M It %'. p.' p'? ns8 '^he temporal Promifes of the So/pel ajferted and maintained: I N A S E R M O N, PREACHED AT THE ANNIVERSARY MEETING O F T H E SONS OF THE CLERGY, IN THE Cathedral Church of St. PAUL, On THURSDAY, May 8, 1788. BY THE Rev. PHIPPS WESTON, B.D. • •• , Canon Residentiary of Wells, and Rector of Witney, Oxford shire. TO WHICH ARE ADDED) LISTS OF THE NOBILITY, CLERGY, AND GENTRY, WHO HAVE BEEN STEWARDS FOR THE FEASTS OF THE SONS OF THE CLERGY, TOGETHER WITH THE NAMES OF THE PREACHERS, AND THE SUMS COLLECTED AT THE ANNIVERSARY MEETINGS, SINCE THE YEAR I72I. to N D O N : PRINTED BY ANN RIVINGTON, IN ST. JOHN's-SQUARE } AND SOLD BY J. F. AND C. RIVINGTON, IN ST. PAUL'S CHURCH- YARC [ Price One Shilling. ] Mxjl3 T O The Right Honourable Lord Vifcount Fitzwilliam. The P-ight Rev. the Lord Bifhop of Lincoln. The Right Honourable John Burnell, Efq; the Lord Mayor. The Honourable Mr. Justice Wilson. Richard Pepper Arden, Efq; his ]\/[ajefty's Attorney General. Rev. Henry Barton, D. D. Warden of Merton Col lege, Oxford. The Honourable and Reverend Edward Ven. Vernon, A. M. Canon of Chrift Church. George Byng, Efq; The Rev. Jonathan Boucher, A.M. Thomas Collins, Efq; Thomas Calverley, Efq; Clement Samuel Strong, Efq; (STEWARDS for the LATE Feast of the Sons of the Clergy,) THIS DISCOURSE, delivered and publiflied at their Requeft,-^ . IS respectfully inscribed by their faithful and obedient Servant, THE PREACHER. MATTHEW VL 33. BUT SEEK YE FIRST THE KINGDOM OF GOD, AND HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS; AND ALL THESE THINGS SHALL BE. ADDED UNTO YOU. IF a ferious perfan, who has attained that period of life at which reafon begins to exert itfelf, fhould be left, without better information, to his own reflexions, it is natural to fuppofe he would commune with his own heart in fbme fuch manner as the following : " Whence, and what am I ? I find myfelf placed here, by fome un- feen power, in a wide-extended, a boundlefs creation. The magnificence and fplendor of the objefts that fur- rourid me, excite my wonder, and invite my admiration.. Every thing I fee, is great, regular, orderly, and beautiful. But — what am I i^ of how inferior rank in this fair fcene! How inconfiderable,. compared to ,thofe numerous fplen- did objedls my aftoniflied eyes behold ! I am fwallowed up, and loft, as it were, in the immenfity of matter that furrounds me, and moft diftinguiflied by my weaknefs and imperfeftion. Wherein is fo infignificant a being as this to' be accounted of in the eyes of that omnipotent maker, whofe creation, wonderful as it is, was, perhaps, only the hiding of his power., Is it at all likely, that a being. VI A SERMON PREACHED BEFORE being, coqfcious of fo many frailties and fo much weak nefs as I am, whofe very virtues are but fo many bk- miflies, is of any value in the eftimation of the Creator of the Univerfe ? May a not only weak, but finful creature, as I know myfelf to be, prefume to expedl any favourable kindnefs from a being who muft be all-perfed;, and pure, and juft ?" Some fuch gloomy thoughts as thefe would naturally arife in every breaft informed by nature alone; the quiet affurance and tranquility of the mind will depend, in a great meafure, on the foMng of its doubts : and yet, reafon, and the philofophy of nature, are unable to folve them. — But th^ Redeemer of the world has refolved, and has removed them. He has told us plainly, what other- wife we never fhould have known, of .the father, thnf .he loveth us, and caret b for us : nay more, that he loveth us better, and careth for us more than for every thing clfe in this vifible fyflem of creation ; in which if it be, as it moft certainly is, true, that not one fparrow falleth to the ground, without the permiilion of our Heavenly Father.; it is, he afiTures us, equally true, that the very hairs of our head are all numbered. And in confequence of tiiis affurance, he has graciouHy direded us to forbear to en tertain any immoderate anxiety about the things of this world ; he has admonifhed us not to be over careful, as that would imply a diftruft of his care for us : but to feek firft the kingdom of God, and his righteoufnefs, that is, to make it our principal care and ftudy, by faith find obedience, to fecure the true riches ; and then he 4 afTur^s THE SONS OP THE CLERGY. vii afiures us, that all things neceflfary for our bodily fup- port, fhall be added to us. Had the great governor of the world, after having opened to us a profped of Heaven, and a glorious im mortality, left us to that exceeding great and precious promife, that future hope only, as an armour againft all the evils of this tranfitory ftate, as a fure and fted- faft anchor of the foul, this had been amply fufiicient, and wC fhould have had no juft caufe to complain, but, on the contrary, all the reafon in the world to be thankful. For what fhall a man put in competition with the foul, and its eternal welfare? But God, who knoweth whereof we are made, who knoweth that he has given us a body as well as a foul, knoweth alfo that there arc things needful for that body, and that our mixt and com pound nature is apt to fet a very high value on them ; and fo tenderly does he love us, that in condefcenfion to this our weaknefs, he himfelf has vouchfafed to alTure us, that if we will obey his blefi'ed will, and feek him and his righteoufnefs, firft and above all things, he will add to this our moft neceffary, and moft important acqui- fition, all that is needful for our bodily fubfiftencc This he hath promifed ; and hath God faid, and fhall he not do it ? hath he promifed, and fhall he not bring. it to pafs .? Nay, if that be pofTible, he hath more than promifed it. He has required and intreated us to believe him. He has expoftulated with our unkind dif truft of him, in a manner fo affedionate, and withall fo' authoritative,, as to melt,, one would think,, the moft ob durate: Vm A sermon PREACHED BEFORE durate heart, and to convince even Scepticlfm itfelf. *' Why are ye doubtful, O ye of little faith ? Confider the lilies of the field j confider the fowls of the air^ and be not faithlefs, but believing," Yet fome man, perhaps, will afk, what too many have afked, with a fneer, But how are thefe needful things added ? and by what hand are they fent? Do the ravens bring the fervants of God bread and flefh in the morning, and bread and flefh in the evening ? E)oes the ftony rock afford them water? Does their raiment neverwax old ? and do they never come into plagues and misfortunes like other men ? — Such language we have heard even from thofe who have been divinely fupported from their youth up, until now ; to whom God has given life and health, and the ufe of rea fon and language, which they very gracioufly employ in arraigning him, and his Providence in the -government of the world. v' In reply to th.efe captious and querulous fuggeftions, be it obferved, that they proceed on a falfe fuppofition ; they are founded on what neither the promife of the text, nor any other part of Scripture, implies; namely, that good men fhall be furnifhed with thefe need ful things in a miraculous manner. — Under the Pa triarchal and Mofaic difpenfatiori, indeed, God did, at fundry times, and in divers manners, interpofe vifibly, and make bare his arm, for the fupport of his faithful fervants. Jacob, and Mofes, and Elijah, were, it is true, often refcuedj and proteded, and fupported, by a miracle wrought THE SONS OF THE CLERGY. 