THE ENGLISH BIBLE. THE ENGLISH BIBLE AN EXTERNAL AND CRITICAL HISTORY OF THE VARIOUS ENGLISH TRANSLATIONS OF SCRIPTURE, WITH REMARKS ON THE NEED OF REVISING THE ENGLISH NEW TESTAMENT. JOHN EADIE, D.D., LL.D., PROFESSOR OF BIBLICAL LITEEATUKB AMD EXEGESIS, UNITED PKESBYTEEIAN CHURCH. IN TWO VOLUMES. VOL. II. MACMILLAN AND CO. 1876. All rights reserved. CONTENTS. GENEVAN VERSION. CHAPTER XXXII. Marian Refugees — Geneva— Whittingham — His New Testament — Genevan Bible — Those Employed in the Revision — Dedication to Queen Elizabeth — To the Christian Reader — Causes of its Popularity — Breeches Bible, ........ Page 3 CHAPTER XXXIII. The Genevan a Revision of Tyndale " collated with Great Bible — Collation showing this, and also Influence of Beza — ^A decided Advance on the Great Bible — Excerpts — Changes to the better in the Apocrypha, . 16 CHAPTER XXXIV. Terms with Latin Signification — Felicitous Renderings — Antique Words and Senses — Old SpeUing — Unwarrantable Supplementary Clauses — Marginal Notes — Calvinism of Notes — Excellence of Version, . . 23 CHAPTER XXXV. Bodley's Patent for printing Genevan Bible — Not printed in England during Parker's Life-time — Tomson's Revision — Great Popularity — ^Vitality — Esme Stuart and Cobham, ...... 32 VOL. II. a vi CONTENTS. CHAPTER XXXVI. Genevan Bible in Scotland — " Common Band" of Protestant Nobles — Scottish Scholars who might have taken part in Biblical Revision— Publication of Genevan Version and First General Assembly of the Kirk — First Edition printed in Scotland — Measures for increasing its Circulation — English of the South intelligible to Scottish Population — Overture for Revision of Genevan Version, ....... 39 CHAPTER XXXVII. Genevan the favourite Volume in Scottish Families — Laud's Dislike to it — Attacks upon it by Howson and Martin — Priest Hamilton and his Attack ........ 50 THE BISHOPS' BIBLE. CHAPTER XXXVIIL Early Part of Elizabeth's Reign beset with Difficulties — Agnes Prest and Joan Waste — Elizabeth's Regard for the Scriptures — Her Eagerness for Uni formity — Different Bibles in Circulation — Parker and the Proposal for another Revision — His Coadjutors — The Various Translators — Bible Finished aud Presented to the Queen — Parker on Affectionate Terms with Fellow-Workers, ....... 59 CHAPTER XXXIX. Description of First Edition of Bishops' Bible — Parker's Preface — No Royal Confirmation — Rebellion of Northern Earls — Critical Remarks by Law rence — New Testament Revised — Collation of Three Versions in Ezekiel and Matthew — Notes — Burleigh's Portrait — Price, . . 76 CONTENTS. vii CHAPTER XL. Specimens of Literal Translations — Supplements — More Stately than Precise — Want of Uniformity — The Great Bible superseded — Three Versions in Circulation — Martin's Attack and Pulke's Defence, . . 95 RHEIMS AND DOUAI VERSION. CHAPTER XLI. This Version taken from the Vulgate — Account of the Vulgate — The Church of Rome — Its Reluctance to give Vernacular Versions to the People — ¦ Catholic Refugees in Reign of Elizabeth — Seminary at Douai — New Testament Translated at Rheims — Martin and Allen — Preface to New Testament — Motives for Translating — Method of Translation — Close Adherence to Latin Text — Answers of Fulke and Cartwright — Reasons for Translating from Vulgate — Polemical Notes — Translated with the Greek Text before them — Latinized English — Good Renderings — Use of the Genevan and the Bishops' — Uniformity — Rheims New Testament appealed to by Mary, Queen of Scots, on the Evening before her Execution, . 107 CHAPTER XLIL Old Testament published at Douai — Described — Preface sets forth Impedi ments—Gives Reasons for Translating from Latin Text — For Strictness in Translating some Words — Obscure Renderings, especiaUy in Psalter — Idiomatic Renderings — Romish Notes — Controversy between Fulke and Martin — Whitgift and Cartwright — Table of Protestant Errors — Second Edition — Changes in subsequent Versions — ChaUoner and Lingard — Theological Nomenclature, . . . . . .137 viii CONTENTS. AUTHORIZED VERSION. CHAPTER XLIII. King James — Strange Incidents of Infantine Years — His Character presents a species of Dualism — Belief in Kingly Supremacy — Early Knowledge of Scripture — Fondness for Theological Discussion — Intolerance — Changes of Opinion — Flatteries heaped upon him — The Millenary .Petition- — Hampton Court Conference— Dr. Reynolds — The King and the Genevan Notes — New Translation agreed to — Bancroft's Correspondence with regard to it — Profusion and Poverty of the King — The Board of Revisers — Short Notices — Rules laid down for the Revision — Revision not Translation — Their own Arguments for Revision — Their Commendation of Scripture Study — Com pletiou of the Work^PubUshed — Dedication to the King — The Clause, "Appointed to be read in Churches" — GaUoway, the Royal Chaplain — Fuller's Eulogy of the New Bible, ..... 159 CHAPTER XLIV. Constant Use of Hebrew and Greek Originals — Hebrew Text — Greek Text — Stephens aud Beza — Marginal Notes — ^No Historical Notes — Help from various Translations — Other Helps — Selden's Glimpse into their Method of Procedure — Alternative Renderings in Margin — Influence of Bishops' — Of EarUer Versions — Care iu Choice of Words — ExceUence of EngUsh Style — Hebrew Phrases — Ingenious Turns of Diction — The English speciaUy Saxon — Terms occurring only once — License taken in Trans lating the Apocrypha — Simplicity, Clearness, and Harmony — Univer- saUty of Adaptation — The English of the Beginning of the Seventeenth Century, ........ 208 CHAPTER XLV. Different Fate of Words iu Margin and in Text — ^Words and Phrases iu Con tents of Chapters which have whoUy or nearly passed away — Obsolete Words in Text — Words changed in Meaning — Archaisms — Words which CONTENTS. ix have only their Latin Meaning — Peculiar Phrases and Syntax — Varying Forms — Old Use of "His" — Variations iu SpeUing — Various Pecu liarities, ........ 242 CHAPTER XLVL HostUity to their Version anticipated by Translators — Charges of Broughton, GeU, and Ward— "Witchcraft "—"God Save the King "-Ecclesiastical Predilection — Doctrinal Influence — Anti-Popish Leanings — How far Beza was foUowed, ....... 264 CHAPTER XLVIL Supplemental Words — ItaUcs — Supplements often unnecessary — Sometimes unwarranted — Headings of Chapters made by Command — Some Particu lars regarding, ....... 280 CHAPTER XLVIIL The Barkers and the Printing of Authorized Version — Bibliography — First Editions brought into Correspondence with the Bishops' and the Genevan — Specimens of Inaccuracy in Early Issues — Various Editions — Edition of Buck and Daniel— Kilburne on the Errors in Editions of Hill and Field — Field's Pearl Bible — Assembly's Annotations — Lightfoot on the Apocrypha — Editions of Blayney and Others — American Revised Edition — Punctua tion and Paragraph Marks, ...... 288 CHAPTER XLIX. Scotland never had any Indigenous Translation — Content to receive its Bible from Abroad and especiaUy from England — Authorized Version gradually made its way in Scotland — Editions Printed in that Country — Anderson's Patent — Numerous and Gross Blunders in Widow Anderson's Bibles — And in those of her Successors — James Watson's Bibles — Row's Proposals for Revision — Bible Monopoly in Scotland— The "Sweet Singers" and their Rejection of Authorized Version — Superstitious Use of the Bible — Misquotations— Number of Chapters, Verses, Words, and Letters in Bible — Wonderful and Suggestive History of EngUsh Bible. . 311 CONTENTS. REVISION OF NEW TESTAMENT. CHAPTER L. The Bible at once Divine and Human — HostiUty to Settlement of the Text — Labours of Origen, Jerome, and Robert Stephens — Walton and Owen— Bengel, Mill, and Bentley — Various Scholars on the Desirableness of Revision of Authorized Version — The Long Parliament and BiU for Revision — Changes in the Original Text call for Revision of the Version — Nature of a True Revision — Futility of Objections — No Ground for Alarm — Strange Specimens of Revision by Scarlett and Heinfetter — Other Examples of Revision — Works on Revision — Tischendorf and TregeUes. . ...... 337 CHAPTER LI. Defects of Authorized Version — Ambiguities — Inexact Renderings — Clauses Liable to be Misunderstood — Misleading Punctuation — Difficult Idioms and Technical Words. ...... 365 CHAPTER LIL Want of Uniformity — Variation so far AUowable — Terms Characteristic of a Divine Revelation of Love to a Sinful World — Variations which are Unnecessary — Capricious — Prejudicial — Motives Inducing — " Parable," " Love" — " Straightway " in Mark — Connection weakened by Variation — Example in St. Paul's Address at Athens — His Repeated Use of the Same Term not brought out — Other Examples of Variation. . . 383 ' CHAPTER LIIL One English Term represents several Greek Words — Distinctions thereby Effaced — Several Examples — Crown, People, Godhead, True, Temple, Life — John xxi, 15-17 — New Light — Clusters of Instances — Child, Beasts, Die and Dead, World, WUl, Weep, Servant, Judge, Wash, Remission, Repent, Hell — DevU and Demon — Miracle, Sign, Wonder Anacolouthon and Paronomasia. ..... 415 CONTENTS. xi CHAPTER LIV. The Greek Article — Inconsistencies of Translators in dealing with — Before the Name Christ — Some Point or Specialty lost by its Omission — Wrongly Inserted — Overpressed. .... 437 CHAPTER LV. The Greek Tenses — Aorist misrendered by Perfect — Perfect by Present — Perfect and Pluperfect — Epistle to Hebrews characterized by use of Perfect — Imperfect not correctly Rendered — Mark and the Use of the Present — Greek Verbs corresponding to "become" and "be" con founded. ........ 445 CHAPTER LVL Prepositions — Misrendering of h — iia — sis — Ik and i-iro — uirtp andirtpi — iiri and ¦jrjjo's — The conjunctions ottms and 'Lva, .... 458 CHAPTER LVII. Proper Names — Most FamUiar Forms employed — Jehovah — Proper Names variously spelled — Official Names — Chaldee Names. . . 466 CHAPTER LVIII. Topography and Productions of Palestine — The Land illustrates the Book — Terms belonging to Botany and Zoology misrendered — Specific Topo graphical Terms — Measures, Weights, and Coins — Qualifications of a Translator — HaUam and Newman on the EngUsh of the Authorized Versiou — Brief Account of the Revision at present in progress. . 472 Index, ......... 485 EERATA. 3 39, line 9 from top, /or " Bible," read " Bibles." 171, headline, /or "Millenary Position," read " Millenary Petition." 328, liiie 8 from top, for " part of fat things," read " feast of fat things." 342, line 6 from bottom,/or "exposition," read " exposure." THE ENGLISH BIBLE. THE GENEVAN VEESION. " Beza also, in his Epistle to the prince off condy and nobles of France hathe these wordes. Seinge then all theis controuersies mustie be discussed by Goddes worde, I suppose that this thinge ought chiefly to be prouided for, that seinge aU oanot haue the knowledge to vnderstand the worde off God in theis peculiar languages, the Hebrue and the greek (whiche were to be wished) that there shulde be some true and apte translation of the olde and newe testamete made the whiche diuers bane already labored to bringe to passe, but yet no man hathe hitherto sufficiently performed it. For the olde translation (whose so euer it is) although it ought not to be con demned, yet is'it founde bothe obscure vnperfect and superfluous and also false in many places, to speake nothinge off an infinite variete off the copies. The whiche texte therfore many lerned and godly men haue laboured to amende, but not with like successe. And yet howe necessary a thinge this is, who so euer shall reade those moste lerned wryters off the gretians, and shall compare their interpretations (whiche are manie times farr from the purpos) with the Hebrue veritie, he shall confesse it with great sorowe. " And the same enill was not onely hurtef uU amonge the latten writers, but also the ignorance off the greeke tonge wherwith many off them were troubled, whUes they did depend off the common translation, they oftimes seeke a knott in a rushe (according to the olde prouerbe) and f eU into moste fowle errors. " Here might I touche a thinge parhapp worthe the hearinge yff hope were off redresse, whiche is, that yff the lerned were but one halff so earneste, zelous, and carefuU, to se that the holy Scriptures in this Eealme might be faithfully translated and trulye corrected, as they are many tymes abowte matters nothinge so necessarie : I woulde not dowte to saie that they shulde do vnto god an excellent peece off seruice, " For the moste parte off oure Englishe Bibles are so ill translated (as the lerned report) and so falsely printed (as the simple maie find) that suche had nede to be verie well acquainted with scripture, as in many places shulde gat owte the true meaniuge and sence." Troubles begun at Frankfort. CHAPTER XXXII. A S the storm did not burst for some time after the accession of Mary Tudor, a crowd of persons, to the number of eight hundred, who saw the clouds gathering, made their immediate escape to the Continent, and found refuge at Emb- den, Wesel, Strasburg, Worms, Berne, Basle, Zurich, and Frankfort. Bishop Gardyner's character and antecedents were well known; and he told Renard, the Spanish Ambassador, with quiet complacency, that " a few messages asking some of them to visit him at his house had given them wings." Among the refugees were saintly and learned men — ^five bishops, five deans, fifty eminent divines, and also several persons of high social distinction — six knights, thi-ee ladies of title— one of them the Duchess of Norfolk, the queen's cousin. Many foreigners who had come to England in Edward's reign also fled away. Among thera was the uncle of the King of Poland, the well known John a Lasco, who obtained liberty from the Queen to leave the country. Under Edward VI he had the pastoral charge of a congregation of foreigners that met in the church of the Austin Friars. Many states and free cities assisted the exiles, for the spirit of brother-love, rising above terri torial barriers, was fresh, and unwearied in its manifestations.^ Nationality was forgotten, and the sufferings of the poor strangers were pitied, and relieved with unstinted hand. They enjoyed rest and peaceful worship for a brief season ; but what were significantly called the " Troubles " soon sprang up ^ Grafton, the printer of fche Great his " Chronicle," and Foxe was at Bible, was among the exiles, and he Basle, engaged on his "Acts and employed his leisure in composing Monuments." 4 THE ENGLISH BIBLE. chap. at Frankfort. The question of clerical vestments and of church service vexed them — some of thera being of freer opinions, and others more conservative ; some being disposed to compro- raise, and others to hold fast by the Prayer Book of Edward VI. Knox was not hostile to read prayers in themselves, for he helped to compose a " Book of Common Order " ;^ but Cox, who had been tutor, to the late king, was intolerant of all modification. The controversy might surely have been allowed to sleep among persons who were living by sufferance and charity in a foreign land, and certainly it was not one that necessitated an immediate solution in their circumstances. The thought of so many brethren being bumed at home might have saddened them into mutual forbearance, and gratitude for their own escape might have absorbed many minor predi lections. But both parties grew more decided and passionate, and at length "the contention was so sharp between them that they parted asunder one from the other," and the non conforming section removed to Geneva. This fair city, at the outlet of Lake Leman, girt with the mighty mountains, was regarded as the citadel of Protestantism, and it held in it the fate of Europe. Religion was therefore a matter of life and death to its inhabitants, who having fre quently and gallantly defended themselves against surrounding enemies, felt that in fighting for Geneva they were upholding the liberties of humanity ; for they knew that the triumph of the Duke of Savoy would entail civil and ecclesiastical ruin, and yoke all southern lands to ultramontane despotism. Their theology, whatever may now be said of it, exercised a mighty influence in England, had an ennobling ascendancy in Scotland, and has been carried across the ocean to strengthen and sanc- 1 Carefully reprinted at Edin- prayer following, or such like " ; burgh by Blackwood & Sous, 1868, " either in the words following, or under the editorship of the Eev. W. like in effect"; "the action thus Sprott and the Eev. Thomas Leish- ended, the people sing the 103rd man, M.A. One characteristic dif- Psalm, or some other of thankswiv- ference between it and the English ing." See also Lorimer's " John Book is, that the former aUows vari- Knox and the Church of England,' ations — "using after sermon this London, 1875. XXXII.] WHITTINGHAM. 5 -tify another great republic. A collection was made in England, through the bishops, for the city of Geneva in 1582, and in 1603 the Archbishop of Canterbury issued, with the royal sanc tion, a proclamation to gather another gift. But the "gospellers" were not idle in their picturesque retreat, and a revision of the New Testament was soon taken in hand. Such a work was in harmony with the literary and Biblical enterprises of that city of refuge under the shadow of the Alps ; and Calvin, Beza, and their colleagues, shed a new lustre on its history. Olivetan, a relative of Calvin, had already translated and published a French Bible, and in the execution of the work Calvin had rendered him considerable assistance. An edition of the New Testament, which, how ever, is not a portion of the Genevan Bible proper, was published in 1557, on the 10th of June — one of the most terrible months in England, for between the 18th and 22nd days of that month twenty-seven martyrs yielded up their lives. The editor of this New Testament was William Whit tingham. ^ William Whittingham was bom in 1524, in the parish of Lanchester, near Durham. He became a com moner of Brasenose, Oxford, about 1540, and five years after wards a fellow of All Souls. According to Wood, he was, on account of his scholarship, chosen one of the senior students of Christ Church, Henry wishing to fill it with the most promis ing young men, as had also been the desire of Wolsey. Whit tingham had returned home from twelve years' foreign travel and sojourn a few weeks before King Edward's death. But he again left his native land, and, with many others, arrived in Frankfort on the 27th of June, 1554. Having gone to Geneva toward the end of 1555, he married Catherine, the sister of John Calvin. Whittingham came back to England on the accession of Elizabeth, and was promoted in 1563 to the deanery of Durham, which he held for sixteen years. He had been for a period chief engineer and chaplain in the defence of Havre de Grace, the general in command being the Earl of Warwick ^ Whittingham distinctly identi- of the Troubles begun at Frankfort, fies himself as the editor. Discourse p. cxciii, Petheram, London, 1846. 6 THE ENGLISH BIBLE. [chap. brother to the Earl of Leicester through whose influence he so speedily obtained promotion,^ though he had not been episco- pally ordained. He dealt roughly with some of the monuments in his cathedral ; but his wife showed what blood was in her, when she took " the blessed banner of St. Cuthbert," which had once waved victorious on Flodden Edge, and " despitefully burned it in her fire, to the open contempt and disgrace of all sacred relics." ^ The New Testament so speedily revised, and published anonymously, is the work of one man, for in the explanatory address to the reader, he speaks uniformly in the first person singular. His words are : " To these therfore which are of the fiocke of Christ which knowe their Father's wil, and are affectioned to the trueth, I rendre a reason of my doing in few lines. First, as touching the perusing of the text, it was diligently reuised by the moste approued Greke examples, and conference of translations in other tonges as the leamed may easily iudge, both by the faithful rendering of the sentence, and also by the proprietie of the wordes, and perspicuite of the phrase. Forthermore that the Reader might be by all meanes profiited, I haue deuided the text into verses and sections, according to the best editions in other langages, and also, as to this day the ancient Greke copies mencion, it was wont to be vsed. And because the Hebrewe and Greke phrases, which are strange to rendre in other tongues, and also short, shulde not be to harde, I haue sometyme interpreted them without any whit diminishing the grace of the sense, as our langage doth vse them, and sometime haue put to that worde, which lacking made the sentence obscure, but haue set it in such letters as may easily be discerned from the common text. As conceming the Annotations, wherunto these letters a, h, c, kc, leade vs, I haue endeuored so to proffit all therby, that both the learned and others might be holpen : for to my knol- ' See a short Life of Whittingham ^ Whittingham contributed several in Lorimer's " John Knox and the Psalms to the collection that went Church of England," taken from the by the name of Sternhold and Hop- papers of Anthony ^ Wood, Appen- kins. dix, p. 303. xxxn.] GENEVAN NEW TESTAMENT. 7 lage I haue omitted nothing vnexpounded, wherby he that is any thing exercised' in the Scriptures of God, might iustely complayn of hardenes : and also in respect of them that haue more profited in the same, I haue explicat all such places by the best leamed interpreters, as ether were falsely expounded by some, or els absurdely applyed by others : so that by this meanes both they which haue not abilitie to by the Com mentaries vpon the New Testament, and they also which haue not opportunitie and leasure to reade thera be cause of their prolixitie may vse this book in steade therof ; and some tyme wher the place is not greatly harde, I haue noted with this mark ", that which may serve to the edification of the Reader : adding also such commone places, as may cause him better to take hede to the doctrine. Moreouer, the diverse readings according to diuerse Greke copies, which stand but in one worde, may be known by this note ", and if the bookes do alter in the sentence then it is noted with this starre * as the cotations are. Last of all remayne the arguraents aswel they which conteyne the summe of euery chapter as the other which are placed before the bookes and epistles : wherof the commoditie is so great, that they may serue in stede of a Com- mentarie to the Reader." There was also prefixed a stirring and eloquent Epistle, declaring that " Christ is the end of the lawe," by John Calvin. Many erroneous statements have been made about this New Testament, such as, that it was edited or prepared by a com pany of the exiles — the theory of Lewis, Newcome, and of Todd who is in utter uncertainty on the matter, and like many others, does not distinguish the New Testament of 1557 from that published along with the Old Testament in 1560. Some even have held that this New Testament was the first edition of that reprinted in the Genevan Bible three years afterwards. Lewis and Newcome in their respective histories, D'Oyly and Mant in their preface, C. Rogers,^ Dean Hook,^ and others, ^ Collation of the principal English a collation, but merely the printing translations of the sacred Scriptures, of some verses of the older transla- p. 40, by Charles Eogers, Dundee, tions in parallel columns. 1847. This book is in no true sense ' Lives of the Archbishops ©f s THE ENGLISH BIBLE. [chap. have fallen into this error But this New Testament is quite distinct from that of 1560— is, in fact, a different version.^ The Genevan exiles regarded the New Testament of their Rible as their own completed and standard work, and never reprinted Whittinghara's earlier publication. In fact, the New Testament was published before the translation of the Bible was commenced, being finished at press on the 10th of June, 1557. The Bible was begun by January of the following year, and it occupied the exiles "for the space of two years and more, day and night." The New Testament was in small octavo or duode cimo — " The Newe Testament of our Lord Jesus Christ, conferred diligently with the Greke and best approved translations. With the arguments as well before the Chapters, as for euery Boke and Epistle, also diuersities of readings, and moste profitable anno tations of all harde places : wherunto is added a copious Table . At Geneva, printed by Conrad Badius, m.d.lvii;" the same words forming the colophon, with the addition, "this x day of June." There is a peculiar engraving on the title-page, represent ing Time, with wings, scythe, and hour glass, helping Truth out of the grave, with this motto on its two sides — "God by Tyme restoreth Truth and maketh her victorious." The greater portion of the marginal notes of this New Testament were transferred to that of 1560. Thus, in the first nine chapters of Matthew, out of one hundi'ed and thirty -four notes, there are only twenty not taken from this earlier New Testament. For the first time the chapters of the New Testament were divided into verses, with the number prefixed to each; and indeed they had been already marked on the margin of Stephen's Greek Testament of 1551, his fourth edition, printed at Geneva.^ Supplemented words were Canterbury, vol. IV, new series, p. tion of 1560 differs in twenty-nine 320. It is a thankless task to cor- places from that of 1557. rect inaccuracies, but if any one will i A separate New Testament, pub- only collate a single chapter, such as lished in 1560, is a reprint of that in the third chapter of Matthew, he the Bible of the same date. will see that in it alone the transla- ' Robert Stephens introduced the XXXII.] GENEVAN BIBLE. 9 printed in italics, or in letters that might be easily distin guished from the common text, in imitation of Miinster's Old Testament of 1534. There were also clear pointed mar ginal notes that in those days were greedily welcomed, especially such of them as were charged with theology. This New Testament had been brought over to England before the death of Queen Mary; for we find that when John Living, who had been a priest at Auburn, and was under hiding in London, was informed against, brought before Bonner's chancellor, and carried to the jailor's house in Pater noster Row, he complained of being robbed there of "my purse, my girdle, my psalter, and a New Testament of Geneva." The Genevan exiles, having resolved to revise the English Bible, braced themselves for their work, and took hold of the best helps in their power. Their revision shows their method of procedure, and what versions, Latin, German, and French, they chiefly followed. A goodly number of scholars has some times been named as engaged in the enterprise — Le Long, Wood,^ Todd, Newcome, Townley,^ and Boothroyd,^ mention John Bodleigh, Miles Covcrdale, Thomas Cole, Anthony Gilby, Christopher Goodman, John Knox, John PuUain, Thomas Sampson, and William Whittingham. But aU those nine could not have given themselves to the labour, or continued at it till it was concluded. Covcrdale was at Geneva only for a brief period after the version had been commenced ; for on the 12th November, 1559, he was preaching in his turn at Paul's Cross, and Cole, Pullain, and Bodleigh came home during the same year. Knox went to Geneva in 1554, and left it in November for Frankfort. He returned to Geneva in 1555, numbering of the verses in his edition 2nd ed., Cambridge, 1874. Eabbi of 1551, as one means of facilitating Nathan had set an example in his the preparation of a concordance Hebrew Bible. The verses in the which he had planned, and Henry Latin translation of Pagninus are, in Stephens had printed verse numbers the New Testament, short para- in his Psalterium Quincuplex, 1509. graphs. Versus was the Latin form of the ^ Athense, 2nd ed., p. 194. Greek "stichoi," there being,according " Biblical Literature, vol. II, p. to Dr. Scrivener, about five stichoi to 286. two verses. Plain Introduction, p. 65, " Introduction, p. 21. 10 THE ENGLISH BIBLE. [cn-vp. and in the winter of that year came over to Scotland. Going back once raore to Geneva for a brief period, he bade a final farewell to it in January, 1559.^ Goodman, accompanied by Knox's wife and children, arrived in Edinburgh on the 20th September, 1559. The accession of Elizabeth in November, 1558, left it open for the exiles to come home, after they heard the good news, in the following month. When intelligence came that the persecutor had died — in their own phrase, that " the Lord had showed mercy unto England by the removal of Queen Mary by deathe, and placing the queen's majesty that now is, in the seate," the work of revision was not nearly finished, but Whittingham, Gilby, and Sampson remained to carry it through. Thus Wood says, " Whittingham with one or two more did tarry at Geneva a year and a half after Queen Elizabeth came to the crown, being resolved to go through with the work." ^ The author of the " History of the Troubles " * records that "the congregation (after that they had rendred their humble thankes to the magistrates for their great goodnes towards them) prepared themselues to depart sauinge certein e whiche remained behinde the reste, to witt, to finishe the bible, and the psalmes bothe in meeter and prose, whiche were already begon, at the charges off" suche as were off" most habilitie in that congregation. And with what successe those workes were finished (especially the Bible) I raust leaue it to the ludgementes ofi'the godly lerned, who shulde best Iudge off" the same." But it would seem from the language of theii- preface that others beyond those three gave assistance and counsel. The writer just quoted proceeds, "There is nothinge more requisite to attaine the right and absolute knowledge off" the doctrine of saluation, wherby to resist all herisie and falshod, then to haue the texte off" the Scriptures faithfully and truly translated, the consideration wheroff" moued thera with ^ John Knox had two sons born ^ Annals, vol. I, p. 151. to him during his residence in ^ Whittingham was very probably Geneva. At the baptism of the first, the author. Goodman was first Pro- Whittingham was godfather; and at testant Professor of Divinity at St. the baptism of the second. Bishop Andrews. Miles Covcrdale was godfather. XXXII.] ITS REVISERS. \\ one assent to requeste 2 off" their brethem, to witt, Caluin and Beza, efsonnes to peruse the same notwithstandinge their former trauells." Gilby on his return became rector of Ashby-de-la-Zouch, the gift of the Earl of Huntington. He wrote a Commen tary on Micah and some others of the Minor Prophets. Sampson, who is said by Wood to have been the means of converting Bradford the martyr, was off'ered the see of Norwich which he declined ; and in 1561 he became Dean of Christ's Church, Oxford, but was removed in 1564, on account of his refusing to wear the vestments. In September, 1570, he was collated to the prebend of St. Pancras in St. Paul's — the stall of Ridley and Rogers in former days. Sampson was noted as a very able man. In a recommenda tion to the queen on his behalf it is said " that it is doubtful whether he is a greater linguist, or a more complete scholar and profound divine.'' Native scholars were also engaged on the actual work, for they seized the " great opportunitj'^ and occasion which God presented unto us in this church by reason of so many godly and learned men, and such diversities of translations in divers tongues." They were urged by many "who put them on this work by their earnest desire and exhortation," and they were told " not to spare any charge for the furtherance of such a benefit and favour of God towards his church." The Bible was finished and published in April, 1560, with the following title : — " The Bible and Holy Scriptures conteyned in the Olde and Newe Testament, translated according to the Ebrue and Greeke, and conferred with the best translations in divers language. With most profitable annotations upon all the hard places, and other things of great import, as may appear in the epistle to the reader. At Geneva, printed by Rouland Hall, MDLX.i The Newe Testament of our Lord Jesus Christ conferred diligently with the Greke and best approved translations in divers languages, &c." ^ The printer was himself a re- press, among others, in 1560 the fugee from England, and after his Scottish Confession of Faith. return many books issued from his 12 THE ENGLISH BIBLE. [chap- The woodcut in both titles is the passage of the Hebrews through the Red Sea— the motto above and below being Exodus xiii, 13, divided, and that on the sides similarly halved is Ps. xxxiv, 19. There are several "pictures" and maps interspersed through the volume. The Apocrypha has few marginal notes. The Bible was dedicated to Queen Elizabeth in simple and vigorous language, without adulation or the cant of loyalty, and it thus addresses her Majesty : " The eyes of all that fear God in all places behold your countries, as an example to all that believe, and the prayers of all the godly at all times are directed to God for the preservation of your majesty. For, considering God's wonderful mercies towards you at all seasons, who hath pulled you out of the mouth of lions, and how that from your youth you have beea brought up in the Holy Scriptures, the hope of all men is so increased that they cannot but look that God should bring to pass some wonderful work by your grace to the universal comfort of his Church. This Lord of Lords and King of Kings who hath ever defended his, strengthen, comfort, and preserve your majesty, that you may be able to build up the ruins of God's house to His glory, the discharge of your conscience, and "to the comfort f)f all them that love the coming of Christ Jesus our Lord. . . ." Yet these men, exiles themselves suff"ering from Popish persecution, teU the queen to unsheath the sword against the Papists, and " utterly to abolish idolatry ; to root out, cut down, these weeds and impediments. ... in imitation of the noble Josias who destroyed not only their idols and appurtenances, but also burnt the priests' bones upon their altars, and put to death the false prophets and sorcerers . . . yea, and in the days of King Asa, it was enacted that whosoever would not seek the Lord God of Israel should be slain, whether he were small or great, man or woman." Then followed an epistle: "To our beloved in the Lord, the brethren of England, Scotland, and Ireland. Now, for as much as this thing (progress in a holy life) is chiefly attained by the knowledge and practising of the Word of God (which is the light to our paths, the key of the kingdom of heaven, our comfort in affliction, our shield and xxxu.] C-AREFUL AND SCHOLARLY WORK. i;j sword against Satan, the school of all wisdom, the glass wherein we behold God's face, the testimony of his favour and the only food and nourishment of our souls), we thought we could bestow our labours and study in nothing which could be more acceptable to God, and comfortable to his Church, than in the translating of the Scriptures into our native tongue ; the which thing, albeit that others heretofore have endeavoured to achieve ; yet, considering the infancy of those times, and im perfect knowledge of the tongues, in respect of this ripe age and clear light which God hath now revealed, the translations required greatly to be perused and reformed." "To the Christian Reader," they describe their work: "Now as we haue chiefly obserued the sense, & laboured always to restore it to all integritie: so haue we most reuerently kept the proprietie of the words, considering that the Apostle who spake & wrote to the Gentiles in the Greeke tongue, rather constrained thera to the liuely phrase of the Ebrewe, then enterprised farre by mollifying their language to speake as the Gentiles did. And for this & other causes we haue in many places reserued the Ebrew phrases, notwithstanding that they may seeme some what hard in their eares that are not well practised, & also delight in the sweet sounding phrases of the Holy Scriptures. Yet lest either the simple should be discouraged, or the malicious haue any occasion of iust cauillation, seeing some translations reade after one sort, & some after another, whereas all may serue to good purpose & edification, we haue in the margent noted that diuersitie of speech or reading which may also seeme agreeable to the minde of the Holy Ghost, & proper for our language with this raarke ||. Againe, whereas the Ebrewe speech seemed hardly to agree with ours, we haue noted it in the margent after this sort |, vsing that which was more intelligible. And albeit that many of the Ebrew names be altered from the old text, & restored to the true writing & first originall, whereof they haue their signification yet in the vsuall names, little is changed for feare of troubling the simple readers. Moreouer, whereas the necessitie of the sentence required any thing to be added (for such is the grace & proprietie of the Ebrewe & Greeke tongues that it cannot but either by 14 THE ENGLISH BIBLE. [chap. circumlocution or by adding the verbe or some word, be vnder- stood of them that are not well practised therein) wee haue put it in the text with another kinde of letter, that it may easily bee discerned from the common letter. As touching the diuision of the verses, we haue folowed the Ebrew examples which haue so euen from the beginning distinguished them. Which thing as it is most profitable for memorie, so doth it agree with the best translations, & is most easie to finde out both by the best Concordances, & also by the quotations which we haue diligently herein perused & set forth by this *. Besides this, the principall matters are noted and distinguished by this marke IT. Yea, & the arguraents both for the booke & for the chapters with the number of the verse are added, that by all means the reader might be holpen. For the which cause also we haue set ouer the head of every page some notable worde or sentence which may greatly further as well for memorie as for the chiefe point of the page. And considering how hard a thing it is to understand the Holy Scriptures, & what eri'ors, sects, & heresies grow dayly for lacke of the true knowledge thereof, & how many are discouraged (as they portend) because they cannot attaine to the true & simple meaning of the same, we haue also indeuoured both by the diligent reading of the best commentaries, & also by the con ference with the godly & learned brethren, to gather briefe annotations vpon all the hard places, as well for the vnderstand- ing of such words as are obscure, & for the declaration of the text, as for the application of the same, as may most appertaine to God's glory, & the edification of his Church. Finally, that nothing might lacke which might be bought by labours, for the increase of knowledge & furtherance of God's glory, there are adioyned two most profitable tables, the one seruing for the interpretation of the Ebrewe names : & the other containing all the chiefe & principal matters of the whole Bible : so that nothing (as we trust) that any could iustly desire is omitted." Many things about this edition gave it immediate, wide, and lasting popularity. It was printed in Roman characters, with division into chapters and verses, as in the previous New Testament. It was not a heavy, unhandy folio like the editions XXXII.] BREECHES BIBLE. 15 of Covcrdale, Rogers, or the Great Bible ; but a moderate and manageable quarto. Its marginal notes were a kind of running comment — vigorous and lucid, dogmatic and prac tical, presenting such aspects of truth and duty as were then all but universally prized, and such political lessons as the History of England so naturally shaped and sug gested. It became at once the people's Book in England and Scotland, and it held its place not only during the time of the Bishops' Bible, but even against the present Authorized Version for at least thirty years. It was the first Bible ever printed in Scotland (1576-79), and it was the cherished volume in all Covenanting and Puritan households. And it was entitled to this pre-eminence as a learned and cautious revision. The Genevan version is often called the "Breeches Bible," frora its rendering of Gen. iii, 7 — " They sewed fig leaves together, and made themselves breeches." The translation " breeches " is not, however, peculiar to the Genevan, for it is the transla tion of "perizomata" in both the Wycliffite versions. The term occurs afterwards in the " Golden Legende " — that is, portions of the historical books of Scripture, translated and printed by Caxton, 1503 — "And thenne they toke fygge levys, & sewed them togyder for to cover their membres in the manner of breches." ^ ^ Mr. Blunt says, " Some editions in taU and unwieldy folio, printed of the Geneva Bible are called the by Basket, Oxford, 1717. The error Vinegar Bible, from a misprint of occurs in the running title at Luke vinegar for vineyard." But the so- xxii, " parable of the vinegar," called Vinegar Bible is only an instead of "parable of the vine- edition of the Authorized Version, yard." CHAPTER XXXIII. T^HE Genevan New Testament of 1557 is a revision of Tyndale's version collated with the Great Bible. The work was carefully done, but without due leisure. The influence of Beza is perceptible, his Latin version having been published in 1556. It usually follows Tyndale in the basis of the version or in form and phrase, and Tyndale is also the foundation of the New Testament of the Great Bible. It often agrees with him against the Great Bible. Thus, in the first chapter of Galatians : — Galatians I. Verse. 10. " Preach I now man's doctrine or God's?" after Tyndale — ^th© Great Bible having, " Do I now persuade men or God 1 " — "speak unto men," ed. 1539. The Genevan, after Tyndale, omits the " hitherto " of the Great Bible. 19. The Great Bible has, " Other of the apostle.s saw I none " ; the Genevan, following Tyndale, has " no nother of the apostles sawe 1." 21. The Great Bible has, " They glorified God in me," the correct rendering; but the Genevan "for me" is based on Tyndale's " on my behalfe." In the same chapter the Genevan follows the Great Bible in the following places as against Tyndale : — 4. " according to the will of God " ; Tyndale, " thorow the will of God." 9. " as we sayde before " ; Tyndale, " as I saidde before." 12. "bnt by the revelation of Jesus Christe"; Tyndale, "but received it by." COLLATION. 17 Though the translation follows Tyndale generally as against the Great Bible, it sometimes diff"ers from both, and is often led by Beza. Thus again, Galatians, chap, i : — Verse 2. " unto the churches in Galatia " ^ ; " congregations " being the rendering in Tyndale and in the Great Bible. 13. "the Church of God,"' Tyndale and the Great Bible having " congregation," as in verse 2. The word " church," which has given rise to so much dispute about its meaning, rights, and powers, was thus brought in by the puritan revisers, and was naturally preserved both in the Bishops' and in the Authorized Version. " extremely " ^ ; Tyndale and Great Bible, " beyond measure." 14. "traditions received of my father"* — Tyndale and Great Bible, " traditions of the elders." 16. "to reveal his Son to me'"'; Tyndale and the Great Bible, "for to declare his Son by me." 20. No initial particle in Tyndale and the Great Bible — the "now" of the Genevan (1560) perhaps representing autem, Beza. 22. " They heard only some say that he " ^ ; Tyndale and the Great Bible, "they heard only that he." The same chapter in the Bible of 1560 has other changes, making it yet a better and a more literal translation — many of the changes being suggested by Beza. Verse 1. " which hath raysed him from the dead " '' ; Tyndale, the Great Bible, and Genevan, 1557, " raysed hym from death." 4. "which gave him selfe for oure sinnes, that he might deliver us "8; Tyndale and Genevan of 1557 having, "to deliver us." 6. " so soon . . . from him that had called you," Genevan, 1560 ; " forsaking him that had called you," Genevan, 1557. 9. " let him be accursed " ° ; Tyndale, " hold him accursed." ^ Beza, Eccledis. ° Beza, Sed solum audierant qui " Beza, ecclesiam Dei. dicerent. ^ Beza, summe. ' Beza, ex mortuis. * Beza, pairibus meis acceperam. ^ Beza, ut eximeret nos. " But Beza has, " in me." ^ Beza, anathema sit. VOL. II. B 18 THE ENGLISH BIBLE. [chap. Galatians I — Continued. Verse 11. " not after man " ' ; Tyndale, Great Bible, and the Genevan of 1557, " not after the manner of man." 16. "I communicated not " 2 ; Tyndale, Great Bible, and Genevan, 1557, " I commened not of the matter." 17. " turned againe vnto Damascus " ^ ; Tyndale, Great Bible, and Genevan, 1557, "Came agayne to Damascus," an improve ment on Beza, though not a correct translation. In verses 6 and 15 the pluperfect is wrongly used in both Genevan versions, " had called you," " had separated me " ; Tyndale and the Great Bible being more literal. Tyndale, as we have seen, is very careless about the connect ing particles, and usuaUy omits them as ya-p in verse 10, &k in verse 11, yap in verse 12, Se in verses 19 and 20 ; the Great Bible follows Tyndale in all these places but verse 12 ; the Genevan of 1557 does not translate the smaU words in verses 11 and 20, but that of 1560 translates the particles in all these instances, and its translations are preserved in the Authorized Version. This rendering of the particles is a characteristic improvement on Tyndale. The Genevan Old Testament is a decided advance on the Great Bible, as two excerpts, one from the historical books and the other from the prophets, may show. Though the version is brought nearer to the Hebrew, it does not suff'er in its English style. Sampson was reputed to be a good Hebrew scholar, and guidance was found in Pagninus, Miinster, and Leo Judse.* ^ 'Bezsi, secundum hominem. be the real name. Leo Judae dying ' Beza, non contuli. before the work was concluded, it ' Beza, ac denuo reversus sum was finished by Bibliander (Buch- Damascum. mann), ChoUn, and Gualter, and * The reference is to the Latin published in folio at Ziirich in 1543, version of Leo Judae, which is some- Pellicanus being editor. Frosch- times called the Tigurine Bible — over's arms, the tree and the frogs Tigurum being a Latin name of — a punning use of his own name Zurich ; Turicum is said, however, to adorn the title-page. xxxin.] COLL A TION—CONTIN UED. 19 Gbbat Bible. Numbers Verse 1. And the children of Israeli came with the wJwle multitude ^ vnto the deserte of Sin, in the fyrst moneth, CHAPTEE XXXVII. ^HE Genevan version printed in England, or imported from the Continent, was the favourite volume in Scottish families, and kept its place for many years after the publica tion of the Authorized Version. Its very name endeared it to them, for the divines of Geneva ranked next to the " Twelve," in the loyal and loving esteem of Scottish Protestants. Knox had ministered in that city, Calvin and Beza had taught and preached in it. It was only natural that, as late as 1629, Zacharie Boyd should use the Genevan version in his "Last Battle of the Soul." Even those who were willing to conforra to Episcopacy at the king's bidding, and to vindicate his high-handed procedure, were not disposed to accept his Bible ; for its long use had hallowed the Genevan version to them. The diocesan synod of St. Andrews enacted, in 1611, the very year of our Authorized Version, " Forasmeikle as it was thought expedient that there be in every kirk ane commoune Bible, it was concludit that every brother saU urge his parochiners to buy ane of the Bjj^bles laitlie printed be Andro Hart ; and the brother failying either to cause buy ane of the Bybles as said is, or ellis to gif in his exact diligens, saU pay at the next synod, 6 lib money," i. e,, 10s. shillings sterling. This decision is the more remarkable, as at this very period Episcopacy was established, and the spiritual supremacy of the king was acknowledged; yet the older translation was forraaUy preferred, when it must have been known that another was on the eve of publication, under royal patronage, for the sister community in England. Sir James Sempill, of Beltrees, in a book dedicated to the VITALITY OF THE VERSION, 51 king, significantly caUed " Sacrilege Sacredly Handled," meant "for the Churches of North Britaine, 1619," uses the Genevan version. Dr. Guild, chaplain to Charles I, in his earliest works, published at London and Aberdeen, 1615, quotes from the Genevan version. Bishop Lindsay, of Brechin, inserts into the title-page of his "True Narration," published in 1621, as its motto, Prov. xxiv, 31, in the Genevan translation; and this narration is an apology for the Assembly which met at Perth, in 1618, and enacted the notorious "five articles," contain ing many characteristic elements of the Episcopalian ritual. Bishop Cowper, of GaUoway, whose coUected works were printed in London, 1629, uses the Genevan version. James Baillie, A.M., preached at Westminster a sermon on " Spiritual Marriage," and dedicated it to no less than nine Scottish peers, .and seven other courtiers, and he uses the Genevan version. So does Struthers, a minister of Edinburgh, and one noted for his .servility, in treatises published by him in 1628. Wischart, of Restalrig, in his " Exposition of the Lord's Prayer," foUows the same practice ; as also does Bishop Abernethy, of Caithness, in his "Physike for the Soule," London, 1638.^ It is scarcelj^ to be wondered at that the Alexander Henderson who pre sided at the General Assembly which met at Glasgow in 1638, .and, by a sweeping act, declared Episcopacy overthrown in .Scotland, should have used the Genevan version. So late as 1640, an edition of the Genevan Prose Psalms was printed at Edinburgh. The vitality of the Genevan Bible was wonderful. It had ¦commended itself to general acceptance, for it had been made by eamest and scholarly men, driven by persecution out of England ; made in a city revered as the home and metropolis -of the popular theology ; and it was also a better translation than any of its rivals. It did not die under episcopal frown, nor was its circulation promoted to any extent by episcopal patronage. The people loved it for itself and its history. It was a contemporary of the Great Bible for nine years, and outUved it; and of the Bishops' for nigh forty years, and ' Memorial from the Bible Societies of Scotland, by Principal Lee, p. 90, .&c. Edinburgh, 1824. 52 THE ENGLISH BIBLE, [chap. outlived it too for more than a quarter of a c6ntury. The Great Bible was not issued beyond 1569, nor the Bishops' after 1606 ; bnt the Genevan survived all these changes. Sometime in the reign of Charles I, the Genevan version, of which about one hundred and sixty editions had been published, sank gradually into disuse throughout the whole country. The king's printer issued impressions only of the Authorized Version which was now deservedly growing into favour, and Genevan Bibles had to be imported. Archbishop Laud, who had from his youth a great dislike of this version, and had shown it strongly when president of St. John College, for bad the importation of copies. This prohibition was one of the special charges brought against him on the trial which ended in his execution. His reply was that by the importation of books it was feared that " printing would be carried out of the kingdom, for those books were better print, better bound, better paper, and for aU the charges of bringing sold better cheap." ^ Though King James had scornfuUy depreciated the Genevan notes at the Hampton Court Conference, the people relished them greatly, and, according to Fuller, when the version was disappearing, they complained that they "could not see into the sense of Scripture for lack of the spectacles of those Genevan annotations." The Genevan Bible having done its work at length passed away, making room for another version in so many respects its superior. The Genevan version was attacked about the year 1611 by a Dr. Howson in a sermon preached at St. Mary's, Oxford, his charge being that it contained misinterpretations leading to the denial of the Divinity and Messiahship of Jesus Christ, and thus favouring Arianism and Judaism. The accusation is utterly groundless, and must have been the result of strange misconception and prejudice. Dr. Abbot suspended the preacher for the publication of such a libel. During the trial a letter from Thomas Bodley " in defence and praise " of the translators was read "from St. Marie's pulpit." This most popular of the 1 The phrase occurs in the Author- after the Bishops', the Genevan the ized Version, 2 Esdras xvi, 21, Great Bible, and Coverdale. " victuals shall be good cheape," xxxvu.] GREGORY MARTIN'S ATTACK. 53 older versions was assaulted by Gregory Martin, in his " Dis- coverie of the Manifold Corruptions of the Holy Scriptures by heretickes of our daies, especiaUy the English sectaries, in their English Bibles, used and authorized since the time of the Schism." ^ He affirmed that it was professedly trans lated from Beza, and thus gave the lie to its title-page, which has "translated according to the Ebrue and Greke." His own admission that in many places they dare not fol low Beza is a proof that his charge cannot be sustained, for it is, as Fulke caUs it, "an impudent slander." He asserts of the English heretics that Beza is their "chief trans lator and a captain among them, whom they profess to foUow in the title of their New Testament, anno 1580, and by the very name of their Geneva Bibles." ^ The accusation is base less, for the EngUsh refugees revised Tyndale and the Great Bible with aU the helps in their power, and aU the assistance which they could procure by consultation and correspondence. Again, this Bible is accused by Martin of concealing the truth when it says only " The Epistle to the Hebrews," omitting the name of Paul ; but the prefatory note gives the reason, the want of uniform evidence, both of Greek writers and Latin, that Paul was the writer ; and they are bold and learned enough to say that if it be Paul's, " it is not like " — " yea, seeing the Spirit of God is the author thereof, it diminisheth nothing of the autorite, although we know not with what penne he wrote it." The opinion of Geddes is similar to that of Martin, and he adds " that it was accompanied with notes by Beza, and hence obtained his name." But who ever heard of the Genevan being called Beza's Bible? though certainly Gregory Martin again and again stigmatizes the English Protestants by the name of Bezites.^ The opinion of Father' Simon * need scarcely 1 Ehemes, 1582. printed twice, and many times 2 The allusion is to Tomson's afterwards. revision of 1576, the title-page ^ prospectus. Mason Good's Me- of which somewhat strangely an- moirs of Dr. Geddes, p. 125, London, nounces that it is "translated 1803, out of Greeke by Theod. Beza." <> Critical Enquiries (English trans- In 1580, Tomson's version was lation), p. 231, London, 1684. 54 THE ENGLISH BIBLE. [chap, be noticed, that the Genevan is the French Bible printed at Geneva, " the which was made English." The influence of Oli- vetan's version is now and then apparent, but it is not specially frequent or prominent. • Lastly, a peculiar criticism on the Genevan translation came from a very unexpected quarter, the author being John Hamil ton, a relation or close friend ofhim of BothweUhaugh, who, after being formaUy pardoned by the Regent Murray on the field of Langside, killed him within a brief period by a cowardly shot from a window in Linlithgow, the house being owned by one Hamilton, the Archbishop of St. Andrews,^ and the musket borrowed from another, the Abbot of Arbroath. Mary Stewart, the royal sister of the murdered man, conferred a pension on the assassin.^ Hamilton was a secular priest, and from his per petual wanderings, intrigues, and conspiracies, he got the name of the " Skirmisher." He was one of the familiars of the Duke of Alva in his deeds of treachery and blood. He had been em ployed in the murder of Coligny ; and PhiUp II for some time thought of him as one quite fitted in temperament and expe rience to " look after " the Prince of Orange ; but his character was so notorious that his presence would have aroused sus picions. As the curd of St. Cosme in Paris, he was a pro minent member of the League, and was heart and hand, too, in the sudden and iUegal arrest of the president and jurist Barnabd Brisson, and his two fellow-judges Larcher and Tardif ; in their execution, in the Petit Chatelet, two hours after their seizure ; and in the exposure, after the tragedy, of their dead bodies in the Place de Gr^ve. He became rector of the Uni versity of Paris in 1584, and published several treatises in defence of " halie kirk," in which are found some superstitions of the lowest and most ludicrous kind about the arts and wiles and common disguises of the EvU One. BothweUhaugh, three years after, was wiUing to undertake the assassination of the 1 John Hamilton, archbishop, sup- Stirling, AprU, 1571. " Assassina- posed to have planned the assassina- tion," as Mr. Froude says, "was au tion of Darnley and of the Regent accomplishment in the family." Murray, was seized at the capture of ^ Labanofi', vol. Ill, p. 341. Dumbarton Castle, and hanged at XXXVII.] PRIEST HAMILTON'S ATTACK. 55 Prince of Orange, and he suggested two persons for the purpose. If there be no mistake about the name, the Skirmisher, when he felt the cause of Mary to be failing, sunk so low at length, that he sent from Brussels to the Regent Morton, " offering to do service either there with the Duke of Alva or with the Queen of Scots." ^ He had managed for some years the secret correspondence between Mary Stewart and Alva. A little volume of his compositions was published at Louvain in 1600, and a copy is in the Advocate's Library in Edinburgh.^ Among them are some remarkably beautiful prayers, and some hymns above mediocrity. In the same volume, the work of one of the most daring of " bloody and deceitful men," is a series of remarks on the Genevan version, suggested by its popularity in his Protestant fatherland. His censure is headed, "Cor ruption of twenty-three passages of the Scriptures be the ministers' adulterous translations thereof in their Scottis Bible, and the causes why they have corruptit ye same." The places objected to are either in translations or notes connected with Popish dogma or ritual; the notes "obscuring or denying Christ's pretious bodie and bluid ; maintaining heresie agains prayers for the daid and purgatorie; denying tradition, and affirming that Christ teacheth by his verie voce al thingis necessaires for treu religion." The critic has special objection to the Genevan note on Luke i, 28 and 42, for it defames the immaculat mother of God " whom they blaspheme as a sinner lyk uther wemen, and denies that the haUe virgin e Marie was blissit in hir self, and be the halines of hir awin godUe lyf " Notes against virginity, the sacrament of marriage, and the power of the priesthood, are also keenly reprobated, as also the rendering of " elders " for priests in James v, 14, " secret " for sacrament in Ephesians v, 32. Zechariah ix, 11, 12 is selected for strong censure, because neither in translation nor iProude's History, vol. IX, p. 577, Verteu, and Efi'ects of the Sacra- ^Q_ ments: togidder with certain Prayers 2 "A Facile Treatise, contenand, of Devotion, &c., dedicat to his So ve- first, ane infalible rule to discern rain Prince King James the Saxt. Treu from False Religion : nixt, a Louvain, 1600." Declaration of the Nature, Number, 56 THE ENGLISH BIBLE. notes is the old idea of Jerome and Cyril brought out, that the pit or lake is the Ivmhus patrum, or, as Hamilton puts it, "it is meant to hyd the deliuerance of the patriarches and uthers, just men in the auld law, out of the lymbe of the fathers, caUit in the EuangUe Abraham's bosume, be Christ's descension into hei." The same objection is made to Acts ii, 27. Exodus v, 1 is selected for blame, because the translation "offer a sacrifice" has not been adopted "for God chieflie requires sacriflce of his treu worschipers." The note on Isaiah xix, 19, in reference to the altar of the Lord in the land of Egypt, is condemned as hiding the "external sacriflce of the Messe, whilk thay cal ane idole." Acts xiii, 23 is said to be corrupted " be their fals marginal note " — referring to popular election of ministers ; as also the note to Malachi i, 11, where incense is explained by spiritual service. The " Skirmisher" ^ chose an unfamiUar beat when he laid aside cord, dagger, and disguise, and resorted to criticism, for it is utterly irrelevant ; and he should have shown not the Protestant prepossessions, but the un scholarly faUures of the Genevan versionists. He concludes his diatribe with a flerce warning : " Therefore, I beseek you, dissaivet people, to burn your corrupt Scots Bible in the fire, that your sauls be not tormentit wdth the intolerable pains of the fires of hell. This was the only cause why our CathoUc bishops forbade the reading of the English Bible, that the corruptions thereof should not infect their sauls to eternal perdition." ^ It may be added that HamUton returned to Scotland, and after finding " lurking holes " for some time, he was, in 1609, seized, and sent up to the Tower in London, where he died. ' Bannatyne, Enox's secretary, ^ Burton's History of Scotland, notes in his "Memorials," p. 51, "In vol. V, p. 267; vol. VI, p. 271. the meantime there came from Flan- Life of John Hamilton, a secular ders a little pink, and in it two gen- priest, by Dalrymple, Lord Hailes. tlemen, with Mr. John Hamilton, Annals of Scotland, vol. Ill, p. 447- called the Skirmisher, fra Duke Edinburgh, 1819. d'Alva." THE BISHOPS' BIBLE. " Lord, Thy word abideth. And our footsteps guideth ; Who its truth believeth Light and joy receiveth. " When our foes are near us. Then thy word doth cheer us, Word of consolation. Message of salvation. " When the storms are o'er us. And dark clouds before us. Then its light directeth. And our way protecteth. " Who can tell the pleasure. Who recount the treasure. By Thy word imparted To the simple-hearted ? " Word of mercy, giving Succour to the living ; Word of life, supplying Comfort to the dying ! " Oh that we, discerning Its most holy learning, Lord, may love and fear Thee, Evermore be near Thee ! " CHAPTER XXXVIII. QUEEN MARY died on the 17th of November, 1558, and ^ was succeeded by her sister Elizabeth. The earUer part of Elizabeth's reign was beset with many difficulties. Old things were passing away, and it required delicate handling to settle the new order amidst doubts and distractions, deepened by political complications between Spain and France. The population was divided at the same time into hostile forces ; excesses of conservatism arrayed in self-defence on the one hand, and excesses of innovation battling to realize themselves on the other. The re-organization of the Church had been wondrously helped by the unusual number of vacancies on the episcopal bench. Only five of Edward's bishops, English and Irish, had survived the dark and disastrous reign of his sister ; and Cardinal Pole, who died on the same day with his royal mistress and kinswoman, had left several sees unfilled, so that at the opening of Elizabeth's first parliament only ten spiritual peers were present. There were a dozen dioceses vrithout raitred heads, and according to De Feria, the Spanish arabassador, the Queen set over them ministros de Lucifer. Canterbury was fiUed by the consecration, at Lambeth, on the l7th December, of Matthew Parker, who had been one of Queen Anne Boleyn's chaplaius and Dean of Lincoln, and he quietly succeeded Cardinal Pole, as if nothing had happened out of the usual course. His opinions on ecclesiastical matters Suited Elizabeth and Cecil, and though he was a married dig nitary, he had been so colourless a reformer that he easily escaped under the reign of Mary. When he was Master of Corpus Christi College, Cambridge, he enacted that all students (30 THE ENGLISH BIBLE. [chap. taking the benefit of " BiUingford's hutch " should offer prayer for the benefit of BiUingford's soul ; and he provided that the Duchess of Norfolk should be similarly remembered. He became, in course of time, as bitter against the "prophesyings"^ as his royal mistress. He was a calm and erudite man of moderate opinions, and he regulated with no little skill the affairs of the church of which he was the ecclesiastical head ; his motto being, " I take some heed not to extend my sleeve beyond mine arm." The choice of Parker was not only what is called a safe one, but it was also one of necessity; for among the able men around the throne. Jewel had in a moment of weakness abjured, Sandys had espoused the cause of Lady Jane Grey, Grindal was deficient in tact and flrmness in the management of men and measures, Nowell was disliked by the queen. Lever, her favourite preacher, was a pronounced puritan, and Cox had been identified with the "Troubles" at Frankfort.^ The English Bible had slipped out of public view in the time of Mary, and though in her reign no edition of it was printed, many copies must have been secreted, for spies were prowling about, and the open possession and study of it in volved individuals and households in immediate suspicion and jeopardy.^ The people were forbidden to read in their mother tongue the book which opened up salvation to them, and re vealed those promises and hopes on which they rested their eternal well-being. Such things they might hear frora the Ups of a priest, but they were not to read for themselves the words of Evangelists or Apostles. They might listen to the sermon, but they durst not gaze upon the text. They might kneel before the crucifix, but were on no account to pause and pray over the story of the Gospels, and be in this way brought into living sympathy with Him that died for thera. Sir Thoraas More had admitted that "four-tenths of the people could never read English," yet though many persons had no educa- ' Yet Lord Bacon highly eulogizes ^ See page 4. the prophesyings, and describes their ' Thus a Bible of 1550 has on the nature and benefit. Works, vol. fly-leaf, " Found in the hay-loft at VII, p. 86, ed. B. Montague. Canterbury, October 10th, 1718." XXXVIII.] AGNES PREST AND JOAN WASTE. gi tion at all, not a few of the uneducated class were well in structed in the truths of Scripture. It is told of Sir Walter Raleigh's mother, that in the perilous reign of Mary she went to visit a poor woman, named Agnes Prest, lying in Exeter jail, and soon to be martyred at Southernhay, and that the prisoner spoke to her so touchingly and ably against transubstantiation that she was confounded, saying, in her own record of the interview, " I was not able to answer her — I who can read, and she cannot." According to report, also though the woman was "of such simplicity, and without learn ing, you could declare no place of Scripture but she could teU you the chapter." ^ Want of common schooling kept this woman from reading Scripture ; but Foxe ^ tells of another woman who, in the midst of poverty and darkness, felt the light, life, and riches of the divine Word. Joan Waste had been bom blind, but had learned to support herself by knit ting " hosen and sleeves," and occasionally helping her father to "twine ropes." Having gathered a little money, and bought a Bible, she got some friends to read it to her, and at various times she gave a penny to others to induce them to gratify her. Her great knowledge of Scripture became at length so notorious that she was " convented " before the bishop, and on being examined at length, she was condemned, and burned at Derby in 1556, being about twenty-two years of age. But on the elevation of Elizabeth to the throne, the' book which had been under ban for five years and four months started again into prominence. As the Princess Elizabeth, and when she was a virtual prisoner at Woodstock, in danger of her life, she was a pious student of the blessed book. Her own peculiar words, inscribed by herself on a MS. copy of the Epistles used by her are given thus : " August. I walke many times into the pleasant fieldes of the Holy Scriptures, where I plucke up the goodliesome herbes of sentences by pruning: eate them by reading : chawe them by musing : and laie them up at length in the hie seate of memorie by gathering them together : that so having tasted theire sweeteness I may the 1 Life of Sir Walter Ealeigh, by Edward Edwards, vol. I, p. 19. London, 1868. ^ Foxe, vol. VIII, p. 247. 62 THE ENGLISH BIBLE. [chap. lesse perceave the bitterness of this miserable life." In the sixteenth year of her reign we find, too, she was in possession of " Oone GospeU booke covered with tissue, and garnished on th' onside with the crucifix, and the queene's badges of silver guilt, poiz with wodde, leaves, and aU, cxii. oz." ^ At length, when her sister had died, and she was leaving the Tower, on the day before her coronation, she looked up to heaven, and offered the foUowing thanksgiving: "Oh Lord, Almighty and Everlasting God, I give thee most humble thanks that thou hast been so merciful unto me as to spare me to behold this joyful day; and I acknowledge that thou hast dealt wonderfully and mercifuUy with me. As thou didst with thy servant Daniel the prophet, whom thou deliveredst out of the den, from the cruelty of the raging lions, even so was I overwhelmed, and only by Thee delivered. To Thee, therefore, only be thanks, honour, and praise for ever. Amen." According to traditional story, when, after offering this prayer, she went through London in procession, and was pass ing the " Little Conduit in Cheape," a pageant was prepared to salute her, for " Time '' was placed there, and " Truth, the daughter of Time," holding in her hand the verbum veritatis — an English Bible — ^which she delivered to the Queen. Her Majesty received the gift with royal graciousness and kissed it. Then " thanking the city for their goodly gift," and pressing it to her bosom, she said that she would "diligently read therein." A person in the crowd, as if suddenly recollecting who it was that first gave the English Bible to the nation, lustily cried out, " Eemember old King Harry the Eighth ! " and " a gleam of light passed over EUzabeth's face" at the mention of her father's name in this connection. Lord Bacon also records that hints were given to her to release certain prisoners, as the four Evangelists and the Apostle Paul, long shut up, and that she " answered very gravely, that it was best first to inquire of themselves whether they would be released or no." In a short time, however, she issued a proclamation containing these injunctions: "To provide, within three months after this visitation, at the charges of the parish, one book of the ^ Archaeologia, vol. XIII, p. 221. XXXVIII.] QUEEN ELIZABETH. (53 whole Bible of the largest volume in EngUsh, and within one twelve months the paraphrases of Erasmus, also in Eng lish; and the same to be set up in some convenient place within the said church, where the parishioners may most con veniently resort and read the same. All persons under the degree of A.M. shaU buy for their own use the New Testament in Latin and English, with paraphrases, within three months. Inquiry was to be made whether any parsons, vicars, or curates, did discourage any person from reading any part of the Bible, either in Latin or English." She took the Great Seal from Heath, but retained him in her Privy Council, along with twelve others who had served her sister, and to them she added eight new members, her Lord Keeper being Sir Nicholas Bacon. Her sister's bishops had resolved not to crown her; but Oglethorpe, of Carlisle, broke the compact, and went through the ceremony of corona tion and anointing, other bishops being also present, to one of whom Bonner had lent his episcopal robes. Though no direct encouragement might thus be drawn by non-catholics from the queen's demeanour, the more intelligent and enterprising of her subjects hoped for an open and uncon troUed circulation of the Scriptures, and they were not dis appointed. EUzabeth's conduct, however, must have greatly perplexed many observers, for in religion she was, and continued to be, somewhat of an enigma ; and what her relation to the EngUsh Bible might ultimately be was vailed in uncertainty. There were omens both of promise and of discouragement. On Wotton's refusal, the chair of Canterbury was said, at the time, to have been offered to Feckenham, Abbot of Westminster, who had been chaplain to Bishop Bonner. Mass was sung by the queen's desire, not only at the funeral of her sister and that of Cardinal Pole, but Convocation was opened with high mass, in 1559, and it was said in the churches from November, 1558, to June, 1559. Negotiations for an alUance between her and Eome were in progi-ess, but they were frowned upon by Pope Paul IV, who formally excommunicated her in April, 1570. She attended mass herself, but forbade the elevation of the host. She would not admit a papal nuncio, for she detested 64 THE ENGLISH BIBLE. [chap. the Eomish domination, though she had Uttle or no sympathy with the theology of Protestantism. In the royal chapel a crucifix stood for a considerable period on the altar, with lights burning before it.^ Jewel denounced " the idol," and Parkhurst sent to BuUinger the good news of its demolition. Her father had taken the title of Supreme Head of the Church, but she was content with that of Supreme Governor. In 1560 she assured De Quadra that she was as good a catholic as he was, and that she had been compelled to do as she did; and yet, dur ing the course of the same year, she resolved to take Scotland under her protection, as " a Christian realra in the profession of Christ's true religion." She talked to Mendoza of reconsider ing her ecclesiastical position ; but she still held on her way, and took no penitent step toward reconciliation with the Holy Father. While she was coquetting with Spain and France, she enjoined on Eandolph to certify to the Lords of the Congrega tion north ofthe Tweed, that, in her view, "no basis of amity between nations is so sure as that grounded on unity and conserit in religion," though she had been greatly displeased with the Scottish Confession on its first publication in 1560. Professing at one time a desire to settle the succession to the crown of England in favour of the Queen of Scots, she made it a condition that Mary must accept the Eeformation, and yet the ritual which she admired herself was more than semi- catholic, while she was using every effort to bind her own clergy to celibacy.^ Her eagerness for uniformity led to its enforcement in London, and to the exclusion, in consequence, of thirty-seven of its ministers. Other recusants were crueUy punished, and men Uke Penry, Thacker, Greenwood, and Bar row were executed. When Catholic Europe combined against ' Jewel was so displeased that he thanking the primate, turned round said, "As Christ was (in Mary's time) to his wife — the wife of the first peer thrown out by his enemies, so he is of the realm — and said, "And you now kept out by his friends." —madam I may not call you, and 2 The story was current at the mistress I am ashamed to call you time that, after being sumptuously — but yet do I thank you." Har- entertained by Archbishop Parker, rington, Nugae Antiquse, vol. ii, p. the queen, at her departure, after 16. xxxvm.] HER REGARD FOR SCRIPTURE, 55 her she rose to the occasion, as when the Armada fiUed the Channel in 1588; but when Protestants stood sadly in need of men and money, she sternly refused them. She treated her clergy with queenly scorn, silenced one bishop, and threatened to unfrock another. She haughtily interrupted Dean Nowell's discourse in St. Paul's, for she disliked his iconoclasm, and she detested the pulpit from her inability to control its utterances. But in spite of her Laodicean position toward the church of Cranmer which had been founded under her father, and under him had experienced many oscillations, she never imitated Henry in his treatment of the English Bible. The various versions in use were neither impeded nor patronized by her. She thought that the nation might fiourish with few sermons and fewer presses; but she never attempted to limit the supply of Bibles ; nay, she commanded by proclamation the reading of the Gos pel, the Epistle for the day, and the Ten Commandments in the vulgar tongue. Though she kept several of the sees long vacant, and appropriated the revenues, she never meddled with the circulation and reading of the Divine volume in any diocese. The Court of High Commission and the Star Chamber were crowded with ecclesiastical causes, but the printers and pub lishers of the Scriptures were in no way molested. Imperious enactments were issued, mulcting those who would not attend church; but no such commands were twined round the EngUsh Bible. She often interfered with debates in Parliament, and used uncourteous language in her rebukes; and her royal assent was refused in one year to no less than forty-eight bills which had passed both houses ; but she kept aloof from the Bibles in circulation, and, in her own words, spoken on another point, she would not consent that they should be either " abled or disabled." Grafton reprinted a tract, first published on the accession of Edward in 1547, "A Godly Invective in the defence of the gospel against such as murmur and do what they can that the Bible should not have free passage ; very necessary to be read of every faithful Christian. By PhiUp Gerrard, yeoman of King Edward's Chamber" Such a pubUcation must have stirred up not a few to covet copies of the English Scriptures, and to be VOL. II. E 66 THE ENGLISH BIBLE. [chap. thankful for them if already they possessed them. The queen's proclamation had restored the Great Bible to its rank of the authorized version. Tyndale's, Coverdale's, the Great Bible, and the Genevan were also in circulation, and if we reason from the number of impressions, Tyndale and the Genevan were by far the most popular. The Cranmer folio was first published in her majesty's reign in 1562, by Harrison; a quarto edition, printed by Cawood, having come out during the previous year. Jugge had also sent abroad two editions of the New Testament. " A very fine and porapous '' edition of the Great Bible was also printed by HamiUon, at Eouen, in 1566, "at the cost and charges of Eichard Carmarden, ofthe Customs." Grafton, who had been engaged in printing the •Scriptures for nigh thirty years, issued an edition in one volume octavo — the first of that handy size. ^ These editions supplied the nation for six or seven years, so that there was little lack of choice; but the Great Bible and the Genevan were brought into direct competition. These translations differed on many minor points, but they contained the same disclosure of essential truths ; and they had all a close genetic relationship, the one arising out of the other, the version of Tyndale being the primal source, especially recog nizable after several revisions. Bishop Hooper, writing in 1554, from his prison, an " AppeUatio ad ParUamentum," asserts the desirableness of a revision, and that he had discussed and urged the matter with pious and learned brethren, affirming, however, his abiUty to prove that the English Bible is nearer the Hebrew than the translation usually ascribed to Jerome.^ It was natural in such circumstances that there should be a desire for another version, which from its superiority might supersede aU rivals. Parker had at the same time a passion for uniformity, and insisted on it without reserve or modification, being, as Fuller calls him, " a Parker indeed, careful to keep the fences." ^ The greater portion of this edi- that not a single copy is known to tion, to the extent of 7,000 copies, is be in existence. said to have been sent over to Ire- " Later Writings, p. 393, Parker land, and such was the good or bad Soe. ed. usage that these books met with, XXXVIII.] ARCHBISHOP PARKER. ffj He did not like men that were not, to use his own epithet, " disciplinable " men; But it was both right and natural in him to try and pubUsh a Bible which might be accepted as the one Bible of the EngUsh people. The bishops and clergy could not but feel, if they were at all interested in critical study, that the Great Bible needed revision, and they could scarcely be expected to acquiesce in the Genevan version, though it had been made by Englishmen ; for in its origin they had no hand, and over its renderings and notes they had possessed no control. It was also becoming identified more and more with the freer and bolder party in the Church, who were not only Calvinists in theology, but were struggling against rigid and universal conformity. In fact, the Genevan was greatly the better translation of the two in use, and Cranmer's must have suffered from the contrast. The originator of the proposal for another revision or trans lation is not mentioned — probably there had been various suggestions growing in number and importunity. Matthew Parker, seventieth Archbishop of Canterbury, was himself an exceUent scholar, far in advance of his episcopal compeers and fond of Biblical studies. Born at Norwich in 1504, he was educated at Corpus Christi College, Cambridge, of which he was elected a feUow, and then master in 1543; becoming vice- chanceUor two years afterwards. He had declined a place in Wolsey's new college at Oxford, and was made Dean of Lincoln in 1552. He spent many academical years of eamest study, so that he possessed no small portion of patristic and antiquarian learning, as may be seen in many of his works. The primate must have been well aware of the inferiority of the Great Bible, for it had been a work of haste, though it was the result of two revisions by one editor. Sandys, Bishop of Worcester, was also fuUy alive to the importance of the measure, and quite competent to advise upon it. In a letter to the Archbishop he declares, "Your grace should much benefit the Church in hasten ing forward the Bible which you have in hand : those that we have be not only false printed, but also give great offence to many by reason of the depravity in reading." But neither the queen, nor Convocation, nor Parliament uttered a voice in 68 THE ENGLISH BIBLE. [chap. the matter. The Queen had so little to do with the enterprise that the Archbishop was in some hesitation about writing her as to the completion of the Bible ; and having composed a letter to her, he sent it to Cecil, and asked him to use his "opportunity of delivery." About 1563, the priraate set about the new enterprise. Strype describes his method of procedure : ^ "Among the noble designs of this archbishop must be reckoned his resolution to have the Holy Bible set forth, well translated into the vulgar tongue for private use as well as for the use of churches ; and to perform that which his predecessor. Arch bishop Cranmer, endeavoured so much to bring to pass, but could not (the bishops in his days being most of them utterly averse to any such thing), that is, that the bishops should join together and take their parts and portions in reviewing, amending, and setting forth the English translation of those holy books. This our present archbishop's thoughts ran much upon. And he had about this time distributed the Bible, divided into parts, to divers learned fellow-bishops, and to some other divines that were about hira, who cheerfully undertook the work. As for the Bible commonly used, it was not only very ill printed, but the translation in many places bad, and such as gave offence ; and the translator had foUowed Miinster, who was very negligent, and mistook soraetiraes the Hebrew, as Bishop Sandys observed. The archbishop took upon hira the labour to contrive and set the whole work a-going in a proper method, by sorting out the whole Bible into parcels to able bishops and other learned men to peruse, and collate each the book or books allotted them. Sending withal his instructions for the method they should observe ; and they to add some short marginal notes for the illustration or cor rection of the text. And aU these portions of the Bible being flnished and sent back to the archbishop, he was to add the last hand to them, and so to take care for printing and pub lishing the whole." ^ 1 Strype's Life of Parker, p. 208, London, 1711. "¦ Life of Parker, p. 207. XXXVIU.] HIS COADJUTORS. gg The coadjutors of the archbishop were not all equally competent, for Guest (Gheast), the Bishop of Eochester, con fesses to some very peculiar convictions, which, if acted on, would have marred the integrity of the version. In reference to the Psalms, he says : ^ " I have not altered the translation, but where it gave occasion of an error. As at the first Psalm at the beginning I turn the prseter-perfect tense into the present tense, because the sense is too harsh in the prseter- perfect tense. Where in the New Testament one piece of a Psalm is reported, I translate it in the Psalms according to the translation thereof in the New Testament,, for the avoiding of the offence that may rise to the people upon divers translations." Sandys, in another letter, Feb. 6th, writes more precisely: "Ac cording to your grace's letter of instruction, I have perused the book you sent me, and with good diligence ; having also in conference with some other, considered of the same in such sort, I trust, as your grace will not mislike of ... I have sent it up with my clerk, whose hand I used in writing forth the corrections and marginal notes. When it shall please your grace to set over the book to be reviewed by some one of your chaplains, ray clerk shall attend a day or two, to make it plain unto him how my notes are to be placed. In mine opinion your grace shall do well to make the whole Bible to be diligently surveyed by some well learned before it be put to print, and also to have skilful and diligent correctors at the printing of it, . . . which thing will require a time. Sed sat cito si sat bene." Bishop Cox, of Ely, who had no love for the men that made the Genevan version, expresses his deep interest in the joroject in a letter of May 3, 1566 : " I trust your grace is well forward with the Bible by this time. I perceive the greatest burden will lie upon your neck, touching care and travail. I would wish that such usual ¦words as we English people be acquainted with might still remain in their form and sound, so far forth as the Hebrew will well bear ; ink-horn terms to be avoided. The translation of the verbs in the Psalms to be used uniformly in one tense." 1 Life of Parker, p. 208.. 70 THE ENGLISH BIBLE. [chap. The meaning of this last clause is not easily comprehended. Bishop Parkhurst, of Norwich, pledged hiraself "to travel therein with such diligence and expedition as he might." Davis, Bishop of St. David's, promised " to finish his part with as much speed as he could, bestowing upon the performance of the same all such time as he could spare." ^ On the 26th November, Parker also intimated the design to Cecil in the following terms: "I have distributed the Bible to divers men. I am desirous, if you could spare so much leisure either in morning or evening, we had one Epistle of St. Paul, St. Peter, or St. James perused by you, that ye may be one of the builders of this good work in Christ's Church." Another letter of the primate to Cecil, of date October 5th, 1568, encloses the short rules which the archbishop had laid down for the revisers — or, as he phrases it, "Observations respected of the translators." ^ " First, to foUow the common English translation used in the churches, and not to recede frora it, but where it varieth raanifestly from the Hebrew or Greek original." "Item — To use sections and divisions in the text as Pagnine in his translation useth, and for the verity of the Hebrew to follow the said Pagnine and Miinster specially, and generally others learned in the tongues." " Item — To make no bitter notes upon any text, or yet to set down any determination in places of controversy." " Item — To note such chapters and places as contain matter of genealogies, or other such places not edifying with some strike or note, that the reader may eschew them in his public reading." "Item — That all such words as sound in the old translation, to any offence of lightness or obscenity, be ex pressed with more convenient terms and phrases." Of the primate's coadjutors many were bishops, and this circum^ stance flrst gave its familiar name to the revision — the Bishops' Bible. The actual workers cannot now be deflnitely named. The foUowing is the list of the revisers of the several bpoks inclosed 1 Strype's Life of Parker, p. 208. ^ Correspondence of Matthew Parker, D.D., p.> 336, Parker Soe. ed. XXXVIII.] THE VARIOUS TRANSLATORS. 7X in a letter to Cecil, of 5th October, 1568, and still remaining with it in the State Paper office : — The sum of the Scriptnre . . . . \ The Tables of Christ's line . . ,1 The Argument of the Scriptures . .\ M. Cant. [Archbishop The first Preface into the whole Bible ' Parker.] The Preface into the Psalter . . . The Preface into the New Testament -p, , j- M. Cant. [Archbishop Parker.] Leviticus 1 Cantuarise. [Andrew Pierson, prebend of Canter- Numerus j bury ?] Deuteronomium } W. Exon. [Bishop Alley.] Josuse . • • \ „ , ' " VR. Meneven. [Bishop Davies. 1 Ruth • • ¦ r Regum, 1,2./ Regum, 3, 4. ) . - . \ -r, ,- -I o [- Ed. Wigorn. [Bishop Sandys.] Paralipomenon, I, I. ) *= i- ^ •'J Job . . I Cantuarise. [Andrew Pierson, prebend of Oanter- Proverbia ) bury ?] Ecclesiastes l Cantabrigise. [Andrew Periie, Master of Peter- Cantica . j House, and Dean of Ely.] Ecclesiasticus \ „ ' ¦ >J. Norwic. [Bishop Parkhurst.] Baruc • ¦ ¦ ( L J/ J Maccabeorum / Esdras . . n „ ' " >W. Cicestren. [Bjshop Barlow. 1 Tobias . . f i ^ J Sapientia . ' Esaias . . . "j Hieremias . . [¦ R. Winton. [Bishop Home.] Lamentationes ) Ezechiel ) ^ ^^.^j^ ^^^ Covent. [Bishop Bentham.J Daniel J l r j . ' I- Ed. London. [Bishop Grindal.] minores J l j- j >¦ M. Cant. [Archbishop Parker.] 72 THE ENGLISH BIBLE. [chap. Matthseus ) -.^ „ ^ -J, 5- M. Cant. [Archbishop Parker.] T , > Ed. Peterb. [Bishop Scambler.] Johannes J l x- j . - -^ [B,. Eliensis. [Bishop Cox.l Ad Romanes . . J l jt j 1 Epistola Corin. } D. Westmon. [Dr. Gabriel Goodman.] 2 Epistola Corin. -, Ad Galatas . Ad Ephesios . Ad Phillippenses Ad CoUossenses Ad Thessalon . Ad Timotheum Ad Titum Ad PhUemon . Ad Hebrseos . EpistoteCanonicse ^-^_ j^.^^^^j^ ^j^j^^p BuUingham.] Apocalipsis J But these names do not agi'ee with the initials put at the end of some of the books, this notation being a suggestion of the archbishop, that the several revisers "might be the more diligent as answerable for their doings." But Lawrence, if he was a formal reviser, has no place marked by his initials, and the same initials stand at the end of Job and at the end of Proverbs. Still, as the archbishop suggested, "the letters of their names be partly affixed to their books." Some of the revisers may be made out by their initials as foUows : — The Pentateuch has W. E. (WiUiam Exoniensis), WiUiam AUey, Bishop of Exeter. The next portion, up to the second book of Samuel, has E. M. (Ricardus Menevensis), Richard Davis, Bishop of St. Davids. The third part, as far as second book of Chronicles, has E. W. (Edwin Wigornensis), Edwin Sandys. The fourth portion, ending with Job, has A. P. C, Andrew Peerson, Prebendary of Canterbury. XXXVIII.] THE VERSION FINISHED. 73 The Psalms have T. B., probably Thomas Becon. This portion was first sent to Guest, Bishop of Eochester. The Book of Proverbs is signed again A. P. C, supposed to be Andrew Peerson, Prebendary of Canterbury, the translator of the fourth portion. The seventh portion, containing Ecclesiastes and Canticles, has A. P. E., Andrew Perne, Prebendary of Ely. The eighth portion, ending with Lamentations, has E. W., Eobert Home, Bishop of Winchester. The ninth part, Ezekiel and Daniel, has T. C. L., Thomas Cole, Bishop of Lichfield and Coventry. The tenth part, or minor prophets, has E. L., Edmund Grin dal, Bishop of London. The Apocrypha, or eleventh portion, has J. N., John Park hurst, Bishop of Norwich. The Gospels and Acts have E. E., Eichard Cox, Bishop of Ely. The Epistle to the Eomans has R. E., which, according to Strype, should be E. R., Edmund Guest, Bishop of Rochester. The First Epistle to the Corinthians has G. G., Gabriel Good man, Dean of Westminster. The remaining books of the New Testament have no ap pended initials.^ After a period of preparation extending to about four years, the archbishop, on 5th October, tells Cecil that the Bible is finished, and that he had thought of offering in person to the queen's highness "the first fruits of our labours in the re cognizing the Bible," but, as his health would not allow him to " adventure," he asked the Secretary to present a copy to the queen, "bound as ye see." In a letter to her majesty of the same date his grace says — "Pleaseth it your highness to accept in good part the endeavour and diUgence of some of us your chaplains, my brethren the bishops, with other certain learned men, in this new edition of the Bible. I trust by com parison of divers translations put forth in your realm, wiU 1 Parker Correspondence, Parker Soe. ed., p. 334. 74 THE ENGLISH BIBLE. [chap. appear as well the workmanship of the printer, as the circum spection of aU such as have travailed in the recognition. Among divers observations which have been regarded in this recognition, one was, not to make it vary much from that translation which was commonly used by public order, except where either the verity of the Hebrew and Greek moved alteration, or where the text was, by some negligence, mutilated from the original. So that I trust your loving sub jects shall see good cause in your majesty's days to thank God and to rejoice, to see this high treasure of His holy word so set out as may be proved (so far forth as man's mortal knowledge can attain to, or as far forth as God hath hitherto revealed) to be faithfully handled in the vulgar tongue; beseeching your highness that it may have your gracious favour, licence, and protection, to be communicated abroad, as well for that in many churches they want their books, and have long time looked for this, as for that in certain places be pubUcly used some translations which have not been laboured in your realm, having inspersed diverse prejudicial notes, which might have been also well spared, I have been bold in the furniture with few words to express the incomparable value of this treasure." The Bible so disparaged is the Genevan version and its famous notes ; and the queen is earnestly appealed to that she might authorize the revision. In the same letter to Cecil, already referred to, the primate speaks on some technical points and matters of business : — • "It may be that in so long a work things have scaped, which may be lawful to every man, cura bona venia, to amend when they flnd them; non omnia possumus omnes. The printer hath honestly done his diligence; if your honour would obtain of the Queen's Highness that this edition might be licensed and only commended in public reading in churches, to draw to one uniformity, it were no great cost to the most parishes, and a relief to him for his great charges sustained.^ The psalters might remain in quires, as ' In a "note" he adds, "The printer hath bestowed his thickest paper on the New Testament, because it shall be most occupied." XXXVIII.] PARKER EDITOR AND JUGGE PRINTER. 