^'"v.. ^^ i^'V w ff^~ ^ ff. ^ v^^J «.*>* !.«>* ^^ B s .« ^ ' :.*-¦? ^^B m '^^p m r'^^M M ^m 1 j^P i •^^¦^^'' ^ \m .^^^^g ^^^^^^~^ ^^^ ^^ vS-V',^ ^^ Bought with the income ofthe William C. Egleston Fund, 1913 HISTORY ofthe Town of Canterbury NEW HAMPSHIRE 1727-1912 BY JAMES OTIS LYFORD Editor of History of Concord^ N. H. Author of the Life of Edward H. Bollins IN TWO VOLUMES Volume Two GENEALOGY AND APPENDIX Concord, N. H. THE RUMFORD PRESS 1912 PREFACE. There is hardly an undertaking more discouraging in its inception than the preparation of a genealogy of the families of a town. It is a laborious task to awaken and to sustain the indi vidual interest of the people most concerned. Frequently they alone can supply information. It is a work with which they are unfamiliar. If they have records, these are often incomplete. They do not see the necessity for accuracy of detail in the com pilations they prepare. Dates of births, marriages and deaths are given from memory when Bible and other records are access ible. Family traditions of ancestors are sometimes inconsistent with the dates of births of these ancestors. Especially is this true of their service in Colonial wars and of the War of the Revolution. Nor is this surprising, as instances were found by the committee having in charge this work where such traditions had already been published as facts in printed genealogies. It is, therefore, apparent that many returns required correspondence to correct palpable errors. There was a satisfaction, however, in the result obtained when these corrections were secured that well repaid the exertions to obtain them. In some cases it was impossible to procure anything beyond fragmentary accounts of families or to reconcile inconsistent dates in their genealogies. Information was sought even after the signatures of this volume were printed. Therefore, as a part of this preface will be found some additions and corrections disclosed too late to be incor porated in the text. It was the ambition of the committee to secure full genealogies of those families long identified with the town, especially those dating from the early settlements. For some time it seemed likely that this part of the work would be confined to a very few families. Gradually, however, descendants of other families were found whose interest was enlisted until some record was obtained of a considerable majority of the important families connected with the history of Canterbury. This and other data became so voluminous that an abridgment was necessary to adapt IV PREFACE. the material to the space allotted to it in the original estimates for the cost of publication. This condensation has necessitated the rewriting of practically all of the genealogies, a work of no small labor and care. As finally printed, this volume with its very full index, prepared by Miss Harriet L, Huntress of Concord, whose previous experience is a guaranty of the completeness and accuracy of her work, exceeds the size at first intended. In spite of the tri als incident to an undertaking of this kind, the committee having it in charge have enjoyed the work and at times have found it fascinating. Their obligations are due to all who have assisted in the effort to make this feature of the permanent records of the town interesting and reliable. Mart E. Clough, Almira j. Sargent, Josephine M. Brown, James 0. Lyford, Committee. ADDITIONS AND CORRECTIONS. Page 18. Emilie Ayers Young should be Emily Ayers Young. Page 18. Mary Maple Waters b. 1879, instead of 1897. Page 19. Susan T. V, Ayers m. Charles A., instead of Charles H. Coveny. Page 20. Second child of John H. Batchelder b. in Canterbury. Page 24. For Mary E. (Stevens) Storey, read Mary E. (Stevens) Sterey. Page 28. Edmund Blanchard m. 6 Feb., 1806, instead of 1706. Pages 29 and 30. For correct hst of children of Mary Jane Blanchard see Wheeler Gen. Page 30. Nahum Jesse Blanchard was child of second marriage. Page 32. Date of marriage of Ida May Blinn is 1895, instead of 1893. Page 32. George F. BUnn m. 1891, instead of 1881. Page 39. Mary, wife of Phihp Brown d. 1683, instead of 1783. Page 41. Huldah Brown b. 1829, instead of 1827. Page 47. John Bryant d. in Newmarket. Page 49. Ehzabeth Carter d. 1853, instead of 1353. Page 57. Clifton Ehner Chaplain b. 1885, instead of 1895. Page 59. James, third child of Thomas Chase, b. 1685, instead of 1785. Page 66. Sarah Jane Clifford b. 30 June, 1840. Page 77. Children of Benjamin R. Johnston, the surname should be spelled with a "t." Page 79. For Charla C. Clough read Charles C. Clough. Page 83. WiUiam Cogswell b. 1694, instead of 1794. Page 84, Thomas Cogswell d. 1810, instead of 1710. Page 85. Joseph Badger Cogswell d. 1857, instead of 1757. Page 94. Samuel Davis d. 1696, instead of 1896. Page 96. Elizabeth, wife of Col. James Davis, d. 1748, instead of 1648. Page 115. Daniel Emery b. 1833, instead of 1853. P^e 116. Carohne EHzabeth, wife of Charles W. Emery, was b. in Prov idence, R. I., in 1845, instead of 1848. Page 135. Capt. Jonathan Fo.ster b. 28 July, 1747, instead of 23 July. Page 139. The order of the children of Jeremiah C. Foster is Susanna, iii and EUzabeth, iv. Page 140. Adams Foster b. 28 Feb., 1800, instead of 22 Feb. Page 142. Caroline Ehzabeth Foster m. 27 Feb., 1883, instead of 28 Feb. Page 143. Fred S. Foster b. 1867, instead of 1869. Page 145. Myron C. Foster b. 1829, instead of 1820. Page 145. John Hubbard Foster b. 14 March, 1808, instead of 4 March. Page 147. The order of the children of Henry Bradley Foster is Helen Frances, i and Edward Henry, ii. Page 148. The order of the children of Abiel Abbott Foster should be according to the dates of their births. Page 151. Laura Merrill Foster m, 4 Sept., 1897, instead of 6 Sept. Page 152. James Caleb Foster b. 1841, instead of 1847. Page 152. The order of the children of James Caleb Foster should be according to the dates of their birth. VI ADDITIONS AND CORRECTIONS. Page 165. Jessie Permelia, wife of Leroy A. Ghnes, b. 16 Aug., 1870, instead of 13 Aug. Page 168. Frederick WiUiam Greenough, probably b. 1806, instead of 1808, Page 168. Jonathan Greenough d. 16 June, 1896, instead of 16 Jan. Page 174. WiUiam Pickering Haines b. Dec. 24, 1855,instead of 22Feb., 1811. Page 176. Mary Ann Haines m. 1834, instead of 1843. Page 181. Jennie M., wife of Parker Cross Hancock, b. in Sebec, Me., instead of Lubec. Page 182. WUham Foster Hannaford had but four children. Hope, who m. W. W. Kjeamer was a daughter of WUMam Henry Hannaford. Page 187. The sixth child of Hiram G. Haynes was Charles Putnam and not Charles Putnum. Page 189. Miriam (Clifford)RandaU should read Miram (Chfford) Randall. Page 198. Joshua Huntoon b. 1763, instead of 1753. Page 213. Listen Smith Knowles m. 1828, instead of 1829. Page 213. Elijah H. Knowles, given name misspeUed. Page 221. ChUdren of Joseph Lyford should be in order of their births. Page 226. Anne True, second wife of John T. Mason, was m. 26 Feb., 1762, and not b. that year. Page 229. Nelson F. Matott m. 1895, instead of 1893. Page 233. Silvia Gleason m. Jesse Kimball and not Jessie KimbaU. Page 242. Drury's Bluff, Va., should be Drewry's Bluff. Page 248. Stephen Moore, Jr., m. 1822, instead of 1802. Page 250. Sarah, dau. of Andrew and Martha Bennett, m. Albert Sargent. Page 255. Otto Stevens should be Otho Stevens. Page 256. Mira A., dau. of Enoch MorriU, probably b. 1872, instead of 1862, Page 258. Ahoe M. E. Hud.speth b. 1910, instead of 1901. Page 262. Susanna MorriU d. 14 Oct., 1894, instead of 1830. Page 263. Guy Ethelbert MorriU m. Carohne Gibson Clough ant* not Carohne Gilson Clough. Page 265. Mary Agnes, dau. of Dr. Chas. P. Gage, was b. 18 April, 1847. Page 285. Frances Edson Pickard b. 1858, instead of 1853. Page 286. Charles Henry Pickard m. 1888, instead of 1880. Page 292. EmeUne Kenniston, dau. of Edward Kenniston, should read Emily Kenniston. Page 292. Oren Judson Randall m. Miram L. Chfford and not Mu-iam L. Chfford. Page 293, Neva M. RandaU b. 1875, instead of 1874. Page 296. Apphia C. Sanborn b. 1820, instead of 1829. Page 300. Submit Esterbrook was the second wife of Aaron Sargent. Page 307. Carrie Farnsworth Shaw m. 2 Feb., 1876, instead of 1896. Page 319. Thomas J. Stevens m. second, Mrs. Ehza Simpson, probably 1834, instead of 1854. , Page 322. There is probably an error in the town record of the date of Edmund' Sutton's birth. Page 332. The date of birth of Betsey (Weed) Weeks should be the date of her marriage. , Page 336, Emma C. Chase, wife of Charles F. Whidden, born in Boston, not Canterbury. GENEALOGIES. ABBOTT. 1. Elias' Abbott was b. at Concord, 24 Oct., 1757, and m. Sept., 1782, EUzabeth Buswell, who was b. at Kingston 4 Sept., 1761, and d. 25 Jan., 1832. They came to Northfield in 1801. He d. 19 May, 1847, Children: i. Abigail!, b, 1783, at Concord; d. 25 Aug., 1864. 2. ii. Elias, b. 22 March, 1786. iii. Betsey, b. 1789, at Concord; d. 29 March, 1847. iv. James Bxtswell, b. 24 June, 1799, at Concord. A physician who practiced first with Dr. Joseph M. Harper. 2. Elias2 Abbott {EUas') b. 22 March, 1786, at Concord, and spent most of his life on the home farm. He m. first, 2 May, 1812, Lydia Sawyer of Northfield, who was b. 23 July, 1784, and d. 14 May, 1826; they had four children. He d. at Northfield, 10 Sept., 1862. His second wife was Sarah Winslow, and they had two daughters. He m. third, Mrs. EUnor Rogers. ChUdren: i. Gardner Sawtub', b. 27 Feb., 1813. 3. ii. Alfred S., b. 10 April, 1816. iii. EMn.T Btjswell. iv. Matiuja, b, 1818. 3. Alfred S.= Abbott (EUas', EUas') b. 10 AprU, 1816, at Northfield, and m. 19 AprU, 1842, at C, Susan B. Howe, who was b. at C, 20 April, 1812. (See Howe Gen.) They had three children, but one of whom, Almiras survives. He was deacon of the Congregational Church from 1866 untU his death, 15 Sept., 1888. Mrs. Abbott d. 2 July, 1890. 4. Almira Emily-" Abbott {Alfred^ EUas", EUas') b. 18 Jan., 1843, at E. Concord; m. first, 21 Sept., 1865, Alvin G. Hayward at Tilton. He was a soldier and d. in Michigan, 3 March, 1908. She m. second, 24 AprU, 1873, at C, Russell A, Burdeen, who was b. at C, 5 Sept., 1831, and d. 10 Oct., 1884. He was a soldier in the Civil War. She m. third, 6 Oct., 1888, at ConCbrd, Edward F. WiUard, b. 7 March, 1858, at Sandwich. ChUd: 6. i, HENRY5 Hayward, b, 3 July, 1869. 5. Henhy« Hayward {Almira', Alfred^, EUas", EUas') b. 3 July, 1869, at C, m. first, at C, 25 Dec, 1890, Idena Haselton of Loudon, who d. 7 March, 1906, at Penacook, aged 33. M. second, 2 Jan., 1907, at Penacook, ArviUa N. Ames of Belmont. ChUdren by first marriage: 2-it 2 HISTORY OP CANTERBURY. i. Bessie May«, b. at Loudon, 19 Oct., 1891. ii. Almiha Emily, b. at C, 12 Nov., 1894. iii. Cora Estella, b. at Penacook, 30 AprU, 1898; d. 1 Oct., 1903. iv. Celia Belle, b. at Penacook, 2 Dec, 1900. V. Ella Cora, b. at Penacook, 15 Dec, 1904. vi. Martha Rosa, b. at Penacook, 10 Feb., 1906. ADAMS. 1. John Lincolni Adams was b. 21 June, 1830. His father d. 1840. His mother, EUzabeth CampbeU, of EngUsh descent, m. second, Eben Fel lows of Concord. She d. 21 Sept., 1901. John Lincohi m. 21 Nov., 1854, in Lawrence, Mass., EUza Jane, dau. of Freeman L. and Mary Seavey Peverly. Mrs. Adams was b. 12 Aug., 1834, in Portsmouth; d. 23 Jan., 1902, in C. In 1857, Mr. Adams moved from Lawrence, Mass., to C, where he d. 11 ,Ian., 1900. ChUdren: i. Charles Freeman^, b. 3 Nov., 1855, in Lawrence, Mass. 2. ii. William Edwin, b. 25 July, 1858. iii. Frederic McClbllan, b. 21 March, 1864; d. 2 May, 1864. iv. Sarah Elizabeth, b. 11 July, 1865, in Loudon; m. 8 Sept., 1886, in Concord, Eleazer Frankhn Baker, merchant in Pembroke. V. Cora Jane, b. 23 June, 1869, in C; m. 6 June, 1900, in Belmont WiUiam Hadley Muzzey. (See Muzzey Gen.) 2. William Edwin^ Adams {John L.') h. 25 July, 1858, in C, m. 11 May, 1880, in Concord, Lucretia P. Stetson of Effingham, b. 9 Jan., 1858. Children, all b. in Concord: 3, i. Adelaide Mae', b. 5 AprU, 1881. u. Karl William, b. 2 May, 1889. ni. Frank Leon, b. 15 AprU, 1891. 3. Adelaide Mae' Adams {William E.^, Johrt L'.) h. 5 April, 1881; m. 11 Dec, 1906, in Concord, Carl Hosea Foster of Manchester. ChUd, b. in Concord : i. Robert Adams*, b. 25 Nov., 1908. AMES. 1. Daniel' Ames, husbandman, settled in that part of Exeter, which is now Newmarket. The Ames estate was about six miles from Exeter viUage, pleasantly situated on the north side of the Piscassic River near the corner of HaU's Mill and Lee roads. Near the westerly side of a large, well-cultivated field, there is a knoU elevated ten or fifteen feet. On this knoll Daniel Ames built his log house. It had two rooms on the floor and was two stories in height. The upper story projected over the lower so that the house when used as a garrison could be defended against the attacks of Indians. Here he Uved with his family, and here he d. in Jan., 1754. In this field at a bend in the river, and near its bank, is another knoll which is covered with trees. It was here that Daniel Ames and his household were buried. The neglected graves are dis tinctly marked by smaU, rough stones upon which there are no inscrip tions. GENEALOGIES. 3 The wiU of Daniel Ames "aged and weU stricken in Years, and in a weak habit of body," dated 24 Dec, 1753, was presented for probate, 30 Jan., 1754, It makes his sons, Nathaniel and Jacob, executors, and it gives to them the homestead. The wiU also mentions the following chUdren: 2. i. Simon2. 3. ii. Samuel. ' 4. iii. Daniel. iv. Nathaniel, resided in Newmarket, Had a son, Nathaniel, Jr. Both signed the Association Test, 12 July, 1776. The father sold John Ames, 28 Aug., 1782, "aU my farm whereon I now live, containing 90 acres with the buildings thereon. " V. Jacob, m. Sarah Hersey, resided in Newmarket. His son, Jacob Ames, Jr., m. Mehitable Gooden, 1 Aug., 1779. Had another son, Daniel. Refused to sign Association Test, D. 1806, .^. David, d. 24 Dec, 1753, leaving a widow, Sarah, to whom his father wUled the easterly end of his house so long as she remains a widow, vii. Anna, wife of PoweU. vui. Lydia, wife of Charles Rundlett. ix. Mary, to whom her father's wiU gave a legacy and a room in the westerly end of his dwelhng house so long as she remained single. 2. SiM0N2 Ames {Daniel') came to C. about 1750, and bought of his brother, Samuel, lot 86, near the Center. He was elected constable in 1755 and 1756, a tithingman in 1754 and again in 1770. His name appears on the tax hsts from 1762 to 1780. His wiU was presented for probate 13 May, 1783. The town records show nothing of his descendants, unless he had a son Simon, for one of that name was taxed in 1785 and is in the census of 1790. 3. Samtiel2 Ames {Daniel') h. in Newmarket 13 Feb., 1723; m. Hannah DoUoff, who was b. 18 Jan., 1728. He came to C. about 1749, setthng near the meeting house at the Center on the farm now owned by Joseph M. Houser of Canterbury. In 1791, he moved to the "Borough," having obtained possession of a large tract of land there, upon which was an unfinished two-story house which he completed. It is stUl intact. This farm remained in the possession of his descendants untU recently, when it was purchased by Leroy A. Glines. Samuel Ames d. 16 Jan., 1803. His wife d. 23 Jan., 1804. They are buried in the family burial lot on the farm near the house. Children: i. Samuels, b. 12 May, 1745, in Newmarket. Came to C. with his father about 1749, moved to Boscawen, where he m. Jane, only sister of Col. Henry Gerrish. She was b. 20 AprU, 1745; d. 30 March, 1814. He d. 1 Sept., 1825. ii. Sarah b. 25 March, 1747, in Newmarket; m. Laban MorriU. (See MorrU Gen.) 5. iii. David, b. 27 May, 1749. iv. Hannah, b. 23 June, 1754. 4. Danibl2 Ames {Danieb) came to C. about 1749. He bought lot 137 of his brother Samuel that year, and the northerly half of lot 88 of Thomas 4 HISTORY OF CANTERBURY. Clough. He was elected constable in 1763, highway surveyor in 1769. His name appears on the tax lists until 1771. As he did not sign the Association Test in 1776, it is probable that he died prior to that date. The town records show nothing of his descendants, if he had any. 5. Davidi Ames {Samvsb, Daniel') b. in Exeter or C, 27 May, 1749; m. Phebe, daughter of Thomas and Miriam Kimball Hoyt. She was b. in Amesbury, Mass., 22 Nov., 1756. They lived on the farm near the Meeting House at C. Center untU 1791, when they moved with his father to the farm in the "Borough. " Both d. in C. : he, 22 Sept., 1812; she, 30 Oct., 1838. (Thomas Hoyt was b. in Amesbury, Mass., 17 May, 1731; d. in Revolutionary War, 1 Sept., 1778. His widow married, second, Ben jamin Blanchard 26 Nov., 1781; d. in C, 3 Sept., 1814.) Children of David and Phebe (Hoyt) Ames aU born in C. : i. Hannah', b. 11 Aug., 1775; m. Joseph, son of Samuel Ames of Bos cawen, her cousin. They Uved and d. in Boscawen. He d. 15 June, 1851 . She d. 18 June, 1827. ChUdren aU born in Boscawen. 6. ii. ThoMAS, b. 6 Oct., 1777. iii. Sarah, b. 9 Dec, 1781; m. Jacob, son of Col. Henry Gerrish of Boscawen, 15 AprU, 1803. They settled in that town where he d. 22 May, 1861, and she, 23 Oct., 1848. 7. iv. Samuel, b. 29 July, 1784. V. Mary (PoUy), b. 14 January, 1786; m. Josiah Haines of C, He d. 29 May, 1838, aged 60. She d. 7 Sept., 1872. They are buried in the cemetery on "Zion's HiU." (See Haines Gen.) vi. David, b. 15 May, 1788; graduated, Dartmouth CoUege, 1817; moved to Sparta, Tenn., where he practiced law. In 1835 he moved to StarkviUe, Miss., where for thirty-one years he held the office of judge of probate by continuous elections. He m. 2 Jan., 1827, Sophronia OeUa Fisk of Sparta. He d. 25 Aug., 1870. She d. 3 AprU, 1884. ChUdren: 1. Albion', b. 7 Aug., 1828; m. Margaret E. Heath, 2. Madison Fisk, b. 9 Aug., 1830; m. Minerva Hogan. 3. Almira, b. 5 Nov., 1832; m. Alexander Green Hogan, 5 Jan. 1859. ChUdren: Frank Lumpkm Hogan, b. 14 May, 1866, and Daisy OeUa Hogan, b. 31 May, 1869. 4. William Nathaniel, b. 21 Nov., 1837; m. Lucy P. Rand. vii. Miriam (Mjrra), b. 28 Sept., 1792; m. Samuel Tilton of Sanbomton Bridge (TUton), 31 Jan., 1815. He d. 12 Nov., 1861. She d. 7 March, 1857, both at TUton. ChUdren: 1. Alfred Edwin' Tilton, b. 11 Nov., 1815; d. in New York, 30 March, 1877. 2. Sarah Tilton, b. 23 Oct., 1819; m. Charles Minot of Concord, 11 May, 1841. He d. 25 Aug., 1879. She d. 25 Feb., 1882. 3. Dewitt Clinton Tilton, b. 20 Feb., 1823; d. 22 Oct., 1824. 4. Caroline Augusta Tilton, b. 2 Oct., 1825; d. 19 Oct., 1826. 5. Charles Elliott Tilton, b. 14 Sept., 1827; m. first, Louise Peabody, daughter of Jeremiah TUton of TUton, 11 Jan., 1856. She d. 14 Aug., 1877; m. second, Genevieve, dau. of Franlilin J. Eastman of Northfield, 29 Dec, 1881. vui. Phebe, b. 21 Jan., 1795; m. Charles Moody of C., 20 Dec, 1821. Both d. in Concord: he, 6 April, 1869; she, 6 Sept., 1861. ix. Ruth, b. 29 July, 1797; m. Benjamin KimbaU of C, 1 Feb., 1820. He d. in Boscawen, 21 July, 1834. She d. in Concord, 22 Oct., 1874. (See KimbaU Gen.) GENEALOGIES. 5 X. Rhoda, b. 20 Dec, 1799; m. first, Ira EUiott of Boscawen, 27 April, 1824. He d. in Northfield, 26 May, 1838; m. second, Leban MorrUI of C, 2 May, 1845. He d. 10 Sept., 1869. She d. in Concord, 16 Aug., 1864. Children: 1. Charles Moody' Elliott, b. in Sanbomton, 5 May, 1825; d. 18 Sept., 1826. 2. Caroline Augusta Elliott, b. in Sanbomton, 18 March, 1827; m. WUham Sargent Ladd of Portland, Ore., 17 Oct., 1854. 3. Charles Ira Elliott, b. in Sanbomton, 15 AprU, 1829; d. at DaUes, Ore., 29 Aug., 1861. 4. Frances Susan Elliott, b. in Sanbomton, 27 March, 1832; m. Darius Jay Neal, 30 Aug., 5. Myra Tilton Elliott, b. in Northfield, 4 June, 1835; m. Benjamin Ames KimbaU of Concord, 19 Jan., 1861. (See KimbaU Gen.) 6. Henry Ames Elliott, b. in Northfield, 25 Aug., 1837; m. Helen Darling, dau. of WiUiam Lawson Adams, of Troy, N. Y., 30 Jan., 1882, 6. Thomas' Ames {Dot/id', Samueb, Daniel') b. in C, 6 Oct., 1777; m. Lucy, dau. of Jonathan Foster of C, 25 Dec, 1804. They moved to the farm at the top of the hiU west of the FreewiU Baptist Church. Both d. in C: he, 19 Nov., 1840; she, 22 July, 1843. Children b. inC: i. Maria' b. 25 Sept., 1805; m. first, Jacob, son of Henry Gerrish of Boscawen, 25 Sept., 1824. He d. in New Buffalo, Mich., 28 Oct., 1858. m., second, Charles Moody of Concord, 16 AprU, 1864. He d. in Concord, 6 April, 1869. She d. in Manchester, 1 Oct., 1879. ii. Francis Winkley, b. 3 AprU, 1807; m. Rebecca Pearson, dau. of Enoch Gerrish of Boscawen, 8 May, 1838. They moved to New Buffalo, Mich., where he d. 30 Aug., 1838. His widow m. WUham Whittier Brown of Chester, 8 Oct., 1839. She d. there 29 June, 1845. 8. ui. Joseph Gerrish, b. 30 April, 1808. 9. iv. Samuel Albert, b. 1 June, 1811. V. Phebe, b. 11 Dec, 1812; m. Matthew Rowen of AVhite Pigeon, Mich., 10 Nov., 1836. She d. there 13 June, 1840. Child: Francis Ames' Rowen, b. 24 Feb., 1838; m. DeUa Aim,_dau. of Ebenezer Byram, 26 Nov., 1863. 10. vi. Fisher, b. 18 Oct., 1814. vii. Lucy Jane, b. 28 Aug., 1816; m. Matthew Rowen of White Pigeon, Mich., 14 Sept., 1842, where six of their children were born. In 1853, they moved to JamesvUle, Iowa. He d. there 5 May, 1881. ChUdren: 1. Charles Augustus' Rowen, b. 19 June, 1843; d. 10 Oct., 1847. 2. LuciEN Gerrish Rowen, b. 9 Dec, 1844; m. Mary Abbie Luke, of New Haven, Conn., 20 Nov., 1879. 3. Florence Maria Rowen, b. 11 Aug., 1846. 4. William Fremont Rowen, b. 19 Dec, 1848; m. Harriet Matilda Triplett of Iowa, 12 April, 1877. 5. Margaretta Rowen, b. 23 Sept., 1850. 6. Matthew Arthur Rowen, b. 31 Dec, 1852; m. Mary Joanna Mahan, 9 May, 1878. 7. Albert Ames Rowen, b. 19 Nov., 1856; m. Mary Elizabeth Coddington of JamesvUle, Iowa, 14 Sept., 1880, HISTORY OF CANTERBURY. vui. Caroline, b. 10 Sept., 1820; m. 25 March, 1845, Abiel Moore Cav- erly of Loudon, b. 28 Nov., 1817; d. in Pittsford, Vt., 11 July, 1879. She d. in Manchester, 2 Feb., 1851. ix. Martha Wheeler, b. 24 Dec, 1823; m. WiUiam Whittier Brown, M.D., of Manchester, 12 May, 1846. He d. in Manchester, 6 Jan., 1874. She d. there 27 Nov., 1895. ChUdren: 1. George Ames' Brown, b. in Manchester, 29 April, 1848; d. 13 AprU, 1849. 2. Frederick Whittier Brown, b. in Boscawen, 29 April, 1853; d. 20 Feb., 1855. 3. Grace Foster Brown, b. in Manchester, 7 Aug., 1857; d. 15 Oct., 1862. x. Charles Gordon, adopted child, b. 3 Oct., 1828, in Dorchester, Mass. Prominent clergyman of Unitarian denomination. Samuel' Ames {David', Samueb, Daniel') b. in C, near Meeting House at Center, 29 .luly, 1784; m., Miriam, dau. of Joseph Ayers of C, 24 March, 1813. She was b. 16 May, 1786. Both d. in C. ¦ he, 30 June, 1870; she, 14 Oct., 1873. ChUdren: i. Lorenzo', b. 22 May, 1814; m. Lydia Page, dau. of Ezekiel MorrUl of C. Children: 1. Helen', b. 26 March, 1854; d. 11 Jan., 1859. 2. Mary MorriU, b. 2 Feb., 1856; d. 27 Nov., 1858. 3. Myra Tilton, b. 7 Oct., 1860; d. 4 Sept., 1863. 4. Samuel Patten, physician, b. 29 May, 1865; m. 28 Sept., 1905, Lotta Marie, dau. of Charles E. Smiley of N. Y. City, and resides in N. Y. City. ii, Almira Frost, b. 21 Dec, 1815; m. James Madison Forrest of Northfield, 9 Sept., 1841. They moved to Fort Winnebago, Wis., where he d. 4 June, 1884. She d. in Northfield, 11 Oct., 1848. Children: 1. Adelaide Eliza' Forrest, b. 26 July, 1843; m. Joseph E, Wells of Portage, Wis., 7 June, 1871. 2. GusTAVus Ames Forrest, b. 21 Aug., 1845; m. Esther AmeUa dau. of George CUnton Kress of Manitowoc, Wis., 18 Dec, 1871. . ¦ 3. Susan Sargent Forrest, b. 9 July, 1847; m. James C. Oviatt of PardeeviUe, Wis., 9 March, 1874; d. 15 March, 1876. ill. Harriet Parker, b. 5 Aug., 1817; m. WUham Knox Holt of Loudon, 3 Aug., 1841. Both d. in Concord: he, 13 Dec, 1883; she, 19 Dec, 1876. Children: 1. Harriet Lurena' Holt, b. in Concord, 26 June, 1842; m. Alvah Harris Batchelder of Loudon, 19 Nov., 1864, 2. Charles Henry Holt, b. in Loudon, 23 Oct., 1843; m. Jen- nett Noe, dau. of James R. Finch of Brooklyn, N. Y., 9 April, 1874. 3. Ella Frances Holt, b. in Loudon, 19 May, 1845; m. James Hemy Drake of Concord, 13 Sept., 1876. 4. Ames Frank Holt, b. 20 AprU, 1847; m. Susan Annette, dau, of John Wheeler of Loudon, 24 Dec, 1873. He d. 7 Oct., 1889. 5. Benjamin Holt, b. 1 Jan., 1849. 6. Anna May Holt, b. 23 Oct., 1851. 7. Fred Samuel Holt, b. 15 March, 1855. 8. Myra Ames Holt, b. 16 May, 1860. IV. Phebe Moody, b. 15 July, 1819; m. James Locke of Concord, 3 June, 1869. She d. in East Concord, 24 July, 1885. V. Samuel Frost, b. 6 May, 1821; m. Anna Brewster, b. in Albany, N. Y. Children: 1. Brewster Frost', b. 20 Oct., 1879. 2 Miriam Frost, b. 30 Nov., 1883; d, 5 Dec, 1885, in Albany. GENEALOGIES, 7 vi, Jeremiah Forrest, b. 22 Feb., 1823; m. AngeUna Todd Allen. ChUdren b. in Albany, N. Y. 1. Allen Pepperell', b. 24 March, 1876. 2. Helen Beatrice, b. 17 Oct., 1883. vu. Hannah, b. 17 Dec, 1825; m. Amos Moody, son of Amos Cogs- weU of C.,1 Dec, 1853. Child: 1. Mary Anna' CogsweU, b. 6 Sept., 1858; teacher of languages in Wellesley CoUege, Mass. 8. Joseph Gerrish' Ames {Thomas', David', Samueb, Daniel') b. 30 AprU, 1808; m. first, 4 Sept., 1839, Elizabeth, dau. of Henry Gerrish. She d. in Bertrand, Mich., 7 Nov., 1842; m. second, 18 AprU, 1844, Rebecca Van Dervanter. He died in Three Oaks, Mich., 12 Aug., 1855. His widow m. Henry Chamberlain, who was commissioner of Berrien County in 1838 and represented the county in the legislature of 1844. Children of Joseph G. and Rebecca (Van Dervanter) Ames: i. Elizabeth', b. 21 Aug., 1845; d. 29 July, 1849. u. Isaac, b. 11 Feb., 1847; d. 15 Aug., 1849. iu. Alice, b. 8 June, 1850; d. 23 Sept., 1852. iv. Joseph Henry, b. 18 July, 1853; m. 26 Sept., 1877, Mary M. Mark- ham. Children: 1. Ahce', b. 21 Sept., 1879. 2. Lawrence Joseph, b. 7 July, 1881. 3. Robert Herman, b. 18 June, 1883. 4. Warren Cheever, b. 3 Jan., 1886. 5. Margery. 9. Samuel Albert' Ames {Thomas', David', Samueb, Daniel') b. 1 June, 1811; m. 26 Dec, 1836, Maria, dau. of Eben Batchelder of C. He d. 28 Aug., 1852. She d. in Omaha, Neb., 30 Sept., 1873. ChUdren, 1. Thomas P.', b. 26 AprU, 1838; 2. Francis W.,b. 22 AprU, 1842; 3. John A., b. 25 March, 1845. They hved with her father untU 1848, when they removed to Penacook. He was kiUed in C, by being thrown from a carriage. 10. FiSHBR' Ames {Thomas'^ David', Samueb, Danieb) b. 18 Oct., 1814; m. Mary, dau. of Nathan Plummer, 15 Feb., 1844. He d. 14 Aug., 1893. She d. 1895. He succeeded to the homestead of his father in C. After wards moved to Boscawen, and later to Concord. ChUdren: i. Sarah Plummbr', b. in Boscawen, 10 Jan., 1845. n. Henry Gerrish, b. in Boscawen, 16 Sept., 1848. M. Emily Robie, 3 July, 1873. Child: Gracie Brown', b. 9 Dec, 1875; d. 27 July, 1876. They reside in Penacook. ARLIN. 1. Addison Augustus^ Arlin, son of Harry and Mary (Herrick) Arhn, was b. in C, 1845. He m. in 1863, Abigail, dau. of Samuel B. and Mary (Rogers) Lovering of Loudon, and always Uved on the homestead with the exception of three years in Florida. He was one of ten children, aU of whom died under the age of forty years. He died April, 1883, in C. Children: i. True Frank", b. 17 Oct., 1865, in C; m. Laura EUa, dau. of Isaac Frye and Angelina G. (French) Potter of Concord. ChUd: 1. Beatrice Laura', b. 29 Aug,, 1902, in Loudon, ii, Lucy Mary, b. 1 Feb., 1868, in C; m. John W. DriscoU. (See DriscoU Gen.) 8 HISTORY OF CANTERBURY. iu. Lena Belle, b. 22 Aug., 1870; m. Charles, son of Samuel Foster of Loudon. They reside in Penacook. Children: 1. Florence Ahna', and 2. Emma Foster. , ^, , iv. Harlan Augustus, b. 22 Aug., 1872, in C; m. Blanche Chesley of Concord. Children: 1. Harold Augustus'. 2. Beryl, d. Walter. Reside in Concord. V. Gertrude Elizabeth, b. 10 May, 1878, in Tampa, Florida; m. Walter A. Foote of Penacook. Reside in Manchester. AVERY. 1. William' Avery removed from Bamstead to C; m. 30 Dec, 1835, in C, PoUy, dau. of Ebenezer and Love (Foss) Glover. Mrs. Avery d. 9 April, 1885, in C. Children: i. Davids. u. Abel. iu. John. v ,^ ^^ . , j iv. Ebenezer, m, fiirst, Mrs. Cynthia (Dearborn) McDaniel; second, 23 June, 1884, AdeUne Flanders. ChUdren by first marriage: 1. Carrie EmeUne' b. 12 AprU, 1872; d. 12 Oct., 1872. 2. Lin- nie; m. Charles Cross of Northfield. They have a dau., Lizzie', who m. Mahlon Snyder. (See Snyder Gen.) V. William, m. 26 Feb., 1875, Luceba, dau. of James Lake. ChUdren: 1. Lena', m. John Berry. 2. Hattie S. AYERS. The foUowing legend is one of the theories of the origin of this ancient name variously speUed, Ayers, Ayres, Eayers, etc., which dates back to the eleventh century in Derbyshire, Eng. "WUUam the Conqueror, fiung from his horse, and his helmet beaten into his face, was rescued by a faithful foUower named, Truelove. 'Thou shalt no longer be caUed " Truelove, " ' said the duke, 'but Ejnre (or air) for thou hast given me the eire I breathe.' Truelove was given lands in Derbyshire, a coat of arms, leg and thigh in armor cut off, and an honorary badge stUl worn by aU the Eyres in England." Who was the earhest New England ancestor of the Canterbury famUy has not been determined, but it is known that in the middle of the eighteenth century three brothers, Jonathan, John and Perkins, hved in Portsmouth, active in civU and rehgious affairs, doing l!heir share in the development of the new country. They were engaged in shipping and the various industries connected with the leather trade, at that time an important commercial interest. The records show that they were searchers and sealers of leather, 1750 to 1780. Jonathan was mentioned in 1751 as constable — 1763, surveyor of highways — 1774, "to inquire who kiUs Dear contrary to law." Perkins signed petition to selectmen "to caU a meeting of the inhabitants of Ports mouth to take action regarding the consignment of tea." He was one of the charter members of the Third Congregational Church, organized by a number of persons withdrawing from the Congregational churches of Ports mouth, with a more liberal platform for discipline and "the New England confession of faith for doctrine. " The names of Jonathan and Perkins with their sons were subscribed to the Association Test of 1776. GENEALOGIES. 9 Jonathan' Ayers m. Ahce, daughter of Edward Sherburne, who probably later returned to England. That she had the courage of her convictions is shown by the following letter: PoRTSMO. 1st Sept'r, 1795. Mrs. Alice Ayres, As you left us — and profess to Beheve in that Doctrine which we Judge to be Heresy — ^We have taken those Methods to reclaim you which the Great Head of the Chh. has enjoined on us in his Holy Word, and You stiU refuse to be reclaimed — and wUl not submit to the Dis cipline of this Chh. according to Your Solemn Covenant engagement. We do now in the fear of God reject you as a member of this Chh. and unworthy of our fellowship untill you Return by Hearty repentance, Signed by the Desire and Consent of the Third Congregational Chh. in Portsmouth, this 1st. Day of Sept. 1785 — and voted by sd. Chh. to be recorded — ( Joseph Cotton. Elders I George Jerry Osborn. ' Joseph Walton. Of her nothing more is recorded except that "she hved and died and was buried in Portsmouth." Jonathan Ayers d. in C, 14 Dec, 1801. ChUdren: 2. i. Josephs, b. 15 Aug., 1745. ii. Statira, m. Capt. Thomas Manning. ChUdren: 1. Betsey, m. BeU. 2. Mary, m. Kennard. 3. Statira, m. Dr. Pierrepont. 4. Ahce, m. Dr. Pierrepont. (2d wife.) 5. Thomas, "Tim 6. Carohne, m. Berry. 7, Sarah Ann, m. Andrew Halhburton. They had one son, Pierrepont'. His dau., Georgia', died in Portsmouth, 1910. iu. Abigail, m. Capt. John Salter, 20 Nov., 1778. Children: 1. Henry>. 2. Edward. 3. Sarah Ann, m. Hohnes. 4. Lucy. 5. Abigail. 6. Ehza, unm. iv. Alice, m. Rev. George Richards; another authority states that she m. John Simes. Perhaps she was twice m. V. Sally, unm. vi. Phebe, d. young. vii. Mary Anne, m. Converse. 3, viii. Jonathan, Jr., b. 25 Sept., 1759, in Portsmouth, ix, x: Henry and Edward went to England. 2. Josephs Ayers {Jonathan') h. in Portsmouth, 15 Aug., 1745, was hving there in 1776 as shown by his signature to the Association Test. He hved in Moultonborough in 1779-1782, serving in 1781 as selectman. Returning to Portsmouth, he moved his famUy to C. about 1785 or 1786, with such supphes as could be taken with an ox-team. Among his assets were two hogsheads of molasses and as many of rum, — ^neces sary supphes in those days. In his famUy were three slaves, Deborah, an aged colored woman who hved to be 102 years old, and her two grandsons, Prince and Caesar. Mr. Ayers became the owner of a thousand acres of land. The large colonial house with adjacent bams and granaries indicated his agricultural interests. His education was above the average, and he was one of the founders of the first public 10 HISTORY OF CANTERBURY. hbrary in the .section in which he hved; m. Sarah Bickford of Ports mouth, 14 Dec, 1767. She d. 10 Oct., 1768; m. second, 11 Oct., 1770, Miriam Frost, b. in Kittery, Me., 20 May, 1743, dau. of Charles and Sarah (PepperreU) Frost and granddau. of Andrew PepperreU who was the elder son of Col. WUham PepperreU and brother of Sir WUham PepperreU, commander at Siege of Louisburg, 1745. Joseph Ayers d. 28 AprU, 1812. Miriam (Frost) Ayers d. 20 Dec, 1834. (See "Old mttery.") Children, by first marriage: i. Joseph Sherburne', b. 30 Sept., 1768, in Portsmouth. Sea captain, m. Nancy Pitman 6 Jan., 1793. 1. One son — ^lost at sea. 2. Sarah Ann, m. 27 AprU, 1817, Capt. C. E. Goodwin, who died at sea. 3. Maria, unm. By second marriage: 4. ii. Jonathan, b. 14 Sept., 1771. iU. Polly, b. 26 Feb., 1774; d. Sept., 1774. iv. Sarah, b. 8 Nov., 1775, in Kittery; d. 26 Dec, 1776. V. Andrew Pepperrell, b. 31 Aug., 1777, in Portsmouth; d. 5 Dec, 1787, in C. vi. Statira Manning, b. 4 May, 1779, Moultonborough; m. 25 May, 1807, Charles Fernald, son of Andrew P. and Martha Fernald of Kittery. He d. soon after, and Statira lived with her sister, Mrs. Samuel Ames in C. Borough tiU her death 30 Sept., 1873, at the age of ninety-four. vii. Eliza Pepperrell, b. 2 May, 1782, Moultonborough; m. Abner Haines. She d. 21 March, 1850. (See Haines Gen.) vui. Abigail, b. 8 May, 1785, Portsmouth; d. 20 Jan., 1788. ix. Miriam (Myra), b. 16 May, 1786, C; m. Samuel Ames {David', Samueb) of the Borough, 24 March, 1813; d. in C, 14 Oct., 1873. (See Ames Gen.) 3. Jonathans Ayers, Jr. {.Tonathan') b. Sept. 25, 1759, in Portsmouth; m. Dorothy Deering of Portsmouth, b. 12 March, 1762, on 19 Feb., 1785. They moved to C. andsettled in that part of the town now in Northfield. Jonathan d. 19 Nov., 1839. Dorothy d. 16 March, 1845. ChUdren: i. Polly F.', b. 25 May, 1786; d. 23 Nov., 1796. U. Phebe, b. 15 Dec, 1787; d. 5 Jan., 1804. iu. Andrew Deering, b. 17 Nov., 1789; d. 23 July, 1853. Children: 1. Joseph A'. 2. Henry M. 3. Lucy Jane. 4. Mary L. 5. Carohne A. iv. Sarah Pepperrell, b. 13 July, 1792; d. 24 Sept., 1875; m. Sanborn. V. JoHNSiMES,b. Sept., 1794; d. 24 Aug., 1882. Children: I.Abigail Sherburne'. 2. Pameha W. 3. Mary Jane, 4. Joseph. 5. Dorothy Deering. vi. Charles Deering, b. 18 Nov., 1796; d. 6 Jan., 1883. Children: 1. Manning'. 2. Lydia S. 3. Carohne. 4. Ohve A. vu. Elihu Deering, b. 21 May, 1799; d. 6 Oct., 1872; m. Apphia Clark, 2 March, 1826. She d. 1879. Children: 1. Charles Raldo, d. 1854. 2. Jonathan Clark, d. 1885. 3. Edmund B. C, d. 1864. 4. WUham Oscar, d. 1838. 5. Sarah Carohne, d. 1882. 6. Statira Adehne. 7. Annice Pameha. vui. MARTiNP.,b. lOMay, 1801; d. 20 Aug., 1878. ChUdren: 1. Francis C'. 2. Charles A. 3. Brackett J. 4. Mary Jane. 5. Lydia C. 6. Sarah PepperreU. 7. Annette Deering. ix. William D., b. 27 June, 1803; unm.; d. 20 March, 1834. X. Statira, b. 16 Dec, 1806; unm.; d. 18 May, 1888. GENEALOGIES. 11 4. Jonathan' Ayers {Joseph; Jonathan') b. in Portsmouth, 14 Sept., 1771; stUl a lad when the family moved to C, succeeded to the homestead, adding an equal acreage in farm and timber lands. A gentleman of the old school, hospitable, courteous, intelhgent, just, hberal in rehgion, an ardent Whig, he served the town as trustee of the hbrary, justice of peace, and legislator. M. 1806, Hannah Haines, b. in C, 30 May, 1780, dau. of Samuel and Hannah (Johnson) Haines, d. 7 Dec, 1823. (See Haines Gen.) M. second, 19 Dec, 1825, Susannah (Stevens) Hackett, dau. of Deacon Jesse Stevens of the Borough, and widow of Asa Hackett, who d. 18 Feb., 1825. She was b. 23 July, 1789; d. 26 Aug., 1882. (See Stevens Gen.) Jonathan Ayers d. 5 Sept., 1849. Children aU by first marriage b. at the homestead: i. Mary Jane', b. 30 May, 1807; m. 21 Feb., 1830, John B. Chase, Northfield, who d. 10 April, 1844. Mary d. 27 June, 1850. Children b. in Northfield: 1. Ehza' Chase, d. soon after her mother, aged 19. 2. Mary Chase, m. Rev. Charles Smith, who d. March, 1910. Three chUdren: (1) Addie Smith', d. spring of 18;5. (2) Charles Smith of Portsmouth. (3) Clarence Smith of New York City. 3. Charles H. Chase, b. in 1837; m. and d. in Haverhill, Mass., leaving one son. u. Alice Sherburne, b. 13 Dec, 1809; m. 16 Dec, 1834, Nathaniel Kenison of Loudon, b. 4 Dec, 1797. They settled in Cole- brook where their four children were born. Moved to Prairie du Sac, Wis., 1856. She d. May, 1879, in Tilton. Children: 1. LuciEN Kenison, b. 12 July, 1836; d. at sea off Rio Janeiro, 4 AprU, 1856. 2. Jerome Kenison, b. 15 Dec, 1837; m. in Wis., and d. in 1867. His wife and father d. the same year. 3. Ellen A. Kenison,. b. 23 Sept., 1839; d. 25 Nov., 1859, in Prairie du Sac. 4. Isabel, b. 30 May, 1845; d. in Tilton. 5. in. Jonathan, Jr., b. 18 Feb., 1811. 6. iv. Joseph Sherburne, b. 14 Jan., 1813. 7. V. Charles Haines, b. 10 June, 1815. vi. Augustine Haines, b. 23 May, 1819; attended Gilmanton Academy; d. 7 AprU, 1845. vii. Eliza Haines, b. 25 June, 1821. Educated in New Hampton and Concord. Unm. Lived at the homestead with aged mother untU it was burned 16 Feb., 1877. She was a woman of rare attainments and attractive personality. D. 3 June, 1885, in C. vui. Henry Sherburne, b. 13 April, 1823. Student in New Hampton Inst, and Pembroke Academy. D. 24 Aug., 1844. 5. Jonathan' Ayers, Jr. {Jonathan', Joseph'', Jonathan') b. 18 Feb., 1811, BuUt a saw-mUl with dam, canal and shop, on a smaU farm on the west road. Was hcensed to preach by the FreewUl Baptist Conference, 1838. Entered GUmanton Theological Seminary and was hcensed by the Bel knap Congregational Association in 1841, renewed "without hmitation" in 1843, when he accepted a call to the church in Loudon, meeting with marked success. Failing in health, he returned to C. in 1844 and engaged in farming, lumbering and stock-raising. Active in rehgious and pohtical life he was always a student. As civil engineer, he assisted in locating the Boston, Concord and Montreal R. R., and was authority on boundary hnes in C. and adjoining towns. Represented the town 12 HISTORY OF CANTERBURY. m the legislature in 1850, 1851. In the great civil contest he upheld the National Administration. M. 22 March, 1838, Mary Rogers, b. in Deny, 20 June, 1811, dau. of Deacon Thomas Dorman and Mary (McGregor) Rogers, and grand dau. of Major WiUiam Rogers of Newbury, Mass., who served in the war of the Revolution from 19 April, 1775, to his discharge 7 Nov., 1781. She was the fourth generation from Rev. James McGregor, one of the original proprietors of Londonderry, organizer and pastor of the first Presbyterian Church in New England. Educated at Derry Academy, she was a successful teacher for several years. Removed with her father's famUy to Northfield. Jonathan d. 1 June, 1871, and Mary, 25 Jan., 1897, both in Concord. ChUdren: 8. i. Augustine Rogers', b. 28 Sept., 1839. u. Helen McGregor, b. 26 Dec, 1843, in Loudon. Student at TUton Seminary (then Northfield) and Boscawen Academy. Teacher in Concord, Fort Wayne, Ind., and Denver, Colo., 1865-1883. 9. iu. Mary Adelaide, b. 27 June, 1850. 10. iv. Samuel Haines, b. 16 Oct., 1853. 6. Joseph Sherburne' Ayers {Jonathan', Joseph', Jonathan') h. in C, 14 Jan., 1813; d. 26 May, 1887, in C. Beginning on a smaU farm in Northfield, he afterwards returned to C. Borough where he remained tiU he retired from more active hfe. Prominent in the affairs of the town. M. first, 17 Dec, 1835, Lucy Carohne, dau. of Jeremiah Emery of Loudon, b. in Concord, 10 Sept., 1818; d. in C, 15 April, 1858. M. second, 5 June, 1861, Martha Badger Lyford, b. in C, 15 Nov., 1830; d. m Northfield, 13 AprU, 1876. (See Lyford Gen.) ChUdren by first marriage: 11. i. Jeremiah Emery', b. 2 Feb., 1838, in Northfield. 12. u, Henry Clinton, b. 6 Jan., 1840, in Northfield. 13. ui. Hannah Jane, b. 21 Feb., 1842, in Northfield. iv. Walter Howard, b. 26 AprU, 1854, in C. Graduate New Hampton Inst., 1864; Dartmouth CoUege, 1868; Union Theological Sem inary, N. Y., 1871. Post-graduate course Chicago Theological Seminary. Occupied pulpits in Congregational and Presby terian churches. Traveled in Europe. Retired from the ministry and engaged in business. Now in California. 14. v, Martha Elizabeth, b. in C, 29 May, 1848; d. 7 Jan., 1912. By second marriage: vi. Lucy Caroline, b. in C, 5 Oct., 1865. Student m Gihnanton Academy. Graduate of Training School for Nurses, New Haven, Conn., 1891. Superintendent of Nurses in Woman's Hospital, Chicago, IU., Sioux City, la., and 1900-1910, in Rhode Island Hospital, Providence, R. I. 7. Charles Haines' Ayers {Jonathan', Joseph; Jonathan') b. 10 June, 1815, was a man of wide acquaintance and prominence in town and church.^ He conducted large farming operations, raising fine cattle and sheep, and was also an extensive lumber operator. He was deacon and hberal supporter of the FreewiU Baptist Church for fifty-eight years, and for many years a lay-preacher. Member of legislature 1889-1890. M. genealogies. 13 first, 4 Oct., 1838, Almira Samantha Gerrish, b. 13 March, 1815, dau, of Joseph and Susan (Hancock) Gerrish* of Northfield, now Frankhn. She d. 23 Feb., 1854. M. second, 15 Oct., 1854, EUen Maria Gerrish, youngest sister of Ahnu:a, b. in Northfield, 19 Oct., 1833, d. 1 Feb., 1899. He d. 10 May, 1900. Children all b. in C: 15. i. Joseph Gerrish', b. 3 Nov., 1839. 16. ii. Susan Gerrish, b. 29 Dec, 1841. 17. in. Charles Henry, b. 31 May, 1843. 18. iv. Ellen Maria, b. 4 Sept., 1846. 19.V. Jonathan, b. 17 Dec, 1850. 20. vi. Benjamin Franklin, b. 6 Jan., 1854. By second marriage: 21. vii. Almira Josephine, b. 2 Aug., 1855. 8. Augustine Rogers' Ayers {Jonathan', Jonathan', Joseph; Jaonthaw) h. 28 Sept., 1839, in Gilmanton; attended district school and New Hampton Inst. Enhsted Oct., 1862, in Company G, 15th Regiment N. H. Volunteers, a nine months' regiment; was wounded at the siege of Port Hudson, La., in the first assault. Returned a sergeant, Aug., 1863. Was employed in a store in Concord tiU 1865, when he went West. In 1867 returned to Concord and was engaged in mercantile business until 1891, when he retired to a farm in North Boscawen, which he now occupies, though stUl holding his residence in Concord. Mr. Ayers is a staunch, active Republican, a member of the Congregational Church, of the Grand Army of the Repubhc, of Capital Grange, and Past Master of Merrimack County Pomona Grange. M. 4 June, 1873, Clara Maria KimbaU, b. 20 March, 1848, in Lawrence, Mass., dau. of John and Maria (PhiUips) Kimball and great-granddau. of David Ames of C. Borough. Graduate of Wheaton Seminary, Norton, Mass., 1868. Children b. in Concord: i. Ruth Ambs«, b. 11 March, 1875. Graduate of Concord High School, 1893. Two years in coUege; Sloyd Manual Training School, Boston, Mass. Teacher of Manual Training in Pubhc Schools of Rochester, N. Y., Newton, Mass., Englewood, N. J., 1898- 1911. ii. John Kimball, b. 9 JiUy, 1876. Educated in Concord and Franklin Schools. Went to Colorado in 1897 and in March, 1898, to Alaska, near Dawson, where for six years he was engaged in mining. Impaired in health, he returned home in Aug., and died 7 Sept., 1904, in North Boscawen. 22. iu. Helen McGregor, born 26 Oct., 1878. *Susan (Hancock) Gerrish, mother of Almira and EUen, was the dau. of Joseph Hancock (Revolutionary soldier) and grand-dau, of Jacob Hancock (a relative of Gov. John Hancock) and the first of the name to settle in North- field. He served in the French and Indian War, also in the war of the Rev olution, being kiUed in the battle of Bunker Hill. (See Hist, of Northfield.) Henry Gerrish, their paternal grandfather, lieutenant-colonel of Stickney's regiment, was present at the surrender of Burgoyne. He m. Martha, dau. of Jeremiah Clough of C. His father, Capt. Stephen Gerrish of Newbury,Ma ss., was one of the original proprietors and settlers of Boscawen. He m. Joanna Hale, sister of Richard Hale, the father of Nathan Hale, the Martyr Spy. (See Hist, of Boscawen.) 14 history of canterbury. iv. Joseph Sherburne, b. 17 Jan., 1880; d. 7 Feb., 1880. v. Josiah Phillips, b. 15 Nov., 1881; d. 27 AprU, 1882. 23. vi. Augustine Haines, b. 1 March, 1883. , tt- t. vu. Benjamin Kimball, b. 28 March, 1888; graduate of Concord High School, 1907; Dartmouth CoUege, 1911; Yale Forestry School, Class of 1913. 9. Mary Adelaide' Ayers {Jonathan', Jonathan; Joseph', Jonathan') b. in C, 27 June, 1850. Taught four years in pubhc schools; m. WUham McClure Leaver, b. 6 Oct., 1845, youngest son of Rev. Thomas Leaver, former rector of St. Paul's Episcopal Church, Concord. He d. 6 Oct., 1908. ChUdren b. and educated in Concord: i. Thomas McGregor Leaver, b. 30 Oct., 1875; C. H. S., 1893. Now in charge of Philadelphia Branch, Baker, Ayhng & Co., Bond Brokers, Boston, Mass. u. Mary Llewellyn Leaver, b. 15 Dec, 1879, High School, 1899; m., 14 Oct., 1909, Nathaniel White Hobbs, born in Boston, 1 Nov., 1873. Yale, 1897. Attorney. Resides in Concord. Ui. Henry Ayers Leaver, b. 23 Aug., 1885. Engaged in lumber busi ness, Tacoma, Washington, 10. Samuel Haines' Ayers {Jonathan', Jonathan', Joseph', Jonathan') b. in C, 16 Oct., 1853. Admitted to Concord High School 1867. At fifteen, was employed in a store. Entered the general ticket office of . the Northern Pacific R. R. in 1871. Went to Toledo, Ohio, in 1874 as passenger accountant of the Toledo, Western and Wabash R. R. Remov ing with the Wabash offices to St. Louis, he remained with that system until caUed back to Toledo in 1882 as auditor and secretary of the Wheeling and Lake Erie Railroad, holding during the same period other positions of tmst. M. 7 Oct., 1877, Amanda EUen Ridenour, b. 5 Jan., 1855, dau. of WUham T. Ridenour, M. D., of Toledo; d. 2 Dec,- 1890, in Denver, Colo. ChUdren: i. Augustine Ridenour', b. in Toledo, 26 Oct., 1878. Graduate of CorneU University, 1900. Entered employ of Lake Shore and Michigan Southern Railroad. 1910, mechanical engineer of the Lake Shore System. ii. Helen Beach, b. in Toledo, 11 Jan., 1880. Toledo High School, Class 1898. Special student at Radcliffe CoUege, 1900. Normal course in Toledo, 1901-1902; European travel, 1903. Teacher in Colorado Springs, Colo. ui. William Tarleton, b. in St. Louis, 28 July, 1881. Graduate of Toledo High and Manual Training Schools, 1899. Commercial business in Toledo. iv. OLivERGARRisoN,b. in Toledo, 5 July, 1883. In business in Seattle, Washington. 11. Jeremiah Emery' Ayers {Joseph', Jonathan', Joseph', Jonathan') b. 2 Feb., 1838, in Northfield. Graduate Dartmouth CoUege, 1863. Teacher in Boys' High School, Portsmouth, 1863-1865. Professor in Western University, Pa., 1865-1870. Principal of Ayers Latin School, Pittsburgh, Pa., 1870-1873. 1873 removed to Denver, Colo., engaged in real estate business and later in agriculture. Active in church and Sunday School. M. 6 July, 1869, Anna Rea, b. at Pittsburgh, Pa., 19 genealogies. 15 Oct., 1841, dau. of Samuel and Ehzabeth (McKee) Rea, and grand- dau. of Capt. John Rea of Pennsylvania of the Revolutionary War; and later ten years in Congress. Graduate of Chestnut St. Seminary, Phil adelphia, 1860. Children: 24. i. Joseph Henry', b. in Pittsburgh, 29 Nov., 1870. u. Miriam Frost, b. and d. Denver, 8 Nov., 1874. 25. iu. Elsie Carleton, b. 17 Feb., 1876, in Denver. iv. Lucy Emery, b. 14 Jan., 1882. Graduate High School, 1901; State Normal School, 1903. Teacher in Hawaii 1904-1906. M. 14 July, 1910, Edward Penn Smith, born in Ripon, Wis., 12 Aug., 1882. Graduateof Lawrence University, A. B., 1905. Madison University, 1909; d. at TaUadega, Ala., 28 Dec, 1910. 12. Henry Clinton' Ayers {Joseph; Jonathan', Joseph; Jonathan') h. 6 Jan., 1840. Graduate, Dartmouth College, 1864. Taught in Ogdens- burgh, N: Y., 1864-1865; Toledo Public Schools, 1865-1866. Removed to Pittsburgh, Pa., and became prominent in hfe insurance. Was for many years elder in the Presbyterian Church. M. 28 Dec, 1871, Mary Laughlin Rea, youngest dau. of Samuel Rea, b. in Pittsburgh 19 Dec, 1849. He d. 27 Sept., 1899, in Pittsburgh. Children: 26. i. Elizabeth Rea', b. in TitusviUe, Pa., 17 Feb., 1874. u. Eleanorb Sherburne, b. in Sewickley, Pa., 29 Aug., 1884. Edu cated in Washington Seminary, Pa., and Saint Margaret's School, Waterbury, Conn. Traveled in Europe, Ssrria and Egypt. 13. Hannah Jane' Ayers {Joseph', Jonathan', Joseph', Jonathan') h. in Northfield 21 Feb., 1842. Graduate of KimbaU Union Academy, Meriden, 1863. M. 8 May, 1869, John Preston Carr, attorney, of Andover. They moved to Tipton, where he d. 15 July, 1874. She d. 29 Nov., 1896, in Waterbury, Conn. ChUdren b. in Tipton, Mo.: i. Genevra Eliza' Carr, b. 23 March, 1870; d. in C, 5 AprU, 1878. ii. Preston Howard Carr, b. 11 July, 1871. Educated in High School, LoweU, Mass. Entered electrical business. Went to the Can adian Klondike country, March, 1898, and engaged in mining. M. in Seattie, Wash., 8 Nov., 1905, Bertha May MacFate, dau. of John and Anna MacFate, b. 11 June, 1879, at St. John, Canada. Residence, Seattle, engaged in real estate business. 14. Martha Elizabeth' Ayers {Joseph', Jonathan', Joseph', Jonathan') b. in C, 29 May, 1848. Graduate of KimbaU Union Academy, 1866. Successful teacher. M. 29 May, 1873, Joseph Gerrish Clough, b. 18 May, 1835, d. 7 July, 1900. (See Clough Gen.) ChUdren b. in C: i. Alice Ayers' Clough, b. 23 June, 1874; d. 23 July, 1875. -27. ii. Harry Gerrish Clough, b. 2 Oct., 1876. 15. Joseph Gerrish' Ayers {Charles', Jonathan', Joseph', Jonathan') h. 3 Nov., 1839. Graduate University of Vermont, 1864. Second and first lieutenant Co. G, 15th Regiment, N. H. Volunteers, 11 Oct., 1862, to 13 Aug., 1863. (Thirteen men of this company went from Ct.) Acting asst. surgeon, U. S. Army, 28 June to 27 Oct., 1864; acting asst. -surgeon, U. S. Navy, 17 Dec, 1864, to 24 Sept., 1866; commis- 16 history of canterbury. sioned asst. surgeon in regular navy, 8 Oct., 1866. Medical Director U. S. Navy. Placed on retired hst on reaching age limit — ^rank rear admiral, 3 Nov., 1901. Residence Port Jervis, N. Y. M. 11 July, 1884, Ohnda Ann Austin, b. 9 Nov., 1861, dau. of Rev. AJonzo E. and IsabeUa (Camp) Austm of New York City. ChUdren b. in C: i. Joseph Gerrish', b. 11 July, 1887. Yale, Class of 1909. ii. Charles Haines Austin, b. 24 AprU, 1889. Yale, Class of 1911. 16. Susan Gerrish' Ayers {Charles; Jonathan', Joseph', Jonathan') h. 29 Dec, 1841; m. 25 AprU, 1865, James RUey Young, born in Lisbon, 31 Jan., 1828. Mr. Young was a merchant in Lyman and Lisbon for twenty years. Later, with Charles Parker, organized the Parker & Young Manufacturing Company of Lisbon. He d. in Lisbon, 21 Feb., 1884. ChUdren b. in Lisbon: 28. i. Emily Aybrs» Young, b. 29 Oct., 1866. 29. u. Ellen Louise Young, b. 10 April, 1871. iu. Susan Almira Young, b. 8 AprU, 1873; d. 14 Nov., 1873. iv. Charles Ayers Young, b. 27 July, 1874. Student at TUton Sem inary and Worcester, Mass., Academy. Business course in Boston. Engaged in lumber business in Lisbon, in the Philip- pines and in Canada. M. 20 Nov., 1905, Bessie Jane Brown, b. in Wentworth, 23 Aug., 1881, dau. of James B. and Eva (MerriU) Brown. 17. Charles Henry' Ayers {Charles; Jonathan', Joseph; Jonathan') h. 31 May, 1843, as a young man entered the lumber business. Later was interested in railroading in the West. In 1877, he returned to C. and engaged in farming. M. 30 May, 1876, Martha Jane Day, b. in Mc- Keesport, Pa., 15 Aug., 1846. Children b. in C: i. Charles Haines', b. 8 Aug., 1878; d. 5 AprU, 1882. u. Henry Day, b. 14 July, 1882. Graduate Boston University, A.B, 1908. Teacher of German. 18. Ellen Maria' Ayers {Charles; Jonathan', Joseph; Jonathan') h. 4 Sept., 1846; m. 16 June, 1870, Charles Edward Cummings, b. in Lisbon, 28 Feb., 1847, d. in Canton, Mo., 9 Sept., 1897. Mr. Cummings was engaged in an extensive lumber business in Canton from 1872 tiU the time of his death. M. second, 20 Nov., 1901, in Canton David M. Hibbard, b. m Monroe, 20 Nov., 1840, d. in Canton, Mo., 27 Feb., 1902. He and Mr. Cummings were for many years business partners. Chil dren by first marriage, b. in Canton: i. Susan Ellen» Cummings, b. 7 Jan., 1873. M. 29 AprU, 1896, Joseph Cason, a successful merchant m Canton, b. 28 Sept., 1871. 30, ii. Karl Grebnleaf Cummings, b. 29 Nov., 1877. in. Albert Edward Cummings, b. 15 March, 1880. Engaged in the lumber business organized by his father and later in the north west. 19. Jonathan' Ayers {Charles', Jonathan', Joseph', Jonathan') h. 17 Dec, 1850. Electrician. Improved, also invented, several of the first electrical signals used on the New York Central R. R. Later had genealogies. 17 charge of all the electric fire alarm signals in New York City, and invented several electrical devices. At the time of his death, he was controller of golden stock instruments in Wall Street. He also invented a musical instrument, the principle of which is now used in the pianola. M. 9 Sept., 1875, in St. Patrick's Cathedral, N. Y., Mary Frances Delany, b. 28 April, 1855, d, 2 June, 1882, Jonathan d, 2 April, 1882, in C. Children, b. in New York City: 31. i. Susan Tildbn' Veronica, b. 25, Oct., 1876. ii. Mary Frances Leontine, b. 15 Jan., 1878, Educated at St. Gabriel's Academy, New York City. ui. John, b. 26 Jan., 1879; d. 2 July, 1879. 20. Benjamin Franklin' Ayers {Charles; Jonathan; Joseph', Jonathan') h. 6 Jan., 1854; m. 3 Dec, 1885, Pameha Ella Roberts of Northfield, b. 4 June, 1867. One son, Herman Eugene', b. 14 Jan., 1890, in North- field, 21. Almira Josephine' Ayers {Charles; Jonathan; Joseph; Jonathan') h. 2 Aug., 1855; m. 29 Oct., 1878, WiUiam Young Sargent, b. in C, 19 April, 1851. One daughter: Myra Ayers' Sargent, b. in C, 12 Oct,, 1888; d. 14 Oct., 1888. 22. Helen McGregor' Ayers {Augustine', Jonathan', Jonathan', Joseph', Jonathan') b. in Concord, 26 Oct., 1878. Graduate of Concord High School, 1897, Wheaton Seminary, 1900. M. 10 Oct., 1905, Robert John Graves, M. D., b. in Boscawen, 22 June, 1878. Graduate of Har vard University, 1900. Harvard Medical School, 1903. Residence, Concord . ChUdren : i. Katharine' Graves, b. 3 Aug., 1906. u. Jane Phillips Graves, b. 28 Jan., 1909. 23. Augustine Haines' Ayers {Augustine', Jonathan*, Jonathan', Joseph', Jonathan^) h. in Concord, 1 March, 1883. C. H. S. 1902. Dartmouth CoUege, 1906. Thayer School Civil Engineering, 1907. Asst. instructor in University of Wis., 1907, 1908. 1910, Asst. engineer, So. Alberta Land Co., Alberta, Canada. M. 29 June, 1909, Bernice Celeste MiUen, b. in Winona, Minn., 17 June, 1888, dau. of James Dixon and Kathleen MiUen. ChUd: John Kimball', b. in Winona, 14 Dec, 1910. 24. Joseph IJenry' Ayers {Jeremiah', Joseph', Jonathan', Joseph; Jonathan^) b. in Pittsburgh, 29 Nov., 1870. Educated in schools of Denver and Colorado Springs, Colo. Accountant-cashier of the Rocky Mt. Fuel Co. M. 25 Sept., 1895, Ruth VaUette of Chicago, IU. Children: i. Agnes Miriam', b. and d., 11 June, 1898. ii. Adelaide Elizabeth, b. 25 Oct., 1900. ui. Anna Rea, b. in Littleton, Colo., 27 Jan., 1906, d. 18 July, 1907. iv. Joseph Sherburne, b. in Littleton, Colo., 4 Sept., 1908. 25. Elsie Carleton' Ayers (Jeremiah', Joesph; Jonathan', Joseph; Jona than') b, in Denver, 17 Feb., 1876. Graduate of Chicago Kindergarten 3-II 18 history of canterbury. CoUege, 1899. Principal of Kindergarten, Ft. Collins, Cols'., 1901- 1905. M. 27 May, 1905, Harry Carson Riddle, b, in Allegheny, Pa., 4 Feb,, 1869, moved to Colorado, 1881, admitted to bar 1896, elected district judge, 1906. CliUdren b. in Denver: i. Carson' Riddle, b. 23 March, 1906. ii. Lucy Ayers Riddle, b. 7 Aug., 1907. iu. Elizabeth Rea Riddle, b. 4 April, 1911. 26. Elizabeth Rea' Ayers {Henry, Joseph', Jonathan', Joseph', Jonathan') b. 17 Feb., 1874, in TitusviUe, Pa., educated in Pittsburgh and Morris- town, N. J. M. 1892, Graham Chapin WeUs, b. in Denver, 13 Oct., 1872. Residence, Pittsburgh. A son: Chnton Ayers' WeUs, b. in Pittsburgh, 6 Sept., 1900. 27. Harry Gerrish' Clough {Martha E.', Joseph', Jonathan', Joseph', Jonathan') b. 2 Oct., 1876, in C. Student in Kezer Seminary. Engaged in mercantUe business tiU his father's death in 1900, when he returned to C. M. 1906, Laura Maud Buehler, b. 6 Jan., 1877, in Fort Fred Steele, Wyoming. Children b. in C,: i. Beulah' Clough, b. 20 Dec, 1906. ii. Mary Elizabeth Clough, b. 1 July, 1908. (See Clough Gen.) 28. Emilie Ayers' Young {Su^an', Charles', Jonathan', Joseph', Jonathan') b. 29 Oct., 1866, in Lisbon; graduate of St. Johnsbury Academy, Boston University, College Liberal Arts, A. B. 1891, School of Medicine, 1893. M. 19 Feb., 1895, Robert Lincohi O'Brien, b. in Abington, Mass., 14 Sept., 1865. Mr. O'Brien was a graduate of Harvard, 1891, private secretary of Grover Cleveland between his administrations, executive clerk of the White House during his second term of oflice, Washington correspondent and, later, editor of the Boston Transcript; 1910, editor and manager of the Boston Herald. Children: i. MmiAM' O'Brien, b. 22 July, 1898, Forest Glen, Md. u. Emily Young O'Brien, b. 30 Sept., 1905, Whitefield; d. 1 Nov., 1905. iu. Lincoln O'Brien, b. 4 Feb., 1907, Boston, Mass. 29. Ellen Louise' Young {Susan', Charles', Jonathan', Joseph', Jonathan^) h. 10 AprU, 1871, Lisbon; graduate at St. Johnsbury Academy (Vt.) 1891, special course of two years at CoUege Liberal Arts, Boston Uni versity. M. 3 June, 1897, Lucian Scott Ash, b. 21 Sept., 1870, in Lisbon. Children b. in Lyman: i. Roland Sherburne' Ash, b. 18 Jan., 1900; d. 21 Jan., 1900. u. Marjorib Ash, b. 11 June, 1901. in. Dana Wellington Ash, b. 18 July, 1904. 30. Karl Greenlbap Cummings {Ellen', Charles; Jonathan', Joseph', Jona than'') b. 29 Nov., 1877, Canton, Mo., engaged with his brother Albert in the lumber business organized by his father tUl 1910 when he moved to Oregon. M. 18 Jan., 1906, Mary Maple Waters, b. 26 July, 1897. One child: Margaret,' b. 17 Sept., 1909, Canton. genealogies. 19 31. Susan Tilton Veronica' Ayers {Jonathan', Charles', Jonathan', Joseph', Jonathan') h. 25 Oct., 1876, N. Y. Educated at St. Gabriel's Academy, Ursuline Seminary and National Academy of Design. M, 10 Nov., 1909, Charles H, Coveny. One child: Frances Ayers' Coveny, b, 23 Aug., 1910, New York City, BAGLEY, 1. Samuel' Bagley b. 30 Jan., 1766; m. Marion , b. 9 March, 1770. He served in war 1812, 2. Johns Bagley {Samueb) b, 4 Jan,, 1796, d, Aug., 1836; m, 21 Dec, 1826, Sarah Hunnewell. 3, George W.' Bagley {John; Samuel') b. 16 Jan., 1828, at Candia; d. 21 Aug., 1892, at Boscawen. M. 1856, Mary C, dau. of John and Alice (Arlin) Hanson, at Sanbomton, She was b. 20 Feb., 1840, at Boscawen. (John Hanson was b. in Aug., 1800; d. 15 Aug., 1880. Ahce, his wife d. 28 Nov., 1902. John's father, who was also John, served in the war of 1812.) Mary C. Bagley later m. John B. Carter. Children: 4. i. Samie Elwood', b. 9 Jan., 1857, in Boscawen. 5. ii. Harry Leonidas, b. 1 March, 1858, in Boscawen. 6. in. Ida Sblina, b. 7 July, 1861, in Boscawen. 7. iv. Florence Gertrude, b. 14 Sept., 1865, at C. 4. Samie E.' Bagley {George', John', Samuel') h. 9 Jan., 1857; m. 24 March, 1887, Ahce May George, b. 24 March, 1861. One child: Lewis Mer riU, b. 20 Jan., 1888, at DanvUle, d. 21 Jan., 1888. 5. Harry L.' Bagley {George', John', Samueb) b. 1 March, 1858, at Bos cawen; m. 11 Feb., 1891, at E, Concord, Nelhe Blakesley, dau. of Charles C, P. and Lois F. (Danforth) Moody, She was b, 11 Feb., 1874, at E. Concord. ChUdren all b. in C. : i. Harry Leb', b. 10 May, 1895; d. 9 Sept., 1900. u. Dorothy May, b. 9 Jan., 1897. iii. Evelyn Ingalls, b. 28 June, 1898. iv. Alice Almeda, b. 18 Oct., 1902. V. George Leonidas, b. 26 Sept., 1903. vi. Mary Lucia, b. 19 Sept., 1908. 6. Ida Selina' Bagley {George', John', Samuel') b. 7 July, 1861 ; m. 7 Feb., 1894, Alfred G. Chase. 7. Florence Gertrude' Bagley {George', John', Samueb) b. 14 Sept., 1865; m. Almon J. SmaU. (See SmaU Gen.) BATCHELDER. 1. Ebenezer' Batchelder of Loudon m. 19 May, 1818, in C, Abiah, dau. of Simon and Ehzabeth (Boynton) Stevens, b. 12 Oct., 1793, in C. They resided in C, until late in life, when they removed to Ohio. Children: 20 history of canterbury. i. Mary Janes, b. 21 June, 1821. ii. Eliza Ann, b. 11 March, 1825; m. Orlando Stevens (See Stevens Gen.) in. Abigail B., b. 3 Dec, 1827. ^, iv. Charles Washington, b. 23 July, 1830; m. Mary Jape Chase (see Chase Gen.), b. 1 Aug., 1841. In 1877 they removed to Columbus, O., where she d. 21 Aug., 1910. V. Thomas Jefferson, b. 12 July, 1832. BATCHELDER. 1. Ebenezer' Batchelder m^ 16 April, 1795, Hannah Heath of Northfield; d. 1840. Children: i. Johns, m. Sally Batchelder of Loudon. Children: 1. Charles m. — Sweatt. 2. Frank m. Addie Morrill; after his death she m. George Abbott of Penacook. 2. u. Ebenezer, b. 6 March, 1797. in. Maria, m. 26 Dec, 1836, Albert, son of Thomas and Lucy (Foster) Ames. Sons, Thomas and Francis. Albert Ames d. 28 Aug., 1852; his wife d. 30 Sept., 1873, in Omaha, Neb. iv. Almyra, b. 7 June, 1805; m. David M. Clough. (See Clough Gen.) 2. Ebenezers Batchelder {Ebenezer') b. 6 March, 1797: m. 19 Dec, 1821, Ehzabeth KimbaU, b. 18 Nov., 1802, in C. He d. 21 May, 1867. She d. 8 Oct., 1888. Children: i. Pamelia', b. 13 Dec, 1823; m. 16 July, 1843, Horace W. Matthews. (See Matthews Gen.) 3. u. Silas K., b. 3 March, 1826. 4. ui. John Ham, b. 27 AprU, 1828. iv. Mary Elizabeth, b. 3 March, 1835; m. Phihp C. Clough. (See Clough Gen.) v. Sarah Anna, b. 23 July, 1836; m. Dan W. MorriU. (See MorrUl Gen.) vi. Eben Laroy, b. 15 April, 1842; m. Susan A. Clough. (See Clough Gen.) 3. Silas K.' Batchelder {Ebenezer', Ebenezer') b. 3 March, 1826; m. 26 May, 1849, Ehzabeth A. Hupkms. He d. 14 Sept., 1879. Children: i. Abbie Maria', b. 29 July, 1850; m. 2 July, 1873, James M. Gilmore, of Putnam, Conn., b. Dec, 1838. Children: 1. Jennie Ida' b. 20 Dec, 1876; m. 31 Aug., 1896, Fred Currington. 2. Josie L, b. 14 Sept., 1879. ii. Joseph Orman, b. 8 May, 1852, m. 23 June, 1875, Emma Augusta Buttrick, b. 23 March, 1855. He d. 17 Feb., 1896. Children: 1. Mabel Clover, b. 14 March, 1877. 2. Maud CecUe, b. 11 Oct., 1882. ui. Ida Ocilla, b. 22 Feb., 1855. iv. Fred Silas, b. 23 Oct., 1857; d. 13 March, 1889. 4. John Ham' Batchelder {Ebenezer', Ebenezer') b. 27 AprU, 1828; m. Sarah dau. of Jonathan Bradley of Vienna, Me. She was b. 3 Jan., 1833; d. 22 Sept., 1904. John H. d. 7 Jan., 1894, both in Penacook. ChUdren b. m C: i. George C.', b. 5 April, 1861, in Boston; d. 4 Oct., 1892. u. Harry Victor, b. 13 Feb., 1874. genealogies. 21 BATTIS— BATTES. 1. Sampson' Battis was doubtless the first person of the name of Battis in C The exact date of his birth is not known, but it was probably in 1750. He was in C. as early as 1776, as he enhsted in the Revolution ary War in this town. His age is then given as 26. He m. Lucy Carey, a West India Indian. The Boscawen town history states that she was a slave of WUham Coffin. Mr. Battis is said to have hved to the age of 103 years. A stone appropriately inscribed marks his grave in the C. Center cemetery. He had two children Sophia and Sampson — perhaps others. 2, Sophias Battis {Sampson') m, WiUiam Robinson. They had two sons Natt. and Jack. Natt. m. Twombly; they had 22 children, of whom six daughters are now hving. Sarah resides at Winnes- quam, East Tilton, Annie, m. Hilhard and resides in Laconia, Cora, m. Graves and resides in Enfield, Martha, m. Hoyt and resides in Gilman ton, Nelhe, m. HUliard and resides in Weirs, Ida. 3. Sampsons Battis {Sampson') m. Betsey Lester who was of Irish parentage. ChUdren aU b. in C. : Eliza', b. 1 Jan., 1815. Nathaniel Hall, b. 30 Nov., 1816. Luther, b. 2 July, 1821. Calvin Dustin, b. 27 Oct., 1823. Prudence, b. 18 Oct,, 1827. John Franklin Lester, b. 1 Sept., 1829. vii. Horatio, b. 11 Oct., 1834; d. 16 Ja;n., 1847, 4. Eliza' Battis {Sampson; Sampson') m. Ephraim Haskell. They had eight chUdren. Of these Charles C. HaskeU is now at the Soldiers' Home in TUton. 5, Nathaniel' Battes {Sampson; Sampson') m. first, 6 Jan., 1843, Jane Glover, second Margaret Harris. Nathaniel Battes d. 30 Sept., 1895 in C. Child by first marriage. i. Electa*, m. Charles Moody. They have a son who is m. and has one son, and a dau. who m. George A. Jones of Gihnanton. They have six dau., Myrtie who m. Jason Fogg of Gihnanton, Emily who m. Homer Davis of Laconia, Carrie, Eva, Edith, and Ethel. ChUdren by second marriage : ii. Henry, m. ChUdren : Ernest and Maora Currier. She m. and has a son. iii. Thomas went to sea, and did not return. iv. Nathaniel m. and had a son, Fred A., and a dau. His dau. m. John R. Hickey of Manchester. They have a dau. Katharine. V. Alonzo, m. No children. vi. George 0., m. He has one dau., Clyde Wescom', who is m. vu, David, m. Children, Maude', Nettie, Chariie, Ada, Hubert and Ida. Maude m. Charhe Wiggins. Nettie m. Lonnie Blanchard. viii. Jennie, m. Charies Davis. Children: Iva', Charlie, Harry. 4. i. 5. ii. iii. 6. iv. 7. V. 8. vi. 22 HISTORY of canterbury. 6. Calvin Dustin' Battes {Sampson', Sampson') b. 27 Oct., 1823; m. 1847, Ann M., dau. of George Castle; her mother was of German nationality, her father was a mulatto. She d. 22 Dec, 1874. ChUdren: 9. i. Mattib a.', b. 30 AprU, 1863. u. A son who d. at the age of four. 7. Prudence' Battes {Sampson; Sampson^) m. Joseph Bland. They had one dau. and six sons: Fannie, Charles, WUliam, James, Nathan, Reuben and Everett. 8. John Franklin Lester' Battes {Sampson', Sampson') b. 1 Sept., 1829; m. in Warner, Lydia A., dau. of Henry Burnham. She was b. in C. ; d. Sept., 1877, in Gihnanton. ChUdren: 10. i. Emma E.', b. 11 Jan., 1867. u. Malvina, b. 3 July, 1871. in. Harry J., b. 7 Feb., 1872; d. 28 AprU, 1899. iv. John H., b. 17 Dec, 1873. V. Walter H., b. 9 Jan., 1875; d. 10 Sept., 1895. 9. Mattib A.' Battes {Calvin Dustin', Sampson', Sampson') b. 30 AprU, 1863, in C; m. first, 17 Dec, 1881, in Northfield, Benjamin F. MorriU, son of Mrs. Diana Roberts; m. second, 3 Dec, 1902, Patrick A. Welch in Manchester. ChUdren by first marriage: i. Arthur F.', b. 9 Oct., 1882. u. Herman H., b. 23 Aug., 1886; d. 19 March, 1887. iu. Harry F., b. 30 July, 1888; d. 26 Aug., 1888. 10. Emma E.' Battes {John F. L.; Sampson; Sampson'') b. 11 Jan., 1867, m. June, 1883, George F. Haskell of GUmanton. Children: i. Elmena M.«, b. 17 Feb., 1885; m. 23 March, 1902, John H. Paul of Sanbomton, two dau. u. Maud A., b. 11 April, 1887; m. Sept., 1904, Arthur A. Dowes of Bel mont, two sons. ui. Elizabeth J., b. 14 April, 1888; m. 16 Dec, 1905, Bert E. Oleary of Bristol. iv. Ivan P., b. 11 Jan., 1890. BECK. 1. Henry' Beck came to America m 1635 from England; m. Ann Frost of Piscataqua. Children: Joshuas, Thomas, Caleb, Henry and Mary. He settled at Portsmouth. 2. Thomass Beck {Henry-) b. about 1657 in Portsmouth; m. Mary Frost. ChUdren: Thomas', Joshua, AbigaU, Henry, Mary, Samuel and Hannah. He d. 7 Nov., 1734; she d. 25 Feb., 1753. 3. Henry' Beck {Thomas', Henry) b. about 1695 in Portsmouth where he afterwards resided. His wife was Jane, dau. of John and Judith Cate of Greenland. In 1765 he bought land and buUdings in Rumford (Concord) and located near the Loudon line. ChUdren: Mary, Mar garet, John, Nathaniel, Hannah, Elizabeth and Henry. GENEALOGIES. 23 4. Henry' Beck {Henry, Thomas; Henry) b. 27 Jan., 1739, probably in Portsmouth, and d. 30 Jan., 1811, in C.; m. 20 Jan., 1762, Ahce Thomp son of Greenland, b. 15 Dec, 1742; d. 20 Jan., 1841, in C. Settling in Concord, they became interested in the Shakers, who had recently organized in C, and joined that community with their children. Be coming dissatisfied, they withdrew and settled on a farm a mile south of Shaker VUlage. Their daughters Sarah and Anne remained with the Shakers, and their first son, John, became an elder in the Shaker church at Enfield, where he d. 3 Sept., 1844. Children: i. Sarah', b. 28 Dec, 1763; d. 11 Jan., 1851. ii. Hannah, b. 1 Aug., 1767. ui. Molly, b. 18 April, 1769; d. 25 July, 1781. iv. Anne, b. 13 April, 1771 ; d. 31 Dec, 1852. V. John, twin, b. 4 June, 1773. vi. Margaret, twin, b. 4 June, 1773. vii. Charles, b. 29 May, 1775. viu. Clement, b. 3 Nov., 1780. 5. ix. Henry, b. 2 Oct., 1783. x. Polly, b. 8 AprU, 1785. 5. Henry' Beck {Henry; Henry, Thomas; Henry) b. 2 Oct., 1783, in Con cord; m. 25 Dec, 1805, in C, Mary (PoUy), dau. of Leonard Whitney and his first wife, whose name was Wheeler. She was b. 18 July, 1787, in C; d. 25 Sept., 1857. He d. 28 Oct., 1874. Children b. m C: i. Melinda', b. 6 May, 1807; m. Isaac Hoague; d. in C. 17 Jan., 1895. No children. 6. u. Catherine, b. 9 Jan., 1810. iii. Albert, b. 6 May, 1812, m. Mary Lord. iv. John, b. 31 Jan., 1817. 7. V. Thompson, b. 6 June, 1819. vi. Abiel, b. 19 March, 1821. VU. Margaret, b. 20 May, 1823; m. Shepard Phillips. (See Philhps Gen.) vui. Lowell, b. 27 Aug., 1825; d. 11 Nov., 1908, m C, unm. ix. DiANTHA, b. 15 Dec, 1828. 8. X. Alvin, b. 28 Nov., 1831. 6. Catherinb' Beck {Henry; Henry; Henry) b. 9 Jan., 1810; m. 23 April, 1832, in C. Amos, son of Thomas Sargent, of Loudon. Amos was b. in 1806 in Loudon, where he d. 15 Aug., 1881. Catherine d. 1 March, 1874. ChUdren b. in Loudon: i. Elbrhsge E.', b. 13 Feb., 1833; d. 2 July, 1894. u. David, b. 7 Feb., 1836; d. 7 Oct., 1836. m. Mary A., b. 29 May, 1838; d. 27 Aug., 1890. iv. David S., b. 9 March, 1844; d. 20 Jan., 1907. V Albert B., b. 2 Sept., 1848; m. first, EUen, dau. of Calvin and Amanda (Whitney) Eaton of Concord, d. 20 Nov., 1904, m Loudon; m. second, 25 Feb., 1909, in Loudon, Mrs. Kate B. Wheeler, widow of Doddridge and dau. of WUham P. and Abbie M. (Sweatt) Dow. She d. 23 Jan., 1910. No chUdren. 7. Thompson' Beck {Henry; Henry) b. 6 June, 1819; m. 1 AprU, 1858, Deha C, dau. of Thomas and PoUy (Blanchard) Fernald of Loudon, b. 28 March, 1828, in Loudon, d. 2 Oct., 1906, in C. Thompson d. 1 Dec, 24 history of CANTERBURY. 1901. In 1874 he removed from the old home where his ancestors had Uved for three generations to the "Ames" farm in the Baptist Dis trict. ChUdren b. in C; i. John A.,' b. 10 Oct., 1859. ii. Fannie E., b. 12 April, 1861; d. 11 June, 1894. ui. Nellie, b. 24 Nov., 1863; d. 15 Jan., 1878. iv. Charles, b. 14 Sept., 1865; d. 30 Sept., 1906, unm. 8. Alvin' Beck {Henry; Henry) b. 28 Nov., 1831; m. fiirst, Mary Bickford; m. second, Mrs Mary Josephine (Travers) Bickford, b. 5 May, 1842, in Chelsea, Mass.; d. 18 Sept., 1910, m TUton. Alvm d. 24 Dec, 1894, in Loudon, where he had resided for many years. ChUd by first marriage: i. Clara Belle', m. Nathaniel Currier. ChUdren: 1. Eugene". 2. Clara Belle. 3. Otis. 4. Frank. ChUdren by second marriage, b. in Loudon: ii. Henry, b. 1 March, 1863; d. 11 March, 1893, in Loudon; m. LiUa A. MerriU, who d. 17 May, 1892. No chUdren. ui. Josephine Luella, b. 26 Dec, 1866; m. 24 Dec, 1887, Herbert Alvi, son of MerriU and Mary E. (Stevens) Storey. Herbert A. was b. 3 Feb., 1863, in Littleton. Child: Esther Lela', b. 12 Sept., 1899. BLANCHARD. The connection between the Blanchards of C. and of Northfield is not clear, but those of Northfield claim descent from the same ancestor, Thomas, the Huguenot, who came to America in 1639 in the s\Ap- Jonathan and set tled in Braintree, Mass., in 1646. It was a, Benjamin Blanchard who was the first settler in Northfield, and he went up from the fort in C. in 1760 through the unbroken forest to the foot of Bay HUl and located on the farm later owned by Judge Peter Wadleigh. Having made a clearing and erected a shelter, he went back for his wife, Bridget Fitzgerald, and nine children (History of Northfield, Part II, p. 23). Benjamin's father was scalped by the Indians in their raid on C. in 1746, near his home not far from the fort. The father's name is given as both Benjamin and Richard (see Chapter II, Vol. I of C, History). 1. Benjamin Blanchard was probably a scout on duty in C. in 1746 after the date of his father's death, and he signed with others a petition to the Provincial Government in 1748 for protecting the grist miU of Henry Lovejoy in West Concord (Bouton's History of Concord, page 176). He m. Bridget Fitzgerald and had nine chUdren before he emigrated to Northfield on 1760. 2. Edwards Blanchard {Benjamin') was captain of a company in Col. John Stark's regiment in the Revolution. He married and had children, 3. Ebbnezer' Blanchard {Edward', Benjamin') b. 12 June, 1768; m. Sarah Smith, b. March, 1774, and d. m Frankhn 2 Nov,, 1854. She was a native of Windham. Her mother, whose maiden name was Isabella GENEALOGIES. 25 Wasson, was b. in Scotland and was one of the Londonderry Scotch- Irish Colony. Children of Ebenezer and Sarah (Smith) Blanchard: i. Isabella S.', b. 23 Dec, 1795, d. 18 June, 1882; m. James West, b. 5 May, 1794; d. 11 Jan., 1848. 4. u. Alice, b. 28 Feb., 1800. hi. Cynthia P., b. 1804; d. 1838. iv. Clarissa A., b. 1815; m. Stephen Kenrick, b. 1806, and d. 1884; she d. 1893. 4. Alice' Blanchard {Ebenezer; Edward', Benjamin') b. 28 Feb., 1800; m. 15 Nov., 1821, Kendal 0. Peabody, b. 20 Dec, 1792, and d. 23 Jan., 1855. She was a graduate of Bradford Academy, Mass., in 1818, and d. 23 Dec, 1832. Mr. Peabody m. second, 30 Dec, 1833, Betsey Austm, b. 10 Oct., 1796, and d. 19 Dec, 1869. Children by first wife: 5. i. Sarah B.', b. 11 Dec, 1825. u. Ellen Noyes, b. 10 April, 1828; d. 28 Jan., 1859; m. 7 Sept., 1854, WUham Frederick Goodwm, b. 27 Sept., 1823. He graduated at Bowdoin CoUege 1848, and at Harvard Law School 1854; taught school and practiced law in Concord. He was lieutenant of the 16th U. S. Infantry in the Civil War, and did fine serv ice at Hoover's Gap and at Chickamauga, where he was wounded. He d. March 12, 1872. Mr. and Mrs. Goodwin had one child, Susan Austin', b. 29 July, 1855, d. 26 Aug., 1856. in. Charles Kjendall, b. 23 June, 1830; d. 11 Jan., 1849. ChUdren by second wife : iv. David Austin, b. 3 Oct., 1835; d. 10 June, 1836. V. Sarah Austin, b. 16 Sept., 1838; d. 5 March, 1851. 5. Sarah B.' Peabody {Alice', Ebenezer', Edward', Benjamin') b. 11 Dec, 1825; m. 4 Dec, 1849, Moses Bradbury Goodwin. She d. 13 Feb., 1889, He d. 7 Sept., 1882. ChUdren: i. Alice Peabody', b. 18 Dec, 1851. u. Ellen Frances, b. 11 July, 1853. She is principal of Blair Pubhc School, Washington, D. C, where she has been a teacher twenty-eight consecutive years. iu. Sarah Blanchard, b. 12 Aug., 1854; m. 20 Oct., 1881, Dr. L. J. Letoumeau, b. 9 June 1853; d. Nov., 3, 1888. iv. Clara Kenrick, b. 10 Dec, 1860, A. B., Smith College, 1882. Moses Bradbury Goodwin was on the editorial staff of the Washington, D. C, "Intelhgence" in 1861; founded in 1872 the "Merrimack Journal" at Franklin. BLANCHARD. 1. Thomas Blanchard, yeoman, from Penton, Hants, England, came from London to America in the ship Jonathan and landed in Charles- town, Mass., 23 June, 1639. Settied at Bramtree 1646-1650. Re moved to Charlestown, 1651, buying land there and in Boston. He m. in London, second. Widow Agnes (Bent) Barnes, who d. on the passage to New England, as did her chUd and mother. He had children asfoUows: i. George, b. 1618; d. 18 March, 1700. ii. Thomas, b. 1625; d. 1651. in. Samuel, b. 1629; d. 22 April, 1707. iv. Nathaniel, b. 26 history of canterbury. 1630; d, 1676, v. A chUd, b. 1639; d. on voyage, vi. Possibly a son John. Thomas Blanchard d. at Charlestown, 21 May, 1654. He left prop erty by will to his wife, Mary, three sons, a grandson, Joseph, and to the church of Maiden. His wife (the third) survived him and d. 1676. Of his sons: George settled in Maiden; Nathaniel in Weymouth and Samuel in Andover, Mass.* 2. Samuels Blanchard {Thomas') b. in England, 6 Aug., 1629, came to this country with his father. He m. first, 3 Jan., 1654, Mary, dau. of Seth and Bethia Sweetser of Charlestown, who was b. 1637 and d. 20 Feb., 1669. He m. second, 24 June, 1673, Hannah Doggett (Daggett), who d. 10 July, 1725, age 79. He moved with his family to Andover, Mass., 10 June, 1686. A record mentions him as constable, as com mander of a garrison, as receiving house rent from his sons, etc. Clearly carved on the stone at his grave in the center of the West Parish bury ing ground at Andover is this inscription : "Here hes the body of Samuel Blanchard, who departed this life AprU ye 22"'' day, in ye year 1707, in ye 78 year of his age. Ye memory of ye just is blessed." This stone is of white granite and was imported from England. It was the first stone set up in the Andover grave yard. Children by first wife: i. Samuel', b. 29 Sept., 1656, d. 1677-78. u. Sarah, b. 15 Feb., 1658. in. Mary, b. 18 AprU, 1659; m. John Stowers. iv. Joshua, b. 6 Aug., 1661. 3. V. Jonathan, b. 25 May, 1664. vi. Abigail, b. 5 March, 1668; m. John Stratton of Watertown. Children by second wife: vu. Thomas, b. 28 AprU, 1674; m. Rose Holmes of Marshfield, Mass., 22 March, 1698. He was an original proprietor of Penacook (Concord). He m., second, Hannah . She d. 10 July, 1725. He m. tMrd, Mrs. Judith HUl, 21 Feb., 1726. viu. John, b. 3 July, 1677; m. Mary Crosby of Billerica, Mass. ix. Samuel, b. 4 June, 1680. X. Hannah, b. 26 Sept., 1681; m. Stephen Osgood, 24 May, 1699. 3. Jonathan' Blanchard {Samuel; Thomas') b. Andover, Mass., 25 May, 1664; d. 19 Oct., 1742; m. Anne Lovejoy, 26 May, 1684, who d. 29 Feb., 1724, age 65. Children: i. Jonathan', b. 28 Feb., 1685; m. Sarah Paine, dau. of Edward and Bethia Sweetser. U. David, b. 8 June, 1687; d. 13 Oct., 1732. ui. Jacob, b. 19 Feb., 1689; m. and lived in Boston. iv. Anne, b. 6 AprU, 1691 ; m. Timothy More, 12 May, 1712. 4. V. Benjamin, b. 14 Feb., 1693. vi. Mary, b. 2 Dec, 1696. VU. Stephen, b. 1702. 4. Benjamin' Blanchard {Jonathan', Samuel; Thomas') b. in Andover, Mass., 14 Feb., 1693; d. about 1770, probably at C; m. 29 Dec, 1718,' *Genealogies and Estates of Charlestown, Mass. GENEALOGIES. 27 Mary Abbott, who was b. in Andover. In 1743 he removed to Hollis of which town he was an origmal proprietor. Children all b. in Andover: i. Mary', b. 10 Nov., 1719; m. Edward Taylor. 5. u. Benjamin, Jr., b. Feb., 1721. iii. Anne, b. 1722; m. Jonathan Danforth of Billerica, Mass. IV. Jacob, b. 11 May, 1724; m. Rebecca Lawrence of Dunstable, 1746, V. Joshua, b. 28 May, 1726. vi. Jonathan, b. 7 Feb., 1728; d. 16 Oct., 1739. vu. Dorcas, b. 28 March, 1730; d. 13 Oct., 1739. vui, David, b. 14 Feb., 1732; d. 19 Oct., 1739. ix. Elizabeth, b. 17 May, 1734. X. Abibl, b. 26 Sept., 1737; d. 15 Oct., 1739. xi. David, b. 19 Feb., 1740; d, 10 April, 1740. xii. Abiel, b. 20 Oct., 1741; d. 28 Jan., 1743, 5. Benjamin' Blanchard, Jr. {Benjamin; Jonathan', Samueb, Thomas') b. in Andover, Mass., Feb., 1721, d. 7 March, 1791. M. first, Ehzabeth Holt 4 Oct., 1743, who d. 19 Aug., 1744. M. second, 27 Dec, 1744, Keziah Hastmgs of Dunstable. M. third, 9 July, 1778, Sarah, dau. of Moses Burbank, one of the first settlers of Boscawen. She was b. Sept., 1758, and after Benjamin Blanchard's death, she m. 16 June, 1793, Obadiah Mooney of C. ChUdren by first wife: i. Benjamin', b. 2 July, 1744, d. 2 Oct., 1744, ChUdren by second wife: 6. u. Benjamin, b. 15 Nov., 1745. iii. Keziah, b. 26 March, 1747. iv. Abiel, b, 9 Jan., 1749; d. young, 7. V. Jonathan, b. 28 June, 1750. vi. Abiel, b. 1 Dec, 1751; m. Ehzabeth, dau. of Nathaniel Eastman of Concord. • They settled in Peacham, Vt., and had seven chil dren. One son, John, was a lawyer and elected to Congress from Pennsylvania two terms, Abiel Blanchard signed the Association Test in Concord, 1776. vi. Isaac, b. 14 April, 1753; m. Children: 1. Dorcas'. 2. Polly, who m. a Fernald of C. 3. Catherine. 4, Hastings, 5. Abel. Isaac Blanchard was in the war of the Revolution. viii. Dorcas, b. 25 Feb., 1766; d. young. ix. Peter, b. 17 Aug., 1766; m. Sarah, dau. of Capt. Abiel and Judith (Walker) Chandler of Concord. They moved, 1785, Co Peacham, Vt., afterwards to DanvUle, Vt., where he d. 25 May, 1810. Peter Blanchard was in the Revolution. Children: 1. Rebecca, m. Aaron Porter, a merchant of Danville, Vt. Had three chil dren, d. about 1848. 2. Sophia, m. Augustine Clark, state treasurer of Vermont; d. about 1835. 3. Sarah, m. William A. Palmer, governor of Vermont, member of Congress, etc, d. 1853. X. Dorcas, b. 25 Feb., 1758. xi. Joel, b. 27 Aug., 1759; m., had nine children. Lived at Peacham, Vt. He was a Revolutionary soldier. xii. Abel, b. 17 Feb., 1761; m. Mary, dau. of Nathaniel Eastman of Concord, Had eleven children. Resided at Peacham, Vt. Was a Revolutionary soldier. xiu. Reuben, b. 1 Feb., 1763; m. Mary Gray, had four children. He was in Revolutionary War. xiv. Betty, b. 21 Jan., 1765 ; m. Jan. 1783, Abner Hoyt, b. 15 April, 1759. 28 HISTORY OF CANTERBURY. XV. Simon, b. 10 April, 1766; m. Margaret Gray of Peacham, Vt. ChU dren: Locada, Harvey and Simon. 6. Benjamin' Blanchard {Benjamin*, Benjamin; Jonathan', Samuel', Thomas') b. 15 Nov., 1745, d. 21 Dec, 1789; m. first, Patty Goodwin; second, Sarah, dau. of WiUiam and Ann (McFarland) Curry, who was b. 15 Nov., 1762. Children b. in C: i. Amos', b. 1773; m. Betsey Tolman, no children. Lived in Greens boro, Vt,; d. 10 March, 1829. ii. Ralph, b. 1775, never m. ui. William, d. young. iv. Keziah, b. 20 May, 1781; m. Glines, Greensboro, Vt., seven children. V. Martha (Patty), b. 1783 ; m. ¦ — • Cutter, six children. vi. Sally, b. 1786, m. Emery of Chichester, no chUdren. vii. John, b. 1788; m. and hved in Canada. Children: Lucy, Benjamin and John. 7. Jonathan' Blanchard {Benjamin', Benjamin', Jonathan', Samueb, Thomas') b. 28 June, 1750; m. 13 Oct., 1772, Hannah, dau. of James and Mary (Thurston) Chad wick of Boscawen, who was b. 22 June, 1752. Jonathan and his wife were received into the Congregational church of Boscawen 3 Nov., 1782. Children b. in C. : i. Jambs', b. 15 Jan., 1774; m. Phebe Carter and lived in Greensboro, Vt. ii. Jacob, b. 13 Nov., 1775; d. 1779. 8. ui. Edmund, b. 27 Jan., 1778. 9. iv. Jacob, b. 10 May, 1780. V. Polly, b. 1781; d. at age of four. vi. Sally, b. 21 May, 1782; m. at C, 19 Sept., 1806, Baxter Lyon of Craftsbury, Vt. vii. Hannah, m. Lougee. vui. Samuel, m. Hannah Dimond in 1819; d. 10 Nov., 1819. Children: 1. Samuel K.', b. after his father's death; m. Phebe Elliott. ChUdren: (1.) George E.' (2.) Frank H. (3.) Charles C. (4.) Josephime who d. young. 8. Edmund' Blanchard {Jonathan', Benjamin', Benjamin', Jonathan', Samuel; Thomas') b. 27 Jan., 1778; d. 27 Nov., 1836; m. 6 Feb., 1706, Anna Abbott of Concord, b. 8 Jan., 1781. Children b. in Greensboro, Vt.: i. Nathan' Abbott, b. 12 Nov., 1806. ii. Hammond, b. 11 July, 1808; d. 22 Nov., 1808. ui. Asa Abbott, b. 16 Jan., 1810; d. 9 March 1889, m. in C. 18 June, 1846, Julia Ann GUman of Loudon, b. 4 AprU, 1816, and d. 2 Jan., 1883. Children: 1. Emily Eliza', b. 19 Nov., 1846; m. 4 Dec, 1880, Henry Oscar Coolidge, b. in Chesterfield, 5 Jan., 1830; d. 29 Feb., 1896, at Keene. 2. Anna Abbott, b. 6 Dec, 1848. 3. Julia Augusta, b. 16 July, 1860; d. 2 Aug., 1853. 4. Elizabeth Susan, b. 20 Dec, 1852; d. 11 Aug., 1853, iv. Erastus, b. 9 Oct., 1811. V. Betsey, b. 26 Oct., 1813. vi. Emily, b. 23 April, 1816. vu. Samuel Sbwall, b. 20 Sept., 1818; m. EmUy Baker, Glover, Vt., merchant. GENEALOGIES. 29 viu. Rev. Edmund Harvey, b. 16 Jan., 1821; m. Annie E. ClUTord of Loudon. Graduate of Middlebury College and of Andover Theological Seminary. Preached at Epsom, and Chiltonville and Warwick, Mass.; d. Bloomington, IU., 1891; no children. IX. Esther, b. 6 Aug., 1823. X. Mary Ann, b. 3 Sept., 1828. 9. Jacob' Blanchard {Jonathan', Benjamin; Benjamin', Jonathan; Samuel', Thomas') b. 10 May, 1780; m. 11 Nov., 1807, Hannah, dau. of Col. David and Susanna (Moore) McCrlihs of C. He d. June, 1848. She d. 25 Oct., 1869. Children b. in C: 10. i. Nahum", b. 26 Oct., 1809. 11. h. Pamelia, b. 21 AprU, 1812. ui. Betsey, b, 14 May, 1816; d. 7 Nov., 1817. 12. iv. Mary Jane, b. 28 March, 1820. V. Susanna, b. 21 Jan., 1822; d. same day. vi. Jerome B., b. 17 Aug., 1823 ; m. Cordeha Smith of C, 22 Oct., 1849. He died 8 Dec, 1861. Children: 1. Jerome F,, b. 11 Nov., 1853, d. in infancy. 2. Delia E., b. 14 Oct., 1857; m. Charies C, son of Samuel K, Blanchard of Concord. No children. Both are d,, he djdng 28 Oct., 1889, aged 36 years. 10. Nahum' Blanchard {Jacob; Jonathan', Benjamin', Benjamin', Jonathan', Samuel; Thomas') b. 26 Oct., 1809; d. 30 Jan., 1893; m. 1 AprU, 1835, Mary Woodbury, dau. of James and Phebe Smith (Marden) TaUant. She was b. 4 May, 1814; d. 18 June, 1906. Children b. m C: 13, i. Albert', b. 18 Feb., 1836. u. Amanda, b. 24 Oct., 1837; d. 30 Dec, 1862. 14. ui. George Frank, b. 30 May, 1839. 15. iv. JcjHN Smith, b. 4 Oct., 1842. 16. V. Charles Greenough, b. 20 Oct., 1844. 17. vi. Abby Elkins, b. 3 Sept., 1846. vu. Betsey Ann Coffin, b. 29 Oct., 1848; d. 28 Feb., 1861. viu. Mary Jane, b. 16 Dec, 1850; d. Sept., 1853. ix. Ella A,, b. 28 Aug., 1852, d. 6 Sept., 1863. 11. Parmelia' Blanchard {Jacob') b. 22 April, 1812, d. 23 March, 1887; m. first, 22 Aug., 1832, Samuel GUman. He d. 25 Sept., 1837, aged 31. She m. second, 2 Oct., 1844, Ara Sargent, who was a widower with two children, Edna M. Sargent, who m. Alfred Quimby of Winchester, Mass., and a son, Charles, unm. Mr. Sargent d. 11 May, 1871. Chil dren of Samuel and Parmelia (Blanchard) Gihnan: 18. i. Charles Augustus' Oilman, b. 8 May, 1833. 19. ii. Hannah Blanchard Oilman, b. 28 Aug., 1835. 20. iii. Samuel Oilman, b. 9 Dec, 1837. 12. Mary Jane' Blanchard {Jacob') b. 28 March, 1820; m. Col. John Wheeler of C, 24 Aug., 1837, who was son of Abel and Mary (Hosmer) Wheeler. He was b. at Concord, Mass., 9 July, 1796; d. at C, June, 1880. Mr. Wheeler was commissioned by Gov. Isaac Hill 9 Dec, 1836, as colonel of the 38th Regt., N. H. MUitia, and mustered his regiment on the field west of the McCrilhs Tavern. Children b. in C. : 30 HISTORY OF CANTERBURY. i. Mary Frances' Wheeler, b. 30 Dec, 1838, resides on home place, unm. U. Susan C. Wheeler, b. 15 Feb., 1840; d. 4 Nov., 1866. ui. Martha A. Wheeler, b. 8 May, 1842; m. WUliam H. Carter of C, 6 Feb., 1867. After her husband's death, Mrs. Carter went to reside with her mother. iv. Nellie M. Wheeler, b. 12 June, 1846; d. 11 May, 1873. V. John S. Wheeler, b. 3 April,. 1847 ; d. 1 July, 1849. vi. John S. Wheeler, b. 6 Feb., 1860; m., first. Belle Gage. Had one son, Bert Gage", b. 14 Aug., 1880. M., second, Georgia Bnggs of Westfield, N. Y., by whom he had EUen Grace Wheeler, b. 5 Feb., 1907. Bert Gage m. dau. of MiUard F. Emery of C. vu. William W. S. Wheeler, b. 12 April, 1852, num., resides with his mother. viu. Charles B. Wheeler, b". 13 March, 1856; d. 6 Jan., 1864. ix. George W. Wheeler, b. 4 April, 1859 ; d. 2g Jan., 1864. X. Attelle Grace, b. 27 Nov., 1862; d. 26 Jan., 1864. 13. Albert' Blanchard {Nahum', Jacob') b. 18 Feb., 1836; d. at C, 7 June, 1910; m. Apphia A., dau. of Daniel RandaU of C. She was b. 26 Sept., 1836, at Wentworth. Children b. in C. : i. Mary Ella", b. 24 July, 1859, resides, in Concord, unm. ii. Charlie H., b. 16 Dec, 1860. ui. Nellie Estelle, b. 30 June, 1862; d. 6 Feb., 1875. iv. LiLLA Nora, b. 26 Sept., 1868; d. 26 Aug., 1879. 14. George Frank' Blanchard {Nahum', Jacob') b. 30 May, 1839; m. first, 25 Oct., 1866, Ann EUza, dau. of Daniel M. and Eliza Huse of Northfield, b. 8 Jan., 1845, d. 28 Jan., 1880; m. second, 18 June, 1883, Grace D., dau. of Jesse and ArvUla Sanborn of Webster, b. 16 July, 1857. Mr. Blanchard is a prominent farmer and active in the Grange, Jiolding for several years the office of Master of Merrimack River Grange, No. 4, ChUdren by first wife b. in C. : i. Willie N.", b. 16 Sept., 1868; d. 13 June, 1882, at C. u, Fred Huse, b, 27 June, 1872; m. 15 June, 1904, Mildred Ehzabeth, dau, of MUlard F. and Ehzabeth (TuUock) Emery of C, who was b. 5 Aug., 1881 ; Mason, Knight Templar and Odd Fellow, representative from C. Children b. ui Penacook: 1. Harold" Emery, b. 25 AprU, 1905. 2. Marion Huse, b. 23 Jan., 1907. 3. Donald TuUock, b. 20 July, 1908. ui. Frank George, b. 13 AprU, 1877; m. 26 June, 1900, Harriet Wini fred Tucker of Penacook, b. in Boscawen, 2 Aug., 1880. Mr. Blanchard resides in Nashua, merchant. Children: 1. Rich ard" Tucker, b. 17 April, 1901, at Penacook. 2. Robert Huse. b. 8 June, 1903. iv. Nahum Jesse, b, 26 Sept., 1885; m. 29 June, 1908, Margaret Herron of Manchester. Child, George WUham", b. 22 Jan., 1910, at Manchester. 15. John Smith' Blanchard {Nahum', Jacob') b. 4 Oct., 1842; m. first, 18 Jan., 1871, Stella Mary, dau. of Abner B. and Frances M. (Harvey) Wmn of Penacook. She was b. 1851, and d. at Concord, 24 Jan., 1876; m. second, 24 June, 1884, Sarah Ehzabeth, dau. of George N. and Sarah (McFarland) Guthrie of Zanesville, O., where she was b. 19 March, GENEALOGIES. 31 1862. Her ancestor, Stephen Guthrie was a pioneer settler in Mari etta, O. Mr. and Mrs. Blanchard reside in Concord. 16. Charles Greenough' Blanchard {Nahum; Jacob'') b. 20 Oct., 1844; m. Hattie E., dau. of Dr. Ebenezer Moore of Concord, 25 Dec, 1875, b. 14 Nov., 1845; d. 9 Aug., 1893. Children b. in Concord: i. Harry Storer", b. 3 July, 1878; d. 6 Jan., 1888. u. Ethel Moore, b. 1 Nov., 1882; m. 10 June, 1903, WUham F. Stearns of Boston, Mass., ChUdren b. in Winchester, Mass.: 1. Ehzabeth Moore", b. 5 AprU, 1904, 2. Eleanor, b. 28 June, 1906. Mr. and Mrs, Stearns own as a summer residence the Moore-McCrilhs farm in C, the house being the first tavern in town, 17, Abby Elkins' Blanchard {Nahum', Jacob') b. 3 Sept., 1846; m. John Colbum, b. 26 Nov., 1846, in Newbury. She d. 22 Jan., 1910. Children: i. Bellb" Colburn, b. 29 March, 1872 ; m. WUham Crawford of C. Children: Charlotte", Ruth, Carl, Almond, Gladys. They re side in Colorado. u. Alice, b. 19 Dec, 1873 ; m. Adin Ingraham of Penacook. Reside in Laconia. ChUd, Katharine", b. 26 July, 1896. in. Gertrude, b. 26 Jan., 1878; m. Irwin Bailey. Reside in Randolph, Mass. Children: MUdred" and Leshe. iv. Mary Etta, b. 27 June, 1876; m. Joseph Matott. V. Nellie, b. 16 May, 1881 ; m. O. L. Donahue. 18. Charles Augustus' Oilman {Parmelia', Jacob', Jonathan', Benjamin', Benjamin', Jonathan', Samueb, Thomas') b. 8 May, 1833; m. 8 Sept., 1862, Amanda Glover. He d. 18 Aug., 1869. Children: i. George Henry" Oilman, b. 11 June, 1863; d. 12 March, 1876. ii. Frank Augustus, b. 29 April, 1865; m. Maud W., dau., of Lyman W. Conant of C. He d. April, 1909. ChUd, Mary Marguerite", b. 1 AprU, 1892. 19. Hannah Blanchard' Oilman {Parmelia', Jacob') b. 28 Aug., 1835; m. 18 Nov., 1852, Leonard T. Silver. He is dead. Widow resides in Bos cawen . ChUdren : i. Charles Ara" Silver, b. 10 Jan., 1853 ; m. Sophia DonneU. Chil dren: 1. Leonard", b. 19 Sept., 1882. 2. Lydia Florence, b. 15 Dec, 1883. u. George Henry Silver, b. 3 Jan., 1866; d. 23 AprU, 1858. in. Horace Hubbard Silver, b. 7 Sept., 1866; d. 9 May, 1883. iv. Ida Amelia Silver, b. 28 Nov., 1861. V. John Tebbets Silver, b. 3 Aug., 1865, unm. vi. Annie Frances Silver, b. 16 Oct., 1867; d. 27 Nov., 1868. vii. Eva Lottie Silver, b. 17 July, 1871; m. Eari R. HaU, 10 May, 1897. Children: 1. Catherine Genevieve" HaU, b. 17 March, 1899. 2. Mildred Frances HaU, b. 15 April, 1906; d. 11 March, 1906. vui. Herbert George Silver, b. 10 Nov., 1872; m. Bertha B. Randall, 8 June, 1900. ChUd : Chester Leonard, b. 8 Oct., 1900. ix. Clarence Leonard Silver, b. 16 Aug., 1876; m. Lizzie Urann, 6 Sept., 1898. Children: 1. Horace Vernon", b. 16 July, 1900. 2. William Clifton, b. 16 Feb., 1903. 3. Lawrence Lesley, b. 30 Sept.,. 1905. 32 HISTORY OF CANTERBURY. 20. Samuel' Oilman {Parmelia; Jacob') b. 9 Dec, 1837; m. first, Marcia HiU of Springfield, 1 May, 1863; m. second, 30 AprU, 1894, Margaret J. Slack. Children by first marriage: i. Grace Ahdell" Oilman, b. 25 Nov., 1864; m. Harry A. Dennison, 24 May, 1894. ii. Belle Oilman. ,.. t, , ^ a iU. Minnie Ola Oilman, b. 26 AprU, 1872 ; m. Walter D. Patch, 9 Aug. 1890. Children: 1. Harry Walter" Patch, b, 24 Sept,, 1891. 2. CarroU Gihnan Patch, b. 22 March, 1893. 3. Marcia Fran- cUla, b. 14 March, 1895. 4. Grace Marion, b. 29 Dec, 1898. 5. Ua Leona, b. 9 June, 1901. Child by second wife: iv. Ruth Oilman, b. 13 June, 1898. BLINN. 1. William F.' Blinn m. 1 Jan., 1870, in WhaUonsburg, N. Y., Mary Jane, dau. of C. N. Spaulding. She was b. 1842, in Shelbume, Vt, Mr. Bhnn is a resident of C. ChUdren: 2. i. George F.,s b. 1 April, 1871. ii, Rettie I,, b. 22 Sept., 1872. ui. Honor M., b. March, 1877. iv. Ida May, b. 1 Sept., 1879; m. 1893, Nelson Matott of Penacook. (See Matott Gen..) 2. George F.s Blinn {William F'.) b. 1 April, 1871; m. 1881, Minnie Denton ofLewis, N. Y. ChUdren: 1. Ethel May. 2. Edwin. 3. Walter. 4. Chauncy. 5. Charles. 6. Earl. BOYCE. 1. Samuel' Boyce, son of John' came from Londonderry, Ireland. Settled in Londonderry. He was b. 10 Nov., 1779; m. 4 March, 1807, PoUy, dau. of Samuel Baker. She was a sister of Abel and Marshall Baker of Concord. She d. 27 Dec, 1862. Samuel Boyce d. 8 Jan., 1858. Children: i. Mary', m. Stephen Moore. u. Margaret, m. Daniel Fletcher. ui. Alvira, m. Samuel Neal. iv. Sophia, m. Albert HUdreth of Lowell, Mass. V. Sally, m. Chauncey Bartlett of Concord. vi. AcHSEA, m. John Carter of Concord. vu. Nancy, drowned. viii. Nancy, 2d, m. Delos Manchester. ix. Samuel. 4. x. Abel Baker, m. Mary Swasey; d. in C. 4. Abel Baker' Boyce {Samuel; John') b. 5 March, 1809; m. 26 Nov.; 1833 Mary, dau. of Benjamin Connor and Jemima (Gibson) Swasey. (See Gibson Gen.) Abel B. Boyce d. 3 Sept., 1889. His wife d. 31 Dec; 1890. Benjamin Connor Swasey d. 1871, ChUdren: i. Samuel Kidder', b. 16 Nov., 1839. GENEALOGIES. 33 ii. George Lyman, b. 27 Sept., 1847; d, 16 May, 1848. hi, George Lyman, b. 18 April, 1849; d. 26 Sept,, 1878, iv. Mima Swasey, b. 6 July, 1861. BOYNTON. 1. William' Boynton was b. in East Riding of Yorkshire, England, in 1606. He came to Rowley, Mass., with the Rev. Ezekiel Rogers in 1638. He was assigned a lot on Bradford Street. His wife, Ehzabeth Jackson, accompanied him from England. To each of his chUdren he gave a farm during his hfetime and at his death he left the remainder of his estate to his widow, In the records he is called a "planter" and a "weaver," but in deeds he is referred to as a "tailor." He taught the school in Rowley from 1666 to 1681, and he was probably the first schoolmaster in that town.* 2. Joshuas Boynton {William') b. Rowley, Mass., 10 March, 1646. He m. first, Hannah Barnet, April, 1678. She d. 1722. Second, Mary Syles, of Rowley, 1725. She d. in 1727. Third, Mary Boynton, widow of hia cousin. Date of death unknown. He was a soldier in the wars at Narragansett, 1675-76, and resided in Newbury, Mass., more .than fifty years, dying in 1736. 3. William' Boynton {Joshua', WUliam') b. 26 May, 1690; m. at Sahsbury, Mass., Nov., 1713, Joanna Stevens, dau. of John and Dorothy Stevens. He d. 1771. Children, three sons and two daughters. 4. John' Boynton {William; Joshua', William') b. 31 Aug., 1724; m. Anna Smith. ChUdren, four sons and three daughters. i. William, b. 20 Sept., 1761 ; m. Mary Huckins. He d. 26 July, 1814. ChUd: Ebenezer', b. 26 Dec, 1798; m. at New Hampton 18 May, 1823, Betsey S. Hart, dau. of Theodore and Abigail Smith Hart, who d. 13 June, 1836 (Theodore Hart b. 2 Feb., 1778; d. 29 Sept., 1843. AbigaU Smith Hart, b. 28 AprU, 1783; d. 15 AprU, 1867); m. second, Susan R. Huckins, 8 Oct., 1836; m. third, Mrs. Hannah Cheney; m. fourth, Mrs. Betsey Kelsea. Ebenezer Boynton d. 16 March, 1881. Eleven children. ii. David. 5. Davtd' Boynton {John', William', Joshua', WiUiam') m. Anna Batchel der and had five sons and four daughters. He served in the Revolu tion from Meredith. ChUdren: 6. i. Ebenezer', b. 1777. u. Mark. ui. John. 6. Ebenezer' Boynton {David; John', William') b. 1777; m. Sally Davis, b. 1783; d. 27 July, 1860. He d. 9 July, 1847. Children: i. Charlotte, b. 28 AprU, 1805; m. David P. Cotton, b. 10 April, 1808, and d. at New Hampton 10 Jan., 1866. *In 1628 Sir Mathew Boynton is said to have sent from England a herd of cattle in charge of his brothers, WUliam and John, who settled in Rowley, Mass. From these two brothers have descended the Boyntons of America. 4-II 34 HISTORY OF CANTERBURY. u. David, b. 1808; m. Mary C. Sawyer, b. 12 AprU, 1808, d. 12 Oct., 1892. Resided in Holdemess. ui. William, b. 30 Jan., 1814; m. first, Mary Woodman, b. 27 Aug. 1813, d. 21 Oct., 1845; m. second, Amanda Hawkins, b. 24 Nov. 1822, d. 12 Dec, 1902. He d. 23 Oct., 1858, resided in New Hampton. iv. Sarah, m. Charles, son of Levi and Sarah (Page) Chase (his second wife). He resided in Groton at the time of his marriage, later in Meredith. Children: 1. Frederick A., b. 27 Dec, 1856; d. 1881. 2. Aaron, b. 27 July, 1858. V. Parker Plummer, b. 11 April, 1819; m. Susan P. Webber of Center Harbor, b. 1826; d. 28 March, 1896. He d. 11 Oct., 1875. 7. vi. RuFus, twin, b. 10 April, 1823. vu. Luther, twin, b. April 1823; m. Sarah Mead, b. 1818, d. 2 Jan., 1896, He d. 30 July, 1892. 7. RuFus' Boynton {Ebenezer', David', John', William') b. 10 AprU, 1823; m. first, 22 Oct., 1850, Joanna Sanborn, dau. of Levi and Sarah (Page) Chase of C, b. 30 March, 1823, d. 21 Aug., 1867; m. second, Mrs. Mary (Morehouse) Gardner. He bought the Levi Chase farm in C, and removed there in 1856, where he resided untU his death, 4 April, 1898. Children: i. Elmer Lester', b. 5 Sept., 1858; d. 9 May, 1859. 8. u. RuFus C, b. 15 Jan., 1861. 8. RuFUS C'. Boynton {Bufus', Ebenezer', David') b. 15 Jan., 1861, in C; m. 11 Jan., 1886, Ruth E., dau. of Charles H. and Sarah J. (Batchelder) Cate of Loudon, who was b. 7 March, 1866. Child: i. Nellie J»., b. 10 Oct., 1886, graduated Concord High School and State Normal School. Teacher at Berlin. BRADLEY. 1. Benjamin' Bradley, an apothecary of London, England, came originaUy from Leicestershire in 1600; hved in the market town of Bingleyin the West Riding of Yorkshire, England; d. about 1638; m. twice. His eldest son, WUham', emigrated to America and joined the New Haven Colony, July 16, 1646. Benjamin's chUdren by his second wife were: i. Ellens, u. Daniel, b. 1615. iu. Joseph, iv. Nathaniel, v. Stephen. 2. Daniels Bradley {Benjamiw) b. 1615, came to America in ship Eliza beth, 1636, from London and settled in HaverhUl, Mass.; m. Mary dau. of John WiUiams of Haverhill, 21 May, 1662. Children: i. Daniel', b. 1662; m. Hannah Dow. He and his chUdren Mary and Hannah were killed by the Indians 15 March, 1697. u. Joseph, b. 1664, m. and had three children: 1. Joseph. 2. Martha. 3. Sarah, who were killed by the Indians 15 March, 1697. Ul. Isaac, b. 1680. 3. iv. Abraham, b. 14 March, 1683. 3. Abraham' Bradley {Danieb, Benjamin') b. 14 March, 1683 (?); m. AbigaU Philbrick 18 Oct., 1706. He d. about 1754. ChUdren: GENEALOGIES. 35 i. Jeremiah', b. 1709; m. first, Fitzgerald; m. second, Betty Keyes. Children by second marriage: 1. Keyes. 2. Murray. 3. Warren, and two daughters, one of whom m. Abraham Brad- lay of Fryeburg, Me., and the other, Stephen PoweU of Concord. u. Abigail, m. Benjamin Richards of Atkinson. 4. iii. Timothy, b. 1711. iv. Apphia, m. Stephen Farrington of Concord. V. Jonathan, b. 1714 or 1717; m. Susanna Folsom of Exeter. He was kUled by Indians 1746. vi. Abiah. vii. Samuel, b. 1721; kiUed by Indians 1746. viu. Martha, ix, Mehitable. x. Betty. 4. Lieut. Timothy' Bradley (Abraham', Daniel', Benjamin') b. 1711; m. Abiah Stevens. ChUdren: i. Benjamin', b. 4 AprU, 1739; d. after Saint Francis fight, 1759. u. Abigail, b. 2 Sept., 1740; m. Isaac Chase of Warner. 5. ui. Timothy, b. 13 Oct,, 1743. iv. Abraham, v. Betty, m. Abner Chase, vi. Abiah, b. 10 Feb., 1748. vu. Samuel, b. 1752. vui. Jonathan, b. 1754. ix. Philbrick, b. 1756; d. 1840. x. Ruth. 5. Timothy' Bradley, Jr. (Timothy, Abraham', Danieb, Benjamin') b. 30 Oct., 1743; m. Sarah, dau. of Captain Asa Foster of Andover, Mass. (See Foster Gen.) He d. 31 July, 1811. Children: i. Elizabeth', b. 9 Jan., 1775. u. Asa, b. 13 Dec, 1776. iii. Sarah, b. 26 AprU, 1779. iv. Abiah, b. 7 Aug., 1781. V. Hannah, b. 1 Jan., 1784. vi. Peters, b. 1 Jan., 1784. 6. vu. Timothy, b. 24 Jan., 1786. viu. Foster, b. 3 May, 1789. 7. ix. Abibl F., b. 6 May, 1790. 6. Timothy' Bradley (Timothy, Timothy) b. 24 Jan., 1786; d. 20 Sept., 1837; m. Anna, dau. of Deacon Laban MorriU of C, and moved to that town. ChUdren b. in C: 8 i. Asa Foster', b. 29 Feb., 1811. u. Louisa, b. 14 April, 1813; m. Nathan Emery. (See Emery Gen.) 9. ui. Peter M., b. 13 March, 1816. 10. iv. David Morrill, b. 7 Sept., 1817. 11. V. Cyrus Parker, b. 14 Nov., 1819. 12. vi. Seth Eastman, b. 12 AprU, 1822. vu. Electa T., b. 28 Jan., 1824; d. 23 July, 1902. 13. viii. Timothy Matthew, b. 23 March, 1826. 7. Abiel F.« Bradley (Timothy) b. 6 May, 1790; m. 6 Feb., 1816, Nancy Curry, dau. of Capt. Thomas Curry of C. She was b. 11 Nov., 1791. ChUd: 14. i. Thomas Curry'. 8. Asa Foster' Bradley (Timothy) b. 29 Feb., 1811, in C; d. 26 Feb., 1892; m. first, Rachael T. Hoyt, b. 2 March, 1819, d. about 1835. One chUd d. in infancy; m. second, Emeline Boardman. ChUdren: i. Morrill', d. in infancy. 36 HISTORY OF CANTERBURY. u. EDWiNRuTHVEN,b. 9 July, 1842; m. Lydia Philhps, 1867. Children: 1. Louis9 Edwin. 2. Guy Morrill, m. Fronie Vickars; d. 1905. 3. Flora Maud, d. 1883. 4. Rose, d. 1894. 6. Margaret Emeline, m. W. R. Burton. Asa Foster' Bradley m. third, Lydia Emery. She d. 7 Sept. 1902. ChUdren by this marriage iu. Sarah, m. Dr. John S. WaUcer, Oct., 1880. Children: 1. Eugene', d. Sept., 1878, 2. Alberta, m. Andrew H.Arnold. ChUdren: (1) Glen Walker, d. Sept., 1898. (2) Lathrop. iv. Nettie, m. Charles Gay. Children: 1. Eugene, b. June, 1882. 2. Elmer, b. 4 Aug., 1888. Asa Foster Bradley m. fourth, Ehzabeth Hammond. Chil dren: V. Asa Foster, d. 2 Oct., 1902. vi. Joseph, m. Mattie Brown, 17 Oct., 1896, Children: ^ 1. LeUa'. 2. Robert. vu. Benjamin David, b. 19 Oct., 1877. viii. Hannah or Anna Louise, b. 28 Oct., 1881; m. Frederick' J. GaUo- way, 24 Dec, 1904. Children: 1. Died in infancy. 2. Robert Galloway. 9. Peter M'. Bradley (Timothy) b. 13 March, 1815; d. 1891; m. Climena B. Forrest of C, 29 Aug., 1838. Children b. in C. : i. Ellen Amanda', b. 21 Dec, 1839; d. 1842. u. Emily T., b. 11 AprU, 1843; m. Daniel K. Draper 1865. Child: 1. Cyrus P»., b. 1866; m. Louise R. E. Nohren, 1889, two daughters. ni. Clara F., d. 1864. iv. Timothy F., m. first, Nelhe M. Skinner. Children: 1. Clara F'., b. 1870. 2. Climena F., b. 1872; m. James Beaumont, 1894. Tunothy F. Bradley m. second, 1875, NeUie Curtis. ChUdren: 3. Charles, b. 1877; d. 1878. 4. Frederick, b. 1879. 5. Fran ces, b. 1895. 10. David Morrill' Bradley (Timothy) b. 7 Sept., 1817; d. 8 Sept., 1857, Chicago, 111.; m. Ehza Ann, dau. of Isaac Emery of E. Concord. ChUdren : i, David Emery', b. 13 Dec, 1841; d. 23 Oct., 1902. u. Ella Clara, b. 23 Sept., 1844; m. Joseph F., son of Dennis Ward of Spencer, Mass. Children: 1. Estelle F'. Ward, b. 9 Nov., 1872, 2. Jessie C. Ward, b. 27 Nov., 1874; d. 30 Jan., 1895. 3. Joseph Emery Ward, b. 29 Oct., 1876. 4. Mary Louise Ward, b. 24 Nov., 1878; m. Wieth S. Dunham. ChUdren: Barbara" and Jane. 5. Christobel E. Ward, b. 25 Dec, 1881; m. Seymour Wheeler, 7 June, 1910. 6. George Bradley Ward, b. 19 May, 1884. ui. Frank Albert, b. 16 March, 1850; d. 16 June, 1889; m. Harriet E. Barbour, 28 June, 1877. Children: 1. Frederick Ohver, b. 29 April, 1878. 2. David Emery, b. 1 Dec, 1880. 3. Edith Irene, b. 4 April, 1883. 4. Ella Harriet, b. 1 Sept., 1886. IV. Charles Frederick, b. 1 Aug., 1862; m., first, Susan H., dau. of Charles C. Chase, of LoweU, Mass. She d. 16 Sept., 1905. M second, Mary Stark, dau. of Dr. Alfred Eastman and Anne Ehza (Stark) Emery of Concord, 9 Nov., 1907. Children: 1 GENEALOGIES. 37 Ehzabeth, b. 28 Nov., 1908. 2. David Emery, b. 20. May, 1910. V. Katherine Elizabeth, b. 10 Nov., 1856; d. 10 June, 1862. 11. Cyrus Parker' Bradley (Timothy) b. 14 Nov., 1819; d. 6 March, 1865; m, Martha Ann, dau. of John H. and Ann (Buston) Hodgson of London, England. Children: i. Martha Louise', m. George M. Heafford, 13 Sept., 1865. ChUdren: 1. Frank George' Heafford, b. 30 Aug., 1866, d. 24 Sept., 1872. 2. Martha Louise, b. 18 Oct., 1868; m. WUham Lyman 23 April, 1891. Three children. u. Anna Maria, b. 9 Jan., 1846. iu. Henry Cyrus, m. first, Louisiana Carr, 25 March, 1869. ChUdren: 1. Evelyn Mary, b. 12 June, 1870; m. 2 July, 1898, Arthur F. Shedron, Middleton, Ind. Henry Cyrus Bradley m. second, Nelhe Josephine Jennings, 22 Feb., 1899. iv. Charles Hodgson, b. 28 AprU, 1850; m. first, Harriet E. Shumway, b. 23 Aug., 1851, d. 8 Dec, 1895; m. second, Emma B. Shumway, 29 March, 1900. Children by first marriage: 1. Charles Morris, b. 23 Jan., 1869, m. 12 Jan., 1892, Gertrude Judd, two chUdren. 2. Cyrus Pinkerton, b. 2 Dec, 1870; d. Nov., 1871. 3. George Shumway, b. 27 Aug., 1872; d. 31 Oct., 1888. V. Emeline Edna, m. Wilham H. Morgan, 16 AprU, 1874. Children: 1. MabeUe Evelyn, b. 15 May, 1876; m. 10 Feb., 1898, George F. Tykle, three children. 2. Frank Hamilton Morgan, b. 16 AprU 1878. 3. Walter Bradley Morgan, b. 26 April, 1882; m. Viola B. Guyup, 24 Aug., 1903. 12. Seth Eastman' Bradley (Timothy) b. 12 AprU, 1822; d. 23 Jan., 1903; m. first, Hannah Forrest, 13 June, 1843. ChUdren: i. Ellen Amanda', b. 16 Sept., 1844; m. Dr. Charles P. Gamsey, 15 Sept., 1869, Children: Charles Chester, b. 11 Aug,, 1870, d. 7 April, 1871; EUen Maud, b. 9 March, 1872; Lihe Belle, b. 1 Dec, 1873; Charles Eugene, b. 17 July, 1876; Laura Jose phine, b. 10 Jan., 1878, d. 6 Sept., 1904; MabeUe, b. 26 March, 1882; WUhe Grant, b. Oct., 1884, d. 19 Nov., 1906. Seth Eastman Bradley m. second, Clara Forrest, 30 Nov., 1854. Children: ii. Hannah Josephine, b. 28 Nov., 1866; d. 14 Dec, 1855. iii. LiLLiB Maggie, b. 25 Aug., 1857; d. 3 Jan., 1886; m. H! B. Hemenway 2 May, 1882. Child: Ruth LiUian, b. Dec, 1885. iv. Lucian Forrest, b. 8 May, 1861; d. 9 Sept., 1868. Seth Eastman Bradley m. third, Mrs, Corneha Brown, 23 Sept,, 1886. 13. Timothy Matthew Bradley (Timothy) b. 23 March, 1826; d. at Chi cago, IU., 30 Sept., 1890; m. Emma Cookson, b. in Houghton Le Spring, Durham, England; d. at Chicago, 29 Jan., 1896. Children: i. Timothy Cookson', b. 6 Dec, 1855, graduate Northwestem Uni versity, IU.; m. 11 May, 1885, Florence Whitelaw, Kansas City, Mo. ChUdren: 1. Emma Marguerite', b. 4 March, 1886. 2. Hilda, b. 10 Nov., 1888. 3. Elsa, b. 24 Sept., 1892. 4. Timothy Whitelaw, b. 22 July, 1894. ii. Peter Cyrus, b. 24 Feb., 1858; d. 3 Nov., 1901; m. Constance M. Glasson, 12 Nov., 1883. Children: Adelaide and Lucy, latter d. in infancy. 38 HISTORY OF CANTERBURY. iii. Minnie, b. 25 July, 1860; d. 1 Oct., 1902; m. Nathaniel Elhs Oliver, 27 Sept., 1881. Children: 1. Peachie, b. 15 Nov., 1882; d. 19 Nov., 1887. 2. Bessie. 3. Reguiald. 4. Harold. 5. Herbert. iv. Foster H., b. Jan., 1863; d. 23 Jan., 1907. v. Pringle, b. 30 Nov., 1866; d. 2 Sept., 1881. vi. John Jewsbury, b. 20 AprU, 1869. Graduated West Pomt, 1891, Captain U. S. Army. Admitted to bar. State of Washington, 1908, LL. D.; m. Carohne Louise Sladen, Portland, Ore., 14 Sept., 1893, b. 16 Aug., 1869. Children: Frances Sladen, b. 20 June, 1894; John Jewsbury, Jr., b. 12 Jan., 1897; Joseph Sladen, b. 9 June, 1900. vu. Charles, twin, b. 12 July, 1872; d. 14 April, 1873. vui. David, twin, b. 12 July, 1872; d. 8 Feb., 1873. ix. Richard Ames, b. 26 July, 1874. X. Rutherford Hayes, twin, b. 8 March, 1877. xi. William Wheeler, twin, b. 8 March, 1877; m. MatUda Barker of Newport, R. I. Child: Ina Bemice. 14, Thomas Curry' Bradley (Abiel F'., Timothy) b. 28 Sept., 1818, in Con cord; m. in C, 16 April, 1845, Martha Clough Chamberlain. They moved to Three Oaks, Mich., m 1857. Mr. Bradley was a sea captain in the whaling industry for a number of years. He spent four years in Austraha immediately foUowing the discovery of gold in that country. He was for a time connected with the pohce force of Chicago, resigning to enter the army in 1861. He was 1st Lieut., Co. E, 12th Michigan Inf., and he continued in the service imtU the end of the war. In civU life he was interested in everything that promoted pubhc welfare, both in C. and in the West. The first clock owned by the Congregational Church of C. was his gift. He d. 4 May, 1886. Children: 15. i. Grace E'., b. m C. 15 March, 1849. 16. u. John Chamberlain, b. in C, 20 Feb., 1853. 17. in. Martha A., b. in Three Oaks, Mich., 11 Oct., 1858. 18. iv. Charles H., b. m Three Oaks, 24 March, 1860. 15. Grace E'. Bradley (Thomas C'., Abiel; Timothy) h. 15 March, 1849; school teacher for fifteen years. For more than a quarter of a cen tury matron or superintendent of the State Institution for dependent chUdren. 16. John Chamberlain' Bradley (Thomas C'., Ahieb, Timothy) b. 20 Feb., 1853; m. 2 Oct., 1879, Aureha RusseU of Buffalo, N. Y. Children: i. Alfred Russell', m. Freda Lake, 1902. Children: Eleanor", b. 19 AprU, 1903, John and Charies, twins, b. 30 Nov., 1906. n. Howard Arthur, m. Addie Heisse, 27 April, 1905. ChUdren: Arthur RusseU, b. Jan., 1906; Wilham, b. 9 Aug., 1907; Addie, b. 1909. ui, Martha Russell, b. in Michigan, 1886. iv. Lillian Chamberlain, b. in Cleveland, O., 1888. V. John Chamberlain, b. in Cleveland, O., 1889. 17. Martha A«. Bradley (Thomas C'., Abiel; Timothy) b. 11 Oct., 1858; m. Merit A. Wilson, in 1881. Children: i. Glenn B»., b. 10 March, 1883; m. Elsie Shirran, 27 June, 1906. u. Grace Almira, b. 24 Nov., 1884; d. Feb., 1893. iu. WiNNiFRED Chamberlain, b. 29 Sept., 1888. GENEALOGIES. 39 18. Charles H'. Bradley (Thomas C',, AUd; Timothy) b. 24 March, 1860; m. Wmnifred Sherrill, 14 April, 1884. Children: i. Cecilb Hall', b. Dec, 1886. u. Frederic Mark, b. Aug., 1888. iii. Harold Thomas, b. Feb., 1890. iv. Charles Emery, b. 1893; d. 1894. BRADLEY. 1. Enoch E'. Bradley was b. 24 April, 1796, ui Concord; m. 25 May, 1817, in C, Mary, dau. of Samuel A. and Mary (Chase) MorrUl. She was b. in C. 13 Jan., 1799, where she d. 27 June, 1875. Mr. Bradley was a Methodist preacher and was a resident of C. as early as 1841. Children: i. Samuel M'., b. 7 May, 1818. u. Leonidas M., b. 11 March, 1821; d. 5 March, 1825. ui. William S., b. 9 Dec, 1824; d. 23 June, 1844. iv. Mary S., b. 29 Jan., 1828; d. 6 April, 1896. V. Elizabeth J., b. 8 Aug., 1831; d. 7 Aug., 1858. vi. Sarah E., b. 3 May, 1835, in Truro, Mass.; m. Charles York. She d. 4 Feb., 1884 in C. vU. Enoch G., b. 19 April, 1837; d. 24 April, 1837. vui. Ellen F., b. 23 Oct., 1839; d. 24 Jan., 1851. BROWN. The early records of the Massachusetts colony contain mention of several of this name, and descendants of various American ancestors are now found scattered through New England. The hne herein traced has pioneers in New Hampshire and is stUl represented in the state by living citizens. 1. Henry' Brown (sometimes speUed in the records Browne) was b. about 1615 and was among the early residents of Sahsbury, Mass., where he received land in 1640-41-42 and was made a freeman in 1649. He was a commoner in 1650, and appears on the records of the Sahsbury Church in 1677 of which he was a deacon. His name appears on most of the early Salisbury lists. By trade he was a shoemaker. His brothers, Wilham and George, were also early residents of Sahsbury. He d. in Salisbury, 6 Aug., 1701. His wife's name was AbigaU, and they were members of the Sahsbury Church hi 1687. She d. 23 Aug., 1702. Children: Nathaniel, AbigaU, Jonathan, Philip, Abraham, Sarah and Henry. 2. Philips Brown (Henrys) b. Dec, 1648, in Salisbury, and was a tailor, residing ui that town. He was admitted to the Salisbury church, 10 June, 1688, and died 21 July, 1729. M. 24 June, 1669, to Mary, dau. of Isaac and Susanna BusweU, of Sahsbury, b. 29 Aug., 1645, in Salisbury, and d. 27 Nov., 1783. Children: included a son who d. at the age of eight days, Susanna, Mary d. young, another son d. in three days, AbigaU, Mary, Sarah, George, Phoebe and Hannah. 40 HISTORY OF CANTERBURY. 3. George' Brown (Philip; Henry) b. July 1, 1680, in Sahsbury, and was admitted to the first church of Sahsbury, 30 July, 1704. His mtention of m. was pubhshed 10 April, 1705, to Ehzabeth Eastman, dau. of John and Mary (Boynton) Eastman, at Sahsbury, b. 26 Sept., 1686, in that town. ChUdren: Abigail, Sarah, Phoebe, Ruth, Ehzabeth, Phihp, David and Hannah. His wUl was made 29 May, 1740, at which time his wife was hvmg, and was proved 5 Feb., 1753, indicatmg his death about the beginning of the latter year. 4. Philip' Brown (George; Philip; Henry) b. 29 June, 1718. He resided in Sahsbury untU his death, 28 Dec, 1798; m. first, AbigaU Baker, who d. 29 July, 1755; m. second, 8 Feb., 1756, Hannah Thompson, who d. 1 Feb., 1776. He survived his second wife nearly twenty-three years. Children: Benjamm (1742-1792); Abraham (1745-1813); WUham (1747-1831); AbigaU, b. 1749; Sarah, b. 1751; Phihp, b 12 Aug., 1753, d. 11 Aug., 1833; Jeremy (Jeremiah), b. 1755; Samuel, b. 1760 and Ehzabeth (1770^1830). 5, Philip' Brown {Philip', George; Philip; Henry) b. 12 Aug., 1753, in Salisbury, and became one of the early settlers in Loudon, where he d. 11 Aug., 1833. He learned the trade of cabinet maker with Thomas Batchelder, and with him removed to Loudon in the early settlement of that town. They bought land together and cleared it, and Brown engaged in farming and also kept a hotel in the viUage. His building was the third in the village and is now standing and used as a dweUing. In rehgion he was a Quaker. During the Revolution he was a Royahst, although he took no active part. PhUip Brown was m. 16 Jan., 1775, to Ehzabeth, dau. of Dea, Thomas Batchelder, b. 3 Aug., 1753, in East Kingston, and d. 6 Oct., 1812, in Loudon. Subsequent to her death Mr. Brown was m. to Nancy Wedgewood, who was b. 28 March, 1769, and survived him, dsdng 5 Jan., 1838. Children: Thomas, b. 27 Nov., 1775, d. 7 Nov., 1840; WUham, b. 7 Jan., 1778; David, b. 3 Dec, 1779, d. 17 AprU, 1795; Joanna, b. 30 April, 1782, d. 12 June, 1785; Levi, b. 7 Nov., 1784, d. 4 Jan., 1858; PhUip, b. 8 AprU, 1787, d. 23 March, 1880; Timothy, b. 17 Oct., 1789, d. 19 May, 1813; Asa, b. 22 July, 1793, d. 17 AprU, 1795; Eliphalet, b. 31 Dec, 1796, d. 1 Nov., 1854. 6. Willlam' Brown (Philip; Philip') b. 7 Jan., 1778, in Loudon; m. 10 Feb., 1799, Huldah Batchelder, b. 14 Feb., 1778. He d. 24 Nov., 1849. She d. 10, Feb., 1864. He moved to C. soon after marriage, cleared the land and settled on what is now known as the John Nelson farm about one rmle east of Shaker ViUage where he resided until his death. He was strongly rehgious and he and his wife were baptized 1 Jan., 1820. He was chosen dea. of the Free WiU Baptist church 14 Oct., 1820, and held that office untU his death. Children b. in C. : i. Elizabeth' b. 20 June, 1800; m. Feb., 1820, David HiU of Loudon. Children: WUham and Levi HiU. h. Asa, b. 3 Sept., 1801 ; d. 22 March, 1802. GENEALOGIES. 41 7. iu. George W., b. 23 Sept., 1803. iv. Elmira, b. 1 Jan., 1806; m. 15 Jan., 1822, Ebenezer Marden of North- field. Children: Huldah B., Mary Jane, Mehitable, John B., Lorenzo D. and Charles Marden. V. William, b. 25 Feb., 1811; m. 3 May, 1832, Adeline Moulton of Moultonboro. For many years he was a leading architect and builder in St. Louis, Mo., where he lived twenty-eight years and d. 20 Sept., 1886. Children: Alonzo, d. aged nine years, Charles Henry, whose children were Mabel, AUen W. and Ivan. vi. Lorenzo Dow, b. 24 Jan., 1813; m. Lorana Greenough. (See Green ough Gen.) He was a contractor and builder, and was for many years a resident of Concord where he died. Children: Frank, Charles, Edward. vii. Mary Ann, b. 3 Aug., 1817; m. 23 Nov., 1842, Isaac C. HUdreth of LoweU, Mass. Mrs. HUdreth lived for many years in Baltimore, then removed to Chicago where she d. in her sixty-fourth year. One adopted dau,, Anna HUdreth, who m. R. C. Gannon, of Chicago. viu. Philip F., m. Ehza RoweU of Montpelier, Vt. He went to Califor nia in 1849. He served in the Union Army in the Quartermas ter General's department; d. 1896, in St. Louis where he had resided for thirty years. Child: Alice, who m. F. H. Dodge, of St. Louis. 7. George W'. Brown (William; Philip') b. 23 Sept., 1803; m. 26 Oct., 1826, Sarah, dau. of John and Persis (Hill) GUman of Loudon. Mrs. Brown was b. 23 AprU, 1806, in Loudon; d. 14 Feb., 1891. Mr. Brown d. 5 May, 1883. ChUdren: i. Oilman G»., b. 19 Aug., 1827 in Loudon; m. EUen Hinkley of Indiana. He went to Cahfornia in 1852 and resided there until his death, 1877. He was conductor on the Union Pacific R. R., and was killed in an accident on that road. ChUdren: Arthur, Lena. Huldah, b. 23 Feb., 1827. Cyrus G., b. 12 July, 1831. Sarah Jane, b. 16 Dec, 1833 in C. ; m. Dec, 1861, Smith W. Glines of Northfield. Three sons and a dau. Monroe, b. 19 Sept., 1836. Abram, b. 2 Sept., 1838. 8. Huldah' Brown (George TF'., William') b. 23 Feb., 1829, in Loudon; m. 7 Oct., 1849, George Brooks Rawson of GUsum, b. 18 Nov., 1826; d. 8 March, 1905. Child: An adopted dau., Effie Louisa Rawson, b. 14 Dec, 1863; m. 20 Oct., 1892, Orman Huntley Hubbard, M. D. 9. Cyrus G'. Brown (George TF'., William') b. 12 July, 1831, in GUmanton; m. 18 June, 1859, Sarah J., dau. of WiUiam and Sarah (Rand) Hancock. (See Hancock Gen.) ChUdren: i. Nellie May', b. 30 Sept., 1861, in C; m. 4 Feb., 1882, in C, Alfred Porter Batchelder of Loudon. (See Batchelder and Young Gen.) 12. u. Frank Lbon, b. 17 July, 1867. 10. Monroe' Brown (George TF'., William') b. 19 Sept., 1836, in C; m. 8 Oct., 1864, Rebecca J. Day of GUsum. He d. 26 May, 1909, was a soldier m the 15th N. H. Regt. of the Civil War. ChUdren: 8. u. 9. iii. iv. 10. V. 11. vi. 42 HISTORY OF CANTERBURY. i. Bessie Hayner', b. 24 Sept., 1868, in Chester, Mass., She was educated for a teacher and taught several years in Winchester, Mass., schools untU her death 21 Nov., 1907, m Milton, Mass. u. Margaret Day, m, 15 Oct., 1900, Herbert L. GUman of Maiden, Mass. 11. Abram' Brown (George W'., William') b. 2 Sept., 1838, m C; m. 28 Dec, 1869, Emma Gray of Columbus, O. She was b. 30 Oct., 1844; d. 1 Nov.,. 1910. He graduated Dartmouth CoUege class of 1867 and has been a successful teacher; was principal of the Columbus, O., high school for many years. He enhsted in the 9th Regt., N, H. Vol., and was wounded at the battle of Antietam. Children: 1 JvIttttt'* npppfmpfi U. Ruth Gray, educated at Smith CoUege; m. 14 June, 1898, WUliam Herbert Page, a lawyer, now residing in Coloumbus, O. Child: Edith Page, d. young. 12. Frank Leon» Brown (Cyrus G'., George TF'.) b. 17 July, 1867, in C; m. Harriet May, dau. of Alvah L. and Clara (Neal) Brown of Loudon. She was b. 30 May, 1877, m Loudon. Frank Leon was educated at Gilmanton Academy, class of 1887. Children: Leon Alvah", b. 15 Oct., 1907, Evelyn May, b. 26 April, 1910. BROWN. 1. Elick' Brown was b. 25 Aug., 1787, and was a descendant of John Brown, who was b. in England, 1588-89, and emigrated in 1635, and is said to have settled in Hampton as early as 1639. Ehck m. Mary Dalton, He d. 2 Sept., 1872, and she d. 23 Feb., 1878. 2, Joseph T'. Brown (Elick') b. 14 Aug., 1814, in Epsom; m. Susan, dau. of Phmeas Danforth. He d. 7 Nov., 1874, in C; she d. 17 May, 1878, aged 64. ChUdren: i. Thomas J., a volunteer in Civil War; d. in Virginia 12 June, 1861, aged 22. u. Charles A., d. 26 Jan., 1862, aged 17. hi. Mary A., d. 23 June, 1864, aged 18. iv. Joseph Warren, m. Nellie Whittemore. Resides in Los Angeles, Cal. 3. V. John D., twin, b. 17 Sept., 1863. vi. Maria, twin, b. 17 Sept., 1853; m. Sargent and had a son, John. vu. Louisa. 3. John D'. Brown (Joseph; Elick') b. 17 Sept., 1863; m. 11 Sept., 1872, in C, Helen J., dau. of Ehas and Sarah (Ghnes) Pickard. (See Pickard Gen.) ChUdren b. in Andover: i. Nellie May, b. 4 May, 1876; m. 3 Nov., 1895, m Andover, Charles W. Stetson, son of John W., b. 13 Nov., 1874, in Orford. Child : Helen May, b. 1 Aug,, 1896. u. Emma Abigail, b. 26 Aug., 1878; m. WUfred A. Stetson. Children hying: Harold Wesley, Glenn WUfred, Myrta Nell. Gladys died young. GENEALOGIES. 43 BROWN. 1. Abraham' Brown, from whom several of the famihes of the name in C. trace theu' ancestry, was b. 8 May, 1763; m. 1776, Mary, b. 30 March, 1760, dau. of Rev. Benjamin and Dorcas (Abbott) Butler. Came to the "north fields" of C. prior to 1780. Abraham served seven years in the Revolutionary War; d. 8 May, 1824, in Northfield, his wife 22 years later. Children: i. Pollys, b. 13 March, 1777; m. John HUls, b. m Haverhill, Mass. u. Sally, b, 17 Feb., 1779, in Epping; d, 9 Dec, 1849, m Northfield. iu. Dorcas, b. 5 AprU, 1785; m. 1807, Enoch Osgood of Sahsbury, Mass. Removed to Salisbury, N. H. He d. 1832, aged 60 years. They had eight children: The family moved to East Andover in 1835 where she d. 1861. 2. iv. Abraham, b. 1 Sept., 1787. V. Hannah, b. 9 Dec, 1791; m. Jeremiah Forrest of C. vi. Phebe, b. 7 June, 1796, in Northfield; d. 28 May, 1852, in East Andover. 3. vii. Benjamin Butler, b. 19 AprU, 1800. viu. Henry Butler, b. 4 July, 1802, in Northfield; m. 24 Jan., 1829, Laura Ticknor of Lebanon. In 1857 they removed to Rock- ford, 111., where Mrs. Brown d. 20 Dec, 1867; he d. 13 Dec, 1872, at Big Rapids, Mich. Children: 1. Darwm. 2. Fmley. 3. Mrs. Kate Bronson. 4. Mrs. Davis of Chicago. ix. Clarissa, b. 30 March, 1804, m. 24 Jan., 1824, Edward Chase. She d. 1 June, 1825, leaving a dau. 2. Abrahams Brown (Abraham') b. 2 Sept., 1787; m. Dec, 1808, Betsey, dau. of WiUiam and Dorothy (Worthen) Forrest. Betsey was b. 9 AprU, 1783, in C; d. 27 Dec, 1860, in Northfield. Abraham Brown d. 5 June, 1861, in Northfield. Children: i. Harrison Butlers, b. 10 Nov., 1809; m. Harriet Chase. He d. 30 ^pt., 1870; she d. 31 July, 1896. They had two sons and a dau. 4. ii. Samuel Butler, b. 12 Dec, 1813. ui. Mary Butler, b. 11 Nov., 1817; m. 12 March, 1837, Thomas Chase, b. Sept., 1810, in Northfield. She d. 12 AprU, 1876. iv. Climena, b. 12 March, 1819; m. Joseph MorriU of C. (See MorriU Gen.) V. Susan M., b. 27 Nov., 1822; m. 10 May, 1849, Napoleon B. Bryant of Andover. She d. 16 May, 1874, in Boston, Mass.; he d. Jan. 1902, in East Andover. They had eight children. 3. Benjamin Butler' Brown (Abraham') b. 19 April, 1800, in Northfield; m. first, 30 Dec, 1824, Phebe Gale of Sanbomton; she d. there Feb., 1845; m. second, 4 Feb., 1866, Mary Sanborn and resided at East Andover, where both d. He d. 4 Feb., 1867. Children: i. Henry', b. 21 Sept., 1825, in Sanbomton; m. Mrs. Cordeha Myers. They had a son and dau. ii. Stephen Gale, b. 28 Sept., 1827, in Sanbomton; d, 1849, at Sutters Fort, Cal. 5. iu. Benjamin Franklin, b. 27 Oct., 1831. iv. Mary Ann, b. 23 Aug., 1833, in Nottingham. V. Charles G., b. 11 Dec, 1835, in Hartland, Vt.; d. 1885, in Bristol. 44 HISTORY OF CANTERBURY. vi. George G., b. 10 Oct., 1837; m. first, Ada Reed of Claremont; second, NeUie Prescott of Bristol; third, Etta Shaw of TUton. He has two daughters, Mrs. George Cavis of Bristol, and Mrs. George H. Davis of TUton. 4. Samuel Butler' Brown (Abraham; Abraham') b. 12 Dec, 1813; m. 6 Nov., 1837, Lydia Leighton of Northfield, b. 9 July, 1814. He d. 18 Aug., 1870. Children b. in Northfield: i. Annie M'., b. 31 Dec, 1838; m. 17 Dec, 1866, Joseph G. Lyford, b. 8 July, 1830. 6. u. Albert, b. 21 Aug., 1840. ui. Laura, b. 14 Nov., 1843; d. 18 Oct., 1857. ^ iv. MARYC.,b. 17 June, 1847; m. John B. MorrUl of Newton, Mass. He d, 1882. They had a son and a dau. V. Lyman, b. 24 July, 1849; m. Elizabeth Davis. ChUdren: Edna and Winnifred. 5. Benjamin Franklin' Brown (Benjamin Butler; Abraham') b. 27 Oct., 1831, in Nottingham; m. 6 April, 1865, Phebe, dau. of Benjamm and Hannah (Clough) Sanbom. Mr. Brown d. 18 Aug., 1899, in Concord. Children : i. Addie Cordelia, b. 11 Oct., 1858; m. first, 21 Jan., 1884, Dr. Charies E., son of Dr. Hadley Fowler of Bristol. Charles E. d. 1889 in Concord; m. second, 7 Jan., 1894, Victor P. Hamilton of Con cord. ChUdren by first marriage: 1. Frank, b. 21 Oct., 1886, is an electrician in Concord. 2. Edgar O., b. 15 Sept., 1887. 3. Carohne Phebe, b. 18 Sept., 1889, is a teacher in the pubhc schools of Bristol. Children by second marriage : 4. Stanwood, b. 1894. 5. Hester Gordon, b. 6 March, 1895. u. Nellie May, m. WUlard Crosby of Bellows Falls, Vt.; d. June, 1886. Child: Nellie Mae, stenographer, Concord. iu. Mabel. iv. Flora Phebe, teacher and accountant, clerk State Board of Health. 6. Albert' Brown (Samuel Butler; Abraham', Abraham') b. 21 Aug., 1840, in Northfield; m. 1 Jan., 1866, EUen Ehzabeth, dau. of Thomas and Ehza Ann (Sanborn) Leighton. She was b. 12 July, 1848, in Franklin. Thomas Leighton was b. 11 March, 1817; m. 1 Jan., 1844; d. 24 Aug., 1874. Ehza Ann, his wife, d. 25 Dec, 1891. Albert Brown was a soldier in the Civil War; d. 6 May, 1906. ChUd: 7. i. Herbert Leighton', b. 20 March, 1867. 7. Herbert Leighton' Brown (Albert', Samuel B'., Abraham') b. 20 March, 1867; m. 16 Sept., 1902, Sadie F., dau. of Daniel Batchelder and Eme- hne (Clough) Sanborn, b. 9 March, 1876, d. 9 AprU, 1908. Mr. Brown owns a large and productive farm on Merrimack River and is a speciahst in breeding horses. He is also prominent in the Grange. ChUd: i. Sadie Elizabeth, b. 11 March, 1908, BROWN. Simeon M'. Brown, b. m Rye; m. 28 Sept., 1831, m C, Mehitable M. Maxfield, b. 9 Aug., 1806; d. 3 Sept., 1883. He d. 21 March, 1869, m C, aged 61 years. Children: GENEALOGIES. 45 i. Hannah E.'., b. 10 July, 1832, in Loudon; m. 17 Nov., 1857, Enoch P. Marsh; she d. 27 May, 1907, in C; he d. 1874. Children: 1. Charles Thompson' Marsh, b. 11 Sept., 1862. 2. Ellen Coburn Marsh. 3. Ida Lora, b. 8 Dec, 1872, in Loudon; m. Charles Emery Morrill. (See Morrill Gen.) u. Jo,seph B., b. 24 Sept., 1834; m. 14 Sept., 1859, in C, Clara Maria dau. of Enos and Clara DUhngham. Clara M., was b. Aug., 1832, in Dixfield, Me. ChUd: Henry M., b. 16 Aug., 1869, in C, and d. there 12 Nov., 1876. Joseph B. Brown d. 27 Aug., 1909. BROWN. 1. Thomas' Brown was a resident of Concord, Mass., where he d. 3 Nov., 1688. His wife Bridget was b. 1700-01. Children b. in Concord, Mass. : 2. i. BoAZs, b. 14 Feb., 1641-42. u. Jabez, d. 1692. iii. Mary, b. 26 March, 1646; d. 21 June, 1669. iv. Eleazer, b. 6 July, 1649. V. Thomas, b. 1651; d. 4 April, 1718. 2. BoAZS Brown (Thomas') b. 14 Feb., 1641-42, m. first, 8 Nov., 1664, Mary, dau. of Edward and Jane Winship. The second wife of Boaz was Mary Richards of Dedham, Mass. She d. in 1715. He m. third, 10 Oct., 1716, Mrs. AbigaU (BaUard) Wheat of Andover, Mass. He lived in Stowe, Mass., most of his long life, but returned to Concord, Mass., where he d. 7 April, 1724. Children by first marriage, except Jane, b. in Concord, Mass. i. BoAZ', b. 31 July, 1666. 3. ii. Thomas, b. 12 May, 1667. in. Mary, b. 31 Oct., 1670. iv, Edward, b, 20 March, 1672-73; d. 16 March, 1710-11. v. Mercy, m. John Everett, vi. Mary, b. 24 May, 1678. vU. Jane, b. 4 Sept., 1684, in Stowe. 3. Thomas' Brown (Boaz', Thomas') b. 12 May, 1667; m. Rachel Poulter. He d. 13 May, 1739. ChUdren b. in Concord, Mass.: i. Rachel', b. 16 Feb., 1691-92. ii. Mary, b. 20 March, 1692-93. 4. iu. John, b. 18 Sept., 1694. iv. Rachel, b. 10 March, 1695-96. V. Jonathan, b. 30 July, 1698. vi. Thomas, b. 14 June, 1700. vii. Hannah, b. 6 June, 1702. viu. Abigail, b. 12 March, 1703-04. ix. Dinah, b. 12 Feb., 1705-06. x. Thomas, b. 24 Dec, 1707. xi. Mercy, b. 22 April, 1710. 4. John' Brown (Thomas; Boaz', Thomas') b. 18 Sept., 1694; m. 23 Feb., 1714-15, Ehzabeth, dau. of Judah and Grace (Brooks) Potter. He d. 6 March, 1750. ChUdren b. in Concord, Mass. : i. John', b. 1 Dec, 1715; d. 21 July, 1718. u. Elizabeth, b. 4 Sept., 1718. ui. Grace, b. 5 Feb., 1720-21; d. 6 Sept., 1762. iv. John, b. 1 July, 1724; d. 1803. v. Hannah, b. 25 March, 1727. vi. Josiah, b. 30 Dec, 1729. vu. Joseph, d. 11 Feb., 1731-32. vui. Joseph, b. 12 Nov., 1733. ix. Rebecca, b. 4 Oct., 1736. 5. X. Josiah, Capt., b. 30 Jan., 1742, 5. Capt. Josiah' Brown, (John; Thomas') b. 30 Jan., 1742; m. 31 Oct., 1765, Sarah Wright, b. 1744; d. m 1821. He was at the battle of Bunker HiU. He d. 18 March, 1831.. Children b. in New Ipswich: 46 HISTORY OF CANTERBURY. i. Josiah , b. 1 Oct., 1766; d. 20 Jan., 1858. u. Joseph, b. 10 Oct., 1767; d. 2 March, 1827. ui. Jonas, b. 4 March, 1769; d. 23 Feb., 1836. iv. Sarah, b. 22 Nov., 1770; d. 20 April, 1822. 6. V. Aaron, b. 8 Dec, 1772. vi. Amos, b. 11 Sept., 1774; d. 10 May, 1863. vu. Abner, b. 27 July, 1776; d. 4 April, 1824. viu. Rebecca, b. 5 July, 1778; d. 9 June, 1853. ix. Levi, b. 6 Aug., 1780; d. 10 Sept., 1840. x, Nathan, b. 25 July, 1782; d. 21 Jan., 1862. xi. Heywood, b. 2 July, 1784; d. 2 March, 1867. xh. Betsey, b. 7 Feb., 1787; d. 11 July, 1793. xiu. Abigail, b. 22 June, 1790; d. 24 April, 1864. 6. Aaron' Brown (Josiah; John; Thomas') was b. 8 Dec, 1772; d. 15 Feb., 1828. He m. 16 AprU, 1795, Hannah, dau. of John and Ehzabeth Bateman) Brown. She d. 15 Feb., 1852. Children b. m New Ipswich: i. Betsey, b. 23 Jan., 1796; d. 26 Jan., 1804. u. Aaron, b. 28 Sept., 1797; d. 2 May, 1798. ui. Addison, Rev., b. 11 March, 1799; d. 11 May, 1872. 7. iv. Hermon, b. 28 Dec, 1800. V. Mary, b. 14 Feb., 1803; d. 1 Dec, 1837. vi. John S., Rev., b. 26 April, 1806; d. 15 July, 1902. 7. Hermon' Brown (Aaron', Josiah's, John') b. 28 Dec, 1800. He d. 23 Aug., 1876, in Westminster, Mass. He m. 13 April, 1826, Sophronia', dau. of Samuel Potter' Prescott (John', Abel', Jonathan', Jonathan', John', John'). Her mother was Elizabeth Brown. Sophronia was b. 11 Dec, 1802, in Concord, Mass.; d. 21 April, 1894, in Boxboro, Mass. Children b. ia New Ipswich: i. Addison Prescott', b. 2 Aug., 1827; d. 1 April, 1900. u. Hannah Elizabeth, b. 21 May, 1829; d. 14 Sept., 1831. 8. hi. Joseph Aaron, b. 8 May, 1831. iv. John Humphrey, b. 22 March, 1834; d. 23 Feb., 1845. V. Mary Elizabeth, b. 16 March, 1836; d. 11 Oct., 1905. 9. vi Alfred Hermon, b. 14 July, 1838. vii. George Stillman, b. 12 Nov., 1840; d. 11 Dec, 1840. vui. Sophronia Eliza, b. 20 Aug., 1842; d. 16 Sept., 1842.' ix. Hannah Eliza, b. 19 Nov., 1843; d. 13 Sept., 1845. 8. Joseph A«. Brown (Herman', Aaron', Josiah') b. 8 May, 1831; m. 8 Feb., 1854, Lucy A., dau. of Benjamin F. and Mary E. Davis. He d. 13 July, 1908, in Manchester. ChUdren: i. Frank Hermon', b. 3 Sept., 1855, in Concord. ii. Aura Anna, b. 27 Sept., 1867, in Concord; d. 7 Jime, 1863, in C. iii. Ella Gertrude, b. 22 July, 1860, in Nashua. iv. Joseph Edwin, b. 20 Sept., 1863, in C. V. J. Alfred, b. 10 May, 1869, in C. vi. Grace Maud, b. 10 May, 1876, in Manchester. 9. Alfred Hermon' Brown (Hermon; Aaron', Josiah') b. 14 July, 1838; m. 20 Jan., 1872, in C, Margarett Elizabeth, dau. of Ehphalet and Mary J. (MerriU) Gale, b. 16 May, 1851, in Concord. (See Gale Gen.) Alfred H. came to C. in 1861 and with his brother Joseph A., opened a general store in the new Union HaU building. (See Vol, I, Chap. XL) ChUdren b. in C.: i. Josephine M'., b. 1 Jan., 1873. 10. ii. Fred Hermon, b. 19 March, 1874. GENEALOGIES. 47 ui. Mary Prescott, b. 2 May, 1877; m. 15 Jan., 1901, in C, Richard A. Cody. (See Cody Gen.) iv. Alice Margaret, b. 20 Feb., 1886; m, 8 AprU, 1908, in Chester, Homer Lathe, son of John Butters and Emma A. (Jenkins) Perkins of Loudon. Homer L. was b. 16 June, 1880, in Loudon. ChUd: Helen Ehzabeth" Perkins, b. 7 Feb., 1909, in Loudon. 10. Fred H', Brovtn (Alfred', Hermon', Aaron') b. 19 March, 1874; m. 19 June, 1901, in Providence, R. I., Cora Abby, b. 4 June, 1875, dau. of Edwin O. and Ehza E. (EUiott) Batchelder. Children b. in Concord: i. Aubrey Myrle", b. 25 March, 1902, ii. Doris Elizabeth, b. 28 Feb., 1905. iu. Fred Hermon, b. 30 Nov.', 1906. BRYANT. 1. John' Bryant d. in Newarket. ChUdren: 2. i. John Joseph', b. in Newmarket, 1799. u. Sally P., b. about 1801; d. about 1885, aged 84 years, not m.; resided at Evanston, 111. 3. iu. Jeremy. 2. John Josephs Bryant (John') b. in Newmarket, 1799, and came to C- about 1824, where he d. in 1850; m. first, 17 Feb., 1725, Rebecca, dau. of Benjamin and Achsah (BaUey) Gale of Sahsbury, b. 17 Sept., 1803, and d. about 1833. Children: i. Rebecca Gale', d. in infancy. 4. u. Maria L., b. 7 Nov., 1828. He m. second, in 1839, Mrs. Harriet Maria (Hoag) Huntington, b. 20 Sept., 1809, m Chelsea, Vt. Children: ui. Samuel Huntington, b. 8. Feb., 1842, and d. at C. in 1850. 5. iv. Ellen Rebecca, b. 27 April, 1843, in C. V. Orville Dewey, b. 24 July, 1847. Soldier in Civil War, enlisted at Evanston, 111., and d. at Padukah, Ky., 1864, aged 17 years. 3. Jerbmys Bryant (John') settled in East Andover, where he died. Chil dren: 6. i. Napoleon Bonaparte', b. 26 Feb., 1825. u. John, b. about 1830, and d. in 1895, at East Andover; m. Susan . in. Drusilla, b. in 1823. 4. Maria L'. Bryant (John J'., John') b. 7 Nov., 1828; m. in 1861, Thomas C. Hoag, of Chicago, IU., and resides in Pasadena, Cal. ChUdren: i. Rebecca Bryant', d. at Evanston, IU., aged 18 years. u. Junius C, physician, Chicago, 111. iu, William Gale, broker at Pasadena, Cal, iv. Edwin, d. at the age of 21. V. Ernest Bryant, physician at Berkeley, Cal. 5. Ellen Rebecca' Bryant (John J'., John') b. 27 April, 1843, in C; m. 4 Sept., 1863, Dr. Ezekiel Morrill of Concord. (See MorriU Gen.) 48 HISTORY OF CANTERBURY. 6. Napolbon B'. Bryant (Jeremy; John') b. 25 Feb., 1826; m. May, 1849, Susan M. Forrest, b. m Northfield, 27 Nov., 1822, and d. in Boston, 16 May, 1874. Children: Charles, Henry, Clara, Hattie, Mary and Susie. 7. Drusilla' Bryant (Jeremy; John') b. in 1823; m. Clark Durgin, of East Andover. She d. in 1900. Children: i. Frank' Durgin, b. in 1843. u. Walter Durgin, b. in 1845, a son Dr. Edward Durgin. in. Maria Durgin, b. in 1847; m. Richard Langtry, and hves m Hooksett. iv. Cora Durgin, b. in 1850; m. and lives in East Andover. BUSWELL. 1. Samuels Buswell, b. 1628; m. 8 July, 1656, Sarah Keyes, He d. 7 July, 1704. He was son of Isaac BusweU of Sahsbury, Mass., who came to America, 1638. 2. Isaac Buswell (Samuel; Isaac') b. 6 Aug., 1657; m. 1690, Anna Ordway. He d. 6 July, 1709. 3. Samuel' Buswell (Isaac; Samuel; Isaac') b. 14 June, 1702; m, fitrst, 3 Jan., 1727, Mary Worthen. M. second, Aug., 1748, Sarah Thome. He d. 1796. Child by first marriage: 4. i. Anna', b. 7 Nov., 1727. ChUd by second marriage : 5. u. John, b. 26 Jan., 1752. 4. Anna' Buswell (Samueb, Isaac') b. 7 Nov., 1727; m. 26 Nov., 1750, John Brown. She d. about 1780. Their dau., Mary', b. 1760, m. John Blake. Rachel' Blake, b. 1780, dau. of Mary' and John Blake, m. 1802, James F. Maxfield. Then- dau., Hannah' Maxfield, b. 1821, m. 8 May, 1866, Samuel' BusweU, 5. John' Buswtell (Samueb, Isaac') b. 26 Jan., 1762; m. 29 Aug., 1774, Mary Smith. He d. 1839. 6. Nicholas' Buswell (John', Samuel') b. 29 April, 1779; m. 1800, Hannah French. He d. 19 July, 1850. 7. Samuel' Buswell (Nicholas', John') b. 22 Feb., 1805; m. first, about 1830, Susan BuzzeU of Me., who d. about 1852. He m. second, 8 May, 1856, Hannah' Maxfield, b. 1821. Mr. BusweU d. 11 April, 1892. He hved in C. many years. Children by first marriage: i. Henrietta', b. about 1831 in Gilmanton; m. in C, 1 Sept., 1851, Centre F. Smith, of Northfield. She d. 1865. ii. Sarah Jane, b. 1832; d. July, 1866, unm. iu. William LbRoy, b. 2 Jan., 1844; m. EUen CUley of Andover. He was in 8th N. H. Regt. of the CivU War and served until it closed. He d. 17 AprU, 1898. No children. ChUd by second marriage: iv. Flora E., b. 2 March, 1869, in C. GENEALOGIES. 49 CARTER. 1. John' Carter, m. Abigail Bartlett. He is mentioned in the census of 1790 as the head of a family with a son imder sixteen and six females. His wife, Abigail, was b. Aug., 1754-55; d. 16 March, 1838. Children: i. Abigails, m. 1 Aug., 1799, Caleb Heath, Jr. (See Caleb Heath Gen.) u. Mary C, b. 30 June, 1779; m. in C, 27 Dec, 1808, Ebenezer, son of John Philbrick, b. in Deerfield, 6 Oct., 1779. He died in Salisbury, 26 Nov., 1832. She died m C, 13 Feb., 1868. iii. Sarah, m. 13 May, 1802, Nathan, son of James Currier. They resided in Salisbury, where he d. 6 Nov., 1844. She d. in WUmot, 7 Dec, 1845. iv. Hannah, m, 5 Nov,, 1805, Timothy, son of David Foster, b. in C, 21 Aug., 1782. They resided in C. untU about 1825 when they removed to Salisbury where they lived for many years and where he d. 2. v. John Bartlett. vi. Stephen, bapt., 1793; m. 15 March, 1819, Abby C. W., dau. of David and Abigail (Foster) Stevens, b. 6 Aug., 1799 in Sahs bury. He d. 22 Jan., 1830. She m. second, James Worcester, of Sanford, Me. She d. 17 Apr., 1863; he d. 16 June, 1843. vu. Elizabeth, bapt., 1793; m. 15 Sept., 1812, John, son of Samuel and Nancy (Cochran) Dunlap of Salisbury, b. in Henniker Dec, 1788; d. 19 Sept., 1838. She d. 8 May, 1.353. 2. John Bartletts Carter (John') m. first, 24 March, 1809, Nancy, dau. of Samuel and Miriam (Tucker) Sargent, b. 22 July, 1790. He was kUled by'being thrown from a horse. She m. second, 30 Nov., 1826, Samuel French. She d. 10 July, 1864. Mr. French d. 17 Dec, 1852. Children by first marriage: i. John Bartlett', b. 1809; d. 15 Nov., 1813. 3. u. Nancy, b. 9 Sept., 1811. 4. in. John Bartlett, b. 6 March, 1814. iv. Abigail Heath, b. 11 March, 1816; m. Joseph Dow. (See Joseph Dow Gen.) 5. V. Samuel Heath, b. 2 Aug., 1818. 