!:.t.-_r! I! YALE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY 1942 "COME TE APART" "Come Te Apart" Daily Exercises in Prayer and Devotion By JOHN HENRY JOWETT New York Chicago Fleming H. Revell Company London and Edinburgh Copyright, 1920, by FLEMING H. REVELL COMPANY 11^ New York: 158 Fifth Avenue Chicago: 17 North Wabash Ave. London : 21 Paternoster Square Edinburgh: 75 Princes Street "COME TE APART' JANUARY 3anuan? l. MY presence shall go with Thee, and I shall give Thee rest. —Exodus 33 : 14. Where is my road going to lead? Will it be green lane or stony steep? Will it be clear and legible as a turn pike, or faint and doubtful like an un certain track across the moor ? I do not know. But our text entwines the gra cious offer of a great Companion for the unknown and changing road. It prom ises the destruction of loneliness but not the dispersal of the mist. My Father God, Thy Presence makes every where a royal road. Thy companionship always leads to the Holy City. Every day's journey is a day's march nearer home. Help me to trust and not be afraid. For Christ's sake. Amen. 7 8 "COME YE APART" January 2. AND you, being dead in your sins . . . hath He quickened together with Christ. — Colossians 2 : 13. This is the resurrection of the soul. It is her spiritual spring-time. The Lord Jesus visits us in our deadness, and lo, the winter is over, and God makes the flowers appear on the earth, and the time of the singing of birds has come. Heavenly Father, I pray that I may rise in Christ Jesus into newness of life. If I am al ready risen let me rise into loftier glory. Give me an eager spirit which will not rest until I awake in the likeness of Christ. For His sake. Amen. Januats 3. STAND . , , having your loins girt about with truth. — Ephesians 6 : 14. It is truth that is like the girdle that binds the loose energies into compact strength. Without truth we are all at sixes and sevens. Without truth every thing is lax and indecisive. Truth binds "COME YE APART" us into unity and makes us masters of our task. Holy Father, may my life be girt about with Thy truth. Let not my life be broken up by untruth and spiritual indolence. Gather my energies into obedience to Thy holy will. Let all that is within me bless Thy holy name. For Christ's sake. Amen. January 4. QROW in grace and in the knowledge df our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. —2 Peter 3 : 18. Were we to live on our yesterdays our growth would be arrested. We cannot live on yesterday's manna; we are to gather fresh bread to-day. There is a perilous contentment which is the harbinger of death. When we cease to grow we begin to decline. Our safety is in increase. O Lord my God, make me wise unto salvation. Save me from being drugged by my attainments. Let not the little which I know send my soul asleep. Keep me awake, and active, and pro gressive, and let me put on strength from day to day. For the Saviour's sake. Amen. 10 "COME YE APART" January 5. THIS kind goeth not out but by prayer and fasting. — Matthew 17 : 21. There are some things which cannot be done except as a result of the sternest spiritual discipline. If we are to do marvellous things we must be marvel lously open to the incoming of God. And prayer and fasting are two of the appointed means of grace. Fasting covers everything that detaches the soul from the world. Prayer covers every thing that attaches the soul to God. My Father in Heaven, I pray that I may have this detachment from the world and this attach ment to Thee. Mercifully grant that by dis cipline of body and soul I may be open to the energies of Thy grace. Graciously do Thy work in me this day. For Christ's sake. Amen. ¦January 6. I HAVE chosen you, and ordained you, that ye should go and bring forth fruit, and that your fruit should remain. — John 15 : 16. It is a wonderful thought that God has thought upon me. He has a plan for my life. I am not like some drift ing boat on the high seas without compass or chart. My way is appointed "COME YE APART" 11 and my end rests in the holy grace of the Lord. O Lord my God, give me this assurance that I have a place in Thy purpose. Let me meet Thy will moment by moment. Let me complete my journey through fidelity to the immediate task. Let me consecrate the present moment and so hallow the entire year. For Christ's sake. Amen. January 7. IF any man will do His will, he shall know the teaching, whether it be of God. — John 7 : 17. The only way in which to know truth is by transmitting it into life. We never know it until we incarnate it in flesh and blood. No one can know what the atonement is except through per sonal sacrifice. Such things are not known as abstractions. They have to be lived, and then we recognize the word of the Lord. Through life we pass to understanding. Most Gracious God, may I come to know Thy truth along the path of hallowed life. My dis coveries are made on roads of obedience. Thy lamps shine for the dutiful. Guide me in Thy truth and teach me. For Christ's sake. Amen. 12 " COME YE APART" January 8. HAYING begun in the Spirit, are ye now made perfect in the flesh? — Galatians 3 : 3. We sometimes begin a journey with God, but we do not continue in His companionship. We sometimes have spiritual impulses but we pass to carnal constraints. Many an institution has been born in a spiritual revival and has then tried to exist on merely mechanical means. What began as spirit has ended in a form. Most Holy God, save me from the peril of deserting the springs. Let me not lose Thy spiritual inspirations. Let me not be lured into the weakness of the letter. Help me to live in ceaseless dependence upon the fountains of eternal life. May I gather all my water from the hills of God. For my Saviour 's sake. Amen. January 9. THE weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds. — 2 Corinthians 10 : 4. We are to believe in spiritual power more than in material power. We are to believe that nothing can finally resist "COME YE APART" 13 the offensive of the divine Spirit. A divine word has infinitely more dynamic than a carnal work. Prayer is our most vital action. Most Almighty God, I pray that I may believe in the things of the Spirit. May I not be daunted by the threat of material hostility. Help me to believe that he who shares the Spirit of God is mightier than all the material forces on the planet. In that happy confidence let me face my life to-day. Through Christ's sake. Amen. January 10. AND be not conformed to this world, but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind. — Romans 12 : 2. Instead, of being moulded to this world by its external constraints, let us be renewed in thought and purpose, and so become transformed in the secret places of our life. There is a heaven of difference between worldly conforma tion and spiritual transformation. My Father God, Thy spirit can renew my life. Thy holy power can change all my springs. Let the fountains of impulse and desire be like unto the life of my Saviour. Let Christ dwell in me richly. For His sake. Amen. 14 " COME YE APART " January u. TAKE heed to yourselves lest at any time your hearts be overcharged with surfeiting, and drunkenness, and cares of this life, and so that day come upon you unaware. — Luke 21 : 34. There is a way of living which makes the spirit drowsy. Our eating and drinking have much to do with the life of the soul. We can so drug the body that the spirit falls asleep. The body can be the friend or the foe of the soul. My Father God, I pray that I may not ill-use my body to the cramping of my soul. Let not my appetite dull my spiritual discernments. Let me so control my cravings that my spirit shall always rule. May I never allow the body to usurp the throne of the soul. For Christ's sake. Amen. January 12. I FOLLOW after, if that I may apprehend that for which also I am apprehended of Christ Jesus. — Philippians 3 : 12. The Lord has laid hold of me for some supremely glorious purpose. Some thing shines in His eyes concerning me and my destiny. As yet I cannot dis- "COME YE APART" 15 cern its glory. But if I follow on I shall some day lay hold of it, and have it in full and glorious possession. My Father God, I thank Thee for Thy won derful purpose concerning me in Jesus Christ my Saviour. Let me follow Thy will step by step until it brings me to the unveiling of the glory. Let me be allured as by a mighty hope. Let me not become slack in the heavenly way. For Christ's sake. Amen. January 13. YEA doubtless, and I count all things but loss, for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord. -Philippians 3 : 8. The apostle puts the knowledge of Christ in one scale, and "all things" in the other; and in the balances the "all things" are as nothing. The knowledge of God is worth more than all things put together. To know Him is life ; not to know Him is death. God of all Life, I humbly pray that I may share Thy nature. Let me never value things more than I prize my high calling in Christ. Let everything have a second place when the Lord is on the field. And so let me do Thy will to-day. For Christ's sake. Amen. 16 " COME YE APART " January 14. WORK out your own salvation with fear and trembling, for it is God that worketh in you to will and to do His good pleasure. — Philippians 2 : 12. The very power to "work out" is only ours because God "works in." The diver can work below the waters because his friends above supply him with the living air. He can work out because they work in. And so by God 's grace the impossible becomes possible in the provision of His strength. Most mighty God, help me to believe in the efficiency of Thy grace. Give me a serene con fidence that my resources are all sufficient. Let me set my will to Thy tasks in perfect hope that they can be fulfilled. Make me a child of song and liberty. For Christ's sake. Amen. January 15. FROM within, out of the heart of man, proceed evil thoughts, adulteries, fornications, murders, thefts, covetousness, wickedness, deceit, las- civiousness, an evil eye, blasphemy, pride, foolishness. — Mark 7 : 21, 22. Then what a momentous fountain the heart must be! All these vile things flow out of it. It is the birthplace of all depravity. Therefore it must be the "COME YE APART" 17 birthplace of all moral redemption. It is little or no use purifying the stream if the springs are befouled. Any min istry which ignores the heart is neglect ing the fountain. Holy Father, create within me a clean heart. Let me not be satisfied with clean hands. Let the springs of desire and will be purified by Thy grace. Let Thy water be within me, a well of water springing up into everlasting life. For Christ's sake. Amen. January 16. COME ye after Me and I will make you fishers of men. — Mark 1 : 17. The calls of the Master are always calls to something larger. The bugle peals, aid if we answer it we become bigger men. The Lord leads us out of self into a larger self. He leads us from self to brother. We cease to be self- seekers and we become seekers for Christ. We become fishers of men. My Gracious Father, may I hear Thy call into the larger life of Christ. Draw me out of self ishness. It makes too small a room for my soul to live in. Lead me into the lives of others, and by Thy marvellous grace let me win them for the Lord. For the Saviour's sake. Amen. 1*$ "COME YE APART" January 17. THEREFORE I fled to Tarshish, for I knew that Thou art a gracious God, and full of com passion, slow to anger, and plenteous in mercy, and repenteth Thee of evil. — Jonah 4 : 2. He knew that God was merciful and so he fled from duty! He used God's mercy to justify his sin. He used his knowledge of God's goodness to make him easy in the way of trespass. ' ' God is good, it will be all right ! ' ' That was an appalling insult to the Lord. My Father God, may I not presume upon Thy mercy. Let me not take unlawful advantage of Thy kindness. Let me not deliberately sin in the confidence that I shall surely be forgiven. Let Thy grace lead me to repentance and may Thy goodness nourish a hatred for all sin. For the Saviour's sake. Amen. January 18. GOD repented. . . . But it displeased Jonah exceedingly, and he was angry. — Jonah 4: 1. God was merciful with Nineveh and recalled His judgment. And Jonah was angry because God was merciful. He was displeased with God's magnanimity. We are often more severe than the Lord Himself. We make "His love too nar row by false limits of our own." " COME YE APART » 19 0 Lord God, give me a heart of pity. Let me not be severe when Thou art forgiving, and harsh where Thou art lenient. Let me welcome Thy mercy for all men, and especially for those who are far astray. Let me share the compassions of Christ. For His sake. Amen. January 19. THE word of the Lord came unto Jonah the second time, saying, Arise, go unto Nineveh, that great city, and preach unto them the preaching that I bid thee. — Jonah 3:1, 2. Here we come face to face with the grace of a second chance. Let us mark the mercy of it. Let us also remember that Jonah was a smaller man when God renewed his commission a second time. His moral and spiritual powers had been impaired by his first disobedi ence. He faced the second chance less competent to do his duty. My leather God, save me from the negligence which brings moth and rust into my soul. Let me obey Thee on the first commandment so that my powers may be renewed in obedience. Let me be on the alert for the first sound of the trumpet, and let me eagerly start out on the di vine commission. For Christ's sake. Amen. 20 ".COME YE APART" January 20. I FEAR the Lord, the God of Heaven, which hath made the sea and the dry land. — Jonah 1 : 9. Here is a strange combination; this man feared the Lord, and shirked his duty. He had religion without mo rality. His piety was impious. His devotion was divorced from duty and it was therefore dead. It was a fearless fear of the Lord. Heavenly Father, I pray that I may not seek refuge from duty in professed devotion. Let my faith kindle my conscience, and make me burn with the passion of obedience. Help me to be watchful lest I make my religion a charm to shield me in the ways of trespass. For Christ's sake. Amen. January 21. WHEN thou goest forth against thine enemies, then thou shalt keep thee from every evil thing. — Deuteronomy 23 : 9. God will have clean fighters. He rejects the alliance of men who have unclean hands. He will not number in His ranks the men who carry the devil's weapons. Nor may His soldiers have the devil's spirits in their hearts. "COME YE APART" 21 0 Lord my God, let me be a soldier in the ranks who has no need to be ashamed. May I never soil Thy banner with hands that are defiled. May my lips never dishonour the Saviour's name. Help me to be clean as I bear the vessels of the Lord. For Christ's sake. Amen. January 22. AND it shall be when the Lord shall give thee great and goodly cities which thou buildedst not, and houses full of good things which thou filledst not, and wells digged, which thou diggedst not, vineyards and olive trees which thou plantedst not, when thou shalt have eaten and be full, then beware, lest thou forget the Lord. — Deuteronomy 6 : 10-12. Here is forgetfulness which is begot ten of plenty. We get on in life and we become spiritually negligent. Over abundance stupefies us. Our success becomes our drug. Our eyes are closed, and we do not see the Lord. 0 Lord my God, help me in the perilous days of success. Shield me when pleasures abound on my road. Come very near to me when I have no burden to carry. Put Thine arms about me when I think I have no foe. Deliver me from the evil one. For Christ's sake. Amen. 22 "COME YE APART" January 23. I REJOICE in Thy word as one that findeth great spoil. — Psalm 119 : 162. The saints of God have great dis coveries. His word opens out treasures which is like an unexpected booty. We never know what will open the word and reveal the treasure. There may be some new occasion, some unfamiliar sort of difficulty, and lo, the treasure comes to view. The old word discloses the new and richer meanings. Heavenly Father, I pray that I may find in creasing wealth in Thy word. May I never as sume that I have exhausted the treasury of Thy grace. Let all Thy words be like new oil sup plying the lamps of my life. Even this day let Thy word be to me a new creation. For Christ's sake. Amen. January 24. THY word is true from the beginning; and every one of Thy righteous judgments endureth for ever. —Psalm 119 : 160. God's laws are not made one day to be unmade the next day. They stand eternally. We cannot dodge the moral "COME YE APART" 23 law. We cannot escape or destroy it. It is either our sleepless enemy, or our sleepless friend. Holy Father, help me to make Thy law the friendly companion of my life. May I turn Thy statutes into songs. May I not treat them so as to make them terrors. May I rely upon them as the gracious helpmeets of my Lord. In the doing of Thy will may I find my delights. For my Saviour's sake. Amen. January 25. THY word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path. —Psalm 119 : 105. The Lord's word is like a star leading us to the far-off goal. But it is also like a street-lamp shedding its rays upon the immediate road. It is revelation for the mile, it is illumination for the inch. It enriches me both in vision and in practical judgment. Holy Father, illumine my mind with holy vision. Tell me of things that are to be. Show me the Holy City, the new Jerusalem, coming down out of Heaven. And then give Thy light that I may know how to build the city which Thou hast revealed. For Christ's sake. Amen. 24 "COME YE APART" January 26. I THOUGHT on my ways, and turned my feet unto Thy testimonies. I made haste and de layed not to observe Thy command. —Psalm 119 : 59, 60. I have watched the officers on a great liner taking the sun at noon, and then adjusting her course to its guidance. That is what I am to do. I am to take the direction from the Sun of Right eousness, and then go forward on the appointed way. Holy God, the fountain of light, let me seek my light in Thee. Let Thy will be my will, Thy purpose be my thought. And when I know Thy will let me hasten with all my powers in the path of Thy commandment. For Christ's sake. Amen. January 27. THOU hast shown Thy people hard things; Thou hast made us to drink the wine of staggering. —Psalm 60 : 3. But there is always a goodness in God's staggering surprises. They are not uncontrolled. They are guided by a gracious aim. The staggering cir cumstance is intended to startle us out of our indifference. It is purposed to "COME YE APART" 25 be an awakening to larger and better things. 0 Lord, may the hard things in my life do Thy holy will. May the unpleasant surprises lead me into a larger place. May they release me from perilous sleep and from dangerous benumbment. Keep me awake in Thy presence. For the Saviour's sake. Amen. January 28. THEIR idols are silver and gold, the works of men's hands. They that make them shall be like unto them, yea every one that trusteth in them. 0 Israel, trust thou in the Lord. He is their help and their shield. —Psalm 115 : 4, 8, 9. We are fashioned unto the likeness of that which we truly worship. We take hue from that to which we cling. Com munion with the Lord means communi cation from the Lord. He gives us of Himself, and we shall at last awake in His likeness. O Lord my God, help me to worship Thee in spirit and in truth. May the Holy Spirit take of thT things of Christ and show them unto me. May I become partaker of Thy nature, and so awake at last in the consciousness that I share Thy glory. For Christ's sake. Amen. 26 "COME YE APART" January 29. THE God of Jacob turned the rock into a stand ing water, the flint into a fountain of water. —Psalm 114:8. We never know where God hides His pools. We see a rock, and we cannot guess it is the home of a spring. We see a flinty place, and we cannot tell it is the hiding place of a fountain. God leads me into hard places, and then I find I have gone into the dwelling place of eternal springs. O Lord my God, let me not be afraid of hard circumstance. Thou canst make the rock reveal the waters of Thy grace. Make me expectant of spiritual blessedness. Let me move with happy confidence through the thirsty desert and through the dewy mead. For Christ's sake. Amen. January 30. UNTO the upright there ariseth light in the darkness: He is gracious and full of compas sion, and righteous. —Psalm 112:4. The light is found because of the uprightness. The life is the secret of light. Surely this is the appointed order of our God: — right, sight, light! We cannot reverse the order ; we are to live in order to understand. ' ' COME YE APART " 27 My Father God, grant me the life so that I may find the light. Grant me the experience which will then break out into truth. Let me obey Thy commandment, and so find that new lamps are burning. For my Saviour's sake. Amen. January 31, FOR there is hope of a tree, if it be cut down, that it will sprout again, and that the tender branch thereof will not cease. If the root thereof wax old in the earth, and the stock thereof die in the ground, yet through the scent of the water it will bud, and bring forth boughs like a plant. — Job 14 : 7-9. The old stock, withering in the ground, scents the presence of the water, and is quickened into newness of life. And so it is to be in the life of man. When the river of water of life comes near to souls that are drooping in disquietude and defeat, they are to become alive again and clothe themselves in strength and beauty. And so the friends of the Lord Jesus are to move about among droop ing people like rivers of water of life. My Father God, I pray that my presence may be as the giving of the water of life. May many a withered growth bud again, and bring forth fruit. Make my life a vital witness of Thy grace. Let it be busy quickening others even while I earn my daily bread. For Christ's sake. Amen. FEBRUARY jf ebruary l. THE fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. —Psalm 111 : 10. The fear of the Lord is the soul's eastern window. It faces the place of the dawn. At that window I have spiritual understanding, and new things are unveiled unto me. The secret of the Lord is with them that fear Him. Most Holy God, I would dwell near this window in Thy fear. I would be where the light is breaking. I would be as a watchman looking for the morning. In Thy fear I would receive Thy truth, and know Thy will with full under standing. For the Saviour's sake. Amen. jf ebruary 2. I WILL give praise unto the Lord with my whole heart. — Psalm 111 :1. There is what one may call solo- praise, and there is orchestral praise. We can praise God with a single power of our being. It may be only the lips that we use, or we may call all our powers to engage in the gracious ex ercise. We can have choral praise, with every chorister and every instru- 28 "COME YE APART" 29 ment taking part. "All that is in me" can praise and bless His Holy Name. Holy Father, let me not worship Thee with divided heart. Save me from devoting one in strument to Thy service, and holding all the rest in silence. Give me unity of life in Thy devo tion. Help me to consecrate all I am and have to the glory of Thy name. For the Saviour's sake. Amen. February 3. HE hath given meat unto them that fear Him, He will ever be mindful of His covenant. — Psalm 111 : 5. That secret covenant determines all the dealings of the Lord with His chil dren. It is never forgotten. It governs the goings and the doings of the dark angels as well as the angels of light, those who carry ministries of disap pointment and those who carry treas ures of joy. The great covenant con trols everything. O Lord my God, help me to trust the word of Thy promise. Let me be confident that the covenant stands even when my life seems filled with unfriendly things. Let me regard the dark visitation as not beyond Thy gracious control. Give me the happy assurance that Thy word is as constant as my need. For Christ's sake. Amen. 30 "COME YE APART" February 4. HE shall drink of the brook in the way, there fore shall he lift up the head. — Psalm 110 : 7. That is the secret of going on. We can drink from the brook and be refreshed. The river of life runs along side the road of God's commandment. As we walk in the one we can hear the melody of the other, and at any moment the traveller can turn aside and drink. "He restoreth my soul." My Gracious God, Thou dost not leave Thy pilgrims to faint in the way. Thou hast pro vided refreshing streams. Thy children taste the glory of Heaven before they reach the heavenly fields. May I drink of the wells of salvation to-day and be cheered along my road. For Christ's sake. Amen. jfebruary 5. IN the world ye shall have tribulation, but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world. —John 16:33. Why should I be of good cheer be cause Jesus has conquered? Is that good news for me? Yes, because I may share the power in which He conquered. That is the heart of grace, we can share the life of God. The Lord Jesus will * ' COME YE APART " 31 impart His own strength, and the world will lie at our feet. God of all grace, I pray that I may overcome the world. Let me not meet its antagonisms in my own weakness. Let me meet them in Thy strength. Let me rout my spiritual foes in over whelming victory. Let me share the power of my Saviour's resurrection. For His sake. Amen. February 6. ENTER ye in at the strait gate; for strait is the gate, and narrow is the way that leadeth unto life. — Matthew 7 : 13, 14. One of our most suggestive thinkers has said: "Christianity has not been tried and found wanting, it has been found difficult and not tried." So many men prefer the easier road, and have turned their back on the road of constraint and difficulty. But the fine view is always on the precipitous track. The hard climber has the incomparable visions. My Father in Heaven, I pray that I may not shrink from the climbing road. Let me not be daunted by difficulty. Let me rather be allured by it, confident that it leads to unveiled glory. Let me rise by hard duty to commanding vision. Grant me the upward walk to-day. For Christ's «ake. Amen. 32 ' « COME YE APART " February 7. THE stars in their courses fought against Sisera. — Judges 5 : 20. The world is against him, the very order of the universe is leagued among his foes. There is a cosmic vengeance on sin. The universal order is at war with the man who is in revolt against God. Most righteous God, help me to remember that, when I rebel against Thee, I am fighting the forces of the universe. Graciously incline me to march with them and not against them. Let everything in Thy world be my friend. Let the currents of the heavenly winds be favourable to my sails. For Christ's sake. Amen. February 8. TRIBULATION worketh patience, and patience, experience, and experience, hope; and hope maketh not ashamed. — Romans 5 : 3-6. The hope which is fixed in God is never the carrier of disappointment. The seeming waters, which allure us, do not prove to be a mirage which only mocks our thirst. Our Lord is always better than His word, and we are never ashamed of our hope in Him. My Father in Heaven, I pray that Thou wilt "COME YE APART" 33 light the lamp of hope in my soul. Fill me with the warmth of spiritual expectation. Give me the forward look and the forward mind, and then satisfy the desire which Thou hast created. Ful fill the hope which Thou hast lit. This I ask for Christ's sake. Amen. February 9. THE earth is the Lord's, and the fulness thereof. —Psalm 24 : 1. THE whole earth is full of His glory. — Isaiah 6 : 3. Let us therefore call the Lord to mind when we walk through the world. When you are climbing the slope of some glorious hill, quietly say to your self, "The strength of the hills is His also. " Or when you are walking by the shores of the incoming sea, "The sea is His, and He made it." Or when you are gazing upon the wonders of sunrise and sunset, and upon their gorgeous harmony of colours; "He clothed Him self in light as with a garment." My Father God, let the kingdom of nature be to me the Kingdom of God. Let everything be to me a message of Thy grace and glory. Let the natural thing become transparent and let me behold Thee walking in the garden. In the beauty of the field let me behold the beauty of the Lord. For Christ's sake. Amen. 34 "COME YE APART" February 10. I WILL run in the way of Thy commandments when Thou hast enlarged my heart. —Psalm 119 : 32. So this is the secret of increased speed in the heavenly way; — a bigger heart. It is the little heart that makes me reluctant in the way of obedience. If I were made in a bigger way I could run and not be weary. There must be spiritual enlargement before there can be moral swiftness. O Lord my God, I pray for a bigger heart. I pray that Thy holy grace may make my life more roomy for the entertainment of Thy spirit. Enlarge me in mind, and in conscience, and in feeling. And then let me run in the way of Thy commandments. For my Saviour's sake. Amen. February il. THOU hast a few names even in Sardis which have not defiled their garments, and they shall walk with Me in white, for they are worthy. — Revelation 3:4. It is a wonderful thing to see the white pond-lily rising out of the noisome mud. It is a more wonderful thing to see men and women with white gar ments living in cities that are filled with pollution. It is one of the miracles of " COME YE APART " 35 grace to find a noble life among ignoble people. And we can see these people every day. They bear the marks of the Lord Jesus. Heavenly Father, grant that I may reflect Thy glory in every place in which I live. Let me walk with Thee in white. Let no unworthy circumstance provoke an unworthy life. Let me be royal when my surroundings are mean. Let me be a child of light in the gloom of midnight. For Christ's sake. Amen. February 12. BUT this thou hast, that thou hatest the deeds of the Nicolaitosns, which I also hate. — Rev. 2 : 6. It is an extraordinary thing, a form of hatred was their saving grace. There is a safeguard in stern repulsions. All neutral palates, that have no strong likes and dislikes, are the easy prey of the evil life. It is a great thing when the soul can say to the Lord, "Did not I hate what Thou hatest?" Holy Father, create in me a fiery hatred of all that is evil. Forbid that any form of sin should be sweet unto my taste. May it be as loathsome food from which I turn in disgust. And to this end create within me Thy holy love, so that all things sweet and clean may be my constant delight. For Christ's sake. Amen. 36 "COME YE APART" jfebruary 13. UNTO Him that loved us, and washed us from our sins in His own blood, and hath made us kings and priests unto God and His Father, to Him be glory and dominion for ever and ever. — Revelation 1 : 5, 6. By the grace of God we are lifted from the gutter to the throne. He strips us of all carnality and clothes us with the garb of royalty. He leads us into a noble sovereignty and dominion. We reign with Him in light. My Father God, I pray that this wonderful inheritance may be mine. I, too, would be a king in the spirit, ruling my life in noble self- control. I, too, would be a priest in the spirit, having free access into the holy place. I, too, would be of Thy kingdom, and share Thy power and Thy glory. In Christ my Saviour. Amen. February 14. FOR He is our peace, Who hath made both one, and hath broken down the middle wall of partition between us. — Ephesians 2 : 14. The Lord Jesus is always breaking down the middle walls. He will have nothing standing as a barrier between man and man. He would break down the middle walls that are reared be- "COME YE APART" 37 tween races, and between classes, and between sects. He would bring us into a vital, spiritual communion. God of all men, Who didst send Thy Son to save the world, break down the middle walls which divide us. Destroy anything in my life which separates me from my fellows. Bring us to the true and sweet fellowship of the Holy Spirit. For Christ's sake. Amen. February 15. GOD, Who is rich in mercy, for His great love wherewith He loved us, even when we were dead in sins, hath quickened us together with Christ, and hath raised us up together and made us sit together in Heavenly places in Christ Jesus. — Ephesians 2 : 4-6. In Christ Jesus we are lifted from the grave of spiritual death to the throne of spiritual glory. Such is the range of our redemption. From the pit to the sea of glass! From moral corrup tion to the virgin glory of the saints ! Holy Father, I thank Thee for the glory of Thy redemptive work in Christ. Thou dost raise us from the dust, and we are made to sit amongst princes. Help me to believe in my spiritual destiny. Help me to walk among men as one of the princes of glory. For the Saviour's sake. Amen. 38 "COME YE APART' February 16. MY soul is among lions. — Psalm 57 : 4. MY heart is fixed, 0 God. —Psalm 57:7. That is a most healthy combination. The man might have been among lions and be filled with dismay. But