75. they be much multiplied, but where of their own accord they would use this translation. Sir, I pray your honour be a mean that Jugge only may have the preferment of this edition ; for if any other should lurch him to steal from him these copies, he were a great loser in this flrst thing. And, sir, without doubt he hath well deserved to be pre ferred; a man would not think that he had devoured so- much pain as he hath sustained." It is pleasant to note that Parker was to his death on affectionate terms with his fellow-workers, and that he re membered some of them in his will. He bequeathed to Edmund Grindal, Archbishop of York, a gold ring with a round -sapphire ; to Edwin Sandys, Bishop of London, his staff of Indian cane, with silver gilt at the end ; to Robert Home, Bishop of Winchester, a gold ring with a turquoise ; to Richard Cox, Bishop of Ely, his staff of Indian cane, with a horologe on the top ; to Nicholas Bullingham, Bishop of Worcester, his white horse, called Hackengton, with the saddle, and bridle, and a new footcloth of velvet ; to Andrew Pearson, B.D., a silver cup with a cover gilt, given to him by the queen on the feast of the circumcision.^ ^ Coopers' Athense Cantabrigien- January, 1561-2, proposed a new ses, vol. I, p. 332. In the same translation of the Bible, and re-. volume it is stated that Bishop Cox, peated the proposal in another in writing to Cecil on the 10th of letterof 3rd May, 1564. Do., p. 440.- CHAPTER XXXIX. rPHE Bible was published in folio with the simple title: " The Holie Bible, containing the Old Testament and the New : The New Testament of our Saviour Jesus Christ. 1568. Richard Jugge. Cum PrivUegio Regise Majestatis." Jugge presents his " mark " — the pelican feeding her young with her own blood, with a Latin couplet explaining the symbol. The archbishop's own copy is in the Library of Corpus Christi CoUege, Cambridge. On the title-page, in an oval, is a half- length portrait of the queen, with the ball and sceptre in her hand; above her the arms of France and England quartered within the garter, and over them the helmet and crest. On the one side is the symbol of Ireland, and on the other that of Wales, while Charity and Faith are delineated on the margin of the picture. At the bottom of the page, on a scroU guarded by the lion and dragon, are the words, "Non me pudet EvangeUi Christi. Virtus enim Dei est ad salutem omni credenti. Rom. i." At the beginning of Joshua is an engraving, in an oval, of the Earl of Leicester in armour, and his coat of arms is in the initial A of the word " After." On the front of the Psalms is a plate of Lord Burleigh, holding in his left hand an open Hebrew book; and the initial D (David) of the Preface has in it his coat of arms, and also the B of the word " Blessed " in the flrst psalm. Parker's preface is in Roman, and Cranmer's prologue is in Gothic letters, the initial letter C of his name containing his coat of amis. There is also at Leviticus xviii a double table of degrees of " kinred, affinitie, or aliaunce which let matrimonise.'' The archbishop's paternal arms are found impaled with those of Christ Church Canterbury, in a THE ARCHBISHOP'S PREFACE. 77 large initial T at the genealogical table in the Old Testament and at the preface to the New. There are many engravings. Otherwise the volume is marked by a severe simplicity, and there is no dedication. ^ Parker's preface inculcates the duty and privilege of reading the Scriptures, which are meant for aU. The need of the present revision is also dwelt on. " And for that the copies thereof be so wasted, that very many churches do want their convenient Bybles, it was thought good to some weU-disposed men, to recognize^ the same Byble againe into this fourme as it is nowe come out, with some further diligence in the printing, and with more light added, partly in the translation, and partly in the order of the text ; not as condemning the former translation, whiche was folowed mostly of any other translation, excepting the originall text, from whiche as litle variaunce was made as was thought meete to such as take paynes therin : desiring thee, good reader, if ought be escaped, eyther by such as had the expending of the bookes, or by the oversight of the printer, to correct the same in the spirite of Charitie, caUing to remembrance what diver- sitie hath been seene in men's judgementes in the translation of these bookes before these dayes, though all directed their labours to the glory of God, to the ediflcation of the Church, to the comfort of their Christian brethren, and always as God dyd further open unto them, so ever more desirous they were to refourme their former humane oversightes, rather then in a stubborne wylfulnesse to resist the gyft of the holy Ghost, who from tyme to tyme is resident as that heavenly teacher and leader into all truth, by whose direction the Church is ruled and governed." The misinterpretations of some CathoUc writers are exposed, especially one which, in Rom. vi, 13, changed " sanctiflcation " into " satisfaction." The saying of St. Augustine is quoted, " that divers translations many times have made the harder and darker sentences the more open and plain;" and Fisher, "once Bishop of Rochester," is also adduced as affirming that "many things have been more diligently ^ Jewel wrote to BuUinger, " The which I certainly am not displeased." queen will not endure the title of "¦ It was the usual term then for Head of the Church of England, at "revise." 78 THE ENGLISH BIBLE. [chap. discussed, and more clearly understanded by the writers of these latter days than in old times they were." The division of verses adopted in the Genevan version is followed ; and, after its example too, some care was taken of the spelling of proper names. But there is really no proof of •Offer's^ statement, that the New Testament of the Bishops' Bible is taken from a revision of Cheke's New Testament, published by Jugge in 1561. The Testament referred to by him is apparently an edition of Tyndale.^ One cannot surmise why the Queen should not have pubUcly acknowledged the appeal made to her by the Primate — why she .should not have acted as her father had done to three transla tions, and given the version special recognition and sanction. Not even Parker's name graces the title-page, as Cranmer's had done in his Bible of 1540. Perhaps she had some regard for the Bible so often printed in her father's and brother's time, and for the memory of the primate who had at length died at the stake. At aU events, no royal conflrmation was given to the volume, and no license was issued, like that to John Bodleigh for the Genevan version. An edition of Cran mer's Bible was printed the same year as the first edition of the Bishops', and it bore upon it as usual, " according to the translation appointed to be read in churches"; but Parker's Bible never carried such a mandate during his lifetime. In the royal patents for printing the Bible, no version was singled out for preference, even though such patents were sanctioned by Archbishop Whitgift. Not tiU 1577 was an edition printed " set forth by authoritie " — that is, not royal, only episcopal authority ; but, as if to offer a counterpoise, a copy of the Genevan of the same year was presented to the "throned vestal," and the covers were embroidered by her own hand. But Convocation naturally made special enactments in favour of the Bishops' version. In the "' Constitutions and Canons " of 1571, it was ordered "that every archbishop and bishop should have at his house a copy of the Holy Bible ofthe largest volume, as lately printed in London, and that it should be placed in the 1 Ofibr MSS., II, British Museum, in his own collection, pp. 185-187. 2 Lea Wilson's Catalogue of Bibles Cotton's Editions, &c., p. 32. xxxix.] CRITICAL REMARKS BY LA WRENCE. 79 liall or large dining room, that it might be useful to their ser vants or to strangers" — the order applying also to each cathedral, and " so far as could be conveniently done, to all the churches." The English service was stUl very unwelcome to many of the conservative clergy and nobility, who regarded it as the life of the religious revolution by which so many intolerable changes were wrought round about them. The rebeUion of the northem Earls in 1569 had, according to their proclamation, for its object "to restore all ancient customs and liberties to God and this noble realm." The insurgents, filled with this spirit, entered Durham Cathedral with the old banner of the Pilgrimage bome before them, blazoned with the cross, the streamers, and the five wounds, and at once destroyed "the English Bibles," ^ — copies, in all probability, of the Great Bible. In the Old Testament the Great Bible was chiefly foUowed ; many chapters exhibit few important variations, and numerous better renderings introduced by the Genevan version are ig nored, though not a few emendations are at the same time adopted from it. Canon Westcott says, " It is possible that I may have been unfortunate in the parts which I have exam ined (of the Old Testament), for what I saw did not encourage me to compare very much of the Bishops' text with the other versions." ^ Editions of the version appeared in 1569, 1570, and 1571. Strype has preserved some critical remarks on twenty-nine places of the New Testament of the Bishops' Bible, by Law rence — " a man, in those days, of great fame for his knowledge of the Greek," and probably one of the revisers of the Bishops' version, or suggesters of the second edition.^ Lawrence was probably the head-master of Shrewsbury School, and the in structor in Greek of Lady Cecil, who became a wonderful pro- flcient in that language. The criticisms are certainly made on some places in the New Testament of the first edition of the Bishops' Bible, for it alone of aU the versions contains several of the clauses on which critical comments are given, though the majority of them are found also in the Great Bible, on ' Fronde's History, vol. IX, p. 315. = Life of Parker. Appendix, No. ' History, p. 247, 2nd ed. Ixxxv, p. 139. 80 THE ENGLISH BIBLE. [chap. which the Bishops' was principally based. In some instances the rendering of the Great Bible is simply restored. The verses selected for emendation are, with one exception, taken from the Synoptical Gospels, and his corrections were accepted in the revised edition of the Bishops', published in 1572 ; pro bably, therefore, the work of Lawrence was done with a view to this edition, and was intended to present a brief specimen of the necessity and nature of a good revision. Lawrence's first section is headed "Wordes not aptlye trans lated in the New Testament." His proposed emendations are —Matt, xvii, 27, instead of "of the children," B. 1, "their chUdren," G. B., " of their own children,'' adopted in the B. 2 and A. ; ^ but the best Greek reading will not warrant it. 27, instead of " cast an angle," G. B., B 1, " cast an hook," adopted in B 2. and A. xxi, 33, instead of " made a vineyard," B. 1 and G. B., " planted a vineyard," " amended " in the Genevan, adopted in B. 2 and A. 38, instead of "let us enjoy it," B 1, G. B., " let us take possession or seizyn," adopted virtually in B. 2 and A. ; "keep," however, would be more literal, xxii, 7, instead of " sente foorth his men of war," B. 1, G. B., " sent forth his armies," adopted in B. 2 and A. xxv, 20, instead of "five talents more," B. 1, G. B., "five talents besides," B. 2 and A. xxvi, 38, instead of "is heavy," B. 1, G. B., "is exceedinge heavie," adopted in B. 2 and A., as the adjective is a strong compound ; the Genevan having " very heavie." 42, instead of " he went awaie once again," B. 1, G. B., " he went away the second time," noting that " this is amended in the Genevan Bible," adopted in B. 2 and A. xxvii, 14, instead of " harm less," B. 1, G. B., " careless " ; " this is not considered in the Genevan Bible " ; adopted in B. 2 and A. as " secure you," make you secure — that is, free from care, if judicial investiga tion should take place. Mark i, 24, " let us alone," the clause not being in B. 1 and G. B., adopted in B. 2 and A. ; but the Greek reading that would warrant such a translation can scarcely be sustained. 45, instead of " to tell many things," B. 1, G. B. " openly to declare," 2 B. 1 , Bishops' first edition ; B. 2, Bishops' revised edition of 1572 ; G. B., Great Bible ; A, Authorized. XXXIX.] LA WRENCE'S CRITICISMS ON BISHOPS' BIBLE. 81 virtuaUy B. 2 and A. ; but it is " not considered in the Genevan Bible." X, 19, instead of " thou shalte not kyU," B. 1, " kyU not," G. B., " doe not kyll," B. 2 and A., Beza being correct in those places, but the Genevan wrong; and the "Vulgate" being right in this verse, but wrong in rendering the same language in Luke xviii, 20. xii, 15, instead of "seeing," B. 1, "having understood their dissimulation," G. B., "he knowinge theire hypocrisie," B. 2, but not A. In Luke i, 3, 4, the translation of the Great Bible is really better than that which Lawrence suggests, and which is found in the Bishops', and virtually in the Authorized, " having per fect understanding of all things frora the beginning," the Great Bible having "as soon as I had searched out diligently all things " — the correct rendering being " having traced the course of aU things accurately from the first " ; Lawrence is right in the last clause, " whereof thou hast been taught by mouth," adopted in the B. 2, but refused in A. vi, 44, in stead of "nor of bushes," B. 1, G. B., "nor of a bramble-bush," B. 2 and A. All those corrections suggested by Lawrence have been adopted in the Bishops', and, with one exception, are found also in the Authorized. Lawrence's second section is headed " Wordes and pieces of sentences oraytted." Some of the instances imply a different Qreek reading, and in others the omission is the fault of the translator. He notices "yet" omitted in Matt, xv, 16, B. 1 and G. B., amended in the Genevan, found in B. 2 and A. xxii, 13, "take him up" "take" omitted in B. 1, not in G. B., but inserted in B. 2 and A. xxvi, 13, "whole," in the phrase " whole world," omitted in G. B., B 1 having " al the world," but given in B. 2 and A. Mark xv, 3, "but he answered nothing," B. 1, G. B. ; the omission also in Beza, and therefore in the Genevan ; but in serted in B. 2 and A. after the margin of Stephens. The clause, however, has no authority, being taken from Matt, xxvii, 12, or Luke xxiii, 9. Luke viii, 23, "of wind," in G. B.,not B. 1; inserted in B. 2 and A. In X, 22, Lawrence commends the insertion of " and turning to his disciples he said," G. B., not B. 1, but the clause was not VOL. II. F 82 THE ENGLISH BIBLE. [chap. adopted by B. 2 ; the Genevan admitted it, though it is not in the text of Beza ; but Stephens had adopted it. It had been rejected by Erasmus ; Tyndale and Coverdale also omit it ; and it is placed in the margin of the Authorized Version, with a note, xxii, 12, "great" is omitted, B. 1, the clause ought to be " a great upper chamber," the reading of Stephens and Beza, and the Genevan accepted in B. 2 and A. " A great parlour paved " is the rendering of Tyndale and Coverdale, and of the Great Bible bf 1539 and 1540; the Genevan having "a great hie chamber trimmed." The last example is xxiv, 27, "he interpreted to thera in aU the Scriptures which were written of him," B. 1, G. B., the rendering being liable to misinterpreta tion, and the sense being he "interpreted to them in aU the Scriptures those things which were written of him," "weU amended in the Genevan translation " ; accepted by B. 2, but more compact in A. — "he expounded unto them in aU the Scriptures the things concerning himself." Lawrence's third head is "Wordes superfluous," and his examples are, Mark xiii, 16, "Let hyra that is in the fielde not turne backe againe unto the thinges whiche he lefte behinde him," B. 1, G. B., the proper rendering being briefer, " let him not turne backe," adopted by B. 2 and A. Luke xii, 24, "feathered fowles," B. 1, G. B. within brackets. Law rence asks "what needethe feathered?" the epithet perhaps euggested by the " volucribus " of Erasmus ; omitted in B. 2 and A. The fourth section refers to " Sentences changed and error in doctrine." Luke ix, 45, "it was hidde from them, that they understoode it not,'' B. 1, G. B., should be "it was hidde from them that they should not understand it," rightly adopted in B. 2, but vaUed in A., and it had been refused by the Genevan, though it quadrated with Genevan theology. Colos. ii, 13, " dead to synne, and to the uncircumcisicn of your fiesh," B. 1, G. B. having "through . . . through" ; it should be "dead in synne " ; the necessary change was adopted in the subsequent versions. The last section is " Modes and tenses changed, and places not well considered by Theodorus Beza and Erasmus, as I XXXIX.] ERRORS IN THE GREAT BIBLE. 83 thynke." Matt, xxi, 3, "say ye," B. 1, G. B., should be "ye shall say," — Beza having "dicite," but epeire. is never of the imperative mood and Beza has "dicetis" in other places; the correction is adopted by B. 2 and A. Luke xvii, 8, for " eate thou and drynke thou," B, 1, G. B., "thou shalt eate and drynke," "for the sense it maketh no great matter, but in grammar it is an evident error." The future is in Coverdale's own version, but the imperative " eat thou " was put into the Great Bible after Tyndale, and it was taken also by the Gene van. This correction is foUowed by a long grammatical argu ment against Erasmus and Beza, who, misled by the form of the verbs, took them for flrst aorist imperatives. B. 2 and A. rightly adopt the future, though Beza had edito tu et bibito. These remarks are not aU of primary importance, but they indicate scholarship, and have influenced our present Bibles. The modest critic adds: "It is more lyke that I should be deceived than either Erasmus or Beza. I wolde gladlye they were defended that I might see myne own error. I take them to be deceyved, because I see reason and aucthoritie for me, and as yet none for them, but because they saye so, and yet brynge no proofe for them." Had Lawrence extended his remarks to the Great Bible, he might have corrected many blunders ; for in the Great Bible sometimes the translation does not bring out the fuU meaning of the original, sometimes it goes beyond it, and occasionally it is erroneous: as Luke ii, 13, "a multitude of heavenly soudyers"; xvi, 8, the word lord is speUed "Lord" with an initial capital, as if it re ferred to Jesus, and the clause were his eulogy of dishonesty; and " in their nation " of the same verse is a misrendering, as is xix, 23, " with vauntage " ; John i, 1, " and God was the Word"; 3, "aU things were made by it"; Acts viii, 23, "fuU of bitter gaU"; 26, "which is in the desert"; xxvii, 9, "because also that they had overlong fasted"; 13, "loosed into Asson," making the adverb a proper name ; Rom. ix, 5, " which is God in all things to be praised";. xii, 11, "apply yourselves to the time." Many of those instances occur also in the earUer ver sions.'^ 1 See vol. I, pp. 142, 381, &c. 84 THE ENGLISH BIBLE. [chap- The special edition of 1572 was revised in the New Tes tament, and in many places corrected and improved. It is printed on thick paper, and is a heavy and handsome folio.. Of titles, portraits, and maps, it has only thirty engravings, and the initial letter of Jeremiah has in it a coat of arms. But it was disfigured by several peculiar omaments, or ornamental initial letters, taken from Ovid's "Metamorphoses," such as Leda and the Swan at the Epistle to the Hebrews, with many others of a similar incongruous character. It has a double copy of the Psalms — one column in the page preserves the version of the Great Bible in black letter, and the other, or paraUel column, the new version in Roman letter. The nature of the revision in the New Testament may be seen in the following collation of the Epistle to the Galatians. The revision is careful, and shows a decided desire and effort towards an exacter and more literal version. The New Testament of Tyndale is imbedded in the Great Bible, and shows itself in the flrst edition of the Bishops'; but the revised edition of the Bishops', in its independent course, occasionally differs from it. Expletive words are placed in brackets; and honest scholarship is everywhere apparent. PiEST Edition, 1568. Revised Edition, 1572. Chapter I. Verse 1 raised him up from death ; Great from the dead ; Genevan. Bible, Tyndale. 9 than that ye have received. [that ye have]. 10 If I should yet please men ; If I yet pleased men. Genevan. 11 was not after men ; Genevan. is not after men. 13 howe that ; Genevan, Tyndale. [how] that. 15 called me, called [me]. 17 neither returned ; Tyndale. went I up. which were apostles. which [were]. 18 1 returned to Jerusalem. I went up. 23 in time past ; Genevan, Great Bible, in times past. Tyndale. XXXIX.] COLLATION OF FIRST AND SECOND EDITIONS. 85 First Edition, 1568. Revised Edition, 1572. Chapter II. Verse 2 I went up also ; Great Bible. I went up ; Genevan. which were the chiefe ; Genevan. which were esteemed the chief. 6 in time passed ; Genevan, Great in times past. Bible, Tyndale. 9 then James ; Great Bible, Tyndale. [then] James. 12 which were. [which were]. 14 why causest thou ? Great Bible, why compellest thou ? Tyndale. 16 and we have believed ; Great Bible, we have believed. 21 comme of the law ; Great Bible, [come]. Tyndale. Chapter III. 1 described before the eyes ; Great was before described before the Bible, Tyndale. eyes. 19 till the seed came ; Great Bible. should come. Chapter 12 be ye as I [am]. 25 which is nowe [called] Jerusalem. ZQ shall not be heir ; Great Bible, Tyndale. Chapter 8 not the perfection of hym that called you. 9 a little leaven doth leaven. 14 which is this ; Genevan, Gi'eat Bible. 20 zeal. 21 that they. 24 they truly that are ; Great Bible. 25 let us walk ; Great Bible, Tyndale. IV. for I [am] as ye are. which [is] now [called]. shall in no wise be heyre. V. this persuasion cometh not of him that oalled you. leaveneth. [which is this]. emulations ; Genevan. that [even] Christes. that [are] have. let us also walk in the Spirit ; Genevan. Chapter VI. 1 be taken in any fault ; Great Bible. considering thyself, lest. 3 in his own fansie. 8 into his flesh. 13 rejoice in your flesh ; Genevan, Great .Bible, Tyndale. 14 should rejoice, but in ; Great Bible, Genevan, Tyndale. be prevented in any fault. considering thee selfe, lest. in his own fantasy. in his fleashe; Great Bible,Tyndale. glory in your fiesh. should glory, but in the cross. S6 THE ENGLISH BIBLE. [chap.- The Historical Books of the Old Testament are not much changed, the revision is slight and superflcial, and the words- and phrases of the Great Bible are so continuously employed as almost to take independent character from the version. Thus in the flrst twenty verses of Genesis xxxvii, there are some twelve changes, none of any great importance, but nearly aU of them bringing the English into closer uniformity with the Hebrew. The revisers were enjoined to follow Pagninus and Miinster,* though the last was depreciated unjustly by Sandys, and they obeyed the injunction. Great Bible. Verse 2 an euyll sayinge of them. 7 and youres stode. 8 be our kynge in dede. 10 come to fall on the grounde before thee. 11 hated him.' 12 kepe their fathers shepe.' 14 he went to. 19 this dreamer.'" 20 a wycked beast. Bishops'. their evil report.^ and behold" your sheaves. a king indeed owMs^ (over us, 1572).. indeed come to bow to thee.^ envied^ him, Genevan. his fathers cattel;^ and so in verses: 14 and 16. came to.^ this notable dreamer ; marginal note — Hebrew, maister of dreames. some naughtie beaste.^^ ^ Malam famam eorum, Pagninus, MUnster, Leo Judae. " Et ecce, Pagninus. ^ Super nos, Pagninus, MUnster, Leo Judse. ^ Und dich anbeten, Luther. ^ Virtually Leo Judae. ^ Invidebant, Vulgate. 'Coverdale ("their fathers'' ofthe- Great Bible being correct) ; oves, Munster. ^Grex, Leo Judae ; pecudes, Pagninus. ^ Venit, Pagninus. '"Somniator ille, Pagninus. " Bestia mala, Munster. * It is one of the signs of those changing times that Sebastian Munster, whose Latin translation is so cordially recommended by Archbishop Parkerto his coadjutors. published in 1527 a Hebrew- Dictionary, to which he prefixed an elaborate dedication to Fisher, Bishop of Eochester, whom King Henry VIII beheaded in 1535. XXXIX.] COLLATION OF THREE VERSIONS. ^7 Or take the Great Bible, the Genevan, and the Bishops' :^ Great Bible. 1 The hand of the Lord came^ vpon me, and caried me out in the sprete of the Lorde, and let me" downe in a piayne field that lay full of bones. ^ 2 And he led me rounde about by them, and beholde^ ihe honess that lay vpon the fielde were very many, and maruelous ^ drye also. EZEKIEL XXXVIL Genevan. The hand of the Lord was * ypou me, and caried me out in the Spirit of the Lord, and set me downe iu the middess of a fielde which was ful of bones. And he led me round about by them, and be holde there were very mauie ia the open ^° field, and, lo, they were verie drye. 3 Then ^^ sayde he vnto And ^^ he said vnto me. me: yAow'^ sonne of man: thinkesf'^ thou that these bones may liue again, ^^ I answered, 0 Lord God, thou knowest. 4 And he sayd vnto me: Propheciethou vpon^^ these bones : and speake vnto them. Ye drye bones, heare the worde of the Lorde. Sonne of man, can these bones liue ? And ^'^ I answered, O Lord God, thou knowest. Again he said vnto me, Prophecie vpon"'' these bones, and say vnto them, O ye drye bones,hear the worde of the Lorde. Bishops'. The hande of the Lorde waa vpon me, and caried me out in the spirite of the Lorde, and set me downe in the midst of ae plaine fielde that was full of bones. And he led me rounde about by them, aud be holde, there were very many in the open fielde, and lo '^'^ (they were) very drye. Then'^ saide he vnto me : Thou sonne of man, thinkest thou these bones may liue againe : I answered, 0 Lorde God, thou knowest. Aud he said vnto me, Prophecie thou vpon these bones, and speake vnto them : Ye drye bones, heare the worde of the Lorde. "^ 1 Kam, Luther, Zurich. " Liess, Zurich. 3 Das lag voUergebeins, Ziirich. * Fuit, Pagninus. 6 In medio, Vulgate. 6 In medio planiciei, Munster. '' Sehe, Luther. ^ Des gebeynes, Ziirich. 9 Vast diirr, Ziirich. ^o In superficie agri, Pagninus. ^1 Ecce, Pagninus, Miinster. This inter jection is expressed in the Hebrew twice. ^" Do, rendered then by Coverdale. 13 Du, Luther. "Putasne, Vulgate. i^Wieder, Ziirich. 16 Et, Vulgate and Latin versions. I'Et, Munster, Pag ninus. 18 Turn, Leo Judaj— the verse corresponds with the Great Bible. 19 iiber, Ziirich, Cov erdale. 20 Super, Pagninus and Miinster, after the Heb rew. =1 After the Great Bible. 88 THE ENGLISH BIBLE. [chap. EZEKIEL XXXVII— Continued. Great Bible. 5 Thus sayth the Lord God vnto these bones. Behold 1 will put breath into you, thaf^ ye may lyue: 6 I will geue you sin- owes, * and make fleshe to growevponyou,s andcouer you ouer with skyime ; and so geue you breath, that 6 ye may lyue, and knowe that I am the Lord God. 7; So 1" I prophecied, as he commanded'-^ me, and as 1 was prophecying ther came a noyse and a great mooion so thS,t the bones came euerye one to an other. ^ 8 Now wheu I had loked, 6eAoH 1' they had sinowes, and fleshe grewe vpon theym : and aboue "" they were couered with skynne, but there was no breath in theym. Genevan. Thus saith the Lord God vnto these bones, Beholde / wil cause " breath to entre into you and ye shal liue. And I wil lay sinewes vpon'' you, and make flesh growe vpon you, and couer you with skin, and put breath in you, that ye may liue, and ye shal * knowe that I am the Lord. So I prophecied as I was 1^ commanded: and aa I prophecied, there was a noise 1* and beholde there Mctsi^ a shaking and the bones came i^ together, bone io his bone.'^' And when I behelde, lo, the sinewes, and the ¦fleshe grewe vpon them, and aboue the skin couered them, but there was no breath in them. Bishops'. Thus saith the Lorde God vnto these bones : •Beholde, I wyll cause breath to enter into you that ye may lyue. a I wyll geue you si nowes, and make fleshe growe vpon you, and couer you ouer with skinne, and so geue you breath, that ye may liue, and knowe that I am the Lorde. ' So I prophecied as J was'^^ commanded: and as I was prophecying there was a noyse, and also a great motion so that the bones came neare together, bone to his bone. Now when I had loked, behold they had sinowes, and fleshe grewe vpon them, and above they were couered with skin, but there was no breath in them, ^i 1 Das, Luther, Ziirich, Coverdale. ^ Introire facio — Pag ninus ; the Hebrew verb being in the Hiphil con jugation. 3 After the Great Bible and the Genevan. * Nervos, Vulgate. ^ Increscere faoiam car ries, Vulgate. 6 Das, Luther and Zii rich. 7 Super vos, Vulgate, Miinster. 8 Und soUt erfahren, Luther. 9 After the Great Bible. lODo, Ziirich. 11 Sicutprseceperatmihi, Vulgate. 12 Zu dem andem, Zii rich. 13 Jussus fui, Pagninus, Miinster, 1* Sonus, Leo J'udee. 15 Et ecce strepitus, Munster ; et ecce com motio, Pagninus. 18 Accesserunt. 1'' Os scilicet ad os suum, Miinster. 18 After the Genevan. 19 Ecce, Pagninus. "" Desuper, do. 21 After the Great Bible. XXXIX.] COLLATION CONTINUED— OLD TESTAMENT. 89 EZEKIEL XXXVII— Continued. Great Bible. 9 Then sayd hee vnto mee. Thou sonne of man, prophesye thus towarde i the wynde : prophesye and speake to the wynde : Thus saith the Lord God, Come (0 thou ayre) from the foure wyudes, and blowe vpon these slayne that they may be restored to lyfe." 10 So I prophecied as be had commaunded me : then^ came the breth vnto theym, and they reoeaued lyfe, and stode op vpon their fete, a mar uelous great ' sorte. Genevan. Then said he vnto me, Prophecie vnto the winde : prophecie, sonne of man, and say to the winde. Thus saith the Lord God, 3 Come from the foure windes, O breath, and breathe vpon these slaine, tliat 4 they may liue. So I prophecied as he had commanded me : and the breath came into them, and they liued, and stode op vpon their fete, an exceding ^ great armie. Bishops'. Then said he vnto me : Thou Sonne of man, pro phecie thou towarde the winde, prophecie and speake to the winde, thus saith the Lord God : Come, 0 fhouayre,^ from the foure windes, and blowe vpon these slaine that they may lyue. So I prophecied as he had commaunded me : then came the breath into them ; and they, re oeaued lyfe, aud stoode vp vpon their feete, a marueiloua great armie. " The Apocrypha is scarcely revised at aU, and neglecting the Genevan, it reverts mainly to the Great Bible which is usually followed, and which rests on the La,tin text. The prayer of Manasses is restored to the place which it occupied between the story of Bel and the Dragon and the First Book of Maccabees. Great Bible. 1. In those dayes came John ye Baptist, preach ing 1° in the wilderness of Jewrie, MATTHEW III. Genevan. jliJtZi^ in those dayes John the Baptiste came and preached i3 in the wilder ness of Judea. Bishops'. In those dayes came " John the Baptist preach ing in the wyldernesse of Jurie. 1 Gegen, Zurich, Cover- dale. "^ Reviviscant, Vulgate; wieder lebendig, Luther, Coverdale. 3 Order as in the Vul- 4 Das, Luther ; ut, Miinster and Leo Jud^. " Lufft, Luther, and Coverdale. s Do, Ziirich. ' Triiffentliche grosse Menge, Ziirich. 8 Exercitus grandis valde valde — Pagninus ; an attempt to reproduce the Hebrew duplication of the adverb. » After the Great Bible. 19 Predicans, Vulgate. 11 Dicens, Vulgate and Erasmus. 12 Autem, Vulgate, Beza. 13 Tyndale, Coverdale; und predigte, Luther and the Zurich. " All the versions mis- render the present — " came " instead of ' ' cometh. " 90 THE ENGLISH BIBLE. [chap. MATTHEW HI— Continued. Great Bible. 2 Kepent of the lif^ that is past, for the king- dome of Heaven is at hand. 3 Eor this is he of whom ^ the prophet Esaie spake, which saith,^ The voice of a cryer^ iu the wilderness, prepare ye the waye of the Lorde : and make his pathes straight. 4 y/mn John had his raiment of canunels heare. And a girdeU of a skinne about hys loynea. His meate was locustes and wilde hony. 5 Then went out to him Jerusalem and all Jewrie, and all the region rounde about Jordan, i^ 6 And were baptized of him iu Jordane, con fessing their sinnes. 18 7 i?!iii9 when he saw many of the Pharises and Saduces come to his bap- 1 VitsR prioris, Erasmus. 2 Resipiscite, Beza. 3 The pronoun " ye " not in the two previous versiona, but inserted in the Authorized Ver sion. * De quo dixit, Eras mus. 5 Qui ait, Erasmus. ^Tyndale, Coverdale. ' Nam, Beza. Genevan. And said. Repent:" for the kingdome of heaven is at hand. For' this ia he of whome it is spoken ^ by the Pro phet Esaias, saying,^ The voyce of him that cryeth in the wilderness. Prepare ye the way of the Lord : make his paths straight. Andi2 this John had his garment of camels heere, and a girdle of a skin about hys loyues : his meat was also i3 locustes and wilde honie. Then went out to him Jerusalem and all Judea, n and all the region rounde about Jordan. And they were baptized of him in Jordan, confess ing their sinnes. Now whenhesawemany of the Pharises and of the Sadduoes come to his bap- 8 De quo dictum, Beza, Leo Judte. 9 Dioentem, Vulgate. 19 Repeated verbatim in the Authorized Version — the variation from the previous versions being an improvement. 11 Ipse vero, Erasmus. 12 Ipse vero, Beza. 13 Alimentum autem ejus, Beza. Bishops'. And saying. Repent ye, 3 for the kingdome of heaven is at hand. Eor this is he that was spoken of by the prophete Esaias, saying, the voyce of one crying in the wyl dernesse. Prepare ye the way of the Lorde, make ye his pathes straight, i* This John had his ray- ment of camels heare, and a, letheme girdle^^ about his loines,!^ his meate was locustes and wild honey. Then went out to him Hierusalem, and all Jurie, and al the region rounde about Jordane. And were baptised of him in Jordane, con fessing their sinnes. But when he sawe many of the Pharisees and Saducees comme to "Luther and Zttrich; kept in the Authorized Version. 15 AU these versions omit the connecting par ticle "and" {U), 18 Tyndalethroughout. 1' Tota Jud^a, Beza. 18 Tyndale. 19 Autem, Vulgate; als nun, Luther and Zii rich. XXXIX.] COLLATION CONTINUED— NEW TESTAMENT, 91 MATTHEW III— Continued. Great Bible. tisme, hee said unto them. O generaciou of vipers, who hath taught'- you to flee from the vengeance to come. 8 Bring forthe there fore the fruites that be long to repentance. 9 And be ' not of such minde that ye would say within your selves : we have Abraham to our father. For I say unto you that God is able to bring ^ to passe, that of these stones there shall 9 rise up children unto Abraham. 10 Even i3 novi is the axe also put unto the roote of the trees: so thai^^eYer-y tre which bringeth not forth good fruit, is hewen downe and cast into the fyre. Genevan. tisme, he said unto them, 0 generacions " of vipers, who hathe forewarned 3 you to flee from the angre to come. Bring forthe therefore fruites worthy amend ment^ of life. 5 And 19 ihinhe not to aay with''-'- your selves. We have Abraham to our father : for I say unto you that God is able of these stones to raise up children unto Abraham. And now also'-^ is the axe put to the roote of the iiees-.therefore'^ everie tre which bringeth not forthe good fruite i s hewen downe and cast into the fyre. Bishops'. his baptisme, he said unto them, 0 generation of vipers, who hath warned you to flee from the anger to comme. Bring foorth therefore fruites meeie^ for repent ance. And be not of such minde, that ye would say within your selves. We have Abraham to {our) 12 father; For I say unto you, that God is able of theae stones to rayse up children unto Abraham. Even now is the axe also put into the roote of the trees: Wherefore, every tree which bring eth not foorth good fruite is hewen downe and cast into the fire. 11 I baptize you with Indeedei' I baptize you I baptize you ini8 water water unto repentance : with water to amendment unto repentance : but he 1 Werhat euchgewiesen, Luther. " Plural in both German versions. 3 Pr^monstravit, Beza. ^Dignum iis qui resi- puerint, Beza. 5 This rendering sug gested the marginal note in the Authorized Version, "answerable to amend ment of life." 8 Qui deceant pceni- tentiam, Erasmus. 7 Virtually after Lu ther ; ne sitis hac mente, Erasmus, kept in the Bishops'. 8 Quod possit Deus fa- cere, Erasmus. 9 Ut filii surgant, Eras mus. 19 Ne putetis, Beza. "Apud, Beza, kept in the Authorized Version. 12 "Our" is really car ried by the idiom, though printed in italics in the Authorized Ver sion. 13 Jam vero, Eras mus. 14 Darumb, Ziirich. 1^ Correct rendering of the Greek, and pre served in the Authorized Version. w Igitur, Beza. 1' Quidem, Beza. 18 Tyndale; but he does not preserve uniformity in the last clauses. 92 THE ENGLISH BIBLE. [chap. MATTHEW III— Continued. Great Bible. but hee that shalU come after mee, is mightier than I, whose shooes I am not worthye to beare. Hee shall baptize you wilh the holye ghost and with " fyre. 12 Whose fan is in his iande, and he wUl purge hys floore, and gather^ his" wheate into the bame, but will burne the chaffe wyth unquencheable fire. Genevan. of life, but he that cometh^ after me is mightier then T, whose shoes I am not worthie to beare : he will baptize you with the holie Gost and with fyre. Which hathe his fanne in his hand, and wil make cleane h'ts floore,i and gather his wheat into his garner, but wil bum up 8 thechaffewith unquenche able fire. Bishops'. that cometh after me is mightier then I, whose shoes I am not woorthy to beare, he shall bap tize you with the holye ghost and with * fyre. Whose fanne is iu his hand, and he wU throughly 9 purge his floore, and gather his wheate into (his) garner: but wil burne up the chaffe with unquenche able fire. In the 8th chapter of Romans, the Bishops' has, in verse 3, " through the flesh," the Great Bible and the Genevan hav ing "because of the flesh," but it gives us "joint-heirs" and " earnest expectation " ; while the Great Bible interpolates a verb in verse 3, "that performed God"; and the Genevan inserts " to death " in 32. But the Genevan gives us " more than con querors," the other two having only " overcome " ; and the Genevan also brought in " the redemption of our body." To the Bishops' we owe the expressive and familiar phrases in Ephesians ii, 14, "middle waU"; 19, " feUow-citizens " ; and iu, 8, " less than the least." Though the Bishops' was thus professedly a revision of the Great Bible, the marginal notes in the New Testament are often from the Genevan, though Parker, in his letter to the queen. 1 Venturus est, Eras mus, Vulgate. 2 "Mit" repeated in Luther, Ziirich, Cover- dale, Tyndale. 3 Qui venit, Beza. 4 Authorized Version prints second "with" in italics, but it should be omitted. 5 Sammeln, Luther. ^ Triticum suum, Eras mus. 'Aream suam, Eras mus, Beza. * Exuret, Erasmus, Beza. 9 Perpurgabit, Beza. The second " his " bracketed, though the clause with the article distinctly bears it, but it is omitted in the Authorized Version. xxxix.] notes of BISHOPS' BIBLE. 93 had disparaged them as "prejudicial, and that might have well been spared." Could they be inserted without his know ledge ? Was not he the last or editorial reviser ? i Yet in the Epistle to the Philippians, all the annotations but one are from the Genevan ; and of more than fifty notes on 1 Corinthians there are only seven not reprinted from the same version. The original marginal notes, which are unevenly distributed, are not nearly so numerous as those of the Genevan version. They are often trite inferences, as at Genesis i, 7, " It is the power of God that holdeth up the clouds " ; 14, " These Ughts were not made to serve astronomers' phantasies"; ii, 19, "Man showed himself lord of the beasts by giving them names." Sometimes the notes are doctrinal, as Gen. i, 26, " One God and three persons " ; Deut. vii, 12, " This covenant is grounded on his free grace; therefore in recompensing their obedience he hath respect unto his mercy, and not to their merits." Other notes, beginning with "that is," turn attention to the statement of the text. Some are hortatory and practical, as Luke xvi, 31, " We must seek for truth in God's Word, and not of the dead," and state in a clause what the contents of the paragraph are. Some, beginning with " or," or " some read," give alternative renderings ; others are explanatory, as Luke i, 73, "the oath which he sware," which is "that he would give himself to us." Many are historical and geographical, and occasionally the original term is explained or handled, as twice in Rom. viii, and in both verses, 15 and 18, the rendering and sense of the Genevan are directly opposed ; Luke iv, 29, " Top of the hill (Greek readeth ' brow of the hiU')." Lastly, some notes are explanatory of words in the text, as in Isaiah, " Burden — that is prophecy " ; in Ephesians, "mystery is that secret hidden purpose of salva- ation''; Acts xxviii, 11, "Castor and PoUux — these the Paynims feigned to be Jupiter's chyldren, gods of the sea." Archaic terms occur : Gen. xxxii, 25, " He smote him upon the hucklebone of his thigh." Isaiah lxvi, 3, "He that killeth a sheep for me knetcheth a dog (margin, that is, cutteth oflf a dogge's necke)," Coverdale having "choketh a 1 See page 29 for other examples. 54 THE ENGLISH BIBLE. dog." They describe " concision " in the margin, PhiUp. iii, 2, as "they who craked thereof," "dogges" of v. 2 being explained as they that "bark against the true doctrine." The BaUet of Ballets of Solomon is accompanied by a Messianic exegesis, and so are the Prophets. Burleigh's portrait stands, as we have said, at the beginning of the Psalter, and the story goes that, in rebuking the Earl of Essex for some of his turbulent schemes, he pointed him directly and solemnly to Psahn Iv, 23, 24, " The bloodthirstie and deceiptfuU men shaU not live out halfe their dayes." The Bible of 1575— the year of Archbishop Parker's death — bears on the separate issues of the same edition the names of various publishers — as Kele, Wally, Judson, Norton, Harrison ; and to these names, given by Anderson, maybe added Coldock. Two of these men had already borne a part in the joint- publication of Matthew's Bible of 1551. Mr. Anderson, who had a more than healthy detestation of monopolists, appears rather glad to suspect that Jugge was reaUy unable to bear ' more than a share in this large enterprise.^ We learn incidentaUy the price of this Bible from an old account book of St. John's CoUege, Cambridge, which has the following entry: — "1571, For a new Bible in English, the last translation, 27s. 8d" ^ 1 Annals, vol. II, p. 335 ; Cotton, p. 39. " Cotton, Editions, p. 35. CHAPTER XL. T^HE Bishops' version has co-existing in it two peculiarities directly opposed to each other. It strives often to give the translation with a quaint Uterality, and yet it does not scruple to interject numerous explanatory words and clauses. The following are a few -specimens of the literal transla tions: — " Young child," in the second chapter of Matthew ; ix, 38, ''that he will thrust forth labourers"; xi, 11, "he that is lesse in the kingdom"; xv, 26, 27, "little dogges"; xxi, 19, "one fygge tree"; xxv, 41, "the everlasting fire." Mark vii, 27, " cast it vnto the little dogges " ; xv, 21, " coming out of the field " ; 40, " James the Little " ; xvi, 2, "when the sun was risen." Luke ii, 15, "the men, the shepherds," though it renders a similar phrase again and again, " men and brethren," without printing "and" as a supplement ; xv, 12, "the portion of the substance " ; 20, " and al to kissed him " — an effort to express the fuU meaning of the compound verb ; 23, "that fatted calf" — an attempt to express the force of the repeated article"; 30, "for his pleasure" — expressing the dativus commodi. John xiv, 2, "In my father's house are many dwelling places." Acts V, 41, "departed from the face ofthe counsel"; xiii, 34, " the holy thynges of David which are faythful." Rom. ii, 6, " keep the ordinances of the law " ; v, 4, " Patience proofe, proofe hope"; vi, 12, "should thereunto obey by the lustes of it " ; xii, 2, " be changed in your shape " ; xiv, 1, " not to doubtfulnesse of disputations " ; xvi, 7, " Salute Andronicus and Junia my cousins " — a translation too definite, as in the 96 THE ENGLISH BIBLE. [chap. Authorized Version, Luke i, 36, after the Genevan, the Great Bible, and Tyndale. 1 Cor. iv, 5, " who wyl lighten the hidden thinges of dark- nesse " ; 7, " For who separateth thee ? " xui, 3, " though I geue my body that I shoulde be burned " ; xii, 7, " a pricke to the fleshe." Gal. vi, 1, " Yf a man be preuented in any fault." Eph. iv, 9, "the lower parts"; 11, "and he gave some apos tles"; 12, "into the work, — into the edifying"; 13, "measure of the age of the fulness " ; 14, " to the laying waite to deceive " ; 22, 24, " to lay down," " to put on holinesse of trueth." 1 Thess. iii, 10, " repayre the wantings of your faith " ; iv, 15, 17, "we whiche liue, whiche remayne." 1 Tim. iii, 6, " not a young scoUer." Titus ii, 11, "healthful to al men." Heb. i, 1, " in the prophetes ... in the Sonne " ; 3, " the brightnesse of the glory " ; 14, " sent foorth into ministerie for their sakes " ; ii, 4, " with signes and wonders also, and with diuers powers " ; 16, " for he in no place taketh on him the angels" ; iii, 14, " beginning of the substance " ; v, 2, " those that erre out of the way " ; 14, " have their wits exercised " ; vii, 12, " if the priesthood be translated, there is made a translation of the law " ; 23, " because they were forbidden by death to en dure " ; viii, 2, " a mkiister of holy things" ; 11, "from the litel of them to the great of them " ; ix, 1, " the fyrst (couenant) then had veryly justifying ordinances"; 10, " justify inges of the fleshe " ; 28, " the seconde time shalbe seene without sinne of them whiche wayte for him"; x, 19, "libertie to enter into holy (places)"; 38, "if he withdraw himself"; xi, 8, "receive the inheritance"; 13, "and saluted." James i, 11, "For the sunne hath rysen with heat, and the grasse hath wythered, and his floure hath faUen away," &c. ¦ 14, " every good giving " ; iii, 4, " whithersoever the lust of the governor wyl." But they allow their scholarship to slip when they permit " Salamine " in Acts xiii, 5 ; " Philippos " in xvi, 8, 12 ; " Mile- 1 In Euth i, 17, "depart " is used ia death depart thee and me " ; so in the the old active sense — " If ought but earlier editions of the Prayer Book. XL. ] INTERPOL A TIONS. 97 turn"; in xx, 17, "Asson"; in xx, 14, "Candle," according to the margin, or " Creta, which was an high hUl of Candle," in xxiii, 7; "and Puteolus," in xxviu, 13. But, face to face with these renderings which exhibit an aim and effort to be faithfully literal, there are other modes. of bringing out the sense, by supplied terms filUng out the clause, and now and then explaining it — the trans lator wrapping quietly into his work a hint for the in terpreter. While the interpolations from the Vulgate found in the Great Bible are often abandoned, some are allowed tO' remain. There are also interspersed many brief exegetical clauses which are no necessary part of a genuine translation,, and are out of all harmony with the earnest attempt at a closer literaUty. Some of them are mere supplements, which do not materially injure the rendering, as^ Genesis xiv, 15, "his seruantes were parted (in companies) agaynst them " ; xxvii, 14, " and (Jacob) went." 1 Kings i, 23, " Beholde (here cometh) Nathan the Prophet " ; viii, 43, (therefore) heare thou in heauen thy dwellyng place " ;. xviii, 19, " the prophets of the (idoUes) groaues." 2 Kings iv, 3, " borowe vessels for thee (of them that are) without." Job xxxii, 6, " and sayde (consydering that) I am' yong." Isaiah i, 5, " (for) ye are euer falling away " ; 6, " there is nothing sounde in it (but) woundes " ; x, 10, "' (As who say) I am able to winne the kingdomes''; xxxvii, 15, "Hezekia prayed vnto the Lord (on this manner)." Matthew, iv, 25, " and from (the regions that laye) beyond Jordane " ; xiii, 48, " which when it was full (the fishers) drew to land " ; xvi, 5, 7, " they had forgotten to take bread (with them) "" ; xxvi, 71, " another (wenche) sawe him." Mark x, 7, " (And sayde) For this cause shall a man " ; xiii, 32, " save the father (only)." John xix, 31, "because it was the preparing (of the Sab both)." 1 Cor. V, 10, " (I did not meane) not at all with the fornica- tours of this world." VOL. IL G 98 THE ENGLISH BIBLE. [chap. Hebrews xi, 19, " (simiUtude of the resurrection) " ; xu, 4, " Ye have not resisted vnto (the sheddyng of) blood." 1 Peter i, 7, " might be found (to be unto you)." But there are other supplements which are decidedly wrong, and which weaken the sense either by paraphrasing it or by adding clauses which hay&^o autiiprity : — Exodus XV, 9, "I wU folow (on thena)^ I wUl ouertake (them)." Deut. i, 46, " that ye remayned (before) " ; xix, 13, " put away (the crye of) innocent bloud." Judges vii, 5, " and (so doo) them that kneele downe " ; xvii, 8, " where he could finde (conuenient place)." 1 Sam. u, 32, " thou shalt see thine enimie in the habitafion (of the Lorde), and in al the wealthe whiche (God) shaU give IsraeU." 2 Sam. ix, 11, " Mephiboseth may eate (as the king , sayde) vpon my table." Isaiah i, 7, "the destruction of enemies (in the time of warre)" ; 31, "the very strong one (of your idols) shal be as towe " ; ii, 21, " when he aryseth to destroy (the wicked ones of) the earth "; viii, 19, "If they say vnto you, Aske counsell at soothsayers, wytches, charmers, and conjurors (thene make them this answer) " ; ix, 2, " as men that diuide the spoyel (after the victorie) " ; xxviii, 6, " turne away the battayle to the gate (of the enemies)"; xl, 1, "Comfort my people (0 yee prophetes) " ; xliv, 7, " what shall come to passe (in tyme long to come) " ; xlix, 12, "the land of Sinis (which is in the south) " ; liv, 15, " loe who so gathereth together (against thee, doth it) without me "; Ixv, 18, "(But the Lord sayth), Be glad." Mark xiv, 62, " the right hand of the power (of God)." Luke i, 56, " and (afterwarde) returned to her owne house " ; xvi, 21, " to be refreshed with the crummes which fel from the rich man's borde (and no man gave vnto him)." John xviii, 13, " (and Annas sent Christe bounde vnto Caia phas the High Priest)." Acts ix, 22, " by conferring (one scripture with another)." Romans iv, 16, " by faith (in the inheritance given) " ; v, 18, " (sinne came on all . . . good came) " ; xi, 4, " bowed the -XL.] THE AIM TO BE ACCURATE. 99 knee to (the image of) Baal " ; xii, 17, " Providing afore hande thinges honest (not onely before God, but also) in the sight •of men" ; xvi, 27, "to (the same) God." 1 Cor X, 30, " For if I by (God's) benefite may be partaker ¦(ofthegyftesofGod)." Eph. ii, 5, " by (whose) grace ye are saved." Hebrews, ii, 9, " wee see (that it was) Jesus " ; v, 5, " to-day I have begotten thee (gaue it him) " ; xiii, 3, " in the body {subject to adversitie)." 1 Peter ii, 2, " that ye may growe thereby (vnto salvation)." Revelation ix, 11, "ApoUyon (that is to say destroyer)." This Bible is, however, to be commended for its occasional ¦notice of the article, and of the conjunctions and smaU con necting words so often overlooked; But it often turns an adjectival epithet into the predicate of a distinct clause — as 2 Cor. V, 18, "things which are seen" ; viii, 4, "things that are •offered to idols " ; and if it did not introduce such forms, it kept them. Nor does it mark very correctly the important dis tinction of tenses — rendering the aorist often as a perfect,^ and .sometimes as a pluperfect, as in Eph. i, 4, " had chosen us." It aims at giving full force to compound terms, as Eph. vi, 12, "against worldly governors^ of the darknesse of this world"; but it occasionaUy fails in its effort, as when it renders a compound verb, Rom. xv, 20, " so have I enforced myself," ^ — for " I have made it a point of honour." It is, as a whole, more stately than precise ; periods that might appear bald are rounded off, it loves " mouthfilling " words and sentences, and does not pare them down, if they have been employed in earlier versions — 2 Cor. ix, 5, " prepare your pre- promised beneficence, that it might be ready as a beneficence and not as an extortion." 2 Pet. ii, 16, "the dumbe beast and used to the yoke." The Episcopal revisers and their coUeagues had, in general, the same Hebrew and Greek text as was possessed by the Oenevan revisers. They refer to their text now and then by the phrase in the margin, " Some read," or " Beza readeth it," ' Koa-jXOKparopoi'i. " ipiXoTipovfievov. 100 THE ENGLISH BIBLE. [chap;. or "The Greek readeth." But the process of revision em ployed in the preparation of this Elizabethan Bible led to. a virtual want of uniformity in the various parts of it. There had been little consultation among the revisers, and there was not that final supervision of their work which had been suggested by Bishop Sandys. This individuaUty occasionaUy crops out — some portions being more lenient toward the old versions, and others more incisive in their changes. What would be true as a critical estimate of one book would not be true to the same extent of another book. The work was done in isolation, and, in such a case, the labour needed to bring it all into harmony would have been tantamount to another revision. It is only by earnest deliberation, the constant exchange of critical opinion, and the survey of a term or an idiom on all sides, that a good and popular version can be formed. A new rendering must be fiiltered through many brains before it can be finaUy adopted. The earliest translators were virtually individual workers, and their versions bear the stamp of personal toil. The Genevan was the first version that sprang from collegiate labour, and it had naturally on this account, no small superiority. But the Bishops, and the other scholars associated with them, seem to have wrought independently, and without any critical or literary fellowship. Archbishop Parker, who was so absorbed in civil and ecclesiastical business of all kinds, put the last hand to the work ; but it could not be well done in so brief a time, and without earnest and prolonged co-operation. The Bishops' Bible tried to classify the Books of Scripture,. but upon no sound basis — "some legal, some historical, some sapiential, some prophetical" — a distinction which could not be applied without violence to the New Testament; for why should the Gospels be termed legal and not historical ? Ac cording to one of the rules which Parker repeated to Cecil, an attempt was also made to point out, "with some stroke or note," such places "as may not be edifying," that they may " be excluded in public reading," as Gen. x and xi, 10-30 ;. xxxviii, 1-11, Levit. xii-xxiv, 1st Chron. i-ix, and Neh. viii and X. Words that "sound to any offence of lightness or obscenity" XL.] THE GREAT BIBLE SUPERSEDED. IQl were to be changed, and more convenient terms substituted, as in 1 Samuel vi, 4, of the Great Bible, and in 1 Corinthians vi, 9, •of the Genevan Bible; but other expressions that might have been removed were retained, as in 1 Samuel xxv, 22, 34, &c., and these are yet found in the Authorized Version. In a convocation held under Grindal, in 1575, it was carried that bishops were to take care that all incumbents and curates such as are not Masters of Arts, should possess the New Testa ment in Latin and in English, and read a chapter every day. But such edicts do not seem to have commanded prompt or general obedience; and in 1587 Whitgift issued some new regulations, " for divers churches were not sufiiciently furnished with Bibles — some having none at all, or such as be torn and defaced, and yet not of the translation authorized by the synod ¦of bishops." To expedite obedience two editions were printed, " a bigger and less, both of which are now extant and ready." This was a deliberate attempt to sacrifice the Genevan version to the cause of uniformity, and to secure the greater circulation of the Bishops' Bible; but the stratagem did not succeed, for in the years 1587-89 we find that only two editions of the Bishops' were published, as against seven at least of the Genevan. Cranmer's or the Great Bible was now superseded, and no edition of it was printed after 1569, but in that year there were three issues in quarto by Cawood. No edition of theBishops' was issued after 1606, so that it survived Whitgift only two years. Whitgift often quotes the Genevan version in his RepUes to his tough antagonist Cartwright, and he always mentions it in a tone of bare civility. Cartwright used it as giving edge to his arguments, and Whitgift was obliged to put it to another use. He usually calls it "the Bible printed at Geneva,"^ or "the ¦Geneva Bible," but he is silent as to its merits, and as to the character of its translators; whereas Cartwright styles them ¦"those learned and godly men." Whitgift could not vilify the renderings — he was too scholarly a man to indulge in such hostile criticism ; but he longed and laboured that the Eishops' Bible should be universally used, and, indeed, if ' Works, vol. I, pp. 203, 294, &c. 102 THE ENGLISH BIBLE. [chap. Ms "Injunctions" had been obeyed, there would soon have been no copies left in the printer's hands. The Genevan was not, however, so easily thrust aside. From 1560, the year of its first publication, to the end of Elizabeth's reign there were published about ninety editions of it, but under thirty of the Bishops'. The Genevan had thus three times the circulation ofthe Bishops'; nay, in the year 1599, there appear to have been seven editions of it, some of them, however, printed abroad. The Bishops' Bible, which never had any great popu larity, was not printed after 1606, as we have said, though its New Testament was published several times ;^ but the Genevan kept its ground till about the year 1644. After 1590 the demand for the Bishops' seems to have greatly slackened, for from that year to the end of the century only three editions were pubUshed; but about thirty of the Genevan, a third of them being only New Testaments. Frora the acces sion of James to 1611 there was apparently published only one edition of the Bishops', but thirty of the Genevan.^ Thus, for a time, three diflferent versions were in circulation — a fact that would have delighted Coverdale, but it must have been somewhat embarrassing to plain people of ordinary educa tion and inteUect. If any one appealed to Scripture, it might be asked whether the appeal was to the Great Bible, the Genevan, or the Bishops'. It appears, however, that this embarrassment created a desire for unity. Tn the library of the House of Lords there is the sketch of " an Act for reducing diversities of Bibles- now extant ia the English tongue to one settled Vulgar trans lated from the original." The preamble declares " that great errors arise, and papistry and atheism increase, from the variety of translations of the Bible, while many desire an authorized translation." The proposal was that the Lords Spiritup,l, or any six of them, may assemble, treat, and deal touching the accom plishment of the work, and call for the assistance of students of either university, &c. The undated paper is beUeved to refer to a period after 1568. ^ Gregory Martin did not overlook this. 1 See page 36. Testament between 1560 and 1570. " There had also been published ^ Westcott's History of the English. four editions of Tyadale'a New Bible, p. x, 2nd edition. XL.] SEVERAL VERSIONS IN CIRCULATION. IQS plurality of versions : " We must learn," he says, in his own style and spirit, "what English translation is read in their church (which were hard to know, it changeth so oft) before we may be held to accuse them of false translation, how shall we be sure that they will stand to any of their trans lations ? 1 From the flrst read in their church they flee to that which is now read, and from that again to the later Genevan Bibles, neither read in their churches nor of greater authority among them, and we doubt not but that they will as fast flee from this to the former again." But Fulke defends with ability and learning the three versions in use — the Great Bible, the Genevan, and the Bishops'. His words are a noble vindi cation of the fidelity of aU the translators : " We never go from that text and ancient reading which all the fathers used and expounded ; but we translate that most usual text which was first jDrinted out of the most ancient copies that could be found; or if any be since found, or if the ancient fathers did read otherwise than the usual copies, or any word that is in any way /material in annotation, commentaries, readings, and ser mons, we spare not, and declare it as occasion serveth. We never flee from the Hebrewe and Greeke in anie place, much less in places of controversie ; but we alwaies hold, as near as we can, that which the Greeke and Hebrewe signifieth. But if, in places of controversie, we take witnesse of the Greeke, or Vulgar Latine, where the Hebrew or the Greeke may be thought ambiguous, I trust no wise man will count this a flight from the Hebrew and Greeke, which we alwaies translate aright, whether it agree with the 70, or Vulgar Latin, or no." ^ " Happy, and thrice happy, hath our English nation bene, since God hath given learned translators to expresse in our mother tongue the heavenly mysteries of his Holy Word, delivered to his Church in the Hebrew and Greeke languages ; who although they have, in some matters of no importance unto salvation, as men bene deceived; yet have they faithfuUy delivered the whole substance of the heavenly doctrine conteyned in the 1 Discoverie of the Manifold " Defence of Sincere and True Corruptions, p. 9-11, Ehemes, Translations, &c., pp. 99, 100, Parker 1582. Society Edition. 104 THE ENGLISH BIBLE. Holy Scriptures, without any hereticale translations or -wdlfuU corruptions."^ When in 1570, twelve years before Gregory Martin wrote, the Queen had been formaUy excommunicated, the result was that the nation, enUghtened and braced by the free circulation of the English Scriptures, began to realize more fuUy its flnal severance from popish thraldom, and to cling to EUzabeth more closely as the guardian of its liberties, so that the day of her accession was from that period observed as a popular festival, and joyously hailed as "the birth-day of ¦the Gospel." 1 Defence of Sincere and True Translations, &c., p. 591, Parker Society Edition. THE EHEIMS AND DOUAI YEESION. " That the Scriptures be not to be set forth in the vulgar tongue to be read of all sorts of people, every part of them, without any limitation of time, place, and persons, they seem to be moved with these considerations ; first, that it is not necessary ; next, that it is not convenient ; thirdly, that it is not profitable ; fourthly, that it is dangerous and hurtful ; and lastly, although it were accorded the common people to have liberty to read the Bible in their own tongue, yet that the translations of late years made by those that have divided themselves from the Catholic Church be not to be allowed, as worthily suspected not to be sound and assured." Harding, 1563. CHAPTER XLI. T^HE version which is now to be considered -waa immediately and professedly taken from the Vulgate — that is, the revision and translation of Jerome. We do not, however, like the Rhem- ists, hold the Vulgate in so high esteem as to put it in the place of the Greek original. Its fidelity and literary merits are not beyond impeachment, though occasionally its readings in the New Testament are confirmed by Greek MSS. of high authority: like the expressions, "Spirit of Jesus," Acts xvi, 7; "the Lord Christ," 1 Pet. ni, 15. WycUflfe's old and literal translation of it was rough, for the Latin of the Vulgate is rough also — in its archaic forms, and its numerous and unusual compounds ; in its peculiar words and constructions ; its large class of verbs, verbal forms, and nouns made out of adjectives in its frequent employment of the genitive of abstract nouns in room of a qualificative epithet, and of prepositions to mark a relation that might have been expressed by a case ; in its use both of a gerund ^ and of quod with the indicative or subjunctive for an infinitive ; and in the approximation of its pronouns to the Greek article. Its style was mixed through its circulation in North Africa. The classic order and position of the words are often violated, so that possessive pronouns became of necessary frequency; the distinction between the perfect and imperfect, especially of the substantive verb, is lost sight of ; quia ^ ap- 1 Matt. XX, 19, " ad illudendum, et - As " audistis quia dictum est " — flagellandum et crucifigendum " ; " that it was said" — again and again though John xix, 16, reads " tradidit in Matt, v, and in vii, 23, xxii, 16, eis ilium ut cru'cifigeretur." and Luke i, 58. 108 THE ENGLISH BIBLE. [CHAP. pears, not in the sense of " because," but of " that " ; and ac, atque, et are used vdthout discrimination. ^ Older forms which 1 There are also such paronomasia as " Neque nubent neque nubentur " (Cod. Pal., "nubunt") Matt, xxii, 30 ; "Non venit ministrari, sed mini- strare," compared with Mark x, 45 ; Gen. ii, 23, " Haec vocabitur Virago, quoniam de viro sumpta est." There are such imitations of the Greek as Luke xiii, 33, " Non capit prophetam perire extra Jerusalem" (Codex Pal- inus, "non est possibile") ; Matt.-vi, 26, " Nonne vos magis pluris estis Ulis 1 " xxiv, 22, "Non fieret salva omnis caro" — Campbell tartly remarking on this last rendering "that Arias found nothing to alter iu it, in order to bring it down to his own level." Other solecisms may be adduced : Gen. xxi, 26, "Non audivi prseter hodie"; Gen. xiii, 13, "Alius non est super,'' — for " superest" ; Ps. Ixvii, 20, "Benedictus Dominus die quotidie" ; Ps. cxxv, 1, " In conver- tendo Dominus captivitatem Sion facti siimus sicut consolati " ; Luke vii, 37, " Lamentavimus vobis " ; xxi, 38, " Omnis populus manicabat ad eum"; John xv, 2, "Ut fructum plus afferat." Besides, there are peculiar forms of spelling, and of case, num ber, conjugation, and syntax. There are many nouns ending in -mentum, like inquinamentum, operimentum; in -amen, like cogitamen, spiramen ; in -arium, like atramentarium ; in -ulum, like habitaculum, pinnaculum ; in -entia, like concupiscentia, suf- f erentia ; in -itas, like religiositas, supervacuitas ; in -or, like dulcor, placor ; in -udo, like grossitudo, pnenitudo ; in -ula, like auricula, casula ;— adjectives in -bills, like concupiscibilis, inexstinguibilis ; in -bundus, as fumigabundus, formula- bundus ; in -atus, like Unguatus, pudoratus. There are also verbs like plagiare, tribulare; compounds like animaequus, concaptivus ; phrases like "a longe," " de semel"; nouns which are Greek terms expressed in Eoman letters, as brabium, grabatus. Terms occur also with an unusual signification: argumentum, a mark or sketch; coenapura, the preparation (for a series of conjectures as to the origin and incoming of this phrase, see Ronsch, p. 367) ; conditio, creation ; conversatio, manner of life; diffidentia, unbelief; honestas, riches ; opinio, rumour; prsevaricatio, transgression ; resolutio, death ; sacramentum, mystery; substantia, goods; fidelis, believing; impossibilis, impotent ; incredibilis, unbelieving; advocare, to console ; deprecari, to ask earnestly; honestare, to make rich (honorarium); Archbishop Par ker speaks of " honesting a Mr. Dr.Clark with a room in the Arches" (Correspondence, p. 411, Parker Soe. ed.) These terms are but a brief specimen, but m.iy serve to show the peculiar Latin of the Vulgate; and, living in the language of the people, such peculiarities abound also in the old Latin version, the Itala. The critical remarks of Lord Macaulay on the kind of Latin used in the Church service in contrast with the English of the Liturgy, bear on the point before us, and are worth quotation. " The English Liturgy indeed gains by being compared even with those fine ancient liturgies from which it XLI.] THE TEXT OF THE VULGATE. io9 had passed out of classical use reappear in the Vulgate through the tenacity of the popular speech.^ But though we cannot hold such exaggerated views of the merits of the Vulgate as did the Rhemists, to whom it was "true and authentical scripture," nor accept the Tridentine edict which so unduly exalted it, yet we cannot but regard it as of great value, even with the conflicting variations between the Sixtine and Clementine editions. The text of the Vulgate was discussed at the Council of Trent in 1546, but it was at length declared to be " authentic." ^ A revision of it was carried out by a board, of which Cardinal Caraffa was presi dent, but Pope Sixtus arbitrarily altered the text, and then " in the plenitude of apostoUc power " authorized it for the churches. On its publication in 1590, it was found to be very imperfect, and a second company, under the presidency of Cardinal Colonna, undertook another revision, which was pubUshed in 1592, in the reign of Pope Clement VIII, and it too has many blunders. The discrepancies be tween those editions, both formally sanctioned by papal is to a great extent taken. The therefore, is Latin in the last stage essential qualities of devotional of decay. The English of our eloquence, conciseness, majestic services is English in all the vigour simplicity, pathetic earnestness of and suppleness of early youth. To supplication, sobered by a profound the great Latin writers, to Terence reverence, are common between the and Lucretius, to Cicero and Csesar, translations and the originals. But to Tacitus and Quintilian, the noblest in the subordinate graces of diction compositions of Ambrose and Gre- the originals must be allowed to be gory would have seemed to be, not far inferior to the translations. And merely bad writing, but senseless the reason is obvious. The technical gibberish." History of England, vol. phraseology of Christianity did not III, p. 475. become a part of the Latin language ^ Itala und Vulgata, das Sprach- till that language had passed the age idiom der Urchristlichen Itala und of maturity and was sinking into der Katholischen Vulgata, unter barbarism. But the technical phrase- Berilcksichtigung der Eomischer ology of Christianity was found in Volkssprache. VonHermannEonsch, the Anglosaxon and in the Norman 2nd ed., Marburg, 1875. .Kaulen, Prench, long before the union of Geschichte der Vulgata, p. 131. those two dialects had produced a " See Geschichte der Vulgata, third dialect superior to either. The von Leander van Ei3s, Tiibingen Latin of the Eoman Catholic services, 1824. no THE ENGLISH BIBLE. [chap. authority, are very numerous, as may be seen in James's BeUum Papale, 1600.^ Yet, in spite of such points in its history, the Vulgate has many claims for the place which it so long held, and for the good which it so often efiected. It was, in the absence of the original, the only accessible Bible in mediseval Western Europe — "a light shining," though with vailed lustre, "in a dark place." It did its appointed work, and brought peace and strength to many hearts, opening up to them a glimpse of the glorified One above and beyond the crucifix, creating a fulness of trust that felt no need of saintly mediation, nursing a loyalty to Him so intense and absorbing that it looked down upon the keys of St. Peter as a paltry symbol, while it sustained a confidence in Him that hard dogma could not deaden, and an adoration of Him which a complicated and infiexible ritual could not pet rify. The religious community, whose book it was, kept the Roman empire from falUng into barbarism at its dissolution. In spite of its growing superstition and tjrranny, the Westem Church scattered round it manj'- blessings. Music, painting, and architecture were fostered by it ; the figured windows in the churches were the poor man's Bible, where he saw in vivid group and colouring the power aud pity of the Son of Mary. ^ Its compact organization gave it a great power, which it often wielded for the good of society in days of ignorance and war. It broke the bonds of the serf, opened an asylum for the exile and outcast, restrained the fury of the oppressor, and softened the haughty rigour of the nobility. Grandees quailed before its ministers invested with a superhuman authority which they were afraid to resist, and were unable to define, for its mastery stretched into the invisible world. The abbey was often a rebuke to the castle, and was an almshouse for the poor, an hospital for the sick, an inn for the traveller, and a retreat for the weary and forlorn in heart. Its farms presented the best ^ Eeprinted under the editorial sisting of forty plates, printed from care of J. E. Cox, M.A, London, wooden blocks, and depicting scenes 1840. and persons from Scripture, served a " The " Biblia pauperum,'' con- similar purpose. XLL] THE CHURCH OF ROME. HI specimens of tillage, and its blooming orchards were a reproof to all who loitered in the " vineyard of the sluggard." In the midst of many drawbacks, inconsistencies, and errors, the Latin Church may glory in pointing to the heroic and self-denying toils and suff'erings of its missionaries and martyrs, whose romantic lives are grander than fiction, and who met their death, not merely with saintly calmness, but prophetic exulta tion. Those noble souls were baptized with the Holy Spirit ; the true unction filled them with a seraphic devoutness, which did not depend on a gorgeous service with its music, incense, and images. The mystics who had felt the power of the unseen, and were rapt into hidden communing with God, did not rest on a sacerdotal ministry. The Houses, especially of the Benedictine class, so magnificent in architecture, often and honestly strove in earlier times to realize the ideal of their founder. In them was conserved whatever of science or art was known ; and in them was copied, for circulation, the Latin Bible which preserved for centuries the knowledge of the Gospel, and gave their first inspiration to the Reformers. The old saying was "claustrum sine armario, castrum sine armentario." The Scriptorium was often filled with busy and tasteful copyists. Ordericus Vitalis tells of a monk who, though he had been a habitual transgressor of monastic rales, yet had copied a handsome volume of Scripture, and that, when after death he stood before the divine tribunal in the ci'isis of his destiny, the accusing spirits and the good angels made a bargain that every letter in the transcribed Bible should stand in merit against every sin adduced, the result being that by the credit of a single letter the trembling culprit escaped — " the mercy of the Judge being extended toward him." On the other hand the popish system became at length exclusive, claimed of divine right a paramount jurisdiction over all kingdoms, interfered with their policy by diplo macy, menace, and anathema, in order to bind them as vassals to the Papal chair. The primates in England and in other countries became statesmen and were rewarded by preferments for their work as politicians ; the mitre proudly reared itself above coronets, and the dispensation of human 112 THE ENGLISH BIBLE. [chap, law left little room for the ministry of the Gospel. Where- ever the Papacy had the power, it punished as heresy all variation of opinion, and repressed free thought, honest inquiry, and mental development. In short, it obscured the way of salvation by its ecclesiastical apparatus, the priest standing before Christ received confession, granted absolu tion, or carried on a scandalous traffic in indulgences ; penance took the visible place of " godly sorrow," and the mass with its pretentious miracle of transubstantiation superseded an ordinance sublime in its simplicity, for its grand purpose is told in nine English monosyllables — " Ye do show the Lord's death till He come." The word of God was virtuaUy proscribed, and the reading of it put under a ban, in order to keep the people passive under the tutelage of the priesthood. Cardinal Ximenes, who had spent at least £25,000 and many years of anxiety on the produc tion of the Complutensian Polyglott and its various texts, shuddered at the desecration involved in giving the con quered and proselytized Moors the Bible in their own lan guage, as Archbishop Talavera had suggested — " for it would be casting pearls before swine." ^ The Romish Church has ever been reluctant to give vernac ular Scriptures to the people. The Council of Toulouse in 1229 made a stern prohibition, and the Council of Trent followed the same course in 1564. This act was confirmed by Pope Clement VIII in 1596, by Benedict XIV in 1757, by Pius VII in 1816, by Leo XII in 1824, and by Gregory XVI in 1844, whose encyclical brief told his "venerable brethren " to seize out of the hands of the faithful " Bibles- translated into the vulgar tongue." Nor has Pius IX been behind his predecessors in this antibiblical crusade. But Pius VI wrote in 1778 to Martini a commendation of his Italian version, and the letter, translated into English, is found in many modern editions. Copies of the Scriptures are now common among Catholics. Some of the reasons for refusing the Bible to the laity are amusing, and others are advanced with perverse ingenuity. ' Life of Ximenes, English Trauslation, p. 72. XLI.] ROMISH AVERSION TO VERNACULAR BIBLES, 113. One of the divines of Douai, Dr. Kellison, in his answer to SutcUffe, argues that as the inscription on the cross was written in Hebrew, Greek, and Latin, " therefore the church would have God's word not to be written commonly in any other tongue than in one of those three sanctified tongues." ^ After saying that, on the question of the circulation of the Bible, Popery and Protestantism are antagonistic, "and we glory in avowing it," Cardinal Wiseman^ asserts that the Catholics " do not give the Bible indiscriminately to all, because God himself has not so given it " ; that the " reading " of it is not a term of salvation, while "hearing is"; that "paper and ink "are not the badges of His apostles' calling, but the keys of the kingdom"; that the church has no instinct toward Bible reading; and that where "universal license to read the Scriptures prevails, church government declines" — "We do not encourage the people to read them, we do not spread them to the utmost among them. Certainly not." There was an especial and instinctive horror of an open English Bible both in the days of WycUffe and Tyndale, as if the hierarchy had forecast what the result might come to be. For a time at the beginning of the reign of Elizabeth, Catholics attended the English service ; but the Inquisition and the Pope on being consulted strongly denounced all such com promise. Several Catholics had left England on the accession of Elizabeth, and had naturaUy found a refuge in the Popish countries of the Continent. The English Bible in use could not be appreciated or used by them, for it was tainted in its very origin. But as it was in extensive circulation, they were afraid of it, and thought to check its influence by a rival version — guarded by stringent dogmatic notes. The English refugees at Geneva had made a popular translation, why might not Popish exiles do a similar work for their own party still residing in the land from which they had fled ? It was not indeed deemed necessary that Catholics should have or read a Bible in their mother tongue ; and the history of the English Bible showed that the Romish powers ^ Ehemes, 1608. Cotton's Ehemes and Doway, p. 5. " Catholic Doctrine, pp. 20, 21. VOL. II. H 114 THE ENGLISH BIBLE. [chap. steadily discountenanced all such versions, and sometimes put to death both translators and possessors as guilty of treason against the Pope and the authority of the church. But it was somehow felt that Popish religionists should be put upon a level with their Protestant countrymen, and that they should have prepared for them a Bible in English — or at least in such English as would show that it belonged to a Latin community. In referring to the publication of this New Testament King James' translators were tempted to say in their preface: "Now the Church of Rome would seeme at the length to bear a motherly affection towards her children, and to aUow them the Scriptures in their mother tongue : but indeed it is a gift, not deseruing to be caUed a gift, an vnprofltable gift : they must flrst get a Licence in writing before they may vse them, and to get that, they must approue themselues to their Confessor. . . . Yea, so vnwiUing they are to communicate the Scriptures to the peoples vnderstanding in any sort, that they are not ashamed to confesse, that wee forced them to translate it into English against their wills. This seemeth to argue a bad cause, or a bad conscience, or both. Sure we are, that it is not he that hath good gold, that is afraid to bring it to the touch stone, but he that hath the counterfeit; neither is it the true man that shunneth the light, but the malefactour, least his deedes should be reproued : neither is it the plaine dealing merchant that is vnwilUng to haue the waights, or the mete- yard brought in place, but he that vseth deceit. But we will let them alone for this fault, and returne to translation." A number of English Catholics had settled at Douai in Flanders in 1568, and established a " Seminarie " for the training of priests who were to win England back to the Catholic faith. Many agents trained in the seminary did visit England at various times, some with the resolution of assassinating the queen ; and several of these enthusiasts, nurtured by the Pope and Philip IT of Spain, were dis covered, as were Campian and his colleagues, Sherwin and Briant, who, on the 1st December, 1581, paid the penalty of their life not as Papists but as traitors. The queen. XLI.] MARTIN AND ALLEN. 115 quite aware of these plots to murder her, said once, in addressing her Parliament, " I know no creature that breathes whose life standeth hourly in more peril than mine own." After a Huguenot riot the magistrates ordered the ¦departure of the Catholic refugees, and the college was broken up by De Requescens, the representative of Spain, but the Duke of Guise gave it a residence at Rheims in France. The Seminary returned to Douai in 1593, and it found a flnal resting place in England at Old Hall Green, in the parish of Standon, and county of Hertford. At Rheims the work of translating was carried on, and accordingly the New Testament was published at that place in 1582. One of the translators, Gregory. Martin, had been one of the original scholars of St. John's College, Oxford, and M.A. in 1564. After concealing his change of opinion for some time he passed over to Douai in' 1570, and after a short sojourn at Rome he became a divinity reader in the English seminary of Rheims. He died 1584. He is declared by Wood to have been " an excellent linguist," exactly read and versed in the Holy ¦Scriptures, and went beyond others of his time in humane literature." He was the principal translator of the entire Bible; and his death is said to have been hastened by his incessant toil. William AUen, another of the company, had been a canon of York and principal of St. Mary's HaU, Oxford, in the reign of Queen Mary ; but going at her death to Louvain, he was made a doctor of divinity, a canon of Cambray, and afterwards of Rheims, where, by his energy and enthusiasm, he was the chief means of establish ing the Popish seminary for English students. Under Pope Sixtus V he was consecrated Archbishop of Mechlin and raised to the rank of cardinal. Had the Spanish Armada conquered, he, as " Cardinal of England," was to have been Archbishop of Canterbury and Legate; and he had composed and printed in Flanders a pastoral address to be carried over by the Duke of Parma and circulated as soon as he effected a landing. ^ His extreme outbursts of prejudice went far beyond truth, as when he says of the ^ Dewes, Parliaments of Queen Elizabeth, p. 328. 116 THE ENGLISH BIBLE. [chap. queen, " She is a caitiff" under God's and Holy Church's- curse, given up to a reprobate mind, therefore her open enor mities and her secret sins must be great and not numerable." Nicholas Sanders, another notorious Catholic of that period, was so unveracious as to assert that the prayers offered to the Virgin in the CathoUc Church are in the English Prayer Book presented to Queen Elizabeth. Bishop Andrewes says of him, " His forehead was surely flint and his tongue a razor." ^ Another of the band was Richard Bristow, M.A., Christ's Church, Oxford, afterwards FeUow of Exeter CoUege, who, going in 1569 to Louvain, abjured Protestantism. He became reader of divinity at Douai, and afterwards at Rheims, where he prepared the notes of the New Testament. Thomas Worthington studied at Oxford, but joined his party at Douai, and then was sent to Rheims, where he became president of the college. He is said to have prepared the annotations. and tables for the Old Testament. The New Testament was published at Rheims in 1582, with the following long title : " The New Testament of Jesus Christ, translated faithfully into English, out of the authentical Latin, according to the best corrected copies of the same, diligently conferred with the Greeke and other editions in diuers languages : With argvments of bookes and chapters, annotations, and other necessarie helpes, for the better vnderstanding of the text, and specially for the discouerie of the corruptions of diuer& late translations, and for cleering the controuersies in religion, of these daies : In the English College of Rhemes. "Psal. 118. Da mihi intellectum, et scrutabor legem tuam, et custodiam illam in toto corde meo. That is, Giue me vnder standing, and I wil searche thy law and wil keepe it with my whole hart. " S. Aug., tract. 2 in Epist. Joan. Omnia quae in Scripturis- Sanctis, ad instructionem et salutem nostram, intente oportet audire ; maxime memoriae commendanda sunt, quae aduersus- hereticos valent plurimum: quorum insidiae, infirmiores quosque et negUgentiores circumuenire non cessant. ' Tortura Torti, p. 143. XLi.] THE RHEIMS NEW TESTAMENT. 117 "That is, " AU things that are readde in holy Scriptures we must heare with great attention, to our instruction and saluation, but those things speciaUy must be commended to memorie, which make most against Heretikes: whose deceites cease not to circumuent and beguile al the wea.ker sort and the more negligent persons. " Printed at Rhemes, by John Fogny. 1582. Cvm privi- legio." The Preface is long and elaborate, its general spirit being that of defence and explanation; admitting that what they have done is after all a superfluous labour, there being no real necessity for it, and its only occasion being " the present time, state, and condition of our country." They are at a loss to assign a specific reason for a work which Scripture forbids, and yet does not forbid ; allows, and still disallows ; and their statements are given with such a nicety of distinctions and such balancings, that only subtile minds can apprehend them ; for their church neither prohibits, nor com mands, nor yet treats the matter as one of forbearance. As they acted on such ambiguous views, their EngUsh Bible is scarcely inteUigible to common people, so many ecclesi astical terms are preserved unchanged or are slightly altered. The version is completely papalized, for they purposed to add a new bulwark to their Zion, and make the interposi tion of the priesthood still necessary to the full understanding of the Word of God. The Latinized English of the version would have delighted the heart of Bishop Gardyner. Appeals are made to the fathers on these points, and there are eloquent descriptions of the abuses of profane and promiscuous Scrip ture reading. Other translations are also tersely censured. As none of the more recent editions of the Rheims New Testament contain the preface, a few paragraphs from it may be given :¦ — - " Which translation we doe not for al that publish, vpon erroneous opinion 1 of necessitie, that the holy Scriptures should alwaies be in our mother tongue, or 2 that they ought, or were ordained by God, to be read indifferently of 118 THE ENGLISH BIBLE. [chap. al, or 3 could be easily vnderstood of euery one that readeth or heareth them in a knowen language : or 4 that they were not often, through mans malice or infirmitie, pernicious. and much hurtful to many: 5 or that we generally and absolutely deemed it more conuenient in it self, and more agreeable to Gods word and honour, or edification of the faithful, to haue them turned into vulgar tongues, than to be kept and studied only in the Ecclesiastical learned languages: Not for these nor any such like causes do we translate this sacred booke, but vpon special consideration of the present time, state, and condition of our countrie, vnto which, diuers things are either necessarie, or profitable and medicinable now, that otherwise in the peace of the Church were neither much requisite, nor perchance wholy tolerable." " 1. In this matter, to marke only the wisdom and modera- ation of holy Church and the gouernours thereof on the one side, and the indiscrete zeale of the popular, and their factious leaders, on the other, is a high point of prudence. These later, partly of simplicitie, partly of curiositie, and specially of pride and disobedience, haue made claime in this case for the common people, with plausible pretences many, but good reasons none at al. The other, to whom Christ hath giuen charge of our soules, the dispensing of Gods mysteries and treasures (among which holy Scripture is no smaU store)- and the feeding his familie in season with foode fit for euery sort, haue neither of old nor of late, euer wholy condemned al vulgar versions of Scripture, nor haue at any time generally forbidden the faithful to reade the same : yet they haue not by publike authoritie prescribed, commaunded, or authenticaUy euer recommended any such interpretation to be indiff'erently vsed of al men. . . . " Now since Luthers reuolt also, diuers learned Catholikes- for the more speedy abolishing of a number of false and im pious translations put forth by sundry sectes, and for the better preseruation or reclaime of many good soules endan- dered thereby, haue pubUshed the Bible in the several lan guages of almost al the principal prouinces of the Latin Church: no other bookes in the world being so pernicious as heretical XLL] ITS STRANGE PREFACE. \\^ translations of the Scriptures, poisoning the people vnder colour of diuine authoritie, and not many other remedies being more soueraine against the same (if it be vsed in order, discretion, and humilitie) then the true, faithful, and sincere interpretation opposed therevnto. " 2. Which causeth the holy Church not to forbid vtterly any Catholic translation, though she aUow not the publishing or reading of any absolutely and without exception, or limitation : knowing by her diuine and most sincere wisedom, how, where, when, and to whome these her Maisters and Spouses giftes are to be bestowed to the most good of the faithful : and therfore neither generally permitteth that which muste needes doe hurt to the vn worthy, nor absolutely condemneth that which may doe much good to the worthy. Where upon, the order which many a wise man wished for before, was taken by the Deputies of the late famous Councel of Trent in this behalfe, and confirmed by supreme authoritie, that the holy Scriptures, though truly and Catholikely translated into vulgar tonges, yet may not be indifferently readde of al men, nor of any other then such as haue expresse licence therevnto of their lawful Ordinaries, with good testimonie from their Curates or Confessors, that they be humble, discrete and deuout persons, and like to take much good, and no harme thereby. Which prescript, though in these daies of ours it can not be so precisely obserued, as in other times and places, where there is more due respecte of the Churches authoritie, rule, and discipUne : yet we trust al wise and godly persons wil vse the matter in the meanwhile, with such moderation, meekeness, and subiection of hart, as the handling of so sacred a booke, and sincere senses of Gods truth therein, and the holy Canons, Councels, reason, and religion do require. "Wherein, though for due preseruation of this diuine worke from abuse and prophanation, and for the better bridling of the intolerable insolencie of proud, curious, and contentius wittes, the gouernours of the Church guided by Gods Spirit, as euer before, so also vpon more experience of the maladie of this time then before, haue taken more exacte order both for the readers and translatours in these later ages, then of old. 120 THE ENGLISH BIBLE. [chap. yet we must not imagin that in the primitiue Church, either euery one that vnderstoode the learned tonges wherein the Scriptures were written, or other languages into which they were translated, might without reprehension, read, reason, dispute, turne and tosse the Scriptures : or that our forefathers suffered euery schole-maister, scholer, or Grammarian that had a little Greeke or Latin, straight to take in hand the holy Testament: or that the translated Bibles into the vulgar tonges, were in the hands of euery husband man, artificer, prentice, boies, girles, mistresse, maide, man : that they were sung, plaied, alleaged, of euery tinker, tauerner, rimer, min strel : that they were for table talke, for alebenches, for boates and barges, and for euery prophane person and companie. No, in those better times men were neither so il, nor so curious of them selues, so to abuse the blessed booke of Christ : neither was there any such easy meanes before printing was inuented, to disperse the copies into the handes of euery man, as now there is. " They were then in Libraries, Monasteries, Colleges, Churches, in Bishops, Priests, and some deuout principal Lay mens houses and handes : who vsed them with feare and reuer- ence, and specially such partes as perteined to good life and maners, not medling, but in pulpit and schooles (and that moder ately to) with the hard and high mysteries and places of greater difiicultie. The poore ploughman could then, in labouring the ground, sing the hymnes and psalmes either in knowen or vnknowen languages, as they heard them in the holy Church, though they could neither reade nor knowe the sense, mean ing, and mysteries of the same. Such holy persons of both sexes, to whom St. Hierom in diuers Epistles to them, com- mendeth the reading and meditation of holy Scriptures, were diligent to search al the godly histories and imitable examples of chastitie, humilitie, obedience, clemencie, pouertie, penance, renouncing the world : they noted specially the places that did breede the hatred of sinne, feare of Gods iudgement, delight in spiritual cogitations : they referred them selues in al hard places, to the iudgement of the auncient fathers and their maisters in religion, neuer presuming to contend, controule. XM.] MOTIVES FOR TRANSLATING. 