1* wrought on their behalf. By the fame power, avowedly and conftantly exerted in their favour, were the Levites of old fubfifted and fuftained ; and afterwards David, and Daniel, and Paul, were preferved by the fame mira culous interpofition from the paw of the lion, and the bear ; the many deaths; which in various fhapes, at diffe rent times, threatened them. All this is moft undoubtedly true; and it is equally true, that we now fee no fuch vifible interference of the Almighty in fupport of his fervants. — But why fhould it be thought that God's providence is lefs real, though it be not equally ftriking, when he effedts his purpofes, as he does in thefe our days, by the agency of fecond caufes ? I When Chrift fed 5000 people in the wildernefs, with five barley loaves and two fmall fifhes, every one who partook of that wonderful feaft was, no doubt, devoutly thankful ; and admired and adored the miracle. Now, he openetb his hand, and by the regular returns of the har- veft, filleth all things living with plenteoufnefs — let Rea fon fay if that be a lefs miracle. Herein lies the difference; in the one cafe he vifibly, and without the covert appli cation, if I may fo fpeak, of fecond caufes, exerts his power; in the other, he difpofes and orders a variety of material inftruments, with fuch mechanical powers as na turally to produce the thing he intended to effed. When St. Paul was fhip- wrecked on the ifland of Me- lita, Publius the governor, we read, fhewed him and his fellowi-fufferers much kindnefs, and gave them fuch things b as X A SERMON PREACHED BEFORE as they flood in need of, prompted to relieve theif diftrcfs by an unfeen impulfe from that God who had foretold it.- And it is the fame ever-watchful Providence, that now worketh in the hearts of the good and bountiful : and which lately difpofed a noble prelate to reach out a com fortable provifjon to one, who had before eaten only the bread and drank the water of afflitlion, who was tOta.lly unknown to the giver ; and whofe diftrefs, in his own idea, I think I may be bold to fay, was beyond the reach of human relief. And, to adduce but one inftance more, the ftrongeft, perhaps, that has occurred fince the age of miracles, it is the fame God who rained down manna from Heaven on the Ifraelites in the wildernefs, that now, by you, his fervants here affembled, fhowers down his bleffings on the widows and orphans of thofe fhepherds, who were employed in conducing his people through another wildernefs : all is alike the Lord's doing ; and ought to be equally marvelloas in our eyes. The difference is only this : — under the Gofpel-difpefi- fation he fetteth one thing againft another ; the rich and the poor meet together! they meet, and fit like inden tures, where the redundancy fills the vacancy: the Lord is the maker of them both ; not only their maker as tbey are men, but as they are rich and poor; the better to effefl the wife and hidden purpofes of his providence, Impulfe and attradion do not more fitly confift and confpire to carry on the revolution of the earth, and the heavenly bodies in the natural,, than poverty and riches combine to bring about that revolution, of events, by which THE fiONS OF THE CL.EROY. XI which God's will is accomplifhed in the moral {yHQm. It is the fame almighty power, by which waters flow from their fountain, and light from the fun, by which all material nature aflts according to God's original de- fign, that prepareth the hearts of the humane and chari table to commiferate the helplefs orphan, and to wipe away the tear from the widovs^'s cheek. Our fupple- mental bounty is admitted into his fyftem, that he may be enabled to reward us the more for it. God fets bounds to his goodnefs, only to give us opportunity of exerting ours : and that we may feel the pleafure of that truth, " that it is moreblefied to give than to receive." The popular oibjediori, therefore, to a particular pro vidence, founded on the unequal diftribution of the good things, as they are ufually called, of this life, which to a hafty and incurious obferver may feem to form the ftrongeft arg^iment againft it, is, in reality, when duly confidered, the fulleft proof of it that can be advanced' or oflered. — Allow, that the governor of the world does icatter his favours promifcuoufly, and that though he' profeffes himfelf the patron of virtue and religion, yet it is often feen, that no two things ftand more widely from each other in this prefent ftate, than the pradice of vir tue, and the reward of it. Allow all that fpecious de clamation has faid, or can iay on this fubjeQ:, from the days of Job, the earlieft writer we know of, down to the pr€fent times j and without having recourfe to the end of the(e men, wherein it will certainly appear that God has been a righteous judge, as well as ftrong and patient : without confidering, which yet fliould be attentively con- b 2 fidered. XU >A SERMON PREACHED BEFORE fidered, that death docs not remove us out of God's em pire, but that he can in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, change the garments rolled in blood, into robes of glory ; I fay, allow it all, and it will all only turn to the praife of God ; it will turn out to be a confirmation of that truth it is brought to difprove. For what is God ? a moral governor. What is Man ? a moral agent. Now in a world confifting of beings conftituted as men are, without hardfliips, where is trial? and without trial, where is virtue ? and without virtue, where is reward ? Wealth and eafe, and faring fumptuoufly, may be pleafure; but poverty, and patience, and refignation, this is virtue ; and yet this virtue ean be called into exiftence only by hardfhip and diftrefs. Thefe beautiful colourings of a heavenly mind, like thofe of the rainbow, are feen only in clouds. Thus we fee that the neceffary inequalities in God's government of the world is fo far from affording an ob- jedion to the exiftence of his providence, that it only contributes to eftablifh the belief of it : we fee too, that this prefent world is fo conftituted as to be, what we fhould naturally expeft to find it, a fchool for all the virtues : and, therefore, that thus it behoveth accountable and rewardable beings, fuch as we are, to fuffer firft, and then to enter into our glory. If to this we add, that thereby is given to the wealthy the glorious opportunity of exercifing that virtue, which is the great ornament of his nature, and for which his wealth was probably entrufted to him, we fhall fee this objedion entirely vanifh, and that he, who once out of weaknefs, out of the mouth of babes THE SONS' OF THE CLERGY. XHl babes and fucklings ordained ftrength, doth now, out of the mouth of objedors to his providence, perfed praife. It is not then ma,terial to the argument under confidera- tion, if indeed the point will admit of an argument, whether the promife of the text will be fulfilled in a na tural, or fupernatural way. If a man eats, and drinks, and is clothed, the promife of (jod is fulfilled. And that it has conftantly been fulfilled, and is now fulfilling, wit nefs thofe fplendid edifices in this metropolis, in which ample provifion is m^de for almoft every fpecies of mifery