YALE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY FROM THE COLLECTION MADE BY CHARLES SHELDON B.A. 1890 OF BOOKS ON NATURAL HISTORY EXPLORATION -HUNTING & FISHING GIFT OF FRANCIS P. GARVAN B.A. 1897 nx^v fDUUnrrijnn/ A BIBLIOGEAPHT STATE OF MAINE FROM THE EARLIEST PERIOD TO 1891 JOSEPH WILLIAMSOJST MEMBER OF THE MAINE HISTORICAL SOCIETY, AND OP THE NEW ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY IN T'SVO VOLTJ]VCES VOLUME I PORTLAND THE THURSTON PRINT 1896 COPYEIGHT 1896 BY JOSEPH WILLIAMSON C^'^'S, PREFACE This work has been compiled under the auspices of the Maine Historical Society. With certain exceptions, its purpose is to give the full title of every book, pamphlet, and reputable magazine article at any time printed in or having reference to Maine, and also all of which the authors were, at the time of writing or publishing, residents within the state. The exceptions are chiefly public, municipal and legal reports, and pamphlets which relate to organizations not of an historical, literary, charitable or religious character. Although many of the best liter ary productions of the State are to be found only in its newspapers, no attempt to enumerate tTiese has been made with the exception of such as have been preserved in other form. The plan also excludes the writings of native authors, printed or published after they have ceased to be residents, unless these have some special relation to Maine. In aU cases possible, titles have been copied from the original works ; those in catalogues being adopted only as a last resort. Cross references to general and local histories, encyclopedias, and biographical dictionaries have been usually omitted. The task of the compiler has been greatly lessened by kind aid re ceived from his friends in all parts of the country. The bountiful assistance of Mr. Hubbard W. Bryant, librarian of the Maine His torical Society, of Professors George T. Little and Edward W. HaU, iv BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. librarians respectively of Bowdoin College and Colby University, has largely contributed to the completeness of the work. Special ac knowledgement is due to Mr. John Ward Dean and to Samuel Abbott Green, M. D., both of Boston, for numerous kind offices and encouraging words. He is under great obligation to Mr. J. G. Elder, of Lewiston, not only for free access to his unequaled collection of Maine books and pamphlets, but also for transcripts of numerous titles which otherwise would have escaped notice ; to Mr. E. Free man Duren, of Bangor, for a list of works compiled during his long career as a publisher ; and to Mr. Calvin W. Lewis, of Boston, who has been indefatigable in securing a large array of authorities con cerning " Lovewell's Fight." Although the book may lack some of the characteristics of a tech nical bibliography, the compiler trusts that it will meet with favor able acceptance. It has been with him a labor of love. Belfast, April, 1896. ABBREVIATIONS. A. A. A. S. Aid.Am. Aim. Am. An. Ed. Am. Antiq. Soe. Am. Ass. Proo. Am. Bap. Mag. Am. Bap. Mem. Am. Bib. Rep. Am. Ch. E. Am. Cj'clo. Am. Ed. Soe. Am. Gyn. Am. Hist. Rec. Am. Inst. Ins. Am. Jour. Ed. Am. Jour. Obs. Am. Jour. Sci. Am. Jurist. Am. Law Rev. Am. Ma.g. Am. Med. Ass. Am. Meth. Mo. Am. Mil. Biog. Am. Miss. Ass. Am. Nat. Am. Nat. Preach. Am. Port. Gall. Am. Q. Obs. Am. Q. Reg. Am. Statis. Ass. Am. Whig. Rev. Am. Theo. Rev. Anon.Ass.Atl. Mo. 6. Bang. H. M. Bank. Mag. Bap. Mem. and Cliron. Bapt. Miss. Mag. Bap. Quar. American Academy of Arts and Sciences. Aldine. American Almanac. American Annals of Education. American Antiquarian Society. American Association for Advance of Science Proceedings. American Baptist Magazine. American Baptist Memorials. American Biblical Repository. Amei'ican Church Review. American Cyclopsedia, American Education Society. American Gynecological Society. American Historical Record. American Institute of Instruction. American Journal of Education. American Journal of Obstetrics. American Journal of Science. American Jurist. American Law Review. American Magazine. American Medical Association. American Methodist Monthly. American Military Biography. American Missionary Association. American Naturalist. American National Preacher. American Portrait Gallery. American Quarterly Observer. American Quarterly Register. American Statistical Association. American Whig Review. American Theological Review. Anonymous. Association. Atlantic Monthly. Born. Bangor Historical Magazine. Banker's Magazine. Baptist Memorial and Chronicle. Baptist Missionary Magazine. Baptist Quarterly. VI BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. Bap. Kev. Bib. Rep. Bib. Sac. Biog. Ency. Me. Best. Daily Adv. Best. Med. & Surg. Jour. Best. Mont. Mag. Bost. Soe. Nat. Hist. Cath. World. Cent. Chaut. Clir. Disc. Clir. Ex. Chr. Mo. Spec. Chr. Ob. Church Mo. Coll.Cong. Quar. Cong. Rec. Cong. Rev. Cont.Corr. Am. Rev. Cosmopol.Cyclop. Am. Biog. d.Dem. Rev. Doc.Edinburgh Eev. Ency. Essex Inst. Proc. ff. Fol.Fras. Mag.. Free Bap. Freemason's Rep. Godey. Gran. Mo. Harp. Mag. Hist. Mag. Hist. Soe. Hunt. Interna. .Tour. Surg. Internat. R. lUus. Jour. Knick. 1. Baptist Review. American Biblical Repository. Bibliotheca Sacra. Biographical Encylcopsedia of Maine. Boston Daily Advertiser. Boston Medical and Surgical Journal. Boston Monthly Magazine. Boston Society of Natural History. Catholic World. Century.Cliautauquan Magazine. Christian Disciple. Christian Examiner. Cliristian Monthly Spectator. Christian Observer. Churcli Monthly. Collection. Congregational Quarterly. Congressional Record. Congregational Review. Continental.Correspondence American Revolution. Cosmopolitan. Cyelopsedia of American Biography. Died.Democratic Review. Documents. Edinburgh Review. Encylcopsedia. Essex Institute Proceedings. Folios; leaves. Folio. Fraser's Magazine. Free Baptist. Freemason's Eepository. Godey's Lady's Book. Granite Montlily. Harper's New Monthly Magazine. Historical Magazine. Historical Society. Hunt's Merchant's Magazine. International Journal of Surgery. International Review. Illustration, or Illustrated. Journal. Knickerbocker Magazine. Leaf. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. VU Law Rep. Lippinc.Lit. Jour. Lit. and Theol Rev. Lit. Wor. Mag. Am. Hist. Mass. Mass. Agricul. Rep. Mass. Hist. Soe. Mass. Miss. Mag. Mass. Quar. Rev. Math. Mo. Me. Me. Biog. Me. Gen. Con. Me. Hist. Soe. Me. Hom. Med. Sue. Me. Jour. Ed. Me. Med. Ass. Me. Press Ass. Me. Rec. Me. Rep. Meth. Quar. Rev. Mo. Mo. Miscel. Mo. Rel. Mag. MS.; MSS. N. A. Jour. Hom. n. d. New Eng. N. E. Mag. N. E. Eeg. N. H. Hist. Soe. New Hamp. Rep. New Jeru. Mag. Niles Eeg. No., Nos. No. Am. Eev. No. Mo. n. p. n. pp. n. s. n. t. p. N. T. Ob. O. &N. The Law Reporter. Lippincott's Magazine. Literary Journal. Literary and Theological Eeview. Literary World. Magazine of American History. Massachusetts. Massaeliusetts Agricultural Eepository. Massachusetts Historical Society. Massachusetts Missionary Magazine. Massachusetts Quarterly Eeview. Mathematical Monthly. Maine. , Maine Genealogist and Biographer. Maine General Conference (Congregationalist). Maine Historical Society. Maine Homeopathi e Medical Society. Maine Journal of Education. Maine Medical Association. Maine Press Association. Maine Historical and Genealogical Recorder. Maine Eeports. (Supreme Court.) Methodist Quarterly Review. Monthly. Monthly Miscellany. Monthly Religious Magazine. Manuscript, Manuscripts. North American Journal of Homeopathy. No date of publication. New England. New England Magazine. New England Historical and Genealogical Reg ister. New Hampshire Historical Society. New Hampshire Eepository. New Jerusalem Magazine. Niles's Register. Number, numbers. North American Eeview. Northern Monthly. No place of publication. No number ou page. New series. No title-page. New York. Oblong. Old & New. Vlll BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. Ornith & Oolc ig- Ornithologist and Oologist. 0. T. Old Times. Overland Mo. Overland Monthly. p., pp. Page and pages. Peab. Mus. Peabody Museum. Pej. Hist. Soe. Pejepscot Historical Society. Phot. Photograph. Pop. Sci. Mo. Popular Science Monthly. Port. Portrait. Port. Soe. Nat. Hist. Portland Society of Natural History. Potter's Am. Mo. Potter's American Monthly. Prac. Housk. Practical Housekeeping. Princ. Eev. Princeton Eeview. Proo. Proceedings. Prov. Provincial. Pseud. Pseudonym. Pub. Publisher. Put. Mo. Putnam's Monthly Magazine. Quart. Ob. Quarterly Observer. Eelig. Mag. Eeligious Magazine. Repos. Repository. r. Resides. Eev. Review. Eoy. Soe. Eoyal Society. Scrib. Scribner' s Magazine. Sci. Am. Scientific American. Ser. Series. Sm. Small. Smith. Inst. Smithsonian Institute. Soe. Society. Spirit of Pil. Spirit of Pilgrims. Sq. Square. St. Nich. St. Nicholas. Supp. Supplement. t. p. Title-page. Theol. and Lit. Jour. Theological and Literary Journal. Unita. Cong. Eeg. Unitarian Congregational Eegister. Unita. Misc. Unitarian Miscellany. Un. Mo. Jour. Unitarian Monthly Journal. Unit. Eev. Unitarian Eeview. U. S. Lit. Gaz. United States Literary Gazette. Univer. Q. Universalist Quarterly Review. University Q. University Quarterly. Vol. Volume, volumes. Figures within parentheses, thus (1890), indicate tbe year of nublinnfinr. Names within parenth eses, indicate probable authorship. ? and (?) after a word. indicate probably, perhaps. BIBLIOGEAPHY OF MAINE. Abbot. Incorporated 1827. Historical Account of. 1880. See Loring, Amasa. History Mt. Kineo Lodge. 1889. See Wade, A. T. Abbot, Edwin Hale. Lawyer and railroad president, Cambridge, Mass. Love of Country. A lecture delivered before the Maine and New Hampshire Association of the New Church at Contocook, August 26, 1861. New Jerusalem Magazine, 34: 121. (1862.) [1 Abbot, Jacob. 1746-1820. Brunswick. Sermon on. 1820. See Eaton, Samuel. Abbot, John Stevens. 1807-81. Lawyer, Norridgewock; Boston. An address delivered before the temperance societies of Waterford and Farmington, at their annual meetings, in 1831, by John S. Abbot. Augusta: Eaton & Severance, Printers. 1831. [2 Abbot William. 1773-1849. Lawyer, Castine; Bangor. Address at centennial celebration, Wilton, N. H. 1839. See Pea^ body, Ephraim. [3 Biographical Sketch of. 1863. See Willis, William. Abbott, Austin, b. 1831. Lawyer, New York. Popular Government Successful in a Great Emergency. An address delivered at Farmington, Me., July 4, 1862. By Austin Abbott, n.p. n.d. (1862.) 8vo. pp. 8. [4 Abbott, Edwaed, D. D. Clergyman. 6. Farmington, 1831. r. Cam bridge, Mass. The Androscoggin Lakes. Harp. Mag. 55: 23. (1877.) (Illus.) [5 Sketch of Jacob Abbott. 1882. See Abbott, Jacob. Abbott, Jacob, D. D. Clergyman, b. Hallowell, 1803. r. Farmington, 1839-43, and 1870-79. d. 1879. New England and her Institutions. By one of her sons. Boston: John Allen & Co. 1835. 12mo. (In "The American Popular Library, conducted by an Association of Gentlemen," Boston: John Allen & Co. 1835. 12mo.) Chap. 8. College Life (at Bow doin) pp. 158-187. [6 2 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. Abbott, Jacob, D. D., Continued. Rollo's Travels. By Jacob Abbott, author of "RoUo Learning to Eead," and "Learning to Talk." Boston: William Crosby & Co. 1840. ISmo. pp. 190. P EoUo's Correspondence. By Jacob Abbott. Boston: William Crosby & Co. 1840. 18mo. pp. 190. [8 Jonas a Judge: or law among the boys. By the author of the "Rollo Books," &c. Boston: W. D. Ticknor. 1840. 18mo. pp. 179. [9 Jonas's Stories: related to EoUo and Lucy. By the author of the "Eollo Books." Boston: W. D. Ticknor. 1841. 16mo. pp. 180. [10 Jonas on a Farm in Summer. By the author of the " Eollo Books." Boston: W. D. Ticknor, 1841. 18mo. pp. 178. [11 Jonas on a Farm in Winter. By the author of the "Eollo Books." Boston: W. D. Ticknor. 1841. 18mo. pp. 180. [12 The Rollo Eeader. Boston: 1841. [13 The Rollo Code of Morals: or the rules of duty for children. Arranged with questions for the use of schools. By Jacob Abbott, author of the "Rollo Books," &c. Boston: Crocker & Brewster. 1841. 18mo. pp. 178. [14 Cousin Lucy at Study. By the author of the "Eollo Books." Bos ton: B. B. Mussey. 1842. 18mo. pp. 180. [15 Cousin Lucy's Stories. Stories told to Cousin Lucy when she was a little girl. By the author of the "Rollo Books." Boston: B. B. Mussey. 1842. ISmo. pp. 180. [16 Cousin Lucy's Conversations. By the author of the "Rollo Books." Boston: B. B. Mussey, 1842. 18mo. pp. 180. [17 Cousin Lucy at Play. By the author of the "Rollo Books." Bos ton: B. B. Mussey. 1842. 18mo. pp. 180. [18 Cousin Lucy on the Sea-shore. By the author of the " Rollo Books." Boston: B. B. Mussey. 1842. 18mo. pp. 180. [19 Cousin Lucy among the Mountains. By the author of the "Rollo Books." Boston: B. B. Mussey. 1842. 18mo. pp. 180. [20 The Rollo Philosophy. Part I. Water. By the author of the "Rollo Books." Philadelphia: Hagan & Thompson 1842 12mo pp. 192. ¦ pj- The Eollo Philosophy. Part II. Air. By the author of the " Rollo Books." Philadelphia: Hagan & Thompson. 1842 l2mo 1^^- ' ' [22 The Rollo Philosophy. Part III. Fire. By the author of th "Rollo Books." Boston: Otis, Broaders & Co. 1843 12mo BIBLIOGEAPHY OF MAINE. 3 -The Rollo Philosophy. Part IV. The Sky. By the author of the "Rollo Books." Boston: Otis, Broaders & Co. 1843. 12mo. pp. 192. [24 -Marco Paul's Travels and Adventures in Pursuit of Knowledge. City of New York. By Jacob Abbott, author of the " Rollo, Lucy and Jonas Books." Boston: T. Harrington Carter & Co. 1843. 12mo. pp. 141. [25 -Marco Paul's Travels in Pursuit of Knowledge. Vol. II. On the Erie Canal. By Jacob Abbott. Boston: T. Harrington Carter & Co. 1843. 12mo. pp. 144. [26 -Marco Paul's Travels in Pursuit of Knowledge. Vol. III. In Maine. By Jacob Abbott. Boston: T. Harrington Carter & Co. 1843. 12mo. pp. 141. [27 -Marco Paul's Travels and Adventures in Pursuit of Knowledge. Vol. IV. Vermont. By Jacob Abbott. Boston: T. H. Carter & Co. 1843. 12mo. pp. 144. [28 -Marco Paul's Travels. Vol. V. In Boston. By Jacob Abbott. Boston: T. H. Carter & Co. 1843. 12mo. pp. 144. [29 -The Spots in the Sun. Harp. Mag. 40:818. (1870.) (Illus.) [30 -The Mysteries of a Thunder Shower. Harp. Mag. 41: 21. (1870.) [31 -The Ocean Steamer. Harp. Mag. 41 : 185. (1870.) (Illus.) [32 -The Electric Light. Harp. Mag. 41:354. (1870.) (Illus.) [33 -The Spectroscope. Harp. Mag. 41:720. (1870.) (Illus.) [34 -The Negative in Photography. Harp. Mag. 41:845. (1870.) (Illus.) [35 -Lyell and Geology. Harp. Mag. 43: 590. (1871.) (Illus.) [36 -The Stricken Heart. A Romance of the Andes. Harp. Mag. 43 : 877. (1871.) (Illus.) [37 -The August Stories. Four volumes. New York: Harper & Bros. 1871. 16mo. I. August and Elvie. II. Hunter and Tom. III. The Schooner Mary Ann. IV. Granville Valley. [38 Partly written at Farmington. -Science for the Young. Force. By Jacob Abbott, author of "The Franconia Stories," "Marco Paul Series," "Young Christian Series," Harper's Story Books," "Abbott's Illustrated His tories," &c. With numerous engravings. New York: Harper & Brothers, Publishers, Franklin Square. 1872, 12mo. pp. 305 [39 -Science for the Young. Light. By Jacob Abbott, author of "The Franconia Stories," "Harper's Story Books," "Abbott's Story Books," "Abbott's Illustrated Stories," &c. With num erous engravings. New York: Harper & Brothers, Publishers, Franklin Square. 1872. ]2mo. pp. 313. [40 4 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. Abbott, Jacob, D. D., Continued. -Science for the Young. Heat. By Jacob Abbott, author of " The Franconia Stories," "Marco Paul Series," "Young Christian Series," "Harper's Story Books," "Abbott's Illustrated His tories," &c. With numerous engravings. New York: Harper & Brothers. Publishers, Franklin Square, 1872. 12mo. pp. 312. [41 Science for the Young. Water and Land. By Jacob Abbott author of "The Franconia Stories," "Marco Paul Series," "Young Chris tian Series," "Harper's Story Books," "Abbott's Illustrated His tories," &c. With numerous engravings. New York: Harper & Brothers, Publishers, Franklin Square. 1872. 12mo. pp. 330. [42 Parts of "Science for tlie Young" were written at Farmington. The Siren of Science: or the mode of numbering sonorous vibra tions. Harp. Mag. 45: 844. (1872.) (Illus.) [43 The Telegraph. Harp. Mag. 47: 332. (1873.) [44 Abbott's Young Christian. A memorial edition, with a sketch of the author by one of his sons. New York : Harper & Brothers, Franklin Square. 1882. 12mo. pp. 402. (Illus.) [45 The sketch, by Eev. Edward Abbott, D. D., pp. vlii, 131, contains a bibliography. Abbott, John Stevens Cabot, D. D. Clergyman. 6. Brunswick, 1805. r. Brunswick and Farmington, 1853-60; d. Fairhaven, Conn., 1877. An oration delivered at Farmington Falls, by Rev. John S. C. Abbott, on the Fourth of July, 1850. Farmington: J. F. Sprague, Printer, 8vo. pp. 8. [46 Napoleon Bonaparte. Harp. Mag. 7 : 150, 190, 337, 482, 623, 722. (1853.) 8: 155, 315, 479, 596, 21. (1853-54.) 9:32, 171,327,465. 577, 721. (1854.) 10: 15, 173, 310. (1854-55.) (Illus.) [47 Scenes in the Life of Louis XIV. Harp. Mag. 7: 475. (1853.) (Illus.) [48 The History of Napoleon Bonaparte. By John S. C. Abbott. With maps, illustrations, and portraits on steel. New York: Harper & Brothers. 1865. 2 Vols. 8vo. Vol. I. pp. 611. Vol. II. pp. 666. [50 First published m Harper's New Monthly Magazine. Several editions have been issued. The Conquest of Mexico. By Hernando Cortez. Harp. Mag 12- 1 (1855.) (Illus.) ¦ ¦ pj^ Napoleon at St. Helena; or interesting anecdotes and remarkable conversations of the emperor during the five and a half years of his captivity, collected from the memorials of Las Sasas O'Meara, Montholon, Antommarchi, and others, by John S C Abbott. With illustrations. New York: Harper & Brothe n. d. (Copyright, 18.55.) 8vo. pp. 662. ^' George Washington, Harp. Mag. 12:289. (1856.) (Illus.) [50 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. 6 -The Massacre of St. Bartholomew. Harp. Mag. 13: 720. (1856.) (Illus.) (54 -Confidential Correspondence of the Emperor Napoleon and the Em press Josephine: including letters from the time of their mar riage until the death of Josephine, and also several private letters from the emperor to his brother Joseph, and other important personages. With numerous illustrative notes and anecdotes. By John S. C. Abbott. New York: Published by Mason Bro thers, 108 and 110 Duane Street. 1856. 8vo. pp. 404. [55 -History of Hernando Cortez. By John S. C. Abbott. With engrav ings. New York : Harper & Brothers, Publishers, Pearl Street, Franklin Square, n. d. (Copyright, by Harper & Brothers. 1856. By Susan Abbott Mead, 1884.) 16mo. pp. 348. [56 -The National Assembly. Harp. Mag. 15:606. (1857.) (Illus.) [57 -The States Generah Harp. Mag. 15: 314. (1857.) (Illus.) [58 -The King Conquered. Harp. Mag. 16:35. (1857.) [59 -The Death of Louis XIV. Harp. Mag. 17: 467. (1858.) (Illus.) [60 -The French Revolution of 1789 as Viewed in the Light of Eepublican Institutions. By John S. C. Abbott. With 100 engravings. New York: Harper & Brothers. 1869, 8vo. pp. 439. [61 -South and North: or impressions received during a trip to Cuba and the South. By John S. C. Abbott. " For Freedom's battle once begun. Bequeathed from bleeding sire to son, Though baffled oft, is always won." New York: Abbey & Abbott, 119 Nassua Street. 1860, 16mo. pp. 362. [62 -The Monarchies of Continental Europe. The Empire of Austria: its rise and present power. By John S. C. Abbott. New York: Published by Mason Brothers. Cincinnati: Eickey, Mallory & Co. 1850. 12mo. pp.520. [63 -The Monarchies of Continental Europe. Italy: from the earliest period to the present day. By John S. C. Abbott. New York: n. d. (Copyright, 1860.) 12mo. pp. 284. [64 -The Monarchies of Continental Europe. The Empire of Eussia: from the remotest periods to the present time. By John S. C. Abbott. New York: Mason Brothers, 5 & 7 Mercer Street. 1860, 12mo. pp. 528. (One port.) [65 -Modern Austria. Harp. Mag. 23:717. (1861.) [66 -Turkey and Russia. Harp. Mag. 24: 433. (1862.) (Illus.) [67 -The History of Maine, from the earliest discovery of the region by "^ the Northmen until the present time : including a narrative of the voyages and explorations of the early adventurers, the manners 6 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. Abbott, John Stevens Cabot, D. D., Continued. aud customs of the Indian tribes, the hardships of the first settlers, the conflicts with the savages, aud the gradual advance ment of the state to its present state of opulence, culture and re finement. By John S. C. Abbott, author of the "History of the Civil War in America," "French Revolutions," "The Lives of the Presidents of the United States," etc., etc. Illustrated. Bos ton: Published by B. B. Russell, 55 Cornhill. Portland: John Russell, 1875. 8 vo. pp. 556. [68 Lives of the Presidents of the United States of America, from Washington to the present time. Containing a narrative of the most interesting events in the career of each president: thus con stituting a graphic history of the United States. To which is added a chapter showing the hundred years' progress of the re public. By John S. C. Abbott, and Russell H. Conwell. Illus trated with portraits of all the presidents engraved on steel, pic tures of their private residences, and thirty other wood engrav ings of the most interesting scenes in their lives, together with illustrations of the centennial jubilee. Sold only by distributing agents. Portland, H. Hallett & Company. 1831. 8vo. pp, 670. [69 The History of Christianity: consisting of the life and teachings of Jesus of Nazareth; the adventures of Paul and the apostles; and the most interesting events in the progress of Christianity, from the earliest period to the present time. By John S. C. Abbott, D. D., author of "The Mother at Home," "Life of Na poleon," "Life of Frederic the Great," etc., etc., with addi tions by W. F. Mallalieu, D. D., Portland: George Stinson, & Co. n. d. (1889?.) 8vo. pp. 521. (Illus.) [70 Abbott, Joseph Cabtee, Coos and the Magalloway. Harp. Mag. 20: 289. 1860. (Illus.) [71 Abbott, Joshua. Sermons to, at York. 1792. See Merriam, M. Abbott, Nehemiah. 1804-77. Lawyer, Belfast. Fishing Bounties. Speech delivered in the House of Represen- tives, Feb. 10, 1859. 8vo. pp. 8. ^^2 Government Expenditures. Speech delivered in the House of Representatives, Feb. 21, 1859. By Nehemiah Abbott. Washine ton. 1850. 8vo. pp. 8. |.^„ 1<3 Abbott, Sallucia. 1801-88. Farmington. The Lay Missionary: or the way to do good. Boston- p i lished by Pierce & Parker, No. 9 Cornhill. New York- H "^o" Sleight, Clinton Hall. 1832. 18mo. pp. 84. ' " ^j; BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. 7 Abell, Townsend Paoli. Clergyman, Camp Hill, Ala. Universalist Belief. A discourse preached in the Universalist church, Castine, Maine, on the afternoon of March 8, 1840. By Rev. T. P. Abell. Boston. 1840. 8vo. pp. 16. [75 Abenaqtji oe Abnaqiti Indians. See Indians. Abbet, John James. 1788-1863. Washington, D. C. Report of the survey of the Kennebec River, and of contemplated routes for canals, connected with the waters of the said river. Washington: Printed by Gales & Seaton. 1828. 8vo. pp. 58. [76 Academies Incorporated Prior to 1836. Bang. H. M. 3: 137. (1888.) [77 Acadia oe Acadie. Dr. J. G. Kohl, (Description of Maine, 234), thinks that the name Larcadia appeared first in Russell's map of 1661. The word Acadia is said to be first used as the name of the country in the letters-patent of De Monts, in 1603. Settlement of Acadia. Translated for the Magazine, from Le Mer- cure Francois, 1608. Mag. Am. History. 2:49. (1877.) [78 Second Settlement in 1611-13. See Porter, J. W. French Expedition to. 1613. See Nash, Stephen S. Argall's Expedition to. 1613. See Folsom, George. Cromwell's Grant of. 1656. See Porter, J. W. Dutch Conquest of. 1674. See Hoyt, A. H. Dutch Conquest of. 1674. See Tuttle, Charles W. Memoir of. 1692. See Cadillac, M. La Mothe. Report of Events in. 1685-96. See Tibierge, M. Government of Acadia, Maine and Nova Scotia. 1603 to 1710-13. Bang. H. M. 5: 167. 1890. [79 Situation and Description of. 1744. See Charlevoix, P. F. X. Memorials Concerning. 1755. See Memorials. Letters Concerning. 1762. See BoUan, William. Remarks on the French Memorials concerning the Limits of Acadia: Printed at the Royal printing house at Paris, and distributed by the French ministers at all the foreign courts of Europe. With two maps, exhibiting the limits : One according to the system of the French as inserted in the said Memorials : The other conform able to the English rights, as supported by the authority of treaties, continual grants of the French king, and express pas sages of the best French authors. To which is added, an an swer to the summary discussion, &c. London: Printed for T. JefEerys, at the Corner of St. Martin's Lane, in the Strand. MDCCLVL 8vo. pp. 112. (2 folding maps.) [80 This volume surpasses all others for valuable historical, geographical and | bibliographical information respecting Nova Scotia or Acadia and part of n^, O BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. Acadia oe Acadie, Continued. Canada. The two maps on the same scale show clearly what is claimed by both parties, French and English. They cover the whole territory south of the Gulf of St. Lawrence, east of Lake Champlain, and north of Massachu setts, and include all the disputed tracts and grants of the English limits claimed in 1760 and 1761 : limits of Acadia and Port Royal by the Treaty of Utrecht; limits of Nova Scotia as granted to Sir Wm. Alexander, 1621; Cromwell's grant to La Tour, Crown and Temple in 1666: the country re stored to France by the Treaty of Breda: the government of Denys in 1654, Charnesay's in 1638 and La Tour's in 1638. The English map delineates Nova Scotia as claimed by the English by the Treaty of Utrecht, 1713 : as granted to Sir Wm. Alexander, 1621: according to Champlain, 1603-29: with the country west to the Penobscot : Acadia as granted by Louis XIII and XIV, 1632-1710: enlarged to the Kennebec by further grant to Stirling, 1653: Acadia proper occording to the tripartite division named by Charlevoix : Charnesay's and La Tour's Government in 1656 : Acadia claimed by France at the Treaty of Breda, 1667: Norembega, between the Penobscot and the Kennebec : and the Etechemins' coast according to Champlain and Denya. Stevens: Hist. Nuggets. 3: 10. (1885.) Memorials Concerning. 1766. See Nova Scotia. History of. 1815. See Whipple, Joseph. Remarks on. 1827. See White, William. Aborigines of. 1866. See Vetromile, Eugene. History of. 1879. See Hannay, James. Lost Chapter in American History. 1884. See Smith, Philip H. Account of. 1884. See Winsor, Justin. In the Revolution. (1886.) See Varney, George J. Map of. 1886. See Winsor, Justin. Across Maine in Mid-wintee Cont. No. 4: 138. (1863.) [81 AcEOSS the Continent. 1868. See Poor, John A. Acton. Incorporated from Shapleigh. 1830. History, 1847. See Fullonton, Joseph. History. 1872. See Sanford, Everts & Co. History. 1880. See Clayton, W. W. Adam, Edom, Odem. 1882. See Morgan, E. H. Adams AAEON Chesteb. b. Bangor, 1815. Clergyman, Gorham; Wethersfield, Conn. Waiting upon God, the Way to Secure our Country's Welfare A sermon preached upon the day of public fast, April 17, 1845. By A. C. Adams, pastor of the First Congregational cLurch Gorham. Portland: Thurston, Ilsley & Co., Printers. 1845. Svo'. pp. oU, A Word for Bangor Seminary. Addressed to Maine Congreeation alists. By a member of the visiting committee. LeWo^" Printed at the Journal office. 1860. 8vo. pp. 32. roo |_8o BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. 9 Our Hope. Sermon at Lewiston. 1866. [84 In Memoriam. Rev. David Thurston, D. D., Winthrop. By Rev. A. C. Adams, of Auburn, Maine. Portland: Printed by Brown Thurston. 1865. Svo. pp. 23. [85 Adams, Miss Blanche Hbemine. Class Day and Graduation. Berwick Academy. 1890. Dover, N. H. Printed by E. L. Howes. 1890. Svo. pp. 105. [86 Adams, Mes. Catheeine Lyman, d. 1879. Vassalborough. Parlor Lectures on Scripture History. By a mother. In two vol umes. Augusta, Maine. Published by P. A. Brinsmade. At Depository of Kennebec Co. S. S. Union. 1830. 12mo. pp. 194. [87 Parlor Lectures on the New Testament. By the author of " Parlor Lectures on Scripture History. " Augusta: Brinsmade & Dole. 1832. 12mo. pp. 227. [88 Daily Duties, inculcated in a series of letters, addressed to the wife of a Clergyman. By Mrs. Adams, author of "Parlor Lec tures, " &c., &c. Boston: Published by Crocker and Brewster, 47 Washington Street. New York: Leavitt, Lord & Co., 182 Broadway. 1835. 16mo. pp. vi. 174. [89 History of the Jews. [90 Adams, Chaelbs Feancis, LL. D. 1807-86. Statesman, Boston. An address delivered at Waterville, before the members of the literary societies at Colby University, 27 July, 1875. The River side Press, Cambridge. 1875. Svo. pp. 30. [91 Adams, Chaeles Shaw. 1797-1873. Clergyman. 6. Bath. A sermon delivered December 14, 1825, at the dedication of the first meeting house in Sullivan. By Charles S. Adams, preacher of the Gospel. Published by request. Portland: Printed by Shirley and Edwards. 1S26. Svo. pp. 24. [92 Adams, Eliashib. 1773-1855. Bangor. A Successful Life. Autobiography of Eliashib Adams. Born at Canterbury, Conn., June 6, 1773: Died at Bangor, Me., August 28, 1885, Bangor: Printed by Benjamin A. Burr, 1871. Svo. pp. 109. (Port.) [93 Appendix, pp. 23, gives life of his son, Henry Martyn Adams. Adams, Geoege. 1807-65. Publisher, Boston. The Maine Register for theyear 1855: embracing state and county officers, and an abstract of the acts and resolves. (State seal.) Together with a complete business directory of the state, and a variety of useful information. By George Adams, publisher of the "Massachusetts Eegister," "Rhode Island Register," "Boston 10 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. Adams, Geoege, Continued. Directories," etc. Office, 91 Washington St., Boston. Published and for sale by Blake & Carter, Portland. George E. Davis, Port land. Masters, Smith & Co., Hallowell. Edward Fenno, Augusta. David Bugbee & Co., Bangor. 1855. 16mo. pp. 432, 88 [94 The Maine Eegister and Business Directory for the year 1856: em bracing the state and county officers and the titles of laws and resolves of 1855. Together with the mercantile, professional, manufacturing and mechanical departments, accurately compiled and alphabetically arranged under their respective headings, with a variety of useful information. By George Adams. Publisher of the "Boston Directory," "Massachusetts Register," "Rhode Island Register," "New England Business Directory," etc. Office 91 Washington Street, Boston. Published by Edward C. Parks, South Berwick. Svo. pp. 292. (Advertising department, pp. 64.) [95 Adams, Geoege Eliashib, D. D. 1801-75. r. Bangor and Brunswick, 1827-70. A Sermon delivered in Machias, June 23, 1841, before the Maine Missionary Society, at its thirty-fourth anniversary. By George E. Adams, pastor of the Congregational church in Brunswick. Portland: Alfred Merrill, Printer. 1841. Svo. pp. 14. [96 An Address delivered Oct. 9, 1844, at the funeral of Mrs. Nancy Ellingwood, wife of Rev. John W. Ellingwood, late pastor of the First Church in Bath, Me. Portland: Thurston, Ilsley & Co., Printers. 1845. 24mo. pp. 18. [97 Biography of Rev. Harvey Loomis. 1857. See Sprague, William B. t Remarks made by Eev. Dr. Adams, at the funeral of Joseph Mc Keen, who died December 2, 1865, aged 78. Printed for the fam ily, u. p. n. d. (Brunswick, 1866.) Printed by Joseph Griffin. Svo. pp. 12. |-98 Biographical Notice of Hon. Robert P. Dunlap. Me. Hist Soe Coll 7:367. (1876.) ' ^g Adams, Heney Mabttn. 1822-46. Bangor. Sketch of. 1871. See Crosby, Eliza L. Adams, James. 1794-1883. Exeter, Dayton. Obituary of. 1883. See Maine Farmer's Almanac. Adams, James, Je. Publisher, Portland. The Portland Directory and Register; containing the names of families and persons of business, with other information accom panied with a new and correct plan of the town. Portland- BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. 11 printed and published by James Adams, Jr. 1S27. 16mo. pp. 93. [100 Adams, John. 1735-1826. Second president of the United States. Letters to Samuel Freeman. 1777. Me. Rec. 2: 117. (18S5.) [101 Letters to James Sullivan. 1796. Mass. Hist. Soe. Proc. 2d ser. 3: 89. (1886.) [102 Letter on North Eastern Boundary. 1796. See Winslow, Edward. A Selection of the patriotic addresses, to the president of the United States, together with the president's answers. Presented in the year one thousand seven hundred and ninety-eight, and the twenty-second of the independence of America. Boston: 1798. 12mo. pp. 360. [103 Contains addresses of the citizens of Portland, Wells and Arundel. Letter from. 1798. Bang, H. M. 4: 116. (1888.) In reply to ad dress of militia at Wiscasset. and Jefferson, Thomas. Eulogies on. 1826. See Daveis, Charles S. ; Johnson, Alfred Jr. ; Sprague, Peleg. A Selection of eulogies, pronounced in the several states in honor of John Adams and Thomas Jefferson. Hartford: Published by D. F. Robinson & Co., and Norton & Russell. Norton & Russell, Printers. 1826. Svo. pp. 426. [104 Contains the eulogies by Charles S. Daveis at Portland; Alfred Johnson Jr., at Belfast, and Peleg Sprague at Hallowell. Professional Tours of, in Maine. (1890.) See Williamson, Joseph. Adams, John, D. D. Fifty Notable Years. Views of the ministry of Christian Universal- ism during the last half-century, with biographical sketches. Il lustrated with portraits. Boston, Universalist Publishing House. 1882. Svo. pp. 336. [105 Contains sketches of Rev. George Bates, Fayette; Rev. Ebenezer Fisher, Charlotte; Rev. Alex. R. Abbott, Livermore; Rev. W. A. P. Dillingham, Au gusta; Rev. Thomas J. Carney, Dresden. Adams, John Calvin. 1810-85. Clergyman, Falmouth. 1859-80. (A Famine of the Word.) Amos 8:11, 12.-). A sermon preached before the Maine Missionary Society, at Portland, (Second Church), June 27, 1865. By Rev. John C.Adams, Falmouth. Portland: Press of Brown Thurston & Co. 1865. Smo. pp. 19. [106 Adams, John Milton. 6. 1819, Rumford. Lawyer and journalist, Deering. An Address before the Independent Order of Rechabites, delivered February 19, 1845, by Bro. John M. Adams, P. C. R., of Cumber land tent. Portland: Bros. Thurston, Ilsley & Co., Printers. 1845. Svo. pp. 30. [107 12 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. Adams, John Milton, Continued. An Address to the people of Cumberland county, by John Milton Adams, school commissioner. Portland: Harmon & Williams, Printers, 1853. Svo. pp. 24. [108 Reports of cases in law and equity, determined by the Supreme Court of Maine. By John Milton Adams, reporter to the state. Maine Reports. Volume XLI. Hallowell: Masters, Smith & Co. 185S. Svo. pp. 655. [109 -The same. Volume XLII. Hallowell: Masters, Smith & Co, 1858. Svo. pp. 648. [110 Speech at celebration birthday of Jefferson, Salem, Mass. 1859. See Jefferson, Thomas. Biographical Sketch of Melvin W. Higgins. 1SS7. See Maine Press Association. Adams, John Qtjincy. 1767-1848. Sixth president of the United States. A Letter to the Hon. Harrison Gray Otis, a member of the Senate of Massachusetts, on the present state of our national affairs. With remarks upon Mr. Pickering's letter to the governor of the Commonwealth. By John Quincy Adams. From the second Boston edition. Hallowell: Printed and published by Nathaniel Cheever. 1808. Svo. pp. 24. [Ill .The same, under the following title: — A Letter from the Hon. Quincy Adams, Senator in Congress from Massachusetts, to Hon. Harrison Gray Otis, a member of the Senate of this Commonwealth, on the present state of our national affairs: with remarks upon Mr. Pickering's letter to his excellency James Sullivan. Portland: Published by J. M'Kown, 1808. Svo. pp. 16. [112 This is designated "The Third Portland Edition." Letters on the Masonic Institution. Boston: Press of T. R. Marvin, No. 24 Congress Street. 1847. Svo. pp. xl., (4), 284. [113 Contains letter dated August 9, 1831, to a reviewer of John H. Sheppard's defence. Letter read from Hon. Quincy Adams, at the recent celebration of West India emancipation in Bangor, May 27, 1843. n. t. p. Svo. pp. 8. ^1J4 Addressed to Asa Walker, C. A. Stackpole and F. M.Sabine, committee of Correspondence. The same. Emancipator Extra. October 5, 1843. Tract No 5 Liberty Incomplete, n. p. (Boston.) 12mo. pp. 8. [us Adams, John Ripley, D. D. 1802-66. Clergyman, Gorham, 1847-64. Memorial and letters of Rev. John R. Adams, D. D., chaplain of the Fifth Maine and the One Hundred and Twenty-first New York BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. 13 Regiments during the war of the Rebellion. Serving from the beginning to its close. " He gave his body to that pleasant country's earth, and his pure soul unto his Captain Christ, under whose colors he had fought so long." Privately printed. 1890. n. p. Svo. pp. 4, 242. [116 Adams, Jonathan. 1785-1861. Clergyman, Woolwich and Deer Isle. Marriages at Deer Isle, 1832-52, by Rev. Jonathan Adams. (Com municated by his son. Rev. Jonathan E. Adams, D. D., of Bangor.) Bang. H. M. 5:156. (1890.) [117 Record of Marriages by Rev. Jonathan Adams in Woolwich, Maine, (1817-31). (Contributed by his son. Rev. J. E. Adams, D. D., of Bangor.) Bang. H. M. 5 : 21S. (1890.) [118 Adams, Jonathan Edwaeds, D. D. 6. 1822. Clergyman, Bangor. Reports as secretary of the Maine Missionary Society, and for the trustees, from its 70th to 83d anniversary, 1877 to 1890; twelve years; 1877, of General Conference of Congregational Churches, pp. 61-110: 1878, pp. 107-126: 1879, pp. 11.3-152: 18S0, pp. 124- 138: 1881, pp. 186-225: 1882, pp. 163-208: 1883, pp. 181-201: 1884, pp. 164^186: 1SS5, pp. 221-242: 1886, pp. 221-251: 1887, pp. 184- 202: and life members, pp. 221-233: ISSS, pp. 231-261 : 1889, pp. 165-191: 1890, pp. 186-217. [119 Adams Moses, M. D. 1778-1839. Physician, Ellsworth. The trial of Moses Adams, high sheriff of the county of Han cock, before the Supreme Judicial Court of the commonwealth of Massachusetts, on an indictment for the murder of his wife. (From minutes taken at the trial by John Bulfinch.) Boston: Printed and published by E. B. Tileston, No. 8 Congress Street. 1815. Svo. pp. 32. [120 Adams, Samuel, LL. D., governor of Massachusetts, 1794-97. Letter to Samuel Freeman. 1777. Me. Eec. 2:186. (1885.) [121 Adams, Samuel. 1745-1819. Physician, Bath. Biographical Notice of. 1842. See Bradford, Alden. Adams, Mes. Saeah Baenaed. d. 1821, Vassalboro. Sermon on. 1821. See Adams, Thomas. Sermon on. 1821. See Tappan, Benjamin. Adams, Solomon. 1797-1870. Clergyman and teacher, r. Machias and Portland, 1828-40. An Address delivered at North Yarmouth, April 28, 1830, before the Cumberland County Temperance Society. By Solomon Adams. Published by request of the society. Portland : Shirley, Hyde & Co. 1830. 12mo. pp. 12. [122 The same. Second edition. 1830. 12mo. pp. 23. 14 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. Adams, Solomon, Continued. Report as secretary Cumberland Temperance Society. 1831. See Cumberland County. Classification of Knowledge. Am. Inst. Ins. p. 31. (1843.) [123 Adams, Solomon. Farmington. Family of. 1881. See Swift, Josiah S. Adams, Thaddeus, Je., and family. Brewer. 1890. See Porter, J. W. Adams, Thomas, D. D. 1792-1881. Clergyman, Vassalboro, Winslow A Sermon delivered in Farmington (Maine) December 4, 1817; being the day set apart by the governor and council as a day of public thanksgiving and prayer. Hallowell: Printed by E. Goodale. 1818. Svo. pp. 16. [124 A Sermon delivered at Vassalboro, June 24, 1821. The Lord's Day after the interment of Mrs. Sarah Barnard Adams. By Thomas Adams, pastor of the Congregational church in said town. Hal lowell: Printed by Goodale, Glazier & Co. 1821. Svo. pp. 10. [125 -Sermon delivered in Augusta, September 11, 1828, at the annual meeting of the Kennebec Conference of Churches. By Thomas Adams, pastor of a church in Vassalboro. Augusta: Printed by Eaton & Severance. 1828. Svo. pp. 28. [126 The Duty of Doing Good. Proverbs 19:17. A sermon delivered at Waldoborough, before the Maine Missionary Society, at their twenty-second anniversary. By Thomas Adams, pastor of a church in Vassalborough. Portland: Published by Shirley & Hyde. 1829. Svo. pp. 29. [127 An Address delivered to the Vassalborough Juvenile Temperance Society, Dec. 31, 1833. By Thomas Adams. [128 Memoir of the Rev. Asa Burton, D. D., Thetford, Vt. Am. Q. Reg. 10:321. (1838.) (Port.) [129 The same. Printed separately, n. p. (Boston.) n. d. (1238.) 8 vo. pp. 23. (Port.) David Thurston. By Rev. Thomas Adams, Vassalborough, Maine. Cong. Quar. 9:313. (1867.) (Port.) [130 A Sketch of the Life of David Thurston, by Rev. Thomas Adams. Written for the Congregational Quarterly. Portland: Printed by B. Thurston & Co. 1867. Portrait. Svo. pp. 80. [131 Contains dedication sermon at Litchfield Corner, Feb. 12, 1863. Adams, Thomas, Machias. Brief Sketch of. 1890. See Green, Samuel A. Adams, Mes. Thomas. Bangor. Sermon on. 1834. See Parker, Wooster. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. 15 Adams, W. S. . [40S Contains views of the Shaker village, Alfred; of the Novitiate order, Po land Hill, and of the Shaker village. West Gloucester. Aveey, John, LL. D. 1837-87. Professor Bowdoin College- 1877-87. Influenoe of the Aryans upon the aboriginal speech of India. Am. Antiq. 3:236. (1881.) [409 Polyandry in India and Thibet. Am. Antiq. 4: 48. (1881.) [410 The Hill Tribes of India. Am. Antiq. 5: 99. (1883.) [411 The Races of tbe Indo-Pacific Oceans. Polynesians. Am, Antiq, 6: 361. (1884.) [412 Religion of the Aboriginal Tribes of India. Transactions Victoria Institute of Great Britain. 1885. [413 Ao Naga Language of Southern Assam. Am. Antiq. J. Philol. 7:354. ISSe. [414 The Beginning of Writing in and around Thibet. Am. Antiq. 8 : 158. (18S6.) [415 The Thibeto-Burman Group of Languages. Am. Antiq. 8: 226, 339. (1886.) [416 Away Down East. 1872. See Hall, E. J. The same. 1880. See Taylor, Frank H. Ayee, Caleb Robinson. 1813-83. Lawyer, Cornish. Obituary of. 1884. See Herrick, N. J. Babcock, J. Feederic. Bangor. Floret, or the poor girl: a domestic drama in four acts, from the tales of Peirce Egan, Esq. By Dr. J. Frederic Babcock: to which are added a description of the costumes, the characters, entrances and exits, the "story" antecedent to the play, and the whole of the stage business. Bangor, Me.: Samuel O. Bailey, printer, Hammond Street. 1874. 12mo. pp. 62. [417 Babcock, Rufus, D. D. 1798-1875. President Waterville College, 1833- 36. Sermons on various subjects, etc. Portland: Zion's Advocate. 1832. 16mo. pp. v-xxxiii. [413 Seilnon on death of Rev. George Leonard. 1832. See Leonard, Abigail. The Teacher's Office. Inaugural address of Rev. Rufus Babcock, Jr., president of Waterville College, July 29, 1834. Published by BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. 59 direction of the Trustees. Augusta: Press of Luther Severance, 1834. Svo. pp 22. [419 Sketch of Waterville College. 1836. Friend. Bap. Reg. 2:61 (1836.) [420. Brief View of the Baptist interest in each of the United States : em bracing notices of the origin, history and present states of the churches, literary and theological institutions, Bible, missionary, education, tract and Sunday-school societies, and religious peri odicals, with statistical tables. Am. Q. Reg. 13:57, 182,307. (1840-41.) Parti. Maine. [421 Babcock, Rufus. 1798-1875. Address by. 1878. See Colby University. Bache, Alexander Dallas, LL. D. 1806-67. Scientist, Newport, R. L Notes on the measurement of the base for the primary triangula- tion of the eastern section of the coast of the United States, on Epping Plains, Me. New Haven: 1858. pp. 58-62. [422 The same. American Jour. Sci. 2d ser. 25 : 58-62. (1858.) Magnetic Observations at Eastport. 1860-64. Am. Jour. Sci. 92: 114. [423. Bacon, Alvan, M. D. 1806-80. Biddeford. Biographical Sketch of. 1881. See Beede, J. W. Bacon, Miss Delia. 1811-59. Author, Hartford, Conn. Tales of the Puritans. The Regicides. The Fair Pilgrim. Castine. New Haven: Published by A. M. Maltby. Sold also by Carter, Hendee & Babcock: Crocker & Brewster. Boston. 1831. 12mo. pp. 300. [424 Bacon, Edwaed Eveeett. b. Marshall, N. Y. 1845. Clergyman, Saccarappa. The .Word of Life. A sermon preached in the Congregational church at Saccarappa, Feb. Sth, 1885. By Edward E. Bacon. Sac carappa: Marcus Watson, Printer. 1885. Svo. pp. 17. [425 Bacon, Feancis. 1821-51. Kittery. Notice of. N. E. Beg. 26:474. (1S72.) [426 Backus, Isaac. 1724-1806. Clergyman. Middleboro, Mass. A Seasonable Plea for Liberty of Conscience, against some late oppressive proceedings; particularly in Berwick, county of York. (Maine). Boston: 1770. Svo. pp. 48. [427 Badges Family. Notes on. 1876. See Lapham, W. B. 60 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. Babe, A. E. Story of an Ancient City by the Sea. Gran. Mo. 11: 143, 1888. [428 Gorgeana, now York. Bagnell, Waltbe. 1884. See Banks, Charles E. Bailey, Beenaed Calvin. 1796-1876. Bath. Memorial of. 1873. See Drake, Francis S. Bailey, Dudley P. The Maine Savings Banks and the Late Crisis. Bank. Mag. 35:257. (1880.) [429 The same, under the following title : — From the Bankers' Magazine for October, 1880. The Maine Savings Banks and the Late Crisis. By Dudley P. Bailey. Published at the office of the Bankers' Magazine and State Register, No. 251 Broadway, New York 1881. Svo. pp. 11. Bailey, Geoege Heney. 6. 1832. r. Deering. Report of commissioners on the contagious diseases of animals, for 1887. Augusta: ISSS. Svo. pp. 16. [4-30 Bailey, Giles. 1815-78. Clergyman, Gardiner, Belfast. Unguided Mental Action. Univ. Quar. 14:231. (1S57.) [431 Mystery and Religion. Univ. Quar. n. s. 8 : 213. (1871.) [432 Centennial Address at Ackworth, N. H. 1869. See Merrill, J. L. The Future Life, or " The To-morrow of Death. ' ' Univ. Quar .34 : 78. (1887.) [433 This is a review of " Fignier's To-morrow of Death." Bailey, Mes. Hannah Johnston, b. 1839. Winthrop. Reminiscences of a Christian Life. By H. J. Bailey, Winthrop. The memory of the just is blessed. Portland: Hoyt, Fogg & Donham, 193 Middle Street. 1884. 16mo. pp. 25. [434 The subject is Moses Bailey. The same. Second edition. Portland: Hoyt, Fogg & Donham, 193 Middle Street, n. d. (Copyright, 1885.) 16mo. pp. 419. (Port.) [435 Bailey, Isaac. 1790-1828. Providence, R. I. American Naval Biography. Compiled by Isaac Bailey. "Thou, Ocean, thou, the seaman's sire: Witness for us, while deeds like those Approv'd our prowess to our foes. Did they not, 'mid ourselves, inspire In all the emulous desire As well to act as to inspire? " Ocean. Providence, R. I. Published by Isaac Bailey, near the Turk's Head. H. Maun & Co., Printers. 1815. Sm. Svo. pp. iv, 257. [436 Memoir of Commodore Edward Preble, pp. 14-61. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. 61 Bailey, Isaac H. The Late Colonel Douty: First Maine cavalry. No. Mo 1-546 (1864.) ¦[43- Bailey, Jacob. 1731-lSOS. Clergyman, Pownalboro', 1760-79. Letter of, in 1775, describing the destruction of Falmouth, Me. Hist. Soe. Coll. 5: 437. (1887.) '[438 Life of. 1853. See Bartlet, William S. Commemorative Notice of. 1859. See Sprague, W. B. Bailey, Jacob Whitman. 1811-57. Naturalist, West Point. Account of an excursion to Mount Katahdin. By J. W. Bailey, acting as professor of chemisty, U. S. Military Academy, West Point. Am. Jour. Sci. and Arts. 32: 20. (1837.) (1 illus. in text.) [439 — — The same. Maine Mag. 1 : 12, 544. (1837.) Bailet, Jeeemiah. 1773-1853. Lawyer, Wiscasset. An Oration pronounced at Wiscasset, on the Fourth of July, 1805. By Jeremiah Bailey. Wiscasset: Printed by Babson it Rust. 1805. Svo. pp. 19. [44y Notice of. 1859. See Allen, Frederic. Biographical Sketch of. 1863. See Willis, William. Bailey, Joshua. 1738-1806. Hopkinton, N. H. Journal at the erection of Fort Pownall, 1859. Ms. 16mo. [441 In Library Maine Historical Society. Partly in verse. Portions are printed in " The Progressive Age, " Belfast, Aug. 11, 1859. Bailey, Losing Woaet. b. 1839. Geologist, Fredericton, N. B. Age and relation of the metamorphic rocks of New Brunswick. and Maine. Amer. Asso. Proc. 5 : IS. (1870.) [442 Metamorphic rocks of Maine. See Mathew, George F. Notes on the physiography and geology of Aroostook County. By L. W. Bailey. Trans. Roy. Soe. of Canada. 5: (sect. IV.) 39 (1889.) [443 On some relations between the geology of Eastern Maine and New Brunswick. By L. W. Bailey. Trans. Roy. Soe. of Canada. 7: sect. IV.) 57. (1889.) [444 Bailey, Moses. Winthrop. Reminiscences of. 1884. See Bailey, Hannah J. Bailey, Wintheop. 1784-1835. Clergyman, Brunswick. 1810-14. National Glory, a discourse delivered at Brunswick, on the day of the national fast, Aug. 20, 1812. By Winthrop Bailey, A. M. " quique arma secuti "Impia " Discitejustitiam moniti, et non temnere Divos." Portland : Printed by Arthur Shirley. 1812. Svo. pp. 15. [445 62 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. Bakee, Heney Knox. 6. Skowhegan. 1806. Lawyer, Hallowell. The Maine Justice: or powers and duties of justices of the peace, with the necessary forms, adapted to the revised statutes of this state. By H. K. Baker. Hallowell: Glazier, Masters & Smith- 1841. Svo. pp. .338. [446 Biography of. 1885. See Biog. Encyl. Maine. Bakee, Joseph. 1812-83. Lawyer, Augusta. Biography of. 1885. See Biog. Encyl. Maine. Sketch of. ISSS. See Spaulding, Joseph W. Bakee, Oevillb Dewey, b. Augusta, 1847. Lawyer, Augusta. Biography of. 1885. See Biog. Encyl. Maine. Address before the alumni of Bowdoin College, at Commencement, June 27, 1888, by Mr. Orville Dewey Baker. Augusta: Press of Charles E. Nash. 1888. Svo. pp. 33. [447 Bakee, Samuel. 1785-1859. Clergyman, Thomaston. A letter from Samuel Baker, formerly junior pastor of the Baptist church in Thomaston, to his brethren in that place, after he be come a Universalist. Boston : Printed for Adams, Rhodes & Co. 1813. 12mo. pp. 23. [448 A Solemn Address to all Christians, but especially to the Metho dist and Baptist orders, on the subject of Christian Fellowship and the Union of Doctrines in which are shewn the harmony of the Christian system with the doctrine of universal salvation, and the objections and difficulties that arise in the way of be lieving it; together with a few thoughts on the unpardonable sin. Hallowell. 1814. Svo. pp. 14. [449 Bakes, Scolley (?). Origin of Sin. The Great Question Answered. Religious Educa tion the Power of God with Men, within every Man's Reach: his chief concern. By Elder S. Baker, author of a poem on "Election," " Solemn Address to the Methodists," " Christian Grammar, " " Biography of a Christian School Mistress," &c. Ban gor: Samuel S. Smith, Printer. 1851. 12mo. pp. 12. [450 Bakeman, Feancis Wales, D. D. Clergyman, Auburn, 1877-84. A Commemorative Discourse on the life and character of Prof. Charles Edward Hamlin, LL. D. Delivered in the chapel of Colby University, July 5th, 1887, by Rev. Francis W. Bakeman, D. D. Portland: Printed by B. Thurston & Co. 1887. Svo. pp. 32- [451 Bakeestown. See Minot and Poland. Annals of. 1768-1830. See Ladd, William. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. 63 Balch, William Rolston. Philadelphia. An American Career and its Triumph. The life and public ser vices of James G. Blaine, with facts in the career of John A. '--^ Logan. By William Rolston Balch. Philadelphia: Thayer, Merriam & Co. 1884. 12mo. pp. 546. (Engraved portrait of Blaine.) [452 Baldwin. Incorporated 1802. A Plan of Baldwin, Maine, copied and reduced from the original in the Land Office. Boston: 1815. Svo. [453 Sermon, install. Noah Emerson. 1825. See Emerson, Reuben. History. 1880. See Clayton, W. W. Baldwin, Loammi. 1780-1838. Boston. Report of a survey of the water power and falls at Brunswick. With plan. 1836. [454 Baldwin, Thomas. Clergyman, Boston, d. Waterville. 1825. A Sermon delivered at Sedgwick, May 15, 1805, at the ordination of the Rev. Daniel Merrill to the pastoral charge of the Baptist church of Christ in that place. By Thomas Baldwin, D. D., pastor of the Second Baptist church in Boston. Boston : Printed and sold by Manning & Loring, No. 2. Cornhill. 1805. Svo. pp. 36. [455 -Memoir of. 1826. See Chessman, Daniel. Balfoue, Waltbe. Clergyman, Charlestown, Mass. d. 1852. A Letter to Dr. Allen, president of Bowdoin College, in reply to "' his lecture on the doctrine of universal salvation. Delivered in the chapel of Bowdoin College, and published by request of the students. By Walter Balfour. Charlestown, (Mass). G. David son. 1828. 12mo. pp. 72. [456 Balestiee, Chaeles Walcott. b. 1861. Author, Rochester, N. Y. James G. Blaine : a sketch of his life. With a brief record of the life of John A. Logan. New York: J. W. Lovell & Co. n. d. (Copyrighted 1884.) 12mo. 1 pi. pp. viii, 296. (2 Port.) [457 The Favorite Library of Choice Fiction. 25 cents. Issued tri-weekly. Annual subscription $30.00. Sept. 2, 1889. Life of James G. Blaine. By Charles Walcott Balestier, author of " A Fair De vice, " etc., etc. New York: John W. Lovell Company, 150 Worth Street, corner Mission Place, n. d. (Preface dated 1884.) 16mo. pp. 266. [458 Balkham, Gen. John. 1770-1832. Robbinston. Sketch of. ISSS. See Vose, Peter E. ^ 64 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. Balkham, Uriah, D. D. 1812-74. Clergyman, Wiscasset; Lewiston. The Christian Workman. A discourse delivered at the ordination of Rev. John M. Prince, Jr., as colleague pastor of the Congre gational church and society in Georgetown, Mass., Feb. 3, 1847. By Rev. Uriah Balkham, of Wiscasset. Published by request. Georgetown: Watchtower office. 1847. Svo. pp. 16. [459 Thoughts of Heaven. A discourse preached at the funeral of Rev. Ivory Kimball, Edgecomb, July 27, 1853. By Uriah Balkham, Wiscasset. " It is human nature, in its essential elements, that is to inherit eternity. " Bath: Geo. E. Newman. Printer. 1853. Svo. pp. 19. [460 The Vanity and Significance of Life. A sermon preached at the funeral of Mrs. Ann A. Garcelon, wife of Hon. Alonzo Garce lon, M. D., Dec. 20, 1857, by U. Balkham, minister at Pine Street chapel, Lewiston. Printed by request of the friends. 16mo. pp. 14. [461 A Sermon. The Harper's Ferry Outbreak, and its Lesson. A ser mon preached in the Pine Street chapel. Sabbath afternoon, Dec. 11, 1859. By Rev. Uriah Balkham, pastor of the church, Lewis- ton. Printed at the Journal office, 1859. Svo. pp. 16. [462 The Christian sect constituents of the body of Christ, and his church catholics. 1: Cor. 12: 20. Sermon before the Maine Missionary Society at its sixty-first an niversary, in Thomaston, June 24, 1868. By Uriah Balkham, D. D., pastor Pine Street church, Lewiston. Portland: Printed by Brown Thurston & Company. 1868. Svo. pp. 18. [463 Meekness and Humility. A sermon preached at a union service in Pine Street church, on Fast Day, April 13, 1871. By Uriah Balkham. Published by request. Lewiston: Journal Steam Press, Lisbon Street. 1871. Svo. pp. 19. [464 A Discourse on Samuel Pickard, preached in the Congregational church, Auburn, Nov. 11, 1872. By Rev. U. Balkham, Port land: 1872. Svo. pp. 15. [465 Mr. Pickard was a native of Rowley, Mass. A genealogical sketch of his ancestry is appended. Ball, Ebenezee, Robinston. The Trial of Ebenzer Ball, before the Hon. Samuel Putnam, George Thatcher and Isaac Parker, Esquires. For the murder of John Tileson Downes, at Robinston, Jan. 28, 1811. Copyright secured. Castine: Printed and published by Samuel Hall, 1811. Svo. pp. 40- [466 Lines on his death. 1811. See Fisher, Jonathan. Account of his trial. (1SS7.) See Williamson, Joseph. Ball Room Manual, 1857. See Washburn, H. G. O. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. 65 Ballaed, Edward, D. D. 1S04-70. Clergyman, Brunswick, 1858-70. The early history of the Protestant Episcopal church, in the Dis tinct of Maine. Me. Hist. Soe. Coll. 6:17.(1859.) [467 The same, in separate form. Portland: Brown Thurston. 1859. Svo. pp. 31. Brief Memoir of Prof. (Eugene) Vetromile. Me. Hist. Soe. Coll. 6:203. (1859.) [468 Account of a Crucifix Found at Norridgewock. Hist. Mag. 5 : 344 (1861)- [469 Editor. Memorial Volume of the Popham Celebration, Aug. 19, 1862, commemorative of the planting of the Popham colony on the peninsula of Sabino, Aug. 19, O. S., 1607, establishing the title of England to the continent. Published under the direction of the Rev. Edward BaUard, secretary of the executive committee of the celebration. Portland: Bailey & Noyes. 1863. Svo. pp. xiv, 368. (2 folding maps.) [470 Contents. Historical Statement by Hon. William Willis; Address of the Rev. President Woods: Address on the Occasion, by John A. Poor; Bishop Burgess's address (Richard Seymour) ; Address of Hon. Thomas Darcy Mc- Gee; Communication of Rev. A. D. Wheeler, D. D., (Pierre du Gauast, Sieur De Monts) ; Address of R. K. Sewall, Esq., (Maine the Mother of New England) ; Address by Hon. Emory Washburn (The Colony of Massachusetts Bay) ; Speech by John G. Day, Esq. (The Queen of Great Britain) ; Judge Bourne's address (Richard Vines) ; Sketch of the Life and Character of Sir William Phlps, by Rev. Francis Norwood; Communication by Hon. George F.Talbot, (Influence of the Eastern Settlements in fixing the Boundary of the Republic) ; William King, First Governor of Maine, by the Rev. John O. Fiske, of Bath; President Popham's Letter to the King; Pemaquid, by John Johnston, LL. D.; George Waymouth and the Kennebec, bythe Rev. Edward Ballard; The Church of England and Early American Discovery and coloni zation, by the Rev. William Stevens Perry, of Portland; The Lost Augusta, by R. K. Sewall, Esq.; The Popham Celebration; Action of the New York Historical Society. Appended to the volume, in the form of a supplement, is an address by John A. Poor, entitled "A Vindication of the Claims of Sir Ferdinando Georges, as the Father of English Colonization in American." Traditional Statement Concerning Death of Father Rale. Hist. Mag. 8:177. (1864.) [471 Augusta: At Small Point Harbor. No. Mo. 1:475. (1864.) [472 Indian Fort at Norridgewock. Hist. Mag. 16:17. (1806.) [473 Character of the Pennacooks. Bead before the New Hampshire Historical Society, at a special meeting, April 18, 1860. N. H. Hist. Soe. Coll. 8:428. (1886.) [474 Indian Mode of Applying Names: Indian names connected with tlie valley of the Merrimac. New Hamp. Soe. Hist. Coll. S: 451. (1868.) [4'?5 Nuar Fort Popham. 1867. Hist. Mag. 2d. ser. 2: 285. (1S67.) [476 Reply to Rev. Samuel F. Haven. 66 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. Ballaed, Edwaed, D. D., Continued. Geographical Names on the Coast of Maine. U. S. coast survey re port for 1868. (Washington, 1868.) 4to. pp. 19. [477 Location of Susanoa's River. Hist. Mag. 2d. ser. 3: 164. (1868.) [478 Preparatory Note to " Jamestown of Pemaquid." 1869. See Hac- kleton, Maria W. Ballaed, William. 1779-1827. Framingham, Mass. Surgeon U. S. A. Castine, Oct. 1, 1815. By Dr. William Ballard, U. S. A. Con tributed by Joseph Williamson, Esq., of Belfast. Bang. H. M. 2: 45. (1866.) [479 Ballou, Hosea, D. D. 1778-1858. Clergyman, Boston. Notes on the Parables of the New Testament, scripturally illustrated and argumentatively defended. By Hosea Ballou, author of "Treatise on Atonement." "Candid Review,'" &c., &c. Third edition. Hallowell: W.F.Lane. 1822. 12mo. pp.298. Printed by John Dorr, Wiscasset. [480 A Candid Review of a Pamphlet Entitled, A Candid Rejjly ; the whole being a doctrinal controversary between the Hopkintonian and the Universalist. Begun on the part of the Universalist by E. Paine and H. Ballou, and continued on the part of the Hopkin tonian by the Rev. Isaac Robinson, A. M., of Stoddard, N. H. And now further continued on the part of the Universalist by Hosea Ballou, author of "Notes on the Parables," " Treatise on Atone ment," &c. "Yet ye say the way of the Lord is not equal." Eze kiel."How are the things of Esau searched out: How are his hidden things sought up." Obadiah. Second edition. Hallowell: W. F. Lane. 1828. [481 A Treatise on Atonement, in which the finite nature of sin is argued, its cause and consequence as such: the necessity and nature of atonement: and its glorious consequences in the final reconciliation of all men to holiness and happiness. By Hosea Ballou, author of "Notes and Illustrations on the Parables," " Candid Review," cfec. "For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive." St. Paul. " And there shall be no more death. " St. John. Third edition. Hallowell: W.F.Lane. 1822. [482 A Treatise on Atonement: in which the finite nature of sin is argued, its course and consequences as such: the necessity and nature of Atonement: and its glorious consequences in the final reconcihation of all men to holiness and happiness. By Hosea Ballou, pastor of the Second Universalist church and society in BIBLIOGEAPHY OF MAINE. 67 Boston, author of "Notes and Illustrations on the Parables," " Candid Review," &c. "For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive." St. Paul. "And there shall be no more death. " St. John. To which is prefixed a letter of the author further declarative of his views upon the same subject. Hallowell: C. Spaulding. 1828. 12mo. [483 Another edition was published at Gardiner, in 1827, 12mo. pp. 239. Banceoft, Geoege, LL. D., D. C. L. 1800-91. Historian, Washington, D. C. Historical Criticism. Mag. Am. Hist. 9: 456. (1883.) [484 Letter answering criticism, concerning revision as to river discovered by George Waymouth, in 1605. Por reply, SeeDe Costa, Benj. F. Banceoft, Susan. Sketch of life of. 1830. See Pinkham, Rebekah P. Bangoe. Incorporated 1791. Addresses. Associations.Biographical and Personal. Descriptive and Topographical. Directories. Discourses. Educational.History and Antiquities. Lectures, Speeches, Eulogies, &c. Miscellaneous. Orations and Celebrations. Religious.Sermons. ADDRESSES. Educational. 1838. See Lovejoy, J. C. Before State Mechanics Convention. 1842. See Sayward, John S. Before State Mechanics Convention. 1S42. See Holden, Charles. Before State Mechanics Convention. 1842. See Morse, Freeman H. To Traffickers in Intoxicating Liquors, 1843. See Addresses. To California Pilgrims. 1849. See Caldwell, S. L. To California Pilgrims. 1849. See Shepard, George. Before Penobscot Musical Association. 1855. See Cornwall, Na thaniel C. Before Penobscot Musical Association. 1855. See Little, George B. Before Penobscot Musical Association. 1S56. See Godfrey, John E. At Sunday-school anniversary. 1859. See Maltby, John. 68 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. Bangoe, Continued. Before Penobscot Musical Association. 1859. See Godfrey, John E Before Penobscot Musical Association. 1859. See Stetson, Isaiah. Before Penobscot Musical Association. 1861. See Small, Albion K. P. Before Penobscot Musical Association. 1862. See Gilman, Edward W. Before Penobscot Musical Association. 