121 teach or talke of their owne sense and phantasie, in deepe questions of diuinitie. Then the Virgins did meditate vpon the places and examples of chastitie, modestie and demure- nesse : the marled, on coniugal faith and continencie : the par ents, how to bring vp their children in faith and feare of God : the Prince, how to rule : the subiect, how to obey : the Priest, how to teach : the people, how to learne. " 3. Then the scholer taught not his maister, the sheepe con- trouled not the Pastor, the young student set not the Doctor to schoole, nor reproued their fathers of error and ignorance. Or if any were in those better daies (as in al times of heresie such must needes be) that had itching eares, tikling tongues and wittes, curious and contentious disputers, hearers, and talkers rather than doers of Gods word : such the Fathers did euer sharply reprehend, counting them vnworthy and vnpro- fitable readers of the holy Scripture. . . . "We therfore hauing compassion to see our beloued countriemen, with extreme danger of their soules, vse only such profane translations, and erroneous mens mere phantasies, for the pure and blessed word of truth, much also moued there unto by the desires of many deuout persons : haue set forth, for you (benigne readers) the new Testament to begin withal, trusting that it may giue occasion to you, after diligent perusing thereof, to lay away at lest such their impure ver sions as hitherto you haue ben forced to occupie. How wel we haue done it, we must not be iudges, but referre al to Gods Church and our superiors in the same, to them we submit our selues, and this, and al other our labours, to be in part or in the whole, reformed, corrected, altered, or quite abolished : most humbly desiring pardon if through our ignorance, temeritie, or other humane infirmitie, we haue any where mis taken the sense of the holy Ghost, further promising, that if hereafter we espie any of our owne errors, or if any other, either frende of good wil, or aduersarie for desire of reprehension, shal open vnto vs the same : we wil not (as Protestants doe) for defense of our estimation, or of pride and contention, by wrang ling wordes wilfully persist in them, but be most glad to heare of them, and in the next edition or otherwise to correct them : 1 22 THE ENGLISH BIBLE. [chap. for it is truth that we seeke for, and Gods honour: which being had either by good intention, or by occasion, al is wel. This we professe only, that we haue done our endeuour with praier, much feare and trembling, lest we should dangerously erre in so sacred, high, and diuine a work : that we haue done it with al faith, diligence, and sinceritie : that we haue vsed no partialitie for the disaduantage of our aduersaries, nor no more licence then is sufferable in translating of holy Scriptures : continuaUy keeping our selues as neere as is possible, to our text and to the very words and phrases which by long vse are made venerable, though to some prophane or delicate eares they may seeme more hard or barbarous, as the whole style of Scrip ture doth lightly to such at the beginning: acknowledging with St. Hierom, that in other writings it is ynough to giue in translation, sense for sense, but that in Scriptures, lest we misse the sense, we must keepe the very wordes. . . . " Now, though the text thus truly translated, might suflGl- ciently, in the sight of the learned and al indiff"erent men, both controule the aduersaries corruptions, and proue that the holy Scripture whereof they haue made so great vauntes, maketh nothing for their new opinions, but wholly for the CathoUke Churches beleefe and doctrine, in al the pointes of difference betwixt vs : yet knowing that the good and simple may easily be seduced by some few obstinate persons of perdition (whom we see giuen ouer into a reprobat sense, to whom the Gospel, which in it self is the odour of life to saluation, is made the odour of death to damnation, ouer whose eyes for sinne and disobedience God suffereth a veile or couer to Ue, whiles they read the New Testament, euen as the Apostle saith the lewes haue til this day, in reading of the old, that as the one sort can not finde Christ in the Scriptures, reade they neuer so much, so the other can not finde the CathoUke Church nor her doc trine there neither), and finding by experience this saying of St. Augustin to be most trae, 'If the preiudice of any erroneous presuasion preoccupate the mind, whatsoeuer the Scripture hath to the contrarie, men take it for a flguratiue speach ' : for these causes, and somewhat to help the faithful reader in the difficulties of diuers places, we haue also set forth XLL] METHOD OF TRANSLATION. 12.3 reasonable large Annotations, thereby to shew the studious reader in most places perteining to the controuersies of this time, both the heretical corruptions and false deductions, and also the Apostolike tradition, the expositions of the holy fathers, the decrees of the CathoUke Church and most ancient Councels : which means whosoeuer trusteth not, for the sense of the holy Scriptures, but had rather folow his priuate iudgement or the arrogant spirit of these Sectaries, he shal worthily through his owne wilfulnes be deceiued: beseeching al men to looke with dUigence, sinceritie, and indifference, into the case that concerneth no lesse then euery ones eternal salvation or damnation. . . . " In this ovr translation, because we wish it to be most sincere, as becommeth a CathoUke translation, and haue en- deuoured so to make it : we are very precise and religious in folowing our copie, the old vulgar approued Latin : not only in sense, which we hope we alwaies doe, but sometimes in the very words also and phrases, which may seeme to the vulgar reader and to common English eares not yet acquainted there with, rudenesse or ignorance : but to the discrete Reader that deeply weigheth and considereth the importance of sacred words and speeches, and how easily the voluntarie Translatour may misse the true sense of the Holy Ghost, we doubt not but our consideration and doing therein, shal seeme reasonable and necessarie : yea and that al sortes of CathoUke Readers wil in short time thinke that familiar, which at the first may seeme strange, and wU esteeme it more, when they shal otherwise be taught to vnderstand it, then if it were the common known English. " For example, we translate often thus, ' Amen, amen, I say unto you.' Which as yet seemeth strange, but after a while it wU be as familiar, as ' Amen,' in the end of al praiers and Psalmes, and even as when we end with ' Amen,' it soundeth far better then, ' So belt ' : so in the beginning, ' Amen, Amen,' must needes by vse and custom sound far better, then, ' Verily verily.' Which in deede doth not expresse the asseueration and assurance signified in this Hebrue word, besides that it is the solemne and usual word of our Sauiour to expresse a vehement- 124 THE ENGLISH BIBLE. [chap. asseueration, and therefore is not changed, neither in the Syriake nor Greeke, nor vulgar Latin Testament, but is pre- serued and vsed of the Euangelistes and Apostles, them selues, euen as Christ spake it ' propter sanctiorem authoritatem ' as St. Augustin saith of this and of 'AUelu-ia, for the more holy and sacred authoritie thereof li. 2 Doct. Christ, c. 11. And therefore do we keepe the word 'AUelu-ia,' Apoc. 19, as it is both in Greeke and Latin yea and in al the English translations, though in their bookes of common praier they translate it, ' Praise ye the Lord.' Againe if ' Hosanna, Raca, Belial,' and such like be yet vntranslated in the English Bibles, why may not we say, ' Corbana," and ' Parasceue ' : speciaUy when they Englishing this later thus, ' the preparation of the Sabboth,' put three words more into the text then the Greeke word doth signifie. Mat. 27, 62. And others saying thus, ' After the day of preparing,' make a cold trans lation and short of the sense : as if they should translate Sabboth, ' the resting,' for ' Parasceue ' is as solemne a word for the Sabboth cue, as ' Sabboth ' is for the lewes seventh day, and now among Christians much more solemner, taken for Good-friday only. These words then we thought it far better to keepe in the text, and to tel their signification in the margent or in a table for that purpose, then to disgrace both the text and them with translating them. " Moreouer, we presume not in hard places to molUfie the speaches or phrases, but religiously keepe them word for word, and point for point, for fear of missing, or restraining the sense of the holy Ghost to our phantasie, as Eph. 6, ' Against the spirituals of wickedness in the celestials,' and, ' What to me and thee woman?' and 1 Pet. 2, 'As infants euen now borne, reason able, milke without guile desireye.' We do so place, 'reasonable,' of purpose, that it may be indifferent both to infants going before, as in our Latin text: or to milke that followeth after, as in other Latin copies and in the Greeke. Io. 3 we translate, ' The spirit breatheth where he wil &c.' leaning it indiflferent to signifie either the holy Ghost, or winde : which the Pro testants translating, ' minde,' take away the other sense more common and vsual in the ancient fathers. AVe translate Luc. 8, XLT.] CLOSE ADHERENCE TO THE LATIN TEXT, 125 23, 'They were filed,' not adding of our owne, 'with water,' to moUifie the sentence, as the Protestants doe, and d. 22, ' This is the chalice, the new Testament' &c, not 'This chalice is the new Testament,' likewise, Mar. 13, ' Those daies shal be such tribulation' &c, not as the Aduersaries, 'in those daies,' both our text and theirs being otherwise, likewise lac. 4, 6, ' And giueth gi'eater grace,' leaning it indifferent to the ' Scripture,' or to the ' holy Ghost,' both going before. . . . " We adde the Greeke in the margent for diuers causes. Sometime when the sense is hard, that the learned reader may consider of it and see if he can helpe him selfe better then by our translation. '' Item we adde the Latin word sometime in the margent, when either we can not fully expresse it (as Act. 8. 'They tooke order for Stevens funeral,' and, 'Al take not his word,)' or when the reader might thinke, it can not be as we translate, as, Luc. 8. ' A storme of winde descended in to the lake, and they were filled,' and, Io. 5. ' when lesus knew that he had now a long time,' meaning, in his infirmitie. " This precise folowing of our Latin text, in neither adding nor diminishing, is the cause why we say not in the title of the Gospels in the first page, S. Matthew, S. Mar., S. John : because it is so neither in Greeke nor Latin, though in the toppes of the leaues folowing, where we may be bolder, we adde, S. Matthew &c. to satisfie the reader: Much vnUke to the Protestants our Aduersaries, which make no scruple to leaue out the name of Paul in the title of the Epistle to the Hebrues, though it be in euery Greeke booke which they translate. And their most authorised EngUsh Bibles leaue out (CathoUke) in the title of S. James Epistle and the rest, which were famously knowen in the primitiue Church by the name of ' CathoUcse Epistolse,' Euseb. hist. Eccl. U. 2, c. 22. " Item we giue the Reader in the places of some importance, another reading in the margent, speciaUy when the Greeke is agreeable to the same. " We binde not our selues to the pointes of any one copie, print, or edition of the vulgar Latin, in places of no con- trouersie, but folow the pointing most agreeable to the Greeke and to the fathers commentaries. 126 THE ENGLISH BIBLE, [chap. " We translate sometime the word that is in the Latin mar- •gent, and not that in the text, when by the Greeke or the fathers we see it is a manifest fault of the writers heretofore, that mistooke one word for an other. " Thus we haue endeuoured by al meanes to satisfie the indifferent reader, and to helpe his vnderstanding euery way, both in the text, and by Annotations : and withal to deale most sincerely before God and man, in translating and ex pounding the most sacred text of the holy Testament. Fare wel good Reader, and if we profit the any whit by our poore Ijaines, let us for Gods sake be partakers of thy deuout praiers, and together with humble and contrite hart cal upon our Sauiour Christ to cease these troubles and stormes of his derest spouse." In this preface, so ingenuous and yet so reserved about their motives, so nimble in its fence and so fierce in its assault, the Rhemists laid themselves open to the castigation of their watchful opponents who were glad of the occasion, and at once seized upon it with unmeasured severity. Fulke opened upon them in the following terms ^ : — "Whoso seeth what unnecessary charge you have put your selves unto in printing this your Translation in so large a volume, may easily perceive you set it not forth for poor men's profit ; and that, by so excessive price of so smaU a part of the whole Bible, you mean to discourage your friends from waiting for all the rest. "As for the special consideration that procured this edition, when you do express it, we may better judge of it. In the mean time, we can conceive none other, but that which is the practice of many heretikes : — when you could not altogether suppress the knowledge of the holy Scriptures, whereby your errors are discovered ; you thought it the next way for your purpose, by your partial translation as much as you could to obscure them, and by your heretical Anno tations to pervert them, that the one should make them unprofitable, the other also hurtful. " And whereas you say, ' That of old they have not ever ^ Confutation, &c., Preface. London, 1589. XLL] CARTWRIGHT'S REPLY. 127 condemned all vulgar versions of the Scripture, nor generally forbidden the faithful to read them ; ' Let the registers of Bishops be searched, where it wiU appear that many have been accused and condemned as Heretics, for having, reading, or hearing the holy Scriptures in the English tongue, without any exception taken against the truth of the translation." A portion of Cartwright's Answer to the Preface of the Rhemish New Testament was published at Edinburgh in 1602, and in it the Puritan leader thus delivers himself ^ : — " It is evident, that you permit it, not either in reverence to the Holy Scriptures, or love to the people : but rather as desperat enemies which had rather kill with it, than that the head of your gaineful errors should be stricken off by it. And it fareth altogether with you in this poynt as with men which having a naturaU hatred of cheese, or of some such foode, in suche sorte as the very sight or touch of it doth offend them : yet being effamished, are content for the safetie of their lives even to eate it. For, abhorring from the Scriptures in time of your peace ; when it cometh that 3^ou and your state is plunged by such as you call ' hsere- tickes,' you are glad to bite or nibble upon the Scriptures, if happelie you can get anything to serve the present neede. " After that, by hiding and burning the Scriptures, by threat ening and murdering of men for reading of them, they cannot attaine to the causing of such a night of ignorance, wherein they might doe all thinges without controulement : there remayned one onely engine which Satan (with aU his Angels) having framed and hammered upon his lying forge, hath fur nished them of. This engine is, the defacing and dis-authorizing of the Scriptures, as it were the taking from them their girdle or garter of honour, by a false surmise of corruption of them, in the languages wherein they were first written. Which abominable practice being attempted in th' Old testament by Lindanus ^ is now assayed in the new by the Jesuites." ^ Pp. 6 and 92. genere," Colonise, 1558, 16mo, in " Lindanus, Bishop of Euremond, which he affirms the superiority of in Holland, published a work " De the Latin Vulgate version over the Optimo Scripturas interpretandi Hebrew and Greek Originals. 128 THE ENGLISH BIBLE. [chap. The Rhemists profess perfect integrity concerning their own work, wishing it to be " most sincere as becometh a CathoUc translation." In the note at Acts xiii, 1, they say, that they might have rendered the clause, " as they were ministering," by " as they were sacrificing," or " saying masse," " but we keepe our texte as the translators of Scripture should doe most religiously." The rendering, 2 Peter i, 10, " labour the more that by good works you may secure your voca tion," is faithful to the Vulgate, and the addition has a little support in some MSS. and versions. As they deliberately chose the Vulgate^ to translate from, they give us the reasons of their preference : Its antiquity, its edi torial revision by Jerome, its commendation by Augustine, its use by the Fathers, its proclaimed authenticity by the Council of Trent, its gravity, its impartiality, the preference given to it occasionally by Beza and the Calvinists, its superiority to all other Latin translations, and in cases of discrepancy to the vulgar Greek text itself, " according to the testimony of the old scholars and divines.'' But critical rules and opinions are characterized by a peculiar lubricity. Their statement is that the Latin does usually agree with the Greek text, that any dis agreement is often found to be coincident with some old copy, "as may be seen in Stephens' margin," and that the adversaries sometimes accept such marginal readings ; that when Greek copies exhibit a diflferent text, the Vulgate is found to agree with patristic quotations; that emendations may be resorted to if such authority be wanting, or recourse may be had to the Latin Fathers, and if, in this appeal, discrepancy should be found, the blame is to be laid to the "great diversitie and multitude" of Latin copies. So that in this easy and incoherent way of moving from post to pillar, as often as their position is felt to be untenable, the superiority of the Latin translation to the Greek original is demonstrated. This version, however, was made by men of no small erudition, but very thorough devotees of Rome. The integrity which they 1 A certain cardinal confessed again, lest his Latinity should be that he had gone over the Vulgate spoiled. once, but vowed never to read it XLI.] THE ACCURACY OF THE RHEMISTS. 129 claim for themselves they deny to others. Their opponents are ever accused of translating for the purpose of falsifying the sacred text, and wilfully misinterpreting it. They do not find mere blunders in their antagonists — what they impute to Protestant scholars and critics is conscious wickedness, the making of additions, alterations, and omissions, in avowed and profane rebellion against the Divine truth. The Notes are purely polemical, as if the version had been made to furnish occasion for them. No element of charity breathes in them, no com passion for poor non-Catholics; heretics and Protestants are assailed on every page, and their sins are educed from the text, often by the most ingenious inferences, or are connected with it by an invisible film of gossamer. Fury and indignation are poured upon them, and they are overwhelmed with scathing invective, and terrible menace — exposure to the worst of penalties on earth, and unutterable retributions in the world to come. In the words of Geddes, their co-religionist, " the translation is accompanied with virulent annotations against the Protestant reUgion, and manifestly calculated to support a system, not of genuine catholicity, but of Transalpine Popery." The Rhemist scholars, though they paid divine honours to the Latin text, rendered always with the Greek text before them, as their title-page asserts, as their margin proves, and as their frequent insertion of the definite article also indicates ; for it is found in many places where previous translators have neglected it, as may be seen in 1 Thess. i, 3, " the charity, the enduring of the hope " ; Matt, iv, 5, " the pinnacle " ; xxviii, 16, "the mount"; Eph. ii, 3, "as also the rest"; Rev. vii, 13, " clothed in the white robes " ; — conversely, Luke ii, 9, " an angel of our Lord"; Matt, ii, 13, "an angel"; John iv, 27, " talked with a woman " ; and in these three places the Authorized Version wrongly inserts the definite article ; Luke xvi, 13, "cleave to one and contemn the other," a distinc tion to which the mere Latin could not have helped them. They did not, as has been often done, translate as a rule the genitive like an adjective of quality, as in the phrase " glorious liberty," Rom. viii, 21 ; " the glorious gospel," 2 Cor. iv, 4; "deceitful lusts," Eph. iv, 22; "true holiness," 24; VOL. II. I 130 THE ENGLISH BIBLE. [chap. "our vile body," "his glorious body," Philip, iii, 21; "his mighty angels," 2 Thess. i, 7; "his dear son," Coloss. i, 13; but they keep UteraUy " liberty of the glory," " gospel of the glory," " desires of error," " holiness of the truth," " body of our humiUty," " body of his glory," " angels of his power," " Son of his love." In some of these instances, not in aU, the Authorized Version gives the literal rendering on the margin of the first edition. While the Rheims Version is sometimes ludicrous in consequence of the close adherence to the Vulgate, there are very many clauses in which there are happy and nicely adjusted renderings. True to their ecclesiastical beliefs, they render " presbyter " by " priest," " repent " by " do pen ance," " repented in sackcloth and ashes "by "done penance in haircloth and ashes," and "cup" by "chalice." By the use of "haUeluiah," " hosanna," "amen," and " Belial," they justify " pasche," " parasceue," " Azymes " ; their further argument being, if " proselyte " be taken why not " neophyte," if " phy lacteries " why not " prepuce and Paraclete," if " anathema " why not " depositum " ? How is it possible, it is asked, to express " evangelizo " but by " evangelize " 1 But their slavish adherence to the idiom and order of the Latin text leads often to obscurity, nay, not a few clauses are incomprehensible — if they are ambiguous and uninteUigible in the Vulgate, they characteristically remain so in the translation, for face answereth to face. Many Latin terms are transferred, not rendered. Their translation, as Fuller says, "needs to be translated," for their English style is continually disfigured by foreign words.^ Thus — Matt, i, 17, " transmigration of Babylon " ; vi, 11, " super- substantial bread " ; xvi, 26, " what permutation " ; xxvii, 62, " day which is after the parasceue." Mark iii, 6, " made a consultation " ; 14, " he made that twelve should be with him"; v, 35, "they come to the arch- ^ On the back of the title-page of account of his sufferings which he the first edition of the New Testa- endured in virtue of a sentence pro- ment is printed the ecclesiastical nounced upon him by the High Com- license, which'is called "The Censure missioners' Court, says, "the censure and Approbation." Leighton, in the was to cut my ears, slit my nose,"&c. XLI.] LATINIZED ENGLISH. 131 synagogue " ; xiv, 27, " scandaUzed " ; xv, 46, " wrapped him in the sindon." Luke i, 6, " walking in aU the commaundements and justifica tions of our Lord " ; 67, " replenished with the Holy Ghost " ; iii, 14, " be content with your stipends " ; iv, 40, " incontinent rising"; ix, 22, "be rejected ofthe ancients"; 46, " there entered a cogitation into them " ; xiv, 32, " sending a legacie " ; xu, 11, " magistrates and potestates " ; xx, 26, " they could not repre hend his word"; xxii, 7, "the day of theAzymes came, . . . that the pasche should be killed"; 12, "a great refectorie adorned" ; 18, "I will not drink of the generation of the vine"; 42, " transfer this chalice from me"; xxiii, 14, "as averting the people " ; 24, " adjudged their petition to be done." John ii, 11, " What to me and thee woman ? " 19, " dissolve this temple " ; iii, 20, " that his works may not be controuled " (checked or censured) ; vii, 5, " Scenopdgia was at hand " ; xix, 42, " a new monument." Acts i, 2, " he was assumpted " ; xxi, 21, " zelatours " ; xxii, 3, "an emulatour ofthe law " ; xxiii, 14, "by execration we have vowed." Rom. i, 11, " some spiritual grace " ; 30, " odible to God " ; ii, 20, " of science and of veritie " ; 25, " if thou be a prevaricator ofthe law, thy circumcision is become prepuce " ; iii, 25, " hath prepared a propitiation " ; viii, 18, " I think that the passions of this time are not condigne to the glory to come " ; 39, " from the charitie of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord";^ xvi, 5, " their domestical church." 1 Cor. i, 8, "who will confirme you unto the end without crime " ; v, 4, " with the vesture of our Lord Jesus " ; v, 7, " purge the old leaven, that ye may be a new paste as you are Azymes"; vii, 6, "I say this by indulgence;" 18, "let him not procure prepuce " ; vii, 19, " prepuce is nothing, but the observation of the commaundements of God " ; x, 11, "written to our correption"; 13, "that you may be able to sustein " ; 18, " they that eat the hosts " ; xi, 4, " dishonesteth his head " ; xiv, 23, " vulgar persons or infidels." 1 It may be noted that the pro- Lord, " our Lord," just " as we say noun is always prefixed to the term our lady." See note 1 Tim. vi. 132 THE ENGLISH BIBLE. [chai-. 2 Cor. iii, 18, '' with face revealed " ; iv, 10, " bearing about in our body the mortification of Jesus " ; vi, 6, " long- animitie"; vii, 1, "from all inquination ofthe flesh and spirit"; viii, 19, " ordained .... fellow of our peregrination " ; x, 4, " unto the destruction of munitions " ; xi, 8, " taking a stipend " ; xiii, 3, " seek you an experiment of him that speaketh in me, Christ." Gal. i, 13, "expugned it"; v, 4, "evacuated from Christ"; 3, " every man circumciding himself"; 21, " ebrieties, commessa- tions " ;^ vi, 1, " if a man be preoccupated in any fault.'' Eph. i, 9, " sacrament of his wiU " ; ii, 2, " children of diffi dence"; 19, "the domesticals of God"; iii, 6, "concorporate and comparticipant " ; 11, " princes and potestates in the celestials"; 11, " according to the preflnition of worlds" ; iv, 16, " by aU juncture of subministration " ; 30, " contristate not the holy spirit of God " ; v, 32, " this is a great sacrament " ; vi, 12, " against the rectours of the world, of this darkness against the spirituals of wickednes in the celestials." Philip, ii, 9, " every knee bow of the celestials, terrestrials, and infernals"; iii, 10, "the societie ofhis passions." Col. i, 18, " in all things holding the primacy " ; 27, " the glory of this sacrament in the Gentiles." 1 Tim. i, 7, "doctors of the law"; vi, 20, "keep the de positum." 2 Tim. i, 14, " keep the good depositum " ; ii, 4, " entangleth himself with secular businesses " ; iv, 6, " the time of my resolu tion ^ is at hand." Titus i, 16, " incredulous" ; iii, 3, " serving divers desires and voluptuousnesses . . . odible." PhUemon 6, " in the agnition of all good." Heb. ii, 17, " repropitiate the sins"; iii, 13, "obdurate with the fallacie of sinne"; v, 9, "being consummate"; 11, "great ' Strype relates that Cranmer Cranmer, vol. II, p. 207, Oxford, sent visitors to All Souls, Oxford, 1848. because of scandalous reports of " John Knox uses the same term, " their compotations, ingurgitations, " daylie luiking for the resolution of .... enormous and excessive this my tabernakle." "Works, VI, p. commessations." Memorials of 418, ed. David Laing, Edin., 1864. XLL] CONTINUED EXAMPLES, 133 speech and inexplicable " ; ix, 1, " justifications of service " ; 2, " proposition of loaves " ; 3, " Sancta Sanctorum " ; 28, " to ex haust the sins of many " ; xii, 2, " sustained the cross, contemn ing confusion" ; xiii, 7, "your prelates " ; 16, " with such hostes God is premerited." James i, 17, " with whom is no transmutation '' ; 27, "pupilles and widowes " ; ii, 7, " the good name that is invocated upon you." 1 Peter i, 2, " according to the prescience of God " ; 5, " by the'vertue of God are kept" ; iii, 20, "incredulous sometime"; iv, 12, " think it not strange in the fervour which is to you for a tentation "; 13, " but communicating with the passions of Christ " ; v, 5, " insinuate humilitie one to another." 2 Peter i, 3, " his own proper glory and virtue " ; 7, " love of the fraternitie " ; ii, 13, " coinquinations and spots " ; iii, 13, " in which justice inhabiteth." 1 John iii, 1, " behold what manner of charitie the Father hath given us " ; iv, 3, " every spirit that dissolveth Jesus is not of God " ; 16, " God is charitie." ^ 3 John 9, "he that loveth to bear the primacy among them." Jude i, 4, " were long ago prescribed unto this judgment, . . . denying the only Dominator." Rev. i, 10, "Dominical day"; ii, 14, "to cast a scandal before"; iii, 17, "a miser and miserable"; xiv, 11, "if any man take the character of his name " ; xxii, 14, " that wash their stoles " ; 17, " let him take the water of life gratis." Some phrases are not so cramped and narrow as those given, or as that which occurs in Romans xiv, 19, " Therfore the things that are of peace let vs pursue : and the things that are of edifying one toward an other let vs keepe." And there are some freer renderings — Matt, viii, 29,^ " What is between us ?" ^ " I did ever allow the discretion differency and equivocation of the and tenderness of the Ehemish trans- word with impure love." Lord Bacon, lation on this point, that finding in Pacification of the Church, Works, the original the word dyd-Tri], aud vol. VII, p. 81, ed. B. Montague, never eptas, do evertranslate 'charity' London, 1827. and never ' love,' because of the in- " " Quid nobis et tibi 1 " 134 THE ENGLISH BIBLE, [chap. ix, 2,1 "have a good heart " ; xxi, 41,^ "he wUl bring to naught"; Mark ii, 1,^ " after some days " ; 15,* " he sat at meat " ; Luke xviii, 14,5 .. j3^Qj.g ^jjg^j^ jjg " . Jq]jq -^^^ 2,fi " them that sat at the table "; 6,'' "not because he cared for the poor " ; Acts ix, 11,^ "Loe, here I am. Lord"; x, 10," "to take somewhat"; xvii,4,i* " that served God" ; 5," "of the rascal sort." They explain some of the words used in a stricter Latin or Low Latin sense : as " calumniate," to use violent oppres sion, '2 Luke iii, 14 ; "contristate," to make heavy and sad, Eph. iv, 30 ; i, 6, " grace wherein he hath gratified us, made gracious " ; " prevarication '' is transgression, as in Rom. ii, 23 ; " prefinition " means a determination before, as in Eph. iii, 11. There are also not a few famUiar Saxon phrases in the version — the EngUsh instincts of the translators were not wholly quenched or perverted : Matt, ix, 24, " the multitude keeping a sturre"; x, 25, "good- man of the house " ; xiv, 9, " the king was stricken sad " ; xviii, 28, " throttied him " ; xx, 1, " work man " ; xxi, 44, " it shal al to bruise him " ; xxv, 27, " bankers " ; xxvu, 5, "hanged himself with an halter." Mark v, 36, " saith to the Archsynagogue " ; 39, " why make you this a doe ? the wench is not dead '' ; 41, " where the wench was lying " ; ix, 7, " this is my son most dear." Luke i, 65, " these things were bruited over aU the hUl countrie " ; ii, 3, " all want to be enroUed " ; 44, " kinsfolk and acquaintance " ; viii, 22, " let us strike over the lake " ; 33, " the herd . . . was stifled " ; 35, " well in his wits " ; xi, 25, " swept with a besom and trimmed " ; xiii, 34, " as the bird doth her brood " ; xv, 8, " what woman having ten grotes 1 " Confide." s « Ecce ego, Domine." " " Male perdet." » " Gustare." 3 « Post dies." i» " Colentibus." * " Accumberet." " " De Vulgo." s " Ab illo." 13 On " calumniate " in this sense 6 " Discumbentibus." see the remarks of Cardinal Wise- ' " Non quia de egenis pertinebat man. Works, vol. I, p. 86. ,ad eum." XLL] GOOD RENDERINGS ADOPTED BY THE AUTHORIZED. 135 if she leese one grote " ; xvi, 2, " bailiflfe " ; 4, " bailieship " ; 9, " when you fail " ; xviii, 2, " feared not God and of man made no account " ; xx, 18, " every one that falleth upon this stone shaU be quashed, and upon whom it shall fall, it shall break him to powder.'' John iv, 5, "beside the maner that Jacob gave to his sonne" ; viii, 44, " a mankiller from the beginning." Acts ii, 30, " sit upon his seat " ; v, 7, " not knowing what was chaunced " ; viii, 2, " took order for Steven's funeral " ; xvii, 18, " this wordsower." 1 Cor. viii, 1, " knowledge puflfeth up," after the Genevan of 1560 ; xiv, 35, " it is a foul thing for a woman to speak in the church " ; xv, 54, " this mortal hath done on immor- talitie." 2 Cor. V, 4, " overclothed " ; xii, 20, " stomakings." Col. iii, 10, " doing on the new [man]." 1 Thes. iv, 6, " that no man ouergoe . . . his brother." 2 Tim. iii, 13, "erring and driving into error." Heb. xii, 12, "stretche up the slacked handes"; 16, "for one dish of meat sold his first-birth-rightes." 1 Peter ii, 1 2, " misreport of you " ; iii, 3, "whose trimming.'' 2 Peter ii, 4, " with the ropes of HeU being drawn down into HeU " ; iii, 8, "my dearest." Rev. ii, 17, " a white counter." But the Rhemist translators, though they make no mention of previous translations, kept before them both the Genevan and the Bishops', and have supplied not a few good renderings which were thankfully accepted by the revisers of King James. They have enriched the vocabulary of the Autho rized Version. From them came " hymn " in Matf;. xxvi, 30 ; and " blessed " in 26 ; " decease " in Luke ix, 31 ; " reprobate," Rom. i, 28 ; " impenitent," ii, 5 ; " commendeth," v, 8 ; and in the Epistle of James i, 5, " upbraideth not " ; 5, " nothing doubting," "the engrafted word"; 21, " bridleth his tongue," the previous versions having "refraineth"; " unction," 1 John ii ; and the word " mystery," " at his own charges," 1 Cor. ix, 7 ; " contemptible," 2 Cor. x, 10 ; 2 Tim. iii, 6, " silly "—the Bishops' having " simple " in brackets (mulierculas). They 136 THE ENGLISH BIBLE. have given us " confess " for " knowledge," " propitia tion," " seduce," " have confidence," " stumbling," and " under standing " — aU these in the first Epistle of John, and aU directly from the Vulgate. Such Latin terms as " lucre," " superflui- tie," " concupiscence," " tradition," " tribulation," " salute," &c., were in the older versions. They have also a special merit in preserving uniformity of rendering — the want of which is a peculiar and pervading blemish in the Authorized Version. Many examples will afterwards be adduced under the head of, Revision. When Gregory Martin remarked on the absence of uniformity, Fulke says Uttle more in reply than this : " For my part I was never of counsel with any that translated the Scriptures into English, and therefore it is possible that I cannot sufficiently express what moved the translators so to vary in the exposition of one and the same word." ^ So closely do the Rhemists adhere to their text that, as they say themselves, they do not in the titles to the Gospels caU the evangelists, St. Matthew, St. Mark, &c., though they do so " on the tops of the leaves foUowing to satisfie the reader." Had these scholarly Englishmen not been warped by their ecclesiastical prejudices, they would have issued a translation of the Vulgate greatly more exact and feUcitous than any of those which their predecessors had given of the Greek text. The Rheims New Testament was once appealed to and re jected in very tragic circumstances. On the evening before her execution in Fotheringay Castle, the unfortunate Queen of Scots, laying her hand solemnly on a copy that happened to be on her work table, took a solemn oath of innocence, when the Earl of Kent at once interposed that the book on which she had sworn was false, and that her oath was therefore of no value. Her answer was prompt and decided — " Does your lordship suppose that my oath would be better, if I swore on your translation in which I do not believe ? " ^ 1 Defence, p. 89. Douairigre de France," reprinted in " La Mort de la Eeyne d'Escosse, Jebb's Collection, vol. II, p. 616. CHAPTER XLIL rpHE Old Testament was at length published at Douai in 1609-10 "The HoUe Bible Faithfully Translated into EngUsh out of The Avthentical Latin. Diligently conferred with the Hebrew, Greeke, and other Editions in diuers languages. With Argv ments of the Bookes, and Chapters : Annotations : Tables : and other helpes, for better vnderstanding of the text ; for dis coverie of Corruptions in some latter translations : and for clearing controuersies in Religion. By the English College of Doway. Spiritu Sancto inspirati, locuti sunt sancti Dei homines. 2 Pet. i. The holie men of God spake, inspired with the Holy Ghost. Printed at Doway by Lawrence KeUam, at the signe of the holie Lambe. M.D.C.X." Two volumes. This Bible has neither maps nor plates. A brief address on the last page says : " We have already found some faults escaped, but fearing there be more, and the whole volume being ere long to be examined again, we pray the courteous reader to pardon aU and amend them as they occur." After the second book of Maccabees it is stated: "The prayer of Manasses, with the second and third books of Esdras, extant in most Latin and Vulgare Bibles, are here placed after al the Canonical books of the old Testament : because they are not received into the canon of Diuine Scrip tures by the Catholique Church." The translation had been prepared many years previously, even before tiie appearance of the New 'Testament, but it was not published "for lack of good meanes," and, as is confessed, " our poor estate in banish ment." It had also been finished before corrected editions of 138 THE ENGLISH BIBLE. [chap. the Vulgate were pubUshed under Pope Sixtus V (1590) and Pope Clement VIII (1592), and therefore it was again conferred before publication " and conformed to the most perfect Latin edition." The translators refer incidentally to our Authorized^ Bible " as a new edition which we have not yet seen." In the address "to the right well-beloved English reader" topics akin to those discussed in the preface to the New Testament are briefly referred to. The Annotations and Tables were prepared by Dr. Thomas Worthington, elected president of the college in 1599, but he resigned oflice to KeUison in 1613, and died an Oratorian in 1626. The notes are not so numerous as those in the New Testament, with the exception of Genesis and Psalms. A few sentences of the address pre fixed to the Old Testament are subjoined, since, as in the case of the preface to the Rheims New Testament, it has faUen out of view. " To the right wel beloved English reader gi-ace and glory in lesvs Christ Everlasting. At last through Gods goodness (most dearely beloued) we send you here the greater part of the Old Testament, as long since you receiued the New, faithfuUy translated into EngUsh. The residue is in hand to be finished: and your desire thereof shal not now (God prospering our in tention) be long frustrate. As for the impediments, which hitherto haue hindered this worke they al proceeded (as many doe know) of one general cause, our poore estate in banish ment. Wherein expecting better meanes, greater difficulties rather ensued. Neuertheles you wil hereby the more perceiue our feruent good wil, euer to serue you, in that we haue brought forth this Tome, in the hardest times, of aboue fourty yeares, since this College was most happily begun. Wherefore we nothing doubt, but you our dearest, for whom we haue dedicated our lines, wdl both pardon the long delay, which we could not preuent, and accept now this fruit of our labours, with like good aflfection, as we acknowledge them due, and offer the same vnto you. . . . " But here another question may be proposed : Why we translate the Latin text, rather then the Hebrew, or Greeke, which Protestants preferre as the fountaine tongs. XLIL] PREFACE TO THE DOUAI BIBLE, 13^ wherin holie Scriptures were first written ? To this we answer that if indeed those first pure Editions were now extant, or if such as be extant were more pure then the Latin, we would also preferre such fountaines before the riuers, in whatsoeuer they should be found to disagree. But the ancient best learned Fathers and Doctours of the Church, doe much com- plaine, and testifie to vs, that both the Hebrew and Greeke Editions are fouly corrupted by lewes, and Heretikes, since the Latin was truly translated out of them, whiles they were more pure ; and that the same Latin hath been farre better conserued from corruptions. So that the old Vulgate Latin Edition hath been preferred and vsed for most authentical aboue a thousand and three hundred yeares. . . . Neither doe we fly vnto this old Latin text for more aduantage : For besides that it is free from partiality, as being most ancient of al Latin copies, and long before the particular Controuersies of these dayes began, the Hebrew also and the Greek when they are truly translated, yea and Eras mus his Latin, in sundry places proue more plainly the CathoUke Roman doctrine, then this which we rely vpon. So that Beza and his foUowers take also exception against the Greeke, when Catholikes alledge it against them. Yea the same Beza preferreth the old Latin Version before al others and freely testifieth, that the old Interpreter translated religiously. What then doe our countrimen, that refuse this Latin, but depriue themselues of the best, and yet al this while, haue set forth none, that is aUowed by al Protestants for good or sufficient ? "How wel this is done the learned may iudge, when by mature conference they shal haue made trial thereof And if any thing be mistaken, we will (as stil we promise) gladly correct it. Those that translated it about thirty yeares since, were wel knowen to the world, to haue been excellent in the tongs, sincere men, and great Diuines. Only one thing we haue done tovching the text, whereof we are especially to giue notice : That whereas heretofore in the best Latin Editions there remained many places diflfering in words, some also in sense, as in long process of time the writers erred in their copies, now lately by 140 THE ENGLISH BIBLE. [chap. the care and diligence of the Church, those diuers readings were maturely and iudiciously examined and conferred with sundry the best written and printed books, and so resolued vpon, that al which before were left in the margent, are either restored into the text, or els omitted ; so that now none such remain in the margent. For which cause we have againe conferred this EngUsh translation, and conformed it to the most perfect Latin Edition. Where yet by the way we must giue the vulgar reader to vnderstand, that very few or none of the former varieties touched Controuersies of this time. So that this recognition is no way suspicious of partiaUty, but is meerly done for the more secure conseruation of the true text, and more ease and satisfaction of such, as otherwise should haue remained more doubtful. " Now for the strictness obserued in translating some words, or rather the not translating of some, which is in more danger to be disliked, we doubt not but the discrete learned reader, deeply weighing and considering the importance of sacred words, and how easily the translatour may misse the sense of the Holy Ghost, wil hold that which is here done for reasonable and necessary. We have also the example of the Latin and Greek, where some words are not translated, but left in Hebrew, as they were flrst spoken and written ; which seeing they could not, or were not conuenient to be translated into Latin or Greeke, how much lesse could they or was it reason to turne them into English ? S. Augustin also yieldeth to a reason, exemplifying in the words ' amen ' and ' alleluia, for the more sacred authoritie thereof,' which doubtless is the cause why some 'names of solemne feasts, sacri fices,' and other holie things are ' reserued in sacred tongs,' Hebrew, Greeke, or Latin. Againe for necessitie, English not hauing a name or sufficient terme, we either keep the word as we find it, or only turne it to our English termination, because it would otherwise require manie words in English to signifie one word of another tongue. In which cases, we commonly put the explication in the margent. Briefly our Apologie is easie against English Protestants; because they also reserue some words in the original tongues, not translated into English, XLIL] ODD TRANSLATIONS IN THE PSALTER, 141 as • Sabbath, Ephod, Pentecost, Proselyte,' and some others. . . . It more importeth, that nothing be wittingly and falsly translated for aduantage of doctrine in matter of faith. Wherein as we dare boldly auouch the sinceritie of this Trans lation, and that nothing is here either vntruly or obscurelv done of purpose, in fauour of CathoUke Roman Religion, so we can not but complaine, and challenge English Protestants for corrupting the text, contrarie to the Hebrew and Greeke, which they profess to translate for the more shew and maintening of their pecuUar opinions against Catholikes : As is proued in the 'Discouerie of manifold corruptions.' . . . " With this then we wil conclude most deare (we speake to you al, that vnderstand our tongue, whether you be of con trarie opinions in faith, or of mundane feare participate with an other Congregation, or professe with vs the same CathoUke Religion) to you al we present this worke : daily beseeching God Almightie, the Diuine Wisedom, Eternal Goodnes, to create, iUuminate, and replenish your spirits, with his Grace, that you may attaine eternal Glorie, euery one in his measure, in those many Mansions, prepared and promised by our Sauiour in his Fathers house. Not only to those which flrst received and foUowed his Diuine doctrine, but to all that should afterwards belieue in him, and keep the same precepts. " From the English College in Doway, the Octanes of Al Saints. 1609. ' The God of patience and comfort give you to be of one mind, one towards an other in lesvs Christ ; that of one mind, with one mouth you may glorifle God.' " Latinized English in imitation of the Vulgate, pervades this Old Testament as fully as it does the New Testament, and there are renderings so obscure as to be nearly unin telUgible. A few examples may be given from the earlier Psalms. The Psalter, however, had been sadly trifled with. Originally the Latin psalter was a translation not from Hebrew but from Greek, and that translation from Greek being cursorily revised by Jerome, at the request of Pope Damasus, became the Roman psalter, and a second and more thorough revision, under taken at the request of Paula and Eustochium, and made by the help of Origen's Hexaplar text, became the GalUcan psalter 142 THE ENGLISH BIBLE, [chap. These revisions are very diff'erent in merit from Jerome's own direct translation of the original Hebrew, which, however, was not aUowed to find a place in the Vulgate, much in the same way as the Psalms of the Great Bible keep their position still in the Book of Common Prayer. Many of the extraordinary render ings are in this way accounted for.^ The foUowing are speci mens ; and to facilitate comparison on the part of those who have not a Douai Bible at hand, the notation of chapters and verse is given not according to it, but according to our common version. After the ninth Psalm, the notation of Psalms diff'ers by one in the Douai version, but coalesces again at Psalm cxlvii, and the title of the psalm is usually reckoned the first verse of it. Psalms ii, 12, "apprehend discipUne "; iv, 6, "the light of thy countenance, 0 Lord, is signed upon us " ; viii, 5, " thou hast minished him a little less than angels " ; xvi, 3, " he hath made aU my willes mervelous in them " ; 11, " delectations on thy right hand " ; xvii, 5, " perfite my passes in thy pathes " ; 14, " their belly is filled of thy secrets " ; xviii, 45, "the children of aliens are inueterated " ; xxiii, 5, " thou hast fatted my head with oil, and my chalice inebriating how goodlie is it " ; 6, "in longitude of days " ; xxxv, 1, " overthrow them that impugne me " ; 16, " they were dissipated and not compunct " ; xxxviii, 8, "my loins are flUed with iUusions"; xxxix, 12, "I have fainted in reprehensions"; xlvii, 9, "strong gods of the earth are exceedingly advanced" ; xl, 12, "there was no multitude in the exchanges of them " ; Ixiv, 7, "children's arrows are made their wounds"; Ixv, 11, " inebriate her rivers; in her dropps she shall rejoice springing" ; 14, " which did take sweet meats together with me " ; Ivi, 14, " from the height of the day I shaU fear " ; Ixviii, 10, "voluntarie rayne shalt thou seperate"; 16, "amoun- tane crudded as cheese, a fatte mountane"; 27,"Benjamin,a young man in excess of mind " ; lxxii, 16, " there shall be a flrmament in the earth, in the tops of the mountains"; Ixxvi, 10, "the cogitation of man shall confess to thee, and the remains of the cogitation shall keep festival day to thee " ; Ixxxvi, 6, " our Lord wiU declare in Scriptures of peoples." 1 Kaulen, Geschichte der Vulgata, Mainz, 1868. XLIL ] I DIO MA TIC RENDERINGS. 143 Isaiah xiu, 22, " and the Syrach owls shaU answer, and mer maids in the temples of pleasure." There are swarms of other instances : — Numbers xx, 24, " he was incredulous to my mouth " ; 26, " and when thou hast unvested the father of his vesture, thou shalt revest therewith Eleazar his son." Deut. xvi, 2, " thou shalt immolate the Phase to our Lord thy God " ; xvii, 18, "he shaU copie to himselfe the Deuterono- mie of this law " ; xxvii, 7, " thou shalt immolate pacifique hostes " ; xxxiii, 14, " of the pomes of the fruits of the sunne and moone." Idiomatic and pithy renderings are, however, to be found — Gen. ii, 22, " built the rib into a woman " ; v, 24, " Enoch was seen no more " ; vii, 24, " the waters held on above the earth an 150 days." Exod. iii, 14, "I am which am." Num. XX, 19, " we wiU go by the beaten way." Judges viii, 34, " called his esquire " ; xix, 17, "saw the man sitting with his fardels." Job viii, 12, "or a seggie place grow without water?" ix, 17, " in a hurle wind shal he break me " ; xii, 18, " he looseth the belt of kings "; xv, 27, "fatnes hath covered his face, and from his sides there hangeth tallow " ; xl, 13, " his bones are as pipes of brass " ; xli, 15, "compact as the smith's stithie." Psalms lxvi, 15, " oxen with bucke goats " ; Ixvii, 4, " let the just make merrie "; Ixviii, 11, "our Lord shall give the word to them that evangelize with great power " — power, as the Hebrew shows, meaning host or army — but the Rhemists took it as signifying " ability to work miracles." Isaiah liii, 5, " with the waile of his stripe we are healed." Jerem. viii, 22, " is there noe rosen in Galaad ? " Amos ii, 13, "behold I will screake under you as a wayne screaketh loden with hay.'' The note to Psalm xlvi, 3, is " Therefore all Catholics may assuredly know that the whole church cannot fail, though very many as now in England and very eminent persons, as some noblemen and some priests, have revolted." 144 THE ENGLISH BIBLE. [chap. There are some translations beyond common comprehension, but so are the common Latin text and the Greek version which it represents : — - 2 Chron. i, 13, ' " King Solomon came from the excelse of Gabaon " ; xxxiii, 3, " he reedified the excelses " ; 6, " through fire to the Valebennom." Job ix, 13, "under whom they stoop that carry the world " ; xxi, 33, " he hath been sweet to the gravel of Cocytus " ; xxvi, 13, "his spirit has adorned the heavens, and his hand being the midwife" ; xxxiv, 18, "Apostata, that caUeth dukes impious." Psalms 1, 5, "his saints, . . . which ordaine his testa ment above sacrifices " ; Iviii, 10, " before your thorns did ¦ understand the old briar " ; xc, 9, " our years shall be con sidered as a spyder. . . . because mildness is come upon us, and we shall be chastised " ; xci, 6, " thou shalt not be afraid of business walking in darkness, of invasion and the midday devil " — all according to the Vulgate. Many verses in the Psalter, singly or in groups, have a com ment after them, and at Psalm Uv, 3, we read, "barbarous highland men have betrayed the place." A revision of the Psalms (Psalms of David translated from the Vulgate, 1700) was made by John Caryl, secretary at St. Germains to the queen of James II ; and the volume has the approbation of Dr. Betham, serenissimi principis WaUiae Preceptor — that is, tutor to the Pretender. The reason and nature of his work are thus given by him : — " So it is that in some places the Latine Text of the Psalms rigorously translated word by word would yeeld a scarse in telUgible sense in the language into which it is translated : and wher that happens, it seems reasonable that such a latitude and liberty should be allow'd as is necessary to make the sense of the Text, as it is generaUy understood by the most approv'd authors, inteUigible to the reader, especiaUy in a Translation intended only for the privat devotions of Lay persons." The theological notes of the entire version — Old and New Testament — are Romish without disguise : — Matt, xxv, " Heaven is the reward of good works." XLIL] LIST OF TERMS. 145 2 Tim. iv, " The parable also of the men sent into the vine yard proveth that heaven is our own right, bargained for and wrought for, and accordingly paid unto us as our hire at the day of judgment." Heb. X, 21, " Adoration may be done to creatures or to God at and before a creature," the rendering in the text being, "adored the top of his rod." Luke xi, " Alms extinguish sin — they deliver from death " ; xii, 21, " By goods bestowed upon the poor, he hath store of merit, many alms-men's prayers procuring mercy for him at the day of his death " ; xvi, 28, " If the damned had care of their friends . . . much more have the saints and saved persons. And if those in heU have means to express their cogitations and desires, and be understood by Abraham, much rather may the living pray to the saints, and be heard of them." Rev. vi, " Saints be present at their tombs and reliques " ; xvu, " putting heretics to death is not to shed the blood of the saints " ; " Heresy and apostacy from the CathoUc faith punish able by death." The woman touching the hem of Christ's- garment is held out as a warrant for the " devout touching of holy relikes," Mark v. The note to Matt, vi, 24, explains the " two masters " to be God and Baal, Christ and Calvin, Masse and Communion, &c. There is appended to the New Testament a Ust of fifty-five words " not familiar to the vulgar reader," but many of them are now in common use, as abstracted, acquisition, adulterate, advent, allegory, calumniate, catechize, condign, evangelize, eunuch, holocaust, gratis, invocate, issue, prescience, resuscitate, victims. Some of the other terms have not become familiar as, assist in a sacerdotal sense ; assumption for Christ's ascen sion, dominical, denary, gratified meaning made gracious, hosts for sacrifices. There are other Latin terms in the list which have occurred in the specimens already given, and these have not been naturalized. To prove that St. Peter was in Rome, they hold that by Babylon, in his first Epistle, v, 13, is meant the ItaUan capital, and they shut their eyes to the consequences of such an interpretation. But they notify that Protestants ;md Calvinists are the forerunners of Antichrist. VOL. II. K 146 THE ENGLISH BIBLE. [chap. How this Catholic Bible, with its version and its notes, struck shrewd and hostile observers, may be seen in these sen tences of Fulke's Dedication of his Defence to the Queen: "Among the inestimable benefits, wherewith Almighty God hath wonderfully blessed this your majesty's most honom-able and prosperous government, it is not to be numbered among the least, that under your most gracious and Christian pro tection the people of your highness' dominions have enjoyed the most necessary and comfortable reading of the holy scrip tures in their mother tongue and native language. Which exercise, although it hath of long time, by the adversaries of him that willeth the scriptures to be searched (especially those of our nation) been accounted little better than an heretical practice ; and treatises have been written, pretending to shew great inconvenience of having the holy scriptures in the vulgar tongue ; yet now at length perceiving they cannot prevaU to bring in that darkness and ignorance of God's most sacred word and will therein contained, whereby their blind devotion, the daughter of ignorance, as they themselves profess, was wont to make them rulers of the world, they also at the last are become translators of the New Testament into English. In which, that I speak nothing of their insincere purpose, iu leaving the pure fountain of the origiaal verity, to follow the crooked stream of their barbarous vulgar Latin translation, which (beside all other manifest corruptions) is found defective in more than an hundred places, as your majesty, according to the exceUent knowledge in both the tongues wherewith God hath blessed you, is very well able to judge ; and to omit even the same book of their translation, pestered with so many annotations, both false and undutiful, by which, under colour of the authority of holy scriptures, they seek to infect the minds of the credulous readers with heretical and superstitious opinions, and to alienate their hearts from yielding due obedience to your majesty and your most christian laws con cerning true reUgion estabUshed ; and that I may pass over the very text of their translation, obscured without any necessary or just cause with such a multitude of so strange and unusual terms, as to the ignorant are no less difficult to understand XLIL] GREGORY MARTIN AND FULKE, 147 than the Latin or Greek itself: yet is it not meet to be con cealed, that they which neither truly nor precisely have trans lated their own vulgar Latin and only authentical text, have nevertheless been bold to set forth a several treatise, in which most slanderously and unjustly they accuse all our EngUsh translations of the Bible, not of small imperfections and over sights committed through ignorance or negligence, but of no less than most foul dealing in partial and false translations, wilful and heretical corruptions." On the other hand, Gregory Martin attacked the rendering of the proper names in the English version in these terms : — " Of one thing we can by no means excuse you, but it must savour vanity, or novelty, or both. As when you affect new strange words, which the people are not acquainted withal, but it is rather Hebrew to them than English. ' Against him came up Nabuchadnezzar, king of Babel,' 2 Par. xxxvi. 6, for ' Nabuchodonosor, king of the Chaldees ' ; ' Saneherib,' for ' Sennacherib ' ; ' Michaiah's prophecy,' for ' Michsea's ' ; ' Jehoshaphat's prayer,' for ' Josaphat's ' ; ' Uzza slain,' for 'Oza'; 'when Zerubbabel went about to build the temple,' for ' Zorobabel ' ; ' remember what the Lord did to Miriam,' for ' Marie,' Deut. xxxiv. : and in your first translation, ' Elisa,' for ' EUsseus ' ; ' Pek'.ihia ' and ' Pekah,' for ' Phaceia ' and ' Phacee ' ; ' TJziahu,' for ' Ozias ' ; ' Thiglath-peleser,' for ' Teglath-phalasar ' ; ' Ahaziahu,' for ' Ochozias ' ; ' Peka, the son of Remaliahu,' for 'Phacee, the son of Romelia.' And why say you not as weU ' Shelomoh,' for ' Salomon ' ; and ' Coresh,' for ' Cyrus,' and so alter every word from the known sound and pronunciation thereof? Is this to teach the people, when you speak Hebrew rather than English ? Were it a goodly hearing (think you) to say for ' Jesus,' ' Jeshuah ' : and for 'Marie,' his mother, 'Miriam'; and for 'Messias,' ' Messiach ' ; and ' John,' ' Jachannan ' ; and such like mon strous novelties ? which you might as weU do, and the people would understand you as weU, as when your preachers say, ' Nabucadnezer, king of Babel.' " Fulke's simple answer is, " Seeing the most of the proper names of the Old Testament were unknown to the people before 148 THE ENGLISH BIBLE. [chap. the Scripture was read in English, it was better to utter them according to the trath of their pronunciation in Hebrew, rather than after the common corruption which they had received in the Greek and Latin tongues. But as for those names which were known unto the people out of the New Testament, as Jesus, John, Mary, &c., it had been foUy to have taught men to sound them otherwise than after the Greek declination, in which we find them."^ The Rheims translators and divines attack aU the English versions. Robert Parsons, alias John Howlett, in giving " Reasons why Catholics refuse to go to Church," aUeges that " the Scripture is read there in false and shameless translations conteyning manifest and wilful corruptions." Standish, a reformer under Edward VI, and rector of Wigan, having dis missed his wife, and gone over to Rome, published, in 1554, a book of characteristic virulence, " A Treatise against the trans lation of the Bible into the vulgar language." Cardinal AUen, too, brands the English Bible as " falsely corrupted and deceit- fuUy translated." Gregory Martin calls it " not indeed God's book, word, or scripture, but the devil's worde," and sums up his charges against the Protestant versions thus : " Now then to come to our purpose, such are the absurd translations of the English Bibles, and altogether like unto these : namely, when they translate ' congregation ' for ' church,' ' elder ' for ' priest,' ' image ' for ' idol,' ' dissension ' for ' schism,' ' general ' for 'catholic,' 'secret' for 'sacrament,' 'overseer' for 'bishop,' ' messenger ' for ' angel,' ' ambassador ' for ' apostle,' ' minister ' for ' deacon,' and such like : to what other end be these deceitful translations, but to conceal and obscure the name of the church and dignities thereof, mentioned in the holy scrip tures; to dissemble the word 'schism' (as they do also 'heresy' and 'heretic') for fear of disgracing their schisms and heresies; to say of 'matrimony,' neither ' sacrament,' which is the Latin, nor ' mystery,' which is the Greek, but to go as far as they can possibly from the common usual and ecclesiastical words, saying, ' This is a great secret,' in favour of their heresy, that matrimony is no sacrament ? " ^ Matthew KelUson utters the ' Eeply, &c., pp. 588, 589. " Fulke, pp. 218, 219. XLU.] WHITGIFT AND CARTWRIGHT. 149 same language as Martin — his prime reason being that the Scripture in the English tongue is not according to the sense of ancient interpreters, nor under the Church of Rome. The reply is easy, and needs not to be formally given. Cart wright, under the patronage of the Earl of Leicester, and of Walsingham who gave him a hundred pounds to purchase books, and at the request of many heads of Houses in Cam- . bridge,^ began an assault on the Rheims New Testament the year after its publication; but Whitgift, in the plenitude of his prerogative, interdicted him. Whitgift had always opposed Cartwright with unsleeping hostUity, and in this case he aUowed ecclesiastical politics and antipathies to suppress a work of national benefit. The press was not free, and episcopal supervision could put down what was not relished, and con demn a book on account of its author's unlucky antecedents. A portion of this .Reply, from which an extract has been already given, was published at Edinburgh in 1602. Cart wright died in the foUovsdng year, and the full volume was published in 1618. Fulke not only wrote a " Defence of Translations of the Bible," ^ with overwhelming and unan swerable criticism and argument, but also " The Text of the New Testament of Jesus Christ, translated out of the vulgar Latine by the Papists of the traiterous Seminarie at Rhemes," ^ in which he tartly and truthfully criticises the translation, verse by verse. Bulkeley also took part in the controversy in an " Answer to the Rhemish preface," &c., 1588 ; and Whitaker, who had no sympathy with Cartwright, published -against Bellarmine, in 1610, his well known "Disputation on Holy Scripture." ^ " In 1615, Kellison ventured to publish 'A Gagg for the Reformed Gospel,' which was answered by Dr. Richard Montagu, afterwards Bishop of Chichester, in his ' A Gagg for the New Gospel ? No : a new Gagg for an old Goose, who would needes undertake to stop all Protestants' mouths for ever with 276 places out of their own English Bibles.' Bernard, rector of Batcombe, in Somersetshire, and author of a ¦' Thesaurus BibUcus,' published in 1626 ' Rhemes against Rome : 1 He had been Lady Margaret's " Eeprinted by the Parker Society. Professor of Divinity. ^ London, 1589. 150 THE ENGLISH BIBLE, [chap. or, the removing of " The Gag of the New Gospel," and rightly placing it in the mouthes of the JRomists by the Rhemists, in their EngUsh translation of the Scriptures.' 'The Rhemist priestes,' he wrote, ' for making any translation at aU of the Bible into the EngUsh tongue (though out of the Vulgar Latine, though obscured by affected phrases, and distorted by their cor rupt Annotations), yet are said to have bin beshrewed by their own more subtile Masters and Superiors, as having thereby, layed open to the people the nakednesse and deformitie of their Romish doctrines. And thereby have I the more wilUngly produced the same against themselves ; the power and lustre of God's Word, though clouded and disguised by their pur posed obscurite and improprieties, yet competently shining forth, for their conviction, by this unwilUng wounding of Eome by the out- workes of Rhemes." ^ The Catholic translators, whUe they speak of foUowing the most perfect Latin edition, do not seem to have made use of WycUffe. But their renderings are now and then coincident with the Genevan version, and they quote Hebrew words in the margin of the Old Testament. On the margin of almost every page of the translation, and in the notes, the heretics are attacked as Protestants or bigots, and a fragment of the following Table wUl show the frequency of the aUusions — " A table of certaine places of the New Testament, corrvptly translated in favour of heresies of these dayes in the EngUsh editions : especially of the yeares 1562-77-79 and 80, by order of the bookes, chapters, and verses of the same. Wherein we do not charge our aduersaries for disagreeing from the authentical Latin text (wherof much is saide in the preface) but for corrupting the Greek it selfe, which they pretende to translate. " S. Matt., chap, i, 19, For ' a iust man,' they translate ' a righteous man ' : because this word ' iust ' importeth that a man is iust in deede and not only so reputed. And so generally where ' iust ' or ' iustice ' is ioyned with good workes, they say ' righteous ' and ' righteousness ': yet being joined with faith, they keepe the olde termes ' iust ' and ' iustice.' 1 Cotton's Ehemes and Doway, Oxford, 1855. XLU.] TABLE OF PROTESTANT ERRORS, I5I " Chap, ii, 6, For ' rule ' or ' gouerne ' they translate ' feede ' to diminishe ecclesiastical authoritie, which the Greeke word signifieth; as also the Hebrewe, Mich, v, whence this is cited. " Chap, iii, 2, 8, For ' do penance ' and ' fruite worthie of penance ' (which signify painful satisfaction for sinne), they translate ' repent and repentance ' : or ' amendment of life.' " Chap, xvi, 18, For ' church ' they translate ' congregation,' and that so continually euery where in Tindals Bible, printed againe Ann. 1562, that the worde ' Church', is not once there to be founde. Which the other Editions correcting in other places, yet in this place it remayneth corrupted, reading still ' upon this rocke I wil build my congregation,' so loath they are it should appeare how firmly the Church of Christ is founded. " Chap, xviii, 17, The same corruption in Tind. Bib., ' Tel the congregation ' and ' If he wil not heare the congregation,' for ' Tel the Church,' and ' If he wil not hear the Church.' "Chap, xix, 11, Our Sauiour speaking of continencie saith: 'Not al take this word' which they peruert thus, 'Al men can not take this word ' : against free- wil, and vow of chas titie. " Chap, xxvi, 26, For ' blessed ' they translate ' gaue thanks ,' against the operation and efficacie of Christes blessing. " S. Mark, chap, x, 62, For ' thy faith had made thee safe ' speaking of corporal sight geuen to the blind, they translate ' thy faith hath saued thee,' to make it seeme that iustification and saluation is by only faith. "Chap, xiv, 22, For 'blessing,' they saye 'geuing thanks', as Matt, xxvi, 26. "S. Luke, chap, i, 6, For 'iust' and ' iustifications ' they translate, ' righteous ' and ' ordinances.' " i. 6, For ' HaUe ful of grace,' they translate ' HaUe thou that art in high fauour,' and ' Haile thou that art freely be loued': though Tindal said 'HaUe ful of grace,' the 'Aue Marie ' being not then banished as since it is. " Chap, in, 8, For ' penance,' they say ' repentance,' as before. Mat. Ui, 2, and 8. 152 THE ENGLISH BIBLE, [chap. " Chap, viii, 48, For ' thy faith hath made thee safe ' (to wit from corporal infirmitie) they translate, ' thy faith hath saued thee." " viii, 50, For ' beleeue only and she shal be safe,' they say ' beleeue only and she shal be saued ' : in fauour of the forsaid heresie of only faith : neither marking that this safetie per- taineth to the bodie, nor that it is attributed to the faith of an other, and not of the partie restored. " Chap, xviii, 42, For ' thy faith hath made thee whole ' or ' safe,' they saie, as in the former places, ' thy faith hath saued thee.' "Chap, xxii, 20, Beza (whom the EngUsh Protestantes herein defend) condemneth the Greeke text (which he confesseth to be the same in al copies) because by it the relatiue, 'which,' must needes be referred to the ChaUce, and so proueth the real presence of Christs blonde in the Chalice. "S. John, chap, i, 12, For 'he gave them powre to be made the sonnes of God,' Beza and his folowers translate ' he gaue them the dignitie' (others say 'the prerogatiue') to be the sonnes ' of God ' : against free- wil. " Chap, ix, 22 and 35, For ' put out of the Synagogue ' they translate ' excommunicate ' : as though the CathoUke Churches excommunication of heretikes, from the societie and participa-' tion of the faithful, were like to that exteriour putting out of the Synagogue, of such as confessed Christ. "Chap, xiii, 16, For 'Apostle' they translate 'messenger': turning an Ecclesiastical word, into the original and prophane signification.'' The second edition of the New Testament was " set forth " in 1600, " by the same coUege now returned to Doway," Antwerp, Daniel Veruliet. It contains a table of heretical corruptions, and at the end of it stands the remark — "The blessed confessor. Bishop Tunstal, noted no less than two thou sand corruptions in Tindal's translation, in the New Testament only. Thereby, as by these few here cited for example, the in different reader may , see, how untruly the English Bibles are commended to the people for the pure Word of God." A third edition appeared at the same place in 1621, and a fourth in 1633 XLIL] CHANGES IN RHEIMS AND DOUAI VERSIONS. 153 — probably at Rouen — a reprint of the edition of 1 600. A second edition of the Old Testament was pubUshed in 1635, and no other edition of it was printed for 115 years. Later editions were revised by Haydock, Lingard, Kenrick, Withan, Nary, ChaUoner, and others ; and the copies now in use have been toned down and brought into considerable harmony with our current Bibles. The greatest changes were introduced in Dr. ChaUoner's edition. Nary explains his motive in his preface : "We have no CathoUck translation of the Scripture in the English tongue, but the Doway Bible, and the Rhemish Testa ment, which have been done now more than an hundred years since : the language whereof is so old, the words in many places so obsolete, the orthography so bad, and the translation so very literal, that in a number of places it is unintelligible, and all over so grating to the ears of such as are accustomed to speak, in a manner, another language, that most people will not be at the pains of reading them. Besides, they are so bulky, that they cannot conveniently be carried about for publick devotion ; and so scarce and dear, that the generality of people neither have, nor can procure them for their private use. To supply aU these defects, I have endeavoured to make this New Testament speak the EngUsh tongne now used, as near as the many Hebraisms wherewith it abounds, and which (in my opinion) ought never to be altered where they can be rendered so as to be inteUigible,' would aUow. I have taken all the care imaginable to keep as close to the letter as the English wUl permit ; and where the Latin phrase would prove unintelligible in the English, a word, or two or more, must be added to make the sense clear." ^ "A New Version of the Four Gospels," "by a Catholic," was published in 1836 anonymously — the author being the well-known historian Dr. Lingard. The volume has no dedication prefixed, and is not accompanied or commended by any approbation granted by the ecclesiastical authorities of the translator's own church. It is not, however, a revision of the Rheims, as it cuts deeply into its English, and is apparently in many places taken from the Greek, and not from the Latin Vulgate. Though his 1 Cotton, p. 299. 154 THE ENGLISH BIBLE. [chap. " History " shows that the author was a very decided CathoUc, he has in the translation given "repent," for "do penance"; "bondman," for "servant"; "Messiah," for "Christ"; "Good- tidings," for " Gospel " ; " tax-gatherer," for " publican " ; "fiends," for "devils"; "figures," for "proverbs"; "an nounce," for " preach " ; " verily," for " amen " ; " causes of oflfence," for "scandals"; and "righteousness," for "justice." About his notes Dr. Lingard warns: "It may be proper to inform the reader, that the notes, which are appended to the text in the following pages, are not of a controversial character. Their object is the elucidation of obscure passages, or the explica tion of aUusions to national customs, or the statement of the reasons which have induced the translator to diflfer occasionally from preceding interpreters. Many of these he has consulted, though he has not thought proper to load his pages with re ferences to their works." ^ The translation was reviewed by Cardinal Wiseman, and faintly praised ; though in the article the whole subject of revision is discussed with great ability, and his judgment about the Bible of his church is not ex treme : " To caU it any longer the Doway or Rhemish version is an abuse of terms. It has been altered and modified till scarcely any verse remains as it was originaUy published ; and so far as simplicity and energy of style are concerned, the changes are in general for the worse " — the truly papal con clusion being ^ : " The impression on the reader's mind, after having perused this edition, must be, that Christianity never depended, for its code or evidences, upon the compilation of these documents [the Gospels], and that they never could have been intended for a rule of faith." ^ The old Latin Bible or Vulgate stiU lives in the midst of us, for we owe to it aU our Christian terms ending in "ation," and nearly aU the distinctive words of our theological voca bulary — as person, essence, scripture, lecture, sermon, text, 1 Cotton, Ehemes and Doway, ' Collations of these editions may p. 137. be seen in Archdeacon Cotton's " Dublin Eeview, April, 1837. " Ehemes and Doway, " Oxford, Eeprinted in Wiseman's Essays, vol. 1855. 1, p. 73-76, London, 1853. XLIL] THEOLOGICAL NOMENCLATURE. 155. grace, adoption, repentance, spirit, glory, satisfaction, conver sion, sacrament, regeneration, justification, sanctiflcation, re demption, privilege, election, eternity, predestination, com munion, congregation, discipline, missionary.^ The influence of the Latin church is also very apparent still in the nomenclature of even Protestant Presbyterian Scotland. The chairman of a presbytery or synod is called its " moderator "; he who presides when a minister is chosen " moderates " in a call ; he who executes a commission given him by a church court " obtemperates " their decision ; the elders in a church form its " session " ; the chairman of the board of secular manage ment is the " preses " ; the Lord's Supper is the " sacrament," the previous discourse is the " Action sermon," and the bread and wine the " elements " ; the leader of the psalmody is the "precentor"; the collection was in days not long past the "oflfering"; the pastor is the "minister," and in olden times the " Instrument," his house is the " manse," he is " licensed " to preach and becomes a " probationer '' till he is " ordained " over a charge; a bad report about him is a "fama," which, on being proved, may lead to his "suspension" or "deposition"; presence at worship is " attendance upon ordinances " ; the decisions of a synod or assembly are its "Acts " ; a minister's income is his " stipend " ; " purgation of scandal " is not ob solete — and there are many other familiar technical terms and phrases. ' For some renderings, the result 1686 ; and reprinted in Cotton's- of deplorable ecclesiastical bias, re- " Memoir of a French New Testa- ference may be made to Bishop Kid- ment," in which the " Mass " and der's " Eeflections on a French New "Purgatory" are found in the Testament" printed at Bordeaux, " Sacred Text." London, 1863. It may be mentioned that Parsons, already refeiTcd to on p. 148, wrote- under the name of Doleman a " Conference," in which he maintained, with considerable ingenuity, the right of the Spanish Infanta to the English crown. A reply was made by the great Scottish jurist, Sir Thomas Craig,, in 1602. THE AUTHOEIZED YEESION. " If the Arian heresy was propagated and rooted by means of beautiful vernacular hymns, so who will say that the uncommon beauty and mar vellous English of the Protestant Bible is not one of the great strongholds of heresy in this country ? It lives on in the ear like a music that never can be forgotten, like the sound of church bells, which the convert hardly knows how long he can forego. Its felicities seem often to be almost things rather than mere words. It is part of the national mind, and the anchor of national seriousness. Nay, it is worshipped with a positive idolatry; in extenuation of whose grotesque fanaticism, its intrinsic beauty pleads availingly with the man of letters and the scholar. The memory of the dead passes into it. The potent traditions of childhood are stereo typed in its verses. The power of all the griefs and trials of a man is hidden beneath its words. It is the representative of his best moments ; and all that there has been about him of soft, and gentle, and pure, and penitent, and good, speaks to him for ever out of his English Bible. It is his sacred thing, which doubt never dimmed, and controversy never soiled. It has been to him all along as the silent, but O how intelligible, voice of his guardian angel ; and in the length and breadth of the land there is not a Protestant, with one spark of religiousness about him, whose spiritual biography is not in his Saxon Bible." F. W. Faber. CHAPTER XLIII. QUEEN ELIZABETH, after a reign of more than forty-four ^ years, died on the 24th of March, 1603 ; and on the 5th AprU, James VI of Scotland left Edinburgh, and proceeded to London, to take possession of the English crown as the great- grandson of Margaret Tudor, and he had the good fortune to quash the claims of several rivals without public disturbance.' Though he was now thirty-seven years of age, he made the journey with aU the glee of a schoolboy released for a hoUday, and scattered honours about him in indiscriminate profusion. Utterly devoid of those graces of form and manner which characterized his mother, wanting also the dignity and gal lant bearing of his great kinswoman and predecessor, he yet received a frank and harmonious welcome from his new subjects. Strange and romantic incidents had marked his infantine years. Born in the Castle of Edinburgh on the 19th of June, ^ After the death of James IV at was righteous heir to the Scot- Flodden, his widow, Margaret Tudor, tish crown, so he was "righteous married the Earl of Angus, and by and more righteous " heir to the this union Lady Arabella Stewart, English crown— as if he had sur- cousin of King James, was her great- mised that this last title was, or grand-daughter. King Henry, iu might be, called in question. The his will, put aside the Scottish line, dedication prefixed to our present the descendants of his elder sister Bible throws in an assertion ever Margaret, and gave preference to dear to its royal patron, when it the liue of Suffolk, the descendants speaks of "the government estab- of his younger sister Mary. James lished in your Highness, and your said, in his parting harangue to hopeful seed, by an undoubted his northern people, that as he title." 160 THE ENGLISH BIBLE. _ [chap. 1566, he was baptized in the chapel of Stirling Castle on the 15th December of the same year. His father, Darnley, though he was Uving at the time in the Fort,^ was not present at the service which was held by torch Ught, but the Protestant Bothwell, so soon to be wedded to his mother after the Kirk- o'-Field tragedy of which he was a chief promoter, did the honours on the occasion. His baptismal font of gold weigh ing 330 ounces, and a present from Queen Elizabeth, was sent shortly after by his mother to the mint, to be tumed into cash, in order to provide payment to " the bloody cut-throats " that formed her body-guard at the time of her marriage to that worthless and desperate ruffian by whom she was so bewitched as for his sake to renounce the Catholic faith, and renew the prohibition of the Mass, according to the enactment of 1560. She was wedded in her " dule weeds " as a widow, and the marriage was celebrated, not in the chapel, but in the coimcU-chamber of Holyrood, none of the lords living in Edinburgh at the time deigning to be present at the fatal nuptials. Political events were rushing with tremen dous rapidity ; and Mary having, in her islet prison, signed her abdication on the 24th of July, 1567, her son was, foiir days afterwards, solemnly consecrated king at Stirling when he was thirteen months old, his head being put for a moment into the great Bruce's crown, and his hand made to touch the sword and sceptre, while through his sponsors. Lord Hume and the Earl of Morton,^ he took the oath, " I, James, Prince and Steward of Scotland . . . ." The mystic ceremonial being over, the Earl of Mar carried the anointed babe back to its nursery. Before he was two years old he was, by another representative — the Regent Murray — ^fighting against his mother ; and her defeat at Langside by her son, through her half-brother, sent her a swift fugitive across the Border, to a long imprisonment and a terrible end. The earliest memories of James were those of a boyish 1 He was at the moment a doomed " John Knox preached on the man, the "bond" being already occasion, though it is said that he signed for the destruction " of sic an objected to the anointing. young fool and proud tyran." xliil] character OF KING JAMES. Igl kinglet. On assuming the government, at the age of twelve, he presided in royal robes at a meeting of Council at Stirling, and spoke the words put into his mouth ; but during the dis cussion he was specially exercised about a hole in the cloth which covered the table. His first visit in state to Edinburgh was typical of his subsequent career. On his arrival at the West Port, the pageant presented before him was the decision of the wise king, the actors being the two women with the child, and a servant with the sword. When he drew nigh to the "Great Kirk " "Dame Religion" asked him to enter; and, dismounting " at the lady's steps," he complied with the invi tation. But when he came out, and moved down toward the cross, he was saluted by a "jolly Bacchus," who, seated on a barrel, drank again and again to his majesty's welcome, while puncheons were running wine for the mob. James was indeed made up of contrasts, and his character presents a species of duaUsm. Nature had apparently intended him to be the greatest of his race in person and mind, but from the shock which his mother had received at the assassination of Rizzio, " he was a spoUed chUd, in a deplorably literal sense, before he was born," and the weakling was seven years old before he coidd stand upright, so that often in after life it was his wont to poise himself by leaning on the shoulders of others. His physical weakness was very visible, and when he engaged in the chase he had to be trussed into his saddle ; but when " in the kirk," on Sunday, 3rd AprU, 1603, he delivered his last address to his Scottish subjects, and promised to visit them every three years, his boast was, " Ye mister not doubt, for I have a bodie als able as anie king in Europe." In early life he was an " old young man." The descendant of a long line of kings — Plantagenets, Tudors, and Stewarts — he was awkward in gait, and uncouth in person and manner, while "he ate and drank, dressed and 'played Uke a boor."^ His tongue being too large for his mouth, his loquacity was a continuous sputter. While he "waUowed in filth, moral and physical," ^ it was his joy to regard himself as the " Lord's 1 Despatch of M. Fontenay— Froude, History, vol. XI, p. 664. ° Burton, History of Scotland, vol. VI, 161. VOL. II. L 162 THE ENGLISH BIBLE. [chap. anointed." As he never washed his hands, the honour of kissing them must have exceeded the pleasure. Boasting of his tenacious hold of his sceptre, as if he had been a " mortal god " on earth, he was ever tossing it to unworthy favourites, as a bauble to play with — such favourites as Esm^ Stewart in Scotland, and Buckingham in England, the latter of whom, in vulgar familiarity, used to name his sovereign " dear Dad and Gossip." His hatreds were as unaccountable as his likings which might vary, but his prejudices always tended to ripen into lasting antipathies. When he suspected that people imagined him to be facile, he sank into fits of sullenness and obstinacy, lest, to use his own words, he should be regarded as "led by the nose," or thought to be "ane irresolute ass." Though timid in temperament, he could be scared into momentary bravery. It has now been proved that the famous Gowrie conspiracy, in 1600, was a reaUty, but few of the king's contemporaries beUeved his account of it. His solitary adven ture — the one romance of his Ufe — was his voyage to Norway, to bring home his Danish bride. He had told his councU that this matrimonial step was taken after asking the "Divine direc tion for fifteen days to move his heart the meetest way," and the General Assembly ordered a fast every Sabbath, and pubUc prayers for his safety during his absence in Denmark. But while these loyal intercessions for him were going on in Edin burgh, he wrote to a friend a letter which begins, " From the Castle of Cronberg, where we are drinking and driving over in the auld manner." His shrewdness was barren and un practical, and men of far less talent easily outwitted him. His possession of great good sense and humour, and his power of clothing a thought in a pithy and pregnant clause equal often to one of Bacon's, did not save him from being an oraciUar simpleton. He often meant weU, but his best resolves died away in helpless and ludicrous indecision. Courtiers hood winked him by praising bis subtlety. Coke, his surly attorney- general, was perfectly aware of the process by which the Gun powder Plot had been detected, but, hungering for preferment, he ascribed the discovery to the king himself, and extolled him as "divinely iUuminated by Almighty God, and like an angel of XLin.] ROYAL INCONSISTENCIES. 163 God." He had the best head in his Council, but his sagacity rarely served him in ordinary business, and when he tried a MachiavelUan policy, he was ever Uke a mole, blundering into light. He was cunning and indiscreet by turns, his gravity and levity being about as nearly balanced as were his hours of hunting and study. He raised Carr to the peerage, and sent Raleigh to the block. He wrote on theology and on tobacco. He acted like a child in matters of moment, but was awed into solemnity about trifles — as when he formally charged the head of the King's Bench with the crime of allowing his servant to ride bare-headed before him. Nor was he guileless ; he corres ponded with the pope on the one hand, and with the queen of England on the other, and thought that he was doing a clever piece of diplomacy in trying to ingratiate himself with two such masters. According to the English queen, who stigma tized him as " a double-tongued viUain," he had been in the habit of calling Lord Morton "his father," up to the time when he contrived to have that nobleman seized, tried, and executed. He could not bear the sight of a drawn sword, and he was a sincere lover of peace, but his love of peace was sometimes aUowed to degenerate into pusillanimity, as when he permitted his own son-in-law to be beaten out of his kingdom by the Imperial troops. In his desire to please, he occasionally allowed his subjects to fight under opposing standards. The assassination of Henry IV of France, the Armada, and the Gunpowder Plot, were fresh in the nation's memory, as events but of yesterday, and the king showed some desire to guard against such perils. But he subsided at length into a Catholic policy, as he longed for a Spanish alliance. His common talk was a continuous infringement of the Third Commandment, though he often expressed penitence for his lapses; and his Book of Sports was an attempt to induce a national violation of another Commandment, though it was curiously enacted in the royal wisdom, that none should share in the Sunday games but such as had attended church. He prided himself on his profound skill in kingcraft, which was too often but another name for insincerity and absolutism, and yet was hailed as the '' wisest fool in Christendom." His belief in kingly supremacy was 164 THE ENGLISH BIBLE. [chap. only excelled by his belief in himself, and the immoraUty of his court was equalled by the imbecility of his government. Parliament had settled the amount of taxation on a certain import, but he had, vA, speedily ^^ss over"; xx, 18, "they were wont to speak." 1 Chron. iv, 10, " 0 that thou wouldest bless me indeed." Esther iv, 14, " if thou altogether boldest thy peace." Job vi, 2, " 0 that my grief were thoroughly weighed." Isaiah xxiv, 20, " the earth shaU reel to and fro!' Jeremiah xxiii, 17, " they say still " ; 32, " they shall not profit at all " ; 39, " I will utterly forget you " ; xxv, 30, " he shall mightily roar " ; xxxi, 20, " I do earnestly re member." Ezek. i, 3, " the word of the Lord came expressly!' Clauses coupled, as they usually are, by the simple conjunc tion would be bald in English, and therefore a particle sup plying a subordinate or logical connection is often employed. Gen. XV, 2, " what wilt thou give me, seeing 1 go childless." Exod. V, 18, "no straw given you, yet shall ye deliver"; xvii, 2, " give us water that we may drink." 230 THE ENGLISH BIBLE. [chap. Num. iv, 15, "they shall not touch the holy things lest they die." Josh, iii, 13, " when ye see the ark of the covenant .... then ye shall remove." Ruth i, 11, " are there yet sons in my womb that may be your husbands?" iii, 13, "if he will not do the part of a kinsman, then I will." Prov. xxv, 25, " as cold water ... so is good news." Similar idioms they also render as happUy: Gen. viii, 5, " the waters decreased continually " ; 7, " which went forth to and fro" ; xii, 9, "going on still" ; Jerem. xli, 6, "weeping all along"; 2 Sam. iii, 16, "went with her along weeping"; V, 10, " David went on and grew great " ; 1 Chron. xi, 9, " David waxed greater and greater." The idiom made by son or daughter or lord they often do not give literally, as sons of sheep, sons of lightning, sons of the bow, lord of a woman, for such literal translation would have seemed as a foreign idiom. The repetition of a noun is well rendered : as two-two by "two and two"; day-day, by "every day"; six wings six wings, by " each one had six wings " ; Deut. xxv, 13, "thou shalt not have in thy bag a stone and a stone" — "divers measures" — oc curring also in Prov. xx, 23 ; Psalms xii, 2, " an heart and an heart " is rendered " a double heart." In such cases the Uteral rendering is put in the margin — "perfect peace," "peace, peace," Isaiah xxvi, 3. The phrase literally " good in the eyes of" is rendered "as it pleaseth," " as it liketh," " what he thought good," " as it seemeth good," " if he think good." In the New Testament they show similar devices. The verb which is commonly rendered " seek " they vary by the translation, "go about to," John vii, 19, 20, Acts xxi, 31, and by "were about to " in xxvii, 30. One particle ^ is rendered as the context suggests, "and," or "but," or "now," or "so," or " moreover," or " even " in Philip, ii, 8, or it is omitted altogether. They also vary another particle,^ though not always correctly, " and," " even, " also," " but," " then," " so," "yet," "when," "therefore," "if" To have kept the Greek participle uniformly in English would have made the ver- oe. " /cat. XLIV.] THE ENGLISH SPECIALLY SAXON. 231 sion intolerably heavy — it is therefore often resolved into a finite verb, a resolution which takes place in nearly every verse in the second chapter of Matthew. This method is not so accurate when participle and verb mark a con temporaneous act. We have in Matt, ix, 2, " Jesus seeing their faith said," though it is diflferently rendered in Luke V, 20, " when he saw their faith." In Matt, xii, 15, the better rendering would be, "but Jesus knowing it withdrew" — the knowledge being that of his own divine omniscience ; aud similarly in Matt, xvi, 8. Their ordinary method is reversed in Luke xxii, 15, the more Uteral rendering being kept in the text, "with desire I have desired," and the usual form transferred to the margin, " I have heartily desired " ; and similarly Acts vii, 34, " I have seen, I have seen," Jer. xxiii, 25. Their own style, as seen in their learned and very ela borate preface, was somewhat pedantic and cumbrous, and wanted the lithe and easy turns of an earlier age, but they did not employ it. Not that in their version they altogether " Against Apollo's lute decreed. And gave it for Pan's oaten reed." But the English of their Bible is especially Saxon. Saxon prevails in most of the verses; but Latin occasionally, though rarely, predominates in others, as in Isaiah 1, 1,^ Jer. xxxi, 25, ^ in Luke vi, 49, as in each of its last three clauses is a Latin term,^ and in 2 Cor. ix, 13, there are five Latin terms.* In the familiar twenty-third psalm five verses have each a non-English word and the fifth verse has no less than five Latin terms. On the other hand "now" occurs three times in Acts xxvii, 9 — the first instance might have been easily dispensed with ; the pro noun " she " occurs five times in Lulce viii, 47 ; " shall " is used four times in Matt, xiii, 14; and "should" four times ^ Divorcement, creditors, iniqui- " Satiate, replenish. ties, transgressions ; usurer — stand- ^ Vehement, immediately, ruin. ing for creditor in the Bishops' and '' Experiment, ministration, glory, the Great Bible professed, subjection. 232 THE ENGLISH BIBLE. [chap. in Matt, xiii, 15; the strange collocation "this, that this" occurs in Matt. xxvi. 13 ; "that that " is found in Num. vi, 21, Dan. xi, 36, Zech. xi, 9, John xxi, 23, in the two latter places taken from the Bishops'.^ The unusual connection, "when they had this done," meets us in Luke v, 6. The proportion of Saxon to Latin words in it is over ninety per cent, while in Shakespeare it is about eighty-five, in Swift eighty - nine, in Johnson only about seventy-five, and in Gibbon about seventy per cent. The Lord's Prayer as given in St. Matthew consists of sixty-five words exclusive of the transferred Amen. Of these words fifty-nine are Saxon as against six Latin ones. Nay, the first five and thirty words are all Saxon in suc cession.^ But while the preponderance of Saxon terms is so great, they did not scruple to press Latin terms into their ser vice when they were deemed necessary to compactness and strength. They have " succour " as well as " help," " misery " as well as " wretchedness " which occurs only once, " inter cession " as well as " pleading " which occurs only twice. They use both "act " and "deed," "similitude" and "likeness,'' "power" and "might," "justice'' and "righteousness," "marriage" and "wedding," "transgression" and "sin," " desert " and " wilderness," " testimony " and " witness," " tabernacle " and "tent," "equity" and "righteousness," "re mission " and " forgiveness." In the same way are found "kingly" and "royal," "death" and "mortal," "flesh" and "carnal," "gentile" and "heathen," "charity" and "love," " distil " and " drop," " sanctify " and " hallow," " conceal " and "hide," "timely" and "early," "chief" and "head," "obscurity" and "darkness," "sufficient" and "enough," "labour" and "work," ^ In three sentences of the Pil- This book, which is fortunately still grim's Progress "but" occurs six iu existence, is the Bible, and I times. Milton ridicules Bishop Hall venture to afSrm without fear of for writing "Teach each.'' contradiction thatthose old-fashioned " GifTord notes, " There was a people who have studied it well are book much read by our ancestors, as competent judges of the meaning from which, as being the pure well- of our ancient writers as most of the head of English prose, they derived devourers of black literature from a number of phrases which have Theobald to Stevens." Gifford's sorely puzzled their descendants. Massinger, p. 58, London, 1853. XLIV.] TERMS OCCURING ONLY ONCE. 233 " castle " and " hold." They were fastidious, however, in their admission of Latin terms. Many words much in use now and occurring only once in Shakespeare are not found in Scripture at all — as abrupt, ambiguous, artless, improbable, improper, impure, and inconvenient. But by a happy instinct of selec tion they admitted such terms as " ambassador " and " opera tion," though Swift objects to them along with "preliminaries," " speculation," &c.; and they have taken " temperance," which Elyotin 1534 regarded as modern, "destruction" though Fulke branded it, "austere" though in 1601 Holland thought it necessary to explain it.; and " element," though Shakespeare plays with it as a word " overworn." But they did not admit a word so common now as " character " ^ though it occurs so often in Shakespeare ; and they refused " adore," " elevation," " accommodate," the last term being ridiculed by Shakespeare and Ben Jonson ; and though they employed the Latin " com passion," they did not take " sympathy," though the word in its Greek form occurred twice in their text, but the term meant sometimes at that period " equality of station." " Learn" does not occur in an active sense, though it is found several times in the Bishops' and the Prayer Book version of the Psalms, and was in common use.