of Edwd Borwick of Walto,n hall... John son of Edward Rawlinson of Sf>eelbanke Henry son of James Britton. of Woodbroghton Thomas son of Richd Bateman of Templand Isabel Hariso of Cartmelfel Anne Fell of Speelbanke widowe ... ChristobeU Borwicke of Fayrig widowe Edward Carter of Cartlone Henry Becke of Fayrig 13 August 15 JJ 31 20 s JJ Septemb' Octob' 10 JJ 17 JJ 23 JJ II Decemb' 14 JJ IS JJ 22 „ 2426 8 JJ JJ January 17 JJ 25 28 JJJJ 29 46 JJ P'ehmary JJ 1416 6 JJJJ March 24 JJ 9 April 19 J' 21 JJ 2S JJ JJ 17 JJ May 19 JJ 20 JJ I June 27 JJ 3° 6 July JJ JJ 30 25 JJ August 20 JJ 22 JJ 2726 JJ Septemb' 29 1647-1648 BURIALS. 207 Witim son of Richd Hodgso of Fiddhead ... Wife of RoBt Cowheard Jane d. of John Tumer of Churchtoune Gites son of M' John Brookes Minister of Gods word Elizabeth wife of Michael Nubie of Barbergreene Jonas son of Antonye Preston & Willia Withrington Dorothy d. of Steven MuckeU of Kirketend ... Isabel wife of Edwd Stones of LindaU Jo'hn Barow senior of Staveley John son of James Taylor of Lindall MabeU' Borwicke of Backbarowe widdowe Two stilborne children of Robert Greenwood in Fieldbroghtio Edward Bigland of Bigland & An,ne d. of Georg Bigland of Holker A child of M' Thomas Flecher of Ravenswinder The wife of Willia Bell of Nethemewton & Henry son of John Houseman of Churchtoune The wife of Hugh Barow of Ouemewton Georg son of John Bigland of Cartmelfell ... Richard son of Edward Casson of Nethercarke Isabel Canny of Stavetey widowe Margaret d. of William KUner of Flookbrogh Georg & ElUn twins of James Braithwait of Grange John Bacon saylour Willia son of Michael Cato of Myreside ... Edmund Walker of Templand Tho: so of James Boricke 1648. 2 p. Ill A chid of James KUner of Lindel Henry Walker of Ayside Richard Lowes of Cartmelfell Agnes wife of James Banke of Ovemewton . Georg son of Robert Staines of Churchtoune. Thomas Gamet of Cartmelfell William son of Samuel Reeve of Methop Agnes wife of John Harrison of Cartmelfell. Richard base son of Richard Wilson Peter base son of Peter Harkney of Bolton . 2 p. 112 Robert son of Robert Staines of Churchtoune Robert son ofMathew Westby of Walton GilBt Steele Minister at Wmster Chapell Agnes Barow of the Greaves widow Richard Wilson senior of AUithwait 3 October 7 16 JJ JJ 24 14 JJ Novemb' JJ JJ 19 7 JJ Decemb' 9 JJ 12 JJ 17 January ¦'^ JJ 29 JJ 30 JJ 31 JJ 10 February 14 JJ 23 JJ 25 JJ 3 March 6 JJ II JJ 17 JJ 21 . 26 March . 28 JJ 10 AprU . II JJ • 13 JJ • 14 JJ • 15 JJ JJ JJ 20 J7 • 29 JJ e 8 May . 11 JJ . 12 JJ • 13 JJ • 14 J? 2o8 CARTMEL PARISH REGISTERS. 1648 William Rawlinson of Backbarow John Waller of AUithwait Jane wife of John Burne of Woodbroghton . . . Francis s5 of Christopher Brathwait of AUithwait John Newbie of AUithwait Margaret Rawlinson of Greenhead in Furnesse widow Jenet d. of John Staines of Churchtoune Anne d. of John Kilner of Churchtoune Elizabeth wife of Rowland Swainson of Churchtoune Thomas son of Samuel Reeve of Lindell GilUon Barow of Woodbroghton widow James Kilner of Stavetey John Turner of HamS'feld Mary wife of Thomas Finstat of Nether Carke Margaret d. of Edward Fell of Flookborow . . . Edward Bonvick of Fayrig Jane d. of John Bell of Cartlane John son of Henry Berry of Churchtoune Richard son of Peter Martindale of Grange . . . Henry son of Stephen Britton of Fieldbroghton Thomas son of Georg Wilkinson of Cumberland pauper Edward .son of Thomas Woodbume of Lindel James son of Wittm Wilson of Flookborow ... Ellin Barber of Birkbie widowe Thomas son of John Kilner of Staveley Anne Kilner of Flookborogh Richard Simson of Flookbrogh Hugh Barow of Overnewton Richard Rawnson of Ayside Margaret AUonbie of Churchtoune M' Edward Wright of Lindel gent : EUin wife of Wittm Carter of Flookbrogh ... Anne Simson widow of Flookbrogh Edward son of Willia Greenwood of Browedge Agnes wife of John Fel of Woodbroghton . . . James son of WUliam Wilson of Flookborogh Christopher Britton of Lindale Ellin Walter of Barbargreene widow WiUiam son of John Turner of Hamsfeld Arthur Call of the Grange Margaret d. of Robert Barrow of Kentsbanke Mabell Bury of Lindel widow Peter Sanderson of the Grange Georg son of Robert Barow of Kentsbanke & John his so also Adam Greenbanke , 14 16 May JJ JJ JJ 17 18 JJJJ 19 JJ 22 JJ 24 JJ 26 JJ 30 JJ JJ JJ ID June II JJ JJ 25 JJ August 30 JJ JJ 6 JJ Septeb' 9 JJ JJ JJ 17 JJ 24 JJ 6 October IS JJ 24 JJ 29 JJ 3° 5 JJ Novemb' 10 JJ II JJ 21 2 JJ Decemb' II JJ 14 JJ 30 JJ JJ8 JJ January 13 18 SJ JJ 20 25 JJ I648-I653 BURIALS. 209 James son of WiUiam Browne of Kentsbanke Jane d. of John Burscow Isabel d. of Edward Fell 2 p. 113 John Taylor of greene drowned Mary d. of W™ Canny of Lindall Isabel d. of W"" Waune of Nethercarke Edward son of John Bigland of Cartmelfell ... Thomas son of John Simson of flookbrogh . . . Mary Hutton of CartmelfeU spinster Agnes d. of Willia Canny of Lindel Anne d. of Arthur Call of the grange Isabel d. of Willia WUson of flookbrogh Edward Taylor of Holker MabeU Casson of Hamsfeld widow Agnes wife of Chr : Cowheard of Templand... Katherin wife of Edward Marshall of Eynsome Thomas son of Thomas Woodbume of grange 1649. Lawrence son of James Kdlet of Lindell Anne wife of Lawrence Harrison of Seatte ... 1652. 2 p. 114 Elizabeth wife of Gytes Parke of Holkar burd in Cartmell Church 2 p 116 1653. Edward Harrinson of Seatle Michael son of James BeU of Alithwayte Richard son of John Linday of Churchtowne... Thomas son of Edward Killner of Seatte Thomas son of Thomas Danson of Greaves . . . Williamson of Edward Rawlinson of Holkar... Margret da : of Robert Stagnes of Churchtowne WiHiam son of William Harris of Woodbroughton A StUl borne child of William Woolers of Holkar Agnes wife of Robert Harrinson of Greenethome A child of John Bumes of ffeilds broughton. . . A still borne child of Edward Bells of Meadop A child of the same Edward Bells Christopher Swainson of ffidler hawe Mary Barrow of fflookebrough Margret wife of John Barrow of Aysaide Jane wife of Peter Barrowes of Walton John Newton of tlie height in CartmeUffeU ... Thomas Pamethwayte of the Churchtowne . . . Margret wife of Thomas Ashburner of Alithwhayte ParcivaiU Preston of Walton 27 January 30 JJ tt JJ 4 February 13 JJ 15 JJ 17 JJ 26 JJ 28 JJ I March 3 JJ 6 JJ II JJ 15 JJ 17 JJ 19 JJ 21 JJ 26 March 30 JJ 20 September 9 November II JJ 14 JJ 9 December 13 JJ 23 JJ 24 JJ 29 JJ 12 January IS JJ 22 JJ JJ JJ 24 JJ 25 JJ 10 February 16 JJ 17 JJ 22 ft 26 JJ CARTMEL PARISH REGISTERS. 1653-1654 John son of Gytes Parke of Holkar 14 March George son of Edward Barrowes of Churchtowne 20 „ William Barber of Barber greene „ „ 2 p. 123 1654. Isabel d. of George Killner of Seatle Agnes wUe of Rowland Briggs of Kitt-Cragge aboue Gre John fifisher of Alythw' John son of Richard flfletcher of Lindall Jane d. of James Britton of ffeUd broughton... Edward Sawrey son of Edward of Grange E'dward Robinson of Cartmell ffell Elizabeth d. of William Sands of Staveley ... Anne d. of John Borwicke of Lindall Edward Harrinson of Cartmel ffell Dorathy Hodgshon of Cartmell ffell widdower [sic] MichaeU son of Christop Taylor of Cartmell ffell Thomas Pow of Cartmell-ffell Thomas son of Robert Barrowes of Kents banke Clement son of Christop Taylor of Cartmell ffeU Myles Shaw of Cartmell ffell aboue Gre John son of Thomas Barwicke of Barber greene Christop son of John ffell of Kirkehead end . . Thomas son of Christop Barrowes of Neither- newton Jenet wife of George Rigge of Birkeby Will Taylor of Slacke in Hampse ffeilds Robert son of Robert BeU of Neither-Carke . . Agnies wife of Richard ffletcher of Lindall .. Agnes d. of WUUam Pepper of Nether Carke aboue gre Elin d. of James Brigs late of fiflooke burgh aboue gre Edward Stagnes of Lindall Hugh Seatle of Cartlane Mary d. of Myles KUlner of Lindall John Sympson of fflookburgh Elin wife of Thomas Muckelt of moore .. 2 p. 124 Agnes wife of Edward Stagnes of Lindall Mathew Bowman son of Mathew of Grainge .. Jenet Dason of Churchtowne Widdower [sic] . . Richard son of Henery Punder of Alithw' William Biglands of Holkar Elizabeth Bigland of Cartmell ffell Dorathy Rigge dau : of George of Birkeby . . Sarah Linday wife of John of Churchtowne beneath Gre 27 March 17 ApriU 19 J, 23 -J 26 „ 10 May 20 „ 26 „ 29 JJ 4 June 8 JJ II JJ 19 JJ 25 JJ 3 July 6 JJ 7 ,t 9 JJ 25 » 12 August 20 „ 26 „ 31 J. 5 September I October 19 27 jjj II November 3 December 2 January 1654-1655 BURIALS. Henery Britton of LindaU Anne wife of John Myles of Churchetowne . . . Jenet da: of John Wainehouse of Birkeby ... Elizabeth wife of John Bumes of ffeild-broughton Jenet d. of Michaell Nuby of Speete banke ... Jenet Dickinson of Walton Edward son of Richard Waller of QuarreU-flats p. 128 1655. Mary d. of George Bigland of Holkar John Burnes of ffeild-broughton James Kerby son of WUliam of Cartmdl ffell .. . Richard son of WUliam Harris of Wood broughton James Nuby of Over Carke Margrett d. of Edward Rawlinson of Holkar... James Bell of Over Newton Edward Swaynson of Cartmell ffell Agnes d. of Wiliam Tompson of ffeild Broughton James son of Tho : AUanby of Churchtowne... Mary wife of Richard Wilson of Templand . . . John ffell of Wood-broughton Henery son of Henery Wilson of Alith-wayte ffrancis son of John Parke of Church-towne . . . Mary d. of James Rowneson of ffeU-edge Anne wife of James Taylor of Meadoppe Gent : ffrances daugh : of M' James Duckenfeild of Duckenfeild Esq: Havis wife of Henery Muckelt of Cartmell ffell Agnes d. of Robert Maichel of Blath-end . . . Lawrence Genkinson of Walton Rowland Harrison of Cartmell ffell aboue Gre Myles son of Lawrence Swaynson of Ayshead Marij d. of John ffell of Kirke head end IsabeU d. of George Dixon of Lindall Richard Barber of Hampse feild Lancelot Sexstone of Neither Carke Anne d. of Peter Champney of Walton Agnes d. of Jarvis ffell of Churchtowne Margrett d. of Tho : Postletwhaite of Dalton parish 6 WUliam Nuby of Heslerigge Anne Barrow of Newton Peter Barwicke of Ays-head Agnes wife of Tho : Wilson of fflookeburgh . . . William son of Robert Barbon of Church-towne Thomas Marre of Brow Edge in Backebarrow Agnes wife of George Rigge of Aynsome max : natu Agnes wife of John Barrow of Hie Jane d. of John MiUner of Church-towne 15 January 10 February II 19 29 March 3 Aprill 9 JJ tf JJ IS JJ 2526 JJ JJ JJ JJ 29 8 JJ May 12 JJ 21 JJ 27 JJ 4 IS June July 22 JJ 24 JJ 2528 IS JJJJ August 24 1913 JJ Septemb : October 25 November 27 I 11 December JJ JJ JJ 1 6 8 ItJJ JJ 30 JJ 9 January JJ 26 JJ 30 5 8 JJ ffebruary JJ 212 CARTMEL PARISH REGISTERS. 1655-1657 Isabell wife of William Wilson late of Churchtowne Agnes wife of Anthony Pow of Cartmell ffell... Robert son of John Killner Junior of Staveley Jane wife of George Coup of Church towne ... Agnes wife of WiUiam Britton of Church towne Tliomas Ashburner of Alithwayte Jane wife of John Harrison of Luderburne ... 2 p. 133 1656. Thomas son of Lawrence Genkinson of Walton Brigett d. of MichaeU Caton of ye Hye George Gayskdl of Grainge IsabeU d. of Robert Stones of Churchtowne ... Elin wife of Wilson of Cartlane James son of Widdow Moorecroft of Grainge... John Kellatt of gate syde Thomas son of Henery Wilson of Alythwayte John Killner of Stavley Christop Taylor of Sympson Ground AUice d. of Thomas Berry of Alythwayte James son of WiUiam Tarbucke of Holkar . . . Richard son of Christop Baleman of ffiookeburgh Elin d. of Thomas Taylor of Holkar Agnes d. of Thomas Addinson of CartmeU-ffeU Katherine wife of Henery Burnes late of Walton Anne wife of George Ashbumer of Church towne Agnes wife of Edward Killner of ffidler haw... Agnes d. of James Allanson of Hampse ffeild James Killner of Castle head Peter Nuby of Haverthayte Edward Swaynson of Church-tOAvne Agnes Barrow of Alythwayte Jenet Wal-ker of Lindall Robert son of John Killner of Stavely Elizabeth wife of John Rigmayden of Holkar Dorathy d. of John Kilner of Stavley John Nuby of Walton Edward Casson of Aynesome EUn d. of Stephen Britton of ffeild-broughton Allioe d. of Thomas Kellatt of ffel-gate . . . son of Arthur Taylor of Lindall Isabdl wife of Michaell Nuby late of Heslerigge 2 p. 136 1657. William son of Will : Harison of Cart : ffell . . . Will: son of Robert Barwick of hezlerigge ... Tho: son of Hugh Barrow of Aysehead Anne wife of John Barrow of Wallton John Houseman of Cartmdl towne John sonne of Christo : Burscough of Churchtow : 15 ffebruary 19 JJ JJ IJ 27 IS JJ March 21 JJ 22 JJ 30 March 2 AprUl 25 JJ JJ 12 JJ May IS 6 JJ June 9 ,, 13 JJ 19 JJ 24 JJ 13 16 July JJ 23 JJ 24 JJ 25 31 4 JJ August Septemb : S JJ 17 18 25 JJJJ October 25 December JJ JJ JJ 28 9 JJ JJ January 23 33 JJ ffebruary March 7 JJ 10 if 21 tt 2 ApriU 23 4 JJ May II JJ 17 JJ 31 JJ 1657-1659 BURIALS. 213 Hugh son of M' Tho: Dickinson William son of Tymothy Askew of Newton . . . francis son of John Parice John BeU of Halker M' [sic] Ann Curwaine of Nether carcke Margret Barwicke of Aysehead Robert Katon of lindall Mary wife of Rodger Fell of newton Jennett wife of Richard fflecther Rodger ffeU of Newton Mabbell wife of Tho : baltman of broughton . . . WUliam Mearson of Whithaven Isabell wife of Stephen Britton of broughton... John Scotson of barrow William bell of Kense banke WiU : KeUett of I'indaU Ed : son of James fdl of Walton John broad of grainge Ed : son of James Newby Alis wife of John Simpson of skelhill Rowland Swainson of Lindall A daughter of Robert Stones of Churchtown... William Newby of Woodbroughton Cate wife of John Singleton of Churchtowne... Janet Nubie Edward Waynehouse George Hynde son of Thomas Anne Muckelt wife of James of ffidd broughton Christofer Besbrowne James son of Thomas Barwicke of Barbargreene James Gurnell John ffletcher of Lindall Jeremiah son of Jeremiah AUanbie of Walton John son of Nicholas. Thompson of the Greues George son of George ffell Margaret Wilson of Allithwaite Thomas son of William Rawlinson of ffeilds . . . 2 p. 137 Edward Carter of Cartlon Elizabeih late wife of William Stones of lower Carke Peter ffell of tlie same William Stones of the same Edward son of Edward Turner of Holker ... Henry Waller of Quarrey flatt Thomas son of William BroAvne of Kents bancke Johnson of 'George Birrie late of Allithwaite... Richard Walter was buried att CartmdfeU 1650. PUin wife of Robert Stott of Walton 11 June 25 12 July 19 6 JJ August 14 JJ IS18 JJJJ 22 JJ 29 46 JJ Septemb ; JJ 16 7 Octob : 9 JJ 20 JJ 23 S JJ Novem : 1718 JJ JJ 19 JJ January II JJ 1218 JJ JJ 20 JJ 2326 JJ JJ 29 JJ 30 JJ 31 7 JJ ffebruary 9 JJ II JJ 12 JJ 1316 JJ 24 28 2 JJ JJ March 5 JJ 13 JJ 14 16 JJJJ 21 JJ 24 " 21 , December 214 CARTMEL PARISH REGISTERS. 1608-1661 2 p. 138 Statement or Table shewing Number of Christenings, Marriages & Burials in each y' A.D. Chris. Marr. Bur. A.D. Chris. Marr. Bur. 1608 65 15 79 1635 84 22 89 9 92 n 42 6 85 II 93 1610 67 14 57 7 71 13 62 I 77 12 73 8 66 19 50 2 88 16 94 9 91 14 52 3 52 IS 59 1640 90 II 63 4 82 22 91 I 71 17 60 5 54 23 53 2 54 21 72 6 86 23 55 3 87 12 68 7 51 19 85 4 61- 3 51 8 100 23 73 5 74 4 51 9 76 13 79 6 70 7 41 1620 83 19 75 7 80 7 48 I 77 10 50 8 71 6 80 2 55 16 75 9 12 3 31 12 219 1650 4 54 26 68 I 5 81 23 57 2 3 I 6 82 18 33 3 25 8 24 7 75 II 38 4 80 26 45 8 74 10 32 5 83 15 45 9 76 18 39 6 69 20 33 1630 78 18 34 7 27 10 52 I 66 9 38 8 I 2 85 23 39 9 I 3 72 7 38 1660 2 4 91 7 44 I I 1559-1562 WEDDINGS. 215 WEDDINGS. p. I Me&binges anno prebict : [1559]. John Bensonn & Agnes Caton weare marj-ed... 26 Januarye James Caton & Mabell his wife wear married... 4 June John pke & EUin his wife wear married ... 14 „ [Hereafter the tvords "wear married" are omitted here though appearing in original}. Wittm Addisonn & Jennet his wife... John Allexander & Maryon his wife Robert Barwick & Jane his wife Thomas Barrowe & Margret his wife Hugh Barrowe & Mabell his wife . . . Wittm Bare & his wife 1560. p. 2 Robert Willson & his wife Henrye Clark & his wife Robert Muckelt & his wife Richard Ftetcher & his wife . . . p. 3 John Simpsonn & Jennet Muckelt Thomas Kellett & his wife John Swaynson & his wife Richard Postlethwait & his wife Wittm Taylor & his wife Anthonye Birckett & his wife . . . Richard Barrowe & his wife . . . John Simpsonn & his wife Robert Barrowe & his wife 1561. p. 4 Xpofer Taylor & his wife John Webster & his wife RoBt Barrowe & his wife Robert Archer & his wife Xpofer Newbye & his wife Edward Birckett & his wife 1562. p. 5 James Preston & Agnes his wife Peter Taylor & IssabeU his wife James Walkar & his wife Thomas Mychelson & his wife James Walkar & his wife 8 Julye 14 JJ I August 20 JJ 3 October 10 JJ 24 Januarye 28 JJ 6 June JJ JJ 12 JJ 30 JJ 13 Julye 10 August 25 J J 27 September 12 October JJ JJ 6 November 8 Januarye 29 Maie JJ JJ 26 June 10 August 28 October 8 Januarye JJ JJ 28 June 28 August 2l6 CARTMEL PARISH REGISTERS. 1562-1568 P-7 Edward Barrowe & his wife Peter Birckett & his wife George Thornburgh & his wife 1563. Lanclett Fell & Agnes Tollingson . Wittm Robinson & Agnes Danson . Edward Simpson & his wife Thomas Bircket & his wife ... Gilbert Fell & his wife Xpoffer Rawlinsonn & his wife 1564. p. 8 John Swaynsonn & his wife ... Thomas Burne & Agnes his wife Xpofer Newbye & his wife Robert Newbye & his wife Wittm Canny & his wife Richard Suart & his wife 1565. p. 9 Gilbert Fell & his wife Richard Simpsonn & his wife ... Myles Pepper & his wife John Harrison & his wife Xpofer Barrowe & his wife 1566. p. 10 Richard Wilsonn & his wife ... Bryan Taylor & his wife Robert Harrisonn & his wife ... Wittm Catonn & his wife Richard Burgas & his wife Roger Fell & his wife 1567. 5. II Edward Briggs & his wife Xpofer Brockbanck & his wife Roger Barrowe & his wife Hughe Houghton & his wife Myles Dawsonn & his wife 1568. ). 12 Wittm Fletcher & his wife Nicholas Newbye & his wyfe Wittm Canny & his wife Hugh Houghton & his wife 7 September 10 October 18 November 12 Januarye 18 „ 23 Maie 29 June 28 Julye 29 October 29 Januarye 10 June 12 Julye 18 JJ 2 August 17 Januarye 20 Maie 12 Julye JJ JJ 6 September 25 Januarye IS Maie 14 June 21 Julye 12 October 20 November 30 Januarye 17 August 20 September 20 November 26 JJ 24 Januarye 3° JJ 3° Maie 29 June IS68-1S73 WEDDINGS. 217 p. 13 Xpofer Brockbanck & his wife Bryan Taylor & his wife Mytes Stones & his wife Christopher Barrowe & his wife Robert Harrysonn & his wife ... Richard Stones & his wife 1569. p. 14 Richard Wilsonn & his wife John Sowraye & his wife . . . James Robinsonn & his wife Edward Brittonn & his wife Mytes Dawson & his wife . . . Nicholas Dawson & his wife Richard Harrison & his wife maryed FeU Xpofer Barrowe & his wife 1570. p. 1 5 James Knype & his wife John Barber & his wife James Strickland & his wife ... Richard Robinson & his wife ... . at Cartmel 20 Julye JJ JJ 3 August 29 JJ 14 October 24 ,1 29 Januarye 6 June 12 „ II Julye 20 „ 22 August 4 September 23 November 10 June JJ JJ 2 September 26 November 1571. . 16 Wittm Cartmell & his wife Myles Wright & his wife Henry Wainhouse & Agnes his wife Wittm Keltett & his wife Thomas Barwick & his wife Wittm Barrowe & his wife maryed at Cartmell FeU Thomas Pickeringe & Agnes his wife Henry Holme & his wife 1572. 1 7 James Strickland & his wife James BeU & his wife John Barrowe & his wife 1573. 18 Rowland Briggs & his wife Robert Brittonn & his wife Wittm BeU & his wife ... John Taylor & his wife Hugh Ftetcher & his wife Wittm Brockbanck & his wife John Sand & his wife 18 Januarye II June 20 „ 2 August 27 JJ 10 October 4 November 8 June 24 Julye 23 September 29 Januarye 29 June 14 Julye 30 August 14 September 28 October 28 November 2l8 CARTMEL PARISH REGISTERS. 1574-1577 1574. p. 19 John Prestonn & MabeU Benson Thomas Catonn & his wife Wittm Brittonn & his wife Robert Walker & Jennet Newton Roger Fdl & his wife John Jacksomi & his wife Peter Dansonn & his wife 1575. p. 20 Charles Latonn & Anne Preston Edward Bigland & Margaret Casson Edward Simpsonn & his wife James Danson & his wife Wittm Killner & Mabell Bdl MychaeU Harrison & Mabell Newbye Henrye Hastwitle & Eliz : Preston . . . Edward Wainhouse &: Margret Barrow Wittm Marr & MabeU Sowraye 1576. p. 22 Wittm Catonn & Margaret Newbye MychaeU Carter & Margret Woodborn Thomas Killner & Jennett Holme .. Robert Barrowe & Katherin Holme John Newton & MabeU his wif Xpofer Taylor & Margret Barrowe Thomas Wates & his wif Richard Muckelt & Margret Barrow Robert BeU & his wife Robert Barwick & his wife 1577. p. 23 Xpofer Fell & Elizabeth Seatle Henry Barrowe & Mabell Keltet .. Hugh Barrowe & MabeU Taylor .. George Bigland & Mabell Crossbye Nicholas Dickson & Margret Taylor Wittm Fletcher & Ellin Barrowe Wittm Keltett & Jenet Brockbanck John Dickson & Ellin Stones ... John Taylor & MabeU Newbye Henry Wilsonn & Ane his wife John Burye & AUic Kendall . . . Wittm Cassonn Issabell Caton James Barrowe & Jennet Fell ... 7 Januarye 7 June 29 August 7 September 24 ,t 4 October 26 November 8 Januarye 30 JJ 3 Febmarye 4 JJ 30 AprUl I June 1 1 September 18 „ 23 October 29 Januarye 5 Februarye 13 JJ JJ JJ 12 August 19 JJ 2 September JJ JJ 22 October 25 November 13 Januarye 20 „ 24 JJ 31 19 Maie 16 June 21 Julye 28 „ 1577-1582 WEDDINGS. 219 Wittm Dickson & Agnes Muckelt . . . John Robinson & Margret Barrowe Richard Carter & Mabell FeU Wittm Seatte & EUin pker James Rop & Jenett Stones Peter Birket & Jennet Bircket James Newbye and Agnes Dickonson Thomas GurneU & AUic Danson . . . II August 22 October 4 November 17 1578. p. 25 James Chamber & Issabell Pearson Thomas Burye & Jennett Dawson . . . Georg Preston & Jennet Suart James Muckelt & Jennet Simpson . . . John Johnsonn & Issabell Burn 1579. p. 26 Wittm Ballfdl & EUin Wakar John Stedddl & his wife George Hale & Jennet Muckdt Richard Roskell & Agnes Waynhouse James Brockbanck & IssabeU Newbye Wittm WaUer & Agnes Warde John Martindall & MabeU Maytchell Robert Thorns & SibeU Carter John Cowper & Agnes RoskeU Wittm Brittonn & Eliz : Birckett . . . 1580. p. 27 John HoUydaye & Jennett Caton . . . Thomas Elye & Agnes Fell Richard Roper & MabeU Burye 1581. p. 28 Thomas Punder & his wife John Wharton & Cissilye Thornburgh James Barwick & Agnes Chamber . . . John Kilner & Agnes Oskliff James Keene & AUic Woodburn Wittm Turner & his wife Roger Burges & his wif [sic] 1582. p. 29 AUann Myars & EUin Harrison Thomas Gaytskell & Mabell Wilson Thomas Pepper Sc Jennet Brittonn . . . 26 Julye 3 August JJ JJ 8 „ 28 24 Januarye Maie J) 16 JJ October JJ 22 JJ September 24 I JJ November IS JJ 22 JJ 30 Januarye JJ 13 JJ Julye 16 Julye 23 JJ 27 JJ 30 JJ JJ JJ JJ lO JJ October 29 II AprUlJulye IS CARTMEL PARISH REGISTERS. Richard CrossfeUd & Margret Barrowe ... Thomas Newb)^ & Elizabeth Brockbanck Richard WUson & Jennet Preston John Kdlett & Issabell Asborner Xpofer Walker & Mabel Ralinson Wittm Barrowe & Elin Swainson Thomas Asborner & Mabell Fell 1583. p. 30 Richard Fell & Jennet Fell Robert Dickonsonn & Jane Cowart John Dickonsonn & Elizabeth Wilsonn . . . Mychaell Wallas & Sibell Barrow Edward Bowman & Agnes Helme Thomas Brockbanck & Jennet his wif [sic] 1584. p. 31 James Taylor & Agnes Fell Rowland Cowart & Jermet Barber James Taylor & Jennet Simpsonn Richard Pul & Elizabeth Fell John Kellett & Jennet Stons Richard Robinson & Allic his wife Robert Stones & Elizabeth Barwick Richard Fleeming & Elizabeth Waller . . . Hugh Barber & Anne Turner Edward Pede & EUin Huttonn George Barrowe & his wife 1585. Robert Roskell & Margret Newbye John Barrowe & Mabell Garner Wittm Newbye & Agnes Waller 1592. p. 34 Richard Staynton & EUin FeU Xpofer Stones & Elizabeth Taylor Edward Barwick & Agnes Marshell Anthonry [sic] Barwick & Agnes Walker Thomas Leeche Elizabeth Askewe Xpofer Turner & Margret Brockbanck . . . Richard Robinson & Agnes Milner Richard Robinson & Anne Burie Thomas Taylor & Elyzabeth Walker John Stones & Issabell Barber Richard Barrowe & Agnes Elye 5 2125 I 1582-1592 Julye JJ JJ August JJJJ December 22 June I September >j )j 6 October 3 November 28 Julye 3° J. I September 6 JJ I October I November 8 „ 6 December 4 Julye II JJ 18 JJ 4 June 10 JJ II JJ 17 JJ 13 Julye 12 August 25 JJ 25 September 28 October 22 November 23 JJ IS92-I594 WEDDINGS. MychaeU BeU & Jane pker James Dawsonn & Mabell Dawson Rowland Warde & Allic Barwick ... Hughe Kellett & Issabell Seatle Edward Carter & Jane Wrayton Richard Holme & Jennett Robinson Charles Birckett & Margret Bircket Hugh Simpsonn & Thomasm Barrowe Arthur Taylor & Allic Wainhouse . . . Wittm Barrowe & Jane Michelson ... Jhon Helme & Anne Britton Robert Muckdt & Issabell Swaynson 1593. , 36 Thomas Harrison & Jane Kellett Thomas Jepsonn & Jennet Keltett Thomas Grubye & Alice Gibson Richard Simpson & Elizabeth Keltet Mytes Harrison & Elizabeth Gurnell maryed at Cartmd Fel 26 November 29 JJ 23 Januarye 24 JJ JJ JJ JJ JJ 26 JJ 31 JJ II Februarye 18 JJ 21 i) 25 ft 20 Maie 23 J. 24 JJ 30 JJ 15 June [On a small piece of parchment stitched to the margin}. Weddinges forgotten in the yeare 1593 to enter in the book John Brockbanck & Margret Hodgson 3 Julye Georg Sclater & Agnes Turner Richard Clarck & Issabell Swaynson Richard Bdl & Jennet Barrowe Thomas Hodgson & Margret Lickbarrowe Wittm Prestonn & Issabell Newbye Mytes Strickland & Issabell Newbye Wittm Waythman & Mary Taylor . . . p. 36 Richard Cowell & Agnes Bowman . . . Edward Keltett & Agnes Sowraye ... Wittm Barrowe & Mabell Newbye ... Richard BeU & Agnes Martendall ... Wittm Wane & Anne Bigland Thomas KiUner & Jennett Preston Gawin Crosfeild & Elizabethe Cowart 1594. p. 38 Richard Wilson & Margret Fell Edward pker & Agnes Britton John Bum & Issabell Newby Wittm Barwick & Allic Canny James Harrison & Issabell Swaynson GUbert FeU & Margret Bell JJ t JJ f 10 f 15 f 29 J> r 12 August 27 September JJ JJ 26 Januarye 28 JJ 30 JJ 3 Februarye 5 JJ 22 ApriU 14 Maie J> JJ 18 June 23 JJ 2 Ju ye CARTMEL PARISH REGISTERS. John Taylor & Jane Champnay Nicholas Thornburgh &i Jennet Brockbanck Thomas Dickonson & Anne Morlaye Hugh Houghton & Jennet Swainson Thomas Simpson & Eliz : Simpson Thomas AUinbye & Agnes Patton . . . Roger Fell & IssabeU Barwick Walter WUson & Ellin Seatte Thomas Waynhouse & Ellin Bigland Xpofer Stones & Margret Harrison Thomas Barrowe & Jennet Burgas ... James Harrison & Katherin Barwick John Dawson & Jennet Fletcher John Barwick & Mabell Barwick ... 1595. p. 40 Thomas Gurnell & Agnes Cowper Wittm Simpson & Agnes Jenkinson Wittm Carter & Allic FeU James Barwick & Marget Rigg Xpofer Hodgson & Allic Greenwood Wittm DebdeU & Jennet Sowray Edward Britton & Issabell Bore Robert Kdlett & MabeU Brockbanck .. Thomas Wilson & Jennett Barrowe Edward Horssman & Marye Waynhouse.. Wittm Robinson & Ellin Casson John Preston & Mabell Fletcher Thomas Banowe & Margret Wainhouse.. Wittm Pye & Sibell Stones Mytes Burye & Anne Fell Edward Cowpthat & Mabell Barrow These weare maryed in Cartmd Fell w' foUowes in this month James Strickland & Cristabell Walker Myles Garnett & Agnes Harrison . . . Richard Walker & Eliz: Harrison ... Xpofer PrestO'n & Eliz: Wallas John Barrowe & Issabell Cowpthat 1596. p. 41 John Tomf>sonn & Ann Helme George Bigland & Eliz : Taylor Hugh Crosfeild & Ellin Jackson . . . 1597. p. 42 Thomas Newbye & Ellin Simpson . . . John Potter & Jennet Newbye .s. 1594-1597 3 August II JJ 17 I 8 JJ September JJ 22 6 October 27 JJ JJ JJ 24 I JJ December 3 Februarye 4 26 JJJJ 12 Maie 10 JJ 3 JJ 13 June 17 6 JJ Julye 25 27 17 JJ September October 22 JJ 25 J, 30 I JJ November 21 26 3 JJ JJ December 15 27 JJ 24 Januarye 28 Aprill 27 Julye 5 Januarye I Maie 2 1597-1599 WEDDINGS. 223 RichardBarton & Eliz : Harrison . Richard Holme & IssabeU Holme . Robert Towanson & Jane Simpson . George Newbye & Anne Simpson . James FeU & Elin Stones Richard Barrowe & IssabeU Bairow John Taylor & Anne Canny 1598. p. 45 Robert Wenington & Elizabeth Harryson Leonard Harper & Lettic Herdman Thomas Barrowe & Jennet Pickering John Barrowe & Elizabeth BeU Thomas Preston & Mabell Parker . . . Hugh Barrowe & Agnes Dickson ... George Kilner & Elizabeth Clarck ... Wittm Simpson & Margret Turner ... Edward Waynhouse & Agnes KUlner Wittm Higgin. & Jennet Fell Mychaell Barrowe & Mabell Asborner John Barber & Eliz : Hodgson John Turner & Agnes Pepper Hugh Barrowe & Florenc Bircket . . . Richard Simpson & Margret Carter Xpofer Rollinson & EUin Simpson ... Wittm Robinson & Margret Simpson Richard Burgas & Katherin Pearson John Strickland & Anne Marshell ... James Robinson & Margret Canny Robert Seatle & Agnes Barrow Richard Sclater & Agnes Strickland Edward Robinson & Anne Harrison 1599. p. 48 Wittm Robinson & Jennet Fel James Bigland & Jennet Harrison ... Henry Sand & Elizabeth Pull Edward KiUner & Elizabeth Preston Richard Britton & Margret Jackson Mytes Pepper & Allic Bore Gilbert Muckelt & Issabell Preston Edward Muckelt & Eliza : Barrowe Nicholas Sand & Issabel Barrowe ... Wittm Howe & Jennet Thorns Wittm Dawson & Agnes Rigge Thomas Barrowe & Anne Dickonson John WaUer & Margret Fell Xpofer Herdson & Jennet Barrowe Richard Robinson & MabeU Stones 9 Maie 10 JJ 25 September 23 October 19 Februarye 21 JJ 18 December 29 Maye 25 June 9 Julye 16 JJ 20 August 27 JJ 5 September 12 JJ I October 24 JJ 14 November 26 JJ 5 December 10 JJ 12 J J JJ >; 9j JJ 9 Januarye 16 JJ 26 JJ JJ JJ 4 Febmarye 12 JJ 3 Maie 2 June I Julye 3 JJ 8 „ IS JJ 22 JJ 29 JJ 5 August II t, 19 JJ 25 It 2 September 22 224 CARTMEL PARISH REGISTERS. 1599-1601 John Roper & Katherin Malyary John Taylor & Jennet Symondson Thomas Archer & Agnes Barrow Richard Newby & MabeU Braskow Wittm Barrowe & Eliz : Barrowe James Patton & Jennet Thomburgh Thomas Preston & Anne Thornburgh . . Peter Fell & Eliz: Danson George Barrowe & Agnes Seatle Robert Killner & Margret Townson Xpofer Fdl & ^Margret Sclater Myles Burn & Anne Swaynson Wittm Mashiter & Maryon Waller John Rowanson & Issabdl Taylor James Finstwhat & Mabell Caton John Thoms & Issabell KeUet Lawrenc Walker & EUin Crosfeild 1600. p. 50 John Burj-e & Mary Bigland Wittm Caton & Jennet Robinson Xpofer Simpson & Margret Muckelt Wittm BeU & MabeU Holme Richard Roj>er & IssabeU Killner Robert Carter & Katherin Helme Edward Newbye & MabeU B'ore Lawrenc Swaynson & Issabell Bum James Casson & Margret Barrowe Nicholas Barrowe & Margret Britton Robert Rawes & Anne Dickonson Ro'bert Greenwood & Issabell Casson . . . Xpofer Barwick & Katherin Burn Wittm Burne & Margret Barwick Xpofer Thornburgh & IssabeU Swaynson Myle Sowraye & Eliza : Canny James Greenwood & Margret Barwick . . . John Dawsonn & Dorothye MycheUson ... 