and diftrefs. Walk about this our Sion, and go round about her, and, I -do not fay tell the towers thereof, but count the many fpacious buildings ereCled to charitable ufes; and you will readily admit, that he who hath worked hitherto, ftill worketh in and by fome, for the prefervation of all his rcafonable creatures. Witnefs the recent eftablifhment of Sunday Schools, a work certainly of God ! for which the tongues of infants fhall lifp our praife, and generations yet unborn applaud and celebrate the prefent. But need I carry your view beyond this auguft temple in which we are now aflembled, and this day's celebrity ; on which occafion we may fitly and juftly exclaim. This day this Scripture is fulfilled in our ears. The promife of the Redeemer, indeed, extends only to things needful ; but the completion of that does not always limit his bounty. To many he gives the conve niences, and elegancies, as well as the necefiaries of life. The gracious mafter, whom we ferve, is daily pouring his XIV A SERMOtJ p:RS;ACJIE.D BEFORE bis benefits, his uncovenan ted benefits, upon us. We, who are now alive at this day, have feen many elevated to the firft ftations in church and ftate, while they have been literally feeking the kingdom of God and his righte oufnefs. But if it were not fo, be it known unto thefe cavilers and obje6lors, that we are not careful to aofwer them in this matter. The minifter of the gofpel enters into the fervice of his heavenly mafter with other and higher views ; he ferves him on the nobler principle of love. He knows full well that the performance of this promife of God does not extend -to the warding ofl^ the evils of humanity ; nor is he fondly led to think that they who preach the crofs, fhall never bear it on them- felves. He has not fo learned Chrift. He knows whom he ferves, and whom he has believed. His mind thus framed, he is perfuaded that godlinefs is fufiicient riches ; and though he may happen to have nothing, he has the ijecrct of pofleffing, or at leaft of enjoying, all things. Let us, then, at leaft as many as wifh to be perfed, be thus minded; let us remember his hiftory who vowed a vow, that if God would be with him in the way that he fhould go, and give him food to eat, and raiment to put on, then fliould the Lord be his God. And let the remembrance of his hiftory, let the univerfal experience of all ages, let the promifes of God, ferve to fupport and com fort the aged preacher of righteoufnefs, in his poverty, while he lieth fick upon his be. Richard Cockburne, Efq. Mr. Malachi Hawtaine Mr. George Wilkinfon Mr. John Wilmer Mr. Arabrofe Webb Mr. Samuel Palmer Mr.JohnWeftley Colleaion £. 382 6 o- The Sermon was preached December 12, by the Rev. William Delaune,, D.D. Prefident of St. John's College, Oxford. Text, Pfalm xxxiii. u^ Publifhed in a Volume of 12 Sermons, 8vo. 1728, p. 268. APPENDIX?. Itev. Thomas Rundell, D. D. Rev. John Middleton, D. D. Charles Pilfworth, Efq. John Sayer, Efq. Charles Mandevile, Efq. Thomas Prowfe, Efq. [ 1724. ] Jeremiah Oakley, Efq. Mr. Samuel Maurice Qale Mr. William Gataker Mr. Richard Clavering Mr. Walter Bernard Mr. Robert Hoffman Colledion /. 566 to 0 The Sermon was preached December 10, by the Rev. Samuel Edgley, M. A. Vicar of Wandfworth, in Surry. Text, Pfalm cXxii. 6. Printed 4to. 1724. [ 1725- J, Bartholomew Tipping, Efq. Mr. Benjamin Wallis, Trealuret Mr. John Dwight Mr. Chriftopher Perry Mr. Edward Ferrand Mr. Thomas Pomfret Colledl:ionjr,630 5 0 9, by the Rev. Jofeph Roper, B. Dl Nicholas Coleabby, and St. Nicholas Text, 1 Cor. ix. 11. Printed, 410. Rev. Edward Silvefter, M.A. Rev. Richard Younger, M.A. Rev. John Barnard, M, A. Ward Grey Afhenhurft, M. D. Glanville Wheler, Efq. •Samuel Edwards, Efq. The Sermon was preached Dec Re£tor of the united Parifhes of St Olaves, in the City of London. .1725. Rev. Jeffrey Barton, M. A. Rev. Stephen Newcomen, M. A. Sir Darcey Dawes, Bart. James Monro, M. D. William Fullerton,M.D. Francis Godolphin, Efq. C 1726- ] Jofeph Richardfon, Efq> Treafurer Mr. Charles Amyatt Mr. George Wright Mr. Michael Adon Mr. Gervafe Leverland Mr. Charles Weftley Colleftion £. 575 4 O The Sermon was preached Dec. 8, by Sir John Dolben, Bart. D.D, Prebendary of Durham. Text, Heb. xiii. i. Printed, 4to. 1726. [ 1727-^28. J Th& Right Rev, the Lord Bifhop of > Bangor, Dr. Sherlock Rev. Thomas Yalden, D.D. Rev. Jofeph Trapp, D.D. Rev. Thor:)as Dunbar, M. A. Rev. Williaip Sherlock, M. A John Arbuthnot, M. D. Charles Owfley, Efq. Edward Edlin, Efq. Treafurer Thomas Huttoit, I^fq. Henry Barnard, Efq. Mr. Robert Barnard Mr. Benjamin Allen Colledion ;^. 655 o o The Sermon, was preached Feb. 15, by the Rev. Michael Hutchinfon, D. D. Minifter of Hammerfmith, Text, Markxiv. 6, 7. Printed, 410. 1727. * APPENDIX. The Stewards altered the Feaft-day, or Anniverfary, from December to the 15th of February. The Cook (Mr. Millef) was ordered to provide a Dinner at 160I. as per Bill delivered in. Advertifements were ordered to be inferted twice in the Poft-Boy and Mift's Journal, and once in the Ga zette and Evening-Poft. Sum Total of the Stewards Expences this Year - £. 504 3 9 Mr. Green for Mufic at St. Paul's, &c. - - . 57 2 6 Mr. Green provided the Mufic in the Hall at the ufual Price of Six Guineas and an Half. The Number of Muficians Eleven. Mr. Green defired his Dinner might be ready at Half an Hour after Twelve ©'Clock. Purcel's Te Deum and Jubilate were performed, as was a new Anthemj compofed by Mr. Green. [ 1728—29. J Rev, John Hawkins, D.D Rev. Marfhall Grefwold, B. D. Rev. William Bedford, M. A. Rev. Richard Vincent, M. A. Rev. Henry Parker, M. A. William Woodford, M.D. Treaf. Richard Chandler, Efq. Francis Hare, Efq. Thomas Hayley, Efq. Charles Trelawney, Efq. Mr. Thomas Newcome Mr. WilHam Vicaris CoUeftion £. 595 17 9, The Sermon was preached February 13, by the Rev. Robert Kilborn, LL. D. Prebendary of St. Paul's, and Refior of the united Parifhes of St. Mary Aldermary and St. Thomas Apoftle, in the City of London. Text, I Cor. ix. 5. Printed, 410. 1729. Ordered, That every Steward that does not come within one Hour after the Time appointed in the Summons, fhall forfeit 2s. 6d. and the Trea furer and Secretary 5s. Mr. Miller, the Cook, to ferve the Dinner at 150I. Feaft-day the 13th of February. The Mufic, Purcel's Te Deunr and Jubilate, by Green, at the ufual Sum. Ufed one Hogfhead and an Half of French Wine, at 42I. The Treafurer and Secretary to attend the Bifhop's Table as ufuaU Bow Church Bells and St. Michael's were ordered to be rung. Expences of the Stewards this Year - - £-522 15 O Rev. Robert Kilborn, LL. D Rev. Thomas Spateman, M. A. Rev. Thomas Wooliey, M. A. Rev. Thomas Kynafton, M. A. Rev. John Cockman, M, D. Timothy Brecknock, Efq. [ 1729—30. 3 William Spinkes, Efq. Mr. Francis Welles Mr. William Norwood, Treafurer Mr. Henry Prude, Secretary Mr. Seth Gibfon Mr. James Ruffel Colledion j^. 523 6 11 The Sermon was preached Feb. 5, by the Rev. Ralph Brideoak, B. D. Archdeacon of Winchefter. Text, 2 Kings iv. 7, Printed, 410. 173&, Rev. Samuel APPENDIX. c Rev. Samuel Baker, D. D. Rev, Samuel Drake, D. D. Rev. John Morice, D. D. Richard Cheeke, Efq. Treafurer William Moreton, Efq. Humphrey Wyrley, Efq. 1730—31. , J Gee leorge Owren, M. D. Mr. John Hodfon Mr, John Cooke Mr. Samuel Sandeforth Mr. Richard Scrafton Mr. Abraham Winterbottom ' Colleftion £. 