to be among lions, with a heart that is fixed in God, is perfect safety. The greatest peril in life is to face the lions with a wandering heart. Indeed it is a very sure destruction. My Father God, help me to face the fierce things in life with a heart that is quietly fixed in Thee. Let not my spirit be an aimless vagrant when peril comes near. Unite my heart to fear Thy Name, and so make me the master of the fiercest circumstances that may lurk in my path. For Christ's sake. Amen. February 17. O THAT I had wings like a dove; then would I fly away and be at rest. — Psalm 55 : 6. CAST thy burden upon the Lord, and He shaU sustain thee. —Psalm 55 : 22. Here are two ways of seeking rest. The first is an attempt to fly away from "COME YE APART" 39 the burden. The other casts the burden upon the Lord. There are many peo ple who think they will find rest by a change of air, when what they need is a change of heart. Their necessity is not to visit this place or that place, but to rest in the Lord. Most Gracious Father, save me from the folly of seeking rest where it cannot be found. Let me not seek to fly away, but to fly to Thee. Inspire my heart with true wisdom. Nerve my will with the energies of Thy grace. For Christ's sake. Amen. February 18. MY God shall supply all your needs according to His riches in glory, by Christ Jesus. — Philippians 4 : 19. And so here is my bank; — "Riches in glory." And here are my spiritual necessities: — "all your need." Let me come boldly to the bank and find grace and mercy in time of need. God of all glory, help me to believe that my resources are in Thee. Thy bounty more than covers my need. Thy grace more than covers my sin. Let me draw upon Thee with the confidence of unbroken faith. Let me live through this day as a spiritual millionaire by Christ Jesus. In His name I ask it. Amen. 40 "COME YE APART" February 19. UNTO you it is given in the behalf of Christ, not only to believe on Him, but also to suffer for His sake. — Philippians 1 : 29. This is discipleship with high hon ours. These are the honoured Knights of King Jesu's Order. Their medals are their scars, their sufferings are their glory. Heavenly Father, I would that I might be counted worthy in Christ to belong to this High Order. May I not shirk the rugged road and the exacting sacrifice. May I love Thy way, even when it is full of thorns. Endow me with the spirit of eagerness and triumph. For the Re deemer's sake. Amen. February 20. I KNOW that this shall turn to my salvation through your prayers and the supply of the Spirit of Jesus Christ. — Philippians 1 : 19. That is one way in which things which are seemingly hostile are made to be our servants. Other people pray for us, and their prayer makes us receptive to the supply of God's Spirit. The un friendly circumstance bows at our feet. My Heavenly Father, help me to use my min- "COME YE APART" 41 istry of prayer. May I be busy in praying for others, so that they may become filled with Thy Spirit. May I be eager to make them more than conquerors through the ministry of my inter cessions. For His sake Who died for me. Amen. February 21. THEN Martha, as soon as she heard that Jesus was coming, went to meet Him; but Mary sat still in the house. Then said Martha unto Jesus, Lord, if Thou hadst been here, my brother had not died. — John 11 : 20, 21. This is a commonplace example of needless regret. We think that if we had only arranged things a little differ ently, how different might have been the issues ! If only so and so had been done, Lazarus might have been with us still! But He had been there all the time. What they were thinking to be a lamentable mischance was a vital part of a larger scheme, begotten and inspired by unfailing love. There was no need for regret ; everything was just exactly right. My Gracious God, save me from wasting my strength in needless regret. Give me a living faith that Thou hast control of my life. Let me interpret Thy delays in the light of Thy love and grace. Let me trust Thee even when the clouds are low upon my way. Amen. 42 " COME YE APART " February 22. I PRAY that your love may abound yet more and more in knowledge and in all discernment, so that ye may approve the things that are excellent. — Philippians 1 : 9, 10. Love is our spiritual organ, and as it grows in refinement, it grows in powers of perception and vision. The progress of love is always in the direction of the excellent. We may test this progress by noting the things we approve. God of Love, hear my prayer for love. Let my love be more and more illumined. Let it interpret Thy mysteries to me. May I look at everything and everybody in the transparent light of heavenly love. For my Saviour's sake. Amen. February 23. I AM confident of this very thing, that He which hath begun a good work in you wUl perfect it until the day of Jesus Christ. — Philippians 1 : 6. That can always be said of our Father's work. He perfects what He began. His work is never left half done. He never leaves the blind man "COME YE APART" 43 when he sees men as trees walking. He gives him perfect sight. He is Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end ing. My Father in Heaven, I thank Thee for my perfect hope in Thee. My assurance is in Thy loving grace. Thou wilt not leave me in the dust. I praise Thee for my high calling in Christ Jesus my Lord. In His name. Amen. February 24. AND at even, when the sun did set, they brought unto Him all that were diseased, and they that were possessed with devils. —Mark 1 : 32. What a gathering to bring to the great Physician. But they brought the sick folk to a Doctor who has never lost a patient. The leprous, the paralyzed, the withered, the drugged, the soured! He heals them all ! God of Healing Grace, help me to believe Thou canst make me whole. Save me from the unbe lief of despair. Let me not add to my sin by doubting the power of Thy grace. Renew all my moral and spiritual powers, and let me be as one who has been born again. For Christ's sake. Amen. 44 "COME YE APART" February 25. WHAT man is there that is fearful and faint hearted? Let him go and return unto his house, lest his brethren's heart melt as well as his heart. — Deuteronomy 20 : 8. There is evidently a contagion of faint-heartedness. We can infect an other by the weakness of our spirits. How will it be with my spirit to-day? Will it tend to make my brother timid, or will it help to make him brave? My Father in Heaven, help me to remember the influence of my spirit. My spirit is working even when I am silent and seem to be doing nothing. Make my soul very royal so that it may carry grace and inspiration to all my friends. Let me be as one who carries the vital izing water of life. For my Saviour's sake. Amen. February 26. AND it shall be, when the Lord thy God shall have brought thee into the land . ... to give thee great and goodly cities which thou didst not build . . . then beware, lest thou forget the Lord thy God. — Deuteronomy 6 : 10, 12. This is the forgetfulness which is begotten of fulness. Our spiritual senses can be drugged by our prosperity. Bees can stupefy themselves by gloating on "COME YE APART" 45 sweetness. That is one of the great perils of the spirit; we acquire, and then we forget; we pile up treasure, and then we neglect the Lord who gave us strength to get it. Most merciful God, forgive my negligence. My many things have shut Thee out, and I have often forgotten Thee. Help me to command the world, to bid it remain at a distance. Let noth ing invade the Holy Place and desecrate it. For Christ's sake. Amen. ^February 27. 7 HAVE glorified Thee on earth. I have finished the work which Thou gavest me to do. — John 17 : 4. It is a happy thing when, in our own degree, we finish the work which God has given us to do. We so often leave our tasks unfinished. There is about them a want of completeness and perfect grace. They lack the finish of real devotion. My Father in Heaven, help me this day to finish my appointed task. Let me not leave it in a condition of which I shall be ashamed. May I be perfectly consecrated to its perfect attain ment. Even if the work be a common courtesy may it shine with the grace of the Lord. For Christ's sake. Amen. 46 " COME YE APART " ^February 28. AND one of the lepers, when he saw that he was healed, turned back, and with a loud voice glorified God, and fell down on his face at His feet, giving Him thanks; and he was a Samaritan. And Jesus answering said, Were there not ten cleansed? But where are the nine? There are not found that returned to give glory to God, save this stranger. —Luke 17:15-18. This fine flower of gratitude was found in the life of a Samaritan. It was growing beyond the pale of exclu sive and traditional privilege. And so it is to-day. This noble and graceful flower of gratitude may often be found growing in profusion outside the outer most walls of the Church. Within the walls, amid rich conditions of soil and climate, you may sometimes seek for the flower in vain. Heavenly Father, I pray that this flower may be found growing in the garden of my life. Let the fragrance of praise rise like incense from the altar. Save me from coveting mercies which find no response in praise. For Christ's sake. Amen. MARCH fl>arcb I. THE Kingdom of Heaven is like unto a mer chantman, seeking goodly pearls, who, when he had found one pearl of a great price, went and sold all that he had and bought it. —Matthew 13 : 45, 46. Any one, who is a citizen of the King dom of God, must be prepared to sacri fice the good for the sake of the better. I must be ready to forfeit one precious pearl for the sake of one more precious still. I must even be prepared to sur render the better for the best. Every thing must be yielded to obtain the pearl of great price. My Father God, I pray that Thou wilt sharpen the senses of my spirit in order that I may know the true values of things. Help me to know what is good, and what is better, and what is best. May I be always ready to follow on to ward the prize of the high calling of Christ Jesus. For His sake. Amen. 47 48 "COME YE APART" /USarcb 2. YOUR young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams. —Acts 2:17. Visions are not given to cowards ; they rise upon the souls of those who are boldly surrendered to the Lord. We go out upon some chivalrous task and lo! heaven breaks upon our view. Spiritual vision is given to us as we make the long climb. Heavenly Father, I would be a child of vision. Endow my spirit with courage so that I may take the rugged and upward road. Rid me of all fear. Let me welcome all difficulty, knowing that every difficulty is the appointed service of my soul. For Christ's sake. Amen. ADarcb 3. I LONG to see you, that I may impart unto you some spiritual gift, to the end you may be established. — Romans 1 : 11. The apostle was always eager to give away what he had received from the Lord. He was always turning his har vests into seed. He sowed his reapings in the lives of others. " COME YE APART " 49 Heavenly Father, help me to use Thy gifts in the service of my fellows. Let me not imprison all my harvest in the garner. Help me to sow it in the field of the world so that others may be blessed by my bounty. And this for Christ's sake. Amen. flBarcb 4. AND they raised persecution against Paul and Barnabas, and expelled them out of their coasts. . . . And the disciples were filled with joy, and with the Holy Ghost. —Acts 13 : 50, 52. These men had spiritual springiness, spiritual delight, because they had the spirit of Christian optimism. And this power they had received when the Holy Ghost came upon them. And the terms on which the power can be received are these : that we willingly offer our life to God, and that the offer be made in all sincerity and in all simplicity, and in humble trust in the Lord Jesus Christ. Most Gracious Father, I pray that I may share this triumph in the spirit. Let no unfriendly circumstances put out the fires in my soul. Let my courage rise with danger. Let me sing songs in the night. Let me reveal my confidence in Thee when antagonism seems overwhelming. At midnight let me arise and give thanks unto Thee. Amen. 50 "COME YE APART" flDarcb 5. NEITHER will they be persuaded, though one rose from the dead. — Luke 16 : 31. Startling experiences are not the surest means of the soul's salvation. We sometimes think that if we could see miracles it would be easy to believe. Miracles are not the best servants of faith. The still small voice has more vital constraint than the earthquake. If we do not heed the monitions of the spirit a miracle would leave us un moved. My Father God, give me the quick and dis cerning sense of Thy presence. Let me perceive Thee in the commonplaces of life. May the ordi nary road be alive with divine significance. May I see the sacrament in my daily bread. For the Saviour's sake. Amen. flDarcb 6. AND they called them, and commanded them not to speak at all, nor teach in the name of Jesus. But Peter and John answered and said unto them, Whether it be right in the sight of God to hearken unto you more than unto God, judge ye, for we cannot but speak the things which we have seen and heard. —Acts 4: 18-20. Contrast these men with the men they were before they received the baptism " COME YE APART " 51 of the Holy Ghost. They were as reeds shaken by the wind. They were nega tive, hesitant, uncertain, altogether lack ing in persistent force. But now the timid and fearful have become positive and affirmative. The Holy Spirit has endowed them with magnificent force of character, and nothing can stop them. Almighty God, graciously endow me with holy courage. Take away all deadly timidity. Let the only fear in my soul be the fear of the Lord. Let me face hostility with triumph and confi dence. Let me witness, in the quietness of strength, that all my springs are in Thee. For His sake. Amen. iTOarcb 7. WHAT shall harm us if we be followers of that which is good? — 1 Peter 3 : 13. Every man's appointed task is his life-preserver. He shall give His angels charge over us to keep us in our ways. Duty carries its own antiseptic, and nothing can harm our souls. Most Holy God, help me to believe in Thy spiritual defences. The shields of the earth belong unto God. Thy armour is our perfect security. Help me to wear it night and day, and to go eagerly in the path of Thy commandments. For my Saviour's sake. Amen. 52 "COME YE APART" /iDarcb 8. THERE is a river the streams whereof shall make glad thedty of God, the holy place of the tabernacles of the Most High. —Psalm 46 : 4. This is the river of God, and this is the kind of river which is to flow out of every one who is in communion with the living God. It is to be like a clear bright stream, dancing and leaping in the sunshine. The despondent and melancholy, and those whose faces are heavy with the gloom of fear, are to be heartened and cheered when the disciple of Christ draws near. 0 Lord my God, wilt Thou graciously give me Thy joy so that I may be a minister of cheer and inspiration ? Let me carry the good tidings of Thy grace both in word and in life. Let me light up dark places. Let me change the funeral bell into a wedding peal. For Christ's sake. Amen. ilDarcb 9. MY punishment is greater than I can bear. — Genesis 4 : 13. MY sin is ever before me. — Psalm 51 : 3. Here are two men, and one is op pressed by his punishment and the other is burdened with his sin. One wishes to escape the consequences of his sin, the other yearns for release from the "COME YE APART" 53 sin itself. My chief concern must be with my sin, and I must seek its over throw, in the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ. Almighty God, I pray that I may not think more pf my sufferings for sin than I do of the sin itself. May the sense of sin burden my soul till I find release in the baptism of Thy grace. Help me to hate sin as Thou hatest it. Fill me with the spirit of holiness. For my Saviour's sake. Amen. /Barcb 10. THE zeal of Thine House hath eaten me up. —Psalm 69 : 9. BE fervent in spirit. — Romans 12 : 11. Every great achievement is the triumph of some enthusiasm. Some burning impulse is at the heart of all revolution. The cold heart is unable to drive us along the way. It is only when the fire of God falls on us in the field that our confidence issues in glori ous victory. Almighty God, I pray that a holy zeal may be found in my life. Kindle it with a live coal from off Thine altar. Let Thine own love descend upon me, and, loving what Thou dost love, let me do Thy will with quenchless devo tion. For Christ's sake. Amen. 54 « ' COME YE APART » ' flDarcb tl. L_5_T 3/omj* foww oe grir* about, and your lights burning, and be ye like unto men ready! —Luke 12:35, 36. We must always be road-ready, for we never know when or where the King's commission will be given to us. He meets us at most unexpected places and in the most novel seasons. The only wise preparation is to be always prepared. If He says, "go," we must be ready to start on the pilgrimage at once. Most Gracious God, I would be ready for Thy will. Let me not be sleeping when Thou dost call me. Let me not be away on matters of in difference. Let the ear of the spirit be always alert, and let me be waiting to do the errand of my God. For Christ's sake. Amen. flDarcb 12. IN my distress Thou hast enlarged me. — Psalm 4 : 1. Every conquest over a difficulty means the enlargement of the soul. We can emerge from our tasks, and our friends will note that God has added unto our stature. Our troubles can be so faced as to make them bring strength and nutriment to our spirits. The time when we are in straits can be a season of spiritual growth. "COME YE APART" 55 Most Gracious Father, I pray that Thou wilt make the hard seasons times of secret growth. May the shadowed seasons nourish the ferns of the spirit; — the lovely graces of modesty, and long suffering, and patience, and may all my distresses enrich me with Thy likeness. For the Redeemer's sake. Amen. /iDarcb 13. AS the rain cometh down, and the snow from heaven, and watereth the earth and maketh it bring forth and bud . . . so shall My word be that goeth forth out of My mouth. — Isaiah 55 : 10, 11. The rain is a fit expression of the tender mercies of God. It is typical of all the gentle, genial providences, the April weather of mingled sunshine and power. But the snow, too, is in the process of divine culture. The cold, cutting discipline in life, for which the snow provides the symbol, is also a serv ant of the spiritual harvest, and it gen erates and nourishes the flowers and fruits of the perfect life. 0 Lord my God, help me to have confidence in Thy love when the snow is on the ground. When my circumstances are cold and wintry help me to believe they are working toward sum mer glory. Give me the quenchless hope that what seems unfavourable carries the gracious favour of my Lord. Amen. 66 " COME YE APART ' ' dbarcb 14. AND the bones came together, bone to his bone . . . the sinews and the flesh came upon them, and the skin covered them; but there was no breath in them. — Ezekiel 37: 7, 8. No breath in them! There was everything except breath. They were perfectly articulated bodies, but they were devoid of inspiration. The lack was vital. There was an absence of life. And this is the common tragedy in the lives of men and nations. Movements stop just short of inspiration. Fine organizations have no soul. Bone comes to bone, and there are the sinews and skin, but there is no enlivening power from the heart of God. My Father in Heaven, mercifully deliver me from this living death. Let me not be deluded into a contentment which is satisfied with forms without life. Let Thy living breath make every thing live. Let my thoughts be vital purposes. Let my words be great deeds. Let my deeds pulse with the power of the Holy Ghost. Amen. -fIDarcb 15. WE must through much tribulation enter into the Kingdom of God. — Acts 14 : 22. 7JV the world ye shall have tribulation, but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world. —John 16: 33. "COME YE APART" 57 Without tribulation some of life's noblest treasures would never be found. Tribulation is the flail which releases the grain from the imprisoning sheaf and gives us the bread of life. Almighty God, grant that I may make my troubles my friends. May they be like keys which unlock treasures of grace. May they bring wealth to my spirit, and equip me with the strength and beauty of Jesus Christ, my Lord. Amen. Aarcb 16. WHICH now of these three, thinkest thou, was neighbour unto him that fell among thieves? And he answered, He that showed mercy on him. Go thou and do likewise. —Luke 10 : 36, 37. God loves the neighbourliness that crosses conventional lives. So much of our virtue is racial or geographical; it does not go beyond our family, or our social class, or our country. It has be ginnings and endings, and there are pitiful needs outside the circle of our grace. Most Gracious God, give me a heart of pity. Let my compassion go forth like brimming rivers. Let them flow to the uttermost parts of the earth. Whenever a cry of need arises from a child of distress, may my strength ride forth in the min istry of healing. For my Saviour 's sake. Amen, 58 "COME YE APART" dDarcb 17. AND when he sowed, some seeds fell by the way side, and the fouls came and devoured them up. . . . When any one heareth the word of the Kingdom, and understandeth it not, then cometh the wicked one, and catcheth away that which was sown in his heart. This is he which received seed by the wayside. — Matthew 13 : 4, 19. Seed by the wayside! There it lies, pregnant with life and fruitfulness, but it cannot get to the ground. The mir acle of quickening is nearly happening, but it does not happen. A harvest is all but at the birth, but it is not born. The seed and the earth touch, but they do not combine. There is contact but not communion. My Father God, save me from this deadly nearness. Save me from using words and never praying. Save me from making vows, but show ing no obedience. Save me lest I come short of a vital communion. Lead me from the outer courts into the quickening wonders of the holy place. For the Saviour's sake. Amen. /toarcb 18. SEE that thou make all things according to the pattern in the mount. — Hebrews 8 : 5. Progress consists in making facts con form to divine ideas. We are fulfill- < ' COME YE APART ' ' 59 ing the divine purpose when we make every happening reflect the divine Will. There is a divine conception of every thing, and to aim at that is to make life a glorious aspiration and an increas ingly wonderful issue. Everything has its pattern in the mount. Almighty God, I pray that my life may reflect Thy glory. May every happening, great and small, bear Thine image. May the beauty of the Lord shine through the commonplaces of my daily life. May every earthly thing bear the seal of Heaven. For Christ's sake. Amen. rtDarcb 19. BEHOLD, now is the accepted time, to-day is the day of salvation. — 2 Corinthians 6:2. It is a great thing to see the kingli- ness of to-day. Sometimes it is yester day which appears to be the real king; sometimes it is to-morrow. Happy are they who can see the sovereign Prince in the immediate hour. Blessed are they who unmask the King as He passes. My Father God, open my eyes that I may see the greatness of the immediate moment. Let me not waste my time in waiting for famous days. Help me to make the present day glorious. Let my life fill it with glorious service. Let me see and hear Thee in the commonplace calling of a passing event. For Christ's sake. Amen. 60 "COME YE APART" fl&arcb 20. THE joy of the Lord shall be your strength. — Nehemiah 8 : 10. This sort of joy reveals itself, not in ecstasy, but in power. It is not given to us as the excitement of a moment ; it is spread over the day in the form of strength. Most Holy God, open out Thy springs of joy in me. Let me be as one who goes singing along his way. Let Thy statutes become my songs. Make me strong to meet every circumstance, and let me be more than conqueror. For Christ's sake. Amen. jfJDarcb 21. GOD hath not given us the spirit of fear, but of power, and love, and a sound mind. — 2 Timothy 1 : 7. Fear represseth the spirit, and makes it shrink. Love always inspires and ex pands. Fear chills like winter. Love kindles like the spring. Eternal God, I thank Thee that the wind of the spirit is as the breath of spring. Transform the wilderness of my soul into a garden, and make the desert blossom like a rose. Fill my life " COME YE APART " 61 with Thy grace and graces so that many weary people may find in me the garden of the Lord. For Christ's sake. Amen. fflarcb 22. IF ye forgive men their trespasses, your Heavenly Father will also forgive you; but if you forgive not men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses. — Matthew 6 : 14, 15. The forgiveness of the New Testa ment is not emotional, but motional ; not pathetic, but energetic ; not a matter of cheap tears, but of sacrificial service. It is more than pardon, it is chivalry. Forgiveness is not a passive acquittal; it expresses itself in the ministry of self- sacrificing toil. And such a spirit will assuredly keep the road open for a sin ful brother's return, and we shall be called, "repairers of the breach, the re storers of paths to dwell in." Heavenly Father, graciously endow me with the spirit of sacrificial forgiveness. May I be willing to bleed in order that my brother may be made whole. Let me not harbour any unclean resentment. Let me not cherish any temper of revenge. Make me chivalrous and generous, like my Master, going about doing good. For His sake. Amen. 62 "COME YE APART" /iDarcb 23. UNTO me, who am less than the least of all saints, was this grace given, to preach unto the Gentiles the unsearchable riches of Christ. — Ephesians 3 : 8. The "unsearchable riches" fit them selves into every possible condition of human poverty and need. The ocean of grace flows about the shore of com mon lives; it flows into all their dis tresses and gaping wants, and it fills every creek and crevice to the full. My Father God, I humbly pray that Thy riches may come to my poverty. Fill out my want with Thy fulness. Redeem me from all spiritual lack and indigence. Let me appear unto my fellows as one who is drawing upon the treasuries of grace. Mightily enrich me with Thy glory. For the Saviour's sake. Amen. .fIDarcb 24. AND who is he that will harm you if ye be fol lowers of that which is good? But and if ye shall suffer for righteousness' sake, blessed are ye; and fear not their fear, neither be trou bled, but sanctify in your hearts Christ as Lord. —1 Peter 3 : 13-15. Sanctify Christ as Lord ! That is the all-originating fountain. Around it are stretches of land, threaded with rivers which are the children of its creative ' « COME YE APART ' ' 63 springs. If Christ be sanctified in the heart as Lord, there will be an endless procession of circumstances in the daily life reverently bowing to His dominion. O Lord my God, let there be a throne in my life, and on that throne let me behold Him Who was slain. Let me make all my affairs to pass before Him. Let everything pay homage at His feet. Make me strong to resist anything which refuses allegiance to His most holy will. For Christ's sake. Amen. /tOarcb 25. BE ye therefore of sound mind, and be sober unto prayer; above all things being fervent in your love among yourselves; for love covereth a multitude of sins. — 1 Peter 4 : 7, 8. It is not the sins of the lover which are covered, but the sins of the one who is loved. Love is willing to forget as well as to forgive. Love does not keep hinting at past failures. Love is will ing to hide them in a nameless grave. Love is a hiding place from the wind; and a covert from the tempest. My Father God, graciously endow me with this covering ministry of heavenly love. Let me be a shelter for my brother in the time of tempest. May my life bring him to the supreme Lover, where he may find shelter in the shadow of Thy wings. For Christ's sake. Amen. 64 "COME YE APART" jIDarcb 26. BELOVED, think it not strange concerning the fiery trial among you, which cometh upon you to prove you, as though a strange thing hap pen unto you; inasmuch as ye are partakers of Christ's sufferings, rejoice that at the revela tion of His glory ye may also rejoice with ex ceeding joy. — 1 Peter 4 : 12, 13. The fiery trial tests character. The fiery trial strengthens and confirms character. The fiery trial develops character by bringing out its hidden beauties. We pass from grace to grace, and from glory to glory. My Father God, I pray that every trial in life may develop Thy likeness in my soul. May every disappointment leave some mark of grace upon my character. May every hardship en grave on my soul some feature of the Lord. For His sake. Amen. toarcb 27. WHILE ye have light, believe in the light, that ye may be the children of light. — John 12 : 36. Take advantage of the sun while it shines. Life's visions do not shine and glow like brilliant and continuous noons. They come and they go, bright intervals in the waste of gray twilight and darker night. Let us seize our brilliant moments! ' ' COME YE APART ' ' 65 Almighty God, I pray that I may eagerly use the light while it is shining. When I know Thy will, let me do it with ready obedience. When my emotions are like a favouring wind, let me hoist my sails and start upon my journey. For Christ's sake. Amen. tftarcb 28. YE shall be brought before governors and kings for My sake, for a testimony against them and the Gentiles. But when they deliver you up, be not anxious how or what ye shall speak, for it shall be given you in that hour what ye shall speak. For it is not ye that speak, but the Spirit of your Father which speaketh in you. —Matthew 10 : 18-20. Put your trust in the Lord and you will live in the immediate present. Live well in the immediate present and you will have the spirit of calmness which is the secret of strength. And there fore, when the emergency comes, you will approach it with that quietness which is the essential factor in spiritual victory. My Father God, let me fill the immediate moment with loyal obedience. Save me from spoiling to-day by worrying about to-morrow. Help me to believe that, when some exacting demand is made upon my strength and wisdom, I shall find all things have been made ready. For Christ's sake. Amen. 66 "COME YE APART" rtDarcb 29. I KNOW that whatsoever God doeth, it shall be for ever. — Ecclesiastes 3 : 14. God never withdraws or revokes His promises. Nor does His kindness come to an end. Everything goes on in in creasing strength and glory. We never come to the close of God's work. A volume may be ended but it is always "to. be continued." We go from strength to strength, and from grace to grace, and from glory to glory. 0 Lord my God, make me confident in the continuousness of Thy grace. Let me"rejoice in Thine inexhaustible love. Give me a splendid assurance of Thy boundless treasures. Let me draw my resources from Thee, and walk in the fulness of Thy strength. For His sake. Amen. /iDarcb 30. OUR fathers trusted in Thee, they trusted, and Thou didst deliver them. —Psalm 22 : 4. There is rich hope buried in the ex periences of yesterday, as rich sunshine is buried in our mines. Just as we can bring out the coal deposit and make it yield light and warmth for the life of to-day, so we can go to buried experi- "COME YE APART" 67 ences of the saints of the past and make them yield enlightenment and inspira tion for the saints of to-day. Holy Father, I thank Thee for the story of Thy dealings with men. I bless Thee for the records of Thy grace. Let the past be to me a place of springs. In the triumphs of my brethren let me find inspiration for the tasks of to-day. For Christ's sake. Amen. ZlDarcb 31. IN a great house there are not only vessels of gold and of silver, but also of wood and of earth. —2 Timothy 2 : 20. The inspiring suggestion is this : that the apparently commoner things, made of wood and of earth are as sacred as the apparently more precious things, made of gold and of silver. The little window, which lets the fresh air into the temple, is as hallowed as the sacra mental cup. The office of doorkeeper may be as holy as that of the priest. Heavenly Father, teach me how my life can be sanctified. May the little things glow like Thy stars. May the usual things shine with unusual radiance. Let the little hills rejoice on every side. For Christ's sake. Amen. APRIL Bpril l. LET your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven. — Matthew 5 : 16. My light is not to fall upon myself but upon my consecrated work. The worker is to be invisible or obscure. And more especially the light is to so fall upon the work as to reveal the One who inspired it. When men see my triumphs they are not to be con strained to praise me but rather to wor ship my God. 0 Lord my God, let all glory of mine glorify Thee. My little lamps were kindled at Thy sun. Whatever I have bears the seal of Thy grace. Let men behold Thy marks and give Thee all the praise. For the Saviour's sake. Amen. Hpril 2. LET him that thinketh he standeth take heed lest he fall. — 1 Corinthians 10 : 12. Our most perilous seasons are when we think we are absolutely secure. The 68 "COME YE APART" moment of victory is beset by the danger of reaction. We are lulled into peril by our triumph. We take it easy ; and in the easy moment the tempter wins his triumphs. And therefore our best hours may easily become our worst. 