6. vi. Ebbnezer Philbrick, b. 31 Oct., 1821. vii. Joseph Heath, b. 18 Feb., 1823; d. 7 July, 1829. Children by second marriage : vui. Martha C. French, b. 31 May, 1828; m. 16 Sept., 1847, BUly E. PUlsbury; d. 13 Aug., 1892. (See PUlsbury Gen.) ix. Sarah E., b. 10 April, 1832; m. 1 Jan., 1856, Andrew J. Taylor. She d. 22 Oct., 1897, at Boscawen. He d. 2 Nov., 1897. X. Charles L., b. 13 Dec, 1834; m. 30 Dec, 1858, Hannah, dau. of Moody and Susan (Whidden) Emery. He d. 18 March, 1910, at Reasonor, Iowa. 3. Nancy' Carter (John; Johw) b. 9 Sept., 1811, bapt. 9 July, 1817; m. 10 Oct., 1833, George M. N. Pear of Cambridgeport, Mass. Mr. Pear d. 15 Aug., 1836. ChUd: i. LuciNDA M. Pear', b. in Cambridgeport, 1 April, 1834; m. Myron C. Foster of C, 1 Jan., 1854; d. 20 Dec, 1897. (See Foster Gen.) Mrs. Pear m. second, Samuel W., son of William and SaUy Randall of C. 25 Jan., 1838, b. 10 April, 1809; d. 17 Nov., 1847. 5-n 50 HISTORY OF CANTERBURY. Children: Ehzabeth V., RandaU, Almura S. RandaU, Leroy A. Randall, Thomas B. Randall, Henrietta K. Randall. (See Randall Gen.) Mrs. Randall m. third, Joseph Parsons Stevens, 15 Aug., 1854, b. 25 April, 1799; d. 28 Sept., 1869. Mrs. Stevens d. 9 Jan., 1903, at Laconia. 4. John Bartlett' Carter (John; John') b. 6 March, 1814; m. Susannah, dau. of Wilham KeUey of Bradford, Vt. She d. in 1893 in Bradford; m. second, 19 May, 1877, Mrs. Mary Bagley. He d. 23 Feb., 1892. Children: i. Sanborn', b. Oct., 1840; went West and m. Katy Haven. He served in the Civil War, 1st Ohio ArtiUery; d. in 1894. Children: Wilham', Samuel, Heath, Mary, Andrew. u. Josephine, b. July, 1842; m. 25 Jan., 1863, John Huntress of Bos cawen, b. 1838. Children: John Huntress' and infant daughter. 7. in. John Bartlett, b. 11 Aug., 1845. iv. Samuel Heath, b. 3 Feb., 1852; d. unm., in Ottawa, IU. 5. Samuel Heath' Carter (John', John') b. 2 Aug., 1818; m. 3 June, 1860, Sarah L. Lambert. Mr. Carter was for many years a raUroad engineer. He d. 21 Jan., 1887. Mrs. Carter is now hving in Woodfords, Me. ChUdren: i. Elizabeth L'., b. 17 April, 1851. u. John L., b. 12 April, 1853; d. 22 Oct., 1856. iu. John S., b. 4 June, 1857. iv. George A., b. 20 March, 1859. V. Elmer E., b. 2 Dec, 1863. vi. Annie J., b. 15 AprU, 1866. 6. Ebenezer Philbrick' Carter (John', John') b. 31 Oct., 1821; m. 22 May, 1844, Azubah, dau. of John and Azubah (Ghnes) Hannaford, b. at Northfield 13 June, 1818. Ebenezer and Azubah Carter hved in the Garrison House at C. untU about 1853, when they removed to the Carter homestead nearly opposite. He d. 11 AprU, 1874. She d. 1 Nov., 1891. Children: i. Infant son'. u. William Hervey, b. 26 Oct., 1846; d. 26 Oct., 1863. 8. in. Charles Wesley, b. 10 July, 1848. 9. iv. Joseph Harper, b. 1. Sept., 1851. V. Mary Adelaide, b. 1 Sept., 1851; m, 3 July, 1873, Jeremiah Cogs weU. (See CogsweU Gen.) vi. Ella Lenora, b. 31 July, 1853; m. 28 May, 1879, Edwin Elhott, son of Theodore A. and Eliza Elhott Bridge, b. 12 July, 1863. She d. 17 Aug., 1894. Children: Theodore E. Bridge', b. 20 July, 1880; d. 23 Sept., 1893, Helen I. Bridge, b. 10 June, 1886, now a teacher in Boston. vu. Helen Medora, b. 19 Sept., 1856; d. unm. 12 Oct., 1893. vm. Hattie Loraine, b. 3 Sept., 1861; m. 26 June, 1880, Frank W. Mor- nU. (See MorrUl Gen.) 7. John Bartlett' Carter (John; John; John') b. 11 Aug., 1845, in C; m. 26 Dec, 1866, Sarah, dau. of David and Martha (Sargent) PettengUl of E. Concord, b. 15 Aug., 1848. She d. 18 June, 1907; m. second, Mrs. Mary Stevens, 8 May, 1910. Children: GENEALOGIES. 51 i. Arthurs, b. at C, 20 Feb., 1871; d. 4 Nov., 1898. ii. Charles W., b. at E. Concord, 25 Sept., 1872. iii. Josephine, b. in Loudon, 19 Oct., 1877; m. John Nudd, 19 Aug., 1897; m. second, 26 Nov., 1902, Harry L. Colby. He d. 13 Aug., 1910. Child: Rexford A. (Nudd) 'Colby, b. 1 March, 1900. iv. Frank, b. in C, 14 Feb., 1875; m. Florence Tucker, 19 Dec, 1908. V. Jennie B., b. 7 Jan., 1882, in Rumney; m. Walter Smart, 23 Feb. 1899; m. second, Bert Glines. vi. George, b. 7 Jan., 1886, in Concord; m. 28 Feb., 1909, Louise Bas- sett of Boscawen. 8. Charles Wesley' Carter (Ebenezer', John; John') b. 10 July, 1848; m. 24 Jan., 1872, Alia Jane, dau. of James and Susan Emery (Fellows) Dearborn, b. 15 Jan., 1850. Mr. Carter went into trade in Boscawen, 1 Apr., 1871, and continued until 1 Sept., 1896. Appointed postmaster during Cleveland's second administration, Selectman for four years. ChUdren: i. Mabel Azubah', b. 13 June, 1873; m. 1 Sept., 1904, George W., son of George Abrailis and Angle (Montague) Sumner, b. in Hill, 5 Jan., 1875. They reside in Penacook where Mr. Sumner is Superintendent of Schools. Children: 1. Ruth Azubah' Sumner, b, 28 June, 1905, in HiU. 2. George Carter Sumner, b. 13 May, 1907, in HUl. 3. Dorothy AUa Sumner, b. 13 May, 1907, in HiU. 4. Charles Montague Sumner, b. 30 July, 1909, in Penacook. u. Charles Herbert , b. 24 March, 1875; m. 7 Oct., 1909, Ethel, dau. of Walton and Martha Allen, b. in Contoocoo^ 6 Sept., 1885. Mr. Carter with his brother Harry were proprietors of a grocery store in Boscawen for about six years. At present he is engaged in the automobile business in Concord. One son, Allen Dear born, b. 27 AprU, 1910. in. Walter Hervey, b. 26 Jan., 1877, at present engaged in telephone work in Worcester, Mass. iv. Harry Wesley, b. 3 Oct., 1880, now proprietor of a grocery store in Boscawen. V. Edward Dearborn, b. 30 March, 1883; d. 29 Dec, 1883. 9. JosEiPH Harper' Carter (Ebenezer', John; John') h. 1 Sept., 1851; m. 6 Sept., 1882, Carrie M., dau. of Nathan and Carohne (Bickford) Taplin, of Corinth, Vt. They reside in Corinth where he has a large farm. ChUdren: i. Nathan Taplin', b. 13 Aug., 1883, in C. u. Lizzie Valentine, b. 14 Feb., 1885, in Cormth, Vt. ; d. 17 Nov., 1902. hi. Karl Eben, b. 24 Feb., 1888; m. Georgia A. Cleveland, 9 Dec, 1908. ChUd: Joseph Cleveland Carter, b. 22 Oct., 1909. iv. Jessie Blanche, b. 1 Dec, 1889; m. Fred C. Jones, 28 Feb., 1909, (See Jones Gen.) V. Ralph Wesley, b. 17 Sept., 1892. vi. Earl Foster, b. 29 Aug., 1895. vii. Ned Hannaford, b. 29 June, 1897. CARTER. 1. Nathan' Carter was of the sixth generation from Thomas and Mary Carter, early settlers of Sahsbury, Mass. (Winthrop; Thomas; Thomas', John', Thomas'). His parents were Winthrop and Susanna (Eastman) 52 HISTORY OF CANTERBURY. Carter, residents of Boscawen, where he was b. 6 AprU, 1761-62. He m. Sarah Famum of Concord. Children: i. Judith', b. 16 Dec, 1787, d. 13 Jan., 1871. u. Moses, b. 6 Aug., 1790; d. 30 May, 1851. 2. in. John, b. 10 Dec, 1797. iv. Jeremiah, b. 20 Feb., 1803; d. 19 Nov., 1871. V. Nathan, b. 4 Feb., 1807; d. 16 Feb., 1875. 2. John' Carter (Nathan') b. 10 Dec, 1797 and resided at different tunes in Boscawen, Concord and C, where he d. 12 Aug., 1871; m. Lydia, dau. of Bradbury and Rebecca (Straw) GiU, b. 17 Nov., 1799, in Hopkm- ton. Shed.mC.2Feb., 1890. Children: i. Bradbury G'., b. 3 Feb., 1827; m. Asenath Spiller, d. 3 June, 1907. u. Luther, b. 24 Aug., 1829; m. Mary Ann Coffin. iu. John, b. 25 March, 1832; d. 25 Aug., 1833. iv. John, b. 15 March, 1834; m. Juha Bryant. V. Sarah R., b. 4 Oct., 1838; m. Robert G. Morrison. vi. William H., b. 20 Dec, 1842 in C, where he was a life long resident, settling in 1865 on what is known as the Blodgett farm. He m. 4 Feb., 1866, in C, Martha A., dau. of John and Mary J. (Blan chard) Wheeler. Served in the Civil War in Co. E., 1st N. H. Vol. Heavy ArtUlery. He d. 4 Sept., 1903, in C. CASS. 1. Levi' Cass m. Harriai; Mosia and moved from Epsom with eight other young couples to Stanstead, P. Q., about 1810; d. 1829. 2. Simons Cass (Levi') b. 24 May, 1821, m Stanstead, P. Q.; m. 1867, in Con cord, Almeda C. Ingalls, b. 27 Dec, 1826, in C. He followed the occupa tions of farmer and teamster until 16 Sept., 1862, when he enhsted in Co. F., 20th Regt., Mass. Vol. Infantry. He was wounded 13 Dec, 1862; transferred to V. R. C. 15 Jan., 1864. After the war he lived in Concord, C. and Northfield untU April, 1873, when he went to Kansas and took up a soldier's claim, returning in 1874. In 1879 he bought the WiUiam Currier farm in C, where he resided untU his death 30 Sept., 1898. Almeda C. Ingalls was a dau. of Nathaniel and Sophia (Bradley) Ingalls. She taught school over twenty years in Me., N. H., N. Y., Iowa, IU., and Mich. She d. 28 Aug., 1896. Children: 3. i. Francis Peabody', b. 30 Dec, 1870, in Concord. 4. u. Almeda Christie, b. 13 Aug., 1873, Larimer, Kan. 3. Francis Peabody' Cass (Simon; Levi') b. 30 Dec, 1870; m. 14 May, 1897, in C, Cora BeUe Downing, b. 18 Jan., 1877, m Gilford. She was a dau. of James T'. Downing [David' and Betsey (Palmer) Downing] who m. 17 Sept., 1865, Abbie F. Palmer, b. 7 Jan., 1845, in Hopkinton, dau. of Moses and Sarah (Palmer) Palmer. James T. Downing was b. in Ellsworth, 10 May, 1843. Enhsted 6 Oct., 1861, as private, Co. A., 6th Regt., N. H. Vol., wounded at second battle of BuU Run, discharged 17 July, 1865. Children aU b. in C: genealogies. 53 i, Lorenzo D'., b. 21 AprU, 1898. ii. James T., b. 23 June, 1900. iii. Nathaniel L., b. 27 Jan., 1902. iv. Evelyn G., b. 24 June, 1904; d. 2 March, 1906. v. Albi D., b, 21 Nov., 1906. vi. Almeda Christie, b. 6 Feb., 1911. 4. Almeda Christie' Cass (Siman; Levi') b. 13 Aug., 1873, at Laramer, Kan.; m. 1 July, 1895, Joseph N. Carron. She d. 10 Aug., 1903. Child: i. Leon N'. Carron, b. 21 April, 1897. CHAMBERLAIN. 1. Jacob' Chamberlain, cordwainer, Roxbury, Mass., b. about 1691, probably son of John Chamberlain of Maiden and Rumney Marsh (now Revere), Mass., who was son of Edmund, the emigrant; m. 12 Jan., 1713, or 1714, AbigaU Hasey, b. 1695, d. 1793, dau. of Wilham and Judith (Jacob) Hasey and granddau. of Lieut. Wilham Hasey who was prominent in War of King Philip. Abigail Hasey 's mother, Judith Jacob, was a dau. of Richard and Martha (Appleton) Jacob, granddau. of Samuel Appleton of Ipswich. Jacob Chamberlain d. 15 Sept., 1734; buried in Revere, Mass. 2. Samuels Chamberlain (Jacob') b. at Rumney Marsh, Mass., 1724; bapt. 7 June, 1724; m. 2 March, 1749, Martha Mellen of Hopkinton, Mass., b. 1730, d. 14 Nov., 1820. She was a dau. of Henry and AbigaU (Pratt) MeUen, granddau. of Thomas and Elizabeth MeUen and Thomas and Lydia (Parmenter) Pratt. Lydia Parmenter was a dau. of John and Amy Parmenter of Sudbury. About 1774, Samuel Chamberlain and his wife Martha removed from Hopkinton, Mass., to Loudon. During the Revolutionary War he held several important town and state offices. It is supposed that he enhsted as Lieut, in the company of Capt. James Shepard, and was at Winter HiU the winter of 1776-76. In 1797, he removed to Peacham, Vt., where he d. 1802. 3. MosES' Chamberlain (Samuel; Jacob') b. 6 Oct., 1767, in Hopkinton, Mass.; m. 9 Oct., 1781, Rebecca, dau. of Amos and Rebecca (Abbot) Abbot, b. 1760; d. 24 Dec, 1846. Amos Abbot was son of James, grandson of Wilham and great-grandson of George Abbot of Andover, Mass. Moses Chamberlain owned a large farm in Loudon; he buUt and carried on the Loudon miUs which included saw mUl, grist mUl, oil mUl, carding machine, fulling and dressing miU; d. 21 Oct., 1811; buried at Loudon MUls. Children b. in Loudon: 4. i. MosES', b. 7 Feb., 1792. 5. u. John Abbot, b. 12 Feb., 1794. 4. MosBS' Chamberlain (Moses; Samuel; Jacob') b. 7 Feb., 1792, in Lou don; m. 18 June, 1817, Mary (PoUy) dau. of Abiel and Susannah (Moore) Foster, b. 1 Jan., 1797; d. 18 June, 1870, at Three Oaks, Mich. About 1815, Mr. Chamberlain went to Pembroke and engaged in trade 54 history of CANTERBURY. there, remaining until 1835. In 1843, he removed to Three Oaks, where he resided untU his death 12 Feb., 1866. Children: i. Mary Fosters b. 3 Nov., 1818. u. Mellen, b. 4 June, 1821; m. 6 June, 1846, Martha Ann, dau. of Col. Jesse Putnam of Danvers, Mass. She d. 25 April, 1887. No children. in. Henry, b. 17 March, 1824. iv. Elizabeth, b. 18 Oct., 1826; m. 18 Oct., 1849, John Gardiner Mason, b. 13 AprU, 1819, at Symbronius, N. Y., and d. at Howell, Mich.; she d. 27 March, 1850. V. William, b. 7 Feb., 1834; m. 20 March, 1867, Caroline Sawyer, dau. of John Abbot and Mary or Polly Rogers (Clough) Chamber lain, b. 29 Oct., 1834, in C. Mr. Chamberlain went with his parents in 1843 to Mich. At the age of ten years he carried the U. S. mail on horse back through the forest from Michigan City to New Buffalo; at seventeen he had the active management of his father's farm; in 1864 he went to Three Oaks where he engaged in business. He was post master 1866-70; super intendent of the county poor eighteen years; member of the Michigan legislature 1871-73; state senator 1879-81; president pro tem of the Senate 1881; member of State Agricultural Society, at one time its president; member of State Board of Charities; inspector of Mich. State Prison 1885-93; warden of Mich. State Prison 1893-1901. 5. John Abbot' Chamberlain (Moses', Samuel; Jacob') was b. 12 Feb., 1794; m. 10 Dec, 1817, Mary Rogers Clough, b. 16 June, 1798, in C, d. there 1 Sept., 1856. She was dau. of Jeremiah, 3d, and Martha (Foster) Clough. (See Clough Gen.) In 1826, Mr, Chamberlain with his wife and two chUdren removed from Loudon to C. He was a man of affairs, serving the town as clerk. He was a staunch Anti- slavery man and a delegate to the first Free Soil convention held in Portsmouth; deacon of the Congregational church from 1837-53; church clerk and superintendent of the Sunday school. He d. 26 Feb., 1853, m Concord; interred in the C. Center cemetery. Children: i. Martha', b. 23 April, 1820, at Loudon Mills.; m. 16 AprU, 1845, Thomas Curry Bradley. (See Bradley Gen.) 6, u. John, b. 27 Nov., 1821. ui. Mary Gerrish, b. 26 April, 1824, in C. ; d. 23 July, 1843, in C. : 7. iv. Elizabeth Emery, b. 11 Aug., 1826. V. Rebecca Abbot, b. 5 March, 1829, in C; d. 28 Sept., 1843, in C. 8. vi. Jeremiah Clough, b. 15 AprU, 1832. 9. vii. Caroline Sawyer, b. 29 Oct., 1834. 6. John' Chamberlain (John Abbot; Moses') b. 27 Nov., 1821, at Loudon MiUs; m. first, 9 May, 1849, Amanda M. Johnson of Sandwich, b. 29 Sept., 1829; m. second, Irene Batchelder of Northfield. Mr. Chamber lain was a Free Baptist preacher. He d. 1 Jan., 1893, m Northfield. Children by first marriage: i. Mary Caroline', b. 4 Oct., 1852; m. Harry A. Aldrich. ChUdren- Harry and Lucien Aldrich. u. Charles Judson, b. 12 Jan., 1855, in C; m. 24 Dec, 1898, Etta F Heath of C; he d. 16 April, 1908, in Canton, Mass. GENEALOGIES. 55 iu. Nellie B., b. 15 Oct., 1856, at Franldin Falls; m. WUham Darrah of Bedford. ChUdren: Henry, Ella, Frank, Arthur and Ruth Darrah. 7. Elizabeth Emehy» Chamberlain (John Abbot', Moses') b. 11 Aug., 1826, m C; m. 18 April, 1864, Cyrus C. Ryther, of Three Oaks, Mich. She d. 19 Oct., 1905, in Dowagiac, Mich. Children: i. Mary Elizabeth', b. 15 May, 1856, in Three Oaks; m. 8 AprU, 1884, Luther 1. Church; d. 12 June, 1885. Their dau., Ethel Ehzabeth' Church, b. 10 April, 1886, in Hammond, Ind.; m. 12 July, 1900, Ernest Blood of Dowagiac, Mich. They have a dau., Mary Elizabeth' Blood, b. 25 Jan., 1902. ii. Cyrus Abbot, b. 3 Dec, 1857; d. Jan., 1868. hi. Kate Corwin, b. 7 March, 1859, m Three Oaks; m. 6 Sept., 1883, Oscar W. Phelps, who d. 26 May, 1893. iv. Hale Elkanah, b. 4 Aug., 1860; m. 20 Sept., 1886, Josephine Bram- haU, b. 2 Nov., 1862. Child: Florence E.' Bramhall, b. 26 Aug., 1889. V. Rebecca Caroline, twin, b. 12 June, 1862, in Sabula, Iowa; m. 8 Aug., 1908, Charies Rector. vi. Noble, twin, b. 12 June, 1862, d. 1862. vu. William Chamberlain, b. 27 March, 1864, in Sabula, Iowa; m. 18 Feb., 1900, Emma Holmes. Children: Cyrus G'., b. 14 March, 1901; Jessie Golden, b. 29 Feb., 1904; George C, b. 10 Nov., 1908. viu. Thaddeus Victor, b. 13 June, 1866; m. 4 March, 1889, Cora L. Stevens, b. 16 Sept., 1872. ChUd: Thaddeus' Victor, b. 16 Feb., 1890. ix. Anna Louise, b. 22 March, 1869, m Three Oaks; m. 30 Nov., 1889, Rufus Jessup, of Dowagiac ChUd: Katherine C'. Jessup, b. 26 Aug., 1896; d. 27 Oct., 1910, in Kalamazoo. 8. Jeremiah Clough'' Chamberlain (John Abbott', Moses') b. 15 April, 1832, in C; m. 12 Nov., 1861, Grace, dau. of Hilton and Sarah (Gil- man) Burleigh. Mr. and Mrs. Burleigh came to C. about 1830. He had previously resided in Franklin; she was a native of Gilmanton. Grace Burleigh was b. 17 March, 1836. Mr. Chamberlain d. 17 Aug., 1901, in Chelsea, Mass. ChUdren: i. Joseph Burleigh', b. 4 May, 1863; m. 29 June, 1899, Annie L. Boggs. ChUd: Grace Burleigh', b. 30 Aug., 1900, in Washing ton, D. C. ii. Henry Gale, b. 2 Sept., 1870, in Chelsea, Mass. in. Grace Hilton, b. 1 July, 1874, in Chelsea. 9. Caroline Sawyer' Chamberlain (John Abbot; Moses') b. 29 Oct., 1834, in C; m. 20 March, 1867, m C, WUliam Chamberlam of Three Oaks, Mich., son of Moses and Mary (Foster) Chamberlain. He was b. 7 Feb., 1834, m Pembroke; d. 7 Nov., 1901, in Jackson, Mich. Children: 10. i. Alice', b. 14 Oct., 1858. u. Grace Amanda, b. 1 March, 1861; m. 16 Feb., 1897, at Jackson, Mich., Daniel TeUier, b. 1 Nov., 1863, in Humboldt, Iowa; reside in Kalamazoo, Mich. iu. MosBS Abbot, b. 25 July, 1863, in Three Oaks, Mich. ; d. there 21 Oct., 1878. 11. iv. Lucy Florence, b. 29 June, 1866. 56 HISTORY OF CANTERBURY. 12. V. Carrie Elizabeth, b. 20 June, 1869. 13. vi. William Oliver, b. 27 July, 1872. vu. Benjamin Ralph, b. 24 July, 1882. Merchant Three Oaks, Mich. 10. Alice' Chamberlain (Caroline; John Abbot*, Moses') b. 14 Oct., 1858 m Three Oaks, Mich.; m. 14 April, 1880, James Harvey Hatfield, b. 3 Nov., 1855. He is president of several important business corpora tions and director of the Home Savings Bank, Kalamazoo. Child : i. Jambs Chamberlain' Hatfield, b. 15 Jan., 1881; m. 6 May, 1908, Grace Eleanor Clark. Child: Jean Clark' Hatfield, b. 23 Dec, 1909, James C. Hatfield is secretary, treasurer and director of various business companies in Kalamazoo, and is a director of the Standard Cloth Co., of N. Y. Mrs. Hatfield is a dau. of Frank M. Clark of Kalamazoo. 11. Lucy Florence' Chamberlain (Caroline; John Abbot; Moses') b. 29 June, 1866, in Three Oaks; m. 27 Feb., 1889, Frederick Austm, son of Frederick Austin Parsons, b. 4 Sept., 1858, in Bridgeport, Conn. ChU dren b. in Bridgeport, Conn. : i. William Chamberlain' Parsons, b. 9 Nov., 1892. u. Florence Lavinia Parsons, b. 12 Nov., 1896. iii. Frederick Austin Parsons, b. 14 June, 1900. 12. Carrie Elizabeth' Chamberlain (Caroline', John Abbot', Moses') b. 20 June, 1869; m. 16 Aug., 1893, Dr. Ethelbert Leroy, son of Thomas L. and JuHa W. McCann, b. 31 Dec, 1866, a physician of Chicago. Child: Elizabeth Chamberlain' McCann, b. 23 June, 1894, in Chicago. 13. William Oliver' CHAMBEhLAiN (Caroline; John Abbot; Moses') b. 27 July, 1872, in Three Oaks; m. Josephine Sqpple, b. 17 March, 1874, in Jackson, Mich. ChUd: Ahce Christine', b. 17 June, 1898, in Kala mazoo. CHAPLAIN. 1. Joseph' Chaplain, m. Deborah Robinson, nee Lord of Exeter, and settled in Sanbomton. Later he came to C, and resided with his son. 2. Marquis DeLafaybttbs Chaplain (Joseph') b. in Loudon 30 June, 1811; m. Martha WiUey, b. in Gilford, 1 Sept., 1807. He settled in C, where he d. 23 Feb., 1874. He was a half brother of the Robinson who founded the school for gu-ls at Exeter. She d. 23 AprU, 1872. Chil dren b. in C: 3. i. Francis L'., b. 28 Sept., 1832. u. Lavina Jane, b. 25 April, 1834; m. David KimbaU Nudd. (See Nudd Gen.) 4. ui. Alphbus Washington, b. 5 Aug., 1836, resided at WUmot. IV, William Henry Harrison, b. 14 AprU, 1846; d. 20 July, 1848. 6. V. Willlam Henry Harrison, b. 25 April, 1850. 3. Francis L'. Chaplain (Marquis DeLafayette; Joseph') b. 28 Sept., 1832; m. 4 July, 1862, Mary E. Rogers of Northfield, b. 12 Feb., 1835. Children: genealogies. 57 i. Frank A'., b. 9 Feb., 1856; m. 7 Jan., 1874, Jane Kelley, of Lawrence, Mass. Children: 1. Mary E'., b. 19 Oct., 1879. 2. Nellie B., b. 31 Jan., 1881. 3. Martha J., b. March, 1886. ii. Warren H., b. 18 Oct., 1859; m. 14 March, 1879, Elma Maxfield of Loudon. ChUd: Claribel E'., b. 22 Feb., 1899. hi. Charles H., b. 21 June, 1864; m. 28 Nov., 1886, Ida M. Cross of Loudon. No chUdren. 4. Alpheus Washington' Chaplain (Marquis DeLafayette; Joseph') b. 5 Aug., 1836; d. at Wilmot, 3 April, 1910. M. first, SaUy Runnels, b. in Sanbomton, 1836. She d. 12 Oct., 1886. M. second, Mrs Ehza Durgin BuzzeU of Wihnot. Children b, in C. : 6. i. George Franklin', b. 19 April, 1856. u. Martha Ann, b. 28 June, 1857; m. first, in Franklin, Timothy Sinotte of Coaticook, Canada, 6 May, 1874. He d. in Concord. M. second, 23 June, 1897, Henry J. Murphy of Lowell, Mass. 7. iu. Horace Sanborn, b. 9 May, 1861. 8. iv. Thomas Alpheus, b. 1 Sept., 1867. 5. William H. H'. Chaplain (Marquis DeLafayette; Joseph') b. 25 April, 1860. M. first, Mary Stevens, 7 Nov., 1870. Divorced from her in Oct., 1886. M. second, 26 Dec, 1887, Bertha M. Wade. Children: Charles L'., b. Oct., 1889; d. Nov., 1895. Urban W., b. 18 Aug., 1894. 6. George Franklin' Chaplain (Alpheios; Marquis DeLafayette', Joseph') b. 19 July, 1855; m. Etta BuzzeU of Northwood, b. 22 Aug., 1864. ChUdren: i. Walter W'., b. 22 Feb., 1876; m. Carrie McElray of Chelsea, Mass. ChUd: Etta'. Residence, Chelsea. He d. 29 Feb., 1892. u. Josephine E., b. in C, 7 April, 1877; m. Carlton Masten of North- wood. ChUd: Myrtle' Masten. iu. Sarah Mary, b. in C, 11 Dec, 1878; m. WUham Caswell of North- wood. Children: Elmer' and Percy CasweU. iv. Ethel, m. Henry Putnam of Ljmn, Mass. V. Leaner, m. Charles Foster of Ljmn, Mass. vi. Carlton. ' 7. Horace Sanborn' Chaplain (Alpheus') b. 9 May, 1861; m. Harriet San bom AUen, of Newport, 17 Sept., 1881. Children: i. Amelia Isabelle', b. 9 April, 1883; m. George H. Parris of Concord, Vt. Child: Arlene Capitola Parris. ii. Clifton Elmer, b. 9 March, 1895; m. May EUa Bean of Franklin, Aug., 1905. Divorced 1909. iu. Mabel Lydia, b. 1 Jan., 1887; drowned 15 Feb., 1891. iv. Bernice, b. 29 Oct., 1888; m. first, Edward Ford, 1 AprU, 1905, at Concord; divorced in 1906; m. second, Edward Brown of Prov ince of Quebec, Canada, 23 May, 1909. No children. V. Louise Carmen, b. 11 Oct., 1890; m. Frank P. O'Brien of Hoosic FaUs, N. Y. Child: Dorothy 0». O'Brien, vi. Marguerite Arlene, b. 30 May, 1892; d. 7 Sept., 1892. vii. Allen Monroe, b. 26 Dec, 1894. 8. Thomas Alpheus' Chaplain (Alpheus') b. 1 Sept., 1867; m. Anna Smith of Newport. Children: i. Estelle', m. and lives in Greenfield, Mass. One child. ii. Jessie C, m. Charles Wilder of Brattleboro, Vt. iii. Anna C, resides Lynn, Mass. 58 HISTORY OF CANTERBURY. CHASE. Compiled by Levi Badger Chase.* LINEAGE OF THE EDWARD CHASE FAMILY. Edward Chase became an inhabitant of C. in 1782. He was b. in Stratham Nov. 24, 1754; and had brothers and sisters: i. Anna, b. June 10, 1750; d. Dec. 29, 1786; m. Benjamin Hoit of Epping. ii. Jonathan, b. Jan. 8, 1752 ; d. 1828; m. Mary Harris of Exeter; moved from Stratham to Sanbomton in 1778. iu. Edward as above, iv. Sarah, b. March 17, 1757; d. July 18, 1817; m. Thomas Cawley of Sanbomton. v. Thomas, b. March 23, 1759; d. Feb. 9, 1762. vi. Levi, b. July 5, 1762; d. Nov. 13, 1840; m. Dec, 1803, Susan Clough of Salem, Mass. vii. Lydia, b. Oct. 23, 1765; d. Aug. 11, 1803; m. Jan. 15, 1789, Ebenezer Parker of C. vin. Mersy, b. March 28, 1767; d. April 2, 1849; m. Dec. 9, 1784, Noah Smith of Sanbomton. ix. Mary (Polly), b. Aug. 21, 1769; m. Gibson of C. x. Betsey, b. July 9, 1772; d. Oct. 10, 1786. xi. Hannah, b. Aug. 10, 1774; d. Sept. 26, 1862; m. about 1797, Jesse IngaUs of C; removed to Sanbomton 1818. These were sons and daughters of Jonathan Chase b. May 1, 1730; d. Sept. 18, 1808; m. about 1749, Anna Taylor of Stratham, perhaps dau. of Edward who was selectman there in 1746. A soldier in "King George's War" in 1748; was later in life, active in forward ing the settlement of new towns, and in land speculation. He gave each of his boys and girls land enough for a farm. Removed from Stratham to Loudon about 1780 and there d., leaving his estate, situated upon the northerly part of Clough's Hill, to his son Levi, who was succeeded by his only son Jonathan who d. Sept. 25, 1855. Children: Ehzabeth, b. Nov. 9, 1837; d. Oct. 17, 1855, and Rev. Levi Gilbert Chase (retired) now residing in Concord, who many years ago sold the farm. Jonathan as above had sisters : Sarah, m. Thurston; Joanna, m. Thomas Perkins; and brothers Thomas and Moses, who remained in Stratham. These were five children of Jonathan Chase, b. at Newbury, Mass., Sept., 1707; d. 1744; m. Lydia Rolhns. He lived in Stratham and had brothers and sisters: i. Anna, b. AprU 2, 1706; m. Nathan Taylor of Stratham. u. Wilham, b. Jan. 4, 1709. iu. Joanna, b. May 24, 1712; m. Norris. iv. Mary, b. Dec. 5, 1715; m. Robinson, v. James, b. Aug. 6, 1718. vi. Thomas, b, June 26, 1720; chUdren of Jonathan Chase, b. at Newbury, Mass., Jan. 13, 1683; d. 1749; m. Joanna Palmer of Bradford, Mass. ; settled first in Newbury where they were admitted to the second church and were dismissed to the church in Exeter, in 1716. They removed to a place purchased of Benjamin Hoag in Stratham which has in later years been known as "the Judge Scammon place." He was one of the original proprietors of Sanbomton and after his death in 1749, the lots belonging to his share in the division were conveyed to his heirs. Had brothers and sisters: i. Thomas, b. Sept. 16, 1680; m. Sarah . u. Jonathan as * Received too late to conform to method adopted in preparing other genealogies. GENEALOGIES. 59 above, hi. James, b. Sept. 16, 1785; m. first, Lydia ; second, 1707, Martha Rolfe. iv. AquUa, b. July 15, 1688 ; m. 1712, Mary Smith, v. Ruth, b. Feb. 28, 1691; m. 1716, Nathaniel Miller of Rehoboth, Mass. vi. Mary, b. Jan. 15, 1696; m. Horton. vii. Josiah, b. 1697; d. young, viu. Rebecca, b. AprU 26, 1700; m. 1721, Stephen Moulton. ix. Nathan, b. 1704; m. first, 1723, Judith Sawyer; second, 1740, Joanna Cheney; third, 1763, Ruth Davis. X. Judith, m. Horton. xi. Ehzabeth, b. 1715; m. 1732, Benjamin Rogers; children of Thomas Chase, b. July 26, 1664; m. first, Nov. 22, 1677, Rebecca FoUans- bee; second, Aug. 2, 1713, Elizabeth Mowers. He was a soldier in "King PhUUp's War," serving in Capt. Samuel Appleton's company, and was in the terrible fight at Narragansett, and participated in the defense of the Mass. settlements on Connecticut river. He was a carpenter and hved in Newbury- port on the road from Artichoke river to Amesbury ferry. The house situated back 40 or 50 rods, the top of the chimney only being visible from the road. He had brothers and sisters: i. Sarah, m. 1666, Charles Annis. ii. Anne, b. July 6, 1647; m. 1671, Thomas Barber, iu. PrisciUa, b. Mar. 14, 1649; m. 1671, Abel MerriU. iv. Mary, b. Feb. 3, 1661; m. 1670, John Stevens, v. Aquila, b. Sept. 26, 1662; m. Esther Bond. vi. Thomas as above, vii. John, b. Nov. 2, 1656; m. first, 1677, Ehzabeth Bingley; second, Lydia . viu. Elizabeth, b. Sept. 13, 1657; m. 1678, Zachariah Ayer. ix. Ruth, b. March 18, 1660; d. May 30, 1676. x. Daniel, b. Dec. 9, 1661; m. 1683, Martha Kimball, xi. Moses, b. Dec. 24, 1663; m. first, 1684, Ann Follansbee; second, 1713, Sarah Jacobs. ChUdren of Aquila Chase, the immigrant, b. 1618, at Chesham, Buckinghamshire, England; came to New England with his brother Thomas and was at Hamp ton in 1640, where he married Ann, dau. of John Wheeler of Hampton, who came from Salisbury, Eng., and in 1646 removed thence to Newburyport, and was master of a vessel sailing from there. Thomas and Aquila above, and perhaps others, were children of Aquila Chase of Chesham, Eng., bapt. there Aug. 14, 1580; m. June 22, 1606, Martha Jelliman; he had brothers and sisters: i. Robert, bapt. Sept. 2, 1565. u. Henry, bapt. Aug. 10, 1567. iu. Lydia, bapt. Oct. 4, 1673. iv. Ezekiel, bapt. April 23, 1676. v. Dorcas, bapt. March 2, 1578. vi. AquUa as above, vii. Jason, bapt. Jan. 13, 1583. viu. Thomas, bapt. July 18, 1585. ix. AbigaU, bapt. Jan. 12, 1588. x. Mordecai, bapt. July 14, 1591. Sons and daughters of Richard Chase of Chesham, bapt. there Aug. 3, 1542; m. AprU 16, 1564, Joan Bishop; had brothers and sisters: i. John who succeeded his father at the famUy seat of Hundrick, bapt. Nov. 30, 1540. ii. Richard as above, iu. Agnes, bapt. Jan. 9, 1551. iv. William, "b. in the reign of Queen Mary." V. Christian, "b. in the reign of Queen Mary." Children of Thomas Chase of Hundrick in the parish of Chesham, bapt. April 22, 1604, m. ; "son of Thomas Chase of Eng., of whom it is recorded in Lysson's Magna Brittanica 'the unfortunate Thomas Chase was barbarously murdered 1606, in a small room, in which one could neither sit nor stand without great inconvenience. 60 HISTORY OF CANTERBURY. this room was adjoinhig the chapel connected with the palace of the Bishop of Longlance at Woburn, who was confessor to Henry VIII. George B. Chase of Boston, in a letter dated Dec. 27,' 1879, wrote in part as follows: "The family from which we descend origmally dwelt m Suffolk, and a branch, during the reign of Henry VII went thence to Buckinghamshu:e where it divided, an offshoot livmg at Amersham, another at Great Marlow, and a thud at Chesham. The head of the famUy at Chesham kept his family papers, and was considered a gentleman accordmg to the social distinctions of the times." In the Herald's Visitation of Buckinghamshire in 1634, the coat of arms here represented is found, with the note, "This coate is testified by a letter from Mr. Robert Calvert, dated at WhitehaU, July 18, 1634" together with a pedigree entered by Mathew Chase. (This Mathew was a son of John who was bapt. Nov. 30, 1540, eldest son of Thomas, bapt. April 22, 1504, the head of the preceding pedigree.) Explanation of Arms — Arms, Gules (red), 4 crosses chaae Coat of Arms. pat. Argent (silver) 2 and 2, on a canton Azure (blue) a hon passant Or (gold). Crest, a hon rampant, Or (gold) holding between his feet a cross patonce — Gules. 1. Edward' Chase of Stratham was in the mil itary service in the war of the Revolution. En listed May 30, 1775, as a private in Capt. Samuel GUman's company in Col. Enoch Poor's regi- iment. His second enUstment Sept. 23, 1776 was in Capt. Jonathan Robinson's company, "74 men enhsted by Col». Wilham Whipple to reinforce the Army at New York." On the "28«i' Day of March Anno 1780," Jonathan Chase of Stratham NE CEDE MALIS. gave to "my weU beloved son Edward Chase of Yield not to evils. Sanbomton as a part of his portion out of my estate," a deed of "all that one hundred acre lot of Land in said San bomton which I bought of George Jaffery Esq., the Original Proprietor, the same being the Lot numbered fifty Seven in the first Division of Land in Said Town." M. in Hampton Sept. 3, 1780, Edward Chase of Sanbomton and Mary Moore b. Dec 14, 1760, dau. of Thomas Moore, Jr., of Stratham. She had sisters, Martha, b. 1759, and Hannah (caUed Nancy), b. 1763. The senior Thomas Moore or perhaps his father, removed to Stratham from Portsmouth when, tradition says, "the women shed tears because they were going nine mUes into the woods." In 1782, Edward Chase and his wife were hving in the "Old Dow House" in the west part of C, where Levi, the eldest son, was b. This Dow house is thought to be the old-looking house on the road from the center of the town to the depot, owned by Mrs. Hiram Miles. He built in Hackleborough district * From American Ancestry, Vol. VIII, page 126, Albany, 1893. X. ***¦ \ ^ ,\ ^ d^fl^^^' 5- 'J^ fU^At-^^ 'W^'- ">»/;r ,'«.. 1. Residence of Levi Chase, looking northwest; 1860 r;--' ^. Moses; Ebenezer*) b. 14 Jan., 1825, m. 22 AprU, 1861, at Middlebury, Penn., Harriet C, dau. of Henry H. Potter who d. 18 Oct., 1886. He d. 10 May, 1878. Henry H. Potter served in War of 1812 and was county commissioner of Tioga Co., Penn., and served two terms as high sheriff of that county. ChUdren; 8. i. Eva M»., b. 28 March, 1853, at Middlebury, Penn. 9. u. Angie Helen, b. 24 Sept., 1867, at C. 8. Eva M'. Currier (William H'., William S'., Moses') b. 28 March, 1853; m. 5 Oct., 1876, in Tilton, Daniel W., son of Jacob S. HaU, b. 20 March, 1852, in Epsom. Children: i. John W». Hall, b. 22 Sept., 1876; d. 4 Jan., 1877. u. Frances E. Hall, b. 17 Nov., 1877; m. 7 Sept., 1897, WUham B. Emmons, b. 1868. Child: Louisa Mae" Emmons, b. 11 June, 1899. ui. William H. Hall, b. 3 AprU, 1880; m. 25 Oct., 1905, Anme Eleanor Doherty. 9. Angie Helen' Currier (William W., William S'.) b. 24 Sept., 1867; m. 30 Nov., 1890, in Behnont, John Dayton, son of Jacob C. Hunkins, b. 4 July, 1857, in Behnont. ChUd; Harriet Ceha» Hunkms, b. 23 Jan., 1891. 92 HISTORY OF CANTERBURY. CURRY. William' Curry came to C. about 1733 and settled in the southeastern part of the town near the Concord line. Here he d. 30 Jan., 1763. His wUl, which was dated 23 Dec, 1762, and probated 9 March, 1763, makes provi sion for his wife "Ann" and for his children, who were all b. in C. The widow, Ann, appears on the tax lists of C. from 1767 to 1780. The records of the town show the birth of WUham Curry's children as foUows: i. WUliam', b. 1 Aug., 1741. u. Samuel, b. 5 Aug., 1745. hi. Mary, b. 22 July, 1747. iv. Eliza beth, b. 21 May, 1749. v. Margaret, b. 23 March, 1761. vi. Sarah, b. 15 Nov., 1752. vu. John, b. 1 Jan., 1754. vhi. Robert, b. 30 April, 1757. ix. Thomas, b. 31 Aug., 1760. The will of William' gives to his wife, Ann, his home place until his youngest son, Thomas, becomes of age, and then she has " a third of his estate as the law directs." Thomas became of age in 1781, and he is found on the tax hsts of C. in 1785 and 1787 and in the census of 1790. He held minor town offices from 1784 to 1793. His mother, if living, probably resided with him until her death. WiUiam, the oldest son, was wiUed 200 acres of improved and undivided lands in C, while Samuel, the second son, was given his father's land in New Holdemess. The census of 1790 shows both a WUliam and a Samuel Curry as heads of famUies in that town. Wilham Curry appears on the tax lists of C. only once, in the year 1767. John and Robert, the other sons, received all of their father's lands in Bar- rington. The latter was taxed in C. in 1780, two years after he became of age. He was probably settled in that part of the town that was set off this same year as Northfield,, where he is found in the census of 1790. He m. Ohve Heath, b. in C. 7 Feb., 1771. She d. 24 Aug., 1865. He d. 20 Jan., 1829. They had nine children.* DALTON. 1. Samuels Dalton (John') b. 29 July, 1757, in Londonderry; m. Polly Merrick, b. 16 March, 1778. 2. John' Dalton (Samueb, John') b. Aug., 1806, in Northfield; m. 16 Oct., 1832, in C, Narcissa Jane, dau. of Joseph Warren Nudd, b. 9 Oct., 1817, in Northfield. He hved in different parts of Sanbomton, first at the Bridge, later, on the old Oilman place above Chapman's Comer, (Lot No. 47, 1st Div.) and afterwards at C. He was a stone cutter, shoemaker, and farmer. He was a captain in the mihtia, and served in the Civil War, Co. D, 12th Regt., N. H. Vol., mustered in 5 Sept., 1862; discharged disabled, AprU, 1863, at Alexandria, Va. Children; i. Mary Jane', b. 22 Nov., 1846, in C; m. 1 Jan., 1879, Frank D. HUl, b. 21 Feb., 1853, in Tilton, where they reside. 3. u. Georgia Neal, b. 2 June, 1851, in Loudon. * History of Northfield, Part II, page 75. GENEALOGIES. 93 iu. Franklin Pierce, b. 7 Oct., 1852, in C; m.i8 June, 1880, Mary A. Hill, of Tilton, b. 28 Jan., 1863. They reside at Sanbomton. Children b. in Sanbomton: i. RoscoE HiLL', b. 6 May, 1886. ii. Ethel Georgia, b. 1 Aug., 1888; m. Harry Sleeper of Laconia. 3. Georgia Neal' Dalton (John; Samuel; John') b. 2 June, 1851; m. 22 Sept., 1882, John Warren Farrar, b. 22 July, 1855, in Belmont. They reside in Laconia. Child ; 5. i. Algia Josephine' Farrar, b. 1 Jan., 1886, in Belmont; m. 12 Jan., 1903, WUliam H. Gosa, b. 14 Feb., 1880, in Berlin. Children: 1. Lillian Algia' Goss, b. 23 AprU, 1904. 2. Ferne May Goss, b. 14 May, 1905, in Laconia. DAME. 1, Moses Dame, b. 10 Feb., 1790; m. 20 May, 1812, Nancy Caverly. He d. 7 Sept., 1867. She d. 3 July, 1861. Child: i. Alvin Caverly, b. 17 Feb., 1814; m. 14 Jan., 1838, Louisa Jones, dau. of Joseph Chfford. He d. 23 Nov., 1840. She d. 16 AprU, 1881. Child: 1. Clara Ann, b. 3 Aug., 1840, at Lowell, Mass.; m. at Concord, 28 May, 1865, AUeyne Baldwin, son of Rev. Benjamin Clem ent Eastman. The latter was b. in C, 16 June, 1788. Mrs. Louisa J. (Clifl'ord) Dame, m. second, 28 Sept., 1842, Thomas L. Whidden of C. (See Whidden Gen.) DANFORTH. 1. Benjamins Danforth, son of Phineas' and Abigail (Grant) Danforth, m. Hannah Haines of Epsom. Children: i. George W'., b. in Sanbomton. 2. u. Mary G., b. 26 Dec, 1833, in Epsom. 2. Mary G'. Danforth (Benjamin', Phineas') b. 26 Dec, 1833; m. first, Isaac Hoyt of Concord and had one child, Lucy; m. second, Charles Warren Glover, 7 June, 1879, in C, b. in Lee. Both Mr. and Mrs. Glover and George W. Danforth resided in C, for a number of years. DAVIS. Pre-pared by N. W. Davis of Winchester, Mass. The Davises of Canterbury sprang from the early family of that name who settled in Newbury and Haverhill, Mass., and a branch of which migrated to Dover during the first days of our New England colonization. The family suffered severely from the attacks of the Indians. During the years 1693 to 1726 no less than ten fell at the hands of the savages, while three or more were made to endure the hardships and cruelties of long captivity. At the Oyster River massacre of 1694 the entire family of Ensign John Davis, Jr., was wiped out, his house being burned to the ground, himself, wife and at least three children slain, and two daughters taken captive into Canada. The emigrant ancestor, James' Davis, was b., according to Bible records, in 94 HISTORY OF CANTERBURY. Marlborough, Wiltshire, England, and, as nearly as can be ascertained from other records, about 1589. He emigrated to New England as early as 1634, setthng first at Newbury (now Newburyport), Mass., where he was made freeman 4 March 1634-5. In 1640, having received authority from the General Court, he, ¦with eleven others, cleared the forest at the Indian viUage of Pentucket, and founded the present city of HaverhiU, Mass. He was among the first selectmen chosen by the town, in 1646, and on the list of taxpayers for that year he is shown to have been the largest. In 1660 he was made repre sentative to the General Court. He was an ardent Puritan, in mute testi mony of which still reposes in the files of the Ipswich Court a record wherein he, his son Ephraim, and several others signed a paper presented to the court in Feb., 1659, accusing John Godfry of Andover of witchcraft. He d. at Haverhill 29 Jan., 1679. Of his wife, Cecily, very little is known. Her name appears frequently in early Norfolk records, and she is claimed by Bible records to have also been b. in Marlborough, England. She d. at Haverhill, 28 May, 1673. Children: i. James', b. probably about 1620; m. first, 1 Dec, 1648, Ehzabeth Eaton, dau. John' of HaverhiU, who d. 21 Jan., 1684; m. second, about 1685, Mary . He was made freeman in 1666, took oath of fidehty and allegiance in 1677, and d. at Haverhill, 18 July, 1694, having had ten children, aU by first wife. 2. u. John, b. about 1623. hi. Ephraim, b. about 1625; m. 31 Dec, 1659, Mary Johnson of Andover, Mass., took oath of fidelity and allegiance 1677, and d. at HaverhiU, 28 Sept., 1679, having had nine children. iv. Samuel, b. about 1627; m. 17 Dec, 1663, Deborah, dau. WUham Barnes of HaverhUl; resided at Amesbury and Haverhill and d. at the latter place 10 Sept., 1896, having had ten children. V. Sarah, b. about 1629; m. 18 June, 1663, John, son of John and Mary (Marsh) Page of HaverhiU; d. at HaverhiU 7 July, 1680, leaving a large family. vi. Judith, b. about 1631 ; m. 1 Sept., 1647, Samuel GUe of HaverhUl, by whom she had seven children. 2. Ensign Johns Davis (James') of HaverhiU, Mass., and Dover, was b,, according to Bible records, in Marlborough, England, and according to a deposition made in later years, about 1623. He came to New England probably with his father as early as 1634, first hving at Newbury, then at HaverhiU, Mass., where he owned land in 1642. In 1650 he was chosen on a committee to lay out the boundary between HaverhiU and Sahs bury, and m 1652 received a grant of six acres of land in Haverhill. During that year, or early in 1653, he removed to Dover, where he took up lands near the mouth of Oyster River and built the first Davis gar rison in New Hampslure. This garrison stood on the north side of the river, immediately west of what has since been known as Davis' Creek, on land conveyed to him by Valentine HiU, Aug. 14, 1654. He purchased further land of said HiU in Greenland, and received numerous grants from the town of Dover. He was selectman of Dover, surveyor of lands, member prudential committee, clerk of the market, member jiiry of trials and constable. He was made freeman 23 May, 1666, and was one of the signers to petition to have Oyster River made a separate GENEALOGIES. 95 ¦township in 1669. He was among those who were declared dispossessed of their property by Cranfield in 1684 and signed the petition to James II repudiating Cranfield in 1685. In the military organization of the pro^vince he was an ensign, and bore that title as early as April, 1662. He m. at HaverhUl, 10 Dec, 1646, Jane, dau. of Rev. Joseph and Mary (Johnson) Peasley, and d. at Oyster River between 1 April, 1686, and 25 May, 1686, the respective dates on which his will was made and proved. Children: i. Mary', b. HaverhUl, 6 Nov., 1647; m. at HaverhiU, 19 July, 1671, Josiah Heath, by whom she had nine children. ii. Sarah, b. HaverhiU, 7 March, 1649; m. at Dover, before 1672, James Smith, by whom she had seven children. She was killed by the Indians. in. John, b. Haverhill, 22 Aug., 1651, was an ensign prior to 1694. He m, first, about 1672, Mary , who d. 12 Jan., 1684; m. sec ond, a dau. of Robert Burnham of Dover. He, together with his wife and several children, were kiUed at the Oyster River massacre. iv. Hannah, b. Dover, 24 Dec, 1653; m. at HaverhiU, 28 Sept., 1677, John Kezar, by whom she had eight children. Her husband, with second son, George, was killed by the Indian.s, 15 March, 1697. v. Jane, b. Dover, 29 Dec, 1655; d. 23 Sept., 1666. ¦vi. MosES, b. Dover, 30 Dec, 1667; m. at HaverhiU, 16 Jan., 1681, Reuhamah, dau. of Stephen Dow of Haverhill, and settled in Dover as early as 1693. He had nine children, and was a private under his brother (then Captain) James Davis in a scout against the Indians in 1712. He and son Moses were killed by the Indians near the Mast road at Oyster River, June 10, 1724. ¦vii. Joseph, b, Dover, 26 Jan., 1660; m. before 1693, Mary Stevens, by whom he had at least six children. 3. vui. James, b. Dover, 23 May, 1662. ix. Jane 2d, b. Dover, 15 May, 1664. x. Jemima, b. Dover, about 1666. xi. Judith, b. Dover, about 1668; m. at HaverhUl, 14 Dec, 1687, Samuel Emerson, brother of Hannah Dustin. Judith Emerson was herself taken by the Indians in 1694 and held captive for some five years. 3. CoL. James' Davis (John', James') of Oyster River, Dover (now Durham) was b. at the garrison at Oyster River, 23 May, 1662. He m. 1 Oct., 1688, Ehzabeth, dau. of Capt. Thomas and Ehzabeth (Thomas) Ches ley of Oyster River, and d. at the garrison, which he inherited from his father, 8 Sept., 1749. His career was one of marked acti-vdty and lead ership, and shows him to have been a man of superior capabUities. He was prominent in both mUitary and civU life. He received numerous grants of land in the territory now covered by Dover, Durham and Madbury, and in the later townships which were granted during the years 1722 to 1737, among which were Rochester, Bamstead, Canterbury and Bow. In C. he received, in the first di-vdsion of land. No. 199 of the forty acre lots, and one or more of the 100 acre lots in the same division. All of his C. holdings at the time of his death were ¦wiUed to his daughter, Elizabeth Hicks. Each of his five sons, James, 96 HISTORY OF CANTERBURY. Thomas, Samuel, Daniel and Ephraim, were among the grantees of C. in 1727, as were his brother, Sergeant Joseph Davis, and the latter's son Joseph, and Jabez and (probably) James 3d, sons of his brother Moses Davis, who was killed by the Indians in 1724. None of the above, however, settled in C, but either disposed of their rights to others or deeded or wiUed them to their children and grandchildren. Col. Davis' wife, Ehzabeth, was b. at Oyster River in 1669, and d. before 1648. Both were members of the Oyster River church prior to 1723, when on account of difficulties with the Rev. Hugh Adams, they withdrew from that parish and joined the church at Dover, being admitted to the latter 24 Nov., 1723. Children b. in the garrison at Oyster River: i. James', b. 10 July, 1689; m. first, 5 Nov., 1728, Ruth, dau. of Samuel and Mary (Johnson) Ayer, of Hampton; she d. 28 April, 1730; m. second, 14 April, 1743, Ehzabeth Pain of York, Me. He hved in Madbury on land adjoining that of his brother, Samuel. He d. in 1782. u. Thomas, b. 20 Oct., 1690; d. 1778. 4. hi. Samuel, b. 26 Sept., 1693. iv. Daniel, b. 29 Jan., 1695; d. in 1759, on 23 Feb., of which year admin istration was granted upon his estate to widow Ehzabeth. He was, -with his father, one of the grantees of Bow in 1727. V. Sarah, b. 3 March, 1697; m. Capt. Joseph Hicks of Madbury; d. m 1788. vi. Hannah, b. 28 March, 1699; bapt. 1 Nov., 1719; m. 23 March, 1737, Clement Deering; settled in Rochester as early as 17'44. vii. Elizabeth, b. 13 July, 1701 ; m. John Hicks, son of Dennis of Kittery, and resided in York and Durham; d. Durham in 1780. viu. Ephraim, b. 30 April, 1704; m. 7 Dec, 1731. Received by his father's ¦wUl the homestead at Oyster River; d. in 1791. ix. Phebe, b. 19 AprU, 1706; m. in 1725, Abraham', son of Francis" and Ruth (Bennett) Matthews of Oyster River; hved in Barrington; d. 1791. X. Eleazer, b. 6 Oct., 1709; d. before 1748. 4. Samuel', Davis, (James', John', James') of Madbury, was b. at Oyster River, 26 Sept., 1693, and settled on land in Madbury belonging to his father. He m. before 1719, Martha Chesley, of Oyster River, b. in 1689. He was a member of the Second Foot Company of Dover in 1740, and with son Samuel was one of the signers to petition to have Madbury made a separate township. He d. at Madbury in 1789, his wife survi-ving him untU 1791. ChUdren: i. Samuel', b. 1720; d. 13 Feb., 1771; m. AbigaU , b. 1722, d. 24 Oct., 1794. u. Eleazer, b. 1722; d. early in 1744. ui. James, b. 1724; d. unm. in 1752. iv. Hannah, b. 1726; m. Nathaniel' Da-vis, son of John' (Moses', John', James') of Madbury. V. Elizabeth, b. 1728; m. fust, Moses Da-vis, by whom she had five chUdren; m. second (as second wife), Maj. John Demeritt, the Revolutionary patriot, who hauled an ox-load of powder from Durham to Cambridge, where it was dealt to the soldiers and used at the Battle of Bunker HiU. She d. at Madbury, 23 Oct.. 1827. ' 5. vi. Thomas, b. 10 June, 1732. GENEALOGIES. 97 5. Thomas' Davis (Sam^ieb, James', John', James') b. at Madbury, 10 June 1732; m. first, about 1760, Elizabeth Roberts of New Durham; m. second, before 1793, Abigail, widow of Benjamin Jones of Barrington. By his father's wUl, he received the homestead in Madbury, and the whole of his father's land in the to^wnships of Rochester and C. When news was received of the Battle of Lexington, he joined a party raised in Madbury and ¦vicinity, which marched to Cambridge and participated in the Battle of Bunker HUl. Before 1790 he removed to Barrington, where he d. in 1803. ChUdren by first wife: , 6. il Jonathan', b. 1761. 7. ii. Stephen, b. 14 Feb., 1762. ui. Samuel, b. 2 May, 1763; m. about 1790, Judith', dau. of James' and Mary (Alien) Tuttle (John; John', John'), b. Dover, 24 Feb., 1768; d. Madbury, 4 Feb., 1832. iv. Anne, b. Oct., 1765; d. unm. at C, AprU 21, 1852. v. Mary, b. 1767; m. 1 Oct., 1789, WUham', son of Jotham' and Mary (Canney) Nute of Dover. ¦vi. Ruth, b. 1769; m. James Hutchins of Wakefield. ¦vii. Miles, b. 1771, settled in Wakefield. viu. Moses, b. 10 Oct., 1773; m. Nancy AUen of Greenland, b. 1773; he d. at Lawrence, Mass., 16 Jan., 1860; she d. Barrington, 10 July, 1854. ix. Betty, b. 1775; m. Peverly of Loudon. X. Susannah, b. 1777; m; Paul Cate of Barrington, later removed to Maine. xi. Martha, b. 1779, resided with her brother Stephen in C. where she d. unm. 7 July, 1849. CbUdren by second ¦wife: xu. Sarah, b. 19 AprU, 1793; d. 6 AprU, 1890; m. John Cavemo of Straf ford, b. 9 Feb., 1791; d. 6 AprU, 1866. 6. Jonathan' Davis (Thomas', Samuel; James', John', James') was b. in Madbury, in 1761. At the age of fourteen he enlisted in the Revolu tionary War, serving from Aug., 1775, to April, 1776. He was granted a pension on application dated 28 Aug., 1832, when he was a resident of Loudon. He m. 24 July, 1781, Hannah Gerrish of Madbury, and shortly afterward settled in C, Prior to 1797 he removed to Loudon, where he resided about two mUes from the viUage, near Lovering's saw-miU. He d. at Loudon in 1855. His wife d. at Loudon about 1857, aged 94. ChUdren; Israel', b. C. about 1785. Jeremiah, b. C. 23 Sept., 1792. Moses, b. Loudon, 20 Feb., 1797. Betsey, who became a nurse; d. unm. Hannah, hved ¦with her parents and d. unm. Stephen' Davis (Thomas; Samuel*) b. in Madbury, 14 Feb., 1762; settled in C, prior to 1789; m. about 1788, Mary Boynton, b. 4 June, 1768. ChUdren b. mC; i. Edmund', b. 12 Feb., 1788; m. Ehzabeth Smith. Settled in Barn- ston, Stanstead County, Canada, where he d. 10 July, 1855. His wife d. 19 Dec, 1861. u. Elizabeth, b. 1 Feb., 1791; d. unm. at Lakeport. 8-a 8. i. 9. u. .0. iu. iv. V. 98 HISTORY OF CANTERBURY. in. Samuel, b. 18 May, 1793; m. Asenith. 11. iv. Mark, b. 1 March, 1796. V. Abigail, b. 24 Nov., 1799; m. Cole and resided at Lakeport. vi. Sally, b. 24 April, 1801. ¦vii. Thomas, b. 1 Feb., 1804, went West with famUy, but later retumed. ¦viii. Susannah, b. 25 June, 1806. 8. Israel' Davis (Johathan', Thomas', Samuel') b. in C. about 1785. He settled in Loudon. He was a mechanic and mUlwright, and in 1835 removed to Amity, Me., where he cleared land, buUt a home and erected a saw-miU; m. ui 1820, AbigaU' St. Clair, dau. of Noah' and La^vina (Gault) St. Clair or Sinclair (James*, Joseph; James; Johw), b. C, 10 March, 1797; d. Amity, Me., about 1875. He d. at Amity about 1865. ChUdren: 12. i. Benjamin Birdsall', b. Loudon, 1 Sept., 1821. h. Adeline, b. Loudon, 1823; res. Oldtown, Me. in. John Redford, b. Loudon; m. Danforth, res. Loudon. iv. Elbridge G., b. Loudon; res. Amity, Me. V. Catherine, b. Loudon; res. Amity, Me. 9. Jeremiah' Da'vis (Jonathan', Thomas', Samuel*) b. in C, or Loudon, 23 Sept., 1792, and d. 4 Aug., 1851; m. first, 14 April, 1828, Judith Austin of Concord, b. m 1801, d. 6 Aug., 1847; m. second, 14 May, 1848, Susan Pike. He is buried in the Lovering cemetery at Loudon. ChUdren, aU by first ¦wife; i. and u. Twins', b. 7 April, 1831. ui. Judith A., b. Loudon, 7 Nov., 1832; m. first, 4 July, 1852, Elbridge Chase of C; m. second, 16 Dec, 1885, Joseph P. Dearbom. (See Chase and Dearbom Gens.) iv. Sarah S. C, b. Loudon, 16 Aug., 1834; m. 20 Oct., 1851, Alonzo B. Lovering. (See Lovering Gen.) v. Susan F., b. C, 14 Jan., 1837; m. Edward HUlsgrove. vi. Mary Grace, b. C, 22 May, 1838; m. 26 Nov., 1857, Moses W. Favor of Concord. . ¦vu. Ellen Elizabeth P., b. C, 9 Oct., 1839; d. Roxbury, Mass., 10 Oct., 1902; m. 30 Dec, 1857, Edwin Cass of Boston, b. Brad ford, Vt., 13 March, 1832, by whom she had children, aU b. m Boston; Mary Ehzabeth Cass, b. 14 Jan., 1859; d. 1 July, 1897; m. 24 June, 1886, WaUace H. Pendle of Halstead, England. Charles Henry Cass, b. 4 June, 1861; m. Sarah W. WaUace of South Boston. Arthur WUhe Cass, b. 28 Aug., 1864; m. first, LiUian Patterson of Jamaica Plain (Boston); m. second, Mary Belyea of St. John, N. B. Herbert Cass, b. 1869, d. infant. Edwin Franklin Cass, b. 22 Jan., 1870; m. Anna Maria Begin of Lunenburg, N. S. Marion Ohve Cass, b. AprU, 1887, d. 17 April, 1890, 10. MosES' Davis (Jonathan; Thomas; Samuel*) b. m Loudon, 20 Feb., 1797, and m. PoUy Ingalls of C, b. m 1807. He removed to Northfield in 1840, where he owned a miU, and resided on Oak HUl. In 1855 he sold his mUl and later removed to Concord, where he d. 2 AprU, 1884, his wife survivmg him untU 2 Sept., 1890. ChUdren : i. Theodore Gerrish', b. C. in 1829; m. Apphia Maria, dau. of Nathan Bartlett of Northfield, b. 1831, d. 31 May, 1879. He resided at Northfield and TUton, and later at Franklin. GENEALOGIES. 99 ii. Arthur L., b. Loudon in 1830; m. first, Lucy Smith; m. second, Susan Smith of Northfield; m. third, Jennie CoUins of Gilford. He was an architect, builder and contractor at Laconia. iu. Frances Amanda, b. Loudon, 29 April, 1833; m. in 1852, Wilham Keniston. iv. Martin Van Buren, b. Loudon, Sept., 1836; m. first, Sarah WUson of Pembroke; m. second, Mrs. Lucy Bernard Gile of Meriden. V. Mary A., b. C, 4 July, 1839; m. first, George Thompson of LoweU, Mass.; m. second, WUham H. Colburn of Nashua. ¦vi. Warren A., b. Northfield, 7 July, 1844; m. Annie Jones. vu. Walter, b. Northfield, 6 Sept., 1856; m. EUa Plastridge of Concord. 11. Mark' Davis (Stephen; Thomas', Samueb) b. m C, 1 March, 1796; m. 11 Sept., 1822, AbigaU Stevens of C, b. in Sept., 1798. He built the house at present occupied by his grandson, Frank S. Davis, and d. in C, 12 March, 1869, his wife survivmg hun untU 14 Dec, 1870. Chil dren b. in C: i. Caroline', b. Aug., 1824, d. unm. at C. u. Submit N., b. 1825, d. unm. at Pro-vidence, R. I., 13 Sept., 1894. 13. hi. Calvin H., b. 9 July, 1827. 14. iv. . Simon Ste-vens, b. 1829. V. Mary Elizabeth, b. Feb., 1833, d. 11 June, 1836. vi. John W., b. 1840, d. Frankhn, 12 Feb., 1891; m. Clara J. DoUoff of Meredith, b. m 1834, d. 22 Sept., 1893. vii. Charles H., b. Feb., 1844; m. Mary Jane Twist. He d. without issue at Providence, R. I., 11 June, 1903. 12. Benjamin Birdsall' Davis (Israel', Jonathan', Thomas', Samuel*) b. in Loudon, 1 Sept., 1821. At the age of fourteen, when his famUy removed to Maine, he went to hve with his uncle, Jeremiah Davis, in C. He left C. two years later for Methuen, Mass., and whUe there took up the study of music. In 1841 he retumed to N. H. and attended school at Springfield and Meriden, later going to Boston, where he attended the Boston Academy of Music. He retumed to Concord and estabhshed singing schools, teaching also in the pubhc schools of Concord, Warner, C, Loudon and other towns throughout the state. The demand for his services became so great that he refused thirty-five schools in a single season. Mr. H. G. BlaisdeU, in the Granite Monthly for Nov., 1892, wrote that Mr. Da^vis had done more to lay the foundation of music in N. H. than any other man of the old school then hving in the state. Through his efforts the N. H. State Musical Festival was organized in 1861. He never m. but hved in apartments connected with his studio in the Masonic Temple at Concord, where he d. 26 Nov., 1900. 13. Calvin Harlow Davis (Mark; Stephen', Thomas', Samueb) b. in C, 9 July, 1827, and d. at Aiken, S. C, 25 July, 1876. He studied for the ministry at New Hampton, but at the age of twenty-four broke do^wn in health and was obhged to enter business; m. at Water-viUe, Me., in July, 1851, Ann P. Mathews, b. at WatervUle, 13 Nov., 1827, and d. at Augusta, Me., 18 May, 1889. He resided in HaverhiU, Mass., New Hampton, WaterviUe, and West WatervUle (now Oakland), Me., and was engaged in business in Portland, Me., and Cincinnati, O. ChUdren : 100 HISTORY OP CANTERBURY. i. Herbert Mathews', b. HaverhUl, Mass., 9 Sept., 1852; for many years conducted a clothing business at Gardiner, Me., where he now resides. ii. Edward Ellwood, b. New Hampton, 10 March, 1854, d. Harpers Ferry, W. Va., 7 March, 1905; m. at Chepachet, R. I., 23 Sept., 1882, Elizabeth, dau. of Rev. A. H. MorreU. He was an Over seer of Bates CoUege for many years, and President of the Board of Trustees of Storer CoUege, W. Va. He was also a deacon and prominent worker in the Augusta Free Baptist Church, and for many years President of the Maine Free Baptist Asso ciation. ui. Walter Howard, b. West WatervUle, Me., 26 June, 1858; member of the Common Council of Augusta in 1891, President of the Board of Alderman in 1894, President of the Augusta Board of Trade m 1902 and 1903; m. 25 Oct., 1882, Carrie E., dau. of Albert A. and Ehzabeth C. (Benson) Parker, b. Oakland, Me., 31 Aug., 1867, d. Augusta, 3 Feb., 1909. iv. Rev. Willis Morrell", b. West WaterviUe, Me., 1 Feb., 1864, grad uated Bates CoUege, 1891; ordained a minister of the Free Baptist denomination in 1890, and has since been settled at Topsham, Bangor and Biddeford, Me.; m. 8 Jan., 1890, Nettie, dau. of Rev. E. N. Berry of East Livermore, Me. 14. Simon Stb^vens' Da-vis (Mark; Stephen', Thomas') b. in C, 1829; m. m 1855, Dorothy Page Clifford of GUmanton, b. in 1827; d. 28 May, 1901. He d. from injuries, 11 Nov., 1888. ChUdren: 16. i. Frank S.», b. 22 Feb., 1867. h. Caroline, b. in 1869; d. 2 May, 1863. iu. Flora Belle, b. 21 March, 1864; m. m Oct., 1902, Rev. George T. Griffin of Frankhn; d. in Frankhn, Feb., 1903. 15. Frank S.» Davis {Simon Stevens; Mark; Stephen') b. in C, 22 Feb., 1857, and resides in the homestead built by his grandfather, Mark Da-vis; m. first, Ida Whitney of Plattsburg, N. Y., b. m 1856, d. 10 Jan., 1895; m. second, Mrs. EUen Clark of Manchester nee Bean of TUton, b. 1859, d. 17 May, 1898; m. thud, NeUie E. PhUbrook of Chatauqua County, N. Y. ChUdren: i. Dorothy Marguerite", twin, b, Manchester, 21 Feb., 1898. u, Natalie Clifford, twin, b. Manchester, 21 Feb., 1898; d. same day. in. Hazbn Clifford, b. C. 3 Feb., 1901. iv. Evelyn, b. C. 1 July, 1902. V. Caroline, b. C. 2 Feb., 1910. DAWES. William N. Da-wbs, b. 18 Feb., 1848, in WUmot, son ot Robert and Ann 1901. h. Cora Abby Batchelder, b. 4 June, 1875; m. Fred H. Brown. (See Brown Gen.) iu. EsteUe Charlotte Batchelder, b. 19 Oct., 1877. 4. Cora Geneva' Elliott (George') b. 16 Aug., 1852; m. 7 May, 1872, Eugene Stephen Yates, a physician. After her husband's death, Mrs. Yates studied medicine and is now practicing in Pawtucket, R. I. She owns a summer home near the Center. Child: RoUin Eugene', b. 10 Sept., 1879. 5. Charles Fremont' Elliott (George') b. 16 June, 1867, in Penacook; m. m C, 1884, Florence G. Chase. (See Chase Gen.) Children, b. in C: i. Ernest Everett', b. 16 May, 1886. u. Eva Belle, b. 2 April, 1887. hi. Mary Louise, b. 4 June, 1891; d. in C, 26 Sept., 1891. iv. Alfred Chase, b. 22 July, 1889. v. Harry Eari, b. 6 Sept., 1893. vi Gladys Beulah, b. 12 Nov., 1894. 6. Jessie Maria' Elliott (George) b. 26 June, 1859; m. 17 June, 1883, George Wilham Loud, b. 28 July, 1869. Children: i. Raymond EUiott', b. 19 Oct., 1884. u. Ralph WUham, b. 2 AprU, 1888. iu. Marion, b. 20 June, 1891. EMERY.* 1. John' Emery, Sr., son of John and Agnes Emery of Romsey, Hants, Eng., was b. in Eng., 29 Sept., 1598. He saUed from Southampton, 3 April, 1635, with his brother Anthony, in the ship James of London, their wives and one or two children each, j)robably, with them. He landed in Boston 3 June, 1635, and went soon after to Newbury, where he had a town grant of hah an acre for a house lot. John Emery was made freeman 2 June, 1641, and recorded as one of the ninety-one freeholders of the town 2 Dec, 1642. On 16 March, 1663, he was presented to the Court at Ipswich by Henry Jacques, Constable of Newbury, for enter taining travelers, and Quakers; 5 May, 1663, his presentment for enter taining Quakers was referred unto next Court. The next Court fined him four pounds, costs and fees for entertaining strangers. In May, 1663, he petitioned the General Court for the remission of his fine. His petition was signed by the selectmen of the town and fifty of the citi zens. The fine was not remitted. He was selectman, 1661; fence * The facts given here concerning the early Emery famihes are taken from Genealogical Records of Descendants of John and Anthony Emery, compiled by Rev. Rufus Emery, and pubhshed in 1890. 112 HISTORY OF CANTERBURY. -viewer, 1666; grand juryman in the same year; jury of trials in 1672; appointed to carry votes to Salem in 1676. He m. first, in Eng., Mary , who d. in Newbury, April, 1649; m. second, Mrs. Mary Web ster (nee Shatswell) widow of John Webster of Ipswich, 29 Oct., 1650, He d. in Newbury, Mass., 3 Nov., 1683: His wife d. 28 AprU, 1694. Children: 2. i. John', b. about 1628, in Eng. h. Ann, b. about 1631, in Eng. hi. Ebenezer, dau., b. 16 Sept., 1648, in Newbury, iv. Jona than, b. 13 May, 1662, in Newbury. 2. Johns Emery (Johw) came with his father to Newbury in 1635; m. Mary Webster, dau. of John and Mary (Shatswell) Webster, 2 Oct., 1648. Selectman, 1670-1673; chosen to carry votes to Salem 1675-76; tything- man, 1679; way-warden, 1679. He is styled Sergeant on the records. Made freeman 30 May, 1660; made his wUl 3 Aug., 1693. His wife d. 3 Feb., 1709. Children, b. in Newbury: i. Mary', b. 24 June, 1652. h. Hannah, b. 26 April, 1654. 3., hi. John, b. 12 Sept., 1656. iv. Bethia, b. 15 Oct., 1658. V. Sarah, b. 26 Feb., 1660. ¦vi. Joseph, b. 23 March, 1663. 4. -vii. Stephen, b. 6 Sept., 1666. -viu. Abigail, b. 16 Jan., 1668. ix. Sam uel, b. 20 Dec, 1670. x. Judith, b. 5 Feb., 1673. xi. Lydia, b. 19 Feb., 1676. xu. Elizabeth, b. 8 Feb., 1680. xhi. Josiah, b. 28 Feb., 1681. 3. John' Emery (John; John') m. 13 June, 1683, Mary Sawyer, dau. of WUham and Ruth Sawyer, b. 29 July, 1660, she d. 3 Nov., 1699; m. second, AbigaU Bartlett, 27 May, 1700; and third, Mary March, 7 Dec, 1723. Children, b. in Newbury: i. Mary', b. 29 Dec, 1684; 5. u. John, b. 29 Sept., 1686. iu. Josiah, b. 19 Dec. ,1688. iv. Daniel, b. 15 June, 1693. v. Lydia, b. 29 AprU, 1698. vi. Samuel, b. 25 Oct., 1699. vu. Ruth. vui. Hannah. 4. Ensign Stephen' Emery (John; John') b. 6 Sept., 1666; m. 29 Nov., 1692, Ruth, dau. of Henry and Anna (Knight) Jaques, b. 14 April, 1672; millwright and planter; d. 1 Feb., 1746-47. His -wife d. 9 Jan., 1764. Children, b. in Newbury: i. Anna,' b. 10 Oct., 1693. h. Sarah, b. 1 Jan., 1696. ui. Ruth, b. 6 June, 1698. iv. Mary, b. 16 Dec, 1700. v. Judith, b. 25 Feb., 1703. vi. Abigail, b. 4 May, 1706. vii. Elizabeth, b. 2 Feb., 1708. 6. -viu. Stephen, b. 16 July, 1710. ix. Hannah, b. 23 April, 1712. X. Miriam, b. 22 Nov., 1714. 7. xi. Lydia, b. 29 July, 1717. 5. John' Emery (John; John; John') b. 29 Sept., 1686; m. Mehetable, dau. of Henry and Ann (LongfeUow) Short, 30 Dec, 1714. He d, 30 June, 1750. His wife d. 11 June, 1773, aged sixty-eight. Children: GENEALOGIES. 113 8. i. MosES', b. 12 Oct., 1715. n. Anna, b. 21 Nov., 1716. ih. Josiah, b. 16 March, 1718. iv. Mary, b. 26 Jan., 1720. v. John, b. 24 Feb., 1722. vi. Mehetable, b. 23 March, 1726. vh. Sarah, b. 16 Dec, 1726. viu. Jane, b. 4 Aug., 1729. ix. Josiah, b. 29 Oct., 1731. X. Daniel, b. 7 Dec, 1733. xi. Samuel, b. 26 July, 1737. 6. Stephen' Emery (Stephen; John', Johw) b. 16 July, 1710; m. Hannah Rolfe, dau. of Henry and Hannah (Tappan) Rolfe, 5 May, 1732. He was commissioned Ensign 21 May, 1746; Colonel 23 March, 1767; d. in West Newbury 16 Sept., 1795. His wife d. at the same place 10 Jan., 1779, aged 71. ChUdren, b. in Newbury: 9. i. Stephen', b. 18 Jan., 1733. u. Benjamin, b. 14 May, 1735. hi. Hannah, b. 26 Oct., 1737. iv. Benjamin, b. 10 Dec, 1738. V. Joseph, b. 19 Sept., 1740. -vi. Nathaniel, b. 23 Aug., 1741. -vu. Hannah, b. 12 Feb., 1744. viu. Mary, b. 12 May, 1746. ix. Eliphalet, b. 20 July, 1748. x. Elizabeth, b. 30 July, 1750. xi. Enoch, b. 13 April, 1752. 7. Lydia' Emery (Stephen', John; Johw) b. 29 July, 1717; m. 24 March, 1738, Moses', son of .John and Mehetable (Short) Emery, b. 12 Oct., 1715. She d. 11 July, 1800. (For children, see No, 8.) 8. MosES' Emery (John*, John', John', Johw) b. 12 Oct., 1715; m. 24 March, 1738, Lydia, dau. of Stephen and Ruth (Jacques) Emery; d. 11 AprU, 1789. Children, b. in Newbury; i. Lydia', b. 17 Feb.. 1738-39. h. Mary, b. 14 April, 1741. ui. John, b. 12 March, 1743. iv. Moses, b. 31 Jan., 1745. 10. V. Josiah, b. 17 May, 1747. -vi. Nathan, b. 31 May, 1760; d. unm. -vh. Sarah, b. 13 July, 1753. -viu. Ann, b. 13 May, 1756. ix. Amos, b. 24 AprU, 1768. x. Michael, b. 5 Aug., 1764. 9. Stephen' Emery (Stephen; Stephen; John; Johw) b. 18 Jan., 1733; m. 6 Nov., 1760, Sarah Moody. She d. 6 Nov., 1777, aged 36; m. second, Sarah Bartlett, who d. 23 July, 1791, He d. 16 April, 1799. Chil dren, b. in Newbury: i. Stephen', b. 8 JiUy, 1761. 11. u. Enoch, b. 16 March, 1763. hi. Elizabeth, b. 7 Dec, 1764. iv. Hannah, b. 20 Dec, 1766. v. Moody, b. 20 June, 1769. -vi. Nathaniel, b. 24 July, 1772. 10. JosiAH' Emery (Moses', John; John', John', Johw) b. 17 May, 1747; m. 1770, Rebecca, dau. of John and Anna (Adams) Woodman, sister to Ehzabeth, who m. John' Emery, b. 10 July, 1746, d. 6 Jan., 1788; m. second, Mrs. Ehzabeth (Meader) Morrison, widow of Samuel Morrison, 13 Oct., 1791. She d. July, 1837, aged 70. Children; i. MosES', b. 2 Feb., 1772, at Epping. 12. u. Nathan, b. 6 Dec, 1773, at Eppmg. iu. Ann (Nancy), b. 8 July, 1775, at Sanbomton. iv. Molly (Polly), b. 21 March, 1777, at Sanbomton; m. John P. Hayes, son of William. V. Lydia, b. 8 Nov., 1778; m. 15 Nov., 1798, Jeremiah Hackett of C. ¦vi. Rebecca, b. 9 Nov., 1780; m. Jonathan Morrison, Jr. 9-n 114 HISTORY OF CANTERBURY. VU. Sarah (SaUy), b. 26 Aug., 1782; m. Joseph Huse, Jr. vui. Betty (Betsey), b. 3 May, 1784; m. 6 Feb., 1817, Simon D. Sanbom. ix. An infant. 11. Enochs Emery (Stephen; Stephen; Stephen') b. 16 March, 1763; m. July, 1784, Sarah Sargent, b. June, 1766, d. Nov., 1848. He d. 20 May, 1846. He was the first settler in C. of this branch of the famUy. Children; i. Elizabeth', b. 17 Feb., 1785. u. Sarah, b. 12 Oct., 1786. hi. Edmund Sa-wyer, b. 28 Jan., 1789; d. 1810, at sea. iv. Hannah, b. 21 March, 1791. V. Moody, b. 9 May, 1793; d. at 9 years of age. ¦vi. Mary, b. 7 Aug., 1795; d. unm., in Newmarket. 13. -vu. Enoch, b. 26 June, 1797. viu. Nathaniel, d. young. ix. Susan, b. 2 Aug., 1800. X. Stephen, b. 1803; d. young. xi. Catherine, b. 18 May, 1805. 14. 3di. Moody, b. 8 Feb., 1807. xiu. Stephen Moody, b. 26 Dec, 1809; graduate of Dartmouth CoUege, 1836; Dartmouth Med. School, 1842; m. Lucy Ann Augusta, dau. of Capt. Jacob and Catherine (Wellington) Hosmer, 22 Nov., 1838; b. 16 July, 1809, d. 8 April, 1878, at Penacook. He settled in Penacook, Boscawen side, where he d. Nov., 1881. 12. Nathan' Emery (Josiah', Moses') b. 6 Dec, 1773, at Epping. Moved ¦with his parents to Sanbomton, about 1774, and remained there till 1789, when he came to C. Here he m. 1798, BetseV, b. 8 Aug., 1780, at C, dau. of Col. David and Susannah (Webster) Moore McCrillis. She d. in LoweU, Mass., 6 Aug., 1862. He d. 19 Feb., 1860. He was a type of the best citizenship of C, and prominent in town affairs. Children: i. John Ta-ylor Oilman', b. 10 Jan., 1799; settled in C; m. first, Mary Sanbom, dau. of Simon D. Sanbom, b. Jan., 1804, d. 8 Oct., 1853; second, Mrs. Catherine Foster. He d. 20 Aug., 1886. 15. u. David, b. 24 May, 1800. 16. hi. Josiah, b. 30 Nov., 1801. iv. Charles, b. 25 Dec, 1803; mate of a vessel; d. of yellow fever in Havana, W. I., Nov., 1824; unm. V. Nathan, b. 19 Feb., 1806; m. first, 16 Dec, 1829, Mary, dau. of Nathaniel and Betsey (Sherburne) Peverly; second, Louisa, b. 14 April, 1813; d. 26 May, 1879, dau. of Timothy and Anna (MorriU) Bradley; spent his hfe at the homestead in C; d. 4 Jan., 1884. -vi. Susan, b. 23 Dec, 1807; d. 11 June, 1811. 17. -vu. Nancy, b. 13 Sept., 1809. 18. -viu. Al-vin, b. 17 March, 1811. 19. be. Joseph Woodman, b. 15 Jan., 1813. 20. x. Henry, b. 5 Nov., 1814. xi. Martha, b. 2 Sept., 1816; m. M. Franklm Dwyer, from Canada, a blacksmith in C. for many years. Later they moved to central 111. Four children. GENEALOGIES. 115 xu. Mary, b. 2 Sept., 1816; m. Thomas Peverly of C, son of Nathaniel and Betsey (Sherburne) Peverly, and brother of Mary Peverly, who m. Nathan' Emery. Thomas and Mary (Emery) Peverly moved to Chnton, IU., in Nov., 1866, and later to Decatur, IU. She d. March, 1869. He d. 11 May, 1875, at Toronto, Kan. (For children, see Peverly Gen.) xhi. Elizabeth, b. 24 Jan., 1819; d. 22 Nov., 1821. 21. xiv. Moses, b. 21 April, 1820. 22. XV. Enoch, b. 31 Aug., 1822. 23. xvi. Samuel, b. 17 June, 1827. 13. Enoch' Emery (Enoch; Stephen; Stephen*) b. 26 June, 1797; m. 1 Oct., 1818, AbigaU, b. 7 Jan., 1791, dau. of Jeremiah Pickard. She d. 21 Sept., 1879; he, 1 Oct., 1879. ChUdren: 24. i. Eliza Ann', b. 26 Aug., 1819. 25. u. Moses Moody, b. 9 Dec, 1821. iu. Apphia Maria, b. 18 May, 1824; d. 15 Feb., 1852, at Stewartstown. iv. Mary, b. 22 Jan., 1827; d. 10 Jan., 1858; at Oskaloosa, la. V. Charles Sargent, b. 22 July, 1830; m. 5 April, 1856, Sarah N., dau. of Nathaniel and Abigail (Garland) Garland. 26. -vi. Daniel, b. 27 March, 1853. 14. Moody' Emery (Enoch; Stephen; Stephen*) b. 8 Feb., 1807; m. 17 May, 1831, Susan, b. 5 Nov., 1805, dau. of Parsons and Hannah (Doe) Whid den. They removed from C. to Mount Morris, N. Y., m 1863, to Monroe, la., in 1868, and to Reasnor, la., in 1879. They both d. in Reasnor: he, 5 March, 1899; she, 26 May, 1900. ChUdren; 27. i. Hannah', b. 1 June, 1832. 28. u. Stephen Moody, b. 21 Nov., 1837. 15. Da-vid' Emery (Nathan', Josiah', Moses') b. 24 May, 1800; hved, first in Ithaca, N. Y., afterward in Maroa, IU.; m. 8 Jan., 1829, in Concord, Mahala, dau. of Captain John and Rebecca (Currier) Hoit. She d. 28 July, 1851, at Ithaca, N. Y.; m. second, at Candor, N. Y,, Lois Cutler. He d. 7 Aug., 1877, at Maroa, IU. ChUdren: i. Mary Elizabeth', b. 28 Feb., 1830, at Concord; m. Charles Bundy of Elmira, N. Y.; one dau., who d. in infancy. She d. 3 Aug., 1898. u. Clarissa Anne, b. 29 June, 1831, at Concord. hi. Charles Franklin, b. 26 May, 1833, at Ithaca, N. Y. iv. Susan Rebecca, b. 14 April, 1836, at Ithaca, N. Y.; d. 14 Feb., 1842. 29. V. John Hoit, b. 13 April, 1839. •vi. Frederick Vose, b. 22 June, 1843, at Ithaca, N. Y.; d. at Fredericks burg, Md., 15 Oct., 1862, from wounds received in battle. He belonged to Co. E, 64th N. Y. Vols. 16. JosiAH' Emery (Nathan', Josiah', Moses') b. 30 Nov., 1801; m. 12 Feb., 1830, Juha Ann, dau. of John Beecher. She d. 25 July, 1871. He was educated at Dartmouth College, which he entered in 1819, lea-ving in 1821; taught five years in N. Y. state; entered Union College in 1826 and graduated in 1828; piincipal of WeUsboro, Penn., Academy, 1828- 1830; practiced law m WeUsboro 1831-1871; removed to WUliamsport, Penn., 1871; district attorney, commissioner of bankruptcy and com- 30. i. 31. u. 32. iii. 33. iv. 34. V. 35. vi. 36. ¦vii. 37. ¦vui. ix. X. 38. xi. 116 HISTORY OF CANTERBURY. missioner of draft; frequent writer in various pubhcations. ChUdren, b. in WeUsboro: Mary Clarinda', b. 27 Nov., 1830, Charles D., b. 17 May, 1833. Martha P., b. 16 Feb., 1838. Eva Vanderbilt, b. 15 Feb., 1840. Elizabeth, b. 24 May, 1842. John Beecher, b. 28 Dec, 1843. William Vanderbilt, b. 29 Oct., 1845. 37. -vui. Clara Beecher, b. 6 June, 1848. Annie, b. 30 Jan., 1861; d. 15 Dec, 1851. George, b. 28 Feb., 1852; d. 17 Sept., 1862. Frank B., b. 15 Sept., 1855. 17. Nancy' Emery (Nathan', Josiah', Moses') b. 13 Sept., 1809; m. 9 May, 1833, Freeman Webster of Boscawen, b. 13 Aug., 1808, at HiU. She d. 23 Jan., 1892; he, 9 May, 1892. ChUdren, b. in Concord: 39. i. Elizabeth' Webster, b. 27 April, 1846. 40. u. Clara Webster, b. 9 April, 1861. 18. Alvin' Emery (Nathan', Josiah', Moses') b. 17 March, 1811; m. first, Susan, dau. of Nathan and Elizabeth (Woolman) Haines; second, Henrietta Ward of LoweU, Mass. He settled in Mich., and afterwards in central IU.; d. 8 Oct., 1864, in Cataba, Ala. Children, b. in Ind.: 41. i. Joseph', b. 27 Sept., 1845. u. Jessie, b. 1860; d. Feb., 1873. in. Lilly, m. Cornelius Tryuer. 19. Joseph Woodman » Emery (Nathan', Josiah; Moses') b. 16 Jan., 1813; m. first, March, 1838, Frances Rosalinda Leland, Upton, Mass., b. 11 Jan., 1818; d. 17 Sept., 1853, in C; m. second, 16 Feb., 1854, Frances Ann Sanborn. He spent the latter part of his life in IU., and d. 21 Nov., 1882. Children; i. Charles', b. Feb., 1839; d. 29 Sept., 1841, at C. h. Ellen Sophia, b. 30 Aug., 1842, at Upton, Mass.; d. 3 Dec, 1896. iii. Betsey, b. 3 March, 1844, at Upton. iv. Mary Jane, b. 14 May, 1847; d. 2 Feb., 1864, at Austin, IU. V. Charles Woodman, b. 6 Oct., 1851, at Upton; graduate of Dart mouth, 1875; studied law in Concord; m. 27 Feb., 1883, in C, Caroline Elizabeth, dau. of Da-vid M. and Sarah (Robertson) Foster, b. 16 Oct., 1848, m Providence, R. I. He d. 6 Jan., 1904, in Oakland, Cal., where she stiU resides. Child: Nathan, b. 9 Dec, 1883, in C, and d. there 28 Feb., 1885. 42. -vi. Clarence F., b. 29 Sept., 1856, at Clinton, IU. -vii. Frances Rosalinda, b. Aug., 1862, in Macon County, IU.; d. 13 March, 1870. 20. Henry' Emery (Nathan', Josiah', Moses') b. 5 Nov., 1814; m. 5 June, 1843, Betsey A., b. 1 April, 1818, dau. of Isaac and Lois (Fernald) Martin of Wolfboro. He d. 15 Sept., 1891, in Lowell; his wife d. there 1 May, 1893. CMldren: i. Elmina L.', b. 3 April, 1844, in Boston, Mass.; m. 17 Dec, 1870, Addison L. Nute, b. 10 July, 1846, at Wolfboro; d. 27 June, 1880, m LoweU. GENEALOGIES. 117 u. Angeline, b. 14 July, 1845, in Boston; d. 3 Aug., 1846, hi. William H., b. 24 March, 1847, in Lowell; m. June, 1896, in Lowell, Mrs. Martha A. StUes. iv. Maria M., b. 7 Oct., 1851, in LoweU, Mass.; d. there 11 March, 1896. 21. MosES' Emery (Nathan', Josiah; Moses') b. 21 AprU, 1820; m. 4 Sept., 1847, at New Carhsle, Ind., Rebecca, b. 27 Aug., 1828, at Miami, O., dau. of Nathan and Ehzabeth (Woolman) Haines, who, coming from Virginia, were among the early settlers of Ind. Moses Emery d. 16 June, 1908; his wife, 10 March, 1902, both at New Carhsle, Ind. Chil dren, b. at New Carlisle: 43. i. Frank', b. 28 Aug., 1848. u. Charles, b. 1 Jan., 1850; d. in infancy. iu. Susan, b. 29 March, 1858; m. 20 Jan., 1887, at New Carlisle, James H. Everett of Watertown, S. D., b. 17 May, 1843, son of and Susan (Hinman) Everett. He served three years during the Civil War m Co. B, 10th Conn. Regt.; d. 10 Sept., 1900. She stiU resides in Watertown, S. D. iv. Nathan, b. 29 Dec, 1859; unm. V. Sarah Elizabeth, b. 16 Dec, 1864; m. at New Carhsle, J. V. Gar- outte, b. 8 Aug., 1864, at New Carlisle, son of Thomas Jefferson and Sarah (Burke) Garoutte. She is a kindergarten teacher in Watertown, S. D. ¦vi. A dau., b. in 1866; d. in infancy. 44. vu. John, b. 29 July, 1868. 22. Enoch' Emery (Nathan; Josiah', Moses') b. 31 Aug., 1822; m. first, Mary Moore; second, Lydia \\Tiiteside; connected with the press in Lowell, Mass., and later editor of the Peoria, 111., Transcript. D. 20 June, 1882. Children by first marriage: i. Grace, ii. Gertrude, m. . Boardman and has two sons and a dau. Child by second marriage: in. Paul. 23. Samuel' Emery (Nathan', Josiah; Moses') b. 17 June, 1827; m. first, Lydia Coombs of LoweU, Mass.; second, 27 Jan., 1868, at C, Mittie Chase, dau. of Joseph and Mehitable (Chase) Clough. He d. 10 Sept., 1873, in C; she d. 28 Dec, 1900, m Northfield. Children; i. Mary Maud', b. 9 Feb., 1869, in Chenoa, 111., student of hbrary work at Simmons CoUege. h. Abbie Josephine, b. 23 July, 1870, hi C; graduate of the Mass. Normal Art School, in. Mittie Louise, b. 4 Jan., 1872, in Peoria, IU., graduate of the Emerson CoUege of Oratory. 24. Eliza Ann' Emery (Enoch; Enoch', Stephen') b. 26 Aug., 1819; m. June, 1844, Timothy C. Roffe, b. 9 May, 1817, at Penacook. ChUdren: Timothy Emery' Rolfe, b. 17 July, 1845. Euza Jane Rolfe, b. 17 July, 1845. Enoch Emery Rolfe, b. 3 April, 1848; d. 21 Sept., 1907. Henry Rolfe, b. 31 Jan., 1850. George Edward Rolfe, b. 2 Dec, 1852; m. 29 June, 1909, at Pena cook, Melinda Monroe. Mary Lydia Rolfe, b. 17 Feb., 1864. Martha Esther Rolfe, b. 10 June, 1857. Walter Rolfe, b. 24 May, 1860. 45. 1. u. iu. 46. iv. V. 47. ¦vi. 48. ¦vii. 49. ¦viu, 118 HISTORY OF CANTERBURY. 25. Moses Moody' Emery (Enoch', Enoch; Stephen') b. 9 Dec, 1821; m. 26 Jan., 1843, Judith Gross, dau. of John Moore. He d..ll Jan., 1896; .she d. 1 Feb., 1889. Children: i. Charles Moody', b. 24 July, 1843; m. Sept., 1880, at Laconia, Emma, dau. of Thomas J. and Eliza (Glidden) Robmson, b. 7 Dec, 1846, at Laconia. She d. 8 Sept., 1891, at Laconia. He was a teacher for a number of years in Mass. and N. H. ; hcensed to preach 29 May, 1879; ordained 26 Sept., 1879; held pastorate at Pro^vince Road; pastor of the Alton Comer Free Baptist Church from 7 Dec, 1879, to 20 Nov., 1882; pastor of the Free Baptist Church at Gilford ViUage tUl his death there, 20 Jan., 1885, ^ h. Abbie Pickard, b. 4 March, 1846, at C; m. 9 Jan., 1869, at C, George Peverly, b. 21 April, 1844, at C, son of David and SaUy (Kunball) MorriU. She d. 19 Sept., 1910. (For children, see MorrUl Gen.) 50. iu. Millard Fillmore, b. 27 July, 1850, at C. 26. Daniel' Emery (Enoch', Enoch; Stephen') b. 27 March, 1833; m. first, 12 Nov., 1856, Mary J. FuUer, who d. 19 Jan., 1874; m. second, March, 1875, Hubbard. Children: i. Hattie Eliza', b. 1 Nov., 1858; d. Aug., 1875. u. Sarah Frances, b. 31 May, 1861. 27. Hannah' Emery (Moody, Enoch', Stephen') b. 1 June, 1832; m. 27 Dec, 1857, Charles L., son of Samuel French. He d. 18 March, 1910. ChU dren; i. Georgia H.', b. 1 Feb., 1861. u. Andrew, hi. Nellie, iv. Augustus. 28. Stephen Moody' Emery (Moody, Enoch; Stephen') b. 21 Nov., 1837; m. 26 Nov., 1873, Mrs. El-vira Clark Squiers Li-vingstone, widow of Charles Livingstone. Charles and Elvira Li-vingstone had one son, Charles C, b. 25 March, 1869; m. 24 Dec, 1890, Luha Dennerston. El-vira Squiers, b. 23 April, 1841, dau. of Hiram Clark and Alma (Pevere) Squiers. Hiram Squiers was b. 4 Dec, 1821, at St. Albans, Vt.; Alma Pevere, b. 22 Feb., 1819, was the dau. of James and Phebe Clark Pevere. ChUd of Mr. and Mrs. Stephen M. Emery: 51. i. Vinette', b. 29 Oct., 1878, in Monroe, la. 29. John Hoit» Emery (Dai.id', Nathan', Josiah; Moses') b. 13 April, 1839, at Ithaca, N. Y.; m. 2 Feb., 1869, at Ithaca, Mary E., dau. of Edwin and Elizabeth (ComweU) Sydney, b. 28 Nov., 1843. He practised law for several years in Ithaca, and later went to Peoria, IU., where he was editor of the Peoria Daily Transcript; d. 9 June, 1879, at Peoria. ChU dren; i. Joseph Sydney", b. 18 Oct., 1870, at Ithaca, u. Fred erick David, b. 2 Aug., 1872, at Peoria, IU.; d. 7 Dec, 1906, at Pitts burg, Penn. ui. Howard Preswick, b. 15 April, 1879, at Peoria. 30. Mary Clarinda' Emery (Josiah', Nathan; Josiah') b. at WeUsboro, Penn., 27 Nov., 1830; m. first, 27 Dec, 1854, in WeUsboro, Isaac M. Ruckman, who d. in N. Y. City, 3 March, 1857. She m. second, 6 June, 1865, at WeUsboro, George Sidney Ranson of WUliamsport, Pa., prin cipal of WeUsboro Academy. He was b. 1 July, 1820, at Argyle, N. Y.; genealogies. 119 d. 28 April, 1888, at WUliamsport, Penn. She d. 7 July, 1902, at Wil- hamsport. Children: i. Annie M." Ruckman, b. 23 April, 1856, at WeUsboro, d. 16 Nov., 1860, at Hunts-ville, Ala. u. William E. Ranson, b. 12 Feb., 1869, at Wilhamsport, Pa, Appointed U. S. Referee in Bankruptcy in 1898. Is now prac ticing law in Scranton, Pa.,, being connected with the legal department of the International Text-book Co. 31. Charles D'. Emery (Josiah', Nathan', Josiah') b. 17 May, 1833; admit ted to the bar in WUUamsport, Penn., in 1853. In 1872 he removed to Seattle, Wash., where he became one of the leading attorneys of the Puget Sound district. In 1887 was appointed U. S. Court Commis sioner. He m. 18 March, 1858, Lavinia D. Evans of PhUadelphia. He d. m Seattle, Wash., 15 May, 1901. Children,' b. in WUliamsport: 52. i. Rachel Evans", b. 16 June, 1869. u. Mary Ruckman, b. 1 Nov., 1861; m. J. D. Lowman, a prominent business man in Seattle. hi. Da-vid Evans, b. 20 June, 1864. iv. Francis Evans, b. 1 Jan., 1867. 32. Martha' Emery (Josiah', Nathan', Josiah') b. 16 Feb., 1838; m. 19 Dec, 1867, Charies Smith Bundy, b. at Windsor, N. Y., son of Dr. Oliver T. Bundy, graduate of HamUton College; admitted to the bar in Ithaca, N. Y.; has held various important positions, and is now municipal judge in Washington, D. C, where they have resided many years. 33. Eva Vanderbilt' Emery (Josiah', Nathan', Josiah') b. 15 Feb., 1840; m. 28 Dec, 1861, Rev. Edward James Gray. In 1873 Dr. Gray was elected President of Dickinson Seminary, and there he and his wife spent the last 31 years of his hfe. He d. 18 Jan., 1906; she, 7 Sept., 1905. ChUdren: i. D. in infancy. u. D. in infancy. iu. Eva", d. at the age of 14. 53. iv. WiLLiAm Emery, b. 7 Feb., 1863, at Le-wisburg, Pa. V. Edward Jambs, Jr. 34. Elizabeth' Emery (Josiah; Nathan; Josiah') b. 24 May, 1842; m. 10 Feb., 1863, Joshua Alfred Knapp, b. in 1837, near Oswego, N. Y. He was engaged in the lumber business; d. 7 May, 1869. ChUdren; 54. i. Anson Dodge" Knapp, b. 12 Aug., 1865, in Emporium, Pa. u. Joshua Alfred Knapp, Jr., b. 9 Nov., 1868; d. 11 Aug., 1869. 35. John Beecher' Emery (Josiah', Nathan; Josiah') b. 28 Dec, 1843. Enlisted in the 45th Regt., Penn. Vols., 31 Dec, 1861, and served tUl 31 Dec, 1864; mustered out as First Sergt. of Co. I; prisoner of war at Belle Isle, Richmond, Va., from 13 Dec, 1863, to 4 April, 1864. After the war he was employed by the Pa. R. R. for several years, and later went into the lumber business, from which he retired in 1905; m. 30 Sept., 1868, Helen Augusta, dau. of Bodo and Anna E. (Weuner) Otto, 120 HISTORY OF CANTERBURY. b. 1 March, 1846, at Reading, Penn., and is a lineal descendant of Dr. J. B. Otto, who served as surgeon in the American Revolution. ChUdren: 55. i. Frank Otto", b. 24 Aug., 1869, at WUhamsport, Penn. 56. h. Julia, b. 16 June, 1872, at Tamaqua, Penn. 36. William Vanderbilt' Emery (Josiah', Nathan', Josiah') b. 29 Oct., 1846; m. 10 Sept., 1873, in Shirleysburg, Penn., Emily Judson, dau. of WUham B. and Mary (Stewart) Leas. He is engaged in the lumber business in WiUiamsport. ChUdren, b. in WiUiamsport; i, William Leas", b. 30 June, 1874; newspaper -writer. u. Mary Stewart, b. 2 April, 1880; m. 16 Oct., 1907, James Boggs Graham, b. 12 May, 1872, in Clearfield, Penn. 57. hi. Eugene McCarthy, b. 20 Oct., 1886. 37. Clara Beecher' Emery (Josiah', Nathan', Josiah') b. 6 June, 1848; m. May, 1879, John H. Price, a native of Maryland. She d. 7 June, 1884, in WUhamsport. ChUd; Clarence Emery" Price, b. 30 May, 1884, in WUliamsport. 38. Frank B.» Emery (Josiah; Nathan; Josiah') b. 15 Sept., 1855; m. 18 Nov., 1879, in Corry, Penn., Rose Holden, who d. in 1901, in Buffalo, N. Y. He is a resident of Chicago, and is General Freight Agent of the L. S. and Lackawanna R. R. ChUd: Margaret Sickel", b. Dec, 1892, in St. Louis, Mo. 39. Elizabeth' Webster (Nancy Emery, Nathan') b. 27 April, 1845; m. 8 Aug., 1876, at Concord, Frederick W., son of Frederick and Eliza beth (Homer) Widmer, b. 22 Aug., 1838, at Wooster, O, Children: i. Ahce Webster" Widmer, b. 18 May, 1877; d. 2 Oct., 1881. u. Mary Ehzabeth Widmer, b. 13 Sept., 1878; d. 9 Nov., 1878. hi. Fred Emery Widmer, b. 24 Jan., 1880. iv. Jamie Widmer, b. 9 May, 1881; d. 18 June, 1881. v. Edith Webster Widmer, b. 1 Nov., 1884. 40. Clara' Webster (Nancy Emery, Nathan') b. 9 AprU, 1851; m. 13 Aug., 1872, at Concord, Louis E., son of Jonathan Harmon and Mary E. (Merriam) Hastings, b. 19 Jan., 1850, at Waitsfield, Vt.; d. 28 Nov., 1891, at Indianapolis, Ind. Children: 58. i. Marion Webster" Hastings, b. 25 Aug., 1873, at Concord. 59. u. May E. Hastings, b. 26 Oct., 1877, at HaverhiU, Mass. 60. hi. Paul E. Hastings, b. 25 Oct., 1877, at HaverhiU, Mass. 41. Joseph' Emery (Alvin; Nathan; Josiah') b. 27 Sept., 1845; m. 7 Nov., 1870, in Peoria, IU., Henrietta, dau. of Phihp and Charity (Fox) Voodry. He d. 15 June, 1889. ChUdren; i. Alvin", b. 9 July, 1876. h, Jessie, b. 10 May, 1873. 42. Clarence F.' Emery (Joseph; Nathaw) b. 29 Sept., 1856, at Chnton, IU.; m. 22 Aug., 1880, at Latham, IU., Eleanor E., dau. of J. B. and Jane E. (Sykes) Nowhn, b. 4 Aug., 1863, in Dearbom County, Ind.; d. 9 Dec, 1896, in Macon County, IU. He resides in Austin, IU. GENEALOGIES. 121 Children: i. Alvm E,", b. 27 June, 1881. u. Louis L., b. 18 Sept., 1882. iu. Ida May, b. 22 Jan., 1884. iv. Clarence Walter, b. 17 Oct., 1885. V. Emma F., b. 27 Nov., 1886; d. 9 Aug., 1887. vi. Infant son, b. 12 June, 1888; d. 15 June, 1888. vii. Lawrence E., b. 2 June, 1889. Resides at Holdrege, Neb. -vui. Charles W,, b. 14 Jan., 1891. ix. Katie L., b. 4 Dec, 1892. x. Annie E., b. 29 July, 1894; d. 12 March, 1898. 43. Frank' Emery (Moses; Nathan', Josiah') b. 28 Aug., 1848; m. Juha Morehouse, 28 Sept., 1868. He d, 9 Oct., 1893, in Chicago. Chil dren, b. in New Carlisle, Ind.: i. Mattie", b. 12 Aug., 1869; d. 26 Jan., 1877. 61. h. Bessie Belle, b. 18 Nov., 1875. 62. hi. Edna May, b. 26 May, 1877. 44. John' Emery (Moses', Nathan', Josiah') b. 29 July, 1868; m. 30 Nov., 1892, at La Porte, Ind., Anna, dau. of Andrew and Ahce (Cra-wford) McLeUen, b. 30 Nov., 1867, Child: Everett Victor", b. 14 Oct., 1896, in New Carhsle, Ind. 45. Timothy Emery' Rolfe (Eliza Ann' Emery, Enoch', Enoch') b. 17 July, 1845; m. Oct., 1876, Jennie Woodward. ChUd; 63. i. Charlotte Annett", b. 16 Oct., 1881, in Stoneham, Mass. 46. Henry' Rolfe (Eliza Ann' Emery, Enoch; Enoch') b. 31 Jan., 1850; m. 27 Nov., 1869, Lydia Ellen Gleason. ChUdren; 64. i. Abbie Eliza", b. 19 April, 1870. 65. u. Timothy Perley, b. 11 July, 1871. 66. iu. Martha Ellen, b. 4 Nov., 1874. 67. iv. Henry, b. 25 March, 1878. 47. Mary Lydia' Rolfe (Eliza Ann' Emery, Enoch', Enoch').b. 17 Feb., 1854; m. 10 June, 1880, at Penacook, John G. Ward of Lebanon. Children, b. in Penacook: 68. i. Annie Mae" Ward, b. 28 Jan., 1884. 69. u. Katherine Walker Ward, b. 18 Aug., 1887. iu. Mildred H. E. Ward, b. 12 Feb., 1889. iv. Gladys Rolfe Ward, b. 1 Feb., 1891; d. 3 Nov., 1910. 48. Martha Esther' Rolfe (Eliza Ann' Emery, Enoch', Enoch') b. 10 June, 1857; m. first, 8 Feb., 1873, Orville J. Evans. He d. 2 May, 1881; m. second, 3 March, 1883, in Boston, Charles F. Brown. She d. 29 June, 1906, at Stoneham, Mass. Children, b. in Penacook; i. Natt Gale" Evans, b. 28 Nov., 1873. u. Mary Ehza Evans, b. 8 Aug., 1875. 49. Walter Herbert' Rolfe (Eliza Ann' Emery, Enoch', Enoch') b. 24 May, 1860; m. 7 April, 1881, at Nashua, Carrie A. Fifield. She d. 5 May, 1907, at Penacook. Children, b. in Penacook; i. C. Bessie" Rolfe, b. 31 Jan., 1882. u. Walter Herbert Rolfe, b. 26 Aug., 1892. ui. Russell Emery Rolfe, b. 28 May, 1895. 122 HISTORY OF CANTERBURY. 50. Millard Fillmore' Emery (Moses Moody; Enoch') b. 27 July, 1850, in C; m. 22 Feb., 1876, at Lynn, Mass., Elizabeth WiUiamson, dau. of Laurence and Ehzabeth (WiUiamson) Tulloch, who were b. and m. in Scotland, and came to America in 1840. Ehzabeth Tulloch was b. 12 April, 1855, at Lawrence, Mass. Children, b. in C. : i. Mildred Elizabeth", b. 5 Aug., 1881; graduate of State Normal School at Plymouth; teacher for several years; m. 15 June, 1904, Fred Huse Blanchard, son of George and Annie (Huse) Blan chard. (For children, see Blanchard Gen.) u. Bessie Williamson, b. 22 July, 1883; m. 30 Jan., 1906, Bert G., son of John and Belle (Gage) Wheeler. (For children, see Wheeler Gen.) hi. Charles Moses, b. 11 March, 1889; m. 8 June, 1910, Elsie Lysle, dau. of Alva PhUbrook and Hannah (Morrison) Beckman; b. 17 July, 1886. 51. Vinette' Emery (Stephen Moody; Moody, Enach') b. 29 Oct., 1878, in Monroe, la.; m. 8 Sept., 1897, at Monroe, WiUiam R., son of Daniel and Adahne (Matheny) Heller, b. m 1873 at Cuba, IU. ChUdren: i. Ina E." HeUer, b. 1 May, 1900. u. Dorothy A. HeUer, b. 12 Oct., 1907. 52. Rachel Evans" Emery (Charles D.', Josiah', Nathan') b. 16 June, 1869, in WUliamsport, Penn.; m. in AprU, 1877, in Seattle, Wash., Henry El- bing Hathaway, b. in Oct., 1852, in N. Y. state; lawyer in Seattle; d. 2 Dec, 1885. Children: i. Charles Emery" Hathaway, b. 11 Jan., 1878. u. Laura Florence Hathaway, b. 29 Jan., 1879; m. 20 Sept., 1905, at Pacific Grove, Cal., John Fleming Clapham, b. 12 Oct., 1876, in N. Y. state; he enhsted 21 June, 1898, m Battery G, 6th Art., 53d Co. Coast Art., commissioned Second Lieut, in 15th U. S. Inf., promoted to First Lieut, and assigned to 5th U. S. Inf., 15 Aug., 1906; stationed at Fort Leavenworth, Kan. iu. Henry Mona Hathaway, b. 27 March, 1880, spent sixteen months in U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey; prepared for Cornell Uni versity, entering in 1904. Now in business in Buffalo, N. Y. 53. William Emery" Gray (Eva Vanderbilt' Emery, Josiah', Nathan') b. 7 Feb., 1863, at Lewisburg, Perm.; graduate of Cornell University; now engaged in the manufacture of paper in Skaneateles, N. Y.; m. Etta Stark of New Haven, Conn. ChUdren: i. Evalyn", b. 6 April, 1888; d. 19 March, 1891. u. Marguerite, b. 30 June, 1889, m New Haven. iu. Edward James, b. 25 Jan., 1891, in PhUadelphia, Penn. iv. WiUiam Emery, Jr., b. 12 Nov., 1892. 54. Anson Dodge" Knapp (Elizabeth' Emery, Josiah; Nathan') b. 12 Aug., 1865, in Emporium, Penn. Resident of Pittsburgh, and Vice-president of the Nicola Lumber Co.; m. 6 Sept., 1894, Lucie Entermarks Otto. ChUdren: i. Harold A.", b. 14 Feb., 1896. u. Dorothy E., b. 7 March, 1899. 55. Frank Otto" Emery (John Beecher; Josiah', Nathan') b. 24 Aug., 1869, at WiUiamsport, Penn.; educated at Lafayette College, and is now in GENEALOGIES. 123 the wholesale paper business in Wilhamsport; m. 7 Oct., 1892, at WU hamsport, Susan Walters Shadle. Child: John Beecher", 2d, b. Jan., 1905. 56. Julia" Emery (John Beecher', Josiah; Nathan') h. 15 June, 1872, at Tamaqua, Penn.; m. 17 Feb., 1903, John H., son of Seth T. and Sarah Elizabeth Foresman. He is a graduate of BuckneU University, Lewis burg, Penn. Children: i. Helen E.", b. 9 July, 1904; d. 14 Sept., 1905. h. John Emery, b. 13 Jan., 1908. 57. Eugene McCarthy" Emery (William Vanderbilt', Josiah; Nathaw) b. 20 Oct., 1886; educated at Cornell University; now in coal and lum ber business; m. 12 Feb., 1908, Florence Rebecca Emerick, b. 7 April, 1889. ChUd; WUliam VanderbUt", 2d, b. 5 April, 1909, at Wil hamsport. 58. Marion Webster" Hastings (Clara' Webster, Nancy Emery, Nathan') b. 25 Aug., 1873, at Concord; m. 29 Oct., 1895, Fred B. Comstock, b. 8 Aug., 1866, at Lafayette, Ind.; d. 23 Jan., 1910, at Chicago, IU. Child: Charlotte M." Comstock, b. 10 July, 1900, at Indianapohs, Ind. 59. May E". Hastings (Clara' Webster, Nancy Emery, Nathan') b. 25 Oct., 1877, at Haverhill, Mass.; m. 23 June, 1897, at Indianapolis, Ind., Wilham Pogue, b. 1 March, 1871, at Rusk-vUle, Ind. ChUdren; i. Katherine L." Pogue, b. 11 Oct., 1899, at Indianapolis, u. Robert H. Pogue, b. 27 June, 1902, at Frankfort, Ind. iii. Ruth E. Pogue, b. 27 Sept., 1904, at Frankfort, Ind.; d. 3 Sept., 1905. 60. Paul E". Has'hngs (Clara' Webster, Nancy Emery, Nathan') b. 25 Oct., 1877, at HaverhiU, Mass.; m. June, 1901, at Huntsville, Ala., Ruby Coole, b. 13 Dec, 1877, at Millbury, O. ChUdren, b. at Florence, Ala.; i. Clara L.", b. 17 April, 1902. h. Louis E., b. 29 Oct., 1903. 61. Bessie Belle" Emery (Frank; Moses; Nathan'') b. 18 Nov., 1876, at New Carlisle, Ind.; m. 19 Dec, 1894, at New Carlisle, Lloyd, son of WUham and Mary (Lloyd) Galbreath, b. 28 Oct., 1863, at Rolhng Prahie, Ind. ChUdren; i. Myrtle BeUe" Galbreath, b. 18 Nov., 1896. u. Mabel Emery Galbreath, b. 28 March, 1898. ih, Frank Lloyd Galbreath, b. 22 May, 1900. 62. Edna" Emery (Frank', Moses', Nathaw) b. 26 May, 1877; m. 8 Sept., 1900, at New Carlisle, Herman, son of Fritz and Frederika (Strandt) Gelow, b. 18 Jan., 1876. Children: i. Harold Emery" Gelow, b. 24 Jan., 1906. u. Robert Fredrick Gelow, b. 31 July, 1908. 63. Charlotte Annett" Rolfe (Timothy Emery Rolfe, Eliza Ann' Emery, Enoch') b. 16 Oct., 1881; m. 3 June, 1903, Charles Sabin. ChUdren, b. in Stoneham, Mass.: i. Richard Rolfe" Sabin, b. 7 Oct., 1904. u. Robert Sabm, b. 7 Oct., 1906. iu. Donald Sabin, b. 1910. 64. Abbie Eliza" Rolfe (Henry Rolfe', Eliza Ann' Emery, Enoch') b. 19 AprU, 1870; m. 20 Sept., J888, at Penacook, George Alhson Noyes. 124 HISTORY OF CANTERBURY. Children; i. Mary Ehza" Noyes, b. 20 Nov., 1889; m. 8 May., 1909, at Sanford, Me., Leon Taylor, ii. Arthur Rolfe Noyes, b. 21 Feb., 1892. hi. Elsie Brown Noyes, b. 8 Aug., 1894. iv. Chariotte Emery Noyes, b. 30 Dec, 1899. 65. Timothy Perley" Rolfe (Henry Rolfe, Eliza Ann' Emery, Enoch') b. 11 July, 1871; m. 1 June, 1898, at Concord, Mary WUkinson. ChU dren: i. Rosahnd WaUier", b. 26 Feb., 1899. u. WUham Gleason, b. 18 Sept., 1905. 66. Martha Ellen" Rolfe (Henry Rolfe, Eliza Ann' Emery, Enoch'') b. 4 Nov., 1874; m. 3 Sept., 1902, at Penacook, Dr. Elmer Ulysses Sargent. ChUd: Eben Rolfe" Sargent, b. 16 April, 1906. 67. Henry" Rolfe, Jr. (Henry Rolfe, EUza Ann' Emery, Enoch') b. 25 March, 1878; m. 20 Jan., 1909, Maud E. Lewis of Waltham, Mass. Child; Henry Lewis", b. 20 Sept., 1910, at Hartford, Conn. 68. Annie Mae" Ward (Mary Lydia' Rolfe, Eliza Ann' Emery, Enoch') b. 28 Jan., 1884; m. 2 Nov., 1909, Frank Carlton Hurd of Sutton. Child: Raymond Clifton" Hurd, b. in Sutton. 69. Katherine Walker" Ward (Mary Lydia' Rolfe, Eliza Ann' Emery, Enoch') b. 18 Aug., 1887; m. 28 Nov., 1906, at Sutton, Herman J. Hazen, Children, b. at Sutton; Kenneth Ward, Ruth Mae and Myron Hazen. FELLOWS. 1. The Fellows family in England, from whom descended the persons men tioned in the following genealogy, consisted of three sons and two daus. All but one dau. emigrated to America about 1638 and settled in the New England colonies. Tradition says that they were of Scotch- Irish descent. Samuel, one of the brothers, b. in 1619, settled in Salis bury, Mass.; d. 5 Dec, 1729. Another brother removed to Kingston. A son, Ebenezer', was b. there 1697. He m. Elizabeth , b. about 1700; d. 8 Nov., 1764, m Kmgston. Children; 2. i. Johns, b. 27 AprU, 1720. u. Abigail, b. 6 Nov., 1721. hi. Moses, b. 31 Dec, 1723. iv. Ebenezer, b. 19 Aug., 1726. v. Joseph, b. 10 June, 1729. -vi. Benjamin, b. 16 March, 1730. -vii. Anne, b. 15 March, 1733. viu. Elizabeth, b. 26 June, 1738. 2. Johns Fellows (Ebenezer') b. 27 AprU, 1720; m. 6 March, 1746, Ehzabeth BlaisdeU. She d. July, 1766; m. second, Mrs. Mary Tucker Keniston and removed to Salisbury, 1766. He was one of the first carpenters in that town. ChUdren by first marriage: i. David', b. 6 Oct., 1746. u. Adonijah, b. 11 July, 1748. ih. Hezekiah, b. 16 Dec, 1750. 3. iv. Moses, b. 9 Aug., 1755. 3. MosBS' Fellows (John', Ebenezer') b. 9 Aug., 1755; m. 20 May, 1782, Sarah Stevens, b. 26 Nov., 1762, at Plaistow, d. 18 July, 1863, at Sahs- genealogies. 125 bury. Moses Fellows fought at the Battle of Bunker HiU. He joined the expedition against Quebec under Benedict Arnold and he was with Gen. Stark at Bennington. After the Battle of Saratoga he spent the -winter of 1777 at VaUey Forge. Honorably discharged 20 AprU, 1780; he retired to his home in Salisbury. Children; i. Hezekiah', b. 22 Dec, 1782; d. 16 June, 1783. u. Hezekiah, b. 18 June, 1784; d. 10 Oct., 1861; m. 13 Dec, 1806, Parmela F. Senter. hi. MosBS, b. 26 Jan., 1786; d. 20 March, 1864. 4. iv. Reuben, b. 12 Oct., 1787. v. Ebenezer, b. 21 Jan., 1790; d. 21 Jan., 1857. -vi. James, b. 7 Nov., 1791; d. 28 Aug., 1878. vii. Sarah, b. 4 Dec, 1793; d. 18 July, 1865. viu. Samuel, b. 28 Nov., 1796. ix. Elizabeth, b. 14 Sept., 1797; d. 1871. x. Polly, b. 8 Feb., 1800; d. 8 Feb., 1862. xi. Parmelia, b. 3 April, 1802; d. 20 Oct., 1863. xii. Adonijah, b. 16 March, 1804; d, 23 April, 1864. xiu. Pierce, b. 3 July, 1807; d. 29 April, 1862. 4. Reuben' Fellows (Afoses', John', Ebenezer') b. 12 Oct., 1787, in Salis bury; m. 8 Aug., 1810, Sarah Emery of C, b. 12 Nov., 1786; d. 20 AprU, 1879. He came to C. about 1810, where he resided tiU his death, 6 Jan., 1877. ChUdren: i. Emily Morrill', b. 12 Feb., 1811; m. Jesse Haley, 25 Aug., 1833. Residence, Cambridgeport, Mass., and d. there. u. Sarah Ann, b. 12 Nov., 1812; d. 7 Feb., 1860, at C. hi. Elizabeth Emery, b. 14 Nov., 1814; d. 26 Aug., 1881, at C; m. Joseph Moody Foster. (See Foster Gen.) iv. Ensign Sargent, b. 21 Nov., 1816; m. Abby Johnson Weston, 13 April, 1840. Residence, Quincy, Mass.; d. there 5 Jan., 1887. V. Mary Hale, b. 1 Sept., 1818; m. Jonathan Bradley Foster (See Foster Gen.) 5 Dec, 1839. Residence, C. She d. 11 March, 1902, at Leominster, Mass. Burial at C. vi. Moses Augustus, b. 8 Dec, 1820; d. 10 July, 1822. -vu. Moses Augustus, b. 13 Nov., 1822; m. Augusta Ann FeUows. Resi dence, Boscawen; d. there. -viu. Susan Emery, b. 26 Jan., 1826; m. James Dearborn in 1849. Resi dence, C; d. there 1 AprU, 1882. (See Dearborn Gen.) ix. Reuben Lyman, b. 8 Sept., 1827; m. Jane M. Smith. Residence, Concord; d. there 8 Feb., 1899. X. Augusta Caroline, b. 4 Dec, 1829; d. 16 Oct., 1846, at C. FELLOWS. 1. James Harris' Fellows (Franklin', James') b. 26 May, 1857, in Webster. Frankhn FeUows m. Martha Jane Macurdy, who d. 18 Feb., 1906. James Harris' m. 4 March, 1884, in Laconia, EUura Huntly, dau. of Harrison Weston; b. 12 June, 1859, in Litchfield. He lived in C. sev eral years when a boy. ChUdren: i. Gertrude Ellura', b. 7 Dec, 1886. u. Bertha May, b. 21 June, 1889; d. 21 July, 1893. hi. Infant, b. 21 AprU, 1896; d. 28 April, 1896. iv. Weldon Harris, b. 3 Dec, 1898. 126 HISTORY OF CANTERBURY. FISK. 1. Francis A.' Fisk, son of Abira' and Eunice Fisk; m. first, Mary A. B. Carter. They were aU b. in Concord; m. second, 27 Oct., 1876, in C, Mrs. Sarah J. (Piper) Addison. After his first marriage, Mr. Fisk moved to C, where he resided untU his death 30 May, 1900. ChUdren by first marriage: i. George A.', deceased. u. George A., deceased. iii. Mary, deceased. 2. iv. William F., b. 27 Dec, 1868. V. Arthur, deceased, vi. Bertha A., d. 14 March, 1884, in C. Children by second marriage, b. in C: 3. vu. Della F., twin, b. 7 Sept., 1878. 4. vui. Stella F., twin, b. 7 Sept., 1878. 2. William F.' Fisk (Francis A.; Abira') b. 27 Dec, 1868, in C; m. 24 Dec, 1894, in Penacook, SteUa A. Cleveland of Penacook, dau. of Henry A. and Mary E. Forsythe of Concord. Mrs. Fisk d. 28 June, 1910. Mr. Fisk resides in Dedham, Mass. ChUdren: i. Syl-via D.', b. 30 Sept., 1896, m C. h. Ida M., b. 23 Sept., 1899, in Derry. hi. Dorothy M., b. 11 Feb., 1901, m Concord. 3. Della F.' Fisk (Francis A.; Abira') b. 7 Sept., 1878, in C, where she m. 17 Sept., 1898, William W. Blakey of E. Jaffrey. Resides m Peter borough. ChUdren: i. Elmer F.', b. 17 June, 1900, in C. u. Bernard E., b. 19 Sept., 1907, in Peterborough. 4. Stella F.' Fisk (Francis A.s, Abira') b. 7 Sept., 1878, in C, where she m. 1 Aug., 1899, George P. WeUington of E. Jaffrey. Resides in E. Jaffrey. ChUdren: i. Thelma E.', b. 26 March, 1900, in C. h. CecU G., b. 8 Sept., 1901, in E. Jaffrey. ih. Lloyd F., b. 22 Aug., 1904, in E. Jaffrey. FLETCHER. The Fletcher famUy of America is descended from Robert Fletcher, who settled in Concord, Mass., in 1630. 1. Gideon' Fletcher was a resident of Dunstable, Mass., and had five sons. i. Joshua. s ii. John. 2. iii. Daniel, iv. Josiah. v. Samuel. 2. Daniels Fletcher (Gideon') lived in Dunstable, Mass., but removed to C. His name appears on the early tax lists and he is in the census of 1790. AU his chUdren except three joined the Shakers in 1792. Chil dren: 3. i. Joshua.' h. Daniel, b. 9 Feb., 1764, m Dunstable, Mass.; d. 23 Jan., 1816, in C. hi. James, b. 21 June, 1766, in Dunstable; d. 7 July, 1819, in C. iv. Joanna, b. 16 Oct., 1768, in Dunstable; d. 8 Jan., 1835, in C. GENEALOGIES. 127 4. V. John, b. 26 Jan., 1770. -vi. Elijah, b. 1 Oct., 1772, and d. 17 Jan., 1836, in C. vu. William, b. 12 March, 1777, and d. 26 May, 1849, in C. vui. Sarah, b. 22 May, 1780, and d. 14 July, 1847, in C. 3. Joshua' Fletcher (Danieb, Gideon') hved in Loudon on the farm now occupied by Miss Annie Whittemore. Children; i. Eliza'. u. Daniel, m. 7 Jan., 1830, in C, Margaret Boyce.* (See Boyce Gen.) 5. iu. James, iv. Bailey, v. Jane. -vi. Abbie. -vh. Susan. 4. John' Fletcher (Daniel', Gideon') b. 25 Jan., 1770, in Dunstable, Mass., but removed to Loudon, where hed. 15 Dec, 1853; m. Betsey MorrUl, b. 2 Oct., 1772, m GUmanton, and d. 18 June, 1851. ChUdren; i. Bersheba', b. 16 July, 1793; d. 21 Nov., 1874. 6. u. John, b. 16 March, 1795. iu. MiCAJAH, b. 1 Nov., 1796. iv. Sarah, b. 10 July, 1798. V. William, b. 23 Oct., 1799. -vi. Polly, b. 23 Nov., 1800; m. 28 Nov., 1839, in C, Amos Whitney; d. 22 March, 1871. ¦vu. Hannah, b. 23 July, 1802. vui. Joanna, b. 23 Sept., 1806. ix. Leavitt, b. 26 Feb., 1808. X. Elijah, b. 21 Jan., 1810. xi. Nancy, b. 30 June, 1812; m. 30 Jan., 1844, in C, John Derby, of Stewartstown. 7. xu. Josiah S., b. 6 April, 1814. xhi. Caroline, b. 19 April, 1816. xiv. Samuel, b. 6 Oct., 1819. 5. Jambs' Fletcher (Joshua', Daniel', Gideon') b. 14 Dec, 1804, and d. 2 AprU, 1872; m. first, Irena Pahner, b. 29 March, 1809, d. 23 Oct., 1838; m. second, Catherme Patten Orr, b. 13 April, 1810, d. 6 Sept., 1886. ChUdren by first marriage: i. Mary Jane', m. Mason. Child: Grace E.' Mason, b. 25 Jan., 1860; m. Morgan. u. True W. Children by second marriage; hi. Irbna a., b. 8 AprU, 1841; m. Lyman Hamblett. Children: Carmi' Hamblett. 2. Addison Hamblett. iv. Susan, b. 1 Jime, 1843; m. Worster; d. 5 Aug., 1898. V. Abbie, b. 6 June, 1845; m. Frank Moseley; resides in Concord. vi. Kirk Henry, b. 11 AprU, 1849; d. 4 Feb., 1886. 6. John' Fletcher (John; Danieb, Gideon') b. 16 March, 1796, in Loudon; m. Nancy, dau. of Noah and La-vina (Gault) St. Clair or Sinclair, b. 2 Oct., 1799, in C. Noah and La-vina were m. in C. 29 Nov., 1781, and were the parents of ten children, of whom Nancy was the ninth child. Mr. Fletcher settled on St. Clair HiU in C, and was a prominent farmer. He d. 23 April, 1876, and Mrs. Fletcher, 24 May, 1875. Children b. m C. : i La-vina A.', m. 5 Nov., 1843, m C, Edmund D. HUl; d. at 66 years. (SeeHiUGen.) Child; Imogene'HUl, whom. Dr. Brown and re sided in E. Concord,Vt. Children; (1) Mabel' Brown. (2) Ella Brown. (3) Leon Brown. (4) Mary Brown. (6)DanaBro-wn, 128 HISTORY OF CANTERBURY. 8. u. William Morrill, b. 31 Dec, 1827. 9. iu. John Maurice, b. 24 July, 1832. 10. iv. Charles Horace, b. 3 Aug., 1837. 7. Josiah Shaw Fletcher (John', Danieb, Gideon) b. 6 April, 1814, in Loudon; m. first, Eunice Prescott of New Hampton; m. second, 6 Aug., 1844, Louisa, a sister of Eunice. They were the daus. of Mark and SaUy (Brown) Prescott, and both were b. in Sanbomton, Louisa, 2 April, 1818. Mr. Fletcher d. in Loudon, 5 Nov., 1869, and his wife Louisa, 25 Aug., 1910. They were both for many years members of the Free Baptist Church in C, and are buried in the Baptist cemetery. ChUdren b. in Loudon: 11. i. Horace Frank', b. 29 Oct., 1847. 12. u. George Washington, b. 7 April,- 1852. 8. William Morrill' Fletcher (John*, John', Daniel') b. 31 Dec, 1827; m. Lucma Jane Clough HiU, b. 24 Jan., 1833, d. 11 Oct., 1868. (See HUl Gen.) He d. 21 April, 1900, m C. ChUdren, b. m C: i. John T.', b. 5 Feb., 1853. ii. Charles William, b. 12 Jan., 1856; m. 31 March, 1883, m Loudon, Jeanette Ordway, who d. in Loudon, 12 Aug., 1894. 13. iu. Albert 0., b. 7 July, 1857. iv. Annette Derby, b. 24 April, 1860; d. 16 April, 1862. V. Iva May, b. 20 Sept., 1861 ; m. Frank Chamberlain of Loudon. vi. Cora Belle, b. 6 Oct., 1863; m. 1 Nov., 1879, in LoweU, Mass., Charles Edwin, son of John and El-vira D. Buckland, b. 23 March, 1864 in LoweU, Mass. Children; 1. Annie El-vira' Buckland, b. 18 Feb., 1884. 2. Eva May Buckland, b. 8 May, 1885. 14. -vii. George Morrill, b. 12 Jan., 1865. -viu. LuciNA Jane, b. 23 Sept., 1868; m. 30 Jan., 1885, Frank Wells of Loudon. Child; Lauren Clough' Wells, b. 27 Nov., 1887; d. 3 Sept., 1910. 9. John Maurice' Fletcher (John*, John') b. 24 July, 1832; m. 3 July, 1854, Lucy A., dau. of Zenas and Lydia (Baker) Adams of Pembroke, b. 29 Sept., 1855, d. 17 Feb., 1882. He has been a practicing dentist in Con cord smce 1879. Child: i. Elizabeth Ella', b. 29 Sept., 1856, in Concord, where she d. 17 Nov., 1903. Both she and her mother are buried in the Baptist ceme-tery. 10. Charles Horace' Fletcher (John*, John') b. 3 Aug., 1837; m. first, 13 Nov., 1860, Lucy Jane, dau. of Nathaniel and Judith (Wiggin) Peverly (see Peveriy Gen.), b. 17 Sept., 1842, d. 24 March, 1878; m. second, 7 April, 1880, Mrs. Hannah (Young) Potter, dau. of David and Mary (Batchelder) Young of Loudon. Hannah d. in C, 13 Jan., 1898. Mr. Fletcher d. 7 Aug., 1910. Children by first marriage; i. Annette', b. 29 Jan., 1862, in C; m. Alphonso B. Chute. (See Chute Gen.) n. Arianna, b. 20 Nov., 1865, in C; m. 4 Oct., 1893, John A. Dow, b. in Fremont, and was the son of John E. and Mary S. (Bean) Dow. John E. was a native of Ips-wich, Mass. Child: Marian' Dow, b. 29 Sept., 1901, in C. GENEALOGIES. 129 hi. Warren Stone, b. 17 July, 1868, in E. Concord. iv. Nancy Jane, b. 26 Sept., 1870, in E. Concord; m. John Mead of Concord. Shed, 8 June, 1889. Child; Jennie' Mead, b. 2 June, 1889, in Concord. Children by second marriage, b. in C: V. Lucy May, b. 16 May, 1881; m. Edward A. Ames. ChUdren; 1. Hazel' Ames. 2. Edward L. Ames, b. 9 Aug., 1902, in C. 3. Marion G. Ames, b. 8 March, 1905, in C. Resides in Penacook. vi. Laura E., b. 3 Dec, 1886; d. 1 Oct., 1903, m Alexandria. 11. Horace Frank' Fletcher (Josiah; John') b. 29 Oct., 1847, in Loudon; m. 22 June, 1876, Annie Elizabeth, dau. of John S. R. and Achsa Ann (MUls) Brown, b. m Loudon, 1 Sept., 1853. Mr. and Mrs Fletcher are active members of the Free Baptist Church of C, and Mr, Fletcher is a trustee of Kezer Seminary. Children, b. in Loudon : i. Arthur Josiah', b. 5 Jan., 1882; m. 21 Jan., 1911, Annie Gertrude Burt of Hudson. h. Edgar John, b. 10 Jan., 1887; m. 17 Feb., 1909, Minerva B. Laws of Pembroke. iu. Emma Achsa, b. 22 Aug., 1890. 12. George Washington' Fletcher (Josiah*, John') b. 7 April, 1852, in Loudon; m. 21 Dec, 1882, in Newport, Hattie C, dau. of Hiram and Florenda (Clough) Colby, b. 27 Aug., 1858, in Grantham. In 1882 Mr. Fletcher bought the John Kezer farm, on which there was a summer hotel known as the Hancock House, where he hved untU 1907, when he removed to Concord. Child, b. in C: i. Harold George', b. 10 Aug., 1899. 13. Albert O.' Fletcher (William; John; John') b. 7 July, 1867; m. 21 May, 1882, in Minneapolis, Mum., Lilhe E. Desmond, b. 11 Aug., 1868. Mr. Fletcher resides in Cambridge, Mass. ChUdren; i. Albert Morrill', b. 10 June, 1883, in Minneapolis, Minn.; m. 1 Jan., 1908, Ida M. Cook of Woonsocket, R. I. Child: Eugene Desmond', b. 23 June, 1909; d. 25 June, 1909, in Woonsocket. u. Charles Desmond, b. 24 Oct., 1897, in Dorchester, M%,ss. 14. George Morrill' Fletcher (William; John; John') b. 12 Jan., 1865; m. 1 May, 1888, in Northfield, LUla Belle, dau. of Oliver Benjamin and Ameha (Braley) Grover. (See Grover Gen.) Children, b. in C: i. Laura May', b. 13 Aug., 1889; m. 14 Aug., 1910, in C, Ernest L., son of Warner W. and Anna L. (Sargent) Lawrence. h. Annie Belle, b. 24 Feb., 1891. ih. Eva Marguerite, b. 24 June, 1904. iv. La-vina Ina, b. 2 Sept., 1906. FORREST.* 1. The Forrest ancestor, from whom several of the famihes of C. are de scended, was WiUiam', who, with his wife Dubia, and their sons, John', Robert, and Wilham and their daus., Nancy and Margaret, came to *From History of Northfield and History of Canterbury Borough Forrests, printed in Concord, 1897. 10-11 130 HISTORY OF CANTERBURY. this country 1744. He was b. m Ireland, 1726; his wife was of Scotch parentage; both d. in Boston, Mass. John and WiUiam and theu sis ters remained in Boston for a time, then went to Londonderry, and later came to C, ha-ving obtamed a grant of land on the uitervale. Here they bmlt a fort.' 2. Johns, m. 1746, Ehnor Gipson or Gibson, b. 1728, in C; d. 10 Jan., 1814, in Northfield. ChUdren; i. John', m. 29 Dec, 1778, Sarah Gibson of C, and resided there. He was a soldier in the French war and was called "Soldier John. h. Elinor, m. 2 Nov., 1776, Jeremiah Gibson. He was a soldier in Capt. Jeremiah Clough's Company, Col. Poor's Regiment, Revolutionary war. 3. hi. William, b. 1753. iv. Anna, m. 21 Nov., 1776, James Gibson. He was in Capt. Jerenuah Clough's Company in the War of the Revolution. He d. 3 March, 1825; she d. 18 Oct., 1783. V. Jane, b. in C; m. James Gibson, nephew of the above. She d. 11 Jan., 1819. -vi. Lydia, b. 1762, in C; m. Thomas Clough of Loudon. She d. 9 March, 1835, m C. -vh. Agnes, b. in C; m. Moses RandaU. -viu. Robert, b. in C; m. Sarah McDonald of Northfield. Resided hi C. many years on the James Chase place. He d. 2 Oct., 1844; she d. 6 AprU, 1852. ix. James, b. 1766, in C; m. first, Anna, dau. of Richard EUison; she d. 1809; m. second, 14 Aug., 1815, Mrs. Peggy Cross Sanborn. 3. William' Forrest (John', William') b. 1753, in C. ; m. first, Sarah EUi son, or Mary Alhson, b. 1758, d. 10 Jan., 1802; m. second, SaUy Simonds of Northfield, b. 1771, d. 20 Feb., 1850. He d. 5 March, 1840. Chil dren by first marriage: Nancy, SaUy, Wilham, Betsey, who m. Jonathan RandaU (See RandaU Gen.), PoUy, Jane, Statira, John E., Joseph, Jacob. \ By jecond marriage; Charles G. EUison or Alhson, James M. 4. William' Forrest, b. 5 AprU, 1756, in Boston; m. 18 Sept., 1782, Dorothy Worthen, b. 7 Feb., 1763, in E. Concord; d. 26 May, 1849. He d. 7 Jan., 1817, both in C. WUham Forrest came from Boston to C. -with his mother and stepfather, WUham Love; his own father without doubt was Roberts, son of WUham' Forrest, the emigrant. Wilham' was in Capt. Clough's company in the Revolutionary war. Mr. and Mrs. Forrest came to reside in the C. Borough when it was an 1 unbroken forest, their course being guided by spotted trees. ChUdren: Betsey, Hannah, Jeremiah, Polly, Mehitable, Susan, Dorothy, Nancy M., SaUy A., Franklin, Sidney. Betsey, b. 9 AprU, 1783; m. Abraham Brown. (See Brown Gen.) 5. Jeremiah' Forrest (William', Robert', William') b. 25 June, 1787, in C; m. 29 Sept., 1817, Hannah, dau. of Abraham and Mary (Butler) Brown, b. 9 Dec, 1791, hi Northfield, d. 15 March, 1859, at Cottage Hill, IU. Jeremiah Forrest d. 9 Aug., 1845, in C. ChUdren, b. in C: FOSTER COAT OF ARMS GENEALOGIES. 131 i. Climena Brown., b. 1 July, 1818; m. 29 Aug., 1838, Peter M. ? i^J^o'^V^i^^f'?! ^^^5' i"^ Concord, d. 1891 she d. 10 Jan., 1872, both at Arlington Heights, 111. u. Hannah Hall, b. 28 Nov., 1822; d. young. iu. Hannah Hall b 28 Nov., 1824; m. 15 June, 1844, Seth Eastman Bradley, b. 12 AprU, 1822, in Concord. Mrs. Bradley d. 8 June, 1863, m Chicago, 111. iv. Betsey Brown, b. 13 May, 1826; m. first, 24 July, 1848, Damon Wesley Moore, b. in C, d. 8 Dec, 1864, in Northfield; m. sec ond, 26 Dec, 1856, Benjamin Barron Young, b. 19 Jan., 1819, m Chicago, IU. Mrs. Young d. 4 Jan., 1878, hi Chicago, IU. V. Clarissa Chase, b. 23 Nov., 1827; m. 30 Nov., 1854, as second wife of Seth E. Bradley. She d. 3 Jan., 1866, in Evanston, IU. vi. William Eastman, b. 24 Oct., 1833; m. 24 Sept., 1867, Sarah Mar garet Huy, b. 31 March, 1834, at Big Flats, N. Y. He d. 24 Aug., 1892, in Minneapohs, Minn. The names John and William Forrest are found on the census hst of 1790. FOSTER. Prepared by George R. Foster of Milford, Mass. In gi-ving the genealogy of the Fosters of Canterbury, it will be observed that the arrangement of given names in parenthesis traces each family back to Capt. Asa Foster of Andover, Mass. The reason for this is to show that they all were descendants from the same ancestor, and while it is quite prob able that Capt. Foster never was a resident of Canterbury, yet the fact that aU of his sons (Asa, Abiel, Daniel, Da-vid and Jonathan) and two of his daugh ters permanently located here, makes it seem proper to choose him as a start ing point for genealogical purposes. Capt. Asa Foster was the fourth generation from Reginald Foster of Ips wich, Mass. (William', WiUiam', Reginald'). Frederick Clifton Pierce of Chicago, in his genealogy of the American Fosters, states that Reginald Foster was b. in Brunton (others say Exeter), England, about 1595, and was a de scendant of an ancient and respectable famUy of that section, which was iden tified -with those famihes in the northern counties of England, which were known by the name of Forster, and had distinguished themselves in their suc cessful achievements against their Scottish foes, and are mentioned in the "Lay of the Last Minstrel" and "Marmion." FOSTER COAT OF ARMS. Argent: A che-vron vert between three bugle horns stringed gules. Crest: An arm in armor embowered, holding in the hand a broken tilting spear. Motto: Si fractus fortis. "If broken, stUl strong." Sequor Agnum (I follow the Lamb) e^vidently imphes Christ, the Lamb of God, and very probably relates to the Third Crusade of the 12th Century, when Sir John Forster accom panied Richard I, King of England, to Palestine and won honors at the Siege of Acre in 1191, for which he was granted right to bear a che-vron vert on his shield. 132 HISTORY OF CANTERBURY. "There was mounting 'mong graemes of the netherby clan; Forsters, Fen-wicks, and Musgraves, they rode and they ran;" — Marmion, Canticle 5, XII. Reginald Foster came to America in one of the vessels embargoed by King Charles I, accompanied by his -wife, Judith, five sons and two daughters, and settled in Ipswich, Mass., about the year 1638, and was one of the earhest inhabitants of that town. His English ancestry, beginning ¦with his father, was as follows: Thomas, Cuthbert, Sir Thomas, Sir Thomas, Sir Thom as, Sir Thomas, Sir Thomas, Su WUham, Sir Richard, Sir Reginald, Sir Alfred, Su Randolph, Su John, Sir Wilham, Sir Reginald, Su Hugo, and Sir Richard. A sister of Sir Richard, named Matilda or Maude, was the wife of WiUiam I, the Conqueror, King of England. From Sir Richard For ester sprung the Blake Foresters of Ashfield and Knockmoy Abbey, County of Gal way, and Inchorey Castle, County of Clare; also the Foresters of Ether- ston and Bamborough Castle in Northumberland, who are so -vi-vidly de scribed in the historical novel, "Dorothy Forster," by Sir Walter Besant, the celebrated Enghsh novelist.* Reginald Foster d. in 1681, at over eighty years of age. His wiU was proved June 9, 1681. His children were: Mary, Sarah, Abraham, Isaac, Wilham, Jacob and Reginald, aU of whom were bom in England between 1618 and 1636. Each of the children had famihes of from nine to fourteen chUdren, many of whom settled in Ips-wich, Boxford, Andover and vicinity towns of Mass. It is, therefore, evident that Reginald Foster has a numerous posterity widely scattered. Many have attained national distinction, among them ha'ving been U. S. Senator Lafayette Sabine Foster of Conn, and U. S. Senator Addi son G. Foster of Wash. The following pages are devoted to Capt. Asa Foster and his descendants through his five sons, as far as has been possible to trace them. The figures against each name in parenthesis denotes the generation removed from Regi nald Foster, Capt. Asa' being the fourth, and are so noted throughout the fol- lo^wing pages. Reginald's son, William', was a resident of Ips^wich and Box- ford, Mass. His'grandson, William', was a resident of Boxford and Andover, Mass. 1. Capt. Asa' Foster (William', WiUiam', Reginald') b. Andover, Mass., 16 June, 1710; m. 26 Oct., 1732, EUzabeth Abbott, b. 21 Oct., 1712, d. 4 July, 1758; m. second (pub.) 10 Dec, 1763, Lucy Rogers Wise, of Ipswich, Mass., b. 1723; d. 17 Oct., 1787. She' was the dau. of Major *Lack of space prevents gi-ving a fuU account of Reginald Foster or of his descendants, except of those who lived in C. F. C. Pierce in his Genealogy of the Fosters devotes several pages to his life in Ips-wich, Mass., and states that he was an active citizen of that to^wn. Included in this account is a copy of the inventory of his estate sho^wing valuation of £744 16s. and also a copy of his -wiU dated April 30, 1680. Other books gi-ving an account of Reginald Foster and his descendants were published by Edward Jacob Forster, M. D., of Boston in 1876 and by Periey Derby of Salem, Mass., in 1872. The facts for these pubhcations by Dr. Forster and Derby were probably taken largely from the New England Historical and Genealogical Register, Vol. 1, page 352, and Vol. XXX, page 83, and possibly from other sections of the Register. 2. i. 3. u. 4. hi. iv. 5. V. ¦vi. 6. ¦vii. ¦viu, GENEALOGIES. 133 Ammi Rohammie Rogers of Isp^wich, Mass. In 1758 he was commis sioned by Thomas Po^wnaU, Capt. Gen. and Vice-Admiral of Mass. Province, as captain in Col. Ebenezer Nichols' regiment, raised for the invasion of Canada. This commission was signed by Col. Ebenezer Nichols and Gen. Thomas Gage. His son Daniel, who later settled in C, was in this company. Oct. 21, 1766, the citizens of Andover, Mass., voted to select a committee to draw up instructions to the representa tive of the town at the General Court of the Province in relation to opposing the arbitrary measures of the British government. Capt. Asa Foster was one of this committee. Again in 1768 he was one of a committee to prepare a report to submit to the to^wn to consider some measures that may tend to encourage prudence and manufactures and to lessen the use of superfluities in the town. In 1776 he was elected one of the committee on correspondence, inspection and safety. He left an estate valued at £830 16s. 7d. He was a large o^wner of land in C, besides large tracts of upland, meadow, etc., in Andover, Mass. His land in C. was purchased by his sons, Dea. Asa and Capt. Jonathan Foster, and was situated in Hackleborough school district. He hved through the Revolution, giving his encouragement and influence in various ways. His first wife, Ehzabeth Abbott, was a dau. of Dea. John and Ehzabeth Harnden. Her young brother, Abiel, a man of promise, d. after he graduated from Harvard, but his mantle feU upon his namesake, Abiel Foster, son of Capt. Asa. The latter d. 17 July, 1787. Children: AsA', b. 11 Sept., 1733. Abibl, b. 8 Aug., 1735. Daniel, b. 25 Sept., 1737. David, b. 7 May, 1740; d. Oct., 1740. David, b. 24 Dec, 1741. Elizabeth, b. 14 April, 1744; m. 7 Nov., 1768, Gen. Nathaniel Lovejoy. She d. 24 April, 1775. He was general in the Revo lutionary war. Graduated from Harvard University in 1766. Jonathan, b. 28 July, 1747. Sarah, b. 16 Feb., 1750; m. 23 Dec, 1772, Timothy Bradley, Jr., b. 30 Oct., 1743, son of Timothy and Abiah Bradley of Concord. (See Bradley Gen.) c. Lucy, b. 1 Feb., 1766; m. WUson; d. 1 Nov., 1845. There is a recorded deed in the provincial records at Concord, dated 2 Dec, 1731, which shows that John Foster of Andover, Mass., bought of Benj. York and Peter Mason two rights of land in C. While this John Foster was probably a brother to Capt. Asa Foster, it is not pre sumed that he or his land purchase m 1731 were in any way influential towards the immigration of the Fosters into C. about thirty years later. Capt. Asa Foster may have leamed of the C. settlement on the expe dition to Canada. It is not known which two of the three daus. accom panied their brothers to C, but it is evident that Sarah Foster was one of the two, because of the fact that her husband, Timothy Bradley, was a resident of Concord. 134 HISTORY OF CANTERBURY. 2. Dea. Asa' Foster (Asa*) b. 11 Sept., 1733, Andover, Mass.; m. first, Boxford, 18 Nov., 1762, Hannah Symons, of Boxford, b. 5 Nov., 1733; she d. 29 June, 1775; m. second, in 1776, Hannah Peters, b. 14 Dec, 1730; d. 11 Jan., 1815. She was the dau. of Samuel and Mary Peters of Andover, Mass. He moved to C. about 1761, as he and his father pur chased 240 acres of land in C. that year. He was appointed dea. m 1773, and honorably sustained that office for more than forty years, untU his death, 23 Sept., 1814. He was appointed civil magistrate 16 May, 1791. His first wife was the dau. of Joseph Symons and Mary Peabody, and granddau. of WiUiam Peabody and Hannah Hale, and great-granddau. of Mary (Reginald) Foster and Lieut. Francis Peabody. Children, b. in C. : 7. i. Asa», b. 3 June, 1765. u. Mehitabel, b. 19 Nov., 1771; m. 14 March, 1798, Benjamm Kim baU, b. in Concord, 4 June, 1771 {John, Benjamin, Richard, Benjamin, Richard) ; d. 4 Dec, 1818. She d. 23 Sept., 1803, and he m. second, 10 May, 1804, Rhoda Beaman. He had three children by each ¦wife. ui. Susannah, b. 7 Feb., 1775; m. 24 Nov., 1793, Rev. Frederick Parker, b. m Shrewsbury, Mass., 4 May, 1762; d. 20 AprU, 1802. He graduated Harvard College in 1784; ordained in C. in 1791. Children: 1. Harriet', b. 21 Aug., 1794; d. LoweU, Mass., March, 1842. 2. Holhs, b. 15 Aug., 1796; d. 2 Jan., 1827. 3. Susannah, b. 23 Jan., 1799; d. 6 Dec, 1799. 4. Cyras, b. 4 Dec, 1800; graduated Dartmouth, 1824; d. Edenton, Ga., 11 Sept., 1826. She d. 24 Feb., 1848. Mrs. Parker survived her husband and children several years, and, becoming bhnd, passing her last days ¦with her brother Asa at C. 3. Abiel' Foster (Asa*) b. Andover, Mass., 8 Aug., 1735; m. 15 May, 1761, Hannah Badger, dau. of Gen. Joseph Badger, of GUmanton. She d. 10 Jan., 1768, aged 26; m. second, 11 Oct., 1769, Mary Rogers, b. 1 Nov., 1745. She d. m C, 12 March, 1813. She was a dau. of Dr. Samuel and Hannah Wise Rogers, of Ipswich, Mass. Her father was a descendant of John Rogers of Dedham, Eng., and Rev. Nathaniel, Rev. John, and Rev. John, of Ips-wich, Mass. Her mother was a dau. of Maj. Ammi Ruhamah Wise who was a son of Rev. John Wise, of Ipswich, Mass., who was a son of Rev. Joseph Wise, of Roxbury, Mass. Among the household effects she brought to her new home was a fine Venetian mirror, which a great-great-grand father, Rev. Nathaniel Rogers, brought -with him to Ipswich, Mass., in 1636. This mirror is now in the possession of Mrs. Edward K. Warren, of Three Oaks, Mich., a dau. of Henry Chamberlain. Mr. Foster d. 6 Feb., 1806. ChUdren, b. m C: i. Hannah', b. 26 AprU, 1762; m. 13 June, 1781, Lieut. Moses CogfsweU. (See Cogswell and Lyford Gens.) 8. u. William, b. 24 Dec, 1763. 9. ih. James, b. 28 Dec, 1766. iv. Sarah, b. 30 Dec, 1767; m. — Tilton. V. Martha, b. 19 Aug., 1770; m. 25 March, 1792, Col. Jeremiah Clough, Jr., of C. (See Clough and Sanborn Gens.) 10. vi. Abibl, b. 19 Feb., 1773. GENEALOGIES. 135 -VU. Mary, b. 1 Oct., 1774; m. 7 June, 1796, Henry Gerrish, Jr., of Bos cawen. -vui. Elizabeth, b. 9 March, 1777; m. 25 March, 1800, Enoch Gerrish, of Boscawen. ix. Nancy, b. 25 May, 1782; m. 30 Sept., 1803, John Greenough. Chil dren; 1. Mary Greenough, b. 1 July, 1804. 2. Frederic Green ough, b. 1 April, 1806. 4. Daniel' Foster (Aso') b. Andover, Mass., 25 Sept., 1737; m. there 16 Dec, 1760, Hannah Kittredge. He d. 26 Jan., 1833. He settled in C. probably about 1763. Children, b. in C. : 11. i. Daniel', b. in Andover, Mass., 29 Jime, 1761. h. Hannah, b. in Andover, Mass., 3 Feb., 1763; m. Zebidiah Sargent 18 June, 1786. (See Sargent Gen.) 12. hi. Simeon, b. 22 Jan., 1765. iv. Betsey, b. 9 April, 1767; unm. V. Jonathan, b. 15 Aug., 1769; d. 12 Sept., 1778. vi. Dorcas, b. 24 Nov., 1770. -VU. Abiah, b. 15 Jan., 1772; m. 21 March, 1795, Ehjah Sargent of Dan- viUe, Vt. -viii. Abigail, b. 3 April, 1776; m. Jeremiah Pickard of Derby Line, Vt. ix. Ruth, b. 14 Sept., 1779; unm; schoolteacher; d. 23 July, 1858. 13. X. Jeremiah C, b. 6 April, 1784. 5. Da-vid' Foster (Asa*) b. 24 Dec, 1741, Andover, Mass.; m. 24 Nov., 1768, Sarah Foster, b. 1750, d. about 1830. He d. 9 Dec, 1810. He settled in C. about 1766. ChUdren, b. in C. : i. Nathaniel', b. 19 Nov., 1769; d. 11 AprU, 1773. ii. Sarah, b. 21 Aug. , 1771 ; m. S. HaU. hi. Nathaniel, b. 4 Sept., 1773. 14. iv. Da-vid, b. 1 April, 1776. V. Joseph, b. 22 Sept., 1779. 15. vi. Timothy, b. 21 Aug., 1782. vu. Asa, b. 6 Aug., 1784; d. 10 Jan., 1785. 6. Capt. Jonathan' Foster (Asa*) b. Andover, Mass., 23 July, 1747; m. Ipswich, Mass., Nov., 1770, Lucy Rogers, dau. of Samuel, M. D., who was son of Rev. John, of Ipswich, Mass., and grandson of Rev. John Rogers, president of Harvard College. She was b. 19 Oct., 1748; d. about 1830. He d. 1815. He settled in C. about 1768. Children, b. m C: 16. i. Samuel H.«, b. 6 Nov., 1771. 17. u. John, b. 22 July, 1773. hi. Elizabeth, b. 15 May, 1775; m. Samuel Pickard. iv. Lucy, b. 1 Sept., 1777; m. 26 Dec, 1804, Thomas Ames. (See Ames Gen.) She d. m C. 22 July, 1843. He d. there 19 Nov., 1840. v. Hannah, b. 26 April, 1784; m. 22 Nov., 1815, Joseph Moody, b. 20 May, 1788, d. Penacook, 2 March, 1879; farmer. She d. 3 Dec, 1873. Children; 1. Mary Jane' Moody, b. in C, 21 Jan., 1817; m. Capt. Nathaniel Rolfe of Penacook, 1 Jan., 1839; d. there 8 Aug., 1876. 2. Nathaniel Moody, b. in C, 25 Jan., 1818; m. Jane Lint, 17 April, 1842. He d. at Concord 15 Feb., 1855. 3. Lucy Ann Moody, b. in C. 19 Oct., 1823; m. Samuel Thomas Lancaster, 11 May, 1860. He d. at Lowell 2 Dec, 1890. She resided in LoweU, Mass. Children; (1) Walter Moody Lancaster, b. in LoweU, Mass., 6 Nov., 1857; m. Sarah 136 HISTORY OF CANTERBURY. Jenkins HiU, 4 June, 1892. (2) Mary Maude Lancaster, b. 26 Nov., 1861. Children of Walter M. Lancaster: Southworth', b. 8 Aug., 1893, and Bruce Lancaster, b. 22 Aug., 1896. He d. in Worcester, Mass., 16 Aug., 1901. 7. CoL. AsA' Foster (Asa; Asa*) b. 3 June, 1765, in C; m. there 10 Nov., 1794, Sarah MorrUl, dau. of Dea. David, b. 17 May, 1772; d. in C, 28 March, 1868. (See MorriU Gen.) He d. 21 Aug., 1861. At the age of fifteen, 4 July, 1780, Col. Foster enhsted in Capt. Ebenezer Webster's Co., Col. Moses Nichols' regiment of N. H. mihtia, which was sent in 1780 to West Point then under the command of Benedict Arnold. Here he was for a short time one of Arnold's bodyguard. He was a -witness of Arnold's daring escape to the British ship Vulture. He was discharged 26 Oct., 1780, but retained his interest in mUitary affairs after the close of the war and served for many years as colonel of the mUitia. He passed most of his life in C, and was noted for his rugged honesty. He was prominent in the early days of anti-slavery agitation in advocacy of freedom for the slave. ChUdren, b. in C. : 18. i. Asa Emerson', b. 2 Sept., 1795. u. Lucy Wilson, b. 20 Jan., 1797; m. Caleb Morse Woodman (Mark, Edward, Edward, Edward, Edward) of Newbury, Mass., 15 Jan., 1823, in C. He was b. 19 June, 1785; d. 12 June, 1862, in Mid- dletown, Conn. She d. 8 Feb., 1888, in Middletown. Chil dren: 1. Mary. 2. Henry C. 3. Hannah Foster. 4 Asa Foster. 5. Susan Caroline Parker. 6. Helen Amanda, and 7. Horace Charles Woodman. Children of Hannah Foster (Woodman) Calef, of Middle- town, Conn., were: Jeremiah Francis', Arthur Benjamin, Jr., Edward Baker and Samuel Prescott Calef. Children of Jeremiah Francis Calef were: Lucy Foster", Edith Dart, Irene Hutchinson and Arthur Benjamin Calef, 3d. Children of Arthur Benjamin Calef, Jr., were: Jeremiah", Francis and Robert Calef. Children of Edward Baker Calef were: Charles Harold", Ethel M. and Helen Calef. in. Hannah, b. 2 April, 1798; d. unm. 13 June, 1826. 19. iv. Adams, b. 28 Feb., 1800. V. Harrison, b. 30 Sept., 1801 ; m. Caroline Chadwick, and d. 30 Nov., 1841, m Solon, O. No chUdren. James A. Garfield was a scholar of his at Solon. -vi. Mehitable, b. 31 Oct., 1803; m, 1 Jan., 1833, Ehphalet Kilbum, Jr., of Boscawen, b. 16 March, 1804, d. 14 Aug., 1863. She d. 9 Nov., 1899, and resided in Fontanelle, la. Children: 1, Galen' (who was a lawyer in FontaneUe, and afterwards hi Creston, Iowa). 2. Sarah Jane. 3. Ann EUza. 4. Lucien MorriU (who was Capt. of Co. E of the 16th N. H. Vols, in the War of the Rebelhon, and afterwards moved to FontaneUe, Iowa). 4. Charles, who d. unm. ChUdren of Galen Kilbum: (1) Lucien Mather'. (2) EUa Anna. (3) Edmund LeClair. (4) Fannie Louise. (5) Win- me Anme. (6) Clarence. (7) Eugene. (8) Norman Whipple. Children of Lucien Morrill Kilbum; (1) Charles Wheelock'. (2) George G. (3) Mary Louise. vii. Sarah, b. 7 Dec, 1805; d. unm. in C, 31 May, 1890, a teacher in Cleveland, O., N. H. and Penn. GENEALOGIES. 137 ¦viu. Galen, b. 10 Oct., 1807; d. 9 March, 1895. He studied law after he graduated from Amherst CoUege in 1831, and was admitted to the bar in Erie, Penn., practicing there until 1863. Con tinuing in business there until 1869, he returned to his native town where he resided until his death. Unm. 20. ix. Stephen Symonds, b. 17 Nov., 1809. 21. X. David Morrill, b. 30 Oct., 1811. 22. xi. Newell Abbot, b. 7 Feb., 1814. xu. Caroline, b. 13 Jan., 1816; resided in C. and Haddam, Conn. From the -village school in C. she went to school in Hanover. After completing her studies there, she taught school for several years in N. H., and in Erie, Penn. Called back to C. to care for her parents in their declining years, she became not only their devoted companion, but also a dearly loved aunt to her nephews and nieces. She was a skilful nurse and had a natural taste for the practice of medicine, as did also her sister Sarah and. brother Galen. They responded -with ready sympathy to many calls of their neighbors and friends, and gave freely of their time and sldll to those who needed their ministrations. At the age of ' 94 her interest in the questions of the day was as ¦vi'vid, and her sympathies were as warm as if half a century of active hfe lay before her. She d. 15 April, 1910. Unm. 8. William' Foster (Abieb, Asa*) b. in C, 24 Dec, 1763; m. 10 June, 1792, Betsey MorrUl, b. 30 May, 1770. (See MorriU Gen.) He d. 10 July, 1825, in C. Soldier in the Revolutionary war, enhsting from C. ChUdren, b. in C. : i. Patty (Martha)', b. 24 March, 1793; m. 2 Aug., 1834, Enoch Ger rish; d. 2 Aug., 1834, in Montreal, Can. 23. u. Charles, b. 4 Oct., 1794. iu. Charlotte, b. 11 Oct., 1796; m. 28 June, 1827, Samuel Moore of Loudon; d. 17 Dec, 1885. ChUd: Kate' Moore, b. 1830; m. Ira G. Rowe. ChUdren; (1) Samuel' Rowe, d. 9 May, 1877. (2) Annie Rowe, m. 15 June, 1900, Frank Van Doom. iv. Pearson Morrill, b. 28 July, 1798; d. unm., 12 March, 1870. 24. V. Hiram, b. 2 April, 1800. ¦vi. Ruth Chickering, b. 23 Nov., 1802; d. 17 Aug., 1821. -vu. Lucinda, b. 7 May, 1804, unm.; d. Rochester, N. Y., in 1892. 25. -vui. William Henry H., b, 21 Aug., 1806. ix. Abigail, b. 6 Aug., 1808; m. Amaziah Wood; d. 7 Dec, 1873, in Rochester, N. Y. X. Mary, b. 10 June, 1810; d. 3 April, 1813. 26. xi. Arthur Masten, b. 19 Feb., 1812. xu. Miriam, b. 19 0ct., 1816; m. Ira G. Rowe; d. 8 June, 1859. Children: 1. Martha' Rowe, b. 11 Oct., 1850; unm. 2. Arthur Rowe, b. 21 Jan., 1854; m. 6 Feb., 1902, Sara Wilkinson. ChUd: (1) Arthur Harold' Rowe, b. 11 Sept., 1907. 3. Foster Rowe, b. 1 May,1866;d. lOOct., 1887. 9. James' Foster (Abiel; Asa*) b. in C, 28 Dec, 1765; m. 19 Jan., 1790, Mrs. Betsey Sanborn, b. 18 Aug., 1764. Children, b. in C. : i. Han nah', b. 1 March,- 1791. u. James GUman, b. 22 Feb., 1793; d. 15 Oct., 1794. hi. Tomas, b. 29 Jan., 1795; d. 11 March, 1795. iv. Clarissa, b. 11 June, 1796. v. Jeremiah, b. 4 Aug., 1798. -vi. John Taylor Oilman, b. 19 July, 1800. vii. Peter, b. 27 April, 1803. 138 HISTORY OF CANTERBURY. 10. Abiel' Foster (Abieb, Asa*) b. in C, 19 Feb., 1773; m. 25 Feb., 1796, Susannah Moore; b. 9 April, 1776; d. Solon, O., 22 June, 1853. She was the dau. of Capt. Samuel and Susanna (Webster) Moore of C. (See Moore Gen.) He d. in Solon, O., 24 Feb., 1846. He was educated in part at Phillips Academy in Exeter, and read law, being weU versed in its general principles. For more than thirty years he held a commis sion as a justice of the peace, and at one time most of the civil business of C. and -vicinity was tried before him. In 1816 he was clerk of the N. H. Senate. Living on the homestead, he never took great interest in agriculture. At one time he was in trade in C. He sent his eldest son to Dartmouth College, and all his chUdren obtained good educa tions. In 1836 he emigrated to Columbus, O., his daus., Augusta, Sarah and Catherine, going -with him. His son, Abiel, was at that time principal of a high school in Columbus. His daus., Eliza and Martha Jane, were matrons or teachers in state institutions. In 1843, he and his vrife went to Solon, 0., where he d. ChUdren, b. in C. ; i. PoLLY', b. 1 Jan., 1797; m. 18 June, 1817, Moses, son of Major Moses and Rebecca (Abbott) Chamberlain, b. in Loudon, 7 Feb., 1792. (See Chamberiain Gen.) 27. u. Abiel, b. 19 June, 1798. hi. ChUd, b. and d. 23 April, 1800. iv. Susanna, b. 12 June, 1801; m. 18 Jan., 1825, Asa Stevens, d. 27 Jan., 1858, in Solon, O. V. Nancy, b. 9 Feb., 1803; m. 8 July, 1828, Reuben M. Hannaford, b. in C, 1 May, 1800, d. Nov., 1884. She d. 8 March, 1858, m Solon, O. 28. -vi. Joseph, b. 7 Nov., 1804. vii. Elizabeth, b. 28 Feb., 1806; m. 27 Oct., 1834, Isaac Dalton; d. 26 Nov., 1841. ChUd; Susan Elizabeth' Dalton, b. 28 Oct., 1841; d. young. viu. Augusta Caroline, b. 14 Oct., 1807; m. 17 Aug., 1843, Rufus Hub bard; d. 1882, Moline, IU. ix. Martha Jane, b. 26 April, 1810; m. 20 Sept., 1839, John Roy. She d. 1881. Had two sons and one dau. X. Sarah, b. 25 May, 1811; d. unm., Solon, O., 1883. xi. Catharine, b. 16 Sept., 1812; d. 29 March, 1813. xii. Catharine, b. 31 July, 1816; m. 2 Jan., 1844, D. C. Judd; d. Spar tanburg, S. C, 4 Nov., 1858. xiu. A stillborn child, 1 June, 1817. 11. Daniel' Foster (Daniel; Asa*) b. Andover, Mass., 29 Jime, 1761; m. Harriet Bracket. He served in the Revolutionary war, enhsting from C. ChUdren, b. in C; 29. i. Daniel K.', b. 14 May, 1793. 30. u. Simeon B., b. 5 Aug., 1796. iii. Polly. iv. Nancy, m. John MorriU. 31. V. William Harrison. -vi. Betsey, m. Stephen Brainard. 12. Simeon' Foster (Daniel; Asa*) b. in C, 22 Jan., 1765; m. 28 Oct., 1801, Susanna Worthen, b. Chester, 22 Feb., 1777, d. 16 Jan., 1830. He d. 25 AprU, 1826. Children, b. in C. : 1. h. 32. iu. 33. iv. 34. V. GENEALOGIES. 139 Edmund Greenleaf', b. 2 Nov., 1802; d. 25 March, 1824, unm. Mary, b. 23 Sept., 1806; m. James Pickard, of Rowley, Mass. Children: 1. Nancy Pickard'. 2. Greenleaf Augustus Pickard. John Hubbard, b. 14 March, 1808. Joseph Moody, b. 5 Jan., 1811. Benjamin Osgood, b. 1 Aug., 1813. 13. Jeremiah C.« Foster (Danieb,Asa*) b. in C. 6 AprU, 1784; m. there 14 March, 1813, Susannah Bradley, b. July, 1784, d. 5 Sept., 1824. (See Bradley Gen.) He d. 14 May, 1839. Children, b. in C: 35. i. Charles Henry', b. 15 Dec, 1813. 36. u. Jonathan B., b. 10 Sept., 1816. iu. Elizabeth, b. 10 Jan., 1824; d. unm. 10 Oct., 1841. iv. Susanna, b. 6 March, 1822; d. unm. 23 Dec, 1877. 14. Da-vid Foster' (David', Asa*) b. 1 AprU, 1776; m. in Loudon, Sarah Dear born. She d. in LaSalle, IU., 1 Oct., 1865. He was a farmer and d. in Buda, IU., 10 Sept., 1843. ChUdren, b. in C: i. Mary Frances', b. 7 Dec, 1804; m. 24 May, 18"41, WUham T. RandaU. She d. 19 Nov., 1863. 37. u. Franklin, b. 29 AprU, 1806; m. Harriet KendaU. hi. Sarah, b. 1 Aug., 1808; m. DixweU Lathrop. She d. 7 July, 1878. 38. iv. Joseph, b. 8 July, 1810. V. Lucy, b. 11 July, 1812; m. Frederick Tucker. 39. -vi. George W., b. 2 Jime, 1816. 40. -vu. Henry Bradley, b. 11 Dec, 1820. ¦vui. Emma, b. 12 Aug., 1824; m. in Concord, 22 Nov., 1842, Charles E. Flinn, b. 8 Feb., 1817; d. 13 Jan., 1878. Was a druggist. Children; 1. Mary R.' Fhnn, b. 26 Feb., 1853; d. 25 Sept., 1864. 2. Adelaide Flinn, b. 8 Oct., 1868; d. 9 Oct., 1864. 3. Wilkie Fhnn, b. 31 May, 1863; d. 7 Sept., 1864. 4. Edward Roy Fhnn, b. 3 AprU, 1866. 15. Timothy' Foster (David', Asa*) b. in C, 21 Aug., 1782; m. 26 Dec, 1804, Hannah Carter. He d. 10 Aug., 1861. ChUdren, b. in C. ; 41. i. John Carter', b. 18 Jan., 1807. u. Hannah Eliza, b. Aug., 1809; d. July, 1834. 42. iu. Stephen Bartlett, b. 23 Aug., 1816. iv. Martha Kittredge, b. 10 Feb., 1819; d. Jan., 1872, in St. Paul, Minn. 16. Samuel H.', Foster (Jonathan; Asa*) b. in C, 6 Nov., 1771; m. July, 1797, Ehzabeth Synonds. She d. 25 June, 1801; m. second, 16 May, 1802, Mercy Porter of Danvers, Mass., who d. in New York City in 1847. She was dau. of Thomas Porter (Nathaniel, Joseph, John), and great-great- granddau. of John Porter, of "Porter's Plains," Danvers (also called "Porter of Salem") Freeman, 1633, who was disarmed in 1636 for being a supporter of Ann Hutchinson, and was warned to leave Boston in 1637; went to Hingham; was representative to General Court in 1644, and selectman of that town. Children: i. Samuel Rogers', b. 19 Sept., 1798, in Newburyport, Mass.; d. 1803. u. Caroline, b. 30 Aug., 1800; m. 30 Sept., 1821, Mark Healey of Bos ton. She d. 1871. Children: 1. Carohne W.', b. 1822; m. Rev. C. H. DaU. 2. EUen, b. 1826. 3. Marion, b. 1827. 4. 140 HISTORY OF CANTERBURY. Frances, b. 1829. 5. Ann, b. 1832. 6. George, b. 1834. 7. Charles, b. 1836. 8. Emily, b. 1838. iu. Samuel Henry, b. 24 Jan., 1804; m. Ehza Wheaton, of Portland, Me. iv. Charles William, b. 20 Aug., 1806. V. Maria Eliza, b. 8 April, 1807. ¦vi. Edward Augustus, b. 9 Nov., 1808. ¦vii. George James, b. 27 July, 1810. 17. Capt. John» Foster (Jonathan; Asa*) b. in C, 22 July, 1773; m. Sarah KimbaU. She d. Newark, N. J., aged 69. He d. m N. Y. City in 1834. ChUdren, b. in C. : i. John Samuel', b. 17 Feb., 1802; d. at sea. 43. ii. Abel Kimball, b. 13 June, 1803. 44. iii. Ammi Ruhama, b. 1 July, 1805. iv. George William, b. 22 July, 1807; m. Mercy MorrUl. V. Moses Brown, b. 11 AprU, 1810; d. when a young man. ¦vi. Edward Horatio, b. 9 AprU, 1814; burned to death. ¦vu. FiNETTE, b. 12 April, 1815; m. Lancaster. 18. Asa Emerson' Foster (Asa; Asa; Asa*) b. in C, 2 Sept., 1795; m. in Amherst, 8 Sept., 1830, Maria Chickering, b. 1 Dec, 1803, d. 24 June, 1859. Mr. Foster graduated from Dartmouth CoUege in 1822, where he was considered the best mathematician in his class. He became principal of the Erie Academy, Erie, Penn., where he taught more than eight years, and ¦then opened the Erie Institute, a private school, in which he remained thirteen years, a most successful instructor. After the death of his wife the remainder of his life was spent sometimes at his home in Erie, at other times either with his friends, in New Eng land, or with his dau., first in Portland, N. Y., then in Salem, Ind., where he died 9 Oct., 1876. Child: Sarah Maria', b. 23 Feb., 1833; m. 6 Oct., 1857, Rev. Irving Ira St. John. 19. Adams' Foster (Asa', Asa; Asa*) b. in C, 22 Feb., 1800; m. 21 Nov., 1832, Sarah Bradley Eastman, granddau. of Sarah Foster and Timothy Bradley, b. 6 Aug., 1805, in Concord, d. Worcester, Mass., 1 Oct., 1893. He d. 18 Nov., 1873. ChUdren, b. in C, where he hved with his brother, David, in Hackleborough school district: i. Cyrus Parker', b. 26 Aug., 1833; d. 26 Sept., 1838. u. Ann Maria, b. 3 Aug., 1836; m. 30 May, 1868, Frank J. Kinney. She d. 13 June, 1890. Children: Herbert', Lorenzo, Henry, Emma, Asa, Clarence and Sarah Khmey. iu. Emma Eliza, b. 27 Aug., 1839; d. 17 Aug., 1858. 