722 6 4 The Sermon was preached Feb. 25, by the Rev. Thomas Spateman, M. A. Prebendary of St. Paul's, and Reftor of St. Bartholomew the Great, &c. London. Text, Heb. xiii. 7. Printed, 410. 1731. Rev. Mr. Archdeacon Waterland Rev. Ralph Brideoak, B.D. Arch deacon of Winchefter Rev. Mr. Archdeacon Tennifon Rev. John Drake, B. D. Rev. William Dean, M, A. Guy RoufHgnac, M. D. C 1731—32- „] Mr. Stephen Daubuz, Treafurer Mr. Thomas Whitfield,^ecretary Mr. William Dillingham Mr. Matthew Johnfon Mr. John Warren Mr. John" Townfend Collection £. 84O i o The Sermon was preached Feb, 17, by the Rev, Robert Warren, D,D. Reflor of St, Mary Stratford, Bow, Middlefex. Text, i Peter ii. 12, Printed, 4to. 1732. [ 1732—33- J Hon. John Willes Jacob Houblon, Efq. Treafurer Rev. Jonathan Hall, D. D Rev. William Nicolls, D.D. Rev. John Sturgefs, D.D. Rev. Daniel Somerfhall, M. A Rev. William Shorey, M, A. Rev. John Marryon, LL, B. Thomas Proufe, Efq. Richard Price, Efq. Mr. Nathaniel Townfend, Sec. Mr. Thomas Harrifon Collection j^.951 i 3 , The Sermon was preached Feb. i, by the Rev. Henry Stebbing, D.D. Chaplain in Ordinary to his Majefty, and Preacher of Gray's-Inn. Text, 2 Cor. iii. 9. Printed, 4to, 1733. Rev. Thomas Mangey, D.D Rev. Wadham Chandler, M, A. Rev. John Abbot, M. A. Rev. John Birch, LL. D. Benjamin Hoadly, M.D. John Willis, Efq. C 1733—34- ] Thomas. Green, Efq. John Hall, Efq. John Stephens, Efq. Treafurer Mr. James Croft Mr. Jenner Swajne, Secretary Mr. Michael Martindale. Colleflion £. 909 6 o The Sermon was preached Feb. 21, by the Rev. Thomas Mangey, D. D. Prebendary.of Durham, and Reftor of St, Mildred, Bread-flreet, London. Text, Malachi ii. 7. Printed, 410. 1734. d Rev. APPENDIX. Rev. Robert Shippen, D. D Rev. Jofeph Watfon, D. D. Rev. Philip Barton, LL. D. Rev. Edward Jackfon, M.A. Rev. James Hotchkis, M.A. Ifaac Hawkins Brown, Efq. Treaf. [ 1734—35- J': John floadley, Efq. Charles Green, Efq; Jofeph Hall, Efq. Captain William Birch Mr. Francis Vicaris Mr. Henry Stoneftreet, Secretary CoUeftion £. looo 3 O The Sermon was preached Feb. 13, by the Rev. George Lavington, LL.D. Refidentiary of St. Paul's, afterwards Bifhop of Exon. Text,, iTheff. V. 13. Printed, 4to. 1735. [ 1735— 36- ] Robert Weftley, Efq. Treafurer Maurice Green, M. D. Edmund Gibfon, Efq. Thomas Baker, Efq. Mr. William Deyman Mr. John Blackall, Secretary Collection ;^.850 5 3^- The Sermon was preached Feb. 19, by the Rev. Philip Barton, LL.D. Canon of Chrift-Chiirch, Oxford, &c. Text, i Cor. xiii. 13. Printed, 4to. 1736. [ 1736- Rev. William Berriman, D.D. Rev. John Felling, D. D. Rev, Walter Hodges, D.D. Rev. George Lavington, LL. D. Rev. George Emerfon, LL.B. Rev. Weftley Hall, M. A. Sir Francis fioynton,, Bart. -37- ] 1 homas Pratt, Efq. Williarri Kirfhaw Boynton,, Efq. George Gibfon, Efq.. Jofeph Smith, Efq. William Bateman, Efq. Mr, James Comyn Collection £.8^6, 9 f The Serrtjon was preached April 21, by the Rev. William Berriman, D. D. Fellow of Eton College, and Reftor of St. Andrew Underfhaft, London^ Text, Deut. xiv. 29. Printed, 4to. 1737. c Rev. Edmund Martin, LL.lJ.' Robert Foulkes, LL.'D. William Battie, M. D. Rev. John Barori, ,M. A. Rev. Theophilus Blackall, B..D. 1737—38- J Richard Willis, Efq. Edward Towne, Efq. , Richard Sclater, Efq. Treafurer Mr. Timothy Matthews,- Secretary Mr. Richard. Reddall : Mr. Charles Thorp Collection ;^.935 2 j- The Sermon was preached. April 13, by the Rev. Edmund Martin, 1/L.D. Dean of Worcefter. Text, Heb. x. 24, 25. Printed, 4to. 1738. In this Collection 50I. were given by his Royal Highnefs the Prince of WaleSj for whieh an Addrefe was. framed by the Stewards to his Royal Highnefs,, Rev. John Potter, M.A. Rev. Richard Linnet, M.A.. Rev. Robert Bluet, M.A. Rev. Samuel Kirkfiiaw, M.A. Rev. William Bearcroft, M.A. William Gibfon, Efq. APPENDIX. 7 Highnefs, and .fpoken by Thomas Potter, Efq, the youngeft Son to the Archbifhop of Canterbury. Both the Addrefs and his Royal Highnefs's Anfwer, or Reply, the Secretary has feen in a Folio Vellum Book, in the Cuftody of the late George Hayter, Efq. Rev, Gavendifti Nevill, M. A. Rev. Paul Bachelor, M.A. Rev. Thomas Bernard, M.A Rev. Richard Eyre, M.A, Sir Robert Hildyard, Bart. William Bedford, M.A, The Sermon was preached Feb, D.D. Afternoon Preacher of Gra.y's 4to. 1739. C 1738—39- 1.^ . .^ Edward Smith, Efq. Treafurer Thomas Potter, Efq. George -Brodrepp, Efq. John Thorp, Efq. Mr. Edmund Chifhull Mr. Edward Hillefden, Secretary Collection j^.9 1 2 11 3 22, by the Rev. Edward Banyer, Inn. Text, Numb. xi. 29. Printed, At a Meeting of the Governors of the Society of Muficians, Dec. 9, 1739, it was refolved, nem. con. that they would fupply an able Band of Mufic at the Rehearfal and Anniverlary of the Sons of the Clergy for the Sum of 50I. and upon Payment of that Sum ^nnually to their charitable Fundi that they would never incj-eafe the-Demand upon any future Occafion. ,Rev. Duncai? Briftowe, D.D. Rev. Edmund Bateman, D.D. Rev. Edward Donne, LL.D. Rev. William Thompfon, IVI.A» Rev. William Fordham, M.A. Rev, Charles Luckyn, M.A. 1740- ] Mr. John Hughes, Treafurer Mr. Staffprd, Crane, Secretary Mr. JohnOgilvie ,Mr, Thomas Gataker Mr. Edmund Brydges Mr. Theophilus Grove Collection £.'j84. The Sermon was preached. i^pril 17, by the Rev. Edmund Bateman, D. D. Archdeacon of Lewes, and Chaplain to the Archbifhop of Canter bury. Text, 2 Kings iv. 1, 2. Printed, 4to. 174^. The Anniverfary was altered this Year from the Month of February to Jthat of April, at the Inftance of the Archbifhop of Canterbury, upon an Idea that it wpuld be of much Advantage to the Charity. I 1741- J Rev. Edward CrefTet, D. D. Dean of Hereford Rev. WilHam Richardfon, D.D. Rev. William Beft, D.D. Rev. John Lloyd, JVI JV. Rev.,Herbert Taylor, M.A. Captain Philip "Comyn Captain Michael Wilkins Conway Henry Matthews, Efq, Secretary Mr. James Barrow, Treafurer Mr, Philip Lemprier Mr, Richard Hodges Mr. William Gyffard d 2 Collection j^.834 i e APPENDIX. The Sermon was preached April i6, by the Rev. Edward Yardley, B.D. Archdeacon of Cardigan. Text, Job xxxi. i6, 17, 18. Printed, 410. 1741. French Wine rejeded by an (Jrder of the Stewards of this Year. [ 1742. J Rev. Zachary Pearce, D.D. Dean of Winchefter Rev. Francis Aftrey, D.D. Rev. Thomas Hayter, M.A. Arch deacon of Cleveland Rev. Julius Deeds, M.A. Rev. Edward Poole, M.A. Charles Egerton, Efq. Treafijrer Thomas Gooch, Efq. Mr. Jofeph Gifford, Secretary Mr. George Gibfon Mr. William Freeman Mr. Thomas Comyn Mr. John Knight Colleaion ;^.866 6 The Sermon was preached May 6, by the Right Rev. Ifaac Maddox, D. D. Bifhop of St. Afaph. Text, Ruth ii, 20, Printed, 4to. 1742. His Grace the Lord Archbifhop of York, Dr. Herring Right Rev. Lord Bifhop of St, Afaph, Dr. Maddox Rev. John Chapman, D.D. Rev. John Taylor, D.D. Rev. Francis Furfman, M.A. [ 1743- J Rev. George Maddox, M.A. Rev . Jofeph Cre w, M . A . * Rev. Thomas Tanner, M.A. Rev. Silvefter Vincent, M.A. Rev. William Lloyd, M.A. John Probyn, Efq. Treafurer Jofeph Wilcox, Efq. Secretary Collection /.8 19 o o The Sermon was preached April 14, by the Rev. Edward Cobden, D.D. Archdeacon of London, and Chaplain in Ordinary to his Majefty. Text, Matthew v. 7. Printed in a Volume of Poems and 28 Sermons, 410. 