0 Lord my God, I humbly seek Thy defence in the brightest hours. Gird me with Thy power when I glow with triumph. Clothe me with Thine armour when no enemy seems near. Let me be more than conqueror in Christ my Saviour. For His sake. Amen. Hprtl 3. THEY are not of the world, even as I am not of the world. —John 17 : 16. What is worldliness ? It is human ac tivity with God left out. It is life which is horizontal and not vertical. It is ambition without aspiration. It aims at success and not at holiness. Its motto is forward, not upward. 0 God my Father, I pray that I may be in the world and yet not of it. Let me bring into its affairs a citizenship which is of heaven. Let me do everything according to the pattern shown me in the mount. May I do common things in divine communion. For Christ's sake. Amen. 70 "COME YE APART" Hprtl 4. AND the Spirit and the bride say, Come. And let him that heareth say, Come. And let him that is athirst come. And whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely. — Revelation 22 : 17. When I have heard the calling of the Lord I am to be a caller too. He that heareth is to say, Come! Having be come a disciple I must now become an apostle. Having been redeemed I must engage in the services of the Redeemer. My Father in Heaven, may I be among the tellers of Thy good news. Let me be among those who are out in the highways inviting others to the feast. Let me be continually seeking new guests for Thy table. Let it be my joy to behold the joy of those whom I have won to Thy feet. For Christ's sake. Amen. Hprtl 5. HIS pavilions round about him were thick clouds of the skies. — Psalm 18 : 11. THE clouds dropped down the dew. — Proverbs 3 : 20. It is not only prosperity which glows with the seal of God's favour; adversity also may be the proof of His grace. When the cloud is forming it means the sun is working. Rain-drops can be traced to sunbeams.. Love yearns "COME YE APART" 71 to send a gentle rain, and so love pre pares a cloud. The cloud is part of the answer to our prayer for the dew. My Father God, lead me into the secret of per fect trust. Help me to believe that Thy clouds will break with blessing. Give me the faith that even the darkness cannot hide the ministries of grace. Let me see, even in the black chariot, the messenger of eternal love. For Christ's sake. Amen. Hprtl 6. HE shall not strive, nor cry, neither shall any man hear his voice in the streets. A bruised reed shall he not break, and smoking flax shall he not quench. — Matthew 12 : 19, 20. As it is with the Master so it is with the disciple. He will erect no altar to the goddess of discord. Life shall not be spent in idle controversy. The disciples' life shall not be sensational. There shall be nothing loud about it, nothing overdone. Jesus hated a mere street religion. He could not do with a piety that advertised itself to gain public applause. My Father God, save me from making a cheap business of sacred things. Let me not make my piety a means of self-display. Let me hide my self in Thee. Let everything be done in Thy name and to Thy glory. So sanctify this day in Jesus Christ my Lord. Amen. 72 "COME YE APART" Hprtl 7. HO, every one that thirsteth, come ye to the waters, and he that hath no money; come ye, buy and eat. Yea, come, buy wine and milk without money and without price. Incline your ear, and come unto Me; Hear, and your soul shall live. — Isaiah 55 : 1, 3. Here is a call to the faint and weary. What is he to do ? There is first of all to be a discipline of the ear. There is to be a determined and resolute effort to listen to God. And what is the next step . We are to listen and then yield. Right hearing necessitates strong doing. Know, and then dare ! Holy Father, graciously sanctify my hearing. Let it be consecrated to the knowledge of Thy will. And graciously sanctify my will ; let it be consecrated to Thine obedience. Let me find the right road; then let me run in the way of Thy commandments. For the Saviour's sake. Amen. Hprtl 8. I CAN do all things in Christ Who strengtheneth me. — Philippians 4 : 13. That is how the level of human possi bility is raised. When a man comes to be in Christ he adds cubits unto his stature. He acquires strangely in creased powers of command. He can dominate the circumstances which have " COME YE APART " 73 hitherto mastered him. He moves with the march of the conqueror. Most mighty God, I pray that I may be strengthened in Christ Jesus. I ask for the power which will turn my warfare into triumph. Take away my fear of what is in front of me. Give me a happy sense that in Christ I am master of the entire road. For His sake. Amen. Hprtl 9. AND it came to pass in those days, that Jesus went out into a mountain to pray, and con tinued all night in prayer to God.—Luke 6 : 12. Mountain and garden were the allies of the Saviour's spirit. They were silent Greathearts who ministered to Him in the pilgrim way. He sought the mountain when He was pondering over great decisions. He was found in a garden in the night in which He was betrayed. They helped Him in divine communion. 0 Lord my God, let me get apart with Thee. Save me from the crushing pressure of the world. Graciously give me leisure from myself, and let me share the heavenly peace. Create about me an air of quietness, and make me strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. For the Saviour's sake. Amen. 74 " COME YE APART " Hprtl 10. TAKE heed to yourselves; if thy brother sin against thee, rebuke him, and if he repent, for give him, and if he sin against thee seven times in a day, and seven times in a day turn again to thee, saying, I repent, thou shalt forgive him. — Luke 17 : 3, 4. There are rebukes and rebukes. There is rebuke which is only intended to satisfy the offended, and there is rebuke which is purposed to rectify the of fender. A Christian rebuke is to be given, not so much for the relief of my wound, but for the healing of him who inflicted it. 0 Lord my God, give me the grace of forgive ness. Help me to consider my brother more than myself. Let me seek his healing rather than the gratifying of the spirit of revenge. Let me not take the sword of judgment. Let me rather be a good physician, abounding in ministries of healing. For Christ 's sake. Amen. Hprtl ll. I WILL pay Thee my vows, which my lips have uttered, and my mouth hath spoken, when I was in distress. — Psalm 66 : 13, 14. In our distress we make vows unto the Lord. When we are sick we are full of good intentions. When the distress passes away the vow is apt to pass with "COME YE APART" 75 it. When our trouble is over the Lord is often forgotten. We are faithless when the light returns. 0 Lord my God, let me keep my troth which I made in the darkness. Let not the returning light make me false and disloyal. Let every de liverance deepen my service and my praise. Let my liberty speed my feet on larger missions. For the Saviour's sake. Amen. Hprtl 12. FOR ye were sometimes darkness, but now are ye light in the Lord; walk as children of light; for the fruit of light is in all goodness and righteousness and truth. — Ephesians 5: 8, 9. The disciples easily lost heart, and the cloudy days filled them with dismay. But after they had received the Holy Spirit we never find the despondent or despairing note. Ever and everywhere they are optimists in spirit. They can live in the distant June even in the dingy days of December. 0 Lord my God, graciously make me a child of light. May my spirit be illumined with the radiance of the Christian hope. May I carry inspiring cheer into all my fellowships. May I sing in the power of the coming morning even when I am journeying through the night. For the Saviour's sake. Amen. 76 " COME YE APART" Hprtl 13. WE are more than conquerors in Him that loved us. — Romans 8 : 37. There are some men who are masters of living well. They do not merely meet the demands of duty. There is an over flow of goodness which runs beyond the moral demand. Their cup runneth over. When they fight a battle, they are not half-slain by victory. They can do all and abound. 0 God of all Grace, help me to believe that I can live the victorious life. Gird me with Thy holy strength. Let me fight my battle as more than conqueror. Let the abundance of Thy grace be seen in the completeness of my moral tri umphs. For the Redeemer's sake. Amen. Hprtl 14. I WILL lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help. My help cometh from the Lord, who made Heaven and earth. —Psalm 121: 1,2. Every life must have an Alpine dis trict. The mountains of rectitude are gathered in awe-inspiring majesty. The rivers of grace have their rise in these Alps of righteousness. The river of water of life flows out of the great white throne. Get thee up into the high mountains! " COME YE APART ' ' 77 Almighty God, I pray that in my life the mountains of holiness may shine with snow- white splendour. May they overlook all the little affairs that fill up my little day. When I lift mine eyes may I see them in all their glory. Thy righteousness is like the great mountains. For Christ 's sake. Amen. Hprtl 15. EVERY good tree bringeth forth good fruit, but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit. A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit. . . . Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them. —Matthew 7 : 17, 18, 20. We are to be perfectly honest with our findings. If we find grapes we are to infer a vine, and not to suggest they are the product of a thorn. If we come upon figs, we are to infer a fig tree, and not to suspect that they were born on a thistle. We are not to belie our moral intelligence. Wherever I find noble spiritual fruit I am to reason that it is a fruit of the Spirit. 0 Lord my God, make me familiar with the fruits of Thy vine. When I find Thy graces in the lives of my fellows, let me recognize Thy fellowship. Cleanse my eyes from all prejudice. Help me to see the lovely wherever it is to be found. For His sake. Amen. 7*5 "COME YE APART" Hprtl 16. OTHER sheep I have which are not of this fold; them also I must bring, and they shall hear My voice, and there shall be one flock, one Shep herd. —John 10 : 16. And yet we are tempted to think that all His sheep are in one fold, and we look with sharp suspicion on those that are outside our walls. We almost bluntly deny them a part in the tender Shepherd's care. There is a reluctance of recognition, a want of generous can dour, a disposition to withhold the right names from things, which is painful evi dence that we severely limit the Shep herd's flock. Eternal God, the Father of all men, give me larger fellowship with my fellow men. Let me rejoice in the whole family of the redeemed. Let me recognize Thy grace in their spirit. Let me see Thy name in their foreheads. Make me eager to claim kinship with all for whom my Saviour died. For His sake. Amen. Hprtl 17. THY Kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven. — Matthew 6 : 10. The Kingdom comes just as God's thought and Spirit become dominant — His grace pervading human affection, "COME YE APART" 79 His counsel illumining human judg ment, His purpose visioning human de sire, His will controlling human move ments. The Kingdom comes just as human relationships are shaped and beautified by the character of God. 0 Lord my God, let Thy holy will be done in me. Let me surrender everything to Thy sov ereignty, and so make Thy Kingdom come. Let me withhold nothing from Thy Lordship and control. Let me have no closed doors, no secret rooms. Take my life, and let it be consecrated Lord to Thee. Amen. Hprtl 18. ACCORDING to your faith be it unto you. — Matthew 9 : 29. LORD increase our faith. — Luke 17 : 5. Faith puts the soul in the attitude of reception. The health of the soul con sists in the fulness of its receptiveness. It is the nature of God to be ever giv ing, it is the ministry of faith to be ever receiving. Holy Father, I pray that all the doors of my life may be open to Thee. Thy bounty is wait ing. Help me to receive it. May I so live that at all hours of day and night Thy heavenly merchandise can find entry into my soul. For Jesus' sake. Amen. 80 "COME YE APART" Hprtl 19. AND He showed me a pure river of the water of life, clear as crystal, proceeding out of the throne of God and of the Lamb. — Revelation 22 : 1. The river is pure as crystal. I have watched a strong and impetuous stream, born after heavy rains, pouring its ful ness into a stagnant pool, which had become the home of corruption. In the energy of its presence the corrup tion was unloosed and carried away un til the pool was left clean and clear as a sea of glass. And such is to be the influence of the disciples of Christ upon the established corruption of our day. Eternal God, let my life be the enemy of all corruption. Let it be a river of water of life, clear as crystal. Let it purify wherever it flows. Let it carry the energies of holiness which it found in the great white throne. Let me be pure, even as Thou art pure. For the Saviour 's sake. Amen. Hprtl 20. BLESSED is the man who feareth the Lord, that delighteth greatly in His commandments. —Psalm 112 : 1. That is a strange wedding. Fear is married to delight. If we had the fear without the joy, it would be the fearful- "COME YE APART" 81 ness of a slave. But this is not the tremor of fright. It is the trembling sensitiveness of a young girl who hears the footfall of her lover as he draws near to her gate. My Gracious Father, may this wedded pair of fear and holy joy dwell in my heart. I would not be afraid before Thee. I would have the reverence which is the spring of purest joy. For my Saviour's sake. Amen. Hprtl 21. IN the last day, the great day of the feast, Jesus stood and cried, saying, If any man thirst, let him come unto Me and, drink; as the scripture hath said, Out of him shall flow rivers of liv ing water. — John 7 : 37, 38. We cannot have springs without streams. Fountains make rivers. When the divine life possesses the soul it flows over in gracious ministries among our fellow men. The affluence becomes an influence imparting itself to others. Withered things are fresh ened wherever the rivers flow. 0 Lord my God, I humbly pray that these rivers of gracious influence may flow out of me. Let them revive the thirsty ground. Let hard ened souls be moistened by my grace. Let lives in which desire is dried up feel the refreshment of my sympathy. All my springs are in Thee; let my cup run over. Amen. 82 " COME YE APART " Hprtl 22. MAKE straight paths for your feet, lest that which is lame be turned out of the way. — Hebrews 12 : 13. Everything we say or do is preparing the road for those who are coming after. We are either making it easier or more difficult. What kind of a road-maker am I . And will some brother bless the day that ever I came this way? My Father in Heaven, help me so to live that the way of life may be easier for those who come behind me. Let me take some stones out of the way. Let me smooth some rough places. Let me leave a kindly light and a refreshing fra grance that will cheer the pilgrims on their way. For my Saviour's sake. Amen. Hprtl 23. I WOULD have ye know that the things which happened unto me have turned out rather unto the progress of the Gospel. — Philippians 1 : 12. What seemed to be misfortune was turned to good fortune. It appeared as though the apostles' ministry was ended, but the imprisoned water broke out and flowed another way. God can turn the apparent adversity into the channel of His grace. "COME YE'APART" 83 My Father in Heaven, let me not be despondent when my circumstances seem unfriendly. Help me to believe in Thy power to make even the enemy the friend of my spirit. Thou canst bring honey out of the lion. Let my present circum stances pay tribute to my spirit, and bring glory to Thy Name. For Christ's sake. Amen. Hprtl 24. AND when the tempter came to Him, he said, If Thou be the Son of God, command that these stones be made bread. But He answered and said, It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceed- eth out of the mouth of God. — Matthew 4:3, 4. One of the most deadly temptations in life is to mistake a thoroughfare for a terminus, and to regard what is in tended to be a means as an ultimate end. When we make a material thing a terminus we only exist; when we make the material a thoroughfare to the spiritual we begin to live. Eternal God, lead me into such a wise use of means that they may bring me to Thine own ends. Let me not loiter on the road and make the road my home. Let me pass through every thing to Thee. Let everything be a way into the secret place of the Most High. Let to me to live be Christ. For His sake. Amen. «4 "COME YE APART" Hprtl 25. AGAIN the devil taketh Him up into an exceed ing high mountain, and showeth Him all the kingdoms of the world and the glory of them; and saith unto Him, All these things will I give Thee if Thou wilt fall down and wor ship me. — Matthew 4:8, 9. That is the enemy's bargain. He of fers a temporality and demands a spir ituality. He offers reputation and de mands a character. He offers a show of liberty, but his terms are spiritual servitude. He offers possessions, but the price is degradation. Holy Father, mightily deliver me from the seductive power of material things. Let me not be overcome by the glaring shows of the world. Keep mine eyes fixed upon the treasures of Heaven. Let me set my supreme regard upon the unsearchable riches of Christ. For His sake. Amen. Hprtl 26. HE shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost and with fire. — Luke 3 : 16. This is the fire which saves us from lukewarm goodness, and which makes every virtue an enthusiasm. It not only makes our religion passionate, it makes it warm and winsome. It makes a man burn and shine. "COME YE APART" 85 Heavenly Father, may I be baptized with the Holy Ghost and with fire, so that every part of my being may glow with Thy glory. Let no in terest in my life be uniHumined. Let every room in my soul be lit up as one of the many mansions. of my God. In Christ's name. Amen. Hprtl 27. THE Lord give mercy unto the house of Onesiphorus ; for he oft refreshed me, and was not ashamed of my chain, but when he was in Rome, he sought me out very diligently and found me. —2 Timothy 1 : 16-18. He oft refreshed me! The sugges tion is that of a current of fresh air coming, and reviving coolness after heat. This obscure disciple brought to the apostle the ministry of the morn ing breeze. Onesiphorus was a bringer of fresh air to the faint. The obscure disciple was a minister of refreshment to the great apostle. My Father God, I pray that I may take the morning air to the fainting children of men. May I carry inspiration to their wearied spirits. When I go into their fellowship may their hearts be revived. Graciously quicken me so that I may quicken others. Let me be a minister of Thy breath, 0 breath of the living God ! Amen. 86 "COME YE APART" Hprtl 28. IN Thy light shall we see light. — Psalm 36 : 9. There are some lights which only con fuse us. They are as bewildering as the fierce approaching lights of a motor-car. They do not help us to see, they make us blind. And so it is with the lights of the world; they delude our vision. It is only in our Father's light that every thing is seen as it truly is. Father of all light, grant me Thy light to do my work. Save me from the false lights of the world. Let me not be blinded by its glamour. Let Thy kindly ray fall upon everything. May I see everything with the very eyes of Christ. For His sake. Amen. Hprtl 29. AND as He prayed His sweat was as it were great drops of blood. — Luke 22 : 44. Has our season of prayer any resem blance to this ? Does it suggest energy and sacrifice, even to the point of blood? Are our intercessions weighted with purpose, and have we the de meanour of an armed man cleaving his way to some shining palace of gold? How much do we put into it? Have we only played at praying? Perhaps we have put nothing into it, and there fore we have taken nothing out. "COME YE APART" 87 Almighty God, give me increased power in my spiritual life. Kindle in my heart the fire of a great enthusiasm. Change my lukewarm- ness into sacred passion. Baptize me with the Holy Ghost and with fire. For the Saviour's sake. Amen. Hprtl 30. A CERTAIN nobleman called his ten servants, and delivered them ten pounds, and said unto them, Trade ye herewith till I come. —Luke 19 : 12, 13. And what is the capital with which we have to trade? What capital did the Master Himself invest in the affairs of men? He had a capital of thought and He invested it in thoughtfulness. He had a capital of emotion, and He invested it in widest sympathy. He had a capital of conscience and ideal and He invested it in the exploration and correction of crookedness. And He had a capital of will, and He in vested its power .in the ministry of rectitude and truth. My Father in Heaven, let me be very eager in Thy business. Help me to invest my powers in the purposes of Thy Kingdom. Let no endow ments be idle, or used in wasteful exercise. Let me gain rich interest in Thy service, and so glorify Thy holy name. For His sake. Amen. MAY /iDay l. HE leadeth me in green pastures, and by still waters; He restoreth my soul. He leadeth me in paths of righteousness for His Name's sake. —Psalm 23 : 2, 3. The movement in the first sentence is like walking on the banks of a river on some quiet Saturday night, when the work of the week is over, and the very beasts of the field seem to have begun their Sabbath rest. In the last sen tence the surroundings are altogether changed. Rest becomes action. Re laxation becomes strenuousness. Life becomes militant. But the same Guide Who leads by the waters of rest also leads into the exacting and exhausting ways of righteousness. Eternal God, I thank Thee for Thy compan ionship in quiet ways. Give me the assurance that in the changing road I can have the grace of the unchanging God. Let Thy leadership accompany me all along the way until faith merges into sight, and I find myself at home in my Father's house. For Christ's sake. Amen. 88 "COME YE APART" 89 /ibay 2. THERE was given to me a thorn in the flesh . . . lest I should be exalted above meas ure. For this thing I besought the Lord thrice that it might depart from me. And He said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee; for My strength is made perfect in weak ness. — 2 Corinthians 12 : 7-9. Here is the vivid lesson shining across the apostle's consecrated life; he prayed, and yet the thorn remained. But grace was given whereby the very infirmity became the servant of his strength and a minister to the glory of God. If the thorn were removed one of the helpers of our "health and prog ress would be gone. By the very reten tion of the thorn faith is nourished, and ordered power, and the faculty to ap prehend the glory of God as He is pleased to reveal it. 0 Lord my God, I bless Thee for the ministry of the thorn that remains. I thank Thee that the instrument of pain can be the helpmeet of grace. I am grateful that the thing that lays me low can lift my spirit high. Deepen this holy confidence that all things work together for good to them that love Thee. Amen. 90 " COME YE APART " flDay 3. AND He saith unto the man which had a withered hand, Stand forth. . . . He saith unto the man, Stretch forth thine hand, and he stretched out his hand; and it was restored whole as the other. — Mark 3:3, 5. There are withered faculties of the soul. There are mysterious hands which can lose their grip and even their power to apprehend the heights. The faculty of love can be a withered hand, the faculty of hope can be a withered hand. The conscience can be a withered hand. The will may be a withered hand. But if we bring them to Him Who made them He will remake them by the power of His grace. Holy Father, I bring my withered things to Thee. Quicken them by the power of Thy res urrection. Call my dead things out of their graves. Make them live and rejoice in the light of Thy countenance. For Christ's sake. Amen. /H>ay 4. MY sheep hear My voice, and I know them when they follow Me; and I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of My hand. —John 10 : 27, 28. And therefore it is not that I have to cling to the Lord, I am to permit Him "COME YE APART" 91 to cling to me. My fingers would grow weary, they would slip from the rock, and I should tumble into the deep. But the Lord holds me, and that is my security. I rest in the hollow of His hand. 0 Lord my God, let me not foolishly depend upon my own weakness. Let my piety be not so much a clinging as a resting. Let me have com munion with Thee and draw my power from Thy marvellous might. Let me be safe in Thy controlling hands. For His sake. Amen. flDay 5. HE that findeth his life shall lose it and he that loseth his life for My sake shall find it. — Matthew 10 : 39. This is the secret of Jesus ; life is sus tained -and enriched by expression, by endurance, and by sacrifice. We dis cover while we evangelize. Our torch emits new flame while we light the lamps of others. My loving God, teach me Thy secret. Let me learn it at Bethlehem and at Calvary. Save me from the folly of trying to make my life a pool when it is purposed to be a river. Let Thy grace flow into me, and let it flow out again in gracious service. For the Saviour's sake. Amen. 92 " COME YE APART " iJIDay 6. FOR as the sufferings of Christ abound in us, even so our comfort also aboundeth through Christ. — 2 Corinthians 1 : 5. There are sufferings which we can partially share with our Lord. There are the sufferings which haunt the very • existence of a majestic purpose. There are sufferings which are incident to the passive antagonism of the indifferent. There are sufferings which are incident to the active antagonism of our foes. Our fellowship with His sorrows makes us receptive of His joys. My Father God, I humbly pray that I may not refuse my cross and thereby lose my crown. Let me not be daunted by suffering if it is found in the highway of the Lord. Let me march for ward with quiet heart and confidence. Let me find Thy springs in the rugged ways, and wells of consolation in the wilderness of grief. For Christ's sake. Amen. flDay 7. THEN they took away the stone from the place where the dead was laid. And Jesus lifted up His eyes and said, Father, I thank Thee that Thou hast heard me. — John 11 : 41. The Master gave thanks before the miracle was wrought. The dox- ology was sung at the beginning and " COME YE APART " 93 not at the end. Have I learned this habit? Do I rear my altar of praise before I take my sword ? Do I go forth in the morning to the warfare of the day with thanks for coming victory filling me with the exhilaration of a powerful hope? 0 Lord my God, I pray for the spirit of grateful confidence. Let me be able to sing my song of victory even before the triumph is won. Let the gift which is on the way make my soul abound with praise. Let me foresee the mercy of to-morrow and let it fill my soul with holy joy. For Christ's sake. Amen. jflDay 8. FOR me to live is Christ. — Philippians 1 : 21. The first condition of real life is something to love, and the second con dition is something to revere. Love without reverence is a destructive fever; reverence without love is a per petual frost. The real life, the highest life, is found in the uniting of love and reverence for the Lord Jesus Christ. Heavenly Father, deliver me from a life that is only a flippant emotion. Deliver me from ir reverence which is harsh and ungentle. Let me find my life in a reverent love which discovers the secrets of the Most High. Let to me to live be Christ. For His sake. Amen. 94 " COME YE APART" /Ray 9. HIS leaf also shall not wither, and in whatso ever he doeth, he shall prosper. — Psalm 1 : 3. The leaf is the thing of the spring time. How soon its sweet greenness passes into the darker shades of sum mer and becomes sere and yellow in the older days of autumn! Here is a re ligious life whose spring glory shall not wither as the years roll away. The fresh green growths of hope and sym pathy will be fragrant in life's autumn time, and away to the very end. Who does not know the souls who carry the charm of childhood into remote old age? Almighty God, I pray for this unwithering leaf. I pray that the leaf of hope may not wither as I grow older. I pray that the leaf of sympathy may not fade. I pray that the sweet leaf of fragrant love may not grow sickly with the years. Let Thy grace abound with the in crease of my days. For Christ's sake. Amen. /IDay to. LET your manner of life be worthy of the gos pel of Christ. — Philippians 1 : 27. Is my citizenship one of continued getting, getting, getting, and is there in it no altar of sacrifice, no cross, no Calvary? In all ideal citizenship there "COME YE APART" 95 is the shedding of blood. The ideal citizen, the apostolic citizen, pursues the ends of sound redemption by the sacrifice of himself. 0 Lord my God, I pray that I may share the Spirit of Jesus Christ. Let my life be worthy to bear His name. Let me carry my cross as He carried His. Let me surrender my life in the service of my fellow men. Glorify Thyself in me. For His sake. Amen. /IDay il, THEY shall beat their swords into ploughshares, and their spears into pruning-hooks. — Isa. 2 :4. Wherever Jesus reigns this is one of the fruits of His sovereignty. The sword is not destroyed, it is trans formed. The power is not annihilated, it is converted. Wherever-He finds an implement of destruction He changes it into an implement of spiritual culture. A converted force is force with the de structive element taken out. 0 Lord my God, I pray that Thou wilt change the destructive things in my life, and make them the ministers of spiritual growth. Sanctify my passions. Hallow the strength of my ambitions. Transform my wit and humour. Let my shrewdness be a labourer in Thy King dom. Make all my powers the servants of Thy holy will. For Christ's sake. Amen. 96 "COME YE APART" /iDay 12. THEY fell down and worshipped God that sit teth on the throne, saying, Amen; Hallelujah. — Revelation 19 : 4. "Amen," a note of resignation and submission, not sung with reluctance, but with glad and eager consent! ' ' Hallelujah, ' ' the note of praise ! The angels obey, but not sullenly ; they sub mit, but cheerily. God's love shines upon them as the sunlight falls upon the busy birds in spring, and like the birds, they cannot help but sing. My gracious Father, I pray that my life may be distinguished by obedience and praise. Let Thy statutes become my songs. Save me from unwilling drudgery. Let me run the way of Thy commandments, and let the joy of the Lord be my strength. For Christ's sake. Amen. /IDay 13. AND some fell among thorns, and the thorns sprang up with it, and choked it. — Luke 8 : 7. The capacity and resources of life are limited. If we distribute them over many things we shall bring forth no fruit. Every additional thing we plant reduces the general strength. The Lord wants us to be specialists, and "COME YE APART" 97 to grow wheat only. But we try to grow wheat and thorns, and the wheat is robbed and enfeebled. We cannot grow good wheat if we grow thorns. Heavenly Father, I pray that the field of my life may be filled with good wheat. Save me from surrendering any of my strength to the growth of thorns. Let not the grace of this world, and the pleasures of this life, invade my soul, and choke the seed which has been planted by Thy Spirit. For the Saviour's sake. Amen. /»ay 14. STAND therefore, having your loins girt about with truth. — Ephesians 6 : 14. Take the truth and wrap it about your life like a Roman soldier strapped his belt around his loins, binding the armour tight to his body, and prevent ing it interfering with the freedom of his action. Wear the divine truth like a belt; let it gather up the whole of your life, and bind it into compactness and strength. Almighty God, let me not be the victim of loose opinions. Let me not stumble along in trailing compromise. Bind my life together in Thy truth. Make me feel like a confident sol dier going forth to battle. Let Thy truth be my strength. For Christ's sake. Amen. 98 " COME YE APART " /Day 15. I BEHELD, and lo, a great multitude, which no man could number, of all nations, and kindreds, and people, and tongues, stood before the throne, and before the Lamb, clothed with white robes, and palms in their hands. — Revelation 7 : 9. White robes are holy habits. Palms are the symbols of conquest. They who wash in the Saviour's' blood acquire the spirit of sacrifice, and they sacrifice self. They who wear the white robes also bear the palms. Most Holy God, I pray that my spirit may be •clothed in the white robe of Thy salvation. Let me be washed in the blood of the Lamb. And by Thy grace give me the holy palm. Let self be conquered in the love of others. Thus will I praise Thee with joyful lips. For His sake. Amen. /IDay 16. NOW Jesus loved Martha, and her sister, and Lazarus. — John 11 : 5. He loved three souls of three very different temperaments. True love is always comprehensive and inclusive. Jesus does not want all His loved ones to be of one kind and colour. He does not seek uniformity. He loves us for our own individuality. He will not re- "COME YE APART" 99 move our distinctiveness; He will glo rify it. My Father God, I thank Thee for the wonder ful varieties of Thy family. I bless Thee that we can be lit up with the light of life. I pray that Thy love may rest upon me and make my life lovely. Let my love be a witness to others that I am drinking deeply of the love of God. For Christ's sake. Amen. /©ay 17. STAND in awe, and sin not; commune with your own heart upon your bed, and be still. Offer the sacrifices of righteousness, and put your trust in the Lord. — Psalm 4 : 4, 5. There is little awe in our religious lives to-day. There is little fruitful fear. We do not see the great white throne. We prefer the sweetness of the Saviour to His holiness. And so we gather together all the gracious prom ises, and they become hurtful rather than sanctifying. Most Holy God, let not my spirit be dulled by the riches of Thy grace. Let not Thy promises put my heart to sleep. Let me stand before Thy throne in wakeful awe. Let me ap prehend Thy holiness so that I may rejoice in Thy grace. Let me see the great white throne, and then shall I have holy comfort in the pres ence of the Lamb. For His sake. Amen. 100 " COME YE APART" /IDay 18. EXCEPT ye be converted and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the Kingdom of Heaven. — Matthew 18 : 3. The first great feature of childhood is pure affection. Little children love Jesus for the pure luxury of loving Him. Their love is its own reward. The second great characteristic of the child nature is its fine sensitiveness. It finds its symbol in the month of April. It easily breaks into sunshine and it can as easily melt into rain. And the third great characteristic is open mindedness. The child is full of eager questionings. He is ever knocking at closed doors. 