1864. See Johnson, Edwin. Memorial Day. 1870. See Chamberlain, Joshua L. Before Pomological Society. 1873. See Godfrey, John E. At dedication school building. 1873. See Barbour, Wm. M. On New Version of the Bible. 1881. See Ropes, Charles J. H. On the Infiniteness of Orthodoxy. ISSl. See Stewart, S. J. associations. Constitution of the Bangor Young Men's Society, revised and adopted June 11, 1833. Bangor. Printed by Burton & Carter. 1833. 12mo. pp. 19. [485 Constitution of the Bangor Medical Association, together with the rules and regulations of police and practice. Adopted 1829. Revised 1837. Bangor: Printed by S. S. Smith, 1837. 12 mo. pp. 12. [486 Originally called the Association of Physicians of Bangor, Maine. •Grounds and Reasons of Abstinence from Wine. Bangor: Chas. Cobb, Printer. 1838. 12mo. pp. 14. [487 Report of a committee on the Bangor Temperance Association, consisting of Prof. Pond, Prof . Woods, Doct. John Barstow, Dea. S. S. Crosby, John Appleton, Esq. ¦Constitution of the Bangor Rifle Corps. Adopted May 8, 1835. Re vised and amended, June 12, 1840. ISmo. pp. 8. [488 With names of officers and privates. The Report of the Prudential Committee of the Bangor Temperance Association, at their tenth anniversary meeting. By the chairman of the committee. Bangor: Printed by order of the society. 1845. 12mo. pp. 26. [439 Rev. John West is printed with the other officers as chairman. First Annual Report of the Young Men's Bible Society of Bangor. Presented March 2, 1845. Bangor: Bayne & Mower, Printers. 1845. Svo. pp. 8. |-49Q Association for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. Bangor 1862. pp.8. f^g- Anuual Report of the Children's Home. Bangor. Read' at the annual meeting of the society, January 3, 1871. Bangor- Printed by Samuel S. Smith & Son. 1871. Svo. pp. I6. ^490 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. 69 Annual Report of the Children's Home. Bangor. Read at the annual meeting of the society, January 6, 1880. Bangor: Daily Commercial Print. 12mo. pp. 16. [493 Annual Report of the Children's Home. Bangor. Read at the annual meeting of the society, January 4, 1881. Bangor: Daily Commercial Office. 1881. Svo. pp. 16. [494 Children's Home. Annual Report of the Children's Home. Ban gor. Read at the annual meeting of the society, January 3, 1882., Bangor: Whig & Courier Job Office. 1882. Svo. pp. 14. [495 Bangor Humane Society. "Christianity is humanity, and humanity to animals and to our fellow citizens is Christianity in its broadest and best teachings." The Bangor Humane Society for the Pre vention of Cruelty. Organized March, 1882. Bangor: Benjamin A. Burr, Printer. 1882. Svo. pp. 15. [496 Home for Aged Women. Bangor. Third Report, 1885. Compiled January, 1886. Bangor. O. F. Knowles & Co., Printers. 1886. Svo. pp. 25. [497 Young Men's Christian Association, 1887. Report. [498 BIOGRAPHICAL AND PBKSONAL. Deaths in Bangor. 1771-1S33. Bang. H. M. 2: 138. (1887.) 4: 37,80. (1888.) [499 Heads of Families in 1876. See Porter, J. W. Extracts from Robert Treat's day-book at. 1786-90. See Porter, J. W. Deaths in Bangor. From town and other records. 1795-1836- Bang. H. M. 2:180,217. (18S7.) [300 Marriages on Bangor Records. 1796-1809. Bang. H. M. 1: 39. (1885.) [501 Postmasters of. 1801-71. Bang. H. M. 1:S. (1S85.) [502 Intentions of Marriage on Bangor Records. (1806-10.) Bang. H. M. 3: 93. (1SS7.) [503. Marriages in Bangor. 1811-18. By Rev. Harvey Loomis. Bang. H. M. 1 : S3. (1885.) [504 Marriages in Bangor. 1811-32. Bang. H. M. 2 : 83. (1886.) [505 Parol signed by the inhabitants of Bangor during the War of 1812. Bang. H. M. 4:177. (1889.) [506 First Printer in Bangor. (Peter Edes.) 1815. See Porter, J. W. Publishments on Bangor Records, 1819-21. Bang. H. M. 1:198. (1886.) [50'? Publishments in Bangor, 1821-27. Bang. H. M. 2:61. (1886.) 3:194. (1888.) 5:34. (1889.) [508 Marriages in Bangor. 1821-27. Bang. H. M. 2:79. (1886.) [509 70 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. Bangoe, Continued. Marriages on Bangor Records. 1821-22. Bang. H. M. 2:79.(1886.) [510 Deaths in Bangor. F rom records of Joseph Wing, city undertaker. 1834. Bang. H. M. 2:2<13. (1887.) 3:17,2.38. (1888.) [511 Deaths in Bangor. From April 1, 1834 to Oct. 2, 1853, from city undertaker's report. Bang. H. M. 4:200. (1889.) [512 Trial for Murder at. 1835. See Spencer, Francis C. Residences, Early Settlers, and Prominent Citizens. 1888. See Paine, A. W. Leading Business Men of Bangor, Rockland and vicinity: embrac- bracing Ellsworth, Bucksport, Belfast, Camden, Rockport, Thomaston, Oldtown, Orono, Brewer. Illustrated. Boston: Copyrighted, ISSS, by Mercantile Publishing Company, No. 146 Franklin Street. (ISSS.) n. p. Boston. Svo. pp. 260. [513 Contains " Historical Sketches" of above places, erroneous and unreli able. Trial at, for Murder in Dexter. 1890. See Stain, David L. DESCEIPTIVB AND TOPOGEAPHICAL. Visit to. 1S35. See Fox, Mary A. Account of. 1835. See Cox, F. A. Sketch of Bangor. Am. Mag. 3:430. (1S37.) (Engraving.) [514 Sketch of Bangor. Maine Monthly Mag. 2 : 529. (1837.) [515 The Bangor House. Am. Mag. 3 : 437. (1837.) (Engraving.) [516 The Unitarian Church. Am. Mag. 3:483. (1837.) (Engraving.) [517 Bangor and its Lumber Trade. Hunt's Merchants' Magazine 18:517. (1844.) [518 Account of. 1878. See Tefft, Benjamin F. The City of Bangor. "Queen City of the East." A condensed his torical and descriptive review, together with a brief statement of facts relating to her commercial and manufacturing advantages, industries and resources. Also her leading manufactures and ex ports for the year 1882. PubUshed by the Bangor Board of Trade. Mining and Industrial Journal, Bangor. May, 1883. Svo. pp. 36. [519 Souvenir Album of. 1884. See Chisholm Brothers. Sketch of. 1884. See Godfrey, George F. Streets of. 1888. See Paine, A. W. Mount Hope Cemetery, Bangor. Bang. H. M. 3 : 49. (1887.) [S20 Arsenal at Bangor, deed of land for. Bang. H. M. 3:100. (1887) [521 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. 71 Graveyards of. 18S7. See Paine, A. W. DIEECTOEIES. 1834. See Burton, James, Jr. 1843. See Smith, Samuel S. 1S46. See Smith, Samuel S. 1848. See Smith, Samuel S. 1851. See Smith, Augustus C 1851. See Bugbee, David. 1859-60. See Smith, Samuel S. 1864-65. See Stanwood, William F. 1867-68. See Smith. Samuel S. 1869-70. See Symonds, Chase & Co. 1871-72. See Greenough, Jones & Co. 1873-74. See Greenough, Jones & Co. 1875. See Greenough & Co. 1877. See Greenough & Co. 1879-80. See Greenough & Co. 1880. See Greenough & Co. 1882. See W. A. Greenough & Co. 1884. See W. A. Greenough & Co. 1885-86. See W. A. Greenough & Co. 1887-88. See W. A. Greenough & Co. 1890. See W. A. Greenough & Co. DISCOUESBS. Funeral Rev. John Smith 1831. See Pomeroy, S. L. Thanksgiving. 1835. See Curtis, Thomas. Thanksgiving. 1837. See Pomeroy, S. L . On Temperance. 1839. See Maltby, John. Methodist Centennary. 1839. See Tefft, Benjamin F. Elements of a Perfect Character. 1840. See Tefft, Benjamin F. On Death of President Harrison. 1841. See Tefft, Benjamin F. On Death of President Harrison. 1841. See Hedge, Frederick H. On Christian Perfection. 1841. See Pond, Enoch. On Impulses of Piety. 1844. See Maltby, John. On Princeton Disaster. 1844. See Chaplin, Jeremiah. On Controversy of State and People. 1850. See Allen, Joseph H. On Rev. D. H. Mansfield. 1855. See Knox, Loren L. On Elisha Kent Kane. 1857. See Allen, Joseph H. 72 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. Bangoe, Continued. On Twenty-flfth Year of Pastorate. 1859. See Maltby, John. On Rev. John Maltby. 1860. See Pond, Enoch. On the National Crisis. 1861. See Tefft, Benjamin F. Historical. 1861. See Small, Albion K. P. On Abraham Lincoln. 1865. See Rowland, Lyman S. On Rev. Enoch Pond. 1882. See Harris, Samuel. In Memory of Benson Sewall. 1888. See Field, George W. EDUCATION, LIBEAEIES AND PUBLICATIONS. Theological Seminary. See Bangor Theological Seminary. Eastern Magazine. 1S35. See Carter, John S. Maine Monthly Magazine. 1S36. See Gilman, Charles. Catalogue of Bangor Circulating Library. 1836. See Duren, E. P. Fifth Annual Report of the Managers of the Bangor Lyceum. Submitted Apr. 13, 1841. Bangor: Printed by Edwards & Smith. 12mo. pp. 12. [522 Voices from the Kenduskeag. 1S4S. See Appleton, Mrs. Jane S. Catalogue of books in the library of the Bangor Mercantile Asso ciation. 1855. Bangor: Printed by Samuel S. Smith. 18-55. 12mo. pp. 55. [523 Catalogue of the Girl's High School, Bangor. 1851-58. Bangor: Printed by Samuel S. Smith. 1858. Svo. pp. 22. [524 Catalogue library Mechanics' Association. 1870. [525 Library Association catalogue of books. 1S73. Svo. pp. 244. [526 Catalogue of the library of the Bangor Mechanic Association, Bangor. 1873-75. Svo. pp. 244, 146. [527 Pamphlet for Teachers of. 1885. See Robinson, Franklin C. Bangor Historical Magazine. 1885-91. See Porter, Joseph W. Catalogue of the Public Library of Bangor. Bangor: Press of Joseph Mooney & Co. 1886. Svo. (pp. 935.) [528 HISTOSY AND ANTIQUITIES. First White Settler. 1769. See Porter, J. W. First Settlers and their Lots. See Porter, J. W. Annals of. 1769-86. See WilUamson, W. D. Early Settlement of. Bang. H. M. 1 : 2. (1885.) [529 Early Settlement of. See Williamson, W. D. Exploration of. 1786. See Stone, Jonathan. Municipal History of. 1787-96. See Porter, Joseph W. Letter of the Selectmen. 1798. Bang. H. M. 4: 191. (1889.) [530 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. 73 Post-office, Bangor. Established Jan. 1, 1801. Bang. H. M. 1-8 (1885.) [531 First Saw-mill on the Kenduskeag. 1801. See Porter, J. W. Petition for Taking Toll on the Kenduskeag Bridge, 1802. (From Massachusetts Archives.) Bang. H. M. 3: 160. (ISSS.) [532 British at. 1814. See Lossing, B. J. First Newspaper in. 1815. Bang. H. M. 5 : 47. (1889.) [533 Sketch of. 1834. See Directory. 1834. Great Freshet of March 29, 1846. See West, John. Remarkable Petrifaction Found at Bangor. N. E. Reg. 8: 263. (1885.) [534 Historical Sketch. 1867. See Smith, Samuel S. Annals of. 1882. See Godfrey, John E. History Boston and Bangor Steamship Company. 1884. See Var ney, George J. [535 Looking Back: series of articles in Bangor Commercial, 1885-86. Svo. Cuttings in Bangor Public Library. Territorial History of. 1887. See Paine, Albert W. Graveyards of. ISSS. See Paine, Albert W. LECTUEES, LETTEES, SPEECHES, EULOGIES, ETC. A Political Letter of 1813. Bang. H. M. 3: 211. (1888.) [536 Lecture on Agriculture. ISIS. See Senter, Nath. G. M. An Argument delivered before the Bangor Forensic Club, on the question " Ought the Law, Requiring the Opening of our Post- offices, and the Transportation of our Mails, on the Christian Sabbath, to be Repealed?'' Thursday evening, Jan. 6, 1831. Bangor: Burton & Carter, Printers. 1831. Svo. pp. 28. [537 Poem before Debating Club. 1835. See Snow, George W. Speech at Banquet. 1835. See Webster, Daniel. Lecture, Lyceum. 1836. See Hedge, Frederick H. Letter to Citizens. 1843. See Adams, John Quincy. Lecture on Failures in Teaching. 1848. See Kingsbury, John. Lecture on Cooperation of Parents and Teachers. 1848. See Batchelder, Jacob. Lecture on The Qualiflcations of the Teacher. 1848. See Munroe, Nathan. Lecture on School Government. 1848. See Philbrick, J. D. Lecture on The Improvement of Common Schools. 1848. See Swan, W. D. 74 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. Bangoe, Continued. Presentation by ladies of. 1S44. See Gough, John B. Eulogy on President Taylor. 1850. See Little, George B. Letter in reply to invitation. 1856. See Curtis, George W. A Sacred Maintenance of the Common Bond. Bangor Daily Union report of the grand Union meeting in Norembega Hall, Bangor, Wednesday evening, Jan. 11, 1860; containing the speeches of Judge Hathaway and Hon. George Evans, and the letters from ex-President Pierce, Hon. Edward Everett, Hon. Caleb Cush ing, ex-Governor Wells, Hon. M. H. Smith, Hon. James W. Bradbury. The call and signatures, officers of the meeting, prayer of Dr. Tefft, the resolutions, and the patriotic letter of Mrs. Ann S. Stephens to Victor Hugo. (Phonographic report.) Bangor: Printed at the office of the Daily Union. 1S60. Svo. pp. 32. [538 Speech, political. 1860. See Douglas, S. A. Charge to clergy. 1862. See Burgess, George. Eulogy on Lincoln. 1865. See Everett, Charles C. Speech, political. 1868. See Wilson, Henry. Speech on Chinese Question. 1870. See Kimball , C. P. MISCELLANEOUS. Report on the affairs of the Bangor bank. Boston: Printed by RusseU & Gardiner. 1S22. Svo. pp. 16. [539 Report of survey of railroad from, to Waterville. 1848. See Apple- ton, Edward. Almanac of. 1875. See Roberts, Charles P. A Southern Moral from Bangor. The Nation. 49:44. (1889.) [540 The Fire Service of. 1890. See Rowe, James Swett. OEATIONS AND CELBBSATIONS. Fourth of July in, 180.5. Bang. H. M. 2:219. (1887.) Oration, Masonic. 1808. See May, Hezekiah. Oration, 4 July, 1838. See Hedge, Frederick H. Oration, 4 July, 1840. See Bartlett, Joseph T. Oration, 4 July, 1861. See Harris, Samuel. Oration, consecration soldiers' monument, 1866. See Tefft, Benj. F. Centennial Celebration of the Settlement of Bangor, Sept. 30, 1869. (Seal of city.) Published by direction of the Committee' of Ar rangements. Bangor. 1870. Svo. pp. 182. [541 This volume contains the address of Hon. John E. Godfrey. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. 75 RELIGIOUS. ADVENT. History of the Advent Christian church. 1889. See Duren, E. F. BAPTIST. Manual First Baptist church. Bangor. Organized 1818. Bangor: Wheeler & Lynde, Printers. 1868. 12mo. pp. 21. [542 Semi-centennial Anniversary of First Baptist church, Bangor, Jan uary 25, 1S6S. Bangor: Wheeler & Lynde, Printers. 1868. 12m. pp. 34. [543 Historical discourse by Rev. Albion K. P. Small, from 1 Sam. 12: 7. History of the First Baptist church. 1S6S. See Duren, E. F. Confession of Faith and catalogue of the members of the Second Baptist church, Bangor. Organized September 12, 1845. Bartlett & Burr, Printers. 1852. 12mo. pp. 21. [544 Second Baptist church, Bangor. Declaration of belief, church covenant, and catalogue of members. " Beloved, let us love one another: for love is of God; and every one that loveth is born of God, and knoweth God. " Bangor: Thomas W. Burr, Printer. 9 Hammond St. 1882. ISmo. pp. 5. [545 Our Church Waymark. Published in the interest of the Columbia Street (Second) Baptist church. Bangor. No. 1. January, 1887. 4to. pp. 4. [546 History of the Second Baptist church. 1SS8. See Duren, E. F. A Souvenir Programme of the first annual reunion and reception of the Essex Street Free Baptist church, Thursday evening, Nov. 18th, 1886. Smith & Son, Printers. Bangor. 16mo. pp. 16. [547 The same. Second annual meeting, Nov. 29th, 18S7. 16mo. pp. 16. [548 History of the First Free Baptist church. ISSS. See Duren, E. F. CONGBEGATIOMAL. Confession of Faith and Covenant. Adopted by the First Congre gational church Bangor, at its organization. Nov. 27, 1811. Ban gor: Samuel S. Smith, Printer. 1841. ISmo. pp. IS. [549 Manual, historical sketch, &c. 1856. See Sanford, William. First Congregational church and society. 1888. See Porter, J. W- History of. 1886. See Duren, E. F. Second, or Hammond Street church. Catalogue of members of Hammond Street Congregational church. Organized December 5, 1833. n. d. (1833.) 16mo. pp. 7. [550 76 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. Bangoe, Continued. Catalogue of the members of Hammond Street Congregational church. Organized December 5, 1833. Original members from the First Congregational church in Bangor. 1837. ISmo. pp. 8. [551 Catalogue of books in the library of the Hammond Street Sabbath- school, Bangor. 1840. ISmo. pp. 16. [552 Confession of Faith and Covenant of the Hammond Street Congre gational church, Bangor. Adopted at its organization, December 5 1833. Bangor: Samuel S. Smith. Printer, 1S50. ISmo. pp. IS. [553 It includes a list of members. Supplementary Catalogue of the members of the Hammond Street Congregational church. 1856. 18mo. pp. 12. Nos. 446-561, and changes. [5o4 Catalogue of books in the library of the Hammond Street Sabbath school, Bangor. Bangor: Samuel S. Smith, Printer. 1859. ISmo. pp. 20. [555 Catalogue of books iu the library of the Hammond Street Sabbath- school, Bangor. Bangor: 1870. ISmo. pp. 16. [556 Hammond Street Congregational church. Bangor. Members re ceived from Oct. 1, 1871, to Dec. 24, 1873. Nos. 876-917, and changes. Hammond Street Congregational church. Bangor. Members re ceived from March 20, 1878, to December 31, 1S81. 12mo. pp. 20. Nos. 1047-1880, changes and summary. [557 Annual Record of the Hammond Street Congregational church, Bangor, for 1882. 12mo. pp. 8. Nos. 1081-1099, changes, etc. [-558 Hammond Street church. 1883-84. System of work. 1883-84. See Griffin, Henry L. Library of the Hammond Street Sabbath-school. Bangor. 1883. 12mo. pp. 16. [559 Supplement. 1885. 12mo. pp. 4. Supplement. 1886. 12mo. pp. 4. Supplement. 1887. 12mo. pp. 4. Catalogue Hammond Street church Sunday-school library. 1890. Bangor: O. F. Knowles & Co. 1890. ISmo. pp. 24. [560 History. 1887. See Duren, E. F. Monthly Chronicle, containing church news. Published by the Hammond Street church. 1887. Svo. pp. 4. The same. 1888. 4to. pp. 4. The same. 1889. 4to. pp. 4. BIBLIOGEAPHY OF MAINE. 77 The same. 1890. 4to. pp. 4. Third, or Central church. Confession of faith and covenant of the Central church. Bangor: Burr & Robinson, Printers. 1877. 16mo. pp. 9. [561 History. 1887. See Duren, E. F. West Bangor. Dedication of the chapel at West Bangor. Thurs day evening, April 2, 1874. 12mo. pp. 2. [562 EPISCOPAL. History of St. John's church. 1886. See Duren, E. F. METHODIST. First Methodist society in Bangor. List of the certificates of mem bers of the religious society called Methodists filed with the town clerk of Bangor. 1812-15. Bang. H.M. 3:129. (1888.) [563 History. 1886. See Duren, E. F. (Second church.) Manual Union Street Methodist Episcopal (Grace) church. Organized 1846. Bangor: O. F. Knowles & Co., Printers. 1886. ISmo. pp. 16. [564 History. 1886. See Duren, E. F. UNITARIAN. Unitarian church. Sermon at dedication. 1829. See Huntoon, Benj. Sketch of. 18.37. See Descriptive. Farewell Sermon at. 1850. See Hedge, Frederick H. Farewell Sermon at. 1857. See Allen, Joseph H. History. 1SS6. See Duren, E. F. Pastorate of Rev. Frederick H. Hedge. (1890.) See Cressey, George C. UNIVERSALIST. Universalist church. History. 1886. See Duren, E. F. SEEMONS. Ordination James Boyd. 1800. See Messenger, Roswell. Ordination Harvey Loomis. 1811. See Gillet, Eliphalet. Missionary. 1824. See Greeley, Allen. Dedication Union Street church. 1829. See Huntoon, Benj. On Universalism. 1829. See Dods, John B. Missionary. 1835. See Shepard, George. Thanksgiving. 1837. See Pomeroy, Swan L. On "A Ministerial Support. " 1838. See Pomeroy, Swan L. Fast, " Characteristics of the Times. " 1S3S. See Maltby, John. " Owe No Man Anything. " 1839. See Hedge, Frederick H. 78 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. Bangoe, Continued. " Practical Goodness the True Religion. " 1840. See Hedge, Fred erick H. On Character, Rev. Dr. Channing. 1842. See Hedge, Frederick H. On the Error and the Correction. 1845. See Maltby, John. On the Guilt of Contempt. 1847. See Giles, Henry. Missionary. 1843. See Hathaway, G. W. Missionary. 1848. See Hobart, Caleb. Missionary. 1854. See Cutter, Edward F. Farewell. 1850. See Hedge, Frederick H. " A Reign of Terror. " 1856. See Allen, Joseph H. On Government. 1856. See Maltby, John. Farewell. 1857. See Allen, Joseph H. Missionary. 1857. See Hopkins, Mark. On " A Pattern Church. " 1859. See Maltby, John. After Installation. 1869. See Gilman, Edward W. On Temperance. 1859. See Harris, Samuel. Missionary. 1860. See Parker, Wooster. In Memory Rev. John Maltby. 1860. See Shepard, George. " A Year of War. " 1862. See Battles, Amory. On Lincoln. 1865. See Everett, Charles C. On Lincoln. 1865. See Johnson, Edwin. On Landing of the Pilgrims. 1865. See Everett, Charles C. Missionary, 1866. See Ives, Alfred E. On Fellowship of Churches. 1870. See Gilman, Edward W. The Promises of God. 1875. See Knapp, Arthur M. Other Worlds than Ours. 1875. See Knapp, Arthur M. In Memory Chapin Humphrey. 1875. See Hazelwood, Francis F. On " Fiat Religion. " 187S. See Knapp, Arthur M. Creation Continuous. 1879. See Knapp, Arthur M. On the Bible. 1881. See Stewart, S. J. On Orthodoxy. 18S1. See Stewart, S. J. On Morality. 1881. See Stewart, S. J. Bangoe Theological Seminary. Incorporated 1S14, . as the "Maine Charity School." Opened at Hampden, 1816. Removed to Bangor, 1819. CATALOGUES. General Catalogue of the Theological Seminary, Bangor, Dec. 1827. Burton & Carter, Printers. Bangor. Svo. pp. 5. [555 BIBLIOGEAPHY OF MAINE. 79 Catalogue of the officers and students of the Theological Institu tion at Bangor, Maine, with an outline of the course of study, etc. Bangor: S. S. Smith, Printer. 1834. 12mo. pp. 12. [566 Catalogue of the officers and students of the Theological Institu tion, Bangor, Maine. 1834-35. With an outline of the course of study. Bangor: S. S. Smith, Printer. 1835. 12mo. pp. 12. [567 Catalogue of the Theological Seminary, Bangor, Maine. 1835-36. Bangor: Printed by Samuel S. Smith. 1836. 12mo. pp. 12. [56S Catalogue of the Theological Seminary, Bangor, Maine. 1837-38. Bangor: Printed by Samuel S. Smith. 1838. Svo. pp. 12. [569 Catalogue of the Classical Institute, Bangor, Maine. 1836-37. Bangor: Printed by Samuel S. Smith. 1837. 12mo. pp. 11. [570 Catalogue of the Classical Institute, Bangor, Maine. 1837-38. Bangor: Samuel S. Smith, Printer. 1838. 12mo. pp. 11. [571 Catalogue of the Theological Seminary, Bangor, Maine. 1838-39. Bangor: Printed by Samuel S. Smith. 1839. Svo. pp. 12. [572 Catalogue of the Theological Seminary, Bangor, Maine. 1839-40. Bangor: Printed by Samuel S. Smith. 1840. Svo. pp. 12. [573 General Catalogue of the Theological Seminary, Bangor. Maine. Bangor: Printed by Samuel S. Smith. 1841. Svo. pp. 16. [574 General Catalogue of the Theological Seminary, Bangor, Maine. Bangor: Printed by Samuel S. Smith. 1S42. Svo. pp. 12. [575 Catalogue of the Theological Seminary, Bangor, Maine. 1842. Bangor: Printed by Samuel S. Smith. 1843. Svo. pp. 12. [576 Catalogue of the Theological Seminary, Bangor, Maine. 1844. Ban gor: Printed by Samuel S. Smith. 1844. Svo. pp. 12. [577 Catalogue of the Theological Seminary, Bangor, Maine. 1S45. Ban gor: Printed by Samuel S. Smith. 1846. Svo. pp. 12. [578 Catalogue of the Theological Seminary, Bangor, Maine. 1846. Ban gor: Printed by Samuel S. Smith. 1846. Svo. pp. 12. [579 Catalogue of the officers, alumni, and students of the Theological Seminary, Bangor, Maine. 1847. Bangor: Printed by Samuel S. Smith. 1847. Svo. pp. 12. [580 Catalogue of the officers and students of the Theological Seminary, Bangor, Maine. Bangor: Printed by Samuel S. Smith. 1S48. Svo. pp. 12. [581 Catalogue of the Theological Seminary, Bangor, 1849. Bangor: Printed by Samuel S. Smith. 1849. Svo. pp. 12, [582 Catalogue of the Theological Seminary, Bangor, 1850. Bangor: Printed by Samuel S. Smith. 1850, Svo. pp. 8. [583 General Catalogue of the Theological Seminary, Bangor, Me. 1851 . Bangor: Printed by Samuel S. Smith. 1851. Svo. pp. 20. [584 80 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. Bangoe, Continued. Catalogue of the Theological Seminary, Bangor, 1852. Bangor: Printed by Samuel S. Smith. 1852. Svo. pp. 12. [585 Catalogue of the Theological Seminary, Bangor, 1853. Bangor: Printed by Samuel S. Smith. 1853. Svo. pp. 12, [586 Catalogue of the Theological Seminary, Bangor, Me. 1854. Bangor: Printed by Samuels. Smith. 1854. Svo. pp. 22. [587 Catalogue of the Theological Seminary, Bangor, 1855. Bangor: Printed by Samuel S. Smith. 1S55. Svo. pp. 12. [588 Catalogue of the Theological Seminary, Bangor, 1856. Bangor: Printed by Samuel S. Smith. 1856. Svo. pp. 12. [.589 General Catalogue of the Theological Seminary, Bangor, Me. 1857. Bangor: Printed by Samuel S. Smith. 1857. Svo. pp. 24. [590 Catalogue of the Theological Seminary, Bangor, 1858. Bangor: Printed by Samuel S. Smith. 1858. Svo. pp. 12. [591 Catalogue of the Theological Seminary, Bangor, 1859. Bangor: Printed by Samuel S. Smith. 1859. Svo. pp. 12. [592 Catalogue of the Theological Seminary, Bangor, 1860. Bangor: Printed by Samuel S. Smith. 1860. Svo. pp. 12. [593 Catalogue of the Theological Seminary, Bangor, 1861. Bangor: Printed by Samuel S. Smith. 1861. Svo. pp. 12. [594 General Catalogue of the Theological Seminary, Bangor, Me., 1862. Bangor: Printed by Samuel S. Smith. 1862. Svo. pp. 28. [595 Catalogue of the Theological Seminary, Bangor, Me. 1863. Bangor: Printed by Samuel S. Smith. 1863. Svo. pp. 12. [.596 Catalogue of the Theological Seminary, Bangor, Me. 1864. Ban gor: Printed by Samuel S. Smith. 1864. Svo. pp. 12. [597 General and Annual Catalogue of the Theological Seminary, Ban gor, Me., 1865. Bangor: Printed by Samuel S. Smith. 1865. Svo. pp. 32. [598 Catalogue of the Theological Seminary, Bangor, Me. 1S65-66. Ban gor: Printed by Samuel S. Smith. 1866. Svo, pp. 12. [599 Catalogue of the Theological Seminary, Bangor, Maine. 1866-67. Bangor: Printed by Smith & Hill. 1S67. Svo. pp. 12. [600 General and Annual Catalogue of the Theological Seminary, Ban gor, Maine. 1868. Bangor: Printed by Smith & HiU. 1868. Svo. pp. 36. [601 Catalogue of the Theological Seminary, Bangor, Me. 1868-69. Ban gor: Printed by Samuel S. Smith. 1869. Svo. pp. 12. [602 Catalogue of the Theological Seminary, Bangor, Me., 1869-70. Ban gor: Printed by Samuel S. Smith. 1870. pp. 12. Svo. [603 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. 81 General and Annual Catalogue of the Theological Seminary, Ban gor, Maine. 1871. Bangor: Printed by Samuel S. Smith & Son. Svo. pp. 36. [gQ4 General and Annual Catalogue of the Theological Seminary, Ban gor, Maine, 1872. Bangor: Printed by Samuel S. Smith & Son. Svo. pp. 36. [605 General and Annual Catalogue of the Theological Seminary, Ban gor, Maine, 1873. Bangor: Printed by Samuel S. Smith & Son. Svo. pp. 36. [606 General and Annual Catalogue of the Theological Seminary, Ban gor, Maine. 1874. Bangor: Printed by Samuel S. Smith & Son. 1874. Svo. pp. 36. [607 Catalogue of the Theological Seminary, Bangor, Maine. 1875. Bangor: Printed by Samuel S. Smith & Son, 1875. Svo. pp. 11. [608 Fifty-seventh Annual Catalogue of the Theological Seminary. Ban gor, Maine. 1876. Bangor: Printed by Samuel S. Smith & Son. 1876. Svo. pp. 12. [609 Fifty-seventh Annual Catalogue of the Theological Seminary, Ban gor, Maine. 1877. Bangor: Printed by Samuel S. Smith & Son. 1877. Svo. pp. 15. [610 Fifty-eighth Annual Catalogue of the Theological Seminary, Ban gor, Maine. 1878. Bangor: Printed by Samuel S. Smith & Son. Printers. Svo. pp. 15. [611 Fifty-ninth Annual Catalogue of the Theological Seminary, Bangor, Maine. 1879. Bangor : Samuel S. Smith & Son, Printers. Svo, pp. 15. [612 General and Annual Catalogue of the Theological Seminary, Ban gor, Maine. 1880. Bangor: Printed by O. F. Knowles & Co. 1880. Svo. pp. 44. ' [613 Sixty-first Annual Catalogue of the Theological Seminary, Bangor. Maine. ISSl. Bangor: John H. Bacon, Printer. ISSl. Svo. pp. 15. [614 Sixty-second Annual Catalogue of Bangor Theological Seminary^ Bangor, Maine. 1882. Bangor: John H. Bacon, Printer. 1882. Svo. pp. 16. [615 Bangor Theological Seminary. Sixty-fourth Annual Catalogue. Bangor, Maine. Bangor: John H. Bacon, Printer. 1883. Svo. pp. 18. [616 Bangor Theological Seminary. Sixty-flfth Annual Catalogue. Ban gor, Maine. 1884. Bangor: John H. Bacon, Printer. 1884. Svo. pp. 18. [617 7 82 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. Bangoe, Continued. General and Annual Catalogue of the Theological Seminary, Ban gor, Maine. 1885. Bangor: Printed by John H. Bacon. 1885. Svo. pp. 19. [618 Sixty-seventh Annual Catalogue of the Theological Seminary, Ban gor, Maine. 1886. Bangor: 1886. Printed by John H. Bacon. Svo. pp. 19. [619 Sixty-eighth Annual Catalogue of the Theological Seminary, Ban gor, Maine. 1886-87. Bangor, 1886-87. Printed by John H. Bacon. Svo. pp. 17. [620 Sixty-ninth Annual Catalogue of the Theological Seminary, Ban gor, Maine. 1887-88. Bangor: 1888. Press of John H. Bacon. Svo. pp. 20. [621 Seventieth Annual Catalogue of the Theological Seminary, Bangor, Maine. 1888-89. Bangor: 1889. Press of John H. Bacon. Svo. pp. 20. [622 Seventy-first Annual Catalogue of the Theological Seminary, Ban gor, Maine. 1889-90. Bangor: 1890. Press of John H. Bacon. Svo. pp. 20. [623 General Statistical Catalogue of the Theological Seminary. Bangor, Maine. 1820-90. Bangor: Printed by Journal Publishing Co. 1890. Svo. pp. 126. [624 A historical sketch occupies pp. 3-9. MISCELLANEOUS. Account of the Maine Charity School, Bangor. 1820. Svo. pp. 8. [625 Laws of the Maine Charity School, Aug., 1821. Crocker & Brews ter, Printers, Boston. 12mo. pp. 12. [626 Sermon to senior class. 1822. See Smith, John. Receipts at the treasury of the Theological Seminary, at Bangor. Hallowell: Goodale, Glazier & Co. 1823. Svo. pp. 24. [627 Survey of the Theological Seminary at Bangor. Published by the Trustees. Bangor: Burton & Carter, Printers, 1830. Svo. pp. 20. [628 Account of. 1832. See Smith, John. Theological Seminary at Bangor. From the Christian Mirror. Am. Q.Reg. 8:369. (1836.) [629 Historical Sketch of. 1841. See Pond, Enoch. Discourse before Rhetorical Society. 1843. See Haddock, Charles B. Report to the Board of Trustees of Bangor Theological Seminary, July 25, 1860. By the Treasurer and Agent. Bangor: Printed by Samuel S. Smith. 1860. Svo. pp. 15. [630 BIBLIOGEAPHY OF MAINE. 83 Report to the Board of Trustees of Bangor Theological Seminary, July 25, 1861. By the Treasurer and Agent. (Charles W. Jen kins.) Bangor: Printed by Samuel S. Smith. 1861. 8vo.pp.il. [631 Appeal for. 1865. See Adams, Aaron C. Address at. 1868. See Herrick, John R. Historical Semi-centennial Address. 1870. See Pond, Enoch. Inaugural Address at. 1871. See Paine, Levi L. Inaugural Address at. 1881. See Stearns, Lewis F. Bangor Theological Seminary. A statement. (By the Trustees, with a map.) Bangor: John H. Bacon, Printer. 1880. Svo. pp. 12. [632 Bangs, Isaac Spaeeow. Waterville. Ancestry of. 1889. See American Ancestry. Bangs, William McKendebe. 1810-52. New York. Strictures on Prof. Upham's Philosophical Works. Amer. Meth. Mo. 15:296. (1836.) [633 Bankeuptcy. Rules and Forms in Bankruptcy, in the District Court of the United States, for the District of Maine. Printed and for sale at the American office, No. 1 Union Street, n. p. (Portland) u. d. (1842.) Svo. pp. 36. [634 Bankeupts. A List of Bankrupts in Maine. Prepared by an officer of the Dis trict Court. Augusta: Wm. R. Smith & Co. 1843. 12mo. pp. 45. [635 Catalogue of, in Maine. 1873. See Hamlin, Charles. Catalogue of, in Massachusetts, 1873. See Hamlin, Charles. Banks, Chaeles Edward, M. D. 6. Portland. 1854. Surgeon U. S. M. H. S. A Case of Hydrophobia. Bost. Med. and Surg. Jour. 100:288. (1879.) [636 Religious Revival at North Yarmouth, 1791. O. T. 3:383. (1879.) [637 Notes on Tax Lists, North Yarmouth, 1759. O. T. 3 : 305, 4: 499 (1879.) [638 {With Sargent, W. M.) Early Conveyances of Land in North Yar mouth. O. T. 3:410. (1879.) 6:863. (1882.) [639 Old Planters at Westcustogo. O. T. 4: 437. (1879.) [640 Cholera Infantum; its causes, nature and treatment. Fiske Fund prize essay, for the year 1879. By Charles Edward Banks, M. D., 84 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. Banks, Chaeles Edwaed, M. D., Continued. Portland, Maine. Providence: E. L. Freeman & Co., Printers to the State. 1879. Svo. pp. 32. [641 -Capt. Walter Gendell, of North Yarmouth. A biographical sketch, by Dr. Charles E. Banks. "Old Times Office," Yar mouth. 1880. Svo. pp. 27. [642 Thirty copies printed separately. The Puritan Militia. Unit. Serv. 3:1. (1880.) [643 -Roger Garde, mayor of Agamenticus and recorder of the Province of Maine. N. E. Reg. 35: 343. (1881.) [644 -The Oakes Family. (North Yarmouth.) O. T. 5: 635. (ISSl.) [645 ^Wyman Family. (North Yarmouth.) O. T. 5: 661. (1881.) [646 Bradbury Family. (North Yarmouth.) O.T. 5:719. (1881.) [647 (With Prince, Miss Mary G.) The Prince Family. (North Yar mouth.) O.T. 4: 563. (1880.) 5: 726. (1881.) [648 Aneurismal Varix, involving the external illiac and femoral vessels, with general observations on the disease. In "Annual Report of Supervising Surgeon-general of the Marine Hospital Service of the U. S." pp. 141-146, for year ending June, 1882. [649 The Soule Family of North Yarmouth and Freeport, Maine. By Dr. Charles E. Banks, and Enos Soule, Yarmouth. 1882. Svo. pp. 31. [650 Reprinted from Old Times. 100 copies. ^Widow Ann Messant, alias Godfrey. N. E. Reg. 37: 246. (1883.) [651 Necrology of North Yarmouth. 1730-50. O. T. 7: 1035. [652 -Editor. New England's Vindication, by Henry Gardiner. Edited with notes, by Charles Edward Banks, M. D. London. 1660. Printed for the Gorges Society, Portland. 1884. Sm. 4to. pp. 84. [653 One hundred and sixty-copies printed. The original title-page spells his name Gardener. The Militia of North Yarmouth in Early Times. O. T. 7: 1064. (1884.) [654 The Bonython Family of Maine. N. E. Reg. 38: 50. (1884.) [655 One hundred copies printed separately. 1884. Svo. pp. 7. (2 engravings.) Stephen's Dictionary National Biography states that an ancestor of Henry W. Longfellow occurs in that Richard Bonython who settled In Maine in 1638. The Nation, Feb. 4, 1886. The Pirate of Pemaquid. Me. Rec. 1: 61. (18S4.) [656 Walter Bagnall. Me. Rec. 1:61. (1884.) [657 Lists of Royalists and Puritans in Maine. Me. Rec. 1 : 45. (1884.) [658 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. 85 -Colonel Alexander Rigby: a sketch of his career and connection with Maine as proprietor of the Plough Patent and president of the Province of Lygonia. I. (Portrait, autograph and crest.) Alexander Rigby. Me. Rec. 2:1. (1SS5.) IL The Plough Patent. 2:65. (1885.) (Map and coat of arms.) III. The Province of Lygonia. 2:145. (1885.) (Lygon. Arms.) | -The same. Privately printed. (50 copies.) (1885.) Sm. 4to. pp. 57. -Was William Hooke Governor of the Province of Maine ? N. E. Reg. 29: 189. (1885.) [660 -Seal of the Province of Maine. 1640. N. E. Reg. 39: 190. (1885.) [661 -The Early Settlements in Maine, prior to 1620. Me. Rec. 2: 207. (18S5.) [662 -The Bartol Family. (Maine Branch.) Westcustogo Chron. 1 : 4. (1885.) [663 Only a few sheets were printed. The plan of publishing was abandoned. -Sir Robert Carr in Maine. 1665. Mag. Am. Hist. 8:623. (1885.) [664 -Court Records of the Province of Maine. N. E. Reg. 39: 358 (1885.) [665 -Letter of Rev. Robert Jordan to Rev. John Cotton. 1645. From Cotton MSS., Prince Collection, Boston Public Library. Me. Rec. 2:79. (1886.) [666 -Edward Godfrey: his life, letters, and public services. 1584- 1664. By Charles Edward Banks, M. D. Read before the Maine Historical Society at Portland, May 25, 1881. Coll. Me. Hist. Soe. 9: 295. (1887.) [667 -The same. Privately printed. 1SS7. (Fifty copies printed.) Sm. 4to. pp. SS. (Etched frontispiece.) -The Treatment of Phthisis by the Administration of Gaseous Enemata. The results obtained in thirty cases. In "Annual Re port of Supervising Surgeon-general, " etc., pp. 128-133, for the year ending June, 1887. [668 -Studies in Service, statistics, syphilis, pneumonia, and typhoid fever. In " Annual Report of Supervising Surgeon-general, " etc., pp. 224-229, for year ending June 30, ISSS, [669 -The Administration of William Gorges, 1636 to 1637. Read before ¦ the Maine Historical Society, Dec. 22, 1885. Me. Hist. Soe. Coll. 2d ser. 1 : 25. (1890.) [670 86 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. Banks, Charles Edwaed, M. D., Contimied. The Bank(e)s Family of Maine. By Charles Edward Banks, M. D. (Dart.) Past Assistant Surgeon, U. S. Marine Hospital Service. N. E. Reg. 44: 258. (1890.) [671 The same, reprinted separately. Boston: Press of David Clapp and Son. 1S90. Svo. pp. 8. 100 copies printed. Aids to Hospital Management. In "Annual Report of Supervising Surgeon-general, " etc., pp. 138-142, forthe year ending June 30, 1890. [672 Studies in Service Statistics. II. Acute rheumatism, etc. In "Annual Report of Supervising Surgeon-general," etc., pp., 143- 146, for the year ending June 30, 1890. [673 The Frequency of Pleuritic Adhesions, as shown in 1356 necropsies. In "Annual Report of Supervising Surgeon-general, " etc., pp. 147- 149, for the year ending June 30, 1890. [674 Banks, Elias, M. D. 1774^1841. Physician. North Yarmouth, Dan ville. Historical Sketch of Danville, Me. Prepared by Elias Banks, M. D., late of Danville. Communicated by his grandson, Charles Edward Banks, M. D. Me. Rec. 5:12. (1888.) [675 Bannatyne, James. Lecturer, b. Scotland, d. Portland. 1842. Intemperance among Literary Men. An address delivered be fore the Portland Young Men's Total Abstinence Society, on Sunday evening, July 31, in the Park Street church, and repeated by request, on Sunday evening, Aug. 7, in the First Parish church. By J. Bannatyne. Portland: A. Shirley & Son, Printers. 1842 Svo. pp. 24. [676 "Knowledge is Power. " A lecture by the late James Bannatyne, Esq., with an introduction by Rev. James Pratt. Portland: Printed by Foster & Gerrish. 1852. Svo. pp. 24. [677 Baptists. Confession of Faith: with a treatise on church discipline. Portland: 1794. 12mo. pp. 108. [678 Design and Rules of the Bowdoinham Convention. 1819. See Fran cis, Thomas. -Account of the Denomination in Maine. 1835. See Cox P. A. Brief View of Interests in Maine. 1840. See Babcock, Rufus, Jr. Historical Sketch of the Baptist Denomination in Maine. Bapt. Mem. and Chronicle. 3:353. (1843.) [679 History of. In Maine. 1845. See Millet, Joshua. BIBLIOGEAPHY OF MAINE. 87 Circular Letter, "What is a Baptist?" SeeShailer, William H. Centennial Discourse. 1868. See Worth, Edmund. Historical Discourse at Winthrop. 1876. See Shailer, William H. Discourse at 52nd Anniversary of the Kennebec Association. 1879. See Shailer, William H. Historical Discourse. Brunswick: 1885. See Small, A. K. P. Centennial Review of the Bowdoinham Association. 1887. See Small, Edwin W. CONVENTIONS. A Pamphlet containing the doings of the late Baptist Convention, holden at Winthrop, Maine, June 23, 1824, with an appendix on the question: " Why God Employs Feeble Means to Produce Great Effects. " Waterville: Printed by William Hastings. 1824. 16mo. pp. 16. [680 Minutes of the Baptist Convention of Maine , holden at Noble- borough, June 22, 1825 : With the annual pastoral letter. Hallo well: Printed by C. Spaulding. 1825. 12mo. pp. 12. [681 Minutes of the doings of the Maine Baptist Convention, at the adjourned meeting, held at Bath, Oct. 6, 1825. Thomaston: Printed by Edward Moody. 1826. 12mo. pp. 8. [682 Minutes of the Maine Baptist Convention, held at Thomaston, Oct. 10 & 11, 1827. Printed by Spaulding & Livermore, Hallowell. 16mo. pp. 24. [683 Minutes of same, held in Readfield. 1828. 16mo. pp. 23. Fifth Anniversary. Minutes of same, at Jefferson. 1829. 16mo. pp. 24. Sixth Anniversary. Minutes of same, at North Yarmouth. 1830. 16mo. pp. 24. Seventh Anniversary. Minutes of same. Bloomfleld. 1831. 16mo. pp.21. Eighth Anniversary. Minutes of same. Warren. 1832. 16mo. pp. 23. Ninth Anniversary. Minutes of same. Readfield. 1833. 16mo. pp. 27. Tenth Anniversary. Minutes of same. Topsham. 1834. 16mo. pp. 27. Eleventh Anniversary. Minutes of same. Portland. 1835. 19mo. pp. 36. Twelfth Anniversary. Minutes of same. Bangor. 1836. 16m o. pp. 40. Thirteenth Anniversary. Minutes of same. Bath. 1837. 16mo. pp 16. 88 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. Baptists, Continued. Fourteenth Anniversary. Minutes of same. Waterville. 1838. 16mo. pp. 24. Fifteenth Anniversary. Minutes of same. Sedgwick. 1839. 16mo. pp. 24. Sixteenth Anniversary. Minutes of same. Thomaston. 1840. 16mo. pp. 24. Seventeenth Anniversary. Minutes of same. Hallowell. 1S41. 16mo. pp. 24. Eighteenth Anniversary. Minutes of same. Turner, 1841. 16mo. pp. 24. Nineteenth Anniversary. Minutes of same. Warren, 1842. 16mo. pp. 32. Twentieth Anniversary. Minutes of same. China, 1S43. 16mo. pp. 36. Twenty-first Anniversary. Minutes of same. East Winthrop, 1845. 16mo. pp. 32. Twenty-second Anniversary. Minutes of same. Brunswick, 1846. 16mo. pp. 40. Twenty-third Anniversary. Minutes of same. Dover, 1847. 16mo. pp. 31. Twenty-fourth Anniversary. Minutes of same. Damariscotta, 1848. 16mo. pp. 34. Minutes of twenty-fifth annual meeting of same. Ellsworth, 1849. 12mo. pp. 34. Minutes of twenty-sixth annual meeting of same. South Berwick, 1850. 12mo. pp, 40. Minutes of twenty-seventh annual meeting of same. Bloomfield. 1851. 12mo. pp. 36. Minutes of twenty-eighth annual meeting of same. Belfast, 1852. 12mo. pp. 40. Minutes of twenty-ninth annual meeting of same. Saco, 1853. 12mo. pp. 40. Minutes of thirtieth annual meeting of same. Bangor, 1854. 12mo. pp. 40. Minutes of thirty-first annual meeting of same. Eastport, 1855. 12mo. pp. 40. Minutes of thirty-second annual meeting of same. Rockland, 1856. 12mo. pp. 40. Minutes of thirty-third annual meeting of same. Portland, 1857. 12mo. pp. 40. Minutes of thirty-fourth annual meeting of same. Waterville 1858. 12mo. pp. 44. ' ' BIBLIOGEAPHY OF MAINE. 89 Minutes of thirty-fifth annual meeting of same. Biddeford, 1859. 12mo. pp. 46. Minutes of thirty-sixth annual meeting of same. Augusta, 1860. 12mo. pp. 36. Minutes of thirty-seventh annual meeting of same. Bath, 1861. 12mo. pp. 48. Minutes of thirty-eighth annual meeting of same. Skowhegan, 1862. 12mo. pp. 36. Minutes of the thirty-ninth annual meeting of same. South Ber wick, 1863. 12mo. pp. 32. Minutes of the fortieth annual meeting of same. Bangor, 1864. 12mo. pp. 34. Minutes of the forty-first annual meeting of same. Lewiston, 1865. 12mo. pp. 40. Minutes of the forty-second annual meeting of same. Saco, 1866. 12mo. pp. 48. Minutes of the forty-third annual meeting of same. Rockland, 1867. 12mo. pp. 60. Minutes of the forty-fourth annual meeting of same. Brunswick, 1868. 15mo. pp. 80. Minutes of the forty-fifth annual meeting of same. Oldtown, 1869. 12mo. pp. 74. Minutes of the forty-sixth annual meeting of same. Portland, 1870. 12mo. pp. 88. Minutes of the forty-seventh annual meeting of same. West Waterville, 1871, 12mo. pp. 88. Minutes of the forty-eighth annual meeting of same. Bath, 1872. 12mo. pp. 92. Minutes of the forty-ninth annual meeting of same. Damariscotta, 1S73. 12mo. pp. 92. Minutes of the fiftieth annual meeting of same. East Winthrop, 1874. Svo. pp. 76. Minutes of the fifty-first annual meeting of same. Auburn, 1875. 12mo. pp. 72. Minutes of the fifty-second annual meeting of same. Hallowell, 1876. Svo. pp. 100. Minutes of the fifty-third annual meeting of same. Thomaston, 1877. Svo. pp. 80. Minutes of the fifty-fourth annual meeting of same. Biddeford, 1S7S. Svo. pp. SO. Minutes of the fifty-fifth annual meeting of same. Bangor, 1S79. Svo. pp. SO. 90 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. Baptists, Continued. Minutes of the fifty-sixth annual meeting of same. Augusta, 1880. Svo. pp. SO. Minutes of the fifty-seventh annual meeting of same. Skowhegan, 1881. 6vo. pp. SO. Minutes of the fifty-eighth annual meeting of same. Waterville, 1882. Svo. pp. 80. Minutes of the fifty-ninth annual meeting of same. South Ber wick, 1883. Svo. pp. 80. Minutes of the sixtieth annual meeting of same. Houlton, 1884. Svo. pp. SO. Minutes of the sixty-first annual meeting of same. Portland, 1885. Svo. pp. 84. Minutes of the sixty-second annual meeting of same. Rockland, 18S6. Svo. pp. 84. Minutes of the sixty-third annual meeting of same. Bangor, 1887. Svo. pp. 163. Minutes of the annual meetings of same, Lewiston, 1888. Svo. pp. 88. Minutes of the annual meetings of same. Bar Harbor, 1889. Svo. pp. 92. Minutes of the annual meetings of same. Sanford, 1890. Svo. pp. 95. Minutes of the annual meetings of same. Bath, 1891. Svo. pp. 112. Bowdoinham Association. Annual minutes from 1790 to 1865, both inclusive. Seventy-nine pamphlets. 12mo. and 16mo., varying from 8 to 24 pp. Cumberland Association. Annual minutes from 1811 to 1865, both inclusive. Fifty-four pamphlets, 12mo. and 16mo., varying from 8 to 24 pp. each. Damariscotta Baptist Association. Minutes of the anniversaries, from the first to the 22d, both inclusive, from 1843 to 1867. Twenty-five pamphlets, 12mo. and 16mo., varying from 8 to 35 pp. each. Eastern Maine Association. Minutes from 1819 to 1833, both in clusive. Sixteen pamphlets, Svo. and 12mo., varying from 8 to 16 pp. each. Hancock Baptist Association. Minutes of the anniversaries from the first to the thirty-second, both inclusive, 1835 to 1866 Thirty-two pamphlets, Svo., 12mo. and 16mo., varying from 12 to 23 pp. each. BIBLIOGEAPHY OF MAINE. 91 Kennebec Association, Annual minutes from 1830 to 1865, both in clusive. Thirty-six pamphlets, 12mo. and 16mo. varying, from 8 to 24 pp. each. Lincoln Association. Annual minutes from 1805 to 1867, both in clusive. Sixty-three pamphlets, Svo. and 16mo., varying from 8 to 24 pp. each. New Hampshire Association. (Comprising towns in the western part of Maine.) Minutes from 1789 to 1818, both inclusive. Thirty pamphlets, Svo., 12mo. and 16mo., varying from 8 to 17 pp each. Oxford Association. Minutes of the anniversaries from the first to the thirty-ninth, both inclusive. 1829 to 1867. Thirty-nine pamphlets, 12mo. and 16mo., varying from 3 to 16 pp. each. Penobscot Association. Annual minutes from 1826 to 1864, both in clusive. Thirty-nine pamphlets, 12mo. and 16mo., varying from 8 to 31 pp. each. Piscataquis Association. Minutes of the anniversaries from 1839 to 1865, both inclusive, excepting those for 1861, which appeared with the Convention minutes for that year. Twenty-six pamph lets, 12mo. and 16mo., varying from 8 to 28 pp. Saco River Baptist Association. Minutes of the anniversaries from the first to the twenty-fourth, both inclusive. 1842 to 1865. Twenty-four pamphlets, 12mo. and 16mo., varying from 12 to 20 pp. each. Waldo Association. Annual minutes from 1829 to 1866, both in clusive. Thirty-eight pamphlets, Svo. and 12mo, varying from S to 22 pp. each. Washington Baptist Association. Minutes of the anniversaries from 1835 to 1866, both inclusive, being from the first to the thirty- second anniversary. Thirty-two pamphlets, 12mo. and 16mo., varying from 12 to 24 pp. each. York Baptist Association. Annual minutes from 1819 to 1867, both inclusive. Forty-nine pamphlets, 12mo. and 16mo., varying from 8 to 16 pp. each. JToie. The separate publication of the annual minutes of the foregoing as sociations ceased iu 1865. After that year they were included in the minutes of the General Convention. Bapts, John, S. J. Clergyman, Ellsworth; Bangor. Outrage upon. 1854. See Ellsworth. The same. (1872.) See Tincker, Mary A. Barbee, John. Journal of John Barber when Fort Halifax was built. 1754. N. E. Reg. 27: 281. (1875.) 92 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. Baeboue, Miss Mary Elizabeth. 6. 1827. Portland. Extracts from James Merrill's Will, 1753. Me. Kec. 3: 182. (18S6.) [685 Baeboue, Robbet F. b. 1859. Journalist, Portland. Preface to "Wreck ofthe Rainier." 1883. See Humphrey, Omar J. Drifting Songs and Sketches. By Robert Rexdale. Portland: William Stevens & Company. (Successors to Hoyt, Fogg & Don ham.) 1887. 12mo. pp. 136. [686 On the Road. By the author of the novel, " Saved by the Sword." Read at the dinner of the Maine Commercial Travelers' Associ ation, Dec. 31, ISeS. n. p. (Portland.) 24mo. pp. 6. [687 Saved by the Sword. A novel by Robert Rexdale, author of "Drifting Songs.'" Illustrated by John Calvin Stevens and Bert Poole. Boston: Winthrop Publishing Company. 1889. 12mo. pp. 226. [688 The same. New York: John W. Lovell Company, 150 Worth Street, Corner Mission Place, n. d. (Copyright, 1890.) 16mo. pp. 226. Baeboue, William Macleod, D. D. &. 1827. Professor Bangor Theological Seminary, 1868-77. Christ a Preacher. Matt. 9:35. Sermon bef ore the Maine Mission ary Society at ita sixty-seventh anniversary at Newcastle, June 24, 1874. Bangor: Burr & Robinson, Printers. 1874. Svo. pp. 10. [689 - — -The same. Minutes forty-eighth annual meeting Congregational Conference, pp. 93-104. America's Interest in Common Schools. Address delivered at the dedication of the new Grammar School, Bangor, Dec. 30, 1875. By the Rev. W. M. Barbour, D. D., professor in Bangor Theo logical Seminary. Bangor: Burr & Robinson, Printers. 1876. Svo. pp. 8. [690 Sermon, Love of Christ. ISSS. See Cumberland Association. Bae Haeboe. See Mount Desert. Baekee, David. 1816-74. Lawyer, Exeter. Poems by David Barker, with a historical sketch by Hon. John E. Godfrey. Bangor: Press of Samuel S. Smith & Son. 1876. 12mo. pp. 232. [ggi The same. (Second edition.) Bangor: O. F. Knowles [1090 The Next Presidential Campaign. Maine and Blaine. Pub. Opin. 1:446. (1886.) ^{^g^ Mr. Blaine and Free Trade. Spectator. 59:1409. (1886.) [1092 [1087 BIBLIOGEAPHY OF MAINE, 143 Mr. Blaine and the English Civil Service. 1886. See Godkin, E. L. Political Discussions, legislative, diplomatic and popular. 1856-86. By James G. Blaine. Norwich, Conn. The Henry Bill Pub lishing Company. 1887. Svo. pp. 525. [IO93 Possible Presidents. J. G. Blaine. No. Am. Rev. 145: 221. (1887.) [1094 Mr. Blaine's Visit to Europe. Pub. Opin. 3:215. (1887.) [1095 Interview with Mr. Blaine in Paris. Pub. Opin. 4: 217. (1887.) [1096 Presidential Campaign. Pub. Opin. 4:493. (ISSS.) [1097 Mr. Blaine and his Party. Pub. Opin. 5:82. (1888.) [1098 ^Presidential Campaign. Comment on Mr. Blaine. Pub. Opin. 5: 105. (1888.) [1099 ^Presidential Campaign. Mr. Blaine and the Republican National Convention. Pub. Opin. 5: 151. (ISSS.) [1100 Presidential Campaign. Another letter from Mr. Blaine. Pub. Opin. 5:171. (1888.) [HOI — -Presidential Campaign. Mr. Blaine on Trust. Pub. Opin. 5: 425. (1888.) [1102 Condensed History of American Tariff Acts and their Effects upon Industries. (Portrait.) Speech Hon. James G. Blaine, at the Polo Grounds (Harlem), New York, Sept. 29, ISSS. Issued by the Home Market Club, 56 Bedford Street, Boston. 1892. Svo. pp. 8. [1103 The President's Error. Am. Mag. 8: 533. (1888.) [1104 Webster and Blaine: historic justice. 1888. See Julian, G. W. Candidacy of. Nation, 46 : 358. (1888.) [1105 Could Mr. Blaine carry New York ? 1888. See Foord, J. The President's Error. Am. Mag. S : 533. (ISSS.) [1106 Mr. Blaine's Campaign. Sat. Rev. 66: 198. (ISSS.) [1107 Taxation and Revenue : discussed by Mr. Blaine, President Cleve land and others. 1888. See " What ShaU We Do with It? " ^A Duel. Free Trade. The Right Hon. W. E. Gladstone. Pro tection. The Hon. James G. Blaine. No. Am. Rev. 150: 1. (1890.) [1108 The same. Our Day. 5:104. (1890.) Mr. Blaine's Plea for Reciprocal Trade. American. 20: 416. (1890.) [1109 Blaine, Walkbe. 1855-90. Lawyer, Chicago, Washington, D. C. Why Harrison was Elected. No. Am. Rev. 147: 686. (1888.) [1110 144 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. Blaie, Hugh, D. D. 1718-1800. Clergyman, Edinburgh. An Abridgement of Blair's Lectures on Rhetoric. Revised aud corrected for the use of academies and schools. With questions adapted to the work by a gentleman of Portland. Arranged upon an original plan of the present publisher. Portland: William Hyde, 1822. 16mo. pp. 296. [1111 The same. 1826. 16mo. pp. 296. Blaie, Robbet. 1699-1747. EngUsh poet. The Grave: a poem by Robert Blair, with the Ufe of the author: prefatory notes on the poem, and a poem to the memory of the late Mr. William Law. Published and sold by Ezekiel Goodale, at the HaUoweU Bookstore. 1813. (P. Edes, Printer.) 12mo. pp. 38. [1112 The same. Hallowell: Published by Glazier & Co. No. 1. Ken nebec Row. 1824. Blake, Anna Bowman. A Midsummer Night's Adventure. Harp. Mag. 61:617. (1880.) [1113 Story located at Mount Desert. Blake, Calvin, M. D. 1798-1870. Physician, Hartland. Biographical Sketch of. 1871. See Pushor, Harris. Blake, Chaeles Moeeis. 1819-93. &. Brewer. Chaplain U. S. N., San Francisco. Memoir of Major-general John Blake. 1753-1842. Me. Biog. 2:129. (1877.) [1114 Memoir of Major-general John Blake, of Brewer, and his de scendants. By his grandson, Charles Morris Blake, A. M., and M. D., chaplain in the United States Navy, of San Francisco, Cal. Broadside Pedigree of the Blakes of Somersetshire, Eng land. Bang. H. M. 2: 1. (1886.) (Port.) [1115 Letter from the .Committee of Safety, in Penobscot. 1814. Con tributed by Rev. Charles M. Blake, of San Francisco. Bang. H. M. 2:203. (1887.) [1116 Blake, John. 1753-1842. Brewer. Memoir of. 1886. See Blake, Charles M. Roster of Penobscot Tribe of Indians for Fall of 1815. By Indian Agent John Blake, of Brewer. Bang. H. M. 6 : 76. (1890.) [1117 Blake, Joseph, D. D. 1814-88. Clerygman, Cumberland, 1841-59. A Sermon preached on Thanksgiving Day, Nov. 17, 1853. By Joseph Blake, pastor of the Congregational church in Cumberland, Me. Published by request: Printed by Foster, Gerrish & Co. 1854. Svo. pp. 16. [mS BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. 145 The Portland Collection of Maine Plants. Adapted for marking desiderata in exchange of specimens. Portland: 1868. Svo. pp. 12. [1119 Blake, Samuel Haewood. 1807-87. Lawyer, Bangor. An Address delivered before the Association of Teachers and friends of popular education, at Exeter, Dec. 23, 1836. By Samuel H. Blake. Bangor: Published by the Association. S. S. Smith, Printer. Svo. pp. 23. [1120 Mr. Blake thinks soundly and writes well. We likethe earnest tone of his address. His sentiments on the necessity of popular education to the sup port of the institutions of freedom, are truly American. No. Am. Rev. 44 : 566. (1837.) Blake, Solomon, and f-amily. Holden. 1890. See Porter, J. W. Blakeman, Benjamin. Clergyman, Scarboro, Saco. 1680-87. Biography of. 1881. See Sibley, John L. Blanchaed. Incorporated 1831. Historical Account of. 1880. See Loring, Amasa. Blanchaed, Chaeles. Clergyman, Shapleigh. A Sermon preached at Sanford, May 9, 1826, at the funeral of Mr. Joseph Butler. By Charles Blanchard, Pastor of the Second Baptist church in Shapleigh. Kennebunk: James K. Remick. 1827. Svo. pp. 14. [1121 Blanchaed, Feed W. S. The Ice-fields of the Kennebec. Ballou's Month. 55:12. (1881.) [1122 The Lakes of Maine. Ballou's Month. 57:5,105. (1883.) [1123 Blanchaed, M. Memorial Sermon. 1884. See Biddeford. Blanchaed, Miss M. E. Calais. A Story of Pysche, and other poems. By M. E. Blanchard. Boston: Addison C. GetcheU, Publisher. 1885. 12mo. pp. 257. [1124 Bliss, Geoege. The Centennial Celebration of the Incorporation of Waldoboro, Maine, July 4, 1873. Published by George Bliss. Bangor: Benj. A. Burr, Printer. 1873. 16mo. pp. 52. [1125 Bliss, Heney Je. London. Consideration of the Claims and Conduct of the United States Re specting their North Eastern Boundary, and of the value of the- British Colonies in North America. London : John Hatchard and Son, Piccadilly 1826. Svo. pp. 4, 112. [1126 11 146 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. Bliss, Moses B. Pittston. Decimal Metrology: New and practical system of weights and meas ures, n. p. n. d. (1860.) Svo. pp. 12. [1127 Blood, Caleb. 1754-1814. Clergyman, Portland. 1810-14. A Discourse delivered July 11, 1811, at the opening of the new meeting house belonging to the First Baptist church and society in Portland. By Caleb Blood, pastor of the said church. Pub lished by request Portland: J. M'Kown, Printer. 1811. Svo. pp. 32. [1128 Memoir of. Bapt Miss. Mag. 4:50. (1814). [1129 Commemorative Notice of. 1860. See Sprague, William B. A biographical sketch is given in Rev. S. F. Smith's life of Joseph Graf ton. 1849. Blood, Mighill. 1773-1852. Clergyman, Bucksport. 1803-41. A Discourse delivered at Buckstown, on the annual fast in the Com monwealth of Massachusetts, Apr. 7, 1808. By Rev. Mighill Blood, pastor of the church in Buckstown, (Me.). Buckstown, Me.: Printed by WiUiam W. Clapp. Svo. pp. 22. [1130 Moral Duty and Improvement. A discourse delivered in Bucksport, (Me.), before Felicity lodge, of Free and Accepted Masons: on the festival of St. John the Baptist, 24th June, Anno Lucis, 5818 — A. D. 1818. By Rev. Brother Mighill Blood, pastor of the Con gregational church in Bucksport. Hallowell: Printed by E. Goodale, Jr. 1820. Svo. pp. 24. [1131 (The preaching of the Gospel to the poor. Matt. 11 : 5.) A Sermon delivered at Thomaston, June 26, 1820; before the Maine Missionary Society, at their thirteenth anniversary. By Mighill Blood, pastor of the church in Bucksport. Bangor: Printed by J. Burton, Jr. 1820. Svo. pp. 24. [1132 Blood, Mighill H. Bangor. St. John's Vision: the Church and Rome, to the end of Rome. In two parts. By M. H. Blood. Bangor: Bartlett & Burr. 1849. 12mo. pp. 132. [1133 — —Church Calendar. By Mighill H. Blood. Bangor: Wheeler & Lynde. 12mo. pp. 52. [1134 Bloomfield. Incorporated, 1814. Annexed to Skowhegan, 1861. Oration, 4 July, 1814. See Kidder, David. Sermon, funeral Rev. Fifield Holt 1831. See Tappan, Benjamin. Sermon, before Baptist Association. 1845. See Stevens, Luther C. Report of the committee of the Congregational church, in Bloom field. Respecting the difficulties between the pastor and Dr. and Mrs. Bowen. 1847. n. t. p. Svo. [1135 Proceedings of Council at. 1848. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. 147 History of. 1849. See Hanson, J. W. Bluehill. Incorporated 1789. Male Inhabitants of. Bluehill, Me. 1777. From Massachusetts archives. Bang. H. M. 4: 199. (1889.) [1136 The Town of Bluehill. Incorporated Jan. 30, 1789. (Act.) Bang. H. M. 3: IS. (1887.) [1137 ^List of Families. 1807. See Fisher, Jonathan. Sketches of. 1810. See Fisher, Jonathan. Congregational church. 1810. See Fisher, Jonathan. -Petition from Bluehill to Governor Strong for Military Company. 1815. Bang. H.M. 3:158. (ISSS.) [1138 Representatives from, prior to 1820. See Candage, R. G. F. First settlers. 1827. See Fisher, Jonathan. Oration, 4th July. 1830. See Upton, Samuel. Sermon on Rev. J. Fisher. 1847. See Thurston, Stephen. Centennial. Congregational church. Bluehill, Maine. Bangor: Printed by Samuel S. Smith & Son. 1874. Svo. pp. 28. [1139 Address by Rev. Stephen Thurston. Poem by Augustus Stephens. Islands in BluehiU Bay. Bang. H. M. 1:217. (1886.) [1140 Address, Historical. 1S86. See Candage, R. G. F. Early Settlers and their Families. From papers of the late R. G. W. Dodge; rearranged and added to by R. G. F. Candage. Bang. H. M. 5: 181. (1890.) [1141 Bluehill Bay and Eggemoggin Reach. Approaches to. U. S. Coast Survey Chart. 1885. 25x38 inches. Scale 1.58 to mile.[1142 Blue Hill Bay and Western Past of Mount Deseet Island. U. S. Coast Survey Chart. 1885. Size 25x29 inches. Scale 1.58 to mile. [1143 Blubpill, James. Pseud. The Quack: a satire. By James Bluepill, M. D. ^^ Badix malorum est cupiditus. " n. p. n. d. (Bangor, 1878.) 16mo. pp. 10. (Poet ry.) [1144 Blue Point. Inhabitants of . 1658. N.E.Reg. 39:286. (1885.) [1145 Submission of. 1658. See Black Point. Bloxham, Wansboeough. An Address delivered at the close of the private school in Dixfield Village, Dec. 22, 1827. By Wansborough Bloxham, instructor. Published by request. Norway: Printed at the Observer Of fice, by Asa Barton. 1828. Svo. pp. 20. [1146 148 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. Blydbn, Edwaed W., Clergyman, Liberia. Tract No. 11. From the Colonization Journal, July 1862. Ad dress delivered by Rev. Edward W. Blyden, at the anniversary of the Maine State Colonization Society, held in the High Street church, Portland, on Thursday evening, June 26. n. d. (1862.) Svo. pp. 12. [1147 BoAEDMAN, Geoege Dana. 1800-31. Missionary, Burmah. Memoir of. 1839. See King, Alonzo. BoAEDMAN, Haesiet. 1803-23. New Sharon. Notice of. Am. Bapt. Mag. 4: 189. (1823.) [1148 BoAEDMAN, Heney Augustus, D. D. 1808-80. Clergyman, Philadel phia. The Faithful Servant Crowned: a sermon on the occasion of the death of Rev. William T. Dwight, D. D., preached in the Tenth Presbyterian church, Philadelphia: on Sunday, Nov. 5, 1865. By' Henry A. Boardman, D. D. Printed for private distribution. Philadelphia: Bryson & Son, Printers, No. 8 North Sixth Street. Svo. pp. 24. [1149 BoAEDMAN, Samuel Lane. Journalist, b. Skowhegan, 1836. r. Augusta. Old Point and its Monument Hist Mag. 6:62. (1862.) [1150 Agricultural Survey of Somerset County, Maine, Augusta. 1866. pp. 75. [1151 Papers concerning the Province and State of Maine. I. Extracts from the early unpublished records of the Province of Maine. Hist Mag. 10. Supplement No. 3: 77. (1866.) IL Notes on the Local History of Maine. Concluded. Supplement No. 4, 115. (1866.) III. Governor Andres's Proclamation. Supplement No. 5, 144. (1866.) [1152 The Agriculture and Industry of the County of Kennebec, Maine, with notes upon its history and natural history. Augusta: 1867. Svo. pp. viii, 3-200. [1153 Only 26 perfect copies printed. Alfred Epitaphs. Copied from the old cemetery in Alfred, York County. With notes. Me. Biog. 3:110. (1868.) [1154 Sketch of Capt. Henry Sewall, and letters written by him during the Revolution. Hist. Mag. 2d ser. 2:6. (1867.) [1155 Maine State Agricultural Society. Report of the sxhibition at Portland, Oct. 6 and 9, 1868. Augusta: 1869. Svo. pp. 16. [1156 Contains history of the society from 1855 to 1868. The Press of Somerset County. 1872. See Griffin, Joseph. The same, separately printed, under the title of "Notes on the Newspapers of Somerset County, " Brunswick: J. Griffin. 1872. Svo. pp. 12. [1157 BIBLIOGEAPHY OF MAINE. 149 -The Power and Influence of the Agricultural Press. A lecture at Skowhegan, Oct. 9, 1872. Augusta: 1873. Svo. pp. 15. [1158 -A Family of Printers. George V. Edes. Me. Biog. 1:56. (1875.) [11.59 -William AUen, of Norridgewock. Me. Biog. 1:9. (1875.) [1160 -American Genealogy. Me. Biog. 1:27. (1875). [1161 -Maine Cattle. Some materials for a history of the cattle of Maine, with facts concerning early breeders. Augusta: 1875. pp. 48. [1162 -Something about Poods. A lecture at Etna, Dec. 29, 1S74. Augusta: 1875. Svo. pp. 19. [1163 -with Atkins, Charles G. The Mehaden Herring Fisheries of Maine as Sources of Fertilization. A report made to the Maine Board of Agriculture. By Samuel L. Boardman, secretary of the Board: and Charles G. Atkins, formerly fish commissioner of Maine, n. d. (1876.) n. p. (Augusta.) Svo. pp. 67. (One engraving.) [1164 -A General Index to the principal articles and leading subjects in the volumes on the agriculture of Maine, from 1850 to 1875. Augusta. 1876. Svo. pp. 24. [1165 —A Family Memorial: records of the Bordman-Boardman families of New Hampshire and Maine. Illustrated. Augusta: 1876. pp.124. Printed, not published. [1166 -Inscriptions copied from the old cemetery at HaUoweU, with a few notes. Me. Biog. 3: 49. (1877.) [1167 -Some Notes on the history, varieties and statistics of Indian Corn. Read as introductory to a discussion on Indian Corn and its cul ture, before the Farmer's Convention, Newport, Feb. 21st, 1877. By Samuel L. Boardman. Augusta: Sprague, Owen and Nash, Printers. 