1601. none P-7S Hugh Dawson & Grace Taylor Richard Hornebye & Agnes Fell Wittm Newbye & Issabell Staines . . . Wittm Newbie & Agnes Barber George Waller & Margaret Simson ... none Gawine Chrosfeild & Maball Kilner Edmonde Strickland & Margarett Fell Richard Fell & Maball Warde 23 7 September October 21 JJ 23 28 4 JJ JJ November 18 JJ 20 JJ 25 20 JJ Januarye 29 JJ JJ JJ 3 Februarye V It 4 JJ 20 Aprill JJ JJ 27 JJ 25 Maie JJ JJ IS June 26 JJ 5 July II JJ IS JJ 31 JJ 18 November 25 JJ JJ JJ 26 JJ 28 January 2 Februarye March Aprill 4 Maye 10 JJ 21 JJ 30 June Julye [sic 4 August September 19 October 29 JJ 26 Nouember i6oi-i6o4 WEDDINGS. 225 Richard Rowland Kilner & Elizabeth Archer Edward Gayte & Agnes Taylor William Brittane & Margaret Pickeringe Xpo' Borwicke & Elline Boulton WUliam Barrowe & Mabal Barrow RoBt WUson & Alice Blowmer Edward Barrowe & Maball Finstwhaite ., [no entry] 1602. James Taylor & Marrion Slayter John Barrowe & Jane Keltett Henerye Moyses & Margaret Barrowe . , Edward Turner & Katheren Strickland [no entry] William Muckelt & Agnes Dickson [no entry] Thomas Simson & Margaret Danson Thomas Barrow & Ellen Waller Wittm Dickson & Jenett Cowhard none Robert Curwine and Pickering [sic]. .. . James Swaynson & Elizabeth Robinson 1603. p. 76 [no entries] tt Mathew Stones & Elten Barrowe Thomas Cayton Elizabeth Simson Xpo' Kempe and Maball Pickeringe Edward Weningeton & Jane Kilner Hugh Barrow and Elizabeth Borwicke John Harison and Agnes Kilner Wittm Brockbancke & Anne Borwicke Augustine Fell and Jenett Fletcher Richard Rallingson and Jane Gurnell John Cannye and IssabeU Sande ... p. 77 WilUam Richardson and Ellen Walker John Braddell and Agnes Peper Thomas Burton of Kendall & Maball Baire Xpo' Barrowe and Kathiren Brockbancke 1604. [no entries] Richard Dixon and Marye Taylor RoBte Barrow and Issabel Preston ... ¦ John Waller and Elizabeth Woodbume and Thomas Burschough & Mafgt Barrow of Alithw' 16 Julie 26 Nouember 9 December 12 Januarye 16 JJ 2 Februarye 3 JJ 14 JJ March 23 Aprill 4 Maye 16 JJ 20 JJ June 26 Julye August 5 September 31 October 7 Nouember December 20 Januarye 12 Febmarye March AprUl 27 Maye 6 June 13 Julie 20 JJ 24 JJ 19 August 27 JJ 2 September 8 October 8 Nouember I December 21 Januarye 12 Februarye 16 JJ ApriU Maye 14 June 22 JJ 226 CARTMEL PARISH REGISTERS. 1604-1606 p. 78 Edward Peper and Agnes Preston and Thomas Cayton and Alice Britton . . . [no entrjy] John Ashburner and Issabdl Birrey [no entry] Peter Barber and Elline Stainton ... Altexander Rigg Sz: Agnes Baire George Taylor and AUce Taylor [no entry] George Rigg and Elizabeth Shephard John Corbutt and Issabell Fell Anthonie Borwicke and Jenett B'Orwicke Thomas Gurnall & Barbarie Taylor John Barrowe and Jenett Setle [no entry] 1605. p. 79 Lawrence Harison and Strickland [sic] John Birrie of the Church towne and Maball Bume Wittm Pepper and Jenett Wilkinson Wittm WUson and Issabell KeUett of the Hee [no entry] John Tompson and Hebson [sic] Richard Wilson and Agnes Barrowe [no entry] Thomas Fell and Agnes Mackereth Edward Tildstey gener : and Eliza : Preston Xpo' Besbrowne and Jenett Kilner Richard Sands and Maball Staines George Taylor & Agnes WUson Wittm Brockbancke & Dorothie Dawson Richard Waller and Mar : WilsO'n Edward Fell and Agnes Brockbancke ... John Burschough and Agnes Barrowe . . . John FeU and EUine Fell Henery Barrowe & Issabell Archer George MaycheU & Agnes Cocke George Slayter and Agnes Taylor Robert Danson & Issabell Carter Jerome Barrowe & Jenett Barrowe [no entry] 1606. [no entry] [no entry] Roger Frames & Elizabeth Barrowe Thomas Diconson &i Anne Birrie Mytes Birrey & Margaret Brittone . . 29 I Julie August SeptemberOctober 4 Nouember 29 JJ It JJ December 13 Januarye IS JJ ; ... 22 JJ 30 JJ 31 JJ Februarie 9 Aprill 24 ee 29 JJ Maye I June ... 16 ¦¦• 3 JJ August September ... 15 ... 20 JJ October I Nouember ... 10 JJ ... 12 JJ ... 19 ••• 5 JJ December ... IS JJ JJ JJ ... 6 Januarie 10 JJ ... 19 ... 26 JJj» •• 5 JJ Februarie March .. 20 AprillMaye •• 25 JJ ¦• 3 June i6o6-i6o8 WEDDINGS. 227 3 June 6 Julie 13 JJ IS JJ Roger Rownson of Aysaid & Agnes WaUas Peter Borwicke & Jenett Barrowe Xpo' Burne & Dorothie Swaynson p. 80 Hugh Millner and Jenett DebdeU Miles Wilson and Marian Brockbancke ... Thomas Casson & Tomisin Dawson 20 „ George Borwicke of Witherslacke & Jenett Barrow i August Hugh Barbon & Margaret Rownson Richard Newton & Elizabeth Hodshon Nicholas Newbie & Jenett Greaues Thomas Burne & Siscliffe Mechdson John Baire & Anne Hirdson ... Thomas Preston & Agnes Setle [no entry] Edward Turner & Elline Birrie John Pull and Agnes Hodgson [no entry] Peter Bell and Agnes Barrowe Edward Barber and Agnes Archer 1607. p. 81 Wiir Baire and Elizabeth Taylor Edward Johnson and Alice Staines William Carter and Elline Harison [no entry] John Britton & Agnes Marr Nicholas Taylor Jeenett Sands Thomas Bigland and Marye Swaynson ... Wittm Ftetcher and Agnes Wright [no entry] Richard Cannye and Agnes Taylor [no entry] Roger Kilmer and Margarett Brockden ... John Fletcher and Maball Casson and Roger Barrow and Alice Diconson Anthonye Sowerey and AUice Farrington [no entry] [no entry] 1608. p. 82 This year is 1608 — Some have pretended to amend the Register but have cormpted it ; the mistake has been caused by y° Chrisitenings being y° year 161 7. 5 JJ II JJ 20 JJ 21 JJ JJ 18 IJ SeptemberOctober 10 Nouember 13 JJ December 3° 5 Januarye Februarie 2 AprUlMaye 30 JJ June 6 18 Julie JJ 23 JJ JJ 21 JI August September October 19 Nouember 30 17 JJ December Januarye Februarie [Here end the Weddings in original Volume /.] 228 CARTMEL PARISH REGISTERS. 1608-1610 VOLUME 2. Me&inges anno bonj 1608. 2 p. I John Berrie and Jenett Archer maried ... John Wright and Jane Barrowe John Preston and Anne Barrowe William BeU and Jenett Barrowe John Dennye and Jenett Roskell George Bigland and Issabell Myers Henerye Wilson and Elizabeth Taylor ... Rowland Barrow and Margaret Rigg Roger Brockbancke and Jenett Barrowe... Robert Barrowe of Nether Nuton and Ann Dickson John Hudson and AUice Borwicke WiUiam Wright and Agnes Bigland E'dward Taylor and Margaret Greenhood Wittm Bowman and MabaU Harison Edward Brockbancke and Issabell Greenhood Thomas Walker and AUice Canney 2 p. 4 Hnno &o'nj 1609. [no entries] Edward Marshall & Kathiren Turner . James Muckelt and Agnes Britton. ... John Hawdwen and Agnes Sewart ... [no entries] Gilbert Fell and Jenett Casson James Milner and MabaU Birrey Edward Barrow and Elizabeth Smith Francis Preston and Jenett Barrowe John Rawlinson and Agnes Walker AUane Mowson and Margaret Robinson Wittm Wilson & IssabeU Muckelt ... . La'HTence Storye and Agnes Kilner... .. 27 March .. 22 Maye .. 29 June .. 24 August 2 October •¦ IS JJ .. 23 JJ .. 8 November JJ JJ ... 23 JJ •• 30 JJ I December ... 26 Januarye ... 31 JJ 3d 7 Februarye April Mayle 8 June 6 Julie 9 JJ August September 28 October 16 Nouember 26 „ 3 December 22 Januarye 5 Februar)-e p. 7 Hnno &om 1610. John Fell and Agnes Baire 9 April Wittm Rawlinson & Margaret Curwen 24 ,, Maye [no entries] John Bigland and Anne Jenkinson 17 June Edward Knype and Dorothie Barbar i Julie James Greenwood and Jenett Preston 8 „ John Addison & Margarett Rallingson 29 August p. 8 September [no entries] i6io-i6i2 WEDDINGS. 229 Edward WaUer & Elizabeth Idle Thomas Roskell and Elizabeth Staines ... Xpo' Champney & Arme Kilner RoBt Swaynson & Issabell Forrest Xpo' Barbar and Issabell Borwicke John Dicconson and Issabell Taylor December [no entries] Thomas Pepper and Agnes Greenopp Robert Taylor and Dorithie Barrowe Februarye [no entries] 1611. [no entries] Bryan Bmskowe & Elizabeth Fell widowe Maye [no entries] June [no entries] John S'taines & Anne Dickonson Thomas Asburner & Agnes Woane Charles Sill and Agnes Moorehouse John Carter & Margaret Newbie September [no entries] October [no entries] Edwaird Barrow & Elline Punder Edward BrittO'U and Jenett Mo'Orcrof t . . . Edward Taylor & Jenett Cowhard December [no entries] Wittm Knype and Elizabeth Newbie John MaycheU and Agnes Casson Robert Turnley and Issabdl FeU Peter Barrowe & Maball Barrowe I October 21 JJ 24 4 JJ Nouember 18 JJ 20 JJ 20 Januarie 27 JJ March 23 AprUl 18 JuUe 28 „ JJ JJ I August 2 Nouember 10 JJ 17 JJ 12 Januarye 18 Febmarye Hnno 2)oni 1612. 2 p. 10 Hugh Marr and Jenett Borwicke Wittm Casson and Elizabeth Ftetcher . . . Thomas Lecke and Elizabeth Barrow . . . 2 p. II Robert Bateman & Margaret Punder George Knype & Margaret Hirdson Wittm Rownson & Maball Newbie Richard Pepper and Margaret Asburner. . . Edward Birrie and Maball Taylor Geore [sic] Hayle and Margaret MacheU Richard Bateman & SibeU MaycheU Edward Bell and Jane Barbon Peter Barwicke and Margaret Brockbancke Wittm Bell & Margaret Leece Wittm Taytor and Jane Dawson [no entries] 23 Aprill 14 Maye 24 JJ I June 21 JJ 24 JJ s Julie 7 JJ 9 JJ 12 JJ 9 August 24 September 25 October I Nouember December 230 CARTMEL PARISH REGISTERS. 1612-1614 [no entries] Januarye Thomas Asburner Smith & Margaret Hornbye 2 Febmary John Roskell and Issabell Cayton 9 „ 2 p. 13 Hnno bonj 1613. Richard Fell and Agnes Stewardson Edward Rowanson & Issabell Greenwood Maye [no entries] 2 p. 14 Edward Barrowe and Agnes Newbye Robert Simson and Elline Britton John WaUer and Agnes Rigg Row: Swaynson and Elisabeth Fell [ito entries] Nicholas Borwicke and Agnes Marr Thomas Walker and Jenett Staines James Walker and Eliza : Borwicke Wittm Geldert and Anne Fell Edwine Taylor and Issabell Bigland Xpo' Barbar and Agnes Staines John Newbie and HeUine Waller Wittm Asburner and Margaret Taylor . . . John Diconson and Kathiren Brockbancke 2 p. 16 Hnno t)onj 1614. [no entries] George KUner and Margaret Barrowe Peter Martindate & Jenett Preston John Greehood and Margaret Burschowe John Atkinson and IssabeU Pull Thomas Barrow and Arm Newbie James Fell sone of Ed : & IssabeU Surginer. . . Xpo' KeUett of the Head House & Agnes Britton Wittm KeUett and IssabeU Taylor Myles Kilner & Issabell Bigland John Barrow and Margaret Taylor Huan Cannye and Anne Walker John Harries & Agnes Newbie John Diconson and Elline Pull RoBt Garnett & Margaret Fell Arthur Atkinson & Anne Brathwhait James Newbie and Anne Bennison Wittm Baire & Alice Harrie George Brockbancke of Churchtowne & Jenett Setle of Alithw' James Nicholson of Warton & Margaret Casson of Fetedge [no entries] 20 Aprill 19 June 13 Julie IS JJ 20 JJ August 26 September 17 October 7 Nouember 19 December 13 Januarie 2 Februarie 9 JJ 13 JJ 3 March April 2 Maye 8 JJ 14 JJ 2 Julie 14 JJ 16. JJ 18 JJ 19 JJ 25 JJ 3 August 4 it 25 it 4 September 5 JJ 23 October 30 JJ 3 Nouember 27 JJ 5 December Januarie 16I4-16I6 WEDDINGS. 231 2 p. 17 John Stainton & Agnes RoskeU Peter Archer & Anne Tumer and James Kellett & Issabell Muckelt 2 p. 19 1615. Roger Fell and Eliza : Brockbanck Thomas Jesopp of Hallifaxe and Ann Bell OUiuer Stones and Tomasine Casson Stephen Britton and IssabeU Simson Wittm Penington & Eliza : Harries George Knyp>e and EUine Barrowe ... Wittm Barrowe & Margarett Se warde Thomas Leese & IssabeU Borwicke Hughe Barrowe and Eliza : Fdl Edward Carter & Issabell Bateman Hugh Seatle & Kathiren Yeats Wittm Greenhood and Agnes Turner 2 p. 20 John Roper and Agnes Holme Richard Simson and Margaret Newbie James Briggs and Anne Waynhouse James Greenhoode and Mafgt Swaynson John Mallirey of this pishe & Ann Parker of pishe of Cokeram John. Burges & Jenett Newbie John Dawson & Elline Barbar JameS' & Joan Waynhouse Thomas Casson & Jenett Borwicke George Sette and Margaret Pearson RoBt Keltett of this pishe & Margaret Wilson of y* pishe of Heuersham 2 p. 21 1616. [no entries] Edwaard WaUas & Margaret Staines and James Marshall of Lancaster & Issabell Birkett of this pishe Richard Hubersty & Anne Howley John Fletcher of Feildbroughton [this is a burial &" entered also among the burials]... 2 p. 22 Myles Dixon and Issabell Britton Myles Bancke ¦& Jane Wright of Cartmel fells PauU Penington of Fornas fells & Marie Greenhood of this pishe John Turner of Fornasse Fell and Margaret Thornes James Walker & EUzabeth Burnes Edward Kilner and MabaU Barrow John Hunter of the pishe of Dalton & Agnes Batsman 5 Februarie 14 JJ JJ JJ 30 2 Aprill Maye 25 J J 3 June II 18IS JJ JJ Julie 30 2 23 JJ August September 30 8 JJ October IS27 JJ Nouember 2 December 12 JJ 10 Januarie 14 JJ 30 JJ JJ a 31 10 a Februarie April! 20 Maye 28 „ 6 June 7 Julie 10 Julie 21 JJ 18 August 15 Septem; 29 JJ 232 CARTMEL PARISH REGISTERS. 1616-1618 October DecemberJanuarie Michaell Danson & Agnes Keltett 6 Wittm Harrie & Elizabeth Borricke 14 „ Wittm Borricke & Elizabeth Rownson 22 „ Wittm Preston & Margaret Atkinson 13 Nouemb' James Danson of Churcht : & Elizabeth Birkett of Holker ig [no entries] It Edward Barrowe of the Headhowse & Agnes Bell of Nether nuton 9 Februarie Wittm Bell of Nethernuton & Anne Barrowe of the same 10 „ James Borricke of Walton & Margaret Simson of Flookbrough and Edward Staines & Jenett Marshall 12 „ John Simson iu' of Tenterbancke & Agnes Cayton 26 „ p. 24 1617. [no entries] John Martindale & Agnes Taylor of Lindale i Wittm Leese of Feildend and Kathiren Troughton 1 1 [no entries] John Swaynson & Jenett Swaynson 27 Xpo' Simson of Flookbrough & Ann Waynhowse 12 John Cayton and Jenett Cayton of Myersyde... „ Thomas Bateman & MabaU Fletcher 2 Richard Bigland and Anne Pepper 5 Thomas Danson and Eliza : Casson „ James Newbie of Walton & Maball Greenhood Geo : Robinson of Haukeshead & Jenet Rawlinson Thomas Keltett and Alice MoO'recroft Xpo' Taylor and Eliza : Pearson Wittm Dawson of Aynsoni sen' and Ann Sands Wittm Hirdson and Jenett Cannye John Asburner of Vrswicke & Mar : Swaynson Richard Walker of Kirketend & Maball Dixon [no entries] RoBt Swaynson & Maball Barrowe Robert Warde and Jenett Simson Rowland Sheiffeild & Mar : Barrowe AprilMaye JJ JuneJuUe August JI SeptemberOctober 19 26 2 Nouember 4 13 16 18 26 December 13 Januarie 10 Februarie p. 28 Hno 2)omj 1618. John Roskel and Eliza : Pickering and Wittm Barbar and Martha Parker Richard Eeley and Margaret Newbie 15 ApriU 16 I6I8-16I9 WEDDINGS. 233 p. 29 Hugh Barrowe and Agnes Casson John Binlose of y° pishe of Lan : and Elline Bigland George Marr and Mar : Dixon Wittm Barbar and Ann Stones Hugh Muckelt of the Moore and Marg' Roddirey Robert Duckenfeild sone of Robert Duckenfeild of Duckenfeild Esq' and Francis Preston dau : of George Preston of Holker Esq'... MichaeU Newbie of Owerigg and Issabell Casson Widow and Thomas Simson of Flookbrough & Ann EUithorne 16 RoBt Willson & Elizabeth PuU James Moone of Flookbrough & his wife Thomas Allanson & Anne Cowart John Barrowe of Alithw' & AUice Cayton John Brockbancke and Emete Robinson Nicholas Cowpthwait of HamE>esfeild & Agnes Moorcroft Thomas Cayton of Flookborough Myersyde & HelUne Simson of Flookbrough John Cowell and AUice Barrowe Wittm Casson of Hesselrigg & Jenett Brockbancke Edward Kellet of Dawthome & Jenet Wilson of Flookb : 7 Maye 8 June 23 August 16 20 6 Septemb : JJ October JJ 18 25 JJJJJJ 29 Nouember I December 21 Januarie 28 9 Febru : 2 p. 33 Hnno S>onj 1619. Thomas Fell of Nether Nuto & Margaret Brathwhaite James Borwicke of Churchtowne & Jenett Danson Edward Casson of Felledge ¦& Agnes Burne . . . Thomas Wenington of LindaU & Alice Robinson of Alithw' Richard Bell of Alithwhait & Margt Barrowe of the same Jerome AUinbie & Agnes Clarke Wittm Dawson of Aynesome & Jenett Birrey... Xpor Barrowe of Greeues & Elsebeth Britton Thomas Newbie of Seatte and IssabeU Brathwhait Thomas Townson of Kirbie Lonesdale & Agnes Taylor Richard AUinbie & IssabeU Fell [no entries] John Atkinson of Woodbroughton & Eliza: Fell [no entries] Richard Bell of Nethernuton & Agnes Parker 29 II 20 Aprill Maye Jime 29 JJ 31 3 II IS JulieAugust JJ JJ 22 JJ 5 19 Septemb : October Nouember Decemb : 7 Januarie Februarye 234 CARTMEL PARISH REGISTERS. 1620-1621 2 p. 37 Hnno H)onj 1620. Peter Bateman of y* Churcht : & EUzabeth Ellis 17 AprUl Henerye Newbie of Feildend and Ann Stainton of Aynsome i Maye George Cowp of Churchtowne and Jane Barrowe 21 „ Geo : Birkett of Nether Carke and Jenett Holme of Tenterbk : 29 „ James Taylor of LindaU and IssabeU Henshee 10 June 2 p. 38 John MaUirey of Flookb : and Agnes Gurndl 24 „ Wittm Preston of Walton senior and Eliza : Bigland 10 Julie Richard Kellett of Buckcragg & Eliza : Mallirey of Flookb : 13 August Wittm Cayton of Myersyde & Agnes Besbrowne 20 „ George Rigg of Birkbye & Agnes Dixon of Churcht: 22 „ Robert Gamett of Churcht: & Eliza: Walker 29 „ Lawrence Swaynson of Cartmelfell & Mafgt Barrowe 24 Septemb: Row : Chrosfeild of Feildb : and Agnes Waters of LindaU 1 October George Dixon of Nether Carke & Kathiren Danson of Flookb : 25 „ Mytes Kilner of Hampesfeild and Eline Turner of the same 20 Nouemb: [no entries] Decemb : John Newbie of Vrswicke & Alice Britton of Lindall 7 Januarie Edward Sorrey & Eliza : Sueart 22 „ John WaUer of Churcht : & Jenett Milner of Alithw' 7 Febru: James Borricke & Agnes Pull 12 „ 3 p. 44 Hno 2>onj 1621. [no entries] Aprill Maye Thomas Willson and Agnes Bell 25 June Wittm BeU of Kentsbancke Margaret Barbar 27 ,, James Addison of y' pishe of Vluerston & Jenett Marr 31 Julie Robert Taylor and Issabdl Atkinson of Nethernuton 11 August EdwardPepperof Hamesfeild and Maball Taylor 24 „ John Preston of Ouernuton and Margaret Newbie 18 September Nicholas Addison of y" pishe of B'eethome & Jane Walker 20 „ Wittm KeUett and Marye Britton 16 October Gilbert Walton of Churchtowne and Eliza : Addison 30 „ I62I-I623 WEDDINGS. 23s Nouember 10 December Januarie Febru : [no entries] James Taylor of Lindall and Margaret Bell . . . [no entries] it 2 p. 47 Hno S)onj 1622. [no entries] Edward Barrowe of Alithwhaite & Issabell Kilner George Newbie of Nether Carke & Francs Kaybye John Roper of Woodbroughton & Elline Muckelt John Kirbie of Holker & Elline Pepper Wittm Cowert of Hampesfeild & Agnes Waller George Brathwait & Elline Bigland [no entries] Lawrence Harison of CartmelfeU & Maball Sand John Stott pishe Clarke & Eliza : Muckelt . . . Richard Staines & Alice Fel Edmond Kilner of Ouemuton & Agnes Pepper Thomas Kellett & Marie Bruer of Nether Carke Thomas Jenkinson of Wharelflatt & Dorithye Brathwhait [no entries] Anthonye Benson of Vluerston & Mar : Punder of Althw' Myles Swaynson of Cartmel Fell & Issabell Keltett Walter Taylor of Meethopp & Margt : Cowptwhait Richard Milner of Flookb : & Jane Cayton of Myers-yde 2 p- 49 Hno 2)onj 1623. [no entries] April Xpofer Britton of Feildb : & IssabeU Barrowe 14 Maye Edmond Walker &. Margt Simson of Templand 2 June Wittm Geldert & Margaret Patton of Churcht.: 14 „ Richard Waller of Templand & Alice Keltett 13 Julie Lawrenc Newton of LindaU & Agnes Britton... 26 August Henerye Becke of Fayrigg & Marie Atkinson... ,,' ,, Robert Borricke of Hesselrigg & EUine Pull... 11 September Richard Simson & Mafgt Clarke 23 October George Preston of Grange & Jennet Casson ... 29 „ GilBt Fell of Churcht : and EUine Preston ... 9 Nouember Robert Muckelt of Feildb : & Issabell Borricke 26 „ John Bateman & Mafgt Preston of Grange ... 20 December [no entries] Januarie „ Februarie April! 26 Maye JJ JJ II June 2526 2 Julie August 1 7 Septemb : 3 October 29 JJ 14 Nouember 25 JJ 21 DecemberJanuarie 4 Februarie 12 24 236 CARTMEL PARISH REGISTERS. 1624-1625 2 p. 55 Hno Donj 1624. Xpofer Cowhard of Hampesfild & Agnes Danson John Fell of Kirketend and Maball Robinson John Brathwhait & Agnes Wallas Thomas Cayton of Flookbrough & Agnes Home Richard Taylor of Lindall & Elline Kdlett of y° same James Casson of Walton & Issabel Newbie of Seatle & Xpofer Taylor of Cartmd Fell & Mafgt Harison Edward Turner of Holker & Mafgt Cayton ... Edward Walker of Backbarrowe & Elline Brockbancke Xpofer Finstwhait & Agnes Barrowe of- Flookbrough Richard Clarke of Flookb : & Ann Harrington 2 p. 56 John Moorecroft of Grange & ElUne Newbie of Walton Wittm Robinson of the pishe of Haukeshead & Mafgt Philipson RoBt Taylor of the Slacke and Jane Stockdell widow Wittm Britton of Grainge & Mafgt Barrowe ... James Danson of Churchtowne & Jenett Birrey Thomas Danson of the same & Marie AUinbye John Kellett & Anne Mackereth Huan Borricke of Birkebye & Kathiren HaU... John Barrowe of Newton & Mafgt FeU John Barbar of Barbar Green •& Anne Askew of Walton James Casson of Feledge & Anne Sowrey Thomas Barrowe of Ayesaid & Agnes Robinson of Seatle John Awdlane & Eliza : Bigland RoBt Taylor & MabaU Tumer Richard Barbar of Barbargreen & Mafgt Taylor 2 p. 60 1625. John Mughall of The Moore & Margaret Dixon of Lindall John Fletcher of Lindell & Katherin Dobson of the same John Mar & Ellin Borwick both of Backbarow Josias Dawson & Jenet Fel both of Churchtowne Willia Walker & Jane Sill both of Holker . . . Lawrence Newton & Elizabeth Machon of Cartmel Eds 18 Aprill 25 I 18 JJ Maye JJ 16 June I Julie JJ 6 JJ JJ I August 24 6 JJ September 29 j» 10 October 1418 2 JJ JJ Nouember 30 9 JJ December 19 Januarye 20 JJ 23 26 JJ JJ 3 Februarie 7 JJ 21 JJ 27 JJ May IS1410 19 JuneJuly 3 August 1625-1626 WEDDINGS. 237 19 IS Septemb : October 18 JJ 2328 13 JJ JJ ¦November 2723 JJ January 30 7 J J Februar}^ 14 JJ 16 JJ JJ JJ 20 JJ WiUia Canny & Julian Dixon of Linddl 10 August Georg GarskeU & Jenet Preston of the Grange 22 ,, Richard Simpson & IsabeU RoskeU 28 „ John Rownson of Ayshead & Jane Harison of Cartmel FeU John Tumer & Mabell Barow both of Hampsfild James Mihier of Holme & Isabel Holme of Flookbarow Antony Britton of Grange & Agnes Bury of Lindell Hugh Barow & Margret Barow of Overnewto Miles Swainso & Alice Sands Willia Archee [sic] of Nether Newto & Anne Turner Peter Champney & Dorothy Burne RoBt Wilkinso of Grang & Margret Turner of Hamsfeld Thomas Casson of Woolrig & IsabelAtkinson Mathew Westby & Isabel Bell John Barow of Greenbank & Agnes Seatle of Aliithw' Thomas Roskel of Holker & Isabel Barow of Flookbarow John Brokbank & Jane Cowheard 1626. 2 P- 63 John Crosfeld of Beetho parish & Margaret Barow of this i May Wittm Borwick of Hesdrig & Jenet Pierson of Cartmelfel Thomas Burne & Jenet Preston both of Walton Thomas Simps5 of Flookborow & Margret Barow of Greenbanke James Taylor of Beetho & Jenet Bigland of Grang Widow Thomas Bond of Flookborow & Margret Greenhead of Stavetey Richd Bateman of the Grange & Margret Suert of this Towne John Walker of Backbarow & Isabel Taylor Finstat John Harison of Walto & Jenet Kellet of Dawthorne WiUia Seatte of Alithwait & Isabel Barow of Flookbrough Willia Barrow of Staveley & Agnes Kellet William Atkinson & Mary Bownas Richd Walker of Templand & Elizabeth Simpso of Holker 16 II JI June 20 JJ 25 July 13 August 18 October 3° JJ 21 November 22 5 7 JJ DecemberJanuary 238 CARTMEL PARISH REGISTERS. James Casson of Heselrig & Isabel Rownson... John Taylor of Fomesfel & Elizabeth Walker Richard Mabery & Anne Wright of Churchtowne Richard Casson of Grang & Mabel Bowman of Hampesfild Francis Steans of Eyshead & Margret Kdlet of Myreside 2 p. 6s 1627. Rowland Brathwait & Jenet Keene John Corbut & Jenet Howe John Burne & Mabd Johnson both of Fieldbroghton Thomas Mar of Bigland & Katherin Leece of the Field end Hugh Seatte of Walton & Elin Fdl 2 p. 66 William Kellet of Neather Cark & Agnes Mackereth John Simson of Flookbarow & Dorothy Preston of Holker Gilbert Berry & Isabell Brockbanke Richd KUner of Ovemewto & Alice Brokbank of Heselrig George Birket of Holker & Anne Parke of Vrswick parish Wilia Barrow of Broughto & Anne Maybury 23 31 1626-1629 January 5 February 7 I 12 222727 7 9 17 2825 April JJ May JJ June SeptemberOctober January JJ JJ February 1628. 2 p. 68 James Moorecroft of Grange & EUin Canny of LindeU Robert Greenbank & Elizabeth Jepson Mathew Stricklond & Anne Borwick Robert Barow of the Abbothat & Elin Seatte Robert Barow of the Greaves & Agnes Cowheard of Hamsfeld John Barow of Flookbarow & Jenet Birket ... Tho : Askewe & Jn' Brathw' [ ?] Richard Newbie of Neather Cark & Margaret Pepper Rowlan'd Tumer of Fieldbroghton & Anne Strikland of Cartmel fel Georg Cowpthwat & EUzabeth Kellet both of Hampsfeld 2 p 71 1629. Robert Britton of Aishead & Elizabeth Lawso Henry Bigland of the Grang & Anne Thornburgh of Hamsfild John Jackson and Anne Tomson widow 3 18 26 16 27 I July JJ AugustNovember February 3 May 6 17 1629-1631 WEDDINGS. 239 Robert Seatte & Agnes Barrow Edward Newbie & Alice CoweU Georg Mar & Ellin Ftetcher Georg Canny & Mabel Barrow John Parker & Mary Cowheard both of Churchtowne John Turner of Neathfer Newto & Margaret Rowenso of Eyshead WiUia' Fletcher & Mary Bateman of the Grange Richard KeUet of Rostat & Agnes Benton Edward Cowheard of Hamsfild & Agnes Newbie John Newbie the younger of Walton & Margaret Turner Thomas Burscow of Flookbarow & Elten Barber Richard Borwick of Staveley & Ellin Strickland Brian Borwick of the Grang & Mabel Danson. . . Richard Miner & Isabell Brickill Richard Crosfeld of Eynsome & Isabel Casson of the same 2 p. 73 Hnno 2)ni 1630. Georg Wilson & Mabel Simpson both of Flookborow John Staines & Agnes Berrey of Einshome . . . John Fisher & Margaret Bel of AUithwait . . . Richard Simson of AUithwait & Anne Atkinso of Cartmelfell James Altenson & Agnes Keltet of Hamsfild... Robert Barrow & Isabel Hodgso of Staveley... Thomas Swainson of Greenbank & Jane Parke of Holker Thomas Bush & Margaret Holtne John Brakan & Margaret Clark of Flookbarow Thomas Atkinson of Nethernewton & Anne Presto Christopher Barber & Isabell Turner John Clarkson of Flookborogh & Agnes Barow John Diconson & Jenett Borwicke Henry Wilson the yonger of AUithw' & Anne FeU Robert Barrow of Greenbanke & Elizabeth Walker John Kellet & Jenett Brokbank both of Churchtowne John Harrison of Seatle & Jenet Barrowe WiHiam Barrow & Grace Wainhouse of Linddl 18 May 9 1618 June JJJJ 22 JJ 30 16 JulyAugust 23 4 JJ September 20 October 12 November IS17 3 JJ January February 16 4 May 9 JJ 12 June 6 July 8 JJ 18 „ I August 10 „ 12 JJ 19 September 30 October 9 November 10 „ 23 JJ 27 JJ 16 December 6 February 20 2 p 75 Hnno Dnj 1631. WUlia Carter of Churchtowne & Jenet Waller 30 June John Barber of Overnewto & Margaret Sheppard 27 September 240 CARTMEL PARISH REGISTERS. 1631-1634 Gabriel Punder of AUithw' & Jenet Caton Thomas Finstat of Nether Cark & Mary Wainhouse of Birkby Peter Borwick & Alice Stoke of the Grange ... Christopher Britton & Mary Dixon of Lindell Edward Burne of Walton & EUin Staines Georg Taylor & EUin Crosfeld of Lindell ... Thomas Walker & Agnes Hodgson of Cartmelfell 2 p 78 Hnno Donj 1632. John Barrow of the Hee & Agnes Muchel Thomas Birrey & Margaret Seatle Francis Turner of Hamsfeld & Dorothy Cowell Daniel BulfeU preacher of god's word & Dorothy Wainhouse of Birkby John Langmire & Elizabeth Fell of Winder . . . Robert Cowdl of LindeU & Jenet Fell James Braithw' and Agnes Newton John Swainson of CartmelfeU & Elizabeth Rawlmson Thomas Bury Wright & Mary Holme of AUithwait Nicolas Barrowe & Jane Wamie of Holker ... Willia Browne of Warton parish & Isabell BeU of this WiUiam Keltet and Jane Seatle John Barrow of the Greaves & Margaret Burne Isaak Burne of Walton & Margaret Samfre . . . William Borwick & EUin Mughall of Broghton John Brokbanke & Agnes Barrowe Richard Balmer & Margaret Howe of Halifax Wiliam Bush & Alice Fishope Jo'hn Riley & Agnes Barrow of the Hee WUliam Preston of the parish of Burton & Isabell Birkbye of this parishe Thomas Cowperthwait of Hampsfield & Elizabeth Burne 2p8r 1633. Wiliam Holme & Mary Bury Peter Newby of Carke & Elizabeth Audland ... Richard Simson & Jane Haggasse Richd MughaU of Holker & Isabel Barow . . . Georg Rig of Ainsome & Mary Barowe Edw : Barrowe of Hee & EUin Barowe John Carter & Isabel Taylor 2 p. 83 1634. 2 p. 84 John Fell of Kirket end & Anne Casson John Atkmson of Walton & Elizabeth Brathw' November 16 9 23 27 13 January JJ Febmary 8 April JJ JJ 7 May 29 JJ 10 June 17 .. 19 JJ 18 July 22 JI 29 JJ 5 18IS II August JJ September October 19 JJ 29 JJ 13 January 17 JJ 27 JJ 12 February 2 May 29 JJ 7 June 26 August 14 September 30 October 17 November 24 April IS May 1634 1636 WEDDINGS. 241 3 2 June 9 July 7 September 8 ,j 26 October 12 January 1634 20 21 J, 22 „ 3 February John Barow & Margaret Leech Lawrence Jenkinson & Isabel Taylor of Holker Michael Nuby of Hesdrig & Elizabeth Borwicke John Milner of Aliithw' & Jane Stainton of KendaU Henr\' Wilson of AUithw' & Jenet Newby 2 p. 86 1635. Miles Taylor & IsabeU Harison Christopher Swainson & Mabel Scate Henry Walker & Ellin Knipe of Eyside Thomas. Patten of Churchtowne & Agnes Case Edward Bowman of Hamsfeld & Margaret Taylor John Hodgso of Backbaro & Isabell Taylor of Vluerston parish Edward Waller of Templand &Mafgt Hariso of Cartmel Fel Edward Robinson of Staveley & Aime Bigland John Curwen & Mary Bigland of the Grange... Willia Warbrack & Anne Fel both of Kirketend Antony Preston of Girsgarth & EUin Barber. . . Georg Rig of Birkby & Jenett Borwicke Miles Barow of Greenbank & Anne Swainso . . . Thomas Woodbume & Agnes Taylor of Slacke Thomas Hodgson & Agnes Hariso of Cartmel FeU Michael Simson of Flookbarow & Mary Hawdon Edward Barow of AUithw' & Margaret Roskel of Birkeby Robert Pepper & EUzabeth Fortune Robert Britton & Jenet Champney of Lindell. . . Thomas Rawlinso of Backbarow & Mabel Brokbanke Wittm Carter of Cartlone & Ellin Robinson ... Edward Staines . . . Kellet of LindaU „ „ 1636. 2 p. 89 WUlia RawUnso & Anne Greenhead of backbarow i7 May Timothy Woodward & Anne Barker of Churchtowne 22 „ Robert Caton of LindaU & Agnes Saute ... jj John Kirby & Dorothy Barow of Neathercarke 14 John Tom'son & EUin Townson of Staveley ... S ¦Henry Flecher of Fieldbroghto & Jenett Staines of the Headhouse 25 August John Burne of Walto & Jenet Kellet of the same 23 January James Nubie of Walto & Jane Punder of AUithw' 24 „ 14 April 1635 JI2 July 15 18 JJ J J 25 17 JJ August 25 JJ 30 JJ 19 November ' 29 3 JJ February 14 JuneJuly 242 CARTMEL PARISH REGISTERS. 