0 Lord my God, renew within me the spirit of a little child. Give me the child's love, the child's sensitiveness, the child's expectant won der. In the spirit of childlikeness may I find the secret treasures of Thy grace. For His sake. Amen. /IDay 19. BE not drunk with wine, wherein is excess, but be filled with the Spirit. — Ephesians 5 : 18. Do not seek the stimulus of life pri marily through the senses, but through the heart. The fundamental need of life is not a sensation but an inspira- " COME YE APART » 101 tion. Man has a body; he has a soul. It is foolish to try to spur the essential powers of life by the stimulus of the flesh. The stimulus must be very in ward, and it must be given by the Holy Ghost. Holy Father, renew a right spirit within me. Graciously stimulate my life by quickening the central springs. Inspire me with exhilarating vision, and with generous purpose, and with holy joy. For Christ's sake. Amen. /Kay 20. GROW in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. —2 Peter 3 : 18. We have the capacity to receive di vine grace, and to receive it more and more. Grace has an inexhaustive wealth of kindness. God giveth grace for grace, and will continue to give it until every tissue and function in body, mind and soul are saturated and sancti fied in its redeemed ministry. O Lord my God, I come to Thee for grace. I am not worthy of the least of Thy favours. Let Thy wonderful love overflow my necessities and my sins. Lighten my lamp of hope, and lead me in the way everlasting. For the Saviour's sake. Amen. 102 "COME YE APART" /IDay 21. MOSES wist not that . . . his face shone. —Exodus 34:29. Spiritual beauty is loveliest when it is unconsciously possessed. Self-con scious virtue is dull and uncrowned. Humility is spoiled when we are con scious of it. Beneficence loses its charm when we are proud of it. No virtue has its full strength and beauty until its possession is unnoticed by its owner. My Father God, graciously deliver me from self-consciousness and self-conceit. Lift me into the light where pride is lost in reverence, and where self-glorying bends in holy praise. I pray that I may share the graciousness of Jesus, and that men may see my good works and glorify Thee. For Christ's sake. Amen. /IDay 22. GOD hath not given us a spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind. — 2 Timothy 1 : 7. The Holy Ghost creates force of char acter. He fashions life that is neither frightened by the swords of the world, nor lured by its crowns. But the spirit of power is allied with the spirit of love, which saves it from driving into a terrible ditch. And along with these two endowments there is the further " COME YE APART " 103 gift of a healthy mind, which turns away from all that is impure in revul sion and disgust. Almighty God, I turn to Thee in humble pe tition that these gifts may be mine. Deliver me from weakness and timidity and fear. Deliver me from lovelessness. Deliver me from a mind which cannot discriminate between the pure and the impure. Make me gloriously healthy in Christ Jesus. Amen. /IDay 23. WHAT man of you having a hundred sheep, and having lost one of them, doth not leave the ninety and nine . . . and go after that which is lost until he find it. — Luke 15 : 4. And so the Lord is troubled about one. The one sheep is not lost in the flock. "He calleth His sheep by name." "He loved me and gave Him self for me." Such is the good news of grace — one soul is of infinite worth in the esteem of the infinite God. Most Gracious Father, I bless Thee that I too have a place in Thy love. Let me fill it with a consecrated life. Let me answer love by love, and rejoice in my portion with constant devo tion. Give me the grace to tell others that they, too, have a place in the Father's heart. For the Saviour's sake. Amen. 104 " COME YE APART » /.Day 24. WALK in love. . . . Walk as children of light. . . . Look carefully how ye walk. — Ephesians 5 : 2, 8, 15. There is in the Christian's habits a characteristic manner of going. There is a peculiar carriage and behaviour. He is distinguished by love and light and circumspection. There is a certain disposition of heart, a certain Bunny purity of affection, and a certain scru pulous and vigilant exactness. We shall acquire this noble carriage if we hold fellowship with our Lord. "0 for a closer walk with God "! My Father God, I pray that my daily walk may be full of the grace of Jesus Christ. Grant that I may do common things in an uncommon way. May even small courtesies be as fragrant as wild flowers by the side of the road. Let Thy love dwell in me, making everything lovely. For the Saviour's sake. Amen. /IDay 25. I WILL praise Thee 0 Lord, with my whole heart; I will show forth all Thy marvellous works. I will be glad and rejoice in Thee; I will sing praise to Thy name, 0 Thou Most High. —Psalm 9:1, 2. That is a note that is too commonly silent in our religious life. Even many " COME YE APART " 105 of our consecration pledges avoid any reference to the ministry of praise. We have our prayer meetings, and our self- denial weeks, and our days of humilia tion, but how rarely we gather together for the supremely exhilarating business of praise. There were ten lepers who possessed sufficient faith to cry for heal ing; but only one returned to give thanks. Most Gracious God, create in me a grateful heart. Save me from the spiritual dryness which loses the sense of privilege and grace. Keep me very mindful of Thy mercies. Then shall I sing aloud for joy. For Christ's sake. Amen. /Day 26. CAST thy burden upon the Lord and He shall sustain thee. He never shall suffer the righteous to be moved. — Psalm 55 : 22. We can do this with the burden of fearfulness. We can do it with the burden of perplexity. We can do it with the burden of guilt. My Father God, help me to lay my burden upon Thee. Save me from the exhaustion which comes from shutting Thee out of my life. Let me not seek to carry a yoke which was made for two. Share my yoke, 0 Lord, and share my burden! For the Saviour's sake. Amen. 106 "COME YE APART" /Day 27. 0 MAGNIFY the Lord with me, and let us exalt His name together. — Psalm 34 : 3. This is a call to social worship. The praise that lifts its voice in solitude is beautiful, but it is far more beautiful when heard in communion with the praise of one's fellows. The violin gains something from an accompani ment. Each instrument in the orchestra is enriched by the cooperation of the others. Come let us join our cheerful songs with angels round the throne. My Father God, graciously quicken in me the spirit of thanksgiving. Tune my heart to sing Thy praise. Let me bring my note of adoration to the chorus of those who worship Thee. Let my song mingle with theirs who stand around Thy throne. For Christ's sake. Amen. /Day 28. WHOSOEVER drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst. — John 4 : 14. Nothing else can satisfy us but the eternal springs. God has made some things very juicy for His children, but the juicy things will not destroy our thirst. The thirst for the springs will persist and remain, — a vague yearning, a painful disquietude which will haunt "COME YE APART" 107 us till the very end. All other resources will fail; but in the eternal spring we shall find contentment in spiritual health. 0 Lord my God, let Thy spring rise up within my soul. Refresh my thirst in the waters of life. Let me drink of Thee, the fountain head. Fill my unrests with Thine own gracious peace. Fill my yearnings with Thine own holy joy. For Christ's sake. Amen. /Day 29. THOU, 0 Lord, art a shield for me; my glory, and a lifter up of mine head. ... 7 laid me down and slept; I awaked, for the Lord sustained me. — Psalm 3 : 3, 5. The shield suggests the all-sufficient protection which comes from the com panionship of God. He will be a shield against the foe without, — the winter of failure and adversity. He will be a shield against the foe within, — the foul breed of envy, malice, and uncharitable- ness. Man needs reinforcing against his worst self. Most Gracious God, throw Thy shield around my life. Let me not trust to my own defences. Let not my circumstances overthrow me. Let not my moods destroy me. Hold me in Thy holy power, and make me more than conqueror. For the Saviour's sake. Amen. 108 "COME YE APART" /Day 30. BELOVED, I beseech you as sojourners and pilgrims, to abstain from fleshly lusts which war against the soul, having your behaviour seemly among the Gentiles, that wherein they speak against you as evildoers, they may, by your good works, which they shall behold, glorify God in the day of salvation. —1 Peter 2: 11, 12. The apostle is delineating the features in a character that tells. He is depict ing the forceful life. His first note in the forceful life is abstinence from fleshly lusts. Fleshly lust is anything in the life which steams the windows of the spirit. It therefore includes envy, jealousy, ambition, selfishness, and immoderate ambition. My Father in Heaven, help me to get rid of everything which clouds my vision of Thee. Let me hate everything which dulls the trans parency of life. Let me love everything that helps me to love Thee. Grant unto my soul a victorious warfare against the flesh. For Christ's sake. Amen. /Day 31. LOVE your enemies, and do them good, and lend, never despairing; and your reward shall be great, and ye shall be sons of the Most High. — Luke 6 : 35. "COME YE APART' 109 All these noble issues begin in love. Love is the attitude of wooing. And love is the instrument of knowing. We can have no real knowledge of our enemy if we are destitute of love. And love reflects the disposition of the Lord. Because God loves His enemies we shall find it possible to love ours. We love because He first loved us. 0 Lord my God, I pray for Thy most won derful gift of holy love. Let my love blaze like a sacred fire. Let it be the passionate minister of Thy will. Let it go out in furthest quest seeking all who have gone astray. Let my heart blaze with fire that has been borrowed from Thine altar. For Christ's sake. Amen. JUNE June I. AND so shall we be ever with the Lord, Where fore comfort one another with these words. — 1 Thessalonians 4 : 17, 18. And life with the Lord is a life of rest. It is a life of quest. It is a life of service. It is a life of wondrous com munion with one another and with the Lord. My Father in Heaven, graciously prepare me for fellowship in the land of light and glory. Let me be no stranger or alien when I reach the better land. May I be familiar with its spirit and its ways. Graciously clothe me in the garments of salvation. For the Saviour's sake. Amen. June 2. AND Simon's wife's mother was taken with a great fever, and they besought Him for her. And He stood over her, and rebuked the fever, and it left her. And she immediately arose and ministered unto them. — Luke 4: 38, 39. She used her new strength to return to her old duties. She employed her divinely restored health in homely min istries about the house. The first evi dence of her restoration was found in 110 "COME YE APART" 111 her own home. Our first field of service is in the need that is most immediate. O God, my Father, I pray that I may use Thy gifts in consecrated service. Heal my soul and send me forth to minister. Let me be Thy knight, away on roads of generous deliverance. Help me to relieve the oppressed, and to open the prison to them that are bound. For Christ 's sake. Amen. June 3. NOW unto Him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us, unto Him be glory. — Ephesians 3 : 20, 21. When all our workings and all our thinkings are put together, and piled up one on another, like some stupendous alpine height, the ability of our God towers above them all, reaching away into the mists of the immeasurable. We can measure the resources of a cistern. We can register the contents of a reser voir. But who can measure the re sources of a spring? My Father in Heaven, give me a happy con fidence in Thine almighty strength. Let me have the assurance that I am drinking from a spring that is not dry in summer or frozen in winter. Give me the venturesome trust that in Thee I have all things and abound. For Christ's sake. Amen. 112 "COME YE APART" June 4. UNTO me who am less than the least of saints, is this grace given, that I should preach among the GentUes the unsearchable riches of Christ. — Ephesians 3 : 8. Our " weeniest bairns " can paddle in the unsearchable sea, and if we lift our eyes we may see the same ocean carrying the great liner upon its broad bosom, and all its unknown freight of sorrow and joy. And our little ones can put their little feet into the vast sea of infinite love and grace, and when we grow older we are still upon the same infinite expanse. Almighty God, I would explore the unsearch able riches of Thy grace. Lead me evermore deeply into the wealth of their glory. Let every new need be a minister to disclose some new treasure in Thy grace. Let me be wonderfully surprised as I gaze upon my inheritance in Christ. For His sake. Amen. June 5. AND He said unto them, Come ye yourselves apart into a desert place, and rest awhile; for there were many coming and going and they had no leisure so much as to eat. —Mark 6 : 31. Never was there a time when this seclusion was more needed than "COME YE APART" 113 now. Our vital strength is oozing out of every pore, and we need means of recuperation. Get the soul restored, and every part of the being is rejuve nated. There is more real recreation in one hour of communion with Christ than in a whole week of social revelries. My Father God, sanctify my life in the temple of rest. Deliver me from the f everishness which is born in these ever busy days. Teach me the secret of spiritual restoration. Thou restorest my soul. Refill my lamp, that I may burn brightly for Thee. For His sake. Amen. June 6. TAKE My yoke upon you, and learn of Me, for I am meek and lowly in heart; and ye shall find rest unto your souls. — Matthew 11 : 29. A good learner is one who asks much, and who remembers much, and who teaches much. And in this way I must be a learner in the school of Clirist. I must ask Him about everything ; I must remember what He says; and I must teach His will to others. My Father God, I would sit in the school of the Spirit. Teach me Thy will. Let Thy light fall upon me as mine eyes are able to bear it. And when I know Thy truth may I share it with my fellows. For Christ's sake. Amen. 114 "COME YE APART" June 7. BLESSED be the God and Father of our Lord, Jesus Christ, and the Father of mercies and God of all comfort, Who comforteth us in all our affliction, that we may be able to comfort. — 2 Corinthians 1 : 3, 4. If we would be able to comfort we must ourselves be comforted. They are the expert comforters who have sought and found their comfort in the Lord. They who have been comforted in doubt are the finest ministers to those who are still in the valley of gloom. They who have been comforted in turning from sin and wickedness know just the word to speak to the shrinking prodigal when he is timidly approaching his Father's door. Gracious Father, may Thy holy comfort be given to me. May Thy great love bring to me the gift of Thy peace. Change my remorse into penitence, and my unhappiness into blessed ness. Then let me bear the consolations to others. Make me a witness of Thy healing grace. For His sake. Amen. June 8. YOU did He quicken, when you were dead through your trespasses and sins. — Ephesians 2 : 1. This is a transition from a graveyard into a sweet meadow in which the chil- "COME YE APART" 115 dren are playing. Or it is like a pass ing from winter into spring. There is winter ; cold, bare, flowerless and fruit less. Then there is a feeling of spring in the air. Everything is vitalized with the vitalizing wind of the Spirit, and life begins to manifest evidence of the quickening, and clothes itself with the beauty of the Lord. Gracious God, I pray that Thou wilt breathe upon my soul with Thy quickening breath. Change my barren winter into beautiful spring. Let heavenly growths begin to appear, and let spiritual graces throng my life. For the Sa viour's sake. Amen. juue 9. TO him that overcometh will I give to eat of the manna. — Revelation 2 : 17. Our God will bring the secret bread to the secret need. Our secret life will be preserved from starvation. The inner man shall be renewed day by day. He will give us hidden manna. We shall have meat to eat that the world knows not of. Heavenly Father, I pray that this wonder ful bread may be given to my hungry soul. Take away my spiritual faintness. Let me meet my tasks in exuberant strength. Let me turn every opportunity into triumph, and so glorify Thy holy name. For His sake. Amen. 116 "COME YE APART" June 10. THOU preparest a table before me in the pres ence of mine enemies. —Psalm 23 : 5. The soul is often a haunt of fears. There are things it cannot escape, pres ences it cannot avoid, enemies that dog its track from morning until night. There is the sin of yesterday, there is the temptation of to-day, there is the fear of the death that awaits me to morrow. But God spreads His feast in the midst of all my foes. He is my de fence ! My Father in Heaven, I pray that the enemy may not blind my eyes to Thee. Let not my sin eclipse Thy grace. Let not my suffering numb me to Thy consolation. Let me sit at Thy table, and eat the wonderful manna of Thy heavenly love. For the Saviour's sake. Amen. June ll. THE Lord Jehovah is my strength and my song; He also is become my salvation. — Isaiah 12:2. All that a man needs in the battle of life is enshrined in this great word. The Lord is "my strength," the very power to fight. The Lord is "my song"; with my God I can fight to music. The Lord is "my salvation"; "COME YE APART" 117 with my God I fight to victory. Here is perfect equipment for life's battle, and all of it is found in God. Heavenly Father, I would seek my armour from Thee. Let me be a warrior who does not faint in the sternest battle. Let my soul sing in happy confidence. Let me fight with the light of victory shining upon the field. For Christ's sake. Amen. June 12. MY soul, wait thou only upon God; for my ex pectation is from Him. He only is my Rock and my Salvation; He is my defence; I shall not be moved. — Psalm 62 : 5, 6. A man whose conception of God is that of "Rock," "Salvation" and "De fence," and is bound to Him by the golden cord of hope, cannot be moved. He has confidence that he is standing in security from which he can never be dislodged. O Lord my God, I would build my life on Thee, as on the eternal Rock. Let me lay every stone upon that foundation. Let even my seeming trifles rest in the might of my Lord. Mercifully deliver me from the weakness that would fail in the hour of storm. For the Saviour's sake. Amen. 118 "COME YE APART" June 13. THE wilderness and the solitary place shall be glad, and the desert shall rejoice and blossom like the rose. — Isaiah 35 : 1. An attempt is being made to trans form what we call the Black Country in England from its well deserved no toriety. And here is a gracious promise from our God, offering a very miracle of transformation in human life. Just as the Black Country is being rebeauti- fied, so the Lord will lay hold of the black country in the soul ahd convert it into His own garden. Almighty God, wilt Thou come into my dry heart with the waters of Thy grace ? Let wells break out in the desert. Let kindly impulses be born. Let generous emotions flow in plenteous abundance. Transform the wilderness into a garden. For Christ's sake. Amen. June 14. WHEN the Son of man cometh shall He find faith on the earth? — Luke 18 : 8. I thought He might have looked for righteousness. I thought He would have looked for love., But it is faith He looks for, because faith is the vital relationship which makes the others sure. Faith is the root of which the 1 < COME YE APART » 119 others are the fruit. If we have faith spiritual fruitage is certain. 0 Lord my God, mercifully increase my faith. Give me a more profound and vital communion with Thee. Let my life be opened out in noble receptiveness to Thy Spirit. Give me the faith which can entertain the Lord in power and in glory. For Christ's sake. Amen. June 15. FOR as the sufferings of Christ abound in us, so our consolation also aboundeth by Christ. — 2 Corinthians 1 : 5. The apostle's sorrow is always^ sor row with the light streaming through it. It is an April shower, mingled sun shine and rain ; the hope gleams through the tears. The light transfigures what it touches. Even the yew tree in my garden, so sombre and so sullen, shows another face when the sunlight falls upon it. I think I have seen the yew tree smile ! My Father God, I bless Thee for the trans figuring ministry of Thy grace. It touches our sorrow with the radiance of a golden hope. It takes the bitterness out of our tears. Let Thy consolations abound in every suffering heart. Let the grace of Thy companionship fall upon it, and behold! all things shall become new. Amen. 120 " COME YE APART » June 16. I WILL tarry at Ephesus. . . . For a great door and effectual is opened uito me, and there are many adversaries. — 1 Corinthians 16 : 8, 9. The many adversaries are a reason why the apostle should remain at his post. He does not run away because hostilities abound. He does not desert his post because it becomes dangerous. He takes the martyr's road. "It is the way the Master went," and to be found in that way is to perpetuate the sacri ficial spirit, and to "fill up that which is behind of the sufferings of Christ." My Father God, let me not be daunted when the enemy comes. Let me not turn coward when difficulties are multiplied. Let courage rise with danger. Let me welcome the hard task under the captaincy of my Lord. By the power of Thy grace make me more than conqueror. For Christ's sake. Amen. / June 17. AND I will betroth thee unto me for ever. —Hosea 2 : 19. That is a tenderly beautiful figure, surely one of the sweetest and most ex quisite in the word of God. We are to be married unto the Lord. There is to be a wedding of the soul and its Sa viour. To bring that wedding about is ' ' COME YE APART ' ' 121 the aim and purpose of every kind and type of Christian ministry. Every day let me think how people can be wooed into a marriage contract with the Lord of glory. Heavenly Father, I would be the friend of the Bridegroom. I would help Him to win His bride. Let me be alert in the cause of the Bride groom. Fill my life with holy gentleness that I may win and not repel those for whom He died. For His sake. Amen. June 18. COME ye after Me and I will make you fishers of men. — Matthew 4 : 19. We are made fishers by Christ. We are fashioned in His Presence. Every wealthy and fruitful gift for our work is born directly of His own grace and love. We are not made by books, or colleges, or friends. "I will make you;" the gift will come as a breath, as an inspiration, as a new creation. 0 Lord my God, let me be a fisher in the labour of the Kingdom. Let Thy grace teach me how to win the erring and the fallen. Endow me with heavenly love. Make me very wise and tender in my approach. Deliver me from harsh ness which creates resentment. Equip me with the fruits of the Spirit. For Christ's sake. Amen. 122 " COME YE APART " June 19. THE fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, p^ace, long- suffering, gentleness, goodness, meekness, mod eration, faith. — Galatians 5 : 22. And the great thing to remember is this. They are fruits and not works. They can only be grown, and they can only be grown in one conditio!-, and that is in the Holy Ghost. He is the inspira tion of all beautiful things. O Lord my God, may Thy fruits appear in my life. Let the Holy Spirit inspire them in my soul. Quicken me until I become as Thy garden, abounding in the virtues and graces of the Holy Ghost. Through Jesus Christ. Amen. June 20. AND I myself also am persuaded of you, my brethren, that ye are also full of goodness, filled with all knowledge, able also to admonish one another. — Romans 15 : 14. It is a good thing to study the strength and softness of apostolic tenderness. Their very rebukes and se verities emerge from their goodness. A man is to be filled with all knowledge, and all goodness, and then he is re garded as "able also to admonish." Who would not be helped by admonition which came clothed in this tender "kCOME YE APART" 123 bloom? But this is not the softness of weakness; it is the bloom of strength. Most Loving God, I humbly pray that my severities may always be softened by Thy grace. Let me share the compassions of my Saviour. Give me a heart of pity. Let my reproofs be ministries of healing. Let me know how to touch a wound without increasing its inflammation. For the Saviour's sake. Amen. June 21. COME unto Me all ye that labour and are heavy laden and I will give you rest. — Matthew 11 : 28. This kind of*rest is always a gift, it is never earned. It is not the emolument of toil ; it is the dowry of grace. It is not the price of endeavour, its birth precedes endeavour, and is indeed the spring and secret of it. It is not the perquisite of culture, for between it and culture there is no necessary and inevi table communion. It is the gift of the Lord, and it is given to the lowly in heart. Eternal God, I pray that I may receive this gift of rest at Thy hands. Save me from the delusive rest which is the gift of the world. Let me not confuse worldly ease with heavenly peace. Drop Thy still dews of quietness till all my striving cease. For Christ's sake. Amen. 124 "COME YE APART" June 22. TAKE My yoke upon you and learn of Me, for I am meek and lowly in heart, and ye shall find rest unto your souls. — Matthew 11:29. In one word our Master says He will give us rest; in another word He says we are to find rest. The gift of rest does not disclose its unutterable con tents in a day. It is an immediate gift, but it is also a continuous discovery. Heavenly Father, I humbly pray that I may make these discoveries in the treasures of rest. May every new circumstance unveil to me some deeper secret in Thy peace. May the turbulent season be a minister helping me in the quest of the unsearchable riches of Christ. May every day unveil new mercy, and every night discover deeper peace. For Christ's sake. Amen. June 23. HE giveth power to the faint; and to them that have no might He increaseth strength. —Isaiah 40 : 29. He does not always take away the burden but He increases the strength to lift it. What does the hill matter to the motor-car if the engine power is more than sufficient? God increases our dynamic. He makes us more than " COME YE APART " 125 level with our task. In Him we are more than conquerors. Almighty God, equip me with the needful power for my work. Let me not fear the diffi cult circumstance. Let me not be terrified by temptation. The young lion and dragon let me trample under feet. For Christ 's sake. Amen. June 24. FOR as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways, and My thoughts than your thoughts. — Isaiah 55 : 9. The thoughts of the eternal are char acterized by loftiness, by breadth, by comprehensiveness, by an all inclusive sympathy which vibrates to the in terests of every one. We are there fore growing in the likeness of God as we grow in magnanimity. We are put ting on the Lord's likeness when we pass out of self into brother. When our mind is loftier and broader we are entering into the mind of Christ. My Father God, let me share Thy holy thought and will. Lift me out of low thinking into the heights of the heavenly places in Christ. Lift me out of narrow feeling to the wonderful breadth of Thine own love. Let me love because Thou hast first loved me. For Christ's sake. Amen. 126 "COME YE APART," June 25. 