45. iv. Asa Eastman, b. 31 May, 1841. V. Charles Tyler, b. 9 Oct., 1843; unm. 20. Stephen Symonds' Foster (Asa', Asa; Asa*) b. m C, 17 Nov., 1809; m. in Penn., 21 Dec, 1845, Abby Kelley, b. 15 Jan., 1811, d. 14 Jan., 1887. He d. in Worcester, Mass., 8 Sept., 1881. Graduatmg from Dartmouth in 1838, he studied theology, but, because he was precluded from advo cating Abolition in the piUpit, he left that profession in order to engage in the anti-slavery contest. He is described in one of Lowell's anti- slavery poems as GENEALOGIES. 141 "A kind of maddened John the Baptist To whom the hardest word comes aptest. Who, struck by stone or brick, ill-starred, Hurls back an epithet as hard, Which, deadlier than stone or brick. Has a propensity to stick. " While in the theological seminary he induced some of his classmates to join ¦with him to protest against the war-like preparations then going on, arising from the dispute with Great Britain over the northwestern boundary. The refusal of the faculty to aUow the chapel to be used for such a meeting made him dissatisfied with the churches, because they countenanced war; and when he became an anti-slavery agitator he directed his attacks chiefly against the church and clergy, because they upheld slavery. Since the people of the New England to^wns could not be induced to attend anti-slavery lectures, he was accustomed to attend church meetings and claim there a hearing for the .enslaved, and was often expelled by force, and several times imprisoned for disturbing pub hc worship. He published articles in periodicals on the slavery ques tion, and in 1843 a pamphlet, entitled "The Brotherhood of Thieves; a True Picture of the American Church and Clergy, " in the form of a letter to Nathaniel Barney. His wife, Abby Kelley, reformer, was b. in Pelham, Mass., and d. in Worcester, Mass. Her parents, who were descendants of Irish Quakers, removed to Worcester while she was an infant. She, taught school for several years in Worcester and MiUbury, and in a Friends' School in Lynn, Mass. She resigned her post about 1837, and began lecturing as an anti-slavery advocate, being the first woman to address mixed audi ences in favor of Abohtion. Though sincere in her convictions and womanly in her dehvery, she suffered many indignities in Connecticut during her lectures. About 1860 Mrs. Foster became actively interested in woman suffrage and prohibition. While speaking in Pennsylvania she met Stephen S. Foster, whom she married in New Brighton, Penn. The two continued their public addresses and, on one tour in Ohio, Mrs. Foster spoke every day for six weeks. They settled on a farm near Worcester, which was their home up to the time of Mr. Foster's death. Both Mr. and Mrs. Foster refused to pay taxes on their home estate, because the wife was not permitted to vote, and this resolution was followed by the sale of the home for two consecutive years, but it was bought in by their friends, and finally redeemed by Mr. Foster. Mrs. Foster's last pubhc work was an effort made to raise funds to defray the expenses of securing the adoption of the Fifteenth amendment in the doubtful states. In June, 1886, she attended an anti-slavery recep tion in Boston. The day preceding her fatal Ulness she finished a sketch of her husband's life. James RusseU LoweU pays her his tribute: "A Judith, there, turned Quakeress, Sits Abby, in her modest dress. No nobler gift of heart or brain. No life more white from spot or stain. Was e'er on Freedom's altar laid, Than hers — ^the simple Quaker maid, " 142 HISTORY OF CANTERBURY. Mr. and Mrs. Foster had one chUd: i. AUa Wright', b. 19 May, 1847; unm. Resides in Roxbury, Mass. Is a teacher. She was graduated from Vassar in 1872. Post-graduate Cornell in 1874. 21. Da-vid Morrill' Foster (Asa; Asa; Asa*) b. in C, 30 Oct., 1811; m. St. Albans, Me., 18 Nov., 1837, Sarah Bradley Robertson, b. 8 Sept., 1813; d. 16 July, 1885; granddau. of Sarah Foster and Timothy Bradley. Prominent in the affairs of the town he was also a leading member of the N. H. House of Representatives. He d. 24 Nov., 1884. Children, b. in C: 46, i. Edward Horatio', b. 13 Oct., 1839. u. Harrison Earl, b. 8 Sept., 1841 ; d. 18 Oct., 1858. hi. Caroline Elizabeth, school teacher, b. 16 Oct., 1845; m. 28 Feb., 1883, Charles W. Emery. (See Emery Gen.) Resides in Oak land, Cal. ChUd: 1. Nathan Emery, b. Dec, 1883; d. 28 Feb., 1885. 47. iv. Newell K., b. 10 AprU, 1849. 22. Newell Abbott' Foster (Asa; Asa', Asa*) b. in .C, 7 Feb., 1814; m. Portland, Me., 1838, Ehza Jane AUison of Concord, b. 24 July, 1816, d. 18 June, 1854; m. second, in 1861, EUen French. He leamed the printer's trade and went to Portland, Me. In 1842 he took charge of the print ing office of the American, and in 1862 he established the Portland Press, and in 1868 became sole owner. He was a very prominent member of the Maine State Legislature. He was the leading spiritualist in Port land. He d. 20 Nov., 1868. Children; 48. i. Leroy Allison', b. 13 March, 1843. ii. Adelaide Eliza, b. 16 Jan., 1853; m. 23 Oct., 1886, Austin Brain ard, of Haddam, Conn.; graduated Vassar College, 1876. He was b. 6 Sept., 1862; graduated from CorneU, 1883; admitted to bar 1886; a lawyer in Hartford, Conn. Children; 1. Helen Alhson' Brainard, b. 5 Dec, 1889. 2. Lawrence Brainard, b. 20 Jan., 1895; d. 14 April, 1896. 23. Charles' Foster (William; Abiel; Asa*) b. 4 Oct., 1794, in C; m. Ruth Tilton; d. 4 July, 1869. She d. 2 Aug., 1834. Children: i. Frank', m. Al-vira Coe. ii. Martha, m. Henry Roberts. Children: Arthur' and Newton Roberts, in. Charles, d. unm. 24. HiRAM' Foster (William', Abieb, Asa*) b. in C, 2 AprU, 1800; m. 4 Oct., 1826, Cordeha C. Hoyle, b. 15 March, 1801. He d. 11 Aug., 1849, at Mt. Morris, N. Y. Children; i. William', b. 12 July, 1827; m. 12 May, 1864, Mary Sawyer; d. March, 1903. Child; Elmer', b. 21 March, 1869; m. 22 March, 1893, Alpharetta JeweU. Children: 1. JeweU E.", b. 11 Jan., 1894, 2. Luce H., b. 11 Aug., 1896. h. Sarah, b. 6 Feb., 1829; m. 27 April, 1849, Truman Palmer; d. Sept., 1900, Eldred, Penn. No children. hi. Charles, b. 24 Dec, 1830; m. 10 Feb., 1855, EmUy Galpin; d. 27 Jan., 1897, Eldred, Penn. Children: 1. Charles', b. 31 July, 1856; m. 25 Dec, 1881, Addie Baker. 2. Emily, b. 17 April, 1859; m. 25 Dec, 1875, Elmer MUler. 3. Cassius, b. March, 1861; d. July, 1861. GENEALOGIES. 143 4. Evelyn, b. 1864; d. 1865. 5. Albertus E., b. 3 May, 1866; m. 25 June, 1890, Mary Lierd. 6. Grace, b. 6 Nov., 1869; m. 9 Nov., 1884, John D. StaU. 7. Frank W., b. 22 Feb., 1872; m. 14 April, 1897, Maude Har rington. 8. Mabel, b. 13 Nov., 1874; m. 17 May, 1896, B. F. White. 9. Hiram L., b. 11 March, 1882; m. 22 Oct., 1901, Blanche Byham. Horatio Morrill, b. 21 Feb., 1833; m. 24 Oct., 1854, Mary Pen- nock; d. 7 Feb., 1880. Children: 1. Hiram P.', b. 18 Aug., 1855; m. 30 May, 1878, Anna Newlm. 2. Guy, b. May, 1857; d. Aug., 1857. 3. Charles, b. June, 1869; d. Sept., 1860. 4. Horatio, b. 30 Aug., 1861. 5. H. Frank, b. 16 Oct., 1863; m. 24 Dec, 1893, Elizabeth Lockey. 6. Cora, b. 1 Aug., 1869; m. 6 Feb., 1889, Charles E. Hoffman. 7. Edward, b. 7 Jan., 1876; m. 24 Nov., 1898, Winnefred Mc- Gunty. Ellen, b. 29 March, 1836; m. 23 March, 1851, Edmund Palmer. Children; 1. Abbie', b. 11 Aug., 1852; m. Aug., 1869, D. Webster Cronk. 2. Charles, b. 18 Jan., 1864; d. 31 Aug., 1877. 3. Eva, b. 25 March, 1858; d. 6 Jan., 1861. 4. Emma B., b. 9 Oct., 1860; m. 13 Oct., 1881, Emoroy D. Burgess. 5. Edmund C, b. 30 Oct., 1865; m. 1884, Allie Galpin. 6. Effie, b. 12 July, 1868; m. 1891, M. A. Towner. 7. E. LuLA, b. 12 July, 1875; m. 14 March, 1895, Dwight A. Arnold. Cordelia, b. 24 July, 1838; m. 17 March, 1859, Thomas C. Wam- man; d. 15 July, 1886, Eldred, Penn. Children: 1. Mary Wainman', b. 30 Jan., 1860; m. 30 Jan., 1880, Rev. E. G. Piper of Buffalo, N. Y. Children; (1) Evelyn Piper", b. 8 March, 1881. (2) Emest Piper, b. 3 June, 1883; m. 26 May, 1910, Maud Waterman. (3) Ella W. Piper, b. 3 June, 1883. (4) Ahce Piper, b. 30 May, 1887; m. 12 Feb., 1904, Cleon W. Newman. Children; Dorothy Newman", b. 30 Jan., 1905. Ernestine Newman, b. 3 June, 1908. (5) R. Foster Piper, b. 9 Aug., 1889. (6) Raye T. Piper, b. 8 Nov., 1891. (7) Floyd Piper, b. 10 AprU, 1898. Ernest and R. Foster Piper are the proprietors of the Foster Hotel at Atlantic City, N. J. 2. Ella Wainman, b. 12 Feb., 1862; d. 30 March, 1886. 3. Ida Wainman, b. 16 Sept., 1864; m. 3 Oct., 1884, Emest A. Barden; d. 3 July, 1887. 4. Fannie Wainman, b. 17 March, 1867; m. 7 May, 1896, Rev. John H. Stoody of Akron, N. Y. Children: (1) Ralph Wam- man Stoody, b. 19 April, 1896. (2) Winnefred Stoody, b. 28 Nov., 1898. (3) Ruth M. Stoody, b. 3 June, 1902. 5. Horatio Wainman, b. 8 AprU, 1871; d. 24 Sept., 1871. 6. Carrie Wainman, b. 23 Sept., 1872; d. 13 Aug., 1886. 7. Floyd A. Wainman, b. 10 Feb., 1876; m. 2 March, 1897, Clara Murgittroyd. Children; (1) Marie Wainman, b. 29 Jan., 1898. (2) Agnes Wainman, b. 15 Aug., 1904. (3) Thomas, b. 10 Oct., 1907. 8. Edith, b. 26 June, 1879; m. 30 Oct., 1906, Frank J. Parker. Child: Thomas Wainman Parker, b. 26 July, 1909. Hiram, b. 24 Nov., 1840; m. 13 Nov., 1866, Martha J. Shepard; d. 6 Feb., 1896, Richmond, Va. Children; 1, Fred S.', b. 22 Oct., 1869; m. 3 Oct., 1906, Daisy M. Pringle. 2. Eva, b. 26 June, 1869; m. 26 June, 1895, Rev. Edward Bom- camp of Winona, Minn. 144 HISTORY OF CANTERBURY. 3. Helen, b. 26 July, 1875; m. 6 April, 1899, Magnus A. Begg of Glendale, Cal. 4. Hiram L. Begg, b. 16 AprU, 1879; d. 24 AprU, 1880. 25. William Henry H.' Foster (William; Abieb, Asa*) b. in C, 21 Aug., 1806; m. Rowena Wheelock; d. 29 July, 1861, in Rochester, N. Y. Children: i. Henry, b. 10 June, 1842; d. unm, 1909. u. Addie, b. 9 May, 1847; m. George Vemon. hi. Alfred, b. 27 June, 1849; d. 10 Feb., 1873. iv. Ella, b. 29 Nov., 1850; m. Jacob Wendlmg. v. LUlie, b. 3 Aug., 186-; m. 22 March, 1883, G. Spencer Shimmin. 26. Arthur Masten' Foster (William', Abiel; Asa*) b. in C, 19 Feb., 1812; m. Jane Sheldon; d. 31 Dec, 1848. ChUdren: i. Carrie', d. aged 3. u. Ellen, m. Rev. Charles Sheffield. 27. Abiel' Foster (Abieb, Abieb, Asa*) b. in C, 19 June, 1798; m. 19 March, 1835, Pameha Judd; d. 1874. Resided ui Columbus, 0., and Oreen^ville, S. C. ChUdren; 49. i. Abiel Abbott', b. 30 Sept., 1836. h. Susan Amelia, b. 5 Sept., 1838; m. in Green^viUe, S. C, Simms F. Clary. iu. Helen Maria, b. 5 Nov., 1840; unm. A teacher. Resides in Spartanburg, S. C. iv. Sarah Elizabeth, b. 3 Jan., 1846, in Limestone Springs, S. C; m.; had one dau., deceased. She d. in 1868. 28. Elder Joseph' Foster (Abiel; Abieb, Asa*) b. in C, 7 Nov., 1804; m. in Union County, S. C, 27 Dec, 1831, Minerva M. Means, of Meansville, S. C, b. 20 Oct., 1808; d. 26 Nov., 1896. He was educated in C, and hved there until 1826. Then he went to S. C, assisted his brother Abiel in his school in Oreen^vUle for a year or more, after which he went to MeansviUe, S. C, and taught school until his marriage to Miss Means. They then moved to their own home, three miles distant, near Fair Forest Presbyterian Church. They were regular attendants at this church, of which he was an elder. He was engaged in teaching and farming until Aug., 1847, when he moved to Spartanburg, S. C, to enter into mercantUe business, in partnership with Da-vid C. Judd, a part nership that continued untU his death, 30 Jan., 1877. Children: i. Susan E.', b. 29 March, 1834; m. 6 Dec, 1881, Samuel C. Means, b. 9 Jan., 1830. He is a planter in Spartanburg, S. C. 60. h. Alfred H., b. 7 Dec, 1835. iu. Isabel J., b. 6 Oct., 1838; m. 20 Oct., 1858, Robert H. Chapman. She d. 10 Oct., 1866. He d. March, 1866. Children: 1. James A. » Chapman of Middleboro, Ky. ; m. Rachael McMaster, of Winsboro, S. C. They have three children, Laura Foster", James Alfred and Robert Hett Chapman. 2. Robert Hett Foster Chapman, m. Hattie L. Craton, of Rutherfordton, N. C; one child, a dau., Margery" Chapman. iv. Sara Laura, b. 10 Feb., 1842; m. 5 July, 1876, E. C. McLaughlin, bank cashier of Spartanburg, S. C; d. 8 Dec, 1890. V. Joseph Adolphus, b. 19 March, 1846; m. 23 Feb., 1881, Sally G. Farrar, of Pmckney, S. C. He d. Spartanburg, S. C, 15 Nov., 1886. 56. i. 57. u. iu. iv. 58. V. 59. -vi. -vii. GENEALOGIES. 145 29. Daniel Kittredge' Foster (Daniel', Danieb, Asa*) b. in C, 14 May, 1793; m. Lydia Lane, 20 Nov., 1823; d, 14 Feb., 1875. He d. 11 Oct., 1869. Resided in Chichester. Children: 51. i. Joshua Lane', b. 10 Oct., 1824. 62. ii. Joseph Addison, b. 11 April, 1826. 63. iu. Daniel Kittredge, b. 10 Dec, 1827. 54. iv. Lucius Augustus (Changed to Gust), b. 20 Nov., 1830. 56. V. RiNALDo Bracket, b. 5 March, 1836. 30. Simeon B.', Foster (Danieb, Daniel; Asa*) b. Wheelock, Vt., 5 Aug., 1796; m. Mary S. HiU, b. 16 Feb., 1809; d. about 1880. He was a farmer, a worthy and much respected citizen and honored -with public office, which he fUled with great credit. ChUdren, b. in C. ; Lyman B.', b. 17 Feb., 1827. Myron C, b. 6 Feb., 1820. Melissa G., b. 7 Feb., 1831; unm., resides in Boston. MiNDA M., b. 2 Jan., 1834; m. Wm. H. MorrUl. (See Morrill Gen.) William Harrison, b. 7 June, 1836. Alonzo, b. 31 Jan., 1838. Adelia, b. 7 Feb., 1841. viu. Fidelia, b. 2 March, 1843; unm., resides in Boston. ix. Nancy M., b. 16 Dec, 1846, unm., resides in Boston. X. Emily P., b. 27 July, 1848; m. Marden, resides m Boston. xi. John C, b. 12 Sept., 1851; d. unm. 31. William Harrison' Foster (Daniel; Daniel; Asa*) b. about 1800; m. Catherine Whitney. He taught school for many years. Resided in C. Children: i. Alanson'. u. Alonzo, twins. 32. John Hubbard' Foster (Simeon; Daniel; Asa*) b. in C, 4 March, 1808; m. Mrs. Mary (French) Brown, who d. 17 Jan., 1877. No chU dren. Farmer; d. 9 May, 1874, in C. 33. Joseph Moody' Foster (Simeon', Danieb, Asa*) b. in C, 5 Jan., 1811; m. 16 Oct., 1837, Ehzabeth Fellows, b. 14 Nov., 1814; d. 26 Aug., 1881. (See FeUows Gen.) He was a carpenter by trade and was high in the esteem of his feUow townsmen; d. 12 Aug., 1896. Children, b. in C: i. Frances Elizabeth', b. 9 July, 1842; m. 7 July, 1859, Benjamin Franklin Hileman; m. second, 27 May, 1884, Nathan French. u. Susan Augusta, b. 4 March, 1847; m. 19 Jan., 1871, in Concord, Henry Hiram Houser. (See Houser Gen.) 34. Benjamin Osgood' Foster (Simeon', Danieb, Asa*) b. in C, 1 Aug., 1813; m. first, Hannah K. French, d. 3 Oct., 1851; m. second, Mary Ehzabeth Hooper, by whom he had one child, Hannah K.'; both mother and dau. were kUled by the cars 13 Sept., 1876, at N. Concord R. R. crossing, now known as "Boyce." He d. 27 July, 1876. No children by first wife. 35. Charles Henry' Foster (Jeremiah', Daniel', Asa*) b. in C, 15 Dec, 1813; m. in Berrien County, Mich., Louisa Aldrich. He was a house and sign painter. Had several chUdren, but they are all dead. He d. about 1900. Resided in Larrabee, Iowa. ll-n 146 HISTORY OF CANTERBURY. 36. Jonathan B.' Foster {{Jeremiah; Danieb, Asa*) b. in C, 10 Sept., 1816; m. 5 Dec, 1839, Mary H. Fellows, b. 1 Sept., 1818, d. 11 March, 1902. (See FeUows Gen.) He d. 15 April, 1896. Resided in C. An unas suming, hard-working man, he never aspired to pubhc oflBce, although always interested in all important measures relating to the town, doing his share in promoting its welfare. Children, b. in C. ; 60. i. Jeremiah Clough', b. 19 Oct., 1840. ii. Susan Elizabeth, b. 23 Jan., 1842; was a school teacher; m. 26 Feb., 1868, Dr. Henry R. Brown, b. 11 March, 1841. Resides in Leominster, Mass. In Sept., 1862, he enhsted in the 15th N. H. Vols., and took part in the siege and capture of Port Hudson. He studied medicine and graduated in New York, March, 1867, beginning practice in Waterbury, Conn., July, 1864. He then went to Leominster, Mass., where, with the exception of about three years that he was in N. H., he resided, having an exten sive practice. He was highly esteemed and respected by the entire community. He d. 16 Feb., 1906. Children: 1. Karl L.» Brown, b. 7 Feb., 1870. Res., Leominster, Mass. 2. Louis H. Brown, b. 16 Aug., 1871. Res., Leominster, Mass. 3. Arthur Brown, b. 8 May, 1872; d. 16 Aug., 1872. 4. Anson W. Brown, b. 9 Oct., 1874. Res., Leominster, Mass. 61. iu. Moses Augustus, b. 23 Oct., 1843. iv. Augusta Caroline, school teacher, b. 23 Oct., 1845; m. 16 AprU, 1868, John J. Railey. She d. 14 Nov., 1871. (See RaUey Gen.) V. Mary Helen, school teacher, b. 7 July, 1851; m. 19 Nov., 1872, John J. Railey. (See Railey Gen.) ¦vi. Martha Jane, school teacher, b. 7 July, 1851; m. 1 Jan., 1884, John W. Douglass of Wallmgford, Conn. She d. 30 March, 1886. Child; 1. George F.' Douglass, b. 30 March, 1886; d. 28 March, 1887. 37. Franklin' Foster (David', David', Asa*) b. in C, 29 AprU, 1806; m. 8 Oct., 1832, Harriet KendaU, b. 1810, d. 18 Aug., 1857. Was a farmer. He d. 22 May, 1880. Res., Boston, Mass., and Buda, IU. Children: i. Harriet', b. 1834; m. 1858; d. 1879. 62. h. Henry L., b. 26 Sept., 1836. hi. Edward, b. 1838. iv. Sarah, m. Clark, v. Sidney, vi. Addie. -vu. Lucy, m. Bumett. -viu. Ella, m. Dyer. 38. Joseph' Foster (David; David; Asa*) b. in C, 8 July, 1810; m. 1834 m Princeton, IU., Elizabeth Boyer Vaughan, b. 1817, d. 1865; m. second, 1869, Ehzabeth Childs; d. 1892. He emigrated to Bureau County, IU., about 1833, setthng in Concord township and keeping a country hotel for about sixteen years; he moved to Marquette, Mich., on Lake Supe rior in 1864. His wife d. 1865 at Marquette, Mich., and he moved back to IU., m 1869, residmg there untU 1875; finally settling in Cres ton, Iowa. He d. at Creston, la., Oct., 1894, and was buried at Buda, IU. Children; i. William H.«, d. about 1854. u. John Marshall, d. about 1869. hi. Flora A., d. about 1862. iv. Mary J., d. about 1862. V. Alphonso, d. about 1862. vi. Horatio O., Creston, Iowa. ¦vu. James Elmer, 63. ¦viu. Joseph A., b. 10 Feb., 1847; m. Cora E. Whiting. genealogies. 147 39. Rev. George Washington' Foster (David; David; Asa*) b. in C, 2 June, 1816; m. Clara M. Dole; d. 1871. ChUdren; i. William F.' ii. Anna Augusta, m. Ely. iii. Charles Henry, iv. Edward, b. 10 Feb., 1862; unm. 40. Henry Bradley' Foster (David; David; Asa*) b. in C, 11 Dec, 1820; m. in Boston, Mass., 24 Oct., 1844, Harriet Salome Dole, b. 24 May, 1823; d. 7 April, 1894. Children: i. Edward Henry', b. 9 April, 1848; d. unm. 5 Nov., 1869. h. Helen Frances, b. 19 Feb., 1846; m. 17 Oct., 1871, C. A. W. Dodge. hi. Hattie Jane, b. 11 Dec, 1851; m. 30 Sept., 1876; d. 23 Sept., 1895. 64. iv. Maitland P., b. 28 Oct., 1862. 41. John Carter' Foster (Timothy, David', Asa*) b. in C, 18 Jan., 1807; m. Sahsbury, 5 Aug., 1828, Ruth M. Pingry, b. 31 Jan., 1810. She m. second, Dunlop, jeweler, who d. in Pittsburg, Pa., 12 April, 1835. ChUdren: i. John Pingry', b. 23 July, 1829; d. Juncton, Va., 11 July, 1851. h. Mary Pingry, b. 11 July, 1831; m.; d. Salisbury, 11 March, 1871. hi. William Pingry, b. 26 Sept., 1833; d. 16 Sept., 1834. 42. Stephen Bartlett' Foster (Timothy, David', Asa*) b. in C, 23 Aug., 1816; m. in Manchester, 26 Dec, 1855, Nancy Bean Sibley, b. 16 Jan., 1826. Jeweler and -watchmaker. He d. 29 June, 1876. Children: i. Stephen Bartlett', b. 1 Jan., 1856. u. John Roy, b. 9 Sept., 1863. hi. Lihette, b. 19 May, 1867; m. 25 Dec, 1892, Samuel G. Cook. Child; Handel Gibson' Cook. 43. Abel Kimball' Foster (John; Jonathan; Asa*) b. in C, 13 June, 1803; m. Caroline Crocker of Barnstable, Mass. Children: i. Frances Almena', m. Ohver Bryan. Children: Ada Almena', Foster Abel, Percy, Carohne Crocker, Oliver Codington, WUham D., Harry C, and Robert Townby Bryan, h. Edward Horatio, m. Josephine Roberts. 44. Ammi Ruhama' Foster (John', Jonathan', Asa*) b. in C, 1 July, 1805; m. June, 1839, Finetter Foster Lancaster, b. 12 April, 1816; d. 24 March, 1885. Farmer and carpenter. Children: 65. i. James Caleb', b. 6 May, 1841. u. Sarah Almena, b. 26 March, 1843; m. 27 June, 1869, Charles Albert Martin, HaverhUl, Mass. He was b. 31 July, 1838; d. 16 June, 1890. ChUd: 1. Grace Augusta' Martin, b. 13 AprU, 1875; m. Leonard Moores Merrill, 16 Nov., 1892. 66. hi. Edward Horatio, b. 4 Dec, 1848. iv. Orietta Augusta, b. 5 July, 1854; m. 1 Jan., 1878, Alfred Usher Prescott; b. 30 Jan., 1841. ChUdren: 1. Edward Alfred' Pres cott, b. 27 Oct., 1878; d. 13 Feb., 1879. 2. Frankhn NeweU Prescott, b. 10 June, 1880. 3. WUlard Lmcoln Prescott, b. 12 Feb., 1884. 4. Frances Annette Prescott, b. 9 Sept., 1888. V. Clara Elizabeth, b. 2 April, 1869; m. 20 June, 1881, George L. Webster. ChUd: 1. George F.' Webster, b. 2 Feb., 1883. 148 HISTORY OF CANTERBURY. 45. Asa Eastman' Foster (Adams', Asa; Asa; Asa*) b. 31 May, 1841; m. 30 May, 1873, Reno, Nev., Sophia Steele. He d. 28 Jan., 1887. Children: i. Sarah E.', b. 23 Feb., 1874; m. 10 Dec, 1893, O. M. Harshbarger. h. Lucy, b. 30 April, 1876. 46. Dr. Edward Horatio' Foster (David M.', Asa; Asa; Asa*), physician, b. in C, 13 Oct., 1839; m. 12 July, 1872, Ella M. MerriU, d. 1876; m. second, Oct., 1879, Blanche Smith; d. Ul 1897 in Concord. ChUdren: i. Edward Lord', b. 21 May, 1873. u. Reginald Smith, b. 1880. hi. Clara. 47. Dr. Ne-well Kelley' Foster (David M.', Asa', Asa; Asa*) b. in C, 10 April, 1849; m. Dryden, N. Y., 3 Feb., 1876, Jennie SmUey, b. 13 Sept., 1851, d. 23 July, 1893; m. second, Oakland, Cal., 16 Jan., 1896, Maude A. W. Camp, b. 8 Dec, 1870. He was graduated from Cornell in 1873 and from Long Island Hospital in 1878. Res., Oakland, Cal. Has served as a member of the California State Legislature and State Board of Health. Children; i. Harry Emerson', b. 18 Aug., 1881. u. Ruth Maude, b. 26 July, 1896. 48. Leroy Allison' Foster (Newell A.', Asa', Asa', Asa*) b. in Portland, Me., 13 March, 1843; m. Worcester, Mass., 25 Aug., 1874, Emma Eastman, b. 16 March, 1860. He enlisted in the Ci'vil war and went with Gen. Butler to New Orleans. He began his coUege life at Wesleyan College. Later he was in Ann Arbor University, whence he was recalled by his father's death. In 1870 he entered Cornell University and graduated in 1872. He then became business manager of the Portland Press and remained in this position untU about a year before his death. He d. in Denver, Col., 29 March, 1882. ChUdren; i. Clifford HaU», b. 29 Aug., 1877; unm. h. Corneha Chase, b. 5 May, 1879. 49. Abiel Abbott' Foster (Abieb, Abieb, Abiel; Asa*) b. in Columbus, Ohio, 30 Sept., 1836; m. Greenville, S. C, Nov., 1868, Julia Amelia Worthing- ton, b. March, 1836; d. Feb., 1873; m. second. May, 1875, Mrs. EUa Ehza (Fuller) McCouts, b. Dec, 1848. Merchant. Res., Spartan burg, S. C. Children; i. Kate Worthington', b. 18 Oct., 1869. h. Lewis Worthington, b. 22 Feb., 1873. iu. Juha Ameha, b. 22 Feb., 1873. iv. Alfred Fuller, b. 7 April, 1876. v. Helen Elizabeth, b. 15 July, 1880. vi. Mary Rogers, b. 1 Feb., 1887. vii. Edith Rosalie, b, 11 June, 1893. viu. Mabel Flora, b. 27 Feb., 1878; d. 2 Nov., 1880. ix. David Judd, b. 14 Jan., 1884; d. 21 Dec, 1884. 50. Capt. Alfred H.» Foster (Joseph; Abieb, Abiel; Asa*) b. Union County, S. C, 7 Dec, 1836; m. in Union, 31 Aug., 1876, Hettie V. Brandon, b. 4 March, 1860. He was educated in Spartanburg Male Academy, and volunteered in the 5th S. C. Regt., 13 April, 1861. He was transferred to the Confederate ser-vice in June, 1861, when he was elected captain of his company, and served through the war, the first year in the 5th S. C. Regt., and the last three years in Co. D, Palmetto Sharpshooters. He was in the first Battle of BuU Run, and in all the other important GENEALOGIES. 149 battles of the army of northern Va., excepting Chancellorsville and Gettysburg, . and he went -with Longstreet's command to Tenn., return ing to Va., in time for the Wilderness campaign. He was in command of his regiment during the retreat from Petersburg to Appomattox. After the war he retumed to S. C; remained in Spartanbiug until the latter part of 1867. Spending a year in N. Y. City, he went to Union, S. C, which has since been his home. He has been engaged for over thirty years in the mercantile business, being the head of the firm of Foster & WUkms, Foster, Willdns & Co., and A. H. Foster & Co. Children; i. Isabel', b. 9 Aug., 1877. h. Mary Emma, b. 21 June, 1880. iu. H. Louise, b. 16 Nov., 1884. 51. Joshua Lane' Foster (Daniel K.; Danieb, Daniel', Asa*) b. in C, 10 Oct., 1824; m. Lucretia Gale. He was founder and publisher of the Foster Democrat in Dover from 1873 to the time of his death, which occurred 29 June, 1900. Children: i. EUa'. h. George J. iu. Charles G. iv. Eva. 52. Joseph Addison' Foster (Daniel K.; Daniel; Danieb, Asa*) b. in Chi chester, 11 AprU, 1826; m. Mary A. Kenney. He was a merchant in Loudon several years and later an employee of Amoskeag Mfg. Co., Manchester. He d. 12 Nov., 1908. ChUdren: 67. i. Charles Addison', b. 5 Oct., 1854. u. Mary Gertrude, b. 17 Nov., 1862; m. John W. Blakley, 53. Daniel Kittredge' Foster (Daniel K.; Danieb, Danieb, Asa*) b. in Chichester, 10 Dec, 1827; m. Emma Jennie Chase of Epping. She d. 22 July, 1905. He was graduated from Dartmouth CoUege and was principal of Pittsfield Academy for many years. He d. in Concord, 13 Dec, 1897. Child: 68. i. John Wheeler', b. 15 AprU, 1872. 54. GusT' Foster (Daniel K.; Danieb, Daniel', Asa*) b. in Chichester, 20 Nov., 1830. He was for several years a real estate broker in Man chester and at present is a farmer in Dunbarton. He represented Ward 6 of Manchester in the Legislature of 1901 . Unm. 55. RiNALDO Bracket' Foster (Daniel K.', Daniel', Danieb, Asa*) b. in Chi chester, 5 March, 1835; m. Sarah Eunice Perkins in Chichester, 15 July, 1860. She was b. 6 March, 1840; d. 20 Oct., 1899. He represented Loudon in the Legislature of 1885. D. in C, 4 May, 1911. ChUdren: i. Georgia Ann», b. 4 March, 1862, in Bamstead; bookkeeper. 69. u. Stephen Perkins, b. 21 Dec, 1868. 56. L-TMAN B.', Foster (Simeon B.', Danieb, Danieb, Asa*) b. in C, 17 Feb., 1827; m. Jennie Turner of Reading, Mass. As a young man he engaged in teaching, and was employed in that avocation when the Civil War began. He enlisted 18 AprU, 1861, in a company subsequently assigned to the 26th Ohio Regt., for three years' service, and was made first sergeant of his company. Next year he was promoted to second lieut enant. At the Battle of Stone River he received a bullet wound in the leg, and was laid up untU the following spring. Rejoining his regiment 150 HISTORY OF CANTERBURY. he was made first heutenant, and in the fighting about Chattanooga the command of Company B devolved upon him. In the Battle of Lookout Mountain he had an ankle badly bruised by another buUet. In the autumn of 1864 he reenhsted as a veteran, being made a member of the 26th Ohio Vet. Vol. Inf. At the battle of Kenesaw Mountain a bullet cut a gash in the side of his neck, and at the Battle of Franklin, Tenn., he was wounded in the groin, ending all further acti-vity as a sol dier and making him an invalid for life. Nine days following he was commissioned a captain by the governor of Ohio, but was never mus tered. While lying in the hospital both his hmbs were drawn up, and became stiffened in that position, where they remained untU his death. He was discharged on account of disabUity 15 May, 1865. When he was finally recovered sufficiently to be moved to the North, he was taken by easy stages to C. His wound did not heal until three years after his arrival. During the journey he was attended by George P. Mor rill, of C, to whom he gave the credit of sa-ving his life. In spite of his affhctions Mr. Foster continued to teach classics and -write for the press. He was a highly respected citizen until his death, which occurred in the ¦winter of 1882-83, in Reading, Mass., whither he removed about 1875. ChUd: J. Flora', m. Fred Hooper, Winthrop, Mass. 57. Myron Chamberlin' Foster (Simeon B.', Danieb, Daniel', Asa*) b. in C, 6 Feb., 1829; m. Lucmda M. Pear; she d. 20 Dec, 1897. He was a farmer and was prominently identified ¦with the Free'wUl Baptist Church for many years, holding the office of Dea. Res., C, where he d. 5 July, 1911. Children, b. in C: i. Lizzie V.», b. 7 Dec, 1855; d. 25 May, 1877, unm. 70. u. George Taylor, b. 20 Dec, 1860. 71. iu. L-YMAN Beecher, b. 31 Oct., 1867. 58. William Harrison' Foster (Simeon B.', Danieb, Daniel', Asa*) b. in C, 7 June, 1836; m. and d. in Wilton. ChUdren; i. Ahce', m. Gregg of Goffstown. ii. John C. ih. Fannie P. 59. Alonzo' Foster (Simeon B.', Daniel', Danieb, Asa*) b. in C, 31 Jan., 1838; m. Sophia West, 7 March, 1866. In 1861 he settled at St. Charles, Minn. On 28 Sept., 1863, he enlisted as corporal, Co. A, 2d Regt. of Minn. Vol. Inf., and served to the end of the war, receiving his dis charge as first sergeant at LouisvUle, Ky., on 11 July, 1866. He par ticipated in the battles of MUl Springs, Shiloh, Kenesaw Moimtain, Chickamauga, Missionary Ridge and several of the engagements in the Atlanta campaign. Mr. Foster was one of the six men of his company whose names were placed on the military roU of honor. From early youth he took an active interest in politics. At the close of the war he returned to Minn., and settled on a farm in Elmira, where his death occurred 7 March, 1895. ChUdren: 72. i. Wesley Sherman', b. 3 March, 1872. u. Alta May, b. 16 Sept., 1874; d. unm. 5 June, 1899. 73. iu. Milton Lyman, b. 18 Dec, 1876. iv. Fenton Judson, b. 24 June, 1878. GENEALOGIES. 151 60. Dr. Jeremiah Clough' Foster (Jonathan B.; Jeremiah; Daniel; Asa*) b. in C, 19 Oct., 1840; m. 25 Dec, 1864, Nelhe M. Bennett, of Newport; d. 26 Dec, 1873; m. second, Shrewsbury, Mass., 26 Feb., 1875, Henrietta Brown, b. Worcester, Mass., 16 Aug., 1851. Dr. Foster graduated from Bowdoin CoUege and studied medicine. At the breaking out of the Civil war, being two years in college, he enhsted in the 2d U. S. Ber- dan's Sharpshooters and served nearly four years. He was severely wounded in the second Battle of Bull Run. His army experience was primarily the cause of his death. After the war he returned to coUege. In referring to his death, the Barre, Mass., paper says; "Dr. Foster was skiUful and successful in his profession. During the Rebelhon he was an assistant surgeon in the army. His death brought sorrow to many homes, where he was loved, both as a physician and a friend. " He d. in Barre, Mass., 24 Sept., 1881, and was buried in Shrewsbury, Mass. Child: Nelhe Cora', b. 23 March, 1866; school teacher; m. in Newport, W. E. Whipple. Res., Portland, Me. 61. Moses Augustus' Foster (Jonathan B.; Jeremiah; Daniel; Asa*) b. m C, 23 Oct., 1843; m. there 21 Oct., 1868, Ruth A. Richardson, b. in Corinth, Vt., 24 Aug., 1848; d. 1 Aug., 1908, in Leominster, Mass. She was a dau. of Rev. George W. and Laura (Merrill) Richardson. He is a farmer and breeder of blooded stock. When the Ci-vil war broke out Mr. Foster had a strong desire to enlist, and took measures to do so, but as his only brother had aheady gone to the front, his parents prevailed upon him to remain at home, which he did with great reluctance. Later, however, he served for a short time as a nurse in an army hos pital, leaving the service only a few days before it was captured by the rebels. He was very successful in his farming pursuits, and produced some exceUent specimens of blooded horses, being awarded first premium at the N. E. and N. H. State Fairs. The C. town fairs, of which he was an official, also received his hearty support and cooperation. He served his town as selectman, although he never aspired to pohtical honors. Children, b. in C: 74. i. Charles Thomas', b. 22 July, 1869; m. Eva Gertrude HUl. 75. u. Jonathan Bradley, b. 6 Sept., 1871. 76. iu. George Richardson, b. 18 AprU, 1874; m. Maude Marion Perry. iv. Laura Merrill, school teacher; b. 29 Sept., 1875; m. 6 Sept., 1897, Herbert M. Federhen, Jr.; lawyer. Res., Quincy and Boston, Mass. ChUd; Herbert M." Federhen, 3d, b. 21 July, 1898. 62. Henry L.' Foster (Franklin'', David; David', Asa*) b. in Boston, Mass., 26 Sept., 1836; m. in Buda, IU., 14 Oct., 1866, Sarah C. Weston, b. 6 March, 1843, d. 27 June, 1897; is a farmer. Res., Buda, IU. Chil dren; i. Harriet W. », b. m Buda, IU., 27 Aug., 1868. ii. Arthur K., b. Buda, IU., 20 Aug., 1872; m. 16 Dec, 1897. Res., Buda, IU. ih. Al bert W., b. Buda, IU., 26 June, 1874. 63. Joseph A.' Foster (Joseph; David', David; Asa*) b. in Buda, IU., 10 Feb., 1847; m. 18 July, 1870, Cora E. Whiting, b. 16 July, 1854. B. near Buda, Bureau County, IU. He enhsted at age of 17 in U. S. Vol. serv- 152 HISTORY OF CANTERBURY. ice but was not accepted. In 1873 he moved to Marquette, Kan., where he is a dmggist. He was postmaster for twelve years. Chil dren: i. Fred M.», b. 22 Sept., 1874. u. Maud E., b. 28 Feb., 1876. ui. Mabel C, b. 6 Oct., 1877. iv. Inez L., b. 20 Oct., 1879. v. Leo A., b. 4 Jan., 1882. vi. Eddy M., b. 25 May, 1887. vii. Joseph H., b. 7 Aug., 1890. vih. Ruth, b. 1 July, 1893. 64. Maitland P.' Foster (Henry; David', David', Asa*) b. 28 Oct., 1862; m. Mabel Whitney of MUford, Mass., 16 May, 1889. He is editor and pubhsher of the Berkshire Courier. Res., Great Barrington, Mass. ChUdren: i. Paul Whitney, b. 19 AprU, 1893. u. Karl Maitland, b. 18 April, 1896. 65. James Caleb' Foster (Ammi R.; John', Jonathan', Asa*) b. in New York City, 6 May, 1847; m. m Lincoln, Neb., 26 July, 1875, Sophia Smith, b. 26 July, 1858. He is a mining expert. Res., Durango, Col. Children: i. George Lancaster', b. 16 May, 1876. u. Edward Horatio, b. 10 Nov., 1877. ui. Clara Ameha, b. 17 Sept., 1879. iv. Finette Augusta, b. 27 Jan., 1881. v. Clarence Leroy, b. 18 Dec, 1882. -vi. Albert, b. 29 Oct., 1888. vu. Frank, b. 6 Sept., 1891. viu. Henry, b. 28 Sept., 1884; d. 18 June, 1885. ix. Jacob, b. 10 Aug., 1890; d. 17 Aug., 1890. 66. Edward Horatio' Foster (AmmiR.; John', Jonathan', Asa*) b. in New ark, N. J., 4 Dec, 1848; m. Mont Vernon, 26 Nov., 1874, Addie Frances Jenkins, b. 10 July, 1853, d. 26 Sept., 1897; he is a farmer. Res., Grove- land, Mass. Children; i. Ildagerte May, b. 4 Feb., 1876. h. Henry James, b. 3 Feb., 1878. hi. Bessie Ahce, b. 28 Jan., 1880. iv. Nelhe Augusta, b. 9 March, 1883. Res., St. Louis, Mo. v. MabeUe EUa, b. 23 July, 1886. vi. Florence Ethel, b. 28 Dec, 1890. 67. Charles Addison' Foster (Joseph A.', Daniel K.; Danieb, Daniel', Asa*) b. in Loudon, 5 Oct., 1854; m. LueUa J. Taylor, 22 June, 1872. Resides in Manchester. Children: 77. i. Fred Addison", b. 19 Jan., 1876; m. Grace B. Woodbury. h. Clara Kenney, b. 17 May, 1878; m. 14 April, 1897, John Wilfred Ferrier, b. 15 Aug., 1870. ChUd: Raymond Wilfred", b. 24 Dec, 1898. 68. John Wheeler' Foster (Daniel K.', Daniel K.; Danieb, Danieb, Asa*) b. 16 AprU, 1872, in Pittsfield; m. Anna Eastman Field of Chelsea, Mass., on 15 July, 1908, b. 8 Dec, 1874. He is a lawyer and resides in Madi son, Me. 69. Stephen Perkins' Foster (Rinaldo B.; Daniel K.', Daniel', Danieb, Asa*), wheelwright, b. in Loudon, 21 Dec, 1868; m. Mrs. Georgia BeUe Clough of Concord, nie Colby, 12 Dec, 1896. Child: Deane Kitt redge", b. 3 Sept., 1900. 70. George Taylor' Foster (Myron C; Simeon B.', Danieb, Danieb, Asa*) b. in C, 20 Dec, 1860; m. Ahce E. Morrison of Ashland. Merchant in Contoocook. Children: i. Harold Edward", b. 30 March, 1896. u. Arthur Myon, b. 21 March, 1910. GENEALOGIES. 153 71. Lyman Beecher' Foster (Myron C.', Simeon B.', Danieb, Danieb, Asa*) b. in C, 31 Oct., 1867; m. Annibec Proctor Wyman of Concord. Res., Fannington, where he is engaged in the grocery business. 72. Wesley Sherman' Foster (Alonzo', Simeon B.', Daniel', Danieb, Asa*) b. in Elmira, Olmsted County, Minn., 3 March, 1872; m. 21 Oct., 1899, to Halesia Sperry. He is a la-wyer in Milaca, Minn., and a director and -vice-president of Mille Lacs Investment and Improvement Co. ChUdren: i. Imogen", b. 17 March, 1906. u. Eleanor, b. 9 Dec, 1907. 73. Milton Lyman» Foster (Alonzo; Simeon B.', Daniel', Daniel; Asa*) b. in Elnura, Ohnsted County, Minn., 18 Dec, 1876; m. 28 June, 1903, to May Sandrock. He d. 24 July, 1907. Resided in Minnesota. Children: i. Madge Arietta", b. 7 Aug., 1904. u. EUery Alonzo, b. 3 Aug., 1905. ui. Reguiald, b. 17 Feb., 1907. 74. Charles Thomas' Foster (Afoses A.; Jonathan B.', Jeremiah; Daniel; Asa*) b. in C, 22 July, 1869; m. m Tilton, 25 Oct., 1893, Eva Gertrude HiU, b. 8 Aug., 1869. He and his wife were graduated from Tilton Seminary in 1889, where she was valedictorian of her class. After serving several years in the Leominster National Bank, which was preceded by a commercial school training in Boston, he turned his atten tion to real estate, in connection -with which he has developed a large poultry and fruit farm and has been highly successful, having a capacity of keeping about four thousand head of poultry. He has served his town as selectman and is a highly regarded citizen of Leominster, Mass. ¦ Children; i. Malcolm HUl", b. 28 July, 1894. h. Gordon Chase, b. 21 Feb., 1896. 75. Jonathan Bradley' Foster (Moses A.', Jonathan B.', Jeremiah', Dan ieb, Asa*) b. in C, 6 Sept., 1871; m. 14 June, 1893, Quincy, Mass., Fan nie Warren Osborne, b. 22 Aug., 1869, d. 8 May, 1904; m. second, Welthy A. Wolcott, 6 July, 1906. After attending Tilton Seminary he learned the trade of a tinsmith, and worked in Concord, Mount Airy, Md., Boston and Quincy, Mass. Ha-ving a strong attachment for his native town, however, he returned to C. in 1896, and later purchased his fath er's farm in Hackleborough school district, where he now resides. He has served his town as selectman and is one of only a few of the young men of his generation to reside in C, and do his share in maintaining and promoting the town's wehare and progress. Children; i. Kenneth Richardson", b. 5 Feb., 1896, in Quincy, Mass. u. Warren Bradley, b. 5 Feb., 1896, in Quincy, Mass. hi. Moses Augustus, b. 7 March, 1907, inC. 76. George Richardson' Foster (Moses A.', Jonathan B.', Jeremiah', Daniel; Asa*) b. in C, 18 April, 1874; m. 12 June, 1895, Maude Marion Perry of Milford, Mass. He is an accountant and was employed by Draper Co. of Hopedale, Mass., from Feb., 1896, to 11 Dec, 1909, when he resigned to accept a similar position with the Dennison Mfg. Co. of South Framingham, Mass. He resides in Milford, Mass. His early 154 HISTORY OF CANTERBURY. education was acquired in the common schools, TUton Seminary and Bryant & Stratton Commercial School of Boston, Mass. 77. Fred Addison" Foster (Charles A.; Joseph A.', Daniel K.; Daniel', Daniel; Asa*) h. 19 Jan., 1875; m. 9 Oct., 1896, to Grace BeUe Wood bury, b. 17 March, 1875. Children; i. Roland Addison", b. 26 May, 1903. h. Argyle Kittredge, b. 26 Aug., 1904; d. 14 July, 1905. iu. Gladys Marion, b. 17 Feb., 1908. Note. — Frederick Clifton Pierce's book on the American Fosters published in 1899 by W. B. Conkey & Co., of Chicago, was largely used in compiling the genealogy of this family, and its great assistance is hereby acknowledged. FRAME. 1. James' Frame was b. 6 Sept., 1832, in Scotland; m. 1858, Jane, dau. of WUham Paterson, b. 1838, m Scotland; d. 31 Jan., 1910, at C. Mr. Frame came to C. in Dec, 1890, from Newport, R. I. ChUdren: 2. i. Roberts, b. 1859. 3. h Susan Hamilton, b. 1863; d. 1893. hi. Janet Pbttigrbw, b. 1865; resides with her father. iv. Jbanie, b. 1866; d. 1887. 2. Roberts Frame (James') b. 1869; m. 19 July, 1883, Mmnie F. Gale of C. (See Gale Gen.) He graduated from Dartmouth College, 1882. ChU dren, b. in Newport, R. I.: i. Edna Elizabeth', b. 9 Jan., 1887. u. James, b. 8 June, 1888. 3. Susan H.' Frame (James') b. 1863; m. 1888, George W. Hardy of Manches ter. Children, b. in Lynn, Mass.: i. Jeanie Frame', b. 1889. h. Frankhn E., b. 1891. FRENCH. 1. James' French settled in Jaffrey. He was on the committee to hire sol diers in 1781. He m. 1 Sept., 1760, Sarah Brooks. He moved to Rmdge in 1793. Children; 2. i. James', b. 6 June, 1761. h. Sarah, b. 21 Nov., 1766. ih. Elizabeth, b. 8 March, 1769. iv. Mary, b. 19 May, 1771. v. Burley. vi. Oli-ver. 2. Jamess French (James') b. 6 June, 1761, d. 1 Sept., 1822, in Boscawen. He was woimded at the Battle of Bunker HUl; m, first, 13 AprU,1781, Hannah, dau. of Jabez RusseU; m. second, Olive Sawyer, b. 8 Aug., 1783, in Dracut, Mass. Her parents were Dea. Francis and Tamar (Barker) Sa-wyer. She d. 17 Jan., 1875, in C. Mr. French moved from Rindge to Boscawen about 1812. Children by first marriage, b. m Rindge: i. Isaac L.', b. 22 June, 1782. h. Hannah, b. 6 Feb., 1783; d. in infancy, ih. Hannah, b. 24 June, 1784. iv. SaUy, b. 17 Feb., 1786. V. James, b. 3 Feb., 1788; d. in infancy, vi. James, b. 28 Feb., 1789. -vii. Jonathan Brooks, b. 2 Aug., 1791; d. 23 Jan., 1886. viu. GENEALOGIES. 155 Betsy, b. 13 May, 1793. ix. Edward J., b. 27 June, 1795. x. Nancy, b. 12 March, 1802. xi. Mahale, b. 26 May, 1804. Children by second marriage: xh. Francis Sa-wyer, b. 31 May, 1810, in Rindge. xhi. Olive, b. 1 Feb., 1812, in Boscawen; m. Stewart Noyes. (See Noyes Gen.) xiv. Asa Milton, b. 3 Oct., 1814, in Boscawen. 3. Francis Sa-wyer' French (James', James') b. 31 May, 1810, in Rindge; d. 4 April, 1870, in Boscawen, where he was a prominent citizen for many years, taking a vital interest in aU pubhc affairs; m. 10 Nov., 1835, Asenath, dau. of Aaron and Sarah (Griffin) Sa-wyer. Aaron Sa-wyer was a son of Dea. Francis Sawyer by his first -wife, Ehzabeth Richardson. Asenath was b. in Methuen, Mass., 10 Nov., 1810; d. in Plymouth, 27 March, 1905. Children, b. in Boscawen: i. Anna Maria', b. 2 May, 1838, graduated at Meriden Academy, 1857; m. 19 June, 1872, David Morrill Tenney, b. 3 Nov., 1825, in Groton. He was the son of Benjamin and Betsey (Taylor) Tenney, both b. in Hollis in 1781, but after marriage lived in Groton. David MorriU Tenney d. 29 Oct., 1910, in Plym outh. Mrs. Tenney still resides in Plymouth, mo-ving there from Groton in 1886. u. Emma, b. 6 May, 1844; d. 19 Aug., 1845. ih. Jambs Francis, b. 14 June, 1848; m. 15 Dec, 1876, in C, Sarah Ehzabeth, dau. of James M. and Eliza (Clough) Wiggin. (See Wiggin Gen.) Mr. French has been a resident of C. since 1878. 4. iv. Asa Milton, b. 14 March, 1850. V. Willie Aaron, b. 6 Dec, 1864, drowned in the Merrimack River, 17 July, 1870. 4. Asa Milton' French (Francis; James', James') b. 14 March, 1850, grad uated at Dartmouth CoUege, 1872. He is a civil engineer and lives in Corpus Christi, Texas; m. 26 Nov., 1890, Frances Mary, dau. of H. W. and Mary A. (Collins) Garrett of Rochester, Minn. ChUdren; i. Maud Anna', b. 23 Nov., 1891. h. Francis Garrett, b. 2 Nov., 1894. hi. Herbert Sawyer, b. 29 Aug., 1897. GALE. 1. Bartholomew' Gale came from England to Boston and was a ship wright. He had two sons, Jacob and Daniel, besides others. Jacob settled in Kingston and Daniel in Exeter. 2. Jacobs Gale, son of Bartholomew. 3. Daniel' Gale (Jacob; Bartholomew) b. 2 Sept., 1739, probably in King ston; m. 29 May, 1760, Patience Eastman, b. 14 Dec, 1734. He moved from Kingston to GUmanton in 1780. Daniel d. hi Nov., 1801, and his wife, Patience, in May, 1804. Children: i. Susan', u. Jacob, ih. Joseph, iv. Shuah, t-win, b. 28 March, 1767. 4. V. Daniel, twin, b. 28 March, 1767. -vi. Mary. vu. Stephen, -viu. Elizabeth. 4. Daniel' Gale (Danieb, Jacob; Bartholomew') b. 28 March, 1767; m. 5 Aug., 1790, DoUy, dau. of Dr. Wilham and Betsey (Batchelder) Smith, b. 17 Jan., 1764. Children: 156 HISTORY OF CANTERBURY. i, William'. h. Betsey, m. Lemuel Smith. ih. Susan, m. Francis Ayer. iv. Ebenezer, m.; two sons. Orison and Lyman. V. Dolly. ¦vi. Daniel, m. Mary Ellen : ¦vii. Robert Smith, m. Betsey Peaslee. Children: 1. George'. 2. Laura Ann. 3. Martha Jane. 5. -vui. Eliphalet, b. 16 Dec, 1806. 5. Eliphalet' Gale (Danieb, Danieb, Jacob') b. 16 Dec, 1806, in GUman ton; m. first, 28 Dec, 1836, Hannah, dau. of Stephen and Lois (Patten) Gale. She d. in Concord, 19 Aug., 1849; m. second, 26 June, 1860, Mary Jane, dau. of Jonathan and Margaret (Clark) MerriU, b. 2 May, 1823, in Methuen, Mass. Eliphalet moved from Concord to C. in 1856, and settled on the farm pre^viously occupied by Rev. WUham Patrick, where he d. 16 AprU, 1891. His wife, Mary Jane, d. in C. 28 June, 1906. Children by first marriage, b. in Concord: 6. i. Stephen Ed-win', b. 7 Jan., 1842. ii. Martha Anna, b. 20 Dec, 1844; d. young. 7. ih. Eliphalet Frank, b. 24 Feb., 1848. Children, by second marriage ; iv. Margaret Elizabeth, b. 16 May, 1861, in Concord; m. Alfred H. Brown. (See Bro"wn Gen.) 8. V. George Howard, b. 26 March, 1853, in Concord. ¦vi. William Clark, b. 6 March, 1865, in Concord; d. 20 April, 1866, inC. 9. -vii. Anna Gertrude, b. 23 Jan., 1868, in C. -viii. Minnie Frances, b. 9 Oct., 1860, in C; m. Robert Frame. (See Frame Gen.) ix. Sarah Angie, b. 27 July, 1863, in C, where she d. 26 April, 1865. X. Clarence Sidney, b. 18 April, 1865, in C. 10. xi. Bertha May, b. 16 May, 1869, in C. 6. Stephen Edwin' Gale (Eliphalet', Danieb, Danieb) b. 7 Jan., 1842; m. 3 Dec, 1871, in GUmanton, Clara, dau. of Zaccheus and Betsey A. (Parrish) Peaslee, b. 16 Aug., 1846, at GUmanton. Zaccheus Peaslee was b. Jan., 1812, and d. Jan., 1892. His -wife, Betsey, d. in May, 1882. Stephen Edwin d. 29 Jan., 1890, in C. Mrs. Gale later m. Ljrman H. Hajmes. (See Haynes Gen.) Child; i. Ethel Ida', b. 13 May, 1877, in C; m. Alexander W. MorriU. (See MorrUl Gen.) 7. Eliphalet Frank' Gale (Eliphalet', Daniel*, Daniel') b. 24 Feb., 1848, in Concord; m. Fannie Bennett of New Ipswich. Resides hi Aurora, 111. ChUdren: i. Jessie Clark', b. 2 July, 1874, in Concord, h. Chester Howard, b. 7 Dec, 1878, in C. ; m. 2 June, 1910, at Saratoga Springs, N. Y., Clara Adaline Adams. 8. George Howard' Gale (Eliphalet', Daniel*, Danieb) b. 26 March, 1853, m Concord; m. 17 Oct., 1900, m N. Y. City, Martha J., dau. of Carl F. and Elizabeth (Dolde) Fichtel, b. 30 June, 1872, m N. Y. City. Carl F. Fichtel was b. 20 July, 1829, in Niirtingen, Germany, d. 31 Dec, GENEALOGIES. 157 1897, in New York. Ehzabeth Dolde was b. in Niirtingen, Germany, and was dau. of John G. and Ehzabeth (Hafendorfer) Dolde. 9. Anna Gertrude' Gale (Eliphalet', Daniel; Danieb) b. 23 Jan., 1858; m. 10 July, 1886, in Concord, George M.' Clough (Joseph'', Joseph', Joseph', Reuben*, Joseph', John', John'), b. 28 May, 1863, in Warner. She d. 26 Feb., 1903, m Somer-viUe, Mass. ChUdren; i. Gertrude Geor- ganna' Clough, b. 29 Aug., 1889, in SomerviUe, Mass. ii. Portia Ehza beth Clough, b. 7 April, 1891, in Somer-ville. iii. Maurice Joseph Clough, b. 25 Sept., 1892, in Woburn, Mass. 10. Clarence Sidney' Gale (Eliphalet', Daniel*) b. 18 April, 1865, in C; m. 19 Oct., 1887, in C, LUlian M., dau. of Dan W. and Sarah A. (Batchel der) MorriU. (See MorrUl Gen.) Children: i. Philroy Clifton', b. 3 AprU, 1889, in C. h. Wilham Morrill, b. 27 March, 1891, in C. iu. Joseph MorriU, b. 29 May, 1895, in Concord, iv. Clarence Harlan, b. 1 April, 1898, m Concord, where he d. 11 Aug., 1899. 11. Bertha May' Gale (Eliphalet', Daniel*) b. 16 May, 1869; m. 8 June, 1890, in C, John O., son of Robert and Adaline (Duncklee) Houston, b. 6 AprU, 1858, in Bedford. Children, except i and ii, b. in Boscawen: i. Robert Merrill' Houston, b. 13 Nov., 1891, in C. ii. George Sidney Houston, b. 28 May, 1893, in Penacook. iu. Mary Genevra Houston, b. 5 Jan., 1896. iv. Margaret Louise Houston, b. 30 Sept., 1897. V. Bayard Gale Houston, b. 11 Sept., 1899. -vi. Dorothy Elizabeth Houston, b. 13 Dec, 1901. -vii. Theodore John Houston, b. 16 April, 1904. -viu. Frances Edna Houston, b. 26 June, 1906. GERRISH. 1. Captain William' Gerrish was b. 20 Aug., 1617, in Bristol, Somerset shire, Eng. The name Gerrish is of Prussian origin. Captain WUliam came to New England as early as 1639; settled in Newbury, now New buryport, Mass.; removed to Boston, Mass., 1678; m. twice, had eight children; at the semi-centennial anniversary meeting of the to-wn of Boston, 14 March, 1686, Captain Gerrish opened and closed the exer cises with prayer. He d. 9 Aug., 1687, at his son Benjamin's, in Salem, Mass. , 2. Colonel Moses' Gerrish (William') b. 9 May, 1656; m. 24 Sept., 1677, Jane, dau. of Rev. Henry SewaU and sister of Chief Justice SewaU of Mass. She was b. 25 Oct., 1669, in Badesly, Eng. ; d. 29 Jan., 1717. He d. 4 Dec, 1694. They resided in Newbury; had six children. 3. Colonel Joseph' Gerrish (Afoses', WiUiam') resided m Newbury, Mass.; was a member of the Colonial Legislature twenty years; m. Mary Little of Newbury; they had thirteen chUdren. 4. Captain Stephen' Gerrish (Joseph', Moses') b. 22 June, 1711, in New bury, Mass.; d. 1788, m Boscawen; m. first, Martha Chase, 1738; lived 158 HISTORY OF CANTERBURY. in C; m. second, Joanna Hale, 16 July, 1741, b. June, 1715, d. about 1792. She was a dau. of Samuel Hale of Newbury and sister of Richard Hale who was father of Capt. Nathan Hale, the marty spy in the Revo lution. Captain Gerrish had six children: Henry, Jane, Samuel, Enoch, Joseph and Stephen. 5. Samuel' Gerrish (Stephen*, Joseph', Moses', William') m. Lucy Noyes of Hebron, Jan., 1773, who d. in 1818, aged 66; he d. in 1824; settled first on High Street, Boscawen; moved to C, in 1776, his farm lying on the Merrimack River. Children: , i. Enoch", b. 1776; m. first, Judith Chandler of Concord, who d. at St. Armand, L. C, 1825; m. second, Martha Foster of C, who d. 1833. He d. in 1866. No children. 6. h. Joseph. in. Stephen, b. 1789; d. 1811. 6. Capt. Joseph' Gerrish (Samuel; Stephen*) hved on the Gerrish homestead in C; m. first, Sarah, dau. of Nathan Chandler of Concord, b. 20 March, 1780; d. 14 Nov., 1812; m. second, Sarah Church, b. 9 June, 1784; d. 2 Feb., 1854. Children by first marriage: i. Judith', b. 22 Feb., 1802; d. 1820. h. Lucy, b. 24 Jan., 1804; m. 1 June, 1826, Rev. Jacob Little of Bos cawen; she d. 5 Oct., 1834, at Granville, 0. hi. Mary, b. 14 April, 1807; m. 28 Sept., 1828, Rev. Henry Shedd, Leo minster, Mass., who went in 1825 as Home Missionary to Ohio. iv. Nathan b. 28 Oct., 1811; d. 1 June, 1825. Children by second marriage: V. John, b. 26 AprU, 1814; m. Rhoda B. Little, b. 7 or 9 Dec, 1816. vi. Sarah, b. 2 March, 1816; m. 22 March, 1843, Dr. James B. Abbott; d. 28 Nov., 1893, in Sanbomton. vii. Enoch, b. 16 Feb., 1818; m. Abigail CogsweU, b. Aug., 1822. He d. 30 March, 1858. vih. Susan, b. 1 Feb., 1820; m. 3 Feb., 1841, True O. Fernald. She d. 1892, in Manchester. He d. 8 July, 1897, in Manchester. ix. Charles, b. 1 March, 1822; m. 18 March, 1845, Olive Dimock of West Hartford, Vt., b. 28 Nov., 1818. He d. 12 Jan., 1903, at St. Charles, Mum. Children; 1. Alien' of St. Charles. 2. Ada, m. Dyer; resides m St. Charles. 3. Etta D., m. Dyer; resides in Rochester, Minn. 7. X. Judith, b. 21 May, 1824. xi. Newell, b. 23 Feb., 1826; m. 12 Oct., 1867, QuoUiobls Spotcanum. She d. 26 Nov., 1876, at Port Tovmsend. He d. about 6 Jan., 1893, in Victoria, B. C. 7. Judith' Gerrish (Joseph', Samueb, Stephen*) b. 21 May, 1824; m. 24 Nov., 1842, Famum Coffin, b. 16 March, 1813; d. 21 Sept., 1856, in Bos cawen. Children: i. John', b. 19 June, 1846; m. 21 March, 1872, Nelhe F. Sleeper, of Bristol; resided in Mason City, Iowa, tiU 1876. He d. 18 Nov 1905. ChUdren: 1. Laura', b. 26 March, 1873. 2. George Henry, b. 10 Dec, 1875. 3. Frank Joseph, b. 27 Dec, 1879. h. Clara, b. 18 Jan., 1850; d. 16 March, 1881. ih. Joseph, twm, b. 4 Feb., 1853; d. 6 June, 1858. GENEALOGIES. 159 iv. Henry, twin, b. 4 Feb., 1853; m. 1888, Loie Crosby of Hebron, Hed. Aug., 1907. Children: 1. Cora', m. Walter A. Morgan of Lu nenburg, Vt. One child. 2. Alice. 3. Charles Carlton. GIBSON. The Gibson* family is said to be of Enghsh origin. Two brothers, James and John, when Coming to this country, are said to have lost their father on the passage. A legend exists that one of these brothers m. the dau. of a nobleman, against the will of her parents, and that he was the father of Jeremiah Gibson, an early settler of C. The name appears as "Gipson" on a petition in 1768, which was signed by the oldest of the five brothers, who early gained possession of Lot No. 68, Second Division, Sanbomton, on which Union Bridge village now stands, and gave their original name, Gibson, to the falls below the bridge. Only the two oldest and youngest of these brothers can be traced to any extent. It is certain that their father did not settle in Sanbomton, though supposed at first to have been the "John" of 1768. Perhaps he was the "Jere miah'' of C. The five brothers were John, James, Jeremiah, Enoch, Thomas. Jeremiah, who lived near the south end of the lot where now Capt. Jacob Sanborn (Lakeman place in Sanbomton) hves, m. Eleanor Forrest and re moved with four chUdren quite early to Canada. Children b. but not m. in Sanbomton, were Robert, John, Judith, Comfort. Enoch was in Sanbomton with his brothers; unm., and also went to Canada. Thomas, the youngest, and the last who came to this region, located directly across the river on the GUmanton side, at Union Bridge, having pre-viously settled in C, and m. Jemima, dau. of Capt. James Shepard. Children: Abi gaU and Martha, both d. young; Enoch, Polly, Nancy, Elsey, Naaman, Jemima, Naomi, Royal. 1. James' Gibson settled in C, 1748. 2. James' Gibson (James') joined with Jeremiah Gibson, John Willey, hus band of Eleanor Gibson, and James Gibson, Jr., in setthng among them selves the estate of their "honored father and grandfather, James Gibson of C, deceased." Date of this paper is 17 Feb., 1798. Memorandum on back of another deed states that James Gibson d. 26 Feb., 1796. This may be the James Gibson who is foimd as a settler in C, in 1748. Mary Gibson d. 17 Feb., 1792. 3. Thomas' Gibson (James', James') b. 23 June, 1755; m. 15 Oct., 1778, Jemima, dau. of Capt. James Shepard of Revolutionary fame. He d. 3 Feb., 1813. She was b. 5 Nov., 1758; d. 18 March, 1832. Children; i. Abigail', b. 17 Feb., 1779; d. 29 Jan., 1799. h. Elsey, b. 22 March, 1780; m. Robert Smith of GUmanton; they had five sons and three daus. iu. Sarah, b. 25 Febi, 1781 ; d. 14 Jan., 1799. 4. iv. Enoch, b. 19 March, 1784. V. Nancy, b. 19 May, 1788; d. 20 March, 1821. 5. -vi. Jemima, b. 2 May, 1790. * History of Sanbomton. 160 HISTORY OF CANTERBURY. VU. Polly or Mary, b. 2 June, 1792; m. John Prescott of Gilmanton; resided m Lake ViUage, now Lakeport; d. 10 Nov., 1866, in Manchester. John and Polly Prescott had three sons and four daus. -vih. Naaman, b. 11 Aug., 1794, went to Stanbridge, Canada; m. 19 Feb., 1840, Phebe Tilton of C; d. 28 July, 1874. 6. ix. Naomi, b. 31 Aug., 1796. 7. X. Royal, b. 14 Sept., 1798. xi. John, b. 17 Sept., 1802; d. 26 Sept., 1825. 4. Enoch' Gibson (Thomas', James', James) b. 19 March, 1784; m. first, 10 Oct., 1810, Mary or Polly, dau. of Jeremiah and Jemima (Shepard) Gibson, b. 4 Sept., 1791. She d. 14 Sept., 1817. Enoch Gibson m. sec ond, Widow Nancy Clough, 15 Sept., 1819, a dau. of Col. David Mc Crillis. He d. in C. 30 Nov., 1861. Nancy Gibson d. 20 March, 1862. Children by first marriage: i. Thomas', b. 1 April, 1811, at Union Bridge, d. 28 April, 1833. 8. h. Caroline, b. 15 Oct., 1814. Children by second marriage: 9. hi. Enoch, b. 30 March, 1821. iv. Nbhbmiah, settled in Hamilton, Mo.; farmer; four sons. V. Polly, m. Moses R. Elkins of Lake ViUage and d. there. They were m. 4 July, 1850, at C. 5. Jemima' Gibson (Thomas; James', James') b. 2 May, 1790; m. Benjamin Swasey of Gilmanton; d. there 19 July, 1830. They had five sons and one dau., Mary, who m. Abel Baker Boyce. (See Boyce Gen.) 6. Naomi' Gibson (Thomas', James', James') b. 31 Aug., 1796; m. Da-vid' Lane of Sanbomton (David', John*, Joshua', William', William') 20 Nov., 1817, in C. Children: i, Da-vid' Lane, b. 11 July, 1819; m. 6 May, 1841, Roxana M. Ames of Lowell. Children, b. in Lowell; George Henry, Charlotte Ann, Da-vid Henry, Abbie Elizabeth, Mima (?) Sheppard. ii. Elsie Smith Lane, b. 10 Aug., 1821; m. 4 Sept., 1838, Samuel Tarson of Lowell. Children, b. in Lowell. Dorcas Isora', Frank Ernest, Fred Eugene, Mary EsteUe, Lettie Isabel, Minnie Frances and Flora Inez Tarson. hi. jBMiMASwASEYLANE,b. 19 Jan., 1827; m. Amos L.Whitney. Child: Inez Blanches Whitney. 7. Royal' Gibson (Thomas', James; James') b. 14 Sept., 1798; m. 17 Aug., 1825, Harriet' (Phineas; John) Thome of Concord, b. 22 April, 1801. Royal d. 10 Oct., 1875. Resided in Lind, Wis. Children; i. Hollis', b. 14 Dec, 1826. u. Charles, b. 3 April, 1833. ih. Lucia, b. 15 July, 1835. iv. Alice, b. 4 July, 1838. 8. Caroline' Gibson (Enoch*, Thomas') b. 15 Oct., 1814; m. first, 7 May, 1840, Samuel Tallant of C, who d. 1 April, 1846; m. second, 17 June, 1856, David MorriU Clough of C. (See Clough Gen.) One child by her first marriage: i. Mary TaUant, b. 10 Nov., 1842; d. 8 April, 1872. GENEALOGIES. 161 9. Enoch' Gibson (Enoch; Thomas') b. 30 March, 1821; m. 18 AprU, 1847, Nancy, dau. of Dea. John Clough. (See Clough Gen.) She d. in March, 1863. He d. 3 Feb., 1910, at Boscawen. ChUdren; i. Ellen Maria', b. 11 Oct., 1848; d. 18 Sept.; 1849. h. Frank Wilbur, b. 21 July, 1851, ate. OILMAN. 1. Charles Augustus' Oilman, son of Samuel' and Pamelia (Blanchard) GUman (see Blanchard Gen.) was b. 8 May, 1833; m. Celia Amanda Glover, who d. 25 AprU, 1891. He d. 18 Aug., 1869. Children; i. George', d. young. 2. ii. Frank Augustus, b. 29 April, 1864. 2. Frank Augustus' Oilman (Charles Augu.stus', Samueb) b. 29 AprU, 1864, in C; m. 18 Feb., 1887, in Tilton, Maude Webster, dau. of Lyman Augustus and Mary Ann (Bro-wn) Conant. (See Conant Gen.) Mr. GUman was a brick mason and contractor. He resided in TUton where he d. 18 April, 1909. Child: Mary Marguerite', b. 1 AprU, 1892. Graduate TUton Seminary, 1910; studying music in Boston Conserva tory. GLEASON. 1. Zebadiah William' Gleason was b. 1787; m. Mary, dau. of Ebenezer and Hannah Shattuck, who was a descendant of Jeremiah Shattuck, kiUed at the Battle of Bunker Hill. She was b. 1788 in Pepperell, Mass., d. 5 Sept., 1863. Mr. Gleason d. 17 Feb., 1864. 2. Henry S.' Gleason (Zebadiah W.') b. 26 July, 1820; m. 12 March, 1846, Lydia B., dau. of Jacob and Lydia (Emerson) Gale; d. 19 Oct., 1867. She d. 26 March, 1896. Lydia (Emerson) Gale was b. 25 Aug., 1783, in HaverhUl, Mass.; d. 14 Aug., 1873. She was a descendant of Hannah Dustin. 3. George H.' Gleason (Henry S.; Zedadiah W.') b. 7 Dec, 1846; m. 20 AprU, 1866, Martha A., dau. of John Chandler and Elizabeth S. (Sar gent) Gage. (See Sargent Gen.) She d. 4 July, 1880. He d. 20 Jan., 1907. He was in the CivU war, enlisting 7 Sept., 1864, in Co. A, 18th N. H. Vol. Inf. ; mustered out 10 June, 1865. ChUdren : 4. i. Frederick Gage', b. 14 July, 1867. u. Lillian Frances, b. 3 Oct., 1870; m. Wilham J. Moulton. (See Hutchins Gen.) iu. Hannah Elizabeth, b. 17 Jan., 1872; m. 6 Nov., 1907, in Boscawen, Glenn A. Hall. He had a dau., Leha, by his first marriage. iv. Katherine Estelle, b. 28 Feb., 1874; m. MerriU S. RandaU. (See Randall Gen.) V. George Henry, b. 21 Aug., 1876, in Boscawen; m. 11 June, 1902, in C, Harriet Emma, dau. of Albert F. and Mary EUa (Chase) Drew. (See Chase and Drew Gens.) She was b. 16 July, 1876, in Boston. Mr. Gleason came to C. about 1881. -vi. Arthur Chandler, b. 26 Dec, 1878; m. 1902, Mildred Davis. 12-11 162 HISTORY OF CANTERBURY. 4. Frederick Gage' Gleason (George H.', Henry S.; Zebadiah W.) b. 14 July, 1867, m Concord; m. 25 Aug., 1894, in Sioux City, Iowa, Ameha, dau. of Hermon Scheuttee; residence, Ida Grove, Iowa. Children: i. John C.', b. 26 Aug., 1896. h. Fannie Amelia, b. 19 Nov., 1896. iii. George Henry, b. 17 Aug., 1898. iv. Martha Hermenia, b. 26 Nov., 1900. V. Arthur Gage, b. 30 Aug., 1902. GLINES. Among the early land owners and settlers of C. were WUliam Glines, Jr., and John Glines. Whether they were brothers or any way related is not known. The Pro-vincial Registry of Deeds shows that John was in C. as early as 1736* and WUliam m 1761.t A WUham Glines, Jr., of Dover, was one of the proprietors and drew home lot No. 84, which he sold in 1731 to Samuel Adams of Dover.| A William Glines, Jr., was elected tithingman of C. in 1760 and constable in 1752. In 1731 WUham Glines, Sr., and Wilham Glines, Jr. sold land in Dover.§ 20 Sept., 1725, WiUiam and Elizabeth Glines conveyed land in Dover, "lying between Oyster River and Lampreel River. "II If WU liam Glines, Jr., the proprietor, settled in C, the genealogy is apparently as follows:1. William Glines who m. Ehzabeth . 2. William Glines, Jr., who m. HannahTT . From the latter descended WiUiam Glines, 3d, and WUham Glines, 4th, who are found on the tax lists of C. and Northfield. As John Glines has a son WUliam who resided in C, it is sometimes difficult to differentiate the various WUliam Glines of C, owing to the fact that there is meager record of the early births, marriages and deaths of this family. A John Glines of Dover was one of the proprietors of C. He m. Mary Bassford, 27 Nov., 1728** In 1731 he sold "one certain tract or parcel of land given me by the governor and council in the town of C.ff John Glines of Durham bought, in 1733, home lot No. 29 and lot 51 "in the second divi sion of rights. "tt The home lot, except the intervale, he sold as a resident of C. in 1739 to James Lindsey.M The same date he bought of James Lindsey home lot No. 63, and here he made his home untU his death. II II In 1753 he * Prov. Registry of Deeds, Vol. XXII, page 245. + Idem, Vol XVIII, page 294. t Idem, page 212. § Idem, page 133. II Idem, Vol. XX, page 447. IT Idem, Vol. CII, page 108. ** N. E. His. and Gen. Reg., Vol. XXXII, page 136. tt Prov. Regi.stry of Deeds, Vol. XVIII, page 472. tt Idem, Vol. XXXV, page 158. ^ Idem, Vol. XXV, page 203. III! Idem, Vol. XXX, page 311. GENEALOGIES. 163 bought a hundred acre lot in Contoocook.* John Glines d. in 1767. His will was dated 16 March, 1757, and admitted to probate 3 Aug., 1767. It was witnessed by John Gibson, Richard Blanchard and James Scales, and is as foUows; t In the name of God amen This 16 day of March 1757 I John Glines of Canterbury in the pro-vince of N. H. in N. E. husbandman, ha-ving inhsted myself in his Majesty's service to go against his Majesty's enemies & not kno-wing whether I shall return to my family again, considering also the mor- tahty of my body that it is appointed unto all men once to dye, being now in perfect mind and memory. Thanks be given to God for it, I do make and ordain this my last wiU and testament, that is to say, Principally and first of aU I recommend my soul into the hands of God who gave it & my body I recommend to the earth to be buried in decent Christian burial at the discretion of my executors (if the circumstances of my death will admit it) nothing doubting but at the general resurrection I shaU receive the same again by the mighty power of God. And as touching such worldly estate where^with it has pleased God to bless me in this hfe I give demise and dispose of the same in the follow ing maimer & form. I give and bequeath to my dearly beloved ¦wife, Mary, (if she outhves me) the use and irnprovement of all my home place so long as she shall be and re main my widow, and also the use of all my creatures & tools for farming as well as aU the household stuff which household stuff she shall have the use of dur ing her natural life. Item. To my beloved daughter Ann I give & bequeath what she has already had of creatures & the keeping of them for several years past which is also the portion I give her out of my estate except as hereafter specified. Item To my beloved son Israel I give and bequeath my hundred acre lot which he already has a deed of which is all that I can give him out of my estate except as hereafter specified. Item To my beloved son John I give & bequeath (besides a pair of steers which he has already had) all that I own in the intervale which lies between Canterbury to-wnship and Merrimack river and also all that I own in the Pine Plain which hes between the said intervale & the hne of Canterbury township and also one half of an hundred acre lot in Contoocook which I bought of Thomas Eastman. Item To my beloved sons William & Richard I give and bequeath all of my home place when their mother is done with it to be equally divided between them except that they are to pay out of it £200 old tenor to their youngest sisters, Mary & Elizabeth when they shall come to the age of 21 years. Item To my beloved son James I give & bequeath one half of my hundred acre lot at Contoocook above mentioned. Item I give & bequeath to my beloved son Nathaniel aU the present undi-vided land belonging to the original right of Samuel Smith Jr. except that he is to pay out of it £40 old tenor to his two younger sisters Mary & Elizabeth when they shall come to the age of 21 years as aforesaid. Item To my beloved daughters Mary & Elizabeth I give & bequeath to each of them £120 in biUs of credit of the old tenor to be paid to them by their brothers WUliam, Richard & Nathaniel when they the said daughters come to the age of 21 years, That is by William & Richard to each of them 100 & by Nathaniel to each of them 20. Moreover my original right (what is stUl my own of it) I give and bequeath to be equaUy divided among all my children. And also what stock of creatures I leave at my decease to be divided in hke manner — My tools for farming I bequeath to be equally divided among my sons & household stuff to be equally di-vided among my daughters when their mother has done with them all. • Prov. Registry of Deeds, Vol LXI, page 147. + Prov. Probate Records. 164 HISTORY OF CANTERBURY. Lastly I do constitute and ordain my beloved sons WiUiam & Richard to be jointly the executors of this my last -will & testament ratifsdng and confirming this & no other to be my last wUl & testament. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal the day & year above written. his John X Glines mark There is little information aside from this -will to be obtained of the imme diate descendants of John Glines. Such e-vidence as there is -will be found in the inventories and tax lists of C. and in the records of conveyances of prop erty.* It is probable that all of his chUdren are named by the testator in his will and that they are mentioned in the order of their ages, beginning ¦with the eldest. The date of birth of only one is known, Nathaniel, who according to the records of the town was b. in Dec, 1744. Such information as is available from the sources named is here given. 1. John' Glines, b. probably in Dover; m. 27 Nov., 1728, Mary Bassford by Rev. Hugh Adams in Oyster River Parish, Durham. f He d. some time between 16 March, 1757, date of his wUl, and 3 Aug:, 1767, when it was admitted to probate. His wife probably d. soon after.J Children; i. Anns, probably b. 1730, in Durham. ii. Israel, probably b. 1731, in Durham. Not found on tax hsts after 1762. Was a trapper and hunter and may have settled about Meredith. iii. John, probably b. 1732, in Durham. He appears in deeds as a resident of C. until 1770, and one of that name is given in the tax lists as late as 1780. In the U. S. Census of 1790 a John Glines appears as a resident of Northfield. In a deed dated 26 June, 1762, John and AbigaU Glines convey home lot 63, the homestead of his father, to Samuel Moore. § 2. iv. William, b. in C, probably 1736. V. Richard, b. in C, probably 1738. Found on tax lists from 1762 to 1785. -vi. Mary, b. in C, probably 1739. -vu. Elizabeth, b. in C., probably 1740. -viii. James, b. in C, probably 1741. Revolutionary soldier and bore after the war the title of Lieutenant. On tax lists from 1762 to 1785. ix. Nathaniel, b. in C, Dec, 1744; m. 23 Sept., 1764, Ehzabeth, dau. of Wilham Moore of C. (See Moore Gen.) 2. Williams Glines (Johw) b. m C, 1736; m. Elizabeth Blanchard, b. 1743. She d. 9 May, 1830. He d. 28 March, 1830, aged 92. ChUdren, b. in C: i. Benjamin', b. 13 March, 1764; m. 18 Sept., 1787, Love Lea-vitt, b. 26 May, 1768. He d. at Plattsburg, N. Y., 1813; she, 20 March, 1848. Nine children. u. John, b. 1766; m. Susan McDaniel, b. 1767. He d. 13 Aug., 1825. She d. 19 Dec, 1804. ChUd; McDaniel' Ghnes, b. 20 June, 1803. ' * Prov. Registry of Deeds. t N. E. His. and Gen. Reg., Vol. XXXII, page 136. t Prov. Registry of Deeds, Vol. LXI, page 145. § Idem, Vol. LXXV, page 62. GENEALOGIES. 165 3. iu. Job, b. 1769. iv. Martha (Patty), m. (published 16 Feb., 1804) Nehemiah McDaniel and had three children. V. AzuBA, m. (pubhshed 16 Feb., 1804) John Hannaford of Northfield. Children, son and dau. -vi. Jonathan, m. Fannie Calef and had seven children. ¦vii. Abraham, b. 1771; m. first, — — ¦ — and had five children; m. second, Mrs. Presby. He d. at Northfield, 26 Dec, 1856. ¦vui. Isaac, b. 1778; m. first, 26 Feb., 1806, Nabby McDaniel of North- field and had five children; m. second, Mrs. Polly Wadleigh Fullonton, b. in Northfield, 27 Nov., 1790. He d. 9 June, 1861. She d. 28 March, 1872. By his second wife he had eight chil dren, of whom Smith W.' was the seventh. He m. Sarah Jane, dau. of George Brown of C, b. in C. 16 Dec, 1834. Children b. m Northfield: (1) G. Fred', b. 24 Oct., 1862. (2) Frank A., b. 14 April, 1864; d. 16 July, 1888. (3) jVlabel W., b. 2 Sept. 1869; m. 6 June, 1902, Wilham C. HUl. (4) John W., b. 29, March, 1872. S. JoB» Glines (William', Johw) b. in C. 1769; m. Mary Dearborn of North- field. He d. 1 Oct., 1832. She d. 19 Sept., 1846, aged 72. ChUdren: i. Elizabeth', b. 18 Oct., 1794; d. 31 Dec, 1819. n. Sally, b. 15 March, 1797; m. 5 Sept., 1823, Edward Presby. She d. 25 March, 1871. He d. 1 AprU, 1860. iu. Shubael, b. 30 Dec, 1798; m. 2 Dec, 1838, Polly, dau. of Benjamin Ghnes. He d. 19 Dec, 1878; she d. 22 Jan., 1899. They had four children. iv. Nancy, b. 23 Dec, 1801; m. Jacob, son of Abraham Glines. She d. 29 May, 1834. V. Mary, b. 18 March, 1804; m. 1830, McDaniel, son of John Ghnes. One chUd, a dau. She d. 13 June, 1880. vi. Harriet, b. 22 Aug., 1806; d. at Boscawen, unm., 5 March, 1883. ¦vii. James, b. 5 July, 1809; m. 30 Nov., 1843, AbigaU Chapman of Gil manton. They had five daus. and one son. He d. 10 Oct., 1890. -viu. Dearborn, b. 16 Oct., 1812; m. 11 June, 1846, Ehza Jane Plummer. He d. 4 March, 1883; she d. 2 Sept., 1877. ix. Alvah H., b. 25 March, 1816; m. (published 17 Nov., 1848) Sarah Fhnt of Boscawen. He d. at C, 23 Nov., 1861. 4. X. Charles, b. 24 May, 1820. 4. Charles' Glines (Job', William; John') b. 24 May, 1820, in Northfield; m. 12 Oct., 1853, Mary Ann, dau. of Charles Abbot and Eunice (Lake) Morse of C. (See Morse Gen.) He d. 20 Oct., 1902. She d. 4 March, 1899. Children: i. Ellen E.', b. 30 July, 1854; d. 12 March, 1863. u. Harriet, b. 6 June, 1856; d. 7 Sept., 1858. iu. Clara Evelyn, b. 6 Feb., 1869; d. 26 April, 1863. iv. Charles A., b. Aug., 1861; d. 26 March, 1863. V. Fred P., b. 14 Sept., 1864; d. 8 Nov., 1875. 5. -vi. Leroy Arthur, b. 10 Aug., 1867. 5. Leroy Arthur' Glines (Charles*, Job; William; Johw) b. 10 Aug., 1867; m. 9 Oct., 1900, Jessie Permelia, dau. of Edgerton and EUen F. Raymond of Boscawen. She was b. 13 Aug., 1870. ChUdren, b. m C. ; i. Raymond', b. 3 Oct., 1901. ii. Mary Eunice, b. 4 Dec, 1903. hi. Edna Frances, b. 11 June, 1908. 166 HISTORY OF CANTERBURY. GLOVER. Glover is an ancient name in England, and from what has been gathered of its origin is indisputably Saxon. In some of the oldest counties, as Warwick shire and Kent, it was, at a very ancient date, -written Golofre, then Glove, and in the middle of the fourteenth century it was -written as it now is, Glover. FamUies of Glover of the Christian names of William and John were recorded in Buckinghamshire, Berkshire, and War-wickshire about the middle of the fourteenth century. A WUliam Glover had a coat of arms granted him in 1602. It is said to be the same which Fuller finds recorded in the "Worthies of Middlesex," granted to William Glover, sheriff, at an earlier date. The Arms granted to William Glover of London, "Arg. a Chev. Erminie bet-wixt three cross, Crosslets" were bestowed by Queen Elizabeth one year before his death. He was buried in London, Colman Street ward. A fair monument in Chancel is erected to his memory. The names of John, WUliam, Robert, Thomas, Richard and Henry are among the earliest Christian names of Glover that have been noticed by -writers. These names have been perpetuated and have descended, like their estates, through many generations, both in Old and New England. Many of them settled in Dorchester and some are buried there, where the inscriptions on the old headstones are still to be seen. Many of them were soldiers, some of them were stationed at Castle William, Boston harbor, from 1741 to 1763. Several of them served in the French and Indian war, and many of them in the Rev olutionary war. Three of them in the War of 1812 and a large number of them served in the Civil war. Many of the Glovers were college graduates and became physicians, la-wyers, clergymen and merchants. 1. John' Glover was b. in Eng. When his older brothers came to America, he stayed with his father and carried on the business. They were architects. 2. Johns Glo-ver, the eldest son of John', came to America about 150 years ago, and was residmg in C. when the first census was taken in 1790. He then had three sons. 3. John' Glo-ver m. AbigaU Foss. ChUdren: i. John Bban', d. in Northfield. 4. ii. Joseph Clough, b. Feb., 1819. 4. Joseph Clough' Glover (Johw, John; John') b. Feb., 1819; m. Miriam Libby. He passed nearly aU his life in C, he and his wife hving in the same house about sixty years. She d. 4 Oct., 1898; he, 30 Jan., 1907. The Glover homestead is now owned by a grandson, John' Scales. Children: i. Nancy Ann; b. 26 Jan., 1845; m. Joseph W. Scales; d. 5 Sept., 1893, mC. (See Scales Gen.) 5. ii. John. iii. Sarah, d. in C; unm. 5. John' Glover (John; John') m. Asenath WiUey, b. 1 Aug., 1849" d 6 Aug., 1900. Children: GENEALOGIES. 167 i. Joseph Willey', b. in Concord, 27 Oct., 1875; m. SteUa Forsaith, 16 Sept., 1909. Child: Bertina Gladys', b. 20 July, 1910, in Penacook. u. LiNA May, b. in Concord, 3 Feb., 1877. iu. Harley, b. m Concord, 13 Dec, 1882. He is in the United States naval service, on the cruiser Wilmington, and is now in China. GLOVER. Ebenezer Glover m. 23 March, 1806, Love, dau. of Robert and (Bean) Foss, b. 6 AprU, 1781, in northern N. H. When an infant her parents removed to Northfield. Her father was a Revolutionary soldier; he d. in Northfield. In 1862 she came to C. where she reinained tUl her death, 9 AprU, 1886. Mr. Glover d. about 1841. Of their seven children, Ebenezer, their only son, did not marry. Polly m. Wilham Avery. (See Avery Gen.) Betsey m. Tristram' Dearbom, b. 24 Dec, 1809, in Northfield, the son of Daniel' and Jane (Blanchard) Dearbom. ChUdren of Tristram and Betsey (Glover) Dearborn; i. John', b. 8 May, 1832; m. about 1854 Emily, dau. of WUliam H. and Rebecca H. (CrandaU) Blake of West Thornton. WUliam H. was a son of Isaac Blake. Mr. Dearborn was killed 24 Dec, 1860, at Weh-s while in the service of the B. & M. R. R. Child ; May F.', b. 1 May, 1856, in C. h. Robert, m. Carrie Brown of Penacook. One dau. hi. Cynthia, m. first, Joseph McDaniel (see McDaniel Gen.); second, Eben Avery. (See Avery Gen.) GOVE. George F. Gove was b. 27 April, 1854, in Deering; m. 13 June, 1894, in T^trim, Minnie V., dau. of Ira Holmes, b. 4 Aug., 1865, in Antrim. Mr. Gove moved from HiUsboro to C. in 1906. Children : i. Una H.', b. 27 Sept., 1895. h. Winfield H., b. 20 Oct., 1898. hi. Ira N., b. 26 Sept., 1901. GREENOUGH. 1. Ebenezers Greenough, son of Symonds' and Abigail (Chadwick) Green ough, was b. in HaverhUl, Mass., 18 Feb., 1753; m. Mary, dau. of Rev. Ebenezer Flagg; d. in Chester, 15 Dec, 1827. He was a Revolutionary soldier and moved to C. in 1790. Children: 2. i. John', b. 6 April, 1780, in HaverhUl, Mass. u. Polly, b. 16 Nov., 1781, in HaverhiU; m. Joseph GUe of Northfield 29 Nov., 1807. iu. Ebbnezer, b. 11 Dec, 1783, in Haverhill, Mass.; m. AbigaU Israel, graduated Harvard College, read law, practiced in Pennsylvania, where he became a leader of the bar; d. 1847. iv. William, b. 4 Jan., 1786, in HaverhUl, Mass. ; d. young. 3. V. Richard, b. 1 Sept., 1786, in HaverhiU, Mass. -vi. William, b. 4 Dec, 1788, in HaverhiU, Mass. ; d. young. -vii. Jambs, b. 27 March, 1790, in C; m. Mrs. Gerrish, remained on his father's farm and d. there 20 April, 1853. No chUdren. 168 HISTORY OF CANTERBURY. ¦viii. William, b. 17 Dec, 1791, in C. ; d. young. ix. Elizabeth, b. Nov., 1796, in C; m. Robert Cary of Haverhill, Mass. She d. 1888. X. Abigail, b. in C; m. Jacob Da^vidson, M. D., of 111. One chUd, a dau. xi. Caleb, b. in C, d. at Winnsboro, S. C, unm., July, 1825. xh. Catherine, b. in C, d. unm., 23 Sept., 1846, in Northfield. 2. John' Greenough, b. 6 April, 1780, in HaverhUl, Mass., and accompanied his father to C, was in business there with him and later moved to Boscawen. He m. first, Nancy, dau. of Rev. Abiel Foster of C. in 1803. She d. 28 March, 1819; m. second, Mary, dau. of Samuel Bridge of Billerica, Mass., in 1820. He d. 3 Sept., 1862. ChUdren by first ¦wife: i. Mary', b. 1 July, 1804, in C; m. Dea. Nehemiah Cogswell of Bos cawen; d. in 1897. ii. Frederick William, b. 2 April, 1808, in C; m. EmUy Kingsman of Pembroke, 4 Nov., 1846; settled in Ohio. One child, a son. in. Elbridge Flagg, b. Feb., 1808, in C. ; m. Ehzabeth R., dau. of Moses Eastman of Salisbury, 18 June, 1846; d. 31 May, 1875. iv. Henry, b. Aug., 1812, in Boscawen; d. 9 May, 1817. V. John Bridge, b. 8 Feb., 1816, in Boscawen; m. Susan HaU, adopted dau. of Dea. WUham Temple, May, 1847; d. 17 Jan., 1864. ¦vi. Samuel F., b. 22 March, 1819, in Boscawen; d. in infancy. ChUdren by second wife, b. in Boscawen: ¦vu. Ellen Noyes, b. 9 Aug., 1821; m. Rev. D. R. Brewer, June, 1845; d. 2 April, 1852. viu. Ann Foster, b. 19 July, 1823; m. John W. Sullivan of Boston, 18 Nov., 1863; d. 3 May, 1901, in Kearney, Neb. ix. Lucia Maria, b. 11 Oct., 1826; m. Charies W. Webster of Boston, 5 Jan., 1853. They later settled in Boscawen on the home stead of his father, Worcester Webster, which was at one time the residence of Ezekiel Webster. He d. 17 May, 1891. ChUd: 1. Edward, b. 18 Oct., 1860, in that part of Boston formerly Dorchester; m. 16 July, 1892, Annie Mae, dau. of Edward Osgood of C. X. Henry Pollard, b. 16 Dec, 1831; d. 13 Dec, 1852. 3. Richard' Greenough, b. 1 Sept., 1786, in HaverhiU, Mass., m. first, Sarah, dau. of Obadiah Clough of C. (See Clough Gen.) She d. 13 Jan., 1819; m. second, Sarah, dau. of Jonathan Clough of Loudon, 20 Feb., 1821. She d. 25 Oct., 1843, aged 47. He d. 11 NoV., 1843. Children by first marriage: i. Sylvester', b. 25 Aug., 1810. Went west. u. Joseph Clough, b. 21 Sept., 1812; m. and had two children; resided in Chichester. hi. Sarah Caroline, b. 19 Oct., 1815; m. and went west. iv. Lurana C, b. 6 Oct., 1817; m. 28 May, 1844, Lorenzo D. Brown of Concord. Children: three sons, Frank, Charles, Edwin. ChUdren by second marriage; V. Charles, d. in California, unm. vi. Jonathan, m. Carohne Smart of Rumney. He d 16 Jan 1896" she 3 March 1900 Children b. in C; 1. Charies Richard'.' 2. Henry W., b. 29 Apnl, 1869. 3. Louis P. E., b. 5 Jan., 1869 GENEALOGIES. 169 GROVER. 1. Edmund' Grover and his wife, Dorcas MerrUl, lived on the "Windfall" in Northfield and were the parents of the following chUdren: i. Pollys, b. 30 Dec, 1795; d. 6 Oct., 1867. li. Roxanna, b. 3 April, 1803; m. Royal Scales. (See Scales Gen.) 2. m. Stephen, b. 9 Nov., 1804. 3. iv. Nancy, b. 20 Jan., 1807. V. Samuel, b. 14 Jan., 1809. -vi. Lydia, b. 6 April, 1812; d. 13 July, 1891. -vu. Sally, b. 10 Nov., 1813; d. 5 Sept., 1897. -viu. James, b. 19 Feb., 1816. 2. Stephens Grover (Edmund') b. 9 Nov., 1804; m. 5 Dec, 1827, in C, Mehitable, dau. of James and Mehitable (Berry) Lake of C, where she d. 26 Nov., 1890. He lived in C. in later life. ChUdren : 4. i. Andrew Ta-sxor', b. 19 Feb., 1828, in Northfield. u. Hannah, m. Baruch Cass. hi. Betsey, m. in C, 27 Aug., 1848, James M. McClintock. iv. Hattie. v. Jennie, -vi. Sarah. 3. Nancys Gro-vbr (Edmund') b. 20 Jan., 1807; m. 9 Feb., 1843, in C, Edvrin Grover Merrill, who d. 22 March, 1890, in C. Children.-^ i. Mary Grover' Merrill, b. 19 Nov., 1844, in C. ; m. Daniel Randall. (See RandaU Gen.) h. Abbie Merrill, m. Finch. Two children. 4. Andrew Ta-ylor' Gro-vbr (Stephen', Edmund') b. 19 Feb., 1828; m. first, Laura, dau. of Hiram and Judith (Arlin) Kimball. She d. 27 May, 1895, in C; m. second, 14 Oct., 1896, Nellie J. Logan, in C. He d. 31 Dec, 1908. Children by first marriage: 5. i. Oliver Benjamin', b. 31 May, 1861, in C. u. Woodbury, b. 13 July, 1855, in Northfield. 5. Oli-ver B.' Gro-ver (Andrew, Stephen', Edmund') b. 31 May, 1851; m. Amelia. Braley. Children: i. LiLLiE Belle', b. 30 Dec, 1868, in E. Concord; m. George M. Fletcher. (See Fletcher Gen.) u. Jennie Maude, b. 4 March, 1871, in Northfield; m. Fred Bisbee of Woods-ville, where she resides. iu. LiNNiB, b. 1 Feb., 1873, in Northfield; m. Sidney Home of Franklin. ChUdren; Percy, Tracy, and Guy Home. HACKETT. 1. William' Hackett is the earhest known ancestor of the Hacketts of N. E. During the latter part of his life he resided at Sahsbury, Mass., and was m. there 31 Jan., 1667, to Sarah Bamard. Their chUdren were Sarah, John, Ephraim, Wilham, Judah, Ebenezer and Katherine, all b. at Salisbury except John, who was b. at Amesbury, Mass. 2. Ebenezers Hackett (William') was the youngest son of Wilham and was b. 17 Oct., 1687. He m. Hannah, dau. of Jarvis Ring and they became the parents of twelve children. 170 HISTORY OF CANTERBURY. 3. Ephraim' Hackett (Ebenezer', William') was the eldest son of Ebenezer and Hannah (Ring) Hackett, and was b. in Salisbury 3 Oct., 1711. About 1749, with his wife and family of young chUdren, he made his way to C. He obtained an extensive tract of land and built a house not far from the spot selected for the new meeting house. He was a man of resources, and soon showed his fitness to lead in to-wn and parish affairs. He was several times elected moderator and selectman. He hved on his homestead to a good old age. He m. in 1734 Dorothy, dau. of StiUson Allen of Sahsbury, Mass., and great-granddau. of WUham Allen, a leading man at the settlement of the town in 1638. The chU dren were Ezra', d. young, Hezekiah, Ezra, Jeremiah, Betty, Mary, Ephraim, d. young, Miriam, Ephraim, Dorothy, Allen, Charles and Ebe nezer, the last six of whom were b. in C. ; Miriam, b. 22 May, 1751. Ephraim, b. 16 Aug., 1754. Dorothy, b. 13 July, 1756. AUen, b. 1 Feb., 1758. Charies, b. 29 AprU, 1760. Ebenezer, b. 13 Oct., 1767, d. young. 4. Jeremiah' Hackett (Ephraim', Ebenezer', William'), fourth son of Eph raim and Dorothy (AUen) Hackett, m. Polly Robinson, by whom he had ten children: i. Sally', b. 29 July, 1769. 5. h. Bradbury, b. 25 Dec, 1770. iii. Jeremiah, b. 15 Oct., 1774. 6. iv. Ailing (Allen), b. 15 July, 1777. V. Daniel, b. 16 June, 1780; d. 1 Oct., 1787. -vi. Polly, b. 2 March, 1783. vii. Asa, b. 2 Oct., 1785; m. Susannah Stevens, 10 Jan., 1812; d. 18 Feb., 1826. (See Stevens Gen.) vhi. Betsey, b. 1 Sept., 1789; d. 1 Feb., 1790. ix. SuKEY, b. 6 April, 1791. x. Patty, b. 8 Dec, 1793. 5. Bradbury' Hackett (Jeremiah*, Ephraim', Ebenezer', WUliam^) b. 25 Dec, 1770; m. and had the following children, b. in C; i. Sally', b. 10 July, 1793. u. Apphia, b. 25 Sept., 1795. ih. Jere miah, b. 3 Aug., 1797. iv. Miriam, b. 19 Jan., 1801. v. Anna, b. 7 Dec, 1803. vi. Bradbury, b. 25 July, 1806. -vii. Nathaniel Ambrose, b. 11 Feb., 1808. 6. Allen' Hackett (Jeremiah; Ephraim', Ebenezer', William') b. 16 July, 1777, in C; d. 1848. He settled in Gilmanton where he m., 1799, Mary, dau. of Joseph and Anna Folsom Young. Joseph Young was a native of Exeter and one of the earhest settlers of Gilmanton. Mary Young Hackett d. Jan., 1854, aged 73 years. They had nme children: WUham Henry Young', Jeremiah Mason, Nancy Young, Huam Stephen, Mary Jane, Ehza Ann, George Washington, Charles Alfred and Luther AUen. Ehza Ann m. Jeremiah Carlton Hackett; lived in Boston; eldest son, Frank WUbur Hackett. 7. William Henry Young' Hackett (Allen', Jeremiah*) b. 24 Sept., 1800, in that part of Gilmanton which is now Belmont; d. 9 Aug., 1878, in Portsmouth. Educated at GUmanton Academy, he was admitted to the genealogies. 171 bar in 1826, and his practice covered a term of 52 years. He was one of Portsmouth's most estimable and useful citizens. He was interested in the pohtical," educational and religious welfare of the city. He m., 21 Dec, 1826, Ohve, dau. of Joseph Warren and Hannah (Nutter) Pickering. She d. 27 Feb., 1888. They had four children: WUham Henry, Mary Anna, Frank W., Ellen L. Joseph Warren Pickering, b. in Newington, was a descendant of John Pickering who came to Portsmouth in 1636. 8. William Henry' Hackett (William Henry Young', Allen', Jeremiah*) h. 4 Dec, 1827, at Portsmouth; d. there 24 Sept., 1891. He studied law in the office of his father and continued the practice of law till his death. He was generally known as Colonel Hackett. He m. 6 Dec, 1851, Mary WeUs, dau. of WeUs and Elizabeth (Pickering) Healey. She d. 13 Dec, 1902. Children: i. Mary Gertrude', d. 1887. u. Wallace, b. 1 May, 1856, at Portsmouth. Has been mayor of that city. Is prominent in state affairs. iu. Bessie Bell, b. 28 Feb., 1863, at Portsmouth; m. 6 Aug., 1886, at Portsmouth, Wilham Henry Everett, Rear Admiral of the U. S. navy. He was the son of WUliam M. and Charlotte M. Everett and was b. 6 March, 1847, in N. Y. City. 9. Frank Warren' Hackett (William Henry Young', Allen', Jeremiah*) b. 11 April, 1841, m Portsmouth; m. 20 AprU, 1880, in Geneva, N. Y., Ida Craven; her baptismal name was Maria Forrest Craven. She was b. 14 July, 1865, in Staunton, Va., and was the dau. of Thomas Tingy and Emily Henderson Craven. She is descended from Thomas Tingy and Thomas Truxton, two captains of our early na-vy. Her mother was dau. of Surgeon Thomas Henderson, U. S. A. Thomas Tingy Craven and Enuly Henderson were m. 20 AprU, 1840, at West Point, N. Y. In 1866 Frank Warren Hackett began the practice of law in Boston. In 1873 went to Washington, D. C, retaining a home in N. H. He was assistant secretary of the navy 1900-01. Children: i. Chauncy Craven', b. 20 May, 1881. u. William Henry Young, b. 14 Aug., 1886. HAINES. Among the passengers of the ship, Angel Gabriel, in 1635, were John Cogs weU of Westbury, near WUtshire, Eng., a cloth manufacturer, and his ap prentice, Samuel Haines. The latter, at the end of his term of service, retumed to Wiltshire, where he had been b. in 1611. He m. at Dalton in April, 1638, EUenor Neate. Setting saU for America, he settled at Northam, now Dover Point, on ten acres of land near the first church. Here he remained ten years. On 16 Oct., 1640, Samuel Haines was one of the signers of the Dover Combination. He was taxed in Dover 1648 and 1649. In 1650, in company with Lieut. Neal, he rented Francis Champernoun's farm at Strawberry Bank, securing ninety-one acres adjoining, where he built his house and made his home. By purchase and by town grants, he came into 172 HISTORY OF CANTERBURY. possession of many acres. In 1653, he was one of the signers petitioning the General Court of Massachusetts to change the name of the to-wn to Portsmouth. 1663 to 1663 he was selectman. In 1666, he assisted in running the to-wn line between Portsmouth and Hampton. He was one of the original members of the North Church, settling the Rev. Joshua Moody as pastor. 11 July, 1671, he was ordained Dea. "by the laying on of hands." 1676, he was granted the privilege of hitching his horse in "the pound" for shelter and protection on Sundays. He deeded, 28 Dec, 1682, his homestead to his eldest son, Samuel, reser-ving a sufficient support for himself and his wife. He d. about 1686. Children: i. Mary^, b. in Dover, 1667; m. Leonard Weeks, b. in Moretown, Eng., 1639. He received a grant of land from the town of Portsmouth in 1666. Chosen selectman 1661; d. before March, 1708. u. Samuel, b. in Portsmouth, 1646; m. Mary Fifield, 9 Jan., 1673; d. in the winter of 1688-89. 2. iu. Matthias, b. 1650, Portsmouth, now Greenland. 2. Matthias' Haines (Samueb) b. in Portsmouth, now Greenland, 1650; m. 1671, Jane Brackett of Portsmouth and settled near the old home stead. He d. suddenly soon after his brother. Children, b. in'Green- land: i. Samuel', b. 25 Dec, 1674; d. before 1 July, 1729. ii. Joshua, b. 5 April, 1678; m. Sarah, dau. of Joseph and Elizabeth HaU; d. 10 Jan., 1737. 3. hi. Matthias, b. about 1680. iv. Jane, joined the Congregational Church of Greenland in 1724. 3. Matthias' Haines (Matthias; Samueb) b. about 1680, caUed Jr.; m. prior to 26 May, 1726, Hannah, dau. of John and Hannah (Lewis) Johnson, a miller of Greenland. Was caUed a " house-wright. " Children : i. Lewis', bapt. 1718; m. Sarah Johnson. u. Hannah, bapt. 1719; m. Nathaniel Marston, Greenland. ih. Matthias, bapt. 1718; went to sea at fourteen, became a shipmaster; d. at sea or in a foreign country. iv. Eleanor, bapt. 1718; d. prior to 11 Aug., 1763. V. Jane, b. 1721; m. John Johnson. -vi. Martha, b. 1727; bapt. 29 Oct.; m. Weeks. vu. John, b. 1731 ; m. Ohve Weeks; d. 1809. 4. -vih. Abnbr, b. 1724. 4. Abner' Haines (Matthias; Matthias', Samueb) b. in Greenland, 1724. Chosen surveyor, constable, tythingman and committee to pro-vide for the ordination of Rev. Samuel McChntock, 3 Nov., 1756. Executor of his father's estate in 1771. Received a deed for one hundred acres of land in C, from Jeremiah Clough, 3 June, 1772. Settled in C. 1773. M. 27 July, 1746, Sarah Weeks, b. 1727 in the old brick house belongmg to the Weeks family. She was paralyzed for many years before her death at the age of 68 years. He d. about 1798. Children: 5. i. Samuel*, b. in Greenland, 26 Aug., 1747. u. Richard, b. 27 Nov., 1748; m. prior to 1774; d. 6 Nov., 1798. genealogies. 173 hi. Matthias, bapt. 5 Aug., 1750; m. 21 Sept., 1775, Molly Cammet of Portland, Me., b. 1751, d. 1841. He d. 1796. iv. Walter Weeks, b. 1754; m. Rachel Knowles; d. 16 May, 1808, at Fremont. V. Stephen, b. 1759, at Greenland; m. 12 Dec, 1779, Hannah Carter, b. 20 July, 1759. He d. at Northfield 3 Feb., 1807. ¦vi. Josiah. ¦vh. Hannah, b. at Greenland 23 May, 1759; m. Thomas Clough of Northfield. ¦vui. Sally, b. in Greenland; m. Eastman. ix. Mehitable. 5. Samuel' Haines (Abner; Matthias') b. 26 Aug., 1747, in the old brick house, Greenland, then occupied by his grandfather, Walter Weeks. M. 9 July, 1772, Hannah Johnson of Rowley, Mass:, b. 22 Dec, 1749. They moved to C. and in 1775 he enlisted in Capt. Jeremiah Clough's Co. Enhsted again in Capt. James Shepherd's Co., Lieut.-Col. Ger- rish's regiment, Northern army, was mustered in 2 July, 1776. He was detailed as blacksmith to take charge of the shoeing of horses. Tradi tion says he was at Ticonderoga. Later he was lieutenant in military service. It is said that, though not a devout man, not wishing his chil dren "to grow up like heathen, " he rode on horseback to Greenland to get the Rev. Samuel McClintock to come and baptize them. He out- hved his brothers and sons, dying 29 Oct., 1838, at the age of 91. His wife d. 13 Feb., 1813. Children, b. in C; i. Mary', b. 14 July, 1773; m. first, Levi Brackett. Children: 1. Sam uel Haines' Brackett, b. 1794; d. 1867. 2. Jeremiah Clough Brackett, b. 1796; d. 22 Aug., 1849. 3. Hilton Brackett, b. 8 Jan., 1798. 4. Haines Brackett, b. 1800; d. 1805. 5. Anson G. Brackett, became a physician; d. in Ala. 6. Ira Brackett, b. 20 June, 1804. M. second, Joel Fletcher, Lyndon, Vt., April, 1817. ChUd; 7. Joel Fletcher. She d. 14 Jan., 1853. 6. h. Abner, twin, b. 25 Dec, 1775. ih. Jonathan, twin, b. 25 Dec, 1775; d. in infancy. 7. iv. Josiah, b. 7 AprU, 1778. 8. V. Samuel, twin, b. 30 May, 1780. -vi. Hannah, twin, b. 30 May, 1780; m. Jonathan Ayers. (See Ayers Gen.) -vu. Jane, b.'25 Nov., 1782; d. 19 Sept., 1867, unm. 9. -vih. Stephen, b. 24 Aug., 1785. ix. Charles Glidden, b. 24 Jan., 1792; d. 3 July, 1825. 6. Abner' Haines (Samuel; Abner; Matthias') b. in C, 26 Dec, 1775; m. Ehza PepperreU, dau. of Joseph and Miriam (Frost) Ayers, b. 2 May, 1782, d. 21 March, 1850. He was a blacksmith. D. 26 Oct., 1833. ChUdren, b. in C: i. Albert Gallatin', b. 18 Aug., 1804; m. at twenty-eight, Rhoda Bean who d. eleven years after; m. second, Jane Sumner. Lived in Lebanon and Dubuque, la.; d. in Dubuque at the age of 63. Children by first marriage: 1. Charles Abbott', b. 22 Dec, 1833; d. 13 Aug., 1834. 2. Adelaide Ayers, b. 13 Oct., 1835; m. James R. Kendrick, who became General Manager of the Old Colony R. R.; d. 13 May, 1893. He d. 11 Dec, 1896. 3. Charles Abbott, b. 11 Aug., 1837; m. Bessie P. Horton; d. 22 March, 1882. 174 HISTORY OF CANTERBURY. 4. Clarena Ed-win, b. 6 April, 1839; d. 26 Aug., 1839. 6. Helen Frances, b. 14 Oct., 1840; d. 11 June, 1842. 6. Harriet Eliza, b. 8 Feb., 1842; d. 6 March, 1842. 7. Francis Edwin, b. 17 Dec, 1843; m. Kate Reed, b. 29 Dec, 1852. u. Maria S., b. 24 Oct., 1807; m. Charles Webster of Boston, d. 24 Sept., 1857, in Iowa. Child: Harriet' Webster, b. 27 May, 1850; d. in Iowa. hi. Adelaide Ayers, b. 13 Jan., 1813; m. 13 Jan., 1836, Rev. Daniel P. CUley, b. at Epsom, 31 May, 1806, grandson of Gen. Joseph CUley. He was ordained a Free Baptist minister in 1833; served in Civil war as chaplain of the 8th N. H. Vols., and of the 2d N. Y. Vet. Cav. He d. Farmington, 14 Nov., 1888. She d. in 1896. Children; 1. Charles Clinton' Cilley, b. in Newmarket 16 Feb., 1837; graduate of Harvard College; studied law; Lieut.-Col. and Col onel in Union army. He resided in No. Carolina; m. Harper. He d. 9 May, 1900. ChUdren, three sons. 2. Adelaide Haines Cilley, b. at Manchester, 23 Feb., 1843; m. R. C. Parker, M. D., of Farmington, 1 May, 1862. He d. 31 Dec, 1866; m. second, John Waldson of Farmington, 15 Aug., 1871. She was an accomplished musician and a versatile author; d. 16 June, 1909. Children by second marriage, b. in Farmington: (1) Adelaide CecU, b. 17 May, 1872. (2) Ehzabeth Peari, b. 25 Aug., 1873; d. 24 March, 1880. 3. Emma Stark Cilley, b. 21 Sept., 1851; d. 19 Sept., 1852. 4. Daniel P. Cilley, b. at Boston, 27 March, 1854; m. 9 May, 1875, Velma A. Waldron, Farmington. Physician in West- boro, Mass. A daughter. 5. Joseph Bradbury Cilley, b. 25 April, 1866; d. 13 Jan., 1886. iv. Harriet Parker, b. 13 Jan., 1817. Resides in Farmmgton. V. Charles Glidden, b. 26 June, 1821; learned printer's trade; in busi ness, Manchester; moved to Iowa in 1856 and became a farmer in Storm Lake; m. about 1848, Harriet P. Andrews of Warner, who is now li-ving in Los Angeles, Cal., where he d. 27 July, 1902. ChUdren: 1. Fred Abner', b. 22 April, 1863; m. first, 9 Oct., 1880, Antomette, dau. of Joseph Ayers and Maria (Jones) Haines, b. 24 Feb., 1863, d. 10 March, 1889; m. second, 18 Dec, 1892, Jennie Sulhvan of Cincinnati, O., b. 10 Aug., 1870. Civil engineer. Residence, Deadwood, S. D. Children by first marriage: (1) Nina Josephhie', b. 2 Dec, 1885. (2) Kari Leshe, b. 2 March, 1889. 2. William Pickering, b. 22 Feb., 1811; m. 24 Dec, 1885, Mrs. Addie Irene Lockie, b. 4 AprU, 1862, Cold Springs, Wis. Home, Dunning, Neb. 3. Arthur T.,b 17 Nov., 1868; m. at Dubuque, la., 11 March, 1891, Sarah Wilde, b. 12 May, 1864. Merchant, King Fisher, 4. Albert G. b. 24 May, 1862; m. 16 Oct., 1889, Minta A. Jones, btorm Lake. Ci-vil engmeer, Ft. Dodge, la. 5. Emma Frances, b. 16 June, 1864, Dubuque; m. 23 Feb., 1897 Walter S. Russell, b. 27 Oct., 1863. CivU engmeer, Los A°P r ;. ^^^^- Harriet Elizabeth' Russell, b. at San Diego, Cal., 5 March, 1898. vi. Joseph Ayers, b. 23 Aug., 1824; m. Maria Antoinette Jones of Alton. Ihey lived m Boston, Mass., San Francisco, Cal., Manchester, and btorm Lake, la. Merchant and farmer. ChUdren: GENEALOGIES. 175 1. Josephine Maria', b. at Boston, 17 Jan., 1847; m. 19 Oct., 1871, George E. Rust, Wolfboro. Res., Manchester. She d. 11 Nov., 1878, at Dubuque, la. 2. Joseph Starr, b. at Sacramento, Cal., 3 Feb., 1852. Graduate Dartmouth, 1874; studied law; resides in Storm Lake. 3. Antoinette, b. 24 Feb., 1853, Boston; m. 19 Oct., 1881, Fred Abner Haines; d. 9 March, 1889. 4. Samuel Reed, b. 9 Nov., 1858; m. 10 Aug., 1878, Helen Mc Gregor Hall, b. in Manchester, 12 July, 1859. Farmer, Storm Lake. Children; (1) Ruth McGregor', b. 11 Nov., 1878. (2) Florence, b. 11 Oct., 1880; m. Cooper, d. 1910. ChUdren; Eleanor Claire" Cooper, Helen Eudosia Cooper, b. the spring of 1904; (3) Ralph HoUand, b. 6 Aug., 1882. 7. JosiAH' Haines (Samuel; Abner*, Matthias') b. 7 April, 1778; m. first, Hannah Clough, b. 29 June, 1788, d. 26 April, 1828. Lived at Zion's Hill; m. second, Mary (Polly), dau. of David and Phebe (Hoyt) Ames, 8 Feb., 1835, b. 14 Jan., 1786, d. 7 Sept., 1872. He d. 29 May, 1838. ChUdren by first marriage, b. in C. ; i. Hannah Clough', b. 26 Sept., 1807; m. 7 Dec, 1828, Peter Smart of C, b. 16 Sept., 1793. He was for many years a stage-driver. Both d. in Northfield. ChUdren; 1. Hannah' Smart, who m. and moved to Wis. 2. Susan Smart, m., now lives in Col. 3. Har riet Smart, m. Tripp and lives in Lynn, Mass. 4. Clara Smart, d. unm. u. Josiah, b. 1809; d. 1814. ih. Hannibal, b. 29 Jan., 1813; m. 16 March, 1836, Harriet Lyford of C, b. 3 May, 1813. Moved to Chicago 1847^8. He d. m Concord. Children, b. in C; 1. Josiah Clough', b. 25 Dec, 1836; m. 6 Nov., 1861, Maria F. Trowbridge of Racine, Wis. 2. Joseph Dearbom, b. 9 Feb., 1840; m. 8 Feb., 1866, Marietta Ham. 3. Henry Franklin, b. 18 Aug., 1843; d. 14 Dec, 1857. 8. Samuel' Haines {Samueb, Abner; Matthias') b. 30 May, 1780; graduate Dartmouth CoUege, 1803; admitted to bar about 1807; practiced in Sanbomton and Portsmouth; commissioned Lieut, in U. S. army and served two or three years at Ft. Constitution; m. 22 May, 1809, Ehza, dau. of Nathaniel Gookin, Portsmouth, b. 6 Sept., 1788, d. 2 June, 1878; served on privateer Fox in 1812; settled in Blakeley, Ala., Sept., of the same year, where he practiced law; d. in Providence, R. I., 13 Aug., 1826, while on his way to N. H. ChUd; Augustine', b. 17 March, 1810, Portsmouth; admitted to the bar in Maine, 1831; practiced in Saco and Portland; was county attorney for several years, and U. S. District Attomey in Polk's administration; m. 14 Jan., 1839, Frances Patten, Portland, b. 21 April, 1816. He d. 27 July, 1873. Children: 1. Charles G.', b. 10 Jan., 1840; d. 2. George A., b. 10 Aug., 1843; res., Italy. 3. Ehza Frances, b. 16 AprU, 1847; d. 11 July, 1865. 9. Stephen' Haines (Samuel; Abner; Matthias') was b. 24 Aug., 1786; m. 31 Jan., 1810, at North Hampton, Mary Pickering of Greenland, b. 4 July, 1788. They lived in the house built by his father, now occu pied by Mr. Alfred H. Brown. In 1818-19 he went to Claiborne, Ala., to invest in land and soon after d. there at the age of 34. Children, b.mC: 176 HISTORY OF CANTERBURY. i. William Pickering ',.b. 22 Feb., 1811; graduate of Dartmouth Col lege 1831 ; practiced law in Me. ; State Senator in 1847 ; agent, Saco Water Co., and for PepperreU Manufacturing Co., Biddeford, where he resided; twice the Democratic candidate for U. S. senator and afterwards candidate for governor; trustee of Bow doin and of Dartmouth College; and president of the Biddeford National Bank. An active member of the Congregational Church and held in high esteem. M. 16 Aug., 1836, Eliza Goodwin Ferguson of South Berwick, Me., b. 4 Nov., 1814, and d. 1 June, 1896. He d. at Biddeford, 2 July, 1879. ChUdren; 1. Charlotte Stark', b. 16 May, 1838; m. 15 Sept., 1864, Ambrose Eastman, Saco, Me., b. at Yarmouth 18 AprU, 1834; graduate Bowdoin CoUege 1864; la-wyer; res., Boston. D. . 2. Ferguson, b. 2 March, 1840, in Biddeford; graduate of Dart mouth College 1860; merchant in Portland; agent for the Pep perreU Co., and mayor of Biddeford. M. 1 June, 1865, Hattie HUl of Biddeford. 3. Eliza G., b. 21 Jan., 1842, at Saco; d. 7 Oct., 1842. 4. William, b. 21 Nov., 1844; d. 9 March, 1845. 5. Mary, b. 13 March, 1847; d. 7 May, 1847. 6. Harriet Ferguson, b. 29 July, 1860; d. 9 Sept., 1850. 7. Nellie H., b. Biddeford, 17 March, 1862; m. Edwin Stone of Minneapolis, Minn., 1 Nov., 1883. Res., Biddeford. Chil dren: (1) William Haines' Stone, b. in Minneapolis, 21 Jan., 1885. (2) Charlotte Stark Stone, b. in Biddeford, 5 June, 1888. 8. Elizabeth Goodwin, b. in Biddeford, 25 AprU, 1854; m. Wil ham Scott Whitney of Fall River, Mass., b. 4 March, 1864. Res., Lawrence, Mass. ChUdren: (1) La-wrence Haines' Whitney, b. 11 June, 1884. (2) Mary Goodwin Whitney, b. 18 Feb., 1889; d. 28 July, 1890. 9. Jennie Lee Whitney, b. 13 July, 1866; d. 8 Sept., 1866. h. Mary Ann, b. 22 Jan., 1813; m. 16 July, 1843, Jeremiah H. Lyford, M. D., of Northfield, b. 19 Oct., 1808; graduate, Dartmouth College 1833; settled in Port Byron, IU., where his children were b. (See Lyford Gen.) Children: 1. William Haines Lyford, b. 18 Sept., 1836; m. Jane Holmes, b. 26 April, 1842. 2. Eugene Abbott Lyford, b. 1841, killed at Murfreesboro, 21 Dec, 1862. 3. Mary Pickering Lyford, b. 11 Jan., 1843; m. Sept., 1871, George Smith, a lawyer in St. Louis. 4. Albert E. Lyford, b. 16 Feb., 1847; m. Clara Berg. 5. Frederick Bahtlbtt Lyford, b. 12 July, 1850; d. 31 Aug., 1899. hi. Martha, b. 16 Feb., 1815; m. 2 July, 1839, Le-vi Bartlett of Bristol, b. 8 Jan., 1807; educated at Military Academy, Nor-wich, Vt. She d. in Bristol, 8 May, 1866. He d. 14 Nov., 1868. Children, b. in Bristol: 1. FrederickHaines'Bartlett, b. 25May, 1840; d. 7 Jan., 1911, at Silverton, B. C. 2. Levi Scott Bartlett, b. 4 Jan., 1842; d. 9 Sept., 1846. 3. Annie Pickering Bartlett, b. 30 Nov., 1843; d. 26 Sept., 1882. 4. Mary Elizabeth Bartlett, b. 6 Feb., 1849. Res., Bristol.* iv. Elizabeth, b. 27 AprU, 1817; m. 24 May, 1844, Stephen Weeks, b. 15 Jan., 1811; d. 29 Jan., 1886. They lived in Gihnanton and Loudon. * See History of Bristol. GENEALOGIES. 177 V. Abigail Pickering, b. 6 July, 1819; m. 24 Aug., 1843, Josiah Minot of Bristol, b. 17 Sept., 1818; graduate, Dartmouth College 1837, and moved to Concord, 1844. He was Judge of Probate and in 1855 was appointed, by President Pierce, Commissioner of Pensions. He was a leading member of the bar, and an able financier. He d. in Concord 14 Dec, 1891. She d. 2 Sept., 1902. ChUdren b. in Concord ; 1. Isabel Minot', b. 24 Sept., 1846; m. 24 April, 1873, George R. Fowler, son of Asa Fowler of Concord. He became a lawyer in Boston; d. in Philadelphia, 11 April, 1897. She d. in Jamaica Plain, Mass., 9 Feb., 1907. Children, b. in Jamaica Plain: (1) Ethel WaUier' Fowler, b. 24 Dec, 1875; d. about 1900. (2) Mary Pickering Fowler, b. 25 Jan., 1877. (3) Josiah Mmot Fowler, b. 17 May, 1880; m. 20 June, 1911, Martha Louise Parsons. (4) Robert Fowler, b. 11 July, 1884; m. 1 Dec, 1906, Rosalie Gretchen Mclntyre. 2. Grace Melville Minot, b. 28 AprU, 1851; m. 14 Oct., 1878, Ferdinand StUlings, M. D., physician and surgeon of Concord. She d. 8 Jan., 1906. ChUdren : (1) Mary Walker StUlings, b. 3 Aug., 1879. (2) Charlotte MelvUle StUlings, b. 3 Aug., 1879; m. 2 June, 1909, Isaac HiU of Concord; d. 16 May, 1910. 3. Frances Minot, b. 7 Nov., 1855. Res., Concord. HAM. 1. Joseph' Ham, b. 4 Feb., 1726. He was a master shipbuilder at Ports mouth, who later in life bought a farm near Pleasant Pond in Deerfield. His wife, whose name is not known, was b. 11 May, 1729. He had a family of ten children. Three sons came to C. and settled. 2. i. Gideons, b. 7 Nov., 1754. 3. h. Joseph, b. 6 Oct., 1761. 4. hi. John, b. 7 Nov., 1763. 2. Gideons Ham (Joseph') b. 7 Nov., 1754, unm. and d. 6 Oct., 1839. He came to C. soon after 1790 and spent the remainder of his life there. Although not a church member, he left a fund of $2,000 for the support of preaching at the Union Church at HUl's Corner. 3. Josephs Ham (Joseph') b. 6 Oct., 1761; d. 1843; m. Betsey Page, who was b. 1767, d.l832. He settled in C, prior to 1785, for he was taxed that year. The remainder of his life was spent in this to-wn. He early united with the Center Congregational Church and was chosen dea. in 1816. Children: 5. i. Joseph', b. 16 May, 1789. 6. u. Daniel Page. hi. Lydia. iv. Betsey, m. Joseph Smith of Northfield, 27 May, 1830. V. John, m. and moved to Ind. Had four sons in the War of the Rebellion. 4. Johns Ham (Joseph) b. 7 Nov., 1763, settled m C, before 1790; m. 1792-93, Mary Osgood, b. in 1774 and d. 30 Jan., 1846. Children: 7. i. John', b. probably 1795. t^ c. ^ ^^¦^ ii. Mary (Polly), m. when upwards sixty years of age Dea. Samuel Oil man, who was b. June, 1791; d. 3 Aug., 1878. 13-11 178 HISTORY OF CANTERBURY. 8. ih. Eleanor, b. 1800. iv. Isaac, b. 1803; d. 28 Oct., 1841, unm. V Lydia, b. 27 Feb., 1805; m. 8 March, 1832, Jonathan Chase of Lou don ; d. 9 Aug., 1835. Children ; Ehzabeth' Chase, b. 15 March, 1834; d. 8 July, 1836, and two others who d. in infancy. 5. Joseph' Ham, Jr. (Joseph; Joseph) b. 15 May, 1789; m. 19 Jan., 1815, Susan Sargent, b. 4 Nov., 1791. She was dau. of Zebadiah and Hannah (Foster) Sargent of C. After theu marriage they went to live with his uncle, Gideon Ham, and received his property after his death. She d. 6 Dec, 1876. He d. 24 Feb., 1882. Joseph Ham., Jr., was active in town affairs, serving several years on the board of selectmen and as a representative in the legislature two terms. Children, b. in C; 9. i. Elizabeth (Betsey) Page', b. 11 Nov., 1816. 10. h. Thomas, b. 23 Feb., 1817. 11. hi. Joseph Warren, b. 18 June, 1820. 12. iv. Charles Henry, b. 22 Jan., 1831. 13. V. Maria Gerrish, b. 11 Aug., 1833. 6. Daniel Page' Ham (Joseph; Joseph') m. Judith, dau. of Zebadiah Sar gent of C. He d. 14 Aug., 1864, at the age of 73. Children: Hannah', b. 2 Nov., 1820; d. 30 June, 1872, unm. Susan, b. 12 Oct., 1822. Mary Page, b. 28 Feb., 1825; d. 3 Aug., 1838. Judith, b. 1 Aug., 1827; d. 11 May,1830. Judith, b. 10 Sept., 1830. Betsey Page, b. 2 Sept., 1833. John, b. 26 March, 1837. John' Ham, Jr. (John; Joseph') b. probably 1795; m. 30 Nov., 1818, Mary M., dau. of John and Sarah (Moulton) KimbaU of C. He d. 2 Feb. 1824. ChUdren; i. Samuel', b. 1 July, 1820; d. 4 July, 1820. h. Elizabeth, b. 9 May, 1821; m. John Lyford. (See Lyford Gen.) Eleanor' Ham (John', Joseph') b. 1800 (?) ; m. 26 Dec, 1820, Jeremiah, F. Clough of C, b. 27 Nov., 1794. ChUdren: i. Mary' Clough, teacher, removed to Hyde Park, Mass. ii. Martha A. Clough, m. Charles F. Gerry of Hyde Park, Mass. Chil dren; 1. Charles', 2. Frank, and 3. Eleanor Gerry. Elizabeth (Betsey) Page* Ham (Joseph', Joseph', Joseph^) b. 11 Nov., 1815; m. 17 Feb., 1842, Charies Cavendar Burnham of IU. They re sided there about four years. Returning to N. H., they settled in Hopkinton. He d. 14 Sept., 1894. She d. 8 Feb., 1892. ChUdren: i. Franklin Joseph' Burnham, b. in Bunker HUl, IU., 9 Oct., 1842; d. 26 Feb., 1908, unm. h. Thomas Ham Burnham, b. in Bunker HUl, IU., 29 Jan., 1846; m. EUa Thompson of Colorado Sprmgs, Col., 1871. She d. Oct., 1891. He d. m Col., 14 Jan., 1900. ih. Evelyn Frances Burnham, b. at Lawrence, Mass., 22 AprU, 1848; unm. and hving at Hopkinton. iv. Frederick Robinson Burnham, b. in Concord, 9 July, 1853, phy sician in San Diego, Cal.; m. 9 Nov., 1885, LiUa Marston of San 1. 14. ii. iu. iv. 15. V. 16. -vi. 17. -vu. GENEALOGIES. 179 Diego, Cal. Children; 1. Theda A.« Burnham, b. 6 Dec, 1887. 2. Katherine Burnham, b. 1 Oct., 1889. 3. LiUa M. Burnham, b. 21 AprU, 1891. 4. Marston Burnham, b. 26 Dec, 1893. V. Emma Louisa Burnham, b. in Hopkinton, 8 May, 1856; d. there 23 May, 1876. 10. Thomas' Ham (Joseph', Joseph; Joseph') h. 23 Feb., 1817; m. 5 Aug., 1844, Mary Elizabeth, dau. of Daniel Smith of Meredith and moved to Lake- port. He was employed as a pattern maker in the Cole Manufacturing Co. When the Lake Village Sa-vings Bank was organized in Laconia, he was elected treasurer. He served as treasurer and president until just before his death 5 June, 1900. 11. Joseph Warren' Ham (Joseph', Joseph', Joseph') b. 18 June, 1820; m. 29 Nov., 1849, Mary Jane Barker. Shed. 2 Aug., 1881. Hed. 11 Sept., 1897. Mr. Ham was a civil engineer and spent ten years of his life in Lawrence, Mass. Returning to N. H., he resided in C. until his death. Child: Belle Maria', b. in Lawrence, Mass., 26 Sept., 1868; d. in C, July, 1863. 12. Charles Henry' Ham (Joseph', Joseph', Joseph') b. 22 Jan., 1831; m. 17 Dec, 1857, Emma Armelia Hines of LeRoy, N. Y. He removed to Chicago. He d. 16 Oct., 1902, at Montclair, N. J.* Children; i. Jessie', d. in infancy. h. Bertha, d. at age of four years. hi. Alice, b. m Chicago, III, 14 March, 1872; m. 26 April, 1899, Frank La5'ton Brewer, b. in Brooklyn, N. Y., 16 Dec, 1869. Children: 1. Sargent' Brewer, b. m N. Y. City, 29 Oct., 1901; d. 14 May, 1902. 2. Molly MoUard Brewer, b. in Montclau, N. J., 12 March, 1904. 13. Maria Gerrish' Ham (Joseph', Joseph', Joseph') b. 11 Aug., 1833, unm. Resided most of her life in HUl's Corner school district. In 1907 she sold the Gideon Ham place to Mrs. Anita Porter (Shaw) Singer and went to reside with her niece, Mrs. F. Layton Brewer, in Montclair, N. J. 14. Susan' Ham (Danieb, Joseph; Joseph') b. 12 Oct., 1822, school teacher; m. late in life Robbins. They resided in Lakeport untU his death. She then returned to C, and resided with Joseph E. KimbaU, dying 7 July, 1877. 15. Judith' Ham (Danieb, Joseph; Joseph) b. 10 Sept., 1830; m. Joseph Donavan and resided at Lakeport untU her death in 1892. 16. Betsey Page' Ham (Danieb, Joseph; Joseph') b. 2 Sept., 1833; m. 17 Nov., 1853, Joseph E. KimbaU of C. Shed. 9 Feb., 1905. They resided in the HUl's Corner school district. Mr. KunbaU was b. 24 Aug., 1833; d. 6 AprU, 1890. No children. 17. John' Ham (Danieb, Joseph; Joseph') b. 26 March, 1837; m. 21 Nov., 1870, Sarah Abbie, dau. of Capt. Daniel Smith of Meredith, who had * See HUl's Corner School District chapter for reference to his acti-vities. 180 HISTORY OF CANTERBURY. been previously m. They resided in the Hill's Corner school district untU 1882, when they removed to Pembroke, where he d. 6 April, 1893. Children: i. Mary Elizabeth', b. 4 Sept., 1873; d. 28 Dec, 1880. h. Susan Ruth, b. 2 May, 1876; m. Henry G. Noble of Boston, Mass., 19 AprU, 1905. HANCOCK. Jacob Hancock, pioneer settler in C, was of the third generation from Nathaniel Hancock. The latter was in Cambridge, Mass., as early as 1634. He d. about 1648. His -widow, Joanna, was appointed administratrix of his estate in 1663. Their children were Mary, Sarah, Nathaniel, John, Eliza beth and Lydia. Nathaniel, the third child, and only son to reach mature age, was b. 18 Dec, 1638. He was a shoemaker, inherited the homestead, and d. 12 AprU, 1719. Admitted to the church 31 May, 1667; elected dea. 7 June, 1706; m. first, 8 March, 1664, Mary, dau. of Henry Prentice; m. second, 26 Dec, 1699, Sarah Green, who sur-vived him. His children, all by the first -wife, were Nathaniel, d. young, Mary, Sarah, Nathaniel, AbigaU, d. young, John, Samuel, Abigail, Elizabeth, Ebenezer, Joseph and Solomon. Nathaniel was the father of Jacob Hancock, the latter was b. early in the eighteenth century and was kUled at the Battle of Bunker HiU. He had a long colonial war record, being a soldier in both King George's and the French and Indian wars. In the latter war he was captured and carried a prisoner to Can. He seems to have made his escape from Louisburg and made his way by Halifax to Boston. 1. Jacob' Hancock settled in that part of, C. that afterwards became North- field, near the Merrimack River. He is found in the tax hsts of the town as early as 1767. According to tradition he m. into the Kezer famUy at Hampstead, but no record has been found. The baptism of Dorothy, dau. of Jacob Hancock, was recorded 3 July, 1752. His children were: 1. George'. 2. Joseph 3. John. 4. AbigaU who m. WUham Perkins. 5. Kesiah, who m. Capt. John Clough. 6. Her twin sister, Azuba, m. Col. MorriU Shepard. 7. Dorothy, who m. Charles Noyes. 2. Georges Hancock (Jacob') b. 1749, and d. 1799; m. Sarah, dau. of WU ham and Ehzabeth (HUls) WUhams who were early settlers on Bay HUl, Northfield. Sarah was b. 10 Feb., 1769; d. 14 Jan.", 1860. Mr. Hancock buUt a house and resided on the farm, afterwards owned by Stephen Gerrish and later known as the Kelly Farm, in Franklin. He buUt the first saw and grist miU at what is now Tilton, and was making preparations to buUd another at Laconia when he d. He is buried in the WiUiams burying yard and his widow in the Frankhn cemetery. Children: i. Sally, m. McCrilhs. h. Hannah, m. Thomas Sy monds. iu. Ehzabeth, m. Benjamin W. Knapp of Sanbomton. iv. Henrietta, d. at 16. v. Joseph, -vi. George. 3. -vh. William, -viu. John. GENEALOGIES. 181 3. Lieut. William' Hancock (George; Jacob') b. 19 Jan., 1786; d. 23 Dec, 1862; m. first, Abigail, dau. of Parker and Abigail (Marston) Cross. She was b. 24 Dec, 1785, d. 6 Nov., 1815; m. second, 22 or 26 Feb., 1818, Sarah (Wentworth) Rand {Moses Wentworth', Moses', John*, Joshua', Thomas', Francis'). Child by first marriage: 4. i. William Williams', b. 12 July, 1807. Children by second marriage : 5. h. John Clough, b. 25 Oct., 1819. hi. Sarah Elizabeth, b. 9 Feb., 1823; d. 13 Sept., 1829. iv. George Henry, b. 26 Oct., 1830. Went to California -via Isthmus of Panama in 1862, where he remained until 1870. Returning east he m. Mrs. Saria (Coombs) Pulsifer. He d. 14 March, 1892. 6. V. Joseph Kimball, b. 27 July, 1832. -vi. Ann Elizabeth, b. 12 May, 1834, in C. ; m. 4 July, 1864, Daniel M. IngaUs. (See Ingalls Gen.) -vii. Sarah Jane, b. 7April, 1838; m. Cyrus G. Brown of C. (See Brown Gen.) 4. William Williams' Hancock (William', George', Jacob') h. 12 July, 1807; m. 6 May, 1833, Nancy, dau. of Capt. Moses and Anne (RoweU) Brown (Capt. Moses', Joseph', Joshua*, Dea. Joseph', Joshua', Richard'). She was b. 20 Oct., 1811, in Andover, Richard' was the son of Joseph Brown of Southhampton, Eng., and came to this country May, 1634, in ship Mary and John. WUham W. Hancock d. 23 Feb., 1885. Children: i. Mary Jane', b. 10 Dec, 1834; m. 1 Jan., 1857, Wilham Francis Pearson of Sahsbury and had five children. u. Caroline, b. 26 April, 1836; m. Dec, 1860, James L. Keniston of Andover; d. 8 July, 1870, leaving one son, Charles Leland' Keniston. ui. Arthur, b. 27 March, 1838; d. 22 Aug., 1854. iv. Enoch Brown, b. 20 Oct., 1839. He served in the Ci-vil war in 16th Regt., Co. E, N. H. Vols.; m. March, 1865, Jane Locke. V. William Graves, b. 9 March, 1842; m. first, 24 Nov., 1864, Sarah A. Eaton of Concord; m. second, Mrs. Adelaide H. Hall of N. Y. City. Had four children by first marriage. vi. Parker Cross, b. 26 Oct., 1843; m. 22 May, 1866, Jennie M., dau. of Bethuel and Mary (Sturtevant) Burgess, b. 6 Feb., 1847, in Lubec, Me. They had four children. He d. Feb., 1908. -vh. Nancy E., b. 13 Oct., 1846; m. Nov., 1871, James L., son of Jona than and Hannah (Seavey) Keniston. She d. 27 April, 1891. vhi. Frank Knapp, b. 8 Feb., 1849; m. 1 Jan., 1886, in Franklin, Eme- hne White, b. 23 Feb., 1859, in Madock, Ont. They have two chUdren. ix. Henry A., b. 26 Oct., 1852; d. 28 May, 1873. X. Abbie Susan, b. 5 Dec, 1855; m. 2 Jan., 1889, Frank Leverett, son of Joseph W. and Hannah (Giddings) Morrison, b. 3 April, 1850, in Thornton. He was a prominent business man in Frank lin, where he d. 12 Jan., 1907. 5. John Clough' Hancock (William; George; Jacob') b. 25 Oct., 1819; m. in Frankhn, Martha Bailey, b. in Feb., 1834. He d. 4 Jan., 1898. Children: i. Nellie', b. Dec, 1855; d. July, 1863. h. William, b. Nov., 1858; d. Aug., 1869. 182 HISTORY OF CANTERBURY. in. Lizzie M., b. 28 June, 1861; d. 27 May, 1896; m. in Concord, 26 Nov., 1884, George O. B. Weaver; resided in Brooklyn, N. Y. Children: 1. Eunice'. 2. Harry Abbott. 3. Helen Martha, b. 5 Sept., 1891. 4. Edythe. 5. AUen, b. 24 July, 1894. 6. Joseph Kimball' Hancock (William', George', Jacob') b. 27 July, 1832; m. Deha Augusta, dau. of Solomon M. and MatUda (IngaUs) Chfford of C, 16 May, 1858. Children: 7. i. Horace William', b. 6 Nov., 1860. 8. ii. Clara Ella, b. 30 Jan., 1863. 7. Horace William' Hancock (Joseph*, William', George; Jacob') b. 6 Nov., 1860; m. Mary Etta Thomas, 11 June, 1884; reside at Behnont. Children; i. Fred Leonard', b. 11 March, 1889. u. George Henry, b. 7 April, 1891. 8. Clara Ella' Hancock (Joseph; William', George', Jacob') b. 30 Jan., 1863; m. Dr. Edwin P. Hodgdon, 9 Dec, 1891. She resides in Lake- port, where Dr. Hodgdon is a prominent physician. HANCOCK. 1. Charles W.' Hancock (Charles', Joseph', Jacob') was b. in Northfield. He was the son of Charles and Betsey (Manuel) Hancock and at an early age came with his brother Alonzo to the home of Edward Osgood in C, where he resided untU his marriage, 23 AprU, 1874, to Annie A., dau. of John and Nancy (Towle) Shaw of Chichester. He afterward resided on what was then known as the old Kezer place, but which is now called the Hancock House. He d. there 1 Oct., 1881. HANNAFORD. 1. Reuben Morrill' Hannaford was b. in C, 1 May, 1800; m. first, 8 July, 1828, Nancy, dau. of Abiel' and Susannah (Moore )Foster. (See Foster Gen.) She was b. ui C. 9 Feb., 1803. They moved to Solon, O., m 1832. She d. 8 March, 1858, hi Solon, and he d. Nov., 1884. He m. second, , by whom he had one dau. The second Mrs. Hannaford d. in Cleveland, O., 9 Oct., 1910. Children by first mar riage: i. Elizas, m. Chandler Dunwell about 1856, and d. soon after in 111. u. Minerva, m. A. M. Smith about 1852, and d. in Cleveland, O., about 1881. hi. Jane, m. Fenner Bosworth about 1853; d. in Solon about 1889. Two sons, Archibald and Newton Bosworth. iv. Catherine, m. Henry B. Chase in 1857; d. in Rockford, IU., 1906. Had six sons and one dau. V. Charles, m. Helen SiU in 1858; d. 1909, in Traverse City, Mich. Had ten children. -vi. William Foster, m. Juha M. Bamard in 1868; d. 1 May, 1901, in Grand Blanc, Mich. Children: Two sons d. in infancy; (3) EUen', m. Rev. George Benford and has four sons; (4) William Henry, a clergyman in Lancaster, Wis., who has two sons and one dau.; (5) Hope', who m. W. W. Kreamer. GENEALOGIES. 183 vii. Lyman B., m. Mary Whinfield about 1868; d. about 1890 in Can., leaving four daus. and one son. -vih. John R., m. EUa Beardsley about 1875; d. 1909, leaving two sons. HARPER. The Harpers, who were Scotch Irish, came to this country from the north of Ireland in the latter part of the seventeenth or the beginning of the eigh teenth century. Of the three brothers who were emigrants, one went South, as tradition says, and settled in the Carolinas, from whom are descended the Harpers of that section. It is supposed that Gen. Goodloe Harper of Balti more and ChanceUor Harper of S. C. were descendants of this branch. An other brother settled in N. Y., from whom the Harpers of that state and Penn. are supposed to have descended. The third brother, as appears from an old family record, was a weaver by trade and settled in Newbury, Mass. He was the ancestor of the Harpers of N. E. John A. Harper of Meredith, who was a member of Congress in 1812, was of this branch in the fourth gen eration. His father, WiUiam Harper, was a magistrate for some thirty years and represented Sanbomton in the legislature for a number of sessions. 1. Samuel' Harper, grandson of the emigrant, was b. in Brentwood in 1744. He m. in 1773 Sarah Godfrey, whose ancestors came from Eng. about 1766, some of whom took conspicuous part in the revolutionary history of that country. She was b. in Poplin (Fremont), in 1766. They moved to Sanbomton. At the time of Burgoyne's invasion, Mr. Harper left his wife and chUdren and joined Gen. Stark's com mand. He was in the Battle of Bennington and served through the campaign. Soon after the close of the Revolutionary War he removed to Brentwood, where he resided until March, 1787, when he settled in Limerick, Me. Here he resided until his death in 1834, at the age of 87. His wife d. six years later at the age of 93. Their farm is stUl in the possession of the famUy. Children; i. Susans, b. Sanbomton, 1774; m. Joseph Hodgdon 1796; one child. ii. Betsey, b. Sanbomton, 1776; m. J. Cole; two sons. iu. SuKEY, b. Brentwood, 1777; d. 1815; m. James Stevens. iv. Abigail, b. Brentwood, 1779; m. John Watson; one son, three daus. V. Eunice, b. Brentwood, 1781; m. Wilham Deering. They had six ^ sons and two daus.; hved in Waterborough, Me.; some de scendants went West and South; many are now living in Saco and Biddeford, Me. -vi. Ezekiel, b. Brentwood, 1783; m. first, Betsey Ames of Parsonsfield; m. second, Catherine Deerhom. Descendant of first mar riage, one granddau. Descendant of second marriage, one granddau. -vii. Hannah, b. Brentwood, 1786; m. Samuel Emery of Biddeford, Me. 2. -viu. Joseph Morrill, b. Limerick 1787. ix. Samuel, b. Limerick 1790; m. 1823, Lois B. Deering. They had eleven chUdren. Of these Samuel' resides on the original farm in Limerick; m. twice; children, two sons, three daus. Zilpha R. resides at Old Orchard, Me. Charles A. resides at Steep FaUs, Me. ; m. ChUdren, two sons, one dau. Martha, m. Mr. Hubbard; d. 1904; one dau., one son, both of Biddeford, Me. x. Clarissa, b. Limerick 1792; m. Isaac Deering of Waterborough, Me. ChUdren: one son and two daus. 184 HISTORY OF CANTERBURY. 2. Joseph Morrill' Harper, M. D. (Samueb) b. Limerick, Me., 21 June, 1787; d. in C, 15 Jan., 1865; m. 6 June, 1816, Ehzabeth, dau. of Obadiah and Sarah Clough of C, b. 5 March, 1787; d. 29 May, 1862.* ChU dren, b. in C; 3. i. Joseph Clough', b. 16 May, 1817. 4. h. Charles Augustus, b. 2 Dec, 1818. ih. Sarah Elizabeth, b. 9 Oct., 1829; d. in Loudon, 12 Jan., 1887; m. Col. Jacque E. Monmouth, killed in Civil war.f 3. Joseph Clough' Harper (Joseph', Samuel') b. 16 May, 1817; d. Loudon, 12 March, 1864; m. 29 March, 1836, Phebe Sanborn, dau. of Shubael and Phebe (Smith) Sanbom, b. in C, 22 Dec, 1814, d. in Loudon 12 Oct., 1855 (See Sanbom Gen.); m. second, 9 Jan., 1857, Deborah Osgood. ChUdren by first marriage; i. Charles Smith' Harper, b. 22 Feb., 1838; d. 28 Dec, 1909; m. first, Jennie George of Fairlee, Vt.; m. second, Sept., 1886, Edna Johnson, Sharon, Mass., b. June, 1853, d. March, 1894; m. third, Hattie Drake, Sharon, Mass., b. 14 July, 1862. Mr. Harper was a carriage manufacturer and inventor of the Harper combination gear. He was in business in C, Concord and Sharon, Mass. 5. h. Phebe Elizabeth, b. 18 March, 1840. 6. hi. Emma, b. 4 May, 1845. 7. iv. Mabel, b. 2 March, 1855. Children by second marriage: v. Jefferson D., d. in infancy. 8. -vi. Mittie S., b. Aug., 1858; m. John Tilton. 4. Charles Augustus' Harper (Joseph; Samueb) b. 2 Dec, 1818; m. 10 Feb., 1849, EmUy M. Strickland, dau. of WUliam Strickland, a noted architect, the designer and buUder of the Merchant's Exchange, U. S. Bank, and U. S. Mint in Philadelphia, and of the State Capitol in Nash- vUle, Tenn.; d. 9 Nov., 1884; Mrs. Harper d. 22 May, 1909, in the eighty- sixth year of her age. Mr. Harper graduated from Dartmouth CoUege in 1837; practiced law in West Va., Ark. and Tex.; served in Mexican war as Lieut.-Colonel of a regt. of Tex. Vols.; became associate justice of Supreme Court of Ark., and author of Constitution of that state, adopted on its re-admission to the Union; afterwards Secretary of the Atlantic and Pacific Telegraph Co.; ordained to the Gospel ministry, 1879, in Baptist Church, Fairview, N. J. Children; Helen', b. 15 Jan., 1850. Jeannie, b. 23 Nov., 1852; d. in infancy. Charles, b. 1 Feb., 1856. Frank, b. 8 Aug., 1868; d. in infancy. Lizzie, b. 27 May, 1861; d. in infancy. William Strickland, b. 18 April, 1867. 5. Phebe Elizabeth' Harper (Joseph; Joseph', Samuel') b. 18 March, 1840, in Loudon; m. 6 AprU, 1865, Charles Henry Mason, b. 12 Sept., , 1844, son of Gardner and Harriet (Stevens) Mason of C, and descendant * For account of Dr. Harper, see Chapters X and XIV, Vol. I. t For account of Mrs. Monmouth, see chapter on Worsted Church. 9. i. u. ih. iv. V. 10. -vi. GENEALOGIES. 185 of Capt. John Mason of colonial history. Phebe inherited the ht erary taste of the family and is the author of many poems. ChUdren, b. at Loudon; i. Charles Harpers Mason, b. 1 Jan., 1873; m. 14 AprU, 1903, Anna M. Lohbiller, b. 1 Nov., 1874, dau. of Anthony and Lina Lohbiller of Jamaica Plain, Mass. h. Mabel H. Mason, b. 1 May, 1876; m. 18 May, 1906, Weston Lemuel, son of Luther and Sarah Fickett of Errol, b. 17 July, 1869. 6. Emma' Harper (Joseph', Joseph', Samueb) b. 4 May, 1845, in Loudon; m. 1 May, 1864, John J. A., son of Robert and Charlotte (Perkins) Huckins, b. 1842. She d. 27 Nov., 1906. Child: Bertha Lilhan' Huckms, b. 5 April, 1865; m. 24 April, 1898, John W. Stevens of Loudon. 7. Mabel' Harper (Joseph') b. 2 March, 1855, in Loudon ; m. George O. Fogg, son of Stephen Fogg of Readfield, Me. ChUdren ; i. M-YRA' Fogg, d. in infancy. h. Gladys Perkins Fogg, b. 26 March, 1881; m. 3 Aug., 1904, Milo E. Benedict, b. 6 June, 1866, son of Abel J. and Helen (Peck) Bene dict of Cornwall, Vt. (See Perkins Gen.) iu. Robert Ste-vens Fogg, b. 8 Jan., 1897. 8. Mittie S.' Harper (Joseph') b. Aug., 1858; m. 28 July, 1878, John E. TUton of Loudon. He d. 26 May, 1902. Children, b. m Loudon: i. Frank E.' TUton, b. 2 Nov., 1879. h. Carlton E. TUton, b. 22 April, 1888. hi. Flossie B. Tilton, b. 14 Dec, 1889. 9. Helen' Harper (Charles', Joseph') b. 16 Jan., 1850, Nash-vUle, Term.; m. 30 May, 1871, John Charies Bush, b. 7 Feb., 1846, in N. Y. City. ChUdren; i. Alice Adeline' Bush, b. 12 Jan., 1875; d. 1 Feb., 1878. 11. h. Jeannie Gertrude Bush, b. 28 Dec, 1878. 10. William StricklaJnd' Harper (Charles', Joseph') b. 18 AprU, 1867, Rahway, N. J.; m. 9 March, 1890, May BeU, dau. of James and Sarah Annie (Tumer) Ackerman, b. 26 July, 1868. Children; i. PhUip Strickland', b. 12 March, 1893. h. Lois Palmer, b. 1 Oct., 1897. hi. Paul Ackerman, b. 22 July, 1899. iv. Annabel Trenchard, b. 21 Dec, 1906; d. 1 May, 1909. WiUiam Strickland Harper spent early life in joumahsm in Paterson, N. J., and in N. Y. City, but in 1899 was ordained as a minister of the Gospel m the Presbyterian Church. In 1903 he became a member of the N. Y. East Conference of the M. E. Church; is now stationed in Brooklyn, N. Y. 11. Jeannie Gertrude' Bush (Helen* Harper, Charles', Joseph') b. 28 Dec, 1878; m. Aug., 1899, Thomas E. McCabe, b. 1871. She d. 3 Jan., 1904. ChUdren: i. Thomas E.« McCabe, b. 21 June, 1900. h. Jeannie G. McCabe, b. 13 Sept., 1901. hi. Arthur McCabe, b. 21 Dec, 1903. 186 HISTORY OF CANTERBURY. HARRIMAN. Elder John Harriman was b. in Plaistow, 11 AprU, 1784. The name Harriman was among those of the first settlers before 1740. Elder Harriman d. in Newton, 8 AprU, 1866. He m. Rachel GUe also of Plaistow in 1804. Her father was Major Ezekiel GUe, an officer of the Revolutionary war. Elder Harriman was ordained as an Evangelist April, 1812; moved to C. in 1829, where he was soon engaged in a very extensive re-vival, and later be came pastor of the F. W. Baptist Church, remaining many years in the town. He represented C. in the legislature two terms. Later he chose a home in Newton where he spent the remainder of his hfe. The first Harriman in this country was Leonard of Rowley, Mass., who in 1639 with Rev. Ezekiel Rogers and twenty other famihes fied from ecclesias tical oppression in Yorkshire County, Eng., and came to N. E. He was then a very young man. Setthng in Rowley, he was admitted freeman in 1647. He and his wife, Margaret, had three sons and three daus., John, the eldest son, b. in 1660, was sacrificed in King PhUip's war. Two sons remained, Matthew and Jonathan, the one b. in 1662, the other in 1667. Matthew, at the age of 21, settled in Haverhill, Mass. The same year he m. Ehzabeth Swan of that town. Their home was on Fishery River, a place now in the com pact part of the city. They had a large family. Leonard Harriman, in his wiU in 1691, says, "To my. oldest son, Matthew Harriman, I give and bequeath all my lands and meadows in ye bounds of HaverhiU," and "to his son Matthew — my grandchild, I give my arms & ammunition." He gave Jonathan, his youngest son, his real estate in X-lowley. The first Matthew Harriman had six sons and six daus. The first chUd, Matthew, Jr., m. in 1700, Martha Page; they had six sons and three daus. The eldest son, Joseph, m. in 1723, Lydia Eaton, and had AbigaU, Reuben and Joseph. This last Joseph had two sons, David and Aseph. David had four sons, Joseph, Israel, John and Da-vid, the two last the somewhat noted Evan gelists. They are then the 7th generation of Harrimans in this country. Elder Harriman and his -wife had six children, John, Caroline, Ehzabeth, Sarah, Corydon and Hadassah. Hadassah m. Andrew Bartlett Taylor. (See Taylor Gen.) HASELTON. 1. Leonard Haselton was b. 20 Jan., 1821, in Manchester; m. 29 Dec, 1852, Mary A., dau. of John G. Howe, b. 18 June, 1831, in Washington. Mr. Haselton hved quite a number of years in C, and d. 2 April, 1897, m Loudon. Mrs. Haselton d. 11 March, 1910. ChUdren; i. Irblla, b. 7 March, 1854. h. LiLLA, b. 21 Nov., 1855. iu. Mary J., b. 10 Jan., 1868. iv. Leonard 0., b. 27 Dec, 1859; d. 10 Sept., 1864. V. Lizzie A., b. 18 July, 1863; d. 22 Aug., 1864. ¦vi. Addie M., b. 26 Aug., 1866. vu. John G., b. 11 Aug., 1868. -vhi. Emma B., b. 2 July, 1871; d. 21 June, 1901. ix. Alpheus J., b. 6 Oct., 1873. GENEALOGIES. 187 HAVEN. 1. Henry H.' Ha-vbn, b. 1 May, 1840, in Newport; m. 24 July, 1867, ArvUla, dau. of Robert Lear. He d. 4 March, 1901. She d. 27 Feb., 1891. 2. Frank B.' Haven (Henry H.') b. 7 May, 1875, in Goshen; m. 4 Sept., 1892, in HUlsboro, Ida M., dau. of Lionel and Clara Nelson, b. 31 Oct., 1874, in HUlsboro. Mr. Haven resides m C. Children: i. Evelene M.', b. 2 Aug., 1898. u. Eunice M., b. 6 Aug., 1902. HAYNES. 1. Hiram G.' Haynes, son of Nathaniel', was b. in C, 6 or 29 March, 1812. He m. Mary Carohne, dau. of Mighel Shattuck, b. in Nashua 13 July, 1814. She was a descendant of Gen. Israel Putnam of Revolutionary fame. He d. m C. 29 Oct., 1888, and she, 27 March, 1902. Children: 2. i. George Washington', b. 1839. h. Hannah, b. in Lowell, Mass. iu. Sarah, b. in LoweU, Mass; d. 9 Oct., 1863, in C. 3. iv. Lyman Hersey, b. 29 March, 1843. 4. V. Moses Elkins, b. 4 March, 1846. 5. -vi. Charles Putnum, b. 24 March, 1848. 6. vh. Lizzie Frances, b. Feb., 1861. viu. Willie Shattuck, b. in C. and d. 16 Oct., 1864, aged ten years. 2. George Washington' Haynes (Hiram', Nathaniel') b. in Lowell, Mass., 1839; m. in C. 6 Sept., 1867, Martha B. RandaU. (See RandaU Gen.) He d. 19 AprU, 1903. Child: Sarah Lizzie', b. 10 March, 1873. 3. Lyman Hersey' Ha-ynes (Hiram; Nathaniel') b. in C, 29 March, 1843; m. first, Susan A. Smith, b. at Middlebury, Vt. Her parents were Enos and Nancy (Sargent) Smith. Enos was b. at Hartford, Vt., and Nancy Sargent in Concord. She d. in C, 7 Sept., 1887. He m. second, Mrs. Clara (Peaslee) Gale, 23 April, 1893, at C. She was dau. of Zaccheus and Betsey (Parrish) Peaslee, and was b. 16 Aug., 1846, at GUmanton. Lyman H. Haynes d. iu C, 1 March, 1903. Children by first marriage: i. Annie.' ii. Lillian. hi. Moses J., b. 27 Dec, 1869. 7. iv. Addie Mabel, b. 1 Nov., 1872, in Boscawen. 4. Moses Elkins' Haynes (Hiram; Nathaniel') b. in C, 4 March, 1846; m. in July, 1868, Susan Flanders. ChUd: Mira May, b. in Boscawen, May, 1890; d. in infancy. 5. Charles Putnum' Haynes (Hiram', Nathaniel') b. in C, 24 March, 1848! m. 10 July, 1868, Mrs. Therza Ann (Colbum) Chase. He d. in Pena cook. Children: i. Myrtie C.', b. 17 July, 1873. h. Ralph Putnum. 6. Lizzie Frances' Haynes {Hiram', Nathaniel') b. in C, Feb., 1851; m. Frank FuUerton. Resides in Franklin. ChUdren: i. Dehna Louise'. u. Llewellyn Tracy, ih. Maud. iv. Grace MabeUe. v. MUdred. 188 HISTORY OF CANTERBURY. 7. Addie Mabel' Haynes (Lymaw, Hiram', Nathaniel') b. 1 Nov., 1872, in Boscawen; m. 15 June, 1896, at Concord, Rev. Wm. A. W., son of Charles W. and Martha B. Hardy, b. in Penacook 14 June, 1869. Children: i. Doris Eastman', b. 24 Aug., 1897. h. Gertrude Haynes, b. 13 Jan., 1900. in. Charles William, b. 9 Aug., 1905. HAZELTINE.* The Hazeltines are said to have come from Rowley, Eng., to Rowley Plantation, Mass. Some bearing the name are found in Concord prior to 1740. 1. The name William' Hasbltine is found in the census hst of 1790, at which time it appears that he had three sons and two daus. WUliam Hazeltine is one of the ten signers of the covenant adopted by the Con gregational Church 3 Nov., 1790. By the record on a stone in the Center cemetery, he d. 29 Jan., 1826, aged 81 years. Sarah HaU, his wife, d. 24 May, 1845, aged 92 years. 2. Abials Hazeltine, without doubt the son of WUham, m. Hannah Adams. He d. 6 June, 1838, aged 61 years. She d. 24 Jan., 1849, aged 70 years. Both are interred in the Center cemetery. Children, b. in C. : i. Hannah', b. 6 Jan., 1811; m. Thomas Clough. (See Clough Gen.) h. Sarah Hall, b. 4 Feb., 1814; m. Abner Clough. (See Clough Gen.) ih. Abial Samuel, b. 1 Sept., 1815; d. 21 Sept., 1820. HEATH. 1. Abrahams Heath, son of Isaac and Susan (HaU) Heath, was b. 9 Aug., 1783, in Hampstead; m. 25 May, 1813, Mary MorrUl m Chester. He d. 29 Aug., 1866; she, 3 Jan., 1839. 2. Joseph' Heath (Abraham', Isaac') b. 11 Dec, 1823, in Northfield; m. 21 Dec, 1848, in Gilmanton, Caroline M. Grant, b. 27 Oct., 1826, a dau. of Samuel and Hannah Diurell Grant. Joseph Heath d. 23 April, 1892, in C, where he had resided since 1849. Children; i. Francis A.', b. 27 Oct., 1849; d. 24 May, 1857. u. Mary E., b. 22 June, 1861; d. young. hi. Sidney S., b. 28 July, 1853; d. 15 May, 1867. iv. Mary E., 2d, b. 25 Nov., 1856. V. Etta F., b. 12 Sept., 1858; m. 24 Dec, 1898, Charles J., son of Rev. John Chamberlain, b. 12 Jan., 1855, in C; d. 15 AprU, 1908, in Canton, Mass. vi. Frank A., b. 1 April, 1860. ¦vii. Joseph S., b. 23 Dec, 1861; d. 14 July, 1862. -vih. Addie M., b. 17 Feb., 1864. * The name is variously spelled Hazeltine, Haseltine, Hazelton and Haselton in the town records. GENEALOGIES. 189 HEATH. 1. Joseph Smarts Heath was b. in C, 4 March, 1800. His parents, Caleb' and AbigaU (Carter) Heath, Jr., were m. in C, in 1799. He m. in C. 3 March, 1836, Jemima Clough, dau. of James and Mehitable (Berry) Lake, and d. m C. 7 Dec, 1872. His wife d. 25 Jan., 1891. Children: 2. i. Mary Webster', b. 28 July, 1838. 3. h. Ruth Emily, b. 28 March, 1841. iu. Weltha Jane, b. 3 Dec, 1843; m. in C. 16 July, 1860, Joseph Knowles. (See Knowles Gen.) She d. 22 Dec, 1862. 4. iv. Joseph Walter, b. 22 Sept., 1847. V. Silas Quimby, b. 25 Aug., 1855; m. in C. 5 June, 1883, Addie Maria, dau. of Robert and Adaline (Duncklee) Houston of Bedford, where she was b. 24 Dec, 1852. SUas Q. d. in C. 12 March, 1889, and she in Manchester 19 July, 1898. No children. 2. Mary Webster' Heath (Joseph', Caleb) b. 28 July, 1838; m. in Jan., 1860, MerrUl Moore. She d. 8 May, 1901. Children: i. George Merrill' Moore, b. 24 Feb., 1862; m. Minnie Nichols; d. 1 Sept., 1886. h. Clara Moore, d. young. 5. ih. Sadie Eliza Moore, b. 13 Feb., 1871. 3. Ruth Emily' Heath (Joseph; Caleb') b. 28 March, 1841; m. 23 Sept., 1868, in C, Edmund, son of Samuel and (Emerson) Lougee, b. m Loudon, and d. m C. 8 July, 1891. She d. 11 Aug., 1873. Child; 6. i. Mae Belle' Lougee, b. 22 March, 1868. 4. Joseph Walter' Heath (Joseph', Caleb') b. 22 Sept., 1847; m. in C. 9 Sept., 1866, Phebe, dau. of Hiram C. and Alma (Pevere) Squiers. (See Squiers Gen.) He d. in C. 13 March, 1878. Children: i. Cora Alma*, b. 18 Sept., 1866; m. James Scott. Child: Winfield Scott, b. in Oklahoma, the first white child b. in Oklahoma after it was opened for settlement. James Scott d. there soon after the child was b. Cora m. second, John Schooley of Iowa, where she now resides and has three chUdren. h. Walter Joseph, b. 7 May, 1869, in C; m. first, 30 Dec, 1888, Ehza Keniston; m. second, 26 Dec, 1906, Neva M., dau. of Oren J. and Miriam (Chfford) Randall. (See Randall Gen.) Children by first marriage: 1. Mel-vin, d. at about three years. 2. Grace, b. 22 April, 1893; m. m 1910, Herbert Lyons, of Frank hn. 3. Josephine Ola, b. 25 Jan., 1897. hi. Charles Hiram, b. U June, 1875; m. Myrtie Lord and has three children, Calvin, Olive and Joseph. 5. Sadie Eliza' Moore (Mary, Joseph', Caleb) b. 13 Feb., 1871; m. 13 Feb., 1887, Fred L. Watson. Children: i. Elfleda May' Watson, b. 9 Feb., 1888; m. 14 Aug., 1904, Burt Taylor, and resides in Meredith. ChUdren: 1. Weshe Leslie Taylor, b. 7 June, 1908. 2. Maurice Leon Taylor, b. 23 May, 1909. h. Bernice Alberta Watson, b. 10 Oct., 1891. iu. Fred Leslie Watson, b. 20 Aug., 1901. iv. Freelove Moore Watson, b. 2 July, 1904. 190 HISTORY OF CANTERBURY. 6. Mae Belle' Lougee (Ruth Emily, Joseph', Caleb') b. 22 March, 1868; m. 8 Jan., 1889, James A. Butler and had four children; m. second, 3 Feb., 1910, John W. Dresser of Franklm. ChUdren by first marriage: Harold Edmund' Butler, b. 23 Sept., 1889. Ruth Mae Belle Butler, b. 30 AprU, 1891; d. 1 Sept., 1891. ii. Laurence William Butler, b. 30 Oct., 1895. V. Genevieve Cecilia Butler, b. 31 July, 1897. HEATH. 1. William' Heath and his -wife, Mary, came from London, Eng., on the frigate Lyon, landing in this country Sept., 1632. His five children were all b. in London. The famUy settled in Roxbury, Mass. WUliam was a member of the First Assembly of Deputies, 14 May, 1634, and for some years subsequently. He d. 29 May, 1652. His wife, Mary, d. 16 Dec, 1669. 2. Pblegs Heath was the son of WUliam' and Mary, and the father of 3. William' Heath. 4. Samuel' Heath was b. 27 Dec, 1701, in Roxbury, Mass., but settled in Plaistow, and was a farmer. Date of death unknown but he was h^ving as late as 1794, with his son Samuel' in Bristol. 5. Samuel' Heath (Samuel*, William', Peleg', William') was b. 1754 in Plaistow; m. 11 April, 1782, Sarah Webster of Plymouth. He moved to Bristol in 1785. He was a soldier in the Revolutionary army from Plaistow. He d. 13 June, 1833. His wife d. 7 July, 1839, in Bristol. 