1877. Svo. pp. 21. [1168 -Agriculture of Maine. Reports as secretary Board Agriculture. 1873-78. See Maine Board Agriculture. -The Development of our Agriculture as a Means for the Improve ment of Business. A lecture before the Farmer's Convention at Warren, Feb. 19, 1878. Augusta: Sprague, Owen & Nash, Printers to the State. 1878. Svo. pp. 21. ' [1169 -HaUoweU and its Library. N. E. Reg. 34: 293. (1880.) [1170 -The same, in separate form. Boston: 1880. Svo. pp. 4. -Early Records of the First Incorporated Town in America. N. E. Reg. ,35: 42. (ISSl.) [1171 -Catalogue of that portion of the private library of Samuel Lane Boardman, Esq., of Augusta, Maine, relating to American and local history, bibliography, natural history and general litera^ ture, including many privately printed books, scarce reprints 150 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. BoAEDMAN, Samuel Lane, Continued. etc., etc., to be sold by auction on Tuesday and Wednesday, Nov. 27th, and 2Sth, 1883, at the salesroom. No. 1 Hamilton Place, Boston. Terms cash. Sale to commence at 10 and 2 o'clock. Charles F. Libbie & Co., Auctioneers. Boston: W. P. Brown & Co., Printers, 218 Franklin Street 1883. Svo. pp. (4), 86. [1172 The Climate, Soil, Physical Resources and Agricultural Capabilities of the State of Maine: with special reference to the occupation of its new lands. Washington, D. C. 1884. pp. 60. [1173 The Agriculture of Maine. 1885. See Colby, George H. (Maine Atlas.) The Tidal Lands and Diked Marshes of Nova Scotia and New Brunswick. Washington, D. C. 1885. Svo. pp. 31. (Illus.) [1174 Forming chapter viii. pages 33-61, of "Tidal Marshes of the United States. " Being miscellaneous aeports of the department of agriculture. No. 7. Pomology of Maine. Reports as secretary. 1885-86. See Maine: Public documents. Memorial of Robert Hallowell Gardiner (the second), of Gardiner. Augusta: 1886. Svo. pp. 8. (Port.) [1175 Reprinted from the transactions of the Maine Pomological Society for 1886. BoAEDMAN, William. Augusta. Kennebec Locks and Canals Company. Report of Colonel William Boardman, engineer. Nov. 1, 1837. Augusta, 1837. Svo. pp. 13. [1176 Bodge, Geoege Madison, b. Windham, 1841. Clergyman, Leominster, Mass. New Marblehead, now Windham, Maine. Grant, survey and set tlement of the township. Me. Rec. 4: 35, 98, 197, 248. (1887.) 5 : 44, 94, 178. Indian troubles and military affairs. 225. (1888.) 6: 270, 486. (1889.) [II77 These papers are to be issued In a volume, and will form a history of Wind ham. Soldiers in King Philip's War. No. XXII. Major Richard Wald erne and his men. N. E. Reg. 42:285. (1888.) [1178 The same. No. XXIII. Capt. William Hathorne. N. E. Reg 42:363. (1888.) [II79 Capt. Hathorne commanded forces sent to Maine in Aug. 1676, during King Philip's war. Revisited Falmouth, Berwick, Wells and other places. The same. No. XXIV. Capt. Joshua Scottow and his men. N. E. Reg. 43:64. (1889.) [Ugo Capt. Scottow was from Boston, but had landed interests at Black Point, now Scarborough. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. 151 The same. No. XXV. Capt. Benjamin Swett and his men. N. E. Reg. 43: 193. (1889.) [1181 Soldiers in King Philip's War. Containing list of the soldiers of Massachusetts Colony, who served in the Indian war of 1675-77. With sketches of the principal officers, and copies of ancient documents and records relating to the war. By George M. Bodge. Boston: Printed for the author, 185 Lexington Street, East Boston. 1891. Svo. pp. xxiv, 370. [1182 Contains the foregoing papers from the N. E. Hist. Gen. Register. Anderson, John Farwell. N. E. Reg. 44: 121. (1889.) (Port.) [1183 Anderson Pedigree. N. E. Reg. 44: 198. (1889.) [1184 The two foregoing papers have been published in pamphlet form. Bodwell, Joseph Robinson. 1818-87. Governor of Maine. Hallowell. Biography of. 1885. See Biog. Ency. Maine. Sketch of. 1886. See Nash, Charles E. In Memoriam. 1887. See Lapham, William B. Bodwell, Thomas. History of Acton. 1872. See Sanford, Everts & Co. BoLLAN, William, d. 1776. Lawyer, Boston. Letter from William BoUan, agent of the Province of Massachu setts Bay in England. 1762. Bang. H. M. 3:81. (1887.) [1185 Relating to Acadia and Governor Bernard's grant at Mount Desert. The writer was a lawyer of Boston, and for many years the Provincial agent in England. BoLLES, Edwin Couetlandt, D. D. Clergyman, Salem, Mass. Lecture upon hill plants. 1881. See Port. Soc. Nat. Hist. Proc. BoLSTEE, William Wheblee. b. 1823. Lawyer, Auburn. Digest of the Law of Tax Titles and Form Book, embracing all the practical tax forms in all departments of law for the use of town, county and state officers, adapted to the New England states, also Containing (with notes, directions and citations), forms of pro ceedings for town officers, school committees, trial justices, coroners, sheriffs, constables and county commissioners, adapted to the Revised Statutes of Maine, with an appendix containing legal forms for business men. By Wm. W. Bolster. Portland : Dresser, McLeUan & Co. 1880. Svo. pp. 483. [1186 A Practical Treatise upon the authority and duty of town and county officers in town business, containing (with notes, direc tions and citations), forms in all branches of important town business, adapted to the statutes and laws of Maine. By W. W. Bolster. Portland: Dresser, McLellan & Co. 1880. Svo. pp. 444. [1187 152 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. Bolster, William Wheblee, Continued. The same. With an addenda, adapting it to the statutes of 1883. By W. W. Bolster. Portland: McLellan, Mosher & Co. 1SS6. Svo. pp. 444, ;B9. -Editor Maine Reports, 3d edition. Vol. II. See Greenleaf, Simon. Biography of. 1885. See Biog. Ency. Maine. BoMAZEBN. Abnequi chief. Treacherously seized. See Charlevoix, P. F. X. Sketch of. 1845. See Drake, Samuel G. Bond, Phineas. Clergyman, Winthrop, Warren. Account of religious revival in Winthrop. Am. Bapt. Mag. 4: 428. (1824.) [1188 Bond, Thomas. Brewer, and family. 1890. See Porter, J. W. Bond, Thomas, Js. 1778-1827. Lawyer, Hallowell, 1801-27. An Oration delivered at Hallowell, the fifth day of July, 1802, (the fourth being Sunday), in celebration of the anniversary of Ameri can independence. By Thomas Bond, Jun., A. B. Printed at Augusta District of Maine, by Peter Edes. 1802. Svo. pp. 28. [1189 Notice of. 1859. See Allen, Frederic. Biographical Sketch of. 1863. See Willis, William. Brief Sketch of. 1890. See Green, Samuel A. Boneython, Richaed. 1580-1650. (?) Saco. Lease to, in the 37th year of Henry Sth. Apl. 4th. Communi cated by James P. Baxter. Me. Rec. 3 : 126. (1886.) [1190 Petition concerning. 1672. See Trask, William B. (A) Book Foe the Children of Maine. For the use of families and schools. Portland: S. Colman, 1831. 12mo. pp. 220. [1191 Book of Revelation. 1885. See Warren, Israel P. BoOKBE, IsA P. Brunswick. James Cary. Pej. Hist. Soc. Coll. 1:58. (1889.) [1192 " Books That Have Helped Me." Reprinted from the "Forum." (Publisher's trade mark.) New York: D. Appleton and Company, ISSS. Svo. pp. 107. [1193 Tenth paper, by Thomas Hill. pp. 82-90. Boomee, William H. b. 1849. " Oh, that mine adversary had written a book. " The Goss Family. An historical romance. Compiled by William H. Boomer, and read at the ninth annual reunion of the Goss family at the Poland camp-ground. Sept 1, 1886. Lewiston: MDCCCLXXXVI. Ob long, pp. 22. [;11Q4 BIBLIOGEAPHY OF MAINE. 153 Boon Island. Wreck of Nottingham Galley at, 1710. See Dean, John; Mather, Cotton; Langham, Christopher; also Thaxter, Celia. Boon Island Shipweeck. Sermon upon. 1727. See Shurtleff, WiUiam. Boothbay. Incorporated 1764. See also Bristol. Petition and Memorial to the General Court. 1810. See Bristol. -Sermon, ordination. Isaac Weston. 1818. See Ellingwood, J. W. -Sermon, centennial. 1866. See Coan, Leander S. Address, before the Farmer's Club. 1885. See Wiggin, Edward. And About There. (Illus.) 1890. See Drake, Samuel A. Boeden, Gail. Biographical Sketch of. With portrait. 1872. See Goodale, George L. BoEDEE MiNSTEEL. Pseud. See Yelland, James. Boston, Massachusetts. Memorial Volume of the Essex Street church and society, Boston to commemorate the twenty-fifth anniversary of the installation of their pastor, Nehemiah Adams, D. D. Boston: Printed for the use of the members. 1860. 12mo. pp. 128. (Port.) Portions of letters from Rev. Enoch Pond, D. D., Bangor; Rev. Cazneau Palfrey, D. D., Belfast, and Rev. S. H. Keeler, Calais. [1195 Semi-centennial Celebration of the Park Street church, and society, held on the Lord's day, Feb. 27, 1859, with the festival on the fol lowing day. Boston: 1861. 12mo. pp. 166. (Port.) [1196 Contains letter from Rev. William T. Dwight, D. D.. Portland. Boston Lectures. 1871. Christianity and Scepticism; comprising a treatment of questions in biblical criticism. Boston: Congrega tional Publishing Society. 12mo. pp. 473. [1197 Lecture IX. By Prof. Daniel C. Talcott, Bangor. Jesus Christ himself the all sufdcient evidence of Christianity. Memorial Volume. Salem church. (Engraving of church building.) Discourse by Rev. S. H. Hayes, Pastor of the Salem and Mariner's church. Reunion exercises and historical contributions. 1874. Svo. pp. 52. [1198 Contains letters from Rev. George W. Field, Rev. S. P. Fay of Bangor, and Rev. Edward P. Thwmg, ot Portland. The Centennial Celebration of the Wednesday Evening Club: insti tuted June 21, 1777. Boston: Press of John WUson & Son. 1878. Svo. pp. (4), 145. [1199 Contains letter from Hon. Peleg Sprague, giving an account of the case of William Merriam, postmaster at Camden, against Nathaniel Mitchell, for malicious prosecution in 1834. 5c« also, Maine Reports, 13:439. (1838.) 154 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. (A) Boston Giel. A story of Boston, Bar Harbor and Paris. 1886. See Swazey, Arthur. Boston, Patience. Dying Warning, &o., of. 1735. See Sampson, Patience. Boston and Bangoe Steamship Company. History of. 1882. See Varney, George J. Boston and Maine Raileoad. Summer Excursions to White Mountains, Mt. Desert, Montreal and Quebec, Winnepesaukee, Memphremagog, Rangeley and Moose- head Lakes, and the New England Beaches. Routes, rates, maps, hotels, and boarding house list etc., etc. Issued by Pas senger Department Boston and Maine Railroad. 1889. 12mo. pp. 96. [1200 Boston and Maine Raileoad Guide. 1870. See Eaton, John S. Boston Univbesity School of Medicine. Opening exercises, and address, hy Prof. W. E. Payne, M. D., of Bath, Me. At Wesleyan Hall, Boston, Nov. 5, 1873. Boston: 1874. [1201 BoswoETH, Geobge Whitefield, D. D. 1827-88. Clergyman, Port land 1855-65. Wakefield, Mass. [1202 The Soldier's Commission against Rebellion; a sermon preached before the volunteer militia of Maine, Portland, April 28, 1861. By G. W. Bosworth, pastor of the Free Street church. Portland: James S. Staples, Printer. 1861. Svo. pp. 20. [1203 Address at dedication Memorial HaU. 1869. See Colby University. Both Sides of the Tariff Question. By the world's leading men. With portraits and biographical notices. Sold by subscription only. New York: Alonzo Peniston, 338 Broadway. 1890. Svo. [1204 Contains biography and portrait of James G. Blaine, also his paper on Pro tection, from the No. Am. Rev. BouNE, Eliza Southgate. 1783-1809. Scarborough, Boston. A Girl's Life Eighty Years ago. Selections from the letters of Eliza Southgate Boune. With an introduction by Clarence Cook. Il lustrated with portraits and views. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons. ISSS. Small 4to. pp. xii, 239. [1205 The scenes of some of the letters are Bath, Portland, Topsham, Saco, Scar borough and Wiscasset. BouEDoux, Thomas. Descendants of. 1685-1868. See Smith, Elizabeth L. BousiNOT, John Geoege, LL. D., D. C. L. b. 18.36. Toronto, Canada. Gentlemen Adventurers in Acadia. I. Baron de Poutrincourt. BIBLIOGEAPHY OF MAINE. 155 New Dominion Monthly, 3 : 305. (1869.) IL Charles de La Tour. 4: 118. (1S69.) III. Jean Vincent de St. Castin. 4: 1. (1869.) [1206 BousNB, Edwaed Embeson, LL. D. 1797-1873. Lawyer, Kennebunk. Maine Eegister. 1820. See Sewall, William B. Richard Vines: address at Popham celebration. 1862. See Ballard, Edward. An Address on the character of the colony founded by George Popham, at the mouth of the Kennebec River, August 19, (0. S.) 1607. Delivered in Bath, on the two hundred and fifty-seventh anniversary of that event. By Hon. Edward E. Bourne, of Kenne bunk. Delivered and published at the request of the committee of the commemoration. Portland: 1864. Svo. pp. 60. [1207 Sir William Pepperrell. Hist. Mag. 2d ser. 3 : 10. (1868.) [1208 History of Kennebunk. 1872. (York County Atlas.) See Sanford, Everts & Co. History of WeUs. 1872. (York County Atlas.) See Sanford, Everts & Co. The History of Wells and Kennebunk from the earliest settlement to the year 1820, at which time Kennebunk was set off, and in corporated, with biographical sketches, by Edward E. Bourne, LL. D. Portland: B. Thurston & Company. 1875. Svo. pp. xxiii, 767. (5 iUus.) [1209 Memoir of. 1881. See Smith, Edwin B. Garrison Houses. York County. Me. Hist. Soc. CoU. 7: 107. (1886.) [1210 Boutelle, Chaelbs Addison. 6. 1839. Journalist and Representa tive in Congress, Bangor. Speech in the House of Representatives, February 1, 1884, on Fitz John Porter. Washington: 1884. Svo. pp. S. [1211 Biography of. 1885. See Biog. Ency. Maine. Speech on investigation of Norfolk navy-yard, January 23, 1886. Washington: 1886. Svo. pp. 4. [1212 The Democratic Crusade against Pensions for Union Soldiers. Speech of Hon. C. A. BouteUe, of Maine, in the House of Repre sentatives, Friday, July 9, 1S86. [1213 Speech on the navy appropriation bill, July 18, 1886. Washington : 1886. Svo. pp. 24. [1214 Speech on increase of the navy, July 24, 1866. Washington: 1886. Svo. pp. 20. [1215 Speech on increase of the navy. Aug. 2, 1886. Washington: 1886. Svo. pp. 4. [1216 156 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. Boutelle, Chaelbs Addison, Continued. Speech on the reorganization of the Navy Department, January 6, 18S7. Svo. pp. 16. [1217 Speech on the navy appropriation bill, February 25, 1SS7. Svo. pp. 4. [1218 Speech on the navy appropriation bill, February 26, 1887. Svo. pp. 4. [1219 Speech on captured battle fiags, January 12, 1888. Svo. pp. 4. [1220 Speech on Cobden Club membership, Feb. 9, 1888. Svo. pp. 8. [1221 The Democratic Assault upon the Industries of Maine. Remarks of Hon. C. A. Boutelle, of Maine, in the House of Representatives, May 23, July 1, 2, and July 9, 1888. Washington. 1888. Svo. pp. 18. [1222 Speech on navy appropriation bill, Feb. 2, 1889. Svo. pp. 20. [1223 Speech on navy appropriation bill, Feb. 23, 1889. Svo. pp. 40. [1224 Speech on navy appropriation bill, April 10, 1890. Svo. pp. 16. [1225 Speech on navy appropriation bill, June 25, 1890. Svo. pp. 8. [1226 ^Remarks on Mr. Breckinridge of Kentucky, Aug. 4, 1890. Svo. pp. 8. [1227 Speech on navy yard at Kittery, Me., Aug. 4, 1890. Svo. pp. 12. [1228 Speech on nickel plate armor, Sept. 25, 1890. Svo. pp. 4. [1229 Boutelle, Miss Grace H. Bangor. Poems; "Pleasure," and "Heavens' Edelweiss." 1888. See America's Younger Poets. Boutelle, De. John. 1783-1853. Edgecomb. Notice of. N.E.Reg. 7:291. (1853.) [1230 Boutelle, Timothy, LL. D. 1778-1885. Lawyer, Waterville. Notice of. 1859. See Allen, Frederic. Biographical Sketch of, with portrait. 1863. See Willis, William. Notice of. 1864. See Palmer, Joseph. Bouton, Nathaniel, D. D. 1797-1878. Clergyman, Concord, N. H. The Original Accouutof Capt. John LoveweU's "Great Fight" with the Indians, at Pequawket, May S, 1725. By Thomas Symmes, of Bradford, Mass. A new edition with notes, by Nathaniel Bouton, corresponding secretary of the New Hamp shire Historical Society. Concord, N. H.: P. G. Cogswell, Printer. 1861. sm. 4to. pp. 48. [1231 Has a map of the scene of action. Only extracts from the sermon of Mr. Synmes are given. Noticed by B. F. Browne, Essex Inst. Proc. 3: 145. (1861.) BIBLIOGEAPHY OF MAINE. 157 Bowditch, H. Augusta. Housekeeper's Friend. A selection of practical receipts. Augusta: ISSS. [1232 Bowdoin College. Incorporated 1794. Medical school organized 1820. ADDEESSES, DISCOUESES, EULOGIES, LECTURES, OEATIONS, POEMS, SEEMONS. Address, inaugural. 1802. See McKeen, Joseph. Eulogy on Jos'eph McKeen. 1807. See Jenks, WiUiam. Oration before Peucinian Society. 1808. See Daveis, Charles S. Eulogy on James Bowdoin. 1812. See Jenks, WUliam. Discourse on Frederick Southgate. 1813. See Appleton, Jesse. Addresses at commencement. 1818. See Appleton, Jesse. Sermon at interment Jesse Appleton. 1819. See Tappan, Benja min. Address before Peucinian Society. 1822. See Cleaveland, Nehe miah. Address before Benevolent Society. 1826. See Newman, Samuel P. Discourse before Phi Beta Kappa Society. 1827. See Ware, Ashur. Sermon to the temperate. 1827. See Mead, Asa. Lecture before students. 1828. See Allen, William. Poem before Athensean Society. 1828. See Mellen, Grenville. Address upon Nathan Smith. 1829. See Allen, WiUiam. Decade of Addresses to Senior Class. 1820-29. See Allen, William. Poem at. 1832. See Evans, Richard. Address before Phi Beta Kappa Society. 18.34. See Everett, Alex ander H. Address before alumni. 1835. See Daveis, Charles S. Poem before Phi Beta Kappa Society. 1835. See McLellan, Isaac Jr. Address before Phi Beta Kappa Society. 1837. See Ingersoll, Joseph R. Address before Teacher's Association. 1838. See Packard, Al pheus S. Address before Phi Beta Kappa Society. 1841. See Bradford, Alden. Address before Peucinian Society. 1843. See Hedge, Frederick H. Address before Athenssan Society. 1844. See Andrew, John A. Address before medical class. 1848. See Peaslee, Edmund R. 158 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. Bowdoin College, Continued. Adpress before Phi Beta Kappa Society. 1849. See Dwight, WiUiam T. Valedictory Address to medical class. 1849. See Lee, Charles A. Discourse before Phi Beta Kappa Society. 1850. See Sprague, William B. Address to the class in the Medical School. 1851. See Peaslee, Edmund R. Eulogy on Daniel Webster. 1852. See Hitchcock, RosweU D. Sermon, dedication new chapel. 1855. See Hitchcock, Roswell D. Discourses on religious history of the college. 1858. See Smyth, Egbert C. Address before alumni. 1858. See Packard, Alpheus S. Poem before general societies. 185S. See Leighton, Albert. Address before Medical School. 1860. See Sweetser, William. Lecture before Medical School. 1860. See Chadbourne, Paul A. Lecture before Medical School. 1861. See Dana, Israel T. Address before alumni. 1861. See Prentiss, George L. Sermon to students. 1861. See Smyth, Egbert C. Lecture before Medical School. 1861. See Jewett, Theodore H. Address on opening new hall. Medical School. 1862. See Woods, Leonard. Address before Phi Beta Kappa Society. 1862. See Thomas, Ben jamin F. Discourse before literary societies. 1866. See Hillard, George S. Address, inaugural. 1867. See Harris, Samuel. Address before Medical department. 1868. See Robinson, William C. Address on William Smyth. 1S68. See Packard, Alpheus S. Address on John A. C. Fellows. 1869. See Allen, Stephen. Address before Portland alumni. 1872. See Brown, Philip Henry. Address on Thomas C. Upliam. 1872. See Packard, Alpheus S. Address, inaugural. 1872. See Chamberlain, Joshua L. Address before alumni. 1873. See Goodwin, Daniel R. Address, opening Cleaveland cabinet. 1873. See Cleaveland, Ne hemiah. Address before alumni. 1876. See Hill, Thomas. Oration before alumni. 1878. See Symonds, Joseph W. Discourse on Leonard Woods. 1879. See Everett, Charles C. BIBLIOGEAPHY OF MAINE. 159 Address before alumni. 1882. See Goodwin, Daniel R. Address before alumni. 1885. See Smyth, Egbert C. Addresses at the inauguration of the Rev. William DeWitt Hyde, as president of Bowdoin College, Wednesday, June 23, 1886. Bruns wick, 1886. (Reverse, Stephen Berry, Printer, Portland.) Svo. PP- 41. [1233 Congratulatory address by the Rev. John Orr Fiske, D. D. Address and investitureby the Rev. Edwm Bonaparte Webb, D. D. Inaugural address, by President Hyde. Address before alumni. 1888. See Baker, Orville D. Address before Medical School. 1888. See Clifford, William Henry. CATALOGUES, ANNUAL. Catalogue of the officers, graduates and students of Bowdoin Col lege. October, 1807. Printed by J. M'Kown, Portland. Broad side. [12;34 Catalogue of the officers and students of Bowdoin College. Oct., 1809. Arthur Shirley, Printer. Broadside. [1235 Catalogue of the officers and students of Bowdoin College. Nov., 1810. J. M'Kown, Printer, Portland, 1810. Broadside. [1236 Catalogue of the officers and students of Bowdoin College, Bruns wick, Oct., 1812. N. Cheever, Printer. Broadside. [1237 Catalogue of the officers and students of Bowdoin College, Bruns wick, Oct., 1813. N. Cheever, Printer, Hallowell. Broadside. [1238 Catalogue of the officers and students of Bowdoin College, Bruns wick, Oct., 1814. Goodale & Burton, Printers, Hallowell. Broad side. [12:^9 Catalogue of the officers and students of Bowdoin College, Bruns wick, Oct., 1815. N. Cheever, Printer, Hallowell. Broadside. [1240 Catalogue of the officers and students of Bowdoin College, Bruns wick, Oct., 1817. E. Goodale, Printer, Hallowell. Broadside. [1241 Catalogue of the officers and students of Bowdoin College, Bruns wick, Oct., 1818, E. Goodale, Printer, Hallowell. Broadside. [1242 Catalogue of the officers and students of Bowdoin College, Bruns wick, Oct., 1819. E. Goodale, Printer, HaUoweU. Broadside. [1243 Catalogue of the officers and students of Bowdoin College, Bruns wick, Oct., 1820. J. Griffin, Printer, Brunswick. Broadside. [1244 160 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. Bowdoin College, Continued. Medical Institution of Maine, at Bowdoin College. Brunswick: J. Griffin, Printer. 1821. Svo. pp. 4. [1245 Catalogue of members. Catalogue of the officers and students of Bowdoin College, Bruns wick. Oct., 1821. J. Griffin, Printer, Brunswick. Broadside. [1246 Catalogue of the officers and students of Bowdoin College, and the Medical School of Maine, February, 1822. Brunswick, Printed byJJoseph Griffin, 1822. Svo. pp. 16. [1247 This was the lirst anuual catalogue published in pamphlet form. Catalogue of the officers and students of Bowdoin College and the Medical School of Maine, February, 1823. Brunswick: Printed by J. Griffin. 1823. Svo. pp. 16. [1248 Catalogue of the officers and students of Bowdoin College, Maine, October, 1823. Brunswick. J. Griffin, P. Svo. pp. 11. [1249 Catalogue of the officers and students of Bowdoin College and the Medical School of Maine, February, 1824. Brunswick, Printed by Joseph Griffin, Main Street, 1824. Svo. pp. 16. [1250 Catalogue of the officers and students of Bowdoin College and the Medical School of Maine, February, 1825. Brunswick, Printed by Joseph Griffin, Main Street. Svo. pp. 16. [1251 Catalogue of the officers and students of Bowdoin College, Bruns wick, Me. Printed by Joseph Griffin, 1825. Svo. pp. 12. [1252 Catalogue of the officers and students of Bowdoin College and the Medical School of Maine. February, 1826. Brunswick, Printed by Joseph Griffin, Main Street, 1826. Svo. pp. 16. [1253 Catalogue of the officers and students of Bowdoin College, Maine, October, 1826. Brunswick, Printed by J. Griffin. 1826. Svo. pp. 8. [1254 Catalogue of the officers and students of Bowdoin College and the Medical School of Maine, February, 1827, Brunswick, Joseph Griffin, Main Street, 1827. Svo. pp. 16. [1255 Catalogue of the officers and students of Bowdoin College, October, 1827. Svo. pp. 8. [1256 Catalogue of the officers and students of Bowdoin College and the Medical School of Maine, February, 1828. Brunswick, Joseph Griffin, Printer, 1828. Svo. pp. 16. [1257 Catalogue of the officers and students of Bowdoin College, October, 1828. Brunswick, George Griffin, Printer, 1828. Svo. pp. 8. [1258 BIBLIOGEAPHY OF MAINE. 161 Catalogue of the officers and students of Bowdoin College, and the Medical School of Maine, March, 1829. Brunswick, George Griffin, Printer, 1829. Svo. pp. 16. [1259 Catalogue of the officers and students of Bowdoin College, Maine, October, 1829. Brunswick, Printed at the Bowdoin Press by G. Griffin, 1829. Svo. pp. 8. [1260 Catalogue of the officers and students of Bowdoin College and the Medical School of Maine. April, 1830. Brunswick, Bowdoin Press. J. Griffin. 1830. 12mo. p^. 20. [1261 Catalogue of the officers and students of Bowdoin College, Maine: October, 1830. Griffin's Press, Brunswick, 1830. 12mo. pp. 11. [1262 Catalogue of the officers and students of Bowdoin College and the Medical School of Maine. April, 1831. Brunswick, Press of Joseph Griffin, 1831. 12mo. pp. 24. [1263 Catalogue of the officers and students of Bowdoin College and the Medical School of Maine. April, 1832. Brunswick, Press of Joseph Griffin, 1832. 12mo. pp. 24. [1264 Catalogue of the officers and students of Bowdoin College, Maine. October, 1832. Brunswick, Press of Joseph Griffin, 1832. 12mo. pp. 12. [1265 Catalogue of the officers and students of Bowdoin College and the Medical School of Maine. April, 1833. Brunswick : Press of Joseph Griffin. 1833. 12mo. pp. 24. [1266 Catalogue of the officers and students of Bowdoin College, Maine. October, 1833. Brunswick, Press of Joseph Griffin. 1833. 12mo. pp. 12. [1267 Catalogue of the officers and students of Bowdoin College and the Medical School of Maine, April, 1834. Brunswick, Press of Joseph Griffin, 1S34. 12mo. pp. 24. [1268 The same. Printed by direction of the students. Portland : Arthur Shirley, Printer. 1834. 12mo. pp. 24. [1269 Catalogue of the officers and students of Bowdoin College. October 1834. Brunswick, Press of Joseph Griffin, 1834. 12mo. pp. 12. [1270 Catalogue of the officers and students of Bowdoin College and the Medical School of Maine, April, 1833. 12mo. pp. 22. [1271 Catalogue of the officers and students of Bowdoin College, October, 1835. Brunswick, Press of Joseph Griffin, 1835. 12mo. pp. 12. [1272 Catalogue of the officers and students of Bowdoin College and the Medical School of Maine, April, 1836. Brunswick, Press of Joseph Griffin. 12mo. pp. 23. [1273 Catalogue of the officers and students of Bowdoin College. Bruns wick, Press of Joseph Griffin, 1836. 12mo. pp. 12. [1274 12 162 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. Bowdoin College, Continued. Catalogue of the officers and students of Bowdoin College and the Medical School of Maine. 1837-38. Press of Joseph Griffin, 1837. 12mo. pp. 24. [1275 Catalogue of the officers and students of Bowdoin College. 1837-38. Brunswick: Press of Joseph Griffin, MDCCCXXXVII. Svo. pp. 16. [1276 Catalogue of the officers and students of Bowdoin College, and the Medical School of Maine. MDCCCXXXVIII. Brunswick : Press of Joseph Griffin. Svo. pp. 20. [1277 Catalogue of the officers and students of Bowdoin College and the Medical School of Maine. MDCCCXXXIX. Brunswick: Press of Joseph Griffin. Svo. pp. 20. [1278 Catalogue of the officers and students of Bowdoin College and the Medical School of Maine. MDCCCXL. Brunswick: Press of Joseph Griffin. Svo. pp. 20. [1279 Catalogue of the officers and students of Bowdoin College and the Medical School of Maine. MDCCCXLI. Brunswick : Press of Joseph Griffin. Svo. pp. 24. [1280 Catalogue of the officers and students of Bowdoin College and the Medical School of Maine. MDCCCXLII. Brunswick: Press of Joseph Griffin. Svo. pp. 24. [1281 Catalogue of the officers and students of Bowdoin College and the Medical School of Maine. MDCCCXLIII. Brunswick: Press of J. Griffin. Svo. pp. 24. [1282 Catalogue of the officers and students of Bowdoin College for the academical year 1843-44. Brunswick: Press of Joseph Griffin. Svo. pp. 23. [1283 Catalogue of the officers and students of Bowdoin College and the Medical School of Maine. 1844. Brunswick: Press of Joseph Griffin. Svo. pp. 24. [1284 Catalogue of the officers and students of Bowdoin College and the Medical School of Maine. 1845. Brunswick: From the press of J. Griffin. Svo. pp. xxiv. [1285 Catalogue of the officers and students of Bowdoin College and the Medical School of Maine. 1845. Published by the students. Boston: Samuel N. Dickinson & Co., Printers. 1845. Svo. pp. 24. [1286 Catalogue of the officers and students of Bowdoin College and the Medical School of Maine. 1846. Brunswick: From the press of J. Griffin. Svo. pp. xxiv. [1287 Catalogue of the officers and students of Bowdoin College and the Medical School of Maine. 1846^7. Brunswick : From the press of J. Griffin. Svo. pp. xxiv. [1288 BIBLIOGEAPHY OF MAINE. 163 Catalogue of the officers and students of Bowdoin College and the Medical School of Maine. MDCCCXLVII. Brunswick: From the press of Joseph Griffin. Svo. pp. xxiv. [1289 Catalogue of the officers and students of Bowdoin College and the Medical School of Maine. MDCCCXLVIII. Brunswick: From the press of Joseph Griffin. Svo. pp. xxiv. [1290 Catalogue of the officers and students of Bowdoin College and the Medical School of Maine. Spring term. 1849. From the press of J. Griffin. Brunswick. Svo. pp. xxiv. [1291 Annual Catalogue of the officers and students of Bowdoin College and the Medical School of Maine. Published by the students. Troy, N. Y. Steam Press of J. C. Kneeland and Co. 1849. Svo. pp. 24. [1292 Catalogue of the officers and students of Bowdoin College and the Medical School of Maine. Spring term, 1850. From the press of J. Griffin. Brunswick. Svo. pp. 24. [1293 Catalogue of the officers and students of Bowdoin College and the Medical School of Maine. Fall term, 1850. Advertiser Press, Foster & Gerrish, Printers. Portland. Svo. pp.26. [1294 Catalogue of the officers and students of Bowdoin College and the Medical School of Maine. Spring term, 1851. From J. Griffin's Press. Brunswick: Svo. pp. 31-24. [1295 Catalogue of the officers and students of Bowdoin College and the Medical School of Maine. Fall term, 1851. Advertiser Press. Foster & Gerrish, Printers. Portland. Svo. pp. 31-24. [1296 Catalogue of the officers and students of Bowdoin College and the Medical School of Maine. Spring term, 1852. From J. Griffin's Press, Brunswick. Svo. pp. 31-24. [1297 Catalogue of the officers and students of Bowdoin College and the Medical School of Maine. Fall term, 1852-53. Hanover, N. H. D. Kimball & Sons, Printers. Nov., 1852. Svo. pp. xxviii. [1298 Catalogue of the officers and students of Bowdoin College and the Medical School of Maine. Spring term, 1853. From J. Griffin's Press, Brunswick. Svo. pp. 31. [1299 Catalogue of the officers and students of Bowdoin College and the Medical School of Maine. Fall term, 1853. From J. Griffin's Press, Brunswick. Svo. pp. 31. [1300 Catalogue of the officers and students of Bowdoin College and the Medical School of Maine. Spring term, 1854. Brunswick : Joseph Griffin, Printer and Bookseller to the College. 1854. Svo. pp. 32. [1301 Catalogue of the officers and students of Bowdoin College and the Medical School of Maine. Fall term, 1854. Brunswick: Joseph Griffin, Printer and Bookseller to the College. 1854. Svo. pp. 32. [1302 164 BIBLIOGEAPHY OF MAINE. Bowdoin College, Continued. Catalogue of the officers and students of Bowdoin College and the Medical School of Maine. Spring term, 1855. Brunswick: Joseph Griffin, Printer and Bookseller to the College. 1855. Svo. pp. 32. [1303 Catalogue of the officers and students of Bowdoin College and the Medical School of Maine. Fall term, 1855. Brunswick: Joseph Griffin, Printer and Bookseller to the College. 1855. Svo. pp. 32. [1304 Catalogue of the officers and students of Bowdoin College and the Medical School of Maine. Spring term, 1856. Brunswick: Joseph Griffin, Printer and Bookseller to the College. 1856. Svo. pp. 32. [1305 Catalogue of the officers and students of Bowdoin College and the Medical School of Maine. Fall term, 1856. Brunswick: Joseph Griffin, Printer and Bookseller to the College. 1856. Svo. pp. 32. [1306 Catalogue of the officers and students of Bowdoin College and the Medical School of Maine. Spring term, 1857. Brunswick: Joseph Griffin, Printer and Bookseller to the College. 1857. Svo. pp. 32. [1307 Catalogue of the officers and students of Bowdoin College and the Medical School of Maine. Pall term, 1857. Brunswick: Joseph Griffin, Printer and Bookseller to the College. 1857. Svo. pp. 32. [1308 Catalogue of the officers and students of Bowdoin College and the Medical School of Maine. Spring term, 1858. Brunswick : Jo seph Griffin, Printer and Bookseller to the College. 1858. Svo. pp 32. [1309 Catalogue of the officers and students of Bowdoin College and the Medical School of Maine. 1858-59. Brunswick: Published by J. Griffin. 1858. Svo. pp. 32. [1310 Catalogue of the officers and students of Bowdoin College and the Medical School of Maine. 1859. Brunswick: Published by J. Griffin. 1859. Svo. pp. 32. [1311 Catalogue of the officers and students of Bowdoin College and the Medical School of Maine. 1859-60. Brunswick: Published by J. Griffin. 1859. Svo. pp. 32. [1312 Catalogue of the officers and students of Bowdoin College and the Medical School of Maine. 1860. Brunswick: Published by J. Griffin. 1860. Svo. pp. 32. [1313 Catalogue of the officers and students of Bowdoin College and the Medical School of Maine. (FaU term) 1860. Brunswick: Pub lished by J. Griffin. 1860. Svo. pp. 32. [1314 BIBLIOGEAPHY OF MAINE. 165 Catalogue of the officers and students of Bowdoin College and the Medical School of Maine. 1861. Brunswick: PubUshed by J. Griffin. 1860. Svo. pp. 32. [1315 Catalogue of the officers and students of Bowdoin College and the Medical School of Maine. Fall term, 1861. Brunswick: Pub lished by J. Griffin. 1861. Svo. pp. 32. [1316 Catalogue of the officers and students of Bowdoin College and the Medical School of Maine. Spring term, 1862. Brunswick: Pub Ushed by J. Griffin. 1862. Svo. pp. 32. [1317 Catalogue of the officers and students of Bowdoin College and the Medical School of Maine. Fall term, 1862. Brunswick: Pub Ushed by J. Griffin. 1862. Svo. pp. 32. [131S Catalog-ue of the officers and students of Bowdoin College and the Medical School of Maine. Spring term, 1863. Brunswick: Pub lished by J. Griffin. 1863. Svo. pp. 32. [1319 Catalogue of the officers and students of Bowdoin College and the Medical School of Maine. Fall term, 1863. Brunswick: Pub lished by J. Griffin. 1863. Svo. pp. 30. [1320 Catalogue of the officers and students of Bowdoin College aud the Medical School of Maine. Spring term, 1864. Brunswick: Pub lished by J. Griffin. 1864. Svo. pp. 32. [1321 Catalogue of the officers and students of Bowdoin College and the Medical School of Maine. FaU term, 1865. Brunswick: Pub lished by J. Griffin. 1864. Svo. pp. 32. [1322 Catalogue of the officers and students of Bowdoin College and the Medical School of Maine. Spring term, 1865. Brunswick: Pub lished by J. Griffin. 1865. Svo. pp. 32. [1323 ^Catalogue of the officers and students of Bowdoin College and the Medical School of Maine. FaU term, 1865. Brunswick: Pub lished by J. Griffin. 1865. Svo. pp. 32. [1324 Catalogue of the officers and students of Bowdoin College and the Medical School of Maine. Spring term, 1866. Brunswick: Pub Ushed by J. Griffin. 1866. Svo. pp. 32. [1325 Catalogue of the officers and students of Bowdoin College and the Medical School of Maine. Fall term, 1866. Brunswick: Pub Ushed by J. Griffin. 1866. Svo. pp. 32. [1326 Catalogue of the officers and students of Bowdoin College and the Medical School of Maine. Spring term, 1867. Brunwick: Pub lished by J. Griffin. 1867. Svo. pp. 32. [1327 Catalogue of the officers and students of Bowdoin College and the Medical School of Maine. First term, 1867-68. Brunswick: Joseph Griffin. 1867. Svo. pp. 32. [1328 166 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. Bowdoin College, Continued. Catalogue of the officers and students of Bowdoin College and the Medical School of Maine. Second term, 1867-68. Brunswick: Joseph Griffin. 1868. Svo. pp. 32. [1329 Catalogue of the officers and students of Bowdoin College and the Medical School of Maine. First term, 1868-69. Brunswick: Joseph Griffin. 1868. Svo. pp. 32. [1330 Catalogue of the officers aud students of Bowdoin College and the Medical School of Maine. Second term, 1868-69. Brunswick: Joseph Griffin. 1869. Svo. pp. 32. [1331 Catalogue of the officers and students of Bowdoin College and the Medical School of Maine. First term, 1869-70. Brunswick: Joseph Griffin. 1869. Svo. pp. 32. [1332 Catalogue of the officers and students of Bowdoin College and the Medical School of Maine. Second term, 1869-70. Brunswick: Joseph Griffin. 1870. Svo. pp. 32. [1333 Catalogue of the officers and students of Bowdoin College and the Medical School of Maine. First term, 1870-71. Brunswick: Jo seph Griffin. 1870. Svo. pp. 32. [1334 Catalogue of the officers and students of Bowdoin College and the Medical School of Maine. 1870-71. Brunswick : Joseph Griffin. Svo. pp. 32. [1335 Catalogue of the officers and students of Bowdoin College and the Medical School of Maine. 1871. Brunswick. Nelson Dingley, Jr., & Co., Lewiston, College Printers. 1871. 12mo. pp. 48 [1336 Catalogue of the officers and students of Bowdoin College and the Medical School of Maine. 1871-72. Brunswick. Nelson Ding ley, Jr., and Co., Lewiston, College Printers. 1872. 12mo. pp. 56. [1337 Catalogue of the officers and students of Bowdoin College and the Medical School of Maine. 1872. Brunswick. Nelson Dingley, Jr., & Co., Lewiston, College Printers. 1872. 12mo. pp. 56. [1338 Catalogue of the officers and students of Bowdoin College and the Medical School of Maine. 1873. Brunswick. Nelson Dingley, .Jr., & Co., Lewiston, College Printers 1873. 12mo. pp. 55 [1339 Catalogue of the officers and students of Bowdoin College, and the Medical School of Maine. 187-3-74. Brunswick: Joseph Griffin. 1873. pp.54. [1340 Catalogue of the officers and students of Bowdoin College and the Medical School of Maine. 1873-74. Brunswick: Joseph Griffin. 1874. (2nd edition.) Svo. pp. 56. [1341 BIBLIOGEAPHY OF MAINE. 167 Catalogue of the officers and students of Bowdoin College and the Medical School of Maine. 1873-74. Brunswick: Joseph Griffin. 1874. (Third edition.) 12mo. pp. 56. [1342 Catalogue of the officers and students of Bowdoin College and the Medical School of Maine, at Brunswick, Maine. 1874-75. (Jan. 1875.) Brunswick: Telegraph Printing Office. 1875. 12mo. pp. 48. [1343 Catalogue of the officers and students of Bowdoin College and the Medical School of Maine, at Brunswick, Maine. 1874-75. (Apr. 1875.) Brunswick Telegraph Printing Office. 1875. 12mo. pp. 48. [1344 Catalogue of the officers and students of Bowdoin College and the Medical School of Maine, for the year 1875-76. Brunswick, Maine. Brunswick: Telegraph Printing Office. 1876. Svo. pp. 46. [1345 Catalogue of the officers and students of Bowdoin College and the Medical School of Maine, Brunswick, Maine, for the year 1876- 77. BrunsvTick: Telegraph Printing Office. 1877. Svo. pp. 48. [1346 Catalogue of the officers and students of Bowdoin College and the Medical School of Maine, Brunswick, Maine, for the year 1877- 78. Brunswick Telegraph Printing Office. 1877. Svo. pp. 51. [1347 Catalogue of the officers and students of Bowdoin College and the Medical School of Maine. For the year 1878-79. Brunswick: Telegraph Printing Office. 1878. Svo. pp. 52. [1348 Catalogue of the officers and students of Bowdoin College and the Medical School of Maine. For the year 1879- 80. Brunswick : Telegraph Printing Office. 1879. Svo. pp. 49. [1349 Catalogue of the officers and students of Bowdoin College and the Medical School of Maine. For the year 1880-81. Brunswick: Telegraph Printing Office. 1880. Svo. pp. 52. [1350 Catalogue of the officers and students of Bowdoin College and the Medical School of Maine. For the year lSSl-82. Brunswick: Telegraph Printing Office. 1881. Svo. pp. 52. [1351 Catalogue of officers and the students of Bowdoin College and the Medical School of Maine. For the year 1882-83. Brunswick: Telegraph Printing Office. 1883. Svo. pp. 52. [1352 Catalogue of the officers and students of Bowdoin College and the Medical School of Maine. For the year 1883-84. Brunswick: MDCCCLXXXIII. Svo. pp. 56. [1353 Catalogue of the officers and students of Bowdoin College and the Medical School of Maine. For the year 1884-85. Brunswick: MDCCCLXXXIV. Svo pp. 60. [1354 168 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. Bowdoin College, Continued. Catalogue of the officers and students of Bowdoin College and the Medical School of Maine. For the year 1885-86. Brunswick: MDCCCLXXXV. Svo. pp. 60. [1355 Catalogue of the officers and students of Bowdoin College and the Medical School of Maine. For the year 1886-87. Brunswick: MDCCCDXXXVI. Svo. pp. 58. [1356 Catalogue of the officers and students of Bowdoin College and the Medical School of Maine. For the year 1887-88. Brunswick : MDCCCLXXXVII. Svo. pp. 60. [1357 Catalogue of the officers and students of Bowdoin College and the Medical School of Maine. For the year 1888-89. Brunswick: MDCCCLXXXVIII. Svo. pp. 62. [1358 Catalogue of the officers and students of Bowdoin College and the Medical School of Maine. For the year 1889-90. Brunswick: MDCCCLXXXIX. Svo. pp. 61. [1359 Catalogue of Bowdoin College and the Medical School of Maine. 1890-91. Brunswick, 1890. Svo. pp. 57, (7). [1360 CATALOGUES, TRIENNIAL AND GBNEEAL. Catalogus senatus academici, et eorum, qui munera et officia gesserunt, quique alioujus gradus laurea donati sunt in CoUegio Bowdoinensi, Brunsvici, in Republica Massachusettsensi. Qui a^ imum classium cseteris, lined interpositd, separantur, aUbi in- stituti fuerunt, vel apud nos gradu honorario donati. Portland- iae; E typis Johannis M'Kown. MDCCCX. Svo. pp. 8. [1361 Catalogus senatus academici, et eorum, qui munera et officia gesserunt, quique alicujus gradus laurea donati sunt in CoUegio Bowdoinensi, Brunsvici, in Republica Massachusettensi. Qui ad imum classium a caeteris, line interpositS, separantur, alibi ia- stituti fuerunt, vel apud nos gradu honorario donati. Apud Hallowell; E typis Nathanaelis Cheever. MDCCCXIII. Svo. pp. 8. [1362 Catalogus senatus academici, et eorum, qui, numera et offlcia gesserunt, quique alicujus gradus laurea donati sunt in CoUegio Bowdoinensi Brunsvici, in Republica Massachusettensi. Eccle- siarum Pastores Uteris Italicis exarantur. Qui ad imum classium a cseteris, linea interposita, separantur, alibi instituti fuerunt, vel apud nos gradu honorario donati. Apud Hallowell: E typis Ezekielis Goodale. MDCCCXVI. Svo. pp. 8. [1363 Catalogus senatus academici, et eorum, qui munera et officia: gesserunt, quique ahcujus gradus laurea donati sunt in CoUegio Bowdoinensi, Brunsvici, in Republica Massachusettensi. Eccle- siarum Pastores Uteris Italicis exarantur. Qui ad imum classium a cseteris, linea interposita, separantur, alibi instituti, vel apud BIBLIOGEAPHY OF MAINE. 169 nos gradu honorario donati. Apud Hallowell: E typis Ezekielis Goodale. MDCCCXIX. Svo. pp. 12. [1364 Catalogus senatus academici, et eorum, qui munera et officia gesse runt, quique alicujus gradus laurea donati sunt, in CoUegio Bowdoinensi, Brunsvici, in Republica Mainensi. Brunsvici: E typis Griffin et Weld: MDCCCXXII. Svo. pp. 16. [1.365 Catalogus senatus academici, et eorum, qui munera et officia gesserunt, quique alicujus gradus laurea donati sunt, in CoUegio Bowdoinensi, Brunsvici, Republica Mainensi. Brunsvici: E typis Joseph! Griffin. MDCCCXXV. Svo. pp. 18. [1366 Catalogus senatus academici, et eorum, qui munera et officia gesse runt, quique alicujus gradus laurea donati sunt, in CoUegio Bow doinensi, Brunsvici, Republica Mainensi. Brunsvici: Georgii Griffin. MDCCCXXVIII. Svo. pp. 21. [1367 Catalogus senatus academici, et eorum, qui munera et officia gesse runt, quique alicujus gradus laurea donati sunt, in CoUegio Bowdoine nsi, Brunsvici, Republica Mainensi. Brunsvici : E typis Josephi Griffin: MDCCCXXXL Svo. pp. 23. [1368 Catalogus eorum, qui munera et officia gessersunt, quique alicujus gradus laurea donati sunt, in CoUegio Bowdoinensi, Brunsvici, Republica Mainensi. Brunsvici: E typis Josephi Griffin. MDCCCXXXIV. Svo. pp. 31-. [1369 Catalogus senatus academici, et eorum, qui munera et officia ges sersunt, quique alicujus gradus laurea donati sunt, in CoUegio Bowdoinensi, Brunsvici, Republica Mainensi. Brunsvici: E typis Josephi Griffin. MDCCCXXXVII. Foederatarum Americse Re- publicarum summse potestatis anno LXII. Svo. pp. 40. [1370 Catalogus senatus academici, et eorum, qui munera et officia ges serunt, quique alicujus gradus donati sunt, in CoUegio Bowdoin ensi, Brunsvici, Republica Mainensi. Brunsvici : E typis Josephi Griffin. MDCCCXL. Foederatum Americse Republicarum sum mse potestatis anno XLV. Svo. pp. 46. [1371 Catalogus senatus academici, et eorum, qui munera et officia ges serunt, quique alicujus gradus laurea donati sunt, in CoUegio Bowdoinensi, Brunsvici, Republica Mainensi. E typis Josephi Griffin: MDCCCXLIII. Foederatarum Americse Rerumpublic- arum summse potestatis anno LXVIII. Svo. pp. 51. [1372 Catalogus senatus academici, et eorum, qui munera et officia ges serunt, quique alicujus gradus laurea donati sunt, in CoUegio Bowdoinensi, Brunsvici, Republica Mainensi. E typis Josephi Griffin: MDCCCXLVI. Foederatarum Americse Rerumpublic- arum summse potestatis anno LXXI. Svo. pp. 56. [1373 170 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. Bowdoin College, Continued. Catalogus senatus academici, et eorum, qui munera et officia ges serunt, quique alicujus gradus laurea donati sunt, in CoUegio Bowdoinensi, Brunsvici, Republica Mainensi. Typis Josephi Griffin: MDCCCXLIX. Foederatarum Americse Rerumpublicarum summse potestatis anno LXXIV. Svo. pp. 58. [1374 Catalogus senatus academici, et eorum, qui munera et officia ges serunt, quique alicujus gradus laurea donati sunt, in CoUegio Bowdoinensi, Brunsvici, Republica Mainensi. Typis Josephi Griffin: MDCCCLII. Foederatarum Americse Rerumpublicarum summse potestatis anno LXXVII. Svo. pp. 67. [1375 Catalogus senatus academici, et eorum, qui munera et officia ges serunt, quique alicujus gradus laurea donati sunt, in CoUegio Bowdoinensi, Brunsvici, in Republica Mainensi. Typis Josephi Griffin: MDCCCLV. Foederatarum Americse Rerumpublicarum summse potestatis anno LXXX. Svo. pp. 72. [1376 Catalogus senatus academici, et eorum, qui munera et offlcia ges serunt, quique alicujus gradus laurea donati sunt, in CoUegio Bowdoinensi, Brunsvici, in Republica Mainensi. Typis Josephi Griffin: MDCCCLVIII. Foederatarum Americse Rerumpublicarum summse potestatis anno LXXXIII. Svo. pp. 79. [1377 Catalogus senatus academici, et eorum, qui munera et officia gesse runt, quique alicujus gradus laurea donati sunt, in CoUegio Bow doinensi, Brunsvici, in Republica Mainensi. Typis Josephi Griffin: MDCCCLXI. Foederatarum Americse Rerumpublicarum potestatis anno LXXXVI. Svo. pp. So. [1378 Catalogus senatus academci, et eorum, qui munera et officia gesse runt, quique alicujus laurea donati sunt, in CoUegio Bowdoinensi, Brunsvici, in Republica Mainensi. Typis Josephi Griffin: MDCCCLXIV. Foederatarum Americse Rerumpublicarum sum mse potestatis anno LXXXIX. Svo. pp. 86. [1379 Catalogus senatus academici, et eorum, qui munera et offlcia ges serunt, quique alioujus gradus laurea donati sunt, in CoUegio Bowdoinensi, Brunsvici, in Republica Mainensi. Prelo Josephi Griffin: MDCCCLXVII. Foederatarum Americse Rerumpublica rum summse potestatis anno XCII. Svo. pp. 89. [1380 Catalogus senatus academici, et eorum, qui munera et officia ges serunt, quique alicujus gradus laurea donati sunt, in CoUegio Bowdoinensi, Brunsvici, in Republica Mainensi. Prelo Josephi Griffin: MDCCCLXX. Foederatarum Americse Rerumpublica rum summse potestatis anno XCV. Svo. pp. 95. [1381 Catalogus senatus academici, et eorum, qui munera et officia ges serunt, quique alicujus gradus laurea donati sunt, in CoUegio Bowdoinensi, Brunsvici, iu Republica Mainensi. Josephus BIBLIOGEAPHY OF MAINE. 171 Griffin: MDCCCLXXIII. Foederatarum America Rerumpub licarum summse potestatis anno XCVIII. Svo. pp. 113. [1382 A necrology, 1870-73, is contained in pp. 105-112. Catalogus senatus academici, et eorum, qui munera et officia ges serunt, quique alicujus gradus laurea donati sunt, in CoUegio Bowdoinensi, Brunsvici, in Republica Mainensi. Stephanus Berry, MDCCCLXXXI. Foederatarum America Rerumpublic arum summse potestatis anno CVI. Svo. pp. 144. [1383 A necrology, July 1877-July 1881, is contained in pp. 12B-143. General Catalogue of Bowdoin College and the Medical School of Maine, including the officers of government and instruction and all who have received degrees from the institution 1794-1889. Brunswick, Maine. Published by the College 1889. Svo. pp. 176. This is the first general catalogue which was printed in English. [1384 CATALOGUES OP COLLEGE SOCIETIES. Catalogue of the members of the Peucinian Society. Bowdoin College, Brunswick. 1818. Hallowell: Printed by E. Goodale. 1818. Svo. pp. 12. [1385 Catalogue of the library of the Peucinian Society, Bowdoin Col lege. HaUoweU: Goodale, Glazier & Co., Printers. 1823. 16mo. pp. 26. [1386 Catalogue of the honorary and immediate members of the Peu cinian Society, of Bowdoin College, Brunswick, Me. Instituted 1805. Reorganized 1S14. Exeter. Printed by Charles Norris, September, 1826. Svo. pp. 16. [1387 Catalogue of the library of the Peucinian Society, Bowdoin Col lege, January, 1829. Brunswick: Printed by George Griffin. 1829. 16mo. pp. 42. [1388 Catalogue of the Fraternity of *. B. K., Alpha of Maine, Bowdoin College, Brunswick. 1834. Brunswick : From the Press of Jo seph Griffin. 18.34. Svo. pp. 14. [1389 Catalogue of the Ubrary of the Athenaaan Society of Bowdoin CoUege. August, 1834. Brunswick. From the Press of J. Griffin. 1834. 12mo. pp. 55. [1390 The number of volumes was 2912. Catalogue of the Athensean Society of Bowdoin College, Bruns wick. Instituted 1817. Incorporated 1828 Press of Joseph Griffin. MDCCCXXXVIII. Svo. pp. 24. [1391 Catalogue of the Peucinian Society, Bowdoin College, Brunswick, Maine. Instituted 1805, reorganized' 1814. Brunswick: Press of Joseph Griffin. MDCCCXXXVIII. Svo. pp. 32. [1392 Catalogue of the library of the Athensean Society, Bowdoin Col lege, Brunswick: Press of Joseph Griffin. 1838. Svo. pp. 24. [1393 172 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. Bowdoin College, Continued. Catalogue of the Fraternity *. B. K., Alpha of Maine, Bowdoin College. MDCCCXLII. Brunswick: Press of Joseph Griffin. n. d. (1842.) Svo. pp. 16. [1394 Catalogue of the officers and members of the Peucinian Society, Bowdoin College, Brunswick, Me. 1843. Press of Joseph Griffin. n. p. n. d. (Brunswick, 1843.) Svo. pp. 40. [1395 Catalogue of the Athensean Society of Bowdoin College. Institu ted MDCCCXVII. Incorporated MDCCCXXVIII. Brunswick: Press of Joseph Griffin. 1844. Svo. pp. 39. [1396 Catalogue of the Peucinian Society of Bowdoin College. Press of J. Griffin. Brunswick. 1846. Svo. pp. 48. [1397 Catalogue of the AtheuEean Society of Bowdoin College. Institu ted MDCCCXVII. Incorporated MDCCCXXVIII. Press of Jo seph Griffin. Brunswick. 1847. Svo. pp. 44. [1398 Catalogue of the Fraternity of *. B. K., Alpha of Maine, Bowdoin College, Brunswick. 1849. J. Griffin's Press. Brunswick. Svo. pp. 19. [1399 Catalogue of the Peucinian Society of Bowdoin College. 1849. n. p. n. d. (Brunswick: Press of Joseph Griffin.) Svo. pp. 53. [1400 Catalogue of the Athensean Society of Bowdoin College. 1850. Svo. pp. 46. [1401 Catalogue of the Peucinian Society of Bowdoin CoUege. 1852. n. d. a. p. (Brunswick: Press of Griffin. 18.52.) Svo. pp. 61. [1402 Athensean Society, 1853. Bowdoin College, n. d. (1853.) n. p. (Waldron & Moore, Printers, Brunswick.) Svo. pp. 64. [1403 This contains a historical sketch of the society. Catalogue of the Peucinian Society of Bowdoin CoUege, 1855. n. d. n.p. (18.55. Brunswick: Press of J. Griffin.) Svo. pp. 66. [1404 Athensean Society, Bowdoin College. 1856. n. d. n. p. (Bruns wick : Printed by Joseph Griffin.) Svo. pp. 68. [1405 Prefaced by a historical sketch of the society. Catalogue of the Peucinian Society of Bowdoin College. 1858. n. p. (Lewiston: Printed at the Journal Office, Svo. pp. 71. [1406 Catalogue of the Peucinian library, Bowdoin College, 1859. Lew iston: Printed at the Journal Office. 1859. Svo. pp. 86. [1407 Catalogue of the Fraternity of *. B. K., Alpha of Maine, Bowdoin College, Brunswick. 1860. Brunswick: Published by J. Griffin. Svo. pp. 32. [1408 Catalogue of the Athensean library, Brunswick: J. Griffln, 1861. Svo. pp. 86. [1409 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. 173 Catalogue of the Fraternity of Phi Beta Kappa, Alpha, of Maine, Bowdoin College, Brunswick. 1888. Printed at the Journal Of fice, Lewiston. Svo. pp. 77. [1410 Prefaced by a historical sketch written by Prof. H. L. Chapman. MISCELLANEOUS. Observations of an eclipse of the sun at, June 16, 1806. Am. Phil. Soc. Proc. 6: 275. [1411 Report of the committee appointed to settle the accounts of the college treasurers. Portland: From the Gazette Press, n. d. [1809.) Svo. pp. 13. [1412 Sketch of Class of 1810. See Page, Robert. Meteorological observations at, 1808-11. See Cleaveland, Parker. "Bowdoin CoUege." Gen. Repos. and Review. 2:186. (1812.) [1413 An account of the addition to the library under the bequest of the Hon. James Bowdoin. Laws of Bowdoin College. Hallowell: Printed by E. Goodale. 1817. Svo. pp. 29. [1414 Statutes of the Medical School of Maine : enacted by the trustees and overseers of Bowdoin College, Sept. 5, 1820. Brunswick: Printed by J. Griffin. 1821. 24mo. pp. 8. [1415 Catalogue of the library of Bowdoin College, in Brunswick, Me. Brunswick: Printed by Joseph Griffin. 1821. Svo. pp. 120. [1416 Catalogue of the library of the Medical School of Maine, at Bow doin College. February, 1823. Brunswick: Joseph Griffln, Pruiter. Svo. pp. 24. [1417 Appendix to the catalogue of the Medical library of Bowdoin Col lege, December, 1823. Brunswick: Joseph Griffln, Printer. 1823. Svo. pp. 16. 1418 Laws of Bowdoin College, in the state of Maine, Brunswick: Printed by Joseph Griffin. 1824. Svo. pp. 30. [1419 Laws of Bowdoin College, in the state of Maine. Brunswick: Printed by Joseph Griffln. 1825. Svo. pp. 28. [1420 Catalogue of the library of the Medical School of Maine, at Bow doin College, February, 1825. Brunswick: Joseph Griffln, Printer. 1825. Svo. pp. 82. [1421 Fanshawe: a tale connected with. 1828. See Hawthorne, Na thaniel. Acts relative to Bowdoin College, and the standing rules and orders of the overseers of the college, n. p. n. d. Svo. (pp. 16.) [1422 Catalogue of the library of the Medical School of Maine, at Bowdoin College, February, 1830. Printed at the Bowdoin Press by J. Griffin. 1830. Svo. pp. 84. [1423 Engraving of. 1830. See Austin, George L. 174 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. Bowdoin College, Continued. Papers relating to the powers of the corporation of Bowdoin CoUege. Brunswick: J. Griffin. 1831. Svo. pp. 16. [1424 Laws of Bowdoin College, in the state of Maine. Brunswick: Press of Joseph Griffin. 1832, Svo. pp. 30. [1425 The Opinion of Judge Story in the case of William Allen vs. Joseph McKeen, treasurer of Bowdoin College: also proceedings of the Board of Trustees. Augusta, 1834. Svo. pp. 30. [1426 Catalogue of the library of the Medical School of Maine, at Bowdoin College, February, 1834. Brunswick: Press of J. Griffin. 1834. Svo. pp. 73. [1427 Account of life in. 1834-38. See Hamlin, Cyrus. Historical Sketch of. 1835. See Packard, Alpheus S. Life at. (1835.) See Abbott, Jacob. May training at. 1836. See Reed, Thomas B. Sketch of. Am. Mag. 3:215. (1837.) (Engrav.) [1428 Laws of Bowdoin College in the state df Maine. Brunswick: Press of Joseph Griffin. 1837. Svo. pp. 30. [1429 Reunion Class of 1837. Bowdoin College, June 22, 1887. n. p. n. d- Svo. pp. 21. [1430 Fraternally Inscribed to the Class of '39 (Bowdoin College, 1869), " excudebat Josephus Griffin." 12mo. pp. 12. (A poem.) [1431 Bowdoin Poets, 1840. (Also 1845 and 1857.) See Weston, Edward P. Annual Circular of Medical School. 1842. Laws of Bowdoin College in the state of Maine. Brunswick: Press of J. Griffin. 1844. Svo. pp. 30. [1432 Record of the Class of '44, Bowdoin College, Brunswick, Me. Law rence: Geo. S. MerriU & Co. Printers, No. 234 Essex Street. 1870. Svo. pp. 44. Being reports of six meetings from 1847-69. [1433 Class of '44, Bowdoin College, Brunswick, Me. Reports of meetings, 1870 and 1871. Lawrence, Mass. : Geo. S. MerriU & Co. Steam Book Printers. 1872. Svo. pp. 15. [1434 Class of '44, Bowdoin College, Brunswick, Me. Report of meetings, 1872, 1873 and 1874. Lawrence, Mass.: Geo S. MerriU & Crocker, Printers. 1875. Svo. pp. 34. [I435 Record of the Class of 1846. Portland: Stephen Berry, Printer. 1872. Svo. pp. 12. [1436 Annual Circular of the Medical School of Maine, at Bowdoin College. Course of 1846. Press of Joseph Griffln. Brunswick. Svo. pp. 8. [1437 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. 175 Mathematical Paper. Junior class, Bowdoin College. 1846. n. p. n. d. Svo. pp. 12. [1438 The Twenty-flfth Anniversary of the Class of 1848. July 8, 1873, Printed for the members of the class. Svo. pp. 19. [1439 The Twenty-fifth and Thirty-fifth Anniversaries of the Class of 1848. July 8, 1873, and July 11, 1883. Printed for the members of the class. Boston: Alfred Mudge & Son, Printers, 24 Franklin Street. 1884. Svo. pp. 44. [1440 Class of 1848. Reunion, June 27, ISSS. n. p. n. d. pp. (45-49.) [1441 To the Friends and Patrons of Bowdoin College, n. p. (Brunswick.) n. p. (1848.) Svo. pp. S. [1442 Contains a declaration of members of the Boards of Trustees and Over seers, recognizing the position of the college as Orthodox Congregational. [1443 Annual Circular of the Medical School of Maine, at Bowdoin College, Course of 1848. Press of Joseph Griffin. Brunswick. Svo. pp. 8. [1444 Annual Circular of the Medical School of Maine, at Bowdoin College. Course of 1849. Press of Joseph Griffin. Brunswick. Svo. pp. 8. [1445 Engraving of the College. 1849. See Sears, Robert. Class of 1849. Anniversary. 1884. See Cothren, Nathaniel. Charter of Bowdoin College, together with the various acts of the Legislature, and the decision of the Circuit Court, aud the by-laws of the overseers. Brunswick: Printed by J. Griffin. 1850. Svo. pp. 60. [1446 Laws of Bowdoin College, Brunswick : Press of J. Griffin. 1850. Svo. pp. 30. [1447 Laws of Bowdoin CoUege. Brunswick: Press of J. Griffin. 1853. Svo. pp. 30. [1448 Class of 1853. See Wheeler, W. A. Laws of Bowdoin College, in the state of Maine. Brunswick: Press of J. Griffln. 1855. Svo. pp. 30. [1449 Account of, with engravings. 1855. See Duyckinck, Evert A. Annual Announcement of the Medical School of Maine, at Bowdoin College. Course of 1855. Press of J. Griffin. Brunswick. Svo. pp. 8. [1450 Sketch of Bowdoin College, (with engraving). 1857. See "Our Colleges." Rules and Regulations relating to several laws of Bowdoin College. n. p. n. d. (Brunswick, 1S5S.) Svo. pp. 31-37. [1451 176 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. Bowdoin College, Continued. Statutes of the Medical School of Maine, enacted by the trustees and overseers of Bowdoin College, with the regulations established by the faculty of medicine, including the regulation of the medical library. Press of J. Griffin, Bookseller to the College. 1858. Svo. pp. 8. [1452 Meteorological Journal at. 1806-58. See Cleaveland, Parker. . History of Class of 1860. See Burbank, H. H. Annual Announcement of the Medical School of Maine, at Bowdoin College. Course of 1861. Brunswick Telegraph Press. 1860. 12mo. pp. 8. [1453 Triennial Report of the Class of 1861. Bowdoin College. Augusta: Printed at the Kennebec Journal Office. 1864. 12mo. pp. 28. [1454 Questions upon the Old Testament History, including the Cam bridge (Eng.) examination papers. For the use of the students of Bowdoin College. Press of J. Griffin. (1862.) Svo. pp. 22. [1455 Bowdoin Alumni Resident in Portland, 1862. Privately printed. [1456 History, Class 1862. See Hill, Frank A. Catalogue of the library of Bowdoin College : to which is added an index of subjects. Brunswick: Printed forthe college. MDCCC- LXIII. Svo. pp. pp. vi, 832. (From the Press of Joseph Griffin.) [1457 Laws of Bowdoin College. 1863. [1458 Reunion of the Class of 1S64. Bowdoin College, June 27, 1889. 12mo. pp. 11. [1459 Contains a poem by J. H. Woods. College RoU of Honor. Reprinted from the adjutant general's re port, for 1864-65. (Augusta,) May, 1867. Svo. pp. 36. [1460 It comprises pp. 495 to 520 of the above report, which states that Prof, Packard was the compiler. RoU of Honor. List of members of Bowdoin College, who have served in the U. S. army or navy during the war of the rebellion. Brunswick : Printed for the benefit of the soldiers' memorial fund. 1S65. Svo. pp. 12. [14gl Medical School of Maine, at Bowdoin College. Course of 1865, com mencing February 24. Brunswick: A. G. Tenney, Printer.' 1864. Svo. pp. 16. |-14g2 Medical School of Maine, at Bowdoin College. Course of 1866. Commencing February 23, Brunswick: Press of J. Griffin. 1865 Svo. pp, 16. |-14g3 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. 177 Patriotic Record of . 1866. See Thompson, J. H. Medical School of Maine, at Bowdoin College. Course of 1807 Commencing February 21. Brunswick: Fromthe Press of J. Griffin. 1866. Svo. pp. 16. [14,;4 Necrology of. 1868. See Hoyt, Albert H. Medical School of Maine, at Bowdoin College. Course of 1868. Commencing February 20. Brunswick: Joseph Griffin. 1807. Svo. pp. 16. [1465 Laws of Bowdoin CoUege. Brunswick: Joseph Griffin. 1868. Svo. pp- 24. [1466 Medical School of Maine, at Bowdoin College. Course of 1869. Commencing February 18. Brunswick: Joseph Griffin. 1868. Svo. pp. 15. [1467 Report to the Association of Bowdoin Alumni in Boston and its vicinity. 1869. Cambridge: Printed at the Riverside Press. 1869. Svo. pp. 20. [146S Medical School of Maine, at Bowdoin College. Course of 1870. Commencing February 17, Brunswick: Joseph Griffin. 1869. Svo. pp. 15. [1469 Catalogue of the Bowdoin collection of paintings, Bowdoin College Brunswick: Joseph Griffin. 1870. 12mo. pp. 22. [1470 Necrology of. 1867-70. See Packard, A. S. Sketch of. Hist. Mag. 2d ser. 8:371. (1870.) [1471 From the Salem Gazette, under the signature of " Gris." Medical School of Maine, at Bowdoin College. Course of 1871. Commencing February 16. Brunswick: November, 1870. Svo. pp. 4. (Reverse) Journal Steam Press, Lewiston. [1472 Sketch of. O. &N. 4:112. (1871.) [1473 First Annual Reunion of the Bowdoin Alumni Association of New York. At Delmonico's, January 19, 1871. Reported by M. J. Kelly, Stenographer. Illustrated by eight steel engravings from the forthcoming history of the college, by N. Cleaveland, LL. D. New York: 1871. Svo. pp. 71. [1474 Medical School of Maine, at Bowdoin College. Course of 1872. Commencing February 15. (Reverse) Brunswick. November. 