1636-1638 GilBt Atkin'so of Nethernewto & Margaret Turner James Slater of Overnewto & Margaret Bigland Robert Barow of Nethernewto & Margaret Barow of Eyshead 1637. 2 p. 91 Willia Rawlinson Milner of Backbarow & Anne Jenkinson John Saute & Agnes Caton of Lindal James Penny of Vluerston parish & Marie Harrie of this Georg Gamet & Jane Harrison both of Cartmelfell Edward Wallis of Cartmelfell & Margaret Barow John Richardson a Welshman & Alice Swainso of Ouemewto Peter LickbarO'W & Isabel Kilner Nicollas Dixon & Jenet Hind of Nethercarke... Richard Pepper & Isabel Settle of Cartlone ... James Dixon of LindeU & Katherin Hathornett James Dixon of Holker & Jane Bume of Spelbanke John Taylor of Plomgreene & Agnes Hariso both in Cartmel Fell John Brook preacher at Cartmel & Margaret Parke of Holker 2 p. 93 1638. David Wilson & Mabel Borwick both of Grange John Kilner & Isabel Frame Richard Staines of Ainsome & Agnes Preston of Nethernewton Edward Britton & Jenet Punder both of Church towne John Barrow & Elizabeth Barow of Ayeside ... Thomas Burne of Walton Sr Emme Walker of Haverthwait M' Robert Bowskell of Capelsett & AUce Knipe of Woodbroghton John Bury & Dorothy Helme botfi of Churchtowne Arthur Atkinson & Ellin Wainhouse James Goad of Holker & Briget Seeden Isaac Harison & Isabel Kilner both of Seatte John Taylor of Birkbie & EUin Barow of the Hee William Britton & Anne Wilson both of Churchtowne 30 ,j 31 JJ 19 February 8 May II ,j 6 June JJ JJ 3 August 18 JJ 22 October I November 2 JJ 25 JJ 30 January JJ JJ 7 February 15 April 22 „ 3° 'J 22 May 4 June 25 July 27 August 3 September 24 JJ 9 October JJ JJ 12 November 22 „ 1638-1640 WEDDINGS. 243 Thomas Hawton of Warton parish & Margaret Parker of the Grange Edward Fell & Isabel Pepper both of Hamsfeld John Newby of Templand and Dorothy Fell of AUithwait Percivall Preston of Walton & Jenet Robinson Peter Barow of Backbarow & Margaret Barow of Ayshead Edwarde Bonvick & Sara Bigland 1639. 2 p. 95 Georg Bury of Churchtowne & Elin Pepper ... Georg Robinson of Stavetey & Mary Swainson ¦of Cartmel Fell WUliam Nicolson of Tunstall & Margaret Borwicke Jolin Brokbanke & Elizabeth Bury both of Churchtowne Georg Setle & Anne Brokbank both of Cartlane WilOia Taylor of the Slacke & Agnes Walker of Lindall WiUia Waller of Barber Greene & Margaret Bigland Christopher Presto of Nether Newto & Elizabeth Crosfdd of Fieldbroghto Edward Harriso of Seatle & Agnes Turner of Nether Newto Thomas Newby of Kendall Parish & EUzabeth Barber of this Thomas Caton of Lindel & Margaret Rainge [or] Ranige Lawrence Coop of Flookbrogh & Anne Crosfeld of Winder Thomas Milner & Mabel Barow both of Holker James Fell of Hamsfeld & Agnes Waller of Barbergreene 1640. 2 p. 97 Richard Willson & Elizabeth Debden John Singleton & Katherin Borwick of Birkby Thomas Pepp>er & Elizabeth Britton of Fieldbroghto William Roskell & Jane Simson of Holker . . . William Borwick of Canny HiU & Margaret Cliristopherso Robert Machol of Grange & Jane Muckell of the Moore William Barow & EUin Bland of Yorkshire . . . 27 5 JJ February 6 7 JJJJ JJ 26 JJ JJ 16 April 25 June 14 July 1218 November 19 24 JJ 30 " IS January 19 JJ 30 3 JJ Februar}' 17 31 May I June JJ JJ 16 „ 25 August 6 December 244 CARTMEL PARISH REGISTERS. 16401642 January JJ February Robert Skyring of the Forge & Anne Wetherhead of the same 6 Richard Bell of Kentsbanke & Dorothy Bulfeld 24 Robert Greenwood of Over Cark & Agnes Carter of Fieldbroghton 16 Thomas Borwick of Fayrig & Jane Michelso of Greenbanke 3° 1015 1918 28 August JJJJ Septemb : October 1641. 2 p. 99 WiUia Waller & Isabel Cowheard both of Holker 9 May Thomas Skale of Holker & Agnes Caton of AUithw' RoBt Seatle of Kirketend & Agnes Caton of Altith' Edward Barow & Marj' Ftecher both of Grange Edward Bigland & Anne Barow of Nether Carke 29 Thomas Muckell of Holker & Agnes Keltet of NetherCarke John Preston of the Hill & Agnes Turner of Holker Richard Borwick of Ouercark & Jane Kilner of Seade Robert Diconson of Bethom parish & Mabel Flecher of Lindell 23 Novemb' James Newbie & Dorothy Barber Georg Setle & Katherin Barow both of AUithwait James Friers of Winder & Cicelie Baire... Richard Kilner of Flookbarow & Isabel FeU of Churchtowne Michael Carter & Marie Champney Richard Lancaster of Heesom parish & Elin Wainhouse of this 6 February Robert Bell & Margaret Bateman both of Grange 9 „ James Nubie & Elizabeth MuckeU 15 „ Decemb' January 1642. loi Christopher Canny & Isabel Ashburner of Churchtowne Miles Burnes of Woodbroghton & Mary Walker of Lindell Willia Kirby of Cartmel FeU & MabeU Swainson Robert Laton of Lindall & EUin Fdl James Dawson of Dalton Parish & Mary Preston of this Robert Bond & Mary Christopherson of Flookborogh Georg Hayle of Templand & Jane Borick of Walton May JJJJ June 9 15 9 26 28 17 Julie i6 October 20 November 27 JJ 29 JJ 7 January 17 24 JJ " JJ 30 31 JJ JJ 7 8 February 1642-1644 WEDDINGS. 245 Stephen Britton of Fieldbroghto & Mary Burne of Walton Thomas Walker of Backbarow & Anne Michelson of Greenbanke Arthur Burry of Warton parish & Agnes Machol of Blathend Georg Ashbumer of Churchtowne & Agnes Rawlinson Georg Hutton of Thorpunstey gent : & Elizabeth Swainso of Cartmd Fell John Keltet of Myreside & Mary Harling of Garstang Mathew Bowman of Grange & Jenet Kellet . . . John Machol of the Grange & Margaret Simson AUithw' Henry Nubie of Heselrig & Isabel Mughal of Fieldbroghton Arthur Cowell & Anne Bell both of Grange . . . James Taylor of Methop & Margaret Kilner of Castlehead Antony Bury of Churchtowne & Anne Pepper John Harison of Cartmel Fell & Jane Dolter... 9 ,, Percivall Preston of the hill & Ellin Mar (of Aldingham parish) 11 ,, p. 102 1643. John Harrison of Loderbume & Agnes Stamwhat 8 June John Burnes of Fieldbroghton & Elizabeth Muckell „ „ James Machol of Grange & Elizab : Barow . . . James Atkinso of Cartmel Fell & Margaret Caton of LindeU Thomas Gurnel & Jenet Walter of Wharel Flatt 2 7 August RoBt Roskel of Birkbie & Jane Swainson Thomas Alexander & Agnes Baker both of Churchtoune John Kirby of Kentbanke & Hellin Preston of Walton John Barow of Walto & Anne Beesley Rowland Stevenson & Jenet Swainson WiUiam Tompson & Isabell Ftecher of Fieldbroghto Peter Borick & Jane Brokbanke „ „ p. 104 1644. WiUiam Stones of Nether carke & Elizabeth Borick of Spelbanke 30 May 19 JJ 16 27 19 July August October 29 JJ 30 12 JJ November 19 JJ 27 JJ 246 CARTMEL PARISH REGISTERS. 1644-1648 2 p. 114 Gytes Parke son of John of Holker & Elizabeth Gorden daughter of RoBt Gorden Lord Vicount of Kentmerre married in Algear by M' Spratte Minister 5 January 2 p. 104 John Brathwait & Dorothy Atkinson 21 „ Georg Walter & Margaret Simson 31 „ 2 p. 105 1645. Roger Brokbanke &EUin Fell of Nethernewton 25 June William Carter of Churchtowne & Alice Hodson 9 August Thomas Atkinson & Agnes Barow of Ayside ... 8 Decemb' Thomas Giles & Jane Walker of Kirketend ... 29 January 2 p. 106 1646. Thomas Addison of Cartmel Fel & Margaret Eskay of Kirby in Furnesse 17 May Thomas Robinso of Cartmel Fel & Isabel Atkinso 18 „ Thomas Mughal of the Moore & Ellin Crosfield of Fieldbroghton 19 „ Miles Bel & Agnes Crosfeld 17 June James Bell of Overnewton & Alice Kilner of Seatle i July James Nubie & Jane Bell of Woodbroghto ... 3 August Roger FeU & Mary Thornes of Over Newton... 29 November 1647. 2 p. 108 James Casson & Margaret Corker of Seatle ... i June John Addison & Agnes Kirbie of Cartmelfell. . . 29 „ George Fel & Dorothy Pepper of Churchtoune 5 July John Dodgson of Hawkshead & Francis Sands of Flookbrogh 22 December Robert Barow of the Wood & Margaret Kilner of Fidler Hall 24 January Christopher Penington & Anne Sturzaker ... 31 ,, John Simpeson & Margaret Braithwaite both of Flookburgh 27 November 2 p. Ill 1648. Michael Bdl of AUithw' & .... Stythe ... John Bell & Jenet Waithman of Cartlane Henry Wilson of AUithwait & Isabel Pepper of Grange John Rawlinso of Furnesse & Elizabeth Flecher of Ravenswinder Robert Dickson & Jenet Pepper of Cartmelfdl 31 April MayJune July August 1648-1654 WEDDINGS. 247 2 p. WiUia_ Mughall & Agnes Crosfeld of Fieldbroghton 116 1653. The mariage intended betwixt James Rowneson of Fell Edge & Isabell Actkinson of Gateside hath beene published 3 seuerall Lords Dayes by the said pties The mariage intended betwixt Richard Taylor of Holkar & Anne Saull of Cartlane hath beene published 3 seuerall Lords Dayes maried by Tho : Fell Witnesses Richard Sympson Edw: Fell The mariage intended betwixt Edwine Barwicke son of Richard of Heslerigge in this parish & Jenet Li'wnes daughter of Thomas of the parish of Heversim hath beene published the 15 22 & 29 dayes of January & the said pties maryed by [no Justice's name given] Wittnesses Richard Barwicke & Thomas Lewnes 2 p. 117 The Mariage intended betwixt John Pow & Elizabeth Harrinson hath beene published the 22 & 29 day of Januaiy & the 5"* day of Feb : & the said pties maried by Jo : Sawrey Wittnesses [names not given] The Mariage intended betwixt Richard Dodgson of VlVerston & Margret Barrowe of Walton in Cartmell haue [sic] beene published the 22 & 29"' dayes of January & the 5"" day of February & the said pties maried by John Sawrey Wittnesses [no names given] 1654. The Mariage intended betwixt Mytes Harrinson & Elizabethe Besbrowne both of this parish hath beene published the 12 19 & 26 dayes of March & the said pties maried by John Sawrey Wittnesses Thomas Poole & Richard Clarke The Mariage intendted betwixt Richard Brigges of Flookbrough & Mary Sands daughter of Christop of the parish of Coulton hath beene published y" 12 19 & 26 dayes of Marche & the said pties maried by John Sawrey Wittnesses Christop Sands & John Simpson 5 Febr: 5 December 22 March 30 January 6 February 26 27 March 248 CARTMEL PARISH REGISTERS. 1654 The Mariage intended betwixt George Taylor of Meathopp in the parish of Beathom & Elin Dixon of Lindall in this Parish hath beene published the 19 & 26 dayes of March & y" 2'"' day of ApriU & the said parties maried by John Sawrey Wittnesses Walter Taylor & Myles Dixon 5 April The Mariage intended betwixt Christopher Kellat son of Thom'as of this parish & Anne Barwicke Widdower of Dalton hath beene published the 30"" day of Aprill & yo ^th Sj- j^th (jay^s Qf Ma,y And the said pties maried by John Sawrey Wittnesses James Posttethwayte Robert Stott 20 May The Mariage intended betwixt Robert Eely & Martha Howreads both of this parish hath beene published the 7"* 14"' & 21" dayes of May & the said pties maried by [no Justice's name given] Wittnesses George Halte & Edward Barrowes 24 „ 2 p. 118 The mariage intended betwixt Richard Corker & Agnes Brittaine both of this parish hatli beene published the seauenth fourteenth & 21*' dayes of May & the said parties maried by John Sawrey Wittnesses M' WiUiam Knipe & Stephen Brittaine „ „ The Mariage intended betwixt Robert Cowheard & Margret Taylor both of Hampesfeild in in this parish hath beene published the seaventh fourteenth & 21" day of May & the said pties maried by John Sa-wrey Wittnesses John Stainton & Robert Banowes „ „ Richard Clarke of this Parish & IsabeU Walker of Kendall hath beene published the 14 21 & 28"* dayes of May & y° said pties maried .... by [no name of Justice given] George Backehouse of Whittington & Elizabeth Walker of this Parish hath been published the 14 21 & 28"" dayes of May and the said parties maried by John Sowrey said parties maried by John Sawrey 2 June Myles Bankes and Maball Knipe both of this parish hath beene published y' 21 & 28"" dayes of May & the fourth day of June & the said pties maried by John Sawrey Wittnesses M' George Hutton & Christ : Taylor 9 „ i655-[i654] WEDDINGS. 1655. Christop' Preston and Agnes Bigland both of this parish hath beene published the 28"' day of May the 4"" & 11'*' dayes of June & the said pties mafed before Tho : Fell Wittnesses Richard Sympson Edw: Fell 22 March [1654]. WUliam Slater and Elin Burnes both of Walton in this Parish hath beene published the 2'' g"" & 16"" dayes of Julij & y° said pties maried [by] John Sawrey Wittnesses John Burscough Richard Stajnes 17 Julij Robert Hudson of Bethom and Mabal Coupthwayte of this parish hath beene published the 2"'' 9"* & 16"* dayes of Julij and the said parties maried Jo : Sawrey Wittnesses [no names signed] 2 p. 119 Edward KUlner of Stavelij & Marij Poole of Cartmell FeU hath beene published the 9"" 16"' & 23"" dayes of Julij & the said parties maried by John Sawrey Wittnesses John KiUner & Thomas Hodgson 31 ,, Nicholas Maijberrij of this parish & Brigett CoUinson of Vluerston hath beene published the 30"' of Julij the e"" & 13"* dayes of August and the said pties maried by John Sawrey Wittnesses WiUiam Ashburner Thomas Colinson 14 August Thomas Walker of Cartmell and Katerine Birkett of Kendale published the 6'" 13"' and 20"" dayes of August & the said pties maried by [no Justice's name] Wittnesses [no names signed] 26 ,, Henrye Scalle of the parish of Vluerston & Anne Dason of this parish published the gth j^th 3^j.,,jj 22"'' of October and the said parties maried by John Sawrey Wittnesses Thomas Dason & John Scalle 24 October WUliam Barrowe and Margret Simpson both of Flookeburgh in Cartmdl haue beene published the 15"' 22""' & 29'" dayes of October and the said pties maried by John Sawrey Wittnesses John Simpson WiUiam Braythwaijte 2 November 249 250 CARTMEL PARISH REGISTERS. i655-[i654] 1655. p. 1 20 JohnBarrowand Anne Bigland both of Cartmell hath beene published the 29"" day of October the 5"" and 12"" dayes of November and the said pties maried by Tho : FeU Wittnesses Isaak Burnes Edw: FeU ... 22 March [1654]. Christopher Holme and Margret Mason both of Flookeburgh in Cartmell hath beene published the 19"' & 26"" dayes of November and also the 3"" daij of December and the said parties maried [by] Jo: Sawrey Wittnesses [no names signed] [no date] 1655. John Casson and Isabell Barwicke both of Cartmell hath beene pubUshed the 19"" & 26"" dayes of November and also the third day of Decemoer and the said parties maried before Tho : Fell Wittnesses James Barwicke E'dw : Fell 22 March [1654]. Jerome Allanbij and Margret Wilson both of Holker in Cartmdl hath beene published the 26"" day of Nouember the third and tenth dayes of December and the said parties married [no Justice's name] Wittnesses [no names signed] [no date] George Rigge and AUice Benson both of Birkby ¦in this parish hath beene published the 24"" 31 dayes of December & the 7"" of January & the said parties maried by W : West Wittnesses William Garnett Edw: FeU... 29 Feb: 1655 [«'<;] John Bush & Elin Nuby both of CartmeU hath beene published the 24"" & 31"' dayes of December & the 7"" dayes of January and the said parties married Wittnesses [no Justice's nor Witnesses' names given] Edward Walker and Agnes Rawlinson both of Backbarrow in this parish hath beene pubUshed the 7"" 14"' & 21" dayes of January & the said parties married Wittnes'ses [no names given] [i654]-i6S5 WEDDINGS. 251 Henery Bigland & Margret Addinson both of this parish published the 14"" 21 & 28 dayes of January & the said pties married [no names given] 2 p. 121 Thomas Seatle and IsabeU linslatt both of Cartm'ell pub: the 21 & 28"' dayes of January & the 4"" of February & the said parties married Wittnesses [no names given] Aus'tin Danson and Elin Rawlinson botli of ¦Cartmell hath beene published the 28"" day of January the 4"' & ii"" dayes of February & the said pties maried before Tho : Fell Wittnesses Richard Sympson &Edw: FeU George Dixon & Margret Hawes both of Cartmel hath beene published the 11'" 18 & 25"' dlayes of February & the said pties married Wittnesses. [no names signed] 22 March 1655 4 March 1655. 2 p. 124 Peter Barrowe & Jane Crosfeild both of this parish published the 22"^ & 29"" dayes of ApriU & the 5"" day of May & the sayd pties married before [no names signed] ... 25 March 1656 Thomas Wainehouse & Elizabeth Brigges both of this parish published y° 27"" day of May and the 3"* and lo"" dayes of June and the sayd pties married by [no Justice's name] Wittnesses Robert Roskall & 25 June Richard Dixon & Elizabeth Cooky both of this parish published the 3' '& 17"" dayes of June & the sayd parties' married by Tho: Fdl Wittnesses Richard Sympson Edw: Fel Thomas Simpson & Margrett Wilson both servants to Robert Rawlinson Esq : of this parish was published the 3" lo"" & 17"" dayes. of June the sayd parties married Wittnesses [no Justice's nor Witnesses' names] Robert Wallias of KendaU & Agnes Harrinson of this parish published the 3'" lo"" & the 17"' dayes of June & the sayd pties married Wittnesses [no Justice's nor Witnesses' names- given] 22 March [no date] [no date] 252 CARTMEL PARISH REGISTERS. 1655 2 p. 125 WiUiam Braithwayte & Amie Banowe both of this parish published the lo"" 17"" & 24"" dayes of June and the sayd pties married before me Tho : Fell Wittnesses Richard Sympson Edw: FeU 22 March Robert Dewthayte of the parish of Warton & IsabeU Turner of this parish published the 17"" & 24"" dayes of June & the first day of July and the said pties manied [fio Justice's name] Wittnesses [no names given] Richard Wilson of Templand & Margaret Walter of Cartlane both of Cartmell was pubUshed the 25"* day of November as also the 2"'' & 9"" dayes of December & the sayd pties married by Tho: Fell WMnessies [no names given] 13 Deoemiber Christopher Turner & IsabeU Harrinson both of Cartmel published the 9"' le"" & 23"* dayes of December and the sayd pties married by W : West Wittnesses John Turner Will: Garnett Edw: Fell ... 29 Februarij John Myles & Agnes Strickland both of CartmeU published the 9"" 16"' & 23"" dayes of December and the sayd parties married Wittnesses [no names signed] [no date] Richard Rowneson & MabaU Atkinson both of Cartmell published the 20"" & 27"' dayes of January & also y° 3"" day of February & the sayd parties married by [no Justice's name] Wittnesses [no names given] ... 7 Feb : Peter Kellat & Elizabeth Parker both of this parish published the 20"" & 27"* dayes of Januarij & also y° 3"" day of Februarij & the sayd parties ye Wittnesses [no names signed] [no date] Henery Twisaday of y° parish of Vlverston & Jenet Taylor of this parish published y" 3"' 10"" & 17"" dayes of February & y' sayd parties married by W : West Wittnesses John Sawrey Adam Sands ... 21 February 2 p. 126 John Barrow & IsabeU Stagnes both of this parish published the 3"' lo"" & 17"" dayes of Febmary & the sayd parties married Wittnesses [no names signed] [ho date] 1655-1656 WEDDINGS. 253 William Wilson and Elin Carter both of this parish published the 17"" & 24"" dayes of Febmary & also the 2"'' day of March and the sayd pties married before [no Justice's name] Wittnesses [no names signed] ... 4 March 2 p. 129 Hnno Domini 1656. Mariages & Publications. Austin Sympson of this parish & Agnes Dason of the parish of Beathom published the 6"" 13"" 8c 20"" days of Aprill & y° sayd parties married before Tho : Fell Wittnesses George Rigge Edward FeU 28 April Hugh Barrow and Maball KiUner both of Cartmel published the 13 20& 27"" dayes of April! and they sayd parties married before [no Justice's name] Wittnesses John Barrow Tho: Brigges „ „ John Burscough and Jennett Kellatt both of Cartmell published the 13 20 & 27"" dayes of Aprill and the sayd parties marryed before Tho : Fell Wittnesses Tho: Burscough Edw: Fell „ „ James Fell and Agnes Burnes both of CartmeU published the 13 20 and 27"" dayes of Aprill and the sayd parties married before Tho : Fell Wittnesses Robert Stott Edw : FeU „ „ Thomas Muckelt & Dorathy Muckelt both of Cartmell published the 27"* day of Aprill as also the 4"" & ii"" dayes of May and the sayd parties married before W : West Wittnesses M' Anthonij Sawrey Capt : Witt Pepp Myles Dason 3 June James Dason and Jenett Dason both of Cartmell published the 4 11 & 18"" dayes of May and the sayd parties married before W : West Witnesses M' Anthony Sawrey Capt : Witt Pepp Mytes Dason „ „ John Barrow and Agnes Archer both of Cartmell published the 15"" 22"" & 29*" dayes of June & the said parties manied y° Wittnesses [no names signed] [no date] 254 CARTMEL PARISH REGISTERS. 1656 George Marre and Anne Millner both of CartmeU published y" 15"" 22"'' & 29"' dayes of June & the said parties married y° Wittnesses [no names signed] [tto date] 2 p. 130 Peter Stagnes & Agnes FeU both of Cartmell published the 7"' 13"" & 20"" dayes of July and married y° Wittnesses [no names signed] [no date] Edward Barrow and MabaU Wilson both of Cartmell pub : the 20"" & 27"" dayes of July as also y° 3"' day of August and married y° Wittnesses [no names signed]... [no date] Edward Fell & Margrett Pepp>er both of Cartmell pub: the 26"" day of October as also the 2'' & 9"" dayes of November and married before [no Justice's name] l^\itnes%ei [no names signed] 22 November Henery Jepson & Jenet Smith both of Cartmell published the 2" 9"* & 16"" dayes of November and married Wittnesses [no names signed] [no date] John Crewdson of the parish of Vrswicke & Dorathy Casson of this parish pub : the ii"" iS"" & 25"* dayes of January & married before [no Justice's name] Wittnesses [no names signed] 26 January James Hodgsihom & Dorathy Lawson both of Cartmdl pmblished the 25"" day of January as also the first & eight dayes of February and married Wittnesses [no names signed] [no date] Timothy Barber & Jenet Kellatt both of CartmeU published the first 8"' & 15"" dayes of March and married before by mee John Corleyes Maior of Lancaster Wittnesses [no names signed] 30 March 1657 Rowland Millner of this parish & Elizabeth Sympson of the parish of Aldingham published the 8"" is"" & 22'"' dayes of March & married Wittnesses [no names signed] [no date] Thomas Greene & Susan Goad both of Cartmell published the 8"" is"" & 22'"' dayes of March &i married before [no Justice's name] Wittnesses [no names signed] [no date] 1656-1657 WEDDINGS. 25s 2 p. 131 James Bonvicke and Mary Burscough both of Cartmell pubUshed y° 15"" 22°" & 29' dayes of March & married before W : West Wittnesses Tho : Burscough John Sympson 31 March 1657 Christopher Bellman & Elizabeth Robinson both of Cart: published the 15"" 22"'' & 29'" dayes of March & married before [no Justice's name] Wittnesses [no names signed] [^m date] Thomas Newton & Agnes Sheepheard both of CartmeU published the 15 22"'' & 29"" dayes of March & married before John Corleyes Maior of Lancaster Wittnesses WiUiam Harinson Robert Brigggs Witt Knipe 31 March 1657 Hnno Domj 1657. Publications & Marriages. p. 133 Tho:. Killner & Margrett Gardner both of Cartmell pub : 3 severall Lords Dayes and married by by mee John Corleyes Maior of Lancaster Wittnesses Edw : Rawlinson Geo: Walter John Bibby 31 March Edward Rawlinson and Elizabeth Fell both of CartmeU published the 19"" & 26"* dayes of Aprill as also y" third day of May and married Wittnesses [no names signed] ... [no date] George Ashburner and Anne Borwicke both of Cartmel published three severall Lords Dayes and married by mee John Corleyes Maior of Lancaster Wittnesses William Ashburer [sic] John Bateman & James Townson 18 May p. 134 Robert Stott an'd Ellinor Askew both of CartmeU published 3 severall Lords Dayes vizt : the 29 of November & the 6 of December & the 13 of December & marryed before Tho : FeU Wittnesses Tho : Askewe Tho: Muckdde Jo: Braithwaite & others 24 December John Champney and Agnes Newby both of Cartmell published the 6 of December & 13 & 20 of December & maryed before Tho : Fell Wittnesses Edward Newby Richard Rowenson Jo : Braithwaite & others » u 256 CARTMEL PARISH REGISTERS. 1657-1660 John Braithwait and Hdlen Finstwait both of Carke in Cartmell published 3 seuerall Lords Dayes vizt : 13 the 20 and the 27 of December and maried before Tho : Fell Witnesses John Simpson Thomas Finstait Wittm Brathwaite Edward Turner and Issabell Muckelt both of CartemeU pubUshed 3 seuerall Lords dayes the 24 of January 31 of January & the 7 of February and married [by] Phill : Bennett Edward Marshall Thomas Muckelt John Marshall and others John Rigmaiden & Susanna Gaitskell both of Cartmell published 3 severall Lords dayes & married .... ilson and Anne Troughton both of Flookeburgh published the . . "" and 21" of February 1657 [left corner of leaf torn off] 2 P- 135 John Burscough & Mabbell Finstatt both of Cartmell published 3 several Lords Dayes & maried Lawrens Sanderson & Mary Ganner both of CartmeU published 3 severall LjOrds Dayes James Singleton of Vlverstone & Mabbell Barrow of Cartmell published 3 severall Lords Dayes 32 December [sic] 15 February 30 July [no date] 30 July 5 October 2 p 137 1660. Rowland Hodgshon of Cartmel Fell & PhiUis Pearson of the same Carmel Fell James Jackson & Elizabeth Harrison both of Cartmell fell nup' pub: 27 August 6 June [Here end the Weddings in original Volume II] I. Cbmttait ilamts ant ^mmints. Baptisms pp. 1—117 inclusive. Burials 118— SU „ Marriages ,, 215—256 „ Where a name has variants the Head-name has been selected which now exists or which most closely resembles the modern equivalent. All variants are separately Indexed with cross references to the Head-name. Where a Surname has an aiias each form of the Surname is Indexed under its initial letter. The Christian names are, -with some few exceptions. Indexed under their modern form — the first spelling of the name having generally been continued in connection with the same Surname. Illegitimate children are Indexed under the Surnames of both Mother and putative Father. "N.X.N." signifies "No Christian Name." An Asterisk following a page number signifies that that combination of Christian and Surname occurs more than once on the page number asterisked. Page numbers in this Index marked with an " imply that in the marriage entry the wife's Christian name only is given, and the entry Indexed under the husband's name. On and after p. 247 the page number may indicate the name of the witness to the marriage and not of either party married. Actkinson, see Atkinson Addison (Addinson, Addisonn, Adison) Agnes, 80, 115, 212 Allan, 167 Christopher, 163 Edward, 92 Elizabeth, 99, 174, 204, 234 James, 64, 334 Jane, 198 Jenet, 215° John, 4, 64, 92, 99, 122, 204, 228, 246 Margaret, 251 Mary, 66 Nicholas, 174, 234 Philip, 66 Stephen. 125 Thomas, 115, 212, 246 William, 80, 148, 215 Agnathat, John, 195* Alexander (Allexander, AUixander) ,, Anne, 77, 185 ,, Edward, 28, 171 ,, Francis, 25 „ Isabel, 199 ,, James, 88, 195 ,, Jenet, 119 ,, John, 5,* 25, 28, 64, 134, 165, 215 ,, Mai-y, 59, 134 ,, Maiyon, 215° ,, Stephen, 71 ., Thomas, 59, 64, 71, 77, 88, 185, 195, 199, 245 ,, William, 16 Allanbij, Allanby, see AUonby Allanson (Allanson, Allonson) ,, Agnes, 212 ,, Edward, 161 ,, Elizabeth, 104 ,, Isabel, 86, 178 S 2s8 CARTMEL PARISH REGISTERS. Baptisms pp. 1—117 inchiairr. Burials 118— 21J,. Marriages 215—256. Ashburner — continued. „ Anne, 91, 138, 212 „ George, 46, 51, 72, 101, 103, 106,* 112, 122, 154, 184, 212, 245 255 ,, Isabel,' 3, 53, 200, 220, 244 ,, Jane, 91 ., John, 36, 41, 44, 46, 51, 53, 58,* 64, 70, 101, 154,* 155, 160, 175, 182, 200, 226, 232 Leona.vd. 34, 177 Blabel, 150,, 173, 187, 223 Margaret, 61, 91, 209, 229 Mary, 64 Michael, 66, 112, 114 Richard, 3, 69, 70, 182 Robert, 118 Thomas, 8, 10, 26, 31, 34, 36, 44,* 51,* 52,* 53,* 55, 68,* 61, 66, 69, 72, 103, 133, 140, 144, 150, 155, 160, 163, 175, 184, 209, 212, 220, 229, 230 ,, WUliam, 31, 41, 55, 91,* 112, 124, 133, 144, 191, 230, 249, 255 Askew (Aschowe, Askewe) Anne, 236 Dorothy, 96 Elizabeth, 220 Ellen (Helline) 37, 79, 167 EUinO'i-, 255 Jane, 45 John, 26, 142 Thc>ma.s, 22, 79, 86,* 90, 96, 114, 238, 2.55 Timothy, 41, 108, 114, 213 William, 22, 26, 28,* 31,* 37, 41, 45, 90, 108, 142, 143,* 151,* 167, 183 213 Atkin.^on (Actkinson, Atkinsonn, Attkinson) „ Agnes, 84, 93, 137, 139, 188, 189 „ Anne, 105, 188, 203, 204, 239 ,, Anthony, 188 „ Arthur, 20, 54, 59, 64, 66, 69, 74, 80, 92, 94, 101, 103,* 117, 172, 182, 184, 186, 188, 203, 230, 242 Christopher, 159, 168 Dorothy, 33, 246 Elizabeth, 21, 113, 163, 188 Gilbert, 31, 131, 242 Henry, 159 Isabel, 7, 30, 59, 92, 134, 184, 198, 234, 237, 246, 247 James, 22, 26, 31, 36, 69, 81, 96, 105, 134, 141, 164, 184, 203, 245 Allanson — continued. ,, James, 26, 82, 86, 92, 97, 104, 212, 239 Jenet, 97 Joan, 168* John, 31 Margaret, 92 Robert, 26, 31, 82 Thomas, 168, 233 Allexander, see Alexander AUinbie, Allinby, AUinbye, se© Allanby AUixander, see Alexander .'Vllouby (Allanbij, Allanby, AUinbie, Allinby, AUinbye, AUonbie) Agnes, 61, 177, 191 Edward, 96 James, 113, 211 Jane, 80 Jeremiah, 213* Jerome, 56, 61, 65, 69, 76,* 80, 114,* 176, 185, 233, 260 John, 56, 68, 105, 185 Margaret, 101, 208 Mary, 27, 65, 176, 236 Richard, 23, 68, 86, 177, 233 Thomas, 23, 27, 35,* 85, 89,* 96, 101, 105, 113, 163, 211, 222 ,, Tomasin, 69 Allonson, see Allanson Andei-son, Peter, 176 Angaill, Elizabeth, 159 ,, John, 159 Archer, Agnes, 75, 182, 227, 253 ,, Anne, 205 ,, Christopher, 168 ,, Elizabeth, 6, 72, 225 ,, Isabel, 226 „ Jenet, 16, 146, 228 ,, John, 6, 14, 21, 28, 142, 170 ,, Mabel, 16 ,, Margaret, 12, 82, 135, 188, 192 „ Peter, 87, 89, 205, 231 ,, Richard, 9, 135, 142 „ Robert, 6, 79, 120, 215 „ Thomas, 21, 28, 30, w. of 120, 142, 162, 187, 224 „ WiUiam, 6, 30, 72, 76, 79, 82, 87, 89, w. of 119, 187, 192, 237 Asborner, Asburner, see Ashburner Aschowe, see Askew Ashbunier (Asbomer, Asburner, Ashhurei') „ Abigail, 114 ,, Agnes, 26 ,, Alice, 112 INDEX OF SURNAMES. 