7 AM come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly. —John 10:10. Why do we live in March when May and June may be ours? Why do we live in the bald constraints of the com mandments when we might live in the gracious fulness of the beatitudes? Why do we live at Sinai when we can live near Calvary? Why go fainting along the way when we can leap vigor ously in the life of the Lord? God of all Grace, I come to Thee for fulness of life. Lead me into the unsearchable riches of Christ. Let Thy holy love fill my being and quicken every power into vigorous health and strength. Make me athletic and exuberant in the service of Thy Kingdom. For the Saviour's sake. Amen. June 26. THIS is life eternal, that they might know Thee, the only true God, and Jesus Christ Whom Thou hast sent. — John 17 : 3. Knowledge implies likeness. To know we must be. To know music we must be musical. To know art we must be artistic. To know Christ we must be Christlike. He that loveth not know- "COME YE APART" 127 eth not God. Eternal life is just Christ life. This is life eternal, to have life like Christ, to know Him in spirit and in truth. My Father in Heaven, I humbly pray that I may rise into the life which is light. Quicken me so that I may understand Thee. Let me share Thy nature, and then shall I share Thy secrets. Unite my heart to Thee, and then will mine eyes be opened upon the glory of my inheritance. For Christ's sake. Amen. June 27. THOU hast forgotten the God of thy salvation, and hast not been mindful of the rock of thy strength. — Isaiah 17 : 10. Here is a forgetfulness that is born when we have recovered from some weakness. Our weakness helps our remembrance of God; our strength is the friend of forgetfulness* And so our strength is in danger of becoming our drug. It is an opiate which min isters to spiritual forgetfulness. My Father in Heaven, I pray that my com forts may not put my spirit to sleep. Let me not be mindful of Thee only in the dark day and forget Thee when the day is bright. Let me make my strength the servant of Thy holy will. For Christ's sake. Amen. 128 "COME YE APART" June 28. THEY have gone from mountain to hill, and have forgotten their resting places. — Jeremiah 50 : 6. This is the figure of wandering sheep roaming over the distant hills and mountains. They have gone from one place to another and they have forgotten their place of rest. And our lives can become so vagrant that God is exiled from our minds. Almighty God, I humbly pray that I may abide in Thee. Let me make my home in Thy holy grace and will. Deliver me from spiritual vagrancy. Let me not pass from one altar to another in the worship of idols. Let me rest in the Lord. For the Saviour's sake. Amen. June 29. THE height, and depth, and length and breadth, and to know the love of God which passeth knowledge. — Ephesians 3 : 18, 19. In love the scale of height is measured by the degree of purity. In love its depth is measured by the depth of its service. As for its breadth we might as well try to break up the sea into allotments as peg out the love of God. And as for its length : — to what length will it not go? Greater love hath no " COME YE APART " 129 man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends. Most Loving God, Thy love is deeper than my sorrow. It is deeper than my necessity. It is deeper than my sin. My sin can be buried in Thy love as a pebble is buried in the sea. I thank Thee for the height to which Thy love dost call me. Let my spirit awake to Thy call like a bird awaking at the dawn. For Christ's sake. Amen. June 30. I THANK Thee Father, Lord of Heaven and earth, that Thou hast hid these things from the wise and prudent and hast revealed them unto babes. — Matthew 11 : 25. Spiritual secrets are not the rewards of culture. It is not by cleverness that we gain access into the Kingdom of grace. All people cannot be "knowing" but all can be docile. All people can not be "learned" but all can be trust ful. We can all be as a little child. Almighty God, I bless Thee that lowly souls can enter into Thy secrets. When we lay aside our pride we discover the open door. Deliver me from the bondage of mere cleverness and give me the grace of simple trust. Fill me with reverent wonder, and so let me grow in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen. JULY July l. IF any man lack wisdom, let him ask of God . . . and it shall be given him. — James 1 : 5. And that is the only place where this kind of wisdom can be found. God gives ideas. He guides the mind in judgment. He inspires our decisions. He leads us to the meanings of things, unveiling the secrets of the Lord. 0 Lord my God, I pray for Thy wisdom. En lighten my mind by Thy counsels. Give me Thy thoughts about things. Help me to look at everything with the eyes of Jesus Christ. For His sake. Amen. July 2. AND they sang the song of Moses and the Lamb. — Revelation 15 : 3. Moses signifies emancipation from social bondage. The Lamb signifies emancipation from spiritual bondage. Moses stands for deliverance from wrong. The Lamb stands for deliver ance from sin. Moses delivers from the Pharaoh outside man, the Lamb delivers from the devil within man. 130 "COME YE APART" 131 0 Lord my God, let me not sing the song of Moses and be silent about the Lamb. Let me not be satisfied with outer reform when there is chaos within. Graciously liberate me from the secret tyranny in my soul. Endow me with the liberty of the glory of the children of God. For the Saviour's sake. Amen. July 3. AND the Lord spake thus to me with a strong hand. — Isaiah 8 : 11. That is one method of the divine leading, a grip like that of a powerful constable. This was the kind of leading that came to Saul as he journeyed to Damascus. It was the kind of violent arrest that lay hold of John Bunyan as he played on Elstow Green. Sometimes the violent leading takes the shape of a startling ministry of disappointment or affliction. The Lord grips and He shakes, but the ministry is governed by infinite mercy and love. My Father God, I pray that Thy strong hand may lead me when I am in spiritual danger. Grip me even with violence if I am going astray. Let not the enemy snatch me to destruction. Speak to me with a hand that cannot be resisted, and keep my feet in the way of life. For Christ's sake. Amen. 132 ' < COME YE APART » ' July 4. THEY looked unto Him and were lightened, and their faces were not ashamed. — Psalm 34: 5. Whilst they worshipped they received light. Their minds were illumined while they gazed. They caught the ways of God, and they had a certain radiance of spirit which assured them that they had found the King's will. Who can de scribe the gentle communion of souls in love with God? 0 Lord my God, I pray that my life may be lit up with Thy glory. Let me catch something of Thy brightness and reflect it in my daily life. Let every power shine in sacred consecration. Let every courtesy shine like a lamp along the road. Let Thy holy light be a secret grace in every part of my life. For the Saviour's sake. Amen. July 5. AFTER they were come to Mysia, they essayed to go into Bithynia, but the Spirit suffered them not. — Acts 16 : 7. What kind of leading was this? It was leading by impediment. It was guidance by prohibition. It was the ministry of the closed door. There came to the apostle what the Quakers describe as a " Stop in the Mind. ' ' God sometimes leads us by negations. The closed door is the indication of His will. "COME YE APART" 133 My Father in Heaven, help me to be sensitive to Thy restraints. Teach me how to interpret the closed door. Set Thy divine prohibition in my mind when the way is barred. Graciously keep my feet in the line of Thy purpose, and lead me in the way everlasting. For Christ's sake. Amen. July 6. THE bruised reed He will not break. —Isaiah 42 : 3. A shepherd boy cuts a reed and turns it into a flute. But if some beast steps upon it with heavy, heedless foot, it lies there splintered and riven and worth less. Bruised reeds! And there are men and women who are just like these broken flutes. Their souls are breathed upon by the breath of God, but they are like a splintered reed, and they give no musical response. The Lord will not discard and abandon them. He will not fling them away. He can restore the bruised reed. Almighty God, I praise Thee for Thy bound less love. It can heal the bruised reed and make it again an instrument of music. Heal my broken powers and let them resound with holy praise. Take the broken lives of Thy children and mercifully make them whole. For Christ's sake. Amen. 134 "COME YE APART" July 7. THE god of this world hath blinded the minds of them that believe not. — 2 Corinthians 4 : 4. That is the effect of worldliness. Worldliness is life without ideals, life without moral vistas, life devoid of vision. It is imprisonment within the material, no windows opening out upon the spiritual world. It is the five senses without the moral sense. The world destroys the eyes of the soul. 0 Lord my God, deliver me from the power of this evil world. Keep me awake by Thy quickening and sustaining breath. Help me to master the world, and at the end of the day to be more than conqueror. For Christ's sake. Amen. July 8. I, JOHN, was in the isle that is called Patmos, for the word of God, and for the testimony of Jesus Christ. I was in the Spirit on the Lord's day, and heard a great voice as of a trumpet. — Revelation 1 : 9, 10. This is surely worth noting. The bright vision is given to the captive. The place of travail becomes the very door of hope. A more radiant appre hension of the Heavenly city is the re ward of fidelity to truth. This man is imprisoned in Patmos, and in prison "COME YE APART" 135 he saw the heavens open, and he be held the holy city. O Lord my God, Thou canst make the prison house the home of vision. Thou canst make my gloomy hours the seasons of revelation. At Thy command the dark day becomes the minister of spiritual glory. Misfortune becomes my fortune. Help me to trust Thee when my life is in bonds. For Christ's sake. Amen. July 9. THE exceeding riches of His grace. — Ephesians 2 : 7. I like that dream of Josephine But ler's, when her life passed into deep shadow, amid many frowning and threatening besetments. " I thought I was lying flat, with a restful feeling, on a smooth, still sea, a boundless ocean, with no limit or shore on any side. It was strong, and held me up, and there was light and sunshine all around me. And I heard a voice say, ' Such is the grace of God! ' " Most Gracious God, may I feel Thy grace to be round about me like encompassing arms. Let me realize the lifting power of Thy love. By faith in Thee let me be buoyant in the stormiest circumstances. Let nothing make me sink. Let me ride the storm. For the Saviour's sake. Amen. 136 "COME YE APART" July 10. BEHOLD, I stand at the door and knock; if any man hear My voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and sup with him, and he with Me. — Revelation 3 : 20. Our strained and restless prayers do not suggest the quiet opening of a door. They rather suggest the frenzied and fearful prisoner hallooing to a guard who has turned away from the door, and the sound of whose retreating foot steps is lessening in the far-away. We must quietly open the door, and the Lord will come in. My Father in Heaven, let me open the door to Thee now. Let me not make a difficulty out of a simple act. Let me open my mind to Thee. Let me open my heart to Thee. Let me open all the doors in my life, and give Thee perfect con trol over all I have and all that I say and all that I do. For Christ's sake. Amen. July ll. CHRIST also suffered for you. Who, when He was reviled, reviled not again, when He suf fered, threatened not; but committed Himself to Him that judgeth righteously. —1 Peter 2: 21-23. " He reviled not again." The bitter attack was not creative of bitter retalia tion. The hurled venom did not poison "COME YE APART" 137 His springs. Amid the environing bit terness the man of Nazareth remained sweet. The milk was not soured. Most Gracious God, I pray that my experi ences may never sour my soul. Save me from the bitterness of the cynic and the seorner. Let me not spoil the peace of others. Rather let me so bear my sufferings that others will take cour age, and find my springs of spiritual strength. For the Saviour's sake. Amen. July 12. FOR so is the will of God, that by well doing ye may put to silence the ignorance of foolish men; as free, and not using your liberty for a cloak of wickedness but as bondservants of God. —1 Peter 2: 15, 16. No freedom is permitted to become license. Every liberty is under the dominion of a refined restraint. License always works to coarseness and injury and waste. In all freedom the element of responsibility to God is the salt that saves it. 0 Lord my God, let my freedom be a part of the consecrated life. Let me never become pre sumptuous in my liberties. Help me to resist every invitation to a wider life which would paralyze the movements of my soul. Let me walk with Thee in perfect freedom. For Christ 's sake. Amen. 138 "COME YE APART" July 13. BELOVED, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be, but we know that when He shall appear, we shall be like Him, for we shall see Him as He is. —1 John 3 : 2. We can only see Him as He is in pro portion as we are like Him. As we grow in likeness we increase in spiritual understanding. We share His nature and then we share His secrets. In our growing sonship we enter into the treas ures of the holy Fatherhood of God. 0 God my Father, I pray for spiritual likeness to Thee. Let me be a partaker in Thy nature. Let me be clothed with the Lord Jesus Christ. Let me become increasingly like Thee, so that on the great day of unveiling I may see Thee as Thou art. For His sake. Amen. July 14. THUS saith the high and lofty One, . . . Whose name is Holy; I dwell in the high and holy place, with him also that is of a con trite and humble spirit, to revive the spirit of the humble, and to revive the heart of the contrite ones. — Isaiah 57 : 15. The heaven of heavens cannot con tain Him, and yet He will make His home in the heart of a little child. He "COME YE APART" 139 hastens for entertainment in the humble spirit. He finds great room in the heart of the contrite, and when He dwells with us all heaven is our friend. 0 Lord my God, let me make room for Thee in my life. I would not shut Thee out in self-con ceit and unholy pride. Let me not bruise Thee by indifference. Come in and dwell with me and make my life a sacred temple. For Christ's sake. Amen. July 15. 7 KNOW whom I have believed, and am per suaded that He is able to keep that which I have committed unto Him against that day. —2 Timothy 1 : 12. When I commit things unto the Lord the deposit is secure. The fruits I gathered yesterday are in His keeping. All my little victories are treasured in His remembrance. Nothing is lost, and the hopes that I have committed to Him will not fail. He holdeth my soul in life and in death. My Father in Heaven, give me this holy grace of quiet confidence in Thee. Let me share my trusts with Thee. Keep that which I cannot keep. Let me walk upon my way restfully as sured that to-morrow will unveil the fidelity of my God. For Christ's sake. Amen. 140 "COME YE APART" July 16. ALL things are yours; whether Paul, or Apollos, or Cephas, or the world, or life, or death, or things present, or things to come, all are yours, and ye are Christ's, and Christ is God's. — 1 Corinthians 3 : 21-23. It is a good thing to roam over our inheritance. It is a heartening thing to take stock of our possessions. It puts a new strength into our stride when we look abroad and say, Mine! Mine! We are very rich in Christ Jesus. Let us review our wealth and glorify our God. Almighty God, the riches of Thy grace are like an untraversed country. Help me to ex plore them more and more. Let me have new surprises and discoveries every day. Let every act of obedience disclose some new treasure in Thy love. For the Saviour's sake. Amen. July 17. YE were not redeemed with corruptible things, as silver and gold . . . but with the precious blood of Christ, as of a lamb without blemish and without spot . . . manifest in these last times, for you who by Him did be lieve in God. — 1 Peter 1 : 18-21. It is well to remember my value in the sight of God. I am worth so much to Him that He redeemed me with the "COME YE APART" 141 precious blood of His only Son. Let me remember my value and never stoop to anything cheap or mean. Let me walk as one who has been purchased at in conceivable sacrifice. 0 Lord my God, fill me with holy awe at the value of my life. Save me from self-despisings. Let me wonder at the glory of Thy purpose con cerning me. Let me discover my worth in the worthiness of the Lamb. For Christ's sake. Amen. July 18. THE night is far spent, the day is at hand; let us therefore cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armour of light. — Romans 13 : 12. If we are expecting the morning we ought even now to reflect the colours of the dawn. There should be a brightness about our spirits which distinguishes us from the world. We ought to fight our battles with armour of light. Our radiancy should be our witness that we are the children of the day. Heavenly Father, light up my soul with eternal hope. Let every one of my faculties shine with Thy glory. Let nothing be an instrument of darkness. Drive the night out of my life and make me light in the Lord. For Christ's sake. Amen. 142 " COME YE APART " July 19. BUT the path of the just is as the shining light, that shineth more and more unto the perfect day. — Proverbs 4 : 18. The path begins in conversion ; it pro ceeds by increasing sanctification; it ends in perfect glory. It began in something a little more than a divine spark; it ends in a brightness that eclipses even the light of the sun. 0 Lord my God, let my feet be found upon this aspiring road. Let me go from grace to grace, and from strength to strength, and from glory to glory. Let every day have some new vision, let every night discover some new star. For Christ's sake. Amen. July 20. THE Lord is a God of judgment, blessed are all they that wait for Him. —Isaiah 30:18. The strongest soldiers are those who are strongest in the long delays. Our resources are tested in the seasons of waiting. Little souls get very feverish when they have to stand and wait. It is the greater souls that can stand still, in the confident hope that they will see the salvation of their God. My Father God, let me trustfully wait Thy "COME YE APART" 143 finished work. Save me from impatience that would mar Thy purpose. Let me accept Thy times and seasons. My times are in Thy hands. Give me this grace for Christ's sake. Amen. July 21. THE Spirit of the Lord God is upon me . . . to give unto them beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning, and the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness. — Isaiah 61 : 1, 3. This great word sounds like the evangel of some gracious magician. The beauty which is bestowed is the diadem of the bride, and it is come to a poor wearied drudge of sin. And the oil of joy is coronation oil, consecration oil, the oil significant of regal authority and power, and it is to be given to those who have lost their crowns, and who are bruised and broken. And for heaviness the Lord will give buoyancy, the garment of praise, the joy of the bridal feast in place of heavy footed woe. O Lord my God, I would that my spirit might wear this winsome raiment of the bride. Rid me of the unclean robe. Graciously restore to me my lost crown. Take away the spirit of heaviness, and inspire me with the spirit of praise. Let Thy transfiguring power fashion a new creation. For the Saviour's sake. Amen. 144 " COME YE APART " July 22. SO that we may boldly say, The Lord is my helper, and I will not fear what men shall do unto me. — Hebrews 13 : 6. FOR who is God save the Lord? Or who is a rock save our God? It is God that girdeth me. with strength, and maketh my way perfect. —Psalm 18: 31, 32. We are called to be very bold in our confession. Our witness is often timid, and hesitant and reluctant. We think and speak as though a lurking doubt were eating the heart out of our faith. God loves boldness. Men are arrested by boldness. 0 Lord my God, I pray for untrembling con fidence in Thy grace. I pray that I may speak out of an experience that leaves me in no doubt. Let my witness sound forth like a bugle. Let it stay the hearts of the discouraged and de spondent. For His sake. Amen. July 23. IF ye continue in My word, then are ye My dis ciples indeed. — John 8 : 31. HE that shall endure until the end, the same shall be saved. — Matthew 24 : 13. WATCH ye, stand fast in the faith, quit you like men, be strong. —1 Corinthians 16 : 13. There is no stronger witness for the Lord than the virtue of steadfastness. "COME YE APART" 145 Men take note when they see a fellow man standing nobly in a difficult place. We are messengers of grace when we walk through Vanity Fair without stumbling. Mr. Standfast is a great pilgrim on life's way. 0 Lord my God, help me to glorify Thee by the strength of endurance. Let not the slippery place cause me to stumble. Let me hold fast that which I have, that no man take my crown. For Christ's sake. Amen. July 24. WHEN thou passest through the waters I will be with thee; and through the rivers, they shall not overflow thee; when thou walkest through the fire, thou shalt not be burned: neither shall the flame kindle upon thee. For I am the Lord thy God . . . thy Saviour. —Isaiah 43 : 2, 3. Our difficult circumstances only re veal resources of grace. God's might is disclosed according to our necessities. We are secure in the tempest as in the season when everything is calm. We are lifted above our circumstances, and we are more than conquerors. Most mighty God, I would fear neither river nor fire. I would be confident in Thy Presence. Let my difficult circumstance glorify Thy name. Let my necessities reveal my riches in the treas ury of grace. For the Saviour's sake. Amen. 146 "COME YE APART" July 25. NOW therefore, ye are no more strangers and foreigners, but fellow citizens of the saints, and of the household of God. — Ephesians 2:19. The foreigner becomes a child of the family. The one who has been in the field feeding swine is drawn into the intimate home circle of the Lord. He has the liberty of the children. He has the run of the house. We have access by faith into the grace wherein we stand. My Father in Heaven, I rejoice that I have a place at Thy table. I bless Thee for the grace of adoption into Thy family. I glorify Thee that the blood of Jesus makes me of the royal house, a prince in the family of God. I bless Thee for His sake. Amen. July 26. MY soul shall make her boast in the Lord, the humble shall hear thereof and be glad. 0 magnify the Lord with me, and let us exalt His name together. — Psalm 34 : 2, 3. Here is a man boasting in the Lord ; the audience hears him and is made glad. He tells of the Lord's exploits and the discouraged take hope again. He sings of the fountains of grace, and the thirsty turn to His springs. He " COME YE APART " 147 proclaims his good news, and the weary pilgrims turn to the Father's door. 0 Lord my God, let me offer praise and glorify Thee. When Thou dost give Thy Spirit let it be a minister of inspiration to all my circle. Let the contagion of my faith embolden others. » Let me be a minister of life in the ways of sorrow and pain. For the Saviour's sake. Amen. July 27. AND Jabez called on the God of Israel, saying, 0 that Thou wouldst bless me indeed, and en large my coast, and that Thine hand might be with me, and that Thou wouldst keep me from evil, that it may not grieve me. And God granted him that which he requested. — 1 Chronicles 4 : 10. A life so full of blessing would surely become a river of blessings. It is so deeply related to the eternal springs that it will overflow in spiritual bounty. Much receiving will issue in much giv ing. Rivers of this kind water a whole countryside. Heavenly Father, fill my soul with blessedness so that it may overflow in blessing. Fill my cup so that it may run over. Let Thy bounty pass through me to my fellow men. Let me be a min ister of Thy love and grace. For Christ's sake. Amen. 148 "COME YE APART" July 28. IF the world hate you, ye know that it hated Me, before it hated you. If ye were of the world, the world would love his own; but be cause ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you. — John 15 : 18, 19. Many of us do not experience the hatred of the world because we do not assail it with a life that is contrary to its own. We do not hit it hard enough for the world to hit back. We are too much like it to be offensive. The world de tects its own in us, and it leaves us alone. My Father God, help me to live a strong life. Let me confront the forces of the world with stern antagonism. Make me unlike the world in spirit and in conduct. Let me bear the marks of the Lord Jesus. For Christ's sake. Amen. July 29. COME now, and let us reason together, saith the Lord; though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool. — Isaiah 1 : 18. These colours are in very striking contrast; there is scarlet and there is snow-like whiteness; there is crimson and there is the purity of wool. And God can take sins that are as bold as the "COME YE APART" 149 most glaring colour, and He can so re move them that the life is clean as virgin snow. My Lord can deal with the pre sumptuous sin, and erase it as though He were wiping away a tear. Holy Father, I bring my crimson sins to Thee. Nobody else wants them, nobody else can deal with them. Wash them out of my life and graciously make me pure. Lord, if Thou wilt, Thou canst make me clean! For the Saviour's sake. Amen. July 30. GIVING thanks unto the Father, which hath made us meet to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints of light, who hath delivered us from the power of darkness, and hath trans lated us into the Kingdom of His dear Son. — Colossians 1 : 12, 13. This is a change of citizenship. The soul changes its country, and transfers itself to another Kingdom. It leaves the realm of darkness and acquires kin ship with the realm of light. It is super- naturalized into the Kingdom of God. 0 Lord my God, graciously make me a citizen of Thy Kingdom. Let me rejoice in its privi leges and delight in its service. Let me live un der Thy banner. Father of light and grace, let me boast in my citizenship, and bear Thy gory in my daily life. For His sake. Amen. 150 "COME YE APART" July 31. LET my prayer be set before Thee as incense; and the lifting up of my hands as the evening sacrifice. Set a watch, 0 Lord, before my mouth; keep the door of my lips. Incline not my heart to any evil thing. —Psalm 141 : 2-4. How priestly is the psalmist's exer cise! There is incense, and there is sacrifice, and there is supplication. And I too am a priest unto God, and in Christ Jesus I have access to the same incomparable privilege and glory. We can all swing the censer ; we can all lay the sacrifice upon the altar ; we can all engage in the marvellous ministry of intercession. Heavenly Father, I would be a consecrated priest in Thy temple. Let my life be fragrant with the incense of prayer. Let it be eager in the spirit of sacrifice. Let it be constant in the service of intercession. Let me be a priest unto Thee, 0 Lord! For Christ's sake. Amen. AUGUST Hugust l. BUT ye are washed, but ye are sanctified, but ye are justified in the name of the Lord Jesus, and by the Spirit of our God. — 1 Corinthians 6 : 11 When the apostle uses the word "washed" he suggests more than the washing out of an old sin. He means the removal of an old affection; more than the removal of a pimple, he means the purifying of the blood ; more than the cancelling of guilt, he means the transformation of desire. This man never staggers in the presence of the worst, he triumphantly exults in the power of Christ's salvation. Holy Father, give me a more passionate con fidence in the power of Thy redeeming grace. Help me to believe that it can lift the most de praved into heavenly places. Give me a happy assurance that those who have gone furthest astray can be made nigh by the blood of Christ. Give me a sublime hope that in Christ Jesus the impossible can be done. For His sake. Amen. 151 152 "COME YE APART >» Hugust 2. ABIDE in Me and I in you. As the branch can not bear fruit of itself, except it abide in the vine, no more can ye, except ye abide in Me. I am the vine, ye are the branches. — John 15 : 4, 5. The branches need the vine, and the vine needs the branches. I need my Saviour, my Saviour needs me. He wishes to grow His fruit on my life, and to manifest His glory where I live. Without me He is deprived of a wit ness ; in me and with me He can reveal His glory. 0 Lord my God, I would be a branch in the living vine. Let the heaVenly sap possess all my powers. Use me to reveal Thy fruitage. Let me abound in the graces of Thy Spirit, and all for Thy glory in Jesus Christ my Lord. Amen. Hugust 3. BELOVED, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years is as one day. —2 Peter 3 : 8. I must not interpret the divine de lays as God's indifference. The seem ing delay enshrines the answer. The snow that falls in December is really preparing the harvest of the following " COME YE APART " 153 fall. Even the antagonisms are work ing as friends. My Gracious God, help me to rest in Thee and quietly wait the workings of Thy will. Let me not think I am forgotten when the answer ap pears to tarry. Save me from the weakling's doubt. Nourish in me the strength of assurance, and let me believe in the ministries of Thy love. For the Saviour's sake. Amen. Hugust 4. GOD, who is rich in mercy, for His great love wherewith He loved us, even when we were dead in sins, hath quickened us together with Christ. — Ephesians 2:4, 5. This is the springtime of the soul. The winter is past. The quickening in fluences of the Spirit have brought life where there was death, and beauty where there was desolation. Our Lord can break up the wintriest life, and make it blossom like the rose. He that spareth not His Son, how shall He not also freely give us all things? Ever Blessed God, let Thy quickening Spirit raise me into newness of life. Change the wilderness into a garden. Fill my barren lot with the fruits of Thy Spirit. Let my graces be so plentiful that everybody shall pay tribute to Thy glory. For Christ's sake. Amen. 154 "COME YE APART" Hugust 5. IF ye do return unto the Lord with all your hearts, then put away the strange gods from among you, and prepare your hearts unto the Lord, and serve Him only. — 1 Samuel 7 : 3. God will not accept my tears if I marry the daughter of a strange god. He will not have my cheap emotions. He cares nothing about my worship if I withhold my will. It is the will which marries me unto the Lord. My Father God, let Thy spirit keep me from idols. Let me serve Thee with a perfect heart and with a willing mind. Let me not insult Thee with a partial offering while the will enlists in the service of another. Unite my heart to fear Thy name. For His sake. Amen. Hugust 6. THESE things have I spoken unto you, that My joy may remain in you, and that your joy may be full. — John 15 : 11. This joy was in Jesus when Calvary was in sight. The night was deepening into midnight, but the fountain of holy joy was welling up in the inner life. It was like some mountain spring which gushes night and day. It was just the joy of faultless communion with the Father. No outer circumstance can choke it or in any way impair its ful ness. "COME YE APART" 155 My Father in Heaven, I pray for this holy joy of unbroken communion with Thee. I want a heart at rest when all without tumultuous seems. Let the well of water spring up within me, and let the joy of the Lord be my strength unto ever lasting life. For His sake. Amen. Hugust 7. 7 WILL assemble her that halteth, and I will gather her that is driven out, and her that is afflicted. — Micah 4 : 6. All these are to be found in God's family. The one that halteth, the child of "ifs," and "buts," and fears, and indecision ; and she is to lose her halting and obtain a firm and confident step. And the one who was "driven out," the child of exile, the outcast by reason of sin ; she shall be home again ! Along with these is to come the one who is "afflicted," the child of sorrows. The day of grief is to be ended. My Gracious God, fill my heart with this glorious vision. Let me see the prodigal-heart turning home again in penitence and eager joy. Let me see the child of sorrow, hastening into the cheery light of Thy grace. Let me see everybody nestling in the home of the eternal love. Let everybody find their missing piece in Thee. Amen. 156 "COME YE APART" Hugust 8. THERE was a rainbow round about the throne, in sight like unto an emerald. — Rev. 4 : 3. THIS is the token of the covenant which I make between Me and you and every living creature that is with you, for perpetual generations; I do set My bow in the cloud and I will look upon it that I may remember. — Gen. 9 : 12, 13. The throne loses its terror because of the rainbow. The throne in itself would be a symbol of sternest judgment. The rainbow throws upon it the tender light of hope. The throne means law, the rainbow means mercy. My Father God, I bless Thee for the rainbow which is round about the throne. I find a refuge in Thy grace. In Thy love there is room for the outcast whom outcasts have cast out. Thou dost save even unto the uttermost. 0 Lord, save me! For Christ's sake. Amen. Hugust 9. PETER . . . walked on the water to go to Jesus. But when he saw the wind boisterous he was afraid, and beginning to sink, he cried, saying, Lord, save me. And immediately Jesus stretched forth His hand and caught him and said unto him, 0 thou of little faith, wherefore didst thou doubt? — Matt. 14 : 29-31. It is faith which gives buoyancy to life. We can keep up as long as we be- "COME YE APART" 157 lieve. We can ride our circumstances when we are trusting the Lord. But when faith falters we lose our buoy ancy and we begin to sink. The waves become our masters. 0 Lord my God, I would walk the deep with Thee. I would have the buoyancy of spirit which can walk amid the storm. I would be the master of the roughest circumstance. Let such be my life to-day. Lord, increase my faith. For the Saviour's sake. Amen. Hugust to. WE all, with open face, beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord, are changed into the same image from glory to glory, even as by the Spirit of the Lord. — 2 Cor. 3 : 18. We are always transformed into the things we most love. We appropriate what we contemplate. If we steadfastly gaze upon Christ we shall most surely acquire His likeness. It is the Spirit who is the minister of the transfigura tion. My Lord God, let mine eyes be unto Thee. Let me not be snared by the glamour of the world. Let my soul go in quest of Thee on every road, and so let me at last awake in Thy likeness. For Christ's sake. Amen. 158 "COME YE APART" Hugust 11. THE righteous shall flourish like the palm tree, he shall grow like a cedar in Lebanon. Those that be planted in the house of the Lord shall flourish in the courts of our God. They shall bring forth fruit in old age, they shall be fat and flourishing. — Psalm 92:12-14. God's children have the double char acteristics of the cedar and the palm. The cedar is the symbol of strength; it resists the onslaught of the tempest. The palm is the emblem of grace and beauty; it towers aloft like a cathedral spire. 