6. Robert' Heath (Samueb, Samuel*) b. 14 Nov., 1789; m. first, 7 AprU, 1812, Hannah Nelson, b. 21 Feb., 1792; d. 6 Jan., 1841; m. second, Mrs. PoUy B., widow of Joseph Dow. She d. 31 July, 1863. He d. 8 Oct., 1853. Children all by first marriage, b. in Bristol: i. Stephen Nelson', b. 14 Feb., 1816. h. Sarah Ann, b. 5 Feb., 1817. iu. Samuel P., b. 18 June, 1819. iv. John S., b. 31 July, 1821. V. Charles B., b. 5 Nov., 1823. vi. Horace W., b. 14 Nov., 1826. 7. -vii. Levi Nelson, b. 3 March, 1829. vui. William P., b. 23 Jan., 1831. ix. Harriet J., b. 20 Aug., 1833. X. Emily Wells, b. Dec, 1836. 7. Le-vi Nelson' Heath (Robert', Samueb, Samuel*) b. 3 March, 1829; m. first, 20 Feb., 1851, Susannah C, dau. of John Gordon of New Hamp ton. She d. 11 June, 1875. Levi Heath m. second, Mrs. Julia Scales, dau. of Augustus Atwood of Danbury. He d. 11 May, 1904. Children by first marriage: GENEALOGIES. 191 i. Annie Abbie', b. 17 Dec, 1861; m. 1873, Henry Brown' of Concord. She resides in Lancaster, Mass. Children: 1. Mabel Susanna Brown, b. 3 May, 1874, in Concord. 2. Annie Maud Brown, b. 18 Dec, 1876; m. Elba Carpenter of Lancaster. They have two children: Eari" and Ruth Janette Cai'penter. u. Ida Gertrude, b. 4 Dec, 1853; m. 1 March, 1892, Ohver BaUou of Concord. He d. 5 Oct., 1902, in Concord. She resides in Concord. hi. Naomi Jane, b. 31 May, 1856, in Bristol; was in business in N. Y. City many years and still resides there. 8. iv. Ed-win Gordon, b. 31 Jan., 1858. V. Alfred Houston, b. 29 March, 1860; m. 5 April, 1888, in C, Dorothy Ehzabeth Herber, b. 19 Feb., 1853, in Germany. She was the dau. of John Christopher and Sophia (Graffe) Herber, both of Hesse-Darmstadt, Germany. She was the eldest of eight chUdren. Children; 1. Mary Elizabeth', b. 8 Sept., 1889, in Bristol. 2. William Herber, b. 6 Sept., 1891, in Bethlehem, N. Y. Alfred H. Heath was a resident of C. for several years; after his marriage removed to Bristol. He d. 12 June, 1908, in Bristol. ¦vi. Nellie Emogene, b. 26 May, 1863; m. Alfred B. Harvey of N. Y. aty 4 July, 1884; d. Aug., 1898. Children; 1. Ralph Gordon' Harvey, b. 6 June, 1885, in New York. 2. Harold Rolfe Har vey, b. 19 March, 1891, in New York. -vii. Carrie Emma, b. 19 June, 1866; m. 16 July, 1887, Frank A. Holmes of Sutton, Vt.; d. 11 May, 1896. No children. ChUd by second marriage: -vih. Levi Bartlett, b. 23 Feb., 1880, in Bristol; m. 26 June, 1904, Ahce Gordon of New Hampton. Child; Rachel Viola', b. 19 May, 1906. 8. Ed-win Gordon' Heath (Levi'', Robert', Samueb) b. 31 Jan., 1858, in Bristol; m. 14 Aug., 1884, in C, Anna Eliza, dau. of Joseph Clough and Laura Adams (CogsweU) Sanborn, who was b. 7 March, 1851, in C. Anna, E. Sanbom was the granddau. of Benjamin Sanbom and Hannah Clough, and the great-great-granddau. of the Rev. Abiel Foster and his second wife, Mary Rogers; also on the CogsweU side she is a direct de scendant of the first settled minister of C. Ed-win G. Heath has been a resident of C. since the autumn of 1877. In the faU of 1881 he went to the Borough and hved for a time on the Ames place, then removed to the Sanbom homestead where he now resides. He spent the winter of 1879-80 traveling in the South, in the interests of the South Pubhshing Co. of N. Y. City. He -visited cities of Md., Va., N. and S. C, Ga., and Fla. ChUd: Chester Earl', b. 18 March, 1887, m C; m. 30 April, 1910, Mary Abby, dau. of George F. and Adeha (Jones) Kelley of GUmanton. HERRICK. 1. James H.' Herrick of Sanbomton m. first, Clarissa Arlin of C. who d. 30 AprU, 1851, aged 52 years; m. second, Rachel A. Blake, b. 2 May, 1810, d. 6 Dec, 1885. Mr. Herrick lived in C. about 25 years and d. in E. Concord 8 March, 1880, aged 81 years. Children by first mar riage; 192 HISTORY OF CANTERBURY. 2. i. Mary A.s, b. 1825. h. Elizabeth, b. 1827; d. 23 March, 1850; unm. hi. Clara, b. 1829. 2. Mary A.s Herrick (James H.') b. 1825; m. Sylvester Lovering of Loudon who d. 20 Sept., 1906, aged 85 years. She d. 13 Feb., 1909, aged 84 years. They had an adopted son, Roscoe C. Lovermg, who m. Jennie Wiggin. He d. 26 Dec, 1889, leaving a son, Roscoe Lovering. HILL. 1. John' Hill was b. 28 June, 1773, in Barrington; m. AbigaU Cram, b. 22 Oct., 1775, in Pittsfield. He d. 27 Aug., 1833. Children: 2. i. Trueworthys, b. 8 Jan., 1798. h. John, b. 11 July, 1799. ih. Samuel C, b. 17 Nov., 1803, in Pittsfield. iv. Polly S., b. 16 Feb., 1809, in Holdemess; m. Simeon B. Foster. (See Foster Gen.) 2. Trueworthys Hill (Johw) b. 8 Jan., 1798, in Pittsfield; m. first, Jan., 1818, Ahnira Wheeler, b. 24 March, 1798, d. 13 Jan., 1852; m. second, 26 March, 1855, Mary Nudd of C, b. 2 July, 1813. He d. 20 Feb., 1872. ChUdren by first marriage: i. Edmund D.', b. 27 June, 1818; m. La^vina Fletcher. They had sev eral chUdren. h. Almira M., b. 21 Dec, 1820; unm.; d. 2 Oct., 1866. ih. William W., b. 28 May, 1823; d. 16 AprU, 1827. iv. Trueworthy, Jr., b. 8 Nov., 1825; m. 1 Jan., 1853, Elizabeth Ann Mason. He d. 11 May, 1864. They had two children. (See Mason Gen.) V. William C, b. 29 March, 1828; d. Oct., 1829. vi. Samuel S., b. 29 Sept., 1830; m. 23 Feb., 1859, Sarah E. Cram. He d. 28 Jan., 1862. They had one child. vii. John N., b. 27 July, 1833; m. 11 Nov., 1866, EmUy A. Lake. She d. 21 Oct., 1875. They had three children. He m. a second time. -viii. Rhoda A. E., b. 6 Oct., 1839; m. 13 Nov., 1858, George W. Lake. ix. Lucinda Jane Clough, b. 24 Jan., 1833; m. 1 Jan., 1862, Morrill Fletcher. (See Fletcher Gen.) HILLS. 1. Daniel' Hills was b. in HaverhiU, Mass., in 1727. "His name first appears on the tax hst in 1792. " He and his four sons bought land on Bay HUl, Northfield. "The deeds to the first purchase are dated 1788." He m. Hannah Emery of HaverhiU, Mass., and it is supposed that they d. in Northfield. Children; i. Daniels, b. 12 May, 1768. h. Abigail, b. 7 March, 1760. 2. hi. David, b. 4 June, 1762. iv. Timothy, b. 27 Jan., 1764. V. Hannah, b. 17 July, 1768. -vi. John, b. 15 June, 1770. GENEALOGIES. 193 2. Capt. Da-vid' Hills (Danieb) b. 4 June, 1762; m. 29 Nov., 1787, Susannah Cole of Bradford, Mass., b. 26 Oct., 1766. He was both a farmer and cooper. She d. 26 Oct., 1856. Children, all b. in Northfield; i. SusAN', b. 16 Feb., 1792. h. Abiah, b. 11 Feb., 1795. iu. Daniel, b. 18 June, 1797. iv. Abigail, b. 18 Jan., 1799. V. David, b. 3 Feb., 1801. -vi. Clarissa, b. 14 Dec, 1803. -vh. Emery, b. 18 Jan., 1806. 3. -viu. Samuel, b. 26 Dec, 1808. 3. Samuel' Hills (David; Danieb) b. 26 Dec, 1808; m. 6 Dec, 1832, Judith Clough of C, b. 6 Dec, 1808. He was a blacksmith and spent his whole hfe at C. Center. He was a dea. of the Congregational Church from 1853 tiU his death, 13 April, 1882. Mrs. HiUs d. 8 Sept., 1888. Child: Mary Ehza', b. 2 Feb., 1834; m. 3 June, 1852, John P. KimbaU of C, b. m Boscawen 23 Dec, 1827. She d. 6 Nov., 1874. (See KunbaU Gen.) The early records of this family are from the Northfield History. HOUSER. 1. Henry Hirams Houser, son of Jesse' and Mary Steffe Houser, was b. 25 AprU, 1846, in McVeyto-wn, Penn.; m. 19 Jan., 1871, in Concord, Susan Augusta, dau. of Joseph Moody and Ehzabeth Emery (Fellows) Foster. (See Foster Gen.) Children, b. in C. : i. Elizabeth Foster', b. 3 Nov., 1871. 2. u. Joseph Moody, b. 18 Sept., 1873. 3. iu. Harry Hiram, b. 25 July, 1879. 2. Joseph Moody' Houser (Henry H.', Jesse') b. 18 Sept., 1873; m. 1894, SteUa N. Sargent of C, b. 28 Nov., 1874; d. 23 March, 1907, in C. ChUdren, all b. in C. ; i. Jesse Earl', b. 27 Oct., 1894; d. 1 Nov., 1894. u. Leola Foster, b. 5 March, 1900. hi. Joseph Mahlan, twin, b. 10 Feb., 1907. iv. JoicE Moody, twm, b. 10 Feb., 1907; d. 10 Feb., 1907. 3. Harry Hiram' Houser (Henry H.', Jesse') b. 26 July, 1879; m. 1901, Catharine Mclsaac, b. 6 March, 1880. Child: i. Elizabeth Cordelia', b. 22 Feb., 1902, in Concord. HOWE. 1. John' Howe, b. 1781 hi Bow; m. AbigaU , b. 1781 m Epsom. He d. 1 March, 1838; she d. 3 March, 1849, both in C. John Howe served in the War of 1812. This branch of the Howe family is descended from Lord Timothy Howe. ChUdren: i. Susan B.s, b. 20 AprU, 1812, m C; m. 19 April, 1842, Alfred S. Ab bott. (See Abbott Gen.) 14-11 194 HISTORY OF CANTERBURY. 2. u. Samuel Ne-well, b. 29 Oct., 1819. ih. Polly, m. 3 March, 1830, in C, Thomas Brown of Concord. Chil dren : Abby Bro-wn, John Brown, George Bro-wn. Abby Brown m. Cleveland. 2. Samuel Newell' Ho-we (Johw) b. 29 Oct., 1819, m C; m. Abby, dau. of John Scates. He removed to Boston, Mass., in 1842; d. 28 Jan., 1902. She d. 19 Dec, 1868. ChUdren: i. Emma', b. in Boston, Mass.; d. 21 May, 1849, in C, aged 5 years. u. George, b. in Boston; d. 18 June, 1849, in C, aged 3 years. 3. hi. Charles O., b. 3 Feb., 1848. iv. George C, b. in Boston. 4. V. Emma J., b. 22 Oct., 1851, in C. 5. -vi. Frank N., b. 24 Aug., 1854, in C. 3. Charles O.' Howe (Samuel Newelb, Johw) b. 3 Feb., 1848, in Boston, Mass., where he m. 5 AprU, 1870, Emma, dau. of Lorenzo D. SneU. ChUdren: i. NeweU E.', b. 10 Aug., 1871, at Beverly, Mass. h. Cora M., b. 23 Oct., 1881, at Beverly, Mass. hi. Emest W., b. 12 June, 1889, at Manchester, Mass. iv. Walter B., b. 27 July, 1893, at Man chester, Mass. 4. Emma J.' Howe (Samuel Newelb, Johw) b. 22 Oct., 1861; m. Hoyt Mc- Comb. She d. Dec, 1909. 5. Frank N.' Howe (Samuel Newelb, Johw) b. 24 Aug., 1854; m. 26 Nov., 1876, at Beverly, Mass., Rebecca P., dau. of Gorham P. NewhaU. He d. 20 Aug., 1906, at Beverly, Mass. Children: 6. i. George G.', b. 25 April, 1877. u. Laura A., b. 1 July, 1882. 6. George G.' Howe (Frank N.', Samuel Newelb, Johw) b. 25 AprU, 1877; m. 14 June, 1906, Nancy Kennedy. ChUd: Eleanor M.', b. 7 Oct., 1908. HOYT. 1. John' Hoyt, an original settler of Salisbury, Mass. He was probably b. between 1610 and 1615. He was sergeant of Sahsbury Mihtary Co., 1658. Had two wives, both were named Frances. He m. first, about 1635; she d. 23 Feb., 1642-43; m. second, 1643^4. He d. 28 Feb., 1687-88. 2. Thomas' Hq-tt (Johw) b. 1 Jan., 1640-41; m. Mary, dau. of WUham and Elizabeth Brown of Sahsbury. Lived in Salisbury untU his removal to Amesbury between 1680 and 1686. 3. Lieut. Thomas' Hoyt (Thomas; Johw) m. first, 22 May, 1689, Ehza beth Huntington, who d. 29 Jan., 1721-22; m. second, 18 Nov., 1722, Widow Mary Bamard (probably vridow of Joseph). Mary d. 1740-41. He hved at "Pond HUl," Amesbury, where he was prominent in town affairs. GENEALOGIES. 195 4. Thomas' Hoyt (Lieut. Thomas; Thomas; Johw) b. 18 Jan., 1703-04; m. 20 Jan., 1725-26, Ruth Barnard, granddau. of Thomas Barnard. He received the west half of his father's farm and probably lived on it. He d. in 1743 or early in 1744. 5. Thomas' Hoyt (Thomas*, Thomas', Thomas; Johw) b. 17 May, 1731. Probably m. Miriam KimbaU of HaverhiU, Mass., 5 Sept., 1764. He was a tanner; moved to C. in 1771-72 and d. in the Revolutionary war, 1 Sept., 1778. His widow, Miriam, m. 26 Nov., 1781, in C, Benjamin Blanchard. Children by the first marriage: i. Abner', b. 17 Dec, 1764; m. Martha Weeks, moved to Wheelock, Vt., and d. there. Several sons and one dau. h. Phebe, b. 22 Nov., 1756; m. David Ames. (See Ames Gen.) hi. Ruth, b. 24 July, 1759; m. Sargent MorriU. iv. Thomas, b. 14 April, 1762; m. Morrill, had daus. but no sons; hved and d. in Dan-ville, Vt. V. Sarah, b. 13 Nov., 1765; m. 24 March, 1785, Abraham MorriU. -vi. Barnard, m. 22 Nov., 1796, Judith, dau. of Laban 5 Morrill (Ezekiel; Ezekiel', Jacob', Abraham'). She was b. in C, 7 July, 1776. Moved to Wheelock, Vt., where he d. Their first son, Jonathan', was b. in C, 21 Nov., 1797. HUCKINS. The Huckins famihes of N. H. appear to have been descendants of Robert' Huckins, who was in Dover in 1640, one of the signers of the "Dover Combi nation, " b. doubtless in Devonshire or Cornwall, Eng. He had only one son, Lieut. Jamess, who in turn had only one son, Robert'. From the latter the descent is Robert', Isaac, to Joseph' and Samuel' to the two families iden tified with C. Joseph was b. 6 Aug., 1777, in Bamstead. He was of Pitts field in 1800 and Bridgewater in 1814; m. before 1800 Nancy, dau. of Ezekiel and Mary (Dow) Collins, b. 22 April, 1774, in Salisbury, Mass., d. 14 Sept., 1862. He d. 19 July, 1858, in Bridgewater. Children: 1. Nathan C' 2. James. 3. Mary. 4. Mehitable. 5. Lydia. 6. Joseph. 7. Nancy. 8. Isaac. The first six were b. in Pittsfield, the remainder in Bridgewater. Nathan C' Huckins (Joseph', Isaac, Robert*, Robert', Lieut. James', Robert') b. 10 Aug., 1800; d. 9 July, 1869, in C; m. 19 March, 1822, Sarah, dau.jof Nathaniel and Jane (Moore) Whidden, b. 30 March, 1803, in C, d. 31 July, 1895, m TUton. Children, b. m Groton: i. Sylvester W.', b. 4 Oct., 1823; d. 4 Jan., 1834. u. Cheney N., b. 27 Nov., 1826; d. 20 Feb., 1905, in Tilton; m. 3 Jan., 1871, Mrs. Eliza A. (Coombs) Plumer, dau. of Rev. Stephen and Lucretia (Isham) Coombs, b. 22 Oct., 1824, at Cape Cod, Mass., d. mTilton 4 April, 1909. ih. and iv. Twins; d. a few weeks after birth. V. Margaret Ann, b. 17 Jan., 1836; m. Josiah, son of Capt. Elisha and Mary (Plumer) Piper, 25 Aug., 1869. He was b. 1803 in Meredith, and resided at TUton where he d. 16 Oct., 1883. Mrs. Piper still resides in Tilton. 196 HISTORY OF CANTERBURY. Samuel' Huckins (Isaac, Robert*, Robert', Lieut. James', Robert') b. in Barn- stead 22 Nov., 1781. He left Pittsfield m 1790 and settled m C. about 1803. He was a blacksmith and located in the HUl's Comer school district, first at the junction of the Gilmanton road with the most easterly road running to Northfield. The foundation of his house is stUl -visible from the highway. Three years later, he moved near HiU's Tavern, where he resided untU his death, 18 Nov., 1853. He m. Polly, dau. of Nathaniel and Jane (Moore) Whidden, 24 March, 1805, b. m C. 7 July, 1785, d. 7 Dec, 1842; m. second, 8 Nov., 1844, Mrs. Mary Moulton (KimbaU) Tilton of C, b. 23 Jan., 1797, d. 6 July, 1868. Children by first wife b. m C. : i. Nathaniel W.', b. 21 Feb., 1806; m. Irene, dau. of Joseph and Ehzabeth (Sherbume) PoUard of Hudson; d. 23 Oct., 1830. No chUdren. She m. second, Pitts W. Whidden (who caUed himself Wilham P. Whidden) and d. 5 May, 1862. (See Whidden Gen.) h. Samuel, blacksmith, b. 27 April, 1808; m. 5 May, 1844, Louisa, sister of Irene PoUard of Hudson, b. 22 Jan., 1818, d. 1 Dec, 1873, at Loudon. He d. 5 Dec, 1883, at Loudon. Child; Georgiana', b. 31 July, 1846; m. John F. Ordway of Worcester, Mass., who d. 10 Dec, 1906, aged 63 years. ih. Maria Jane, b. 26 Feb., 1810; m. Abram BueU of Groton; d. 20 May, 1849. Children: Daniel' and Mary E. BueU. After his wife's death Mr. BueU m. again and moved to the West. iv. Abigail, b. 14 Feb., 1816; m. Asel BueU, brother of Abram. She d- 14 Jan., 1849. He d. at Bristol, aged 79 years, 5 months. Child: Alphas W.» BueU of HaverhiU, Mass., b. 1 Jan., 1844; m. 9, April, 1876, Nelhe E. Goodell, b. 17 AprU, 1850, m Wobum, Mass. V. Elizabeth Ann, b. 2 Dec, 1826; m. 26 May, 1849, SUas K. Batch- elder of C, b. 31 March, 1826, d. 14 Sept., 1879. She d. 26 April, 1886. ChUdren: 1. Abbie Maria' Batchelder, b. 29 July, 1850; m. first, Henry T. Leavitt, 6 June, 1872. He d. 26 Feb., 1873; m. second, James Monroe Gilmore of Putnam, Conn. Children; (1) Jennie, b. 2 Dec, 1876. (2) Josephine, b. 14 Sept., 1879. 2. Joseph Orman Batchelder, b. 8 May, 1852; m. Emma A. Buttrick. Children; (1) Mabel', b. 14 March, 1877. (2) Maud, b. 11 Oct., 1882. Mr. Batchelder d. at HaverhUl, Mass., 18 Feb., 1896. 3. Ida O. Batchelder, b. 22 Feb., 1866; num., res., Putnam, Conn. 4. Fred S. Batchelder, b. 23 Oct., 1857; d. hi HaverhUl, Mass., 13 March, 1889. HUNTOON. 1. Philip' Huntoon, the immigrant ancestor, b. about 1664, m. first, about 1687, Betsey HaU of Exeter; m. second, Hannah , who d. 22 Dec, 1741. The first mention found of PhUip is his name attached to "The humble Addresse of the inhabitants and train solders of ye Province of New Hampshire (Feb. 20, 1689.) to the Hon«bi. the Gov- ernora and CouncU of theu Maj" Colony of the Matthathuset in New England," setting forth that they were destitute of power sufficient to GENEALOGIES. 197 put themselves in a capacity of defence against the common enemy, and praying that protection may be afforded them as formerly. On 21 Feb., 1697, the town of Exeter granted to "phUlip huntune thirty acres of land joining to a piece of swamp, had formerly. " Another grant is found on 6 March, 1699. On 12 June, 1702, Phihp deeded a portion of this land. He left Exeter about 1703 and settled in Kingston, where, in 1707, he with others deserted the town on account of danger from the Indians. The other inhabitants being much weakened thereby it was ordered: "That Mr. Secretary Story write to the Captains of Exeter and Hampton, that they forthwith direct the persons aforesaid to return to their former habitations in Kingstown for the strengthen ing of the place against the common enemy, and in case they shall refuse to do so, the said captains are hereby ordered that when they - send soldiers to her majesty's fort, WiUiam and Mary, that the above persons be the first that shall be sent there." They undoubtedly refused to return, and subsequent events proved that Philip, at least, had some cause for his fear. However, in 1708 Philip was again at home in Kingston, for he deeds the land he bought of Lieut. John Faulsom on the north division of "Pickpocket Path." July 22, 1710, whUe Philip and eldest son, Samuel, were ploughing not far from his house, they were surrounded by a band of Indians who fired upon them. Samuel fell mortally wounded. Philip and a neighbor were taken prisoners and suffered terrible cruelties. After long marches they reached Canada and were sold as prisoners of war to the French. They were informed if they would buUd a saw mUl for the government and teach the French to saw lumber after the English method, they should have their freedom. They erected the mUl, instructed the French and regained their freedom, although it is said the French never could make the mill run. This null is said to have been the first for sawing lumber ever erected in Canada. Tradition says that Philip remained in Canada about two years. Phihp Huntoon d. 10 May, 1762. Children: i. Samuels, b. about 1689. u. Philip, b. about 1694. 2. ih. John, b. about 1696. iv. Sarah, b. 21 April, 1703. V. Elizabeth. vi. Sarah. 2. Johns Huntoon (Philip') b. about 1696; m. Mary Rundlett. He was a corporal in Captain Ladd's Co. in 1724. Selectman of Kingston in 1740, and his name appears on pubhc records between 1730 and 1760. He d. Dec, 1778. Children: i. Samuel', b. 18 June, 1718. h. Nathaniel, b. 1721. hi. Charles, b. 12 Oct., 1725. iv. Lydia. 3. V. John, b. 11 July, 1729. -vi. Josiah, bapt. 7 Sept., 1730. 198 HISTORY OF CANTERBURY. -vii. Daniel, bapt. 7 Nov., 1731. vui. Mary, bapt. 26 May, 1734; d. 22 July, 1735. ix. Mary, bapt. 4 July, 1736. X. Daniel, bapt. 9 July, 1738. xi. Joseph, b. 1731 (?). XU. Benjamin, b. 13 July, 1744. 3. John' Huntoon (John', Philip') b. 11 July, 1729, in Kingston; m. 17 Dec, 1754, Ehzabeth Beedee, b. Feb., 1739. He was a soldier sent with others to guard the inhabitants against the invasion of the savages, about the time the Bradleys were killed at Concord, 11 Aug., 1746. In 1774 John Huntoon, Jr., with other inhabitants of Kingston, sent to the assistance of Boston their hearty sympathy and one hundred sheep for the relief of the poor. He came to C^ about fifteen years brfore his death, 14 Nov., 1821. Mrs. Huntoon d. 18 Nov., 1821. ChUdren: i. MosES', b. 31 Aug., 1756. ii. Aaron, b. 9 June, 1768; served through the Revolutionary war. in. Stephen, b. 16 May, 1761. 4. iv. Joshua, b. 15 June, 1763. V. Caleb, b. 1 Aug., 1765; d. 20 Aug., 1765. vi. Eli, b. 20 July, 1766. 5. vh. Elijah, b. 22 Nov., 1767. vui. Elisha, b. 20 Nov., 1768. ix. Betsey, m. Jacob Worthen of Candia. X. Mehitable, b. 6 Feb., 1774; m. Nathaniel Batchelder of C^ 4. Joshua' Huntoon (John', John', Philip'-) b. 15 June, 1753; m. Dec, 1770, Molly Winslow of Kmgston, b. 11 Feb., 1754. He d. 29 March, 1815, m GUmanton. She d. 28 Aug., 1849. ChUdren: i. Betsey', b. 14 Oct., 1772. u. Sally, b. 16 Oct., 1777. hi. Joshua, b. 4 Nov., 1799. iv. Martha, b. 29 Dec, 1802; m. 9 Oct., 1822, Gardner T. Barker, b. 12 Jan., 1797. She d. 19 June, 1877. They hved in C. many years. Children : Warren' Barker, Mary Jane Barker, who m. Joseph Warren Ham (See Ham Gen.), Adeline Barker, Gardner Barker, Thomas Barker, Erskine Barker. 6. V. Ira, b. 5 AprU, 1805. vi. Daniel, b. 18 May, 1807. vii. Mary W., b. 28 July, 1809. 5. Elijah' Huntoon (John', John; Philip') b. 22 Nov., 1767; m. Hannah French of Candia, b. 26 Aug., 1788, d. 27 Aug., 1850. He d. 20 Dec, 1860. After they were m. they came on horseback from Candia to C. where they resided. Both d. in C. ChUdren, b. in C. : i. Sarah French', b. 14 March, 1806; m. 14 Jan., 1835, Ira Huntoon. h. Lucinda, b. 11 Jan, 1808; d. 1826. hi. Rebecca, b. 1 Jan., 1810; m. June, 1828, Smith Knowles. (See Knowles Gen.) 7. iv. Sophia Brown, b. 7 March, 1812. 8. V. Julia French, b. 7 Dec, 1814. vi. Lydia Clough, b. 22 Nov., 1817; m. Benjamin McClary. (See McClary Gen.) genealogies. 199 vh. Elizabeth, b. 22 Dec, 1820; m. Orren Evans. She d. Aug., 1868. Children: Clara', Frank and Fred Evans. vih. Mary, b. 5 Sept., 1825; m. first, 23 Sept., 1848, m C, Thomas Mc Clary (see McClary Gen.) ;• m. second, 13 Nov., 1866, in North- field, Benjamin Kenison of Northfield, where he d. 2 Dec, 1877. 6. Iras Huntoon (Joshua; John; John; Philip') b. 6 AprU, 1805; m. 14 Jan., 1835, Sarah French, dau. of Elijah' and Hannah French Huntoon. Ira hved in C. many years. Children: 9. i. Lucinda', b. 11 Sept., 1835. 10. u. Charles, b. 19 Feb., 1837. hi. Daniel M., b. 12 Nov., 1840; d. 21 Sept., 1864, in Hampton, Va. iv. Lydia Ann, b. 18 Oct., 1843, in C; d. 12 June, 1846. 11. V. Georgb F., b. 10 AprU, 1851. 7. Sophia Bro-wn' Huntoon {Elijah; John') b. 7 March, 1812; m. 24 June, 1847, Samuel B. Upton of Bow. ChUdren: i. Francis' Upton, m., Annie Chapman of Epsom. Child: EUa' Upton, h. EUen Sophia Upton m. Albert Watson of Pittsfield. ChUdren; Ethel Gertrude', Parker Hanaford and Bertha Watson. 8. Julia French' Huntoon (Elijah*, John') b. 7 Dec, 1814; m. MUton Nelson. Children: i. Maria', m. Job GUes. Children: Frank' and Mabel Giles. u. Darius, unm.; d. returning from the Ci-vil war. hi. Jane, m. Kendrick Palmer of Bow. Children: Ehas' and Grace Palmer. iv. S-YL-VESTER, m. Helen Clark of Sanbomton. ChUdren: NeUie', Josie, Ralph Sylvester. V. Albert, m. and has chUdren. 9. Lucinda' Huntoon (Ira', Joshua*, John') b. 11 Sept., 1835; m. 1 Jan., 1855, Prescott Hall. ChUdren: i. Annette' Hall, m. George W. Knowles. Children; Addie Lou' and Charles P. Knowles. u. Edward Hall, m. LUhan E. Foss. ChUdren: Sadie Frances' and Lora Edna HaU. 10. Charles' Huntoon (/ra', Joshua*, John') b. 19 Feb., 1837; m. 28 Nov., 1866, Carohne, dau. of Lyman Abbott. Mr. Huntoon d. 3 Nov., 1876. ChUdren: i. Nellie', m. Sydney Prescott. Children: Charles', Sydney, Harvey Oscar, Ralph and Ruth Prescott. 12. h. Frank Elmer, b. 20 Oct., 1873. 11. George F.» Huntoon (Ira; Joshua; John') b. 10 AprU, 1861; m. 4 Feb., 1873, AbigaU Herbert. ChUd: Curtis F.' 12. Frank Elmer' Huntoon (Charles', Ira', Joshua*) b. 20 Oct., 1873, in Belmont; m. 21 Sept., 1897, in Lakeport, Ethel May, dau. of Martin J. Bagley. She was b. 18 Aug., 1874, in Thornton. ChUdren: i. Charles Martin', b. 13 Oct., 1898. u. Peari Evelyn, b. 11 May, 1901. 200 history of canterbury. HUTCHINS. 1. Ebenezeri Hutchins, b. 26 Feb., 1776; m. AbigaU Bryar who was b. 30 May, 1787. He d. Sept., -1858. She d. 14 Oct., 1861. Children; i. Nancy C.s, b. 16 Sept., 1810; m. 8 March, 1836, Nathaniel Stevens. He d. 11 Nov., 1881. 2. h. Reuben, b. 24 AprU, 1812. ih. ' Sarah, b. 29 June, 1815; m. 11 AprU, 1838, Caleb C. HaU. 3. iv. John, b. 4 July, 1818. V. Hannah, b. 8 Jan., 1820; m. in 1850, Amasa Tucker. -vi. Ebenezer, b. 3 Aug., 1822; m. March, 1847, Citana McDaniel. vii. Josiah H., b. 22 Aug., 1825; m. Chariotte Clisby. vhi. Jane, b. 25 July, 1828; m. June, 1848, Van R. Moore; d. 6 Sept., 1886. 2. Reubens Hutchins (Ebenezer') b. 24 April, 1812; m. first, 18 Oct., 1837, Apphia C, dau. of Wilham and DoUy or Sarah (Worthen or Worthing) Randall. Children: i. Mary', m. Sawyer. h. Hbnry W., b. 1842; m. 3 Jan., 1878, m C, Sarah E. PUlsbury. (See PiUsbury Gen.) in. Josephine, m. first, Clay; m. second, Richard Sanbom, b. in 1800; m. third, Frank Hall and resides in Boscawen. iv. Iantha, resides in Franklin; m. first, Jonathan Moulton; m. second, Prescott J. Webber. Child by first marriage: 1. WUham J.' Moulton, m. 1 Sept., 1890, LiUian Frances Gleason. (See Gleason Gen.) Children: (1) LiUian G.' Moulton, b. 8 July, 1892. (2) Leon A. Moulton, b. 28 Jan., 1895. V. Sarah Louise, d. in infancy. 3. John C' Hutchins (John; Ebenezer) b. Feb., 1841, in C; m. Carohne Curtis of Concord, where Mr. Hutchins has spent most of his life. He has been in the employ of the B. & M . R. R. fifty-four years; since 1861, or for fifty years, he has been an engineer on the old Concord line. INGALLS. 1. John' Ingalls (Eldad; Samueb, Henry; Edmund') first of the name to settle in C. about 1775, east of the Shaker Settlement, then a -wUder- ness, came from Atkinson. Edmund', son of Robert and grandson of Henry Ingalls, was b. m Skirbeck, Lincolnshire, Eng., about 1598, and came to Salem, Mass., in Governor Endicott's Company in 1628. With his brother and four others he began the settlement of Lynn. John', m. Ehzabeth Copp, who d. 22 Jan., 1819, aged 81 years. He d. 8 March, 1815, aged 92 years. ChUdren; i. Elizabeth', b. 12 Dec, 1757. h. Mehitabel, b. 2 April, 1759. iu. Moses, b. 7 Oct., 1760. iv. Samuel, b. 28 Sept., 1762. V. Abiah, b. 27 Nov., 1764. vi. Caleb, b. 4 July, 1766. -vh. Joshua, b. 6 Feb., 1768. vih. Jesse, b. 7 April, 1770. ix. Judith, twm, b. 18 Feb., 1772. x. Abigail, twin, b. 18 Feb., 1772. 2. XI. Nathaniel Peabody, b. 25 Sept'., 1773. xu. Daniel, b. 7 Dec, 1775. xm. James, b. 23 Dec, 1776; d. 1789. xiv. David, b. 14 Sept., 1778. XV. James, b. 5 Sept., 1782. 2. Nathaniel Peabody' Ingalls (John; Eldad*) b. 25 Sept., 1773; m. first, PoUy Haines who d. 1 July, 1823, aged 44 years; m. second, Mrs. GENEALOGIES. 201 Sophia (Bradley) Batchelder, dau. of Philbrick and Sarah (Emery) Bradley of Concord. Mr. Ingalls resided on his father's homestead. He d. 21 April, 1853. Mrs. IngaUs d. 4 Oct., 1854, aged 66 years. Children by first marriage, b. in C; i. Calvin', b. 6 July, 1799. h. Peabody, b. 18 Aug., 1800. iii. Polly, d. 15 March, 1803. iv. Polly, b. 28 March, 1808; m. 12 July, 1829, Moses Davis of Loudon. V. Matilda, b. 25 March, 1810; m. 27 Nov., 1834, in C, Solomon Moody Chfford. (See Chfford Gen.) -vi. Deborah, b. 12 June, 1814; m. 1 April, 1836, John S. Hunt of Gilford. vu. Julia, b. 14 Nov., 1816; m. 23 Nov., 1841, Reuben T. W. French of C. Occupation, carpenter. In 1860, he went to Mount Morris, N. Y., as agent for the Shakers, to superintend their farm in the raising of broom com. Later he retired from business but continued to reside at Mount Morris, where he and Mrs. French hved to ripe old age. Two sons, Jeremiah and Charles French. 3. -vhi. John, b. 16 Oct., 1820. ChUdren by second marriage, b. in C. ix. Almeda Christie, b. 27 Dec, 1826; m. 1867 in Concord, Simon Cass. (See Cass Gen.) 4. X. Daniel Morrill, b. 1 July, 1829. 3. John' Ingalls (Nathaniel Peabody, John') b. 16 Oct., 1820; m. 23 Dec, 1846, Mehnda HUhard of GUmanton, who d. 18 Jan., 1901. Mr. Ingalls resided on the ancestral homestead where he d. 26 Aug., 1900. Chil dren, b. in C: i. Ariana B.«, b. 24 Jan., 1848; d. 15 Jan., 1872. u. Oriella, b. 14 May, 1849. hi. Frank B., b. 8 Dec, 1854; d. 18 April, 1867. iv. Helen C, b. 4 Sept., 1859. V. John E., b. 15 Aug., 1861; d. 16 June, 1870. 4. Daniel Morrill' Ingalls (Nathaniel Peabody,' John') b. 1 July, 1829; m. 4 July, 1854, in Franklin, Ann Elizabeth, dau. of Lieut. WUham and Sarah W. (Rand) Hancock. (See Hancock Gen.) Mr. Ingalls d. 18 Sept., 1894, in C. Children, b. in C. : 5. i. Byron Peabody', b. 9 July, 1856. 6. u. Fred Williams, b. 28 Nov., 1868. hi. George Hancock, b. 22 Oct., 1860; m. 14 Dec, 1886, Louie Brown of Behnont. He was a graduate of Vermont Umversity, M. D., 1886; taught school in GUmanton, Belmont and. C; began practice in Belmont, where he served the to-wn as representa tive, 1893-94; member School Board; member of American Med. Assoc; N. H. Med. Society; Mass. Med. Society; ex-president West Roxbury District Med. Society; councilor and censor Mass. Med. Society; on the staff of the FauUmer Hospital. .... iv. William Daniel, b. 6 March, 1865; unm.; passed examination at Dartmouth, 1889, but on account of illness retumed home and, after teaching several terms in C. and Belmont, settled in E. Kingston, where he was member of legislature, 1899-1900, 1907- 08. In trade and farming. 202 HISTORY OF CANTERBURY. 5. Byron Peabody' Ingalls (Daniel Morrill; Nathaniel Peabody) b. 9 July, 1856; m. 30 Aug., 1884, Alice McCarley of St. Stephens, N. B. Resides at TUton, where he is in trade. Children, b. in C: i. Harold Williams', b. 5 Sept., 1885. h. Arthur Brown, b. 26 Jan., 1888; m. 17 Sept., 1910, in Saugus, Mass., Christine Margaret Bruce. hi. Mabel Elizabeth, b. 24 Nov., 1892; m. 4 Feb., 1911, in TUton, Arthur Guy, son of W. E. Carr of Frankhn. 6. Fred Williams' Ingalls (Daniel Morrill', Nathaniel Peabody) b. 28 Nov., 1858; m. 26 Nov., 1885, Nelhe Frances, dau. of Moses J. and Alcina French of Kingston. He was a graduate of Vermont Umversity, M. D., 1884. Physician in Kingston and served the town as supervisor, town clerk, member Board of Education, and representative to legis lature, 1893-94. Dr. IngaUs d. 14 March, 1894, in Kingston. Child, b. in Kingston: i. Winifred Pearl', b. 18 Dec, 1886. JAMES. Jonathans James, b. in Deerfield, was a son of John' James of Deerfield; m, Nancy Sherburne; they resided many years in C; he d. 24 AprU, 1864, in C, aged 66 years. Child: i. RoxANNA', b. 21 Jan., 1832, in C; m. Charles F. MorrUl; d. 19 March, 1908, in C. Before her marriage. Miss James spent several years as a missionary teacher in schools of colored chil dren in the South. After her marriage, Mrs. MorriU resided in C, where she always gave freely of service and money to whatever promoted the interests of the church and the we&are of the community. JAMES. 1. John' James, b. at Pittsfield; m. first, Mehitable BuzzeU; m. second, 11 Sept., 1823, at C, Jane Stevens; she d. 16 Feb., 1857, aged 67. ChU dren by first marriage: i. Marys, m. Wasson Page. 2. h. Almira B., b. 1817. iu. SARAHB.,b. July, 1819; m. 1843; mC, Richard L.Shaw. (See Shaw Gen.) iv. Samuel, d. young. ChUdren by second marriage: v. Mehitable, m. Asa Lombard; they resided in Frankhn, where both d. vi. John, m. first, 14 Feb., 1849, m C, Juha A. Arhn; she d. 14 March, 1849, m C; m. second, Mrs. Hanson Nudd. Children: Juha and Fred. ¦vu. Susan; m. second, Nelson Morse of Franklin; m. third, WUson; resided in Chicago, IU., where she d. in 1908. ' 3. ¦vih. Josiah Stephen. ix.. Charles, b. in C; m. and resides in Chicago, IU. 2. Almira B.s James (Johw) b. 1817; m. 5 Dec, 1844, Moses Lea^vitt Hun kins, b. 23 or 26 March, 1810; d. in Manchester, 1880. ChUd: Jose- phme' Hunkms, b. 7 Aug., 1850; m. 2 Sept., 1870, John Dolber. One dau., Florence' Dolber, d. 1901, aged 20 years. GENEALOGIES. 203 3. Josiah Stephen' James (Johw) b. in C; m. first, 10 Feb., 1853, at Franklin, Judith A. Da^vis; she d. June, 1873, at Franklin; m. second, 25 March, 1875, Harriet E., dau. of George W. and Almira (Sanbom) Peverly of C. Mr. James d. 8 Feb., 1906, at Pittsfield. ChUdren by first marriage: i. George C.», b. 19 Nov., 1864; d. 2 Sept., 1855. ii. Ida Belle, b. 7 July, 1866; d. 7 AprU, 1861. ih. Frank D. Children by second marriage; iv. Blanche, m. 2 June, 1902, Mayland P. Foss, a jeweler at Pittsfield. v. Florence C. JONES. Benjamins Jones, son of Benjamin', was b. in C; m. 1810, Sophia, dau. of Timothy and Eleanor (Lovering) Gleeson or Gleason of Loudon, b. 6 Dec, 1786. Directly after their marriage, they started from Loudon on an ox sled loaded with their household goods and vrith a heifer tied behind the sled, for Stewartstown, where they settled. Mr. Jones built the first frame house in that town. Religious services were often held here, and for several years the annual town meeting. Later Mr. Jones and his famUy came to Northfield. He was employed by the Canterbury Shakers and by farmers in surrounding towns. He d. in C. in 1836. Mrs. Jones d. 9 Dec, 1866, in LoweU, Mass. Timothy Gleason, the father of Sophia (Gleason) Jones, was b. 22 March, 1748, and is said to have come to this country about 1760. It is thought that he was of Irish descent, and that he came here from Scotland. He was famiharly styled "Master" Gleason, and he was one of the school masters who exerted a powerful influence upon education in N. H. in its early history. "Master" Gleason taught in the schools of Loudon, C. and Northfield, which often numbered sixty or eighty pupils; he also taught private classes. Mrs. Charlotte Allison Butler, mother of Gen. Benjamin F. Butler, was one of his pupils and attrib uted her fondness for letter writing to the instruction of "Master" Gleason. He was a fine penman, and was often employed by the select men to record the taxes and town proceedings. Of large stature, he is remembered as always wearing the Colonial dress. He served in the Revolutionary war. He m. first, Anne Evans of Barrington, b. 13 March, 1754; m. second, Eleanor Lovering, 1 Oct., 1786, at Loudon, where he d. 7 Feb., 1827. Children of Benjamin and Sophia Gleason Jones: i. MosES'. ii. Hannah Chesley, b. 1811; m. Charies, son of Timothy and Fannie (Center) KendaU; d. 15 Jan., 1843, m Nashua. in. Benjamin Franklin, m. Mary Baxter Adams of Quincy, Mass., who was b. 27 July, 1820. iv. Eliza Ann Pickard, b. 20 June, 1815, m Northfield; m. first, Thomas J. Brackett of Methuen, Mass., b. 14 Nov., 1806, d. 29 April, 1843; m. second, 1847, Wesley P. Balch of Boston, Mass.; she d. 29 Aug., 1892. V Mary Evans, b. 22 Jan., 1818; m. first, 1843, Newman S. Foster of Nashua, who was a son of Maj. Periey Foster and brother of Gen. John Gray Foster; m. second, 6 July, 1865, at LoweU, 204 HISTORY OF CANTERBURY. Mass., Augustus Gardner Reed, b. 8 Sept., 1816, in Stoddard. He died 3 July, 1896. She d. 26 April, 1893. ¦vi. Sophia. ¦vii. Charlotte. viu. Charlotte Sophia, b. 11 June, 1825, in Northfield; m. Edwin P. Hutchins. ix. John Paul, b. 1828, in Northfield; m. Harriet Daggett of Law rence, Mass. He d. 28 Nov., 1907. She d. 1 June, 1909. No chUdren. JONES. Walter Albert' Jones, b. 12 Oct., 1883, in Pittsfield, son of Charles A.s and Mary (Jarvis) Jones. Charles A.' was the son of James'. Mary L. Jarvis was the daughter of Benjamin and d. 23 Sept., 1903. Walter A. has resided in C. since 1897. JONES.* The name Jones is of Welsh origin and derived from the Christian name John. This branch of the large family of Joneses in the U. S. settled, no doubt, in what is now known as Rockingham County. 1. William Jones was a resident of Cambridge, Mass., in 1635, and sold out his lands there is 1638. He appears at Portsmouth in 1644, and was at Bloody Point (Dover) in 1644. He is not found in the records of that town after 1648. 2. Stephen Jones, supposed to have been a son of WUliam, was an accepted inhabitant of Dover in 1666. He was inarried 29 Jan., 1663, to EUza beth Field. 3. Joseph' Jones (Stephen; William'), undoubtedly a son of Stephen and Ehzabeth Field, b. probably before 1680, and d. before 30 Jan., 1744, at which time the inventory of his estate was made. His estate was divided in 1746, the beneficiaries being his widow, Ann, his sons, Joseph, Benjamin, John, Anthony, Richard and a dau. of a deceased son, Samuel. 4. Benjamin' Jones (Joseph; Stephen; William') b. soon after 1700, at Durham, and probably settled in Lee. He m. about 1767-68, Hannah Chesley, b. in 1761, at Durham. He settled in C. about 1773-74. ChU dren: i. Benjamin', d. young. h. Rosa. hi. Elizabeth. 5. iv Daniel, b. 1776. v. Henry, vi. Benjamin. 5. Daniel' Jones (Benjamin; Joseph', Stephen; William') b. in 1776, at C, where he passed the most of his life engaged in farming. He m. 4 Oct., 1803, Sophia, dau. of Henry and Janet (McCurdy) Parkinson, *Stearns' Genealogy of New Hampshire. 1. 7. h. ih. iv. 8. V. 9. -vi. 10. ¦vu. 11. ¦viu. GENEALOGIES. 205 and d. in 1832, at Dorchester, where he had removed but a short time before. She d. 29 March, 1862, at C. ChUdren; i. Abigail", b. 26 Feb., 1804. h. Mary A., b. 18 July, 1806. ih. George Sullivan, b. 10 Oct., 1810. iv. Lucinda Jane, b. 23 April, 1815. 6. V. Charles, b. 22 Aug., 1817. '6. Charles' Jones (Daniel; Benjamin; Joseph') b. 22 Aug., 1817, at C; m. 9 Sept., 1846, Sarah, dau. of Daniel and Susan (Harvey) Pickard, b. at C, 24 May, 1826, and d. 18 July, 1886. He d. 14 May, 1879. Children, b. in C. : Frank P.', d. in Boston, 1870, aged 23. Emily J., b. 18 Nov., 1848. Ellen. Eda, d. at C, 31 Dec, 1860, aged 7. Paul Henry, b. 2 Aug., 1856. Charles F., b. 4 Sept., 1858. Seth Warner, b. 23 June, 1864. Mary S., b. 17 Nov., 1866. 7. Emily J.' Jones (Charles', Danieb, Benjamin*, Joseph') b. 18 Nov., 1848, at C; m. 26 Nov., 1882, at Penacook, Charies Elhott, son of Dan W. and Sarah A. (Batchelder) MorriU. (See MorrUl Gen.) Child: Guy Ethelbert' MorrUl. 8. Paul Henry' Jones (Charles', Danieb) b. 2 Aug., 1855, at C; m. 10 Dec, 1882, at Chichester, Lizzie HaU, dau. of John F. and Sarah J. (Towle) French, b. at Chichester, 30 Sept., 1860. John F. French was b. 19 July, 1837, and Sarah Jocina Towle, 13 Nov., 1841, at Chichester. Child: 12. i. Fred Charles', b. 4 May, 1884. 9. Charles F.' Jones (Charles', Danieb) b. 4 Sept., 1868, at C; m. 6 Aug., 1893, at Saratoga, Wyo., Mary Emma, dau. of John Rudersdorf, b 22 Sept., 1858, in Germany. Children: i. John Paul', b. 8 Aug., 1894, at Pass Creek, Wyo. u. Thomas Rudersdorf, b. 2 Nov., 1895, at Pass Creek, Wyo. ih. Charles Carroll, b. 21 June, 1897, at C. 10. Seth Warner' Jones (Charles', Danieb) b. 23 June, 1864, at C; m. 19 July, 1892, at Chichester, Susan Ann, dau. of John F. and Sarah J. (Towle) French, b. 4 Nov., 1871, at Bristol. ChUdren: i. Compton Wilson', b. 24 Sept., 1895. h. Warner Edrick, b. 17 June, 1897. 11. Mary S.' Jones (Charles; Danieb) b. 17 Nov., 1866; m. 6 April, 1892, at Concord, John Welch French, b. 3 Nov., 1862, at Chichester, and was the son of John F. and Sarah J. (Towle) French. Children: i. Llo-yd Reginald' French, b. 5 Aug., 1896, at Laconia; d. 20 Aug., 1902. ii. Hazel Ardelle French, b. 22 Oct., 1898, at Laconia. hi. Ruth E-vblyn French, b. 28 March, 1901, at Northfield. 206 HISTORY OF CANTERBURY. 12. Fred Charles' Jones (Paid Henry, Charles', Danieb) b. 4 May, 1884, at C; m. 28 Feb., 1909, at E. Corinth, Vt., Jessie Blanche, dau. of Joseph H. and Carrie M. (Taplin) Carter (See Carter Gen.), b. 1 Dec, 1889. ChUd: Elizabeth Bumiece', b. 17 May, 1910. KEYSAR-KEZER. It is difficult to trace the Keysar famihes with certainty on account of the several spelhngs of the name, Keysar, Kezer, Kezar, Keasor, Keazor, Kizar. The two speUings, Edmond, Edmund, also cause confusion. These differences make some of the dates given here questionable. Dr. Ebbnezer Kezer, who was a Revolutionary soldier, had sons, Edmond, John and George. Edmond had chUdren, Joseph, John, Jessie, Benjamin, Mary, Betsey, Phebe, Susan, MUes, Edmond, Rhoda and Olive. Edmond Keysar, b. 1781, in C; m. Betsey Young. He d. 14 March, 1853; she d. 31 July, 1839, aged 55. ChUd. Benjamin Keysar, b. 1811 in C; m. Belinda, dau. of Stevens and Abigail Burleigh. He d. 1852; his wife d. 1886. Children: i. Olive Keysar Piper. Children: Frank, Elmeda, Fred, Emma, Thomas. ii. Dudley S., b. 23 Jan., 1833, in Stewartstown; m. 6 Oct., 1858, Marinda, dau. of Thomas and Emma Hart. He d. 18 Nov., 1901; she d. 6 April, 1910. ChUdren: Jennie E., Mary S., Kate B., Etta J., IsabeUa O., George D. Kate B., b. 6 AprU, 1866, in Hereford, P. Q., m. 11 Nov., 1891, in Pittsburg, Walter C. Wells. iu. Pope, d. unm. iv. Josephine, m. Blodgett. ChUdren; Henrietta Blodgett, Ben Blodgett. V. Edmond C., d. unm. John Keysar, son of Edmond, m. Deborah Wiswell. ChUdren: Myra, Sarah, Phebe, WisweU, Susan, Burkley, Clark and Blakley. Lived in Clarks-vUle and Stewartstown. An Edmund Kezer's name appears on the roll of the soldiers of the Revolu tion as corporal from C, and on the tax list 1776. He was a native of Northfield. John Kezer, son of Edmund, b. 1776, came to C. about 1826; m. 4 March, 1847, Susannah, dau. of MUes Hodgdon, who lived on the place now o^wned by Gran^viUe W. Morgan. Mr. Kezer d. 1863; his wife, b. 1783, d. 1859. MUes Hodgdon d. 6 Oct., 1838, aged 76; his wife, Mary, d. 22 May, 1841, aged 91. John Kezer had a sister, Mary, who m. Merrill and lived in Stewartstown. Ebenezer, brother of John, d. with his nephew, Edward Osgood in C, 19 Dec, 1846, aged 56, unm. Child of John and Susannah Kezer: i. Nancy, m. David Towle as his second wife. No chUdren. Jacob, a son of Mr. Towle, by a former marriage, resides in C. Da^vid Towle d. 13 Jan., 1872, aged 57; his wife d. 31 May, 1879, aged 72.* *See Kezer Seminary, chapter on schools. Vol. I. genealogies. 207 KIMBALL.* 1. Richard' Kimball was probably the ancestor of most of the numerous families of the name of Kimball in New England. On 10 AprU, 1634, O. S., at the age of 39, he embarked at Ipswich, in the county of Suffolk, Old Eng., in the ship, Elisabeth, WiUiam Andrews, master, for Massachusetts, and landed at Ipswich. He first settled in Watertown, of which he was a proprietor, in 1636-37; was admitted a freeman 6 May, 1635. He soon removed from Watertown to Ipswich, and is first known as an ^ inhabitant of that place, 23 Feb., 1637-38, when he was granted by the town "a house lott next adjoining to goodman Simons at the west end of y« town"; also granted him the same day "40 acres Beyond the North River near the land of Robert Scott." In 1639-40, he had "lib erty to pasture two cows free." He is mentioned "the last day of last month 1641," as among the commoners of Ipswich, and appointed, 1 March, 1645-46, as one of the "Seven men." His occupation was that of a wheel^wright. January, 1649-50, he was granted hberty "to fell such white oaks as he hath occasion to make use of about his trade for the towns use." Also, 1660, "to feU 20 white oak trees to make weels for the Townsman their use." In 1653, he was of a committee of three to survey fences in the common fields north of the river. He m. first, Ursula, the sister of Thomas and dau. of Martha Scott, " before his arrival in Ipswich; m. second, Margaret, widow of Henry Dow, of Hampton, 23 Oct., 1661. Margaret d. 1 March, 1675-76. Richard d. 22 June, 1676, leaving a wUl dated 1674r-75. His age was 80 years. Eleven chUdren of whom Richard' was the fourth. 2. Richards Kimball (Richard') b. in Eng., 1623, came with his parents to New England when but eleven years old, in the ship Elisabeth, and settled ¦with them in Watertown, Mass., but soon after moved to Ips wich, where he became a proprietor in 1648; removed to Wenham as early as 1656; was one of the first settlers, and the first of the name in that town. He was a wheelwright by trade. Soon after his removal, he subscribed £3 as minister's rate, to be paid one half in wheat, the balance in Indian corn. The next year he was chosen selectman, in which office he continued, ¦with the exception of three years, tiU 1674. 4 Dec, 1660, he was on the committee to arrange for the building of a new meeting house. He m. first, Mary Gott, who d. 2 Sept., 1672; m. second, Mary , who survived him. An agreement was made, 26 Sept., 1676, where there were eight chUdren mentioned, probably by his first wife. Richard d. at Wenham, Mass., 26 May, 1676, aged 63. Of these children Caleb was the sixth. 3. Caleb' Kimball (Richard; Richard') was b. ui Wenham, Mass., 9 April, 1665. He was of Exeter, having moved there from Wenham; was a ?For fuUer account of the Joseph KimbaU famUy see Genealogy by John KimbaU of Concord. 208 history of canterbury. mason by trade. He purchased land in Exeter as early as 1720. He did not remain there, for he d. in Wenham, 25 Jan., 1726-26. His widow, Sarah, d. in Wenham, 20 Jan., 1731-32. Eight children, b. m Wenham, Mass., of whom John was the second. 4. John' Kimball (Caleb', Richard; Richard') was b. in Wenham, Mass., 20 Dec, 1699, and settled upon land acquired by his father in Exeter; m. first, AbigaU Lyford, 14 Feb., 1722-23. She d. m Exeter, 12 Feb., 1737-38; m. second, Sarah, dau. of Dea. Thomas Wilson, 18 Sept., I 1740. ChUdren by first marriage, b. in Exeter: i. Judith', b. 11 June, 1724. u. Abigail, b. 18 Aug., 1726. hi. John, b. 20 Feb., 1728-29; d. 1 Feb., 1738-39. 5. iv. Joseph, b. 29 Jan., 1730-31. V. Lydia, b. 4 Oct., 1733. vi. Thomas, b. 10 March, 1735-36. Children by second marriage, b. in Exeter: vu. Sarah, b. 24 Aug., 1741; m. Nicholas Dudley, and settled in Bam stead. Nicholas d. 27 June, 1818; Sarah d. 28 AprU, 1821. viu. John, b. 20 Nov., 1742; m. Dorothy Dudley, of Exeter, who was b. 1739. They settled m Wakefield. ix. Noah, b. 31 May, 1744, settled in Wakefield. X. Olive, b. 12 July, 1746; m. John Dudley, 16 Oct., 1771, and set tled m GUmanton. John d. 2 Oct., 1837; Ohve d. 23 AprU, 1841. xi. Nathaniel, b. 16 Oct., 1747; m. Mehitable Beede, of GUmanton, where they settled, and where Mehitable d. about 1826.* He afterward moved to Jackson. xh. Moses, b. 13 May, 1749, settled in Rumford, Me. xiu. Caleb, b. 16 July, 1760, settled in Strafford, Vt. xiv. Thomas, b. 7 Feb., 1761-52. XV. Jesse, b. 16 Nov., 1753. 5. Joseph' Kimball (John*, Caleb', Richard', Richard') was b. in Exeter, 29 Jan., 1730-31. He resided there, and m., first, — ¦ • — — ¦ — •. There is a tradition that her name was Ohve Wilson; m. second, Sarah Smith, about 1762. There were nine children of Sarah, all b. in Exeter. It is believed that they exchanged their property in Exeter for the farm in C, to which they removed in 1788. He had the misfortune to lose his eyesight before he left Exeter; consequently he never looked upon the to-wn of C. Six of his children were born after he became blind. Sarah d. at C, 1 March, 1808, aged 65. Jo^ph d. 6 Nov., 1814. They were buried in the old cemetery near "Hackleborough" in C. ChUdren by first marriage, b. in Exeter: i. Peters, ii. Olive. ChUdren by second marriage : iu. Mary, b. June, 1763; m. John Bean, who was b. 7 Sept., 1766, and moved to Mount Vernon, Me. iv. Sarah, b. 1 June, 1766; m. WUham Moody, of Newbury, Old Town, Mass. They moved to C. on horseback, arriving there, 10 Feb., 1794, and settled on the farm just south of that acquired by her father. He d. in C, 18 Nov., 1794. She d. at the house genealogies. 209 of her son, Joseph, in E. Concord, 1 Feb., 1865. They were buried in the famUy lot m the cemetery near "Hackleborough" in C. ChUdren; 1. Joseph', b. 20 May, 1788; m. Hannah, dau. of Jonathan Foster. of C, 22 Nov., 1815. (See Foster Gen.) 2. Samuel, d. Dec, 1826. 3. Caleb Gushing, d. 1820. 4. William, b. 27 May, 1793; m. Susan Forest, of C; d. m Baltimore, Md., 27 Sept., 1843. 6. Charles, b. in C, 1 Aug., 1794; m. first, Phebe, dau of Da^vid Ames, of C, 20 Dec, 1821. She d. in Concord, 6 Sept., 1861; m. second, Maria Ames (Gerrish), niece of Phebe, 16 April, 1864. He d. at Concord, 6 April, 1869. Maria d. at Man chester, 1 Oct., 1879. 6. V. John, b. 20 Nov., 1767. vi. Betsey, b. 1769; m. Simon Ames Heath, 26 Aug., 1792. He was a grandson of Samuel and Hannah (DoUoff) Ames, and son of Simon and Hannah (Ames) Heath. He was b. 22 Aug., 1765. She d. at Epsom, 26 Sept., 1793. He m. second, Elisabeth, dau. of Major Andrew McClary, of Epsom, 25 Jan., 1796. He d. at Epsom, 6 March, 1830. She d. at Epsom, 14 Jan., 1833. Child of Simon Ames and Betsey (Kimball) Heath: 1. Joseph KunbaU' Heath, b. 1 Feb., 1793; moved to Staten Island, N. Y. 7. -vii. Joseph, b. 23 May, 1772. -vih. Jesse, b. 7 Sept., 1774; moved to HaUoweU, Me. ix. Smith, b. Feb., 1777; settled in Gilmanton. X. Samuel, dro-wned in Penobscot River, May, 1811. xi. Robert, b. 3 March, 1785; moved to HaUoweU, Me. 6. John' Kimball (Joseph', John*, Caleb') b. in Exeter, 20 Nov., 1767; m. Sarah, dau. of Benjamin Moulton, of Kensington, 21 Nov., 1793. They moved to C, 17 Feb., 1794, and settled on the farm owned by his father, where he resided sixty-seven years. The mihtia musters of the 38th Regt. were generally held on his field. In addition to the care and labor on his farm, he added that of wheelwright, and occasionaUy framed a building or constructed a cider-mill. In the winter he manufactured hand hay-rakes and other useful articles for sale. He also did a large business in buying wool. Sarah d. 30 AprU, 1863, aged 85 years. He d. 26 Feb., 1861. They were buried in a small enclosure on their farm. ChUdren, b. in C. : 8.ri. Benjamin', b. 27 Dec, 1794. "ii. Mary Moulton, b. 23 Jan., 1797; m. first, John Ham, of C, 30 Nov., 1818, who d. 2 Feb., 1824; m. second, Daniel TUton, of Loudon, 26 Oct., 1831, who d. 25 May, 1841; m. third, Samuel Huckins, of C, 10 Nov., 1844, who d. 18 Nov., 1853. She d. at C, 6 July, 1868. Children of John Ham; 1. Samuel', b. 1 July, 1820; d. 4 July, 1820. 2. Elisabeth, b. 9 May, 1821; m. John Lyford, of C, 12 Nov., 1840. She d. 19 Dec, 1869. (See Lyford Gen.) Child by second marriage: Benjamin Kim baU TUton, b. 19 May, 1836; m. Jennie M. Page, 28 Sept., 1868. Child: Frank. Arthur' TUton, b. 4 Nov., 1869. 0. iii. John, b. 31 May, 1798. iv. Silas, b. 24 Oct., 1800; d. at C, 31 Aug., 1824. v. Elisabeth, b. 18 Nov., 1802; m. Ebenezer Batchelder, of C, 19 Dec, 1821. He d. 21 May, 1867. (ChUdren, See Batchelder Gen.) vi. Joseph, b. 22 March, 1805; d. at Gilford, 16 Feb., 1824. 15-11 210 history of canterbury. vh. Jemima, b. 29 March, 1807; d. at C, 27 June, 1825. -vih. Jedediah, b. 26 Oct., 1808; m. Clarentine Lawrence of Epping, 31 March, 1830; moved to Sebec, Me. ix. Jesse, b. 17 AprU, 1810; m. SyMa, dau. of Timothy Gleason of C, 16 Oct., 1831; remained on the homestead of his father until March, 1861. After one year's residence at HUl's Comer and two years as superintendent of the tovm farm, he moved to Methuen, Mass., where he remained untU 25 Jan., 1877, when he went to Vineland, N. J., where he d. Children, b. in C. : 1. Joseph Edwin', b. 24 Aug., 1832; m. Betsey Page, dau. of Daniel Ham, of C, 17 Nov., 1853. He d. 6 April, 18"0. 2. William Crawford, b. 27 March, 1835; m. Mary Emeline, dau. of Samuel MorriU, of C, 23 Oct., 1859. They reside in Baltimore, Md. 3. Juliette, b. 19 May, 1837; unm. 4. John Gleason, b. 13 March, 1845; m. Jessie Eva, dau. of Thomas Grigg, of Vineland, N. J., 26 Dec, 1878. 7. Joseph' Kimball (Joseph', John*, Caleb; Richard; Richard') was b. in Exeter, 23 May, 1772; moved to C. about 1794, and erected a house just south of the meeting house at the Center, where he hved until the year 1797. He moved to a farm near and now owned by the Shakers. Nine of his children were b. there. In the year 1824, he settled at Hill's Comer, where he carried on the manufacture of hand spinning wheels of all kinds and hay-rakes, and also raised and put up garden-seeds for sale. M. first, Mary HaU, 3 Jan., 1795, who d. 6 Feb., 1817, aged 41; m. second, Mary (Sanbom) Rand, May, 1817, who d. in C, 7 Sept., 1864. He d. m Gilmanton, 19 June, 1863. Children, b. m C. Hannah', b. 18 Jan., 1796; m. Isaac Glines. Obadiah Hall, b. 5 July, 1797; m. Hannah F. Lawrence, 30 Nov., 1860. He d. at Behnont, 21 Jan., 1872. Jeremiah, b. 30 Nov., 1798. Sarah Moody, b. 2 Nov., 1800; m. Joseph Manning. She d. in Boston, 10 AprU, 1865. Ruth, b. 12 Aug., 1802; m. first, Thomas Glover; m. second, Richard Wetherby; m. third, Thomas Bond in 1878. Mary, b. 26 Sept., 1804; m. Seth Bartlett, who d. 7 Aug., 1849. Joseph Smith, b. 27 Oct., 1806. William Moody, b. 4 Dec, 1808. Emeline, b. 19 Oct., 1810. She was a member of the Shaker com munity at C, where she d. 3 Feb., 1876. X. Nancy Greenough, b. 10 Dec, 1813; m. Huam CUley, of North- field, 28' Jan., 1830. He d. 15 Oct., 1877. Benjamin' Kimball (John', Joseph') b. in C, at the homestead of his father, 27 Dec, 1794; m. Ruth, dau. of David and Phebe (Hoit) Ames, of C, 1 Feb., 1820. He moved to Boscawen in the spring of 1824, and purchased the farm on High Street then known as the Frost place. He was an active and influential business man. In 1831 he buUt the lower dam across the Contoocook River, and erected and put in operation the brick grist and flouring miU now in use. This was the fust improve ment of the water-power at the upper faUs, now the center of the grow ing -vUlage of Penacook In March preceding his death, which occurred 21 July, 1834, he was elected to represent the town in the legislature, 1. h. 10. ih. iv. V. vi. 11. ¦vii. 12. ¦viii. ix. genealogies. 211 but his health was so impaired that he was not able to take his seat. His wife d. at the house of her son, John, in Concord, 22 Oct., 1874. ChUdren: 13. i. John', b. 13 April, 1821. h. Elisabeth Jane, b. 12 AprU, 1825. She was drowned in the pond near the carding mUl of Capt. Samuel M. Durgin, in Boscawen, 20 Sept., 1840. hi. Joseph Ames, b. 8 Oct., 1826; d. 20 Feb., 1827. iv. Lucy Ann, b. 28 Aug., 1829; d. 25 Aug., 1832. 14. V. Benjamin Ames, b. 22 Aug., 1833. 9. John' Kimball (John', Joseph') was b. in C, 31 May, 1798; m. Sally Sanborn, dau. of John Peverly, of C, 24 Oct., 1826. They moved to Boscawen the next day, and settled on the Rolfe farm, where they resided until his death, 30 Sept., 1829. His -widow m. second, David MorriU, of C. ChUd: i. John Pe-verly', b. in Boscawen, 23 Dec, 1827; m. Mary Eliza, dau. of Samuel Hill of C, 3 June, 1852, and settled on the homestead of her father. She d. 6 Nov., 1874. He d. 22 Aug., 1911. Children, b. in C: 1. George Edward', b. 23 Sept., 1856; d. 16 May, 1863. 2. Frank Edwin, b. 13 May, 1869; m. 24 Dec, 1887, Ida May, dau. of Frank and Ruby Woodworth (Squiers) Peverly, b. in C, 16 Nov., 1869. Children: (1) Elsa Peverly", b..8 March, 1889. (2) Juhette, b. 25 May, 1891; d. 10 AprU, 1906. (3) Frank Everett, b. 9 Jan., 1894. 3. Ida Grace, b. 13 May, 1859; m. Frank W. Gibson, of Boscawen, 28 June, 1877. She d. m C, 8 Dec, 1902. 4. Georgiana Eliza, b. 10 Oct., 1867; m. Dr. John R. Pattee of Thomton, Oct., 1891. She d. 30 Sept., 1911. Children: Ruth" and John Ralph Pattee. 10. Jeremiah' Kimball (Joseph', Joseph', John', Caleb', Richard', Richard') was b. in C, 30 Nov., 1798; m. first, Julia, dau. of Timothy Gleason, of C, 23 Nov., 1826. She d. m Concord, 9 Jan., 1857, aged 49. M. second, Kate (Brown) Rowe, dau. of Matthew Nealey Brown, of C, 4 Jan., 1869. She d. m Concord, 6 Feb., 1879, where he had moved after residing in C, Boscawen and Northfield. 11. Joseph Smith' Kimball (Joseph; Joseph') b. in C, 27 Oct., 1806; m. Lydia Lea-vitt, dau. of Joseph Greeley, of GUmanton, 11 Dec, 1831. They moved into a house built by himself, situated just south of the Union meeting house in C, where they lived until 1840, when they moved to the homestead of his father-in-law in GUmanton. Later in life they moved to E. Concord. He represented the town of GUmanton m the legislature of 1866-67. ChUdren: i. Ann Eliza', b. 28 Aug., 1832; d. in Gihnanton, 26 April, 1849. h. Obadiah Greeley, b. 29 July, 1838. Moved to Boston and m. Mary Clark, dau. of Nathan Marble of Paris, Me., 27 Nov., 1861. He d. 4 Dec, 1880. 12. William Moody' Kimball (Joseph; Joseph') b. in C, 4 Dec, 1808; m. Lucy Jane, dau. of Reuben and Judith HaU Johnson, of Boscawen, 8 Jan., 1835, where he moved. He was frequently elected to fill the vari- 212 history of canterbury. ous offices in town. In 1835 he was an owner in the valuable water- power now the basis of the manufacturing vUlage of Penacook. In early hfe he was successfully engaged in buUding {factories, mills and machinery, in N. H. and Mass. In 1857 he moved with his famUy to Minneapolis, where he d. 5 Sept., 1884. 13. John' Kimball (Benjamin; John; Joseph') b. in C, 13 April, 1821. He moved to Boscawen in 1824. At the age of 17 he was apprenticed to learn the trade of a mUlwright. He followed the business in Boscawen, Suncook, Manchester, Lowell and Lawrence. In 1848 he took charge of the new machine and car shop of the Concord raUroad; was master mechanic in 1860. Since moving to Concord he has been prominently identified -with the business and pohtical life.* He m. first, Maria, dau. of Elam Philhps, of Rupert, Vt., 27 May, 1846. After her death he m. second, 15 Oct., 1895, Charlotte, dau. of Daniel Clark and Mehitable Tilton Atkinson of TUton. ChUd of the first marriage: i. Clara Maria, b. in Lawrence, Mass., 20 March, 1848; m. Augustine Rogers Ayers, of Concord, 4 June, 1873. (ChUdren, See Ayers Gen.) %i. Benjamin Ames' Kimball (Benjamin', John; Joseph') b. in Boscawen, 22 Aug., 1833. He graduated at Dartmouth CoUege -with honor 27 July, 1854. He entered, 1 Aug., 1854, the employ of the Concord raUroad as draftsman, and was promoted, 19 April, 1856, to be foreman of the locomotive department. 1 Jan., 1858, he succeeded his brother as master mechanic, a position he continued to occupy untU 1 April, 1865, when he resigned to become a member of the firm of Ford & KimbaU, manufacturers of car wheels and brass and iron castings. In 1870 he was elected a member of the house of representatives from Ward 6, Concord, and in 1876 and 1902 he was chosen a member of the consti tutional conventions of those years. He is a trustee of the Merrimack County Savings Bank, and director of the Mechanicks National Bank from its organization and is now its president. 11 Jan., 1879, he was elected a director in the Concord railroad, and has since been closely connected with the raUroad system of the state. In Nov., 1884, he was chosen councillor for the second district. He m. Myra Tilton, dau. of Ira and Rhoda (Ames) Elhott, of San bomton, 19 Jan., 1861. Child: i. Henry Ames', b. in Concord, 19 Oct., 1864; m. 17 Nov., 1904, Charlotte, dau. of John H. and Josephme B. (Atkinson) Goodale of Nashua. KITTREDGE. 1. Jonathan' Kittredge was a descendant of John Kittredge, who came from England and settled in Billerica, Mass., where he d. 18 Oct., 1676. Jonathan was a physician and practiced his profession in C. from 1788 untU 1810, when he removed to Salisbury. He was b. in Tewksbury, * See Chapter on HiU's Comer school district. 2. i. 3. h. 4. iu. 5. iv. 6. v. 7. vi. 8. ¦vu. GENEALOGIES. 213 Mass., in 1763, and d. in Sahsbury, 27 Feb., 1819. Nothing is known of Ms immediate ancestors. He had three brothers, Nathaniel, Joseph and John, and two sisters, one of whom was named Hannah. He was the eldest of the family. His wife was Apphia Woodman of Sanbomton. Children: Jonathan A.', b. 17 July, 1793. Joseph Woodman, b. 1 Apr., 1795. Martha, b. 19 Feb., 1797. Moses, twhi, b. 28 Nov., 1801. Aaron, twm, b. 28 Nov., 1801. Alfred. Mary Esther. 2. Jonathan A.' Kittredge (Jonathan') b. 17 July, 1793; m. Julia Balch. ChUdren; i. Juha Apphia'. h. Alfred Hamilton, iii. Edward Come hus Delevan. iv. Augustus Greeley, v. Jonathan Perry, dmggist in Concord, ¦vi. Henry Harrison, vu. Fanny Balch. 3. Joseph Woodman' Kittredge (Jonathaw) b. 1 April, 1795; m. Sarah Upham. Children: i. Charles Woodman', u. Mary Elizabeth, iii. Martha Apphia. 4. Marthas Kittredge (Jonathan') b. 19 Feb., 1797; m. Rev. Stephen Morse of Thetford, Vt. Children: i. Martha Jane' Morse, u. Mary HamUton Morse, iu. Arthur Stephen Morse. 5. MosESs Kittredge (Jonathan') b. 28 Nov., 1801; m. Caroline Lord. ChUdren: i. Mary Esther', h. Albert Chandler, in. Katharine. iv. Helen Martin, v. Moses HamUton. ¦vi. Caroline, ¦vu. Walter. ¦viu. Henry, ix. Frederick Lord. 6. Aaron' Kittredge (Jonathan') b. 28 Nov., 1801; physician; m. Martha Goodhue. Children: i. Martha Elizabeth', u. Ann Katharine. 7. Alfreds Kittredge (Jonathaw) m. Mary Emery Noyes. ChUd: Sarah Noyes'. 8. Mary Esthers Kittredge (Jonathaw) m. Irenus Hamilton of Lyme. ChUdren: i. Irenus Kittredge' Hamilton, ii. Woodman Clark HamUton. iu. Charles Tenny Hamilton, iv. Alfred Kittredge Ham ilton. V. Mary Esther HamUton. KNOWLES. 1. Listen Smith' Knowles, son of Capt. John' and Mary Susan (BusseU) Knowles, was b. 13 Oct., 1806, in GUmanton. The mother d. 30 April, 1844, aged 62 years. The father d. 28 May, 1875, aged 88 years. The son m., 1829, in C, Rebecca, dau. of Elijah and Hannah (French) Huntoon. (See Huntoon Gen.) Mr. Knowles resided twenty years m C. He d. 10 Feb., 1875, aged 69 years. Mrs. Knowles d. 16 Sept., 1903, aged 93 years. Both d. in Penacook. Children: i. Sylvester R.', b. Oct., 1828, in C; d. in infancy. u. Ellijah H., b. 22 Nov,, 1829, Gilmanton; m, Brancy, dau. of 214 history OF CANTERBURY. WUliam and Betsey Fisher, b. 1 Aug., 1838, m Highgate, Vt.; d. 23 June, 1879, m C. He d. 20 Dec, 1909, m Concord. No children. iu. Mary S., b. Dec, 1831, m Gilmanton; d. 19 Aug., 1863, m C; unm. 3. iv. C-STRUS, b. in Gihnanton. 4. V. Emily Jane, b. in New London. 5. vi. Joseph, b. 22 Jan., 1837, in New London. ¦vii. L'YDiA, d. in infancy. 6. vhi. M-niA, b. 6 Oct., 1844. ix. Harriet S., b. 3 Feb., 1847, in C; d. 11 Dec, 1908; unm. X. Luther, b. 29 July, 1860, in C; d. 29 Nov., 1882; unm. 2. Williams Knowles (Capt. Johw) b. 5 Oct., 1820; m. Clarissa, dau. of Eleazer Scott. She d. 29 May, 1891. He d. in C. ChUdren: i. Ada Estella', b. 20 Jan., 1857, in C. ; m. 29 Nov., 1893, m Lakeport, David Calderwood, b. 1819, in Scotland, h. Mary. hi. Anme. iv. WUhe. 3. Cyrus' Knowles (Listen', Capt. Johw) b. in GUmanton; m. Serena WeUs PhUbrook of E. Tilton. They both d. in Concord. Children: i. Isabelle', b. 2 July, 1860; m. Charles Watson of Pittsfield. They have three children. u. Mary, m. Walter C. Gibson. They have two children. Reside in Concord. 4. Emily Janb' Knowles (Listen', Capt. Johw) b. in New London; m. Calvm Roberts. She d. 3 Aug., 1896, aged 60 years. ChUd: Henry Roberts, m. Grace Boyce. Child: Harold' Roberts. Reside in Boscawen. 5. Joseph' Knowles (Listen', Capt. John') b. 22 Jan., 1837, in New Lon don; m. first, 15 July, 1860, in C, W. Jane, dau. of Joseph Heath of C. (See Heath Gen.); m. second, 8 Dec, 1864, in Penacook, Lucinda F., dau. of John S. and Lucinda (French) Moore. (See Moore Gen.) She d. 28 Nov., 1867. He d. 28 Feb., 1901. Child by second marriage: Susie M.', b. 30 Dec, 1866, m Penacook; m. first, 24 April, 1902, Arthur F. Graves; m. second, 28 Oct., 1907, in Penacook, Lemuel, son of Harry Nutting, b. 2 March, 1860, in Dunville, Shipton, Can. 6. M^YRA' Knowles (Listen', Capt. Johw) b. 6 Oct., 1844, in C. ; m. 2 Dec, 1869, Charles L. Kenney of Loudon. Children: i. Maud R.' Kenney, m. 12 June, 1894, Henry L. C. Norris of Belmont. ChUdren: Margery E.', Eva M. and Claude K. Norris. h. Ellen M. Kenney. iu. Forrest B. Kenney, m. Emma Towle. Child: J. RockweU' Kenney. LAKE. 1. James' Lake, m. Mehitable Berry. Children, perhaps not in order of birth: i. Thomas', went West when a young man; m. and had children. 2. ii. John. 3. hi. 4. IV. V. ¦VI. ¦vu. ¦vm, genealogies. 215 James. Jeremiah. Eunice, m. Charles Morse. (See Morse Gen.) Polly, m. Seth Kenniston. ChUdren; 1. Jeremiah'. 2. Thomas. Mehitable, m. Stephen Grover. (See Grover Gen.) Susan, m. Moses Arhn. Children: 1. Smith'. 2. Harper. 3. Mary. 4. Sarah. 6. Apphia Arhn. ix. Jemima, m. Joseph Heath. (See Heath Gen.) 2. Johns Lake (James') b. at Andover; m. first, 10 Nov., 1830, in C, Betsey Kenniston of Loudon; she d. 2 March, 1859, aged 63 years; m. second, Caroline Jane, dau. of Samuel and Lydia (Smith) Bro-wn, b. in Gilman ton, d. 21 May, 1893, aged 84 years. John Lake d. 21 AprU, 1894, aged 89. Children by first marriage, b. in C: i. Joseph', m. Huldah Shattuck. Child: Frank', drowned in Bos cawen. 6. h. John Frank, b. 16 Feb., 1833. 6. ih. George Washington, b. 26 April, 1835. iv. Emily, m. John N. HUl. (See HUl Gen.) 3. James' Lake (James') b. in Salisbury; m. first, 1 March, 1837, in C, Betsey Randall. She d. 6 Nov., 1861, aged 53 years; m. second, 21 Oct., 1871, Mrs. Sarah (Dow) McDaniel. James Lake d. 24 April, 1894, aged 86 years. ChUdren by first marriage, b. in C: i. Jonathan', d. 1865. u. Luceba, m. WUliam Avery. (See Avery Gen.) She d. in 1880. 7. hi. William Randall, b. 22 Nov., 1844. 4. Jeremiahs Lake (James') m. 18 Sept., 1836, in C, Martha, dau. of Abra ham Ghnes. Abraham was b. in C, 1771. ChUdren: i. Jeremiah', m. ¦ PhUbrook, no chUdren. ii. Caroline, m. 6 Oct., 1855, MerriU, son of MorriU S. and SaUy (Hancock) Moore. She d. 10 Sept., 1860, aged 23 years. 5. John Frank' Lake (John; James') b. 16 Feb., 1833; m. 25 Nov., 1856, in C, Sarah E., dau. of Nathaniel and Judith (Wiggin) Peverly. She was b. 23 Jan., 1836, m Danbury; d. 26 Aug., 1901. (See Peverly Gen.) ChUdren, b. in C. : i. Alfred P.', twin, b. 7 June, 1859. » n. E-verett F., t-win, b. 7 June, 1859. Alfred P. Lake m. 26 March, 1879, Mary A., b. 1866, in Northfield, dau. of WUliam G. and Mary Jane (Kenniston) Hannaford of Northfield, and granddau. of John and Cordelia (Russell) Hannaford. Mrs. Lake was educated at TUton Seminary and before her marriage was a teacher. Everett F. Lake m. first, 26 Dec, 1883, Myra, dau. of HoUis and Elsina M. (Corey) Towne of Boscawen; m. second, Towne, a cousin of first wife. 6. George Washington' Lake (John; James') b. 25 AprU, 1835; m. Rhoda AbigaU Emehne HiU, b. 6 Oct., 1839; d. 20 March, 1889, m C. (See HUl Gen.) ChUdren: i. Walter True', b. 14 Dec, 1859; d. 19 July, 1881, m Mhmeapohs, Minn. 216 history of canterbury. n. Sam Weahe, b. 19 April, 1867, in E. Concord; m. 26 Oct., 1910, in C, Bertha, dau. of Cornelius M. and Eliza J. (Saunders) Hatch. Bertha Hatch was b. at Deer Isle, Me. Her father was a sea capt. 7. William Randall' Lake (James; James') b. 22 Nov., 1844; m. Susan Lydia Worrald, b. 3 Jan., 1849, in Hahfax, N. S.; d. 9 Oct., 1899, in C. Children, first three b. in Boston: 8. i. William H.', b. 13 AprU, 1873. i i . Edith, b. 23 July, 1875; m. Charles Edward Winters. hi. Walter, b. 3 Sept., 1881 ; d. 12 May, 1883. iv. Bessie Ernestine, b. 21 AprU, 1886, in C; m. George Raymond of Boscawen. ChUdren: 1. Lloyd^ Raymond, b. 4 March, 1908. 2. Clifton Raymond, b. 28 April, 1909. 8. William H.' Lake (William R.', James; James') b. 13 April, 1873; m. 25 Feb., 1897, Clara J., dau. of George H., and Lucy (Hoyt) Dow. Clara J. was b. 30 July, 1880, in Loudon. ChUd; Susan Viola', b. 15 Aug., 1908. LAMPREY. 1. Samuel' Lamprey b. 10 April, 1780; d. 27 April, 1860; m. SaUy Burleigh, b. 3 Dec, 1783; d. 30 Sept., 1877. They settled in Gihnanton. 2. Benjamin B.s Lamprey (Samueb) b. 5 March, 1812; d. 12 March, 1897; m. 16 Feb., 1836, Hannah B. Hadley, b. 20 AprU, 1816, d. 20 Aug., 1860. 3. William H.' Lamprby (Benjamin', Samiieb) b. in Belmont, 19 March, 1844; m. 21 Aug., 1862, Sarah A. Cate, b. in Belmont, 10 Jan., 1842; d. 8 Feb., 1870. He was a member Co. H, 12th N. H. Inf., hi Qvil war. 4. William C' Lamprey (William H.', Benjamin', Samuel') b. in Lacoma 8 May, 1867; m. 6 Aug., 1886, Etta M., dau. of Nathaniel A. Hodge of Pembroke, b. 2 AprU, 1866. Mr. Hodge was a member of Co. E, 10th Regt. N. H. Inf., Ci-vU war. Mr. Lamprey came to C. 23 Sept., 1896. ChUdren; i. Ann Maria', b. in Gihnanton, 23 April, 1887; m. Harry P. Roby of Pittsfield, 31 Dec, 1903. Children : Merle E.' Roby, b. 25 Dec, 1904, and MUdred E. Roby, b. Feb., 1908. u. Herbert Nelson, b. in Laconia, 28 Sept., 1889. LOVERING. 1. Alonzo B.' Lovering, son of Zebulon', b. 13 AprU, 1827, in Loudon; m. 20 Oct., 1851, m Loudon, Sarah S. C. Davis, b. 16 Aug., 1834, m Loudon. She was a dau. of Jeremiah' (Jonathan') Da-vis. Jeremiah' Davis was b. 23 Sept., 1792; m. first, Judith, dau. of Aaron and Judith (Eastman) Austin of E. Concord. Judith Eastman was a descendant of Ebenezer Eastman of E. Concord. She was a tailoress and years before her marriage cut and made men's clothes, often going through C. to work at her trade. Her eldest brother, WUliam, was a goldsmith genealogies. 217 in Concord; her brother, John, was a sea capt. She d. 6 Aug., 1847,, aged 46 years. Jeremiahs Davis m. second, 14 May, 1848, Susan PUse. He d. 4 Aug., 1851. Mr. Lovering removed from Loudon to C. 1 AprU, 1858, where he d. 21 Oct., 1901. ChUdren; i. EmmaF.', b. 1 Dec, 1862, in Loudon; m. Dr. A. S. Bronson of Vt.;, he was a soldier in the Ci-vil war. Emma F. was a school teacher for several years before her marriage. Children ; 1. Herbert Asa' Bronson, d. Sept., 1896. 2. Lena E. Bronson, m. Hermon T-witchel of Lynn, Mass. They have a son, Vemon' Twitchel, b. Sept., 1909. ii. Ida A., b. 22 May, 1861; m. Linneus D. Dennis; she d. 2 AprU, 1892,. in C. ChUdren: 1. Sadie Belle' Dennis, b. 14 July, 1886, in C. 2. Cy Alonzo Dennis, b. 12 June, 1888, in C. LYFORD.* Francis Lyford, who is found in Boston in 1667, is the ancestor of the Lyfords of C. and of nearly all of that name in this country. At this date he is a witness to a conveyance of land. (Suffolk Deeds, Liber V, pages 378-379.) Under date of 20 Sept., 1670, "John Chandler for and in consideration of eighteen pounds to me in hand paid by ffrancis Lyford of Boston, marriner, " mortgages to the latter certain property in Roxbury. (Suffolk Deeds, Liber VI, pages 219-220.) In a deed acknowledged 9 July, 1672, is the foUo-wing: "To All People to whome this writing or Deede shaU come wee Thomas Smith of Boston in New England BuUder & Elisabeth his wife send Greeting. Know yee that for & in consideracon of the Love we the saide Thomas Smith & Elisabeth doe beare unto our Sone in Law ffrancis Lyford of the same place Marriner . . . have granted . . . unto the said ffrancis Lyford . . . a piece or parcell of Land in length fourty foote or more or Less from the Seaward as far as the said Smith his Land reacheth being butted & bounded Easterly with the Salt Sea and fforthill & westerly partly with the dwelling house of him the saide Smith & p'artly -with his Land &c" (Suffolk Deeds, Liber VI, pages 320-321.) Francis Lyford, after the death of his -wife (perhaps in 1677), sold this land. In 1678 he and John Bradish "have libertie granted them to wharfe before theire house and land." (7th Report Boston Record Commissioners, page 115.) Before 1683 Francis Lyford had removed to N. H., for in a deedt dated' 29 Oct., 1683, "ffrancis Lyford" of Exeter, mariner, bought of Robert Tufton Mason sixty acres of land in that town known as "Samuel Dudley's great pasture" and fifteen acres of marsh land adjoining; also "7 acres of Sheep' pasture on side of Samuel Dudley deceased his house." In a hst of persons in Exeter who had received grants of land from the town imder date of 28 March, 1698, appears Francis Lyford as having 200 acres. * The greater part of the genealogy of the Lyford family is taken from a pamphlet prepared by William Lewis Welch of the seventh generation and pub lished for the Essex Institute at Salem, Mass. It is entitled, "Francis Lyford! of Boston and Exeter and some of his descendants." t Exeter Deeds. 218 history op canterbury. He served as selectman of Exeter in 1689 and 1690. During Kmg WUham's war, Francis Lyford served from 6 Feb., 1696, to 5 March, 1696, in Capt. Kinsley Hall's Co. of militia in Exeter. He appears to have followed the sea after remo-ving to N. H., probably engaging in the coasting trade from Portsmouth to Boston, as is shown by the foUo-wing return.* "Custom House in New Hampshire, Portsmouth in New England, October 14th, 1692, Clearings outward, Boston. "Francis Lyford, Com' of the Sloop Elizabeth of Exeter, of 20 tunns bur then or thereabouts, w"" noe gunns, na-vigated w"" two men. Plantation built, cleareth for Boston, ha-ving on board 1000 ft. of boards, 4000 staves, 14000 of trunneUs, 1500 ft. of Pme plancks & Joyce." "Exeter the 21 febraary, 1710. A noat of disburstsments. This are to Enforme whome it may Concern that francis Lyford of Exetter hade his Slope Imprest by Capt. John perkins of Portsmouth and promised to pay six pound for the Runn of here to sacoe and from thence to picescataquack againe to bring away the distressed inhabitance whene the Indians were burning and destroying all About them WiUiam Jefry and thomas Lyford at the same time in said slope which ware About twenty one yeare since at the same time was bureses flechers & seamans famihes & goods in said slope -with several more unknown to me. "t "Exeter, 21"' february, 1710, the disburstments of francis Lyford of Exeter in dieting of soldiers in the Indian warre. At Cap' kinslyes haU" garrison too men under the Comand of Cap', bancroft eight weeks and of Cap' thaxter men at M' Moses gillmans garreson ten mene five monthes to say in the winter faU & spring, "t 1. Francis' Lyford, d. in Exeter between 17 Dec, 1723, date of his wUl, and 2 Sept., 1724, when -wiU was probated. M. first, in Boston, about June, 1671, Ehsabeth Smith, b. 6 Nov., 1646, dau. of Thomas and Ehsabeth Smith; m. second, in Exeter, 21 Nov., 1681, Rebecca Dudley, dau. of Rev. Samuel Dudley by his third wife, Elizabeth, and granddau. of Gov. Thomas Dudley. Children by first wife: 2. i. Thomass, b. 26 March, 1672, in Boston. h. Elisabeth, b. 19 July, 1673, in Boston; num.; member by baptismal covenant of Old South Church 7 Oct., 1696. iu. Francis, b. 31 May, 1677, in Boston. ChUdren by second wife: iv. Stephen, b. in Exeter. V. Ann, b. in Exeter; m. Thomas Lea-vitt, son of Moses, Jr., and Doro thy (Dudley) Lea-vitt. -vi. Deborah, b. in Exeter, m. FoUett. vu. Rebecca, b. in Exeter, m. Hardie (Hardy) and d. before her father's wiU was made. -viu. Sarah, b. in Exeter; m. John Foulsham (Folsom) son of John and grandson of John and Mary (GUman) Foulsham. His first wife was Hannah, dau. of James Gihnan. ix. Mary, b. in Exeter, m. Hall. * N. H. Prov. Papers, Vol. II, page 79. t Idem, Vol. XI, p. 646. t Idem, p. 646. genealogies. 219 2. Thomas' Lyford (Francis') b. in Boston 25 March, 1672; d. in Exeter between 29 Dec, 1726, date of his will, and 7 June, 1727, when -wUl was probated; m. in Exeter, Judith, dau. of Moses and Elizabeth (Hersey) GUman. He was granted thirty acres of land 3 Feb., 1698, thirty acres 21 Feb., 1698, and he is on the list of distributers, 12 April, 1725, as ha-ving had 100 acres. Children, b. in Exeter: 3. i. Thomas', b. in Exeter. 4. ii. John, b. in Exeter. 5. hi. Da-vid, b. in Exeter. iv. Elizabeth, m. Joseph Sinkler (Sinclair) about 1720. He was b. m Exeter, 1692, and d. after 3 Sept., 1767. v. Judith, m. Foulsham. -vi. Dorothy, m. Burley. vu. Mary, m. Leavitt. -viu. AbigaU, m. John Kimball 14 Feb., 1722- 23. He was b. in Wenham, Mass., 20 Dec, 1699, and d. in Exeter 1786. She d. 12 Feb., 1737-38. ix. Rebecca, x. Su sanna, xi. Lydia. xh. Hannah. 3. Thomas' Lyford (Thomas; Francis') b. in Exeter; m. first, 6 Dec, 1728, Ann Conner, b. 30 March, 1709, dau. of Jeremiah and Anne (Gove) Conner, who were m. 3 July, 1696. Thomas Lyford m. second, Mrs. Mary James of Exeter. In a deed dated 12 Oct., 1778 (Exeter Deeds, Liber 175, page 352), is the foUovring description: "Thomas Lyford of Exeter, yeoman, and Mary Lyford, my wife, heretofore Mary James of Exeter, aforesaid, widow and innholder. " Administration granted on his estate 18 March, 1788. ChUdren; i. Abigail', b. 6 Aug., 1741. 6. h. THOMAS,'b. 12 May, 1743. in. Elizabeth, b. 1 June, 1745. iv. Benjamin, bapt. 16 July, 1749. 4. John' Lyford (Thomas', Francis') b. in Exeter. Housewright in Ep ping; m. Lydia, dau. of WUliam and Hannah (GUman) Folsom. He moved to C. about 1773, and d. there between 18 March, 1788, date of will, and 20 May, 1796, when wiU was proved. ChUdren; 7. i. James Oilman', bapt. 24 Aug., 1746. h. John, m. 9 Oct., 1786, at South Hampton, Miriam Challis; hved in GUmanton. 8. hi. Thomas, b. 12 Nov., 1768. 9. iv. Joseph. V. Judith, m. Daniel, son of Daniel and Ahce Ladd of Epping. He was b. 21 Aug., 1742, and d. 21 Aug., 1801. ¦vi. Mary, m. Kezer. ¦vh. Lydia, b. m Epping 31 March, 1762, m. 12 March, 1788, John Sutton of C. (See Sutton Gen.) vui. Hannah. ix. Anna. 5. David' Lyford (Thomas; Francis') b. in Exeter, hved in Epping, not 21 years of age, 29 Dec, 1726, when his father's wUl was made. Per haps m. AbigaU Dudley, b. 1704, dau. of Stephen and Sarah (GUman) Dudley. Da^vid Lyford of Epping deeded to his son, Thomas, May 17, 1763, "3 acres of home place also 1-8 of saw mUl, known as Lyford's MUl. " (Exeter Deeds, Liber 71, page 220.) ChUd: 10. i. Thomas', b. 1738. 220 history of canterbury. 6. Thomas' Lyford (Thomas', Thomas', Francis') b. in Exeter 12 May,. 1743; m. Ann, dau. of Kinsley and Mercy (HUton) James. She m. second, 16 Feb., 1812, Col. Eliphalet Giddmgs. She d. 12 Aug., 1818, Thomas Lyford d. 27 July, 1787. ChUdren: i. Jambs', b. 14 Feb., 1764, drowned 13 Aug., 1789. u. Anna, b. 6 June, 1767; m. Dudley L3rford (his first ¦wife). hi. Deborah, b. 3 May, 1769, published 8 Sept., 1792, to James Lyford ofC. iv. Mary (Molly), b. 13 Feb., 1771; m. 28 March, 1793, Robert' Lyford (Stephen; Stephen', Francis'). She d. 2 Aug., 1868. V. Abigail, b. 12 Dec, 1772; m. Dudley Lyford (his second wife). vi. TiRZAH, b. 31 March, 1775; m. 1797, Nathaniel Conner. She d. 28 July, 1828. ¦vu. John, b. 1 March, 1777. viu. Elizabeth (Betty), b. 16 March, 1779; m. Silas Harriman. ix. Lois, b. 10 June, 1781; m. 1801, BUey Lyford (James, Gilman;. John', Thomas; Francis'). She d. 29 May, 1854. X. Liberty, b. 6 July, 1783; m. John MorrUl of Gilmanton. 11. xi. Thomas, b. 30 Nov., 1786. 7. Jambs Oilman' Lyford (John; Thomas', Francis') bapt. 24 Aug., 1746, in Exeter; m. Mary (MoUy) Hardy, b. in Exeter. Settled in C. about 1773 and from there removed to Stanstead, Can., in 1802. ChUdren: 12. i. James', b. 1765. 13. u. John. 14. hi. Dudley. 15. iv. BiLEY. 16. V. Zebulon. 17. ¦vi. Jonathan. 18. ¦vu. Jeremiah. ¦viu. Nancy, b. 26 Jan., 1795, in Exeter; m. John Cass, b. 29 Oct., 1791, in Epsom, and d. 28 Nov., 1846, m Cass^ville, P. Q., Can. ix. Mary (PoUy), m. Abraham Cass of Cass^ville, P. Q., Can. 8. Thomas' Lyford (John; Thomas; Francis) b. 12 Nov., 1768; m. 7 April,. 1793, Hannah Hale, b. 29 July, 1773, and d. 28 July, 1839. Resided for a time in C, and then moved to Northfield. Children; i. Ann', b. 9 Dec, 1793; m. 10 Dec, 1814, Ebenezer Morrison of Northfield. She d. 27 April, 1862. He d. 26 May, 1849. ii. Susanna, b. 9 Jan., 1796; m. 4 Feb., 1819, Robert Gray of Sanbom ton, b. 7 July, 1793. iu. Mary (Polly) Hall, b. 6 May, 1798; m. 29 Dec, 1816, Enoch Gile of Northfield. iv. Hannah, b. 5 June, 1800; m. 4 Feb., 1820, Amos Hannaford of North- field, b. 12 May, 1797. V. Thomas Dearborn, b. 16 March, 1803; m. 18 Dec, 1826, Sally GU man of Northfield, b. 18 Dec, 1802, and d. 20 July, 1851. He d. 27 March, 1867. vi. Jeremiah Hall, b. 19 Oct., 1808; m. 16 July, 1834, Mary Ann Weeks Haines, who was b. 13 Jan., 1812. He d. 28 Jan., 1878, in Port Byron, 111. (Children, See Haines Gen.) 9. Joseph' Lyford (John; Thomas', Frands'fb. 28 Feb., 1765, in Epping; m. 15 Dec, 1791, Susanna Dearbom, b. in Greenland 30 Nov., 1774, and d. 27 Nov., 1836, in C. He d. 1847, in Chicago, IU. ChUdren, b. in C. genealogies. 221 19. i. Joseph', b. 11 July, 1792. u. Thomas Dearborn, b. 10 Sept., 1796; d. 17 May, 1823. in. John, b. 27 Dec, 1802. Supposed to have d. in Texas in 1879. iv. Susanna, b. 16 June, 1798; m. 19 Oct., 1815, Tristram Coffin Dow, b. 10 July, 1793, and d. 2 Aug., 1875, in Annawan, 111. She d. Oct., 1875. Children; 1. Almira^, b. 5 March, 1817; d. 9 May, 1879. 2. Joseph L., b. 5 March, 1819; d. 8 Jan., 1891. 3. Tristram T., b. 2 Nov., 1826; d. 28 March, 1882. 4. Josiah, b. 16 March, 1828; d. 9 March, 1908. 6. John L., b. 6 May, 1830; d. 5 July, 1899. 6. Mary Ann, b. 26 May, 1832; d. 10 Sept., 1894. 7. Lyman, b. 18 May, 1834; d. 4 Dec, 1857. V. Mary Ann, b. 17 Aug., 1805; d. in C, 22 Jan., 1821. .20. ¦vi. Winthrop Dearborn, b. 16 May, 1808. ¦vii. Harriet, b. 3 May, 1813, m. Hannibal Haines of C, b. 29 Jan., 1813. vhi. A ChUd. 10. Thomas' L^yford (David; Thomas', Francis') b. in Epping 1738, d. 15 April, 1804, Cabot, Vt.; m. Mehitable Robinson; resided in Exeter, C. (that part now Northfield), New Ipswich and Sanbomton. Moved to Cabot, Vt., in 1783, being the third settler there. He was a mUl wright and built the first grist mill in Cabot. Entered the army from C. as 2d Lieut, in Capt. Jeremiah Clough's Co. in 1775, serving untU 1781. He was with Gen. Hazen when he buUt the mUitary road from the Conn. River at Newbury, Vt., -via Cabot towards Canada. Lieut. in Major Whitcomb's Corps of Rangers and both he and his son, Fifield, were at West Point with Arnold. Children: i. Fifield', b. 1763, Exeter; d. 18 AprU, 1846, Bethel, Vt.; m. first, Elizabeth Sanbom, b. 1764, Epping. She was the dau. of Daniel Sanborn; m. second, 1820, Judith K. (Heath) Lyford, widow of his brother Da^vid. She d. 11 April, 1864. He moved to Cabot, Vt., in 1788. u. John, b. 13 Sept., 1766, Epping; d. 3 Sept., 1859, Dover, Me.; m. 14 March, 1798, Minna Morse, b. 28 March, 1776, Concord, Vt., and d. Nov., 1862, Dover, Me. He went to Cabot, Vt., in 1787, and resided there and at Woodbury, Vt., until 1846, when he went to Garland, Me., and from there to Dover, Me. hi. Thomas, b. 1768; d. at Cabot, Vt. iv. David, d. before 1820 at Cabot, Vt.; m. 23 July, 1795, Judith K., dau. of Lieut. Jonathan Heath, who was the first settler in Cabot. The -widow of Da^vid m. his brother Fifield. V. Peter, b. 1773; d. 1861; m. 1809, Lois Blanchard, b. 19 March, 1791, and d. 1880. Resided at Woodbury, Vt. vi. EIaty. ¦vu. Mehitable. ¦vih. Betsey, m. Benjamin Streeter. He was b. 19 March, 1790, Hartford, N. Y. 11. Thomas' Lyford (Thomas; Thomas') b. in Exeter 30 Nov., 1786, d. 2 AprU, 1870; m. 1812, Hannah Badger, dau. of Lieut. Moses and Hannah (Foster) CogsweU of C, b. 19 Feb., 1790, and d. 24 March, 1863. (See Foster and CogsweU Gens.) He was a chaise maker in Exeter and moved to C. about 1810. Children, b. m C. : 21. i. MosES Cogswell', b. 3 Oct., 1813. 22. u. Jambs, b. 4 Oct., 1814. 23. ui. John, b. 8 Dec, 1815. 222 history of canterbury. iv. Thomas, b. 1 Sept., 1817; d. 6 Sept., 1869; m. Helen MacCleod. Had two daus. V. Betsey Cogs-well, b. 16 June, 1819; d. 1 Nov., 1846; m. 6 June, 1843, Chase Wyatt of Northfield, b. 12 July, 1805. vi. Mary, b. 20 Nov., 1820; d. 8 Aug., 1845; unm. ¦vu. Amos Cogs-well, b. 7 Oct., 1822; d. 18 Dec, 1844; unm. -vih. Eliphalet Giddings, b. 31 Aug., 1824; d. 6 Aug., 1845; unm. ix. Anna, b. 26 Aug., 1826; d. Nov., 1847; m. 6 June, 1846, Chase Wyatt, widower of her sister Betsey. X. Abigail, b. 9 Dec, 1828; d. 7 Oct., 1848; unm. 24. xi. Martha Badger, b. 15 Nov., 1830. 25. xu. Lucy Caroline, b. 9 Jan., 1833. 12. James' Lyford (James Gilman*, John') b. 1766, pub. 8 Sept., 1792, to Deborah Lyford, dau. of Thomas' and Ann (James) Lyford, b. 3 May, 1769. He resided at C, from about 1773 to 1802, when he removed to Stanstead, Can. In 1806 he moved to Sebec, Me., where he d. AprU, 1846. ChUdren; i. James Oilman', b. 14 Jan., 1794, in C; m. 2 Dec, 1816, Huldah Hubbard Spaulding, b. 23 Oct., 1796, d. 26 Oct., 1848. Seven chUdren. h. MosES Greenleaf, m. 1830, at Sebec, Me., Adaline Shepherd, ¦ dau. of Jonathan and Sarah Spaulding Lyford, his cousin. She was b. Sept., 1812, and d. 17 Sept., 1894. He d. 20 Nov., 1887. Seven children. iu. John, said to have d. in Richmond, Va., m. Cynthia Burnham. iv. Poly. v. Betsey, -vi. Deborah, b. 20 Jan., 1801; m. 17 Jan., 1824, Joseph Spaulding. 13. John' Lyford (James Oilman*, John') b. in C. and d. at Salem, Mass. His will, dated 20 June, 1800, probated 6 Nov., 1800, gives entire estate to his "brother James, of C, he to pay $400 to my father James GUman Lyford." 14. Dudley' Lyford (James Gilman*, John') b. in C; m. first, Ann, dau. of Thomas and Ann (James) Lyford, 15 Feb., 1798; m. second, AbigaU Lyford, sister of Ann. ChUd by first wife: 26. i. Thomas', b. in C, 2 Feb., 1807. Children by second wife; h. John, b. in C; m. Ehza Ann Fletcher. Their son, Henry S.', b. 28 Sept., 1850, m. Martha E. Peaslee, b. 31 March, 1866. hi. Mary Ann, b. 1799; m. Samuel Dalton, b. 17 Feb., 1799, in GUman ton. She d. 1835. 15. BiLBY' Lyford (James Gilman; John') b. 17 Oct., 1776, in C; m. 1 Dec, 1801, Lois, dau. of Thomas and Ann (James) Lyford. He was the first settler m Atkinson, Me., and brought his wife there from Bangor, Me., on horseback, m 1804. She d. 29 May, 1854. He d. 1 March, 1865. Nine chUdren. 16. Zebulon' Lyford (James Gilman*, John') b. in C. Settled in Stanstead, P. Q., m 1802; m. Sarah BusweU of GUmanton, who d. 8 March, 1857. He d. 16 March, 1816. Children; genealogies. 223 i. John', b. 23 July, 1797, in C. ; d. at CassvUle, P. Q., 1882; m. Asenath Ghdden, b. 20 Jan., 1800, in Hatley, P. Q. He removed to Stanstead, P. Q., m 1809. ii. Nathaniel, b. in C, 7 May, 1799; moved to Stanstead, P. Q., in 1809; m. first, Mary Ghdden, sister of his brother John's wife; m. second, 1831, Susan Rogers. He d. 3 March, 1861. iu. Susan. 17. Jonathan' Lyford (James Gilman; John') b. 1779 in C. Moved to Stanstead, P. Q., in 1802 and to Sebec, Me., in 1806, and d. there 25 Sept., 1864; m. 1806, Sarah Spauldmg. Eight chUdren. 18. Jeremiah' Lyford (James Oilman*, John') hved in Stanstead, P. Q., and in 1824 in Thornton; m. Naomi Dickey. They had eight chUdren among whom was Byley', b. 25 June, 1822, in Stanstead, who was a physician and practiced in TUton; m. 6 March, 1861, Vashti P., dau. of Zebadiah and Vashti Shattuck, b. 1823, in HUlsborough. He d. at Tilton, 23 Jan., 1876. ChUd: Josie', b. 1863, m Nashua; m. 1882, George C. Trowbridge and resides in Chelsea, Mass. 19. Joseph' Lyford (Joseph; John') b. 11 July, 1792, in C; m. 1 Nov., 1815, Charlotte Dow, b. 22 Nov., 1789, d. Dec, 1868. He went West m the faU of 1836, and settled in Buda, IU., then caUed French Grove, where he d. 11 Dec, 1836. Children, b. m C: i. Augustus', b. 5 May, 1816; m. 19 Oct., 1842, AbigaU Emerson. Lived in Buda, Groveland and Galesburg, 111. ; d. 5 March, 1886. h. Alfred, b. 28 Jan., 1818; m. 19 Dec, 1839, Mary S. Emerson, sister of his brother Augustus' wife. She was b. 5 Aug., 1820. He went West -with his father in 1836. iu. Caroline, b. 17 Aug., 1824; m. 1844, Rufus Craig; d. 1855. iv. Joseph, b. 7 Nov., 1828. Went West with his father in 1836; m. first, 15 Feb., 1855, Josephine Hinman, b. 27 AprU, 1837, and d. 20 Jan., 1870; m. second, 7 May, 1872, Mary Jane Quhnby, b. 22 AprU, 1846. v. Moses, b. 22 Feb., 1831; d. 26 Feb., 1856. 20. Winthrop Dearborn' L-yFOHo (Joseph*, John') b. in C, 16 May, 1808; m. 24 April, 1836, Harriet A. R., dau. of Robert and PoUy (Cross) Chase, b. at Webster Place m Franklm 8 June, 1814. Children, b. in C: i. Winthrop Dearborn', b. 16 Nov., 1837; d. 29 Jan., 1839. h. Mary Jane, b. 6 Feb., 1840; d. 1 Aug., 1859. hi. Dearborn, b. 1 Dec, 1841; d. 11 Oct., 1847. iv. Harriet, b. 21 July, 1843; d. 17 Oct., 1847. V. Susan, b. 2 July, 1845; d. 2 Oct., 1847. -vi. Susan E., b. 6 Sept., 1848; resides at home. vh. Flora A., b. 31 Jan., 1852; m. first, June, 1872, Henry Rowe of Ashland; m. second, George Fitts of Northfield m 1884; resides at Raymond. One dau., Clara'. •vui. Frank, b. 31 Oct., 1854; m. 28 June, 1881, Elizabeth Beattie, b. in Canada and d. 18 Aug., 1887. ChUdren; 1. Mary A. E.', b. 11 Aug., 1882. 2. John F., b. 23 May, 1885. 3. Hattie J., b. 25 March, 1887. 224 history of canterbury. 21, Moses Cogs-well' Lyford (Thomas; Thomas; Thomas') b. 3 Oct., 1813; m. 8 Dec, 1861, Juhet Eudora Robinson of Belmont, who d. 5 Feb., 1904. He d. 6 Feb., 1871. They resided m C. Children: i. Etta Hannah', b. 26 Dec, 1862; m. Nov., 1887, John H. Lyford, and d. 10 Dec, 1888. u. Edwin Moses, b. 8 Sept., 1866; m. 23 Feb., 1910, Mrs. Florence J. (Gray) Sanders, dau. of Russell and Elizabeth (Seavey) Gray of Alexandria, where she was b. 10 July, 1871. ih. Frank Dudley, b. 17 Jan., 1867; m. 16 Oct., 1895, Alice Best, dau. of Peter Joseph and Catherine Lattemoor of SomerviUe, Mass. Her father was of the firm of Lattemoor & White, stevedores, in Boston, Mass. Frank D. Lyford is a carpenter and buUder. 22. James' Lyford (Thomas; Thomas; Thomas') b. 4 Oct., 1814; m. first, 28 Feb., 1839, AbigaU French of Stoneham, Mass., b. 25 Feb., 1818, d. 1 June, 1846; m. second, Sophia M. Richardson, b. 26 Nov., 1810, d. 28 Aug., 1850; m. third, 3 Nov., 1851, Mary Isabel McLane of New Boston, b. 11 Oct., 1821, and d. at Tilton 28 Nov., 1885. He d. at TUton 28 May, 1879. He resided at Boston untU 1866, when he moved to C, where he remained untU about 1878, remo-ving then to Tilton. Children by first -wife: i. La-vinia French', b. 2 May, 1841; d. 22 June, 1842. u. Abby La-vinia, b. 30 May, 1843; d. 19 Dec, 1844. Child by second wife: iu. Thomas Jefferson, b. 8 Jan., 1848; m. 16 March, 1874, Mary Addie Cogswell of Cambridgeport, Mass., b. 1853, and d. 20 March. 1874. He d. 14 Nov., 1875. Children by third wife, b. in Boston, Mass. iv. James Otis, b. 28 June, 1863; m. 2 May, 1882, Susan Ayer, dau. of Wilham Pickering and Clara (West) HUl, and granddau. of Gov. Isaac HUl of N. H. She was b. in Lexington, Mass., 7 Aug., 1854. Children, b. in Concord; 1. Agnes McLean', b. 6 April, 1884; d. 21 Jan., 1901. 2. Katharine Batchelder, b. 11 Nov., 1888; d. 1 Feb., 1893. 3. Richard Taylor, b. 6 Jan., 1896. V. Marion Elizabeth, b. 26 July, 1866; m. 12 Oct., 1894, Wilham Plummer, son of WUham and Le-vina (Whittaker) Martm b 21 Oct., 1847. vi. Albert Giddings, b. 3 March, 1860; m. 10 June, 1888, Lotten Larson, dau. of Lars and Johanna (Swenson) Larson, b 16 Julv 1870; d. 13 Dec, 1903. Children: ^' 1. Lotten Evadne', b. 21 Aug., 1889; d. 16 Aug., 1900. 2. Amos Cogs-well, b. 21 Feb., 1901. vu. Amos Cogswell, b. 16 Dec, 1862, graduated Dartmouth College, class 1885. Taught school at Holdemess, Cheshire, Conn., and Denver, CoL; d. 3 May, 1892, at Denver. 23. John' Lyford (Thomas; Thomas; Thomas') b. 8 Dec, 1815; m. 12 Nov. 1840, Elizabeth Ham of C, b. 9 May, 1821, d. 19 Dec, 1869. He resided m C. and Belmont and d. at the latter place 9 Dec, 1888. ChUdren b. in C: • ' ' i. Ariana Ham', b. 20 Jan., 1842; d. 22 March, 1846. GENEALOGIES. 225 ii. Mary Elizabeth, b. 5 July, 1844; m. 19 July, 1869, Smith N. Ells worth of Concord. She d. 1 Nov., 1882. iu. John Ham, b. 15 Sept., 1846; m. first, 27 Nov., 1887, Etta Hannah Lyford, who d. 10 Dec, 1888; m. second, 2 Oct., 1889, Addie C. Dow of Loudon, who d. 9 Sept., 1895. Children, b. in Belmont; 1. Paul John', b. 19 May, 1890; d. 15 Sept., 1890. 2. Ruby Elizabeth, b. 17 April, 1891. 3. John Pearl, b. 9 Aug., 1892; d. 3 Sept., 1893. 4. Addie Grace, b. 2 Aug., 1893. iv. Abby Ann, b. 15 July, 1848; m. 24 Oct., 1870, Clarence W. Whitcher of Northfield. She d. 18 Sept., 1880. V. Ariana Ham, b. 5 Oct., 1860; d. 18 AprU, 1875. ¦vi. Estelle, b. 28 Jan., 1853; m. Charies O. Judkms of Belmont. -vii. Clara Kimball, b. 15 July, 1855; m. Wilham N. Batchelder of N. Y. City. She d. 3 May, 1885. Children: Elizabeth Ham' Batchelder, b. 6 July, 1881; d. 18 July, 1882. Lloyd WUham Batchelder, b. 6 Feb., 1884. -viu. Amanda Flora, b. 27 Jan., 1868; m. WUliam Moulton of Hopkin ton. She d. 19 Sept., 1909. No children. 24. Martha Badgers Lyford (Thomas; Thomas; Thomas') b. 15 Nov., 1830; m. 5 June, 1861, Joseph Ayers of C. (second wife). She d. 13 April, 1876. One chUd, Lucy C' Ayers. (See Ayers Gen.) 25. Lucy Caroline' Lyford (Thomas; Thomas; Thomas') b. 9 Jan., 1833; m. 11 Nov., 1856, Joseph Clough Wyatt of Northfield, who was b. 3 Dec, 1830. She d. 4 April, 1876. He d. 12 June, 1908. Children: i. Alfred C' Wyatt, b. 26 Nov., 1862; m. 7 June, 1888, NeUie Maria, dau. of Joseph R. and Mary (Boynton) Mead, who was b. in Meredith, 11 Nov., 1861. He has been prominent in the pubhc affairs of Laconia and mayor of that city. u. Annto Tjypord Wyatt, b. 2 Nov., 1867, resides in Northfield. (P. O., TUton.) 26. Thomas' Lyford (Dudley; James Gilman; John') b. 2 Feb., 1807, in C; m. Ehza Bums Greely, b. 8 July, 1809, at GUmanton, d. 27 June, 1874, at Rockport, IU. He migrated to Roscoe, 111., about 1842, driving there from C. He was killed by a threshing machine at Roscoe, 19 Dec, 1858. Children: i. Dudley', b. in C, 6 Nov., 1835; m. 13 AprU, 1862, Emma Harley, b. 26 April, 1841, in Spartanburg, S. C. ii. Elizabeth Greely, b. 22 Oct., 1837, in C; m. 1 May, 1860, John J. Bradley, b. m Westfield, N. Y. in. Joseph Greely, b. 2 Dec, 1839, in Andover; m. 1 Jan., 1868, EmUy M. Brown, b. 30 June, 1843, in Shirley, Mass. Lives at GuU- ford, IU. iv. Alice Horn, b. 7 Dec, 1842; m. 3 June, 1868, Josiah E. Richardson, b. 18 July, 1842, in Roscoe, IU. Resides at Rockport, 111. V. Thomas, b. 19 AprU, 1845; d. 14 May, 1845. vL Thomas, b. 16 Aug., 1848; d. 19 Dec, 1862. ¦vu. Annah Augusta, b. 7 Nov., 1860. ¦viu. Charles Chamberlain, b. 21 Aug., 1853; m. 23 Dec, 1885, Emma L. Hendrickson, b. 30 Jan., 1860, in Minneapohs, Minn. Prac ticing physician in Minneapolis. 16-11 226' HISTORY OP CANTERBURY. MASON. One Mason family of C. descended from Capt. John Mason, one of the grantees of N. H. He was b. in Lynn, Norfolk County, Eng.; bapt. 11 Dec, 1586. His life was an active one in both civU and mihtary affairs as is shown by the tablet erected to his memory in the church of the Domus Dei at Ports mouth, Eng. It reads: To the glory of God and in memory of Capt'n John Mason, Captain in the Royal Navy, Treas. of the Army, Captain of South Sea Castle, Governor of the Colony of Newfoundland, Patentee and founder of New Hampshire in America, Vice Admiral of Ne* England. Bom 1686. Died 1635. He is buried in Westminster Abbey. He was the son of John' and Isabel (Steed) Mason (William; Miles; John; Richard; Baldmw). 1. Capt. John' Mason, m. 29 Oct., 1606, Anne, dau. of Edward Geer of Lon don. ChUd: Anne' who m. 27 June, 1626, Joseph Tufton and had five chUdren of whom Robert was the third. By the terms of Capt. John Mason's vrill his grandchildren added Mason to their names. 2. Robert Tufton' Mason (Anne; Capt. Johw) m. Ehzabeth, dau. of WiUiam Taylor. Three chUdren of whom Robert" was the second. 3. Robert T." Mason (Robert T.') m. Catherine Wiggin and had two chUdren of whom John Tufton" was the second. 4. John Tufton" Mason (Robert T.'») d. in Havana, 1718; m. Susanna Mos- set. May, 1711. Three children of whom Thomas" was the third. 5. Thomas T." Mason (John T.") b. 12 June, 1718; d. 1762; m. first, Ehza beth Gooding, 7 Sept., 1744; m. second, Anne Tme, b. 26 Feb., 1762. Three children by first marriage and one, John T.", by the second. 6. John T." Mason (John T.") m. and had two chUdren of whom the first was Benjamin". 7. Benjamin" Mason (John T.") m. and hved in Hampton. Had four chUdren of whom Josiah" was the third. 8. Josiah" Mason (Benjamiw*) b. 11 July, 1778, m Chichester; d. 16 Dec, 1846, m C; m. Betsey Saunders, b. 8 Oct., 1778; d. 27 Feb., 1854. Children; 9. i. Hannah", b. 27 Nov., 1804. 10. h. George Saunders, b. 30 June, 1806. 11. iu. Gardner, b. 1 June, 1809. iv. Har-vey, b. 21 Feb., 1814. V. Eliza, b. 14 Aug., 1815; m. Eh Brooks of St. Johnsbury, Vt.; d. in Providence, R. I. vi. Silver, b. 23 Sept., 1818; d. 16 Sept., 1846. -vh. John Chandler, b. 14 June, 1824; d. 14 June, 1891; m. Carohne Clark; res. at Tilton. 9. Hannah" Mason (Josiah") b. 27 Nov., 1804; d. 13 Oct., 1859; m. John Langdon Bradley, b. 27 March, 1806, d. 22 Jan., 1874. Children, b.mC: GENEALOGIES. 227 i. George Saunders" Bradley, b. 28 May, 1830; m. Sally Ann Weaver, 12 Dec, 1858. Child: Charles Clement" Bradley, b. 5 July, 1871. u. Sereno AsHBURY Bradley, b. 3 Feb., 1833; m. 14 Nov., 1865, Mrs. Evehne Bessy. Child : EUen Amanda" Bradley, b. 29 Dec, 1858. iu. Lucian Moore Bradley, b. 27 AprU, 1835; d. 19 Feb., 1869. iv. Betsey Malvina Bradley, b. 11 March, 1837; m. 11 Aug., 1864, Joseph J. Jones. Children; Frances Leona" Jones, b. 18 June, 1865. Charles Wesley Jones, b. 25 Sept., 1866. Edith May Jones, b. 17 Dec, 1871. v. Susan Clough Bradley, b. 14 June, 1841; m. Joel B. Selhck, 10 Nov., 1860. Children: Eva May" Schick, b. 20 Oct., 1861. Charies Eddie Selhck, b. 17 June, 1864. Gracie SeUick, b. 23 Oct., 1872. ¦vi. Charles Wesley Bradley, b. 8 April, 1843; m. Delia Ann Com stock, 7 March, 1872. Child: Mary", b. 27 May, 1873. ¦vh. Mary Jane Bradley, b. 22 Oct., 1846; m. Myron E. Bates, 5 Sept., 1867. Children: Luella" Bates, b. 6 July, 1868. ByronEmmet Bates, b. 26 Dec, 1870; d. 11 Feb., 1871. Regena E. Bates, b. 14 Dec, 1872. vih. Ella Amanda Bradley, b. 17 July, 1848; d. 29 Sept., 1851. 10. George Saunders" Mason (Josiah") b. 30 June, 1806; d. 6 June, 1872; m. 18 Nov., 1831, Huldah Lane, b. 9 Jan., 1809; d. 7 Dec, 1893. Chil dren: i. Frances C", b. 26 Dec, 1833; d. 7 Oct., 1901; m. James Lang- maid, who d. 1861. Children: John" Langmaid, b. 17 July, 1856; d. 1 July, 1877. Mary F. Langmaid, b. 24 June, 1858. Martha A. Langmaid, b. 12 May, 1860; m. Walter S. Clement of Derry. h. Mary B., b. 26 Nov., 1835, in Chichester; d. 16 Sept., 1909; m. 16 June, 1859, Charles Lake of Chichester, who d. 9 July, 1897. Children: Charies" Lake, b. 13 Oct., 1861; d. in infancy. George W. Lake, b. 4 April, 1864; m. 14 Dec, 1886, Jessie F. West. Jennie F. Lake, b. 14 March, 1868; m. 13 Nov., 1889, Florance A. Gale of Concord. hi. Frank Georgb, b. 2 Aug., 1839; d. 9 Aug., 1908; m. 28 Sept., 1863, Lucia M. Fox of Bradford, Vt. Children, b. in Concord: Frank W.", b. 29 June, 1864. George H., b. 2 May, 1868. Edith M., b. 22 May, 1870. Charles L., b. 23 Nov., 1872. Grace E., b. 9 Feb., 1876. Lucy M., b. 16 Dec, 1877. Edward S., b. 13 Aug., 1880. 11. Gardner" Mason (Josiah") b. 1 June, 1809, hi Chichester; d. 18 Jan., 1873, m Loudon; m. in C, 24 July, 1839, Harriet, dau. of Jesse Stevens, b. in C, 23 Dec, 1816. Children, b. in C: i. Sarah Stevens", b. 2 July, 1841; d. 7 July, 1902; m. Henry Bat chelder. Child; Elmer Mason" Batchelder, b. 24 July, 1875, in Jamaica Plain, Mass. h. Charles Henry, b. 12 Sept., 1844; m. 4 April, 1865, Phebe Ehza beth Harper of Loudon. Children: 1. Charles Harper", b. 1 Jan., 1873; m. 14 April, 1903, Anna Margaretha Lohbiller of Jamaica Plain, Mass. 2. Mabel H., b. 1 May, 1875; m. 18 May, 1905, Weston L. Fickett of Concord. ih. George Harvey, b. 19 Oct., 1846; d. 19 Oct., 1877. iv. Sarah Jane, b. 5 Aug., 1849; d. 22 Feb., 1893. 228 HISTORY OF CANTERBURY. V. Mary Anna, b. 16 Feb., 1856. -vi. Ellen Maria, b. 26 Nov., 1869; m. 28 June, 1900, Frank M. John son of Loudon. MASON. 1. True K.' Mason, b. 12 Nov., 1807; was a son of Simon' and Nancy (Sanborn) Mason. The latter was a dau. of Levi Sanbom, and d. 12 Oct., 1846. Simon, b. 15 Jan., 1782; d. 9 Sept., 1864. True K. m. 19 Dec, 1832, Hannah P., dau. of Benjamin and Elizabeth P. Titman Wmkley, and d. 7 May, 1888. His wife d. 7 June, 1897. She was of English descent. Mr. and Mrs. Mason were lifelong residents of C. ChUdren : i. Elizabeth Ann', m. 1 Jan., 1853, True W. HiU, both of C. (See HUl Gen.) ii. Lucy Maria. iu. Hannah. iv. Mary Susan. 2. V. Lowell T., b. 21 Aug., 1847. 2. Lowell T.' Mason (True K.', Simon') b. 21 Aug., 1847, in C; m. 30 June, 1885, in Boston, Mass., Jennie S., dau. of John T. and Sarah (De Laney) Adams, b. 26 May, 1S44, in Windsor, Conn. They res. inC. MATOTT. 1. Joseph' Matott, b. in the Province of Quebec, Can.; m. Margaret Wood. He served in the War of 1812; d. in 1892 at the age of nearly 104 years. His wife d. at the age of 96. They had fourteen chUdren. 2. Josephs Matott (Joseph') b. 10 Dec, 1837, in Champlain, N. Y.; m. 31 Dec, 1859, EUen S., dau. of Francis and Sarah (Cross) Sweeney, b. 16 Dec, 1844, m Essex Co., N. Y. Francis Sweeney was b. 1817; d. 4 Dec, 1880. Sarah Cross was b. 1820; d. 1877. Henry Sweeney, father of Francis, b. in Canada, was of Irish descent. Joseph Matott came to C. in 1892; d. there 13 Dec, 1904. Children, first five b. m Essex Co., N. Y.: i. Alice P.', b. 1 AprU, 1861; m. Sept., 1882, Sidney Ketchum. He d. 7 May, 1910. u. Frank N., b. 23 May, 1862; m. 1 Feb., 1888, Mary Deify. iu. Joseph, b. 16 Feb., 1864; m. 6 Nov., 1897, Mary, dau. of John and Abby (Blanchard) Colbum. 3. iv. George H., b. 27 June, 1866. v. Sarah E., b. 10 AprU, 1868; m. George Shortsleeves. vi. Rachel G., b. 15 Dec, 1870; m. 21 Sept., 1906, John Lavally. 4. vu. Nelson F., b. 23 Sept., 1872. vui. William L, b. 23 AprU, 1874; d. 16 April, 1875. ix. Cornelia, b. 14 March, 1876; m. April, 1892, John Bromley, x. Nancy A., b. 15 Sept., 1878; m. Frank Behlse. xi. Rosa A., b. 2 Sept., 1880; d. March, 1882. xu. Nettie K., b. 26 June, 1882; m. 21 Feb., 1900, Edmund Banker. 3. George H.' Matott (Joseph; Joseph') b. 27 June, 1866; m. 5 Nov., 1889, Ehzabeth, dau. of Louis and Ehzabeth (Matthews) Deify, b. 9 GENEALOGIES. 229 Feb., 1872. Louis and Ehzabeth Deify were b. m 1837. ChUdren, u, ih and iv b. in Penacook: i. Leon', b. 30 July, 1891; d. 21 Jan., 1893. h. Harry W., b. 27 July, 1895. in. Florence Delfy, b. 22 July, 1897. iv. Robert L., b. 1 Dec, 1898. v. Guy R., b. 29 Dec, 1900, in C. 4. Nelson F.' Matott (Joseph; Joseph') b. 23 Sept., 1872; m. 1893, Ida May, dau. of WiUiam F. and Mary Jane (Spaulding) Blinn, b. 1 Sept., 1879. Children: i. Rutha A.' h. Linda M. ih. Faber F. iv. Ira N. MATTHEWS— MATHES. Compiled by Harriet Louise Matthews of Lynn, Mass. 1. Francis' Matthews, the immigrant ancestor of the famUy in C. first appears on the hst of men who came to this country in the Mason colony, 1631. His name is also found among the signers of the "Exeter Combination" in 1639. The location of the man is found by a grant of land, 1 Oct., 1637, when Vines, Josselyn and Wamerton, as agents of the Laconia Association granted a lease of a part of "the Great Island," the present town of Newcastle, to "ffrancis Matthews for one thousand years." This was reconveyed to the wid. in the same name in 1656 and 1664. In addition to land on the Great Island, Fran cis bought 16 June, 1640, of William Beard, a house and land at Oyster River, and 7 July, 1644, Wilham Hilton conveyed to him 88 acres of land at Oyster River. The location of the Oyster River property is given in "Historical Memoranda'' published in a Dover newspaper about 1861: "The site of the original settlement at Oyster River is very beautiful, it is just at the head of the main branch of the Piscat aqua, commands a fine view of the confluence of Great Bay, BeUamy Bank, and Salmon FaUs Rivers, and e-vidences the good taste of the senior Frances Matthews." To this was added a large tract of "salt marsh" and other grants, untU he became the owner of a large part of the north shore of the Great Bay. Francis also held property on "Smutty Nose," Isle of Shoals, where at that time was a large colony of fishermen. The parentage of Francis Matthews, dates of birth and marriage record h. Caleb Heath, d. Oklahoma City, 1902, and (3) Celestia S. Heath; m. first, Albert A. Moore; m. second, WUlard R. SteUe. 7. Phebe M., b. 1812; d. 1834, in C; unm. 8. La-vinia K., b. 1814; d. 1846 in C; unm. 9. Charles H., b. 1816; removed to Chelsea, Mass.; m. Nancy T. Sanbom. ChUdren: Anna F.', Addie, Henry W., and Belle, who m. H. A. Tuttle of Boston. 10. Martha K., b. 1818; m. James S. CogsweU of Manchester. ChUdren: Emma', Frank E., Cecilia G., James E., and Mary E. CogsweU, who m. George W. Eastman of Manches ter; one son, Harry L.« Eastman, b. 1877. 11. Frederick P., b. 1822; m. Lucy A. Harris; lived in Ips-wich, Mass. Children: (1) Elizabeth N.', m. S. H. Baker; two children. (2) George F., d. in infancy. (3) Lucy W., m. C. P. Lewis, and d. 1896; no chUdren. 12. Eliza P., b. 1823; m. George W. French of Bristol, Lawrence and Boston. Children: (1) Horace' French, res. Soldiers' Home, Togus, Me. (2) George W. French, d. 1847; unm. (3) Emma E. French, d. 1868; unm. 5. Nathaniels Moore (Johw) b. 1733; m. Ehza MorrUl, one of the first white children b. in C. Their places of residence are hard to trace, but they probably hved with his father for some years or on the lot adjoin ing it on the north. No. 107, which Nathaniel owned from 1757 to 1786, when sold to Ezekiel Moore. He moved to Loudon before 1786, and probably d. there in 1817. His wife d. in 1807, aged 70. The records 250 HISTORY OF CANTERBURY. of the birth of this family are not found in C. or Loudon. So far as known, the chUdren were as follows, "nine to grow up," but the order of births is not known: i. Abigail' ("Aunt Nabby"); unm. h. Elizabeth, m. Joseph Bennett of Loudon, possibly of Sanbomton. Their children settled "Bennettville" in the southern part of C, now deserted and houses gone. 1. Joseph Bennett', Jr., of Holdemess; removed to his -wife's home. No children. 2. Levi Bennett, d. 1863, aged 75; m. AbigaU Chase. ChUdren: (1) Chase' Bennett, who m. and had Frank A. Bennett and Charles A. Bennett, latter d. in Ci-vil war. (2) AbigaU Ben nett, who m. George Elhott and had 8 children, and is h-ving in Providence, R. I. (3) Martha Bennett, who m. Andrew Bennett of Orange, her cousin. ChUdren: Robert M.' Ben nett, James H. Bennett, Sarah Bennett (who m. Sargent), Susan Bennett, who d. 1863, aged 16, and John Harrison Bennett, who m. Polly Johonnet and removed to Mont Vemon and had Ehzabeth' Bennett, Marden Bennett, and Al-vin Bennett. 3. Amos C. Bennett, m. Ehzabeth Fields at LoweU and removed to Charlestown, Mass. Child: Charles A.' Bennett. 4. David Bennett, m. Polly Cole of Orange and hved in Thom ton, EUsworth and C. ChUdren: (1) AbigaU' Bennett. (2) Ruth Bennett, m. Dickerman of Nashua. (3) Elizabeth Bennett, m. Dickerman of Nashua. (4) Byron Bennett, unm., who served in CivU war. (5) Andrew Bennett, m. his cousin, Martha, and d. 1886, aged 62. (6) Amos Bennett, m. Jemima, dau. of Isaac Moore, 1851. ChUd: Helen E. S.' Bennett, who m. John Wallace, 1869. (7) George W. Bennett, who d. at Warren; m. Betsey McClintock, 1866; had 2 children. 5. Hannah Bennett, m. Solomon Richardson, 1848. No chil dren; moved from C. 6. Oilman Bennett, m. 1849, Ruth Blanchard of Northfield, where they resided. Children; Sarah' Bennett, Susan Ben nett, Joseph Bennett. iu. A dau. reported to have reached the age of 100. iv. Nathaniel, Jr., m. Danforth and lived in Orange. Records there show children: Rufus', b. 1800; True, b. 1803, and Hiram, b. 1805. V. Josiah, m. Sarah Scales, 1791. Children: 1. Hannah'j unm., lived -with her brother, James, until she went West and d. -with relatives. 2. Jeremiah, resided in Mass. Possibly heTvho m. Lydia Tiffts of Amherst, 1832. 3. Jonathan, m. Ehzabeth Woodward of Sutton, 1826; d. 1859. 4. Isaac, m. 1825, Rhoda or Ehzabeth Bennett. ChUd : Jemima E.', who d. in C, 1894, aged 61. 5. James, who lost an arm; d. 1888, aged 88. vi. John, b. 1766; m. Tabitha Da-vis, 1786. They lived in Ensign John Moore's house and later at the Lieut. Wilham Moore cor ner, in a house now gone. Children, some of whom were b. in Ensign John Moore's house ; 1. Ruth', b. 1797; m. Wilham Whitcher. Child; Sylvanus' Whitcher, who m. Annie M. Danforth and had Charles D.' Whitcher. Resided in Northfield. GENEALOGIES. 251 2. Abram, or Abraham, b. 1799; removed to SomervUle, Mass.; m. first, 1827, Charlotte W. Cutter. Children; (1) Char lotte D.', d. young. (2) Abraham, Jr., m. Abbie M. Marble and had 5 children. (3) Charlotte D., 2d, d. young. (4) Mary S., d. young. (5) Wilham F., d. in hospital in Civil war. (6) Susan C, m. James R. Hopkins. Resides in Somerville, Mass., and has two children. 3. Hugh M., b. 1802; m. Sarah L. Winn. Children: (1) Ehza beth', m. George W. Hadley; one child. (2) Sarah A. H., m. Hiram MacKechnie; two children. (3) Charles A., d. young. 4. Judith G., m. Moses M. Emery, 1843. (See Emery Gen.) 5. Sally, b. 1808; m., 1827, Joseph H. Hodgdon of Limerick, Me. Children: (1) Lucian A. Hodgdon, b. 1827, Lieut. Civil war. (2) Charles A., a sea capt. who d. of yellow fever. (3) Georgia, d. young. (4) Nancy E., b. 1837, d. 1906. (5) Joseph. Ezekiel, b. 1763; soldier in Revolutionary War; early mail carrier and large land o-wner; m. first, 1790, Eliza Morrill, who d. 1818; m. second, 1823, Mary Morrill, and removed to Bristol, 1825, and d. there, 1840. She d. 1870. Children: 1. Nancy', b. 1791; m. WUliam Da-vis of Northfield; d. 1825. 2. Martha (Patty), b. 1793; m. 1818, John C. Stevens; removed to Stewartstown, and had eleven chUdren. 3. Alice, b. 1796; m. 1815, J. Leverett Chase of Loudon. Removed to Colebrook with two children; Christopher M.' and John S. Chase, the latter having seven children. 4. Morrill S., b. 1798; m. SaUy Hancock, resided in Northfield. ChUdren; (1) Ortha'. (2) Clarissa. (3) Polly, who m. WiUis Gray. (4) Morrill, who m. Lo-vina A. Huse and had 6 children. (5) MerrUl, who m. Carohne Lake and after wards Mary Heath, and had chUdren: Clara G.', George M. and Sadie. 5. Mary, b. 1800; m. Jacob C. Haines, 1826. Removed to Wal tham, Mass. Children: (1) Caroline' Haines, who m. Richard P. Carsley. (2) Susan Haines, who m. Alonzo Booth. (3) John Haines, who m. Mary E. Hoyt. (4) Mary E. Haines, who m. George W. Daniels. (6) Ehza J. Haines, who m. Francis K. Davis. (6) Rebecca Haines, who m. Ehas A. Galloupe. (7) Juha A. Haines, who m. Charles J. Olney. (8) Eben K. Haines, who d. young, 1841. (9) Har riet E. Haines, who m. Horace P. Clark. (10) EUa F. Haines, who m. Charles D. Fiske. 6. Milton, b. 1802; m. AbigaU Verrill of Alexandria. Children; (1) Tryphena', b. 1826; m. George Housel. (2) Augusta, b. 1827; m. George Donovan. (3) Chariotte, b. 1830; m. John Lamore. (4) Eliza A., b. 1833; d. 1853. (5) Sarah, b. 1837; m. John A. Soule. Res., Hyde Park, Mass. 7. Betsey, b. 1807; m. Stephen Carlton of Colebrook and d. 1871. Children: (1) Mary Carlton, who m. Huam Piper of Stewartstown. (2) George Cailton, who m. Sarah Fellows of Scranton, Pa. (3) Charies Carlton, who d. in Scranton. 8. Moody, b. 1807; m. Ehza Flagg, and d. at sea, 1857; two daus. 9. Matthias, b. 1810; m. first, Elizabeth T. Jones; m. second, Har riet PhUbrook. He resided in Boston; kept store m C, near Northfield, and was col. in the mUitia. Children by first wife; (1) Matthias J.', d. 1885. (2) Joseph C, tailed m raUroad collision, 1881. (3) Elizabeth C, d. 1901; unm. Children by second wife: (4) Victoria G., m. first, George W. Whitney; m. second, Wilham H. Foster of Pembroke. (5) 252 HISTORY OF CANTERBURY. WUham H. H., m. Martha Cross; res. in Lisbon. (6) LUla N., m. first, Henry B. Dyer; m. second, Ephraim S. Dyer. (7) Henriette A., m. W. L. Knowles. 10. Esther, b. 1810; m. James Moore of Waltham, Mass. CMl dren: (1) George H.', who m. Mary E. Moore of CatskiU, N. Y. (2) James M., who m. Carrie M. Marble. (3) SaUy E., unm. (4) Ehza J., unm. 11. Phebe, b. 1813; m. Trueworthy Evans of GUmanton. ¦viu. David, sometimes called Doctor, lived for a time opposite John P. Kimball's where weU of his house may stUl be seen. Resided in other parts of C. as well as out of town and state; m., 1806, Hannah BusweU. Children: 1. Horatio Nelson', b. 1807; m. 1842, Jane B. Googmg of LoweU. Removed to Seattle, Wash. They had 3 chUdren, b. in LoweU. (1) George N.« b. 1843; m. Emehne Barr. Child: Gertrude', b. 1873, in Seattle. (2) Helen L., b. 1845; m. 1872, WUliam Pearce of Eng., in Seattle. ChUd; Levein' Pearce b. 1872. (3) Charles E., b. 1847; unm. 2. Alexis William, b. 1809; d. 1869 at Qunicy, Mass.; m. Sarah RoweU. ChUdren: (1) Hannah', d. 1886. (2) Joseph W., b. 1844; m. Clementine Holmes. Res. Dorchester, Mass. No children. 3. Caroline Jane, b. 1816; d. 1817. 4. Cynthia H., d. 1817, 5 years of age. 5. VanRensselabr, b. and d. 1817. 6. Or^ville Buswell, b. 1818; d. 1907, at Soldiers' Home, Togus, Me.; unm. 7. VanRensselabr, b. 1821; m., 1848, Abbie J. Hutchins. Chil dren: (1) Adrianna Carohne', b. 1849. (2) Adehne M., b. 1850, who res. at Boscawen. ix. Jonathan, m. Sally Glines; lived and buried at Stowe, Vt. Chil dren; 1. David A.', m. Olive P. Huse of Weare; d. in Cal., after 1849. Children; (1) Evelina A.', b. 1841 in Tepic, Mex.; d. 1863. (2) Cassamiro M., b. 18'45; d. 1864, in CivU war. (3) Charles H., b. 1847; m. Marv H. Luffkin. Res. in Leominster, Mass. ChUd: Nma M.«, b. 1888. 2. Clough or Curtis, thrown from a horse and killed at the age of 17. 3. William P., m. and had (1) Wilham', who d. in Ci-vil war. (2) George P., living in Worcester, Vt. (3) Ellen M., who m. Morse. (4) Ella. 4. Betsey, b. 1820; d. 1898; m. Thomas P. Carter of North Andover, Mass. Child: Anna M.' Carter, b. 1852; res., Methuen, Mass.; unm. MORGAN. 1. Granville W.' Morgan was b. 26 June, 1842, in Gloucester, Mass. He was a son of Paul' and Ehzabeth (Fretch) Morgan. Paul Morgan was b. 14 Nov., 1809; d. April, 1885. His wife, Elizabeth, was a dau. of WUham Fretch. She d. 1889. Oran-ville Morgan's grandfather was Nathan', who served in the War of 1812, and d. 1866. His great-grand father, who was also Nathan, was a Baptist clergyman, and served in the Revolutionary war. WiUiam' Morgan, father of Nathans, came to this country from Scotland, and settled in Gloucester, Mass. Gran- viUe W. Morgan m. 26 Nov., 1869, at Unity, EUa J., dau. of George W. GENEALOGIES. 253 and Jane (Lurvey) Bryant. His wife's father and mother were m. 1841. They were farmers and lived and d. in Unity. Gran-vUle Morgan was in the Civil war. He removed from Barre, Mass., to C, 1907, where he now resides. ChUdren: i. George W.', b. 21 Sept., 1870; d. 13 Dec, 1875. u. Josie F., b. 12 Dec, 1872; d. 15 Dec, 1875. in. Wesley N., b. 26 Jan., 1878. iv. Blanche P., b. 12 Dec, 1881. V. Elsie M., b. 15 AprU, 1884; d. 16 Nov., 1884. vi. Ellen S., b. 25 Sept., 1887. -vu. Benton C, b. 4 Sept., 1890. MORRILL. Prepared by Luiher Morrill Cody of Canterbury. There are five lines of descendants from the sons of Ezekiel MorrUl, the pioneer in C. The issue of his daus., where known, appear in other genealo gies. Owing to the number of descendants of some of these sons, they are grouped by families instead of by generations, the descendants of the first son, David, being traced to the present tune before considering the hne orig inating -with the second son. As the MorrUls, whose ancestors originated in C, seldom intermarried, and are -widely scattered, it is thought that the grouping by famihes -wUl be more convenient and satisfactory to the li-ving descendants than to trace them by generations. Probably aU the Morrills of N. E. and thousands more of N. E. ancestry, scattered through the U. S. are descended from Abraham MorrUl, who came to America with his brother, Isaac, in 1632-33. The latter's name is on the register of the ship Lion arri-ving 6 Sept., 1632, but Abraham's does not appear. He is known, however, to have been in Cambridge, Mass., in 1632-33, where they both settled. In 1635, Abraham owned a house lot on what is now Harvard Square, "near the old Potter tavern." Abraham and Isaac belonged to the Honorable ArtiUery Company the year of its charter. Isaac early removed to Roxbury, where he d., lea-ving six daus., his sons having aU d. young. In 1641, Abraham was granted a house lot in Salisbury, Mass., where he settled as an original proprietor. He is recorded as a "planter, miU-wright and iron founder." Only four men were taxed more than he in 1660. The date of his birth is not kno^wn, but Isaac was b. in Eng., in 1588. Abraham d. in Roxbury, Mass., 18 Oct., 1662, while on a ¦visit to his brother, Isaac. 1. Abraham' Morrill m. 10 June., 1645, Sarah, dau of Robert Clement of HaverhiU, Mass. After his death his widow was granted 40 acres of upland on "ye great playne" in exchange for her house lot in Sahsbury. This house lot is still the parsonage lot. She m. second, Thomas Mud- gett, a shipwright of Sahsbury. They had two daus., Mary, b. 30 AprU, 1667, and Temperance, b. 10 Oct., 1670. Children of Abraham MorrUl, b. in Salisbury, Mass. : i. Isaacs, b. 10 May, 1646; d. 17 Oct., 1713; m. first, 14 Nov., 1664, Phebe GiU; m. second, Susanna . Children: 1. Abra- 254 HISTORY OF CANTERBURY. ham', b. 21 June, 1671; m. Ehzabeth Sargent. The Boscawen Morrills are descended from him. 2. Isaac, m. Abigail Brown. He was the ancestor of Justin S. Morrill, U. S. senator from Vt. 3. Mary. 4. Sarah. 2. u. Jacob, b. 24 Aug., 1648. hi. Sarah, b. 24 Oct., 1649; m. first, 5 Jan., 1670, Philip RoweU. iv. Abraham, b. 14 Nov., 1652; m. about 1688, Sarah Bradbury. V. Moses, b. 28 Dec, 1665; m. first, Rebecca Barnes; m. second, Mary . -vi. Aaron, b. 9 Aug., 1658; d. 31 Jan., 1659. vu. Richard, b. 2 Feb., 1660; d. 17 Feb., 1659-60. -vih. Lydia, b. 8 March, 1663; m. 9 Nov., 1682, Ephraim Severance. ix. Hepsibah, b. Jan., 1666; m. about 1689, Capt. John Dibbs. 2. Jacobs Morrill (Abraham') b. 24 Aug., 1648; d. 23 AprU, 1718; m. 15- July, 1674, Susanna, dau. of Thomas and Ruth (Green) Whittier. (The poet, Whittier, was descended from Susanna's brother, Joseph.) Jacob belonged to the Society of Friends and gave the society its bury ing ground. He was a member of the mihtary company of Sand-wich,. Mass.; was a soldier at WeUs in 1692; represented his to'wn in the General Court in 1689. Children, b. in Salisbury, Mass.: 3. i. EzEKiBL', b. 29 Sept., 1676. h. Hannah, ih. Aaron, iv. Thomas, v. Israel, vi. Ruth. -vu. Susanna. 3. Ezekiel' Morrill (Jacob; Abraham') known as Capt. Ezekiel, b. 29 Sept., 1675; d. 11 Oct., 1732; m. first, 22 Jan., 1705, Abigail, dau. of John Wadleigh. She d. 29 May, 1728; m. second, 25 March, 1730, Sarah, ¦widow of Samuel Clough. Children by first -wife, b. in Salisbury, Mass.r 4. i. Ezekiel', b. 3 Sept., 1707. u. Abner, d. 29 May, 1728. hi. Han nah, iv. Ruth. Y- Susannah, -vi. Da-vid. vh. Sarah, -viii^ Jonathan, ix. Thomas, x. Ephraim, b. 9 Dec, 1717. Took up land in C, but was later a proprietor of GUmanton, where he settled, xi. AbigaU. xii. Jacob, xiu. John, b. 28 March, 1713. 4. Dea. Ezekiel' Morrill (Ezekiel; Jacob; Abraham') h. 3 Sept., 1707; d. 24 July, 1783; m. first, 16 July, 1731, Jemima, dau. of Abraham and Ehzabeth (Sargent) Morrill, his second cousin. She d. 1 Nov., 1776; m. second, Joanna Gilman. He probably hved in that part of Sahsbury, Mass., set off to South Hampton, for his chUdren, b. after 1740, are recorded in South Hampton. Dea. Ezekiel was the pioneer MorrUl in C. AprU 19, 1743, he bought house lots 116 and 118, and the whole right of home lot 117. These lots included what is now the cemetery at the Center and the Parsonage lot. March 9, 1745, he bought house lot 116. In the spring of 1750, Dea. MorriU moved his family to C, and set tled on the hill where James Frame now lives. The old part of Mr. Frame's house must have been built by Dea. Morrill or by his son, Masten. The place remained in the famUy untU 1843, when the widow of Ezekiel, son of Masten, sold it to Ebenezer Batchelder. Dea. MorrUl took a leadmg part in town affairs, being frequently elected to important offices and to positions of trust. ChUdren by his first marriage; GENEALOGIES. 255 i. Abigail', b. 2 Aug., 1732; d. 9 March, 1733. h. David, b. 24 Jan., 1734. iu. Abigail, b. 6 Oct., 1735; m. James Shepard. iv. Reuben, b. 5 May, 1737; d. 26 Jan., 1764. v. Elizabeth, b. 2 March, 1739; m. Nathaniel Moore. (See Moore Gen.) -vi. Laban, b. 25 Sept., 1740. vii. Susanna, b. 21 May, 1742; d. 1744. viu. Mary (Mercy), b. 6 March, 1744; m. Miles. ix. Ezekiel, b. 27 Jan., 1746; d. 27 Feb., 1747. X. Ezekiel, b. 2 Nov., 1747; m. No children. Became a Shaker in C. xi. Child, not named, b. and d. 1750. xu. Masten, b. 29 March, 1751, in C. xiii. Sargent, b. 24 June, 1754, in C. (See end of this Gen.) xiv. Abraham, b. 1 Jan., 1756, in C. (See end of this Gen.) XV. Susanna, b. 1 March, 1768, m C. ; m. 5 Feb., 1778, Joshua Weeks of C. Of these fifteen children, three sons, Da-vid, Laban and Masten, and three daus., Abigail, Elizabeth and Susanna, m. and settled in C. Six of the sons served in the Revolutionary war, David, Laban, Ezekiel, Masten, Sargent and Abraham. Descendants op David Morrill. 1. Dea. David' Morrill (Ezekieb, Ezekieb, Jacob', Abraham') b. 24 Jan., 1734; d. 10 June, 1799; m. 28 Dec, 1763, AbigaU (Emerson) Stevens, widow of Otto Stevens and dau. of Benjamin and Hannah (Watts) Emerson of Hampstead. She was b. 20 March, 1737; d. 30 Jan., 1833. (See Stevens Gen.) Da-vid purchased lot 193, first di-vision of 100 acre lots in 1768, and in 1770, home lot 136, east of his father's house. Here he evidently settled. This lot was later di-vided, Abigail, his dau., who m. Lea-vitt Clough, residing on the west end, using the old house; Sally, who m. Asa Foster, had the larger east section and buUt a new house against the old one. The di-viding hne of the two farms passed between these two houses. Both houses were burned in 1895. Only the barn on the west section remains. ChUdren, b. in C: 2. i. Reuben', b. 18 Oct., 1764. u. Hannah, b. 21 Oct., 1766; m. Rev. Josiah Carpenter of Chichester, iii. David, b. 5 Dec, 1768. iv. Betsey, b. 30 May, 1770; d. 1848; m. WUiam, son of Rev. Abiel Foster. (See Foster Gen.) v. Sarah, b. 17 May, 1772; d. 28 March, 1868; m. 10 Nov., 1794, Col. Asa Foster, son of Dea Asa Foster. (See Foster Gen.) vi. Ruth, b. 25 Dec, 1776; m. Isaac Chickering. vh. AbigaU, b. 8 Feb., 1779; d. 10 May, 1853; m. 30 Oct., 1800, Leavitt, son of Leavitt Clough. (See Clough Gen.) 2. Reuben' Morrill (David; Ezekieb, Ezekiel; Jacob; Abraham') b. 18 Oct., 1764; d. 1 AprU, 1842; m. 10 Oct., 1792, Miriam, dau. of Robert Smith of Salisbury, b. 1771; d. 31 July, 1841. He settled on the farm now owned by MUo S. MorriU. ChUdren, b. in C. ; 3. i. Sally' Smith, b. 21 Oct., 1794. u. Polly, b. 16 Sept., 1796; d. 2 Feb., 1812. 4. hi. Da-vid, b. 12 Aug., 1798. iv. Phebe, b. 16 Oct., 1804; d. 31 Aug., 1807. 5. V. Robert Smith, b. 18 May, 1807. vi. Myra Emily, b. 18 Aug., 1811; d. 11 April, 1813. 256 HISTORY OF CANTERBURY. 3. Sarah (SaUy) Smith' Morrill (Reuben', David') b. 21 Oct., 1794; d. 20 Aug., 1861; m. Nathaniel, son of Samuel MorrUl of Boscawen, b. 8 Sept., 1787, d. 5 Feb., 1837. ChUdren, b. m C: i. Mary Emily', b. 3 March, 1821; m. 23 Oct., 1845, Charles Fitts. u. Catherine, b. 27 Aug., 1823; d. 13 Oct., 1841. hi. Reuben, b. 11 May, 1825; d. 8 Jan., 1879, m E. Concord; m. 25 June, 1848, Hannah McCoy, b. 13 July, 1826, m Burke, Vt. iv. Samuel Atkinson, b. 26 May, 1827; d. 24 March, 1910; m. Mary E. Garland of Southwick, Me. His intention of marriage was pubhshed 8 March, 1861. His wffe d. 2 May, 1903, aged 72. No children. Adopted George Alexander, son of Mitchell Lockhart of Portsmouth, who took the name of MorrUl, b. 18 June, 1857; m. 3 Nov., 1878, Lizzie M. Ordway of Loudon. Children b. in C: Harry Roscoe', b. 12 Jan., 1880; Fred Lock- hart, b. 25 Feb., 1881; Ida May, b. 1 Oct., 1883; Leon Lock- hart, b. 19 June, 1887; Jean Louis, b. 15 April, 1895; Percival F., b. 13 April, 1897; Periey Francis, b. 28 June, 1900. V. Charles Frank, b. 27 May, 1829; d. 9 June, 1902. Farmer; m. first, Mahala Roby; m. second, Ann, dau. of John H. and Hannah (Ross) Sawyer, b. 21 Jan., 1838, d. 8 May, 1876; m. third, Roxana, dau. of Jonathan and Nancy (Sherburn) James, b. in C, 21 Jan., 1832, d. 19 March, 1908, in C. Children of Ann Sawyer; 1. Charles' Frank, b. 22 Feb., 1857. 2. Lizzie Etta, b. 12 April, 1863; d. 31 July, 1864. 3. Elmer Harvey, twin, b. 15 Jan., 1866. 4. Elmie Mahala, twin, b. 15 Jan., 1866. 6. Annie Thomas, b. 25 July, 1870. 6. Mary Emma, b. 4 March, 1873. -vi. Elizabeth C, b. 7 March, 1831; d. 24 April, 1832. vh. Enoch, b. 16 Sept., 1833; m. first, 2 June, 1863, Angehne M. Stev ens, b. 13 May, 1835, in Gilmanton, d. 29 March, 1876, m Deerfield; m. second, 3 June, 1877, Anna A. Mace, b. 8 March, 1856, in Hampton, d. 14 March, 1909. Children: 1. Emma F.', b. 23 Nov., 1864, in C; d. 20 July, 1864. 2. Edwm E., b. 3 Jan., 1857; m. 29 Oct., 1885, Jennie B. Baker of Wilh- mantio, Conn. Children: Edwines" and Josie M. 3. Etta Angie, b. 15 April, 1861; d. 23 Feb., 1863. 4. Etta Florence, b. 3 Aug., 1867. 6. John WiUie, b. 26 Sept., 1869; m. m 1889, Lizzie E. Barrberree, b. 26 Aug., 1883, in Ala. ChUd: Enoch." 6. Mira A., b. 6 May, 1862; m. 21 July, 1895, Howard G. Bat chelder, b. 21 Aug., 1872, in Hampton. Child: Charies E." Batchelder. 7. Anna F., b. 29 April, 1874; m. 2 Nov., 1895, James S. De Lancey, b. 29 July, 1873. Child: Clyde P." De Lancey. 8. Frederick M., b. 20 April, 1880, in Putnam, Conn. 9. Ehzabeth B., b. 23 Oct., 1887, in Rochester. 4. Capt. David' Morrill (Reuben; David') b. 12 Aug., 1798; d. 6 April, 1893; m. first. Comfort, dau. of Masten MorrUl; m. second, SaUy E. (Peverly) Kunball, widow of John Kimball of C, and dau. of John Peverly. Capt. David owned the 300 acre farm now in the possession of his son, Milo S. MorrUl. He represented his town in the legislature and was a state senator in 1860-62. Children by first wife. 6. i. Sarah Coffin', b. 1 March, 1827. u. William Adams, b. 27 March, 1829; d. 22 July, 1831. m. Lucian, b. 10 March, 1831; d. 5 March, 1857; m. Ehzabeth S. Parker, b. 1830; she m. second, Weston, and d. in C, 5 May, 1892. ' 7. iv. Francis Eaton, b. 8 July, 1833. GENEALOGIES. 257 8. V. William Henry, b. 30 Jan., 1835. 9. -vi. Oscar Smith, b. 10 Sept., 1837. -vh. Charles Willard, b. 30 Dec, 1839; d. 8 Dec, 1864; graduate, Oberhn College, Ohio; private Co. H, 8th N. H. Vol. Inf. Children by second wife: 10. vih. George Peverly, b. 21 April, 1844. ix. Milo Sanborn, b. 20 Jan., 1846, farmer and lumberman in C. Rep resentative in the legislature, 1900-01. 5. Robert Smith' Morrill (Reuben; David') b. 18 May, 1807; d. 26 Feb., 1842, in C; graduate, Bowdoin CoUege, 1830; practiced medicine in C. 12 years; m. 12 Jan., 1832, Betsey, dau. of Joel Eastman of Salis bury. ChUdren, b. in C. : i. Ellen Maria', b. 19 July, 1834; d. 2 March, 1852. ii. Joel Eastman, b. 12 March, 1836; farmer in Conway; m. 25 Dec, 1863, Carohne, dau. of Isaiah and Ann (Walker) Warren of Fryeburg, Me., b. 11 April, 1839. Children; 1. Ruth Eastman', b. 1 March, 1868; m. 28 Dec, 1893, MUton D. Starrett of N. Y. City. She was a graduate of WeUesley CoUege. 2. Lucia Marie, b. 13 Dec, 1869; m. 8 Jan., 1906, Dr. Arthur Lougee of Fryeburg, Me. She was a graduate of WeUesley College. 3. Mary Odell, b. 12 Oct., 1872; m. 19 Oct., 1897, John Lead- beater of Alexandria, Va. ChUdren: (1) John M." Lead- beater, b. Aug., 1898. (2) Carolyn M. Leadbeater, b. Sept., 1900. (3) Eleanor C. Leadbeater, b. Sept., 1902. (4) Joel E. M. Leadbeater, b. Aug., 1904. (5) Edward Leadbeater, b. Jan., 1907. 4. Milton Dana, b. 11 Oct., 1876. Studied abroad. Architect in Washington, D. C. 6. JoBL Warren, b. 22 Jan., 1880; d. 7 Jan., 1881. iu. Amanda Frances, b. 3 March, 1840; d. 20 Dec, 1905, m Forest Glen, IU.; m. 2 Aug., 1864, WiUiam Hazelton. ChUdren, b. in Forest Glen; 1 . Ellen Hortbnse • Hazelton, b. 26 July, 1866 ; m. 28 Nov., 1888, Walter Nichols. Child: Ehzabeth H." Nichols, b. 24 Dec, 1893. 2. Hugh Hazelton, b. 16 Aug., 1868; m. 17 Nov., 1906, Caro hne S. Norton. Child: Carohne Norton" Hazelton, b. 4 Nov., 1907. 3. Bessie P. Hazelton, b. 22 July, 1872; d. 5 Dec, 1880. 4. Robert M. Hazelton, b. 5 Feb., 1874; d. 18 Nov., 1876. 5. Josephine F. Hazelton, b. 23 Feb., 1876; m. 6 Sept., 1899, Ehner D. Grant. Children: (1) Eveline H." Grant, b. 7 Nov., 1902. (2) Hugh H. Grant, b. 18 June, 1906. (3) Margaret F. Grant, b. 15 Jan., 1909. iv. Robert Smith, b. 21 Feb., 1842; farmer in C; m. 4 July, 1875, Sarah Abby, dau. of Dr. Robert and Abbie (PettingaU) Smith of Sahsbury, b. 1 June, 1854; d. 1 Sept., 1908, m C. ChUdren, b.inC: 1. Bert Smith', b. 26 Nov., 1877; m. 19 Dec, 1900, Edna D. Fort, of Baltimore, Md. Children: (1) Robert C.'», b. 25 Sept., 1901. (2) WUham K., b. 16 Dec, 1903. 2. Frances Lou, b. 26 Feb., 1882. 18-11 258 ' HISTORY OF CANTERBURY. 6. Sarah Coffin' Morrill (David; Reuben; David') b. 1 March, 1827; m. first, 29 Aug., 1856, N. WeUington Towne; m. second, WiUiam P. Sickles, a cousm of Gen. Daniel E. Sickles. ChUd of Mr. and Mrs. Towne: i. Ernestine L.' Towne, b. 9 Feb., 1858, in Dan-ville, Minn.; m. 24 May, 1880, Joseph F. AUenwood, b. 18 Dec, 1867, in Timbuck- too, Cal. Children: Ahce M." AUenwood, b. 27 March, 1881; m. 8 Dec, 1909, James Hudspeth. Child; Ahce M. E." Huds peth, b. 18 Oct., 1901. Arthur R. AUenwood, b. 28 March, 1888. ChUdren of Mr. and Mrs. Sickles: h. Cornelia E.' Sickles, b. 31 Dec, 1863; d. 24 Nov., 1888. hi. Sarah F. Sickles, b. 8 Oct., 1865; d. 24 March, 1877. iv. Sylvia A. Sickles, b. 17 Aug., 1869; m. 12 May, 1892, Elbert R. Batchelor, b. 12 Sept., 1868. Children: Hazel M." Batchelor, b. 10 Nov., 1896. Robert L. Batchelor, b. 26 Oct., 1903. 7. Francis Eaton' Morrill (David', Reuben', David') b. 8 July, 1833; d. 29 Oct., 1907; m. 26 Aug., 1857, Annie J. MuUen, b. 12 Aug., 1831, in Ireland; d. in Montalvo, Cal. ChUdren; i. Ella Maria', b. 23 May, 1858, in Cal.; m. Nathaniel M. Miller 10 Dec, 1878, soldier of CivU war, b. 4 Oct., 1840, in Ohio. Children: 1. Anna May" MiUer, b. 5 Oct., 1879; m. 26 July, 1908, Thomas L. Brecheen. Child: Natalhe E." Brecheen, b. 21 March, 1911. 2. Charies Nathaniel MlUer, b. 26 Feb., 1886; m. 6 Nov., 1906, Margaret L. Nichols. h. Frank William, b. 28 June, 1869, in Cal. ; m. 14 Feb., 1884, EUen Bushby, b. 27 June, 1864, resides in Yuba Co., Cal. Children: 1. Minnie E.", b. 21 Oct., 1884; m. first, 30 April, 1904, Arthur Wagner, b. in Chicago, 4 July, 1879; m. second, Oct., 1910, Wilham M. Souther. Children by first marriage; Arthur" and Ellen Wagner. 2. Alice M., b. 10 March, 1886. 3. Katheryn E., b. 6 Feb., 1888; m. 22 May, 1904, Ovid Laws. Children: Migonette S.", Walter C. and Richard F. Laws. 4. Wilham F., b. 17 Aug., 1890. 5. George B., b. 6 June, 1892. 6. LUlian H., b. 7 June, 1896. 7. Grace E., b. 14 Dec, 1899. 8. Annie J., b. 16 May, 1902. 9. Blanche J., b. 7 Nov., 1905. iu. Sarah Jane, b. 22 Feb., 1861; m. 9 Nov., 1881, Andrew J. MiUer. Children; Francis A.", b. 9 Feb., 1885; Fred E., b. 24 June, 1895, and George E. MUler, b. 29 Jan., 1899. iv. Mary Comport, b. 24 Aug., 1862; m. 6 Sept., 1896, Newton S. Sanborn. V. Jambs Da-vid, b. 7 March, 1864; m. 1890, Emma A. Coe. -vi. Charles O., Id. 26 Feb., 1866; m. first, Emma S. Herrod; m. second, 1896, Margaret Patterson. Children: Frank", b. 5 June, 1897; Clyde, b. 6 Aug., 1898, and Florence M., b. 27 Oct., 1902. vh. George E., b. 10 June, 1868; m. 10 June, 1897, Helen A. White. Child; Aileen A.", b. 15 Aug., 1903. -vhi. Edwin M., b. 20 Jan., 1874; m. 26 April, 1899, Maud E. Burrows. Children; Francis M.", b. 17 AprU, 1900, and Eduma M., b. 6 Sept., 1901. 8. William Henry' Morrill (David', Reuben', David') b. 30 Jan., 1835; d. 4 April, 1909, in Huron, S. D.; m. 26 AprU, 1861, Minda, dau. of Suneon B. and PoUy (HUl) Foster of C, b. 2 Jan., 1835. Children; GENEALOGIES. 259 i. Minnie Belle', b. 9 March, 1862; m. 11 March, 1886, Byron Tibbetts, b. 5 June, 1860; d. 31 May, 1905. 11. William David, b. 26 AprU, 1870; m. LiUian Newman, settled in Huron, S. D.; farmer. Children; Minda L.", Eva I., Charles H., Frank W., Mark N., Mary C. 9. Oscar Smith' Morrill (David', Reuben', David') b. 10 Sept., 1837; d. 2 June, 1905, m Montalvo, Cal.; m. 10 Feb., 1863, Rebecca P., dau. of Thomas and Susan (Holhday) Chase of C. ChUdren; i. Viola C.», b. 15 Feb., 1864; d. 15 Aug., 1864. u. Georgb E., b. 30 June, 1865; m. 15 Sept., 1887, Martha J., dau. of James Martin. ChUdren: (1) LUhan Blanche", b. 9 May, 1889; m. 4 Nov. 1907, Walter Nelson, b. 17 Dec, 1876. ChUd: Bertha Mayu Nelson, b. 9 Oct., 1909. (2) Archie L., b. 14 Dec, 1893. iu. Charles W., b. 13 Aug., 1867; d. 18 Jan., 1886. iv. Lucian G., b. 14 April, 1870; m. 23 Jan., 1896, Caroline, dau. of Jacob Cole. Child: Mabel J., b. 15 Oct., 1895, d. 20 Oct., 1895. V. Lillian S., b. 15 July, 1872; d. 29 July, 1874. vi. Elizabeth R., b. 21 Nov., 1874; d. 22 April, 1875. 10. George Pe-verly« Morrill (David', Reuben', David') b. 21 April, 1844; private Co. I, 1st O. Lt. Art.; representative in N. H. legislature, 1909-10; m. 9 Jan., 1869, Abbie P., dau. of Moses M. Emery of C, who d. 19 Sept., 1910. (See Emery Gen.) Children, b. in C: i. Louis Da-vid», b. 16 Nov., 1869; farmer in C; m. 9 June, 1897, Sarah Blanche, dau. of Samuel D. and Lucretia (Swett) HiU, b. 25 Nov., 1874, in Loudon. Louis is dea. Congregational Church. Has been selectman of C. h. Bertha Ellen, b. 9 May, 1871; d. 10 April, 1901, in Boston. Trained nurse, Boston City Hospital. iii. Charles Emery, b. 25 Nov., 1872; farmer in C. ; m. 2 Oct., 1892, Ida Lora, dau. of Enoch and Hannah (Brown) Marsh, b. 8 Dec, 1872, in Loudon. Children, b. in C: David Emery", b. 5 March, 1898. Edna Ehzabeth, b. 9 Feb., 1900. Marian Jose phine, b. 9 March, 1909. Anson George, b. 10 Sept., 1910. iv. William George, b. 18 Feb., 1876; lumberman; m. 24 July, 1897, Jeannette Henrietta, dau. of Robert and Mary (McDonald) Blenton of Boston, b. 14 March, 1879. Children, b. m C. ; Edith Grace", b. 8 Feb., 1898. Wilham Stanley, b. 24 March, 1905. V. Alexander Wbllingtonj b. 10 Aug., 1877, resides in Penacook; m. 17 April, 1897, Ethel Ida, dau. of Stephen E. and Clara (Peaslee) Gale, b. 13 May, 1876. Children, b. in C: 1. Edwin Alexander", b. 15 Nov., 1897. 2. Percival Eugene, b. 3 May, 1899. 3. Alice Bertha, b. 21 March, 1901. 4. Ines Lou, b. 31 Jan., 1904. -vi. Josephine Belle, b. 27 July, 1887. Descendants op Laban Morrill. 1. Laban' Morrill (Ezekieb, Ezekieb, Jacob', Abraham) b. 26 Sept., 1740; d. 12 May, 1812; m. Sarah Ames, b. 25 March, 1747, d. 26 July, 1827. (See Ames Gen.) Laban received from his father a tract of land north of Morrill Pond; adding to this, he became possessed of a farm one mUe square. This he divided among his sons, Samuel being given the part now o-vraed by Guy Morrill; Da-vid had the part in PaUet Borough 260 HISTORY OF CANTERBURY. owned mostly by Joseph S. Morrill, and Peter, the farm on MerriU Hill. Laban was chosen dea. of the Congregational Church. Children: i. Hannah', b. 14 Aug., 1765; d. 25 Aug., 1765. 2. h. Samuel A., b. 14 April, 1767. 3. in. Abner, b. 11 April, 1769. 4. iv. David, b. 17 Aug., 1771. V. Hannah, b. 18 Dec, 1773; m. 14 Aug., 1794, John Moore of C. (See Moore Gen.) -vi. Judith, b. 7 July, 1776; m. 22 Nov., 1792, Bamard Hoyt. vu. Sarah, b. 16 March, 1779; m. 1809, Samuel Chadwick, b. 27 May, 1780. vhi. Jemima, b. 28 Dec, 1781; m. first, Jeremiah, son of Obadiah Clough of C; m. second, Rev. Samuel B. Dyer of Loudon. 5. ix. Ezekiel (changed his name to Marcellus), b. 2 March, 1785. X. Peter B., b. 1789; d. unm., 1815. xi. Anna (Nancy), b. 23 Feb., 1792; m. 1810, Tunothy, son of Tunothy and Sarah (Foster) Bradley. 2. Samuel A.' Morrill (Laban; Ezekieb) b. 14 April, 1767; d. 19 July, 1856; m. Mary Chase, b. 31 Jan., 1771, m Eng.; d. 23 March, 1849. Children: 6. i. Laban', b. 21 Nov., 1796. u. Mary, b. 13 Jan., 1799; d. 27 June, 1875; m. 25 May, 1817, Rev. Enoch Emery Bradley. (See Bradley Gen.) 7. in. Samuel, Jr., b. 19 Nov., 1801. iv. John Langdon, b. 2 Nov., 1805; d. Nov., 1862; m. 6 Sept., 1826, Sarah Bowdoin, dau. of John Taylor and Sally (McCrillis) Coffin, b. 28 Jan., 1806; d. 30 March, 1850. Children; Joseph Clough', b. 3 June, 1827. Mary Jane, b. 22 AprU, 1829; d. 8 June, 1850. Helen Shepard, b. 5 Dec, 1836; m. Harlan Jewett, b. 26 Aug., 1835; d. 5 July, 1863. She resides at Laconia. Child; Abbie Harlan' Jewett, b. 3 Jan., 1864. V. Sarah Ann, b. 12 Oct., 1812; m. first, 24 Oct., 1839, James, son of Le-vi Bennett; m. second, Robert WaUace, who went West. Children: James' Bennett, MorrUl Ames Bennett. 3. Abner' Morrill (Laban; Ezekieb) b. 11 AprU, 1769; d. 11 May, 1851; m. 11 Aug., 1797, Mary, sister of Rev. Josiah Carpenter of Chichester. He moved to Wheelock, Vt. Children: i. Nathaniel C.', b. 21 Feb., 1799; d. 14 July, 1799. h. John Carpenter, b. 12 Nov., 1800; resided in Wheelock, Vt., and Penacook; m. 7 Feb., 1826, Nancy H. Foster of C. Child: Joseph R'. hi. Mary, b. 1 Feb., 1803; d. 30 Oct., 1806. iv. Sarah, b. 12 Sept., 1804; d. 16 July, 1889; m. Oliver NUes, b. 1794; d. 23 Nov., 1846, in Lyndon, Vt. ChUdren: Alanson', Adaline, Clara, Annette, Lucius, Wilber F., Joseph W. and Sophronia NUes. V. Luther, b. 4 Sept., 1806; m. and resided in Barton, Vt. ChUdren: Henry, Erastus and EmUy. vi. Horatio Gates, b. 12 Feb., 1808; d. 13 July, 1842. •vu. Horace, b. 12 Feb., 1808; d. 23 March, 1808. vhi. Mary, b. 4 Aug., 1809; m. first, Ziba Hoyt; m. second, Isaac Hardy. ChUd by first marriage: Freeman' Hoyt. Several children by second marriage. ix. Joseph Ames, b. 15 June, 1811; d. in Little Sioux, la.; m. first, Loraine Potter; m. second, Juha A. Everett, widow. GENEALOGIES. 261 X. Horace Jefferson, b. 5 Nov., 1812; d. 26 March, 1901; resided in Irasburg, Vt.; m. Maria Dow, b. 7 May, 1820; d. 4 May, 1900. Children: Simeon', Ames, Emily, Sarah and Lizzie. xi. Laban, b. 8 Dec, 1814; d. 8 Dec, 1900; m. first, Loraine Brown; m. second, 22 Feb., 1844, Parmeha H. Dmry, b. 20 Aug., 1814, d. 6 Sept., 1892. They settled m Utah. ChUdren: Horatio', John, Laban D., Joseph, Charles, Hiram, George, Sarah, Horace. xu. Judith, b. 7 Jan., 1817; d. 25 Nov., 1888; m. 19 Nov., 1848, Olney Peck Smith. ChUdren: MorrUl Abner' Smith, b. 18 Sept., 1849; m. 24 Dec, 1892, Harriet C. PhUbrick, b. 6 March, 1866. Alpheus E. Smith, b. 25 Sept., 1851; m. first, 2 April, 1884, IsabeUe Gumb, b. Dec, 1862, in Halifax, N. S.; divorced, 1893; m. second, 16 Aug., 1896, Mrs. Hattie J. (Bro-wn) Clark, b. 22 Nov., 1864, in Bath, Me. ChUdren by first marriage: (1) WiUie A.» Smith, b. 1 AprU, 1885, at Chariestown, Mass. (2) Bertie M. Smith, b. 20 Jan., 1887, Charlestown, Mass. Chil dren by second marriage: (3) Frederick A. Smith, b. 23 March, 1901 . (4) Olney P. Smith, b. 29 July, 1902. (5) Mary E. Smith, b. 2 July, 1903. xhi. Nancy, b. 2 Sept., 1818; d. 23 March, 1902, in Little Sioux, la.; m. Joseph G. Niles. ChUdren; Benjamin S.», MatUda, and AUenson Niles. 4. David' Morrill ("Capt. Rusty") (Laban', Ezekieb) b. 17 Aug., 1771; d- 22 Jan., 1863; m. 27 May, 1805, Betsey, dau. of Shubael Sanborn of C, b. 18 Dec, 1790, d. 8 Sept., 1879. Children, b. in C. : 8. i. Joseph Mills Glidden', b. 24 March, 1807. 