259 Baptisms pp. 1 — 117 inclusive- Burials 118-214. Marriages 215 — 256. Atkinson — continued. „ Jane, 101, 127, 203 „ Jenet, 63, 74, 141, 186, 194, 203 ,, John, 26, 46, 60, 63,* 66, 72, 73,* 80, 81, 82, 87, 88, 108, 109, 111, 112, 116,* 163, 164, 165, 181,* 184, 188, 192, 194, 199, 206, 330, 233, 240 ,, Joseph, 66 ,, Mabel, 85, 252 ,, Margaret, 22, 54, 60, 141, 168, 182,* 232 „ Mary, 81, 98, 192, 235 ,, Nicholas, 91 „ Richaiyi, 1, 67, 87, 129 „ Robert, 3, 21, 30, 33, 46, 82, 84, 94, 109, 139, 156, 189* „ Thomas, 11, 20, 36, 64, 66, 67, 72, 81, 84,* 88, 93, 98, 111, 113, 113, 117, 118, 134, 156, 157, 172, 198,* 199, 203, 206, 239, 246 ,, William, 4, 85, 91, 94,* 96, 165, 176, 237 Audland (Awdland, Awdlane) ,, Elizabeth, 240 ;, John, 187, 236 B Backhoitsb (Backehouse) George, 218 ,, Richard, 2 Backster, Thonoas, 24, 141 Bacon, John, 207 Baggley, Richard, 170 Baines (Baine) Helen, 151 ,, Margai'et. 165 ,, Robert, 31, 151 ,^ William, 30,* 31, 165, 178 Baire, see Bare Baitman, see Bateman Baker, Agnes, 245 ,, Elizabeth. 76 ,, Roger, 76 Baleman, see Bellman BaUfell, see Bulfeld Balme, Anne, 80 ,, Richard, 80 Balmer, Richard, 240 Bankes (Banok, Bancke, Bancks, Bank, Banke, Bonck) ,, Agnes, 207 ,, Anthony, 166 „ Isabel, 63, 179 „ James, 61,* 63, 71, 85, 120,* two children of 166, 169,* 207 Bankes — continued. ,, Mabel, 143 ,, Ma.rgaret, 66 „ Miles, 66, 85, 166, 231, 248 ,, Thomas, 71 ,, WUliam, 199 Banschough [meant foa- Burscough, q.v.] ,, John, 41 ,, Thomas, 41 Barban, see Barbon Barber (Barbar, Berber) ., Agnes, 6, 20, 37, 32, 135, 191, 224 ,, Alice, 23 ,, Anne, 79, 193, 197 ,, Christopher, 23, 26, 27, 33, 50, 53, 58, 62, 66, 79, 88, 97, 105, w. of 130, 141, c. of 156, 162, 167, 179, 191, 192, 197, 301, 229, 230, 239 „ Dorothy, 15, 36, 44, 61, 140, 228, 244 ,, Edward, 8, 13, 15, 37, 31, 35, 40, 44, 47, 48,* 50, 59,* 63,* 66, 71, 81, 86, 140, 151, 155, 156,* 169,* 171,* 183, 185, 188, 190, 337 „ Elizabeth, 8, 47, 52, 66, 73, 79, 155, 178, 197, 243 ,, Ellen (Helen) 35, 42, 45, 50, 63, 71, 73, 154, 157, 208, 231, 239, 241 ,, Hugh, 20, 24, 33, 39, 44, 45, 53, w. of 73, 135, 149, 153, 155, 161, 178, 320 ,, Isabel, 34, 58, 66, 173, 320 ,, James, 6, 36, 58, 131, 167 ,, Jane, 53 ,, Jenet, 151, 152, 156,* 280 ,, John, 5, 7, 19, 27, 30, 31, 32, 35, ^0,* 44, 71, 75, 79, 81, 83, 85,* 86, 89, 95, 98, 101,* 103,* 105, 144, 151, 153, 188, 192, 196, 217, 233, 336, 339 ,, Katherine, 148 „ Mabel, 63, 95, 171 „ Margaret, 18, 35, 44, 48. 62, 79, 88, 97, 153, 192, 201, 234 ,, Martha, 305 „ Mary, 40, 93, 151 ,, Miles, 19, 26, 30, 36, 42, w. of 120, 141, 144, 174 ,, Peter, 35,* 36, 41, 45, 48, 52, 53, 71, 81, 131, 154, 156, 163, 183, 326 26o CARTMEL PARISH REGISTERS. Baptisms pp. 1—117 inclusive. Burials 118— 214. Marriages 215-256. Barber — continued. ,, Richai-d, 41, 44, 71, 73, 81, 93, 98, 103,* 130, w. of 136, 183, c. of 186, 311, 336 ,, Robert, 3, 89, 190 ,, Thomas, 5, 13, 121 ., Timothy, 85, 354 ., Walter, 6, 167, 170, 171 ,, Willia.m, 7, 39, 45, 50, 58, 61, 63, 73, 75. 79, 83, 132, 149, 161, 172,* 175, 196, 197, 210, 333, 233 Barbon (Barban, Barbonn) ,, Agnes, 20, 134 ,, j^ne, 55 ,, Dorothy, 60 ,, Edward, 9 ,, Elizabeth, 183 ,, Gyles, 38, 101, c. of 129, 146, 156 ,, Hugh, 38, 41, 48, 55, 60, 64, c. of 150, 181, 198, 227 ,, Isabel, 25, 41 ., Jane, 62, 170, 229 Jenet, 4 ,, John, 16, 64, 66, 146, 148, 173 ,, Mabel, 146 ,, Margaret, 181 ,, Robert, 48, 101, 211 ,, Thomas, 10, 25 ,, William, 20, 62, 65, 134,* 163, 170, 173, 183, 311 Bare (Baire, Bayre, Beare) ,, Agnes, 326, 228 ,. Alice, 92, 165 ,, Anthony, 43 ,, Cicehe, 244 ,, Elizabeth, 148, 157 ,, Isabel, 43, 143 ,, James, 100, 118 ,, Jenet, 9 ,, John, 11, 49,* 103, 118,* 149, 227 ,, Mabel, 225 ,, Margaret, 14, 202 ,, Robert, 61, 96, 124, w. of 130, 149, 154 ,, Thomas, 43, 61, 202, 203 ,, William, 13, 42, 89,* 93, 96, 100, 103, 148,* 157, 166, 215, 327, 230 Barker, Anne, 241 Barley (Barlaye) Francis, 38,* 32 ,, Henry, 32 Barnes, Elizabeth, 95 ,, Margaret, 100, 203 ,, Richard, 100 ,, WUliam, 95, 302 BaiTow (Barow, Barowe, Barro, Barrowe, Barrowes) ,, Agnes, 15, 21, 24, 26, 28, 31, 32, 41, 42, 43,* 49,* 51, 57, 61, 63,* 75, 79,* 90, 92, 109, 110, 138, 143, 145, 153, 157, 160, 166, 173, 173, 175, 177, 180, 183, 194, 196, 307, 311, 213, 223, 324, 226,* 227, 236, 239,* 340,* 246 ,, Alice, 34, 39, 60, 76, 83, 87, 88, 93, 149, 169, 188, 191, 233 ,, Andiew, 53, 68, 163 ,, Anne, 16, 19, 47, 53, 73, 83, 86, 87, 101, 102, 103,* 106, 113, 117, 138, 139, 160, 186, 194, 204, 311, 212, 228, 232, 244, 252 ,, Arthur, 20, 68 ,, Barbara, 93, 96, 105, 163 ,, Bryan, 59, 159 ,, Christopher, 18, 30, 31, 27,* 30, 31, 34, 37, 39, 42,* 45, 54, 55, 57, 60,* 62, 63, 67, 68, 69, 72, 75, 78, 82, 85, 90, 95, 98,* 101, 104, 105, 110, 112, 113, w. of 137, 137,* 143, 144, 145, 152, 155, 157, 170, 180, 193,* 310, 216, 217,* 226, 233 ,, Clarence, 87 ,, Claris, 191 ,, Dorothy, 33, 54, 106, 139, 172, 229, 241 ,, Edmund, 21, 26, 144* ,, Edward, 5, 16,* 17,* 33, 36, 39, 41, 44, 45,* 47, 49,* 60, 51,* 53,* 54,* 56, 57,* 69,* 60,* 61, 63, 64, 65, 68,* 70, 74, 76, 85, 88, 89, 90, 94,* 95, 98,* 99, 100,* 103,* 107,* 113, 119, w. of 135, w. of 132, 137, 140, 144, 145, 153, 155,168,* 159, 161, 162,166, 168, 171, e. of 172, 172,** 174, 184, 185, 190,* 193, 194,* 196,* 198,* 300,* 304,* 310, 216, 235, 328, 229, 230, 232, 235, 240, 241, 244, 248, 264 ,, Egine, 68,* 74, 86 „ :i^pt, 51, 55, 59, 65 „ Elizabeth, 18, 30, 22, 26, 33, 34, 47, 49, 50, 55, 61,* 62,* 63, 65, 92,* 93, 100,* 103, 108, 113, 115,* 116, 133, 134, 146, 149, 158, 161, 169, 170,* 177, 179, 188, 192, INDEX OF SURNAMES. 261 Baptisms pp- 1—117 inclusive- Burials 118—214- Marriages 215—256- Barrow, Elizabeth — continued. 194,* 300, 233, 334, 326, 229, 243, 246 ,, Ellen (Helline) 9, 11, 13, 14, 27, 38, 40, 49, 51, 54, 60, 75, 78, 86, 87, 98, 106, 144, 161, 172, 178, 182, 189, 195, 200,* 218, 225, 231, 240, 243 ,, Emme (Eme) 44, 300 ,, George, 19, 30,* 37, 42, 43, 47, 53, 57, 63, 103, 106, 109, 115, 121, 138, 153,* 158,* 159, 167, 176, 208, 210, 220, 224 ,, GilUon, 208 ,, Grace, 141 ,, Hanna, 103 „ Henry, 1, 5, 20, 37, 43, 46, 49, 74, 75, 81, 94, 123,* 125, c. of 127, w. of 127, 139, 131, c. of 132, 136, 141, 150, 158, 171, 175, 182, 184, 198, 199, 318, 226 ,, Huan, 176 „ Hugh, 2, 12, 21,* 23, 27, 30, 34,* 37, 39, 44,* 48, 57, 61,* 63, 65, 67,* 69, 71, 75, 81, 82.* 87,* 93, 98, 115, 116, w. of 119, 126, w. of 131, 132, 134, 136, 137, 138, o. of 146, 152,* 154, 155, 161, 162, 163, 169, 171, 175, 193, 194, 195, 200,* w. of 307, 208, 212, 213, 318, 223,* 225, 231, 233, 237, 253 ,, Isaac, 196 ,, Isabel, 2, 6,* 17, 27, 32, 33, 34, 36, 47, 53, 79, 81, 85, 89, 90, 94, 106, 108, 110, 141,* 145, 148, 153, 156, 182, 187,* 194, 223,'* 235, 237,* 240 ,, James, 4, 37,* 48, 51, 55, 57, 65, 76, 78, 83, 86, 87, 89, 93, 94, 104,* w. of 121, 125, w. of 128, 142, 143, 144, 157, 163, 171, 194, 218 ,, Jane, 4, 5, 10, 20, 37, 43, 56, 57, 76, 117, 148, 304, 309, ,, Jenet,' 3, 10, 13, 16, 19, 22, 24, 28, 36, 37, 39, 51, 61, 79, 83, 83, 85, 89, 90,* 94, 99, 103, 111. 115, 137, 139, 142, 144, 153, 158, 159,* 163, 169, 171, 174, 180, 186,* 187, 193, 205, 221, 222, 223, 226, 237,* 228,* 339 ,, Jerome, 38, 65, 149, 226 Barrow — continued. ,, John, 4, 5, 8, 11, 12, 13,* 14,* o. of 16, 18, 19,* 20, 21, 22, 24, 25, 26,* 37, 30, 31, 33,* 34,* 35, 36, 37, 39, 40, 41,* 44, 45, 46,* 47, 48, 49,*^ 50,* 51, 54, 55, 56, 58,* 59,* 61,* 62,* 63,* 65,* 67,* 68, 69,* 70, 73,* 74,* 75,* 76,*^ 79,* 81,* 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 93, 93,* 94, 95, 96, 99 • 100,* 102, 103, 104, 106, 107, 108,* 109, 111,* 112, 114,* 115, 116,* 117, 124, 126, 127, 130, 134,'' 136, 138, 139,* 142,* 143, c. of 144, 144, 148, 149, 151, 152, 155, 161, 162, c. of 163, 165, c. of 166, 168, 170, 171, 173,* 175, 179,*^ c. oi 184; 184, 185, w. of 186, 189,* 190,* 191, 192,* 193, 198, 300,* 202,* 204, 205, 206, 207, 208, 209, 211, 212, 217, 330, 222, 223, 226, 226, 230, 233, 236, 237, 238, 240,* 241, 243. 245, 250, 253, 263* „ Katherin, 41, 54, 124, 139, 149, 155, 179, 244 „ Mabel, 6, 25, 34, 35, 37, 43, 45, 59, 65, 88, 99, 160, 161,* 166, 168, 179, 186, 188, 190, 215,° 223, 235, 229, 331, 233, 237, 239, 243, 356 ,, Mar: 333 ,, Margaret, 12,* 14, 15, 19,* 22, 28, 27, 28, 29, 30, 35, 36, 38, 39, 44, 53, 57, 59, 64, 67, 69, 70,* 73, 74, 76,* 80, 83, 84, 85,* 89, 91, 94, 95, 104,* 115, 116, 134, 138, 145,* 146, 149, 153, 154, 163, 164, 167, 171, 172, 175, 179, 185, 189, 199, 203, 303, 308, 209, 215,° 218,* 219, 220, 224, 225,* 230, 233, 231, 236, 237,* 242,* 243, 247 „ Mary, 24, 27, 28,* 34,* 39, 50, 55, 56, 57, 63,* 72, 82, 86, 93, 96. 100, 104, 114, 142, 151, 171, 173, 195, 209, 240 „ Matthew, w. of 118, w. of 119, w. of 137 ,, Michael, 7, 9, 25, 28, 30, 37, 40, 46, 47, 53, 54, 84, 143, 145, 146, 148, 155, 162,* 189, 223 262 CARTMEL PARISH REGISTERS. Baptisms pp. 1 — 117 inclusive- Burials 118 — 214- Marriages 215 — 356. Barrow — co ntinued. „ Miles, 37, 46, 89, 93, 96, 101, 105, 109, 113, 116, 123, 183, 241 „ Nicholas, 16, 25, 27, 32,* 33,* 34, 36, 37, 39,* 43,* 43,* 48, 60, 64, 55, 64, 76, 83,* 87, 89, 90, 109,* 115, 137, 146, 149, 159, 160, 173, 174, 175, 191, 196, 334, 340 ,, N.X.N., 168 „ Oliver, 16 ,, Peter, 17, 19, 20, 22, 23, 27, 35, 43, 49, 51, 57, 66, 76, 94, 98,* 100, 104, 117, 119, 134,* 143, 144, 157, 158, 160, 179,* 188, 200,* 203, 209, 229, 243, 351 ,, Richard, 2, 5, 11, 12, 14, o. of 15, 17, 19, 20, 31,* 33, 36, 38, 32, 36, 45, 49, 56, 57, 59, 76, 79, 83, 113, 115, 119, 121, 124, 125, 127, 137, 148, 149, 158, 171, 183, 187, 193, 194, 195, 215, 220, 223 „ Robert, 10, 13, o. of 16, 19, 20,* 22, 23, 25, 27, 33, 36,* 39,* 41,* 42, 43,* 48,'^ 49,* 50, 51, 53,* 59, 60, 66, 67, 71, 76, 78,* 79, 80,* 81, 83,* 85, 86, 87, 88, 90,* 91,* 92, 94, 95, 96,* 97, 98, 99,* 100, 101, 103,* 104, 107, 108, 109, 110, 114,* 115, 117, w. of 121, 137. w. of 130, w. of 133, 133, 136,* 143,* 144, 146, 149, 161,* 162,* 166, 160, 161, 162, 164, 170, 173. 177, 179, 184, 187, 188, 189,* 191, 192,* 193, 194,* 196,* 200, 201,* 202, 203, 204, 205, 208,* 210, 215,* 218, 336, 338, 338,* 339,* 242, 246, 248 „ Roger, 5. 85, 105, 125, 130, 139, 142, 184, 189, 316, 337 ,, Rowland, 2 children of 15, 44, 46, 48, 49, 53, 56, 57, 60, 63, 66, 85, w. of 126, 155, 169, 171, 177, 328 ,, Sarah, 40, 162 ,, Stephen, 78 ., SybU, 187, 220 ,, Thomas, 7,* 9, 10, 13, 20, 26, 27, 28,* 29, 30, 34,* 41, 43,* 44, 46, 49, 50, 53, 57, 69, 70, 73, 74, 76, 78,* 79, 80, 81 82,* 84,* 87, 88, 91, 93, 95, Barrow, Thomas — continued. 100, 107, 109, 112, 116, 121,* w. of 124, 125, 126, w. of 130, w. of 132, 134, c. of 137, 139, 142, 143, 146,* 149, 151, 166, 159, c. of 165, 166, 167, 186, 188, 190, 192, 195, 196,* 204, 206, 310,* 212 216, 233,* 323,* 225, 230, 336 ,, Thomasin, 86, 331 ,, William, 2,* 5, 7, 8, 9, 14, c. of 16, 19,* 20, 21,* 23,* 24, 26, 27,* 28, 31, 32,* 33,* 36, 37, 39,* 43,* 45, 47, 48, 56, 57,* 59,- 61,* 64, 66, 70, 74, 76,* 78, 81, 84, 87, 93,* 97, 108, 113, 114, 116, 117, 130, w. of 122, 124, 129, 133, 136, 137, 142,* 144, 147, 148, 160, 152,* 157, 158, 159,* 160, 161,* 163,* 164, 166, 179, 180,* 185, 186,* 189, 193,* 217, 220, 221,* 324, 225, 231, 337, 238, 239, 243, 249 Barrow alias Tumer, Francis, 88 „ John, 85, 88 Ban-owe alias Taylor, Richard, 28 Barsby, Thomas, 199 Barscnowe, see Buracough Barton, Isabel, 34 ,, Richard, 34, 223 Bai-wick, Barwicke, See Borwick Bateman (Baitman, Batman, Batmann) ,, Agnes, 8, 25, 28, 69, 231 ., Anne, 21, 22, 49, 83, 94 ,, Dorothy, 57 ,, Elizabeth, 66,* 72, 173, 185 ,, Ellen, 27, 78, 79, 92, 194 ,, Faithful, 84, 192 ,, George, 9 „ Henry, 179 ,, Isaac, 69. 169 „ Isabel, 19, 73, 104, 206, 231 „ James, 51,* 160* ,, Jenet. 137, 147 „ Jo: 179 ,, John, 24. 41, 62, 69,* 73, 78, 82,* 87, 92, 100, 194,* 206, 235, 255 „ Mabel, 175, 213 ,. Margaret, 50, 62, 71, 157, 171, 173, 244 „ Mary, 30. 64. 74, 202, 239 „ Peter, 62, 66, 72, 74, 79, 83, 84, 90, 94, 100, 104, 173, 18.5, 192, 302, 234 INDEX OF SURNAMES. 263 Baptisms pp. 1 — 117 inclv,sive- Burials 118 — 214- Marriages 215 — 256. Bateman — continued. „ Richard. 2, 19, 21, 22, 25, 28, 30, 41, 49,* 63, 57, 63, 66, 71, 76, 79,* 147, 157,* 181,** 191, 205, 206, 229, 237 ,, Robert, 48,* 62, 229 ,, Roger, 50 ., Stephen, 53, 191 ,, Thomas, 11, 24, 27, 59, 62, 64, 69, 75, 87, 90, 169, 171, 181, 185, w. of 187, 194, 206, 213, 233 Bayre, Beare. see Baie Beare alias Fell, John, 44* Beck (Becke) Agnes, 168 ,, Anne, 58 ,, Dorothy, 87 ,. Harry, 181 .; Henry, 54, 59, 75,* 80, 84, 87, 101, 105,* 113, 163, 173, 184, 189, 306, 335 ,, James, 69, 80 ,, Jenet, 101, 113 ,, Mabel, 75 ,, Maiy, 181 ,. Richard, 43, 68, 168 ., Robert, 54. 75, 163, 184 „ Thomas 43, 84, 189 Beesley (Beeslaye, Beesly) ,, Anne, 245 ,, Jenet, 180 .. Pnidenoe, 71, 189 ., Richard, 140 ,, William, 71 Bell (Bel, Belle) „ Agnes, 11, 20, 39, 69, 74, 87, 156, 159, 164, 171, 193, 205, 232, 234 „ Allic, 121, 132 ,, Andi-ew, 56, 164 „ Anne, 16, 94, 231, 246 ,, Anthony, 43, 89, 92, 97, 101, 103, 108,* 112 ,, Barnard, 54 ,, Bridget, 113 Dorothy, 60, 57, 160,* 169 ,, Ed: 57 ,, Edwai-d, 1, 11, 24, 39, 32, 60, 54, 65, 68, 101, 114, 169, 166, 169, c. of 209,* 239 ,, Elizabeth, 94, 167, 174, 183, 186, 194, 223 „ Ellen,, 81, 136 „ Gilbert, 177 ,, Henry, 10, 13, 121 ,, Isaac, 40, 160 ,, Isabel, 10, 23, 34, 48, 76, 111, 155, 237, 240 Bell — continued. ,, James, 14, c. of 16,* 48, 59, 65, 103, 110, 111, 113, 117, 123, w. of 125, 145, 157, 169, 176, 209, 211, 217, 246 ,, Jane, 60, 60, 82, 84, 93, 99, 103, 109, 113, 116,* 166, 193, 308, 246 ,, Jenet, 16, 60, 62, 89, 105, 131, 164, 165,* 168, 181, 204 ,, John, 16, 30, 48, 63,* 103, 109, 116, 142, 208, 213, 246 ,, Mabel, 112, 145, 178, 180, 318 ,, Margaret, 36, 43, 79, 91, 92, 108, 110, 152, 158, 172, 192, 221, 236, 238 ,, Marian, 111, 192 ,, Mary, 44, 117, 182 „ Michael, 24, 30, 34, 35, 38, 42, 43, 48, 60, 53,* 86, 110, 141, 153, 160, 194, 309, 331, 246 ,, Miles, 108, 113, 246 ,, Nicholas, 142 ,, N.X.N., 114 ,, Peter, 14, 46, 53, 60, 63, 98, 113, 168. 193, 204, 227 ,, Richard, 5, 6, 12, 23,* 27, 32, 36, 42, 48, 50, 56, 62, 63, 65, 68, 74, 76, 79, 81, 82,* 84, 86,* 110,* 111, 113, 116, w. of 121, 122,* 164,* 167, 175, 192, 193, 201,* 306, 231,* 333,* 244 ,, Robert, 4, 8,* 20, 21, 29, 38, 46, 87, 91,* 92, 94, 98, 99, 102, 103, 105, 110,113,* 137, w. of 130, 164, 166, 167, 169, 310,* 218, 244 ,, Rowland, 14, 167 ,, Thomas, 94 ,, WiUiam, 11, 12, 31, 22, 27, 32,* 35, 39, 43, 44, 48, 49, 50, 53, 59. 60, 65, 69, 82, 86, 91. 97, w. of 119, w. of 131, 156, 160,* c. of 160, 164, 167, 171, 172, 175, 178, 180, 183, 183, 185, w. of 207, 313, 217, 224, 228, 229, 233, 334 Bell alias Brockbanke, Jenet, 32 Bellman (Baleman) ,, Christopher, 313, 355 ,, Richard, 313 Benn, Anthony, 66 ,, Francis, 66 Bennet (Bennett) Ellen, 114 ,, Mary, 113 „ Mr., 114 „ PhUip, 113, 114, 256 264 CARTMEL PARISH REGISTERS. Baptisms pp- 1 — 117 inctusive. Burials 118 — 214- Marriages 215 — 2 Benson (Bennison, Bensonn) ., Alice, 250 ,, Anne, 30O, 230 ,, Anthony, 67, 176, 334 ,, Edward, 76 ., Fardinando, 137 ,, Jenet, 75 ,, John, 67, 176, 315 ,, Mabel, 218 ,, Margaret, 140 „ Robert, 167 Benton, Agnes, 239 Berber, see Barber Berie, see Berry Berran, Adam, 111,* 114 „ Ellen, 114 Ben-y (Berie, Berrie, Birey, Bireye, Birrey, Birrie, Birrye, Burie, Burry, Bury, Burye) ,, Agnes, 8, c.of 18, 43, 45, 91, 116, 153, 237, 239 ,, Alice, 71, 180, 212 „ Anne, 147, 220, 236 ,, Anthony, 55, 106,* 111, 115, 306,* 246 ,, Ai-thur, 246 „ Bridget, 71 ,, Edward, 4, 64, 84, 136, 193, 229 ,, Elizabeth, 41, 44, 63, 53, 167, 160, 343 ,, Ellen, 47, 327 ,, George, 52, 95, 98, 202, 213, 243 ., GUbert, 120, 187, 338 ,, Henry, 30, 76, 79, 84, 88, 93, 99, 102,* 119, 124 [P], 148, 164, 160, 193, 203, 308 ,, Hugh, 179 ,, Isabel, 33. 40, 64, 86, 137, 143, 188, 226 ,, James, 3, 90, 93, 99, 179, 188, 197 ,, Jaue, 40. 99, 111, 199, 202 ,, Jenet, 16. 60, 76, 98, 150,* 169, 233, 236 ,, Jo: 150 ,, John, 3, 10, 19,* 24, 30, 33, 35, 36. 40. 41, 43, 44, 47,* 62,* ,56, 60, 79, 83, 95, 96, 98, 99. 121, 138, 141, c. of 143, d. of 148, 160, 167, c. of 157, 166, 169, 180, 190, 192, 300, 204, 208, 213, 218, 224, 226, 228, 242 ,, Katherine, 93 ,, Leonard, 29, 35, 40, 45, 47, 53, 153 Berry — continued. „ Mabel, 13,* 150, 208, 219, ^8 „ Margaret, 17, 141, 179, 202 „ Mary, 29. 92, 100, 190, 340 ,, Miles, 39, c.of 141, 147, 174, 179, 222, 226 ,, Richai-d, 24 „ Thomas, 36, 82,* 83, 86, 90, 91, 93, 95, 96, 98, 100, 102, 105, 160, 166. 192, 197, 200,'* 201, 212, 219, 240* ,, William, 2, 3,* 29, 88, 95, 105, 141. 143, 193, 300 Besbrow, Besbrowne, see Bisjbrowne Best, WiUiam, 188 Bibby (Bibie) John, 266 ,, WUliam, 128 Bigland (Biglande) ,, Agnes, 56, 69, 137, 228, 249 „ Anne, 32, 50, 57, 60, 141, 176, 188, 196, 207, 331, 341, 250 ,, Bridget, 73 ,, Edward, c. of 17, 27, 29, 51, 70, 98, 102, 120, 144, 147, 176, 206, 207, 209, 218, 244 ., Elizabeth, 33, 36, 37, 147, 149, 173, 310, 234, 336 „ Ellen, 8, 28, 233, 333, 235 ,, Frances, 62 ,, George, 16, 24, 37, 33, 36, 37, 41, 45, 46, 50,* 54, 66, 60, 61, 65,* 73, 78,* 84. 107, 109,* 113, 115, 120, 132, w. of 129, 147, 149, 151, c. of 152, 163, c. of 163, 204, 305, 206, 307,* 211, 318, 333, 228 ,, Henry, 26, 29, 40, 46, 65, 69, 78, 80, 135. 144, 159, 163, 172, 189, 305,* 238, 251 ,, Isabel, 11, 30, 50, 60, 82, 126, 161, 174, 204, 230^* ,, James, 16, 26, 28. 30, 35, 40, 46, 50, 67, 69, 74, 80, w.of 129, 140, 163, 178, 201, 202, 206, 223 ,, Jane, 5, 78 ,, Jenet, 10, 60, 135, 237 ,, John, 16, 30, 23, 27, 45, r,i, 58, 60. 65, 70, 77, 82, 107, 109, 110, 115, 136, 141, 161, 163, 188, 195, 204, 207, 209, 328 ,, Katherine, 159 „ Mabel, 197 „ Margaret, 2, 35, 41, 43, 64, 98, 115, 147. 151, 181, 242, 243 ,, Mary, 24, 46, 113, 211, 234, 241 ,, Philip, 55 INDEX OF SURNAMES. 265 Baptisms pp. 1 — 117 inclusive. Burials 118 — 214- Marriages 215 — 256- Bigland — contitiued. „ Richard, 7, 9, 15, 68, 61, 109, w. of 150, 163, 176, 232 ,, Robert, 74 ,, Sarah, 64, 243 ., Thomas, 7, 13, 37, 43, 51, 55, 63, 69, 77, 84, 103, 110, w. of 130, 137, 306, 227 ,, Thomasin, 205 ,, William, 20, 210 Bill, Jane, 200 „ Robert, 200 Binlose (Binlase) John, 233 „ Robert, 76* Biroket, Birckett, see Birkett Birey, Bii-eye, see Berry Birkbie, Isabel, 240 Birkett (Bircket, Birckett, Birket) ,, Agnes, 132, 138, 146, 178 ,, Allan, 117 ,, Anne, 21, 55, 117 ,, Anthony, 215 ,, Barbara, 36 ,, Bryan, 138 ,, Charles, 221 ,, Dorothy, 57 ,, Edwaiid, 23, 36, 132, 215 „ Elizabeth, 26, 104, 155, 161,* 195, 219, 333 .. Ellen (Helline) 61 ,, Florence, 323 ,, George, 31, 24, 26, 30, 37, 42, 47,* 51, 61, 63, 67, 77, w. of 129, 146. 149, 161, 161, 171, 177,* 181, 193, 334, 238 Hugh. 4 Isabel, 4, 231 James, 95, 97, 103, 123, 138 Jane, 47, 96 Jenet, 37, 63, 161, 177, 181, 199, 219, 238 Jo: 134, 177 John, 19, 24,* 42, 47, 49, 55, 61, 64, 71, 77, 143, 157, 176 Katherine, 249 Mabel, 17, 103 Margaret, 30, 97, 140, 165, 221 Martin, 138 Mary, 97 Miles, 23 Nicholas, 95 Peter, c. of 18, 64, w. of 138, 138, 149, 177, 316, 219 Richard, 19, 24, 134, 166 Robert, 97, 104 Stephen, 96 Thomas. 67, 181, 216 Birkett — continued. ,, William, 5, 49, 61,* 57, 63,* 71, 144, 167. 171, 195* Birrey, Birrie, Birrye, see Ben-y Bisbrowne (Besbrow, Besbrowne) ,, Agnes, 60, 234 ,, Christopher, 38, 43, 50, 172, 175, c. of 184, 213, 226 ,, Elizabeth, 172, 247 ., Isabel, 43 ,, Mai-garet. 38 .. Riolw.rd, 176 Blaine, Anne, 12 Bland, Ellen, 243 Blenkett allias Robinson (Blencket allias Robinson) ,, Margaret, 34 ,, William, 34, 146 Blo'inner, Alice, 226 ,, Robert, 171 Blundell (Blundel) Agnes, 182 ,, John, 37, c.of 147, 173 ,, Margaret, 37 Bolton (Boulton) Elizabeth, 28 „ Ellen, 226 ,, John, 87 ,, Myles, 28, 35, 153 ,, Thomasin, 35, 87, 97 Bonck, see Bankes Bond, Alice, 89, 109, 302 ,, Edward, 112 ,, Isabel, 140 ,, Jane, 100 ,, John, 82, 109 ,, Margaret, 99, 202* „ Robert, 76, 100, 104, 112, 244 ,, Thomas, 73,* 76, 82, 89, 99, 140, c. of 190, 202,* 237 .. William, 104, 107* Boore, see Bower Boornes (Boorne) [see also Burns] ,, James, 5 ,, Richard, 4 ,, Williajn, 5 Borcke, see Borwick Bordman, John, 193 Bore, see Bower Borick, Boricke, Borrick, Borricke, see Borwick Bort, Margaret, 15 Borwick (Barwick, Barwicke, Borcke, Borick, Boricke, Borrick, Borricke, Borwice, Boi-wicke, Borwik) ,, Agnes, 19, 35, 40, 68, 78, 146,* 147, 149, 155, 178, 186, 189, 191 266 CARTMEL PARISH REGISTERS. Baptisms pp. 1 — 117 inclusive. Burials 118 — 214- Marriages 215 — 256. Borwick — continued. ,, Alice, 100, 106, 221, 228 ,, Anne, 47, 63, 68, 70, 82, 85, 112, 197, 310, 226, 238, 248, 256 ,, Anthony, 6, 20, 27, 29, 31, 38, 42, 47, 143, 146, 146, 149, 161, 220, 326 „ Bryan, 35, 30, 78, 80, 81, 86, 89, 93, 100, 102,* c.of 137, 186, 191, 192, 239 „ ChristobeU, 206 ,, Christopher, 6, 8, 14, 30, 34, 36, 38. 39, 43, 49,* 51, 66, 62, 63, 66, 143, 146, 158,* 159, 178, 195, 334, 33S ,, Edward, 11, 31,* 22, 33, 26, 30, 40, 56, 60, 63, 67,* 71, 73, 75, 86,* 88, 90, 94, 96, 98, 102, 104, 107, 113, 136, 136, 146, 169, 169, 186, 192,* 195, 197, 199, 201, 302, 206, 208, 220, 243 ,, Edwin, 33, 34, 37, 39, 49, 116, 147 148, 179, 194, 247 „ Elizabeth. 21, 24, 35,* 40, 51, 64, 55,' 76, 77,* 80, 83, 135, 137, 143, 147, 163, 156, 179, 220, 225, 330, 333, 241, 245 „ EUen (Hellen) 35, 67, 71, 171, 236 „ Evan, Huan, 33,* 26, 26, 45, 68. 112, 121, 187, 336 „ George, 68, 99, 113, 114, 161, 227 ,, Henry, 25, 107, 120, 134 ,, Isabel, 4, 20, 22, 30, 51, 57, 71, 73, 76, 96, 98, 122, 140, 159, 177, 178, 199, 203, 306, 333, 229, 231, 235, 260 ,, James, 23, 33, 39, 62, 61, 63, 65, 67. 68, 70, 76,* 86,* 89, 94, 108, 116, 116,* 127, w. of 139, w. of 134, 136, c. of 144, 147, 149, 161, 163, 176, 178, 181, 198, 207, 213, 219, 222, 232, 233, 234, 260, 266 ,, Jane, 9, 61, 78, 201, 216,'^ 244 ,, Jenet, 14 32, 43, 76, 134, 178, 197, 226, 229, 231, 239, 241 ., Jo: 176 „ John, 21, 23, 24,* 26, 32, 66, 67, 100, 108, 112, 113, 133, 137,* 143, 160, 186, 210,* 222 ,, Katherine, 333, 243 ,, Mabel, 4. 39, 53, 61, 138, 155, 158, 162, 174, 177, 207, 223, 242 Bovwick— continued. ,, Margaret, 13, 43, 45, 49, 61, 69, 75, 80, 90, 95, 107, 143, 146, 161, 163, 192, 213, 234,* 243 „ Miles, 8, 151, 189 ,, Nicholas, 53, 55, 58, 63, 67,71, 75, 78, 114, 162, 201, 206, 330 ,, Peter, 34, 39, 43, 46, 51, 54, 56, 57, 61, 69, 81, 83, 107,* 119, 147, 149, 180, 193, 311, 227, 229, 240, 345 ,, Richard, 2, 3,* 17, 25, 30,* 36, 37, 40, 52, 63, 77, 82, 88, 93, 100, 106, 123, 145, 147, 148, 153, 164, 165, 178, 185, 239, 244, 247* „ Robert, 10, 23, 34, 46, 68, 73, 77, 83, 86,* 91, 94, 99, 113, w. of 137, 146, 193, 212, 215, 218 235 „ Rowland, 21, 39, 61, 60, 169, 171, 177, 187 ,, Thomas, 4, 19, 21, 26,* 27,* 30, 36, 42,* 43, 49,* 94, 100,* 104, 107, 112, 115, 116, 124, 133, 160, 164, 202, 207, 210, 313, 317, 344 ,. Thomasin, 166 ,, William, 17, c. of 19, 22,* 26, 27, 29, 31, 63, 68, 73, 80, 83, 91, 96, 103, 137, 140, 143, 146,* 189, 197,* 312, 221, 232, 237, 240, 243 Boulton, see Bolton Bowann [probably Bowman q.v.] ,, Mabel, 14 Bower (Boore, Bore) Alice, 223 „ Cisclife, 60 ,, Isabel, 233 ,, John, 157* ,. Mabel, 224 .. Mr., 180 ,, Richard, 180 ,, Thomas, 37, 60, 190 ,, William, 37, 173, 190 ! Bowes, Elizabeth, 56 ,, John, 66, 67, 77, 90, c.of 163, 189 ,, Margaret. 159 ,, Marion, 67 „ Mary, 77 ,, Peter, 90. 169 Bowman (Bowmann) see also Bowann, ,, Agnes, 221 ,, Anne, 44, 102, 153 ., Edward, 49, 91, 93, 98, 102, 110,* 114, 116, 191, 195, 220, 241 INDEX OF SURNAMES. 267 Baptisms pp. 1 — 117 inclusive. Burials IIS—214. Marriages Bowman — continued. „ EUzabeth, 107 „ John, 46, 58, 154 ,, Mabel, 98, 104, 238 ,, Margaret, 191 „ Mary, 116 „ Matthew, 53, 101, 104, 107, 111,* 114, 210,* 245 ,, WUliam, 18, 44, 46, 49, 53, 58, 91, 93. 101, 132, 153, 154. 183, 195. 228 Bownas, Mary, 237 Bowrdall, John, w. of 128, 131 Bowskell, Jane, 94 „ Mr., 242 ,, Robert, 94, 243 Bi-addell, John. 225 Braithwaite (Braithwait, Braithwayte, Bi-aithwhett, Brathwait, Brathwaite, Brathwat, Brathwayt, Brathwayte, Brathwhait, Brathwhaite, Brathwhet, Braythwaijte, Braythwayte) ,, Agnes, 103, 203 „ Anne, 66, 91, 117, 195, 330 „ Christopher, 99, 108, 308 ,, Dorothy, 80, 335 ., Edward, 39,* 33, 74, 98, 114, 156. 180 ,, Elizabeth. 240 ,, EUen 108. 191, 207 „ Francis, 108, 208 ,, George, 66, 68, 71, 74, 77, 81, 84, 88, 93,* 96, 99, 108, 191, 192, 198, 199, 207, 235 ,. Isabel, 64, 113, 233 „ James, 31, 33, 77, 82, 83, 86,* 90,* 93, 96, 98, 100,* 101, 104,* 108, 113, 116, 203,* 207. 240 „ Jane, 85, 99 „ Jenet, 68, 80, 81, 90, 338 Jo ' 255* ',' John, 58, 64, 68, 74,* 80, 82, 83, 85, 88, 91, 99, 102, 105,* 112, 114. 117, cof 171, 184, 195, 203, 205, 236, 346, 366 .. Josias, 102 „ Mabel, 95, 194 „ Margaret. 68, 71, 93, 165, 174, 195, 333. 246 „ Mary, 84, 101, 192 „ Philip, 90 ., Richard, 31, 166 ,, Robert, 103 ,. Rowland, 74, 80, 84,* 116,202, 238 Braithwaite — continued. ,, Thomas, 88, 116, 199 ,, William, 68, 74,* 96, 113, 116, 165. 181, 198, 249, 252, 256 Brakan, John, 239 Branton lor} Brauton, ,, Jenet, 28, 145 .. John, 28 Brathwait, Brathwaite, Brathwat, Brathwayt, Brathwayte, Brathwhai-t, Brathwhai'te, Bratwhet, Braythwaijte, Braythwayte, see Braithwai-te BrickUl, Isabel. 239 Briggs (Briges, Brigges, Brigggs, Brigs) Agnes, 113, 194, 210 Anne, 59 146 Dorothy, 83, 188 Edward, 216 Elizabeth, 21. 79, 351 EUen, 86, 310 Isabel, 83 James, 55, 59, 65, 68, 73, 77, 79. 83, 86, 115, 151, 185, 188, •195, 310, 331 ,, Jenet, 7, 40, 136, 150, 161 ,, John, 34, 146 ,, Judith, 73 ,, Margaret, 36, 77, 133, 185 ,, Marv, 65 „ Richard, 21, 30, 34, 65, 115, 133, 146,* 153, 247 ,, Robert, 184, 266 „ Rowland, 30, 130, 151, 204, 210, 217 ,, Saj-ah, 68 ,, Sir, 136 „ Thomas, 40, 113, 135, 160, 363 Briscow, Jenet, 181 Britton (Briton, Brittaine, Brittan, Brittane, Britten, Brittone, Brittonn) ,, Agnes, 61. 78, 82, 106, 138, 169, 176, 177, 212, 221, 228, 330, 335, 248 ., Alice, 196, 236, 234 ,, Anne, 20. 35, 67, 88, 134, 145, 194, 221 ,, Anthony, 83, 182, 186, 191, 237 ,, Christopher. 5, 33, 23, 25, 31,* 33, 35, 41, 46,* 52, 57, 68, 73, 78, 83, 89,* 94,* 96, 101 103, 144, 145, 146, 161, 163, c. of 164, 177, 178, 195, 202, 206, 208, 235, 240 268 CARTMEL PARISH REGISTERS. Baptisms pp. 1 — 117 inclusive. Burials 118 — 214- Marriages 215 — 256. 'Britton— continued. ,, Edward, 17,* 20,* 25, 44, 49, 52, 57, 59, 63,* 67, 70, 76, 78, 79, 86, 92, 97, 108, o. of 131, c.of 137, 139,140, 159,* 160, 163, 166, 169, 191, 317, 322 339 342 ,, Elizabeth. 26, 60, 96, 99, 233, 343 ., Ellen (Hellin) 58, 66, 83,* 115, 134, 212, 230 ,, George, 92, 140 „ Henry, 44. 49, 65, 61, 106, 133, 169, 206, 208, 211 ,, Hugh, 152 ,, Isabel, 3, 22, 57, 59, 89, 105, 117, 122, 163, 166, 169, 178, 195, 213, 331 ,, James, 61, 86, 113, 191, 306, 210 ,, Jane, 68, 310 „ Jenet, 55, 79, 82, 103, 103, 158, 160, 183, 191, 319 „ Jo: 177, 178* ,, John, 41, 50,* 60, 70, 77, 112, 116, 140, 165,* 176, 177, 181, 193, 227 ,, Katherine, 166, 171 ,, Laurence, 57, w. of 124, 142, 203 „ Mabel, 60, 138, 142 „ Margaret, 74, 88, 105, 187. • 192, 224, 226 ,, Marian, 75, 110 ,, Mai-y, 36, 70, 90, 116, 194, 234 ,, Michael, 133, 129 ,, MUes, 79, 191 „ Richard, 9, 67, 105, 108, 113, 131, 135, 146, 177, 196, 200, 223 ,, Robert, 14, 31, 41,* 49, 77, 88, 90, 99, 106, 130, w. of 138, 136, 142, 144, 193, 194,* 217, 238, 341 ,, Roland, 13, 138 ,, Sarah, 113 ,, Stephen, 21,* 23, 36, 56,* 60, 66. 68, 79, 105, 113, 115, 117, 163, 155, 308, 313, 313, 331, 345, 348 ,, Thomas. 13, 58, 60, 64,* 67, 68, 70, 71, 74, 78, 83, 89, 103, 130, w. of 135, w. of 131. 133, u. of 171, 187, 197, 206 . William, 12, 16, 30, 35, 33, 49, 62,* 60, 71, 73, 77,* 82, 88, 92,* 97, 102, 103. 106, 110, Britton, Willia,m— continued. 113, 124, 129, w. of 131, 134,* 137, 146, 159, 161, c. of 175, 181,186, 192,* 200,212 218, 219, 225, 236, 243 Broad (Broade, Brode) ,, Alice, l(fe ,, Anne, 91, 111 „ Edward 87 „ John, 87, 91, 95, 99,* 105, 109, 111, 115, 213 „ Margaret, 109 „ Mary, 115 ,, WUliam, 95 Brockbank (Brockbanck, Brockbancke, Brockbanke, Brockebanke, Brokbang, Brokbank, Brokbanke) „ Agnes, 4, 11, 13, 29, 96, 137, 200, 201, 226 „ Alice, 93, 153, 238 „ Anne, 34, 53 82, 192, 243 ,, Anthony, 123 „ Christopher, 53, 54, 103, 107, 108, 149, 166, 167, 216, 217 „ Edward, 23, 25, 29, 35, 38, 42, 54, 68,* 63, 70, 87, 116, w. of 125, 128, 137, 140, 147, 167,* 184, 228 „ Elizabeth, 10, 21, 82, 154, 169, 176, 230, 231 „ Ellen, 28, 35, 43, 63, 79, 176, 177, 336 „ George, 58, 66,* 70, 76, 103, 185 * 230 ,, Isabel,' 33, 43, 63, 116, 157, 161, 180, 338 ,, James, 5, 11, 21, 26, 28, 37, 62, 118, 130, 136, 142, 180, 184, 219 „ Jane, 48, 108, 113, 123, 346 ,, Jenet, 2, 10, 35, 38, 45, 72, 76, 91, 96, 109, 132, 146, 167, 186, 193, 197, 199, 318, 320,° 222, 233, 239 ,, Jo: 23, 77, w. of 133 „ John, 13, 14, 22, 26, 28, 32,* 33, 35, 38, 58,* 62, 71, 72,* 76, 79, 82,* 83, 85,* 87, 89, 91, 93, 96, 96, 99, 100,» 105, 116, w. of 130, 130, 136, 144,* 146, 149, 157, 176, 188, 199, 200, 201,* 202, 204,* 206, 221, 333, 237, 240, 243 „ Katherine, 325, 230 „ Mabel, 13, 26, 37, 61, 71, 142, 232. 241 INDEX OF SURNAMES. 269 Baptisms pp. 1 — 117 inclusive. Burials 118 — 214- Marriages 215 — 256. Brockbank — continued. „ Margaret, 33, 33, 35, 45, 76, 82, 83,89, 99, 118, c. of 141, 146, 147, 166, 188, 189, 220, 229 ,, Marian, 227 „ Maiy, 70, 105* ,, Nicholas, 136 „ Richard, 23, 135, 137 „ Robert, 119 „ Roger, 18, 43, 48, 62,* 58, 63, 105, 109, 113, 116, 128, 144, 161, 177, 228, 246 „ Thomas, 11,* 28, 51, 82, 107, w. of 130, 143, 149, 153, 159, 188, 189, d.of 189, 201, 220 ,, Thomasin, 40 „ William, 15, 34, 35, 38, 40, 45,* 51, 53,* 61, 70, 72, 131, c. Wn at 131, 149, 159, 183, 186, 217, 226, 226 Brockbanke alias Bell, Jenet, 32 Brockbanke alias Harison, ,, Richard, 30 Brockden, Mai-garet, 227 Brockebanke, see Brockbank Brode, see Broad Brokbang, Brokbank, Brokbanke, see Brockbank Brooks (Brook, Brooke) ,, Giles, 107, 207 „ John, 93. 101, 107, 203, 207, 243 ,, Margaret, 101, 303 ,, Mr., 93, 101, 107, c. of 198, 303, 207 ,, Thomas, 93 Browne (Broune) Chi-istopher, 183 ,, Dorothy, 17 ,, James, 209 „ Jenet, 183 ,, Margaret, 15 ,, Thomas, 213 „ WUliam, 184,* 197, 209, 213, 240 Browning (Browninge) ,, Christopher, 66, 66, 179 ,, John, 66 „ Margaret, 179 ,, Richard, 66 Bruer, James, 51 ,, Mary, 235 ,, William, 51 Bruschough, Bruskowe, see Burscough Bulfeld (Ballfell, BulfeU, Bulfill) „ Daniel, 82, 85, 191, 240 ,, Dorothy, 244 Bulfeld — continued. „ Edward, 85 ,, Mr., 85, 191 ,, Richard, 82 „ William, 219 Buram, Anne, 144 „ Miles, 144 Burgesse (Burgas, Burgees, Burges) ,, Anne 27 ,, Elizabeth, 13 ,, Henry, c. of 127 ,, Isabel, 19, 66,* 60, 170* ,, James, 161 ,, Jenet, 232 ,, John, 11, 66, 60, 167, 170, 331 ,, Katherine, 163 ,, JMargaret, 140 „ Richard, 19, 23,* 37, 31,* 56, w. of 119, c. of 143, 144, 167 316, 333 ,, Robert, w.of 139 „ Roger, 170, 319 Bui-ie, see Eferry Burns (Bui'n, Burne, Burnes, Burnn) see also Boornes, ,, Agnes, 42, 83, 94, 95, 1.54, 198, 216,° 233, 263 ., Alice, 134, 168 ,, Anne, 11, 40, 119 ,, Christopher, 41, 46, 60, 87, 93, 156, 169, 190, 227 ,, Dorothy, 72, 90, 98, 101, 156, 237 ,, Edward, 17, 83, 88, 93, 118, w. of 119, w. of 120, 240 „ Elizabeth, 30, 83, 99, 187, 211, 231, 240 „ EUen, 135, 249 „ Henry, 37, 41, 63, 60, 64, 68, 73, 96, w. of 123, 124 [?], 151, 169, 180, 193, 199, 212 „ Isaac, 40. 