1757' P- 53- [ 1744. J The Lord Bifhop of Carlifle, Sir George Fleming Hon. andRev. George TalbotjM. A, Rev. Richard Oft)aldifton, D.D, Dean of York Rev. Francis Barnard, D. D. Rev. James Johnfon, D. D. , Rev. Jeremiah Milles, M.A. Rev. John Bate, M.A. Jehn Merrill, Efq. Anthony Keck, Efq. Mr. Cadwallader Coker, Treafurer Mr. Edward Loxham Mr. John Barton Colleaion ^£.848 16 g The Sermon was preached April 19, by the Rev. Andrew Trebeck, D.D. Reaor of St. George, Hanover-fquare, Middlefex. Text, Galat. vi. 10. Printed, 410. 1744. Upon a Petition of the Stewards of this Year to the Archbifhop of Canterbury, Leave was given by the Court of Affiftants for the Stewards to hold their Meetings at the Corporation-Houfe. ¦ APPENDIX. C 1745- ] Rev. Eyton Butts, M.A. Robert Gibfon,. Efq. John Alderfon, Efq. Stephen Holland, Efq. Mr. David Jenks,. Treafurer Mr. Edward Boofcey v Mr. Thomas Sherwin The Lord Bifhop of Chichefter, Dr. Mawfon The Lord Bifhop of St. David's, Dr. Trevor Hon. and Rev. Henry Hervey Afton, M. A. Rev. Thomas Wilfon, D.D. Rev. David James, M. A. Colleaion j^. 1 044 o o The Sermon was preached May 2, by the Hon. and Rev-. Henry Hervey Afton, M. A. Redor of Shottely in Suffolk. Text, Hebrews viii. 16. Printed, 4to. 1745. [ 1746. ] Ralph Bridge, Efq. Treafurer Matthew Woodford, Efq, John Woolcombe, Efq. David James, Efq. Mr. Alexander Mackrabie Mr. William Smythies- Mr. William Clarke Hon. and Rev, Charles Hervey, M.A. Hon. and Rev. Robert Drummond, D.D. Rev. Thomas Cheney, D. D. Dean of Lincoln Rev. Stephen Light Mott, M.A. James Stephens,, M. D. Colleaion ^^.9,22 10 6 The Sermon was preached April 17, by the Rev. Samuel Nichols, LL.D. afterwards Mafter of the Temple,, and Reaor of St. James's^, Weftminfter. Text, John xix. 26, 27. Printed, 4to. 1746. [ 1747- J. Hon. and Rev. Henry Carniiciiael D.D. Hon. and Rev. Frederick Corn- wallis, M. A. Rev.. Francis Ayfcough, D. D.. Rev. Cutts Barton, M. A. Rev. Robert Butts, M. A, Rev. Mr. Tilfon Rev. John Stevens, M. A^ Edward Willes, Efq. Valens Comyn, Efq. Mr. Henry Newcome^ Mr. George Stainforth Mr., George Hayter, Treafurer Collection ;^. 1 062 2 Q The Sermon was preached by the Rev. Francis Ayfcough, D.D, Not printed. Prince George and Prince Edward were at the Rehearfal this Year, and their Royal Highneffes contributed lool. on the Day following. The Stewards prefented an Addrefs of Thanks to the Prince of Wales upon this Occafion ; which, with the Anfwer, is printed in the, London Maga- sine for 1,747,, p. 22 £. 2 Xo APPENDIX. Hon. and Rev. John Cowper, D. t). Dean of Durham Rev. John Fountayne, M.A. Dean of York Rev. Scawen Kenrick, D. D. Rev. Richard Newcome, D.D. Rev. Bernard Wilfon, D.D. [ 1748- J Rev. William Friend, M.A: Rev. Randolph Ekins, LL. D* Edward. Wefton, £fq. Thomas Stoneftreet, Efq. Thomas Drew, Efq. Treafurer Mr. Thomas Wall Mr. Ifaac Dudley Colleaion jf.916 6 The Sermon was preached by the Rev. Thomas Hayter, D.D. Arch deacon of York. Not printed. [ 17.49- 3 John Calvert, Efq. Mr. Thomas Ford Mr. Alexander Johnfton Mr. Edward Sanxay Mr. Richard Budworth Mr. Jofeph Sclater, Treafurer Colleaion j^.985 12 6 The Sermon was preached by the Rev. Sir Gilbert Williams, Bart. M. A. Vicar of IHington, Middlefex, Not printed. . Rev. Sir Gilbert Williams, Bart. Rev. Sir William Bunbury, Bart. Rev. Stephen Sleech, D. D. Rev. Samuel Haynes, D. D. Rev. John Wills, M. A, Rev. Henry Evans, M. A. [ 1750- ] Right Rev. the Lord Bifliop of Lin coln, Dr. John Thomas Rev. Charles Lyttleton, LL. D Dean of Exeter Rev. John Hume, D. D, Refiden^ tiary of St. Paul's Rev. John Berryman, M. A. Rev. Samuel Towers, M. A. Colleaion j^. 1 1 34 14 6 The Sermon was preached by the Rev, Henry Stebbing, M, A, Fellow of Catherine Hall,. Cambridge. Text, Galatians vi. 10, Not printed. Rev; Edward Lloyd, M.A. Henry Every, Efq. John Patterfon, Efq. Samuel Salt, Efq. Roger Altham, Efq. Mr. Robert Coker, Treafurer Mr. Thonias Bromwich Dean 175 of Rev. John Egerton, D. D Hereford Rev. Gerard Neden, D. D. Rev. Richard Pettyward, D. D Richard Smalbroke, LL. D. Rev. Nicholas Brady, LL. B. Rev. Charles Lyddell, M. A. The Sermon was preached May 3, Reaor of St. Michael, CornhiU, Printed, 410. 1751. I- J Rev. Sherlock Willis, M. A. Rev. Peter Denis, D, D. George Perrot, Efq. Charles Henry Talbot, Efq. Mr. Daniel Fox Mr. John Whifton, Treafurer Colleaion ;^.ii67 19 o by the Rev. Arnold King, LL. B. London. Text, 2 Kings iv. i. 6 APPENDIX. M- [ 1752- 1 Right Rev. the Lord Bifhop bf Gloucefter, Dr. Benfon Edw. Ironfide, Efq. Aid. and Treaf. Thomas Rawlinfon, Efq. Alderman Sir Samuel Prime, Km. Rev. Edward Vernon, D.D. Rev. Henry Gaily, D.D. Rev. John Freeman, D.D. Rev. William Derham, D.D. Rev. Richard Terrick, D. D. George Hay, LL. D. Mr. Thomas Townferid Mr. James Ayfcough Colleaion ^.1101 18 6> The Sermon was preached April 16, by the Rev. James Townley, M.A. Redorof St. Bennet,Gracechurch-ftreet. Text, 2 Kings iv. 13. Printed,. 4to. 17s?. The Mufic at the Hall difcontinued,^ as being thought not only ufelefs-, but difagreeable. Bifhop I753- ] of Right Rev. the Lord Oxford, Dr. Seeker Rev. Will. George, D.D. D6an of Lincoln Rev. Thomas Herring, D.D. Dean of St. Afaph Rev. Thomas Archer, M.A.. Rev. John Tatterfall,.M. A. Rev. John Kippax, B. D. Colleaion ^.1063- l^' '^' The Sermon was preached May i6,.by the Rev. Thomas Afhton, D.D. . Fellow of Eton College, and ReCtor of St. Botolph, Bifliopfgate. Text,. Heb. vi. 10.. Printed in a Volume of 21 Sermons,, 8vo. t^jjo. p. 27. Sir Richard^ Glynn, Knt. AldermaAi- and Treafurer William Beckfffrd, Efq. and Aliler- man Mr. Thomas Lloyd- Mr. Andrew Millar Mr. William Fovfle Mr. Edward Pomfret 'Rt. Rev. the Lord Bifhop of Briftol Dr. Conybeare Rev. Robert Smith, LL.D. Rev. John Butler, LL.D. Rev. Jukes Egerton, M. A. Rev. Charles Beaumont, M. A. Rev. Sparke Canham, M.A. L .^7S4-. T Slingfby Bethelj Efq. Alderman and; Treafurer John Dealtry,,M.D. Pagan Hale, Efq. Marmadukie Fothergill, Efq.. Henry Savage, Efq; Mr. James Price Colkaion ^^,976 8' 21 The Sermon was preached May 9, by the Rev; John Butler, LL.D. Chaplain to the Princefs Dowager of Wales. Text, i Cor. ix. jl.. Printed,. 4to. 1754. lit APPENDIX. Hon. and Rev. Fred. Keppel, M.A. Rev. Richard Smalbroke, LL.D Archdeacon of Coventry Rev. Samuel Afhton, M. A, Rev. Henry Clofe, M. A. Mofes Griffith, M.D. Humphry Sturt, Efq. i '75S- 1 John Gibbon, Efq. Gregoi-y Elfley, Efq. JohnManlhip, Efq. Thomas Micklethwaite, Efq. Mr. William Hopkins, Treafurer Mr. Martin Challis, junior Colleaion jT. 1096 3 6 The Sermon was preached April 17, by the Rev. Samuel Salter, D.D, Mafter of the Charter-Houfe, &c. Text, Ezekiel xxxvii, 3. [„i756- 3 Right Rev. the Lord Bifhop of Pe terboroughy Dr. Thomas Re'V. John Waugh, D.D. Dean of Worcefter Rev. Robert Parker, D. D. Rev. Philip Yonge, D.D. Rev. Eraifmus Saunders, D. D. Sir William Lowther, Bart. Rev. Samuel Nicholls, LL.ID. Rev. Thomas Church, D.D. Thomas Foljambe, Efq. Shute Adams, Efq. Mr. Thomas Kilner Mr. William Sharpe Colleaion j^.973 j8 3 The Sermon was preached May 6, by the Rev. Thomas Church, D. D. Vicar of Batterfea, and Prebendary of St. Paul's. Printed for John Whifton. C 1757- -1 Right Rev. the Lord Bifhop of Chefter, Dr. Keene Rev. Thomas Hunt, D.D. Rev. Charles Mofs, D.D. Rev. Samuel Salter, D.D. Rev. William Cotton, LL.D Rev. William Reyner, M. A. Colleaion j^.gj 2 7 6 The Sermon was preached April 28, by the Rev. Gloucefter Ridley