9. u. John, b. 6 Jan., 1809. iu. Phebe Sanborn, b. 20 July, 1813; d. 23 June, 1891, in AUston, Mass.; m. 22 Feb., 1835, Jeremiah Cofran of Northfield. Chil dren: 1. Carolme A.' Cofran, b. 24 April, 1836. 2. Emily A. Cofran, b. 16 Feb., 1838. 3. Smith W. Cofran, b. 15 Jan., 1840. 4. Scott M. Cofran, b. 16 AprU, 1847. iv. Emily, b. 30 Dec, 1819; d. Nov., 1905; m. 3 Jan., 1843, Jeremiah Carter TUton of Sanbomton. V. Smith Sanborn, b. 23 Dec, 1822; d. 28 Nov., 1866; m. 8 Sept., 1862, Mary E. Clark. She d. 19 March, 1890. -vi. Da-vid Abner, b. 26 Dec, 1825; m. first, 10 Feb., 1851, Susan Til ton, dau. of Jesse and AbigaU (Sherburn) Stevens of C; m. second, Sarah (Coombs), widow of George Hancock. Resided first in Northfield; removed to E. Concord, where he became a market gardener; has held various public offices and repre sented his ward in the legislature. Child by first wife: 1. Albert Jesse', b. 9 Nov., 1860, in E. Concord; farmer; m. first, 26 Nov., 1885, Rose M., dau. of Charles and Mary (Boyce) Colby of C; m. second, 25 Feb., 1904, Florence Adams of Wamer, b. 25 Jan., 1872. Children by first wife: Grace May, b. 12 Feb., 1887. John Henry, b. 12 May, 1898. 5. Ezekiel (Marcellus)' Morrill (Laban; Ezekieb) b. 2 March, 1786; m. 19 Nov., 1811, Sarah E. Bradley. Children: i. Joseph Harper', b. 10 Nov., 1812. h. Sebra Bradley, b. 12 March, 1814; d. 10 Oct., 1814. ih. Peter, b. 11 Nov., 1816. iv. Leonidas, b. 19 Aug., 1817. 6. Laban' Morrill (Samuel A.; Laban; Ezekieb) b. 21, Nov., 1796; d. 10 Sept., 1869; m. first, 11 Sept., 1823, Susan G. Bradley of E. Concord, b. 24 Aug., 1796, d. 17 June, 1844; m. second, 2 May, 1846, Rhoda (Ames) 262 HISTORY OF CANTERBURY. Elhott, widow of Ira Elliott of Boscawen, b. 20 Dec, 1799, d. 16 Aug., 1864, in Concord. ChUdren by first wife: i. Susanna', b. 23 Aug., 1824; d. 14 Oct., 1830. h. Laban Ames, b. 12 Feb., 1825; d. Oct., 1854. 10. hi. Dan Wilbur, b. 7 Aug., 1831. 7. Samuel' Morrill, "Jr.," (Samuel A.', Laban', Ezekieb) b. 19 Nov., 1801; d. in Vineland, N. J.; m. 11 Dec, 1823, Nancy, dau. of John and Betsey (Hodgdon) Cate of Loudon. Child : i. Betsey Hodgdon', b. 15 March, 1833; d. 3 AprU, 1871; m. Nov., 1849, WUham E., son of Jonathan and Tamer (Sawyer) Whitcher of Northfield. ChUdren: Josephine P.» Whitcher and Mary E. Whitcher. 8. Joseph Mills Glidden' Morrill (David', Laban', Ezekieb) b. 24 March, 1807; d. 1 Nov., 1895; m. first, 25 Jan., 1834, Betsey Ann, dau. of John T. Coffin, b. 1807, d. 1 March, 1836; m. second, 17 April, 1837, Clunena, dau. of Abraham and Betsey (Forrest) Brown of Northfield. He repre sented C. in the legislature. Child by first marriage: i. Betsey Coffin', b. 21 Feb., 1836; d. 11 Jan., 1847. Children by second marriage: h. Susan Amelia, b. 21 May, 1838; d. AprU, 1868; m. 10 Aug., 1867, Ohver W. Mead. ih. Henry Brown, b. 5 March, 1841 ; d. 28 Dec, 1910; m. 18 March, 1874, Anna P., dau. of WiUiam P. and Margaret P. Storms, b. m Boston, 18 Aug., 1849; d. 4 Feb., 1887, m C. He gradu ated at Medical College, XJniversity of Vt., in 1864. Began practice at Meredith. Later removed to Boston. iv. Smith Laban, b. 8 Oct., 1842; d. 31 March, 1907; m. 1 May, 1867, Mary Jane, dau. of Robert and Charlotte (Perkins) Huckins of Loudon. Children: 1. Joseph Smith', b. 22 April, 1869; m. 7 Sept., 1892, Ina Mabel, dau. of Hiram G. and Lucinda (Lane) Stone, b. 29 Sept., 1868, in Webster. 2. John Henry, b. 14 AprU, 1872; m. 11 Dec, 1895, Ahce Janette, dau. of Robert G. and Martha Helen (Rhodes) Brock. ChUd: Olney Smith", b. 19 Nov., 1896, m Ashland. 3. Susie Climena, b. 20 June, 1879; d. 12 May, 1880. 9. John' Morrill (David', Laban', Ezekieb) b. 5 Jan., 1809; d. March, 1856, in AUston, Mass.; m. first, 11 March, 1840, Catherine Hoague, who d. 1865; m. second, 16 Jan., 1867, Sarah Cheney. ChUdren by first marriage: i. Betsey Ann', b. 1 Aug., 1841; m. 26 Nov., 1863, Jerry Clapp Wyman, who d. in 1907. Children: Nellie Grant' Wyman, Maud Beatrice Wyman. Da-vid Benjamin, b. 24 July, 1843, in Thornton. John Beck, b. 13 Dec, 1844, in Thomton; d. 24 Aug., 1881; m. Mary Chase Brown of Northfield. Sarah Pallett, b. 1 March, 1849. Emma Tilton, b. 1 June, 1851; d. 26 March, 1910; m. 15 Jan., 1873, Charles NeweU, son of Col. David M. Clough of C. (See Clough Gen.) Jeremiah. 11. u. in. 12. iv. V. GENEALOGIES. 263 10. Dan Wilbur' Morrill (Laban; Samuel A.; Labaw) b. 7 Aug., 1831; d. 2 Aug., 1891; m. 27 Dec, 1856, Sarah Annah Batchelder, b. 22 July, 1836. ChUdren: i. Frank W.', b. 29 Dec, 1856; m. 26 June, 1880, Hattie L., dau. of Ebenezer P. Carter of C, b. 3 Sept., 1861. Children: Horace M.", b. 8 Oct., 1883; d. 2 March, 1884. Myra Kimball, b. 11 Feb., 1889. h. Charles E., b. 25 March, 1859; m. 26 Nov., 1883, EmUy J., dau. of Charles and Sa];ah (Pickard) Jones of C, b. 17 Nov., 1848. ChUd: Guy Ethelbert", b. 3 May, 1884; m. 26 Nov., 1908, Caroline Gilson, dau. of Charles M. Clough of C. (See Clough Gen.) Child: Shuley Clough", b. 8 May, 1910. hi. Lillian M., b. 10 Feb., 1866; m. 19 Oct., 1887, Clarence S., son of Ehphalet Gale of C. (See Gale Gen.) 11. Da^vid Benjamin' Morrill (Johw, David; Laban; Ezekieb) b. 24 July, 1843; d. 19 Jan., 1906; m. first, 1866, Orianna Swazey, b. 1845, d. Dec, 1871; m. second, Clara S. Stevens, 28 Feb., 1873. ChUdren by first marriage: i. Fred', ii. Leon D. hi. Anna I. Children by second marriage: iv. Lester Swazey, b. 27 Jan., 1874. V. Le-wis S., b. 16 March, 1875. -vi. Charles Clough, b. 11 April, 1877; d. 16 Jan., 1910; m. 14 Aug., 1898, Josephine E., dau. of Fred and Georgia C. (Pettigrove) Chase, b. 12 Feb., 1876. ChUdren: 1. Clara Chase", b. 25 Dec, 1899; d. 12 AprU, 1900. 2. Charies Frederick, b. 27 Feb., 1901. vu. Clara N., b. 17 Feb., 1881; d. 2 Nov., 1888. 12. Sarah Pallett' Morrill (Johw, David', Laban; Ezekieb) b. 1 March, 1849; m. 14 Jan., 1874, George Wheeler Springer of N. Y. City. ChU dren; George Bowker' Springer, b. 7 June, 1876; d. 11 July, 1878. Horace Andrew Springer, b. 24 Nov., 1878; m. 22 July, 1903, Ethel lone, dau. of Emma Gilson Shaw. Descendants of Masten Morrill. 1. Masten' Morrill (Ezekieb, Ezekiel; Jacob', Abraham') b. 29 March, 1751; d. 26 Sept., 1831; m. first, 7 July, 1776, Comfort Weeks, b. 1756, d. 12 Feb., 1795; m. second, 22 Sept., 1795, Sarah Coffin of Concord, b. 1757, d. 5 June, 1807; m. thud, Marion Crockett, d. 1833, at Mere dith. ChUdren by first marriage; 2. i. Ezekiel', b. 16 Oct., 1779. . h Jemima, b. 14 Jan., 1784; d. 20 Nov., 1856; m. 14 June, 1810, David, son of Nehemiah Clough of C. (See Clough Gen.) hi. Joanna, b. 30 Oct., 1787; d. 14 March, 1841; m. 27 June, 1836, John Smith of Oxford, O. iv. Martha, b. 12 Nov., 1790; m. 27 Jan., 1814, Samuel Tallant. Child by second wife: V Comfort, b. 24 Oct., 1798; d. 2 July, 1841, m C; m. 9 June, 1845, Capt. Da-vid, son of Reuben MorrUl. 264 HISTORY OF CANTERBURY. 2. EzBKiBL' Morrill (Mastew, Ezekid*) b. 15 Oct., 1779; d. 26 July, 1837; m. first, 6 Oct., 1807, Betsey, dau. of Jesse Stevens, b. 20 Oct., 1783, d. 8 Aug., 1819; m. second, 24 Nov., 1823, Mary Cutler, b. 16 May, 1788, d. 14 March, 1862 or 1863. Farmer, residing on the James Frame place; member of the legislature, of the state senate, and of the gov ernor's council. ChUdren by first marriage, b. in C. : 3. i. Alpheus', b. 26 June, 1808, in C. u. Joel Ste-vens, b. 13 Feb., 1810; d. in Janesville, Wis.; m. first, 11 Dec, 1834, Mary, dau. of John Langdon and Mary (Osgood) Eastman of Fryeburg, Me.; b. 19 Dec, 1811; m. second, Ehza beth, dau. of Abram Brovsm of Hopkinton, b. 1825, d. 1861, in Janes-ville, Wis. Children: 1. Joel', a physician in Janes-viUe. 2. Walter. 3. Laura, b. about 1848. in. Apphia Amanda, b. 24 Oct., 1811; d. 28 Dec, 1888, in C; a pio neer in 0., in 1832, remo-ving to Neb. in 1870, returning to C. in 1881 ; m. first, Joseph Gerrish, son of Rev. Wilham Patrick, b. 25 Feb., 1809, d. 26 Nov., 1852; m. second, in Solon, O., Seth S. Smith. (See Patrick Gen.) 4. iv. Luther Masten, b. 13 June, 1814. V. Asa, b. 24 June, 1816; d. 2 June, 1870, in Boston; m. 2 Oct., 1838, Carohne, dau. of John Sanders of Peterborough, b. 6 Dec, 1812, d. 26 Jan., 1901. ChUdren: (1) Ehzabeth' Minot, b. in Concord, 21 Oct., 1839; d. 27 Feb., 1848. (2) John Ne-wton, b. in Concord, 29 May, 1843; d. 14 July, 1843. (3) Amanda Carohne, b. m Boston, 17 AprU, 1846; m. 10 July, 1872, Edward S. Payson, of Boston. (4) EUa Ehzabeth, twin, b. in Boston, 2 June, 1851. 5. Asa Minot, twin, b. in Boston, 2 June, 1851; d. same day. 5. -vi. Charles, b. 17 July, 1819. Children by second marriage, b. in C. : 6. -vu. Cornelia Eliza, b. 6 Dec, 1824. vui. L-sniA Page, b. 7 Dec, 1826; d. 19 Dec, 1907, in N. Y. City; m. 11 Oct., 1852, Lorenzo, son of Samuel Ames of C. (See Ames Gen.) ix. Ashley Cutler, b. 9 Jan., 1827; d. 6 April, 1904; m. first, Ehza Warren; m. second, 27 Aug., 1876, Mrs. Sophia (Payne) Gard ner, b. 22 Sept., 1842. X. Mary Aurelia, b. 17 May, 1833; d. in Albany, N. Y. 3. Alpheus' Morrill (Ezekieb, Mastew, Ezekieb) b. in C, 26 June, 1808; d. in Concord, 9 May, 1879. Physician in Columbus, O., and Concord; m. first, 22 Oct., 1832, Hannah Baker; m. second, 9 Aug., 1838, Ehza Ann, dau. of Shadrack Cate of Loudon. She d. in Concord, 20 Oct., 1888. ChUd by first marriage : i. EzBKiEL', b. 29 July, 1837; d. 18 April, 1908, m Concord, where he was a physician; m. 4 Sept., 1863, Ellen Rebecca, dau. of John J. and Harnet M. (Hoag) Bryant of Concord, b. 27 April, 1843, in C. Children: 1. Edwin B. D.», b. 2 Oct., 1864, in Concord; d. 26 AprU, 1881. 2. Alpheus B., b. 25 Dec, 1867, m Salem, Mass.; d. 12 July, 1908. Physician in Concord. 3. Anna S., b. 26 May, 1877, in Concord; d. there 26 AprU, 1879. Children by second marriage; h. Shadrack Cate, b. 20 July, 1839, in Loudon; d. 9 Oct., 1904, in Concord; physician in Concord; m. Osma Comeha, dau. of Bishop Osmon C. Baker of the Methodist Episcopal Church, GENEALOGIES. 265 b. 7 March, 1855, in Concord. ChUdren, b. in Concord; Ash ley B.» b. 6 Sept., 1884, Margaret, b. 29 Jan., 1886, Gladys, b. 28 June, 1887, and Mary Steams, b. 22 June, 1892, d. 4 Dec, 1903. hi. Annie E., b. in Concord, 7 March, 1843; d. 7 April, 1867; m. 26 June, 1866, Josiah Bellows of Concord. iv. Mary A., b. in Concord, 17 Nov., 1849; d. 15 June, 1869. 4. Luther Masten' Morrill (Ezekieb, Masten', Ezekieb) b. 13 June, 1814; d. 7 June, 1880, in Concord; m. first, 28 Sept., 1836, Louisa Osgood of GUmanton, b. 1817, d. 26 Jan., 1857; m. second, 24 Nov., 1867, Mary Rebecca EUiott of Boscawen, b. 14 March, 1830, d. in Concord, 8 Nov., 1907. Children by first marriage: i. Georgb Henry', b. 12 Sept., 1840; physician in St. Louis, Mo.; m. first, 24 June, 1864, Helen L. Pinkham of Augusta, Me., b. 1841; d. 23 June, 1865. No children; m. second, 27 May, 1875, Mrs. Mary E. (Forsyth) Jones, dau. of Robert and Ann Forsyth of St. Louis. Child; 1. Mary Louisa', b. 6 Aug., 1876. h. Luther Sullivan, b. 13 July, 1844, in Concord; d. there 18 March, 1892; m. 26 Nov., 1872, Mary Agnes, dau. of Dr. Charles P. and Nancy (Sibley) Gage, b. in Concord, 18 April. Children, b. hi Concord: Dr. Sibley G.», b. 3 Oct., 1873; m. 16 Oct., 1905, Georgia Sherman. Child: Sibley Sherman", b. 13 May, 1908. Mary Agnes, b. 13 Sept., 1876. 5. Charles' Morrill (Ezekieb, Masten', Ezekieb) physician in practice in NorwaUi and Cleveland, 0., b. 17 July, 1819; d. 14 Jan., 1891, in Cleve land; m. first, 1840, Judith, dau. of Shadrack Cate of Loudon, who was b. 26 Nov., 1813; d. 29 Nov., 1866; m. second, 28 Jan., 1868, Mary R. Frost, who d. in Cleveland in 1904, aged 81. Children: Edwin C' and Rebecca A. 6. Cornelia Eliza' Morrill (Ezekieb, Masten', Ezekieb) b. 6 Dec, 1824; d. 18 Aug., 1901, Ul Minneapohs, Mum.; m. 24 Jan., 1847, Luther Gage, son of Reuben Johnson of Boscawen, b. 13 Nov., 1813, d. 11 Aug., 1897, in Minneapohs. ChUdren: i. Edwin Morrill' Johnson, b. 24 Nov., 1850, in Penacook; d. 19 June, 1909; m. 20 May, 1880, Effie L., dau. of Oscar W. Rich ards, M. D., of Waterloo, Pa. ii. Mary Cutler Johnson, b. 22 Oct., 1864, in Minneapohs; m. 29 May, 1879, John A. Lundeen, major U. S. Army, son of Jonas P. and Eva E. (Zacrisdotter) Lundeen of Sweden. He was b. 6 March, 1848, in Sweden. Honor graduate. West Point, 1873. Children: 1. Corneha Ehzabeth' Lundeen, b. 9 April, 1880, at Ft. Stevens, Ore.; m. 25 Dec, 1901, Harry L. Steel. Children: (1) Mary L." Steel, b. 24 Jan., 1904, at Ft. Stevens, Ore. (2) John C. L. Steel, i). 19 Feb., 1908, at Ft. Dade, Fla. (3) Harry Van W. Steel, b. 16 May, 1909, at Ft. Dade, Fla. 2. Mary Cutler Lundeen, b. 12 Sept., 1891, at West Point, N. Y. _ iu. William Chandler Johnson, b. 1 Nov., 1866, at Minneapohs; m. 8 July, 1891, Blanche M., dau. of E. Perry GUbert, b. Pleas ant VaUey, Conn., 1867. iv. Luther Ashley Johnson, b. 25 May, 1863; d. 13 Jan., 1896. Sargent' Morrill (Ezekieb, Ezekiel; Jacob', Abraham) b. 24 June, 1754; m. 16 Sept., 1777, Ruth Hoyt of C. With his brother, Abraham, and 266 HISTORY OF CANTERBURY. three brothers of his wife, he went to Vt., and helped to found Dan- ¦vUle. Later he became one of the founders of Wheelock, Vt. The names of three chUdren, Sarah', Joanna and Thomas, are all of his descendants that can be found. Abraham' Morrill (Ezekiel; Ezekiel; Jacob', Abraham') b. 1 Jan., 1756; d. 19 Sept., 1845, m Odgen, N. Y.; m. 24 March, 1785, Sarah Hoyt, b. 12 Nov., 1765, in Amesbury, Mass. ; d. 4 Oct., 1847, in Ogden, N. Y. She was the dau. of Thomas Hoyt of C. After his service in the Revolu tionary war, Abraham moved to Vt., setthng in DanviUe and becoming its first town clerk. Remo^ving to Wheelock, he was elected for twenty years as the representative of that town in the Vt. legislature. He had eleven chUdren; i. Phebb', b. 19 Jan., 1786; m. Josiah Lane. ii. Miriam, b. 10 April, 1788; m. Isaac Sanford. hi. Judith, b. 9 June, 1790; m. Samuel Gilman. iv. Rhoda, b. 9 June, 1792; m. Eben Hotchkiss. V. Abner, b. 5 Aug., 1794; m. Sarah Ann Bigbee. •vi. Hannah, b. 16 Oct., 1796; m. Ehjah Chamberlain. vh. Maria Wheelock, b. 29 Jan., 1799; m. James Hill. vhi. Sarah, b. 11 Nov., 1800; m. Samuel Hilton. ix. Nancy, b. 14 Nov., 1802; m. Lmus Suthff. X. Comfort, b. 3 Aug., 1805; m. Ezra Newman. xi. Martha H., b. 10 May, 1810; m. Leonard Adams. AU of the foregoing have descendants hving at this time. MORSE. 1. Charles Abbot' Morse (Samuel', Joseph; Joseph*, Joseph', Dea. Ben jamin; Anthony) b. 28 Dec, 1792, in Methuen, Mass.; d. 19 April, 1864; m. Eunice Lake, b. in Chichester, 19 Feb., 1798; d. 22 Nov., 1880. Children, b. in C: i. Charles Augustus', b. 7 Jan., 1816; d. 11 Sept., 1819. h. Harriet Newell, b. 27 Oct., 1817; d. 12 Sept., 1819. 2. hi. Charles Abbot, b. 6 Sept., 1820. iv. John S., b. 6 Dec, 1821; m. Mary Ann Holagan. Children: EUa', Eva and Frank. He d. in Chico, Cal., 3 Dec, 1867. V. Alpheus Bodwell, b. 1823; d. 11 Sept., 1847, in New Orleans of yellow fever, unm. vi. Jambs L., b. 5 Jan., 1826; m. 6 Nov., 1848, DrusiUa B. Savage of Skowhegan, Me. He d. in Worcester, Mass., 6 Jan., 1908. She d. 1 Nov., 1901. Children: 1. Frank A. S.», b. 29 Dec, 1851; m. 25 Nov., 1880, Ella Nancy Randlett. 2. Gouveneur WiUis, b. 15 Oct., 1859, res. Niagara FaUs. 3. George Webster, b. 11 Feb., 1869, res. Los Angeles, Cal.» vh. Mary Ann, b. 26 Oct., 1828; m. Charles Ghnes. (See Glines Gen.) vin. Almira, b. 21 Oct., 1832; d. 28 March, 1911; m. Joseph Hunkins. One son; Fred L.' Hunldns, b. 6 Jan., 1858, who m. NeUie Seaverns. One son; Carl" Hunkins, b. 22 March, 1886. 3. ix. Jemima, b. 10 Sept., 1837. 4. X. Leroy Frederick, twin, b. 5 Feb., 1839. xi. Ellen Amanda, twin, b. 5 Feb., 1839; m. 14 Aug., 1858, Theodore Goffe of Bedford, settled in Oregon; no children. xu. Elizabeth Chandler, b. 16 May, 1841; m. 25 Nov., 1872, Fred P. Noyes of Landaff. He d. 30 June, 1910. She res. m Los Angeles, Cal. Children; 1. George Leroy Noyes, b. 7 Dec, GENEALOGIES. 267 1873; d. 21 Aug., 1907. 2. Leon Emery Noyes, b. 5 June, 1876; m. and res. in Los Angeles, Cal. 3. Henry Sanborn Noyes, b. 19 Aug., 1879. 4. Bernard Clifford Noyes, b. 26 Feb., 1883. > 2. Charles Abbot' Morse (Charles', Samuel') b. 6 Sept., 1820; m. Ehzabeth Lemon in LoweU, Mass., who was b. 6 Sept., 1820. He d. 6 June, 1898, in Denver, Col. She d. in Denver, 1904. Children; i. Charies', b. 1847; d. 1848. h. Lilhe, b. 1849; d. 1852. iu. Ida B., b. 1854; school teacher in Denver, Col. iv. Harry A., b. 1856; m. and d. 1896, lea-ving one son, Leroy D.", b. 1892, res. in Denver. 3. Jemima' Morse (Charles A.', Samueb), b. 10 Sept., 1837; m. James Leroy Potter of E. Concord. He d. 1867. She d. 3 Feb., 1886. Children: i. Cora Bean' Potter, b. 4 Aug., 1867; m. Luther L. Canfy. She d. 3 Aug., 1886. ChUd, Margaret" Canfy; m. Alfred Henry Tongue of La-wrence, Mass., a lawyer, ii. Walter Burleigh Potter, b. 24 Nov., 1866; m. Laura A., dau. of Wilham and Katherine (Thomas) Hendy, 17 Aug., 1895. ChUdren: 1. Katherine Burleigh" Potter, b. 12 Aug., 1896. 2. James Leroy Potter, b. 23 Jan., 1898. 3. John Hendy Potter, b. 21 March, 1904. 4. Margaret Potter, b. 12 Feb., 1907. 4. Leroy Frederick' Morse (Charles A.', Samuel') b. 6 Feb., 1839; m. Harriet F. Chamberlain in Mattoon, IU., 14 Aug., 1869. Educated as a physician. Surgeon U. S. Na-vy, Civil war. Practiced medicine in Mattoon and Cobden, IU. Children: i. Helen E.», b. 2 March, 1874; d. 24 Sept., 1883. ii. Bertha L., b. 28 Oct., 1876. ih. Clifford L., b. 28 Jan., 1877; d. 10 Sept., 1883. MUZZEY. 1. Hadley P.' Muzzey was b. 2 Feb., 1813, in Sunapee, where he m. 25 Nov., 1836, Nancy, dau. of Elaikcum and Hephzibah Putney. He d. Nov., 1862; she, 27 Feb., 1893. 2. John Colby' Muzzey (Hadley P.) b. 19 Aug., 1848; m. 19 Aug., 1868, in Sunapee, Josephine Emma, dau. of William and Mary A. (Moore- house) Gardner. Mrs. Gardner m. second, Rufus Boynton of C. ChU dren: i. Wilham Hadley, b. 7 Dec, 1870. h. Mary Belle, b. 30 April, 1875, in Sunapee. 3. William Hadley' Muzzey (John C.', Hadley P.') b. 7 Dec, 1870, in Sunapee; m. 6 June, 1900, in Belmont, Cora Jane, dau. of John L. and Ehza Jane (Peverly) Adams of C. (See Adams Gen.) Mr. Muzzey's residence has been in C. since 1898, when he bought the Rufus Boynton farm at HUl's Comer: Children, b. m C: i. Norman Gardner', b. 8 June, 1902. u. Lawrence Wilham, twin, b. 28 Jan., 1906. hi. Ehza beth, twm, b. 28 Jan., 1905. iv. Ruth Ehza, b. 13 July, 1908. v. Kenneth Frankhn, b. 29 June, 1910. 4. Mary Belle' Muzzey (John C; Hadley P.') b. 30 April, 1875, in Sunapee; m. 10 Feb., 1897, m Behnont, Clarence W., son of Frank K. and Abbie A. Johnson. He was b. 15 Feb., 1877. Child, b. in Belmont; Max weU M.' Johnson, b. 27 June, 1898. 268 HISTORY OF CANTERBURY. NEAL. 1. Samuel' Neal, m. Mehitable, dau. of Jonathan and Lydia Perkins.. Samuel' had a bro., Joseph. Children: 2. i. Samuels, m. AMra Boyce. h. L^ydia Perkins, res. in Loudon; unm. hi. Nancy, m. Jonathan Bennett of Northwood and res. there. iv. Benjamin Franklin, m. Abiah Tallant of C. Children: 1. Alkanan'. 2. John. 3. Byron. 4. Robert, res. in Man chester. 5. Mary Elizabeth, m. Flanders; res. in Lebanon. Children; (1) Nellie' Flanders. (2) Frank Flanders. 6. Christie Ellen, m. Lea^vitt. V. George Washington, m. Jane Loverin of Loudon. Children: 1. Mary EUa» of Concord. 2. Josephine. 3. Laura. ¦vi. Thomas Calvin, m. Mary Wallingford of MUton. Child: Kirk Byon'. 2. Samuels Neal (Samuel) b. 6 Oct., 1809; m. 9 Oct., 1828, Alvira, dau. of Samuel and Polly (Baker) Boyce, b. 6 Aug., 1807. PoUy Baker was a dau. of Judge Samuel Baker of Concord. Samuel Neal d. 21 May, 1881. His wife d. 12 Feb., 1856. Children: Margaret Ann', b. 29 Nov., 1829. Abel Baker, b. 19 Feb., 1832. Milton Boyce, b. 10 Oct., 1833. Albert H., b. 20 July, 1836, in C; drowned 16 Aug., 1846, in Man chester. Polly B., b. 19 Dec, 1837, m C. ' Nancy B., b. 27 Nov., 1839, m C. RoLiNA W., b. 27 July, 1842, in C; d. 20 Oct., 1870. 3. Margaret Ann' Neal (Samuel; Samueb) b. 29 Nov., 1829; m. RusseU Peaslee of WUmot; res. in Springfield for a time; went West among the early pioneers, and settled in Iowa; rem. 1870, to Glen Elder, Kan., where she now res. Children: i. Don A.' Peaslbb, b. in C; admitted to the bar and practiced law in Beloit, Kan.; res. at Glen Elder. ChUdren: 1. May R.' m. Lottie Thomas. Children: (1) Dona Maxime' Thomas. (2) Hezekiah Thomas. (3) Elizabeth Lee Thomas. 2. Clar- amon B., m. Adolph Mauer; res. in Glen Elder. h. Frank A. Peaslee, b. in Springfield; m. Nettie Rencehausen; res. in Stockton, Kan. Children: 1. Lysle'. 2. Faye, m. Walter Harwood; res. in Stockton. Children: Fauna' Har- wood and Wayne Harwood. 3. Bessie Margaret. 4. Aeta Neal. 5. RusseU. 6. Fem. 7. LUhan. ih. Ina L., m. , res. m Glen Elder. ChUd: Roy F.' b. 6 AorU 1883; d. 19 Feb., 1904. ^ ' iv. Idonia L., m. Ernest Marquis. Children: 1. Hazel Da^vida' Mar quis. 2. Helen Lavelle Marquis. 4. Abel Baker' Neal (Samueb, Samuel) b. 19 Feb., 1832; m. Carohne Cobb of Conn.; served in the war, 1861-64, as 2d Lieut. Had three chUdren, a girl and two boys, one named Frank C' Neal, d. 1869, at Colchester, Conn. 3. i. 4. u. 5. m. IV. 6. V. 7. ¦VI. ¦vu. GENEALOGIES. 269 ¦5. Milton Boyce' Neal (Samueb, Samueb) b. 10 Oct., 1833, in Concord; m. 20 Nov., 1853, at C, Mary Ann, dau. of John and Pameha (Glines) Roberts. She was b. at Northfield, 5 Jan., 1836. Her father was a native of Grafton. Representative to the legislature from C. in 1883. Rem. from C. in 1883 to N. Boscawen; appointed superintendent at the Merrimack County Farm; moved to Franklin, 1 July, 1887. Mem ber of the first city council in 1895, and re-elected for a three years' term in 1906; engaged in lumber business under the firm of Shepard and Neal for fifteen years. Member of Doric Lodge A. F. & A. M. of TUton. Children; i. Ada M.', b. 16 July, 1855; d. 7 March, 1879, at C. u. Mary G., b. 23 July, 1883. 6. Polly B.' Neal (Samuel; Samueb) b. 19 Dec, 1837, at C; m. John Wells and res. in Concord. Child: i. Adelbert A.' WeUs, a prac ticing physician in Fitchburg, Mass. 7. Nancy B.' Neal (Samuel; Samueb) b. 27 Nov., 1839; m. B. W. Wilmot of Post MiUs, Vt., where she d. 17 Jan., 1892. Children: i. Lillian W.' Wilmot, m. Leon AUis of Vershire, Vt., where she d. Sept., 1903. Children: 1. Helen L.' Alhs, m. George Green of Medford, Mass. 2. Neal M. AUis. 3. Ruth M. Alhs. u. Allen B. Wilmot, grad. of Yale University; practiced law in New Haven, Conn.; d. in the PhUippines, while in the U. S. Gov't service. NOYES. 1. Stewarts No^yes, son of Charles', was b. 21 AprU, 1806; m. Ohve, dau. of James and Ohve (Sawyer) French. Mr. Noyes carried the U. S. maU from C. depot to C. Center and Shaker ViUage for many years. He d. 13 Dec, 1888. His wife d. 20 Nov., 1880. Both d. in C. ChUdren: i. Altha Ann'. u. James F., b. 4 July, 1836, in Boscawen; m. 4 June, 1857, Mary E. Kmg of Londonderry. He d. 16 Dec, 1910, in Hopkinton; interred in the C. Center cemetery. iu. Calvin M. iv. Frank S., b. 17 Aug., 1845; m. Olive Varnum. He d. 24 Nov., 1891, m C. ^ , V. Olive Ann, b. 7 May, 1848, in C; m. 9 May, 1878, m Concord, Huam Miles, b. 10 Sept., 1843, in Northwood, d. 4 Jan., 1897, in C. ChUdren; 1. Nina Leola' Miles, b. 27 Jan., 1881; m. 7 May, 1901, Fred Adams Shepard, b. 6 Dec, 1868; d. 23 Oct., 1910. 2. Lula ArdeUe MUes, b. 20 June, 1887. ¦vi. Charles Edward, b. 27 Aug., 1861; m. Ella A. Lambert, b. 9 Aug., 1866, m Dublm, Prov. Ont., Can. Children: 1. Grace EsteUe', b. 27 Jan., 1881, m C. 2. Arthur Edward, b. 12 Aug., 1888, in Mmneapohs, Minn.; m. 20 June, 1911, in Webster, Ivah Louise PUlsbury of Webster. vu. George K., b. 4 Oct., 1857; m. Carrie, dau. of Ralph and Mrs. Adehne Which Streeter. (See Streeter Gen.) Mr. and Mrs. Noyes were both b. in C. Children, b. in C: 1. Nora B.', b. 5 Jan., 1882; d. 3 Oct., 1909, m C. 2. Lester b. 15 Aug., 1884. 3. Maude N., b. Nov., 1887. 4. Winme M., b. 9 Jan., 1892. 6. Ralph R., b. 10 Aug., 1893. 270 HISTORY OF CANTERBURY. NUDD. 1. Roger' Nudd, son of Thomas Nudd, was bapt. in Ormsby, Norfolk County, Eng., 11 June, 1698. He m. Joanne ; d. in Ormsby, 24 Dec, 1630, where he was buried. Soon after the wid. m. Henry Dow. In the spring of 1637, Mr. and Mrs. Dow came to New England and settled in Watertown, Mass., where she d. 20 June, 1640. Roger and Joanne Nudd had one child, a son, Thomas. 2. Thomas' Nudd (Roger') came to America ¦with his mother in 1637. He was then about eleven years of age. After his mother's death, he con tinued to res. with his stepfather untU 1643 or 1644, when he settled in Hampton; he m. Sarah Dearbom, who was b. about 1641. He d. 31 Jan., 1713. She d. 21 Aug., 1714. Children, b. in Hampton: i. John'. h. James, iu. Thomas, iv. Samuel, b. 13 Sept., 1670. v. Mary. ¦vi. Hannah. 3. Samuel' Nudd (Thomas; Roger') b. 13 Sept., 1670; m. 27 Feb., 1701, Sarah Maloon. They resided in Hampton, where their children were b. He d. 26 March, 1748; she, 14 Feb., 1766, aged 77 years. ChU dren: i. Mary. u. James, bapt. 10 Aug., 1707. iu. Thomas. 4. James' Nudd (Samueb, Thomas', Roger') bapt. at Hampton, 10 Aug., 1707; m. 10 Aug., 1726, AbigaU Thomas, b. in North Hampton, 22 Oct., 1708. She was the dau. of Capt. Benjamin and Mary (Lea^vitt) Thomas. He settled in N. Hampton on his father-in-law's farm. Children: i. Mary. u. Samuel, hi. Benjamin, iv. John. v. Jona than, ¦vi. Hannah, ¦vii. James, ¦viii. Thomas, ix. Martha. 5. James' Nudd (James*, Samueb) b. in North Hampton and bapt. there in 1734; m. 6 Jan., 1765, Mary Warren, b. in Exeter, 13 Feb., 1734. They resided in Exeter and N. Hampton. Children: i. Levi', ii. James. hi. Warren, iv. Joseph. 6. James' Nudd (James; James*, Samueb) m. first, Pinkham; second,, in C, 21 Aug., 1796, Lois Flynn. They resided in Northfield. ChU dren: i. WiUiam'. u. Joseph Warren, ih. Robert, iv. Isaac P. V. Thomas, ¦vi. Mary, m. Isaac Foss. -vh. Finette. ¦viu. Sarah., ix. Jonathan. 7. Joseph Warrbn' Nudd (James', James; James*) b. 1769; m. 3 Dec, 1811. He resided in Northfield near C. hne. He d. in 1831, and his wid. m. Huam KimbaU. There were four children by this second marriage; Laura, who m. Andrew Grover of C; Charles, who went to the Ci-vil war, and who, while on his way home, fell under a railroad train at Concord and was kiUed; John KunbaU, b. 1833 and went to New Hampton, and Ehza H., who m. Welsh and resided at Pembroke, where she d. Children of Joseph Warren Nudd: i. Erastus', who for many years biuned charcoal on the shore of Forrest Pond in C. He m. Catherine Reardon and d. at Lan caster, 29 May, 1897. They had four children. genealogies. 271 u. Joseph Warren, twin. hi. Mary, twin; m. True HUl. iv. Almira, m. Luther Rogers of Northfield. They resided in Loudon and had a large famUy of children. V. Narcissa, b. 2 Oct., 1817; m. 16 Oct., 1832, John Dutton of San bomton. -vi. Andrew J., b. 1826, pub. 18 Sept., 1860, to Sarah Elizabeth Glines. They had seven children. He d. 5 May, 1873. -vh. Benjamin B., m. 16 March, 1847, Melinda Whitcher of Northfield. They had four children and res. at Meredith. viu. Clarissa, d. in N. Y. City; unm. ix. Da-vid Kimball. 8. Isaac P.' Nudd (James') b. 13 Aug., 1812; m. 17 Nov., 1836, AbigaU P., dau. of Hiram and Sarah C. (Burleigh) Sanbom. She was b. in San bomton, 23 Aug., 1811. They settled in Frankhn Falls. ChUdren: i. Carlos', unm. He d. suddenly at Cambridge, Mass., 20 July, 1904, and was buried at Frankhn Falls beside his parents. The last of his life he spent in Cambridgeport, Mass. A few years before his death, he erected a handsome monument on the family lot. u. Arthur, b. July, 1841 ; d. in infancy. 9. Erastus' Nudd (Joseph Warren', James', James') b. in C, 1826; m. first, Catherine Reardon of Ireland; second, in Laconia, Nov., 1893, Annie J., dau. of James and Mary (O'Shea) Dearborn. He d. in North- field, 29 May, 1897, and was buried in Blossom Hill cemetery. Concord. Children: i. Mary, who m. Sargent and res. at Lacoma. h. Martha, who m. WUley. He d. at Lancaster, 24 June, 1904. hi. Clara, who m. Mclntire an d d. at Concord, 20 June, 1904. 10. Joseph Warren' Nudd (Joseph Warren') b. in C. Rem. to Hing ham, Mass., and m. there 18 April, 1839, Hannah C, dau. of Enoch and Hannah C. (Taylor) Loring. She was b. in Hingham, 19 AprU, 1814. They resided in Hingham and he d. there 11 June, 1854. ChU dren: i. Joseph Warren', b. 1840; d. in Boston, 26 Oct., 1883; unm. u. Hosea L., b. 1841; d. 4 Sept., 1843. ih. Ohver F., b. Dec, 1842; d. 2 Sept., 1843. iv. Mary Jane Loring, b. Sept., 1844; d. in Boston, 16 Dec, 1879; unm. v. Hannah T., b. 1846; m. 26 Dec, 1869, Joseph E. Parker of Boston, vi. Ohver F., b. in 1848; res. in Boston, -vh. Ehzabeth, twin, b. AprU, 1850; d. in mfancy. -vui. Margaret, twin, b. AprU, 1850; d. in infancy, ix. Ann Bowers, b. 5 Sept., 1861. 11. Andre-w J.' Nudd (Joseph Warrew) b. in C; m. 18 Sept., 1850, Sarah Ehzabeth Glmes, b. 1 Aug., 1837. He resided in Northfield, and d. 5 May, 1873. Wid. m. Leroy R. Brown. Children; i. Erastus', b. 1852; d. in Behnont, 10 Feb., 1899. u. IsabeUe, b. 6 May, 1854; m. first, 18 March, 1871, John Lakin, b. in Suncook, 4 March, 1856. One chUd, Mrs. John H." WeUs of Frankhn Falls. Mr. Lakin d. 11 May, 1897. She m. second, 19 May, 1898, Fred Longley of Frankhn, where they res. hi. Ehzabeth, b. 1856; d. 11 April, 1864. iv. Josephme, b. 11 July, 1859; m. first, Henry Glines of Frankhn; second, Wilbur Rollins of New Hampton, where she res. v. Warren, b. 19 Nov., 1862; 272 HISTORY OF CANTERBURY. m. 16 Jan., 1890, Mabel P. Downing, b. 29 April, 1872. They res. at Tilton. Children: (1) Abbie Emma", b. 20 April, 1892. (2) George Warren, b. 29 Dec, 1894. (3) Elmer RusseU, b. 19 Dec, 1896; d. 5 Sept., 1897. vi. Orren Clark, b. 1864. vii. Florette, b. 25 Nov., 1868; m. 24 April, 1884, Nathan E. Sanborn; res. in Belmont. 12. Benjamin B.' Nudd (Joseph Warrew) b. in C; m. first, in C, 14 March, 1843, Rebecca C. Perkms; second, Melinda Whitcher; third, 14 June, 1859, Martha J. Currier. He d. in C, 13 March, 1900. Children; i. Warren B.', b. 1843; m. first, 19 March, 1866, Nancy Marsh; sec ond, 7 Dec, 1885, Addie S. Emerson, h. Andrew T., b. 1849; m. Abra A. Drake of Bristol. He d. there, 9 Jan., 1882. in. Horace G., m. in Warner, 18 Sept., 1870, Ahce B. Bro-wn. iv. Otis W., m. m Concord, 25 Oct., 1888, Annie E. . v. Hiram, b. 1850; d. in C, 1 Oct., 1896. vi. Flora Belle, b. 25 Jan., 1862, in C. (See Rogers Gen.) 13. Da-vid Kimball' Nudd (Joseph Warrew) b. m Northfield, 3 Feb., 1831; m. in C, 11 July, 1862, Lavina Jane, dau. of Marquis D. and Martha (WiUey) Chaplain, b. in C, 25 April, 1834. He d. at Exeter, 18 March, 1907. Mr. Nudd was a stone mason by trade. He was a soldier from C. in the Ci-vil war. ChUdren, b. in C. ; i. Elbridge Chaplain', b. 26 April, 1853; d. aged 15. h. Orianna J., b. 25 Nov., 1864; m. John Gihnan. They had seven children living and res. at Tilton. ih. Mary Ella, b. 16 June, 1866; m. 19 July, 1873, James Clark of Sanbomton. He d. and she res. in Northfield with three chil dren. iv. Olive Annette, b. 24 May, 1869; d. young. V. Ellen Amanda, b. 2 Oct., 1862; m. 17 Aug., 1878, Frank F. Fel lows. They have one chUd, Mary" FeUows, who m. Albert Clifford of Concord. -vi. Manson Harlan, b. 7 Feb., 1865; d. aged 15. ¦vh. Walter Elbridge, b. 26 March, 1869. 14. Walter Elbridge' Nudd (David Kimball') b. in C, 26 March, 1869; m. first, Victoria M. Wallace from whom he was div.; m. second, 21 AprU, 1900, Annie Laura, dau. of Joseph and Sarah L. (Vamer) Vamer of New Germany, N. S. She was b. 18 July, 1880. He res. at Concord, and is a machinist. Child by first wife: i. Wallace", b. in Sandwich, 29 June, 1895. Children by second -wife; ii. Ethel, b. in Concord, 2 Jan., 1901. ih. Arthur Edward, b. in Concord, 26 Oct., 1902. iv. Clarence WiUiam, b. in Laconia, 21 Jan., 1907. NUTTING. 1. Luther M.' Nutting, b. in DanvUle, Vt.; m. 14 May, 1870, in Pena cook, Hannah M., dau. of MUton G. Boyce, b. 16 May, 1851, in C. MUton G. Boyce was b. 27 May, 1815; m. Sarah B., dau. of Daniel and Mary (Winslow) Smith; d. 28 May, 1899. His wife d. 14 Aug., 1887. Mr. Nutting has resided in C. over twenty-five years. Children: GENEALOGIES. 273 2. i. Almon M.s, b. 4 Nov., 1872. h. W. Stacy, b. 1 July, 1878; m. 25 Nov., 1904, Hattie B. Clark, b. Sept., 1877, in Franklm. ui. Frank C, b. 12 June, 1880; d. 19 AprU, 1881. iv. LoN O., b. 1 Oct., 1886. 2. Almon M.s Nutting (Luther M.') b. 4 Nov., 1872; m. 3 Aug., 1899, Florence H. Blenus, b. 26 May, 1874, in Concord. Mr. Nuttmg was m the Spanish war, 1898. ChUd: Frank Blenus', b. 5 Oct., 1900. OSGOOD.* 1. William' Osgood of Sahsbury, Mass., m 1640, was b. m Eng., 1609; d. 1700, in Salisbury; m. Ehzabeth . They had seven children, of whom Johns was the fourth. 2. Johns Osgood (William') b. in Sahsbury, Mass., 8 Aug., 1647; d. there, 7 Nov., 1683; m. 6 Nov., 1668, Mary Stevens of Sahsbury. They had six chUdren of whom WUham' was the third. 3. William' Osgood (John; William') b. in Sahsbury, Mass., 30 July, 1673, d. 1752; m. Hannah Colby. They had nine children of whom Timothy was the first. 4. Timothy' Osgood (William', John; William') b. in Sahsbury, Mass., 17 Nov., 1694; d. 2 Sept., 1731; m. 1 Oct., 1715, Mehitable Chase of Newbury, Mass. They had five chUdren of whom Chase' was the youngest. 5. Capt. Chase' Osgood (Timothy; William') b. 13 May, 1729; resided in Epping and Loudon; m. first, 22 Nov., 1750, Martha Tucker of Sahs bury, Mass., who d. 1766; m. second, Shuah Eastman, who d. 1776; m. third, Phebe Stevens of Exeter, who sur^vived him. He had six chUdren by the first wife, four by the second wife, and five by the third ¦wife. The fourth child by the third wife was Edward'. €. Capt. Edward' Osgood (Chase', Timothy*) b. in Loudon, 1785; d. 1841; m. first, Hannah Tibbetts of Northfield, who d. 22 Sept., 1807; m. second, Nancy Kezer of Northfield, who d. 5 March, 1861, in Columbia, N. Y., at the home of her son, Charles. ChUdren by first marriage: i. Sally', b. 6 April, 1806; m. Chase Ring of Pittsfield. u. Henry T., b. 5 Feb., 1807; d. 28 March, 1841. ChUdren by second marriage: hi. Asa K., b. 20 Oct., 1811. iv. Mary K., b. 28 March, 1814. 7. V. Edward, b. 3 Jan., 1818. vi. Chase, b. 1 July, 1820. vh. Charles, b. 13 Feb., 1823. ¦vih. Augustus, b. 17 Dec, 1825. *From "The Descendants of John, Christopher and WiUiam Osgood, Salem, Mass., 1894." 19-n 274 HISTORY OF CANTERBURY. 7. Edward' Osgood (Edward', Chase') b. in Northfield, 3 Jan., 1818; d. 20 March, 1885 (see Chapter XL, Vol. I); m. Charlotte Hodgdon of Northfield. ChUdren: i. SusAN' Kezer, b. 23 Aug., 1847; m. Leone I. Chase of Loudon and res. on the homestead of her father. u. Charles S., b. 11 July, 1850; m. 8 Oct., 1876, Frances A., dau. of Enoch Pickard of C. He d. 18 Sept., 1892. ChUd: 1. Char lotte Mae', b. 13 Feb., 1881; m. 19 Sept., 1905, Chamung T. Sanborn of Concord, teacher and school superintendent. ChUd: Muiam Louise" Sanbom, b. 17 June, 1909. hi. John Kezer, b. 1852; d. 1854. iv. Annie Mae, b. 13 June, 1855; m. Edward, son of Charles W. and Lucia M. (Greenough) Webster, 16 July, 1892. PAGE. Reuben Page, in C. about 1800 and later, was a descendant of Robert' and Margaret Page of Ormsby, Norfolk County, Eng., whose son, Robert' Page with his wife, Lucy, three children and two servants, settled in Hampton in 1639, where Robert d. 22 Sept., 1679. The latter had seven children of whom Thomas' Page was the fourth, b. about 1639, and hved at Hampton on the homestead originated by his father. He m. 2 Feb., 1664, Mary, dau. of Christopher Huzzey. They had eight children of whom Christopher' Page was the third. The latter was b. 20 Sept., 1670; m. AbigaU TUton and d. 4 Feb., 1751. He had a son, David' Page, b. 1 Nov., 1703; d. 9 June, 1783; m. first, 27 Jan., 1728, Ruth, dau. of Dea. John Dearbom; m. second, Ruth, dau. of Capt. John Smith. He had nine children of whom John' Page was one, b. in N. Hampton, 17 July, 1729; m. 14 March, 1751, Lydia, dau. of Reuben Sanbom of Hampton. Children: i. Deborah', bapt. in Hampton, 9 Aug., 1752. h. Mary, bapt. in Hampton, 13 Oct., 1764. iu. David. iv. Margaret, bapt. in Epping, 22 April, 1769. V. Ruth, bapt. 28 Dec, 1760. -vi. Reuben, b. in Epping and bapt. there in 1763. ¦vii. John. -viii. L-TDiA, bapt. 29 Oct., 1769. ix. Moses, bapt. 26 Oct., 1777. X. Aaron. 1. Reuben' Page (John', David', Christopher; Thomas; Robert; Robert') b. in Eppmg, 1763; settled pre-vious to 1790 in Gilmanton (Belmont) and moved to C. about 1800, building a house and bam and originating a homestead opposite that of Edward Chase. The property was o-wned by Samuel Jackson, who sold to John Mathes about the year 1817. Mr. Page rem. to New Sharon, Me. He d. 15 Sept., 1816; m. first, 1788, Sarah, dau. of Samuel and Mary (Barnes) Sanbom of Sandown, bapt. at Rye, 8 July, 1770, d. 1798 (?); m. second, 1799, Ehzabeth Jackson, b. May, 1779. After Mr. Page's death, his wid. m. Joshua Young of Mercer, Me., and d. 9 Nov., 1869. Children: GENEALOGIES. 275 i. Sarah', b. in Gilmanton, 30 Aug., 1789; d. 11 May, 1846; m. 3 July, 1808, Levi Chase. (See Chase Gen.) u. John, b. 1791; d. m Sydney, Me., 1874; m. Phebe Burdin. iu. Elizabeth, b. 1794; m. Edward Marsh of GUmanton. iv. Nathan Sanborn, b. 5 Dec, 1796; d. 19 Sept., 1874; m. first, 1819, Mary Fletcher, who d. 1821; m. second, 1822, Ruth Elhot, who d. 30 July, 1884. V. Mary, b. 1 Oct., 1800; d. 12 Oct., 1885; m. Thomas Burdin of Dart mouth, Mass., b. 1792; d. 20 Jan., 1882, at Mercer, Me. vi. Samuel Jackson, b. 28 Dec, 1802; d. in Cleveland, Ohio, 19 April, 1878; m. first, Susan Goss; m. second, in Ohio (?) -vu. Reuben, twin, b. 1808; d. 1826. vui. L-STDiA, t-win, b. 1808; d. 15 June, 1847; m. Joshua B. Wmslow. ix. Ezekiel Oilman (Rev.), b. 25 Dec, 1814; d. 17 June, 1909; m. first, 30 March, 1837, Mary G. Burleigh, b. Farmington, Me., 4 July, 1815; d. 26 Aug., 1884; m. second, Sept., 1886, Mrs. Mary Bates. Mr. Page was ordained in 1839 and had pastoral care of some church until 1891. He bapt. over 600 persons; m. about 250 couples and attended between 1,000 and 1,10() funerals. PALLET. Tradition says that the fast settler of the part of C. called "Palletborough" was Joseph Pallet. This district or borough was named for him and was caUed "Palletborough" as late as 1885, when the prefix Pallet was left off and the district was known as the "Borough." Joseph PaUet was said to be of Spanish descent and came to this country stowed away in the hold of a ship, which landed probably at Portsmouth. From thence he worked his way to Hampton and came up from there with the Sanboms and others who settled in C. in the late years of the eighteenth century. 1. Joseph' Pallet was b. 19 Dec, 1723; d. in C, Dec, 1823, aged 100 years. He m. first, Jane , who d. 16 Aug., 1794, aged 70 years; m. second, Lydia , who d. 12 Sept., 1822. 2. Nathaniels Pallet (Joseph') was b. in 1756; d. in C, 26 Nov., 1847; m. Molhe, dau. of Benjamin Sanborn, 14 Sept., 1778, in C. She d. 22 March, 1822, aged 59 years. Children, b. and d. in C. : i. Joseph', b. 12 Feb., 1779; d. 26 Dec, 1855; m. 27 May, 1815, in C, Ruth Dearborn of Northfield, who d. June, 1820, aged 39. u. Jane, b. 16 Sept., 1782; d. 12 AprU, 1859; unm. iu. Polly or Molly, b. 1 Aug., 1785; d. 6 Oct., 1864; unm. iv. Benjamin, b. 9 Nov., 1788; d. Nov., 1816. V. Deliverance, b. 14 May, 1790; d. 20 March, 1870; unm. -vi. Nathaniel, b. 1802; d. 18 Oct., 1870; m. first, Sally Hoague, b. 7 March, 1800; m. second, 16 Dec, 1854, Adaline, dau. of James Hoague of Pittsfield. She was b. 4 April, 1827 ; and m. sec ond, ¦John Dodge of Goffstown. She d. 4 Jan., 1895. The three daus. of Nathaniel' Pallet, Jane, PoUy and Deliverance, belonged to the religious sect called Osgoodites, of which there were several among the different famUies in the Borough. 276 HISTORY OF CANTERBURY. PARKER. 1. Ebenezer' Parker was b. 14 Jan., 1766; m. 16 Jan., 1788, Lydia Chase, b. 29 Oct., 1761; d. 11 Aug., 1803; m. second, 4 May, 1809, AbigaU Femald, b. 15 Oct., 1782. He d. 13 June, 1864. She d. 4 May, 1866. Children by first marriage: i. Cynthias, b. 22 Nov., 1788; m. 18 Jan., 1826, James Batchelder. h. Eunice, b. 19 Oct., 1790. ih. Hannah, b. 8 Oct., 1802; m. 13 March, 1823, John Hames. Children by second marriage: iv. Ebbnezer, b. 4 June, 1811; m. 29 Dec, 1836, in C, Lucy Jane, dau. of Nathaniel and Betsey Peverly. (See Peverly Gen.) She d. 5 July, 1840. V. Lydia C, b. 19 Sept., 1814; m. Leavitt B. Ingalls of C. Pubhshed 6 Jan., 1842, m C. 2. vi. Joshua, b. 23 Sept., 1816. vii. Alfred W., b. 12 Dec, 1822. 2. Joshuas Parker (Ebenezer') b. 23 Sept., 1816; m. Dorcas Whitney, b. 1818. (See Whitney Gen.) He m. agam; d. 1 Feb., 1893. Children by first marriage: 3. i. Charles E.', b. 27 Jan., 1839. 4. h. Mary A., b. 14 Sept., 1847. 3. Charles' Parker (Joshua', Ebenezer') b. 27 Jan., 1839, in C; m. Clara Sanborn of Loudon. He d. 21 Aug., 1904. ChUd: Charles H.', b. 24 May, 1873. Res. in Loudon. 4. Mary A.' Parker (Joshua', Ebenezer') b. 14 Sept., 1847; m. Mel-vin Jenkins of Pittsfield. ChUd: Everett' Jenkins. Res. at Loudon. PARKINSON. 1. According to tradition, William and Esther (Wood) Parkinson were natives of Scotland. They were kin to the Scotch Li-vingstons, who settled in N. Y. and N. J. In 1741, they were residents of London derry, Ireland. In 1744, they came to Londonderry, and later they rem. to Princeton, N. J. 2. Henry' Parkinson (William') was b. in 1741, in Londonderry, Ireland. He rem. -with his parents to Londonderry, in 1744; was a graduate of Princeton CoUege in 1764, and is supposed to have been a teacher there for some time. Soon after the Battle of Lexington, he enlisted in Capt. George Reid's Co. from Londonderry, which was embodied in the 1st Reg. under Col. John Stark. Parkinson was chosen quartermaster at Stark's request. He continued with the regiment until shortly after Stark's resignation. In the spring of 1777, he contracted with parties to clear land for him m Francestown. The records of that town show that in 1779, he was chairman of its committee of safety, and that he was town clerk for three years ending March, 1781. He rem. to Pembroke in 1781, and his home was there for about three years. "He maintained a superior school at Concord from about 1784 to 1794." The remainder GENEALOGIES. 277 of his life was spent in C, where he owned a farm on which he buUt a house and a mill. His life work was teaching the classics and higher English. He m. Sept., 17, 1777 or 1778, Janet McCurdy of Londonderry. He d. 28 May, 1820, and he was buried in the cemetery at C. Center. His tombstone bears the following inscription; "Henry Parkinson, long distinguished as an excellent classical Preceptor," and an epitaph in Latin written by himself . It reads; "Hibernia me genuit. America nutrivit. Nassau Hall educa^vit; docui mUitavi atque manibus lab- ora^vi; sic cursum meum fini^vi, et nunc terra me occupat, et quiete in pulvere dormio, quasi in gremio matemo meo; hue ades amice mi care; aspice et memento ut moriendum quoque certe sit tibi. Ergo vale, et cave." Rev. Wilham Patrick in his historical sermon gives this Eng lish rendering: "Ireland gave me birth; America nourished me; Nas sau Hall educated me; I have taught; I have fought, and with my hands have I labored; I have finished my course; and now the earth contains me, and quietly do I sleep in the dust, as in my maternal bosom; come hither my dear friend; behold me, and remember that you also must certainly die. Therefore, farewell; consider!" ChUdren: i. Esther Wood', b. 20 or 29 Dec, 1779, in Francestown; m. Daniel Blanchard of Northfield. Four children; d. 29 May, 1829. u. Robert, b. 18 May, 1781; m. 1809, in New Boston, Ehzabeth Kelso, b. 5 AprU, 1781; d. 4 March, 1837. He d. 10 May, 1849. Children: (1) Mary Jane', b. 28 Dec, 1810; d. 8 July, 1887. (2) Henry, b. 11 Oct., 1812; m. first, 1841, Mrs. Mary B. Alley; m. second, 1843, Lydia R. Wilson. He d. 19 June, 1880. (3) Ehza Ann, b. 11 March, 1814; m. first, 1866, Luke Nichols; m. second, 1858, Leonard McKean. She d. 12 May, 1858. (4) Royal, b. 8 Nov., 1815. (6) Frances C, b. 9 March, 1819. (6) Carolme, b. 13 Oct., 1820; d. 25 March, 1877. (7) John K., b. 31 Jan., 1822. (8) Clarissa Harlow, b. 8 Sept., 1824, in New Boston; m. 8 Nov., 1849, Henry W., son of Israel Evans and Martha (Trow) Herrick, b. 23 Aug., 1824, in Hop kinton; d. 30 June, 1906. Mrs. Herrick d. 16 Aug.,1902. Chil dren: Allan Evans' Herrick, Robert Parkinson Herrick, WU ham Trow Herrick, Henry Augustus Herrick, Hurlburt Wal lace Herrick. hi. Sophia, b. 10 July, 1783; m. Daniel Jones of C. (See Jones Gen.) iv. Henry, b. 15 June, 1785. v. Richard, b. 15 Jan., 1787. vi. Nancy, b. 22 Oct., 1788; m. 29 May, 1823, Daniel Blanchard. vii. Clarissa, b. 24 Oct., 1790. viii. Betsey, b. 4 May, 1793. ix. Jane, b. 3 Nov., 1797. PATRICK. Prepared by Luther M. Cody. The Patricks of C. are descended from Matthew' Patrick who came to Amer ica from the North of Ireland about 1724, and settled among a colony of Scotch-Irish m Westem, now Warren, Mass. "The fact that his descend ants," says a writer on Patrick genealogy, "married exclusively among known Scotch-Irish famihes, leads to the belief that he also was Scotch-Irish." The Patricks took a prominent part in the affairs of the town of Warren. Mat thew's son John held the office of selectman in 1764, '61, '71, '73, '76, '76; 278 HISTORY OF CANTERBURY. while his son Matthew, as Rep. to the General Court from the town of Warren, voted the Federal Constitution. Matthew Patrick was b. in 1681 and d. according to the gravestone record in Warren, 10 Nov., 1767. From this record it appears that his wife's name was Mary. Children: 1. i. Johns, y. Thomas, iu. Isaac iv. Matthew. 1. Johns Patrick (Matthew) b. 1708 m Warren, Mass.; d. 17 Dec, 1794; m. Rebecca Wiley, of Blandford, Mass., b. 1717; d. 24 AprU, 1802. Children; i. Sarah'. u. Matthew, b. 1740; d. 30 AprU, 1827; m. Mary Young, of Brimfield, Mass. hi. Isaac. iv. Rev. Joseph, d. 1783, aged 38. 2. V. John, b. 3 Aug., 1746; d. 1837. 2. John' Patrick (John', Matthew) b. 3 Aug., 1746; d. 1837; m. Ehzabeth McFariand, b. 19 Aug., 1750; d. 1824. Children: 3.1. William', b. 4 July, 1773. u. Robert, b. 21 Jan., 1775. hi. Andrew, b. 18 Aug., 1777. iv. Levi, b. 28 Aug., 1778. v. Matthew, b. 3 AprU, 1781; d. 1794. vi. John, b. 20 Feb., 1786; m. vii. Betsey, b. 11 Feb., 1787; m. Dea. Thomas Gerrish of Boscawen ¦vui. Mary, b. 2 Jan., 1791; m. Putnam. She d. 23 Sept., 1840. ix. Samuel, b 1793; d. 1798. x. Rebecca, b. 1797. xi. Adaline, b. 1804; m. Sanford. 3. Rev. William' Patrick (Johw, John', Matthew) b. 4 July, 1773, in War ren, Mass., graduated from WUhams College, 1799, studied for the min istry and received his license to preach in June, 1801. He was ordained pastor of the Congregational Church in C. 25 Oct., 1803. This was his first and only charge. Mr. Patrick purchased the farm now occupied by Geo. H. Gale on which he lived until 1843, when he resigned his pastorate and rem. to Boscawen. He was never again a settled pastor although he preached for several years longer. He m. first, 16 Aug., 1805, Mary, dau. of Col. Joseph and Mary (Bartlett) Gerrish of Bos cawen, b. 17 Oct., 1784; d. 21 Oct., 1825. He m. second, 7 Feb., 1827, Mary MUls of Dunbarton, b. 24 Sept., 1790; d. 12 Feb., 1866. Wm. Patrick d. 25 Oct., 1862. Buried in C. Center cemetery. Children by first marriage; i. Eliza Mary', b. 19 Jan., 1807; d. 11 March, 1823. u. Joseph Gerrish, b. 26 Feb., 1809; d. 26 Nov., 1852, in Solon, Ohio; m. 18 June, 1832, Apphia Amanda, dau. of Ezekiel and Betsey (Stevens) Morrill of C, b. 24 Oct., 1811; d. 28 Dec, 1887, m C. ChUdren b. in Solon, Ohio: 1. Mary Amanda', b. 1 Sept., 1837; d. 31 Jan., 1908, in C. 2. Eliza Ann., b. 3 Nov., 1840; d. 10 July, 1880, in Lincoln, Neb.; m. 15 May, 1866, Aldus Cody of E. Cleveland, Ohio. (See Cody Gen.) 3. WUliam, b. 25 Jan., 1846; d. 16 Dec, 1863, in Solon, Ohio. 4. MorrUl, b. 5 Oct., 1-846; d. 16 March, 1864, in Solon, Ohio. in. William McFarland, b. 27 May, 1810; d. 16 Jan., 1877; m. and had two chUdren: EUen' and Dellah. iv. John, b. 19 Aug., 1812; d. 8 June, 1821. genealogies. 279 V. Samuel, b. 26 March, 1815; d. Dec, 1887. M. Children: 1. Eme hne', b. 1838 or 1839; m. first, Samuel Vaughn. 2. John Fordice, b. 2 Oct., 1846. 3. Dr. Joseph Bartlett; m. 4. Frank, d. 10 Jan., 1882. 5. Carrie, d. young. -vi. Le-vi Bartlett, b. 20 July, 1817; d. 23 June, 1844. vu. John (second), b. 13 May, 1822; d. 28 May, 1889. Parmer in Lyons, Iowa; m. first, 12 June, 1848, Harriett "White, b. 30 Dec, 1826, d. 8 March, 1873, dau. of Thomas R. and Mary H. (May) White of Franklin; m. second, 17 Aug., 1874, Margarett Gravel ing, b. 24 Dec, 1849. Children by first marriage; 1. Dr. Mary Mills', b. 10 March, 1860, in C. She is Pres. of the American CoUege for Girls, Constantinople. Miss Patrick took her degree at Bern University, Switzerland. She is author of books on Greek PhUosophy. 2. Ellen Harriett, b. 13 Dec, 1854, in C. Res. in Chicago; m. 18 Aug., 1874, Howard F., son of Sumner R. Smith, b. 25 May, 1851, at Rockport, IU. Grad. of Lafayette College, Easton, Penn. Child: Sumner Ives' Smith, b. 7 Dec, 1887, at Lyons, Iowa; a graduate of Mass. Institute of Technology, 1901; m. 29 June, 1909, Ada EUa Burkans of EUdiart, Ind., b. 26 May, 1881. 3. George T. W., b. 19 Aug., 1867, in Boscawen. Prof, of Mental PhUosophy in the University of Iowa; m. 28 Nov., 1889, Maud, dau. of WUUam and Janette (Buck) LyaU. Children: Walden White', b. 3 Feb., 1891, in Iowa City, Iowa. Da-vid LyaU, b. 26 Oct., 1899, in Iowa City, Iowa. 4. Elizabeth McFarland, b. 7 April, 1863, in Boscawen; m. 16 Jan., 1888, Homer D. Webster, b. 6 June, 1858, in Columbus, Ohio; d. 2 Feb., 1902. Children: (1) Helen Harriett' Web ster, b. 18 Jan., 1889. (2) Mary Hallack, b. 8 June, 1890. (3) Louis Harvy, b. 3 May, 1893. 5. John Bartlett, b. 6 March, 1873. Res. in lUo, Idaho. ChUd by second marriage: 6. Alex Gerrish, b. 25 Nov., 1875. Res. in Lyons, Iowa. PERKINS. 1. Levi' Perkins, b. 1793 m Northfield; m. 2 Dec, 1820, Hannah, b. at C, 28 Feb., 1798, dau. of Shubael and Phebe (Smith) Sanbom*. (See San bom Gen.) He d. 8 Jan., 1853. She d. 25 Dec, 1894. Mr. Perkms was a mason by trade and built the first brick house in Montreal, Canada, the buildings there being originaUy of stone. Children; 2. i. Zbbinas Curtis, b. 20 Jan., 1822. 3. h. Florina Smith, b. 6 Aug., 1825. 4. ih. Robert Sanborn, b. 18 May, 1828. 5. iv. Phbeb Harper, b. 16 Sept., 1837. 2. Zebina Curtis' Perkins (Levi') b. 20 Jan., 1822; m. first, Helen (Fel lows) BaU, formerly of Manchester, 31 July, 1849; m. second, 31 July, 1860, EmUy A., b. at Meredith, 30 Aug., 1839, dau. of Jacob and Lydia (Bodwell) Burleigh. Both Mr. and Mrs. Perkins were in the insurance business many years. He d. at TUton, 22 Nov., 1889, where she now res. with her youngest son. Child by first marriage : 280 HISTORY OF CANTERBURY. i. Ella Fellows', b. 6 May, 1850; m. Da-vis, a brick-mason, and res. at East Derry. ChUdren: Bert', Emest and Ralph Davis. Children by second marriage: 6. ii. Ned Whitcher, b. 10 Sept., 1861, at New Hampton. 7. hi. Fred Burleigh, b. 27 June, 1865, at New Hampton. iv. Kate Bell, b. at New Hampton, 27 Oct., 1868; d. 27 Aug., 1870. V. Ray Harris, b. 6 July, 1876, at East Concord; m. 29 Oct., 1901, Susan BeU, dau. of Arthur J. and Nancy (Harvey) Crockett of Sanbomton. (See Sanbomton History.) 3. Florina S.' Perkins, b. 6 Aug., 1825; m. 11 AprU, 1844, John Wheeler of Loudon, b. 28 Mar., 1823, son of RusseU ^^and Nancy (Perkins) Wheeler. Children: i. Ella Augusta' Wheeler, b. 14 June, 1846; d. 2 July, 1849. 8. u. Susan Annette Wheeler, b. 18 Oct., 1848. iu. Anna Mae Wheeler, b. 17 May, 1851; res. at Concord with her mother and sister. iv. DoDRiDGE Perkins Wheeler, b. 18 July, 1866; m. 2 Jan., 1884, Lizzie Simonds Buntin, b. 12 Dec, 1859. No children. V. Florence Mabel Whbbler, b. 6 Oct., 1863; m. 1 Feb., 1887, Joseph Harvey, b. 12 Sept., 1859. He d. 7 AprU, 1908. No chUdren. 4. Robert S.s Perkins, b. 18 May, 1828; insurance agent at TUton. He m. 2 Jan., 1862, Susannah Diantha Wheeler, b. 12 Jan., 1830, at Loudon, dau. of Russell and Nancy (Perkins) Wheeler of Loudon. Mrs. Perkins d. at Tilton, 7 Feb., 1876. Mr. Perkins was postmaster at TUton under President Cleveland. Child: i. Mabel', b. 2 March, 1855, in Loudon; m. 14 May, 1879, George O., son of Samuel Fogg, b. in Readfield, Me., 12 Jan., 1851. ChU dren: (1) Gladys Perkins' Fogg, b. 21 March, 1881, in NewtonviUe, Mass.; m. Milo Ellsworth Benedict, 3 Aug., 1906, and res. in Boston. She is a musician of rare abUity and cultivation. (2) Robert Stevens Fogg, b. 6 Jan., 1897, in Boston. 6. Pheeb H.s Perkins, b. 16 Sept., 1837, at Loudon; m. at Concord, 8 Sept., 1859, Ward Priest Whitcher of Landaff, b. 27 Dec, 1837, son of Winthrop C. and Mercy (Priest) Whitcher. She d. in Lisbon, 10 Apr., 1899. He d. at Lisbon, 14 May, 1892. Children; 9. i. Frank P.' Whitcher, b. 23 July, 1863. 10. h. Chase R. Whitcher, b. 8 Dec, 1876. 6. Ned Whitcher' Perkins, b. 10 Sept., 1861; m. 22 Sept., 1885, Lizzie A., b. 9 July, 1860, at Groton, dau. of George and Elsie (Stevens) Powers. Child: Lester Chfton', b. 29 Nov., 1890. 7. Fred B.' Perkins, b. 27 June, 1865; m. 17 May, 1890, Lizzie A., dau. of Samuel and Hannah Adams of TUton. ChUdren: Leon Adams', b. 4 Feb., 1891. Freda ArdeU, b. 8 Jan., 1893. Donald L., b. 1 Feb., 1895. MUdred LucUe, b. 10 Oct., 1902. GENEALOGIES. 281 8. Susan Annette' Wheeler, b. 18 Oct., 1848; m.at Concord, 24 Dec, 1873, Ames Frank Holt, b. 12 April, 1846, son of Wilham and Harriet (Ames) Holt of Loudon. He d. 7 Oct., 1889. Children: i. WiUiam Hamilton' Holt, b. 2 Oct., 1876; m. 12 Jan., 1898, Flora Frances BuzzeU, b. m Lakeport, 12 May, 1877. He d. 31 July, 1909, in Concord. Child: 1. Ruth Ethyhn' Holt, b. in Concord, 18 June, 1899. u. Edgar Wheeler Holt, b. 7 Feb., 1880. Manufacturer, Holt Bros. Manufacturing Co. of Concord. 9. Frank P.' Whitcher, b. in New Hampton, 23 July, 1863; m. 1886, Hattie Louise, b. 1858, dau. of Edward Deane of Haverhill; she d. in Lisbon, 1891. Child: Edith Aldeane' Whitcher, b. 6 May, 1887, in Seattle, Wash.; m. Sept., 1908, George Knapp of Franconia. 10. Chase R.' Whitcher, b. 8 Dec, 1876, at Lisbon; m. 20 July, 1898, Eda M., dau. of Foster M. and Susan (Oakes) Aldrich, b. in Lisbon, 4 Sept., 1876. He is a well-kno-svn architect and res. in Manchester. Child: Pheeb H.' Whitcher, b. at Lisbon, 16 Feb., 1906. PEVERLY. 1. Nathaniel' Pb-verly was b. 14 March, 1690; m. Ehzabeth , b. 29 March, 1689; d. 1765. He d. 1769. Children; i. Elizabeths, b. 8 Oct., 1717. 2. u. Nathaniel, b. 15 June, 1720. hi. Thomas, b. 5 Sept., 1722. iv. AbigaU, b. 14 March, 1727. v. Mary, b. 11 May, 1729. 2. Nathaniels Pe-verly (Nathanieb) b. 15 June, 1720; m. Ehzabeth Ham. He d. 24 Sept., 1799. Children: 3. i. Nathaniel', b. 18 March, 1769. 4. u. John, b. 17 July, 1770. ui. Jeremiah, b. 11 March, 1772; d. 13 Dec, 1795. iv. George, b. 12 May, 1773; d. AprU, 1804. v. James, b. IB Nov., 1774; d. 25 Jan., 1862. He had one son, James', who m. Burnham. -vi. Benjamin Cotton, b. 30 July, 1776; d. 26 Sept., 1825. vii. Thomas, b. 9 June, 1780. 3. Nathaniel' Pe-vbrly (Nathaniel; Nathanieb) b. 18 March, 1769, in C; m. 3 Jan., 1802, m C, Betsey Sherbume, b. 30 March, 1778, hi Loudon. Children, b. in C. ; i. Hannah', b. 4 Oct., 1802; m. 25 Jan., 1844, Solomon Young. (See Young Gen.) 5. u. Thomas, b. 10 July, 1804. . ^ .^t x,. t. hi. Mary, b. 26 June, 1806; m. 16 Dec, 1829, m C, Nathan Emery. (See Emery Gen.) ,„„„.,-, t^. iv. Luc-sr Jane, b. 4 Sept., 1812; m. 29 Dec, 1836, m C, Ebenezer Parker, Jr. (See Parker Gen.) 6. V. Nathaniel, b. 1815. 4. John' Peverly (Nathaniel; Nathanieb) b. 17 July, 1770, m Portsmouth; m. Betsey Sanbom, b. 24 March, 1780, m Loudon. Children: 7. i. Sally Sanborn', b. 18 Nov., 1804. 8* h George Washington, b. 18 AprU, 1806. ' hi. Eliza, b. 18 April, 1808. iv. Harriet, b. 7 Aug., 1813. 282 HISTORY OF CANTERBURY. 5. Thomas' Peverly (Nathanieb, Nathaniel', Nathaniel') b. 10 July, 1804, in C; m. 1 Jan., 1840, in C, Mary Elizabeth, dau. of Nathan and Betsey (McCrillis) Emery. They moved to Chnton, IU., in Nov., 1855, and later to Decatur, IU. She d. March, 1869, at Fairbury, 111. He d. 11 May, 1875, at Toronto, Kan. ChUdren, b. in C: i. Freeman Webster', b. 12 May, 1841; d. Dec, 1909, in Leaven worth, Kan. u. Horace Emery, b. 13 May, 1843. iii. Dexter T., b. 15 Aug., 1846; d. 17 Aug., 1848, in C. iv. Mary Ehza beth, b. 20 June, 1849; d. 15 Sept., 1860, m Maroa, 111. v. Frances Leland, b. 22 May, 1854. 6. Nathaniel' Pe'verly (Nathaniel', Nathaniel', Nathanieb) b. 1815; m. 1834, Judith, dau. of Nathaniel and Sally (Whitney) Wiggin, who was b. 1816, in Loudon. Sally Whitney was the dau. of Leonard and (Wheeler) Whitney. Leonard Whitney, so tradition says, was a soldier of the Revolution. Nathaniel Peverly d. 9 AprU, 1866. His wife d. 28 May, 1902. ChUdren, aU b. in Danbury: i. Sarah E.', b. 23 Jan., 1836; m. John Frank Lake. (See Lake Gen.) h. Charles, b. 24 Jan., 1839; d. in C, 4 Nov., 1908; unm. iii. Lucy Jane, b. 17 Sept., 1842; m. Charles Fletcher. (See Fletcher Gen.) iv. Frank, b. 1 AprU, 1847; m. Ruby W. Sqmres. (See Sqmres Gen.) Child: Ida M.', b. 16 Nov., 1869, in C; m. 24 Dec, 1887, Edwm F. KimbaU. (See Kimball Gen.) 7. Sally Sanborn' Peverly (Johw, Nathaniel', Nathanieb) b. 18 Nov., 1804; m. first, John KimbaU of C. (See KimbaU Gen.); m. second, 2 March, 1843, David MorriU of C. (See MorrUl Gen.) 8. George Washington' Pb^vbrly (Johw, Nathaniel; Nathaniel') b. 18 April, 1806; m. Almira Sanbom, b. 16 AprU, 1819. Mr. Peverly d. 11 Feb., 1894. Mrs. Peverly d. 26 March, 1898, Children: i. Harriet E.', b. 5 March, 1842; m. 26 March, 1876, Josiah Stephen James. (See James Gen.) u. Charles Taylor, b. 26 Aug., 1843; d. 28 Nov., 1843. iu. Sarah Anna, b. 18 Nov., 1844; d. 16 Aug., 1848. iv. Abbie Jane, b. 12 Dec, 1846; d. 9 Aug., 1849. V. Frances Jane, b. 11 Feb., 1849; d. 26 May, 1894. vi. Georgianna A., b. 1851; d. 1851. vu. Mary Ellen, b. May, 1863; m. Jeremiah A. Clough of Loudon. (See Clough Gen.) 9. vhi. John Sanborn, b. 12 April, 1856. ix. Charles George, b. 10 Oct., 1858. X. Edward Blake, b. 27 July, 1860; m. 15 June, 1887, in Pembroke, NeUie M., dau. of David T. and Mary (Holt) MerrUl. Mrs. Peverly was b. 3 Dec, 1864, in Pembroke. 9. John Sanborn' Peverly (George; Nathanieb) b. 12 AprU, 1856; m. first, 1 Jan., 1890, in C, Leonora May, dau. of Olwyn W. and Sophia IngaUs (Clifford) Dow of C. (See Dow Gen.); m. second, 31 Oct., 1906, in Penacook, Mrs. Clara A. Mudgett, dau. of Samuel and Lucy Lover mg of Loudon. Child by first marriage: George Dow', b. 19 Jan. 1896, in C. GENEALOGIES. 283 PHILLIPS. Shbpards Phillips (Johw) was b. at Stanbridge MUls, P. Q., 17 Dec, 1822, but for many years has been a res. of C. His father was John PhUlips, b. in Hoosick, N. Y., and his mother, Judith, dau. of John RandaU, b. m Danville Green, Vt. Judith (Randall) Philhps d. 7 April, 1888, at Troy, Vt. They were the parents of sixteen children, eight sons and eight daus. Judith Randall's mother was Sarah Shepard, a mem ber of the Shepard famUy identified with the early history of the town. He m. first, Statira, dau. of Col. MorrUl Shepard. Their marriage was pubhshed in C. in July, 1846. Statira d. 10 March, 1862, aged 43 years, lea^ving no chUdren. He m. second, Margaret, dau. of Henry and Mary or PoUy (Whitney) Beck (See Beck Gen.), who was b. in C., 20 May, 1823, and d. 24 Aug., 1895. Child by second marriage; Amanda', who d. 6-7 Dec, 1863, aged 6 years. PHILLIPS. 1. Rev. Dyer M.' Phillips was b. 23 Sept., 1849, in Avon, Me., son of Micah' Phillips, b. 3 Aug., 1807; m. 4 March, 1830, Esther, dau. of Rev. Nehemiah Hunt. Micahs d. 23 June, 1882. She d. 8 July, 1886. WUliam' Phillips, grandfather of Dyer M.', b. 14 March, 1770; m. Mary, dau. of Micah Dyer of Durham, Me. She d. 30 April, 1843. WUliam' d. 6 June, 1856. Dyer M.' Phillips m. 3 AprU, 1872, in Wilton, Me., Abbie L., dau. of Da-vid and AbigaU (Searles) Green, b. 29 Oct., 1853, in WUton, Me. Mr. Phillips is present (1911) pastor of the Free Baptist Church of C. Child: Sherman E.', b. 20 May, 1877. PICKARD. The name Pickard is of French origin. It is found among the names of those who came to England with Wilham, The Conqueror.* Henry Pickard was clerk of the rectory of Rowley prior to his death in 1621 .f In the company who came to New England in 1638 and settled at Rowley, Mass., was John Pickard, b. in 1622, who may have been a son of the Rev. Henry Pickard. He was weU educated, e-vidently of good family and an influential member of society. He m. 27 May, 1644, Jane, dau. of Dr. Anthony Crosby; d. 24 Sept., 1683. His grandson, Joseph Pickard, who d. in 1798, aged over 90 years, was, the father of Jeremiah Pickard whose son, Amos, settled in C. 1. Jeremiah Pickard, of the fourth generation of the famUy of that name, was b. m Rowley, Mass., 27 May, 1747. He m. 14 Dec, 1773, Mehita ble Dresser. They came to C. about 1791. Children; i. MosES', b. 4 Dec, 1774; m. 1808, Elizabeth Jones. ii. Jeremiah, b. 9 Oct., 1776; m. first, 6 Aug., 1801, Elizabeth Foster; m. second, 6 Jan., 1814, AbigaU Foster; m. thud, 23 Apnl, 1818, Hannah Harvey. iu. Mehitablb, b. 10 Oct., 1778; d. unm. * Page 107, Holhngshed's Copy of the RoU of Battel Abbey. t Institution Books, Wills Office, Lock, Eng. 4. i. 5. h. 6. iu. 7. iv. 8. V. 9. -vi. 284 HISTORY OF (CANTERBURY. iv. Sarah, b. 4 Oct., 1780; m. 1810, Charles Sargent of C. (See Sar gent Gen.) 2. V. Amos, b. 3 Feb., 1781. vi. Betsey, b. 24 July, 1786; d. unm. -vu. Abigail, b. 9 Jan., 1791; m. 1 Oct., 1818, Enoch Emery. vui. Samuel, b. 9 March, 1793; m. 13 May, 1823, Sarah Coffin; m. second, 2 Aug., 1832, Hannah Little. 3. ix. Daniel, b. 20 Oct., 1795. 2. Amos' Pickard (Jeremiah*) b. 3 Feb., 1781; m. 16 Feb., 1815, Ehzabeth Emery. She d. 20 Aug., 1871. He d. 10 Oct., 1857. Children: Jeremiah', b. 4 Aug., 1817. Enoch E., b. 18 Aug., 1818. Joseph, b. 22 July, 1820. John Dresser, b. 22 March, 1822. Elias Sargent, b. 21 Dec, 1823. Mehitable D., b. 9 Dec, 1826. 3. Daniel' Pickard (Jeremiah*) b. 20 Oct., 1795, in C; m. Susanna Har vey, b. 7 Nov., 1792, in Loudon. Children, b. in C. : i. Samuel C.', b. 12 Jan., 1820; m. 16 AprU, 1848, Clara H. Moore. ChUdren: 1. Henry Samuel', b. 1 July, 1849. Graduated, 1886, from Long Island Hospital, Brooklyn, N. Y. 2. Daniel, graduated from Dartmouth Medical College. 3. John, gradu ated from Dartmouth and is now at Columbia, Mo. 4. Clara, m. Benjamin F. Weathem, 31 Dec, 1891, in C. 5. Arthur,. m. Ehza M. Mathewson, 20 July, 1890, in C. u. William H., b. 31 Dec, 1821; m. 16 April, 1848, Margaret E. Eaton, m. 30 Dec, 1849, Louisa L. Whitcomb. He d. S. Chelmsford, Mass., aged 80. 10. hi. Daniel J., b. 14 Oct., 1823. iv. Sarah, b. 24 May, 1826; m. Charles Jones of C. (See Jones Gen.) V. Charles W., b. 29 March, 1829, m. 7 Feb., 1865, Elvira Ann Towle of Epsom. vi. Dr. Isaiah L., b. 6 March, 1831. He entered the army in 1861^ served in the 1st Mass. Regt. as asst. Surg., and later as surg. m the 116th Regt., Mass. Vols.; discharged 28 Nov., 1866, as 1st Lieut., 1st Regt., Fla. Cavalry. -vu. Jeremiah T., b. 10 Feb., 1833; d. 1849. ¦vhi. Susan E., b. 26 Sept., 1836; d. 1849. ix. Mary A. D., b. 6 May, 1838; d. unm. Cyrus P., b. 21 March, 1842; m. 4 Feb., 1866, Frances A. Haynes, Acton, Mass. Children, b. in Littleton, Mass.; 1. Dr. Isaiah L.' b. 21 Nov., 1866; m. 26 June, 1897, Grace S. Pierce. They res. in Concord Junction, Mass. Children: (1) Dorothy E.', b. 31 May, 1898. (2) Herbert P., b. 25 Aug., 1899. (3) Alfred H., b. 10 March, 1902. (4) Cyras W., b. 9 March, 1904. (5) Ehzabeth R., b. 11 Aug., 1905. (6) Frank A., b. 11 Feb., 1907. (7) Marian E., b. 31 July, 1908. 2. Mary E., b. 11 Jan., 1868. 3. William L., b. 10 Oct., 1875; m. 15 Oct., 1901, Florence R. Houghton. ChUdren, b. in Littleton, Mass.; (1) Ehzabeth', b. 21 July, 1902. (2) Charlotte F., b. 29 Oct., 1903. (3) Wmifred L., b. 1 Feb., 1906. (4) Ashley H., b. 26 Nov., 1906. (6) Catherme H., b. 30 June, 1908. 4. Harriet H., b. 5 Jan., 1877; m. 1 Sept., 1898, Emest E. Wetherbee. Children, b. in Augusta, Ga.: (1) Marjorie', b. 19 Aug., 1899. (2) Harold B., b. 22 Oct., 1901. (3) Fran ces P., b. 10 July, 1903, and (4) Daniel J. Wetherbee, b. 1 Oct., 1909. X. GENEALOGIES. 285 4. Jeremiah' Pickard (Amos; Jeremiah*) b. in C, 4 Aug., 1817; m. 7 March, 1863, Jane E. Parrett. He d. 13 Aug., 1864. Children: i. John Amos', b. 11 Nov., 1854; d. 29 Aug., 1886. ii. Sarah Ehzabeth, b. 26 Nov., 1856; m. 22 Nov., 1883, J. J. Greene. They res. in Hono lulu, H. I. iii. Frances Edson, b. 10 Oct., 1863; unm. iv. Jane Alice, b. 8 Nov., 1861; m. 8 Nov., 1883, Samuel E. Watson. 5. Enoch E.' Pickard (Amos', Jeremiah*) b. in C, 18 Aug., 1818; m. 13 Jan., 1843, Mary J. Small. He d. 1 April, 1893; she, 31 March, 1910. Children; i. John', b. 5 Dec, 1849; d. 23 April, 1850. u. Jane C, b. 4 June, 1851; m. 23 Dec, 1886, James Burbeck. iu. Mary E., b. 13 Jan., 1853; m. 18 June, 1879, Worster Dearborn. ChUd; Ethel M.' Dearborn, b. 22 June, 1881, m Lakeport; m. 26 AprU, 1910, WUham S. Kaime. iv. Frances A., b. 13 Nov., 1854; m. 8 Oct., 1876, Charles Osgood. (See Osgood Gen.) ChUd: Charlotte Mae» Osgood, b. 13 Feb., 1881; m. 19 Sept., 1905, Charming T. Sanbom of Concord. They have one chUd, Miriam Louise' Sanbom, b. 17 June, 1909, Concord. V. Louisa M., b. 18 Oct., 1856; m. 4 May, 1878, Hugh Tallant. She d. 6 May, 1899. ChUd :, Marion Louise' TaUant, b. 27 April, 1889. vi. Warren D., b. 25 Feb., 1859; m. 10 Dec, 1885, Ahce C. Shaw of Concord. ChUd: Katherine Shaw', b. 18 June, 1891. vii. Sarah Grace, b. 8 Aug., 1863; m. 16 Oct., 1884, Myon H. Ray. ChUdren, b. in BeUows FaUs, Vt.: 1. Florence Marion' Ray, b. 11 May, 1888. 2. Edith Lane Ray, b. 25 Feb., 1891, and Gwendolin Frances Ray, b. 19 Feb., 1899. 6. Joseph' Pickard (Amos', Jeremiah*) b. 22 July, 1820; m. 5 Jan., 1853, Lucy M. Towle of Epsom. He d. 26 June, 1886. Children, b. in C: .i. Walter Amos', b. 16 Nov., 1853; d. 23 Aug^ 1854. h. George Augustus, b. 27 Aug., 1855; m. 17 Oct., 1881, at Concord, Lucy Jane Cochran of Walpole. Children: 1. Leonard Joseph', b. 25 July, 1882; m. 19 April, 1908, at Chichester, Martha Jane Griffin. 2. Bemice Jocina, b. 6 Nov., 1891. iii. Al-vin Newell, b. 26 Aug., 1857. iv. Charles Elmer, b. 25 May, 1861. 7. John Dresser' Pickard (Amos', Jeremiah*) b. 22 March, 1822; m. 22 Jan., 1853, Mary Crowley. He d. 19 July, 1872. Children, b. in Leices ter, N.Y.: i. Julia Elizabeth', b. 7 Jan., 1854; d. 27 Nov., 1878. n. Frank, b. 21 Dec, 1866; d. 27 March, 1858. iu. Bertha Ella, b. 23 April, 1862. iv. Charles Woodman, b. 3 June, 1865; d. 7 Sept., 1890. V. LiLLiE Belle, b. 13 AprU, 1868. vi. Cora Adella, b. 7 Oct., 1872. ¦8. Elias Sargent' Pickard (Amos; Jeremiah*) b. 21 Dec, 1823; m. 8 April, 1846, Sarah Ghnes of C. (See Glines Gen.) Children; i. Elizabeth Betsey'. n Frank O.', b. m Concord, 1848; m. in Boston, June, 1867, Mary EUa, dau. of Jeremiah and EUa (Hayes) Lee of Ireland. She was b. 1847. Frank Ohn Pickard served m the CivU war in the 15th N. H. Regt. Children: 1. Frank AUen', b. 1868; m. 29 July, 1891, Annie L. (Sargent) Lawrence. 2. Joseph, b. 1870; 286 HISTORY OF CANTERBURY. d. 1873. 3. Emma Frances, b. 1872; m. Ehner W. Dearbom. 4. Joseph Warren, b. 1874; m. in Boston, Josephine KeUy. 6. Annie May, b. 1876; m. 30 May, 1906, E. Weston Dow. (See Dow Gen.) 6. Alfred MerriU, b. 30 June, 1877; m. 29 Nov., 1899, Edna Maud Hunt. 7. Elizabeth Fanny, b. 1878; m. Foster G. Warren. 8. Ida Viola, b. 1880; m. WiUiam C. Tallman. 9. Rufus Jeremiah, b. 1882; d. 1901. hi. Helen Jane, m. 11 Sept., 1872, at C, John D. Brown. ChUdren, b. in Andover: 1. Nelhe May, b. 4 May, 1876; m. at same place, 3 Nov., 1894, Charles W. Stetson, b. 13 Nov., 1874, at Orford. Child: Helen May Stetson, b. 1 Aug., 1895. 2. Emma AbigaU, b. 26 Aug., 1878; m. WUfred A. Stetson. Chil dren: Harold Wesley, Gladys, Glen WUfred, and Myrta NeU Stetson. iv. Carrie Emma, d. 5 Aug., 1871. V. Nancy Maria. -vi. Susan Calista, b. 2 July, 1861. vu. Alfarbtta. vih. Mary Ella, b. 5 July, 1865. ix. Charles Henry, b. 20 Oct., 1866; m. 29 Nov., 1880, at C, Jennie Orissa Hodge, b. 15 May, 1874. Children: 1. Clarence Henry, b. 13 Jan., 1890. 2. Walter Eari, b. 28 Dec, 1891. 3. Arthur Edward, b. 23 April, 1893. 4. Florence Orissa, b. 29 Dec, 1894. 5. Herman Hodge, b. 25 Dec, 1898. 6. WUham MitcheU, b. 16 April, 1901. 7. NeUie PeaW, b. 10 Aug., 1902. 8. Elsie Edna, b. 23 AprU, 1903; d. 23 April, 1903. 9. Oscar Seavey, b. 23 June, 1907. 9. Mehitable Dresser' Pickard (Amos', Jeremiah*) b. 9 Dec, 1826; m. 18 Nov., 1860, Benjamin T. Harvey. She d. 25 Oct., 1898. Child: i. Edwin Sawyer' Harvey, b. 22 March, 1863; m. 1 AprU, 1896, Laura M. KendaU. He d. 12 Nov., 1908. ChUdren: 1. Chase Amos', b. 26 May, 1897. 2. Franklm Sawyer, b. 12 Nov., 1900. 3. Laurence Kendall, b. 2 July, 1902. 4. Laura Carr, b. 23 Jan., 1904. 5. Perley Trae, b. 17 Nov., 1906. 10. Daniel J.« (Danieb, Jeremiah*) b. in C, 14 Oct., 1823; m. 13 April, 1865, Lucy A. Warren of Littleton, Mass. He d. 12 May, 1907, S. Chelms ford, Mass. Children, b. in Littleton: i. George Warren', b. 26 Feb., 1866; m. 5 April, 1892, Bertha F. WUson of S. Chelmsford, Mass. ChUdren: 1. Warren WU son', b. 26 Feb., 1893, Charlestown. 2. Ray HamUton, b. 15 June, 1894, Charlesto-svn. 3. Ruth Howe, b. 26 Jan., 1896, Chehnsford. 4. Carleton Momoe, b. 13 Feb., 1899, Chehns- ford; d. 8 Aug., 1900. 6. Morton Adams, b. 15 Feb., 1900, Chehnsford. 6. Leon Wheeler, b. 2 March, 1901, Chehnsford. 7. Gertrade Florence, b. 16 July, 1902, Chelmsford. 8. AUan Chfford, b. 26 AprU, 1904, Chelmsford; d. 16 AprU, 1905. u. Mabell Kimball, b. 4 March, 1878, Littleton, Mass. PILLSBURY. 1. Johns Pillsbury was b. in Warren. His parents were Richard' and Muiam PUlsbury. He m. Hannah Jones and had three children, Da-vid, Judith Jones, who m. Sargent S. Straw of HiU, where she res., and BUley E., who hved in C. the greater part of his life. John PiUsbury d. m C, 11 AprU, 1863, aged 74 years. His wife, Hannah, d. 3 Feb., 1866, aged 66. GENEALOGIES. 287 2. BiLLEY Emerson' Pillsbury (John; Richard') was b. 26 Sept., 1822, at Warren; m. in C, 16 Sept., 1847, Martha Clough, dau. of Samuel and Nancy (Sargent) French. BUley E. d. 16 May, 1894, and his wife, Martha, 13 Aug., 1892. Children: i. Eliza Jane', b. 1 July, 1849, at Warren; m. 26 Dec, 1867, at C, Solon Dana, son of Harrison MorriU. He was b. 1 July, 1847, at Candia. u. Charles Henry, b. 3 Feb., 1860, in Warren; d. 2 June, 1911, in HUl. hi. Sarah E., b. in C, 27 AprU, 1857; m. Henry W. Hutchins. (See Hutchins Gen.) iv. Ida Josephine, b. 8 Aug., 1858; d. 8 March, 1863. Abbie P. Cloudman, foster child of BiUey E. and Martha C. PUlsbury was b. 25 July, 1878, in Alexandria and d. in Mentone, Cal., 3 AprU, 1908. PLASTRIDGE. Charles F.s Plastridge, b. 29 July, 1848, in Northfield, Vt., was a son of Charles' and Betsey M. (Stratton) Plastridge of Alexandria; m. 1 Feb., 1868, in C. Abbie M., dau. of Baruch Hoyt and Hannah (Grover) Cass, b. 16 May, 1851, in C. Mr. Cass came to C. from Hill or Grafton; resided for many years at the Center, on the main road to Concord, a httle south of the Congregational parsonage; d. there 11 June, 1861. Mr. Plastridge purchased several years ago the place known as the Hannibal Haines place in the western part of the town where he and his famUy now res. Children; i. Ida I.», b. 12 Dec, 1868, in Loudon; m. 6 Sept., 1893, Josiah B., son of Rev. Josiah B. and Ehza M. (Cobb) Higgins. Rev. Josiah Higgins was a Free Baptist preacher in C. for many years. He owned a farm in westem C. where he resided; d. 16 May, 1878, aged 48 years; his wife d. 18 Jan., 1895, aged 69 years, both in C. Josiah B. Higgins, Jr., Is a clergyman; is (1911) pastor of a church in Dan-viUe, Vt. u. Frank C, b. 26 Jan., 1873, m Loudon; m. 10 Nov., 1897, OteHa M., b. in Sweden, dau. of Olaf and Ohna Johansson. Mr. Plastridge owns the place kno-wn as the Matthias Moore place. Child: Amy, b. 26 Nov., 1903, in C. ui. Willie, b. 30 Oct., 1878, m C. iv. Henry Smith, b. 15 Dec, 1882, in Northfield. V. Arthur W., b. 1 Feb., 1886, in Northfield. ¦vi. Walter, b. 9 April, 1887, m Northfield. vu. Flossie, b. 27 Dec, 1888, m C; d. 1904. vui. Ruth A., b. 27 Feb., 1891, m C. POTTER. Fred Oscar' Potter, b. 12 Dec, 1861, in E. Concord; m. 26 June, 1895, Mrs. Jessie (Foote) Hanaford, b. in WeUs, N. Y. Mr. Potter is a son of Isaac Fryes, b. 8 Nov., 1827, and Angehne (Fretts) Potter, and a grandson of Jacob' AveriU and Sophronia (Moore) Potter of E. Concord. He owns a place in West C. where he has resided since his marriage. Children; AveriU M.' b. 11 AprU, 1896. F. Oscar, b. 4 April, 1898, in C. 288 HISTORY OF CANTERBURY. RAILEY. A much respected citizen of C. was John J. Railey, whose home for many years was on Zion's Hill. He was b. in KUbrittain, County of Cork, Ireland, 11 Sept., 1843. His father and mother with their five children emigrated to this country in 1847 and landed in Boston with no means of support except their daUy labor. The mother d. in Nov., following their arrival, and the chUdren were left to care for themselves while the father was at work. A pathetic incident in Mr. RaUey's early life led to his coming to C. One Sun day when he was but nine years of age, he was arrested for plasdng marbles on Boston Common. No notice of his arrest was sent to his father, and no one appearing in his defense, he was sent to the reform school at Deer Island as a stray child. Here he remained for two years, when he was bound out as an apprentice to Robert Eastman of East Concord. Life in this family not pro^ving congenial, he ran away, and, by the aid of John Hutchins, a section boss on the old B. C. & M. Railroad, he was taken on a hand car to C. depot and from thence to the home of the sisters, Polly and Jane Haines on Zion's HiU. They adopted him and their house was his home until their death. It was not untU years after that he leamed anything of his own family. His father had d. without knowing what had become of his son. Mr. Railey enhsted in 1862 in Co. G, 2d Regt., U. S. Sharpshooters, and served until 4 Dec, 1864, when he was discharged for disability, ha^ving been wounded at Gettysburg. He now retumed to the Haines sisters and cared for them until their death. They, in appreciation of his ser^vices, left him their property. In 1873, Mr. Railey sold the farm on Zion's HUl and removed to Leominster, Mass., which is now his home. In both C. and Leominster, he he has been honored by his fellow-citizens -with election to office. He has also served as Commander of his Post of the G. A. R. in Leominster, and his photo graph has been placed in the HaU of Heroes in the State House at Concord. 1. Mr. Railey m. first, 15 AprU, 1868, Augusta C, dau. of Jonathan B. Foster, ofC, b. 23 0ct., 1845; d. 14Nov., 1871. Child: i. Mary Amess, b. 21 Sept., 1869; m. 15 Oct., 1907, J. Q. Warren; d. 24 Nov., 1908. Mr. RaUey m. second, 19 Nov., 1872, Mary Helen Foster, sister of his first wife, b. 7 July, 1851. Children: ii. Augusta C, b. 3 Aug., 1873; m. 19 June, 1891, James A. Nettel. ChUdren: 1. Emest John' Nettel, b. 8 Jan., 1893. 2. Edith Babette Nettel, b. March, 1894. 3. Paul R. Nettel, b. 21 June, 1897. hi. Martha F., b. 11 May, 1876; m. 11 July, 1898, Austm W. Blood. No children. iv. William C, b. 14 AprU, 1877. V. Katherine E., b. 13 Nov., 1879; m. 12 Oct., 1909, Percival R. Calhoun. No children. ¦vi. Ruth B., b. 30 Sept., 1888. RAND. 1. Rev. Frank E.« Rand was b. 4 Jan., 1849, in Carthage, 111. Son of Ebenezer' Rand, b. 26 March, 1804, m. 26 AprU, 1842, Joanna C, dau. of Rev. John Lawton. Ebenezer d. 31 May, 1886. Joanna C. d. 1887. GENEALOGIES. 289 Rev. John Lawton was pastor of Congregational Church, Hillsborough Center, for many years. He was one of the first temperance reformers in N. H. Enoch' Rand, grandfather of Rev. Frank E., b. 20 Sept., 1780, m. 10 July, 1803, Mary, dau. of Benjamin and Mary HiU. Enoch was lost at sea 1806. Mary d. 24 Aug., 1846. George' Rand, great-grand father of Rev. Frank E., b. 4 AprU, 1744, m. 1768, Naomi Sherbume. He d. 1803. Joshua', great-great-grandfather of Rev. Frank E., was son of Francis' Rand, a planter who came from Eng. in Mason's Colony in 1631, setthng in that part of Portsmouth which was set off a few years later as the town of Sandy Beach, now Rye. Rev. Frank E. Rand m. 2 June, 1874, in Marblehead, Mass., Carrie T. Foss, b. 2 Feb., 1851, in Marblehead. She was dau. of Thomas and Ehza (Cressey) Foss. Thomas was son o^ Samuel and Thomasine (Lackey) Foss; Ehza, dau. of Josiah Perkins and Mary (Wooldrich) Cressey. Rev. Frank E. Rand is present (1911) pastor of the Con gregational Church of C. Children: 2. i. Mabelle', b. 29 Aug., 1876. u. Thomas William, b. 24 Oct., 1878; d. 10 Feb., 1881. 2. Mabelle' Rand (Rev. Frank E.', Ebenezer; Enoch; George; Joshua', Francis') b. 29 Aug., 1875, m. 18 March, 1902, Rev. Arthur Varley. Children: i. Caroline Ruth' Varley, b. 12 Jan., 1906. h. Dorothy Varley, b. 30 Oct., 1906. RANDALL. Furnished by Dr. Francis Drew Randall of Maiden, Mass, 1. Richard' Randall was an immigrant from England and he lived in Saco, Me. One of that name was paid "24 AprU, 1676 £6 15s. and 4d. and 24 June, 1676, 2£ 2s. (Capt. Mosley's Regt., Dunstable, Mass., 10 Dec, 1676, King PhUip's war.) " It is not known whom he m. or where. Children: 2. i. Richard, b. Saco, Me., March, 1659. (Saco Records.) 2. Richards Randall (Richard') b. Saco, Me., March, 1659, m. first, Eliza beth Tozer, b. about 1661. She was the dau. of Richard and Ehzabeth (Smith) Tozer of Boston; m. second, 10 April, 1705, Elizabeth Blan- chant, wid. Children; i. Richard', b. about 1693 or 1694. Lived in Berwick, Me. Had a son Richard, b. 27 Feb., 1724. May have been in C. to be taxed in 1785. 3. h. Nathaniel, b. about 1695. Moved to Durham. hi. John, b. about 1698. Moved to Durham, that part afterwards Lee. iv. Samuel, b. about 1700. Lived m Berwick, Me., and Somersworth. V. William, b. about 1702. Moved to Durham. 3. Nathaniel' Randall (Richard; Richard') b. m Ber-tvick, Me., about 1695, m. about 1721, Mary Hadson or Hodgdon, b. m Dover, about 1699 and d. m Lee, 3 June, 1775, aged 76. She was the dau. of Israel and 20-n 290 HISTORY OF CANTERBURY. Ann (Wingate) Hadson or Hodgdon. He d. 9 March, 1749, in Durham in that part of the town incorporated as Lee, in 1776, in the 54th year of his age. "Bapt. 11 Aug., 1723, Nathaniel Randall and his wife, Mary, and his chUdren MUes and Nathaniel." Inscription on broken slate headstone in Lee burying yard, near Durham boundary line, "Here lyes buried the body of Mr. Nathaniel Randall, died 9th March, 1748-9 in the 54th year of his age." The inscription on his wife's gravestone reads: "Mary, consort of Nathaniel RandaU departed this life 3d Jan., 1775 in the 76th year of her age." ChUdren: i. Miles', b. 1721-2, hved in Durham. 4. u. Nathaniel, b. 5 March, 1723. hi. Simon, b. 1725. iv. Elizabeth, b. 19 Oct., 1727; m. Capt. Samuel Demerett. V. Jonathan, b. 1730; Uved in Nottingham. vi. Anna, m. GideomMathes (Matthews) 30 Jan., 1755. ¦vh. MoLLEY, b. about 1742; m. first, Samuel Beck, second, Ebenezer Jones. 4. Nathaniel' Randall (Nathaniel; Richard; Richard') b. Oyster River Parish (Incorporated as Durham in 1731) 5 March, 1723, m. probably in Durham in 1743-4, Mary RunneUs (Rejmolds), dau. of Job and Han nah Rimnells of Durham (that part now Lee). Hed. in 1814. His ¦wife was a sister of AbigaU RunneUs who m. his brother, MUes Randall. Nathaniel Randall was in the Revolutionary war. Children, all b. in Durham; i. Hezekiah', b. 28 March, 1745, settled in N. Conway. ii. Moses, b. 20 June, 1747, settled in N. Conway, probably after a brief stay in C. One of this name is found on the tax hsts of C. 1770 and 1771. 5. ih. Daniel, b. about 1750, settled in C. iv. Mary, b. 19 Aug., 1753, m. WUham Laskey. v. Jonathan, b. 1755, settled in Piermont. -vi. Gideon, b. 1768, settled first in Nottingham, later in N. Conway. . -vu. Agnes, b. 9 Nov., 1759. 5. Daniels Randall (Nathaniel*, Nathaniel; Richard; Richard') b. in Dur ham about 1750, m. Betsey Ellison, wid. of Joseph Elhson. Her maiden name was Betsey Forrest. He settled in C. and d. there. Mr. Randall joined the Congregational Church of C. 1 Sept., 1793. Children: 6. i. William', b. about 1777. u. Miles, moved to Attica, N. Y., and was Idlled by the faU of a tree. ChUdren: 1. Wilham', m. Minerva Osborn, lived near Attica, N. Y. and d. there. Had children, Da-vid', Arthur M. and James. 2. Christopher, m. Mary Osborn, and moved to Wisconsin. 7. hi. Jonathan, b. 4 Sept., 1791. iv. Agnes, b. about 1793; d. unm. 6. William' Randall (Danieb, Nathaniel*) b. in C. about 1777 or 1778, m. 12 Aug., 1796, Dolly or Sarah Worthmg (perhaps Worthen). He d. 10 June, 1860, aged 82. Wilham and his wife jomed the Congrega tional Church in C. 20 Jan., 1811. Children: i. Ellison' or Ellerson, b. about 1797, enhsted in the army and dis appeared. GENEALOGIES. 291 h. David, b. about 1799, lived in C; d. unm. 8. iu. John, b. about 1801 9. iv. Daniel, b. 24 Nov., 1802. 10. V. Samuel W., b. about 1804. vi. Betsey, b. about 1806; m. James Lake. (See Lake Gen.) -vii. Apphia C, m. 18 Oct., 1837, Reuben Hutchins. (See Hutchins Gen.) -vui. Mary, m. Reuben Chase, lived and d. in Chelsea, Mass. ix. Harriet, m. Sept., 1841, Ed-win EUsworth, res. in Warren. X. Susan, b. and d. in C. ; unm. 7. Jonathan' Randall (Danieb, Nathanieb) b. 4 Sept., 1791, m. in North- field, 1 Aug., 1814, Betsey, dau. of WiUiam and Sarah (EUison) Forrest, b. m Northfield, 1 Dec, 1789 and d. 31 Jan., 1872. He d. 15 May, 1870. Jonathan was given a farm in C. by his father. Children, b. in C: i. Nancy', b. 7 Aug., 1815; d. 8 Sept., 1839; unm. h. Serena, b. 30 Jan., 1817; d. 15 Oct., 1844. 11. hi. Miles, b. 20 Dec, 1819. iv. Sallib G., b. 16 Jan., 1821; d. 4 March, 1903. V. Mary Jane, b. 4 Oct., 1824; d. 4 Oct., 1872; unm. vi. Lucretia M., b. 10 Sept., 1826; m. 14 Nov., 1844, Dixi Crosby Hall, b. in Northfield, 13 July, 1821, and d. 2 Aug., 1879. Children: 1. Joseph Eastman' HaU. 2. Mary C. HaU. vii. Eliza, b. 23 Nov., 1829; d. 16 May, 1902; unm. vhi. Emily F., b. 26 Aug., 1832; d. 24 Sept., 1848; unm. 8. John' Randall (William; Daniel') b. in C. about 1801, m. 2 Oct., 1834, Comfort AUen m C, b. m C. about 1803. She d. m C, 19 Feb., 1849, aged 46. He d. in C, 13 April,, 1849, aged 47. ChUdren: i. Elbridge Gerry, b. 1833, served in War of Rebelhon, d. unm. at Bro^wnsville, Texas, 22 Jan., 1864. h. Hernando Cortez, b. in Warren, served in War of Rebelhon. Gave his age as 24 when he enlisted 19 Aug., 1862. hi. David, b. 1837, d. m C, 19 July, 1892, aged 65, unm. iv. Martha, m. George Haines. Child: Sarah Lizzie' Haines. Both Mr. and Mrs. Haines are d. (See Haines Gen.) v. Mary, d. young. 9. Daniel' Randall (William; Danieb) b. in C. 24 Nov., 1802, m. 1834, Lucretia MerriU, wid., whose maiden name was Pickeren (Pickering). She was b. 18 Jan., 1807, d. 15 March, 1883. He d. in C, 16 May, 1861, aged 60. Lucretia Pickering was m. four times and outlived all her husbands. She m. first, Stephen Merrill; second, Daniel Randall; third, Noyes; fourth, Capt. Sanders. Children of Daniel and Lucretia Randall : i. Apphia', b. 25 Sept., 1835, in Warren; m. Albert Blanchard and res. in Penacook. (See Blanchard Gen.) u. Sarah, b. 20 Jan., 1837; m. 9 May, 1864, Henry J. Derby. hi. Lucretia, b. 2'0 Feb., or Dec, 1839; d. in C, 4 Dec, 1864; unm. 12. iv. Daniel, b. 27 April, 1841, in Wentworth. v. Mary, b. 15 June, 1844, d. 2 July, 1864; unm. 13. vi. Oren J., b. 27 April, 1848. 10. Samuel W.' Randall (William', Danieb) b. in C, 10 AprU, 1804; m. Nancy Carter Pear, wid., b. 9 Sept., 1811, d. at Laconia 9 Jan., 1903. He d. 17 Nov., 1847. Children, b. in C: 292 HISTORY OF CANTERBURY. i. Elizabeth V.', b. 25 June, 1840; m. 6 July, 1858, WiUiam Sleeper, M. D., of Salisbury. Children: 1. LueUa J.» Sleeper. 2. Dr. Frank W. Sleeper, who res. at Dorchester, Mass. h. Almira S., b. 8 Sept., 1842; m. at Frankhn, 6 March, 1866, Heman or Herman L. Sargent of Plymouth, b. in New London, 7 Sept., 1833. Children; 1. Herbert E.' Sargent, b. 2 Jan., 1867. 2. Fannie E. Sargent, b. 19 May, 1868; d. 18 Dec, 1900. 3. Mary T. Sargent, b. 26 July, 1872. 4. Maurice E. Sargent, b. 21 July, 1875. 5. Grace O. Sargent, b. 26 Aug., 1877. 6. Ahce P. Sargent, b. 11 Sept., 1879. iu. Leroy A., b. 9 Jan., 1844; d. 14 May, 1848. iv. Thomas B., b. 1 March, 1846; d. 2 March, 1847. V. Henrietta K., b. 11 May, 1848; m. 10 Sept., 1884, Robert C. Dickey, at HUlsborough; d. 30 March, 1906, at Santa Barbara, Cal. 11. Miles' Randall (Jonathan', Danieb) b. in C, 20 Dec, 1819, m. Martha McDaniel, b. 26 Sept., 1823; d. 3 Aug., 1852. He d. in C. 9 Sept., 1901. Children; i. Caroline Chamberlain', b. in C, 30 Sept., 1839; m. 31 May, 1856, Thomas Badger, b. m Hatley, P. Q., 16 May, 1827, and d. 28 Nov., 1896. She hves at Nashua. Children: 1. Charles Her bert' Badger. 2. Grace E. Badger. 3. George Emest Badger. u. Maria Adalaide, b. m Northfield, 30 May, 1842; d. in C. 30 Sept., 1863. hi. Elvira Robinson, b. 30 Aug., 1846; d. 15 Dec, 1876. iv. Emily Fellows, b. 6 April, 1851; m. Arthur L. Hannaford of North- field. She d. 1878. Children: 1. OrvUle RandaU' Hanna ford, b. m C. 20 Jan., 1871; m. 20 Jan., 1891, Jessie A. Foote of WeUs, N. Y.; d. 28 Oct., 1893. Child: LUhan 0.", b. 3 May, 1894, in C. 2. Edith May, m. 14 May, 1891, Edward Kennis ton, b. 1867. Children; Earl" and Emeline Kenniston. 12. Daniel' Randall, Jr. (Danieb, William') b. in Wentworth, 27 April, 1841; m. first, 25 AprU, 1866, Mary E. MerriU, b. in C, 19 Feb., 1844. She was dau. of Grover and Nancy (Grover) MerrUl, and d. 3 April, 1885. He m. second, 1 Jan., 1887, Susan M. Winch. She d. 15 Sept., 1892, aged 44. He m. third, 19 Sept., 1897, Sarah J. MUes. He d. 8 Feb., 1907. Children by first marriage; i. Emma C.», b. 14 March, 1,866; m. 16 Feb., 1886, Samuel B. Chase, res. Franklin. Children: 1. Susie EUa" Chase, b. in Concord. 2. Walter E. Chase, b. in Lynn, Mass. 3. Marion Louise Chase, b. in Lynn, Mass. 4. Roland Ray Chase, b. in C. 5. Ned Hamilton Chase, b. in Franklin u. Etta, b. 28 Dec, 1867; m. Simon Kenniston. ChUdren; 1. Jose phine Agnes" Kenniston. 2. Christie May Kenniston. hi. Merrill S., b. 16 Jan., 1874; m. in C, 16 Jan., 1895, Katherine EsteUe Gleason, b in Boscawen, 28 Feb., 1874. She was the dau. of George and Martha (Gage) Gle'ason. No children. 13. Oren Judson' Randall (Danieb, William') b. in C, 27 AprU, 1848; m. first, 24 Dec, 1873, Muiam L. Chfford, b. in LoweU, Mass., 12 March, 1851, and d. m Northfield, 3 Aug., 1904. She was the dau. of Cyras C. and Hannah C. (MerriU) Clifford. He m. second, in TU ton, 12 Dec, 1906, Mrs. Clara J. Bean, b. in 1849. She was the dau. of Le-vi and Charlotte (Blanchard) CoUins. Children: GENEALOGIES. 293 14. i. Neva M.», b. 7 Oct., 1874. 15. u. Bertha Belle, b. 18 June, 1879. iu. Gertrude Nell, b. 30 Oct., 1881, in Barrington; m. 3 June, 1908, in Northfield, Charles Sumner, son of Woodbury Morrill Stev ens, b. 14 July, 1873, in Sahsbury. Child; Gale R." Stevens, b. 28 Nov., 1910. iv. VoN Gut, b. 22 Sept., 1883, m C; m. m Frankhn, 16 June, 1905, Bessie A. Hall, b. in Victor, Vt. ChUd; Barbara". V. S-ybel Baker, b. Aug., 1886, in C. vi. EuNA Hannah, b. 12 Nov., 1888, in C. 14. Neva Minerva' Randall (Oren J.', Daniel', William') b. 7 Oct., 1875, in Wentworth; m. first, 11 April, 1891 in Tilton, Albert A., son of Ben jamin Ghnes, b. 1 March, 1872, in Northfield; m. second, 25 Dec, 1906, in Frankhn, Walter J., son of Joseph Heath, b. 7 May, 1869, in C. (See Heath Gen.) 15. Bertha Bbllb' Randall (Oren J.', Daniel; William') b. 18 June, 1879, in C; m. 24 June, 1900, in Concord, Herbert G., son of Hannah and Leonard Silver, b. 10 Nov., 1872, in Boscawen. Child : Chester Leonard" SUver, b. 8 Oct., 1900. REED. 1. Roswell C.s, son of Martin' and Mary (Sawyer) Reed, was b. in Boston; m. 7 Sept., 1860, Emma Ann Shaw. (See Shaw Gen.) Martin Reed was a sea captain and was drowned at sea. Roswell C. enhsted in the Ci-vil war, 1st N. H. Regt., Co. I. Reenhsted in the 3d Me. Regt. and was transferred to the 17th. He d. in Tilton, 1879. Children: 2. i. Frank Elmer', b. 30 Oct., 1861. 3. u. Lulu Belle, b. 4 Aug., 1864. hi. Bert Chester, b. 30 Oct., 1867. Res. m TUton. iv. Alson Martin, b. 27 July, 1869. Res. in Tilton. V. Mildred Emma, b. 31 July, 1871; m. about 1907, Stephen Smith. Res. Marlboro, Mass. 2. Frank Elmer' Rbed (Roswell C.', Martin') b. 30 Oct., 1861; m. first. May, 1880, Mary Berry of Belmont; m. second, 6 Dec, 1890, Winnie M. Johnson of Wentworth. They res. in Warren. Child by first mar riage: i. NeUie May, b. 4 Sept., 1881. Child by second marriage: u. Ivie, b. 20 Oct., 1891. 3. Lulu Belle' Reed (Roswell C.', Martiw) b. 4 Aug., 1864; m. first, Byron K. Dow, b. 23 April, 1857, in Northfield. Child: Ethel Vara' Dow d. in infancy, 26 June, 1881 ; m. second, 16 Oct., 1888, George A. Ghnes, b. 6 Oct., 1862, in Northfield; m. third, Julian Morse. Res. Mam- stream, Me. ROGERS. 1. LuTHERS Rogers was b. 7 June, 1809; m. 26 June, 1834, Almira, dau. of Warren Nudd; d. 22 Jan., 1887, in Loudon. He was a son of Enoch' Rogers, b. 1774; m. 25 Nov., 1796, AbigaU or Nancy Buzzel. 294 HISTORY OF CANTERBURY. 2. Joseph Warren' Rogers (Luther; Enoch') b. 15 March, 1844, in C; m. 7 Feb., 1886, Flora Belle, dau. of Benjamin B. Nudd, who was b. in C. 26 Jan., 1862. (See Nudd Gen.) Children: i. Mary E.', b. 28 Feb., 1885; m. 8 Jan., 1902, Percy H. Flanders, b. 24 Feb., 1871. h. CarroU L., b. 22 Sept., 1886. iu. Frank L., b. 14 June, 1888. iv. LueUa D., b. 11 May, 1891. v. Arthur L., b. 6 Jan., 1896. ¦vi. Perley, b. 3 June, 1904. SANBORN.* The name of Sambome or Sanbom, with its different variations, is not uncommon in America; it is extremely rare in England, however, and aU e^vidences point to there having been but one distinct f amUy of the name from ancient times. The earhest mention of the famUy name in Eng. (A. D. 1194) gives it as De Sandebume, but as early as 1330 it is speUed Sambome or Sambourne. Since the fourteenth century the last two forms have been the accepted English speUing, and the only two branches now in existence in Eng. use these. The first ancestors in America spelled their name Sambome, and, -with or without the final "e," so it was spelled for several generations. GraduaUy the "m" was changed to "n," until by 1750 the name was speUed as at present, the final ''e" being altogether dropped. The original and traditional pro nunciation in this country was Sahmboum, with a marked accent on the first syUable. There are several places in Eng. from which our famUy may have derived its name. Among these is Sambourne, a division of the parish of Warminster, in Wiltshire. The earliest record of the famUy name in England is associated with Wiltshire; therefore this is probably the place from which the Sambomes took their name. John, Wilham and Stephen Sambome (for so they spelt the name) were sons of an English Sambome (probably WUham of Brimpton, Berks.) and Anne, dau. of Rev. Stephen BachUer. Lieut. John Sambome, b. 1620. Proba bly in Hampton in 1640, since he was then granted a house-lot and a tract of land there. In 1643, his name is signed to a Hampton petition; and from this date the records contain frequent mention of him. 1. Lieut. John' Sambornb m. first, Mary, dau. of Robert Tuck of Hampton. She d. 30 Dec, 1668; m. second, 2 Aug., 1671, Margaret Page, widow of WUham Moulton and dau. of Robert Page of Hampton. He d. 20 Oct., 1692. Twelve children of whom Richard was the fourth. 2. Richards Sambornb (Johw) b. in Hampton, 4 Jan., 1655; freeman, 25 April, 1678. Lived in Hampton; a soldier from there in garrison at Oyster River, 1696; m. first, 5 Dec, 1676, Ruth, dau. of William Moul ton of Hampton; she d. 3 May, 1685; m. second, 20 Dec, 1693, Mary, dau. of Abraham Drake of Hampton, and widow of Nathaniel Boulter, Jr., of Hampton. Four children of whom Shubael' was the fourth. ?Genealogy of the famUy of Sambome or Sanborn in England and America, 1194-1898. GENEALOGIES. 295 3. Shubael' Samborn (Richard', Lieut. Johw) b. in Hampton in 1694. Lived in Hampton; m. 7 June, 1716, Mary, dau. of Abraham Drake of Hamp ton; d. 3 May, 1769. Seven children, of whom Shubael' was the first. 4. Shubael' Samborn (Shubaeb, Richard', lAeut. Johw) b. in Hampton, 2 June, 1717. Lived in Hampton, but apparently was a soldier by pro fession, as he was at Louisburg in 1746, and d. in the army during the French war of 1756; m. Jane . Seven children, of whom Benja min' was the second. ¦5. Benjamin' Samborn (Shubaeb, Shubaeb) b. in Hampton, 1 Aug., 1738; m. first, Jane Mason; m. second, Towle (?). Moved from Hampton to C. in 1771, and d. there 19 Sept., 1821. Children: 6. i. Shubael', b. 18 June, 1764. u. Comport, b. 5 July, 1766; m. 21 Nov., 1793, Israel Hodgdon of Northfield. iu. Sally, b. 17 Aug., 1768; m. Ehphalet Mason of Northfield. iv. Molly, b. 3 Sept., 1770; m. Nathaniel PaUet of C. (See Pallet Gen.) V. Abraham, b. 24 Nov., 1771. ¦6. Shubael' Sanborn (Benjamin', Shubaeb) b. in Hampton, 18 June, 1764. Lived and d. in C; farmer; m. 21 Jan., 1790, Phebe, dau. of Jacob and Betsey (Cass) Smith of Sanbomton, b. 30 Sept., 1771. She was a member of the Congregational Church in C, where she d. 24 Jan., 1852. He d. 6 May, 1842. Children, b. in C; i. Betsey', b. 18 Dec, 1790; m. Capt. David MorriU of C. (See MorriU Gen.) 7. u. Benjamin, b. 16 Jan., 1793. 8. hi. Smith, b. 22 July, 1795. iv. Hannah, b. 28 Feb., 1798; m. 2 Dec, 1820, Levi Perkins of Whee lock, Vt. (See Perldns Gen.) V. Polly (Mary), b. 13 April, 1800; m. 29 Nov., 1821, Abraham Dear born of Northfield, b. 6 Nov., 1799, and d. 1832. She d. 13 Jan., 1888. Children, b. in Northfield: 1. Mary A.' Dearbom, b. 2 Oct., 1822; m. 15 Nov., 1843, Jeremiah Hayes; moved West. 2. Phebe Dearborn, b. 5 Sept., 1826; d. 27 April, 1828. 3. Sylvanus S. Dearborn, b. 15 Sept., 1830; m. 17 AprU, 1861, Mary E. Keif of New York. Graduate Dartmouth CoUege, 1865; clergyman; d. in New York, 1867. 4. Abram Dearborn, b. 1832; d. 31 Dec, 1893. vi. Shubael, b. 14 March, 1802; m. Mary Newton; res. in Rox bury, Mass.; farmer; d. 24 Jan., 1843. -vu. Abraham, b. 19 May, 1804; farmer in Roxbury, Mass., later m S. Roxton, P. Q.; m. first, Rebecca SwaUow of Roxbury; m. second, about 1836, Nancy Robbins of Roxton, P. Q. He d. 7 Nov., 1879. ChUdren by first marriage: 1. EUza A.' b. 26 May, 1825, in Roxbury; m. A. L. BaU; d. S. Roxton, P. Q., 1867. 2. George W., b. 13 AprU, 1828, in Roxbury; m. Grata M Emery. Nine children, who res. in the West. 3. Rebecca, b. 1 Sept., 1830; m. T. S. Mitchen; d. 15 Sept., 1855. 4. Mary L., b. in Roxton, P. Q., 29 Sept., 1837; m. T. M. Mahaffey. 6. John R., b. 26 Aug., 1839. Ex-member of Canadian Parha- ment. Res. on home place, S. Roxton, P. Q.; m. Mal-vina Blampin. 6. Phebe S., b. 14 May, 1841; m. first, John Mahaf fey; m. second, Charies Smith. 7. Martha, b. 23 Feb., 1843; 296 HISTORY OF CANTERBURY. d. 20 July, 1850. 8. Benjamin S., b. 24 Jan., 1846; m. Anna Mahaffey. 9. Abram, b. 31 Dec, 1848; d. Nov., 1869, in IU. 10. Nancy E., b. 6 Nov., 1851; m. E. K. Porter. i -viu. Jeremiah, b. 29 Aug., 1806; farmer in Holdemess. Representative two years; m. Carohne Basford of Candia. She d. Aug., 1886. He d. 21 Sept., 1883. ChUdren: 1. Ann EUza', b. 5 Sept., 1831. 2. Caroline A. B., b. 19 AprU, 1833. 3. Jason B., b. 18 Aug., 1834. 4. Phebe E., b. 2 March, 1836. 5. Luther, b. 6 March, 1838; d. 24 Nov., 1888. ix. Joseph, b. 14 Jan., 1809; farmer in Campton; m. fia-st, 29 March, 1832, Cyrene Cofran of Northfield, b. 5 Jan., 1811; d. 15 Dec, 1869; m. second, 1871, Asenath S., wid. of Rev. WiUiam Baker. He d. 9 Aug., 1874. Children: 1. Charles', b. 21 Aug., 1833, d. 22 Feb., 1863. 2. Shubael, b. 10 Feb., 1836; m. Lizzie Rus seU. 3. Albert, b. 7 Aug., 1838; d. Feb., 1873. 4. Joseph (twin) b. 26 Jan., 1841; d. 7 June, 1841. 6. Benjamin (twin) b. 26 Jan., 1841; m. Nettie Cone of Campton; d. 2 July, 1907. 6. Ellen C, b. 19 April, 1851; d. 26 Sept., 1863. X. Hazen, b. 15 Oct., 1811; resided in New Hampton; m. 1 Sept., 1836, Ann Newell, dau. of Jacob and Hannah (Gerrish Carter) Marche of Sanbomton. Children; 1. Loanda', m. Rufus Flanders of New Hampton. 2. Ann, m. Seavey. 3. Maria. 4. Smith, unm. 5. Gerrish, m. and d. in early man hood. 6. Hazen, res. in Auburn, where he is m. and has chUdren. xi. Phebe, b. 22 Dec, 1814; m. Joseph C. Harper of Loudon. (See Harper Gen.) xh. Sylvanus, b. 26 Aug., 1818; resided several years in St. Louis, Mo., then rem. to Cal., where he m. Mudgett; d. 28 Jan., 1859; left one dau., Jennie M.' 7. Benjamin' Sanborn (Shubaeb, Benjamin') b. in C, 16 Jan., 1793. Taught several schools in town including that in the Borough, which at one time numbered one hundred and twenty-five pupils; also taught sing ing-school twelve terms; m. first, Dec, 1818, Hannah, b. 11 Aug., 1797, in C, dau. of Jeremiah and Martha (Foster) Clough. (See Clough Gen.) She d. 24 May, 1844; m. second, 12 Aug., 1844, his sister-in- law, Mrs. Mary (Burr) Sanbom. Benjamin Sanborn was commis sioned Capt. of the 4th Co. in the 38th Regt., N. H. Militia, 24 June, 1819, and was granted a pension 14 Feb., 1871, for three months' serv ice as private of Capt. Nathaniel G. Bradley's Co., War of 1812. He was town clerk and justice of the peace, and was often called "Squire Sanborn." Representative two years and a member of the Constitu tional Convention. He went to live -5vith his son, Joseph, 22 March, 1853, and d. 11 Sept., 1877. Children: i. Apphia C.«, b. 3 March, 1829; m. Charles Cole of HiU, and had one son, who d. in infancy. h. Eliza Ann, b. 17 Dec, 1823; m. 1 Jan., 1844, Thomas Leighton of Northfield, b. 11 March, 1817. They had one dau., EUen Eliza beth Leighton, b. 12 July, 1848. (See Brown Gen.) He d. 21 Aug., 1874; she, 26 Dec, 1891. 9. ih. Joseph Clough, b. 8 Dec, 1825. iv. Phebe Smith, b. 12 Oct., 1836; m. Benjamin Frank Brown, 5 AprU, 1855. He was b. in Nottingham, 27 Oct., 1831. They had four children. He was a man of great enterprise and varied business, and resided at Tilton, Boston, Mass., C. Andover, and later at Concord, where he d. 18 Aug., 1899. She res. at the home in Concord. (See Brown Gen.) GENEALOGIES. 297 8. Smith' Sanborn (Shubaeb, Benjamin', Shubaeb, Shubael; Richard', Lieut. John') b. in C, in that part of the town called Pallet Borough, 22 July, 1795. "He with a party of three others walked to Montreal, after the War of 1812, engaging in the lumber business and amassing a considerable fortune. Returning to C, Mr. Sanborn erected the buildings on the 'John K. Chandler farm' near the Boscawen Station." M. 26 March, 1820, Mary Burr, b. m Stanstead, P. Q., 22 Nov., 1799. He d. 17 May, 1841. Children: i. Maria Louisa', b. 21 Sept., 1828; m. 3 AprU, 1845, E. A. Green ough, and d. 5 June, 1862. They had one dau., Maria L. A.» Greenough, b. 30 AprU, 1862. u. Fidelia Adelaide, b. 11 Dec, 1830, and d. in 1891; unm. 10. iu. Edward Burr Smith, b. 11 Aug., 1833. iv. George Franklin, b. 6 Oct., 1836; d. in 1900; [unm. 9. Joseph Clough' Sanborn (Benjamiw, Shubaeb, Benjamin') b. 8 Dec, 1825; a farmer in C; m. at GUmanton, 16 May, 1860, Laura Adams, b. 20 Oct., 1828, dau. of Abiel and Margaret (McCrillis) Cogswell of C. "Joseph C. Sanborn commissioned officer," appears on roll of Co. 5 Inf. m the 38th Regt., 3d. Brig., 1st Div. of the Militia of N. H. Com missioned Capt. of the same Co., 28 Sept., 1849, and he appears on the Co.'s roU as Capt. from 1851-57, inclusive. He d. 19 Dec, 1887. His widow d. 20 June, 1901. Children; i. Anna Eliza », b. 7 March, 1861; a successful teacher for thirteen years in the schools of Northfield, Concord and C; m. 14 Aug., 1884, Edwin Gordon, b. in Bristol, 31 Jan., 1858, son of Le-vi N. and Susannah (Gordon) Heath; and res. on the original farm which has been deeded from father to son through four genera tions and has been in Sanborn possession since 1786. They have one son, Chester Earle" Heath, b. 18 March, 1887. (See Heath Gen.) 11. u. Howard, b. 26 Dec, 1855. 10. Edward Burr Smith' Sanborn (Smith; Shubaeb, Benjamiw) b. in C. in the brick house buUt by his father near the Boscawen line, 11 Aug., 1833; graduated, Dartmouth College, 1855. Admitted to the bar, 1857. Practiced law in Henniker, Bradford and Franklin, where he remained until his death. Mr. Sanbom was prominent in N. H. politics and represented Franklin in the House of Representatives in the years 1873, '74, '79, '81, '83, '89, '91, and in the Constitutional Conventions of 1876, and 1902 in all of which he was a leading member. He was a member of the board of Railroad Commissioners, being appointed in 1883 and chosen clerk of the board, which position he held untU his death. For a short time he was a trustee of the State Normal School at Plymouth, and for ten years a member of the board of education of Frankhn; m. fiirst, 1 Aug., 1865, Caroline A. Emery of Center Harbor, b. 2 May, 1835. Three chUdren were b. to them, two of whom d. in infancy. M. second, 4 June, 1877, Helen E., dau. of Charles C. and Fannie (Flanders) Tappan of Bradford. She was b. 17 July, 1863, and res. in the home at Franklin where Mr. Sanborn d. 3 Nov., 1903. Children: 298 HISTORY OF CANTERBURY. i. Kate Emery', b. 24 June, I860; m. Gardner M. Jones and res. in 12. h. Rachel Tappan,' b. 31 Dec, 1888. hi. Smith, b. 9 Nov., 1891. 11. Howard' Sanborn (Joseph', Benjamiw) b. 26 Dec, 1855; a farmer in C; m. 26 Dec, 1880, Sarah LueUa, dau. of Adoniram and Sarah (Ells worth) Ford of Orange, b. 13 Sept., 1862. He d. 15 Jan., 1898. ChU dren: 13. i. Inez Maude", b. 31 Aug., 1882. ii. Marion LueUa, b. 28 Feb., 1896; res. in Orange. 12. Rachel Tappan' Sanborn (Edward Burr Smith', Smith', Shubaeb) b. 31 Dec, 1888; m. W. F. H. Newton and res. in Pro-vidence, R. I. Chil dren: i. WUliam Sanborn" Newton, b. 21 Jan., 1906. ii. Charles GUbert Newton, b. 10 Sept., 1907. hi. Paul Newton, b. 21 Jan., 1910. 13. Inez Maude" Sanborn (Howard', Joseph', Benjamin') b. 31 Aug., 1882; m. 3 June, 1903, George Irving, son of Charles W. and Rebecca (Ham ilton) Crowe of Truro, N. S., b. 16 March, 1882. Inez (Sanborn) Crowe d. 24 Oct., 1905, m Northfield. Child: i. Dorothy Sanborn" Crowe, b. 9 May, 1904, in Northfield. SANBORN. James Henry Sanborn, who resided in C. about twenty years prior to 1854, was a descendant of William' Sambourne of Sunning, Oxfordshire, Eng., b. about 1390; m. Anne, dau. and heir of Sir WiUiam Lushell, Kt. ChUd: Johns Sambourne of Tinsbury, who m. about 1426, dau. and heir of Sir John de la Reviere of Tinsbury. ChUd: Richard' Sambourne, b. about 1455; m. Dorothy Tichboume. ChUd; John' Sambourne, b. about 1490; m. dau. of Lisly (L'Isle). ChUd: Francis' Sambourne, who m. and had a son, John' Sambourne* b. about 1590, rem. to London, Eng., by 1615, who m. and had a son, Lieut. John' Sanborn, b. in Eng., who m. and had a son, Richard' Sanbom, who m. first, 6 Dec, 1678, Ruth, dau. of WiUiam Moulton, m. second, Wid. Mary Boulter, dau. of Abraham Drake, three chUdren of whom one was Ensign John' Sanbom, b. 6 Nov., 1681; m. Sarah, dau. of James Philbrick, hved in North Hampton and (Exeter ?). Fourteen chUdren of whom the second was Benjamin" Sanbom, b. 8 Nov., 1703; m. Ehzabeth Gilman, settled in Ne-wmarket. Five children of whom Elisha" Sanbom was one, b. in Newmarket. He m. and had a son, Capt. John" San bom, b. in Exeter and moved to Loudon. The latter m. and had children: Elisha" b. in Loudon, 1775; Lydia, m. Capt. James (?) Ladd; Betsey, m. John Peverly of C; Thomas; Sarah; John; Edmund and William Sanbom. Elisha" Sanborn (Capt. John'; Elisha", Benjamin") b. 1775; d. 1846; m. first, Polly Ladd, who d. 1832; m. second, Hannah Brown; lived on Clough HiU in Loudon. ChUdren: *The daughter of the Rev. Stephen Bachiler of Dorsetshue, Eng., mar ried the father of the first three American Sambomes. GENEALOGIES. 299 i. Eliza." m. 1824, Jonathan C. Sanborn, ii. Sally, d. unm. iu. Nathaniel Ladd, b. 1805; m. Nancy Lougee. iv. John, b. 1807; m. Sally Batchelder. v. Mary L., d. unm. ^vi. James Henry, b. 1811. vh. Ruth, b. 1813; m. John C. Ordway. James Henry" Sanborn (Elisha") b. in Loudon, 1811; m. 1833, Mary, dau. of Da-vid and Hannah (DoUoff) Lougee. About 1834, Mr. Sanbom bought of Ohver Kenniston the farm that is now the homestead of Olwyn W. Dow. This he sold about 1854 to Rev. William P. Chase, moving to Belmont. Later migrated West and settled in Alton, la. WhUe in C. he was at one time superintendent of the Town Farm. ChUdren: i. Morrill", b. 3 June, 1839; m. 1861, Mary E. Weeks of Belmont. ii. Mary Abigail, b. 1843. iii. Ed-win Burnelam, b. 1847. SANBORN. 1. George Wilson' Sanborn, b. 1822; m. 1846, Mary Ann, dau. of Jona than' (James', Jonathaw) and Mary Ann (Clough) Brown. Mary Ann Clough was a native of C, dau. of Lea-vitt' Clough. (See Clough Gen.) The father of George WUson was Rev. Jacob' Sanborn, b. 1788; m. 1817, Fanny, dau. of Simeon and Anna (Kimball) Eastman. Fanny Eastman was a granddau. of Capt. Obadiah and great-granddau. of Capt. Ebenezer Eastman of the Colonial and Revolutionary armies, perform ing marked service. The father of Rev. Jacob Sanborn was Dea. Abram', b. 1744; m. 1768, Deborah, dau. of Humphrey and Mary (Lea-vitt) WUson. Dea. Abram d. 1820; his wife d. 1839. Mary Leavitt was, on what seems good authority, a descendant of John Gilman. -2. Jeremiah Wilson' Sanborn (George W.') b. 4 Feb., 1847, in Gihnanton; m. 4 June, 1872, in Pittsfield, Isabelle Graham, dau. of John Simpson and Rachel J. (Brown) Osborne, b. 23 Jan., 1851, in Loudon. Dea. John S. Osborne was of Quaker descent. Rachel Bro-wn was a dau. of Gen. Richard Brown of Loudon. Jeremiah W. Sanborn was a teacher at State CoUege, Hanover; dean of Missouri Agricultural College; president Utah State College; director of the Missouri and Utah experi ment stations; member of the N. H. State Board of Agriculture; trustee of Gilmanton Academy and N. H. State CoUege; and collector of state exhibits of agriculture for World's Fau at New Orleans. For eighteen years at the above named coUeges, Prof. Sanbom has conducted original research in many lines of inquiry adding much to the literature of agri culture. Since 1875, he has -written voluminously upon agricultural topics. He wrote "World's Progress in Agriculture" for World's Prog- gress. Children: i. Harry Wilson', b. 14 July, 1875; m. 15 May, 1900. ChUdren: 1. Ralph Carl', b. 24 Aug., 1903. 2. Marguerite, b. 5 Dec, 1908. u. Alice, b. 13 Dec, 1878. ui. Carl Jeremiah, b. 9 Aug., 1887. iv. Ralph George, b. 7 May, 1890; d. 21 Oct., 1890. 300 HISTORY OF CANTERBURY. SARGENT. 1. The first record* found of William' Sargent is in the General Court records of Mass. Colony in April, 1633, by an act by said court pro tecting certain grantees of land then at Agawam, now Ipswich, Mass., in their rights and "Willm S'jeant" was one of them. It is shown by records and deeds that he was one of the flrst settlers at Wessacucon, now Newbury, Mass., in 1636, at Winnacumet, now Hampton, N. H., in 1638, at South Merrhnac, now Sahsbury, Mass., in 1639 and that "Wm Sargent, townsman and commoner of Salisbury, tax rate 25 Dec, 1650, 7s. 4d. " It is probable that he m. first, 1633, Ehzabeth, dau. of John Perkins; m. second, 18 Sept., 1670, Joanna RoweU, who survived him. Eleven chUdren, of whom WiUiam' was the fourth. 2. Williams Sargent (William') b. at Sahsbury, Mass., 21 Nov., 1645; m. 23 Sept., 1668, Mary Colby of Amesbury, Mass. She was b. 19 Sept., 1647. He d. 1712, at Amesbury, Mass., where they resided and were buried. He was a farmer and held public office. He took the oath of aUegiance 20 Dec, 1677, at Amesbury. Five children, b. at Amesbury, of whom PhUip' was the second. 3. Philip' Sargent (William; William') b. 12 Aug., 1672; m. 7 Dec, 1693, Mary Tewksbury of Amesbury. He d. 1742. He was a farmer and res. at Amesbury. Ten chUdren of whom Charles' was the first. 4. Charles' Sargent (Philip; William') b. 10 Oct., 1694, at Amesbury, Mass.; m. 11 Dec, 1718, Hephzibah Heath, of Haverhill, Mass., who d. Oct., 1764. He d. Sept., 1754. Eleven chUdren of whom Aaron' was the fifth. 5. Aaron' Sargent (Charles; Philip') b. 13 Feb., 1726; m. 16 Nov., 1757, Submit Esterbrook, of HaverhiU, Mass. He d. 1797, at C. Children by first marriage b. in C. : 6. i. SAMUfBL'. h. Aaron was in the Revolution and d. in the service. ChUdren by second marriage, b. in C: 7. hi. Zebadiah, b. 6 Sept., 1760. iv. Ehjah, b. about 1766. v. Theoph- Uus, b. 1767, d. 1796. vi. Sally, vu. Comfort. 6. Samuel' Sargent (Aarow, Charles*) b. about 1751, in C, where he resided aU his life. He m. Muiam Tucker, of Sahsbury, Mass. Children: i. Ezra', b. 21 March, 1774. h. Aaron, b. 15 Oct., 1775. 8. hi. Samuel, b. 21 March, 1777. iv. Dominicus, b. 11 Nov., 1778. v. Lydia, b. 10 Feb., 1783. -vi. Charles, b. 21 Feb., 1785. vh. SaUy, b, 22 July, 1790. vui. Nancy, m. 24 March, 1809, John Bartlett Carter. (See Carter Gen.) IX. John, b. 12 June, 1792, d. young, x. Myra, b. 25 Feb., 1794. * Sargent Record, Pub. St. Johnsbury, Vt., 1899. GENEALOGIES. 301 7. Zebadiah' Sargent (Aarow, Charles*)b. 6 Sept., 1760; m. 14 June, 1785, Hannah Foster, b. 13 Feb., 1763. He d. 16 Nov., 1828. Children: i. Hannah', b. 10 Oct., 1785. h. Betsby, b. 13 July, 1787. in. Aaron, b. 11 Oct., 1789. iv. SusAN,b.4Nov.,1791;m. 19 Feb., 1815, Joseph Ham. (SeeHamOen.) 9. V. Jonathan, b. 6 Nov., 1794. -vi. Judith, b. 13 June, 1798; m. Daniel P. Ham. (See Ham Gen.) 8. Samuel' Sargent (Samuel; Aaron') b. 21 March, 1777, in Loudon; m. 18 Aug., 1801, Betsey Stevens of C, b. 8 Dec, 1783; d. 5 June, 1862. (See Stevens Gen.) He d. 9 May, 1855. Children, b. in C. : i. Abiah', b. 23 March, 1803; m. 31 Jan., 1827, Gideon L. Sargent. h. Lucinda, b. 4 Nov., 1805; m. 26 Nov., 1835, Andrew, son of Moses and Love (Clough) Stevens, of Loudon, b. 19 AprU, 1804. Moses came from Acton, Me., and settled on Loudon Ridge. hi. Sarah, b. 15 June, 1808; m. 26 Jan., 1836, WUham H. Gage of Bos cawen. 10. iv. Samuel, b. 17 Sept., 1810. V. Mary, b. 29 Oct., 1814; m. 22 March, 1836, WUliam Batchelder of Loudon. 11. -vi. William Forrest, b. 4 July, 1817. 12. vu. Elizabeth S., b. 19 March, 1821. 9. Jonathan' Sargent (Zebadiah; Aaron') b. 6 Nov., 1794, in C; m. 27 Jan., 1826, Phebe Eastman, b. 14 Dec, 1803. He d. 6 Jan., 1864; she, 9 June, 1876. Children, b. in C: 13. i. Luther', b. 26 Oct., 1825. u. Lucia Maria, b. 10 Sept., 1833; m. 2 Dec, 1886, James S. Elkins. 10. Samuel' Sargent (Samuel', Samueb) b. 17 Sept., 1810; m. 14 Feb., 1836, Firena B. Allen of GUmanton, where she was b. 30 May, 1815. She d. 14 Jan., 1885. He was a farmer and trader. D. 20 Oct., 1882. ChUdren: , i. Mary F.», b. 9 July, 1847; m. 7 Nov., 1876, Lyman A. Conant. (See Conant Gen.) u. Martha A., b. 19 Nov., 1850; m. 27 April, 1872, Azariah S. Crane of St. Johnsbury, Vt., where they now res. iu. Stella N., b. 28 Nov., 1874, in C, their foster chUd. 11. William Forrest' Sargent (Samuel; Samueb) b. 4 July, 1817; m. 19 AprU, 1847, in C, Apphia Amanda, dau. of Solomon and Maria (Mor rill) Young. (See Young Gen.) He d. 17 Nov., 1878. She d. 29 March, 1910. ChUdren, b. m C. : 14. i. William Young', b. 19 AprU, 1851. h. Charles John, b. 7 Oct., 1858; unm. 12. Elizabeth S.' Sargent (Samueb, Samueb) b. 19 March, 1821; m. 29 Nov., 1843, John Chandler Gage, of Boscawen, b. 11 April, 1814. She d. 26 Feb., 1853. He m. second, 27 Dec, 1853, Hannah Clough, dau. of Andrew and Lucinda (Sargent) Stevens of Loudon. She d. 22 AprU, 1902; he, 2 AprU, 1895. He had an extensive lumber business and manufactured saws. Held important offices in town of Boscawen. Children by first marriage: 302 HISTORY OF CANTERBURY. i. Martha Ann» Gage, b. 18 July, 1846; m. July, 1866, George Henry Gleason. (See Gleason Gen.) ii. Daniel Webster Gage, b. 20 Sept., 1850; d. 24 May, 1867. ih. Fred Valentine Gage, b. 14 Feb., 1853; d. 11 Oct., 1860. Children by second marriage: iv. Elizabeth May Gage, b. 29 Nov., 1855; m.,28 Nov., 1882, Alvin Benton, son of Benjamin G. and Sarah P. (Lovenn) Cross, b. 4 July, 1868, in WUmot. Res. in Copcord. V. Mabel Chandler Gage, b. 28 July, 1858. vi. Arthur Andrew Gage, b. 27 July, 1862; m. Oct., 1886, Laura, dau. of Baltzer Knickel of Accord, N. Y. Mr. Gage was a mas ter mechanic He d. 25 May, 1908, in Hoboken, N. J. ChUd: John Chandler" Gage, b. 12 May, 1887. vii. Kate L. Gage, b. 10 Sept., 1865; d. 16 July, 1868. 13. Luthers Sargent (Jonathaw, Zebadiah') b. 26 Oct., 1825; m. 5 Oct.,. 1865, Valerie C, b. 28 Aug., 1839, in Gilmanton, dau. of Huam W. and La^vina Connor Moses. He was a farmer and resided in C. He taught school eighteen years in C. and adjoining towns, and held the offices^ of town clerk, tovm treasurer, member of the school board fourteen years, and justice of the peace forty-one years. He was a member of the Congregational Church. (See Chap. XI and Chap, on Schools,. Vol. I.) Child: i. Oborge Jonathan', b. 19 Nov., 1866, in C. He graduated at Dart mouth CoUege 1888. He was a ci^vU engineer of superior quali fications and was for many years ¦with a well-known firm of N. Y., City. He d. 20 Nov., 1909, in C. 14. William Young' Sargbnt (William Forrest', Samueb) b. 19 April, 1861; m. 29 Oct., 1878, in C, Almira Josephine, dau. of Charles Haines and' Ellen (Gerrish) Ayers. (See Ayers Gen.) ChUd: i. Myra Ayers", b 12 Oct., 1888; d. 14 Oct., 1888. SCALES. The Scales family in C. is descended from Edward' Scales, who went from- Lee to that to^wn about 1780. He was the son of Edward Scales, and nephew of the Rev. James Scales who was noted in the early history of C. Edward, Sr., and James were great-grandsons of Wilham' Scales of Rowley, Mass., who was one of the company that began the settlement of that town in 1640, coming mostly from Rowley, Eng. Wilham Scales was b. about 1612. The place of his birth is not kno-wn. It may have been in London, and his pa rents may have been William and Margaret (Greene) Scales, she the dau. of Robert Greene. The Scales famUy in Eng., dates from the landing of Wilham, the Conqueror, in 1066. The origin of the name came from that commander of the di-vision of King WUham's army, which came over to Eng. with him from Normandy, whose duty it was to scale the waUs of a besieged city when the proper time came to make such an assault. This general's name was Hugh; they had only one name then; in the history of the time, he is called Hugh de Eschalers and Hugh de Scalerius; that Hugh was commander of the Scalers of the city waUs and fortifications. GENEALOGIES. 303 In about three centuries the "de" was dropped, so instead of James de Scales, it became James Scales. Members of the Scales family won fame and high honors in the crasades and the various Enghsh wars. 1. William' Scales, the immigrant, lived in Rowley, Eng., in 1638. He came with others to Boston or Salem in 1639, and later settled in Row ley, Mass. He was accompanied by his wife, Ann, and three children. He was made a freeman, 13 May, 1640, and served his townsmen m various official positions. His wife Ann, whose maiden name is not known, d. 26 Sept., 1682. 2. Jamess Scales (William') b. in 1654; d. in 1686. He was a farmer and inherited the homestead of his father in Rowley -viUage, where he resided. He was m. 7 Nov., 1677, to Susannah, dau. of Zacheus Curtis, who came to N. E. on the ship James in 1635. She d. in 1691. She was bapt. 16 Feb., 1654, so was 37 years old when she d. Children: 3. i. Jambs', b. 30 March, 1679. h. Sarah, b. 18 July, 1681. hi. Wil ham, b. 1 March, 1683. iv. Matthew, b. 29 March, 1686. 3. James' Scales (James; William) m. Sarah Curtis, 10 March, 1702. He was a prosperous farmer and influential citizen and resided in Boxford, Mass. ChUdren: i. Mary', b. 21 Dec, 1704. 4. u. Rev. James, b. 31 May, 1707. 5. in. Edward, b. 3 May, 1709. iv. Hannah, b. 16 Feb., 1712. v. John, b. 13 Nov., 1713. vi. Nathan, b. 10 Sept., 1716. vu. Mercy, b. 14 Aug., 1718. -vhi. Joseph, b. 16 June, 1720. ix. Ohver, b. 2 Dec, 1722. Of this famUy two sons were connected with the history of C, James and Edward. 4. Rev. James' Scales (James', James') b, 31 May, 1707, graduated from Harvard CoUege, in 1733. After graduation, he resided in Boxford, Mass., untU 1737, when he removed to Rumford (Concord) taking vrith him a letter of dismissal from the pastor of the Boxford church. Rev. John Rogers, to the church at Rumford into which he was received, being granted hberty to buUd a pew at the west end of, the meeting house. He was hcensed to preach in 1742 and rem. to C. (See Chapter I, Vol. I.) His son, Stephen' Scales, graduated from Harvard College in 1763 and was a tutor there for a few years. He took high rank as a scholar and d. in 1772. 5. Edward' Scales (James; James') b. 3 May, 1709; m. Sarah Harris, 4 June, 1726. They resided in Portsmouth where they were members of the South Parish Church and worthy people. They had several children, of whom the eldest was Edward.' 6. Edward' Scales (Edward*) bapt. in Portsmouth, 21 July, 1727; m. 26 July, 1750, Susannah Willey. They resided in Durham until about 1760, when they rem. to Lee, where they remained until about 1780, 304 HISTORY OF CANTERBURY. when they rem. to C. He was a taUor by trade and very successful, continumg the business hi C. after he had bought a farm. Children: i. Isaac, b. 4 July, 1762. h. John, b. 8 Aug., 1756. hi. Susan, b. 10 June, 1760. iv. Sally, b. 3 AprU, 1764. 7. V. Edward, b. 9 AprU, 1769. 7. Edward' Scales (Edward; Edward*) b. 9 April, 1769; tailor and farmer, residing on the homestead after remo-ving to C. with his parents when he was eleven years of age; m. 1794, Hannah Sargent of C, b. 14 Jan., 1777, and d. 21 AprU, 1865. ChUdren: i. Ebbnezer', b. 4 May, 1796; d. 27 June, 1823. h. Huldah, b. 2 Oct., 1797; m. John Alden, of Pawtucket, R. I.; d. 29 Jan., 1854. iii Royal, b. 19 Dec, 1799; d. 12 Jan., 1800. iv. Royal,* b. 2 Nov., 1800; d. 27 Aug., 1871. v. Bridget Walker, b. 7 June, 1803; m. Asa Sargent; d. 27 May, 1842. vi. Edner Swett, b. 4 May, 1808; m. Charles Spofford. -vh. Joanne Mooney, b. 4 May, 1808; d. 16 Aug., 1824. 8. viu. Joseph Walker, b. 29 Jan., 1809; ix. John, b. 11 June, 1811; unm., resided in Cal. after 1849. x. , b. 11 June, 1811; d. 14 June, 1811. xi. SaUy, b. 29 March, 1814; not m.; d. in LoweU, Mass., March, 1899. xh. Betsey, b. 6 March, 1816; m. James WaUiden. She d. 12 Nov., 1875. xhi. Ben jamin, b. 5 Feb., 1819; not m.; d. 15 Aug., 1862. xiv. Aaron, b. 12 Dec, 1819; d. 17 Nov., 1872. xv. Ebenezer, b. 12 May, 1822; never m.; d. 28 July, 1878. 8. Joseph Walker' Scales (Edward', Edward') b. in C, 29 Jan., 1809; m. Sarah Nason Shaw, 23 April, 1837 (See Shaw Gen.), b. hi Epping 21 July, 1802; d. 20 Jan., 1878, m C. He d. 24 Nov., 1874, in C. Children: i. Abie Blodgett', b. 5 June, 1839; m. 28 Aug., 1866, Hiram Simpson Good-win; d. 10 July, 1883, in Denver, Col. 9. u. George, b. 7 Aug., 1840. 10. iu. Joseph Walker, b. 8 April, 1842. 9. George' Scales (Joseph Walker', Edward') b. in C, 7 Aug., 1840; d. in Denver, Col., 22 June, 1886. He m. Maggie A. Ryan, 8 June, 1872, at Franklin. Soldier in the Civil war, Corp. Co. G, 2d Regt., U. S. Sharp shooters, enhsted 4 Dec, 1861. Discharged on account of wounds 22 Nov., 1862. ChUd: Ada Belle", b. in Frankhn, 31 July, 1875; m. John Robert Copithome, 4 Jan., 1899, b. in Boston, 11 Jan., 1872. ChUd: Stanley WUlard" Copithome, b. in Somerville, Mass., 9 Jan., 1902. 10. Joseph Walker' Scales (Joseph Walker; Edward') b. 8 AprU, 1842, in C, where he has resided most of his hfe; stone mason and farmer; m. 19 Sept., 1863, Nancy Ann, dau. of Joseph Clough and Miriam (Libby) Glover. (See Glover Gen.) Mrs. Scales d. 6 Sept., 1893. Children: 11. i. Lucia Anna', b. 30 June, 1864. h. Joseph H., b. 16 Oct., 1866; d. 28 July, 1891; unm. 12. hi. John Sidney, b. 8 March, 1871. 11. Lucia Anna' Scales (Joseph W.', Joseph W.') b. 30 June, 1864, in C; m. Walter Maxfield; she d. Sept., 1891, in C. Child: Harry Walter" ¦* See other Scales Genealogy for probable descendants. GENEALOGIES. 305 Maxfield, b. 2 Aug., 1887, in Gilmanton; m. 1 Aug., 1906, Harriet HUl. Children: 1. Ralph HiU" Maxfield, b. 7 May, 1907. 2. Wilbur Scales Maxfield, b. 19 June, 1908. 3. Charia Ella Maxfield, b. 10 Feb., 1910, all b. in Loudon. 12. John Sidney' Scales (Joseph W.', Joseph W.') b. 8 March, 1871, in Camp ton; m. 10 Aug., 1895, in Concord, Amy Annis Mosher. They have resided in C. since their marriage. They combine farming with keep ing a general store. Amy Annis' Mosher was b. 18 Aug., 1876, in Bar- ford, Que. She is the dau. of Daniel Wesley Mosher who was b. 8 Aug., 1852, m Barford and m. 13 March, 1871, Ida Amelia Shurtleff. Daniel Wesley Mosher d. 8 Aug., 1852, in Bamston. The grandfather of Amy Annis' (Mosher) Scales was Daniel Mosher, b. 1824, in Barford. He m. Laura Johnson who was b. 1827. Two sisters of Mrs. Scales, Maud' and Minnie' b. June, 1873, in Barford, d. there Sept., 1873. Another sister, Mabel Evelyn,' b. 23 Dec, 1874, in Barford, m. 25 Dec, 1896, Herbert L. Whitten, in LoweU, Mass. Their children are: 1. Herbert' Whitten, b. 29 June, 1899. 2. Dorothy Whitten, b. 22 July, 1903, both b. in Lowell. A brother of Mrs. Scales, Fritz Wesley Mosher, b. 21 Jan., 1879, in Coaticook, Que.; m. 31 Jan., 1904, in Manchester, Maud Lilian Marland who was b. 1886, in Me. Their chUdren, both b. in Manchester, are; 1. Hazel', b. 19 Aug., 1906. 2. MUdred, b. 3 July, 1908. The Moshers trace their descent from Hugh Mossier who landed in Boston, 12 June, 1632, on the ship James. Ida Amelia' Shurtleff was b. 8 July, 1866, in Hatley, Que.; m. 13 March, 1871, Daniel Wesley Mosher. Mrs. Scales is of the ninth gener ation from Wilham Shurtleff of Eng., who landed at Plymouth, Mass., in 1634. (William', William', John', Benoni*, Joel', Joel', Roscoe Grannis', Ida Amelia', Amy Annis (Mosher) Scales'.) SCALES. 1. Eben' (possibly Edward) Scales, m. Hannah Sargent of Concord. 2. Royals Scales* (Ebew) b. 1 Nov., 1800, at C; d. 4 Sept., 1871, at WU mot. He m. 16 Feb., 1827, Roxanna, dau. of Edmund and Dorcas (MerriU) Grover, who was b. 3 April, 1803, at Atkinson, Mass. She d. 29 Dec, 1889, at Andover. Children: i. Melinda D.', b. 27 Jan., 1828; m. 13 Dec, 1863, Prentice C. At wood and d. 18 Jan., 1909. No chUdren. 3. u. Cornelius, b. 11 Oct., 1829. hi. Royal, Jr., b. 21 March, 1832, and d. 25 Aug., 1868; m.; had one chUd. iv. Lurana G., b. 21 AprU, 1834; m. Prentice C. Atwood and d. 11 Jan., 1860. No children. 4. V. Lizzie Bartlett, b. 31 March, 1836. 6. vi. Roxanna, b. 28 Feb., 1838. vu. Bernice, b. 6 Sept., 1842; kiUed at Cold Harbor, 7 May, 1864. * Royal Scales was probably son of Edward', Edward', Edward', James', Jamess, WUliam', of the other Scales Genealogy. 306 HISTORY OF CANTERBURY. 3. Cornelius' Scales (Royal; Eben) b. 11 Oct., 1829; m. 1 Jan., 1857, at Jersey Shore, Penn., Matilda, dau. of Charles and Ehzabeth Hagenbuck. She was b. 20 Nov., 1836. He d. 7 March, 1906. Children: 6. i. Edna Elizabeth', b. 5 Nov., 1857. 7. ii. Charles Spofford, b. 6 Jan., 1862. iu. May Bertie, b. 19 May, 1867. iv. RoLLiN C, b. 1 Aug., 1873; d. 8 Aug., 1877. V. Sadie C, b. 18 April, 1875, d. 12 Aug., 1877. vi. Roxanna Celicia, b. 19 Feb., 1880. -vii. Edith Ione, b. 26 Oct., 1883. 4. Lizzie Bartlett' Scales (Royal; Ebew) b. 31 March, 1836. She m. 8 July, 1868, Charles Swain of Laconia, who was b. at WaterviUe. ChUdren: i. Lizzie Addie' Swain, b. 26 Sept., 1859. h. Martha Ann M. Swain, b. 6 April, 1863; d. 18 AprU, 1903. in. Charles Perpetual Swain, b. 22 Sept., 1867; m. 14 Dec, 1893, at White River Junction, Vt., LUla Minerva, dau. of WiUiam E. and Martha (Putnam) Huntoon, b. 20 Feb., 1871, at White River Junction. Child: Harold Huntoon' Swain, b. 17 April, 1903, in Roslindale, Boston. 5. Roxanna' Scales (Royal; Ebew) b. 28 Feb., 1838; m. George Atwood. She d. 8 Nov., 1892. Children: i. Fred Grant' Atwood, b. 14 June, 1868. ii. Flora Atwood. iu. Mary Atwood. iv. Christine Atwood, m. 24 Oct., 1906, Jerry P. Morey. ChUdren: 1. Bernice R.' Morey, b. 6 March, 1907, at WUmot Flat. 2. Roland Morey. V. Alpha Rose Atwood, b. 9 Sept., 1874. -vi. Eppie Ward Atwood, b. 22 June, 1882. ¦vu. Henry Atwood. 6. Edna Elizabeth' Scales (Cornelius', Royal', Ebew) b. 5 Nov., 1857; m. Benjamin P. Fifield, who was b. 10 Jan., 1865, at Andover. He was the son of Benjamin P. and Lydia (Merrill) Fifield. 7. Charles Spofford' Scales (Cornelius', Royab, Eben') b. 6 Jan., 1862; m. 19 June, 1890, at White River Junction, Vt., Hattie Merrill, dau. of WUham E. and Martha Putnam Huntoon, who was b. 31 Jan., 1863, at White River Junction. SHAW. 1. John' Shaw of Epping, m. Polly, dau. of Moses and Sarah (Nason) Cur rier. (See Currier Gen.) She was b. 24 June, 1782, in Epping. They rem. from Epping to C, 1807. He d. 1869. Her last years were passed in the family of her son, Richard, one-half mile from HUl's Comer. After reaching the age of 94 years, she pieced 36 quilts and gave them to her descendants. At the age of 96 years, she cut and made a print dress without assistance. Mrs. Shaw was an old school Freewill Bap tist. Her centennial birthday was celebrated in a most appropriate manner at which time hundreds of people from C. and the surrounding GENEALOGIES. 307 towns gathered to pay their respects. On that day she was photo graphed ¦with her son, granddau., great-grandson and great-great- granddau. Her sight was good and mental faculties wonderfully pre served. She d. 28 July, 1883, aged 101. Children: i. Sallys, b. 21 July, 1802, in Epping; m. Joseph Scales. (See Scales Gen.) 2. h. Richard Locke, b. 22 July, 1804. iii. Dolly, m. Thomas Bedell and moved to Iowa where both d. They had several children. iv. Harriet, m. Oliver Locke and moved to Lisbon where he d. and where she now res. ¦with a son. They had seven children; Charles', Sarah, Rose, Harriet, Flora, Nelhe and Oliver. 3. V. Eliza. vi. Ruhama. ¦vii. Amos. viii. Nason. ix. Mary. Last three b. and d. in C. 2. Richard Lockbs Shaw (Johw) b. 22 July, 1804, in Epping, m. 1843, Sarah BuzzeU James, b. 13 July, 1819, in C. He was a carpenter and employed many years by the Shakers. He inherited the hardy con stitution of his ancestors, often walking to Concord to do a day's work. Mrs. Shaw d. 7 Jan., 1892. He d. 28 AprU, 1894, both in C. Children: i. Emma Ann', b. 3 Dec, 1844; m. Roswell C. Reed. (See Reed Gen.) 4. ii. Henry Augustus, b. 19 Jan., 1845. hi. Abbie Jane, b. 24 Feb., 1849: m. John C. Smith. (See Smith Gen.) 5. iv. Eva Olena, b. 24 March, 1854. V. Carrie Farnsworth, b. 11 May, 1856; m. 2 Feb., 1896, Joseph Varnum, a moulder, of LoweU, Mass. He d. 23 Nov., 1891. She res. in Laconia. ¦vi. Alfred Walter, b. 15 Aug., 1859. Res. in Tilton. 3. Elizas Shaw (Johw) m. first, Samuel RunneUs; m. second, Charles McCoy of Northwood, where they both d. ChUdren by fust marriage: i. John' RunneUs, b. about 1854. h. Henry RunneUs. ChUdren by second marriage : iii. Ida McCoy, iv. Louis McCoy. 4. Henry Augustus' Shaw (Richard; John') b. 19 Jan., 1846; m. Clara Hunkins BuzzeU, b. 10 May, 1849, in Sanbomton. Res. in Tilton. Children : i Henry Elmer', b. 12 Sept., 1866; m. 8 April, 1890, Clara SuUoway of Laconia. ChUdren b. in Tilton: 1. Ethel', b. 29 April, 1894. 2. Maude, b. 17 July, 1896. 3. Eva M., b. 26 Jan., 1898. 4. Clarence, b. 5 June, 1899. 5. Emma Georgia. h. Frankib, b. 3 April, d. 30 May, 1868. iii. Bert Edward, b. 9 AprU, 1869; m. Mary Durgm of Franklm. ChUdren: Eva', Earl, Ida, Amos, Edna. iv. Amos Cornelius, b. 4 Nov., 1872; unm.; res. in Tilton. V. Willie Tilton, b 27 June, 1875; m. 3 Aug., 1899, Evelyn MarteU of Franklin. Children: EsteUa Elsie', Bemard T. vi. Bessie May, b. 4 June, 1878; m. first, George Plummer; m. second, Charles Daniels of Warren, who was fatally injured, 1909, in a saw- miUl at Andover. ChUd by first marriage: Mildred' Plummer. Child by second marriage: Maurice Daniels. 5. Eva Olena' Shaw (Richard; Johw) b. 24 March, 1854; m. 12 Dec, 1878, Albert H. GUman, b. 5 Nov., 1854, m Sanbomton. ChUd: Ward Eugene' GUman, b. 21 Oct., 1879, m C. 308 HISTORY OF CANTERBURY. SIMPSON. Prepared by Charles S. Simpson of Hibbing, Minn. 1. Benjamin' Simpson, b. in 1742, was among the pioneers of C, ha'ving set tled there prior to 1764. He acquired several lots of land, one of which was No. 180, in the 3d division, and the others were adjacent, or in the ¦vicinity. He signed the "Association Test" in 1776, and was a sol dier in the Revolutionary war, serving three enlistments. First in Lieut. Bragdon's New Hampshire Party, later in Capt. Titus Salter's Co., N. H. Art., and on 20 Sept., 1776, he enlisted in Capt. Benjamin Emery's Co. of Col. Baldwin's Regt., which was raised to reinforce the Continental Army at New York, and on 28 Oct., 1776, was in the battle of White Plains. His second -ivife was Wid. Mary (RoKe) Eastman, dau. of Nathaniel Rohe of Concord, and granddau. of Henry Rolfe, one of the grantees of Concord, and a descendant in the fourth genera tion from Henry Rolfe, who came to Newbury, Mass., in 1630; a son of Honour Rolfe of England. After the war, Benjamin Simpson contin ued to res. in C, till 1809, when with his famUy he rem. to Rumford, Me., where his son Wilham had preceded him. He bought land on the east side of EUis River, and lived there until 1819. His dechning years were spent with his youngest son, Joseph, in Byron, Me., where he d. 27 Nov., 1828. Children by first marriage: 2. i. Benjamins, b. 1776. 3. u. William, b. 1778. hi. John, emigrated West. iv. Sarah, m. Clark. ChUdren by second marriage: 4. V. Nathaniel, b. 9 May, 1790. 5. -vi. Paul Rolpe, b. 1 Dec, 1791. 6. vh. Joseph, b. Feb., 1799. 2. Benjamins Simpson, Jr. (Benjamiw) was b. in C. in 1776, and was for many years a res. of Concord. He m. fust, 1 Dec, 1795, Phoebe Todd, of Temple. M. second, 18 Sept., 1804, Ruth, dau. of Joseph and Mary Colby of Concord, b. in Concord, 25 AprU, 1787, and d. in Boscawen, 25 Dec, 1838. M. thud, 13 Nov., 1839, Mary C. Giles of Boscawen, who d. 2 Sept., 1840. He d. in Boscawen, 18 Dec, 1847. Child by first marriage: i. Benjamin', b. July, 1799; m. Hannah Lee; d. m Lawrence, Mass., 9 Oct., 1873. ChUdren by second marriage : u. Eleanor, b. 1805, in Concord; m. Benjamm MorriU, b. 1797. She d. 1854. ChUdren: 1. Ira E.' MorrUl, b. 1828; d. 26 Oct., 1853. 2. Adeline MorrUl, b. Dec, 1835; m. George Abbott of Spring field, Mass. ChUd: Myra' Abbott, b. 1872. 3. Mary MorrUl b. AprU, 1843; m. John B. Dodge of Penacook. Child: Fred Morrill' Dodge, b. 5 Oct., 1873. 7. ih. John Oilman, b. 9 AprU, 1808. 8. iv. Hiram, b. 15 Nov., 1812. GENEALOGIES. 309 3. WiLUAMS Simpson (Benjamiw) b. in C, in 1778, and at the age of fifteen years enhsted in the U. S. Navy, and served five years on the ship Portsmouth. In Jan., 1800, he m. Abigail Eastman, dau. of his father's second wife. He lived in C. until 1806, when he emigrated to Rumford, Me. The grant of Rumford was made by the Province of Mass. Bay to citizens of Concord, and vicinity, who had suffered loss on account of the settlement of the boundary hne between the Pro-vinces of N. H. and Mass. Bay. After a long dreary journey of several days, following the uncertain bridle paths through an unbroken wilderness, across mountains and streams, Wilham Simpson and his family reached the little colony of Rumford where he acquired 80 acres of land not far from the present site of the city of Rumford. Here he built a log house and made a clearing. At the breaking out of the War of 1812 he was one of the fitrst to enUst from his adopted to^svu and was in active service from July, 1812, to 24 Dec, 1814. He served in Capt. Thomas Harrison's Co., 9th Regt., U. S. Inf., and in Capt. Wilham Wheeler's Co. of Inf., Ryerson's Regt. of Mass. In 1817 he rem. to the adjoining town of Andover, and in 1825 from Andover to the east branch of Swift River in Byron, Me. He d. 27 March, 1860, in Rumford. His wid. d. 10 Oct., 1870. ChU dren; i. Eliza', b. in C, 23 AprU, 1801; m. Thomas Abbott and settled in Oxford, Me. Children: 1. James Monroe' Abbott, b. 13 Jan., 1823. 2. Levi Bartlett Abbott, b. 23 Sept., 1824. 3. John GUman Abbott, b. 11 Feb., 1826. 4. Hiram Emery Abbott, b. 21 Jan., 1828. ii. Mary, b. in C, 2 July, 1803; m. Uriah Phelps. Children: Eliza', Solomon, Melvina, Rachel and Abigail Phelps. hi. Sarah, b. in Rumford, Me., 19 July, 1806; m. Moses Taylor, 17 March, 1841. Child : Eugene' Taylor. iv. Benjamin, b. 18 Aug., 1809, in Rumford, Me.; m. Nancy MitcheU. Res. in Mexico, Me. ChUdren: 1. Darius N.', b. 10 Aug., 1841; unm. 2. James K. P., b. 20 Oct., 1843. Soldier Civil war; m. 9 June, 1879, Georgia A. Raymond. V. John, b. 4 Aug., 1811, in Rumford, Me.; m. Sarah Bryant of Hali- fa,x, Mass. ChUdren; Azel', George Lewis, Kate, AbigaU E., Delia, John H. -vi. Daniel Fillmore, b. 26 Dec, 1818, in Andover, Me. In Capt. John Barnard's Co. of Inf. for the protection of the Northeastern Frontier in 1839; m. 1845, SU-vira, dau. of Jesse and Catherine Shaw, of Buckfield, Me.; b. 28 Dec, 1816. She d. 8 Nov., 1870. He m. second, 1873, Mary C. House, who d. Dec, 1905. He d. 6 May, 1907. ChUdren: 1. George Fillmore', b. 6 Dec, 1845, in Byron, Me.; m. Almua J. Foster of Hanson, Mass. He d. at Hanson, 20 March, 1893. She d. April, 1906. Children: (1) Solon Francis'. (2) Ednah J., d. young. (3) Susan, (4) SybU. 2. Maria Frances, b. 4 July, 1848, in Byron, Me.; d. No. Turner, Me., 10 Oct., 1870. 3. Emma, b. 24 July, 1860, in Peru, Me.; m. Augustus M. Bonney, of Buckfield, Me. Children: Mertie', Shiriey M., Gertrude, Vina and Jessie Bonney. 4. Ella, b. 27 July, 1852, in Pera, Me.; m. AUen M. PhUhps of Shirley, Me. ChUdren: NeUie' and Ethel PhUhps. 310 HISTORY OF CANTERBURY. 5. Charles Sumner, b. 5 Sept., 1855, in Buckfield, Me.; m. Huldah E. Manthey, of Florence, Wis. Res. in Hibbing, Minn. ChUdren: (1) Charies Filhnore', b. 2 Aug., 1898, in Duluth, Minn. (2) Florence Henrietta, b. 24 June, 1900, in Duluth; d. 2 Feb., 1901. (3) MUlard Hampton, b. m Hibbing, Mum., 20 May, 1904. vii. Abigail Oilman, b. 1821; m. first, 26 Sept., 1848, Lawson F. Clem ent; m. second, 3 Feb., 1873, Sylvester Ne-wton. No chUdren. viu. Enoch Adams, b. 17 July, 1823, in Byron, Me.; m. EmUy A. Rad- cliffe, of Bridgewater, Mass. He was a soldier of the Ci-vil war in Co. C, 27th Me. Vol. Inf.; d. in Lewiston, Me., 22 May, 1900. His wid. d. 22 March, 1909, at Auburn, Me. ChUdren; 1. Anna Adams, b. 1846; m. Simon D. Mitchell. 2. Joseph W. b. 1850; m. Mary . 4. Nathaniels Simpson (Benjamiw) b. in Concord, 9 May, 1790, but hved in C. untU 1809, when he rem. to Rumford, Me. He m. 13 Nov., 1817, Lydia, dau. of Joseph and Lydia (Goodwin) Elhot of Concord. He d. in Rumford, 13 Dec, 1874, and his wid. d. 15 July, 1883. Children: i. David E.', b. in Andover, Me., 15 Sept., 1820; m. 21 April, 1844, Mary M. Newton. ChUdren: 1. Charles L.'; m. Lydia (Thomas) Moore. 2. Frank. ii. Eleanor, b. 4 July, ¦; m. John DoUey, and d. 1891. Children: 1. William' DoUey, b. 19 Feb., 1864. 2. Emma DoUey, b. 1868, d. in Rumford, Me., 28 Nov., 1888. 3. Lydia E. DoUey, b. 8 Feb., 1872. 5. Paul Rolfe' Simpson (Benjamiw) b. in Concord, 1 Dec, 1791, and hved at C. until 1809, when he rem. with his parents to Rumford. He was a soldier in the War of 1812, serving as Corp. in Capt. Bod^eU's Co., 45th Regt., U. S. Inf., from Nov., 1812, to Jan., 1813. He reenhsted in Capt. WUliam Wheeler's Co. of Inf., Ryerson's Regt. of Mass., 25 Sept., 1814, was again appointed Corp. and served until 6 Nov., 1814, when discharged. He m. 15 July, 1821, Hannah M. Thomas. He resided in Rumford, Me., and in Cambridgeport, Mass. He d. in Rum ford, in 1881. Children: i. Emily Bab', b. in Rumford, Me., 21 AprU, 1822; m. Moses Cutting; d. 6 Nov., 1876. ChUdren: Southwick', Marcellus, Horace and Nellie Cutting, u. Willard Eastman, b. 8 Sept., 1823. iu. John Dana, b. 28 July, 1828. iv. Paul Bartlett, b. 6 Sept., 1829. V. Hannah M., b. 14 Aug. 1831. 6. Josephs Simpson (Benjamiw) b. in C, Feb., 1799, and at the age of ten years moved with his parents to Rumford, Me. He m. Octa-via MerriU of Andover, Me. He was in Capt. John Barnard's Co. of Inf. for the protection of the Northeastern Frontier in 1839. He resided in And over and Byron, Me., until 1850, when he rem. to Wisconsin. He was a pioneer settler of Byron, Fon du Lac County, where he d. 24 Nov., 1867. Children: i. Francilla N.', b. m Byron, Me., 28 July, 1820; m. in 1853, Tuttle. She d. 5 Nov., 1892. ChUdren: Eugene' Tuttle, b. 1855; d. 1870. Dora E. Tuttle, b. 1867. ii. James Ne-well, b. in Byron, Me., 21 May, 1828; d. 28 Sept., 1829. genealogies. 311 iii. Elvira;Barker, b. in Andover, Me., 9 Sept., 1831; m. 1866, Warren Marston. She d. 1866. ChUdren: 1. Mary Marston, b. 9 AprU, 1858; m. 10 Oct., 1902, GiUmore Cooper of Wausau, Wis. 2. Howard Marston, b. 24 Nov., 1860, res. in St. Paul, Minn. 3. Edward Marston, b. 26 Dec, 1862; res. in St. Paul, Minn. iv. Eveline, b. in Andover, Me., 10 Aug., 1833; m. Patrick Martin. She d. 26 AprU, 1890. ChUdren: Mary Martin, b. 23 July, 1864; d. 10 Feb., 1874. Bella Martin, b. 23 March, 1871. v. Adeline, b. in Andover, Me., 24 Jan., 1836; m. 28 Jan, 1867, Christopher Scott. ChUdren; 1. Emma' Scott, b. 15 June, 1859; d. 16 Oct., 1861. 2. Edith Scott, b. 15 Nov., 1862. 3. Lois Scott, b. 15 March, 1870; m. 2 March, 1894, Sumner Potter of Danbury. ChUdren : Lois' Potter, b. 14 Nov., 1894, and Mary Potter, b. 18 Jan., 1896. 4. Charies Warren Scott, b. 13 May, 1878; d. 16 Sept., 1879. -vi. Emma, b. in Andover, Me., 10 Aug., 1838; d. Byron, Wis., 12 Dec, 1892; unm. -vu. Charles A., b. in Phillips, Me., 1843; enlisted 15 Feb., 1864, Co. D, 36th Wis. Inf.; d. at New Orieans, 16 Aug., 1864. -vih. AsBMA M., b. in Phillips, Me., 7 June, 1847; m. 14 Nov., 1867, Warren Marston of Lomira, Wis. Child: Cora' Marston, b. 19 Dec, 1873; m. 15 Sept., 1892, Paul Bremer. ChUdren: 1. Trueman' Bremer, b. 23 May, 1894; d. 7 June, 1908. 