41, 83, 87, 95, 98, 102,* 198, 240, 260 ,, Isabel, 8, 124, 140, 157, 319, 334 ., Jane, 106, 113, 208, 342 ., Jenet, 3, 109 „ John, 37,* 46, 50, 73, 88, 90, 94, 99. 110, 113, 128, w.of 134, 141, 148, 151, 175, 202, 208, c.of 209, 311,* 231, 238, 241, 345 ,, Katherine, 313, 224 ,, Mabel, 226 ,, Margaret, 14, 68, 104, 177, 180, 240 ,, Mary, 33, 64, 245 270 CARTMEL PARISH REGISTERS. Baptisms pp. 1 — 117 inclusive. Burials 118 — 214- Marriages 215 — 256. BuroB— continued. „ MUes, 46, 101, 104, 109, 113, 150, 334, 244 ,, Richard, 12, c. of 14, 68, 120, 130, w. of 130, 154 ,, Roger, 135 ,, Thomas, 13, 40, 41, 61,* 83, 96, 101, 106, 110, 113, 187, 194, 216, 227, 237, 242 „ William, 3, SO, 33, 37, 40, 42, 46, 50, 52, 58, 64,* 73, 83, 101, 148, 149, 157, 172,* 177, 193, 194, 224 Burrow (Bui-rowe) Heni-y, c. of 132 ,, Robert, 14, 27 „ Roger 27 Burscough (Bai-schowe, Bruschough, Bruskowe, Bui-schough, Buischow, Burschowe, Bui-scow, Burskowe) see also Banschough, Agnes, 93, 102, 106, 133, 190, 206 Anne, 18, 44, 112 Bi-yan, 49, 53, 97, 161,* 229 Christopher, 55, 109, 112, 116, 212 Edmund, 51 Edwai-d, 90, 169 Elizabeth, 108, 161 Jane, 49, 51. 170, 190, 209 Jenet., 35, 46, 152, 181 John, 37, 38, 44, 47,* 51, 53, 56, 80, 102, 106, 108, 112, 116,* 152, d. of 163, 166, 169, 170, 190, 206, 209, 212, 226, 249, 263, 266 ,, Mabel, 234 „ Margaret, 19, 37, 330 ,, Mary, 82, 255 ,, Thomas, 19, 36, 38, 41,* 46, 80, 82, 86,* 90, 93, 97, 109, 111, 112. 133, 145, 152,* 164, 226, 239, 353, 356 ,, William, 111 Bmton, Thomas, 335 Burun, see also Bums, „ Thomas, 18 Bury, Burry, Burye, see Berry Bush (Bushe) Alice, 86 „ Isabel, 90 Jenet, 97 „ John, 83, 109, 350 ,, Thomas, 83. 91, 96,* 109, 339 „ William, 86, 90, 91, 97, 205, 240 C Call see Cowell Canny (Canney, Caunie, Cannye, Kannye) „ Agnes, 34, 91, 123, 160, 183, 209 ,, Alice, 66, 174, 221, 228 ,, Anne, 119, 223 ,, Bryan, 6, 7 ,, Christopher, 4, 17, 20, 31, 131, 344 ,, Edmund, 145 „ Edwand, 22,* 28, 139, 190 ,, Elizabeth, 60, 181, 190, 324 ,, Ellen, 31, 77, 94, 188, 338 ,, Evan (Huan) 53, 183, 330 ,, Francis, 16 ,, George, 83, 88, 91, 97, 99, 101, 108, 134, 188, 239 „ Isabel, 6, 123, 134, 140, 189, 207 ., Jenet, 21, 30, 35, 94, 108, 139, 145, 168, 232 „ John, 20, 53, 100, 114, 132, 134, 138, 172, 188, 189, 225 „ Mabel, 38, 64, 139, 154, 178 ,, Margaret, 19, 62, 82, 191, 223 ,, Martin, 20, 21, 134, c. of 136, 137, 138 ,, Mary, 91, 209 ,, Michael, 5 ,, Myles. 17, 139 „ Nicholas, 7, 8,* 21. 23, 72, 99, 105, 133, 180, 185 „ Peter, 15, 139, 156 „ Richard, 2, 5, 10, 11,* 19, 31, 28,* 30, 34, 36, 38, 43,* 47, 60. 54, 63, 83, 97, 98, w.of 127, 133, 134, 154, 178, 183, 186, 188, 227 „ Robert, 38, 66, 101, 129, 174 „ Roger, 11, 126 „ Rowland, 6, 8, 158 „ William, 2, 11, 23, 47, 72, 77, 82, 86,* 88, 91, 94,* 98, 100, 106, 114, 126, 144, 181, 185, 191, 309,* 316,* 237 Oarbut, see Corbet Carke, see Clarke Carter, Agnes, 28, 46, 64, 94, 143, 244 ,, Alice, 205 , Edward, 33, 35, 30, 35,* 40, 43, 48, 53, 67, 59, 66, 74, 79, 83, 84, 85, 97, 98, 107, 113, 117,* 131, 157, 170, 188, 194, 204, 306, 213, 221, 231 INDEX OF SURNAMES. 271 Baptisms pp. 1 — 117 inclusive. Burials 118 — 214- Marriages 315 — 256. Carter — continued, ., Elizabeth, 59, 74, 97, 170 ,, Ellen, 10, 25, 106, 142, 208, 253 „ George, 41, 42, 89, 92, 125, 157, 173, 183 ,, Isabel, 33, 123, 187, 194, 226 ,, James, 14 „ Jane, 87, 92, 97, 112, 199 ,, Jenet, 29, 84, 143 ,, John, 27, 30, 48, 79, 87, 92, 97, 102,* w. of 130, 142, 171, 189, 204, 229, 240 ,, Lawrence, 14, 25, 27, 33, 40, 46, 187 ,, Mabel, 48, 140, 156, 175, 183, 204 „ Margaret, 35, 43, 53, 87, 189, 201, 203, 333 ,, Mary, 60, 99, 113, 203 ,, Michael, 38, 105, 112, c.of 141, 143, 174, 218, 344 Richard, 6, 30, 48, 131, 126, 130, 219 ,, Robert-, 13, 30, 35, w. of 127, 127, 224 ,, Sibell, 219 ., Thomas, 22, 66, 69, 85, 90,* 92, 97, 161, 183, 194,* 201 ,, WiUiam, 12, 17, 35, 29, 34,* 41, 43, 48,* 67, 60, 64, 69, 83, 87, 89, 92,'* 94, 97, 98, 99, 104,* 107, w. of 124, 130, 133, c. of 142, 143, 146, 156, 171, 183,* 189, 199, 303, 203, 204, 205, 208, 222, 227, 339, 341, 246 Cartmell, William, 317 Case, Agnes, 341 Casson. (Cassonn) ,, Agnes, 14, 32, 81, 133, 229, 333 ,, Alice, 103 ,, Anne, 47, 66, 68, 193, 240 ,, Bartholomew, 119 ,, Christopher, 31, 47, 141, 166, 170Dorothy, 89, 97, 199, 354 ,, Edmund, 59 „ Edward, 33,* 23, 26, 60, 79, 107, 116, 141, 164, 307, 212, 233 ,, Elizabeth, 26, 50, 69, 114, 158, 171, 187, 204, 233 „ Ellen, 75, 193, 222 ,, Francis, 109, 188 ,, George, 2 ,, Henry, 64 Casson — continued. „ Isabel, 40, 43, 50, 89, 141, 190, 224, 233, 239 „ James, 21, 23, 30,* 47, 60,* 52,* 55, 60, 64, 70, 73, 74, 75, 76, 79. 81, 82, 84, 89, 93, 97, 102, 108, 116, 133, 136, 146, 156, 158,* 171,* 181, 188,192, 199, 234,236,* 238, 246 ,, Jane, 74, 98 ,, Jenet, 76, 158, 181, 183, 201, o9g 235 „ John, '11, 23,* 71, 73, 114, 136, 177, 250 ,, Mabel, 184, 209, 227 „ Margaret, 19, 94, 133, 146, 318, 330 ,, Mary, 70 ,, Nicholas, 13, 137 ,, Richard, 1, 33, 38, 43, 76, 107, 139, 163, 164, 301, 207, 238 „ Robert, 16, 85 ,, Thomas, 19. 38, 40, 47, 61, 67, 59, 64, 71, 72, 76, 81,* 85, 89, 93, 94, 98, 108, 109, 167,* 187, 190, 227, 231, 237 ,, Tomisin, 60, 168, 231 ,, William, 26, 61, 67, 69, 64, 68, 73, 82, 84, w.of 130, 133, 136, 141, 143, c.of 157, 170, 183, 192, 218, 229, 233 Caton (Catonn Cayton, Katon) ,, Agnes, 3, 18, 52, 58, 75, 138, 315, 232, 242, 244* , Alice, 21, 53, 144, 162, 180, 233 ,, ¦ Anne, 6, 45, 67, 68 ,, Bridget, 117, 213 ,, Dorothy, 78 ,, Edward, 6, 49, 131,* 122, 166, 179 ,, Elizabeth, 11, 38, 71, 166 ., Ellen, 36, 148, 167, 172 ,, George, 34, 125 ., Isabel, 47, 139, 146, 164, 165, 179, 218, 230 „ James, 63, 96, 107, w.of 118, 124 199 215 ,, Jane, '6, 22, 61, 73, 80, 140, 176 235 ., Jenet,' 164, 190, 219, 332, 240 ,, John, 2, 9, 58, 61, 65,* 73, 110, 120, 129, 164, 176, 179, 186,* 193, 232 ,, Katherine, 139 „ Mabel, 12, 316,° 224 272 CARTMEL PARISH REGISTERS. Baptisms pp. 1 — 117 inclusive. Burials 118 — 214. Marriages 215 — 256. Caton — continued. „ Margaret, 103, 121, 236, 245 „ Mary, 9, 75, 84, 206 ,, Matthew, 186 ,, Michael, 106, 114, 117, 207, 313 ,, Oliver, 115 ,, Richai^, 30, 63, 107, 114, 124, w.of 129, 201 ,. Robert, c.of 17, 18, 40, 96, 138, 201, 213, 241 ,, Sibell, 125 „ Thomas, 5, 16, 22, 30, 34, 36, 38, 40, 43, 46, 46,* 49, 62, 53, 68,* 71,* 75, 96, 98, 102, 105,* 110, 112, 114,* 115, 138, 141, 148, 152, 162, 164, 166, 169, 170, 172, 179,* 180, 187, 199, 206, 218, 235, 326, 233, 336, 243 ,, WiUiam, 21, 43, 47, 53,* 67, 68, 71, 75, 78, 80, 84, 89,* 96, 98, 106, 112, 125, 126, w. of 130, 144, 152, 156, 164,* 167, c. of 167, 201, 207, 216, 218, 224, 234 Cause, Agnes, 206 Cawle, see Cowell Cayton, ,see Caton Chakell, Elizabeth, 72* Chamber, Agnes, 219 ,, James, 219 „ MUes, 49* Champney (Chamney, Champneye) ,, Agnes, 33 ,, Anne, 73. 311 ,, Bryan, 68, 106 ,, Christopher, 39, 48, 60, 68, 329 ,. Edward, 68, 73, 98 ,. Elizabeth. 178 ,, George, 72 ,, Isabel, 22 „ Jane, 54, 93, 162, 192, 222 ., Jenet, 46, 84. 241 ,, John, 22, 26, 32, 37, 39, 46, 48, 80, 148, 174, 195,* 355 j ,, Margaret. 76 | ., Mary, 68, 244 „ Michael, 8, 26, 135 ,. Peter, 25, 72, 76, 80, 84, 93, : 98, 106, 211, 237 i ,, Richard, 37, 148 „ Thomas, 8, 54, 60, 162 , Channey, John. 91* Chatburne, John, 49 ,, Robert, 49 Christopherson (Christopher) ,, John. 172 Christopherson — continued. „ Margaret, 243 ,, Mary, 244 ,, William, 172, 199 Chrosfeild, Ohrossfeild, see Crosfield Clarck, see Clarke Clarckson, see Clarkson Clarke (Carke \_sic}, Clarck, Clark) ,, Agnes, 24, 66, 136, 233 ,, Alice, 36 ,, Bryan, 139 „ Dorothy 45, 164 ,, Elizabeth, 223 ,, Ellen (Helline) 17 „ Gilbert, 24, 27, 32, 36, 41, 45, 47, 154, 178, ife ,, Henry, 216 ,, John, 41, 66, 85 ,, Margaret, 27, 70, 73, 178, 182, 235, 239 ' . . ,, Michael, 113 ,, Richard, 32, 70, 73, 85, 113, 133, 135,* 182, 221, 236, 247, 248 > . , , ,, Roger 133 Clarkson (Clarckson) Alice, 87 ,, Christopher, 92 ,, Elizabeth, 79 ., John, 79, 83, 87, 92, 239 ,, Tliomas, 83, 141 Clenn, David, 195 Clocker, Margaret, 199 Clough, Alice, 40, 150 „ John, 40, 160 Cocke (Cockey, Cooky) Agnes, 226 ,, Elizabeth, 76, 261 ,, Thomas, 76, 80,* 87 „ William, 87 Collinson (Colinson, CoUison) ,, Bridget, 249 ,, Christopher, 49 ,, Edward, 49 ,, Thomas, 349 Ck>oky, see Cooke Cooper, see Cowper Corbet (Carbut, Corbott, Coa-but, Corbutt) ,, Anne, 48 ,, Isabel, 36. 175 „ James, 69 ,, John, 36, 39, 43,* 48, 53, 59, 175, 336, 338 ,, Margaret, 39 ,, Samuel, 89* ,, Thomas, 53 Corker, Agnes, 113 ,, Margaret, 246 INDEX OF SURNAMES. 273 Baptisms pp. 1 — 117 inclusive. Burials 118 — 214. Marriages 215 — 256. CotkeT—continued. „ Richard, 113, 248 Corleyes John, 254 255* Comer, Dorothy, 201 ,, James, 301 Couell, see Covell Couper, see Cowper Couperthait, Couperthwait, Couperthwayte, see Cowperthwaite Covell (Couell) Bridget, 116 ,, Edmund, c. of 164 ,, John, 116 Coward (Cowart, Cowert, Cowhard, Cowheard, Cowherd) ,, Agnes, 10, 27, 42, 77, 209, 238 ,, Anne, 102. 233 „ Christopher, 73, 77, 82, 88, 94, 102, 107, 182, 187, 209, 336 ,, Dorothy, 103 ,, Edward, 19, 33, 37, 74, 78, 83, 86, 90,* 94,* 99. 103, 184, 191, 196, 197,* 204,* 239 „ Elizabeth. 20, 30, 231 Ggopstg 89 ", Isabel, '73, 99, 187, 194, 344 ,, James, 59 ,, Jane, 83, 88, 90,* 191, 196, 220 237 „ Jenet,' 6, 36, 69, 107, 140, 178, 182, 225, 229 ,, John, 4, 78, 114, w. of 124, 182 ,, Lidia, 114 „ Mabel, 137 , Margaret, 36 „ Mary, 36, 94, 239 ,, Miles, 113* ,, Prudence, 83, 184 „ Richard, 94, 197 ,, Robert, 4, 19, 20, 22, 26, 30, 36 42, 82, 95, 133, 140, 194, 195, 198,* w. of 207, 248 „ Rowland, 86, w.of 131, 220 „ Thomas, 8, 19, 59, w. of 128, 133, 136, 178 „ WUliam, 3, 19, 69, 74, 82, 89, 124, 133, 235 Cowell (Call, Cawle, Cowel) „ Alice, 24. 239 „ Anne, 86, 91, 166, 183, 209 „ Ai-thur, 39, 94, 100, 106, 208, 209, 245 ,, Bridget, 77 ., Dorothy, 26, 340 ,, Elizabeth, 39 „ Ellen, 33, 83, 178, 183 ,, Francis, 102 Cowell — continued. ,, Harry, 178 „ Henry, 19, 31, 25, 29, 133,* inf. of 135, 145, 156 ,, Isabel, 21 ., John, 25, 77, 86,* 108, 111, 146, 233 ,, Mabel, 100 ,, Margaret, 31, 106 ,, Mary, 19, 107, 111, 202 ,, Richard, 22, 24, 26, 31, 39, 95, 178 221 ,, Robert, 31, 83, 91, 95, 102, 107, 202, 340 ,, Thomas, 94 ,, William, 168 Cowert, Cowhard, Cowheard, Cowherd, see Coward Cowper (Cooper, Couper) Agnes, 322 Alice, 63, 105 Anne, 62, 95 Edward, 69, 204 Elizabeth, 63, 172, 174 George, 18, 52, 65, 66,* 63,* 66, 69, 71, 72, 78, 83, 107,* 108, 164, 165,* 172, 204, 212, 234 „ Isabel, 65, 63, 125, 164 ,, Jane, 212 ,, Jenet, 138 ., John, o. of 17, 66, 71, 108, 219 ,, Laurence, 95, 105, 243 ,, Margaret. 119 ,, Miles, 83 ,, Richard, 72 ,, Thomas, 63, 174 ,, Thomasin, 78 Cowperthwaite (Couperthait, Couperthwait, Couperthwayte, Cowperthait, Cowperthaite, Cowperthat, Cowperthwait, Cowperthwat,Cowperthwate,Cowperthwit, Cowpertwhait) ,, Agnes, 8, 11, 33 ,, Alice, 84, 189 ,, Christopher, 77 ., Doi-othy, 104 ., Ed: 49 ,, Edward, 26, 33, 36, 44, 67, 87, 111, 117, 142, 146, c.of 151, 156, 203, 222 „ George, 44, 77, 90, 95, 99,* 104, 108, 238 T 274 CARTMEL PARISH REGISTERS. Baptisms pp. 1 — 117 inclusive. Burials 118 — 214- Marriages 215—256. Cowperthwaite — continued. ,, Henry, 97 ,, Isabel, 88, 193, 222 ,, Jane, 91, 111 ,, John, 1, 36, 82, 117, 146, 155 ,, Mabel, 66, 78, 204, 249 ,, Margaret, GO, 92, 155, 236 Nicholas, 60, 66, 67, 72,* 78, 82, 88, 91, 165, 165, 193, 333 ,, Thomas, 49, 84, 87, 93, 97, 101,* 104,* 107, 189, 340 ,, Walter, 90 „ William, 26, 95, 107, 124, 142 Cowpland, Sir John, 141 Cowtar, Richard, 110 ,, William, 110 Crakell (Crakhill, Cieakell) ,, Agnes, 157 ,, Alice, 154 ,, Richard, w. of 120, w. of 121 Crewdson, John, 117. 254 ,, Richard, 117 Ci-ooke, Alice, 176 Crosby (Crossbye) John, 191 „ Mabel, 318 Crosfeild alias Newbye, Agnes, 28 ,, Alice, 28 Crosfield (Chrosfeild, Chiossfeild, Crosfeild, Crosfeld, Crosfild, CrossfeUd) ,, Agnes, 28, 43, 53, 116, 197, 200, 201, 246, 247 ,, Alice, 26, 28 ,, Anne, 243 ,, Edward, 41, 104, 108, 112, 116, 146, 162 ,, Elizabeth, 37, 112, 243 ,, Ellen, Hellino, 47, 224, 240, 246 ,, Francis, 191 ,, Gawen, 64, 221, 224 „ Hugh, 139, 222 ,, Isabel, 59, 175 ,, James, 140 ,, Jane, 111, 251 ,, Jenet, 65 ,, John, 4, 13, 21,* 73, 160, 187, 191, 237 ,, Mabel, 17, 80 ,, Margaret, 48, 96, 146 ,, Richard, 48, 53, 69, 65, 80, 85, 95, 99, 104, 109, 118, 178, 220, 239 ,, Robert, 64, 73, 99 ,, Rowland, 200, 234 ,, Thomasin, 86 Crosfield — continued. „ WUUam, 25, 37, 41, 43, 47, 108, 109, 111, c.of 159, 166, 174, 187, 201 Crossbye, see Crosby CrossfeUd, see Crosfield Crosse, Jenet, 170 Curwen (Curwaine, Curwenn, Curwine) „ Ann, 213 ,, Edward, c. of 168, 179 ,, Elizabeth, 170 ,, Ellen, 2 ,, Isabel, 179 ,, John, 241 ., Margaret, 14, 228 ,, Mr. [sic] 313 ., Nicholas, 15 ,, Robert, 12, 336 D DANiBLii, Thomas. 173 Danson (Dansonn) ,, Agnes, 15, 42, 63, 84, 167, 158, 173, 189. 205, 216, 236 ,, Alice, 69, 219 ,, Anne, 32, 39 ,, Augustine (Austin) 57, 116, 117, 118, 251 „ Christopher, 39, 89, 95, 139, 149,* 154, 201 ,, Edward, 114 ,, Elizabeth, 88, 115, 165, 176,* 192,* 224 ,, Ellen, 25, 180 „ Geoi-ge, w.of 118, 120* ,, Grace, 161 ,, Isabel, 9, 15, 16, 33, 71, 73, 164, 191 .. James, c.of 17, 27, 57, 69, 61, 67, 69, 73,* 77,^^ 80, 82, 88, 89, 95, 96,* 117, 149, loO, 164. 167, 168, 176, 180, 186, 192,* 201, 218, 232, 236 ,, Jane, 82, 94, 139, 154, 192 ,. Jenet, 67, 67. 134, 192, 233 ., John, 39, 73, 86, w. of 132, 149, 191 ,, Katherine, 30, 234 „ Mabel, 12, 70, 196, 239 „ Margaret. 13, 14, 48, 60, 146, 1 56 225 ,, Michael, 57, 63, 65, 71, 86, 134, 135, 172. 191,* 232 ,, Nicholas, 135 ,, Peter, 17, 131, 218 INDEX OF SURNAMES. 275 Baptisms pp. 1 — 117 inclusive. Burials 118 — 214- Marriages 215- Danson — continued. „ Richard, 27, 33, 38, 76, 80, 134, 147, 166 ,, Robert, 30, 33, 25, 33, 38, 39, 42, 48, 50, 65, 149, 156, 157, c.of 162, 164, 226 „ Thomas, 1, 23, 59, 61, 62,* 70, 76. 84. 94. 110,* 114, 117,* 167, 172, 176, 201, 209,* 232, 236 „ WUliam, 3, w.of 127 Darbye, John, 155 Dason, see Dawson Dauid, see Davie Davie (Dauid, David) John, o. of 168 ,, Katherine, 140 „ Robert, 126 Dawney, Edward, 69 ,, Elizabeth, 44 ,, John, 44 ,, Richard, 69, 173 ., Thomas, 173 Dawson (Dason, Dawsonn) ,, Agnes, 45, 67, 153, 167, 172, 253 „ Anne, 10, 29, 146, 249 ,, Dorothy, 74, 167, 186, 226 ,, Edmund, 55 ,, Edward, 30 ,, Ellen, 99 ,, George, 5, 171 „ Hugh, 33, 41, 224 ., Isabel, 11, 87, 154, 204 „ James, 49, 74, 99, 121, 154, 204, 221, 244, 253 „ Jane, 35, 64, 71, 154, 183, 229 ,, Jenet, 115, 181, 184, 198, 210, 219 253 „ John, i9, 30, 35, 40, 44, 45, 109, 127, 153, 157, 204, 222, 224, 231 ,, Jonas, 186 „ Josias, 71, 74, 183, 336 „ Katherine. 133,* 123, 184 „ Mabel, 172, 221 ,, Mary, 54, 163 ,, Miles, 74, 78, 87, 96, 106, 123, 184, 216, 217, 253* „ Nicholas, 33, 33, 41, 111, 132, 145, 217 „ Peter, 62, 103, 105,* 109, 111, 115 ,, Priscilla, 106 ,, Robert, 40 Samuel, 96 ;; Thomas, 171, 249 „ Thomasin, 13, 33, 237 Dawson— continued. ,, WiUiam, 14, 19, 33,* 39, 33, 33, 39,* 44, 49, 54, 55, 63, 64, 67, 78, 103, 145, 146, 154, 156, 163, 167, 184, 187, 323, 232. 233 DebdeU (Debden)) see also SebdeU, ., Elizabeth, 34, 243 „ Hugh, 31 ,, Jenet, 227 ,, William, 24, 222 Dennve (Dennie, Denye) Agnes, 55 ,, Dorothy, 50 ,, Ellen (Hellin) 61 ,, John, 50, 56, 228 Dent, John, 61, 110* Denye, see Dennye Dewthwayte (Dewthayte) .. Robert, 116,* 252 Dickinson (Dicconson, Dickeson, Dickonson, Dickonsonn, Diconson. Dioonsonn) ,, Agnes, 219 ,, AUce, 227 ,, Anne, 13, 223, 224, 229 ., Bridget, 14, 135 ,, Charles, 15, 46 ,, Elizabeth. 23, 38, 151, 186 ,, Esther, 115 ,, Francis, 87 ,, Hugh, 11, 21, 22, 23, 87, 135, 182, 194, 196, 213 ,, Isabel, 21, 54, 135, 158 ,, Jane, 133, 182 ,, Jenet, 183,* 211 ,, John, 46, 60,* 64, 60, 63, 130, 158, 168, 171, 183,* 330, 229, 230,* 239 ,, Katherine, 168 ,, Leonard, 135 ,, Margaret, 46, 196 „ Mr., 213 ., Prudence, 12 ,, Ralph, 133 „ Richard, 23, 38, 46, 60, 133,* 135, 141 „ Robert, 220, 344 ,, Thomas, 12, 33, 38,* 63, 116, 137, 150, 161, 171, 213, 222, 226 .. William, 23, 141 Dickson, Dicksonn, see Dixon Din, Mai-y, 34 ., Miles. 34 Dixon (Dickson, Dicksonn, Dixson) ,, Agnes, 21, 39, 149, 158, 165, 180, 184, 223, 225, 234 276 CARTMEL PARISH REGISTERS. Baptisms pp. 1 — 117 inclusive. Burials 118 — 214- Marriages 215 — 256. Dixon — continued. ,, Anne, 57, 69, 167, 179, 228 ,. Christopher, 63, 178 ,, Daniel, 104 ,, Ellen (Hellin) 18, 67, 79, 116, 248 „ George, 70, 71, 73, 76, 92, 111, 116, 182, 211, 234, 251 ,, Gillion, 39 „ Isabel, 68, 100, 114, 200, 211 ,, James, 53, 54, 92, 94, 98, 100, 104, 106, 205, 242* ,, Jane, 106 ,, Jenet, 42, 148, 193 ,, John, 22, 61, 73, 76, 138, 161, 170,. 191, 218 „ JuUan (/) 237 ., Mabel, 140, 232 ,, Mar: 233 „ Margaret, 22, 33, 94, 116, 236 .. Mary, 48, 340 ., Matthew, 21, 142 ,, MUes, 14, 47, 57, 61, 63, 68, 73, 79, 86, 170, 178, 182, 191, 200, 231, 248 ,, Nicholas, c.of 17, 39, 45, 48, 53, 59. 67, 70, 73, 148, 153, 164, 167, 179, 182, 218, 242 ,, Richard, 42, 47, 64, 71, 116, 161, 225, 261 „ Robert, 131, 246 ., Thomas, 163, 198, 205 ,, William, c.of 17, 24, 33, 39, 45, 86, 98, 125, 127, 137, 149, 153, 1.54, 158, 191,* 193, 197, 219, 225 Dobson, George, 64 ,, John, 64 ,, Katlierine, 236 Dockerye, Margaret, 128 ,, Myles, 135 Dodgson (Dodshon, Dogson) ,, Alice, 206 ,, John, 113, 158, 246 ,, Mongay, c. of 122 ,, Richard, 247 ., Robert, 113 ,. AVilHam, 165 DoUer, Jane, 245 Douthorn, EUzabeth, 140 Duckenfeild, Frances, 211 ,, James, 211 „ Mr. 211 „ Robert, 233* Duckett, Elizabeth, 89 ,, Thomas, 89 E Eaele, Robert, 144 Eccleston, N.X.N., c.of 154 ,, Richard. 195 Edmondson, Oswald, 23 ., William, 23 Eeley, Eely, Eilye, Elay, Elee, Eley, see Ely Ellis, Elizabeth, 234 ,, John, 153 EUithorne, Ann, 233 Ely (Eeley, Eely Eilye, Elay, Elee, Eley, Elye) ,, Agnes, 107, 330 ,, Anne, 16, 63 ,, Edward, 96,* 100 ,, Elizabeth, 68 ,, Francis, 181 ,, George, 107 ,, Helline, 66 ,, Isabel, 56 ,. James, 113 ,, Jane, 70 „ John, 56, 61,* 181 ,, Margaret, 74 ,, Michael, 100 ,, Richard, 65, 58, 62, 66, 70, 74, 232 > t 1 t t ,, Robert, 113, 181, 248 ,, Thomas, 65. 219 Eskay [P Hesketh] Margaret, 24C Faibebank, James, 113 ,, John 113 Farrington, Alice, 327 FeU (Fel, Felle) „ Agnes, 2, 4, 5, 7, 26, 29, 37, 67, 97, 114, 141, 160, 165, 199, 208, 211, 219, 220, 221, 254 ., Alice, 71, 156, 222, 235 ,, Anne, 30, 45, 62, 74, 76, 103, 139, 140, 185, 190, 205, 206, 222, 230, 239, 241 ,, Augustine (Austin) c. of 15, 20, 27, 87, 137, 141, 144, 152, 156, 158, 160, 225 ,, Christopher, 28, 29, 32, 33, 37, 42, 43,* 46, 51, 64, 55, 61, 67,* 69, 81, 111, 133, 143, 151, 152,* c. of 159, two children of 168, 170, 174, 185, 201, 206, 310, 318, 224 „ Dorothy, 52, 243 INDEX OF SURNAMES. 277 Baptisms pp. 1—117 inclusive. Burials 118—214- Marriages 215—256- Fell — continued- „ Ed: 230 „ Edward, 1, 2, 20, 39, 40,* 14, 45, 46, 17, 62, 54, 58, 61, 84, 86, 92, 95, 96, 97, 99, 101,* 102, 104, 106,* 108, 117, 118, 124, c. of 148, 154,* c. of 158, 164, 173, 177, 180, 189, 197,* 208, 209, 213, 226, 243, 247, 249, 250, '^ 261,* 352,* 253,* 254 „ Elizabeth, 2,* 20, 34, 40, 44, 48, 50, 55, 58, 61, 80, 83, 104, 143, 148, 157, 164, 178, 178, 183, 190, 220, 229, 230, 231, 233, 240, 255 „ Ellen (HeUine) 2, 4, 30, 49, 66, 88, 112, 161, 173, 197, 330, 226, 238, 244, 346 ,, George, 56, 108, 112, 116,* 213,* 246 ,, Gilbert, 8, 15, 25, 45, 48, 70, 76, 80, 82, 94, w.of 124, 140, 158, 185, 197,* 216,* 221. 228, 235 „ Guy, 124 ,, Henry, 10, 159* „ Hugh, 52, 76, 81, 87, 92, w.of 127, 137, 188 „ Isabel, 15, 37, 41,* 45, 53, 61, 76, 84, 92, 98, 135, 151, 158, 161, 162, 173, 188, 197, 198, 199, 200, 206, 209, 226, 229, 333, 244 ,, James, 33, 26,* 30, 35, 36, 40, 41, 43. 46,* 47, 48, 51, 62, 53, 54,* 55, 57, '^ 60, 62,* 66, 79, 86, 92, 93, 94, 102, 117, w. of 130, 123, 141, 144, c. of 150, 151, 158, 161, 162,* 164, 170,* 174, 179,* 188, 190, 194, 197, 198,* 199, 213, 223, 230, 243, 253 „ Jane, 11 15, 80, 95 ,, Jarvis (Gervase) 64, 106, 111, 114, 116, 211 ., Jenet, 6,* 31, 42, 56, 96, 97, 141, 163, 164, 173, 174, 180, 218, 220, 223,* 236, 240 ,, Jo: 141 John, 11, 16, 28, 29, 34, 36, 41, 44, 48, 49, 50, 51, 53,* 56, 57, 58, 63, 65, 66, 69, 70, 74 75, 76, 79, 80,* 84, 86,* 86, 88,* 92, 93,* 97, 99, 101, 102,* 103, 107, 108,* 111, 114,* c. of 131, 132, 134, Fell, John — continued. 136, 143, 148, 149, 151, 156, 156, 157,162, 165,171, 175,* 177, 190, 193,* 198,* 199, 202,* 208, 210, 211,* 226, 228, 236, 240 ,, Katherine, 44, 118, 154, 15G, 165 ,, Lancelot, w.of 118, 216 ,, Laurence, 127, 141 „ Mabel, 5,* 13, 141,* 161, 200, 319, 220 ,, Margaret, 12, 13, 16, 20, 20, 33, 35, 36, 42, 60, 81, 88, 94, 106, 108, 137, 139, 144,* 145, 151, 169, 171, 199, 206, 208, 221. 223, 224, 230, 236 „ MaiT, 67, 211, 213 ,, Michael, 125 ,, Miles, 116 ,, Nicholas, 166 ., N.X.N., 94 ., Oliver, w.of 119, 121, 139 ,, Peter, 29, 31, 35, 40, 44, 48,* 53, 63, 65, 67,* 141, 164, 173, 213, 324 .. Richard, 3,* 7, 8, 12,* 22, 30, 32, 35, 39, 65, 67, 92, 94, w. of 125, 126, 129, 135, 141,* 145, 160, 167, 199, 200, 203, 220, 224, 330 ,, Robert, 36, 52, 119,* 141, 161 ,, Roger, 22,* 25, 36, 44, 55, 58, 63, 63. 67, 71, 75, 81, 107, 133,* 136, w. of 128, 136, 145,* c. of 146, c. of 152, 164, 167, 173, 181, 190, 213,* 216, 218, 233, 231, 246 ., SibeU, 137 ,, Stephen, 51, 93, 94, 198 ,, Thomas, 3, 15, 37, 40, 44, 46, 66,* 64, 67, 84, 86, 99, 103, 111, sister of 132, 166, 172, 174, 177, 189, 195, 226, 233, 247. 249, 250,* 251,* 252,* 253.* 255,* 256 ,, Thomasin, 12, 99 ,, William, 2, 4, 27, 46, 55, 63, 63, 80. 98, 103, 108, 119, 121, 126, 133, 167, 173, 200, 201 Fell alias Beare, John, 44* Felle, see Fell Finsthwat (Finstait, Finstat, Finstate, Finstatt, Finstwait, Finstwhait, Finstwhaite, Finstwhat) 278 CARTMEL PARISH REGISTERS. Baptisms pp. 1—117 inclusive. Burials 118— 214. Marriages 215—256. Finsthwat — continued. ,, Agnes, 56, 109 ,, Alice, 145 ,, Anne, 76, 106, 206 ,, Christopher, c.of 17, 70, 75, 81, 88,* 93, 94, 104, 109, 139, 140, 236 „ Ellen (Helen) 86, 256 ,, Em, 140 „ Isabel, 51, 81, 251 „ James, 8, 10, 32, 36, 38, 45,* 61, 66, 61, 82, 104, 122, 123, 138, 182, 186, 224 „ Mabel, 15, 90, 99, 203, 226, 256 ,, Margaret, 36, 38, 70 „ Mary, 93, 102, 208 ,, Mr., 99 „ N.X.N., 5 ,, Robert, 100, 202 „ Thomas, 32, 82, 86, 90, 94, 100, 102, 106, 108,* 202, 206, 208, 240, 266 „ WiUiam, 61, 165, 185 Fisher, John, 210, 239 Fishope, Alice, 240 Flecher, Flecther, see Fletcher Fleeming, Richard, 220 Fletcher (Flecher, Flecther, Flether) ,, Agnes, 210 ,, Alice, 90 ,, Anne, 6, 83, 88 ,, Christopher, 17, 28,31, 68, 163, 162, 186 ,, ChristobeU, 137 „ Elizabeth, 4, 77, 138, 153, 184, 229, 246 ., Ellen, 8, 14, 46, 73, 138, 191, 239 „ Grace, 102 „ Henry, 13, 44, 91, 96, 101, 104, 172, 199, 241 „ Hugh, 217 ,, Isabel, 15, 51, 52, 165, 182, 245 ,, James, 114, w.of 124, 136, 149 ,, Jane, 10, 11, 71 ,, Jenet, 31, 70, 81, 120, 213, 222 225 „ John, '3, 16, 44, 47, 61, 66,* 70, 76, 83. 91, 119, w.of 128, c. of 160, o. of 152, 163, 169, 201, 210, 213, 227, 231, 236 ,, Katherine, 201 ,, Mabel, 10, 14, 64, 105, 170, 223, 232, 244 ,, Margaret, 78, 138 ,, Mary, 81. 84, 193, 244 Fletcher — continued. „ Mr., 105, c.of 207 „ Richard, 16, 41, 46, 62, 64, 76, 101, 135, 169, 182, 191, 210,* 213 215 ,, Robert, 69,* 73, 81, 90, 99,* 101, 182,* 201* „ Sarah, 109 ,, Thomas, 28, 66,* 68, 71, 77, 81, 84, 88, 101, 102, 105, 109, 114, 185, 193, c. of 207 ,, Walter, w.of 131 „ William, 13, 14, 18, 23,* 41, 47, 48,* 78, 96, 104, c. of 129, 138,* 161, 184, 198, 199, 216, 218, 227, 239 Fon-est (Forest) Isabel, 229 ,, Thomas, 104 „ Walter, 104 Fortune, Elizabeth, 241 Foster, Anthony, 121, w. of 121, w. of 128, 130 Frame (Frames) Christabel, 45, 157 ., Elizabeth, 174 ,, Isabel, 39, 243 ,, Roger 39, 45, 157, 174, 326 Freers, see Fryer Freerson, Robert, 163 Fryer (Freer, Friers) „ James, 98, 106, 109, 244 ,, Jenet, 109 ,, Margaret, 98 ,, William, 106 G Gaitskell (Gai-skell, Garskill, Gaskell, Ga'fcskall, Gatskell, Gatskill, Gayskell, Gaytskell) „ Ellen, 139 ,, George, 28, 212, 237 ,, Henry, 77, 186 ,, James, 23, 187 ,, Katherine, 77, 186 ,, Mabel, 195 ,, Susanna, 266 „ Thomas, 23, 28, 196,* 219 Gane, Richard, 191 Gardner (Garrner) Christopher, 105 ,, Isabel, 88 ., Leonard, 105 ,, Mabel, 220 ,, Margaret, 255 ., Mary, 266 ,, Robert, 88 INDEX OF SURNAMES. 2?9 Baptisms pp. 1 — 117 inclusive- Burials IIS — 214- Marriages 215 — 256. Garnett (Garnet) ,, Alice, 151, two children of 151 ,, Anne, 60, 165, 169 ,, Augustine, 60, 169 ,, Christopher, 60, 62, 165, 169, 173, 203 ,, Elizabeth, 64 „ George, 93, 116, 168, 193, 242 „ Isabel, 93, 196 „ John, 62, 71, 173, 191 „ Margaret, 168, 169, 176, 303 „ Mary, 77 „ Miles, 173, 193, 323 „ N.X.N., 116 „ Robert, 60, 64, 71, 77, 169,* 196, 230. 234 „ Thomas, 151, 176, 207 „ WUliam, 205, 250, 263 Garskell, Garskill, Gaskell, see Gaitskell Gate (Gayte) Agnee, 169 „ Alice, 30, 143 „ Edwai-d, 30, 143, 162, 225 .. Isabel, 123 ,, Jenet, 143 ,, John, 124 ,, Richai'd, 1, 11 ,, Thomas, 6 Gatskall, Gatskell, Gatskill, GayskeU, GaytskeU, see Gaitskell Gelderd (Geldert) Anne, 56, 170 ,, Edward, 58 ,, Jenet, 68 „ John, 52, 161 ,, Margaret, 97* „ Margery, 76 „ Mary, 70 „ Thomas, 53, 161 , William, 53, 56, 58, 61,* 68, 70,76,161,170,230,335 Genkinson, see Jenkinson Gibson, Alice, 221 Giles (Gyles) Anne, 33 „ Elizabeth, 30 „ Hellin, 50 ,, James, 54, 162 John, 30, 33, 37,* 41, 45, 50, 54, 57, 61 106, 162, 166 ,, Margaret, 57, 166 „ Robert, 41, 112 " Thomas, 45, 61, 106, 112, 246 Gill, Henry, 55 ,, Margaret, 55 GUping, John, 24 Gilsent, William, 189 Glover, Thomas, 52* Goad (Gode) James, 242 ,, Richard, 160 ,, Susan, 254 Godsentvs, Peter, 185 Goose, Elizabeth, 43 ,, John, 43 Gorden, Elizabeth, 216 ,, Robert (Viscount Kentmerre) 246 Greaues, Jenet, 227 Greehood, Greehoode, see Greenhould Greenbank (Greenbanke) Adam, 208 ,, Robert, 196, 238 Greene, Thomas, 354 Greenehood, Greenhead, see Greenhould Greenhould (Greehood, Greehoode, Greenehood, Greenbead, Greenhood, Greenhoode, Grenehould, Grenhold, Grenhould, Grienhead) ,, Anne, 58, 114, 241 ,, Dorothy, 50, 55 ,, Edward, 66, 67 „ Elizabeth, 29,' 155 ,, Ellen (Hellin) 54, 88 ,, George, 56, 115 ,, Heniy, 73 ,, Isabel, 48, 228 ,, James, 29, 33, 37, 42,* 46, 48, 50, 61. 66, 58, 61,* 65, 66, 72, 73, 80, 88, 112,* 115, 154, 156, 162, 182, 231 „ Jenet, 33, 89, 113, 194 ,, John, 37, 92, 165, 230 ,, Mabel, 232 „ Margaret, 72, 111, 162, 228, 237 ,, Mary, 46, 154, 231 ,, Nicholas, 80 „ Robert, 61, 110, 182 „ Thomas, 58, 61, 65, 110, 111, 114 ,, William, 61, 55, 58, 67, 89, 92, 113, c. of 170, 0. of 172, 231 Greenopj>, Agnes, 229 Greenwood (Grenewoode) Agnes, 203 Alice, 20, 134, 223 Anne, 96 Edward, 109, 306, 208 Elizabeth, 161, 205 Isabel, 230 Jacob, 204 James, 53, 70, 150, 168, 198, 206, 224, 228 Jenet, 100, 140 28o CARTMEL PARISH REGISTERS. Baptisms pp. 1 — 117 inclusive- Burials 118 — 214- Marriages 215 — 256 Greenwood — continued. „ John, 103, c.of 112, 203 ,, Margaret, 104 „ Mary, 22 ,, Peter, 129 ,, Robert, 70, 100, 103, two c. of 207, 224, 214 ,, Samuel, 107 ,, Sarah, 100 „ Thomas, 107, 168 „ WiUiam, 20, 22, 63, 96, 100, 104, 109, 123, 134, 161, 196, 208 Gregg, Richard, 178 ,, Sir, 178 Grenehould, see Greenhould Grenewoode, see Greenwood Grenhold, Grenhould, see Greenhould Gretney, Samuel, 100 ,, Thomas, 100 Grienhead, see Greenhould Grubye, George, 10 ,, Katherine, 124 „ Thomas 12, 125, 221 Grymshawe, John, 174 Gui-nall (Gurnel, Gui-nell, Gtirnelle) „ Agnes, 122, 146, 234 ,, AUce, 109 ,, Anthony, 121, 122 ,, Barbara, 158 ,, Bryan, 175 „ Edward, 116 „ Elizabeth, 10, 72, 92, 105, 137,* 221 ,, Frances (m) 72 „ Isabel, 175 ,, James, 213 ,, Jaue, 226 „ John, 3, 89, 92, 96, 135 ,, Miles, 123 ,, Richard, 7, 129 „ Robert, 103 ,, Thomas, o. of 15, 55,* 96, 105, 109, 115, 119, w. of 132, 145, 158, 169, 166, 219, 222, 226, 246 ,, William, 89, 119 Gyles, see Giles H Haggasse, Jane, 240 Haile, see Hayle Haithwhitle, see Hastwitle Hale, see Hayle Hall (Halle) Agnes, 179 HaU — continued, ,, George, 248 ,, Isabel, 115 ,, Katherine, 236 ,, Richard, 126 „ Robert, 133 „ WUliam, 115, 179 Halliday (Hallidaye, HoUiday, HoUydaye) Agnes, 180 Christopher, 36, 180 ,, Edward, 32 ,, George, 33 ,, Jenet, 154 „ John, 18, 33, 37, 33, 36, 44,* w. of 139, 133, c. of 136, 153,* c.of 156, 167,* 180,* 219 ,, Thomas, 27 Halt Ric : alias Simpson, ,, Richard, 142 Hanshawe (Henshee) Isabel, 234 ,, "Olde," w. of 132 Haries, see Harris Haringson, Harinson, Harison, see Harrison Harington, see Harrington Harison alias Brockbanke, ,, Richard, 30 Harkney, see Hartley Harling, Mary, 245 Harper, Elizabeth, 35 ,, James, 30 „ Leonard, 25,* 30, 36, 162, 223 Harrie, Harries, see Harris Harrington (Harington) Anne, 236 ,, Mabel, 193 Harrinson, see Harrison Han-is (Haries, Harrie, Harries, Han-y Harrye, Harryes, Harye) see also Hitrrison, „ Agnes, 13, 109 ,, AUce, 13, 230 ,, Anne, 140 ,, Christopher, 9, 93 ,, Dorothy, 115 „ Elizabeth, 17, 41, 63, 231 ,, Ellen, 81, 168 ,, Isabel, 67, 177 J, James, 10, w.of 130 „ Jenet, 57, 165 ., Jo: c.of 170 ,, John, 9,* 15. 41, 52,* 54, 65,* 67, 87, 105, 128, w.of 128, 160,* c.of 168, 173,* 205, 206, 230 INDEX OF SURNAMES. Baptisms pp. 1 — 117 inclusive. Burials 118 — 214- Marriages 215 — 256. 