1871. Journal Steam Press, Lewiston. Svo. pp. 4. [1475 Regulations for the interior police and discipline of the Bowdoin cadets. Brunswick: J. Griffin. 1872. Svo. pp. 8. [1476 Medical School of Maine, at Bowdoin College. Course of 1873. Commencing January 9. (Reverse.) Brunswick, July 1872. Bruns wick Telegraph Air Power Job Press. Svo. pp. 4. [1477 13 178 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. Bowdoin College, Continued. Catalogue of the names and residences of the alumni of Bowdoin College, living November, 1872. n. t. p. (Salem, Mass. 1872.) Svo. pp. 12. , [1478 Report of the Alumni Association of Bowdoin CoUege, 1873. Salem: Printed at the Observer Office, 1873. Svo. pp. 17. [1479 The committee was William D. Northend, William L. Putnam, and Jotham B. Sewall. The Memorial HaU of Bowdoin College: its history and present state of advancement, n. d. n. p. (1873.) Svo. pp. 3. [1480 Report of Joseph Titcomb, John M. Brown and J. B. Sewall, building com mittee. Necrology of. 1870-73. Brunswick: 1873. Svo. pp. 12. [1481 Tales connected with. The Whispering Pine Series. 1871-73. See Kellogg, Elijah. Laws of Bowdoin College. Brunswick: Joseph Griffin. 1873. Svo. pp. 23. [1482 Class of 1875, History. See Hatch, WiUiam E. Studies introductory to a course of lectures on Materia Medica. Bowdoin College, Brunswick, Maine, n. d. Svo. pp. 8. [1483 Bowdoin College Engineering Department. 1875. Brunswick, Me. Journal Press, Lewiston. n. d. 12mo. pp. 16. [1484 Regulations of Bowdoin College, 1875. Brunswick Telegraph Print ing Office. 1875. [1485 Poem at. 1875. " Morituri Salutamus." See Longfellow, H. W. Songs of Bowdoin. " Old Bowdoin, regal on her plains : Proud, fair, peerless for aye." Published by an association of Bowdoin Students. Stereotyped and Printed by J. Frank Giles, 3 Court Avenue, Boston. Coyprighted in 1875, by Arlo Bates. Sm. 4to. pp. 40. [1486 Medical School of Maine, at Bowdoin CoUege. 57th course. Com mencing February 15, 1877. Brunswick: A. G. Tenney, Printer. 1876. Svo. pp. 8. [1487 Sketch of. 1S76. See Packard, George T. Publications of the Presidents and Faculty of Bowdoin College. 1802-76. Brunswick: A. G. Tenney, Printer. 1S76. Svo. pp. 35. [148S Charter of Bowdoin College, together with various Acts of the Legislature: also an abstract of the decisions of the Circuit Court, important votes of the Boards, and the by-laws of the overseers. Brunswick: A. G. Tenney, Printer. 1876. Svo. pp. 31. [1489 Necrology of. Bowdoin College. Brunswick: A. G Tenney, Printer. 1877. Svo. pp. 19. [1490 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. 179 Class of 1877. Bowdoin College. Triennial Record. 1880. See Chapman, John E. Class of '77. Bowdoin. Class record. Quinquennial supplement. 1880-82. See Chapman, John E. Class of '77. Record, No. 3. Decennial report. 1887. See Chap man, John E. Historical Sketch of. 1878. See Richardson, Charles F. Medical School of Maine at Bowdoin College. 58th course. Com mencing February 14, 1878. Brunswick: Telegraph Printing Office. 1879. Svo. pp. 10. [1491 History Class of 1S7S. See Purington, George C. Bowdoin Class of '78. Decennial history. 1888. See Purington, George C. Bowdoin College. Class of 1879. Decennial reunion. June 27, 1889. (No imprint.) Svo. pp. 23. [1492 Bowdoin 'SO. Triennial Catalogue of the Class of 1880, Bowdoin College, Brunswick, Me. June, 1883. Svo. pp. 9. [1493 Art Treasures of. 1880. See Varney, George J. Biographical Sketches of the Class of 1880. Decennial reunion. 1890. See Conant, F. O. Triennial Catalogue of the Class of 1881-84. See Wheelwright, John O. P. Special Circular of the Academic Department of Bowdoin College, Sept. 1881. The extraordinary call for information concerning the college having exhausted the supply of the last edition of the catalogue, this circular is printed to meet the immediate de mand in anticipation of the annual catalogue. Brunswick: Telegraph Printing Office. ISSl. Svo. pp. 16. [1494 Class of 1881. Decennial catalogue. (1891.) See Payson, Henry S. Reminiscences of. 1881. See Packard, Alpheus S. Longfellow as a student and professor at. 1882. See Packard, Alpheus S. Medical School of Maine at Bowdoin College. 62nd course, com mencing February 9th, 1882. Brunswick: Telegraph Printing Office. 1881. Svo. pp. 12. [1495 Account of the Art Gallery. 1882. See Koehler, S. R. History of. 1882. See Cleaveland, Nehemiah, and Packard, Al pheus S. Medical School of Maine at Bowdoin College. 63d course. Com mencing February Sth, 1883. Brunswick: Telegraph Printing Office. 1882. Svo. pp. 12. [1496 180 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. Bowdoin College, Continued. Articles of Agreement between the Faculty and Students of Bow doin College, for the administration of justice in the college. 1883. Berry, Pr., Portland, 16mo. pp. 12. [1497 Medical School of Maine at Bowdoin College. 64th course, com mencing February 7th, 1884. Brunswick: Telegraph Printing Office. 1883. Svo. pp. 12. [1498 Regulations. 1883. n. p. 16mo. pp. 13. [1499 Regulations. 1884. (No imprint) 16mo. pp. 15. [1500 Medical School of Maine, at Bowdoin College. 65th course, com mencing February 5th, 1885. Brunswick Telegraph Press. 1884. Svo. pp. 12. [1501 Report of librarian. 1885. See Little, George T. Catalogue of the Bowdoin College art collections. Part I. The Bowdoin Drawings. Brunswick: 1885. Sq. Svo. pp. 52. [1502 Necrology of Bowdoin College. July, 1875-July, 1881. Svo. pp. 18. [1503 Bowdoin College library, Brunswick, Maine. Rules. (No imprint.) 1885. 16mo. pp. 4. [1504 Additions, 1888. Report of librarian. 1886. See Little, George T. Memorial of Alpheus Spring Packard. 1886. See Little, George T. Bowdoin College Regulations. 1887. (No imprint.) 16mo. pp. 15. [1505 Medical School of Maine at Bowdoin CoUege. 66th course, com mencing February 4th, 1886. Brunswick: Brunswick Telegraph Press. 1885. Svo. pp. 10. [1.506 Medical School of Maine at Bowdoin College, 67th course, com mencing February 3d, 1887. Brunswick: Telegraph Printing Office. 1886. Svo. pp. 10. [1507 Medical School of Maine at Bowdoin CoUege. 68th course, com mencing February 9th, 1888. Brunswick: Telegraph Printing Press. 1887. Svo. pp. 10. [1508 Medical School of Maine at Bowdoin College. 69th course, com mencing February 7th, 1889. Brunswick : Telegraph Job Press. 1888. Svo. pp. 10. [1509 Class of 1887. Composite photographs of members. 1887. See Stoddard, J. T. Additions and Corrections to the history of Bowdoin College. 1807. Svo. pp. 906 to 9.33. [1510 By Prof. G. T. Little. The pagination is continued from that of the history. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE j 181 Annual Report of the librarian of Bowdoin College, for the year ending June 1, 1887. n. p. (Brunswick), n. d. (1887.) Svo. pp. S. [1511 Annual Report of the librarian of Bowdoin CoUege for the year ending June 1,1 SSS. n.p. (Brunswick), n.d. (1888.) Svo.pp.S. [1512 Report of a committee of the overseers of Bowdoin CoUege, on a proposition to amend the charter of the college. (No imprint.) Svo. pp. 11. [1513 Annual Report of the librarian of Bowdoin College, for the year ending June 1st, 18S9. n.p. (Brunswick) n. d. (1889.) Svo.pp.S. [4514 History of the Bowdoin Alumni Association of Boston and Vicin ity. 1868-87. Compiled by Frank V. Wright, Arthur T. Parker and Frank Kimball. Salem: Printed at the Salem Press. 1888. 4to. pp. 128. [1515 Provisional List of students and alumni of Bowdoin College who served in the war for the Union. (No imprint.) Svo. pp. 11. [1.516 Statement of the reasons of the Medical Faculty of Bowdoin Col lege for desiring the removal of the medical department from Brunswick to Portland. (No imprint.) Svo. pp. 7. [1517 Obituary Record of the graduates of Bowdoin College, and the Med ical School of Maine, for the year ending June 1, 1890, including the record of a few not reported in the general catalogue, 1889. (No. 1, second series), Brunswick, Maine. Published by the Col lege. Svo. pp. 27. [1518 Same for year ending 1st June, 1891. (No. 2, second series.) n. p. n. d. (Brunswick, 1891.) Svo. pp. 32. [1519 Bowdoin College Regulations. 1890. (No imprint.) 16mo. pp. 14 [1520 Annual Report of the librarian of Bowdoin College, for the year ending June 1, 1890. n. d., (1860,) n. p. (Brunswick.) Svo. pp. S. [1521 The Teaching and History ofjMathematics. 1890. See Cajon, Florian. Medical School of Maine at Bowdoin College. 71st Course. Com mencing February 5th, 1891. Brunswick: Telegraph Job Press. 1890. [1522 periodicals. The Escritoir, by Oliver Dactyle. Nov. 1826 to May, 1827. Brunswick, 1827. [1523 Bowdoin PortfoUo. MDCCCXXXIX. Conducted by the under graduates of Bowdoin College. Brunswick, Press of J. Griffin. (April, 1839 to Dec. 1839. pp. 248.) [1524 182 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. Bowdoin College, Continued. The Bowdoin Scientific Review, a fortnightly journal. Brunswick, Me. 15 Feb. 1870 to 13 Feb. 1872. [1525 Bowdoin Bugle. No. 1, July, 1858 to No. 18, Nov. 1866. [1526 The Bugle. No. 19, June, 1867. Folio. No. 46, 1891. PubUshed annually. [1527 Bowdoin Orient No. 1. April, 1871. Still published . [1528 Bowdoin Family. Address on. 1849. See Winthrop, Robert C. Bowdoin, James. 17.52-1811. Diplomatist, Boston. Eulogy on. 1812. See Jenks, WilUam. Bowdoinham. Incorporated 1762. Revival of Religion. 1798. See "Brief Account" ; also Woodward, WiUiam W. Discourse on Purrington Murder. 1806. See Merritt. T. Sermon, 1827. See Cobb, Sylvanus. Bank Robbery at. Report of trial for. 1866. See Pulsifer, Josiah D. Memorial of Rev. Isaac Case. 1877. See Burrage, Henry S. Centennial Eeview of Association. 1887. See Small, Edwin S. Bowen, Abel. A New and Correct Plan of Portland, Maine. Drawn and engraved by Abel Bowen. 1823. [1529 Bowen, William H., D. D. Clergyman, Lewiston. Memoir of George T. Day, D. D., minister and editor: 1846-75. By WiUiam H. Bowen, D. D., Dover, N. H.: Freewill Baptist Print ing EstabUshment 1876. 12mo. pp. 431 [1530 BowBEBANK. Incorporated 1839 Historical Account. 18S0. See Loring, Amasa. Bo WEES, Benjamin, Lowell. 1886. See Porter, J. W. BowEES, Jambs. Clergyman, Gardiner, 1796-1802. A Discourse on the occasion of the death of General George Wash ington, delivered in the St. Ann's church, Pittston, on Saturday. 22nd February. 1800. Pubhshed at the request of the Wardens and Vestry of the Episcopal Parish in said town. Hallowell, (Me). E. Goodale. 1800. Svo. pp. IS. [1531 Sermons on various subjects, chiefly moral. By James Bowers of Framingham, Mass. Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this: to visit the fatherless and widows in their afliiction; and to keep himself unspotted from the world. James. HaUoweU: Printed by S. K. GUman, 1820. Svo. pp. 310. [1532 BIBLIOGEAPHY OF MAINE. 183 BowKER, Cyeus, M. D. 1824-65. Physician, Raymond, Auburn. Obituary Notice of. 1866. See Harris, N. C . Bowles Family of Machias. 1889. See Porter, J. W. Bowles, Ralph Haet. Machias. Memorial of. 1873. See Drake, Francis S. Bowman, Jonathan. 1735-1S04. Pownalborough. Biographical Sketch of. 1S63. See Willis, WiUiam. Bowman, Thomas. 1774-1S37. Lawyer, Augusta. Biographical Sketch of. 1863. See WiUis, WiUiam. (The) Boy Pateiot. By the author of "The Blue Flag," "Cheerily, CheerUy", etc. "He will help them that fear the Lord, both small and great" PubUshed by the American Tract Society, 1.50 Nassau Street, New York. n.d. (Copyright 1863.) 16mo. pp. 180. (Illus.) [1533 The scene is partially laid in "Fairport, on the coast of Maine," BoYD, Jambs. Deposition concerning north-eastern boundary. 1798. See Win- slow, Edward. Boyd, William. 1745-1829. Bangor. Sketch of. (1886.) See WilUamson, W. D. Boynton, Abel. 178.3-1S17. Lawyer, Bath. Memoir of the late Abel Boynton, Esq., of Bath, Maine, consul of the U. S. for the island of Curacoa. Panoplist, 13: 186. (1817.) [1534 Biographical Sketch of. 1863. See WUlis, WiUiam. Boynton, Heney. The World's Greatest Conflict. Review of Fi-ance and America, 1788 to ISSO, and history of America and Europe 1800 to 1804. Boston: D. Lothrop Company, n. d. (Copyright, 1890.) 12mo. pp. 325. [1535 Boynton, James C, M. D. 1808-75. Physician, Richmond. Biographical Sketch of. 1876. See Horr, O. A. Boynton, John. 1801-76. Clergyman, Phipsburg, Wiscasset, 1827-64. Pastoral Address delivered before the Lincoln Conference at Wal doboro, August 23, 1838. By Rev. John Boynton, of Phipsburg. Brunswick: Printed by Thomas W. Newman. 1838. Svo. pp. 17. [1536 Beackett, Cyrus Fogg, M. D., LL. D. b. Parsonsfield, 1833. Profes sor Bowdoin CoUege, 1863-73. Methods in Medical Education. Annual address before Maine Medical Association. Me. Med. Ass. Trans. 4:220. (1872.) [1537 184 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. Beackett, Edward Augustus. 6. Vassalboro, 1819. Sculptor, Boston. Twilight Hours: or leisure moments of an artist. Boston: Printed by Freeman and BoUes. 1845. 12mo. pp. 95. (Poems.) [1538 Contains a poem entitled " The Kennebec." Beackett, Geoege Emebson. 6. 1838. Journalist, Belfast. Anchor Ice. No. Month. 1 : 129. (1864.) [1.539 A Handful of Spring Flowers. No. Month. 1:188.(1864). [1540 ChrysaUdes. No. Month. 1 : 329. (1864.) [1541 Farm Talk. A series of articles in the colloquial style, illustrating various common farm topics. By George E. Brackett, Belfast, Maine. Tracts for the people. No. 6. Boston : Lee & Shepard. 1868. 16mo. pp. 130. [1542 The same. New series. Second edition. Belfast: Brackett & Co., PubUshers. 1881. ISmo. pp. 144. (Port and Aut) [1543 Biographical Sketches of John H. Lynde, William W. Wheeler and William H. Simpson. 1886. See Maine Press Association. Biographical Sketch of William M. Rust. 1889. See same. Biographical Sketch of Joseph B. Hall. 1890. See same. Beackett, Thomas O. (or C.) and family. Brewer. 1890. See Porter, J. W. Beadbuey, Mes. Alice Williams. Portland. Discourse in memory of. 1885. See Bellows, John A. Beadbuey, Albeet Williams. 6. 1840. Lawyer, Portland. Voyage to Labrador. University Q. 1 : 77. (1860.) [1544 Beadbuey, Albion, Keith Paeeis, M. D. 1822-1875. Physician, HolUs. Biographical Sketch of. 1876. See Horr, O. A. Beadbuey, Bion. 1811-87. Lawyer, Portland. Letter from, at celebration birthday of Jefferson. 1859. See Jeffer son, Thomas. Biography of. 1885. See Biog. Ency. Maine. Sketch of. ISSS. See Spaulding, Joseph W. Ancestry of. 1889. See American Ancestry. Beadbuey, Charles. 1798-1864. Kennebunkport. History of Kennebunkport from its first discovery by Bartholomew Gosnold, May 14, 1602, to A. D. 1837. By Charles Bradbury. Kennebunk: Printed by James K. Remick. 1837. ISmo. pp. 300. [1545 The town authorized a subscription of five hundred copies to be dis tributed among the families. Noticed in No. Am. Rev. 47: 269. (1837.) And in Am. Mo. Mag. 11:81. (ISSS.) BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. 185 Transcript Copy of Early Court Records and Documents Relating to the Province of Maine. 1S43-1S45. See Maine. Beadbuey Family. North Yarmouth. ISSl. See Banks, Charles E. Beadbuey, Jambs Ceockett, M. D. 1806-65. Physician, Oldtown. Biographical Sketch of. See Weston, J. C. Beadbuey, Jambs Waee, LL. D. Lawyer. 6. Parsonfield, 1802. r. Augusta. On Territorial Governments. Speech in the U. S. Senate, July 26, 1848. Appendix Congressional Globe, first session, 30th Congress, p. 1149. [1546 On Removal from Office. Speech of Hon. James W. Bradbury, of Maine, delivered in the Senate of the United States, January 15, 1850. n. p. (Washington.) n. d. (1850.) Svo. pp. 15. [1547 -On his Substitute for BiU for Creating a Board of 'Accounts, em bracing the provisions of the bill subsequently enacted, es tablishing the Court of Claims. Speech in the Senate, May 1, 1850. Cong. Globe. First session, 31st Cong., p. 922. [1548 Speech of Hon. James W. Bradbury, of Maine, on the bill providing for the payment of claims for French spoiliations previous to the year 1852. Delivered in the Senate of the United States, April 15, 1852. Washington: Gideon & Co., Printers. 1852. Svo. pp. 20. [1549 Letter to union meeting, Bangor. 1850. See Bangor. Memoir of Nathan Clifford. By James Ware Bradbury. Read before the Maine Historical Society, Portland, November 16, 1861. Me. Hist Soc. CoU. 9:2.35. (1887.) [1550 Letter on the seventy-fifth birthday of Henry W. LongfeUow. 1882. See Me. Hist. Soc. Proc. Remarks at celebration of eighty-fourth birthday of Professor Alpheus S. Packard. 1882. See Me. Hist. Soc. Proc. Biography of. 1885. See Maine Biog. Ency. Address upon Prof. A. S. Packard. 1885. Me. Hist. Soc. Coll. 2d ser. 2: 175. [1551 Oration at semi-centennial celebration, Parsonfield, 18S5. See Dear born, J. W. Remarks at dedication Baxter Building, 1886. See Portland Public Library. Proceedings at dinner given to, on his eighty-fifth birthday. 18S7. See Maine Historical Society. Ancestry of. 1889. See American Ancestry. Address at dedication new rooms of the Maine Historical Society, Feb. 2, 1881. Me. Hist. CoU. :id ser. 1: 101. (1890.) [1552 186 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. Beadbuey, James Waee, LL. D., Continued. Biographical Sketch of, with portrait. 1890. See Lapham, William B. James Loring Child. Read before the Maine Historical Society, Dec. 18, 1890. Me. Hist Soc. CoU. 2d ser. 2:163. [1553 Beadbuey, James Waee, Je. 1839-76. Lawyer. Augusta. Sketch of. Me. Biog. 2: 89. (1876.) (Port.) [1554 Beadbuey, Maeia. A Tribute to Maria Bradbury, who died at Alfred, February 28, 1840, aged 14 years and 7 months. Massachusetts Sunday-school Society. 1841. 16mo. pp. 102. [1555 Beadbuey, Osgood. Lawyer. New Gloucester, Boston. Metallak: The lone Indian of the Magalloway. By the author of " The Empress of Beauty. " " Lo, the poor Indian ! whose untutor'd mind, Sees God in clouds, or hears him in the wind. " Boston: Published by F. Gleason, li Tremont Row. C. W. Child, Portland: David Bugbee, Bangor. 1844. Printed by J. N. Bradley & Co., MaU Office, 14 & 16 State Street, sm. 4to. pp. 32. [1556 The Four Elders of Maine. Portland. (1856?) [1557 After a single copy was printed, the publisher feared that the book might be libellous, and suppressed it. Although no names were mentioned, it was thought that the portraits would be too readily recognized. The stereo type plates were destroyed in the Portland fire of 1866. Beadbuey, Osgood Nathan, M. D., b. 1828. Physician, Norway. History of Forrest Lodge, No. 148, of Free and Accepted Masons, of Springfield, Maine, from July 4, A. D., 1868, to December 31, A. D. 1869, by O. N. Bradbury, M. D., lodge historian. F. W. Drake, J. A. Larrabee, committee. Portland: Stephen Berry, 1872. 12mo. pp. 15. [1558 Beadbuey, Theophilus. 1739-1803. Lawyer, Portland. Biographical Sketch of. 1863. See Willis, Wm. Beadbuey, Thomas. York. Descendants of. 1868. See Goodwin, WiUiam F. Descendants of. 1890. See Lapham, WiUiam B. Beadfoed, Alden, LL. D. 1765-1843. Clergyman, r. Wiscasset, 1793-1812. Two Sermons upon the doctrines, character and kingdom of Christ, delivered in the First Parish in Cambridge, December 28, 1794. PubUshed by request of the hearers. Printed by Samuel HaU, No. 53 Cornhill, Boston. 1795. Svo. pp. 31. [1559 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. 187 -A Discourse delivered at Hallowell, at the opening of the academy in that place. May 5, 1795. By Alden Bradford, A. M., S. H. S., pastor of the church in Pownalborough. Printed by Wait, Robin son and Baker, at the Hook, HaUoweU. MDCCCXCV. 12mo. pp. 5-23. [1560 -Two Sermons delivered in Wiscasset (Pownalborough), on the Oth of May, 1798, which the President of the United States had pre viously appointed to be religiously observed as a day of humilia tion and prayer throughout the Union. By Alden Bradford, A. M., minister of the Christian Congregational society in that place. Wiscasset: Printed by Henry Hoskins & John W. Scott 1798. Svo. pp. 17, (1). [1561 -An Eulogy in commemoration of the " Subhme virtues " of General George Washington, late President of the United States, who died December 14, 1799; Pronounced in Wiscasset, February 22d, 1800. Agreeable to the recommendation of Congress. By Alden Bradford, A. M., S. H. S. Wiscasset: Printed by Henry Hoskins, 1800. Svo. pp. 16. [1562 -A Sermon delivered at the ordination of the Rev. Nathan Tilton, to the pastoral care of the church and society in the Second Parish in Scarborough, December 10, 1800. By Alden Bradford, A. M., S. H. S., pastor of the Christian society at Pownalborough. Ports mouth, N. H.: Printed at the United States Oracle Office, by Charles Pierce. 1801. Svo. pp. 24. [1563 -D escription of Wiscasset and of the River Sheepsoot. Mass. Hist. Soc. CoU. 7: 163. (1801.) [1564 -An Oration pronounced at Wiscasset, on the Fourth of July, 1804, in commemoration of American Independence. By Alden Bradford. Wiscasset: Printed by Babson & Rust. 1804. Svo. title page, pp. 5-19. [1565 -Sermon at Plymouth. December 21, 1804. With notes. Boston: 1805. Svo. pp. 24. [1566 -A Sermon delivered before the Congregational society of Thomas ton, (Maine), November 2, 1806: being the Lord's Day after the insterment of the Hon. Henry Knox, who died, October 25th ^tat 56 years. By Alden Bradford, A. M., S. H. S. PubUshed by re quest of the inhabitants comprising said society in Thomaston. " Behold the Lord doth take away the mighty man, the man of war, the honorable man, the counsellor and the eloquent orator." Isaiah. Printed by Babson & Rust. n.[d. n. p. (Wiscasset) Svo. pp. 16. [1567 -Relation of Rescue of Two Men near Wiscasset. 1806. See Harris, Thaddeus M. 188 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. Beadfoed, Alden, LL. D., Continued. An Address delivered at the opening of the academy, in Wiscasset (Maine), November 16, 1807. By Alden Bradford, A. M. S. H. S. Wiscasset: T. Loring, Printer. 1808. 16mo. pp. 14. [1568 An Oration delivered at Wiscasset, July 4th, A. D., 1808: the an niversary of American Independence. By Alden Bradford, Esq. HaUoweU: From the Press of N. Cheever. 1808. Svo. pp. 20. [1569 An Address delivered before the Wiscasset Female Asylum, October 8, 1811. Being their first public meeting after the act of incor poration. By Alden Bradford. HaUoweU : Printed by N. Cheever. 1811. Svo. pp. 15, (1). [1.570 Human Learning Favorable to True Religion: but the transen- dental theory hostile to the Christian revelation. An address delivered before the society of *. B. K. in Bowdoin College, Sept ember 2, 1841. By Alden Bradford, LL. D. A member of the first Board of Trustees of that seminary. Boston: Published by S. G. Simpkins. 1841. Svo. pp. 52. [1571 On the occasion of this address, the opening prayer was made by the Rev. Hezekiah Packard, D. D., a college associate of the orator, a soldier of the Revolution, and a much respected citizen . Both were long past their prime, but each retained in a remarkable degree his intellectual powers. Their appearance in the pulpit side by side was an affecting sight, and never for gotten by the large audience. Biographical Notices of distinguished men in New England: statesmen, patriots, physicians, lawyers, clergymen and me chanics. By Alden Bradford, LL. D. Member of the Massachu setts Historical Society ; Corresponding Member of the Ameri can Historical Society; of Hist. Soc. of New York, Penn., and Georgia; and of Nat. Int. of Science, at Washington. Boston: Published according to Act of Congress, by S. G. Simpkins. J. G. Torrey, Printer. 1842. 12mo. pp. 464. [1572 Contains notices of the following from Maine: Dr. Samuel Adams, Bath; Rev. Jesse Appleton, Brunswick; Gen. David Cobb, Gouldsborough ; Enoch Freeman, Portland; JMoses Hemmenway, Wells; Gen. Henry Knox, Thomaston; Gen. William Lithgow, Georgetown; Rev. Joseph McKeen, Brunswick; Prentiss Mellen, LL.D., Portland; Sir William Pepperrell, Kittery; Jeremiah Powell, North Yarmouth; Gen. Jedediah Preble, Port land; Commodore Edward Preble, Portland; David Sewall, LL. D., York; Maj. Samuel Sewall, York; Benjamin Vaughan, LL. D., Hallowell; Richard Vines, Saco; Gen. Peleg Wadsworth, Hiram. Beadfoed, Fanny S. Crystal Drops, by Fanny S. Bradford. Yarmouth: I. C. Well come. ISmo. pp. 96. [Ii73 Beadfoed, H. S. Marriages in North Yarmouth. 18.37-44. Me. Rec. 3:30. (1887.) [1.574 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. 189 Beadfoed, William. 1590-1657. History of Plymouth Plantation. By William Bradford, the sec ond governor of the colony. Now first printed from the original manuscript. Boston: Published for the Massachusetts Historical Society. 1856. Svo. pp. xix, (1), 476, (1). [1575 Comprised in Mass. Hist. Soc. Coll. Vol. Ill, of the fourth series. Maine Btferences. Augusta, (Cushnoc) trading house at (1628), 233; Aul- nay. Monsieur d', captures Penobscot (1636), 332; Damariscove Islands, ships sent there to fish (1622), 114, 131 ; pinnace wrecked there, "where ships used to ride, there being some ships already arrived out of England. " (1624), 156, 188; Goods brought there (1627), 210; Gorges, Sir Ferdinando, grant from (1629), 251; project for making him governor of New England (1635), 528; Gorges, Robert, grant to, and government of (1625), 148, 149; Kennebec, patent of, 221, 260, 261, 274, 291, 317, 353, (1828-1637) ; Hocking killed at, and the consequences (1634), 317; agreement concerning trade at (1638), 366; Machias, trading-house at, mentioned (1635), 336; Penobscot, Plymouth trading-house at (1630), 258; (1631), 279, 291; Edward Ashley at (1630), 269, 267, 274, 275, robbed bythe French (1631), 293 (1635), 332: Girling's expedition to recover (1635), 333; Sagadahoc, shipwreck at (1627), 210; Samo- set, visits Plymouth (1621), 93. Bradish, Ebenezee. Lawyer, Hallowell. Biographical Sketch of. 1863. See WiUis, WiUiam. Beadleb, Caleb Davis, D. D. Clergyman, Boston. " Unveil the Bust. " Poem. .(Vnniversary birthday of LongfeUow. 1885. Me. Hist. Soc. CoU. 2d ser. 2: 100. [1576 Beadleb, Chaelbs W. Clergyman, r. In Maine until 1886. Historical Sermon, delivered at the semi-centennial celebration of Methodism at Alfred, Maine, December 14th, 1879. By Rev. Charles W. Bradlee. With poem and letters read at the re-union on Wednesday evening, December 17. Bridgton: From the Press of H. S. Shorey. 1880. Svo. pp. 16. [1577 Bradley. Incorporated 1834. Early Settlements in. See Porter, J. W. Petition from. 1817. Bang. H. M. 3:99. (1887.) [1578 Beadley, Caleb. 1751-1861. Clergyman, Westbrook. 1799-1829. Parson Bradley's Journal. 1871. See Goold, WiUiam. Notice of. 1861. See WiUis, William. Sketch of. 1886. See Cobb, Isaac. Reminiscences of. ISSS. See Thwing, E. P. Beadley, G. P. U. S. N. Biographical Sketch of Alexander Ramsey, M. D., of Parsonfield. Me. Med. Ass. Trans. 8: 161. (1883.) [1579 190 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. Beadley, Samuel Ayee. 1774-1844. Lawyer, Fryeburg, Portland. Biographical Sketch of. 1863. See Willis, William. Biography of. 1885. See Biog. Ency. Maine. Beadman, Aethue. A Narrative of the extraordinary sufferings of Mr. Robert Forbes, his wife, and five children, during an unfortunate journey through the wilderness, from Canada to Kennebeck River in the year 1784: in which three of their children were starved to death. (Taken partly from their own mouths and partly from an imperfect journal; and published at their request.) By Arthur Bradman. Portland: Printed at Thomas Baker Wait's Office. MDCCXCI. Price, Nine Pence. 12mo. pp. 13. [1580 The same. Philadelphia. Printed by M. Carey. 1794. (Price Six Pence.) 12mo. pp. 13. (Added.) Narrative of captivating Mrs. Frances Scott pp. 3. [1581 Brady, Robeet, Je. Roster, etc., Co. D. llth Me. Veterans. See Maxwell, Albert. Bbagdon, Joseph H. Seaboard Towns: or traveller's guide book from Boston to Port land; containing a description ofthe cities, towns and villages, scenery and objects of interest along the route of the Eastern Railroad and its branches, and the Portland, Saco, and Ports mouth Railroad. Including historical sketches, legends, etc., with illustrations. Newburyport: Moulton & Clark. Boston: A. Williams & Co., and Brown, Taggard & Chase. Salem: D. B. Brooke & Brothers. Portland : George E. Davis & Brother. 1857. 16mo. pp. (iv), 204. [1582 Beagdon, Joshua. Muster-roll of his company. 1775. See Stearns, Charles A. Beannan, Samuel, b Saco, 1819. Pioneer, California. Sketch of. 1889. See Hittell, J. S. Beastow Family. Wrentham, Mass. ; Orrington and Brewer. 1887. See Porter, J. W. BiiAY, John. Kittery. 18S6. See Drummond, Josiah H. Beay, Olivbb. 1776-1823. Lawyer, Portland. An Oration pronounced in the meeting house of the Second Society in Portland, at the request of Portland Lodge, of Ancient Masons, on the anniversary of St. John the Baptist, June 24th, A. L. 5805. By Brother Oliver Bray, past-master of St. Albans Lodge, Guilford, Conn. Printed at Portland, for Adams & Jenks, 1805. 12mo. pp. .32. [1583 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. 191 An Oration on music : pronounced at Fryeburg, before the Hans- Gram Musical Society, on the first anniversary, October 10, 1811. By Oliver Bray, Esq., au honorary member. Portland: Printed by Arthur Shirley. 1812. Smo. pp. 21. [1584 Beebd, L. C. Hints about Business : a manual of business laws, customs, famil iarly explained. Also, containing facsimile forms of bills of lad ing, railroad receipts, inland foreign entry, bills of exchange, power of attorney, lease, notes, drafts, checks, receipts, bills, etc. Portland: Hoyt, Fogg & Breed, 1872. 12 mo. pp. 94. [1.585 The same. Second edition. Portland: Hoyt, Fogg & Breed. 91 Middle Street 1873. 16mo. pp. 100. Bebmbn. Incorporated IS'JS. See also Bristol. History. 1873. See Johnston, John. Bebebton, John. English voyager. A Brief and True Relation of the Discovery of the North Part of Virginia: being a most pleasant, fruitful and commodious soil; made this present year, 1602, by Capt. Bartholomew Gosnold, Capt. Bartholomew Gilbert, and divers other gentlemen, their associates, by the permission of the honorable knight. Sir Walter Raleigb, &c. Written by M. John Brereton, one of the voyage. Whereunto is annexed a treatise of M. Edward Hayes, containing important inducements for the planting in those parts, and find ing a passage that way to the South Sea, and China: with divers instructions of special moment, newly added to this second impression. London: Impensis Geor. Bishop, 1602. Reprinted in Mass. Soc. CoU. 3d ser. 8: S3. (1843.) [1.5S6 Gosnold first made land at York Harbor, May 14, 1602. There were two impressions of this tract in 1602- Three copies of the first are believed to exist. One is in the John Carter Brown Library at Providence. A copy brought £. 365 in 1886. The second impression contains twenty-four addi tional pages of "Inducements," and a copy now in the Lenox Library, was sold at the Barlow auction, 1890, for $1125 Beett, Maetin. 1794-1863. Paris. Miscellany, containing a variety of anecdotes, religious experiences, &c., &c., entertaining and useful to serious Christians of every name, and especially to youth. Portland: Printed at the Mirror Office. 1825. ISmo. pp. 180. [1587 Beewee. Incorporated 1812, from Orrington. See also New Worcester. Head of families. 1776. See Penobscot River. Settlers in Prior to 1783. See Pratt, John F. Land Grants in 1783. See Orrington. ^Petition to Gov. Hancock. 1783. See Orrington. Intentions of marriages in. 1785-88. See Orrington. 192 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. Beewee, Continued. Petitions from. 1788. See Pratt, John F. Petitions relating to the incorporation of Brewer. lSU-12. From the Massachusetts Archives. Bang. H. M. 2 : 211. (1887.) [1588 Intentions of marriage in. 1812-20. Bang. H. M. 5:34. (1889.) [1589 Admissions to the Congregational church in Brewer. 1813—25- Bang. H. M. 3:153. (ISSS.) [1590 Early History. 1820. See Perham, David. Confession of Faith and Covenant adopted by the Congregational church, in East Brewer, which was organized November 11, 1S28. Bangor: Anson Herrick, Printer. 1835. 24mo. pp. 16. [1591 Poem, on Temperance. 1833. See Fish, diaries R. Oration, consecration monument. 1866. See Tefft, B. F. Directory. 1867-68. See Smith, Samuel S. Directory. 1871—72. See Greenough, Jones & Co. Directory. 1872-73. See same. Directory. 1875-76. See same. Directory. 1877-78. See same. Manual of the First Congregational church. Brewer, Maine. Or ganized Sept. 9, 1880. Bangor: Printed by Thomas W. Burr. 1800. 12mo. pp. 20. [1592 Directory. 1885. See Greenough, W. A. & Co. Directory. 1887-88. See Greenough, W. A. & Co. Leading Business Men. ISSS. See Bangor. Catalogue of books in the Sabbath-school library of the First Con gregational church. Brewer, Maine. 1891. Brewer: Printed at the Echo Office. 12mo. pp. 12. [1593 Supplement to the Manual of the First Congregational church. Brewer, Maine. Organized Sept. 9, 1800. 1891. Bangor: O. F. Knowles & Co., Printers. 1891. 12mo. pp. 11. [1594 Beewee, John. 1743-1825. Brewer. Petitionof. 1792. Bang. H. M. 2 : 242. (1887.) [1595 Sketch of. See Williamson, W. D. And Family. 1886. See Porter, Joseph W. Beewee. Josiah Je. 1743-1805. -Sketch of. 1886. See Porter, J. W. Beewee, Sidney S. Clergyman. An Exposition of the Sixth Chapter of Revelation: the seven seals By S. S. Brewer. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. 193 "ITie Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave unto him, to show unto his servants things which must come to pass; and he sent and signified it by his angel unto his servant John, who bare record of the word of God, and of the testimony of Jesus Christ, and of all things that he saw. Blessed is he that readeth, and they that hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written therein; for the time is at hand. Blessed is he that keepeth the sayings of the proiihecyof this book; and he saith unto me, seal not the sayings of this book. " Rev. i. 1. 2, 3. xxii. 7. 10. Published by I. C. Wellcome. Yarmouth, Me. n. d. 16mo. pp. 36. (Illus.) [1596 Prophetic Utterances and Historic Sketches Concerning Papal Rome: its glory, its gloom and destiny. Yarmouth: Scriptural PubUcation Society. 1877. 12mo. pp. 48. [1597 Beewstee, Charles Waeebn. 1812-68. Journalist, Portsmouth, N. H. Rambles about Portsmouth. Second series. Sketches of persons, localities and incidents of two centuries, principally from tradi tion and unpublished documents. By Charles W. Brewster, with a biographical sketch of the author by Wm. H. Y. Hackett. Portsmouth, N. H. Printed and pubUshed by Lewis W. Brews ter. Journal Office. 1869. Svo. pp. 375. (Port.) Ramble CXVI. The Sparhawk Family. Ramble CXXXIII. A Step over the River.— The Celebrities of Kittery, in Former Days.— The Spring Family. [1598 Brewster, Jonathan M. 1832-82. Clergyman, Providence, R. I. FideUty and Usefulness. Life of William Burr. By Rev. J. M. Brewster, lately junior editor of the " Morning Star. " Dover, N. H. : F. Baptist Printing Establishment. 1871. 16mo. pp. 208. [1599 Beickett, George Edmund, M. D. Physician, Augusta. President's Address. 1883. Me. Med. Ass. Trans. 8:30. (1883.) [1600 Bridge, Edmund. 1739-1825. Pownalborough. Biographical Sketch of. 1863. See Willis, William. Beidgb, Jambs. 1765-1834. Lawyer, Bucksport, Augusta. Notice of. 1859. See Allen, Frederic. Biographical Sketch. 1863. See Willis, William. Biography of. 1885. See Biog. Ency. Maine. Beidge, Nathan. 1775-1827. Lawyer, Gardiner. Notice of. 1859. See Allen, Frederic. Biographical Sketch of. 1863. See Willis, Wm. Beidgton. Incorporated 1794. Journal of survey. 1766. See Choate, Isaac B. Oration, Masonic. 1804. See Hopkins, J. D. 14 194 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. Beidgton, Continued. Address, dedication town house. 1852. See Cram, Marshall. Proceedings of the Alumni of Bridgton Academy, held at North Bridgton, Me., on July 12th, 1882. Bridgton: Office of the Bridg ton News. 1883. Smo. pp. 69. [1601 Contains historical address by W. S. Kimball. Address. 1882. See Hawkins, Dexter A. Address. Semi-centennial. 1886. See Perry, Trueman S. Rules and Regulations of the First Congregational church, Bridg ton, Me., together with the confession of faith, covenant and a brief history of the church: 12mo. pp. 16. [1602 Catalogue of Books. First Congregational Sabbath-school library. 16mo. pp. 14. [1603 (A) Beief Account of the late revivals of religion in a number of towns in the New England states, and also in Nova Scotia. Ex tracted chiefly from letters written by several gentlemen of un questionable veracity. To which is added, a very interesting letter from a minister in London to a friend in Massachusetts. Boston; Printed hy Manning & Loring, Sept. 1779. Svo. pp. 24. [1604 Contains letters from Deer Isle, Litchfield and Bowdoinham. (A) Beief Sketch of Parties — the British and American as connected with the American system; together with an account of the extraordinary doings of the Maine Legislature in 1831. Portland: 1831. Svo. pp. 88. [1605 (A) Beief Statement of the Unitarian Belief. Hallowell: Glazier, Masters & Smith. 1840. sq. Svo: 12mo. pp. 4. [1606 Beief Study in Genealogy. (Cony Family.) 1885. See Williams, Joseph H. Beiggs, Cyeus, M. D. 1800-71. Physician, Augusta. Biographical Sketch of. 1872. See Harvard College. Biographical Sketch of. 1872. See Weston, J. C. Beimbleoom, Samuel. 1779-1879. Clergyman, Haverhill, Mass. The Parental Character of God. A discourse delivered before the Second Congregational society in Norridgewock, Me., February 15, 1829. By Samuel Brimblecom. Published by request. Nor ridgewock: Published by Thomas J. Copeland. 1829. 12mo. pp. 22. [1607 Beimmee, Geoege B., and Family, Ellsworth. ISSS. See Porter, J. W. Beinley, Francis. 1800-89. Lawyer, Newport, R. I. Laws Relative to Debtor and Creditor. Hunt. 2:321. (1840.) [1608 Relative to laws concerning debtors in Maine. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. 195 Bristol. Incorporated 1765. Abstract of Grants at Pemaquid. 1632. See Hazard, Ebenezer. Plantation of, mentioned. 1635. See Bradford, William. Description of Pemaquid, and character of the people. 1668. See Hutchinson Thomas. Annexation of Pemaquid to Massachusetts. 1686. See Massachu setts. Ordered, that the jurisdiction of Pemaquid be in the hands of Sir Edmund Andros. (By His Majesty's command.) 1686. Mass. Hist Soc. Coll. Srdser. 7: 16mo. (1838.) [1609 Town Rates at Jamestown. 1687. See Jeffries, Walter L. 1609 Visit to Sir Edmund Andros to. 1688. See Hutchinson, Thomas Proclamation at. 1688. See Andros, Edmund. Description of Pemaquid Fort. 1692. See Mather, Cotton. Truce at Pemaquid. 1693. See Moore, M. J. Five French Manuscripts Relating to the Capture of Pemaquid. 1696. (5.) Transcripts. Fo. and sm. 4to. [1610 In Boston Public Library. Capture of Pemaquid. 1696. See Haliburton, T. C. Fort Pemaquid, or Pemquid or Pemkuit. Built by Andros; site; account of; taken by Canibas; rebuilt in 1692; failure of ViUebon's attempt on; English base hopes on; Indian's treaty at; Bomazeen and other Abenaquis seized at. See Charlevoix, P. F. X. Description of fort. (1728). See Dummer, Jeremiah. The Petition and Memorial of the towns of Bristol, Nobleborough, New Castle, Edgecomb, and Boothbay, in the county of Lin coln, to the General Court of Massachusetts, Anno Domini, 1810. Boston: Printed by J. Belcher. 1811. Svo. pp. 32. [1611 Report of commissioners, on Pemaquid titles. 1811. See Massa chusetts. Account of Pemaquid. 1847. See Groton, Nathaniel. Papers relating to Pemaquid. 1856. See Hough, Franklin B. Ancient Pemaquid. 1857. See Thornton, J. Wingate. Communication concerning Pemaquid. 1862. See Johnston, John. Jamestown of Pemaquid. 1869. See Hackleton, Maria W. History of Pemaquid. 1870. See Vinton, John A. Land Titles at Pemaquid. 1871. See Johnston, John. History of Bristol and Bremen. 1873. See Johnston, John. Pemaquid Point. 1874. See Drake, S. A. Pemaquid, relation to Colonial history. 1874. See Hough, F. B. Settlers in Pemaquid. 1876. See Hull, R. B. 196 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. Beistol, Continued. Lost City of New England. 1877. See De Costa, B. F. Pemaquid under the Stuarts. (1878.) See Richardson, H. W. Samoset and New England Colonization. 1881. See Sewall, Rufus K Early History of Pemaquid. 1882. See Cushman, D. Q. Oldest gravestone in its cemetery. Mag. Am. Hist. 9:66. (1883.) [1612 The Pirate of Pemaquid. 1884. See Banks, Charles E. Map of Pemaquid. 1886. See Winsor, Justin. Inscriptions from Fort Burying Ground. 1887. See Fossett, J. N. By-laws and Charter of the Pemaquid Monument Association. Incorporated Jan. 19, 1872. Wiscasset: Emerson, Steam Printer. 1888. 16mo. pp. 8. [1613 Graveyard Inscriptions. ISSS. See Fossett, Jasper N. Pemaquid the Fortress. (Illustrated.) 1890. See Drake, Samuel A. Pemaquid, and its Forts. 1890. See Woodbury, Charles Levi. British Officers on the Penobscot. 1814. See Williamson, W. D. Beoeckaeet, Joseph. The Fact Divine. An historical study of the Christian revela^ tion and of the Catholic church. By Joseph Broeckaert, S. J. Translated from the French by Edmund J. A. Young. ITnus Dominus, Una Fides, XJnum Baptisma. Eph. 4: 5. Portland, Me. : McGowen & Young, 422 Congress Street. 1855. 16mo. pp. 304. [1614 Beooklin. Incorporated from Sedgwick 1849. British raid on-Naskeag (Brooklin), in 1778. Bang. H.M. 2:183. (1887.) [1615 Address, historical. 1876. See Fish, E. S. History of Naskeag Lodge, No. 171, of F. and A. Masons, June, 1873 to 1890. Portland: Stephen Berry, Printer. 12mo. pp. 27. [1616 Beooks. Incorporated 1816. List of settlers in. 1804. Bang. H. M. 2:161. (1886.) [1617 Sermon, ordination. 1825. See Smith, .lohn. Beooks, Chaeles. 1795-1872. Boston. On the Introduction of Natural History as a Regular Classic in our Seminaries. An address delivered before the American Institute of Instruction, at Portland, Me., August, 1844. By Charles Brooks, Boston. Published by request. Boston: William D. Ticknor & Co., corner of Washington and School Streets. 1844. I2mo. pp. 24. [161S BIBLIOGEAPHY OF MAINE. 197 Beooks, Eugene A., M. D. 1847-85. Physician, Portland. Biographical Sketch of. 1885. See Gordon, S. C. Beooks, James. 1810-73. Journalist, Portland, New York. Our own Country, 1836. See Stephens, Ann S. Memorial Address by. 1869. See Fessenden, William P. Brooks, John, LL. D. Governor of Massachusetts, 1816-23. Tour in Maine. 1818. Bang. H. M. 6:111. (1890.) [1619 Brooks, John Geoege, M. D. Physician, b. York, 1821. r. Belfast. Small-pox at Belfast, Me. Boston Med. and Surg. Jour. 50: 91. (1854.) [1620 Beooks, Noah. Author, b. Castine, 1830. r. Newark, N. J., Castine. The Waif of Nautilus Island. Scrib. 4:65. (1872.) [1621 Castine, Maine. Cent 2: 6S5. (1871.) [1622 The Apparition of Joe Murch. Scrib. 17 : 76. (1878.) [1623 Relating to Castine. The Fairport Nine, by Noah Brooks, author of "The Boy Emi grant," etc. New York: Charles Scribner & Sons. 743 & 745 Broadway. ISSO, 16mo. pp. 158. [1624 An Old Town with a History. Cent. 2:695. (1882.) (Illus.) [1625 The Baron de St Castine. Mag. Am. Hist 9:365. (1883.) [1626 A Lesson in Patriotism. St. Nicholas. 14: 340. (1887.) [1627 Gives an account of " The Hancock Cadets," a boys' company in Castine in 1840. Beooks, . The Physician's Assistant. Consisting of a short and comprehensive materia medica, together with a summary view of the whole prac tice of physics, surgery and midwifery. By the celebrated Dr. Brooks, late of Hebron, Maine. Benjamin French. 1833. [162 8 Beooks, W. G. Boston, Mass. Inscriptions copied from tombstones in the old burying-ground at Portland. (Communicated by W. G. Brooks. Esq , Boston.) N.E.Reg. 8:76. (18.54.) [1629 Beooks, William Heney, D. D. Hanover, Mass. The Strong Staff and the Beautiful Rod Was Broken. A sermon commemorative of the life and character of Joseph Smith, late rear-admiral, U. S. N. Preached January 28, 1877, in St. Andrew's church, Hanover, by William Henry Brooks, S. T. D. Boston: A. Williams* Co. 1877. Svo. pp. 24. [1630 198 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. Brooks, William Heney, D. D., Continued. " They shall inherit the land forever, the branch of my planting, the works of my hand, that I may be glorified." Isa. 9: 21. An Historical Address delivered at a service memorial of St. An drew's church, Scituate, September 3, A. D. 1882. By the minister of the church (which, in 1811, became St. Andrew's, Hanover). The Reverend William Henry Brooks, S. T. D. Pub lished by request. Boston: A. WiUiams & Co. Old Corner Book store. 1882. Svo. pp. 42. [1631 Sketch of Rev. William W. Wheeler, formerly of Georgetown, pp. 36-38. Beooksvillb. Incorporated 1817. Elegy on John Walker. 1831. See Black, Thankful. Sermon: Sins of Nation. 1857. See Smith, Iren W. History of. 1875. See Wheeler, Geo. A. Bkoughton, Nathaniel A. Memorial of. 1866. See Douglas, Ebenezer. Beown, Alexandee, D. C. L. Norwood, Virginia. The Genesis of the United States, a narrative of the movement in England, 1605-16, whioh resulted in the plantation of North America by Englishmen, disclosing the contest between Spain and England for the possession of the soil now occupied by the United States of America; set forth through a series of historical manuscripts now first printed together with a reissue of rare con temporaneous tracts, accompanied by biographical memoranda, notes and brief biographies, coUected, arranged and edited by Alexander Brown, member of the Virginia Historical Society, and of the American Historical Association, Fellow of the Royal Society at England. With 100 portraits, maps and plans. In two volumes. (Publisher's trade-mark: engraving: motto-Tout bien ou rein. The Riverside Press.) Boston and New York, Houghton, Mifflin & Company. The Riverside Press, Cambridge. MDCCCXL. Svo. Vol. I. pp. xxxvin, 524. Vol. II. pp. (2), 525- 1157. [1632 Contents relating to Maine : The draught of St. Georges Fort erected by Captain George Popham, Esquire, and the entry of the famous river of Saga dahoc, in Virginia, taken out by John Hunt, the viii day of October in the Year of our Lord, 1607. With note by Charles Deane, LL. D., of Cambridge, Mass. 190. CXLI. Capt. Argall's voyage towards Sagadahoc, 1610, 428. CCXCI. H. de Montmerency, Admiral of France, to King James I. 1613. CLVIll. Map of America, said to have been made in 1610, 457; Capture of St. Sauvuer, 664. CCCXII. Extract from Carayon (Attack on St. Sauveur,) 698; CCXIII. Letter from Biard to Father Acquaviva, (Capture of St. Sauvuer) , 700. CCCXV. Biard's Relation. Our Capture by the English, 709 ; Brief biography of Sir Ferdinando Gorges, 902. Some reasons against the assigned date of the map of America are given by Samuel Adams Drake in the N. E. Reg., 46: 272, which are replied to by Mr Brown , in the Register, 46 : 401. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. 199 Brown, Asa. An Oration on the anniversary of American Independence. Pro nounced at Buxton, District of Maine, on the Fourth of July, 1808. By Asa Brown. Portland: Weeks & M'Kown, Printers. 1808. 12mo. pp. 21. [1633 Beown, Clark. 1772-1S17. Clergyman, Machias, 1795-97. Sermon at his ordination, 1795. See Woodruff, Hezekiah N. The Trust Reposed in a Gospel Minister, and the requisite con duct of his people. Illustrated in a sermon preached at Machias, November 29, 1795. By Clark Brown, minister of the Christian church and congregation in Machias. New Bedford, (Mass.) Printed by F. Spooner. 1796. 4to. pp. 20. [1634 Proceedings of the church and congregation at Machias, relative to the settlement of the Rev. Clark Brown as their gospel minister. New Bedford: Printed by John Spooner. 1797. Svo. pp. 20. [1635 Beown Family. Concord, Mass., Bangor. 1887. See Porter, J. W. Brown, Feancis, D. D. 1784-1820. r. North Yarmouth, 1810-15. An Address on music: delivered before the Handel Society, Dart mouth College, August, 1809. On occasion of their anniversary. By Francis Brown. Hanover, (N. H.) Printed by Charles and WilUam J. Spear. 1810. Svo. pp. 23. [1636 The Faithful Steward. A sermon delivered October 24, 1810, at the ordination of the Rev. Allen Greeley, to the pastoral charge of the Congregational church, in Turner. By Francis Brown, pastor of the First church in North Yarmouth. Portland : Printed by Arthur Shirley. ISIO. Svo. pp. 32. [1637 A Sermon delivered July 23, 1812, on the occasion of the State Fast, adopted in consequence of the declaration of war against Great Britian. By Francis Brown, minister of the gospel in North Yarmouth. Portland: Published by Hyde, Lord & Co. 1S12. Svo. pp. 32. [1638 The Evils of War. A Fast sermon, delivered at North Yarmouth, April 7, 1S14. By Francis Brown, pastor of the church in said town. Portland: Printed by Arthur Shirley. 1814. Svo. pp. 27. [1639 (The Progress and Triumph of the Christian Religion. Text, Psalm 72: 16.) Sermon delivered before the Maine Missionary Society, at their annual meeting in Gorham, June 22, 1814. By Francis Brown, pastor of a church in North Yarmouth. HaUo weU: Printed by N. Cheever. 1814. Svo. pp. 23. [1640 200 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. Beown, Feancis, D. D., Continued. Calvin and Calvinism defended against certain injurious represen tations contained in a pamphlet entitled " A Sketch of the Life and Doctrine of the Celebrated John Calvin, " of which Rev. Martin Ruter claims to be the author. By Francis Brown, pas tor of a church in North Yarmouth. Portland : Printed by A. & J. Shirley. 1815. Svo. pp. 36. [1641 This was answered. See Ruter, Martin . A Reply to Rev. Martin Ruter's letter, relating to Calvin and Cal vinism. By I'rancis Brown, pastor of a church in North Yar mouth. Portland: Printed by A. & J. Shirley. 1815. Svo. pp. 50. [1642 Beown, Feedeeick, F. S. A. d. 1886. Clergyman, England. The Gorges Family. By the Rev. Frederick Brown of Beckenham, Kent, Eng. N. E. Reg. 29:44. (1875.) [1643 The same. Privately printed. Boston: 1875. Svo. pp. 11, (1). Beown, Geoege F. The Wondrous Tale of the Little Man in Gosling Green. A prize tale. New Yorker, 1834. [1644 Reprinted in the Boston Pearl and Literary Gazette, Nov. 8, 1824, and in the Brunswick, Telegraph, Jan. 12, 1863. The scene is laid at Brunswick, and the " the little man " was Dr. John Schwartkin of that town. Beown, Geoege W. Bangor. 1886. See Porter, J. W. Beown, John. An Ordination Sermon preach'd at Arundel, November 4, 1730. At the gathering of a church there ; and when the Reverend Mr. Thomas Prentice was ordained pastor of the church in said town. By the Rev. Mr. John Brown, pastor of the Church of Christ in Haverhill. Boston, New England : Printed by T. Fleet for T. Hancock, at the Bible and Three Crowns, near the Town Dock, 1731. 16mo. pp. 5-42, [1645 Beown, John Bundy. 1805-81. Banker, Portland. Sketch of. N.E.Reg. 35:306. (1881). [1646 Biography of. 1885. See Biog. Ency. Maine. Beown, John Marshall. 6. Portland. 1838. Banker, Portland. Loyalty. An address delivered at the request of Seth Williams Post, G. A. R., at Augusta, Maine, Decoration Day, May 30, 1873. By John Marshall Brown, Brvt. Brig. Gen. U. S. V. Print ed by Brown Thurston & Co. Svo. pp. 19. [1647 Coasting Voyages in the Gulf of Maine, made in years 1604-5 and 6, by Samuel Champlain: a paper read at the winter meeting of Maine Historical Society in Portland, Feb. IS, 1875. Me. Hist Soc. CoU. 7: .343. (1876). / [1648 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. 201 The same, in separate form. Bath: Printed by E. Upton & Son. 1S75. Svo. pp. 24, [1649 The Mission of the Assumption on the River Kennebec, 1646-52. Bead before the Maine Historical Society, May 15, 1879. Me. Hist. Soc. CoU. 2d ser. 1 : 87. (1890.) [1650 Introduction to letters of the Jesuit Missionary, P. Biard. (1891.) See Warren, Fred M. Brown, John Newton, D. D. 1803-68. Clergyman, Boston. The Apocalypse: a poem delivered before the Literary Fraternity of WaterviUe College, at their ninth anniversary, August 2, 1836. By Rev. J. Newton Brown of Exeter, N. H. Augusta: Luther Severance, Printer. 1S36. 16mo. pp. 29. [1651 Beown, Joseph. 1761-1S19. Clergyman, Deer Isle, 1804-19. A Sermon delivered at Deer Isle, January 10, 1810, at the inter ment of Capt. Mark Haskell, who departed January 7th, in the 87th year of his age. By Joseph Brown, pastor of the church in Deer Isle. Castine: Printed at the Eagle Office. 1810. Svo. pp. IS. [1652 Beown, Joseph J. Islesboro. Trial for murder, 1856. See Homicide. Beown, Nathan Cliffoed. b. Portland, 1856. r. Portland. (Extract from the proceedings of the Portland Society of Natural History, Dec. 4, 1882.) A catalogue of the birds known to occur in the vicinity of Portland, Me., especially in the townships of Falmouth, Westbrook, Cape EUzabeth, and Scarborough. Briefiy annotated. By Nathan CUfford Brown. Portland, Me. : William M. Marks, Printer. 1882. Svo. pp. 37. [1653 The same. Port. Nat Hist Proc. 2:1.(1882.) Beown, Peter. Letter describing battle of Bunker Hill. 1775. See Locke, John L. Brown, Philip Heney. 1831-93. Banker, Portland. Education and Politics. An address read to the Portland alumni of Bowdoin College at their annual dinner, January 4, 1872. By Philip H enry Brown, A. M., of the class of 1851. Brinted by B. Thurston and Company. Svo. pp. 13. [1654 Beown, Samuel F. An Address delivered before the Livermore Temperance Society, June 20, 1831. By Samuel F. Brown. Published by request Portland: A. Shirley, Printer, Exchange Street. 1831. 12mo. pp. 25. (Engraved title-page.) [1655 202 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. Beown, Samuel Oilman, D. D., LL. D. 1813-85, 6. North Yarmouth. The Works of Rufus Choate, with a memoir of his life. By Sam uel Gilman Brown, professor in Dartmouth College. In two vol umes. Boston: Little Brown and Company. 1862. Svo. Vol. I- pp. xi, 558. Vol. II. pp. iv., 523. [1656 Letter to E. W. Parley and other gentlemen of the Maine Whig State Central Committee, Aug. 9, 1856. 1:211. This contains the phrase "Glitter ing Generalities," relative to the then new Republican Party. Argument on the removal of Judge Woodbury Davis, 2 : 342. Memorial of Samuel Gilman Brown, D. D., LL. D. Born January 4, 1813. Died November 4, 1885. New York, 1886. Svo. pp. 87- (Port.) [1657 Remarks by the Reverend Professor Henry L. Chapman, A. M., of Bow doin College, in the college chapel, Brunswick, Me., Sunday evening, Nov. 8, 1885, pp. 24. Brown, Thomas. 1778-1820. Edinburgh, Scotland. Lectures on the Philosophy of the Human Mind, by the late Thomas Brown, M. D., Professor of Moral Philosophy in the University of Edinburgh, in two volumes. Vol. I. corrected from the last London edition. Stereotyped by T. H. Carter & Co., Boston. Hallowell: Printed and Published by Glazier, Masters & Co., No. 1, Kennebec Row. 1828. Svo. pp. 538. Vol. II. 1831. Svo. pp. 514. [1658 Beown, Thomas Huntington, M. D. 1813-80. Physician, Paris. Biographical Sketch of John E. Dunnells, M. D., of Harrison, Me. Med. Ass. Proc. 1867-71. [1659 President's Address before the Maine Medical Association. Prec. Me. Med. Ass. 5:201. (1875.) [1660 Biographical Sketch of. 1881. See Beede, J. W. Beown, Thomas William. Clergyman, Dover, N. H. Funeral Ceremonies and memorial services on the occasion of the death of Hon. John P. Hale of Dover, N. H., late U. S. senator and minister to Spain. Died November 17, 1873. Aged 67 years. Funeral address, Saturday, November 22, 1S73. Memorial sermon, Sunday, November 23, 1873. By Rev. Thomas W. Brown, Pastor of the First Unitarian Society of Christians of Dover, N. H. Port land: Stephen Berry, Printer. Svo. pp. 16. [1661 Beown, William Hammond, M. D. 1822-82. Physician, Bangor. Biographical Sketch of. 1883. See Coe, Thomas U. Browne, Addison F. Along Acadia's Atlantic Coast. Amer. 14: 283. (1887.) [1662 Beowne, Daniel J. First Lessons in Natural History. Geology. Comprising the ele ments of the science in its present advanced state, designed for BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. 203 the use of schools and private lessons. Illustrated by engrav ings. By D. J. Browne. " Natural history may be fundamental to the erecting and building of a true philosophy." Lord Bacon. Sylvje Sylvarium. Boston: William Hyde & Co. 1S32. 18mo. pp. 108. [1663 Sylva Americana: or a description of the Forest Trees indigenous to the United States, practically and botanically considered. By Daniel J. Browne. Boston: 1832. Svo. pp. 408. (Illus.) [1664 Brownfield. Incorporated 1802. A Memorial Service held at the Congregational church, Brownfield, Maine, February 2, 1879. Exercises. Introductory remarks. E.B. Bean; Prayer, Rev. E.H.Smith; Address, Rev. E. S.Jordan; Resolutions, S. B. Bean. Lewiston, Printed at the Journal Office. 1879. Svo. pp. 8. [1665 Beownson, William Heney. b. 1854. Journalist. Portland. Thomas B. Reed, with portrait. New. Eng. Mag. 2: 188. (1890.) [1666 Beownvillb. Incorporated 1824. Historical Account. 1880. See Loring, Amasa. List of books in the Brownville Congregational Sunday-school library, n. d. 16mo. pp. 4. [1667 Beucb, Phineas. 1762-1809. Lawyer, Machias. Biographical Sketch of. 1863. See WiUis, WiUiam. Sketch of. 1887. See Porter, J. W. Beuel, James D. Biddeford. Sea Memoirs, or personal experiences in the United States navy in peace and war. 1886. [1668 Beunswick. Incorporated 1737. See also Bowdoin College. Intentions of marriage in Brunswick, Me. 1740-64. Bang. H. M. 4: 92. (1888.) [1669 A Statement of the title of the proprietors of the township of Brunswick, with extracts of deeds and a plan. 1753. [1670 Remarks on statement of title. 1753. See Plymouth Company. View of law affecting title. 1753. See Conspectus. An Answer to the remarks of the Plymouth Company, or (as they call themselves) the Proprietors of the Kennebec purchase from the late Colony of Plymouth, published by virtue of their vote of 31st of January last: on the plan and extracts of deeds pub lished by the proprietors of the township of Brunswick. Agree able to their vote of the 4th of January immediately preceding Wherein the many trifiing cavils against said plan and extracts are answered, many aspersions cast on them wiped off: and their 204 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. Brunswick, Continued. entire consistency with each other fully shown. And also the boundaries of the Plymouth Company's tract upon Kennebec River are at large set forth and ascertained. Boston: in N. E. Printed in the year MDCCLIII. Svo. pp. 33. [1671 Defence of remarks. 1753. See Plymouth Company. Early Marriages in Brunswick. Solemnized by the Rev. John Miller. 1786-89. Me. Gen. 2: 58. (1878.) [1672 Discourse, ordination Ebenezer Coffin. 1794. See Coffin, Paul. Sermon, on Washington. 1800. See Coffin, Ebenezer. - — -Sermon, National Fast. 1812. See Bailey, Winthrop. Constitution of the Brunswick, Topsham and Harpswell Society for the suppression of intemperance and other immoralities: formed April 2, 1813. Portland: Printed by Arthur Shirley. 1814. Svo. pp. 12. [1673 Address on temperance. 1814. See Cleaveland, Parker Sermon, National Thanksgiving. 1815. See Appleton, Jesse. -Halos and parhelia observed at. 1815-18. See Cleaveland, Parker. Proceedings of convention of delegates held in Brunswick, Me., 1816. n. p. Svo. pp. 20. [1674 This was in relation to separation from Massachusetts. -Journal of convention. 1816. See Smith, Gamaliel E. Account of convention. 1816. See Chapman, Henry L. Minutes of convention. 1816. See Allen, William. Sermon, funeral Jesse Appleton. 1819. See Tappan, Benjamin. Description of. 1820. See Putnam, Henry. Sermon, State Fast. 1820. See Cummings, Asa. Sermon, funeral Jacob Abbot. 1820. See Eaton, Samuel. Sermon, missionary. 1825. See Mitchell, David M. Constitution, rules and orders, by-laws and library regulations of the Nucleus Club. Instituted April 7, 1820. Griffin's Press, Brunswick.' 1830. 12mo. pp. 21. [1675 Address to working men. 1831. See Address. Lectures on occasion of the recent religious excitements in Bruns wick and Topsham. Lecture first. Printed, not published. Brunswick: Press of Joseph Griffin. (1834.) Svo. pp. 33. [1676 Sermon. 1834. See Packard, Alpheus S. Tale located at; "The Little Man in Gosling Green. " 1834. See Brown, George F. Survey of water-power. 1836. See Baldwin, Loammi. Sermon, missionary. 1839. See Dwight, WiUiam T. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. 205 -Androscoggin Bridge. The Family Magazine. 6: 346. (1839.) [1677 -Constitution, rules and order, by-laws and library regulations of the Pithonian Club. Instituted January 3, 1825. Brunswick: Press of J. Griffln. 1841. 12mo. pp. 16. [1678 -Address before Cumberland Association. 1841. See Cummings, Asa. -Lecture before Lyceum. 1844. See Barrows, William G. -Sermon at Maine Baptist Convention. 1846. See Champlin, James T. -Discourse, historical. 1846. See Folsom, George. —Address, historical. 1849. See Winthrop, Robert C. —Meteorological Journal at, 1S06-5S. See Cleaveland, Parker. —Sermon, missionary. 1861. See Webb, Edwin B. —Remarks on Joseph M'Keen, 1865. See Adams, George E. —Remarks at funeral of John Coburn. 1865. See Wheeler, A. D. -Directory, 1867-68. See Langford & Chase. -Directory, 1871-72. See Jones, S. G. & Co. -Discourse, on Thomas C. Upham. 1862. See Packard, Alpheus S. —First Congregational Church, in Brunswick. Historical sketch, confession of faith, covenant, rules of the church, and catalogue of members to January 15, 1872. Brunswick: Joseph Griffln. 1872. 12mo. pp. 72. [1679 -Directory. 1874. See Greenough, Jones & Co. -Epitaphs at. 1877. See Little, George T. -Directory. 1876-77. See Greenough & Co. —History, 1878. See Wheeler, George A., and Wheeler, Henry W. -Sermon, installation. 1879. See Peabody, Andrew P. —Directory. ISSO. See Greenough, W. A. & Co. —Catalogue of the Main Street Universalist Sunday-school Ubrary, Brunswick. Brunswick: Printed by A. G. Tenney. 1881. 16mo. pp. 16. [1680 —Catalogue of the Congregational S. S. library, Brunswick. A. G. Tenney, Printer. 1883 Svo. pp.. 16- [1681 -Directory. 1883-84. See Greenough, W. A. & Co. -Sketch of. 1887. See Guild, E. C. -Directory. 1887. See Greenough, W. A. & Co. -Sermon, The Christian Religion Practical. 1889. See Fisher, W. P. -Temperance scenes at, in old times. 1887. See Howard, OUver O. -Sermon, Christian Independence. 1889. See Fisher, W. P. —Sermon. ReUgion of Christ, Relative to Humanity. 1888. See Fisher, W. P. 206 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. Brunswick, Continued. Celebration of the one hundred and fiftieth anniversary of the in corporation of the town of Brunswick, June 13, 1889. Brunswick Maine, Published by the Pejepscot Historical Society. 1SS9. Svo pp. (4), 91. (7 illus.) [1682 Oration: Charles C. Everett; Poem: Henry L. Chapman. Leading Business Men of, with historical sketch. 1889. See Lead ing Business Men. Collections of the Pejepscot Historical Society. Vol. I. Part I. Brunswick, Maine. Published for the Society. 