^ Many terms occur only once, not simply technical words, but such as the following from a foreign source : Abjects, addicted, advisement, advo cate, agony, aided, aUege, allegory, arouse, amiable, amerce, ancestors, assist, argument, averse, benefactor, benevolence, bravery, bray, brawling, celestial, chapel, chafed, chant, clem ency, cogitation, commodious, contribution, comparable, con descend, congratulate, concert, decease (as an intransitive and as a neuter verb), delectable, decently, depend, descry, debase, ^ Wotton says, " Now here then lator than they has transferred a will lie the whole businesse, to set participle in Matt, ii, 7, and also down beforehand certain Signatures changed it into anoun, his rendering of Hopefulnesse, or Characters as I being, " Enquired exactly of them will rather caU them, because that the time of the phenomenon of the word hath gotten already some en- star." BoM'es' Translatiou, Dundee, tertainment among us." 1870. " But a more adventurous trans- 234 THE ENGLISH BIBLE. [chap. demonstration, discipUne, disclose, displayed, disfigure, dis patch, disgrace, enable, endure, empire, endow, ensue, entire, environ, erect, eternity (once in text, three times in margin), exchanger (banker), exercise, as a noun, forfeit, frankly (gratuitously, Lnke vii, 42), ignominy, illuminate, imperious, implead, importunity, incredible, infaUible, intelligence, laud, magnifical, magnificence, milUon, modesty, monument, misused, mutual, news, object (verb), oration, pernicious, potentate, protection, pursue, putrifying, quantity, rare, rase, reasonable (rational), recall, recount, redound, reformation, renounced, re- pUest, resemble (as an active verb), renounce, repeateth, rifled, rites (but twice also in the margin), schism, servitors, senses, severity, strain, temporal, terrestrial, tranquillity, transferred, treatise, unction, vent, vouch, voyage. They ventured on "purtenance" but once, Exodus xii, 9, though the word is found in Tyndale and Coverdale ; ^ they admit " expia tion " " echo," and " compose " only once into the margin, and the common theological term "type" is also excluded from the text, and found only in the margin. On the other hand many Saxon terms used in Shakespeare and not occur ring in Scripture have become obsolete,^ and many of his Latin terms not accepted by our translators have passed out of cur rency. The following words in the Version, mostly native, are found only once: Ado, aloof, badness, bestead, bestir, betake, blaze 1 The phrase "' saddle me the ass " " tuition " for defence, " fracted " is sometimes supposed to be a com- for broken ; " lot,'' " period," and mon idiom with an expletive word, " monster " as verbs ; " testi- but " me " is in this case the literal monied," '' concent " for harmony, rendering of the pronoun in the "affront" to meet with, "acture" Hebrew text " for me." for action, &c. In Cockeram's " Such as " faith'd," " scaling " English Dictionarie, or interpreter of for weighing, " able " as a verb, hard English words, &c. (London, " entertain," to take into service, 1632), it is said that " abate,'' which " cheer " face, " brief " letter, occurs four times in the Version, is " dem " lonely, " yclad," " yclept," a word now out of use, aud only " bate,""birthdom." Similarly such used of some ancient writers. Latin words as " sense " for sensual Neither the Bible nor Milton in his passion, " absolute " for perfect, poetry uses a word now so familiar " fine " for end, " mure " for wall, as " commence." XUV.] THE APOCRYPHA. 235 belch (and once in the margin), belief, bide, boisterous, boUed, bloom, border (as a verb), bought (as a noun in the margin), cabins, chapmen, dandled, deemed, flash, forecast, gaddest, gulf, huge, outlived, outran, outlandish, outwent, pate, pathway, pilled, rests (as a noun, margin " rebatement "), right early, right well, road, shapen, swerve, unspoken, untoward, well nigh.^ Reference was made in the previous course of the narrative to the Latin paper handed in by the English divines to the Synod of Dort, giving an account of the process of revision which had produced a version "so very accurate." The royal rules prescribed^ to the revisers are here reduced to seven, and four of these seven are upon matters not alluded to in the original fourteen, whUe the first, second, and fourth coincide with the first, sixth, and seventh of the earUer canons. Pro bably those new rules had sprung from the necessities of the work, or had been naturally suggested as the work advanced. These newer regulations, aflfording daily guidance to the vari ous companies, were fresh in the memory of the delegates : while the others, issued in 1604, containing ultimate laws or principles, had faded somewhat out of view. The fifth rule of th§ seven quoted at Dort took up the Apocrypha—" that in the translation of Tobit and Judith, as there was great difference between the Greek and the old Vulgate text, the Greek text should rather be followed." ^ Considerable license was taken in revising the Apocrypha, as probably they had no belief in the inspiration of its books. The foUowing words and phrases occurring in it are not found in the canonical portions of Scripture : Abashed, abridge, '- The affectation of using fine Bishop Spiridion being in the terms in a version of Scripture is audience, at once cried out to not confined to England, though him, " Are you better than he that Lowth and Campbell are occasion- said ' bed ' that you are ashamed to ally touched by it. About the use his words ? " Stanley's Eastern period of the Nicene Council, a Church, p. 108. The incident is also noted preacher in C3'prus, in a referred to in the translators' pre- quotation from the Gospels,eschewed face. KpdfS^aTov and preferred a-Ki/jt-irovs, ^ See pp. 191, 201. "couch" to "bed." The famous ^ gessio VIL 236 THE ENGLISH BIBLE. [chat. adore, adherent, aim, amain, anew, annoy, apparition, attempt, augmentation, brickie, baggage, canopy, carrs, clubs, cocker (to pamper), commentaries, conduct (meaning safe conduct), con jecture, counterfeit, culture, defective, defray, distinguish (once in margin, 1 Cor. iv, 7), echo, enforce, enterprise, ever- lastingness, exquisite, voyage (Jud. ii, 19), fact, falls (as a plural noun), favoureth, feat, fear (to terrify), forlorn, graces, gratify, immunities, incredulity, impiety, indiflferent, invincible, jolUty, justices, loyal, magi, mitigate, niggard, outroad, penalty, pleasure (as a verb), reconcilement, resolute, shrewd (a "shrewd turn'' or clever retaliation), submissively, unright, thrive, timorous, trace, tyrant, tender (to feel tenderness), wearing, uneasy (in the sense of difficult), importable, ugly, and such phrases as "well is him" (Eccles. xxv, 8, 9), "take example at," " get the day," " other some," " he sticks not," " not for our turn," " make him away," " the party," that is, an individual — " the man or the woman," " curious," four times in the sense of " inquisitive," " within the liberties," " took no good order," " sour behaviour," " held them battle," " laugh upon," " shall ripe," " will fat," " pensions — to all who kept the city," " at the last gasp," &c. The marginal notes in the Apocrypha are freer in character than those of the Old Testament. The translators had the Septuagint of Aldus, that in the Complutensian Polyglott, and the Codex Vaticanus printed in Rome 1586. But as the text was not in a satisfactory state, they were obUged to set down no less than 154 various readings. They bracketed as spurious Eccles. i, 7, though the Bishops' had admitted it, and also Eccles. xa^U, 5, they marked in a similar way. There are 138 notes for the purpose of giving more literally or precisely the sense of the original Greek or Latin.^ There are in the margin also 174 variations given of the spelling of proper names, 167 of which belong to 1 Esdras ; and there are 505 alter native renderings, with other 42 notes designed to impart information. They depart from their practice in the Old 1 They had only a Latin text of 2 given by Dr. Scrivener, Cambridge Esdras. The different readings, with Paragraph Bible, Introduction, p. the authorities, are lucidly and fully xxvii, &c. XLIV.] CLEARNESS AND HARMONY. 237 Testament by quoting authorities, not only Josephus, but Herodotus, Pliny, Athanasius, the Latin interpreter, and Junius the translator. For the text they refer at Tobit xiv, 5, 18, to the " Roman copie " ; also 1 Mac. ix, 9, and xii, 37, where it is called the "Roman reading." Geddes, the Catholic critic, an admirer of Castalio, objects to such biblical Saxon compounds as " therefore," " wherefore," "therein," "wherein" — "'wherein' being the only tolerable, decent gentleman of the family " ; and Hume, expressing a strong antipathy to the use of th as the termination of the third person singular of verbs, also brands "wherewith" as an old-fashioned dangling word, as " having no harmony, no eloquence, no ornament, and not much correctness, whatever the English may imagine," and swears " that he would not swallow it," though Robertson and Swift are so partial to it. But these idiomatic vocables are so useful and expressive that they cannot be dispensed with. These criticisms of the scholar and historian betray their northern origin, for in the self-training of such men (whose dialect in boyhood was Scotch) to write good English, there mingled unconsciously the desire to be more Attic in its use than those whose mother tongue it was.^ There are also in the English Bible many native mono syllables; nouns, verbs, and particles, which in their common or idiomatic use give directness, clearness, and harmony to the clauses, which are not only comprehended at once, but fix themselves in the memory and linger in the ear like an echo or the refrain of a song.^ What is scholastic has no place in it; it uses "great plainness of speech," and so utters itself that all may " mark, learn, and inwardly digest." It is a stranger to "inkhorn terms" and to classical intricacies of construction, for in Hebrew and in New Testament Greek ideas occur in coordinate succession and are not ranged round or subordinated 1 Yet Hume could write in refer- " There are five lines and a half ence to Cato and Brutus, "the in Shakespeare consisting of about 40 leisure of these noble antients were words, and of those only five are not employed in the study of Grecian monosyllables. Macbeth, vol. VII, eloquence." P- 15, ed. Dyce. 238 THE ENGLISH BIBLE. [chap. to one central thought which is gradually evolved. So that a true version preserving the form as well as the spirit of the original could not have been made, in the style of Hooker,^ " With many a winding bout Of linked sweetness long drawn out." It was guarded against the euphuism of an earlier period, with its antitheses, alliterations, sounding epithets, and cir cuitous politeness of diction, " drawing out the thread of verbosity finer than the staple of argument." Nor was it tainted with such mannerisms as were current some years a,fterwards, and were beginning to appear in 1611; and the English of Evelyn, Temple, or Jeremy Taylor would have been wholly out of place. A special theological nomenclature had been provided for the revisers in the previous translations. What was wanted now was the clothing of the divine oracles in the genial and familiar tongue elevated only by its sacred use from that of ordinary Ufe. Some words of a former period that were passing away they preserved, and words only coming in and not fully welcomed they did not admit. The marks ¦ of age upon the version are like the hoary locks of the prophet, giving him a reverential grandeur. As in Dryden's canon, " the court, the coUege, ajid the town are all joined" in it. So free is it from 1 Becon has " immarcessible," mon Prayer of the time of Edward •"amplexed," "precordial." Hooker VI, and indicate at that early has "learnedest," "virtuousest," &c., period the two great sources of " wiselier," " easilier," and " power- the language. These still occur : able " for " powerful. " Ascham " Acknowledge " and " confess,'' has " inventivest," and Bacon "pray " and "beseech," "erred" and uses similar forms. Jeremy Taylor " strayed," " vanquish " and "over- has " funest," " claucularly," " con- come," " trust " and " confidence," trition" in its literal sense as applied " holiness " and " pureness," " re- to the doom of the serpent. Hooker mission " and " forgiveness," " cre- also couples native and foreign terms ate " and " make in us," "weighed " — " rectitude " and " straightness," and " pondered," " valour '' and " coecity " and " blindness," " sense " "price," "prepare" and "make and " meaning." Such collocations ready." are frequent in the Book of Com- XLIV.] MULCASTER AND PUTTENHAM. 239 many of those usages that mark or characterize any special literary epoch, that it has amidst all changing fashions maintained itself as a standard for two hundred and sixty years among all peoples using our island speech. For the English Bible is endowed with a wondrous universality of adaptation. To men of intellect and culture its lucid simpli city of style brings relief, and it appears to them like the blue sky overhead, which, while it reveals much, gives a glimpse into much more behind it. It has been recited in academic halls, lordly towers, and royal palaces ; and no element of vulgarity has been felt in it, nay, the graceful popularity of its language has been its special charm and fascination. It has been read in barns and miserable outhouses to earnest and un tutored rustics, and as it spoke to them in their own tongue, they realized the presence of divinity, and listened to the voice of God. Though its English diflfered from the more familiar dialect of the olden time on this side of the Tweed, it was carried joyously to moors and glens in Scotland, and lis tened to as the immediate revelation of the Almighty, by band& of worshippers crowded into some spot under the shadow of a great hill, while the eagle sailed above them, and the music of the waterfall was the accompaniment of their song. Such in general is the style of the Authorized Version, and it remains a noble specimen of the variety, richness, elasticity, and power of the English language, about which an Eliza bethan bard ventured to sing — " And who in time knows whither we may vent The treasures of our tongue ? to what strange shores This gain of our best glory shall be sent T enrich unknowing nations with our stores ? Wliat worlds in th' yet unformed Occident May 'come refin'd with accents that are ours ? " The beginning of the seventeenth century was propitious to the execution of such # work. Mulcaster had said, in 1582, "I take this present period of our EngUsh tung to be the verie height thereof, because I find it so exceUently weU fined both for the 240 TjHE ENGLISH BIBLE. [chap. bodie and tung itself, and for the customary writing thereof, as either foren workmanship can giue it glosse, or as home- wrought handling can giue it grace." "The EngUsh tong cannot prove fairer than it is at this date, if it may please our learned sort so to esteeme it and to bestow their travell upon such a subject." ''- The true dialect, according to Puttenham, is not " in eflfect any speech used beyond the river of Trent, though no man can deny but that theirs is the purer English Saxon at this day, yet it is not so courtly nor so current as our Southern English is ; no more is the far Western man's speech; ye shall therefore take the usual speech of the court, and that of London and the shires lying about London within sixty mUes, and not much above. I say not this but in every shire of England there be gentlemen and others that speak, but specially write, as good Southern as we of Middlesex or Surrey do; but not the common, people of every shire, to whom the gentlemen and also their learned clerks do for the most part condescend ; but herein we are ruled by the English dictionaries and other books written by learned men ; and therefore it needeth none other direction in that behalf. Albeit peradventure some small admonition be not impertinent, for we find in our English writers many words and speeches amendable ; and ye shaU see in some many inkhorn terms so ill affected, brought in by men of learning as preachers and schoolmasters ; and many strange terms of other languages, by secretaries and merchants and travellers ; and many dark words, and not usual nor well sounding, though they be daily spoken in court. Wherefore great heed must be taken by our maker in this point that his choice be good." . . . . " Of this number are ' scientific,' ' conduict ' — a French word, but well aUowed of us, and long since usual ; it sounds something more than this word (leading), for it is applied only to the leading of a captain, aud not as a little boy should lead a blind man ; ' idiom,' from the Greek ; ' sig nificative,' borrowed of the Latin and French, but to us brought in first by some nobleman's secretary, as I think, yet doth so well serve the turn as it could not now be spared ; ^ E16mentarie, p. 189, London. XLIV.] THE ENGLISH AGREES WITH THE COMMON SPEECH. 241 and many more like usurped Latin and French words, as ' method, methodical, placation, function, assubtiling, refining, compendious, prolix, figurative, inveigle ' — a term borrowed of our common lawyers ; ' impression,' also a new term, but well expressing the matter, and more than our English word; ' penetrate, penetrable, indignity ' (in the sense of unworthi- ness), and a few more." ^ By the middle of the century, in 1662, Swift expresses the opinion that the English language had grown corrupt since the Restoration. Evelyn thought it necessary to explain such technical terms in his Sylva, 1664, as homogeneous, mural, perennial, vernal; and others which he did not condescend to explain as being " obvious " are lapidescent, insititious, politure, stramental, ]Drocerity, improsperity, surbated, sub- ductitious, &c.° But FuUer, a native of Northamptonshire, mentions that the language of the common people ^ in that county is generally the best of any shire in England. When he was a boy he had been told by a " hand labouring man " "that the last translation of the Bible done by those learned men in the best English agreeth perfectly with the common speech of our country." ^ Art of Poesy, bk. iii, 1589. ness, vacuous, salacious, mini.stra- - The following words appear in tion of faculty, &c. a recent volume of Transatlantic ^ Worthies of England, vol. II, p. Sermons: Acerb, avertness, basilar, 496, London, 1840. effulges, sapid, resurrected, inward- The motto at the beginning of the section is from the pen of the late F. W. Faber, aud is taken from his " Essay on the Interest and Charac teristics of the Lives of the Saints." London, 1853. vol.. II. CHAPTER XLV. TD UT in the course of two centuries and a half some words have become obsolete, some have changed their signification, and the meaning of others has grown obscure and unfamiliar. It is, at the same time, a remarkable peculiarity that many terms have kept their place because they occur in the text of the Bible, and that others have fallen out of use because they are found only in the margin or in the contents prefixed to each chapter. The third of the Rules delivered by the English divines to the Synod of Dort is, "that when a Hebrew or Greek word admits of two proper senses, one should be expressed in the text and the other in the margin." ^ The following list indicates an attempt to present in the margin a Uteral ren dering of the original, and those marginal renderings are for the most part not now in currency : — Margin. VOietter. Ascending of the morning. Eunuch. Chief of the slaughter men. Tentation. Surplusage. Twinned. On a slice. Faulty to die. Thou shalt not bough it. Dungy gods. Text. Instructor. Breaking of the day. Officer. Captain of the guard. That which remaineth. Coupled. In a pan. Guilty of death. Thou shalt not go over the boughs again. Idols. ' See p. 201. Gen. iv, 22. Gen. xxxii, 24. Gen. xxxvii, 36. Gen. xxxvii, 36. Exodus xvii, 7. Exodus xxvi, 13. Exodus xxvi, 24. Levit. ii, 5. Num. xxxv, 31. Deut. xxiv, 20. Deut. xxix, 17. MARGIN AND TEXT. 243 Margin. Doth his easement. Till the day declined. The pitching time of day. And he circuited. Forbear us. Battle array. Bought of a sling. Hath a pursuit. Minister.To rafter. The eyelids of the morn ing. Dredge. Chanelbone (collar bone.) Fallings. Gladded him. Roll thy way. Wearied. For the rulings. Changers. Iterateth. Eighten. Sweet balls. Spangled ornaments. Exactress of gold. Wringer.From the thrum. Through-aired. Convent (as a verb.) Flit gretly. Strakes. Endirons.Concision or threshing. Palmcrist.Gallants.Covering or coverer. Flue net. With one shoulder. Him that waketh and him that answereth. Observation.Away. Persuasible. Text. Covereth his feet. Till the afternoon. The day groweth to an end. Went in circuit. Give us respite. The fight. The middle of a sling. He is pursuing. Servant.To floor. The dawning of the day. Corn. The bone. Flakes. Made him glad. Commit thy way. Troubled. To rule. Them that are given change. Eeturneth to. Believe. Chains.Mufllers.Golden city. Extortioner. With pining sickness. Large (chambers.) Appoint.Get you far off. Rings.Hooks. Decision. Gourd.Worthies. Defence.Drag. With one consent. Master and scholar. Ordinance. Let us alone. Enticing. Judges iii, 24. Judges xix, 8. Judges xix, 9. 1 Sam. vii, 16. 1 Sam. xi, 3. 1 Sam. xvii, 20. 1 Sam. xxv, 29. 1 Kings, xviii, 27. 2 Kings vi, 15. 2 Chron. xxxiv, 11. Job iii, 9. Job xxiv, 6. Job xxxi, 22. Job xli, 23. Ps. xxi, 6. Ps. xxxvii, 5. Ps. xxxviii, 6. Ps. cxxxvi, 8. to Prov. xxiv, 21. Prov. xxvi, 11. Isaiah i, 17. Isaiah iii, 19. Isaiah iii, 1 9. Isaiah xiv, 4. Isaiah xvi, 4. Isaiah xxxviii, 12. Jerem. xxii, 14. Jerem. xlix, 19. Jerem. xlix, 30. Ezek. i, 18. Ezek. xl, 43. Joel iii, 14. Jonah iv, 6. Nahum ii, 5. Nahum ii, 5. Hab. i, 15. Zeph. iii, 9. Mai. ii, 12. Mai. iii, 14. Luke iv, 34. 1 Cor. ii, 4. '244 THE ENGLISH BIBLE. [chap. Margin. Text. Gallings one of another. Perverse disputings. 1 Tim. vi, 5. Makebates. False accusers. 2 Tim. iii, 3. Profess honest trades. Maintain good works. Titus iii, 14. Taketh not hold of. Took not on him the na- Heb. ii, 16. ture. Interposed himself. Confirmed it. Heb. vi, 17. Way to change his mind. Place of repentance. Heb. xii, 17. Add it to the prayers. Offer it with the prayers. Eev. viii, 3. There are also in the margin not a few plural terms, which have not come into use at aU, but were chosen on purpose to represent literaUy some plurals in the original. Holinesses, Exodus xl, 10 ; greatnesses, 1 Chron. xvii, 19 ; equities, Prov. i, 3 ; secrecies, Prov. ix, 17 ; frowardnesses, Prov. x, 32 ; righteousnesses, Isaiah xxxiii, 15 ; uprightnesses, Isaiah xxxiii, 15 ; prosperities, Jerem. xxU, 21 ; bitternesses. Lam. iii, 15 ; vengeances, Ezek. xxv, 17. Where the translation has a slight paraphrase the margin renders the Hebrew occasionally by terms which have slipped out of view. "Escaper," 2 Kings ix, 15 ; " praisers," 2 Chron. XX, 21 ; " raiser," Hosea vii, 4 ; " rangers," 1 Chron. xii, 33. In their own preface the revisers use words and phrases which they did not venture to put into the translation. In the contents prefixed to the chapters are not a few words and phrases which have whoUy or nearly passed away. In the choice of them the revisers were not in any way influenced by a desire to give the exact equivalent of the original, as is done so often in the margin, but they employed familiar phraseo logy. Many of the terms and phrases which they employed have not survived, but others are specimens of old and pithy English. Gen. xxx, " Laban stayeth him " ; xvii, " Abraham his name is changed"; xix, " the incestuous original of Moab " ; xxiv, " Abraham sweareth his servant '' ; xxix, " taketh acquaintance " ; xliii, " Jacob is hardly persuaded to send Benjamin " ; 1, " Joseph dieth and is chested " (a word common still in the rural parts of Scotland). Levit. xxvi, " religiousness." Deut. vii, " assuredness." Josh, ii, " the spies, their return and relation " (that is report) ; x, " the five KLv.] MANY MARGINAL TERMS OUT OF USE. 245 kings are mured in a cave." 1 Sam. iii, " groweth in credit " ; xiv, " unwitting to his father " ; xxx, " by means of a revived Egyptian he is brought to the enemies." 2 Sam. ix, " he maketh Ziba his farmer." 1 Kings i, " Adonijah, David's darling usurpeth"; xii, "a suit of relaxation." 2 Kings xvi, " diverteth the brazen altar to his own devotion." 2 Chron. xxviii, " Judah being captivated by the Israelites." Esther v, " Haman builded a pair of gallows," Job i, " by calumnia tion"; V, " inconsideration " ; xxxii, "reproveth them for not satisfying of Job " ; xxxviii, " God . . . convinceth Job of imbecility '' ; Psalms iv, " David prayeth for audience " ; v, " professeth his study in prayer " ; xxxix, " impatiency " ; Ixxxvi, "by the conscience ofhis religion"; cxlvii, " power over the meteors." Pro. viii, " evidency '' ; vii, " a young wanton." Isaiah iii, " impudency '' ; ix, " im- penitency " ; 'xiv, "insultation over Babel"; xviii, "an access thereby shall grow " ; xxviii, " God's discreet providence " ; xlv, " convinceth the idols of vanity " ; liii, "excuseth the scandal of the cross." Jerem. xxxvi, " they wiU Baruch to hide himself"; xxxix, "the city ruinated, the people capti vated"; xlix, "the restoration of Elam." Mai. i, "irreli- giousness." Matt, i, " the misdeeming thoughts of JosejDh " ; xi, "unrepentance"; xxii, "Christ poseth the Pharisees''; Mark X, "resolveth a rich man how he may inherit eternal life" ; xii, " resolveth the scribe who questioned the first command ment." Luke ii, "questioneth with the doctors"; v, likeneth faint hearted and weak disciples to '¦ old bottles and worn garments " ; xxii, " dehorteth." John xix, " being overcome with the outrage of the Jews." Acts xv, " Paul and Barnabas fall at strife " ; vi, " appoint the office of deaconship to seven men " ; xxvii, " Paul shipping toward Rome." Rom. v, " sith we were reconciled," but also in the text of Ezek. xxxv, 6 ; xiii " works of darkness are out of season in the time of the gospel." 1 Cor. xiii, "prelation of charity before faith and hope " ; xiv, " the abuse taxed " ; xvi, " shutteth up his epistle." 2 Cor. x, '' who disgraced the weakness of his person " (spoke in ridicule and contempt of it) ; x, " against aU adversary powers." 2 Tim. iv, " willeth him to come 246 THE ENGLISH BIBLE. [chap. speedUy unto him." Titus iii, "directed by Paul concerning . . . . he is willed also to reject obstinate heretics." James v, "we ought ... to reduce a straying brother to the truth." Heb. iii, " more worthy punishment " ; x, " the law sacrifices." 1 Peter i, " salvation in Christ no news " (novelty). 2 Peter i, "whereof he is careful to remember them." 1 John ii, " He comforteth them against the sins of infirmity" ; iv, " we are to try the spirits by the rule of the CathoUck faith." There are also some obsolete terms in the text of the Authorized Version ; some words gone wholly out of use, or that are rarely employed, and others that now carry a diflferent signification. The foUowing have almost or wholly ceased to be in use : — Tabret, artillery in the sense of an archer's weapons, dulcimer, sackbut, scrip, knops, ouches, bosses, taches, leasing, pate, shine, earing — ploughing, brigandinej hard to for hard by, with — a twig or chord, emerods, scrabbled, habergeon, swaddle, wench, wimple, sherd as a simple term, "breaches" for " creeks," " fat " for " vat," " charger " in the sense of a "capacious dish,"^ "chambering" for "lechery," "coasts" for " borders," " room " for " place," " hardness " for " hardship," " dure " for " endure," " defenced " for " fenced," " entreat '' for " treat," " minish " for " diminish." " camp " for " encamp," " endamage " for " damage," " gazing-stock," " taken with the manner," in the act, a law phrase which occurs also in Shake speare, Num. V, 13; "ray "for "array," "ware " for "aware," "tire" as an article of female headdress,, so that "attired" is properly used of Aaron wearing his mitre, Leviticus xvi, 4 ; " changeable suits " in the sense of festal garments, changed or put off" when the festival is over ; " estate " meaning " state " or " company," Acts xxii, 5 ; " estates " meaning " persons high in authority," Mark vi, 21,^ "resemble" as an active verb, 1 But Macaulay uses it — " Many " Barclay, " Ship of Fools," says of these (the royalist party) mort- that his language was " for rude gaged their land, pawned their people much more convenient than jewels, and broke up their silver for estates, learned men, or elo- chargers and christening bowls." quent." History of England, vol. I, p. 113. XLV.] WORDS CHANGED IN MEANING. 247 Luke xiii, 18; "white" in an active sense, Mark ix, 3; "equal" as an active verb, Lam. ii, 13; "convert" as a tran sitive verb, used only once of a human agent, James v, 19, 20, and once of the Divine law, Ps. xix, and once in an intransi tive sense, Isaiah vi, 10; "ragged" in the sense of "rugged," Isai. ii, 21 ; " strike " his hand, to move over or up and down, 2 Kings V, 11 ; "book," libellus, a formal accusation, Job xxxi, 35 ; " ambassage " as so spelt ; " the concision," a satirical term for the circumcision, Phil, iii, 2 ; " delicates," Jer. xli, 34 ; " throughly," Ps. li, 2; "translate " in the sense of transfer, 2 Sam. iii, 10; "he thought scorn," Esther iii, 6; "vial," a goblet ; " draught," a sink ; " let," to hinder, Isaiah xliii, 13, 2 Thes. ii, 7 ; " worse liking," Dan. i, 10 ; " all to " in the sense of thoroughly, " aU to brake his skull," Judges ix, 53 (a com mon idiom in the older writers, occurring also in Milton's Comus); "listed," Matt, xvii, 12; "lively," Uving, 1 Peter ii, 5 ; " undersetters," props, 1 Kings vii, 30 ; " going forth " as a noun meaning outlet, Ezek. xliv, 5; "Jehoram departed without being desired," or, regretted, 2 Chron. xxi, 20 — " swelling," 2 Cor. xii, 20, used in an ethical sense; "matter," material or fuel, James iii, 5 ; " noisome," not disgusting, but, according to its origin, noxious, Ps. xci, 3 ; " injurious," in solent, 1 Tim. i, 13 ; " discover " would now be uncover, Ps. xxix, 9 ; " either " is two considered separately ; — ¦" on either side of the river " (Rev. xxii, 2),^ means, according to old use, on the one and on the other side. The usage is common; it was no slip, and ho novelty, as it is found in Lev. x, 1 ; John xix, 18 ; " each " would now be not more correct, but only more intelligible English ; Exodus ix, 31, " boiled," podded, perhaps allied to bell, as holpen to help ; " blains " yet survives in chil-blains. " Matrix," in the low Latin sense of womb, is not in currency ; nor " cleave to " in the sense of adhere, Acts xi, 23 ; nor " tablet " meaning beads or amulets. Exodus xxxv, 22 ; nor "botch " with the sense of boil ; nor "burst" with that of break ; nor " base " with that of mean in appearance ; nor '¦ Tennyson has — " On either side the river lie Long fields of barley and of rye." 248 THE ENGLISH BIBLE. [chap. " bunch " with that of hump (Isaiah xxx, 6), in reference to a camel. "For to," "but and if," "sirs," "handiwork," " afore," " silverling," " shroud " (Ezek. xxxi, 3), shadow pro duced by the thick foliage, " comely " with a spiritual re ference (Ps. xxxiii, 1), " lightly" in the sense of speedily or soon (Mark ix, 39), "be at a stay," (Levit. xiii, 5) " lewd " as meaning lay or unlearned, are not in present employment. "Worship" has now the thinner meaning of honour — "thou shalt have worship," Luke xiv, 10, as in WycUflfe, "worsehipe thi fader and thi moder," Mark vii, 10 ; or John xii, 26, " if any man serve me my fader shall worship him." Some words and phrases, though unusual now, are easily un derstood ; are, in short, innocent archaisms, and give an antique tinge to the version. " Woe worth the day," Ezek. xxx, 2, "worth" connected with the Geimaso. werden; "bravery" is gay clothing in Isaiah iii, 18, in common Scotch " braws '' ; " by and bye " is not a time at some little distance, but immediately, Mark vi, 25, Luke xxi, 9 ; "road," which occurs only once, does not signify a path, but an inroad, a raid, 1 Sam. xxvii, 10 ; " seared " is scorched, or cauterized, 1 Tim. iv, 7 ; " ranges for pots," Levit. xi, 35 ; but " ranges " is ranks of soldiers, 2 Kings xi, 8, 15, at least the Hebrew word has this mean ing ; " ranges " appears in the Great Bible in verse 8, but in verse 17 the words are, " without the temple, that she may be within the ranges," — after Miinster — Coverdale having " wall," and the Rheims " precincts of the temple," — -Vulgate, septum — the EngUsh term "ranges" might mean in that case the limits or boundaries of the temple. The noun is left untranslated in the Septuagint. Shamefastness (1 Tim. ii, 9) has been corrupted into the poor and misleading form " shamefacedness." The phrases " set the people a- work" (2 Chron. ii, 18), " having in a readiness " (2 Cor. x, 6) remain unaltered. " Rising " is a sweUing, Lev. xiii, 2, 19 ; " wealth" is not money, but well- being, 1 Cor. X, 24 ; " let all Israel be generally gathered unto thee " means universally brought together, 2 Sam. xvii, 11 ; "purchase" is simply to acquire, 1 Tim. iii, 13; "power "is an armed force, " aU his power with him," 2 Chron. xxxii, 9 ; " men of war," Luke xxiii, 11, is a phrase applied now to ships XLV.] SOME UNCOMMON FORMS. 249 only ; "to break up a house " is now to dismantle it, so that " he would uot suff'er his house to be broken up," means he would not suflfer his house to be broken into (Matt, xxiv, 43), the thief digging through the frail clay walls ; " a great altar to see to," Josh, xxii, 10; "how shall we order the child?" (arrange concerning him), Judg. iii, 12 — margin, "what shall be the manner of the child ?" " Summer and winter" are used as verbs, Isaiah xviii, 6 ; "ensue" has the sense of "pursue," 1 Pet. iii, 3, 11; "wasteness," Zeph. i, 15 ; and ''ravin," Gen. xlix, 27, are now unfamiliar, as are also the following terms and phrases: "go to," Gen. xi, 3, James iv, 13; "bar and all," Judges xvi, 3; "on a smoke," Exodus xix, 18; "high day," Gen. xxix, 7 ; " clean escaped," 2 Pet. ii, 18 ; " cast the same in his teeth," Matt, xxvii, 44 ; " withal," besides, or over and above, Ps. cxli, 10 ; Acts xxv, 27, " made as though he would have gone further," Luke xxiv, 28; "fell on sleep," "goodman of the house," Matt, xx, 11; "savour" as a verb, Matt, xvi, 23 ; "I do you to wit," " wist not," " every whit," " not a whit," " at quiet," " a fishing," " a preijaring," " an hungered," " a thirst," " a work," " spring of the day," " much set by," "as good as," "that time is," "for all there were so many," " at a venture," — Heb. in his simplicity, not taking aim at any particular mark — " the more part," " many a time," " forth of," " before time," "cast clouts," Jer. xxvii, 11; "of a truth," "any while," " this ado," " at their wits end," " make for," " to the end that," "as touching," "as concerning," "in respect of," " in seething," " in building," " was budded," " was befallen," "at the length," "at the least," "at the last," "follow after," " on examination had," " that thine is," " the quick and the dead," " now a days," " I trow not," " such like," " of a child," "strike hands," "on a day," "it liketh him best," "what time," " when as," "let it forth," " the goings out of it," Num. xxxiv, 5 ; " thy coming in," Ps. cxxi, 8 ; " against," by the time that,^ John xii, 7; 2 Kings xvi, 11 ; or "to meet one," 1 Sam. ix. 14. There are such combinations as " horse heeles," Gen. xlix, 17 ; " horse hoofs," Judges v, 22 ; "horse bridles," Rev. xiv, 20 ; the 1 Maetzner's English Grammar, English Trans., vol. Ill, p. 435, London, 1874. 250 THE ENGLISH BIBLE. [chap. first of the two nouns being in the posses.sive. The phrase "three mighties" occurs twice in 1 Chron. xi, 12, 24, the Bishops' and the Great Bible having the " three mightiest " after Tyndale — Matthew, the Genevan and Coverdale in one of the instances have " three worthies." Some words have only their Latin meaning — a meaning that has passed away, and some preserve two significations. Thus in Acts xxiv, 2, " providence " is forethought, not divine government ; " prevent " is used in its original meaning — ^to go before, to anticipate — in Psahn xxi, 3 ; cxix, 148 ; Matt, xvii, 25; 1 Thess. iv, 15, the more modern sense being "to hinder," to go before, so as to obstruct one. John i, 15, "is preferred before me" means has come to be before me, his oflSce rising in dignity far above mine ; but the word is ambiguous, as it is used to signify " to regard one more than another " ; and this clause is adduced by Dr. Johnson, in his Dictionary, as an example of such a signification ; and the erroneous sense would then be, "elevated in popular opinion above me." " Revive " is brought to life again, 1 Kings xvii, 22 ; Rom. xiv, 9 ; "decision," Joel iii, 14, is cutting oflf; "apprehend," is to seize, Philip. iii. 12; "instant" as an adjective has the meaning of con tinuous earnestness, Rom. xii, 12; 2 Tim. iv, 2; and the adverb has a similar meaning in Acts xxvi, 7, and in Luke vu, 4; but the noun has a temporal meaning in Luke ii, 38, and as often as it occurs in the Old Testament. "Honest" is honourable, Philip. iv, 8; "eminent" is projecting or prominent, Ezek. xvii, 22; " profited " is made progress. Gal. i, 14 ; " evidently " is visibly. Acts X, 3. " Conversation," in all places where it occurs, with one exception, keeps its Latin signification, and means, though it represents two Greek words, not talk, but the general tenor of a man's life — his walk; so that it is tautology to speak of " walk and conversation," Gal. i, 13 ; Eph. iv, 22 ; PhUip. i, 27; 1 Pet. i, 15; but in Philip, iii, 20 it means citizenship, or country, representing a very diflferent Greek substantive. Similarly we have " conversant," Josh, viii, 35 — " the strangers that were conversant among them," that is, walked in and out among them, or had familiar daily inter course ; and so in 1 Sam. xxv, 15, and also in the contents of XLV.] WORDS IN THEIR LATIN SENSE. 251 Acts ii, " devoutly and charitably converse together." " Pre sumptuously " also keeps a sense, according to its composition in Exod. xxi, 14, "if a man come presumptuously upon his neighbour" — beforehand, and on set purpose, though the Hebrew means cunningly. In other places the word has in it an ethical element of audacity and wilfulness — Num. xv, 30 ; Deut. i, 43, and in many other places — representing other Hebrew terms. "Replenish," however, is to fill, not to fill again. "Malice" is often vice, or wickedness. "Approve" has sometimes the simple sense of prove. Acts ii, 22 ; " aflfect " is to pay court to. Gal. iv, 17 ; " communicate " is to give to others a share of what we have, Philip, iv, 15; 1 Tim. vi, 18; Heb. xiii, 16, but in other places it has its more common modern meaning of words uttered, as in .Matt, v, 37 ; Eph. iv, 29. To " accept " a person is to show unjust partiality for him. Job xxxii, 21 ; Gal. ii, 6 ; but in many instances it has the common modern meaning. "Evil occurrent" is evil coming against, 1 Kings v, 4 ; " to occupy " is often not to possess, but to trade, Ezek. xxvii, 9, 16, 19, 21, 22, 27; "allege" is to prove, and not, as now, to declare. Acts xvii, 3 ; " apparent " is manifest, and not seeming ; God says of His special reve lations to Moses, "With him will I speak mouth to mouth, even apparently " — the contrast being " and not in dark speeches," Num. xii, 8 ; " charity " is love, 1 Cor. xiii ; " com fort," as its origin implies, is not simply consolation, but strength, 2 Cor. xiii, 11. " Fervent " is not ethical, but physical in 2 Pet. iii, 10, 12 ; " vagabond " is only wanderer. Gen. iv, 12 ; "to possess" is to seize on. Num. xiii, 30; "com prehend" is used in its original, or Latin sense, Isaiah xl, 12; " vain " is empty, or worthless, Judg. ix, 4 ; " vile " is cheap, insignificant, without any moral implication, in Philip, iii, 21 ; ¦' volume " is roU ; " title " (titulus) is the tablet affixed to the cross, John xix, 19; "temperance" is self-restraint, and not confined to the use of wine. Acts xxiv, 25, &c. ; " traditions " are doctrines taught or handed over, either orally or in writing — "by word or our epistle," 2 Thess. ii, 15; "decline" is to turn away, Exod. xxiii, 2 ; " dissolving doubts " is solving or resolving them, Dan. v, 12; "expecting" is looking out for. 252 THE ENGLISH BIBLE. [chap. Heb. X, 13; "fame" is report, Matt, xiv, 1; "degree" is step, 2 Kings XX, 9 ; " provoke " is to caU forth, to stir up, but not to anger, 2 Cor. ix, 2 ; " disposition " is arrangement with no reference to temperament. Acts vii, 53 ; " damnation " is simply judgment and not eternal penalty, the word having grown into a darker meaning since 1611, 1 Cor. xi, 29. "Incontinent" has a wider reference than to sexual lusts, 2 Tim. iii, 3 ; " dis cipline " has its first meaning of instruction. Job xxxvi, 10 ; so has " describe " in Josh, xvui, 4, 6 ; " curious " is wrought with care. Exodus xxviii, 8 — "the curious girdle ofthe ephod" — but in Acts xix, 19, it refers to magic. " Creature " is any created thing without the modern notion of a living or organized thing, 1 Tim. iv, 4; "advisement" is deliberation, 1 Chron. xii, 19; " declare " is to make clear. Matt, xiii, 36 ; " oflfend " is to be, or prove a cause of stumbling. Matt, xviii, 6, 8, 9 ; " publican " — a Latin term transferred — is a collector of public revenue, and he was usuaUy in Italy taken from the equestrian order. "Peculiar people" is a people His own special possession, Titus ii, 14; " singular " in Levit. xxvii, 2, is in special or individual con nection with oneself ; " passion " is suffering, Acts, i, 3 ; " ye bear witness that ye allow the deeds of your fathers," Luke xi, 48 ("allow," "allouer," "allaudare,") the verb meaning not to per mit merely, but to approve — similarly, though the original word is diflferent, in Rom. vii, 15, in Rom. xiv, 22, and in 1 Thess. ii, 4, but it represents a diflferent Greek verb in Acts xxiv, 15, and "allowance" with another derivation ("allouer, "allocare,") signi fies portion or ration in 2 Kings xxv, 30. "Affinity" in 1 Kings iii, 1, 2 Chron. xviii, 1, Ezra ix, 14, has its strict Latin sense — " aflinitas " opposed to " cognatio " — relation by marriage as op posed to relation by blood ; " mortify " is to put to death, Rom. viii, 13 ; " tempt " is to put to trial ; " usury " is only interest, not excessive interest in Matt, xxv, 27 ; "proper" is one's own, 1 Chron. xxix, 3; Acts i, 19 ; 1 Cor. vii, 7; but it also means fair or comely, Heb. xi, 23 — Moses "was a proper child " : had the best properties befitting a child. " Very " is " true " in Gen. xxvii, 21, John vii, 26 ; " attendance " is mental appli cation, attention — a word which, however, does not occur at all, 1 Tim. iv, 13; "nephews" (Lat. nepos) are grand -children XLV.] PECULIAR PHRASES AND SYNTAX. 253 according to old usage in 2 Tim. v, 4, and it represents the Hebrew phrase "sons' sons" in Judges xii, 14, Job xviii, 19, Isaiah xiv, 22 ; and " niece " is used in Wyclifie's version for grand-daughter. " Novice " is one newly admitted to the church, 1 Tim. iii, 6 ; " virtue " is healing power, Mark v, 30 ; " piety," 1 Tim. v, 4, is filial aflfection ; "pommel," 2 Chron. iv, 12 (Lat. pomum), is around apple-like ornament; "chapiter" is the head of the column, Exodus xxxvi, 38 ; " shalt discontinue from thine heritage," is shalt be exiled, Jerem. xvii, 4 ; "several " is separate in Num. xxviii, 13, and 2 Kings xv, 5, "dwelt in a several house." " Taverns " are stalls or shops, the " Tres Tabernae" in Acts xxviii, 15 being a station on the Appian Road, about ten miles nearer Rome than the Appii Forum. There occur also such phrases as " even to the mercy seat- ward," Exodus xxxvii, 9 ; "he is forehead bald," Levit. xiii, 41, baldness of brow distinguished from baldness of head ; " was sufiiced," Ruth ii, 14, 18 — the active being used as in modern idiom in Num. xi, 22 ; Ezek. xUv. 6 ; " how the matter will fall," fall out or happen, Ruth iii, 18 ; " David avoided out of his presence," slipped softly and suddenly away, 1 Sam. xviii, 11 ; " three days agone and fell sick,'' the word " agone " occurring only here, and itself a past participle ; " have out," thrust out, 2 Sam. xiii, 9 ; and so in 2 Kings xi, 15 ; 2 Chron. xxxv, 23 ; "me thinketh," 2 Sam. xviii, 27; "methought" occurs in Milton, an impersonal verb, with " me " as a species of dative. "Which" is used both with persons and things, according to old usage. " Which " is the old form ; " that," however, being the oldest, as the Anglo-Saxon neuter singular relative, but coming not so near the antecedent as " who " or " which." According to one rule of distinction, which has many exceptions, "who" belongs to clauses of additional predication, while "that" is used in restric tive or explanatory clauses.^ " Which," more definite than " that," is often applied to a person in Shakespeare and his contemporaries ; but Shakespeare also couples " who " with animals (a lion who) and inanimate objects (the winds " who take "). Ben Jonson speaks of " our relative which," as if it ^ The term helpmeet as one word is "help meet for him"; and the pro- wrong; the words in Scripture are an per word would be helpmate 254 THE ENGLISH BIBLE. [chap. were the only one ; and we still say, interrogatively, "which of us " ? ^ We have in 1 Kings v, 6, " any that can skill to hew timber," the verb being obsolete, but the noun preserved ; 2 Chron. ii, 9, "wonderful great"; Nehemiah xiii, 26, "out landish women," foreigners; Job xix, 19, "aU my inward friends," intimate or confidential; in Hebrew, "men of my secret " ; Dan. xi, 30, " have intelligence with " is an under standing with; Prov. xxix, 13, "the Lord lighteneth both their eyes," the eyes of both classes of persons; and Eccles. iv, 3, " better is he than both they." "Away with" has two senses — Isai. i, 13, I cannot away with, cannot get on with, or cannot endure; but John xix, 15, "away with him," oflf with him to execution ; Isai. xv, 5, " with weeping shall they go it up," an old and familiar idiom; Prov. xxi, 20, "spend it up"; Ezek. xxvii, 13, "traded the persons of men"; Hab. ii 10, "thou hast consulted shame to thy house "; Acts xxiii, 15, "or ever he come," before he come ; Amos vii, 17, " into captivity forth ofhis land"; Matt, vi, 34, " take no thought," thought ^ in its old meaning of anxiety; Matt, ix, 9, "receipt of custom," the place where custom or toll was received, as in the margin of Mark ii, 14, literaUy, toUbooth; Matt, xx, 31, "rebuked them because they should hold their peace," that is for the cause, or in order that 1 Professor Bain, in his Compa- " Thus, " Hawis was put in trouble nion to the Higher English Gram- and died with thought," Bacon; mar, quotes Professor Milligan of Wright's Bible Word Book, p. 483. Aberdeen, to the following effect: — " Queen Catherine Parr died rather " Our translation of St. Matthew's of thought," Somers' Tracts ; Arch- gospel has been examined, for the bishop Trench's Select Glossary, sub usage of the several relatives, by voce. In strange ignorance of this Professor Milligan, of Aberdeen, one old and familiar sense of the term, of the Committee for revising the Mr. Greg, Creed of Christendom, English Translation of the New vol. I, p. Ixvii, 2nd edition, founds Testament. There are 224 relative an argument against the morality of constructions. Of these, 175 are in the Gospel, as if Christ " not only strict accordance with the distinctive deprecated, but also denounced and uses of ' who,' ' which,' and 'that,' prohibited " all forethought in as here taught. In 43 cases ' who ' worldly matters, and encouraged or ' which ' is put for ' that ' ; in 6 " improvidence." The Greek term cases ' that ' is put for ' who ' or denotes cares, dividing or distracting ' which. '" the mind — anxious trouble. XLV.] VARYING FORMS. 255 they should hold their peace,^ as in all the earlier versions but the Rheims. Matt, xxvi, 66, "guilty of death,'' guilty, in modern English, being connected with the crime, not with the penalty, as in Num. xxxv, 27, " shall not be guilty of blood or of murder " ; " likewise '' is likeways, or in like manner, and not simply "also," "he also himself Ukewise," Heb. ii, 14, used similarly by Chaucer and Shakespeare ; John iii, 33, " set to his seal"; Acts xxviii, 13, "fetched a compass," tacking on account of the adverse wind ; Rom. xvi, 19, " simple " does not mean foolish; James v, 11, "pitiful" is fuU of pity, not what excites pity ; Philip, iv, 6, " careful " is full of care or anxiety ; " faithful " is often full of faith, or believing, Eph. i, 1 ; " painful " is laborious, Ps. Ixxiii, 16 ; "reward " is often to re quite, either in a good or bad sense ; " rehearse " is to tell, not necessarily to repeat ; " cunning " is skilled or expert. Gen. xxv, 27; "fret" is used in a physical sense, Lev. xiii, 55 ; " passage," 1 Sam. xiii, 23, would now be " pass " ; and " wittjr " has no element of humour in it, Prov. viii. 12. The language was not matured in the early part of the reign of James, and as it was in a state of oscillation the trans lators use both forms of the preterite " clad " and " clothed," " shone " and " shined," " awoke " and " awaked," and they have both "stale" and "stole," "lien" and "lain," " strike" and "strake," but never " struck," nor "spoke," nor "broke." They use both "got" and "gotten," "girt" and " girded," in the same chapter, and " built " and " builded " in consecutive verses, najj- "leapt" in the text and "leaped" in the margin of 1 Kings xviii, 26; "spilt" and "spilled," " wrung " and " wringed," " clave " and " cleaved," " helped " and " holpen," " held " and " holden " ; " sod " but not " seethed " ; " digged " only, refusing " dug." The preterite forms of "sew" from "sow," "mew" from "mow," had already passed out of use. " Rent " is used several times as a verb in the present and is once found in modern copies, Jerem. iv, 30. Similar variations occur in smaller matters, as the use of "a" and "an," as "a hand" and "an hand," "a hairy " and " an hairy," " a hole " and " an hole," " a horse " and "an horse," "my" and "mine," "thy" and "thine," ' See cage 107. 256 THE ENGLISH BIBLE. [chap. even in the same verse (Num. v, 20; Job xv, 12), "before" and "before that," "after'' and "after that," "hence" and "from hence," "thence" and "from thence." But the version shows general correctness in the use of "shaU" and "wiU," "lye" and "lay," "sit "and "set," "bade" and "bidden"— forms and idioms so often confounded in colloquial English. It has four times "beeves " the regular plural of beef, instead of the more common terms " bullocks '' or " oxen." " Sith " occurs once as a logical term in Ezek. xxxv, 6, and " since " is also employed as an illative in Joshua ii, 12, and in 1 Cor. XV, 21, but it is oftenest used with a temporal signi fication. " Beside " usuaUy keeps its original meaning " by the side," as in 1 Sam. xix, 3 ; Ps. xxiii, 2 ; but it is also found in the sense of more or in addition to, and it has this modern meaning four times, in Levit. xxiii, 38, Deut. xxix, 1, Luke xvi, 26, and xxiv, 21. On the other hand " besides," while it has its usual sense, is employed once at least in the more literal meaning of " beside," Levit. vi, 10, " he shall put them besides the altar," changed, however, in later editions. "Sake" or " sakes " after the preposition " for " is very often employed — considerably over a hundred . times — and is preceded by a noun or a pronoun, the form "for the sake of" being ignored. Many of the older idioms have become obsolete or the mean ing has been altered. ' 'Asa his heart was perfect," 1 Kings xv, 1 4 ; the noun and the pronoun so placed occur in the first edition and in the early editions as far down at least as a Scottish one of 1766 — the form now being Asa's. Many seem to have thought that the 's is a contraction of the omitted pronoun, M'hereas it is simply the old Saxon genitive. " Mordecai his matters " has been changed into " Mordecai's matters " (Esther iii, 4), and the words in the heading of Ruth iii are also modernized, " By Naomi her instructions, Ruth lieth at Boaz his feete." " This monstrous syntax," as Ben Jonson caUs it, suggested the word " his " as the explanation : man's =man-his; but what then of yours, theirs, ours, hers ? " The queen's EngUsh " could not be " the queen his EngUsh." The pronoun " it " in a possessive sense occurs in Shakespeare fifteen times (first foUo), and " its " ten times ; " its," found only three times in MUton's XLV.] OLD USE OP " HIS." 257 poetry, is not found in the Authorized Version at all ; the simple "if is used once, "that which groweth of it own accord," Levit. xxv, 5, " his " being employed, as it stood in Anglo-Saxon for both masculine and neuter. But the usage sounds strange to modern ears: Gen. i, 11, "after his kind whose seed is in itself " ; Levit. i, 6, " cut it into his pieces''; 15, "the priest shall bring it to the altar and wring oflf his head " ; 2 Sam. vi, 17, " they brought in the ark and set it in his place " ; Ezek. xvii, 9, " it shall wither in aU the leaves of her spring " ; 1 Cor. xiii, 5, " doth not behave itself unseemly, seeketh not her own." Dryden finds fault with Ben Jonson's use of " his " for " its." But at length objects of which sex could not be predicated necessi tated the introduction of " its." ^ Chatterton's " Rowley's Poems " might have been pronounced a forgery at once from the occurrence of " its " in such a phrase as " life and all its goods." Dr. Masson has brought the same usage to bear on the genuineness of a little poem found in the British Museum and printed in 1868 in the Times newspaper. In its fifty-four lines "its" occurs four times. At an earlier period, the genitive "is" was common. Palsgrave^ in his French grammar, prepared for the Princess Mary, sister of Henry VIII (London, Haukyns, 1530), says " we put ' is ' or ' s ' to a substantive when we wyll express ' possessyon.' " More than twenty years after the pub lication of the Authorized Version the practice was so uncertain that Butler, while ia his English Grammar of 1633 he formally declines "it" with the genitive "its," uses "his" again and again in his volume. Referring to the letter W he speaks of " his name," . . " his face," and " his shape." In old poems " hyt " is found with a possessive sense.^ But Addison lightly calls the single letter " s " ('s) the " his " or " her " of our forefathers. '¦ The " h,'' though preserved in &c., was reprinted in Paris, Impri- "he," "him," "his," "her," has merle National, 1852. passed out of the neuter "it," ^ P. xxiv, Early English Literature, originally " hyt '' or " hit," as it Poems, Early English Text Society, is yet pronounced by Scottish and in the writings of Sir Thomas school boys. More. " Palsgrave's L'Esclarcissement, VOL. II. E 258 THE ENGLISH BIBLE. [chap. In our modern copies the spelling is very often changed from the first edition: "aliant" (Job xix, 15) has become " aUen " ; " chaws " (Ezek. xxix, 4), "jaws " ; " fet," " fetched " (Acts xxviii, 13); "fift," "fifth" (Lev. xxvii, 13); "lese," "lose" (1 Kings xviii, 5); "moe," " more" (Deut. i, 11); "mids," " midst " (Luke xxiii, 45) ; " terreses," " terraces " (2 Chron. ix, 11); "bowshoot," "bowshot" (Gen. xxi, 16); "moneth," "month" (Exod. xvi, 1); "marish," "marsh"; "thorow," " through " ; " thorowout," throughout" ; " flixe " was changed into "flux " (Acts xxviii, 8); " grinne," into "gin" (Job xviu, 9); "counsel" is now "councU" (the Sanhedrim); "broided " (1 Tim. ii, 9) — " plaited " in the margin has become " broidered " in several modern edition^ ; and the n was sometimes denoted only by a stroke, as in older English; "accompt" has been changed into " account " ; and " renowne," into " renown " ; "then," as a conjunction, into "than"; "plat," into "plot"; " unpossible " (Matt, xvii, 20) has become " impossible " ; but the original form " unperfect " remains in Psalm cxxxix, 16; "unmovable," in Acts xxvii, 41, and 1 Cor. xv, 58; " shipvTracke " has been altered in 2 Cor. xi, 25. " Hot " was speUed "whot" (Deut. ix, 19). The formie is the termination of many words now ending in y, as carie, citie ; i and u are used for the more modern j and v; e is found often at the end of words as — sunne, moone, starres, signe, arke, farre, yere, hee, shee, bee, rammes skinnes, and in the phrase, " doe the dutie " ; past participles are spelt as sowen, growen ; shallbe or shal-be is one word ; and there are such spellings as bricke kill (Jer. xliii, 9), maner, sope, perfit, battel, enterten, unfained, neesing, "bile," for "boil"; theren, plow, pransings, "lancer," for "lancet"; "mussell," for "muzzle;" "cradle," for "curdle"; "cize," for size"; "utter," for "outer"; damesell, but not always ; " that had bin " occurs Matt, i, 6. " Ought " is an early way of speUing " owed "¦ — " which ought him ten thousand talents" (Matt, xviii, 24) — and the original form was pre served in many editions; "champaign," a level country, is " champion " in the text of Deut. xi, 30 ; but " champian " in the margin of Ezekiel xxxvii, 2, the only places where the word occurs. Preterite forms are given, as " dipt," " crept"; XLV.] VARIATIONS IN SPELLING. 259 " pluckt " and " plucked " ; " stopt " and "stopped " ; " lift " and "lifted"; "fetcht" and "fetched"; "prey," in the modern editions, is " pray " in the early ones, as Gen. xlix, 9, 27, and so commonly throughout. There are also such varying forms as " burthen" and "burden"; " murther " and " murder"; "hun dreth" and "hundred" in consecutive verses, Judg. xviii, 16, 17; "prophane" and "profane"; "toward" and "towards" in the same verse. Gen. xlviii, IS, but made uniform in subsequent editions. There are as great variations in Milton's spelling, even in the first editions of his poems. " Be " is the old form ; " thy sins be forgiven thee " (Matt, ix, 2) is not a command or imprecation, but a simple statement, as in Gen. xiii, 8, "for we be brethren " ; in Dan. iii, 19, " than it was wont to be heat,'' the old participle is still a Scotticism, pronounced "het," as "set," which is the past participle of "seat" (Matt, v, 1); "dedicate" in the phrase "he had dedicate," 2 Kings xii, 18, has long since become "had dedicated." Adjectives of this or similar ending, formed from the Latin past participle, are used without an additional syUable, as "situate," "O thou that art situate," Ezek. xxvii, 3. "Thee" is also archaic, as " get thee," " haste thee," " fare thee " ; " ye," and seldom " you," as the nominative, though " ye " is often objective in Milton. It would appear that when Milton wrote "yee," or "thee," he occasionally meant the form to be emphatic.^ " Yee " has been changed into "you" in the more modern editions: Isa. i, 16, "wash you," the change perhaps prompted by the foUowing clause, " make you clean," " you " in the first clause being regarded as objective. The ti-anslators in their own preface use "you": "You are risen up in your father's stead"; "as your fathers did, so do you"; but in the translation of both places they keep "ye" (Num. xxxii, 14; Acts vii, 51). "That" is used for "what," " we speak that we do know" (John iii, 11); and several times in this gospel; "thou takest that thou layedst not down" (Luke xix, 21, 22, 26); "if I do that I would not " (Rom. vii, 20 ; similarly, viii, 25 ; 2 Cor. viii, 12) ; " in," as well as " on," is found in connection with " throne " (Prov. xx, 8) ; iMasson's Milton, vol. Ill, p. 187 260 THE ENGLISH BIBLE. [chap. Rev. iii, 21) ; and in connection with earth (Matt, vi, 10). We have in 1 Kings xvii, 10, "a widow woman was gathering of sticks"; but "gathering two sticks," in verse 12; and in Rev. xviii, 12, "all manner vessels of ivory"; this last idiom occurs in several other places in the first edition.^ " Whiles " (Matt. V, 25) is a genitive form ; in Eph. ii, 13, " sometimes" is simply for "sometime," like "betimes," which has not a plural sense, but means at some early period. We have also " alway," "always"; and the phrase "or ever," Psalm xc, 2, "or" being another form of "ere," before. Exodus i, 19, Num xiv, 11, Dan. vi, 24, is a reduplication, like "for because," Gen. xxii, 16. There are also forms of expression which were quite correct and current in the days of Elizabeth and James, and common to the contemporaries of the translators, which are now regarded as out of rule, as Matt, v, 2.3, " if thou bring thy gift to the altar, and there rememberest that thy brother hath aught against thee," both verbs being attached to the same conjunc tion ; John ix, 31, " if any man be a worshipper of God, and doeth his wiU " ; the same form of the English verb should have been kept in the successive clauses. Sometimes a strong preterite is found in the one clause and an auxiUary used in the next: Matt, xxv, 26, "reap where I sowed not, and gather where I have not strawed,'! are not out of haimony. The reverse, however, is awkward: "doth he not leave the ninety and nine, and goeth and seeketh"; Acts xxvU, 21, "and not have loosed from Crete, and to have gained this harm and loss " ; Jeremiah xxvi, 19, " did he not fear the Lord, and besought the Lord, and the Lord repented ? " clauses of the same question ; Matt, xxvi, 67, " then did they spit in his face, and buflfeted him " ; Mark viii, 22, " they bring a blind man unto him, and besought him," a mistranslation. A double nega tive occurs in 2 Sam. xiv, 7, " shaU not leave neither name nor remainder " ; also, 1 Cor. x, 32. The old use of grammatical numbers, according to sense and not technical canon, occurs. Acts i, 15, "the number of names together were." On the other hand, "an" is used before a plural, when the objects are taken as a unity : " an eight days after these sayings " 1 See vol. I., p. 284. XLV.] OTHER PECULIARITIES. 261 (Luke ix, 28). There are other peculiarities: Gen. xxvii, 15, "goodly raiment which were with her "; Luke v, 10, "so was also James and John." " There was taken up twelve baskets'' (Luke ix, 17); "Agrippa and Bernice was entered" (Acts xxv, 23). A singular verb, especially the substantive verb, is often connected with two or more nominatives, as in the concluding clause of the Lord's Prayer — " Thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory." Compare Heb. ix, 4 ; Ezek. ii, 10 ; Dan. v, 11; vii, 14 ; Haggai ii, 19 ; and many other places. In such con nections each nominative is singled out in succession, for the sake of emphasis : " the kingdom is thine, and the glory is thine," &c. In the clause, John xi, 57, " If any man knew where he were," " were " was apparently not taken as a subjunctive. "Generation" is represented by "they" in one clause, "they seek a sign"; and by "it" in the next, "no sign shall be given it" (Luke xi, 29) ; Jer. xviii, 15, similarly, " My people hath forgotten me, they have burned incense " ; Matt. XV, 8, " This people draweth nigh with their mouth." Want of uniformity occurs also in these verses in the use of numerals : " One and twentie yeere old " (Jer. lii, 1); "threescore and two yeere old" (Dan. v, 31); "thirty change of garments " (Judges xiv, 13) ; " in the sixth hundredth and one yeere " (Gen. viii, 1.3), corrected in 1629 ; " upon the eight day '' (Ezek. xliii, 27). " Then," according to old custom, is used as a conjunction in the clause, " a fool's wrath is heavier then them both" (Prov. xxvii, 3). The expres sions " asked an alms " and " so great riches is come to naught," are correct, both nouns being really singular. The phrase, " the which " (Luke xxi, 6 ; Acts xvii, 31 ; Colos. iii, 7 ; Heb. vii, 19 ; James ii, 7), common in old English, has all but passed away ; as also PhUemon 6, '•' much bold." Modern usage would condemn the connection of " each " or "every one" with a plural foUowing, as in Song of Solomon iv, 2, "whereof every one bear twins"; Matt, xviii, 35, " if ye forgive not every one his brother their trespasses," and this was a common Eliza bethan idiom, each having the sense of both the one or the other in combination. The two last words are, however, not genuine in this place, but are an exegetical supplement ; 262 I^HE ENGLISH BIBLE. [chap. Philip, ii, 3, "let each esteem other better than themselves. " Both " is used with more than two, as in Ezek. ix, 6, " both maids, and little children, and women." " Whom" is not accu rate in such phrases as Matt, xvi, 13, 15; Mark viii, 27, 29; Luke is, 18, 20, "Whom do men say that I am?" "whom say ye that I am?" " whom think ye that I am?" The law of the succession of tenses is sometimes violated, as where " might " is used frequently for " may," Eph. iii, 19, " might " being a past form. " What wilt thou that I shotdd do unto thee ? The blind man said unto him. That I might receive my sight," an impossible reference to a past time, and the present " may " is therefore the appropriate auxiliary ; so also Luke viii, 9 ; John V, 40. There is a peculiarity in Prov. vi, 19, " a false witness that speaketh lies, and him that soweth discord among brethren " ; " him " remained in the text through many editions, even in that of 1638, and apparently was not changed till 1769. In Heb. ix, 11, 12, we have "Christ being come an high priest ... he entered," with the other and real nominative in the previous verse, "Christ." There is also the double comparative "lesser," used three times in the text and once in the margin, but occurring a score of times in Shakespeare ; and the double superlative, " most straitest sect " (Acts xxvi, 5), an idiom called by Ben Jonson " a certain kind of Atticism " ; such double degrees occur often in Shakespeare, " the most unkindest cut of all." There are also double possessives, " a servant of the king's (2 Kings xxii, 12); "a cunning man . . . of Huram my father's" (2 Chron. ii, 13) ; "a servant of the high priest's " (Matt, xxv, 51); " hired servants of my father's " (Luke xv, 17). Other instances have been changed, but in the first edition we have, Deut. xxiu, 25, "the standing corn of thy neighbour's" ; Lev. xxii, 10, " a sojourner of the priest's." We have also these peculiar forms— Exod. ix, 4, " the children's of Israel " ; Deut. x, 14, "the heaven and the heaven of heavens is the Lord's thy God." But, in fine, many of the Ucenses taken by Elizabethan authors were refused by the framers of the present version, for they wrought under the condition and necessary constraint of translators, so that they did not and could not follow Shakes- XLV.] AVOIDANCE OF MANY IRREGULARITIES, 263 peare in using an adverb as a verb or a noun, in employing a noun as an adjective or as an active verb, or in setting an adjective to do duty as an adverb or a noun. Such irregular facilities tended to vigour, clearness, and immediateness of expression, but they could not be adopted in all their exuber ance into a work which was to live on untouched by changing literary styles and fashions, and to sustain a fresh and long protest against ephemeral crudities, aff'ected verbal com binations, and ponderous Latinisms in the style of English writers. CHAPTER XLVI. T^HE translators were quite aware of the enmity and oppo sition which their work was sure to meet with, and their preface opens with distinct anticipations of the calumnies that would be poured upon them. "Zeale to promote the common good, whether it be by deuising any thing our selues, or reuising that which hath bene laboured by others, deserueth certainly much respect and esteeme, but yet findeth but cold intertainment in the world. It is welcommed with suspicion in stead of lone, and with emulation in stead of thankes : and if there be any hole left for cauiU to enter, (and cauill, if it doe not finde a hole, will make one) it is sure to bee misconstrued, and in danger to be condemned. This wiU easily be granted by as many as know story, or have any experience. For, was there euer any thing projected, that sauoured any way of newnesse or renewing, but the same endured many a storme of gaine-saying, or opposi tion ? A man would thinke that Ciuilitie, holesome Lawes, learning and eloquence. Synods, and Church-maintenance, (that we speake of no more things of this kind) should be as safe as a Sanctuary, and out of shot, as they say, that no man would lift vp the heele, no, nor dogge mooue his tongue against the motioners of them. . . . Thus not only as oft as we speake, as one saith, but also as oft as we do any thing of note or con sequence, we subiect our selues to euery ones censure, and happy is he that is least tossed vpon tongues ; for vtterly to escape the snatch of them it is impossible." The version, as had thus been anticipated, soon encoun- HUGH BROUGHTON. 265 tered opposition, its first antagonist being the scholarly but impracticable Hugh Broughton. He had not been chosen one of the revisers, though he had been all his Ufe writing on the nature and necessity of Biblical revision. On account of his arrogant and perverse temper he was not a " club- able " man. His great erudition was undoubted, though much of it was spent on smaller matters, especially in discussing the genealogies of Scripture. The learned Light foot, his biographer, calls him on the title-page of the volume of his coUected works, "the great Albionian Divine, renowned in many nations for his skill in Salem's and Athens' tongues." His style, as admitted by Lightfoot, was " curt, something harsh, and obscure." He wrote sharp criti cisms on his rival Lively, and he attacked unsparingly the Bishops' Bible. To crown all, he fell upon Bancroft himself and with poor wit brands him as " the bane of the banned croft," and hints to him in reference to a notorious theological dispute about a middle state, that when his soul shall ascend to Hades, he may find Gehenna there, and that for his raving against truth. King James, to whom the tract is dedicated, " shall behold him from Abraham's'bosom." Broughton, being passed by, and not engaged in the work, was, according to Walton,^ so highly offended that he wrote with more than usual asperity against the Authorized Version. " The late Bible was," he intimates, " sent me to censure, which bred in me a sadness which will grieve me while I breathe. It is so ill done. Tell his Majesty that I had rather be rent in pieces with wild horses than any such translation, by my consent, should be urged on poor churches. . . . My advertisement they regarded not " — the allusion being to their translation of the last clause of Gen. iv, 26. In reference to Luke iii, and the phrase "the Son of God," he maintains that in fifteen verses they have "fifteen scores of idle words for account in the day of judgment, the relation of each name being to Christ." He adds, " when the genealogy was attacked, I cleared our Lord's family " ; Bancroft raved and gave the anathema, ' Todd's Memoirs of Walton, vol. I, p. 92; Lewis' History of Transla tions, p. 297, 3rd edition. 266 THE ENGLISH BIBLE. [chap. "Christ judged his own cause." Broughton's other charges are based on St. Stephen's speech, on which he dogmatizes without throwing light upon it; on the Seventy Weeks in Daniel ; on the translation of the names of precious stones ; ^ the spelling of proper names ; and on Daniel xi, 38, " where they leave atheism in the text, and put my translation into the margent.'' He admits, however, " I blame not this that they keep the usual style of former translations. For the learned the Genevan might be made exact, for which pains for whole thirty years I have been caUed upon, and I spent much time, to my great loss, by wicked hindrance." ^ Such were the impressions of Broughton's erudition and vanity that when he went to the continent it was said that he had gone to teach the Jews Hebrew. His "coat bare the bird of Athens " ; and as he helped Speed to compile the genealo gies found in the earUer edition of the present Bible, the two owls with a burning torch found at the top corners of the first page mean that " it was Mr. Broughton that gave the light in that work." ^ There is a sprightly caricature of Broughton's subjects and style in Ben Johnson's Alchemist, act iv, scene 3. Dr. Gell, who had been chaplain to Archbishop Abbot, pub lished, in 1659, an attack — "a skeleton of mere criticisms" — upon the version and its framers. Some of his accusations are very trivial, and many of his statements are drawn out into proUx allegorical sermons. He objects to their inversion of the order of words, to their undue use of supplemental terms, and to their translation as being moulded to suit their own opinions, while they put the better and truer rendering in the margin. Especially does he censure their Bible as obscuring '¦ Bancroft, in writing to Cowell, touching Translating the Bible," Vice-Chancellor of Cambridge, says 1595. in a postscript that he had sent for ^ Works, p. 661, &c., London, 1662. the translators " a copy of a learned ^ The genealogies and the descrip- epistle of Mr. Broughton's, though tion of the Holy Land, in the first it was of old date." There is no doubt edition, were compiled by royal au- that this work was his "Epistle thority, as was told by the delegates to the learned nobilitie of. England at the Synod of Dort. XLVL] WARD'S POPISH ATTACK. 267 on purpose the doctrine of perfection, for he regarded such a state as attainable in the present Ufe."^ They predicted that " uncharitable imputations " would be cast on them and their work, and Broughton and GeU soon verified the prophecy.^ Nor have they been the only opponents. But such baseless objections as those brought by Bellamy and Sir James Burges, and recently renewed by Mr. Street,^ against the version that it was taken from the Septuagint, have been sufficiently exposed by Brett, Whittaker, and Todd. A portion of the arguments which Gregory Martin had used many years before against the current Protestant versions was taken up and repeated by Thomas Ward * against the present Bible, the edition singled out being that of BiU and Barker, 1683. This book, " Errata of the Protestant Bible," seems to have been published anonymously in the reign of James II ; and a second edition apjDeared in 1688. It was reprinted in Dublin in 1807, issued with a preface by Lingard in 1810, and with a letter by Milner in 1841. Ward calls his I. work an abridgment, "suited not only to the purse of the poorest, but to the capacity of the most ignorant." He excels his predecessor in ferocity of epithet, accuses King James's translators of blasphemy, most damnable corruptions, intoler able deceit, and vile imposture, these epithets not being " the dictates of passion, but the just resentment of a zealous mind." Of damnable corruptions there are one hundred and twenty, and twenty errors in addition are not regarded as the pro duct of ill design. Many of Ward's aUeged corruptions are now found in the Catholic version itself: it has been so '- Essay towards the amendment in." By the Rev. B. Street, vicar of of the last English Translation, Barnsley-le-Wold. London, 1872. London, 1659. * Ward was a schoolmaster who " Baxter refers to Gell as one of had gone over to the Church of the sowers of religious discord in Rome in the days of James II. He the Parliamentary army, especially then travelled in Italy, and served in Colonel Whalley's regiment, as a soldier in the Papal Guards. These " sectmasters fiercely cried He also published " England's Re- down the present translation of the formation, in Hudibrastic verse." Scripture." Ward was replied to by Grier, Ryan, ^ Restoration of Paths to Dwell and Hamilton. 268 THE ENGLISH BIBLE. [chap. much altered from time to time. The answer of Fulke to Martin still suffices to refute such polemical objections, and some of the older incorrect renderings have been changed in our present version. One grievous complaint was the use of the term " images," as in 1 John v, " Babes, keep yourselves from images"; 2 Cor. vi, 16, "how agreeth the temple of God with images ? " Eph. v, 5, " nor covetous person who is a wor shipper of images." The Catholics, allowing idolatry to be wrong, felt that these renderings condemned their practice of having images in their churches, and suggested to the people the destruction of them. But the accusation does not apply to the Authorized Version, for the Greek word and its compounds are rendered idol, idolater, and idolatry. Many of the Fathers, indeed, as Jerome, could not distinguish between the worship of images and that of idols, and prac tically to the masses they are the same ; yet it was right to indicate the distinction between two Greek terms.^ The Genevan had already set the example of a correct rendering. i Among the charges brought against the new version the most absurd and ludicrous is, that through royal influences the trans lation was worded so as to countenance the notion of witchcraft. Dr. Samuel Johnson, ^ after telling of James's great skUl in witchcraft and referring to his Treatise on Demonology printed at Edinburgh and reprinted in London soon after his accession, adds that " as the ready way to gain King James's favour was to flatter his speculations, the system of Demonology was a,dopted by aU who desired either to gain preferment or not to lose it." These words do not contain any definite accusation against the translators, though they have been supposed to do so. But Bishop Huchinson in his "Historical Essay on Witchcraft " asserts in the same spirit and more directly, after referring to the statute against conjuration, " The translation of the Bible being made soon after, by King James!s particular desire, hath received some phrases that favour the vulgar notions more than the old translations did. At that unhappy ^ Such as iiKOiV and etStoAov. " Works, vol. X, p. 76, London, 1823. XLVL] CHARGE OF FAVOURING WITCHCRAFT. 269 time was brought in the gross notion of a familiar spirit . . . these translations being introduced for the great reverence they had to the King's judgment and the testimony he gave them of facts from Scotland." A professed commentator also, Rev. John Hewlet, B.D., who published an exposition of the Bible in 1812 — the notes of which were reprinted in 1816 — declares without reserve that the translators introduced the term " familiar spirit," " witch," and " wizard," to flatter the notions of royalty. But whatever the king's opinions were on this subject, the terms objected to occur in the earlier versions, and were there fore not introduced by the king's translators. Both the two preceding versions in concurrent use had in the story of her of Endor the phrase " familiar spirit " three times (1 Sam. xxviii, 7, 8), though they rendered the phrase "them that had familiar spirits and the wizards " in 3, and in 9 by " sor cerers'' and "soothsayers." In the Great Bible, 1540, a "familiar spirit '' is rendered a " spirit of prophecy," and by Coverdale, " spirit of soothsaying." Both the Genevan and the Bishops' have in Exodus xxii, 18, "thou shalt not suff'er a witch to live," and the Bishops' has the foUowing note, " the word in Hebrew signifleth a witch or sorcerer, or an enchaunter, or any that by devilish means hurteth either cattle, corn, or men." The translators, though they accepted the text, pointedly refused this note which was after the king's own heart. "Witch" is also the translation of the other earlier versions. Nay, in Isaiah Ivii, 3, where the Genevan has "witches children," the Authorized does not copy, but has used " sorceress." In both the WycliflSte versions Simon is called a witch, the noun being at that early period of both genders. Belief in witchcraft was very current in Europe before the period of James I. Many mediaeval councils, synods, and papal Bulls had maintained the reality of it, and there is an immense body of literature on the subject. Wierus had written in 1583, and Reginald Scott in the foUow ing year. A statute had been passed against witchcraft in 1541 (33 Henry VIII, c. 8), and it was renewed at the accession of Elizabeth before any law was enacted in Scotland. Witch craft figures prominently in many dramas. At a later period 270 THE ENGLISH BIBLE. [chap. Glanville, Henry More, Sir Matthew Hale (who condemned two women to death at Bury St. Edmunds in 1665), the Mathers in America, Professor Sinclair of Glasgow University,^ Sir Thomas Brown, the " Exposer of Vulgar Errors," and good John Wesley, expressed their firm conviction of the reality of it. The penal laws in existence at that time against it, which had been passed (1 James I, c. 12) when Coke was Attorney-General, and Bacon a member of Parliament, were not repealed till 1736.^ Chief-Justice Holt, in 1702, punished witchcraft as an imposture. The belief in witches was also intensely prevalent in Scotland. The General Assembly had often taken up the matter, and the early Seceders set down among the signs of spiritual declension the cessation of witch- burning. The last instance in England of Avitch-burning occurred in 1716, and in Scotland in 1720. Most extraordinary statements have also been made about the relations of the translators and their work to the king. Two Transatlantic authors, in a joint production written in defence of the " Bible Union " and its avowedly Baptist version, affirm amidst much wrathful and senseless vituperation that the translators intended to flatter James by the rendering " God save the king " — " a phrase at war with all of God's revelations on kingly governments," and they give us the astounding intelligence that the monarch himself was the manager and final reviser of the Authorized Version — " those royal hands, dripping with the blood of hundreds of innocent human beings, gave the final touches to it." ^ Such statements 1 See vol. I, p. 236. book, " New Testament Studies by " See Huchinson's Essay on Aliquis," London, 1870, it is said Witchcraft, 1718 ; Upham's Salem that King James probably intro- Witchcraft, Boston, 1867 ; the first duced the word " Easter" in Acts chapter of Lecky's Rationalism, vol. xii, 5. But "Easter" is as old as I, London, 1866, 3rd ed., and De la Tyndale's first edition. Another Demonialit^, par Isidore Liseux, conjecture of the same author may Paris, 1875. be taken for what it is worth, when ^ Discussion on Revision of the he hints that it is not improbable Holy Scripture, p. 113, 208. By that the king wrote the "flattering James Edmunds, and T. S. Bell, dedication'' to himself. Louisville, Ky., 1856. In a small XLVL] CHARGED WITH ECCLESIASTICAL PREDILECTIONS. 271 need no reply. The phrase " God save the king " was not coined by the translators — they found it both in the Bishops' and in the Genevan ; the Great Bible and Matthew (Tyndale) having, in 1 Sam. x, 24, " God lend the king Ufe," and Coverdale, " God save the new king." Undue ecclesiastical predilections have been charged against the revisers. Thus the rendering " tables " in Mark vii, 4, has been branded as an attempt to hide the meaning of immer sion as identified with washing. But the margin has " beds " from the Rheims, and " tables " is as old as Tyndale's first edition, and is found in subsequent versions. It has also been alleged, and not without some reason, that in Acts xx, 28, the rendering of the clause " over which the Holy Ghost hath made you overseers '' is a deflection from the true translation, and conceals the identity of the " elders " with the oflfice-bearers usually named "bishops." It is quite true that the word given as " overseer " is, even as applied to Christ, everywhere rendered " bishop " ; but perhaps the translation in Acts was meant to bring out the duties or functions of the oflfice — " bishop " being a foreign term with a technical signification. But while it would have been better to preserve uniformity, it must be added at the same time that our translators did not introduce the variation, for "overseers" is in Tyndale 1526 and 1534, in Cranmer 1540, in both Genevan versions, and in the Bishops' ; " bishops '' being found in WycUflfe, Coverdale, and the Rheims. WycUflfe often renders "high priest" by " bishop," and the note of the Rheims is " bishops or priesta." Dr. HiU is reported by Henry Jessey, in a paper on revision, to have said in open assembly, "It was commonly reported that Bancroft, in order that the translation should ' speak prelatical language ' had altered it in fourteen places ; and that Dr. Miles Smith's complaint was that 'he is so potent that there is no contradicting him.' " ^ But we have no direct means of ascertaining whether the statement be true, only we know that Bancroft was among the first to defend episcopacy ^ Henry Jessey was the author of the words of the New]_Testament," an English-Greek Lexicon "for all London, 1661. 272 THE ENGLISH BIBLE. [chap. as of absolute divine right, and he certainly had a temper and a will that could bear down all opposition.^ This story, however, had so firm a hold on the popular mind that about 1657 it formed the preamble of a "bill for revising the English translation of the Scriptures," in the following terms : — " Whereas by the reverend, godly, and learned Dr. HiU, it was pubUcly declared in his sermon before an honourable assembly,^ and by himself since that time published in print, that when the Bible had been translated by the translators appointed, the New Testament was looked over by some pre lates (that he could name) to bring it to speak the prelatical language, and he was informed by one that lived then, a great observer of those times, fourteen places in the New Testament, whereof he instanceth these in five or six places by them corrupted. "The like testimony of these prelates wronging that new and best translation being given by some other ancient and godly preachers also, who lived in those times. " And some appearance hereof may yet be seen in part of that very copy of these translators."^ Questions of doctrines are said to have warped the judgment of the translators. A passage often adduced in proof is Heb. vi, 4, 5, 6, and attention is called to the misrendering "if they shaU fall away," which certainly ought to have been " and have fallen away," for it is in a line with the previous past partici ples. But if the mistranslation had been chosen to guard the indefectibility of grace the artifice is an early one, for it is found in the older versions from Tyndale downwards, with the ex ception of the Rheims. The revisers did not introduce the mistranslation, and they so often foUow the old versions, that all we are warranted to say is that their theology may have in clined them to contentment with the established rendering. ¦¦ He died Nov. 2, 1610. He be- " Speaking the truth in love," pp. 24, came Bishop of London in 1597, and 25. Archbishop of Canterbury in Dec, ^ Qi^itt Paper Office, Domest. In- 1604. terreg., Bundle 662, f. 12. " Spittal Sermon, on Eph. iv, 15 — XLVL] BEZA OFTEN FOLLOWED. 273 Beza encouraged them.^ They might have got rid of the difficulty by saying, with Calvin and Beza, that the persons described and characterized in the previous clauses have never been regenerate ; or, with Alford, that " the regenerate may fall away, but the elect never can " ; " AU elect are regenerate, but all regenerate are not elect." StiU, and at whatever hazard, they ought to have given the right translation, which in this clause does not declare a contingency, but a fact ranked in the same category with enlightenment, tasting of the heavenly gift, and participation of the Holy Ghost. In the first clause of Matt, v, 21, " said by them of old time," our translators forsake the older versions and follow Beza,^ the rendering being vindicated by him only for its fitness, as singling out the teachers not the auditors ; though they put " by " into the text, they give us " to " in the margin. No little censure has been pronounced upon the rendering of Heb. X, 38, " now the just ° shall live by faith ; but if any man draw back, my soul shall have no pleasure in him." The words " any man " represent no corresponding Greek term in the original, and though they are a supplement, they were not printed as such in the early editions, as only since 1638 are they presented in italics. Our translators were very careless and inconsistent about what are now caUed italics ; but in this case they could not be ignorant of the bearing of their version on the doctrine of the perseverance of the saints, and they ought to have anxiously attended to the printing. They knew that there was no nominative expressed ; that their rendering was based on an interpretation which to be borne out supposed that the phrase " any man " is fairly and fuUy impUed in the verse; so that their supplement, as it was exegetical and liable to be contra verted,should have been honestly and carefully marked. Eut as we know their practice as to italics was in defiance of aU uniformity, we dare not say that the non-marking ofthe two words was intended to serve any polemical purpose, for such ' By his si prolabantur, the Vui- ' The best text gives " my gate having etprolapsi sunt. righteous one." " Dictum a veterihus, the Vulgate having dictum est antiquis. VOL. II. S 274 THE ENGLISH BIBLE. [chap. a device would have been too transparent ; and if they had any theological bias, they were not such simpletons as to endeavour in this way to vail it. Now we are not going to expound the verse, but as some apology for them it may be noted that in the quotation from the Septuagint Version of Habakkuk ii, 4, there is a transposition of the clauses, and that scholars who do not hold the dogma supposed to have suggested the rendering agree with them in the supplement. Capellus, Scholefield, and Grotius give " any one," and so does Bishop Middleton ; while Winer and De Wette supply " a man " as a general term abstracted from the epithet "just man." A similar nominative would be supplied to the verb as it stands in the first clause in the Septuagint ; but Bleek is at a loss as to the nominative which should be taken, while Delitzsch argues that the clauses are inverted by the Apostle to make the sub ject no longer doubtful. Besides the original clause carries a meaning very diflferent from that found in the quotation, as it reads, "Behold his soul which is lifted up is not upright in him," or " puflfed up with pride his soul is not right in him." Owen, Lindsay, and many others consider that two classes of persons are contrasted ; Beza explaining, "a just man is opposed to an impious one," ^ as in the Septuagint. In their diflficulty the translators foUowed Beza,^ but when they left the natural and grammatical connection of the clauses, they ought not only to have imitated Beza's honest italics, but to have given the other rendering in the margin, "if he draw back." Nay, it was the more incumbent on them to append such a marginal alternative, because they have forsaken all the older versions with the exception of the Genevan, since from Tyndale down to the Bishops' the rendering is, "and if he with draw himself" Theological prepossession is also ascribed to the rendering of Acts ii, 47, " and the Lord added to the church daily sucb as should be saA^ed." This rendering of the Greek participle is certainly unfortunate — for it is present — literaUy "of those being saved." Had they followed their theology, they might have ^ " Fidelis oppouitur impio.'' = " At si quis se subduxerit,'' printing quis in italics. XLVI.] CHARGE OF ANTI-POPISH LEANINGS. 275 rendered, " the saved," as they have done in 2 Cor. ii, 15, men being saved as soon as they believe — " he that believeth hath life," and in consequence it was held that their ultimate salva tion was certain, or that they " should be saved." But in their translation they simply follow the older versions and they accept the Vulgate.^ WycUflfe in defiance of his Latin text renders, "them that weren maad safe." One objection to the rendering " are saved " is that, while in form it is an English present, in sense it is really a past, and there is also an objec tion to the phrase, " should be saved," since it shows a close simUarity to another translation of diff'erent Greek in Acts xxiii, 27, " this man was taken of the Jews, and should have been kiUed." Anti-Popish leanings are also alleged to shine through in the version. Thus, in 1 Cor. xi, 27, " wherefore whosoever shaU. ^ eat this bread and drink this cup unworthily," the translation ought to be " or drink this cup," " or " being corrupted into " and " to destroy a possible argument for communion in one kind. The particle^ stands unchaUenged in Stephens and Beza, and there is no allusion to any other reading. Codex A was not accessible to them, but the Vulgate and the Peshito read "and," as also Clement, and Origen in his Commentary. When they saw that "and" occurred in 26, 28, 29, they wei-e naturally tempted to insert it here. They found also the older versions divided — Tyndale and Cranmer having " or," a nd Coverdale, the Genevan, and the Bishops' having " and." Macknight too, who had little sympathy with their theology and no great admiration of their learning, justifies their preference of " and," giving among other reasons the false one that though ij may be the right reading, it often means " and," and ought to be so translated in this verse, as determined by v. 29. But though they never render this conjunction by " and," they seem, however, to have persuaded themselves that " and "^ was the right read ing here ; for though they knew little of MSS., they knew some thing of the Peshito and of Patristic quotations. They were too shrewd not to perceive on the one hand the utter worth- / '- " Qui salvi fierent." ^ iy ^ nat. 276 THE ENGLISH BIBLE. [chap. lessness of the Popish argument in defence of communion in one kind, and not to feel on the other hand that the use of "and" narrows the range of the Apostle's warning, which with " or " affixed the penalty to either act of eating or of drinking. Gregory Martin finds fault with the rendering, Heb. xi, 21, "worshipped, leaning on the top of his staff"," as directed ao-ainst the adoration of creatures called " dulia." But the version is correct, and the supplementary word conveys the real sense, whUe the Rheims translators, after the Vulgate, have " adored the top of his rod " ; the rod is Jacob's own, and not, as many CathoUc interpreters suppose, the sceptre of Joseph, on the top of which was some image or symbol. The pointing of the Hebrew noun is doubtful, and it may mean either "bed" or "rod." The Authorized Version has been often accused, as by Mac knight, Campbell, and many others, of foUowing Beza in its translation. Such imitation was natural in the circumstances, for Beza was a Greek scholar, with few equals or superiors in those times. "Without controversy" (1 Tim. iu, 16) is from Beza and Erasmus. The misrendering, " the terror of the Lord" (2 Cor. V, 11), came fi'om the Genevan, and it from Beza. The wrong translation in Jude 12, " trees whose fruit withereth," came also from Beza, the sense being " autumn trees without fruit." ^ " If any man be in Christ, he is a new creature " (2 Cor. V, 17) is after Beza, Tyndale, and the Great Bible ; but another rendering, that of the Genevan, is given in the margin — " let him be a new creature." Yet, while Beza was closely consulted and frequently foUowed, it is also certain that his influence was not uniformly paramount, even in cases where a similar theological bias might be anticipated. In rendering the clause. Matt, iii, 15, " suflfer it to be so now," the revisers refuse "let be," the equivocal version of the Genevan 1560, and also Beza's strange translation.