'Ra.rTia— continued. ., Margaret, 74 „ Mary, 64, 70, 242 „ Richard, 68, 112, 148, 109, 211 „ William, 57, 58, 63, 67,* 70, 74, 81, 87, 93, 105, 109, 110,* 113, 115, 165, 169, 177, 306, 209,* 211, 232 Harrison (Haringson, Harinson, Harison, Harrinson, Harrisonn, Harryson, Harrysonn) see also Hari-is, „ Agnes, 60, 86, 90, 109, 113, 121, 122, 134, 170, 171, 191, 206, 207, 209, 222, 241, 242, 251 ,, Alice, 149 ,, Allan, 123 ,, Anne, 8, 15, 96, 113,* 194, 201, 209, 223 ,, Anthony, 11, 164 „ Bryan, 134, 149 ., Christopher, 41, 92, 164, 170, 171,* 173, 181, 191, 199, 201 ., Dorothy, 182 „ Edward, 37, 52, 83, 84, 86, 96, 101, 104, 109, 134, 147, 154, 156, 165, 176, 186, 209, 210, 243 „ Elizabeth, 133, 161, 222, 223,* 247, 256 ,, Ellen, 219, 227 George, 24,* 136, 149 „ Hugh, 126 Isaac 45, 95, 189, 199, 242 Isabel, 86, 126, 136, 162, 171, 199, 206, 241, 252 ,, James, 86, 87, 92, 113, c. of 128, 131, 134, 175, 177, 189, 191, 193, 195,* 221, 222 „ Jane, 101, 191, 193, 212, 237, 242 „ Jenet, 14, 102, 143, 157, 190, 223 „ John, 6, 36, 46, 52, 60, 74, 80, lob, i02, 120, 127, 131, 152, 165, 171,* 193, 196, 206, 207 212, 216, 225, 237, 239, 245* „ Kathenne, 134, 177, 189 Laurence, 37, 41, 45, 95, 96, 197, 209, 226, 235 „ Mabel, 11, 137, 191, 228 Margaret, 3, 46, 80, 83, 95, 96, 104, 139, 148, 164, 161, 222, 236, 241 „ Margery, 155 Harrison — continued. „ Michael, 3, w. of 130, 141, 115, 162, 189, 196, 218 „ Myles, 83, 87, 92,* 96, 113, 135, 221, 247 „ Nicholas, w.of 153, 166 „ Richard, 124, w.of 139,* 155, 317 „ Robert, w. of 133, 134,* 135, 149, 309, 316, 317 ,, Roland, 96, 193, 206, 211 ,, Thomas, 14, 71, 74, 113, 119, 120, w. of 130, 138, 144, 321 ,, WUliam, 6, 7, 14, 36, 71, 83, 84, 90, 95, 100, 105,* 142, 158, 212,* 255 Harry, Harrye, Hai-ryes, see Harris Hartley (Harkney) Peter, 108,* 207* BLarye, see Harris Hastwitle (Haithwhitle) Anne, 9 „ Elizabeth, 157 „ Heiuy, 119, 218 ;, Robert, 128 „ WUliam, 120 Hathornett, Kathei-ine, 242 Hawdon, Hawdwen, see Howden Hawe (Hawes) Maigaret, 35, 251 „ William, 35 Hawkes, Anne, 149 Hawle, Jane, l71 Hawton, Thomas, 243 Haygate, George, 158 Hayle (Haile, i&ale) ,, George, 49,* 59, 63, 68, 72, 196, 219, 229, 244 „ Gilbert, w. of 130 „ Isabel, 121 Jenet, 69 „ Mabel, 72 „ Margaret, 2, 68, 111 ,, Mary, 63 ,, Thomas, 117 ,, WUliam, 111, 117 Hayton, Alice, 177 ,, Elizabeth, 32 ,, Ellen, 144 Henry, 19, 28, 32, 102 „ Isabel, 28 ,, John, 19 Heardson, see Hiidson Hebson (Hebsonn) Anno, 15 „ N.X.N. , 226 ,, Richard, 119 Helme, Agnes, 220 ,, Anne, 34, 222 ,, Christopher, 5, 25, 29, 34, 39, 44, 49,* 53, 61, 187,* 200 CARTMEL PARISH REGISTERS. Baptisms pp- 1—117 inclusive. Burials 118—214- Marriages 215—256. Helme — continued. „ Dorothy, 44, 212 ,, Francis, 205 ., Isaac, 39 ,, Isabel, 61 ,, Jane, 26 ,, Jenet, 53 ,, John, 29, 61, 221 ,, Katherine, 221 ,, Thomas, 61 ,, WUliam 123 Henshee, see Hanshawe Herdman, Lettice, 223 Hewes, Henry, 183 Hierdson, see Hirdson Higgins (Higgin) Hester, 199 ,, Thomas, 172 ,, WiUiam, 223 Hills, Edward, 65 Walter 65 Hi'nd (Hinde, Hynde) George, 213 ,, Jane, 80 ,, Jenet, 242 „ John, 80, 84, 86* ., Margaret. 84, 117 ,, Thomas, 117, 213 Hirdson (Heardson, Hierdson) ,, Agnes, 177 ,, Anne, 227 Christopher, 223 ,, Gawen, c. of 59, 63 ,, Henry, 75 ,, Jane, 69 .. Jenet, 75 ,, John, 177 ,, Leonard, 69, 177 ,, Margaret, 229 ,, Mary, 63, 197 .. Richard, 58, 206 ,, Robert, 61, 176, 203 ,, WiUiam, 58, 61, 64,* 150, 176, 177 * 232 Hobkin, William, 186* Hobson, David, 35 ., John, 35 ,, Mabel, 161 ,, Mary, 69 ,, Michael, 69 ,, William, 78,* 107* Hodgson (Hodgshon, Hodgsonn, Hodshon, Hodson) ,, Agnes, 227, 240 ,, Alice, 174, 246 .. Anne, 7, 22 ,, Baibara, 30 ,, Christopher, 23,* 24, 27, 30, 33,* 35, 37, 39,* 43, 51, 66, 136, 169, 174, 176, 186, 222 Hodgson — continued. Dorothy, 210 Edward, 36, 136 Elizabeth, 21, 33, 41, 51, 126,* 161, 160, 223, 227 Ellen (Helen) 19, 163, 196 Frances, 115 Isabel, 27, 39, 169, 239 James, 24, 32, 33, 88, 94, 118, w. of 120, 254 Jane, 27 Jenet, 6, 31, 136, 137, 147, 181 John, 8, 19, 36, 37, 88, 93, 130, 148, 169, 204, 241 Mabel, 147 Margaret. 4, 19, 32, 37, 122, 133, 221 Marian. 77 Mary, 193 Michael, 2 Richard, 7, 45, 207 Robert, c. of 16, 32, 36, w. of 123, c. of 131, 131, 146 Rowland, 88, 90, 137, 266 Thomas, 19, 21, 22, 27, 31, 32, 37, 41, 43, 46, 88, 90, 93, 94, 99,* 115, 123, w.of 137, 147, 148, c. of 149, 151, 160, 163, 169,* 175,184, 221,241, 249 ,, William, 6, 9, 14, 39, 56, 77, 147, 150, 165, 207 Hoghton, see Houghton Holderedge, Dorothy, 75 , , John, 75 HoUiday, HoUydaye, see Halliday Holmes (Holme, Home) „ Agnes, 4, 13, 31, 59, 162, 186, 231, 236 ,, Alice, 88, 180 ,, Anne, 52, 84, 86 ,, Bridget, 71, 183 ,, Christopher, 114, 230 „ Edward, 2,* 41, 64,* 83 „ Elizabeth, 35, 91, 137, 197 „ Ellen, 77 ,, George, 10, 94 ., Henry, 10, c.of 17, 119, 217 „ Hugh, 52 „ Isabel, 40, 49, 198, 223, 237 ,, James, 6, 13, 23, 31, 34, 36,* 40, 123, 127, 147,* 156, 182 „ Jenet, 46, 150, 218, 234 ,, John, 2, 30, 71, 112, 143, 183 ,, Katherine, 218 ,, Mabel, 54, 163, 324 „ Margaret, 37, 40, 44, 95, 160, 239 INDEX OF SURNA.MES, 283 Baptisms pp. 1 — 117 inclusive. Burials 118 — 214- Marriages 215 — 256. Holmes — continued. „ Mary, 20, 45, 240 „ Otywell, 16 „ Richard, 2, 7, 20, 23, 24,* 25, ' 26,* 30, 34, 35, 37, 40, 44, 45, 49, 52, 54, 57,* 75, 77, 83, 88, 94, 99, 112, 129, 140,* c.of 160, 160,* 163, c. of 155, c. of 159, 163, 165, 184, 188, 221, 223 „ Robert, 49, 188 „ Thomas, 24, 27,* 31,* 36, 41, 46, 52, 59, 75, 77,* 86, 114, 137, 180, 182, 184, 186 „ William, 34, 36, 49, 84, 91, 95, 99, 115,* w. of 127, 140, 162, 175, 197 240 Hornbye (Hornebye) Margaret, 230 ,, Richard, 224 Hoi-ssman, Edward, 222 HosfeU, William, 51* Houghton (Hoghton) Alice, 119 ., Anne, 204 ;, Sir Gilbert, 204 „ Hugh, 118, 149, 216,* 222 ,, Jenet, 183 ,, Mrs., 204 Houseman (Housman) Elizabeth, 112 „ Ellen, 115 „ Heni-y, 107, 207 ,, Jane, 109 „ John, 107, 109, 113, 115, 207 Howai-d (Howreads, Howred, Howrud \_sic'] Howrudd) „ Dorothy, 185 ,, Isabel, 71 ,, John, 64,* 71, 78,* 174,* 185 ,, Martha, 248 Howden (Hawdon, Hawdwen, Howdon) ,, James, 97 „ John, 94,* 97, 101, 104, 108, 205, 238 ,, Mary, 101, 241 „ Michael, 108 ,, N.X.N., 91 „ Robert, 104 ,, Thomas, 91 „ William, 104, 205 Howe, Dorothy, 58 ,, Edward, 53, 180 Jenet, 106, 147, 176, 238 „ John, 40, 179 ,, Margaret, 240 ,. Robert, 147 ., Thomas, 47, 106 William, 46, 47, 53, 58, 179, 180, 223 Howley (Howie) Anne, 231 ,, James, 114 ,, Margaret, 114 ,, Richard, 163 Howreads, Howred, Howrud [sic], Howrudd, see Howard Hubbei-stie (Hubberstye, Huberstie, Hubersty, Huberstye) ,, Alice, 140 ,, Anne, 191 „ Edward, 173 „ Ellen, 179 ,, James, 20, 24, 140, 153 ,, Margaret, 20 „ Richard, 24, 134, 191, 231 .. Thomas, c.of 17, 161 Huddleston (Hudleston) .. Elizabeth, 97 ,. Isaac, 87, 97 „ John, 87 Hudson, Christopher, 108 „ John, 228 ,, Robert, 249 Hunter, John, 231 Hutton (Huttonn) Agnes, 101 ., Dorothy, 18 „ Ellen (Helena) 7, 18, 220 ,, Frances, 18 ,, George, 18,* 33, 101, 112, 245, 248 ,, Ma: 112 ,, Mary, 18, 309 „ Mr., 18, 348 ,, Nicholas, 18 „ Richard, 18, 203 „ Thomas, 18,* w. of 131, 144, 200 „ WiUiam. 18,* 33, 164 Hynde, see Hind Idle, Elizabeth, 229 ,, Isabel, 16 ,, James, 131 ,, John, 138 „ Peter, 131* ,, Richai-d, 139 . ilson, N.X.N., 256 Jackson (Jackeson, Jacksonn) „ Agnes, 39, 150 ,, Elizabeth, 156 „ Ellen, 223 „ Isabel, 12, 145 284 CARTMEL PARISH REGISTERS. Baptisms pp. 1 — 117 inclusive- Burials 118 — 214- Marriages 215 — 256- Jackson — continued. .. James, 256 ., Jenet, 145, 176 .. John, 11, 78,* 121,* 122, w. of 125, 139, 218, 238 ,, Margaret, 223 ,, Robert, 129 ,, Thomas, 39 ., William, 166 Jenkinson (Genkinson, Jenkinsonn) ,, Agnes, 222 „ Anne, 142, 228, 242 ,, Dorothy, 31, 89, 145 , Elizabeth, 7 ,, Henry, 23 ,, Jane, 46, 93 ,, John, 33, 40, 146 . Laurence, 34, 87, 89, 93, 107, 108, 211, 212, 241 ,, Richard, 5, 134 ,, Thomas, 2, 107, 119, 212, 235 ,, William, c.of 17, 23, 31, 33, 34, 40, 45, 87, 126, 142, 145, 146, 170 Jepson (Jepsonn) Agnes, 107 ,, Edward, 89, 92 ,, Elizabeth. 238 ,, Heni-y, 101,* 104, 107, 112, 251 ,, John, 92 ,, Mary, 112 ,, Robert, 104 , Sybil, 89 ,, Thomas, 221 Jesopp, Thomas, 231 Jnglish, Henry, 138 Johnson (Johnsonn) Agnes, 44, 07 ,, Alice, 201 ,, Edmund, 30, 125 ,, Edward, 30, 34, 39, 41, 14,* 49, 51, 55, 57, 161, 160, 163, 201 227 ,, Elizabeth, c.of 153 ., Isabel, 39, 166 ,, James, 34 „ John, 153, 219 .. Mabel, 238 .. Margaret, 44, 51 ,, Tomisin, 49, 160 ,, WUliam, 41, 55, 151, 163 K Kannye, see Canny Katon, see Caton Kaybye, Frances (/) 235 Kenne, Alice, 169 ,, James, 130, 169, 173, 219 ,, Jenet, 238 Kellett (Kelett, Kellat, Kellatt, Kellet) ,. Agnes, 10, 25, 35,* 44, 62, 63, 77, 166, 178, 232, 237, 239, 244 ,, Alice, 77, 90, 102, 133, 176, 212 235 ,, Aiine,'26, 37, 39, 152 ,, Christopher, 6, 13, 25, 29, 35, 39, 47, 52, 53, 56, 60, 62, 68, 73, 74, 77, 79, 88, 113, 116, c.of 128, 134, 165, 161, 165, 169, 182, 193,* 230, 248 ,, Dorothy, 44 ,, Edmund, 21 „ Edward, 6, 21, 22, 24, 26,* 29,* 31,* 35, 44, 89, 123, w. of 131, 134, 135, 136, 142, 146, c. of 149, 0. of 151, 165, 166, 178,* 180, 205, 221, 233 ,, Elizabeth, 26, 35, 39, 67, 68, 81, 142, 194, 195, 202, 221, 238 Ellen, 6, 12, 29, 195, 236 Esther, 69, 116 Hugh, 21, 34, 84, 86, w. of 133, 147, 221 Isabel, 32, 47, 70, 80, 86, 116, 139, 148, 156, 176, 188, 191, 224, 226, 236 James, 4, 19, 62, 89, 106, 109, 116, 138, 194, 199, 306, 209, 231 Jane, 8, 9,* 29, 116, 143, 221, 225 Jenet, 21, 34, 55, 67, 78, 80, 85, 96, 128, 135, 146, 172, 181, 192, 205, 221, 237, 241, 245, 253, 254 Jo: c.of 142 John, 7, 19,* 21,* 22, 24, 26, 29, 33,* 39, 45, 53, 68, 60, 70, 75,* 77, 80,* 86,* 96, 103, 106, 116, 126, 138,* 139, 166, 169, 180, 188, 189, 193, 196, 212, 220,* 236, 239, 215 Katlierine, 158 Laurence, 109, 209 Mabel, 8, 29, 165, 198,* 218 Margai-et, 29, 30, 31, 69, 73, 106, 196, 238 Mary, 115 N.X.N. , 241 Oliver, 6, 133 Peter, c. of d. of 16, 35, 68, 115, 117, 136, 183, 353 INDEX OF SURNAMES. 28s Baptisms pp. 1 — 117 inchisive. Burials 118 — 214. Marriages 215 — 256. Kellett — continued. ,, Richard, 9, 14, 22, 24,* 25, 29, 39, 63, 69, 74, 75, 77, 78, 80, 81, 86, 89, w. of 133, 127, 139, 141, 145, 194, 195,* 234, 239 ,, Robert, 3, 23, 24,* 26, 29, 30, 34, 35,* 37, 39, 44, 52, 63, 69, 75, 147,* 152, 158, 161, 172, 175, 185,* 187, 222, 231 „ Rowland, 22 ,, Thomas, 6,* 6, 11, 28, 68, 63, 67,* 68, 74, 80, 81, 86,* 90, 113, 117, 185,, 191, 212, 215, 233, 235, 248 „ William, 6, 19, 25, 26, 28, 29, 34, 35, 44, 45, 62, 69,* 70 * 74, 75, 77, 79, 81, 84, 88, 89, 93,* 106, 118, 124, w. of 138, 139. 133, 136, 141, 143, 178, 181, 188, 193, 193,* 194,* 200,* 306, 213, 317, 318, 230 234, 238, 240 Kempe, Christopner, 225 Kendall, Alice, 218 ,, Marian, 106 ,, Richard, 33 „ Thomas, 33, 106 Kentmerre. Viscount of, 246 Kerby, see Kirby Kilner (KUler, Killner) „ Agnes, 27, 29, 40, 59, 66, 69, 71, 76. 83, 114, 116, 120, 163, 174, 183, 205, 212, 223, 225 238 „ Alice, '69, 74, 78, 88, 196, 340 ;, Anne, 53, 93, 102, 208, 229 ,, Bryan, 2 ,, Dorothy, 212 , Edmund, 62, 161, 203, 235 , Edward, 13, 53, 56, 59, 60, 65, 70, 74, 76, 77, 82, 87, 90, 92, 98,* 104, 110,* 114, 117,* w. of 118, 128, 163,* 175, 182, 192, 194, 209, 212, 223, 231, 249 ,, Elizabeth, 15, 25, 52, 57, 78, 91, 98, 117, 160, 195 „ Ellen, 9, 20. 29, 36, 179 George, 10, 26, 26, 29, 65, 66, 74, 75, 104, 107, 110, 111, 111* 116, 117, 160, 161, 174, 177,* 178, 179, 182,* 204, 210, 333, 330 „ Gilbert, 13 „ Gillion, 36 Isabel, 49, 72, 75, 8l, 109, 177, Kilner, Isabel — continued. 180, 191, 197, 210, 224, 235, 242* ,, James, 14, 69, 75, 78, 82, 86, 87, 94, 95, 96, 109, 114,117, 131, 192, c. .of 207, 208, 212 ,, Jane, 31, 37, 66, 226, 244 ,, Jenet, 77, 161, 226 ,, John, 5, 17, 20, 22, 25,* 26, 27,* 29, 31, 37, 42, 43, 71, 74, 75, 76, 80, 81, 83,* 88, 91, 93, 95, 97, 98, 104, 105, 108,* 111, 115, 126, 133, 136, 142, 143, 146, 166, 180, 183, 185, 193,* 196, 204, 208,* 212,* 219, 242, 249 ,, Julian, 70 ,, Leonard, 22, 136 „ Mabel, 86, 160, 182, 224, 253 „ Margaret, 63, 70, 82, 100, 164, 190, 207, 245, 246 ,, Marie, 60 ,, Marion, 62, 161 ,, Mary, 33, 76, 90, 93, 106, 194, 210 ,, MOes, 10, 23, 26, 29, 35, 42, 54, 56, 60, 63, 66, 69, 70, 75, 76, 81, 87, 91, 96, 111, 129, 174,* 190, 191, 210, 230, 234 ,, N.X.N., 169 ., Richard, 8, 12, 33, 36, 78, 82, 94, 100, 103, 105, 138, 133, 143, w. of 143, 191, 0. of 202, 206, 238, 244 ,, Richard Rowland \_sic'\ 225 ,, Robert, 16, 29, 38, 72, 82, 88, 91, 93,* 97, 111, 115, 195, 197, 212,* 224 ,, Roger, 3, 42, 49, 60, 114, 155, 186, 196, 227 „ Rowland, 31, 33, 36, 40, 43, 47, 52, 82, 176, 197 . Sarah, 104 ,, SibeU, 10 ,, Susan, 105 ,, Thomas, 25, 27, 31, 36, 38, 47, 65. 66, 80, 102, 110, 114, 117, w. of 126, 142, 174, 187, 196, 199, 208, 209, 218, 221, 255 ,, Tomasin, 42 ,, William, 14, 54, 57, 82, 88, 102, 107. 114. 117,* 123, 165,* 159, 164, 166, 196, 207, 218 Kirby (Kerby, Kirbie, Kirbye) ,, Agnes, 246 286 CARTMEL PARISH REGISTERS. Baptisms pp. 1 — 117 inclusive. Burials 118 — 214- Marriages 215 — 256. Kirby — continued, ., Dorothy, 198 ,, Elizabeth, 82 ,. Ellen, 75, 190 ,, Isabel, 86, 102, 190 ,, James, 211 ,, Jenet, 89, 100 ,, Jo: 68 ., John, 72, 75, 79,* 82, 86, 89, 95, 102, 190,* 198,* 235, 241, 245 ,, Margaret, 68 ,. Mai-y, 86 ,, Thomas, 95, 198 ,, WUliam, 72, 100, 211, 244 Knipe (Knype) Agnes, 50, 109, 155, 169, 183 ,, Alice, 59, 94, 242 ., Anne, 36, 84, 119, 160 ,, Anthony, 133, 143, 170 ., Christopher, 82 ., Dorothy, 98, 184, 200 ., Edward, 47, 52, 59, 66, 71, 175, 184, 228 ,, Egine, 176 ,, Egipte, 58 ,, Elizabeth, 54 „ Ellen, 100, 113, 241 ,, George, 50, 64, 58, 62, 77, 169,* 176. 229, 231 ,, Isaac, 33, 36, 40, 46, 49, 66,* 69, 80, 151, 157, 160,* 167,* 168, 300 ,, Isabel, 66, 138, 175 ,, James, c. of 17, 64, 107,* 113, 116, 133, 175, 303, 317 ,, Jane, 33, 49, 75, 151, 160, 193 ,, Jeffrey, 61 ,. Jenet, 135, 146 ,, John, 116 ,, Joseph, 130 Katherine, 106 ,; Mabel, 248 ., Margaret, 16, 53, 62, 127, 159 ,, Mary, 69, 66, 90 ,, Mr., 110, 200, 248 ,, Mi-s., 133 ,, N.X.N., 48 ,, Samuel, 45, 157 .. Susan, 110 ,, Thomas, 118 ,, Timothy, 61, 174 , William, 40, 47, 48, 54, 60,* 66, 71, 75, 77, 80, 82, 84, 90, 94. 98, 100, 104,* 106, 109, 110, 120, w. of 120,* 129, 141, 200,* 229, 348, 256 Lancastbe, Richard, 244 ,, Robert, 163 Langmire, Langmyre, see Longmire Laton, Latonn, see Layton LaTider, see Lowther Lawson, Dorothy, 264 ,, Elizabeth, 238 ,, Mary, 50, 159 ,, Richai-d, 50, 159 Layton (Laton, Latonn) Agnes, 200 ,, Anne, 133 ,, Charles, 133, 218 ,, Robert, 200, 244 Laytus, Mr., 188 Leake, Mr., 29 Leek (Lecke) Elizabeth, 170 ,, John, 52, 106, 175, 206 ., Robert, 67 „ Thomas, 60,* 62, 57, 105, 170, 175, 206, 229 Leece (Leese) Agnes, 59 ,, Alice, 86 ,, Christopher, 68 ,, EUen, 64 ,, Jenet, 78, 193 ,, John, 75, 185 ,, Katherine, 238 ,, Margaret, 16, 18, 229 „ Thomas, 56, 59, 64, 68, 76, 78, 86, 186, 192, 193, 231 ,, William, o. of 16, 65, c. of 127, 157,* w. of 163, 183, 192, 232 Leech (Leeche) Elizabeth, 23 ,, Isabel, 189 ,, Margaret, 241 „ Thomas, 23, 178, 220 Leese, see Leece Levens, Agnes, 137 Lewnes (Liwnes) Isabel, 113 ,, Jenet, 247 ,, Margaret, 113 „ Robert, 113 „ Thomas, 247* Lickbarrowe (Lickbarow) ,, Margaret, 221 ,, Peter, 242 Lindowe (Linday) Elizabeth, 160 ., John, 209, 210 ,, Richard, 209 .. Sarah, 210 Liwnesj see Lewnes Longmire (Langmire, Langmyre, Longemire) ,, Anne, 59 INDEX OF SURNAMES. 287 Baptisms pp. 1—117 inclusive. Burials 118— 214. Marriages 215—256. LoDgmire—continued. „ George, 97, 199 ., Henry, 69 „ John, 97, 199, 240 Louder, Lowder, see Lowther Lowe, John, 64* Lowes, Richard, 207 Lowther (Lawder, Louder, Lowder) ,, Agnes, 27, 37, 143 ,, Anne, 35, 147 ,, Anthony, 60 ,, Christopner, 49 ,, Ellen, 62 ,, Jenet, 206 ,, Katherine, 55 „ Lanclett, 23, 169 ,, Margaret, 150 ,, Rowland, 23, 27, 42, 44, 106,* 152, 196 ,, William, 35, 37, 42, 44, 49, 56, 60, 62, 147, 152, 169, 197 M Mabebt, see Maybury Macareth, see Mackereth MacheU (Machel, Machet, Machol, Maichell, MayceU, MaycheU, Maytchell, Meachell) ,, Agnes. 52, 60, 113, 168, 211, 245 ., Alice, 3 .. George, 28, 37, 40, 43, 48, 52, 56, 61. 72, 101, 176, 183, 196, 226 „ James. 54, 56, 150, 210 ,, Jenet, 43, 105, 205 ., John, 50,* 54, 60, 97, 106, 164, 168, 187, 206, 229, 245 .. Leonard, 28 .. Mabel, 154, 219 ,, Margaret. 61, 72, 106, 176, 183, 206, 229 ,, Richard, 124 „ Robert, 48, 97, 101, 105, 113, w. of 129. 131, 205, 211, 243 ., Rowland, 37 „ Sibell, 40, 229 .. Thomas, 126 Machet, see Machell Machon, Elizabeth, 236 Mackerell, Hugh, 144 ,, Jane, 24 „ Robert, 24 ,, WilUam 9 MackeretB (Blacarefcli, Mackerethe) Mackereth — continued, Agnes, 69, 226, 238 Anne, 236 Edward, 197 Geoige, 140 Isabel, 165 James, 122 Jane, 151 Jenet, 11 Jolm, 2, 118,* 123,* 124* Mabel, 3 Margaret, 21 Mary, 69 Robert, 21, 151, 155, 156 Thomas, 120 William, 130 Maichell, see Machell Maijben-y, see Maybury Makecleane, George. 157 Mallorie (Mallerey, Mallirey, Mallyarye, Malyary, Malyarye) ,, Anne, 19, 68, 168 ,, Elizabeth, 234 ., Isabel, 3 ,, Jo: 141 „ John, 19, 22, 56, 62,* 66, 68, 72,* 138, 168,* 173,* 231, 234 ,, Katherine, 56, 234 ,, Margaret, 32, 66, 141 Marchell, see Marshall Marr (Mar, Marre) .. Agnes, 110, 337, 230 ., Anne, 68 „ Christopher, 23, 76, 80, 86, 91, 96, 101, 105,* 110 ,, Edward, 70, 181 ,, Elizabeth, 86 ,, Ellen, 101, 245 ,, George, 61, 65, 68, 72,* 182, 184, 185, 233, 239, 264 ,, Hugh, 13, 49, 129, w. of 130, 167,* 162, 179,* 229 ,, Isabel, 49, 72, 157 ,, Jenet, 61, 87, 91, 179, 185, 195, 234 „ John, 19, 70, 72, 80, 87, 96, 157, 162, 177,* 179, 181, 195, 336 „ Mabel, 96, 196 ,, Margai-et. 96, 184 ,, Thomas, 311, 338 ,, WUliam, 19, 33, 65, 76, 140, 183, 318 Marshall (Marchell, Marshell) „ Agnes, 160, 220 ,, Aime, 223 288 CARTMEL PARISH REGISTERS. Baptisms pp. 1—117 inclusive- Burials 118—214- Marriages 215—256. Marshall — continued. ,, Christopher, 140 „ Edward, 166, 188, 209, 228, 256 ,, George, w. of 125 ,, Isabel, 141, 188 , , James, 231 ,, Jane, 116 ,, Jenet, 232 ,, Jolm, 111,* 116, 111, 148, 190, 256 ,, Katherine, 209 ,, Margaret, 166 ,, Miles, 190 ,, Richard, 2, 123, 150,* 169 ., Stephen, 118 „ WUliam, w. of 122, w. of 134, 159 Martindale (Martendall, Martindall) ,, Agnes, 55, 167, 173, 221 ,, Anne, 59 ,, Christopher, 89 ,, George, 62 ,, Harry, 68 ,, James, 53 ,, Jane, 200 ,, Jenet, 37, 53, 197 ,, Jo: 59 ,, John, 37, 85, 130, c. of 173, 173, 174, 192, 219, 232 ,, Mabel, 66 ,, Matthew, 72 ,. Peter, 63, 55, 59, 62, 66, 68, 72, 76, 85, 89, 167, 192, 197, 200, 208, 230 ,, Richard, 76, 208 ., Robert, 130 ,. William, 63, 69 Maschate, Marian, 182 Maschowe, see Maskew Mashiter (Massiter) Jenet, 66 ,, Roland, 66 ,, William, 224 Maskew (Maschowe, Maskowe) „ Ellen, 197 ., .Tenet, 179 ,, John, 120. 136, 153 ., Mabel, 153 Mason (Mayson) Hannah, 98 ,, Ma.rgaret. 250 ., Thomas. 98 Massiter, see Mashiter Massix, Robert, 203 Mawde, Anne, 57, 166 ., Thomas. 57, 166 JIaybury (Mabery, Maijberrij, Mayberry, Maybery) Maybury — continued. ., Anne, 303, 238 ,, Clement, 99 „ Godfrey, 97, 199 ,, James, 88, 192 ,, John, 75 ,, Martin, 84 „ Mary, 78 ,, Nicholas, 81, 249 ,, Richard, 76,78, 81,84, 88, 90,* 92,* 97, 99, 192, 194, '^ 199, 202,* 238 Maycell, MaycheU, see Machell Mayson, see Mason Maytchell, Meachell, see Machell Meaking (Meakinge) Alice, 60, 169 ,, John^ 60, 169 Meareon, William, 213 Mechelson, see Michelson MetcheU, see Mitchell Michelson (Mechelson, Michelson, Mitchellsonn, Mychellsonn, Mychelson, Mychelsonn, Mytchellson) ,, Agnes, 189 ,, Anne, 8, 63, 245 ,, Dorothy, 45, 224 ,, Edward, 16, 38, 46, 49, 54, 58, 63, 189, 200 ,, Isabel, 10 „ Jane, 54, 331, 344 ,, Mabel, 184 ,, Margaret, 11, 38, 173 ,, Robert, 58, 165 ,, Siscliffe, 337 ,, Thomas, 17, 49, 200, 215 Miller, Elizabeth, 109 ,, James, 103 ,, Jenet, 103 ,, Richard, 109 Milner (Millner, Mylner) ,, Agnes, 72, 84, 189, 220 ,, Anne, 254 „ Elizabeth, 19, 173, 197 „ EUen, 22, 82, 183 ,, Hugh, o. of 14, 22, 39, 43, 46, 52, 99, c. of 130, 160, 171, 227 ,, Isabel, 30, 85, 87, 89, 93, 145, 191, 193 ,, James, 42,* 46, 56, 72, 75, 77, 83, 87, 89,* 109, 148,* 176, 188, 191, 196,* 228, 237 ,, Jane, 106, 138, 211 ., Jenet, 27, 78, 81, 148, 187, 234 „ John, 19. 20, 22, 27, 39, 40, 55, 89, 93, 99, 106, 109, 145,* 185, 196, 211, 241 INDEX OF SURNAMES. 289 Baptisms pp. 1 — 117 inclusive. Burials 118 — 214- Marriages 215- Milner — continued. ,, Lancelot, 63, 173, 197 ., Mabel, 176, 204 ,, Mai-garet, 63 „ Richard, 3, 15, 26, 52, 71,* 73, 75, 78, 81,* 82, 84, 86, w.of 131, 136, 160, 187, 189,* 196, 236, 239 ,, Robert, 47 ,, Roland, 20, 22, 26, 30, 33, 40, 47, 73, 81, 163, 166, 188, 254 „ Thomas, 33, 77, 95,* 243 „ WiUiam, 43, 83, 136 Mitchell (MetcheU) James, 147 ,, Mabel, 147 ,, Thomas, 150 Mitchellsonn, see Michelson Moone, Agnes, 65 ,, James, 59, 65, 70, 75, 182, 185, 233, w. of 233 ,, Jane, 75 Margaret, 69 .. Thomas, 70, 183 „ WiUiam, 75, 185 Moorcroft (Moorecroft, Moorecrofte, Morecroft) ,, Agnes, 33, 233 „ Alice, 19, 143, 232 ,, Anne, 89, 106 ,, Edward, 77, 115 ., Ellen, 87, 102, 190 ., Isabel, 82 „ James, 33, 98, 212, 238 .. Jenet, 229 „ John, 25, 27, 70,* 74, 77, 82, 87, 89. 93,* 98, 102, 106, 140, 182,* 183,* 190, 236 ,, Margaret, 115 „ Miles, 19, 22, 27, 33, 74, 140, 201 ., Widow, 212 Moore, Agnes, 26 .. Ellen, 159 ,, Richard, 141 ,, Thomas, 25, 141, 159 „ WUliam, 118, 119, 124 Moorecroft, Moorecrofte, see Moorcroft Moorehouse, Agnes, 229 Morecroft, see Moorcroft Morlaye, Aime, 222 Moslaye, Margaret, 24 ., Mary, 140 Mowson, Allan, 48, 228 ., George, 48 Moyses, Henry, 32, 225 ,, Margaret, 32 Muckelt (MuchaU, Muchel, Muckel, Muckeld, Muckelde, MuckeU, Muckelte, Muggel, Mughal, Mughall, Mughel, Mughell, Mughill) ,. Agnes, 21, 46, 68, 81, 137, 141, 192, 203, 219, 240 ,, Alice, 112 ,, Anne, 99, 106, 185, 213 ., Cicely, 204 „ Dorothy, 51, 95, 107, 207, 2.03 ,, Edward, 28, 40, 46, w.of 136, 155, 201. 223 „ Elizabeth, 16, 38, 61, 72, 73, 81, 86, 188, 190, 199, 235, 244, 245 „ EUen, 28, 46, 74, 76, 93, 139, 210, 235, 240 ,, George, 92, 103 ,, Gilbert, 38, 43, 46, 61, 152, 153, 171, 223 ,, Havis, 211 ,, Henry, 18, 30, 41, 84, 92, 176, 211 , Hugh, 3, 61, 70, 75, 79, 89, 114, 127, c. of 168, 193, 194, 233 „ Isabel, 28, 34, 35, 64, 75, 86, 133, 176, 181, 189, 194, 200, 228, 231, 245, 256 ,, James, 2, 14, 19, 29, 45, 46, 51, 59, 64, 69, 74, 81, 103, 10§, 121, 138, 140, 153, 167, 199, 203, 313, 319, 238 ,, Jane, 9, 56, 113, 243 Jenet, 3, 16, 65, 79, 138, 215, 219 John, 69. 70, 75, 82, 84, 89, 117, 193, 236 Katherine, 176 ,, Mabel, 13, 123, 195 Margaret, 9, 24, 50, 133, 194, 224 ,, Mary, 61 Mil^, 158,* 188, 200 ,, Nicholas, w. of 130 Peter, 40, 43, 120, 141, loO, 152 Richard, 18, 22, 25,* 29, 34, 41, 46,* 48,* 50, 54, 66, 69, 65 73*85 91, '95, 99 103, 107,* 113, 140,* c. of 142, 167 175, 184, 189, 190, 192, 194, 196, 204,* 218, 340 U 290 CARTMEL PARISH REGISTERS. Baptisms pp. 1—117 inclusive. Burials 118— 214. Marriages 215—256. Muckelt — continued. „ Robert, 9, 18, 21, 23, 34, 30, 35, 68, 73, 81, 85, 93, 126, c. of 127, w. of 128, 189,* 200, 216, 221, 235 ., Stephen, 59, 105, 107, 109,112, 117, 207 ,, Thomas, 19, 24, 28, 54, 59, 70, 72, 82, 91, 100,* 103, 107, 114, 126, 138, 210, 244, 246, 263 256 256 ,, Winiam, 70, 107, 129, 181, 225, 247 MuUinixe, Robert, 38* Mychellsonn, Mychelson, Mychelsonn, see Michelson Myers (Myare, Myres) „ Allan, c. of 133, 148, 219 „ EUen, 148 ,, Isabel, 228 ,, John, 99* Myles, Anne, 211 ,, John, 211, 252 Mylner, see Milner Myres, see Myers Mytchellson, see Michelson N Natbeowne, Agnes, 161 Nelson (Nealson, Nealsonn) ,, Agnes, 140 ,, Edmund, 14 ,, Hugh, 106 ,, James, 126 ,, John, 11, 106 ,, Robert, 12, 14, 140 ,, William, 145 Xewby (Neubie, Newbie, Nenbye, Nubie, Nuby) ,, Agnes, 2, 9, 21, 30, 33, 49, 65, 66, 82, 85, 94, 95, 102, 167, 169, 167, 174, 184, 196, 197, 230,* 239, 266 ., Alice, 25 ,, Anne, 38, 51, 67,* 78, 84, 86, 100, 111, 202, 230 ,, Christopher, 19, 103, 204, 215, 21B ,, Ed: 213 ., Edward, 19, 21, 23,* 31, 34, 37, 39, 40, 48, 59, 71, 77, 78, 79,* 84, 85, 93, 97, 133, 147, 154, 166, 157, 185, 224, 239, 255 Newby — continued. „ Elizabeth, 2, 18, 25, 67, 102, 111, 307, 229 ,, Ellen, 37, 47, 67, 89, 103, 170, 175, 201, 203, 205, 236, 250 ,, George, 7, 25, 28, 30, 36, 175,* 177,* 223, 235 ,, Gilbert, 19, 22 ,. Henry, 19, 52, 64, 68, 73, 79, 86, 90, 101, 201, 234, 245 .. Isabel, 5, 7, 21, 28, 48, 57, 82, 104, 138, 140, 157, 167, 186, 187, 196, 199, 212, 219, 221,* 236 . James, 34,* 36, 38, 42, 46,* 59, 62, 63, 67, 70, 73, 78,* 89, 91, 99, 102, 103, 106, 109,* 111, 113, 116, w. of 128, 136, 148, 159, 173, 181,* 182, 188, 193, 211, 213, 219, 230, 232, 241, 244,* 246 ,, Jane, 103 ,, Jenet, 22, 28, 45, 109, 112, 138, 140, 144, 145, 183,* 211, 213, 222 231 241 ,, John, '3, 8,' 13, 15, 19, 25, 30, 31, 32, 34, 40,* 41, 46, 61,* 53, 56, 56, 57, 58, 62,* 63, 64, 66, 72, 73, 78,* 82,* 85, 87,* 94,* 95, 97, 100, 101, 103, 133,* 141, 147, 150, 152, 162, 167,* 168, 177, 180, 181, 182, 196, 198, 201,* 202, 204, 208, 212, 230, 234, 239, 243 .. Judith. 107 ,, Katherine, 148 ,, Mabel, 2. 8, 35, 85, 114, 140, 154. 177, 193, 218,* 221, 229 ,, Margaret, 3, 19, 36, 49, 55, 62, 91, 97, 101, 107, lOf), 119, 157, 167. 175, 181, 218, 220, 229, 231, 232, 234 „ Michael, 38, 59, 77, 89, 94, 97, 98, 102, 106, 107, 112, 114, 118, 128, 160, 167, 179, 185, 197 201, 207, 211, 212, 233, 241 ., Nicholas. 19, 39, 44, 49, 51, 133, c. of 136, 157,* 159, 160, 216 227 ,, Peter,' 38, 42,* 44, 53, 55, 61, 67,* 71, 1.59, 162, 187, 212, 240 .. Richard, 5, 16.* 21, 28,* 38, 61, 69, 65, 66,* 67, 68, 73, 78, 80,* 85,* 91, 103, 107, 111. 113, 116, 118, w.of 125, 125, INDEX OF SURNAMES. 291 Baptisms pp. 1 — 117 inchmve. Burials 118 — 214. Marriages 215—256. Newby, Richard — continued, 126, w. of 127, 142, 153, 154, 168, 174, 180, 181, c. of 181, 186, 190, 197, 199,* 200, 201, 205, 224. 238 ,, Robert, 40, 56, 103, 104, 107,* 152, 204,* 216 ,, Roger, 127 ., Thomas, 18, 35, 30, 36, 41, 42, 47, 55, 73, 80, 93, 95, 98, 118, 126, 130, 177, 190, 200, 201, 220, 2?2, 233, 213 ,, William, 9. 17, 19, 20, 28, 32, 33, 35, 38, 16,* 51, 52, 58, 61, 70, 78, 80, 89, 91, 95,* 99, 101, w.of 119, 150, 159, 161, 167.* 171, 170, 177,181, 186, 201, 211, 213, 220, 221* Newbye alias Crosfeild, Agues, 28 ,, Alice, 28 Newton, Agnes, 32, 52, 95, 240 ,, Alice, 143 ,, Elizabeth, 46, 87, 154, 191 ,, Gillion, 60 ,, Helen, 150 ., Henry, 66 ,. Isabel, 100, 158 ,, Jenet, 218 .. John, 28, 32, 35,* 41, 46, 50,* 60, 66. 68, 79,* 81, 87, 91, 95, 100, 138, 147,* 150, 186,* 191, 209, 218 ,. Laurence, 28, 68, 73, 119, 187, 236, 236 ., Mabel, 218° .. Margaret, 47, 91, 139 ,, Mary, 73 ,. Miles, w.of 126 .. Richard, 41, 47, 52, 81, 160, 227 ,, Thomas, 14, 18, 265 ,, Walter, 136 Nicholson (Nicolson) Gabriel, 182 .. James, 230 ,, William 243 Noble, Cisliffe, 159 Noblet, Anne. 114 ,, William, 114 No Surname, Christopher, 134, 173 .. Elizabeth. 173 ., Hugh, 173 Isabel, 139 ,, Katherine, 181 Laurence, 181 .. Martin, 134 ., Richard. 165 Nubie, Nuby, see Newby Nughal is a mistake for Mughal, see under Muckelt 0 OscLiPPB (Oskliff, Oskliffe) Agnes, 219 Augustine, 127 Bryan, 19* Edward, 51, ,53 Jenet. 51 John, 7 Marion, 53 Thoma,s, 10 Owayne, Elizabeth, 47 ,, " Morgan, 47 Park (Pabke) Alexander, 168 ,, Allan, 91, 108, 111, 116, 196, 206 Amie, 91, 195, 238 Charles, 110 Christopher, 41, 153 Dorothy, 87 Edw^ard, 45 Elizabeth, 78, 104, 117, 186, 187, 209 Ellen, 26, 142, 146, 215° Francis, 113, 211, 213 George, 67,* 111, c. of 174, 176, 196* Giles, 36, 104, 108, 110,* 209, 210, 246 Isabel, 7 James, 11 Jane, 49, 65, 108, 204, 239 Jenet, 13 Jo: 26 John, 29,* 36. 41, 10, 19, 02, 56, 63,* 65, 70, 71,* 76, 78, 87, 104, 110,* 113, 117, w. of 130, 135, 142, 146,* 148, o. of 152, 153, 169, 172,* 173, 186, 186, 187, 202, 206, 210, 211, 313, 215, 246 ., Judith, 173 ,. Mabel, 122 ,, Margaiet, 9, 66, 125, 135, 242 ,, Mary, 76, 186 , N.X.N.. 116 .. Richard, 70, 110 .. Roger, 62, 108 Parker, Agnes, 3, 77, 168, 233 ,, Anne, 231 ,, Dorothy, 26 ,, Edward, 168, 169, 221 ,, Elizabeth, 262 „ Ellen, 319 ,, Isabel, 164 292 CARTMEL PARISH REGISTERS. Baptisms pp. 1 — 117 includve. Burials 118 — 214- Marriages 215 — 256. Parker — continued. ,, James, 6 ,, Jane, 97, 123, 199, 221 ,, John, 77, 80, 97, 199, 202, 239 ,, Mabel, 5, 14, 127, 223 ,, Margaret, 26, 80, 184, 213 ,, Martha, 232 ,. Mary, 77 ., Marion, 139 . Mr., 181 ,, Richard, 26, 31, 38, 69, 148, 164, 190 ,, Robert, 69, 77, 129, 201 ,, Thomas, 20,* 25, 31, 38, 72, 125, 132, 139, 148, 184, 188 ,, WUliam, 72 Parkinson, Agnes, 204 ., Thomas, 36,* 148* Pamethwayte, Thomas, 209 Patton (Patten, Pattonn) ., Agnes, 10, 31, 222 ,, Elizabeth, 3 ,, Isabel, 45. 63, 158 ,, James, 28, 31, 36, 39, 45, 53, 68, 96, 158, 167, 224 ., Jaue, 91, 168 ,, Jenet, 68, 87, 167 ,, Joseph, 169 ,, Margaret, 28, 135, 235 ,, Richai-d, 35, 102, 132, 136, 159 ,, Salomonn, 10 ,, Thomas, 12, 39, 87, 91, 90, 100,* 102, 202,* 241 Pearson (Pierson) Anthony 72 ., Edward, 72, 91* ., Elizabeth, 232 ., Helen, 151 ,, Isabel, 219 ,, Jenet, 237 , , Katherine, 223 ,, Margaret, 231 ,, Phillis, 256 .. WUliam, 175 Peele, Edward, 220 Pennington (Penington) ,, Christopher, 109, 246 ,, Daniel, 108 ., Henry, 150 ,, Jenet, 160 ,, John, 109, 160 ,, Paul, 231 ,, Tliomas, 108 ., William, 109, 160,* 231 Penny, Anne, 85 ,, James, 242 ,, Miles, 86 Pepper (Peper) ,, Agnes, 81, 97, 153, 163, 172, 199, 210, 223, 225, 235 ,, Alice, 143, 147 ,, Anne, 48, 63, 156, 232, 345 ,, Anthony, 6 „ Dorothy, 70, 89, 346 ,, Edward, 39, 37, 43, 48, 53, 93 117, 161, 163,206,226,234' ., Elizabeth, 3, 44, 57, 109, 167 ., Ellen, 67, 83, 134, 135, 146, 188, 235, 243 ,, Isabel, 3, 52, 69, 169, 243, 246 ,, Jane, 94, 104 ,, Jenet, 15, 98, 147, 175, 203, 246 > > , ,, Jo: 52, 175 ,, John, 8, 42, 44, 50, 67,* 60, 63, 70, gl, 99, 107, li2,* 128 134, 165, c. of 166, 160, 163,* 167, 170,* 172, 173,* 174 * 184, 206 ' ' ' ,, Mabel, 15 ,, Margaret, 16, 38, 61, 52, 63, 156, 160, 174, 176, 194, 238 264 ' t t , ,, Miles, 8, 13, 66, 128, w. of 128, 147, 173, 216, 223 „ Richard, 48, 51, 68, 62, 65,* 69, 93, 98, 107, 122, 194, 202, 203, c. of 203, 204, 205, 229, 242 t t t , „ Robert, 37, 89, 94, 99, 151, 241 ,, Roland, 13, 150, 193 ,, Thomas, 17, 24, 29, 38, 44, 48, 50, 60, 62, 97, 104, 109, 110, 111, w. of 121, 134, c.of 136, w.of 1.36, 139, 147, 153, d.of 153, 156, 156, 187, 199, 219, 229 243 ,, William, 4, 15, 24, 44, 58, 83, 111, 115,* 117, w. of 119, 122, 131, 134, 139, 146, 151, 174, 175, 176, 210, 226, 253* ,, Captain William, 253 Perdye, John, 129 Petty, John, 199 ,, William, 105* Philipson, Agnes, 206 ,, Isabel. 