2. War ren M. Bremer, b. 1 Sept., 1895. 7. John Gilman' Simpson (Benjamiw, Benjamiw) was b. in Concord, 9 April, 1808; m. Jane White Shattuck, wid. of Prescott Couch. She was b. 5 Sept., 1811, and d. 17 June, 1874. He d. 9 Aug., 1867. Chil dren: 9. i. Mary Jane', b. 19 Aug., 1839. 10. h. Charles Bro-wn, b. Boscawen, 28 March, 1841. hi. Warren Oilman, b. 24 Aug., 1855; d. 3 AprU, 1864. 8. Hiram' Simpson (Benjamiw, Benjamiw) b. in Concord, 15 Nov., 1812; m. 24 March, 1836, Mary 3., dau. of Jeremiah and Nancy Wells Burpee, b. in Boscawen, 9 Feb., 1817. They resided in Concord, where he d. 6 Sept., 1867; she, 7 Jan., 1900. Children: i. Ruth Colby', b. Boscawen, 22 Jan., 1837; d. 10 Dec, 1844. h. Mary Ann, b. Concord, 18 Nov., 1840; d. 7 Dec, 1859. 11. hi. Clara Dwight, b. 28 March, 1849. 12. iv. Roxana Peabody, b. 14 July, 1853. 9. Mary Jane' Simpson (John Gilman', Benjamin', Benjamiw) b. 19 Aug., 1839; m. 24 Aug., 1862, George Calvin Chase of Webster. Children; i. John Harris' Chase, b. 31 March, 1865; m. Laura Ossier. h. George Warren Chasb, b. 28 March, 1868; m. Clara EUa Heath, iu. Flora Jane Chase, b. 14 July, 1870; m. Adelbert H. Cross, iv. Mary Etta Chase, b. 27 May, 1872; d. 1886. V. Abby Belle Chase, b. 1 Oct., 1874; m. Walter Cross, vi. Guy B. Chasb, b. 8 Dec, 1876; m. Emma Deemas. vu. Rose Annie Chase, b. 28 June, 1878; m. Fred A. George, vui. Grace Aieci Chase, b. 20 Dec, ; m. Andrew George, ix. Walter Herbert Chase, b. 22 Jan., 1884; unm. 10. Charles Bro-wn' Simpson (John Gilman', Benjamin', Benjamiw) b. in Boscawen, 28 March, 1841, m. in Lowell, Mass., 12 Aug., 1862, Lucretia 312 history of CANTERBURY. Brown of Chichester. He d. 30 Sept., 1865. Children; i. Elsie Jane' Simpson, b. 24 Sept., 1863; m. u. John Warren Simpson, b. 1 Feb., 1865; went to Omaha and was never heard from. 11. Clara Dwight' Simpson (Hiram', Benjamin', Benjamin') b. in Concord, 28 March, 1849; m. 3 Feb., 1866, John C. Morrison, who d. 23 March, 1896. Mrs. Morrison res. in Frankhn. Children; i. Hiram Simpson' Morrison, b 23 July, 1867; d. 27 Aug., 1867. u. Mary Sunpson Morri son, b. Concord, 25 Sept., 1868. ih. Lena Mabel Morrison, b. Concord, 12 March, 1871. 12. Roxana Peabody' Simpson (Hiram', Benjamin', Benjamin') b. in Con cord, 14 July, 1853; m. 24 July, 1872, John H. Rolfe of Concord. Children: i. Laurin Worth' Rolfe, b. Concord, 10 Sept., 1874. h. Marian Simpson Rolfe, b. Concord, 28 March, 1887. SMALL. 1. John' Small came to C. from Lee, where he was b. 6 May, 1761. He m. Keziah Jackson, b. 19 Aug., 1765, in Lee. Children, b. in C. ; i. Hannah-', b. 16 Oct., 1786. u. Samuel, b. 9 March, 1789. ih. John, twin, b. 25 Oct., 1791. iv. Keziah, twin, b. 25 Oct., 1791. 2. V. Jeremiah, b. 16 June, 1794. -vi. AbigaU, b. 16 July, 1796. -vu. Betsey, b. 16 Oct., 1798. -vih. Isaac, b. 12 March, 1801. ix. SaUy, b. 17 May, 1803. 2. Jeremiahs Small (Johw) b. 16 June, 1794; m. 3 Feb., 1818, Hannah, dau. of Elder Winthrop and Mary Otis Young. She was b. 25 June, 1790, m C. (See Young Gen..), d. 22 July, 1883. He d. 23 Nov., 1868. Chil dren, b. in C. : William Plummer', b. 3 May, 1818. Eliza H., b. 18 Nov., 1819. Darius, b. 19 Oct., 1821. Mary Jane, b. 10 Oct., 1823; m. 11 Jan., 1848, Enoch E. Pickard. (See Pickard Gen.) Simeon B., b. 10 Oct., 1824; d. unm. Andrew Jackson, b. 24 June, 1828. John, b. 6 Jan., 1831. Winthrop Young, b. 24 May, 1833; m. first, Anna Corbett; second, Mary Leech. No chUdren. ix. Caroline, b. 6 Sept., 1837; m. 6 May, 1861, Sylvanus C. Moore. (See Moore Gen.) 3. William Plummer' Small (Jeremiah', Johw) b. 3 May, 1818; m. first 23 May, 1846, Abi Blodgett; second, Abbie J., dau. of John M. and Abi gaU (Cate) Heath, b. in Epsom. Children by first marriage, b. in C. : i. Susan Anna', b. 28 May, 1847; d. 8 Sept., 1863. h. Mary Ella, b. 6 April, 1850; m. 6 May, 1885, Frank H. MerriU. (See Merrill Gen.) iu. Melbourne, b. 6 April, 1851-52; d. 31 Aug., 1863. 3. i. 4. ii. 6. hi. iv. V. 6. -vi. 7. -vu. -vih. genealogies. 313 iv. Emma Abi, b. 24 Dec, 1854. ChUdren by second marriage, b. in C. : V. Walter M., b. 30 Nov., 1858; m. first, 30 Nov., 1895, in Chichester, Ahce C, dau. of Hosea B. and Lavina J. (Fowler) Langley, b. 23 June, 1867, in Chichester; d. 2 July, 1907, in Loudon; m. second, 9 May, 1911, Mrs. SteUa (Sweatt) Page. 8. vi. Almon James, b. 9 Feb., 1869. 4. Eliza H.' Small (Jeremiah; Johw) b. 18 Nov., 1819; m. Nathan F. Fos ter of Gihnanton. She d. 10 April, 1906. Children: i. Charles Henry' Foster, u. Frank Albert Foster; m. Ivy Batch- elder. Graduated Ann Arbor Medical School and practiced medicine in Waltham, Mass. 5. Darius' Small (Jeremiah; Johw) b. 19 Oct., 1821; m. 24 Aug., 1850, m C, Susan H., dau. of Abraham Heath. She d. May, 1884; he, 1894. ChUdren, b. in C. ; 9. i. John A.', b. 28 Oct., 1853. h. Charles Edwin, b. 23 June, 1860; m. 30 Jan., 1886, in C, M. Jennie, dau. of Nicholas D. Garmon, b. in that part of GUmanton now Belmont, 5 Jan., 1860. No children: 6. Andre-w Jackson' Small (Jeremiah', Johw) b. 24 June, 1828; m. Calista Whitney, dau. of Wilham Howe. She was of English descent. She d. 17 May, 1882. He served three years in the Civil war. He d. 22 Jan., 1897. Children: i. Eva Gertrude', b. 31 March, 1858, in Northfield; m. 1 May, 1884, in Tilton, Otto A. Gross, who was b. 24 March, 1860. u. Charles H. iii. Alfaretta. 7. John' Small (Jeremiah; Johw) b. 6 Jan., 1831; m. 3 Nov., 1859, Sarah E. Dennis. He d. 12 May, 1905. Child: i. Anna Addie', b. 22 May, 1866; m. first, 18 May, 1889, Fred J. Cole; m. second, 3 June, 1903, Homer Van Cor. 8. Almon James' Small (WiUiam P.; Jeremiah', John') b. 9 Feb., 1869; m. Florence G. Bagley, b. 14 Sept., 1866, in C. (See Bagley Gen.) Mrs. SmaU d. in C, 14 Dec, 1910. Children, b. in C: i. Anna Abi', b. 21 June, 1891; d. 20 Sept., 1900. u. Harry Elwood, b. 28 April, 1894; d. 9 Sept., 1900. iu. Arabella Beatrice, b. 7 July. 1896. iv. Melbourne Jackson, b. 10 Dec, 1899; d. 13 Dec, 1899. v. Fred Eugene, b. 21 Oct., 1901. vi. Alhson McClary, b. 10 July, 1906. 9. John A.' Small (Darius', Jeremiah', Johw) b. 28 Oct., 1853; m. 1 May, 1878, in Belmont, Sarah E., dau. of Jewett E. Maxfield. She was b. in Belmont, 3 Dec, 1857. Children; i. Orison J.', b. 7 March, 1883; m. 20 Jan., 1907, Emma Sanders, b. 16 June, 1886. h. Susie May, b. 10 March, 1886; d. 19 Nov., 1885. ih. Beatrice May, b. 29 Jan., 1889 ; d. 16 Aug., 1890. 314 history of canterbury. SMITH. 1. Jeremiah' Smith was b. 5 Aug., 1825, in Lough Gael, City Antrim, Ire land. His father was Robert' Smith, who m. Sarah, dau. of WUham Carr. Roberts d. in Peabody, Mass. His wife d. in Ireland. The grandfather of Jeremiah' was Jeremiah' Smith. He m. Rose, dau. of Thomas Olednary. Both d. in Ireland. Jeremiah' Smith m. 4 AprU, 1849, in E. Concord, Mary, dau. of Robert McKerley, b. 1823, in Ken- billy, City Antrim, Ireland; d. 26 Nov., 1905, in C. Mr. Smith rem. from Concord to C. Dec, 1868; prachased the Stephen Young farm and resided there tiU 1887, when he purchased the DybaU farm; resided there tUl 1908 when he rem. to Chichester. Children: 2. i. Sarah Jane', b. 5 June, 1852. ii. Mary Elizabeth, d. at the age of two years. iii. Martha Ann, b. 1 Jan., 1866. iv. Robert, d. at the age of two years. 3. V. Mary Elizabeth. vi. Robert Jeremiah, b. 8 Jan., 1864; d. 26 Feb., 1903, in C. 2. Sarah Jane' Smith (Jeremiah', Robert', Jeremiah') b. 6 June, 1862; m. 30 Sept., 1874, in Concord, Frank Paul Seavey. ChUdren, b. in Con cord: i. Frank Robert' Seavby, b. 7 July, 1876: m. 30 July, 1895, Nettie Marion, dau. of Charles B. and Louisa (Upton) Sheldon of Peterborough. Charles Sheldon was a veteran of the Ci-vil war. ChUdren, b. in Peterborough : 1 . Louise Adele« Seavey, b. 7 Dec, 1896. 2. Paul Sheldon Seavey, b. 17 July, 1898. ii. Etta Adel Blanche Seavey, b. 23 Sept., 1878. 3. Mary Elizabeth' Smith (Jeremiah', Robert', Jeremiah') m. first, Feb., 1875, in Concord, Edwin Lougee; m. second, 19 May, 1894, in Bellows Falls, Vt., William H. Hall. Children by first marriage: Frederic Jeremiah' Lougee, b. 2 March, 1876, in Concord. Harry A. Lougee, b. 31 May, 1878, in Penacook. ;h. George Edwin Lougee, b. 15 June, 1880, in Suncook. SMITH. 1. Reuben' Smith, who moved from Exeter to Sanbomton, before 1779; settled at the foot of Colby (GUe's) HUl, south of Clark's Comer; d. 30 March, 1797. Mrs. Smith d. 28 Sept., 1815, aged 94. They had six chUdren of whom Noah', the youngest, m. 9 Dec, 1784, Mercy, dau. of Jonathan and Anna (Taylor) Chase of Loudon. They had ten children of whom Thoinas SewaU', the youngest, settled in C. 2. Thomas Sewall' Smith (Noah', Reuben') b. 25 May, 1809, in Sanbomton; m. Nancy Taylor, b. 1812, dau. of Benjamin (son of Col. Wilham Tay lor of Sanbomton) and Sally (Whitcher) Taylor of Upper Gilmanton, now Belmont. As early as 1838, Mr. Smith was residing at HiU's Comer, and he continued a res. untU his death. Mrs. Smith d. 12 AprU, 1864; he, 18 Aug., 1866. Children: genealogies. 315 i. Thomas Cawley', b. 12 March, 1835, in Sanbomton; m. 8 Jan., 1864, Jane, dau. of Stephen Dearborn Shirley, of E. TUton, b. 25 Jan., 1838. He was a veteran of the Civil war, having served in Co. C, 1st N. H. Hea-vy Art. Settled on the homestead of his father, the old Barker place, at HiU's Corner where he remained during life, improving and enlarging the estate. D. 1 March, 1910. Mrs. Smith d. 29 June, 1911. No chUdren. h. Lucy Jane, b. 1837; m. 29 Nov., 1855, Arthur L. Davis of C; resided in Concord. She d. 23 Sept., 1860. Child : Clara Mead' Davis, b. 8 Oct., 1857; m. D. J. Hurlburt and res. in Laconia. Mr. Da-vis m. second, Susan T. Smith; m. third, Rhoda Jane Col- hns; m. fourth, Mrs. Sophia R. (Stowell) Sanborn. 3. hi. Julia A., b. 18 Feb., 1839. 4. iv. John Cole, b. 18 May, 1847. Z. Julia A'. Smith (Thomas Sewalb, Noah', Reubew) b. 18 Feb., 1839; m. 1 May, 1859, Horace O. Bugbee of Lake ViUage. Children: i. Stella S.' Bugbee, b. 21 June, 1860. h. Almon C. Bugbee, b. 3 Dec, 1863. ih. Wilbur T. Bugbee, b. 18 Dec, 1871; d. 27 March, 1872. 4. John Colb' Smith (Thomas Sewalb, Noah', Reubew) b. 18 May, 1847; m. first, 29 April, 1866, Abbie J., dau. of Richard Shaw. (See Shaw Gen.) She d. 27 June, 1893. He m. second, Mary, wid. of Joseph Cota, whose children were John B., Nellie, Hattie and Mamie Cota. Mr. Smith was a soldier in the Ci-vil war, serving in Co. K, 5th N. H. Regt. He res. at HUl's Corner. Children : i. Minnie B.', b. 13 May, 1867; m. first, 3 May, 1885, Charles Patten, who d. 22 Dec, 1894. ChUdren: 1. Daisy Patten, b. 31 Aug. 1888. 2. Joseph Patten, b. 8 July, 1890. Minnie B. m. second, 3 July, 1897, Edgar Davis. u. Lena E., b. 10 Feb., 1875; m. 14 Aug., 1902, Harry Ingerson. Chil dren; 1. Doris' Ingerson, b. 6 May, 1903. 2. Edith Ingerson, b. 14 June, 1907. 3. Elenor Ingerson, b. 10 Dec, 1908; d. 30 AprU, 1910. hi. Lillian M., b. 6 July, 1877; m. Leland Bundy. One chUd. iv. Vernie C. C, b. 10 April, 1883; m. Stella Ham. Children: 1. Violet', b. Sept., 1904. 2. Abbie, b. 22 Aug., 1907. 3. Bertha, b. 16 March, 1908. SNOW. 1. Ernest White' Snow, son of Andrew Fayette' and IsabeUe (Howland) Snow and grandson of David' Snow, was b. 2 Oct., 1874, in Whitefield; m. 24 Dec, 1896, m Belmont, LiUa Ivanette, dau. of Martin L. Lane. She was b. 26 Nov., 1878, in Center Harbor. They moved to C, March, 1906. Children: i. Lurline Lane', b. 22 Nov., 1900. ii. Martin Fayette, b. 1 Dec, 1902. SNYDER. 1. John' Snyder was b. 22 May, 1776, at Frankfort-on-the-Rhine, Germany. He came to Boston, 1800; m. 1805 at Marblehead, Mass., Mrs. Sarah Nicholson, dau. of Sylvester and Sarah Stevens; settled in C, 1829. He was a skilled mechanic. He d. 16 March, 1869. His wife d. 18 316 history of canterbury. May, 1851, aged 69. They had seven children, five of whom lived to be heads of famihes. Three, Elizabeths, Christopher and John, spent a large part of their life in C. Elizabeth, b. in Marblehead ; m. 31 March, 1864, Ezra B., son of Ezekiel and Huldah (Burbank) Getchell, b. in Wethersfield, Vt. She d. 1887. Christopher Snyder, b. in Deerfield, N. Y., d. 14 Nov., 1864, m C. 2. Johns Snyder (Johw) b. 24 Sept., 1814, at Utica, N. Y.; m. 9 Feb., 1843, at C, AbigaU S. MerriU, b. 19 Oct., 1814, at Orange. She was a dau. of James MerrUl who was b. 16 March, 1775, in Amesbury, Mass. Her mother, Elizabeth Heath Merrill, was b. 18 Jan., 1784, at Sandovra; d. 7 April, 1870, in C. John Snyder was by occupation a carpenter and pump buUder. He was appointed Lieutenant of the Company of Riflemen in the 38th Regt. of N. H. Militia, 1 AprU, 1842. He was honorably discharged at his own request, 20 April, 1843. AbigaU (MerrUl) Snyder d. 14 Jan., 1872. He m. second, 13 Aug., 1873, at Concord, Ellen Elizabeth, dau. of Jonathan and Abigail (Bancroft) Hamlet. Jonathan Hamlet d. 27 Feb., 1866; his -wife d. 12 Jime, 1883. John Snyder d. 16 Dec, 1898, in C. Children by first marriage; i. James M.', b. 27 Jan., 1844. u. Charies T., b. 28 Dec, 1846; d. 3 July, 1867. iu. George C, b. 22 Aug., 1849; d. 22 Jan., 1852. iv. Frank P., b. 21 Dec, 1851. ChUd by second marriage: v. Ethel Hamlet, b. 11 Jan., 1877; d. 2 July, 1898. 3. James M.' Snyder (John; Johw) b. 27 Jan., 1844; m. 1873, Mary E. Fitts, b. 1852, at Webster. He is a carpenter and a building contractor. He has served the town of Webster several years as selectman and member of the school board. ChUdren: i. Nellie Alberta', b. 30 March, 1877; m. Walter Chase of Concord. Child: Alan Snyder' Chase, b. 13 May, 1909. u. Mahlon J., b. May, 1879; m. Lizzie Avery. Their two children are: 1. Ethel', b. 20 April, 1908. 2. Bessie May, b. 10 Oct., 1909. 4. Frank P.' Snyder (Johw, John') b. 21 Dec, 1851, m. 26 Nov., 1884, Mrs. Dora E. Brown, b. 11 Aug., 1858. She had a dau., Bessie E., who m. Oscar F. Timlin and lives in Dorchester, Mass. Dora Brown Snyder d. Dec, 1897. Frank P.' Snyder was an upholsterer in Boston; d. 1 Feb., 1897. 5. Elizabeth H.' Snyder (Elizabeth' Johw) b. 8 June, 1841, in C; m. 3 Dec, 1857, Jason Chamberiam of Marblehead, Mass. He d. 4 July, 1899. ChUdren: 1. Eleanor A.' Chamberiam. 2. Sarah M. Cham beriam. 3. WiUiam H. Chamberiain. 4. George J. Chamberiain. 5. Mary F. Chamberiam. 6. Daniel A. Chamberiain. 7. LiUa S. Chamberlain. SQUIERS. 1. Hiram Clarks Squiers, b. 4 Dec, 1821, in St. Albans, Vt., son of PhUip' and Carolme (Clark) Squiers; m. first, Alma, dau. of James and Phebe (Clark) Pevere, b. 22 Feb., 1819; d. 18 May, 1866; m. second, Anne genealogies. 317 Allen of GUmanton; served four years in the Civil war; resided in C. several years; d. 4 AprU, 1897, in Manchester. ChUdren, all by first marriage: i. Mary Anne', b. 14 Aug., 1839, in St. Albans; m. C. Robert Foss of Manchester, a soldier in the CivU war; d. Jan., 1867. ChUdren: 1. Charles' Foss. 2. Lucy Foss, m. WiUiam Farmer. u. Elvira Clark, b. 23 April, 1841; m. first, Charles Li-vingstone, b. . inVt. He served in the Civil war; d. in Reasnor, la. Child: Charles' Li-vingstone. She m. second, Stephen M. Emery of Reasnor. (See Emery Gen.) hi. Ruby Woodworth, b. 31 Dec, 1846, in Swanton, Vt.; m. 18 Nov. 1865, Frank Peverly. (See Peverly Gen.) iv. Phebe Louise, b. 7 April, 1851; m. first, Joseph Heath of C. (See Heath Gen.); m. second, Moses Gerrish Shaw, b. in Salisbury. Children: 1. Pliny Shaw. 2. Jessie Shaw. 3. Plummer Shaw. V. Philip James, b. 30 Dec, 1856. -vi. Hiram Frank, b. 27 AprU, 1868, in Vt.; m. Louise Roberts, b. in Manchester. Child: Bertha.' STEVENS. In nearly every state of the Union there are descendants of WiUiam' Stevens, the progenitor of the Stevens family of C, who came with his brother John and mother "Wid. Ann Stevens from Gonsham, Oxford Co., Eng., in the ship Confidence" to Newbury, Mass., in 1638. 1. William' settled in Newbury; m. Elizabeth Bitfield of Newbury, 19 May, 1645. He d. 19 May, 1663. Three children, of whom John' was the second. 2. Johns Ste-vens (William') b. 19 Nov., 1660, took the oath of allegiance in 1669 and again in 1678; m. 9 March, 1669, Mary, dau. of AquUa and Anne (Wheeler) Chase, who was b. in Newbury, 3 Feb., 1650. He resided in Newbury, HaverhUl and Gloucester. His wiU dated 19 May, 1715, mentions his ten children by name of whom Otho' was the young est. 3. Ensign Otho' Ste-vens (John; William'), b. 1702, in HaverhUl, Mass., d. 1771, m Hampstead; m. first, 21 March, 1723, AbigaU, dau. of Josiah and Mary (Lufkin) Kent, b. in West Gloucester, Mass., 9 July, 1697; d. in Hampstead. They resided on "Kent's Farm " and there their chil dren were b. M. second, Mary Dodge. Nine children by first mar riage, of whom Otho' was the second child. 4. Otho' Stevens (Otho', John') b. 1726; m. AbigaU Emerson, 28 Oct., 1752. He was constable of Hampstead, 1754-56. He served in the French and Indian war, was in Wolfe's Brig., at Quebec, and was seriously mjured m climbing the Heights of Abraham. He was conveyed to Ft. Oswego, where he d. 21 Sept., 1759. His wife, who was b. in Hampstead 20 March, 1737, was dau. of Benjamin and Hannah (Watts) Emerson and through her mother a descendant of the famous Hannah Dustin of Haverhill. After her husband's death she continued to res. 318 history of canterbury. at Hampstead for a few years. WhUe visiting her sister, Mrs. Susan Chase of C, she met Dea. David Morrill, to whom she was m. 28 Dec, 1763 and with her children moved to C. She d. 30 June, 1833, and was buried in the cemetery at the Center. Children of Otho and Abigail (Emerson) Stevens: i. Abiah', b. 23 Aug., 1753; m. John A. Moore, of Loudon. 5. h. Simon, b. 14 March, 1755. 6. ih. Jesse, b. 22 Jan., 1757. iv. Jacob, b. 16 March, 1759; d. 27 Feb., 1760. 5. Simon' Stevens (Otho*, Otho') b. 14 March, 1755, in Hampstead; came to C. about 1763; m. Elizabeth Boynton, b. 10 Nov., 1754; d. 9 Feb., 1846. He d. 19 June, 1825. Children, b. in C. ; i. Otho', b. 22 July, 1776; m. Susan Robinson. One son: Orlando', m. 9 Oct., 1863, Eliza A. Batchelder (See Batchelder Gen.), who -with his mother rem. to New York. h. Edmund, b. 3 July, 1778; m. Betsey Shepard of Gilmanton, d. in C. 10 March, 1842. He d. 13 Dec, 1854. Children: 1. Ehza Etta', b. 29 Oct., 1810; m. 3 May, 1842, Rev. James Doldt of Effingham. She d. 1 March, 1867. 2. Wilham Shepard, b. 21 June, 1816. Da-vid, b. 10 Nov., 1780; d. 3 Dec, 1806. Betsey, b. 8 Dec, 1783. John, b. 29 July, 1786. Jesse, b. 29 Sept., 1788. Mary, b. 13 Sept., 1791. Abiah, b. 12 Oct., 1793; m. Ebenezer Batchelder. (See Batchelder Gen.) Moses, b. 29 July, 1796. Abigail, b. 11 Sept., 1799; m. Mark Davis. (See Da-vis Gen.) Thomas Jefferson, b. 18 July, 1801. Simon, Jr., b. 18 July, 1803; d. 16 Sept., 1806. 6. Jesse' Stevens (Otho; Otho') b. 22 Jan., 1767; m. Elizabeth Heath. Children: i. Elizabeth or Betsey', b. 20 Oct., 1784; m. 6 Oct., 1807, Ezekiel MorriU. (See Morrill Gen.) h. Susanna, b. 23 July, 1789; m. Jonathan Ayers. (See Ayers Gen.) iii. Anna (Nancy), b. 4 Dec, 1791. iv. Asa, b. 5 May, 1794; m. 18 Jan., 1826, Susanna, dau. of Abiel and Susanna (Moore) Foster. (See Foster Gen.) Res. in C. tUl 1833, when he rem. to Ohio. ChUdren, first three b. in C: 1. Alfred', b. Dec, 1826. 2. Abiel Foster, b. 27 Aug., 1827. 3. Martha Amanda, b. 2 March, 1833; m. Little. Res. in AbUene, Kan. 4. Emma S., m. Hobart. Res. in Parsons, Kan. 7. Betsey' Stevens (Simow, Otho*) b. 8 Dec, 1783; m. 18 Aug., 1801, Samuel, son of Samuel and Muiam (Tucker) Sargent of C. (See Sargent Gen.) 8. John' Stevens (Simow, Otho*) b. 29 July, 1786; d. 8 July, 1869; m. March, 1810, Submit, dau. of Dea. Newcomb of Greenvrich, Mass., b. 1790; d. 30 Sept., 1825. After his m. Mr. Stevens rem. to Boscawen. In 1836, he moved West. Children, b. in Boscawen: David', Bradford, Adaline, Calvin, Justus, Louisa, Submit, Elizabeth. 111. 7. iv. 8. V. 9. -vi. 10. vh. -vih. 11. ix. X. 12. xi. xu. genealogies. 319 9. Jbsse' Stevens (Simon; Otho*) b. 29 Sept., 1788; m. 30 Nov., 1814, AbigaU Sherburne, b. 16 March, 1793, m Epsom, d. 9 July, 1880. Children, b. in C: i. Harriet', b. 23 Dec, 1815; m. Gardner Mason. (See Mason Gen.) 13. h. Mary Ann, b. 12 Jan., 1818. hi. Sylvester, b. 21 Jan., 1820; m. 21 Oct., 1845, Mary Otis, dau. of Otis and Katherine (Johnson) Young, b. 13 July, 1818. He d. 1 AprU, 1902; she, 23 April, 1903. ChUdren, b. in Chiches ter; 1. Mary Ehzabeth', b. 7 Dec, 1851. 2. Georgia Anna, b. 3 July, 1854; m. 12 Oct., 1887, James F. Burke of Boston. One son: James H.' Burke, b. 23 Oct., 1894. Mrs. Burke d. 22 Feb., 1899, in Brooklyn, N. Y. 14. iv. Caroline, b. 17 Sept., 1822. 15. V. Susan Tilton, b. 26 July, 1825. vi. Nancy Vicbna, b. 26 Jan., 1829; m. 22 June, 1862, Moody S. Far- num of Concord, b. 10 Dec, 1824; d. 10 Feb., 1900. 16. -vii. Albert, b. 24 Jan., 1833. -viu. Sarah Gage, b. 31 May, 1836; d. 22 Nov., 1838. 10. Mary' Stevens (Simow, Otho*) b. 13 Sept., 1791; m. Jesse Emerson of Newburyport, Mass., b. in HoUis. In 1836, they rem. to French Grove, Buda, IU. He d. 1838. ChUdren; AbigaU' Emerson, Mary Stevens Emerson, Jesse Emerson, Roxanna Emerson, Josephine Emerson, WUham Ed-win Emerson, George Stevens Emerson and Ehzabeth Emerson. 11. MosES' Stevens (Simow, Otho*, ) b. 29 July, 1796; m. 4 Jan., 1820, Mary Stevens, b. 19 Oct., 1798; d. 28 June, 1870, in IU. Children: David' and Elbridge, both b. in C. He d. 22 Feb., 1864. 12. Thomas J.= Stevens (Simow, Otho*) b. 18 July, 1801; m. first, Elizabeth Smith of C; second, Mrs. Eliza Simpson in Concord, 1854. Moved to Buda, IU., 1836; d. 22 March, 1853. Children by first marriage, b. iu'C . Lurana', Mary, Joseph, Emeline, Frank W. Children, b. in 111.; Caro line, Sarah J., Ehzabeth. 13. Mary A.' Ste^vens (Jesse, Simow) b. 12 Jan., 1818; m. 4 June, 1840, Rufus, son of Isaac Virgin, of Concord, b. 7 Jan., 1818; d. 26 Jan., 1899. ChUdren: i. Ellen Amanda' Virgin, b. 22 March, 1842; d. 12 Nov., 1909. u. Emma Amelia Virgin, b. 16 March, 1845; m. 24 June, 1880, Nathan Pingree. He d. 3 May, 1897. hi. Frank Pierce Virgin, b. 3 Oct., 1847; d. 10 Aug., 1871. iv. Esther Ann Virgin, b. 9 Aug., 1850; m. 30 Nov., 1872, Frank P. Batchelder of Loudon. He d. 1 April, 1900. Children: Susan Mary Batchelder, b. 12 Nov., 1877; m. 9 Aug., 1905, Dr. . John CaMn Huckins. Chi d : John Haven" Huckins, b. 24 Dec, 1906. 2. Caroline Ethel Batchelder, b. 28 June, 1880. 3. Bertha Edith Batchelder, b. 1 July, 1885; m. 10 March, 1904, Fred B. Rowe. 4. Gladys Mildred Batchelder, b. 16 May, 1892. V. Fred Peaslee Virgin, b. 25 Jan., 1863; m. 13 June, 1876, Ada L. Batchelder of Loudon. He d. 29 May, 1908. Children: 1. Arthur RusseU' Virgin, b. 2 May, 1877. 2. Lelia Stevens Virgin, b. 24 Sept., 1879. 320 history of canterbury. vi. Fales Perley Virgin, b. 31 Oct., 1856; m. 24 Dec, 1879, Rose E. Johnson of Concord. Children: 1. Bessie EUa» Virgin, b. 21 Feb., 1880; m. 5 Sept., 1906, Roy W. Maynard of Loudon. Children: Hazel Beatrice", Clarence Virgin and Helen Ger trade Maynard. 2. Belle Fiorina Virgin, b. 26 Dec, 1882. 3. Bernice Johnson Virgin, b. 16 Aug., 1889. 14. Caroline' Ste-vens (Jesse', Simow) b. 17 Sept., 1822; m. 18 April, 1849, Stephen Clark of Boston, Mass. Res. in Concord. Children: i. Fred Everett' Clark, d. in infancy. h. Frank Edward Clark, m. Jennie Estelle Smith. Children: 1. Fred Everett' Clark, d. in infancy. 2. Ethel Clark. 15. Susan T.' Stevens (Jesse; Simon') b. 26 July, 1825; m. 10 Feb., 1851, David A. MorriU of C. Res. in E. Concord. ChUd: i. Albert Jesse' Morrill, b. 9 Nov., 1859; m. Rose, dau of Charles H. and Mary E. (Boyce) Colby, b. 20 Sept., 1862. Children: 1. Grace' MorriU. 2. John J. MorriU. 16. Albert' Stevens (Jesse', Simow) b. 24 Jan., 1833; m. Susan Ellen, dau. of Reuben Goodwin, b. 7 July, 1839. He remained on the home farm imtU 1861, when he rem. to E. Concord. ChUdren: i. Lillian Mabel', b. 24 Feb., 1868 ; d. in infancy. ii. Jesse Good-win, b. 24 June, 1870; m. Sarah O. Regan, b. 20 Feb., 1873. ChUdren: 1. Ernest Edwin', b. 3 Nov., 1897. 2. Geor gia Ahce, b. 30 March, 1900. 3. Susie Lucy, b. 1 Nov., 1901. 4. Mary LUlian, b. 1 Dec, 1903. STREETER. 1. Raplh' Streeter (David) b. 17 Feb., 1813, in Lisbon; m. 8 July, 1835, Caroline E., dau. of Benjamin Daley. She was b. 25 Jan., 1820, in Lisbon, d. 11 Oct., 1859, in Northfield; m. second, Mrs. Adehne Winch, twin sister of first wife. She d. 15 March, 1891, in C. He came to C. in 1845; was a farmer and mechanic; d. 6 May, 1877, in C. ChUdren by first marriage: 2. i. Martin V. B.', b. 22 Jan., 1837. h. Hiram, b. 16 Feb., 1840; m. 29 Sept., 1861, Sevira, dau. of Shubael and Polly Glines of Northfield, b. 30 April, 1843. (See Glines Gen.) He was master mechanic of the Stevens' Mills, Frank lin, for thirty years; 32d degree Mason. hi. Catharine D., b. 28 July, 1843; d. 2 Sept., 1849. iv. Lydia B., b. 11 Dec, 1845; m. 28 Sept., 1860, Tristram McDaniel. (See McDaniel Gen.) V. Louisa, b. 29 Feb., 1848; d. 8 Aug., 1849. -vi. Sarah Ann, b. 14 May, 1850; d. 11 Oct., 1863. vii. Hannah, b. 19 July, 1852; d. 7 Oct., 1868. 3. -viu. Charles A., b. 17 AprU, 1855. ix. Frank E., b. 1 Oct., 1857; m. EUen Warborton. He is a mechanic: had charge of a machine shop in HaverhUl, Mass., for several years. One child. Children by second marriage : X. Carrie E., b. 9 May, 1862; m. 4 June, 1880, George Noyes. (See Noyes Gen.) xi. George F., b. 1 Jan., 1864; d. 7 Jan., 1891. He was a farmer genealogies. 321 2. Martin V. B.' Streeter (Ralph', David) b. 22 Jan., 1837, in Lisbon; m. 18 Oct., 1859, Elizabeth McDaniel of C. (See McDaniel Gen.) She d. 27 July, 1890. He m. second, 18 Feb., 1892, in C, Mrs. Isolme McDaniel. He was supt. for many years of the pulp mill at Franklin; d. 28 March, 1898, in Northfield. ChUdren by first marriage: i. Nellie Louise', b. 26 May, 1864, in Somer-viUe, Mass.; m. 1 Jan., 1891, in Frankhn, Louis John Cherrier. She d. 22 March, 1893, in Nashua. 4. ii. Walter William, b. 3 Dec, 1865. hi. Dora May, b. 17 May, 1872, in Franklin; m. Harry Gordon. 5. iv. Maud Elizabeth, b. 4 May, 1880. 3. Charles A.' Streeter (Ralph', David') b. 17 AprU, 1855; m. Annie Pet- tingiU, b. 16 March, 1863. He was supt. of pulp miU in Franklin for several years. ChUdren: i. Ralph', b. 15 Dec, 1885. u. Hazel, b. 8 Nov., 1891. hi. Deborah, b. 23 Sept., 1897. iv. Ruby, b. 16 March, 1904. 4. Walter William' Streeter (Martin V. B.', Ralph', David') b. 3 Dec, 1865, Ul C; m. 15 Dec, 1888, in Tilton, Cora Maud, dau. of Edwin and Sarah E. Moorhouse, b. 20 Nov., 1868, in Lakeport. ChUdren: i. Sarah Elizabeth', b. 10 Oct., 1890, in Franklin; m. 7 July, 1909, in Warren, Sydney C. Weeks. Child: NeweU Eaton' Weeks, b. 2 April, 1910, in Warren, u. Nelhe Louise, b. 27 March, 1893, in Franklm; m. 25 Feb., 1910, in Sanbomton, Waldo C. BaUey. Child; MUdred Streeter' Bailey, b. 21 Dec, 1910, in New Boston, iu. Martin Hiram, b. 23 Oct., 1895, in Frankhn. iv. Beatrice LiUian, b. 1 Sept., 1898, in Tilton. v. Edwin Sumner, b. 10 Sept., 1900, in Northfield. vi. Gladys Moor house, b. 15 March, 1904, in Northfield. -vh. Walter Eugene, b. 3 July, 1906, in Northfield. viu. Nora Loett, b. 12 April, 1910, m Northfield. 5. Maud Elizabeth' Streeter (Martin V. B.', Ralph; David') b. 4 May, 1880, in Franklin; m. 19 June, 1900, in Franklhi, Scott Frank Taylor. ChUdren, b. m Hyde Park, Mass.; i. Clarence Scott' Taylor, b. Aug., 1903. u. Donald Francis Taylor, b. 4 Dec, 1908. SUTTON. The first reference to the Sutton family in the C. records is when the wid. Margaret Sutton was taxed in 1776. Her name continues on the tax list untU 1787, but not appearing as the head of a famUy in the U. S. Census of 1790, it is presumed that she went to res. with her son John, with whom she remamed untU her death, 12 March, 1816. Whether she was accompanied by her husband when she came to C. is not known. If so, he d. soon after her arrival. The following entries relative to the Sutton family appear in the town register of births, marriages and deaths: The birth of Michael Sutton's chUdren: i. Stephen, b. 1 Sept., 1756, probably the Stephen who m. 10 Oct., 1800, Betsey Folsom. u. Michael, b. 11 Sept., 1757; d. Sept., 1797. hi. Edmund, b. 4 May, 1759, d. 11 Feb., 1776. iv. 2a-n 322 history of canterbury. Mary, b. 2 Dec, 1760, d. 27 March, 1761. v. John, b. 14 Jan., 1762, d. at Concord, 1840. -vi. Solomon, b. 18 May, 1765, d. Oct., 1814. Wid. Margaret Sutton, the mother of the above, d. 12 March, 1816, aged 86 years, 9 months and 10 days. Johns Sutton (Michael') b. 14 Jan., 1762; m. Lydia Lyford, 12 March, 1788. She was b. at Epping, 31 March, 1762, and dau. of John' Lyford (Thomas', Francis'). (See Lyford Gen.) Children: i. John, Jr.', b. 29 Nov., 1788, d. 14 Sept., 1801. h. Polly, b. 26 Dec, 1790. ih. Samuel Gerrish, b. 26 April, 1793; m. 19 Jan., 1817, Sarah Graham of Concord, iv. Thomas Lyford, b. 14 Oct., 1795; d. 21 March, 1809. v. Harmon, b. 16 March, 1798. vi. Eunice, b. 27 Sept., 1801; m. 13 May, 1819, Frederick Chase of C. vii. Nancy, b. 24 May, 1804. Edmunds Sutton (Michaeb) b. 4 May, 1769; d. 11 Feb., 1776; m. and had at least one chUd. i. EDMUND',b. in Loudon, 16 Nov., 1782; m. Lucy Morton, b. in Gorham, Me., 1785. Children: 1. Margaret, b. Farmington, Me., 1806. 2. Hannah Adams, b. Freeman, Me., 26 March, 1806. 3. Nancy Carlton, b. Freeman, Me., 17 Sept., 1809. 4. James F., b. 2 Dec, 1816; d. 8 Feb., 1818. 5. Mahala Jane, b. 9 AprU, 1819. John Sutton was town clerk of C. for several years. The last entry in the early register of -vital statistics is as follows; "Where births or marriages are recorded without naming the place, they are to be considered as belonging to Canterbury, so far as has been recorded by me, the subscriber, and I do recommend it to my successors to consider it in hke manner or else to note the place of the birth and the place of abode of each person at the time of their marriage. " "John Sutton, Town Clerk. "Canterbury, March, 9, 1806." Stephen Sutton, the first bom of Margaret Sutton, appears on the tax hst in 1778, when he was in his twenty-second year, and again in 1785 and 1787. He is not found in the U. S. Census of 1790, unless he was residing with one of his brothers. Michael Sutton is taxed for the first time in 1779, again in 1785 and 1787 and he is enumerated in the Census of 1790. His family, including himself, consisted of two males of sixteen or over, two males under sixteen and three females, one of whom was probably his wife. The additional male of sixteen or over may have been his brother Stephen or his brother Solomon. The latter is taxed in 1785 and 1787, but is not found in the Census of 1790. An Edmund Sutton of a later generation, who lived a mile and a quarter north of the Chase farm in the HUl's Corner school district and worked for Levi Chase, must have been a grandson of Margaret Sutton. This Edmund had a dau. who m. Simeon Spencer who was a tenant after m. on the Nathaniel Batchelder place. genealogies. 323 When administration was granted on the estate of Margaret Sutton in 1816, Stephen Sutton declined administration in favor of his brother John. The latter presented a bill for the care of his mother from March, 1806, to March, 1816. There are credits in the bill of payments by Edmund Grover and Capt. Thomas Curry for the use of her place. Mrs. Sutton's real estate consisted of a forty-acre lot in C. which was appraised at $325. John Sutton's bond as administrator was signed by his brother Stephen and by Thomas Lyford. Stephen Sutton resided in the Hill's Comer school district from 1801 to 1805 on the farm where James G. Lyford settled and is said to be buried in the cemetery on that farm. SWASEY. 1. Benjamin Connor' Swasey, b. in Gilmanton; m. Jemima Gibson, b. 2 May, 1790. She d. 19 July, 1830; he, 1871 in C, aged 83. ChUdren: i. Da-vids, b. July, 1813. u. Mary, b. 8 July, 1814, in Gilford; m. A. B. Boyce. (See Boyce Gen.) 2. hi. Naaman G., b. 5 Feb., 1818. iv. Lyman T., b. 11 Nov., 1821; d. 20 Jan., 1849; unm. 3. V. George Shattuck, b. 16 Jan., 1825. vi. Benjamin C, b. 27 March, 1829. 2. Naaman G.s, Swasey (Benjamin') b. 5 Feb., 1818; m. 8 Sept., 1842, Ehza Magoon. He d. 27 Oct., 1861; she, 8 July, 1863. ChUd: Orianna' m. Da-vid MorriU of Brighton, Mass., d. 20 Dec, 1871. (See MorriU Gen.) 3. George Shattuck' Swasey (Benjamiw) b. 16 Jan., 1825; m. May, 1857, in Manchester, Sarah F. Barnard of LoweU, Mass. George S. Swasey came to C. from Boston, at four years of age, where he remamed tUl he was twenty-one. He d. 3 Jan., 1878, in LoweU, Mass. His wife d. 17 April, 1902, in Concord. Children: i. Gertrude F.', b. 19 Jan., 1860, in LoweU, Mass., m. 13 Sept., 1882, Rev. John Vannevar at Maiden, Mass. Children: 1. Aaron' Vannevar, b. and d. 19 Jan., 1886. 2. Dorothy Frances Van nevar, b. 12 March, 1891. 3. Ehzabeth Ryder Vannevar, b. 1 April, 1896. h. George Lyman, b. 3 Aug., 1861, in Lowell. TALLANT. 1. Hugh' Tallant, b. in Co. Carlow, Ire., was of Scotch descent, and came as a pioneer to HaverhiU, Mass., before 1731. He was an employee of Col. Richard SaltonstaU, a member of His Majesty's CouncU. Con siderable romance attaches to this first American Tallant. Whittier's poem of "The Sycamores" was written about him. "Green memorials of the gleeman! Linking stiU the river-shores. With their shadows cast by sunset. Stand Hugh TaUant's sycamores." 324 history of canterbury Miss Noyes' "History of Hampstead, " says: "Hugh Tallant, . . . who set out the long rows of sycamore trees on the 'SaltonstaU seat,' or what has been known in later years as the ' Buttonwoods, ' on Water street, HaverhiU, came as a pioneer to the 'Island Farm' in 1731. He was known as 'Fiddler Hugh.'" The "Island farm in Perch pond" originally belonged to Col. Richard SaltonstaU. Hugh TaUant after wards liv^ed in another part of Hampstead, later in Plaistow, and finally Pelham where he d. about 1795. In 1749, Hugh Tallant m. Abiah, dau. of Daniel Little of Hampstead, b. 14 Aug., 1723. They settled in Plaistow where their two sons were b. She d. about 1752. He m. second, 28 June, 1753, Mary Dodge of Hampstead and had ten children. There is record of the bapt. of Hugh and James, the eldest sons of the second marriage, in the Congregational Church of Hampstead. Certain documents in possession of Mrs. Henry Pinkham Tallant of Nantucket would seem to indicate that Hugh Tal lant was a member of the Church of England. His name, however, appears seventh on a list of petitioners of Pelham for a parish. His second wife d. 22 Feb., 1816. ChUdren by first wife: i. Johns, b. at Plaistow, 6 April, 1750; m. 30 July, 1786, Mary Langdon of Portsmouth, sister of Gov. John Langdon. She d. without children. He m. second, Betsey Rogers, a wid. He d. at Not tingham West, 21 July, 1819. After his death she m. Blodgett and d. without issue. h. Joseph, b. in Plaistow, 10 May, 1752; was in the Revolutionary war, enhsting from Pelham, 27 May, 1775, in Capt. Samuel GU man's Co., Col. Enoch Poor's Regt. (N. H. State Papers, Vol. I, p. 136 and Vol. IV, p. 7.) Children by second wife ; iu. Hugh, b. 1754, bapt. in Hampstead, 1754. 2. iv. James, b. 30 April, 1756, in Plaistow. V. Abiah, b. 10 June, 1768, in Plaistow; m. Sept., 1781, Seth Cutter of Nottingham West. She d. at Pelham, Sept., 1841. He d. at Pelham, 20 Sept., 1853. He was a Revolutionary soldier in Col. Stark's Regt. (See Cutter family pamphlets of N. E. by Clapp & Co., 1871.) -vi. William, b. in Pelham, 12 Aug., 1760; m. Martha Dodge of Goffs town, 21 Nov., 1790. -vu. Da-vid Dodge, b. in Pelham, 14 Sept., 1762. -vhi. Andrew, b. in Pelham, 7 Sept., 1764, d. young. 3. ix. Hugh, b. in Pelham, 22 Jan., 1767. X. George, b. in Pelham, 20 Feb., 1769; m. Hannah Butler of Pelham; had a son, Joseph B.', who d. 22 Oct., 1816, aged 17. George TaUant d. 11 Feb., 1818. His wife d. 29 June, 1840, aged 79. 4. xi. Andrew, b. in PeUiam, 31 July, 1771. xh. Sarah, b. 16 Oct., 1776, in Pelham, d. there 1 March, 1863; unm. 2. Jamess Tallant (Hugh') b. m Plaistow, 30 AprU, 1756; m. Nov., 1779, Margaret, dau. of WUham and Ann (McFarland) Curry, who came to C. from Londonderry about 1733. Margaret was b. 23 March, 1751. James was the first TaUant settler in C. He was in the Revolution, enhsting 29 Sept., 1777, in Lieut. Isaac Cochran's Co., Moore's Regt. Pay roU of Capt. Amos Gage's Co. of Volunteers and marched the same genealogies. 325 day from Pelham and joined the Northern Continental Army at Sara toga. (N. H. State Papers, Vol. 2, p. 369.) He d. at C. in 1790. His wid. was appointed administratrix and Col. David McCrilhs and Capt. Thomas Curry were the sureties on her bond. ChUdren, b. in C. : 5. i. Joseph', b. 12 Oct., 1780. 6. ii. James, Jr., b. 21 March, 1782. iii. Hugh, b. 20 July, 1783; d. 16 July, 1797. 7. iv. David, b. 2 April, 1786. 8. V. Samuel, b. 20 Oct., 1786. -vi. Jacob, b. 31 Jan., 1788; d. 25 July, 1788. Vh. Abiah, b. 18 May, 1789; m. 18 May, 1837, Benjamin MorriU. She d. 1 Oct., 1846. He m. second, Mrs. Lucretia (Bradley) Moore Tallant, wid. of David. 3. Hughs Tallant (Hu.gh') b. in Pelham, 22 Jan., 1767; m. first, at C, Peggy, dau. of James and Margaret (McClintock) Boyes. Margaret was the dau. of Alexander Morrison McClintock of Londonderry. They set tled in C, where she d. 16 Aug., 1838, aged 72. He m. second, Mrs. Mary (Fife) Moore of Pembroke, who d. 9 Feb., 1857, aged 75. Hugh and both wives are buried in a little private burying yard on the farm in the southeast part of C. Children. all by first wife, b. in C. : i. PoLLY', m. John Gordon Dodge of Goffstown. Children: 1. Mar garet' Dodge. 2. Mary Dodge. 3. Harriet Dodge. 4. James Dodge. 6. Elizabeth Dodge. 6. Jerusha Dodge. 7. John Dodge. ii. Abiah, m. Benjamin F. Neal of Loudon. ChUdren: 1. Hugh' Neal. 2. John Neal. 3. vUhanon Neal. 4. Da-vid Neal. 5. George Byron Neal, who res. in Pembroke. 6. Robert Bart lett Neal, who res. in Manchester and later in Hooksett. 7. Mary Ehzabeth Neal. 8. Ella Neal. ih. Betsey, m. Ephraim Warren. Children: 1. Hugh' Warren, m. Lydia Anale Moore and res. in Pembroke. iv. John, d. young. 9. V. John Langdon, b. 24 July, 1809. 4. Andrews Tallant (Hugh') b. in PeUiam, 31 July, 1771 ; m. first, 2 Feb., 1792, Ameha Weld of Jamaica Plaui, Mass., b. 19 Oct., 1771. She d. 22 Feb., 1819. He m. second, 14 Dec, 1819, Sally Pratt of Hudson, who d. 15 June, 1840. He m. third, Betsey J. Richardson of Pelham. He d. at Pelham, 21 June, 1857. ChUdren by first marriage: i. Rebecca Wbld', b. Jun^, 1792; d. in Pelham, 19 Jan., 1838. u. Nathaniel B., b. 27 Dec, 1794; m. 12 Oct., 1824, Lydia Scudder of Barnstable, Mass. iu. Eben W., b. 26 Dec, 1798; m. 18 April, 1824, Nancy Coffin of Nan tucket, Mass. One son: Henry Pinkham', who m. Mary J. Coleman of Nantucket, Mass. Children, b. in Boston: 1. Hugh'. 2. Ahce Weld. Both unm. 3. Arthur, d. in infancy. Hugh' is an architect of New York and Paris. 10. iv. James, b. 21 March, 1804. 11. V. Madison B., b. 12 Nov., 1808. Children by second marriage: vi. Amelia Weld, b. 2 July, 1820; d. Feb., 1861, at Cumberiand, R. I. -vii. Phebe Maria, b. in PeUiam, 9 Dec, 1826; d. in Pelham, 21 July, 1842. 326 history of canterbury. 5. Joseph' Tallant (James', Hugh') b. in C, 12 Oct., 1780; m. Betsey Baker of Concord, 19 Aug., 1804. He d. 13 Aug., 1863, at Hampton. She d. 9 March, 1853, aged 79. ChUdren, b. in C. : i. Jacob Crowninshield', b. 1805; m. Abigail ; settled in Errol. He d. at Hampton, 27 March, 1865. She d. at C, 3 July, 1868, aged 60. h. Timothy Darling; unm. hi. Nathaniel A., m. and settled in Mich. iv. James, settled in Mich. v. Joseph, went to sea and never heard from. -vi. RusseU, settled in Cal. -vii. Richard Baxter, drowned in Merrimack River, -viii. Samuel Baker; m. Louisa Clark, res. in LoweU, Mass. ix. Achsah, m. Colby; res. in Sanbomton. x. Betsey, m. and res. in New Hampton. 6. James' Tallant ((James', Hugh') b. in C, 21 March, 1782, m. Wid. Phebe (Smith) Marden, b. in Salem, 2 Sept., 1783, dau. of Capt. Jesse and Mary (Woodbury) Smith of Pelham and granddau. of Ebenezer and Ehzabeth Woodbury of Salem. Phebe's sister, Betsey, m. Chief Justice WiUiam M. Richardson of Pelham. Phebe m. first, 20 Oct., 1806, Francis Marden of Boston and had a dau., Mary S. Marden, who d. in infancy and a son, Francis A. Marden, who m. Lucy Ann Nesmith of Chehnsford, Mass. Children: 1. Francis Alexander Marden. 2. John Marden. 3. Ehzabeth Marden. James TaUant d. 8 April, 1861. His wid. d. 24 Dec, 1866. ChU dren, b. in C; i. Mary Woodbury, b. 4 May, 1814; m. 1 AprU, 1836, Nahum Blanchard. (See Blanchard Gen.) ii. Abigail S., b. 2 Feb., 1816; m. 18 Feb., 1840, James S. EUdns of C. (See EUdns Gen.) hi. James, 3d, b. 16 AprU, 1818; m. 23 Dec, 1843, Abby T. Abbott of Bos cawen. He d. 17 March, 1874. No children. 7. Da-vid' Tallant (James', Hugh') b. 2 AprU, 1785, in C; m. 25 Aug., 1835, Mrs. Lucretia (Bradley) Moore. He d. 6 Jan., 1843. His wid . m. 20 AprU, 1847, Benjamin MorriU, whose first -wife was Abiah, sister of Da-vid TaUant. Children, b. in C: i. Lucretia, b. 29 June, 1836; d. 7 July, 1838. ii. Sylvia, b. 13 Dec, 1838. ih. Martha B., b. 11 Feb., 1842. 8. Samuel' Tallant (James', Hugh') b. in C, 20 Oct., 1786; m. 27 Jan., 1814, Martha MorriU, b. 12. Nov., 1790. He d. 20 AprU, 1866. She d. 22 March, 1842. Children, b. in C; i. Samuel, Jr.', b. 4 May, 1815; m. 7 May, 1840, Caroline Gibson, b. 1814. Child: Mary C.', b. 1843; d. 8 April, 1872. He d. 1 April, 1846. She m. second. Col. Da-vid M. Clough. (See Clough Gen.) h. Martha, b. 4 May, 1818; d. 23 March, 1839. hi. Mary, b. 26 April, 1820; d. 24 July, 1842. iv. Margaret, b. 6 May, 1822; d. 29 March, 1840. 12. V. Marstin M., b. 6 June, 1824. vi. Andrew J., b. 11 Nov., 1826; d. 27 May, 1851. vh. Frank, b. 18 May, 1829; d. 2 April, 1853. vih. Betsey C, b. 8 Aug., 1831; d. 19 Aug., 1854. 9. John L.' Tallant (Hugh; Hugh') b. in C, 24 July, 1809; m. 21 June, 1835, Sara J., dau. of Abram Bean of E. Concord. Children ; genealogies. 327 i. Betsey', b. 18 AprU, 1836; d. 5 March, 1839. h. Abram, b 18 AprU, 1836; d. 8 March, 1839. hi. Hugh, b. 29 Oct., 1838; d. 20 March, 1839. iv. Betsey, b. 14 Jan., 1840; m. James Dodge of Pembroke, v. Abram Bean, b. 6 Jan., 1842; m. Mary Etta Perkins, -vi. Hugh, b. 1 Oct., 1843; d. 9 Feb., 1844. vii. Mary Ann, b. 12 Nov., 1844; m. Obadiah Cutler of Niagara FaUs, N. Y. 13. vih. John Oilman, b. 2 March, 1846. ix. Catherme, b. 12 March, 1848; d. 16 Oct., 1863. X. Hugh, b. 3 Aug., 1850; m. first, Louisa N., dau. of Enoch Pickard of C. She d. 8 May, 1899. ChUd; Marion L.', b. 27 April, 1889. He m. second, Mary H. Haribot of Hanover, xi. Frank P., b. 12 Dec, 1862; m. Susan Cowley of LoweU, Mass. xii. Cyrus, b. 18 Aug., 1865; d. 21 May, 1858. xui. Nellie Jane, b. 2 March, 1857; m. Frank J. Coflan of Boston. Had children. After his death she m. second, M. F. Bickford of Concord. 10. James' Tallant (Andrew', Hugh') b. 21 March, 1804, in Pelham; m. first, 17 Oct., 1831, Veh'na Rice of Nantucket, Mass., b. 22 Jan., 1805. She d. 19 Nov., 1837; m. second, 17 Sept., 1840, Mary Ann Lovejoy of Concord. He d. 16 June, 1866. Children by first marriage: i. Mary Jane', b. 18 Aug., 1832, in Nantucket; m. Scott of Toledo, Ohio, 6 Oct., 1865. ii. Henrietta, b. 2 April, 1834. ih. James, Jr., b. 15 Nov., 1837; m. 10 Aug., 1869, Helen Connor of Henniker. ChUdren by second marriage : iv. Charles Henry, b. 24 Sept., 1841; d. in Chicago, 1 July, 1875. V. George Warren, b. 28 Nov., 1842; d. in Cal., 19 Nov., 1876. vi. Andrew, b. 30 July, 1844; d. in Concord, 30 May, 1846. -vh. Valina, b. 26 Jan., 1846; m. — Nagle; d. in Concord. vih. Mary Thorndike, b. 18 April, 1850, in Concord; d. 20 Sept., 1857, in Concord, ix. EUa Walton, b. 29 Oct., 1851, in Concord; d. 25 Dec, 1869, in Concord, x. Hamilton H., b. 4 AprU, 1863, in Concord; res. in Lowell, Mass. 11. Madison B.' Tallant (Andrew; Hugh) b. 12 Nov., 1808, in Pelham; m. 30 March, 1834, Adahne S. Harvey of Hopkinton. He d. 6 Jan., 1889; she, 5 Jan., 1892. Children; i. Eben W.', b. 2 Jan., 1837; m. 17 Dec, 1873, Josephine A. Marston of Lowell, Mass. h. Andrew Kossuth, b. 18 Oct., 1849, in Meredith; m. Angie Laura Roby, b. 8 Sept., 1860, in Lawrence, Mass. They own and res. upon the old Hugh Tallant farm in Pelham. Children: 1. Laura Adehne', b. 8 Dec, 1880. 2. Ella Almeda, b. 10 Jan., 1882. 3. Bessie Beatrice, b. 11 June, 1883. 4. Eugene Andrew, b. 19 March, 1886. 5. Effie Josephine, b. 4 June, 1887. 6. Winifred, b. 5 April, 1889; d. 17 Sept., 1889. 7. Eben Mad ison, b. 28 Jan., 1890. 8. Albert Addison, b. 6 Oct., 1891. 9. Samuel Orwell, b. 6 Dec, 1892. 10. Hugh Versal, b. 6 Sept., 1894. 11. Angie Roby, b. 14 April, 1897. 12. Carrie Evelyn, b. 16 Aug., 1898. 13. John Harvey, b. 14 Feb., 1900. 14. Helen Irene, b. 17 Oct., 1901. 15. Marjorie Augusta, b. 16 Feb., 1903, d. 8 Aug., 1903. 12. Marstin Morrill' Tallant (Samueb, James', Hugh') b. in C, 6 June, 1824; m. 30 Nov., 1848, Annah S. Locke of AUenstown; resided in E. 328 history of canterbury. Concord where he d. 24 Feb., 1868. His wid. m. George F. Whittredge of Concord. He d. 1883; she, 14 Nov., 1896. Children: 14. i. George M.', b. 21 June, 1850. ii. Martha A., b. 25 Jan., 1853; m. Frank Dowst of Manchester, 15 March, 1872. No children. Both d. She d. m Michigan, 22 Dec, 1890, and is buried in the family lot in E. Concord. 15. iu. Frank E-, b. 1 Dec, 1865. 13. John Oilman' Tallant (John L.', Hugh', Hugh') b. in E. Concord, 2 March, 1846; m. ffi-st, Addie G. Whittemore who was b. in Pembroke, Oct., 1850. She d. 11 Oct., 1875; m. second, 10 Dec, 1877, Helen B. WUson of New Hampton, b. 19 Dec, 1851. ChUdren by first marriage: i. Kathryn', b. 22 March, 1871, in E. Concord. Is a physician prac ticing in Boston, ii. Arianna Barstow, b. 8 Aug., 1873, in E. Concord; m. Spaulding of Pembroke, iu. John L. T., b. 18 May, 1875; m. 14. George M.' Tallant (Marstin M.>, Samueh, James', Hu^h') b. 21 June, 1850; m. first, 15 March, 1872, Mary Josephine Ghdden of Meredith. She d. Aug., 1901; m. second, Katherine Brandhorst. Res. Duluth, Mmn. Child by first wife. : i. Ethel H.', b. 15 March, 1878; m. 19 Oct., 1904, WendeU R. MarshaU of Duluth. 15. Frank E.' Tallant (Marstin M.*, Samueh, James', Hugh) b. 1 Dec, 1855; m. Susan A., dau. of George W. Drew of Concord. Settled in St. Paul, Minn., 1871; rem. to Minneapolis in 1891. Engaged in manu facture and sale of clothing, his son Webster being associated with him. Children, b. in St. Paul: i. Marstin E.', b. 5 July, 1881; res. San Francisco, Cal. u. Webster, b. 3 Dec, 1883. hi. Ruth L., b. 15 April, 1886. iv. Mary S., b. 12 June, 1888; m. 19 June, 1907, Charles M. Kopp. They res. in Princeton, Minn. TALLMAN. 1. Seth K.' Tallman settled in Wolcott, Vt. He was a native of HoUand. 2. Riley S?' Tallman (Seth') b. 1 Aug., 1826, in Vershire, Vt.; m. Mary, dau. of Zaccheus J. and (FuUerton) Thompson, b. 1 Oct., 1833, m Craftsbury, Vt. He served in the Civil war, 15th Vt. Regt., Co. I, d. 31 May, 1896. ChUdren: i. Clarendon S.' ii. Jane. ih. Seth R. iv. Mary A., m. Orlando Deos. Their son Henry Deos, b. in Lyndon, Vt., 15 Jan., 1882, has been a res. of C. since 1898. 3. V. William C, h. 15 Oct., 1864. -vi. Nora E. vu. LiUa A. -vhi. Myra L. ix. Ulysses S. 3. William Clark' Tallman (Riley; Seth') b. 15 Oct., 1864, in Craftsbury, Vt.; m. 25 Nov., 1895, Ida Viola, dau. of Frank O. and Mary (Lee) Pickard. (See Pickard Gen.) He has been a res. of C. since 1889. ChUd: i. Gordon Lee', b. 1 June, 1897, in C. GENEALOGIES. 329 TAYLOR. 1. Andrew Taylor, b. 12 Sept., 1789, probably at Stratham. He res. in C. a number of years and was prominent in the affairs of the town; m. 23 April, 1820, Eliza, dau. of Andrew Wiggm. She was b. in Stratham and d. 9 Dec, 1872. He d. 22 Dec, 1862, in Loudon. 2. Andrew Bartlett' Ta-ylor (Andrew) b. in C, 14 Feb., 1821, and d. at Pittsfield, 17 Nov., 1909; m. 28 Jan., 1847, at C, Hadassah Esther, dau. of Elder John and Rachel (GUe) Harriman, b. in Plaistow, 8 July, 1827, and d. at Pittsfield, 10 Sept., 1900. Her grandfather was Maj. Ezekiel GUe, distinguished officer in the Revolutionary war, who served under Gen. John Sulhvan. In the possession of his descendants are his sword, which he took from the hands of a British officer in the field of battle, and also his pocket diary in which is recorded a very interesting account of the money raised and expended by the state in equipping and paying the soldiers. He was a man of superior talents and his papers show that he did a large amount of public business. Interested in education, he was one of the early trustees of Atkinson Academy. Maj. Gile was b. in Plaistow 12 March, 1743; he lived to be 85 years of age, and he was buried in the Old North Parish burying ground, HaverhUl, Mass. ChUdren of Andrew B. and Hadassah E. Taylor: i. Charles Green', b. 16 Oct., 1848; d. 23 Aug., 1867. 3. ii. Flora Maria, b. 9 Aug., 1851. 3. Flora Maria' Taylor (Andrew Bartlett; Andrew') b. 9 Aug., 1851; m. 28 Oct., 1876, George D. S. Noyes of Pittsfield, b. in Pembroke, 16 Aug., 1847. They res. m Pittsfield. TAYLOR, 1. Nathan' Taylor, Sr., b. 1696, in Stratham. He is said by some to have emigrated to this country direct from Eng. It seems ^a more prob able supposition, however, as claimed by others, that his father being the emigrant ancestor, came to Stratham, from Mass.'* Nathan m. Anne (a) Chase who was b. m Stratham, 1703, and d. there March, 1740. After the death of his wife he with his youngest son rem. to Sanbomton, where he d. 11 March, 1784. ChUdren, b. in Stratham: i. Hannah', b. 1725; d. Sanbomton, Feb., 1812. u. Chase, b. March, 1728; original grantee Sanbomton. ih. Anne, b. 1731. 2. iv. Jonathan, b. 2 Oct., 1739. 2. Jonathans Taylor (Nathaw) b. 2 Oct., 1739; m. Rachel Moore of Strat ham, b. 16 Oct;, 1760, who was a dau. of Thomas and Rachel (Sinkler or Smclair) Moore. She d. 9 Dec, 1808, in her seventieth year. He d. 2 March, 1868. They were the parents of eight chUdren, of whom Mark', b. 19 Jan., 1773, was the fifth child. * History of Sanbomton, Vol. II, p. 748. 330 HISTORY OF CANTERBURY. 3. Mark' Taylor (Jonathan; Nathaw) b. 19 Jan., 1773. He m. in 1791, Betsey, dau. of Dea. WiUiam Chase. For the first twelve years of his married life he res. at Sanbomton, he then rem. to New Hampton, where he remained until about 1818, when he settled in Alexandria where he d. 7 Nov., 1822. His wife d. 8 July, 1823. They were the parents of eleven children of whom Jonathan K.', b. 3 Jan., 1814, was the tenth child. 4. Jonathan K.' Taylor (Mark', Jonathan', Nathaw) b. in New Hampton, 3 Jan., 1814; m. 17 Nov., 1836, Ehzabeth S. Burleigh, b. in Holdemess, 28 Dec, 1818. She wag the dau. of JamejS and Phebe (Burleigh) Bur leigh. Her grandfather, Nathaniel Burleigh, was b. in C, 25 March, 1763. Jonathan K. Taylor was for many years a blacksmith in C, where he d. 11 May, 1887. She d. 7 April, 1896, m Sanbomton. Chil dren: i. Mary E.', b. 8 April, 1839, in Sanbomton; m. 7 June, 1868, Benaiah Cawley of Sanbomton, who d. in C., 22 Dec, 1873; m. second, James Colley of Nevada City, Cal., where she d. 26 Dec, 1888. u. Celestia, b. 28 Dec, 1841; d. 16 Jan., 1864. hi. Plummbr B., b. 19 Oct., 1843; d. 16 Feb., 1864. iv. Almon O., b. 19 Feb., 1862; d. 14 Jan., 1864. The last three were b. and d. in C. TOWLE. Phillp' Towle b. 1616, came to this country as early as 1657; m. 19 Nov., 1657, IsabeUa Asten (Austin) of Hampton; he d. there 19 Dec, 1696. Of their nine children Benjamin', b. 4 May, 1669, m. 7 Nov., 1693, Sarah Borden. They res. in Hampton. He d. 29 May, 1769; she d. 22 June, 1769, aged 88 years. They had ten children, of whom Ehsha" was the youngest. He was b. 23 July, 1715; m. 1 March, 1739, Ann, dau. of WiUiam Vittum; res. in Hamp ton. The eldest of their eleven children was Elisha' who was bapt. 23 Sept., 1739; m. Ann, dau. of Jonathan Sanbom; they res. in Hampton; he d. 7 Jan., 1820. They had nine chUdren; the second was Joshua', b. 20 Oct., 1764; m. April, 1787, Ohve Brown, b. 1768, d. 27 Aug., 1863. Ohve was a dau. of Samuel and Ehzabeth (Johnson) Brown of Hampton. Joshua' Towle settled in Chichester not later than 1790, coming from Hampton. He d. 31 Dec, 1840. Of their twelve children, Jonathan' m. 1810, Betsey FeUows; res. in Chichester. Their chUdren were Jonathan F.', Cyn thia, David, AbigaU F., Joshua, Sarah F., Betsey F., Ohve J., Hannah L., Amorett S., James and perhaps another. Da-vid' To-wle (Jonathan; Joshua') was b. 1813; m. first, Rebecca Green of Bow; she d. 1842; m. second, 4 July, 1846, Nancy, dau. of John and Susannah (Hodgdon) Kezer of C. Mr. Towle d. 13 Jan., 1871, m C. Child by first marriage: i. Jacob G.«, b. 28 Oct., 1842, in Bow. Res. in C. WALTON. 1. John' Walton came to this country from Yorkshire, Eng., in 1756; m. Ehza Clark; settled near Concord. Children: GENEALOGIES. 331 2. i. Georges, b. 1762. h. John, b. 1766, at Lebanon; m. 1792, Abigail KeUogg, Lebanon. He d. 1846, at Montpelier, Vt. 2. Georges Walton (Johw) b. 1762, in Newmarket; m. there Mary Par ker, b. 1766, in Newmarket and d. 29 March, 1841, at Irasburgh, Vt. He was h-ving m C. 1789 and d. 11 Oct., 1834, at Peacham, Vt. Chil dren: 3. i. Ezekiel Parker', b. 1789, at C. Other children were George, Calvin, Joseph, Charles, Alfred, Nancy and Susan. 3. Ezekiel Parker' Walton (George', John') b. 1789; m. 28 April, 1811, at Montpeher, Vt., Prussia, dau. of Ehakim D. Persons, Montpelier, Vt. He d. 27 Nov., 1855. She d. 22 June, 1878. Ezekiel P. Walton was editor of the Vermont Watchman for many years, in its early days; was the pubhsher of "Capti-vity and Sufferings of Zadock Steele" and "The Burning of Royalton by the Indians," printed in 1818, Montpelier, Vt. ChUdren: i. Eliakim Persons', b. 17 Feb., 1812, at Montpelier, Vt.; m. first, Sarah Howes of Montpelier; m. second, Mrs. Field of Colum bus, Ohio. He was editor of the Vermont XVatchman after his father; member of Congress for six years from Vt. He was appointed to print the Journals of the CouncU of Safety and of the Governor and Council of Vt.; d. 1890, at Montpelier. 4. u. Harriet Newell, b. 14 Jan., 1815, in Montpelier. iii. George Parker, b. 21 Sept., 1817; d. 26 April, 1841, at New Orleans. iv. Nathaniel Porter, b. 2 June, 1820, in Montpelier. V. Chauncey, b. 14 May, 1822; d. 25 June, 1866, in Montpelier. 5. -vi. Samuel Mosely, b. 20 Oct., 1825. -vu. Ezekiel Dodge, b. 23 Aug., 1827; d. 2 April, 1862, in Philadelphia. 6. vhi. Mary, b. 22 Oct., 1829. 4. Harriet Ne-well' Walton (Ezekieb, George', Johw) b. 14 Jan., 1815; m. Halsey R. Whig of Glens Falls, N. Y. She d. there 1887. ChUdren; i Walton Stewart' Wing, b. 29 July, 1837; m. 9 July, 1868, Helen Malvina Da-vis. Children: 1. Edgar' Wmg, b. 24 Aug., 1869; m 19 Nov., 1895, Helen Marion Murry. Child: Florence' Wing, b. 3 Feb., 1897. 2. Halsey K. Wing, b. 26 Sept., 1871; d. July, 1872. 3. Leroy Chapm Wing, b. 13 Aug., 1873. 4. Persons Walton Wing, b. 11 April, 1877; m. Ehzabeth Clark, Sandy Hill, N. Y. u. George Henry Wing, b. 8 Sept., 1839. He was 1st Lieut., 118th N. Y. Regt. in the Ci-vil war; was taken prisoner 30 July, 1864, m front of Petersburg, Va., and held till April, 1865, when he was exchanged; d. 24 July, as a result of his imprisonment. hi. Murry Wing, b. 20 Dec, 1840. He was Lieut, in the 118th N. Y. Regt. and was mortaUy wounded at Drewry's Bluff, Va., 16 May, 1864; d. a prisoner at Richmond, Va., the same day. iv. Halsey McKie Wing, b. 10 Nov., 1847. V Angib Clara Wing, b. 25 Jan., 1861; d. Oct., 1910. vi. Daniel William Wing, b. 24 Nov., 1860; d. 22 Feb., 1895. -vii. Leavens Wing, d. young. 5. Samuel Mosely' Walton (Ezekiel; George', Johw) b. 20 Oct., 1825; m. Mary Bostwick, d. 1888, in Montpelier, Vt. Child: George B.', b. in Montpeher. 332 HISTORY OF CANTERBURY. 6. Mary' Walton (Ezekiel; George; John') b. 22 Oct., 1829, in Montpelier; m. George Dewey of Northfield, Vt. He d. June, 1864. ChUdren: 1. Clara Burton' Dewey; m. 27 Jan., 1892, Stanley Barbour HUdreth, of Cambridge, Mass. ChUd: Dorothy Ehzabeth' HUdreth, b. 15 Oct., 1894, in Cambridge, Mass. 2. Mary Dewey, d. 1864. WEEKS. Dr. Lorrain True Weeks was a practicing physician in C. for twenty-two years, from 1844 untU his removal to Laconia in 1866. He was a native of Gilmanton, where he was b. 4 Nov., 1819. His parents were Stephen and Betsey (Weed) Weeks. His father was b. 5 June, 1785, and his mother 29 Dec, 1808. He studied medicine with Dr. Nahum Wight, who was for many years a physician in Gilmanton, and at Dartmouth CoUege. He m. 9 June, 1844, Hannah T., dau. of Joseph and Clarissa (Clifford) Chfford, b. 30 Nov., 1820, in Gilmanton. Dr. Weeks d. 19 July, 1876. Mrs. Weeks later m. Pulsifer, and afterward — Wyman. She d. in Laconia, 7 July, 1900. Children, b. in C. ; i. Stephen LaRoy, b. 28 May, 1849. h. Joseph C, b. 7 Aug., 1851; d. 21 Aug., 1851. WELCH. Thomas Welch was a res. of C. for over thirty years. He and his wife Mary were natives of Ireland. They both d. in C, he 25 June, 1904, and she 6 Nov., 1903. ChUdren; i. Michaels, b. in Ireland, d. in Brooklyn, N. Y. h. John, res. in Concord, iii. Mary, m. John Woodenbury, res. in New York. iv. Thomas, d. in C. v. Wilham Charles, -vi. Edward H., d. 19 Nov., 1888, m C, aged 22. vu. Abbie, m. Thomas Kerrigan, res. in New York. WHEELER. 1. Col. John' Wheeler, b. 9 July, 1798, in Concord, Mass., was a de scendant of one of the six sons of Sir Charles Wheeler. These sons came to this country from Eng. John' Wheeler was a son of Abel' Wheeler who was b. 27 Aug., 1735, and a grandson of Jonathan'. Abel Wheeler m. Mary, a dau. of John Hosmer. She was b. in Concord, Mass., of most distmguished ancestry, being a descendant of James Hosmer, the first of the Hosmer family in the U. S. James Hosmer was b. 1607, in Hawkhurst, Kent, Eng.; graduated at Cambridge, Eng., 1632, came in 1635, to Concord, Mass., with his -wife, two little children and two servants. Abel Wheeler d. 1820; Mary Hosmer Wheeler d. 1817. Col. John' m. 24 Aug., 1837, in C, Mary Jane, dau. of Jacob and Hannah Blanchard. Mr. Wheeler was appomted Col. of the 38th Regt. of State Militia, 9 Dec, 1836, serving one year when he resigned. He d. 8 June, 1880, m C, where he had spent most of his hfe. Children b. mC; GENEALOGIES. 333 i. Mary F., b. 30 Dec, 1838. u. Susan C.', b. 15 Feb., 1840; d. 4 Nov., 1866. m. Martha A., b. 8 May, 1842; m. June, 1866, Wilham H. Carter. (See Carter Gen.) iv. Nblue M., b. 12 June, 1846; d. 11 May, 1873. V. John S., b. 3 April, 1847; d. 1 July, 1849. 2. -VI. John S., b. 6 Feb., 1850. -vu. William W., b. 12 April, 1852. -vui. Charles B., b. 13 March, 1866; d. 6 Jan., 1864. IX. George W., b. 4 April, 1859; d. 28 Jan., 1864. X. Adelle G., b. 27 Nov., 1862; d. 25 Jan., 1864. 2. John S.' Wheeler (Col. John; Abel; Jonathan') b. 6 Feb., 1850; m. first, Jan., 1879, BeUe Gage. After her death he m. second, 4 Oct., 1886, in Manchester, Georgie A. Briggs of WestvUle, N. Y. After her death he m. thud, Feb., 1903, Nancy McDonald. ChUd by first marriage, b. in C. : 3. i. Bert Gage', b. 14 Aug., 1879. Child by third marriage : u. Helen Grace, b. 17 Feb., 1906. 3. Bert Gage' Wheeler (John S.; Col. John') b. 14 Aug., 1879; m. 30 Jan. 1905, Bessie WUhamson, dau. of Mihard F. and Ehzabeth W. (TuUock) Emery. (See Emery Gen.) Children, b. hi C; i. WUliam Carter', b. 2 Aug., 1906. u. MUlard Emery, b. 19 Feb., 1907. WHIDDEN. The earhest known ancestor of the Whiddens of C. was Samuel Whidden, who resided in Greenland as eariy as the year 1700. Of his occupation and antecedents nothing is now known. He d. about the year 1713. His wid. m. again and had children. Her name and that of her second husband are unknown. 1. Samuel' Whidden had four sons, James', Samuel, John and Ichabod. The first three went eastward and settled in the extreme easterly part of what is now called Maine or more probably in what is now New Bruns wick. 2. Ichabod' Whidden (Samueb) youngest son, b. 1714, about the time of his father's death and from this circumstance was called Ichabod, "The glory of Israel is departed. " He leamed the tanning and shoemaker's trade in Greenland, his native town, of a Mr. Uran whose dau. he m. Rem. to Newmarket, he carried on his trade for a number of years. He had one dau. by this wife, who m. Glidden. The vrife d. soon after this dau. was b. Ichabod m. second, Elizabeth SmaU, by whom he had two chUdren, both of whom d. young. His wife also d. soon after; he m. third, Mrs. Eunice (Parsons) Mason, 15 June, 1749. Her mother's name was also Eunice, and she was b. at Cape Ann, now Gloucester, Mass., in 1721. After the birth of aU his children, Ichabod moved to Lee, where he carried on his trade for twelve years. The place where he res. stUl goes by the name of the "Whidden Place." 334 HISTORY OF CANTERBURY. He later moved to C, buying a farm near the "SheU Meeting House. "^ He d. there 20 March, 1798. For many years he was a dea. in the Con gregational Church of C. In eariy life he was Adjutant in Col. Peter Oilman's Regt., 1755-56. His wid. d. at the home of her son, Parsons, in 1812, aged 91. She had a dau. by her first husband, whose name was Eunice, who m. Brackett and res. in Newmarket. Children: i. Jeremiah', b. 30 Dec, 1750; d. young. u. Mark, b. 27 Oct., 1761 ; m. a -wid., Fox. They res. in Loudon, where he carried on the trade of his father. One dau. was b. to them, who m. Piper and res. in Wolfeborough, ha-ving several children. He d. Feb., 1798. ih. Rachael, b. 16 Nov., 1753, m. Nathaniel Colcord, who res. in C, as early as 1781, when he was appointed highway surveyor. After 1791, he rem. to HaUoweU, Me. They had ten children. iv. Ichabod, b. 19 Jan., 1756; m. Abigail Matthews and had twelve children. One son, Jeremiah, b. 30 Dec, 1789, at Newmarket, m. and had a son Jeremiah, Jr., who res. in Concord, where he d. Ichabod settled in HaUoweU, Me. V. A son who d. in infancy. 3. vi. Parsons, b. 25 Nov., 1758. 4. -vii. Nathaniel, b. 20 March, 1761. 5. -vih. Elizabeth, b. 21 Oct., 1763. ix. Josiah, b. 17 May, 1767; m. Polly Currier. Res. on the home place for some years, when he rem. to Concord. 3. Parsons' Whidden (Ichabod', Samuel') b. 26 Nov., 1768; m. 2 Nov., 1780 Hannah Doe of Durham, who was b. in that town, 14 April, 1761, and d. 17 May, 1816. They settled in C, where he carried on the trade of a tanner and shoemaker. He d. 24 Feb., 1846. Children, b. in C: 6. i. Eunice', b. 12 Sept., 1781. 7. u. John, b. 23 Dec, 1783. hi. Benjamin, b. 6 Aug., 1791; m. Agnes Moore Taylor of Sanbomton, 2 April, 1831, b. 23 May, 1795, and d. 5 June, 1871. He d. 8 Jan., 1872. They resided on the home place. iv. Hannah, b. 16 June, 1794; d. in Iowa, 26 Aug., 1876; unm. V. Deborah, b. 1 Sept., 1798. She resided with "Squire" Joseph Clough's famUy for fifty years and d. at his house 11 May, 1884; unm. vi. Parsons, b. 22 May, 1801; m. Mary P. Tilton of Sanbomton, 31 Jan., 1832. He was a graduate of Dartmouth College 1830, and studied medicine. ChUd: George Parsons', b. in Pembroke, 3 July, 1846. ¦vh. Susan, b. 5 Nov., 1805; m. Moody Emery, 17 May, 1831. (See Emery Gen.) 4. Nathaniel' Whidden (Ichabod', Samueb) m. Jane, dau. of WUham Moore of C, b. in C, 8 July, 1764; d. 18 Feb., 1848. Nathaniel settled m the northeast comer of C, about 1782, the date of his deed to half of Lot No. 42. He cleared the land and buUt a log house. Later he erected a frame dwelhng which is stiU standing in good condition. He d. 17 Sept., 1798. ChUdren, b. on this farm: i. PoLLY', b. 7 June, 1785; m. Samuel Huckins of Pittsfield, 24 March, 1805. He was b. 22 Nov., 1781, and was a blacksmith. He moved to C. about 1803. Children, b. in C. (See Huckms Gen.) She d. 7 Dec, 1842 (tombstone). GENEALOGIES. 335 ii. Nancy, b. 6 Aug., 1787, unm., res. at C; d. 30 Oct., 1857. ih. Peggy, b. 26 Oct., 1789; m. about 1807, Thompson. She d. 13 Oct., 1860. Child: Anna Jane' Thompson, b. in C, 15 May, 1809, and m. first, 15 Oct., 1829, Dudley Prescott of Bristol; second, Lowell Brown of Tamworth. Child by first marriage: Lyman Whidden' Prescott, b. at Barnstead, 20 April, 1830. He moved to Boone, la., where he d., lea-ving a wife and children. Children by second marriage: (1) Sylvester Whidden' Brown, b. 28 Oct., 1841. (2) Mary Jane Brown, b. 23 May, 1846. iv. Jane, b. 23 Nov., 1791, unm., res. in C; d. there, 1 Aug., 1872. V. Nathaniel, b. 11 Aug., 1795; d. 15 Sept., 1798. vi. Nathaniel, b. 17 Aug., 1799; d. 20 Nov., 1803. 8. -vii. Sally (Sarah), b. 30 March, 1803. 9. -vih. Pitts William (who caUed himself Wilham P.), b. 27 May, 1805. 5. Elizabeth' Whidden (Ichabod; Samueb) b. 21 Oct., 1763; m. Joseph Moore, 1783. Res. in C. and d. there 4 Nov., 1847. Children, b. in C: i. One b. and d. 4 April, 1784. ii. Sally, b. 30 March, 1785; d. 10 May, 1866. ih. Betsey, b. 6 Feb., 1788; d. 29 May, 1857, in Loudon, iv. Joseph, b. 22 Aug., 1790; d. 5 Oct., 1797. v. Asa, b. 16 Dec, 1792. -vi. Sukey (probably Susan), b. 2 April, 1796; d. 21 Dec, 1825. vii. Polly (or Mary), b. 10 Oct., 1797; d. 17 Feb., 1874; m. 8 Nov., 1826, Joseph MorriU of Gilmanton, who was b. 1797; d. 2 May, 1871. ChUdren; Martha' MorriU, who m. Le-vi W. Sanbom of Loudon, and Mary Morrill, -viii. Nancy, b. 21 Feb., 1802; m. Benjamin Doe of Loudon. Child: Ehnthus Newton' Doe. ix. Hannah, b. 11 Oct., 1804; d. 1895. X. Judith Jane, b. 26 May, 1808; d. 31 March, 1857. 6. Eunice' Whidden (Parsons', Ichabod') b. 12 Sept., 1781; m. 27 Nov., 1810, Enoch Adams, a native of Henniker, who was b. 5 Jan., 1783; d. 8 Aug., 1860. They settled at Sangerville, Me., where both d. Her death was 5 March, 1866. Children: i. Hannah P.» Adams, b. 6 July, 1814. ii. Susannah Adams, b. 1 June, 1816; m. Enos G. Flanders, who was b. in Alton, 16 July, 1811. ChUd: Enoch A.« Flanders, b. in SangervUle, Me., 31 Aug., 1843. in. John Adams, b. 7 July, 1818; d. 28 Sept., 1821. iv. Elizabeth Adams, b. 7 June, 1821; d. 17 March, 1862. V. Julia Adams, b. 21 Dec, 1823; d. 29 March, 1846. 7. John' Whidden (Parsons; Ichabod') b. 23 Dec, 1783; m. 12 Jan., 1809; Diadama Sanbom of Epping. His occupation was that of a shoe maker and farmer. He settled on a part of his father's farm. He d. 12 June, 1849; she, 5 July, 1844. ChUdren, b. in C: 10. i. Jonathan Parsons', b. 23 Feb., 1810. 11. h. Jacob Cilley, b. 3 Jan., 1813. 12. hi. Thomas Lyford, b. 20 Nov., 1814. 8. Sally (Sarah)' Whidden (Nathaniel; Ichabod') b. 30 March, 1803; m. Nathan C. Huckins of Bridgewater, who was b. 10 Aug., 1800. They res. in Groton and Hebron untU 1848, when they came to C. to res. with her father. (See Huckins Gen.) 9. Pitts' Whidden (Nathanieb, Ichabod') b. 27 May, 1805; m. first, Irene (PoUard), -wid. of Nathaniel W. Huckins (See Huckms Gen.), and moved 336 HISTORY OF CANTERBURY. to Northfield. She d. 5 May, 1862; m. second, 4 March, 1863, Mrs. Mary P. Chase, of Tilton. She d. 29 Aug., 1894, aged 87. He d. in Northfield, 28 Nov., 1888. Children by first marriage: i. Amanda Ann', b. 1835; d. 18 Dec, 1840. h. Oriett, b. 29 March, 1837; m. Henry T. HUl of Northfield. He d. in Bath, S. C, 28 March, 1892, aged 66. Children: Ellon S.' HiU, who m. and res. in Meredith, and Leha Irene HUl, who m. A. Hunter Anthony of Charleston, Ga. 10. Jonathan P.' Whiddbn (Johw, Parsons') b. 23 Feb., 1810; m. first, Sarah Fellows of Vermont, April, 1836, who d. 3 Feb., 1838; m. second, Ehza Ann Jackson of Gilmanton. He was a house carpenter and machinist; d. of yeUow fever at New Orieans, La., 8 Sept., 1847. Children by second wffe: 13. i. Julia Green', b. 20 Sept., 1843. 14. h. John P., b. 20 Sept., 1847. 11. Jacob C' Whiddbn (John*, Parsons', Ichabod', Samueb) b. 3 Jan., 1813; m. Judith Rolfe, of Concord; d. 1 Aug., 1870. Children: i. John', b. Sept., 1843; d. 2 Aug., 1863, in Memphis, Tenn. u. Henry, b. 1 Jan., 1846; d. 11 April, 1879. 12. Thomas L.' Whidden (John*, Parsons') b. 20 Nov., 1814; m. 28 Sept., 1842, Mrs. Louisa J. (Chfford) Dame, b. 17 Jan., 1817. By her first husband she had a dau., Clara A. Dame, b. 3 Aug., 1840. He d. 22 Dec, 1877. She d. 16 AprU, 1881. Children: i. Sarah M.', b. 22 Feb., 1844; d. 10 Jan., 1863. u. Al-vin B., b. 2 July, 1845; m. Annie Doss of WaUkiU, N. Y., 15 June, 1872, b. in WaUkiU 6 May, 1849. Children, b. in Port Jervis, N. Y.; 1. Clara Louise', b. 25 July, 1876; m. WUham WaU Whiddit of Goshen, N. Y., 1 Jan., 1901, who was b. in Newbury, N. Y., 28 July, 1872. Child: Marie Louise' Whiddit, b. 21 Sept., 1906. 2. Fred Webster, b. 29 AprU, 1878; m. Hariette Lavina VanFleet, 29 March, 1903, b. in Kingston, N. Y., 6 June, 1879. 3. Mary Al-vina, b. in Jersey City, N. J., 9 June, 1884. ih. Charlotte H., b. 5 Aug., 1848; m. Enoch A., son of Enos and Susan Flanders of Sanger-vUle, Me., 9 Feb., 1873. He was b. 31 Aug., 1843. Children, b. in E. SangerviUe: I.Agnes Blanche 'Flanders, b. 13 Dec, 1873. 2. George Thomas Flanders, b. 3 April, 1879. iv. Benjamin, b. 19 April, 1850; d. 15 Feb., 1851. V. Charles Frank, b. 24 Jan., 1852; m. Emma C. Chase of Boston, Mass., 26 Jan., 1883, dau. of Alfred G. Chase of C, where she wash. They res. in Braintree, Mass. He was clerk in the Naval Office of the Custom House at Boston from 1 Nov., 1888, until his death, 23 May, 1911, in Boston. -vi. George H., b. 20 June, 1856; d. at Lakeport, unm., 5 Sept., 1903. 13. Julia Green' Whidden (Jonathan P.', John*, Parsons') b. 20 Sept., 1843; m. Thomas Duncan about 1873. Children; i. John' Duncan, b. 1874. u. Ehza Duncan, b. 1877. 14. John P.' Whiddbn (Jonathan P.') b. 20 Sept., 1847; m. Rose McEnanry, June, 1871. She d. Oct., 1882. Children; i. Eliza', b. 1 Jan., 1873. h. Rose Ellen, b. 4 July, 1875. ih. Jane Hamilton, b. 1878, d. Oct., 1882. iv. John Alfred, b. 1880. GENEALOGIES. 337 WIGGIN. 1. Davids Wiggin, b. 16 Nov., 1756, was the son of Nathaniel' and Hannah * (Fifield) Wiggin. Nathaniel was b. 16 Oct., 1729. David m. first, Hannah, dau. of Nicholas Rolhns; m. second, Elizabeth Huntress, b. 22 Feb., 1772, and d. 28 March, 1857. He d. 22 June, 1824. Children by first marriage: i. Hannah', b. 1784. ii. SaUy, b. 1785. hi. David, b. 1786; d. 26 March, 1876; res. in Loudon, iv. Thomas, b. 1788. v. Nancy, b. 1790. vi, Daniel, b. 1791; d. 11 March, 1873. vii. Shad- rach, b. 1793. vui. Betsey, b. 1794. ix. Lydia, b. 1796. ChUdren by second marriage : X. Mary, b. 1798. xi. Abigail, b. 1801; d. Oct., 1872. xii. George, b. 1803; d. 30 Oct., 1861. xiu. Olive, b. 1806; d. 30 Jan., 1853. 2. XIV. Nathaniel, b. 18 Oct., 1806. xv. Gideon, b. 1809; d. Oct., 1872. xvi. Martha, b. 1811. xvii. Levi, b. 1813. xvih. Sarah, b. 1815. 3. xix. James Munrob, b. 23 Feb., 1818. 2. Nathaniel' Wiggin (David; Nathanieb) b. 18 Oct., 1806; m. 4 Jan., 1838, Nancy French, b. 12 Jan., 1811, in Pittsfield; d. 12 Sept., 1899. He d. 5 May, 1891. ChUdren: i. Eliza Ann', b. 24 April, 1839; d. 18 Aug., 1860. u. Ellen Swett, b. 18 Nov., 1840; d. 27 Aug., 1843. 4. hi. Mary Ellen, b. 16 May, 1843; d. 30 Oct., 1877. 6. iv. Emma Louise, b. 26 Dec, 1849. 3. Jambs Munroe' Wiggin (David; Nathanieb) b. 23 Feb., 1818; m. 1 Jan., 1846, Ehza Mary Patrick, dau. of John and Judith (Gerrish) Clough, b. 27 Nov., 1822; d. 26 July, 1891. ChUdren, b. in C; 6. i. John Hbnry', b. 23 Oct., 1846. ii. Sarah Elizabeth, b. 11 July, 1848; m. 16 Dec, 1875, James F. French of Boscawen. (See French Gen.) iii. George Edwin, b. 13 July, 1861; m. 13 June, 1897, Mrs. Flora Keith of Hartford, Conn., who had two sons, Mont L.« Keith, b. 24 May, 1885, and Leon A. Keith, b. 22 Sept., 1887; who m. 18 Aug., 1909, Ahce Maude O'Brien. Child: Wilham Perry Keith, b. 22 Jan., 1911. iv. Joseph Hale, b. 26 Oct., 1869, d. 26 Sept., 1863. 4. Mary Ellen' Wiggin (Nathanieb, David', Nathanieb) b. 16 May, 1843; m. 16 May, 1870, Charles Haley, b. 5 Sept., 1842, in Exeter. Chil dren: i. Charles Edward' Haley, b. 31 July, 1873; m. 29 Nov., 1903, Mary .lan-vrin, b. 24 Nov., 1870. Children: 1. Charles Janvrin', Haley, b. 24 Dec, 1904. 2. Harold Edward Haley, b. 1 May 1907. 3. Mary Ellen Haley, b. 4 April, 1909. ii. Emma Blanch Haley, b. 16 July, 1875. 5. Emma Louise' Wiggin (Nathanieb, David; Nathanieb) b. 25 Dec, 1849; m. 3 Dec, 1881, Herbert Wiggin. Child : 23-11 338 HISTORY OF CANTERBURY. i. Howard Moody', b. 14 Sept., 1882 ; m. 14 Sept., 1904, Blanch Thurs ton. Children: 1. Howard Melvin' Wiggin, b. 28 April, 1907. 2. Lena Blanch Wiggin, b. 18 Dec, 1908. 3. Ahce Gertmde Wiggin, b. 16 Aug., 1910. 6. John Hbnry' Wiggin (James M.', David', Nathanieb) b. 23 Oct., 1846; m. 6 May, 1875, Mary EUa WiUiams of C. (See WUhams Gen.) ChUdren: 7. i. Walter Harvey', b. 19 Nov., 1876. 8. h. Ethel May, b. 6 Jan., 1881. ih. George Clough, b. 20 Oct., 1882. iv. Bertie Lena, b. 8 April, 1884; d. 27 Aug., 1885. V. Gladys Lane, b. 3 June, 1889. 7. Walter Har-vey' Wiggin (John Henry*, James M.') b. 19 Nov., 1876; m. 26 Dec, 1904, Susan Burshsted. Children: i. Arthur Walter', b. 2 Dec, 1906. h. Ruth Esther, b. 26 Oct., 1909. 8. Ethel May' Wiggin (John Henry*, James M.') b. 6 Jan., 1881; m. 30 AprU, 1904, WiUiam P. Dunbar, Dedham, Mass. Children: i. Daniel John', b. 4 May, 1906. u. Melvin Hale, b. 26 Oct., 1907. WHITNEY. 1. Leonard' Whitney m. first, Wheeler; m. second, PoUy EUiott of Concord. Tradition says he was in the Revolutionary war. There were several children by the first marriage. Four of these were Jere miah', who m. 10 Aug., 1812, in C, Mary Wiggin; Silas, SaUy, who m. Nathaniel Wiggm; Mary or PoUy, b. 18 July, 1787; m. 26 Dec, 1805, in C, Henry Beck, Jr. (See Beck Gen.) ChUdren by second marriage: Josephs. Catherine, m. 15 Dec, 1830, in C, WUliam Harrison Foster. (See Foster Gen.) Leavitt C, b. 6 Dec, 1812. Dorcas, b. 1818; m. Joshua Parker. (See Parker Gen.) S. Elliott, b. April, 1823. 2. Josephs Whitney (Leonard') m. Hannah R. SneU of Dover. He d. 1 Sept., 1859, in C, aged 50 years. She d. 26 Aug., 1866, aged 67 years. Children: i. William', d. 7 Oct., 1836, aged 4 years, h. Laurentia A., b. 16 Aug., 1833; m. Abram Batchelder of Loudon. (See Young Gen.) iu. Charles A., d. 4 July, 1838, aged 3 years, iv. Eliza A., m. Joseph Porter Batchelder of Loudon. (See Young Gen.) V. Katie A., m. Anthony Cate. She d. 14 Aug., 1873, aged 33 years, -vi. George, d. 26 Nov., 1866, aged 18 years. -vu. Amanda, -vhi. Frank. 3. Lea-vitt C.' Whitney (Leonard') b. 6 Dec, 1812, in C; m. 16 March, 1837, Nancy S. Sargent, b. 10 March, 1817, in Loudon, d. 29 April, 1882. He d. 24 May, 1899. ChUdren; 2. i. ii. 3. hi. iv. 4. V. GENEALOGIES. 339 i. George W.', b. 16 July, 1841, res. in Boscawen, d. 17 Feb., 1903. Child: Mrs. Nellie M.' Marden, res. in Boscawen. u. Charles S., b. 27 July, 1843; went to the Civil war and it was never knovm what became of him. iu. Armenia J., b. 10 Dec, 1845; m. 14 Dec, 1875, in Boscawen, Francis H. Morse. No children. Res. in Boscawen. 4. S. Elliotts Whitney (Leonard') b. April, 1823; m. Sarah F. West of Boscawen. He moved to FisherviUe, now Penacook, then to Platts burg, N. Y., where he d. Dec, 1897. Three of their five chUdren (two d. young) were: i. Charlotte E.' u. Ida Frances, b. in Penacook, m. Frank Da-vis. She d. 10 Jan., 1895, aged 39 years. (See Da-vis Gen.) iii. Katherine M., m. James E. RUey. She d. 13 May, 1909, in Somer- ¦viUe, Mass. ChUd; Franpese West' Riley; m. 31 Dec, 1906, George M.» Clough (Joseph'', Joseph', Joseph', Reuben; Joseph', John', Johw); one dau., Kathryn Clough, b. 19 Dec, 1906, in Somerville, Mass. WILLIAMS. 1. Amos S. Williams was b. 6 Sept., 1812, in Sanbomton. His name was changed from Caverlyto WiUiams in 1836. He was the son of Nathaniel Caverly, who was b. 22 Nov., 1791, and who m. 30 May, 1811, Mrs. SaUy (Sargent) Burleigh who probably d. in the autumn of 1865. Mr. Caverly was dro-wned 25 June, 1820. Mr. WUhams' grandfather, Na thaniel Caverly, was b. 26 AprU, 1765; m. 17 Nov., 1785, Ehzabeth, dau. of Ebenezer Colby of Sanbomton. She was b. 27 June, 1769; d. 11 Aug., 1849, ip Boston. Mr. Caveriy d. 24 May, 1839. Mr. WUhams m. first, 20 June, 1837, in Sanbomton, Mary Jane, dau. of Ebenezer and Nancy Wadleigh Lane of Sanbomton, where she was b. 2 July, 1817, and d. 18 May, 1863. He m. second, Judith Ordway of Concord, b. 20 Feb., 1816, d. 27 April, 1880. He m. third, Mrs. Sarah Daniels of Concord. Mr. Williams res. ip C. for a number of years. He was appointed Capt. 4th Co. of Inf., 29 Regt., 2d Brig., N. H. State MUitia, 24 April, 1839. Resigned 12 April, 1841. Children by first marriage, b. in Sanbomton: i. and h. Twm boys', b. 2 April, 1838; d. 11 and 12 April, 1838. 2. hi. Andrew A., b. 11 July, 1840; d. 31 July, 1894, in HiU. 3. iv. George L., b. 27 Aug., 1846; d. 19 May, 1909, in Concord. V. Mary Ella, b. 21 Jan., 1852; m. John H. Wiggin. (See Wiggin Gen.) 4. -vi. Amos James, b. 28 May, 1860. 2. Andrew A.' Williams (Amos S.', Nathanieb, Nathaniel') b. 11 July, 1840, in Sanbomton; m. 14 Sept., 1863, Clara, dau. of Jeremiah C. and Eleanor E. (DamereU) Rogers. Mrs. WUliams was b. 6 Nov., 1844, in Northfield. They had two chUdren who d. in infancy. Mr. WUhams d. 31 July, 1894, in HUl. She m. second, 14 Feb., 1898, in HiU, Edward C. Payne; d. 14 May, 1908. 3. George L.' Williams (Amos S.', Nathaniel; Nathanieb) b. 27 Aug., 1845, in Sanbomton; m. first, 28 Aug., 1871, Bertha A. Neal of LoweU, Mass. , 340 HISTORY OF CANTERBURY. b. 10 April, 1850; d. 20 Jan., 1884. He m. second, 28 Feb., 1885, Emma F. (Marshall) Jones, of Lancaster, b. 18 April, 1850. He d. 19 May, 1909, in Concord. 4. Amos James' Williams (Amos S.', Nathaniel', Nathaniel') b. 28 May, 1860, in Sanbomton; m. 19 Nov., 1888, Kate E. (Bowden) Barrett, dau. of Henry and Martha Smith Bowden, b. 6 Sept., 1859, in York, Me. She has one dau. by first m., b. 20 April, 1881, who m. 17 Sept., 1903, Fay Whipple of Bristol. He was b. 22 June, 1880, in Enfield. They have one dau. Ruth Elizabeth', b. 11 Oct., 1904. WOODMAN. 1. |Caleb Morse' Woodman, b. 19 June, 1786, was a son of Mark' and Sarah Chase Woodman of West Newbury, Mass. He was a direct descendant of Edward Woodman who came from Wiltshire, Eng., in 1635, and was one of the ninety grantees of the town of Newbury and one of the fifteen who were called Mr. In the history of Newbury he is said to have been "a man of influence, decision and energy." Caleb's line is (Mark', Edward*, Edward', Edward', Edward'). He was one of the principal men employed ip the building of the Center Congregational Church. The foUowing is an Agreement between the buUding committee, made 7 May, 1824, and Caleb M. Woodman: "The said Woodman agrees to do all the joiner work to be done in finishing off the inside of said meeting-house in the same manner that the meeting-house recently built in Boscawen is done, also to tum aU the piUars that are needed in fimshing said work and put in the timber to raise the pews in the gaUery — and the committee agree to pay said Woodman 1370.00." ' Mr. Woodman m. first, Sarah Rogers of Newbury; m. second, 15 Jan., 1823, in C, Lucy WUson, dau. of Col. Asa and Sarah (MorrUl) Foster. (See Foster Gen.) He d. 12 June, 1862. Mrs. Lucy (Foster) Woodman d. 8 Feb., 1888, both in Middletovm, Conn. ChUd by first marriage: i. Sarah Rogers', b. 16 Oct., 1821, in C. She was educated in North- field and Hanover; taught many years, beginning in C.; d. 29 March, 1901, in Middletown, Conn. Children by second marriage : U. Mary, b. 25 March, 1824; d. 15 May, 1824. iu. Henry Caleb, b. 26 Aug., 1826; m. Harriet J. Wright. He was a carpenter. He d. 25 Jan., 1898, in Middletown, Conn. 2. iv. Hannah Foster, b. 31 Dec, 1827. V. Asa Foster, b. 29 Jan., 1831. He was Supt. of the Boston and Calais Telegraph Co. for several years; d. 15 May, 1857. vi. Susan Caroline, b. 30 Oct., 1834. vii. Helen A., b. 2 April, 1837; d. 16 AprU, 1837. vui. Horace, b. 30 Jan., 1839; d. 28 June, 1840. 2. Hannah Foster' Woodman (Caleb M.', Mark; Edward*) b. 31 Dec, 1827; m. 21 March, 1853, Arthur Benjamin, son of Jeremiah and Sally GENEALOGIES. 341 (Eastman) Calef. Arthur B. Calef graduated at Wesleyan University 1851; admitted to the bar 1852; clerk of aU the courts of Middlesex Co., Conn., seven years; state treasurer 1855-56; postmaster of Middletown, Conn., 1861-69; recorder, city attomey, councUman and alderman of the city. He was a trustee of Wesleyan University from 1862 tiU his death, 17 Aug., 1900. Mrs. Calef d. 14 Jan., 1892. Children b. in Middletown : i. Jeremiah Francis', b. 14 Oct., 1866; graduate of Wesleyan Univer sity, ii. Arthur Benjamin, b. 20 Feb., 1859; graduate of Wes leyan, 1882. hi. Samuel Prescott, b. 25 Jan., 1862. iv. Edward Baker, b. 8 Nov., 1864. YOUNG. 1. Elder Winthrop' Young (Benjamiw) b. 1763 in Barrington, Benjamin' b. in Barrington had at least two other children, Stephen and Jonathan. The latter hved with his father and inherited the farm on which his father hved and where he was buried. This old homestead was known at a recent date to be in the possession of a descendant of Benjamin.' Elder Winthrop' m. about 1776, Mary, dau. of Joshua and Jane Hussey Otis of Barrington. (Joshua Otis signed the Association Test in 1776.) Mrs. Young was a descendant of Richard and Sarah Stoughton Otis. They settled in Dover in 1655. He and perhaps both were killed by Indians in 1689. Elder Wmthrop' d. 6 Jan., 1832. (See Vol. I, Chap. XIV.) Mrs. Young d. 11 April, 1849, aged 98 years. They are buried in the Hackleborough cemetery. Children, may not be in order of birth: Deborah'. Benjamin, b. 7 Jan., 1778. Otis. Winthrop, m. 25 Oct., 1804, in C, Polly Cochran of C. Jonathan, m. 13 Dec, 1807, in C, Dolly Tirrell of C. He settled in Stewartstown. Polly (Mary), b. 25 Aug., 1786. Betsey, b. 29 July, 1788. Hannah, b. 26 June, 1790, in C; m. 3 Feb., 1818, in C, Jeremiah SmaU. (See SmaU Gen.) Solomon.Nancy. 2. Deborah' Young (Elder Winthrop; Benjamiw) m. John Bean of Belmont who d. 1836. * She d. autumn of 1861, aged 87 years. They resided in that part of Gihnanton now Belmont where they d. Children, b. in Belmont: i. Winthrop' Bean. h. William Bean. hi. Sally Bean, m. Elder Da-vid Moody of GUmanton. Both d. in Sutton. Child deceased. iv. John Langdon Bean, m. Lydia Bartlett of Gilmanton. They had several children. V. Harrison Bean. vi. Elijah Otis Bean, b. 2 Aug., 1816; m. Behnda Moore of Sanbomton, b. 22 Sept., 1814; d. 21 Nov., 1891. He d. 27 May, 1892. 2. i. 3. u. 4. ui. iv. V. 5. -vi. 6. -vu. -viu, 7. ix. 8. X. 342 HISTORY OF CANTERBURY. 3. Benjamin' Young (Elder Winthrop', Benjamiw) b. 7 Jan., 1778; m. 1800 in C, Mary, dau. of Samuel and Ehzabeth Jackson. He d. 21 March, 1854, in Calais, Me. Mrs. Young b. in Lee; d. Nov., 1883, over one hundred years of age. Her father fought in the Revolutionary war. Was at the Battle of Bunker HiU. She was a descendant of Walter Jackson, the first of the name in Dover. Children, may not be in order of birth: i. LoREN Whiting', b. 7 Dec, 1803, in Wheelock, Vt.; d. 1898. u. Obadiah. iii. Elijah, iv. Benjamin, v. Harrison, -vi. Jack son. 9, -vii. Winthrop, b. 18 Sept., 1817. -vhi. John. ix. MUo F. x. Mary. xi. Deborah, xu. Abigail, xhi. Maria. 4. Otis' Young (Elder Winthrop; Benjamiw) m. first, 25 Oct., 1804, in C, Catharine Johnson of C, where she was b. and where she resided and d. 2 Nov., 1845, aged 62 years. He m. second, 16 April, 1846, in C, Mrs. Lois (Miner) Waldron of C, a sister of Mrs. Stephen' Young. Mrs. Otis Young had- a dau. by previous m., Emily Waldron, who d. 2 March, 1854, aged 23 years. Mr. Young d. 27 Dec, 1870, aged 91 years. Children by first marriage: 10. i. Thomas Jefferson', b. 10 March, 1805. 11. u. Winthrop, b. March, 1809. ih. Stephen, b. 2 Sept., 1810; m. 14 March, 1847, in C, Sophia Miner, b. 22 Sept., 1824; d. 17 Aug., 1897. He d. 6 April, 1893. 12. iv. John Langdon, b. 22 March, 1812. V. William Harrison, unm.; d. 27 Nov., 1841, aged 27 years. -vi. Mary Otis, b. 13 July, 1818; m. 21 Oct., 1845, in C, Sylvester Stevens. (See Stevens Gen.) 13. vii. Catharine Johnson, b. 1 July, 1823. 5. Polly' Young (Elder Winthrop; Benjamiw) b. 26 Aug., 1786; m. 23 Aug., 1804, m C, Samuel HiU of Loudon, b. 18 Nov., 1781; d. 27 Dec, 1852. She d. 21 Sept., 1860. Mr. HiU was a descendant of John HiU who came from Eng. in 1632 and settled near Portsmouth. Children: i. Otis' Hill, b. 13 Oct., 1804. ii. Hannah Hill, b. 8 May, 1806; m. Joseph Batchelder of Loudon, b. 10 Feb., 1800. She d. 28 Feb., 1891. Children: 1. John Quincy Adams' Batchelder, b. 10 March, 1826; m. Ehza Sanborn of Loudon. He d. 2 Aug., 1911, in Danvers, Mass. 2. Otis Hill Batchelder, b. 6 Jan., 1828; m. Maria Howard. He d. and she m. second, Joseph F. Smith of Northfield. 3. Clarissa Batchelder, b. 6 Jan., 1830; m. Cyrus Batchelder of Chichester. 4. Joseph Porter Batchelder, b. 21 Oct., 1836; m. first, Eliza Whitney of C. (See Whitney Gen.) She d. 9 June, 1881, aged 42 years. M. second, Abbie Demerritt. ChUd by first mamage: Alfred Porter' Batchelder, b. 7 March, 1869, in Loudon; m. 4 Feb., 1882, in C, Nellie May, dau. of Cyms Gilman and Sarah Jane Brown of C. (See Brown Gen.) ChU dren, b. in Loudon: (1) Emest Leon' Batchelder, b. 4 June, 1884. (2) George Whitmg Batchelder, b. 30 April, 1886. 5. Elvira Amanda Batchelder, b. 4 June, 1839; m. first, Abram Sanbom of Concord. He d. and she m. second, Augustus Fay. GENEALOGIES. 343 6. RosBTHE Batchelder, b. 17 AprU, 1845; unm.; d. young. u. Washington Hill, b. 11 July, 1808; m. Abigail Neal. He d. 20 1 Nov., 1891. Children: 1. Drexia' Hill, b. 16 Nov., 1833; m. Henry Potter. She d. Feb., 1910. 2. John HiU, b. 25 Feb., 1843; m. 31 May, 1861, Lizzie Hodge, b. 27 June, 1841. 3. Mary HiU, b. 19 Aug., 1844; m. March, 1864, Anis Bean. He d. 12 Oct., 1909. iv. Mary Hill, b. 21 July, 1810; d. 26 July, 1829. V. John Silver Hill, b. 18 Dec, 1815; m. Sophia Sawyer Cate. He d. 21 Dec, 1858. vi. Sarah Glines Hill, b. 13 Dec, 1817; m. Jeremiah Whittier. She d. 17 Oct., 1853. Children; Josephine', Samuel, Joseph and Catherine Whittier. -vu. Al-vira Amanda Hill, b. 1 Nov., 1818; deceased. vhi. Martha Susan Hill, b. 24 Oct., 1819. ix. Winthrop Hill, b. 10 June, 1822; m. Nancy Clifford of Loudon. Child: Sylvanus' HiU. X. Samuel Dimond Hill, b. 11 May, 1829, in Loudon; m. Sept., 1871, in Pittsfield, Lucretia Ann, dau. of Thomas Swett, b. 1834, in Pittsfield; d. 14 Dec, 1886. Children: 1. John S-w-btt Hill, b. 28 Aug., 1872; m. 2 Jan., 1900, Cora BeUe Maxfield, b. 17 Jan., 1881. Children: (1) Gladys Lucretia' HiU, b. 14 March, 1901. (2) EUena Belle HiU, b. 14 Aug., 1902. (3) Harry Swett HUl, b. 27 Oct., 1903. (4) Evelyn Blanche HiU, b. 19 June, 1906. (5) Fred Scott HUl, b. 5 June, 1909. 2. Blanche Hill, b. 25 Nov., 1874; m. Louis Da-vid MorriU of C. (See MorrUl Gen.) 6. Betsey' Young (Elder Winthrop', Benjamiw) b. 29 July, 1788, in C; m. 16 June, 1808, in C, Joseph Young, b. 13 March, 1778, in Belmont; d. 11 Dec, 1843. She d. 22 Feb., 1877. They resided in that part of GUmanton now Behnont where they d. Children, b. in Belmont: i. Sophronia', b. 8 May, 1809; m. James G. Bradbury. She d. 2 May, 1897. Children; 1. Francis Clark' Bradbury; m. and had foiu chUdren. He d. in Melrose, Mass. 2. Joseph Yoimg Bradbury, m. and has three children. u. Lavonia, b. 6 Dec, 1810; m. Henry Dashwood of Boston where she d. 1858. No children. in. Andrew Bailey, b. 29 March, 1812; m. Ehza Jane, dau. of John and Nancy (Avery) Evans, b. 5 April, 1816; d. 29 Aug., 1903. Mr. Young d. 12 Jan., 1906. Children, first four b. in Belmont: 1. Orren Demerritt', b. 6 July, 1834; m. first, 11 Sept., 1866, Sophia Jones of Candia, b. 7 Sept., 1839; d. 28 April, 1892. M. second, Nancy Chase of Kennebunk, Me. He d. 7 March, 1904, in Lyndon-ville, Vt. She res. in Worcester, Mass. Children by first marriage; (1) Ahce Sophia', b. 19 Oct., 1857; m. 20 Feb., 1883, George GUman of Lowell, Mass. He is a machinist and has a plant in LoweU. (2) Lunette Jane, b. 26 Jan., 1860; m. Clarence Wilkinson of Laconia, engineer on the Canadian Pacific R. R. Children: Florence' WUkin son, b. 20 Sept., 1890; m. 20 Sept., 1910, in Newport, Vt., Emest Gilpin of Troy, Vt. Emma Wilkinson, b. 9 July, 1893; d. young. (3) Jeff, b. 4 July, 1862; unm. Residence, Lexington, Mass. (4) Anna, b. 1 Nov., 1864; m. Jason Greenleaf of LoweU, Mass. He d. 1893; she, 12 April, 1896. Child: Ethel' Greenleaf, b. 4 July, 1884. (5) Lizzie, b. 11 Sept., 1869; unm, (6) Adna, b. 19 March, 1870, unm.; 344 HISTORY OF CANTERBURY. d. 27 Feb., 1898. (7) Mertie, b. 3 Feb., 1875; m. 1 May, 1901, Fred Fisher who was kiUed the same year on the rail road. (8) Henry Parker, b. 13 Jan., 1878; m. Mertie Fisher of Lexington, Mass. He is a machinist and resides in LoweU, Mass. Children; Verna' and Hazel. (9) George, b. 12 July, 1880; d. 11 March, 1881. (10) Aretas, b. 3 June, 1882; unm. (11) Shirley, b. 16 Jan., 1886; unm.; res. in East Holden, Me. i 2. Olivia Sophinia, b. 18 May, 1836; m. 11 Oct., 1865, in Man chester, James Monroe Atwood of Lisbon. He d. 2 Dec, 1895. Adopted child ; Lilhan Palmer Atwood, b. 2 Aug., 1868; unm. 3. Elizabeth Ann, b. 17 March, 1839; m. Oct., 1858, George W. Elkins of Belmont. He d. 19 July, 1905. 4. Henry Harrison, b. 23 July, 1843; unm. Lives on the ances tral homestead. 5. Mahalaette, b. 1846; d. 1848 in Sanbomton. iv. Betsey, b. 12 Feb., 1814; m. Daniel Swett of Belmont. Children, b. in Belmont: 1. Dustin' Swett, d. young. 2. Charles Swett, m. and res. in Manchester. 3. Dan Swett, m. Sanborn; res. in Laconia. He was previously m. to Adeline Abbott who d. They had five children. V. Eleazar, b. 16 Jan., 1816; m. Alice Pickering. Adopted child: Emma Pickering Young. vi. Nancy, m. John Currier of Gilmanton. ChUdren, b. in Gilmanton: Joseph', EUen, Fred, Arthur CarroU, twins, Edgar and Emma, Sarah, Annie and Henry Currier. -vii. Ann F., b. 18 AprU, 1822; d. in infancy. ¦vih. Peter Clark, b. 1 Oct., 1825; d. 13 April, 1843; unm. 7. Solomon' Young (Elder Winthrop', Benjamin') b. in C; m. first, Maria Morrill of Loudon, who d. 6 Jan., 1841, in C, aged 39 years. M. second, 25 Jan., 1844 in C, Hannah Peverly. (See Peverly Gen.) She d. 23 March, 1868, aged 66 years. He d. 14 July, 1873, aged 78 years. They d. in C. Children by first marriage: i. Apphia Amanda', b. 10 Feb., 1822; m. 19 April, 1847, in C, WiUiam Forrest Sargent. (See Sargent Gen.) ii. Sarah Emery, d. 7 May, 1853, in C, aged 30 years; unm. 8. Nancy' Young (Elder Winthrop; Benjamiw) m. 25 Dec, 1822, in C, Gardner Batchelder of Loudon. He was previously m. and had three chUdren. ChUdren, probably not in order of birth; i. H. Frank Batchelder, m. and had three children. He d. 23 May, 1891, aged 63 years. ii. Abram Batchelder, b. 27 Aug., 1832; m. Laurentia A. Whitney who d. 13 March, 1900. (See Whitney Gen.) He d. 17 Sept., 1898. One child. hi. Abbie Batchelder, b. 13 Jan., 1843; d. 18 Dec, 1899. iv. William Batchelder. V. Stephen Batchelder. 9. Winthrop' Young (Benjamin; Elder Winthrop') b. 18 Sept., 1817; m. 14 June, 1849, Catherine Sophia, dau. of John and Isabella Gilles Johnson. Mrs. Young is a descendant of John Johnson who arrived with Gov. Winthrop and settled in Roxbury, Mass. She is also a de scendant of Richard Warren of the Mayflower. Mr. Young d. 10 July, 1896. Children, b. in Calais, Me.: GENEALOGIES. 345 i. Emily Sophia', b. 14 June, 1855; m. 22 Aug., 1877, in Minneapohs, Minn., Edward Johnson, son of William Moody and Lucy (Johnson) Kimball, b. 20 Nov., 1852, in Lawrence, Mass. (See Kimball Gen.) Res., Minneapolis, Minn. ii. Howell Winthrop, b. 21 Aug., 1867; unm. 10. Thomas Jefferson' Young (Otis; Elder Winthrop') b. 10 March, 1805; m. 6 Sept., 1829, Ann, dau. of Moses Kimball. She was sixth in line from Richard KimbaU who saUed from Ipswich, Eng. (See Kimball Gen.) He d. 4 Jan., 1853; she, 11 Aug., 1864. Children; i. Otis', b. 11 Aug., 1830, in Northfield; m. 28 Oct., 1866, in Northfield, Mary J., dau. of Reuben and Dorothy Osgood Whitcher, b. 1831 m Northfield; d. 23 Aug., 1887, in Plymouth. No chUdren. 14. ii. John Morrill, b. 2 July, 1831. 15. hi. Flora A., b. 6 Oct., 1832. 16. iv. Thomas Jefferson, b. 29 Dec, 1833. v. Mary Otis, b. 8 Jan., 1836, in C; m. 25 Jan., 1858, in Plymouth, Daniel Emery, son of John HiU, b. 7 Sept., 1833; d. 2 Oct., 1899, in Northfield. He was postmaster of TUton ten years. 17. vi. Sarah Maria, b. 21 March, 1836. 18. -vu. Edwin Johnson, b. 20 Aug., 1837. 19. -viii. Dearborn Johnson, b. 9 Feb., 1839. ix. Catharine, b. 6 AprU, 1840, in C; m. John W. Fifield. She d. 6 Oct., 1906, in North Brookfield. Mass. X. William H. H., b. 6 Oct., 1841, in C. He enhsted 3 Sept., 1861, m Plymouth in Co. I, 4th Regt., N. H. Vol.; reenhsted 24 Feb., 1864, with rank of Corporal; was kiUed 30 July, 1864, in a mine explosion at Petersburg, Va. 20. xi. Harriet L., b. 29 Jan., 1844. xii. Hester A., b. 17 Dec, 1845; d. 8 Feb., 1846. 21. xhi. Fannie H., b. 10 Jan., 1847. xiv. Jane Eliza, b. 11 Oct., 1849, in Plymouth; m. in Worcester, Mass., Jaber Reed. She d. 12 May, 1873. 11. Winthrop' Young (Otis; Elder Winthrop') b. March, 1809; m. Salhe H., dau. of James and Ruth Cofran, b. 9 May, 1808. He d. Dec, 1846, aged 39 years. She d. 29 March, 1893. Children: 22. i. Elizabeth Hill', b. 11 March, 1837. h. Sarah Frances, b. 9 March, 1843; d. 19 Nov., 1866. 12. John Langdon' Young (Otis; Elder Winthrop') b. 22 March, 1812; m. Ohve Twombly. He d. 28 June, 1894. Children, may not be m order of birth: i. Winthrop Judson', unm. ; d. in the Ci-vil war. ii. Helen Amanda, b. in C.;m. George Robinson. ChUdren: 1. George E.« Robinson, d. young. 2. Jennie E. Robinson, res. m Wal tham, Mass. „, ., , r^ UT ih. Ann Maria, b. m C; m. John Hanscom. Child: Grace May Hanscom, d. in infancy in Cambridgeport, Mass. 13. Catharine Johnson' Young (Otis; Elder Winthrop') b. 1 July, 1823, m C; m. 25 Nov., 1844, John Clark, son of Obe Stanton, b. 14 Oct., 1822, m Bartlett; d. 9 Oct., 1892, in N. Y. City. Children: i. Frank Chase' Stanton, b. 12 July, 1846; m. Henrietta Fo wie. u. Charles Henry Stanton, b. 10 AprU, 1851; m. Delia Oolher. 346 HISTORY OF CANTERBURY. in. John Clark Stanton, b. 16 Nov., 1853; m. first, Lizzie Leonard; m. second, Grace Andrews. iv. Emma Stanton, b. 19 Feb., 1857; m. Arthur B. Paine. She d. 4 June, 1906, in Mazatlan, Mex. No chUdren. V. Catharine Stanton, b. 28 July, 1859; m. Edward J. Fallon. 14. John Morrill' Young (Thomas Jefferson*, Otis') b. 2 July, 1831, in C; m. 1 Jan., 1854, m Northfield, Abbie W., dau. of Reuben and Dorothy Osgood Whitcher, b. 15 March, 1830, in Northfield; d. 12 Oct., 1903, Ul Plymouth. Child: Fred J.', b. 30 Nov., 1860; d. 12 Dec, 1882. 15. Flora A.' Young (Thomas Jefferson; Otis') b. 6 Oct., 1832, in C; m. Hemy Plummer. Resided in Plymouth and Campton; d. in Ashland. Children: i. Wilham' Plummer, deceased, h. George Plummer, m. and has four children. Resides in Ashland. 16. Thomas Jefferson' Young (Thomas Jefferson*, Otis') b. 29 Dec, 1833, m C; m. 27 AprU, 1862, in Drytown, Cal., Elizabeth C. Hickson, b. 12 Aug., 1846. He went to San Francisco, Cal., where he remained tiU 1857. He now res. in Modesto, Cal. Children; i. William H.', b. 8 May, 1863; m. first, 27 Feb., 1884, Maude E. Love, b. 20 April, 1863; d. 14 May, 1901; m. second, 27 Dec, 1906, Elizabeth J. Barber. u. Mary E., b. 3 Feb., 1866; m. first, 18 Dec, 1882, George W. Witty; m. second, 26 Aug., 1901, Henry H. MiUer. hi. Thomas J., b. 19 Dec, 1868; m. 23 Jan., 1895, Odessa Riley. iv. Lenora M., b. 2 Jan., 1871; m. 1890, D. C. Wood. V. Lulu G., b. 19 March, 1875; m. 19 Feb., 1900, WUbur C. HaU. 17. Sarah Maria' Young (Thomas Jefferson', Otis') b. 21 March, 1836, in C; m. 29 July, 1864, in Plymouth, Henry Jerome, son of Nathan Reed of Princeton, Mass. She d. 11 Nov., 1893, in Worcester, Mass. Child: Herbert Eugene' Reed, b. 1 Feb., 1869, in Worcester, Mass., m. first, 23 June, 1892, Carolyn E. Butler. She d. 17 July, 1894, in Worcester, Mass. M. second, 26 Nov., 1896, in Dedham, Mass., Sarah L. E. Wood. 18. Edwin Johnson' Young (Thomas Jefferson*, Otis') b. 20 Aug., 1837, in C; m. first, 1858, in Dorchester, Annie L., dau. of James and Theodate Waldron EUiott, b. 1 Jan., 1840, m Dorchester; d. 7 Nov., 1882, in Campton. He m. second, 7 Jan., 1886, Helen M., dau. of Benjamin T. and Sarah J. Mel-vin Whipple of Laconia. She d. 14 Aug., 1891. He m. third, 9 Nov., 1892, Georgia E., dau. of George C. and Eunice Corser Lancaster of Northfield. Children by first marriage; i. Maude A.', b. 9 March, 1859; m. 23 June, 1883, WiUiam C. Emerson of Camp ton. h. Herbert G., b. 18 Feb., 1868. 19. Dearborn Johnson' Young (Thomas Jefferson*, Otis') b. 9 Feb., 1839, in C; m. 7 Jan., 1868, in West Brookfield, Mass., Deha A. Mathews. He served through the Ci-vil war in the 7th Cal. Regt. Residence, Los Angeles, Cal. Children: i. Edith G.', b. 6 March, 1870; m. 25 Jan., 1900, m Los Angeles, Cal., Robert W. Brydon. She d. 3 Jan., GENEALOGIES. 347 1904. u. Mabel Ann, twin, b. 20 Oct., 1872. in. May Whipple, twin, b. 20 Oct., 1872; d. 15 July, 1874. 20. Harriet L.' Young (Thomas Jefferson; Otis') b. 29 Jan., 1844, in C; m. in North Brookfield, Mass., Charles Turner. Child: Harry Tumer. 21. Fannie H.' Young (Thomas Jefferson*, Otis') b. 10 Jan., 1847, in Oilman- ton; m. 24 July, 1873, in Concord, George H. Boardman of Lowell, Mass., where she d. Child; Samuel Herbert' Boardman, b. 13 Dec, 1874, in LoweU, Mass.; m. 8 Sept., 1903, in Portland, Ore., Anna Belle Hawkins. Residence, Irrigon, Ore. 22. Elizabeth Hill' Young (Winthrop; Otis') b. 11 March, 1837, in Laconia; m. 18 Dec, 1863, in Northfield, Benjamin Franklin, son of James and SaUie Baldwm, b. 28 Aug., 1820, in Middleburg, Va.; d. 11 March, 1896, m Grafton, W. Va. Children: i. Thomas S.' Baldwin, b. 4 AprU, 1866; m. 8 Sept., 1888, Blanche EsteUa McCubbms, b. 1 July, 1872. h. Fannie E. Baldwin, b. 20 Dec, 1869; m. 4 Oct., 1898, Thaddeus BeU, b. 19 Oct., 1866. hi. Maple E. Baldwin, b. 13 Oct., 1874; m. 29 Sept., 1897, Ernest L. Love, b. 28 March, 1861. INDEX. ABBOT nr ABBOTT 241 Addie M. (Bagley) 20 Abbv T. 326 Abigail' 1 Adeline 344 Adeline (Morrill) 308 Alfred S.' 1, 193 Almira Emily' 1 Amos 53 Anna 28 Betsey' 1 Caroline 199 EUas' 1 Elias' 1 Elinor (Rogers) 1 Eliza (Simpson) 309 Elizabeth (Bus-well) 1 Emily Bus-well' 1 Gardner Sawver' 1 George 20, 53, 308 Hiram Emery 309 James .53 James B. 158 James BusweU' 1 James Monroe 309 John Gilman 309 Levi Bartlett 309 Lydia (Sawyer) 1 Lyman 199 Mary 27 Matilda' I Myra 308 Rebecca 53 Rebecca (Abbott) S3 Sarah (Gerrish) 158 Sarah ("Winslow) 1 Susan B. (Howe) 1, 193 Thomas 309 -William 53 ACHILLES H. B. 85 Martha (Burpee) 85 Tryphena 85 ACKERMAN James 185 May BeU 185 Sarah A. (Turner) 185 ADAMS Adelaide Mae' 2 Charles Freeman' 2 Clara Adaline 156 Cora Jane' 2, 267 Edwin 245 Eleanor 85 Elizabeth 335 EUza Jane (Peverly) 2, 267 Enoch 335 Eunice fWhidden) 335 Florence 261 Frank Leon' 2 Frederic McCleUan' 2 Hannah 188, 280 Hannah P. 335 Helen D. 5 Hugh 96 Jennie S. 228 John 335 John Lincoln' 2, 267 John T. 228 Julia 335 Karl WUUam' 2 ADAMS (.cont.) Leonard 266 Lizzie A. 280 Lucretia P. (Stetson) 2 Lucy A. 128 Lydia (Baker) 128 Martha H. (MorriU) 266 Mary Baxter 203 Parmento 85 Samuel 280 Sarah 85 Sarah (DeLaney) 228 Sarah Elizabeth' 2 Sarah J. (Piper) 126 Sarah (Moore) 245 Susannah 335 WiUiam Edwin' 2 WiUiam Lawson 5 Zenas 128 ALDEN Huldah (Scales) 304 John .304 ALDRICH Eda M. 281 Florence Ellinor Knight 78 Foster M. 281 Harry 54 Harry A. 54 Jeremiah K. 78 Louisa 145 Lucien 54 Mary C. (Chamberlain) 54 Sarah (Hamer) 78 Susan (Oakes) 281 ALEXANDER Martha 89 ALLEN Angelina Todd 7 Anne 317 Comfort 291 Dorothy 170 Ethel 51 Firena B. 301 Harriet Sanborn 57 Martha 51 Nancy 97 StiUson 170 Ursula N. (McFarland) 62 Walton 51 ALLENWOOD AUce M. 258 Arthur R. 2.58 Ernestine L. (Towne) 258 Joseph F. 258 ALLEY Mary B. 277 ALLIS Helen L. 269 Leon 269 Lillian W. (WUmot) 269 Neal M. 269 Ruth M. 269 ALLISON Eliza Jane 142 Mary 130 AMES Albert 20 Albion' 4 Alice' 7 Alice' 7 AUen Pepperell' 7 AMES (cont.) Almira' 4 Almira Frost' 6 Angelina T. (AUen) 7 Anna' 3 Anna (Brewster) 6 ArviUa N. (Ames) 1 Betsey 183 Brewster Frost' 6 Caroline' 6 Charles Gordon' 6 Daniel' 2, 3 Daniel' 3 Daniel' 3 David' 3 David' 3, 4, 13, 175, 195, 200, 210. David' 4 Delia Ann (Byram) 5 Edward A. 129 Edward L. 129 EUzabeth' 7 Elizabeth (Gerrish) 7 Fishers 5, 7 Francis 20 Francis W.' 5 Francis W.' 7 Gracie Berson 7 Hannah 7 Hannah' 3 Hannah' 4 Hannah A. 87 Hannah (Ames) 4 Hannah (DoUoff) 3, 209 Harriet Parker' 6 Hazel 129 Helen Beatrice' 7 Henry Gerrish' 7 Isaac' 7 Hazel 129 Jacob' 3 Jacob' 3 Jane (Gerrish) 3 Jeremiah Forrest' 7 John A.' 7 Joseph 4 Joseph Gerrish' 5, 7 Joseph Henry' 7 Lawrence Joseph^ 7 Lorenzo'' 6, 264 Lucy (Foster) 5, 20, 135 Lucy Jane' 5 Lucy M. (Fletcher) 129 Lucy P. (Rand) 4 Lydia' 3 Lydia P. (Morrill) 6, 264 Madison Fisk' 4 Margaret E. (Heath) 4 Margery' 7 Marion G. 129 Maria' 5 Maria (Batchelder) 7, 20 Martha Wheeler' 6 Mary' 3 Maryi 4, 175 Mary M. (Markham) 7 Mary MorriU 6 Mary iPliimmer) 7 Mehitable (Gooden) 3 Minerva (Hogan) 4 Miriam' 4 350 INDEX. AMES (cont.) Miriam (Ayers) 6, 10 Miriam Frost' 6 Myra (Ayers) 87 Nathaniel' 3 Nathaniel' 3 Phebe' 4, 209 Phebe' 5 Phebe (Hoyt) 4, 175, 195,210 Phebe Moody' 6 Polly' 4 Rhoda' 5 Rebecca P. (Geriiah) 5 Rebecca (Van Dervanter) 7 Robert Herman' 7 Roxana M, 160 Ruth' 4, 210 Samuel 10 Samuel' 3, 209 Samuel' 3 Samuel' 4, 6, 10, 87, 264 Samuel Albert' 5, 7 Samuel Frost' 6 Sarah 3 Sarah' 3, 259 Sarah' 4 Sarah (Hersey) 3 Sarah Plummer' 7 Simon' 3 Sophronia (Fisk) 4 WilUam Nathaniel' 4 Thomas' 4, 20, 135 Thomas P.« 7 Warren Cheever,' 7 AMY Cynthia H. 235 ANDREWS Grace 346 Harriet P. 174 ANNIS Charles 59 Sarah (Chase) 59 ANTHONY A. Hunter 336 LeUa I. (Hill) 336 APPLETON Elizabeth (Wade) 83 Samuel 53 ARLIN AbigaU (Lovering) 7, 109 Addison Augustus 7, 109 Apphia 215 Beatrice Laura' 7 Beryl' 8 Blanche (Chesley) 8 Clara 248 Clarissa 191 Gertrude Elizabeth' 8 Harlan Augustus' 8 Harold Augustus* 8 Harper 215 Harryi 7 Julia A. 202 Laura E. (Potter) 7 Lena BeUe' 8 Lucy Mae 109 Lucy Mary' 7 Mary 215 Mary Herrick 7 Moses 215 Sarah 215 Smith 215 Susan (Lake) 215 True Frank' 7 Walter' 8 ARMITAGE Godfrey 83 Marv (Cogswell) 83 Alberta Walker 36 ARNOLD Andrew H. 36 Dwight A. 143 E. Lula (Palmer) 143 Glen Walker 36 Lathrop 36 ASH Dana Wellington 18 EUen L. (Young) 18 Lucian Scott 18 Marjorie 18 Roland Sherburne 18 ASTEN see AUSTIN ATKINSON Charlotte 212 Daniel Clark 212 Mehitable Tilton 212 ATWOOD Augustus 190 Alpha Rose 306 Christine 306 EfBe Ward 306 EUzabeth 109 Flora 306 Fred Grant 306 George 306 Henry 306 James Monroe 344 Kate 110 LiUian Palmer 344 Lurana G. (Scales) 305 Mary 306 Melinda D. (Scales) 305 Olivia S. (Young) 344 Prentice C. 305 Roxanna (Scales) 306 AUSTIN Aaron 216 Alonzo E. 16 Betsey 25 IsabeUa 330 Isabella (Camp) 16 Judith 98, 216 Judith (Eastman) 216 Orlinda Ann 16 AVERY Abel' Adeline (Flanders) 8 Carrie Emeline' 8 Cynthia (Dearborn) Mc Daniel 8, 167 David' 8 Eben 167 Ebenezer' 8 Eliza (Moore) 246 George 246 Hattie S.' 8 Jacob 246 John' 8 Joseph 246 Lena' 8 Linnie' 8 Lizzie 316 Luceba (Lake) 8, 215 Orrin 246 PoUy (Glover) 8, 167 Samuel 246 WiUiam 215 WiUiami 8 William' 8 AYER Mary Jane' 11 EUzabeth (Chase) 59 Francis 156 Mary (Johnson) 96 Ruth 96 Samuel E. 96 Susan (Gale) 156 Zachariah 59 AYERS Abigail' 9 Abigail' 10 Abigail Sherbume' 10 Adelaide EUzabeth' 17 Agnes Miriam' 17 AUce 9 Alice' 9 Alice Sherburne' 11 Almira Josephine' 13, 17. 302 Almira S. (Gerrish) 13 Amanda E. (Ridenour) 14 Andrew Deeiing' 10 Andrew Pepperell' 10 Anna Rea' 17 Anna (Rea) 14 Annette Deering' 10 Annice Pamelia' 10 Apphia (Clark) 10 Augustine Haines' 11 Augustine Haines' 14, 17 Augustine Ridenour 14 Augustine Rogers' 12, 13, 212 Benjamin 239 Benjamin Franklin' 13, 17 Benjamin KimbaU' 14 Bernice C. (MUlen) 17 Brackett J.' 10 Caroline' 10 Caroline A.' 10 Charles A.' 10 Charles Deering' 10 Charles Haines' 11, 12, 302 Charles Haines' 16 Charles Haines Austin' 16 Charles Henrv' 13, 16 Clara M. (Kimball) 212 Charles Raldo' 10 Dorothy Deering' 10 Dorothy (Deering) 10 Edmund B. C 10 Edward' 9 Eleanore Sherburne' 15 Elihu Deering' 10 Eliza Haines' 11 EUza PeppereU' 10, 173 EUzabeth Rea» 15, 18 Ellen M. (Gerrish) 13, 302 Ellen Maria' 13, 16 Elsie Carleton' 15, 17 Francis C 10 Hannah (Haines) 11, 173 Hannah Jane' 12, 15 Helen Beach' 14 Helen McGregor' 12 Helen McGregor' 13, 17 Henry' 9 Henry Clinton' 12, 15 Henry Day' 16 Henry M.' 10 Henry Sherburne' 11 Herman Eugene' 17 Jeremiah' 12 Jeremiah Emery' 14 John' 8 John' 17 John KimbaU' 13 John KimbaU' 17 John Simes' 10 Jonathan' 8, 9 Jonathan' 9, 10 Jonathan' 10, 11, 173, 318 Jonathan' 11, 12 AYERS (cont.) Jonathan' 13, 16 Jonathan Clark' 10 Joseph 6 Joseph' 9, 173 Joseph' 10, 79 Joseph A.' 10 Joseph Gerrish' 13, 15 Joseph Gerrish' 16 Joseph Henry' 15, 17 Joseph Sherburne' 10 Joseph Sherburne' 12, 225 Joseph Sherburne' 14 Joseph Sherburne' 17 Josiah Phillips' 14 Lucy C. 225 Lucy C. (Emery) 12, 79 Lucy Caroline' 12 Lucy Emery' 15 Lucy Jane' 10 Lydia C 10 Lydia S.' 10 Manning' 10 Maria' 10 Martha B. (Lyford) 12, 225 Martha EUzabeth' 12, 15, 79 Martha J. (Day) 16 Martin P.' 10 Mary Adelaide' 12, 14 Mary Anne 9 Mary F. (Delany) 17 Mary Frances Leontine' 17 Mary Jane' 10 Mary L.' 10 Mary L. (Rea) 15 Mary (Rogers) 12 Miriam 6 Miriam' 10 Miriam Frost' 15 Miriam (Frost) 9, 10, 173 Nancy (Pitman) 10 OUveA.' 10 Ohver Garrison' 14 OrUnda A. (Austin) 16 Pamelia E. (Roberts) 17 Pamelia W.' 10 Phebe' 9 Phebe' 10 Perkins 8 PoUy' 10 PoUy F.' 10 Ruth Ames' 13 Ruth VaUette 17 SaUy' 9 SaUy B. (McCrillis) 239 Samuel Haines' 12, 14 Sarah' 10 Sarah Ann' 10 Sarah (Bickford) 10 Sarah CaroUne' 10 Sarah PeppereU' 10 Sarah PeppereU' 10 Statira' 9 Statira' 10 Statira AdaUne' 10 Statira Manning' 10 Susan Gerrish' 13, 16 Susan Tilden Veronica' 17, 19 Susanna (Stevens) 318 Susannah (Stevens) Hacket 11 Walter Howard' 12 WUliam D.' 10 WUliam Oscar' 10 WiUiam Tarleton' 14 INDEX. 35 BADGER BALDWIN (cont.) CaroUne C. (RandaU) 292 Maple E. 347 Charles Herbert 292 Sallie 347 George Ernest 292 Thomas S. 347 Grace E. 292 BALL Hannah 134 A.L. 295 Hannah (Pearson) 85 EUza A. (Sanborn) 295 Hannah (Peaslee) 84 Helen (FeUows) 279 Joseph 84, 85 BALLOU Judith 84, 85 Ida G. (Heath) 191 Ruth 84 Oliver 191 Thomas 292 BANKER BAGLEY Edmund 228 AUce Almeda' 19 Nettie K. (Matott) 228 AUce M. (George) 19 BARDEN Dorothy May' 19 Ernest A. 143 Ethel May 199 Ida (Wainman) 143 Evelyn IngaUs' 19 BARBER Florence Gertrude' 19,313 Anne (Chase) 59 George Leonidas' 19 EUzabeth J. 346 George W.» 19 Thomas 69 Harry Leonidas' 19 BARBOUR Harry Lee* 19 Harriet E. 36 Ida Selina' 19, 64 BARKER John' 19 Abiah (CogsweU) 86 Mary 50 AdeUne 198 Mary Lucia' 19 Erskine 198 Lewis Merrill' 19 Gardner 198 Marion 19 Gardner T. 198 Mary C. (Hanson) 19 Josiah 86 Nellie B. (Moody) 19 Martha (Huntoon) 198 Samuel' 19 Mary Jane 178, 198 Samie Elwood' 19 MatUda 38 Sarah (Hunnewell) 19 Thomas 198 BAILEY Warren 198 Gertrude (Colburn) 31 BARNARD Irwin 31 Julia M. 182 Isabel 106 Mary 194 Leslie 31 Ruth 195 Martha 181 Sarah 169 Mildred 31 Sarah F. 323 : Mildred Streeter 321 Thomas 195 Nellie L. (Streeter) 321 BARNES Susan 241 Agnes (Bent) 25 Waldo C. 321 Deborah 94 BAKER Rebecca 254 Abel 32 WilUam 94 AbigaU 40 BARNET Addie 142 Hannah 33 Asenath S. 296 BARNEY Betsey 326 Nathaniel 141 Eleazer Frankhn 2 BARR EUzabeth N. (Moore) 249 Emeline 252 Emily 28 BARRBERREE Hannah 264 Lizzie E. 256 Ida Rowine 81 BARRETT Jennie B. 256 Kate E. (Bowden) 340 Lydia 248 BARTLETT Marshall 32 AbigaU 49, 112 Osma CorneUa 264 Annie Pickering 176 Osmon C. 264 Apphia Maria 98 Polly 32 Chauncey 32 BAKER Frederick Haines 176 S. H. 249 Levi 176 Samuel 32, 268 Levi Scott 176 Sarah EUzabeth (Adams) 2 Lydia 341 WUliam 296 Martha (Haines) 176 BALCH Mary EUzabeth 176 EUza A. P. (Jones) Mary (Kimball) 210 Brackett 203 Nathan 98 Julia 213 Sally (Boyce) 32 Wesley P. 203 Sarah 113 BALDWIN Seth 210 Benjamin Franklin 347 BASFORD Blanch E. (McCubbins) 347 Caroline 296 Elizabeth H. (Young) 347 BASSETT Fannie E. 347 Louise 51 James .347 BASSFORD Lucy 248 Mary 164 352 INDEX. BATCHELDER Abbie 344 Abbie (Demerett) 342 Abbie Maria' 20, 196 Abiah (Stevens) 19, 318 AbigaU B.' 20 Abram 338, 344 Ada L. 319 Addie MorriU 20 Alfred Porter 41, 342 Almyra' 20, 76 Andrew 74 Alvah Harris 6 Anna 33 Bertha Edith 319 CaroUne Ethel 319 Charles' 20 Charles Donald 111 Charles E. 236 Charles Washington' 20, 64 Clara K. (Lyford) 225 Clarissa 342 Clarissa (Batchelder) 342 Cora Abby 47,111 Cynthia (Parker) 276 Cyrus 342 Eben 7 Eben Laroy' 20, 74 Ebenezer' 19, 318 Ebenezer' 20, 76 Ebenezer' 20, 74, 209, 235 Edwin Oscar 47, 111 EUza' 20 Eliza A. 318 EUza A. (Whitney) 338 EUza E. (ElUot) 47, 110 EUza (Sanborn) 342 EUza (Whitney) 342 EUzabeth 40 EUzabeth A. (Huckins) 20, 198 EUzabeth Ham 225 EUzabeth (Kimball) 20, 74, 209, 235 Elmer Mason 227 Elvira Amanda 342 Emma A. (Buttrick) 20, 196 Ernest Leon 342 Estelle Charlotte 111 Esther A. (Virgin) 319 Frank' 20 Frank P. 319 Fred Silas' 20, 196 Gardner 344 George C 20 George Whiting 342 Gladys MUdred 319 Grace A. (Taft) 111 H. Frank 344 Hannah (Heath) 20, 76 Hannah (Hill) 342 Harriet L. (Holt) 6 Harry Eugene 111 Harry Victor' 20 Henry 227 Howard G. 256 Huldah 40 Ida OciUa' 20, 196 Irene 54 Ivy 313 James 276 John' 20 John Ham' 20 John Quincy Adams 342 Joseph 342 Joseph Orman' 20, 196 Joseph Porter 338, 342 BATCHELDER (cont:) Laurentia A. (Whitney) 338, 344 Lloyd Williams 225 Mabel 196 Mabel Clover' 20 Maria 7 Maria' 20 Maria (Howard) 342 Mary EUzabeth' 20, 74 Mary Jane' 20, 64 Mary J. (Chase) 20 Mary (Sargent) 301 Maud 196 Maud Cecile' 20 Mehitable (Huntoon) 198 Mira A. (Morrell) 256 Nancy (-young) 344 Nathaniel 198 NeUie May' 41 NeUie M. (Brown) 342 Oris HiU .342 PameUa' 20, 235 Rosethe 343 Sally 20, 74, 299 Sally (Batchelder) 20 Samuel Dana 74 Sarah Anna' 20, 263 Sarah (Bradley) 20 Sarah S. (Mason) 227 SUas K.' 20, 196 Sophia (Bradlev) 201 Stephen 344 Susan A. (Clough) 20, 74 Susan F. (Cough) 74 Susan Mary 319 Thomas 40 Thomas Jefferson 20 William 301, 344 WUliam N. 225 BATCHELOR Elbert R. 258 Hazel M. 2.58 Robert L. 258 Sylvia A. (Sickles) 258 BATES Byron Emmet 227 LueUa 227 Mary 275 Mary J. (Bradley) 227 Myron E. 227 Regena E. 227 BATTES or BATTIS Ada' 21 Alonzo' 21 Ann M. (Castle) 22 Betsey (Lester) 21 Calvin Dustin' 21, 22 Charles' 21 Clyde Wescom' 21 David' 21 Electa' 21 EUza' 21 Emma E.' 22 Ernest' 21 Fred A.' 21 George O,' 21 Harry J.' 22 Henryi 21 Horatio' 21 Hubert' 21 Ida' 21 Jane (Glover) 21 Jennie* 21 John Franklin Lester' 21, 22 John H.' 22 Lucy (Carev) 21 LutherS 21 Lydia A. (Burnham) 22 BATTES or BATTIS (cont:) Malvina' 22 Maora Currier' 21 Margaret (Harris) 21 Mattie A.' 22 Maude' 21 Nathaniel' 21 Nathaniel Hall' 21 Nettie' 21 Prudence' 21, 22 Sampson' 21 Sophia' 21 Thomas' 21 Walter H.' 22 BATTEY Bryan Mann 78 Henjry 78 Rosalind 78 Sarah E. (French) 78 Sumter Beauregard 78 BEAMAN Rhoda 134 BEAN Abram 326 Anis 343 Belinda (Moore) 341 Clara J. (Collins) 292 Deborah (Young) 341 Ehjah Otis 341 Harrison 341 John 208, 341 John Langdon 341 Lydia (Bartlett) 341 Marv Ella 57 Mary (HiU) 343 Mary (KimbaU) 208 Rhoda 173 Sally 341 Sara J. 326 WiUiam 341 Winthrop 341 BEARDSLEY EUa 183 BEATTIE EUzabeth 223 BEAUMONT Climena F. (Bradley) 36 James 36 BECK Abiel' 23 Abigail' 22 Albert' 23 Alice (Thompson) 23 Alvin' 23, 24 Anu (Frost) 22 Anne' 23 Caleb' 22 Catherine' 23 Charles' 23 Charies' 24 Clara Belle' 24 Clement' 23 DeUa C. (Fernald) 23 Diantha' 23 EUen (Eaton) 23 Elizabeth' 22 Fannie E.' 24 Hannah' 22 Hannah' 22 Hannah' 23 Henry' 22 Henry' 22 Henry' 23 Henry* 22, 23 Henry' 23, 283 Henry' 24 Henrv, Jr. 338 Jane (Cate) 22 John' 22 INDEX. 353 BECK (cont.) John' 23 John' 23 John A.' 24 Josephine LueUa' 24 Joshua' 22 Joshua' 22 LiUa A. (MerrUl) 24 LoweU' 23 Margaret' 22 Margaret' 23 Margaret' 23, 283 Mary' 22 Mary' 22 Mary* 22 Mary Bickford 24 Mary (Frost) 22 Mary J. (Travers) Bick ford 24 Mary (Lord) 23 Marj' (Whitney) 23, 283, 338 MoUey (Randall) 290 MoUy' 23 Melinda' 23 Nathaniel' 22 NeUie' 24 PoUy' 23 Samuel 290 Samuel' 22 Sarah' 23 Thomas' 22 Thomas' 22 Thompson' 23 BECKFORD Mary 75 BECKMAN Alva PhUbrook 122 Elsie Lysle 122 Hannah (Morrison) 122 BEDELL DoUy (Shaw) 307 Thomas 307 BEECHER John 115 JuUa Ann 115 BEEDE Mehitable 208 BEEDEE EUzabeth 198 BEGG Helen (Foster) 144 Magnus A. 144 BEGIN Anna Maria 98 BELISLE Frank 228 Nancy A. (Matott) 228 BELL Betsey Manning 9 Fannie E. (Baldwin) 347 Thaddeus 347 BELLOWS Annie E. (Morrill) 265 Josiah 265 BEL-ra;A Mary 98 BEMIS Jacob F. 85 Marie L. (Cogswell) 85 BENEDICT Abel J. 185 Gladys P . (Fogg) 185,280 Helen (Peck) 185 MUo EUsworth 185, 280 BENFORD EUen (Hannaford) 182 George 182 BENNETT AbigaU 110, 250 AbigaU (Chase) 110, 250 Abraham 230 Alvin 250 Amos 250 Amos C. 250 Andrew 250 Betsey (McClintock) 250 Byron 250 Charles A. 250 Chase 250 David 250 EUzabeth 250 EUzabeth (Fields) 250 EUzabeth (Moore) 250 Fannie 156 Frank A. 250 George W. 250 Gilman 250 Hannah 250 Helen E. S. 250 James 260 James H. 250 Jemima (Moore) 250 John Harrison 250 Jonathan 268 Joseph 250 Joseph, Jr. 250 Levi 110, 250, 260 Marden 250 Martha 250 Martha (Bennett) 250 MorriU Ames 260 Nancy (Neal) 268 Nellie M. 151 PoUy (Cole) 250 PoUy (Johonnet) 250 Rhoda 250 Robert M. 250 Ruth 230, 231, 250 Ruth (Blanchard) 250 Sarah 250 Sarah A. (MorrUl) 260 Susan 250 BERG Clara 176 BERRY CaroUne (Manning) 9 E. N. 100 John 8 Lena (Avery) 8 Mary 293 Mehitable 214 Nettie 100 BESSY Eveline 227 BETTS Flora M. (Mathews) 236 Percy 236 BICKFORD M. F. 327 Mary 24 Mary J. (Travers) 24 NeUie J. (TaUant) Coflan 327 Sarah 10 BIGBEE Sarah Ann 266 BILLINGS Sophia (Cody) 81 Emeline 81 Horace 81 Levi 81 Lydia 81 Sophia 81 BINGLEY EUzabeth 59 BISBEE Fred 169 Jennie M. (Grover) 169 BISHOP Hester (Cogswell) 83 Joan 59 Samuel 83 BITFIELD Elizabeth 317 BLACKINGTON Belle 248 BLAISDELL EUzabeth 88, 124 H. G. 99 Maria 242 BLAICE Charles A. 81 Eleanor 81 EmUy 167 John 48 Mary (BusweU) 48 Rachel 48 Rachel A. 191 Rebecca H. (CrandaU) 167 WiUiam H. 167 BLAKEY Bernard E. 126 DeUa P. (Fisk) 126 Elmer F. 126 WUliam W. 126 BLAKELY John W. 149 Marv G. (Foster) 149 blaMpin Malvina 295 BLANCHARD Abel' 27 Abel' 27 Abiel' 27 Abigail' 26 Abby Elkins' 29, 31 Agnes (Bent) Barnes 25 Albert' 29, 30, 291 AUce' 25 Amanda' 29 Amos' 28 Anna Abbott' 28 Ann EUza (Huse) 30, 122 Anne' 26 Anne' 26 Anne (CUfford) 29 Anne (Lovejoy) 26 Apphia A. (RandaU) 30, 291 Asa Abbott' 28 Benjamin 4, 195 Benjamin' 24 Benjamin' 26 Benjamin' 27 Benjamin' 27, 28 Benjamin' 28 Betsey' 28, 29 Betsey A. (Coffin) 29 Betsey (Tolman) 28 Bettv« 27 Bridget (Fitzgerald) 24 Catherine' 27 Charles C 28, 29 Charles Greenough' 29, 31 Charles Kendall 25 Charhe H." 30 CordeUa (Smith) 29 Clarissa A.' 25 Cynthia P.' 25 Daniel 277 David' 26 David' 27 DeUa E.' 29 23-n 354 INDEX. BLANCHARD (cottt.) DeUa E. (Blanchard) 29 Donald TnUock" 30 Dorcas' 27 Dorcas' 27 Dorcas' 27 Ebenezer' 24 Edward' 24 Edmund' 28 Edmund Harvey' 29 EUzabeth 164, 289 EUzabeth' 27 Elizabeth Eastman) 27 EUzabeth (Holt) 27 EUzabeth Susan" 28 EUa A.' 29 Emily' 28 Emily (Baker) 28 EmUy Eliza' 28 Esther' 29 Esther W. (Parkinson) 277 Ethel Moore" 31 Erastus' 28 Frank H." 28 Frank George" 30 Fred Huse" 30, 122 George' 25, 26 George E.' 28 George Frank' 29, 30, 122 George WilUam" 30 Grace D. (Sanborn) 30 Hammond' 28 Hannah 332 Hannah' 26 Hannah' 28 Hannah (Chad-wick) 28 Hannah (Daggett) 26 Hannah (Dimond) 28 Hannah fMcCrUUs) 29, 240 Harold Emery" 30 Harriet W. (Tucker) 30 Harry Storer" 31 Harvev' 28 Hastings' 27 Hattie E. (Moore) 31 Isaac' 27 IsabeUa S.' 25 Jacob' 26 Jacob' 27 Jacob' 28, 29, 240, 332 James' 28 Joel' 27 Jerome B.' 29 Jerome F.' 29 John' 26 John' 27, 28 John' 28 John Smith' 29, 30 Jonathan' 26 Jonathan' 26 Jonathan' 27 Jonathan' 28, 240 Joseph' 26 Josephine' 28 Joshua' 26 Joshua' 27 Judith HUl 26 Julia Augusta' 28 Julia A. (GUman) 28 Keziah 27 Keziah' 28, 244 Keziah (Hastings) 27 Locada' 28 Lois 221 Lonnie 21 LiUa Nora" 30 Lucy' 28 Margaret (Gray) 28 BLANCHARD (cont.) Margaret (Herron) 30 Marion Huse" 30 Martha' 28 Mary 26 Mary' 26 Mary" 26, 27 Mary (Abbott) 27 Mary Ann' 29 Marj' (Crosby) 26 Mary (Eastman) 27 Mary Ella" 30 Mary (Gray) 27 Mary Jane' 29, 332 Mary (Sweetser) 26 Mary W. (TaUant) 29, 326 MUdred B. (Emery) 30, 122 Miriam (KimbaU) Hoyt 195 Nahum' 29, 247, 326 Nahum Jesse" 30 Nancy (Parkinson) 277 Nathan Abbott' 28 Nathaniel' 25, 26 NeUie EsteUe" 30 Nettie (Battis) 21 PameUa' 29 Patty (Goodwin) 28 Petei* 27 Phebe (Carter) 28 Phebe (EUiott) 28 Phebe (Hoyt) Ames 4 PoUv' 27, 28 Ralph' 28 Rebecca' 27 Rebecca (Lawrence) 27 Reuben' 27 Richard Tucker" 20 Robert Huse" 30 Rose (Holmes) 26 Ruth 2.50 SaUy' 28 Samuel' 25, 26 Samuel' 26 Samuel' 28 Samuel K' 28, 29 Samuel SewaU' 28 Sarah' 26 Sarah (Burbank) 27 Sarah (Chandler) 27 * Sarah (Curry) 28 Sarah E. (Guthrie) 30 Sarah P. (Sweetser) 26 Sarah (Smith) 24 Simon' 28 Simon' 28 SteUa M. (Winn) 30 Stephen' 26 Susanna' 29 Thomas 24 Thomas' 25, 26 Thomas' 25 Thomas' 26 William' 28 Willie N." 30 BLAND Charles 22 Everett 22 Fannie 22 James 22 Joseph 22 Nathan 22 Prudence (Battes) 22 Reuben 22 WiUiam 22 BLANEY Bethea (Cogswell) 84 EUzabeth (Cogswell) 84 BLANEY (cont.) Jedediah 84 Joseph 84 BLENTON Jeannette Henrietta 259 Mary (McDonald) 259 Robert 259 BLENUS Florence H. 273 BLESSING Sarah 247 BLINN Charles' 32 Chauncy' 32 Earl' 32 Edwin E.' 32 Ethel May' 32 George F.' 32 Honor M.' 32 Ida May' 32, 229 Mary J. (Spaulding) 32, 229 Minnie (Denton) 32 Rettie I.' 32 Walter' 32 WUliam F.' 32, 229 BLODGETT 324 Abi 312 Ben 206 Henrietta 206 Josephine (Keysar) 206 Susan M. 234 BLOOD Austin W. 288 Ernest 55 Ethel E. (Church) 55 Martha F. (RaUey) 288 Marv Elizabeth 55 BOARDMAN Anna B. (Hawkins) 347 Emeline 35 Fannie H. (Young) 347 George H. 347 Gertrude (Emery) 117 Samuel Herbert 347 BODWELL Harriet Davis 241 BOGGS Annie L. 55 BOLTON EUzabeth (Patterson) 238 Hugh 238 Hugh' 238 Martha (McCriUis) 238 Martha Morrison 238 BOND Esther 59 Ruth (Kimball) Glover, Wetherby 210 Thomas 210 BONNEY Augustus M. 309 Emma (Simpson) 309 Gertrude 309 Jessie 309 Mertie 309 Shirley M. 309 Vina 309 BOOTH Alonzo 251 Susan (Haines) 251 BORDEN Sarah 330 BORNCAMP Edward 143 Eva (Foster) 143 BOSTWICK Mary 331 INDEX. 355 BOSWORTH Archibald 182 Fenner 182 Jane (Hannaford) 182 Newton 182 BOULTER Mary (Drake) 294, 298 Nathaniel, Jr. 294 BOWDEN Henry 340 Kate E. 340 Martha Smith 340 BOWDOIN Sally 239 BOYCE Abel Bakers 32, 160, 323 Achsea' 32 Alvira' 32, 268 George Lyman' 33 Grace 214 Hannah M. 272 James 325 John' 32 Margaret' 32, 127 Mary' 32, 248 Mary (Swasey) 32, 160, 323 MUton G. 272 Mima Swasey* 33 Nancy' 32 PoUy (Baker) 32, 268 SaUy' 32 Samuel' 32, 268 Samuel' 32 Samuel Kidder* 32 Sarah B. (Smith) 272 Sophia' 32 BOYES Margaret (McCUntock) 325 Peggy 325 BOYNTON Amanda (Hawkins) 34 Anna Batchelder 33 Anna (Smith) 33 Betsey Kelsea 33 Betsey S. (Hart) 33 Charlotte' 33 David' 33 David' 34 Ebenezer' 33 EUzabeth 318 EUzabeth (Jackson) 33 Elmer Lester' 34 Hannah (Barnet) 33 Hannah (Cheney) 33 Joanna S. (Chase) 34, 62 Joanna (Stevens) 33 John' 33 John' 33 Joshua' 33 Luther' 34 Mark* 33 Mary 33, 97 Mary (Boynton) 33 Mary C. (Sa-wyer) 34 Mary (Huckins) 33 Mary M. (Garden) 34 Mary (Syles) 33 Mary (Woodman) 34 Mathew 32 NelUe J.» 34 Parker Plummer' 34 Rufus 62, 267 Rufus' 34 Rufus C. 34 Ruth E. (Cate) 34 SaUy Davis 33 Sarah 61 Sarah' 34 BOYNTON (cont.) Sarah (Mead) 34 Susan P. (Webber) 34 Susan R. (Huckins) 33 WUliam' 33 WUUam' 33 WUUam' 33 WUUam' 34 BRACKETT Albert Fremsted 65 AUce Miriam (Chase) 65 Anson G. 173 Eleanor Alice 65 EUza A. P. (Jones) 203 Eunice (Mason) 334 F. J. Patterson 65 Haines 173 Harriet 138 HUton 173 Ira 173 Jane 172 Jeimie S. 235 Jeremiah Clough 173 Levi 173 Martha (Fremsted) 66 Mary (Haines) 173 Samuel Haines 173 Thomas J. 203 BRADBURY Francis Clark 343 James G. 343 Joseph Young 343 Sarah 264 Sophronia (Young) 343 BRADLEY Abiah' 35, 133 Abiah' 35 Abiah' 35 Abiah (Stevens) 35 Abiel F.' 35 AbigaU' 35 Abigail' 35 AbigaU (PhUbrick) 34 Abraham 35 Abraham' 34 Abraham' 35 Addie" 38 Addie (Heisse) 38 Adelaide' 37 Alfred RusseU' 38 Anna Louise see Hannah Louise Anna Maria' 37 .A,nna (Morrill) 30, 1 14, 260 Apphia' 35 Arthur RusseU" 38 Asa' 35 Asa Foster' 36, 36 Asa Foster' 36 AureUa (RusseU) 38 Benjamin' 34 Benjamin' 35 Benjamin Da"vid' 36 Betsey Malvina 227 Betty' 35 Betty' 35 Betty (Keyes) 35 CaroUne L. (Sladen) 38 Cecile HaU' 39 Charies' 38 Charies' 36 Charles" 38 Charies Clement 227 Charies Emery' 39 Charles Frederick' 36 Charies H.« 38, 39 Charles Hodgsdon' 37 Charies Morris' 37 Charles Wesley 227 BRADLEY (cont.) Clara F.' 36 Clara F.' 36 Clara (Forrest) 37 130 Climena B. (Forrest) 36, 131 CUmena F.» 36 Constance M. (Glasson) 37 CorneUa (Brown) 37 Cyrus Parker' 35, 37 Cyrus Pinkerton" 37 Daniel' 34 Daniel' 34 David' 38 David Emery' 36 Da-vid Emery' 36, 37 David MorriU' 36, 36 Delia Ann (Comstock) 227 Edith Irene' 36 Edwin Ruthven' 36 Eleanor" 38 Elecla T.' 36 EUza A. (Emery) 36 EUzabeth' 35 EUzabeth' 36 EUzabeth G. (Lyford) 225 Elizabeth (Hammond) 36 EUzabeth J.' 39 EUa Amanda 227 EUa Clara' 36 EUa Harriet' 36 EUen' 34 Ellen Amanda' 36,37, 227 EUen F.2 39 Elsa' 37 Emeline (Boardman) 35 Emily T.' 36 Emma B. (Shumway) 37 Emma (Cookson) 37 Emma Marguerite' 37 Enoch E.i 39, 260 Enoch G.' 39 Eveline (Bessy) 227 Evelyn Mary' 37 Flora Maud' 36 Florence (Whitelaw) 37 Fo3ter« 35 Foster H.' 38 Frances' 36 Frances Sladen' 38 JVank Albert' 36 Freda (Lake) 38 Frederick' 36 Frederic Mark' 39 Frederick Oliver' 36 Fronie (Viclcars) 36 EmeUne Edna' 37 George Saunders 227 George Shumway" 37 Gertrude (Judd) 37 Grace B.' 38 Guy MorriU' 36 Hannah' 34 Hannah' 35 Hannah (Dow) 34 Hannah (Forrest) 37 Hannah H. (Forrest) 130 Hannah Josephine' 37 Hannah Louise' 36 Hannah (Mason) 226 Harold Thomas' 39 Harriet E. (Barbour) 36 Harriet E. (Shumway)A37 Henry Cvrus' 37 Hilda' 37 Howard Arthur' 38 Ina Bernice' 38 Isaac' 34 Jeremiah' 35 356 INDEX, BRADLEY (cont.) John" 38 John Chamberlain' 38 John Chamberlain' 38 John J. 226 John Jewsbury' 38 John Jewsbury' 38 John Langdon 226 Jonathan 20 Jonathan* 35 Jonathan' 35 Joseph' 34 Joseph' 34 Joseph* 34 Joseph' 36 Joseph Sladen' 38 Katherine EUzabeth' 37 Keyes' 36 Leila' 36 Leonidas' 39 LiUian Chamberlain' 38 LUUe Maggie' 37 Louis Edwin' 36 Louisa' 35, 114 Louisiana (Carr) 37 Lucian Forrest' 37 Lucian Moore 227 Lucretia 248, 326 Lucy' 37 Lydia (Emery) 36 Lydia (PhilUps) 36 Martha' 34, 36 Martha A,' 38 Martha C. (Chamberlain) 38, 54 Martha (Hodgson) 37 Martha Louise' 37 Martha RusseU" 38 Margaret Emeline' 36 Mary 227 Marj'' 34 Mary Jane 227 Marv (MorriU) 39, 260 Mary S.' 39 Mary S. (Emery) 36 Mary (WUliams) 34 Matilda (Barker) 38 Mattie (Brown) 36 Mehitable' 35 Minnie' 38 MorrUl' 36 Murray' 35 Nancy (Curry) 35 Nathaniel' 34 NelUe (Curtis) 36 NelUe J. (Jennings) 37 NelUe M. (Skinner) 36 Nettie' 36 Peter Cyrus' 37 Peter .M.' 35, 36, 131 Peters' 35 PhUbrick' 35, 201 Pringle' 38 Rachel T. (Hoyt) 35 Richard Ames' 38 Robert" 36 Rose' 36 Ruth' 35 Rutherford Hayes' 38 SaUy A. (Weaver) 227 Samuel' 35 Samuel' 35 Samuel M.' 39 Sarah 20 Sarah' 34 Sarah' 35 Sarah" 36 Sarah E.' 39, 261 Sarah (Emery) 201 BRADLEY (cont.) Sarah (Foster) 35, 133, 140, 260 Serena Ashbury 227 Seth Eastman' 35, 37, 130 Stephen' 34 Susan Clough 227 Susan G. 261 Susan H. (Chase) 36 Susanna (Folsom) 35 Susannah 139 Thomas Currv' 35, 38, 54 Timothy* 35 Timothv' 35, 133, 140, 142, 260 Timothy' 35, 114 Timothy' 35 Timothy Cookson' 37 Timothy F.» 36 Timothy Matthew' 37 Timothy Whitelaw' 37 Winnifred (Sherrill) 39 WiUiam' 34 WUliam" 38 WiUiam S.' 39 WUliam Wheeler' 38 BRAINARD Adelaide E. (Foster) 142 Austin 142 Betsey (Foster) 138 Helen AlUson 142 Lawrence 142 Stephen 138 BRALEY AmeUa 169 BRAMHALL Florence E. 55 Josephine 55 BRANDHORST Katherine 328 BRANDON Hettie V, 148 BRECHEEN Anna M. (Miller) 268 NataUe E. 258 Thomas L. 258 BREMER Cora (Marston) 311 Paul 311 Trueman 311 Warren M. 311 BREWER AUce (Ham) 179 D. R. 168 Ellen N. (Greenough) 168 Frank Layton 179 MoUy MoUard 179 Sargent 179 BREWSTER Anna 6 BBIDGE Edwin Elliott 50 EUza (EUiott) 50 Ella L. (Carter) 50 Helen I. 60 Mary 168 Samuel 168 Theodore .\. 60 Theodore E. 50 BRIGGS Georgia A. 30, 333 BROCK Alice Janette 262 Martha Helen (Rhodes) 262 Robert G. 262 BPOMLEY CorneUa (Matott) 228 John 228 BRONSON A. S. 217 Emma F. (Lovering) 217 Herbert Asa 217 Kate (Brown) 43 Lena E. 217 BROOKIN Godfrie 230 WUl 23 BROOKS EU 226 Eliza (Mason) 226 Sarah 154 BROWN 127 Aaron' 46 Aaron' 46 Abby 194 AbigaU 39, 254 Abigail' 39 Abigail' 39 Abigail' 40, 45 Abigail' 40 AgigaU' 46 Abigail (Baker) 40 AbigaU (BaUard) Wheet 46 Abner" 46 Abraham' 43, 130 Abraham' 39, 43, 262 Abraham' 40 Abram' 41, 42, 264 Achsa Ann (MiUs) 129 Ada (Reed) 44 Addie CordeUa' 44 Addison' 46 Addison Prescott' 46 Adeline (Moulton) 41 Albert' 44 Albert A. 248 Alfred H.' 46, 166 AUce' 41 Alice B. 272 AUce Margaret' 47 Allen W." 41 Almira 75 Alonzo' 41 Alvah L. 42 Amos' 46 Anna 77 Anna (Buswell) 48 Anna J. (Thompson) Pres cott 335 Anne (RoweU) 181 Annie A. (Heath) 191 Annie EUzabeth 129 Annie M.' 44 Annie Maud 191 Anson 'W. 146 Arthur 146 Arthur" 41 Asa« 40 Asa' 40 Aubrey Myrtle" 47 Aura Anna' 46 Benjamin' 40 Benjamin Butler' 43 Benjamin Frankhn 43, 44 296 Bernice (Chaplain) 57 Bessie E. 316 Bessie Hayner' 42 Bessie Jane 16 Betsey 248 Betsey« 46 Betsey' 46 Betsey (Forest) 43, 130, 262 Boaz' 45 INDEX. 357 BROWN (cont.) Boaz' 45 Bridget 45 Caroline Jane 215 Carrie 167 Charles 168 Charles' 41 Charles A.' 42, 248 Charles F. 121 Charles G.' 43 Charles Henry' 41 Charles J. 76 Clara M. (DUlingham) 45 Clara (Neal) 42 Clarissa' 43 CUmena' 43, 262 Comfort 104 Cora.\.(Batcheldor)47, 11 1 Cordelia (Myers) 43 Cornelia 37 Cyrus G.s 41, 181, 342 Dana 127 Darwin' 43 David' 40 David' 40 Dinah' 45 Dora E. 316 Dorcas' 43 Doris Elizabeth" 47 Edna' 44 Edward 57 Edward' 45 Edward' 41 Edwin 168 Eleazer' 45 EUok' 42 Ehphalet' 40 EUza (RoweU) 41 EUzabeth 46, 194, 264 EUzabeth' 40 Elizabeth' 40, 45 EUzabeth' 40, 67 EUzabeth Batchelder 40 EUzabeth (Bateman) 46 EUzabeth (Davis) 44 EUzabeth (Eastman) 40 Elizabeth (Johnson) 330 EUzabeth (Potter) 45 EUzabeth (Shannon) 75 EUa 127 EUa Gertrude' 46 Ella (Taylor) 75 EUen E. (Leighton) 44 EUen (Hinkley) 41 Elmira' 41 Emily M. 225 Emma Abigail* 42, 286 Emma Alice 72 Emma (Gray) 42 Etta (Shaw) 44 Eva (MerriU) 16 Evelyn May" 42 Finley' 43 Flora Phebe' 44 Frank 168 Frank' 41 Frank Hermon' 46 Frank Leon' 41, 42 Fred H." 46, 47, 111 Fred L. 248 Frederick Whittier 6 George 165, 194 George' 39 George' 39, 40 George A. 6, 248 (3eorge Everette 72 George G.' 44 George Henry 72 George StUlman' 46 BROWN (cont.) George W.' 41 Gilman G.' 41 Grace' 45 Grace Foster 6 Grace Maud' 46 Hannah 46, 240, 298 Hannah' 43, 130 Hannah' 39 Hannah' 40, 45 Hannah' 45 Hannah (Brown) 46 Hannah E.' 45 Hannah Eliza' 46 Hannah EUzabeth' 46 Hannah Jane 75 Hannah (Thompson) 40 Harriet (Chase) 43 Harriet May 42 Harriet M. (Brown) 42 Harrison Butler' 43 Hattie R. (Lyford) 76 Helen J. (Pickard) 42, 286 Henrietta 161 Henry' 39 Henry2 39 Henry' 43 Henry' 191 Henry Butler' 43 Henry Clough 75 Henry R. 146 Henry M.' 45 Herbert Leighton' 44 Hermon' 46 Heywood' 46 Howard MUton 63 Huldah' 41 Huldah (Batchelder) 40 Imogene (HiU) 127 Ivan" 41 J. Alfred' 46 Jabez' 46 James B. 16, 76 Jane' 45 Jeremiah' 40 Joanna' 40 John 46, 48, 194 John' 45 John' 45 John D.' 42, 286 John Humphrey' 46 John S.' 46 John S. R. 129 Jonas' 46 Jonathan 75 Jonathan' 39 Jonathan' 299 Jonathan' 45 Joseph' 46 Joseph' 46 Joseph Aaron' 46 Joseph B.' 46 Joseph Edwin' 46 Joseph T.' 42 Joseph Warren' 42 Josephine M.' 46 Josiah' 45 Josiah' 46 Kari L. 146 Kate' 43 Laura' 44 Laura E. (Thompson) 72 Laura (Ticknor) 43 Lena' 41 Leon 127 Leon Alvah" 42 Leroy R. 271 Levi' 40, 46 Loraine 261 BROWN (cont.) Lorana see Lurana Lorenzo D' 41, 168 Louie 201 Louis H. 146 Louisa' 42 LoweU 335 Lucretia 312 Lucy A. (Davis) 46 Lurana C. (Greenough) 41, 168 Lydia (Leighton) 44 Lydia (Smith) 215 Lyman' 44 Mabel 127 Mabel' 44 Mabel" 41 Mabel Susanna 191 Margaret Day" 42 Margaret E.l(Gale) 46,156 Maria D.' 42 Martha E. (Rolfe) Evans 121 Martha W. (Ames) 6 Mary 127, 194 Mary' 46 Mary' 39, 45 Mary' 45 Mary' 46 Mary A.' 42 Mary A. (Clough) 75 Mary Ann 76, 90 Mary Ann' 43 Mary Ann' 299 Mary Ann' 41 Mary (Bickford) 76 Mary Ann (Clough) 299 Mary Butler' 43, 130 Mary (BusweU) 39 Mary C 44 Mary Chase 262 Mary (Dalton) 42 Mary E. 248 Mary Elizabeth' 46 Mary (French) 145 Mary Jane 335 Mary Nancy 76 Mary Prescott 82 Mary Prescott' 47 Mary (Richards) 45 Mary (Sanborn) 43 Mary (Winship) 45 Mattie 36 Matthew Nealey 211 Maude Evelyn 72 Mehitable M. (Maxfield) 44 Mercy' 45 Mercy' 45 MilUe' 42 Monroe' 41 Moses' 181 Nancy' 181 Nancy (Wedgewood) 40 Nathan' 46 Nathaniel' 39 Nellie Mary' 42 Nellie May 286, NeUie May' 44 NelUe May' 41, 342 NelUe (Prescott) 44 NeUie (Whittemore) 42 Newell 76 OUve 330 Phebe' 43 Phebe' 39 Phebe' 40 Phebe (Gale) 43 Phebe S. (Sanborn) 44, 296 358 INDEX. BROWN (cont.) Philip' 39 PhiUp* 40 Philip' 40 Phihp" 40 PhiUp F.' 41 PoUy' 43 PoUy (Howe) 194 Rachel 68 Rachel* 46 Rachel (Poulter) 46 Rachel J. 299 Rebecca 68 Rebecca' 45 Rebecca' 46 Rebecca (Gerrish) Ames 5 Rebecca J. (Day) 41 Richard 299 Richard' 181 Rvith' 40 Ruth Gray" 42 Sadie EUzabeth' 44 Sadie F. (Sanborn) 44 Sally' 43 Samuel 216, 330 Samuel' 40 Samuel Butler' 43, 44 Sarah 68 Sarah' 39 Sarah' 39 Sarah' 40 Sarah' 40 Sarah" 46 Sarah A. (Moore) 248 Sarah E. (GUnes) Nudd 271 Sarah EUzabeth 76 Sarah (GUman) 41 Sarah J. (Hancock) 41, 181 Sarah Jane 342 Sarah Jane' 41 165, Sarah (Wright) 45 Simeon M.' 44 Sophrona Eliza' 46 Sophronia (Prescott) 46 Stephen Gale' 43 Susan (Danforth) 42 Susan E. (Foster) 146 ' Susan M.' 43 Susanna' 39 Sylvester Whidden 335 Thomas 194 Thomas' 46 Thomas' 45 Thomas' 45 Thomas' 45 Thomas' 40 Thomas J.' 42 Timothy" 40 Vernie L. (Chase) 63 Warren Chase 63 WiUiam 67, 194 William' 39 WUUam' 40 WUUam' 40 WUliam' 41 WilUam L. 75 WUUam Whittier 5, 6 Winnifred' 44 BRUCE Christine Margaret 202 BRUST Maggie 87 BRYAN Ada Almena 147 Caroline Crocker 147 Foster Abel 147 Frances A. (Foster) 147 BRYAN (cont.) Harry C. 147 Ohver 147 Oliver Codington 147 Percy 147 Robert Townby 147 WilUam D. 147 BRYANT Clara' 48 Charles' 48 DrusiUa' 47, 48 EUa J, 262 EUen Rebecca' 47, 264 George W. 253 Harriet M. H. (Hunting ton) 47 Harriet M. (Hoag) 264 Hattie' 48 Henry' 48 Jane (Lurvey) 253 Jeremy' 47 John' 47 John' 47 John J.' 47, 264 JuUa 52 Maria L.' 47 Mary' 48 Napoleon' 48 Napoleon B. 43, 47 OrviUe Dewey' 47 Rebecca Gale' 47 Rebecca (Gale) 47 SaUy P.2 47 Samuel Huntington' 47 Sarah 309 Susan M. (Brown) 43 Susan M. (Forrest) 48 Susie' 48 BRYAR AbigaU 200 BRYDON Edith G. (Young) 346 Robert W. 346 BUCKLAND Annie Elvira 128 Charles Edwin 128 Cora B. (Fletcher) 128 Elvira D. 128 Eva May 128 John 128, 248 Marv A. (Moore) 248 WilUam H. 248 BUCKMINSTER Helen F. (Chase) 62 BUEHLER Laura M. 18, 79 BUELL Abigail (Huckins) 196 Abram 196 Alphas W. 196 Asa 196 Daniel 196 Maria J. (Huckins) 196 Mary E. 196 Nellie E. (GoodeU) 196 BUGBEE Ahnon C. 315 Horace O. 316 JuUa A. (Smith) 316 SteUa S. 315 Wilbur T. 315 BUNDY Charles 115 Charles Smith 119 Leland 315 LUlian M. (Smith) 316 Martha (Emery) 119 Mary E. (Emery) 115 -' OUver T. 119 BUNTIN Lizzie Simonds 280 BURBANK Henry W. 236 KatherinelF.!(Mathes) 236 Moses 27 Sarah 27 BURBECK James 285 Jane C. (Pickard) 285 BURDEEN Russell A. 1 BURDIN Mary (Page) 275 Phebe 275 Thomas 275 BURGESS Bethuel 181 Emma B. (Palmer) 143 Emoroy D. 143 Jennie M. 181 Mary (Sturtevant) 181 BURKE Georgia A. (Stevens) 319 James F. 319 James H. 319 BURNHEART Charles 81 Pattie (Cody) 80 BURKANS Ada EUa 279 BURLEIGH AbigaU 206 BeUnda 206 EUzabeth S. 330 EmUy A. 279 Grace 55 Hilton 55 Jacob 279 James 330 Lydia (Bodwell) 279 Mary G. 275 Nathaniel 330 Phebe (Burleigh) 330 SaUy 216 Sally (Sargent) 339 Sarah (Gilman) 55 Stevens 206 BURLEY Dorothy (Lyford) 219 BURNETT Lucy (Foster) 146 BURNHAM 281 Charles Cavendar 178 Cynthia 222 Daniel 238 EUzabeth Page (Ham) 178 Emma Louisa 179 Evelyn Frances 178 Franklin Joseph 178 Fred Robinson 178 Hannah (Cogswell) 83 Henry 22 Hester (CogsweU) Bishop 83 Katherine 179 LUla M. 179 LiUa (Marston) 178 Lydia A. 22 Marston 179 Robert 95 Susan (McCrUUs) 238 Theda A. 179 Thomas 83 Thomas Ham 178 BURNHART Darwin Stanley 81 Gertrude H. (Cody) 81 INDEX. 359 BURNHART (cont.) Harriet Louise 81 Roy S. 81 Stanley 81 WUlard 81 BURNSIDE Margaret 237 BURPEE Jeremiah 311 Mary S. 311 Nancy Wells 311 Nathaniel 101 BURR Janet M. 85 Mary 297 BURROWS Maud E. 258 BURSHTED Susan 338 BURT Annie Gertrude 129 BURTON Margaret E. (Bradley) 3( W. R. 36 BUSH Alice Adeline 185 Helen (Harper) 185 Jeannie Gertrude 185 John Charles 185 BUSHBY EUen 258 BUSWELL Anna' 48 Anna (Ordway) 48 EUen (CUley) 48 EUzabeth 1 Flora E.» 48 Hannah 252 Hannah (French) 48 Hannah (Maxfield) 48 Henrietta' 48 Isaac 39 Isaac' 48 Isaac' 48 John' 48 John L. 246 Mary 39 Mary" 48 Mary E. (Sanborn) 246 Mary (Smith) 48 Mary (Worthen) 48 Nicholas» 48 Samuel' 48 Samuel* 48 Samuel' 48 Sarah 222 Sarah Jane' 48 Sarah (Keyes) 48 Sarah (Thorne) 48 Susan (BuzzeU) 48 Susanna 39 WUUam LeRoy' 48 BUTLER Abby O. (McCrUUs) 24 Arthiur 241 Benjamin 43 Benjamin F. 203 Carolyn E. 346 Charlotte AUison 203 CrilUs 241 Dorcas (Abbott) 43 Genevieve CeciUa 190 Hannah 324 Harold Edmund 190 James A. 190 Lawrence WiUiam 190 Mae B . (Lougee) 190 Mary 43 Ruth Mae BeU 190 BUTTERWORTH Abel Lord 108 Martha (Alexander) 108 BUTTRICK Emma A. 20, 196 BUZZELL AbigaU 293 Clara Hunkins 307 Eliza Durgin 67 Etta 57 Flora Frances 281 Mehitable 202 Susan 48 BYHAM Blanche 143 BYRAM DeUa Ann 5 Ebenezer 5 CABLE Alvira 81 CALDERWOOD Ada E. (Knowles) 214 David 214 CALEF Arthur Benjamin 136, 340 Arthur Benjamin, Jr. 136,341 Charles Harold 136 Edith Dart 136 Edward Baker 136, 341 Ethel M. 136 Faimie 165 Francis 136 Hannah Foster (Woodman) 136, 340 Helen 136 Irene Hutchinson 136 Jeremiah 136, 340 Jeremiah Francis 136, 341 Lucy Foster 136 Robert 136 SaUy (Eastman) 341 Samuel Prescott 136, 341 CALHOUN Katherine E. (RaUey) 288 Percival R. 288 CALL Mary 69 CALVERT Robert 60 CAMMET MoUy 173 CAMP Maude A. W. 148 CAMPBELL EUzabeth 2 Margaret 107 Mary Ann 107 Philip 107 CANFIELD Elmar 81 Harris 81 Martha 81 CANFY Cora B. (Potter) 267 Luther L. 267 Margaret 267 CAREY Lucy 21 CARLTON or CARLETON Betsey (Moore) 251 Charies 251 Ebenezer' 100 Eva A.' 100 George 251 Mary 251 Mary (Jones) 65 Rebecca (Farrar) 100 Sarah (FeUows) 251 Stephen 251 CARPENTER Annie M. (Brown) 191 Christopher 240 Eari 191 Elba 191 Hannah (MorrUl) 265 Josiah 265, 260 Mary 260 Mary (McCrillis) 240 Ruth Janette 191 CARR Arthur Guy 202 Bertha M. (MacFale) 15 Fred Lewis 235 Genevra EUza 15 Hannah J. (Ayers) 16 Louisiana 37 Mabel E. (IngaUs) 202 John Preston 15 Preston Howard 16 Rosanna H. (Mathes) 235 Sarah 314 W. E. 202 WilUam 314 CARRIGAIN EUzabeth (Clough) 70 Obadiah 70 Philip 70 PhUip' 70 CARRON Almeda C. (Cass) 53 Joseph N. 53 Leon N. 53 CARSLEY Caroline (Haines) 261 Richard P. 251 CARTER Abby C. W. (Stevens) 49 Agibail' 49 AbigaU (Bartlett) 49 AbigaU Heath' 49, 107 Achsea (Boyce) 32 Alia J. (Dearborn) 51,101 Alien Dearborn' 51 Amory 247 Andrew' 50 Anna M. 262 Annie J.* 50 Arthur' 51 Asenath (SpUler) 52 Azubah (Hannaford) 50, 88 Betsey (Moore) 252 Bradbury G.' 52 Carrie M. (TapUn) 61, 206 Charles Herbert' 51 Charies W.' 51 Charles Wesley' 50, 51, 101 Comfort (Moore) Neal 247 Earl Foster' 61 Ebenezer 88 Ebenezer P. 263 Ebenezer Philbrick' 49, 50 Ella Leonora* 60 ElvUa (PUlsbury) 240 Edward Dearborn' 51 EUzabeth' 49 EUzabeth* 60 Elmer E.* 50 Ethel (Allen) 61 Florence (Tucker) 51 Frank B.' 51 George A.' 60 George B.' 61 George H. 240 360 INDEX. CARTER (cont.) Georgia A. (Cleveland) 51 Hannah 173- Hannah' 49, 139 Harry' 51 Hattie L.' SO, 263 Heath' 50 Helen Medora' 50 Humphrey 240 Jennie B.' 51 Jeremiah' 62 Jessie Blanche' 61, 206 John 32, 107 John' 49 John' 52 John' 52 John B. 19 John Bartlett' 49, 300 John Bartlett' 49, 50 John S.* 50 Joseph Cleveland' 51 Joseph H. 50, 51, 206 Joseph Heath' 49 Josephine* 50 Josephine' 61 Judith' 52 Julia (Bryant) 52 Karl Eben' 61 Katy (Haven) 50 Lizzie Valentine' 51 Luther" 52 Louise Bassett 51 Lydia (GiU) 52 Mabel Azubah' 51 Martha A. (Wheeler) 30, 52, 333 Mary 61 Mary' 60 Mary A. 88 Mary A. B. 126 Mary A. (Coffin) 52 Mary Adelaide* 50 Mary C.2 49 Mary C. (Bagley) 19, 50 Mary (Stevens) 50 Moses' 52 Nancy' 49 Nancy (Sargent) 49, 107, 300 Nathan' 51 Nathan" 51 Nathan' 52 Ned Hannaford' 51 Phebe 28 Ralph Wesley' 61 Samuel' 49 Samuel' 50 Samuel Heath' 60 Sanbom* 60 Sarah' 49 Sarah (Farnum) 62 Sarah L. (Lambert) 60 Sarah (PettengiU) 60 Sarah R.' 52 Stephen' 49 Susan Mo. (Clough) 240 Susanna (Eastman) 51 Susannah (KeUey) 50 Thomas' 51 Thomas P. 252 Walter Hervey' 51 WUUam' 50 WiUiam H. 30 WUUam H.» 30, 62, 333 WUliam Hervey* 60 Winthrop' 51 CARY EUzabeth (Greenough) 168 Robert 168 CASON Joseph 16 Susan E. (Cummings) 16 CASS Abbie M. 287 Abraham 220 Albi D.* 53 Ahneda C. (IngaUs) 52, 201 Almeda Christie' 52, 53 Almeda Christie* 53 Annie M. (Begin) 98 Arthur WiUie 98 Baruch Hoyt 169 287 Charles Henry 98 Cora B. (Downing) 52 Edwin 98 Edwin FrankUn 98 Ellen E. P. (Davis) 98 Evelyn G.* 63 Francis Peabody' 62 Hannah 67 Hannah (Grover) 169, 287 Harriet Mosia 52 Herbert 98 James T.' 63 John 220 Levi' 52 LiUian (Patterson) 98 Lorenzo D.' 63 Marion Olive 98 Maiy (Belyea) 98 Mary EUzabeth 98 Mary (Lyford) 220 Nancy (Lyford) 220 Nathaniel L.' 53 Sarah W. (WaUace) 98 Simon' 52, 201 CASTLE Ann M. 22 CASWELL Elmer 67 Percy 57 Sarah M. (Chaplain) 57 WilUam 67 CATE AUce 90 Anthony 338 Betsey (Hodgdon) 262 Charies H. 34 EUza Ann 264 Irving 90 Jane 22 John 22, 262 Judith 22, 266 Katie A. (Whitney) 338 Nancy 262 Paul 97 Ruth E. 34 Sarah A. 216 Sarah C. 247 Sarah J. (Batchelder) 34 Shadrack 264, 265 Sophia Sawyer 343 Susannah (Davis) 97 CAVERLY Abiel M. 6, 248 Caroline (Ames) 6 EUzabeth Colby 339 Judith C. 248 Nancy 93 Nathaniel 339 SaUy (Moore) 248 SaUy (Sargent) Burleigh 339 Solomon 248 CAVERNO John 97 Sarah (Davis) 97 CAVIS George Mrs. 44 CAWLEY Benaiah 330 Mary E. (Taylor) 330 Sarah (Chase) 58 Thomas 58 CHADWICK Apphia (Clough) 240 Caroline 136 Calvin 240 Charles J. 246 EUza J. (Moore) 246 Hannah 28 James 28 John 86 Mary E. (Graham) 86 Mary Thurston 28 Samuel 260 Sarah (Morrill) 260 CHAMBERLAIN Abigail (Hasey) 53 Alice' 66, 56 Alice Christine' 56 Annie L. (Boggs) 55 Amanda M. (Johnson) 54 Benjamin Ralph' 56 Charles J." 54, 188 Carrie Elizabeth' 56 CaroUne S. (Chamberlain) 54, 55 ^ Caroline Sa-wyer 54 CaroUne Sawyer' 54, 55 Daniel A. 316 Edmund 53 Eleanor A. 316 Elijah 266 EUzabeth' 54 EUzabeth Emery' 54, 56 EUzabeth H. (Synder) 316 Etta F. (Heath) 54, 188 Frank 128 George J. 316 Grace Amanda' 55 Grace (Burleigh) 66 Grace Burleigh' 65 Grace HUton" 66 Hannah (MorrUl) 266 Harriet F. 267 Henry 7, 134 Henry' 64 Henry Gale' 65 Irene (Batchelder) 54 Iva May (Fletcher) 128 Jacob' 53 Jason 316 Jeremiah Clough' 54, 55 John 53 John' 53 John' 54, 188 John Abbot 54 John Abbot' 64, 72 Joseph Burleigh" 55 Lm'a S. 316 Lucy Florence" 65, 56 Martha' 54 Martha A. (Putnam) 54 Martha Clough 38 Martha (Mellen) 63 Mary CaroUne" 64 Mary P. 316 Mary Foster" 64, 55 Mary Gerrish' 54 Mary R. (Clough) 54, 72 MeUen' 64 MoUy (Foster) 53 Moses 138 Moses' 53 Moses' 53, 55 INDEX. 