0 Lord my God, let the cedar and the palm be found in my life. Let me be strong with the strength which can resist the strokes of calamity. Let me have the grace which always retains the beauty of the Lord. For Christ's sake. Amen. Hugust 12. LET the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom; teaching and admonishing one an other in psalms and hymns, and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord. — Colossians 3 : 16. It is a lovely way of admonition to do it in hymns and songs. We so often do it in temper and in fiery speech. We are merely critical when we ought to be helpful. Even our counsel can be given in the spirit of music and in the mood "COME YE APART" 159 of divine praise. Thus inspiration is carried in our instruction. My Father God, teach me the ways of gentle ness. Deliver me from the harshness which spoils my counsels. Let me not be a critic when I might be a friend. Make me very tender so that Thy word through me may have free course and be glorified. For Christ's sake. Amen. Hugust 13. MY people have committed two evils; they have forsaken Me, the fountain of living waters, and hewed them out cisterns, broken cisterns which can hold no water. — Jeremiah 2 : 13. It is a strange thing that we resort to cisterns when we might visit springs. We ignore the supply that never slackens, whether in summer drought or in winter frosts, and we linger near the supply that fails. We are satisfied to be children of meanness and want when we might exalt in the overflowing riches of grace. My Father God, save me from depending upon my own resources. Let me not lean upon my own understanding. Let me not think myself sufficient for any task. Draw me to the foun tain, and let me abide by the eternal springs. Spring Thou up within my heart, rise to all eternity. For Christ's sake. Amen. 160 " " COME YE APART ' ' Hugust 14. 7 AM now ready to be offered, but the time of my departure is at hand. I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith; henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness which the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give me at that day. —2 Timothy 4: 6-8. Such is the happy warrior, and such is his glorious end! The end is only a new beginning. He takes his dis ciplined powers to new fields of life and service. He has prepared himself, by fidelity on the road, for the things which God hath prepared for them that love Him. 0 Lord my God, let me do Thy will to-day. Let me fight my battles with courage. Let me run my race with patience. Let me finish my daily task. Let me lay up treasure in heaven. For Christ's sake. Amen. Hugust 15. ONE of them, when he saw that he was healed, turned back and with a loud voice glorified God, and fell down on his face at His feet, giving Him thanks; and he was a Samaritan. And Jesus answering said, Were there not ten cleansed? But where are the nine? —Luke 17 .-15-17. Ten men had faith enough to be healed, and only one had grace enough "COME YE APART" 161 to be thankful. All the ten had a cer tain kind of religion, but nine of them had a religion in which there was no praise. A multitude crying, " God be merciful," will never cry, "God be praised." 0 Lord my God, save me from the deadliness of ingratitude. Let me not take Thy gifts as though I had a right to them. Let me be con scious of Thy favour, and in Thy bounty let me see marks of Thy grace. For the Saviour's sake. Amen. Hugust 16. BY the way they had disputed among them selves who should be the greatest. And He sat down, and called the twelve, and saith unto them, If any man desire to be first the same shall be last of all. — Mark 9 : 34, 35. There is no forcing of places in the heavenly Kingdom. The arrogant ob tain no preeminence. The self-pushful make no gains. It is the humble who make the conquests, for the real con quest is a growing likeness of the Lord. There is no crown like the crown of life. My Father in Heaven, let it be my supreme aspiration to become like Thee. Save me from selfishness and self-seeking. Let me be con tented with the lowly places and find Thy com panionship there. Let me be exalted in the shar ing of Thy grace. For His sake. Amen. 162 " COME YE APART " Hugust 17. BECAUSE thou hast kept the word of My patience, I will also keep thee from the hour of temptation, which shall come upon all the world, to try them that dwelleth upon the earth. — Revelation 3 : 10. Here are two keepers; I am to keep the Lord's word and the Lord will keep me. I am to bind His truth with my mind and He will clothe me with spiri tual power. In all spiritual conflicts the tempter will retire baffled from the field. I shall share the victory of Christ. 0 Lord my God, give me a serene confidence in Thee in the day of battle. Let me hold to Thy word as to an indestructible promise. Help me to believe in the face of the impossible. Let me be more than conqueror in Christ Who strength eneth me. For His sake. Amen. Hugust 18. 7 WILL greatly rejoice in the Lord; He hath covered me with the robe of righteousness, as a bridegroom decketh himself with ornaments, and as a bride adorneth herself with her jewels. —Isaiah 61 : 10. If this be the character of the re deemed they must be very attractive. Their habits are those of righteousness, and yet they have the gentle beauty of a bride. Their rectitude is softened "COME YE APART" 163 into goodness. Their justice is tem pered by mercy. Strength and beauty are in their sanctuary. My Father God, wilt Thou clothe me with the beauty of holiness? Make me scrupulously pure and true. And let Thy graces abound, so that my character may be winsome to my fellow men. Let the beauty of the Lord my God be upon me. For Christ's sake. Amen. Hugust 19. WHY art thou cast down 0 my soul? And why art thou disquieted within me? Hope thou in God; for I shall yet praise Him, Who is the health of my countenance and my God. —Psalm 42 : 11. There are days in every life when the clouds gather in the skies and the cold rain falls from morning till night. There are seasons when the burden al most breaks the back. Our only re source is in the Lord. Other ministries would only mock us in our quest and send us away in deeper disquietude. Our satisfaction is in the eternal springs. My Father God, in the desolate hour let me seek Thy communion. Let me find Thy refuge in the storm. In the boisterous tempest I am in port if I have Thee. Let me live in Thee, so that when the dark hour cometh I may find my self at home. For Christ's sake. Amen. 164 "COME YE APART" Hugust 20. THESE are they which have washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb. — Revelation 7 : 14. It is a strange figure, this of making robes white when washed in crimson blood. Yet nothing can cleanse our hearts except the blood of the Saviour. Nothing else can reach the inner cor ruption. Nothing else can search out the ingrained guilt. But Christ can make us clean. We can become white in the blood of the Lamb. Almighty God, may the blood of Jesus make me clean. Let my spiritual garments be washed in His sacrificial grace. Rid me of all my cor ruption, and make me fit to stand before Thy throne. For Christ's sake. Amen. Hugust 21. AS every man hath received the gift, even so minister the same one to another as good stewards of the manifold grace of God. — 1 Peter 4 : 10. This is the only way in which to in terpret our life. We are stewards in everything. We own nothing as per sonal property; we have it as a sacred trust. Everything is given to us by the Lord, and we are to use it in the service of His holy will. "COME YE APART" 165 O Lord my God, help me to consecrate all I am and have to Thy service. Let me be a steward in Thy bounty. Help me to do with it what Thou wilt. Reveal Thy purpose to me, and let Thy choice be my delight. For the Saviour's sake. Amen. Hugust 22. THERE was given to me a thorn in the flesh. For this thing I besought the Lord thrice, that it might depart from me. And He said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee. — 2 Corinthians 12 : 7-9. Was this prayer answered? Yes, God answered his prayer, but the thorn remained. No prayer is ever treated with indifference. Although the thing we ask for may be denied, it will be an swered in a larger way. When grace was given to the apostle the thorn was no longer a barrier of the spirit, it be came an instrument of the Kingdom. Most Gracious God, when my requests are de nied help me to believe that Thy grace has given something better. Let me have quiet confidence in Thy wisdom and love. Help me to believe that Thou art working even when my thorns re main. Help me to be triumphant in my pain. For Christ's sake. Amen. 166 "COME YE APART" Hugust 23. THE effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much. — James 5 : 16. When we pray we engage in mighty business. Vital prayer is not so much speech as an act. We are not merely saying something, we are doing some thing. We rise from our knees with great transactions done. When we pray we are fellow-labourers with God. 0 Lord my God, help me to believe in the power of prayer. May I accept it as the greatest privilege of my soul. May I not rob my brother by my prayerlessness. Let me be an intercessor, and thereby convey to others the riches of Thy grace. For Christ's sake. Amen. Hugust 24. MOSES kept the flock of Jethro . . . and the angel of the Lord appeared unto him in a flame of fire. — Exodus 3 : 1, 2. The vision came in the midst of com mon toil. And that is where the Lord delights to give His revelations. He seeks a man who is on the ordinary road, and the divine fire leaps out at his feet. The mystic ladder can rise from the market-place to the heavens. It can connect the realm of drudgery with the realms of grace. " COME YE APART " 167 My Father God, help me to expect Thee on the ordinary road. I do not ask for sensational happenings. Commune with me through or dinary work and duty. Be my companion when I take the common journey. Let the humble life be transfigured by Thy presence. For the Saviour's sake. Amen. Hugust 25. THE Lord of Hosts is with us, the God of Jacob is our refuge. —Psalm 46 : 7. Let us become restfully sure of God, and we shall meet the battalions of the evil one unstrained and undismayed. We used to sing, "Hold the fort for I am coming," but the doctrine is per nicious, and it fills the life with strain and uncertainty and fear. "For I am coming"! Contrast it with this jubi lant assurance: "The Lord of hosts is with us, the God of Jacob is our ref uge"! Heavenly Father, give me the steadying assurance of Thy Presence. Let me never be smitten by the fear that my Lord has left the field. In the midst of the fight let me feel the Captain by my side. Let all my fellow soldiers share this glorious assurance. Let us be more han conquerors in Christ our Saviour. Amen. 168 " COME YE APART " Hugust ZQ. HE was despised and rejected of men; a man of sorrows and acquainted with grief. — Isaiah 53 : 3. There is no sorrow that He will not share, No cross, no burden for our hearts to bear Without His help, no care of ours too small To cast on Jesus ; let us tell Him all — Lay at His feet the sorrow of our woes, And in His sympathy find sweet repose. Holy Father, I thank Thee for the assurance that my way is known to Thee. Jesus my Saviour has trodden my road. He is acquainted with my grief. Let my sorrow be transfigured in His communion. Let me wear my sufferings like a crown. For His sake. Amen. Hugust 27. PEACE I leave with you, My peace I give unto you. —John 14 : 27. And what is this peace? It is Tight ness with God. It is the recovery of healthy fellowship. It is the restora tion of the lost bond. And it is a gift. It is not the perquisite of some par ticular temperament. It is not the at- "COME YE APART" 169 tainment of painful effort and service. It is not the refined fruit of prolonged culture. It is a legacy; "Peace I leave with you." It is a gift; "My peace I give unto you." Holy Father, I bow before Thee for the bequest of Thy peace. Restore my soul to its appointed place. Let me live and move and have my being in Thee. Graciously deliver me from the bondage of sin, and lift me into the liberty of the glory of the children of God. For His sake. Amen. Hugust 28. WHAT I do thou knowest not now, but thou shalt know hereafter. — John 13 : 7. If I do not know it now it is not need ful for me to know it. What God with holds I do not require. He will light my lamps according to my necessities. The revelation will begin when my duty demands it. 0 Lord my God, let me wait for Thee in the way of Thy commandments. Let mfe step forth in quiet confidence, knowing that guidance will be given me at the turning of the ways. Thy light shines for the righteous. Help me to trust and not be afraid. For the Saviour's sake. Amen. 170 "COME YE APART" Hugust 29. AND Jesus said unto her, Martha, Martha, thou art anxious and troubled about many things; but one thing is needful, and Mary hath chosen that good part, which shall not be taken away from her. — Luke 10 : 41, 42. It is not that Mary was less practical than Martha. I have no doubt that Mary was the busiest woman in all Bethany. You could find her on every road of service going about doing good. But her goodness was very quiet be cause her springs were very full. She took much in, and she was able to give much out. She took time of the Lord to feed her lamp, and then she gave the light to others. 0 Lord my God, let me find the springs of practical life at Thy feet. Let me be nourished for Thy service in Thy communion. Let me know how to relate the common deed to the risen Lord. Let the earthly be transfigured because I have fellowship with the heavenly. For Christ's sake. Amen. Hugust 30. 7 WILL wash my hands in innocency; so will I compass Thine altar, 0 Lord; that I may pub lish with the voice of thanksgiving, and tell all Thy wondrous works. — Psalm 26 : 6, 7. The child of grace must be a witness of grace. It is a great and glorious "COME YE APART" 171 proof of the blessings which we have re ceived when we don the apron of service to distribute these blessings to others. Most Gracious God, I pray that my thanks givings may break forth continually. Let me publish the news of Thy goodness. Let me tell to others what Thou hast first told to me. Let me comfort others with the comfort wherewith I have been comforted of Thee. For the Saviour's sake. Amen. Hugust 31. OUR God, Whom we serve, is able to deliver us . . . and He will deliver us. — Daniel 3 : 17. These are the twin sources of our spiritual security: — we believe in God's power, and we are confident in His grace. If we only knew His power we might fear Him as the king of terrors. If we only knew His grace we might doubt His power. To have confidence in both is to go on our way rejoicing. My Father God, Thou hast revealed Thy power and Thy love in Christ Jesus. Let me abide in Him. Let me face the unknown in the happy assurance that Thy sufficiency is greater than my need, and Thy love is even larger than my sin. Let my faith inspire my heart in grate ful song. For Christ's sake. Amen. I SEPTEMBER September I. SEEK ye first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you. —Matthew 6 : 33. First things first! Degeneracy be gins when we put the first thing in the second place, and the second thing in the first. If we get the queen bee we possess the swarm. If we first of all seek the Lord everything else will take its appointed place in His train. Heavenly Father, save me from a life of dis order. Teach me Thy secret. May I make everything gather round the great white throne. Let everything be compelled to pay homage at Thy feet. For Christ's sake. Amen. September 2. WHO shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword? . . . Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him that loved us. — Romans 8 : 35, 37. God turns these swords into plough shares. He transforms the weapons of destruction into implements of spir- 172 "COME YE APART" 173 itual culture. The things that come to harm us He makes to serve us. The boastful tyrant becomes our slave. The things that would separate us from Christ are compelled to be the ministers of union. 0 Lord my Father, I bless Thee that all my circumstances can be my helpmeets in the light of grace. Thou wilt compel the enemy to serve my soul. Help me to believe that I can be more than conqueror in the midst of all my foes. Let me meet everything in quietness and confidence. For the Saviour's sake. Amen. September 3. THE wages of sin is death. — Romans 6 : 23. But that does not only mean a death which is to approach at some remote day. Dying begins immediately. Sin is always deadly. We never sin with out something beginning to die. Our spiritual powers are always impaired by the presence of sin. Our most deli cate instincts and tuitions die. Our senses grow numb. 0 Lord my God, deliver me from all sin. Save me lest I entertain the presence of spiritual death. Let all my powers be alive and whole. Let Thy righteousness fill my being with health and glory. For the Saviour's sake. Amen. 174 "COME YE APART" September 4. 7 AM crucified with Christ. Nevertheless I live, yet not I, but Christ liveth in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, Who loved me, and gave Himself for me. —Galatians 2 : 20. The life in the flesh can reincarnate the Son of God. By faith I can re cover His image and reveal His grace and glory. I can live my witness so that men may read of Christ in the vivid letters of my daily life. Holy Father, may my life in the flesh be hal lowed with Thy presence and glory. Manifest Thyself in me. Reveal Thyself in the spirit and character of my life. Let the heavenly break through the earthly. Let the place at my feet be glorious. For Christ's sake. Amen. September 5. 7iV nothing be anxious; but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your request be made known unto God. — Pihlippians 4 : 6. As soon as we worry about a thing it becomes our master. Worry can make tyrants of trifles. Worry feeds our antagonists and transforms dwarfs into giants. If worry removed things "COME YE APART" 175 it would be an attractive road. But it multiplies them, and therefore is a road to be shunned. My Father in Heaven, deliver me from the spirit of worry. Let me kill it by thanksgiving and praise. Help me to face everything in the spirit of restful confidence. Let me magnify Thy works and so lay my antagonists in the dust. For Christ's sake. Amen. September 6. 7 AM the Lord thy God, which leadeth thee by the way that thou shouldst go. — Isaiah 48 : 17. God's leading is not usually spec tacular or sensational. It will prob ably come to us in very quiet and gentle ways. It may be given to us through the workings of our own judgment. It may come through the counsels of a friend. It may steal into the mind through the pages of a book. Or it may be a gentle inspiration in some quiet hour of communion. 0 Lord my God, let me recognize Thy leader ship. Guide me with Thine eye upon me. Let me not be so coarse as to need a bit and bridle. Let Thy gentleness make me great. For the Saviour's sake. Amen. 176 "COME YE APART" September 7. THE Lord's mercies . . . are new every morning. — Lamentations 3 : 22, 23. Every day may carry with it a richer store of memories. To-day may have re sources which yesterday lacked. I have had an extra day of fellowship with God, and that sends its precious deposit into the morrow. Then God has new mercies for the new need. Every new circumstance unlocks new grace in the storehouse of divine love. My Father in Heaven, give me eyes to discern Thy mercies. Nourish my heart in the sense of wonder and surprise. Let me never become dulled to Thy bounty. Let me be so spiritually alert that every new blessing awakes a new song. For the Saviour's sake. Amen. September 8. WHEN ye spread forth your hands, I will hide Mine eyes from you; yea, when ye make Me prayers I will not hear; your hands are full of blood. — Isaiah 1 : 15. Let me not turn away from this heavy word. Let me reverently heed this warning. Our deeds colour our hands. When we bring an offering our God looks at the hands more than at the "COME YE APART" 177 gift. Unclean hands spoil the largest gift. A clean hand sanctifies the small est offering. Holy Father, wash me and I shall be clean. Lead me from the defilement of my own tres passes. Cleanse me in the waters of grace. Let me share Thy radiant holiness. Lord, if Thou wilt, Thou canst make me clean. For Christ's sake. Amen. September 9. THE work of righteousness shall be peace, and the effect of righteousness quietness and assur ance for ever. My people shall dwell in a peaceable habitation, and in sure dwellings and in quiet resting places. —Isaiah 32 : 17, 18. The quiet resting places are founded upon righteousness. There can be no security where there is crookedness. The house that is built without the plumb-line will soon be a heap of con fusion. We can only find peace as we build upon God's holy will. My Father God, I would seek my peace in Thy righteousness. Bring me into perfect commun ion with Thee. In perfect fellowship let me find the harmony which is peace. Let me find secur ity in sharing the holiness of the Lord. For Christ's sake. Amen. 178 " COME YE APART" September 10. THE Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because He hath anointed me to preach good tidings to the poor. He hath sent me to proclaim release to the captives, and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised. — Luke 4 : 18. This is the programme of the King dom of God. This is the meaning of our Saviour. The iron gate is opened in every man's road and he can walk in the companionship of his deliverer. It is a time of jubilee. Heavenly Father, make me a willing servant in the glorious cause of Thy Kingdom. Let my heart leap to its appointed mission. When I hear Thy call let it be as when a bride hears the wedding bell. Bid me go with Thee on Thy great crusades. For Christ's sake. Amen. September it. FINALLY, be ye like minded, compassionate, loving as brethren, tender hearted, humble minded. —1 Peter 3 : 8. This is the expression of a fine feel ing ; and if life is to be touched by such exquisite issues it must be a fine mate rial. Fine characteristics imply fine character. You will not get exquisite "COME YE APART" 179 porcelain out of pudding stone. The exquisiteness of the result must be hid den in the original substance. What then is our evangel? "He sits as a refiner." Heavenly Father, I pray that Thou wouldst refine my spirit so that I may be filled with gra cious sympathies. Let my heart chords be so sensitive that they will respond to the calls of others. Let me go among my fellow men in Christian pity and redemption. Let me be their helpers in Christ Jesus. Amen. September 12. LET every man, wherein he is called, therein abide with God. — 1 Corinthians 7 : 24. Every calling is hallowed, if I can stay therein with God's fellowship. No business is common and unclean where the Lord may be a partner. I can stay anywhere, in any thing, if the Lord stay with me. When His pres ence leaves a thing I must go with Him. 0 Lord my God, sanctify my present labour. Make even the house of merchandise a house of prayer. Make my commerce a sacred com munion. Let my trade relationships be the hal lowed channels of Thy grace. For the Saviour 's sake. Amen. 180 "COME YE APART" September 13. TAKE heed therefore how ye hear; for whoso ever hath, to him shall be given; and whoso ever hath not, from him shall be taken even that which he thinketh that he hath. —Luke 8: 18. One of the great needs of to-day is the grace of sanctified hearing. There is a discriminating way of hearing. There is a listening which encourages the speaker of slander, and there is a closing of the ears which reduces the slanderer to silence. There would be much less evil speaking if there were much less evil listening. Holy Father, grant me grace to sanctify my ears as well as my tongue. May I know how to listen and how to be deaf. Impart unto me a wise receptiveness so that I may discriminate between the evil and the good. 0 Lord, open Thou my ears, and close them in Thy good pleas ure. For Christ's sake. Amen. September t4. GOD . . . hath shined in our hearts, to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ. But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellency of the power may be of God and not of us. — 2 Corinthians 4 : 6, 7. When the vessel is earthen our inter est is fixed upon what it contains. "COME YE APART" 181 When the picture has a commonplace frame our regard is centered upon the work of the artist. When there is no show or glittering parade about the Lord's ambassador, we can give all our attention to His message. The modest messenger does not rob the Lord of His glory. 0 Lord my God, let not my conceit dishonour Thee. Let not any self-seeking spoil Thy glory. Let Thy treasure be in an earthen vessel. Let me be willing to be obscure. Let only the Lord be glorified. For Christ's sake. Amen. September 15. BLESSED is the man whom Thou chastenest, 0 Lord, and teachest him out of Thy Law. —Psalm 94:12. We can be in the school of Christ. Everybody has free access to His privi leges. The school is always open, the Master is always there. He knows His pupils, the brilliant and the slow, those who learn easily and those to whom learning is difficult. And His tender mercies are over all His works. 0 Lord my God, I would have a place in Thy school. I would learn the secret of the Lord. I would enter into the treasures of Thy grace. Give me fellowship with Thy holy mind and will. For the Saviour's sake. Amen. 182 "COME YE APART" September 16. PERILOUS times shall come, for men shall be lovers of their own selves . . . having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof; from such turn away. —2 Timothy 3 : 1, 2, 5. A form without its life is a very deso late thing. A shell along the beach from which the life has gone away ! A house without a tenant ! And such ap pear our religious forms which are de void of spiritual life. What must it be to God when we offer Him dead and empty things? O Lord my God, let me not mock Thee with empty forms. Let me not worship Thee with a heart devoid of love and devotion. Let me not offer Thee that which costs me nothing. Let my piety be full and eager, throbbing with sin cerity and truth. For Christ's sake. Amen. September 17. LET us not therefore judge one another any more, but judge this rather, that no man be a stumbling block or an occasion to fall in his brother's way. — Romans 14 : 13. It is a fearful thing to trip anybody up, and make them fall into sin. It is a fearful thing to add a stumbling- block to our brother's way. Rather let "COME YE APART" 183 it be our aim and ambition to take the stones out of his road, to make the crooked straight, and the rough places plain. Let me be a roadmaker after the pattern of Christ Jesus. 0 Lord my God, grant me Thy grace so that my life may be helpful to my brother. Let me not add to his perplexities and multiply his diffi culties. Rather let me make it easier for his feet so that he may run in the heavenly way. For the Saviour's sake. Amen. September 18. AS we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men. — Galatians 6 : 10. If it were laid upon us to do great things, then most of our days would seem to present closed doors. The op portunities for doing great things are very few; the opportunities for doing good things are abounding. Every day is full of open doors. Every hour should lure us into a kindness, an active grace, an intercession, a courtesy which will be like a mountain spring. Most Gracious God, I thank Thee that my life is full of open doors. I do not ask for great things. I ask for grace to do the good things. Fill me with Thy love that I may do love's work continually. For Christ's sake. Amen. 184 "COME YE APART" September 19. FOR I long to see you, that I might impart unto you some spiritual gift, to the end that ye may be established. — Romans 1 : 11. We may not be able to light the lamps of other people's understandings, but we can all have grace and be able to es tablish it in a spiritual life. Every body can be the helpmeet of somebody else. We dishonour our Lord when we assume He has given us nothing which we can give away. Holy Father, make me a vital minister in Thy Kingdom. Let my life be so commandingly healthy that I can enrich and enlarge the lives of others. Let their faith be strengthened by fellowship with my own. For the Saviour's sake. Amen. September 20. THEREFORE we ought to give more earnest heed to the things which we have heard, lest haply we drift away from them. — Heb. 2 : 1. We can deliberately steer away from holy things, or we can drift away from them. It is amazing how far we can be borne astray on the waters of shifting circumstance. We can neglect prayer for a week, and we are far away from "COME YE APART" 185 God. Nothing but the most vigilant thought will keep us to our course. My Gracious God, keep me wide awake lest I drift away from Thee. Let me not uncon sciously surrender to the alien powers of the world. Let me contend with the opposing stream with all my heart and mind and strength. Let me press on toward the goal. For the Sa viour's sake. Amen. September 21. 7 KNOW thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot. I would thou wert cold or hot. So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth. — Revelation 3 : 15, 16. Such is the peril of religious neutral ity. Such is the danger of being neither one thing nor another. Luke warm people can accomplish nothing. Lukewarm water can run no engine. Lukewarm prayer has no power of as cension. Lukewarm piety enthuses nothing. Most Holy Father, save me from this deadly neutrality. Kindle a fire of sacred love on the mean altar of my heart. Fill me with noble en thusiasms. Let my heart glow with passionate devotion. For Christ's sake. Amen. 186 " COME YE APART " September 22. GO to now, ye that say, To-day or to-morrow we will go into such a city and continue there a year, and buy and sell, and get gain; whereas ye know not what shall be on the morrow. — James 4 : 13, 14. Nothing is more foolish than to make our plans without humble dependence upon God. We must take our pur poses into His presence and consider them in the light of His countenance. Every programme must be laid at His feet, to be taken up again or cancelled at His good pleasure. Almighty God, let me not play the king in my own life. Let me be as a prince in the royal house and do the King's bidding. Let my to morrows be alL planned in the light of Thy counsels. Let me move forward along the high way of my Lord. For Christ's sake. Amen. September 23. IF I will that he tarry till I come, what is that to thee? Follow thou Me. — John 21 : 22. Peter was worrying about another man's appointments. Our interest in others may become foolish meddlesome ness. Meddlesomeness easily sours into jealousy and envy. Our only safety is " COME YE APART ' ' 187 to keep our eyes on the Lord and learn what His business is for us. My Father in Heaven, I pray that Thou wilt guard my relationships with others. Let me not be peevish, or envious, or soured with ill-will. Make me very gracious and tender, and let it be always my concern to be well pleasing Thee. For the Saviour's sake. Amen. September 24. 7 AM debtor both to the Greeks, and to the Bar barians, both to the wise and to the unwise. So as much as in me is I am ready to preach the Gospel to you that are at Rome also. — Romans 1 : 14, 15. What the apostle had received from the Lord he felt he owed to others. He interpreted his privileges as obliga tions. In the gifts of grace he found his appointed duties. What he heard in the ear he must proclaim upon the housetops. He owed what he had to those who had it not. Holy Father, let me not be selfish in my spir itual life. Save me from hoarding Thy treasure in personal enjoyment. Let me recognize my brother 's rights in my possessions. Let me com fort as I have been comforted. Let me give away my strength in the service of those who are weak. For Christ's sake. Amen. 188 ' " COME YE APART » ' September 25. TAKE ye away the stone. — John 11 : 39. So the human can be the fellow-la bourer of the divine. Human weakness was called upon to do its appointed part in the momentous miracle. There was something even for men to do in the resurrection of the dead. In the feeding of the multitude men had to provide five loaves. In the transfor mation of water into wine men had to provide the water-pots. My Father God, let me not fail Thee by negli gence or indolence. Save me from the deadly unbelief which regards my part as of no account. Let me surrender and dedicate my powers to Thee. Let me fill up my share in the ministry of Thy Kingdom. For Christ's sake. Amen. September 26. WHEN forty years were expired . . . the voice of the Lord came unto Moses saying . . . Now come, I will send thee unto Egypt. —Acts 7 : 30, 31, 32, 34. That was a long wait in preparation for the great mission. When God de lays He is not inactive. He is getting ready His instruments. He is ripening our powers, and at the appointed mo ment we shall arise equal to our task. Even, Jesus of Nazareth was thirty "COME YE APART" 189 years in privacy, growing in grace and wisdom, before He began His work. O Lord my God, let me not misinterpret my times of waiting as times of waste. Help me to believe that the invisible presences are active in the will of the Lord. Thy seasons are always gracious, maturing Thy children for their ap pointed work. Help me to rest in the Lord and wait patiently for Him. For Christ's sake. Amen. September 27. THAT I may know Him and the fellowship of His sufferings. — Philippians 3 : 10. That is the sight which arrests the world. When the world sees a man carrying his cross as Jesus carried His, it stands and looks at him. We must bear our crosses with Christian courage and patience. We must not be weary or faint like those who have no com munion with the Lord. We must not sorrow as others who have no hope. We must be seen to be in league with the victorious Lord. My Father God, let me walk in the fellowship of the Saviour's sufferings. Let me suffer in His way. Let me bear my troubles in His man ner. Let there be a sort of triumph even in my distresses. Let me walk as the child of the King. For the Saviour's sake. Amen. 190 " COME YE APART " September 28. 