206 „ James, 206 ,, Margaret, 236 Pickering (Pickeringe) „ Agnes, 164, 217° ,, Elizabeth, 232 ,, EUen, 16 ., Isabel, 12 INDEX OF SURNAMES. 293 Baptisms pp. 1—117 includve. Burials IIS—214. Marriages 215—256. Picketing— continued. „ Jenet, 14. 223 ,, Mabel, 225 ,, Margaret. 225 „ N.X.N. , 226 ,,, Thomas, c. of 17, 160, 164,* 217 Piei-son, see Pearson Pinder, see also Punder, ,, Thomas, 120 Poole (Pul, Pull) ,, Agnes, 96, 173, 184, 234 ,, Alice, 136. 140 ,, Anthony, 96 ,, Bai-bara, 197 ,, Claris, 32 ,, Dorothy, 192 ,, Edward, 90, 139,* 184 ,, Elizabeth, 139, 179, 223, 233 ,, Ellen, 230, 235 ,, Francis, 83 ,, Isabel, 230 ,, James, 138 ., Jenet, 186 ., John, 12, 184, 227 ,, Katherine, 202 ,, Mabel, 32, 144 ,, Mai-garet. 174 ,, Mary, 249 ,, Michael, 181 „ Miles, 124 „ Richard, 135, 144, 170, 220 ,, Robert, 139, 170 „ Thomas, 83, 90, 197, 202, 205,* 247 ,, William, w. of 127, 127, 181 Postlethwait (Postlethwayte, Postletwhaite, Pos-tletwhat) ,, Isabel, 200 ., James, 248 ,, Margai-et, 211 ,, Richai-d, 216 ,, Thomas, 211 Potter (Poter) Anne, 174 ,, Christopher, c. of 153, 174, 183 ,, John, 222 ,, Judith, 102, 204 ,, Leonard, 102, 204 Pow (Powe) Agnes, 212 ,, Alice, 73, 183 ,, Anthony, 213 ,, John, 247 ,, Thomas, 210 .. William, 73, 183, 186 Preistman, Jenet, 148 Preston (Prestonn) „ Agnes, 4, 32, 33, 75, 91, 180, 184, 190, 204, 215,° 226, 242 Preston — continued. „ Anne, 31, 45, 47, 58, 61, 87, 113, 167, 171, 200, 201, 303, 318 239 ., Anthony, 31, 88, 91, 96, 99,* 105, 193, 202, 207, 241 ., Arthur, 100 ,, Christopher, 28, 29, 51, 70, 98, 101, 116, 133, 136, 141, 143,* 144, 333. 343, 349 ., Doiothy, 33, 238 ., Edward, 23, 55, 96, 126, 141, 202 „ Elizabeth, 56, 66, 96, 109, 128, 144, 164, 218, 223, 226 ,, Ellen (Hellin) 1, 62, 101, 236, 245 ., Prances, 233 ,, Francis, 29, 48, 85, 163, 328 ,, George, 20, 25, 27, 28,* 29, 31, 32, 56, 61, 64, 66,* 76, 101, 104, 107, 109, 113, 143, 144, 147, 164, 170, 177, 180, 185, 197, 219, 233, 235 ,, Gilbert, 13, 166 ,, Isabel, 26. 62, 68, 88, 135, 147, 156, 165. 193, 194, 223, 225 ,, James, 19, 85, 180, 186, 215 ., Jane, 36, 82, 126 ., Jenet, 4, 30, 75, 103, 174, 184. 199, 330. 331, 228, 230, 237* ., John, 14, 27, 32, 36, 41,* 44, 49,* 60, 68, 69, 70, 76, 77, 84,* 100, 116, 129, 161, 170, 171, 174, 181, 184,* 198,199, 200, 202, 218, 222, 228, 234, 244 ,, Jonas, 106, 207 , Mabel, 15, 98, 187, 199 ,, Margai-et. 32, 41,* 56, 64, 96, 109, 132. 141, 151, 163, 166, 167, 177, 198. 235 ,, Mary, 19, 65, 101, 244 ,, Mr., 129, 136, 167 „ Mrs., 201 „ Percival, 44, 103, 199, 209, 343, 345 .. Randall, 27 „ Richard, 141, 153 ,, Robert, 48, 162 ., Sibell, 141 ,, Thomas, 7, 27, 32, 33, 36, 38, 39,* 40, 42, 45, 47, 51, 52, 55, 60, 62, 69, 75, 77, 85,* 91,* 96,* 104, 107,* 109, 143, 151, 152,* 165, 170, 181, 187, 193, 200, 203,* 204, 223, 334, 227 294 CARTMEL PARISH REGISTERS. Baptisms pp. 1 — 117 includve- Burials 118 — 214- Marriages 215 — 256. Preston — continued, ,, Walter, 40. 137 ,, WiUiam, 22, 25,* 31, 36, 38, 42, 58, 66, 82, 87, 91,* 99,* 107, w. of 126, 137, 151, c. of 152, 163, 166, 167, 176, 190, 194, 201,* 221, 232, 234, 240 Pul, Pull, see Poole Pullontsaye, Francis, 28 ,, John, 26, 142 ., Marion, 26, 28, 142 Punder, Agnes, 183 ,, Dorothy, 114 ,, Edward, 65, 156, 206 „ Ellen, 229 „ Gabriel, 77, 114, 206, 240 ,, Henry, 57, 65, 70, 77, 166, 205, 210 ,, Jane, 241 ,, Jenet, 205, 242 „ John, 6, 57, 70, 162, 166 ,, Mabel, 189 ,, Mar: 335 ,, Margaret, 171, 229 „ Miles, 138 ,, Richard, 139, 156, 210 ,, Robert, 132 ,, Thomas, 219 „ WUliam, 123, 189, 191 Pye, Mary, 50 „ William, 50, 222 R Rainge [or] Ranige, Margaret, 243 Rallingson, Rallinson, Rallison, see Rawlinson Ramsay, Andrew, 160 ,, Isabel, 160 Raper, see Roper Rawes, Adam, 199 „ Robert, 334 Rawlandson, see Rowlandson Rawlinson (Rallingson, Rallinson, Rallison, Rawlingson Rawlinsonn, Rawllingson, Rollinson, Rowlinson) ,, Agnes, 34, 69, 96, 109, 345, 250 ,, AHce, 186 „ Anne, 103 „ Christopher, 57, 182, 216, 223 ,, Curwen, 97 ,, Daniel, 107 „ Edward, 31, 62, 80, 100, 106, 109, 111, 191, 206, 209, 211, 265* ,, Elizabeth, 79, 100, 186, 240 Rawlinson — continued. ,, Ellen, 251 ,, George, 65 „ Jenet, 112, 232 „ John, 26, 31, 34, 40, 57, 62, 65, 69, 73, 79, 106, 121, 178, 182 186, 206, 228, 246 ,, Katherine, 112 ,, Leonard, s. of 131 ,, Mabel, 220 „ Margaret, 208, 211, 228 .. Mary, 90, 104 ,, Miles, 80, 90, 191 ,, N.X.N., 115 ,. Richard, 186, 195, 226 ,, Robert, 97, 100, 103, 106, 112, 115 251 ' ' ' ) ,, ThomaJs, 26, 40, 213, 241 ,, William, 72, 93,* 96, 100, 104, 106, 107, 111, 112, 208, 209, 213, 228, 241, 242 Raivnson, see Rowlandson Raybye [ ?] Francis, 235 Redhead, William, 180 Reeve (Reve) Samuel, 105, 207, 208 „ Thomas, 105, 208 ,, William, 207 Ribinson, see Robinson Richardson, John, 242 ,, William, 225 Rig see Rigg Rigby, Alexander, 181* Rigg (Rig, Rigge) „ Agnes, 12, 98, 199, 201, 211, 223 230 ,, Alexander, 17, 26, 29, 43, 48, 64, 77, 146, 1-57, 226 ,, Alice, 145 ., Anthony, 177 ,, Dorothy, 29, 107, 210 ,, Edward, 81 „ Elizabeth, 94, 119, 197 ,, George, 38,* 65, 67,* 68, 70, 73, 77, 81, 87,* 88,* 92, 94, 96, 98, 103. 107, 109, 114, 124, 149, 166, 176,* 197, 198, 199,* 201, 205, 210,* 211, 226, 234, 240, 241, 360, 253 ,, Gervise, 48 ,, James, 68 ,, Jane, 114 ,, Jenet, 4, 103, 210 ,, John, 43, 65, 67, 96, 105,* 109, 198, 199 „ Mai-gai-et, 11, 54, 73, 92, 222, 228 „ Richard, 25, 132 INDEX OF SURNAMES. 295 Baptisms pp. 1 — 117 includve. Burials 118 — 214. Marriages 215 — 256. Rigg — continued, „ Thomas, 67, 176, 185 „ William, 70 Rigg alias Saltus, Agnes, 166 Rigge, see Rigg Rigmaiden (Riggemayden, Rigmayden) ,, Elizabeth, 212 ,, Jane, 111 „ John, 111, 212, 256 Riley, John, 240 Robinson (Ribinson, Robinsonn) „ Agnes, 65, 66, 87, 101, 118, 141, 147, 178, 189, 236 ,, Alice, 106, 203, 220,° 233 „ Anne, 25, 128 ,, Barbery, 191 „ Christopher, 1, 9, 58,* 167* „ Edward, 10, 29, 37, 63, 76, 89, 90, 94, 104,* w. of 128, 144, 148, 150, 191, 210, 223, 241 „ Elizabeth, 135, 225, 256 .. Ellen, 187, 341 ,, Emete, 233 „ George, 33, 94, 97, 101, 106, 191, 233, 243 ,. Grace, 143 „ Isabel, 4, 6, 120, 182, 203 ,, James, 66, 71, 120, w.of 123, 133, 140, 146, 217, 238 ,, Jane, 11, 165 „ Jenet, 11, 79, 104, 166, 168, 303, 221, 224, 243 „ John, 13, 20, 76, 77, 87, 89, 104, 118, 124, 135,* 148, 319 ,, Katherine, 171 „ Mabel, 35, 133, 168, 336 ,, Mar: 63 ,, Margaret, 19, 21, 76, 79, 97, 140, 150, 186, 338 „ Matthew, 178 ,, Miles, 90 „ Nicholas, 71, 77, 165, 168, 189, 192 202 „ Richard, 19, 21, 22,* 24, 25, 33, 37, 66, 70,* 76, 79, 85, 118, 124, 128, 131, 144, 148, 164, 168.* 185, 189, 203,217, 220,* 223 „ Roland, w. of 124 ,, Stephen, 160 Thomas, 8, 13, 86, 303, 346 „ William, 30, 24. 26, 29, w. of 122, 139, 141, 144, 164, 182, 216, 222, 223,* 236 Robinson allias Blenkett (Robinson allias Blencket) Robinson — continued, ,, Maigai-et. 34 „ William, 34, 146 Roddii-ey, Margaret, 233 Roikstraw, Maa-garet, 189 Rolandson, see Rowlandson Rollinson, see Rawlinson Roothman, see Rothman Roper (Raper) „ Agnes, 78, 122, 182, 187 ,, Anne, 102 „ Christopher, 108, w. of 118, w. of 128, 140, 142 „ Ellen, 186 ,, Isabel, 95, 176 „ James, 93, w. of 128, 219 ,, John, 33, 68, 73, 78, 90,* 93, 96, 97, 99, 102, 108, 133, 161, 182, 186, 187, 192, 224, 331, 235 ,, Julian, 97 ,, Katherine, 142, 161 ,, Mabel, 142 i ,, Richard, 33, 68, 119, w. of 121, ' 123, 143, 175, 199, 219, 224 „ Thomas, 4, 99 „ William, 73 RoskeU (Roskall, Roskel) ,, Agnes, 183, 219, 231 ,, Anne, 2, 99, 116 „ Elizabeth, 55, 72, 109, 154, 164, 168, 181 „ Ellen, 80 „ Isabel, 2, 165, 337 ,, James, 7 ,, Jane, 111 ,, Jenet, 33, 338 ,, John, 16. 50, 66, 63, 85, 106, w. of 137, 165, 168, 330, 232 „ Margaret, 50, 166, 176, 241 ,, Richard, 23, w. of 118, 126, c. of 130, 138, 158, 164, 219 „ Robert, 63, 105, 109, 111, 116, c. of 135, 142, 165,* 220, 246, 251 ,, Thomas, 37, 72, 76,* 80, 85, 99, w. of 119, c.of 154, 154,181, 194, 229, 237 ,, WUliam, 1, 37, w. of 127, 130, 143, 243 Rothman (Roothman) Francis, 31 ,, James, 134, 150 ,, Jane, 18 „ John, 134 „ William, 31 Rowandson, Rowandsonn, Rowanson, Rowansonn, Rowenson, see Rowlandson 296 CARTMEL PARISH REGISTERS. Baptisms pp. 1 — 117 includve. Burials 118 — 214. Marriages 215 — 256. Rowland, James, 85 ,, John, 85 Rowlandson (Rawlandson, Rawnson, Rolandson, Rowandson, Rowandsonn, Rowanson, Rowansonn, Rowenson, Rowndson, Rowneson, Rownson) „ Agnes, 64, 67, 111, 179, 199, 205 ,, Anne, 31, 61, 64, 63, 162, 183 „ Edward, 51, 64, 57, 62, 173, 180, 230 ,, Elizabeth, 29, 46, 67, 162, 232 ,, Isabel, 57, 126, 141, 238 ,, James, 16, 71, 74, 108, 122, w. of 132, 172, 174, 181, 183, 192, 211, 247 ,, Jane, 191 ,, Jenet, 41, 46, 115, 149, 162, 196 ,, John, 10, 13, 24, 26, 29, 51, 60, 72, 76, w. of 130, 149, 150, 172, 174, 181, 191, 192, 198, 234, 337 ,, Mabel, 183, 193 ,, Margaret. 14, 40, 68, 72, 150, 180, 198, 227, 239 „ Mary, 51. 72, 108, 159, 211 ,, Michael, c. of 17, 18, 51, 74, 115, 160 „ Richard, 13, 60, 62, 63, 67, 68, 72, 76,* 111, 115, 158, 183, 208, 252, 255 „ Roger, 40, 46, 51, 162,* 200, 205, 227 ,, Sarah, 115 ,, Thomas, 24, 26, 31, 41, 45, 51, 67, 62,* 76, 150, 168, 180, 187,* 197 ., WUl-;am, 61, 64, 71, 130, 146, 159, 183,* 229 Rowlinson, see Rawlinson Rowndson, Rowneson, Rownson, see Rowlandson Rume, Isabel, 177 Russell, Jenet, 152 S Saltus alias Rigg, Agnes, 156 Samfre, Margaret, 240 Sander, George, 115 ,, John, 115 Sandei-son, Alice, 173 ,, Laurence, 266 ,, Peter, 208 Sands (Sand, Sande, Sandes) ,, Adam, 262 „ Agnes, 41, 46, 137 ,, Alice, 237 ,, Anne, 62, 232 „ Christopher, 247* ,, Edward, 101, 203 „ Elizabeth, 4, 107, 173, 210 „ Esther, 69 ,, Francis, 58, 246 (/) ,, George, 155 ,, Giles, 58, 62, 66* ,, Harry, 178 „ Henry, 31, 35, 37, 41, 46, 147, 148, 163, 173, 223 „ Isabel, 16, 89, 120, 147, 200, 225 > ; . . ,, James, 4, 48, 127, 193 ., Jane, 37, 148 ,, Jenet, 14, 85, 227 „ John, 8, 27, 122, w. of 127, 142, 155, 161, 193, 194,* 217 ,, Katherine, 160 , , Laurence, w. of 121 „ Mabel, 30, 93, 145, 206, 235 ,, Mai-garet, 27, 37, 43, 153, 156, ,, Mary, 247 ,, Michael, 11 ,, Miles, 15 Mr. 69 " Nicfiolas, 27,* 30, 37, 42, 43, 142, 152, 300, 223 ,, Peter, 13 ,, Richard, 31, 41, 48, 97, 193, 206. 226 „ Robert, 42, 122, 152, 179 ,, Thomas, 35, 147 ,, William, 3, 15, 17, 41, 69, 85, 89, 93, 97, 101, 107, w. of 120, 121,* 125, 141, w. of 151, 203, 210 Sandus, Margaret, 44 ,, Nicholas, 41 Satterthwait, James, 187 „ Mabel, 187 Saul (Sauell, Saule, Saull) see also Sceauell, ,, Agnes, 241 ,, Anne, 110, 247 ,, Francis, 56 ,, Jenet, 66 ,, John, 242 ,, Richard, 106 „ WUliam, 106, 110 Sawrey (Sorey, Soi-rey, Sorrow, Sowerey, Sowray, Sowraye, Sowrey) INDEX OF SURNAMES. 297 Baptisms pp. 1 — 117 indudve. Burials 118 — 214. Marriages 213 — 236. Sawrey — continued, „ Agnes, 221 ,, Anne, 10, 13, 236 „ Anthony, 227, 253* ,, Edward, 67, 71, 75,* 79, 93, 165, 156, 177, 194, 201, 210,* 234 „ Elizabeth, 67, 155, 156, 177 „ Ellen, 79 ,, George, 7 „ Gilbert, 125 ,, Jenet, 222 „ John, 93, 194, 201, 217, 247,* 248,* 249,* 250, 252 ,, Mabel, 218 ,, Margaret, 71, 178 „ Mr., 253* ,, Miles, 224 ,, Robert, c.of 18 ,, Thomas, 2 „ WUliam, 143, c.of 177 Scales (Scale, Scalle, Skaile, Skale, Skales) Henry 249 '', John. '98, 104, 200, 205, 249 „ Mabel, 241 „ Thomas, 98, 100,* 104, 106, 200, 206, 244 „ William, 106 Sceauell, see also Saul, ,, FrancM, 65 „ Mary, 65 Schyron, see Skyren Sclater, see Slater Scotson (Skotson) John, 99, 103, 213 ,, Katherine, 99 ,, Walter, 103 Seatle, see Settle SebdeU, see also DebdeU, „ Elizabeth, 92 ,, Isabel, 92 Seeden, Bridget, 242 Settle (Seatle, Setle) „ Agnes, 4, 18, 20, 93, 100, 147, 196, 234, 237, 237 ,, Anne, 185 „ Dorothy, 58, 84, 95, 107 ,, Edward, 83 „ Elizabeth, 134, 218 , Ellen (Helen) 38, 56, 78, 116, 162, 165, 233, 338 „ George, 15, 42, 49, 56, 69, 66, 68,* 75, 84, 90, 95, 99, 100, 102,* 105, 109, 133, 165, 194, 200 201, 203,* 231, 243, 244 „ Henry, 20, 27,* 32, 38, 58, 129, 134, 169, 198, 302 Settle — contimied. „ Hugh, 9, 56, 59, 81,* 135, c.of 157, 164, 177, 210, 231, 238 „ Isabel, 20, 27, 32, 38, 66, 125, 134, 145, 164, 177, 191, 204, 221 242 ,, Jamesi 66, 69, 71,* 76, 79, 83, 88, 93, 97, 99,* 104, 113, 117, 147, 164, 181, 193,^ 197, 202, 303 ,, Jane, 69, 109, 240 „ Jenet, 27, 32, 44, 73, 75, 99, 185, 195, 197, 226, 230 „ John, 52, 75, 93, 113, 116, 133, 197 ,, Katherine, 177 „ Mabel, 132, 165 „ Mai-garet, 9, 31, 40, 81,* 88, 97, 117, 139, 175, 193, 203, 240 „ Mary, 78, 103 ,, Miles, 20, 66, 164, 174 „ Richard, 20, 27, 31, 34, 38, 42, 79, 83, 133, 131, 134, 154, 159, 175 „ Robert, 27, 29, 32, 34, 36, 40, 44, 48,* 49, 62, 78, 83, 90, 99,* 103, 104, 107, 119, 145, 156,* c. of 164, 175,* 194, 195, 196, 201, 323, 239, 244 ,, Thomas, 65, 113, 251 ,, Tomison, 36 „ William, 7, 20, 29, 69, 64,* 69, 73, 78, 88, 105, 113, 162, 170, 172,* 175, 181, 185, 191, 193. 219, 237 Sewart (Seward, Sewarde, Suart, Sueart, Suerd, Suerde, Suert, Suett) ,, Agnes, 228 ,, Edward, 2, 19, 26, 30, 33, 142, 174, 176 ,, Elizabeth, 19, 234 „ George, 34, 43,* 148, 153* ,, Isabel, 30, 34, 145, 148 ,, James, w.of 119 ,, Jane, 126 ,, Jenet, 138, 174, 219 „ John, 26, 142 ,, Mabel, 181 ,, Margaret, 231, 237 „ Richard, 33, w. of 125, 164, 216 „ Thomas, 136 ,, William, 5 Sexstone [Stexons] John, 111 ,, Lancelot, 111, 311 398 CARTMEL PARISH REGISTERS. Baptisms pp. 1 — 117 inclusive- Burials 118 — 214- Marriages 215 — 256. Sharpe, Francis, 159 ,, Jenet, 159 Shaw (Shawe) Anne, 178 ,, Edwai-d, 156 ,, James, 159 ,, John, 16, 123 ,, Miles, 161, 210 ,, Richard, 17 „ William, 198 Sheepheard, see Shephai-d Sheffelde (Sheaffild, Shefild, Sheiffeild, Ssheffeld) „ George, 19, 36,* 80, c. of 137, 167* „ Roland, 80, 232 ,, Thomas, 19 Shephard (Sheepheard, Sheppard) ,, Agnes, 256 ,, Elizabeth, 226 „ Margaret, 239 Sheriffe, Edward, 122 Sill (SciU) Agnes, 198 ,, Beatrice, 69, 198 „ Charles, 48, 62, 57, 63,* 69, 198,* 201, 229 ,, Dorothy, 52 ,, Jane, 236 ,, Jenet, 57 „ Oswald, 48 ,, Richard, 190 Sime, John, 163 „ William, 163 Simpson (Simpeson, Simpsonn, Simson, Simsone, Sympson, Symson) ., Agnes. 8, 31, 43, 61, 74, 76, 143, 153, 166, 180, 187, 192, 304 „ Alice, 213 „ Anne, 22; 38, 42, 87, 88, 91, 133, 193, 208, 223 ,, Anthony, 9 Arthur 144 " Augustine (Austin) 26, 29, 33, 40, 45, 52, 72, 161, 164, 203 ,, Blind Dick, 91 „ Bryan, 138 ,, Christopher. 29, 32, 33,* 38, 42, 47, 80, 100, 136, w. of 136, 144, 163,* 164, 176, 205, 324, 232 „ Dorothy, 32, 86, 94, 145, 197, 203 ,, Edward, c. of 16, w. of 123, w. of 125, two c. of 127, 138, 216 218 ,, Elizab'eth, 23, 27, 29, 33, 36, Simpson, Elizabeth — continued. 64, 98, 125, 146, 157, 164, 181, 203, 322, 225, 237, 254 „ Ellen, 37, 77, 112, 128, 222, 223, 333 ,, George, 6, 14, 63, 161 „ Hugb, 118, 122, 153, 165, 221 ,, Isabel. 3, 21, 23, 43, 46, 91, 126, 133, 169, 163, 198, 202, 231 ,, James, 85,* 98, 190, 206 „ Jane, 36, 81, 90, 156, 223, 243 ,, Jenet, 10. 39, 42, 86, 89, 133, 135, 151, 152, 156, 175, 183, 192, 206, 219, 220, 232 ,, Jo: 62 „ John, 4, 16, 33, 30, 33, 33, 37, 39, 43, 46, 49, 53, 54, 64, 68, 73,* 74, 76, 80, 81, 83, 84, 86,* 88, 93,* 94,* 99, 109,* 111, 115, 116, 134, 146,* 152, 166, c. of 157, 159,160,* 167, c.of 167, c.of 169, 183,* 186, 188, 189, 190, 191, 196, 303, 209, 210, 213, 215,* 233, 338, 346, 347, 349, 355 356 ,, Kathei-ine, 43, 139, 153 „ Mabel, 38, 43, 153, 339 ,, Margaret, 8, 26, 26, 29, 38, 47, 62, 67, 80, 85,* 116, 131, 139, 152, 164,* 174, 176, 188, 189, 202, 223, 224, 232, 235, 245, 246, 249 ,, Mary, 63, 82, 88, 118 ,, Marion, 123 „ Micliaei, 21, 40, 89, 201, 241 ,, Richard, 7, 9, 13, 16, c. of 17, 20,* 21, 23, 26, 27,* 29,* 32, 45, 54, 61, 64, 66, 67, 68, 70,* 71,* 72,* 75, 76, 77, 80, 82, 84,* 85, 87, 88, 91,* 94, 95, 112, 115, 129, w. of 129, 133, 134. c. of 142, 142,* 143, 145, 155, 158, c. of 167, 173,174, 181,* 187, 188,190, 191,* 196,* 198, 205, 208, 316, 231, 223, 231, 235, 237, 239, 240, 247, 249, 261,* 252 ,, Robert, 21, 22, 26, 29, 68,* 72, 76,* 81, 86, 91, 94, 96, 121, w. of 129, 135, 155, 166, 175, 181, 186, 190, 192, 230 ,, Symon, 96 ,, Thomas, 2, 12, 23, 35,* 26,* 30, 32, 33,* 36, 38, 42, 43, 48,* 53, 62, 66, 68,* 73, 75, INDEX OF SURNAMES. 299 Baptisms pp. 1 — 117 includve. Burials 118 — 214- Marriages 215 — 256. Simpson, Thomas — continued. 76, 80,* 84,* 86, 90, 92,* 94,* 96, 98,* 99, 100, 106,* 112,* w. of 133, 133,* 142, 162, 156, 157, 163, 164,* 166, 174, 183, 186,* 192, 194, 197, 202, a)5,* 206,* 209, 222, 225, 233, 237, 251 ,, Tomasine, 163 „ WiUiam. 21, 23, 25, 26, 27, 29, 32, 33,* 36, 38, 42, 43, 49, 64, 73, 81, 83, 111, w. of 120, w. of 121, 124, 137, 138, 139,* 142, 146, c. of 160, 151,* 152,* 163, 169, 161, 164, 173, 183, 188, 196, 222, 223 Simpson alias Halt Ric : „ Richai-d, 142 Simpsonn, Simson, see Simpson Singleton, Cate, 213 ,, James, 266 „ John, 213, 243 Skaile, Skale, Skales, see Scales Skeldin, Anne, 180 „ Thomas, 180 Skotson, see Scotson Skyren (Schryon, Skyring) Anne, 97 „ Henry, 103 „ Mary, 110 ,, Richard, 111 „ Robert, 97, 103, 106, 110, 111, 244 ,, Thomas, 106 Slater (Sclater, Slaiter, Slayter, Slaytor) ,, Agnes, 42. 92, 138, 147, 178, 188, 190, 201 ,, Alice, 63 ,, Arine, 48 ,, Bryan, 39, 48, 109, 138, 162 ,, Elizabeth, 17 „ George, 8, 31, 39, 43, 50, 66, 63,* 147, 177, 190, 221, 226 „ Jamek, 28, 92, 98, 102,* 138, 149, 200, 242 „ Jenet, 138 „ John, 105 , Margaret, 12, 38, 160, 234 ,, Marion, 16, 46, 99, 236 „ Mary, 96 Richard, 13, 38, 31, 38 39 43 45, 48, 53, 160, 177, 190,* 323 ,, Robert, 66 Thomas, 50, 96, 98, 99, 105, 109, 200 „ William, 4, 39, 43, 249 Sleddell, John, 219 Smalebrooke, WUliam, 40* Smith, Elizabeth, 228 ,, Jenet, 264 „ John, 170 ,, Mathias, 84 ,, Thomas, 84 Soall, Robert, 167 Sorey, Sorrey, Sorrow, Sowerey, Sowray, Sowraye, Sowrey, see Sawrey Speight (Spight) James, 32,* 169 ,, Margaret, 172 Spence, Agnes, 93, 200 ,, Dorothy, 97 ,, Edward, 113 „ Thomas, 93, 97, 102, 108,* 113, 200 „ William, 102 Spight, see Speight Spratte, Mr., 246 Ssheffeld, see Sheffelde Stagnes, see Staines Staines (Stagnes, Stains, Stajnes, Stanes, Staynes, Stayns, Steanes) „ Agnes, 68, 81, 153, 180, 190, 200, 210, 230 ,, AUce, 237 ,, Christopher, 33, 35,* 46, 60, 76, 144, 154, 158, 159,* 174, 178, 180, 196* „ Edward. 65, 58, 67,* 71, 89, 90, 100, 164, 171, 180,* 190, 193, 310,* 231, 341 ,, Elizabeth, 33, 76, 77, 81, 170, 196, 197, 301, 339 „ Ellen, 85, 180, 340 ,, Francis, 35, 73, '76, 81, 93, 94, 99, 202, 203, 338 ,, George, 34, 50, 51, 108, 182, 207 ,, Gilbert, 42, 47, 61, 56, 170, 178 ,, Isabel, 47, 60, 67, 143, 169, 196, 224, 263 ,, Jenet, 53, 64, 90, 91, 99, 148, 162, 171, 178, 190, 203,* 208, 230, 241 ,, John, 32, 33, 37,* 42, 46, 50, 52, 66, 76, 79, 80, 83,* 84, 85, 89, 91,* 93, 94, 95, 98, 101, 103,* 105, 158, 159, 178, 193,* 196,* 197, 300, 203, 303,* 308, 229, 339 ,, Mabel, 97, 226 ,, Margaret, 32, 46, 73, 144, 159, 178, 209, 231 300 CARTMEL PARISH REGISTERS. Baptisms pp. 1 — 117 indxmve. Burials 118 — 214- Marriages 215 — 256. Staines — continued. „ Matthew, 2, 33, 39, 46, 47, 51, 55, 58, w. of 120, 154, 168, 164, 184, 193 „ Miles, 153, 159 „ Oliver, 54, 58, 64, 103, 162, 178,* 196 „ Peter, 42, 47, 79, 168, 254 ,, Richard, 42, 64, 68, 67, 76, 91, 93, 97, 98, 100, 103, 148, 180, 196, 235, 242, 349 „ Robert, 34, 36, 43,* 61, 71," 74, 84, 95, 108, 157,* 183, 183, 184, 187, 196, 207,* 309 ,, Thomasine, 93, 196 „ WUliam, 39, 58, 71, 74, 77, 80, 81, 101, 105, 144, 178, 183, 184, 190, 301, 303 Stainton (Staynton) Agnes, 35 ,, Anne, 234 „ Ellen, 74, 205, 226 ,, George, 69 ,, Jane, 241 ,, Jo: 179 ,, John, 20, 65,* 63, 69, 74, 79, 167,* o. of 168, 205, 231, 248 ,, Margaret, 79 ,, Mary, 63 ,, Richard, 20, 25, 144, 220 ,, Robert. 162 Stai-nwhat, Agnes, 245 Stavelaye, William, 139 Staynes, Stayns, see Staines Staynton, see Stainton Steanes, Steans, see Staines Steele, Agnes, 167 „ Gilbert, 207 Stephenson (Stevenson) „ Charles, 74, 83, 184, 188 ,, Edward, 180 ,, Elizabeth, 83 „ Isabel, 74, 184 ,, Jenet, 205 „ Marian, 204 ,, Rowland, 205,* 246 „ Thomas, 83, 188 Stewaixison, Agnes, 230 Stoanes, see Stones Stockdayle (Stockdall, Stockdell) „ Francis, 63, 65, 180 ,, Jane, 236 ,, Thomas, 56 ,, William, 63 Stoke, Alice, 240 Stones (Stoanes, Stons) „ Agnes, 28, 87, 137, 143 Stones — continued. „ Alice, 13, 204 ,, Anne, 19, 21, 233 ,, Christopher, 19, 22, 24, 35, 37, 30, 330, 222 ,, Edwai-d, 118, 207 „ Elizabeth, 213 „ Ellen, 24, 28, 104, 218, 223 ,, Francis, 87 ,, George, 105 ,, Gilbert, 105, w. of 137, 303 „ Isabel, c. of 13, 24, 30, 86, 107, 207, 212 ,, James, 124 ,, Jane, 102 „ Jenet, 219, 220 „ John, 7, 20, 21, 28, 29, 89, 102, 107, 124, 220 ,, Mabel, 14, 223 „ Matthew, 89, 100, 121, 225 „ MUes, 25, 217 ,, Oliver, 137, 331 ,, Richai-d, c. of 16, c. of 17, 38, w. of 133, 126, 136, c. of 137, 143, 304, 217 ,, Robert, 21,* 33,* 39, 100, 104, 106,* c. of 135, 142,* 212, d. of 213, 220 ,, SibeU, 222 ,, William, 20, 27, 86, w. of 122, 132, 213,* 245 Storey (Storie, Storye) Elizabeth, 65 „ Isabel, 63, 161 ,, Laurence, 46, 53, 65, 154, c. of 167, 161, 194, 228 ,, Thomas, 46, 164 Stott (Stot) Dorothy, 79, 195 „ Elizabeth, 83 „ Ellen, 213 ,, Isabel, 70 ,, John, 67, 70, 79, 83, 89, 195, 235 ,, Margaret, 89 „ Robert, 67 213, 248, 253, 255 Strickland (Stricklond, Strikland) ,, Agnes, 190, 223, 262 ,, Anne, 238 ,, Anthony, 21 ,, Dorothy, 41 „ Edmund, 36, 41, 47, 62, 150, 167, 224 „ Edward, 81 „ Elizabeth, 150 „ Ellen, 239 „ James, 81, 134, 198, 317,* 232 „ John, 36, 97, 201, 333 ,, Katherine, 47, 176, 225 INDEX OF SURNAMES. 301 Baptisms pp. 1 — 117 inclusive. Burials 118 — 214- Marriages 215 — 256. Strickland — continued. „ Margai-et, 52, 146, 167* „ Mary, 97 ,, Matthew, 238 „ Miles, 144, 221 „ Nicholas, 102 „ N.X.N.. 226 ,, Peter, 105 ,, Roger, 106 „ Simon, 176, 190, 198 „ Thomas, 41,* 102, 146, 150, 167, 176, 180 „ William, 21 Studert, Anthony, 72 ,, Dorothy, 72 „ Mr., 72 Sturzaker, Anne, 246 Styche [? Styth] Margaret, 158 Styth (Stythe) Elizabeth, 60 ,, Francis, 60 „ N.X.N., 246 Suart, Sueart, Suerd, Suerde, Suert, Suett, see Sewart Suggener (Surginer) Agnes, 143 „ Isabel, 230 Summer, Christopher, 32* Surginer, see Suggener Swainson (Swaynson, Swanson, Swaynsonn, Swayns) „ Agnes, 4, 65, 91, 96, 145, 172. 191 „ Alice, 152, 242 „ Anne, 15, 16, 39, 67, 117, 144, 149, 165, 188, 224, 241 „ Anthony, 144,* 170, 171 ,, Barnard, 15 ,, Bryam [sic'] 163 Christopher, 13, 51, 56, 62, 87, 91, 96, 98, 100, 137, 154, 164, 186, 187, 197, 209, 241 „ Dorothy, 16, 227 Edward, 19, 51, 66, 70, 110, 113,* 121, 145, 148, 161, 159, 168, 176, 185, 188, 211, 212 „ Elizabeth, 10, 59, 65,* 87, 113, 139, 168, 174, 176, 186, 189, 198, 206, 208, 245 „ EUen, 19, 81, 85, 220 „ Emme, 187 Isabel, 14, 74, 144, 159, 160, 173, 184, 221,* 224 „ James, 66, 97, 101, 137, 151, 156, 181, 198, 235 „ Jane, 103, 345 Jenet, 18, 48, 101, 126, 160, 203, 222, 232, 245 Swainson — continued. „ John, 12, 46, 68, 63,* 64, 66, 71, 88, 91, 93, 136, 147, 151, 160, 166, 168,* 170, 171,* 183, 184, 185, 194, 196,* 315, 316, 232, 240 „ Judith, 86 ,, Laurence, 37, 59, 65, 68, 71, 78, 86, 96, 97, 114, 117, 146, 146, 184,* 186, 187, 211, 221, 234 ,, Mabel, 58, 137, 156, 166, 170, 178, 194, 244 ,, Mar: 233 „ Margaret, 6, 50, 51, 54, 71, 78, 92, 100, 113, 145, 148, 164, 164, 198, 231 „ Mary, 16, 227, 243 „ Miles, 68, 80, 173, 193, 211, 236, 237 „ Peter, 67, 70, 74, 86 „ Richard, 6, 23, 183 „ Robert, 19, 48, 62, 65, 71, 81, 88, w. of 129, 160, 168, 170, 191, 192, 194, 229, 232 „ Rowland, 51, 54, 59, 64, 68,* 110, 114, 192, 195, 198,* 208, 213, 230 ., Sarah, 96 „ Thomas, 47, 80, 86, 91, 96,* 98, 102, 100,* 198,* 199, 239 „ WUliam, 8, 13,* c. of 17, 23, 37, 39, 46, 60, 66, 80, 118, w. of 120, 127, 129, 136, 141, c. of 147, c. of 118, 119, 173, 175, 179, 186, 187, 199 S'.vartbracke, Jenet, 34, 147 „ WilUam, 34, 147 Swaynson, see Swainson Symondson, Jenet, 224 Sympson, Symson, see Simpson Tailob, see Tayloi- Tarbucke, James, 116, 212 „ William, 115, 212 Tasker, Elizabeth, 62, 171 „ Robert, 62, 171 Taylor (Tailor, Taylour) „ Agnes, 8, 22, 33, 38, 47, 100, 147, 169, 170, 175, 178, 199, 203, 226, 226, 227, 233, 233, 241 „ Alice, 38, 69, 74, 205, 226 ,, Andrew, 17, 43, 160 ,, Anne, 2, 56, 211 302 CARTMEL PARISH REGISTERS. Baptisms pp. 1 — 117 inclusive. Burials 118 — 214- Marriages 215 — 256. Taylor — continued, ,, Arthur, 4, 22, 26, 30, 34, 35, 36, 44, 71, 93, 135, 138, 146, 148, 212, 221 „ Barbara, 84, 226 „ Bryan, 5, 16, 33, 38, 66, 68, 73,* 75, 78, 89, 93,* 95, 102, 186,* 216, 217 „ Christopher, 9, 20, 23, 24,* 66, 69, 74, 84, 139,* 141,* 148, 153, 165, 169, 178, 203, 210,* 213, 210, 218, 232, 236, 218 ,, Clement, 69, 210 ,, Dorothy, 73, 74 „ Edward, 40, 46, 209, 228, 229 ,, Edwin, 184, 230 ,, Elizabeth, 20, 34, 35, 50, 70, 73, 76, 166, 169, 172, 179, 220, 222, 237, 228 „ Ellen, 30, 100, 105, 111, 186, 196 313 „ Evan (Huan) 20, 21 59, 62, 70, 169 „ George, 12, 30, 27, 29, 33, 35, 37, 40, 41, 44, 48,* 65, 76, 79, 82, 96, 101, 122, 125, 142,* 145, 148, 157, 158, 167, 171, 172, 182, 197, 226,* 240, 248 ,, Grace, 224 „ Henry, 78 ,, Isabel, 22, 23, 40, 68, 94, 106, 110, 114, 116, 136, 147, 153, 171, 173, 184, 186, 216, 221, 229, 230, 237, 240, 341* ,, James, 27, 33,* 36,* 37, 38,* 42, 44,* 46, 49, 57, 62,* 67, 70, 78, 79,* 81, 96, 108, 109, 112,* 116, 142, 146, 147,* 148, 163, 160, 166, 169, c. of 171, 171, 172, 184, 191,* 198, 303, 307, 211, 220,* 226, 234, 335, 237, 245 „ Jane, 8, 69, 132, 156, 173, 188, 203 „ Jenet, 70, 90, 103, 167, 198, 206, 263 „ John, 7, 31, 33, 35, 39, 46,* 53, 68, 73, 76, 89, 94, 100, 106, w. of 136, 132, w. of 160, 162, 169, 176, 207, 209, 217, 218, 322, 223, 224, 238, 242* ,, Laurence, 112 „ Mabel, 218, 229, 234 ,, Margaret, 13, 23, 29, 35, 49, 75, 84, 89, 116, 129, 133, Taylor, Margaret — continued. 142, 153, 178, 318, 230, 236, 241, 248 ,, Margery, 21 ,, Marion, 75 ,. Mary, 36, 67, 71,* 93, 102, 110, 321, 225 ,, Michael, 74, 210 „ Miles, 7, 8, 32, 36, 41, 46, 82, 101, 197, 241 ,, Nicholas, 227 „ N.X.N. , 313 „ Peter, 86, 305, 315 „ Richard, 9, 16, 26, 35, 40, 43, 46, 62, 68, 69, 71, 73, 76, 77. 78, 81. 84, 86, 94, 97,* 101, 105, 112,* 115, 116, 128, 135, 138, 148, 184, 196, 197, 236, 247 ,, Robert, 38, 40, 47, 63, 57, 65, 70,* 74, 77, 90, 93, 99, 109, 123, 124, w. of 132, 132, 173, 178, 188, 201, 229, 234, 236* ,, Roland, 33, 180 ,, Sibell, 3 ,, Thomas, 16, 30, 32, 63, 69, 61, 74, 78,* 110, 111, 112,* 114, 115, 116, c. of 132, 140, 169, 175, 196, 212, 330 „ Walter, 43, 70, 75, 79, 95, 335, 348 ,, William, 10, 3 chUdren of 13, 30, 31, 38, 39, 40, 50, 63, 56, 61, 66,* 69, 74, 94, 99, 101, 103, 110,* 137, 152, 157, 162, 178,* 197, 210, 215, 229, 243 Taylor alias Barrowe, Richard, 28 Taylour, see Taylor Teldesley, see Tildesley Thompson (Tompson, Tomson) „ Agnes, 91, 106, 111, 198, 205, 211 „ Anne, 93, 109, 113, 114, 150, 238 ,, Elizabeth, 186 ,, George, 101 „ Isabel, 78, 101, 104, 115 „ Jane, 98 ., John, 37, 38, 42, 46, 64, 91,* 93, 94, 96, 101, 102, 160, 161, 173,* 195,* 197, 213, 223, 226, 241 ,, Margaret, 46, 164 ,, Nicholas, 42, 96, 102,* 107, 114, 198, 203,* 213 „ Robert, 37, 38, 91, 94, 98, 104, 105, 106, 107, 151,* 205 INDEX OF SURNAMES. 303 Baptisms pp. 1 — 117 includve. Burials 118 — 214. Marriages 215 — 256. Thompson — continued. „ Thomas, 78, 113 ,, Tristram, 101 ,, WUliam, 54, 102, 105, 109, 111, 115, 164, 174, 185, 211, 345 Thornburgh (Thoi-nbrough, Thornbroughe,Thornburghe,Thomebrough,Thorneburgh) „ Anne, 14, 18, 224, 238 ,, Christopher, 30, w. of 120, w. of 122, 144, 334 ,, Cissily, 319 ,, Dorothy, 15 ., Edmund, 60, 169 ,, Edward, 186 „ Elizabeth, 10, 154 ,, George, 126, c. of 130, 133, 154, 216 ,, James, 191 ,, Jenet, 11, 224 ,, John, 16, 60, 71, 180, 169 ,, Mary, 71 . Mr., 71 ,, Mi-s., 137 ,, Nicholas, 222 ,, Rowland, 17, 147* „ William, 30, 130, 137, 152, 176, 186, 191 Thomele, John, w. of 125 Thomes (Thoms) Anne, 77 ,, Elizabeth, 175 „ EUen, 16, 69, 141 „ Gilbert, 16, 59, 63, 70, 77, 178, 192, 301 IiSabel 143 ',] James', 31, 70, w.of 133, 135, 193 ,, Jenet, 223 „ John, 123, 224 ,, Margaret, 231 ,, Mary, 246 „ Richard, 122 ,, Robert, 21, 63, 139, 178, 219 ,, Thomas, 121 ,, William, 7 Thorpe, Lancelot, 149 Thurlwaye, Francis, 15 ,, John, o. of 130 Thwaits (Thwait) Anne, 190 ,, Isabel, 20 „ John, 87,* 90, 190, 191* ,, Lancelot, 20 ,, Margaret, 90 Tilburne, Anne, 170 „ Percival, c. of 170, 170 Tildsley (Teldesley) „ Edward, 49, 172,* 226 „ Thomas, 49 Toamine, see Towmine Tollinson (Tollingson) Agnes, 316 ,, Isabel, 3 ,, John., 7 Tomlinson, Anne, 73 ,, Dorothy, 77 „ Mr., 73, 77 „ Richard, 73, 77 Tompson, Tomson, see Thompson Torner, see Turner Towanson, see Townson Towers, Thomas, 33* Towmine (Toamine) „ Christopher, 98, 106 ,, Susan, 106 ,, Thomas, 98 Townson (Towanson, To-mieson) ,, Alice, 168 .. Anne, 41 ,, Edward, 61 ,, Ellen, 69, 181, 241 ,, James, 32, 143, 200 ,, Jane, 179 ,, John, 84 ,, Margaret, 25, 151, 224 ,, Richard, 64 ,, Robert, 26, 32, 41, 179,* 223 „ Thomas, 61, 64, 69, 71,* 84, 181. 191, 233 Troughton (Ti'oghton) Anne, 191, 266 „ Katherine, 232 Turneley, see Turnley Turner (Torner) ,, Agnes, 2, 38. 48, 84, 85, 86, 141, 177, 190, 191, 201, 221, 231, 243, 244 ,, Anne, 199, 220, 231, 237 ,, Christopher, 4, 20, 22, 23, 25, 27, 31, 33, 35, 38, 42, 43, 46, 78, 81, 86, 90, 116, 154, 156, 166, 174, 190, 191, 220, 252 ,, Edmund, 77 „ Edward, 35, 33, 36, 39, 41, 46,* 48, 69, 75, 79,* 83,* 86, 90,* 94, 98, 102, 114, 149, 160,* 161, 177, 186, 201, 213,* 225, 227, 236, 266 ,, Elizabeth, 26 ,, Ellen, 23, 76, 92, 95, 177, 198, 234 „ Francis, 42, 86, 90, 96, 191, 194, 240 ,, George, 10 ,, Isaac, 39, 109, 149 304 CARTMEL PARISH REGISTERS. Baptisms pp. 1 — 117 includve. Burials 118 — 214- Marriages 215 — 256. Turner — continued. „ Isabel, 37, 77, 125, 138, 239, 252 ,, James, 99, 201 „ Jane, 33, 46, 79, 97, 106, 174, 207 „ Jenet, 69, 102, 151 „ John, 4, 22, 35, 43, 73, 77, 79, 81,* 82, 85,* 86,* 90, 91, 90, 97,* 102, 103, 106, 107, 109, 116, 132, 136, 138,* 141, 150, 186, 191, 194, 198, 207, 208,* 223, 231, 237, 239, 202 ,, Katherine, 86, 338 ,, Lawrence, 161 „ Mabel. 