361 CHAMBERLAIN (cont.) Moses Abbot' 55 NelUe B.' 55 Polly (Foster) 138 Rebecca (Abbot) 53 138 Rebecca Abbot' 54 Rebecca CVan Dervanter) Ames 7 Samuel' 53 Sarah M. 316 WiUiam 55 WUliam' 54 WUUam H. 316 WUliam Oliver" 56 CHANDLER Abiel 27 Judith 158 Judith (Walker) 27 Nathan 158 Sarah 27 Sarah 158 CHAPLAIN Alien Monroe' 57 Alpheus Washington' 56, 57 Amelia IsabeUe' 57 Anna C." 57 Anna (Smith) 58 Bemice' 67 Bertha M. (Wade) 67 Cariton' 57 Carrie (McElroy) 57 Charles H.' 57 Charles L.' 57 Claribel E.' 57 Clifton Ehner' 57 Deborah Robinson (Lord) 56 EUza D. (BuzzeU) 57 Ehna (Maxfield) 57 EsteUe' 57 Ethel' 57 Etta' 67 Etta (BuzzeU) 67 Frank A.* 57 Francis L.' 56 George Franklin* 57 Harriet S. (Allen) 57 Horace Sanborn* 57 Ida M. (Cross) 67 Jane KeUey 57 Jessie C 57 Joseph' 56 Joseph E.' 57 Josephine (Supple) 66 Leaner' 57 Lavina Jane' 56, 272 Louise Carmen' 57 Mabel Lydia' 67 Marguerite Arlene' 57 Martha Ann* 57 Martha J." 57 Martha (WiUey) 56, 272 Mary E." 57 Mary E. (Bean) 57 Mary E. (Rogers) 56 Mary (Stevens) 57 Marquis D.' 56, 272 Nellie B.' 57 Sally (Runnels) 57 Sarah Mary' 57 Thomas Alpheus* 57 Urban W.* 57 Walter W.' 67 Warren H.* 57 WiUiam Henry Harrison' 56 CHAPMAN Abigail 165 Annie 199 CHAPMAN (cont.) Hattie L. (Craton) 144 Isabel J. (Foster) 144 James A. 144 James Alfred 144 Laura Foster 144 Margery 144 Rachel (McMaster) 144 Robert H. 144 Robert Hett 144 Robert Hett Foster 144 CHASE Aaron' 61 Aaron* 34, 61 Abby Belle 311 Abigail 59, 250 Abigail (Bradley) 35 AbigaU (Gilman) Ambrose 73 Abigail (Glines) 65 Abner 36 Agnes 69 Alan Synder 316 Alfred G.' 19, 64, 109, 336 Alice Miriam' 65 Alice (Moore) 261 Almira (Moore) 61, 245 Ann F.' 64 Ann (Follansbee) 59 Ann (Wheeler) 69, 73, 317 Anna 68 Anna' 68 Anna (Taylor) 58, 314 Anne 59, 329 Ansel W.' 64 Aquila' 59, 73 AquUa' 59, 317 Betsey' 58, 330 Betsey Lougee 64 Betsey (Lougee) 64 Byrd Anna (Vosburgh) 63 Betty (Bradley) 35 Carrie Ann' 64 Catherine (Hannaford) 182 Catherine "Vrooman' 63 Charles 34, 245 Charies' 61 Charies C. 36 Charles H. 11 Charles H.' 64 Charles Herbert' 64 Charles Levi' 62 Charles Perry' 63 Charles Warren' 61, 63 CharUe T. H.' 63 Christian 59 Christopher 251 Clara E. (Heath) 311 Clara Phmpton' 63 Clarissa (Brown) 43 Daniel 59 Dorcas 59 Edward 43 Edward' 58, 60, 61 Ed-win' 64 Elbridge 98 Elbridge Gerry' 64, 102 EUza 11 EUzabeth 58, 69, 178 EUzabeth' 62 EUzabeth (Bingley) 69 EUzabeth (Mowers) 69 Eleanor Atwood" 63 Emma C 64, 336 Emma Jennie 149 Emma C. (Randall) 292 Emma (Deemas) 311 Esther (Bond) 59 CHASE (cont.) Eunice (Sutton) 63, 322 Ezekiel 59 Flavia E. (Lyman) 62 Flora Jane 311 Florence EUzabeth' 63 Florence G. Ill Florence Gertrude' 64, 111 Florence Myra' 63 Frank Gerry' 64 Frank W.' 63, 237 Fred 263 Frederick 322 Frederick' 63 Frederick' 64 Fred Lougee' 64 Frederick Appleton* 34, 61 George' 64 George' 64 George B. 60 George Calvin 311 George Warren 311 Georgia C. (Pettigrove) 263 Grace A. 311 Guy B. 311 Hannah' 58 Harriet 43 Harriet A. (Kimball) 62 Harriet A. R. 223 Harriet Maria* 61 Harry Philbrick* 64 Helen Davidson' 63 Helen Frances' 61 Helen Marr" 61 Henry 59 Henry A.' 64 Henry B. 182 Isaac 35 Ida S. (Bagley) 19, 64 J. Leverett 251 James 58, 69, 65 Jason 59 Jeremiah' 64 Joan (Bishop) 59 Joanna 58 Joanna (Cheney) 59 Joanna Sanborn' 34,61,62 Joanna (Palmer) 68 John 59, 60 ' John B. 11 John Harris 311 John KimbaU' 62 John L. 64 John L.' 64 John S. 251 John Warren" 63 Jonathan 58, 60, 178, 314 Joseph 110 Josephine E. 263 Josephine Emma' 65 Josiah 59 Judith 59 Judith A. (Davis) 64, 98, 102 Judith (Sawyer) 59 Kate' 63 Laura Anna' 61 Laura (Os.sier) 311 Lera (Culbertson) 62 Levi' 58 Levi' 34, 60, 61, 275 Levi' 61 Levi Badger' 61 Levi Gilbert 58 Lizzie (Guilford) 62 LueUa' 64 Lydia 59. 276 362 I INDEX. CHASE (cont.) LydiaA 58 Lydia (Ham) 178 Lydia (RoUing) 58 Margaret E. (Otterson) 62 Marion Louise 292 Marion Vosburgh" 63 Martha 157 Martha (KimbaU) 59 Martha (Jelliman) 59 Martha (Rolfe) 59 Mary 11, 68, 59, 260, 317 Mary' 68 Marv B. (Brown) 43 Mary Ella 109 Mary EUa' 64 Mary EUa' 65 Mary Etta 311 Mary (Harris) 58 Mary J. (Ayers) 11 Mary J. (Simpson) 311 Mary Jane' 20, 64 Maiy L. 109 Mary L. (PhUbrick) 64 Mary L. (Ward) 64 Mary Martha' 61 Mary Martha' 62 Mary (McClary) 63, 237 Mary (Moore) 60 Mary Nettie' 62 Mary P. 336 Mary (RandaU) 291 Mary (Smith) 59 Mathew 60 Matilda F. (Plimpton) 62 Mehitable 273 Mehitable A." 73 Mercy' 58, 314 MilUcent Fiske* 62 Miriam 219 Mordecai 59 Moses 58, 59 Nancy 343 Nathan 59 Ned Hamilton 292 NelUe A. (Snyder) 316 NeUie Matilda* 63 Nora Amy* 63 Nora Laura' 63 Permelia Whitcher' 61 PoUy (Cross) 65, 223 PrisciUa 59 Ralph W.' 62 Rebecca 59 Rebecca (Follansbee) 59 Rebecca Pomeroy' 64 Reuben 291 Richard 59 Robert 59,65,223 Roland Ray 292 Roy Eugene' 62 Rose Annie 311 Rose (Hersey) 61 Ruth 59 Ruth (Davis) 59 Samuel B. 292 Sarah 58, 59 Sarah' 58 Sarah A. (Morehouse) 61 Sarah (Boynton) 34, 61 Sarah EUzabeth' 61, 62 Sarah (Jacobs) 59 Sarah (Page) 34, 61, 275 Stephen' 73 Susan (Clough) 58 Susan Cole' 63 Susan Cole' 63 Susan E. 64 Susan E.' 64 CHASE (cont.) Susan E. (Chase) 64 Susan H. 36 Susan (HolUday) 269 Susan K. (Osgood) 274 Susan M. (Cole) 63 Susie EUa 292 Susanna (HoUiday) 64 Thomas 43, 68, 69, 60, 64, 259 Thomas' 64 Thomas C 63, 64 Therza A. (Colbum) 187 Uriah' 61, 62 Ursula N. (McFarland) AUen 62 Vernie Lucile' 63 Walter 316 Walter E. 292 Walter Herbert 311 WUliam 58, 69, 330 William Plummer' 61 WUUam TuUoch' 63 CHENEY Hannah 33 Joanna 69 Sarah 262 CHERRIER Loius John 321 NeUie L. (Streeter) 321 CHESLEY AbigaU 238 Blanche 8 EUzabeth 95 EUzabeth (Thomas) 95 Hannah 204 John 238 Martha 96 Thomas 96 CHICKERING Isaac 265 Maria 140 Ruth (MorrUl) 265 CHILDS EUzabeth 146 CHURCH Ethel EUzabeth 65 Luther I 65 Mary E. (Ryther) 55 Sarah 158 CHURCHILL Caroline H. (Cogswell) 85 Henry E. 85 CHUTE Albion' 65 Alpheus B.' 65, 128 Annette (Fletcher) 65. 128 Daniel' 65 Dorinda (PhUbrick) 65 Edna' 66 EUa A.' 65 Grace A.' 66 Howard Scott* 65 James* 65 James A.' 65 Mark W.' 65 Mary (Jones) Carleton 65 Meribah D. (Roberts) 65 Walter S.' 66 CILLEY Adelaide A. (Haines) 174 Adelaide Haines 174 Charles Clinton 174 Daniel P. 174 Daniel P., Jr. 174 EUen 48 Emma Stark 174 Hiram 210 .Toseph 174 Joseph Bradbury 174 CILLEY (cont.) Martha 67 Nancy G. (Kimball) 210 Vehna A. (Waldron) 174 CLAPHAM John Fleming 122 Laura F. (Hathaway) 122 CLAPP Florence 242 CLARK AbigaU (CogsweU) 83 Ada J. 79 Apphia 10 Augustine 27 Caroline 226 CaroUne (Stevens) 320 EUza 330 EUzabeth 331 EUen (Bean) 100 Ethel 320 Frank Edward 320 Frank M. 56 Fred Everett 320 Grace Eleanor 66 Harriet E. (Haines) 251 Hattie B. 273 Hattie J. (Brown) 261 Helen 199 Horace P. 261 James 242, 272 Jennie E. (Smith) 320 Louisa 326 Lulie M. 241 Margaret 242 Mary E. 261 Mary EUa (Nudd) 272 Mary (Quimby) 242 Sarah (Foster) 146 Sarah (Simpson) 308 Sophia (Porter) 27 Stephen 320 Thomas 83 CLARY Sunms F. 144 Susan A. (Fo.ster) 144 CLAY Josephine (Hutchins) 200 CLEASBY Nancy B. 249 CLEMENT AbigaU G. (Simpson) 310 Lawson F. 310 Martha A. (Langmaid) 227 Robert 263 Sarah 253 Walter S. 227 CLEVELAND Abby (Brown) 194 Georgia A. 51 CLIFFORD Abigail' 65 Albert 272 Alvin' 66 Ann' 66 Ann (Smith) 66 Annie E. 29 Barnard' 66 Benjamin' 66 Byron Moody" 66 CaroUnes 66 Chariottes 66 Clara Hill' 66 Clarissa (CUfford) 332 Cyrus C. 292 DeUa Augusta' 66, 1S2 Dorothy" 66 Dorothy Page 100 Frances* 66 George' 66 INDEX. 363 CLIFFORD (cont.) Hannah' 66 Hannah C. (Merrill) 292 Hannah T. 332 Hiram' 65 Isaac* 66 Israel' 66 Jennie 102 Jeremiah' 65 John' 66 John' 65 Joseph 93, 332 Joseph" 65, 66 Joseph' 66 Laura' 66 Louisa' 66 Louisa Jones 93 Lydia (Moody) 65 Mary (Fellows) 272 Mary (Healey) 66 MatUda (IngaUs) 66, 106. 182, 201 Miriam L. 292 Nancy 343 Nancy (Rollins) 65 Nathaniel' 65 SaUy" 65 Sarah (Healey) 66 Sarah Jane' 66 Solomon' 65 Solomon M.' 65, 66, 106 107, 182, 201 Sophia Ingalls' 66, 106 Sophronia' 66 Susan Frances 246 Warren' 66 CLISBY Chariotte 200 CLORAN Maud B. 79 CLOUDMAN Abbie P. 287 CLOUGH Aaron' 68 Abiah H.' 75 Abner 71, 188 Abner* 69 Abner" 69, 72 Abner" 72 Abner' 73, 75, 76 Abbie F. (Ladd) 75 AbigaU Chase' 73 AbigaU (Kezar) 70, 108 AbigaU (MorriU) 72, 255 AbigaU (Moulton) 68 Abraham' 73 Ada J. (Clark) 79 AdaUneS 76, 79 AdaUne M." 79 Agnes A. (Ferguson) 73 Agnes B. (Corns) 76 Albert Barnes' 73 Albert Lucien' 77 AUce Ayers 15 AUce Ayers' 79 AUce G.' 73, 77 AUce J. (Waterman) 76 Ahneda Greeley" 80 Almyra (Batchelder) 20,76 Almyra EUzabeth' 80 Ann EUzabeth' 74 Ann (Evans) 67 Anna G. (Gale) 157 Ann Maria' 76 Annie Bradford' 78 Apphia 240 Apphia' 72 Arthur' 72 Arthur Francis' 78 CLOUGH (cont.) Arthur S.» 76 ArvUla C.« 74 Baxter' 72, 74 Belle H. (Shaw) 80 Benjamin' 68 Benjamin' 69 Benjamin' 71 Benjamin Baxter" 74 Benoni' 67, 68 Benton PhiUp' 78 Betsey 71 Betsey' 71 Betsey (Clough) 71 Beulah'" 18, 79 Caleb' 67 CaroUne C 74 CaroUne Gibson" 80, 263 CaroUne (Gibson) TaUant 76, 326 Charity 67 Charla" 79 Charla C 79 Charles Augustus' 184 Charles C 74 Charles G.' 73 Charles M. 263 Charles NeweU' 76, 80, 262 Charles P. 76 Chariotte E.' 76 Christiana' 74 Christopher C 74 Clara 79 Clara (Clough) 79 Clarence L. 245 Clara Almira' 80 Clarissa' 74 Cleora S.' 74 Constance Irene" 77 Cora B. (Porter) 78 CorneUa A.» 72, 242 CorneUus' 67 Cynthia Ann 234, 236 Cyrus 240 Darnel W.' 73 DaiUel W." 76 David' 69 David" 70, 263 David' 72 David M. 20 David MorriU' 73, 76, 160, 262, 326 David MorriU' 80 David S.' 76, 79 David Thomas" 79 Dehverance' 69 DeUverance (Hodgdon) 74 DeUverance (Leavitt) 69 Dora M. (Rand) 79 , Ebenezer' 68 Edwin David' 76, 80 Effie G. (Synder) 76 Eleanor (Ham) 75 EUza' 69 Eliza A. (Wales) 79 EUza (Couch) 80 Eliza Mary Patrick' 72, 337 Eliza (Moore) 245 EUzabeth' 67 EUzabeth' 70 EUzabeth' 71, 184 EUzabeth' 73 Elizabeth (Brown) 67 EUzabeth (Long) 67 Elizabeth Louise" 77 EUzabeth (Thompson) 70 EUa' 72, 74 Eleanor (Ham) 178 CLOUGH (cont.) Ellinor Bradford' 78 Emma CaroUne' 76 Emma T. (Morrill) 80, 262 EmUy C 73 Emily Caroline' 76 Emily (Sanborn) 72 Ephraim* 68 Ernest Cranston' 76 Eunice' 69 Everett Emery' 80 Ezekiel 71 Ezekiel* 68, 69 Florence Ada' 79 Florences. K. (Aldrich) 78 Florence Emery' 78 Francese W. (Riley) 339 George M.« 157, 339 Georgia B. (Colby) 152 Gertrude Georganna 157 Hale' 74 Hannah 68, 69, 175, 191, 296 Hannah' 68 Hannah' 69, 240 Hannah' 71 Hannah' 72, 74 Hannah (Cass) 67 Hannah (Fletcher) 71 Hannah (Gerrish) 74 Hannah (Gile) 67, 68 Hannah (Haines) 173 Hannah (Hazeltine) 74, 188 Hannah K. (Wales) 80 Hannah (McCrellis) 70 Hannah (Sargent) 75 Harriet' 74 Harry Gerrish" 15, 18, 79 Harry GUman 109 Henry" 69 Henry' 72 Henry Hale' 72, 75 Henry Leavitt" 76, 80 Henry March" 75, 79 Ichabod* 68 Isaac 68 Isaac' 73 Isabel A. (Mathes) 235 Jacob* 68 Jacob' 69 Jacob Henry' 76 James B. 235 , James Monroe 234 James W." 79 Jane 67 Jane' 74 Jane E. (Gerrish) 71 Janie Johnson 78 Jean Lennox' 78 Jemima (MorrUl) 70, 71, 260, 263 Jeremiah 13, 71, 80 Jeremiah' 54, 68, 134, 296 Jeremiah* 68, 69, 71 Jeremiah' 69, 70, 108 Jeremiah" 70, 71, 72, 260 Jeremiah' 71, 72, 74, 75 Jeremiah' 75 Jeremiah A. 282 Jeremiah F.' 72, 75, 178 Jeremiah J. 79 Jeremiah L.» 74, 79 Jeremiah MorriU' 73 Joanna (Sanbom) 67 Jessie AdeUe" 76 Jethro' 68 John 161, 180, 337 364 INDEX. CLOUGH (cont.) John' 67, 80 Jbhn' 67 John' 67 John' 69 John' 70, 71 John' 71 John' 74 John B.« 71, 74 Jonathan 234 Jonathan' 67 Jonathan' 69, 70 Jonathan' 70, 71 Jonathan' 71 Joseph 79 Joseph' 67, 184 Joseph* 68, 69 Joseph' 69 Joseph' 70, 71, 73, 117 Joseph' 71,72,73,78 Joseph E." 79 Joseph G.' 71, 74 Joseph G.« 16, 74, 79 Joseph Learned' 78 Joseph Leonidas' 73 Joseph Percival" 78 Judith' 68 Judith* 68 Judith' 69 Judith' 72, 193 Judith (Gerrish) 71, 337 Judith (Thompson) 75 Kathryn' 339 Keziah (Hancock) 180 Laura E. (Dow) 78 Laura M. (Buehler) 18,79 Leavitt' 69, 71 Leavitt" 71, 72, 299 Leavitt' 72, 73, 76, 255 Leavitt' 75, 255 Lena Maria' 78 LiUan Aldrich' 78 Love' 70 Louisa Van Zandt 73 Lucien Albert' 78 Lucien Bonaparte' 73, 77 LucUle W. (EUiott) 108 Lucy Gerrish 240 Lucy M.' 75 Lucy Sabrina' 79 Lydia* 68 Lydia' 69 Lydia (Forrest) 130 Lydia (Perkins) 67 Maria L. (Dole) 77 Maria R. (Gale) 78 Marion Cook" 79 Martha 13 Martha' 67 Martha' 67, 68 Martha* 69 ¦ Martha' 69, 70 Martha' 70 Martha' 73 Martha' 74, 75 Martha A. 178 Martha Ann' 72 Martha Ann' 75 Martha (Cilley) 67 Martha E. (Ayers) 15, 79 Martha (Emery) 73 - Martha (Foster) 54, 72, 134, 296 Martha (Hoyt) 70 Martha (True) 234 Mary 91, 178, 234 Mary' 67 Mary' 67 Mary' 68, 69 CLOUGH (cont.) Mary' 70 Mary' 71 Mary' 72 Mary" 74 Mary A.' 73, 76 Mary Ann' 73, 75, 299 Mary Ann' 76 Mary Brickett' 74 Mary (Call) 69 Mary E. (Batchelder) 20, 74 Mary EUzabeth" 18, 79 Mary EUen (Peverly) 282 Mary Emery' 73 Mary (Gile) 68 Mary H.» 75 Mary Hunt" 77 Mary Isabel" 79 Mary (Mason) 67 Mary Rogers' 54, 72 Mary S.» 76 Mary T. (Clough) 80 Mary TaUant" 80 Maud B. (Cloran) 79 Maurice Joseph 157 Mehitable' 73 Mehitable A. (Chase) 73 Mehitable Chase 117 Mehitable (Flanders) 68 Mercy (Page) 67 Mittie Chase 117 Miranda E.' 73, 76 Miriam 71 Miriam (Thompson) 69 Moses' 67 Moses" 70 Myra Chase' 73 Nancy' 72, 161, 240 Nancy M. (Ghdden) 73 Nancy (Mathes) 234 Nancy (McCrUUs) 160, 240 Nancy (Prescott) 72, 242 Nathan* 68 Nathan" 70 Nathaniel D. 245 Nehemiah* 68 Nehemiah' 69, 70 Nehemiah' 70, 240, 263 Nehemiah' 240 NelUe M. (Peverly) 75 Obadiah' 69 Obadiah' 70, 71, 168, 184, 260 Obadiah" 71 Obadiah Ambrose' 73 Olive (Lefevre) 76 Peggy (Mason) 71 Phebe' 72 PhUip' 71, 73 PhUip Carrigan 240 PhiUp Carrigain' 20, 74 PhUip Clough' 76 PhiUp Clough' 76 PoUy (Hook) 76 Portia EUzabeth 157 PriscUla' 73 Rachel (Brown) 68 Rebecca' 68 Rebecca (Brown) 68 Rebecca (Clough) 68 Rebecca Louise' 77 Rebecca P. 259 ReUef (Knowles) 74 Robert AlUson' 78 Ruth' 68 Ruth Ann" 79 Ruth (Connor) 68 CLOUGH (cont.) Sabrina 74 Sabrina (Clough) 74 Sadie M. (Gariand) 78 Sally' 70 SaUy' 71, 72 SaUy' 75 Samuel 234 Samuel' 67 Samuel' 68 Samuel' 72 Samuel Adams 234 Sara (Hunt) 77 Sarah 70, 184, 264 Sarah' 67 Sarah' 67 Sarah' 69, 70, 71 Sarah' 70, 71, 72, 108, 168 Sarah AUce' 76 Sarah (Brown) 68 Sarah C.» 74 Sarah (Clough) 69, 70, 71, 72 Sarah EUzabeth' 184 Sarah Elizabeth' 73, 76 Sarah (Elkins) 69, 71 Sarah Greenough' 74, 78 Sarah H. (Hazeltine) 76, 188 Sarah Learned' 78 Sarah M. (Learned) 78 Sarah (Page) 68 Sarah (Roobe) 68 Sarah (Swain) 68 Shiriey 263 Stephen Chase' 73 Susan 58 Susan" 69 Susan' 71 Susan A.' 20, 74 Susan (Clough) 71 Susan Frances' 74 Susan McCrelUs 240 Susanna 69 Susanna" 70 Tabitha' 68 Thomas 130, 173 Thomas' 67, 68 Thomas' 68 Thomas* 69 Thomas' 69 Thomas' 71, 74, 188 Thomas Benton' 78 Thomas Carmel' 73 Thomas Stevens 232, 234 Thomas \au Buren' 74, 78 Walter L.» 79 WiUiam Patrick' 72, 240, 242 Zaccheus' 68 COBB CaroUne 268 COCHRAN Adah B. 101 Lucy Jane 286 Polly 341 CODDINGTON Mary EUzabeth 5 CODY Abbie' 80 Abraham' 80 Aldus' 82, 278 AUce* 80 Alpheus' 82 Alvira (Cable) 81 Amelia (Farnsworth) 81 Arthur PhUip' 82 Betsey* 80 Darwin Dianthus' 81 INDEX. 365 CODY (cont.) Edward MorriU' 82 EUas* 81 EUjah' 80 EUza A. (Patrick) 82, 278 Elmar (Canfield) 81 Ethel Jane" 82 Frank Lindus' 81 Gertrude Harriet' 81 Gertrude Louise" 82 Grace IsabeUe" 82 Harriet Eliza" 81 Harriet M. (Sherwin) 81 Harry Bissell" 81 Ida R. (Baker) 81 Isaac' 80 Isaac' 80 Isaac' 80, 81 Ivy L. (Lewton) 82 Jerusha' 80 John' 80 John' 80 Joseph' 80 Joseph' 80 Jo.seph' 81 Josephine' 81 Le-wis Philip" 81 Lindas' 81 Louis Fancher' 81 Luther 110 Luther MorrUl' 82 Lydia' 81 Lydia (Martin) SO Lydia Sarah" 81 Marie (Davis) 82 Marion T. (Hurley) 82 Martha 80 Martha (Lewis) 81 Mary' 80 Mary AmeUa" 82 Mary B. (Laycock) 81 Mary EUzabeth' 82 Mary P. (Bro-wn) 47, 82 Morrill" 82 Nancy' 80 Pattie' 80 Pattie' 81 Philip' 80 PhiUp' 80 PhiUp* 81 PoUy 80 Polly' 80 Richard A.' 47, 82 Richard Stanley' 82 Robert Stanley' 82 Sophia* 81 Thomas' 80 WiUiam Frederick' 81 WilUs Judson' 82 Winthrop Prescott' 82 Zella Rowine' 82 COE Alvira 140 Emma A. 258 COFFIN Alice 159 Betsey Ann 239, 262 Charles Carlton 159 Clara 158 Cora 159 Edmund 239 Famum 158 Frank Jo.seph 158 George Henry 158 George R. 239 Henry 159 John 158 John T. 239, 260, 262 John T., Jr. 239 COFFIN (cont.) Joseph 158 Judith (Gerrish) 158 Laura 158 Loie (Crosby) 159 Mary Ann 62 Mary Jane 239 Nancy 325 Nellie F. (Sleeper) 158 SaUy (McCrillis) 239, 260 Sarah 263, 284 Sarah Bowdoin 239, 260 WiUiam 21 COFLAN Frank J. 327 NeUie J. (TaUant) 327 COFRAN Caroline A. 261 Cyrene 296 Emily A, 261 James 345 Jeremiah 261 Phebe (Sanbom) MorrUl 261 Ruth 345 SaUie H. 346 Scott M. 261 Smith W. 261 COGGESHALL John 83 COGSWELL 82 Abiah" 86 Abiah (Moody) 86, 86 Abiel' 87, 240, 297 Abiel' 86 Abigail 158 Abigail' 83 Adam' 83 AdeUne McCrUUs' 87 AUce 83 AUce M. (Kelley) 88 Aleda May' 88 Amos 7 Amos^ 84 Amos' 85, 86 Amos Moody' 7, 87 Ann' 83 Anna A, (Franzen) 86 Annie Julia' 86 Bethia' 84 Betsev' 85 CaroUne C." 87 Caroline Helen' 85 Cecilia G. 249 Charles G.' 87 Charles M.' 86 Clara E.' 87 Cora M. (Tucker) 88 Ebenezer' 85, 86 Edmund' 83 Edward 83 Edward' 83 EUza Lyford' 87 EUzabeth' 83 Elizabeth' 83 Elizabeth' 84 EUzabeth (Thompson) 83 Elizabeth (Wade) Apple- ton 83 Elizabeth (Wainwright) 83 EUzabeth (WilUams) Crocker 84 EUen' 87 EmeUne' 87 Emma 249 EUa E. (Pike) 87 Ervin A.' 88 Francis* 84 COGSWELL (cont.) Francis' 85 Frank E. 249 George J." 86 George W,' 87 Georgianna S. (Gray) 87 Hannah' 83 Hannah* 83 Hannah' 84 Hannah (Ames) 7 Hannah A, (Ames) 87 Hannah Badger" 85, 221 Hannah Foster' 86 Hannah (Foster) 85, 134, 221 Hannah (Goodhue) 83 Hannah (Woodbury) 84 Henry A.' 87 Henry Lee' 86 Hesters 83 James E. 249 James S. 249 Janet M. (Burr) 85 Jeremiah' 84 Jeremiah' 85, 86 Jeremiah' 60, 88 Joannia (Jewell) 86 John' 83 John' 83 John' 83 John* 84 John" 85, 86 John' 86 John McCrillis' 88 Jonathan' 83 Joseph* 84 Joseph' 84, 85 Joseph' 85* Joseph Badger' 85 Judith' 84 Judith' 86 Judith (Badger) 84, 85 Judith (CogsweU) 86 Judith (Colby) 85 Laura Adams' 87, 297 Lewis Kidder' 86 Lewis R." 87 Louisa (Patterson) 85 Lucy Ames' 86 Lucy Nichols" 86 LycUa (Baker) WaUing- ford S4 Maggie (Brust) 87 Margaret* 84 Margaret H. (McCrillis) 87, 240, 297 Marie Louise' 86 Martha' 86 Martha (Emerson) 83 Martha K. (Moore) 249 Mary' 83 Mary' 86, 87 May Anna 7 Mary A. (Carter) 50, 88 Mary Addie 224 Mary Ann (Lee) 85 Mary Anna' 87 Mary E. 249 Mary (Greenough) 168 Mary (Stewart) 86 Mary (Stone) 86 Matilda C. (Gray) 87 Mehitable (Clement) 85 Moses' 84, 85, 134, 221 Moses Pearson" 85, 87 Moses Payson' 85 Nancy" 85 Nancy Greenough' 87 Nathaniel* 84 366 INDEX, COGSWELL Icoyit.) Nathaniels 84 Nathaniel" 85, 86 Nathaniel' 85 Nathaniel Peaslee" 84 Nehemiah 168 PoUy (Forrest) 86 Rozina G. (DoUoff) 87 Ruth' 86 Ruth (Badger) 84 Ruth Butler (Pearson) 86 Samuel N,' 87 Sarah 86 Sarah' 83 Sarah' 83 Sarah' 85 Sarah (Adams) 85 Sarah (Cogswell) 85 Sarah (Snow) 86 Sophia' 86 Susan Forrest' 88 Susanna' 83 Susanna* 84 Susanna (Hawkes) 83 Susanna (Low) 84 Susannah (Lakeman) 84 Thomas 86 Thomas' 84 Thomas' 85 Thomas' 87 Tryphena (AchiUes) 85 Warner Badger" 88 WUliam' 83 WUham' 83 WUliam* 83 WUUam' 85 WUUam" 85 William F.'' 85 WUliam F.' 87 WiUiam Forrest' 86 WilUam Henry' '85 WiUiam McCrUUs' 88 COLBURN Abby E. (Blanchard) 31, 228 AUce 31 Almond 31 BeUe 31 Cari 31 Charlotte 31 Gertrade 31 Gladys 31 John 31, 228 Mary 228 Mary A. (Davis) Thomp son 99 Mary Etta 31 NeUie 31 Ruth 31 WilUam H. 99 COLBY Abraham* 88 Achsah (Tallant) 326 AUce (Cate) 90 Anna' 88 Anthony! gg Anthony' 88 Anthony' 88 Arthur Myron' 90 Asenath' 89 Charles 261 Charies H. 320 Cyrus' 89, 90 Ebenezer 339 Eh' 89 Elijah" 88 EUzabeth 339 EUzabeth (BlaisdeU) 88 Emma L.' 89 COLBY (cont.) Emma (Whitehead) 90 Esther' 89 Everett C.'» 90 Florenda (Clough) 129 Frances' 88 Frances (Hoit) 88 George Albert' 90 George E." 90 Guy 0.' 90 Hannah 273 Hannah' 89 Hannah" 89 Hannah' 89 Hannah (Simonds) 89 Hattie C. 129 Harry L. 51 Herman Ray' 90 HUam 129 Howard E." 90 Ida 106 Ira Lewis" 90 Isaac' 88 Iva G,» 90 James' 89 James" 89, 90 James Edwin" 90 Jennie (Keniston) 90 John' 88 John' 88 John' 89 Johh" 89 John' 89 John M. 90 John Raymond" 90 Jonathan' 89 Joseph 308 Josephine Carter (Nudd) 51 Judith 85 L. Osborn' 89, 90 Leonard' 89 Leonard' 89 Le-wis' 89, 90 Lucinda 89 Lucinda (Colby) 89 Maria' 89 Maria (Davis) 89 Maria E. (Colby) 89 Maria Enola" 89 Martha 88 Martha (Alexander) 89 Mary 300, 308 Mary' 88 Mary A. (Page) 89 Mary (Boyce) 261, 320 Mary E. (Davis) 89 Mary E. (MiUs) 89 Nancy' 89 NelUe (Sweetland) 90 Ralph E." 90 Rebecca' 88 Rexford A. (Nudd) 51 Reuben' 89 Reuben' 89 Rose 320 Rose M. 261 Roy C." 90 Ruth 308 Ruth (Platts) 88 Sarah' 88 Sarah' 88 Sarah' 88 Sarah M,' 89 Sarah (Sargent) 88 Susan Maria' 89 Susanna 89 Susanna' 88 Susanna (Colby) 89 COLBY (cont.) Susanna (Sargent) 88 Sylvania (Woodbury) 90 Thomas' 88 Thomas" 89 WiUaby' 88, 89 COLCORD Nathaniel 61, 334 Rachel (Whidden) 334 COLE Abigail (Davis) 98 Anna A. (Small) 313 Apphia C. (Sanborn) 295 Betsey (Harper) 183 Caroline 2,59 Charles 296 Fred J, 313 J. 183 Jacob 259 Lucretia E. (Moore) 245 Margaret 103 PoUy 250 Susan Maria 63 Susannah 193 Sylvanus 245 COLEMAN Anna 231 Eleazer 231 Mary J. 326 COLLEY James 330 Mary E. (Taylor) Cawley 330 COLLIER DeUa 345 COLLINS Charlotte (Blanchard) 292 Ezekiel 196 Jennie 99 Levi 292 Mary (Dow) 196 Nancy 195 Rhoda Jane 315 COMSTOCK Charlotte M. 123 DeUa Ann 227 Fred B. 123 Marion W. (Hastings) 123 CONANT Dorothy* 90 JuUa (Willey) 90 Lyman A.' 90, 161, 301 Lyman W. 31 Mary A. (Brown) 90, 161 Mary T. (Sargent) 90, 301 Maud W. 31 Maude Webster" 90, 161 Rachel Garvin 90 Rogers* 90 Samuel S.' 90 Vance Durward' 90 WUUam Heath' 90 WUliam W.* 90 CONE Nettie 296 CONNER Ann 219 Anne (Gove) 219 Jeremiah 219 Nathaniel 220 Turzah (Lyford) 220 CONNOR Cornelius 68 Helen 327 Ruth 68 Sarah 68 CONVERSE 9 Mary Ann (Ayers) 9 INDEX. 367 COOK Handel Gibson 147 Ida M. 129 LUiette (Foster) 147 Samuel G. 147 COOKSON Emma 37 COOLE Ruby 123 COOLIDGE Emily EUza (Blanchard) 28 Henry Oscar 28 COOMBS Lucretia (Isham) 196 Lydia 117 Stephen 195 COOPER Eleanor Claire 175 Florence (Haines) 175 GUlmore 311 Helen Eudosia 175 Mary (Marston) 311 COPITHORNE Ada BeUe (Scales) 304 John Robert 304 Stanley WUlard 304 COPP Betsey (Currier) 246 EUzabeth 200 Simeon 246 CORBETT Anna 312 CORNS Agnes B. 76 COTA Hattie 316 John B. 315 Joseph 315 Mamie 315 Mary 315 NeUie 315 COTTERYLL WUUam G. 91 COLTON Charlotte (Boynton) 33 David P. 33 Joseph 9 COUCH EUza 80 Jane W. (Shattuck) 311 John 80 Prescott 311 COVENY Charles H. 19 Frances Ayers 19 Susan T. V. (Ayers) 19 COWLEY Susan 327 COX 239 CRAIG Caroline (Lyford) 223 Rufus 223 CRAM AbigaU 192 EUen J. 248 Sarah E. 192 CRANDALL Martha E. (Moody) 243 Roselle 243 CRANE Azariah S. 301 Martha A. (Sargent) 301 CRAWFORD Belle (Colbum) 31 CRATON Hattie L. 144 CRA-VELING Margarett 279 CRAVEN Emily Henderson 171 Ida 171 Maria Forrest see Ida Craven Thomas Tingy 171 CRAWFORD WiUiam 31 CRESSEY Josiah Perkins 289 Mary (Wooldrich) 289 CROCKER Carohne 147 EUzabeth (WiUiam) 84 CROCKETT Arthur J. 280 Martha (Dow) 108 Nancy (Harvey) 280 Susan BeU 280 CRONK Abbie (Palmer) 143 D, Webster 143 CROSBY Anthony 283 Jane 283 Loie 159 Mary 26 Nellie M. (Brown) 44 NelUe Mae 44 Sally 245 Willard 44 CROSS AbigaU 181 Abigail (Marston) 181 Abby Bella (Chase) 311 Alvin Benton 302 Adelbert H. 311 Benjamin G. 302 Charles 8, 70 David 70 EUzabeth M. (Gage) 302 Flora J. (Chase) 311 Ida M. 57 Jeremiah 70 Jesse 70 Jonathan 70 Linnie (Avery) 8 Lizzie 8 Martha 251 Parker 181 Sarah 228 Sarah P. (Loverin) 302 Susannah 70 Walter 311 CROUCH Alexander 77 Harper 77 Myra (Hurd) 77 CROWE Ada L. (Nelson) 236 Charles 236 Charles W. 298 Dorothy Sanborn 298 George Irving 236, 298 Inez M. (Sanborn) 298 Rebekah (HamUton) 236,298 CROWLEY Mary 285 CULBERTSON Lera 62 CUMMINGS Albert 18 Albert Edwards 16 Canton 18 Charles Edward 16 Ellen M. (Ayers) 16 Kari Greenleaf 16, 18 Margaret 18 Mary M. (Waters) 18 Susan Ellen 16 CURRAN Benton Philip 78 Jane (Lennox) 78 Janie Johnson 78 John 78 CURRIER Abbie 246 Angie Helen' 91 Annie 344 Arthur CarroU 344 Betsey 246 Charles 246 Clara B. (Beck) 24 Clara Belle 24 Ebenezer' 91 Ebenezer' 91 Edgar 344 Ellen 344 Emma 344 Eugene 24 Eva M." 91 Frank 24 Fred 344 Harriet C. (Porter) 90 Henry 344 James 49 John 246, 344 Joseph 344 Judith (Osgood) 91 Martha J. 272 Mary (Clough) 91 Mary (Osgood) 91 Moses' 91, 306 Nancy (Young) 246, 344 Nathaniel 24 Otis 24 Polly 306, 334 Richard 91 SaUy (Moore) 246 Sarah 344 Sarah (Carter) 49 Sarah (Nason) 91, 306 Sarah (WiUiams) 91 Thomas' 91 WUUam H.' 91 William S." 91 CURRINGTON Fred 20 Jennie I. (GUmore) 20 CURRY Ann 92 Ann (McFariand) 28, 324 EUzabeth' 92 John' 92 Margaret' 92, 324 Mary' 92 Nancy 36 Olive (Heath) 92 Robert' 92 Samuel' 92 Sarah' 28, 92 Thomas' 35, 92 WUUam' 28, 92. 324 WilUam' 92 CURTIS CaroUne 200 Nellie 36 Sarah 303 Susannah 303 Zacheus 303 CUSTARD Betsey Cody 80 Eliza 80 EUzabeth 80 Emma 80 Lucindy 80 Minerva 80 Nelson 80 PhUip 80 368 INDEX. CUSTARD (cont.) Stephen 80 Surieha 80 Susan 80 WUliam 80 CUTLER Lois 116 Mary 264 Mary A. (TaUant) 327 Obadiah 327 CUTTER Abiah (Tallant) 324 Chariotte W. 251 Martha (Blanchard) 28 Seth 324 CUTTING Emily B. (Simpson) 310 Horace 310 Marcellus 310 Moses 310 NeUie 310 Southwick 310 DAGGETT Hannah 20 Harriet 204 DALEY CaroUne E. 320 DALL C. H. 139 CaroUne W. (Healey) 139 DALTON Elizabeth (Foster) 138 Ethel Georgia' 93 Franklin Pierce' 93 Georgia Neal* 92, 93 Isaac 138 John' 92 Mary 42 Mary A. (Hill) 93 Mary A. (Lyford) 222 Mary Jane' 92 Narcissa J. (Nudd) 92 Polly ( Merrick) 92 Roscoe mil' 93 Samuel' 92, 222 Susan EUzabeth 138 DAME Alvin Caverly 93 Clara A. 93, 336 Louisa J, (Clifford) 93,336 Moses 93 Nancy 93 Nancy (Caverly) 93 DANE Jedediah 244 Polly (GUnes) 244 DANFORTH g(^ 260 Abigail (Grant) 93 Anne (Blanchard) 27 Annie M. 250 Benjamin' 93 George W.' 93 Hannah (Haines) 93 Jonathan 27 Mary G.' 93 Phineas 42 Phineas' 93 Susan 42 DANIELS Bessie M. (Shaw) Plum mer 307 Charles 307 George W. 251 Mary E. (Haines) 251 Maurice 307 Sarah 339 DARLING Eleanor B. (Morgan) 235 DARRAH Arthur 55 EUa 55 Frank 65 Henry 56 Nellie B. (Chamberiain) 55 Ruth 55 Walter 55 DASHWOOD Henry 343 Lavonia (Young) 343 DAVIDSON Abigail (Greenough) 168 Jacob 168 DAVIS 43 AbigaU' 98 Abigail (Jones) 97 AbigaU (St. Clair) 98 Abigail (Stevens) 99, 318 Adeline' 98 Allen T, 105 Ann P. (Mathews) 99 Annie (Jones) 99 Apphia M. (Bartlett) 98 Arthur L.' 98, 315 Benjamin BirdsaU' 98, 99 Benjamin F. 46 Bert 280 Bertha (Waddell) 106 Betsey' 97 Betty' 97 Calvin Hariow' 99 Caroline' 99 Carolme" 100 Caroline" 100 Carrie E. (Parker) 100 Catherine' 98 Cecily 94 CharUe 21 Charles 21 Charles H.« 99 Clara J. (DoUoff) 99 Clara Mead 316 Daniel' 96 Deborah (Barnes) 94 Dorothy (Clifford) 66 Dorothy Marguerite" 100 Dorothy P. (CUfford) 100 Edgar 316 Edmund' 97 Edward EUwood' 100 Elbridge G.' 98 Eleazer* 96 Eleazer" 96 EUza J. (Haines) 251 EUzabeth 44, 96 Ehzabeth' 96 EUzabeth' 96 Elizabeth' 97 EUzabeth (Chesley) 95, 96 EUzabeth (Davis) 96 Elizabeth (Eaton) 94 EUzabeth (MorreU) 100 EUzabeth (Pain) 96 EUzabeth (Roberts) 97 EUzabeth (Smith) 97 EUa FeUows (Perldns) 280 EUa (Plastridge) 99 EUen (Beau) Clark 100 Ellen EUzabeth P.» 98 Emily (Jones) 21 Ephraim' 94 Ephraim' 96 Ernest 280 Evelyn" 100 Flora BeUe» 100 DAVIS (cont.) Frances Amanda" 99 Francis K. 251 Frank 339 Frank S." 99, 100 George H. (Mrs.) 44 Hannah' 95 Hannah' 96 Hannah" 96 Hannah' 97 Hannah (Davis) 96 Hannah (Gerrish) 97 Harry 21 Hazen CUfford" 100 Helen Malvina 331 Herbeft Mathews" 100 Horner 21 Ida F. (Whitney) 339 Ida (Whitney) 100 Israel' 97, 98 Iva 21 James 231 James' 93 James' 94 James' 95 James* 96 James' 96 Jane' 95 Jane (Peasley) 95 Jemima' 95 Jennie (Battes) 21 Jennie (CoUins) 99 Jeremiah' 64, 97, 98, 99, 102, 216, 217 John' 93, 94 John' 95 John' 96 John Redford" 98 John W." 99 Jonathan" 97 Joseph' 95 Judith' 94 Judith' 95 Judith" 98 Judith A. 203 Judith Ann 64, 102 Judith (Austin) 64, 98, 102, 216 Judith (Tuttle) 97 Lauren 105 LeUa M. L. (Dow) 105 Levi M. 89 Lucy A. 46 Lucy B. (Gile) 99 Lucy J. (Smith) 99, 315 Mark' 98, 99, 318 Martha" 97 Martha (Chesley) 96 Martin Van Buren" 98 Maria 89 Marie 82 Mary 94 Mary' 95 Mary' 97 Mary A.' 98 Mary (Boynton) 99 Mary E, 46, 89 Mary Elizabeth' 99 Mary Grace" 98 Mary J. (Twist) 99 Mary Johnson 94 Mary Lake 105 Mary Stevens 95 Miles" 97 MUdred 161 Minnie B. (Smith) Patten 315 Moses 96, 201 Moses' 95 INDEX. 369 DAVIS (com.) Moses* 95 Moses" 97 Moses' 97, 98 Nancy (AUen) 97 Nancy (Moore) 261 Natalie Clifford" 100 Nathaniel' 96 Nellie E. (PhUbrook) 100 Nettie (Berry) 100 Pauline Elizabeth 105 Phebe 231 Phebe' 96 Polly (IngaUs) 98, 201 Ralph 280 Reuhamah (Dow) 96 Ruth 59 Ruth" 97 Ruth (Ayer) 96 Sally 33 SaUy' 98 Samuel' 94 Samuel' 96 Samuel' 96 Samuel" 97 Samuel' 98 Sarah' 94 Sarah' 95 Sarah' 96 Sarah" 97 Sarah S, C.« 98, 216 Sarah (Wilson) 99 Schuyler 82 Simon Stevens" 99, 100 Stephen" 97 Submit N." 99 Susan F." 98 Susan (Pike) 98, 217 Susan (Smith) 99, 315 Susannah" 97 Susannah' 98 Tabitha 2.50 Theodore Gerrish 98 Thomas* 96 Thomas' 96, 97 Thomas' 98 Walter" 99 Walter Howard" 100 Warren A." 99 WUliam 251 Willis MorreU 100 DAVLIN Mary A. 243 DAWES Ann (Kirk) 100 Robert 100 WiUiam N. 100 DAY Martha Jane 16 Rebecca J. 41 DEANE Hattie Louise 281 DEARBORN 63 Abraham 295 Abram 295 Adah B. (Cochran) 101 AUce L. (Hoyt) 102 Alla J." 51., 101 Alvah J." 101 Alvah H." 101 Annie J. 271 Betsey (Glover) 167 Carrie (Brown) 167 Charlotte (James) 102 Cynthia' 167, 241 Daniel' 167 David' 101 EUza' 101 DEARBORN (cont.) Elizabeth (.McClure) 101 Elmer W. 102, 286 Emily (Blake) 167 EmmaF, (Pickard) 102,286 Ethel 102 Ethel M. 285 Fred Earie' 101 Godfrey' 101 George W, 102, 105 Hannah' 101 Hattie 102 Hazen' 101 James 51, 125. 275 James McClure' 101 Jane' 101 Jane (Blanchard) 167 Jennie (Clifford) 102 John 102. 274 John' 167 Joseph P. 98, 102 Judith A. (Davis) Chase 98 Lucia' 101 Lura 102 Mary 165 Mary A, 295 Mary A. (Dow) 102. 105 Mary E. (Pickard) 285 Mary E. (Kief) 296 Mary (O'Shea) 271 Mary Y. (Philbrick) 102 May F.' 167 MolUe Keturah' 101 Phebe 296 Polly (Sanbom) 295 Reuben' 101 Robert' 167 RusseU' 101 Ruth 274, 275 Sally" 101 Samuel James' 101 Sarah 139, 270 Susan E." 102 Susan E. (FeUows) 51, 101, 125 Susan Elizabeth' 101 Susan Keturah' 101 Susanna 220 Sylvanus 295 Tristram' 167 WiUiam" 101 Worster 285 DEEMAS Emma 311 DEERHORN Catherine 183 DEERING Clarissa (Harper) 183 Clement 96 Dorothy 10 Eunice (Harper) 183 Hannah (Davis) 96 Isaac 183 Lois B. 183 WUUam 183 DE LANCEY Anna F. (MorriU) 256 Clyde P. 256 James S. 256 DELANY Mary Frances 17 DELFY EUzabeth 228 Elizabeth (Matthews) 228 229 Louis 228, 229 Mary 228 DENTON Minnie 32 DEMERITT Abbie 342 Elizabeth (Davis) Davis 96 Elizabeth (Randall) 290 John 96 Mary (McCriUis) 239 Nathaniel 239 Samuel 290 DENNERSTON LuUa 118 DENNIS Cy Alonzo 217 Ida A. (Lovering) 217 Linneus D, 217 Sadie BeUe 217 Sarah E, 313 DENNISON Grace A. (Gilman) 32 Harry A. 32 DEOS Henry' 328 Mary A. (Tallman) 328 ' Oriando 328 DERBY Henry J. 291 John 127 Nancy (Fletcher) 127 Sarah (RandaU) 291 DESMOND LilUe E. 129 DEWEY Clara Burton 332 George 332 Mary 332 Mary (Walton) 332 Tryphena (Achilles) Cogs well 85 WiUiam 85 DIBBS Hepsibah (Morrill) 254 John 254 DICEY Celestia 237 DICKERMAN EUzabeth (Bennett) 250 Ruth (Bennett) 250 DICKEY Henrietta K. (Randall) 292 Naomi 223 Robert C. 292 DILLINGHAM Clara 45 Clara Maria 45 Enos 45 DIMOCK Olive 158 DIMOND Hannah 28 Lucy M. 246 DIXON Agnes M. 102 Fred E. 102 Susan E. (Dearborn) Morse . 102 DODGE AdaUne (Hoague) Pallet 275 Alice (Brown) 41 Betsev (Tallant) 327 C. A, W. 147 Elizabeth 326 F. H. 41 Fred MorrUl 308 Hamet 325 Helen F. (Foster) 147 James 325. 327 Jerusha 35 John 275, 325 24-n 370 INDEX. DO'DGB— Continued John B. 308 John Gordon 325 Margaret 325 Martha 324 Mary 317. 324. 325 Mary (MorriU) 308 Polly (TaUant) 325 DOE Benjamin 335 EUnthus Newton 335 Hannah 334 Nancy (Moore) 335 DOHERTY Annie Eleanor 91 DOLBER Florence 202 John 202 Josephine (Hunkins) 202 DOLDE Elizabeth (Hafendorfer) 157 John G. 157 DOLDT Eliza E. (Stevens) 318 James 318 DOLE Albert Gallatin 77 Clara M. 147 Harriet Salome 147 Maria Louisa 77 Rebecca (Ford) 77 DOLLEY Eleanor (Simpson) 310 Emma 310 John 310 Lydia E. 310 WiUiam 310 DOLLOFF AbigaU (Gordon) 87 Clara J. 99 Hannah 3 Jesse 87 Rozina G. 87 DONAHUE Nellie (Colburn) 31 O. L. 31 DONNELL Sophia E. 31 DONOVAN Augusta (Moore) 251 George 251 Joseph 179 Judith (Ham) 179 DOSS Annie 336 DOUGLASS George F. 146 John W. 146 Martha J. (Fo.ster) 146 DOW Abbie A.' 107 Abbie M. (Sweatt) 23 Abigail' 104 AbigaU" 104 AbigaU' 104 AbigaU (Godfrey) 104 AbigaU H. (Carter) 49, 107 AbigaU (Hobbs) 104 Ada May' 108 Addie C. 226 Adeline (West) 107 Agnes M." 107 AUen I." 106 Almira 221 Amanda M.' 107 Ann 238 Ann M. (Gordon) 105 DOW (cont.) Anna" 106 Annie M. (Pickard) 286 Arianna (Fletcher) 128 Benjamin 244 Bertha'" 107 Betsey B.' 107 Betsey (Burns) 107 Bvron K. 293 Charles S." 106 Charlotta' 108 Chariotte 223 Christopher 103 Clara J. 216 Comfort" 104 Comfort'. 104 Comfort' 104 Comfort (Brown) 104 Cyrus P. 78 Daniel' 103 Darius 246 Deha EsteUa (Hay.'ord) 78 Dorothy M," 108 E. Weston 286 Edith 102 Edward' 103 Edwin Weston" 106 Electa M." 105 Eliza' 104 EUza (Butterworth) 108 EUzabeth 103 Enoch F,' 107 Ethel Vara 293 Frances' 103 Frank P. 101 Frank Pierce' 107 George H. 216 George M.' 108 George P,' 108 George West' 107 Gilbert F,' 108 Guy" 106 Hannah 34, 248 Hannah' 103 Hannah' 104 Hannah" 104 Hannah' 104 Hannah G. (Drake) 107,105 Hannah (Page) 103 Harriet A." 107 Henrietta S. (French) 107 Henry 207, 270 Henry' 102, 103 Henry' 103 Henry' 103 Hosea" 105 Ida (Colby) 106 Isabel (Bailey) 106 Isaiah' 107 Jabez' 103 Jay Henry' 108 Jeremiah' 108 Jeremiah' 103 Joane Nudd 103, 270 John' 103 John' 102 ^ John A. 128 John E. 128 John L. 221 Jonathan" 104 Jonathan' 104 Jonathan' 104 Jonathan S.' 107 Joseph 49, 190, 241 Joseph' 107 Joseph' 107 Joseph' 103, 109 Joseph' 103 Joseph' 104 DOW (cont.) Joseph' 104 Joseph' 104 Joseph' 104 Joseph F.3 108 Joseph L. 221 Josiah 221 Josiah' 70, 108 Josiah' 108 Laura Estelea 78 Leonora May" 106, 282 Levi' 104 Levi' 102, 104, 105 Levi P." 106 Levi S," 106 LeUan M. L." 106 Lizzie AdeUa" 106 Lizzie (Hoyt) 106 Lucy (Hoyt) 216 Lulu B. (Reed) 293 Lura Amanda" 106 Lycurgus 244 Lyman 221 Lynne (Roberds) 108 Margaret 102. 207 Margaret (Campbell) 107 Margaret (Cole) 103 Maria 261 Marian 128 Martha' 108 Mary' 103 Mary' 103 Mary" 104 Mary' 104 v Mary A. (Osgood) 246 Mary Amanda' 102, 105 Mary Amanda" 106 Mary Ann 221 Mary E. (Perkins) 108 Mary (Hussey) Green 103 Mary Jane' "108 Mary Jane' 109 Mary P,' 108 Mary (Page) 104 Mary S, (Bean) 128 Mehitable' 104 Nancy' 104 Nancy (Moore) 244 Nathan Drake" 107 Nathaniel Harland' 106, 107 NelUe Addie' 107 Olwyn W.s 66, 105, 106, 282 Orrin' 108 Polly B, 190 Rachel' 104 Reuhamah 95 Robert Sumner" 106 Ruth' 104 Sally 241 Samuel' 103, 104 Samuel' 104 Samuel' 104 Samuel' 104 Sarah 241 Sarah" 104, 105 Sarah' 104 Sarah' 104 Sarah (Clough) 70. 108 Sarah )Ma'-den) 107 Sarah (Taylor) Garland 104 Simon' 103 Sophia I. (Clifford) 66, 106, 282 Stephen 95 Sumner Adam s' 105 Susan Clough' 108 Susanna' 104 INDEX. 371 DOW (cont.) Susanna (Lyford) 221 Sylvester J.' 108 Tabitha' 104 Thomas' 102, 103 Thomas' 102, 103 Tirzah Ann Robinson' 105 Tirzah Ann Robinson" 106 Tristram' 108 Tristram Coffin 221 Tristram T. 221 WUliam 103 WUUam' 103 WiUiam P. 23 DOWES Arthur A. 22 Maud A. (Haskell) 22 DOWNING Abbi^ F. (Palmer) 52 Cora Belle 52 James T. 52 Mabel P. 272 DOWST Frank 328 Hannah 239 Martha A. (TaUant) 328 DRAKE Abra A. 272 Abraham 105, 294, 295, 298 Ella Frances (Holt) 6 Hannah Goss 105 Hattie 184 James Henry 6 John 105 Mary 294, 295, 298 Nathaniel 105 Robert 1(J5 Francis Sir 105 DRAPER Cyrus P. 36 Daniel K. 3 Emily T. (Bradley) 36 Louise R. E. (Nohren) 36 DRESSER John W. 190 Mae Belle (Lougee) Butler 190 Mehitable 283 DREW Albert F. 64, 109, 161 Atwood' 109 David' 100 Elizabeth (Atwood) 109 Frank Edward' 109 George W. 328 Harriet Emma' 109, 161 John 109 Josiah' 109 Lydia 231 Lydia (Rider) 109 Mabel Louise' 109 Mary E. (Chase) 64, 109, 161 Mary (Freeman) 109 Sarah J. (Hodgkins) 109 Edward Sir 109 Susan A. 238 Thomas 231 William 109 DRISCOLL Jennie P. 110 John W. 7. 109 Lizzie 110 Lucy M. (ArUn) 7, 109 Margaret 109, 110 Mary Ann 109 Minnie H. (Perley) 109 WiUiam 109 DRURY ParmeUa H. 261 DUDLEY Abigail 219 Dorothy 208 EUzabeth 218 John 208 Lucy 242 Nicholas 208 Olive (Kimball) 208 Rebecca 218 Samuel 218 Sarah (GUman) 219 Sarah (Kimball) 208 Stephen 219 Thoma,? 218 DUNBAR Daniel John 338 Ethel M. (Wiggin) 338 Melvin Hale 338 WiUiam P. 338 DUNCAN EUza 336 John 336 Julia G. (Whidden) 336 Thomas 336 DUNGAN JuUa 77 DUNHAM Barabara 36 Jane 36 Mary L. (Ward) 36 Wieth S. 36 DUNLAP EUzabeth (Carter) 49 John 49 Nancy (Cochran) 49 Ruth M. (Pingry) Foster 147 Samuel 49 DUNWELL Chandler 182 Eliza (Hannaford) 182 DURGIN Catharine Footman 230 Clark 48 Cora 48 DrusiUa (Bryant) 48 Edward 48 Frank 48 Maria 48 Mary 307 Walter 48 WiUiam 230 DUSTIN Hannah 95,161,317 DUTTON John 271 Narcissa (Nudd) 271 DWYER M. Franldin Ul Martha (Emery) lit DYER Ada (Gerrish) 158 Ephraim S. 262 EUa (Foster) 146 Etta D. (Gerrish) 158 Henry B. 252 Jemima (Morrill) Clough 71, 260 LiUa M. (Moore) 252 Mary 283 Micah 283 Samuel B. 71, 260 EASTMAN Abiagil 309 AUeyne Baldwin 93 Ambrose 176 EASTMAN (com.) Anna (Colby) 88 Anna (Kimball) 299 Benjamin Clement 93 Betsey 257 Charlotte S. (Haines) Clara A. (Dame) 93 Ebenezer 299 EUzabeth 27, 40 EUzabeth R. 168 Emma 148 Fanny 299 Franklin J. 4 Genevieve 4 George W. 249 Harry L, 249 Joel 257 John 40. 217 John Langdon 264 Judith 216 Mary 27 264 Mary (Boynton) 40 Mary E. (Cogswell) 249 Mary (Osgood) 264 Mary (Rolfe) 308 Mo.ses 168 Nathaniel 27 Obadiah 299 Patience 155 Phebe 301 Sally (Haines) 173 Sarah Bradley 140 Shuah 273 Simeon 299 Stephen 88 WiUiam 216 EATON Amanda (Whitney) 23 Calvin 23 Elizabeth' 94 EUen 23 John' 94 Lydia 186 Margaret E. 284 Sarah A. 181 ¦ EDGETT Andrew 110 Ella A. (Tait) 110 Esther Emma' 110 Grace Louise" 110 Kenyon Trueman- 110 Lillian Mae' 110 Luther Trueman' 110 Myrtle Irene' 110 Pri,=:ciUa (Greenough) 110 WeUington Ethelbert' 110 ELKINS Abigail S. (TaUant) 110, 32C. EUzabethAnn (Young) 344 Ge.-.rge W. 344 Hannah 244, 245 Henry 244 James' 110 James S.' 110, 301, 320 Lucia M. (Sar^ient) 110. 301 ELKINS Mary (Moore) 244 Mehitable (Rand) 110 Moses R. 160 PoUv (Gibson) 160 Samuel' 110 Sarah 69 ELLSWORTH Edwin 29] Harriet (RandaU) 291 Mary E. (Lyford) 225 Smith N. 225 372 INDEX. ELLIOTT Abiirail (Bennett) 110, ?50 AdeUne (Blackburn) 109 Albert 109 AUred Chase' 111 Alonzo 109 Alonio Butler' 110 Annie L. 346 Caroline Augu.sta 5 Carrie F. (Everett) 109 Charles F. 64, 110, 111 Charles Ira 5 Charles Moody 5 Cora Geneva' 110, 111 EUza Eudora' 110, 111 Ernest Everett' 111 Eva BeUe' 111 Florence G. (Chase) 64, 111 Frances Susan 5 George 250 George Bradley' 110 Georste Bradley' 110 Gladys Beulah' 111 Henrv Ames 5 Harry Earl' 111 Ira 5, 212, 262 James 346 Jessie Maria' 110, 111 Joseph 310 Kate (Atwood) 110 Laura Medora 109 Lucile Weeks 109 Lydia 310 Lydia (Goodwin) 310 Mary Louise' 111 Mary Rebecca 265 MUdred Weeks 109 Myra Tilton 5, 212 Nancy Melissa' 110, 111 Medora (Weeks) 109 Perley 109 Phebe 28 Polly 338 Rhoda (Ames) 5, 212. 262 Ronaldo Cortez' 110 Ruth 275 Theodate Waldron 346 ELLISON Anna 130 Betsey 290 Joseph 290 Sarah 130 ELY Anna A. (Foster) 147 EMERICK Florence Rebecca 123 EMERSON Abigail 223, 317, 319 Addie S. 272 Benjamin 255, 317 Elizabeth 319 George Stevens 319 Hannah (Watts) 255, 317 •lesse 319 Jese, Jr. 319 .Tosephine 319 Judith (Daids) 95 Martha 83 Mina (Merrill) 242 Mary 238 MaryS, 223, 319 Maude A. (Young) 346 Roxanna 319 Samuel 96 Sarah 242 WUUam C. .346 WiUiam Edwin 319 EMERY Abbie Josephine" 117 Abbie P." 118,259 Abigail' 112 AbigaU' 112 Abigail (Bartlett) 112 AbigaU (Pickard) 115,284 Agnes 111 Alfred Eastman 36 Alvin" 114, 116 Alvin" 120 Alvin E.'° 121 Amos" il3 AngeUne" 117 Ann' 112 Ann" 113 Ann' 113 Anna' 112 Anna' 113 Anna (McLeUen) 221 Anne E. (Stark) 36 Annie" 116 Annie E." 121 Anthony 111 Apphia Maria' 115 Benjamin' 113 Bessie BeUe'" 121, 123 Bessie WUhamson" 122, 333 Bethia' 112 Betsey' 114 Betsey" 116 Betsey A , ( Martin) 116 Betsey (McCrilhs) 114, 240, 282 Caroline A. 297 CaroUne E. (Foster) 116, 142 Catherine' 114 Catherine Foster 114 Charies' 114 Charles" 116, 117 Charles D." 115, 119 Charles Franklin' 115 Charles Moody' 118 Charles Moses" 122 Charles Sargent' 115 Charies W,' 116, 142 Charles W." 121 Clara Beecher' 116, 120 Clarence F." 116,120 Clarence Walter" 121 Clarissa Anne' 115 Daniel' 112 Daniel' 113 Daniel' 115, 118 David' 114, 115 David Evan.s" 118 Ebenezer' 112 Edmund Sawyer' 114 Edna" 123 Edna May" 121 Eliphalet' 113 EUza Ann 36 Eliza Ann' 115,117 EUzabeth 284 EUzabeth' 112 EUzabeth' 112 Elizabeth' 113 EUzabeth' 113 Elizabeth' 114 Elizabeth' 115 Elizabeth" 116, 119 EUzabeth (Meader) Morri son 113 Elizabeth W. (TuUock) 30 122, 333 Ellen Sophia" 116 Elsie L, (Beckman) 122 EMERY (cont.) Eleanor E. (Nowlin) 120 Emma F,'» 121 Emma (Robinson) 118 Elmina L,» 116 El-vira C. (Squiers) Liv- ing.9tone 118, 317 Emily J. (Leas) 120 Enoch' 113 Enoch' 113, 114 Enoch' 114, 116, 284 Enoch' 115. 117 Eugene McCarthy" 120, 123 Eva Vanderbilt' 116, 119 Everett Victor" 121 Florence R, (Emerick) 123 Frances A. (Sanborn) 116 Frances R. (Leland) 116 Frances Rosalinda 116 Francis Evans" 119 Frank' 117, 121 Frank B.» 116, 120 Frank Otto" 120, 122 Frederick David" 118 Frederick Vose' 115 Gertrude" 117 George' 116 Grace' 117 Grata M. 295 Hannah 49, 192 Hannah' 112 Hannah' 112 Hannah' 113 Hannah" 113 Hannah' 114 Hannah" 113, 118 Hannah (Halper) 183 Hannah (Rnlfe) 113 Hattie Eliza" 118 Helen A. (Otto) 119 Henrietta (Voodry) 120 Henrietta (Ward) 116 Henry' 111, 116 Howard Preswick" 118 Ida Ma,v" 121 Isaac 36 Jane' 113 Jeremiah 12 Jessie' 116 Jessie" 120 John' 111 John' 112 John' 112 John' 112, 113 John' 113 John" 11, -i John" 117, 121 John Beecher" 116, 119 John Beecher" 123 John Holt' 11,-;, 118 John Tavlor Gilman' 114 Jonathan' 112 Joseph' 112 Joseph' 113 Joseph" 116, 120 Joseph Sidney" 118 Joseph Woodman' 110, 114 Josijh' 112 Josiah' 112 Josiah' 113 Josiah' 113, 240 Jo«iah' 114, 115 Judith' 112 Judith' 112 Judith G. (Moore) 118, 251 Julia" 120, 123 INDEX. 373 EMERY (cont.) Julia A. (Beecher) 115 Julia (Morehouse) 121 Katie L." 121 Lavinia D. (Evans) 119 Lawrence E," 121 Lilly' 116 Lois (Cutler) 115 Louis L." 121 Louisa (Bradley) 35, 114 Lucy A. A, (Hosmer) 114 Lucy Caroline 12 Lydia 30 Lydia' 112 Lydia' 112, 113 Lydia' 113 Lydia' 113 Lydia (Coombs) 117 Lydia (Emery) 113 Lydia (Whitesidel 117 Mahala (Hoit) 115 Margaret Sickel" 120 Maria M.' 117 Martha 73 Martha" 114 Martha" 119 Martha A. (Stiles) 117 Martha P.» 116 Mary 112 Marys 112 Mary* 112 Mary' 113 Mary' 113 Mary' 114 Mary' 115 Mary Clarinda" 110, 118 Mary E. (Sydney) 118 Mary Elizabeth 282 Mary EUzabeth' 115 Mary J. (Fuller) 118 Mary Jane' 116 Mary (March) 112 Mary Maud' 117 Mary(Moore) 117 Mary(Peverly) 114, 281 Mary Ruckman" 119 ' Mary (Sanborn) 114 Mary (Sa-wyer) 112 Mary (Shatswell) Webster 112 Mary Stark 36 Mary Stewart" 120 Mary (Webster) 112 Mattie" 121 Mehitable« 113 Mehitable C. (Clough) 73 Mehitable (Short) 112, 113 Michael' 113 MUdred Elizabeth" 30, 122 MiUard F.' 30, 118, 122, 333 Miriam' 112 Mittie C. (Clough) 117 Mittie Louise' 117 Moody" 113 Moody' 49, 114, 115, 334 Molly' 113 Moses' 113 Moses" 113 Moses' 113 Moses' 116, 117 Moses M." 115, 118, 251, 259 Nancy' 114, 116 Nathan" 113 Nathan' 113, 114, 240, 282 EMERY (cont.) Nathan' 36, 114, 115, 281 Nathan' 117 Nathan" 116 Nathaniel' 113 Nathaniel' 113 Nathaniel' 114 Paul' 117 Rachel Evans" 119, 122 Rebecca' 113 Rebecca (Haines) 117 Rebecca (Woodman) 113, 240 Rose (Holden) 120 Ruth' 112 Ruth (Jaques) 112, 113 Sally Blanchard 28 Samuel 183 Samuel' 112 Samuel* 112 Samuel' 113 Samuel' 115, 117 Samuel Louis 73 Sarah 125 Sarah' 112 Sarah' 112 Sarah' 113 Sarah' 113 Sarah' 114 Sarah (Bqrtlett) 113 Sarah Elizabeth' 117 Sarah Fr.ances" 118 Sarah (Moodv) 113 Sarah M. (Gariand) 115 Sarah (Sargent) 114 Stephen' 112, 113 Stephen' 112, 113 Stephen' 113 Stephen' 113 Stephen' 114 Stephen M.' 114 Stephen M.' 115, 118, 317 Susan' 114 Susan' 114 Susan' ] 17 Susan (Haines) 116 Susan Rebecca' 115 Susan W. (Shadle) 123 Susan (Whidden) 49, 115, 334 Vinette' 118, 122 WUUam H.' 117 William Leas" 120 WilUam Vanderbilt" 116, 1-20 William Vanderbilt" 123 EMMONS Frances E. (Hall) 91 Louisa Mae 91 William B. 91 ESTERBROOK Submit 300 ESTY Hannah (Leonard) 232 Meredith 232 Solomon 232 EVANS Ann 67 Anne 203 Clara 199 Donald 102 Ernest E. 102 Eliza Jane 343 EUzabeth (Huntoon) 199 Ethel (Morse) 102 Frank 199 Fred 199 Fred Walter 102 EVANS (cont.) John 343 Lavinia D. 119 Martha E. (Rolfe) 121 Mary Eliza 121 Nancy (Avery) 343 Natt Gale 121 Orren 199 Orville J. 121 Phebe (Moore) 252 Trueworthy 252 Wallace Harold 102 EVELETH Hannah J. (Brown) 75 Samuel 75 EVERETT Carrie Foote 109 Chariotte M. 171 James H. 117 John 45 Julia A, 260 Mercy (Brown) 45 Susan Emery 117 WUliam Henry 171 WiUiam M. 171 FALLON Catharine (Stanton) 346 Edward J. 346 FARMER Lucy (Foss) 317 WUliam 317 FARNAM Mary (CogsweU) 87 Simeon 87 FARNSWORTH Amelia 81 Harriet (Fancher) 81 Whitcomb 81 FARNUM Moody S. 319 Nancy V. (Stevens) 319 Sarah 52 FARRAR Algia Josephine 93 Georgia N. (Dalton) 93 John Warren 93 Rebecca 100 Sallv G. 144 Stephen 103 FARRINGTON Apphia (Bradley) 36 Stephen 35 FAVOR Mary G. (Davis) 98 Moses W. 98 FAY Augustus 324 Elvira A. (Batchelder) San born 342 FEDERHEN Herbert M. Jr. 151 Herbert M.' 151 Laura M. (Foster) 151 FELLOWS Abby J. (Weston) 125 Abigail' 124 Adonijah' 124 Adonijah' 125 Anne' 124 Augusta A. (FeUows) 125 Augusta Ann 125 Augusta Caroline' 125 Benjamin' 124 Bertha May' 125 Betsey 330 Charles L. 3 David' 124 Ebenezer' 124 374 INDEX. FELLOWS (cont.) Ebenezer' 124 Ebenezer' 126 EUzabeth' 124 EUzabeth' 125 EUzabeth (BlaisdeU) 124 Elizabeth (CampbeU) Ad ams 2 Elizabeth' Emery 125, 145 EUen A. (Nudd) 272 EUura H. (Weston) 125 EmUy MorrUl' 125 Ensign Sargent" 125 Frank F. 272 Franklin' 125 Gertrude EUura' 125 Hezekiah' 124 Hezekiah' 125 James' 126 James Harris' 126 Jane M. (Smith) 125 John' 124 Joseph' 124 Martha J. (Macurdy) 125 Mary 272 Mary H.' 126, 146 Mary (Tucker) Keniston 124 Moses' 124 Moses' 124 Moses' 125 Moses Augustus' 125 Parmelia' 125 Parmelia F. (Senter) 125 Pierce' 125 PoUy* 125 Reuben' 125 Reuben Lyman' 125 Samuel' 125 Sarah 125, 336 Sarah' 125 Sarah Ann" 125 Sarah (Emery) 125 Sarah (Stevens) 124 Susan Emery" 101, 125 Weldon' 125 FERGUSON Agnes Ann 73 EUza Goodwin 176 FERNALD AbigaU 276 Andrew P. 10 Charles 10 Martha 10 Polly (Blanchard) 23. 27 Statira Manning (Ayers) 10 Susan (Gerrish) 158 Thomas 23 True O. 158 FERRIER Clara K. (Foster) 152 John WUfred" 152 Raymond WUfred 152 Susan E. (Chase) 64 WUliam 64 FICHTEL CarlF. 166 EUzabeth (Dolde) 156, 157 Martha J. 156 FICKETT Luther 185 Mabel H. (Mason) 186, 227 Sarah 185 Weston L. 186. 227 FIELD Anna Eastman 162 EUzabeth 204 Mrs. 331 FIELDS Elizabeth 260 FIFE Alfred 109 Mary J. (Dow) 109 FIFIELD AbigaU 246 Benjamin P. 306 Benjamin P., Jr. 306 Carrie A. 121 Catharine (Young) 345 Edna E, (Scales) 306 John W. 345 Lydia (MerrUl) 306 Mary 172 FINCH Abbie (MerrUl) 169 James R. 6 Jennette 6 FISHER Elmer George 63 Betsey 214 Brancy 213 Fred 344 Mertie 344 Mertie (Young) 344 Sue M. (Jefferson) 63 William 214 FISK Abira' 126 Arthur' 126 Bernard E. 126 Bertha A.' 126 DeUa F.' 126 Dorothy M.' 126 Eunice 126 Francis A.' 126 George A.' 126 Ida M.' 126 Mary' 126 Mary A. B. (Carter) 126 Sarah J. (Piper) Addison 126 Sophronia OeUa 4 Stella A. C. (Forsythe) 126 Stella F.' 126 Sylvia D.' 126 WilUam F.' 126 FISKE Charles D. 251 Ella F. (Haines) 251 FITTS Charles 256 Clara 223 Flora A. (Lyford) Rowe 223 George 223 MaryE. 316 Marj'E. (Morrill) 256 FITZGERALD 35 Bridget 24 Rufus 78 Sarah M. (Learned) Clough 78 FLAGG EUza 251 Marv ] 67 FLANDERS Adeline 8 Agnes Blanche 336 Charlotte H. (Whidden) 336 Enoch A. 335. 336 FLANDERS (cont.) Eva 244, 336 Enos G. 335 Frank 268 Jacob" 67 Loanda (Sanborn) 296 Martha (Clough) 67 Mary E. (Neal) 268 MaryE. (Rogers) 294 Mehitable 68 NeUie 268 Percy H, 294 Rhoda (Glines) 244 Rufus 296 Geoige Thomas 336 Susan 187, 336 Susannah (Adams) 335 FLETCHER Abbie' 127 Abbie' 127 Albert MorrUl' 129 Alberto.' 128,129 Annette" 65, 128 Annette Derby" 128 Annie Belle' 129 Annie E. (Brown) 129 Annie G. (Burt) 129 Arianna" 128 Arthur Josiah" 129 BaUey' 127 Bersheba' 127 Betsey (Morrill) 127 CaroUne 127 Catherine P. (Orr) 127 Charles 282 Charies Desmond' 129 Charles H ' 65. 128 Charles WUliam" 128 Cora Belle' 128 Daniel' 126 Daniel' 126 Daniel' 32, 127 Edgar John' 129 Elijah' 127 Elijah' 127 Eliza' 127 Eliza Ann 222 EUzabeth EUa' 128 Emma Achsa' 129 Eugene Desmond' 129 Eunice (Prescott) 128 Eva Marguerite' 129 George MorriU" 128, 129, 169 George Washington' 128, 129 Gideon' 126 Hannah 71 Hannah' 127 Hannah ("i^oung) Potter 128 Harold George" 129 Hattie C. (Colby) 129 Horace Frank" 128, 129 Ida M. (Cook) 129 Irena .4,5 127 Irena (Palmer) 127 Iva May" 128 James' 126 James' 127 Jane' 127 Joanna' 126 Joaima' 12*7 Jeannette (Ordway) 128 Joel 173 John' 126 John' 127 John' 127 John Maurice" 128 INDEX. 375 FLETCHER (cont.) JohnT." 128 Joshua' 126 Joshua' 126, 127 Josiah' 126 , Josiah Shawl 127, 128 Kirk Henry' 127 Laura E. 129 Laura May' 129 Lavina 192 Lavina A,' 127 Lavina Ina' 129 Leavitt' 127 LiUa B. (Grover) 129, 169 LUlie E. (Desmond) 129 Louisa (Prescott) 128 Lucina J. C. (HUl) 128 Lucina Jane' 128 Lucinda J. C. (HUl) 192 Lucy A. (Adams) 128 Lucy J. (Peveriy) 65, 128, 282 Lucy May' 129 Margaret (Boyce) 32, 127 Mary 275 Mary (Haines) Brackett 173 Mary Jane' 127 Micajah' 127 Minerva B. (Laws) 129 MorriU 192 Nancy* 127 Nancy Jane' 129 Nancy (Sinclair) 127 PoUy* 127 Robert 126 Samuel' 126 Samuel' 127 Sarah' 127 Sarah' 127 Susan' 127 Susan' 127 True W.s 127 Warren Stone" 129 WUUam' 127 WUUam* 127 WiUiam MorriU" 128 FLINN Adelaide 139 Charles E. 139 Edward Roy 139 Emma (Foster) 139 Mary R. 139 WUkie 1.39 FLINT Sarah 165 FLYNN Lois 270 FOGG George O. 185,280 Gladys Perkins 185, 280 Jason 21 Mabel (Harper) 185 Mabel (Perkins) 280 Myra 185 Myrtie (Jones) 21 Robert Stevens 185 Samuel 280 Stephen 185 FOLLANSBEE Ann 59 Rebecca 59 FOLLETT Deborah (Lyford) 218 FOLSOM Betsey 321 Hannah (Gilman) 218, 219 FOLSOM (cont.) John 218 Judith (Lyford) 219 Lydia 219 Mary (Gilman) 218 Sarah (Lyford) 218 Susanna 35 WUliam 219 FOOTE Gertrude E. (ArUn) 8 Jessie A. 292 Walter A. 8 FOOTMAN Catharine 230 Thomas 230 FORD Adoniram 298 Bernice (Chaplain) 57 Edward 57 Ellen 248 Sarah (EUsworth) 298 Sarah Luella 298 FORESMAN Helen E. 123 John Emery 123 John H. 123 Julia (Emery) 123 Sarah EUzabeth 123 Seth T. 123 FOREST Susan 209 FORREST Adelaide Eliza 6 Agnes' 130 Almira F. (Ames) 6 Anna' 130 Anna (EUison) 130 Betsey 43, 291 Betsey* 130, 290 Betsey Brown" 130 Charles G.* 130 Clara 37 Clarrissa Chase' 130 Climena B.' 36, 136 Dorothy* 130 Dorothy (Worthen) 43, 130 Dubia 129 Eleanor 1,59 Elinor' 130 EUnor (Gibson) 130 Franklin* 130 Gustavus Ames 6 Hannah 37 Hannah' 130 Hannah (Brown) 43. 130 Hannah HaU' 130 Jacob' 130 James' 130 James M.' 130 James Madison 6 Jane' 130 Jane' 130 Jeremiah' 43, 130 John' 129, 130 John' 130 John E.' 130 John' 130 Lvdia' 130 Margaret' 129, 244 Mehitable' 130 Nancy' 129 Nancy' 130 Nancy M.' 130 Peggy (Cross) Sanborn 130 PoUyi 86, 130 Robert' 129. 130 Robert' 130 FORREST (cont.) Sally* 130 Sally A.' 130 Sally (Simonds) 130 Sarah (EUison) 291 Sarah (Gibson) 130 Sarah N. (Huy) 130 Sarah (McDonald) 130 Sidney' 130 Statira' 130 Susan' 130 Susan M. 48 Susan Sargent 6 WiUiam' 129 WilUam' 86, 129 WUUam' 43, 130, 291 ' WUUam' 130 WUUam Eastman' 130 FORT Edna D. 257 FORSAITH SteUa 167 FORSYTH Ann 265 Robert 265 FORSYTHE Henry A. 126 Mary E. 126 Stella A . Cleveland 126 FOSS Abigail 166, 241 Blanche (James) 203 C. Robert 317 Carrie T. 289 Charles 317 Chariotte 241 Dorothy (Batchelder) 241 EUza (Cressey) 289 Isaac 241 Lillian E. 199 Love 167 Lucy 317 Mary A. (Squiers) 317 Mayland P. 203 Robert 167 Samuel 289 Thomas 289 Thomasine (Lackey) 289 FOSTER Abby (Kelley) 140, 141 Abel KimbaU' 140, 147 Abiah' 135 Abiel' 85, 133, 134, 168, 191, 249, 256 Abiel" 53, 134, 138, 182, 318 Abiel' 138, 144 Abiel Abbott' 144, 148 AbigaU" 135, 283 AbigaU' 137 Adams' 136, 140 Addie' 144, 146 Addie (Baker) 142 Addie F. (Jenkins) 152 Addison G. 132 Adelaide EUza' 142 Adelaide Mae (Adams) 2 AdeUa' 146 Alanson' 145 Albert' 152 Albert W.s 151 Albertus E." 143 Alired « 144 Alfred Fuller" 148 Alfred H.« 144, 148 AUce" 150 Alice E. (Morrison) 152 Almira J. 309 AUa Wright" 142 376 INDEX. FOSTER (cont.) Alonzo' 145, 1.50 Alpharetta (Jewell) 142 Alphonso" 146 Alta May" 150 Alvira (Coe) WZ Ammi Euh.ama' 140, 147 Ann Maria" 140 Anna Augusta' 147 Anna E. (Field) 152 Anna (Newlin) 143 Annibec P. (\^ ymant 153 Argyle Kittredge" 154 Arthur K." 151 Arthur MastenJ 137, 144 Arthur Myron" 152 Asa' 35, 131, 132, 133 Asa" 133, 134, 255 Asa" 134, 135, 136, 265 Asa Eastman' 136,140 Asa Eastman' 140,148 Augusta Caroline' 138 Augusta Caroline' 146, 288 Benjamin Osgood' 139, 145 Bessie AUce" 152 Betsey' 135 Betsey' 138 Betsey (MorriU) 137 Betsey Sanborn 137 Blanche (Byham) 143 Blanche (Smith) 148 Carl Hosea 2 Carohne' 137, 139 Caroline (Chad-wick) 136 Caroline (Crocker) 147 Caroline Elizabeth" 116, 140 Carrie" 144 Cassius' 142 Catherine 114 Catherine' 138 Catherine (Whitney) 145, 338 Charles 8, 57 Charles' 137, 142 Charles' 142 Charles' 142, 143 Charles Addison' 149, 152 Charles G." 149 Charles Henry 313 Charies Henry' 139, 145 Charles Henry' 147 Charles Thomas' 151, 153 Charles Tyler' 140 Charles WiUiam' 140 • Charlotte' 137, 247 Clara' 148 Clara Amelia' 162 Clara EUzabeth' 147 Clara Kenney" 152 Clara M. (Dole) 147 Clarence Leroy' 152 Clarissa' 137 Clifford Hall" 148 Cora" 143 Cora E. (Whiting) 146, 151 Cordelia' 143 CordeUa C. (Hoyle) 142 CorneUa Chase' 148 Cyras Parker" 140 Daniel' 133, 135 Daniel" 135, 138 Daniel K.' 138, 145, 149 Dai.=y M, (Pringle) 143 David 49 David' 133, 135 David" 135, 139 FOSTER (cont.) David' 140 David Judd' 148 David Morrill 116, 137, 142 Deane Kittredge" 152 DeUa C. 23 Dorcas' 135 EddyM.' 152 Edith Rosalie' 148 Edward-i 146, 147 Edward" 143 Edward Augustus' 140 Edward Henry' 147 Edward Horatio' 140 Edward Horatio' 142,147, 148 Edward Horatio' 152 Edward Lord" 148 Edmund Greenleaf 139 Eleanor" 153 Eliza H. (Small) 313 EUza J. (AlUson) 142 EUzabeth 283 EUzabeth' 133 Ehzabeth" 135 EUzabeth' 138, 139 Elizabeth A. (Harnden) 132, 133 EUzabeth B. (Vaughan) 146 EUzabeth (Childs) 146 EUzabeth E. (Fellows) 125, 145 193 EUzabeth (Lockey) 143 EUzabeth (Symonds) 139 EUa" 144, 146 EUa' 149 EUa E. (FuUer) McCouts 148 Ella M. (MerriU) 148 EUen' 143, 144 Ellen (French) 142 EUery Alonzo" 153 Elmer" 142 Emily' 142 Emily (Galpin) 142 Emily P." 146 Emma 8 Emma' 139 Emma (Eastman) 148 Emma EUza' 140 Emma J. (Chase) 149 Eva" 143, 149 Eva G. (HiU) 151, 153 Evelyn" 143 Fannie P." 160 Fannie W. (Osborne) 153 Fenton Judson" 150 FideUa' 145 Finette' 140 Finette Augusta' 152 Finette F. (Lancaster) 147 Flora A.' 146 Florence Alma 8 Florence Ethel" 152 Frances Almena" 147 Frances EUzabeth' 145 Frank" 142 Frank" 152 Frank Albert 313 Frank W." 143 FrankUn' 139, 146 Fred Addison" 152, 154 Fred M." 162 Fred S.' 143 Galen' 137 George Lancaster" 162 George J." 149 FOSTER (cont.) George James' 140 George Richardson' 151, 153 George Taylor' 160, 152 George W.' 139, 147 George WilUam' 140 Georgia Ann" 149 Georgia B. (Colby) Clough 152 Gladys Marion 154 Gordon Chase" 153 Grace' 143 Grace B. (Woodbury) -152, 164 Gust' 149 Guy' 143 H. Frank' 143 H. Louise' 149 Halesia (Sperry) 153 Hannah 209, 301 Hannah' 85, 134, 135 Hannah' 136, 137 Hannah (Badger) 85, 134 Hannah (Carter) 49, 139 Hannah EUza' 139 Hannah K." 145 Hannah K. (French) 145 Hannah (Kittredge) 135 Hannah (Peters) 134 Hannah (Symons) 134 Harold Edward" 152 Harriet" 146 Harriet (Bracket) 138 Harriet (KendaU) 139, 146 Harriet S. (Dole) 147 Harriet W.' 151 Harrison' 136 Harrison Earl' 140 Henry Bradley' 139 Harry Emerson' 148 Hattie Jane 147 Helen' 144 Helen EUzabeth" 148 Helen Frances' 147 Helen Maria' 144 Henrietta (Brown) 151 Henry" 144 Henry " 152 Henry Bradley' 147 Henry James" 152 Henry L.' 146, 151 Hettie V. (Brandon) 148 Hiram' 137, 142 Hiram' 143 Hiram' 143 Hiram L. Begg" 144 Hiram P." 143 Horatio' 143 Horatio MorriU' 143 Horatio O.' 146 Ildagerte May" 152 Imogene'" 153 Inez L.» 162 Isabel" 149 Isabel J.8 144 Ivy (Batchelder) 313 J. Flora" 150 Jacob" 162 James' 134, 137 James Caleb' 147, 152 James Elmer' 146- James Gilman' 137 Jane (Sheldon) 144 Jennie (SmUey) 148 Jennie (Turner) 149 Jeremiah' 137 Jeremiah C,« 135, 139 INDEX. 377 FOSTER (cont.) Jeremiah Clough' 146, 151 JeweU E." 142 John' 133 John" 135, 140 John C 145 John C 150 John Carter' 139, 147 John Gray 203 John Hubbard' 139, 145 John MarshaU' 146 John Pingry' 147 John Roy' 147 John Samuel' 140 John Taylor GUman' 137 John Wheeler" 149, 152 Jonathan 5, 209 Jonathan' 133, 135 Jonathan" 135 Jonathan' 146 Jonathan B.' 139, 288 Jonathan Bradley 126 Jonathan Bradley" 151, 153 Joseph' 135 Joseph' 138, 139, 144, 146 Joseph A.8 146, 151 Joseph Addison' 145, 149 Joseph Adolphus' 144 Joseph H.' 152 Joseph Hubbard' 139 Joseph Moody' 126, 145, 193 Josephine (Roberts) 147 Joshua Lane' 146, 149 Julia A. (Worthington) 148 JuUa Amelia' 148 Kate Worthington' 148 Karl Maitland' 162 Kenneth Richardson" 153 Lafayette Sabine 132 Laura Merrill' 161 Leaner (Chaplain) 57 Lena B. (ArUn) 8 Leo A.9 152 Leroy AUison' 142, 148 Lewis Worthington" 148 LUiette' 147 LUUe' 144 Lizzie V.' 160 Louisa (Aldrich) 145 Luce H." 142 Lucinda' 137 Lucinda M. (Pear) 49, 150 Lucius Gust" 145 Lucretia (Gale) 149 Lucy 5 Lucy' 133 Lucy' 135 Lucy' 139 Lucy' 146 Lucy' 148 Lucy (Rogers) 135 Lucy (Rogers) Wise 132 Lucy WUson' 136, 340 LueUa J. (Taylor) 152 Lydia Lane 145 Lyman B.' 145, 149 Lyman Beecher" 150, 153 Mabel' 143 Mabel C.» 152 Mabel Flora' 14S Mabel (Whitney) 152 MabeUe EUa' 152 Madge Arietta" 153 Maitland P.' 147, 152 Malcolm Hill" 153 Maria (Chickering) 140 FOSTER (cont.) Maria Eliza' 140 Martha" 72, 134 Martha' 137, 158 Martha" 142 Martha J. (Shepard) 143 Martha Jane' 138 Martha Jane" 146 Martha Kittredge' 139 Mary" 134 Mary' 137 Mary" 139 Mary A. (Kenney) 149 Mary E. (Hooper) 145 Mary E. (Jones) 203 Mary Emma' 149 Mary Frances' 139 Mary (French) Brown 145 Mary Gertrude" 140 Mary H. (Fellows) 125, 146 Mary Helen' 146, 288 Mary J.' 146 Mary (Lierd) 143 Mary (McCriUis) 238 Mary (Pennock) 143 Mary Pingry 147 Mary (Reginald) 134 Mary Rogers" 148 Mary (Rogers) 134 Mary S. (HiU) 145 Mary (Sawyer) 142 Maude A. W. (Camp) 148 Maude E.' 152 Maude (Harrington) 143 Maude M, (Perry) 151, 153 May (Sandrock) 163 Mehitable' 134 Mehitable' 136 Melissa G.' 145 Mercy (MorriU) 140 Mercy (Porter) 139 MUton Layman" 150, 153 Minda M,' 145, 258 Minerva M. (Means) 144 Miriam' 137 MoUy 53 Moses Augustus' 146, 151 Moses Augustus" 163 Moses Brown' 140 Myron C 49, 145, 150 Nancy" 135, 168 Nancy' 138, 182 Nancy B. (Sibley) 147 Nancy H. 260 Nancy M." 145 Nathan Emery 142 Nathan T. 313 Nathaniel' 136 Nellie Augusta' 152 Nellie Cora" 151 NeUie M. (Bennett) 151 NeweU Abbott' 137, 142 NeweU K." 140, 148 Newman S. 203 Orietta Augusta' 147 ParmeUa (Judd) 144 Paul' 162 Pearson MorriU' 137 Perley 203 Peter' 137 Polly' 138 PoUy S. (HiU) 192, 258 Reginald 131, 132 Reginald" 153 Reginald Smith" 148 Rhoda (Beaman) 134 Rinaldo Brackett' 145, 149 FOSTER (cont.) Robert Adams 2 Roland Addison" 154 Rowena (Wheelock) 144 Ruth' 135 Ruth" 162 Ruth A. (Richardson) 161 Ruth Chickering 137 Ruth M. (Pingry) 147 Ruth Maude" 148 Ruth (Tilton) 142 Sally G. (Farrar) 144 Samuel 8 Samuel H,« 135, 139 Samuel Henry' 140 Samuel Rogers' 139 Sara Laura" 144 Sarah 135 Sarah" 35, 133, 142 Sarah" 134, 136 Sarah' 136, 138, 139 Sarah' 142, 146 Sarah Almena" 147 Sarah B. (Eastman) 140 Sarah B. (Robertson) 142 Sarah C. (Weston) 151 Sarah (Dearborn) 139 Sarah E." 148 Sarah E. (Perkins) 149 Sarah Elizabeth" 144 Sarah (Foster) 136 Sarah (Kimball) 140 Sarah Maria' 140 Sarah (MorriU) 136 340 Sarah Robertson 116 Sidney' 146 Simeon" 135, 138 Simeon B.' 138, 145, 192, 258 Sophia (Smith) 152 Sophia (Steele) 148 Sophia (West) 150 Stephen Bartlett' 139, 147 Stephen Barttett' 147 Stephen Perkins" 149, 152 Stephen Symonds' 137, 140, 141 Susan Amelia" 144 Susan Augusta' 145, 193 Susan E." 144 Susan Elizabeth' 146 Susannah" 134 Susanna' 138, 139, 318 Susannah (Bradley) 139 Susanna (Moore) 63, 138, 182, 249, 318 Susanna CWorthen) 138 Timothy" 49, 135, 139 Tomas' 137 Victoria G. (Moore) Whit ney 251 Warren Bradley" 153 Welthy A. (Wolcott) 153 Wesley Sherman' 150, 153 Winnefred (McGunty) 143 Wilham' 132 WiUiam' 132 WiUiam' 134, 137, 266 WiUiam" 142 William F." 147 William H. 251 William H' 146 WiUiam Harrison' 138, 145, 338 William Harrison' 150 WiUiam Henry H.' 137, 144 WilUam Pingry 147 378 INDEX. FOULSHAM see FOLSOM FOWLE Henrietta 345 FOWLER Addie E. (Brown) 44 Asa 177 CaroUne Phebe 44 Charies E. 44 Edgar O. 44 Ethel WaUcer 177 Frank 44 George R. 177 Hadley 44 Isabel (Minot) 177 Josiah Minot 177 Martha L. (Parsonsi) 177 Mary Pickering 177 Robert 177 RosaUe G. (Mclntyre) 177 FOX Lucia M. 227 FRAME Edna EUzabeth' 154 James' 154 James' 154 ^ Jane (Paterson) 154 Janet Pettigrew' 154 Jeanie' 164 Minnie P. (Gale) 154 Minnie Frances 156 Robert' 154, 156 Susan HamUton' 164 FRANZEN Anna A. 86 FREEMAN Marion 109 FRENCH AbigaU 224 Alcina 202 Andrew 118 Anna Maria' 165 Asa Milton' 155 Asa Milton' 165 Asenath (Sawyer) 155 Augustus 118 Betsey' 155 Burley' 154 Charles 201 Charles L. 49, 118 Edward J.' 165 EUza P. (Moore) 249 Elizabeth' 164 Ellen 142 Emma' 165 Emma E. 249 Enoch 107 Frances E. (Foster) HUe- man 145 Frances M. (Garrett) 155 Francis Garrett' 155 Francis Sawyer' 156 George W. 249 George W., Jr. 249 Georgia H. 118 Hannah 48, 198 Hannah' 154 Hannah (Emery) 49, 118 Hannah K. 145 Hannah (Russell) 154 Hannah (Wallace) 107 Hazel ArdeUe 205 Henrietta S. 107 Henry L. A. 78 Herbert Sawyer' 156 Hiram 78 Horace 249 Isaac L.' 154 James' 154 James' 164, 269 FRENCH (cont.) James' 154 James Francis' 155, 337 Jeremiah 201 Jonathan Brooks' 154 John F. 205 John Welch 206 JuUa (IngaUs) 201 Lizzie Hall 205 Lloyd Reginald 205 Lucinda 248 Mahale' 155 Martha C. 49, 287 Mary' 154 Mary (Batchelder) 78 Mary S. (Jones) 205 Maud Anna" 155 Moses J. 202 Nancy 337 Nancy' 155 Nancy (Sargent) 287 Nancy Sargent (Carter) 49 Nathan 145 NelUe 118 Nellie Frances 202 Olive 155, 269 Olive (Sawyer) 154, 269 Oliver' 154 Reuben T. W. 201 Ruth Evelyn 205 Sally' 154 Samuel 49, 118, 287 Sarah' 154 Sarah Angie 78 Sarah (Brooks) 154 Sarah E. 49 Sarah E. (Wiggin) 156, 337 Sarah G. (Clough) 78 Sarah J. (Towle) 205 Susan Ann 205 "Willie Aaron' 156 FRETCH William 252 FROST Ann 22 Charles 10 Mary 22 FULLER Mary J. 118 Mary R. 265 Miriam 10 Sarah (Pepperrell ) 10 FULLERTON Delma Louise 187 Frank 187 Grace Mabelle 187 Lizzie F. (Haynes) 187 LleweUyn 187 Maud 187 Mildred 187 FULLONTON PoUy (Wadleigh) 165, 234 FURBER 239 GAGE Arthur Andrew 302 Belle 30, 333 Charles P. 265 Daniel Webster 302 EUzabeth May 302 EUzabeth S. (Sargent) 161, 301 Fred Valentine 302 Hannah C. (Stevens) - 301 John Chandler 161, 301, 302 GAGE (cont.) Kate L. 302 Laura Knickel 302 Mabel Chandler 302 Martha A. 161,302 Mary Agnes 266 Nancy (Sibley) 265 Sarah (Sargent) 301 WUUam H. 301 GALBREATH Bessie B. (Emery) 123 Frank Lloyd 123 Lloyd 123 Mabel Emery 123 Mary (Lloyd) 123 Myrtle Belle 123 WUUam 123 GALE Achsah (Bailey) 47 Anna Gertrude' 156 Anna Gertrude' 157 Bartholomew' 155 Benjamin 47 Bertha May" 156, 157 Betsey" 166 Betsey (Peaslee) 156 Chester Howard' 156 Clara A. (Adams) 156 Clara (Peaslee) 166, 187, 259 Clarence Harlan' 167 Clarence S." 156, 157, 263 Daniel' 155 Daniel' 165 Daniel' 155 Daniel" 156 DoUy' 156 Ebenezer' 166 Eliphalet' 46, 156, 242, 263 Ehphalet Frank" 156 EUzabeth' 165 Emily Bailey 78 Ethel Ida' 156, 259 Fannie (Bennett) 156 Florence A. 227 George" 156 George Howard" 156 George P. 243 Hannah 166 Hannah (Gale) 156 Jacob 161 Jacob' 155 Jennie F. (Lake) 227 Jessie Clark' 156 John C. 78 Joseph' 155 Joseph Morrill' 157 Laura Ann" 156 LUla (Farrington) 243 LilUan M. (MorriU) 167, 263 Lois (Patten) 150 Lucretia 149 Lydia B. 161 Lydia (Emerson) 161 Lyman" 166 Margaret EUzabeth" 46, 156 Maria R. 78 Martha Anna' 156 Martha J. (Fichtel) 166 Martha Jane" 166 Mary* 155 Mary J, (Merrill) 46, 156, 242 Minnie F. 164, 156 Orison" 150 Patience (Eastman) 155 INDEX. 379 GALE (cont.) Phebe 43 PhUroy Clifton' 157 Rebecca 47 Robert Smith" 156 Sarah Angle" 156 Shuah' 156 Stephen 166 Stephen' 155 Stephen E." 156, 259 Susan' 155 Susan" 156 WUUam' 156 WUUam Clark" 7, 156 WUUam MorriU' 157 Winifred EUzabeth 243 GALLOUPE EUas A. 251 Rebbecca (Haines) 251 GALLOWAY Frederick J. 36 Hannah L. (Bradley) 36 Robert 36 GALPIN AUie 143 Emily 142 GANNON Anna (HUdreth) 41 R. C. 41 GARDNER Josephine Emma 267 Mary A. (Moorehouse) 34, 267 Sophia (Payne) 264 WiUiam 267 GARFIELD James A. 136 GARLAND AbigaU (Garland) 115 Alice (Lucier) 78 Edwin Freeman 78 Ed-win M. 247 Freeman A. 247 Grace F. 247 Martha (Butler) 242 Martha Mariah 242 Mary E. 256 Nathaniel 116, 242 Sadie M. 78 Sarah E. (Moore) 247 Sarah N. 115 Sarah (Taylor) 104 GARMAN M. Jennie 313 Nicholas D. 313 GARNSEY Charles Chester 37 Charles Eugene 37 Charles P. 37 Ellen A. (Bradley) 37 EUen Maud 37 Laura Josephine 37 LiUe Belle 37 Mabelle 37 WUUe Grant 37 GAROUTTE J. V. 117 Sarah (Burke) 117 Sarah E. (Emery) 117 -Thomas Jefferson 117 GARRETT Frances Mary 155 H. W. 155 Mary A. (CoUins) 156 GAY Charles 36 Elmer 36 Eugene 36 Nettie (Bradley) 36 I GEER .\nne 226 Edward 226 GEHM Esther E. (Moore) 246 H. J. 246 GELOW Edna (Emery) 123 Frederika (Strandt) 123 Fritz 123 Harold Emery 123 Herman 123 Robert Fredrick 123 GEORGE Alice May 19 Andrew 311 Fred A. 311 Grace A. (Chase) 311 Jennie 184 Rose A. (Chase) 311 GERRISH 167 Abigail (Cogswell) 158 Ada' 168 Alien' 158 Almira Samantha 13 Apphia A. (MorrUl) 264 Benjamin' 157 Betsey (Clough) 71 Betsey (Patrick) 278 Charles' 158 Cynthia A. 249 Ellen Maria 13 Elizabeth 7, 71 EUzabeth (Foster) 135 Enoch 5, 136, 137 Enoch" 158 Enoch" 158 Enoch' 158 Etta D." 158 Hannah 74, 97 Henry 3, 4, 6, 7, 13, 69 Henry Jr. 135 Henry" 158 Jacob 4, 5 Jane 3 Jane' 158 Jane E. 71 Jane (Sewall) 157 Joanna (Hale) 13, 158 John' 158 John C. 71 Joseph 13 Joseph 278 Joseph' 157 Joseph" 158 Joseph' 158 Judith 71 Judith' 168 Judith (Chandler) 158 Lucien 71 Lucy' 158 Lucy (Noyes) 158 Maria Ames 209 Martha (Chase) 157 Martha (Clough) 69 Martha (Foster) 137, 168 Mary 240, 278 Mary' 168 Mary (Bartlett) 278 Mary (Foster) 135 Mary (Little) 167 Moses 70 Moses' 157 Nathan' 158 NeweU' 158 OUve (Dimock) 168 Quolhobls (Spotcanum) 158 Rhoda B. (Little) 158 GERRISH (cont.) Samuel 71 Samuel' 158 Sarah' 158 Sarah (Ames) 4 Sarah (Chandler) 158 Sarah (Church) 158 Stephen 13, 71 Stephen' 157 Stephen' 158 Stephen" 158 Susan' 158 Susan (Hancock) 13 Susanna (Clough) 70 Thomas 278 WUham 157 GERRY C. F. 76, 178 Charles 178 Eleanor 178 Frank 178 Martha A. (Clough) 76, 178 GETCHELL EUzabeth (Snyder) 316 Ezekiel 316 Ezra B. 316 Huldah (Burbank) 316 GIBSON Abigail' 159 AUce' 160 Ann E. (Clough) 74 Anna (Forrest) 130 Caroline 240 CaroUne' 160, 326 Charles' 160 Elinor 130, 159 EUnor (Forrest) 130, 159 EUen Maria' 161 Elseyi 159 Enoch' 76, 159, 160 Enoch' 72, 160, 161, 240 Frank W." 161, 211 Harriet (Thorne) 160 HoUis' 160 Ida G. (KimbaU) 211 James 130 James' 169 James' 159 Jane (Forrest) 130 Jemima' 159, 160, 323 Jemima (Shepard) 159, 160 Jeremiah 130, 159, 160 John' 160 Lucia' 160 Mary 159 Mary (Chase) 58 Mary (Gibson) 76, 160 Mary (Knowles) 214 Naaman* 159, 160 Nancy* 159 Nancy (Clough) 72, 161 Nancy (McCriUis) Clough 160, 240 Nehemiah' 160 Nehemiah Clough 74 Naomi* 159, 160 Phebe (Tilton) 160 Polly* 159, 160 PoUy' 160 Royal' 159, 160 Sarah 130, 159 Thomas' 159 Thomas' 160 Walter C. 214 GIDDINGS Ann (James) Lyford 220 Eliphalet 220 380 INDEX. GILBERT Blanche M. 265 E. Perry 265 GILE or GUILLE 67 Enoch 220 Ephraim 68 Ezekiel 186, 329 Hannah 67, 68 Joseph 167 Judith (Davis) 94 Lucy Bernard 99 Mark 238 Martha (Bradley) 68 Mary 68 Mary H. (Lyford) 220 Polly (Greenough) 167 Rachel 186 Samuel 68, 94 Sarah (McCrillis) 238 GILES Frank 199 Hannah (Clough) 240 Job 199 Mabel 199 Maria (Nelson) 199 Mary C. 308 Milton 240 GILKEY Annie B. 234 Clara 234 Guy 234 Julia (Mathes) 234 Mary ¦ 234 SaviUian W. 234 WiUiam 234 WiUiam P. 234 GILL Bradbury 52 Daniel 67 Lydia 52 Phebe 253 Rebecca (Straw) 52 Sarah (Clough) 67 GILMAN Albert H. 307 Alice S. (Young) 343 Amanda (Glover) 31 Belle 32 CeUa A. (Glover) 161 Charles Augustus' 29, 31, 161 Eva 0. (Shaw) 307 Elizabeth 298 Elizabeth (Hersey) 219 Frank Augustus' 31, 90, 161 George 343 George' 161 George Henry 31 Grace ArdeU 32 Hannah 218 Hannah Blanchard 29, 31 Herbert L. 42 Joanna 254 James 218 John 41, 272 Judith 219 Judith (Morrill) 266 Julia Ann 28 Lewis 246 Marcia (Hill) 32 Margaret D. (Brown) 42 Margaret J. (Slack) 32 Mary (Ham) 177 Mary Marguerite' 31, 161 Maud W. (Conant) 31, 90, 161 Minnie Ola 32 GILMAN (cont.) Moses 219 ¦Orianna J. (Nudd) 277 Parmelia (Blanchard) 29, 161 Persis (HUl) 41 Ruth 32 Sally 220 Samuel 32, 60, 177, 266 Samuel' 29, 161 Sarah 41 Ward Eugene 307 GILMORE Abbie M. (Batchelder) 20 Abbie M. (Batchelder) Leavitt 196 James M. 20, 196 Jennie 196 Jennie Ida 20 Josephine 196 Josie I. 20 GILPIN Ernest 343 Florence (Wilkinson) 343 GLASSON Constance M. 37 GLEASON Amelia (Scheuttee) 162 Ann (Evans) 203, 233 Arthur Chandler* 161 Arthur Gage' 162 Cynthia 233 Eleanor (Lovering) 203 Fannie Amelia" 162 Frederick Gage' 161, 162 George 292 George H.' 161, 302 George H.' 109, 161 George H." 162 Hannah EUzabeth' 161 Harriet E. (Drew) 109, 161 Henry S." 161 John" 162 Juha 211, 233 Katherine Estelle 161, 292 Lillian Prances' 161, 200 Lydia B. (Gale) 161 Lydia EUen 121 Martha A. (Gage) 161, 292, 302 Martha Hermenia' 162 Mary (Shattuck) 161 Mildred (Davis) 161 Polly (Mather) 233 Silvia 210, 233 Sophia 203 Timothy 203, 211, 233 Timothy, Jr. 233 Zebediah WUliam' 161 GLEESON see GLEASON GLEDNARY Rose 314 Thomas 314 GLIDDEN Asenath 223 Charles 73 Mary 223 Mary Josephine 328 Nancy M. 73 GLINES 164 Abigail 66 Abigail (Chapman) 165 Abigail (McDaniel) 65 Abner 244 Abraham 165 Abraham' 165, 215 GLINES (cont.) Albert A. 293 Alvah H.' 165 Ann' 164 Azuba' 165 Benjamin 165, 293 Benjamin' 164 Bert 51 Betsey (Gile) 241 Charles' 165, 266 Charles A.' 166 Clara Evelyn' 166 Dearborn* 165 Edna Frances" 165 Ellen E.' 166 Electa C. 234 EUza 249 EUza J. (Plummer) 165 EUzabeth 244 Elizabeth' 164 EUzabeth* 166 EUzabeth (Blanchard) 164 Ehzabeth (Moore) 164, 244 Fannie (Calef) 165 Frank A." 165 Fred P.' 165 G. Fred' 166 George A. 293 Hannah (Kimball) 210 Hannah (Kittredge) 244 Harriet* 166 Harriet" 165 Henry 271 Isaac 65, 210 Isaac" 165, 234 Israel' 164 Jacob 166 James' 164 James* 165 Jennie B. Carter (Smart) 51 Jeremiah 244 Jessie P. (Raymond) 166 Job' 166 John' 164 John' 164 John' 164, 165 John W.* 165 Jonathan' 165 Josephine (Nudd) 271 Judah 244 Keziah (Blanchard) 28, 244 Leroy A.' 165 Love (Leavitt) 164 Lulu B. (Reed) Dow 293 Lydia 244 Mabel W.' 166, 236 McDaniel* 164, 165 Martha 215 Martha' 165 Mary! 164 Mary* 165 Mary A. (Morse) 165, 266 Mary (Bassford) 164 Mary (IDearborn) 165 Mary Eunice' 165 Mary (GUnes) 165 Nabby (McDaniel) 165 Nancy* 166 Nancy (Glines) 165 Nathaniel' 164, 244 Neva M. (Randall) 293 Obadiah 244 Polly 165, 244, 320 Polly (Glines) 165 PoUy (Wadleigh) Fullonton 165, 234 Raymond' 165 INDEX. 381 GLINES (cont.) Rhoda 244 Richard' 164 Sally 252 Sally* 165 Samuel 244 Sarah 285 Sarah EUzabeth 271 Sarah (FUnt) 165 Sarah J. (Brown) 41, 165 Sevira 320 Shubael* 165, 320 Smith W.* 41, 165 Susan (McDaniel) 164 William' 162 WilUam' 162 WUUam' 162 WiUiam* 162 GLOVER Abigail (Foss) 166 Amanda 31 Asenath (Willey) 166 Bertina Gladys' 167 Betsey' 167 Celia Amanda 161 Charles Warren 93 Ebenezer 8 Ebenezer' 167 Ebenezer' 167 Harley" 167 Jane 21 John' 166 John' 166 John' 166 John" 166 John Bean* 166 Joseph Clough* 166, 304 Joseph WiUey" 167 Lina May" 167 Love (Foss) 8, 167 " Mary G. (Danforth) Hoyt 93 Miriam (Libby) 166, 304 Nancy Ann' 166, 304 Polly 8 Polly2 167 Sarah' 166 SteUa (Forsaith) 167 Thomas 210 GLYNN Martha 101 GODFREY AbigaU 104 John 94 Sarah 183 GOFFE Ellen A. (Morse) 266 Theodore 266 GOODALE Charlotte 212 JohnH. 212 Josephine B. (Atkinson) 212 GOODELL Nellie E. 196 GOODEN Mehitable 3 GOODHUE Hannah 83 Hannah (Dane) 83 Martha 213 WiUiam, Jr. 83 GOODING EUzabeth 226 Jane B. 252 GOODWIN Abie B. (Scales) 304 Alice Peabody 25 C. E. 10 GOODWIN (co7it.) Ellen M. (Peabody) 25 Hiram Simpson 304 Moses Bradbury 25 Patty 28 Rueben 320 Sarah Ann (Ayers) 10 Sarah B. (Peabody) 25 Susan Austin 25 Susan Ellen 320 William Frederick 25 GOOKIN Eliza 175 Nathaniel 175 GORDON Alice 191 Ann Maria 105 Dora May (Streeter) 321 Harry 321 John 190 Susannah C. 190 GOSS Algia J. (Farrar) 93 Ferne May 93 LiUian Algia 93 Susan 276 William H. 93 GOTT Mary 207 GOVE George F.' 167 Ira N.' 167 Jonathan 249 Mary Ann (Moore) 249 Minnie V. (Holmes) 167 Una H.' 167 Winfield H.' 167 GRACE Jane D. 246 GRAHAM Asa 86 Charles 86 Charles C. 86 James Boggs 120 Lucy A. (CogsweU) 86 Mary E. 86 Mary S. (Emery) 120 Rachel (Morse) 86 Sarah 322 GRANT Caroline M. 188 Elmer D. 267 Eveline H. 257 Hannah DurreU 188 Hugh H. 257 Josephine F. (Hazelton) 257 Margaret F. 257 Samuel 188 GRAVES Arthur F. 214 Cora (Robinson) 21 Helen McG. (Ayers) 17 Jane PhUlips 17 Katharine 17 Robert John 17 Susie M. (Knowles) 214 GRAY Edward James 122 Edward James, Jr. 119 EUzabeth (Seavey) 224 Emma 42 Etta (Stark) 122 Eva 119 Eva V. (Emery) 119 Evalyn 122 Georgianna S. 87 Lewis 87 Margaret 27 GRAY (cont.) Marguerite 122 Mary 27 Matilda C. 87 Polly (Moore) 2.51 Robert 220 Rus.sell 224 Susanna (Lyford) 220 WilUam Emery 119, 122 WilUam Emery, Jr. 122 WUlis 251 GREELEY Abbie (Currier) 246 Joseph 211 Lydia Leavitt 211 Mary 247 Pitt 246 GREELY Eliza Burns 225 GREEN Abbie L. 283 Adaline 79 Adaline (Clough) 79 Andria Helen 79 Charles Clough 79 Charles O. 79 Edgar Stuart 79 George 269 Helen L. (AUis) 269 Helen Maud 79 Kathryn 79 Mary (Hussey) 103 Rebecca 330 Will Hodgdon 79 GREENE J. J. 285 Sarah E. (Pickard) 285 GREENLEAF Anna (Young) 343 Ethel 343 Jason 343 GREENOUGH Abigail' 168 AbigaU (Chadwick) 167 Abigail (Israel) 167 Ann Foster 168 Caleb' 168 Caroline (Smart) 168 Catherine" 168 Charles* 168 Charles Richard" 168 E. A. 297 Ebenezer' 167 Ebenezer" 167 Elbridge Flagg* 168 Elizabeth' 168 EUzabeth R. (Eastman) 168 Ellen Noyes* 168 Emily Kingsman 168 Frederick 135 Frederick William* 168 Henry* 168 Henry Pollard* 168 Henry W." 168 James' 167 John' 135, 167, 168 John Bridge* 168 Jonathan* 168 Jonathan C. 64 Joseph Clough* 168 Lorana 41 Louis P. E.» 168 Lucia Maria* 168 Lurana C* 168 Maria L. A. 297 Maria L. (Sanborn) 297 Mary* 135, 168 Mary (Bridge) 168 382 INDEX. GREENOUGH (cont.) Mary (Flagg) 167 Nancy (Foster) 135, 168 Polly' 167 Richard' 71, 167, 168 Samuel F.* 168 Sarah Carohne* 168 Sarah (Clough) 71, 168 Susan H. (Temple) 168 Sylvester* 168 Symonds' 167 William' 167 GREGG AUce (Foster) 150 GRIFFIN Flora B. (Davis) 100 George T. 100 Martha Jane 285 GRIGG Jessie Eva 210 Thomas 210 GROSS Eva G. (Small) 313 Otto A. 313 GROVER Amelia (Braley) 129, 169 Andrew 270 Andrew Taylor" 169 Betsey' 169 Dorcas (MerriU) 169, 306 Edmund' 169, 305 Hannah' 169 Hattie' 169 James' 169 Jennie' 169 .lennie Maude" 169 Laura (KimbaU) 169, 270 LilUe BeUe" 129, 169 Linnie 169 Lydia2 169 Mehitable (Lake) 169, 215 Nancy' 169 Nellie J. (Logan) 169 Oliver Benjamin' 129, 169 Polly' 169 Roxanna' 169, 306 Sally' 169 Samuel' 169 Sarah' 169 Stephen' 169, 216 Woodburj-* 169 GUILFORD Lizzie 62 GUMB Isabelle 261 GUTHRIE George N. 30 i Sarah Ehzabeth 30 Sarah (McFarland) 30 Stephen 31 GUY Martha (Clough) 70 GUYUP Viola B. 37 HACKETT AUen* 170 Allen' 170 Anna' 170 Apphia' 170 Asa' 11, 170 Bessie BeU' 171 Betsey' 170 Betty' 170 Bradbury' 170 Bradbury' 170 Charles' 170 Charles Alfred" 170 HACKETT (cont.) Chauncey Craven' 171 Daniel" 170 Dorothy' 170 Dorothy (Allen) 170 Ebenezer' 162 Ebenezer* 160 Eliza Ann" 170 Eliza Ann (Hackett) 170 Ellen L.' 170 Ephraim' 162 Ephraim' 170 Ephraim* 170 Ezra' 170 Frank Warren' 171 Frank Wilbur 170 George Washington' 170 Hannah (Ring) 169 Hezekiah* 170 Hiram Stephen' 170 Ida (Craven) 171 Jeremiah 113 Jeremiah* 170 Jeremiah' 170 Jeremiah" 170 Jeremiah Carlton 170 Jeremiah Mason" 170 John' 169 Judah' 169 Katherine' 169 Luther Allen" 170 Lydia (Emery) 113 Mary* 170 Mary Anna' 170 Mary Gertrude' 171 Mary Jane" 170 Mary (Young) 170 Mary W. (Healey) 171 Miriam* 170 Miriam' 170 Nancy Young" 170 Nathaniel Ambrose" 170 Olive (Pickering) 171 Patty' 170 Polly' 170 Polly (Robinson) 170 Sally" 170 Sally" 170 Sarah' 169 Sarah (Barnard) 169 Sophronia (Clifford) 66 Sukey' 170 Susannah (Stevens) 11, 170 WaUace' 171 WUliam' 169 WiUiam' 169 WiUiam Henry' 170 William Henry Young" 170 William Henry Young" 171 HADLEY EUzabeth (Moore) 251 Eugene Page 62 George W. 251 Hannah B. 216 Ida Belle 237 Josephine (James) 62 Sarah Elizabeth (Chase) 62 Stephen 62 HADSON Mary see HODGDON HAGENBUCK Charles 306 EUzabeth 306 Matilda 306 HAINES Abigail Pickering' 177 Abner 10 Abneri 172 Abner" 173 Addie Irene (Lockie) 174 Adelaide Ayers' 174 Adelaide Ayers' 173 Albert G.» 174 Albert Gallatin' 173 Antoinette' 174, 176 Antoinette (Haines) 174, 175 Arthur T.' 174 Augustine' 175 Bessie P. (Horton) 173 Caroline 251 Clarena Edwin' 174 Charles Abbott' 173 Charles G.' 175 Charles Glidden' 173 Charles Ghdden' 174 Charlotte Stark' 176 Eben K. 261 Eleanor' 172 EUza Frances' 175 EUza G.« 176 EUza G. (Ferguson) 176 EUza (Gookin) 175 Eliza J. 251 Eliza Pepperrell (Ayers) 10, 173 •Ehzabeth' 176 EUzabeth Goodwin' 176 EUzabeth (Woolman) 116, 117 Ella F. 251 EUenor (Neate) 171 Emma Frances' 174 Ferguson' 176 Florence' 175 Frances (Patten) 175 Francis Edwin' 174 Fred Abner' 174, 175 George' 291 George A.' 175 Hannah 93 Hannah' 172 Hannah' 11, 173 Hannah' 173 Hannah (Carter) 173 Hannah (Clough) 71, 175 Hannah Clough' 176 Hannah (Johnson) 11, 172 Hannah (Parker) 276 Hannibal' 176, 221 Harriet E. 261 Harriet Eliza' 174 Harriet Ferguson' 176 Harriet (Lyford) 175, 221 Harriet P. (Andrews) 174 Harriet Parker' 174 Hattie (HUl) 176 Helen Frances' 174 Helen McG. (HaU) 176 Henry Franklin' 175 Jacob C. 251 Jane' 172 Jane' 172 Jane' 173 Jane (Brackett) 172 Jane (Sumner) 173 Jennie Lee "Whitney 176 Jennie (Sullivan) 174 John 251, 276 John' 172 Jonathan" 173 Joseph Ayers' 174 Joseph Dearborn' 175 INDEX. 383 HAINES iconi.) Joseph Starr" 175 Josephine Maria' 175 Joshua' 172 Josiah" 173 Josiah" 4, 71, 173, 175 Josiah' 175 Josiah Clough' 175 Julia A. 251 Karl Leslie" 174 Kate (Reed) 174 Lewis' 172 Martha' 172 Martha' 176 Martha (Randall) 291 Maria A. (Jones) 174 Maria F. (Trowbridge) 175 Maria (Jones) 174 Maria S.' 174 Marietta (Ham) 175 Marv-^ 172 Mary' 173 Mary' 176 Mary (Ames) 4, 175 Mary Ann' 176 Mary Ann Weeks 220 Mary E. Haines 251 Mary E. (Hoyt) 251 Mary (Fifield) 172 Mary (Moore) 261 Mary (Pickering) 175 Matthias' 172 Matthias" 172 Matthias* 172 Matthias' 173 Mehitable' 173 Minta A. (Jones) 174 MoUy (Cammet) 173 Nathan 116, 117 Nelhe H. 176 Nina Josephine' 174 Olive (Weeks) 172 Polly 200 Rachel (Weeks) 173 Ralph Holland" 175 Rebecca 117, 251 Rhoda (Bean) 173 Richard' 172 Ruth McGregor" 175 Sally' 173 Samuel' 171 Samuel' 172 Samuel' 172 Samuel" 11, 172, 173 Samuel" 173, 175 Samuel Reed' 175 Sarah (Hall) 172 Sarah (Johnson) 172 Sarah Lizzie 291 Sarah (Weeks) 172 Sarah (Wilde) 174 Stephen" 173 Stephen' 173, 175 .SiSsan 116, 251 Walter Weeks' 173 WilUam" 176 WUliam Pickering' 176 William Pickering" 174 HALE Hannah 134, 220 Joanna 13, 158 Nathan 13, 158 Richard 13, 168 Samuel 158 HALEY Charles 337 Charies Edward 337 Charles Janvrin 337 HALEY (cont.) Emily M. (Fellows) 125 Harold Edward 337 Jesse 125 Mary E. (Wiggin) 337 Mary Ellen 337 Mary (Janvrin) 337 HALL Adelaide H. 181 AUce G. (Clough) 77 Annette 199 Annie E. (Doherty) 91 Bessie A. 293 Betsey 196 Catherine Genevieve 31 Cecil St. Clair 77 Caleb C. 200 CamUlus 77 Daniel W. 91 Dixi Crosby 291 Earl R. 31 Edward 199 EUzabeth 172 Ethel G. 77 Eva L. (Silver) 31 Eva M. (Currier) 91 Frances E.» 91 Frank 200 Glenn A. 161 Hannah E. (Gleason) 161 Helen McGregor 175 Jacob S. 91 John W. 91 Joseph 172 Joseph Eastman 291 Josephine (Hutchins) Clay Sanborn 200 Lelia 161 LilUan E. (Foss), 199 Lora Edna 199 Lucinda (Huntoon) 199 Lucretia M. (Randall) 291 Lulu G, (Young) 346 Mary 210 Mary C. 291 Mary E, (Smith) Lougee 314 Mary (Lyford) 218 MUdred Frances 31 Nancy 248 Prescott 199 Sadie Frances 199 Sarah 172, 188 Sarah (Hutchins) 200 Wilbur C, 346 WilUam H. 91, 314 HALLIBURTON Andrew 9 Georgia 9 Pierrepont 9 Sarah Ann (Manning) 9 HAM Alice" 179 Belle Maria' 178 Bertha* 179 Betsey' 177 Betsey Page* 178, 179, 210 Betsey (Page) 177 Charies Henry* 178 Daniel 210 Daniel P. 177, 178, 301 Eleanor" 75, 178 EUzabeth 281 EUzabeth* 178, 209, 224 EUzabeth Page* 178 Emma A. (Hines) 178 Gideon' 177, 178 Hannah* 178 HAM (cont.) Isaac" 178 Jessie' 179 John' 177 John" 177, 178, 209 John* 178, 179 Joseph' 177 Joseph' 177 Joseph' 177, 178, 301 Joseph Warren' 178, 198 Judith' 178, 179 Judith (Sargent) 178, 301 Lydia' 177, 178 Maria Gerrish' 178, 179 Marietta 175 Mary' 177 Mary E. (Smith) 179 Mary J. (Barker) 178, 198 Mary M. (KimbaU) 178, 209 Mary (Osgood) 177 Mary Page' 178 Samuel 209 Samuel' 178 Sarah A. (Smith) 179 Stella 315 Susan' 178, 179 Susan (Sargent) 178, 301 Thomas' 178, 179 HAMBLETT Addison 127 Carmi 127 Irena jV, (.Fletcher) 127 Lyman 127 HAMILTON Addie C. (Brown) Fowler 44 Alfred Kittredge 213 Charles Tenny 213 Hester Gordon 44 Irenus 213 Irenus Kittredge 213 Mary Esther 213 Mary E. (Kittredge) 213 Stanwood 44 Victor P. 44 Woodman Clark 213 HAMLET Abigail (Bancroft) 316 Ellen EUzabeth 316 Jonathan 316 HAMMOND David 90 Elizabeth 36 HANCOCK Abbie Susan" 181 Abigail' 180 Abigail (Cross) 181 Adelaide H. HaU 181 Alonzo' 182 Ann Elizabeth' 181, 201 Annie A. (Shaw) 182 Arthur' 181 Azuba' 180 Betsey (Mamuel) 182 CaroUne" 181 Charles' 182 Charles W.' 182 Clara EUa' 182 Deha A. (Clifford) 66, 182 Dorothy' 180 EUzabeth" 180 EmeUne (White) 181 Enoch Brown" 181 Frank Knapp' 181 Fred Leonard" 182 George 261 George' 180 George' 180 384 INDEX. HANCOCK (cont.) George Harry' 182 George Henry' 181 Hannah' 180 Henrietta" 180 Henry A.' 181 Horace William" 182 Jacob' 13, 180 Jane (Locke) 151 Jennie M. (Burgess) 181 John' 180 John' 180 John Clough' 181 Joseph' 180 Joseph' 180 Joseph KimbaU' 66, 181, 182 Kesiah' 180 Lizzie M." 182 Martha (Bailey) 181 Mary E. (Thomas) 182 Mary Jane" 181 Nancy' 181 Nelhe' 181 Parker Cross' 181 Sally 251 Sally' 180, 239 Sarah A. (Eaton) 181 Sarah (Coombs) 261 Sarah Ehzabeth' 181 Sarah J. 41 Sarah Jane' 41, 181 Sarah (Rand) 41, 181, 201 Saria (Coombs) Pulsifer 181 William' 41, 180, 181, 201 WilUam" 181 William Graves' 181 WiUiam WiUiams' 181 HANN 108 HANNAFORD Amos 220 Arthur L. 292 Azubah 50 Azubah (Glines) 60, 166 Catherine' 182 Charles' 182 CordeUa (Russell) 216 Edith May 292 Ella (Beardsley) 183 EUen' 182 Eliza' 182 Emily F. (Randall) 292 Hannah (Lyford) 220 Helen (Sill) 182 Hope' 182 Jane' 182 Jessie (Foote) 287, 292 John 50, 165, 215 John R." 183 JuUa M. (Barnard) 182 LiUian O. 292 Lyman B." 182 Mary A. 215 Mary J. (Kenniston) 215 Mary (Whinfield) 183 Minerva' 182 Nancy (Foster) 138 OrvUle Randall 292 Reuben M.' 138, 182 WilUam Foster* 182 WUUam G. 215 WilUam Henry' 182 HANSCOM Ann M. (Young) 345 Grace May 345 John 345 HANSON Alice (Arlin) 19 John 19 Lucinda 236 Mary C. 19 HARDIE Rfebecca (Lyford) 218 HARDY Addie M, (Haynes) 188 Charles W. 188 Doris Eastman 188 Frankhn E. 154 George W. 164 Gertrude Haynes 188 Isaac 260 Jeanie Frame 154 Martha B. 188 Mary 220 Mary (Morrill) Hoyt 260 Susan H. (Frame) 154 WUUam A, W. 188 HARLBOT Mary H. 327 HARLEY Emma 225 HARNDEN Abiel 133 EUzabeth 133 Elizabeth Abbott 132, 133 John 133 HARPER 174 Abigail' 183 Annabel Trenchard' 183 Betsey' 183 Betsey (Ames) 183 Catherine (Deerhom) 183 Chancellor 183 Charles' 184 Charles A.' 183 Charles Smith' 184 Clarissa' 183 Deborah (Osgood) lS4 Edna (Johnson) 184 Ehzabeth (Clough) 71, 184 Emily M. (Strickland) 184 Emma' 184, 185 Eunice' 183 Ezekiel' 183 Frank' 184 Goodloe 183 Hannah' 183 Hattie (Drake) 184 Helen' 184, 185 Jeannie' 184 Jefferson D.' 184 Jennie (George) 184 John A. 183 Joseph C. 296 Joseph M.2 71, 183, 184 Lizzie' 184 Lois B. (Deering) 183 Lois Palmer" 185 Mabel' 184, 185 Martha" 183 May B. (Ackerman) 185 Mittie S.' 184, 185 Paul Ackerman" 186 Phebe EUzabeth' 184, 227 Phebe (Sanborn) 184, 296 Phihp Strickland" 185 Samuel' 183 Samuel' 183 Samuel' 183 Sarah (Godfrey) 183 Sukey' 183 Susan' 183 WUUam 183 HARPER (cont.) WUliam Strickland' 184, 185 Zelpha" 183 HARRIMAN AbigaU 186 Aseph 186 Caroline 186 Croydon 186 David 186 David, Jr. 186 Elizabeth 186 Ehzabeth (Lyford) 220 EUzabeth (Swan) 186 Hadassah 186, 329 Israel 186 John 186, 329 Jonathan 186 Joseph 186 Joseph, Jr. 186 Leonard 186 Lydia (Eaton) 186 Margaret 186 Martha (Page) 186 Matthew 186 Matthew, Jr. 186 Rachel (GUe) 186, 329 Reuben 186 Sarah 186 SUas 220 HARRINGTON Adaline Eliza 79 AdaUne M. (Clough) 67 Frank WUUam 79 James Elmer 79 James J. 79 Mary 79 Maude 143 Timothy 79 HARRIS Lucy A. 249 Margaret 21 Mary 58 Sarah 303 HARSHBARGER O. M. 148 Sarah E. (Foster) 149 HART AbigaU (Smith) 33 Betsey S. 33 Emma 206 Marinda 206 Theodore 33 Thomas 206 HARVEY Adahne S. 327 Alfred B. 191 Ann 238 Benjamin T. 286 Chase Amos 286 Edwin Sawyer 286 Florence M. (Wheeler) 280 FrankUn Sa-wyer 286 Hannah 283 Harold RoUe 191 James 232, 238 Joseph 280 Laura Carr 286 Laura M. (KendaU) 286 Laurence Kendall 286 Margaret 238 Mehitable D. (Pickard) 286 Nellie E. (Heath) 191 Perley True 286 Ralph Gordon 191 Susanna 284- INDEX. 385 HARWOOD Faye (Peaslee) 268 Fauna 268 Walter 268 Wayne 268 HASELTON Addie M. 186 Alpheus J. 186 Emma B. 186 Idena 1 IreUa 186 John G. 186 Leonard 186 Leonard O. 186 LUla 186 Lizzie A. 186 Mary J. 186 HASEY AbigaU 53 Judith (Jacob) 53 WUliam 63 HASKELL Charies C. 21 EUza (Battis) 21 EUzabeth J. 22 Elmena M. 22 Emma E. (Battis) 22 Ephraim 21 George F. 22 Ivan P. 22 Maud A, 22 HASTINGS Clara L. 123 Clara (Webster) 120 Jonathan Harmon 120 Keziah 27 Louis E. 120, 123 Marion Webster 120, 123 May E. 120, 123 Mary E. (Merriam) 120 Paul E. 120, 123 Ruby (Coole) 123 HATCH Bertha ,216 Comehus M, 216 Eliza J. (Saunders) 216 HATFIELD AUce (Chamberlain) 56 Grace E. (Clark) 56 James Chamberlain 56 James Harvey 56 Jean Clark 56 HATHAWAY Charles Emery 122 Laura Florence 122 Henry Elbing 122 Henry Mona 122 Rachel E. (Emery) 122 HA-VEN Eunice M." 187 Evelene M.' 187 Frank B.' 187 Henry H.' 187 Katy 50 HAWKES Adams 83 Anne (Hutchinson) 83 Susanna S3 HAWKINS Amanda 34 Anna Belle 347 HA-YES Jeremiah 295 John P. 113 Mary A. (Dearbom) 295 Molly (Emery) 113 WiUiam 113 HAYNES Addie Mabel' 187, 188 Annie' 187 Clara (Peaslee) Gale 156, 187 Charles Putnam' 187 Frances A. 284 George Washington' 187 Hannah' 187 Hiram G.' 187 Lillian' 187 Lizzie Frances' 187 Lyman H' 156, 187 Martha B. (Randall) 187 Mary C. (Shattuck) 187 .iJira May' 187 Moses J.' 187 Moses Elkins' 187 Myrtie C 187 Ralph Putnam' 187 Sarah' 187 Sarah Lizzie' 187 Susan A. (Smith) 187 Susan (Flanders) 187 ¦Therza A. (Colburn) Chase 187 WUUe Shattuck' 187 HA-YWARD Almira E. 2 Almira E. (Abbott) 1 Alvin G. 1 Arvilla N. (Ames) 1 Bessie May 2 Celia Belle 2 Cora EsteUa 2 Ella Cora 2 Henry 1 Idena (Haselton) 1 Martha Rosa 2 Mary C. (Shattuck) 187 HAZELTINE Abial' 74, 188 Abial Samuel' 188 Hannah' 188 Hannah (Adams) 188 Sarah HaU' 188 Sarah (Hall) 184 WiUiam' 188 HAZELTON Amanda F. (MorriU) 257 Bessie P. 257 Caroline Norton 257 CaroUne S. (Norton) 257 Ellen Hortense 257 Hannah 74 Hugh 257 Josephine F. 257 Margaret (McClary) 238 Robert M. 257 Sally Clough 70 Samuel 70 Sarah 75 Wilham 257 HAZEN Herman J. 124 Katherine M. (Ward) 124 Kenneth Ward 124 Myron 124 Ruth Mae 124 HEAFFORD Frank George 37 George M. 37 Martha L. (Bradley) 37 Martha Louise 37 HEALEY Ann 140 Caroline (Foster) 139 Caroline W. 139 Charles 140 HEALEY (cont.) Elizabeth Pickering 171 Ellen 139 Emily 140 Frances 140 George 140 Marion 139 Mark 139 Mary 66 Mary WeUs 171 Sarah 66 Wells 171 WiUiam 66 HEATH Abigail (Carter) 49, 189 Abigail (Cate) 312 Abbie J. 312 Abraham' 188, 313 Addie M.' 188 Addie M. (Houston) 189 AUred Houston' 191 Alice (Gordon) 191 Anna E. (Sanborn) 191, 297 Annie Abbie' 191 Benjamin 3 Betsey (Kimball) 209 Caleb 249 Caleb, Jr. 49, 189 Caleb' 189 Calvin' 189 CaroUne M. (Grant) 188 ' Carrie Emma' 191 Celestia 248 Celestia S. 249 Charles B.' 190 Charles Hiram' 189 Chester Earie" 191, 297 Clara Ella 311 Cora Alma* 189 David G. 2-19 Dorothy E. (Herber) 191 Edwin Gordon' 191, 297 Eliza (Keniston) 189 Elizabeth 318 EUzabeth (McClary) 209, 238 Ella (McDaniel) 241 EmUy Wells' 190 Etta P.* 64, 188 Forrest 241 Francis A.* 188 Frank A.* 188 George 241 Goergia 241 Grace" 189 Hannah 20 Hannah (Ames) 3, 209 Hannah (Nelson) 190 Harriet J.' 190 Helen 241 Hephzibah 300 Horace W.' 190 Ida Gertrude' 191 Inez 241 Isaac' 188 Jemima C. (Lake) 189, 215 John M. 312 John S.' 190 Jonathan 221 Joseph' 188, 293, 317 Joseph' 189, 214 Joseph Kimball 209 Joseph S.* 188 Joseph Smart' 189 Joseph Walter" 189 Josephine Ola" 189 Josiah 95 Judith K. 221 25-11 386 INDEX. HEATH (cont.) JuUa (Atwood) Scales 190 Levi Bartlett" 191 Levi N.' 190, 297 Margaret E. 4 Mary 190, 251 Mary A, (KeUey) 191 Mary Davis 95 Mary E.* .188 Mary Elizabeth' 191 Mary (MorriU) 188 Mary Web'ter" 189 Melvin" 189 Myrtie (Lord) 189 Naomi Jane' 191 Nellie Emogene" 191 Neva M. (Randall) 189 Neva M. (RandaU) GUnes 293 Olive 92 Olive' 189 Peleg' 190 Phebe L. (Squiers) 189, 317 Polly B. Dow 190 Rachel T. 35 Rachel Viola" 191 Ralph 241 Robert" 190 Ruth Emily' 189 Samuel* 190 Samuel' 190 Samuel P.' 190 Sarah Ann' 190 Sarah S, (Moore) 249 Sarah (Webster) 190 Sidney S.' 188 SUas Quimby' 189 Simon 209 Simon Ames 209 Stephen Nelson' 190 Susan H. 313 Susan (Hall) 188 Susannah C. (Gordon) 190, 297 Sylvanus 249 Walter J.* 189, 293 Weltha Jane' 189, 214 WilUam' 190 WUUam' 190 William Herber" 191 WilUam P.' 190 HEISSE Addie 38 HELLER Adaline (Matheny) 122 Daniel 122 Dorothy A. 122 Ina E. 122 Vinette (Emery) 122 William R. 122 HEMENWAY LiiUeM. (Bradley) 37 Ruth LUlian 37 HENDERSON Thomas 171 HENDRICKSON Emma L. 225 HENDY Katherine (Thomas) 267 Laura A. 267 WiUiam 267 HENRIE or HENRY Jean (McCriUis) 238 John 238 Mary (McCrUUs) Foster Workman 238 HERBER Dorothy EUzabeth 191 John Christopher 191 Sophia (Graffe) 191 HERBERT AbigaU 199 HERRICK Allan Evans 277 Clara' 192 Clarissa (ArUn) 191 Clarissa H. (Parkinson) ,277 EUzabeth' 192 EUzabeth M. 234 Henry Augustus 277 Henry W. 277 Hurlburt Wallace 277 Israel Evans 277 James H.' 191 Martha (Trow) 277 Mary 7 Mary A.' 192 Rachel A. (Blake) 191 Robert Parkinson 277 WiUiam Trow 277 HERROD Emma S. 258 HERRON Margaret 30 HERSEY Rose 61 Sarah 3 HICKEY Katherine 21 John R. 21 HICKS Addie lola 111 Dennis 96 Ehzabeth (Davis) 96 James Fields 111 John 96 Joseph 96 Nancy M. (EUiott) 111 Sarah (Davis) 96 Walter Leon 111 Winfield Scott 111 HICKSO;^ EUzabeth C. 346 HIGGENBOTTOM Ethel J. (Cody) 82 Gertrude Cody 82 Sam 82 Samuel Ashton 82 HIGGINS Eliza M. (Cobb) 287 Ida J. (Plastridge) 287 Josiah B. 287 Josiah B., Jr. 287 HILDRETH Albert 32 Anna 41 Clara B. (Dewey) 332 Dorothy EUzabeth 332 Isaac C. 41 Mary A. (Brown) 41 Sophia (Boyce) 32 Stanley Barbour 332 HILEMAN Benjamin Franklin 145 Frances E. (Foster) 145 HILL AbigaU 231 Abigail (Cram) 192 AbigaU (Neal) 343 Almira M." 192 Almira (Wheeler) 192 Alvira Amanda 343 Ann F. (Chase) 64 Benjamin 289 HILL (cont.) Blanche 343 Charlotte M. (StiUings) 177 Clara (West) 224 Cora B. (Maxfield) 343 Cynthia A. (Clough) 236 Daniel 64 Daniel Adams 236 Daniel Emery 345 David 40 Drexia 343 Edmund D' 127, 192 EUzabeth A. (Mason) 192, 228 EUzabeth (Brown) 40 Ellon S. 336 EUena Belle 343 Emily A. (Lake) 192, 215 Eva Gertrude 151, 163 Evelyn Blanche 343 Frank D. 92 Fred Scott 343 Gladys Lucretia 343 Hannah 342 Hannah (Emery) 192 Hannah (Moore) 245 Harriet 306 Harry Swett 343 Hattie 176 Henry T. 336 Imogene 127 Isaac' 224 Isaac' 177 James 266 John 343, 345 John' 192 John' 192 John N.' 192, 215 John Silver 343 John Swett 343 Judith 26 Lavina A. (Fletcher) 127, 192 Lelia Irene 336 Levi 40 Lizzie (Hodge) 343 Lucinda Jane Clough' 128, 192 Lucretia A. (Swett) 259, 343 Mabel W. (GUnes) 166 Marcia 32 Maria W. (MorriU) 266 Martha Susan 343 Mary 289, 343 Mary A. 93 Mary J. (Dalton) 92 Mary Eliza 211 Mary (Nudd) 192, 271 Mary Oris (Young) 346 Mary S. 146 Nancy (Clifford) 343 Nathaniel 231, 245 Oriett (Whidden) 336 Otis 342 Polly C. 247 Polly S.2 192 Polly (Young) 342 Rhoda A. E.' 192 Samuel 342 Samuel C 192 Samuel D. 259, 343 Samuel S.' 192 Sarah Blanche 259 Sarah E. (Cram) 192 Sarah GUnes 343 Sarah Jenkins 136 Sophia S. (Cate) 343 Susan Ayer 224 INDEX. 387 HILL (cont.) Sylvanus 343 True 271 True W. 228 Trueworthy' 192 Trueworthy' 192 Valentine 231 Washington 343 WilUam 40 WUUam C. 165 WiUiam C 192 WUUam Pickering 224 WilUam W." 192 Winthrop 343 HILLS Abiah' 193 AbigaU' 192 Abigail' 193 Clarissa' 193 Daniel' 192 Daniel' 192 Daniel" 193 David' 192, 193 Da-vid' 193 Ella Orissa 236 Emerj" 193 Hannah' 192 John 43 John' 192 Judith Clouah 72, 193 Mabel W. (Glines) 236 Mary Eliza' 193 Polly (Brown) 43 Samuel 72, 193 Susan' 193 Susannah (Cole) 193 Timothy' 192 William Clough 236 HILLIARD Annie (Robinson) 21 Mehnda 201 NeUie (Robinson) 21 HILLSGROVE Edward 98 Susan F. (Davis) 98 HILTON Samuel 266 Sarah (Morrill) 266 HINES Emma Armelia 178 HINKLEY EUen 41 HINMAN Josephine 223 HOAG Ed-win 47 Ernest Bryant 47 Junius C. 47 Maria L. (Bryant) 47 Rebecca Bryant 47 Thomas C. 47 WUUam Gale 47 HOAGUE Adaline 275 Catherine 262 Isaac 23 James 275 Melinda (Beck) 23 Sally 275 HOBART Amanda M. (Dow) 107 Byron 107 Emma S. (Stevens) 318 HOBBS Abigail 104 Mary L. (Leaver) 14 Morris 104 Nathaniel White 14 HODGDON Ann (-Wingate) 290 Charies A. 251 Charlotte 274 Clara E. (Hancock) 182 Comfort (Sanborn) 296 DeUverance 74 Edmund 74 Edwin P. 182 Georgia 251 Henrietta Chase 235 Israel 74, 290, 295 Joseph 183, 251 Joseph H. 251 Lucian A. 251 Martha Ann 37 Mary 206, 289 Miles 206 Nancy E. 251 Sally (Moore) 251 Susan (Harper) 183 Susannah 206 HODGE Etta M. 216 Jennie Orissa 286 Lizzie 343 Nathaniel A. 216 HODGKINS David 109 Mary 109 HODGSON Ann (Buston) 37 John H. 37 Martha Ann 37 HOFFMAN Charles E. 143 Cora (Foster) 143 HOGAN Alexander Green 4 Almira (Ames) 4 Daisy OeUa 4 Frank Lumpkin 4 Minen'a 4 HOIT Anna (Chase) 58 Benjamin 58 Frances 88 John 88, 115 Mahala 115 Rebecca (Currier) 116 HOITT Hannah (Colby) 89 Reuben 89 HOLAGAN Mary Ann 266 HOLBROOK Martha B. (Marden) 72 Harr\- Sherman 72 Russell Sherman 72 HOLDEN Rose 120 HOLIDAY Jessie A, (Clough) 76 Sherman C. 76 HOLLIDAY Susanna 61 HOLMAN Betsey 246 HOLMES Carrie E. (Heath) 191 Clementina 252 Emma 55 Frank A. 191 Ira 167 Jane 176 Minnie V. 167 Rose 26 HOLMES (cont.) Sarah Ann (Salter) 9 HOLT 240 Ames Frank 6, 281 Anna May 6 Benjamin 6 Charles Henry 6 Edgar Wheeler 281 Elizabeth 27 Ella Frances 6 Myra Ames 6 Flora F. Buzzeii 281 Fred Samuel 6 Harriet (Ames) 281 Harriet Lurena 6 Harriet P. (Ames) 6 Jennette N. (Finch) 6 Ruth Ethylin 281 Susan A. (Wheeler) 6, 281 ¦ WilUam 281 WilUam HamUton 281 WUUam Knox 6 HOOK Polly 75 HOOKER Clarence Blake 62 Harold Chase 62 Herbert B. 62 Mary M. (Chase) 62 HOOPER Fred 150 J. Flora (Foster) 150 Mary Elizabeth 145 HOPKINS James R. 251 Susan C. (Moore) 251 HOPKINSON Harriet K. 72 HORTON Bessie P. 173 Mary (Chase) 59 Judith Chase 59 HORNE Elizabeth (Clough) 67 Guy 169 Linnie (Grover) 169 Percy 169 Sidney 169 Tracy 169 WUUam 67 HOSMER Catherine (WeUington) 114 Jacob 114 James 332 John 332 Lucy Ann Augusta 114 Mary 332 HOTCHKISS Eben 266 Rhoda (MorrUl) 266 HOUGHTON Florence R. 284 HOUSE Mary C. 309 HOUSEL George 251 Tryphena (Moore) 251 HOUSER Catharine (Mclsaacs) 193 Elizabeth CordeUa' 193 Elizabeth Foster' 193 Harry Hiram' 193 Henrv Hiram' 145, 193 Jesse' 193 Jesse Earl' 193 Joice Moody' 193 Joseph Mahlan' 193 Joseph Moody' 193 388 INDEX. HOUSER (cont.) Leola Foster' 193 Mary (Steffe) 193 SteUa M. (Sargent) 193 Susan A. (Foster) 115, 193 HOUSTON Adaline (Duncklee) 157, 189 Addie Maria 189 Bayard Gale 167 Bertha M. (Gale) 157 Dorothy Ehzabeth 157 Frances Edna 157 George Sidney 157 John O. 157 Margaret Louise 157 Mary Genevra 157 Robert 157, 189 Robert Merrill 157 Theodore John 157 HOWARD Maria 342 HO-WE Abigail 193 Abby (Scates) 194 Calista Whitney 313 Charies O.' 194 Cora M.' 194 Eleanor M.» 194 Emma' 194 Emma J.' 194 Emma (SneU) 194 Ernest W.' 194 Frank N.' 194 George' 194 George C' 194 George G.' 194 John' 193 John G. 188 Laura A,' 194 Lord Timothy 193 Margaret (Cogswell) Per ley 84 Mark 84 Mary A. 186 Nancy (Kennedy) 194 NeweU E.' 194 Polly' 194 Rebecca 241 Rebecca P. (Newhall) 194 Samuel NeweU' 194 Susan B. 1 Susan B.' 193 Walter B.' 194 WiUiam 313 HOWES Sarah 331 HOYLE CordeUa C. 142 HOYT Abner 27 Abner" 195 Alice L. 102 Barnard" 195, 260 Betty (Blanchard) 27 Elizabeth (Huntington) 194 Frances 194 Freeman 260 Isaac 93 John' 194 Jonathan' 195 Judith (MorrUO 195, 260 Lizzie 106 Lucy 93 Martha 70 Martha (Robinson) 21 Martha (Weeks) 195 HOYT (cont.) Mary (Barnard) 194 Mary (Brown) 194 Mary E. 251 Mary G. (Danforth) 93 Mary (Morrill) 260 Miriam (Kimball) 4, 195 Phebe" 4, 195 Ruth" 195, 265 Ruth (Barnard) 195 Sarah' 196. 266 Thomas' 194 Thomas' 194 Thomas' 196 Thomas" 4, 195, 266 Thomas" 195 Ziba 260 HUBBARD ¦ 118 Augusta C. (Foster) 138 Effie L (Rawson) 41 Martha (Harper) 183 Orman Huntley 41 Rufus 138 HUCKINS AbigaU' 196 Bertha LiUian 185 Charlotte (Perkins) 185, 262 Cheney N.» 195 Eliza A. (Coombs) Plumer 196 Elizabeth A.' 20, 196 Emma (Harper) 185 Georgiana' 196 Irene (Pollard) 196, 335 Isaac' 195 Isaac' 196 James' 195 James' 195 John Calvin 319 John Haven 319 John J. A. 185 Joseph' 195 Joseph' 195 Louisa (Pollard) 196 Lydia' 195 Margaret Ann' 196 Maria Jane' 196 Mary 3 Mary' 195 Mary Jane 262 Mary M. (Kimball) Ham- TUton 196, 209 Mehitable' 195 Nancy' 195 Nancy (CoUins) 195 Nathan C 195, 335 Nathaniel W.' 196, 335 Polly (Whidden) 196, 334 Robert 185, 262 Robert' 195 Robert' 196 Robert* 195 Samuel" 195, 196, 209, 334 Samuel' 196 Sarah (Whidden) 195, 335 Susan M. (Batchelder) 319 Susan R. 33 Sylvester W.' 196 HUDSPETH Alice M. (AUenwood) 258 Alice N. E. 258 James 258 HUNKINS Almira B. (James) 202 Almira (Morse) 266 Angie H. (Currier) 91 Cari 266 HUNKINS (cont.) Fred L. 266 Harriet Celia 91 Jacob C. 91 John Dayton 91 Joseph 266 Josephine 202 Moses Leavitt 202 Nellie (Seaverns) 266 HUNNEWELL Sarah 19 HUNT Deborah (IngaUs) 201 Edna Maud 286 Elizabeth S. (Bisbee) 77 Esther 283 John S. 201 Nathan Parker 77 Nehemiah 283 Sarah 77 HUNTER H. C. 248 Susie I. (SeweU) 248 HUNTINGTON Elizabeth 194 Harriet M. (Hoag) 47 HUNTOON Aaron' 198 AbigaU (Herbert) 199 Benjamin' 198 Betsey' 198 Betsey' It 8 Betsey (Hall) 196 Caleb* 198 CaroUne (Abbott) 199 Charles' 197 Charies" 199 Charles Martin' 199 Daniel' 198 Daniel' 198 Daniel M." 199 EU* 198 Elijah* 198, 199, 213, 237 Elizabeth' 197 Elizabeth' 199 Elizabeth (Beedee) 198 Elisha' 198 Ethel M. (Bagley) 199 Frank Elmer' 199 George F." 199 Hannah (French) 198, 199, 213, 237 Hattie MerriU 306 Ira 198 Ira" 198, 199 John' 197 John' 197, 198 Joseph' 198 Joshua* 198 Joshua' 198 Josiah' 197 JuHa French' 198. 199 LUla Minerva 306 Lucinda' 198 Lucinda' 199 Lydia' 197. 237 Lydia Ann" 199 Lydia Clough' 198 Martha' 198 Martha (Putnam) 306 Mary' 198 Mary' 199, 237 Mary (Rundlett) 197 Maiy W,' 198 Mehitable' 198 Molly (Winslow) 198 Mos",s' 198 Nathaniel' 197 NeUie' 199 INDEX. 389 HUNTOON (con(.) Pearl Evelyn' 199 PhUip' 196, 197 Philip' 197 Rebecca' 198, 213 Sally" 198 Samuel' 197 Samuel' 197 Sarah' 197 Sarah F. (Huntoon) 198, 199 Sarah French' 198, 199 Sophia Brown' 198, 199 Stephen' 198 WilUam E. 306 HUNTRESS Elizabeth 337 John 50 Josephine (Carter) 50 HURD Ada Genevieve 77 Alice 77 Alice (Tracy) 76 Anna (Brown) 77 Anna Jenkins 77 Annie M, (Ward) 124 Bertha Etta 77 Bertha Oaks 76 Donald Clough 77 Dorothy HUdreth 77 Ethel Hall 77 Fannie Winifred 76 Francis Bemard 77 Frank Carlton 124 Frank I,.esUe 77 Harold 77 Jacob S. 76 Jesse 77 Jesse Clough 77 John Ricker 76 Joseph Harper 77 Julia (Dungan) 77 Julia EUzabeth 77 Levi Dungan 77 Maria 76 Myra 77 Nancy Alice' 77 NelUe (McDonald) 76 Raymond Clifton 124 Sarah E. (Clough) 76 Tracy Seymour 76 HURLBURT Clara M. (Davis) 315 D. J. 315 HURLEY Edward 82 Marian Theresa 82 HUSE Ann Eliza 30 Daniel M. 30 Eliza 30 Joseph. Jr. 114 Lovina A. 251 Olive P. 252 Sarah (Emery) 114 HUSSEY Annie B. (Clough) 78 Christopher 103 Frank S. 78 Grace May 78 Mary 103 Norman Clough 78 Oliver P. 78 Sarah S. (Philbrick) 78 HUTCHINS Abbie J. 252 AbigaU (Bryar) 200 Apphia C. (Randall) 200, 291 HUTCHINS (cont.) Caroline (Curtis) 200 Chariotte (Clisby) 200 Charlotte S. (Jones) 204 Citana (McDaniel) 200, 241 Eben 241 Edwin P. 204 Ebenezer' 200 Ebenezer' 200 Hannah' 200 Henry W.' 200, 287 Iantha" 200 James 97 Jane' 200 John' 200 John C 200 Josephine' 200 Josiah H.2 200 Mary' 200 Nancy C 200 Reuben' 200, 291 Ruth (Davis) 97 Sarah' 200 Sarah E. (Pillsbury) 200, 287 Sarah Louise" 200 Sarah Margaret 130 HUZZEY Christopher 274 HUZZY see HERSEY INGALLS Abiah' 200 Abigail' 200 Alice (McCarley) 202 Ahneda C 52, 201 Ann E. (Hancock) 181, 201 Ariana' 201 Arthur Brown' 202 Byron Peabody' 201, 202 Caleb' 200 Calvin' 201 Christine M. (Bruce) 202 Daniel" 200 Daniel M.' 181, 201 David' 200 Deborah' 201 Edmund' 200 EUzabeth' 200 EUzabeth (Copp) 200 Frank B.' 201 Fred WUliam' 201, 202 George Hancock" 201 Hannah (Chase) 58 Harold WilUam" 202 Helen C 201 James' 200 Jesse 58, 200 John" 200 John' 201 JohnE.8 201 Joshua" 200 Judith' 200 Julia' 201 Leavitt B. 276 Louie (Brown) 201 Lydia C. (Parker) 276 Mabel EUzabeth' 202 MatUda' 66, 201 Mehitable" 200 Mehnda (HiUiard) 201 Moses" 200 Nathaniel P.' 62, 200 NelUe F, (French) 202 OrieUa" 201 Peabody' 201 Polly' 98, 201 INGALLS (cont.) Polly (Haines) 200 Samuel" 200 Sophia (Bradley) 52, 201 WUliam Daniel" 201 Winifred Peari' 202 INGERSON Doris 315 Edith 315 Elenor 316 Harry 315 Lena E. (Smith) 315 INGRAHAM Adin 31 AUce (Colburn) 31 Katharine 31 ISRAEL AbigaU 167 JACKSON Eliza Ann 336 EUzabeth 33, 274, 342 Keziah 312 Mary 342 Samuel 242 Walter 342 JACOB Judith 53 Martha (Appleton) 53 Richard 53 JACOBS Sarah 69 JACQUOS Lucy 249 JAFFERY George 60 JAMES Almira B.' 202 Ann 220 Blanche" 203 Charles' 202 Florence C 203 Frank D." 203 Fred' 202 George C 203 Harriet E. (Peverly) 203, 282 Ida Belle' 203 Jane (Stevens) 202 John' 202 John' 202 Jonathan' 202, 256 Josephine 62 Josiah Stephen' 202, 203, 2S2 Julia" 202 Julia A. (Arlin) 202 Judith A. (Davis) 203 Kinsley 220 Leonard H. 246 Mary 219 Mary' 202 Mehitable' 202 Mehitable (BuzzeU) 202 Mercy (HUton) 220 Nancy (Sherburne) 202, 256 Roxanna' 202, 256 Samuel' 202 Sarah B.' 202 Sarah B. (Moore) 246 Sarah BuzzeU 307 Susan' 202 JANVRIN Mary 337 JAQUES Anna (Knight) 112 Henry 111, 112 Ruth 112 390 INDEX. JARVIS Benjamin 204 Mary L. 204 JEFFERSON Charles L. 63 Dorothy Helen 63 Kate (Chaae) 63 Sue Mary 63 JELLIMAN Martha 59 JENKINS Addie Frances 152 Anna 77 Everett 276 Mary A. (Parker) 276 Melvin 276 JENNESS Abby 245 JENNINGS Ehzabeth 108 NeUie Josephine 37 JESSUP Anna L. (Ryther) 56 Katherine C. 55 Rufus 56 JEWELL Alpharetta 142 Joanna 86 JEWETT Abbie Harlan 260 Harlan 260 Helens. (Morrill) 260 JOHANSSON Olaf 287 Ohna 287 Otelia M. 287 JOHNSON Abbie A. 267 Ahce M. 77 Amanda M. 64 Blanche M. (Gilbert) 265 Catharine 342 Catherine Sophia 344 Clarence W. 267 Cornelia E. (MorriU) 265 Edna 184 Edwin MorriU 265 Effie L. (Richards) 265 Ellen M. (Mason) 228 Frank K. 267 Frank M. 228 Hannah 172, 173 Hannah (Lewis) 172 IsabeUa GUles 344 Jane (Haines) 172 John 172, 344 Judith HaU 211 Laura 306 Lucy Jane 211 Luther Ashley 265 Luther Gage 205 Mary 94 Mary B. (Muzzey) 267 Mary Clough 77 Mary Cutler 265 MaxweU M. 267 Mrs. 108 Reuben 211, 265 Rose E. 320 Ruth Hall 77 Sarah 172 WiUiam Chandler 265 Winnie M. 293 JOHNSTON Benjamin R. 77 Ethel G. (Hall) 77 JOHONNET Polly 250 JONES AbigaU 97 Abigail' 205 Ann 204 Annie 99 Anthony' 204 Benjamin 97 Benjamin' 203 Benjamin' 204 Benjamin' 204 Benjamin Franklin' 203 Betsey M. (Bradley) 227 Carrie 21 Charies' 205, 263, 284 Charles A.2 204 Charles Carroll 205 Charles F.' 205 Charles Wesley 227 Chariotte' 204 Charlotte Sophia' 204 Compton Wilson' 206 Daniel" 204, 277 Ebenezer 290 Eda' 206 Edith 21 Edith May 227 Eliza Ann Pickard' 203 EUzabeth 283 Elizabeth' 204 Elizabeth Bumiece' 206 Elizabeth (Field) 204 EUzabeth T. 251 Ellen' 205 Emily 21 Emily J.' 206, 263 Emma F. (Marshall) 340 Ethel 21 Eva 21 Frances Leona 227 Frank P.' 206 Fred C 61, 205, 206 Garden M. 298 George A. 21 George Sullivan' 205 Hannah 286 Hannah Chesley' 203, 204 Harriet (Daggett) 204 Harriet (Mason) Merrill 242 Henry" 204 James 242 James' 204 Jane (McCrUUs) 238 Jessie B. (Carter) 51, 206 John' 204 John Paul' 204 John Paul" 205 Joseph' 204 Joseph* 204 Joseph J. 227 Kate E. (Sanborn) 298 Lizzie H. (French) 205 Lucinda Jane' 206 Maria Antoinette 174 Mary A," 206 Mary B. (Adams) 203 Mary E. (Forsyth) 266 Mary E. (Rudersdorf) 205 Mary Evans' 203 Mary (Jar\ds) 204 Mary S.' 205 Minta A. 174 Molley (Randall) Beck 290 Moses' 203 Myrtie 21 Paul Henrv' 205 Richard* 204 Rosa' 204 JONES (cont.) Sarah B. (Pickard) 205, 263, 284 Seth Warner' 205 Sophia 343 Sophia' 204 Sophia (Gleason) 203 Sophia (Parkinson) 204, 277 Stephen' -204 Susan A. (French) 206 Thomas Rudersdorf 205 Walter Albert' 204 Warner Edrick' 206 Wilham' 204 JUDD Catherine (Foster) 138 David C. 138, 144 Gertrude 37 Parmelia 144 JUDKINS Charles O. 225 Estelle (Lyford) 225 KAIME Ethel M. (Dearborn) 285 William S. 285 KEEFE Grace A. (Chute) 65 William 65 ICEIF Mary E. 295 KEITH AUce M. (O'Brien) 337 Flora 337 Leon A. 337 Mont L. 337 WiUiam Perry 337 KELLEY Abby 140 Adelia (Jones) 191 AUce M. 88 Emmon 88 George F. 191 Jane 57 Mary Abby 191 OUve 88 Susannah 50 \\ iUiam 50 KELLOGG Abigail 331 KELLY Josephine 286 KELSEA Betsey 33 Jean 238 KELSO Elizabeth 277 KENDALL Charles 203, 234 Fannie (Center) 203 Hannah C. (Jones) 203 Harriet 139. 146 Laura M. 286 Mary (Clough) 2.34 Timothy 203 KENDRICK Adelaide A. (Haines) 173 James R. 173 KENISON Alice S. (Ayres) 11 Benjamin 199 Ellen A. 11 Isabel 11 Jerome 11 Lucien 11 Mary (Huntoon) McClary 199 Nathaniel 11 INDEX. 391 KENISTON Caroline (Hancock) 181 Charles Leland 181 Eliza 189 Frances A, (Davis) 99 Hannah (Se.avey) 181 James L. 181 Jennie 90 Jonathan 181 Mary (Tucker) 124 Nancy E. (Hancock) 181 WUliam 99 KENNARD 9 Alice Manning 9 KENNEDY Nancy 194 KENNEY Charles L. 211 Elizabeth (Thompson) McCriUis 239 EUen M. 214 Emma (Towle) 214 Forrest B. 214 J. RockweU 214 John 239 Mary 239 Mary A. 149 Maud R. 214 Myra (Knowles) 214 KENNISTON Betsey 215 Christie May 292 Eari 292 Edward 292 Edith M. (Hannaford) 292 Emeline 292 Etta (Randall) 292 Jeremiah 216 Josephine Agnes 292 Polly (Lake) 216 Seth 216 Simon 292 Thomas 215 KENRICK Clarissa A. (Blanchard) 25 Stephen 25 KENT Abigail 317 Josiah 317 Mary (Lufkin) 317 KERRIGAN Abbie (Welch) 332 Thomas 332 KETCHUM Alice P. (Matott) 228 Sidney 228 KEYES Betty 35 Sarah 48 KEYSAR, KEZAR, KEZER AbigaU 70 BeUnda (Burieigh) 206 Benjamin 206 Betsey 206 Betsey (Young) 206 Blakley 206 Burkley 206 Clark 206 Deborah (WisweU) 206 Dudley S. 206 Ebenezer 206 Edmund 206 Edmund' 206 Edmund C. 206 Etta J. 206 George 96, 206 George D. 206 KEYSAR, KEZAR, KEZER (cont.) George W,' 245 Hannah (Davis) 95 Isabella O. 206 Jennie E. 206 Jessie 206 John 95, 206, 330 John' 206 Joseph 206 Josephine 206 Kate B. 206 Marinda (Hart) 206 Mary 20U, 246 Mary (Lyford) 219 Mary (Moore) 245 Mary S, 206 Miles 206 Myra 206 Nancy 206, 273, 330 Olive 206 Phebe 206 Pope 206 Rhoda 206 Sarah 206 Susan 206 Susannah (Hodgdon) 206, 330 WisweU 206 KILBURN Ann Eliza 136 Charles 136 Charies Wheelock 136 Clarence 136 Edmund LeClair 136 Eliphalet, Jr. 136 EUa Anna 136 Eugene 136 Faimie Louise 136 Galen 136 George G. 136 Lucien Mather 136 Mary Louise 136 Mehitable (Foster) 136 Norman Whipple 136 Sarah Jane 136 Winnie Annie 136 KIMBALL Abigail' 208 AbigaU (Lyford) 208, 219 Ann 345 Ann Eliza' 211 Benjamin 134 Benjamin' 4, 209, 210 Benjamin Ames' 5, 211, 212 Betsey" 209 Betsey P. (Ham) 179, 210 Caleb' 207 Caleb' 208 Charles 270 Charlotte (Atkinson) 212 Charlotte (Goodale) 212 Clara Maria' 13, 212 Clarentine (La-wrence) 210 Dorothy (Dudley) 208 Edward Johnson 345 Edwin F. 282 Eliza (Butterworth) Dow 108 Eliza H. 270 EUzabeth 20 Elizabeth' 209 EUzabeth Jane' 211 Elsa Peveriy" 211 Emeline' 210 Emily S. (Young) 345 Frank Edwin" 211 KIMBALL (cont.) Frank Everett" 211 George Edward' 211 Georpiana Ehza' 211 Plannah' 210 Hannah F, (Lawrence) 210 Harriet Ann 62 Henry Ames" 212 Hham 169, 270 Ida Grace' 211 Ida M, (Peverly) 211,282 Jedediah' 210 Jemima' 210 Jeremiah' 210, 211, 233 Jesse' 208 Jesse' 209 Jesse' 210, 233 Jessie Eva (Gregg) 210 John 62 John 270 John' 208 John' 208 John" 178, 209 John' 209, 211, 256, 282 John' 13,211,212 John Gleason" 210, 233 John Peverly" 193, 211 Joseph" 208 Joseph" 209, 210 Jpseph' 209 Joseph Ames" 211 Joseph Edwin' 210, 233 Joseph Smith' 210, 211 Judith" 208 Judith (Arhn) 169 Julia (Gleason) 211, 233 Juliette" 210, 233 JuUette" 211 Kate (Brown) Rowe 211 Laura 169, 270 Lucy Ann" 211 Lucy J. (Johnson) 211, 345 Lydia' 208 Lydia Leavitt (Greeley) 211 Margaret Dow 207 Maria (Phillips) 13, 212 Martha 59 Mary' 208 Mary' 210 Mary C. (Marble) 211 Mary E. (HUls) 193, 211 Mary E. (MorrUl) 210 Mary (Gott) 207 Mary (HaU) 210 Mary M,' 178, 209 Mary (Sanborn) Rand 210 Mehitable (Beede) 208 Mehitable (Foster) 1.34 Miriam 195 Moses" 208 Myra TUton (EUiott) 5, 212 Obadiah Greeley' 211 Obadiah HaU' 210 Ohve" 208 Olive' 208 Nancy Greenough' 210 Nathaniel' 208 Noah" 208 Peter" 208 Phebe S. 249 Richard' 207, 345 Richard' 207 Robert' 209 Ruth' 210 Ruth (Ames) 4, 210 Sally S. i-Peveriy) 211, 256, 282 392 INDEX. KIMBALL (cont.) Samuel" 209 Sarah 140 Sarah" 208 Sarah" 208 Sarah Moody' 210 Sarah (Moulton) 178, 209 Sarah (Smith) 208 Sarah (WUson) 208 SUas' 209 Smith' 209 Susanna (Dinsmore) 62 Sylvia (Gleason) 210, 23.3 Thomas' 208 Ursula (Scott) 207 WiUiam Crawford' 210, 233 WUUam L. 108 WUliam Moody' 210, 211 345 KING Mary E. 269 KINGSMAN EmUy 168 KINNEY Anna M. (Foster) 140 Asa 140 Clarence 140 Emma 140 Frank J. 140 Henry 140 Herbert 140 Lorenzo 140 Sarah 140 KITTREDGE Aaron' 213 Albert Chandler' 213 Alfred' 213 Alfred Hamilton' 213 Ann Katharine' 213 Apphia (Woodman) 213 Augustus' 213 Caroline' 213 Caroline (Lord) 213 Charles Woodman' 213 Edward Cornelius Delevan '213 Fanny Balch' 213 Frederick Lord' 213 Hannah 135, 244 Hannahi 213 Helen Martin' 213 Henry' 213 Henry Harrison' 213 John' 213 Jonathan' 212 Jonathan' 213 Jonathan Perry' 213 Joseph' 213 Joseph Woodman' 213 JuUa Apphia' 213 Julia (Balch) 213 Katharine' 213 Martha' 213 Martha Apphia' 213 Martha Elizabeth' 213 Martha (Goodhue) 213 Mary E. (Noyes) 213 Mary Elizabeth' 213 Mary Esther' 213 Mary Esther' 213 Mosesz 213 Moses Hamilton' 213 Nathaniel' 213 Sarah No.ves' 213 Sarah (Upham) 213 Walter' 213 KNAPP Anson Dodge 119, 122 Benjamin W. 180 Dorothy E. 122 Edith A. (Whitcher) 281 Elizabeth (Emery) 119 EUzabeth (Hancock) ISO George 281 Harold A. 122 Joshua Alfred 119 Joshua Alfred, Jr. 119 Lucie E. (Otto) 122 KNICKEL Baltzer 302 Laura 302 KNOWLES Ada EsteUa' 214 Addie Lou 199 Annette (Hall) 199 Annie' 214 Brancy (Fisher) 213 Charies P. 199 Clarissa (Scott) 214 Cyrus' 214 Elijah H.' 213 Emily Jane' 214 George W. 199 Harriet S.' 214 Henrietta A. (Moore) 262 IsabeUa' 214 John' 213 Joseph 189 Joseph' 189, 214, 248 Listen Smith' 213 Lucinda F. (Moore) 214, 248 Luther' 214 Lydia" 214 Maiy' 214 Mary* 214 Mary S." 214 Mary Susan (BusseU) 213 Rachel 173 Rebecca (Huntoon) 198, 213 ReUef 74 Sadie 248 Serena W. (PhUbrook) 214 Smith 198 Susie M.* 214 Sylvester R.' 213 W. L. 252 Weltha J. (Heath) 189, 214 WUliam' 214 Willie' 214 KOPP Charies M. 328 Mary S. (TaUant) 328 KREAMER Hope (Hannaford) 182 W. W. 182 KRESS Esther Amelia 6 George Clinton 6 LADD Addie F. 75 Alice 210 Caroline Augusta (Elliot) 5 Daniel 219 Daniel, Jr. 219 Daniel T. 246 James 298 Judith (Lyford) 219 Lydia (Sanborn) 298 PoUy 298 Ruth J. (Sanbom) 246 William Sargent 5 LAKE Alfred P.* 215 Bertha(Hatch) 216 Bessie Ernestine' 216 Betsey (Kenniston) 215 Betsey (RandaU) 2 1 5, 29 1 Caroline' 215, 251 Caroline J. (Brown) 215 Charles 227 Charles, Jr. 227 Clara J. (Dow) 216 Edith' 216 Emily' 192, 215 Eunice' 215, 266 Everett F.' 215 Frank' 215 Freda 38 George W. 227 George Washington' 192, 215 Huldah (Shattuck) 215 James 169, 189, 214 James' 215, 291 Jemima' 189, 215 Jennie F. 227 Jeremiah' 216 Jeremiah' 216 Jessie F. (West) 227 John' 214, 216 John Frank' 216, 282 Jonathan' 215 Joseph" 215 Luceba' 8, 215 Martha (GUnes) 215 Mary A. (Hannaford) 215 Mary B. (Mason) 227 Mehitable' 169, 215 Mehitable (Berry) 169, 189, 214 Myra (Towne) 215 Polly' 215 Rhoda A. E. (HUl) 192, 215 Sam Weare' 216 Sarah (Dow) McDaniel 215 Sarah E. (Peverly) 216, 282 Susan' 216 Susan L. (Worrald) 216 Susan Viola" 216 Thomas' 214 Walter" 216 Walter True' 215 WilUam H.' 216 WiUiam Randall' 215, 216 LAKEMAN Susannah 84 LAKIN Isabelle (Nudd) 271 John 271 LAMBERT Ella A. 269 Sarah L. 50 LAMORE Charlotte (Moore) 251 John 261 LAMPREY Ann Maria" 216 Benjamin B." 216 Etta M. (Hodge) 216 Hannah B. (Hadley) 216 Herbert Nelson" 216 Sally (Burieigh) 216 Samuel' 216 Sarah A. (Cate) 210 WUliam C 216 Wilham H." 216 INDEX. 393 LANCASTER Bruce 136 Eunice Corser 346 Finette (Foster) 140, 147 George C. 346 Georgia E. 346 Lucy A. (Moody) 135 Mary Maude 136 Samuel Thomas 135 Sarah J. (Hill) 136 Southworth 136 Walter Moody 135 LANE Abbie A. (Dow) 107 Abbie EUzabeth' 160 Betsey B. (Dow) 107 C. T, 107 Charlotte' 160 David" 160 David' 160 David Henry' 160 Ebenezer 339 Elsie Smith' 160 George 107 George Henry' 160 Huldah 227 J. J. 107 Jemima Swasey' 160 Josiah 266 LUla Ivanette 315 Lydia 145 Martin L. 315 Mai-y Jane 339 Mima Sheppard' 160 Nancy Wadleigh 339 Naomi (Gibson) 160 Phebe (MorriU) 266 Roxana M. (Ames) 160 LANGDON Mary 324 LANGLEY AUce C. 313 Hosea B. 313 Lavina J. (Fowler) 313 LANGMAID Frances C. (Mason) 227 James 227 John 227 Martha A. 227 Mary F. 227 LANGTRY Maria (Durgin) 48 LARSON Johanna (Swenson) 224 Lars 22-4 Lotten 224 LASKEY Mary (Randall) 290 WiUiam 290 LATHROP DixweU 139 Sarah (Foster) 139 LATTEMOOR Alice Best 224 Catherine 224 Peter Joseph 224 LAVALLY John 228 Rachel G. (Matott) 228 LA-WRENCE Anna L. (Sargent) 129, 285 Clarentine 210 David 231 Emest L. 129 Hannah F. 210 Laura M. (Fletcher) 129 Lydia (Sias) 231 LAWRENCE (con(.) Rebecca 27 Warner W. 129 LAWS Katheryn E. (MorrUl) 268 Migonette S. 268 Minerva B. 129 Ovid 258 Richard F. 258 Walter C. 258 LAWTON Joanna C. 288 John 288, 289 LAYCOCK Mary B. 81 LEADBEATER Carolyn M. 257 Edward 257 Eleanor C. 257 Joel E. M. 257 John 257 John M. 257 Mary O. (Morrill) 267 LEAR Arvilla 187 Robert 187 LEARNED Ebenezer T. 78 Mary M. (White) 78 Sarah Matilda 78 LEAS Emily Judson 120 Mary (Stewart) 120 WilUam B. 120 LEATHERS Emily 248 LEAVER Mary A. (Ayers) 14 Mary Llewellyn 14 Henry Ayers 14 Thoinas 14 Thomas McGregor 14 WiUiam McClure 14 LEAVITT Abbie M. (Batchelder) 196 Ann (Lyford) 218 Christie E. (Neal) 268 DeUverance 69 Dorothy (Dudley) 218 Henry T. 196 Love 164 Mary (Lyford) 219 Moses, Jr. 218 Thomas 218 LEE Ella (Hayes) 285 Hannah 308 Jeremiah 285 Mary Ann 85 Mary EUa 285 LEECH Mary 312 LEFEVRE OUve 76 LEIGHTON Ellen EUzabeth 44, e96 Eliza Ann (Sanborn) 44, 296 Emma L. (Colby) 89 John 89 Leonard C. 89 Lydia 44 Mary E. 89 Thomas 44, 296 LELAND Charles 246 Frances C. (Moore) 246 Frances Rosalinda 116 LEMON Elizabeth 267 LEONARD Lizzie 346 LESTER Betsey 21 LETOURNEAU L. J. 25 Sarah B. (Goodwin) 26 LEWIS C. P. 249 Lucy W. (Moore) 249 Martha 81 Maud E. 124 LEWTON A. Louise (Taylor) 82 George W. 82 Ivy Louise 82 LIBBEY Naomi B. 234 LIBBY Miriam 166 LIERD Mary 143 LINT Jane 135 LITTLE Abiah 324 Daniel 324 Hannah 284 Jacob 158 Lucy (Gerrish) 168 Martha A. (Stevens) 318 Mary 157 Rhoda B. 158 LIVINGSTONE Charles 118, 317 Charles, Jr. 317 Charles C. 118 Elvira Clark (Squiers) 118, 317 LOCKE Annah S. 327 Charles 307 Flora 307 Harriet 307 Harriet (Shaw) 307 James 6 Jane 151 Nellie 307 Oliver 307 Oliver, Jr. 307 Phebe M. (Ames) 6 Rose 307 Sarah 307 LOCKEY EUzabeth 143 LOCKHART George Alexander see George Alexander MorrUl MitcheU 256 LOCKIE Addie Irene 174 LOGAN Nellie J. 169 LOHBILLER Anna M. 185 Anna Margaretha 227 Anthony 185 Lina 186 LOMBARD Asa 202 Mehitable (James) 202 LONG Elizabeth 67 Richard 67 * LONGLEY Fred 271 Isabelle (Nudd) Lakin 271 394 INDEX. LORD Caroline 213 Mary 23 Myrtle 189 LORING Enoch 271 Hannah C. 271 Hannah C. (Taylor) 271 LOUD George WiUiam 111 Jessie M. (ElUott) 111 Marion 111 Ralph WUliam 111 Raymond Elliott 111 LOUGEE Arthur 257 Betsey 64 Da-vid 299 Edmund 189 Edwin 314 Frederic Jeremiah 314 George Edwin 314 Hannah (Blanchard) 28 Hannah (DoUoff) 299 Harry A. 314 Lucia M. (MorriU) 257 Mae Belle 189. 190 Mary 299 Mary E. (Smith) 314 Nancy 299 Ruth E. (Heath) 189 Samuel 189 LOVE Ernest L. 347 Maple E. (Baldwin) 347 Maude E. 346 WUliam 130 LOVEJOY Anne 26 EUzabeth (Foster) 133 Henry 24 Mary Ann 327 Nathaniel 133 LOVERIN Jane 268 LOVERING Abifeail 7 Alonzo B.' 98,216 Emma F." 217 Ida A." 217 Jennie (Wiggin) 192 Lucy 282 Mary A. (Herrick) 192 Mary (Rogers) 7 Roscoe 192 Roscoe C. 192 Samuel 282 Samuel B. 7 Sarah S. C. (Davis) 98, 216 Sylvester 192 Zebulon' 216 LOW Samuel 84 Susanna 84 Susanna (Cogswell) 84 LOWE Cynthia (Gleason) 233 Emery 233 LOWELL Harriet T. 246 James Russell 141 LOWMAN J. D. 119 Mary R. (Emery) 119 LUDLOW Bertha H. 105 CarroU H. 105 Effie L. 105 LUDLOW (cont.) Electa M. (Dow) 105 Emilie E. 105 Maria P. 106 Roy W. 105 Whitten 105 LUFFKIN Mary H. 252 LUKE Mary Abbie 6 LUND Edgar H. 243 Judith Foster (Harris) 243 Orra DeUa 243 LUNDEEN Cornelia Elizabeth 265 Eva E. (Zacrisdotter) 265 John A. 265 Jonas P. 265 Mary Cutler 265 Mary C. (Johnson) 265 LUSHELL Ann 298 WiUiam 298 LYALL Janette (Buck) 279 Maud 279 WUUam 279 LYFORD 108 AbigaU 208 Abigail' 219 Abigail' 219 AbigaU' 220, 222 Abigail" 222 AbigaU (Dudley) 219 AbigaU (Emerson) 223 Abigail (French) 224 Abigail (Lyford) 220, 222 Abby Ann' 225 Abby La-vinia' 224 Adaline S. (Lyford) 222 Adaline Shepherd 222 Addie C. (Dow) 225 Addie Grace" 225 Agnes McLean" 224 Albert E. 176 Albert Giddings' 224 Alfred' 223 AUce Best (Lattemoor) 224 AUce Horn' 226 Amanda Flora' 225 Amos Cogswell' 222 Amos Cogswell' 224 Amos CogsweU' 224 Ann' 218 Ann' 220, 222 Ann (Conner) 219 Ann (James) 220, 222 Ann (Lyford) 222 Anna' 219 Anna" 220 Anna" 222 Anna (Lyford) 220 Annah Augusta' 225 Annie M. (Bro"pra) 44 Ariana Ham' 224, 225 Asenath (Ghdden) 223 Augustus" 223 Benjamin' 219 Betsey" 221 Betsey' 222 BUey' 220, 222 Byley' 223 CaroUne' 223 Charlotte (Dow) 223 Charles Chamberlain' 225 Clara (Berg) 176 LYFORD (cont.) Clara Kimball' 225 Cynthia (Burnham) 222 David' 219 David' 221 Dearborn" 223 Deborah' 218, 222 Deborah" 220 Deborah" 222 Deborah (Lyford) 220, 222 Dorothy' 219 Dudley' 220, 222 Dudley' 225 Edwin Moses' 224 Eliphalet Giddings' 222 Eliza A. (Fletcher) 222 EUza Burns (Greely) 225 EUzabeth' 218 EUzabeth' 219 Elizabeth' 219 EUzabeth" 220 EUzabeth (Beattie) 223 EUzabeth Greely' 225 EUzabeth (Ham) 178, 209, 224 EUzabeth (Sanborn) 221 EUzabeth (Smith) 218 Emma (Harley) 225 Emma L. (Hendrickson) 225 Emily M. Brown 225 EsteUe' 226 Etta Hannah (Lyford) 224 225 Eugene Abbott 176 Francis' 217, 218 Francis' 218 Frank" 223 Frank Dudley' 224 Frederick Bartlett 176 Fifield' 221 Flora A." 223 Florence J. (Gray) Sanders 224 Hannah' 219 Hannah' 219 Hannah' 220 Hannah B. (CogsweU) 85, 221 Hannah (Hale) 220 Harriet' 176, 221 Harriet" 223 Harriet A. R. (Chase) 223 Hattie J.' 223 Hattie R. 76 Helen (MacCleod) 222 Henry S.' 222 Huldah H. (Spaulding) 222 James 220 James' 220, 222 James" 221, 224 James GUman' 219, 220, 222 James Gilman" 222 James Otis' 224 Jane (Holmes) 176 Jeremiah' 220, 223 Jeremiah H." 176,220 John' 219 John' 219 John' 220,221,222 John' 178, 209, 222, 223, 224 John F.' 223 John H.' 224, 226 John Peari' 225 Jonathan' 220, 222, 223 INDEX. 395 LYFORD (cont.) Joseph' 219, 220 Joseph' 221, 223 - Joseph' 223 Joseph G. 44 Joseph Greeley' 225 Josephine (Hinman) 223 Josie' 223 Judith' 219 Judith' 219 Judith (GUman) 219 Judith K. (Heath) Lyford 221 JuUet Eudora (Robinson) 224 Katharine Batchelder' 224 Katy" 221 Lavinia French' 224 Liberty' 220 Lois" 220, 222 Lois (Blanchard) 221 Lois (Lyford) 220 Lotten Evadne' 224 Lotten (Larson) 224 Lucy CaroUne" 222, 225 Lydia" 219 Lydia' 219, 322 Lydia (Folsom) 219 Marion EUzabeth' 224 Martha Badger" 12, 222, 225 Martha E. (Peaslee) 222 Mary' 218 Mary' 219 Mary* 219 Mary" 220 Mary" 222 Mary A. E.' 223 Mary A. (Haines) 176, 220 Mary Addie (CogsweU) 224 Mary Ann' 221 Mary Ann" 222 Mary Ehzabeth' 225 Mary (GUdden) 223 Mary Hall" 220 Mary (Hardy) 220 Mary Isabel (McLane) 224 Mary J. (Quimby) 223 Mary James 219 Mary Jane" 223 Mary (Lyford) 220 Mary Pickering 176 Marv S. (Emerson) 223 Mehitable' 221 Mehitable (Robinson) 221 Minna (Morse) 221 Miriam (ChalUs) 219 Moses' 223 Moses CogsweU' 221, 224 Moses Greenleaf" 222 Nancy' 220 Naomi (Dickey) 223 Nathaniel' 223 Paul John' 225 Peter" 221 Polly' 222 Rebecca' 218 Rebecca' 219 Rebecca (Dudley) 218 Richard Taylor' 224 Robert' 220 Ruby Elizabeth' 225 Sally (GUman) 220 Sarah' 218 Sarah (Buswell) 222 Sarah (Spaulding) 222, 223 LYFORD (cont.) Sophia M. (Richardson) 224 Stephen' 218 Susan' 223 Susan Ayer (Hill) 224 Susan E." 223 Susan (Rogers) 223 Susanna' 219 Susanna' 220, 221 Susanna (Dearborn) 220 Thomas' 218, 219 Thomas' 219, 222 Thomas' 219, 220, 221 Thomas' S5, 221 Thomas' 222, 225 Thomas' 225 Thomas Dearborn' 220 Thomas Jefferson' 227 Tirzah" 220 Vashti (Shattuck) 223 WUliam Haines 176 Winthrop Dearborn" 221, 223 Winthrop Dearborn' 223 Zebulon' 220, 222 LYMAN Flavia Elizabeth ¦ 62 Martha L. (Heafford) 37 WUUam 37 LYON Baxter 28 Sally (Blanchard) 28 LYONS Grace (Heath) 189 Herbert 189 McALPINE Albert G. 243 Ethel JuUa 243 Julia E. (KeUam) 243 McCABE Arthur 185 Jeannie G. 185 Jeannie G. (Bush) 185 Thomas E' 185 Thomas E.« 185 McCANN Carrie E. (Chamberlain) 56 EU zabeth (Chamberlain) 56 Ethelbert Leroy 56 Julia W. 56 Thomas L. 56 McCARLEY AUce 202 McCARTY Maria 234 McCLARY Andrew' 237 Andre-w' 209, 236, 238 Andrew' 238 Ann' 236 Arthur' 237 Benjamin" 138, 237 Celestia (Dicey) 237 Elizabeth' 209, 238 Elizabeth' 237 Elizabeth (McCrillis) 236, 238 Frank E.' 237 Fred L.' 237 Frederick WiUiam' 237 George' 237 Ida B. (Hadley) 237 James Har\'ey' 238 Jane' 236 Jemima (Moulton) 237 McCLARY (cont.) Jonathan' 237 John' 236 John' 238 John" 237 John Clarence' 237 Lydia C. (Huntoon) 198, 237 Margaret' 236 Margaret' 238 Martha EUen' 237 Mary" 63, 237 Mary (Huntoon) 63, 199, 237 Nancy' 238 Orrissa Hannah' 237 Sarah' 237 Thomas M." 63, 199, 237 William' 236, 238 WiUiam' 236, 237 WiUiam' 237 MacCLEOD Helen 222 MCCLINTOCK Alexander Morrison 325 Betsey 250 Betsey (Grover) 169 James M. 169 McCLURE David 101 Elizabeth 101 James 101 John A. 248 Martha (Glynn) 101 Sarah Edith 248 Susan W. (Moore) 248 McCOMB Emma J. (Howe) 194 Hoyt 194 McCONNELL James 86 Ruth (Cogswell) 86 McCOUTS Ella E. (Fuller) 148 McCOY Charles 307 Eliza (Shaw) RunneUs 307 Hannah 253 Ida 307 Louis 307 McCRELLIS Hannah 70 MoCRILLIS Abigail (Chesley) 138 Abigail (Foss) 241 Abby O.' 241 Alonzo' 241 Andrew" 238, 240 Ann (Dow) 238 Anna' 239 Anna' 241 Anne' 239 Betsey' 114, 240 Betsey' 239 Caroline' 239 Daniel' 238, 239 Daniel' 239 David' 238 David' 29, 114, 160, 238, 240, 246 David' 239 David T.' 238 Deborah' 238 Deborah (Whitcher) 238 EUzabeth' 236, 238, 239 Elizabeth' 239, 240 Ehzabeth (Thompson) 239 Esther" 239 FranceUa" 241 396 INDEX. MoCRILLIS (cont.) Hannah' 29, 240, 247 Hannah (Brown) 87, 240 Hannah (Dowst) 239 Henry' 238 Henry' 239 Henry' 239 James' 238 James' 238, 240 Jane' 238, 239 Jane' 239 Jean' 238 Jean (Kelsey) 238 John' 237 John' 238 John' 238, 239 John' 238, 239, 240 John' 238, 239 John F.' 238 John Kenney' 239 Jonathan" 239 Joseph CiUey" 239 Lulie M. 41 Margaret' 240 Margaret" 239 Margaret' 244 Margaret (Bumside) 237 Margaret Harvey' 87, 240 Margaret (Hari'ey) 238 Margaret (McGafley) 239 Martha' 238 Mary' 238 Mary' 239 Mary' 239, 240 Mary' 241 Mary (Emerson) 238 Mary F.' 238 Mary F." 241 Mary (Gerrish) 240 Mary (Kenney) 239 Mary Noyes' 241 Mary S. (Watson) 241 Michael' 239 Moses Osgood' 240 Nancy' 240 Neal' 240, 241 Neal' 241 Ozom' 239 Polask' 239 Polly' 238 Reuben' 240 Robert' 239 Robert' 239 Sally' 239 Sally Bowdoin" 239 Sally (Bowdoin) 239 iSaUy (Hancock) 180, 239 Sarah' 238 Sarah Foss" 241 Sarah J." 238 Sarah J. (Thompson) 238 Sarah L,' 241 Stephen' 239 Susan' 238 Susanna (Webster) Moore 29, 114 WUliam; 238 WiUiam' 238, 240 WiUiam' 87, 239, 240 WUliam' 241 William Henry' 2.39 William Neal' 241 McCUBBINS Blanche EsteUa 347 McCURDY Janet 277 McDANIEL Abigail 65 Betsey (Gile) Glines 241 McDANIEL (cont.) Citana' 200, 241 Cynthia (Dearborn) 8, 167, 241 EUa' 241 EUzabeth' 241, 321 Frank B." 241 George' 241 Henry W." 241 Isoline 321 John EUison' 241 Jonathan' 241 Joseph' 167, 241 Joseph' 241 Lydia B. (Streeter) 241, 320 Martha 292 Martha (GUnes) 165, 241 Nabby 165 Nehemiah' 165, 241 Rebecca (Howe) 241 Sally (Dow) 241 Sarah (Dow) 215 Susan 164 Susan 164 Susan (Bailey) 241 Tristram' 241, 320 William' 241 McDonald Nancy 333 Nellie 76 Sarah 130 McELRAY Carrie 57 McENANRY Rose 336 McFARLAND EUzabeth 278 MacFATE Anna 15 Bertha May 15 John 15 McGAFFEY Margaret 239 Margaret (McCriUis) 240 Neal 240 McGregor James 12 McGUNTY Winnefred 143 McINTIRE Clara (Nudd) 271 PI, G. 239 Margaret (McCriUis)239 McINTYRE Rosalie Gretchen 177 McISAAC Catherine 193 McKEAN Eliza A. (Parkinson) Nich ols 277 Leonard 277 MacKECHNIE Hiram 251 Sarah A. H, (Moore) 251 McIOOE Marv 248 McKERLEY Mary 314 Robert 314 McLANE Mary Isabel 224 Mclaughlin E. C. 144 Sara L. (Foster) 144 McLELLEN Alice (Crawford) 121 Anna 121 Andrew 121 McMASTER Rachel 144 MACE Anna A. 256 MACURDY Martha Jane 125 MAGEE Frank A. 242 Genevieve S. (MerriU) 242 MAGOON Eliza 323 MAHAFFEY Anna 296 John 296 Mary L. (Sanborn) ' 295 Phebe S. (Sanborn) j. 295 T. M. 295 MAHAN Mary Joanna 5 MALOON Sarah 270 MANCHESTER Delos 32 Nancy (Boyce)32 MANNING AUce 9 Betsey 9 CaroUne 9 Joseph 210 Sarah Ann 9 Sarah M. (Kimball) 210 Statira 9 Statira (Ayers) 9 Thomas 9 MANTHEY Huldah E. 310 MARBLE Abbie M. 251 Carrie M. 252 Mary Clark 211 MARCH Joseph G. 70 Mary 112 Sally (Clough) Hazelton 70 MARCHE Ann NeweU 296 Hannah (Gerrish) Carter 296 Jacob 296 MARDEN Ann E. (Thompson) 72' Charles 41, 243 Charles Henry 72 Ebenezer 41 Elizabeth 326 Elmira (Brown) 41 Emily P. (Foster) 145 Francis 326 Francis A, 326 Francis A. Jr. 326 Hattie Alena 243 Huldah B. 41 John 326 John B. 41 Lorenzo 41 Lena S. (Cahoun) 243 Lucy Ann (Nesmith) 32 Martha BeUe 72 Mary Jane 41 Mary S 326 Mehitable 41 Nellie M. 339 Phebe (Smith) 326 MARIGOLD Nancy (Cody) 81 MARKHAM Mary M. 7 INDEX. 397 MARKLE AUce (Cody) 80 EUjah 80 Elizabeth 80 Jacob 80 Joel 80 John 80 Lydia 80 Robert 80 Senith 80 MARLAND Maud Lilian 305 MARQUIS Ernest 268 Hazel Davida 268 Helen Lavelle 268 Idonia L. (Peaslee) 268 MARSH Andrew 81 Charles Thompson 45 Edith Myrtle 81 Edward 275 Eleanor (Blake) 81 EUzabeth (Page) 275 EUen Coburn 45 Enoch P. 45, 259 Hannah (Brown) 45, 259 Harriet E. (Cody) 81 Ida Lora 45. 259 Lindus Cody 81 Nancy 272 Roy Parker 81 MARSHALL ' Ethel H. (Tallant) 328 WendeU R. 328 MARSTON Asema M. (Simpson) 311 Cora 311 Edward 311 Elvira B. (Simpson) 311 Hannah (Haines) 172 Howard 311 Josephine A. 327 LiUa 178 Mary 311 Nathaniel 172 Warren 311 MARTEL EveljTi 307 MARTIN Belle 311 Betsey A. 116 Betsey (Lewis) 80 Charles Albert 147 Eveline Simpson 311 C5race Augusta 147 James 259 Isaac 116 Levina (Whittaker) 224 Lois (Fernald) 116 Lydia 80 Marion E. (Lyford) 224 Martha J. 269 Mary 311 Patrick 311 Sarah Almena (Foster) 147 Robert 80 WiUiam 224 WilUam Plummer 224 MASON Anna M. (Lohbiller) 185, 227 Anne' 226 Anne (Geer) 226 Anne (True) 226 Benjamin" 226 Betsey (Saunders) 226 CaroUne (Clark) 226 MASON (cont.) Catherine (Wiggin) 226 Charles Harper" 185, 227 Charles Henry" 184, 227 Charles L." 227 Edith M." 227 Edward S." 227 Eliphalet 295 Eliza" 226 EUzabeth Ann' 192, 228 Elizabeth (Chamberlain) .54 Elizabeth (Gooding) 226 Elizabeth (Taylor) 226 EUen Maria" 228 Eunice 334 Eunice (Parsons) 333 Frances C." 227 Frank George" 227 Frank W." ' 227 Gardner" 184, 226, 227, 319 George H." 227 George Saunders" 226,227 George Hari ey" 227 Grace E. 127 Grace E." 227 Hannah' 228 Hannah" 226 Hannah P. (Winkley) 228 Harriet 242 Harriet (Stevens) 184,227 319 Harvey" 226 Huldah (Lane) 227 Isabel (Steed) 226 Jane 295 Jennie S. (Adams) 228 John' 226 John' 226 John' 185, 226 John Chandler" 226 John Gardiner 54 John T." 226 John Tufton" 226 Josiah" 226 Lowell T.' 228 Lucia N. (Fox) 227 Lucy M.'» 227 Lucy Maria' 228 Mabel H." 185, 227 Mary 67 Mary Anna" 228 Mary B." 227 Marv J. (Fletcher) 127 Mary Susan' 228 Nancy (Sanborn) 228 Peggy 71 Phebe E. (Harper) 184, 227 Robert Tufton" 226 Robert Tufton" 226 Sally (Sanborn) 295 Sarah Jane" 227 Sarah Stevens" 227 Silver" 226 Simeon' 228 Susanna (Mosset) 226 Thomas Tufton" 226 True K.' 228 MASTEN Cariton 67 Josephine E. (Chaplain) 57 Myrtle 57 MASTERSON EUzabeth (Cogswell) 83 Nathaniel 83 MATHES Abbie' 234 Alvin" 234 America" 234 Angie C 234 Anna (Coleman) 231 Benjamin" 231 Benjamin' 232 Betsey' 232 Betsey Harvey' 233 Caddie Eva" 234 Ch.iries H." 233 Cynthia Eleanor" 235 Cynthia H. (Amy) 235 Cyrus Elkins' 235 Daniel" 232 Don Castrc" 234 Edward W.s 233 Eleanor B. (Morgan) Dar ling 235 Elijah' 232, 233 Elijah' 234 Elizabeth M. (Herrick) 234 Ethel Marion" 236 Everett Hodgdon" 236 Frances E. (Wilson) 235 Francis Orissa" 236 Fred Champion' 234 George A.' 233 George W," 234 Gideon 290 Gideon' 234 Hannah (Withee) 232 Hanson L." 234 Harriet Louise' 234 Harvey Clough' 235 Helen Margaret'" 236 Helen Pamelia" 235 Henrietta C. (Hodgdon) 235 Hiram Stevens" 235 see also Matthews Horace Oscar' 235 Horace Whitcher' 236 Howard C,» 234 Ira A," 236 Isabel Amy" 236 Israel' 234 Jacob" 232 James M.» 233 James M.» 233 Jennie S. (Bracket) 235 Joanna 232 ¦John' 232 John' 232, 233, 234, 246 John' 234, 235 John J.' 234 John Lvcurgus" 234 John MUton" 235 John Milton" 236 John Moor' 235 Joseph' 232 Joseph' 232 Joshua Stevens' 233, 234 Joshua Stevens" 234 Julia' 234 JuUa Anna" 233 Julia Gilkey" 236 Katherine Fanny' 236 Lizzie J." 234 Lizzie Lincoln" 234 Louisa (Perry) 234 Lydia" 232 Margaret A. (Newkirk) 234 Maria (McCarty) 234 Martha Ernestine" 235 398 INDEX. MATHES (cont.) Mary Ann" 286 Mary N. (Coffin) Noyes 233 Maryy (Cressy) Sawtelle 236 Maiy Eleanor" 235 Mary Frances" 234 Mary Jane" 235 Mary Jane' 235 Mary (Moor) 234, 245 Maiy (Prescott) 232 Mary S." 235 Mary (Stevens) 232 Mary (Whitcher) 233 Meredith (Esty) 232 Nancy' 233, 234 Naomi B. (Libbey) 234 Pamelia (Batchelder) 236 Pameha (Whitcher) 234 Polly' 233 Rebecca Rogers" 235 Rosanna Harvey" 235 Ruth' 232 SaUy (Weeks) 232 Sarah' 234 Sarah N.' 234 Susan M. Blodgett 234 Theresa (Quinn) 233 Thomas' 232 Thomas" 233 WUUe" 234 MATHEWS or MATTHEWS AbigaU 334 Abigail (HUl) 231 Abraham' 96, 231 Ann P. 99 Anna 231 Anna (RandaU) 231,290 Benjamin' 230 Benjamin' 231 Benjamin" 231 Delia A. 346 Dorothy 230 Elizabeth 230 Elizabeth (Wheston) 231 Flora Moore' 236 Francis' 229, 230 Francis' 96, 230, 231 Francis' 231 Francis" 231 Gersham' 231 Gideon' 231, 290 Hannah' 231 Hiram Stevens' 236 • Horace Oscar" 235 Horace W. 20 John' 231 Joseph' 231 Lucinda Hanson 236 Lydia (Drew) 231 Martha' 230 Mary Lillian' 236 Pamelia (Batchelder) 20 Phebe (Davis) 96, 231 Ruth" 231 Ruth (Bennett) 96, 230 Thomasine 229, 230 Walter' 230 MATHEWSON Eliza 284 MATOTT Ahce P.' 228 Cornelia' 228 Ehzabeth (Deify) 228 Faber F.' 229 Florence Daffy" 229 Frank N." 228 George IL' 228 MATOTT (cont.) Guy R.' 229 Harrv W.* 229 Ida M. (Blinn) 32, 229 Ida N.* 229 Joseph' 228 Joseph' 228 Joseph' 31, 228 Leon* 229 Linda M.* 229 Mary (Colburn) 31, 228 Mary (Deify) 228 Margaret (Wood) 228 Nancy A,' 228 Nelson F.' 32, 228, 229 Nettie K.' 228 Rachel G.' 228 Robert L.* 229 Rosa' 228 Rutha' 229 Sarah E.' 228 WiUiam 1.' 228 MAUER Adolph 268 Claramon B. (Peaslee) 268 MAXFIELD Charia Ella 305 Cora BeUe 343 Elma 57 Hannah 48 Harriet (Hill) 305 Harrv' Walter .306 James F. 48 Jewett E. 313 Lucia A. (Scales) 304 Mehitable M. 41 Rachel (Blake) 48 Ralph Hill 305 Sarah E. 313 Walter 304 Wilbur Scales 305 William 2.32 MAYNARD Bessie E. (Virgin) 320 Clarence "Virgin 320 Hazel Beat! ice 320 Helen Gertrude 320 Ruth W. 320 MEAD Albergence 108 Darius Johnson 108 Elizabeth (Jennings) 108 Gabriel or Goodman' 108 Jennie 129 Jerome 108 John 129 Joseph R. 225 Mary (Bo ynton) 225 Nancy J. (Fletcher) 129 Nellie Maria 225 Oliver W. 262 Sarah 34 Sarah Eliza 108 Susan A. (MorriU) 262 Susan C. (Dow) 108 MEANS Minerva M. 144 Samuel C. 144 Susan E. (Foster) 144 MELLEN Abigail (Pratt) 63 Elizabeth 53 Henry 53 Martha 63 Thomas 53 MERRICK Polly 92 MERRILL Abbie 169 Abel 59 AbigaU S. 316 Abigail (Weare) 241 Alice' 242 Caileton' 242 Charles' 242 Charles Leonard' 242 Clarence' 242 Daniel 67 Daniel! 242 Da^ id T. 282 Dorcaa 169 Doicas Ann' 242 Edna' 242 Edwin Giover 169 EUzabeth Heath 310 EUa M. 148 Enoch' 241 Fidelia 242 Florence (Clapp) 242 Frank H.' 312 Frank H.' 242, 312 Genevieve Sarah' 242 George Batcher 242 George Sargent" 242 Grace A. (Martin) 147 Grover 292 Hannah Augusta' 242 Harriet Dai id Bodwel 1 241 Harriet (Mason) 242 James 316 Jesse 61 Jessie' 242 John' 242 John W." 241 Jonathan' 241 Jonathan' 156, 241, 242 Laura A. (Chase) 61 Leonard Moores 147 LiUa A. 24 Lillian' 242 Lucretia (Pickering) 291 Lucy (Dudley) 242 Mabel Hawea' 242 Margaret Clark' 242 Margaret (Clark) 156, 242 Maria (BlaisdeU) 242 Mary (Clough) 67 Mary E. 292 Mary E. (Small) 242, 312 Mary Grover 169 Mary (Holt) 282 7oary Jane' 156, 242 Mary (Kezer) 206 Milton' 242 Mina' 242 Nancy (Grover) 169, 292 Nathaniel 67 NeUie M. 282 Octavia 310 Priscilla (Chase) 59 Rebecca' 242 Sarah (Clough) 67 Sarah J. (Weston) 242 WUliam' 242 Winfield Scott' 242 Mf,TCALF Herbert W. 110 Jenne P. (Driscoll) 110 Paul 110 Ruth B. 110 MILES Hiram 269 Lula Ardelle 269 Mary (MorriU) 255 INDEX. 399 MILES (cont.) Nina Leola 269 Olive A. (Noyes) 269 Sarah J. 292 MILLEN Bernice Celeste 17 James Dixon 17 Kathleen 17 MILLER Andrew J. 258 Anna May 258 Charles Nathaniel 268 Ella M. (MorrUl) 258 Elmer 142 EmUy (Foster) 142 Francis A. 258 Fred E. 258 George E. 258 Henry H. 346 Margaret L. (Nichols) 268 Mary E. (Young) Witty 346 Nathaniel 59 Nathaniel M. 258 Ruth (Chase) 59 Sarah J. (MorrUl) 258 MILLS Arthur G. 72 Charies H. 72 Harriet K. (Hopkinson) 72 Henry G. 72 Mary 278 Mary (Clough) 72 Mary E. 89 Thomas 72 Miner Sophia 342 MiNOT AbigaU P. (Haines) 177 Charles 4 Frances 177 Grace MelvUle 177 Isabel 177 Josiah 177 Sarah (TUton) 4 MITCHELL Anna A. (Simpson) 310 Nancy 309 MITCHEN Rebecca (Sanborn) 295 T. S. 295 MONMOUTH Jacque E. 184 Sarah E. (Harper) 184 MONROE Mehnda 117 MOODY Abiah 85, 86 AbigaU (Peaslee) 86 Alden Howard 243 Annie Mariah' 24.3 Caleb Cushing 209 Charles 4, 5, 21, 209 Charies C. P. 19 Charles Edward' 243 Charles E mery4, 243 Cornelia A. (Clough) 7 2, 242 David 341 Emily' 243 Ethel J. (McAlpine) 243 George Herbert' 243 George W.' 246 Hannah (Foster) 135, 209 Hattie A. (Marden) 243 Horace' 243 Howard' 243 Howard' 72, 242 Howard H.' 243 MOODY (cont.) Humphrey 86 James Howard' 243 Jane Lint 135 John 65 John Cheever" 243 John Howard' 243 Joseph 135, 209 Joseph Henry' 243 Lois F. (Danforth) 19 Lucinda J. (Moore) 246 Lucy Ann 135 Lydia 65 Margaret Gale' 243 Maria Ames (Gerrish) 5, 259 Martha EUen' 243 Martha M. (Garland) 242 Mary A. (DavUn) 243 Mary E. (Savage) 243 Mary Jane 135 Mary (Paul) 242 NelUe Blakesley 19 NelUe May' 243 Nathaniel 135 Ona Della (Lund) 243 Phebe (Ames) 4, 209 Sally (Bean) 341 Samuel 209 Sarah 113 Sarah (KimbaU) 208 Solomon" 66 Susan (Forest) 209 Susie M.3 243 Thomas' 242 WUUam 208 WUliam Jr. 209 WilUam Norman* 243 Winifred E. (Gale) 243 MOONEY Joanna (Moore) 247 Obadiah 27, 247 Sarah Burbank Blanchard 27 MOOR Hannah (Sias) 243 John' 243 Mary 234, 243 Samuel 243 MOORE Abbie J. (Hutchins) 2.52 Abbie M. (Marble) 251 Abbv (Jenne.ss) 245 Abiah' 245 Abiah' 246 Abiah (Stevens) 245, 318 Abiel F,' 247 Abigail' 260 Abigail' 245 Abigail (Fifield) 246 AbigaU (Verrill) 261 AbigaU W.s 246 Abraham' 251 Abraham' 251 Ada' 246 Ada (Shepherd) 246 Addie" 249 Adeline M.' 242 Adrianna Caroline" 252 Agnes' 244 Alvert" 247, 249 Albert A.' 248, 249 Alexander* 247 Alexis WiUiam' 252 AUce' 251 Almira' 61, 245 Alonzo B." 248 Andrew G." 247 MOORE (cont.) Ann Maria' 247 Anna F." 249 Archelaus' 244, 245 Archelaus' 247 Archelaus' 246 Archelaus' 246 Arthur C 246 Asa' 244, 245, 335 Augusta" 251 BeUnda 341 Belle" 249 Belle (Blackington) 248 Betsey' 244,216,251,252, 335 Betsey B, (Forrest) 130 Betsey (Bro-wn) 248 Betsey (Holman) 246 Caleb K.' 249 Carohne' 247 Caroline Jane' 252 Caroline (Lake) 216, 261 Caroline (Small) 247, 312 Carrie M. (Marble) 252 Cas.samiro" 252 Catherine (Ordway) 246 Celestia (Health) 248,249 Charies A.' 251 Charles A." 246 Charles C." 262 Charles C.« 248 Charies E' 252 Charies H.* 249 Charles H,' 245, 247, 248, 252 Charles Wilson' 248 Charlotte' 251 Chariotte D.' 251 Chariotte F." 247 Charlotte (Foster) 137, 247 Chariotte W. (Cutler) 251 Clara (.\rlin) 248 Clara G.« 251 Clara H. 284 Clara Moore 189 Clarissa" 251 Clarissa H." 248 Clementine (Holmes) 252 Climena M." 246 Clough* 252 Comfort' 247 Comfort (Perkins) 247 Curtis (see Clough) Cynthia* 252 Cynthia A. (Gerrish) 249 Cyrus" 245 Damon Wesley 131 David' 262 David A.* 2,52 David Fifield' 246 David McCrilhs 248 David Wesley" 248 Deborah (Walker) 215 Ebenezer 30 Edward M," 249 Edwin C* 247 Edwin F.' 246 Elbert E.' 247 Elijah French' 246 EUza' 245, 246 EUza A.' 251 Eliza (Flagg) 251 Eliza (GUnes) 249 Eliza J. 252 EUza J.' 246 Eliza M." 248 Eliza May Harvey* 247 Eliza (Morrill) 249 400 INDEX. MOORE (cont.) Eliza MorrUl 261 EUza P.