^ They translate fairly in places where he paraphrases wrongly, as Matt, vu, 23, " ye that work iniquity," Beza having, " who sin on purpose." ^ Nor do they '- " Frugiperdae." ^ " Qui operam datis iniquitati." " " Omitte." XLVL] BEZA NOT ALWAYS FOLLOWED. 277 copy his annotation in Matt, v, 20, where he virtuaUy identifies righteousness with orthodoxy, and explains " entering into the kingdom" by " becoming teachers in the church." They indeed appear to follow him, and not the Vulgate,^ in rendering " his faith was counted for righteousness " (Rom. iv, 3), and yet they are only keeping by the earlier Protestant versions of Tyndale, Coverdale, Matthew, Cranmer, the Genevan, and the Bishops'. They do not accept Beza's rendering when they translate in Acts iii, 21, " whom the heaven must receive" ; nor in ii, 27, 31, " leave my soul in hell " ; Beza's first rendering being, " my corpse in the grave " ; ^ and though he changed it because it gave off'ence, he stUl upheld it to be correct; the two Genevan versions foUow him, and he vindicates the rendering in a full note. Beza is not followed in John i, 12, " dignity to be sons of God " ; but " power " is the word selected — the Genevan having in the margin " privilege or dignity.'' Nor is he followed in Acts i, 14, where he renders " with their wives," the proper translation being, " with the women " ; nor do they take his and the Vulgate rendering, " spirit of santification," in Rom. i, 1, nor in Heb. ix, 15, for he has " covenant,'' and in the passage he is followed once by the Genevan of 1557 and twice by the . Bishops' which has " testament " in the margin. They also forsake Beza in Gal. i, 24, " they glorified God in me" — ^lie having, "concerning me," and Tyndale having, " on my behalf" Nor do they take instruction from Beza in James ii, 14, where they render " can faith save him ? " Beza having " can that faith save him 1 " ^ They were under sore temptation to preserve the " Ula," but they go away so far from Beza that they even ignore the article, which may have its contextual sense. The one Genevan has " that faith," and the other, " the faith." In 1 Cor. xiii, 2, Beza renders the same adjective first by " all," * and then by " whole," ^ and vindicates the alteration on polemical grounds ; but the English version has rightly given " all knowledge," and " aU faith." 1 " Ad justitiam." * " Omnia." " " Cadaver meum in sepulchre." ' " Totam." 3 " Num potest fides ilia eum servare ? " 278 THE ENGLISH BIBLE. [chap. Rom. ii, 7, is translated, " To them who by patient continu ance in well-doing seek for glory, and honour, and immor taUty, eternal life." But Beza, as if afraid of the connection of the patient continuance in "well-doing" with glory and ultimate eternal life, separates the words and renders, "to them who according to patient expectation seek the glory of a good work.'' There are diflferent modes of construction; but Beza's exegesis, " that is, who seek eternal life," is wholly unjustifiable. Rom. v, 16, "judgment was by one to condem nation," Beza translates, "the guilt, indeed, is of one oflfence to condemnation," implying a distinct doctrinal bias and a mistranslation of the noun. Rom. viii, 4, " That the righteousness of the law might be fulfiUed in us " ; ^ here the Greek term, however, is not that rendered usually by righteousness, but a word which may mean the whole requirement of the law. Whether he be right or wrong, Beza did not lead them; they virtually foUowed Tyn dale, " the righteousness required by the law." Rom. xi, 32, " That he might have mercy upon aU." Beza renders the last words, " all these," ^ his explanation being " elect," viz., — but he was not imitated. 1 Tim. ii, 4, " Who will have all men to be saved " ; Beza translates,^ " who will have any men to be saved." 1 Tim. ii, 6, " Gave himself a ransom for all " ; Beza render ing* by the same pronoun. But the revisers of 1611 without hesitation disavow these unfaithful versions. 1 Tim. iv, 10, " Who is the Saviour of all men, especiaUy of those who believe''; Beza preserves the "aU," and he could not weU attempt its alteration ; but he changes " Saviour " into " Pre server," as if the statement referred to temporal preservation ; and to show under what pressure he must have made the change, this is the only place in his New Testament where he has ventured on such a translation, which our version at once tosses aside, and follows aU the earlier English transla tions. 1 " Ut jus illud legis compleatur ^ « q^j quogyjg homines." in nobis." * " Pro quibusvis." " " Omnes illos.'' XLVL] FULL AND LITERAL SENSE NOT ALWAYS GIVEN. 279 If the Authorized Version, in connecting "all men" with "appeared," steps back from the true translation in Titus ii, 11, it is put in the margin; and there is no hesitation in rendering Heb. ii, 9, "that he . . . should taste death for every man," the defining supplement " man " not even printed in italics. Thus, whUe the revisers of 1611 were often tempted to foUow Beza, they had often the courage to judge for themselves. At the same time some of the most erroneous marginal renderings came from Beza: Mark i, 34, " or, to say that they knew him " ; similarly, Luke iv, 41 ; Acts i, 8, " or, the power of the Holy Ghost coming upon you " ; Rom. xi, 17, " or, for them." The revisers occasionally fall from the full and simple meaning of the text. Sometimes they insert a diluting supple ment. 2 Thess. iii, 5, in rendering the last clause "into the patient waiting for Christ," after Beza's " expectationem!' they shrank from the real translation and put it into the margin, ''into the patience of Christ." It was probably some felt incongruity in the true rendering, "leadeth us in triumph" (2 Cor. ii, 14), that prompted the inferior version, " causeth us to triumph," after Beza. Though the charge of theological bias cannot be fully sup ported against the text, the margin, however, yields some examples. Rom. iii, 25, text, " set forth " ; margin, " foreordained " — a verb taken from the Vulgate, and occurring only once in the version, 1 Pet. i, 20, where it should be "foreknown." Rom. V, 12, text, "for that^ all have sinned"; margin, "in whom all have sinned," after Augustine and Beza — a rendering which even. Calvin himself did not adopt. " In which " is used in the Rheims,^ but "forasmuch as" is the translation both in the Genevan and in the Bishops'. '¦ ecj> (j). " Vulgate, " in quo." CHAPTER XLVII. rpHERE are, however, several things about the translation which detract somewhat from its great excellence. They can scarcely be said to be of the essence of it, but they are very closely connected with it. The fourteen original rules given to the Companies at Westminster, Oxford, and Cambridge, make no rfeerence to the use of "supplemental words ; but the sixth rule presented by the EngUsh deputies to the Synod of Dort was to this eflfect, "that the words necessary to be inserted into the text, in order to complete the sense, were to be distinguished by being printed in another and smaUer character."^ In a popular translation, such as that of the Bible, such supplemental words are indispensable in many places. But whatever accuracy might appear in their own copy, the printing was done in a very careless way, being devoid of all uniformity; and in the anxiety to be intelUgible, or in their own phrase, " to be under stood even of the very vulgar," the supplemental words were inserted with liberal allowances. To show how the supple mented words have been treated, and how largely such words have been put into italic types, it may be mentioned that in the first edition the eleventh chapter of John has no supple ments printed in italics ; that in the revised edition of 1638 it has fifteen words so marked; while some modern editions have as many as sixteen such terms.^ In Exodus xxxii, 18, in the midst of twenty-five words, there are now eleven italic words, 1 See page 201. " Turton's Text of the English Bible, joassm, Cambridge, 1833. CAPRICE IN ITALIC SUPPLEMENTS. 281 but only five in the first edition. In some New Testaments issued at Edinburgh, of last century, there is not a single word printed in italics from beginning to end of the volume. In the first edition these words were printed in Roman, the text being in black letter, but when it was printed in Roman, they were presented in italic letter. Some supplemental words are indispensable: Genesis xxi, 33, "Abraham, planted"; xxv, 8, " full of years " ; Exodus xxxiv, 7, " clear the guilty " ; Numbers xv, 26, " gathered unto his people " ; John iv, 33, " brought him ought to eat " ; vi, 1, " the sea of Galilee, which is the sea of Tiberias"; xv, 18, "ye know that it hated me before it hated you " ; 25, " this cometh to pass " ; xix, 5, "and Pilate said unto them" — the proper name being introduced to give consecutive clearness to the nar rative ; 1 John ii, 2, "the sins of the whole world"; ii, 19, " they went out." The Saviour's name is inserted often in the gospels where it is not required. Not a few of the numerous italic words should be excluded. In many cases the supplement is included in the original idiom, as that of the substantive verb between a subject and a predicate — or in a simple assertion : Genesis ii, 12, " the gold of that land is good," or Matt, v, 3, " blessed are the poor in spirit." The supplied verb is reaUy borne in by the original phrase as an essential portion of it, and needs not be put in italics. Of this kind there are numerous instances. There are other cases where the italic words introduced for the sake of connection may be often omitted, as the participle " saying " when the oblique fprm suddenly changes into the direct : " He spake, saying," "to curse and to swear, saying." Instances are perpetuaUy occurring : Ps. xlv, 8, " an evil disease, say they, cleaveth fast unto him" ; 1 Chron. xxiii, 5, "the instru ment which I made, said David " ; Acts i, 4, " which, saith he, ye have heard of me." The result of a previous condition, or contingence, is omitted sometimes in the original, but is supplied in the version; Luke xiii, 9, "if it bear fruit, — well." The emphasis is more striking without any insertion in Exodus xxxii, 32, "yet now, if thou wilt forgive their sin — ; and, if not, blot me, I pray thee, out of thy book." There is 282 THE ENGLISH BIBLE. [chap. a host of idiomatic adjectives which contain their object in themselves, and many verbs have a similar pregnancy — as " dry land," " bitter herbs" " cold water" " draw sword," " draw water," " set in array" " tread grapes," " shut the door," " sitteth on eggs," " feed ihe flock " — and there is no weighty reason why such supplied terms should be in italics. Many particles are found in italics—" like" " as" a weakening of the Hebrew metaphor ; " and," " when!' " though," " that" having their origin in the change of the simple and sequent Hebrew clauses into the more intricate English syntax. Italics may be allowed for such words, if they cannot be omitted without detriment. There are also cases of zeugmas, as 1 Tim. iv, 3, "forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain from meats '' ; 1 Cor. xiv, 34, " they are commanded to be under"; or the supplement is suggested by a previous clause, "as thou didst deal with my father, even so deal with me," 2 Chron. ii, 3; Ps. ix, 18, " the expectation of the poor shaU not perish," the negative being carried from a previous clause. There are many expletives which might be dispensed with, as " even " and " namely." In John viii, 6, the whole clause inserted, " as though he heard them not" is from a various reading of no authority. Besides, many of the suppUed words are directly expository : Gen. xviii, 28, " for lack of five " ; Num. xiv, 28, " as truly as I live " ; 2 Sam. v, 8, " he shall be chief and captain," taken from 1 Chron. xi, 6 ; 2 Kings x, 24, " he that letteth him go" ; Psalms Iviii, 7, "his bow to shoot" ; 1 Peter v, 13, "the church that is at Babylon." The same practice is found in some doubtful cases : Job iii, 23, "why is light given" ; 1 Chron. ix, 41, "and Ahaz," taken from viii, 35; 1 Chron. xxiv, 23, "the sons of Hebron"; "Jeriah, the first," taken from xxiii, 19. 2 Chron. xxiv, 6, "according to the commandment" ; Job xix, 26, "and though after my skin worms destroy this body " ; xxxv, 3, "if J be cleansed" ; Ps. vii, 11, "God is angry mf^ the wicked every day " ; liv, 7, " his desire " ; Ixix, 22, " that which should have been . . . let it become " ; 1 Cor. i, 26, " not many noble are called"; Deut. xxxiu, 6, "let not his men be few," directly the opposite of what the Hebrew asserts ; Exodus, XLVIL] SUPPLEMENTED WORDS OFTEN UNNECESSARY. 283 xii, 36, "they lent unto them such things as they required"; Nehem. xii, 31, " corapanies of them that gave," also in 38 and 40 ; 2 Sam. xxiii, 8, " he lift up his spear." Several instances found in Samuel are borrowed from Chronicles. ^ "From" might be omitted three times in Matt, iv, 25, and "pray God" might be omitted in 1 Thess. v, 23, and in 2 Tim. iv, 16 ; " which is " might disappear from 1 Tim. i, 1 ; " who is " in Rev. i, 5 ; " with thee " in 2 Tim. iv, 13 ; Eccles. viii, 2, " I counsel thee ; Ps. Ixx, 1, " make haste " ,- Judges vU, 7, 8, " the other people . . . the rest of Israel ; 2 Sam. i, 21, " as though he had not been"; 2 Sam. xv, 32, "the mount." Might not, "if possible" suffice for "if it were possible," Matt, xxiv, 24 ; " the passover " for " the feast of the passover " ? Matt. xxvi, 2 ; " a wine-fat " for " a place for the wine-fat," Mark xii, 1 ; " between us " might be omitted in Eph. ii, 14 ; " manner of" in Rev. xxu, 2. In 1 Cor xiv, 33, the supple ment, " the author" should go out — "God is not the God of confusion " ; nor is "fellow " very appropriate in Matt, xxvi, 61, and in various other places — it came from Tyndale. The supplied phrase, " and looked," is whoUy uncalled for in John XX, 11. The words "that had been" are wrong in Matt, i, 6, though they are true in themselves, and " iii " is wrong in ii, 6 ; " the Father " is a direct and doubtful exegesis in Col. i, 19. The words " it will be " only weaken the saying in Matt, xvi, 2, 3 ; the verses, however, are doubtful. The epithet " un known " as applied to tongues in 1 Cor. xiv, 2, 4, 13, 14, has no right to be there, for it is an assumed explanation ; while in the other verses it is not given, though the reference be the same as in verse 5, 6, 18, &c., and the words "they are com manded " are quite superfluous in the 34th verse of the same chapter, so is " kind of" in xv, 39 ; and " was made " in verse 45 ; " henceforth " in Eph. iv, 14, and it was not so printed in the flurst edition. 1 Cor. v, 3, reads, " for I verily as absent in body, but present in spirit, have judged already as though I were present concerning him that hath so done this deed " ; but "concerning" may be omitted, as "him" is the direct accusative or object to the verb judged, "concerning" being ' See Scrivener's Introduction to the Cambridge Bible, p. xxxiv. 284 THE ENGLISH BIBLE. [chap, probably suggested by the marginal reading " appointed " for judged, and as it is not printed in itaUc in the first edition. The epithet " venomous '' is wholly unwarranted in Acts xxvui, 4 ; the beast was venomous, as the cry of the natives implies, but it is not caUed so by the historian, nor did the older versions use the adjective, and it is not printed in itaUcs ia the first edition. It may have been supposed to be contained in the Greek substantive, which is sometimes rendered "wild beast," but most frequently simply " beast," as in the foUowing verse 5, and throughout the Apocalypse. Matt, xx, 23, reads, " to sit on my right hand and my left is not mine to give, but it shall be given to them for whom it is prepared of my father." This translation virtuaUy represents Jesus as denjdng his supreme and blessed prerogative, and the italic words help out the perversion. The idiomatic brevity of the original must be made intelligible by some supplement, " is not mine to give but to them for whom." In the first edition the words are not italicized in the corresponding passage in Mark. In Ps. xix, 3, the italic words " there is" . . . " where " completely mar the meaning, the margin giving the true sense. In 2 Cor. viii, 4, the phrase " take upon us " may be dispensed with, and a diflferent reading justifies the omission. The words printed in italic in Heb. ii, 16, "him the nature of angels," are wrong in every sense, and the margin gives the true rendering. In Heb. vii, 19, "did" presents a wrong exegesis; "the Lord" is not needed in James U, 1 ; and "for us " should not be in Heb. ix, 12. Many supplements are thus interpretations. Num. v, 13, "with the manner"; 1 John ui, 16, "of God " ; " God," " calling upon God," Acts vii, 59; 2 Cor. vi, 1, "vnth him"; Ps. Ixxiii, 25, " but thee " ; 1 John ii, 19, " no doubt " ; Ps. xxvii, 8, " when thou saidst" ; 13, "J had fainted" ; Ps. cix, 4, "give myself unto" ; Ps. xxxiv, 17, "the righteous" ; Ps. cxi, 10, "his com- m^andments " ; Ps. cxxxix, 16, " my members " ; 1 Cor. iv, 7, "from another " ; 1 Peter i, 22, " see that ye " ; Rev. iU, 12, " J will write upon him" ; Mark xii, 34, "any question" ; Matt, xxu, 46, "questions" ; Luke xx, 40, "question at all!' not found in itaUcs in the earlier edition, and rightly. XLVtL] AND UNWARRANTED, 285 because they are distinctly contained in the Greek verb. An opposite change has also been made in the edition of 1611. Gal. i, 8, has in diflferent type the words, " any other gospel "; and in the foUowing verse the same Greek is rendered by the same words, but without any change of type. The words are contained in the Greek verb, and since 1638 italics have been properly dispensed with. Why intrude the words "because I know " in Acts xxvi, 3 ? The literal rendering does not stand in need of any ekeing out whatever : " I think myself happy that I am to answer for myself this day before thee . . . because thou art expert in aU customs " — the verbose supple ment may have been suggested by the change of case in the Greek. The foUowing are unwarranted supplements : Acts xxvii, 44, " broken pieces of the ship " — ^the words are an interpolation. Gal. iii, 24, " our schoolmaster to bring us unto Christ," " schoolmaster " not being the true rendering ; Col. i, 4, " which ye have"; v. 16, "they be" ; iU, 4, "who is" ; Luke xvUi, 16, " unto him"; 31, " unto him," for in both the compound verb contains the idea conveyed in the italic words ; Matt, xxiv, 40, reads, " then shall two be in the field," but " two men " should have been the rendering; and with the usual inconsistency the foUowing verse reads, " two women shall be grinding at the miU," the proper translation, but women should not be in italics, as the gender of the participle suggests or demands it. Similarly in Luke xvii, 34, " men " is implied in the gender of the numeral and adjective, and " women " in the participle " grinding " ; in verse 36 the same thing occurs, but the margin declares that the verse is "wanting in most of the Greek copies." A possessive pronoun representing the article need not in ordinary cases be put into itaUcs : Matt, x, 1, " he caUed unto him his twelve disciples"; and " unto " need not be put in italics, for it is in the compound middle verb ; Romans xi, 4, " the image of Baal," the italicized words being quite needless; and in Psalms cxxxvii, 5, "her cunning" is an explanation. According to the statement of the EngUsh deputies at the Synod of Dort, the Headings were made by command. The 286 THE ENGLISH BIBLE. [chap. last or seventh rule which they enumerated, was that " new arguments should be prefixed to each book, and new contents to each chapter."^ The headings or contents of the chapters are interesting, and their quaint language has been glanced at. But some are manifestly wrong : 2 Sam. xxiv, " eleven thousand fighting men," for " thirteen hundred thousand " ; 1 Cor. v, " human off'enders to be shamed," instead of " shunned." Some of them, instead of being a brief index, are a commentary, which is occasiona,lly doubtful, and at other times wrong. Luke vii, the woman that was a sinner is called Mary Magdalene, Gen, xxxii, 24, Jacob wrestleth with " an angel," but " a man " is the language of the text. Similarly, Gen. xviii, Abraham entertaineth three " angels," three " men " being the phrase in the text ; Ps. cxxvii, " Good children are his gift," but the text has no aUusion to their character ; Acts vi, " appoint the office of deaconship to seven chosen men," but the office is not so named in the text ; Acts vii, 44, " ceremonies to last but for a time." The prophecies are usuaUy expounded, as in Deut. xviii, Christ the prophet; Psalms ii, the kingdom of Christ; Isaiah ii, iv, and in many other places ; nay, " his Substitution " occurs in Isaiah xxii, by a far-fetched exegesis. In like manner, the church is often set forth as a distinct application of prophecy. The headings of the Song of Solomon are a continuous commentary, Christ and the church being prefixed to every chapter. The edition of Matthew or Rogers had set the example in 1537.^ Such commentary goes far beyond translation, and intrudes into a forbidden province. There is also a peculiar comment on 1 Tim. ii, 15, and there is a long note in the heading of 1 John i, whether trae or false. Surely the phrase Ps. cxii is more than the psahn warrants, "Godliness hath the promise of this Ufe and of the Ufe to come." Yet those who made these summaries must have acted under some restraint, for in spite of temptation to expound, they give at Num. xxiv, " He prophesieth of the star of Jacob," and they do not uniformly spiritualize in the Song, but say once with a hybrid appUcation, "Christ directeth her to the shepherds' tents." There is no proof that Nimrod was " the first monarch," 1 See vol. I, p. 329. x-Lvsi.] CHAPTER HEADINGS. 287 as stated in Gen. x. It is one thing that the text, 2 Kings xx, speaks of "the shadow" returning backwards ten degrees, but quite another thing that the summary says, " the sun goeth ten degrees backward," though the language occurs in Isaiah xxxviii. At Rev. xxii it is said, " nothing may be added to the word of God nor taken therefrom," but the text speaks only of " the book of this prophecy," that is, the Apocalypse. One heading is of a pecuUar character, Ps. cxlix, " the prophet exhorteth to praise God for his love to the church, and for that power which he hath given to the church to rule the con sciences of men." But by and by it ended at the first clause, " love to the church." One edition of 1649 with Genevan notes makes the last clause " power ... for the conversion of sinners.'' Blayney changed the heading into " that power which he hath given to his saints," and it is found sometimes more briefiy " the prophet exhorteth to praise God." So vague was the information on some of these points, that in the Committee of the House of Commons, appointed to examine into the Queen's printer's patent, and which sat in 1860, it was asked of one person examined before it, " If the Authorized Version in Scotland was the same as that in England ? " The Chairman put the question, "Was it not in the year 1680 that the italics were first introduced ? " — Answer : "I do not know." "Do you know with what object they were intro duced ? " A weU-known publisher could not tell the year in which the Authorized Version was first published. Another witness, " a prophet and a prophet's son," used these words, " The Conference at Hampton Court, usuaUy called the Savoy Conference,'' and apparently no one corrected him. CHAPTER XLVIII. T^HE printing of the Bible seems up tiU 1576 to have been open to any who could obtain a royal license. Wilkes, Queen Elizabeth's ambassador to France, HoUand, and Germany, enjoyed for some time the privilege of being " her Majesty's printer of the English language." This patent was sold in part to John Jugge, the son of the printer of the Bishops' Bible, amidst the protests of 175 members of the Stationers' Company, and of 185 dealers in books. Another patent, more extensive, was sold by Wilkes in 1579 to Christopher Barker for a "great sum." In 1589 Christopher Barker obtained a direct patent for himself and his son Robert who outlived him forty- six years, and died an imprisoned debtor. This patent em braced " aU Bibles and Testaments whatever in the Enslish tongue, with notes or without notes, printed before then or afterwards to be printed by our command." Robert Barker obtained in 1612 a patent for his eldest son Christopher, to be held after his father's death ; but this son dying in 1617, the patent, to last for thirty years, was transfeiTed to the second son Robert. The Barkers then assigned their right to Bonham Norton and John Bill ; and in 1635 Robert Barker paid £600 for the patent already enjoyed by his two elder sons, to be held in reversion by his younger sons, Charles and Matthew. The Barkers thus held the patent virtuaUy tiU 1709, a period of 180 years, when the Basketts got it and kept it for 90 years or tiU 1799, the last thirty years of this term being assigned, however, to Charles Eyre and his heirs for £10,000. Eyre took possession in 1769, and assumed WiUiam Strahan THE PRINTING OF THE VERSION. 289 as partner, and the patent came in course of time into the hands of the present possessors. Eyre & Spottiswoode.^ As told on page 33, Barker had been in the service of Wal singham and had his patron's crest, a tiger's head, over his shop in Paternoster Row ; and the same symbol occurs in the initial letter of Psalm cxii, in the edition of 1611, and similarly at Psalms xxxv, cxii, cxiii, in the edition of 1617. The Barkers honoured Cecil, also, in a similar way, by inserting his arms in capital letters in their Bibles, as in the initial B, of Psalm i, of the editions of 1634 and 1640. But as the patent descended through these years there were various changes in the names appearing on the title-page of the Bible, and though only one date is given in the following clauses, the same names usuaUy continued for several years. In 1620 the printers are Robert Barker & John BiU ; in 1631, Robert Barker & the Assignees of John Bill ; in 1666, John BUI & Christopher Barker ; in 1679, John Bill, Thomas New- comb, & Henry Hills ; in 1690, Charles Bill & the Executrix of Thomas Newcomb ; in 1728, John Baskett & the Assigns of Henry Hills ; in 1769, Thomas Baskett & the Assigns of Robert Baskett; in 1806, George Eyre & Andrew Strahan. The Universities at the same time had their own printers. It is a gross but a natural mistake to imagine that these patents were given to secure correct and careful printing. They are simply a royal gift to a public servant or a favourite, with or without a pecuniary return. They contain no in junction as to correctness, and provide no penalty for inac curacy. The following pages are not meant to present a systematic Bibliography; only a very few distinctive editions of the English Bible are noticed, so that we do not stir the ques tion as to the names that ought to be given to certain forms and sizes of the volumes. A description of various Usts of English Bibles (Tutet, Ducarel, and Ames being in cluded), may be found in Cotton's preface to his " Editions of the English Bible." The long list published by Lea Wilson con tains only the copies in his own library ; and though he got 1 Report of a Select Committee of the House of Commons, 1860. VOL. II. T 290 THE ENGLISH BIBLE. [chap. into confusion about the issues of 1611, he has given useful accounts of many editions. Loftie's "Century of Bibles" contains much interesting information; and in his Appen dix he has printed a list of the copies of the Authorized Version in the British Museum, in the Bodleian Library, in the Library of Canterbury Cathedral, in that of Mr. Francis Fry of Bristol, and in the Royal Library at Stuttgart. The large coUection of Bibles belonging to the late Mr. Euing, of Glasgow, has been bequeathed by him to the library of the University. The revised copy or copies of the Bishops' Bible used at press have not been preserved. A volume in the Bod leian Library, an edition of 1602, with corrections, has been sometimes taken for one of them; but Canon Westcott clearly proves the incorrectness of the opinion, from the nature of the marks and notes. Kilburne's Tract,^ published in 1659, contains this curious protest, that the printing of Bibles should "not be solely appropriated to Mr. HiU and Mr. Field, on pretence of their purchasing the translated copy made in anno 1611, and unduly entering it lately as their private copy, and for their sole property in the Stationers' Register." It seems to be beyond doubt that the revisers wrought upon a copy of the edition of 1602, a reprint of that of 1572, and certainly not upon a copy of the first edition of 1568, as has been sometimes conjectured. It might be anticipated that a patentee would at a new epoch endeavour to produce an immaculate edition, as he had no fear of rivalry, and could command his own price. But the result has been far otherwise. Barker looked, however, to the sale and dispersion of the first editions, for there were two competitors in the market. It was meant to succeed and sup plant the Bishops', of which it was a professed revision, and 1 Kilburne's Tract has been re- Bibles; to the great scandal and cor- printed by Mr. Loftie in his Cen- ruption of sound and true religion. tury of Bibles, London, 1872. The Discovered by William Kilburne, title of the Tract, a copy of which Gent. Printed at Einsbury, anno is in the British Museum, is " Dan- 1659. gerous Errors in several late printed XLVin.] NUMEROUS MISPRINTS. 291 the change was speedily and easily effected. The two books were brought iuto artistic correspondence by the employment in King James' Bible of the same head pieces, woodcuts, and other embellishments, which had appeared in the Bishops'. The figure of Neptune with his trident and horses, which appears so often in the Bishops', stands at the beginning of Matthew. The figure wants freshness, for the cut had not even been touched up for its present position. But the Genevan was a more formidable rival ; and the new Bible was also made to correspond externally in many ways with this older and very popular version. The title-page of the smaller editions of 1612- 1613 is a facsimile in its ornamentation of that so often found in copies of the Genevan, the title being in the heart-shaped oval, with the twelve tribes and the twelve apostles in the margin. The quarto Bibles and the octavo New Testaments had usuaUy this plate.^ The issue of 1616, the first foUo in Roman letter, appropriated a design already used in the Bishops', the arms of James being substituted for those of Elizabeth, and the dragon giving way to the unicorn. Before the year 1640, Barker and his successors had issued fifty edi tions, five in goodly black letter folio in 1611, -13, -17, -34, -40. By this time also two editions had also been published in Edinburgh, and ten at Cambridge. But the printing itself is from the beginning marked by many serious blunders, and those who saw the first edition through the press did not exercise a strict and continuous supervision. What are called the first and second issues ^ of 1611 are dis figured by many errors. A portion of a verse is printed twice in the one issue. Exodus xiv, 10. "Judas" stands for "Jesus"* in the other (Matt, xxvi, 36), with Christ speUed "Chkist," ^Cotton says that the latest Geneva Genevan, and as often after 1611 as Bible he had seen was one of 1644, before it. printed at Amsterdam. It might " See page 202. have been stated on a previous occa- ^ When a copy came into my pos- sion that Andrewes, one of the session, it had a slip with "Jesus" translators and the director of the printed on it very neatly pasted over Westminster Old Testament Com- " Judas." pany, usually took his text from the 292 THE ENGLISH BIBLE. [chap. and "oe" for "of" in the Dedication, while in the list of books 1 and 2 Chronicles are put down as 1 and 2 Corinthians. Exodus ix, 13, reads, " Let my people go that they may serve thee," for " serve me." The following are a sample of misprints in what has been commonly called the first issue : Gen. x, 16, "Emorite'' for "Amorite"; Exodus xxxviii, 11, "hoops" for " hooks " ; Lev. xiii, 56, " the plaine be " for " the plague be " ; xvii, 14, " ye shall not eat " for " ye shall eat " ; Ezra iii, 5, the word " oflfered " is repeated. Isaiah xlix, 20, " the place is too straight" for "strait,'' though the first is an older form of spelling ; Jer. xxii, 3, " deliver the spoiler " for " the spoiled " ; 1, 29, " she hath done unto her " for " she hath done, do unto her " ; Ezek. vi, 8, " that he may have " for " ye may have " ; xxiv, 7, "poured it" for "poured it not"; Hosea vi, 5, "shewed them " for " hewed them " ; Mai. i, 8, " if he oflfer " for " if ye off'er" ; Matt, vi, 3, "right" for "right hand"; viii, 25, "awoke" for "awoke him"; xvi, 25, "his" is repeated; 1 Cor. xiv, 23, " come together into some place," but rightly given in xi, 20, "into one place." The headline 2 Chron. xxix is printed xxxIk, and the headline Micah iv is printed " Joel " ; Gen. xvii, heading Isaac is spelled " Izsaac." On the top of the column containing the portion of 1 Esdras iv, Apocrypha is printed Anocrynha. For its errors and inconsistencies the first edition cannot, therefore, be regarded as a standard edition. There are also capricious irregularities in the printing of the supple mental words. The edition of 1613 is still worse, for though it corrects some errors of the first issues, it has many of its own ; Lev. vii, 25, " the fast of the beast " for " the fat of the beast " ; xix, 10, " shaU glean " for " shall not glean " ; xxvi, 24, " wake contrary " for " walk contrary " ; Deut. xix, 5, " slippeth from the helm" for "the helve"; 1 Sam. x, 16, "water" for " matter '' ; 2 Kings xxii, 3, " were " for " year " ; 2 Chron. vi, 10, "in the throne of David" for "in the room of David"; Neh. X, 31, " we would not leave " for " we would leave " ; Job xxix, 3, " shined through darkness " for " walked through darkness"; Isaiah lix, 7, "shed bleed" for "shed innocent blood"; Ezek. xxiu, 7, " she delighted herself" for "she defiled herself"; Dan. iv, 13, "a watcher holy and an one" for "a XLVIIL] SPECIMENS OF INACCURACY. 293 watcher and an holy one " ; 1 Cor. xi, 17, " I praise you " for " I praise you not " ; 2 Cor. ii, 8, " continue your love " for " confirm your love." There are several clauses and verses omitted altogether, as 1 Kings iii, 15, the clause " and oflfered peace oflferings " ; Hab. ii, 5, " nations, and heapeth unto him aU"; Matt, xiii, 8, "and some sixtyfold"; xvi, 11, "I spake it not to you concerning bread, that " ; John xx, 25, " put my finger into the prints of the nails"; and verses 13 and 14 in Ecclesiasticus xvi are also left out. In fact, between the edition of 1611 and that of 1613 there are more than three hundred variations, and such diff'erences as the following occur in the headings, in 1611, 2 Sam. xxiv, eleven thousand, but in 1613 thirteen hundred thousand ; in the one edition, " Haggai promiseth God's assistance," but in 1613, "promiseth God, assistance." Some of the changes look Uke attempted improvements, as Gen. xxvii, 44, "fury pass away " for " turn away " ; Mark ix, 24, " help my un belief" for "help thou mine unbelief"; John v, 3, "a great company" for "a great multitude." In the edition of 1634, there is an important change which has kept its ground. Heb. xii, 1, " let us runne with patience the race set before us," the issues of 1611, -13, -17 having "let us runne with patience unto the race," the Great Bible and the Bishops had "into the battayle." One deviation occurred very early: Ruth iii, 15, " and she went into the city," " he " being in the so-called first issue, but "she," a mistranslation, found its way into the second, and kept its place in both the folio and smaller edition of 1613. " She " is preferred by Jerome, but the Hebrew verb is mas culine. A similar variation occurs in the Song of Solomon ii, 7 ; iii, 5 ; viii, 4, " till she please " being the rendering in the first place, but " tUl he please " being the rendering in the second and third places, while the same Hebrew is found in all the instances. In the second issue " tiU he please " is the uniform rendering. The first New Testament in 12mo, black letter, appeared in 1611, and is now in the collection of Mr. Lenox of New York. The first quarto edition of the Bible in Roman letter has the date of 1612, and has in it several of the errors already specified in the issues of 1611. The names 294 THE ENGLISH BIBLE. [chap. of Bonham Norton and John BiU appear first on a quarto edition of 1619. In an edition printed by Barker & BUI in 1631, the "not" was left out in the Seventh Commandment, Exod. XX, 14, and it stood, "Thou shalt commit adultery." ^ The printer was fluied £300 by Laud, the money being used to purchase a fount of Greek types for the use of the Universities. It would take a goodly volume to contain the misprints of the various editions. There are also many variations from the issues of 1611. Rom. xii, 2, "what is that good, that acceptable, and perfect wiU of God," passed into the present more literal reading in 1629. In the same way " helps in government," 1 Cor. xii, 28, became in the same year, more correctly, "helps, governments"; "ap proved to death," 1 Cor. iv, 9, became "appointed to death " as early as 1616; and the clause "hath not the Son," 1 John V, 12, had the "of God" rightly added, according to the original text. " DrusiUa which was a Jew," Acts xxiv, 24, became in 1629 " which was a Jewess," as in Acts xvi, 1. In 1 Tim. i, 4, " godly " was inserted before " edifying " as early as 1633 ; and in 1 Cor. iv, 13, " world " of the early editions was turned into " earth " in an edition of 1806. A foUo edition, London (Augustine Matthews), 1633, is a reprint of Fulkes' edition of 1589, the " Text of the New Testament," which had the Rheims version printed in the one column, and the Bishops' in the other; but in this edition the Authorized is substituted for the Bishops'. The Cambridge edition of 1629 was revised with some care, and many necessary alterations were made, the editor being unknown. Yet out of this revision sprang an error which kept its place, in hosts of editions, for more than a hundred years — viz., " thy" for "the " in 1 Tim. iv, 16, "take heed to thy doc trine " for " the doctrine." But the good example of 1629 was not foUowed. An edition in 12mo, professing to be by Barker and assignes of BiU, in 1638, abounds in errors. The foUowing may be noted: Gen. xxxvii, 2, "Belial" for "Bilhah"; Num. xxv, 18, "wives" for "wiles"; xxvi, 10, "two thousand ^ It has 1631 both on title and colophon. XLVUI.] THE EDITION OF BUCK AND DANIEL. 295 and fifty " for " hundred and fifty " ; 2 Sam. xxui, 20, " slew two lions like men " for " lion like men " ; 2 Chron. xxxvi, 14, " had polluted " for " had hallowed " ; Nehem. iv, 9, " read our prayer " for " made our prayer '' ; Isa, i, 6, " purifying sores," for "putrefying sores"; xxix, 13, "taught by the people" for "taught by the precept"; xlix, 22, "their sons" for "thy sons"; Ezek. v, 11, "any piety" for "any pity"; Luke vii, 47, " her sins which are many are forgotten " for " forgiven " ; xix, 29, " ten of his disciples " for " two " ; John xviii, 29, " Pilate went not " for " went out " ; 1 Cor. vii, 34, " praise her husband " for " please " ; 1 Tim. ii, 9, " shamefulness " for " shamefacedness " ; iv, 16, " thy " for " the " doctrine.^ The first edition avowedly printed abroad appeared in 1642 foUo (Joost Broerss, Amsterdam), and it was furnished with the Genevan notes. Another and similar edition was published in the same place in 1683, as the maps have engraven on them " At Amsterdam, by Nicolaus Visscher, with privilege of the Lords the States Generall," and, as some suppose, it was printed probably by Swartz or his widow. In 1645 were published two editions " according to the copy printed by Roger Daniel," and a third issue, in 12mo, by Joachim Nosche, dwelUng upon the Sea Dijck. In 1638 appeared the famous folio of Buck & Daniel. The edition of 1611 was thoroughly revised by such scholars as Ward, Goad, Boyse, and Mead, &;c. This revision, said to have been made by royal command, was much needed. Greater consistency was secured in the printing of the italic words, and many useful changes were introduced ; so that it was regarded as the " authentique corrected Bible." Yet, with all the earnest care and labour given to this issue, there began in ^ This edition is referred to by Bibles, in the Tract referred to, that Baillie in his " Opus Historicum et though dated 1638, they were im- Chronologicum," p. 55, Amstelo- ported in 1656, adding " wherein dami, 1663. Baillie says that the Mr. Kiffin and Mr. Hills cannot be edition was printed at Amsterdam, excused, being contrary to the seve- and was one among many sent across ral Acts of Parliament of 20th Sept., from Holland, all of them abounding 1649, and 7th Jany., 1652, for regu- in blunders. Kilburne says of these lating of printing." 296 THE ENGLISH BIBLE. [chap. it an error which lived for half a century — viz., the printing of "ye" for "we" — "whom ye may appoint," Acts vi, 3. The Independents were blamed for making the change, to favour their own polity. But they had no power in 1638 to secure such an alteration, for Laud was still primate, and also a visitor of the University of Cambridge. As the error appeared also in two Scottish editions of 1673 and 1675, a similar charge was made against Presbyterians, that they " handled the Word of God deceitfuUy." ^ The accusation must have been made in ignorance of what Presbyterian administration reaUy is, for it has never dreamed of assigning to the laity the power of ordi nation. Presbyterians were utterly powerless in those years ; but the General Assembly felt hurt by the insinuation, and at their meeting in January, 1698, they solemnly declared that they do not "own any other reading of that text, but 'whom we may appoint.' " Mr. Loftie speaks of the misprint as being "found in many Bibles supposed to be printed for the Puritans." What editions are those which are so specified — -for the mis print was apparently in the great majority of editions? Did any disciple of Owen, or any inteUigent CongregationaUst, ever base an argument on the misprint? It is notable, too, that in an edition of 1649, furnished with Genevan Notes, and therefore favoured by Puritans, the rt ding is correct. This fine folio was highly coveted. Sir Matthew Hale, the Chief Justice, in his will left Richard Baxter "forty shilUngs as a token of his love." Baxter records,^ "I purchased the largest Cambridge Bible, and put his picture before it, as a monument to my house. But waiting for my own death, I gave it Sir WUliam Ellis, who laid out about ten pounds to put it into a more curious cover, and keep it for a monument in his honour." A shrewd observer of manners and habits tells of a lady in Edinburgh who had fallen into poorer circumstances, and lived in a room " on the head of the highest stair in the Cove nant Close," — that " she never read a chapter except out of a Cambridge Bible, printed by Daniel, and bound in embroidered velvet." 3 1 The accuser was Mr. Gipps, Rec- " Baxter's Works, vol. I, p. 337. tor of Bury. s ggott, in Redgauntlet. XLVin.] CLAMOUR RAISED BY THE VARIATIONS. 297 A 12mo edition of 1653 is sometimes called the Quaker's Bible, for no other apparent reason than that the publisher, GUes Calvert, printed for many Friends. But some Friends at a later season did contemplate an edition for themselves, so remodelled as to be fitted "for audible and social reading." The Pentateuch alone was published. York, 1835. An octavo edition of 1655 (E. T. "for a Society of Stationers"), has the honour of being correct in the two places where so many issues blundered, having " we " in Acts vi, 3, and " the " in 1 Tim. iv, 16. At an early period, good people became alarmed by the number and variety of the readings, and in 1644 some members of the Westminster Assembly complained to the House of Commons, " that there were errors and corruptions in diverse Bibles of an impression from beyond the seas, and they prayed the House to suppress the circulation of them." '- The result was that foreign Bibles were not to be sold or circulated till they had been "passed and allowed" by the Assembly of Divines.^ In 1656, the "Grand Committee for Religion" took into consideration an edition by Field, 1653, especially an impression in 24mo of which he had sold 2,000 copies, and they got into their possession no less than 7,900 copies. Kilburne in his Tract stigmatizes the impressions of Henry HiU and John Field, particularly Field's edition of 1656, as containing 91 notorious faults, 2 Cor. xiii, 6, being omitted altogether. ^ 1 Christopher Ravius, in the pre- in the wilderness " for " mules " ; face to Prima Pars Alcorani Arabico- Ruth iv, 13, " corruption " for " con- Latini, Amsterdam, 1646, states ception " ; Luke xxi, 28, " condem- without hesitation that an English nation" for "redemption"; the printer had within the last five years omission of a clause in John '^xi, sent out from his press not fewer 21 ; " the unrighteous shall inherit than 40,000 copies of the English the kingdom of God," in 1 Cor. Bible, that his last edition con- vi, 9 ; " instruments of righteous- sisted of 12,500 copies, and that in ness for sin," Rom. vi, 13 ; John v, the same city as many as 150,000 23, "Bethsaida" for "Bethesda"; English Bibles had been printed. "their flesh" for "fish.'' An edition " Such errors are in the various by Mr. Robinson, " a Scotch Rabbi," editions, as Gen. xxxvi, 24, " rulers is condemned as having 2,000 faults. 298 THE ENGLISH BIBLE. [chap. Kilburne asserts: "Moreover during the time of the late parliament, great numbers of Bibles, in a large 12mo volume, were imported from HoUand in 1656 with this false title. Imprinted at London by Rob. Barker, &c., anno 1638, wherein Mr. Kiffin and Mr. Hills cannot be excused (if reports be tjue), being contrary to the several Acts of Parliament of 20th September, 1649, and 7th January, 1652, for regulating of printing. Wherein are so many notorious Erratas, false Eng lish, Nonsense, and Corruptions, that in reading part of Genesis I found 80 grand faults, as chap, xxvii, 16, 'mouth ofhis neck' for ' smooth of his neck' ; chap, xxix, 13, ' she' for 'he ran to meet him ' ; chap, xxx, 40, ' put them unto ' for ' put them not unto Laban's cattle.' And in reading Ecclesiastes, Canticles, and the first twenty-seven chapters of Isaiah, I found almost an hundred gross faults, which I did specific to the Parliament, and therefore omit them here. The very importation of the books being an off'ence contrary to the said Statutes and ought deservedly to be suppressed; which notwithstanding are dispersed in the country as aforesaid." And he thus concludes: "That it will graciously please his divine Majesty of his infinite goodness, and mercy, to bless this Common-wealth with the like dispensation of his blessed Word in our proper Dialect, and speech as it is in the original Idiomes, by the Zeal and Patronage of his Highness, and the Parliament. And that for the private . Emolument of any persons (how great soever), the Scriptures may not be hereafter carelessly and erroneously printed, whereby to save the charge of good Correction and Printing, as may be plainly proved by such Bibles, which have been printed in late years, or else (as is pretended) the profit will not countervaile the charge. For, as it is credibly reported, Mr. Hills and Mr. Fields have several times affirmed, that they are engaged to pay £500 per Annum besides base paper and printing, — Luke xxii, 34, " I tell thee, Philip," "loves" for "loaves," "ram" for for "Peter," predicting the denial. "lamb," "good" for "god," "mount" In a Cambridge Bible of 1816 "sun" for " smooth." Six thousand errors is given as "son" in the phrase "Sun are said to be in one edition. of righteousness," Mai. iv, 2. As late as 1792,an Oxford copy has. XLvm.] NUMEROUS PUBLISHERS. 299 to some, whose names out of respect to them I forbear to mention, over and above £100 per Annum to Mr Marchamont Needham, and his wife, out of the profits of the sale of their Bibles, deriding, insulting, and triumphing over others of the Printing Mysterie, out of their confidence in their great Friends and purse, as it is said, as if they were lawlesse, and free (notwithstanding the truth of the premises and other grand enormities often committed by them) both from offence and punishment, to the great dishonour of the Common-wealth in general, and dammage of many private persons in particular." During the Commonwealth, very many editions bear on the title-page "London Company of Stationers," and many after 1675 are dated "Oxford at the Theater." Those last copies were sold in London by various booksellers. The colophon of one edition has, " Printed at the Theater in Oxford, and are to be sold by Moses Pitt, at the Angel in St. Paul's Churchyard ; John Parker, at the Leg and Star over against the Exchange in Cornhill; Thomas Guy, at the corner of Little Lombard Street; and WiUiam Leake, at the Crown in Fleet Street.'' Many copies were disposed of byThomas Guy, who also imported Bibles from the Continent, and left his fortune to build the great Hospital that bears his name. The story about Field's Pearl Bible, as told by Isaac Disraeli, is exaggerated, and the errors are at once ascribed by him to the wilful perversions and malignity of the " Sectarists." One specimen may suffice. His words are, " It is said that Field received a present of £1,500 from the Independents to corrupt a text in Acts vi, 3, the corruption being the easiest possible, to put a ye instead of a we!' ^ But Field had nothing to do with the error, for it had appeared fifteen years before, and is first found, as we have seen, in the Cambridge folio of 1638, revised by divines of the Church of England, at a time, too, when Disraeli's idol, Eling Charles I, was upon the throne. As late as the period of the Commonwealth, there was stUl a hankering after notes, similar to the Genevan ones. " Divers of thetprinters and stationers of London were induced to petition the Committee of the House of Commons for license to print 1 Curiosities of Literature, vol. Ill, p. 427, London, 1858. ^00 THE ENGLISH BIBLE. [chap. them, after some revision fitting to the present version.'' The petition was granted in 1644, with an order for revision and correction, "for which letters were directed to some of us from the Chair of the Committee for reUgion, and invitations to others to undertake and divide the task, being furnished with whatever books were needful." About five years after, the fruit of these labours appeared in a foUo volume, known by the name of the "Assembly's Annotations." The second edition, 1651, grew into two volumes; but in the preface the authors say that the comments were really and originally meant for marginal notes, " of the same size as the text, lest the border should be larger than the skirt of the coat, and the wing of the page than the main book." What was intended for mere marginal notes grew into " an entire commentary on the Sacred Scriptures, the like never before published in English." These volumes are usuaUy, but wrongly, caUed the Assembly's Annotations. Several of those that were con cerned in it were members of the Assembly; but it was not undertaken by the direction or with the consent of the Assembly ; nor were the " more part " of the authors ever members of the Assembly ; nor did the Assembly revise or sanction the work when it was finished. "How ever," says Calamy, "it was a good work in its season, and I shall add the names of the true authors, as far as my best inquiry would help me to inteUigence — Mr. Ley, Sub-Dean of Chester, did the Pentateuch ; Dr. Gouge had the two books of Kings and Chronicles, Ezra, Nehemiah, and Esther for his pro vince ; Mr. Meric Casaubon did the Psahns ; IVLr. Francis Taylor the Proverbs ; and Dr. Reynolds, Ecclesiastes ; Mr. Swalwood, who was recommended by Archbishop Usher, did Solomon's Song ; the learned Gataker did Isaiah, Jeremiah, and Lamenta tions, and is, in the opinion of many competent judges, ex ceeded by no commentator, ancient or modern, on those books. Ezekiel, Daniel, and the small Prophets, were in the first edition done by Mr. Pemberton, and in the second by Bishop Richardson. The Notes on the four EvangeUsts are Mr. Ley's ; and those on St. Paul's Epistles, Dr. Featley's, which latter are broken and imperfect, on the account of the author's XLVIIL] LIGHTFOOT AND THE APOCRYPHA. 301 dying before he had revised or finished them. There were also two other persons concerned in this work — viz.. Dr. Downame and Mr. Reading, who might probably have the other parts of Scripture allotted them, that are not here mentioned." ^ The desire for the old Notes still remained, as may be seen in this extract from a MS. letter, dated 1664, from the Rev. John Allen, in London, to his friend at Rye : — " I cannot yet get a Bible for the old woman, but one printed 1661, 12s. price, and 6d. if claspet ; but I count that too deare, and not of the edition she desires, with Beza's Annotations ;" that is, some edition of the Genevan, or an edition of the Authorized Version, with the Genevan notes, like that of 1649. ^ Lightfoot in 1643 had inveighed against the Apocrypha in a sermon preached before the House of Commons, in St. Margaret's, Westminster, at the public fast : "The words of the text are the last words of the Old Testament — there uttered by a prophet, here expounded by an angel — there concluding the law, and here beginning the gospel. ' Behold,' saith Malachi, ' I will send you Elijah the prophet ; ' and he saith, the angel ' shall go before him in the spirit and power of Elias.' And ' he shaU turn the hearts of the fathers to the children,' saith the one ; and ' to turn the hearts of the fathers to the children,' saith the other. Thus sweetly and nearly should the two Testaments join together, and thus divinely would they kiss each other, but that the wretched Apocrypha doth thrust in between, like the two cherubins in the ' temple-oracle, as with their outer wings they touch the two sides of the house, from ' in the beginning,' to ' come. Lord Jesus ' ; so, with their inner, they would touch each other, the end of the law with the beginning of the Gospel, did not this patchery of human invention divorce them asunder. . . . But it is a wonder, to which I could never yet receive satisfaction, that in churches that are reformed, they have shaken off" the yoke of supersti tion, and unpinned, themselves from off" the sleeve of former customs, or doing as their ancestors have done ; yet in such a iCalamy's Abridgment of Baxter's = Notes and Queries, 2nd edition. Life and Times, vol. I, page 86, 2nd vol. Ill, page 16. edition, London, 1713. 302 THE ENGLISH BIBLE. [chap. thing as this, and of so great import, should do as first igno rance, and then superstition, hath done before them. It is true, indeed, that they have refused these books out of the canon, but they have reserved them stiU in the Bible, as if God should have cast Adam out of the state of happiness, and yet have continued him in the place of happiness. Not to insist upon this, which is some digression, you know the counsel of Sarah concerning Ishmael, and in that she outstripped Abraham in the spirit of prophecy, ' Cast out the bond-woman and her son ; for the son of the bond-woman may not be heir with the son of the free.' " ^ Many members of the Church of England may have been of Lightfoot's opinion, but the Puritans were more decided, Tyndale had translated some portions of the Apocrypha to serve as church lessons. Coverdale accepted it, Rogers ad mitted it under a species of protest, the Great Bible and the Bishops' had it, and the Genevan copies usuaUy included it. With all its absurdities, fables, and inconsistencies, it exhibits a great body of Jewish thought and theology, which may be faintly traced either in idea, imagery, or diction, in a few parts of the New Testament. It was about this time that Bibles were printed having the canonical books only. When, in 1645, a Book of Prayers was compiled for the navy, the Apocrypha was ignored. At the prosecution, as early as 1633, before the Star Chamber, of the Recorder of Salisbury, for breaking some painted glass in a church, Chief-Justice Richardson threw in a word in favour of the defendant : " I have been long acquainted with him, he sitteth by me some times at church, he brought a Bible to church with him (I have seen it), with the Apocrypha and Common Prayer Book in it, not of the new cut." ^ There was a heavy folio on large paper published in 1660-59 (Field, Cambridge), of which Pepys records, in his Diary, 27th May, 1667, " There came Richardson the bookbinder, with one 1 Works, vol. VI, p. 130, ed. Erubhin or Miscellanies, Works, vol. Pitman, London, 1822. Similar IV, p. 30. remarks may be found in his " Campbell's Chief Justices, vol. curious and interesting treatise, II, p. 17. XLVtn.] VARIOUS EDITIONS. 303 of Ogilby's Bibles in quires, for me to see and buy ... but it is like to be so big that I shaU not use it." An edition of 1682 (Bill, Newcomb, & HiUs), has errors on nearly every page — errors Uke the foUowing : Gen. ix, 5, " at the hand of man," omitted ; xxi, 26, " neither didst thou tell me," omitted ; xxx, 35, " and aU the brown among the sheep," omitted ; Deut. xxiv, 3, " if the latter husband ate her," for " hate her " ; Esther vi, 2, " kings," for " keepers " ; Jerem. xiii, 27, " adversaries " for " adulteries " ; xvi, 6, " glad " for " bald " ; xviu, 21, " swine," for " famine " ; Ezek. xviii, 25, " the way of the Lord is equal," for " not equal." A foUo edition of becoming appearance was published in 1701, under the patronage of Archbishop Tennison ; London, C. BiU, and the executrix of T. Newcomb. It was graced with chronological notes and a collection of paraUel pas sages, by Dr. Lloyd, Bishop of Worcester; a table of mea sures, weights, and coins being added by Dr. Cumberland, Bishop of Peterborough. The margin also noted the con nection of the passages with the Book of Common Prayer. But this edition, like so many of its predecessors, was dis figured by inaccurate printing — by what Lewis calls " typo graphical erratas." Lewis writes, " Two years afterwards, in 1703, the Lower House of Convocation took up the subject and presented to the Upper House a humble representation of several gross errors in late editions of the Holy Bible." But no record of such transactions survives. It would seem that the privileged presses were very careless, for their patent lifted them above all fear of competition. The edition of Dr. Paris, Cambridge, 1762, though it embo died " large corrections in the particulars," left many places untouched where change was necessary, those changes being introduced, not on his own judgment singly, but after an examination by a " Select Committee," particularly the Prin cipal of Hertford CoUege and Professor Wheeler. Errors, however, crept in, especially in the margin and in the italics. This edition, which was nearly aU destroyed by a fire, was far from being immaculate, and several of its errors were repeated in the more famous edition of Dr. Blayney. The edition of Dr Blayney (Oxford, Wright & Gill, 304 THE ENGLISH BIBLE. [chap. 1769) has been long regarded as a standard edition. The editor bestowed uncommon pains upon it. He collated the original edition of 1611, that of Bishop Lloyd, 1701, and two Cambridge editions in quarto and octavo, and discovered and corrected many errors, " so that the text is reformed to such a standard of purity as it is presumed is not to be met with in any other edition hitherto extant." The punctuation was also carefully attended to as to correctness and uniformity, and the labours of Dr. Paris on the italic words were largely supplemented. Alterations were made on the heads or con tents of the chapters and the running titles of each page ; and " the meaning of those proper names, to the etymology of which there is allusion in the text, were suppUed in the margin." Immense pains were bestowed on the marginal references, which had been erroneously printed in so many editions. In some few instances Dr. Blayney confesses himself to have been " at a loss in finding out the true reference, though the cor ruption was manifest in the want of any the most distant resemblance between the passages compared together." These references were cautiously examined, particularly those of Bishop Lloyd's Bible and of a Scotch edition, and were also greatly augmented, the purpose being to make the collection " useful in the light of a concordance, material as weU as verbal, always at hand." The quarto copy so prepared was first sent to press, and first, second, and, " generaUy speaking," third proofs were read, besides frequent revisions — "a very tiresome and tedious task, but not more than was absolutely necessary, in order to attain the degree of accuracy that was wished." The figures belonging to the marginal references, "where errors were perpetuaUy creeping in," were minutely superintended. When the quarto sheets were printed oflf the forms were lengthened out for the folio edition, but the change so disar ranged the references and chronology that a fresh collation of the whole with the quarto edition was gone through, and in this process " some few trivial inaccuracies " have been dis covered and rectified, " so that the folio edition is rendered by this somewhat the more perfect of the two, and therefore more fit to be recommended for a standard copy." New references XLVIU.] BLAYNEY'S EDITION. 305 to the amount of 30,495 were inserted in the margin. " The whole was completed in a course of between three and four years' application." Honest and anxious labour was expended on the edition, and yet it turned out to be far from immacu late. For when it was collated for Eyre & Strahan's edition of 1806, not fewer than 116 errors were discovered in it. One of these consists of the omission of a whole clause in Rev. xviii, 22, " at all in thee, and no craftsman of whatever craft he be shall be found any more." Cotton says that the omission occurs only in the quarto edition ; and Hartwell Home, in some earlier editions of his Introduction, says that the omission arose from the overrunning when the volume was changed from a folio to a quarto form. But the error occurs both in the folio and quarto ; and according to Dr. Blayney's own report the quarto was the original form of the edition.^ Principal Lee justly questions the perfect accuracy of the report of the collators for the edition of 1806 in their enumeration of only 116 errors said to be found in the copies of 1769, and he adds that even in this edition of 1806 there are also such blunders as " holy " for " whole," &c. In Blayney's edition these blunders are found : Gen. xlix, 26, " thy progenitors," for " my progeni tors " ; Deut. xi, 19, " thy earth," for " the earth " ; Judges xi, 7, "chUdren," for " elders " ; 2 Kings xxiii, 21, " this book of the covenant," for " the book of this covenant " ; 1 Chron. xxix, 6, " over the kings," for " of the kings " ; John xxi, 17, " he saith," for " he said " ; Rom. vii, 20, " now if do," for "if I do"; 1 Cor. iv, 13, "earth," for "world"; 2 Cor. xu, 2, " about," for " above " ; 1 John i, 4, " our joy," for " your joy " ; and " godly " omitted in the clause, 1 Tim. i, 4. Other variations might be given, but these are sufficient to destroy the plea of perfection. An edition of 1811 has in Isaiah Ivii, 12, " thy works, for they shaU profit thee," " not " being omitted. Eyre & Strahan's quarto edition of 1813 was recommended to the Protestant Epis- ' Dr. Blayney's Report,dated Hert- of the Clarendon Press. It is inserted ford College, October 25, 1769, is in the Gentleman's Magazine for addressed to the Rev. the Vice- November, 1769. Chancellor and the other Delegates VOL. II. U 306 THE ENGLISH BIBLE. [chap. copal Church of the United States of America by its Con vention; but it is by no means faultless, for it has, 2 Cor. xii, 2, "about" for "above"; Eph. iv, 16, "holy body," for "whole body." The blunder, "three is but one God," occurs in three editions of Eyre & Strahan, in 1812, 1820, 1822. Erroneous printing and bad paper were still subjects of complaint, and George I, April 24, 1724, issued an order to the patentees, " that they shaU employ such correctors of the press and aUow them such salaries as shaU be approved from time to time by the Archbishop of Canterbury and the Bishop of London for the time being." There seems to have been a scanty issue of Bibles of smaller size, and Lemoine, a bookseller in London, pubUshed in 1797 the foUowing complaint: "Neither the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge, nor the King's Printers at London, have distinguished themselves for their typographical exertions in publishing a pocket Bible ; an article very much wanted. The Cambridge Bible in 24to is too thick ; the London Bible is upon bad paper ; and nothing can be said in favour of the Oxford pocket Bible." The same author says elsewhere, speak ing of editions undertaken by private individuals, " The emulation produced, and the consequence of the exercise of the liberal arts, has never manifested itself more of late years than in this article of Bible printing ; whUe the two Universities and the King's Printers have brought out nothing above mediocrity. It would have reflected honour upon their privUeges and patents, had they exerted their superiority, and not left it to individuals to excel them in their own province." ^ A quarto edition appeared in 1810 with " short notes by several "learned and pious Reformers," — virtually the Genevan notes ; hence afterwards caUed the " Reformers' Bible." Complaints sprang up anew in the year 1830 as to the unsatisfactory state of the text of the English Bible, and a committee of Dissenting ministers pubUshed resolutions on the 1 History of Printing, p. 148, London, 1797. XLVIU.] AMERICAN REVISED EDITION. 307 subject, declaring that " extensive alterations had been intro duced into the text of our Authorized Version " ; branding these alterations in unmeasured terms and foreboding dismal results. ^ As the question, after aU, was one chiefly about the use of the words printed in italics. Dr. Turton ^ disposed of it in easy style, and showed fully the capricious use of italics in the first ^edition of 1611. " The translators produced a standard version, but the printers have not transmitted a standard text." In connection with this controversy there was published at Oxford in 1833 an exact copy of the first edition of 1611 — " page for page and letter for letter " — retaining throughout the ancient mode of spelling and punctuation, and even the most manifest errors of the press. A collation ofthe edition of 1611 with that of 1613 is added. The report of an American committee, who prepared an unsuccessful edition in 1856 for the American Bible Society, avers that " in six copies compared the number of variations in text and punctuation faUs but little short of twenty-four thousand." ^ The volume, which was carefuUy prepared, was not accepted by the American public for various reasons. The Bible Society was justly accused of going beyond its proper province which was simply the circulation of the Scriptures. The revision was felt to be unworthy of the name, for it touched the text only in the smaller matters of spelling, italics, punctua tion, and capital letters. The removal of the old theological headings and contents of chapters, as in Psalms and the Song of Solomon, led also to a grievous outcry, in which many men of high standing seem to have joined. The edition, therefore, 'Curtis,On the Existing Monopoly, accuracy will be found in the four letters to the Bishop of London, examination of various parties before &c., London, 1833. a committee of the House of Com- " Text of the English Bible, mons in 1832, 1837, 1860. Printers Cambridge, 1833. Mr. Curtis's and publishers showed special misrepresentations were also exposed sharpness in detecting errors in their by Edward Cardwell, D.D., Oxford, rivals' editions, ofiering a remarkable 1833. illustration of the saying in Prov. ' Interesting information on the xviii, 17. For the so-called Vinegar printing of Bibles and on the Bible see note, page 15. question of comparative expense and 308 THE ENGLISH BIBLE. [chap. wanting distinctive character, was soon withdrawn from circulation. ^ The marginal references grew and multipUed in the course of years. In the first edition of 1611 they amounted in the canonical books to 8,418, increasing to 23,895 in the edition of Hayes, Cambridge, 1677 ; to 33,000 in that of Scattergood, Cambridge, 1678 ; in Lloyd's to 39,466 ; in Blayney's to 64,983; in Crutwell's to 66,955, Bath, 1785. Such references to parallel passages became, therefore, unduly multiplied ; especially in Canne's Bibles, which were long very popular, and his gauge seems to have been simply the capacity of the margin. The punctuation has varied much in the numerous editions, and the stopping was heavy in the earUer issues. The con nection, if connection there be, between the second and third verse of John i, depends on the punctuation adopted, and similarly in Matt, xix, 28, and Titus ii, 11. The fuU stop at the end of a verse sometimes interrupts the sense : Ps. Ixxxiv, 5, 6, " in whose hearts are the ways of them, who passing through the valley of Baca make it a well " — with a simple comma after " them " — " those that dwell in His house are blessed, and those who make a pilgrimage to it." Luke xiii, 24, 25, " many wiU seek to enter in and shall not be able, when once the master of the house is risen up and hath shut to the door" — when the door is shut but not till then, is entrance impossible. Luke xxiii, 32, was printed thus, "and there were also two other malefactors led with him." This is the literal rendering, though there is a diflference of reading. But " other" was then a plural form,^ as in Gen. viii, 10, Matt. xiii, 8; "others" is never found in Shakespeare— the sense being that there were two other, or two besides him, they being malefactors. " Other" was by and by changed into "others" with a new punctuation. "And there were also two others, male factors, led with him." The clause is liable stiU to be misunderstood. The reading of the Bishops' is, '' and there ^Report of the Committee, New hand column of the first note on York, 1851. page 311. ''See the first line of the right XLVIU.] PUNCTUATION. 309 were other two evildoers led with him." The Great Bible cuts the knot by simply omitting the word " other," " and there were two evildoers led with him to be slain" — a version unfaithful to the Greek. The Rheims has, "and there were led also other two malefactors with him, to be executed." ^ The Genevan has "and there were two others, which were evildoers, led with him." It is strange that there are no paragraph marks in the Authorized Version beyond the twentieth chapter of Acts, as if the printing had been hurried toward the conclusion. The division into chapters and verses is so familiar that it cannot be easily set aside — as Bibles in all languages adopt it, and aU concordances are based upon it. That there are unfortunate breaks in the sense in several places no one questions. How could it be otherwise among 1,189 chapters and 31,173 verses. The matter contained in a paragraph might be brought more closely together without the hiatus of verses, or the verses might be marked in the margin. It would serve no purpose to dwell on the splendid editions of Macklin or that of Baskerville for license to print which he is said to have paid a large sum to the University of Cambridge, or those of Bishop Wilson, Pine, Reeves, Heptin- staU, and Bowyer, or to enumerate many others of recent years, superbly got up, with good paper, exceUent printing, and many magnificent iUustrations. A Cambridge Bible of 1858 may be for its general correctness pronounced a very good edition. An edition was published in DubUn in 1714, and Dr. Cotton, Archdeacon of Cashel, confesses, "I am ashamed to say that this is the earliest edition of the Bible printed in Ireland, which I have been able to discover." The first New Testament published in America bears the imprint of Mark Baskett, London, 1742. But it was stealthily printed in Boston, and the issue consisted of 2,000 copies. A Bible was printed in the same place, with the same fictitious imprint to evade the patent, in 1752. But the Bible was first printed without disguise in America in 1782 (4to, Philadelphia, R. Arthur, '¦ " Alii duo nequam," Vulgate. 310 THE ENGLISH BIBLE. an emigrant Scotchman.) ^ This took place 162 years after the landing of the Pilgrim Fathers; and, strange to say, a Genevan Bible had been abeady published in 1743. The most thorough critical examination of the text of the Authorized, with a coUation of the most famous editions, has been made by Dr. Scrivener, who is noted for his patient, minute, and accurate research, and his long and intimate familiarity with the subject. His Cambridge Paragraph Bible, 1873, bears witness on every page to the trath of our statement. 1 Thomas's History of Printing in America, vol. I, pp. 93, 305. Arthur's daughter carried ou the business after her father's death in 1802, and printed the First English Transla tion of the Septuagint — The Old Covenant, by Charles Thomson, late secretary to Congress, Philadelphia, Jane Arthur, 1808. In mediseval times Bibles were often gorgeously apparelled, and adorned with gold and jewels. Charlemagne, in 795, gave the monks of St. Bertin the right of hunting in his forests, that they might have abundance of skius or leather with which to bind their books. Strange stories have been told of some thick and strongly bound Bibles, and their instrumentality in saving life — as when a musket ball struck against one hidden in the folds of a soldier's uniform, but was unable to pierce it through. The Pocket Bibles of Cromwell's soldiers were not meant to serve such a purpose, though they were usually buttoned between the coat and the vest — over the heart. They consisted only of some extracts, divided into eighteen chapters, " which doe show the qualifications of the inner man that is a fit souldier to fight the Lord's battels, both be fore the fight, in the fight, and after the fight." London, 1643. Many of the sections are taken from the Genevan version, and the thin stitched book, printed on a single sheet folded in 16mo, bears on it, " Imprimatur Edm. Calamy." The only known copy in this country is in the British Museum, and it has been reprinted by Mr. Fry of Bris tol. Another copy has been found in America. See Bibliomania in the Middle Ages, by F. Somner Merry- weather, p. 152, London, 1849, and also The Bible in the Middle Ages, by Leicester Ambrose Buckingham> London, 1853. CHAPTER XLIX. TN the course of the story we have seen that hostility to a vernacular Bible was as intense in Scotland ^ as it was in England. The Scottish poets, like Lyndsay, often refer to English translators, and the enmity and terror which they created. According to George Buchanan, the clergy gave out that Luther had composed a book caUed the New Testament.^ The priest Hamilton, whose virulent critical notes on the Genevan we have given on pp. 55, 56, is equal to his feUows : "Are aU merchands, tailours, souters, baxters, wha cannot learne thair awin craftes without skilful maisters, ar thir, I say, and uther temporal men, of whatsomever vocation or degree, sufficient doctor of thame selfis to reid and understand the hie mysteries of the Bible ? What folic is it that wemen, wha cannot sew, cairde, nor spin, without they lerne the same of uther skilful wemen, suid usurp to reid and interpret the Bible ? " In spite of all hostility and jealous espionage, various versions found their way into the country, like the written ' See vol. I, p. 243. and other that were by, swearing a ''HaUe, the old English Chronicler, great oath, that if he thought the p. 806 (ed. 1808), records under date kyngs highness would set forth the 25th year of King Henry VIII, Scripture in Englishe, and let it be " This yere also, one Pavier, town red of the people by his authoritie, clerk of London, hanged himself, rather than he would so long live he which surely was a man that in no would cut his owne throte, but he wise could abide to heere that the brake promise, for as you heard he Gospel should be in Englishe, and I hanged himself." myself heard him once saie to me 312 THE ENGLISH BIBLE. [chap. Bible of WycUflfe and the volumes of Tyndale, and of the Genevan translation which it reprinted, but it never had any indigenous translation.^ This strange negUgence is the more unaccountable as there was no lack in Scotland of learned men, and no scarcity of books printed at home, or brought in from abroad — a traffic conducted under royal Ucense. Readers were also abundant, and it is somewhat astonishing to find that in fifty-six years (namely, from 1558 to 1614), fourteen complete editions of the works of Sir David Lindsay were published, including two printed at Paris, and three in Eng land. There were three editions of Buchanan's History, in 1582, 1583, 1584; and there were thirty-one editions of Buchanan's Psalms between 1566 and 1610, printed at Paris, London, and Antwerp, but not one in Scotland. Of the works of Principal RoUock who died in 1598, at least sixteen volumes were published before 1605 ; aU of which passed rapidly through successive editions. The works of W. Guild, J. Abernethy, A. Symson, P. Symson, and others, passed through many editions between the year 1610 and 1633. During all this prolific time no complete edition of the Bible was printed in Scotland, and no edition of the New Testament, Psalms, or Catechism. As Principal Lee also asks, " If readers were not numerous, how is it that there were so many printers and so many booksellers in Edinburgh in the time of Queen Mary and James IV ? " Scotland was a poor country, and every one knows Sydney Smith's humorous translation of the Latin motto, first proposed for the Edinburgh Review, " Tenui musam meditamur avena," " We cultivate literature upon a little oatmeal." " This was too near the truth to be admitted," but it was the actual truth at a bygone time, when university students were in the habit of going about and begging their bread. An Act of ParUament of 1579, which threatens to punish various kinds of mendicants, adds with special emphasis, "all vagabound schoUers of the Universites of Saint Andrewes, Glasgow, and Aberdene, not licensed by the Rector or Deane of Facultie of the Universitie to ask almes."^ Yet Scotland, so poor was also proud, and was ' See p. 40. " Dunlop's Parochial Law, p. 358. XLts.] SCOTLAND INDEBTED TO ENGLAND FOR BIBLES. 313 characterized in periods before the Reformation by a rugged love of independence, and when her coveted freedom was in any way overborne, there was ever a strenuous kicking against the pricks. When Bruce took arms against the English power, many of the bishops patriotically sided with him, and the Abbot of InchaflBray officiated on the field of Bannockburn. The Scottish Church, too, was often restive under the Italian domination, and was again and again put under papal ban ; but papal legates durst not advance beyond the border, and the Pope had his fingers often jagged by the Scottish thistle. The Reformation was a bold popular revolt in doctrine and jurisdiction. The Kirk, which was established in 1560, was sorely jealous of any encroach ment on the part of the civil powers, as is seen in the following procedure : The Assembly held at Edinburgh, 1st July, 1568, in its third session, "ordained Thomas Bassandyne, printer, to call in the books printed be him intitled the Fall of the Roman Kirk, wherein the king is called supreme head of the primitive kirk, &c. and to keep the rest unsold till he alter the aforesaid titie." Yet all this cherished independence in church and kingdom did not suffice to produce a native translation of the Bible, Scotland was dependent for its Bibles on supplies from beyond itself. It imported the earlier versions from HoUand, and especially from England. Tyndale's, the Genevan, and aU the versions used, were made by Englishmen, belonging to a people to whom Scotland bore no good will, and it has meekly bowed its head to borrow the Bible and its other church books from its " auld enemie." Not only was its Bible prepared and published under King James, but its Confession of Faith, with the Larger and Shorter Catechisms, are also importations from England, and were compiled there. Its Bible has thus been supplied from the English Church, and its Confession from the English Parliament which selected, paid, and controlled the divines of the Westminster Assembly, and sanctioned their work.^ The Psalms, so commonly used in public worship, are 1 Minutes of the Westminster Mitchell and Dr. Struthers. Intro- Assembly. Edited by Professor duction, Edinburgh, 1874. 314 THE ENGLISH BIBLE. [chap. English, too, in origin and authorship, having been twisted into rhyme by Francis Rouse, Provost of Eton, who sat in the Long Parliament, was Speaker of CromweU's Little Par Uament, and a member of the Westminster Assembly. ^ The same tale may be told of many of the paraphrases and hymns now used in Scotland. The new translation gradually and slowly made its way in Scotland, in spite of strong national and ecclesiastical anti pathies. It had been made by the Church of England for its own members, under an Erastian or royal appointment. Some years afterwards Scotland found itself at war with England, and " black prelacy " was accused of sending many suflferers to the dungeons of the Bass, and the scaffolds of the Grassmarket. Yet there is no record of any formal opposition made to the version because of its English origin, and its connection with Laud and his predecessors. The General Assembly of Aberdeen in 1516, though it enjoined Scripture reading, does not select any version for preference. No edict of a Southern Convoca tion could have had' any good eflfect in the north. Probably if the new Bible had been sent to this side of the Solway armed with a royal proclamation, or enforced by Episcopal canons, it would have been refused, or at aU events been regarded with pro found suspicion. True, indeed, in the "Canons Constitutional and Ecclesiastical," published in 1636, xvi, 1, it is enacted that there shaU be provided for every parish "a Bible of the largest volume — the Bible shaU be of the translation of King James." But this edict could have Uttle influence, for in two years the Canons were rejected (in June and September, 1638) by royal proclamation, and afterwards by the General Assembly in December of the same year. There were also bitter memories, ^In April, 1646, the House of 1649, authorized the collection to be Commons ordered that Rouse's the only paraphrase of the Psalms " Psalms, and no other, shall be of David to be sung in the Kirk of sung in all churches and chapels Scotland, and discharging the old within England, Wales, and Berwick paraphrase or any other to be used upon Tweed after the 1st of next in any congregation or family after January." The Lords concurred. 1st May, 1650. The General Assembly, 23rd Nov., XLIX.] SUCCESS OF THE VERSION IN SCOTLAND. 315 like those of the fields of Flodden and Pinkie. King Henry, through his Marshals, had destroyed the Church of Holyrood, the Abbeys of Melrose, Jedburgh, and Kelso, and having carried ruthless fire and sword and ruin through the southern counties, had turned large tracts into deserts, from which man and beast had alike disappeared. But the Bible came alone and "not with observation," having nothing to recommend it save its own merits, and it triumphed in the end over all these animosities and grudges. At an era when Church and State were alike in deep confusion, when mitre and crown had both passed away, this English translation won for itself a lasting home in Scottish hearts, and at length displaced a Bible endeared by the many associations that clustered around the scene of its origin. As Laud had greatly hampered the importation of Genevan Bibles, their scarcity must have somewhat contri buted to the circulation of the Authorized Version. The success of the version was perhaps as rapid in Scotland as in England, for the Psalms retained in the English Prayer Book are of an older and inferior version, and it was not till 1661, as arranged at the Savoy Conference, that the Gospels and Epistles were read out of the Authorized Translation ; the Presbyterian nonconforming party having pressed for the change and obtained it with reluctance. The errors of trans lation selected in pleading for the change were taken from the Great Bible. Rom. xii, 2, "be ye changed in your shape " ; Philip, ii, 5, " found in his apparell as a man " ; Luke i, 36, "that is the seventh month which was caUed barren," a misprint; and Gal. iv, 25, the verse which was referred to at the Hampton Court Conference ; and also John ii, 10, " when men be drunk " ; 2 Cor. iv, 1, " we go not out of kind " ; Luke xi, 17, "one house doth fall upon another"; the conclusion being "we therefore desire instead thereof, the new translation allowed by authority may alone be used." The concurrence of the bishops is thus recorded, "We are wishing that aU the Epistles and Gospels be used according to the last translation."^ The old translation had thus been receiving the assent and consent of aU taking orders, to the disparagement of King- 1 Cardwell's Conferences, p. 307, 362. 316 THE ENGLISH BIBLE. [chap. James's version, and that for half a century. On the other hand, a prominent Covenanter, in a book published in 1637, speaks as we now do of "our o-wn English translation." The Directory for Public Worship, ratified by the General Assembly in 1645, enacts, " All the Canonical Books of the Old and New Testament shall be publicly read in the vulgar tongue out of the best allowed translation;" the words implying that more translations than one might be or were in common use, and that no version was to be singled out and sanctioned by public authority. Properly speaking, there is therefore no Authorized Version in Scotland. The Westminster Confession (i, 8), says, "The Old Testament in Hebrew, and the New Testament in Greek, being immediately inspired by God, and by his singular care and providence kept pure in all ages, are therefore authentical, as in all controversies of religion, the church is finally to appeal unto them." The use of the Genevan version stiU lingered, and it is occasionally quoted in the Acts of the General Assembly, as "negligently" for "deceitfully," Jer. xlviii, 10; "behave rationally" for "play the men," 2 Sam. x, 12; "just" for ¦"upright," Psalm cxix, 137. It crops out also, though very rarely, in the Westminster Confession, 1647, as in the quotation in the Epistle to the Reader of Prov. xix, 2, "without know ledge the mind cannot be good." No edition of King James's translation was printed in Scotland during his reign. The New Testament was pub Ushed in 1628 (Heirs of Andro Hart), and the Calendar of Moveable Feasts mentions, with Scottish jealousy, only Whit sunday, Easterday, and the beginning of Lentron. New Testa ments were printed in Edinburgh in 1642 by Evan Tyler, R. Young, and James Bryson ; and the entire Bible in connection with the coronation of Charles at Scone, in 1633 — the first by the heirs of Andro Hart, and the second by the "printers to the king's most exceUent majesty." Of this last edition there are two issues, and some ofthe copies have plates called "Popish pictures," for which Laud was greatly blamed. These "pictures" are remarkably good engravings, the originals having appeared in Imagines Vitae, Passionis, et Mortis D. N. Jesu Christi, printed by Boetius a Bolswert, 1623. The writer of a letter XLIX.] ANDREW ANDERSON'S PATENT. 317 preserved by Lord HaUes styles them "such abominable pictures, that impiety stares through them.''^ Scotland was therefore indebted in the interval to England for its Bibles, and there must have been a continuous importation, for Kirkton, at a period before the Restoration, declares that "every family almost had a Bible." ^ A New Testament was printed at Glasgow in 1670, and another, very badly printed, in 1691. The worst of all the specimens is an Edinburgh one, said, however, by some to have been imported, and in it there is scarcely a verse without a blunder. On February 9th, 1671, the Lords of the Privy CouncU stigmatized a New Testament, printed in black letter, by Andro Anderson, as having many gross errors and faults in the impression, and prohibited its circulation, or "till the same be first amended." But this very printer, who had been so reprimanded, obtained a gift under the Great Seal, and ratified by Parliament, "constituting him, his heirs, and assignees, to be his Majesty's sole, absolute, and only printer." Anderson and his widow after him were patentees for many years — from 1671 to 1712. It was strictly forbidden to import Bibles; and though the king's printer was "holden to serve the country" with Bibles of his own printing, Anderson, though many miscellaneous works issued from his press, printed only two smaU editions during the first five years of his appointment. It was the age of patents, for which money was given, or royal debts discharged. In Scotland the patent extended to aU printing; the Act 1551, cap. 27, being entitled "printers should print nothing without license.'' James Watson, in his " His tory of Printing," says, " By this gift " to Mr. Anderson " the art of printing got a dead stroke, for by it no man could print 1 Hailes' Memorials and Letters, lines under it, the last of which vol. II, p. 42. In the edition which styles her "daughter, mother, spouse the writer possesses there is no print of God." that might be called truly Popish " Secret and True History of the but one, in the Common Prayer Church of Scotland, pp. 48-50. This bound up with it, which represents history, however, is characterized by the Virgin and Child, and has four romantic exaggerations. 318 THE ENGLISH BIBLE. [chap. anything from a Bible to a ballad without Mr. Anderson's license." ... " Editions of Poole's Annotations and Flavel's Works are, in the eyes of workmen, voluminous botches." ^ Of course many copies were carried north from England. Mrs. Anderson complained to the Privy Council of several editions brought into the country, and she winds up by asserting that her monopoly, if duly guarded, would "hinder the ex port of great summes of money, which are daylie taken furth thereof, for forrayne Bibles." But the traffic had been distinctly authorized in 1671, under this condition, "untU the king's printer shaU have ready an impression of his own." In 1676, aU importation of Bibles in nonpareil and pearl letter was prohibited, and all such copies found are " confiscable." It is not our purpose to state at length how stoutly Widow Anderson battled for her patent, year after year, against all intruders, and managed to have them fined and imprisoned. It is with her work that we are concerned. Some of the editions issued by her husband had been good, especiaUy an octavo of 1676; but her printing of Scripture, at this time, was utterly scandalous, and the other books which she printed were equaUy fuU of errors. The patent was not confined to Bibles, yet she affirms of them, that they were much better and on finer paper than could be done in England. Her Bibles swarmed with deplorable blunders, and the gross carelessness of the printing was fostered by the want of all competition. ^ Many of the errors are monstrous. One writer gives a few of them in a Ust which fills six columns of quarto size, closely printed, such as " righteousness " for " unrighteousness ; " " he kiUed," for " he is killed " ; " enticed in every thing," for ' History of Printing, Preface, p. did not forfeit his patent. He 12, Edinburgh, 1713. was the fourth king's printer " After Mrs. Anderson's time, arraigned for treasonable acts. Lek- Baskett became king's printer for previk was imprisoned for disloyalty; both England and Scotland. Free- Evan Tyler was declared a rebel in bairn had held the office for a time, 1650, but was reinstated at the and though as a Jacobite he joined Restoration ; Waldegrave had also the standard of the Earl of Mar, and been found guilty, but no sentence issued proclamations for the Pre- was passed upon him. tender against the Government, he XLIX.] NUMEROUS AND GROSS BLUNDERS. 319 " enriched in every thing" ; "either " for "neither"; "would " for " word " ; " perfect " for " priest " ; "we know," for " we keep " ; " hast slain," for " wast slain." One of her Testa ments was printed with worn-out type and a title-page having the names of BiU and Newcomb ; and in it there are five columns in which, the fount being exhausted, the italic a occurs 700 times. An octavo edition of 1694, sometimes said to be spurious, but accepted by Principal Lee as genuine, is crowded with errors, a copy of which in the British Museum has a note-book attached to it, in which are marked such errors as these : Matt, ii, 18, "Rame," for "Ramah "; vii, 3, "brackers," for "brother's;" vu, 27, "the house," for "that house"; viii, 12, "dardness," for "darkness"; viii, 27, "obey them," for "obey him " ; xiii, 41, " them which do do iniquity "; xxii, 15, " when," for "went ; " xxii, 46, " and," for "ask" ; Mark ii, 18, " the disciples of John and of John " for " of John and of the Pharisees"; vii, 35, "his eyes," for "his ears "; Luke viii, 35, "her right mind," for " his " ; xxiii, 47, " this man was," for " this was"; John v, 32, "knoweth," for "I know"; vi, 49, "your father," for " your fathers " ; vu, 31, " peole," for " people " ; ix, 26, " then said they to him again," repeated ; x, 3, "leadeth them not," for "out"; Acts ii, 6, "speaking," for "speak in"; x, 23, "longed," for "lodged;" xi, 11, "there," for "three"; xii, 21, " otion," for " oration " ; xiii, 23, "accorning," for "according"; xiv, 8, "ma," for "man"; XX, 3, " spira," for " Syria " ; xxiv, 24, " Priscilla," for " Dru silla" ; xxvi, 14, "beaking," for "speaking"; Rom. viii, 32, "forgive," for "give''; 1 Cor. ix, 1, "seen Jesus," for "not seen"; xiii, 4, "wanteth," for "vaunteth"; 2 Cor. x, 14, "preached," for "reached"; 2 Thess. i, 9, "pubUshed," for " punished " ; 2 Tim. iv, 4, " tears," for " ears " ; iv, 16, " with stood," for " stood with " ; James v, 20, " which covereth the sinner," for " converteth '' ; 1 Peter iii. 11, "speak," for "seek." In ' another edition, Mark iii, 26, has " against Satan," for " against himself"; Luke i, 31, " bring far," for " bring forth " ; Rom. -vi, 17, " ye were not the servants of sin," for " ye were the servants of sin " ; Rom. viU, 33, " eject " for " elect." The piisprints in speUing were hideous. 