1SS9. Svo. pp. vin, 66. [1683 Contents. Pejepscot Historical Society. Early Movements to Separate the District of Maine from Massachusetts, and the Brunswick Convention of 1816, by Henry L. Chapman. Brunswick at the Time of its Incorporation, by Henry W. Wheeler. Reminiscences of a Former Resident of New Meadows, written in 1843. Thomas Crowell, by Sumner L. Holbrook. James Cary, by Ira P. Booker. Brunswick Wharf, by Henry W. Wheeler. Historical Discourse. 1890. See Herring, C. M. Inscriptions from gravestones in new cemetery. Bang. H. M. 6:107. (1890.) [1684 Catalogue of the Congregational S. S. library, Brunswick. Bruns wick: Telegraph and Job Press. 1890. 12mo. pp. 12. [1685 List of members of the Congregational Church, Brunswick, Maine, January 1, 1890. Brunswick Telegraph Press. 1890. 16mo. pp. 12. [1686 Brush, Geoege Jaevis. Professor mineralogy, Yale University. Amblygonite from Hebron, iu Maine. Am. Jour. Sci. 2d ser., 34: 243. (1862.) [1687 Beyant, Gridlby J. F. Boston. Specifications for the new jail and house of correction, for the County of Washington, at Machias, Maine, by Gridley J. F. Bryant, architect. Machias: Printed at the Republican offlce. 1858. Svo. pp. 32. [1688 Beyant, Hubbaed Winslow. b. 1839. Librarian Maine. Historical Society, Portland. Early Works of Longfellow. Mag. Am. Hist. 8:636. (1862.) [1689 Lottery Tickets. Mag. Am. Hist. 9:211. (1SS3.) [1690 Rev. Eugene Vetromile. A brief sketch of his life and philologic labors. Read before the Maine Historical Society December 21, 1883. Me. Hist. Soc. CoU. 2d ser. 1 : 309. (1890.) [1691 Bryant, Seth E. 1826-88. Kennebunkport. History of York Lodge, No. 22 of Masons. 1813-71. Portland: Printed by Stephen Berry. 1871. Svo. pp. IS. [1692 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. 207 District of Kennebunk. A list of vessels built from 1800 to 1878. Compiled by S. E. Bryant. Kennebunk: 1874. 4to. pp. 12. [1693 With Chadbourne, H. H. History of Arundel Lodge, No. 76, F. and A. M., Kennebunkport, Me., from 1S54 to 1870. Portland: Stephen Berry, Printer. 1870. 12mo. pp. 28. [1694 Beyant, William Cullen. 1794-1878. Poet and editor. New York. Editor. Picturesque America: or the land we live in. A delinea tion by pen and pencil of the mountains, rivers, lakes, forests, waterfalls, shores, canons, valleys, cities, and other picturesque features of our country. With illustrations on steel and wood, by eminent American artists. Edited by William Cullen Bryant. New York: D. Appleton & Company, 549 and 551 Broadway. n. d. (Copyright, 1872.) 4to. Vol. L pp. vi, 568. Vol. II. pp. 6, 576. [1695 On the Coast of Maine. Author; O. D. Bunce. Artist: Harry Fenn. 1: 1. Account of Mount Desert, and 12 engravings. Beyant, William M. The Old Sailor: A thrilling narrative of the life and adventures of Elias Hutchins, during forty years on the ocean. Related by himself, written by William M. Bryant. Biddeford: 1854. Svo. pp. 48. [1696 A Narrative of the Voyage of Life, in the Brig Convert. From the Village of Newness-of-life to the Port of Endless-joy, in the Empire of Glory. An allegory. By WiUiam M. Bryant. Bidde ford: Printed at the Union and Journal Offlce. 1859. 12mo. pp. 31. [1697 Beyent, Waltbe. Walter Bryent's Journal in running the boundary between New Hampshire and that part of the Massachusetts Bay called county of York. 1741. From the Massachusetts Archives, now first printed. Hist Mag. 2d. ser. 9:17. (1871.) [1698 Buchanan, James. 1791-1868. Fifteenth president United States. Lancaster, Pa. Speech on the ratification of the treaty with Great Britain, deliv ered in the Senate of the United States. By James Buchanan. August 19th, 1842. [1699 Buck, Daniel D., D. D. Scriptural Symbolism. In three parts. I. Dramatic Symbols of the Bible. II. Symbolism, iUustrated and applied. III. Pro phetic Symbols, as related to the imagination. Yarmouth: I. C. Wellcome. 1887. 12mo. pp. 318. [1700 208 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. Buck, Ebenezee. 1752-1824. Bucksport. Notice of. N. E. Reg. 24: 441. (1870.) [1701 Notice of. Bang. H. M. 2:69. (1886.) [1702 Buck, Edwin Augustus, b. Bucksport. 1824. Clergyman, Fall River, Mass. An Historical Discourse, delivered at the semi-centennial anniver sary of the Slatersville Congregational church, Sept. 9, 1866. By Rev. E. A. Buck, pastor. Woonsocket: S. S. Foss, Book and Job Printer, Patriot Offlce. 1867. Svo. pp. 48. [1703 Pages 12-14 contain a sketch of Rev. Jotham Sewall, of Maine. Buck Family, of Bucksport. 1857. See Buck, Rufus. Buck, Jonathan. 1719-95. Bucksport. Notice of. N.E.Reg. 24:441. (1870.) [1704 Account of. (1886.) See WiUiamson, W. D. . Account of. (1890.) See Porter, J. W. Pass given to. Bang. H. M. 5 : 225. (1890.) [1705 Buck, Levisa. Adversity the Best of Friends. Illustrated in a short journal written by Levisa Buck. Portland: Printed for the author. 1822. Svo. pp. 16. [1706 Memoir of the Rev. Thomas Barnes, written and compiled by his daughter, Mrs. Levisa Buck, and edited by Rev. George Bates. Portland: S. H. Colesworthy. 1856. 16mo. pp. 105. [1707 Buck, Reuben. An Address delivered before the York County Temperance Society, at Alfred, Oct. 18, 1831. By Reuben Buck, M. D. Published at request of the society. Kennebunk: Printed by James K. Remick. 1831. 12mo. pp. 15. [1708 Buck, Roger. Cambridge, Mass. 1887. See Lapham, W. B. Buck, Rufus. 1797-1879. Bucksport. A History of Bucksport, up to 1857. By the late Rufus Buck, of Bucksport Bang. H. M. 1:65,84,103. (1885.) 2:21. (1886.) Communicated by Mrs. Mary S. Bradley. [1709 BucKFiBLD. Incorporated 1793. Address at, on woman. 1851. See Smith, Francis O. J. Family Records of early settlers. (1876.) See Cole, Alfred. Leading Business Men of, with historical sketch. 1889. See Busi ness Men. BIBLIOGEAPHY OF MAINE. 209 Buckingham, Joseph Tinker. 1779-1861. Journalist, Boston. Commodore Samuel Tucker. N. E. Mag. o. s. 2:138. (1832.) [1710 Buckminster, Joseph, D. D. 1751-1812. Clergyman, Portsmouth, N. H. Sermon at York. 1792. See Merriam, Matthew. Sermon at the interment of Rev. Moses Hemmenway, pastor of the First church in Wells. By Joseph Buckminster. Kennebunk: J. K. Remick. ISSl. Svo. pp. 24. [1711 BucKNAM, Samuel. The Town of Columbia Falls. Bang. H. M. 1:136. (1886.) [1712 Bucknam, Seward. Marriages and Intentions of Marriage in Columbia, 1796 to 1806, from town records. (Contributed by Seward Bucknam, Esq., Columbia Falls.) Bang. H. M. 4:117. (1886.) [1713 Bucksport. Incorporated. 1792. Census. 1771. See Pratt, John F. Act of incorporation. 1792. Bang. H. M. 2:219. (1887.) [1714 - — Publishments. 1793-1802. From the town records. Bang. H. M. 5:235. (1890.) [1715 Marriages. 1793-1S02. From the town records. Bang. H. M. 5:179. (1890.) [1716 Oration, 4 July, 1798. See Sparhawk, Thomas S. Marriages. 179S-1S11. See Witherle, George H. The Penobscot Bank at Buckstown. 1806. Bang. H. M. 3:110. (1SS7.) [I'^l'^ Sermon, Fast. 1808. See Blood, Mighill. Convention. 1812. See Address to Electors. Sermon, missionary. 1815. See Rand, Asa. Discourse, Masonic. 1818. See Blood, MighiU. List, members of Methodist church. 1820. See Orrington. Account of. 1827. See Little, Henry. Address, opening seminary. 1851. See Knox, Loren L. Sermon, funeral J. B. Folsom. 1854. See Maltby, John. [1718 History. 1887. See Buck, Rufus. Seminary War Record. 1877. See Webb, Nathan B. Deaths. From gravestones in the cemetery. Bang. H.M. 3 : 50. (1887. [I'^l^ Buck Memorial Library. Lib. Jour. 13:45. (1888.) (Engraving.) 15 210 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. BuCKSPOET, Continued. -Catalogue of Elm Street Sunday-school library, Bucksport, Maine. 1889. Ellsworth: Hancock County Pub. Company, Printers. 1889. 16mo. pp. 22. [1721 History of Felicity Lodge. 1809-1890. See Mitchell, George O. -Confession of Faith aud Covenant, of the Elm Street Congregational church, Bucksport, Maine, with a list of the members. 1868. Bangor: Printed by Smith & Hill. 1863. 12mo. pp. 16. [1722 Budge, Capt. James, of Bangor. 1871. See Porter, J. W. Budget, The. 1830. See Von Dunderhead, Messrs. Buel, J. W. The Standard Bearer. Offlcial edition. The authorized pictorial lives of James Gillespie Blaine and John Alexander Logan, in cluding their boyhood and early struggles, successive triumphs and splendid achievements in the nation's council halls and amid the smoke and carnage of battle, grand qualities as civic and martial leaders, and eminent public services as statesmen, diplomats, etc. With hundreds of authentic personal incidents, anecdotes and reminiscences, collected at their boyhood and present homes, and many of them never before published. Also embracing a graphic account of the great convention of 1884, a synopsis of all previous national conventions, the famous nom ination speeches of 1876 and 1880, with other political infor mation invaluable to every voter. By J. W. Buel, author of "Russian Nihilism and Exile Life in Siberia," "Legends of the Ozark," "Heroes of the Plains," etc., etc. New steel-plate por traits and fine engravings from original photographs, etc. New York and St. Louis: N. D. Thompson & Co., Publishers. 1884. 12mo. pp. 538. [1723 Bugbee, Jambs M. Memorials of Massachusetts Society of the Cincinnati. Edited by James M. Bugbee. Boston: Printed for the society. 1890. Svo. pp. xliv, 575. (IUus.) [1724 Contains memoirs of Charles S. Daveis, aud other Maine members, re printed, with some changes and additions from Drake, F. S., Memorial Volume Mass. Society of the Cincinnati, 1873. BuLLAED, Mes. Lauea (J.) Cuetis. Now-a-Days! New York: T. L. Magagnos & Co. Bangor, Me.: David Bugbee. 1854. 12mo. pp. vii, 309. (Illus. frontispiece.) [1726 Contains accounts of sewing circle at Belfast. The same. Second edition. New York: T. L. Magagnos & Co., 16 Beekman Street. 1854. 12mo. pp. 309. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. 211 BuLLBE, Chaelbs. 1806-48. The Boundary Question. West Rev. 34: 202. (1840.) [1726 Relating to the north eastern boundary. Bungay, Geoege Washington. JournaUst, New York. Crayon Sketches and Off-hand Takings, of distinguished Ameri can statesmen, orators, divines, essayists, editors, poets and philanthropists. Boston: Stacy and Richardson. 1852. 12mo. pp. 165. ' (1727 Neal Dow, pp. 43-46. Bunker, Benjamin. 1837-94. Journalist, WaterviUe. Bunker's Text Book of Political Deviltry. A record of Maine's small-bore politicians and political bosses, with jacknife illus trations by the author, Benjamin Bunker, WaterviUe, Me. En tered according to act of Congress, in the year 1SS9 by Benja min Bunker, in the office of the librarian of Congress, at Wash ington, D. C. Printed at the Kennebec Democrat Office. Sm. 4to. pp. 152. [1728 Bunker Hill Monument. History of. 1853. See Packard, Alpheus S. BuNYAN, John. 1628-68. The Pilgrim's Progress, with original notes by Thomas Scott. HaUoweU: N. Cheever. 1817. 16mo. pp. 346. (5 plates.) [1729 Buebank, Augustus Hannibal, M. D. b. 1823. Physician, Yar- mouthville. Induction of Premature Labor. A paper read before the Maine Medical Association, June 13, 1883. By A. H. Burbank, M. D., of Yarmouth. Portland : Stephen Berry, Printer. 1883. Svo. pp. 19. [1730 Buebank and Buebanck Families. ISSO. See Ridlon, George T. Buebank, Eleazer. Yarmouth. Address at his funeral. 1867. See Putnam, Geo. A. Burbank, Horace Harmon. 6. 1837. Lawyer, Saco. Class of 1860. Bowdoin College. "Apparent rari nantes in gurgiie vasto." June, 1882. H. H. Burbank, historian. (Engraving of King Chapel.) Portland: Stephen Berry, Printer. 1882. Svo. pp. 28. , [1731 Burbank, William Heney, The Development of Gelatine Dry Plates. Brunswick, Maine: W. H. Burbank. 1890. 16mo. pp. 93. [1732 BuRDiCK, William. Co-editor Christian's Monitor. 1798-99. See Rand, John. 212 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. BuEGESS, Alexandee, D. D. 6. 1810. P. E. Bishop, Quincy, 111. r. Maine, 1844-67. Questions for Bible Classes and Sunday-schools in the Protestant Episcopal Church. Boston: 1852. ISmo. pp. 108. [17-33 Memoir of the life of the Rt. Reverend George Burgess, D. D., first bishop of Maine. Edited by the Rev. Alexander Burgess, D. D., rector of St. John's church, Brooklyn, Long Island. (Monogram.) Philadelphia: Claxton, Remsen and Hoffelfinger. 1869. Svo. pp. xi, 419. (Port.) [1734 Contains part of the funeral address by Bp. Clark and a commemorative sermon by Bp. Coxe. Reviewed in O. & N. 2 : 94. (1870.) BuEGESs, Geoege, D. D. 1809-66. Bishop of the Protestant Episcopal Church, Maine, r. Gardiner, 1S47-66. The Stranger in the Church. By the Rt. Rev. George Burgess, D. D., bishop of the Diocese of Maine. No. XXXII. Boston: Pub lished by the tract committee of the Diocese of Massachusetts. For sale by James B. Dow, 141 Washington Street. 1848. 12mo. pp. 25. [1735 The same. New York: Thomas Whittaker. Philadelphia: Epis copal Female Tract Society No. 332. McCalla & Stavely, Printers. 12mo. pp. 24. [1736 The Passage into the Ministry: an address delivered in St. Peter's church. New York, to the graduating class of the General Theo logical Seminary, at the commencement, June 27, 1850. Printed at the request of the trustees. New York: Daniel Dana, Jr. No. 20 John St. Svo. pp. IS. [1737 Great Principles : a charge delivered to the clergy of the Diocese of Maine, at the annual convention, held in St. Stephen's church, Portland, July 10, 1850. Published by the vote of the convention. Augusta: Rusell Eaton. 1850. Svo. pp. 17. [1738 The Last Enemy: Conquering and Conquered. By George Burgess, D. D., bishop of the Protestant Episcopal Church in Maine. Phila delphia: H. Hooker, 1850. 12mo. pp. 330. [1739 The same. Second edition. Philadelphia: H.Hooker. 1851. 12mo. pp. 330. The Lowliness of the Ei>iscopate. A sermon, (St. Luke 22:26-27) preached in St. John's church, Hartford, October 29, 1851, at the consecration of the Rev. John Williams, D. D., as assistant bishop of the Diocese of Connecticut. Published by request. Hartford: S. Hanner & Co. Svo. pp. 21. (1.) [1740 The Duty of Christian Ministers toward Young Men and Men of Mature Years. A charge delivered to the clergy of the Diocese BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. 213 of Maine, at the annual convention, held in St. Stephen's church, Portland, on Wednesday, the 13th of July, 1853. By George Burgess, D. D., bishop of the Protestant Episcopal Church in Maine. Published by vote of the convention. Augusta: Russell Eaton, Printer. 1853. Svo. pp. 20. [1741 -The Gospel in its First Progress Westward. A sermon preached in Trinity church. New York, on Friday, October 28, 1853. (The festival of St. Simon and St. Jude.) At the consecration of the Rev. W. Ingraham Kip, D. D., as missionary bishop to California. By the Right Rev. George Burgess, D. D., bishop of the Protes tant Episcopal Church in Maine. Albany: Joel Munsell, 78 State Street. 1853. Svo. pp. 25. [1742 -Bishop Philander Chase. Am. Ch. Rev. 6:24. (1853.) [1743 -Lecture. The Modern Necromancy No Argument against the Gospel. (1854.) See Potter, A. -Adult Baptism. By the Rt. Rev. George Burgess, D. D., bishop of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the Diocese of Maine. New York : Published by Thomas Whittaker. 1854 . 16mo. pp. 24. [1744 -Going Up to the Temple to Pray. By the Right Rev. George Bur gess, D. D. A tract 1854. n. p. pp. 12. [1745 Published by request of the Maine Board of Missions. Contains the substance of a sermon preached at the consecration of St. Peter's church, Rockland, June 8, 1851. -A Discourse delivered before the Maine Historical Society, at Bruns wick, August 2, 1854. Me. Hist Soc. CoU. 5:62. (1856.) [1746 -The same, in separate form. Portland. 1854. Svo. pp. 25. -Sermons on the Christian Life. By the Rt. Rev. George Burgess, D. D., bishop of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the Diocese of Maine. Philadelphia: Herman Hooker. 1854. 12mo. pp. 316. [1747 Remarkable for comprehension of thought, beauty and simplicity of style. -A Catechism on the Church Catechism. By the Right Rev. George Burgess, D. D., bishop of the Diocese of Maine. Published by the Protestant Episcopal Society for the Promotion of Evangelical Knowledge, No. 3. Bible House, Fourth Ave., New York. n. d. (1855 ?) 16mo. pp. 267. [1748 -Sermon at Gardiner, March 18, 1855. Little Children with the Lord. Printed by request, not published for sale. Printed by Richard B. CaldweU, Gardiner. Svo. pp. 11. [1749 -Thoughts on Keligion and Public Schools. Am. Jour. Ed. 2:562 (1856.) [IToO 214 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. Burgess, George, D. D., Continued. The Third Charge to the clergy of the Diocese of Maine, delivered at the thirty-seventh annual convention, in St. Mark's church, Augusta, on Wednesday, the 9th of July, 1856, by the Right Rev George Burgess, D. D. Published by vote of the convention. Augusta: H. A. Fairfield, Printer. Svo. pp.21. (1856.) [1751 The same. Second edition. Published by request. New York: Dana & Company. 1856. Svo. pp. 21. The same, in " The Gospel of St Luke, " under the title of " Theory of the Church CathoUc. " Preface to Memoir Rev. Jacob Bailey. 1853. See Bartlet, William S. The Swedenborgian Delusion, a sermon preached in Christ church, Gardiner, Maine, on the First Sunday after the Epiphany, A. D. 1858. Hartford. 1867. 16mo. [1752 The same. Middletown, Conn. 1888. 12mo. pp. 17. The Personality, Kingdom and Power of Satan. A charge deliv ered to the clergy of the Diocese of Maine, in Grace church, Bath, at the annual convention, July 13, 1859, by the Right Rev. George Burgess, D. D., bishop of the Diocese. Published by vote of the convention. Augusta: Elias G. Hedge & Co., Printers. Svo. pp. (1), 23. [1753 The Love of Zion. A sermon (Psalm 122: 9) preached in St. James church, Richmond, on Thursday, October 13, 1859, at the conse cration of the Rev. Benjamin Whipple, D. D., as bishop of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the Diocese of Minnesota. Cin cinnati. 1858. Svo. pp. 19. [1754 A Sermon preached in Trinity church, Boston, on Wednesday, Sep tember 12, 1860, at the admission of Rev. Frederic D. Hunting ton, D. D., to the Holy Order of Deacons. By the Right Rev. George Burgess, D. D., bishop of the Protestant Episcopal Church in Maine. PubUshed by request of the clergy present. Boston: E P. Dutton and Company. Church Bookstore: 106 Washington Street. 1860. Svo. pp. 20. [1755 (The Character Which Is the Just End of a True Education.) An address delivered at the anniversary of Miss Draper's seminary, in Christ church, Hartford, Connecticut, June 21, 1860. Pub lished by request. Hartford : 1S60. Svo. pp. 22. [1756 The same. Second edition. The Secondary Benefits of the Prayer-book. A sermon (Deut. 31: 19) preached at the anniversary of the Bishop White Prayer-book Society, on Sunday, October 14, 1860, in St. Luke's church, Philadelphia. 1860. pp. 18. [1757 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. 215 -The Hours. A poem. n. d. (1861.) n. p. sq. Svo. pp. 24. [1758 -The Value and Efficiency of the Ministry. A charge delivered to the clergy of the Diocese of Maine, in Christ church, Gardiner, at the annual convention, July 9, 1862. Published by vote of the convention. Bangor: D. Bugbee & Co. Samuel S. Smith, Printer. 1865. Svo. pp. 22. [1759 Republished in " Gospel of St. Luke. " 1880. -Who was Richard Seymour? and why should he be remembered with honor? Address at the Popham celebration, August 29, 1862. See Ballard, Edward. -The same. In separate form. Portland: Brown Thurston. 1862. Svo. pp. 4. [1760 -The Nobleness of Theological Studies. An inaugural discourse delivered at the opening of the divinity school of the Protestant Episcopal Church at Philadelphia, in St. Luke's church, on Mon day, September 29, 1862. PhUadelphia: J. S. McCalla, 257 Dock Street. Svo. pp. 22. [1761 -C;hristian Books. A sermon (Isaiah 28: 10) preached in Trinity chapel. New York, before the General Protestant Episcopal Sun day-school Union and Church Book Society. New York: Gen. Prot. Epis. S. S. Union and Church Book Society. 1S63. Svo. pp. 23. [1762 -The Doctrine of the Protestant Episcopal Church. Bib. Sac. 20: 856. (1863.) [1763 -Sermon on the Death of Robert H. Gardiner, delivered at Christ church, Gardiner, Maine. By the Right Rev. George Burgess, D. D., April 3, 1864. Boston: Printed by John Wilson & Son. Svo. pp. 20. [1764 -The American Metrical Psalter. New York: Published by F. J. Huntington. 1864. 12mo. pp. 284. [1765 -An Address delivered in Christ church, Hartford, at the funeral of the Rt. Rev. Thomas Church Brownell, D. D., LL. D., third bishop of Connecticut, January 17, 1865. Cambridge, Mass. 1865. SmaU 4to. n. pp. (22.) [l766 -The Church after the National Convulsion. A charge delivered to the clergy of the Diocese of Maine, in St. Luke's church, Port land, at the annual convention, July 12, 1865. Published by vote ofthe convention. Portland: Stephen Berry, Printer. 1865. Svo. pp. 16. [1'767 -Last Journal of, 1865-66. With an introduction by Rt. Rev. Al fred A. Lee, D. D., Bishop of Delaware. Boston: E. P. Dutton & Co., Church Book Company. 1866. 16mo. pp. 83. [1768 From December 27, 1865, to April 20,1866. 216 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. BuEGESS, Geoege, D. D., Continued. A Letter to a preacher of Universalism. Hartford: (1867.) 16mo. pp. 54. [1769 List of persons admitted to the Order of Deacons in the Protest ant Episcopal Church, in the United States of America, from A. D., 1S75 to A. D., 1857, both inclusive. Prepared by the late Right Rev. George Burgess, D. D., bishop of Maine. Boston: A. Wil Uams & Co. 1875. 16mo. pp. 48. [1770 Edited by the Rev. William S. Bartlet, with index and note, pp. xvi. Sermon at funeral. (1866.) See Clark, Thomas M. Notice of. N. E. Reg. 20: 261. (1866.) [1771 Death of. Proceed. Mass. Hist. Soc. 9 : 242. (1866-67.) [1772 Announcement of death, by Robert C. Winthrop; resolutions, by Rev. William S. Bartlet. Sketches of the English Church history. Bishops of Bristol. Am. Ch. Rev. 19: 177. (1867.) Bishops of Gloucester. Am. Ch. Rev. 19 : 376. (1867.) Bishops of Landoff. Am.Ch. Rev. 20:68. (1868.) Bishops of Bangor. Am. Ch. Rev. 20: 183. (1868.) [1773 Early History of the Church in New York City. Am. Ch. Rev. 20: 507. (1868.) [1774 Biographical Sketch of. 1868. See Bartlet, William S. Notice of. 1867. See Gardiner, Frederic. Poems of the Right Rev. George Burgess, D. D., bishop of Maine, with an introduction by the bishop of Western New York. Hart ford : Brown and Gross, sq. Svo. pp. viii, 276. [1775 The writer of the introduction was Bishop Arthur Cleaveland Coxe. Editor. Memoir of the life of. 1S69. See Burgess, Alexander. Bishop Burgess. Am. Q. Ch. Rev. 22: 96. (1871.) [1776 — -Biographical Notice of Robert H. Gardiner. Me. Hist. Soc. Coll. 7 : 403. (1876.) [1777 The First Bishop of Maine. (1883.) See Paul, Robert. The Gospel of St. Luke, with critical notes by George Burgess, D. D., first bishop of Maine. Also six charges delivered to the clergy of his diocese. (Now reprinted by request.) New York: Anson D. F. Randolph & Company. ISSO. 12mo. pp. 277. [1778 Biography of. 1885. See Biog. Ency. Maine. Burgess, J. S. Business and Religion : a sermon preached at the union meeting, Lewiston, Me. By Rev. J. S. Burgess. And published at the re quest of clergymen and congregation present, for gratuitous dis tribution. Haverhill, Mass.: Woodward & Palmer, Printers 25 Merrimack Street 1869. Svo. pp. 12. [1779 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. 217 Burgess, Robert. Hattie : the Union spy. A drama in three acts. By Robert Bur gess. j-jYSO BuELBiGH, Chaelbs. The Genealogy of the Burleigh and Burley Family of America. By Charles Burleigh of Portland, Maine. Portland: Press of B. Thurston & Company. ISSO. Svo. pp. 200. [1781 Marriages in Falmouth. (Cape Elizabeth), solemnized by Rev. Ephraim Clark, pastor 2d parish. Me. Rec. 3: 101, 185. (1SS6.) [1782 The Genealogy and History of the Guild, Guile and Gile Family. By Charles Burleigh. "Honor thy father and thy mother." Exodus 20: 12. "Honor and shame from no condition rise, Act well yonr part, there all the honor lies." Pope's Essay on Man. Portland, Me.: Brown Thurston & Company. 1887. Svo. pp. 331. (Ports. Illus.) [1783 BuELEiGH Family. 1880. See Burleigh, Charles. BuENCOAT OE Swan's ISLAND. 1887. See Porter, J. W. Buenham, Edwaed Payson. &. Kennebunkport. 1827. Lawyer, Saco. Sketch of. Freemason's Repository. 13:465.(1884.) (Port) [1784 ^Memoir of Judge David Sewall, LL. D. Read before the Maine Historical Society, May 25, 1883. Me. Hist Soc. CoU. 2d ser. 2: 301. [1785 Speech at 154th anniversary Massachusetts Grand Lodge of Masons, 1887. In Proceedings, p. 235. [1786 Buenham, Simeon, and family, Bluehill. 1890. See Candage, R. G. F. BuEE, Capt. Chaelbs, of Brewer. 1887. See Porter, J. W. Burr, Chaelbs C. Clergyman, Portland, 1838-42. Thoughts on Revivals of Religion. Augusta. 1S3S. ISmo. pp. 97. [1787 Discourse on revivals, delivered in the Universalist church, Port land, Me., on tlie evening of April 5, 1840. By Rev. C. C. Burr, Portland: S. H. Colesworthy, 23 Exchange Street. 1840. Svo. pp. 14. [ITSS Social Melodies: A coUection of hymns, for the use of prayer- meetings, Sabbath-schools, bible-classes and families. By C. C. Burr. , ^ For never harp or lyre revealed Such music as the heart can yield. Portland: S. H. Colesworthy. Boston: B. B. Mussey. 1841. 16mo. pp. 288. [1VS9 Noel Boncello. Portland: (1841?) 32mo. pp. 175. [1790 218 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. Burr, Joseph, and family. Brewer. 1890. See Porter, J. W. Burr, William. 1806-66. Publisher, Dover, N. H., Limerick. Eulogy on. 1867. See Day, George T. Notice of. N.E.Reg. 21:79. (1867.) [1701 Buerage, Heney Sweetsee, D. D. Clergyman, b. Fitchburg, Mass., 1837. r. Waterville and Portland since 1869. Memorials of Prague and John Huss. Sabbath at home. 4:129. (1870.) [1792 Ulrich ZwingU. Bapt. Q. 6: 68. (1S72.) [1793 Exegesis of Acts. XXVI, 28, 29. Bib. Sac. 31:415. (1874.) [1794 Heinrioh August Wilhelm Meyer. Bib. Sac. 32:43. (1875.) [1795 An Historical Inquiry. Bapt Q. 9:350. (1876.) [1796 Horatio Balch Hackett. Bapt Q. 11:129. (1817.) [1797 —Thomas Miinzer. Bapt. Q. 10: 403. (1877.) [1798 The Act of Baptism in the History of the Christian Church. PhUadelphia: Am. Bapt. Publication Society. 1879. 16mo. pp. 252. [1799 Augustus Tholuck. Bapt Rev. 13 : 33. (1879.) [1800 Immersion Essential to Christian Baptism. 1880. See Jenkens, Charles A. Henry W. Longfellow and his Paternal Ancestry. (1882.) See Maine Hist. Soc. Proc. A History of the Anabaptists of Switzerland. Philadelphia: American Baptist Publication Society. (1882.) 12mo. pp. 231. [1801 The Divorce Question in the State. Read before the Baptist au tumnal conference, Boston, Nov. 14, 1SS3. In proceedings 2d annual autumnal conference, 1883. [1802 Editor. History of the Thirty-sixth Regiment Massachusetts Vol unteers. 1862-65. By a committee of the regiment. Boston: Press of RookweU & ChurchiU. 1884. Svo. pp. xiU, 405. [1803 -Baptism : A communication. And. Rev. 1 : 663. (1884.) [1804 Ulrich Zwiugli. Bapt Rev. 6: 68. (1884.) [1805 Rosier's Relation of Waymouth's Voyage to the Coast of Maine. 1605. With an introduction and notes By Henry S. Burrage, D. D. Printed for the Gorges Society, Portland, Me. 1SS7. (Re verse.) From the Press of Stephen Berry, Portland. Small 4to. pp. xi, 176. (Portrait and 2 folded maps. Folded plate.) [1806 200 copies printed. Pp. 39-77 contain a survey of the literature. The text of the narrative is from a copy of the original publication, in the John Car ter Brown Library. The editor rejects the theory advocated by DeCosta and others, that Waymouth explored the Kennebec, and argues in favor of the St. George's River. bibliography of MAINE. 219 Rev. Isaac Case. A memorial. By Henry S. Burrage, D. D. Read at the centennial of the Bowdoinham Association, at Bowdoin ham, September 14, 1387. Portland: Press of B. Thurston & Co. 1887. Svo. pp. 21. [1S07 Baptist Hymn Writers and their Hymns. By Henry S. Burrage. Author of " A History of the Anabaptists of Switzerland, " etc. Portland, Maine. Brown Thurston & Company. 1888. Svo. pp. 682. [1S08 The Epistle to the Romans in the History of the Christian Church. Bapt Rev. 11:135. (1889.) [1809 Ancestry of. (1890.) See American Ancestry. Rev. William Screven. Read before the Maine Historical Society, December 31, 1883. Me. Hist. Soc. CoU. 2d ser. 1:45. (1S90.) [1810 James Tift Champlin, D. D., LL. D. Read before the Maine Histori cal Society. February 20, 1890. Me. Hist. Soc. CoU. 2d ser. 1:337. (1890.) (Port) [1811 James Tift Champlin. A memorial. Brown Thurston & Co., Portland, Maine. 1890. sm. 4to. pp. (8), 161. (Portrait.) [1812 Contents: — Biographical Sketch ; Inaugural Address as president Water- ville College, August 10, 1858; Religion and Morality, delivered at Newton Theological Institution, June 24, 1856; Bishop Butler, reprinted from Christian Review, July, 1854; Daniel Webster as a Statesman and an Orator Christian Education, College chapel, Feb. 29, 1872. 125 copies printed. Waymouth's Voyage to the Coast of Maine in 1605. Read before the Maine Historical Society, Nov. 16, 1881: Rewritten, 1891. Me. Hist. Soc. CoU. 2d. Ser. 2: 225. [1813 The Anabaptists of the Sixteenth Century. Read before the American Society of Church History. Vol. 3 : 145. New York and London: G. P. Putnam's Sons. (1891.) [1814 BuRROUGH, George. 1650-92. Clergyman, Portland. 1676, 1683. Memoir of. 1847. See Farmer, John. Biography of. 1881. See Sibley, J. L. BuEROUGHS, Rev. Charles, D. D. 1787-1868. Clergyman, Portmouth, N. H. A Sermon delivered at the institution of the Rev. G. W. Olney, in the Protestant Episcopal church in Gardiner, Maine, Wednesday, Nov. 19th, 1817. By Charles Burroughs, A. M., rector of St. John's church, Portsmouth, N. H. Printed at the request of the wardens and vestry. Hallowell: Printed by E. Goodale. 1817. Svo. pp. 21. [1815 Burroughs, John. Author, Esopus, N. Y. A Taste of Maine Birch. Atl. Mo. 47:844. (1881.) [1816 220 bibliography of maine. BuEEOUGHS, John, Continued. Signs and Seasons. Boston and New York: Houghton, Mifflin and Company. The Riverside Press, Cambridge. 1886. 12mo. pp. iv, 289. [1817 Contains a " Taste of Maine Birch. " pp. 109-139. Burton, Alfred M. Portland. 1824-77 History of Atlantic Lodge, No. 81, of Free and Accepted Masons Portland, Me. From May 3, 1855, to Dec. 21, 1870. By A. M. Burton. (Masonic emblem.) Portland: Stephen Berry, Printer. 1871. Svo. pp. 31. [1818 Bueton and Robinson Families. Thomaston. Reunion of the Burton and Robinson Families. Records of pro ceedings. Historical records and genealogy of the families. 1879. George E. Richardson, Printer, Thomaston, Me. Svo. pp. 31. [1819 Bueton, Asa, D. D. 1752-1836. Clergyman, Thetford, Vt. Essays on some of the first principles of metaphysics, ethics and theology. By Asa Burton, pastor of the church of Christ in Thet ford, Vt. Portland: 1824. Svo. pp. 441. [1820 Memoir of. 1838. See Adams, Thomas. Burton, Benjamin. 1749-1835. Warren. Memoir of. 1876. See Williamson, Joseph. Burton, Jambs, Je. 1791-1837. Bangor. The Bangor Directory: containing the names of the inhabitants, their occupations, places of business, dwelling houses and the city register, with lists of the wharves, the city officers, public officers, banks and societies, and other information. Bangor, Maine : James Burton, Jr., Printer. 1834. 12mo. pp. 74. (Map.) [1821 Contains historical sketch. This is the earliest Bangor directory. Bush, Geoege. 1796-1859. Theologian. The Memorabilia of Swedenborg, or the spiritual world laid open. " Hereafter, ye shall see heaven open." John 1 : 51. Edited by George Bush. New York: John Allen, 139 Nassau St. Boston: Otis Clapp, 12 School St. 1846. Svo. pp. 176. [1822 Containsreviewof Rev. Enoch Pond's work " Swedenborgianism Reviewed," by W. B. Hayden. Bushnell, Chaeles Iea. 1826-83. Journalist, New York. Editor. Journal of the Expedition against Quebec, under the com mand of Colonel Benedict Arnold, in the year 1775. By Major Return J. Meigs: with an introduction and notes by Charles I. Bushnell. New York: Privately Printed. 1864. Svo. pp. 57. [1823 bibliography of MAINE. 221 Bussell, Jacob. First Settler in Bangor. (ISSS.) See Porter, J. W. Butler, Benjamin Franklin, LL. D. 1818-93. LoweU, Mass. Should There be a Union of the English-speaking Peoples of the Earth ? A dissertation, delivered before the alumni of Colby University, by Benjamin F. Butler, class of 1838, July 2, 1889. Boston: Press of Rockwell and ChurchiU, 39 Arch Street 1889. Svo. pp. 15. [1824 Butler Family in Georgetown. No. 2. 1887. See Drummond, Josiah H. Butler, Francis Gould. 1812-91. Farmington. A History of Farmington, Franklin County, Maine, from the earli est explorations to the present time, 1776-1885. By Francis Gould Butler, member of the Maine Historical Society. " Posterity delights in details." — John Quincy Adams. Farmington: Press of Knowlton, McLeary & Co. 1885. Svo. pp. 683. (Ports.) [1825 Francis Gould Butler. A sketch, March 31, 1811. December 6, 1891. Farmington, Me. Press of Knowlton, McLeary & Co. 1892. Svo. pp. 18. (Port.) [1826 BuTLBE, George H., M. D. New York. Thomas Butler and his Descendants. A genealogy of the de scendants of Thomas and Elizabeth Butler of " Butler's Hill, " South Berwick, Me. 1674-1886. By George H. Butler. New York: Trow's Printing and Book Binding Company. 1886. Svo. pp. 198. (Frontispiece.) [1827 Edition 600 copies. Reviewed in the New York Gen. and Biog. Rec. [Jan., 1887. BuTLER, John. 1789-1856. Clergyman, r. Maine. 1825-35. Definitions and Explanations in geography and astronomy. By John Butler, pastor of the Baptist church in Winthrop, Me., and principal of the female academy in that place, Hallowell: Glazier & Co., Printers. 1825. 12mo. pp. 31. [1828 Friendly Letters to a Lady: in which several important doctrines of the gospel are explained and vindicated. By John Butler, pastor of the Baptist church in Winthrop, Me. Boston: James Loring, pr. 1830. 16mo. pp. 104. [1829 A Letter to the Rev. John Butler, containing a review of his "Friendly Letters to a Lady, " together with a general outline of the doctrine of the Free WiU Baptists. By a Free Will Bap tist. "Judge not, that ye benot judged." Matt. 7:1. " Let us hear the con clusion of the whole matter. " Eccl. 12: 1. Limerick: Silas Curtis. 1832. 16mo. pp. 161. [1830 222 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. BuTLBE, John, Continued. God Not the Efficient Cause of Sin. A sermon delivered at Han over, Mass. By John Butler, pastor of the Baptist church in North Yarmouth, Me. " Let no man say when he is tempted, I am tempted of God ; for God can not be tempted with evil, neither tempteth he any man : But every man is tempted when he is drawn away of his own lust and enticed. " Boston: Printed by Jonathan Howe, No. 39 Merchants Kow. 1834. 16mo. pp. 16. [1831 BuTLEE, John Jay, D. D. b. 1814. Professor Bates College, 1870-73. Commentary on the New Testament: critical and practical. By John J. Butler, D. D., professor of Christian theology in the theological school at New Hampton, N. H. ; author of " Butler's Theology," and other works. The Gospels. Dover: G. T. Day & Co. Boston: D. Lothrop & Co. Chicago: D. M. Graham & Co. 1870. 12mo. pp. 495. (1 map.) [1832 Butler, Joseph. Shapleigh. Funeral Sermon on. 1827. See Blanchard, Charles. BuTLEE, Moses Moeeill. 1824-79. Lawyer, Portland. Remarks on the death of Judge Ware. 1873. See Emery, G. F. BuTLEE, Nathaniel D. D. 1824-94. Clergyman, Rockland, Burling ton, Wis. Discourse delivered at Rockland, Maine, at the funeral of Maj. Gen. Hiram G. Berry, of U. S. volunteer forces, who fell at the battle of Chancellorsville, Va., May 3. 1863. By Rev. Nathaniel Butler, with a notice of the funeral ceremonies. Portland: Printed by David Tucker, 1863. Svo. pp. 16. [1833 Address at inauguration of statue of Maj. Gen. Berry. 1865. See Berry, Hiram G. Memorial of Nathaniel Milton Wood, with sermon. Edited by Nathaniel Butler. Lewiston, Me. : George A. Callahan, Printer. 1877. Svo. pp. 142. [1834 BuTLEE, Miss Polly. Minot. Funeral Sermon on. 1S14. See Pidgin, William. BuTLBE, Thomas, and descendants. South Berwick. 1886. See Butler, George H. Buxton. Incorporated 1772. Sermon, 1762. See Coffin, Paul. -Sermon, ordination Abner Flanders. 1802. See Batchelder, Wil liam. Oration, 4th July, 1808. See Brown, Asa. Records, proprietors. 1733-1811. See Woodman, Cyrus. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. 22 -Sermon, dedication. 1820. See Loring, Levi. -Sermon, farewell. 1821. See Coffin, Paul. -Sermon, funeral Paul Coffin. 1821. See Fletcher, Nathaniel H. -Sermon, death of Paul Coffin. 1821, See Loring, Levi. -Converts of the Congregational church of Christ in Buxton : organ ized March 6, (16), 1763. Portland: 1824. [1835 -Address on temperance. 1828. See Loring, Levi. -Narragansett township No. 1. 1847. See Coffin, Charles. -Address, centennial. 1850. See WiUiams, Nathaniel, W. -Map of. 1852. See Dennett, David. -Sermon, farewell. 1S60. See Bartlett, Joseph. -Grantees Narragansett townships. 1861. See Woodman, Cyrus. -Grantees Narragansett townships. 1862. See Coffin, Charles, The Records of the church of Christ in Buxton, Maine, during the pastorate of Rev. Paul Coffin, D. D. Cambridge: Printed for Cyrus Woodman. 1868. Svo. pp. 88. [1S36 150 copies privately printed. Narragansett Grantees. N.E.Reg. 22:227. (1869.) [1837 Maps. 1871-72. See Dennett, Daniel. Centennial celebration. 1872. See Marshall, J. M Conference York County. 1872. See Emerson, J. D. History, 1872. See Sanford, Everts & Co. Early Baptists in Buxton. Hist. Mag. 3d ser. 1: 114. (1872.) [1838 ^Woodmans of. 1874. See Woodman, Cyrus. History of. ISSO. See Clayton, W. W. Cemetery Inscriptions. 1884. See Cobb, Isaac. Address. 1886. See Woodman, Cyrus. History of Dunlap Lodge of Masons. 1826-90. See Biddeford, or Day, Benjamin F. Buxton, Benjamin Flint, M. D. 1810-76. Physician, Warren. Inaugural Address as president Maine Medical Association. Trans. 4: 19. (1871.) [1839 Biographical Sketch of. 1877. See Horr, O. A. Buxton, P. M. North Yarmouth and Falmouth Social Library. O.T. 3 : 427. [1840 Buxton, W. M. List of burials, Walnut Hill, North Yarmouth. O. T. 3:306. 340. [1«« 224 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. Byington, Ezea Hoyt, D. D. Clergyman, Brunswick. 1871-78. ¦Address on education. 1872. See American Education Society. The Future of Faith. A sermon by Rev. E. H. Byington, preached in Brunswick, Me., July 7, 1878. Printed by request. Portland: Printed by B. Thurston & Company. 1878. Svo. pp. 10. [1842 Farewell. Grace in and for the church. A sermon preached in Bruns wick, Me., September 22, 1878, by Rev. E. H. Byington, at the close of his pastorate. Lewiston: Printed atthe Journal Office. 1878. Svo. pp. 18. [1843 Byles, Mathbe, D. D. 1707-88. Clergyman, Boston. Psalm written in Maine. 1732. See Belcher, Jonathan. ^The same, in letter from Jeremy Belknap to Ebenezer Hazard. Mass. Hist. Soc. Coll. Sth ser. 2:72. (1878.) [1844 By Still Watees. (Poetry.) Portland: Thurston & Co. Buzzell, John. Clergyman, Parsonsfield. 1798-1863. A Religious Magazine : containing a short history of the church of Christ, gathered at New Durham, N. H., in the year 1780. And now spreading its various branches in almost every direction through the states of New Hampshire, Vermont, the District of Maine and in many other parts of America. Also a particular account of religion, by John Buzzell, preacher of the gospel in Parsonsfield, Maine. "The Kingdom of Heaven is like to a grain of mustard seed, which a man took and sowed in his field. Which indeed is the least of all seed, but when it is grown is the greatest among herbs, and becometh a tree : so that the birds of the air come and lodge in the branches thereof. " Matt, xiii: 31, 32. Portland: Printed by J. M'Kown. Augusta. 1811. 12mo. pp. 36. [1845 Psalms, Hymns and Scriptural Songs, selected for the use of the united churches of Christ, commonly called Free Will Baptists, and for saints of all denominations. By John Buzzell, minister of the gospel. Kennebunk: Printed by James K. Remick, for John Buzzell and Elias Libby. 1823. sm. 4to. pp. 348. [1846 The Life of Elder Benjamin Randall, principally taken from doc uments written by himself. By John Buzzell, M. 6. " Being dead yet speaketh. " Heb. 11: 4. Limerick: Hobbs, Woodman & Co. 1827. 12mo. pp. 308. [1847 Elder Randall was the founder of the Freewill Baptist Society in Amer ica, and his book is full of reminiscences of persons and places in Maine and New Hampshire. Buzzell, John, M. D. 1826-90. Physician, Portland. Biographical Sketch of. 1890. See Meserve, A. K. P. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. 225 Cadillac, Antoinb de la Motte, 6. France. 1660. d. after 1717. Extracts from a memoir of. 1692. Concerning Acadia and New England: from the Archives of Paris. Me. Hist. Soc. Coll. 6:279. (1859.) [1848 Memoir of. 1859. See WiUis, WiUiam. Sketch of. N. Y. Col. Doc. 9:671. (1855.) [1849 -The same. Hist. Mag. 4: 340. (1S60.) Circular of his heirs, M. et Mde. de Gregoire, concerning Maine lands. 1790. Hist. Mag, 4: 340. (1860.) [1850 Cairo, Illinois. The Past, Present and Future of. 1858. See Neal, John. Cajori, Florian. Bureau of Education. Circular of information No. 3. 1890. (Whole number 167.) The teaching and history of mathamatics in the United States, by Florian Cajori, M. S., (University of Wisconsin), formerly professor of applied mathematics in the Tutlane Uni versity of Louisiana, now professor of physics in Colorado College. Washington: Government Printing Office. 1890. Svo. pp. 400. [1851 Influx of English mathematics. Bowdoin College, pp. 170-173. (Chiefly derived from information furnished by Prof. George T. Little.) Calais. Incorporated 1809. Account of. 1834. See Williamson, W. D. Sermon, installation Rev. Eber Child. 1834. See Stone, Thomas T. A Brief History of the First Congregational church, in Calais, Me., together with their applied articles of faith and church cove nant: also catalogue of the names of church members, March 4, 1839. George Washburn, Printer. 1839. 12mo. pp. 27. [1852 A Brief History of the First Congregational church, Calais, Maine: their articles of faith, church covenant, standing rules, ques tions for self-examination and catalogue of church members, July 1855. Boston: Printed for the church. 1855. 12mo. pp. 19. [1853 Sermon, missionary. 1856. See Talcott, Daniel S. Sermon, Thanksgiving. 1858. See Spaulding, A. F. Sermon on life and character of Mary KeUey. 1859. See Spalding, A. F. Sermon, farewell. 1867. See Keeler, Seth H. Annals of. 1875. See Knowlton, I. C. Sermon, missionary. 1877. See Paine, Levi L. Historical sketch of the First Congregational church, Calais, Maine, with confession of faith, rules, and catalogue of members to May, 1877. Thomas Todd, Printer, Congregational House, Boston. 1877. 12mo. pp. 35. [1854 16 226 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. Calais, Continued. ——Sermon, semi-centennial. 1879. See Keeler, S. H. Oration, 4th July. 1882. See Potter, Barrett. Sermon, on Rev. S. H. Keeler. 1887. See McCuUy, Charles G. Catalogue of the library of the First Congregational Sabbath-school, Calais, Maine. Calais: J. A. Sears, Steam Job Printer. 1888. 24mo. pp. 16. [1855 Caldwell & Halfpenny. Atlas of Kennebec County, Maine. Compiled and drawn from official plans, and actual surveys by H. E. Halfpenny. Published by Caldwell and Halfpenny, No. 27 South 6th Street, Philadelphia. 1879. Eng. by Worley & Braoher, No, 27 So. 6th Street, Philadel phia, Pa. Printed by F. Bourquin, 31 So. 6th Street. Phila., Pa. 4to. pp. 114. [1856 Contains history of the county, comprising all the towns, by Dr. W. B. Lapham. Caldwell, Merritt. 1806-48. Educator, r. Maine until 1834. An Address originally delivered before the Waterford Circuit Tem perance Society, December 1, 1832, and subsequently before the Mount Vernon Temperance Society, Feb. 26, 1833. Published by the societies. Hallowell: Glazier, Masters & Co. 1833. Svo. pp. 23. [1857 An Address delivered before the trustees and students at the an nual commencement of Dickinson College, Carlisle, Pennsylvania, July 16, 1835, by Merritt Caldwell, A. M., professor of the ex tract sciences. Hallowell: Glazier, Masters & Smith. 1835. Svo. pp. 24. [1858 Caldwell, Samuel Lunt, D. D. 1820-89. Clergyman, Bangor, 1846-58. Address to California pilgrims. 1849. See Shepard, George. Caldwell, Zenas. 1800-26. Principal Maine Wesleyan Seminary, Readfield. Commemorative Notice of, by Daniel Kilburn, 1861. See Sprague, William B. Calef, John. Physician, b. Ipswich, Mass., 1725. d. St. Andrews, N. B., 1812. r. Castine during the Revolution. Siege of Penobscot by the Rebels; containing a journal of pro ceedings of His Majesty's forces detached from the 74th and S2d . regiments, consisting of about 700 rank and file, under com mand of Brigadier-General Francis M'Lean, and of three of His Majesty's sloops of war, of 16 guns each, under command of Captain Henry Mowat, senior officer; when besieged by three BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. 227 thousand three hundred (rebel) land forces, under the command of Brigadier General Solomon Lovell, and seventeen rebel ships and vessels of war, under command of G. Saltonstall, commodore. To which is annexed a proclamation issued June 15, 1779, by General M'Lean and Captain Barclay to inhabitants; also Briga dier General Lovell's proclamation to the inhabitants; and his let ter to Commodore Saltonstall found on board rebel ship Hunter; together with names, forces and commanders of rebel ships de stroyed in Penobscot bay and river, August 14 and 15, 1779. With a chart of the Peninsula of Majabigwaduce and of Penob scot River. To whioh is subjoined a postcript, wherein a short account of Penobscot is given. By J. C. Esq., — a volunteer. London: Printed for G. Kearsleep, in Fleet Street, and Ashbury and iffeele, (late Spilsbury's) in Russell-Court, Covent Garden. M,DCC,LXXXI. Svo. pp. 44. (Large folded chart.) [1859 The postscript cites "Barry's Glory of America," but such a work is un known. A reprint ofthe Journal is contained in Wheeler, George A., "History of Castine, ' &c., pp. 290-314. A pamphlet copy owned by the Maine Historical Society was purchased in 1860, for three dollars. One in the Ubrary of Gen. John Marshall Brown, of Portland, cost twenty-two dollars. Sabin mentions a sale at twenty dollars. In 1887, Charles L. Woodward, bookseller. New York, sold an uncut copy bound by F. Bedford in crushed levant morocco, tooled inside borders, gilt top, for forty dollars. Calhoun, Geoege Albion, D. D. 1788-1867. Clergyman. Sermon at the ordination of Rev. Ebenezer Carpenter, York, Me., Feb. 17, 1830. By George A. Calhoun, pastor of the church in North Coventry, Conn. Also at the installation of Rev. Alpheus Miller, Andover, Conn, July 24, 1829. Portland : Shirley & Hyde, Exchange Street. 1830. Svo. pp. 21. [I860 Calhoun, John Caldwell. 1782-1850. Statesman. Speech of Mr. Calhoun of South Carolina, in the Senate, on the treaty of Washington. August, 1842. n. t p. Svo. pp. 8. [1861 Califoenia. Maine Association. Fifth Annual Reunion of the State of Maine Association of Cali fornia, held at Bodger's Central Park, Oakland, May 6, 18S2. Poem by J. G. Severance, Esq. Oration by Geo. E. Whitney, Esq. To which is added the plan of organization of the asso ciation, and Ust of members. Oakland: Weekly Vidette Steam Job Print, 1074 Thirteenth Avenue. 1SS2. Svo. pp. 18. [1862 Calkins, Maeshall. A Lecture delivered May 27th, 1856, before the Maine Medical Re form Society, by Marshall Calkins, M. D., professor of anatomy and physiology in the Electric Medical College of Philadelphia. Worcester Jour, of Medicine. 11:274. (1856.) [1863 228 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. Callahan, Geo. A. History of King Hiram's Chapter, No. 9, of Royal Arch Masons, Lewiston, Maine. Date of precedence. Nov. 28, 1854. Compiled by Geo. A. Callahan. P. H. P. Lewiston: Printed by Geo. A. CaUahan. 1885. Svo. pp. 61. [1864 Camden. Incorporated 1791. Sermon, ordination Thomas Cochran. 1805. See Packard, Hezekiah. Discourse after the interment of Jonas Wheeler. 1826. See Drew, William A. The Mountain City. (Monterey.) 1847. See Dakin, Moses. Sermon, semi-centennial. 1855. See Chase, Benj. C. History. 1859. See Locke, John L. Directory. 1868. See Langford & Chase. . -Directory. 1875. See Adams, W. S. & Co. Legend of. 1877. See Higginson, Mary P. Directory. 1877-78. See Greenough, W. A. & Co. U. S. Coast Survey Chart of Camden and Rockport Harbor. 1879. Size, 14 X 17 inches. Scale 3: 17. [1865 Directory. 1882-83. See Greenough, W. A. & Co. Annals. 1883. See Fletcher, Nathan C. Sermon, Methodist centennial. 1S84. See Pilsbury, W . H. Picturesque. 1886. See Simonton, T. R. . Leading Business Men. 1888. See Bangor. Fair Maid of Megunticook. ISSS. See Cleveland, Geo. H. Mountains on Coast of Maine. 1890. See Prescott, John R. Directory. 1890. See Sparrow, A. B. Came, Samuel McIntyee. 6. 1838. Lawyer, Alfred. Supplement to history of Alfred, 1872. See Parsons, Usher. Cammock, Thomas, d. 1643. Scarborough. Notice of. 1848. See WiUis, William. Campbell, Alexander, d. 1808. Cherryfleld. Sketch of. (1886.) See WiUiamson, W. D. Account of. 1886. See Drummond, Josiah H. Campbell, Alexandee, |of Saint George, Warren, Me. 1736. Bang. H. M. 4: 103. (ISSS.) [1866 Campbell Family. Miscellaneous. Bang. H. M. 4: 91. (1888.) [1867 ¦Campbell, James, d. 1828. Harrington. Sketch of. (1886.) See Williamson, W. D. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. 229 Campbell, John C. Pembroke. History of Crescent Lodge, No. 78, Free and Accepted Masons, Pembroke, Me. From 1870 to December 31, ISSO. By John C. Campbell. Portland: Stephen Berry, Printer. 1S82. 12mo. pp. 21-40. [1S68 Campbell, Thomas, and family, .of Orrington. (1888.) See Porter, J. W. Campbell, Zenas. Campbell's Murray, being a catechetical abridgement of Murray's English Grammar. Illustrated by specimens of etymological and syntactical parsing. To which are added a few rules from other approved authors : designed for the diiferent classes of learners, and for the use of grammar schools. By Zenas Campbell, in structor of youth. Norway, Me.: Printed at the Observer Office, by Asa Barton. 1828. 24mo. pp. 83. [1869 Man's First Estate, and high revolt. A poem in two parts. By Zenas Campbell, author of the Grammatical Interrogator. Raise and support what in me's low. Illume what In me's, dark. Wisdom and strength to me bestow. What else I need, impart. Page iv. Norway, Me. : Goodnow & Phelps, Printers. 1829. sm. Svo. pp. 180. [1870 The Christian's Only Hope: or, the faith once delivered to the Christians. By Eld. Z. Campbell. New York: Published by the author. 1852. 16mo. pp. 43 (1). [1871 Campobello. See Bates, Arlo, and Peabody, H. C. Canaan. Incorporated 1788. Sermon, ordination Jonathan Calef. 1796. See Hemmenway, Moses. History, 1849. See Hanson, John W. Groton, Mass., families at. 1890. See Green, Samuel A. Oanada. Proposed county of. 1760. See Stirling, Earl of. Documents in relation to the Canada road. Portland: Thos. Todd. 1828. Svo. pp. 8. [IS'^2 Canadian French Dialect spoken in Maine. 1877. See Sheldon, Edward S. Candage, James, and famUy, BluehiU. 1890. See Candage, R. G. F. 230 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. Candage, Rufus Geoege Feedeeick. 6. Bluehill, 1826. r. Brook line, Mass. Settlement and progress of the town of Bluehill, Maine. An his torical address by R. G. F. Candage, member of New England Historical Genealogical Society, at Bluehill FaUs, September 7, 1886. Published and for sale by the Ladies Social Library, Blue hiU, Maine. Svo. pp. 43. (Port.) [1873 Sketches of the representatives to the General Court of Massachu setts, Me., prior to 1820. Contributed by R. G. P. Candage, Esq., of Boston. Bang. H. M. 3:191. (1888.) [1874 An Account of the Cavendish, Candish or Candage family. By R. G. F. Candage of Brookline, Mass. Bang. H. M. 4:129. (1SS9.) [1875 The same. In separate form. Bangor, Me. : B. A. Burr, Printer. 1889. Svo. pp. 9. Memoir of Rev. Jonathan Fisher, of Bluehill, Maine. Bang. H. M. 4: 221. (1889.) [1876 The same, reprinted from the Bangor Historical Magazine. Bangor. Benjamin A. Burr, Printer. 1889. Svo. pp. 9. Genealogy of the family of Rev. Jonathan Fisher, of Bluehill, Me. Bang. H. M. 5:65. (1889.) [1877 Families of Early Settlers in Bluehill, Maine. From the papers of the late R. G. W. Dodge, Esquire, of Bluehill, rearranged and added to by R. G. F. Candage, Esquire, of Brookline, Mass., a native of Bluehill. The editor of this magazine has added some thing to the accounts of the Darling, Colburn and Stetson families. Bang. H. M. 5:181. (1890.) [1878 Contents. Amos Alien, Simeon Burnham, James Candage, Moses Carlton, James Carter, Jonathan Clay, Nathaniel Cushing, Jr., Asa Clough, John Clough, Thomas Coggin, Jeremiah Colburn, Jonathan Day, James Day, Jonathan Darling, Jr., Jonah Dodge, Elisha Dodge, Jonathan Ellis, Nathan Ellis, Daniel Faulkner, Beniamin Friend, Ebenezer Floyd, Reuben Gray, David Green, John Green, John Grindle, Freeman Hardin, Seth Hewins, Ebenezer Hinckley, Nicholas Holt, Joshua Horton, Obed Johnson, Seth Kim ball, Samuel Knowles, Caleb Merrill, Samuel Morse, Joshua Oakes, Atherton Oakes, Joseph Osgood, from Andover, Ezekiel Osgood, (Nathan) Parker, Peter Parker, Robert Parker, Ezra Parker, John Peters, Phinehas Pillsbury, John Roundy, .James Savage, Edward Sinclair, Samuel Stetson, Jeremiah, Stover, Theodore Stevens, George Stevens, Dr. Nathan Tenney, Spencer Treworgy, Andrew Witham, Joseph Wood, George Bowers Wright, Benjamin York. The same, reprinted from the Bangor Historical Magazine. Bangor: Benjamin B. Burr, Printer. 1889. Svo. pp. 37. Candish Family. Account of. 1SS9. See Candage, R. G. F. " Candour. " Pseud. To the Electors of Lincoln District. (Signed "Candour.") n. d. (1807.) Svo. pp. 8. [1879 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. 231 Canibas. Savages on Kennebec River. 1611. See Relations des Jesuites. Visited by Champlain; beseige and take Pemkuit. See Charlevoix, P. F. X. Cannon, Miss Geeteude. Augusta. Mistress Marian's Light. By Gertrude Morton. N. E. Mag. 1 : 89. (1889.) [18S0 Canton. Incorporated 1821. Proprietors, Sudbury-Canada grant. 1741. See Washburn, Israel Jr. History of Whitney Lodge, Canton, from March 21, A. D., 1872, to December 31, A. D., 1880. Canton: J. W. BickneU, Steam Printer. 1882. 12mo. pp.23. [1881 Signed W. H. H. Washburn, Dana Bradford, T. C. Wright, committee. Cape Elizabeth. Incorporated 1765. Patent to Robert Trelawney. 1631. See Baxter, James P. Farm of Col. Samuel Waldo at. 1771. See Emery, Edwin. Sermon, ordination WiUiam Gregg. 1801. See Miltimore, J. Sermon, ordination Benjamin Sawyer. 1809. See Wines, Abijah. A Week's Ramble at. 1858. See Games, J. A. Discovery of a heath in. 1869. See Wood, William. Local Laws of Washington Camp, No. 2. Maine Patriotic Sons of America. Hall on Sawyer Street, Ferry Village, Me. Adopted April 16th, 1881. Portland, Me. Holmes & Moulton, Printers 1881. 24mo. pp. 22. [1882 Directory. 1882. See Hull, John T. Address and poem delivered at Cape Elizabeth, Maine, at the 160th anniversary of the First Church of Christ (North Congrega tional.) 1887. Portland: Press of Southworth Bros. 12mo. pp. 27. [1883 Address, Rev. Edwin A. Harlow ; poem, Louisa E. Harris. Marriages by Rev. Ephraim Clark. 1886 See Burleigh, Charles. Catalogue of the chapel of the Sunday-school library. Cape Eliza beth, Me. n. p. n. d. 24mo. pp. 8. [1884 Inscriptions in cemetery. 1887. See Clark, D. W. Graveyard inscriptions. 1887. See Deering, Henry. Graveyard inscriptions. 1888. See Cobb, Isaac. The Day at the Two Lights. 1889. See Wooley, Celia Parker. History Hiram Lodge. 1875-91. See Scamman, Stephen. Capt. Caenee. Pseud. See Cummings, Mary J. 232 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. Captives. List of persons taken captive in Maine, during the French and Indian war, from 1754 to 1788, by the Indians. (From the Massachusetts Archives.) N. E. Reg. 14: 27. (1860.) (1885 The same. Bang. H. M. 2: 58. (1886.) Capuchins. Have hospice on the Kennebec, and house at Pentagoet. See Charlevoix, P. F. X. Missions in Maine. (1848.) See Shea, John G. (The) Capuchins in Maine. Hist Mag. S: 301. (1864.) [1886 Caelow, John. A Journal of adventures at sea, before and during the late war be tween Great Britain and the United States of America. What one nation gains by commerce and manufactures, another does not lose. Capitals cannot be changed in their directions and forced by government regulations out of their habitual chan nels without injury to individuals and disadvantage of national wealth. Political Economy. By John Carlow. Portland: C. W. Pennell, Printer. 1839. 24mo. pp. 102. [1887 Caelton, Maey F. North Yarmouth. Capt. Solomon Mitchell's company in North Yarmouth. 1758. Communicated by Mary F. Carlton. Me. Rec. 3: 27. (1886.) [1888 Caelton, Moses, and family, Bluehill. 1890 See Candage, R. G. F. Caenes, j. a. A Trip to Portland, with a descriptive view of the harbor, islands and scenery from the observatory on Munjoy Hill. Also a graphic description of a week's ramble at Cape Elizabeth, Casco Bay. With an account of the watering-places on the Cape and vicinity, viz: Cape Cottage, The Ocean House, Atlantic House, Front's Neck, &c., &c. By J. A. Games, author of "A Voyage to the West Coast of Africa." Boston: Published for the author by Hill and Libbey, 78 Washington Street. 1858. 16mo. PP- 134. [1889 Caepentbe, Elbeidgb Geeey. 1812-1867. Clergyman, Foxcroft, Houlton. An Address delivered before the Penobscot Association of Teach ers, and Friends of Popular Education, at Levant, Dec. 2Sth, 1837. Bangor: 1838. Svo. pp.26. [1890 Tribute to a Sainted Wife. 1854. See Parker, Wooster. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. 233 Motives to Home Mission Work. (Isa. 58: 12.) A sermon before the Maine Missionary Society, at its fifty-first anniversary in Augusta, June 23, 1858. Augusta : Elias G. Hedge & Co., Print ers. 1858. Svo. pp. 17. Caepentbe, F. H. ... Ornithological Expeditions in the Dead River Region of Maine. Ornith. and Oolo. 11:113,129,145,161,177.(1886.) [1891 Cahpentee, Heney (Beenaed). The Oatmeal Crusaders; or, a nine days wander round, up and down Mount Washington; being a serio-comic poem, by Henry Carpenter, B. A., of Brasenose College, Oxford, Eng. Portland: Stephen Berry, Printer. 1875. Svo. pp. 39. [1892 Caepenter, Sarah B. Dexter. Sermon on. 1853. See Parker, Wooster. Caepentbes and Buildees Guide. 1872. See Plumer, Peter W. Caee Family. Bangor. 1885. See Porter, J. W. Carr, Francis W. b. 1823. Bangor. Diary of Hon. Francis Carr, member of Congress, 1812-13. Con tributed by his grandson, Francis W. Carr, Esq. Bang. H. M. 2: 214. [1887.) [1893 Care, Josiah, M. D. 1814-73. Physician, Minot. Biographical Sketch of. 1877. See Horr, O. A. Caeeoll, Howaed. Twelve Americans, their lives and times, by Howard Carroll. With portraits. New York: Harper and Brothers, Franklin Square. 1883. 12mo. pp. 473. [1894 Pp. 117-168, sketch of Hannibal Hamlin, with portrait. Carruthers, John Johnston, D. D. 1800-90. Clergyman, Portland, 1846-90. The Preaching of the Cross, the Power of God. (1 Cor. 1 : 18.) A sermon delivered at South Berwick, June 26, 1850, before the Maine Missionary Society, at its forty-third anniversary. By Rev. John J. Carruthers, D. D., pastor of the Second church in Portland. Portland: Printed at the Mirror Office. 1850. Svo. pp. IS. [1895 The War, its evils and their compensations. By Rev. J. J. Car ruthers, D. D. " All nature is but art unknown to thee ; All chance, direction, which thou can'st not see; All discord, harmony not understood ; All partial evil, universal good. " Portland: Printed by David Tucker. 1862. Svo. pp. 12. [1896 234 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. Caeruthbes, John Johnston, D. D., Continued. Introduction to Chronological Commentary. 1865. See Barth, C. G. Sketch of. 1890. See Cummings, Ephraim C. Carson, Hampton L. Philadelphia. The Supreme Court of the United States; its history by Hampton L. Carson, of the Philadelphia Bar. And its centennial celebra tion, February 4th, 1890. Prepared under direction of the judi ciary centennial committee. Philadelphia: A. R. Keller Com pany. 1892. 2 Vols. 4to. pp. xii and viii, 745, (paged continu ously.) (Illus.) [1897 Judge Nathan CllEEord, Vol. II., 395-398. Caeswell, Luceetia p. Yarmouth. Funeral Sermon on. 1874. See Ilsley, George B. Caetee, Beiggs Thomas, M. D. 1814-74. Physician, Jefferson. Biographical Sketch of. 1874. See Wedgwood, M. C. Caetee, James, and family, Bluehill. 1890. See Candage, R. G. F. Caetee, Nathaniel Hazeltine. 1887-30. Author, r. Portland. 1812-15. An Oration delivered before the Republicans of Portland, on the thirty-ninth anniversary of American Independence. By Na thaniel H. Carter. Portland: Printed by F. Douglas. 1815. Svo. pp. 199. [1898 Loch Katrine. (1836.) See Stephens, Ann S. Caetee, Robeet. 1819-79. Editor, Cambridge, Mass. A Summer Cruise on the Coast of New England. " They are becalmed in the clearest days. And in rough weather tost : They wither under cold delays, Or are in tempests lost. One while they seem to touch the port. Then straight into the main. Some angry wind in cruel sport, Tlie vessel drives again. " Sir Chaeles Sedley. " How sweet it was Eating the lotos day by day To watch the crisping ripples on the beach. And tender curving lines of creamy spray. " Tennyson. Boston: Crosby & Nichols. New York: Oliver S. Felt. 1864. 12mo. pp. 261. [1899 His praises of Mount Desert involve a prophecy which has since been ful filled. The same. With an introduction by Rossiter Johnson. Boston: Cupples & Hurd. 1888. 16mo. pp. xiv, 261. (Map.) BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. 235 Caevee, Robbet. Christian Hope. A sermon preached in Berlin, August 13, 1839, at the funeral of Mrs. Ann W. Park. Portland: 1839. Svo. pp. [1900 20. Cary, E. Would We Do It Again? Forum, 1 : 228. (1886.) [1901 On the election of Cleveland and defeat of Blaine in 1884. Caey, James. Brunswick. Biographical Sketch of. 1889. See Booker, Ira P. Caey, Nelson Howaed, M. D. 1807-77. Physician, Durham. Biographical Sketch of. 1877. See Horr, O. A. Caey, Samuel. Unitarianism in Portland. Chr. Ex. 44:34. (1848.) [1902 Cary, Theodore. Houlton. Record of Newspapers in Aroostook County, 1868. See Maine Press Association. The Press of Aroostook County. 1872. See Griffin, Joseph. Cabyon, R. p. August, S. J. Paris, France. Primiere Mission des Jesuites au Canada. 1864. [1903 Destruction of the establishment at Saint Sauveur, 1, notel. Letter written by Father Pierre Biard, to the very Rev'd Father Claude Acquaviva, general of the Society of Jesus, 1614, giving an account of the destruction of St. Sauveur, pp. 106-116. Casco. See Falmouth and Portland. Indian Treaty at, 1727. New Hamp. Hist. Soc. Coll. 2: 258. (1824.) [1904 Indian Treaty at, 1727. New Hamp. Province Papers. 