* 249 EUza T." 248 EUzabeth' 244 Elizabeth' 164, 244, 250 EUzabeth' 245, 261 EUzabeth C 251 EUzabeth (MorrUl) 255 Elizabeth N." 249 EUzabeth T. (Jones) 251 EUzabeth (Whidden) 244, 335 Ejizabeth (Woodward) 250 Elkins 61 Elkins' 247 Elkins' 245 EUa" 262 Ella' 246 Ellen (Ford) 248 Ellen J. (Cram) 248 Ellen M." 262 EUen M. (Moore) 252 Emeline (Barr) 252 EmUy (Leathers) 248 Esther' 262 Esther E.« 246 Esther (Moore) 252 Eugene' 246 Eugene D." 249 Evelina A." 262 Ezekiel' 251 Fannie" 249 Frances C." 246 Frances (Clifford) 66 F. Proctor' 246 Fred A." 248 Fred E." 247 Frederick P.' 249 George" 249 George F.' 249 George F." 246 George H.' 262 George H." 248 George Henry" 248 George L." 247 George M.' 189, 251 George N.' 252 Geoige P.' 262 Gertrude' 262 Gertrude L." 247 Hannah' 60 Hannah' 244 Hannah' 245, 247 Hannah' 244, 245, 248, 250, 335 Hannah' 246, 252 Hannah (Buswell) 252 Hannah C." 247 Hannah D." 248 Hannah (Dow) 248 Hannah (Elkins) 245 Hannah F." 246 Hannah (MorrUl) 247, 260 Harriet" 245, 247 Harriet (PhUbrook) 251 Harriet T. (LoweU) 246 Hattie E. 31 Hattie M. (Starkweather) 248 Hazen W." 248 Helen' 249 Helen L.' 252 Henrietta A." 252 Henry' 245 Henry F.» 249 Henry M.* 248 Henry M." 248 MOORE (cont.) Henry U.' :i49 Henry W." 249 Herbert B." 248 Hiram' 249, 250 Horatio Nelson' 2.32 Howard' 248 Howard P.' 246 Hugh M.' 251 IdaG." 246 Ida S.' 247 Isaac* 250 Jacob* 246 Jacob K.* 249 James 252 James* 250 James Baker' 249 James D," 247 James M. 252 Jane 334 Jane B. (Googing) 252 Jane (Hutchins) 200 .lanne" 245 Jefferson" 246 Jemima 250 Jemima E." 250 .Jeremiah' 260 Jesse' 245 Joanna 246 Joanna' 247 Joanna' 247 John" 118, 245, 247, 250, 260 John" 246, 248 John' 247 John A. 318 John B.' 246 John H.s 248 John M." 247 John S." 246 John Sutton' 214, 248 Jonathan' 262 Jonathan* 260 Joseph' 244, 335 Joseph* 244, 248 Joseph' 246, 249 Joseph C," 261 Joseph C." 246 Joseph G." 245, 247 Joseph M.» 2-47 Joseph W." 252 Josiah' 250 Judith* 244 Judith G.' 118, 261 Judith Jane 335 Juha' 246 Kate' 137 247 Laurana' 247 Lavina K.' 249 LiUa N." 252 Louis H." 248 Louisa' 247 Lovina A. (Huse) 251 Lucia A.' 248 Lucinda F." 214, 248 Lucinda (French) 214 , 248 Lucinda J,' 246 Lucretia (Bradley) 248, 326 Lucretia E." 245 Lucretia K.' 249 Lucy A. (Harris) 249 Lucy (Baldwin) 248 Lucy G." 245 Lucy (Jacquos) 249 Lucy M. (Dimond) 246 Lucy W.' 249 Lydia' 244 MOORE (cont.) Lyaia' 246 Lydia Anale 325 Lydia (Baker) 248 Lydia (Thomas) 310 Mabel B." 249 Mahalabeel eei; Henry M. Margaret (Forrest) 244 Maria' 246 Martha 60 Martha' 246, 251 Martha (Cross) 252 Martha K.' 249 Mary 117 Mary' 244 Mary' 244, 247 Mary' 248, 251 Mary" 245 Mary A.s 247, 248 Mary Ann" 249 Mary (Boyce) 32, 248 Mary E. 252 Mary E.' 246 Mary E. (Moore) 262 MaryF, (Staniels) 248 Mary Fife 325 Mary (Greeley) 247 Mary H, (Luffkin) 252 Mary (Heath) 189, 251 Mary (Keezer) 245 Mary (McKee) 248 Mary (Moore) 244, 247 Mary (MorriU) 251 Mary Osgood 61, 245 Mary P. (Muzzey) 249 Mary Page 247 Mary R." 247 Mary S." 261 Mary (Woodbury) 245 Matthias 251 Matthias J,» 251 MerriU' 189, 216, 261 MUton' 251 Minnie' 247 Minnie (Nichols) 189 Miriam (Smith) 265 Moody' 251 Morrill' 261 MorriU S.' 215, 251 Myra' 247 Nancy' 244, 251, 335 Nancy' 245 Nancy B. (Cleasby) 249 Nancy (HaU) 248 Nancy T. (Sanborn) 249 Nathan' 246 Nathaniel' 244, 249, 255 Nathaniel' 250 Nina M." 252 Olive P. (Huse) 252 Ortha' 251 OrvUle Buswell* 252 Phebe' 252 Phebe' 249 Phebe M.* 249 Phebe S. (KimbaU) 249 PoUy' 244, 245, 247, 335 Polly" 251 Polly e. (HUl) 247 Rachel 329 Rachel (Sinclair) 329 Randall' 247 Reuben" 248 Reuben' 245, 249 Rhoda (Bennett) 250 Ruins' 250 Rufus R." 246 RusseU' 245 Ruth' 250 INDEX. dOl MOORE (con(.) Sabina C." 248 Sadie Eliza 189,251 Sally' 246, 248, 251, 335 Sally (Crosby) 246 SaUy E. 252 SaUy (GUnes) 262 Sally (Hancock) 215, 261 Samuel' 38, 240, 244, 246, 247 Samuel' 247 Samuel' 137, 244, 247 Samuel" 245 Samuel B.s 248 Samuel E.' 247 Sarah' 244 Sarah' 244 Sarah' 245, 246, 251 Sarah A." 248 SarahA. H." 251 Sarah B." 246 Sarah (Blessing) 247 Sarah C." 247 Sarah C. (Cate) 247 Sarah E.' 247 Sarah R." 247 Sarah L. (Winn) 261 Sarah (RoweU) 262 Sarah S.* 249 Sarah (Scales) 250 Sarah (Sturtevant) 248 Sarah T.' 247 Sophronia* 247 Stephen 32 Stephen' 249 Stephen' 245, 248 Stephen' 247 Stephen W.' 249 Sukey* 244, 335 Susan C 251 Susan F. (Clifford) 246 Susan (Sturtevant) 248 Susan W.' 249 Susan W.5 248 Susanna (Webster) 138, 240, 246 Susannah' 138, 245, 249 Sylvanus' 247 Sylvanus C. 312 Sylvester F.» 248 T. Frank' 249 Tabitha (Davis) 250 Thomas 329 Thomas, Jr. 60 Thomas' 247 Thomas' 247 Thomas A.' 247 Thomas Tolar* 249 Trae* 250 Tryphena" 261 Van R.' 200, 252 Victoria G." 251 Walter H.' 247 Walter M.' 249 WiUiam' 164, 244, 334 WUUam' 244, 247 William' 246 WUliam' 245, 252 WiUiam B." 245 William F." 251 WUliam H. H.' 251 WUliam P.* 252 WUUe S.' 247 MOORHOUSE Edwin 321 Maud 321 Sarah E. 321 MORE Anne (Blanchard) 26 Timothy 26 26-11 MOREHOUSE JuUa 121 Sarah Ann 61 MOREY Bernice R. 306 Christine (Atwood) 306 Jerry P. 306 Roland 306 MORGAN Benton C 253 Blanche P." 253 Cora (Coffin) 159 Elizabeth (Fretch) 252 Ella J. (Bryant) 252 Ellen S.» 263 Elsie M.« 253 EmeUne E. (Bradley) 37 Francis A. 76 Frank Hamilton 37 George W." 253 Grace E. (Mason) 127 GranvUle W." 206, 252, 253 Josie F.' 253 MabeUe Evelyn 37 Martha A. (Clough) 75 Nathan' 252 Nathan' 252 Paul' 2.52 Viola B. (Guyop) 37 Walter A. 159 Walter Bradley 37 Wesley N.' 263 WUliam' 262 WilUam H. 37 MORRELL A. H. 100 EUzabeth 100 MORRILL Aaron' 264 Aaron' 254 Abbie P. (Emery) 118, 259 Abiah (TaUant) 325, 326 Abigail' 254 Aibgail' 256 Abigail" 72, 255 Abigail (Brown) 254 Abigail (Emerson) Stevens 72, 255, 318 AbigaU (Wadleigh) 254 Abner' 254 Abner' 260, 266 Abraham' 253 Abraham' 254 Abraham' 254 Abraham" 195, 255, 265, 266 Addie 20 Adeline 308 Aileen A." 258 -Albert Jesses 261,320 Alexander 156 Alexander Wellington' 259 Alice Bertha" 259 Alice J. (Brock-) 262 AUce M." 268 Alpheus' 264 Alpheus B,» 264 Amos' 261 Amanda Caroline' 264 Amanda Prances' 257 AngeUne M. (Stevens) 256 Ann (Sa-wyer) 256 Anna" 35. 260 Anna A. (Mace) 256 Anna F.» 256 Anna I.' 263 Anna P. (Storms) 262 MORRILL (cont.) Anna S.' 264 Annie E.' 265 Annie J." 258 Annie J. (Mullen) 258 Annie Thomas' 256 Anson George" 259 Apphia Amanda' 264, 278 Arthui- F. 22 Asa' 264 Asa Minot' 264 Ashley B,' 265 Ashley Cutler' 264 Benjamin 248, 308, 325, 326 Benjamin F. 22 Bert Smith' 267 Bertha EUen' 259 Betsey 127 Betsey" 137, 255 Betsey A. (Coffin) 239, 262 Betsey Ann" 262 Betsey Coffin" 262 Betsey (Eastman) 257 Betsey Hodgdon' 262 Betsey (Sanborn) 261, 295 Betsey (Stevens) 264, 278 Blanche (Hill) 343 Blanche J.'» 258 Carohne (Cole) 259 Carohne G. (Clough) 80, 263 Caroline (Sanders) 264 Caroline (Warren) 267 Catherine" 256 Catherine (Hoague) 80, 262 Charies' 264, 265 Charies" 261 Charles Clough' 65, 263 Charies EUiott' 205, 263 Charles Emery" 45, 269 Charles Frank" 202. 266 Charies Frank" 256 Charies Frederick" 263 Charles H." 259 Charles 0.» 258 Charles W," 259 Charies WiUard' 257 Clara Chase" 263 Clara N » 263 Clara S. (Stevens) 263 CUmena (Brown) 43, 262 Clyde" 258 Comfort' 256, 263, 266 Comfort (Weeks) 263 CorneUa Eliza' 264, 265 Dan W.» 20, 157, 206, 263 Da-vid 323 David' 2.54 David' 72, 136, 255, 318 David" 255, 259, 260, 261, 295 David' 118, 211, 255, 256, • 263, 282 David Abner' 261,320 David Benjamin' 262, 263 David Emery" 269 Edith Grace'" 259 Edna D. (Fort) 267 Edna Elizabeth" 259 Eduma M." 258 Ed-win Alexander" 2.59 Edwin B.D." 264 Edwin C." 266 Edwin E.» 256 Edwin M.' 258 402 INDEX. MORRILL (cont.) Edwines'" 256 Eleanor (Simpson) 308 Eliza 249, 621 Eliza Ann (Gate) 264 Eliza J, (Pillsbury) 287 Eliza (Warren) 264 Elizabeth" 255 EUzabeth B." 256 EUzabeth (Brown) 264 Elizabeth C 256 Elizabeth Minot" 264 Elizabeth R." 259 EUzabeth S. (Parker) 266 EUzabeth (Sargent) 264 EUzabeth (Stevens) 318 EUa Elizabeth' 264 Ella Maria" 258 Ellen R. (Bryant) 264 Ellen (Bushby) 258 Ellen Maria' 257 Ellen Rebecca (Bryant) 47 Elmer Harvey" 256 Elmie Mahala" 256 Emily' 261 Emily' 260, 261 EmUy J. (Jones) 205, 263 Emma A. (Coe) 258 Emma F.' 256 Emma S. (Herrod) 258 Emma T.' 80, 262 Enoch' 256 Eno-h" 256 Ephraim' 254 Erastus' 260 Ethel 1, (Gale) 156, 259 Etta Angle' 256 Etta Florence' 256 Eva I.'» 259 Ezekiel 6 Ezekiel' 254 Ezekiel' 254 Ezekiel" 255 Ezekiel' See MorrUl, Mar cellus Ezekiel" 263, 264, 278, 318 Ezekiel" 47, 264 Florence (Adams^ 261 Florence M," 258 Florence Lou' 257 Francis Eaton' 256, 258 Francis M." 258 Frank'" 258 Frank W ' 50, 263 Frank W.M 259 Frank WiUiam" 258 Fred" 263 Fred Lockhart' 256 Frederick M.' 256 George" 261 George Alexander" 256 George B." 258 George E.» 258, 259 George Henry' 265 George Peverly" 118, 150, 257, 259 Georgia (Sherman) 265 Gladys' 266 Grace E " 268 Grace May' 261, 320 Guv Ethelbert" 80, 205, 263 Hannah 247 Hannah' 254 Hannah' 264 Hannah' 255, 260, 266 Hannah (Baker) 264 Hannah (McCoy) 266 MORRILL (cont.) Harriet C. (Philbrick) 261 Harrison 287 Harry F. 22 Harry Roscoe' 256 Hattie L. (Carter) 50, 263 Helen 6 Helen A, (White) 268 Helen L. (Pinkham) 266 Helen Shepard' 260 Henry' 260 Henry Brown' 262 Hepsibah' 2,54 Herman H. 22 Hiram' 261 Horace' 260 Horaces 261 Horace Jefferson' 261 Horace M." 263 Horario' 261 Horatio Gates' 260 Ida L. (Marsh) 45,269 Ida May' 266 Ina M. (Stone) 262 Ines Lou" 259 Ira E. 308 Isaac' 263 Isaac' 263 Isaac' 254 Jacob' 254 Jacob' 254 James David' 258 .lean Louis ' 266 Jeannette H. (Blenton) 269 Jemima* 254 Jemima' 71, 260 Jemima' 70. 263 Jennie B. (Baker) 256 Jeremiah' 262 Joanna" 263, 266 Joanna (Gilman") 254 Joel" 264 Joel Eastman' 257 Joel Stevens' 264 Joel Warren' 257 Jonathan* 264 John 138, John 220 John* 254 John' 261, 262 John' 261 John B. 44, 80 John Beck' 262 John Carpenter' 260 John Henry' 261, 262 John J. 320 John Langdon' 239, 260 John Newton" 264 John WUUe" 256 Joseph 43, Joseph 239 Joseph, Jr. 244, 335 Joseph' 261 Joseph Ames' 260 Joseph Clough' 260 Joseph Harper' 261 Joseph Mills Glidden' 261, 262 Joseph R.' 266 Joseph Smith" 262 Josephine BeUe" 259 Josephine E. (Chase) 65, 263 Josie M." 266 Judith" 196, 260, 266 Judith' 261 Judith (Cate) 265 Julia A. Everett 260 MORRILL (cont.) Justin S. 254 Katheryn E." 258 Laban 5 Laban" 3, 71, 195, 265, 259 Laban' 35, 260, 261 Laban Ames" 262 Laban D.' 261 Laura' 264 Leon D.9 263 Leon Lockhatt" 256 Leonidas' 261 Lester Swazey' 263 Lewis S." 263 Liberty (Lyford) 220 LiUian Blanche" 259 Lilhan H." 258 LUlian M." 157, 263 Lillian (Newman) 259 Lillian S.' 259 Lizzie" 261 Lizzie E. (Barrberrie) 256 Lizzie Etta' 256 Lizzie M. (Ordway) 266 Loraine (Brown) 261 Loraine (Potter) 260 Lotta M. (Smiley) 6 Louis David' 259, 343 Louisa (Osgood) 265 Lucia Marie' 267 Lucian' 256 Lucian G." 269 Lucretia (Bradley) Moore Tallant 248, 326 Luther' 260 Luther Masten' 264, 265 Luther Sullivan' 265 Ludia' 254 Lydia Page' 6, 264 Mabel J." 259 Mahala (Roby) 256 MarceUus" 260, 261 Margaret" 265 Margaret (Patterson) 258 Maria 344 Maria (Dow) 261 Maria Wheelock' 266 Marion (Crockett) 263 Marian Josephine" 259 Mark M." 259 Martha 326, 336 Martha" 263 Martha H." 266 Martha J. (Martin) 259 Mary 188, 261, 308, 335 Mary' 254 Mary" 256 Mary' 39, 260 Mary A.' 265 Mary Agnes" 265 Mary Agnes (Gage) 265 Mary AureUa' 264 Mary C." 259 Mary C. (Brown) 44, 262 Mary (Carpenter) 260 Mary (Chase) 39, 260 Mary Comfort" 258 Mary (Cutler) 264 Mary E. (Clark) 261 Mary E. (Forsyth) Jones 265 Mary E. (Garland) 266 ' Mary (Eastman) 264 Mary Emeline 210 Mary Emily' 256 Mary Emma" 256 Mary J. (Huckins) 262 Mary Jane' 260 INDEX. 403 MORRILL (cont.) Mary Louisa' 265 Mary Odell" 257 Mary R. (EUiott) 265 Mary R (Frost) 265 Mary Steams' 265 iSlasteni 254, 265, 263 Masten' 266 Mattie A. (Battes) 22 Maud E. (Burrows) 268 Mercy 140 Milo Sanborn' 257 MUton Dana" 257 Minda (Foster) 268 Minda L." 257 Minda M. (MorrUl) 145 Minnie Belle' 269 Minnie E." 258 Mira A.' 256 Miriam' 266 Mases' 254 Myra EmUy' 255 Myra Kimball" 263 Myra Tilton 6 Nancy' 266 Nancy' 261 Nancv (Cate) 262 Nancy (Foster) 138, 260 Nathaniel 256 Nathaniel C 260 Ohiey Smith" 262 Orianna (Swasey) 263, 323 Oscar S.' 64, 267, 259 Osma C. (Baker) 264 Parmeha H. (Drary) 261 Percival Eugene" 259 Percival F.' 256 Perley Francis' 256 Peter' 261 Peter B.« 259 Phebe' 266 Phebe' 255 Phebe (Gill) 253 Phebe Sanborn' 261 Polly' 258 PoUy (Moore) 244, 336 Rebecca A,' 265 Rebecca (Barnes) 254 Rebecca Pomeroy (Chase) 64, 269 Reuben' 255 Reuben' 255, 263 Reuben' 256 Rhoda' 266 Rhoda (Ames) EUiott 5, 262 Richard' 254 Robert C." 257 Robert Smith' 265, 267 Robert Smith' 257 Rose (Colby) 261, 320 Roxanna (James) 202, 256 Ruth" 254 Ruth* 254 Ruth' 255 Ruth Eastman' 257 Ruth (Hoyt) 195, 265 Sally (KimbaU) 118 Sally (Peverly) Kimball 256, 282 Sally Smith' 255, 256 Samuel 210, Samuel 256 Samuel A." 39, 259, 260 Samuel, Jr.' 260, 262 Samuel Atkinson' 256 Samuel Patten 6 ¦ Sarah 266 Sarah' 254 MORRILL (cont.) Sarah" 254 Sarah" 260, Sarah' 136, 260 Sarah" 261 Sarah .\. (Batchelder) 20, 157, 205, 263 Sarah A. (Bigbee) 266 Sarah A. (Smith) 257 Sarah (Ames) 3, 71, 259 Sarah Ann' 260 Sarah B, (Coffin) 239, 260' Sarah B. (MorrUl) 259 Sarah (Bradbury) 264 Sarah (Cheney) 263 Sarah (Clement) 253 Sarah Clough 254 Sarah Coffin' 266, 258 Sarah (Coffin) 263 Sarah (Coombs) Hancock 261 Sarah E. (Bradley) 261 Sarah (Hoyt) 195, 266 Sarah Jane' 258 Sarah Pallett' 262, 263 Sargent" 195, 256, 266 Sebra Bradley' 261 Shadrack Gate' 264 Sibley G.' 265 Sibley Sherman'" 265 Simeon' 261 Smith Laban' 262 Smith Sanborn' 261 Solon Dana 287 Sophia (Payne) Gardner 264 Susan Amelia' 262 Susan G. (Bradley) 261 Susan T. (Stevens) 261, 320 Susanna' 254 Susanna' 256 Susanna' 262 Susanna (MorrUl) 254 Susannah* 254 Susie CUmena' 262 Thomas' 254 Thomas* 254 Thomas" 266 Viola C." 259 Walter" 264 WiUiam Adams' 256 WilUam David' 269 William F." 258 William George" 259 WiUiam Henry' 146, 267, 258 WiUiam K." 257 WilUam Stanley" 259 MORRISON Abbie Susan (Hancock) 181 Alice E. 152 Ann (Lyford) 220 Clara D. (Simpson) 312 Ebenezer 220 EUzabeth (Meader) 113 Frank Leverett 181 Hannah (Giddings) 181 Hiram Simpson 312 John C. 312 Jonathan, Jr. 113 Joseph W. 181 Lena Mabel 312 Mary Simpson 312 Rebecca (Emery) 113 Robert G. 52 Samuel 113 Sarah 246 Sarah R. (Carter) 52 MORSE Almira' 266 Alpheus Bodwell' 266 Armenia J. (Whitney) 339 Arthur Stephen 213 Bertha L,' 267 Charies" 267 Charles Abbot' 165, 215, 266 Charles Abbot' 266, 267 Charles Augustus' 266 Clifford L.' 267 Drusilla B. (Savage) 266 EUzabeth Chandler" 266 EUzabeth (Lemon) 267 EUa' 266 Ella N. (Randlett) 266 Ellen Amanda' 266 Ethel 102 Eunice (Lake) 165, 215, 266 Eva" 266 Frank" 266 Frank A. S.» 266 Francis H. 339 George Webster" 266 Gouveneur WilUs' 266 Harry A.' 267 Harriet F. (Chamberlain) 267 Harriet NeweU' 266 Helen E.» 267 Ida B." 267 James L," 266 Jemima' 266, 267 John S.' 266 Julian 293 Laurence S. 102 Leroy D," 267 Leroy Frederick" 266, 267 LUlie" 267 Lulu B. (Reed) Dow Glines 293 Martha Jane 213 Martha (Kittredge) 213 Mary A. (Holagan) 266 Mary Ann" 166, 266 Mary Hamilton 213 Minna 221 Nelson 202 Susan E. (Dearborn) 102 Susan (James) 202 Stephen 213 MORTON Lucy 322 MOSELEY Abbie (Fletcher) 127 Frank 127 MOSES Hiram W. 302 Lavina Connor 302 Valerie C. 302 MOSHER Amy Annis 305 Daniel' 306 Daniel Wesley' 305 Fritz Wesley' 305 Hazel* 305 Ida A. (Shurtleff) 305 Laura Johnson 305 Mabel Evelyn' 305 Maud' 305 Maud L. (Marland) 305 Mildred* 305 Minnie' 305 MOSIA Harriet 52 MOSSET Susanna 226 404 INDEX. MOSSIER Hugh 305 MOULTON Abiah (Moore) 246 AbigaU 68 Adeline 41 Amanda F. (Lyford) 225 Benjamin 209 Charles 246 Frances J. 246 Iantha (Hutchins) 200 Jemima 237 Jonathan 200 Joseph 246 Joseph B. 246 Leon A. 200 LiUian F. (Gleason) 161, 200 LiUian G. 200 Margaret (Page) 294 Rebecca (Chase) 59 Ruth 294, 298 Sarah 209 Stephen 59 WiUiam 225, 294 WilUam J. 161, 200 MO-WERS Elizabeth 59 MUDGETT 296 Clara A. (Lovering) 282 Sarah (Clement) MorriU 253 Thomas 253 MULLEN Annie J. 258 MURGITTROYD Clara 143 MURPHY Agnes 107 Agnes M. (Dow) 107 Arthur 107 Henry J. 57 Martha A. (Chaplain) Sinotte 57 Norman 107 Paul 107 William 107 MURRY Helen Marion 331 MUZZEY Bertha 249 Cora Jane (Adams) 2, 267 Elizabeth* 267 Hadley P.' 267 Helen (Moore) 249 John Colby' 267 Josephine E. (Gardner) 267 Kenneth Frankhn* 267 Laurence WiUiam* 267 Mary Belle' 267 Mary P. 249 Nancy (Putnam) 267 Norman Gardner* 267 Ruth EUza' 267 William 249 WiUiam Hadley' 2, 267 MYERS Cordelia 43 NAGLE Valina (TaUant) 327 NASON Sally 91 NEAL Abel Baker' 268 Abiah (TaUant) 268, 325 NEAL (cont.) AbigaU 343 Ada M.' 269 Albert H,' 268 Alhanon see Alkanan Alkanan' 268, 325 Alvira (Boyce) 32, 268 Benjamin F.' 268, 325 Bertha A. 339 Byron' 268. CaroUne (Cobb) 268 Christie EUen' 268 Comfort (Moore) 247 Darius Jay 5 David 325 Ella 325 Frances Susan (Elliott) 6 Frank C 268 George Byron 325 George Washington' 268 Hugh 325 Jane (Loverin) 268 John' 268, 325 Joseph' 268 Josephine" 268 Kirk Byron' 268 Laura' 268 Lydia Perkins' 268 Margaret Ann' 268 Mary A.. (Roberts) 269 Mary Elizabeth 268, 325 Mary EUa' 268 Mary G .' 269 Mary (Wallingford) 268 Mehitable (Perkins) 268 Milton Boyce' 268, 269 Nancy' 268 Nancy B.' 268, 269 PoUy B.' 268, 269 Robert' 268 Robert Bartlett 325 RoUna W." 268 Samuel' 268 Samuel' 32, 268 Thomas Calvin' 268 WUUam P. 247 NEATE EUenor 171 NELSON Ada Leila 236 Albert 199 Archie L. 259 Bertha May 259 Clara 187 Darius 199 EUa (Hills) 233, 236 George Henry 236 Hannah 190 Helen (Clark) 199 Ida M. 187 Jane 199 Josie 199 JuUa F. (Huntoon) 199 L. Howard 89 LiUian B. (MorriU) 259 Lionel 187 Maria 199 Milton 199 Mona I. 89 NelUe 199 Ralph Sylvester 199 Sarah M, (Colby) 89 Sylvester 199 Walter 259 WiUiam D. 89 WiUiam H. 89 NESBITT Mary L. (Mathews) 236 T. P. 236 NESMITH Lucy Ann 326 NETTEL Augusta C. (Railey) 288 Edith Babette 288 Emest John 288 James A. 288 Paul R. 288 NEWCOMB Submit 318 NEWHALL Gorham P. 194 Rebecca P. 194 NEWKIRK Margaret A. 234 NEWLIN Anna 143 NEWMAN AUce (Piper) 143 Cleon W. 143 Comfort (MorrUl) 266 Dorothy 143 Ernestine 143 Ezra 266 LiUian 269 NEWTON Abigail G. (Simpson) Clem ent 310 Charies Gilbert 298 Mary 295 Mary M. 310 Paul 298 Rachel T. (Sanborn) 298 Sylvester 310 W. F. H. 298 William Sanborn 298 NICHOLS EUza A. (Parkinson) 277 EUzabeth H. 257 Ellen H. (Hazelton) 267 Luke 277 Margaret L. 258 Minnie 189 Walter 257 NICHOLSON Sarah 315 NILES Adaline 260 Alanson 260 AUenson 261 Annette 260 Beniamin S. 261 Clara 260 Joseph G. 261 Joseph W. 260 Lucius 260 Matilda 261 Nancy (MorriU) 261 Oliver 260 Sarah (MorriU) 260 Sophronia 260 WUber F. 260 NOBLE Henry G. 180 Mary J. (Dow) 108 Susan R. (Smith) 180 NOHREN Louise R. E. 36 NORRIS Claude K. 214 Eva M. 214 Henry L. C. 214 Joanna (Chase) 58 Margery E. 214 Martha (Clough) Guy 70 Maud R. (Kenney) 214 Samuel 70 NORTON Caroline S. 257 INDEX. 405 NOWLIN Eleanor E. 120 J. B. 120 Jane E. (Sykes) 120 NOYES Abbie E. (Rolfe) 123 Altha Ann" 269 Arthur Edward' 269 Arthur Rolfe 124 Bernard Clifford 267 Calvin' 269 Carrie E. 320 Carrie (Streeter) 269 Charles 180 Charles' 269 Charlotte Emery 124 Charles Edward' 269 Dorothy (Hancock) 180 Elizabeth C. (Morse) 266 EUa A. (Lambert) 269 Elsie Brown 124 Flora M. (Taylor) 329 Frank S.' 269 Fred P. 266 George 320 George AlUson 123 George D. S. 329 George K.' 269 George Leroy 266 Grace EsteUe' 269 Henry Sanborn 267 Iva L. (Pillsbury) 269 James F.' 269 Leon Emery 267 Lester* 269 Lucretia (Pickering) Mer riU RandaU 291 Lucy 158 Mary E. (King) 269 Mary Eliza 124 Mary Emery' 213 Mary M. (Coffin) 233 Maude N.* 269 Nora B.* 269 Olive Ann' 269 OUve (French) 155, 269 OUve (Vamum) 269 Ralph R.* 269 Sarah (CogsweU) 83 Stewart* 155, 269 WUliam 83 Winnie M.' 269 NUDD 202 Abbie Emma" 272 AbigaU P. (Sanborn) 271 AbieaU (Thomas) 270 Abra A. (Drake) 272 Addie S. (Emerson) 272 Alice B, (Brown) 272 Ahnira' 271, 293 Andrew J.' 271 Andrew T.» 272 Ann Bowers" 271 Annie E. 272 Annie J. (Dearborn) 271 Annie L. (Varner) 272 Arthur' 271 Arthur Edward" 272 Benjamin' 270 Benjamin B.' 271, 272, 294 Carios' 271 Catherine (Reardon) 270, 271 Clara' 271 Clarissa' 271 Clarence WUUam" 272 David KimbaU' 56, 271, 272 NUDD (cont.) Elbridge Chaplain" 272 Ellen Amanda' 272 EUzabeth' 271 Elmer RusseU'" 272 Erastus' 270, 271 Erastus' 271 Ethel" 272 Finette' 270 Flora Belle' 272, 294 Florette' 272 George Warren" 272 Hannah' 270 Hannah" 270 Hannah C. (Loring) 271 Hannah T.« 271 Hiram' 272 Horace G.' 272 Hosea L.' 271 Isaac Foss' 270 Isaac P.' 270, 271 IsabeUe' 271 James' 270 James' 270 James' 270 James' 270 Joane 103. 270 John 51 John' 270 John" 270 John KimbaU 270 Jonathan' 270 Jonathan' 270 Joseph' 270 Joseph Warren' 92, 270, 293 Joseph Warren' 271 Joseph Warren" 271 Josephine' 271 Josephine (Carter) 61 Lavina J. (Chaplain) 56, 272 Levi' 270 , Lois (Flynn) 270 Mabel P. (Downing) 272 Manson Harlan" 272 Margaret' 271 Martha' 270 Martha" 271 Martha J. (Currier) 272 Mary 192 Mary' 270 Mary' 270 Mary' 270 Mary' 270 Mary' 271 Mary" 271 Mary EUa" 272 Mary Jane Loring" 271 Mary (Warren) 270 Melinda (Whitcher) 271, 272 Nancy (Marsh) 272 Narcissa' 92, 271 Olive Annette" 272 Oliver F.» 271 Orianna J.' 272 Orren Clark" 272 Otis W.» 272 Rebecca C. (Perkins) 272 Robert' 270 Roger! 103. 270 Samuel' 270 Samuel" 270 Sarah' 270 Sarah (Dearborn) 270 Sarah E. (Glines) 271 Sarah (Maloon) 270 Thomas' 103, 270 NUDD (cont.) Thomas' 270 Thomas' 270 Thomas' 270 Thomas" 270 Thomas' 270 Victoria M. (WaUace) 272 WaUace" 272 Walter Elbridge" 272 Warren' 270 Warren' 271 Warren B." 272 William' 270 NUTE Jothan' 97 Mary (Canney) 97 Mary (Davis) 97 William' 97 NUTTING Almon M.' 273 Florence H. (Blenus) 273 Frank Blenus' 273 Frank C 273 Hannah M. (Boyce.) 272 Hattie B. (Clark) _ 273 Henry 214 Lemuel 214, 248 Lou O.' 273 Luther M.' 272 Sadie (Knowles) 248 Susie M. (Knowles) Graves 214 W. Stacy' 273 OAKLEY Florence 87 Joseph S. 87 Myra A. (Wyckoff) 87 Myrabelle 87 Sumner 87 O'BRIEN AUce Maude 337 Dorothy O. 67 Emily Young 18 EmUy A. (Young) 18 Frank P. 57 Lincoln 18 Louise C. (Chaplain) 57 Miriam 18 Robert Lincoln 18 ODELL Artie 81 Delos 81 John 81 Joseph 81 Lydia 81 Lydia (Cody) 81 Mary 81 Theodore 81 OLEARY Bert E. 22 EUzabeth J. (Haskell) 22 OLIVER Bessie 38 Harold 38 Herbert 38 Minnie (Bradley) ¦ 38 Nathaniel EUis 38 Peachie 38 Reginald 38 OLNEY Charies J. 251 .lulia A, (Haines) 251 ORDWAY Anna 48 Catherine 246 ORR Catherine Patten 127 Georgiana (Huckins) 196 406 INDEX. ORR (cont.) Jeanette 128 John C. 299 John F. 196 Judith 339 Lizzie M. 256 Ruth (Sanborn) 299 OSBORN Betsey (Moore) 246 George Jerry 9 Jacob 246 Mary 290 Mary J. 246 Minerva 290 OSBORNE Fannie Warren 153 Isabelle Graham 299 John Simpson 299 Rachel J. (Brown) 299 OSGOOD Abiah 246 Almyra EUzabeth (Clough) 80 Annie Mac' 168, 274 Asa K,' 273 Augustus' 273 Carlton 248 Charles 80, 285 Charles' 273 Charles S.' 274 Charlotte (Hodgdon) 274 Chariotte Mae" 274, 285 Chase' 273 Chase' 273 Constance 80 Deborah 184 Dorcas (Brown) 43 Dudley 246 Edward 206 Edward' 273 Edward' 168, 273, 274 EUzabeth 273 Elizabeth (McCrUUs) Mc Clary 238 Elizabeth (Porter) 80 Elmer Benjamin 80 Enoch 43 Frances A. (Pickard) 274, 286 Hannah (Blanchard) 26 Hannah (Colby) 273 Hannah (Tibbetts) 273 Henry T.' 273 Ira 79 Jacob 246 Jacob D. 246 Jane D. Grace 246 John ' 273 John Kezer' 274 John P. 246 Judith 91 Judith A. (Sargent) 246 Louisa 265 Lucia A, (Moore) 248 Maria (Moore) 246 Martha (Moore) 246 Martha (Tucker) 273 Mary 91, 177, 245 Mary Ann 246 Mary E. 79 Mary J. (Osborn) 246 Mary K,' 273 Mary (Stevens) 273 Marv (Tihon) 246 Mehitable (Chase) 273 Nancy (Kezer) 273 Phebe (Stevens) 273 Sally' 273 Samuel 238, 240 OSGOOD (cont.) Sarah Morrison 246 Shuah (Eastman) 273 Stephen 26 iSusan Kezer" 274 Timothy" 273 True 246 WUliam' 273 William' 273 OSSIER Laura 311 OTIS Jane Hussey 341 Joshua 341 Mary 341 Richard 341 Sarah Stoughton 341 OTTERSON John 62 Margaret Elizabeth 62 Mary (Wilson) 62 OTTO Anna E. (Weimer) 119 Bodo 119 Helen Augusta 119 J. B. 120 Lucie Entermarks 122 OVIATT James C. 6 Susan S. (Forrest) 6 PAGE Aaron' 274 Abigail (Tilton) 274 Betsey 177 Christopher 104 Christopher' 274 Cornelius 67 David" 274 David' 274 Edith 42 EUzabeth' 275 EUzabeth (Jackson) 274 Ezekiel GUman" 275 Hannah 103 Jennie M. 209 John 67, 94 John" 274 John' 274 John' 275 Lucy 274 I;Uther 75 Lydia' 274 Lydia' 275 Lydia (Sanbom) 274 Margaret 274, 294 Margaret' 274 Martha 186 Martha (Clough) 67 Mary 104, Mary 274 Mary' 274 Mary' 275 Mary A. 89 Mary Bates 275 Mary (Fletcher) 275 Mary G. (Burleigh) 275 Mary (Huzzey) 274 Mary (James) 202 Mary (Marsh) 67, 94 Mercy 67 Moses' 274 Nathan Sanborn' 275 Phebe (Burdm) 276 Reuben' 61, 274 Reuben' 275 Robert 103, 294 Robert' 274 Robert' 274 PAGE (cont.) Ruth' 274 Ruth (Dearborn) 274 Ruth (Elliot) 276 Ruth G. (Brown) 42 Ruth (Smith) 274 Samuel Jackson' 275 Sarah' 68 Sarah' 61, 275 Sarah (Davis) 94 Sarah E, (Brown) 75 Sarah (Sanborn) 61, 274 Stella (Sweatt) 313 Susan (Goss) 275 Thomas' 274 Wasson 202 WiUiam Herbert 42 PAIN Elizabeth 96 PAINE Arthur B. 346 Emma (Stanlow) 346 PALLET Adaline (Hoague) 276 Benjamin' 275 Deliverance' 275 Jane 275 Jane' 275 Joseph' 276 Joseph' 275 Lydia 275 Molly (Sanborn) 275, 295 Nathaniel' 275. 295 Nathaniel' 275 Polly' 275 Ruth (Dearborn) 275 Sally (Hoague) 275 PALMER Abbie 143 Abbie F. 52 AUie (Galpin) 143 Charles 143 E. Lula 143 Edmund 143 Edmund C. 143 Effie 143 Elias 199 Ellen (Foster) 143 Emma B. 143 Eva 143 Grace 199 Irena 127 Jane (Nelson) 199 Joanna 58 Kendrick 199 Moses 52 Sarah (Foster) 142 Sarah (Palmer) 52 Sarah (Porter) 27 Truman 142 WiUiam A. 27 PARKER AbigaU (Fernald") 276 Adelaide H. (CiUey) 174 Albert A. 100 Alfred W.' 276 Carrie E. 100 Charies E.' 276 Charies H.' 276 Clara (Sanborn) 276 Cynthia' 276 Cyrus 134 Doicas (Whitney) 276, 338 Ebenezeri 58, 276 Ebenezer' 276, 281 Edith Wainman 143 Ehzabeth C. (Benson) 100 Elizabeth S. 256 INDEX. 407 PARKER (cont.) Eunice" 276 Frank J. 143 Frederick 134 Hannah' 276 Hannah T. (Nudd) 271 Harriet 134 HoUis 134 Joseph E. 271 Joshua' 276, 338 Lucy J. (Peverly) 276, 281 Lydia C 276 Lydia (Chase) 58, 276 Mary 331 Mary A.' 276 R. C. 174 Susannah 134 Susannah (Foster) 134 Thomas Wainman 143 PARKINSON Betsey' 277 Caroline' 277 Clarissa' 277 Clarissa Harlow" 277 EUza Ann* 277 EUzabeth (Kelso) 277 Esther Wood' 277 Esther (Wood) 276 Frances C* 277 Henry' 204, 276 Hemy' 277 Henry* 277 Jane" 277 Janet (McCurdy) 204, 277 John K.* 277 Lydia R. (Wilson) 277 Mary* 277 Mary B. Alley 277 Nancy' 277 Richard" 277 Robert' 277 Royal* 277 Sophia' 205, 277 William' 276 PARMENTER Amy 53 John 53 PARRETT Jane E. 285 PARRIS Amelia I. (Chaplain) 57 Arlene Capitola 57 George H. 57 PARSONS Florence Lavinia 56 Frederick Austin 56 Frederick Austin, Jr. 56 Lucy F. (Chamberlain) 56 Martha Louise 177 Ruth (Butler) 86, 86 "WUUam Chamberlain 66 PATCH CarroU Gilman 32 Grace Marion 32 Harry Walter 32 Iia Leona 32 Marcia Francella 32 Minnie O. (Gilman) 32 Walter D. 32 PATERSON Jane 164 WilUam 164 PATRICK Adaline* 278 Alex Gerrish' 279 Amanda (MorrUl) 82 Andrew' 278 PATRICK (cont.) Apphia A. (Morrill) 278 Betsey' 278 Carrie' 279 David LyaU' 279 Dellah' 278 Eliza Ann" 82, 278 Eliza Mary' 278 Elizabeth (McFarland) 278 Elizabeth McFariand' 279 EUen' 278 EUen Harriett" 279 Emeline' 279 Frank" 279 George T. W." 279 Harriett (White) 279 Isaac' 278 Isaac' 278 John' 277, 278 John' 278 John' 278 John' 278, 279 John' 279 John Fordice' 279 Joseph" 278 Joseph Bartlett' 279 Joseph G." 82, 264, 278 Levi* 278 Levi' 279 Margarett (Graveling) 279 Mary' 278 Mary Amanda" 278 Mary (Gerrish) 278 Mary Mills" 279 Mary (Mills) 278 Mary (Young) 278 Matthew' 277, 278 Matthew' 278 Matthew' 278 Matthew' 278 Maud (LyaU) 279 Morrill' 278 Rebecca' 278 Rebecca (Wiley) 278 Robert' 278 Samuel' 278 Samuel' 279 Sarah" 278 Thoma.s' 278 Walden White' 279 WilUam' 264, 278 William" 278 William McFariand' 278 PATTEE Cyrus 110 GeorgianaE. (Kimball) 211 John R. 211 John Ralph' 211 Mary A. (Driscoll) Twom bly no Ruth 211 PATTEN Charies 315 Daisy 315 Frances 175 Joseph 315 Minnie B. (Smith) 315 PATTERSON LiUian 98 Louisa 85 Margaret 258 PAUL Elmena M. (Haskell) 22 John H. 22 PAYNE Edward C. 339 Clara (Rogers) Williams 339 PAYSON Amanda C. (Morrill) 264 Edward S. 264 PEABODY Alice (Blanchard) 25 Betsey (Austin) 25 Clara Kenrick 25 David Austin 25 Ellen Frances 25 Ellen Noyes 25 Francis 134 Hannah (Hale) 134 J. Millard 75 Kendal O. 25 Mary J. (Taylor) 75 Sarah Austin 25 Sarah B." 25 Sarah Blanchard' 25 WilUam 134 PEAR George M. N. 49 Lucinda M. 49, 150 Nancy (Carter) 49, 291 PEARCE Helen L. (Moore) 252 Levein 252 WiUiam 252 PEARSON Carl Cogswell 87 Carrie Louise 87 Charles Albert 87 Frank Cogswell 87 Helen Louise 87 Margaret Helen 87 Margaret S. (Osgood) 87 Mary J. (Hancock) 181 Rebecca 5 Timothy 87 Timothy A. 87 WiUiam Francis 181 PEASLEE Aeta Neal 268 Bessie Margaret 268 Betsey 156 Betsey A. (Parrish) 156, 187 Clara 166 Claramon B. 268 Don A. 268 Faye 268 Fern 268 Frank A. 268 Idonia L. 268 Ina L. 268 LiUian 268 Lysle 268 Margaret A. (Neal) 268 Martha E. 222 May R. 268 Nettie (Rencehausen) 268 RusseU 268 Zaccheus 156, 187 PEASLEY Jane 96 Joseph 95 Mary (Johnson) 95 PENDLE Mary E. (Cass) 98 WaUace H. 98 PENNOCK Mary 143 PEPPERRELL Andrew 10 William 10 PERKINS AbigaU (Hancock) 180 AUce M. (Brown) 47 Comfort 247 Donald L.' 280 408 INDEX. PERKINS (cont.) Elizabeth 300 EUa FeUows' 280 Emily A. (Burieigh) 279 Emma A. (Jenkins) 47 Fiorina S.' 279, 280 Fred B.' 280 Freda ArdeU' 280 Hannah (Sanborn) 279, 296 Helen Elizabeth 47 Helen (Fellows) Ball 279 Homer Lathe 47 Joanna (Chase) 58 John Butters 47 Jonathan 268 Kate BeU' 280 Leon Adams' 280 Lester Clifton' 280 Levi' 279, 295 Lizzie A. (Adams) 280 Lizzie A. (Powers) 280 Lydia 67, 268 Mabel' 280 Mary E. 108 Mary Etta 327 Mehitable 268 MUdred Lucile* 280 Ned Whitcher' 280 Phebe Harper' 279, 280 Ransom 88 Ray Harris" 280 Rebecca C. 272 Roberf 280 Robert Sanborn' 279 Sarah Eunice 149 Susan B. (Crockett) 280 Susan F. (Cogswell) 88 Susannah D. (Wheeler) 280 Thomas 58 WUliam ISO Zebina Curtis' 279 PERLEY Amos 84 David H. 109 Hannah (Goodhue) Cogs weU 83 Margaret (Cogswell) 84 Minnie H. 109 Sarah C. (Johnson) 109 Thomas 83 PERRY Hannah (Laughton) 234 Louisa 234 Maude Marion 161, 153 Moses 234 PERSONS Eliakim D, 331 Prussia 331 PETERS Hannah 134 Mary 134 Samuel 134 PETTINGILL Annie 321 Da\dd 50 Martha (Sargent) 50 Sarah 50 PETTIGROVE Georgia Cyrene 64 Joshua 64 PameUa C. (Hewes) 64 PEVERE Ahna 316 James 118, 316 Phebe (Clark) 118, 316 PEVERLY Abbie Jane" 282 Abigail' 281 Almira (Sanbom) 203, 282 Benjamin Cotton' 281 Betsey 276 Betsey (Sanbom) 281, 298 Betsey (Sherburne) 114, 115, 281 Betty (Davis) 97 Charies" 282 Charles George" 282 Charies Taylor' 282 Clara A. (Lovering) Mud gett, 282 Dexter" 282 Edward Blake' 282 Eliza' 281 Eliza Jane 2 EUzabeth 281 Elizabeth' 281 Elizabeth (Ham) 281 Fannie 246 Frances Jane' 282 Frances Leland 282 Frank" 211,282,317 Freeman L. 2 Freeman Webster' 282 George' 281 George Dow" 282 George W.' 203, 281, 282 Georgianna" 282 Hannah' 281, 344 Harriet' 281 Harriet E." 203, 282 Horace Emery' 282 Ida M." 211, 282 James' 281 James' 281 Jeremiah' 281 John' 211, 256, 281, 298 John Sanbom" 106, 282 Judith (Wiggin) 128, 215, 282 .LeonoraM (Dow) 106,282 Lucy Jane' 276, 281 Lucy Jane' 128, 282 Mary' 281 Mary' 114, 281 MaryE. (Emery) 115,282 Mary Elizabeth' 282 Mary EUen' 282 Mary (Seavey) 2 Nathaniel' 281 Nathaniel' 281 Nathaniel' 114, 115,276, 281 Nathaniel* 128, 215, 281, 282 NelUe M. 75 Nellie M. (MerriU) 282 Ruby W. (Squiers) 211, 282, 317 Sally Sanborn' 211, 281, 282 Sarah Anna" 282 Sarah E." 215, 282 Thomas' 281 Thomas" 281 Thomas' 115, 281, 282 PHELPS Abigail 309 Eliza 309 Kate C, (Ryther) 56 Mary (Simpson) 309 Melvina 309 Oscar W. 55 Rachel 309 Solomon 309 Uriah 309 PHILBRICK AbigaU 34 Ebenezer 49 Dorinda 65 Harriet C. 261 James 298 Jane (McCrillis) 239 John 49 Mary C. (Carter) 49 Mary L. 64 Mary Y. 102 Sarah 298 Serena Wells 214 PHILBROOK Harriet 251 NeUie E. 100 PHILLIPS Abbie L. (Green) 283 Allen M. 309 Amanda' 283 Dyer M.' 283 Elam 212 Ella (Simpson) 309 Esther (Hunt) 283 Ethel 309 John' 283 Judith (Randall) 283 Lydia 36 Margaret (Beck) 23, 283 Maria 212 Mary (Dyer) 283 Micah' 283 Nellie 309 Shepard 23, 283 Sherman E.* 283 Statura (Shepard) 283 WUUam' 283 PICKARD 283 Abigail* 115, 284 AbigaU (Foster) 135, 283 Alfaretta' 286 Alfred H." 284 Alfred MerriU" 286 Allan Clifford' 286 Alice C. (Shaw) 285 Amos' 284 Annie L. (Sargent) Lau- / rence 285 Annie May" 106, 286 Alvin NeweU' 286 Arthur' 248, 284 Arthur Edward' 286 Ashley H.» 284 Bernice Jocina" 286 Bertha EUa' 285 Bertha F. (Wilson) 286 Betsey" 284 Carleton Monroe' 286 Carrie Emma' 286 Catherine H.' 284 Charles Elmer' 285 Charles Henry' 286 Charles W." 284 Charles Woodman' 285 Chariotte F.« 284 Clara' 248, 284 Clara H . (Moore) 248, 284 Clarence Henry' 286 Cora AdeUa' 285 Cyrus P.' 284 Cyrus W.» 284 Daniel'^ 205, 284 Daniel' 248, 284 Daniel J." 284, 286 Dorothy E.' 284 Edna M. (Hunt) 286 Edward 248 Elias 42 INDEX. 409 PICKARD (cont.) Elias Sargent' 284, 285 Ehza M. (Mathewson) 284 Elizabeth' 284 Elizabeth Betsey' 285 EUzabeth (Emery) 284 EUzabeth Fanny' 286 Elizabeth (Foster) 135, 283 EUzabeth (Jones) 283 Elizabeth R." 284 Elsie Edna' 286 Elvira Ann (Towle) 284 Emma Frances' 102, 280 Enoch E.' 274, 284, 285, 312, 327 Florence Orissa' 286 Florence R. (Houghton) Frances A.' 274, 285 Frances A. (Haynes) 284 Frances Edson' 285 Frank' 286 Frank A.' 284, 285 Frank O.' 102, 106, 285, 328 Gertrude Florence' 286 George Augustus' 285 George Warren' 286 Grace S. (Pierce) 284 Greenleaf Augustus 139 Hannah (Harvey) 283 Hannah (Little) 284 Harriet H.' 284 Helen J.' 42, 286 Herman Hodge' 286 Henry 248 Henry Samuel' 284 Herbert P.' 284 Ida Viola' 286, 328 Isaiah L." 284 Isaiah L.' 284 James 139 Jane AUce' 285 Jane C 285 Jane (Crosby) 283 Jane E. (Parrett) 285 Jennie O. (Hodge) 286 Jeremiah 135 Jeremiah* 283 Jeremiah" 283 Jeremiah' 284, 286 Jeremiah T." 284 John' 283 John' 248, 284, 285 John' 286 John Amos 285 John Dresser" 284, 285 Joseph' 283 Joseph" 284, 285 Joseph' 285 Joseph Warren' 286 Josephine (KeUy) 286 JuUa Elizabeth' 285 Katherine Shaw' 285 Leon Wheeler' 286 Leonard Joseph' 285 LUlie Belle' 285 Louisa L. (Whitcomb) 284 Louisa M.' 285. 327 Lucy A. (Warren) 286 Lucy J. (Cochran) 285 Lucy M. (Towle) 285 MabeU KimbaU' 286 Margaret E. (Eaton) 284 Marian E.' 284 Marion L. 327 Martha J. (Griffin) 285 Mary A. D.' 284 PICKARD (cont.) Mary (Crowley) 285 Mary B.' 284, 285 Mary EUa' 286 Mary Ella (Lee) 285 Mary (Foster) 139 Mary H. (Haribot) 327 Mary J (Small) 102, 106, 285,312 Mehitable" 283 Mehitable D.« 284, 286 Mehitable (Dresser) 283 Morton Adams" 286 Moses" 283 Nancy 139 Nancy Maria' 286 NeUie Pearl' 286 Oscar Seavey' 286 Ray Hamilton' 286 Rufus Jeremiah' 286 Ruth Howe' 286 Samuel 136 Samuel" 284 Samuel" 284 Sarah" 284 Sarah' 205, 284 Sarah (Coffin) 284 Sarah Elizabeth' 285 Sarah (Glines) 42, 285 Sarah Grace' 285 Susan CaUsta' 286 Susan E." 284 Susan (Harvey) 205, 284 Walter Amos' 285 Walter Earl' 286 Warren D.' 285 Warren Wilson" 286 WilUam H.» 284 WUliam L.' 284 WilUam MitcheU" 286 Willie 248 Winifred L.» 284 PICKERING Alice 344 Hannah (Nutter) 171 Joseph Warren 171 Mary 175 OUve 171 PIERCE Frederick Clifton 131 Grace S. 284 PIERREPONT Alice Manning 9 Dr. 9 Statira (Manning) 9 PIKE Ella E. 87 Grace Ora 109 Mabel L. (Drew) 109 Marion Louise 109 Philip H. 109 Susan 98, 217 PILLSBURY BUley Emerson' 49, 286, 287 Charies Henry' 287 David" 286 Eliza Jane' 287 Elvira 240 Hannah (Jones) 286 Ida Josephine' 287 Ivah Louise 269 John' 286 Judith Jones' 286 Martha C. (French) 49, 287 Miriam 286 Richard' 286 Sarah E.' 200, 287 PINGREE Emma A. (Virgin) 319 Nathan 319 PINGRY Ruth M. 147 PINKHAM 270 Helen L. 265 PIPER 334 AUce 143 E. G. 143 EUsha 195 Ella W. 143 Elmeda 206 Emma 206 Ernest 143 Evelyn 143 Floyd 143 Frank 206 Fred 206 Hiram 251 Olive (Keysar) 206 Josiah 195 Margaret Ann (Huckins)195 Mary (Cariton) 251 Mary (Plumer) 195 Mary (Wainman) 143 R. loster 143 Raye T. 143 Thomas 206 PITMAN Nancy 10 PITTS Harriet A. (Dow) 107 N. A. 107 PLASTRIDGE Abbie M. (Cass) 287 Amy' 287 Arthur W." 287 Betsey M. (Stratton) 287 Charles' 287 Charles F.' 287 Ella 99 Flossie' 287 Frank C 287 Henry Smith' 287 Ida I.' 287 Otelia M. (Johansson) 287 Ruth" 287 Walter' 287 Willie' 287 PLATTS Ruth 88 PLIMPTON Matilda Fiske 62 PLUMER Eliza A. (Coombs) 195 PLUMMER Bessie M. (Shaw) 307 Eliza Jane 165 Flora A. (Young) 346 George 307, 346 Henry 346 Mary 7 Mildred 307 Nathan 7 William 340 POGUE Katherine L. 123 Mary E. (Hastings) 123 Robert H. 123 Ruth E. 123 WilUam 123 POLLARD EUzabeth (Sherburne) 196 Irene 196 Joseph 196 Louisa 196 410 INDEX. POOR Enoch 60 PORTER Aaron 27 Cora Belle 78 E. K. 296 Henrietta M. (Russell) 78 John 139 Louis N. 78 Mercy 139 Nancy E. (Sanborn) 296 Rebecca (Blanchard) 27 Sarah 27 Sophia 27 Thomas 139 POTTER Angeline (Fretts) see next Angeline G. (French) 7, 287 Ann Maria 247 AveriU M.' 287 Charles H. 247 . Cora Bean 267 Drexia (Hill) 343 Elizabeth 45 F. Oscar" 287 Fred Oscar' 287 Grace (Brooks) 45 Hannah (Young) 128 Harriet C. 91 Henry 343 Henry H. 91 Isaac Frye' 7, 247, 287 Jacob A.' 247, 287 James Leroy 267 James Leroy, Jr. 267 Jemima (Morse) 267 Jessie (Foote) Hanaford 287 John Hendy 267 Judah 45 Katherine Burleigh 267 Laura A. (Hendy) 267 Laura Ann 247 Laura Ella 7 Loraine 260 Lois, 311 Lois (Scott) 311 Margaret 267 Mary 311 Mary E. 247 Sophronia (Moore) 247, 287 Sumner 311 Walter Burleigh 267 POULTER Rachel 45 POWELL Anna (Ame.s) 3 Stephen 36 PQ-WERS CarroU Seavey 235 Cynthia E. (Mathes) 235 Elsie (Stevens) 280 George 280 Leon Tyler 235 Lizzie A. 280 LleweUyn 232 Rodman Tyler 235 PRATT Lydia (Parmenter) 53 Sally 325 Thomas 53 PRESBY 166 Edward 165 SaUy (Glmes) 165 PRESCOTT Alfred Usher 147 Anna J. (Thompson) 336 Anna L. 76 Anna Locke 72 Charles 199 Dudley 335 Edward Alfred 147 Ehzabeth (Brown) 46 EUen M. 76 Eunice 128 Frances Annette 147 Franklin Newell 147 George 76 Harvey Oscar 199 Jedediah 232 John 160 Jonathan 76 Louisa 128 Lyman Whidden 335 Mark 128 Marv 232 Miranda E. (Clough) 76 Nancy 72 NeUie 44 NeUie (Huntoon) 199 Orietta Augusta (Foster) 147 Polly (Gibson) 160 Ralph 199 Ruth 199 Sally (Brown) 128 Samuel Potter' 46 Sarah (Morrill) 232 Sophronia" 46 Sydney 199 Timothy 72 Willard Lincoln 147 PRICE Clara B. (Emery) 120 Clarence Emery 120 John H. 120 PRINGLE Daisy M. 143 PULSIFER Hannah T. (Clifford) Weeks 332 Sara (Coombs) 181 PUTNAM Ethel (Chaplain) 57 Henry 57 Israel 187 Jesse 54 Martha Ann 54 Mary (Patrick) 278 PUTNEY Elarkcum 267 Hephzibah 267 Nancy 267 QUIMBY Alfred 29 Mary Jane 223 Mary (McCriUis) 240 Samuel 240 QUINN John 233 Mary 233 Theresa 233 RADCLIFFE ' Emily A. 310 RAILEY Augusta C.' 288 Augusta C. (Foster) 146, 288 John J. 146, 288 Katherine E.' 288 Martha F.' 288 RAILEY (co.-it.) Mary Ames' 288 Mary H. (Foster) 146, 288 Ruth B.' 288 William C." 288 RAND Carrie T. (Foss) 289 Dora Moses 79 Ebenezer' 288 Enoch' 289 Francis' 289 Frank E." 288, 289 George E." 289 Joanna C. (Lawton) 288 Jo.shua' 289 Lucy P. 4 MabeUe' 289 Mary (HiU) 289 Mary (Sanborn) 210 Naomi (Sherburne) 289 Sarah (Wentworth) 181 Thomas WilUam' 289 RANDALL Abigail (RunneUs) 290 Agnes' 290 Agnes' 290 Agnes (Forrest) 130 Almira S," 50, 292 Anna 231 Anna* 290 Apphia' 200, 291 Apphia A,' 30, 291 Arthur M.' 290 Bertha B. 31, 293 Bessie" 293 Bessie A, (HaU) 293 Betsey' 215, 291 Betsey (Forrest) 130, 291 Betsey EUison 290 Caroline Chamberlain' 292 Christopher' 290 Clara J. (Collins) Bean 292 Comfort (Allen) 291 Daniel" 290 Daniel' 30, 291 Daniel' 169, 291, 292 David' 291 David' 290, 291 DoUy (Worthen) 200 Elbridge Gerry' 291 Eliza' 291 Ehzabeth* 290 EUzabeth (Tozer) 289 Elizabeth (Blanchard) 289 EUzabeth V.' 50, 292 EUa Nancy 266 EUison' 290 Elvira Robinson' 292 Emma C," 292 Euna Hannah' 293 Emily F.' 291 EmUy Fellows' 292 Etta" 292 Francis' 289 Gertrude Nell" 293 Gideon" 290 Harriet 291 Henrietta K,' 50, 292 Hernando Cortez' 291 Hezekiah' 290 James' 290 John 283 John' 289 John' 291 Jonathan* 290 Jonathan" 290 Jonathan" 130, 290, 291 INDEX. 411 RANDALL (cont.) Judith 283 Katherine E. (Gleason) 161, 292 Leroy A.' 50, 292 Lucinda M. (Pear) Foster 49 Lucretia' 291 Lucretia M.' 291 Lucretia (Pickering) Mer riU 291 Maria Adelaide' 292 Martha' 291 Martha B. 187 Martha McDaniel 292 Mary* 290 Mary' 291 Mary' 291 Mary E. (Merrill) 292 Mary G. (MerriU) 169 Mary (Hodgdon) 289 Mary Jane' 291 Mary (Osborn) 290 Mary (RunneUs) 290 Mary T. (Foster) 139 MerriU S ' 161, 292 Miles* 290 Miles" 290 RlUes' 291, 292 Mineri'a (Osborn) 290 Miriam (Cliff ord) 189,292 Molly* 290 Moses 130 Moses" 290 Nancy' 291 Nancy (Carter) Pear 291 Nathaniel' 231, 289 Nathaniel* 290 Neva M.9 189, 293 Oren J.» 189, 291, 292 Richard' 289 Richard' 289 SaUie G.' 291 SaUy or Sarah 49, 200, 290 Samuel" 289 Samuel W.' 49, 291 Sarah' 291 Sarah J. (Miles) 292 Sarah (Shepard) 283 Sarah (Worthing) 290 Serena' 291 Simon* 290 Susan' 291 Su.san M. (Winch) 292 Sybel Baker' 293 Thomas B." 60, 292 Von Guy' 293 WUliam' 289 WUliam" 49, 200, 290 WUliam' 290 William T. 139 RANSON George Sidney 118 Mary C. (Emery) Ruck man 118 WiUiam E. 119 RAWSON Effie Louisa 41 George Brooks 41 Huldah (Brown) 41 RAY Edith Lane 286 Florence Marion 285 Gwendolin Frances 285 Myron H. 285 Sarah Grace (Pickard) 285 RAYMOND Bessie E, (Lake) 216 CUfton 216 EUen F. 165 Edgerton 166 George 216 Georgia A, 309 Jessie Permelia 165 Lloyd 216 REA Anna 14 Elizabeth (McKee) 16 John 15 Mary Laughlin 15 Samuel 15 REARDON Catherine 270, 271 RECTOR Charles 55 Rebecca C. (Ryther) 55 REED Ada 44 Alson Martin' 293 Augustus Gardner 204 Bert Chester' 293 Carolyn E. (Butler) 346 Emma A. (Shaw) 293, 307 Frank Elmer' 293 Henry Jerome 346 Herbert Eugene 346 Ivie* 293 Jaber 345 Jane E. (Young) 345 Kate 174 Lulu BeUe' 293 Martin' 293 Mary (Berry) 293 Mary E. (Jones) Foster 203 Mary (Sawyer) 293 Mildred Emma' 293 Nathan 346 NeUie May* 293 Roswell C 293. 307 Sarah L. E. (Wood) 346 Sarah M. (Young) 346 Winnie M. (Johnson) 293 REGAN Sarah O. 320 RENCEHAUSEN Nettie 268 REVIERE John de la 298 REYNOLDS Mary 290 RICE Velina 327 RICHARDS Abigail (Bradley) 35 Alice (Ayers) 9 Benjamin 35 Effie L. 265 George 9 Mary 46 Oscar W. 265 AUce Horn (Lyford) 225 RICHARDSON Betsey J. 325 Betsey (Smith) 326 Elizabeth 165 George W. 151 Hannah (Bennett) 250 Josiah E. 226 Laura (Merrill) 151 Ruth A. 151 Solomon 250 Sophia M. 224 William M. 326 RIDDLE Carson 18 Elizabeth Rea 18 Elsie C, (Ayers) 17 Harry Carson 18 lAlcy Ayers 18 RIDENOUR Amanda EUen 14 WilUam T. 14 RIDER Lydia 109 WiUiam 109 RIGGS Alice Winifred 77 Charles H. 77 Edward 77 Edwin Hurd 77 EUzabeth Clough 77 Harriet Baldridge 77 Nancy A. (Hurd) 77 RILEY Francese West 339 James E. 339 Katherine (Whitney) 339 Odessa 346 RING Chase 273 Hannah 169- Jarvis 169 Sally (Osgood) 273 ROBBINS Nancy 295 Susan (Ham) 179 ROBERDS Lynne 108 ROBERTS Arthur 142 Calvin 214 Diana 22 EUzabeth 97 Emily J. (Knowles) 214 Grace (Boyce) 214 Harold 214 Henry 142, 214 John 269 Josephine 147 Louise 317 Martha (Foster) 142 Mary Ann 269 Meribah D. 65 Newton 142 PameUa Ella 17 PameUa (Glines) 269 Walter Herbert 121 ROBERTSON Sarah Bradley 142 ROBIE Chas. W. 61 Harriet M. (Chase) 61 Samuel H. 61 William R. 61 ROBINSON Annie 21 Cora 21 Deborah (Lord) 56 Ehza (GUdden) 118 Emma 118 George 345 George E. 345 Hannah A. (MerriU) 242 Helen A. (Young) 345 Isaac 242 Jack 21 Jennie E. 345 Jonathan 60 JuUet Eudora 224 Martha 21 Mary (Chase) .58 Mehitable 221 412 INDEX. ROBINSON (cont.) Natt 21 NeUie 21 Polly 170 Sarah 21 , Sophia (Battis) 21 ' Susan 318 Thomas J. 118 William 21 ROBY Angie Laura 327 Ann M. (Lamprey) 216 George Henry 66 Harry P. 216 LiUian 66 Mahala 256 Merle E. 216 Mildred E. 216 Sarah J. (Clifford) 66 ROCKWOOD Laura (Clifford) 66 ROGERS AbigaU (BuzzeU) 293 Almira (Nudd) 293 Almira (Rogers) 271 Annie Rohammie 133 Arthur L.* 294' Benjamin .59 Betsey 324 Carroll L.* 294 Clara 339 Eleanor E. (DamereU) 339 Elinor 1 Elizabeth (Chase) 69 Enoch' 293 Ezekiel 33 Flora B. (Nudd) 294 Frank L.* 294 Hannah (Wise) 134 Jeremiah C. 339 John 134, 135 Joseph Warren' 294 Lucy 135 LueUa D.* 294 Luther' 271, 293 Mary 12. 134, 191 Mary E. 56 Mary E.' 294 Mary (McGregor) 12 Nathaniel 134 Periey' 294 Samuel 134, 135 Sarah 340 Susan 223 'Thomas Dorman 12 William 12 ROLFE Abbie Eliza 121, 123 Carrie A. (Fifield) 121 C. Bessie 121 Chariotte Annett 121, 123 EUza A. (Emery) 117 Eliza Jane . 117 Enoch Emery 117 George Edward 117 Hannah 113 Hannah (Tappan) 113 Henry 113, 117, 121, 308 Henry Jr. 124 Henry Lewis . 124 Jennie (Woodward) 121 John H. 312 Judith 336 Laurin Worth 312 Lydia E, (Gleason) 121 Marian Simpson 312 Martha 59 Martha Ellen 121, 124 Martha Esther 117, 121 ROLFE (cont.) Mary Esther 121 Mary J, (Moody) 136 Mary Lydia 117, 121 Mary (Wilkinson) 124 Melinda (Monroe) 117 Maud E, (Lewis) 124 Nathaniel 135, 308 Rosalind WaUser 124 Roxana P. (Simpson) 312 Russell Emery 121 Timothy C. 117 Timothy Emery 117, 121 Timothy Perley 121, 124 Walter 117 Walter Herbert 121 WiUiam Gleason 124 ROLLINS Hannah 337 Josephine (Nudd) GUnes 271 Lydia 58 Nicholas 337 Wilbur 271 ROOBE Sarah 68 ROWAN Albert Ames 5 Charles Augustus 5 Florence Maria 5 Francis Ames 5 Harriet M. (Triplett) 5 Lucien Gerrish 5 Lucy Jane (Ames) 5 Margaretta 5 Mary Abbie (Luke) 5 Mary E. (Coddington) 5 Mary J. (Mahan) 5 Matthew 5 Matthew Arthur 6 Phebe (Ames) 5 William Fremont 5 ROWE Annie 137 Arthur 137 Arthur Harold 137 Bertha E. (Batchelder) 319 Flora A. (Lyford) 223 Foster 137 Fred B. 319 Hemy 223 Ira G. 137, 247 Kate (Brown) 211 Kate (Moore) 137, 247 Martha 137 Miriam (Foster) 137 Samuel 137 Sara (Wilkinson) 137 ROWELL Eliza 41 Joanna 300 Phihp 254 Sarah 252 Sarah (Morrill) 2.54 ROY John 138 Martha J. (Foster) 138 RUCKMAN Annie M. 119 Isaac M. 118 Mary C. (Emery) 118 RUDERSDORF John 205 Mary Emma 205 RUNDLETT Charles 3 Lydia (Ames) 3 Mary 197 RUNNELLS Abigail 290 EUza (Shaw) 307 Hannah 290 Henry 307 Job 290 John 307 Mary 290 Sally 57 Samuel 307 RUSSELL Aurelia 38 Emma F. (Haines) 174 Hannah 164 Harriet EUzabeth 174 Jabez 1.54 Lizzie 296 Walter S. 174 RUST George E. 176 Josephine M. (Haines) 175 RYAN Maggie A. 304 RYTHER Anna Louise 56 Cora L. (Stevens) 55 Cyrus Abbot 55 Cyrus C. 65 Cyrus G. 66 Elizabeth E. (Chamber lain) 55 Emma (Holmes) 55 George C. 55 Hale Elkanah 55 Jessie Golden 55 Josephine (BramhaU) 65 Kate Corwin 55 Mary EUzabeth 66 Noble 66 Rebecca Caroline 55 Thaddeus Victor 55 Thaddeus Victor Jr. 56 WUliam Chamberlain 55 ST. CLAIR AbigaU 98 Noah' 98 Lavina (Gault) 98 ST. JOHN Irving Ira 140 Sarah M. (Foster) 140 SABIN Charles 173 Chariotte A. (Rolfe) 123 Donald 123 Richard Rolfe 123 Robert 123 SALTER Abigail 9 Abigail (Ayers) 9 Edward 9 EUza 9 Henry 9 John 9 Lucy 9 Sarah Ann 9 SAMBORNE or SAM BOURNE (see SANBORN SANBORN Abraham' 295 Abraham' 295 Abram' 299, 342 Abram' 296 Abigail P. 271 Ada E. 246 Ada (Moore) 246 Albert' 296 AUce' 299 Almira 282 INDEX. 413 SANBORN (cont.) Ann 330 Ann' 296 Ann Eliza' 298 Ann EUza" 297 Ann (Lushell) 298 Ann N. (Marche) 296 Anna EUza 191 Anna (Mahaffey) 296 Apphia C 296 ArviUa 30 Asenath S. (Baker) 296 Benjamin 275 Benjamin" 295 Benjamin' 44, 72, 191, 295, 296 Benjamin" 296 Benjamin" 298 Benjamin S.' 296 Betsey 137, 281 Betsey' 261, 295 Betsey" 298 Betsey (Emery) 114 Carl Jeremiah" 299 CaroUne A. B.' 296 CaroUne A. (Emery) 297 CaroUne (Basford) 296 Charming T. 274, 285 Charles' 296 Charles F. 246 Charlotte M. (Osgood) 274, 285 Clara 276 Comfort' 296 Cyrene (Cofran) 296 Diadama 335 Daniel 221 Daniel Batchelder 44 Daniel L. 246 Deborah (WUson) 299 Edmund" 298 Edward Burr Smith' 297 Edwin 246 Edwin Burnham" 299 EUsha" 298 EUsha" 298 EUza 342 EUza" 299 EUza A." 295 EUza Ann" 296 EUza (Sanborn) 299 Elizabeth 221 EUzabeth (Gilman) 298 Ellen C.» 296 EmeUne (Clough) 44 Emily 72 Elvira A. (Batchelder) 342 Fannie (Peveriy) 246 Fanny (Eastman) 299 FideUa Adelaide" 297 Florette (Nudd) 272 Frances Ann 116 Francis' 298 George FrankUn' 297 George W.' 295 George Wilson' 75, 299 Gerrish' 296 Grace D. 30 Grata M. (Emery) 295 Hannah' 279, 295 Hannah (Brown) 298 Hannah (Clough) 44, 72, 296 Harrv Wilson' 299 Hazen' 296 Helen E. (Tappan) 297 Hiram 271 Howard' 297, 298 Inez Maude" 298 SANBORN (cont.) Isabelle G. (Osborne) 299 Jacob' 299 Jacob O. 246 James Henry" 298, 299 Jane (Mason) 295 Jason B.« 296 Jennie M.' 296 Jeremiah' 296 Jeremiah Wilson' 299 Jesse 30 Joanna 67 John' 294 John' 298 John' 298 John' 298 John' 298 John" 298 John" 298 John" 298 John" 299 John R.' 295 Jonathan 330 Jonathan C. 299 Joseph' 296 Joseph' 296 Jo.seph C." 87, 191, 296 297 Joseph T. 246 Josephine (Hutchins) Clay 200 Kate Emery" 298 Laura A. (CogsweU) 87, 191, 297 Levi 228 Levi W. 336 Lizzie (RusseU) 296 Luanda' 296 Luther' 296 Lydia 274 Lydia " 298 Malvina (Blampin) 295 Margaret (Page) Moulton 294 Marguerite" 299 Maria" 296 Maria Louisa" 297 Marion Luella" 298 Martha' 295 Martha (Morrill) 335 Mary 43, 114 Mary A. (Brown) 75 Mary Abigail" 299 Mary (Barnes) 274 Mary (Burr) 296, 297 Mary C. (MorriU) 258 Mary (Drake) 295 Mary (Drake) Boulter 294, 295 Mary E. 246 Mary E. (Weeks) 299 Mary L." 295 Mary L," 299 Mary (Lougee) 299 Mary (Newton) 295 Mary (Tuck) 294 Miriam Louise 274, 285 MolUe 275 MoUy" 295 MorrUl" 299 Nancy E.' 296 Nancy (Lougee) 299 Nancy (Robbins) 295 Nancy T. 249 Nathan E. 272 Nathaniel Ladd" 299 Nettie (Cone) 296 Newton S. 258 Peggy (Cross) 130 SANBORN (cont.) Phebe' 296 Phebe E.» 296 Phebe S.« 44, 295, 296 Phebe (Smith) 184, 295, 279 Polly' 295 Polly (Ladd) 298 Rachel Tappan" 298 Ralph Carl' 299 Ralph George' 299 Rebecca' 295 Rebecca (Swallow) 295 Reuben 274 Richard 200 Richard' 294, 298 Richard' 298 Richard' see Richard' Ruth" 299 Ruth J. 246 Ruth (Moulton) 294, 298 Sadie F. 44 Sally' 295 Sally" 299 Sally Batchelder 299 Samuel 274 Sarah 274 Sarah" 298 Sarah C. (Burieigh) 271 Sarah L. (Ford) 298 Sarah (Moore) 246 Sarah P. (Ayers) 10 Sarah (Philbrick) 298 Shubael' 294, 296 Shubael' 295 Shubael" 184, -261, 279, 295 Shubael' 295 Shubael' 296 Simon D. 114 Smith' 295, 297 Smith' 296 Smith' 298 Sophia R. (StoweU) 315 Sylvanus' 296 Thomas'" 298 William' 298 William" 298 SANDERS Caroline 264 Emma 313 Florence J. (Gray) 224 John 264 Lucretia (Pickering) 291 SANDROCK May 153 SANFORD AdaUne (Patrick) 278 Isaac 266 Miriam (Morrill) 266 SARGENT Aaron' 300 Aaron' 300 Aaron' 300, 301 Abiah' 301 Abiah (Foster) 135 Abiah (Sargent) 301 Albert B. 23 AUce P. 292 Almira J. (Ayersl 17, 302 Almira S. (Randall) 292 Apphia A. (Young) 301, 344 Ara 29 Asa 304 Betsey' 301 Betsey (Stevens) 301, 318 Bridget W. (Scales) 304 C. Ainos 23 414 INDEX. SARGENT (cont.) Catherine (Beck) 23 Charles' 300 Charies' 284, 300 Charies John" 301 Charles M, 29 Comfort" 300 David 23 David S. 23 Dominicus' 300 Eben Rolfe 124 Edna M. 29 Elbridge E. 23 Ehjah 136 EUjah' 300 Ehzabeth 254 Ehzabeth (Perkins) 300 EUzabeth S." 301 Elmer Ulysses 124 Ezra' 300 Fannie E. 292 Firena B. (Allen) 301 George Jonathan" 302 Gideon L. 301 Grace O. 292 Hannah 75 Hannah 304, 306 Hannah' 301 Hannah (Foster) 135, 178 301 Herbert E. 292 Hepzibah (Heath) 300 Herman L. 292 Joanna (RoweU) 300 John 42 John' 300 Jonathan' 110, 301 Judith' 178, 301 Judith A. 246 Lucia Maria 110, 301 Lucinda' 301 Luther" 301, 302 Lydia' 300 Maria (Brown) 42 Martha A." 301 Martha E. (Rolfe) 124 Mary' 301 Mary A. 23 Mary (Colby) 300 Mary F." 90, 301 Mary (Nudd) 271 Mary T. 292 Mary (Tewksbury) 300 Maurice E. 292 Miriam (Tucker) 49, 300, 318 Myra' 300 Myra Ayers" 17, 302 Nancy' 49, 300 Nancy S. 338 Parmelia (Blanchard) Gil man 29 PermeUa W. (Chase) 61 Phebe (Eastman) 110,301 Phihp' 300 S. F. 61 Sally' 300 Sally' 300 Samuel' 49, 300, 318 Samuel' 300, 301, 318 Samuel" 301 Sarah 114 Sarah' 301 Sarah (Bennett) 250 Sarah (Pickard) 284 SteUa N.' 193, 301 Submit (Esterbrook) 300 Susan' 178, 301 Susanna 88 SARGENT (cont.) Theophilus" 300 Thomas 23 WilUam 88 William' 300 William' 300 William Forrest" 301, 344 WilUam Young' 17, 301, 302 Valerie C. (Moses) 302 Zebadiah" 135, 178, 300, 301 SAUNDERS Betsey , 226 Esther (Colby) 89 Jedediah 89 SAVAGE DrusUla B. 266 Hanorah E. (Flanagan) 243 Martin 243 Mary EUzabeth 243 SAWTELLE Mary (Cressy) 236 SAWYER Aaron 165 Ann 256 Apphia (Clough) 72 Asenath 155 Daniel 72 EUzabeth (Richardson) 155 Flora E. 75 Francis 164, 155 Hannah (Ross) 266 John H. 256 Judith 69 Lydia 1 Mary 112, 142 Mary C. 34 Mary (Hutchins) 200 Olive 154 Ruth 112 Tamar (Barker) 154 Sarah (Griffin) 165 WiUiam 112 SCALES Aaron' 304 Abie Blodgett' 304 Ada Belle' 304 Amy A. (Mosher) 305 Ann 303 Benjamin' 304 Bernice' 305 Betsey' 304 Bridget Walker' 304 Charles Spofford' 306 CorneUus' 305, 306 Eben' 305, see also Scales, Edward' Ebenezer' 304 Edith lone' 306 Edna Elizabeth' 306 Edner Swett 304 Edward' 302, 303 Edward" 302, 303 Edward" 304 George" 304 Hannah' 303 Hannah (Sargent) 304, 305 Hattie M. (Huntoon) 306 Huldah' 304 Isaac' 304 James' 303 James' 303 James' 303 Joanne Mooney' 304 John' 303 SCALES (cont) John" 304 John' 304 John Sidney' 304, 305 Joseph' 303 Joseph H." 304 Joseph W.' 304, 307 Joseph W.s 166, 304 Juha (.\twood) 190 Lizzie Bartlett' 306, 306 Lucia Anna' 304 Lurana G," 305 Maggie A. (Ryan) 304 Mary' 303 Matilda (Hagenbuck) 306 May Bertie' 306 Melinda D.' 305 Mercy' 303 Nancy A, (Glover) 166,304 Nathan' 303 Oliver' 303 RolUn C 306 Roxanna' 306, 306 Roxanna Celicia' 306 Roxanna (Grover) 169, 305 Royal' 169, 305 Royal' 305 Royal' 304 Sadie C 306- Sally' 304 Sally' 304 Sally (Shaw) 307 Sarah 250 Sarah (Curtis) 303 Sarah (Harris) 303 Sarah N. (Shaw) 304, see also Sally (Shaw) Curtis Stephen' 303 Susan" 304 Susannah (Curtis) 303 Susannah (WUley) 303 William' 302, 303 SCATES Abby 194 John 194 SCIJEUTTEE Amelia 162 Hermon 162 SCHOOLEY Cora A. (Heath) Scott 189 John 189 SCOTT Adeline (Simpson) 311 Charles Warren 311 Clarissa 214 Cora A. (Heath) 189 Edith 311 Eleazer 214 Emma 311 James 189 Lois 311 Martha 207 Mary J. (TaUant) 327 Thomas 207 Ursula 207 Winfield 189 SCUDDER Lydia 325 SEAMAN Arthur George 236 George Byron 235 Sadie E. (Worthen) 235 SEARLE Hannah (Cogswell) 84 Jonathan 84 SEVERANCE Ephraim 254 Lydia (MorrUl) 254 INDEX. 415 SEAVERNS NelUe 266 SEAVEY Ann (Sanborn) 296 Etta Adel Blanche 314 Frank Paul 314 Frank Robert 314 Louise Adele 314 Nettie M. (Sheldon) 314 Paul Sheldon 314 Sarah J, (Snaith) 314 SELLICK Charies Eddie 227 Eva May 227 Gracie 227 Joel B. 227 Susan C. (Bradley) 226 SENTER Parmela F. 125 SEWALL Henry 157 Jane 157 SEWELL Calvin D. 248 EUza T. (Moore) 248 Helen A. 248 Susie I. 248 SHADLE Susan Walters 123 SHANNON EUzabeth 75 SHATTUCK Ebenezer 161 Hannah 161 Huldah 215 Jane White 311 Jeremiah 161 Mary 161 Mary CaroUne 187 Mighel 187 Vashti 223 Vashti P. 223 Zebadiah 223 SHAW Abbie J.' 307, 315 Alfred Walter" 307 Alice C. 285 Amos' 307 Amos" 307 Amos Cornelius' 307 Annie A. 182 Belle Howard 80 Bernard T.' 307 Bert Edward' 307 Bertha O. (Hurd) 76 Bessie May' 307 Carrie Farnsworth' 307 Catherine 309 Clara H. (BuzzeU) 307 Clara (SuUoway) 307 Clarence" 307 Clinton David 80 Dolly' 307 Eari" 307 Edna" 307 EUza' 307 Emma Ann' 293, 307 Emma Georgia" 307 Emma Gilson 263 Estella Elsie" 307 Ethel' 307 Ethel lone 263 Eva" 307 Eva M," 307 Eva Olena' 307 Etta 44 „ „„„ Evelyn (MarteU) 307 Frankie' 307 Harriet' 307 SHAW (cont.) Henry Augustus' 307 Henry Elmer' 307 Ida' 307 Jesse 309 Jessie 317 John 182 John' 306 John H. 76 Mary' 307 Mary (Durgin) 307 Mary EUzabeth (Spiller) Jackson SO Maude" 307 Mildred 76 Moses Gerrish 317 Nancy (Towle) 182 Nason' 307 Phebe L. (Squiers) Heath 317 PUny 317 Plummer 317 Polly (Currier) 306 Richard 315 Richard L.' 202, 307 Ruhama' 307 Sally' 307 Sarah B. (James) 202, 307 Sarah Nason 304 Sil-vira 309 Willie TUton' 307 SHEDD Henry 168 Mary (Gerrish) 168 SHEDRON Arthur F. 37 Evelyn Mary (Bradley) 37 SHEFFIELD Charles 144 Ellen (Foster) 144 SHELDON Charles B. 314 Jane 144 Louisa (Upton) 314 Nettie Marion 314 SHIMMIN G. Spencer 144 LilUe (Foster) 144 SHEPARD Abigail (Morrill) 266 Ada 246 Azuba (Hancock) 180 Betsey 318 Fred Adams 269 James 63, 169, 265 Jemima 159 MorriU 180, 283 Martha J. 143 Nina L. (MUes) 269 Sarah 283 Statira 283 WUUam 318 SHERBURNE Abigail 319 Alice 9 Betsey 281 Edward 9 Nancy 202 Naomi 289 SHERMAN Georgia 265 SHERRILL Winnifred 39 SHERWIN Ahimahaz 8 SHIRLEY Jane 315 Stephen Dearborn 315 SHIRRAN Elsie 38 SHORT Ann (Longfellow) 112 Henry 112 Mehitable 112 SHORTSLEEVES George 228 Sarah E, (MatoU) 228 SHUMWAY Emma B. 37 Harriet E. 37 SHURTLEFF Ida Amelia 305 SIAS 108 Charles 244 EUzabeth (Glines) 244 Hannah 243 John 243 Joseph 231 Lydia 231 Ruth (Matthews) 231 SIBLEY Nancy Bean 147 SICKLES Cornelia E. 258 Daniel E. 258 Sarah C. (MorrUl) Towne 268 Sarah F. 258 Sylvia A. 258 WilUam P. 258 SILL Helen 182 SILVER Annie Frances 31 Bertha B. (RandaU) 31, 293 Charles Ara 31 Chester Leonard 31,293 Clarence Leonard 31 Eva Lottie 31 George Henry 31 Hannah B. (GUman) 31, 263 Herbert G. 31, 293 Horace Hubbard 31 Horace Vemon 31 Ida Amelia 31 John Tebbets 31 Lawrence Lesley 31 Leonard 31, 293 Leonard T. 31 Lizzie (Urann) 31 Lydia Florence 31 Sophia DonneU 31 WilUam CUfton 31 SIMES Alice (Ayers) 9 John 9 SIMONDS Hannah 89 Sally 130 SIMPSON <- AbigaU E.' 309 Abigail (Eastman) 309 AbigaU GUman' 310 Adeline' 311 Almira J. (Foster) 309 Anna Adams' 310 Asema M.' 311 Azel' 309 Benjamin' 308 Benjamin' 308 Benjamin' 308, 309 Charles A.' 311 Charles Brown' 311 Charles FiUmore' 310 416 INDEX. SIMPSON (coyit.) Charles L.' 310 Charles Sumner' 310 Clara Dwight' 311. 312 Daniel FUlmore' 309 David E.* 310 Darius N.* 309 DeUa' 309 Ednah J," 309 Eleanor' 308, 310 EUza 319 Ehza' 309 Ella' 309 Elsie Jane' 312 Elvira Barker' 311 Emily A. (Radcliffe) 310 Emily Bab' 310 Emma' 311 Emma' 309 Enoch Adams' 310 Evehne' 311 Florence Henrietta" 309 FranciUa N." 310 Frank' 310 George Fillmore* 309 George Lewis' 309 Georgia A. (Raymond) 309 Hannah (Lee) 308 Hannah M.' 310 Hannah M. (Thomas) 310 Hiram' 308, 311 Huldah E. (Munthey) 310 James K. P.' 309 James NeweU' 310 Jane W. (Shattuck) Couch 311 John' 308 John' 309 John Dana' 310 John GUman' 308, 311 John H.' 309 John Warren" 312 Joseph' 308, 310 Joseph L. 108 Joseph W.' 310 Kate* 309 Lucretia (Brown) 312 Lydia (ElUot) 310 Lydia (Thomas) Moore 310 Maria Frances* 309 Mary' 309 Mary Ann* 311 Mary C. (Giles) 308 Mary C. (House) 309 Mary Jane' 311 Mary M. (Newton) 310 Mary P. (Dow) 108 Mary (Rolfe) Eastman 308 Mary S. (Burpee) 311 MiUard Hampton' 309 Nancv (Mitchell) 309 Nathaniel' 308, 310 Octa-via (MerriU) 310 Paul Bartlett' 310 Paul Rolfe' 308, 310 Phoebe (Todd) 308 Roxanna Peabody' 311, 312 Ruth Colby' 311 Ruth (Colby) 308 Sam W. 108 Sarah' 308 Sarah' 309 Sarah (Bryant) 309 SUvia (Shaw) 309 Solon Francis' 309 SIMPSON (cont.) Susan" 309 Sybil" 309 Thoinas E. 108 Warren Oilman' 311 WUlard Eastman' 310 William' 308, 309 SINCLAIR or ST. CLAIR Elizabeth (Lyford) 219 Joseph 219 Lavina (Gault) 127 Nancy 127 Noah 127 SINOTTE Martha A. (Chaplain) 57 Timothy 57 SKINNER NeUie M. 36 SLACK Margaret J. 32 SLADEN Caroline Louise 38 SLEEPER Ann (CUfford) 66 CUmena M. (Moore) 246 EUzabeth V. (Randall) 292 Ethel G. (Dalton) 93 Frank W. 292 Harry 93 LueUa J. 292 Manasseh 246 Nellie F. 158 WilUam 292 SMALL Abbie J. (Heath) 312 Abi (Blodgett) 312 AbigaU' 312 Alfaretta' 313 AUce C. (Langley) 313 Allison McClary' 313 Almon J.' 19, 313 Anna Abi" 313 Anna Addie' 313 Arabella Beatrice" 313 Andrew Jackson' 312, 313 Anna (Corbett) 312 Beatrice May" 313 Betsey' 312 Calista W. (Howe) 313 Caroline' 247, 312 Charles Edwin* 313 Charies H.* 313 Darius" 312, 313 Eliza H.' 312, 313 EUzabeth 333 Emma Abi* 313 Emma (Sanders) 313 Eva Gertrude* 313 Florence G. (Bagley) 19, 313 Fred Eugene" 313 Hannah 312 Harry Elwood' 313 Hannah (Young) 312, 341 Isaac' 312 Jeremiah' 312, 341 Johni 312 John' 312 John' 312, 313 John A.* 313 Keziah' 312 Keziah (Jackson) 312 M. Jennie (Garmon) 313 Mary Ella* 242, 312 Mary Jane' 312 Mary (Leech) 312 Melboume* 312 SMALL (cont.) MelDourne Jackson' 313 Orison J." 313 SaUy' 312 Samuel' 312 Sarah E. (Dennis) 313 Sarah E. (.Maxfield) 313 Simeon B.' 312 Stella (Sweatt) Page 313 Susan Anna' 312 Susan H. (Heath) 313 Susie May" 313 Walter M.' 313 WiUiam Plummer' 312 Winthrop Young' 312 SMART Caroline 168 Clara 175 Hannah 175 Hannah C. (Haines) 175 Harriet 176 Jennie B. (Carter) 61 Margaret (DriscoU) 110 Peter 175 Rufus W. 110 Susan 175 Walter 51 SMILEY Charies E. 6 Jennie 148 Lotta Marie 6 SMITH A. M. 182 Abbie' 315 Abbie J. (Shaw) 307, 315 Abbie (PettengaU) 257 Ada E. (Burkans) 279 Addie 11 Alpheus E. 261 Ann 66 Anna 33 Anna 57 Apphia A. (MorrUl) Ger rish 264 Bert 75 Bertha" 316 Bertie M. 261 Betsey 326 Betsey (Batchelder) 155 Betsey (Cass) 295 Betsey (Gale) 156 Betsey (Ham) 177 Blanche 148 Centre F. 48 Charles (Rev.) 11 Charles 295 Charles, Jr. 11 Clarence 11 CordeUa 29 Daniel 179 Daniel 272 DoUy 165 Edward Penn 15 Elizabeth 97 EUzabeth 218 EUzabeth 319 EUen H. (Patrick) 279 Enos 187 Elsey (Gibson) 169 Frederick A. 261 George 76 George 176 Hattie J. (Brown) Clark 261 * Henrietta (BusweU) 48 Howard F. 279 Jacob 295 James 95 Jane M. 125 INDEX. 417 SMITH (cont.) Jane (Shirley) 315 Jennie Estelle 320 Jeremiah' 314 Jeremiah" 314 Jesse 326 Joanna (MorrUl) 263 John 106 John 263 » John C. 307, 315 Jonathan 106 Joseph 177 Joseph F. 342 Judith (MorrUl) 261 JuUa A.« 315 Lemuel 166 Lena E." 315 Levi 75 LUlian M." 315 Lucy 99 Lucy E. (Ayers) 15 Lucy Jane' 315 Maria (Howard) Batchel der 342 Martha Ann' 314 Mary 48 Mary 59 Mary (Chase) 11 Mary Cota 316 Mary E. 261 Mary EUzabeth 179 Mary EUzabeth' 314 Mary J. 285 Mary (McKerley) 214 Mary Pickering (Lyford) 176 Mary (Winslow) 272 Mary (Woodbury) 326 Mercy (Chase) 58, 314 MUdred E. (Reed) 293 Minerva (Hannaford) 182 Minnie B." 316 Miriam 255 MorriU Abner 261 Nancy (Sargent) 187 Nancy (Taylor) 314 Noah' 58, 314 Olney P. 261 Phebe 295 Phebe 326 Reuben' 314 Rhoda J. (CoUins) 315 Robert 159 Robert 265 Robert 257 Roberf 314 Robert' 314 Robert Jeremiah' 314 Rose (Glednary) 314 Ruth 274 SaUy (Clough) 75 Sarah 24 Sarah 208 Sarah Abbie 179 Sarah Abby 257 Sarah B. 272 Sarah (Carr) 314 Sarah (Davis) 95 Sarah Jane' 314 Seth S. 264 Sophia 152 Sophia R. (Stowell) San bom 315 SteUa (Ham) 315 Stephen 293 Sumner Ives 279 Sumner R. 279 Susan 99 Susan A. 187 SMITH (cont.) Susan Dow 106 Susan Ruth 180 Susan Stearns 106 Susan T. 315 Theodore 106 Thomas 218 Thomas Cawley* 315 Thomas SewaU' 314 Tirzah A. R. (Dow) 106 Vernie C. C 316 Violet" 315 WUliam 155 WUlie A. 261 SNELL Emma 194 Hannah R. 338 Lorenzo D. 194 SNOW Andrew Fayette' 315 David' 315 Emest White' 315 IsabeUa .(Howland) 315 LiUa I. (Lane) 315 LurUne Lane* 316 James 86 Martin Favette* 315 Ruth (Hali) 86 Sarah 86 SNYDER Abigail S. (MerrUl) 316 Bessie May" 316 Charles T.' 316 Christopher' 316 Effie Grace 76 EUzabeth' 316 Ethel' 316 Ethel Hamlet' 316 Ellen E. (Hamlet) 316 Frank P.' 316 George C 316 James M.' 316 John' 315 John' 316 Lizzie (Avery) 316 Mahlon J.' 8, 316 Mary E. (Fitts) 316 NeUie Alberta' 316 Sarah (Stevens) Nicholson 316 SOULE John A. 251 Sarah (Moore) 251 SOUTHER Minnie E. (Morrill) Wag ner 258 WUliam M. 258 SPAULDING Arianna B. (TaUant) 328 C. N. 32 Deborah (Lyford) 222 Huldah Hubbard 222 Joseph 222 Mary Jane 32 Sarah 223 SPENCER Simeon 322 SPERRY Halesia 153 SPILLER Asenath 52 SPOFFORD Charles 304 Edna S. (Scales) 304 SPOTCANUM Quolhoblo 158 SPRINGER Ethel I. (Shaw) 263 George Bowker 263 SPRINGER (cont.) George Wheeler 263 Horace Andrew 263 Sarah P. (MorriU) 263 SQUIERS Anne (Allen) 317 Alma Pevere 118, 316 Alma (Pevere) 189 Bertha' 317 Caroline (Clark) 316 Elvira Clark' 118, 317 Hiram C 118, 189, 316 Hiram Frank' 317 Louise (Roberts) 317 Mary Ann' 317 Phebe 189 Phebe Louise' 317 Philip' 316 Philip James' 317 Ruby W. 282, 317 STALL Grace (Foster) 143 John D. 143 Staniels Mary F. 248 STANTON Catherine 346 Catherine J. ("Young) 345 Charles Henry 345 Deha (Collier) 345 Emma 346 Frank Chase 345 Grace (Andrews) 346 Henrietta (Towle) 345 John Clark 345 John Clark, Jr. 346 Lizzie (Leonard) 346 Obe 346 STARK Etta 122 John 24 STARKWEATHER Hattie M. 248 STARRETT MUton D. 267 Ruth E. (MorrUl) 257 STEARNS Eleanor 31 Ehzabeth Moore 31 Ethel M. (Blanchard) 31 WilUam F. 31 STEEL CorneUa E. (Lundeen) 265 Harry L. 265 Harry Van W. 265 John C. L. 265 Mary L. 265 STEELE Sophia 148 STETTE Celestia S. (Heath) Moore 249 WUlard R. 249 STETSON Charles W. 42, 286 Emma A. (Brown) 42 Emma A. (Brown) 286 Gladys 286 Glen WUfred 42,286 Harold Wesley 42, 286 Helen May 42, 286 John W. 42 Lucretia P. 2 Myrta NeU 42, 286 NelUe M. (Brown) 42, 286 WUfred A. 42, 286 STEVENS Abiah 35 Abiah' 245, 318 Abiah" 19, 318 27-11 418 INDEX. STEVENS (cont.) Abiel Foster' 318 Abigail' 99, 318 Abigail (Emerson) 255, 317 AbigaU (Foster) 49 AbigaU (Kent) 317 Abigail (Sherburn) 261, 319 Abby C. W. 49 Adahne' 318 Albert' 319, 320 Alfred' 318 Andrew 301 AngeUne M. 256 Ann (Harvey) 232 Anna" 318 Asa" 138, 318 Bertha L. (Huckins) 185 Betsey 264 Betsey" 301, 318 Betsey (Shepard) 318 Bradford' 318 Calvin' 318 CaroUne' 319, 320 Charies Sumner 293 Clara S. 263 Cora L. 66 David 49 David" 318 David' 318, 319 Dorothy 33 Edmund' 318 Elbridge' 319 EUza A. (Batchelder) 20 Eliza A. (Robinson) 318 EUza Etta' 318 Eliza Simpson 319 EUzabeth' 318 EUzabeth' 318, 319 Elizabeth (Bitfield) 317 Elizabeth (Boynton) 19, 318 EUzabeth (Heath) 318 EUzabeth (Smith) 319 Emeline' 319 Emma S.' 318 Ernest Edwin' 320 Frank W.' 319 Gale R. 293 Georgia Anna' 319 Georgia AUce' 320 Gertrude N. (RandaU) 293 Hannah Clough 301 Harriet' 227, 319 Jacob" 318 James 182 Jane 202 Jesse" 11, 264, 318 Jesse' 227, 261, 318, 319 Jesse Goodwin' 320 Joanna 33 John 33 John 232 John' 59, 317 John" 318 John C. 261 John W. 185 Joseph' 319 Joseph Parson 50 Justus' 318 LiUian Mabel' 320 Louisa' 318 Love (Clough) 301 Lucinda M. (Pear) Foster Randall 50 Lucinda (Sargent) 301 Lurana' 319 STEVENS (cont.) Martha Amanda' 318 Martha (Moore) 251 Mary 60 Mary 57 Mary 95 Mary 232 Mary 273 Mary 319 Mary" 318, 319 Mary' 319 Mary A,' 319 Mary (Chase) 59, 317 Mary (Dodge) 317 Mary EUzabeth' 319 Mary LilUan" 320 Mary O. (Young) 319, 342 Mary (Stevens) 319 Moses 301 Moses' 318, 319 Nancy C. (Hutchins) 200 Nancy (McClary) 238 Nancy Vicena' .319 Nathaniel 200 Joshua 232 Orlando' 20, 318 Otho' 317 Otho' 317 Otho" 318 Otto 255 Phebe 273 Sarah 124 Sarah 315 Sarah Gage' 319 Sarah J,' 319 Sarah O. (Reagan) 320 Simon' 19, 318 Simon' 318 Submit' 318 Submit (Newcomb) 318 Sukey (Harper) 183 Susan E. (Goodwin) 320 Susan (Robinson) 318 Susan T.' 261, 319, 320 Susanna" 318 Susanna (Foster) 138, 318 Susannah 170 Susie Lucy' 320 Sylvester 315 Sylvester' 319, 342 Thomas J." 318, 319 WUham' 317 Woodbury MorriU 293 STILES Martha A. 117 STILLINGS Charlotte Mel-vUle 177 Ferdinand 177 Grace M. (Minot) 177 Mary Walker 177 STONE Benjamin 86 Bertha 247 Charlotte Stark 176 Clarence 247 Edwin 176 Hannah C. (Moore) 247 Hham G. 262 Ina Mabel 262 Leon 247 Leona 247 Lucinda (Lane) 262 Mary 86 Myron H. 247 Nellie H. (Haines) 176 WUliam Haines 176 STOODY Fannie (Wainman) 143 John H. 143 STOODY (cont.) Ralph Wainman 143 Ruth M. 143 Winnefred 143 STORMS Anna P. 262 Margaret P. 262 WiUiam P. 262 STOREY Esther Lela 24 Hebert Alvi 24 Josephine L. (Beck) 24 Mary E. (Stevens) 24 Merrill 24 STOWERS Mary (Blanchard) 26 STRATTON AbigaU (Blanchard) 26 John 26 STRAW Judith J. (PUlsbury) 286 Sargent S. 286 STREETER Adeline (Daley) Winch 269, 320 Annie (PettengiU) 321 Beatrice LUlian" 321 Benjamin 221 Betsey (Lyford) 221 Caroline E. (Daley) 241,320 Carrie 269 Carrie E." 320 Catharine D.' 320 Charles A." 320, 321 Deborah' 321 Dora May' 321 Edwin Sumner" 321 Ehzabeth (McDaniel) 241 321 Ellen '(Warborton) 320 Frank E.' 320 George F.' 320 Gladys Moorhouse' 321 Hannah' 320 Hazel' 321 Hiram' 320 Isoline McDaniel 321 Louisa' 320 Lydia B.' 241, 320 Martin Hiram" 321 Martin V.B." 241,320,321 Maud Elizabeth' 321 Maud (Moorhouse) 321 Nellie Louise' 321 Nellie Louise' 321 Nora Loett' 321 Ralph' 241, 269, 320 Ralph* 321 Ruby' 321 Sarah Ann" 320 Sarah EUzabeth" 321 Sevira (Ghnes) 320 Walter Eugene" 321 Walter WiUiam' 321 STRICKLAND Emily M. 184 WUUam 184 STRONG Allen 73 EmUy C. (Clough) 73 Theodore Allen 73 STURTEVANT Sarah 248 STOWERS John 26 SULLIVAN Anna F. (Greenough) 168 Jennie 174 John W, 168 INDEX. 419 SULLOWAY Clara 307 SUMNER Angie (Montague) 51 Charles Montague 51 Dorothy AUa 51 George Abrams 51 George Carter 51 -George W. 51 Jane 173 Mabel A. (Carter) 51 Ruth Azubah 51 SUPPLE Josephine 56 SUTLIFF Linus 266 Nancy (MorriU) 266 SUTTON Betsey (Folsom) 321 Edmund' 321, 322 Eunice" 63, 322 Hannah Adams' 322 Harmon' 322 James' 322 John' 63, 219, 322, 323 John" 322 Lucy (Morton) 322 Lydia (Lyford) 63, 219, 322 Mahala Jane' 322 Margaret 321, 322, 323 Margaret" 322 Mary' 322 Michael' 321 Michael' 321, 322 Nancy" 322 Nancy Carlton' 322 PoUy' 322 Samuel Gerrish' 322 Sarah (Graham) 322 Solomon' 322 Stephen' 321, 322, 323 Thomas Lyford" 322 SWAIN Charles 306 Charles Perpetual 306 Harold Huntoon 306 LUla M. (Huntoon) 306 Lizzie Addie 306 Lizzie B. (Scales) 306 Martha Ann M. 306 Sarah 68 SWALLOW Rebecca 295 SWAN EUzabeth 186 SWASEY Benjamin C 32, 160, 323 Benjamin C 323 David' 323 EUza (Magoon) 323 George Lyman" 323 George Shattuck' 323 Gertrude F.' 323 Jemima (Gibson) 32, 160, 323 Lyman T.' 323 Mary' 32, 160, 323 Naaman G." 323 Orianna' 263, 323 Sarah F. (Bamard) 323 SWEENEY EUen S. 228 Francis 228 Henry 228 Sarah (Cross) 228 SWEETLAND Freeman 90 NeUie 90 SWEETSER Bethia 26 Edward 26 Mary 26 Sarah Paine 26 Seth 26 SWETT Abiah (Moore) 246 Adehne (Abbott) 344 Benjamin 246 Betsey (Young) 344 Charles 344 Dan 344 Dustin 344 Lucretia Ann 343 Thomas 343 WUUam 246 SYDNEY Edwin 118 EUzabeth (ComweU) 118 Mary E. 118 SYLES Mary 33 SYMONDS EUzabeth 139 Hannah (Hancock) 180 Thomas 180 SYMONS Hannah 134 Joseph 134 Mary (Peabody) 134 TAFT Grace A. Ill TAIT Adam 110 EUa AUce 110 Emma A. (Adams) 110 TALLANT Abby T. (Abbott) 326 Abiah' 324 Abiah' 268, 326, 326 Abiah (Little) 324 AbigaU 110 Abigail 326 Abigail S.' 326 Abram' 327 Abram Bean' 327 Achsah' 326 Adahne S. (Harvey) 327 Addie G. (Whittemore) 328 Albert Addison' 327 Ahce Weld" 325 Amelia (Weld) 325 AmeUa (Weld)' 325 Andrew' 324, 325 Andrew' 327 Andrew J.' 326 Andrew Kossuth' 327 Angie L. (Roby) 327 Angie Roby' 327 Ann 248 Annah S. (Locke) 327 Arianna Barstow 328 Arthur' 325 Bessie Beatrice' 327 Betsey' 325 Betsey' 326, 327 Betsey (Baker) 326 Betsey C 326 Betsey J. (Richardson) 325 Betsey Rogers 324 Caroline (Gibson) 76, 160, 326 Carrie Evelyn' 327 Catherine' 327 Charles Henry' 327 TALLANT (cont.) Cyrus' 327 David' 248, 325, 326 David Dodge' 324 Eben Madison" 327 Eben W." 325 Eben W.' 327 Effie Josephine' 327 Ella Almeda' 327 EUa Walton* 327 Ethel H.« 328 Eugene Andrew' 327 Frank* 326 Frank E." 328 Frank P.* 327 George' 324 George M." 328 George Warren* 327 Hamilton H.' 327 Hannah (Butler) 324 Helen B. (WUson) 328 Helen (Connor) 327 Helen Irene' 327 Henrietta' 327 Henry Pinkham' 325 Hugh' 323, 324 Hugh' 324, 325 Hugh' 325 Hugh' 285, 327 Hugh" 325 Hugh Versal' 327 Jacob" 325 Jacob Crowninshield' 326 James' 324 James' 29, 325, 326, 327 James' 326, 327 John' 324 John Oilman' 327, 328 John Harvey' 327 John Langdon' 326, 326 John L. T.' 328 Joseph' 324 Joseph' 325, 326 Joseph' 326 Joseph" 324 Josephine A. (Marston) 327 Katherine (Brandhorst) Kathryn" 328 Laura Adeline' 327 Louisa (Clark) 326 Louisa M. (Pickard) 286, 327 Lucretia' 326 Lucretia (Bradley) Moore 248, 325, 326 Lydia (Scudder) 325 Madison B.' 325, 327 Margaret' 326 Margaret (Curry) 324 Marion Louise 285 Marjorie Augusta" 327 Marston E." 328 Marstin M.' 326, 327 Martha' 326 Martha A." 328 Martha B.' 248, 326 Martha (Dodge) 324 Martha (Morrill) 263, 326 Mary' 160, 326 Mary A. (Lovejoy) 327 Mary Ann' 327 Mary C.» 326 Mary (Dodge) 324 Mary E. (Perkins) 327 Mary (Fife) Moore 325 Mary Jane' 327 Mary J. (Coleman) 325 420 INDEX. TALLANT (cont.) Mary J, (GUdden) 328 Mary (Langdon) 324 Mary S." 328 Mary Thorndike' 327 Mary Woodbury* 29, 326 Nancy (Coffin) 325 Nathaniel A.' 326 Nathaniel B.' 325 NeUie Jane' 327 Peggy (Boyes) 325 Phebe Maria' 325 Phebe S. (Marden) 29, 326 PoUy' 326 Rebecca Weld' 325 Richard Baxter" 326 RusseU' 326 Ruth L.' 328 SaUy (Pratt) 326 Samuel' 263, 325, 326 Samuel' 160, 326 Samuel Baker' 326 Samuel OrweU" 327 Sarah' 324 Sara J. (Bean) 326 Susan A. (Drew) 328 Susan (Cowley) 327 Sylvia' 326 Timothy DarUng* 326 Velina* 327 VeUna (Rice) 327 Webster' 328 WUUam' 324 Winifred' 327 TALLMAN Clarendon S.' 328 Gordon Lee' 328 Ida V. (Pickard) 286, 328 Jane' 328 LiUa A.' 328 Mary A.' 328 Mary (Thompson) 328 Myra L.' 328 Nora E.' 328 RUey S.' 328 SethK.' 328 Seth R.' 328 Ulysses S.' 328 WiUiam C 286,328 TAPLIN Caroline (Bickford) 51 Carrie M. 51 Nathan 51 TAPPAN Charles C. 297 Fannie (Flanders) 297 Helen E. 297 TARSON Dorcas Isora 160 Elsie S. (Lane) 160 Flora Inez 160 Frank Emest 160 Fred Eugene 160 Lettie Isabel 160 Mary EsteUe 160 Minnie Frances 160 Samuel 160 TAYLOR Agnes Moore 334 Almira (Brown) 75 Almon O.s 330 Andrew' 329 Andrew Bartlett' 186, 329 Andrew J. 49 Anna 68 Anna (Chase) 58, 329 Anne' 329 Benjamin 314 TAYLOR (cont.) Betsey (Chase) 330 Burt 189 Celestia" 330 Charles Green' 329 Chase' 329 Clarence Scott 321 Donald Francis 321 Edward 27 Edward E. 75 Elfleda M. (Watson) 189 EUza (Wiggm) 329 EUzabeth 226 EUzabeth S. (Burleigh) 330 EUa 75 Eugene 309 Flora E. (Sawyer) 76 Flora Maria' 329 George S. 75 Hadassah E. (Harriman) 186, 329 Hannah' 329 John 86, 104 Jonathan' 329 Jonathan K.' 110, 330 Joseph 232 Judith (Cogswell) Cogs weU 86 Leon 124 Luella J. 152 Mark' 330 Mary Blanchard 27 Mary E." 330 Mary E. (Noyes) 124 Maud E. (Streeter) 321 Mary J. 75 Maurice Leon 189 Moses 309 Nancy 314 Nathan' 58, 329 Plummer B." 330 Rachel (Moore) 329 Ruth (Mathes) 232 SaUy (Whitcher) 314 Sarah 104 Sarah E. (French) 49 Sarah (Simpson) 309 Scott Frank 321 Stephen L. 76 WesUe Leslie 189 WUUam 226, 314 TEBBETTS Edward 234 Frank P. 234 John C. 234 Richard 234 Sarah (Mathes) 234 Theresa Quinn 234 TELLIER Daniel 56 Grace A. (Chamberlain) TEMPLE Susan HaU 168 WiUiam 168 TENNEY Benjamin 155 Betsey (Taylor) 155 Dai id MorriU 155 TEWKSBURY Mary 300 THAYER Ernest .«ton 235 Ethel Amy 235 Eugene Albert 235 Fred Harvey 235 Freeman Albert 235 Guy Oscar 235 THAYER (cont.) Rebecca R. (.Mathes) 235 WUUs Jesse 235 THOMAS AbigaU 270 Benjamin 270 Dona Maxime 268 EUzabeth Lee 268 Hannah M. 310 Hezekiah 268 Lottie 268 , Mary Etta 182 Mary (Leavitt) 270 May R. (Peaslee) 268 THO.MPSON AUce 23 Anna Jane 335 Ann Eliza 72 EUzabeth 70 EUzabeth 83 Ehzabeth 239 George 99 Hannah 40 Judith 75 Laura EUen 72 Martha A. (Clough) 72 Mary 328 Mary A. (Da\is) 99 Miriam 69 Peggy (Whidden) 336 PhiUis 83 Samuel March 72 Sarah Jane 238 WiUiam 83 Zaccheus J. 328 THOMSON Jacob 68 JucUth (Clough) 68 THORNE Harriet' 160 •Sarah 48 THURSTON Blanch 338 Sarah (Chase) 58 TIBBETTS Bvron 269 Hannah 273 Minnie B. (MorriU) 259 TICHBOURNE Dorothy 298 TICKNOR Laura 43 TUFTS Lydia 250 TILTON AbigaU 274 Alfred Edwin 4 Benjamin KimbaU 209 CaroUne Augusta 4 Carlton E. 185 Charles EUiott 4 Daniel 209 DeWitt CUnton 4 Emily (MorrUl) 216 Flossie B. 185 Frank Arthur 209 Frank E. 185 Gene-vieve (Eastman) 4 Jennie M. (Page) 209 Jeremiah 4 Jeremiah Carter 261 John E. 185 Louise P. (Tilton) 4 Louise Peabody 4 Maiy 246 Mary M. (KimbaU) 196 Marv M. (Kimball) Ham 209 Mary P. 334 INDEX. 421 TILTON (cont.) Miriam (Ames) 4 Mittie S. (Har,'.er) 185 Phebe 160 Ruth 142 Samuel 4 Sarah 4 Sarah (Foster) 134 TIMLIN Bessie E. (Brown) 316 Oscar P. 316 TINGY Thomas 171 TIRRELL Dolly 341 TODD Phoebe 308 TOLMA.N Betsey 28 TO.NGUE Alfred Henry 267 Margaret (Canfy) 267 TOWLE Abigail F.' 330 Amorett' 330 Ann (Sanborn) 330 Ann (Vittuml 330 Benjamin' 330 Betsey F.' 330 Betsey (FeUows) 330 Cynthia' 330 David' 330 Elisha' 330 EUsha' 330 Eh-ira Ann 284 Emma 214 Hannah L.' 330 IsabeUa (Austin) 330 Jacob 206 Jacob G.' 330 James' 330 Jonathan' 330 Jonathan F.' 330 Joshua' 330 Joshua' 330 Lucy M. 285 Nancy (Kezer) 206, 330 Olive (Bro-wn) 330 OUve J.' 330 PhiUpi 330 Rebecca (Green) 330 •Sarah (Borden) 330 Sarah F.' 330 TOWNE ELsina M. (Corey) 215 Ernestine L. 258 HoUis 215 N. WeUington 258 Myra 215 Sarah C. (MorrUl) 258 TOWNER Effie (Palmer) 143 TOZER EUzabeth 289 EUzabeth Smith 289 Richard 289 TRACY AUce 76 Charles 76 TUPLETT Harriet Matilda 5 TRIPP Harriet (Smart) 176 TROWBRIDGE George C. 223 Josie (Lyford) 223 Maria F. 175 TRUE Alida M. (Cogswell) 88 Anne 226 Charia (Clough) 79 Charles Lincoln 88 Daniel 79 Doris Marston 88 Foster CogsweU 88 John H. 79 Muriel Louise 88 TRUXTON Thoinas 171 TRYNER Cornelius 116 LiUy (Emery) 116 TUCK Mary 294 Mary B. (Clough) 74 Robert 294 Thomas P. 74 TUCKER Amasa 200 Clarence E. 236 Clarence Eugene 236 Cora May 88 Florence 51 Frederick 139 Hannah (Hutchins) 200 Harriet Winifred 30 Lucy (Foster) 139 Martha 273 Mary E. (Mathes) 236 Miriam 300 Moses G. 83 TUFTON Anne (Mason) 226 Joseph 226 TULLOCK EUzabeth WUliamson 122 EUzabeth (Williamson) 122 Laurence 122 TURNER Charles 347 Harriet L. (Young) 347 Harry 347 Jennie 149 TUTTLE Belle (Moore) 249 Dora E. 310 Eugene 310 FranceUa N. (Tuttle) 310 H. A. 249 James' 97 Judith' 97 Marv (Allen) 97 Sarah (CogsweU) 83 Simon 83 TWIST Mary Jane 99 TWITCHELL Hermon 217 Lena E. (Bronson) 217 Vernon 217 TWOMBLY Joseph 110 Marv A. (Driscoll) 110 OUve 315 TYKLE George F. 37 MabeUe E. (Morgan) 37 URANN Lizzie 31 UPTON Annie (Chapman) 199 Ella 199 Ellen Sophia 199 Francis 199 UPTON (cont.) Samuel B. 199 Sarah 213 ' Sophia B. (Huntoon) 199 VALENTINE Abram E. 108 Ada M. (Dow) ?" 108 Melvin Dow 108 VALLETTE Ruth 17 VAN COR Anna E. fSmaU) "Cole 313 Homer 313 VAN DERVANTER Rebecca 7 VAN DOORN Annie (Rowe) 137 Frank 137 VAN FLEET Henrietta Lavina 336 VAN Z.ANDT Frances C. (Lipscombe) [73 Isaac 73 Louisa 73 VANNEVAR Aaron 323 Dorothy Frances 323 EUzabeth Ryder* 323 Gertrude F. (Swasey) 323 John 323 V.^.RLEY Arthur 289 Caroline Ruth 289 Dorothy 2,89 Mabelle (Rand) I 289 VARNER Annie Laura 272 Joseph 272 Sarah L. (Varner) 272 VARNUM Carrie F. (Shaw) 307 Joseph 307 Olive 269 VAUGHAN Elizabeth Boyer 146 VAUGHN EmeUne (Patrick) 279 Samuel 279 VEASEY 239 "VERNON Addie (Foster) 144 George 144 VERRILL AbigaU 251 VICKARS Fronie 36 VICKERY Grace May 78 John Hartland 78 Mary A. Kedney 78 VIRGIN Ada L. (Batchelder) 319 Arthur Russell 319 Belle Fiorina 320 Bernice .lohnson 320 Bessie Ella 320 Ellen Amanda 319 Emma AmeUa 319 Esther Ann 319 Fales Perley 320 Frank Pierre 319 Fred Peaslee 319 Isaac 319 Leha Stevens 319 Marv A. (Stevens) 319 Rose E. (Johnson) 320 Rufus 319 422 INDEX. VITTUM Ann 330 WilUam 330 VOODRY Charity (Fox) 120 Henrietta 120 Phihp 120 VOSBURGH Byrd-Anna 63 WADDELL Bertha 105 WADE Bertha M. 57 Ehzabeth (CogsweU) 83 Thomas 83 WADLEIGH AbigaU 254 Abigail H, 247 David F. 247 Emily C. 247 John 254 Joseph N. 247 Juha Ann 247 Marietta 247 Myra (Moore) 247 Peter 24 Thomas 247 WADLEY Benjamin 68 Judith (Clough) 68 WAGNER Arthur 258 Ellen 268 Minnie E. (Morrill) 268 WAINMAN Agnes 143 Carrie 143 Clara (Murgittroyd) 143 CordeUa (Foster) 143 Edith 143 EUa 143 Fannie 143 Floyd A. 143 Horatio 143 Ida 143 Marie 143 Mary 143 Thomas 143 Thomas C. 143 WAINWRIGHT EUzabeth 83 WALDO Cornelius 83 Hannah (CogsweU) 83 WALDRON Adelaide CecU 174 Adelaide H. (Cilley) Parker 174 EUzabeth Pearl 174 Emily 342 John 174 Lois (Miner) 342 Velma A. 174 WALES Dolly 79 EUza Ann 79 Hannah 80 Enoch 80 Judith C. (Caverly) 248 Samuel 79 Samuel 248 WALKDEN Betsey (Scales) 304 James 304 WALKER Alberta 36 Deborah 245 Eugene 36 WALKER (cont.) John S. 36 Sarah (Bradley) 36 WALLACE Helen E. S. (Bennett) 250 John 250 Robert 260 Sarah A. (Bennett) 260 Sarah W. 98 Victoria M. 272 WALLINGFORD Lydia (Baker) 84 Mary 268 WALTON Abigail (Kellogg) 331 Alfred' 331 Calvin' 331 Charles' 331 ChaunceN'' 331 Eliakim Persons' 331 Ehza (Clark) 330 Ezeldel Dodge' 331 Ezekiel Parker" 331 George' 331 George' 331 George B.' 331 George Parker" 331 Harriet NeweU' 331 John' 330 John' 331 Joseph 9 Joseph' 331 Mary" 331, 332 Mary (Bostwick) 331 Mary (Parker) 331 Nancy' 331 Nathaniel Porter" 331 Prussia (Persons) 331 Samuel Mosely' 331 Sarah (Howes) 331 Susan' 331 WARBORTON EUen 320 WARD Annie Mae 121, 124 Christobel E. 36 Dennis 36 EUa Clara (Bradley) 36 Estelle F. 36 Gladys RoUe 121 George Bradley 36 Henrietta 116 Jessie C. 36 John G. 121 Joseph Emery 36 Joseph F. 36 Katherine Walker 121, 124 Mary Louise 36 Mary L. (Rolfe) 121 Mary lind 64 MUdred H. E. 121 WARREN Ann (Walker) 257 Betsev (TaUant) 325 Caroline 257 Edward K., Mrs. 134 EUza 264 EUzabeth F. (Pickard) 286 Ephraim 326 Foster G. 286 Hugh 325 Isaiah 257 J. Q. 288 Lucy A. 286 Lydia Anale (Warren) 325 Mary 270 Mary A. (Railey) 288 Richard 344 WASSON IsabeUa 25 WATERMAN Alice Jackson 76 Maud 143 WATERS Mary Maple 18 WATSON Abigail fHarper) 183 Albert 199 Bernice Alberta 189 Bertha 199 Charles 214 Elfleda May 189 Ellen S. (Upton) 199 Ethel Gertrude 199 Fred L. 189 Free Leslie 189 Freelove Moore 189 Isabelle (Knowles) 214 Jane A. (Pickard) 286 John 183 Mary S. 241 Parker Hanaford 199 Sadie E. (Moore) 189 Samuel E. 285 WEARE Abigail 241 WEATHERN Benjamin Frank' 248, 284 Clara (Pickard) 248, 284 WEAVER AUen 182 Edythe 182 Eunice 182 George O. B. 182 Harry Abbott 182 Helen Martha 182 Lizzie M. (Hancock) 182 SaUv Ann 227 WEBBER 240 Iantha (Hutchins) Moul ton 200 Nancy (Clough) 240 Prescott J . 200 Susan P. 34 -w:eb.ster 240 Annie M. (Osgood) 168,274 Charies 174 Charles W. 168, 274 Clara 116, 120 Clara E. (Fo.ster) 147 Edward 168, 274 EUzabeth 116, 120 EUzabeth McF. (Patrick) 279 Frank Pierce 66 Freeman 116 George F. 147 George L. 147 Harriet 174 Helen Hamett 279 Homer D. 279 Louis Harvy 279 John 68 LilUan (Roby) 66 Lucia M. (Greenough) 168, 274 Mary 112 Mary Hallock 279 Maria S. (Haines) 174 Mary (Shatswell) 112 Nancy (Emery) 116 OUve CUfford 66 Ruth (Clough) 68 Sarah 190 Susannah 246 INDEX. 423 WEDGEWOOD Nancy 40 WEEKS 172 Betsey (Weed) 332 Comfort 263 EUzabeth (Haines) 176 George Warner 108, 109 Hannah (McCrUUs) 240 Hannah T. (Clifford) 332 James 210 Joseph C. 332 Joshua 255 Laura .4rvUla 109 Leonard 108, 109, 172 Lorrain True 332 Martha 195 Martha (Haines) 172 Mary E. 299 Mary (Haines) 172 Medora 109 Newell Eaton 321 OUve 172 SaUy 232 Sarah 172 Sarah E. (Mead) 108, 109 Sarah E. (Streeter) 321 Stephen 176 Stephen 332 Stephen La Roy 332 Susanna (MorriU) 255 Sydney C. 321 WELCH Abbie' 332 Edward H.' 332 John' 332 Mary 332 Mary-! 332 Mattie A. (Battis) MorrUl 22 Michael' 332 Patrick A. 22 Thomas' 332 Thomas' 332 WUUam Charter' 332 WELD Ameha 325 "WELLINGTON Cecil G. 126 George P. 126 Lloyd F. 126 Stella F. (Fisk) 126 Thelma E. 126 WELLS Adelaide E. (Forrest) 6 Adelbert A. 269 Clinton Ayers 18 EUzabeth R. (Ayers) 18 Eunice 64 Frank 128 Graham Chapin 18 Horace 64 John 64 John Jr. 6-4 John 269 John H. Mrs. 271 Joseph E. 6 Kate B. (Keysar) 206 Lauren Clough 128 LUUan 64 Lucina J. (Fletcher) 128 LueUa (Chase) 64 Polly B. (Neal) 269 Walter C. 206 WELSH EUza H. 270 WENDLING EUa (Foster) 144 Jacob 144 WEST AdeUne 107 George W. 107 Isabella S. (Blanchard) 25 James 25 Jessie F. 227 Mary P, (Seavey) 107 Sarah F. 339 Sophia 160 WESTON Abb.v Johnson 126 EUi^abeth S. (Parker) Mor riU 266 Ellura Huntiy 125 Harrison 125 Sarah C. 151 Sarah J. 242 WETHERBEE Daniel J. 284 Ernest E. 284 Frances P. 284 Harold B. 284 Harriet H. (Pickard) 284 Marjorie 284 WETHERBY Richard 210 WHEAT AbigaU (BaUard) 45 WHEELER Abel' 29, 332 Adele G.' 333 Almira 192 Ann 73 Anna Mae 280 Attelle Grace 30 Belle (Gage) 30, 122, 333 Bert Gage" 30, 122, 333 Bessie W. (Emery) 122, 333 Charles 332 Charles B.* 30, 333 Christobel E. (Ward) 36 George W. 30 Doddridge 23 Dodridge Perkins 280 EUa Augusta 280 Ellen Grace 30 Florence Mabel 280 Fiorina S. (Perkins) 280 George W.' 333 Georgia (Briggs) 30, 333 Helen Grace' 333 John 6 John 52 John 59, 73 John 122 John 280 John' 29, 332 John S.' 30, 333 Jonathan' 332 Kate B. (Dow) 23 Lizzie S. (Buntin) 280 Martha A. 30, 52, 333 Mary Frances* 30, 333 Mary (Hosmer) 29, 332 Mary J. (Blanchard) 29, .52 332 MUlard Emery" 333 Nancy (McDonald) 333 Nancy Perkins 280 Nellie M.* 30, 333 RusseU 280 Seymour 36 Susan Annette 6, 280, 281 Susan C 30, 333 Susannah Diantha 2?0 William Carter" 333 WiUiam W.' 333 William W, S. 30 WHEELOCK Rowena 144 WHEATON EUzabeth 231 WHIDDEN Abigail (Matthews) 334 Agnes M. (Taylor) 334 Alvin B.' 336 -4.manda Ami' 336 Annie (Doss) 336 Benjamin' 334 Benjamin' 336 Charies Frank' 64, 336 Charlotte (Clifford) 66 Charlotte H.' 336 Clara Louise' 336 Deborah' 334 Diadama Sanborn 336 EUza' 336 EUza A. (Jackson) 336 EUzabeth' 244, 334, 335 EUzabeth (SmaU) 333 Emma C. (Chase) 64, 336 Eunice' 334, 336 Eunice (Parsons) Mason 333 Fred Webster' 336 George H." 336 Georre Parsons" 334 Hannah' 334 Hannah (Doe) 115, 334 Hariette L. (Van Fleet) 336 Henry' 336 Ichabod' 333 Ichabod" 334 Irene (PoUard) Huckins 196, 335 Jacob CUlev' 335, 336 James' 333 Jane' 335 Jane Hamilton' 336 Jane (Moore) 196, 196, 245, 334 Jeremiah" 334 Jeremiah' 334 Jeremiah" 334 John' 333 John' 334, 335 John" 336 John Alfred' 336 John P." 336 Jonathan P." 335, 336 Josiah' 334 Judith (Rolfe) 336 Juha Green" 336 Louisa J. (Clifford) Dane 66, 93, 336 Mark' 334 Mary Alvina' 336 Mary P. Chase 336 Mary P. (Tilton) 334 Nancy' 336 Nathaniel' 195, 196, 245, 334 Nathaniel' 335 Oriett' 336 Parsons' 115, 334 Parsons* 334 Peg-y' 335 Pitts W.' see WiUiam P. Whidden Polly' 196, 334 Polly (Currier) 334 Rachel' 334 Rose EUen' 336 Rose McEnanry 336 Samuel" 333 Samuel' 333 424 INDEX. WHIDDEN (cont.) Sally' . 335 •Sarah 195 Sarah (Fellow.s) 336 Sarah G. (Hill) 343 Sarah M." 336 Susan 115 Susan' 334 Thomas L." 93, 336, 336 WUUam P.* 196, 335 WHIDDIT Clara L. (Whidden) 336 Marie Louise 336 WiUiam WaU 336 WHINFIELD Marv 183 WHIPPLE Benjamin T. 346 Dorothy 77 Fay 340 Helen M. 346 Henrietta K. (Hersey) 77 Katharyn Carleton 77 NeUie C. (Foster) 151 Rebecca L. (Clough) 77 Ruth Ehzabeth 340 Sarah J. Melvin 346 Sherman Leland 77 Sherman Leland Jr. 77 Solomon Mason 77 W. E. 151 WilUam 60 WHITCHER Abbie W. ,346 Abby A. (Lj-ford) 226 AbigaU (Stevens) 231 Anna 231 Anna (Sanborn) 234 Annie M. (Danforth) 250 Benjamin 231 Charles D. 250 Chase R. 280, 281 Clarence W. 225 Deborah 238 Dorothy Osgood 345, 346 Eda M. (Aldrich) 281 Edith Aldeane 281 Frank P. 280, 281 Hattie Louise (Deane) 281 Jonathan 262 Josephine P. 262 Mary 233 Mary E. 262 Mary J. 345 Mercy (Priest) 280 Mehnda 271, 272 Nathaniel 233 PameUa 234 Pheeb H. 281 Pheeb H. (Perldns) 280 Reuben 345, 346 Ruth (Moore) 250 Sarah (Harvev) 233 Sylvanus 250 Tamer (.Sawyer) 262 Ward Priest 280 Wilham 234 WiUiam 250 WiUiam E. 262 Winthroi) C. 280 WHITCOMB Louisa L. 284 WHITE B. F. 143 Beniamin 83 EUza M. (Jloore) 248 Emeline 181 Harriet 279 Helen A. 258 WHITE (cont.) Joseph 248 Mabel (Foster) 143 Mary H. (-May) 279 Susanna (Cogswell) 83 Thomas R. 279 WHITEHEA-D Emma 90 John 90 WHITESIDE Lydia 117 WHITELAW Florence 37 WHITING Cora E. 146, 151 WHITNEY Amanda' 338 Amos 127 Amos L. 160 Armenia J.< 339 Catherine 145 Catherine' 338 Charlotte E,' 339 Ch,arles A.' 338 Charles S,' 339 Dorcas 276 Dorcas' 338 Ehza 342 Eliza -A,,' 338 Elizabeth G. (Haines) 176 Frank' 338 George' 338 George W. 251 George W." 339 Hannah R. (SneU) 338 Ida 100 Ida Frances' 339 Inez Blanche 160 Jemima S. (Lane) 160 Jeremiah' 338 Joseph' 338 Katherine' 339 Katie A." 338 Laurentia A.' 338, 344 Lawrence Haines 1*76 Leavitt' 338 Leonard' 23, 282, 338 Mabel 152 Mary' 338 Mary Good-win 176 PoUy 23 Nancy S. (Sargent) 338 NelUc M.' 339 PoUy (ElUott) 338 PoUy (Fletcher) 127 S. Elhott' 338, 339 SaUy' 282. 338 Sarah F. (West) 339 Silas' 338 WUliam' 338 William Scott 176 Victoria G. (Moore) 251 WHITTEMORE Addie G. 328 MelUe 42 WHITTEN Dorothy 305 Herbert 305 Hernert L. 305 Mabel E. (Mosher) 305 Catherine 343 Jeremiah 343 Joseph 254 Joseph 343 Josephine 343 Ruth (Green) 254 Samuel 343 Susanna 2.54 WHITTIER Thomas 254 WHITTREDGE Annah S. (Locke) Tallant 328 Geo. F. Whittredge 328 WIDMER AUce Webster 120 Edith Webster 120 Ehzabeth (Horner) 120 EUzabeth (Webster) 120 Frederick 120 Fred Emery 120 Frederick W. 120 Jamie 120 Mary Ehzabeth 120 WIGGIN AbigaU' 337 Alice Gertrude' 338 Andrew 329 Arthur Walter' 338 Bertie Lena' 338 Betsey' 337 Blanch (Thurston) 338 Bradstreet 248 Catherine 226 Charlie 21 Daniel" 337 David' 337 David' 337 EUen Swett' 337 Eliza 329 Eliza Ann' 337 EUza (Clough) 72, 155, 337 Elizabeth (Huntress) 337 Emma L. (Wiggm) 337 Emma Louise' 337 Ethel May" 338 Flora Keith 337 George' 337 George Cloughs 338 George Edwin' 337 Gideon' 337 Gladys Lane' 338 Hannah' 337 Hannah (Fifield) 337 Hannah (RoUins) 337 Howard Moody' 338 Howard Melvin" 338 James M.' 72, 155, 337 Jennie 192 John Henry' 337, 338 Joseph Hale' 337 Judith 282 Lena Blanch' 338 Levi' 337 Lucia A. (Moore) Osgood 248 Lydiz' 337 Martha' 337 Mary 338 Mary' 337 Mary E. (WUUams) 338, 339 Mary EUen' 337 Maude (Battis) 21 Nancy' 337 Nancy (French) 337 Nathaniel 282, 338 Nathaniel' 337 Nathaniel' 337 OUve' 337 Ruth Esther' 338 SaUy' 337 Sally C^'hitney) 282, 338 Sarah' 337 Sarah Elizabeth' 155. 337 Susan (Burshsted) 338 INDEX. 425 WIGGIN (con(.) Walter Harvey" 338 Thomas' 337 WILBUR Rebecca (MerrUl) 242 WILDE Sarah 174 WILDER Charles 57 WILEY '^' ^'-"'"'P^''^") ^^ Rebecca 278 WILKINSON Clarence 341 Emma 343 Florence 343 Lunette J. (Young) 343 Mary 124 Sara 137 WILLARD Almira E. (Abbott) Hay ward Burdeen 1 Edgar M. 237 Edward F. 1 Frank Davis 237 Orrissa H. (McClary) 237 Thomas Ezra 237 WILLEY Asenath 166 JuUa 90 Martha 56 Martha (Nudd) 271 Susannah 303 WILLIAMS Amos S. 339 Amos James' 339, 340 Andrew A.' 339 Bertha A. (Neal) 339 CaroUne C. (CogsweU) 87 Chariotte E. (Clough) 76 Clara (Rogers) 339 Cyrus Brooks 76 EUzabeth (HUls) 180 Emma F. (Marshall) Jones 340 George L' 339 Guy Voorhees 76 John 34 John A. 87 Judith (Ordway) 339 Kate E. (Bowden) Barrett 340 Mary 34 Mary EUa' 338. 339 Mary J. (Lane) 339 Mary N. (Brown) 76 Mary (Wiggin) 338 Sarah 91 Sarah 180 Sarah Daniels 339 WiUiam 180 WILMOT Allen B. 269 B. W. 269 LUUan W. 269 Nancy B. (Neal) 269 WILSI-IN . 202 Alvah Dearbom 101 Bertha F. 286 Deborah 299 Elsie (Shirran) 38 Frances E. 235 Glenn B. 38 Grace Almira 38 Helen B. 328 Humphrey 299 John 109 Lucy (Foster) 133 WILSON (cont.) Lydia R. 277 Martha A. (Bradley) 38 Mary (Lea-iitt) 299 Merit .\. 38 OUv e 208 Robert 101 Sarah 99, 208 Susan (James) Morse 202 Susan R. (Dearborn) 101 Thomas 208 WilUam James 101 Winnifred Chamberlain 38 WINCH AdeUne (Dalev) 320 Susan M. 292 WINC; -A-ngie Clara 331 Daniel WiUiam 331 Edgar 331 EUzabeth (Clark) 331 Florence 331 George Henry 331 Halsey K. 331 Halsey McKie 331 Halsev R, 331 Harriet N. (Walton) 331 Helen M. (Davis) 331 Helen M. (Murry) 331 Leavens 331 Leroy Chapin 331 Murry 331 Persons Walton 331 Walton Stewart 331 WINKLEY Benjamin 228 FUzabeth P. Titman 228 Hannah P. 228 WINN Abner B. 30 Frances M. (Harvey) 30 Sarah L. 251 Stella Mary 30 WINSHIP Edward 45 Jane 45 Mary 45 WINSLOW Joshua B. 275 Lydia (Page) 275 MoUy 198 Sarah 1 WINTERS Charles Edward 216 Edith (Lake) 216 WISE Annie Ruhamah 134 John 134 Joseph 134 Lucy Rogers 132 WISWELL Deborah 206 WITHEE Hannah 232 Sally ajettis) 232 Zoe 232 WITTY George W. 346 Mary E. (Young) 346 WOLCOTT Welthy A. 153 WOOD Abigail (Foster) 137 Amaziah 137 D. C. 346 Lenora M. (Young) 346 Margaret 228 Sarah L. E. 346 WOODBURY -Annie (Hammond) 90 Ebenezer 326 Elizabeth 326 Grace B. 152, 1.54 Hannah 84 Hazadiah 90 Mary 245 Sylvania 90 WOODDELL Arthur Clough 78 Deloss Watson 78 E. ((iriflith) 78 Fred Joseph 78 Henry Frederick 78 Lena M. (Clough) 78 Marion Mabelle 78 WOODENBURY John 332 Marv (Wel^h) 332 WOODMAN Anna (Adams) 113 Apphia 213 Asa Foster' 136, 340 Caleb Morse" 136, 340 Edward' 340 Ehzabeth 113 Hannah Foster' 136, 340 Harriet J. (Wright) 340 Helen Amanda' 136,340 Henry C. Woodman' 136, 340 Horace C' 136, 340 John 113 Lucy W. (Foster) 136, 340 Mark" 340 Mary' 136, 340 Rebecca 113 Sarah Chase 340 Sarah Rogers' 340 Sarah (Rogers) 340 Susan Caroline' 136, 340 WOODWARD Elizabeth 250 Jennie 121 WORCESTER Abby C. W. Foster (Carter) 49 James 49 WORKMAN John 238 Mary (McCrilhs) Foster 238 WORRALD Susan Lydia 216 WORSTER Susan (Fletcher) 127 WORTHEN Betsey (Huntoon) 198 Byron 235 Dorothy 130 Harold Mathes 235 Jacob 198 Mary 48 Mary A. (Mathes) 235 Sadie L.Uen 235 . Sarah see Worthing, Sarah .Susanna 138 WORTHING Sarah 290 WORTHINGTON Julia AmeUa 148 WRIGHT Harriet J. 340 Sarah 45 WYATT AUred C. 225 Anna (Lyford) 222 Annie Lyford 225 426 INDEX. WYATT (cont.) Betsey C. (Lyfoid) 222 Chase 85, 222 Joseph Clough 225 Lucy C. (Lylord) 225 NancA^ (Cogswell) 85 Nellie M. (Mead) 225 WYCKOFF George D. 87 John N. 87 Myra Ames 87 Nancy O. (CogsweU) 87 WYMAN .Annibec Proctor 153 Betsej- A. (Morrill) 262 Hannah (CUlTord) Weeks, Pulsifer 66, 332 Jerry Clapp 262 Maud Beatrice 262 NelUe Grant 262 YATES Cora G. (ElUott) 111 RoUin Eugene 111 YEATON Alexander S. 86 Hannah F. (CogsweU) 86 YORK Charles 39 Sarah E. (Bradley) 39 YOUNG Abbie W. (Whitcher) 346 Abigail* 342 Adna' 343 Alice (Pickering) 344 AUce Sophia" 343 Andrew Bailey* 343 Ann (Kimball) 345 Ann Maria" 345 Anna' 343 Anna (Folsom) 170 Anna F.' 344 Annie L, (ElUott) 346 Apphia Amanda' 301, 344 Aretas' 344 Benjamin' 341 Benjamin' 341, .342 Benjamin' 342 Benjamin Baron 130 Bessie J. (Brown) 16 Betsey 206 Betseys 341^ 343 Betsey' 344 Betsey B. (Forrest) Moore 131 Betsey (Young) 343 Catharine" 345 Catharine (Johnson) 319, 342 Catharine Johnson' 346 Catherine S. (Johnson) 344 Charles Ayers 16 David 128 YOUNG (cont.) Dearborn Johnson' 345,346 Deborah' 341 Deborah" .342 Deha A, (Matthews) 346 Dolly (TirroU) 341 Edith G." 346 Edwin Johnson' 345, 346 Eleazar' 344 Electa M. 106 Elijah* 342 EUza J. (E'.aus) 343 Elizabeth 106 Ehzabeth Ann' 344 EUzabeth C. (Hickson) 348 EUzabeth Hill" 345, 347 EUzabeth J. (Barber) 346 EUzaheth (Jackson) Page 274 Ellen Louise 16, IS Elmer 106 Emilie Ayers 16, IS Emil.\- Sophia" 345 Emma Pickering 344 Ernest E. 105 -Eugene Stephen 111 Fannie H." 345, 347 Flora .A." 345, 346 Fred J.« 346 George' 344 Georgia E. (Lancaster) 346 Hannah 312 Hannah' .341 Hannah (Peverly) 281, 344 Harriet L." 345, 347 Harrison' 342 Hazel' 344 Helen Amanda' 345 Helen M. (Whipple) 346 Helen S. 106 Henry Harrison" 344 Henrj' Parker 344 Herhert G." 346 Hester A," 346 HoweU Winthrop' 345 Jackson' 342 James Rilcv 16 Jane Eliza" 345 Jeff" 343 Jesse 76 John' .342 John Laucdon' 342, 345 John MorrUl" 345, 346 .Tonathan' 341 Jonathan' 341 Joseph 170, 343 Joshua 274 Lavonia' ,343 Lenora M." 346 Lizzie" ,343 Lois (Miner) Waldron 342 Loren Whiting' 342 YOUNG (cont.) Lulu G.« 346 Lunette Jane" 343 l.uia A. (Dow) 106 Mabel Ann" 347 Mahalaette" 344 M.ari.ii 342 Maria (MorriU) 301, 344 Mary 170 Mary 278 Mary' 342 Mary A. (Clough) 76 Mary (Batchelder) 128 Mary E.« 346 Mary (Jackson) S-12 Mary J. (Whitcher) 345 Mary Otis' 312, 319, 342 Mary Otis" 345 Mary (Otis) 341 Maude A." 346 Maud E. (Lore) 340 May Whipple" 347 Mertie' 344 Mertie (Fisher) .3-44 MUo F.' ,342 Nancy 246 Nancy' 341, 344 Nancy' .344 Nanny (Chase) 343 Obadiah' 342 Odes,sa (Riley) 346 Olive (Twoml.ly) 345 Oli-via Sophinia' 344 Orren Demerritt" 343 Otis' 319, 341, 342 Otis" 345 Peter Clark' 344 Polly' 341, 342 Polly (Cochran) 341 Sallie H. (Cofran) 345 Sarah Emery' 344 Sarah Frances" 345 Sarah Maria' 345, 348 Shiriey' 344 Solomon' 381, 301, 341, 344 Sophia (Jones) 343 Sophia (Miner) 342 Sophronia' 343 Stephen' 341 Stephen' 342 Susan G. (Ayers) 16 Susie -Almira 16 Thomas J," 342, 346 Thomas J. 5 345,346 Thomas J." 346 "\'erna' 344 WilUam D, 106 WiUiam Harrison' 342 WiUiam H. H." .345 WUliam H.« 346 "Winthrop' 61, 312, 341 Winthrop' 341 Winthrop' 342, 344, 345 Winthrop Judson" 345 APPENDIX. OFFICIAL ROSTER OF CANTERBURY. GOVERNORS. Joseph M. Harper, 1831-32. As president of the Senate, he succeeded to the governorship -when Matthew Harvey resigned to accept an appointment as U. S. District Judge. CONGRESSMEN. Rev. Abiel Foster, 1783-86, under the Articles of Confederation, 1789-91 and 1798-1803 under the Constitution. Joseph M. Harper, 1831-35. COUNCILLORS. Ezekiel MorriU,' 1835, 1836. Joseph Clough, 1848, 1849. David M. Clough, 1874. STATE SENATORS. Rev. Abiel Foster,' 1791-95. Ezeldel MorriU,' 1823-25. Joseph M. Har per,' 1829-31. Amos CogsweU, 1838^0. Andrew Taylor, 1846. David Morrill, Jr., 1860-62. REPRESENTATIVES TO PROVINCIAL CONGRESSES AND STATE LEGISLATURES.* Dea. Ezekiel MorriU, 1774. David McCriUis,' 1792, 1795, 1798, Lieut. Samuel Ames, 1775. 1799, 1800. Thomas Clough, 1776, 1777. Samuel Gerrish,' 1794. Dea. Asa Foster, 1778, 1786. Nehemiah Clough, 1796, 1797. Rev. Abiel Foster," 1779, 1781, 1782, Joseph Clough, 1801, 1802, 1803. 1791, 1792. Masiten MorriU, 1804, 1805. Capt. Jeremiah Clough, Jr.,« 1783, Obadiah Clough, 1806, 1807. 1784, 1788, 1790. Jonathan Ayers, Sr., 1808, 1809, 1810. 'Son of Masten Morrill. 'President of the Senate, 1793. 'President of the Senate, 1831. ' Canterbury, Loudon and Northfield were classed together for representa tion in the legislature until 1783. " No record for 1780. " No record for 1785 and 1789. Voted not to send in 1787. 'Elected, 1792, for balance of term, Abiel Foster, having been elected to the Senate. •No record for 1793, but probably Samuel Gerrish. 428 APPENDIX. John Sutton, 1811, 1812. Moirill Shepard, 1813, 1815, 1816. Abiel Foster, Jr., 1814. Ezekiel MorriU, son of Masten Mor rU, 1817, 1818, 1819. Amos CogsweU, 1820, 1821. Richard Greenough, 1822, 1823. Lea-yitt Clough, Jr., 1824, 1825. Joseph M. Harper, 1826, 1827. Joseph Moody, 1828. Tristram C. Dow, 1829. Joseph Lyford, 1830. Elder Jeremiah Clough, 1831, 1832. Otis Young, 1833, 1834. John Harriman,' 1837, 1838. David MorrUl, 1839, 1840. Benjamin Sanborn, 1841. Andrew Taylor, 1842, 184'3. Dudley Hill, 1844. "Squire" Joseph Clough, 1845, 1846, 1847. John Mathes, 1848, 1849. Jonathan Ayers, Jr., 1850, 1851. Benjamin Whidden, 1852. James S. EUiins, 1853, 1854. Joseph Ham, Jr., 1855, 1856. Nathan Emery, Jr., 1857, 1858. David MorriU, 1859. Edward Osgood,' 1860, 1862. George W. Peverly, 1860, 1861. Jeremiah L. Clough, 1863, 1864. David M. Clough, 1865, 1866. Moses C. Lyford, 1867, 1868. Joseph S. Ayers, 1869, 1870. Joseph G. MorriU, 1871, 1872. Nahum Blanchard, 1873, 1874. Henry L. Clough, 1875. AUred H. Blown, 1876, 1877. David M. Foster," 1878, 1879-81. Milton B. Neal,' 1883-85. John H. Lyford, 1885-87. Samuel C. Pickard, 1887-89. Charles H. Ayers, 1889-91. Frank S. Davis, 1891-93. Alfred G. Chase, 1893-95. Paul H. Jones, 1895-97. Phihp C. Clough, 1897-99. Fred H. Blanchard, 1899-01. Milo S. MorriU, 1901-03. John A. Beck, 1903-05. Millard F. Emery, 1905-07. Olwyn W. Dow, 1907-09. ' George P. MorriU, 1909-11. Charles N. Clough, 1911-13. DELEGATES TO CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTIONS. Rev. Abiel Foster, 1775-76. Capt. Jeremiah Clough, Sr., 1775-76. Archelaus Moore, 1778. Samuel Haines, 1779. Rev. Abiel Foster, 1791. Benjamin Sanborn, 1850. James O. Lyford, 1876. Alfred G. Chase, 1889. Capt. Jeremiah Clough, Jr., 1781-83. James Frame, 1902. POSTMASTERS. Center. Joseph M. Haiper, January 1, 1813, to July 1, 1813. Ezekiel MoiriU, July 1, 1813, to July 1, 1815. Joseph M. Harper, July 1, 1815, to January 13, 1821. 'In 1835 no representative appears to have been elected. The town voted "not to send" in 1836. ' Canterbury entitled to two representatives in 1860. « In 1878 the change from annual to biennial elections occurred. 'In 1881-83, voted "not to send." APPENDIX. 429 David McCrUhs, January 13, 1821, to December 22, 1825. Jacob Blanchard, December 22, 1825, to AprU 15, 1829. Richard Greenough, April 15, 1829, to May 18, 1841. Nahum Blanchard, May 18, 1841, to June 17, 1842. Nathaniel Wiggin, June 17, 1842, to January 4, 1844. Joseph M. Harper, January 4, 1844, to August 5, 1850. Joseph M. Foster, August 5, 1850, to AprU 6, 1853. Josiah E. White, AprU 6, 1853, to March 22, 1856. Jonathan C. Greenough, March 22, 1856, to AprU 3, 1857. Thomas L. Whidden, AprU 3, 1857, to AprU 13, 1861. Isaiah L. Pickard, April 13, 1861, to March 28, 1862. Alfred H. Brown, March 28, 1862, to May 24, 1877. Margaret L. Brown, May 24, 1877, to October 14, 1886. WUliam M. CogsweU, October 14, 1886, to May 13, 1887. John W. French, May 13, 1887, to February 13, 1889. Sam W. Lake, February 13, 1889, to June 17, 1889. Alfred H. Brown, June 17, 1889, to AprU 6, 1893. Sam W. Lake, April 6, 1893, to AprU 16, 1897. Alfred H. Brown,' AprU 16, 1897. Hill's Corner. Dudley HiU, December 8, 1827, to October 29, 1834. Jeremiah KimbaU, October 29, 1834, to May 27, 1836. Dudley HUl, May 27, 1836, to March 20, 1844. OrvUle Messer, March 20, 1844, to September 23, 1845. Amos CogsweU, September 23, 1845, to June 22, 1848. Samuel MorriU, June 22, 1848, to AprU 12, 1861. Shaeer Village or East Canterbury. Robert Shepard,' AprU 12, 1861, to July 28, 1868. James S. Kaime, July 28, 1868, to October 21, 1875. Benjamin H. Smith, October 21, 1875, to November 11, 1884. Nicholas A. Briggs,' November 11, 1884, to February 1, 1895. Arthur Bruce, February 1, 1895, to January 27, 1896. Maiy L. WUson,' January 27, 1896. Canterbury Di;poT. Hemy L. Clough, January 12, 1888, to AprU 3, 1889. Arthur L. Barnes, April 3, 1889, to September 20, 1889. Samuel C. Pickard, September 20, 1889, to December 9, 1896. 'Postmaster at present time, 1911. » The post office in the east part of the town was at HiU's Corner until 1861, when it was removed to Shaker ViUage. ' The name of the post office was changed from Shaker ViUage to East Can terbury, November 15, 1889. 'Postmistress at the present term, 1911. 430 APPENDIX. Kay Cass, Decembei 9, 1896, to AprU 12, 1900. Ernest R. Little, April 12, 1900, to AprU 22, 1902. John Ralph Little, AprU 22, 1902, to October 17, 1905. Harry Colburn, October 17, 1905, to July 11, 1906. Samuel B. HUdreth,' July 11, 1906. Uplands. George H. Hancock, January 7, 1891, to Maich 22, 1892. Joseph W. Ham,' March 22, 1892, to November 18, 1898. Olwyn W. Dow, November 18, 1898, to June 21, 1902. Mary Chase," June 21, 1902, to October 15, 1910. ¦ TOWN OFFICERS. Before 1750 the meetings of the proprietors were held in Durham and it was not until 1738 that any of the inhabitants of Canterbury were chosen to office. That year Jeremiah Clough was elected one of the selectmen. In 1740 and 1743 John Moore was chosen a highway surveyor. Other residents of the town may have been selected for various town offices from 1738 to 1744, but the records of the proprietors are very incomplete for these years. In 1744 the following residents were chosen; Jeremiah Clough, selectman; Josiah MUes and Wilham Foris (Forrest), highway surveyors; WiUiam Curry and John DoUoff, tithingmen; Abner Clough, coUector; Samuel Shepard, constable; Thomas Clough and WiUiam Moore, field drivers; Jeremiah Clough and John Moore, lot layers ; James Head and Josiah Miles, fence view ers; John Gibson, hog constable. In 1745 Jeremiah Clough and Nathaniel RandaU were chosen selectmen; Ephraim Morrill, coUector, John Moore, constable; Josiah MUes, field driver; WiUiam Miles and WiUiam Mooie, fence viewers; Benjamin Blanchard, hog constable. For the next three years there is no record of what was done at the proprie tors' meetings. In 1749, Ephraim Clough is recorded elected constable, Josiah MUes and James Head, field drivers; Thomas Clough and William Moore, tithingmen; and Jeremiah Clough one of the lot layers. Beginning with 1750 the roster is complete, except for the years 1760 and 1764. MODERATORS. Joseph Sias, 1750. Ezekiel MorriU, 1761, 1768, 1774. Jeremiah Clough, 1751-53, 1755, 1757, Josiah MUes, 1762. 1766, 1767, 1769-73. Ephraim Hackett, 1756, 1763. John Moore, 1754, 1758, 1759. Samuel Moore, 1765. 'Postmaster at present time, 1911. iMr. Ham died September 11, 189 ndsmen until Mr. Dow's appointm 'Post office abohshed October 15, 1910. 'Mr. Ham died September 11, 1897. Office probably administered by his bondsmen until Mr. Dow's appointment. APPENDIX. 431 Benjamin Blanchard, Jr., 1775-79. Samuel Gerrish, 1780, 1781, 1783, 1785, 1796, 1798-1800, 1803. Dea. Asa Foster, 1782, 1784, 1790, 1791. Abiel Foster, 1786-89, 1792-95. Leavitt Clough, 1797, 1801, 1802, 1809, 1810, 1811. Col. Asa Foster, 1814. Masten MorriU, 1804, 1806, 1812, 1813. Joseph Clough, 1805. Samuel Hames, 1807, 1808. John Sutton, 1815. Joseph M. Harper, 1816-18, 1823- 26, 1847, 1848. Ezekiel MorrUl,' 1819-21, 1827, 1829, 1831, 1832, 1834, 1835. Amos CogsweU, 1822, 1837. Benjamin Sanborn, 1828. Elder Jeremiah Clough, 1830. "Squire" Joseph Clough, 1833, 1867. John J. Bryant, 1836, 1838, 1839, 1841-43, 1846. Gardner T. Barker, 1840. Andrew Taylor, 1844, 1845. Jonathan Ayers, Jr., 1849, 1850, 1853, 1854. David MorriU, Jr., 1851, 1852, 1855, 1856, 1860, 1861. Edward Osgood, 1857, 1858. Joseph G. Clough, 1859. Jeremiah L. Clough, 1862-66, 1871. Joseph A. Brown, 1868. Matthias M. Moore, 1869, 1870, 1874, 1876-79. Nahum Blanchard, 1872, 1878, 1880, 1883, 1884. Josiah B. Higgins, 1873. Charles H. Ayers, 1875. Samuel C. Pickard, 1881, 1882. Robert Frame, 1884. George P. MorriU, 1885, 1886. MUlard F. Emery', 1886. Charles Smith, 1887, 1889-1896, 1900-1906. Lyman A. Conant, 1888. Robert S. MorriU, 1896-1900, 1906-08. Edwin Weston Dow, 1908-12. TOWN CLERKS. James Scales, 1750, 1751. Thomas Clough, 1752-57, 1761-63. Archelaus Moore, 1758, 1765-72, 1774-78, 1780,-89. Ezekiel MorrUl, 1759. David Foster, 1773. Abiel Foster, 1779. Daniel Ames, 1790-96. Abiel Foster, Jr., 1797-1800, 1828. John Sutton, 1801-10, 1817-20. Ezekiel MorrUl,' 1811-16, 1822-25, 1836. Richard Greenough, 1821, 1833. Joseph Clough, 1826, 1827, 1829-32. Jonathan T. UnderhiU, 1834. Joseph C. Greenough, 1835. 'Son of Masten MorriU. Benjamin Sanborn, 1837—40. Amos CogsweU, 1841, 1842. John A. Chamberlain, 1843-45. Jonathan Ayers, Jr., 1846, 1847. Lorrain T. Weeks, 1848-50, 1852- 54, 1863-66. Edward Osgood, 1851. Luther Sargent, 1855, 1856. Josiah E. White, 1857, 1858. Howard Moody, 1859, 1860, 1862. Isaiah L. Pickard, 1861. Charles L. Brown, 1867-69. John J. Railey, 1870. Alfred H. Brown, 1871-88, 1899-1911. Frank W. MorriU, 1889-96. George H. Gale, 1897, 1898. 'Son of Masten MorriU. 432 APPENDIX. SELECTMEN. Jeremiah Clough, Sr., 1750-52, 1759, 1762, 1767, 1773. John Moore, 1750, 1751, 1755, 1756, 175S. Josiah MUes, 1750, 1753, 1757, 1759, 1776. Aichelaus Moore, 1751, 1753, 1755, 1756, 1760, 1762, 1763, 1767-71, 1773, 1774. WUham Curry, 1752. WUliam MUes, 1752. James Lindsey, 1753. Ezekiel MorrUl, 1754, 1758, 1761, 1763, 1768. WUham Moore, 1754. Joseph Symonds, 1754. Thomas Clough, 1755-57, 1760, 1761, 1765, 1766, 1769-71, 1775. Ephraim Hackett, 1757, 1760, 1761. John DoUoff, 1758. Samuel Moore, 1759. Hemy Young Brown, 1762, 1763. Stephen Gerrish, 1765, 1766, 1769. Samuel Ames, 1765. Joseph Mann, 1766, 1767. Henry Elkins, 1768. Abraham Batchelder, 1770, 1771. John Hoyt, 1772. Jonathan Clough, 1772. WUliam EUison, 1772. Dea. Asa Foster, 1773, 1791. Edward Blanchard, 1774, 1775, 1777. David MorriU, 1774, 1775. Jcseph Soper, 1775. David Foster, 1776-78, 1781-86. Benjamin Blanchard, Jr., 1776. Nehemiah Clough, 1777-80. Ebenezer KunbaU, 1778. Abiel Foster, 1779, 1792, 1793, 1794, 1796. Samuel Gerrish, 1779-81, 1786, 1792, 1795-1800. Jonathan Heath, 1779. John Maloney, 1779. Obadiah Mooney, 1780, 1781, 1785- 87. Jeremiah Clough, Jr., 1782, 1783. Gideon Bartlett, 1782-84. E avid McCriUis, 1784, 1793. Leavitt Cl-pugh, 1785, 1787-89, 1791, 1792, 1794^97, 1800-1802. Obadiah HaU, 1787. WUham Hazeltine, 1788-90. David MorrUl, 1788-90. Wmthrop Young, 1790. Obadiah Clough, 1793. Masten MorriU, 1794, 1797, 1801-03. Joseph Moore, 1795. Joseph Ayers, 1798, 1799, 1801, 1802. WiUiam Foster, 1798-1800. John KimbaU, 1803, 1804. Elijah Sargent, 1803, 1804. Abiel Foster, Jr., 1804, 1806-08, 1817- 23. WiUiam Forrest, 2d, 1805-09, 1812, 1813, 1815. Moses CcgsweU, 1805-07. Joseph Clough, 1805. Leavitt Clough, Jr., 1808, 1809, 1817, 1818. Ezekiel MorriU,' 1809, 1810, 1833. Samuel C. Hazelton, 1810-16. Ehjah Mathes, 1810, 1811. Samuel MorriU, 1811, 1812. Joseph KimbaU, Jr., 1813-15. Asa Foster, Jr., 1814. Amos CogsweU, 1816, 1817, 1822, 1823, 1829, 1830, 1834, 1835, 1837, 1838, 1840. Jeremiah Pickard, Jr., 1816. Joseph Moody, 1818, 1819. Joseph M. Harper, 1819-21. Thomas Ames, 1820, 1834. Joseph Gerrish, 1821-1823. Joseph Ham, Jr., 1824-28, 1833. Joseph Lyford, Jr., 1824-27, 1833. Samuel TaUant, 1824-26. David Clough, 1827, 1828. 'Son of Masten MorriU. APPENDIX. 433 Benjamin Sanbom, 1828, 1834, 1837. Tristram C. Dow, 1829, 1830, 1842- 44. Moses Stevens, 1829, 1830. Richard Greenough, 1831, 1832. Jeremiah Kimbajl, 1831, 1832. Andrew Taylor, 1831, 1832. Jesse Stevens, 1835, 1837, 1838, 1840. Jonathan T. UnderhUl, 1835. Enoch Gibson, 1836. Abiel CogsweU, 1836, 1847, 1848. Benjamin ^Tiidden, 1836, 1839. Laban MorrUl, 1838, 1841, 1848. Solomon Young, 1839. Josiah Dow, 1839. Hannibal Haines, 1840. Moses C. Lyford, 1841, 1846. Thomas L. Whidden, 1841, 1863-66, 1875. John J. Bryant, 1842, 1843. George W. Peverly, 1842r44. Samuel Albert Ames, 1844, 1845. Nathan Emery, Jr., 1845-47, 1849, 1854, 1855. Jaines S. Elkins, 1845-47, 1849. Jonathan Ayeis, Jr., 1848. Ebenezer Batchelder, 1849, 1850, 1853. Joseph P. Dearborn, 1850, 1891. Jeremiah C. EUiott, 1850. David MorriU, Jr., 1851, 1852, 1854. Enoch Emery, 1851. Jacob C. Whidden, 1851, 1852, 1859, 1860-62. Jonathan Sargent, 1852. Nathaniel PaUet, 1853. John Lyford, 1853. Edward Osgood, 1854-56, 1876, 1877. John Fletcher, 1855, 1856. David M. Foster, 1856, 1857. Benjamin McClary, 1857, 1858. Joseph G. Clough, 1857, 1858. Enoch E. Pickard, 1858, 1859, 1886. John A. Moores, 1859-61. George F. Sanbom, 1860, 1861. Joshua Parker, 1862. John P. KimbaU, 1862. Joseph S. Ayers, 1863, 1864. Simeon B. Foster, 1863, 1864. Solomon M. CUfford, 1865, 1866. Joseph C. Sanbom, 1865, 1866. David M. Clough, 1867-70. George Scales, 1867, 1868. RufusBoynton, 1867, 1868, 1889, 1890. WUham Knowlton, 1869. Simon Stevens Davis, 1869, 1870. Joseph K. Hancock, 1870-72. Philip C. Clough, 1871, 1878, 1879, 1898, 1899, 1903, 1904. Samuel C. Pickard, 1871-74, 1876. Olwyn W. Dow, 1872, 1873, 1880, 1887, 1888. Joseph E. KimbaU, 1873, 1874, 1885, 1886. Joseph G. Clough, Jr., 1874, 1875, 1883, 1884. Jeremiah CogsweU, 1875. Arthur Clough, 1876, 1877. MUlard F. Emery, 1877, 1878, 1881, 1882, 1897. WiUiam H. Carter, 1878, 1879, 1900, 1901. John H. Lyford, 1879, 1880. Eben L. Batchelder, 1880. George W. Lake, 1881, 1882. Alvah J. Dearborn, 1881, 1882. George W. Fletcher; 1883, 1884, 1899, 1900. LoweU T. Mason, 1883-86, 1905-11. James Colby, 1885. Lyman A. Conant, 1887. Henry L. Clough, 1887, 1888. Frank P. Dow, 1888, 1896, 1902. Alfred G. Chase, 1889, 1890. Charles E. MorrUl, 1889, 1890. BiUey E. PiUsbury, 1891, 1892. Cyrus G. Brown, 1891, 1892. Paul H. Jones, 1892, 1893. John H. Batchelder,' 1893. Smith L. MorriU, 1893. Edwin M. Lyford, 1893, 1894. Warren A. Stone, 1894, 1895. I Resigned. Smith L. MorriU elected to fiU vacancy. 28-n 434 APPENDIX. Herbert L. Brown, 1894, 1895. Byron P. LigaUs, 1895, 1896. Charles N. Clough, 1896. Moses A. Foster, 1897. WiUiam W. Wheeler, 1897, 1898. Osbome L. Colby, 1898, 1899. Jonathan B. Foster, 1900, 1901, 1911. Alphonso B. Chute, 1901, 1902. Edwin Weston Dow, 1902, 1903, 1904, 1910. Charles F. Jones, 1903. Louis D. MorrUl, 1904, 1905. Frank C. Plastridge, 1905-07, 1911. Frank S. Davis, 1906, 1907. George H. Gleason, 1908, 1909. Frank L. Brown, 1908-1910. TOWN TREASURERS.' Archelaus Moore, 1758. Jeremiah Clough, 1765, 1766. David Foster, 1773, 1774, 1775. David MorrUl, Jr., 1851, 1852. Laban MoniU, 1853. Nathan Emery, 1854, 1855. Edward Osgood, 1856, 1882, 1883, 1884. David M. Foster, 1857. Joseph G. Clough, 1858. Jacob C. Whidden, 1859, 1860, 1861, 1862. Thomas L. Whidden, 1863, 1864, 1865, 1866. David M. Clough, 1867, 1868, 1869, 1870. Samuel C. Pickard, 1871, 1872. Alfred H. Brown, 1873, 1874. Samuel HUl, 1875, 1876. Luther Sargent, 1877, 1878. Joseph M. Foster, 1879 1880, 1881. James F. French, 1885, 1886. James S. Elkins, 1887. Frank W. MorrUl, 1888. Joseph P. Dearbom, 1889, 1890. Frank P. Dow, 1891-95. Henry W. Hutchins, 1896, 1900-02. Charles H. FeUows, 1897, 1898. WiUiam H. Carter, 1899. Sam W. Lake, 1903-07. Alfred H. Brown, 1908 (appointed), 1909-11. CONSTABLES AND COLLECTORS.' Joseph Simons, 1750. Ephraim Clough, 1750. James Lindsey, 1751. WUUam GUnes, 1752. John Ghnes, 1753. Samuel Ames, 1754. Simon Ames, 1755, 1756. John DoUoff, 1757. None elected, 1758. John Forrest, 1759. John Gibson, 1761. James Gibson, 1762. Daniel Ames, 1763. Nathaniel Moore, 1765. Abraham Batchelder, 1766. WiUiam Gault, 1767. Joseph Mann, 1768. David MorriU, 1769. Josiah Miles, 1770. James Shepherd, 1771. WiUiam Forrest, 1772. None elected 1773, 1774. Samuel Moore, 1775. Caleb Heath, 1776. Thomas Foss, 1777. Gideon Bartlett, 1778, 1779. Ephraim Carter, 1780. Joseph Clough, 1781. 'In the years not specified one of the selectmen acted as town treasurer. From 1851 to 1872 inclusive, except the year 1853, the treasurer was;the chairman of the board of selectmen. 'Prior to 1819, the constable was also coUector of taxes. APPENDIX. 435 John Bean, 1782-85. Abner Hoyt, 1786, 1787. Samuel Gerrish, 1788. Nehemiah Clough, 1789, 1797. Jeremiah Clough, Jr., 1790. Laban MorriU, 1791. None elected 1792. Leavitt Clough, 1793. WUham Hazeltine, 1794. David Ames, 1795. Moses CogsweU, 1796. Jonathan Foster, 1798. David McCriUis, 1799. Masten MorriU, 1800. Jonathan Bradley, 1801. Henry Tibbets, 1802. Thomas Ames, 1803, 1804, 1811-16, 1818. Reuben French, 1805-09. Joseph Moody, 1817. COLLECTORS OF TAXES. Samuel A. MorriU, 1819, 1820. Laban MorriU, 1821-23. Stephen Cate, 1824, 1825. Edmund Stevens, 1826. Abiel CogsweU, 1827. Joseph M. Harper, 1828, 1829. No record 1830. Joseph Clough, 1831. Joseph Lyford, 1832. Jeremiah KimbaU, 1833. David M. Clough, 1834. John L. TaUant, 1835. Robert S. MorrUl, 1836, 1837. Nathaniel PaUet, 1838. Suneon B. Foster, 1839, 1840, 1842, 1845, 1849-52, 1854, 1871-74. John J. Bryant, 1841. John Peverly, 1843. Daniel Sanbom, 1844, 1846. Abiel F. Bradley, 1847. Charles Greenough, 1848. Nathan Emery, 1853. Benjamin McClary, 1855, 1856. True K. Mason, 1857, 1858. James H. Herrick, 1859, 1860. WiUiam H. Currier, 1861, 1862. Simon Stevens Davis, 1863, 1864, 1865, 1887, 1888. Cyrus G. Brown, 1866, 1867. Joseph K. Hancock, 1868, 1869. Moses C. Lyford, 1870. Alfred H. Brown, 1875. Milton B. Neai, 1876-80. John H. Lyford, 1881-84. Myron C. Foster, 1885, 1886. Frank S. Davis, 1889, 1890. Charles H. Colby, 1891-94. John A. Beck, 1895, 1896. Luther Sargent, 1897, 1898. Charles F. Adams, 1899-1907. Sam W. Lake, 1908. Chester E. Heath, 1909-11. SUPERINTENDING SCHOOL COMMITTEE. 1799. Rev. Frederick Parker with the town clerk, Abiel Foster, Jr., and the selectmen, Samuel Gerrish, Joseph Ayers and WiUiam Foster . 1800. Rev. Frederick Parker with town clerfc and selectmen>i 1809. ilflev. WiUiam Patrick, Samuel C. Hazelton, Isaac Smith and Samuel Ames.' 1810.1811. 1812. Abiel Foster, Samuel C. Hazelton, Isaac Smith, Samuel Ames. Samuel C. Hazelton, Ezekiel Morrill, Abiel Foster. Samuel C. Hazelton, Ezekiel Morrill, Joseph Moody. ' Leavitt Clough was selectman this year in place of Joseph Ayers. 'Record from 1800-09 shows no selection of a supervisory school committee. 436 APPENDIX. 1813. Rev. WiUiam Patrick, Abiel Foster, Samuel C. Hazelton, MarceUus MorriU, Joseph Moody. 1814. Rev. WUham Patrick, Abiel Poster, Joseph Moody, Samuel C. Haz elton, Amos CogsweU, Samuel Ames. 1815. Rev. WUUam Patrick, Amos CogsweU, Ezekiel MorriU, Abiel Foster. 1816. Rev. WilUam Patrick, Joseph Harper, S'amuel C. Hazelton, Ezekiel MorrUl. 1817. Rev. WiUiam Patrick, Joseph M. Harper, Amos CogsweU, Abiel Foster. 1818. Rev. WiUiam Patrick, Joseph M. Harper, Leavitt Clough, Jr. 1819-27. Rev. WiUiam Patrick.' 1828. Rev. WiUiam Patrick, Joseph M. Harper, Dudley HiU.' 1829. Rev. WiUiiam Patrick, Joseph M. Harper, Jeremiah KimbaU. 1830. Rev. WiUiam Patrick, Elder John Harriman, Joseph M. Harper. 1831-33. No record 1834. Rev. WiUiam Patrick, Elder John Harriman, James Peverly, Jr. 1835-36. No record. 1837. Rev. WiUiam Patrick, Elder John Harriman, Dudley HUl. 1838. Rev. WiUiam Patrick, Elder John Harriman, Gardner T. Barker. 1839. Rev. WUham Patrick, Elder John Harrimaoi, Dr. Robert S. MorriU. 1840. Rev. WilUam Patrick, Elder John Harriman, Gardner T. Baj-ker. 1841. Rev. WiUiam Patrick, Joseph M. Harper, Elder Joseph Clough. 1842. Rev. WiUiam Patrick, Joseph M. Harper, WiUiam H. Foster. 1843. No record. 1844. Voted to indefinitely postpone article in warrant providing for the election of three persons as superintending school committee. 1845. Rev. Howard Moody, Rev. Edmund B. Fairfield, Joseph M. Harper. 1846. Rev. Howard Moody, Joseph M. Harper, Jonathan Ayers, Jr. 1847. Rev. Howard Moody, Rev. Samuel T. Catlin, Joseph M. Harper. 1848. Rev. Howard Moody, Rev. Edmund B. Fairfield, Joseph M. Harper. 1849. Edward Osgood, Jonathan Ayers, Jr., Lorrain T. Weeks. 1850. Edward Osgood, WiUiam H. Foster, Luther Sargent. 1851. Rev. Howard Moody, Lorrain T. Weeks, B. F. TaUant. 1852. Rev. Howard Moody. 1853. Lorrain T. Weeks, Elder Plumer Chesjey, Edward Osgood. 1854-57. Rev. Howard Moody. 1858-59. Luther Sargent. 1860-61. Luther Sargent, Rev. Howard Moody, John Ham. 1862. Luther Sargent, Rev. Howard Moody, Lorrain T. Weeks. 1863. WiUiam H. Foster, Lorrain T. Weeks, Luther Sargent. 1864-65. Jonathan Ayers, WiUiam H. Foster, Lorrain T. Weeks. 1866. Rev. Howard Moody, Jonathan Ayers. 1867. Edward Osgood. 'Only one chosen. •Appointed by selectmen in accordance with act of legislature 1827. APPENDIX. 437 1868. Edward Osgood, chairman.' 1869-72. Lyman B. Foster, chairman.' 1873. Lyman B. Foster, J. B. Higgins, Rev. James Doldt. 1874. Edmond Osgood, chairman. 1875. Newel K. Foster, chairman; Mrs. George F. Blanchard,, Matthias M. Moore, Joseph Ayers, Rev. A. D. Smith, Elder Henry C. Blinn, Mary E. Clough, E. T. Clough, Sarah M. Colby, George E. Wiggin. 1876. Luther Sargent, Charles W. Emery, Newell K. Foster. 1877. Luther Sargent, chairman; Warren A. Stone, Matthias M. Moore, Mis. A. D. Smith, John Ham, Albert B. Clough, Elder Henry C. Bhnn, Mrs. James McKeriey, Mrs. Samuel C. Pickard, Sarah M. Colby, George E. Wiggin. 1878-79. Luther Sargent, Charles W. Emery, John Ham. 1880. Charles W. Emery, John Ham, Warren A. Stone. 1881. Charles F. Jones, chairman; Ehzabeth C. Moore, Mrs. Frank P. Dow, Mrs. Sarah E. SmaU, Mary E. Clough, Nicholas A. Briggs, David M. Clough, Emma L. Colby, W. W. Wheeler. 1882-84. A. S. Bronson. 1885. Mary E. Smith. 1886. Luther Sargent, Olwyn W. Dow, Charles H. Ayers. 1887. Luther Sargent, Olwyn W. Dow, Caroline F. Emery. 1888. Luther Sargent, Caroline F. Emery, LoweU T. Mason. 1889. CaroUne F. Emery, LoweU T. Mason, WilUam D. Ingalls. 1890. LoweU T. Mason, Caroline F. Emery, WiU;iam D. IngaUs. 1891. WilUam D. IngaUs, Charles M. Clough, CaroUne F. Emery. 1892. Carohne F. Emery, WiUiam H. Carter, Charles N. Clough. 1893 Charles N. Clough, WUUam H. Carter, Emma J. MorrUl. 1894. WiUiam H. Carter, Lyman A. Conant, Mrs. Ruth A. Foster. 1895. Lyman A. Conant, Frank L. Brown, Mrs. Ruth A. Foster. 1896. Mrs. Ruth A. Foster, Frank L. Brown, Rev. Albert E. HaU. 1897. Frank L. Brown, Rev. Albert E. HaU, Hattie O. Fletcher. 1898. WiUiam W. Briggs, Frank E. Drew, Hattie C. Fletcher. 1899. Hattie C. Fletcher, Frank E. Drew, Leroy A. GUnes. 1900. MiUard F. Emery, Ida M. KimbaU, WiUiam W. Wheeler. 1901. WUham W. Wheeler, Ida M. KimbaU, Olwyn W. Dow. 1902. Ida M. Kimball, Olwyn W. Dow, WiUiam W. Wheeler. 1903. WUham W. Wheeler, Fanny W. Foster,' Harry G. Clough, Bertha SUver.' 1904. William W. Wheeler, Frank L. Brown, Mrs. Jennie Pickard. 1905. Frank L. Brown, Mrs. Jennie Pickard, WUliam W. Wheeler. 1906. Mrs. Jennie Pickard, WiUiam W. Wheeler, Frank L. Brown. 1907. WiUiam W. Wheeler, Frank L. Brown, Mrs. John True. 1908. Frank L. Brown, Mrs. John True, Rev. Dyer M. PhiUips. 1909. Jeannette B. MorriU, Elmer B. Osgood, WilUam C. Tallman. 1910. Mrs. Jeannette B. MorrUl, Ehner B. Osgood, WUUam C. TaUman. 'School board consisted of one from each school district. No other names given. ' Resigned. 'Appointed to fill vacancy. 438 APPENDIX. 1911. Mrs. Jeannette B. MorriU, Elmer B. Osgood, Francis P. Cass. The town records show that from 1868-72 the foUowing persons were elected to the school board in aiddition to the chairmen who signed the school report. Not all, however, quaUfied and performed the duties of office: 1868. Josiah Higgins, Joseph Ayers, Da-vid M. Foster, Thomas L. Whid den, Henry C. Blinn, John IngaUs, David M. Clough, Loenard Colby, James M. Wiggin, Solomon M. Chfford, Nahum Blanchard. 1869. James S. Elkins, Matthias M. Moore, Mrs. Joseph S. Ayers, Edward Osgood, Mrs. Mary J. Hkm, Abbie C. Clough, Henry C. Bhnn, John IngaUs, Mary C. TaUant, James Colby, Sarah E. Wiggin. 1870. Nahum Blanchard, Matthias M. Moore, John J. Railey, Edward Osgood, Mrs. Mary J. Ham, Sylvanus C. Moore, Hemy C. BUnn, A. B. IngaUs, David M. Clough, Leonard Colby, Eben P. Carter. 1871. Nahum Blanchard, Matt.hias M. Moore, Chmena B. MorriU, Edward Osgood, Mrs. JuHette E. Lyford, Sylvanus C. Moore, Henry C. Blinn, A. B. IngaUs, David M. Clough, James- Colby, Eben P. Carter. 1872. Ann E. Blanchard, Matthias M. Moore, John J. Railey, Mary E. Clough, Mrs. JuUette E. Lyford, Rev. James Doldt, Hemy C. BUnn, John Ingalls, Samuel C. Pickard, James Colby, Andrew J. Taylor. COLLEGE GRADUATES. The Rev. WUUam Patrick gives a list of fifteen coUege graduates from Can terbury in the thirty-five years foUowing 1798.' There is no record of anyone graduating at an earlier date. An examination of the Dartmouth general catalogue discloses the names of two others not enumerated by Mr. Patrick. To this list are added those known to have graduated since 1833. It is possi ble that the roster may be incomplete, as verification by college catalogues is impracticable. In chronological order the names are given. WiUiam Rolfe, Dartmouth, 1799. Studied for the ministry. Ordained at Groton, 1803. Part of his time was spent in the service of the N. H. Mission ary Society. Ebenezer Greenough, son cf Ebenezer Greenough, Harvard, 1803. Lawyer, settled in Pennsylvania. Samuel Hames, Dartmouth, 1803. Lawyer, settled in Alabama. Lieu tenant U. S. Army. Died August 30, 1825, at Pro-vddence, R. I. Jonathan Kittredge, son of Dr. Jonathan Kittredge, Dartmouth, 1813. Lawyer, chief justice Court of Common Pleas of New Hampshire, 1856-58. Died at Concord, AprU 8, 1864. Charles G. Haines,, brother of Samuel Haines, Middlebury, 1816. Lawyer, settled in New York. Appointed adjutant-general ot that state in 1825, but died before qualifsdng, July 3, 1825, aged 32 years. Da-vid Ames, son of Da-vid Ames, Dartmouth, 1817. Lawyer, settled in Tennessee. Asa Emerson Foster, son of Col. Asa Foster, Dartmouth, 1822. Teacher. Died at Salem, Ind., October 9, 1875. 'Historical Sermon, October 27, 1833. APPENDIX. 439 Abiel Foster, son of Abiel Foster and grandson of Rev. Abiel Foster, Dart mouth, 1823. Teacher. Died in 1869. Henry Clough, son of Leavitt Clough, Dartmouth, 1823. Teacher. Died in Virginia in 1824. John IngaUs, Dartmouth, 1823. Divinity student. Died at Cambridge- port, Mass., September 5, 1828. Cyrus Parker, son of Rev. Frederick Parker, Dartmouth, 1824. Died at Edenton, Ga., September 1, 1825, aged 21 years. Adams Shepard, son of Col. MorriU Shepard, Middlebury, 1826. Teacher. Alfred Kittredge, brother of Jonathan Kittredge, Dartmouth, 1827. Law yer. Died at HaverhiU, Mass., May 1, 1877. Elbridge Flagg Greenough, Dartmouth, 1828. Lawyer. Died at Wauseon, Ohio, in 1875. Robert Smith MorriU, son of Reuben MorrUl, Bowdoin, 1830. Physician in Canterbury. Died February 25, 1842. Josiah Emery, son of Nathan Emery, Dartmouth, 1819-21 ; Union Schenec tady, N. Y., 1826-28, where he graduated. Lawyer, WeUsboro, Pa., 1831-71. Galen Foster, brother of Asa E. Foster, Amherst, 1831. Lawyer. Died at Canterbury March 2, 1895. WiUiam Pickering Haines, son of Stephen Haines, Dartmouth, 1831. Law yer and manufacturer. Died at Biddeford, Me., July 2, 1879. Stephen Moody Emery, Dartmouth, 1836. Physician. Died at Penacook, October 16, 1881. Cyrus Parker Bradley, Dartmouth, 1837. Died at Concord July 6, 1838. Charles Hutchins Butters, Dartmouth, 1837. La-wyer. Died at Pittsfield, May 13, 1860. WiUiam Da-vis Moore, Dartmouth, 1837. Teacher and business,; Died at GranvUle, Ohio, AprU 20, 1889. Stephen Symonds Foster, Dartmouth, 1838. Clergyman and early aboli tionist. Died at Worcester, Mass., September 7, 1881. Charles Augustus Harper, Dartmouth, 1838. Lawyer, settled in Texas. Colonel, Texas Volunteers, Mexican War; judge Superior Court, Arkansas 1866-68. Clergyman. Died at Fan-view, N. J., November 3, 1884. Lucien B. Clough, Dartmouth, 1850. Lawyer, judge of Probate Court, HUlsborough County. Died July 28, 1895, at Manchester. Edward Burr Smith Sanbom, Dartmouth, 1855. Lawyer. Died at Frank Un, November 3, 1903. Jeremiah Emery Ayeis, Dartmouth, 1863. Teacher. Charles WUlard MorrUl, Dartmouth, 1863. Served in 8th N. H. Volun teers, 1863-64. Died at hospital Cairo, lUinois, December 8, 1864. Henry CUnton Ayers, Dartmouth, 1864. Busuiess, insurance. Died Sep tember 24, 1899, Pittsburg, Pa. Jeremiah Clough Foster, Bowdoin, 1866. Physician. Died September 24, 1881, at Barre, Mass.. Abram Brown, Dartmouth, 1867. Served in 9th N. H. Volunteers CivU War. Teacher. Walter Howard Ayers, Dartmouth, 1868; Union Theological Seminary, New York, 1871. Clergyman. 440 APPENDIX. NeweU KeUy Foster, CorneU, 1873. Physician, Cahfornia. Charles W. Emery, Dartmouth, 1875. Died at Oakland, Cal., January 4, 1904. John Pickard, Dartmouth, 1883. Teacher. Amos CogsweU Lyford, Dartmouth, 1885. Teacher. Died at Denver, Colo., May 3, 1892. George J. Sargent, Dartmouth, 1888. Civil engineer. Died November 20, 1909, at Canterbury. Alpheus Sherwin Cody, Amherst, 1889. Author and business. Mary A. CogsweU, WeUesley, 1890. Teacher. Frank Edward Drew, Dartmouth, 1897; Boston University Law School, 1900. Lawyer. Mary MiUs Patrick, daughter of John Patrick, University of Berne, 1897. President American CoUege for Girls, Constantinople. Henry Day Ayers, Boston University, 1908. Teacher. GRADUATES OF PROFESSIONAL SCHOOLS. Alpheus MorriU, Medical School, Dartmouth, 1832. Born 1808 in Canter bury. Practiced at Concord, 1849-74. Died May, 1874. Had two sons who were physicians. Dr. Ezekiel MorriU and Dr. Shadrack C. MorriU. Jonathan Ayers, Gilmanton Theological School, 1842. Died June 1, 1871, at Concord. Henry B. MorriU, son of Joseph G. MorriU, Medical School, University of Vermont, 1864. Physician. Died December 28, 1910, at Loudon. Joseph Gerrish Ayers, Medical School, University of Vermont, 1864. Medi cal Director U. S. Navy, retired. Daniel Pickard, Medical School, Dartmouth, 1874. Fred WiUiam IngaUs, Medical School, University of Vermont, 1884. Phy sician. Died March 14, 1894, at Kingston. George Hancock IngaUs, Medical School, University of Vermont, 1885. Physician Jamaica Plain, Mass. Sara;h Angie French, Woman's Medical CoUege ofthe New York Infirmary, 1887. Physician. Seth W. Jones, Medical School, University of Maryland, 1894. Physician, Frankhn. Samuel P. Ames, Medical College, Bellevue, Hospital, N. Y., 1895. Samuel J. Dearborn, Law School, Boston University, 1909. Lawyer. FIRST CENSUS OF THE UNITED STATES. Free white males Free white fe- C.4NTERBURY. Aras, (Ayers) Joseph Ames, Samuel Ames, Simon Asten, Thos. Asten, Peter Biglow, Stedman Bracket, Simeon Beck, Henery Boynton, Joshua Blake, John Bartlet, Gideon Bracket, Ichobad Bradley, Benj'n Brier, John Bradley, Jona. Bean, John Blanchard, Benj'n Brown, Simeon Blanchard, Stephen Clough, Leavitt Chase, Edward Cogswell, Ebenz'r Colcord, Nath'l Cogswell, Moses Clough, Ezikle Chandler, Ebenz'r Currier, Simeon Clough, Obediah Clough, Jeremiah Clough, Jeremiah, jim'r Carter, Olendo Carter, John Clough, Joseph Clemment, Nath'l Carter, Daniel Carter, Nathaniel Curry, Tho's Clough, Nehemiah Davis, Samuel Davis, Stephen Dearborn, Thoinas Daniels, Samuel Davis, Jona. Dwendell, Henery Danford, Jere Danford, Moses Davis, John of 16 years and Free white males includ- upwards including males under ing heads of All other free heads of famihes. 4 2 1 3 1 1 2 2 1 2 1 11 2 3 i2 16 years. familief 46 2 1 3 2 142 3 5 4 4 4 4 5 2 3 1 24 3 2 4 373 1 4 6 2 3 2 2 7 4 2 1 3 4 3 3 23 4 Slaves. 3 442 HISTORY OF CANTERBURY. FIRST CENSUS OF THE UNITED STATES (continued). CANTERBURY. Danford, Simeon Durgin, Joseph Flitcher, Daniel Foster, James Foster, Jacob Forrist, WiUiam Foster, Jona Foster, Asa Foster, Daniel Foster, Daniel, jun'r Forrist, John Foster, Abiel, Esq'r Fowler, Abner Garrish, Samuel Gibson, James, jun'r Ghnes, Wilham Gibson, James Gibson, Thomas Gaut, William Glover, John Ghnes, Nath'l Ham, John Ham, Joseph Hogsdon, Miles Haynes, Samuel Haynes, Richard Heath, Caleb Hoit, Abner Haseltine, Wilham HaU, Obediah Hacket, Jeremiah Heath, Benj a Hacket, W'd Sarrah Heath, Simon Hoit, Abner, Jun'r Ingalls, John Jackson, Moses Jonson, John Jones, Benj a Jackson, Samuel Kent, John, jun'r Kimball, Ebenez'r Kimball, John Lange, Jona, jun'r Liford, James Liford, John Lange, Jona Lange, Simeon Lange, Edmund Lange, Moses Luis, Thomas Morill, Ezekle (Shakers) Marthews, Ehjah Moore, Archelua Free white males Free white fe of 16 years and Free white males includ All other upwards including males under ing heads of free heads of families. 16 years. families. persons. 1 3 4 2 2 6 4 3 1 2 2 1 5 ' 1 1 4 2 4 3 4 2 1 5 1 2 2 1 1 5 6 1 1 . 3 4 1 1 2 3 2 4 1 3 1 2 4 2 2 3 1 3 1 1 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 4 3 1 1 4 2 1 5 2 3 3 2 2 3 1 3 6 4 1 3 1 1 3 1 1 1 2 3 5 2 2 2 2 2 1 5 1 3 2 3 1 4 3 1 2 2 4 2 3 2 4 3 3 3 2 Slaves. 11 11 8 22 4 1 FIRST CENSUS OF THE UNITED STATES. 443 FIRST CENSUS OF THE UNITED STATES (continued). Free white males Free white fe of 16 years and Free white males includ- AU other C.4,NTERBURY. upwards including males under ing heads of free head^ of families. 16 years. famUies. persona. Moor, Joseph 1 2 4 Moore, WilUam 2 4 4 Moore, John 3 3 1 Mann, James 1 1 1 Morrill, Laban 4 2 5 Moore, Ezikle 1 1 Meloony, James 1 1 2 Morrill, Marstin 2 1 5 Mooney, Obediaii 1 1 3 Moore, Samuel 1 3 3 McCrilhs, David 4 1 7 Marden, Josiah 1 1 Morrill, David 2 1 6 Merriner, Nicholas 2 1 Peverly, Nath'l 4 3 2 Pallett, Nath'l 2 2 5 Rawhngs, Joshua 1 2 3 RandaU, Richard 2 1 4 Ralph, WiUiam 1 2 7 SmaU, John 1 1 2 SmaU, Ephraim 1 1 2 Shannon, John 1 SmaU, Isaac 1 4 Sandborn, Joseph 3 4 12 Sargent, Samuel 2 4 5 Stephens, Jesse 1 1 3 Sandborn, Benjamin 2 4 Sargent, EUjah 4 2 Shepard, MorriU 2 2 Soper, Joseph 1 2 Shepard, James 2 1 6 Sutton, John 1 1 2 Stephens, Simon (Simeon?) 1 4 2 Simonds, WiUiam 1 Sinkler, Noah 1 3 4 Sutton, Michael 2 2 3 Scales, Edw'd 1 3 Tibbits, Henery 3 3 6 TaUent, Margret 2 2 Whidden, Nath'l 1 1 3 Watson, Josiah 1 2 Wiggin, Chase 2 2 5 Whitcher, Benja (Shakers) 10 6 19 Ward, Tho's 2 2 5 WUUams, Jona 1 8 Whidden, Person 1 1 2 Weeks, Joshua 3 2 5 WaUcer, WUUam 1 3 3 ' Weeks, Sam'l 1 1 1 Young, Joseph 1 1 Young, Winthrop 1 4 5 Glines, Nath'l 1 2 2 Foss, Josiah 1 Randall, Dan'l 1 2 2 Slaves . 444 HISTORY OF CANTERBURY. FIRST CENSUS OF THE UNITED STATES (conUnued). Free white males Free white fe of 16 years and Free white males includ- AU other CANTERBURY. upward including males under ing heads of free heads of famiUea. 16 yeais. famihes. persons. Slaves Foster, David 2 3 2 CoggsweU, John 1 1 2 Runnels, Enoch 1 2 1 Bardeen, Nath'l 1 1 4 Whitcher, Jeddediah 2 1 1 Heath, Jonathan 1 2 NORTHFIELD. Arlen, Samuel 2 1 3 Ash, Joseph 1 2 Bartlett, Samuel 1 2 Blanchard, Edward 5 5 3 Blanchard, Richard 3 3 6 Colby, Nathan 1 3 1 Cross, John 1 2 3 Cross, James 2 2 3 Cross, Thomas 3 1 3 Cross, Jesse 2 6 4 Cochran, John 2 4 4 Currey, Robert Clough, Lewi Clough, Thos. 1 2 Clough, Thos., junr 1 CoUins, Benjamin 5 4 CiU'ey, John 1 2 Dolaff, David 2 Danforth, Henery 3 Davis, Hezekiah 2 1 Dearborn, Shubal 3 Dearborn, Nath'l 3 6 Dearbom, Abraham 3 Dearborn, John 3 3 Dearborn, Jona. 1 1 Dyer, Edw'd, Sr. EUison, Richard 2 4 Forrist, WiUiam 3 6 Forrist, John 2 2 Forrist, James 1 1 Fiffield, Jona. 3 French, SoUomon Foss, Robert 4 Foss, Thos. 4 Gilman, Thos. 5 Glines, John Gilman, Sam'l T. 5 Gilman, Jona. 1 Glines, Benja. 1 2 Gile, Jona. 4 3 GUdden, Charles 2 6 Glines, William 1 GUnes, William, Jun'r 4 2 Gibson, James 3 Glmes, Job Heath, Jacob 2 5 2 FIRST CENSUS OF THE UNITED STATES. 445 FIRST CENSUS OF THE UNITED STATES (conHnued), Free white males Free white fe- NORTHFIELD. Heath, Ezikle Hancock, George Hancock, Joseph Hancock, WiUiam Hains, Stephen Hodgsdon, Edward Hills, David HiUs, Daniel Hills, Timothy Jonson, Dole Jon's, George Kenistone, Jonathan Kenistone, Wilham Kezer, Edmxmd Kenistone, William, Jr. Kenistone, David Leavitt, Joseph, Jr. Leavitt, Jonathan Leavitt, Jonathan, Jr. Leavitt, Gideon Leavitt, Wadleigh Lyford, John Mason, David Melloony, Hannah Mills, (Miles) Aichelus Mills, (Miles) Ruben Mann, Joseph Morgin, David Purkins, Jamra Pike, Perkins Purkins, Robert Rowen, John Robbinson, Simeon Sandborn, Wm. Sandborn, Mathew Sandborn, Jonathan Smitii, Richard Shepard, Philhp Sargent, Zebedah Simonds, John Stephens, Aron Smith, WiUiam Sherbume, Thomas Sherbume, Jam^ Sawyer, Jotham Sawyer, Gideon Smith, Ed^rard Turrill, WUUam Whitcher, Nath'l Whitcher, JRuben Whitcher, Jona. Whitcher, WUham Wadleigh, Jonathan Welch, Benja. of 16 years and Free white males includ- AU other upward including males under ing heads of heads of :amiUes. 16 years. 33 famUies. 3 free persons. Slaves. 446 HISTORY OF CANTERBURY. FIRST CENSUS OF THE UNITED STATES (continued). Free white males Free white fe of 16 years and Free white males includ- All other NORTHFIELD. upwards including males under ing heads of free heads of famiUes. 16 free. famiUes. persons. Welch, Jona. 2 2 WiUe, EzUde, 2 2 Clough, Gilman 2 2 WiUe, Isaiah 1 3 WUliams, WilUam 2 4 Rines, WiUiam 2 French, Ehsha 1 1 Dearborn, Shubal 2 1 Purkins, W'd Anna 2 2 Bowles, Wm. H. 1 2 Davis, Samuel 2 5 Foss, Isaac 3 Cross, W'd Hannah 1 Gessions, Lydia 4 LOUDON. Ayers, Samuel 1 1 3 Abbott, John 1 4 2 Batchelder, Abraham 2 3 Batchelder, Abraham 2d 2 6 3 Batchelder, Abraham 3d 1 3 3 Bagley, David 1 1 2 Bachelder, Phineas 1 1 2 Batchelder, Jethro 1 1 Bachelder, Jethro Jr. 3 1 3 Batchelder, Libbey 1 1 5 Batchelder, Nathaniel 3 1 5 Batchelder, Nathan 3 2 4 Batchelder, Nathan Jr. 2 3 5 Batchelder, Nathaniel Jr. 3 5 Batchelder, Richard 3 2 Batchelder, Thomas 1 2 Batchelder, WilUam 2 1 Batchelder, WilUam Jr. 2 1 BlasdeU, Ezery 2 2 BlasdeU, Henery 1 6 Berry, Joshua 2 3 Bennett, Joseph 2 Bennett, Jeremiah 2 6 BlasdeU, Oliver 2 3 BuzeU, Cornelious 1 2 Brown, Philhp 4 2 Boyton, WiUiam 4 3 BuzeU, EUjah 4 Brown, Jeremiah 2 Buzdeal, WiUiam 1 2 Bickford, Eli 2 3 Chamberlain, Abiel 3 6 Carr, EUiot 2 6 CUfford, Isaac 1 4 Clough, Abner 1 Clough, John Clough, Jonathan 4 Clough, Jeremiah 3 Slaves. FIRST CENSUS OF THE UNITED STATES. 447 FIRST CENSUS OF THE UNITED STATES (continued). Free white males Free white fe of 16- years and Free white males includ- AU other LOUDON. upwards including males under mg heads of free heads of families. 16 years. families. persons. Clough, Nathan 2 3 2 Chaae, Jonathan 2 1 3 Chase, James 1 5 4 Chamberhn, Moses 1 2 3 Chamberlin, Samuel 1 1 5 Chamberhn, Samuel, Jr. 1 1 5 Carter, Samuel 3 2 3 Cate, Stephen 2 7, 3 Cate, Samuel 2 3 CUfford, WUUam 1 3 2 CoUins, Ruben 1 1 3 Drew, Clement 1 1 1 Dimond, laaao 1 2 3 Drew, John 2 6 7 Drew, Robert 4 2 4 Eastman, David 1 3 3 Emery, Nathaniel 2 2 5 Emery, Thomas 1 1 3 French, Abel 1 1 2 Fowlers, Daniel 1 1 3 Furnald, Demind 1 4 S French, Eziekle 1 1 6 French, Ebenezer 1 2 2 French, Levi 2 3 2 French, Obediah 1 2 5 Floud, (Flood) Richard 1 4 Fiffeald, Stephen 2 1 1 French, Samuel 3 2 4 French, Timothy 2 1 4 Greely, David 1 2 3 Glinea, Israel 1 4 3 Gleeson, Timothy 2 2 4 Going, WUUam 1 4 2 Gibson, WUUam 1 1 1 Hutchins, David 1 1 3 Hoit, Hanson 2 1 4 Harvey, Isiah 1 1 5 Hoit, Jonathan 2 2 3 Hutchins, Joseph 2 2 HiU, Nathaniel 3 1 3 HiU, Samuel 2 2 4 Holden, Abraham 1 2 3 Jacobs, Samuel 2 1 2 Lovrmg, Osgood 1 1 2 Leavitt, Daniel 2 2 1 Ladd, Daniel 3 1 6 LoweU, laaac 3 3 Lovring, Moses 2 5 4 Lovring, Oagood 1 1 1 Long, Stephen 1 1 Lovring, WiUebe 1 1 2 Moor, Archelua 2 2 Muffet, Agilea 1 1 4 Moulton, EUjah 1 1 1 Slaves. 448 HISTORY OF CANTERBURY. FIRST CENSUS OF THE UNITED STATES (conUnued). Free white males Free white fe ' of 16 years and Free white males includ- AU other LOUDON. upwards including males under ing heada of free heads of famihes. 16 years. famiUea. persons. Mathes, Gashorn 3 1 3 Moor, Henery 1 1 3 Moulton, Joseph 3 7 MorrUl, James 2 1 4 Mason, Joseph 1 2 Moor, John 2 2 4 Moor, Thomas 2 4 Morris, Moses 1 2 3 MorrUl, Moses 1 4 3 Moors, John 1 4 6 Moors, Nathaniel 1 2 3 MorriU, OUver 2 1 MorriU, Samuel 4 2 5 Moress, WiUiam 1 4 Ordway, Daniel 2 3 3 Ordway, Joses 1 Ordway, Moses 1 2 Ordway, Moses, Jr. 1 3 4 Osbome, Jacob 1 3 4 PUsbury, Caleb 2 5 6 Parker, Ebenezer 1 1 2 Parker, Green 1 3 PUsbury, Isaac 2 2 2 Perkms, Jonathan C. 1 1 1 Pipper, Jonathan 1 2 Page, Phineas 1 2 1 Purkins, Stephen 2 4 Piper, Samuel 2 2 5 1 Proctor, Thomas 2 2 5 Pahner, Truworthy 1 4 5 Quaso, Pompey 4 RawUnga, EUphalet 5 1 4 Rogera, Isaac 1 1 2 Rines, Joshua 1 2 4 RandaU, Jonathan 1 2 1 RoweU, Moses 3 3 7 RawUnga, Nathaniel 2 1 1 RawUnga, Peter 1 1 2 Stevens, Abiel 1 4 4 Stevens, Aron 1 2 Stevens, Caleb 3 1 3 Sargent, Charles 2 1 Smith, Daniel 1 Sandborn, Ebenezer 2 1 1 Sargent, Jacob 1 2 Sandborn, John 2 4 6 Smith, Jonathan 3 2 3 Sargent, John 2 1 3 Smith, Joseph 2 3 4 Silver, James 2 2 2 Sargent, Joshua 1 2 2 Sporfield, John 1 3 4 Sanbom, Jeremiah 4 3 8 Stevens, John 1 1 3 Slaves. FIRST CENSUS OF THE UNITED STATES. 449 FIRST CENSUS OF THE UNITED STATES (concluded). Free white males Free white fe of 16 years and Free white males mclud AUIother LOUDON. upwa! ds including males under ing heads of free heads of fami iUes. 16 years. families. persons. Slaves. Sargent, Josiah 1 5 Stoniel, Jonathan 2 1 3 Stevens, Moses 2 1 2 Stevens, Phineas 1 4 2 Swett, Thomas 3 1 4 Sergent, Thomas 1 5 4 True, Daniel 1 2 Thompson, James 2 3 4 Tilton, Joseph 2 2 6 Tilton, Nathan 2 2 3 TUton WiUiam 4 1 5 Wood, Enoch 4 1 WeUs, Joshua 1 1 4 Weeks, Leonerd 1 1 3 Weeks, Nathaniel 1 1 1 Wiggin, Noah 1 2 3 WeUs, Stephen 2 2 3 Worth, WUliam 3 1 7 Wheeler, WUliam 2 1 2 Winslow, Zeblon 1 3 3 29-n YALE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY 3 9002 08854 0035 TlOAO To C CAMTemiUltY *"0 Smakbrs Map of Canterbury, 1011. MRsHCue"^ Map of Canterbury, 1858, also showing location of original proprietor's lots. N-»i ^<^