320 THE ENGLISH BIBLE. [chap. Mrs. Anderson has been sometimes imitated by her suc cessors. An Edinburgh edition of 1760 has, in Heb. ii, 16, "he took on him the nature of angels," iioi^ being omitted; and another of 1791 reads, " make me not to go the way of thy commandments," and one of 1816 (Blair & Bruce) has, Luke vi, 29, " forbid to take thy coat also," the omission of not reversing the meaning of the precept. Baskett's patent rights extended to Scotland, and his edition of 1742 has these blunders : Matt, ix, 22, " thy faith hath made me whole," for "thee"; xviii, 29, "pay they all," for "thee"; xxvi, 50, " wherefore at thou come," for " art " ; Mark ii, 21, " the rent is many worse," for " made " ; John xvi, 8, " reprove the word," for " world " ; xvi, 24, " ask and we shaU receive '' for " ye " ; xvii, 2, " as to many," for " to as many " ; Rom. xi, 26, " shall the deliver come," for " deliverer " ; ii, 28, " sake," for " sakes " ; PhU. iii, 12, " Now as though I had," for " not as though " ; 1 Peter iv, 11, " to whom he praise," for " be " ; Job xviii, 8, "be walketh," for "he walketh"; xx, 3, "causeth me no answer," for " to answer"; Isaiah i, 9, "let us a small remnant," for " left unto us," ; iii, 9, " then soul " for " their soul " ; xii, 3, (The Lord is become my salvation) " therefore with joy shall he draw water," instead of " shall ye draw water " ; xiii, 15, " Every one that it found,'' for " is found." In a Bible of 1791 (Mark & Charles Kerr, Edinburgh) 1 Kings xxii, 38, reads, "the dogs liked his blood," for "Ucked"; Psalm cxix, 35, "make me not to know," for "make me to go." Instances of a similar nature might be multiplied at great length : "let all tongues be done decently," in a copy of 1816 ; and editions of 1811 and 1814 have " store against the wall," for " storm," Isaiah xxv, 4 ; " Esther " for " Easter," Acts xii, 4 ; " fighting upon him," in stead of "lighting upon him," Matt, iii, 16 ; "Anna lived with an husband seventy years from her virginity," Luke ii, 36. Copies printed in Edinburgh during this century are not imma culate ; and Principal Lee points out the foUowing : Micah -vi, 16, "thereof," for "therefore"; Luke iv, 28, "hear," for "heard" ; Gal. ii, 21, "in," for "vain"; James i, 27, "her," for "their" ; Isa. xl, 3, "made," for "make " ; Jer. xv, 10, "hath," for "have"; Matt, xvii, 27, "comest," for "cometh"; xviii, 17, XUX.] JAMES WATSON'S BIBLES. 32] "the," for "thee"; Mark x, 52, " the," for " thee " ; Luke vii, 21, "may," for "many"; Acts viii, 22, "my," for "may"; Luke viii, 14, "they," for "that"; xx, 15, "them," for "him" ; PhU. i, 25, "you," for "your"; 1 Peter iii, 18, "oflfered," for " suflfered " ; Matt, xvii, 27, " comest," for " cometh " ; Mark xi, 8, " strayed," for "strawed"; 1 Cor. iv. 6, "puflfed," for "puffed up"; Ezek. viii, 1, "fifty," for "fifth" ; Zeph. ii, 7, "cost," for "coast''; 1 Thess. iii, 7, "four," for "your.'' Carelessness so gross is intolerable. But amidst Scottish editions of the Bible, those printed in Edinburgh by James Watson, his smaller Bibles of 1715, 1716, 1719, and especially his folio of 1722, occupy a conspicuous and honoured place. He, like Ruddiman the weU known Latin ist, was tainted with Jacobitism. The inaccuracy of the printed Bible was a subject often brought before the General Assembly of the Kirk, and injunctions about it formed one of the annual instructions to the Commission. But no effective step was ever taken to remedy the grievance. A deliverance was given by the Assembly itself in 1794, in reply to an overture on the subject from the Synod of Glasgow and Ayr. Friday, May 24, 1793. " The General Assembly resumed the consideration of the overture from the Synod of Glasgow and Ayr, respecting the more accurate printing of common Bibles ; and the Overture being again read, a letter from the King's printer to the Moder ator was also read, and along with it specimens of a new edition of the common Bible were produced. The Assembly feel it their bounden duty to pay every attention to the jDrint- ing of the Bible; but upon considering the letter from his Majesty's printer, and having viewed the said specimens which were given in, they think it unnecessary to proceed any farther in this matter at present." The New Testaments printed for use in schools were often nearly illegible, and the paper was so bad that it often adhered to the types. Many editions were printed in Glasgow ; and of these editions those from the press of Alexander Carmichael and Alexander Melrose & Company, 1737, and those from the VOL. II. X 322 THE ENGLISH BIBLE. [chap. press of John Robertson and Mrs. M'Lean & Company, 1748, are fairly legible, though the supplemented words are not printed in italic type. But the desire for a more perfect version had been cherished in Scotland at an early period, and in 1655 there was a proposal for a revision, in the foUowing significant and quaint terms : — For y' bettering of y° Inglish translation of -f Bible (1st printed A.D. 1612) by M'- Jn"- Eow,^ 'tis offer'd. That these five things are to be endeavoured : I. That e-vil and unmeet divisions of chapt", verses, and sentences be rectify'd, and made more proper, rationall, and dexterous, w"' will much clear ye scope. II. That needles transpositions of words, or stories, p'tending to Hypall or Synchyses, be waryly amended ; or noted if they cannot. III. That all vseles additions be lop't off, y' debase the -wisdom of y° spirit ; — to instance 1. All y° Apocryphall -writings; being meerly humane. 2. All popish and superstitious prints, plates, and pictures. 3. Apotheosing and canonizing of some (not oth"') as Sts., S*- Luke : not St. Job. . . . 4. Spurious additions or subscriptions (to Epistles), words and sentences. IV. That all sinfull and needles detractions be supply'd ; and y' lies in 6 things — viz., 1. Let all sentences, or words detracted, be added in y° text. '¦ The Rows were a family of note mar School, Perth, and afterwards and learning. The first of them principal of King's College, Aber- studied in Italy, and on his re-turn deen. In 1644 appeared his Hebrew to Scotland he adopted the prin- Grammar, Institutiones — the first ciples of the Reformation. Died book of the kind printed in Scot- 1589. Five of his sons became min- land, and it was printed in Glasgow. isters. His third son, John Row, The Town Council of Aberdeen or- minister of the parish of Carnock, dained their " Thesaurer " to give the wrote the well known History of author " for his paines four hundreth the Kirk of Scotland. The second merks." Died about 1675. A third son of the minister of Carnock is the generation of the name had their author of the proposals for revision, place among the Scottish clergy, the Hewassometimemasterof theGram- youngest surviving till about 1700. XLIX.] ROW'S PROPOSALS FOR REVISION. 323 2. Epitomize y" contents and chapt" better at y° topps of y" leafe. 3. The parenthesis ought not to be omitted where 'tis. 4. Exhaust not the emphasis of a word (as Idols, thirteen wayes exprest). 5. Nor y° superlative, left only as a positive. 6. Notifactum, not noticed at all. V. As respecting mutation, or change, 4 things are needful, namely — 1. That nothing be changed but convinc't apparently, to be bett'. 2. Yet a change not hurting truth, piety, or y' text, may be just and needfull. 3. Many evil changes are to be amended, as these 9 in par ticular. (1) When words, or sentences, are mistaken. (2) When y" margin is righter than y" line, as in 800 places (and more) it is. (3) When particles are confounded. (4) When a word plurall is translated as singular. (5) When the active is rendered as if a passive. (6) When the genders are confounded : as mostly y" cantic bee. (7) When Hebrismes are omited, in silence, or amisse. (8) When participium patil is rendred as if it were nyphall. (9) When conjugatio pyel is Inglish't as if kal. 4. (On the other hand) 9 good changes are to be warily endeavour'd, -viz : (1) Put y" titles of y« true God (all ouer) litera capitaK. (2) Let majistrates correct misprinting of Bibles. (3) Put more in Inglish (even propria nomina : ) less in Heb., Gr., and Latin terms. (4) That Ingl. words (not understood in Scotland) be idiomatiz'd. (5) That all be analogical to Scripture termes, not toucht w"* our opinion, or error. (6) Something equivocal to Keri, and Kethib, be noticed. (7) That letters, poynts, and stopps, be distinctly notified. (8) The paralel places ought to be well noted, in the margin. (9) Things not amiss, may be endeavored to be bettered. 324 THE ENGLISH BIBLE, [chap. The like is (as to -f N. T.) to be endeavo'ed, many words wanting their owne native idiom a.nd import, and sometimes y" trauslation overflowes in y° Inglish ; or els is defective : and some words con founded : (Ex : gr : Svva/iis, power, and e^o-va-ta, in 70 or near 80 places translated power w"'' is properly authority, &c. All this has been essayed by divers able Hebritians : as M" H : J : M' J" C, &c., whose notes and pains are yet conceal'd in private hands, but may come to light, and publick use, in due time. But no action was taken in connection with this minute and elaborate proposal. WhUe there are three pri-vUeged presses in England, there was only one patentee in Scotland, and, therefore, a complete monopoly. The last holders of the patent. Sir David Hunter Blair and John Bruce, Esq., latterly his niece, Mrs. Margaret Tindal Bruce, brought an action at law against Bible Societies in Scotland, and in 1824 succeeded in interdicting them from bringing into Scotland any copies of the Holy Scriptures printed in England. The case was carried by appeal to the House of Lords, and the decision of the Court of Session was affirmed in 1829. The result was that the British and Foreign Bible Society might despatch Bibles to all the ends of the earth, but they durst not send down an English Bible into Scotland, even to their own auxiliaries. Had such a law been enforced in earUer times, what should have been the condition of Scotland ? It had plenty of Bibles, but it printed only one edition of the Genevan in 1576-9, and another in 1610, both issued by persons who did not hold the king's patent ; and it did not print the present version for more than twenty years after its publica tion in 1611. Scotland therefore got its Bible chiefiy from England, and the king's printer did not then prevent it. The monopoly was at length abolished in 1839, and the presses are free to print the Scriptures, subject to the supervision of a Board in Edinburgh, of which the Lord Advocate is the head. The printer must inform the Board as to the edition which he means to put to press, and enter into a bond for £500. Every sheet printed by him is sent for the inspection of the Board, and not till it is passed by them or their reader is he XLIX.] THE SWEET SINGERS. 305 aUowed to issue it, the Board having power to order any erroneous page to be canceUed. After the abolition of the mono poly. Bibles fell at once one-half in price, and the " Reports " show that there is a large increase of circulation. The patent still existing in England gives the patentees power, according to its express and comprehensive terms, over " any Bibles or New Testaments in the English tongue, of any translation, with notes or without notes." Were this power to be exercised to its full extent, aU popular and practical expositions of Scripture would be suppressed. Dr. Cotton, in 1856, had an edition of the Four Gospels printed at Oxford, but the Delegates of the University Press put it down. In it the headings were omitted, the words usually printed in italics were put within brackets ; and pronouns referring to the Saviour began with a capital letter. But the book was an infringement of the patent, and the plates were sent to America. An attempt was made in 1819 to inhibit a Family Bible, but the measure raised such a clamour that it was not persevered in. Pasham evaded the patent by printing notes at the bottom of the page, a considerable space being left between them and the text, so that in binding the book the notes were cut ofif, and the volume remained in its symmetry. If the full truth must be told of the reception in Scotland of the version executed under King James, then it is to be added that there was a very small party that rejected and maligned it. This party was a little band of frenzied men and women, extremer than the extremest of the Covenanters, so rabid and reasonless that even Donald Cargill, the intrepid leader and martyr, who tried to deal with them, was obliged in despair to give them up. They were called the " Sweet Singers of Borrowstouness," the leader being " Muckle John Gib," ^ a ship captain, belong ing to that small seaport on the Frith of Forth.^ They carried about in their handkerchiefs the blood of two recent martyrs ; they scattered anathemas very profusely; and the Psalms ^ Some one amused the Conference here referred to in the text certainly at Hampton Court by describing a suited that definition. Puritan as a Protestant frayed out " Woodrow's History, vol. Ill, p. of his wits, and the saying might be 348. Chambers's Domestic Annals regarded as clever ; but the men of Scotland, vol. II, p. 414. 326 THE ENGLISH BIBLE. [chap. which they delighted to sing were the Ixxiv, Ixxx, Ixxxiii, and cxxxvii. They numbered twenty-six; and in 1681 they left their ordinary occupations, betook themselves to the moors and wilds to be free of all " snares and sins,'' and some of them attempted to return to primeval habits; but the naked truth could neither be enjoyed under the Scottish climate, nor tolerated by the civil magistrate. This last freak did not last more than two or three days. When any husband, in urging his wife not to go out with the party, caught hold of her dress, she at once washed the place as if to remove an impurity. These poor misguided creatures were at length apprehended by a troop of dragoons at the Woolhill Craigs, and taken to Edinburgh — the men being lodged in the Tolbooth, and the women sent to the House of Correction.^ Most of the women, however, had gone home before the capture, and those taken to Edin burgh, on receiving a copy of the manifesto -written by their leaders, "renounced us and called us devils." When in con finement, four of the men sent out a protest, which among other things says, " It seemed good to the Holy Ghost and to us to take out of our Bibles the Psalms in metre," quoting in support of the act Rev. xxii, 18. " We, being pressed to the work by the Holy Ghost, do renounce the impression and translation of both the Old and New Testament," their objec tion being to the Dedication, to the division of chapters and of verses as of human invention, and to "the drawing scores betwixt the books of the Bible." They also denounced the General Assembly, the Confession, the Covenants, and all the allied documents, even those that contained the excommunication of their opponents. Especially did they protest against the " Umiting of the Lord's mind by glasses," that is, by the pulpit sand-glasses which regulated the duration of the sermon. They also " renounced and declined all authority throughout the world," with the " pagan names of the months and the days of 1 Crookshank's History of the Glasgow, 1836; "Gib's Blasphemous Church of Scotland, vol. II, p. 93, Papers, May 1st, 1681," and Cargill's Edinburgh, 1762 ; Woodrow's His- long, earnest, and sober letter of tory of the Suflerings of the Church expostulation are given in Wood- of Scotland, vol. Ill, p. 348, &c., row. XLIX.] SUPERSTITIOUS USE OF THE BIBLE. 327 the week." Their lengthened nocturnal fasts which they had kept in frost and snow, " while our clothes were frozen on us, and our feet frozen in our shoes," helped to create their deplor able mania. With the women that followed them, " their spirits were many a time burthened," and they longed to get quit of them ; and as they were afraid of immoral suspicions, thej^ kept them in comparative seclusion. The Council at Edin burgh, regarding them as crazed and harmless, set them at liberty after a brief confinement ; the epidemic soon subsided, and most of them returned to their " right mind." Unaccountably backward though Scotland was to edit and print Bibles for itself, the Scottish people have been often accused of Bibliolatry, not merely of placing all faith in Scrip ture, but of regarding the mere volume with superstitious attachment. Mrs. Somerville, the celebrated writer on physical science, records in her Autobiography that " during a thunder storm, my mother always asked my father to shut the window, and though she was no longer able to see to read, she kept the Bible on her knee for protection." The foUowing anecdote, referring to a period little more than twenty years ago, is vouched for : A widow in a Scottish county to-wn had been left by her husband at his death a considerable amount of property, with a mortgage on it. Her trouble was whether she should pay the interest on the mortgage, and keep the property entire, or sell a portion of it, and discharge at once the encumbrance. Many weeks of thought and consultation passed, and at length one morning she met her minister, with a blythe countenance, and the joyous statement that now she saw her way through the difficulty, and that her mind was at rest. On being asked how she had come to such a happy and peremptory decision, she told him that she had happened to read that morning the sixtieth Psalm, and that the sixth verse, which said, " I will divide Shechem, and mete out the vaUey of Succoth," forcibly struck her, and appeared to give her the light and direction which she so earnestly desired. She sold at once, as if by divine warrant, a portion of her inherit ance, and freed the remainder from all pecuniary burdens.^ ' Personal Recollections, p. 17, London, 1873. 328 THE ENGLISH BIBLE, [chap. So popular is the English Bible, and so cheap withal, that it is in all men's hands, and many of its sayings, "graven with an iron pen" ou the memory, are "familiar in their mouths as household words." The following clauses are often uttered, without any conscious recollection of their origin : " escaped with the skin of his teeth," " at their wit's end," " the root of the matter," " the pen of a ready writer," " burden and heat of the day," "merchant princes," "a part of fat things," " spreading like a green bay tree," " fearfully and wonderfuUy made," "the threescore and ten," "an uncertain sound," " physician, heal thyself," " nothing new under the sun," " his long home," " the one thing needful." But if the English Bible be so good a translation, and so clear and vigorous in its style, surely its verses and clauses should always be quoted with exactness. There are, however, many and constant forms of inaccurate quotation both in dis courses and in prayer. This incorrectness often proceeds from careless habit, and it may' be said to be inherited, like original sin. The changes often meant as improvements are .useless and tasteless — " painting the lily.'' Sometimes it seems as if the figures were felt to be too sharp, and they are blunted hj interpolating " as." ^ Psalms xlv, 1, " My tongue is as the pen of a ready -writer." 1 Tim. iv, 2, '' Ha-ving their consciences seared as with a hot iron." Heb. X, 22, Our bodies washed as with pure water." There are many forms of misquotation, which arise from a desire to add emphasis — Deut. xxxiii, 25, " As thy days, day is, so shall thy strength be.'' Eccles. xi, 1, " Cast thy bread upon the waters ; for thou shalt find it again after many days.'' Hab. ii, 2, "Write the vision, and make it plain upon tables. So plain tliat he tha,t rwnneth may read, John viii, 7, " He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone, cast the first stone, at her." Gen. xxviii, 17, " This is none other but the house of God, and this is the gate of heaven." '¦ The changed or added words are printed in italics. XLIX.] MISQUOTATIONS, 329 1 Kings iv, 25, Micah iv, 4, " Every man under his own vine," &c. Job xiii, 11, " Sliall not his excellency make you suitably afraid ? " Ps. xxiii, 4, "Yea though I walk through the dark valley of the shadow of death." Ps. xc. 12, " So teach us to number our days that we may apply our hearts unto trv,e wisdom." Eccles. i, 10, " Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with all thy might." Ezek. xxxiii, 11, "1 have no pleasure in the death of the wicked; but rather that the wicked turn," &c. , John xvi, 8, " He will reprove the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment to come!" Acts xxiv, 25, " Go thy way for this time ; when I have a more con venient season I will call for thee." Eom. vii, 24, " Oh wretched man that I am ! who shall deliver me from the body of this death? this body of sin and death!' 1 Cor. xi, 26, " Ye do show_/oro{) TOU kix,ov, into the house of p. 1 10. my brother (Lysias, vol. II, p. 356, LI-] OTHER EXAMPLES, 371 glory" — a rather indistinct rendering, a better translation might be " were heavy with sleep, but having kept awake throughout, they saw his glory." " Also " is ambiguous in Luke x, 1, " the Lord appointed other seventy also." In Luke xvi, 8, "the lord" might mean the Saviour, and some have been perplexed by such a meaning, but it is merely the master of the unjust steward — "his lord." ^ Luke xviii, 12, ''I give tithes of all that I possess," but only in the perfect does the verb signify to " possess " — I give tithes of all that I acquire. Tithe was taken only of fruit or annual increase, not of money laid up or possessed. The verb is well rendered " provide " in Matt, x, 9, "get " in the margin superseding the " possess " of the older versions, the Genevan having in the margin " provide not for " ; and, better still, "obtained" in Acts xx, 28, and it is twice rendered "pur chased " — a sense suggested by the context. Nor can it bear the meaning of " possess " in Luke xxi, 19 ; but it is " in your patience, or patient endurance of these things, ye shall win your souls." The translation of the same verb is also wrong in 1 Thess. iv, 4. The translation of Luke xxii, 29, 30, is hazy, and might be given with more exactness, " and I appoint unto you, as my Father appointed unto me, a kingdom, that ye maj'- eat and drink at my table in my kingdom." A peculiar and natural touch is found in the right trans lation of Luke xxii, 56, " and a certain maid seeing him " (Peter) as " he sat in the light," or " at the light " ^ of the fire, as the gleam of the burning charcoal fell on his face and features, she recognized him. The meaning of John i, 9, depends on the punctuation, as the ]oarticiple rendered " which cometh " might agree, as a neuter nominative, with light, or, as an accusative mascuUne, with man. Similarly, in Matt, xix, 28, where our version, in the first edition, rightly places a comma after "me," and gives ' The word is actually spelled 1648. Printed by the Companie of with a capital, as " Lord," in some Stationers. editions — as in a quarto, London, " jr/)os to <^m. 372 THE ENGLISH BIBLE. [chap. " in the regeneration when," that being the period, " when the Son of Man shall sit on the throne of his glory," and when the promised reward shall be bestowed. But the am biguity in Acts viii, 26, will remain with any rendering of the Greek. Is it Gaza or the way to Gaza which is desert? The solution can be found neither in printing nor translation. John iv, 9, reads, "the Jews have no dealings with the Samaritans," and yet the previous verse affirms that the dis ciples were at the very time in process of dealing with the Samaritans, having " gone away into the city to buy meat." The verb signifies familiar or friendly intercourse. John ix, 17, "what sayest thou of him that he hath opened thine eyes ? " may be understood in two ways, but there is only one question, and the sense is, What sayest thou of him because, or in that, he opened thine eyes ? John X, 14, 15, the connection between the two verses is obliterated by the punctuation, and it should be, " I know mine own and mine own know me, even as the Father knoweth me and I know the Father." In the question, " have ye any meat ? " ^ (John xxi, 5), the word is used in its English sense of animal food, meaning here " fishes "; hence the injunction at once to cast the net. In the phrase. Acts iv, 4, " the number of the men was about five thousand," in relation to ii, 41, there is want of clearness, but the proper translation is " the number became, or rose to be, five thousand." Acts vi, 1 records, " a murmuring of the Grecians against the Hebrews." Our translators meant Grecians to represent Hellenists, and Greeks to represent Hellenes, as in this passage and in ix, 29, and in xi, 20 ; and in this last place they had Hellenists in their Greek text. But ordinary readers do not readily appreciate the distinctions of Grecians and Greeks, and have wondered that there should have been Gentiles in the Church prior to the conversion either of Cornelius or of the 1 Meat among the people iu Scot- actly, for it signifies whatever is laud signifies food generally. The eaten with bread, whether fish, beef, Scottish term " kitchen " represents mutton, fowls, or eggs, &c. the meaning of the Greek noun ex- LL] BETTER RENDERINGS. 373 Ethiopian eunuch. But both the parties in this case were of Jewish race and blood, the Hebrews being native Jews, and the Grecians Jews born out of Palestine, the distinction of race being Jew and Greek, and of language and birthplace, Hebrew and Hellenist. The foreign Jews murmured that their widows did not receive as much daUy dole from the common table as did those of the home-born Jews. The italic supplement as object to the verb, in Acts vii, 59, is wholly unwarranted — "they stoned Stephen, calling upon God, and saying ; " " they stoned Stephen," " invoking and saying Lord Jesus," the Lord Jesus being the direct object of the martyr's invocation. Acts X, 12, "wherein were aU manner of four-footed beasts," literally " all four-footed beasts," a popular mode of description which need not have been corrected. The apostle begins his address at Mar's hill with these words Acts xvii, 22, " Ye men of Athens, I perceive that in all things ye are too superstitious " — it has been often remarked that such a version carries blame in it. But the apostle simply puts aside this charge of being a " setter forth of strange gods," by quietly saying, " Ye men of Athens, I perceive in all things ye carry your devoutness very far" — the proof being that he had seen an altar with an inscription — "to an unknown God." In verse 23, the noun rendered " devotions " — " I beheld your devotions," signifies not devout feeling or attitude, but objects of adoration. The phrase, " wicked lewdness," in Gallio's speech. Acts xviii, 14, is misleading to modern English readers, as it now has changed its meaning, the sense being here, "evil misdeeds," the idea of sensuality not being in it. The rendering is ambiguous in Acts xxiii, 27, "this man should have beeu killed," the meaning being " this man would have been killed, or was on the point of being killed." Acts xxvi, 28, " Then Agrippa said unto Paul, Almost thou persuadest me to be a Christian. And Paul said, I would to God that not only thou but also all that hear me this day, were both almost and altogether such as I am, except these bonds.'' Agrippa, fiUed with Jewish prejudice, had sunk into a Roman 374 THE ENGLISH BIBLE, [chap. voluptuary, and his utterance is a bitter sneer that reaches its climax in the word " Christian," a contemptuous epithet on the royal tongue. Paul had appealed to him, and expressed his con viction that he was so far on his side as a man believing the prophets, and Agrippa scornfully repels the insinuation, " With small effort art thou persuading thyself to make me a Chris tian ; or, with small persuasion, thou wouldest fain make me a Christian." "I would to God," is the reply, whether with small effort or with great, " not only thou, but also all that hear me this day might become such as I am, except these^bonds." The meaning " almost," which cannot be borne out, is from the Genevan and Beza's propemodum, Tyndale and the Great Bible had "somewhat thou bringest me in mind for to become a Christian." ^ There is an extraordinary rendering in Acts xxvii, 40, "When they had taken up the rudder bands they committed themselves unto the sea; " after the earlier version, the Genevan being as unintelligible, " committed the ship," the sense being, casting loose the anchors they left them in the sea, as in the margin. A worthy member of a Scottish church court once warned its members not to call their deliberations a " debate," for debate was one of the rank sins condemned by the inspired apostle in Rom. i, 29 ; but the term there means "strife." The archaism, 1 Cor. iv, 4, "I know nothing by myself," introduced by Tyndale, will be better given now by " I know nothing against myself" The idiom is old English, as in Webb's Travels,^ 1590, "they could find nothing by me;" Cranmer says to Henry VIII, " I am exceedingly sorry that such faults can be proved by the queen," that is, against her. The marginal rendering " day," for the "judgment," in the text of the previous verse is literal. Tyndale has " mans day " in brackets (second edition) ; and Coverdale has it without them ; the other versions, with the exception of the Rheims, having 1 Chrysostom conjectures that the The reading TrdOrj, found in a, is apostle did not understand what £v accepted by some for rrddws, found oXiytii signified, but took it to mean in s, b, and other authorities. k^ oktyov. See a long note in ' P. 30, ed. Arber, London, 1868. Meyer's Commentary on the phrase. LL] SOME EMENDATIONS. 375 "day." ''Day" meant the "day of hearing and deciding a cause " ; and " daysman '' was one who, as umpire, appointed the day of trial (Job ix, 33). We have no word to stand for the epithet rendered "natural" in 1 Cor. ii, 14; xv, 44; "psychic" is unintelligible, and "soul- ish " has no meaning.^ Gal. i, 18, " I went up to Jerusalem to see Peter." To see a [oerson is stiU a colloquial phrase, meaning to hold an interview with him. The phrase, "brotherly love," 1 Thess. iv, 9, is not exact, for it may mean either, subjectively, the love felt by a brother, or, objectively, the love which is felt toward a brother.^ The last is the true signification, — the love that a brother claims or is entitled to. " Brotherly " love, not because I feel that I am his brother, but brother-love, because I feel that he is my brother. Philip, iv, 2, 3, " I beseech Euodia, and beseech Syntyche, that they be of the same mind in the Lord. And I intreat thee also, true yokefellow, help those women which laboured with me in the gospel." This translation seems to imply that two sets of persons are referred to — first, the two women who had disagreed, and then the others who had helped in the Gospel ; but, as the relative shows, the connection is, "I beseech them to be of the same mind, I entreat thee, also, help them as being women,^ who laboured with me in the gospel." The proper translation of Gal. ii, 9, is not " James, Cephas, and John, who seemed to be piUars," but who were " reputed pillars " ; similarly, James i, 26. The phrase, " an old disciple," applied to Mnason, of Cyprus, in Acts xxi, 16, is inferentiaUy true ; for the real meaning is a disciple from the first, like his feUow-Cypriote, Barnabas, converted perhaps at ^ Psalm cxxiv, 3, " then had they fpiXafOpunria love of man, <^tAo- swallowed us up 'quick," that is, o-oi/jta love of wisdom, the last part alive ; but quick is often there taken of the compound noun denoting the as an adverb, or " speedily." object of the love. ^ ^ikaSeXipia is brother-love. ^ aiTives, " as being women Thus, Lkapyvpia is love of silver, who." 376 THE ENGLISH BIBLE. [chap. Pentecost. He may have been one of those " men of Cyprus," who carried the Gospel to Antioch (Acts xi, 26). " Palace," in Philip, i, 13, suggests a wrong meaning, for the praetorium was not the royal residence, but the barracks of the imperial life-guards. A portion of the building was close upon the palace. Josephus distinguishes carefully the one building from the other. The word is rendered in the Gospels and Acts, "judgment haU," "hall of judgment," "common hall," and once unavoidably, " prsetorium" — " the hall called prsetorium." In 1 Tim. iv, 1-3, the clauses are so connected that the English reader is apt to imagine that the " speaking lies " is' the work of the devils, but it is the work of those who apos tatize and teach the nefarious dogmas — they do it " in the hypocrisy of those who speak lies " — and " doctrines of demons" are not doctrines about those, but teachings prompted by them. The word "atonement" occurs in Romans v, 11; but its verb is rendered "reconcile" in the previous verse, so that " the reconciliation " would be the clearer rendering. Rom. iii, 25, " Whom God has set forth to be a propitiation through faith in his blood "¦; this punctuation directly connects " in his blood " with " faith," but it may be connected with " propitiation " — a propitiation, through faith, in his blood. Rom. xi, 21, might be misunderstood as if repentance on the part of man might be dispensed with, and Heb. xii, 17, as if contrition had become an impossibility for Esau. The term "business," Rom. xii, 11, itself a misrendering, or an archaism,^ might seem to refer to worldly dealings or in dustry, and is often. so taken ; but it refers to spiritual duties. ' " Scrip " can scarcely be misun- as railways, that its scriptural sense derstood by any one who remembers has to many faded away. So that what is said of David, 1 Sam. xvii, when an intelligent person was 40, that he put the " smooth stones asked the other day, "What 'scrip for in a shepherd's bag, even in a scrip," your journey' mustmean?" he replied but the word has of late become so at once, " Oh, some kind of Oriental current with another meaning, promissory note." through joint-stock enterprises, such LL] CLAUSES LIABLE TO BE MISUNDERSTOOD. 377 In 1 Cor i, 18, 21, "foolishness of preaching" might be thought to characterize the method of announcement, and not the thing announced — the cross, which appeared " to the Greeks foolishness." " Dishonesty," in the phrase, " hidden things of dishonesty," 2 Cor. iv, 2, keeps its Latin sense, and means shame, and not secret chicanery or undetected fraudulent dealing. 2 Cor, xii, 16, might sound as if the apostle had really im posed upon the Corinthians " with guile." Gal. i, 19, "but other of the apostles saw I none save James the Lord's brother," might mean, " I saw Peter, and none other of the apostles did I see, but I saw James the Lord's brother " — the inference being that James was not an apostle ; or the sense might be " none other of the apostles did I see except James the Lord's brother "¦ — the inference in that case being that James was an apostle. The clause, "spiritual wickedness in high places," Eph. vi, 12, has been referred by other parties than Puritans and Covenan ters to the hierarchy and the Court, the true rendering being " in heavenly places." In the phrase, " the prize of the high calling," Philip, iii, 14, the epithet " high " naturally but wrongly suggests the quality of the calling and not its origin. The clause in Col. iii, 8, " But now you ^ also put off all these," is rather ambiguous, and might be given, "But now do \'e put off all those." The phrase, " with much contention," 1 Thess. ii, 2, is apt, from its present use, to mislead ; but it refers here to contest with external evils and hostiUties ; " in much conflict," as in Col. ii, 1, " striving " being the word in the older versions. 1 Thess. ii, 6, reads, "when we might have been burdensome," but should be "when we might have used authority" — stood on our right as apostles, and demanded a sufficient mainten ance. In 2 Tim. iii, 7, the connection is somewhat equivocal ; but the words " ever learning " refer to the " silly women," not to those that lead them captive. 1 "You "in 1611. 378 THE ENGLISH BIBLE. [chap. "Peculiar," Titus ii, 14, is Uable to be misunderstood, for it has its Latin sense of special possession, and not the modern sense "of " singular." It came in from Tyndale, Luther having zum eigenthum.'^ Hebrews xii, 2, " looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith; " UteraUy, "of the faith "—the faith that is held forth as having produced the bright bede-roU of the previous chapter. In Heb. xii, 23, the phrase, "general assembly," is vague, and has, moreover, a technical meaning in Scotland. The term means an assembly holding high festival. The position of "also" in the clause "wherefore seeing we also are compassed about," Heb. xii, 1, mars the sense, for the apparent meaning is, " that the worthies celebrated in the pre vious chapter were also surrounded by a great cloud as we are ; " whereas the sense is, that they form the cloud of wit nesses overlooking the course, and we are "also," as they did, to lay aside every entanglement, and to run the race with that perseverance of which they set us an example. In James i, 1, 2, though there is no ambiguity, the version might be more exact — " wisheth joy " — " count it all joy.'' In Rev. i, 9, the statement, "I was in the isle that is called Patmos, for the word of God and for the testimony of Jesus Christ," is ambiguous, as " for " may mean either that he was in Patmos, having come to it for the purpose of preaching the Gospel, or that he was in it, having been exiled to it, for having preached the Gospel. The real meaning of the clause " are and were created," Rev. iv, 11, depends upon the punctuation, and it is usually printed, though not in 1611, as if "are" and "were" both belonged to " created" as auxiliaries, whereas there are two dis tinct propositions, "they were," and "they were created." The rendering " for thy pleasure " in the same clause is worse than ambiguous — it conveys a wrong reference to the English reader, as if the sense might be, "to yield thee pleasure"; but the true translation is, " on account of thy will," or " because thou didst will it." ' See p. 262. LL] DOUBTFUL PUNCTUATION. 379 The sense in Rev. xiii, 8, depends also on the pointing — " written in the book of life, of the Lamb slain, from the foun dation of the world." Many modern editions have no comma at all, and in the edition of 1611 there is a comma after " Lamb." The Book of Life was written from the foundation of the world. John vi, 33, should be " the bread of God is that" not "he." The term " heresy " in Acts xxiv, 14, tends to suggest a wrong meaning, as it now denotes false doctrine, or doctrine that devi ates from some recognized standard, but the Greek noun so rend ered means simply a party, faction, or sect. Philip, ii, 6, "thought it not robbery to be equal with God " does not harmonize with the context, the leading precept being, "look not every man on his own things, but every man also on the things of others," in the spirit and after the example of Christ Jesus, who possessed equality with God, but did not regard it as something to be held tenaciously, for looking upon the things of others he emptied himself of the " form of God," and took upon him the form of a servant, fee. "Form of God" cannot mean the Essence of God ; it is the manifestation of that Essence. The second clause of the last petition in the Lord's Prayer, Matt, vi, 13, "but deliver us from evil" is quite indefinite, for it may mean either " from evil " or " from the evil one." The sense can be determined only from the usage of the New Testament, as found in such places as Matt, xiii, 19, 38 ; John xvii, 15 ; Eph. vi, 16 ; 1 John ii, 13, 14; iii, 12 ; v, 18. In the statement Acts ii, 25, " I foresaw the Lord always before my face," the verb refers to place and not, as it does now, to time, the true rendering being given in the original psalm. The English reader, not pondering the connection very closely, might be perplexed by 1 Thess. i, 4, " knowing, brethren beloved, your election of God," and not be able to say whether this knowledge is possessed by the apostle and his associates or the Thessalonians themselves. Of course the Greek is very plain on the point, " knowing (as we do), brethren beloved of God, your election." In Acts ii, 23, the sense is, "and by hands of lawless men," that is heathen men, " ye." In Philip, iv, 15, " now ye Philippians know also" sounds like an imperative, but it is only a statement. Compare 380 THE ENGLISH BIBLE. [chap. also Luke ii, 29, "now thou releasest thy servant," "thoulettest thy servant depart." ^ In Acts v, 30, the better rendering is ¦" whom ye hanged on a tree and slew," the participle describing the mode should precede the verb in translation. At the same time, many peculiarities affecting the sense cannot well find place in any translation, at least in any English version. An impersonal plural is sometimes found translated as singular passive, as in Luke xii, 20, "thy soul shall be required of thee." The idiom, however, is rendered as plural in vi, 38, " men " being inserted as the nominative; but the inference is probably to higher beings. Similarly, and more correctly, in John xv, 6, " men gather them." It is not easy to represent the third personal pro noun when it occupies an emphatic place in the Greek text. The nouns rendered "respect of persons," James ii, 1, "conversation" in 1 Pet. i, 15, "ungodly", in Jude 18, and the adjective rendered " equal " in Philip, ii, 6, are in the plural number, and cannot weU be represented in our idiom. Neither can such a connection as that in Rev. iii, 4 ; Gal. iii, 16, where a neuter substantive is followed' by a mas culine relative, nor the neuter adjective in the last clause of Matthew xii, 41, 42. How shall we represent that the two nominatives in 1 Thessalonians iii, 11, are connected as singular optative verbs ? ^ On the other hand, sometimes the Greek singular is so vaguely translated that it may be almost taken in our Bible as either singular or plural. 1 Pet. iii, 18, "the just for the unjust," that is, "a just one for unjust ones " ; James v, 6, "ye have both condemned and killed the just," the just one, whatever be the reference.^ To preserve the harmony of the image, " book " should be " roll " in Rev. v, 1 ; " goblets " would be better than " vials" in Rev. xvi, 1. The true rendering of Gal. iv, 24, is not " which things are an allegory," but " which things are allegorized," the historic facts not being explained away. ^ See Vol. I, p. 145. rise, in the land of Gaelic and glens, " See also 2 Thess. ii, 16. to the whispered mysterious question, 8 The phrase about the paralytic if the man had sprung from a four- •" borne of four," Mark ii, 3, has given fold maternity. LI.] PUNCTUATION. 381 The translation of James iii, 3, " Behold, we put bits in the horses' mouths, that they may obey us," is scarcely precise enough ; but it is rather (not to take up the various reading),, " if we put the bits (or bridle) of horses into their mouths in order that they may obey us, we turn about also their whole body." — As the small bit curbs the horse, and the small rudder turns the ship, as the smaU sparks set fire to the forest, so the tongue, a tiny organ, controls the man. James ii, 1, " my brethren, have not the faith of our Lord Jesus Christ the Lord of glory with respect of persons." In this translation the common mind does not readily seize the point. But the verb is imperative : " my brethren, do not ye have or hold the faith . . . along with respecting of persons." The two things ai'e so contradictory that they should not meet in the same person. The participle rendered " cloven," in Acts ii, 3, means parting asunder or distributing themselves — a different idea altogether. 1 Pet. i, 17, reads, " and if ye call on the Father," which, from the position of the Greek words, is not correct, though found in Tyndale, the Great Bible, the Genevan of 1557 having, "if so be that ye caU him Father," and that of 1560, "if ye call him Father," a translation adopted by Dr. Trench, but not quite accurate, as it does not take the preposition into account. LiteraUy, it is, " if ye call on him as Father " — if ye invoke Him in his paternal character. The punctuation misleads in 1 Peter i, 11, "searching what, or what manner of time"; the clause would thus seem to mean that the prophets searched first into the meaning of the oracle, and then into the time of its fulfilment ; but the sense is, " what time or what manner of time." ^ The punctuation always depends ultimately on the exegesis. What is the right division of words in Heb. xii, 22, 23 ? Which is the last clause of the one verse and first clause of the other ? Does "which" refer to "God" or "word," in 1 Pet. i, 23? In 1 Pet. V, 12, does "to you" belong to "faithful" or to " brother " ? The spelling of the word " spirit," with a capital or without, presents distinct senses to the English 1 Tiva rj TTolov Kaipov. 382 THE ENGLISH BIBLE. reader, and is certainly to him " a note and comment." It has been questioned whether " therefore " should be at the end of John vii, 21, or at the beginning of verse 22. Much depends on the pointing of Luke xxiii, 43. Is John v, 39, to be read as indicative or as imperative ; or Luke ix, 55 ; or John xii, 27, middle clause ; or Heb. xii, 5, or xiii, 6. The technical name " diaspora," should have been rendered the " dispersion : " ^ " will he go unto the dispersion among the Greeks or Gentiles ? " John vii, 35 ; also, James i, 1, and 1 Peter i, 1. John xiii, 2, the true rendering of the participle is not " supper being ended," but "during supper," or " supper having begun," or " having been served." ^ James i, 27, "religion "is not emotion based on faith, but religious service, as the verse indeed indicates. Rev. X, 6, " That there should be time no longer " — the clause is somewhat dark, and is often misunderstood as referring to the last day, or the end of time ushering in eternity. The " time," however, is intervening time or delay, in allusion to the cry of the martyrs in vi, 10, " How long, 0 Lord ? " What sense can be made of Rev. xvii, 8, " They that dwell on the earth shall wonder when they behold the beast that was, and is not, and yet is " — a creature of which existence and non-existence are predicated in the same breath ? better, " when they see the beast that he was, and is not, and shall come, or shall be present (again)." The plain reader is apt to be startled by the words, " But God be thanked that ye were the servants of sin," Rom. vi, 17, and perhaps some slight supplement might be necessary to throw the force upon the past "were."^ 1 Siao-TTopd. Fresh Eevision of the English New " Seiirvov 7£(or yt)vo/tei/ou. Testament, Appendix, p. 195 ; and ^ On the meaning of l-mo-vcnos, see also the critical argument in and a defence of the common render- favour of another meaning, " bread ing in the Lord's Prayer, see of life eternal," in M'Clellan's New Canon Lightfoot's rich and ex- Testament, vol. I, p. 632. haustive paper in his volume On a CHAPTER LII. ^HE translators or revisers of 1611, in their desire to avoid the rigid uniformity of the Rheims version, have allowed themselves considerable latitude in an opposite direction, and they plead for it in their preface: "An other thing we thinke good to admonish thee of (gentle Reader), that we haue not tyed our selues to an vniformitie of phrasing, or to an identitie of words, as some peraduenture would wish that we had done, because they obserue that some learned men some where, haue beene as exact as they could that way. ^ Truly, that we might not varie from the sense of that which we had translated before, if the word signified the same thing in both places (for there bee some wordes that bee not of the same sense euery where) we were especially carefuU, and made a conscience, according to our duetie. But, that we should expresse the same notion in the same particular word ; as for example, if we translate the Hebrew or Greeke word once by Purpose, neuer to call it Jntent; if one where Journeying, neuer Traueiling ; if one where Thinke, neuer Suppose; if one where Paine, neuer Ache; if one where Joy, neuer Gladnesse, &c. Thus to minse the matter, wee thought to sauour more of curiositie than wisedome, and that rather it would breed scorne in the Atheist, than bring profite to the godly Reader. For is the kingdome of God become words or syllables ? why should wee be in bondage to them if we may ^ Perhaps their allusion may be to as its fifth rule, " The same terms Hugh Broughton's Letter on Trans- must be translated the same way." lation which Bancroft sent to them, Uniformity of rendering is also con- and it enacts the peremptory canon tended for by Erasmus and Beza. 384 THE ENGLISH BIBLE. [chap. be free, vse one precisely when wee may vse another no lesse fit, as commodiously?" Had they used this privilege within such limits as they exemplify in the previous extract, no great fault might be found, but they have taken continuous and extraordinary license. For in working under this self-imposed canon, they give various renderings without stint to the same noun, verb, or particle, and by the reverse process they afiix, in numberless instances, the same English word to very different Greek terms. In this way they often efface important dis tinctions which might have been preserved, and create new distinctions which ought not to exist. Not that they are to be blamed for introducing all these various renderings, for many of them existed before, and they found not a few of them in the Bishops' which they revised, and also in the earlier versions. At the same time, to insist on rigid uniformity of translation would be absurd in prmeiple, and misleading in result, for it must occasionally violate idiom and context. Thus the word "part" may be the usual rendering of a Greek noun, but when applied to a boat, it becomes, according to usage, " side," John xxi, 6. The substantive commonly standing as "par takers" in the majority of places at once becomes "partners" in Luke V, 7, according to English idiom. The term which is rendered " word " scores of times necessarily becomes " account " in such a phrase as Luke xvi, 2, " give an account of thy stewardship." " Meat " Avell represents a Greek substantive, but the term would be incongruous in reference to the corrosion of metal — eating into it — and so it technically passes into "rust" in Matthew vi, 19, 20, after Tyndale, the " canker " of the Genevan not being accepted either in the Bishops' or the present version. With generic sameness there ma.y be specific difference. What is a living " tree " in Luke xxiii, 31 and in Rev. xxii, 2, is " wood " (timber) in Rev. xviii, 12, "staves" (clubs) in Matt, xxvi, 47, "stocks" in Acts xvi, 24, and " tree " means a " stake " in Acts v, 30. Some supernatural beings are known as angels, but the same Greek term could not be so rendered in James ii, 25, as LU.] VARIATION ALLOWABLE. 385 designating the spies whom Rahab treated so kindly, and the word is given there as " messengers." Elymas is termed a " sorcerer " ^ Acts xiii, 8, but the same noun could not well bear that translation in Matt, ii, 1, and it stands there as " wise men." The term rendered " Lord " in an address to a higher being. Matt, viii, 25, naturally becomes " sir " in speak ing to one supposed to be a human equal, John iv, 11, XX, 15. A word may always retain the radical notion of heat or fervour, but there may be subjective or objective diflerences springing from the character of him who feels it, or from the persons or things which excite it. "Zeal"^ in John ii, 17, and Colossians iv, 13, is "jealousy" in 2 Corinthians xi, 2; "envying" in Romans xiii, 13, "indig nation " in Acts V, 17, the Rheims having '' replenished with zeal." A verb may admit of several modified senses or renderings, while the same idea is underlying all of them. It may mean to " send awaj^," ^ as a wife by divorce, or to leave persons, places, nets, or to suffer or permit a thing, or to let off or forgive. A word may mean generally to make apparent, * but what is made apparent may be a state ment, or a report, or a charge in a court of law, or a man's own self, and the English word would require some difference of rendering in such instances. Prepositions with the primal meaning always involved must also be modified in rendering, as they maj^ refer to place, or time, or have a tropical signifi cation. StiU, uniformity ought to be kept wherever it can be kept. If the sacred writer has thought it fit to repeat the same Greek term, why may not the English translator do the same? In this way the characteristic differences in the various books can be preserved, and the ordinary reader will see that each writer has his favourite words, and familiar turns of speech. For the four Evangelists, in telUng the same story, have each a distinctive style of thought, structure and language: the Memorabilia of St. Matthew marked by a Hebrew tincture and purpose, and by the grouping of parables and miracles : Mark characterized by minute and graphic touches brought out with ' pdyos " (rjXos ^ a7roAi.(o * (pavepooi VOL. II. 2 B 386 THE ENGLISH BIBLE. [chap. rugged force : Luke exhibiting some historic research and writing a purer and more sustained historic style : and John the Divine glorified in his ethereal portraiture of the Word made flesh, with grace poured into His lips, and the fulness of infinite love in His heart. The apostle Paul has frequent participial con nections and compound verbs, a tendency to go off at a word and to interweave a parenthesis, and a fondness to exhibit relations by an accumulation of prepositions. And all these features ought to be notable and striking in any translation. When an author writes his own thoughts, he may employ whatever language is best fitted to convey them with clearness and power, and for the sake of euphony he may exchange terms of Saxon and Latin lineage. Original composition would be bald if the same words were often repeated, and such poverty or want of variety would be an injustice to our rich and noble tongue. Nor in translating a classic would a scholar be bound to give in every case, without deviation, the same English for the same Greek term or phrase.^ It is not expected of him, though he is supposed to present a literal and faithful version. Men of classic tastes and acquirements are able to consult the original, and of those who are not so qualified, a fraction only will possess or read such a book in the vernacular. But even in such a case there are limits to variation of rendering. What would have been said of Lord Derby's Translation of the lUad, if for the sake of variety he had inserted occasionaUy other English forms of such frequent epithets as " cloud-compeller," " blue-eyed," " white-armed," " king of men," " dark-ribbed " ? Would not one special characteristic of the father of song have been wilfuUy effaced ? The following terms, characteristic of a divine revelation of love to a sinful world, are of perpetual occurrence both in the Old and New Testament: "mercy" and its adjective are used nigh 300 times ; " righteous " with its derivatives more than 1 In Ainsworth's learned Annota- SchafiF, D.D., New York, 1875, and tions on the Pentateuch some exam- Eevision of the English Bible(p.l91), plesoftranslationsofthekindreferred by John E. Beard, D.D., London, to may be found. See also Ee-vision 1857. of the English Version, by Philip LII.] UNNECESSARY VARIATIONS. 387 500 times; "pray" and "worship" are met with at least 400 times, and "save," "saviour," "salvation" nigh 500 times. These terms illustrate by their pervading presence the nature of the Book to which they belong, and therefore they are not in any way to be disguised or weakened by synonymous changes, for the Book not only reveals deliverance from guilt, but leads to the service of the Divine Benefactor whose mercy is conditioned by righteousness, and to whom on His throne of grace all have access, while every one who comes is welcomed through the merit and mediation of the Living Intercessor. The repetition of such words is of itself refreshing, like " rain upon the mown grass." It is matter of regret that the noun " faith " has no verb of its own root, but that "believe" must be employed — to the loss of the English reader who does not readily feel the connection between the two words. In the Authorized Version these words often meet us, " faith " being found more than 340 times, and "belief" nigh 300 times, the allied word " trust " showing itself also scores of times. Neither is there any Saxon verb cognate to "righteousness," and the Latin "justify " has been used, to the loss of the English student of the New Testament, who fails to perceive the close relation. Might nofrighten" have sufficed ? for "justification" is the rightening of the guilty soul in the eye of God, and of his law. Such rightening is ever based on righteousness, either that belonging to the creature himself, or, as in our case, that wrought out by the Sinbearer, and accepted by us — "the righteousness which is of God by faith." ^ Such words are distinctive and must be of constant iteration in the Records of a system which holds up faith as the one grand requisite — the one living medium of blessing, since through it, as the receptive faculty, pardon, purity, and life are brought home to the heart which beUeves the Testimony, and has its personal trust in Him whom that Testimony enshrines. It is quite true that the sense is not affected by many minor variations, such as the following in the one chapter of Matthew and the corresponding passage of Mark. ' See Girdlestone's Synonyms of the Old Testament. London, 1871. -388 THE ENGLISH BIBLE. [chap. Matthew xxiv. Verse 14 Witness. 17 Come down. 18 Eeturn back. 21 Tribulation. „ Since the beginning. 23 BeKeve it not. 24 The very elect. 25 Told you before. 29 Shall the sun be darkened. 32 His branch. „ Nigh. 34 Be fulfilled. Mark xui. Verse 9 Testimony. 15 Go down. 16 Turn back again. 19 Aflliction. „ From the beginning. 21 Believe him not. 22 Even the elect. 23 Foretold you. 24 The sun shall be darkened. 28 Her branch. „ Near. 30 Be done. Additional examples may be adduced from the Synoptical Gospels, and in most of them the meaning is not seriously marred. Matt, iii, 4, "a leathern girdle" — Mark i, 6, "a girdle of skin." Matt, iii, 8, "meet for repentance" — Luke iii, 8, "worthy of repentance." Matt, iv, 6, "concerning thee" — Luke iv, 10, " over thee." Matt, iv, 19, " follow me " — Mark i, 17, " come ye after me." Matt, iv, 20, " they left their nets " — Mark i, 18, " they forsook their nets." Matt. vi, 10, " in earth as it is in heaven " — Luke xi, 2, " as in heaven, so in earth." Matt, vii, 1, " that ye be not judged" — Luke vi, 37, "and ye shall not be judged." Matt, viii, 8, " shouldest come " — Luke vii, 6, " shouldest enter" Matt, viii, 33, " they that kept "—Mark v, 14, " they that fed." Matt, is,' 2, "(thy sins) be forgiven "—Luke v, 20, "are forgiven."^ Matt. ix, 17, "runneth out"— Mark, ii, 22, "spiUed." Matt, ix, 6, "go" —Mark, ii, 11, "go thy way." Matt, ix, 10, "sat down with" — Mark ii, 15, "sat also together with." Matt, ix, 16, "that which is put in to fiU it up "—Mark, ii, 21, " that fiUed it up." Matt, ix, 20, " hem "—Luke viii, 44, " border" Matt, ix, 34, "prince" — Luke xi, 15, "chief." Matt, ix, 87, "harvest . . . plenteous" — Luke x, 2, "harvest . . . great." Matt, x, 14, "when ye depart" — Luke ix, 5, " when ye go out." Matt, x, 14, " the dust " — Luke ix, 5, "the very dust." Matt, x, 18, "governors"— ^ See page 259. LIL] UNJUSTIFIABLE VARIATIONS. 339 Mark xiii, 9, " rulers." Matt, x, 21, " shaU deliver up"— Mark xiii, 12, " shaU betray." Matt, x, 21, " chUd "—Mark xui, 12, " son." Matt, x, 22, " but he that endureth to the end shall be saved " — Mark xiii, 13, " but he that shall endure the same shall be saved." Matt, x, 27, "preach" — Luke xii, 3, "proclaim." Matt. xi, 4, " go and shew" — Luke vii, 22, "go your way and tell." Matt, xi, 6, "receive their sight " — Luke vii, 22, "see." Matt, xi, 5, "the poor have the gospel preached" — Luke vii, 22, "to the poor the gospel is preached." Matt, xi, 7, " to say unto the multitudes " — Luke vii, 24, " to speak unto the people." Matt. xi. 12, (kingdom of heaven) "suffereth violence " — Luke xvi, 16, every man "presseth " into it. Matt, ix, 24, " maid " — Mark v, 41, "damsel." Matt, xxvi, 69, "damsel "—Mark xiv,69, "maid." Matt, xi, 19, "behold a man gluttonous " — Luke vii 34, " behold a gluttonous man." Matt, xi, 25, " because " — Luke x, 21, " (I thank thee) that." Matt, xii, 27, "children" — Luke xi, 19, "sons." Matt, xiii, 3, " a sower went forth " — Mark iv, 3, " there went out a sower"- — Luke viii, 5, "a sower went out." Matt, xiii, 5, •"deepness" — Mark iv, 5, " depth." Matt, xiii, 23, "an hundred fold"— Mark iv, 20, "an hundred." Matt, xiii, 32, " least of "— Mark iv, 31, "less than." Matt, xiii, 32, "the greatest among" — Mark iv, 31, " greater than." Matt, xiii, 21, " tribulation "¦ — Mark iv, 17, " affliction." Matt, xiv, 14, " went forth and"— Mark vi, 34, " when he came out." Matt, xiv, 14, "a great multitude" — Mark vi, 34, "much people." Matt, xiv, 24, '' tossed with"— Mark vi, 48, "toiling in." Matt, xiv, 35, " country " — Mark vi, 55, " region." Matt, xiv, 35, " those that were diseased " — Mark vi, 55, "those that were sick." Matt, xv, 26, " to dogs "—Mark vii, 27, " unto the dogs." Matt, xv, 27, "truth, Lord"— Mark vu, 28, "yes, Lord." Matt, xv, 32, " continue" — Mark vni, 2, "have now been." Matt, xv, 32, "in the way "—Mark viii, 3, " by the way." Matt, xv, 33, "to fiU "— Mark viii, 4, " satisfy." Matt, xv, 39, "took ship " — Mark viii, 10, " entered into a ship." Matt, xvi, 23, " those that be of men" — Mark viii, 33, "the things that be of men." Matt, xvi, 25, "wiU lose" — Mark viii, 35, "shall lose" — Luke ix, 24, "wiU lose." Matt, xvi, 28, "till they see "—Mark ix, 1, "tiU they have seen." Matt. xvU, 1, " bringeth up "—Mark ix, 2, " leadeth." 390 THE ENGLISH BIBLE. [chap. Matt, xvii, 5, "which said" — Mark ix, 7, " saying." Matt, xvii, 2, "face"— Luke ix, 29, "countenance." Matt, xvii, 18, "departed out" — Mark ix, 26, "came out." Matt, xvii, 19, " apart" — Mark ix, 28, " privately." Matt. xvU, 22, " betrayed," —Mark ix, 31, "delivered." Matt. xvUi, 2, "littie child"— Mark ix, 36, " chUd." Matt, xix, 1, " beyond "—Mark x, 1, " further side." Matt, xix, 7, "writing"— Mark x, 4, "a biU." Matt, xix, 20, " kept "—Mark x, 20, " observed it." Matt, xx, 22, "are ye able ? "—Mark x, 38, " can ye ? " Matt, xx, 24, " moved with indignation " — Mark x, 41, " much displeased." Matt, xx, 25, " exercise dominion " — Mark x, 42, " exercise lordship." Matt. XX, 27, "chief "—Mark x, 44, "chiefest." Matt, xx, 30, "way" —Mark x, 46, "high way." Matt, xx, 28, "minister"— Luke xxii, 26, " doth serve." Matt, xx, 31, "rebuked " — Mark X, 48, "charged." Matt, xxi, 1, "sent" — Mark xi, 1, "sendeth forth." Nor does it matter as to meaning in the following varia tions, some of them quite unaccountable. One verb is twice rendered " exalted " in Luke xviii, 14, while the verb in contrast is in one clause "abased," and in the other clause "humbleth." The same verb which is rendered "merry" in Luke XV, 24, becomes "make merry" in verses 29 and 32. " Beloved " in Matt, xvii, 5, and in Mark ix, 7, becomes " well- beloved " in Mark xii, 6, " dearly beloved " in Eomans xii, 19, and simply "dear" in Eph. v, 1 ; " without excuse" in Eomans i, 20, is " inexcusable '' in ii, 1 ; " wiUing to show the Jews a pleasure," Acts xxiv, 27, becomes in xxv, 9, " willing to do the Jews a pleasure." The familiar compound noun rendered "adop tion," Eom. ix, 4, becomes "adoption of sons " in Gal. iv, 5, and " adoption of children " in Eph. i, 5. How could such varia tions originate ? There may be no sensible loss as to ultimate sense in the following cluster of changes ; a particle rendered in these different ways, yea, rather, nay, but, yes, verily, yea doubtless, or the same preposition rendered for the sake, for the cause, because, wherefore, for, by reason of ^ The same preposition assumes two different forms in the same verse, 2 Cor i, 11, Sta. LII.] UNACCOUNTABLE VARIATIONS, 391 in the first clause " for us," and in the last clause, " on our behalf"; and "what" and "how" in the same verse represent the same interrogative pronoun, 1 Cor. vii, 16. "Carried away to Babylon " in Matt, i, 11, is " brought to Babylon " in the next verse ; the "jailor " in Acts xvi, 23, is " keeper of the prison " in 27 ; " beareth fruit " in John xv, 2, occurs in two consecutive clauses, but " bring forth fruit " in the third clause. The same document called a " letter " in Acts xxiii, 25, is " epistle " in 33, the same change occurring in a single verse in 2 Cor. vii, 8. " Truth " in the first part of the verse in 1 Tim. ii, 7, is " verity " in the second ; " dwell " in the first clause of John i, 39, is " abide " in the following one, " apparel " in James ii, 2, is " raiment " in 3 ; " profession " in 1 Tim vi, 12, is "confession" in 13; the epithet "living" in 1 Peter ii, 4, is " lively " in 5, vailing the identity of Christ's life with that of his people; "were afraid" in Luke xxiv, 5, is " affrighted " in 37. The same technical noun rendered " dispersed " in John vii, 35, becomes " which are scattered abroad " in James i, 1, and simply " scattered " in 1 Peter i, 1. In the same verse (Matt, xxvii, 60), "tomb'' occurs, and then " sepulchre," ^ representing the same noun. In Luke xvi, 8, 9, 10, we have the epithet "unjust" and then "unrighteous," for the same Greek term. " To company " in 1 Cor. v, 9, be comes "to keep company" in 11. But though in these examples the meaning is not obscured, the English reader loses some thing, for he fails to identify the terms employed by the sacred -writer. Why should not he have the same advantages as the reader of the Greek original ? Is he not entitled to demand it ? Capricious love of variety is often manifest, for one term is represented by " field," " farm," " country," " land," " piece of ground,"^ while "field" might suit many of the places. " Salute " and " greet " are renderings often exchanged to no desirable puipose — " salute " being the only rendering in the Gospels ; " embraced " and " took leave " get a place in Acts, while "greet" occurs four times in Eomans xvi, as against " salute " seventeen times. " Salute " and " greet " both occur ' pvr]p,uov. 2 dypos. 392 THE ENGLISH BIBLE. [chap. twice in 1 Cor, and once in 2 Cor. ; " salute " and " greet " are found in the same verse in Phil, iv, 21, also in Titus iii, 15, and in 3 John 14; "embraced" is a wrong rendering in Heb. xi, 13; "greet" is used in all cases where the addition is made of " an holy kiss " or a " kiss of charity," except in Eomans xvi, 16. Why should the noun rendered " goodness " in Eomans be "gentleness" in Galatians, but "kindness" in the other parts of the New Testament ? Why should the same word be " debtor" in Matt. xxUi, 16, but " guUty " in 18 ? Why should "wailing" be found twice in one chapter of Matthew (xiii), and " weeping " be the rendering of the same term in every other place ? " Faithful " ^ in the first three Gospels is also found in 2 Tim., and on to the end of the New Testament, but it is " believing " in John xx, 27, and several times in 1 Tim. (in which it is also translated " true "), but is rendered in other places by some part of the verb " believe." On the other hand, while the noun which is always correctly rendered "unbelief" has its adjective as "faithless" in the Gospels, with one exception, but in the Epistles " unbelievers ," " unbelieving," " believeth not," it is also twice rendered by "infidel " as in 2 Cor. vi, 15, and in 1 Tim. v, 8. What pos sible end could be gained by giving the same phrase nine times as "eternal life," or "life eternal," and eight times "ever lasting life " or " life everlasting," the odd thing being that it is uniformly " eternal " in Mark and in the first Epistle of John, while the renderings regularly alternate in Luke, Acts, and 1 Timothy, and it cannot but perplex when " everlasting punishment " occurs in one clause, and " life eternal " in the next in Matt, xxv, 46. The same adverb ^ is " of a truth," " surely," "truly," in Matthew; "of a truth " always in Luke; but "indeed" in John six times, and in 1 John "verily." Why should one simple verb ^ have three translations in Matthew^ " abide," '' remain," " tarry," while in the one verse in Luke xxiv, 29, the expressed desire is "abide with us," and the result is thus stated, " and he went in to tarry " ? In John we find " abode," "remain," " dweU," " continue," "tarry," and" endure," and this diversity is continued throughout the New Testament ' TTicTTds. ^ dXy)dm. ^ pkvto. LU.] PREJUDICIAL VARIATIONS. 393 only that "dweU" is the uniform rendering in the fourth chapter of 1 John, but in the second chapter of the same Epistle, verse 24, the verb is given in the same verse as "abide," "remain," " continue." Surely this favourite term of John which occurs about as often in his writings as in all the other parts of the New Testament should receive as far as possible a uniform ren dering. Confusion is created by rendering the same verb^ rightly, by " hope '' thirteen times, and wrongly by " trust " in eighteen other places. The substantive ^ which is always " trespasses " in the Gospels, is " offence " in the polemical section of Eomans, but " fall '' in Eomans xi, 11, 12, "fault " in Galatians vi, 1, and in James v, 16. " Trespasses '' might suit the most of these places, and there was surely no reason why the noun should be in Col. ii, 13, " sins " in the first clause, and " trespasses " in the last. The word translated " helper " ^ (Eom. xvi, 3) is also rendered with no apparent necessity — "work-fellow," "fellow- worker," " fellow-helper," "fellow-labourer," " labourer together with." These variations might be greatly abridged, and " fel low-worker " might take their place. It is -worse than mere variation to render a verb in one verse " did service," and then in the following verse to alter it into " be in bondage " in Gal. iv, 8, 9. It is bewildering to find without any tangible reason the same phrase given as " God, even the Father," * in Eomans XV, 6, 1 Cor. XV, 24, and 2 Cor i, 3 ; " God and the Father " in Col. iii, 17; "the God and Father" in 2 Cor. xi, 31, Eph. i, 3, and 1 Peter i, 3 ; " of God and of the Father," Col. ii, 2 ; but the common Greek text in the latter part of this last verse cannot be sustained. Similar variations are found in the older versions. One can assign no ground why the quotation from Deut. xxxii, 35, should be presented as "Vengeance is mine, I will repay, saith the Lord," in Eom. xii, 19, but '' vengeance belongeth unto me, I will recompense, saith the Lord," in Heb. x, 30, the variation originating with Tyndale. " Eabbi," the official Syro-Chaldaic term in English characters, is rightly found in seven places, but it is gratuitously turned into " Master," in some eight other places, as " Hail, master," in '^kX.TTi^oi. " TrapdiTTOJp-a. ^ crvvepyos. * o fleos Kat Trarijp. 394 THE ENGLISH BIBLE. [chap. Matt, xxvi, 49, where " Eabbi " should have been kept to show that the traitor gave the Lord his full formal title in the very act of over-kissing and seUing him. " Eabboni," which is found only twice, is given as " Lord " in Mark x, 51, but " Eabboni " in John xx, 16. The verb which means literaUy " to speak against," ^ when the participle becomes a kind of epithet, gets the translation of " gainsaying," and " gainsayer," the first syllable " gain '' being really against, both the Wycliffite versions having the fuU form, " againsaying," in Jude 11 ; but there was no charm in giving the Saxon form " spake against " in the first part of the verse, and the literal Latin form " contradicting " in the second in Acts xiii, 45, while it becomes " not answering again " in Titus ii, 9, a counsel addressed to slaves, the margin having rightly " not gainsaying," which is the text of the Eheims ; " again " was introduced by Tyndale, and kept by the older versions, as if to answer again implied opposition or refusal. " Put on " ^ would suit all the places literal and metaohorical where we have " had on," " clothed with," " arrayed," but in Mark xv, 17, 20, we have " clothed him " in one verse, and " put clothes on " in the other. What edification was there in altering " sick of the palsy " into " taken with palsy," and in alternating these renderings of the particijjle so precisely in Luke and Acts, and allowing it to degenerate into " feeble " in Heb. xii, 12. The same participle is rendered in the same breath, " that preach the gospel," and " bring glad tidings of good things," Eom. x, 15, the Eheims version being at the other and awkward extreme, "that evangelise peace," " that evangelise good things." The epithet " fair " applied to the babe Moses in Acts vii, 20, is "proper " in Heb. xi, 23. These changes often happen within the limits of the same book, the same chapter — aye, as we have seen more than once, the same verse. We can discern little motive for them in many places, but the desire to enliven the version by the use of terms all but synonomous. Thus " all manner of sickness " in Matt, iv, 23, becomes " every sickness " in ix, 35 ; " affliction " in Mark iv, 17, is " tribulation " in xiii, 24 ; " deceit " in Mark vii, 22, is " craft " in xiv, 1 ; " armour " in ^ dvTiXkyw. " cvSi'oj. LII.] OTHER EXAMPLES. 395 2 Cor. vi, 7, is " weapons " in x, 4 ; " honesty " in 1 Tim. ii, 2, is " gravity " in iU, 4. Many of the examples in the previous paragraphs show variation apparently for the wanton love of it, and might be ! greatly reduced in number, though absolute uniformity might not be everywhere obtainable, or even desirable. The common reader has no means whatever of detecting these changes, and probably marks them in his mind as proofs of different read ings in the original. But though- the meaning, as has been mentioned already, may not be altered by some of these unneeded changes, yet often they obscure the connection. In Colossians ii, 9, we have "in him dweUeth all the fulness," and then in 11, "ye are complete in him " ; ^ but the terms employed are cognate, "ye are filled up in him" — the fulness of Christ and the fulness of Christ's. The connection is clouded by the varia tion, and the older versions are followed ; only in this epistle is the verb so rendered. " Hurt and damage " in Acts xxvii, 10, becomes "harm and loss" in verse 21. The sense is not injured, but the change veils the connection between the pre diction of the apostle and its precise fulfilment. No difference of sense is involved in the various renderings of " kin," " kins folk," "kinsman," but there is an unwarranted speciality to modern readers in the translation " cousin," in Luke i, 36 and 58. " Cousin " represented in those days various relationships, but Tyndale needed not to have varied from his own " kyns- woman," in Lev. xviii, 12. The technical term "hinder part of the ship " in Mark iv, 38, is rendered " stern " in Acts xxvii, 29, and "hinder part" in verse 41, in contrast with "the fore part," in the same verse. The clause "it was counted unto him for righteousness" in Eomans iv, 3, is rendered "imputed to him" in verse 22; and in the same chapter the verb is " reckoned " three times, and " imputed " six times. The pregnant phrase occurs also in Gal. iii, 6, and in James ii, 23. The apostle's studied repetition of such an asser tion of grave theological moment should have secured unifor mity of rendering. In the matter of Eastern clothing, though ' 7rX.7] po)jj.a . . . ¦ireTrXrjpiDp.kvoi. 396 THE ENGLISH BIBLE. [chap. the drapery is so very simple, the translators have run riot. One term ^ is represented by " long garment," " long clothing," ¦"long robes," — "robes," the best rendering, the only one used in the Apocalypse, being quite sufficient. Another term^ is rendered " cloke," both as a general term, and a special one for the outer robe; but there are also "robe," "vesture," "apparel," "raiment" ten times, about ten times "garment," and often " clothes." A third term,^ meaning the inner robe, or tunic, is given most frequently as "coat," once "garment," in Jude 23, and once "clothes," in Mark xiv, 63. A fourth term* is translated by " apparel," "clothing," " raiment," " robe," while another noun,^ allied to the second referred to, is "raiment," " vesture," " apparel," and " array " in 1 Tim. ii, 9, as if it had been suggested by " gold or pearls." Though " satisfy," Mark viii, 4, occurs in the introduction to the miracle, and in the record of it in verse 8 is changed into " filled," the meaning is not lost, but the correspondence of the result to the challenge offered by the disciples is darkened. What possible connection could the common reader imagine between the phrases, "dost thou commit sacrilege ? " in Eomans ii, 22, and the metamor phosed rendering, "robbers of churches," in Acts xiv, 37? ^'Sacrilege" came in with the Genevan of 1560, and was adopted by the Bishops' and the Eheims in both places, Tyn dale and the Great Bible having " robbest God of his honour " in the first quotation. " Church " was applied to heathen temples before 1611. The noun which properly signifies '" teacher," * and is so rendered ten times, becomes " master " in no less than forty-six passages in the Gospels and once in the Epistle of James. In this last place the precept, "be not many masters," is specially liable to be misunderstood, if it be not borne in mind that in older English, as in present Scotch, the teacher of a school is familiarly called its " master," as also in the public schools of England. The epithet "Master" so •often given to Jesus tends now to mislead, as if it referred to authority, and not to instruction. In Matt, x, 24, the true contrast is, "a disciple (learner) is not above his teacher," ^ O-ToX-fj. " Ip-dTlOV. ' XlTtJiV. ^ ka-d-qs, " Ifi.a.Ttcrp.o'S, " SiSda-KaXos. LU.] MOTIVES INDUCING VARIATION, 397 "and ye call me teacher and Lord" — one who imparts in struction — to whom loyal obedience is due. Another term^ five times referring to God or the divine Saviour, is rendered "Lord," and five times, referring to man, it is translated " master " — in Timothy, Titus, and 1 Peter ; but " master " also stands for wholly different nouns. In John viii, 22, and in Acts vii, 42, the negative particle in an interrogation is from difference of idiom not translated, — "Will he kill him self?" "Have ye offered me slain beasts and sacrifices?" but it is rendered in John iv, 29, " Is not this the Christ ? " The variation is unnecessary and confusing; but the last rendering as found in our present Bible, "Is not this the Son of David ? " Matt, xii, 23, is an unauthorized deviation from the first edition of 1611, which reads, " Is this the Sonne of David ? " The negative particle is also found in a Cambridge quarto of 1637, and in Buck & Daniel's edition of 1638, though it is not in Barker's folio of 1640. The better form might be, " Can this be the Christ ? " But it would be wrong to insist that all these swarms of variations were simply the result of a capricious taste, for there is little doubt that the revisers of 1611 imagined that many of the changes which they preserved or introduced were dictated or suggested by the idiom or the context. While they gave " nigh," "near," " nigh at hand," as the renderings of one particle ^ in reference both to time and place, the meaning- slips out of view when it is translated, after the Bishops' and the Great Bible, simply "from" in Acts i, 12; but probably their reason was, that nearness was implied in the measure ment — " a sabbath day's journey," Tyndale, Coverdale, and the Genevan having " nye to." In giving a preposition two renderings in the same clause or question, " the baptism ot John, whence was it; from heaven, or of men?" in Matt, xxi, 25, they doubtless imagined that in keeping this variation, which is as old as Tyndale, they were marking the distinction between a divine origin, and a human commission. But as the Evangelist himself did not mark the distinction, why should they attempt it? The noun translated by "famine" and ¦' S£O-;r0Tijs. ^ kyy-u'S. 398 THE ENGLISH BIBLE. [chap. twice by " dearth " in Acts, has in the parable of the prodigal son the rendering " hunger," suggested by its immediate per sonal appUcation in Luke xv, 17; the older versions and the Eheims have "famine." The word which is given as "creation" five times becomes " creature," where it is regarded as meaning sentient beings, as in Eom. viii, 10, 2 Cor. v, 17, and one can easily imagine the reason why it is rendered " building " in Heb. ix, 11, and "ordinance" in 1 Pet. ii, 13. The personal noun usually rendered "witness"^ became, in some clauses, naturally " martyr," " the blood of thy martyr " in Acts xxii, 20, "Antipas, my faithful martyr" Eev. ii, 13, "blood of the martyrs " xvii, 6, — the word was left untranslated, as the fires of Smithfield had naturalized it. But it is not in the text of Tyndale, Eogers, or Cranmer, three martyred biblical witnesses, and it came into the Bishops' from the Genevan of 1560, that of 1557 placing it in the margin. The verb commonly represented by " deliver up " ^ becomes " betrayed " when it points to the treachery of Judas, but the revisers were not consistent in observing this distinction; Judas could scarcely designate his own act as treachery, and so it is said, "what will ye give me, and I will deliver him unto you ? " yet in the next verse the words are " sought op portunity to betray him." ^ The historian's description of the act should be in the words of him who accepted the bribe to do it. And yet, why should it be "deliver up" in Matt, xxiv, . 9, and "betray-" in the following verse, when the scenes of persecution are referred to. We can divine a reason why "change" in Heb. vii, 12, becomes "translation" in xi, 5, and why "elements" in Gal. iv, 3, becomes "rudiments" in Col. ii, 8, and "first principles" in Heb. v, 12. It may be easily understood why the same adjective was "dumb" in such a clause as " the deaf hear " and " the dumb man spake," in Mark vii, 37, and "speechless" in reference to Zechariah, in Luke i, 22. He was, however, deaf as well as dumb, for they made signs to him to know how he would have his son named. The Greek word which when written in English letters is ' fiaprvs " TrapaSiSiapi, LII.] PARABLE, LOVE. 399 "myriads" is, in Jude 14 and Eev. v, 11, "ten thousand"; as a numeral of indefinite vastness, it may be safely applied to angels, " an innumerable company of angels " in Heb. xii, 22 ; but, with reference to believers in Jerusalem, it dwindles down to "thousands" in Acts xxi, 20, though in an allusion to a great crowd it is "an innumerable multitude" in Luke xii, 1. It may be admitted that "hapjDy" is used in Acts xxvi, 2, as fitting the apostle's condition, but it is also applied to those who suffer persecution in 1 Peter iii, 14, though they had been called "blessed" in Matt, v, 10. " Parable " is but the Anglicized form of the original Greek term, and it occurs forty-six times : seventeen times in Mat thew, thirteen times in Mark, and eighteen times in Luke. It becomes "comparison" in Mark iv. 30, the rendering no doubt suggested by the brevity of the parabolic statement, and "proverb" in. Luke iv, 23, the rendering dictated by the pithy nature of the utterance quoted. For a similar reason presented by the context it is translated "figure" in Hebrews ix, 9, and xi, 19. But another word elsewhere rendered "pro verb" is rendered " parable" in John x, 6, though in the fourth Gospel the noun truly and properly represented by "parable " never occurs. But the mistranslation in John keeps away from the reader the perception of this difference. Some reason, sup posed to lie in the surrounding clauses, probably created thethree- fold rendering " in due time," 1 Tim. ii, 6, " in his times," 1 Tim. vi, 15, "in due times,'' 1 Tit. i, 3 ;^ the two first variations are in the Bishops'. Why should the same word be rendered twenty- eight times " charity," ^ always but twice in 1 Corinthians, and over eighty times " love," as always in the Gospels and to the end of Eomans with one exception, xiv, 15. It is "love" as applied to individual emotion both divine and human ; — " love of God," "love of Christ," "God of love," "love to aU the saints," but "charity" in reference to the Christian grace in an abstract form ; 1 Thess. iii, 6, and 2 Thess. i, 3, being apparent exceptions. As in more recent times, "charity" has passed from its original meaning, and is used to denote either liberaUty of sentiment or beneficence, the clauses "charity shall cover '- Kaipols IStois. " dydrrrj. 400 THE ENGLISH BIBLE. [cH.i.p. the multitude of sins," 1 Peter iv, 8, and " shall hide a multi tude of sins," James v, 20, are liable to be misunderstood, as if almsgiving could in some sense secure divine forgiveness. In the first instance charity is the veil which love casts over human offences, and in the second the "sins" are those of persons who, being converted, pass into a state of pardon and acceptance. The term " charitably," in the adverbial form, was suddenly introduced by Tyndale in Eomans xiv, 15, and was imitated by his successors, though his preference of "love" to "charity" was one of Sir Thomas More's complaints against his translation of 1526.^ In the special chapter 1 Cor. xiii, " charity" was introduced by the Bishops' Version, all the older New Testaments having " love." Faith, hope, and love stand out in living connexion — faith, child-like ; hope, saint-like ; but love, God-like; "he that dwelleth in love, dwelleth in God and God in him." The verb which means " to put " or " cause to be put to death " ^ became, when used ethically, " mortify," ^ and a wrong translation occurs in Eom. -vii, 4, " ye are become dead to the law," but as the infliction of death does not pass out of the verb, the proper rendering is, " ye were slain, or made dead to the law." It was contrary to the spirit of faithful rendering to give the vague term " comfortless " in John xiv, 18, for the same word is pointedly rendered "father less" in James i, 27, but the last rendering was necessitated by the foUowing " widows." The changing of the " thief " of the first three gospels into " robber " in John x, 1, 8, could not be avoided, the clause being "a thief and a robber." Another and distinct term being rendered "thief," they were obliged to intro duce " robber," and they have rightly kept it in John xviU, 40, and in 2 Cor. xi, 26. * The adjective usually rendered "com- ^ See Vol. I, p. 189. monly called his mortification; and ^ ve.Kp6io his nearest heir, disappointed of his ^ "Mortify" is also a Scottish law expectations, may,' and does some- term, and "mortification" is much the times, with caustic Scottish humour, sameastheEnglish "mortmain." The style it " m^ mortification." property set apart by a deceased * KXiirrrj's — AgcrTT/?. donor for charitable uses, is com- LII.] HOLY GHOST— SPIRIT. 401 mon" 1 in the ordinary sense, has the same rendering in Acts x, 14, in reference to the Hebrew ritual, but the translators pass into exegesis when they give "defiled" in Mark vii, 2, "unclean" thrice in Eomans xiv, "unholy" in Hebrews x, 29, and the participle by " that defileth " in Eev. xxi, 27, according to the reading of their Greek text. The third person in the Blessed Trinity is sometimes in the New Testament termed " Holy Ghost," and sometimes " Holy Spirit," ^ the former being the predominant form and occurring about 90 times. But a careful distinction is observed, as "Ghost" is never used by itself with the article or with a possessive pronoun before it, or a genitive of person or quality after it. It is invariably " the spirit," or " my spirit," or " Spirit of God," or " of the Lord," or '' of Christ," or "of wisdom." But while this venerable archaic form, coming down from the Anglo-Saxon gospels and from Wycliff'e, may be retained, it must be somewhat stumbling to common readers to find such coUocations as " the Holy Ghost was upon him " Luke ii, 26, " it was revealed to him by the Holy Ghost " verse 27, but " he came by the Spirit into the temple," " Jesus being full of the Holy Ghost was led by the Spirit into the wilderness " iv, 1, " he returned in the power of the Spirit '' verse 14; " upon whom thou shalt see the Spirit descending, the same is he which baptizeth with the Holy Ghost " John i, 33 ; " filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak ... as the Spirit gave them utterance " Acts ii, 4 ^ " this spake he of the Spirit, for the Holy Ghost was not yet given'' John vii, 39; "which the Holy Ghost teacheth" 1 Cor. ii, 13; "the things of the Spirit of God" verse 14; "by the Spirit of God "— " by the Holy Ghost," both in 1 Cor xn, 3. The rendering in the second chapter of Matthew " young child " as applied to Jesus, suggested by the phrase " Mary," or " his mother,'' becomes simply " child " in the first and second chapters of Luke, and becomes "little chUd," "little chUdren," in the three Synoptical Gospels, when character or temperament is Ulustrated. The noun meaning multitude,^ occurring fifty times in Matthew, is rendered "the people" eight times and "mul- ¦' Koivos. ^ TO txyiov Trvevi/,a. ' 6;^Aos. VOL. II. 2 C 402 THE ENGLISH BIBLE. [chap. titude " forty-two times ; in Mark, where it is found thirty-eight times, "people" is the translation twenty times, "multitude" fifteen times, and "press," a new rendering, is given three times. St. Luke uses the term forty-one times, and in twenty-one places it is "people," t-wice it is "press," and five times it is represented by another new rendering — " company." It has a place in John twenty times, " people" stands for it seventeen times, "multitude" twice, and "com pany" once. Thus the rendering "multitude," so common in Matthew, falls off in Mark and Luke, and all but disappears in John. It occurs in the other parts of the New Testament twenty-six times, and is rendered eight times "multitude," sixteen times "people," once "company," and once simply "number" in Acts i, 15. Among these renderings, "company" is feeble, and "press" is inferential, taken from the context. But another sense, that of the people as in contrast to the higher ranks, has not been accepted. " Implacable" in Eomans i, 31, and not found in the Bishops', becomes something very different, — "trucebreakers" in 2 Timothy iii, 3; the common reader can see no connection between these renderings; the term in Eomans, however, has no authority. Each book has in itself similar variations. Thus, in Matthew, the word rendered " cast into prison " in chapter v, 25, becomes "deliver up" in x, 21, and "betray'' in xxvi, 21, the right rendering being indicated in the margin. The substantive translated " hem " in ix, 20, and xiv, 36, is altered into " bor der " in xxiii, 5. The noun rendered " householder " four times — xiii, 27, 52; xx, 1; xxi, 33 — ^is "goodman of the house" in XX, 11, and xxiv, 43 ; and there are similar variations in the other gospels. In xx, 20, there was no need for following the old versions, and altering the translation of the same word in the same clause, the right rendering being, "Then came the mother of Zebedee's sons with her sons." The Eheims preserves the uniformity. The phrase " he is a debtor " occurs in chapter xxiii, 16, but the same Greek words are rendered " he is guilty " in verse 18, with " debtor or bound " in the margin, showing that the variation was no inadvertence. Tyndale has " offendeth " in both verses, and he is followed by LU.] STYLE OF ST. MARK. 403 the Genevan, which has " debtor " in the margin. Coverdale and the Great Bible read " is giltye " in both places, the Bishops' having "he is a debtor," and the' Eheims "he is bound." What but an excessive desire of rhetorical variation could have induced the rendering of the same verb in the same verse by " separate " in the one clause, and " divide " in the foUowing one. Matt, xxv, 32; or in xviu, 33, "compassion" in the one clause, and "pity'' in the next ; or in xii, 5, "blameless," but " guiltless " in verse 7. The word rendered " streets " in Mark vi, 56, is "market" in vii, 4, and, more correctly, "market-place," in xii, 38. A special characteristic of the style of St. Mark is obU-i terated by adopting different translations, for the adverb ^ ] which occurs nine times in the first chapter, and is rendered " straightway " four times, " forthwith " twice, " immediately " twice, and "anon" once. At least uniform rendering should have been preserved; for though the sense is not altered, a peculiarity of the evangelist's rough and graphic diction is lost to the English reader. The same adverb occurs often through the gospel, " immediately " and " straightway " being the com monest renderings ; but we have also for it " as soon as," in V, 36, and xi, 2, whUe we have " by and bye " in Luke xvii, 7, and xxi, 9 — a phrase which has changed its meaning. Many other features of the style of this evangelist cannot be easily reproduced in any version ; such as his accumulation of nega tives, and his use of diminutives. But other peculiarities, springing out of his vivid and sudden dashes, ought not to be toned down in any translation. If such clauses ' appear bold and jagged in English, they are equally rough in Greek. The same noun is "broken meat" in chapter viii, 8, but "fragments" in verses 19, 20. The differences in rendering the same simple Greek term are quite amazing. The foUowing examples show that every -wrong method has been taken. When it is recorded, in chapter x, 13, that "they brought young children to him," it only confuses the reader to find in the Lord's invitation, " suffer the little chUdren to come," as if two difierent terms 404 THE ENGLISH BIBLE. [chap. had been employed, and two juvenile classes were in some way referred to. Our version in this variation follows the Eheims, which deviates here from its usual accuracy, while the Genevan and the Great Bible reverse the change, Tyndale having simply "children," the Bishops' "young chUdren," in both verses ; Coverdale having first " children," and then " the children." In Luke the " inn " in chapter ii, 7, is the " guestchamber " in xxii, 11. Very strangely, the benediction is "blessed be ye" in vi, 20, and " blessed are ye " in the others ; the words in italics in our common Bibles are not in italics in the first edition of 1611. A striking phrase is given thus — "thy faith hath saved thee "^ in vii, 50, and x-viii, 42 ; but the words are altered into " thy faith hath made thee whole " in viii, 48, and xvii, 19, limiting the result to the mere physical restoration, while the verb may imply that the outer healing was a sacramental symbol of inner change and blessing. "Uppermost seats " ^ in xi, 43, is " highest seats " in xx, 46, and first "chief room'' and then "highest room" in xiv, 7, 8. In xix, 13, the lord says to his servants, "occupy till I come," and then he is described in verse 15 as summoning these servants that he might know how much every man had gained by "trading." The word " occupy " once meant to trade, and " occupation " is still used in a similar sense, as in Acts xviii, 3; but "trade," " trading " should have been given in both places, to make the sense intelligible to plain readers.^ The Bishops' and the Eheims preserve the uniformity "occupy" — "occupying." The second Wycliffite version has " chaffare ye " — " how much ech had wonne by chaffaring." The earlier versions exhibit variety. In St. John the same term which is rendered " governor of the feast " in chap, ii, 8, is turned into " ruler of the feast " in the very next verse. The variation is in Tyndale, but Coverdale has, in both clauses, " master of the feast," and the Eheims, "chief steward." Nicodemus says, "we kno-w^ that thou art a teacher come from God," in iii, 2, and Jesus, using the same term, replies to him in verse 10, " art thou ^ TrpiDTOKadeSpta. ^ See page 251. LII.] ST. PAUL'S ADDRESS AT ATHENS. 