LL. B. Minifter of Poplar. Text, Ecclefiaftes xi. i. Sir William Dolben, Bart. M.A. Rev, Henry Burgh, M, A. Welbore Ellis, Efq. Captain Henry Wickham John Darker, Efq. Mr. Robert Mandeville His Grace the Lord Archhifhop of Canterbury, Dr. Hutton Rev. Mr. Chancellor Taylor Rev. James Ibbetfon, D.D. Rev. Philip Bracebridge, D.D Rev. John Lloyd, D. D. Rev. Henry Hewgill, M.A. [ 1758- J Rev. John Nicholl, M. A. Rev. John Craven, M, A. William Heberden, M. D. Edmund Pytt, Efq. Charles Lewis, Efq, Theophilus Daubuz, Efq. Colleaion j^, 1081 18 The Sermon was preached April 20, by the Rev, James Ibbetfon, D. Archdeacon of St^ Alban's. Text, Gal. iv. 10. Printed, 4to. 1758. " D. APPENDIX. IS [ Right Hon. Lord Delamer Sir Anthony Thomas Abdy, Bart, Sir John Shaw, Bart. Rev. Richard Walker, D. D. Rev. John Thomas, D. D. Rev. James Halifax, D. D. 1759- I Rev. Thomas Drake, LL.D. Sec. Rev. Richard Dayrell, D. D. Rev. Nicholas Howlett, M. A. Richard Price, Efq. Samuel Jenks, Efq; Treafurer Bercher Baril, Efq; Colleaion jT. 1075 7 ® The Sermon was preached May 10, by the Rev. Stotherd Abdy, M.A. Reaor of Theydon-Garnon, in Eflex. Text, Lam. iv. 5. Printed, 4to. 1759- Mr. Sampfon Gideon gave at the Hall by a Draft, in Addition to this Colleaion, j^. 100. [ 1760. ] Rt. Rev. the Lord Bifhop of Clogher Hon. and Rev. John Harley, M. A. Archdeacon of Hereford Sir John Philips, Bart. Sir Matt. Blakifton, Knt. and Aid. Rev. William Markham, D. D. Rev. Richard Barford, M. A. Colleaion j^. 1 038 4 3 The Sermon was preached May 8, by the Rev. William Dodwell, D. D. Archdeacon of Berks. Text, Jer. xlix. 2. Printed, 410. 1760. [ William Drake, Efq; Stephen Comyn, Efq; Treafurer Thomas Wild, Efq; Mr. John Perrott, Secretary Mr. Jofliua Rey.iolds Mr. William Sandby 1761. J Thomas Gifborne, M.D. John Rolle Walter, Efq; Afheton Curzon, Efq; Francis Child, Efq; Treafurer Mr. Marmaduke Smith, Secretary Mr. Nathaniel Burrow Colleaion j/^. 1 1 1 3 o 6 The Sermon was preached May 7, by the Rev. John Hurton, D. D. Fellow of Eton. Text, Pfalm xxii. 8, 9. Printed in Vol. 2d of Occa- fional Sermons, 8vo. 1766, p. 97. [ 1762- ] The Earl of Dartmouth Sir Samuel Fludyer, Bart. Rev. Edward Barnard, D. D. Rev. Chriftopher Wilfon, D. D. Rev. Roger Mather, D. D. Rev. Archdeacon Williams His Grace the Duke of Richmond Rt. Hon. Ld. Willoughby de Broke Right Rev. the Lord Bifhop of St, David's, Dr. Squire Rt. Rev. the Lord Bifliop of Femes Rev. Samuel Dickens, D. D. Arch deacon of Durham Rev. John Stephens, D. D. Rev. Lewis Hughes, M. A. Hon. Thornas Harley, Alderman and Treafurer William Leyborne Leyborne, Efq; Anthony Bacon, Efq; Mr. Kempe BrydgeS', Secretary Mr. William Stevens Colleaion ^.858 18 q The Sermon was preached May 6, by the Rev. George Horne, B.D. Fellow of Magdalen College, Oxon. Text, Lam. v. 3. Printed, 4to> J762. e H APPENDIX. C 17 Right Hon. the Earl of Oxford Right Rev. the Lord Bifhop of Gloucefter, Dr. Warburton Sir Sidney Stafford Smythe, Knt. ¦ Sir William Stephenfon, Knt. Al derman and Treafurer Rev. 'Ihomas Patten, D. D. 63- ] Rev, William Nowell, M. A.. Rev, James Tatterfall, M. A., Rev. Edward Moreton, M. A. Rev. Oliver Marton, LL.D. Thomas Kynafton, Efqj Secretary Peter Delme, Efq; John Thornton, Efq; Colleaion j^. 1224 14 Cfc The Sermon was preached May 6, by the Rev. Thomas Franklin, Mi nifter of Qiieen-ftreet Chapel, and Vicar of Ware, Hertfordfhire. Text^. Jer. xlix. lu Printed, 410. 1763, r 1764- J Right Hon. the Earl ofNorthum berland ¦Right Rev. the Lord Bifhop of Lincoln, Dr. Green Sir Geo. Pocock, Knt. of the Bath Geo. Nelfon, Efq^ Aid. and Treaf. Rev. John Taylor, D.D.. Chan cellor of Sarum Rev. George Seeker, D.. D.. John Bettefworth, LL.D. Rev. William Lloyd, M. A. Rev. Anthony Aufrere, M. A, John Pugh Pryfe, Efq; John Delme, Efq; Benjamin- Bewick, Efq;^ Colleaion;^-. I os-g 2 gf; The Sermon was preached May 10, by the Rev. Richard Hind, D. D, Reaor of Sheering,. Effex., Text, Rom. xiv. 16.- Pripted, 410. 1764. [ of Right Hon, the Earl Gower Right Rev. the Lord Bifhop Llandaff, Dr. Ewer Right Hon. Lord Ravenfworth. Sir George Pigot, Bart. Sir Francis Gofling,. Knt. Alderman and Treafurer, The Sermon was 1765. J Rev. Daniel Burton, D. D. Rev. WiUiam Powell, D. D. Rev.. Newton Ogle, D.D. Rev., Francis Henry Foot, M. A. James Calvert, Efq; , Charles Eyre, Efq; Mr. Robert- Sanxay, Secretary Collection j^. 1207 11 10 preached May 9, by the Rev, James Hallifax,. D. D, Vicar of E welly Surry. Text, Genefis xlvii. 22. Printed, 410. 1 765, His Grace the Duke of Marlborough The Right Hon. the Earl Harcourt The Right Rev. the Lord Bilhop of Briftol, Dr. Newton Sir Robert Ladbroke, Knt. Alder man and Treafurer | Rev, Thomas Burton, D. D. Pre-^^ bendary of Durham [ 1766- 3 Rev. Nutcombe Qtiicke, LL, B.. Chancellor of Exon Rev, Thomas Clarke, M. A. Rev. Richard Neate, LL. B. Henry Vanfittart, Efq; George Durant, Efq;, Jofeph Banks, Efq; Thomas Harrifon, Efq; Collection j^. 1 149 6 S' A P P E N D I X. *S The Sermon was preached May .14, by the Rev. Cutt? Barton, D.D. Dean of Briftol. Text, John xiii. 34. Not printed. [ 1767-. 3 The Moft Hon. the Marquis of Taviftock The Right Hon, the Earl of Bute The Right Hon. the Lord Bifhop of Peterborough, Dr. Lamb .Sarlow Trecothick, Efq; Alderman , and Treafurer Sir John Chichefter, ^art. iRev. Francis Yarborough,.D.D. Principal of Brazen-Nofe Col lege, Oxford Rev. William Denifon, D. D. Prin cipal of Magdalen-Hall, Oxford Rev. Henry Lufhington, D. D. GeorgeBaker, M. D. Rev. Francis Warneford, M. A. John Dunning, Efq. Johji Parker, Efq. Colleaion £.<)02 19, 5 The Sermon was preached May 7, byjhe Rev. Richard Eyre, D.D. F.R. and A.SS. Reaor of Bright Walton, in Berks. Text, Jofhua xiii. 33. Printed, 410. 1767. [ 1768. 3 The Right Hon. the Earl of Radnor The Right Rev. the Lord Bifhop of Oxford, Dr. Lowth Sir James Lowther, Bart. Sir Robert Kite, Knt. and Alder man Rev. David Durell, D. D. Vice- Chancellor of Oxon Rev. John Ratcliffe, D.D. Mafter of Pembroke College, Oxon George Harris, LL.D. Richard Warren, M. D. Rev. William Territt, M. A. Robert Palk, Efq. Benjamin Harrifon, Efiq. Mr. John Rivington, Treafurer Colleaion ^.945 16 IT The Sermon was preached May 5,, by the Rev. Robert Pool Finch, D.D. Reaor of St. Michael, CornhiU, London. Text, Aas iv. 35. latter Part. Printed, 410. 1768. [ 1769. 1 Rev. John Moore, D.D. Canon of Chrift-Church Rev. George Berkeley, LL.D. Pre bendary of Canterbury Peter Calvert, LL.D. James Ford, M. D- Rev. Ralph Drake Brockman, B.D. The Right Hon. the Lord-Mayor, Samuel Turner, Efq; Treafurer The Right Rev. the Lord Bifhop of Llandaff, Dr. Shipley The Right Hon. Lord Clive Hon. and Rev. Shute Barrington, LL.D. Rev. Thomas Wilfon, D.D. Dean j Rev. Henry Wigley, M. A of Carlifle '] Mr. Stephen Lufhington Colleaion j^.Sj[4 12 9 The Sermon was preached May ii, by the Rev. Thomas Percy, D.D. Text, John xiii. 35. Printed, 410. 1769. The Lord-Mayor, the Archbifliops and Biftiops, the Nobility, and AL .dermen, dined together at this Anniverfary for the firft Time at the High Table in the Great Hall, e 2 i6 P P E N D I X. [ 1770 His Grace the Duke of Leeds time. He ierved this Utiice 111 The Right Rev. the Lord Bifliop of Peterborough, Dr. Hinchliffe The • Hon. and Rev. Brownlow North, LL.D. Sir Sampfon Gideon, Bart. William Nafli, Efq; Alderman and Treafurer Rev. Richard Eyre, D. D. a fecond Colleaion j^. 