4: 254. [1905 Casco Bay. Fort in, taken by De Portneuf ; attacked by Abnaquis under Beau- bassin, and reUeved by Southwick. See Charlevoix, P. F. X. The Corsair of. (A tale.) 1844. See Ingraham, J. H. Inhabitants at. N.E.Reg. 39:286. (1885.) [1906 Chronicles of. 1850. See Colesworthy, Daniel C. Sketch of. 1873. SeeDe Costa, B. F. U. S. Coast Survey Chart of. 1879. Size 25x38 inches. Scale 1:58. [190"^ Illustrated. 1889. See Peabody, Henry G. Illustrated. 1890. See Drake, Samuel A. 236 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. Case, Isaac. 1761-1852. Clergyman, Maine, 1783-1852. Letter from. Am. Bapt Mag. 4:347. (1824.) [1908 Funeral Sermon on. 1852. See Thurston, David. Memorial of. 1887. See Burrage, Henry S. Case, Isaac Winslow. 1822-63. Teacher, Kenduskeag. Funeral Sermon on. 1863. See Sewall, D. Castanis, Cheistophee Plato. Scio, Greece. Interpretation of the attributes of the principal fabulous deities. With an essay on the history of mythology, and relics of Grecian archictecture. Originally given in lectures. By Christopher Plato Castanis of Scio, Greece. Published by request of the teachers of the principal seminaries and literary institutions of the United States. Portland: W. Hyde. 1844. Svo. 2. pi. pp. 102. 1909 Castin, Baeon De St. See Saint Castin. Castes, Joseph Dabadis De St. Letter from Baron De Castin, the younger, 1725. (Copied from the Massachusetts Archives, Vol. 29, pp. 226, by J. L. Stevens.) N. E.Reg. 14:139. (1860.) [1910 Anselm, the elder brother of Joseph, is known in history as " Castin the younger. " Castin the Youngbe. See Godfrey, John E. Castine. Incorporated 1796; as Penobscot, 1787. See also, Charnis^, Charles d'Aulnay de; Penobscot; Pentagoet; Saint Castin, Jean Vincent de I'Abadie, Baron d; Tour, Charles Amador de Saint Etienne. Plymouth colonists have trading-house there, 1630; robbed by the French, 1631, 1635; Girling's expedition to recover. 1635. See Bradford, William. [1911 Restored to English by Razilly. 1635. See Relations des Jesuites. . Missions at. 1643-44. See Capuchins. Caphucin Fathers at. 1647. See Relations des Jesuites. French fort at. 1647. See Murdock, Beamish. Visit of Mohawk Indians to. 1662. See Gardner, Thomas. Deposition concerning. 1663. N. E. Reg. 8: 285. (1854.) [1912 Description of fort at. 1670. See Haliburton, T. C. Visit of Sir Edmund Andros to. 1688. See Hutchinson, Thomas. - — Fort Penatgoet at. Built by La Tour; held by Commander de Razilly; taken by English; restored in spite of Sir T. Temple; Grandfontaine at; Chambly at; taken by Dutch; plundered and BIBLIOGEAPHY OF MAINE. 237 taken by EngUsh; fort demolished by Dutch; restored by St. Castin; English summon him to surrender; importance of; mission at; pillage of. See Charlevoix, P. P. X. -Petition from. 1763. See Pratt, John F. -Patriotism of inhabitants. 1775. See Williamson, Joseph. -Journal of voyage to. 1776. See Holt, Joseph. -Royalists at. 1777-82. See Porter, J. W. PENOBSCOT EXPEDITION, 1779. -Journal of the siege. See Calef, John. -Journal found on Continental ship Hunter. See Operations in Maine. -Journal of the siege. See Lawrence, WiUiam. -Journal of General Lovell in. See Weymouth Historical Soc. -Journal of the attack. See Maine Historical Society Coll. -Journal of the siege. See Reidhead, William. Sir John Moore at the siege. See Moore, James C. 5ir George Collier's dispatch concerning the siege. Gentlemen's Magazine, 49 : 469. (1779.) [1913 -List of rebel fieet destroyed. Gentlemen's Magazine, 49:513 (1V79.) [1913a -Letters concerning. 1779. See McLean, Francis. -Report of the committee of inquiry concerning failure of. 1780. See Massachusetts. -Letters concerning. 1780. See Hazard, Ebenezer. -Letters about plan of retaking Penobscot. 1782. See Washington, George. -Letter from Washington to Gen. Heath about its recapture. 1783 Mass. Hist Soc. Coll. 5th ser. 4: 281 [1914 -Account of. 1798. See Heath, William. -List of fleets and losses in. 1804. See Beatson, Robert. -Letter concerning. 1820. See Brewer, John. -Account of. 1823. See Thacher, James. -Letter concerning. 1828. See Wadsworth, Peleg. -DetaU of. 1830. See Town, Ithiel. -Account of. 1850. See Philbrook, Thomas. -Account of. 1850. See Lossing, Benson J. -Brief Account of. 1853. See Mahon, Lord. -Brief Narrative of. 1865. See Murdock, Beamish. -Account of. 1879. See Jones, Thomas. -Newburyport in. 1879. See Stone, Eben F. 238 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. Castine, Continued. -Account of, with plan. 1888. See Winsor, Justin. Sir John Moore at. 1779. See Williamson, Joseph. British orderly book kept at. 1779-80. See Williamson, Joseph. British occupation of. 1779-84. See Williamson, Joseph. Names in. 1780-90. See Porter, J. W. Loyalists at. 1783. See Jack, Edward. Buildings at Majorbigwaduce, now Castine, in 1784. (From Mass achusetts Archives, Vol. 145 Page, 377.) Bang. H. M. 3 : 120. (1887.) [1915 Petition from the inhabitants of Baggaduce to the General Court, June 3, 1785. (Penobscot and Castine.) (From Massachusetts Archives.) Bang. H. M. 3:77. (1887.) [1916 Marriages in. 17S7-SS. See Johonnot, Gabriel. Custom officers at. 1789. See Porter, J. W. Castine and Penobscot names. (1785-90.) Bang. H. M. 1: 57 (1885.) [1917 Sermon, death of Miss Nancy Mann. 1799. See Mason, William. Oration, on death of Washington, 1800. See Wetmore, William. List of letters remaining in the post-office in Castine, April 22, 1802. Bang. H.M. 3:159. (ISSS.) [1918 The name of Castine. From Gov. Sullivan's History of the Penob scot Indians. 1804. Bang. H. M. 3:35. (1887.) [1919 Trial at, for murder. 1811. See Ball, Ebenezer. Trial of Ebenezer Ball. 1811. See WiUiamson, Joseph. Expedition against. 1814. See Haliburton, T. C. Letter relating to. 1814. See Witherle, George H. British occupation of. 1814-15. See Lossing, Benson J. Description of. 1815. See Ballard, William. Trial at, for murder. 1815. See Adams, Moses. University founded from duties levied there in 1814-15. See Wil liamson, Joseph. Theatre at. 1815. See Williamson, Joseph. . -Trial at, for murder. 1817. See Knight, William. Correspondence between the committee of the Trinitarian society and the committee of the First society in Castine on the subject of a union of the said societies, &c. Castine: B. F. Bond: Amer ican Office. 1828. Svo. pp. 24. [1920 Trial at, for murder. 1824. See EUiot, Seth. Sermon, funeral Mrs. Thomas Adams. 1834. See Parker, Wooster. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. 239 -Sermon. 1840. See Abell, T. P. -Sermon on slander. 1846. See Sewall, Daniel. -Meteorite found at. 1847. See Shepard, Charles U. -Coins found there. (1859.) See WiUiamson, Joseph. -Whitney family at. 1860. See Whitney, Henry A. -Eastern State Normal School, established 1863. See Maine Public Documents. -Inscription found there. 1864. See Folsom, Charles; also Capu chins. -Discourse on President Lincoln. 1865. See Ives, Alfred E. -Account of. 1871. See Srooks, Noah. -Memorial from, concerning French spoiliations. 1871. See Little, D . -Waif of Nautilus Island. 1872. See Brooks, Noah. -The Ancient Penobscot. 1S72. See Godfrey, John E. -History of. 1875. See Wheeler, George A. -Antiquities of. 1875. See Drake, Samuel A. -The Pilgrims at. (1876.) See Godfrey, John E. -A new watering-place. 1877. See Evans, Elizabeth G. —Apparition of Joe Murch : a tale located at. See Brooks, Noah. —Fairport Nine : a tale of. 1880. See Brooks, Noah. —Places of historic interest in. 1880. See Wheeler, George A. —History Hancock Lodge. 1872. See Webster, David W., Jr. -Supplement to the same. 1880. See Webster, D. W. —History Hancock Lodge. ISSl. See Webster, David W., Jr. —Trinitarian Church, Castine. Confession of faith, covenant, rules of church practice and list of members from 1820 to 1882. Port land: Printed by B. Thurston & Company. 1882. 12mo. pp. 12. [1921 -Old Town with a History. 1883. See Brooks, Noah. -Laura, an American girl at. 1883. See Evans, Elizabeth E. -Map of, (Pentagoet.) 1884. See Winsor, Justin. -Deaths, from gravestones in Castine cemetery. Bang. H.M. 1 : 47. (1885.) [1922 —Brief Notice of, with engraving of lighthouse. 18S6. See Crown- inshield, Mary B. -Capuchins at, with facsimile of copper-plate on chapel. (1886.) See Shea, John G. —Upham family of. 1887. See Upham, F. K. -Lesson in patriotism at. 1887. See Brooks, Noah. —Original water-color engraving of. 1887. See Harlow, Louis K. 240 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. Castine, Continued. An ancient Maine seaport (Illus.) Harpers Weekly. 31:647. (1887.) [1922a Short history of Pentagoet 1887. See Walton, A. Castine and Penobscot Bay. (Illus.) 1889. See Peabody, H. G. The noted settlement of. 1889. See Cook, Joel. Military operations at. (1889.) See Clark, George F. A Romance of. 1890. See Eaton, Isabel G. Historic. (Illus.) 1890. See Drake, Samuel A. — —Historical Notes on Pentagoet. 1890. See Porter, Joseph W. History of Hancock Lodge. Part III. 1881-90. See Wheeler, George A. Caswell, Mes. Maey A. Portland, Los Angeles, Cal. P. Q. P. V. That Boy Tommy, by the senior class of the Port land High School. 1872. Portland: Stephen Berry, Printer. 1872. 12mo. pp. 3S. [1923 Loring, Short and Harmon's Illustrated Guide Book for Portland and Vicinity. By "Our Young Woman about Town," with a summary history of Portland, by the late Hon. William Willis. Portland: Loring, Short and Harmon, under Falmouth Hotel, 1873. 12mo. pp. 100. [1924 Phil, Rob and Louis : or haps and mishaps of three average boys. By Mary S. Deering. Portland: Published by Dresser, McLel lan & Co. Boston: Henry A. Young, n. d. (Copyright, 1876.) 16mo. pp. 182. [1925 Letters to Hetty Heedless and others. By Mrs. Geo. A. Caswell, author of "Phil, Rob and Louis," "An Average Boy's Vacation," etc. Washington, D. C. : W. H. & O. H. Morrison, Publishers. ISSO. 16mo. pp. 74. [1926 Catechisms. The Shorter Catechism. Composed by the Reverend Assembly of Divines, with the Scripture proofs in words at length. Carefully revised and corrected. By a minister of the gospel. Castine, (Maine). 1800. 16mo. pp. 66. [1927 Catechism, containing the first principles of religion and social duties. 1802. See Packard, Hezekiah. The Pedo Baptist Catechism. 1816. See Dow, Daniel. A Doctrinal. 1828. See Greenleaf, Jonathan. The Shorter Catechism, composed by the Assembly of Divines at Westminster: containing the principles of the Christian re ligion, with Scripture proofs, to which are prefixed short and easy questions for children at first beginning. Portland: Hyde Lord and Duren. 1847. 24mo. pp. 64. [1928 BIBLIOGRAPHY OP MAINE. 241 A Catechism on the Church Catechism. 1855. See Burgess, George. Catholic Church in Maine. See Shea, John G. Catholic Missions in Maine, 1831. See Lincoln, Enoch. Cavaley Exeecise. Containing instructions for the American cavalry. An approved work. Portland: Printed by E. A. Jenks, and sold at his bookstore. 1801. 12mo. pp. 24. [I929 Cavazza, Mes. Elisabeth. (Mrs. Stanley T. PuUen.) Portland. A Calabrian Penelope. New PriuQeton. Rev. 6: 122. (ISSS.) [1929a Caterina and her Fate. Poem. (Adapted from a Sicilian legend.) St Nich. 15:589. (ISSS.) j-jg.go A DoU on Mount Etna. St Nich. 16: 894. (1SS9.) [1931 Some Italian Patriots. Unit Rev. 34: 67. (1890.) [1932 An Interesting Problem. 1890. See Cowes, EUiott. The Fourth Canto of the Inferno. Atl. Mo. 66:647. (1890.) [1933 On First Looking into Chapman's Dante. Atl. Mo. 66: 853. (1890.) [1934 Translation from Le Pater. Transatlantic. 1: (No. 8) 2 (1890.) [1935 Translation part of Ode to Shelley. Transatlantic. 1: (No. 10) 5. (1890.) £1936 ATrampetCall. Atl. Mo. 68:635. (1891.) [1937 The Captain's Cat Short stories, 6: 4. (1891.) [1938 A Bird's-eye View of American Literature. Unit. Rev. 35:295. (1891.) [1939 Story of Civillo. Two tales. 1:113. (1892.) [1940 Don Finimonodone. Calabrian sketches. New York: Charles L. Webster & Co. 1892. 16mo. pp. vi, 179. [1941 Cavendish Family. Account of. 1889. See Candage, R. G. F. Centennial Temperance Volume. A memorial of the International Temperance Conference held in Philadelphia, June, 1876. With the specially prepared essays, addresses of foreign delegates, de liberations of the conference, Women's International Temper ance Convention, National Division Sons of Temperance, for eign correspondence, roll of delegates; report of centennial com mittee, a full history of the general cause of temperance for the century: also, histories of the Sons of Temperance, Good Templars, Temple of Honor, National Temperance Society, Women's National Christian Temperance Union, Catholic Total Abstinence Union, Good Samaritans, Friends of Temperance, United Friends of Temperance, Rechabites, Cadets, Reform Clubs, British Templars, prohibition in Canada, together with a 17 242 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. Centennial Tempbeance Volume, Continued. history of the cause in Great Britain, United Kingdom Alliance, National Temperance League, Scottish Temperance League, Band of Hope Union, the cause in New Zealand, etc. New York: National Temperance Society and Publication House, 58 Reade Street 1877. Svo. pp. 900. (IUus.) (Port.) [1942 Neal Dow, pp. 77, 78, 247. Chace, J. Je., & Co. A Business Directory of the Subscribers to the New Map of Maine, with a brief history and description of the state, prepared by William Willis, also, valuable statistics and advertisements. Portland: Published by J. Chace, Jr. & Co. Sanborn & Carter, 55 Exchange Street. Bailey & Noyes, 56 and 58 Exchange Street. n. d. (1862.) Svo. pp. 344. [1943 Chadbouenb, Alice. Pseud. See Davis, Augusta C. Chadbouene, Humpheby. Notice of. 1848. See WiUis, William. Chadbouene, Paul Ansel, D. D., LL. D. 1823-83. b. North Ber wick. Prof. Bowdoin College. 1858-65. Oyster Shell Deposits in Damariscotta. Me. Hist. Soc. Coll. 6:345. (1859.) [1944 Introductory Lecture, delivered before the medical and senior classes of Bowdoin College, Feb. 17, 1860. Brunswick. 1860. Svo. pp. 19. [1945 Lecture at Portland. 1864. See Am. Inst. Ins. Chadwick, Edmund Alexandee. 1821-75. Lawyer, Gardiner. History of Hermon Lodge, No. 32, of Free and Accepted Masons, Gardiner, Maine, from January 23, 1820, to January, 1870, by E. A. Chadwick, P. M., and revised by J. N. Stoddard, P. M., and the author, printing committee. Gardiner: G. O. Bailey & Co., Reporter Press. 1870. 12mo. pp. 58. [1946 Chadwick, Geoege Heney, M. D. 1831-88. Physician, Portland. Annual Address delivered before the Maine Medical Association, June, 1867. By Geo. H. Chadwick, A. M., M. D. Portland: Stephen Berry, Printer. 1867. Svo. pp. 23. [1947 The same. Me. Med. Ass. Tran. 1867. pp. 105-119. Biographical Sketch of George H. Tukesbury. Me. Med. Ass. Trans. 7:510. (18S2.) [1948 Biographical Sketch of. 1889. See Meserve, A. K. P. Chadwick, Joseph. An Account of a journey from Fort Pownall— now Fort Point— up the Penobscot River to Quebec, in 1764. By Joseph Chadwick. Bang. H. M. 4: 141. (1889.) (Map.) [1949 BIBLIOGEAPHY OF MAINE, 243 Chadwick, Paul. Windsor. Trial of Lynn and others, for murder of. 1809. See Lynn, David. Remarks on some of the circumstances and arguments produced by the murder of Mr. Paul Chadwick, at Malta, on the east side of the Kennebec, on the 7th of September, 1809. n. p. n. d. Svo. pp. 24. [1950 Chadwick, John White, b. 1840. Clergyman, Brooklyn, N. Y. The Isles of Shoals. Harp. Mag. 49:663. (1874.) [1951 Chambeelain, DeWitt Clinton, M. D. 1829-70. Physician, Rich mond. Biographical Sketch of. 1871. See Libby, Abial. Chambeelain, Daniel Heney. 6. 1835. Governor of South Carolina, and lawyer. New York. "Counting a Quorum:" or Speaker Reed's " Change of Rules." New Eng. 53:510. (1890.) [1952 Speaker Reed's Error. Nation. 51:44. (1890.) [1953 Chambeelain, Henry Vassal. 1778-1855. Lawyer, Farmington. Biographical Sketch of. 1863. See Willis, William. Brief Sketch of. 1890. See Green, Samuel A. Chambeelain, Job, and family, Brewer. 1890. See Porter, J. W. Chambeelain, Col. Joshua, and famUy, Brewer. 1890. See Porter, J. W. Chambeelain, Joshua Lawrence, LL. D. 6. Brewer. 1828. Major- general, U. S. V. Governor of Maine. President of Bowdoin Col lege. The Red Cross. A presentation speech on behalf of the First Divi sion Fifth Corps, U. S. A., at Arlington, Va. Washington, 1865. [1954 " Dead on the Field of Honor." Address at the dedication of a soldiers' monument at Gorham. 1866. See Gorham. The Service of Sacrifice. Address at the fair for widows and orphans of soldiers. Portland, 1866. [1955 Tlie Orphan's Home the Best Monument to the Father: address at the foundation of the military and naval orphan asylum. Bath. 1866. [19^« Address of Governor Chamberlain to the Legislature of the State of Maine. January, 1867. Augusta : Stevens and Sayward, Print ers to the State. 1867. Svo. pp. 41. [1957 The People and the Land. Address before the Maine State Agri cultural Society at Portland. Augusta. 1867. [1958 244 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. Chamberlain, Joshua Lawrence, LL. D., Continued. Address of Governor Chamberlain to the Legislature of the State of Maine. January, 1868. Augusta: Smith & Sayward, Printers to the State. 1868. Svo. pp. 46. [1959 The Service of the Citizen at Home. Address delivered before the Maine State Agricultural Society, at Lancaster hall, Portland, October 9, 1868, by His Excellency, J. L. Chamberlain. Ag. Rep. 1868. pp. 33-47. [1960 The Army of the Potomac. Address at the organization of the Society of the Army of the Potomac, New York City. 1869. Svo. pp. 16. [1961 The same. N.E.Mag. 2:79. (1890.) (Port and illus.) Address of Governor Chamberlain to the Legislature of the State of Maine. January, 1869. Augusta: Owen & Nash, Printers to the State. 1869. Svo. pp. 22. [1962 Address of Governor Chainberlain to the Legislature of the State of Maine, January, 1870. Augusta: Sprague, Owen & Nash, Print ers to the State. 1870. Svo. pp. 31. [1963 Response on receiving the body of George Peabody. 1870. See Peabody, George. Why We Honor the Dead: Memorial Address at Charlestown, Mass. 1870. [1964 The Town in New England History. Address at centennial cele bration. 1871. See Winthrop. The College in the Struggle for American Liberty. A speech at the Lexington centennial celebration, 1875. See Lexington. Maine: her place in history. Address delivered at the Centennial Exhibition, Philadelphia, Nov. 4, 1876, and in convention of the Legislature of Maine, February 6, 1877. With a communication from the governor and the report of the centennial commission. Published by order of the Legislature of Maine, of February 7, 1877. Augusta: Sprague, Owen & Nash, Printers to the State. 1877. Svo. pp. V, 129. (Maps.) [1965 The same, in Public Acts of Maine. 1877. pp. 269-362. The Radiation of Liberty: speech in response to M. Bartholdi, at the consecration of the head of the Statue of Liberty. Paris, France. 1878. [1966 Modem Education Represented at the Universal Ex;position at Paris. 1878. Reports of commissioners. Vol. III. Publications of State Department. U. S. A. Education, pp. 182-347. [1967 Differences Harmonized — the strength of the union. A memorial address at Lewiston, May, 1879. [1968 The Sovereignty of Country: an oration at Phildelphia, 1880. See Memorial Services, Geo. C. Meade Post BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. 245 Address at the funeral of President Champlin. 1882. See Champ lin, James T. Remarks at the celebration of the eighty-fourth birthday of Prof. A. S. Packard. 1882. See Maine Hist Soc. CoU. Maine. Copyright, 1882, by Joshua L. Chamberlain. The Encyclo paedia Britannica, Ninth Edition. 15:297-302. (1883.) [1969 The same. A monograph, reprinted. Boston: 1882. 12mo. pp. 6. Introduction to history llSth Pennsylvania regiment. 1883. See Philadelphia. Sketch of Gen. G. R. Warren. (1S83.) See PhUadelphia. Address at the funeral of Prof. Alpheus S. Packard. 1884. See Little, George T. Address as president of Society Army of Potomac. 1889. See Military History. Virtue and Valor: addresses at the dedication of the monuments of the Twentieth Maine regiment on Round Top, Gettysburg, 1889. See Military History. The State in the Nation: address at the consecration of the Maine monuments at Gettysburg, Pa., October, 1889. [1970 Chambeelain, Mellen, LL. D., Chelsea, Mass. Editor. Journal of Captain Henry Dearborn, in the Quebec expe dition, 1775. Mass. Hist. Soc. Proc. 2d ser. 2: 272. (1885-86.) [1971 The same. (Reprinted from the proceedings of the Massachusetts Historical Society, 1886.) Cambridge: John Wilson and Son, University Press. 1806. Svo. pp. 33. Chambbelin, John. A Dissertation on baptism, and particularly on ordinary communion. Including an interpretation of the vision of the beast in the thirteenth of Revelations and a view of the message to the church in PhUadelphia, in the third chapter. No. 1. Answer to a chaUenge of a Methodist minister, on the mode of baptism. By John Chamberlin, a Baptist iu the wilderness of Massachusetts. Exeter, N. H. 1823. 12mo. pp. 20. [1972 The author resided in Hampden, and the tract was written about 1812. Millet does not mention it. The Methodist minister named was the Rev. Enoch Mudge. Chamberlin, S. Auxiliary to Health. Description, use and recommendations of his patent bilious cordial. 4th. ed. Buckstown: 1807. 12mo. [1973 Chambers, George. Letter to WiUiam Hamilton, Esq. 1816. (Concerning British claim to islands in Passamaquoddy Bay,) Mass. Hist, Soo. CoU. 4th ser. 2; 830, (1871.) [^^'^^ 246 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. Champbenoune, Feancis. 1614-87. Kittery. Sketch of. 1889. See Hoyt, A. H. Will of. See Herrick, N. J. Sketch of. 1874. See Tuttle, Charles W. Champlain, Samuel de. 1567-1635. French navigator. Voyage of Samuel de Champlain. Translated from the French by Charles Pomeroy Otis, Ph. D. With historical illustrations, and a memoir by the Rev. Edmund F. Slafter, A. M. Vol. I. 1567- 1635. Five illustrations. Boston: Published by the Prince So ciety, 1880. sm. 4to. pp. viU (2), 340. [1975 Contents. (Portions relating to Maine.) Memoir. Chap. 3. Island of St. Croix. Mount Desert visited and named. Exploration of Penobscot River. The winter of 1604-05 at St. Croix. Voyage along the coast of Maine. Vol. II. 1604-10. Boston: Published by the Prince Society. 1S7S. sm. 4to. pp. xiv (2), 273. (Heliotype copies of twenty local maps.) Contents relating to Maine. Chap. 3. The river of the Etechemins, and several fine islands there. St. Croix Island, and other noteworthy objects on this coast. Map of the island. Chap. 4. Sieur de Monts, flnding no other place better adapted for a permanent settlement than the island of St. Croix, fortifies it and builds dwellings. Map of the settlement upon the island of St. Croix. Chap. 5. Ofthe coast, inhabitants and river of Norumbegue, and of all that occurred during the exploration of the latter. Chap. 6. Of the mal de la terre, a very desperate malady. How the savages, men aud women, spend their time in winter. And all that occurred at the settle ment while we were passing the winter. Chap. 7. Discovery of the coast of the Almouchiquois as far as the forty-second degree of latitude, and de tails of the voyage. Map of Quinibequy. (Kennebec entrance.) Map of Choucoit River. (Saco entrance.) Chap. 8. Return from the discoveries along the coast of the Almouchiquois. Chap. 10. The dwelling-place on the island of St. Croix transferred to Port Royal, and the reason why. Vol. III. 1611-18. Boston: PubUshed by the Prince Society. 1882. sm. 4to. vi (4), 240. (Heliotype copies of ten maps and il lustrations.) The Voyage of Samuel de Champlain on the coast of Maine, from the Saint Croix to the Penobscot in the month of September, 1604. Bang. H.M. 2:229. (1887.) [1976 Voyage of. (1875.) See Brown, John Marshall. Surveys on Maine Coast. (1884.) See Winsor, Justin. Champlin, Jambs Tift, D. D., LL. D. 1811-82. President Colby University, r. Maine from 1838. Death in our Palaces. A discourse on the death of William Henry Harrison, president of the United States, delivered on Fast Day, April 22, 1841. By James T. Champlin, pastor of the First Bap tist church, (Portland, Portland: Chase, Day & Co., Printers. 1841. Svo. pp, 31, [1977 BIBLIOGEAPHY OF MAINE. 247 —The Oration of Demosthenes on the Crown. With notes. By J. T. Champlin, professor of Latin and Greek in Waterville Col lege. Cujus non tarn vibrarent fulmina ilia nisi numeris contorta ferrentur. CicEEO, Orat. C. 70. Boston: James Munroe & Company. 1843. 12mo. pp. xxi, 270. [1978 -The same. Second edition. Boston: James Munroe & Co. 1847. 12mo. pp. xvi, 252. -Religion of Ancient Greece. Chr. Rev. 10:530. (1845.) [1979 —Apollos, or the preacher. A sermon preached before the Maine Baptist convention holden at Brunswick, June 16, 1846. Port land: Chas. Day & Co., Printers. Svo. pp. 32. [1980 —Select Popular Orations of Demosthenes. With notes and chrono logical table, by J. T. Champlin, professor of Greek and Latin in Waterville College. Boston: James Munroe & Co. 1848. 12mo. pp. 227. [1981 -The same. Second edition. Boston: James Munroe & Co. 1855. 12mo. pp. 237. [1982 -The Orations of jEschines against Ctesiphon; with notes. By J. T. Champlin, professor of Greek and Latin in Waterville College Cambridge: John Bartlett 18-50. 12mo. pp. xii, 182. [1983 Reviewed by President Theodore D. Woolsey iu Bib. Sac. 7:426. (1850.) -The same. New edition. Boston: W. H. Dennett. 1868. 12mo. pp. xii, 178. [1984 -A Concise Practical Grammar of the English Language. New York: D. Appleton & Co. 1850. 12mo. pp. 219. [1985 -Popular Lecturing. Chr. Rev. 15:237. (1850.) [1986 Review of "Whipple's Lectures on Literature," etc., and Emerson's "Representative Men. " -Grote's Greece. Chr. Rev. 16:481. (1851.) [1987 -A Short and Comprehensive Greek Grammar, with material for oral exercises. 1852. 12mo. pp. 208. [1988 -Introduction to autobiography H. Kendall. 1853. See Kendall, H. -Translator. Kiihner's Latin Grammar; with exercises, a Latin reader, and vocabularies. Translated and remodeled by J. T. Champlin, professor of Greek and Latin in Waterville College. Revised edition. Boston: Philips, Sampson & Company. 1853. 12mo. pp. 448. [1989 "This is not so much a new edition* * * * as a new book." Preface. -Bishop Butler. Chr. Rev. 19:392. (1854.) [1990 -The same. Reprinted in memorial. 1890. See Burrage, Hgnry S. -Hume's PhUosophy, Chr, Rev, 20:219. (1855.) [1991 248 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. Champlin, Jambs Tift, D. D., LL. D., Continued. Daniel Webster as a Statesman and an Orator. (1855.) See Burrage, Henry S. Rehgion and Philanthropy, (address) before "The Society of Mis sionary Inquiry," Newton Theological Institution, June 24, 1856. See Burrage, Henry S. Translator. Kiihner's Latin Exercise Book; introductory to his Latin grammar. Translated and remodeled by J. T. Champlin, professor of Greek and Latin in WaterviUe College. Longum iter est per prcecepta, breve et efflcaxper exempla. Sekeca, Ep. 6. Boston: Philips, Sampson & Co. 18-56. 12mo. pp. 105. [1992 Inaugural Address as president Waterville College. 1858. See Burrage, Henry S. Bishop Butler's Ethical Discourses, and essays on virture. Ar ranged as a treatise on moral philosophy; and edited with an analysis, by J. T. Champlin, D. D., president of Waterville Col lege. Boston: John P. Jewett & Co. 1859. 12mo. pp. 206. [1993 Editor. Bishop Butler's Analogy of Religion, natural and re vealed, to the constitution and course of nature. Edited, with an analysis, by J. T. Champlin, D. D., president of Waterville College. Boston: Bazin and Ellsworth, 1860. 12mo. pp. 194. [1994 The same work, same date, was also issued with his " Bp. Butler's Ethical Discourses," pp. 194, subjoined under heading "Appendix." Title on back: "Butler's Analogy and Ethical Discourses: Champlin." Text Book in Intellectual Philosophy for Schools and Colleges: containing an outline of the science with an abstract of its his tory. By J. T. Champlin, D. D., president of WaterviUe Col lege. Boston: Crosby, Nichols, Lee & Co. 12mo. pp. 240. [1995 The same. New edition, remodeled. New York: Woolworth, Ainsworth and Company, n. d. (Copyright, 1873.) 12mo. pp. 314. [1996 Moral Philosophy. Chr. Rev. 25: 211. (1860.) [1997 First Principles of Ethics. Designed as a basis for instruction in ethical science in schools and colleges. By J. T. Champlin, presi dent WatervUle CoUege. Boston: 1862. [1998 Response at dedication Memorial hall, 1867. See Colby University. , Lessons in Political Economy: designed as a basis for instruction in that science for schools and colleges. By J. T. Champlin. New York: A. S. Barnes & Co. 1868. 12mo. pp. 219. [1999 BIBLIOGEAPHY OF MAINE. 249 A Historical Discourse delivered at the fiftieth anniversary of Colby University, August 2d, 1870. By J. T. Champlin, presi dent. Waterville: Published by vote of trustees. 1870. Svo. pp. 30. [2000 Christian Education. 1871. See Burrage, Henry S. Free Trade and Protection. Bapt. Quar. 7 : 407. (1873. Psychology. Bapt Quar. 8: 129. (1874.) Excerpta Tacitiana. Selections from Tacitus. Embracing the most striking portions of his different works. With notes, in troduction, and a collection of his aphorisms for college and private use. By J. T. Champlin. Boston: John Allyn. 1876. 16mo. pp. viii, 264. [2001 Scripture Reading Lessons for Family Worship, containing in con secutive order the more devotional parts of the Bible, arranged in daily lessons for a year, with brief explanatory and practical notes and exercises in Scripture history. By J. T. Champ lin, (late president of Colby University). Hartford, Conn.: American Publication Company. 1878. 12mo. pp. 559. [2002 The Constitution of the United States, with brief comments: and incidental comments on the constitutions of England and France. By J. T. ChampUn, D. D., LL. D., late president of Colby Uni versity. "The American Constitution is the most wonderful work ever struck oft at a given time by the brain and purpose of man." William E. Gladstone. Boston: John Allyn, 1880. 16mo. pp. vni, 187. [2003 Educational Institutions in Maine, while a district of Massachu setts. Read before the Maine Historical Society at Portland, March 14, 1878. Me. Hist Soc. CoU. 8: 156. (ISSl.) [2004 Memoir of, with portrait. 1890. See Burrage, Henry S. A Memorial of. 1890. See Burrage, Henry S. Chandler, Anson Gancbllo. 1793-1863. Lawyer, Calais. Notice of. N.E.Reg. 17:309. (1863.) [2005 Chandlee, Chaelbs P., M. D. 1824-89. Addison. Biographical Sketch of. 1890. See Meserve, A. K. P. Chandler, Jambs. The Apostle Paul's Arguments Pleaded with Christians, against their contending against the ministers of the gospel. A sermon preached at the ordination of Mr. Thomas Lancaster, to the pas toral care of the First church in Scarborough, Nov. 8, 1775. By James Chandler, A. M., pastor of the West church.in Rowley. To which is added the charge, by the Rev. Mr. Brown of Falmouth. Portsmouth: Printed by B. Dearborn. 1776. 12mo. pp. 23. [2006 250 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. Chandlee, John. 1762-1841. Monmouth, Augusta. An Oration delivered at the Centre meeting-house in Monmouth, Maine, on the Fourth of July, 1804, being the anniversary of the American Independence. (By John Chandler.) Portland: From the Argus Press. By Day & Willis. 1804. 12mo. pp. 15. [2007 Sketch of. 1887. See Talbot, George F. Chandler, Joseph. The Young Gentleman and Lady's Museum. Being a collection of elegant, entertaining and instructive pieces; calculated to Improve young persons in the art of reading and speaking. Designed for the use of schools. By Joseph Chandler, Esq. HaUoweU: Printed and sold by N. Cheever. Sold also by E. Goodale, at the Hallowell Bookstore; P. Edes, Augusta; S. W. Winchester, Wis casset; S. Butts, Portland; Thomas & Whipple, Salem; and E. Larkin, Boston. 1811. 16mo. pp. 215. [2008 Chandler, Mes. Maetha. d. 1737. North Yarmouth. Poem upon the death of Mrs. Martha Chandler . . . who departed this life, August 4th, 1737. Boston. 1737. Fol. 1 leaf. [2009 Chandlee, Peleg. 1773-1847. Lawyer, New Gloucester, Bangor. Sketch of. Law Rep. 9:478. (1847.) [2010 Sketch of. (Published 1888.) See WilUamson, W. D. Chandlee, Peleg Whitman, LL. D. 1816-89. 6. New Gloucester. Lawyer, Boston. Old Lawyers of New Gloucester. 1874. See Haskell, Thomas H. A Memoir of Governor Andrew, with personal reminiscences. By Peleg W. Chandler. To which are added two hitherto unpub lished literary discourses, and the valedictory address. Boston: Roberts Brothers. 1880. 16mo. pp. 298. (Port, and illus. of his birthplace in Windham.) [2011 The discourses are an oration delivered before the Athenian Society of Bowdoin College, September, 1844. and an address at the close of the school year of the Maine Female Seminary, Gorham, July, 1859. Chandlee, Samuel. 1712-75. Clergyman, York. 1742-51. Journal of a journey through New Hampshire, Aug. 20, 21, 1746. N.E. Reg. 15:23. (1861.) [2012 Chandlee, Zachaeiah. 1813-79. U. S. senator, Michigan. Memorial Addresses on the life and character of Zachariah Chand ler (a senator from Michigan), delivered in the Senate and House of Representatives, forty-sixth Congress, second session, Janu ary 28, 1880. Washington: Goverument Printing Office. ISSO. Svo. pp. 146. (Port.) [2013 Contains addresses by James G. Blaine and HanniW Hamlin, BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. 251 Introduction to sketch of his life and services. 1880. See Blaine, James G. Chapin, Edwin Hubbell, D. D., LL. D. 1814-80. Clergyman, New York City. Might and Right. An oration delivered before the Erosophian Adelphi of Waterville College, August, 12, 1846. Boston: Abel Tompkins, CornhUl. MDCCCXLVI. Svo. pp. 40. [2014 Chapin, Geoege E. Crux Mathematicarum, a new and valuable work containing a hint about addition, two new forms of multiplication with an explan ation, five facile processes of contraction in multiplication, expe ditious modes of squaring and cubing, squaring and multiplica tion of mixed numbers, together with the wonderful properties of the figure nine, the magic square of fifteen and thirty-four, and amusing tricks with figures. By George E. Chapin. Bangor : S. S. Smith. 1865. 12mo. pp. 12. [2015 Chapin, Hoeace Billings. 1790-1840. Clergyman, Danville, 1839-40. Love of the Gift, not I;Ove to the Giver. A Thanksgiving sermon delivered Nov. 28, 1839, at Lewiston FaUs. By Rev. Horace B. Chapin, pastor of the Congregational church. Published by re quest Portland: Arthur Shirley, Printer. 12mo. pp. 28. [2016 Chapin, Peebz. 1782-1839. Clergyman, Pownal, 1811-39. Sermon at interment of. 1839. See Cummings, Asa. Chapin, Stephen, D. D. 1778-1845. Clergyman, North Yarmouth and professor Waterville CoUege. r. Maine, 1819-28. A Series of Letters on the mode and subjects of baptism, addressed to the Christian public. To which is prefixed a brief account of the commencement and progress of the author's trial on those points which terminated in his embracing believer's baptism, in a letter to a friend. By Stephen Chapin, late pastor of the Congregational church in Mount Vernon, N. H. Boston: Lincoln & Edmunds. (1819.) Svo. pp. 76. [2017 The same. Second edition. With an appendix containing sketches on Mr. Moore's reply. Boston: Printed and pubUshed by Lincoln and Edmunds, No. 53 CornhiU. 1820. 12mo. pp. 106, 68. [2018 Ministerial Zeal. A sermon delivered at Waterville, Aug. 15, 1820, before the Maine Baptist Educational Society. By Stephen Chapin, pastor of tbe Baptist church in North Yarmouth. Port land: Printed at the Argus Office. 1820. Svo. pp. 34. [2019 Xhe Duty of Loving for the Good of Posterity, A sermon deUvered at North Yarmouth, December 22, 1820, in commemoration of the close of the second century from the landing of the Forefathers 252 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. Chapin Stephen, D. D., Continued. of New England. By Stephen Chapin, pastor of the Second Baptist church in North Yarmouth. Published by request. Portland: Thomas Todd. 1821. Svo. pp. 48. [2020 An extract from the charge of Judge Story, touching the slave trade, in May, 1820, at the United States Circuit Court, Portland, Is given in a note. The Conversion of Mariners will Enlarge the Praises of Zion. A sermon addressed to mariners, North Yarmouth, state of Maine, March 4th, 1821. By Stephen Chapin, pastor of the Baptist church in said town. Portland: Printed by Thomas Todd & Co. 1821. Svo. pp. 32. [2021 A Sermon at the ordination of the Rev. Samuel Cook, over the Baptist church and society in Effingham, N. H. By Stephen Chapin, pastor of the Baptist church in North Yarmouth. Published at the request of the churches in North Yarmouth and Effingham. Portland: Printed by Todd & Smith. 1822. Svo. [2022 The Messiah's Victory. A discourse. Delivered at installation of Casco Lodge, North Yarmouth, (Me.), June 24, 1822. By Stephen Chapin, pastor of the Baptist church in said town. Portland; Printed by Todd & Smith. 1822. Svo. pp. 26. [2023 The Superior Glory of Gospel Worship. A sermon delivered Nov. 19, 1823, at the dedication of the Baptist meeting-house in Winthrop, Maine. By Stephen Chapin, D. D., professor of theology in WaterviUe College. Waterville: Printed by William Hastings. 1823. Svo. pp. 35. [2024 Triumphs of Intellect. A lecture delivered October 1824, in the chapel of Waterville College. By Stephen Chapin, D. D., pro fessor of theology in said college. WaterviUe: Printed by William Hastings. Nov., 1824. Svo. title-cover, and pp. 31. [2025 Sermon delivered in the chapel of Waterville College, April 3, 1825, on account of the death of Mr. Obed Wilson, son of the Rev. Obed Wilson, of Bingham. WaterviUe: Wm. Hastings, Printer. 1825. Svo. pp. 36. [2026 Moral Education. An address delivered at China, June 25th, 1825, at the installation of Central Lodge. WaterviUe: Wm. Hastings, Printer. 1825. Svo. pp. 32. [2027 The Wisdom of Winning Souls. A sermon delivered at Royalston, (Mass.), September 29, 1825, at the ordination of the Rev. A. Merriam, W. Metcalf, and E. Johnson. WaterviUe : Wm. Hastings, Printer. 1825. Svo. pp. 32. [2028 - — The Proclamation of Christ Crucified the Delight of God. A sermon delivered January 4th, 1826, at the ordination of the Rev. Alonzo King, over the Baptist church of Christ in North Yarmouth, Me. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. 253 Published by request. Waterville : Wm. Hastings, Printer. 1826. Svo. pp. 32. [2029 Commemorative Notice of. 1860. See Sprague, WUliam B. Chaplin, Jeeemiah, D. D. 1776-1841. Clergyman, and president Colby University, 1822-33. A Sermon delivered September 8, 1819, at the ordination of the Rev. Stephen Chapin, to the pastoral care of the Baptist church and society in North Yarmouth. By Jeremiah Chaplin. Portland: Printed by Francis Douglas, 1819. Svo. pp. 28. [2030 A Sermon preached at North Yarmouth, February 16, 1825, at the ordination of the Rev. George D. Boardman, as a missionary to the heathen. By Jeremiah Chaplin, D. D., president of Water ville College. Published by request. Waterville: Printed by WilUam Hastings, 1825. Svo. pp. 41. [2031 Commemorative Notice of. 1860. See Sprague, WiUiam B. Eulogy on. 1843. See Pattison, R. E. Chaplin, Jeeemiah, (Jr.), D.D. 1813-86. Clergyman, Bangor, 1841-46. Tekel: A discourse occasioned by the late calamity on board the United States ship Princeton, delivered Sunday, March 10, 1844. By Jeremiah Chaplin, pastor of the First Baptist church, Bangor, Maine. Bangor: Printed by Samuel S. Smith, 1844. Svo. pp. 24. [2032 Chapman, Chaeles Jaevis. b. 1848. Portland. Response, presentation Baxter Library Building. 1889. See Port land Public Library. Chapman, E. A Discourse on the prophecies; more especially on those prophecies which predict the rise, continuance and downfal (sic) of those two great antichristian empires, founded by the Pope and Mohammed : together with the remarkable and glorious events which will im mediately follow: being the substance of two sermons preached at Bethel. By E. Chapman, V. D. M. Published by desire. Write the things which thou has seen, and the things which are, and the things which shall be hereafter. Rev. 1st, 19th. Come up hither, and I will show thee things which must be hereafter.— Rev. 4th, 1st. Printed at Portland by John K. Baker. 1797. Svo. pp. 39. [2033 Chapman, Edward. 1878. See Chapman, Jacob and Lapham, W. B. Chapman, George W. Gilead. History of Gilead, and prose and poetic writings by George W. Chapman. Portland: Published by the author. B. Thurston & Co., Printers. 1867. 12mo. pp. 132. [2034 Sketch of. 1875. See Lapham, WiUiam B. 254 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. Chapman, Henry Lbland. 6. Bethel, 1845. Instructor and pro fessor Bowdoin College from 1869. Centennial Poem. 1874. See Bethel. Poem at Williams College. 1877. See Alpha Delta Phi. Remarks at celebration 84th birthday Prof. A. S. Packard. 1882. See Maine Hist. Soc. Coll. Remarks on Prof. Alpheus S. Packard. 1884. See Little, George T. American Literature in England. Address at unveiling bust of Longfellow. 1885. Me. Hist Soc. CoU. 2d ser. 2: 200. [2035 Remarks on the Rev. Dr. Samuel G. Brown. 1886. See Brown, Samuel Gilman. Studies in Shakespeare. And. Rev. 5: 112. (1886.) [2036 Stedman's Poets of America. And. Rev. 2: 224. (1886.) [2037 Historical Sketch of the Fraternity of *. B. K., Alpha of Maine. 1888. See Bowdoin College. Early Movements to Separate the District of Maine from Massachu setts, and the Brunswick convention of 1816, by Henry L. Chap man. Pej. Hist. Soc. CoU. 1 : 1. (1889.) [2038 Poem, 150th anniversary of Brunswick. 1889. See Brunswick. Chapman, Jacob and Lapham, De. W. B. Edward Chapman, of Ipswich, Mass., in 1644, and some of his de scendants. Portland. 1878. Svo. pp. 34. [2039 Chapman, John Eliphaz. b. Bethel, 1853. Lawyer, Boston. Class of '77. Bowdoin College. Record. No. 3. Decennial re port. June 1, 1887. " 'Tis time I should inform you further. " The Tempest. 1 ; 2. Boston: Alfred Mudge & Son, Printers. 24 Franklin Street. 1887. Svo. pp. 32. [2040 Chapone, Hestee M. English author. 1727-1801. Letters on the improvement of the mind. Addressed to a lady. By Mrs. Chapone. I consider an human soul without education, like marble in the quarry, which shows none of its inherent beauties till the skill of the polisher fetches out the color, makes the surface shine and discovers every orna mental cloud, spot, aud vein that runs through the body of it. Education, after the same manner, when it works upon a noble mind, draws out to view every latent virtue and perfection, which without such helps, are never able to make their appearance. Addison. Portland: Printed for Daniel Johnson. John M'Kown, Printer. n. d. 16mo. pp. 186. [2041 First published in 1773. " As well calculated to Improve the rising gene ration as it was the youth of their grandmothers. " Mrs. Elwood. " The admirable Mrs. Chapone " is mentioned by Thackeray in " Vanity Fair. " BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. 255 Chaeactee and use of Sceiptuees. Bangor. 1824. pp. 19. [2042 Chaelbs II. 1630-85. King of England. Letter to inhabitants of Maine sustaining claim of Gorges to Maine, and ordering the province to be restored to him. 1664. See Hutchinson, Thomas. Letter to Massachusetts disapproving of purchase of Maine. 1679. See Hutchinson, Thomas. Chaeleston. Incorporated 1811. History Olive Branch Lodge. 1864-81. See Smith, O. L. Abstract of centennial discourse at. 1876. See Robinson, Thomas B. Chaelevoix, Pieeee Fean<;ois Xavibr de, S. J. 1682-1761. French historian and missionary. History and general description of New France. By the Eev. P. F. X. de Charlevoix, S. J. Translated, with notes, by John Gilmary Shea. In six volumes. New York : John Gilmary Shea. 1866 to 1872. Imperial Svo. Vol. I. pp. 286. (5 plates and map.) Vol. II. pp. 284. (6 plates and 2 maps.) Vol. III. pp. 312. (Port, and 4 maps.) Vol. IV. pp. 308. (Map and 3 plates.) Vol. V. pp. 311. (9 maps and plates.) Vol. VI. pp 256. (1.) (2 ports. 2 maps.) The original was published in 1744. [2043 Contents relating to Maine. Abenaquis capture Fort Pemkuit. 4:40. Seize fourteen English forta near Kennebec, 43. Acadia, situation and description, 1 : 248. Andros, Sir Edmund, builds Fort Pemaquid. 3 : 210. Plunders Pentagoet, 211. Argall, Samuel, expels French from St. Sauveur, 1: 279; ruins St. Sauveur, 282. Arrowsick Island, treaty at, 5: 267; conference at, 272; situation of, 273. Baxter, Rev. Joseph, missionary; sent to Kennebec, 5: 268; controversy with Rale, ib.; retires, 269; notice of, 268. Biard, F. Peter, sufferings and his relations in Acadia, 270; preaches to the Canibas, 273: goes to St. Sauveur, 275; site of his colony, 277. Biencourt, Charles de, goes with Biard to Kinibequi, 273. Bigot, Father Vincent, gathers an Abenaqui village near Pentagoet, 3 : 308 Bomazeen, Abenaqui chief, treacherously seized, 4: 273. Canibas, visited by Champlain,!: 49; besiege and take Pemkuit, 4: 40: 5: 25. Capuchens, have hospice on the Kennebec, and house at Pentagoet, 2: 203; 3: 129, n. Casco Bay, fort in, taken by De Portneuf. 4 : 133 ; attacked by Abenaquis under Beaubassin, and relieved by Southwick. 6 : 161, n. Castine, near Pentagoet. 3 : 130, n. Charnise, Charles de Menou, Seigneur D' Aulnay de, notice of, 3: 131-32, n.; Governor of Acadia, in 1647, 129; had fort on Penobscot, 130. Church, Benjamin, at Fort Pemaquid, 4: 228. Cromwell, Oliver, grants Acadia to Temple, La Tour and Crown, 3: 132, n. Damisokantik. (Megantic Lake, or Farmington Falls?) Abenaqui mis sion at, 6: 167, n. 256 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. Chaelevoix, Pieeee Feancjois Xavibe de, S. J., Continued. Druilletes, F. Gabriel, Jesuit, Abenaqui missionary, at Kennebec, 2 : 201. Etechemins, Indians, formerly occupied all from Port Royal to Kennebec, 1: 276; their province formerly called Norumbegua; its limits, 1: 249. Fort Loyal, taken by Portneuf, 4 : 133. Fort Pemaquid or Pemquid or Pemkuit, built by Andros, 3: 210; site, ib., n.; account of, 4: 40, n.; taken by Canibas, 40: 43; rebuilt in 1692; 227, n.; failure of ViUebon's attempt on, 228; English base hopes on, 255; Indian treaty at, ib.; Bomazeen and other Abenaquis seized at, 273: 5: 23. Fort Pentagoet, built by La Tour, 3: 129; held by Commander de Razilly, 129; taken by English, 135; by Dutch, 1S8, 294. Frye, Rev. Jonathan, of Lovewell's party, scalps Indians, 5: 279, n. Grandfontaine, Hubert d'Andigny, Chevalier de, as governor of Acadia: resides at Pentagoet, 186; relieved by de Chambly, 187; appoints St. Castin his lieutenant, 211. Guercheville, Antoinette de Pons, Marchioness de, purchases De Monts' rights in Acadia ; projects new settlement (at Mount Desert) ; its situation, 277; its destruction, 279; endeavors to obtain indemnity in England, for de- destruction of St. Sauveur, 285. Harmon, Capt., plunders Norridgewalk, and carries off Rale's dictionary and strong box, 5: 276; on Rale's death, 280, n. Heath, Capt., destroys Indian town. 5: 277, n. Hopegood, Abenaqui chief, 4: 128, n.; 132, n. Kennebec, called Kinibequi, Quinibequi, 1 : 49. De Monts explores to, 223; Capuchin hospice on. 2: 202; Druilletes labors among Indians on, 214; under jurisdiction of Plymouth. 214; English on warned off by St. Lusson, 3:170; English think of settling on, 5; 92; Villebon claims it as boundary of New France, 92, n.; English by surprise settle on, 270; result, ib. Livingston, Philip, entertained at Penobscot by Baron St. Castin, who sub sequently saves his life, 233, u. Madockawando, Abenaquis chief, treats with English, 4: 255; Baron de St. Castin marries Matilda, daughter of, 5: 274, n. Malecites, Acadian Indians near Pentagoet, also called Etechmins, 1: 276; part of Abenaquis tribes, 2: 276; at siege of Pemkuit, 5: 25. Marsh, Colonel, sent to build fort at Saco, 5: 200, n. Missionaries, abandon Indians of Pentagoet on account of disorder caused by liquor, 3: 308. Monts, Peter de Gaust, Sieur de, settlement, on St.Croix Island, 1:49, 252. Mount Desert, near mouth of Penobscot, Father Biard begins settlement of St. Sauveur on, I: 271; frequented by English fishermen, 279; settlement on, destroyed by Argall, 279; Iberville at, 27; Vincellotte at, 51. Neutral Island, the St. Croix of de Monts. 1 : 252. Norumbega, what it was, 1: 249, 263; river of, said by Charlevoix to be the Pentagoet, 275, n. Norridgewalk, Narantsook, Abenequi town; Druilletes at, 2: 214, n.; Rale, missionary at, 5; 2GS; New England expedition against, 271; letter of Indians of, to governor of Massachusetts, 273, n. ; Rale's church at, ib. ; plundered by English, 275; English fail to carry off Rale from, 276; rendezvous of Indians, 277; surprised by New Englanders who kill Rale, 278; Father de Syresmo at, 281. Passadumkeag, Indian town destroyed by Westbrooke, 5: 277, n. Pegwakki, Abenakis of, write to governor of Massachusetts, 5 : 273., n. Pemkuit, (Pemaquid) fort, built by English, 3 : 210 ; taken by Canabas, 4 : 40. 43: restored by English, 227; Iberville and Bonaventure fail to take, 228; King orders it to be attacked, 275; why, 5 : 23; captured, 26; described, lb. ; English propose to restore, 92. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. 257 Penobscot, 1: 49; Col. Westbrooke destroys town on, 5: 277, n. Pentagoet River, 1:49; bounds Etechmins, 249; position, 253; described, 270; Indian name, 276; Armouchiquois formerly between Kinibequi and, 277; taken by English, 3: 135; restored in spite of Sir T. Temple, 139; Grandfon taine at, 186; Chambly at, 187; taken by Dutch, 188; plundered and taken by English, 211; fort demolished by Dutch, 188, 294; restored by St. Castin, 294; English summon him to surrender, ib. ; importance, 295; mission at, 308; pil laged, 4: 15; exploits of Indians of, 40-3; Indians of, with Villieu, 266; Iber ville at, 6: 25; 4, 15; rendezvous of Nesmond and Frontenac, 71; Indians of, address governor of Massachusetts, 273, n. Phibs, (Phips), Sir William, attempts to assassinate St. Castin, 4:236; frightens Abenaquis into negotiation, 266; interview with Abenaquis, 257. Poorpooduck, ravaged by Abenaquis, 5: 161, n. Rasles (Rale), Father Sebastian, Jesuit, notice of, 5: 281, n. ; anxious to ar rest hostilities, 266; attempt of Rev. J. Baxter to pervert flock of, 268; their controversies, 269; why persecuted by the English, 275; they wish Abenaquis to .surrender or send him away, 275; set a price on his head, 275; in danger of being carried off , 275 ; church and house pillaged by Harmon, and his dic tionary and strong box carried ofl, 276, n.; urged to retire to Quebec, 278; his reply, 278; killed by English, ib.; outrages to his corpse, 279; eulogium on, 280; esteemed by his flock, ib. ; reputation in Canada, 281 ; answer of superior of seminary of Montreal, ib.; letters of, noticed, 1: 88-89; Lives of, 6: 281; es timate of his conduct, 6: 280; monument to, 281, n. Saco, Abenaquis murdered at, 4: 273. Sagadahoc Bay, 5: 273, n. Saint Castin, Baron John Vincent de, sketch of, 3: 294, n; ensign, not cap tain in Carignan-Sali^res regiment; appointed by Grandfontaine his lieu tenant, 211 n; summoned by English to surrender Fort Pentagoet, 294; calls on Denonville for aid, ib.; report of, ib.; establishment pillaged by English, 4 : 16. : marries an Indian wife, 211 ; report to Frontenac, ib. ; English attempt to assassinate, 236; leads 200 Indians at siege of Pemkuit, 6:26; exploit at siege of Port Royal, 193 ; Subercase attributes its deliverance to, 194; am buscades English and attacks their work, 193; wounded, 199. Saint Castin. Baron Anselm de, son of preceding, commandant at Penta goet, 5: 235: sentto Vaudreuil to report surrender of Port Royal, 5: 233; en tertains Livingston at Penobscot, ib., n.; saves his life, ib.; appointed com mandant in Acadia, 235; and lieutenant, 274, n.; treacherously carried off by English, 273; interrogated as a criminal at Boston, 274; Vaudreuil demands release of, 275; set at liberty and goes to Prance, ib.; prevented Abenequis from joining English, 302; marries Charlotte d'Armour, 274, n. Sainte Croix Island, De Monts settles at, 1: 251; inconvenient, 262; aban doned, 263; ruined by English, 283; taken by Kertk and Stirling, 2:59, n.; English claim to, 1 : 116. Saint George River (Maine) , limits between New France and New England fixed at, in 1700, 5: 93. Saint Sauveur, or Savior's, Mme. de Guercheville's colony on Mount Desert Island, 1: 277; its position, ib.,n.; destroyed by English, 279. Salmon Falls, (Sementels), takenby a Three River party; now Berwick, 131, n. ; Indian name, ib. Saussaye, M. de la, sent out in charge of Mad. de Guercheville's colony, 276; settles on Soames' Sound, Mt. Desert Island, ib.,n.; neglects to fortify, ib., n.; attacked by Argall, 279; taken to England, 281. Scarborough, ravaged, 5: 161, n. Syresmo, Father James de, Jesuit, succeeds Rale at Norridgewalk, 6:281, n. Temple, Sir Thomas, pretensions over Nova Scotia, 3:132; signs a docu ment at Boston restoring Acadia and adjacent shores to France, 138; unwill ing to surrender Pentagoet, ib ; surrenders to Grandfontaine, 139 ; its value to him, 187. 18 258 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. Chaelevoix, Pieeee Feanqois Xaviee db, S. J., Continued. Thet, Brother Gilbert du, Jesuit, killed at Mount Desert, 1: 280. Thury, Rev. Peter, Canibas missionary, sketch of, 4: 40; at Pentagoet, 40-3. Treaty with Abenequis at Mare Point, 5: 98, n.; at Arrowsick Island, 267, n. Weems, Captain (James), Commandant at Fort Pemkuit when takenby Canibas, 4: 41-2, n. Wells, attacked, 4: 227. Westbrook, Colonel, destroyes Penobscot town, church &c., at Passadum keag, 5 : 277, n. York, destroyed by Indians, 4 : 227. Chaenise, Chaeles de Menou, Seigneur D' aulnay de. 1605-50. French proprietor, Penobscot. See Tour, Charles Amador de St. Etienne. Motion to United Colonies, for satisfaction for injuries at Penob scot. 1644. See Hazard E. Letters concerning. See Hutchinson, Thomas. Notice of. 1744. See Charlevoix, P. F. X. Novel, concerning; "The Rivals of Acadia." (1827.) See Cheney, Harriet V. Hostilities with La Tour. See Haliburton, T. C. Papers relative to. 1838. See Felt, Joseph B. History of. 1852. See Menou, Jules de. Notice of. (From the French of Count Jules de Menou.) 1858. See Jenks, William. Account of. 1865. See Murdoch, Beamish. Accouutof. (1879.) See Hannay, James. Notice of and autograph. 1884. See Winsor, Justin. The La Tours and D'Aulnay. 1884. See Smith, Philip H. Novel concerning; Constance of Acadia. 1886. See Tenney, Ed ward P. Chase, Albeo Elmoee. b. Paris, 1844. r. Portland. Paper relating to history of the Press in Cumberland County. 1S84. See Maine Press Association. Essay: "William Caxton, the first English Printer." 1887. See Maine Press Association. Chase, A. L. Sebec; and Wallace, F. H., Oswego, N. Y. A Summer at Moosehead Lake and Vicinity. 1889. Prom "Canoe and Camera." T. S. Steele. Copyright, 1888. Chase & WaUace. sm. ob. pp. 40, (2). (IUus.) [2044 Chase, A. M. Woodstock. Editor. Reunion of the teachers and scholars of Woodstock lield at Bryant's Pond, October 9, 1890. Reported by A. M. Chase. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. 259 A. M. Chase & Co., Printers, Bryant's Pond, Maine. 1891. Svo. pp. 113. (Port.) [2045 Contains salutatory, by George Q. Perham : response, Sidney Perham ; oration, "The School as a Factor of American Life," Rev. H. S.Whitman; obituaries, W. B. Lapham ; poem and valldictory, J. C. Gallison. Chase, Benjamin Chapman. 1819-68. Clergyman, Camden, Foxcroft. Address delivered at Camden, Maine, September 11, 1855, at the expiration of half a century from the organization of the First Congregational church in that town. By Rev. B. C. Chase, pas tor of the church. Also, a brief sketch of the revival there in the year 1836; names of church members, &c. Boston: T. R. Marvin. 1855. Svo. pp. 28. [2046 Chase, Chaeles B. (No. 47.) The Maine Farmer's Almanac, for the year of our Lord, 1865. It being the first after bissextile or leap year, and the eighty-ninth-ninetieth of our country's Independence. The astronomical computations being given to mean, or true clock time, for lat 44° 16' N. and long. 69° 48' W., or the merid ian (very nearly) of the capitol of the State of Maine, at Augusta. Formerly edited By Daniel Robinson. (Illus.) "Still on its creeps, Each little moment at another's heels. Till hours, days, years, and ages are made up Of such small parts as these, and men look back Worn and bewildered, wondering how it is. Thou trav'Uest like a ship in the wide ocean. Which hath no bounding shore to mark its progress." HaUoweU: Masters, Smith & Company. Price ten cents. 12mo. pp.48. (IUus.) [2047 (No. 48.) The Maine Farmers' Almanac, for the year of our Lord, 1866 : It being the second after bissextile or leap year, and the ninetieth-ninety-flrst of our country's Independence. The astronomical computations being to mean, or true clock time, for lat 4° 16' N. and long. 69° 48' W., or the meridian (very nearly) of the capitol of the State of Maine, at Augusta. Area of the state, 35,000 sq. miles. Population in 1860, 628,600. Formerly edited by Daniel Robinson. (IUus.) " We see but half the causes of our deeds. Seeking them wholly in the outer life, And heedless of the encircling spirit-world. Which, though unseen, is felt and sows in us All germs of pure and world-wide purposes. " Hallowell: Masters, Smith & Company. Price ten cents. 12mo. pp. 48. (Illus.) [2048 Chase, Daniel K. Calais. Tides. New theory, by D. K. Chase. Boston: Richard L. Gay & Co., Printers, 63 Milk Street. 1871. Svo. pp. 12. [2049 260 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. Chase, Edmund. Minot. Record of his descendants. 1S7S. See Lapham, W. B. Chase, Miss Eliza Beown. Over the Border. Acadia, the home of "Evangeline," by "> r^ ^ With illustrations in heliotype from water-color sketches by the author. Boston : James R. Osgood and Company. 1884. Sq. Svo. pp. 215. [2050 The three notes of music on the title-page represent the author's initials. The same, under the following title: Over the Border. The separate towns of Nova Scotia and a chapter on Mt. Desert. By Miss E. B. Chase. Illustrated and with a map. New York: Houghton, Mifflin & Co. 1889. sm. 4to. Chase, Feeeman Heney, M. D. b. 1838. Physician, Orland, Ban gor. History of the Rising Sun Lodge, No. 71. Orland, Maine, from 1852 to 1869. Bucksport. 1869. Svo. pp. 19. [2051 History of Rising Sun Lodge, No. 71, of Free and Accepted Ma sons, Orland, Me., from A. D. 1852 to A. D. 1874. By P. M. Freeman Henry Chase, M. D., lodge historian. "The principles on which Free Masonry is founded must be productive of private virtue and public prosperity. " Geo. Washingtok. Portland: Stephen Berry, Printer. 1874. 12mo. pp. 38. [2052 Chase, Jonathan. The Claims of Reason, or the rights of God. By Jonathan Chase, lecturer on the intermediate state, n. p. 1841. 16mo. pp. 36. [2053 Chase, Joshua. Clergyman. Sanford. Funeral Sermon on. 1825. See Cook, Gideon. Chase, J. J. The Charge at Day-break: scenes and incidents at the battle of the mine explosion near Petersburg, Va., July 30th, 1864. Writ ten by Lieut. J. J. Chase, who is now totally blind in conse quence of a wound received in the fatal charge after the explo sion. Lewiston: Printed at the Journal Offlce. 1875. 16mo. pp. 32. [2054 Chase, Nathaniel. 1761-1853. Clergyman, Buckfleld. Biographical Sketch of. Am. Bap. Mem. 13:70. (1854.) [2055 Record of descendants. 1878. See Lapham, W. B. Chase, Salmond. 1761-1806. Lawyer, Portland. Biographical Sketch of. 1863. See Willis, William. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. 261 Chase, Solon. 6. 1823, Chase's MUls, Turner. Uncle Solon's Tract No. 1. Chase's MiUs, Me. June 1, 1880. Svo. pp. 8. [2056 Uncle Solon's Tract. No. 2. Chase's MiUs, Me. Aug. 1, ISSO. Svo. pp. 8. [2057 The Poor Man's Tract. Svo. pp. 7. [2058 Poor Man's Tract. No. 1. Svo. pp. 17. [2059 Poor Man's Tract. (3) Svo. pp. 18. [2060 Chase, Timothy. 1793-1875. Belfast. Sketch of. Freemason's Repository. 14: 267. (1885.) (Port) [2061 Chautauqua Union, Maine. Meetings, 1886, 1SS7, ISSS, 1889, 1890. See Fryeburg. Cheever, Henry Theodore, D. D. b. HaUoweU, 1814. Clergy man, Worcester, Mass. Correspondencies of Faith and Views of Madame Guyon: A com parative study of the unitive power and place of faith in the theology and church of the future. By Henry T. Cheever, au thor of "The Pulpit and the Pew," " Island World of the Pa cific," "Life and Religion in the Sandwich Islands," "Biog raphy of Dr. Nathaniel Cheever," etc. New York: Anson D. F. Randolph & Company, 900 Broadway, Cor. 20th Street, n. d. (1886.) 12mo. pp. xx, 292. [2062 Dedicated to Bowdoin College. The inception of the work is largely due to the writings of Professor Upham, and particularly to his work on Madame Guyon. Chelsea. Incorporated 1850. Catalogue library of National Home for Disabled Volunteers, 1872. Svo. pp. 100. [2063 Library Catalogue. Eastern branch of the National Home for Dis abled Volunteer Soldiers. With an historical sketch and rules of the library, list of the Board of Managers, and offlcers of the home. Togus. Maine. Augusta: New Age Press. 1888. Svo. pp. 165, (1.) [2064 Souvenir Album of Soldier's Home. 1888. See Maine Guide Books. Cheney, Mes. Harriet Vaughan. Boston, Montreal, P. Q. The Rivals of Acadia, an old story of the new world. When two authorities are up. Neither supreme, how soon confusion May enter 'twixt the gap of both, and take The one by the other. Shakf.speaee. Boston: WeUs and Lilly, Court Street 1827. 12mo. pp. 271. [2065 Reviewed in the U.S. Rev. and Lit. Gaz. 2:94. (1827.) 262 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. Cheney, Oeen Buebank, D. D. 6. 1816. President Bates College, 1863-94. Address to corporation, 1885. See Bates College. Brief Biography and portrait. 1889. See Free Baptist Cyclopaedia. Cheeeyfield. Incorporated 1816. Account of. 1834. See WiUiamson, W. D. Lectures at, on future punishment. 1836. See Ryder, Wilson C. Notes on measurement of base line at Epping Plain. 1858. See Bache, Alex. D. Dedication of the soldiers' monument at Cherryfleld, Maine, July 4, 1874. How sleep the Brave who sink to rest By all their Country's wishes blest ! When Spring, with dewy fingers cold, Returns to deck their hallow'd mould. She there shall dress a sweeter sod, Than Fancy's feet have ever trod. By fairy hands their knell is rung. By forms unseen their dirge is sung : There Honor comes, a pilgrim gray. To bless the turf that wraps their clay. And Freedom shall a while repair. To dwell a weeping hermit there ! Portland: Bailey & Noyes. 1874. Svo. pp. 47. [2066 Address by ex-Governor Israel Washburn. Early Settlement of. 1886. See Milliken, J. A. Deaths and burials in Cherryfleld. Copied from gravestones. Bang. H. M. 3:59. (1887.) [2067 Chessman, Daniel. 