405 a master in Israel ? " — the correspondence of the two state ments being so far lost by the change of rendering. The same verb is first " tarry " in the request of the Samaritans in iv, 40, and then " abode " in the clause which relates that the request had been granted. The " small fishes ' in vi, 9, become simply "fishes" in 11. In vi, 27, 28, the verb which is translated in the one verse " labour for " is in the next verse given as "work," and the connection of Christ's charge, with the question prompted by it, is weakened by the want of uniformity. The Eheims, after WycUffe, gives " work for " in the first instance, and thus keeps the con nection. In xvi, one verb ^ has three translations, " have I spoken " in verse 1 ; " have I told you " in 4 ; and " have said " in 6. In the same chapter, verse 30, the verb is translated first, "we are sure," and then in the same breath, " thou knowest, " instead of " now we know that thou knowest,"^ and there need have been no antipathy to the characteristic repetition. The verb is first rendered "put" in one clause, and then "thrust" in the next, in xx, 25, as if the impression had been that "thrust," the true meaning, was not applicable to so small an opening as that made by a nail. The variation began with Tyndale ; the Genevan and the Eheims preserve at least uniformity, " put my finger," — " put my hand." In the account of the institution of the " seven almoners " in Acts vi, " ministration " occurs in verse 1, " serve '' in verse 2, and " ministry " in verse 4, for the same term, verb and noun, when one rendering might have sufficed. ^ We have, when the term means to wait at table, such variations as " she ministered unto them," Mark i, 31, "hath left me to serve alone," " cumbered with much serving," Luke x, 40. " Serve " again is used in Luke xii, 37, xxii, 26, and throughout the Gospel of John. The noun becomes "relief" in Acts xi, 29, and is correct in sense, though it is an interpretation. In Acts xvii, delicate points in the apostle's address are lost by gratuitous change of English words. Some of the Athenians caUed him a " setter forth of strange gods," and in ^ XeXdXrjKa. ' o'iSafjiev ort orSas. ^ SiaKovca, SiaKovelv. 406 THE ENGLISH BIBLE. [chap. his reply he takes up the same term, and says, "Him set I forth unto you," but our version, by giving " declare I unto you," quite obscures the connection. The play upon^two words (18) is thus lost by a deflected rendering, the one being given as a " setter forth," and the other "because he preached." The trans lators might have tried to preserve the likeness of the same verb compounded with two different prepositions, the one present ing the Athenian point of view, and the other that of the his torian. Again, he says, " I found an altar with this inscription. To the Unknown God," and adopting the strange epithet "un known," he proceeds, "Him," or "what unknowing ye worship, set I forth unto you." The reader misses the Unk through the translation of the participle by the adverb " ignorantly." The variation was found in the older translators, the Eheims again excepted. The verb rendered so vividly, " tumed the world upside down," in xvii, 6, sinks into " madest an uproar " in xxi, 38. In the same chapter, the famous spot is caUed first "Areopagus " in verse 19, and " Mars hiU " in verse 21, but an explanation is given in the margin. In xxvi, 24, 25, the directness of the apostle's reply is unfelt, because of a tasteless variation. '' Paul, thou art beside thyself," should have heen foUowed by, " I am not beside myself, most noble Festus," or, " Paul, thou art mad," " I am not mad " — the apostle takes up the taunt, and repeats it in his retort. The variation is found in the earlier versions, the Eheims again is to be praised as an exception. The epithet rendered " most excellent " ia Luke i, 3, and in Acts xxiii, 26, becomes " most noble " in xxiv, 3, as also in xxvi, 25. In xxviii, 15, a proper name is untranslated, " Appii Forum," but in the next clause another proper name is given as " the Three Taverns." In Eomans ii, 2, 3, "commit" and "do" represent the same verb, the variation being found in Tyndale. In v, 2, 3, 11, occur in succession, the words "rejoice," "glory," "joy," aU standing for the same term,i the second rendering alone being the correct one, and by the change the exultant style is veiled from the English Protestant reader, the Eheims keeping the uniform translation. Uniformity of rendering is essential to the ¦' Kav^m/Jteda. LU.] CONNECTION WEAKENED BY VARIATION. 407 full appreciation of an argument ; vii, 7, " I had not known lust, except the law had said. Thou shalt not covet," it being the same Greek term in both clauses, and there being a special point in the repetition. The older versions keep " lust" in both clauses, Tyndale, followed by the Great Bible, giving, in the first clause, " I had not knowne what lust had meant," and Coverdale, " I had knowne nothinge of lust." The Bishops' foUows the Genevan, — " for I had not knowen lust, except the law had said. Thou shalt not lust." The variation was brought in by the Eheims through its love of the Latin term con cupiscence, which had no correspondent verb in English, — " for concupiscence I knew not, unless the law did say, Thou shalt not covet." The Authorized Version so far followed the Eheims, and places concupiscence in the margin. The noun might be rendered " coveting," ^ as " lust " has now a restricted signification. In a quotation in x, 19, the same noun is given as "people" in the one clause and "nation" in the other. In xi, 22, the same preposition with the very same reference is rendered in the one clause "on" — "on them" — and in the other "foward" — "toward thee." The connection between the quotation and the prayer in xv, 12, 13, is wholly obscured by translating the verb " trust" in the first instance and its noun "hope" in the second.^ It should have been "in Him shall the GentUes hope," — " Now the God of hope." What good purpose could be served by rendering the same noun "comfort" in XV, 4, and "consolation" in verse 5. Tyndale introduced the variation ; and the Eheims reverses the order, giving " consolation'' in the first clause and " comfort" in the second. In 1 Cor. iii, 17, the reader misses entirely the retaliatory nature of the doom predicted, on account of the capricious change in the translation of the same verb — "If any man defile the temple of God, him shall God destroy." ^ We cannot understand why such a change should have been made in words so solemn and pointed. As the man does to the temple, so God does to him, the sin^not only entailing the penalty, but moulding its form. The Genevan has " destroy " in both clauses, but our version follows the Bishops', which copies the '- kmOvixia. " kXTnova-tv, kX-rriSos. ' ipOetpei,, (f>Oepei. 408 THE ENGLISH BIBLE. [chap. earlier translators. Whatever rendering is adopted in the first ought to be repeated in the second clause. Even the Eheims fails here, "But if any man violate the temple of God, God ¦will destroy him." In x, 16, the theme is the utter incongraity between fellowship in the eucharist and in the heathen feasts, but the noun rendered in that verse " communion" of the blood of Christ — "communion" of the body of Christ, becomes in verse 18, in its personal form, "partakers" of the altar, and then, in verse 20, " have fellowship with " ; while another word is rightly rendered " partakers" in verses 17, 21.^ In xi, 29, the noun is wrongly rendered "damnation,"^ and then as wrongly "condemnation" in verse 34, "judgment," the right translation, in both cases, being given in the margin. The last word of the clause "then shall I know, even as also I am kno-wn," xiii, 12, is rendered more correctly in 2 Cor. -vi, 9, as "unknown" and "yet weU known." We have in xv, 24-28, the wondrous revelation of the final issue and change of the mediatorial kingdom, with a glimpse of what may be called Christian pantheism as the ultimate result that "God may be all in all." But in these verses, where uniformity of rendering is so essential to a correct understanding of the course of thought, the verb ren dered "put down"^ in verse 24 is translated " destroyed " in verse 26, the same action being described in both verses, while in verses 27, 28, another verb * is used no less than six times, but the English reader is kept in ignorance of the emphatic repetition, for it is rendered "put under" three times in verse 27, but in verse 28 it becomes "be subdued," "be sub ject," — " put under." If the apostle selected the term and deemed it necessary to repeat it as fitting in to his thought, and did not introduce any variation, why should any version court variety? Eepetition of the word cannot be worse in English than it is in Greek written by an inspired apostle who did not spend time in verbal elaboration or polish. Though there was no risk of misunderstanding the matter, yet there was no gain in rendering the same noun by "collection" in xvi, 1, and by "gathering'' in the following ' KotviDvoi , /i£Te';^a). 3 Karapykto. " Kptjxa, LIL] ST, PAUL'S REPEATED USE OF THE SAME TERM, 409 verse, the reverse of Coverdale's order, the Eheims having the Latin term in both clauses. Our version simply followed the Bishops', the older version giving "gathering" — "gather ings." The apostle sometimes carries through a long paragraph some leading term which gives life and colouring to it. The word appears and reappears, like a golden thread in a woven tissue. It is used and used again in his glowing rapidity of utterance, taken up again and again at every fresh turn. So long as the train of thought is unexhausted, this characteristic word is kept hold of, as if the repetition gave strength to the argument which no mere pronominal reference could supply. Thus it is in the thirteenth chapter of the first Epistle in a marked form; the rhythm is sustained whUe a new note is struck by the repetition of the noun. So it is also with the word "wisdom," which runs through the first chapter of the first epistle, and is ever cropping into view, and so it is often in the second epistle, as in the beginning of the second chap ter, where " comfort " is the predominant idea, mentioned and mentioned again as bearing on himself under peculiar and unwonted weaknesses and sorrows. In 2 Cor. i, 3, 4, uniformity of rendering is well preserved and the PauUne style is at once recognized, but the effect is soon marred, for " comfort" becomes " consolation'' in verse 5, twice in verse 6, and once in verse 7, while the word rendered "tribulation" in verse 4 is "trouble" in verse 8. It may be added, that the translators followed no fixed principle in the renderings, "affliction" and "tribulations," for "tribulation," occurs only in Eomans and in the Apocalypse. Though " comfort " is rightly kept four times in verse 4, " tribulation " is wrongly changed into " trouble," another Greek word being employed in verse 7, which is rightly rendered "sufferings." In the beginning of the second chapter "sorrow" is upper most; one term occurs seven times, the result of intense emotion which does not shrink from disclosing itself by such a monotone of utterance ; but the apostle's characteristic style is so far hidden, for the term occurring seven times is re presented by " heaviness," " sorry," " sorrow," " grieved," 410 THE ENGLISH BIBLE, [chap. "caused grief," "grieved," the two last being a translation of the same tense of the verb in two consecutive clauses. The word rendered "heaviness" in the first verse is "sorrow" in the third verse and all through the Epistle. In ii, 16, the apostle exclaims, under an awful sense of responsibility, "Who is sufficient for these things," and then, after a short digres sion, the answer is given in iii, 5, " our sufficiency is of God," but the unity of thought is distorted when, in the next clause, the cognate verb is rendered " who hath made us able minis ters." Tyndale has " who is mete unto these things ? " .... "our ableness cometh from God, which hath made us able to minister." The same rendering of the prominent terms should be kept: "our sufficiency" — "who hath made us suffi cient as ministers." Our version has followed the Genevan throughout. 2 Cor. i, 11, is pervaded by the idea of ministration, and the version is so far uniform; but in verse 12, the privUege of free and bold speech is introduced as a distinctive glory of the apostolate in contrast with Moses and his economy, and then the term "veil" dominates the next paragraph. "The veil on his face," " the veil untaken away " in the reading of the Old Testament ; " the veil upon their hearts," " the veil shall be taken away," and then in the last verse comes the practical application of this imagery; the point and beauty of which are lost by a change of rendering — " we all with open face," instead of " we all with unveiled face." After he had spoken to the people Moses veiled his face,^ a symbol of the dim and transitory nature of the typical economy, but the apostles appear ever with unveiled face. The contrast of the apostles to the veiled prophet is obscured by the rendering "open face." The idea reappears in the third verse of the next chapter, but its connection with the previous illustration is lost again by the change of rendering, for the clause should be " if our gospel is veiled, it is veiled," &c. ; the " hid " in the second verse is the right translation of a different term. In v, 6, there is a remarkable contrast stated in these terms, " absent '¦ The meaning of Exodus xxxiv, 33, is perverted by the word " till " printed in italics. LIL] VARIATIONS WORSE THAN USELESS. 411 from the body " — " present with the Lord," and in verse 8, the terms are repeated, " present or absent," but the rendering in the intermediate verse 6 is " at home in the body," and the English reader may not perceive that the words " at home " are represented by the word which is twice given as "present." A uniform translation should have been kept throughout, even though it would be difficult to do it. Variations are also found in the older versions. The thought that fiUs the apostle's mind in verses 9, 10, 11, of the same chapter, is that of manifestation, " made manifest unto you " — " made manifest in your con sciences," but the same verb gets a different rendering in verse 10, and the connection is darkened. The right translation, to be in harmony with verse 11, should be, " we must all be mado manifest '^ before the judgment seat of Christ." The verb is so translated in the majority of instances. It is used of our Lord and his saved ones in Col. iii, 4, and it occurs again and again in this epistle, " open disclosure," noted and visible exhibition, without the veil or shadow which belongs to hidden things. In vi, 18, the point, though not the sense of the pronoun, is lost by a needless change in the rendering of the preposition, as if it were a possessive pronoun, " I will be a Father unto you," and the next clause should have been " and ye shall be sons and daughters unto me," as both clauses present the same relationship. In viii, 10, 11, the same infinitive which i& translated " to be forward " in the first verse, is " to will " in the second ; and the noun which is translated " readiness '' in verse 11, is rendered "a willing mind" in verse 12. These variations occur also in the older versions with the exception of the Eheims. In x, 13, 15, 16, the same noun in a compact paragraph is twice rendered "rule"^ and then "line of things." The other versions, as may be expected, vary also; Tyndale and the Bishops' have " rule '' in the three cases, the Genevan has " line " in the last instance, " another man's Une," " that is in the things that are prepared already," and this probably infiuenced King James's revisers. In xii, 2, 3, the same verb is translated "knew"^ and then "teU," and the process being ' 4>av€p6(ii. ^ Kavmv. ' olSa, which means " I know." Veitch's Greek Verbs, p. 192. 412 THE ENGLISH BIBLE. [chap. immediately reversed, it is next rendered first " teU," and then •" knoweth. " In the same chapter, verse 9, the Lord's answer is " my strength is made perfect in weakness." The -apostle at once snatches up and re-echoes the Lord's last assuring words, " most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my weaknesses, that the strength of Christ may rest upon me," but the connection aud correspondence are masked in the English version, for " strength " is changed into " power," and "'weaknesses'' into "infirmities." Our translators followed the Bishops'; Tyndale, Coverdale, and the Great Bible preserve the uniformity. In Gal. iii, 22, 23, the same Greek term is rendered " con- oluded " in the one verse and "shut up " in the other; the change from Latin to Saxon was gratuitous, and the literal or Latin sense of the Greek term is not in common use. Among the older versionists Coverdale preserves uniformity In Phil, ii, 13, the participle rendered " that worketh " in one clause, has, in the other clause, its verb in the infinitive rendered " to do " — the response of man's co-operation to God's operation is in this way weakened — while a different verb is rendered " work " in the last clause of the previous verse. In iii, 6, the preposition given as " concerning " in the first clause becomes "touching" in the second; and while the noun is " gain " in verse 7, the verb is rendered " win " in verse 8. In 1 Thess. i, the noun rendered " mention " in the first verse becomes " remembrance " in the second, and in iii, 6. The first rendering occurs four times, and the second three times, in the Epistles of Paul. The same verb is rendered " came " and then " were " in verse 5 of the first chapter, " became " in the following verse, and " were " again in verse 7. In 2 Thess. ii, 6, 7, the neuter participle is given in the one verse as " what withholdeth," and the masculine participle as " he who letteth " in the next verse. " Letteth " came in with Coverdale and the Great Bible of 1539. In Heb. i, 1, the same term in composition is first " sundry " and then "divers," the correct sense being "many" — "in many parts and many ways " — a vivid description of the origin and LU.] MORE EXAMPLES. 4I3. structure of the Old Testament. The reading of the Authorized Version is that of the Genevan foUowed by the Bishops'. The last clause of iii, 11, is rendered "they shall not enter into my rest," and the reader is perplexed by the rendering of the same clause twice in iv, 3, 5, by these terms, " if they shall enter into my rest," and is apt to imagine there is some difference in the Greek. The rendering, " if they shall enter," ^ is a literal translation of the Greek, which imitates the form of the original threatening in Num, xiv, 23, 30, repeated in Psalm xcv. The idiom, as an intense negation, is a form of solemn Hebrew oath, and needed not to have been followed in one place and abandoned in the other places.. Tyndale does not use the conditional form, nor Coverdale, nor the Great Bible. In Num. xiv, 23, the Authorized Version has " surely they shall not see," and in Psalm xcv, 11, " that they should not enter." The Genevan introduced the literal and unidiomatic imitation, " if they shall enter." The Bishops' foUowed, and the Eheims reproduced the Latin. The verb rendered " he hath made old " in the first clause of viu, 13, has its participle translated in the next clause " decayeth," dimming to the reader the connection between statement and inference. The word which in Acts is twice rendered "prince" is translated "captain" in ii, 10, and "author" in xii, 2. No mere English reader could suppose that in James ii, 2, 3, " goodly apparel '' and " gay clothing " represented the same Greek phrase, which is also rendered " bright clothing " in Acts X, 30, where, indeed, as it is the glittering robe of an angel that is described, neither " gay " nor " goodly " would have been a suitable epithet. The Authorized Version, in these places, only followed the example of its predecessors, the Eheims excepted. The phrase in 1 Peter i, 7, " at the appearing of Jesus Christ " passes into a truer version in verse 13, " at the revelation of Jesus Christ." In 2 Pet. ii, 1, the genitive noun which appears in the epithet " damnable " in the first clause,^ reappears in the ' el dcj-eXeva-ovrai. " drnaXetas. 414 THE ENGLISH BIBLE. [chap. accusative in the last clause as " destruction," and again, in verse 3 as " damnation," the idea of retaliatory penalty being lost in the alteration. Our translators themselves seem to have introduced the variation; the Protestant versions have " damnable," " damnation," and the Eheims has " perdition " in both places. According to the text which our translators preferred, the word again occurs in the first clause of the second verse, and they vary the rendering by using "per nicious," but add, in the margin, " lascivious ways, as some copies read." In 1 John ii, 20, the noun translated " unction " becomes " anointing " twice in verse 27. " Unction " was taken from the Eheims, — WycUffe has " anoyntynge " in both places. In V, 9, the verb has one rendering and its noun another no less than three times, so that the idiomatic connection is destroyed. The clause might have been, " the witness of God which he hath -witnessed concerning his Son." In Eev. i, 15, the noun used twice in the same clause has two renderings — it should be " his voice as the voice of many waters." In iii, 17, the adjective rendered "rich" has its verb translated "increased with goods" in the next clause. In iv, 4, the same noun in the very same clause is rendered " throne " and then " seats " — " round about the throne were four-and-twenty seats." The change obscures the similarity of honour on the part of the redeemed to that of the Eedeemer, according to his own promise in Matt, xix, 28, " when the Son of Man shall sit on the throne of his glory, ye also shall sit upon twelve thrones.'' The change of "throne" into " seats," as if the honour were too godlike, was brought in by the Genevan, and foUowed by the Bishops'; Tyndale, Coverdale, the Great Bible, and the Genevan Testament of 1557 having " seat " — " seats," the Eheims having a strange variation, the reverse of the Authorized, " and round about the seate four-and-twentie seates, and upon the thrones four- and-twentie seniors sitting," following their Vulgate, the reading also of the Codex Amiatinus. Modern editions of the Eheims have been conformed to the Authorized, with "ancients" also for "elders." In xiii, 13, 14, the same noun LII.] HOLD— CAGE. 415 is rendered " wonders " and then " miracles," both being mis translations of a term which reaUy denotes " signs." The term is inconsistently rendered " sign " in xv, i, " I saw another sign in heaven," that is, an additional sign, but to any previous sign the Authorized Version gives no clue. Two signs are in deed spoken of in xii, 1, 3, but in both the places the translation is " wonder," and therefore the reference in xv, 1, is really lost. In xviii, 2, in the one clause a noun is translated " hold," and in the next clause " cage," as if to bring it into harmony with " bird " ; and there is an unwarranted variation in the use of the article, " the hold," " a cage," the words being both indefinite in the original. CHAPTEE LIII. r^N the other hand, one English term represents several Greek words, and many important distinctions sink out of view. But it is at once to be conceded, that the English language has not such a wealth of vocables as to supply a distinct term for every Greek noun or verb. We are therefore forced to use the same translation for different words in the original. Thus three Greek substantives are represented by the one rendering "net," meaning different shapes of the implement, and the distinction could only be brought out by the addition of some epithet.^ " care," "careth,"^ 1 Pet. v, 7, stands for two Greek words; Matt, xiii, 17, "see" is the translation of two verbs ;^ "reap" stands for two verbs in James v, 4,* and "know" for two verbs in Acts xix, 15.^ "Servant" repre sents seven Greek nouns, which, though distinguishable in meaning, have not each a distinct English equivalent. In Luke xvi, 2, 3, the same verb is rendered "said," in verse 5 another verb is rendered "said";^ the first verb occurs twice in verse 6, and twice in verse 7, along with that used in verse 5. Sometimes, however, a distinction is made, and in this case it could not be avoided. Acts xxvi, 14, " a voice speaking unto me, saying." The same EngUsh pro noun represents two different Greek ones in 1 John iii, 3, "this hope in him,"'' and "as he is pure"; and it would I StKTVOv, djMifiipXrja-Tpov, o-a- ^ yivwoKta, eTrlo-Tafiai. ynvrj. *¦ c'ircv, XaXei. 2 fiepLfjivda), pkXei. '' avTos, l/cetvos, the last pronoun 3 tSetv, /3Xk-n-cTe, of constant occurrence in the -writ- * dfiTja-dvTUV, 6epta-dvT(i)v. ings of St. John. DISTINCTIONS EFFACED. 4I7 be very difficult to preserve the distinction in English. Two words are rendered " purse," "^ the one being a bag, Luke x, 4, the other the girdle, in the folds of which was the pouch. Matt. X, 9. "Eeceived" stands for two Greek verbs in the same verse, 1 Thess. ii, 13, but the second might be rendered "accepted." " Money "^ represents five Greek nouns, but the distinction could not be easily kept in all cases, — silver money, bronze money, small coin or change, money sanctioned or current money applied to the tribute, and money in the sense of "the useful." "Tribute" represents three nouns, but one might be given literally as half-shekel. Matt, xvii, 24, 27, the tax paid for the support of the temple, the piece of money found in the mouth of the fish, being a stater, sufficing therefore for both Peter and his Master. It is impossible to find any other than the one word for the heathen altar in Acts xvii, 23, and for the Jewish altar so often referred to. We have no word but " bas ket " to represent, first, one term employed in the miracle of the feeding of the five thousand, and, second, another term employed in the miracle of feeding the four thousand. Matt, xiv, 20, xv, 37.* The first term is a smaller vessel, like that which the people in Palestine stiU carry with them, and the second is a larger vessel. Nay, the two terms are put in contrast in Matt, xvi, 9, 10, and in Mark viii, 19, 20, in two successive clauses of the same interro gation, and " basket " does service for both. The second was like a " hamper " or " pannier " which meant originally " bread basket," " panarium," and we have in the Bishops' Bible, Job xxxix, 31, " canst thou fill the basket with his skinne ? or the fish pannier -with his head?" in our version with a very different rendering. Job xli, 7. The earlier versions do not attempt a distinction, but the Eheims has "maundes" for the second word, a term yet preserved in Maundy Thursday. A third noun, rendered "basket" in 2 Cor. xi, 33, means a receptacle formed of ropes. "Brightness"* represents three Greek nouns, the first of ' fiaXdvTLOv, itaVT]. ' Ko^tvos, a-Kvpk. ^ dpyvpiov, xcAkos, KepiM, i/d/ttcr- ¦* dva-iyaa-ixa, XapTrporrjS, kiri- jxa, )(^p-qpa. (f>aveia. VOL. II. 2 D 418 THE ENGLISH BIBLE. [chap. which is brightness rayed or fiashed out — effulgence not reflec tion, Heb. i, 3 ; the second is the brightness which shines as of the sun. Acts xx-vi, 13 ; and the third is a mistranslation of a word which denotes only appearance, 2 Thess. ii, 8. "CrovTn"^ stands for two substantives quite different in character; the one in its EngUsh form is the diadem occurring three times in Eevelation. Thus in xix, 12, where it is the imperial diadem — "on his head are many diadems," that is, on the head of the royal Conqueror, King of kings, and Lord of lords. The great Eed Dragon, the hieroglyph of the Prince of Evil, has on his seven heads " seven diadems," and the portentous organism coming out of the sea, which he in spires, has also seven diadems, for it represents imperial Eome. The other term, occurring eighteen times, is the crown or chaplet, won and worn by the victor ; the crown of righteous ness, of glory, of life ; and that of gold which the saints cast at the feet of Him that sits on the throne. " People " represents four terms of distinct signification,^ not to be confounded, while it has also the general sense of populace, or the public, and often as distinct from the rulers. The first is often applied to the Jewish people as opposed to the Gentiles, Matt, ii, 6 ; Luke ii, 10, 32 ; Acts xxvi, 23 ; the second is the enfranchised people in their civil capacity, or as a regular assembly — assembled in the forum. Acts xvii, 5 ; xix, 30 ; the third, while it has also a general meaning of people or inhabitants, signifies often, and specially, the Gentiles, Luke ii, 32 ; Matt, iv, 15 ; x, 5 ; but the noun, which is properly "multitude," might alwaj'^s preserve its true signification. " Godhead," in Eomans i, 20, Acts xvii, 29, and Colossians ii, 9, represents three Greek words — that in Eomans being different from that found in Acts and Colossians.^ The first term, according to its origin, refers to quality, not to essence ; it is divineness, divinitas; proved from possession of certain attributes — such as eternity and omnipotence. But the second term, according to its origin, refers to essence — deitas, absolute ^ Sid&r]iJ,a, CTTe^avos. " Aaos, Srjp.o's, eOvos, oxAos. ' OeioTYjs. TO Oeiov, 6e6r7jkyyo?. ' X-vx'i'o'S. 422 THE ENGLISH BIBLE. [chap. rendered "candle," and six times "light," should rather be " lamp" — " the lamp of the body is the eye : if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light." The fourth term ^ is " lamp," or " torch," rendered " lights " in Acts XX, 8, seven times "lamp," and once "torches." The fifth term ^ is properly "luminary " — "light-giver,'' as in Philippians ii, 15, and Eev. xxi, 11. Compare Genesis i, 14-16. The phrase " her light " in the last passage is, as has been remarked, very ambiguous. It might mean the light shed by the city, whereas it is what the light shed upon it. Another noun,* translated " light," certainly, as its form implies, means " enlightenment " — 2 Cor. iv. 4, " the enlightenment of the gospel of the glory of God " ; " the enlightenment of the glory of God," 6. In these cases the enlightenment is not knowledge possessed by the apostles themselves, but the effect of instruction given by them to others. The foUowing monosyUabic particles simply, or in com position, have a wide representative sweep, often vague and miscellaneous, and often giving the sense in spite of the variations. Thus " at" represents 11 Greek particles, " of" 13, "in" 14, "on" 9, "by" 11, "with" 13, "for" 13, "about" 5, "after" 6, "upon" 7, "from" 6, "above" 5, "over" 8, " against " 10, " into " 6, " among " 11, " toward " 6, " through " 6, "till" 7. "Afterwards" represents 6 Greek adverbs or conjunctions, "and" 9 Greek terms, "always" 8, "nevertheless" .5, "though" 8, "so" 10, "also" 6, "but" 12, "yet" 10, "wherefore" 12, "while" 8, "therefore" 13, "save" 5, "because" 9. " For " represents 5 Greek conjunctions, " as " 20 Greek terms closely allied to each other, " even " represents 6 Greek particles, and " even as " the same number. Some of the common verbs do service for a great variety of Greek terms. Thus, apart from several idiomatic uses, such as " come down," " come nigh," " come by," &c., "come " serves for 32 different Greek terms, but in this way the sense is often obscured ; " depart " for 21 terms, several of them compounds of the same verb. Apart from similar idiomatic uses, such as ' Xaptrds, ^ i^iDO-TTjp. ' (jxoTia-pos. LIIL] CLUSTERS OF INSTANCES. 423 "give audience," "give heed," &c., give represents 14 Greek verbs, six of them aUied to one another, but as many ha-ving no connection. "Make" represents 13 Greek verbs, and is over 70 times employed as auxiliary to nouns and other verbs, as "make ashamed," "make war," "make merry," "make melody," "make whole," " make ado," " make mad," &c. " Eeceive'' re presents 17 Greek verbs, and is used in other ways, "to receive damage," "law," "seed," and as auxiliary of other verbs. "Go" stands for 16 Greek verbs, apart from its employment in such phrases as "go abroad," "go astray"; "go out" representing 5 verbs, "go up" 4, and "go about" 6. "Abide" represents 10 Greek verbs. " Speak " stands for 8 Greek verbs, apart from such uses as in the phrases " speak out," " speak with," " speak against," which does service for 2 verbs, " speak before " for 2, and " speak evil " for 3. " Stand " represents 7 Greek verbs, several of which are connected in origin, besides other forms, such as " stand in doubt," " stand round about," &c. " Leave " represents 9 Greek verbs, 4 of which are of common origin. "Take" represents 21 Greek verbs, besides being found in such phrases as " take care," " take counsel," "take thought," «Sz;c. ; " take heed " represents 2 verbs, " take away " 1 verb with 5 compounds, " take up " represents 8, and " understand " 9. " Show " represents 20 verbs, and is in many cases an inappro priate rendering, the various meamngs and shades of meaning be ing wholly neglected. " Lay" stands for 8 Greek verbs, besides being used in such phrases as " lay aside," " lay down," " lay on," " lay even -with the ground," " lay up," which represents 3 different verbs, and " lay wait." " KiU " represents 6 different Greek verbs, which are also rendered by " slay." " Keep " represents 12 Greek verbs, besides being used in such phrases as " keep the feast," " keep back," " keep silence," " keep close," "keep company." "Behold" represents 12 Greek verbs, "break" 9, "caU" 12, "carry" 7, "catch" 9, " change " 8, " continue " 13, besides such renderings as " continue in," and " instant in " or "with," "command " stands for 8, "declare" 14, "deliver" 11, " consider " 11, " bring " 13, "bring forth " 15, apart from such renderings of other verbs as "bring again," "bring down," " bring low," " out," " safe," " together," " up," and " upon," &c. 424 THE ENGLISH BIBLE. [chap. " Appoint " represents 10 Greek verbs, several of which are of common origin. " Stranger " represents five words, having the same general meaning, with specific shades of signification. Of the four words rendered " punishment," the first is satis faction as a matter of right and justice, 1 Peter ii, 14; the second is infliction of penalty. Matt, xxv, 46; the third is originally damages assessed upon a citizen, 2 Cor. ii, 6; and the last is castigation, Hebrews x, 29. "Serve" stands for four verbs, of which one signifies specially divine ser-vice;^ " service" stands for three nouns, two of which belong to the verb just referred to, and the other is often used with a hallowed limitation.^ In James i, 17, "gift" * represents two Greek nouns genericaUy the same, — the Genevan has for the first word "every good giving." This translation of several Greek terms by the one English term does not characterize nouns to the same extent. But "child" represents 6 terms, "judgment" 8, "mind" 7, "destruc tion" 4, "disease" 4, "world" 4, "offence" 4, "power" 6, "raiment" 5, "robe" 4, "tempest" 4, "work" 5, "end" .5, "light" 6, "lust" 4, "man" 4, apart from such phrases as "a man," " no man," " any man," " every man," " a certain man," &c., "country" 5, "craft" 4, and "garment" 4. The following represents each three Greek nouns, "dearth," "conversation," "damsel," "gain," "curse," "flood," "fruit," "feUow," "minis ter," "slaughter," and "wave." Two Greek nouns are both rendered " unbelief," the first of them uniformly and correctly, and the second of them is three times rendered, as it ought to be, " disobedience," but as often " unbeUef" " Then," * in John xi, 12, 14, represents two different Greek adverbs, the one tem poral and the other logical. There are four words rendered " likewise," and the meaning is well given " in like manner.'' The adverb which occurs so often, is used only in this sense in the New Testament, but as in modern English it simply means " also," its scriptural meaning is often overlooked. In this case '- XeiTovpyita. * ovv, so common in St. John, " Xarpeia. might be, in very many cases, distin- ' 8dcns, SiiprifJta. guished from rare, iu translation. LUI.] CHILD— CHILDREN. 425 a fuller form of translation might now be given, especially in all places where "also" and "likewise" are found in the same verse, as Heb. ii, 14, "as the chUdren are partakers of flesh and blood, he also himself likewise took part of the same,"- — not only "also" but "likewise"- — in the very same way. Of the words rendered "child," one is "babe"^ and is four times so rendered, once " young children," once " child " in 2 Tim. iii, 15, in reference to Timothy, and in Acts it refers to the Hebrew babes cast into the Nile. The diminutive " littie child " ^ is often so rendered, but it is simply " children" in the account of the two miraculous banquets, and it becomes " dam sel" in Mark v, 41, the epithet applied to the daughter of Jairus. A third term is rightly rendered "babe"* in the Gospels, but is also rendered "child" seven times, the word having also a figurative signification, as in Matt, xi, 25, xxi, 16, 1 Cor. iii, 1. A fourth term is uniformly rendered "little children";* and a fifth, "child,"^ "chUdren," used more than ninety times, is sometimes translated "son," as in Luke xv, 31, xvi, 25, and is applied to Timothy, though it might be translated "child" in most of the places, as in 1 Cor. iv, 14, "my beloved children," and in verse 17, "Timotheus, who is my beloved child." In fact, our version sometimes renders the term -vy^hich ought to be "sons" by "children," and sometimes that which ought to be "children" by "sons," and thus obliterates an important distinction between John and Paul, the former only using "child" as applied to believers, and the latter "sons." The two last words are identified in 1 Cor. xiv, 20, and the point is lost in our version, "Be not children in understanding, howbeit in malice be ye children," whereas the sense is "howbeit in malice be ye babes." The Authorized Version has very pro perly " children" in the margin of 1 Peter iii, 6, where it has in the text " daughters,'' the true rendering being " Sarah, of whom ye became children." The English translation suggests the wrong idea, that by imitating Sarah's example they would earn the title of Sarah's daughters. The translation of another ' f3pk(f>os. ^ iratSiov. ' ' vijirio's. ¦* TCKVIOV. ^ TiKVOV. 426 THE ENGLISH BIBLE. [chap. term varies between "child" and "servant," it being once " menservants," three times " son," once " young man," and twice " maiden," " maid." The term certainly means children, male and female, in all the ages of childhood, and as certainly it means sometimes also "servants," our word "boy" having a similar ambiguity. The higher sense of service also belongs to it, as applied twice to David in Luke i, 69, and Acts iv, 25 ; to Israel in Luke i, 54, to the predicted Messiah in Matt, xii, 18, and to Jesus in Acts iii, 13, 26 ; and in those last places it should be rendered "servant,"^ the reference being to the Messianic or official character. The epithet is never used of the apostles. " Son" might be preserved even where it is now rendered "child," as in the Hebrew idiom "sons of the bride- chamber," "sons of the kingdom," "Zebedee's sons," for we have "Peter and the two sons of Zebedee," "sons of this world"; but "children of Israel" is a phrase too familiar to be easily changed. Two words are rendered "immortaUty,"^ but one is properly "incorruptness" or "incorruptibility," in Eomans ii, 7, and 2 Tim. i, 10. " Sickness" represents three terms, which aU signify indis position or chronic debility. One is actual ailment and is often rendered "diseases," a second is rendered "sickness," and a third may mean the weakness caused by sickness, as in Luke vii, 10, and it is often rendered "infirmity." Its adjective is an epithet applied to conscience, and could not well be rendered " sick," 1 Cor. viii, 7, and to a brother possessed of slender knowledge and feeble self-regulative power, verse 11. The very unfortunate translation of "beasts'" in the Apoca lypse has often been noticed. These " living " ones were com posite or cherubic creatures stationed in the immediate presence of God, "in the midst of the throne, and round about the throne," Eev. iv, 6 — forms of life ever in fellowship with the absolute Life, the throned Lifegiver. The other " beasts " * of the same book are symbols of dark and terrible earth-powers, 1 Trais. * Orjptov — "beast," or "monster," " d(t>9apa-ta, ddavaoia, occurring over thirty-five times. ' ^ciiov. LIIL] DIE AND DEAD CONFOUNDED, 427 noted for rebeUion and persecution, for ferocious impiety, and for an awful and ominous downfaU and penalty. The Ehemists must have been under a strong delusion, for in their Latin copy they had " animalia " and " bestia," and our o-wn revisers had " Uving creatures " in the first chapter of Ezekiel. Perhaps the translation was suggested by the form of these animal figures — the lion, ox, eagle, and man, wrought into one figure, — emblems frequent in all the oriental forms of worship. Two adjectives are both rendered " poor." The one occurs only once in 2 Cor. ix, 9, and means a poor man, a pauper, and also several times in the Septuagint; but the other term means beggars in Luke xvi, 20, 22, while another participle is used in John ix, 8. "Dead"^ represents two Greek words which vary in signifi cation. There is the simple verb used only in the perfect, ahd its commoner compound, which means "to die." The simple verb is usually translated "dead." The compound is often and rightly rendered by "die." The aorist cannot often be rendered in this way, Mark v, 35, or Luke viii, 49, where the perfect is used. But in Luke xvi, 22, and in the story told to Christ of the luckless woman seven times widowed, in Luke xx, the proper translation is preserved, and it would have been better to have preserved this rendering in John vi, 49, 58, " Your fathers ate manna in the wilderness and died," as is done in viii, 21, "ye shall die in your sins," and in many other places. In Eom. vi, vii, viii, this is the proper rendering, not "is" or "are dead," but "died": "we died to sin," " died to the law," 2 Cor. v, 14; "if one died for all, then all died," Galatians ii, 19; Colossians ii, 20, "if ye died with Christ"; rightly in 2 Cor. vi, 9, "as dying, and behold we live." The adjective,^ however, refers to the state, and is always ren dered "dead." Two words are rendered " world " without distinction ; the one is " world " always, but with varying senses — as the globe, the population upon it, especially as now conditioned by sin ' 6vTJo-Kto, dTToOvqa-Kto, putting to death of Jesus ; what put 2 viKpoi, veKptao-LS is more than Jesus to death was ever expected to " the dying " — 2 Cor. iv, 10, is the seize and martyr them. 428 THE ENGLISH BIBLE, [chap. ¦and alienation from God. The other, meaning " age," oftenest occurs in a temporal sense, as in the phrase, "for ever and evermore," &c., and is also sometimes rendered " world," as in Matt, xii, 32; Mark iv, 19 ; Luke xx, 34 ; 1 Cor i, 20; 2 Cor. iv, 4. It would be impossible to put " age " in many of the places, or to give it an ethical sense. We have also the two words in one clause in Eph. ii. 2, " according to the course of this world." ^ "WiU" is at once the auxiliary in the formation of the English future, but it also represents two different Greek verbs,^ so that the distinction cannot be always marked by the English reader. Thus in Matt, xi, 27, " and he to whomsoever the Son will reveal him " reads like a simple future, but it is to whom the Son willeth to reveal him. In some cases, the rendering is " would " (Acts xvii, 20), " would know," and sometimes it is " intended " (Acts xii, 4), and " disposed " (1 Cor. X, 27). " They that wiU be rich," is really "they that would be, or desire to be, rich," 1 Tim. vii, 9. So with the second Greek verb in Matt, v, 40, " If any man wiU sue thee at the law," is not a supposed future occurrence, as the Eng lish might imply, but, " if any man would sue thee." In Matt, xvi, 24, " If any man willeth to come after me " — his own volition and purpose being contained in this verb. The use of " would " might tend to remove the dubiety in Matt. XV, 32 ; xix, 17, 21 ; xx, 14 ; Mark x, 43.* John viu, 44, is no mere prediction — -"The lusts of your father ye will do," but it is "ye wiU to do." Acts vii, 28, "Wilt thou kUl me?" is no simple future, but is "wiliest thou to kill me?" Matt. XV, 32, " I will not send them away fasting," better, " I would not send them." Twice the phrase occurs, " I will 1 Kocr/ios, aliLv, instances no question of Greek is ¦¦^ /3o-uXop,at, dkXca, MIAAo), foi- involved." Surely the mere future lowed by an infinitive, is often of a Greek verb does differ from rendered as a simple future, while a finite verb connected with an in- its more distinctive sense might be finitive following. Fhilology of the in many cases preserved, as is done English Tongue, p. 203, Oxford, in John iv, 47. 1871. 'Mr. Earle says "that in these LIIL] WEEP, SERVANT, JUDGE, 429- have mercy," Matt, xii, 7, Eomans ix, 15, but with a wide difference of meaning. In the first place it is, " I desire mercy and not sacrifice," on the part of man ; in the second case, the phrase is the simple future, an expression of God's sove reign procedure. "Weep " represents two verbs,i the one of which is of common occurrence, and is once rendered " bewail " in Eev. xviii, 9 ; the other ^ occurs only once, and in that shortest and most memorable verse, " Jesus wept," John xi, 35. Such a verse, so familiar, so pregnant with assurance of His fellow-feeling, it would be, perhaps, impossible to alter. The other verb is applied to Mary and the Jews ; Jewish mourners wail rather than weep, and in the midst of this demonstrative sorrow, and in sympathy with it, His bosom heaved. His eye filled, and Jesus shed tears. " Strong crying and tears " in Heb. v, 7, are associated apparently in reference to the agony of Gethsemane. "Servant,'' in the parable in Matt, xxii, represents two different words — first, the class that summoned the invited guests, human agents, verses 3, 4, 8, and 10 ; and then the class that execute the penal sentence, and are angelic ministers. The distinction between " servant '' and " minister " is found in Tyndale, the Great Bible, the Genevan of 1557, and the Bishops', but was obliterated by Coverdale and by the Genevan of 1560. The Authorized Version is without excuse, for in Mark x, 43, 44, it has both " minister " and " servant." The word "judge " represents three allied Greek verbs, and puzzles the reader in 1 Cor. xi, 31, 32, " for if we would judge ourselves, we should not be judged," " but when we are judged, we are chastened of the Lord." * The verb means " discerned," " if we had discerned ourselves we should not be judged," and the term is so rendered in verse 29, " not discerning the Lord's body." In verses 32 and 34 the words " condemned," " con demnation," stand for two different words, the former of which* is properly rendered, but the latter^ is only judgment, and the 1 xAatfc), " SaKpijw, " el yap eavTov's SteKpivopev, o-vk av kKpivopeOa, ^ KaraKpLdS>[i.ev, ^ Kpi/Jta, as in verse 29. 430 THE ENGLISH BIBLE, [chap. verb is properly translated in Eomans ii, 1 and 3. " Judge " stands for two verbs, single and compound, in 1 Cor. iv, 3, 4, 5, " It is a small thing that I should be judged of you," " He that judgeth me is the Lord," " Therefore judge nothing before the time"; but the compound verb used in 3 and 4 does not mean "to judge," but to inquire into ^ (compare 1 Cor. x, 27, where it is given as " asking no question "). Its noun ^ signifies a preliminary examination before a judge. Acts xxv, 26, like what in Scottish law is called a " precognition." Similar mis translations occur in 1 Cor. ii, 15, though a better translation is given in the last clause of the previous verse — "discerned." " Wash " represents three Greek verbs, two of which may be distinguished as they occur in John xiii, 10, rendered in our version as in the older versions, "He that is washed needeth not save to wash his feet, but is clean every whit"- — Jesus washed the feet of his disciples, Peter objected, but cried in the end, " not my feet only, but also my hands and my head," and the reply of Jesus is in the words quoted. But the first verb* employed signifies the application of water to the whole body, as with the dead body of Dorcas according to Jewish ritual, Acts ix, 37, in the proverb quoted in 2 Peter ii, 22, and in Heb. X, 23, and Eev. i, 5. It means therefore to bathe, and the other verb * means to wash a part of the body, as the face, Matt, vi, 17, the hands, Mark vii, 3, and the feet as in this paragraph, " He who is bathed needeth not save to wash his feet," as his feet touching the floor after he comes out of the bath may contract impurity. The third verb^ is usually connected with things, such as nets, Luke v, 2, robes, Eev. vii, 14, and according to another reading in Eev. xxii, 14. The adjective "other" represents two distinct words, and these occur together in Gal. i, 6, 7, " so soon removed from him that called you unto another gospel, which is not another." The first epithet denotes distinction among individuals, and the second difference of kind, being so soon removed to a different gospel which, however, is not " another " or additional gospel ; ^ dvaKptvip, ' dvaKpitris, ' Aoi;(i>. * VlTTTtO. " irX-vvb). LIU.] REMISSION— PRETERMISSION. 431 and similarly in 2 Cor. xi, 4, and 1 Cor. xv, 39, 40, 41. In the last place, the first adjective refers to things of different classes, generically different as celestial and terrestrial, and the second to objects of the same class, sun, moon, and stars. " Eemission" stands for two Greek nouns, the one of which occurs only once in Eomans iii, 25,^ the other is six times rendered "forgiveness" and nine times "remission." The first is rightly rendered in the margin of Eomans iii, 25, ''passing- over" — it is not remission, but prsetermission. The meaning is, God set Christ forth to be a propitiation, through faith in his blood, for a declaration of His righteousness on account of the prEetermision in the forbearance of God of the sins that went before. This long interval, prior to the advent of Christ, had witnessed no adequate exhibition of God's wrath against sin, therefore now, or " at this time," there was a very signal and awful manifestation of it in the blood of his Son. None of the early versions indicate the difference. The translation in Eomans xii, 2, " be not conformed .... but be transformed," would lead the English reader to imagine that the Greek terms so rendered are the same verb com pounded with different prepositions. But the verbs are very different in form altogether — " fashioned .... transformed." Two different terms ^ are both rendered " burden " in Gal. vi, 2, " bear ye one another's burdens," and verse 5, " every one shall bear his own burden." The first is " loads " which others in sympathy may help to carry ; the second is the individual burden which each must carry for himself, sin, weakness, responsibiUty. The earlier English versions do not attempt to mark the distinction ; the Vulgate has onus in both cases, and the Eheims therefore translates both substantives by "bur den." "Eepent" represents two verbs,^ which occur together iu 2 Cor vii, 10, " Godly sorrow worketh repentance to salvation not to be repented of" Both verbs are always rendered "repent," though there is a very important distinction between them. The one is a term of deeper meaning and really ' trdpea-L's, acfiea-is, ° l^dprj, (f)opTiov, ' /iCTavoeu), fierapeXopat, 432 THE ENGLISH BIBLE, [chap. denotes change of mind, and in the New Testament the profound and vital change; while the other term is more superficial in nature, though it sometimes approaches the other in meaning. It is rather regret, " a repentance unto salvation not to be regretted," or remorse, as in the case of Judas, Matt. xxvii, 3. As Bengel remarks, "the first verb is put in the imperative, the second never." In James i, 15, " bringeth forth" represents two different verbs ;^ " lust, when it hath conceived, bringeth forth sin : and sin, when it is finished, bringeth forth death." The first is rightly rendered, the image being that of the mother; but, in the second clause, sin, when it is perfected, begetteth death, the image is that of the father. WycUffe and the Eheims, foUo-wing the Latin, make a distinction by " conceived " and " gendreth," but the distinction is not imitated by any of the other versions. The two verbs meaning generally "to do" and "to make" may be often distinguished in translation ; 2 and several words referring to speech might be kept distinct.^ Other terms closely aUied in meaning,* and different verbs connected with -vision,^ might also be marked. The rendering "I know" in Acts xix, 15, represents two different Greek verbs, which may and ought to be, distinguished. Canon Lightfoot proposes, " Jesus I acknowledge, and Paul I know." It would be difficult to preserve the distinction in any translation of 2 Cor. v, 16. '' Hell " represents two very different Greek nouns. Hades and Gehenna, the first of which is rendered " grave" in 1 Cor. XV, 35, where it is personified, and it sometimes approaches in sense to Gehenna, as in Matt, xi, 23, and in Luke xvi, 23. But it often means the other or spirit-world, the region of disem bodied spirits, as in Acts ii, 27, 31, and in the Apocalypse, when death ceases, Hades comes to an end. Could "Hades" not now be naturalized ? Is its meaning so well known that it might take its place in an English Bible? HeU, with the ^ TbKTto, dTroKvkia. ^ Tqpkto, (jiyXdcra-to ; aiTCM, kpte- " TTotkio, irpdo-o-ia. raw. ! AaAeo), Xkyia, eiwov. ' fSXeirta, opdto, detopkia, dedopai. LIIL] DEVIL— DEMON. 433 popular conception of it, is in many places a sad mistransla tion. The older versions did not attempt to make any dis tinction. "DevU" represents two terms, the one of them, the Greek form of the word " devil," occurs at least thirty-five times, and the other is the term " demon," the masculine form of which occurs only five times in the Eeceived Text, but two of the instances are more than doubtful. The neuter form is the common one, especially in the Gospels, where it is found over fifty times, while in the succeeding books it occurs eight times. In Acts xvii, 18, it is rendered "gods." The correspondent verb is found only in the Gospels, and there thirteen times, and it is usuaUy rendered "possessed with," or " ofthe devil" or "devils," and in John, where it is found only twice, the rendering is " that hath a devil." On the other hand the term "devil" has a literal and human application, as in John vi, 70, where, without the article, it is applied to Judas; in 1 Tim. iii, 11, where it occurs in the plural, and is translated " slanderers " ; and in 2 Tim. iii, 3, and Titus ii, 3, where it is rendered " false accusers." But it has a special and emphatic use — "the devil" — never in the plural and always with the article, one being and one only having the terrible pre-eminence. The "demons" are spirits, " unclean," " evil," but he is Satan, the Tempter, the Enemy, the Adversary, the god of this world, the prince of this world, who has the power of death, the Old Serpent, the Great Dragon who deceiveth the world. Certain men are said to have these demons, to be demonized, or to be mobbed by them, Luke vi, 18, and the result of Christ's power was that the unclean spirit "came out," — -" Come out and enter no more into him." Possession was disease like epilepsy, for the victim was "healed " ; and some kind of insanity, for the "right mind " was restored. But it was something more, — the intrusion of an alien force into the nervous system, impeding sensation, so that the patient was deaf and dumb, with perfect organs but without power to use them, his will overlorded by an alien might,'^ which created the confusion of an apparently dual consciousness. The rendering of the two distinct terms by the same word, ' Kara^vvao-Tevio. VOL. II. 2 E 434 THE ENGLISH BIBLE. [chap. obliterates a very marked distinction to the EngUsh reader. The Wycliffite versions are not uniform, as in Matt xu, 24, both have " fiends," but in verse 27, " If I by Belzebub cast out devils." If Tyndale had ventured to introduce "demon," it would long since have been naturalized; and even now the distinction being generally understood, it might be safely intro duced into an English version for personal and public reading. " Miracles " stands for two terms, ^ which are occasionaUy confounded, while another noun always used in the plural is rendered " wonders." This first name is never directly given to any of Christ's miracles in the Gospels. It is once so em ployed along with the other terms in Acts ii, 22, to characterize Christ's miracles ; and those done by the apostles, Heb. ii, 4 ; also those done by the man of sin, 2 Thess. ii, 9. The English term " miracle " is not very significant of the character of Christ's supernatural works, for the element of wonder was the least characteristic element in them : it was like the toUiug of the bell to summon the people to worship. The second term denotes power, or the element of power inherent in those miracles. It is often translated " mighty works " in the sjTiop- tical Gospels, and in the other parts of the New Testament. But when used as a nominative, Mark vi, 14, the sense is, " the powers do work in him," and not " mighty works do show forth themselves in him." But the meaning of the word is completely lost when it is vaguely rendered " miracles '' in Mark ix, 39; Acts ii, 22; viii, 13; xix, 11, &c. "Mighty works " should have been given in all these places. The third term, " sign," is the highest and most suggestive of all, and it is vaguely and variously rendered. The miracle was a " sign," or token of divine interposition, and that is the primal distinction. But the meaning and significance are quite lost by its being rendered more than twenty times " miracles," once in Luke xxiii, 8, and twelve times in John, so that one charac teristic element of the style of the fourth Gospel is obliterated, " sign " being John's favourite term for Christ's divine deeds, which are never called by him in themselves works of power or of wonder. In the places of the three Gospels where ^ Tepas, Sxvapis, a-rjpe'iov. LUL] MIRACLE— SIGN,— WONDER, 435 the word has its ordinary meaning, it is uniformly rendered " sign," and it should have been kept throughout. It is given in John xx, 30, as " signs ''¦ — " many other signs truly did Jesus," and the question may be asked. What and where are the " other signs," for they get no such name in the previous chapters. The point of many a passage is thereby lost. The mistranslation or variation was introduced on purpose, for four times the rendering is " sign " when the reference is to miracles in John; and it is also rendered "wonders" three times in Eevelation, and the rendering introduces confusion. In the other books it is rendered capriciously, in Matthew and Mark it is only " sign," in Luke " sign " ten times, " miracle " once, in Acts "sign" seven times, "miracle " five times ; in the Epistles, "sign'' eight times, and "token" once in 2 Thess. iii, 17.-^ It is all but impossible to represent an anakolouthon in a version, or any of the paronomasia, such as are met with in Matt, xxi, 41; Luke xxi, 11; Acts viii, 30; xvii, 25; Eom. xii, 3; 1 Cor vii, 31; xii, 2; 2 Cor i, 13; iii, 2; v, 8; x, 12; xii, 4; 2 Thess. i, 6 ; iii, 11 ; Eph. v, 15 ; Heb. v, 8; or such related terms as are found in Matt, xvi, 18 ; and 1 Tim. i, 8. In a few cases there is some imitation of the assonance of the original. The fulness of sense usually evaporates, when a verb governs a cognate word. Compare Luke ii, 8 ; Eph. iv, 8 ; Col. ii, 19; 1 Tim. vi, 12; 1 Peter iU, 14; Eev. xvii, 6. But the connection between the symbol and the gift is not and cannot be kept in John xx, 22, "he breathed on them, and said, Eeceive ye the Holy Spirit (Breath)." Nor can a like connec- "^ It would scarcely be possible rrapdKXrjTOs is neither " comforter " ¦to give a distinct meaning to k^ova-'ta nor " advocate" in the modern sense and S-uvap.ti ¦ though " authority " is of those words, and there is no single the sense of the first, and " power " English term that covers it. " Com- of the second ; the first is often ren- forter " is also an active rendering of dered "power," but the second never a passive form. "A time accepted," " authority." Two allied adjectives and " the accepted time " stand are distinguished— one, o-dpKivo% for distinct but closely connected which occurs only once, being ren- adjectives, 2 Cor. vi, 2. 'Apviov, dered "fleshy," 2 Cor. iii, 3, while and a/xi/os used four times, and crapKtKos is often translated " car- always of Christ, cannot be distin- nal," and twice " fleshly. " But guished in an English translation. 436 THE ENGLISH .BIBLE, tion be marked in 2 Cor. i, 21, " He that stablisheth us with you in Christ (the Anointed) and anointed us is God." Every English reader above the intellectual level of Davus must of necessity suppose that " teach "...." teaching," Matt. xxviii, 19, 20 ; "kept," .... "kept," John xvii, 12; "sounds," ..." sounds," 1 Cor. xiv, 7 ; " came "...." came " in 36 ; " made "...." made," 2 Cor. v, 21 ; " ministering," . . . "minister," Heb. i, 14, represent respectively the same Greek words repeated in those verses quoted. But it is not so. And, on the other hand, Davus himself, if he w-ere only partially awake, could not but imagine that "release" and " let go," John xix, 12, represent different Greek verbs, and that "nigh" and "near," Matt, xxiv, 32, 33, "perfect" and "throughly furnished," 2 Tim. iii, 17, are put do-wn to render different words in the original. Perhaps he might say, as some have said, that though Jesus forbids the use of the ejaculation, " Thou fool," Matt, v, 22, he yet employs it himself, " 0 fools," Luke xxiv, 25. But the identity is only in the English version. And he must be startled to find Jesus saluting the traitor Judas as " friend," Matt, xx-vi, 50, " friend " being the uniform rendering of a very different Greek term. CHAPTEE LIV. npHE translators were guided by no fixed principle in dealing with the Greek article. Yet it ever serves its own pur pose in the original, and is to be rendered in all cases, save where the English idiom forbids it. The translation of it is impossible, indeed, in the case of abstract nouns and proper names, such as " wisdom," Matt, xi, 19 ; " sin," Eomans vii, 8 ; "nature," 1 Cor. xi, 14; "death," xv, 21; "God," as in 1 Thess. i, 9, though the article is there significant. As the article is used by us only in some nominal epithets, as " the apostle," " the evangelist," it may be doubted whether the English ear would bear such a literal rendering as " the weeping, the gnashing of teeth," Matt, viii, 12. It might stand before the first three nouns in Matt, xxiii, 23, but not so well before the three last. So that the presence and absence of the article cannot be well, or at least uniformly, marked in EngUsh. The phrase " Holy Spirit," when used in an objective sense, as de noting the Spirit in Himself, has commonly the article in Greek, but wants it when used in a subjective sense, as referring to His gifts or influences. There are many examples. There are many irregularities : 1 Thess. v, 5, " ye are all the children of light and the children of the day," and yet neither substantive has the article ; and we have in the next clause, " we are not of the night nor of darkness," both nouns being again without the article. Somewhat similarly in the publican's prayer, — "Be merciful to me a sinner," Luke xviii, 13, where the article should be translated, for the suppliant singles out himself in his profound emotion, and he knew also that he was pointed at, from his class and profession, as " the sinner." John iii, 10, 438 THE ENGLISH BIBLE, [chap. "Art thou a teacher?" "the teacher ? " specializing his repute and authority. In 1 Thess. v, 8, "faith, love, salvation," as being terms familiar and definite, have no article, and, by correlation, the preceding substantives also dispense with it, though it may appear in an English version, as in Matt, i, 1. It is the same when in connection with nuncupative verbs (Matt, v, 9). The English does not need the article in some cases, as Luke xi, 7, "in bed"; Matt, xi, 29, "in heart." A singular or plural denoting a whole race or class has the article, though it is not needed in English, and English usage sometimes renders the translation of it unnecessary, as " man," Matt, iv, 4. Compare Matt. V, 13 ; ix, 8 ; John ii, 25. The indefinite as well as the definite English article may be used in a clause where an indi-vidual represents a class, though the article is employed in Greek. Our translators took full license, and used both forms, but oftenest they ignore the definite article : Matt. xiii, 3, "a sower"; John xvi, 21, "a woman"; 1 Tim. iii, 2, "a bishop"; Matt, xv, 11, "a man"; x, 16, "wise as serpents, harmless as doves"; Luke xxii, 31, "to sift you as wheat" ; Ephes. v, 24, "wives"; 25, "husbands"; vi, 1, "chil dren " ; 5, " servants " ; 9, " masters " ; 1 Cor. vii, 34, " a wife and a virgin," where the article might have been rendered. If it was thought that in such cases the article might be omitted in English, the rule was not carried out, for we have in Luke X, 7, "the labourer"; 2 Cor. xii, 14, "the children," "the parents ' ; in Galatians iv, 1, " the heir." The rendering of the article, as in these instances, is very capricious. In Matt. xxvii, 60, the correct translation given is "hewn out in the rock," yet it is in Mark xv, 46, " hewn out of a rock." But they are perpetually turning their back upon themselves. Matt, xvii, 15, "he ofttimes falleth into the fire and oft into the water " ; but they give the same translation in Mark ix, 22, though there be no article in the original. But this process is also reversed, for in Matt, viii, 20, we read " the foxes . . . the birds," while in Luke ix, 58 we have the article of the original excluded — " foxes . . . birds." In Mark iv, 31, 32, the article is given in one clause — " less than aU the seeds," but excluded in the next clause — " greater than aU herbs." It is impossible LIV.] THE DEFINITE ARTICLE. 539 to divine what prompted the change in two clauses so close and so parallel. It is "the wicked one" in Matt, xiii, 19 j "the wicked one" in 1 John ii, 13, 14; but "that wicked one" in iii, 12, and in v, 18. In 1 Tim. vi, 12, the clause is rightly rendered " the good fight," but in 2 Tim. iv, 7, it is " a good fight," the article being suppressed. The rendering is correct, " built his house on the sand," Matt, vii, 26, but, with curious oblivion, in verses 24, 25, the contrasted phrase is rendered "on a rock." Nay, there is a change in the same verse — Matt, xii, 29, " the strong man," which is correct in the second clause, while "a strong man" occurs in the first. In Matt. ii, 18, the same phrase is wrongly rendered "the angel of the Lord," but rightly rendered in verse 19, "an angel of the Lord." Two opposite errors are found in Luke ii, 12, which should read, " this shall be the sign, ye shall find a babe," the inser tion and omission of the article being both wrong in the com mon version. In John -vii, 40, the rendering is right, " this is the prophet," but wrong in i, 21, 25, " that prophet," with a still worse marginal rendering, "a prophet," the rendering of Tyndale ; the Great Bible has " that prophet," and is foUowed by the Bishops' ; but the Genevan of 1560 has correctly " the prophet." In Col. iv, 16, we have "this epistle" in the first clause, and " the epistle " in the last clause. The phrase is rightly given "the -wrath" in 1 Thess. Ui, 16, but the same phrase by itself is also rendered "wrath," as in Eom. ii, 5 ; v, 9. The translation of the last clause of John i, 1, is correct — "and the Word was God," the Word being marked by the article as the subject; but the rule is ignored in rendering 1 Tim. vi, 5, " supposing that gain is godliness," godliness being the subject. They also faU from their steadfastness in Matt, xiii, 39, when they render "the reapers are the angels" which would mean the whole number of the angels; but here, as in other instances, the predicate wants the article, and the sense is "the reapers are angels," or belong to the angeUc orders of being. They cit also in 1 Tim vi, 2, in rendering "because they are faithful and beloved partakers of the benefit," for the last clause, as the article shows, is the subject, "for they who are partakers of the 440 THE ENGLISH BIBLE. [chap. benefit are faithful and beloved." "The house" is given. Matt. xiii, 1, and in ix, 28, in xvii, 25, and Mark ix, 33 ; but it is changed in Mark -vii, 24, and in Matt, x, 12, where it should be " when ye come into the house," the house selected as worthy. While the translationis uniformly, "the desert," or the "wUder ness," it is remarkable that they never say "the mountain," at least on the first mention of it in connection -with Jesus; though the mountain must have been as definite to the -writer, and the earUest circle of readers, as "the desert." Compare Matt. V, 1, Mark iii, 13. "Boat" and "ship" in the evan gelical narrative have usually the article. But the article is inserted where it ought not in Luke vi, 17, " in the plain," which is literally "on a level place." ^ SimUar inconsistency is seen in the treatment of the article which occurs before the name "Christ." As Christ was not originally a proper name, but an official epithet of the long promised, long expected DeUverer, the natural translation is "the Christ" — the Anointed One. The true translation is given in Matt, xxvi, 63, where it could not well be avoided, "whether thou be the Christ," and simUarly xvi, 16, "Peter answered and said. Thou art the Christ," and in the high priest's question "Art thou the Christ?" Mark xiv, 61, Luke iU, 15, and in xxiii, 35. These clauses might have sho-wn the necessity of a similar version in Matt, ii, 4, " Herod demanded where the Christ should be born," or the person that under this title was the grand object of the national hope and prayer. Compare Matt, xxiv, 23, &c. It may be stated more formaUy that, by the frequent omission of the article in the English version, the sense loses some point or specialty. The foUowing are specimens, and the clauses 1 There are some idioms of usage but when the article is repeated, as whicharenotveryeasilysho-WTiinEn- in 1 Cor. iii, 8, it should be repre- glish. o iroip-rfv 6 /caAos is more than sented in English. Nor is it easy to "the good shepherd," the element of mark the difference in such phrases goodness being specialized. When as oAos o Kocrpo'S, and o Kua-pos two consecutive nouns occur, and oAos, the second form being the more the second wants the article, there emphatic. is unity of thought (1 Thess. ii, 12), LIV.] WRONG OMISSION OF THE ARTICLE. 441 might be rendered as given: Matt, i, 23, "behold the virgin shall conceive," the one predicted and singled out ; iv, 5, " the pinnacle of the temple," a portion of the building quite familiar; "the bushel," "the candlestick," common and character istic articles of furniture in a Jewish house — the English version being wrongly conformed to Luke viii, 16, where the Greek has no article ; viii, 12, " the outer darkness " ; 32, " the whole herd ran violently down the steep," or precipice well- known; X, 23, "fiee into the other or next (city)"; xiii, 42, " into the furnace " ; xiii, 7, " some feU on the thorns " ; xiv, 13, " followed him from the cities " ; xviii, 3, " and become as the little children," perhaps at the moment within view on the shore of the lake ; xxi, 12, " seats of them that sold the doves," a trade that aU poor sacrificers took advantage of; xxiv, 32, " learn the parable from the fig tree," the parable given in the rest of the verse ; xxv, 32, " as the shepherd separateth the sheep from the goats." Mark ii, 16, "with the pubUcans and sinners" which are referred to in verse 15 ; iv, 38, "he was in the hinder part of the ship asleep on the pillow," the well-known pillow or cushion. Luke ii, 7, " iu the manger," which belonged to all such "inns'' ; vii, 5, " the synagogue," one familiar and well kno-wn; xii, 54, " the cloud " rising out of the Levant which brings rain ; xvii, 17, " were not the ten cleansed," the entire company. John iv, 40, "He abode there two days," but, 43, "now after the two days," the days just referred to; v, 35, "the burning and shining lamp," or the lamp that burnetii and shineth ; xiii, 5, "poureth water into the basin," the basin there, and ready to be used; 26, "to whom I shall give the sop"; xviii, 3, " Judas having received the band of men and officers," the band ordered out for him ; xxi, 8, " and came in the boat," in which they had been fishing all the night. Acts i, 13, " into the upper room "; ix, 7, " hearing the voice"; xvii, 1, "where was the synagogue of the Jews," the synagogue serving for that region, there being none at Philippi ; XX, 9, " there sat in the window"; verse 13, "we went before to the ship"; xxi, 26, "until that the offering should be offered for every one of them," the offering prescribed in connection 442 THE ENGLISH BIBLE. [chap. with the termination of a vow; xxii, 25, "as they bound him with the thongs," thongs usuaUy employed to tie up a man who was to be scourged; xxiv, 23, "he commanded the centurion to keep him," perhaps the one on duty, or by whom he had been escorted to Csesarea. Eomans, v, 19, " the many," several times ; xvi, 23, " Quartus the brother," signalized as such, or known as such, to the church of Eome. 1 Corinthians v, 9, " I write you in the epistle," probably a former one ; xiv, 16, " the Amen." 2 Cor. xii, 18, "with him (Titus) I sent the brother," one well known at the time in Corinth. Galatians, ii, 4, "the false brethren"; iv, 27, "than she which hath the husband." Ephesians vi, 9, " forbearing the threatening," which is so notorious a characteristic of slave-masters ; vi, 21, " Tychicus the beloved brother," and similarly Col. iv, 7. Philippians iv, 17, " not that I seek the gift." 2 Thessalonians, i, 8, " taking vengeance on them that know not God, and on them that obey not the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ," two classes being probably pointed at. Pagans and Jews ; but the omission of the article in the second clause would identify them ; ii, 3, " except there come the faUing away first ; " 11, "that they should believe the lie." 1 Timothy ii, 8, " I will that the men pray," the women being referred to in the following verse. Hebrews ix, 11, "by the greater and more perfect taber nacle"; xi, 35, "not even accepting the deliverance," one so well known in Hebrew story. 1 John ii, 22, « Who is the Uar ? " Eevelation, ii, 10, "the crown of life"; vii, 13, "in the white robes"; 14, "out of the great tribulation," the article being repeated; xi, 11, "after the three days and a half," referred to in verse 9; xi, 12, "in the cloud"; xiv, 1, "the lamb"; xix, 16, "the name written"; 20, "into the lake." When the article is found after a preposition or before a noun, governing a following genitive, it claims special attention. " Heaven," " heavens," appear oftenest without the article. LIV.] WRONG INSERTION OF THE ARTICLE. 443 though it is sometimes used, the singular form being specially found in Mark, Luke, and John, and the plural in Matthew. But the English version inserts the definite article where the Greek has nothing to correspond, the rendering or omission of the article being quite irregular. Sometimes indeed the foUowing genitive so specifies the governing noun that it has the force of an article as in 1 Thess. v, 2, "the day of the Lord," both nouns without the article — the best reading. On a different ground. Col. iv, 11, " who are of the circumcision." Gal. ii, 12, " fearing them of the circumcision," there being no article in the original with the abstract noun. 1 Cor. v, 8, " nor with the leaven of malice " ; but in xii, 8, it should be " a word of wisdom," "a word of knowledge"; 2 Cor. ii, 16, "a savour of death" ; iii, 15, "a vail lieth on their hearts"; xi, 13, "apostles of Christ," and similarly 2 Thess. ii, 0. Gal. i, 10, a "servant of Christ " ; ii, 17, "a minister of sin" ; iii, 10, " under curse." Ephes. ii, 3, " children of wrath " ; v, 23, " a husband is head of the wife.'' Philip, ii, 15, "children of God"; 1 Tim. ii, 7, " I speak truth"; Jude i, "Jude, a servant of," but in Eev. xiii, 1, we have " the name of blasphemy," with " names" on the margin according to another reading ; ^ xiv, 4, " first fruits unto God." The following are literal renderings, though not employed in the Authorized Version : Matt, xxvi, 74, " immediately a cock crew," one of the cocks in the neighbourhood; xxvii, 4, "have betrayed innocent blood." Mark xii, 32, " thou hast spoken truth." Luke iii, 14, " and soldiers asked him, saying" ; vi, 16, " who also became a traitor." John iv, 23, " an hour cometh " ; 27, t" wondered that he talked with a woman " — they knew nothing of her character; vi, 59, "in a synagogue." Acts i, 7, " times and seasons" ; iii, 21 "heaven" ; ix, 7, " hearing indeed a voice"; xvii, 23, "to an unknown God"; xxii, 4, "unto death " ; xxvi, 2, " accused by Jews," not by the Jews or the whole nation. Eom. ii, 14, " Gentiles which have not the law," not the Gentiles as a class, but some of them. 1 Cor. iii, 1 The singular is the reading of and the plural is accepted by Tre- Beza and of Stephens, though the gelles and Tischendorf, but refused latter has the plural in his margin, by Alford. -444 THE ENGLISH BIBLE. 10, "I have laid a foundation"; iv, 1, " a minister of Christ." 2 Cor. vi, 16, " the temple of a living God." Gal. iv, 32, " chil- ¦dren of a bondwoman." Philip, iii, 5, " a Hebrew of Hebrews." 1 Thess. iv, 17, "in clouds." Eev. xxii, 5, " they have not need of light of lamp and light of sun." The presence or absence of the article with the term " law '' is to be carefully distinguished, but the reader of our Bible has no clue to such distinction as is in the original. Not only is the article omitted and inserted against rule, but it is also sometimes overpressed when rendered as a demon strative pronoun : Matt, xv, 12, " after they heard this saying " ; xxvii, 15, "at that feast," "that" in italics, and similarly Mark xv, 6. John i, 21, " Art thou that prophet?" but rightly in vii, 40, " the prophet " ; iv, 37,' ' is that saying true " ; vi, 32, -" that bread " ; 69, "that Christ " ; vii, 26, " the very Christ " ; 37, "that great day"; ix, 22, "very Christ"; xi, 51, 52, "that Jesus should die for that nation, and not for that nation only." Acts xix, 9, " but spake evil of that way." 1 Cor. v, 13, "put away that wicked person"; x, 4, "that rock was Christ " ; xv, 37, " thou sowest not that body that shaU be." 2 Cor. iii, 17, " now the Lord is that spirit " ; vii, 11, "in this matter " ; v, 27, " this epistie." 2 Thess. U, 3, " that man of sin"; 8, "that wicked" ; iii, 14, "by this epistle." Eev. i, 3, ¦" the words of this prophecy." 1 John i, 2, " that eternal life." 1 Cor. xi, 28, "that bread," " that cup," " that " not being in itaUcs in the first edition. The article, however, may be sometimes translated as an unemphatic possessive pronoun: Matt, xiv, 19, "to his dis ciples"; xxi, 41, "let out his vineyard"; xxv, 32, "as a shepherd -divideth his sheep," but " his goats '' ought to have followed. John xiii, 14, " your Lord and master." Eev. XX, 4, " had not received his mark." In two verses, 2 Tim. iv, 7, 8, is exhibited the following variety of translations : (1) Omission — " I have fought a good fight " ; '(2) Overpressure — " I have finished my course " ; (3) Correct rendering — " I have kept the faith " ; (4) Omission again — " A cro-wn of righteousness." CHAPTEE LV. rpHE Greek tenses are often confounded and misrendered in the English Version. While the aorist or indefinite past tense should have its own proper translation,- wherever English idiom can bear it, sometimes it is rendered by the perfect ; Matt, vii, 22, should be, " did we not prophesy ? " at a time gone past ; in Luke xiv, 18, 19, 20, are three verbs which might indeed be rendered as aorists, " I bought a piece of ground," &c., but the translation may be pardoned, " I have bought a piece of ground," &c., since the transactions are recent, and they are spoken of in iinmediate relation to the present act of refusal. Matt, xiii, 24; xviii, 23, "the king dom was likened to " ; or, in the view of the evangelist, the likening took place at that time — past to him, and past also to an oral narrator. In the intercessory prayer in John xvii, there are many aorists, and the meaning is apparent and impressive, for He speaks as from a high and mysterious future point, " I am no more in the world " ; "I glorified thee," the past time, in an absolute sense, fiUing the Saviour's soul ; " I manifested thy name " ; " as thou didst send me " ; " thou gavest him power over all flesh," a past or eternal gift of the Father to Him. Acts i, 1, " The former treatise I made," not "have I made," a statement independent of the present; 7, " which the Father put in his own power," not " hath put," the reference being to the unUmited past, the eternal act or purpose; in xix, 2, the sense and reference of the question are darkened in our version, "have ye received the Holy Ghost since ye believed?" the true translation, "did ye receive the Holy Ghost when ye believed, or on your 446 THE ENGLISH BIBLE. [chap. belie-ving ? " and the reply is, " we did not hear whether there be Holy Ghost," for they had been baptized unto John's baptism. Similarly, in Matt, ii, 15, the reference being to a historic fact asserted by Hosea. The perfect in our version often represents the aorist to the detriment of the sense. Thus Matt, xxvii, 46, should be, "why didst thou forsake me?" Again and again in Galatians — as i, 13, "ye have heard "; ii, 16, "we have believed"; iii, 4, "have ye suffered"; 13, "hath redeemed us"; 22, "hath concluded"; 27 " have been baptized " ; iv, 12, "ye have not injured me"; v, 1, "hath made free"; 13, " ye have been called " ; 21, " as I have also told you " ; 24, " have crucified." In these cases the English perfect mis translates the Greek, for the verbs in the indefinite past, describe acts done long ago, or tell what was distinct in their life and experience. In iii, 13, " Christ redeemed us " is the proper rendering, "redeemed us when he died on the cross"; but the epistolary aorist in vi, 11, could not be rendered other wise than by the perfect, " I have written." In the epistle to the Ephesians the following places exhibit the same mistranslation of the aorist : i, 3, " hath blessed us " ; 4, " hath chosen us " ; 6, "hath made us accepted " ; 8, " hath abounded toward us;" 9, "hath purposed"; 11, "have obtained an inheritance," all belonging to a previous period, not formally connected with the present. But the perfect is forgotten in verse 12, as if it had been an aorist, and the rendering should be, " first have hoped in Christ." The next paragraph, 20, 22, contains a series of aorists, " he wrought in Christ," " set him at his own right hand " ; 22, " put all things under him''; but in the last instance there is an unaccountable deviation from uniformity, and the aorist is rendered by the perfect, "hath put all things under him." In the second chapter our version has, " hath he quickened," and in 5, " hath quickened," " hath raised us and made us to sit." The reference of the aorist is quite lost by such a rendering in the perfect, for the aorist refers back to the resurrection of Christ, when all His were included in Him, so that what is historically true of Him is spiritually and potentially true of them. Erroneous rendering is found in Ephes. ii, 14 — it should be, " who made both LV.] MISRENDERING OF THE AORIST. 447 one," at the period of His atoning death. Again, in iv, 7, " is given " stands for " was given," at the Ascension; in 20 it ought to be, " did not so learn Christ,'' that is, at the time of the apostles preaching to them ; and, in harmony, the next verse should be, "if so be that ye heard and were taught " ; in 30, "are sealed" should be " were sealed," at the time of their conver sion. In V, 2, the same blunder occurs, " as Christ also hath loved us, and hath given himself for us." The Authorized Version in this mistranslation followed the Bishops', and left the old versions, which accurately represent the aorist. In Hebrews x, 20, it is not, " he hath consecrated," but simply "con secrated," that is, at the epoch of His propitiatory death. It shows a strange carelessness to render one act of a series by the English perfect, as in Gal. iii, 2, 4, " Eeceived ye the Spirit " ; and to foUow it up by a perfect, "have ye suffered " ; or when the same phrase, which is rendered in Matt, xi, 21, " the mighty works which were done," is rendered in 23, "the mighty works which have been done." When the aorist is employed to present a general truth, it is impossible to give it always in idiomatic English. John xv, 6, is literally, " he was cast forth as a branch and was withered, and they cast it into the fire and they are burned." The Saviour looks back, as it were, from the period of the judgment and describes historically, but as in present -view, the result of apostasy. James i, 11, presents a figure based on common experience, and it is told as if after the event by an onlooker ; " for the sun rose with the heat, and dried up the grass, and the flower thereof fell away, and the beauty of its appearance perished: so also shall the rich man wither in his ways." The Bishops' gives the literal ren dering. The perfect is often correctly rendered, as in John xx, 29 ; Acts xxi, 28 ; and in 1 John v, 9 ; but there is no little caprice in the varying translations. While the aorist is sometimes and necessarily rendered by the perfect, the Greek perfect is sometimes translated by the English present when a present state is specially described. It may be rendered by " is," as well as " has," in John iii, 18, " is " or " has been condemned " ; John vii, 8, " my time is not 448 THE ENGLISH BIBLE. [chap. yet," or has not yet fully " come," " is " being used with this verb in our version ; or 1 John iv, 12, "his love is perfected," or " has been perfected in us " ; Heb. v, 12, " are become " or " have become." Eom. iv, 14, " faith is " or " has been made void." Matt, xxv, 6, " a cry is raised," — the Greek perfect puts it in a graphic form. Compare John vii, 52. Matt, viii, 6, " my servant lieth," has been laid up ; Matt, x, 30, " the hairs of your head are numbered"; also Eom. xiv, 23, "is con demned," he is under a sentence pronounced upon him in the moment of his eating, and he lies under it still. But the true translation is not to be departed from lightly. The better reading in Matt, vi, 12, warrants the translation, "as we have forgiven our debtors." Luke xiii, 2, ''sinners above all sin ners," because they have suffered such things. In Mark xi, 2, the translation ought to be, " whereon no man hath yet sat," past and present connected. Luke xi, 7, " the door has been shut" for the night. The proper rendering should have been kept in John iv, 38, " whereon ye have bestowed no labour." How vivid in John v, 33, when the perfect is not treated as an aorist, "ye have sent unto John, and he has borne witness unto the truth," the proper rendering being given in 37, but weakened by treating the initial aorist as a perfect. John v, 45, " Moses in whom ye have hoped." Com pare 2 Cor i, 10 ; 1 Tim. vi, 17. John vin, 33, " We have never been in bondage to any man" ; vu, 19, " Hath not Moses given you the law?" and 22, " Moses hath given you circum cision"; Heb. xi, 3, "things which are seen have not been made of things which do appear"; 5, "before his trans lation it hath been witnessed of him," namely, in Gen. v, 22 ; 1 Cor vii, 10, "unto them who have been married"; 1 John iv, 9, " because God hath sent his only begotten Son " ; 2 Peter ii, 6, " having turned," not turning, "unto ashes the cities .... having made them an ensample." 2 Tim. iv, 8, " all them who have loved his appearing," that is, loved, and stiU love it ; John xi, 27, " I have beUeved that thou art the Christ," from a past time to the present ; xvii, 6, 10, " I have been glorified in them," the glorification existing before the present, and reaching down to it. It is to be noted in v, 8, LV.] TENSES MISTRANSLATED. 449 that while the perfect is ignored in the latter part of the first clause, and rendered as if it had been an aorist, " which thou gavest me," the aorist is ignored in the next clause, and ren dered as if a perfect, " and have known surely." Gal. ii, 20, "I have been crucified with Christ"; iii, 17, "a covenant which hath been confirmed by God." The perfect participle cannot weU be translated as such in Heb. v, 14, the meaning being that their organs of sense have been well exercised, and still retain the acuteness or susceptibility resulting from such training. While the participle is almost necessarily rendered as a pluperfect in John xii, 1, " who had been dead," ^ the pluperfect meaning is lost in Luke xvi, 20, " a beggar who had been laid at his gate " — with the purpose of getting some crumbs. The aorist might bear to be rendered by the pluperfect when the occurrence is viewed as a past event, which has at the same time a reference to another past event. Acts i, 2, the Greek is literaUy " the apostles whom he chose " — but English idiom might prefer '' whom he had chosen " — the choice being prior to the charge and connected with it. Philip, iii, 12, the aorist is rendered by the pluperfect, "not as though I had already attained," and the perfect coming after is not formally translated. The pluperfect translation is unneeded in Matt. xi, 1, 2, or if it is necessary in the first verse, it is not required in the second ; nor is it required in Matt, xxv, 16, 17, 18, 20, in which places the simple past is sufficient and correct, but the rendering is pluperfect in the Authorized Version, so that the distinction is lost between it and the perfect in verse 24, " he that has received the one talent " got it and still had it unused and alone. The pluperfect occurs in Acts iv, 22, and should have been fully translated, " on whom this miracle had been done." Nor is it properly rendered in Luke xi, 22, where it should be "armour wherein he had trusted." In Heb. xi, 28, the perfect occurs in the midst of a succession of aorists, and has its own meaning, " by faith Moses refused .... left Egypt .... went through the Eed Sea" .... but "kept the passover" is in '- But o Te^vTjKdjs is not genuine, being one of the explanatory clauses so often thrown in by scribes. VOL. II. 2 F 450 THE ENGLISH BIBLE. [chap. the perfect tense— that is, he founded an ordinance which stiU endures. The perfect participle is used of Christ's violent death as if to assert its enduring effects, as in 1 Cor i, 23, "we preach Christ crucified" in the abiding character of the Crucified ; Gal. iii, 1, where the position of the word might help the true rendering, and sense. Compare 2 Tim. ii, 8. In two passages resembling one another the aorist and perfect occur and the distinction is effaced : John i, 3, which should be " without him was not anything made which hath been made"; Col. i, 16, which should be, "by him were all things created ... all things have been created by him and for him." Eev. V, 7, " came and took the book," UteraUy " has taken and holds it whUe its seals are broken." But the perfect is ever instructive: Luke xiv, 10, "he that bade thee," should be, " he hath bidden thee." Similarly are perfects used in Heb. 11, 9 ; iv, 15. In fact this epistle is characterized by the use of perfects ; and such a frequent use of them on the part of the author would seem to indicate that they may not be at all times employed iu their distinctive significance, and they cannot be always represented in English. Heb. vii, 6, "he paid," has paid to Abraham, and " has blessed " him that had the promises, acts of enduring prerogative ; 14, " has " or " is sprung out of Judah" ; 22, "is Jesus made" or "has been made"; ix, 13, " sprinkling such as have become unclean." The perfect is rendered inconsistently in vii, 13, in one clause by a pre sent, and in the other by the simple past, and similarly in the following verse. In xii, 27, the rendering might be, " things that are shaken as of things that have been made." There is no small loss to the English reader in the obliteration of the perfect in John i, 32, where the rendering should be, "I have beheld the Spirit descending as a dove," and in 33, "I have seen and have borne witness that this is the Son of God." The perfect participle preceded by the article occurs in Acts iv, 12, and in 14 ; but the translation varies — in the one case the rendering is "is given," in the other "was healed," none of them quite exact. The imperfect tense, as its name denotes, represents an action begun and not completed, or one purposed, desired, LV.] THE IMPERFECT NOT CORRECTLY GIVEN. 451 menaced, but not accomplished, an action repeated from time to time, with other shades of past relation.^ But it cannot in every case be distinctly given in an English translation ; and in the Authorized Version it is rendered and misrendered in various ways. On such points the MSS. differ often, and, as may be expected, aorists and imperfects often present various readings. It depends on the writer's choice which tense to employ- — whether he means to describe the act as transient or as continuing. Some verbs too usually occur in the imperfect when an aorist would be expected. Such imperfects cannot well be fuUy rendered in English, as those in 1 Cor. xiii, 11, "when I was a child I spake as a child," that is, during all that period ; Matt, xiii, 34, " without a parable spake he not unto them " ; parabolic teaching being his wont from that period onward. The imperfect might be sometimes given by help of the auxiUary verb instead of the simple past: Luke xiv, 7, "he marked how they were choosing out the chief rooms " ; xxiv, 32, " did not our heart burn within ur while he was talking by the way " ; Acts viii, 36, " as they were going on their way, they came unto a certain water " ; Acts X, 17, "while Peter was doubting in himself"; Acts iii, 1, " Now Peter and John were going up into the temple." In some other cases a circumlocution might be pardoned, as Matt, iii, 14, " John would have hindered him ; " Luke i, 59, the meaning is not " they called him Zacharias " — which is not fact, for they were interrupted — but "they were for calling him Zacharias"; Luke v, 6, "they inclosed a great multitude of fishes and the net brake," rather, the " net was like to break " ; Mark xiv, 12, " were wont to kill the passover " ; Luke iv, 42, " would have stayed him " ; Matt, xxi, 9, " were crying Hosanna," that is, " kept crying it," John xii, 13 ; Mark xv, 6, the right rendering is not " at that feast he released unto them one prisoner," but " at that feast he was wont to release one prisoner." When the imperfect and aorist occur together, our version sometimes fails to distinguish them : 1 Cor. x, 4, " they did all ¦¦ Driver's Hebrew Tenses, p. 78, Oxford, 1874— a book of remarkable acuteness and clearness. 452 THE ENGLISH BIBLE. [chap. drink of the same spiritual drink" — a mere historical refer ence ; but the apostle adds, in proof and explanation, " for they were drinking (during the journey) out of the spiritual rock which foUowed them " ; Luke vui, 23, " there came down a storm upon the lake and they were fiUed," rather, " were fiUing, and. were (or began to be) in jeopardy"; James ii, 22, " Seest thou how faith was working with his works, and by his works his faith was perfected," — a process presented to the reader's eye by the first verb. The English version of Matt, xxi, 8, might distinguish the act of the first clause told by the aorist, " spread their garments," from the acts of the two next clauses told by imperfects, " others were cutting down branches from the trees and were strewing them in the way"; John iv, 30, should be, "went out of the eity, and were coming unto him"; vii, 14, "Jesus went up ... . and was teaching." No attempt is made in many cases to distinguish imperfects, even in cases where the sense requires it, where English idiom aUows it to be easily done, and where the context distinctly contradicts the aorist translation. But to make the distinction without a paraphrase is often difficult, if not impossible, how ever clear the sense may be. Thus, Heb. xi, 17, " by faith Abraham, when tried, hath offered up Isaac," the perfect marks the patriarch's settled purpose, his faith viewed the act as over; but the imperfect occurs in the next clause, and means " and he that received the promises was offering up his only begotten," when the angel of the Lord intercepted the stroke. The imperfect is rightly rendered in Eom. ix, 23; Acts vii, 26, though the idiom is peculiar. No one can doubt that the Greek present should be pre served in our English translation wherever it is possible, even in cases where it occurs as the result of the mingling of the oratio recta with the oratio obliqua. The present gives often a vivid and picturesque character to the style, and is especially natural when the narrator " testifies what he has seen." Matt, xxi, 13, according to the better reading, " but ye make," or "are making it," " a den of robbers " — that is, doing so at the moment. But it often fades out in the Authorized LV.] THE PRESENT TENSE MISRENDERED. 