7 AM the Lord thy God, which teacheth thee . . . which leadeth thee by the way thou shouldst go. — Isaiah 48 : 17 "The moment we forget that God meant this life to be a school, the puzzle of life begins. " To be willing to be in that school, and to be docile in the hands of the great Headmaster is the deep secret of progress and under standing. O Lord God, let me be a willing pupil in Thy school. Make me very teachable, willing to learn Thy lessons. Let me grow in grace and knowl edge. Make me more and more expert in the practice of Thy holy truth. For Christ's sake. Amen. September 29. HE shall sit as a refiner and purifier of silver. — Malachi 3 : 3. That is true of every life. God's fires are very merciful. It is their pur pose to burn out all the dross, the waste, everything that mars our value in His holy sight. Our God is a con suming fire, but at the end of the day we shall see pure gold. O Lord my God, let Thy merciful fire burn the untrue and the unclean out of my heart. Take "COME YE APART" 191 not Thy holy fire from me. Burn out my wick edness until there be none. Refine me until I come forth as pure gold. For the Saviour's sake. Amen. September 30. IF thine enemy hunger, feed him; if he thirst, give him drink. For in so doing thou shalt heap coals of fire on his head. —Romans 12:20. Who is there who would not be over come by that kind of warfare? What enemy would persist in pelting us with bullets if we were showering kindnesses upon him ? What foe would retain his hostility in face of thoughtful benefi cence ? My fire would melt his ice. O Lord, teach me Thy way. Let me win my triumphs by love. Let me conquer my enemies by kindness. Let the trophies of my life be found in enemies converted into friends. For Christ's sake. Amen. OCTOBER October 1. WE love Him, because He first loved us. — 1 John 4 : 19. Christ loves love into us. His love kindles ours as the sun kindles all the fires upon the planet. Every bit of love is a fragment of the infinite love. Where love is, God is, for God is love. Loving Father, I would share Thy wonderful love. Remove all that is unlovely out of my spirit, and make room for the altogether lovely. Let Thy love awake my love, as some early singer awakes all the songsters in the wood. For the Saviour's sake. Amen. ©ctober 2. MY voice shalt Thou hear in the morning, 0 Lord, in the morning will I direct my prayer unto Thee and will look up. — Psalm 5 : 3. The morning prayer chimes in with the joy of the creation, with the quick 192 "COME YE APART" 193 world as it awakes and sings. It binds itself up with the rising of the sun, the opening of the flowers, the divine serv ice of the birds. My Father in Heaven, may the beginnings of my days be sanctified in Thee. May the early hours be new creations. May my spirit join in nature's song of melody and praise. Renew my first springs of thought and will. For the Sa viour's sake. Amen. ©ctober 3. THE Lord opened the eyes of the young man, and he saw, and behold, the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire round about. —2 Kings 6 : 17. The blind eyes have a very small world. When God opens our eyes He unfolds new continents of being. Our solitudes are crowded with friendly presences cheering the loyal soul on his way. And God will open our eyes that we may see. Lord, that I might receive my sight ! Let me not be hemmed in by the things which are seen. Let me be conscious of the crowd of witnesses around me on every side. Let me behold the army of the Lord, the allies of all who seek to do His will. For Christ's sake. Amen. 194 "COME YE APART" ©ctober 4. OUR light affliction, which is but for a moment, worketh for us a far more exceeding and eter nal weight of glory. — 2 Corinthians 4 : 17. That is a wonderful connection, "light affliction" with "eternal weight of glory." And one creates the other. A little sorrow, bravely borne, creates the very gold of God. Hardship re fines character. Struggle is the serv ant of spiritual strength. My Gracious God, let me not fear the trouble which comes to my door. Let me regard it as one of Thy servants come to do Thy bidding. Let me believe in this gracious ministry. Let it bring to my spirit something of the glory of heaven. For the Saviour's sake. Amen. ©ctober 5. ALL things are yours . . . ye are Christ's; and Christ is God's. —1 Corinthians 3: 21, 23. What must I be worth if all things are mine? Mr. Moody used to say, "Find out what Jesus Christ is worth, and I will tell you what I am worth." And that is truly our inheritance. The Lord's estates are mine also. " COME YE APART ' ' 195 My Father God, let me joyfully claim my in heritance in Christ. Save me from living as a pauper when I am one with the elect of Thy treasury. Let the riches of Thy grace be re ceived in the inner rooms of my soul. Let my spiritual wealth be evident to everybody. For Christ's sake. Amen. ©ctober 6. AND Jesus lifted up His eyes on His disciples and said, Blessed are ye poor, for yours is the Kingdom of God. Blessed are ye that hunger now, for ye shall be filled. Blessed are ye that weep now, for ye shall laugh. —Luke 6 : 20, 21. In these spheres of the spirit they laugh merriest who laugh last. They who suffer with the Saviour carry the promise of the coming dawn. Their golden age is before them. They live in the sure confidence of the morrow even while they trudge through the midnight. My Father God, let me not be turned aside by present sorrow or want. Let not the sacrifices on my road make me a coward. Grant that I may walk with Thee along the thorny path in Thy gracious fellowship. Make me more than conqueror through Thy grace. For Christ's sake. Amen. 196 "COME YE APART" ©ctober 7. BLESSED is the man that endureth tempta tion; for when he is tried, he shall receive the crown of life. — James 1 : 12. The big view is the reward of the precipitous climb. We cannot have one without the other. The soul can not be crowned without struggle. Without temptation our life would be stagnant. Out of the eater comes forth meat, out of the strong comes forth sweetness. Holy Father, grant me grace to accept Thy ways and means in life. Help me to accept the way of temptation as the road to larger life. Let me remember that if there be no cross there can be no crown. Help me to face the hill with courage, full of expectancy of the inspiring vision at the summit. For Christ's sake. Amen. ©ctober 8. BE not anxious for the morrow. — Matthew 6 : 34. Anxiety spoils the immediate hour, and the value of to-morrow is depend ent upon to-day. If I spoil to-day, to morrow will be impoverished. To-mor row has its hands outspread for the "COME YE APART" 197 harvest of to-day ; let me fill them with the fruits of restful obedience. My Gracious God, I pray that I may trust Thee in the present hour. Let me not spoil to day and thereby rob to-morrow. Let me send into to-morrow the energies of to-day well spent in the service of Thy holy will. For Christ's sake. Amen. ©ctober 9. THE house was filled with the odour of the ointment. —John 12:3. It is amazing how far a little honey suckle will throw its fragrance. A bit of sweet briar sends refreshment to every wayfarer as he goes along the road. "How far that little candle throws its beams ; so shines a good deed in a naughty world." All goodness has blessed issues. Every loyalty in Christ Jesus is a fragrant flower of the spirit. Almighty God, make my life as a fragrant floAver in the common way. Let it be a minister of kindly inspiration. May many a pilgrim be refreshed by communion with the grace that dwells in me. Make me a witness and a mes senger of the heavenly love. For the Re deemer's sake. Amen. 198 "COME YE APART" ©ctober to. 0 ZION, that bringest us good tidings, get thee up into the high mountain . . . say unto the cities of Judah, Behold your God. — Isaiah 40 : 9. If we are tp carry good news we must go into the mountains for it. It is away in the heights that we have the wonderful visions. If we live on the lower plains we shall have no startling tidings. Let me lift mine eyes up unto the hills. Most Gracious God, I thank Thee for the up ward calling in Christ Jesus. It is Thy gracious will to make me a child of the mountains. Let my soul live on the mountain tops. Let me breathe mountain air, and let me carry the high tidings to the children of men. For Christ's sake. Amen. ©ctober it. 7 WILL trust and not be afraid, for the Lord Jehovah is my strength and my song. —Isaiah 12:2. The Lord must first be my strength if He is to be my song. I must not look for the song of the free man while I am still in bonds. I must not expect to leap along the way in gladness while I " COME YE APART " 199 am held in spiritual weakness. When tne Lord has endowed me with strength, the song will arise like a spring after plenteous rains. My Father God, strengthen me with the power of Thy Holy Spirit. Transform my weakness into overflowing health. Turn my murmurings into praise. Let even Thy statutes become my songs. For the Saviour's sake. Amen. ©ctober t2. LOVE beareth all things, believeth all things, hopeth all things, endureth all things; love never faileth. — 1 Corinthians 13 : 7, 8. We must be lovers, and at once the impossible becomes possible. Love never falls out of the ranks as one who faints by the way. Duty may fail, but love goes on. Love has endless re sources, for it is in communion with the unsearchable riches of Christ. Most Loving God, I pray that Thy holy love may dwell in my heart. Give me the spirit that can endure the midnight and the tempest. Let me not fail at the touch of menace. Fill me with the love of Jesus, so that all things may be possible unto me. For His sake. Amen. 200 " COME YE APART " ©ctober 13. WHEN Moses held up his hand . . . Israel prevailed . . . but Moses' hands were heavy . . . and Aaron and Hur stayed up his hands . . . and his hands were steady. —Exodus 17 : 11, 12. Smaller men have the power to make great men greater. Every one can hold up the hands of the mighty. I can have a share in a ministry that is en dowed with holy power. The slave Onesimus can be a helpmeet of the apostle Paul. O Lord my God, help me to use my strength in the strengthening of others. Let me be a par taker of their labours so that I may be a sharer in their joys. Let me be their helper in their appointed work. In the quietness of the spirit let me be a fellow labourer with the Captain of the host. For Christ's sake. Amen. ©ctober 14. MY beloved is mine, and I am His. —Canticles 2 : 16. " As at the twilight hour, There stealeth unaware The sound of music sweet, And gently in accord; So when my lips repeat "COME YE APART" 201 Thy name, 0 Christ, my Lord, There warms a sudden glow Within this heart of mine — A joy, as well, I know, It tells me I am Thine." Gracious Father, let me rejoice in my com munion with Thee. Renew to me the assurance that I am Thine. Let the bonds of holy love witness to my fellowship. Let me know that Thou art mine, in the midnight and the dawn. For Christ's sake. Amen. ©ctober 15. HE is able to save completely them that draw near unto God through Him, seeing He ever liveth to make intercession for us. — Hebrews 7 : 25. It is in the risen Lord we find the springs of spiritual hope. If Christ liveth, the future of the believer opens out in bewildering glory. If Christ is dead all our hopes are tragical dreams. O Lord my God, I thank Thee for the amazing evidence of the life indeed. Thou art revealing Thyself in the power of the resurrection. Thou art lifting souls out of death into the deathless life. May I glory in this heavenly witness, and become a partaker of Thy nature. For Christ's sake. Amen. 202 "COME YE APART" ©ctober 16. SATAN himself is transformed into an angel of light. — 2 Corinthians 11 : 14. That is the peril of temptation. It looks like something else. Even the tempter himself may have the appear ance of an angel. Temptation is al ways camouflaged. The gun is hidden in the rose-bush, the bomb is hidden in the bouquet. And therefore I require fine eyes to see through the deception. God of all might, give me Thy might that I may discern between good and evil. May I know the tempter when he comes to me as an angel of light. Save me from the snare that would lure me into the field of trespass. Help me to keep in Thy way and to love the path of Thy commandment. For the Redeemer's sake. Amen. ©ctober 17. WE glory in tribulations also. — Romans 5:3. That is an extraordinary triumph. It is one thing to glory when my cir cumstances are fair and sunny, but it is a much more arresting thing to be triumphant in the time of trouble. That is the kind of witness which rouses "COME YE APART" 203 the passer-by. Any loiterer is cap tured by a character which reveals a noble patience in sorrow, and a gra cious magnanimity in defeat. O Lord my God, I pray for this revelation of Thy glory in time of trouble. May I keep my stature in days of tempest. May I not become small and mean when my circumstances are un friendly. Let me manifest the power of Thy grace in a stalwart walk through the storm. For Christ's sake. Amen. ©ctober 18. AND a man shall be as a hiding-place from the wind, and a covert from the tempest, as rivers of water in a dry place, and as the shadow of a great rock in a weary land. —Isaiah 32:2. Sunshine was he In the wintry day; And in the mid-summer Coolness and shade. Almighty God, Who art our refuge and our strength, may I be a hiding-place for my brother in need. Let me be as sunshine to those who are chilled with wintry circumstance. Let me be as a cooling shade to those who are fevered with the heat of the day. For Christ's sake. Amen. 204 "COME YE APART" ©ctober 19. WHY do ye spend money for that which is not bread? and your labour for that which satis fieth not? Harken diligently unto me and eat ye that which is good. — Isaiah 55 : 2. Every expenditure of energy ought to yield bread for the soul. In all my experiences, be they grave or gay, the soul should find its nutriment. Noth ing should be spiritually empty. Even my laughter should nourish my spirit. O Lord my God, I pray that I may not toil for naught. Let me not pile up money and starve my soul. Let me not seek after pleasures which provide no enduring joy. Let me so live toward Thee as to find the sacramental bread in every common thing. Lord, evermore give me this bread ! For the sake of Christ Jesus. Amen. ©ctober 20. LOOK not every man on his own things, but every man also on the things of others. — Philippians 2 : 4. The common benefit must never be absent from our life. We cannot do our own work well if we shut our eyes upon our brother. We shall know our own farm the better when we see it in "COME YE APART" 205 the general landscape. We must rise to take in the larger view. Eternal God, I pray that I may receive my sight. Let me behold my brother even while I am earning my daily bread. May I recoil from all injustice. Help me to help 'any one on the road in the spirit of kindliness and grace. May I be interested in his interests and rejoice in his triumph. For Christ's sake. Amen. ©ctober 21. 7 BESEECH you by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, ac ceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service. — Romans 12 : 1. I must not wait until my body is ex hausted before I dedicate it to the Lord. So many people offer Him the dregs of their strength, when the years are spent. They present to Him a lamp which will no longer burn with helpful ray. Let me give Him my body in the freshness and fulness of its strength. Most Holy God, I would dedicate my body to the service of Thy Kingdom. Use it as an in strument in Thy righteousness. Let it be the servant and messenger of Thy grace. Let my strength be enlisted in my Father's business. For Christ's sake. Amen. 206 " COME YE APART " ©ctober 22. BUT lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. — Matthew 28 : 20. If He is with me always, He is with me now. That is good tidings of great joy. And therefore I must not wait for the Lord's appearing to-morrow. I must commune with Him now and re ceive His gifts in my immediate task. "The Lord's always is a splendid per petual now." 0 Lord my God, help me to believe in the present redemption of Thy promise. Thou art with me now. Let the moment be filled with glory. Let me live this faith in an abounding fulness of spiritual life. Let me rejoice and be glad. For Christ's sake. Amen. ©ctober 23. WHETHER one member suffer all the members suffer with it. — 1 Corinthians 12 : 26. The condition of my life vitally af fects the condition of human fellow ship. If I bring diseased or broken strength all my fellows would be the poorer. If I bring a mood of murmur ing or despair all their lamps burn more dimly. If I bring a brilliant "COME YE APART" 207 spirit all their lamps shine with clearer radiance. 0 Lord my God, may my life be the helpmeet of the children of men. Let me contribute the gifts of Thy grace. Let everybody be the richer because I have believed and lived in Thee. Let me not impoverish anybody because of spiritual infirmity. For Christ's sake. Amen. ©ctober 24. THIS one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before, I press toward the mark, for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus. — Philippians 3 : 13, 14. The apostle Paul never finally rested in anything already gained. He was the willing captive of a great tendency. He was carried on and on, borne by the power of God. He found his wing- power in the buoyancy of a mighty hope. 0 Lord my God, save me from indolent resting in any attainment. Let the wind of Thy Spirit bear me on to greater distinction. Let me be lieve in the more radiant glory which is always waiting for those who trust Thee. Let me be lieve in the surpassing brightness of the coming day. For Christ's sake. Amen. 208 "COME YE APART" ©ctober 25. LORD, what wilt Thou have me to do? — Acts 9 : 6. One of the great secrets of spiritual progress is to discover what the Holy Spirit's errand is for us in the immedi ate task. We must submit the present moment to His counsels. We must not dwell in some remote morrow and over look the privilege that is near. As God gives us daily bread He also confers upon us a daily mission. Spirit of wisdom, I pray for guidance in my immediate work. What wouldst Thou have me do? Let me not go into it blindly, as though no divine purpose rested upon it. Let me enter through Thy door, and walk along Thy way. For Christ's sake. Amen. ©ctober 26. LET not your heart be troubled. . . . I will not leave you comfortless, I will come to you. —John 14:1, 18. When our Lord appears to go away, the going is only apparent. It is like as when in an operation we close our eyes upon a loved face, and, when we open them again, the loved one is still there. And all through the exacting season the beloved Presence is never away. And so the angel of the Lord " COME YE APART " 209 encampeth round about us and we are never alone. My Father God, give me the strength of this gracious assurance. Let me believe that the angel of Thy presence never fails. Thou wilt not desert us in the hour of our heaviest need. We make this our prayer and Thou dost answer it in riches of grace. For Jesus Christ's sake. Amen. ©ctober 27. AND the King shall answer and say unto them, Inasmuch as ye did it unto one of these My brethren, even these least, ye did it unto Me. — Matthew 25 : 40. I am to treat everybody as though he were Christ. And some day I shall find that in my brethren I was really entertaining the Lord. And so when I do a service to His meanest subject I am doing it unto the King. Every child of need is the dwelling place of the Lord. My Father God, give me this large sense of Thy presence among the children of men. May every life be to me as holy ground. May the common bush flame with the secret fire. . May I see Thy glory on the common road. For Christ's sake. Amen. 210 "COME YE APART" ©ctober 28. FROM that time began Jesus to preach and to say, Repent ye, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand. — Matthew 4 : 17. Aiid what is it to repent but to get an entirely new way of thinking? It is to get a new mental outlook. It is to turn right round and think everything out in an absolutely different way. It is to think of everything from the standpoint of Christ. 0 Lord my God, I pray for this new mind in Christ Jesus. I pray that my old thinking may pass away, ahd that I may think the thoughts of the Lord. Take me into Thy school, and teach me how to think about everything and every body. Give me a new mind, 0 Lord. Amen. ©ctober 29. GOD chose the foolish things of the world that He might put to shame them that are wise; and God chose the weak things of the world that He might put to shaMe the things that are strong. — 1 Corinthians 1 : 27. God's choices are very extraordinary. He makes a frail reed do the work of an iron pillar. He transforms a worm into a threshing instrument. He makes a publican into an evangelist. He makes a magdalene the herald of a resurrection. " COME YE APART " 211 Holy Father, I bless Thee for these ministries of Thy grace. I thank Thee that Thou dost use commonplace people in the service of Thy King dom. Find me a place in Thy vineyard. Let me dedicate my life to Thee in body, mind and soul. For Christ's sake. Amen. ©ctober 30. THEN saith Jesus unto His disciples, The har vest indeed is plenteous but the labourers are few. Pray ye therefore the Lord of the har vest that He send forth labourers unto His harvest. —Matthew 9 : 37, 38. The Lord is short of labourers for the harvest field. The song of the harvest- home tarries for lack of harvesters. Then I am to pray that a multitude may be constrained into the field. With my prayer there must be personal consecration. Are my hands idle? Have I brought a sheaf into the gar ner? Have I ever brought one soul to the Saviour's feet? 0 Lord my God, let me be a worker in the harvest-field. Let my heart leap to the privi lege of service. Let me not move with reluctant feet. Give me speed as one who delights to do Thy will. Let me return with rejoicing, bring ing my sheaves with me. For the Saviour's sake. Amen. 212 "COME YE APART" ©ctober 31. AND Jesus said, Go, and tell John the things which ye have seen and heard, how the blind receive their sight, the lame walk, the lepers are cleansed, and the deaf hear, the dead are raised up, the poor have good tidings preached to them. —Luke 7 : 22. These are always the signs of the Master's wonderful work. Everybody finds his missing piece in Christ. The thing we most lack we shall discover in our Lord. He completes our incom pletenesses. We are filled with His fulness. 0 Lord my God, help me to find my life in my Saviour. May I not be a weary vagrant seeking the missing piece where it can never be found. Guide me to the springs of my being, for all my springs are in Thee. For Christ's sake. Amen. NOVEMBER IRovember I. 7iV that same hour Jesus rejoiced in the Holy Spirit, and said, 0 Father, Lord of heaven and earth, I thank Thee that Thou didst hide these things from the wise and understanding, and didst reveal them unto babes. —Luke 10 : 21. If the key to holy mysteries was only in the hands of the clever and learned, the majority of us would never enter the treasury of grace. If a fine intellect were the only instrument of spiritual discernment we should remain in de pressing ignorance. But God has given access to a certain kind of spirit, the spirit of humility and docility, and therefore even the unlearned can find an open door. Almighty God, may I come to Thee as a little child. In the hand of the little one can rest the key of the Kingdom. Save me from the pride that shuts me out of Thy treasury. Grant unto me the grace of trustful obedience, and give me access into the holy place. For the Saviour's sake. Amen. 213 214 " COME YE APART » IRovember 2. AND He went forward a little, and fell on His face, and prayed, saying, My Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass away from me; nevertheless not as I will, but as Thou wilt. And He goeth unto His disciples and findeth them sleeping, and saith unto Peter, What, could ye not watch with Me one hour? —Matthew 26 : 39, 40. Our Saviour was so human that He craved for human sympathy. He longed for the touch of fraternal compassion which takes the chill out of the desolate hour. When one is awake through a troubled night, it is comforting to know that somebody else is awake in the room. Christ wanted somebody to be awake with Him in the desolations of Geth semane. My Loving God, help me to watch with Thee in the desolate hours. May I suffer with Thee in seeking the redemption of man. May I be willing to take up my cross as Thou art bearing Thine. For His sake. Amen. IRovember 3. BRETHREN, let us love one another, for love is of God, and every one that loveth is begotten of God, and knoweth God. He that loveth not, knoweth not God, for God is love. — 1 John 4 : 7. * ' COME YE APART » » 215 The measure of our love reveals the value of our life. We can test our line age by our love. Does God's love-blood course in our life . Then we are blood- relations. We are begotten of God, and we know God. Love declares our divine kinship. Most Loving Father, I pray that I may carry the seal of royalty in my sovereign love. Let me bear the marks of the Lord Jesus. Let my grace bear witness of my kinship in Thee. Strengthen the graciousness in my character. Let the beauty of the Lord be found upon me. For Christ's sake. Amen. IRovember 4. HEREBY know we love, because He laid down His life for us; and we ought to lay down our lives for the brethren. . . . My little chil dren, let us not love in word, neither in tongue, but in deed and in truth. — 1 John 3 : 16, 18. Love must do lovely things or it is proved to be counterfeit. Love must willingly bleed or it stands revealed as lifeless speech. Love lives in sacrifice, and without sacrifice she surely dies. My Father in Heaven, I pray for the gift of love. Lift me above the realm of duty into a life of generous springs. Let me give my blood to enrich the lives of others. For Christ's sake. Amen. 216 "COME YE APART" iRovember 5. THOU shalt not be afraid of the terror by night . . . the pestilence that walketh in darkness. — Psalm 91 : 5, 6. There are destructive things which breed in the night. Here are some of them: — despair, pessimism, cynicism, irreverence, indifference. When we pass into the darkness these are some of the enemies which may waste our souls. 0 Lord my God, grant that a season of dark ness may do me no harm. Let not these night shades possess my soul. Let me keep sweet and hopeful in adversity. Let me be conqueror even in the night. For Christ's sake. Amen. IRovember 6. BRETHREN, if God so loved us we ought to love one another. No man hath seen God at any time. If we love one another God abideth in us and His love is perfected in us. —1 John 4: 11, 12. God makes His home in the heart of love. He cannot dwell with hatred, or with meanness, or with a brood of petty tempers. Wherever these are present the Lord has nowhere to lay His head. My Loving God, may I prepare a home for Thee in a heart of love and good-will. Graciously deliver me from the things which crucify Thee. "COME YE APART" 217 May I offer Thee a resting place, and make Thee glad. Help me to prepare Thine own house and make my life Thy holy temple. For Christ's sake. Amen. IRovember 7. AND one of them, a lawyer, asked Him a ques tion, trying Him, saying, Master, which is the great commandment in the law? Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God, with all thy heart, and with all thy soul and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. —Matthew 22: 35-39. Here is given to us the distilled essence of all the commandments. The virtue of every commandment is in these two, nay in even one, the first of all. For love for God is like a spring from which flow rivers of good-will and beneficence on every side. Our love for God can never be like an imprisoned lake; it must break out and flow in fertilizing bounty. O Lord my God, may my heart be filled with love for Thee. And out of the filled heart may there flow streams of good-will, and pity, and sacrificial service. Let my love flow in the min istries of loveliness. May I turn the wilderness into a garden. For Christ's sake. Amen. 218 "COME YE APART" IRovember 8. WHAT man of you, having a hundred sheep, and having lost one of them, doth not leave the ninety-and-nine in the wilderness, and go after that which is lost, until he find it? — Luke 15:4. Let me note the infinite value of one. "Having lost one of them." And I might be that one ! And everybody else may say the same. The Lord loves everybody as though there were nobody else to be loved. That is the marvel of divine grace; it can concentrate on everybody, and leave nobody out. My Father God, I thank Thee for my place in the heavenly grace and love. I rejoice to know that everybody is missed whose place is empty. Thou hast loved me with an everlasting love. Let my love burn with inextinguishable blaze. For the Saviour's sake. Amen. IRovember 9. AND behold there came to Him a leper and wor shipped Him, saying, Lord, if Thou wilt, Thou canst make me clean. And Jesus put forth His hand, and touched him saying, I will, be thou clean. — Matthew 8:2, 3. And so Christ can deal with our im possibles. He welcomes outcasts whom even outcasts cast out. He loves those " COME YE APART " 219 who are "hopeless," those who are "be yond all cure." He welcomes those who are exiled beyond the circle of human healing. Even the leper has a place at His board. Most Loving God, I thank Thee for the vast circle of Thy grace. No one is left out. Even I have a place in Thy wonderful love. Quicken me, so that I may respond in all the powers of body, mind, and soul. For Christ 's sake. Amen. IRopember to. AND they were bringing unto Him little chil dren, that He should touch them; and the dis ciples rebuked them. But Jesus saw it, and was moved with indignation, and said unto them, Suffer the little children to come unto Me; forbid them not, for such belong to the Kingdom of God. —Mark 10: 13, 14. It is the childlike spirit which finds the open door. Childlikeness is the open sesame into glory after glory in the un searchable riches of Christ. Childlike ness is the magic key. It is the very secret of the Lord. My Father God, I would not grow away from the childlike spirit. Preserve in me the graces of trust, and lowliness, and ceaseless wonder. Let me never lose the gift of joyful surprise. For Christ's sake. Amen. 220 " COME YE APART " iRovember tt. WHETHER we live we live unto the Lord, or whether we die we die unto the Lord; whether we live therefore or die, we are the Lord's. — Romans 14 : 8. Everything in the Christian life is to be a thoroughfare for enriching our intimacy and communion with God. Everything is to be rejected which does not provide a deeper fellowship with the King. This is to be our standard of judgment in everything. — Is the tend ency of this thing "unto the Lord"? My Father in Heaven, grant that I may make everything have a heavenward trend, — my work, my leisure, my money, my sorrows, my joys. Let the commonplaces of daily life be the chariots of the Lord. Let them move upon the road on the King's business. For the Saviour's sake. Amen. IRovember 12. THOU shalt not be afraid for the arrow that flieth by day . . . the destruction that wasteth at noonday. —Psalm 91 : 5, 6. There are perils which lurk in our brighter seasons. The garish day hides the insidious foe. Here are some of the things which find their home in the "COME YE APART" 221 glaring light: — pride, vanity, prayer- lessness, self-dependence. But our Lord can give us a sure defence in the days of bright prosperity and success. My Father in Heaven, graciously defend me in my days of triumph. Let not the bright light become a destructive fire. Let not my successes belittle my spirit. Let me be always greater than my circumstances. For Christ's sake. Amen. IRovember 13. THEN came Peter and said, Lord, How oft shall my brother sin against me, and I forgive him? till seven times? Jesus saith unto him, I say not unto thee, Until seven times, but until seventy times seven. — Matthew 18 : 21, 22. Our Lord never gave rules for con duct, He always gave principles. Peter wanted a little arithmetical rule. The Lord gave him a vast standard of judg ment. We are always wanting to sim plify our duties while God wants to enlarge our soul. My Father in Heaven, help me to walk in the largeness of Thy spirit. Let not my soul be im prisoned in small and cramping rules. Let me walk in liberty because I love Thy law. Impart unto me a spirit of magnanimity in Christ my Lord. Amen. 222 "COME YE APART" IRovember 14. HE shall deliver thee from the noisome pesti lence. —Psalm 91 : 3. We are all in peril of the contagious pestilence. Every soul is pested by in sidious plagues. It may be the pres ence of a pestilential custom, it may be a pervading spirit in a schoolroom, or a club, or a class, or a nation. But our Lord can make us immune, and we can pass through it without being hurt. Heavenly Father, save me from the noisome pestilence. Let there be nothing in me which catches the unclean thing. May I resist it in the power of exuberant health. May I be so strong in Thy Spirit that every other spirit shall be impotent. For Christ's sake. Amen. iRovember 15. HE shall deliver thee from the snare of the fowler. —Psalm 91 : 3. The destroyer of our souls uses strangely attractive but deadly lures. He makes a primrose path to deadly ends. He is as a fowler hiding himself behind his glittering snares. He puts out his fond enticements, and to follow them is to walk into death. "COME YE APART" 223 0 Lord my God, save me from the enticement which would destroy my soul. May I discern the tempter behind the deadly lure. Save me from sinful curiosity. Make me very wise in most watchful discernment. For Christ's sake. Amen. IRovember 16. THE children of this world are in their genera tion wiser than the children of light. And I say unto you, make to yourselves friends of the mammon of unrighteousness, that when ye fail they may receive you into everlasting habitations. —Luke 16: 8, 9. Mammon is money, and we are to make our money serve the cause of the Kingdom of God. We are to so get and spend our money that the business will enlarge our spiritual capacity, enrich our fellowship with men, and promote the glory of God. We are to compel our material means to be a means of grace. 