1791-1839. Clergyman, Hallowell, 1821-30. A Compendium of English Grammar; comprising all that is neces sary to be committed to memory by students; abridged from Lindley Murray's excellent treatise. By Daniel Chessman, A. M., pastor of the Baptist church in Hallowell, Me. Second edi tion; corrected and enlarged. Warren, R. I. Printed by S. Randall. 1821. 24mo. pp. 32. [2068 A Discourse delivered at the ordination of the Rev. William O. Grant to the pastoral care of the First Baptist church and society in Litchfield, Maine, January 1, 1824. By Rev. Daniel Chess man, A. M., pastor of the Baptist church and society in HaUo weU. HaUoweU: Printed by S. K. Gilman. 1824. Svo. pp. 20, [2069 Revivals of Religion. Extract of a letter from Rev. Daniel Chess man to the Rev. Dr. Baldwin, dated HaUoweU, 1824. Am. Bap. Mag.n. s. 5:29. (1824.) [2070 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. 263 Memoir of Rev. Thomas Baldwin, D. D., late pastor of the Second Baptist church in Boston, who died at Waterville, Me., August 29, 1825. Together with a funeral sermon, occasioned by his death, delivered on the succeeding Sabbath, in the Baptist meet ing house in Hallowell, Me. By Rev. Daniel Chessman, A. M., pastor of that church and society. With an appendix, contain ing letters and hymns. Boston: Printed by True & Greene. 1826. Svo. pp. 72— appendix, pp. 12. [2071 Chester, Aenold N. Jack's Harmless Joke. A Saco story by Arnold N. Chester. Price 10 cents. Saco, Me., J. V. Dennett, Publisher. 1883. 24mo. pp. 39. [2072 Chester, Joseph Lemuel, D. C. L. 1821-82. Antiquarian, London, Eng. Notice of the Rev. John Wheelwright, N. E. Reg. 21: 363. (1867.) [2073 Chestbrville. History of. 1875. See Sewall, Oliver. Chesuncook. Visit to. 1853. See Thoreau, Henry D. Chiokeeing, John White, D. D. 1808-88. r. Portland, 1835-65. On the importance of a sense of religious obligation in rulers. Am- Q. Reg. 8:66. (1835.) [2074 The same. Portland Sketch Book. 1836. See Stephens, Ann S. The Fear of God the Only True Courage: A sermon preached in the High Street meeting-house, Portland, March 18, 1838. By John W. Chickering, pastor. Portland: Arthur Shirley, Printer. 1838. Svo. pp. 16. [2075 Christian Morality: a series of discourses on the decalogue. Bos ton: Crocker & Brewster, 47 Washington Street. 1839. 12mo. pp. 257. [2076 The Reciprocal Influence of Piety and Taste. 1839. See Clark, John A. The Christian's Debt to the Country. A sermon delivered in Augusta, June 24, 1846, before the Maine Missionary Society, at its thirty-ninth anniversary. By Rev. John W. Chickering, pastor of the High Street church, Portland. Portland: William H. Cushing, Printer. 1846. Svo. pp. 53. [2077 The sermon occupies 18 pp. God's Discriminating but Mysterious Treatment of His Own People. A discourse delivered at the funeral of Rev. Joseph Bennett, Woburn, November 22, 1847. By Rev. John W. Chickering, pastor of High Street church, Portland. Boston: Dickinson Printing-House. Damrell & Moore. 1847. Svo. pp. 27. [2078 264 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. Chickering, John White, D. D., Continued. What It is to Believe in Christ. No. 357, American Tract Soc. pp. 4. (Title-page of Vol. — Tracts of the American Tract Society. General series. Vol. X. Printed by the American Tract Society, 150 Nassau Street, New York.) [2079 This has been printed in seven different languages, and over a million and a half copies circulated. The Rights and Duties of Society concerning Intemperance. An address deUvered before the Portland Temperance Society, February 22, 1854. By John W. Chickering, pastor of High Street church. Portland: Printed by Brown Thurston, Fox Block, 82 Exchange Street. 1854. Svo. pp. 16. [2080 Hymns for the Circle. (Selected by Rev. J. W. Chickering, D. D., Portland, Me. : WUUam Hyde. 1855. 16mo. pp. 48. [2081 Christ's People with Him in Glory. A sermon delivered at Frye burg, Me., Dec. 11, 1855, at the funeral of Rev. Carlton Hurd, D. D. By John W. Chickering, D. D. Portland: Printed by Brown Thurston. 1856. Svo. pp. 23. [2082 The Hillside Church: or reminiscences of a country pastorate. By John W. Chickering, D. D., pastor of High Street church, Portland, Maine. Boston: S. K. Whipple & Co., Portland: Sanborn & Carter. 1856. 16mo. pp. 280. [2083 Relates to Bolton, Mass., where the author was pastor, 1830-33. Historical Sketch of the St. Lawrence Street church. 1S5S. See Portland. The Delaying Inquiries ; or, the way of trusting obedience the way of safety. No. 608, American Tract Society. [2084 — —First Ripe Fruit Gathered : A pastoral sketch of a young lawyer. Portland: Sanborn & Carter. 1859. 16mo. pp. 72. [2085 Enoch S. Cummings was the subject of the sketch. Address at semi-centennial Andover Theological Seminary. 1859. [2086 Notice of. 18S9. See Portland Society Natural History Proc. Chickering, Mes. J. W. Portland. Cloud Crystals. A snow flake album. Collected and edited by a lady. New York: D. Appleton & Co. 1864. Svo. pp. 158. (Illus.) [2087 Chilcott, Jambs C. 1831-93. Journalist, Ellsworth. Paper relating to history of the Press in Hancock County. (1899.) See Maine Press Association. Biographical Sketch of Nathaniel K. Sawyer. 1889. See same. ——Poem. "The Secular Press." (1890.) See same. With Parsons, James E., Ellsworth. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. 265 History of Lygonia Lodge, No. 40, Free and Accepted Masons, at Ellsworth, Maine, from January 1, 1874, to January 1, 1890, by James C. Chilcott, assisted by James E. Parsons, secretary. Published by vote of the lodge. Printed by the Hancock County Publishing Company, Ellsworth, Maine. 1891. Svo. pp. 50. [2088 Child, James Loring. 1792-1862. Lawyer, Augusta. Biographical Sketch of. 1890. See Bradbury, James W. Child, Mes. Lydia Maeia. 1802-80. Author, Wayland, Mass. The Church in the Wilderness. (Norridgewock.) 1828. See Willis, N.P. Child Moses. Wilton. Brief Sketch of. 1890. See Green, Samuel A. Child, Thomas, M. D. lSOS-72. Bath. Biographical Sketch of. 1873. See Lamson, D. L. (The) Child's Insteuctoe, or first book in prose. In two parts; well calculated to advance the learner in reading by lessons pleasing and suitable to his capacity; and at the same time afiording sen timents of instruction the most proper for his age. By a teacher of youth. HaUoweU: Samuel K. Gilman. 1818. [20S9 The same. Portland: A.W.Thayer. 1822. sm. 12mo. pp. 72. China. Incorporated. 1796. Address, Masonic. 1825, See Chapin, Stephen. Oration, 4th July, 1S26. See Lovejoy, E. P. Oration, 4th July, 1834. See Holmes, John. (The) China Aster: or, youth's book of varieties. Vol. V. Port land: S. H. Colesworthy. 1847. 16mo. pp. 90. [2090 The same. Vol. VI. 1847. 16mo. pp. 72. Ching, Lillian. Pseud. Letters of Lillian Ching, a native of the island of Loo Choo, to his brethren upon that island, while a resident in the United States; in which is shown, the inconsistency of all wars and fightings with the principles and spirit of the Christian religion. To which is added the apology of Stephen Thurston, a minister of the Congregational society, in Prospect, Maine, to Joseph Ames, an offlcer of the militia, who had been instrumental in procur ing for him, the commission of chaplain; showing that the duties of a Christian minister, are entirely incompatible with aU warlike principles and practices. Portland: Arthur Shirley, Printer. 1838. Svo. pp. 32. [2091 266 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. Chipman, Waed. 1754-1824. Remarks upon the disputed points of boundary under the flith ar ticle of Ghent, principally compiled from the statements laid by the government of Great Britain before the king of the Nether lands, as arbiter. (Anon.) 2d edition. Saint John, N. B. Printed by D. A. Cameron. 1839. Svo. pp. (1), 85, xxvn. (Folded map.) [2092 Chi Psi Society. Convention of the Chi Psi Society, held at Springfield, Mass., June 6, 1855. Oration: The Crusade of Genius. By M. W. Ful ler, of the Bowdoin Alpha. Poem: by C. D. Helmer of the Hamilton Alpha. Utica, N. Y. 1856. Svo. pp. 45. [2093 Chisholm, Alexandee F. 1811-71. Lawyer, Saco. Notice of. N.E.Reg. 26:454. (1872.) [2094 Chisholm Beos. See Maine Guide Books, etc. Chitty, Joseph. 1776-1841. Barrister at law, London. A Treatise on the law of bills of exchange, checks on bankers, promissory notes, bankers' cash notes, and bank notes. By Joseph Chitty, Esq., of the Middle Temple. Printed for Daniel Johnson, Portland, and John Johnson, Hallowell. 1807. (Re verse, John M'Kown, Printer.) Svo. pp. vii (1), ii, 294. [2095 Choate, Isaac Bassett. b. Naples, 1833. Educator, Boston. Editor. Journal of a Survey of Bridgton, Me., in 1766, by Mr. Solomon Wood. N.E.Reg. 28:63. (1874.) [2096 A Down East Homer. Gran. Mo. 10:142. (1887.) [2697 Gives an account of Thomas Shaw, of Standish, who wrote broadsides of poetry from 1815 to 1824. Choate, Rufus. 1799-18.59. Lawyer, Boston. Letter to the Whigs of Maine. 1856. See Brown, Samuel G. For answer, «ee Pearson, H. B.; also " Conservative Whig, " and Quincy, Josiah. Argument on the removal of Judge Woodbury Davis. 1856. See Brown, Samuel G. Arguments of Rufus Choate, Henry W. Paine, and Francis O. J. Smith, on the removal of Judge Davis, n. d. (1856.) n. p. Svo. pp. 77. [2098 Choice Stories foe Sabbath-schools. Portland: Shirley & Hyde. 1828. [2099 Cheistian Endeavoe. See Young Peoples' Society of Christian En deavor. Cheistian Keepsake. 1839. See Clark, John A. (The) Cheistian Monitor. Hallowell: Printed by E. Goodale. 1817. 18. Svo. Vols. 1-5. [2100 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. 267 Cheistie Ceust. Pseud. See Dennison, Eliza F. Chuech, Aaron Billings. 1797-1853. Clergyman, Calais, 1828-34. A Sermon on the divinity of Christ. By Rev. A. B. Church, of DennysviUe, Me. Andover : Published by Mark Newman. 1827. Svo. pp. 32. [2101 Chuech, Benjamin. 1639-1718. Duxbury, Mass. Entertaining Passages relating to Philip's war which began in the month of June, 1675. As also of expeditions more lately made against the common enemy, and Indian rebels, in the east ern parts of New England: with some account of the divine Providence towards Benj. Church, Esq. By T. C. Boston: Printed by B. Green, in the year, 1716. 4to. pp. iv, 120. [2102 The History of King Philip's War by Benjamin Church, with an introduction and notes by Henry Martyn Dexter (Monograph of J. K. W.) Boston. John Kimball Wiggin. MDCCCLXV. sm. 4to. pp. 2, 1, vi, 206. [2103 Contains reprint of .1. C's Entertaining Passages, etc. There are 4 pages before the title-page, on the first is. Library of New England History, No. II; on the third. Church's Philip's War, Part I. The History of the Eastern Expeditions of 1689, 1690, 1692, 1696 and 1704 against the Indians and French. By Benjamin Church. With an introduction and notes. By Henry Martyn Dexter, (Monograph, W. & L.) Boston: J. K. Wiggin and Wm. Parsons Lunt MDCCCLXVII. sm. 4to. pp. 2, xxxiv, 204. (Map.) [2104 250 copies, sm. quarto; 35, roy. quarto. Eastern Expedition of. 1689. See Baylies, Francis. At Fort Pemaquid. See Charlevoix, P. F. X. Chuech, Mes. Ella Rodman. Something about the Isles of Shoals. Lipp. 8: 191. (1871.) [2105 A Visit to Dix Island. So. Mo. 16:615. (1875.) [2106 Church of Christ. History of. 1830. See Holt, Fifield. Chuech, Thomas. The History of Philip's War, commonly called the great Indian war, of 1675 and 1676. Also, of the French and Indian wars at the eastward, in 1689, 1690, 1692, 1696 and 1704. With numerous notes: also an appendix. Exeter, N. H. 1827. 12mo. pp. 360. [2107 The same, under the following title: — The History of Philip's War, commonly called the great Indian war, of 1675 and 1676. Also, of the French and Indian wars at the eastward in 1689, 1690, 1692, 1696 and 1704. By Thomas Church, Esq. With numerous notes to explain the situation of the places of battles, the particular geography of the ravaged 268 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. Chuech, Thomas, Continued. country, and the lives of the principal persons engaged in those wars. Also, an appendix, containing an account of the treatment of the natives by the early voyagers, the settlement of New Eng land by the forefathers, the Pequot war, narratives of persons carried into captivity, anecdotes of the Indians and the most important late Indian wars to the time of the Creek war. By Samuel G. Drake. Second edition, with plates. The unexampled achievements our fathers should not be forgotten. Washisgton. What wars they wag'd, what seas, what dangers passed What glorious empire crown'd their toils at last. Camoens. Exeter, N. H. Published by J. & B. WiUiams. 1843. 16mo. pp. 360. The same. Cooperstown, (N. Y.) 1846. 12mo. pp. 360. (Illus.) The same. Revised edition. Hartford, Silas Andrews. 1852. 12mo. pp. 360. Chuechill, Jambs C. Portland. Sermon on. 1865. See Atwood, I. M. Chuechill, Miss Lida A. New Gloucester. My Girls. By Lida A. Churchill. "I count myself in nothing else so happy. As in a soul remembering my good friends." Boston: D. Lothrop and Company. 1862. ]2mo. pp. 269. [2108 Chute, Thomas. Windham. Account of, and his descendants. 1882. See Goold, William. C. L J. Pseud. Pepperrell Coat of Arms. Mag. Am. Hist. 3 : 517. (1S79.) [2109 Cilley Family. 1876-77. See Cilley, Jonathan P. Cilley, Jonathan. 1802-38. Lawyer, Thomaston, 1825-38. Funeral Oration, delivered at the capitol in Washington, over the body of the Hon. Jonathan Cilley, with a full account of the late duel, comprising many facts never before published. Embel lished with an elegant likeness of Mr. Cilley. New York: 1838. Svo. pp, 44. [2110 Sermons on his duel. 1838. See Barrett, Samuel, (Boston) ; Howe, M. A. D'Wolfe, (Roxbury) ; McDonald, J. M. (New Bedford); Niles, Marcus H, (Marblehead) ; Sprague, William B., (Albany) ; Ware, Henry, Jr., (Cambridge). The Martyrdom of Cilley. Dem. Rev. 1:493. (1838.) [2111 The above article is signed thus : "Yerger's Rept. Vol. 1 : 233." BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. 269 The Martyrdom of Cilley. Extracted from the March number of the U. S. Magazine aud Democratic Review. Washington City. 1838. Svo. pp. (1), 13 [2112 Sermons on the late duel. N. Y. Rev. 3:268. (1838.) [2113 The above article is a summary of two discourses "occasioned by the re cent duel in Washington;" the first by Rev. H. Ware, in the chapel of Har vard University: the second by Rev. W. B. Sprague. Political Portraits with pen and pencil. (No. IX.) Jonathan Cil ley. Dem. Rev. 1:67. (1838.) (Port) [2114 Biographical Sketch and portrait. 1838. See Hawthorne, Na thaniel. Mr. Henry A. Wise and the Cilley Duel. 1842. See Wise, Henry A. Duel with Graves. Dem. Rev. 10:482. (1842.) Biographical Sketch of. 1850. See Hawthorne, Nathaniel. Duel with WiUiam J. Graves. 1855. See Sabine, Lorenzo. The Cilley Duel. 1875. See King, Horatio. Description of the duel. 1884. See Truman, Ben C. An Historical Duel. 1888. See Jones, George W. Cilley, Jonathan Peincb. b. Thomaston, 1835. Lawyer, r. Rock land. CiUey Family. Me. Biog. 2: 74, 121. (1876.) 3: 65, 85. (1877.) (3 ports.) [2115 G. Cilley was associate compiler of last two papers. Memorial Address at Augusta, May 30, 1877, by Gen. J. P. Cilley. Augusta: Sprague, Owen & Nash. 1877. Svo. pp. 6. [2116 Ancestry of. 1890. See American Ancestry. Cilley, Joseph. 1735-99. Revolutionary general. Letter from. 1778. Me. Biog. 2: 53. (1S76.) [2117 (A) Citizen of New England. Pseud. See Hook, Jonah. Civis. Pseud. See Smith, F. O. J. Clap, Ebenezee, 1799-1856. Lawyer, Bath. Notice of. 1859. See AUen, Frederic. Notice of. 1864. See Palmer, Joseph. Clapp, Aba. 1762-1848. Portland. Life and portrait of. 1856. See Hunt, Freeman. Clapp, Mes. Elizabeth, W. Q. 1764-1853. Portland. Notice of. N.E.Reg. 8:97. (1854.) [2118 Cla pp, Henry. Notes of a Fur Hunter. (In Piscataquis County.) Am. Nat. 1: 652. (1883.) [2119 270 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. Clarence, C. W. A Biographical Sketch of the life of Ralph Farnham, of Acton, Maine; now in the one hundred and fifth year of his age, and the sole survivor of the glorious battle of Bunker Hill. By C. W. Clarence. Mr. Farnham's yearly pension, upon which he is dependent for support, is only $61.66, and these books are sold for his benefit. Boston: September 20, 1860. 12mo. pp. 48. (Illus.) [2120 Claek, a. S. A Report of the case Call vs. Clark, tried before the Supreme Ju dicial Court of Maine, containing a full statement of the testi mony of more than flfty witnesses. By A. S. Clark, M. D. First edition. Copyright secured. Bath : Elisha Clarke, Printer. 1837. Svo. pp. 48. [2121 Cover-title after words " Court of Maine " reads ; "With a concise history of quackery, from the celebrated Lambriecht down to the present time. " Claek, Cyeus S. Bangor. Report investigating committee of his creditors, n. d. n. p. n. pp. [2122 Clabk, Daniel, LL. D. b. 1809. Lawyer and jurist, Manchester, N. H. Memorial of George Foster Shepley. 1881. See Memorials of Judges. Claek, Daniel A. Clergyman, New York. Works of. 1842. See Shepard, George. Claek, D. W. Inscriptions from headstones in old cemetery at Long Creek, Cape EUzabeth. Me. Rec. 4:227. (1887.) [2123 Clark, Elizabeth D. My Ship, or one day by the sea. By Elizabeth D. Clark. Pori> land. Me. Published by Frank B. Clark, 1888. 4to. n. pp. (Poem.) [2124 Claek, Feancis Edwaed. 6. 1851. Clergyman, Portland. 1876-83. Life of William Eugene Harward. By Rev. Frank E. Clark. " Strongest minds Are often those of whom the noisy world Hears least. " Wordsworth. Portland: Hoyt, Fogg & Donham. 193 Middle Street. 1879. 12mo. pp. 175. (2125 Business Boys' Library. I. Our business boys. (What eighty- three business men say.) By Rev. F. E. Clark. " If the power to do hard work is not talent it is the best possible substi tute for it. " President Garfield. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. 271 Boston: D. Lothrop & Co. Franklin Street, n. d. (Copyright, 1884.) 16mo. pp. 66. [2126 Danger Signals. The enemies of youth from the business man's standpoint. Boston: Lee & Shepard. Stereotyped and printed by B. Thurston & Co., Portland. 1885. 12mo. pp. 193. [2127 Clark, George Fabbe. Clergyman, Acton, Mass. Military Operations at Castine, Maine. Worcester Soc. of Antiq. CoU. & Proc. 9:18. (1888-90.) [2128 Claek, John Alonzo. 1801-43. Clergyman, Philadelphia. Editor. The Christian Keepsake. 1838. Philadelphia: WiUiam MarshaU and Co. 16mo. pp. 312. (Illus.) [2129 Contains "Prayer," " What is a Name ? " " Thou Art of My Spirit, " by Grenville Mellen; "Consistency of Religious Character," by Rev. Enoch Pond. The same. 1839. Edited by the Rev. John A. Clark. Philadel phia: W. MarshaU & Co. n. d. 12mo. pp. 312. (Illus.) [2130 Contributions from Maine. Thoughts on Viewing the Venerable Mansion of Gen. Knox, at Thomaston, by Grenville Mellen, p. 14. The Reciprocal Influence of Piety and Taste, by Rev. John W. Chickering, p. 71. The Im passable Bridge, by Enoch Pond, D. D., p. 82. The same. 1840. Philadelphia: William Marshall and Co. 16mo. pp. 320. (Illus.) " [2131 Contains " The Report of the Spies, " by Enoch Pond, D. D., p. 24. Claek, Nathan, and family, Holden. 1890. See Porter, J. W. Clark, Nathaniel George, D. D., LL. D. Clergyman, Boston. Growth and Need of the Foreign Work. A paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Board (of Commissioners of Foreign Missions) at Portland, Me., October 4, 1882. n. p. n. d. Svo. pp. 15. [2132 Claek, Saeah D. A Summer at York. Harp. Mag. 65:487. (1882.) [2133 Claek, Mes. Sarah Little. Compiler. A Memorial of Edward Little, n. t. p. Lewiston. 1S75. Svo. pp. 12. [2134 Contains the "Little Family," by James C. Peabody; tribute by Rev. James Drummond, and sermon by Rev. Elijah Jones. Clark, Samuel. The American Orator, selected chiefly from American authors, for the use of schools and private families. By Samuel Clark. Gar diner : Printed at the Intelligencer Offlce. 1828. 12mo. pp. 300. [2135 272 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. Claek, Mes. Susan Rebecca Graham, b. Halifax, N. S., 1S4S. r. Portland from 1856. Yensie Walton. By Mrs. S. R. Graham Clark. " Be like the bird, who, halting In her flight Awhile on bough too slight. Feels it give away beneath her and yet sings. Knowing that she hath wings." Boston: D. Lothrop and Company, Franklin Street, Corner of Hawley. n. d. (Copyright, 1879.) 12mo. pp. 391. (3 illus.) [2136 Our Street. By Mrs. S. R. Graham Clark, author of "Yensie Wal ton." Take comfort ! earth is full of sin. But also full of God, The staff supports thy trembling limbs. While falls the needed rod. There's sorrow and Jehovah, There's trials and blessed sleep; Let smiles then blossom round your lips. As oft as eyelids weep. Boston: D. Lothrop and Company, 32 Franklin Street, n. d. (Copyright, 1880.) 12mo. pp. 343. (2 illus.) [2137 This story is located in Portland and vicinity. Yensie Walton's Womanhood. By Mrs. S. R. Graham Clark, Author of " Our Street, " " Yensie Walton, " etc., etc. " Noblest human hearts Can ne'er be rocks; they are but potter's clay." Boston: D. Lothrop and Company, 32 Franklin Street, n. d. (Copyright, 1882.) 12mo. pp. 362. (2 Ulus.) [2138 The Triple E. By Mrs. S. R. Graham Clark, Author of "Yensie Walton," "Our Street," "Yensie Walton's Womanhood," etc., etc. "If we follow not his footsteps through the pathway straight and plain We have lived our life in vain." Boston: D. Lothrop and Company. Franklin Street, n. d, (Copyright, 1884.) 12mo. pp. .326. (2 illus.) . [2139 Achor. By Mrs. S. B. Graham Clark, Author of " Yensie Walton," "Yensie Walton's Womanhood," "Our Street," "The Triple E," etc. "What haps, God directs." Proverb. "Of trust in ourselves we are not to have a little, but none. Of trust in God we ought to have not a little but the fullest possible measure." Mrs. Charles. Boston: D. Lothrop and Company, Franklin and Hawley Street. n. d. (Copyright, 1884.) 13mo. pp. 365. (3 illus.) [2140 Herbert GardeneU's ChUdren- By Mrs. S. R. Graham Clark, Au thor of "Yensie Walton," "Yensie Walton's Womanhood," "Achor," "The Triple E," and others. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. 273 " It is no dream- No castle-building time, that we call life. To catch the gleam Of heaven in the strife. Our toil must tend to reach the better life." Boston: D. Lothrop Company, Franklin and Hawley Streets. n. d. (Copyright, 1888.) 12mo. pp. 326. (3 illus.) [2141 Tom's Street. By Mrs. S. R. Graham Clark. Author of " Triple E," "Yensie Walton," "Yensie Walton's Womanhood," "Her bert GardeneU's Children," "Achor," and others. " Is it hard to serve God, timid soul? Hast thou found Gloomy forests, dark glens, mountain tops on thy way? All the hard would be easy, all the tangles unwound, Would'st thou only desire as well as obey." Faber. Boston: D. Lothrop Company, Washington Street, opposite Bromfleld. n. d. (Copright, 1SS9.) 12mo. pp. 282. (2 iUus). [2142 Go's Goings. By Mrs. S R. Graham Clark, Author of " Yensie Walton," " Yensie Walton's Womanhood," " Triple E," "Our Street," "Herbert GardeneU's Children," etc., etc. " Just to do littles well And after God to walk with reverent feet." Boston: D. Lothrop Company, Washington Street, opposite Bromfleld. n. d. (Copyright, 1890.) 12mo. pp. 368. (3 illus.) [2143 Clark, Thomas March, D. D., LL. D. Bishop of Rhode Island, Provi dence, R. I. An Address delivered in Christ church, Gardiner, at the funeral of the Rev. George, Burgess, D. D., first bishop of Maine. May XXX, MDCCCLXVI. By the Rt. Rev. Thomas M. Clark, D. D., bishop of Rhode Island. Published by order of the convention. Bruns wick: From the Press of J. Griffln. 1886. Svo. pp. 21, (1). [2144 Evangelical Principles and Men. A memorial discourse by the Rt. Rev. Thomas March Clark, D. D., LL. D., bishop of Rhode Island, on the character and services of the late Rev. Daniel R. Goodwin, D. D., LL. D., and the Rev. Clement M. Butler, D. D., delivered before the Evangelical Education Society of the Protestant Epis copal Church, of which they were offlcers, on the twenty-eighth anniversary, Sunday, November 16th, 1890, in the Church of the Holy Trinity. Philadelphia. Svo. pp. 34. [2145 Claek, William S. Clergyman, Milltown, 1835-39. A Sermon delivered in the Free meeting-house in St. David, N. B., Sept IS, 1836. Calais. 18.36. 12mo. pp. 10. [2146 Friendly Letter to Rev. Mr. Huckins. 1837. (?) [2147 19 274 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. Claekb, Feancis G. Portland. The Seaman's Manual; containing a variety of matters useful to the navigator: among which are directions for keeping accounts. — Rules for ascertaining the tonnage; for proportioning the spars, making the sails of vessels and cutting a gang of rigging. — Metiiod of obtaining the latitude, illustrated by diagrams . — Rule for ascertaining the latitude by the north star for any year, illus trated by diagrams. — Right and obliqued angled trigonometry. — Tables of cordage, together with an analysis of the law of ships and shipping; and of the law of marine insurance, &c., &c. By Francis G. Clarke, teacher of the Nautical Academy, Portland, Maine. Portland: Shirley, Hyde & Co., Publishers. 1830. Svo. pp. 367. [2148 A Synthetic Inductive System of Book-keeping by Double Entry, designed particularly for schools and academies, and as a reference for the young accountant in complicated company transactions, with eighteen lectures for the blackboard ; together with all the auxiliary books to a full set of mercantile tran sactions, journalized and posted. Also directions and illus trations for the ship master in arranging ship accounts, to which is appended two complete sets of waste book entries, without journal or ledger; designed for the student to exercise his skill in the science. By F. G. Clarke, Author of the " Merchant or Ship Master's Guide." Portland: S. H. Colesworthy. 1840. 12mo. pp. 82. [2149 Key to same. Portland: (1841?) Svo. pp. 96. [2150 Claekb, Daniel. 1796-1825. Windham. Editor. An Essay on man; in four epistles to H. St. John, Lord Bolingbroke. By Alexander Pope. With notes, illustrative of the grammatical construction. Designed as a text book for parsing. By Daniel Clarke, late preceptor of Warren Academy. Brunswick: PubUshed by C. Weld. 1823. 24mo. pp. 8, 48. [2151 The same. Portland, Me., Published by Shirley & Hyde. 1S2S. 24mo. pp. 53. [2152 The same. Portland: Published by William Hyde. A. Shirley, Printer. 1837 and 1839. 24mo. pp. 72. [2153 The same. Revised edition. Portland: William Hyde, 13 Ex change St. 1845. 24mo. pp. 72. With Jewett, N. G. Merchant's Assistant. 1824. See Jewett, N. G. Claekb, Feank Wiggleswoeth. b. 1847. Chemist, Washington D. C. Minerals of Litchfield, Maine. Am. Jour. Sci. 131 : 262. (1886.) [2154 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. 27.5 With Diller, Joseph S. Topaz from Stoneham, Me. n. t. p. (1SS5.) Svo. pp. 18. [2155 Clarke, Miss Rebecca Sophia. (Sophie May.) Norridgewock. Little Prudy Stories. By Sophie May. Six volumes. (Illus.) Namely : — Little Prudy. 16mo. pp. 167. [215© Little Prudy's Sister Susy. 16mo. pp. 189. [2157 Little Prudy's Captain Horace. 16mo. pp. 183. [215S Little Prudy's Cousin Grace. 16mo. pp. 183. [2159 Little Prudy's Story Book. 16mo. pp. 178. [2160 Little Prudy's Dotty Dimple. 16mo. pp. 176. [2161 Boston: Lee and Shepard, Publishers. Dotty Dimple Series. By Sophie May. Six volumes. (Illus.) Namely: — Dotty Dimple at her Grandmothers'. 16mo. pp. 190. [2162 Dotty Dimple at Home. 16mo. pp. 171. [2163 Dotty Dimple at Play. 16mo. pp. 184. [2164 Dotty Dimple at School. 16mo. pp. 168. [2165 Dotty Dimple's Flyaway. 16mo. pp. 200. [2166 Dotty Dimple Out West. 16mo. pp. 171. [2167 Boston: Lee and Shepard. Publishers. Little Prudy Flyaway Series. By Sophie May. Six volumes. (Illus.) Namely: — Little Folks Astray. 16mo. pp. 203. [2168 Prudy Keeping House. 16mo. pp. 192. [2169 Aunt Madge's Story. 16mo. pp. 214. [2170 Thistledown. 16mo. pp. 205. [2171 Little Grandmother. 16mo. pp. 202. [2172 Little Grandfather. 16mo. pp. 221. [2173 Boston: Lee and Shepard. Publishers. Flaxie Frizzle Stories. By Sophie May. Six volumes. (IUus.) Namely: — Flaxie Frizzle. 16mo. pp. 183. [2174 Doctor Papa. 16mo. pp. 194. [2175 Little Pitchers. 16mo. pp. 196. [2176 Twin Cousins. 16mo. pp. 193. [2177 Flaxie's Kittyleen. 16mo. pp. 207. [2178 Flaxie Growing Up. 16mo. pp. 202. [2179 Boston: Lee and Shepard. Publishers. 276 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. Claekb, Miss Rebecca Sophia, Continued. The Quinnebasset Series. By Sophie May. Six volumes. (Illus. ) Namely: The Doctor's Daughter. 12mo. pp. 372. [2180 Our Helen. 12mo. pp. 372. [2181 The Asbury Twins. 12mo. pp. 374. [2182 Quinnebasset Girls. 12mo. pp. 336. [2183 Janet, a poor heiress. 12mo. pp. .349. [21S4 In Old Quinnebasset. 12mo. pp. 353. [21S5 Boston: Lee and Shepard. Publishers. Drones' Honey. By Sophie May. " When a young man has tasted drones' honey * * * then he returns into the country of the lotus-eaters." Px^ATO's Republic. Boston: Lee and Shepard, Publishers. New York: Charles T. DiUingham. 1887. 12mo. pp. (4), 281. [2186 Narransauc, presumably the village of Norridgewock, is sketched in this work. King's Cup and Cake. Atl. Mo. 03. (1889.) Dated "Falmouth, District of Maine, June 17, 1769." [2187 This was afterwards incorporated as one of the chapters in "Old Quinne basset." Clarke, Miss Saea Jones. (Penn Shirley.) Norridgewock. Little Miss Weezy Series. By Penn Shirley. Three volumes. Namely : Little Miss Weezy. 16mo. pp. 150, [2188 Little Miss Weezy' s Brother. 16mo. pp. 154. [2189 Little Miss Weezy's Sister. 16mo. pp. 154. [2190 Boston: Lee and Shepard, Publishers. Olaekson, Thomas. 1760-1846. Abolition of the African Slave Trade by the British Parliament, abridged from Clarkson. Together with a brief view of the present state of the slave trade and of slavery. In two vol umes. Augusta: Published by P. M. Brinsmade, at the Deposi tory of Kennebec County S. S. Union. 1840. 12mo. pp. 227 and 256. [2191 Clay, Heney. 1777-1852. Statesman, Kentpcky. The Maine Boundary Question. Speech of Mr. Clay, in secret session of the Senate. Niles' Reg. 42:399, 459. (1832.) [2192 The Rights of Maine Defended. Speech of Mr. Clay on the Bound ary, n. p. n. d. (1832.) Svo. pp. 8. [2193 Maine and its Boundaries. Niles' Reg. 47: 296. (1835.) [2194 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. 277 Clay, Jonathan, and family, Bluehill. 1890. See Candage, R. G. F. Clayton, W. W. History of Cumberland County, Maine. With illustrations and bio graphical sketches of its prominent men and pioneers. Philadel phia: Everts and Peck, ISSO. Press of J. B. Lippincott & Co. Philadelphia. 4to. pp. 456. [2195 History of York County, Maine. With illustrations and biograph ical sketches of its prominent men and pioneers. Philadelphia: Everts and Peck. 1880. 4to. pp. 442. [2196 Cleaveland, Nehemiah, LL. D. 1796-1877. Educator, Brooklyn,, N. Y. An Address delivered at Bowdoin College, before the Peucinian Society, at their annual meeting, September 3, 1831, by Nehe miah Cleaveland. Brunswick: Joseph Griffin. 1822. Svo. pp. 30. [2197 Address at the opening of the Cleaveland Cabinet of Bowdoin Col lege, July 10, 1S73. By Nehemiah Cleaveland. With an appendix. Boston: James K. Osgood and Company. 1873. Svo. pp. 35. [2198 History of Bowdoin College. With biographical sketches of its graduates from 1806 to 1879, inclusive. By Nehemiah Cleave land, class of 1813. Edited and completed by Alpheus Spring Packard, class of 1816. Boston: James Ripley Osgood & Com pany. 1882. Svo. pp. iv, 905. (Engravings and ports.) [2199 "Additions and Corrections," Svo. pp. 907-933, appeared in 1887. Memorial Sketch of. 1877. See Packard, A. S. Cleaveland, Paekee, LL. D. 1780-1858. Professor Bowdoin Col lege, 1805-58. Review of Darwin's Temple of Nature. Literary Messenger. 1: 281. (1805.) [2200 Account of fossil shells, with the author's reasons for attending to the same: in a letter to Levi Hedge, F. A. A. By Parker Cleaveland, A. M. A. A. A. S. Mem. 3: (Part I.) 155. (1809.) [2201 Observations of the eclipse of the sun of Sept. 17, 1811. Made at Bowdoin College, Brunswick. By Professor Cleaveland. Com municated in a letter to Nathaniel Bowditch. A. A. A. S. Mem. 3: (Parti) 247. [2102 Meteorological Observations made at Bowdoin College: ina letter to Mr. Levi Hedge, tutor in Harvard College. A. A. A. S. Mem. 3: Parts I-II 119-121. (1809-14.) [2203 The observations are of extremes of temperature. 278 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. Cleaveland, Paekee, LL. D., Continued. An Address delivered at Brunswick, Apr. 27, 1814: before the Brunswick, Topsham and Harpswell Society, for the suppression of intemperance. By Parker Cleaveland, A. M., prof, of mathe matics, and natural philosophy in Bowdoin College. " Taste not, handle not, touch not, should be inscribed on every vessel that contains spirits, in the house of a man who wishes to be cured of habits of intemperance. "Rcsh's Medical Inquiries. Vol.1. Page 384. Sec. ed. Boston: Printed by Chester Stebbins. 1814. Svo. pp. 20. [2204 Description of several halos and parhelia observed at Brunswick, Maine, 1815 and 1818. A. A. A. S. Mem. 4: Part I: 120. [2205 An Elementary Treatise on mineralogy and geology, being an in troduction to the study of these sciences, and designed for the use of pupils, — for persons attending lectures on these subjects, — and as a companion for travellers in the United States of Amer ica. Illustrated by six plates. By Parker Cleaveland, professor of mathematics and natural philosophy, and lecturer on chem istry and mineralogy in Bowdoin College. Member of the Amer ican Academy and corresponding member of the Linnaean Society of New England. itum est in visceraterrce; Quasque recondiderat, Stygiisque admoverat umbris, Effodiuntur opes Ovid. Boston: Published by Cummings and Hilliard, No. 1, Cornhill. Printed by Hilliard and Metcalf, at the University Press, Cam bridge, N. England. 1816. Svo. pp. xii, 668. [2206 The same, under the following title : — An Elementary Treatise on mineralogy and geology, for the use of pupils, — for persons, attending lectures on these subjects, — and as a companion for travellers in the United States of America. Illustrated by six plates. By Parker Cleaveland, professor of mathematics and natural philosophy, and lecturer on chemistry and mineralogy, in Bowdoin College; fellow of the American Academy; member of the American Philosophical Society; of the American Geological Society; corresponding member of the Linnsean Society of New England; of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia; honorary member of the Lyceum of Natural History of New York; member of the Wernerian Natu ral History Society of Edinburgh; of the Geological Society of London; fellow of the Mineralogical Society of Dresden, &c. itum est in viscera terrm; Quasque recondiderat, Stygiisque admoverat umbris, Effodiuntur opes Ovid. Second edition, in two volumes. Boston; PubUshed by Cum mings & Hilliard, No. 1 Coi-nhill. Printed by Hilliard & Met- BIBLIOGEAPHY OF MAINE. 279 calf, at the University Press, Cambridge, N. England. 1822. Svo. Vol. L pp. xii, 480. (Map.) Vol. II. pp. (2) 481-818. (6 plates.) [2207 On the Lecture Path. 1830. (Engraving.) See Austin, George L. Resolutions of Bowdoin alumni on his death. 1858. See Daveis, Charles S. Obituary of. Am. Jour. Sci. 2d ser. 26:448. (18.58.) Signed " B . H. " [2208 Eulogy on. 1859. See Woods, Leonard. Notice of. Smith. Inst. Board Regents Report, for 1859. pp. 115. [2209 Notice of. 1859. See WiUis, WiUiam, Notice of. A. A. A. S. Proc. 4: 226. (1860.) [2210 Notice of. 1864. See Palmer, Joseph. Notice of. 1859. See Poggendorf, Biogaphisch — literisches Hand- buch. List of his works. Catalogue of scientific papers. (1800-63.) Com piled and pubUshed by the Royal Society of London. 1867. 4to. 1:947. [2211 Results of meteorological observations made at Brunswick, Maine, between 1807 and 1859. Reduced and discussed by Charles A. Schott. (Washington, 1870.) 4to. pp. (5), 53. (Smith. Inst. Smithsonian Contributions to Knowledge. Vol. XVI.) [2212 Cleaves, Heney Beadstebbt. b. 1840. Lawyer and governor of Maine, Portland. Biography of. 1885. See Biog. Ency. Maine. Cleaves, Nathan. 1835-92. Lawyer, Portland. Biography of. 1885. See Biog. Ency. Maine. Cleaves, R. C. School List of North Yarmouth. 1838-39. O. T. 1:40. (1873.) [2213 Clebves, Geoege. 1555-1606 (?) Portland. Reply of Massachusetts to his proposals about Yorkshire. 1635. See Hazard, Ebenezer. Record of actions v. Winter, for disturbing possession. Me. Hist. Soc. Coll. 1:533,541. (1831.) [2214 And his times. (1885.) See Baxter, James P. Cleveland, Geoege H. Camden. The Fair Maid of Megunticook. A legend, n. p. n. d. (Camden, 1887.) 12mo. n. pp. (35.) (12 Ulustrations.) [2215 280 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. Cleveland, Grover. Twenty-second president United States. Life of. 1884. See Goodrich, Frederick E. Clewley, Isaac. 1755. Fort Pownall and Brewer. Deed from. 1770. Bang, H. M. 4:148. (1889.) [2216 and family. 1890. See Porter, J. W. Clifford, Chaelbs Edwaed. b. 1828. Lawyer, Portland. History of Newfield. 1872. See Sanford, Everts & Co. Cliffoed, Nathan, LL. D. 1803-81. Associate justice of the Supreme Court of the United States, 1858-81. Portland. Speech on the tariff, in the House of Representatives of the United States. 1840. [2217 Speech of Hon. Nathan Clifford, of Maine, on the bill to distribute the proceeds of the public lands among the states, n. d. (1841.) n. p. (Washington, D. C.) Svo. pp. 15. [2218 Letter from. 1844. Bang, H. M. 6:114. (1890.) [2219 Biographical Sketch of. Dem. Rev. 21:360. (1847.) [2220 Sketch of. 1848. See Hunt, W. Response to resolutions and proceedings of the bar of the United States Circuit Court, Rhode Island district, on the death of Hon. John Pitman, U. S. dist. judge of Rhode Island. 1864. Clif . Rep. 2 : 628. (Appendix.) See Clifford, Wm. H. [2221 Remarks in reply to proceedings of the bar of the U. S. Cir. Court, dist. of Mass., at Boston, October 15, 1864. On the death of Chief Justice Roger B. Taney. Clif. Rep. 2:621. (Appendix.) See CUfford, Wm. H. [2222 Remarks of Mr. Justice Clifford in reply to resolutions and pro ceedings of the bar of the U. S. Circuit Court, district of Mass., upon the death of Hon. Rufus Choate, 1869. CUf. Rep. 1:646. (Appendix.) See Clifford, Wm. H. [2223 Remarks of Mr. Justice Clifford in behalf of the court in reply to resolutions of the bar of the Supreme Court of the United States on the death of Chief Justice Salmon Portland Chase. Wallace's U S. Reports, 17: VII— XVI. (1873.) [2224 Remarks in reply to resolutions and observations of the bar of the U. S. Circuit Court, District of Massachusetts, on death of Hon. Benj. R. Curtis. 1874. Clif. Rep. 2:644. (Appendix.) See Clifford, Wm. H. [2225 Remarks in the consultation of the Electoral Commission. Wash ington: J.L.Pearsons. 1877. Svo. pp. 32. [2226 Reports of cases determined by, in the U. S. Circuit Court. 1858- 78. See Clifford, WUliam H. BIBLIOGRAPHY OP MAINE. 281 Remarks of Mr. Justice Clifford, in reply to the resolutions of the bar of the Circuit Court of the United States, District of Maine, upon the decease of Hon. George F. Shepley, circuit judge of the United States Court for the first Judicial Circuit, Sept 2, 1878. n. d. n. p. Svo. pp. 11. [2227 Proceedings of the bench and bar, remarks of Hon. James W. Brad bury, of Bion Bradbury, and reply of Hon. Edward Fox, U. S. dist. judge of Maine, in U. S. Circuit Court, dist. of Maine, at Portland, on the death of Mr. Justice Clifford. 1881. Haskell's Rep. 2 : 548. See HaskeU, Thomas H. [2228 Proceedings of the bench and bar of the U. S. District Court, Mas sachusetts dist., and remarks of Hon. John Lowell, U. S. dist. judge of Massachusetts, on the death of Mr. Justice CUfford. ISSl. [2229 Proceedings of the bench and bar of the U. S. Supreme Court at Washington on the death of Mr. Justice Clifford, Oct 18, 1881. U. S. Rep. 104: xi-xUi. [2230 Resolutions by Philip Phillips; address by Attorney General MacVeagh, and response by Chief Justice Waite. Sketch Of. N.E.Reg. 36:395. (ISSl.) [2231 Memoir of. 1886. See Clifford, WiUiam H. Memoir of. 1887. See Bradbury, James W. Biographical Notice of. 1892. See Carson, Hampton L. The Opinions of Mr. Justice Clifford, delivered in the Supreme Court of the United States, beginning with Howard's Reports, Vol. XX, 1858, and ending with Vol. CII, U. S. Reports, 1880, are comprised in forty-two volumes. Clifford, William Heney. 6. 1839. Lawyer, Portland. Address in behalf of the Portland Benevolent Society, delivered at the First Parish church, Portland, Me., December, 1872. By William Henry Clifford, Esq. Portland: Stephen Berry, Printer. 1873. Svo. pp. 19. [2232 Reports of cases determined in the Circuit Court of the United States for the First Circuit from April term 1858 to May term 1861. By Hon. Nathan Clifford, LL. D., associate justice of the Supreme Court, assigned to said circuit. William Henry Clifford, counselor-at-law. Reporter. Vol. I. Boston: Little, Brown & Company. 1869. Svo. pp. vU, 684. [22:33 Remarks of Mr. Justice ClitEord upon the death of Hon. Rufus Choate' p. 646. The same. From October term, 1861 to October term, 1867. Vol. II. 1870. Svo. pp. vii, 715. [2234 Remarks of Mr. Justice Clifford on the death of Chief Justice Taney, p. 621; on the death of Mr. Justice Curtis, p. 644; on the death of Hon. John Pitman, U. S. Dist. Judge of Rhode Island, p. 628. 282 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. Cliffoed, William Heney, Continued. The same. From May term, 1867 to June term, 1873. Vol. III. 1878. Svo. pp. vii, 712. [2235 The same. From May term, 1869 to May term, 1878. Vol. IV. 1880. Svo. pp. VU, 695. [2236 Speech of Hon. Wm. H. Clifford of Portland, chairman of the Demo cratic State Convention, held in Bangor, June 2, 1886. n. t. p. sm. 4to. pp. 6. [2237 Memoir of Hon. Nathan Clifford, n. t. p. (1886.) Svo. pp. 8. [2238 Address delivered before the graduating class of the Medical School of Bowdoin College, June 27, 1888, by Wm. Henry Clifford. Port land: Brown Thurston & Company. ISSS. Svo. pp. 18. [2239 Clinch, Joseph C. The Captivity of Babylon and other poems. By the Rev. Joseph H Clinch, A. M. Boston: James Burns, 104 Washington Street. 1840. 16mo. pp. (6), 115. [2240 The first poem is dedicated to the Erosophian Adelphi of Waterville College, before whom it was delivered in 1839. Clinton. Incorporated 1795. History Sebasticook Lodge. 1868-74. See Hatch, E. M. History Sebasticook Lodge. 1874-81. See Hammons, Everett. History Sebasticook Lodge. 1881-91. See Dodge, A. D. Clough, Asa, and family, BluehiU. 1890. See Candage, R. G. F. Clubb, Henry S. Origin, history and results of the Maine liquor law, including a life of Hon. Neal Dow. New York. 1856. 12mo. pp. 430. (Port.) [2241 Coan, Elisha Skinnbe, M. D. b. 1843. Physician, Auburn. Biographical Sketch of David Evans, M. D. Me. Med. Ass. Trans. 6: 688. (1879.) [2242 Coan, Leandee Samuel. 1837-79. Clergyman, Boothbay, Alton, N. H. A Century in One of the Early New England Churches. A ser mon delivered in the First Congregational church, Boothbay, Maine, Sept. 23, 1866. Boston: Press of T. R. Marvin & Son, 42 Congress Street. Boston. 1866. Svo. pp. 26. [2243 Cobb, David. 1748-1839. Revolutionary general, r. Gouldsborough, 1796-1S17. Leaves from a Diary of General David Cobb, of Gouldsborough, Me., and Taunton, Mass., 1785-97. Bang. H. M. 5:49, 69, 116, 134. (1889-90.) [2244 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. 283 A Letter from General David Cobb to John Peters. (1796.) Bang. H. M. 1 : 217. (1886.) [2245 Remarks on his life and character. 1830. See Baylies, Francis. Biographical Notice of . 1842. See Bradford, Alden. Sketch of. (1842.) See WilUamson, W. D. Memorial of. 1873. See Drake, Francis S. Brief Memoir of. 1873. See Cobb, Samuel C. -Memoir of. ISSS. See Porter, J. W. And family: memoir. 1888. See Porter, J. W. Cobb, Edwaed. Portland. A Few Observations on some of the principles of the people called Quakers, in reply to some paragraphs in a pamphlet entitled On Christian Fellowship, preached at Gorham by Asa Rand, pastor of the Congregational church in that place. By Edward Cobb. Portland: Printed by A. & J. Shirley. 1817. Svo. pp. 32. [2246 Testimony concerning. 1841. See Proceedings Deceased Friend Cobb, John Clifford, b. 1837. Lawyer, Portland. Biography of. 1885. See Biog. Ency. Maine. Cobb, Samuel Crockbe. 1826-01. Roxbury, Mass. A Brief Memoir of General David Cobb, of the Revolutionary army. Privately printed, n. p. n. d. (Boston: 1873.) 4to. pp. 8. (Port.) [2247 Cobb, Sophia Dickinson, b. Skowhegan. Hillsboro' Farms. By Sophia Dickinson Cobb. Boston: Lee & Shepard. 1869. 12mo. pp. 423. [2248 Cobb, Sylvanus. 1799-1866. r. Maine, until 1828. Clergyman, Boston. A Sermon delivered July 7, 1825, at the Eastern Association of Universalists, in Wayne, Me. By Rev. Sylvanus Cobb, of Water ville. Published by request. Waterville: Printed by William Hastings. 1825. Svo. pp. 24. [2249 An Address delivered in Masonic hall, Thursday Evening, Jan. 19, 1826, at the installation of offlcers of Waterville Lodge. By Rev. Sylvanus Cobb of Waterville. Waterville: Printed by William Hastings. 1846. Svo. pp. 16. [2250 A Sermon delivered in Concert hall, Bath, Friday evening, March 17. WaterviUe. 1826. Svo. pp. 24. [2251 A Sermon delivered iu the Village meeting house, Bowdoinham, March 10. WatervUle. 1827. Svo. pp. 16. [2252 Cobb, William Bangs, M. D. 1832-1890. Portland. Biographical Sketch of. 1890. See Meserve, A. K. P. 284 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. CoBUEN, Abnee. 1803-85. Governor of Maine, Skowhegan. Statement at laying corner-stone Memorial hall. 1869. See Colby Uni versity. Biography of. 1885. See Biog. Ency. Maine. Life of. 1885. See WiUiams, Charles E. Portrait of. 1886. See Colby University: "The Oracle," Vol. XX CoBUEN Family. Brunswick. Biographical Notices of. 1866. See Wheeler, A. D. CoBUEN, John. Brunswick. Remarks at his funeral. 1865. See Wheeler, A. D. CoBUEN, Philander. 1807-76. Skowhegan. Sketch of. 1876. Me. Biog. 1:98. (1876.) Biography of. 1885. See Biog. Ency. Maine. Cocke, John Haetwbll. 1789-1866. Virginia. Letter on Maine Liquor Law. 1855. See Maine Law. Cockle, J. C. Petition of J. C. Cockle, of Mount Desert, 1785. From the Massa chusetts Archives. Bang. H. M. 5:2. (1889.) [2253 For confirmation of land at South West Harbor. CocHEAN, Jacob. Kennebunk. Ballads concerning. 1818. See Shaw, Thomas. Trial of. See Smith, Gamaliel, E. CocHRANiSM. In York and Cumberland Counties. 1819. See Stincli- field, Ephraim. Codman, Chaeles. Portland. Sketch of. 1864. See Neal, John. Cob, Thomas Upham, M. D. 6. 1837. Physician, Bangor. Biographical Sketch of William H. Brown, M. D., of Bangor. Me. Med. Ass. Trans. 8: 150. ' (1883.) [2254 Coffin, Chaelbs. 1779-1851. Buxton, Portland. History of the Battle of Breed's HiU. By Major-generals William Heath, Henry Lee, James Wilkinson, and Henry Dearborn. Compiled by Charles Coffin. Saco : Printed by William J. Con don. 1831. Svo. pp. 35. [2255 The same. Portland: D. C. Colesworthy, Printer. 1835. 12mo. pp. 36. Biographical Sketch of Rev. Paul Coffin. New World. S: No. 19. (1844.) [2256 History of the seven Narragansett townships. Me. Hist. Soc. Coll. 2:131. (iS47.) [2257 Two of these townships, Buxton and Gorham, were in Maine. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. 285 Grantees of Narragansett townships. N.E.Reg. 16:143. (1862.) [225S Narragansett Number One, now the town of Buxton, Maine. (From a manuscript in possession of Cyrus Woodman, Esquire, of Cambridge, Massachusetts. Written by the late Charles Cof fin, Esquire, of Buxton.) Hist. Mag. 2d. ser. 4: 202. (1868) [2259. Coffin, Chaeles Caelbton. b. 1823. Author, Boston. The History of Boscawen and Webster from 1733 to 1878. Com piled by Charles Carleton Coffin. With map and illustrations. Concord, N. H. Printed by the Republican Press Association. 1878. Svo. pp. xxix, (2), 666. [2260 Biography of William P. Fessenden, with portrait, p. 371. Coffin, Ebenezee. d. 1816. Clergyman, Brunswick. 1794-1804. The Lawyer's Answer to his Own Question. A sermon preached in the meeting-house of the First Congregational society in Newburyport, February Oth, 1794. By Ebenezer Coffin, A. B., pastor of the church at Brunswick. Published by particular de sire. Now abideth faith, hope, charity. But the greatest of these is charity. From which some having swerved, have turned aside unto vain longings. Foolish and unlearned questions avoid : knowing that they do gender strifes. Newburyport: Printed and sold by John Mycall. n. d. Svo. pp. 15. (2261 A Sermon delivered February 22d, 1800, the day of national mourn ing, recommended by the government of the United States. For the death of General George Washington. " Know ye not that there is a prince :ind a great man fallen in Israel?" 2 Sam. 3d: 38th. By the Rev. Ebenezer Coffin, A. B., pastor of a church in Bruns wick. Printed at Portland, by Rand & Burdeok. 1800. Svo. pp. 16. [2262 One of the choicest of Washington orations. A. Menzier has the only copy we know of. Sabin's Dict. Coffin, Edwaed Peescott. b. 1854. Lawyer, Skowhegan. Supplemental Maine Digest, being a digest of the decisions of the Supreme Judicial Court of Maine, reported in Maine Reports, volumes 69 to 81 inclusive. By Edward P. Coffin, of the Somerset bar. Portland, Me. : McLellan, Mosher & Company. 1890. Roy. Svo. pp. vii (2), 543. [2263 Coffin, Isaac Fostbe. 1787-1861. 6. Portland. Teacher, Roxbury, Mass. Journal of a Residence in Chili. By a young American detained in that country during the revolutionary scenes of 1817-18-19. Boston: Wells and Lilly, Court Street 1823. 12mo. pp.237. [2264 286 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. Coffin, Nathaniel. M. M. M. S. 1716-66. Physician, Portland. Biography of. 1828. See Thacher, James. Coffin, Nathaniel, Jr., M. D. 1744-1826. Physician, Portland. Biography of. 1828. See Thacher, James. Coffin, Paul, D. D. 1737-1821. r. Buxton, 1761-1821. Tour to Connecticut River, through the colony of Massachusetts from Wells. (1760.) N.E.Reg. 9:340. (1855.) [2265 The Knowledge of the Chief Constituent Parts of the Christian System Needful, as a guide to pastors and people in their several different duties. A sermon preached at the installment of the Reverend John Thompson, in the pastoral care over the First church of Christ in Berwick, May 7, 1783. By Paul Coffin, A. M., pastor of the church in Buxton. All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, aud is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness that the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works. 2 Tim. 3 : 16, 17. My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. Hos. 4 : 6. They shall not hurt nor destroy in all my holy mountain ; for the earth shall be free ofthe knowledge ofthe Lord. Is. 2: 9. Newburyport: Printed by John MycaU. MDCCLXXXIIL 12mo. pp. 40. [2266 The Excellency of the Christian Ministry. A discourse delivered at the ordination of the Rev. Ebenezer Coffin, to the ministerial offlce of the Christian church at Brunswick, Jan. 23, 1794. By Paul Coffin, A. M., pastor of the church of Christ in Buxton. Newburyport: Printed and sold by Blunt & Robinson. MDCCXCIV. Svo. pp. 28. [2267 A Sermon, preached before His Honor Moses Gill, Esq., Lieutenant Governor, The Honorable, the Council, Senate and House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, May 29, 1799, being the day of general election. By Rev. Paul Coffln, A. M., pastor of the church in Buxton. Boston: Printed by Young & Minns, State Printers. MDCCXCIX. Svo. pp. 31. [2268 Farewell Sermon at Buxton. 1821. See Fletcher, Nathaniel H. Sermon at funeral of. 1821. See Fletcher, Nathaniel H. Sermon occasioned by his death. 1821. See Loring, Levi. Biographical Sketch of. 1844. See Coffln, Charles. Memoir and Journals. (1856.) See Woodman, Cyrus. Records of the church during his pastorate. (1868.) See Buxton. A Sermon by Rev. Paul Coffin, D. D., preached August 15, 1762, in Narragansett, No. I., now Buxton, Maine, and an address delivered there, August 15, 1886, by Cyrus Woodman. Cambridge: John Wilson & Son, University Press. ISSS. Svo. pp. 95. [2269 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. 287 Coke, E. T. England. A Subaltern's Furlough, descriptive of scenes in various parts of the United States, Upper and Lower Canada, New Brunswick, and Nova Scotia, during the summer and autumn of 1832. By E. T. Coke, Lieutenant of the 45th, Regiment. Wand'ring from clime to clime observant stray'd. Their manners noted, and their states survey'd. Pope. In two volumes. New York : Published by J. & J. Harper, No. S2, Cliff Street MDCCCXXXIII. [2270 Chap. 10 gives an account of Eastport, and remarks that a booksellers' shop there made a far greater display than any the author had seen in Mon treal, Quebec, or Halifax. Colburn, Jeeemiah, and family, BluehiU. 1890. See Candage, R. G. F. Colburn, Reuben. Pittston. Letter from, to Gov. John Hancock. 1781. Bang. H. M. 6: 105. (1890.) [2271 Colburn, Waeebn. 1793-1833. Educator. Intellectual Arithmetic, upon the inductive method of instruction. Hallowell: Glazier & Co. 1828. ISmo. pp. 172. [2272 Coggin, Thomas, and family, Bluehill. 1890. See Candage, R. G. F. CoGiN, John. Captain Cogin's Expedition to Pigwacket, 1722. By Horace Mann, Esq., of Natick, Mass. N. E. Reg. 34: 382. (1880.) [2273 Cogswell, Chaeles Noethend. 1797-1843. Lawyer, South Berwick. Biographical Sketch of. 1863. See WUlis, William. Cogswell, Jonathan, D. D. 1782-1S64. Clergyman, Brunswick and Saco, 1807-28. — —Topographical and Historical Sketch of Saco, county of York, District of Maine. Mass. Hist Soc. Coll. ..M: 184. (1816.) [2274 fl "S-Ct'-* (The Rising Glory of the Kingdom of Christ. Isa. 60: 1.) A sermon ''*®. before the Maine Missionary Society, at its twelfth anniversary in Augusta, June 23, 1819. By Rev. Jonathan Cogswell, of Saco. HaUoweU: Printed by E. Goodale, 1819. Svo. pp. 20. [2275 The Support of the Gospel an Important Duty. A sermon delivered August 24, 1819, at the regular meeting of the York County As sociation, in Alfred. By Jonathan Cogswell, pastor of the church in Saco. Published by the vote of the association. Kennebunk: Printed by James K. Remick. 1819. 12mo. pp. 20. [2276 A Farewell Discourse addressed to the church and society of the First Parish in Saco, October 12, 1828. By Jonathan Cogswell. Published by request of the church and society. Saco : Printed by Alex C. Putnam. 1828. Svo. pp. 12. [2277 288 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. Cogswell, J. S. Historical and Descriptive Sketch of Androscoggin County. 1879. See Howard, R. H. Cogswell, William, D. D. 1787-1850. Clergyman, Gilmanton, N. H. The New Hampshire Repository, devoted to education, literature and religion. Conducted by Rev. William Cogswell, D. D. Volume I. Gilmanton: Printed by Alfred Prescott. 1846. Svo. pp. viii, 292. [2278 Pages 253 to 263 contain " Historical Sketch of Presbyterianism in the State of Maine, with some Account of Presbyterianism in New England. By the Rev. Charles Freeman of Limerick, Me." Cohen, J. Milton. Funeral Sermon, death of Mrs. Mary E., wife of Kev. Josiah H. Tilton, delivered in Limerick, Me. By Rev. J. Milton Cohen, of the Baptist church, Effingham, N. H. Portland: Charles Day & Co., Printers. 1842. Svo. pp. 14. [2279 Colby, Albeet. 1827-90. Fryeburg. Is it Reasonable or Scriptural to Believe in the Resurrection of the Natural Body from the Grave after it Has Gone to Decay? Port land, Me.: Albert Colby & Sons, No. 119 Exchange Street 1874. 12mo. pp. 46. [2280 Gleanings from the Poets. A new edition, enlarged. Portland : Albert Colby & Sons, No. 119 Exchange Street, 1874. (Including original poems by A. C.) 12mo. pp. 4.38. [2281 Incidents in the life of Albert Colby. Portland, Me.: Printed by Albert Colby's Sons, No. 119 Exchange Street. 1875. 12mo. pp. 32. [2182 The Roads to Heaven and Hell: which is best? Fryeburg, Me.: Compiled and published by Albert Colby. 1884. 12mo. pp. 30. [2283 History of the Bible. A plain and truthful history of the Bible, its nature and teachings. For the common people. Revised edition. Fryeburg: Albert Colby's Sons. 1884. 12mo. pp. 132. [2284 The Life of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. By Rev. Rufus W. Clark, to which is added the lives of all the writers of the New Testament, from the writings of Adam Clark; also the religious creed and history of the Jews from the earliest period down to the present day ; the true Christian religion, or plain and easy road to heaven ; and a complete history of the Bible its nature and teachings. Fryeburg, Me. : Compiled and published by Albert Colby, 1884. Sold by travelling agents. 12mo. pp. 356, 58, 132. [2285 The foregoing part of the volume extends to page 366, and then follows a new paging (1 to 58) , with a new title page as follows : — BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. 289 Which is Best; God's way, or the devil's way? Choose ye, but first read. Believe and receive; or the plain and easy road to heaven. Written by Albert Colby while a preacher in the Methodist Episcopal Church, and first published in 1867. Then follows still another paging (1 to 132), with a new title-page as fol lows: — A Plain and Truthful History of the Bible, its nature and teachings. For the common people. By Albert Colby, of Lowell, Mass. Re vised edition. Fryeburg: Albert Colby's Sons. 1884. Colby, Benjamin, Jr. The Maine Thompsonian Recorder, or advocate of the principles which govern the Thompsonian system of medical practice. Pub lished by Colby & Smith, Thompsonian botanic physicians. Let the mineral and botanic systems be weighed by truth, and each stand on its own merits. Vol. II. Gardiner: William Palmer, Printer. 1840. Svo. pp. 384. [2286 Colby, Feed M. Sir WiUiam PepperreU. Mag. Am. Hist. 2:673. (1878.) [2287 A Day at Old Kittery. Gran. Mo. 2:68. (1S79.) [2288 The First American Baronet Potter's Am. Mo. 17:234. (1881.) [2289 Colby, Gardner. 1810-79. b. Bowdoinham. r. Newton, Mass. A Tribute to the memory of Gardner Colby. Printed for private distribution. Boston: Franklin Press: Rand, Avery & Company. 1879. Svo. pp. 93. (Port, and autograph.) [2290 Contains extracts from the baccalaureate sermon by Rev. Henry E. Rob ins, D. D., and memorial by the trustees of Colby University. Memorial Sermon for. 1879. See Robins, Henry E. Colby, Geoege N. Houlton. d. 1889. Atlas Aroostook County. 1877. See Roe, F. B. Atlas of the State of Maine. Including statistics and descriptions of its history, educational system, geology, railroads, natural re sources, summer resorts, and manufacturing interests. Com piled and drawn from official plans and actual surveys. Pub lished by George N. Colby, Houlton, Maine. 1885. Assisted by H. E. Halfpenny, C. E., & J. H. Stuart, C. E. Copyright secured by Geo. N. Colby & Co. 1884. Eng. by William Bracker, 21 So. Sixth Street, Phil. Printed by F. Bourquin, 31 So. Sixth St. Phil. Large 4to. pp. 106. [2291 The same. Sth edition. 1890. See Stuart, J. H. Colby, Geoege Washington, M. D. 1818-81. Physician, Waldo borough. Biographical Sketch of. 1881. See Beede, J. W. 20 290 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. Colby, John. 1787-1817. Clergyman. The Life, Experience and Travels of John Colby, preacher of the gospel. Written by himself. With an appendix, containing re marks on the character and labors of the author, &c. Third edition, revised and corrected. Two volumes in one. Cornish: Published by S. W. & C. C. Cole. W. Burr, Printer. 1829. 12mo. pp. 381. [2292 An edition was published in Lowell, Mass., in 1838, 12mo., 2 vols, in one. pp. 248 and 64, and another in Dover, N. H., in 1854, 16mo. pp. 66. Colby, John Stark. Agatha. A romance of Maine in blank verse with other poems. By John Stark Colby. " An ill-favored thing, sir, but mine own." As Yon Like It. Boston: A. Williams & Co. 1880. sm. Svo. pp. 111. [2293 Colby, S. E. & Co. Atlas of Hancock County, Maine. Compiled and published under the direction of Geo. N. Colby, by S. F. Colby & Co. Drawn from official plans, U. S. coast survey charts, and actual surveys by H. E. Halfpenny & J. H. Stuart. Ellsworth, Maine. 1881. Engraved by Wm. Bracher, Printed by F. Bourquin, 31 So. Sixth Street, Philadelphia. Assistants, C. E. Williams, A. M., B. T. Sowle, Att'y-at-law. Capt. N. H. Higgins & L. B. Wyman, C. E. 1881. Square, 4to. pp. 96. [2294 Colby University. Chartered as the Maine Literary and Theologi cal Institution, 1813. Name changed to Waterville College, 1821 : to Colby University, 1867. ADDEESSES, DISCOUESBS, EULOGIES, LECTUEES, OEATIONS, POEMS, AND SEEMONS. Lecture to students. 1824. See Chapin, Stephen. Oration before Literary Fraternity. 1828. See Sanborn, Abraham. Address before alumni. 1830. See Neal, John. Address before alumni. 1831. See Holmes, John. Poem before alumni. 1831. See Vose, Richard H. Sermon before officers and students. 1833. See Newton, Calvin. Inaugural Address. 1834. See Babcock, Rufus. Poem. 1836. See Brown, John N. Poem before Literary Fraternity. 1837. See Palmer, Ray. Oration before Erosophian Adelphi. 1841. See Emerson, Ralph Waldo. Eulogy on Jeremiah Chaplin. 1843. See Pattison, R. E. Oration before Erosophian Adelphi. 1846. See Chapin, Edwin H. BIBLIOGEAPHY OF MAINE. 291 Services at the laying of the corner-stone of the Memorial hall of Colby University, August 14th, 1867, and at the dedication of the same, August 10, 1869. Waterville: Published by vote of the trustees. 1869. Svo. pp. 53. (Reverse.) Journal Steam Press, Lewiston, N. Dingley & Co. [2295 Contains statement of President Champlin, addresses by Rev. Rufus Babcock, D. D., H. M. Plaisted, statement by ex-Governor Coburn, re marks of Senator Hamlin, responses of President Champlin and of Gen. H. M. Plaisted, and address by Rev. G. B. Bosworth, D. D. Historical Discourse, 1870. See Champlin, James T. Address at, 1872. See Whiting, WUliam. Address before literary societies, 1875. See Adams, Charles Francis. Sermon, memorial to Gardner Colby. 1879. See Robins, Henry E. Oration before alumni, 1885. See Reed, Thomas B. Discourse on Prof. Chas. E. Hamlin. 1887. See Bakeman, Fran cis W. Address. Scientific study of literature. 1884. See Jackson, A. W. Dissertation at. 1SS9. See Butler, B. F. CATALOGUES, ANNUAL. Catalogue of the officers and students of Waterville College, Octo ber, 1824. n. p. Svo. pp. 8. (On last page.) Waterville: William Hastings, Printer. [2296 Catalogue of the officers and students of Waterville College. July, 1825. n.p. 12mo. pp. 8. (On last page.) Waterville: Wm. Hast ings, Printer. [2297 Catalogue of the offlcers and students of Waterville College. No vember, 1826. n. p. Svo. pp. 8. [2298 Catalogue of the offlcers and students of Waterville College, and of the Clinical School of Medicine, at Woodstock, Vt., connected with the college. 1830-31. Hallowell: Glazier, Masters & Co., Printers, No. 1 Kennebec Row. 1830. 