453 Version, Matt, xxv, 8, " our lamps are gone out," with the true rendering in the margin, "are going out." In the third chapter of Matthew we have the common inconsistency, giving the wrong translation in iii, 1, " In those days came John the Baptist," and the right one of the same phrase in verse 13, " then cometh Jesus from Galilee " ; Gal. iv, 10, "ye are observmg days"; Heb xi, 13, "confessed that they are strangers"; Mark viii, 23, "asked him if he seeth any thing," or asked him " seest thou aught ? " Luke xix, 3, " and was seeking to see Jesus who he is, and could not," rendered in our version, "who he was " ; yet in John i, 19, we have "sent .... to ask him. Who art thou ? " Mark v, 14, "went out to see what it is that has taken place," not, perhaps, good English, nor would "are casting," in Mark xii, 41; John iv, 1, "the Pharisees heard that Jesus is making and baptizing more disciples than John," the form of the rumour as it passed from one person to another ; xv, 47, " beheld where he is laid " ; John v, 13, "wist not who it is"; 15, "told the Jews that it is Jesus who made him whole " ; vi, 24, " Jesus is not there " ; 64, " who they are that believed not,'' and " who he is that shall betray." Such Uteralness might not be tolerated, but the usage is frequent in the New Testament. 1 Cor. xi, 30, might be, not " and many sleep," but " many are falling asleep," the divine judgment was still inflicting itself; John i, 15, " John bears witness of him, and has cried, saying," — " bare witness " in the Authorized Version ; while the proper rendering is given in 29, 43, 45, &c. ; Heb. ii, 16, "he taketh not on him the nature of angels," or, "for in truth it is not angels that he helpeth" ; Eev. xii, 2, " she being in pain crieth." The frequent use of the present tense characterizes the Gospel of Mark, and it is also found again and again in the Epistle to the Hebrews. There are many perfects in Heb. vii, and quite in harmony there are not a few presents. The present is used in the eighth chapter to portray sacerdotal service as if it still existed, 3, " is ordained," " priests that offer," " who are serving." In chapter ix, 6, the present is employed, but it is given in our version in the past, " the 454 THE ENGLISH BIBLE. [chap. priests went always in," and went is repeated in itaUcs in the next verse. The present is rendered, " which he offered " ; a double error is carried into verse 9, "in which were offered both gifts and sacrifices that could not make perfect." The writer pictures " the time then present " — the service, as if it were going on — priests as if in the act of entering in and offering. When the present indicates something to be found true in time to come, there is no reason to give it a future rendering, as is done in Matt, xvii, 11, "EUas truly shall first come," but, "Elijah truly cometh, and he shall restore all things." The ren dering is wrong in Matt, xxiv, 40, 41, "one shaU be taken"; but " one is taken, one is left " ; the future is used in Luke xvii, 34. In John xvi, 14, 15, there is confusion in the render ing — in the first verse it is right, " he shall take of the things that are mine " ; but in the second verse it is wrong, for the present is used, " therefore said I, that he taketh of mine, and shall show it unto you." Similarly, John vii, 41, " Doth the Christ come out of Galilee ? " John xv, 27, " and . ye also bear," not "shall bear witness." So in Matt, xxvii, 63, the true rendering is the more vivid, " after three days I rise again," or " I am raised again." John xxi, 23, " that disciple does not die " ; and in Gal. iii, 8, " the Scripture foreseeing that God justifies the heathen," the ethical present, a fact true, and always true of the divine method of justification. It might be difficult to translate the present participle as describ ing Judas while his treachery was going on, and to distinguish it from the aorist as applied to him in the earlier part of the Gospels. The present is, however, rendered in Matt, xxvi, 46, as " he that betrayed him " ; and in xxvii, 3, " which had be trayed him " ; but in verses 25 and 48, " which betrayed him." In Mark xiv, 42, the rendering is of necessity correct, " he that betrayeth me " ; but in 44 it relapses into the past ; is correct again in Luke xxu, 21, 22 ; but stands in John xiii, 11, " who should betray him," the past being given in xviii, 2, 5 ; but the present again in John xxi, 20, "Lord, which is he that betrayeth thee ? " Our translators sometimes take the future as an imperative LV.] BECOME— BE. 455 when there is no cause for it: Matt, v, 48, "ye shall therefore be perfect"; and sometimes for a wish, as 2 John 3, when the true rendering is found in the margin, " Grace shall be with you." The proper rendering in 1 Tim. vi, 8, is not imperative, " but if, having food and raiment, we will be content therewith," as indeed might be expected of us believers who are laying hold of eternal Ufe. Some moods of the present cannot always be distinguished in translation from those of the aorist. Thus in the Lord's Prayer, Matt, vi, 11, the aorist imperative is used, " give us this day " ; but in Luke xi, 3, the present imperative occurs. In 1 John iii, 9, the words are, " he cannot sin," or, literaUy, " he is not able to sin," the infinitive present being employed, and the sense being that he is not able to be sinning, or to persist in a sinful course ; but the aorist infinitive might have meant that he is not able to sin in a single instance. The aorist subjunc tive is used in 1 John ii, 1, and the proper translation is not " if any man sin," but " if any man have sinned." Many peculiarities in the use of verbal words, and ofthe middle voice, cannot be glanced at. The two Greek verbs which differ, as " become," and " be," are often confounded in the English version. The first verb seems to have nearly always its proper meaning, though in every case English idiom will not bear its translation. Thus, in Matt, viii, 26 — it cannot well be said, "there became a great calm," that is, a great calm ensued ; and yet in 24, we have the good rendering, " there arose a great tempest " ; John i, 6, might be, " there arose a man." In Matt, xv, 28, we cannot well say, "become it unto thee," though a change is impUed. In Matt, xiv, 15, the rendering is, " when it was evening " ; and in 23, there is the better rendering, " when the evening was come." In 1 Cor. iii, 18, " become " is given in the first clause, and, for no visible reason, " be " is given in the second. The verb is rendered " came to pass," or " come to pass " over forty times in Luke ; it is also rendered "made" or "done," "fulfiUed," "arose," "ariseth," " came,'' " performed," " brought to pass," " turned into," and all these are better than the simple verb of existence so often 456 THE ENGLISH BIBLE. [chap. employed. Once it is wrongly rendered " seemeth," " seemeth good," Matt, xi, 26 ; once the past participle is also wrongly rendered " ended," John xiii, 2 ; once the rendering is " con tinued," Acts xix, 10 ; once " behaved ourselves," 1 Thess. ii, 10 ; once " which was published," Acts x, 37, and once " being assembled," Acts, xv, 25. The translation in such places was dictated by the sense. Our translators have employed the right rendering, so truly and happily, in so many cases, that the wonder is that they did not make an effort to carry it out consistently. In fact, in many clauses, if we add the syUable " come " or " came " to their " be," we have the correct transla tion. There are very many examples, and only a few can be given : Matt, v, 45, " that ye may be-come the children of your father " ; Matt, x-vii, 2, " his garment be-came white as the light " ; Mark x, 43, " whosoever will be-come great among you," and similarly in iii, 44; Luke vi, 36, "be-come ye therefore merciful" ; xx, 14, "that the inheritance may be-come ours " ; John iv, 14, "shall be-come in him a well of water" ; ix, 27, " will ye also be-come his disciples " ; Acts i, 20, " let his habitation be-come desolate" ; Eom. xii, 16, "be-come not wise in your own conceits" ; 1 Cor. iii, 18, "let him become a fool that he may be-come -wise " ; x, 7, " neither be-come ye idolaters"; Galat. iv, 12, "be-come as I am"; Philip, ii, 15, " that ye may be-come blameless " ; Heb. ii, 17, " that ye might be-come a merciful and faithful high priest"; 1 Peter, i, 15, " be-come ye holy," and 16 ; 2 Peter i, 4, " that by these ye might be-come partakers of a divine nature." Other instances might be adduced : Matt, xii, 45, " the last state of that man becometh worse '' ; Luke vi, 16, "Judas Iscariot," not "which was also the traitor," but " who became or turned out to be a traitor " ; Acts iv, 4, " and the number of the men became (or rose to) about five thousand," the three thousand of Pentecost being included; Acts xv, 39, "the contention became so sharp " ; Eom. xi, 6, " otherwise grace becomes no more grace" ; Gal. iii, 24, "the law is become our schoolmaster unto Christ." The rendering " become " or " became " suits in some cases better than " was made.'' John 1, 14, " the Word became LV.] ADDITIONAL EXAMPLES. 457 flesh " ; vUi, 33, " ye shall become free." Ephes. iu, 7, " whereof I became a minister." This correct translation is given in many places, as James ii, 4, "are become judges of evil thoughts " ; 11, " thou art become a transgressor " ; but in the intermediate verse the wrong rendering occurs, "he is" for " becomes guilty of all." In 1 Cor vii, 21, the rendering is, "if thou mayest be made free"; and that of 23 should have been in harmony, " be ye not made the servants of men " ; better in both cases, "if thou mayest become free," "become not ye the servants of men." The passive form, which rarely occurs, is found not less than eight times in the first and second chapters of 1st Thessalonians. CHAPTEE LVL T^HE technical name "preposition" tells nothing of the nature and uses of such particles. They may not be employed in the New Testament with all the precision of the age of Pericles, yet their distinctive signification is ever to be closely attended to. The phase of relation indicated by those which have a general similarity of sense cannot be always preserved in an English translation.^ These meanings are often shaded off the one into the other; it is but a delicate line that divides them. English prepositions have also in the same way a variety of uses closely connected with one another. Still a true translation of these important particles is of pri mary moment. The Authorized Version is faithful on the whole, but it has, as usual, startling deviations, and several inaccuracies. No one will maintain that the first of these^ should be always rendered by " in," since, with a local sense, it may be rendered " at " as weU as " in" ; " in Bethany," or " at Ephesus," " in" or " at Jerusalem," and in a temporal sense by " at " or " on," " at his coming." After words implying an oath, it is rendered "by," "by heaven," and so when it has an instrumental or modal sense, "by what authority ?" or "with what measure." It is translated " among," referring to a crowd or mass of people, and "-within," as in the phrase "within yourselves." English idiom may require some of these changes, though the radical idea always underlies them, so that the literal rendering ' As Ik and dir6 — Trcpt and vrrkp — perd and avv — ets and rrpos with the accusative. ^ kv. PREPOSITIONS. 459 might be kept in many places, as in Eom. xU, 8, "he that giveth, let him give in simplicity, he that ruleth in diligence, he that showeth mercy in cheerfulness." "Through" is not the proper translation of Eom. iu, 25, but " in," " in the for bearance of God " ; nor in Acts iv, 2, which should be, " and preached in Jesus the resurrection of the dead," in Jesus its proof and a Uving specimen of it. The utterance of Peter on healing the lame man was, " in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, rise up and walk " ; and when the apostle was arrested and brought before the Sanhedrim, the question was put to him, " in what name did ye do this," and his answer naturally is, "in the name of Jesus Christ." Mark xiv, 27, it should be "offended in me," not "because of me," the first rendering being found in Matt, xi, 6. In Luke xi, 15-20, we have those renderings varied for no purpose — " through Beelzebub," 15, 18; "by Beelzebub," "by whom," 19; "with the finger of God," 20. In 2 Cor. vii, 4, the rendering is "with" in the one clause and "in" in the other. In 1 Cor. vi, 11, the first clause has "in" and the second "by." In 2 Cor. vi, 4, four nouns are preceded by " in," and six in 5, but in 6, 7, " by " is adopted before eight substantives, and as the Greek preposition is changed in 7, 8, and is also rightly translated " by," the distinction is obliterated to the English reader. Luke x, 17, should be " in thy name." John xvii, 17, "in thy truth"; xx, 31, "in his name." Compare also Luke xi, 19. Eom. vi, 11, " through Jesus Christ our Lord," and in 23 ; xv, 17, " I may glory through Jesus Christ," Gal. V, 10, " confidence in you through the Lord." Ephes. ii, 7, " his kindness toward us through Jesus Christ," &c. ; iv, 32, " for Christ's sake." In those aud other places, the rendering is that which rightfuUy belongs to another preposition, which is often employed to designate a special aspect of Christ's mediatorial work — in Him and through Him being quite distinct, but both ideas being presented in close connection in Ephes. i, 7. Similar remarks apply to the rendering " by " in Eom. xiv, 14 ; 1 Cor. vu, 14 ; Gal. ii, 17 ; 1 Thess. iv, 1} 1 kv should, if possible, be so rendered that the phrase may not seem to be a simple dative. 460 THE ENGLISH BIBLE. [chap. In the Authorized Version there are also other needless v-ariations. 1 Thess. iv, 7, " God caUed us not unto uncleanness, but unto holiness," the last clause being "in holiness." Similarly the proper distinction might be preserved in Matt, vi, 10 ; in xxviii, 18, and should be "in heaven and on earth"; and also Eev. V, 3. This preposition is also used in the succession of -clauses in 2 Peter i, 5-7, and was properly rendered by Tyndale. The use of " to " makes the series a mere accumulation, but " in " implies that they spring out of one another in organic development. 1 Cor. vii, 15, "but God hath called us to peace," "in peace" being placed in the margin as the true representative of the Greek. In 1 Cor xiv, 11, the meaning is lost, " I shaU be unto him that speaketh a barbarian," the simple dative being employed, but in the next clause, which is rendered .similarly, the preposition is used, " and he that speaketh shaU be a barbarian unto me," in my opinion or experience. The misrendering of the prayer of the penitent robber in Luke xxiii, 42, is more serious, the true translation being "Lord, remember me when thou comest in thy kingdom," — in the full -enjoyment of thy power and prerogative. Compare Matt. xxvi, 31. The various meanings of another preposition^ — literal and tropical, instrumental, local, temporal, and ideal, are closely connected. But there is, as has been often noted, a marked distinction in sense or relation between it as followed by a genitive when it means "through," and as foUowed by an accusative when it means " on account of." " Through," indi cating the instrument, is a rendering preferable in many cases to " by," which might denote the agent. Matt, xxvi, 24, " the things done through his body," 2 Cor. v, 10, it being the instru ment. Compare specially 1 Thess. iv, 14, " Them also which sleep through Jesus." Sometimes this rendering "through" cannot well be preserved in English, as in the phrase Matt. iv, 4, "every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God," where " through the mouth of God" would not be very appro priate. In 2 Tim. ii, 2, we have the inadequate rendering " the things that thou hast heard among many witnesses," the '-^id. LVL] MISRENDERING OF PREPOSITIONS. 461 better rendering "by" being put into the margin; Heb. vii, 9, presents the rendering "Levi paid tithes in," instead of "through Abraham." The force of the preposition is lost in 2 Peter i, 3, "that hath called us to glory and virtue," the proper rendering "by" being relegated to the margin — a translation, also, that suits the instrumental dative, which is probably the correct reading. But many variations are unac countable. Its usual sense with the accusative — " because of," " by reason of," " for. . . . sake," as " Christ's sake," " your sake," — is sometimes departed from. In Heb. ii, 9, the wrong rendering "by" is put into the margin, the 'text retaining "for," tliat is, "on account of"; but there is so little steadiness,. that in vi, 7, the wrong "by" is kept in the text, and the right "for" put in the margin; and the same is done in Eom. viii, 11, "by" in the text and "because of" in the margin. In Eom. XV, 30, the rendering is such as belongs to the preposition with an accusative, "for the Lord Jesus Christ's sake," where it ought to be " by the Lord Jesus Christ and by the love of the Spirit." In 1 Cor. vii, 2, where there is exegesis, "to avoid fornication," instead of " on account of fornication" — that is, its prevalence, and the temptations to it, suggested the form of the counsel, verse 5. John xv, 3, "now ye are clean," not "through," but by "reason of" "the words which I have spoken unto you." A worse departure is made in 2 Pet. iii, 12, "the coming of the day of God wherein," and without any marginal alternative — the correct rendering being " the coming of the day of the Lord 'by reason of which' the heavens being on fire shaU be dissolved." The real aUusion is not presented in Eev. xii, 11, "wherein they overcame him," — the translation might be, "they overcame him because of the blood of the lamb." The phrase "for the remission of sins," in Eom. iii, 25, should be " on account of the prsetermission of sins." In Eev. xiii, 14, the Authorized Version has " by means of those miracles " — whereas it should be " because of the signs it was given him to do." It is to be noted that the words "the means of" are now printed in italics, as if to show that the original did not warrant the translation; but the italics are not in the first edition of 1611 ; they appear in a Cambridge 462 THE ENGLISH BIBLE. [chap. edition of 1637, and in Buck and Daniel's folio of the foUow ing year. Uniformity of translation is kept where the particle is re peated : in Eom. xi, 28, " for your sakes," " for the fathers' sakes." On the other hand, in Eom. xiv, 15, the rendering " with thy meat," should be " for the sake of thy meat," and the more so that " with thy meat " in the next clause repre sents the simple dative. The many shades of relation indicated by a third preposi tion^ need not be enumerated. Only it may be noted that, in some cases, it must be rendered by " in," previous motion being implied, the same tendency being found in classic Greek: as in Matt, ii, 23 ; Mark ii, 1 ; John ix, 7 ; Mark i, 9 ; Luke xi, 7, "my children are -with me in bed"; Matt, x, 9, "money in your purses"; Luke ix, 61; Luke vii, 50, "go in peace,"- — into peace. Compare Mark xiii, 9. But there are several variable renderings, as when it is translated " through out," "throughout aU Syria," Matt, iv, 24; Mark i, 28, 39; or " among," Mark iv, 7, xiii, 10 ; or " concerning," 2 Cor. vui, 23; or "before," in James ii, 6. Perhaps "against" is too strong, though the clause impUes it, Mark iii, 29 ; or, in Luke vii, 30, ".against themselves," where the margin has "within themselves," though "against that day" is a good idiomatic version, 2 Tim. i, 12. There was no pressing reason why, in Acts i, 10, 11, it should be rendered "toward" in the one verse and "into" in the other. It occurs in the phrase rendered " swear not, neither by Jerusalem," — that is, probably, looking toward it, or on it, and taking the oath in that attitude. It is idiomatically rendered with its sub stantive in Eomans x, 1, " that they may be saved," — that salvation being the aim or end of his " heart's desire," — the phrase being rendered "unto salvation" in 1 Pet. i, 5. "Bap tized into Christ" is the correct rendering in Gal. iii, 27, Eom. vi, 3, and the rendering should have been kept when ''- £is. IIio-TEi/o) may be followed cis or k-n-i, and in all these forms a by a simple dative, or by a dative distinctive shade of relation is ex- with kv or kiri, or by a simple ac- pressed. cusative, or by an accusative with LVL] OTHER INSTANCES, 463 what is equivalent to a person follows the verb, as in Matt. xxviii, 19, " baptizing them into the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost," — "in the name" being inadequate here, in Acts viu, 16, and in 1 Cor. x, 2, "were aU baptized into Moses," it being ideal, typical, and national baptism; and, in Acts xix, 5, where the "unto," employed both in the question and answer in verse 3, might have suggested " into." The point of the Apostle's challenge is lost in 1 Cor. i, 13, 15, by the same rendering. His question is, " were ye baptized into the name of Paul ? lest any should say that I had baptized into mine own name," — "in mine own name" would simply mean " by my own authority." This preposition should have kept its proper significance in Luke xvi, 8, "wiser" not "in their own generation," but "toward" or "in the interest of their generation." 1 Pet. i, 11, "the sufferings of Christ," — " the sufferings to come upon Christ," — though a literal trans lation, would be awkward ; Acts vii, 53, "who received the law," not "by," but "at" the enactment "of angels," — the preposition bearing a similar meaning in Matt, xii, 41, "at the preaching of Jonas," and in 2 Tim. ii, 26. The translatiou in John xi, 52, should be "might gather together into one." Compare 2 Cor. xi, 3. Of the two prepositions ^ rendered " out," or " from," the one refers to a pre-vious closer union, Matt, xxii, 37, and the other is more general. Matt, xxiv, 32, "learn ye a parable from the fig tree." Care should be taken that the translation cannot be mistaken for that of a mere genitive. Two prepositions ^ are often aU but identical in signification. The first is mistranslated in 2 Thess. ii, 1, where our version reads " by," as if the verse were a species of adjuration by the second advent, the sense being " on behalf of" It is to be noted that this is the only place in the New Testament where the preposition is so rendered, and there is not even a marginal alternative. It is the reading, however, of all the older ver sions, aud was used by WycUffe for the Latin per. Such a rendering is possible, but out of all harmony with the construc tion of the passage. ' Ik and diro, ^ virkp and rrepL 464 THE ENGLISH BIBLE. [chap. The second preposition has much the same sense with the first in some cases, and it is impossible to keep them distinct in English. To pray about a person is to pray for him, and the idiomatic rendering is "for ... . sake," for his body's sake, for Christ's sake. "About" or " concerning " would re present it better in many places — Matt, vi, 28, " and why are ye anxious concerning raiment," and in many other places. Another preposition,^ with the genitive, might be generaUy rendered "by," but, in the great majority of instances, it is rendered "of" in the Authorized Version. There is usuaUy no ambiguity in such an archaism, as in the phrases " baptized of him," " hated of all men," " tempted of Satan " ; but there are cases presenting ambiguity to a plain reader — Matt, xix, 12, "made eunuchs of men"; Luke ix, 7, 8, "and said of some."^ But in many instances the favourite old rendering "of" need not be disturbed. In Acts x, 22, it is rendered "among" in the one clause, and " by " in the other. On the other hand, "of" occurs twice in Eom. xiii, 1, representing two different Greek prepositions — " there is no power but from God .... ordained by God." The English " on," rather than " in," is the better represen tative of another preposition,^ in many places, as in Matt, iv, 6, "on their hands they shaU bear thee up"; xii, 28, "then is the kingdom of God come upon you " ; xiii, 7, " on thorns," as in verse 5, "upon stony places," and in 8 it ought again to be " upon the good ground"; xiv, 8, 11, "upon a charger" ; Matt, xxv, 31, "the Son of man shaU sit upon the throne of his glory" (as in xix, 28, "ye also shaU sit upon thrones"); xxiii, 2, " sit on Moses' seat " ; Mark vi, 55, " to carry about on beds." But there was no reason to vary the rendering of the particle in the same connection in Acts x, 17, and xi, 11, "before the gate " in the first instance, and " come unto the house " in the second. Another preposition* is sometimes rendered "to" as weU as 1 vTTo. the accusative — it is difficult to " See page 242, &c., and page 365. give it such a translation as shall 3 k-jTt. show its difference from eis, or the ¦* Trpos is almost always used -with simple dative. LVi. PREPOSITIONS AND CONJUNCTIONS. 465 " unto," though " unto " might, if possible, be reserved for it in such cases. But the preposition has other senses — " with," " toward," " according to," " before, — and, as edged by the con text, it passes in result to the sense oi, " against," the Author ized Version rendering "against," Mark xii, 12, the sense being that conveyed by the familiar phrase, " spake this parable at them." 1 1 The conjunctions ottws and 'iva, the same verse, John iii, 17, trans- often approach in meaning ; and iva lating it like an infinitive in the sometimes, especially as prefixed to first clause, and in the second clause a prayer, embodies purport as well by the fuller form "that .... as purpose (Eph. iii, 16, &c.) But might " ? why vary the rendering of 'iva, in VOL. II. 2 G CHAPTEE LVII. T^HE second rule given to the revisers appointed after the Hampton Court Conference, was, " the names of the pro phets and the holy writers, with the other names in the text, to be retained, as near as may be, according as they are vulgarly used." Acting on these instructions, they were not at liberty to transcribe into English letters all the old Hebrew names, for several of them had been naturalized in other forms. As many df the names of the Old Testament are repeated in the New Testament, the remarks in this chapter must com prise aUusions to the names used in the Hebrew Scriptures. The most familiar forms were wisely employed — such as Mary, Eve, Saul, James, John, Jude. To have reproduced such names in full Hebrew or Greek syUables would have been a cumbrous and pedantic Uterality. They employ Cyrus for Corish, Darius for Daryavesh, Egypt for Mitzraim, and, as Canon Lightfoot says, they used "the more familiar Latin names " of the idol-gods for the less famUiar Greek ones, Diana for Artemis, Jupiter for Zeus, and Mercury for Hermes. In this last case, however, there was error, for the gods of the Latin name were different in function, character, and attributes from those of the Greek name. At the same time, many names had become disguised in the Greek and Latin Old Testament, such as Abdias for Obadiah, Oza for Uzzah, Eoboam for Eehoboam, Ochosias for Ahaziah, and they usually appear in that shape in the early translation of Coverdale. The translators represent Jehovah by "Lord" printed in small capitals. It is all but impossible to say what is the THE NAME JEHO VAH, 467 true pronunciation of the Tetragrammaton; but the word Jehovah is quite famUiar to all readers of the English Bible, and its uniform use would prevent some confusion of reference.^ It is employed in composition with other sig nificant terms — Uke Jehovah -Nissi — Shalom; but it occurs only four times by itself, and in one of the instances its use could not be avoided — Exod. vi, 3, " by my name Jehovah was I not known to them." Ps. Ixxxiii, 18, " whose name alone is Jehovah." But Moses is commanded to tell the people that the Name was Jehovah; and the full sense is lost in many phrases, which should be, Jehovah the God of Shem, Jehovah the God of Abraham. " If Jehovah be God, fol low him " ; "Jehovah he is the God," or iu the xix Psalm, "the heavens declare the glory of Elohim, but the law of Jehovah is perfect." The solemn collocation, Isa. xii, 2, of Jah-Jehovah, becomes the " Lord- Jehovah" ; and in xxvi, 4. But another form, Adonai Jehovah, is often wrongly rendered, as in Ezek. v, 11, "Lord God." The Hebrew tongue was very rich in terms ex pressive of religious emotion and truth.^ While no one would think, in the case of James, Mary, and Jesus, of going back to the Old Testament and substituting Jacob, Miriam, ahd Joshua; it would in many instances serve the purpose of identification, to carry forward the spelling of the Old Testa ment into the New, to suppress EUas and preserve Elijah, to give EUsh for Cis, Jonah for Jonas, Sharon for Saron, Elisha for EUseus, Korah for Core, Noah for Noe, Midian for Madian, Zebulon for Zabulon, and Napthali for Nephthalim, Hosea for Osee, and Joshua for Jesus in Acts vii, 45, and Hebrews iv, 8. It is painful to read, " Sem, which was the son of Noe " ; and whoever quotes Charran, or Chanaan, or Enos, or Esaias, or Jeremy, or Agar, or Sodoma, or Jephthae, though these names occur in the New Testament? The rale, then, commends itself, to use the forms best known or to take them from the original as nearly as possible, and to ^ The reader will find a good dis- volume of his " Translation of cussion on the pronunciation of the Ewald's History of Israel." Lon- sacred name, by RusseU Martineau, don, 1869. M.A., in an Appendix to the second " See pp. 386, 387. 468 • THE ENGLISH BIBLE. [chap. preserve, save in a few haUowed instances, the same spelling of proper names in the New Testament as occurs in the Old. But there are many capricious exceptions found in our version. Often we find two forms of a name — as Asshur seven times, and Assyria over twenty-five, and the alteration often occurs in the same book. It is uniformly Assyria in 2 Kings, Isaiah, and Jeremiah, and in the minor prophets after Hosea ; while in Ezekiel both forms are given, and in Hosea Asshur is used once and Assyria four times. It is odd that the form is Tyre in all the books up to Jeremiah, and the same in Joel iii, 4, but otherwise it is Tyrus in the Old Testament. Both spellings — Zidon and Sidon, Zidonians and Sidonians — occur in the Old Testament, and we have. Gen. x, 15, "Canaan begat Sidon," and in 1 Chron. i, 13, "Canaan begat Zidon," Grecia occurs in Daniel only, Greece in Zechariah; Grecians is found in Joel, and in Acts meaning Hellenists, and Greeks everywhere else in the New Testament. Edom is common throughout the Old Testament, and Idumea is used four times in Isaiah and Ezekiel. Cush, the Hebrew name, occurs only in Isaiah xi, 11, and Ethiopia in all other places. Peculiar variations are found in the New Testament, not as apart from the Old Testament, but as within itself. One name is Timothy seven times, and Timotheus seventeen times ; Timotheus always in the Acts, Eomans, 1 Corinthians, Philippians, and Thessalonians, and Timothy always in the epistles addressed to himself; nay, both names occur in one chapter (2 Cor. i). Jeremy and Jeremias are both found in Matthew. Silas and Silvanus both represent one person, the first form of which is uniformly used in the Acts, and the second in the Epistles. Sina stands in Acts, but Sinai in Gala tians. The Apollos of the Acts becomes ApoUo in 1 Cor. iii, 4-6, in the edition of 1611. The familiar name, Priscilla, of the Acts, Eomans, and Corinthians, becomes Prisca in 2 Tim. iv, 19, but they had this reading in their Greek text. Cretes is the form in Acts ii, 11, and Cretians in Titus i, 12. In the course of the same argument the fourth son of Jacob is both Judah and Juda, Heb. vii, 14 ; viii, 8 ; and as the last is a quotation, the Old Testament spelling has been preserved. It is Judas in Lvn.] VARIOUS SPELLINGS OF PROPER NAMES. 469 the genealogy of Matthew ; but Juda in that of Luke, and Jude is the name of the Apostle.^ The archaic term Jewry, for Judea, is still found in Luke xxiii, 5, and in John vii, 1. It represents Judah in the Old Testament, Judea occurring only once in Ezra v, 8, but Jewry also only once in Dan. v, 13, in combination with Judah, the same word being represented by both, "Art thou Daniel, which art of the children of the captivity of Judah, which the king my father brought out of Jewry?" (Judah). In a word, one name appears in many different forms — Joshua, Jehoshua, Jehoshuah, Hosea, Hoshea, Osee, Osea, Oseas, Oshea, Jeshuah, Jesus. Calvary, which occurs only in Luke xxiii, 33, is from the Calvaria of the Vulgate. Compare Matt, xxvii, 33 ; Mark xv, 22 ; John xix, 17. The name is Luke in Col. iv, 14, 2 Tim. iv, 11, and Lucas in the Epistle to Philemon, 24. It is always Mark in Acts, also in 2 Tim. iv, 11, but Marcus in Col. iv, 10, Philemon 24, 1 Peter v, 13. It is Noe five times in Matthew and Luke, but Noah three times in Hebrews and in 1 and 2 Peter. Simon, son of Jona, in John i, 42, and in the same Gospel, son of Jonas, xxi, 15 ; but the more probable reading for Jonas is John. Urbane ^ is the name of a man (Eom. xvi, 9), for it represents Hrbanus, but a final e was common in those days. A woman's name becomes Euddias (Philip, iv, 2), but Junia (Eom. xvi, 7), on account of the mascuUne epithet foUowing, is probably to be taken as a man's name, Junias. Miletus (Acts xx, 15, 17) is Miletum in 2 Tim. iv, 20. MUetum, as Archbishop Trench has remarked, is a " singular mistake," and is inherited from the earlier ver sions. But with a portion of the verse corrected, the Bishops' has, " Erastus abode at Corinthum," and so Tyndale, Coverdale, and the Great Bible ; but both the Genevan 1 Keim, in his Life of Jesus, uses though the common form occurs in the form Nazara, but the Greek the Old Testament, 2 Kings i, 2. It gives Nazareth, so familiar to us ; would be bold to change Sychar into Beliar, though found in Greek, will Shechem, John iv, 5. not supersede Belial, the old He- '-^ Ovp(3av6s. brew form ; Beelzeboul, is also found. 470 THE ENGLISH BIBLE. [chap. editions present a suggestive difference, "Erastus abode at Corinthus." official names, that is, names of functionaries which have no parallel in modern times, are difficult to the translator. We have, in the New Testament, tetrarch naturaUzed, but ethnarch (2 Cor. xi, 32) is rendered governor — the ruler of a people, as the head of the Jews in Egypt, though it is applied also to Simon Maccabseus and to the chief magistrate of the Jews living in a foreign country under their own laws. Politarchs, the name given to the magistrates of Thessalonica,^ Acts xvii, 6, 8, is rendered " rulers of the city." Asiarch occurs in Acts xix, 31, vaguely rendered " chief of Asia"; those Asiarchs, named from their province, presided over worship and sacred festivals. Though politarch and Asiarch had no chance, why should not ethnarch have been transferred as weU as tetrarch, with an explanatory marginal note, especiaUy as tetrarch did not keep the meaning implied in its composition — the ruler of a fourth part, — for it was simply the title of a governor in a Eoman province. Herod and his brother were, by an imperial grant, made tetrarchs of Judea. Herod Antipas, called tetrarch in Matt, xiv, 1, is named king in the ninth verse of the same chapter. We have also chiliarch, hekatontarch, stratopedarch, the first rendered chief captain (Acts xxi, 31), the second centurion (32), and the third (Acts xxviii, 16) was the captain of the prsetorian guard, but the clause may not be genuine. The same Greek title is given to Pilate, to FeUx, and to Festus, and is rendered "governor," — they were procurators exercising power in a small province. Another term, denoting pro-consul, the governor of a senatorial province, is rendered deputy. Acts xviii, 12. But the "magistrates" of Philippi (Acts xvi, 36) belonged to a different term, for it was a Eoman colony and they were duumvirs, or praetors, at tended by " sergeants " or lictors. It is not easy to get characteristic names in English for those various officers, though some distinction might be preserved. The "town clerk," such as he of Ephesus (Acts xix, 35), kept the archives ^ On a surviving arch at Thessalonica, naming the magistrates, the term LVII.] CHALDEE NAMES. 471 and read the decrees in the public assemblies ; the " chamber lain" of the city (Eom. xvi, 23) was the treasurer, fiscal-officer, or oeconomus ; the receiver of rents and revenues in such cities as Edinburgh, Glasgow, and London, is still called chamberlain. WycUffe has " tresorere," and the Eheims " cofferer." Chaldee names are more easily transferred. Eab-mag, chief of the Magi ; Eabshakeh, chief of the cup-bearers ; the title of Nebu-shas-ban is Eab-saris, chief of the eunuchs — rendered "officer" in the text and "eunuch" in the margin. In Jer. xxxix, Nebuzar-adan is called "captain of the guard" — Eab- tabbachim, " chief of the executioners," as in the margin. In a word, English plural forms are wrongly given to some Hebrew names, as cherubims, seraphims, Anakims. Ephod, phylactery, synagogue, sabbath, selah, Satan, rabbi, heresy, exorcist, remained untranslated. s CHAPTEE LVIII. EVEEAL gems, or precious stones, are also only transferred, and it is extremely difficult to distinguish or to identify them, so that the rendering is often mere conjecture. The translators confess, with truth, in their Preface : "Againe, there be many rare names of certaine birds, beastes, and pre cious stones, &c., concerning which the Hebrewes themselves are so diuided among themselues for iudgement, that they may seeme to haue defined this or that, rather because they would say something, then because they were sure of that which they said." The eager and confident Hugh Broughton proposed that, in the work of translation, " embroiderers should help for terms about Aaron's ephod ; geometricians, carpenters, masons, about the temples of Solomon and Ezekiel ; and gardeners for aU the boughs and branches of Ezekiel's trees, to match the variety of the Hebrew terms." While pilgrims have in aU ages been attracted to the Holy Land, it is to be regretted that the natural history of Palestine has been so little explored by them. TraveUers bent on geo graphical identifications paid only a passing attention to shrubs and animals. Few had acquired the requisite quaUfications, and many tourists could scarcely tell a swift from a swallow, a sparrow from a finch, a gazeUe from a kid, an olive from an oleander, an oak from a terebinth, or a fig from a syca more. Bochart's " Hierozoicon," the fruit of great labour and omnivorous research, abounds in erudite theories, happy fancies, and odd etymologies. Ursinus's " Arboretum " and Hillers's " Hierophyticon " are similar compilations, wonderful in learning. The " Hierobotanicon'' of Olaus Celsius is a great PRODUCTIONS OF PALESTINE. 473 improvement, and the eight folio volumes of Scheuchzer's "Physica Sacra" are overwhelming in their vastness; while Hasselquist, EusseU, and Forskal, are not to be forgotten. Attention may be invited to a little unpretending volume by Canon Tristram, " The Natural History of the Bible," London, 1868, 2nd ed. Canon Tristram himself is a distinguished naturalist, and he was accompanied on his tour by scientific investigators. All genuine information about the country of its birth throws light upon Scripture, especially on the Old Testament in which the scenery, climate, and productions of that moun tainous country are so often referred to by annalists and poets. The Land iUustrates the Book, for it has stamped its own image upon it. Though it was but a small territory, yet it sur passes in renown every other region on the face of the earth — as the scene where the patriarchs wandered and Joshua gained his victories, where the Tabernacle with its Holy of holies stood, the priest instructing by Urim and Thummim, and the prophet pronouncing his oracles, where David reigned and sung, and Nebuchadnezzar inflicted such desolation, and where throughout all the centuries of its chequered existence the nation fondly clung to the hope of a promised Deliverer, where at length He appeared clothed in humanity and died on the cross, and whence has gone out an influence which is changing, elevating, and blessing the world. The country belonged to Asia, but it was on the confines of Europe and Africa. The fauna and flora of three great continents meet in it, and its summer splendour, its frosts and snows, its spring and autumn, its flocks and pastures, its vintage and harvest, supply imagery to a book designed for universal circulation. Its "dew of Hermon," "balm of Gilead," "rose of Sharon," "Uly of the valley," and "swelUng of Jordan," have been long naturalized among us. As its scenery ranged from dry deserts to wooded slopes, from palms to cedars, from the cUffs of Engedi to the snows of Lebanon, it was a miniature of the world, and the fitting centre from which light and hope were to radiate through aU the earth. Canaan, the name so common in Scripture, was the ancient name of Phcenicia ; and Palestine. 474 THE ENGLISH BIBLE. [chap. in our Old Testament, is simply what is now called Philistia. There is not only no small uncertainty about the botany and zoology of Scripture, but the uncertainty becomes darker through the inconsistencies of the English translation. We can glance only at a very few examples. Satyr, dragon, cockatrice, and unicorn must disappear. In Isaiah xiii, 21, the version is, " and owls shall dwell there, and satyrs shall dance there " ; and in xxxiv, 14, "the satyr shall cry to his fellow.'' How could this mythological creature find its way into the EngUsh Bible, and that even without a marginal explanation ? The "wild beasts of the desert," Isaiah xiii, 21, 22, has in the margin " Heb. Ziim ," " owls " has " ostriches," " doleful crea tures " has '' Heb. Ochim," " and wild beasts of the island " has "lim" ; but the satyr has nothing appended to it either as to the original term or in explanation. It had appeared first in the Genevan translation, also without any note; the earUer versions having, " ostriches shall dwell there, and apes shall dance there." Goat is the ordinary meaning of the word ; but in Lev. xvii, 7, 2 Chron. xi, 15, it represents some object of worship, rendered in our version "devils" in both places, the Septuagint giving " vain " or " false " "gods," and the Vulgate "demons," as also the Chaldee and the Syriac versions. But the Vulgate has " pilosi," "hairy ones" in Isaiah ; Luther has " Feldgeister," and Calvin adopts "satyrs," not in any fabulous sense, but as actual appearances of the devil. In the last clause of the next verse the Vulgate has sirenes. Those objects of worship referred to no doubt had the form of -wild goats, as in the Egyptian idolatry. The combined notion of demon and shaggy monster suggested sat yrs or demons assuming such a shape — compare Eev. xviii, 2. Some ¦writers would keep the true meaning of " wild shaggy goats " in harmony with the other animals in the dismal picture, ostriches, jackals, and wolves. The old Greek translator was sorely puzzled by the word Ziim, and he renders it by ass- centaurs. While the Authorized Version, as if in great doubt of the real meaning, puts Ziim and Ochim in the margin ; the Genevan for the same reason keeps them untranslated in the LTOI.] ITS FAUNA AND FLORA. 475, text (as Luther did), and inserts this note in the margin,, " which were either wilde beasts or foules, or wicked spirits, whereby Satan deluded men as by the fairies, gobblins, and such like fantasies." In two cases the Hebrew terms have been simply transferred. Behemoth and Leviathan. Matthews' Bible introduced Behemoth, and in a note refers it to the elephant ; and so the Bishops', with a note on " elephant, so called for his hugeness, by which may be understood the devU." No one can identify many of the plants and animals, and their names need a very careful revision, but ignorance did not need to excuse itself by variety of rendering : "thistle," 2 Kings- xiv, 9, is " thorn " in Prov. xxvi, 9 ; and " bramble " in Isaiah xxxiv, 13. "Owl" in Lev. xi, 16, Deut. xiv, 15, and often in Isaiah, becomes in the plural " ostriches," in Lam. iv, 3 ; and indeed the margin has " ostriches " in Job xxx, 29 ; " grass hopper '' in Lev. xi, 22, is "locust " in 2 Chron. vii, 13 ; another term is " locust" throughout the Pentateuch, but " grasshopper " in Judges vi, 5, vii, 12, Jer. xlvi, 23. In these passages the image is that of numbers, and any one who has ever passed through a flight of locusts in Palestine must have a vivid idea of the interminable multitude, as it darkens the sky and presents the appearance of a broad-flaked snow storm, such as often falls in our month of February. The fabulous unicorn will pass out, Deut. xxxiii, 17. The name came from the Septuagint and Vulgate; but we read, " his horns are the horns of a reem," implying that the animal was not one-horned. It could not therefore be the rhinoceros, but the bison or urochs, the urns of Julius Csesar. Behemoth may be the hippopotamus, and the leviathan the crocodile. The Hebrew term tzippor, occuring forty times, is only twice rendered sparrow, Ps. xxxiv, 4, cii, 7, and in all other places it is translated " bird," and five times " fowl," and that rightly, for it denotes any of the smaller birds. The term rendered " crane " is probably the swift (Isaiah xxxvUi, 14), and the boys in Palestine call it stUl by the old name, Ziz. The song of birds is rarely aUuded to it is found in Ps. civ, 12, and the Song of Solomon ii, 12 but the Hebrew reads only " time of singing " — " of birds ' 476 THE ENGLISH BIBLE. [chap. being supplied ; and many suppose it to mean " time of pruning." The "apple" was probably a citron, or rather an apricot. "" Pannag," as in the Genevan and Bishops', is left untranslated in Ezekiel xxvii, 17. " Mustard seed " wiU remain in the parable till the plant, the image of rapid increase, be fully identified. " Spikenard," as a name, has no warrant in the Greek of Mark xiv, 3 ; it comes from the Vulgate, and its " nardi spicati." In Canticles i, 12, iv, 13, 14, the Latin and Greek versions have simply " nard." Tyndale has " ointment ¦eaUed nardi, pure and costly," the Eheims " precious spike- narde." " Spikenard " was introduced by the Genevan version. Our margin has "pure nard, or liquid nard." The Bishops' version, unable to make anything of the word, puts into its text "narde pistike," and the epithet may be a local or geo graphical word taken from the Indian district whence it was brought. Cedars, olives, figs, are well known ; barley is every where ; and as thorns and briars have been always abundant, the Hebrew has no less than eighteen words to express -different kinds of them. The thorny nubk down near Jericho forms an impregnable fence. Six aUied Hebrew words are rendered " oak," some of them being the " terebinth." But the translation "plain" is sometimes -wrongly given, as in Gen. xiii, 18, where it should be " oak" or "terebinth " of Mamre. The word rightly rendered "oil tree" in Isaiah xli, 19, is translated " olive tree " in 1 Kings vi, 23, and by " pine branches" in Nehemiah -viii, 15. Perhaps the oleaster is meant. The "paper reeds" is a mistranslation in Isaiah xix, 7, 1 The name of "Valley of the self inclined to adopt such a deri- Kedron" may have a connection vation of the name of the valley. with some old groups of cedars. The cedars of the Old Testament " Brook ofthe Cedars," John xviii, 1. 'were not all Lebanon trees. Other Xetpdppov tZv KeSpdJv. Eabbinical species of firs are referred to under authority states that on a bridge the general name. Indeed, our term leading from the mount to the eas- " larch " is only the Hebrew or Ara- tern gate of the temple were two bic word with the article, "I'arez." great cedars, or " monsters of Lightfoot, VS''orks, vol. X, p. 82, ed. -cedars,'' as Lightfoot calls them. Pitman, London, 1823. The great orientalist is not him- Lvin.] SPECIFIC TOPOGRAPHY. 4,'j'j forthe papyrus is mentioned in the same oracle. "Cockle,'" Job xxxi, 40, is an old Anglo-Saxon term, and the margin gives " noisome weeds " ; but in Isaiah v, 2, 4, it is rendered " wild grapes." " Eye," which is not indigenous in Palestine, should rather be " spelt," as in the margin, Exod. ix, 32 ; Isaiah xxviii, 25. Spelt is grown extensively in Palestine, and resembles wheat, but is rough, coarse, and bearded. The writer saw many fields of it some time ago, and was — as he had not seen ifc before — perplexed by it for a time, as it was not wheat on the one hand, nor rye on the other. Oats are not grown in Palestine ; but there is a general term for " corn," or " cereals," one special term for "standing corn," and a third for "win nowed corn." There are special words for " green corn," " parched corn," " pounded corn," " old corn," and " a corn stack." " SUk " occurs in Eev. xviii, 12, among the wondrous trea sures of Babylon, and it is also found in Prov. xxxi, 22, in Ezekiel xvi, 10, 13; and in the margin. Gen. xli, 42, it is the alternative for the "fine linen" of the text, which is the proper rendering, and it has not such a marginal explanation anywhere else. " Silk " is the right translation in the Apoca lypse. The term in Ezekiel means " drawn as fine as a hair," and is explained to mean silk by the lexicographers Hesychius and Suidas. Another Hebrew term, rendered " Damascus " in Amos iii, 12, has been taken to refer to damask — "on damask couches." Any reference to silk in the Old Testament is rather doubtful. The Hebrew language abounded in specific topographical terms, which have not always been attended to in our version. It has distinctive words for hill, height, rock, cliff, crag, for spring,^ weU, pond, pool or tank, reservoir, cistern, trough; and for ravine, dale, vaUey, plain, plateau or downs, park, field, meadow, wady or dry water-course. It had also special names for city, hold, hamlet, -villages, enclosures ; and for wood, forest, 1 John iv, 6, "Jacob's spring was woman names the shaft " the well," there," Trrjyrj, rendered "fountain" to (fipeap. in James iii, 1; and in v, 11, the 478 THE ENGLISH BIBLE. [cuap. grove, &c. In the Old Testament reference is sometimes made to the Negeb, vaguely rendered " the south," Psalm cxxvi, 4 ; to the Shephelah, or "low country," "valley" in Josh, xi, 16; to the Arabah and the circle of the Jordan; to the Mishor — downs or table-lands of Moab; and to the Sharon^ — the rich sea-board, especiaUy between Csesarea and Joppa. It is not easy to find distinctive terms for Hebrew measures, weights, and coins. In some cases in the Old Testament the original name is kept — " an omer," " an ephah," " gerah," " shekel " — which must be made intelligible by a marginal ex planation. In the New Testament some terms are translated, but the translation gives to the reader no more knowledge than would be given by the simple transference of the original word — such as a measure of wheat, three measures of meal, bushel, firkin, pieces of silver, piece of money, penny, pound, tribute money. The English terms do not correspond in value to the original names, and this is of special importance when some lesson or comparison depends on the coin or size of the measure. The proportion of the money to the grain, or the comparative dear- ness of the wheat, is lost to the reader in the vague rendering " a measure of wheat for a penny," Eev. vi, 6, and would be equally so in the more literal translation, " a choinix of wheat for a denarius," or that older annotation, which has passed into the text, "now an omer is the tenth part of an ephah," Exod. x-vi, -36 ; and there is no marginal note, though it is of some impor tance to know how much manna each man gathered for a daj^s consumption. Nor is there any explanation of a "thousand silverlings," Isaiah vii, 23. Half-shekel and stater would not, indeed, be very inteUigible, Matt, xvii, 24, 27. An American margin might explain a penny as "seventeen cents." Principal ¦Campbell ^ waxes merry on the proposals which have been made to sive a strict translation in British coin: "a measure of wheat for sevenpence halfpenny," " the chief priests covenanted with Judas for three pounds fifteen shiUings sterling," "why was ^ It is usually in the Old Testa- do-udpiava., much as nn?, with the ment ^iifQ, with the definite article, demonstrative pronoun sin, produced .as in Acts ix, 35 The combination E'u.'D Eheims Version, ii, 107- 155. taken from Vulgate, ii, 107. originated with Popish exiles under Elizabeth, ii, 113. the translators, some account of, ii, 115, 116. New 'Testament published, ii, 116. title, ii, 116. the preface, ii, 117'. the motives it assigns for the transla tion, ii, 117-121. for the Annotations, ii, 123. reasons for close adherence to Latin, ii, 123-125. ' " Greeke added in margent," ii, 125, 126. Fulke's attack, ii, 126, 127. Cartwright's answer to the preface, ii, 127. reasons for translating from Vulgate, U, 128. want of charity towards Protestants, ii, 129. the Greek text ever before them, ii, 129. Latin terms not rendered, ii, 130-133. familiar Saxon phrases, ii, 134, 135. enriched vocabulary of Authorized Version, ii, 135. uniformity of rendering, ii, 136. Eheims New Testament and Mary Queen of Soots, ii, 136. Old Testament published, ii, 137. description of, ii, 137. publication delayed from lack of means, ii, 137, 138. addresses prefixed to Old Testament, ii, 138. why the Latin text translated rather than Hebrew or Greek, ii, 138, 139, 140. why some words are not translated, ii, 140. Latinized EngUsh, ii, 141. examples from Psalter, ii, 141, 142. idiomatic renderings, ii, l43. incomprehensible renderings, ii, 144. notes, theological, ii, 144, 145. Ust of words not familiar to the vulgar reader, ii, 145. how the version was regarded by hostile observers, ii, 146, 147. Douai and Eheims Version — continued. controversy between Martin and Fulke in regard to rendering of proper names, ii, 147, 148. attacks of Eheims translators ou all English versions, ii, 148. repUes of Whitgift, Cartwright, and Bulkeley, ii, 149. Catholic translators did not make use of WycUffe, but now and then coincide with Genevan Version, ii, 150. their table of Protestant errors, ii, 150, 152. changes in subsequent editions, ii, 153. Dr. Lingard and Cardinal Wiseman on the changes in the translation, ii, 154. English terms due to old Latin Bible, or Vulgate, ii, 154. theological nomenclature derived from Latin Church, ii, 155. use of Eheims by translators of Authorized Version, ii, 219. Durham Cathedral, insurgents enter and destroy Bibles, ii, 79. Edfrid, his translations of Scripture into Anglo-Saxon, i, 5. Edward, the Confessor, and the intro duction of French, i, 19, 20. IIL, relation of, to English tongue, i, 24. the two races perfectly united un der, i, 70. VI. , measures in favour of EngUsh Bible during his reign, i, 420- 424. numerous editions of Bible iu his reign, i, 423. Elizabeth (Queen), diflSculties of early part of her reign, ii, 59. Bible again starts into prominence, ii, 61. a diligent student of Scripture, ii, 61, 62. injunctions for the purchase of Bibles, ii, 62. in religion an enigma, ii, 63. eagerness for uniformity, ii, 64. and Parker's wife, ii, 64, n. 2. would not consent that the Bibles in circulation should be either abled or disabled, ii, 65. various editions in circulation in her reign, ii, 66. Elyot (Sir Thomas) undertakes task of seizing Tyndale at Antwerp, i, 237, 238. 492 INDEX. Emperowr (Marten), printer of Tyn dale's revised New Testament, i, 226. Endhoven (Christopher of) issues third edition of Tyndale's New Testament, and is arrested, i, 175. Hacket's demand that he be ban ished, i, 176. his widow prints George Joye's New Testament, i, 217. EngUsh, first occurrence of term, ac cording to Lappenberg, i, 6, nn. language, gradual ascendency of, i, 23-25. changes in, from influence of Nor man-French, i, 25-29. first king's speech in, and first sta tutes recorded in, i, 24 influence of Danish on, i, 25, n. 3. growth of, in time of WycUffe, i, 70, 71. Grimm in regard to, ii, 226. in its most perfect state when Au thorized Version was made, ii, 239-241. Erasmus, his fear with regard to study of Hebrew and philology, i, 91. at Cambridge, i, 104. Seebohm and Lee on his "Novum Instrumentum," i, 117, n. 1. the publication of his Greek New Testament an epoch in history of Western Christendom, i, 141, 142. and the term "Vulgarius," i, 255. Fisher (Bishop) and burning of basket- fuls of books, i, 167. Foguy (John), printer of Eheims ver sion, ii, 117. Forrest (Henry), of Linlithgow, burned at St. Andrews for having New Testament in English, i, 248. Thomas, vicar of Dollar, tried and burned in eflSgy, i, 415. Eorshall and Madden's edition of Wy cUflfe, i, 69. Frankfort, troubles among exiles at, ii, 4. Froschover and printing of Coverdale's Bible, i, 270. blunders in title-pages of English Bibles, i, 280. misprint in Coverdale's Bible printed at Zurich, i, 305. Fry (of Bristol), his edition of Tyn dale's Jonah, i, 206. his monograph of "Three New Testa ments of Tyndale," i, 232, n. I. Fryth, Tyndale's letter to, i, 134. his reply to More, i, 135. the "Baruch to this Jerem3'," i, 139. a fugitive and vagabond, i, 203. martyred, i, 216, 217. Fulke's story of Coverdale's defending his Bible before the kmg and bishops, i, 374. his defence of the three versions against Martin's attack, ii, 103. his defence of translations of Bible and dedication to the Queen, ii, 146, 149. on translation of proper names, ii, 147. on want of uniformity of rendering, ii, 136. Fyshe's (Simon) "Supplicacion of the Beggars," i, 170. GaUoway's account of Hampton Court Conference, ii, 179. his career, ii, 205, 206. Gardyner, Bishop, and Scriptures in EugUsh tongue, i, 263. translation of portion of Scriptures assigned to him by Cranmer, i, 265. and Eogers, i, 348-350. his plot for Latinized edition of Bible, i, 402-404. his Ust of ninety-nine Latin terms, i, 404. no mean scholar, i, 404, n. 2. Mary's Chancellor, i, 425. character by Lloyd, i, 426. advocates Henry's repudiation of the Pope, i, 425, 426. and the indiscreet artist, i, 427. his imprudent retort to charge of instigating the queen to persecute heretics, i, 433. retirement and death, i, 434. Garrett and circulation of Tyndale's New Testament, i, 161-166. Gaunt's (John of) relation to WycUffe, i, 41, n. 1; 49, 51. on forbidding English Scriptures, i, 83. Geddes, his objections and those of Hume to certain Saxon BibUcal forms, ii, 129. on annotations of Rheims version, ii, 129. Gell's (Dr.), attack on Authorized Ver sion, ii, 266, 267, n. 2. "Gelding," Wycliffe's word for "eunuch," i, 75, n. 2. Geneva, citadel of Protestantism, U, 5. INDEX, 49S Genevan Bible, ii, 3-56. due to refugees from Marian perse cution, ii, 3-5. preceded by New Testament of Whittingham (see Whittingham), ii, 5-9. scholars engaged iu enterprise, ii, 10, 11. when finished, ii, 11. title, ii, II. dedication to Queen Elizabeth, ii, 12. dedication to the Christian reader, ii, 13, 14. things which made it the people's book iu England and Scotland, ii, 14, 15. caUed "Breeches Bible," ii, 15. a revision of Tyndale's Bible col lated with Great Bible, ii, 16. collation, ii, 16, 17. changes due to Beza, ii, 17. Genevan Old Testament, decided ad vance on Great Bible shown by collation, ii, 18-22. changes to the better in Apocrypha, ii, 22. Latin terms, ii, 23. good renderings introduced by, ii, 23, 24. old Saxon forms and words, ii, 24, 25. antique words and senses, ii, 25. old spellings, u, 26. supplementary clauses, ii, 26, 27. its famous marginal notes, ii, 27-30. their character, ii, 28-30. excellence of the version, ii, 30. its Greek text, ii, 31. Bodley's patent for printing, ii, 32, 33. first printed iu England, ii, 33, 34. Tomson's revision of New Testament, ii, 34, 35. great sale of, ii, 35, 36. relation of Parker, Grindal, and Whitgift to, u, 36. great and long continued popularity, ii, 37, 38, 51. in Scotland, ii, 15, 39. use of, by Knox, u, 39. the first Bible printed in Scotland, u, 44-47. title-page and dedication, ii, 45. some account of it, ii, 47. subsequent editions in Scotland, ii, 48, 49. overture for revision, ii, 47. the favourite volume in Scotland, ii, 50. its vitaUty, ii, 51, 52, 102. when it passed out of use, ii, 52. Genevan Bible — continued. attacked by Howson and Gregory Martin, ii, 52, 53. stigmatized as the work of Beza, ii, 53, 54. criticized by John Hamilton, ii, 54- 56. Cotton and latest, ii, 291, n. I. Genevan version and first Protestant Assembly of the Kirk, ii, 42. proportion of its renderings retained in Authorized Version, ii, 218. Gib (Muckle John), and the Sweet Singers, ii, 325, 327. Gifford on the Bible as well-head of EngUsh prose, ii, 232, n. 2. GUby, one of the translators of Gene van Bible, ii, 11. Ginsburg on Coverdale's version, i, 284. his error in regard to Coverdale's use of "manner," i, 284, 285. Glosses (Anglo-Saxon), i, 14-17. glossa ordinaria and gloss interline- ary, i, 68, 69. Godfray (T. ), and the first issue of Tyndale's New Testament in Eng land, i, 240. Gospels (Anglo-Saxon) published by Surtees Society, i, 14, u. 2. "of the fower Evangelistes," printed by John Daye, i, 16, n. 1. Polyglott published under care of Bosworth and Waring, i, 16, n. 2. Gower's works, i, 24, 52, n. 4. Guthlac's version of Psalms, i, 10. Guy (Thomas), founder of Guy's Hos pital, imports Bibles from Conti nent, ii, 299. Grafton and Whitechurch publish edi tion of Coverdale's Diglott, i, 304. take burden of printing Matthew's Bible on themselves, i, 315. Grafton's letter to Crumwell regard ing, i, 335, 336. his petition for protection against rival editions, i, 340, 341. at Paris with Coverdale, preparing Great Bible, i, 357-360. sent to prison, i, 401. among exiles, ii, 3, n. \, his reprint of "A Godly Invective, &c.,"i, 65. Great Bible, i, 355-440. Coverdale chosen as editor, i, 355. mistakes about origin of, i, 356. Crumwell the prime mover, i, 357, 365. Paris selected as place of printing, i, 357. 494 INDEX, Great Bible — continued, Coverdale and Grafton send two copies on parchment to Crum well, and unfold their plan, i, 357-359. Bonner's connection with them, i, 359. Inquisitor-general interferes, i, 360. the volume finished in London, i, 360. title and frontispiece, i, 361-363. commendation of Grafton iu connec tion with, i, 361. apology for want of notes, i, 363. Crumwell's measures for its circula tion, i, 364. his own copy on vellum, where pre served, i, 364. size, i, 365. Latin version of Erasmus used by Coverdale in the revision, i, 365, 366. Munster and Pagninus used for re vision of Old Testament, i, 366. collation of 2nd and 23rd Psalms, i, 367-369. carefulness of the revision, i, 370. spiteful attempts to frustrate pro clamation in favour of, i, 370. the Bible welcomed by the people, i, 370, .371. new edition, with preface, by Cran mer, i, 372. price, i, 372. royal patent to Crumwell, i, 373. delay iu publication, Fulke's account of, i, 374. Coverdale editor of second Great Bible as well as first, i, 375. Cranmer's prologue on the benefit of Scripture reading, i, 375-378. title, i, 378. changes in second edition maiidy due to Munster, i, 379-383. Erasmus carefully studied for New Testament, i, 381, 382. clauses inserted in the Apocalypse, i, 382. seven editions of Great Bible in brief space, i, 382. misprint iu heading of Geu. xxxix, i, 383. Apocrypha called Hagiographa, i, 383. Great Bible still the only authorized version, i, 383. paraphrastic and supplementary clauses from the Vulgate, i, 383- 386. Psalms in Book of Common Prayer Great Bible — continued, taken from the Great Bible, i, 386. terrible years during which succes sive translations of the Bible were pubUshed, i, 387-394. CrumweU's arms erased in four last editions, i, 394. fourth edition bears names of Tun- stall and Heath, i, 395. Anthony Marler bears expense of last editions, i, 397. prices at which he might sell them, i, 397, 399. proclamation enjoining all churches to provide themselves with Bible of largest volume, i, 397, 398. title-page of last volume of this series of Great Bible, i, 399. royal mandate in favour of Great Bible carried out by Bonner, Lati mer, Hooper, and Lee, i, 400, 401. reaction, i, 401. Great Bible to be revised after the Latin version, i, 402. names of persons to whom the work was apportioned, i, 403, 404. Gardyner's list of Latin words to be retained, i, 404. Cranmer outwits him, i, 405. Great Bible in Scotland, i, 418. proclamation of Queen Elizabeth in favour of, ii, 62, 63. Greek in Britain and Theodore of Tarsus, i, 102. introduced into Europe after fall of Constantinople, i, 102. early teachers of at Oxford and Cam bridge, i, 103-105. Grindal and Coverdale, i, 435. and Genevan Bible, ii, 36. and Bishops', i, 71, 73, 75. Guest (Gheast), Bishop of Eochester, on revision, ii, 69. Hacket, his zeal against Tyndale's New Testament, i, 176-179. and Einck, i, 178, 179. demands that Christopher of Endho ven be banished, i, 176. and importation of Tyndale's New Testament into Scotland, i, 245, 246. Hamilton (John), assassin of Regent Murray and censurer of Genevan Bible, ii, 54, 55. Hamilton and Melville in the Tower, ii, 206, n, 2. (Patrick), i, 247. INDEX, 495 Hampton Court Conference, ii, 171- 179. confounded with Savoy Conference, ii, 287. Harman and Fyshe, i, 170. and Hacket, i, 178. released from prison, i, 231. and Queen Anne Boleyn, i, 231, 232. Heath, account of, ii, 426. (See Tan- stall and Heath. ) Hebrew, early study of, i, 208, 209. how Tyndale acquired knowledge of, i, 208. works on, to which he might have access, i, 209. bis knowledge of, i, 209-215. Hebrew tongue rich in terms of re ligious emotion, ii, 386, 387, 467. ' ' Helpmeet, " " helpmate " the proper form of, ii, 253, n. 1. Henry I sneered at for use of EngUsh speech, i, 21, 22, u. I. Henry III issues proclamations in French and English, i, 23. Henry IV and V, their relation to Lol lards, i, 88, 89. - Henry VIII and Luther, i, 162-164. and Matthew's Bible, i, 336-339. his patent conferring on Crumwell sole right to print Great Bible, i, 373. Hereford (Nicholas de), i, 65, 66. " His," old use of, ii, 257. Holbein's frontispiece to Great Bible, i, 361, 362. HoUybushe's NewTestament, influence on Macknight, i, 305. Hooper, martyrdom of, i, 430. on desirableness of revision, ii, 66. "Hucker-mucker," i, 182, n. 3.' Hunt on Cranmer's moderate Calvin ism, n, 372, n. 1. Ida, with bands of Angles, in Nor thumberland, i, 33. " Institution of a Christian Man," dedication of, to the king by pre lates, i, 410. Jambs V, and persecution for religion, ii, 414-416. close connection between France and Scotland in reign of, ii, 42. James VI, his descent, ii, 159. romantic incidents which marked his infantine years, ii, 160. a boyish kinglet, ii, 161. his character made up of contrasts, i, 161-165. James VI — c.onVmued. his knowledge of scripture and theology, ii, 165. fondness for learned discussions, ii, 167, 168. changes of opinion, ii, 169, 170. and the Puritans, ii, 169, 174. flatteries heaped upon him, ii, 170. the millenary petition, ii, 171. Hampton Court Conference, ii, 171-176. fondness for giving nicknames, ii, 176. _ saying in regard to Genevan notes, ii, 177, 178. and whipping boy, ii, 178, n. 1. his profusion aud poverty, ii, 183. his version did not cost him a far thing, ii, 184. Joye (George), his Psalter and Isaiah, i, 217. brings out edition of Tyndale's New Testament, i, 217. Tyndale's complaint regarding, i, 218, 219. his reply, i, 219-221. his account of spurious editions of Tyndale's New Testament, i, 220- 222. controversy between him and Tyn dale in regard to soul-life between death and resurrection, i, 222, 223. his ambition and malice, 224, 225. "Judas" for "Jesus" in one of the first issues of Authorized Version, n, 291, n. 3. Jugge (E . ) , printer of an issue of Cover- dale's Bible, i, 305. Parker asks Cecil on his behalf for printing of Bishops' Bible, ii, 75. his mark on Bishops' Bible, ii, 76. Kellison (Dr.) and the Bible iu one of the three sanctified tongues, ii, 113. his "Gag for the New Gospel," ii, 149. Keltic dialects of Britain, no versiou preserved in, i, 3. words, few preserved in EngUsh lan guage, i, 3. Kilburne's Tract, u, 290, 298. Kilbye, story of, by Walton, ii, 188. Knyghton on John Ball, i, 52. on number of Lollards, i, 53. on Wycliffe's character, i, 57. on his translation, i, 81. " Known men," i, 95 Knox (John) and Genevan Bible, ii, 9, 10. 496 INDEX, Knox (John) — continued. two sons born to him at Geneva, u, 10, n. 2. his erudition, ii, 41. conversations with Queen Mary, ii, 42, n. 1. and translation of Genevan Bible, ii, 10. Langtoft's (Pierre de) Chronicle, i, 24. Lasco (John A.), ii, 3. Latin version, its two forms, i, 17. Latimer's . letters to king on English Bible, i, 261, 262. Laud's dislike of Genevan, ii, 52. Lauderdale (Duke of) and copy of Matthew's Bible with "kneawe" for "servaunte," i, 352. Lanfranc scorns native saints, i, 20. Lawney (Thomas) on Stokesley, i, 265. Layamon's Chronicle of Britain, ii, 29, n. 2. Lawrence, his critical remarks on Bishops' Bible, i, 79-84. Lemoine's complaint of want of pocket Bibles, ii, 306, Lingard's new version of Four Gospels, ii, 153, 154. Lollards, origin of name, i, 84. arguments against, i, 84, 85. stigmatized not as traitors, but as heretics, i, 85. persecutions of, i, 87-94. in Scotland, i, 96. London (Dr.), his furious zeal against Bible readers, 408, n. 1 . Luft (Hans), printer of Tyndale's Pen tateuch, i, 204. Luther and Tyndale (see Tyndale), Luther's first intimation of purpose to translate New Testament, i, 143, n. I. Lydgate, priest and minor poet, i, 87. Lyndwood's digest, i, 61, n. I. Lyra (Nicholas de) and Purvey's Pro logue, i, 68, 69. Macalpinb, brother-in-law of Cover- dale, i, 431, 432. M'Crie's (Dr.), error with regard to Wishart's recantation, i, 419. Macregol, writer of Eushworth Gloss, i, 14, 15. Magna Charta makes no mentiou of different races, i, 23. Mandeville's Travels translated out of French into English, i, 24. "Manner," use of, by Coverdale and others, i, 284. Marbeck's Concordance, i, 350, 351. Marler defrays expense of last edition of Great Bible, i, 397, 398. royal proclamation in his interest, i, 405, 406. Martin (Gregory) stigmatized Genevan Bible as taken from Beza, ii, 53. attacks plurality of versions, ii, 10), 102. and Douai Version, ii, 115. attacks on EngUsh Version, ii, 147, 148. Mary (Bloody), her reign, i, 425-434. numbers who perished for their religious opinions during, i, 428. Mary, Queen of Scots, pensions assas sin of her brother, ii, 54. appeals to Eheims New Testament, u, 136. sends baptismal font to the mint, ii, 160. Matthew's Bible, .309-352. title-page and description of, i, 309- 311. John Eogers, editor, i, 311 (see Rogers), the name Matthew, i, 312-314. origination of volume, i, 314. where and when printed, i, 314. Grafton and Whitechurch take on themselves the burden of printing, i, 315-340. connection of Tyndale and Cover- dale with, errors regarding, i, 315- 318. a composite volume partly taken from Tyndale, partly from Cover- dale, i, 319-325. two-thirds Tyndale's, one-third Coverdale's, i, 324. prefatory matter, i, 326-328. changes on Coverdale made by Eogers, i, 328, 329. Coverdale and Eogers on Apocrypha, i, 329-331. the notes, i, 331-334. Cranmer and Crumwell, their con nection with the volume, i, 335- 340. the royal license procured for it, i, 336. royal proclamation to curates regard ing, i, 336, 337. boldness of the movement, i, 337, 338. dedication, i, 339. Grafton's petition against rival edi tions, i, 341. Taverner's edition (see Taverner), other editions, i, 346, 347. INDEX. 497 Matthew's Bible — continued. first English Concordance sprang out of the study of Matthew's Bible, i, 350 (see Marbech). " servaunte " changed into " kneawe " in this Bible, i, 352. Mazarin Bible, i, 105, n. 3. Melville (Andrew), ii, 41, 206, 207. Melville (James), his Diary on unpopu larity of Scotchmen in England, i, 207, n. 1. "Merchant's House" iu Antwerp, i, 311. connection of Rogers and Lambert with, i, 311, n. 4. Mendicant Orders, Chaucer's scourging of, i, 48. Millenary Petition, ii, 171. Milligan (Professor) on relative con structions iu Matthew's Gospel, ii, 254, n. 1. Min (Walter) martyred, u, 40. Misquotations of Scripture, i, 328-330. Money, value of, in time of Tyndale, i, 118. Monopoly (Bible), u, 324, 325. More (Sir 'Thomas) and study of Greek, i, 104. date of birth, i, 109. , on Tyndale's degree, i, 109, 110. on Tyndale as Lutheran, i, 122, 125. critical attacks on Tyndale's New Testament, i, 187-190. his anomalous character, i, 190- 193. his zeal against heretics, i, 193, 194. his outrageous railing, i, 194-196. his criticism >of nay and no, i, 197, 198. his confession of defeat, i, 199. Mulcaster and Puttenham on the Eng lish tongue of their period, i, 239, 240. Munmouth (Humphrey) and Tyndale, i, 116, 117, 124. Miinster and Pagninus used for revi sion of Old Testament of Great Bible, i, 366. Nbcton's confession with regard to circulation of Tyndale's New Testa ment, i, 169. Nary's Revision of Douai Version, u, 153. "Nay" and "No," More's criticism on, i, 197. Netter (de Walden) and WycUffe, i, 52, 56, 57, 58, n. 1. VOL. II. 2 1 Nikke (Bishop) and Tyndale's New Testament, i, 174, 183, 184. Norman invasion, effect of, on English tongue and people, i, 19, 20. Normandy, loss of, its effect on English tongue, i, 23. Nycolson, printer of Coverdale's edi tion, 1537, i, 280, 301, 302. printer of HoUybushe's New Testa ment, i, 305. OccLEVE, frigid poet, sings of Brad- bee's mart3'rdom, i, 87. Offer, fragment of "Tyndale's New . 'Testament, referred to by, i, 121. his error in regard to Matthew's Bible, i, 317. Olivetan's BVench Bible, ii, 5. Origen's labours on Septuagint, ii, 337. Ormuluin (The), i, 30. Overall, one of the translators of Authorized Version, ii, 186. Owen's controversy with Walton on text of Scripture, ii, 339-341. Packington and Tunstall, i, 179-181. his brother shot, i, 181, n. 2. Parker (Dr.) and 'Tyndale, 113. and Tracy, 113, n. 1. Pagninus Sanctes, i, 286. his version used by Coverdale, i, 281, 286-291. Paragraph marks in Authorized Version, ii, 309. Parker (Archbishop), his connection with Genevan Bible, ii, 33, 36. succeeds Pole as Archbishop of Canterbury, ii, 59, 60. some account of, ii, 66. his passion for uniformity, ii, 66. intimates to Cecil his design for Bishops' Bible, U, 70. letter to the Queen, intimating com pletion of, ii, 73, 74. on affectionate terms with fellow- workers, ii, 75. his preface, ii, 77. Genevan notes disparaged by, ii, 74, 93. Patentees, George I issues orders to, with regard to correctors of press, u, 306. Pavier, anecdote of, ii, 311. Pecock's R-epressor, i, 70. his combination of rationalism and ultramontanism, i, 84, 85. " Pilgrimage of Grace," i, 338. Plowman (Piers), his vision, i, 48, 49. 498 INDEX. Pole (Cardinal) returns to England in Mary's reign, i, 425. refused to be consecrated while Cranmer lived, i, 426. Queen's principal adviser, i, 434. Polychronicon (The), 20, n. 3. Polyglott Complutensian, Tyndale uot acquainted with, i, 142. Antwerp, U, 209. Porter (John) and Sir G. Harvey's picture of the reading of the Bible in old St. Paul's, u, 400, n. 2. Price of Bishop's Bible, ii, 94. of Genevan in Scotland, ii, 43. of Great, i, 397, 399. Tyndale's, i, 166, 168, 169. WycUffe's, i, 91, 92. Poyntz, Tyndale's host at Antwerp, i, 238, 239, 240, n. 2. Printing, invention of, i, 105. spread of, i, 106. Gutenberg and Fust, i, 105. Caxton, i, 106. effect of printing in cheapening books, i, 106. Roman and ItaUc letters, i, 106, n. 1. interesting information in regard to printing of Bibles, ii, 307, n. 3. Prest (Agnes) and Raleigh's mother, ii, 61. Psalms, Eichard EoUe's version of, i, 31, 32. Psalter, popularity of, i, 32. 33. Hyde's (John) MS. of, i, 31. Punctuation, how it has varied in Authorized Version, ii, 308, 309. ambiguity arising from, ii, 379-382. Puritan described as a Protestant frayed out of his wits, ii, 325. Purvey, ii, 66-69. Pykas (John), aud MS. Bible, i, 194. and Tyndale's New Testament, i, 166. QuENTEL and the Byrckmans, their connection with printing of Tyn dale's New Testament, i, 128, 129. Quijote (Don) ou translation, ii, 353, n. 2. Eavius (Chris.), his statement with re gard to number of copies of Eng Ush Bible issued in 1646, ii, 297, n. 1. Regnault, printer of new edition of Coverdale's Diglott, i, 304. of Great Bible, i, 357. ReUgious Houses, suppression of, i, 387, n. 1, 403. "Replication," ridiculous punishment of attorney in connection with, i, 193, n. 3. Resby (John), follower of AVycUffe, burned at Perth, i, 96. Revision of present translation, ii, 337-484. dread of, ii, 343. desirableness of shown by Dr. Light foot and other scholars, ii, 333, 334. bill for, in the Long Parliament, ii, 344-347. prepared for by labours on the original text, ii, 347-352. true nature of, ii, 353. present version result of frequent revision, ii, 354. futility of objections to, by Earl of Shaftesbury, late Lord Panmure, Dr. Cumming, Dr. M'Caid, ii, 355. objections answered, ii, 354-357. previous attempts at, criticized, ii, 358-363. that of Scarlett, ii, 358. Heinfetter, Davidson, Rotherham, and others, ii, 359. Darby, Baptist American Bible Union, Mace, ii, 360. Dickenson, Noah Webster, ii, 361. Alford, Penn, Macknight, Reli gious Tract Society, Tauchnitz's Thousandth Volume, ii, 362. "Five Clergymen," M'Lellan, ii, 363. works on, ii, 363. required by defects of Authorized Version, ii, 365. ambiguities, ii, 366-372. inexact renderings, ii, 372-378. doubtful punctuation and other points calling for amendment, ii, 378-382. want of uniformity of rendering, ii, 383 SS. uniformity not always possible, ii, 384, 385. but to be kept wherever it may, ii, 385. since each of the inspired writers has his own style, ii, 385, 386. terms characteristic of -a. Divine revelation, ii, 386, 387. variations, unnecessary, but not af fecting the sense, ii, 387-391. capricious and bewildering, ii, 393-395. which obscure the meaning, ii, 395-397. INDEX. 499 Revision of present translation — varia tions — COH t'mued. motived in some cases, ii, 397-399. specific instances of, in parable, ii, 399. charity, ii, 400. put to death, ii, 400. comfortless, ii, 400. thief, u, 400. common, ii, 400, 401. Holy Ghost, ii, 401. child, u, 401. multitude, U, 401, 402. implacable, ii, 402. iu Matthew, U, 402, 403. characteristics of Mark's style ob scured, ii, 403. in Luke, John, Acts, ii, 404- 406. Paul's repeated use of same term obscured, ii, 406-413. goodly apparel, appearing, dam nable, ii, 413. rich, thrones, wonder, cage, ii, 414, 415. one English term represents several Greek words, ii, 416. distinctions thereby effaced, ii, 417. brightness, ii, 417, 418. crown, people. Godhead, ii, 418. true, temple, ii, 419. Ufe, love, ii, 420. new, light, ii, 421. clusters of instances, ii, 422-425. child, ii, 425. immortality, ii, 426. sickness, ii, 426. beasts, ii, 426, 427. poor, ii, 427. dead, ii, 427. world, ii, 427, 428. wiU, ii, 428. weep, servant, judge, ii, 429. wash, other, ii, 430. remission, conformed, burden, re pent, ii, 431. bring forth, to do — to make, ii, 432. beU, ii, 432. devil — demon, ii, 433, 434. miracle, sign, wonder, ii, 434, 435. anacolouthon and paronomasia, ii, 435, 436. article ( the Greek ), translators guided by no fixed principle in deaUng with, ii, 437. inconsistencies, ii, 437-440. before the name Christ, u, 440. Revision of present translation — article — continued, point frequently lost by omission of, ii, 440-443. wrong insertion of, ii, 443, 444. overpressed, ii, 444. tenses, ii, 445-455. aorist rendered by perfect, ii, 445- 447. perfect rendered by present, ii, 447-449. perfect and pluperfect, ii, 449, 450. Epistle to Hebrews characterized by use of perfect, ii, 450. imperfect not correctly rendered, ii, 450-452. present misrendered, ii, 452-455. Mark and the use of the present, ii, 453, 454. Greek verbs corresponding to "be come" and "be" confounded, ii, 456, 457. prepositions, ii, 458-465. rendering of h, ii, 458-460. did, ii, 460-462. Ei9, ii, 462, 463. EK and i-!rn, ii, 463. inrip and -n-tpi, ii, 463, 464. Eiri and TTjoo's, ii, 464, 465. particles, ii, 479. conjunctions, ottoic and 'lua, ii, 465. names (proper), how dealt with, ii, 466-471. most familiar forms employed, ii, 466. Jehovah, ii, 467. want of uniformity, ii, 467-470. official, ii, 470. Chaldee, ii, 471. plural forms wrongly given, ii, 471. untranslated, ii, 471, 472. terms connected with the land of Palestine and its productions, ii, 472-479. works on, ii, 472, 473. the Land iUustrates the Book, ii, 473. errors in rendering terms belong ing to botany and zoology, ii, 474-477. satyr, unicorn, &c. , ii, 474. variety of rendering, thistle, owl, &c., 475. apple, spikenard, thorn, &c. , ii, 476. rye, corn, silk, ii, 477. topographical terms, abundance of in Hebrew, ii, 477-478. weights, measures, and coins, terms for, ii, 478, 479. 500 INDEX. Revision, notices of that which is at present in progress, ii, 481-484. Rheims and Douai Version (see Douai). Richard II speaks to rebels in their birth tongue, i, 24. Richard III, statutes of, the first re corded in English, i, 24. Ridley's (uncle of martyr) depreciation of Tyndale's New Testament, i, 185. Einck acts as a spy on Tyndale and his work, i, 178, 179. consulted by Cochlseus in regard to Tyndale's printing of New Testa ment, i, 129. his letter to Wolsey in regard to Bibles taken into Scotland and England, i, 247. Eobert (of Gloucester), his metrical chronicle, i, 20. Rogers (John), early history, i, 311. quits England for Antwerp, i, 311. intimacy with Tyndale and Cover- dale, i, 312. marriage, i, 312. edits Matthew's Bible, i, 312 (see Matthew's Bihle). returns to England on accession of Edward VI, i, 347. preferments, i, 347. ordered, nnder Mary, to keep him- " self a prisoner in his own house, i, 348. examination before Gardyner, i, 348. martyrdom, i, 350. his descendants, i, 350. ' ' Roger's Rhyme to his Children, " i, 314. Roman or Westem Church, the good it wrought, ii, 110, 111. its exclusiveness and repression of free thought, i. 111, 112. its reluctance to give vernacular Scriptures to the people, i, 112. reasons for the refusal, i, il3. Romance languages, i, 18, n. 3. Rouse's Psalms, ii, 314, n. 1. Piough (John) martyed, i, 430. Rows (the), a Scottish family of note for learning, ii, .322, u. 1. Row (John), his proposals for revision, ii, 322-324. Roye (WiUiam) and Tyndale, i, 110, III. in what sense an assistant of Tyn dale, i, 139, 140. his " railing rhymes, " i, 171. Ruremond (John) and printing of Tyndale's New Testament, i, 177- 185. Rushworth Gloss, i, 14, 15. published by Surtees' Society, i, 14, n. 2. Sanders (Nicholas) and Douai Bible, ii, 116. Sandys (Bishop) on importance of re vision, ii, 67. Sautre sent to stake, i, 187. Scandinavian invasions of France, i, 18. Schceffer finishes the printing of 'Tyn dale's New Testament, i, 130. Schorham's translations of the Psalms into Old English, i, 31. Scotland, how affected by Norman in fluence, i, 31 , notes. French terms- still preserved in com mon speech of, ii, 42, n. 1. books and readers in, during 16th and 17th centuries, ii, 312. independence and poverty, ii, 312, 313. Bible in, no indigenous translation, ii, 312, 313. no lack of scholars qualified for the work, ii, 41, 42. content to receive versions of the Bible from England aud Conti nent, u, 313, 314. Wycliffe's, i, 96-98. Tyndale's New Testament im ported, i, 245, 246. martyrdoms in connection with, i, 246-248, 414, 416. Great Bible, Act passed, and pro clamation made in favour of free Bible circulation, i, 416-418. reaction aud martyrdom of Adam Wallace, George Wishart, and oth^s, i, 419. Genevan Bible, first Assembly of the Kirk, and, u, 39, 42. first Bible issued in, ii, 42, 43. Arbuthnot and Bassandyne, prin ters, ii, 43. George Young, corrector, ii, 44. publication and dedication to the king, ii, 45. enactment requiring householders to have copy of, ii, 46. no change of orthography from EngUsh edition, ii, 48. Greek types, insuflScient supply of, ii, 47. subsequent editions, ii, 48, 49. favourite volume in Scottish house holds, ii, 50, 51. enactment regarding, by Diocesan Synod of St. Andrews, ii, 50. quoted by Scottish writers, ii, 51. INDEX, 501 Scotland — continued. Authorized Version, its success as rapid there as in England, ii, 314-316. refused by the "Sweet Singers," ii, 225-327. editions of (see Authorized Ver sion), Bible printing now under supervision of Board in Edinburgh, ii, 324, 325. BibUolatry in, ii, 327. Scottish tongue (old), works iu, i, 97. "Scrip,'' meaning of, in Authorized Version, ii, 376. Scrivener (Dr. ) and the EngUsh Church, ii, 205, n. 1. his Cambridge Bible, ii, 310. ' ' Sir " as appUed to Tyndale and others, i, 119. Skeat's Ajiglo-Saxon Mark, i, 28, n. 1. Smith (Dr. Myles) and Dr. BUson superintend Authorized Version at press, ii, 20. Somerville (Mrs.) and Scottish BibUo latry, u, 327. Spencer, Bishop of Norwich, massacres poprdation of Gravelines, i, 46, n. 4. Spiridion (Bishop) and the preacher in Cyprus, ii, 235, n. 1. Steelyard (the) i, 128, n. I. Stokesley and the translatiou of. the Scriptures, i, 264. ' ' SuppUcation (the) of the Poor Com mons," i, 396. on restrictions of Bible reading, i, 412, 413. Swinderby, poor priest and preacher, i, 79. Stuart's (Esme, Duke of Lennox) vUe hypocrisy, ii, 38. Tavekner edits revised edition of Matthew's Bible, i, 343. editions, i, 343. his dedication to the king, i, 344. his scholarship and the changes made by him, i, 344-346. his aUiterative conceits, i, 334, n. 1. TeUier (Le), sworn scribe of the Holy OflSce and printing of Great Bible at Paris, i, 360. Text, Hebrew, of Old Testament, ii, 209. Greek, of New Testament used by translators of Authorized Version, U, 211-214. Text (original), alarm created by at tempts to amend, u, 338-343. Origen's labours on, ii, 338. Stephen's, ii, 339. Walton's Polyglott, and Owen's con siderations on, u, 339-342. Bengel assailed, ii, 342. Mill's New Testament, panic caused by, U, 342. Bentley's exposure of the foUy of such panic, ii, 342. Bentley's principles, u, 347. textual critics, ii, 347. changes in Greek Text, ii, 349-352. Theodore (Archbishop) aud the native tongue, i, 4. aud knowledge of Greek in Britain, i, 102. Thornton (Captain) and change of "servaunte" into "kneawe," i, 351, 352. "Thought," Greg's mistake with re gard to meaning of, ii, 254, n. 2. Thorpe (WiUiam) and Tyndale, i, 97, 98. Thoulouse, CouncU of, forbids Scrip tures to laity, i, 89, n. 1. Tischendorf (Constantine von) and Sinaitic MS, ii, 364. and Lachmann, ii, 347, 348. misprints in his EngUsh New Testa ment, ii, 314. Tomson's (Lawrence) edition of Gene van New Testament, U, 34. Topley (T.) and Coverdale, i, 256, 257. Translator, quaUfications for a, U, 4/9, 480. TregeUes, ii, 364. Trevisa in regard to French and Eng lish, i, 24. translates Higden's Polychronicon, i, 24, n. 4. his claim to have translated the Scriptures, i, 60, 61, n. 2. TunstaU, Tyndale's appUcation to, i, 115. his hostiUty to Tyndale's New Tes tament, i, 173, i74. outwitted by Packington, i, 179, 180. and Heath, first edition of Great Bible, with names of, i, 395, a scholar of eminence, i, 396. one of Mary's favourite bishops, i, 425. TybaU confesses to having Paul's Epistles after old translation, i, 94. and Tyndale's New Testament, i, 166. Tyler's rising and Wycliffe's teaching, i, 50, 51. 502 INDEX, Tyndale (John) punished for corre sponding with his brother, i, 193. Tyndale, i, 107-248. place and date of birth, i, 107-109. the name Hichens, i, 108. at Oxford, i, 109. his early love for the Bible, 109. removes to Cambridge, i, 110. no record of his ordination, i, 110. tutor with Sir John Walsh, i, 111- 114. controversies with the clergy, i, 113, 114. rejection by Tunstall, i, 115. residence with Humphrey Mun mouth, i, 116. manner of life in London, i, 116-118. meaning of title " Sir," as appUed to him, i, 118-119. leaves Londoii for Hamburg, i, 120, 121. connection with Wittemberg and Luther, i, 121-128. his knowledge of German, i, 127, 128. at Cologne puts New Testament to press, i, 128. Cochlseus discovers his work, i, 129. his flight to Worms, i, 129. brings out two editions of New Testament, quarto and octavo, i, 130, 131. separate editions of Matthew and Mark, i, 131, 132. noble and disinterested motives, i, 133. letter to Vaughan, i, 134. and Fryth, i, 134, 135, 216. his modesty, i, 135. his scholarship, i, 136-137. the sole translator, i, 138. assistants incorrectly assigned to him, i, 138, 139. and Friar Roye, i, 139-141. helps, i, 141. editions of Greek Testament of Erasmus used by, i, 141-142. relation of Tyndale's translation to that of Luther, i, 143-146. examples of influence of Luther's version on that of Tyndale, i, 146. use of Vulgate, i, 146, 149. illustrations of Tyndale's indepen dence of Vulgate, i, 149-150. renderings suggested by Vulgate, i, 150, 151. Tyndale's neglect of the Greek particles, i, 151, 152. incorrect renderings, i, 152-153. paraphrastic, i, 153, 154. Tyndale — continued, quaint and homely, i, 155-156. happy, i, 156-159. FuUer's eulogy, i, 159. archaic forms and peculiar spelUng, ¦ i, 159, 160. time when Tyndale's New Testa ment arrived in England, i, 161-167. circulation by Barnes, Necton, Con stantine, Fyshe, and Harman, i, 168-170. alarm of the authorities, i, 171. Tunstall's manifesto, i, 173. Warham's mandate, i, 173. Bishop Nikke's oflfer, i, 174. third edition of New Testament, issued at Antwerp and conveyed to England along with provisions, i, 174, 175. circulation detected, i, 175. zeal of Hacket at Antwerp, i, 176, 177. Ruremond's (John) edition in great letter, i, 177. Harman apprehended, i, 178. Rinck employed to apprehend Roye and Tyndale, i, 178, 179. TunstaU outwitted, i, 179-182. Tyndale's edition, with epilogue to the Epistle to the Romans, i, 182. Tunstall bums New Testament, i, 184. charges the volume with containing more than two thousand errors, i, 185. More's "Dialogue,'' a critical attack, i, 187-189. Tyndale's reply, i, 190, 196, 197. More's "Confutation" and " Apo logy," i, 198, 199. Tyndale rebuts objections to Eng lish translation of Scripture, i, 201. at Marburg, joined by Fryth, i, 203. " Parable of the Wicked Mammon," "Obedience of a Christian Man," "Practice of Prelates," i, 204. Translation of Pentateuch, i, 204, 205. Jonah, i, 205. Historical Books, i, 319-322. Prologue to Jonah, i, 206. Exposition of Sermon on Mount, and Commentary on 1 John, i, 206, 207. Tyndale's Hebrew helps, i, 208, 209. evidence that he translated from Hebrew, i, 209-214. Quaint renderings from his Old Testament, i, 215. INDEX, 503 Tyndale — continued, 'Tyndale and Joye, i, 217-225. Tyndale's revision of his New Testament, i, 225, 226. coUation showing its thoroughness, i, 227-231. terms changed in course of suc- , cessive revisions, i, 231. copy of revised edition presented to Queen Anne, i, 232. editions of 1535, collated from Fry's monograph, with Matthew, i, 233, 234. peculiar spelling of edition of 1535, i, 234. Vaughan and Tyndale, i, 235, 236. Tyndale's life at Antwerp, i, 236, 237. Sir Thomas Elyot undertakes to seize him, i, 237. Tyndale at the "house of Poyntz, i, 238, 239. arrested and imprisoned, i, 239, 240. during his imprisonment, his New Testament passes through press at home, i, 240. failure of efforts in his favour, i, 241, 242. letter of Tyndale in prison, to the Marquis of Bergen-op-Zoom, i, 242. bis martyrdom, i, 243, 254. WycUffe and Tyndale, i, 244. Tyndale's New Testament in Scot land, i, 245-248. Tyndale and Coverdale, i, 251-255. Types (Hebrew and Greek), lack of, ii, 47. Wynkyn de Worde and Lekprevik in regard to, ii, Udall (Nicholas), translator of Eras mus, i, 423, n. 1. Ussher (Archbishop), his chronology, ii, 217. Vaughan, Tyndale appeals to, i, 120, 134. interviews with Tyndale at Antwerp, i, 235. his despatches in regard to him, i, 235, 236. Verses, chapters first divided into, in English Bible, ii, 8. originated by Robert Stephens, ii, 8, n. 2. Versions of Scripture, modern Euro pean, before the Reformation, i, 253, n. 2. Veruliet (Daniel), printer of Douai version, i, 152. " Vinegar Bible, " ii, 15, n. 1. Voysey's impoverishment of see of Exeter, i, 439, 440. Vulgate, account of, ii, 107-110. and Itala, i, 17. Walton, controversy between Owen and, U, 339. Ward's (Thomas) attack on Authprized Version, ii, 267. Warham and Tyndale's New Testa ment, i, 173, 174. regarding EngUsh Bible for the people, i, 259, 260. Waste (Joan) condemned and burnt, ii, 61. Watson's (James) Bibles, ii, 321. Westminster, council at, 24th May, 1530, in regard to an Authorized Bible, i, 184. Whitchurch, Great Bible called by his name, ii, 218. See Grafton, married widow of Cranmer, ii, 218, n. 2. Whitgift and Genevan Bible, ii, 35, 36, 101. his hostUity to Cartwright, ii, 149. Whittaker, his errors in regard to Great Bible, i, 280, 281, 2S2, 284. Whittingham (W. ), account of, ii, 5, 6. his Genevan New Testament, ii, 5, 6. his own account of, ii, 6, 7. epistle prefixed by John Calvin, ii, 7. not first edition of that in Genevan Bible, ii, 7. description of, ii, 8, 9. iu this New Testament, chapters first divided into verses, ii, 8. his Psalms in collection of Sternhold and Hopkins, ii, 6, n. 2. William the Conqueror and English tongue, i, 20, 21, n. 1. Wiseman (Cardinal), and vernacular versions of Scripture, ii, 113. Witchcraft, Authorized Version charged with favouring, i, 269, 270. Wolsey condemned no one to flames for reUgious opinions, i, 167, 168. his license to Latimer, i, 172. his character, i, 172, 173. Wycliefe (John de), i, 30-98. time and place of birth, i, 38. academic life, i, 39, 40, nn. doctrines, i, 40, 42. persecutions, i, 40, 41, 81, 82. livings, i, 40. his patron, John of Gaunt, i, 41, n. 1. 504 INDEX. "WycUffe — continued. death, i, 41, n. 3. his bones, i, 82. literary works, i, 41, 42. three epochs in Ufe of, i, 42, 43. purity of character, i, 57. Wycliffe's Bible, i, 44-98. when WycUffe first resolved to give English Bible to his age, i, 44. causes which led to this resolution, i, 45, 48. Papal rapacity, i, 45-47. state of mendicant orders, i, 47. alarming condition of church and state, i, 48, 49. the Black Death, i, 49. Wat Tyler's revolt and Wycliffe's aUeged connection with, i, 50-54. his desire that Scripture should be standard of appeal, i, 56, 57. nobleness of aim in translating Scrip tures, i, 58, 59. WycUffe shown to have been the first to translate the entire Bible into English, i, 59, 63. Wycliffe's own part in the work of translating, i, 64. that of Nicholas de Hereford, i, 65, 66. revision of translation commenced by WycUffe, i, 66. carried through by Purvey, i, 66-69. Wycliffe's Bible— cojifa'naec?. second version often confounded with first, i, 69, 70. modern editions of, i, 69, 70. language of, i, 69-78. circulation of, by poor priests, i, 79. surviving copies of, i, 80, 81. hostility to, and to followers, i, 81-90. Act de Heretioo Comburendo, i, 85. fires of Smithfield, i, 87. Arundel constitutions, i, 89. stealthy reading of, i, 9l. nefarious means of detecting Bible readers, i, 93. prices paid for, i, 91, 92. influence of, continued to time of Tyndale, i, 94, 95. in Scotland, i, 96-98. WyUyams (Robert), his note on Bible reading, i, 413. Ximenes (Cardinal) and Compluten sian Polyglott, u, 112. shuddered at the idea of giving Bible to the Moors iu their own tongue, ii, 112. Years, terrible, I534-I541, i, 387-390. ZiJRiCH Bible, i, 285, n. I. Coverdale's use of, i, 281-285 (see Coverdale). GLASGOW : PRINTED AT THE UNIVERSITY PRE.^S. 9002 08844 1127 «\><.v*. • '•»?'.' '0. mi.