0 Lord my God, sanctify my use of money. May it never be my master, but always my serv ant. May I compel it to do the Master's busi ness, and to do it everywhere and all the time. Let my use of money help me nearer Thee. For Christ's sake. Amen. 224 "COME YE APART >> iRovember 17. WHILE Peter thought on the vision, the Spirit said, Behold three men seek thee. Arise, therefore, get thee down and go with them. —Acts 10 : 19, 20. Peter saw the vision and then he found the task. Divine visions are not given for entertainment; they are pre ludes to service. We are to take the vision of the housetop into the life of the street. We are to be practical mystics. Life's tumult we must meet again. We cannot at the shrine remain. O Lord my God, let the heavenly vision be more to me than an idle dream. Let it not fade away, the emotion of a passing moment. Let me carry my visions into my common life. Let the glory of the vision be seen through the ordinary work and service. For Christ's sake. Amen. IRovember 18. WHO will rise up for me against the evildoers? Who will stand up for me against the workers of iniquity? —Psalm 94 : 16. This is the call of God. It is like the bugle calling recruits to the standard. "COME YE APART" 225 God is calling to His side those who will stand up for the right and set their faces against the wrong. Who will be the allies of the Lord, the champions of justice, the knights of humanity? Most Gracious God, let me be found in Thy ranks. I would be a soldier of the cross. Let me be fearless in the day of battle. Let me be eager to win victories for Thee. For His sake. Amen. November 19. 771? that dwelleth in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. —Psalm 91 : 1. This is the restoring shade of the soul. This is our refuge in the garish day. It is like turning out of the heat of Ludgate Hill into the cool and rest ful sanctuary of St. Paul's. God's shadow is very favourable in growing the ferns of the spirit, — gentleness, meekness, and patience. Heavenly Father, let not the heat of the world's business scorch my spirit. Let not my treasure be consumed in the garish day. Lead me into Thy cool shadow. In that restful guardian ship let me grow the quiet things of the spirit. For His sake. Amen. 226 " COME YE APART " TRovember 20. LET every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath, for the wrath of man worketh not the righteousness of God. — James 1 : 19, 20. Three things are here required ; keen ness in listening, deliberateness in speaking, control of feeling. We are to be very alert in the first, but the second and third are to be held firmly in the leash. It is the way of the Master, and it will be found to be the way of life. O Lord my God, give me the listening ear. Let me miss nothing of all Thy counsels. Give me a wise control of speech ; let not my words be the servants of mischief. Defend me lest I kindle unholy fires. For Christ's sake. Amen. IRovember 21. THE Kingdom of Heaven is like unto treasure hidden in a field, the which, when a man hath found, he hideth, and for joy thereof goeth and selleth all that he hath, and buyeth that field. — Matthew 13:44. Here is an enterprise which demands all our capital. Here is the main chance, and we must stake everything upon it. We must surrender the ut most for the highest. Our religion "COME YE APART" 227 then becomes vital, and we put every thing into it. My Gracious God, may I keep nothing back from Thee. Let me not offer a cent and retain a fortune. Save me from the folly of trying to win the Kingdom by a mere nothing. Help me to surrender all I am and have so that I may enter into the full glory of Thy communion. For my Saviour's sake. Amen. tRovember 22. NOT every one that saith unto Me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the Kingdom of Heaven, but he that doeth the will of My Father Who is in Heaven. — Matthew 7 : 21. The only acceptable homage is loyalty to God. Leave out loyalty, and life moves on to tragedy. Christ will never accept a religion of mere compliment, which cries out, Lord, Lord ! Heavenly Father, I pray that my worship may not be full of empty words. May I not lift mine hands before Thee and then engage them in an alien business. May the lips that pray keep troth with Thee. May the hands that spread in supplication be busy doing good. For Christ's sake- Amen. 228 " COME YE APART " •November 23. BLESSED are those servants whom the Lord, when He cometh, shall find watching. —Luke 12 : 37. Watching! But how? Not in idle contemplation, but in eager service. And what kind of service? In seeing that other people get their rights, and the just portion of their inheritance. In seeing that others get their meat in due season. 0 Lord my God, help me to wait for Thee in the service of my fellow man. Let me be found a guardian of his rights when Thou dost return. Save me from the folly of defending my own spoils and treating my brother as naught. May I delight to be my brother's keeper. For the Saviour 's sake. Amen. "November 24. JUDGE not, that ye be not judged. Why be holdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye? First cast out the beam out of thine own eye. — Matthew 7 : 1, 3, 5. So that is the divine order. We are to get the plank out of our own eye be- "COME YE APART" 229 fore we begin to operate upon the spell in our brother's eye. Mark the irony of it ; a man with a beam in his eye try ing to extract a spell from his brother 's ! O Lord my God, cleanse thou me from secret faults. Let me not be merely meddlesome when I might be helpful. Let me not be concerned with the defects of others while my own sins are glaring in Thy presence. Deliver me from evil, 0 God! For Christ's sake. Amen. November 25. AND Jesus said, Take these things hence, make not My Father's house a house of merchandise. —John 2: 16. Thus we can dishonour God's tem ples. We can defile the temple of prayer, we can pollute the temple of government, we can befoul the temple of conscience, we can degrade the tem ple of art, we can corrupt the temple of the body. 0 Lord my God, help me to regard all Thy temples as holy places. Let me take the shoes from off my feet as one standing on holy ground. Let me move about as though the whole of my life is as hallowed as Thy church. For Christ's sake. Amen: 230 " COME YE APART " November 26. HE casteth out devils by Beelzebub, the prince of the devils. — Luke 11 : 15. It simply cannot be done. Satan cannot cast out Satan. We cannot en list one bit of devilry to drive out an other. In these realms expulsion is by opposites. Nothing but God can cast out devils. Holy Father, save me from the delusion that evil can do good. Let me not resort to the devil to cast out the devil. Let me hasten to the throne to find strength and refuge in the powers of Thy grace. Expel all evil from my life in the fellowship of the Holy Ghost. For the Saviour 's sake. Amen. November 27. THOU shalt tread upon the lion and the adder, the young lion and the dragon shalt thou trample under feet. —Psalm 91 : 13. All that is merely animal is to be kept beneath my feet. In the strength of the Lord the animal is to be subordi nated and controlled by the spirit. Every bodily appetite and passion is to "COME YE APART" 231 be under the holy command of God's will. Most Holy Father, may this victory be mine. May my body be the servant and not the master of my soul. Let my bodily appetites be holy unto the Lord. Let not any earnal usurper seize the throne of my life. For Christ's sake. Amen. November 28. WHATSOEVER ye do, in word or in work, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God and the Father by Him. — Colossians 3 : 17. Everything is to be stamped with the likeness of Jesus. Little things are to carry His grace as well as big things. The half-penny wears the face of King George as clearly as a sovereign. Such is the active principle of the Christian life; everything reflects the glory of the Lord. My Father God, I pray that my life may be sealed with Thy image. Let nothing come and go without the mark of the Lord Jesus. Let my commonplace work and duty reflect His grace. Let the whole life wear the beauty of holiness. For Christ's sake. Amen. 232 « ' COME YE APART " November 29. IF Thou be the son of God, command that these stones be made bread. — Luke 4 : 3. "If," that was the real temptation. It was a temptation to doubt His line age and to mistrust His royalty. It was a temptation to question His divin ity. And the tempter sounds his " if s " in my soul. "If thou art forgiven"; "If God walks with thee;" "If God answers prayer": If! If! If! 0 Lord my God, save me from the sin of un belief. Let me not doubt Thy word. Let me be confident when Thou hast spoken. Let not the tempter disturb the assurance of my com munion. For the Saviour's sake. Amen. "November 30. HE that believeth shall not make haste. —Isaiah 28:16. He shall not get into the haste of passion. He shall not be feverish. He shall not make a fuss of our things. He shall not lose his head. Let me mark the cooling, steadying power of a great belief. Heavenly Father, grant me this faith which remains quiet in the tempest. Let me not be- « ' COME YE APART » ' 233 come feverish when dark circumstances arrive. Let me glorify Thee by the strength of my quiet ness. Give me the calmness which is born of conscious communion. For His sake. Amen. DECEMBER December l. IN the way of Thy judgments, 0 Lord, have we waited for Thee. —Isaiah 26 : 8. Sometimes we wait for the Lord on the wrong road, and He does not come. We are to wait in the way of His com mandments, we are to abide in the right if we would have the right. The way of obedience is the trysting place of the soul and God. 0 Lord my God, help me to wait for Thee in the royal path of obedience. Let me do the will, and then confidently expect the Presence. May I go on my appointed mission and find the great Companion. In Christ's name. Amen. December 2. AND Jesus, being full of the Holy Ghost, re turned from Jordan, and was led by the Spirit into the wilderness. — Luke 4 : 1. From the Jordan to the Wilderness! Then I must not think that sudden 234 "COME YE APART" 235 changes mean that God has left me. He leads me by the Jordan where the dove of peace descends. But He is also lead ing in the wilderness when the subtle tempter is near. My Father God, help me to realize Thy pres ence in the Wilderness as much as by the Jor dan. When I am sorely tempted let me retain the dove of peace. Let me be confident of Thy nearness in the terrible hour. Thine is the Power and the glory. Amen. December 3. THEN goeth he and taketh to himself seven other spirits more wicked than himself, and they entered in and dwelt there; and the last state of that man is worse than the first. —Luke 11 : 26. This is the peril of the unoccupied life. The house was swept and emptied, but it was without a tenant. The devil loves a vacuum and he hastens to fill it. The house of the soul is safe only when it is filled with God and our Father's business. My Gracious God, let every room in my soul be engaged, in Thy business. Let nothing be empty, offering hospitality to the evil one. When the tempter draws near me may he find my life filled with God. For Christ's sake. Amen. 236 "COME YE APART" December 4. WE give thanks to God . . . since we heard of your faith in Christ Jesus, and of the love which ye have to all the saints, for the hope which is laid up for you in heaven. — Colossians 1 : 3-5. Here are faith, and hope, and love; these three. The faith is creative of the other two. Faith is the seed-plot of all the graces. But love is the coronal crown, the flower which gives worth and beauty to everything. Most Gracious God, grant unto me the faith which produces the flower of love. Save me from a loveless faith which has no fragrant or beautiful witness. Let me prove my faith in Thee by lovely strength of character. Let love be Thy seal to my devotion. For the Saviour's sake. Amen. December 5. HE looked for a city which hath foundations, whose Maker and whose Builder is God. — Hebrews 11 : 10. That is the attitude of a great ex pectancy. It is expectancy of a divine and radiant future. This man's eyes were watching the coming day, eagerly looking for all sorts of wonderful un- "COME YE APART" 237 foldings through the grace and power of the living God. 0 Lord my God, give me the grace of the for ward mind. Fill me with holy expectation and hope. May I be a child of the dawn even in the hour of the midnight. May I believe in the com ing harvest even while the snow is on the ground. For the Saviour's sake. Amen. December 6. IF any man will do His will, he shall know the teaching. —John 7 : 17. The most serious of our problems are solved not by reasoning but by life. We cannot argue our souls into freedom. We leave many of our difficulties be hind when we obtain the final discern ments which come with a larger life. It is through being that we pass to see ing and to knowing. 0 Lord my God, give me the stalwart virtue of obedience. Help me to obey in face of every thing. Let me stand in the evil day, and hav ing done all, to stand. In obeying let me come to understanding. In the way of the Lord let me learn the mind of the Lord. For Christ's sake. Amen. 238 "COME YE APART" December 7. WHAT wUt thou that I shall do unto thee? The blind man said unto Him, Lord, that I may receive my sight. And Jesus said unto him: Go thy way; thy faith hath made thee whole. —Mark 10 : 51, 52. This blind man's prayer fixes upon a definite need, and he brings that need to the Lord. I, too, must be definite when I come into the presence-chamber of the King. What would I like at the King 's hand ? My hope ? my faith ? my purity? my love? Lord, that I may receive it! Holy Father, wilt Thou give me the counsels of Thy Spirit, so that I may present my inmost need before Thee. Save me from idle and wan dering prayers. Make me very real and imme diate in my communion. Lord that I might re ceive my . . . For Christ's sake. Amen. December 8. 7 PRAY . . . that ye might be strengthened with all might, according to His glorious power, unto all patience and longsuffering with joy fulness. — Colossians 1 : 11. Here is dynamo, and here are some of its ministries. A dynamo gives power " COME YE APART " 239 of light, and heat, and motion. And the spiritual dynamo gives us the power of patience, and longsuffering, and holy joy. O Lord my God, establish that glorious power in my soul. Give me strength to do Thy will in greatest triumph. Let Thy power be revealed in patience, and fortitude, and victorious joy. For Christ's sake. Amen. December 9. WHAT things soever ye desire when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them. —Mark 11 : 24. This is the vital faith that actualizes the answer. Assume you have the answer, and thereby you will prove it. Go forth to battle in the steady con fidence that power has been given you by God, and in the fight the power will be revealed. Almighty God, help me to go forth to this day's battle confident in my spiritual resources. I pray for strength. Let me now have faith to believe that I receive it. Let me prove Thy nearness and grace in every conflict between morn and night. For Christ's sake. Amen. 240 " COME YE APART " December to. 7 PRAY that ye might be filled with the knowl edge of His will, in all wisdom and spiritual understanding. — Colossians 1:9. The apostle Paul sees the knowledge of God's will flowing into human life like a tide, and filling every bay and creek and cove of our soul with divine fulness. God's wisdom is to flow into all our affairs, giving us understand ing in all things both great and small. My Father in Heaven, I pray that I may be filled with the knowledge of Thy will. Let Thy grace pervade, all my powers. Let every thing move with divine understanding. Leave me not in darkness and weakness. Let me share the heavenly wisdom. For the Saviour's sake. Amen. December tt. FOR unto whomsoever much is given, of him shall be much required, and to whom men have committed much, of him they will ask the more. —Luke 12 : 48. Life's obligations are determined by the quality and quantity of its capital. I owe just as much as I have. What is " COME YE APART " 241 my endowment? From my endowment I may infer the divine requirements. Most Gracious God, let me lay my life upon Thine altar. Let me not use my powers merely for my own delight. Let me surrender every gift to the service of Thy Kingdom. Let every faculty be as a clean sword in the warfare of righteousness. For the Saviour's sake. Amen. December 12. THOU shalt love the Lord thy God, with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and with all thy strength. —Mark 12 : 30. This is a four-sided love, a sym metrical love. All the primary powers of the being are engaged in it, the heart, the soul, the mind, the strength. All are needed to make love royal and di vine. If one power be left out, love is impaired. My Father in Heaven, grant that my love may be like Thine. Let it not be a weakling in Thy warfare. Let me put everything into it. Let it be a love that never faileth. Grant me Thy love so that I may love like Thee. For Christ's sake. Amen. 242 "COME YE APART" December 13. THAT ye might walk worthy of the Lord unto all pleasing, being fruitful in every good work, and increasing in the knowledge of God. — Colossians 1 : 10. And so we begin by walking, and we end by knowing. We walk to our reve lation. Visions come to us in the way of obedience. Our walk determines our outlook. My Father in Heaven, bid me walk in Thy way to-day. Let me not loiter for the expected vision. Give me confidence that the knowledge will be given as I need it. Help me to step out, doing Thy good pleasure. For Christ's sake. Amen. December t4. THOU wilt keep Mm in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on Thee, because he trusteth in Thee. —Isaiah 26 : 3. This great promise begins by naming the fruit, and it ends by naming the root. It first mentions the peace, and then the faith from which it springs. We trust God ; that is the root of things. We stay our mind on God; that is the strong outgrowth of the noble root. "COME YE APART" 243 Then there is perfect peace ; this is the fruit of all the rest. My Father in Heaven, I pray for the gift of faith. May I so deeply trust Thee that my mind is stayed on Thee. Let me come to Thy peace by the way of vital communion. For the Saviour's sake. Amen. December 15. GRANT unto us that we may sit, one on Thy right hand, and the other on Thy left hand in Thy glory. But Jesus said unto them, Ye know not what ye ask. Can ye drink of the cup that I drink of? —Matthew 20 : 21, 22. There are gifts which cannot be given for the asking; they can only be given as the crowns of life. There are glories which are the flower of sufferings. There are dignities which are born of service. The rewards are part of the resultant life. My Father God, I pray that I may not be so much concerned about places as about character. May I be more eager for Thy likeness than for the use of power. May I esteem it to be the very crown of life to know Thee and Jesus Christ whom Thou hast sent. Amen. 244 "COME YE APART" December 16. SALT is good, but if the salt have lost its soil ness, wherewith will you season it? —Mark 9 : 50. There is a salt of character which has no saving strength. It easily catches a passing pollution. It is not preserva tive against peril. Any wandering germ finds a lodging and a feast. It takes every taint that comes along. Most Holy God, graciously make my character so healthy that it is defended against the moral plague. Let me be safe in ungodly surround ings. To this end strengthen me with Thy Spirit, that I may stand in the evil day, and having done all, may stand. For the Saviour's sake. Amen. December 17. HAVE salt in yourselves, and be at peace one. with another. —Mark 9 : 50. Salt is the servant of purity. It is the minister of sweetness and health. Vital religion is the salt of common life. It makes fellowship whole and sweet. Disease is divisive. Taint breeds strife. Vital health creates vital communion. Holy Father, let my life be as salt in the com- "COME YE APART" 245 munity. Let it be a minister of moral and spiri tual health. Let it make for peace through righteousness. May I be the enemy of all cor ruption which makes for strife and ill-will. For Christ's sake. Amen. December 18. IF thy hand make thee to stumble, cut it off. . . . And if thy foot make thee to stumble, cut it off. . . . And if thine eye make thee to stumble, pluck it out. For every one shall be salted with fire, and every sacrifice shall be salted with salt. Mark 9 : 43, 45, 47, 49. We are to be ready to sacrifice a right for the sake of a more valuable posses sion. We are to submit to self -limitation for the sake of a richer life. We are to let even the precious go for the sake of something i-ofinitely more precious. Anything and everything should be sur rendered if the life and welfare of the soul demand it. Almighty God, teach me the true values of things. Let me put first things first. May I be ready to part with a right for the sake of right eousness. Let me sacrifice a legitimate delight to the health .of my soul and the joy of my Lord. For the Saviour's sake. Amen. 246 " COME YE APART " December 19. WE saw one casting out devils in Thy name, and we forbade him, because he followeth not with us. And Jesus said, Forbid him not . . for he that is not against us is on our part. —Mark 9 : 38, 39, 40. He drew a circle and shut me out, Heretic, rebel, a thing to flout ; But love and I had the wit to win, We drew a circle and took Him in. My Father in Heaven, may Thy spirit enlarge the circle of my sympathies. Let me be more concerned to include my brother than to shut him out. Let me discover my kinship with all who confess my Saviour's name. Enlarge my fellowship with the whole family of man. For the Saviour's sake. Amen. December 20. AND Jesus charged them saying, Take heed, be ware of the leaven of the Pharisees. —Mark 8 : 15. Let me mark the suggestion of the Saviour's word. There is a way of thinking which acts like leaven. And there is a way of living which acts like leaven. Thought is contagion, and spreads by its own power. And spirit is contagion, and its influences pervade "COME YE APART" 247 the lives of others. There is fashion- contagion, and ugly moral habits com municate themselves to my fellows. Beware ! Holy Father, let me not be the centre of un godly leaven. Let my life abound in sweet and holy influence. Let no one ever catch unclean ness from my presence. Let no evil seed pass from the garden of my life into the life of my neighbour. For Christ's sake. Amen. December 21. AND Christ is before all things, and in Him all things consist. — Colossians 1 : 17. Christ is the eternal bond of fraternal union. Christ is the only enduring cement in human fellowship. He is the only secret of consistency amid the quarrelsome powers of the soul. We are held together in Christ. He makes us one. My Father God, I pray for the harmony for which my Saviour died. May the grace of the Lord Jesus bind my powers together in vital union. And I pray that He may be the eternal bond of the whole family of man. For His sake. Amen. 248 "COME YE APART" December 22. GIVING thanks unto the Father . . . Who hath delivered us from the power of darkness, and hath translated us into the Kingdom of the Son of His love. — Colossians 1 : 12, 13. Here is a life delivered from one con dition into another. By the grace of God the soul can change its citizenship. We can pass from the cruel bondage of darkness into the enriching bondage of love. We can be supernaturalized into the life and liberty of heaven. Most Gracious Father, I thank Thee for this marvellous deliverance. I thank Thee that I can be a citizen of heaven even in the realm of time. Even now I can wear the robes of the elect, and be clothed in the garments of glory. Let me live this day as a citizen of the Kingdom of God. For Christ's sake. Amen. December 23. THOU shalt remember all the way which the Lord thy God led thee these forty years in the wilderness to humble thee, and to prove thee, to know what was in thine heart, whether thou wouldst keep His commandments or no. — Deuteronomy 8 : 2. I am so prone to forget the miracles of the wilderness when I reach the com- "COME YE APART" 249 forts of Canaan. The luxury acts as a drug in my life and puts my memory asleep. Blessed is the man who carries the remembrance of divine providence when the brighter days arrive ! My Father God, I would not forget the mercies of yesterday. I would consider what great things Thou hast done for me. Let the Holy Spirit quicken my memory that I may live Thy goodness over again. Let the yesterdays bring inspiration into to-day. For His sake. Amen. December 24. CHRIST in you, the hope of glory. — Colossians 1 : 27. That is how we are to kindle the lamp of hope; in Christ Jesus. It is there, and there only, that we shall find hope for ourselves, and for our families, and for the world. Where else can our lamps be lit? Christ is the secret of a steady optimism. O Lord my God, light Thou the lamp of my hope. May Thy kindly light fall upon yester day in the grace of forgiveness. May it shine upon to-morrow in the grace of a great ex pectancy. Let it fall upon to-day in the grace of an enriching peace. For Thy mercy's sake. Amen. 250 "COME YE APART" December 25. FROM that time began Jesus to preach, and to say, Repent ye, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand. — Matthew 4 : 17. Repentance is just change of mind. When we repent we alter all our think ing; our thinking about God, and life, and man, and woman, and duty. We seek for Christ's conception of every thing. 0 Lord my God, I humbly pray that Thy thought may fill my mind. May Thy holy vision be upon my imagination, and the constraint of Thy purpose upon my will. Let everything be in tune with Thy choice. Thy will be done in me as it is done in heaven. For Christ's sake. Amen. December 26. THE Son of man came not to be ministered unto but to minister, and to give His life a ransom for many. — Matthew 20 : 28. He found His joy in service. There is a certain pleasure in being served, but the joy of life is in serving others. We never find the royal springs until we are making others glad. We refresh our own thirsty spirits when we carry water to others. "COME YE APART" 251 My Father in Heaven, teach me the way of Jesus Christ. Let me be a seeker in the welfare of my fellows. Let me dig wells for them. Let me gladden their hearts. Let me drink of Thy pleasure by giving water out of wells of salva tion. For His sake. Amen. December 27. 7 WILL instruct and teach thee in the way which thou shalt go; I will guide thee with Mine eye. —Psalm 32 : 8. How delicate is the guidance! The Lord is guiding with the glance of an eye! The mule is headlong and head strong and he has to be guided by a strong hand. But the Lord would guide us by His eye. What tender in tercourse can pass through the eyes! There is a whole language in their silent communion. But eye-guidance implies intimate fellowship. Eye-speech is the speech of lovers. We can only be guided with His eye when we are gaz ing on God. Most Gracious Father, let this tender guidance be mine. Let me fix my gaze upon Thee in reverent attention. Let not the glitter of the world entice me. Guide me with Thy gentle wisdom. In the bonds of sacred love let me know Thy holy will. For Christ's sake. Amen. 252 "COME YE APART" December 28. THOU hast given Him power over all fiesh, that He should give eternal life to as many as Thou hast given Him. And this is life eternal, that they might know Thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ Whom Thou hast sent. —John 17 : 2, 3. We never really know anybody until we are like him. It is likeness which alone gives vital appreciation. To know God is therefore to share His life. We shall be like Him, for we shall know Him as He is. Holy God, graciously take me into that fellow ship where I shall come to know Thee. Let me not be contented with the world's learning, or even with the knowledge of Thy word. Let me share Thy life, and so enter into the secret place of the Most High. In all that I do this day may I be growing in grace and in the knowledge of my Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. ' Amen. December 29. LET us lay aside every weight, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus. — Hebrews 12 : 1. We hang heavy weights about our spirits and then we crawl along the "COME YE APART" 253 way. And God wants our feet to be like the feet of a fawn! " Thou hast made my feet like hind's feet! " We carry the burdens of unforgiven sin. We carry the cares of unknown mor rows. God wants our yoke to be easy and our burden light ! 0 Lord my God, rid me of every needless load. Let me carry only the appointed burden for which Thou hast provided the needful strength. Let me not be encumbered in my race. Let me run with delight in the way of Thy command ments. For Christ's sake. Amen. December 30. 7iV Him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily. — Colossians 2 : 9. The fulness of the Lord Jesus will fill up all our crevices. It is the abid ing secret of spiritual satisfaction. The human completes itself in the divine. I become myself in Christ. O Lord, help me to believe this great evangel. Let my life be completed in Thee. In all the affairs of this day let me move in the confidence of divine union. Fill me with Thy fulness, so that even the least thing shall shine with the light of life. For Christ's sake. Amen. 254 "COME YE APART" December 31. CHRIST, in Whom are hid all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge. — Colossians 2 : 3. Christ is the rich mine which the believer has to work. Christ is the amazing bank from which we can draw endless supplies. "Our never-failing treasury, filled with boundless stores of grace. ' ' Most Gracious Lord, help me to believe that my sufficiency is in Thee. Make me wise to draw supplies from Thee in every season. In every necessity let me turn immediately to Thy door. I turn to Thee now in happy confidence in Thy fulness. Through Jesus Christ my Lord. Amen. Printed in the United States of America YALE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY 3 9002 08844 9757 liii