21, 192, 236 ,, Margaret, 24, 27, 29, 73, 171, 196, 223, 237, 239, 242 „ Mary, 96, 98 ,, Nicholas, 153 ,, Richard, 4, 9, 31, 35, 29, 32, 37, 79, 91, 96, 187, 192 „ Robert, 200 „ Roland, 20, 32, 36, 77, 78, 79, 82, 84, 86, 90, 92, 94,* 95, 99, 113, 114, 199,* 200, 201,* 238 „ Thomas, 103, 171 „ William, 1, 10, 18, 24, 31, 33, 41, 94, 102, 107, 113, w. of 119, 119, c. of 132,^^ 132,* 141, 149, 160, 154, 166, 208, 219 Turner alias Barrow, Francis, 88 ,, John, 85, 88 Turnley (Turneley) Anne, 48 ,, Isabel, 52 ,, Robert, 48, 52, 229 Twisa.day, Henry, 252 Yabdt, Agnes, 69* Varey, Agnes, 69* Vouseman, John, 212 W Wade, Bryan, 122 Wainhouse (Wainehouse, Wainhowse, Wayhouse, Waynehouse, Waynehowse, Waynhouse, Waynhowse, Waynehowse) „ Agnes, 93, 139, 196, 217,° 219 ,, Alice, 221 „ Anne, 72,* 101, 116, 231, 232 ,, Anthony, 131 Wainhouse — continued. ,, Christopher, 86 „ Dorothy, 50, 89, 113, 193, 240 ,, Edward, 14, c. of 18, 24, 32, 43, 44, 46, 60, 54,* 58, 65, 66, 106, 138, 145, 162, 156, 169, 176, 213, 218, 223 „ Elizabeth, 77, 116 „ Ellen, 65, 67, 81, 84, 176, 195, 242, 244 ,, George, 7, 28, 72, 76, 81, 86, 88, 90, 96, 101,* w. of 120, 201, 202 ,, Grace, 239 ,, Henry, 121, 217 ., Isaac, 27, 77, 186 „ Israel, 58, 169 ,, James, 231 ,, Jane, 95, 111, 201 ,, Jenet, 69, 211 ,, Joan, 231 ,, John, 6, 8, 59, 63, 67, 72, 77, 84, 88, 89, 90, 101, 111, 116,* 134, 138, 195, 211 ,, Katherine, 7 „ Mabel, 138 ,, Margaret, 138, 222 ,, Mary, 12, 44, 63, 222, 240 ,, Peter, 130, 133 „ Robert, 37, 31, 55, 77, 93, 193, 196 ,, Roger, 148 ,, Rowland, 24, 32, 42,* 43, 145, 162, 153,* 164 „ Sarah, 31, 93, 196 „ Thomas, 28, 31, 43, 55, 76, 109, 116, 145, 152, 222, 251 „ WUliam, 31, 43, 66, 106, 109, 113, 116, 136, 152 Waithman (Waythman) „ Agnes, 20, 134 ,, Jenet, 246 ,, William, 20, 134, 331 Wales, see Wallis Walker (Walcar, Walkar) ,, Agnes, 4, 60, 70, 83, 101, 176, 183, 188, 203, 220, 226, 243 „ Alice, 98 ,, Anne, 24, 36, 205, 230 „ Christabel, 222 ,, Christopher, 88, w. of 132, 220 ,, Dorothy, 31 „ Edmund, w. of 130, 207, 23-5 „ Edward, 24, 69, 71, 75, 78, 83, 85, 87, 90, 96,* 98, 102,* 105, 114, 133, 188, 189, 190, 198,* 200, 204, 236, 250 INDEX OF SURNAMES. 30s Baptisms pp. 1 — 117 indudve. Burials 118 — 214. Marriages 215 — 256. Walker — continued. ., Elizabeth, 33, 64, 98, 114, 126, c. of 166, 155, 200, 220, 234, 238, 239, 248 „ Ellen (Helen) 5, 34, 140, 144, 167, 204, 219, 225 ,, Emme, 242 ,, Henry, 207, 241 „ Isabel, 90, 103, 194, 248 ,, James, 67, 78, 93, 101, w. of 121, 131, 166, 215, 230, 231 „ Jane, 13, 60, 91, 164, 234, 246 „ Jenet, 29. 31, 70, 117, 128, 143, 146, 172, 212 „ John, 87,* 126, 142, 190, 237 ,, Lawrence, 140, 143, 164, 234 „ Mabel, 73, 144, 187 „ Margaret, 54, 69, 74, 75, 174, 183, 189 „ Mariana, 83, 188 ,, Martha, 189 ,, Mary, 344 ,, Richard, 20,* 24, 28,* 34, 60, 64. 74, 149, 167, 222, 232, 237 „ Robert, 20, 25, 26, 35, 66, 81, 113, 117, 144, 166, 174, 218 .. Stephen, 119 „ Thomas, 19, 20, 24, 25, 27,* 29,* 31, 33, 54, 67, 60, 66, 69,* 70, 71, 73, 83, 88, 93, 97, 101,* 102, 103, 105, 129, two children of 139, c. of 141, c. of 142, 142,* 143,* 144, 146, c. of 160, 164," 166, two children of 166, 172, 187, 188, 189,* 203,* 228, 230, 240, 245, 249 ,, WUliam, 9, 19, 26, 70, 74,* 81, 86, 87, 91, 95,* 97, 98, 102, 113, 144, 172, 189, 198,* 236 Wallas, see Wallis Waller (Wallei-d) Agnes, 5, 19, 39, 43, 84, 96, 140, 169, 199, 301, 330, 235. 343 ,, Alice, 183 „ Anne, 103, 121 ., Edmund, 54, 116, 140 ,, Edward, 30, 36, 43, 46, 47, 53, 58, 64, 88, 90, 96, 100, 101,* 106, 112, 111, 116, 125, 128, 140, 154, 201, 211, 229, 241 ,, Elizabeth, 94, 149, 220 „ Ellen, 13, 50, 208, 235, 230 „ George, 31,* 34, 39, 43, 47, 54, 58, 88, 136. 165, 181.* 188, 190, 203, 224, 246, 255 „ Henry, 54, 68, 165, 213 Waller — continued. ,, Isabel, 59, 131 ,, James, 58, 190 „ Jane, 37, 148, 178 ,, Jenet, 34, 53, 91, 106, 114, 130, 147, 173, 186, 195, 339, 345 „ John, 11, 28,* 31, 91, 100, 113, 114,* 149, 156, two children of 163, 169, 208, 223, 225, 230 234 „ Katherine, 139, 198 „ Mabel, 2, 47, 121 ,, Margaret, 47, 69, 77, 79, 90, 110, 166, 188, 203, 252 ,, Mai-yon, 63, 224 „ Nicholas, 126, 128 ,, Richard, 3, 7, c. of 18, 36, 39, 42, 46, 50, 54, 59, 63, 64, 69, 74,* 77, 79, 84, 91, 94, c. of 129, 136, 154, 183, 185, 196, 199, 200, 211, 213, 226, 235 ,, Robert, 128 „ Thomas, 37, 39,* 46, 74, 96, 148, 181, 203 ,, Widow, 156 „ William, 17, 19, 30, 39, 46, 91, 96, 100,* 103,* 110, w. of 118, w. of 121, 135, 165, 198, 219, 243, 244 Wallerd [sic'] Agnes, 140 Wallis (Wales, Wallas, Walles) „ Agnes, 49, 227, 236 ,, Anne, 16, 138 „ Edward, 38, 55,* 92, 95, 97,* 101, 104, 106, 179, 197, 206, 231, 243 „ Elizabeth, 83, 98, 139, 163, 175 222 „ Ellen (Helen) 67, 166, 185 ,, George, 144 ,, Isaac, 104, 205 „ Isabel, 81, 152 ,, James, 179 „ Jenet, 53, 83, 144, 150, 179* ,, John, 92 ,, Leonard, 185 „ Mabel, 179, 182 „ Margaret, 47, 69, 106, 145, 179, 188 ,, Michael, 20, w. .of 118, 174, 176, 220 ,, MUes, 47, 88, 163, 177, 179* ,, Robert, 2, 139, 163, 165, 167, 251 ,, Rowland, 38, 42,* 49, 53, 57, 69, 81, 88, 96, 124, 148, 150, 166, 182, s. of 182, 185, 197 3o6 CARTMEL PARISH REGISTERS. Baptisms pp. 1 — 117 indudve- Burials 118 — 314- Marriages 215 — 256. Wallis — continued. ,, SibeU, 176 ,, Thomas, 13, 83, 98, 101, c. of 129, 163, 218 ,, WUliam, 6, 20, 38,* 137, 145, 118, 200 Walton, Ellen, 172 „ Gilbert, 172, 231 Wane, John, 139 ,, Leonard, 28 ,, Margaret, 142, 143 ,, WiUiam, 28, c. of 141, 143, 143, 221 Waone, see Woane Warbreck (Warbrack, Warbrak. Warbrecke, Warbricke) ,, Henry, 193 ,, James, 111 ,, .lohn, 89, 200 ,, Thomas, 111 „ William, 89, 193, 200, 241 Ward (Warde) Agnes, 219 ,, Alice, 176 ,. Ellen, 23, 65, 142 ,, Isabel, 22, 145 ,, James, 206 ,, Jane, 162 ,, Jenet, 134, 185 John, 3, 200 ,, Mabel, 224 ,, Nicholas, 140 ,, Robert, 23, 41, 151, 162, 177, 232 „ Rowland, 22, 23, 41, 44, 65, 126, 145, 151, 176, 196, 221 „ WUliam, 23, 44, 123, 134 Warriner (Wariner) Anne, 187 „ Isab^, 44, 155 ,, Robert, 44, 129 Washington, Henry, 79, 192 ,, William, 79, 192 Watei-s (Watters) Agnes, 11, 12, 234 „ John, 129 ,, Robert, w. of 128 ,, Rowland, 10 Wattei-woorth, Agnes, 133 Waune, see Woane Wayhouse, Waynehouse, Waynehowse, Waynhouse, Waynhowse, see Wainhouse Waynlocke, John, w. of 156 Waythman, see Waithman Webster, Elizabeth, 168 ,, Hugh, 122 ., Jenet, 3, 202 „ John, 126, c. of 128, 168, 216 „ Richard, w. of 120, 126 „ Robert, w. of 119, 124 Wennington (Weningeton, Wenington) ,, Agnes, 133 „ Edward, 21, 132, 133, 147, 225 ,, Elizabeth, 138, 169 „ Isabel, 139, 147 „ John, 13, 31, 174 „ N.X.N., 48 „ Robert, 147, 160, 333 ,, Thomas, 233 .. William, 48 West, W: 260, 252 * 253,* 265 Westby (Westbye) Isabel, 175 ,, Matthew, 78, 207, 237 „ Robert, 78, 207 Westfield, Robert, 161 Wetherhead, Anne, 244 Whaites (Whaits, Whaytes, Wheats) Agnes, 96 Anne, 83 Edward, 93, 197 James, 93, 197 John, 31, 83, 93,* 96, 110, 194, 197 Lancelot, 31 Margaret, 194 Thomas, 114 William, 110, 114, 117* Wharton, John, 219 Whaytes, Wheats, see Whaites Whinfell, Elizabeth, 47 „ Hugh, 47 Wilkinson (Wilkinsonn) AUce, 147 ,, Elizabeth, 137 „ Ellen (HeUine) 16, 80, 176 ,, George, 208 ,, Jenet, 236 „ Mabel, 178 ,, Margaret, 91 ,, Richard, 84 ,, Robert, 71, 73, 76, 80, 84, 91, 178, 237 ,, Thomas, 71, 72, 208 ,, WilUam, 75 Willann, Bryan, w. of 131 ,, Sir Bryan, 132 Williamson, John, 87 „ William, 87 Wilson (Willson, Willsonn, Wilsone, Wilsonn) ,, Agnes, 1, 42, 46, 78, 93, 151, 152, 158, 160, 211, 226 ,, Anne, 2, 45, 92, 147, 153, 206, 218, 242 ,, Christopher, 46 ,, David, 93, 101, 103,* 196, 204, 242 ,, Dorothy, 101, 110, 204 „ Edward, 42, 65, 115, 136, 152, 180 INDEX OF SURNAMES. 307 Baptisms pp. 1—117 indudve. Burials 118—214- Marriages 215—256- Wilson — continued „ Elizabeth, 39, 134, 147, 220 „ Ellen (Hellin) 161, 212 „ George, 239 „ Henry, 37,* 38, 43, 43, 45, 49, 66, 56, 87, 89, 93, 93, 99, 100, 103, 105, 108, 110, 111, 113,* w. of 136, 147, 149, 153, 171, 180, 181, 196, 205, 206, 211,* 212, 218, 228, 239, 241, 240 „ Isabel, 104, 162, 209, 212 „ James, 52, 90, 133, 158, 208* ,, Jane, 100 „ Jenet, 38, 72, 81, 134, 146, 161, 233 „ John, 3, 27, 43, 47, 79,* 89, 95, 119, 122, w. of 127, 156, 171 ,, Katherine, 175 ,, Lawrence, 80 ,, Lettice, 47 „ Mabel, 219, 254 ,, Mar: 336 ,, Margaret, 13, 16, 46, 80, 90, 93, 99, 149, 181, 196, 213, 231, 250, 251 „ Marian, 116, 180 ,, Mary, 49, 103, 106, 211 „ Miles, 41, 47, 115, 126, 180,* 227 ,, Nicholas, 166 „ N.X.N., 44, 212 ,, Peter, 27, 146 „ Richard, 13, 14, c. of 15, 34, 38, 41, 46, 47, 56, 65, 87, 116, 131, 134, 146, 149,* 152, 153, 166, c. of 158, 160, c. of 173, 207,* 211, 216, 217, 220, 221, 226, 243, 252 „ Robert, 84, 189, 215, 226, 233 ,, Rowland, 11, 176 ,, Symond, 134, 163 ., Thomas, 1, 37, 31, 34, 39, 44, 46, 52, 68,* 72, 79,* 84, 86, 90, 111, 125, 163, 164, 186,* 189, 206, 211, 212, 231, 234 „ Walter, 27, 161, 223 „ WUliam, 10, 31, 38, 42, 46, 56, 78, 81, 86, 90, 95, 99,* 104, 108, 151, 152, 180, 200, 208,* 309. 212, 226, 228, 253 Withrington, William, 207 Woaaie (Waome, Waune) Agnes, 229 Anne, 103 George, 100 Isabel, 109, 209 Jane, 47, 240 John, 30, 37, 41, 145, 148 William, 30, 34,* 37, 41, 47, Woane, 'Willia.m— continued. 80,* 100, 103, 109, 145, 148, c. of 149, 209 Woaton, Gilbert, 61 ,, Isabel, 61 WoUey, Thomas, 198 Wood (Woodd) Francis, 61 „ John, 63,* 173* ,, Thomas, 61 Woodburne (Woodboa-n, Woodborne) ,, Alice, 219 ,, Edward, 208 ,, Elizabeth, 226 „ EUen, 121 ,, George, 96 ,, James, 204 ,, Jenet, 6 ,, John, 88 „ Margaret, 218 „ Richard, 119 „ Thomas, 88, 92,* 96, 104, w. of 128, 204, 208, 209,* 241 „ William, 104 Woodd, see Wood Woodend, Elizabeth, 38 ,, Nicholas, 38 Woodfen, Thomas, 40 ,, William, 40 Woodhouse, Marmaduke, 86 ,, Robert, 85 Woodward (Woodwarde) Agnes, 203 ,, Deborah, 105 ,, Samuel, 96 „ Sarah, 89 „ Timothy, 89, 96, 102, 105, 203, 204, 241 „ William, 102, 204 Wooler, William, c. of 209 Wrayton, Jane, 221 Wright (Wryght) Agnes, 227 ,, Anne, 45, 238 ,, Balthasar, 46 „ Edward, 44, 208 „ Ellen (Hellin) 54, 163 ,, Jane, 56, 331 „ John, 45, 64, 61, 163, 180, 228 ,, Mr., 208 „ Miles, 4, 217 ,, Richard, 61 „ William, 44, 46, 54, 66, 163,* 228 Wyeley, Miles, 168 Yeates (Yeats) Anne, 50, 62, 159 ,, Katheren, 331 „ Nicholas, 50, 62, 159 ,, William, 126 II. act Jiam^s. A The Abbothall (Abatthall, Abbothat, Abbutthall, Abuthall, Abutthall) „ 19, 36, 40, 56, 76, 79, 85, 88, 146, 160, 171, 187, 193, 194, 195, 238 Adgarlie (Argarlaye) 40, 150 Ainsom, Ainsome, see Aynsome Aishead, see Ayside Aldingham, parish of, 245, 254 Algear in Barbai-y (Algeir in Barbary) ,, 104, 246 Allithwaite (Alithwait, Alithwat, Alithwayte, Alithwet^, Alithwhait, Alithwlia-ite, AUithwait, AUithwhait, Allythwat, Alythwaite, Alythwayte) ,, 22 and 127 subsequent pages Andefeild (Andefild, Andifeild, Andyefeild) „ 51, 58, 65, 107, 112 Andemes, 40 Argarlaye, see Adgarlie Aseade, Ashead. see Ayside Askerig, 86 Aynsome (Ainsom, Ainsome, Aynesom, Aynesome, Aynsam. Aynsom, Aynssome, Einshome, Einsome, Ensome, Eynsome) ,, 19 and 59 subsequent pages Ayside (Aishead, Aseade, Ashead,_ Ayesaid, Ayesaide, Ayeside, Ayhead, Aysaid, Aysaide, Aysead, Aysehead, Ayshead, Eyshead, Eyside) ,, 19 and 117 subsequent pages Ayshead Beck, 183 B Backbaeko'we (Bacbarrowe, Backbaro, Backbarow, Backbarowe, Backborow, Backebarrow) ,, 19 and 95 subsequent pages Barber Green (Barbar Green, Barbar Greene, Barber Greene) ,, 33 and 56 subsequent pages Barbary, 101 Barngarthe, 83 Barrow, 213 Barrowfeild, 111 Barton Rowe, 170 Baughton, 195 Beethom (Beethome) „ 61, 76, 168, 237, 249 Beethom, parish of (Beathom, parish of, Beethome, parish of, Bethom, parish of) „ 25, 43, 72, 75, 78, 163, 168, 176, 180, 187, 234, 237, 241, 218, 253 ' ' ' . Bigland (Biglande) 45, 52, 54, 60, 65, 73, 78, 107, 110, 115, 163 174, 204, 205, 207, 23^ Bingley, parish of, 57 Birkby (Birkbie, Birkbye, Birkebie, Birkebye) ,, 16 and 78 subsequent pages Blacragge Bridge End, 128 Blaithend (Blathend) „ 97, 98, 105, 196, 211, 245 Blakeholme (Blaikholme, Blakhome, Blaykhome) „ 92, 96, 177, 196, 196 Blenkett (Blenckett) 44, 49, 53, 160 Bloweth, 166 Bolton (Boulton, Bowlton) „ 63, 108 172, 207 Bolton, parish of, 98 Borebank (Boorbanck, Boorebanke, Borbanck, Borebancke, Borebanke) ,, 32, 35, 37, 46, 53, 78, 81, 86, 91, 106. Ill, 114, 132, 136, 148, 160, 162, 189, 190, 193, 194, 196, 200, 201 the Bridge, 194 Bridgend, 98, 141 Brigfield, 71, 183 Brindle in Lancashire, 62, 171 the Brodwaters, 128 Broghton, see Broughton Broome, 85 Broughton (Broghton) 16, 33, 37, 61, 109, 117, 127, 136, 141, 150 156, 160, 182, 313, 238, 240 Broughton m Fumess, 181 INDEX OF PLACE NAMES. 309 Baptisms pp. 1 — 117 inclusive. Burials 118 — 314- Marriages 215 — 256. Browedge, 101, 103, 109, 303, 308, 311 Buckcrag (Buckcragg, Buckcragge, Buckrag) „ 13, 35, 37, 44, 69, 74, 86, 87, 95, 97, 101, 105, 107, 134, 147, 158, 198, 301, 334 Burnbarrowe (Burnbaiow, Burnebarrowe) „ 48, 54, 56, 73, 75 Burnes m Walton, 114 Burningham in Yorkshire, 198 Burton, parish of, 340 C Caeen Ende (Cawfen End) 34, 39 Canny Hill (Canney Hill, Kanny Hill) „ 56, 58, 61, 66, 102, 174, 176, 177, 178, 181, 186, 188, 197, 199, 243 Capelsett, 212 Cark becke, 184 Cark sands, 185 Cark (Carke, Kark, Karke) „ 18, 23. 26, 35, 40, 41, 43, 41, 45, 46, 47, 48, 72, 74, 75, 101, 106, 115, 116, 117, 129, 130, 134, 136, 140, 141, 143, 147, 150, 153, 154, 340, 366 Cai-kebriges end, 149 Carke, nether — see Nether Carke Cart lane (Cartlayn, Cartlayne, Cartloane, Cartlon, Cartlone, Cartloyne) ,, 34 and 73 subsequent pages Cartmel Fell, 18 and 133 subsequent pages Cartmel sands, 149 Cartmell to^'ne, 312 Castlehead (Castlhed) „ 114, 132, 212, 246 Cawfen End, see Cafen Ende Cayserend, 44 Cayton, parish of, 168 the Chappell house (Chapel howse, Chappell house) „ 106, 179, 180, 203 Chapel Steele, 206 Church Town (Churchton, Churchtoune, Churchtowne, Churctowne) ,, 26 and 164 subsequent pages Cirket end, Cirkett end, see Kirkhead End Clauesend, 38 Cokeram, parish of, 38, 148, 231 Cokermoth, 66 CoUingfeld in Cai-tmel Fell, 182 Conishead Sands (Conisaid sands, Conyside sands) „ 156, 158, 180 Comefoi-th, 151 Coi-iiewall, county of, 172 Coulton, parish of, 203, 247 the Cragg, 170, 173 Crosthwayte (Chrostwhait) 117, 153 Cumberland, 208 D Dalton, 168, 348 Dalton parish, 59, 87, 146, 163, 177, 311, 331, 344 Dawthorne (Douthorne) 35, 46, 53, 60, 63, 67, 87, 91, 94, 98, 103, 105. 113, 149, 151, 159, 165, 166, 167, 168, 169, 178, 204, 205, 233, 237 Duckenfeild, 211, 233 Duglas, 191 E Einshome, Eiinsome, see Aynsome EUersyde 67, 166 Ensome, Eynsome, see Aynsome Eyshead, Eyside, see Ayside Faibigg (Fayrerigge, Fayrig, Fayrigg) ,, 36 and 46 subsequent pages Feild Broughton, see Field Broughton the Feild end (Feild ende) 19, 56, 64, 75, 78, 108, 112, 167, 183, 185, 192, 206, 333, 334, 238 Feilds, 213 Fell edge (Feledge) 30, 47, 50, 55, 60, 74, 81, 84, 93, 136, 146, 156, 157, 168, 171, 184, 211, 230, 233, 236, 247 Fellgate (Fellyat, Fellyate, Fellyeat, Felyate, Felyet) „ 34, 38, 42, 68, 74, 80, 83, 86, 90. 107, 109, 112, 116, 141, 147, 151, 164, 165, 156, 169, 176, 186, 191, 312 Fidler Hall (Fidler Haw, Fidler Hawe) „ 66, 67, 65, 68, 69, 70, 74, 77, 83, 85, 87, 90, 91, 93, 96, 104, 113, 116, 166, 159, 161, 163, 173, 176, 183, 186, 189, 192, 195, 309, 312, 346 3IO CARTMEL PARISH REGISTERS. Baptisms pp. 1 — 117 indudve- Burials 118 — 214- Marriages 215 — 256. Field Barow, 85 Field Broughton (Feild Broughton, Field Broghton, Fild Broghton) ,, 34 and 109 subsequent pages Field head, 207 Flookburgh (Flookbarogh, Flookbarough, Flookbarow, Flookbarowe, Flookborogh, Flookborough, Flookborow, Flookborrow, Flookbrogh, Flookbroghe, Flookbrough, Flookbrugh, Flookburge, Flookebrough, Flookeburge) ,, 16 and 167 subsequent pages Flookbrogh Towne End, 88, 158 the Forge (Fourge) 90, 92, 103, 110, 111, 244 Fornas Fells, Fornasse Fells, see Pui-nes Fell Fornes, see Furnesse Foxfeild (Foxefeild) ., 37, 66, 115, 150, 187 Foxefeild in Cartmel Fells, 161 the Frith (Freeth, Freth) „ 35, 57, 69, 87, 108, 111, 116, 148, 173, 177, 179, 184, 197 Fui-nes Fells (Fornais fels, Fornas fell, Fornasse fell, Furneis fell) „ 63, 73, 131, 163, 168, 185, 231, 238 Fui-nes sand, 138 Fui-nesse (Fornes, Furnas) „ 40, 69, 76, 86, 208, 246 G Garstang (Garestangg) 38, 49, 245 the Gate, 127 the Gateside (Gatesyde, Gaytesyde) „ 46, 65, 74, 97, 106, 167, 197, 199, 212, 247 Girsgarth (Girsegarth, Grisgarth) „ 46, 52, 58, 64, 74, 76, 80, 84, 85, 91, 95, 96, 105, 110, 158, 164, 173, 180, 186, 197, 241 Girsmer [? Grasmere] 161 Graithwait, 69 the Grange (Graing, Grainge, Grang) ,, 30 and 129 subsequent pages Grassamore [Grasmere] parish of, 69 the Greaves (Greaues, Greave, Greeav, Greeues, Greeus, Greuves) ,, 37 and 40 subsequent pages the Green (Greene) 50, 55, 62, 63, 82, 94, 111, 116, 160, 165, 168, 196, 199, 209 Greenbank (Greenbanck, Greenbancke, Greenbanke, Grenbancke, Grenebanke) ,, 27 and 47 subsequent pages Greenethome, 209 Green Grange, 58 Greenhead, 208 Greenhurst (Greanhuret) 78, 82, 87, 88, 95, 96, 180, 186, 201 Greeues, see Greaves Grisgarth, see Gii-sgarth Grissingham, 152 Groves, 85 H Halifax (Halifaxe, Hallifaxe) „ 48, 80, 231, 240 Hampsfield (Hamesfeild, Hampesfeild, Hampesfell, Hampesfild, Hampsefeild, HampsfeUd, Hampsfeld, Hampsfielde, Hampsfild, Hamsfeld, Hamsfild) ,, 22 and 91 subsequent pages the Hardcragg, 148 Hartbaiiow (Hartbaro, Hartborow, Hartebarrowe) „ 86, 91, 149, 154 170, 176, 186 Haslerigg, see Hesselrigg Haukshead (Haukeshead) „ 155, 177, 182, 233, 346 Haukeshead, parish of, 336 Haverthwait (Haverthayte) 312, 342 Hawton, parish of, 101 ye Heads of Staveley, 111, 115 the Head House (Head Howse) „ 16, 37, 42, 46, 50, 52, 59, 67, 71, 74, 76, 77, 100, 101, 103, 107, 112, 115, 127, 149, 158, 169, 171, 175, 178, 186, 196, 200, 201, 203, 204, 230, 232, 241 Heesom, parish of, 244 the Height (the Hee, the Heigh, Hey, Hie) „ 34, 40, 49, 62, 61, 71, 74, 77, 81, 86, 90, 94, 96, 98, 103, 114, 117, 147, 156, 166, 167, 170, 177, 178, 184, 186, 188, 189, 197, 206, 209, 211, 226, 240 242 Hesselrigg (Haslerigg, Heselrig, Heselrigg, Heskrig, Heslerige, Heslerigg, Heslerigge, Heslrigj Hessellrig, Hessellrigg, Hezlerigge) ,, 34 and 53 subsequent pages INDEX OF PLACE NAMES. 311 Baptisms pp. 1 — 117 indudve. Burials 118 — 214. Marriages 215 — S56. Heuersham, 190 Hevei-sim, parish of, 231, 247 Hey, Hie, see the Height the High Wood in Cartmel Fells, 164 the Hill (Hil) 39, 80, 92, 96, 97, 99, 100, 103, 107, 114, 152, 182, 186, 199, 202, 244, 246 Holker (Halker, Holar, Holkai-, Hooker) ,, 13 and 123 subsequent pages HoUiday, 91 the Holme (Home) 55, 87, 148, 237 Howbarrow (Hoobarow, Howbarow, Howbarrowe) „ 38, 40, 45, 46, 61, 53, 91, 108, 109, 149, 153, 156, 159, 183, 189. 192 Howrigge [see also Woolrigg] 106 Humferhead, 163 the Hyghe ^ye) 164, 212 K Kanny Hill, see Canny Hill Kark, Karke, see Cark Keere, 181, 185 Kendall (Kendale) 35, 49, 72, 76, 167, 174, 180, 196, 335, 348, 249, 251 Kendall parish, 58, 74, 163, 172, 189, 243 Kentsbank (Kensebanke, Kentbank, Kentbanke, Kentsbanck, Kentsbancke, Kentsbanke) „ 16, 23, 38, 48, 50, 56, 66, 76, 79, 80, 82, 83, 84, 90, 97, 99, 101, 103, 106, 107, 108, 109, 111, 112, 116, 156, 164, 169, 189, 194, 201, 208, 209, 210, 213, 234, 244, 245 Kentsand (Kentsands) 140, 146, 160, 161, 155, 158, 163, 166 Kirbie, 61 Kirbie Lonesdale, 233 Kirby in Furnesse, 246 Kirkhead, 125 Kirkhead ISnd (Cirketend, Cirket'tend, Kirkehead end, Kirketend, Kirketende, Kirketi»nd, Kirkitend, Kirkittende,Kirkitthead End) „ 36, 42, 48, 53, 54, 69, 60, 64, 69, 74, 78, 79, 86, 86, 89, 93, 99, 111, 115, 164, 165, 170, 171, 174, 175, 185, 188, 190, 193, 197, 207, 210, 311, 333, 236, 340, 341, 344, 346 Kitcrag (Kittcragge) 181, 210 Lancashuje, 62, 64, 170, 180 Lancaster, 65, 98, 107, 144, 164, 178, 231, 254, 255 Lancaster parish, 60, 162, 233 Langlands, 53 Lightwoode, 116 LindaU (Lindal, Lindale, Lindel, Lindell) ,, 12 and 149 subsequent pages Lindall Poole, 189 Lindell Chappell, 73 Loderbume, see Ludderburne London, 40, 47, 164, 169 Lower carke, 213 Lowrig, 69 Ludderburne (Loderbume, Looderburne, Luderburne) „ 148, 150, 159, 166, 169, 170, 171, 173, 183, 186, 205, 212, 245 M Meathopp (Meadop, Meadoppe, Meethop, Meethopp, Methop, Methope, Methopp) „ 32, 33, 36, 38, 41, 42, 43, 44, 46, 48, 49, 53, 54, 60, 62, 67, 68, 71, 76, 78, 79, 82, 89, 91, 93, 95, 100, 102, 147, 162, 168, 174, 178, 198, 199, 207, 209, 211, 236, 245, 248 the Mil Dam (Mildame, Milnedame, Milnedamm) „ 36, 37, 41, 42, 61, 63, 151, 156, 161 MUlum, 66 the Milnhouse, 136 Milthorp, 199 Milthorpsands, 188 Mireside, see Myreside the Moore, 69, 66, 70, 72, 73, 75, 77, 78, 81, 83, 107, 176, 181, 188, 189, 194, 204, 210, 233, 236 243, 246 Morehow (Moorehow, Moorehowe, Moorhowe) „ 93, 163, 167, 168, 173, 176, 181 the Mossend (Mosse end) 43, 105 Mosside (Mosseside) 87, 117 Mosseside apud Newton, 75 Mungion (Mungeon, Munion, Munione, Munnyon, Munyon) ,, 69, 70, 77, 82, 127, 147, 176, 181, 188, 198 Myars, see Myreside Myerachow, 172 312 CARTMEL PARISH REGISTERS. Baptisms pp. 1 — 117 indudve. Burials 118 — 214. Marriages 215 — 256. Myreside (Mireside, Myars, Myarsyde, Myereside, Myei-side, Myei-syed) „ 26, 39, 45, 53, 66, 67, 68, 71, 75, 78, 80, 81, 84, 87, 89, 91, 93, 95, 98, 99, 103, 106, 108, 112, 113, 116, 116, 134, 141, 142, 153, 158, 165, 166, 167, 170, 172, 174, 180, 183, 187, 189, 194, 196, 198, 207, 232, 233, 234, 236, 238, 246 N Nbathee Cark, Neather Carke, see Nether Cark Neather Newton, see Nether Newton Nether Cark (Neather Cark, Neather Carke, Neither Carke, Nether Carke) ,, 29 and 96 subsequent pages Nether Cai-ke End, 56 Nether Newton (Neather Newton, Neither Newton, Nether Nuton) ,, 21 and 81 subsequent pages Newbridge, 24 Newton, 16, 20, 30, 31, 33, 47, 50, 51, 56, 77, 83, 86, 108, 109, 113, 114, 116, 117, 132, 133, 141, 146, 147, 161, 184, 186, 204, 211, 313, 336 O Ouebnuton, sec Ovemewton [Outerthwait] (Oolterthwait, Vlterthwait, Vlterwhait) „ 50, 63, 183 [Outerthwait Green] (Vltertwhait Grene, Vlterwhait Grene) „ 60 Over Cark (Ouercark, Ouercarke, Overcarke, Owercarke) „ 39, 51, 5", 63, 55, 56, 61, 67, 73, 79, 80, 84, 86, 86, 95, 100, 106, 107, 109, 113, 166, 162, 164, 165, 174, 177, 178, 179, 187, 301, 304, 206, 211, 244 Over Newton (Ouer nuton) ,, 34 and 93 subsequent pages Owenaye [or] Oweuaye, 61 Ower Carke, see Over Cark Owerigg (Owrig, Owrigg, Owrigge, Owrrigg) see also Woolrigg, ,, 38, 43, 81, 139, 140, 164, 167, 177, 233 Oxenparke in Fornes, 86 Pbabtreb, 133 Plomgreene, 242 Preesoe, 153 Preston, 40, 150, 174 the Pudle, 37, 163 the PuUhouse (Pulhouse) „ 25, 31, 73, 136, 191, 195 Q QuARBBY flatt (Quarel flatt, Quarell flatt, Quarrell flats, Wharel flatt, Wharleflatt, Wharrel flatt) „ 38, 45, 54, 60, 65, 70, 163, 170, 188, 211, 213, 235, 245 R Ravbnswindbb (Rauenswinder, Ravenswin dor) „ 51, 66, 68, 77, 81, 84, 88, 106, - 109, 114, 153, 163, 185, 307, 346 Rippon, 33 Rostwhait (Rostat, Rostatt, Rostwhat) ,, 43, 44, 59, 63, 67, 77, 78, 81, 86, 88, 89, 94, 103, 116, 134, 153, 155, 165, 176, 195, 339 S Sandwitch, 139 Sauley, 41 Sedbore, parish of, 58, 168 SeedhaU, 97 Sefton, 180 Seatle (Setle) ,, 21 and 49 subsequent pages the Sheepooats (Sheepcoate, Sheepcots) „ 36, 145, 168, 174 Siluerdayle, 39 Simclose, 173 Skelhill, 68, 72, 76, 87, 191, 213 the Slack (Slacke) 40, 42, 53, 67, 66, 74, 77, 88, 90, 92, 93, 99, 103, 110, 113, 132, 178, 188, 303, 310, 236, 241 Slacke in Hampsefeilds, 210 Slaypstons, 23 Soreby in Yorksliii-e, 180 Sorby near Halifax, 80 Sorey, 206 Speelbank (Spelbank, Spelbanke, Speelbancke, Speelbanke, Speelebanke, Spilbanck, Spilbanke) INDEX OF PLACE NAMES. 313 Baptisms pp. 1 — 117 includve. Burials IIS — 214- Marriages 215 — 256. Speelbank — continued. „ 39, 47, 54, 58, 63, 68, 73, 78, 83, 89, 96, 97, 101, 106, 110, 112, 113, 114, 135, 149, 162, 166, 167, 168, 170, 187, 194, 301, 202, 205, 206, 311, 342, 245 Spoouer close (Spooned Closes) 96, 176 St. Andrew Moore, 56 Stauley [Staveley] Chapel, 69 Starrtbank, 70 Staveley (Staueley, Stauley, Stauly, Stavelay, Stavelaye, Stavely, Stavlaye, Stavley, Stavly) ,, 14 and 117 subsequent pages the Stock, 70 Stot parke, 165 Stribus (Strybus) 48, 58, 63, 160 Sympson Ground, 213 Templand (Templande) ,, 31 and 74 subsequent pages Tenterbank (Tentbancke, Tenterbancke, Tenterbanke) ,, 35, 39, 40, 46, 49, 53, 54, 56, 57, 59, 61, 63. 64, 68, 79, 86 87, 89, 146, 148, 150, 159, 164, 167, 169, 176, 181, 190, 198, 333, 334 Thorpinsty (Thorphinsty, Thorphinstye, Thorpinstie) „ 98, 112, 164, 178, 300, 245 Thoi-nton in Dalton Parish, 163 Todemyer (Todemvre) 139, 176 Towerwood, 148, 174 Towewood in Winander, 80 Tunstall, 243 Tume Greene (Terne Greene) 183, 184 U Ulvbeston (Ulverstone, Vluerston) „ 132, 186, 193, 235, 247, 256 Ulvereton parish, 234, 241, 342, 247, 249. 252 Urswick (Vnswicke) 232, 234 Ui-swick parish, 238, 254 Vltebwhait, see [Outerthwait] Vltertwhait Grene, see [Outerthwait Green] W Wallnooke, 105 Walney, 87 Walton (Wallton) ,, 22 and 131 subsequent pages Walton Hall, 67, 76, 85, 185, 306 Warton, 149, 330 Warton parish, 240, 243, 345, 352 Watersyde, 133 Welknow (Welknowe) 97, 164, 173 the Well, 48 Welwick parish in Yorkshire, 167 Whaley, 174 Wharelflatt, Wharle flatt, Wharrel flatt, see Quarrey flatt Whithaven, 213 Whittington, 348 Wigan, 64 Wihitson in County of Cornewall, 173 Wilson Hill, 75 Winander, 80 Winder, 53, 71, 91, 98, 149, 153, 194, 195, 301, 340, 243, 244 Windamer becke, 184 Windamere water (Windermor water) „ 149, 193 Winster, 199 Winster Chapel, 207 Withei-slack (Witherslacke) 67, 73, 128, 154, 169, 171, 191, 199, 227 the Wood (Woode) 34, 41, 49, 52, 60, 64, 69, 72, 78, 80, 101, 106, 149, 163, 169, 176, 246 the Wood in Cartmel Fell, 163 Woodbroughton (Woodbroghton, Woodbrouton) ,, 35 and 68 subsequent pages Wood land, 158 Woolrigg (Woolrig, Woolrigge) ,, 71, 76, 78, 85, 89, 94, 98, 104, 163, 183, 186. 190, 205, 237 Wraisholme (Wreasom) 87, 115, 182, 194 Y the Yatb in Flookbarow, 187 YorefuUyeat (Yoefatyate, YofaUyate, Yofulyate, Yorefulyeat, Yoi-fallyate, Yorfellyate, Yoi-felyate, Yorfelyeat, Yorfullgate, YorfuUyeat, Yorfulyate, Yorfulyeat, Youfallyate, Youfallyatt) ,, 44, 47, 60, 62, 64, 57, 68, 69, 62, 63, 65, 66, 71, 76, 81, 86, 97, 104, 109, 147, 156, 159, 160, 161, 163, 168, 170, 172, 174, 175, 176, 178, 184, 190, 199, 203 Yorkshire, 166, 167, 180, 198, 243 III. f ratt^s an& ^isccllan^otts ffattoa. Amending Register, pretence of, 227 Attorney, 180 B Bachelob (woman) 173, 174, 194 ,, of Ai-ts, 178 Baptism in Algiers, 104 ,, at Crosthwaite, 117 Blacksmith, 35, 61, 61, 150, 160, 180 Blind, 91 Blowmer, 45 Burials above Gree,* 149 and 21 sub sequent pages ,, beneath Gree,* 146 and 19 sub sequent pages Burial entries among Baptisms, 112, 116 ,, entry among Marriages, 231 Burials in 1597 and 1623, numbers of, 139 179 Burials at Cartmel Fell, 213 Burials in Church, 136, 136, 137, 209 C Cabpentee, 60, 85, 154, 158, 163, 165 Captain, 253 The Carter [Guide over Sands] 204 Cartmel Church, 114 Chapel, Lindell, 73 ,, Winster, 207 Churchwarden, 108 CoUier, 49, 155, 158, 159, 171 Cooke, 153, 171 Cowper, 65, 150 Curacy, commencement of, 132 Curate, 93, 132, 178, 203 D Deacon, 163 Death by drowning, 170, 171, 173, 177,180, 191, 195, 199, 202, 203, 204, 209 It tt ,, in Ayshead Beck, 183 Death by drowning — continued. ,, in the Brodwaters, 128 ,, in Cark Becke, 184 ,, on Cark Sands, 185 ,, on Cartmell Sands, 149 ,, on Conisaid Sands, 156, 158, 180 ,, at Fumes Sand, 138 ,, at Grainge, 128, 131, 183 ,, beneath HumferHead, 153 ,, in Keere, 181, 185 ,, at Kent Sands, 140, 146, 150, 151, 155, 158, 163, 165 ,, at Lindall Poole, 189 ,, at Milthorp Sands, 188 ,, on Sands be yond Winder, 149 ,, about Winder, 149 ,, in Windamer Becke, 184 ,, in Windamere (Windermor) Water, 149, 193 Death by fall of a Stock, 199 „ fall of tree, 184 „ hanging, 131, 137 ,, horse, 184 beneath Humfer Head, 153 by murder, 128, 155, 167 „ strangling, 169, 198 ,, violence, 157, 184 Dyer, 166 ^ Gvee= Ghancel Step. INDEX OF TRADES, Etc. 315 Baptisms pp. 1 — 117 includve. Burials 118 — 214- Marriages 215 — 256. E Execution of murderer, 128 Etequire, 27, 29, 31, 49, 56, 61, 64, 66, 104, 107, 109, 112, 132, 136, 137, 144, 152, 164, 170, 172, 177, 181, 185, 191, 197, 211, 233 F FlDLBK, 172 Forgeman, 64 the Font (Funt) 135 G Gentleman (gener:) 16, 17, 18, 32, 33, 56, 69, 60, 61, 66, 75, 80, 81, 84„ 88, 94, 97, 98, 100, 101, 103, 103, 104, 106, 109, 110, 112, 114, 115, 130, 133, 143, 144, 147, 157, 160, 162, 164, 167, 170, 188, 193, 194, 196, 198, 200, 303, 308, 311, 226, 245 Glacier, 167 Glover, 31, 32, 36, 39, 45, 126, 152 Hammebman, 163 I Induction of Rev. Parker, 132 L Laboubee, 56 Lindell Chapel, 73 Locksmith, 50 Lord Vicount, 246 M MABELiGES at Cartmel Fell, 217, 221, 222 Marriage at Algiers, 246 Marriages Civil, 247, 256 Mayor of Lancaster, 254, 255 Mercer, 36, 39, 62, 66, 149, 150, 161 MUner, 40, 58, 72, 144, 163, 242 Minister, 66, 73, 85, 101, 107, 108, 112, 114, 141, 184, 188, 191, 198, 246 Minister of God's Word, 207 Mr., 18, 29, 69, 71, 72, 73, 77, 86, 93, 99, 101, 105, 107, 110, 114, 129, 136, 180, 184, 188, 191, 198, 200, 203, 207, 208, 211, 213, 242, 246, 248, 253 Mrs., 133, 137, 201, 204, 213 Murderer's Execution, 128 N Nicknames, Blencket, 146 „ Blind Dick, 91 ., Halt Ric: 142 „ Olde, 132 ,, Scott, 129 Papbeman, 65, 172 Paper Milne, 56 Parish Clarke, 36, 135, 163, 235 Pauper, 208 Piper, 47, 54, 161 Poore Beggar, 170 Poor man, 65 Preacher, 77, 191 Preacher of God's Word, 82, 240, 242 Priest, 131 R Readee, 59, 73 Registering by Mr. Leake begins, 29 ,, Rev. Willan ends, 133 ,, Rev. Parker begins, 133 Round faced man, 138 S Sailoe, 307 Schoolmaster, 30, 31, 178 Scotchman, 195 Scott, 139 Servant, 45, 156, 160, 170, 188 Shepherd, 148 Shoemaker, 36, 41, 43, 47, 61, 53, 56, 63, 150, 166, 175, 176 "Sir," 136, 141, 178, 204 Slater, 149 Smith, 50, 53, 130, 144, 158, 230 Soldier, 102 Suicide, 131, 137, 169 Statistics from Registei-s, 1608-1660, 214 T Tayloe, 61, 186, 204 3i6 CARTMEL PARISH REGISTERS. Baptisms pp. 1 — 117 includve- Burials 118 — 214- Marriages 215 — 256. V ViNTXEB, 92 W Walleb, 41, 49, 56, 148, 154, 158, 159, 166, 177 Webster, 50, 65 Weddings forgotten to be entered, 221 Welshman, 242 Wheelwright, 144, 152, 164 Winster Chapel, 207 Woodcutter, 59, 167 Wright, 162, 240 Young Man, 128 JAMES CLEGG, THE ALDINE PRESS, ROCHDALE. YALE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY 3 9002 08844 0210 ..SKn-'- •¦¦'••