786 16 6 The Sermon was preached May 17, by the Rev. Peter Whalley^Ll^.B. Reaor of St. Gabriel, Fenchurch, and St. Margaret Patten, London. Text, I Cor. ix. 14. Printed, 410. 1770. 3 time. He ferved this Office 1739- - ^ Rev. Samuel Peploe, LL.D. Rev. John Wenham, M. A, John Walfli, Efq. Thomas Tyrwhit, Efq; Matthew Harrifon, Elcj. Bicknell Coney, Efq. His Grace the Duke of Grafton The Right Rev. the Lord Bifliop of Carlifle, Dr. Law The Hon. and Rev. James Corn- wallis, M. A. Sir Waikin Williams Wyiine, Bart. . Richard Peers, Efq; Alderman and IVeafurer [-1771- 1 Rev. William Parker, D. D. Mr. Serjeant Jephfon Rev. John Blair, LL. D. Rev. Thomas Townfon, B. D. Rev. David Horne, M. A. Granado Pigot, Efq. Peter Leheup, jun. Efq. Colleaion j^. 960 o, o The' Sermon was preached May 16, by the Rev. William Parker, D. D. Rea'or of St. James's, Weftminfter, and Chaplain in Ordinary to his Majefty. Text, 2Cor. viii. 3. Printed, 410. 1771. £¦160 16 o, Part of the above Colleaion of 960!. was made at St. George's Church, Hanover-Square, at the Defire of the Rev. Mr. Til fon of Richmond, Surry, who gave the Sum of 200I. to try the Experi ment of a Rehearfal of the Mufic in a Church or Chapel at the*Weft End of the Town. His Grace the Lord Archbp. of Can- terb. 2d time, ift was in 1747. His Grace the Duke of Devonfhire Thomas Halifax, Efq; Alderman and Treafurer Rev. Thomas Dampier, D. D. [ 1772. ]. Rev. George Horne, D.D. Charles Morton, M. D. Rev. George Tilfon, M. A. George Adey, Efq. David Garrick, Eiq. Robert Gofling, Efq. William Webber, jun. Efq. Colleaion /^.goo 5 6 ¦^be Sermon was preached May 14, by the Rev. Thomas Morell, D. D. I-leaor of Buckland, in Herts. Text, Ruth ii. 20. Printed, 4to. 1772. At this Anniverfary it was unanimoufly agreed, to lay afide all Thoughts of any other Rehearfal than the ufual one that has been held in St. Paul's CathedraL i Rev. Thomas Patrick Young, D.D. The Right Hon. the Earl of-Sand wich Rev. and Right Hon. Earl of Har- borough Hon. andRev. James Yorke, D. D. Dean of Lincoln Hon. ai^d Rev. John Tracy, D.D. Warden of All Souls College John Shakefpeare, Efq; Alderman and Treafurer A P P £ N D I X. [ 1773- 3 17 Rev. John Dougla«, D. D. Canon of Windfor Rev. John Jeffreys, D. D. Canon of Chrift Church Rev. William Bell, D. D, Preben dary of Weftminfter Rev. John Wickins, D. D. John Elliott, Efq. Francis Wilfon, Efq. Mr. Thomas Greeve Colleaion f_. 976 9 3 The Sermon was preached May 13, by the Rev. Samuel Glafle, D.D..- Chaplain in Ordinary to hisMajefty. Text, Hofea xiv. 3. f-'rinted, 410.- 1773- C I' The Right Hon. Lord North, K. G. Sir James Efdaile, Knt. Alderman and Treafurer Rev. Pulter Forefter, D.D. Chan cellor of Lincoln Rev. William Backhoufe, D. D. Archdeacon of Canterbury Rev. Nicholas Fayting, M. A. The Sermon was preached May j Dean of Gloucefter. Text, Galat. 774- 3 Jlev. Edward Lockwood, M.A. Rev. William Buller, M.A. Canon of Windfor Rev. Andrew Burnaby, M. A. George Clive, Efq. Edward Wynne, Efq. Robert Jenner, Efq. William Strahan, Efq, Colleaion j(,". 942 17 6 by the Rev. Jofiah Tucker, D.D. i, g. Not printed; The Righ^on. the Earl of Suffolk and Berkfhire Right Rev. Lord Bifhop of Lich field and Coventry, Dr. Hurd Right Hon.- Lord Craven Samuel Plumbe, Efq; Alderman and Treafurer Rev. George Stinton, D.D. Chan cellor of the Church of Lincoln C 1775- 3 Rev. Ralph Cawley, D.D. Principal- of Brazen-Nofe College Rev. George Jubb, D. D. Rev. Robert Carter, M. A^ Chap'- lain in Ordinary to his Majefty Rev. Thomas Rennelly M.A. Pre bendary of Winchefter Thomas Rumbold, Efq. Edward Burnaby Green, Efq-- James Sharp, Efq. Collection ^.866 13 '3 The Sermon was preached May 11, by the Rev. Andrevy Burnaby, M.. A.. Vicar of Greenwich,, Kent. Text, r. Cor.i.x. 13, 14. l^rinted in- a Vol. of Occafional Sermons, 8vo. 1777, p, 39. a 8 APPENDIX. Mr. Bacon, the Secretary, reported, that it appeared by the Will of the late Rev. Dr. John Ratcliff, Mafter of Pembroke College, in the Univerfity of Oxford, proved in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury, Auguft 1 8, 1775, '¦^^'' ^'¦°'" ^"^ ^^^^^ ^^^ Deceafe of his Sifter, the Sum of Three Pounds, the Intereft of One Hundred Pounds in the Three per Cent. Bank Annuities, is annually to be given to the Stewards of the Charity f®r the Sons of the .Clergy, as an Addition to their Colleaion at St.. Paul's. [ 1776. 3 His Grace the Duke of Beaufort The Right Hon. the Lord Mayor, John Sawbridge, Efq; Alderman and Treafurer "* Rev. Anthony Hamilton, D. D. Archdeacon of Colchefter Rev. Samuel Smalbroke, D. D. Canon Refidentiary of Lichfield ' Rev. Charles Poyntz, D. D. Rev. Philip Duval, D. D^ Canon of Windfor K.Rev. Everard Buckworth, LL.D. Prebendary of Canterbury Rev. George Pawfon, LL.B. Rev. William Burrow, B. D. Brigadier-General Richard Smith Glanville Wheler, Efq. Robert Chefter, Efq. Colleaion/. 8 80 7 6 The Sermon was preached May 9, by the Rev. Beilby Porteus, D.D. ^Reaor of Lambeth,, :&c. Text, 2 Kings iv. x. Printed, 410. 1776. I 1777- 3 The Moft Hon. Ma-rquis of Granby The Right Hon. the Earl of Radnor The Right Rev. Lord Bifliop of Chefter, Dr. Porteus Sir James Eyre, Knt. a Baron of the Exchequer Fred. Bull, Efq. Aid. and Treaf. Rev. Richard Kaye, LL.D. Sub- Almoner to his Majefty Rev. James Waller, D. 9. Arch deacon of Effex Rev. Herbert Mayo, D. D. Rev. Richard Roycroft, D. D. Rev. John James Majendie, D.D. F.R. S. William Rix, Efq. Matthew Bloxham, Efq, Colleaion /.1 000 o o The Sermon was preached May 15, by the Hon, and Rev. James Cornwallis, D. D. Dean of Canterbury. Text, .1 Tim. vi. 18, Pointed, 4to. 1777- i APPENDIX. 3-9^ The Right Hon. the Lord Chan cellor, Earl Bathurft The Right Rev., the Lord Bifhop of Exeter, Dr. Rofs The Lord Chief Baron,. Sir John Skynher,. Knt. Brackley Kennett,, Efq;, Alderman and Treafurer Sir John Eliot, Bart. M. D.. [ »7.78. 3; Jervoife: Clarke Jervoife, Efq. Rev. Baptift Prbby, D.D. Dean of Lichfield Rev. Samuel Kettilby,,D. D. Rev. John Law, D. D. Archdeacon. of Rochefter Rev, Stephen Eaton, M. A. Richard Stonehe.wer, . Efq. '. Charles De Laet, Efq. Colleaion j^.n 00 o o The Sermon was preached.May 14, by the Rev. John Warren, D. D.. Chaplain in Ordinary to his Majefty, and. Prebendary, of Ely. Text, James i. 27,. Printed, 410. 1778. The Right- Hon. the Lord Chan cellor. Lord Thurlow His Grace the Lord Primate of Ire land The Right Hon.. Lord George Germain / John Kirkman,,Efq; Alderman and Treafurer Rev. Thomas Thurldw,, D..D. Dean of Rochefter. f 17?^. -3 Rev. John Warren,, D. D. Preben dary of Ely Mr, Juftice Buller ' Rev., Francis Broade, D.D. John, Turton, M. D. F. R. S. Rev. Henry Egerton,. M. A. Arch deacon of Derby.. George Barker Devon,.. Efq. ¦ John Bacan,Efq., F. S. A. Secretary Colleaion ^T. 1 104. 17 o The Sermon was preached May 6, by the Rev. Robert Richardfon, D.D. Reaor of St. Anne's, Weftminfter, and Prebendary of Lincoln... Text, Pfalm cxxii, 8, 9:. Printed, 4to.. 1779,, His Grace the Duke of Montagu Lewis Bagpt, LL,D. Dean of Chrift Church Rev. Sir Richard Cope, . Bart. Sir William Robinfon, . Bart. Sir Watkin Lewes, , Knt. Alderman aiid Treafurer. [ 178c. J Hon. and Rev. Harbottle Grim— fton, M. A. Rev, R.obert Graham, D. D. ; Rev. Phipps Wefton, B.D. Rev, Charles Parrot, LL, B. Rev. William-Browne,, M. A». ¦ Wifliam Willis, Efq. John Horton, Efq. Colleaion j^7icjoo o:> ---^..^.. o . The Sermon was preached May 11, by the Rev. John Law, D.D. Archdeacon of Rochefter, and Reaor of Weftmill, in the County of Hertford. Text, Pfalm Ixviii. 5. Printed, 410. 1780.. 29 APPENDIX. C 178 The Moft Nohle the Marquis of Carmarthen Rt. Hon. the Earl of Hillfljorough Hon. and Rev. William Digby, LL.D. Dean of Durham Sir Charles Gould, Knt. LL.D. William Plomer, Efq; Alderman and Treafurer The Sermon was preached Aday D.D. Chaplain in Ordinary to his Whitechapel. Text, Jerem. xlix. 1 1 Evan Pugh, Efq. and Alderman Rev. James Jones, D. D, William Wvnne, LL.D. Rev. Philip Barton, B.D. Rev. John Brooke, M. A. Philip Yorke, Efq. Samuel Hawkins, Efq. o o Colleaion;^. 1060 17, by the Rev. Robert Markham, Majefty, and Reaor of St. Mary, , Printed, 4to, 1781, The Moft Hon. the Earl of Surrey The Rt. Hon. Lord Vifc. Stormont The Right Hon. Lord Digby Robert Peckham, Efq. Alderman and Treafurer Rev. W. John Brickenden, D.D. Rev. Richard Nicol, D.D. 1-^782. ] Rev. John Sturges, M. A. Preben dary of Winton Rev. Thomas Spencer, M. A. Philip Stephens, Efq. Samuel Prime, Efq. Rawfon Aiflabie, Efq. John Bates, Efq. Collection /. 1005 4 g The Sermon was preached by the Rev. Williar^. Jones, M. A. F. R. S. Reaor of Pafton, in Northamptonfhire. Text, Aas xx. 35. Printed, 4to. 1782- Right Hon. the Earl of Salifljury Right Rev. the Lord Bifhop of Gloucefter, Dr. Hallifax Right Hon. Nath. Newnham, Efq. Ixird Mayor, Treafurer Alexander Hood, Efq. Rear Admiral Rev. Richard Cuft, D. D. Dean of Lincoln f ^783-3^, ^ . ?^ Rev. f homas Dampier, D. D. Dean of Rochefter Rev. Benjamin Wheeler, D.D. Canon of Chrift Church Rev. Benjamin Heath, D. D. Rev. Philip Cocks, M.A. Benjamin Vandergucht, Efq. Edward Barnett, Efq. John Clements, Plfq. ; Colleaion^. 1076 4 6 The Sermon was preached by the Rev. Richard Kaye, LL. D. F. R. S. .Sub-Almoner to his Majefty, Archdeacon of Nottingham, &c. Text, -Gen. xlviii. 21. JPrinted, 410. 1784, APPENDIX. 21 Right Hon. the Earl of Exeter Right Rev, the Lord Bifliop of Llandaft, Dr. Watfon Right Hon. Lord Brownlow Right Hon. Lord Hood Brafs Crofljy, Efq; Alderman and Treafurer Hon. and Rev. St. Andrew St. John, D.D. Dean of Worcefter 1784. 1 Rev, Rowney Noel, D. D, Dean of Sarum Rev, Cyril Jackfon, D. D. Dean of Chrift-Church, Oxford Rev. John Eveleigh, D. D. Provoft of Oriel College Rev. Matthew Kenrick, LL.D. John Crewe, Efq. John Grenfide, Efq. Colleaion jT. 1023 19 0 The Sermon was preached by the Rev. Samuel Carr, D. D. Reaor of St. Andrew Underfhaft, in the City of London, Finchley, in Middlefex, &c. Text, I John iii. 17. Not p.rini£d. Right Hon. the Earl of Uxbridge Right Rev. the Lord Bifltiop of St. David's, Dr. Smallwell Right Hon. Lord Grey de Wilton Right Hon. William Pitt Right Hon. Richard Clark, Efq. Lord Mayor, Treafurer C 1785- 3 The Rev. William Vyfe, D.D. Canon Refidentiary of Lichfield Rev. Thomas Jackfon, D. D. Richard Barwell, Efq. M. P. William Scott, LL.D. Rev. Edward Emily, A.M. William Lucas, Efq. Henry White, Efq. Colleaion j^.987 18 O The Sermon was preached May 12, by the Rev. Thomas Jackfon, D. D, Prebendary of Weftminfter, Reaor of Yarlington, Somerfetlhire, and. Chaplain in Ordinary to his Majefty. Text, Gal. vi. 6, 7, 8. Printed,, 4to. 1785. , Right Hon. Lord Sydney Right Hon. Lord Fortefcue Right Hon. Thomas Wright, Efq. Lord Mayor, Treafurer Rev. John Randolph, D.D. Reg. Pro.Div. C.C.C. Rev. Charles Cooper, D.D. Preb. of Durham Rev. Charles Wefton, A. M, Preb. of Durham [ 1786. ] Edward Bearcroft, Efq; M. P. Rev. Robert Darley Waddilove, A.M. Archdeacon of the Eaft Riding Rev. Thomas SackviUe Curteis, ; A..M. ¦ Rev. Sackville Bale, LL. B. John Topham, Efq; F. R. S, Francis. Gofling, Efq. Colleaion j^. 1004 18 6 The Sermon was preached May 18, by the Rev. Samuel Hprfley, LL.D. F.R. S. Archdeacon of St. Alban's, and Chaplain to the Right Rev. the Lord Bifhop of London. Text, Deiit. xv. 11. Printed, 4to, 1786. It APPENDIX. [ 1787. J The Right Hon. Lord Vifcount 1 William Cortybeare, D. D. Pre- Bulkeley The Right Hon. Thomas Sainfbury, Efq. Lord Mawr Sir Richard Jebb, Bart. M. D. ^ F. R. S. William Hemington, D.D. Canon of Chriil Church Thomas Hoflingbery, D. D. F.R.S. and S. A. Archd. of Chichefter bendary of York Samuel Glafle, D.D. F.R.S. Chap lain in Ordinary to his Majefty William Tatton Egerton, Efq. M.P. B. G. Wright, Efq. Jeremiah Milles, Efq. Roger Petti ward, Efq.. William Stevens, Efq. 2d Time; ift was in 1762. Collection £.ioi@ 18 6 The Sermon was preached Mav 10, by the Rev, Anthony Hamilton, D.D. Archdeacon of Colchefter, 'Chaglain in Ordinary tO his Majefty,. &c. &c. Text, Jer. xlix. 11. ^^tynted, 410. 1787. The Right Hon. Lord Vifcount Fitzwilliam The Rev. the Lord Bifhop of Lin coln, Dr. Prettvman The Right Hon. John Burnell, Efq. Lord Maydr The Hon. Mr. Juftice Wilfon Richard Pepper Arden, Efq. Majefty's Attorney General The Sermon was preached [ 1788. ] his May 8 Canon Refidentiary of Wells, and Reaor of Witney, Oxfordihire Matt. vr. 33. Rev. Henry Barton, D. D. Warden of Merton College, Oxford Hon. and Rev. EdwardVen. Vernon, LL.D. Canon of Chrift Church George Byng, Efq. Rev. Jonathan Boucher, A. M. Thomas Collins, Efq. Thomas Calverley, Efq. Clement Samuel Strong, Efq. by the Rev. Phipps Wefton, ~ ' " Text, The prefent STEWARDS are, His Grace the Duke of Portland The Right Hem. Lord Kenyon, Lord Chief Juftice The Right Rev. the Lord Bifhop of Chefter The Right Hon. the Lord Ma.yoi: Rev. Nathan Wetherell, D, D. Dean of Hereford Sir Herbert Mackworth, Bart. M.P. F. R. S. Rev, Robert Pool Finch, D. D. Preb. of Weftminfter Rev. Sarftuel Smith, LL. I>^ Preb* of Weftminfter John Frere, Efq. F. R. S. Ewan Law, Efq» Bryan Broughton, Efq. Richard Stanley, Efq. N. B. The Stewards think proper to acquaint the Piiblic, that the Mufic to be performed will confift of the Overture of Efther ; Mr. Handel's '2 Detftin|en APPENDIX. 2J Dettingen Te Deum, and Jubilate, with his Chorus from the MefTiah (Hallelujah for the Lord God Omnipotent reigneth.) An Anthem, com pofed by Dr. Boyce for this Charity, and Mr. Handel's grand Coronation Anthem. The Sermon to be preached by the Rev. William Vincent, D. D. Sub- Almoner, and Chaplain in Ordinary to his Majefty, &c. &c. The Secretary, with much Pleafure, informs the Benefaaors and Well-wifhers to this Charity, that the Sum of ^^.looo, bequeathed by the late Margaret Dongworth, of the City of Durham, Spinfter, has been paid into the Hands of the Stewards, and placed by them in the iper Cent. Confolidated Bank Annuities, in the Names of his Grace the ord Archbifhop of Canterbury, as Prefident, and Sir John Skynner, Knight, as Vice-Prefident, of thetTcJ^Sgjjgtion for the Relief of the poor Widows and Children of ClergymenToTreaing the Dividend of the afoftfaid Sum of ^.looo (making 1626I. 4s. gd. principal Stock) to be annually applied to the good Purpofes of this Charity : and which Bequeft, with the Addition of ^.100 Stock lately transferred into the Names of the Truftees before mentioned, as the Benefaaion of a Perfon unknown, and Dr. Ratcliff's Legacy ofj^.ioo, make the Sum upon which the Dividends in future will arife, ^.1826 4 9. Benefaftions to this Charity will be thankfully received by John Bacon, Efq; at the Firji-Fruits-Office in the 'Tempky Secretary to the Stewards. 3 9002 08844 191- f'^ I