12mo. pp. 12. [2299 Catalogue of the offlcers and students of Waterville College, and of the Clinical School of Medicine at Woodstock, Vt., connected with the college. 1832-33. Hallowell: Glazier, Masters & Co. 12mo. pp. 16. [2300 Catalogue of the offlcers and students of Waterville College, Maine, for the academic year 1833-34. Augusta: Luther Severance, Printer. 18.34. 12mo. pp. 12. [2301 Catalogue of the offlcers and students of Waterville College, Maine, for the academic year 1834-35. Augusta: Luther Severance, Printer. 1834. 12mo. pp. 12. [2302 292 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAENE. Colby University, Continued. Catalogue of the officers and students of Waterville College, Maine, for the academic year 1835-36. Hallowell: Glazier, Masters & Smith. 1836. 12mo. pp. 12. [2303 Catalogue of the officers and students of Waterville College, Maine, for the academic year 1836-37. College Press: Edgar H. Gray, Printer. 1836. 12mo. pp. 16. [2304 Catalogue of the offlcers and students of Waterville College, Maine, for the academic year 1838-39. Hallowell: Glazier, Masters & Smith. 1838. 12mo. pp. 16. [2305 No catalogues were published for 1839-40, or for 1840-41. Catalogue of the officers and students of Waterville College, Maine, for the academic year 1841-42. Waterville: Wing & Mathews, Pr. 1841. 12mo. pp. 16. [2306 Catalogue of the officers and students of Waterville College, for the academic year 1843-44. Hallowell : Glazier, Masters & Smith. 1843. 12mo. pp. 16. [2307 Catalogue of the officers and students of Waterville College, for the academic year 1844-45. Hallowell: Glazier, Masters & Smith. 1844. 12mo. pp. 15. [2308 Catalogue of the officers and students of Waterville CoUege, for the academic year 1845-46. Waterville: John Stearns Carter, Pr. 1845. 12mo. pp. 21. [2309 Catalogue of the officers and students of WaterviUe College, for the academical year 1845-46. Published by the students. Portland: F. A. & A. F. Gerrish, printers. 1845. Svo. pp. 23. [2310 Catalogue of the officers and students of Waterville College, Maine, for the academical year 1846-47. With the course of studies, etc. Portland: Printed by F. A. & A. F. Gerrish. 1846. Svo. pp. 24. [2311 Catalogue of the students and officers of Waterville College, Maine, for the academical year 1847-48. Waterville: Printed by Maxham & Drummond. n. d. Svo. pp. 22. [2312 Catalogue of the officers and students of Waterville College, Maine, for the academical year 1848-49. Eastern Mail Offlce. n. d. Waterville. Svo. pp. 22. [2313 Catalogue of the officers and students of Waterville College, Maine for the academical year 1S49-50. Waterville: Maxham & Win"-. 1849. Svo. pp. 23. [2314 Catalogue of the officers and students of Waterville College, Maine for the academical year 1850-51. Waterville: Maxham & Wing, printers, Eastern Mail Office. 1850. Svo. pp. 24. [2315 Catalogue of the officers and students of Waterville College, Maine for the academical year 1851-52. Waterville : Maxham & Wing, printers. Eastern Mail Office, n. d. Svo. pp. 24. [2316 BIBLIOGEAPHY OF MAINE. 293 Catalogue of the officers and students of Waterville College, Maine, for the academical year 1852-53. Waterville: Maxham & Wing, Eastern MaU Office. 1852. Svo. pp. 24. [2317 Catalogue of the officers and students of Waterville College, Maine, for the academical year 1853-54. Waterville: Printed for the college. 1853. Svo. pp. 24. [2318 This and succeeding catalogues until 1869-70 were actually printed in Boston. Catalogue of the students and officers of Waterville College, Maine, for the academic year 1854-55. WaterviUe: Printed for the college. 1854. Svo. pp. 24. [2319 Catalogue of the officers and students of Waterville College, Maine, for the academic year 1855-56. Waterville : Printed for the col lege. 1855. Svo. pp. 24. [2320 Catalogue of the officers and students of Waterville College, Maine, for the academic year 1856-57. Waterville: Printed for the col lege. 1856. Svo. pp. 24. [2321 Catalogue of the officers and students of WaterviUe College, Maine, for the academic year 1857-58. Waterville: Printed for the col lege. 1S57. Svo. pp. 28. [2322 Catalogue of the officers and students of WaterviUe College, Maine, for the academic year 1858-59. Waterville: Printed for the col lege. 1858. Svo. pp. 28. [2323 Catalogue of the officers and students of Waterville College, Maine, for the academic year 1859-60. Waterville: Printed for the col lege. 1859. Svo. pp. 28. [2324 Catalogue of the officers and students of Waterville College, Maine, for the academic year 1860-61. WaterviUe: Printed for the col lege. 1860. Svo. pp. 24. [2325 Catalogue of the officers and students of Waterville College, Maine, forthe academic year 1861-62. Waterville: Printed for the col lege. 1861. Svo. pp. 24. [2326 Catalogue of the officers and students of Waterville College, Maine, for the academic year 1862-63. Waterville : Printed for the col lege. 1862. Svo. pp. 24. [2.327 Catalogue of the officers and students of Waterville College, Maine, for the academic year 1863-64. Waterville: Printed for the col lege. 1863. Svo. pp. 24. [2.328 Catalogue of the officers and students of Waterville College, Maine, for the academic year 1864-65. WatervUle: Printed for the col lege. 1864. Svo. pp. 22. [2329 Catalogue of the officers and students of Waterville College, Maine, for the academic year 1865-66. WaterviUe : Printed for the col lege. 1865. Svo. pp. 23. [2330 294 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. Colby Univbesity, Continued. Catalogue of the offlcers and students of Colby University for the academic year 1866-67. WaterviUe: Printed for the university. 1867. Svo. pp. 23. [2-331 Catalogue of the offlcers and students of Colby University for the academic year 1867-68. Waterville: Printed for the university. 1867. Svo. pp. 24. [2332 Catalogue of the offlcers and students of Colby University for the academic year 1868-69. WaterviUe: Printed forthe university. 1868. Svo. pp. 24. [2333 Catalogue of the officers and students of Colby University for the academic year 1869-70. Waterville: printed for the university. 1869. Svo. pp. 24. [2334 Actually printed at Lewiston, as were the following, until 1878. Catalogue of the offlcers and students of Colby University for the academic year 1870-71. Waterville: printed for the university. 1870. Svo. pp. 24. [2335 Catalogue of the offlcers and students of Colby University for the academic year 1871-72. Waterville: printed for the university. 1871. Svo. pp. 24. [2336 Catalogue of the offlcers and students of Colby University for the academic year 1872-73. Waterville: printed for the university. 1872. Svo. pp. 24. [2337 The Fifty-fourth Annual Catalogue of the officers and students of Colby University, for the academic year 1873-74. Waterville: printed for the university. 1873. Svo. pp. 24. [2338 The same. Second edition. 1874. Svo. pp. 32. The Fifty-fifth Annual Catalogue of the offlcers and students of Colby University, for the academic year 1874-75. Waterville: printed for the university. 1874. Svo. pp. 34. [2339 The Fifty-sixth Annual Catalogue ofthe offlcers and students of Colby University, (Waterville College until 1867), for the aca demic year 1875-76. Waterville: Printedfor the university. 1875. Svo. pp. 34. [2340 The Fifty-seventh Annual Catalogue of the officers and students of Colby University (Waterville College until 1867), for the aca demic year 1877-78. Waterville: Printed forthe university. 1877. Svo. pp. 42. [2:341 The Fifty-eight annual Catalogue of th e offlcers and students of Colby University (Waterville College until 1867), for the academic year 1877-78. Waterville : Printed for the university. 1878. Svo. pp. 34. [2342 bibliography of MAINE. 295 The Fifty-ninth Annual Catalogue of the offlcers and students of Colby University (Waterville CoUege until 1867), for the aca demic year 1878-79. WaterviUe: Printed for the university. 1878. Svo. pp. 49. [2343 An essay by Henry E. Robins, D. D., president of the university, on " The Relation of Education to Evangelization" occupies pp. 36-49. The Sixtieth Annual Catalogue of the offlcers and students of Colby University (Waterville College until 1867), for the acade mic year 1879-80. Wateiwille: Printed for the university. 1879. Svo. pp. 49. [2344 Contains memorial sermon for Gardner Colby, a baccalaureate discourse by the president, Henry E. Robins, D. D., July 20, 1879, pp. 36^0. The Sixty-first Annual Catalogue of the officers and students of Colby University (Waterville College until 1867), for the academic year 1880-81. Waterville : Printed for the university. 1881. Svo. pp. 39. [2345 The Sixty-second Annual Catalogue of the officers and students of Colby University (Waterville College until 1867), for the academic year 1881-82. Waterville: Printed forthe university. 1881. Svo. pp. 42. [2346 The Sixty-third Annual Catalogue of theofficers and students of Colby University (Waterville College until 1867), for the aca demic year 1882-83. Waterville, Me: Printed for the university. 1883. Svo. pp. 42. [2347 The Sixty-fourth Annual Catalogue of the officers and students of Colby University (Waterville College until 1867), for the aca demic year 1883-84. Waterville, Me. : Printed for the university. 1883. Svo. pp. 43. [2348 The Sixty-fifth Annual Catalogue of officers and students of Colby University (Waterville College until 1867), for the academic year 1884-85. WatervUle, Me.: Printed for the university. 18S4. Svo. pp- 46. [2349 The same. Second Edition. May 1885. Svo. pp. 46. The Sixty-sixth Annual Catalogue of the officers and students of Colby University, for the academic year 1SS5-S6. Waterville, Me. : Printed for the university. November, 1885. Svo. pp. 52. [2350 The Sixty-seventh Annual Catalogue of the officers and students of Colby University, for the academic year 1886-87. Waterville, Me.: Printed for the university. December, 1888. Svo. pp. 50. [2351 The Sixty-eighth Annual Catalogue of the officers and students of Colby University, for the academic year 1887-88. Waterville, Me. : Printed for the university. December, 18S7. Svo. pp. 44. [2352 The Sixty-ninth Annual Catalogue of the offlcers and students of Colby University, for the academic year 1888-89. Waterville, Me. : Printed for the university. December, ISSS. Svo. pp. 47. [2353 296 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. Colby Univbesity, Continued. The Seventieth Annual Catalogue of the offlcers and students of Colby University, for the academic year 1889-90. WaterviUe, Me.: Printed for the university. December, 1889. Svo. pp. 52. [23.54 The Seventy-first Annual Catalogue of the officers and students of Colby University, for the academic year 1890-91. Waterville Me.: Printed for the university. December, 1890. Svo. pp. 56. [2355 CATALOGUES, TEIBNNIAL AND GENERAL. Catalogus per Triennium eorum qui officia gerunt quique alicujus gradus laurea donati sunt, in CoUegio Watervillensi, iu republica Mainensi : cui additur eorum, qui theol. dederunt operam. Water- villse : excudebat Gulielmus Hastings, MDCCCXXV. Svo. pp. 8. [2356 Catalogus Senatus Academici, et eorum qui munera et officia gesserunt, quique alicujus gradus laurea donati sunt in CoUegio Watervillensi, Watervillse, in republica Mainensi. Augustae: typis descripsit Luther Severance, MDCCCXXXIV. Foedera tarum Americse rerumpublicarum summae potestatis anno LIX. Svo. pp. 11. [2:357 Catalogus Senatus Academici, et eorum qui munera et officia gesser-ant, quique alicujus gradus laurea donati sunt in CoUegio Watervillensi, Watervillse, in Republica Mainensi. Augustse: typis descripsit Luther Severance. MDCCCXXXVII. Foedera tarum Americse rerumpublicarum summse potestatis anno LXII. Svo. pp. 11. [2358 Catalogus Senatus Academici, et eorum qui munera et officia gesserunt, quique alicujus gradus laurea donati sunt in CoUegio Watervillensi, Watervillse, in Republica Mainensi. Watervillse: typis descripsit Johannes-Stearns Carter. Anno Domini MDCC CLXV. Svo. pp 16. [2359 Catalogus Senatus Academici, et eorum qui munera et officia gesse runt, quique alicujus gradus laurea donati sunt in CoUegio Water villensi, Watervillse, in Republica Mainensi. Watervillse : Typis descripsit Johannes-Stearns Carter. Anno Domini MDCCCLVIII. Svo. pp. 17. [2360 Catalogus Senatus Academici, et eorum qui munera et officia gesserunt, quique alicujus gradus laurea donati sunt in CoUegio Watervillensi, Watervillse, in Republica Mainensi. Watervillse: Typis descripsit Johannas-S teams Carter, Anno Domini MDCCCLI. 8vo. pp. 19. [2361 Catalogus Senatus Academici, et eorum qui munera et offlcia gesserunt, quique alicujus gradus laurea donati sunt in CoUegio Watervillensi, Watervillse, in Republica Mainensi. MDCCCLIV. (n. p.) (Reverse.) Typis J. M. Hewes et Soc, Bostonise. Svo. pp. 23. [2362 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. 297 Catalogus Senatus Academici, et eorum qui munera et offlcia gesserunt, quique alicujus gradus laurea donati sunt in CoUegio WatervUlensi, Watervillse, in Republica Mainensi. MDCCCLVII. (n. p.) (Reverse.) Typis Johannes-Milton Hewes et Soc, Bostonise Svo. pp. 24. [2363 Catalogus Senatus Academici, et eorum qui munera et officia gesserunt, quique alicujus gradus laurea donati sunt in CoUegio Watervillensi, Watervillse, in Republica Mainensi. MDCCCLX. (n. p.) (Reverse.) Typis Johannes-Milton Hewes et Soc, Bostonise. Svo. pp. 26. [2364 Catalogus Senatus Academici, et eorum qui munera et officia gesse runt, quique alicujus gradus laurea donati sunt in CoUegio Water villensi, WaterviUse, in RepubUca Mainensi. MDCCCLXIII. n. p. (Reverse.) Typis Johannes-Milton Hewes et Soc, Bos tonise. Svo. pp. 28. [2365 Catalogus Senatus Academici, et eorum qui munera et officia gesse runt, quique alicujus gradus laurea donati sunt in CoUegio Water villensi, Watervillse, in RepubUca Mainensi. MDCCCLXVI. n.p. (Reverse.) Typis Johannes-Milton Hewes et Soc, Bostonise. Svo. pp, 29. [2366 Catalogus Senatus Academici, et eorum qui munera et officia gesse runt, quique alicujus gradus laurea donati sunt in Universitate Colbiana, MDCCCLXIX. n. p. (Reverse.) Typis Johannes-Mil ton Hewes et Soc, Bostonise. Svo. pp. 31. [2367 Catalogus Senatus academici, et eorum qui munera et officia gesse runt, quique alicujus gradus laurea donati sunt in Universitate Colbiana, MDCCCLXXII. n. p. (Reverse.) Typis Johannes- Milton Hewes et Soc, Bostonise. Svo. pp. 32. [2368 Catalogus Senatus Academici et eorum qui munera et officia gesse runt, quique alicujus gradus laurea donati sunt in Universitate Colbiana. Typis Nelson Dingley et Soc. MDCCCLXXV. n. p. (Lewiston.) Svo. pp. 32. [2369 General Catalogue of the officers and graduates of Colby Univer sity, WaterviUe, Maine. 1820-82. WateiYille, Me. PubUshed for the alumni, June, 1882. Svo. pp. 71, (1). (1 engrav.) [2370 Second General Catalogue of the officers and graduates of Colby University, Waterville, Me. 1820-87. Waterville, Me. Pub lished for the alumni. July, 1887. Svo. pp. 88. ( 1 engrav.) [2371 MISCELLANEOUS. WaterviUe College. Origin, progress and present state of the col lege, n. t. p. Svo. pp. 8. Printed at the Argus Office, Portland. 1822. [2372 298 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. Colby University, Continued. Constitution of the Samaritan Female Society of Waterville College. (Me.) Printed by Lincoln and Edmands, Boston. No. 53 Corn hUl. 1824. 16mo. pp. 8. [2373 Constitution of the Manual Labor Association, connected with Waterville College, with an address to the public. Augusta: Eaton and Severance, Printers. 1832. 12mo. pp. 12. [2374 Petition of the graduating class of 1835, addressed to the govern ment of Waterville College. Published by order of the class. n. t p. Svo. pp. 8. [2375 Account of the college, and its commencement. 1835. See Cox, F. A. Catalogue of the Ubrary of Waterville College, in Waterville, Maine. Waterville: Printed by Edgar H. Gray. 1835. Svo. pp. 301. [2376 History of. 1836. See Babcock, Eufus. Catalogue of the library of Waterville College, in Waterville, Me. Waterville: Printed by John S. Carter. 1845. Svo. pp. 47. [2377 Catalogue of the Literary Fraternity Society of Waterville College. Instituted 1824. Incorporated 1828. Portland: Printed by F. A. and A. F. Gerrish. 1847. Svo. pp. 36. [2378 Laws of Waterville College. 1851. Catalogue of the members and library of the Literary Fraternity Society of Waterville CoUege. Instituted 1824. Incorporated 1828. Portland: Printed by B.Thurston. 1852. Svo. pp. 53. [2379 Report of the faculty of Waterville College, on the condition and wants of the institution, with the action of the trustees on the same, at a special meeting of the Board, December 18, 1856. Waterville: 1856. [2380 Address to the friends of WaterviUe College. (Signed) J. T. Champlin, Wm. H. Shailer, Ira Leland. n. t. p. WatervUle, Oc tober 17, 1863. (Atend.) Portland: Printed at Zion's Advocate Office, by Brown Thurston. 1863. Svo. pp. 4. [2381 Waterville College in the Rebellion. 1866. See Maine; Report of adjutant general. Manual Labor in. 1867. See Hamlin: Charles E. Laws of Colby University, Waterville, Maine. Portland: Printed by B. Thurston & Co. n. d. 12mo. pp. 23. [2382 Necrology of. 1867-68. See Hoyt, Albert H. An Obituary Record of graduates of Colby University (Waterville College until 1867) from 1822-70. Presented at the semi-centen nial, Aug. 2, 1870. Waterville: 1870. Svo. pp. 66. [2383 Printed for the alumni. BIBLIOGEAPHY OF MAINE. 299 Alumni of Colby University. Obituary record from 1870 to 1873. Supplement No. 1. Including notices of all alumni whose de cease has been learned from July 1870 to July 1873. Waterville: Printed for the alumni. 1874. Svo. pp. 66. [2384 Account of Commencement, 1873. See United States Bureau of Education. Laws of Colby University, Waterville, Maine. Waterville : Max ham & Wing, Printers. 1874. 12mo. pp. 16. [2385 Charter of Colby University, with the acts and resolves relating thereto, and the by-laws of the trustees. Portland, Maine: Stephen Berry, Printer. 1875. Svo. pp. 32. [2386 Laws of Colby University, Waterville, Me. Boston: Franklin Press: Rand, Avery & Co. 1876. 12mo. pp. 19. [2387 Alumni of Colby University, obituary record. 1873 to 1877. Sup plement No. 2. Including notices of all alumni whose decease has been learned from July 1873 to July 1877. Waterville: Printed for the alumni. 1877. Svo. pp. 21. [2388 Laws of Colby University, Waterville, Maine. Portland: Press of B. Thurston & Co. 1880. 12mo. pp. 21. [2389 Report of the librarian. ISSl. [2390 Report of the treasurer to the trustees of Colby University, July 21, 1880. WaterviUe: Printed at M. A. Leger's Book and Job Office. Svo. pp. 17. [2391 Report of the treasurer to the president and trustees of Colby University. June 21, 1881. Waterville: Printed at the Sentinel Office. Svo. pp. 19. [2392 Colby University. Treasurer's report. June 10, 1882. Portland: Printed by B. Thurston & Co. Printers. Svo. pp. 18. [2393 Colby University. Treasurer's report. June 10, 1883. Portland: Printed by B. Thurston & Co. Printers. Svo. pp. 22. [2394 Waterville College. Reunions of the class of 1853. Printed for private distribution by Wm. P. Bartlett, Eau Claire, Wis. 1883. Svo. pp. 15. [2395 Alumni of Colby University. Obituary record from 1877 to 1884. Supplement No. 3, including notices of all alumni whose decease has been learned from July, 1877 to July, 1884. Cambridge: John WUson & Son. 1SS4. Svo. pp. 48. [2396 Treasurer's Report. June 10, 1884. Portland: Printed by B. Thurston & Co. 1884. Svo. pp. 21. [2397 Colby University. Treasurer's report. June 10, 1885. Portland: Printed by B. Thurston & Co. Printers. Svo. pp. 19. [2398 Colby University. Treasurer's report. 1886. Portland: Printed by B. Thurston & Co. Svo. pp. 28. [2399 300 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. Colby University, Continued. Colby University. Treasurer's report. June 1, 1887. Portland: Printed by B. Thurston & Co. Svo. pp. 25. [2400 Treasurer's Report. June 1, 1888. Portland: Printed by B. Thurston & Co. 1888. Svo. pp. 24. [2401 Review of the year. Professor Moses Lyford, LL. D. The corpo ration and faculty. (Cover title.) From the Colby Oracle. 1888. Svo. pp. 14. (2 illus.) [2402 Annual Report of the president and faculty of Colby University. 1889. Waterville, Me.: Printed at the Mail Office. 1889. Svo. pp. 31. [2403 Treasurer's Report. June 1, 1889. Portland: Brown Thurston & Co. 1889. Svo. pp. 23. [2404 Resignation of President Pepper. 1889. (From the Waterville MaU of July 19, 1889.) n. t. p. 12mo. pp. 4. [2405 Exercises at the laying of the corner-stone of the Shannon obser vatory and physical laboratory, Colby University, Sept. 26, 1889. (University seal.) Waterville, Me.: Printed forthe University. 1889. Svo. pp. 18. (2 engra.) [2406 Addresses by President A. W. Small, Prof. W. A.Rogers, Prof.B. W. Hall, Mr. George N. Hurd. Colby University. Treasurer's report. June 1, 1890. Portland: Brown Thurston & Co. Svo. pp. 26. [2407 Annual Reports of the president and faculty of Colby University. 1890. Waterville: Printed at the Sentinel Office. 1890. Svo. pp. 44. [2408 Annual Report of the president and faculty of Colby University. 1891. Waterville : Printed at the Mail Office. 1S91. Svo. pp. 46. [2409 Treasurer's Report. June 1, 1891. Portland: Brown Thurston Company. 1891. Svo. pp. 24. [2410 periodicals. The Oracle. Colby University, November, 1870. Lewiston : Jour nal Steam Press. 1870. Svo. pp. 32. [2411 The same. 1871. The same. February, 1872. Svo. pp. 32. The same, for 1873. Svo. pp. 32. The same. 1874. Svo. pp. 48. The Oracle of Colby University. Published by the students. Lew iston: Printed at the Journal Offlce. 1875. Svo. pp. 64. The same. 1876. Svo. pp. 82. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. 301 The same. 1877. Svo. pp. 88. The same. 1878. Svo. pp. 92. The same. Vol. XIII. 1879. Svo. pp. 98. The same. 1881. The same. 1882. Colby University. The Oracle. Volume XVI. PubUshed by the students. 1882. Svo. pp. 112. Portrait of President Henry E. Robins. Colby University. The Diamond. Published by the X Chapter of the Delta Kappa Epsilon Fraternity. WatervUle, Me. 1883. Svo. pp. 130. As the result of a disagreement, the Diamond was issued one year instead of the Oracle, but it forms Vol. XVII of the same series. Colby University. The Oracle. Vol. XVIII. 1884. Svo. pp. 203. The same. Vol. XIX. 1885. Svo. pp. 212. Contains a portrait of Hon. Abner Colburn. The same. Vol. XX. 1SS6. Svo. pp. 193. Contains portrait of Prof. C. E. Hamlin, The same. XXI. 1887. Svo. pp. 205. Contains portrait of Prof. W. A. Rogers. The same. Vol. XXIL 1888. Svo. pp. 176. The same. Vol. XXIII. 1889. The Colby Oracle for 1890. Svo. pp. 237. Contains portrait of President Albion W. Small. Colcord, Emily M. For Thy Name's Sake, and other poems. By Millie Colcord. Port land, Me. : Hoyt, Fogg & Donham. 1878. 16mo. pp. 100. (Port) [2412 Four editions have been published. Cole, Albert. 1818-81. Clergyman, Winslow, Limerick, Cornish. A Tribute of affection to the memory of the late Rev. George W. Cole. By Albert Cole. Portland: PubUshed by William Hyde. 1845. 12mo. pp.300. [2413 Sermon before the Maine Missionary Society, at its sixty-fourth an niversary at Bath, June 28, 1871. Text, Daniel, 2:44. Cong. Conf. Minutes. 1871. pp. 75-83. [2414 Cole, Alfeed. Family Record of early settlers in Buckfield. Me. Biog. 2 : 97. (1877.) 3:27,120. (1878.) [2415 Cole, Geoege Washington. 1805-40. Clergyman, Michigan. Tribute to the memory of. 1S4S. See Cole, Albert. 302 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. Cole, Haery G. Portland. Governor Morrill's Message. Neal Dow and the Maine Law, and H. G. Cole's Restriction License Law. (n. d.) (1855.) n. p. (Port land.) Svo. pp. 8. [2416 Cole, Jonathan. 1803-77. Clergyman, Hallowell, 1836-56. Meditations for the Sick. By Jonathan Cole. Boston: James Mun roe and Company. 1837. 16mo. pp. xii, 119. [2417 Biographical Notice of . Unit Rev. 9:93. (1878.) [2418 Cole, Joseph Gebbn. 1799-1851. Lawyer, Paris. Remarks concerning Governor Lincoln. 1831. See Lincoln, Enoch. Notice of. N.E.Reg. 6:389. (1852.) [2419 Notice of. 1864. See Palmer, Joseph. Cole, Lucy. Sedgwick. Narrative of life of. 1830. See Pinkham, Rebekah P. Cole, Samuel Valentine. 6. Machiasport, 1851. Educator, Andover, Mass. Poem on Prof. Alpheus S. Packard. 1884. See Little, George T. Cole, Samuel W. 1796-1851. r. Cornish, 1796-1839. The Columbian Spelling Book: or first principles of the English language: exhibiting the orthography and pronunciation, on a new, enlarged and entertaining plan: and containing appropriate lessons in reading, carefully divided into suitable paragraphs. For the use of schools. " Swift and pleasing is the course. When the way is smooth and clean." By Samuel W. Cole. Cornish. 12mo. 1823. [2420 The Muse, or the flowers of poetry: a choice collection of favorite odes, poems, songs, elegies, epitaphs, epigrams, elegant extracts, &c " From grave to gay, from lively to severe." By Samuel W. Cole, author of the " Columbian Spelling Book." " Music resembles poetry; in each are nameless graces." COWPBB. " Then hail, ye mighty masters of the lay. Nature's true sons, the friends of man and truth. Whose song, sublimely sweet, serenely gay. Amused my childhood, and inform'd my youth." Beattib. Cornish, Me., author. 1827. James Adams Jr., Printer. Portland. ISmo. pp. 216. [2420a Coleman, Benjamin, D. D. Some Memoirs of the continuation of the history of the troubles of the New England colonies from the barbarous and perfidious BIBLIOGRAPHY OP MAINE. 303 Indians, instigated by the more savage and inhuman French of Canada and Nova Scotia. Begun November 3, 1726. By Ben jamin Coleman, D. D. Mass. Hist Soc CoU. 6:108. (1800.) [2421 Colesworthy, Mrs. Anna. 1776-1851. Portland. Obituary of. N.E.Reg. 5:473. (1851.) [2422 Coleswoethy, Daniel Clement. 1810-93. Publisher, Boston, r. Portland 1810-50. " The Contrast, " " The Three Brothers, " "Remember Now Thy Creator in the Days of Thy Youth," and "A Happy Death," 1830. See Holt, Fifield. Common Incidents. Recommended by the book committee of the Maine Sabbath School Union. By Philo-Paidos. Portland : Pub lished by G. Hyde & Co. D. C. Colesworthy, Printer. 1832. 24mo. pp. 108. [2423 My Teacher. By Philo-Paidos, author of " Common Incidents. " Revised by the committee of publication. Boston: Massachu setts Sabbath School Society Depository. No. 24 CornhiU. 1832. 16mo. pp. 53. (1 plate.) [2423a My Minister. Or sketches of the character of Rev. Charles Jenkins, late of Portland. By D. C. Colesworthy, author of " Common Incidents," and "My Teacher." Portland: Published by S. H. Colesworthy. Printed at the S. S. Instructor Offlce. 1833. 16mo. pp. 112. [2424 The same, under the following title : The Heavenly Friend, or recollections of my minister. Who to life's noblest end. Gave up life's noblest powers. Portland: S. H. Colesworthy. ISmo. pp. 112. Sabbath-school Hymns. By D. C. Colesworthy, author of "My Teacher" and "My Minister." Portland: Sabbath School Depos itory. 1833. ISmo. pp. 112. [2425 Juvenile Story Book. By D. C. Colesworthy, editor of the " Sabbath School Instructor. " Portland: PubUshed by S. H. Colesworthy. 1834. 24mo. pp. 80. [2426 An Address delivered in the Abysinnian church, Portland, Maine, March 4, 1835, before the people of color. By D. C. Colesworthy. Published by request. Portland: Press of the Sabbath School Instructor. 1835. Svo. pp. 16. [2427 Poems. By Timothy Goodwise. Portland: S. H. Colesworthy. 1836. 16mo. pp. 24. (11 illus.) [2428 The Orphans. By Timothy Goodwise. Portland: S. H. Coles worthy. 1836. 16mo. pp. 24. (4 iUus.) [2429 Portland: S. H. Coles- [2432 Portland: S. H. Coles- [2433 Portland: S. H. Coles- [24.34 304 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. Colesworthy, Daniel Clement, Continued. The Present By Timothy Goodwise. Portland: S. H. Coles worthy. 1836. 16mo. pp. 16. (6 illus.) [24.30 Hymns for Children. By D. C. Colesworthy, author of " Common Incidents," " My Teacher, " &c. Portland: S. H. Colesworthy. 1836. 16mo. pp. 24. (22 illus.) [2431 The Lost Bo.y. By Timothy Goodwise. worthy. 1836. 16mo. pp. 24. (3 Ulus.) Tale Bearing. By Timothy Goodwise. worthy. 18-36. 16mo. pp. 24. (12 illus.) Job Elkinson. By Timothy Goodwise. ] worthy. 1836. 16mo. pp. 24. (5 iUiis.) Opening Buds. By D. C. Colesworthy. "There is not a tree, A plant, a leaf, a blossom, but contains A folio volume. We may read and read. And read again : and still iind something new ; Something to please, and something to instruct. E'en in the humble weed. " Portland: C. W. Pennell, Printer. 1838. pp. 360. (Engraved frontispiece.) [2435 Advice to an Apprentice. By D. C. Colesworthy, editor of the "Juvenile Reformer." Portland: S.H. Colesworthy. 1836. 16mo. pp. 128. [2436 The same. Second edition, under the following title: A Guide to Youth, or advice to an apprentice. " Lives of great men all remind us We can make our lives sublime. " Portland: S. H. Colesworthy, 1841. 16mo. pp. 128. Happy Deaths. Designed for Sabbath-schools. By D. C. Coles worthy. Portland: A. Shirley, Printer. 1840. 16mo. pp. 36. [2437 A Touch at the Times. " If folly cannot be abashed. It must be ridiculed or lashed. " Portland: For sale at the bookstores. 1840. ISmo. pp. 72. [2438 Chronicles of Casco Bay. Generations to come will applaud the wisdom, integrity and wonderful perseverance of the first planters of our shores. Edwaed Rcssell. Portland : Sanborn & Carter. MDCCCL. Press of A. Shirley & Co. Svo. pp. 56. (1 plate.) [2439 Colesworthy, Daniel Peckbe. 1778-1853. Portland. Notice of. N.E.Reg. 6:389. (1852.) |-244o BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. 305 Colesworthy, Samuel H. Portland. The Scholar's Aid, designed to instruct him in the ways of useful ness. By Timothy Goodwise. Portland: S. H. Colesworthy, 1869. 16mo. pp. 105. (Port.) [2441 The Scholar's Friend. By Timothy Goodwise. " Study to be Wise. " Portland: S. H. Colesworthy. 1839. 16mo. pp. 106. [2442 The foregoing were not by D. C. Colesworthy, some of whose works appeared under the same pseudonym. Editor. The Eastern Rosebud. Semi-monthly. Portland. 1841- 43. Square 16mo. [2443 CoLLAMBE, Jacob, LL. D. 1792-1865. Burlington, Vt. Addresses on the death of Hon. Jacob Collamer, delivered in the Senate and House of Representatives, on Thursday, December 14, 1S65. Washington: Government Printing Office. 1866. Svo. pp. 85. [2444 Address by William P. Fessenden, pp. 28-34. Collected Poems. F. W. Baltes & Co. Portland, n. d., sm. 4to. n. pp. (pp. 9.) [2445 One hundred copies. Collecting Salmon Spawn in Maine. Harp. Mag. 49 : 29. (1874.) (IUus.) [2446 (A) Collection, not of opinions but of facts. Facts are for the mil lions, opinions, the few. Documentary history of the Maine Law: comprising the original Maine Law, the New York Prohib itory Liquor Law, legislative debates, arguments, judicial de cisions, statistics, important correspondence : " Inquisition " and prohibition versus "Freedom" and anti-prohibition. "Let facts be submitted to a candid world. " "Nunc est bibendum; " si quando. New York: Hall & Brothers. 1855. Svo. pp. 12S. [2447 Colman, Samuel. Portland. The Portland Directory, containing names of the inhabitants, places of business, and dwelling-houses, with lists of the streets, lanes and wharves, the town offlcers, public offlces and banks. Portland: PubUshed by S. Colman, 1830. 16mo. pp. 96. [2448 Collins, Geoege E., M. D. 1839-67. Physician, Bethel. Biographical Sketch of. 1869. See Gordon, S. C. Colonization. Address of the board of managers of the Colonization Society of the State of Maine. (Portland, Apr. 1855.) Svo. pp. 7. [2449 CoLLiNGWOOD, Hbebeet Winslow. 6. 1857. Author, Huckinsuck, N. J. Andersonville Violets. A story of the Northern and Southern life. Boston: Lee & Shepard. 1889. 12mO. pp. 270. [2450 21 306 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. Collins, A. C. Game Protection. Outing. 15: 203. (1SS9.) [2451 Relates to Maine game laws. Collins, Daniel. Narrative of the shipwreck of the brig Betsey, of Wiscasset, (Maine) and murder of five of her crew, by pirates, on the coast of Cuba, Dec 1824. " Quceque ipse miserrima vidi, Et quorum pars magna fui. " By Daniel Collins, one of the only two survivors. Wiscasset: Printed by John Dorr. 1825. Svo. pp. 52. [2452 Colored Race. Proceedings of the convention which formed the Maine union in behalf of the colored race, with the address of the executive committee to the public. Portland: Merrill and Byram. 1835. Svo. pp. 16. [2453 Columbia. Incorporated 1796. Marriages and intentions, 1796-1806. See Bucknam, Seward. Sketch of. 1886. See Bucknam, Samuel. Deaths in Columbia Falls. (Copied from gravestones.) Bang. H. M. 3: 156. (1888.) [2454 (The) Columbian Pbeachee: or, a collection of original sermons, from preachers of eminence in the United States, embracing the distinguishing doctrines of grace. Volume I. Catskill: Pub lished by Nathan Elliot, 1808. Svo. pp. 304. [2455 Sermon vi. " Be watchful and strengthen the things which remain, that are ready to die." Rev. 3: 2. A sermon. Bythe Reverend Moses Hem menway, D. D., pastor of a church in Wells, District of Maine, pp. 101-124. Comstock, Solomon, and family. Edinburg and Argyle. 1889. See Porter, J. W. Conant Family. Tabular Pedigree of 1884. See Conant, Frederick Odell. History and genealogy of. 1887. See Conant, Ji'rederick Odell. Conant, Feedeeick Odell. b. Portland. 1857. Merchant, Portland. Genealogical Notes on the Sweetsir family. O.T. 8:1138. (1884.) [2456 Genealogical Notes on the Drinkwater family. O. T. S: 1142. (1884.) ¦ [24.5'7 Tabular Pedigree of the Conant family. Eight generations: six hundred names. Privately printed. Portland. 1884. [245S Gravestone Inscriptions, Yarmouth. O.T. 8:1185,(1884.) [2459 — ^Extract from the register of All Saints church, East Budleigh, Devon, England. Me. Rec. 2: 189. (1884.) [2460 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. 307 A History and Genealogy of the Conant family in England and America; thirteen generations, 1520-1887. Containing also notes on the Connet, Connett and Connit families. (Illus.) By Frederick Odell Conant, M. A. Privately Printed. Portland, Maine. U. S. A. 1887. Svo. pp. xiv, (11), 640. [2461 Abstract of OdeU wills. Me. Bee 3: 58. (1888.) [2462 Biographical Sketches of the members of the class of 1880. (Mon ogram.) Bowdoin College. Prepared for the decennial reunion, June 26, 1890. (No imprint.) Svo. pp. 22. (2 plates.) [2463 Condit, Jonathan Baily, D. D. 1807-76. Clergyman, Portland, 1S3S- 1845. An address delivered before the literary societies of Dartmouth CoUege, July 28,1841. By J. B. Condit Portland : NewaU A. Foster, Printer. 1841. Svo. pp. 31. [2464 Christians Fellow-helpers to the Truth. (Ill John Epis., 8.) A ser mon at the 37th anniversary of the Maine Missionary . Society, at Bath, South church, June 26, 1844. By Rev. J. B. Condit of Second church, Portland. Portland: Thurston, lUsley & Co. 1844. Svo. pp. 21. [2465 (A) CONPEEENCE MEETING HYMN BOOK. "Let US sing unto the Lord," Eastport: Published by Hiram S. Favor. 1832. Copyrighted by publisher. John Bent, Printer. 24mo. pp.95. [2466 The same. By a layman. Second edition, improved. Eastport: H. B. Williams. 1835. 24mo. CONFEEENCES, INDIAN. Georgetown on Arrowsick Island, Aug. 9th, 1717. Anno-que Regni Regis Georgii Britanniss, &c. A conference of His Excellency the governor, with the sachems and chief men of the Eastern Indians. Boston: Printed by B. Green, Printer to His Excellency, the Governor and Council. And sold by Benj. Eliot, at his shop below the Town-house. 4to. pp. 13. [2467 The same. N. H. Hist Soc. CoU. 2: 242. (1827.) Also, N. H. Prov. Papers. 3:693. (1869.) ReprintedinMe. Hist. Soc. Coll. 3:361. (1853.) The Conference with the Eastern Indians at the ratification of the peace, held at Falmouth, in Casco Bay, in July and August, 1726. Boston: For Benj. Eliot 1726. 4to. pp. 23. [2468 The same, reprinted. Boston: B. Kneeland. 1754. 4to. pp. 20 The same. Me. Hist Soc. CoU. 3: 377. (1853.) The Conference with the Eastern Indians, at the further ratification of the peace, held at Falmouth in Casco Bay, in July, 1727. Boston: 1727. 4to. pp. 31. [2469 308 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. Conferences, Indian, Continued. The same. (Colophon.) Boston: Reprinted by S. Kneeland, by order of the Honourable House of Representatives, 1754. 4to. pp. 27. Reprinted in Me. Hist Soc. CoU. 3:407. (185,3); also, in Akins; Pub. Doc. Nova Scotia. At the treaty of 1726, at Falmouth, some tribes were not represented; therefore, another treaty was made the following year. A Conference of His Excellency Jonathan Belcher, Esq. ; captain, general and governor in chief of His Majesty's province of the Massachusetts Bay in New England, with Edewakenk, chief sachem of the Penobscot tribe, Loron, one of the chief captains of the same tribe, Toxus, chief sachem of the Norridgewock tribe, Adiawaudo, chief sachem of the Piqwacket tribe, and Medaganesset, chief sachem of the Amerescoggin tribe, with other chief men of the said Indian tribes, at Falmouth in Casco Bay, July, 1732. Annoq; Regni Regis Georgii Secundi, Magnse Britaunise, se. Sexto, n. t. p. Boston: B. Green. 1732. 4to. pp. 23. [2470 A Conference held at the fort at St. George's in the county of York, the fourth day of August, Anno Regni Regis Georgii Secundi, Magnse Brittanniss, Francise et Hibernise, 1742. Decimo Sexto, Annoq: Domini, 1742. Between His Excellency William Shirley, Esq., captain general and governor in chief, in and over His Majesty's province of the Massachusetts Bay in New England, And the chief sachems and captains of the Penobscot, Norridge wock, Picwacket or Amiscoggin or Saco, St. John's, Bescommon- conty or Amerescoggin and St. Francis tribes of Indians. August 2, 1742. n. t. p. Boston: J. Draper. 1742. 4to. pp. 19. [2471 A Conference held at St. George's in the county of York, on the twentieth day of September Anno Regni Regis Georgii Secundi Magnse Brittannise Francise et Hibernise, Vicesimo Septimo Annoque Domini. 1753. Between Sir William Pepperrell Baronet, Jacob Wendell, Thomas Hubbard, and John Winslow Esqrs.: and Mr. James Bowdoin, commissioners appointed by His Excellency William Shirley, Esq. : captain general and governor in chief, in and over His Majesty's Province of the Massachusetts Bay in New England, to treat with the Eastern Indians on the one part, and the Indians of the Penobscot tribe of the other part. Boston in New England: Printed by Samuel Kneeland, Printer to the Honorable House of Representatives. 1753. Svo. pp. 26. [2472 CoNGDON, Chaelbs Tabbe. New York Destruction of Portland. Nation, 3:31. (1866.) [2473 Congebgationalism. Ratio DisciplinsB. 1829. See Upham, Thomas C. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. 309 A Manual of Congregationalism, prepared for the General Confer ence ofthe Congregational Churches in Maine, and recommended by that body to the consideration of the churches. Portland: Hyde & Lord. 1848. See Pond, Enoch. [2474 Polity, usages and law. 1865. See Davis, Woodbury. Congregationalists. The records of the General Conference of the Congregational Churches of Maine, from 1824 to 1827 were not published at the time, except briefly in the Christian Mirror, Portland. They were printed in the minutes of the General Conference, inl864, pp. 75-79. Minutes of the General Conference of Maine at their annual meet ing in Gorham in June (24-26), 1828. Portland: Shirley & Hyde, Publishers. 1828. Svo. pp. 24. [2475 -Minutes of same, held -Minutes of same, held -Minutes of same, held -Minutes of same, held -Minutes of same, held -Minutes of same, held -Minutes of same, held -Minutes of same, held -Minutes of same, held -Minutes of same, held -Minutes of same, held -Minutes of same, held -Minutes of same, held -Minutes of same, held -Minutes of same, held -Minutes of same, held -Minutes of same, held -Minutes of same, held -Minutes of same, held -Minutes of same, held -Minutes of same, held -Minutes of same, held -Minutes of same, held -Minutes of same, held -Minutes of same, held -Minutes of same, held -Minutes of same, held n Waldoborough, 1829. Svo. pp. 24. n Winthrop, 1830. Svo. pp. 24. n Fryeburg, 1831. Svo. pp. 28. n Wiscasset, 1832. Svo. pp. 32. n Portland, 1833. Svo. pp. 24. n Bath, 1834. Svo. pp. 32. n Bangor, 1835. Svo. pp. 16. n Augusta, 1836. Svo. pp. 16. n North Yarmouth, 1837. Svo. pp. 24. n Saco, 1838. Svo. pp. 28. n Brunswick, 1839. Svo. pp. 51. n HaUoweU, 1840. Svo. pp. 24. n Machias, 1841. Svo. pp. 22. n Portland, 1842. Svo. pp. 24. n Bangor, 1843. Svo. pp. 24. n Bath, 1844. Svo. pp. 32. n Fryeburg, 1845. Svo. pp. 24. n Augusta, 1846. Svo. pp. 24. n Portland, 1847. Svo. pp. 27. n Bangor, 1848. Svo. pp. 32. n Bath, 1849 Svo. pp. 32. n South Berwick, 1850. Svo. pp. 24. n Yarmouth, 1851. Svo. pp. 23. n Searsport, 1852. Svo. pp. 32. n Saco, 1853. Svo. pp. 32. n Bangor, 1854. Svo. pp. 46. n Portland, 1855. Svo. pp. 48. 310 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. Congregationalists, Continued. Minutes of same, held in Calais, 1S56. Svo. pp. 32. Minutes of same, held in Bath, 1857. Svo. pp. 60. Rev. John Sawyer, aged 102 years, addressed earnestly the Sabbath-schools, p. 18. Minutes of same, held in Augusta, 1858. Svo. pp. 68. Minutes of same, held in Portland, 1859. Svo. pp. 76. An earnest discussion opened by Rev. William T. Dwight, D. D., of Portland, on the refusal of the American Tract Society of New York to issue tracts on the sin of slavery and the slave trade. A minority and a majority report were presented. On motion of Dr. Dwight. the minority report was adopted, only a few votes being in the negative. This disapproved the course of N. Y. Soe. and approved the action of the Am. Tract Soc. Boston, in issuing and circulating tracts on the subject. Minutes of same, held in Bangor, 1360. Svo. pp. 76. Minutes of same, held in Brunswick, 1861. Svo. pp. 72. Minutes of same, held in Portland, 1862. Svo. pp. 80. Title of General Conference changed to " General Conference of the Con gregational Churches in Maine, " p. 17. Summary Gen. Conferences, 1826-62, by E. P. Daren, pp. 78, 79. Minutes of same, held in Biddeford, 1863. Svo. pp. 72. Minutes of same, held in Searsport, 1864. Svo. pp. SO. In memoriam Rev. Benjamin Tappan, first moderator of Conference, and Rev. Charles Packard, last moderator, pp. 23-24. Minutes of same, held in Portland, 1865. Svo. pp. 88. In memory of Rev. David Thurston, pp. 11, 12. In memoriam of Rev. Franklin Yeaton, Rev. William Davenport, and Rev. Cyril Pearl, by Rev. Uriah Balkam. Summary General Conferences, 1826-65. Tables,pp. 84, 85. Minutes of same, held in Bath, 1866. Svo. pp. 79. In memoriam, by Rev. George E. Adams, of Brunswick, of Rev. John E. Adams; by Elbridge G. Carpenter, of Waldoboro, of Rev. Daniel Sewall; by Rev. Uriah Balkam, of Lewiston, of Rev. Wm. T. Dwight, D. D., and others, pp. 7-9. Minutes of same, held in Lewiston, 1867. pp. 157. Churches and ministers from 1872 to 1867, with occasional references from 1643 to 1671, by Elnathan F. Duren, of Bangor, pp. 2, 67, 145-147, 150-167. In memoriam of Rev. William Jenks, D. D., Rev. Clement Parker Rev. Simeon Waters, Rev. Alien Greeley, Rev. George W. Cressey, and Rev. Elbridge G. Carpenter, by William Warren, of Gorham, pp. 79 80. Minutes of same, held in Thomaston, 1868, with missionary sermon by Rev. Uriah Balkam, D. D. Svo. 120. In memoriam of Rev. Messrs. Noah Cressey, John Wilde, Daniel Kendrick George Shepard, and William Smith, by Rev. U. Balkam, pp. 63-65. Minutes of same, held in Bangor, 1869. With missionary sermon by Rev. Alfred E. Ives. Svo. pp. 112. In memoriam of Rev. Messrs. John A. Perry, Benjamin C. Chase, Elijah Jones, Charles Soule, E. P. Littlefield, G. W. Campbell, Wheelock Craig Joseph VaiU, William J. Breed, John Orr, and Swan L. Pomeroy, by Rev! William Warren, of Gorham. pp. 10-13. BIBLIOGEAPHY OF MAINE. 311 Minutes of same, held in Yarmouth, 1870. With missionary sermon by Rev. Jason K. Mason. Svo. pp. 116. Minutes of same, held in Bath, 1871. With missionary sermon by Rev. Albert Cole. Svo. pp. 128. Minutes of same, held in Skowhegan, 1872. With missionary ser mon by Rev. Joseph Smith. Svo. pp. 120. Minutes of same, held in Gorham, 1873. Svo. pp. 128. Minutes of same, held in New Castle, 1874. Svo. pp. 132. Minutes of same, held in Augusta, 1875. Svo. pp. 160. -Minutes of same, held in Portland, 1876. Svo. pp. 272. Minutes of same, held in Calais, 1877. Svo. pp- 124. Minutes of same, held in Auburn, 1878. Svo. pp. 144. Minutes of same, held in Winthrop, 1879. Svo. pp. 172. Minutes of same, held in Foxcroft and Dover, ISSO. Svo. pp. 152. Minutes of same, held in Portland, ISSl. Svo. pp. 228. Minutes of same, held in Bangor, 1882. Svo. pp. 212. Memorial discourse on Enoch Pond, D. D., by Samuel Harris, D. D., LL. D. 111-133. See Harris, Samuel. Minutes of same, held in Farmington, 1883. Svo. pp. 219. Minutes of same, held in Biddeford, 1884. Svo. pp. 208. Minutes of same, held in Lewiston, 1885. Svo. pp. 220. Minutes of same, held in Bath, 1886. Svo. pp. 2S8. Minutes of same, held in Augusta, 1887. Svo. pp. 224. List of life members of the Maine Missionary Society supposed to be living, compiled by E. P. Duren, pp. 221-233. Minutes of same, held in Rockland, ISSS. Svo. pp. 284. Minutes of same, held in Portland, 1889. Svo. pp. 208. Minutes of same, held in Bridgton. 1890. Svo. pp. 240. Articles of Faith and a church covenant, reported by the committee of the General Conference of Maine. Portland: Shirley & Hyde, Exchange St. 1828. 24mo. [2476 History General Conference. 1837. See Freeman, Charles. Correspondence of Maine General Conference upon slavery. 1840. See Anti-Slavery. Churches and ministers of, in Maine, to 1840. See Gillet, Eliphalet. Churches and ministers of, in Maine. 1672-1867. See Duren, Elnar than F. CONNIN, CONAEY, CONY, CONEY, CoNY FAMILIES. 1885. See WUllams, Joseph H. CoNNOE, Selden. 6. 18-39. Governor of Maine, Augusta, Portland. Biography of. 1885. See Biog. Ency. Maine. 312 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. (A) CONSBEVATIVE WHIG. The Duty of Conservative Whigs in the Present Crisis. A letter to The Hon. Rufus Choate, by a conservative Whig. " Ne quid respublica detrimenti caperet." Boston. 1S56. Svo. pp. 21. [2477 In reply to his letter to the Whigs of Maine. See Choate, Rufus; also, Pearson, H. B. The quotation is incorrect. Conspectus. A Conspectus or clear view of the laws in any way afiecting the titles and conveyances to lands in the eastern part of the province (of Maine), which have occasioned controversies and disputes, being claimed by virtue of ancient grants from the native Indians. 1753. pp. 4. [2478 Constance of Acadia. 1886. See Tenney, Edward P. Constitution and By-laws of the New Hampshire College of Agricul ture and the Mechanic Arts Alumni Association. March 23d, 1880. Sanford: W. A. Allen, Book, Card & Job Printer. 1880. 16mo. pp. 7. [2479 (The) Conversion of a Mahometan, to the Christian religion, de scribed in a letter from Gaifer in England to Ali-Ben-Hayton, his friend iu Turkey. We speak that we do know. Hallowell: Printed by Peter Edes. 1797. 12mo. pp. 21. [2480 Conwell, Russell H. b. 1843. Clergyman, Philadelphia. The Life, Speeches, and Public Services of James A. Garfield, twenty-fifth president of the United States. Including an ac count of his assassination, lingering pain, death and burial. By Russell H. Conwell, author of "Life of President Hayes," "Life of Bayard Taylor," "Great Fire in Boston," etc, etc. With an introduction by His Excellency John D. Long, governor of Massachusetts. Augusta: Me. E. C. Allen. 1881. 12mo. pp. 384. (Illus.) [2481 The Life and Public Services of James G. Blaine, with incidents, anecdotes, and romantic events connected with his early life: containing also speeches and important historical documents re lating to his later years. "Dare to do right, and trust the consequences to Infinite Wisdom." J. G. Blaine. 1885. By Russell H. Conwell, author of "Life of President Hayes," "Life of President Garfield," How and Why the Chinese Emi grate," "History of the Great Fire in Boston," "History of the Great Fire in St John," "Biography of Gianovello, the Walden- sian Hero," "Life of Bayard Taylor," etc., &c., &c. Illustrated. Boston: B. B. Russell. (1884) 12mo. pp. 504. [24S2 BIBLIOGEAPHY OF MAINE. 313 (Also) Biography of Gen. John A. Logan of Illinois, in childhood, man hood, peace and war. By Russell H. Conwell. Illustrated. 1884. (Paged continuously with Life of Blaine.) Sermon at Parsonsfield. 1885. See Dearborn, J. W. Cony Family. 18S4. See Smith, W. H. (1885.) See WiUiams, Joseph H. Cony, Samuel. 1811-70. Lawyer, governor of Maine; Oldtown, Augusta. Biography of. 1885. See Biog. Ency. Maine. Cook, Amos Jones. 1777-1836. Teacher, Fryeburg. The Student's Companion; containing a variety of poetry, &c., se lected from the most celebrated authors; designed to improve youth in reading and parsing the English language. To which are added miscellaneous questions on the sciences usually taught in American schools, &c. By Amos Jones Cook, precep tor of Fryeburg Academy. Portland : Printed by Arthur Shirley. 1812. 12mo. pp. 144. (IUus.) [2483 The same. Second edition. Concord, N. H. Printed by Isaac Hill. 1825. 12mo. pp. 168. Addresses to Sabbath-school Scholars. By a superintendent. Portland: Shirley & Hyde, Exchange Street. 182S. 16mo. pp. 108. [2484 Cook-Book No. 2. Prepared by the ladies of the Universalist society, Deering, Me. Portland: Printed by B. Thurston cfe Co. 1884. 16mo. pp.36. [2485 Cook, Chaeles S. Extracts from the first book of records of the proprietors of the township lying on the north branch of the Piscataquoag River. Contributed by Charles S. Cook, Esq, Me. Rec. 4: 245. (1887.) [2486 The township was Raymond, and the records commence in 1734. Cook, Crowell, and famUy, Brewer. 1890. See Porter, J. W. Cook, Gideon. Clergyman, Sanford. A Sermon preached at South Berwick, FeTs. 9, 1825, at the funeral of Rev. Joshua Chase, pastor of the Baptist church at that place. By Rev. Gideon Cook, pastor of the Baptist church in Sanford. Kennebunk, James K. Remick, 1825. Svo. pp. 15. [2487 Cook, Joel. Journalist PhUadelphia. An Eastern Tour at Home. By Joel Cook, author of "A Holiday Tour in Europe," "England Picturesque and Descriptive," etc., etc. Reprinted from the Philadelphia Ledger. Philadelphia: 314 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. CooK, Joel, Continued- David McKay, Publisher, 23 South Ninth Street. 1889. 12mo. pp. 286. [2488 Chapter XXXI. Going down East, p. 223. (Portsmouth and Kittery.) Chap. XXXII. The Isles of Shoals. Chap. XXXIII. Entering the Pine Tree State, 238. (The city of Portland; The sea fight; From Portland to the Penobscot.) Chap. XXXIV. The River of Norumbega, 246, (The Penobscot : The Red men of the Eastern land; The noted settlement at Castine.) Chap. XXXV. The Great Penobscot Bay, 254. (An exploration ; The archipelago : The insular town of Islesboro.) Chap. XXXVI. The End, 262. (The appear ance of Mount Desert; The fogs and the aquatics; The Green Mountain view.) in Islesboro Sketch. By Joel Cook. (Engraving.) With illustra tions by Louis K. Harlow. PubUshed by the Boston Photo gravure Co. 1890. 12mo. pp. 3-35. (28 illustrations.) [2489 New Rules for Congressional Procedure. Our Day. 6: 43. (1890.) [2490 Relating to interpretation of rules of Speaker Reed. Cook, Melville B. Friendship. Japan. A sailor's visit to the Island Empire. By M. B. Cook. New York: John B. Alden, Publisher. 1S90. 12mo. pp. 46. [2491 Cook, Thomas. The New Universal Letter Writer. Containing letters on friend ship, love, courtship, marriage, duty, religion, trade, amusement, and other new and useful subjects. B.y the Rev. Thomas Cook, A. B., and one of the authors of the new Royal and Universal Dictionary of Arts and Sciences in England. Also forms of bonds, deeds, indentures, powers of attorney, cards of compli ments, &c., &c. In two volumes. Hallowell: Published by Ezekiel Goodale, at the Hallowell Bookstore, sign of the Bible. N. Cheever, Printer. 1812. 24mo. Vol. I, pp. vin, 13, 132. Vol. II, pp. 86. Contents, pp. 2. [2492 Cook, William, and family, Brewer. 1890. See Porter, J. W. Cooke, M. C. London, Eng. Decades of Maine Fungi. 1869. See Port. Nat. Hist. Proc. Cooke, Vincent S. Philadelphia. As a man, the noblest of his times. As a citizen, the grandest of his nation. As a statesman, the idol of millions of people. The Life and PubUc Services of our Greatest Living Statesman, Hon. James G. Blaine, "The Plumed Knight." Embracing a full account of his early life; his struggles with poverty and ef forts to obtain an education; his career as a school-teacher ; his briUiant service as a Congressman; his able and patriotic record in the Senate of the United States and as Secretary of State dur- BIBLIOGEAPHY OF MAINE. 315 Garfield's able administration; his manful battles with rings and corruption in high places. By Vincent S. Cooke, of the "Phila delphia Press, " the distinguished and popular writer. To which is added the life of Gen'l John A. Logan. With a full account of his services as a general and his record as a statesman. The work also contains an account of the election and administration of every president from Washington to Arthur, and fine portraits of all of them, with a complete history of the Republican party, and a large amount of valuable statistical matter, giving the re turns of all our presidential elections. Illustrated with numer ous fine and appropriate engravings. Gately & Haskell, Balti more, Md. M. R. Gately, Boston, Mass. Gatley & Conroy, Cin cinnati, Ohio. E. Gately & Co., 165 Chambers Street, New York. E. Gately & Co., Hartford, Conn. E. Gately & Co., Cleveland, Ohio. n. d. (Copyright, 1884.) 16mo. pp. 396. Appendices, pp. 92, 54, 11, 14, 17, 4, 25, 17, 42. [2493 Coolidge, Austin Jacobs. 1824-95. Watertown, Mass., and Mans field, J. B. A History and description of New England, general and local. By A. J. Coolidge and J. B. Mansfield. Illustrated with numerous engravings. " In all countries and in all companies, for several years, I have, in con versation and in writing,- enumerated the towns, militia, schools, and churches, as the four causes of the growth and defence of New England. " Diary of John Adams. In two volumes. Vol. I. Maine, New Hampshire and Vermont. Boston: Austin J. Coolidge. 1859. Ro.y. Svo. pp. xxvii, 1024. [2494 But one volume was published. A table of historical works, general and local, relating to Maine, is given on pp. xvi to xx. " Coolidge, Susan. " Pseud. See Woolsey, Miss Sarah C. Coolidge, Valoeous Peeey, M. D. 1820-49. Physician, WaterviUe- Trial of Valorous P. Coolidge, for the murder of Edward Mathews, at Waterville, Maine. (As reported for and published in the Bos ton Daily Times.) n. p. n. d. (Boston, 1848.) Svo. pp. 40. Lines on the murder of Edward Mathews by V. P. Coolidge. Broadside ballad, n. d. (1848.) [2496 Trial of. Law Rep. 11:1. (1848.) [2497 Cooper, Albion Keith Paeeis. 1825-84. Boston, Brooklyn, N. Y. Descendants of Peter Cooper, of Rowley, Massachusetts. By the late Albion K. P. Cooper, of Brooklyn, N. Y. Me. Rec. 2 : 85 (1885.) [2498 The same, in separate form. Portland: 1885. Svo. pp. 9. 316 bibliography of maine. Cooper Family in Eastern Maine. 1840. See Cooper, James S. CooPBE, James Fenimoeb. 1789-1S51. Author, Cooperstown, N. Y. Sketches of naval men. Edward Preble. Graham's Magazine. 27:205,265. (1845.) [2499 Lives of Distinguished American Naval Offlcers. By J. Fenimore Cooper, author of " The Spy, " " The Pilot, " &c, &c. VoL L Brainbridge, Somers, Shaw, Shadrick, Preble. Philadelphia: Carey and Hart. 1846. 16mo. pp. 252. [2500 Commodore Preble, pp. 171-252. CooPEE, James S. 6. 1802. Lawyer, Calais. Cooper FamUy in Eastern Maine. (1840.) Bang. H. M. 5: 45. (1SS9.) [2501 CooPEE, John. 1766-1845. Machias. An Oration delivered at Machias, February 11, 1764, at the celebrar tion of the birthday of President Washington. By John Cooper, Esq. " To give stability to a popular government, a democratic character must be formed, and democratic sentiments inspired. " MiCKINTOSH. Printed by Benjamin Edes & Son, in Kilby Street, Boston. 1794. Svo. pp. 14. [2502 - — A Topographical Description of Machias in the county of Wash ington. Mass. Hist Soc CoU. 3:145. (1794.) [2503 Sketch of. 1886. See Vose, Peter E. CooPEE, Leonaed. b. 1757. Pittston. Ancestry of. 1890. See American Ancestry. CooPEE, Petee. 1667. Rowley, Mass. Decendants of. 1885. See Cooper, A. K. P. CooPEE, Thomas N. Biographies of Blaine and Logan. N. Y. 1884. Copeland Family, Holden, Maine. 1886. See Porter, J. W. Copeland, Joseph, and family, Holden. 1890. See Porter, J. W. Copeland, Lemuel, and family, Holden. 1890. See Porter, J. W. Coeinth. Incorporated 1811. Gleanings and recollections of. 1792-1833. See Palmer Mason S. Address at. 1835. See Sanborn, Abraham. Corliss, Augustus Whittbmoee. Captain U. S. A. b. North Yar mouth. 1837. A Genealogical Record of the Corliss family of America: includine the partial records of some of the families connected by inter- BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. 317 marriage ; among which are those of Neff , Hutchins, Ladd, East man, Roby, Ayer, Kingsbury, Merrick, Haynes, Messer, George, Hastings, Bailey, Davis, Dii.^tin, Pattee, Hinds, etc. Also notes on the Corliss family. First edition. Compiled from public and private records by Augustus W. Corliss, assisted by Mrs. Betsey Ayer and Mrs. Margaret Webster, of Haverhill, Mass. Yar mouth, Maine. 1875. Svo. pp. 377. [2504 Old Times: A magazine devoted to the preservation and publica tion of documents relating the early history of North Yarmouth, Maine. Including, as far as possible, any incidents worthy of record relative to the towns of Harpswell, Freeport, Pownal, Cumberland and Yarmouth, all offshoots of the old town. Also genealogical records of the principal families and biographical sketches of the most distinguished residents of the town. Vol. I. Svo. pp. 1232. [2505 Quarterly, from January, 1877 to October, 1884, inclusive. History of the Seventh Squadron Rhode Island Cavalry. By a member. 1862. " Old Times " Office, Yarmouth, Maine. 1879. Svo. pp. 11. [2506 The Westcustogo Chronicle: devoted to the publication of docu ments relating to the early history of North Yarmouth, includ ing Harpswell, Freeport, Cumberland and Yarmouth, all off shoots of the old town. Also genealogical records of the princi pal families in each town. Augustus W. Corliss, Publisher, YarmouthviUe, Maine. Vol. I. No. 1. January, 1885. Svo. pp. 11. [2507 North Yarmouth Light Infantry. (1805.) Communicated by Capt. A. W. Corliss, U. S. A. Me. Biog. 1 : 94. (1886.) [2508 Early Yarmouth epitaphs. Communicated by Capt. A. W. Corliss. Me. Biog. 2:61. (1887.) [2509 COELISS, E. E. Tax-list North Yarmouth. 1823. O.T. 1:46, 73, 131. (1877.) [2510 CoENiSH. Incorporated 1794. History of. 1872. See Lincoln, Thomas. History of. 1880. See Clayton, W. W. History of Greenleaf Lodge, No. 117. Cornish, Maine. Instituted May 4, A. L. 6863. Portland: Stephen Berry, Printer. 1873. 12mo. pp. 14. [2511 History Baptist church. 1SS7. See Small, Lauriston W. Cornwall County. See Bristol and Pemaquid. Corn wall, Nathaniel E. Address. 1856. See Penobscot Musical Association. 318 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. CoSTBLLO, Feedbrick H. b. 1851. Bangor. The Sale of Mrs. Adral. New York: G. W. Dillingham & Co. 1889. 16mo. pp. 283. [2512 Cotheen, Nathaniel, b. Farmington, 1825. Lawyer, New York. Editor. Bowdoin College. The thirty-fifth anniversary of the class of 1849. July 10, 1884. N. Y.: A. H. Caffey, Printer. 170 Broadway. 1884. Svo. pp. 40. [2513 Cotton, A. J. Cotton's Sketch Book. Autobiographical sketches of the life, labor and travels of Rev. A. J. Cotton. Portland: Printed by B. Thurston & Co. 12mo. pp. 216. (2 ports.) [2514 Cotton, Mes. Lizzie E. West Gorham. Bee Keeping for Profit. A new system of bee management. First edition: By Mrs. Lizzie E. Cotton, West Gorham, Maine. Illus trated. 1880. 12mo. pp. 143. [2515 The same. Second edition. 1883. Cotton, Nathaniel. 1707-88. English poet. Visions for the Instruction of Younger Minds. " Virginibus puerisque canto." Horace. Brunswick: Published by Griffin & Haselton., 1820. 16mo. pp. xiv, 108. [2516 This was the earliest bound volume printed in Brunswick. Cousens, Olivbe M. Clergyman, Scarborough, 1863. Discourse on the death of Sergeant Enoch L. Snow, and Sergeant Edwin A. Harmon, of Company C, 12th Regiment Maine Volun teers. By Oliver M. Cousens, Scarborough, Me. Portland: Printed by Brown Thurston. 1863. Svo. pp. 22. [2517 Cousin, Haywaed. Pseud. The Young Sportsman: or Ned Carroll's twelve months in the woods. A Down-East story. By Cousin Hayward. Boston: Pratt Brothers. 1869. 12mo. pp. 320. [2518 Cowell, Benjamin. 1781-1860. Providence, R. I. The Spirit of Seventy-six in Rhode Island: or sketches of the efforts of the government and the people in the war of the Revolution. Together with the names of those who belonged to Rhode Island regiments in the army. With biographical notices, reminiscences &c., &c. By Benjamin CoweU. Boston: A. J. Wrio-ht Printer. No. 3 Water St. 1850. Svo. pp. 352. " ' psig Appendix, note a, p. 283, Major Simeon Thayer, with extracts from his Quebec Journal. Note 6. p. 316. Account of Penobscot expedition bv Thomas Philbrook. ' BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. 319 CowEs, Elliott, Ph. D. "A Woman in the Case." An address delivered at the annual commencement of the National Medical College, in the Congre gational church of Washington, March 16, 1887, by Prof. Elliott Cowes, A. M., Ph. D., etc. Second edition, with an introduction by Elizabeth Cavazza. Boston: The Occult Publishing Company, No. 66 Boylston Street. 1890. sq. 24mo. pp. xxviii, 54. [2520 Introduction by Mrs. Elisabeth Cavazza, •• An Interesting Problem, " pp. xviii-xxviii. CowLES, J. P., M. D. Camden. Electicism in Medicine. Its claims as compared with other systems of medical practice. An address delivered before the semi annual meeting of the Electic Medical Society of Maine in the College haU at Lewiston, Dec. 7. 1881. By J. P. Cowles, M. D., Camden, Maine. And ordered to be printed by the society. Lewiston, Me.: Printed at the Journal Office. 1882. 16mo. pp. 13. [2521 Cox, Abeaham. Executed for murder. 1858. See Yates, O. K. Cox, F. A., D. D., LL. D., and Hoby, J., D. D. The Baptists in America; a narrative of the deputation from the Baptists Union in England, to the United States and Canada. By the Rev. F. A. Cox, D. D., LL. D. ; and the Rev. J. Hoby, D. D. New York: Gould, Kendall, Leavitt, Lord & Co., ISO Broadway. Crocker & Brewster; Gould, Kendall and Lincoln, Boston. Bennett & Bright, Utica. 1836. 12mo. pp. 476. [2522 Chap. VI. Sect. XI. Kennebunk.— Association at Parsonfield. Chap. X. Dr. Cox's journey to the state of Maine. Merrymeeting Bay. — Augusta. — Waterville. Account of the college and the commencement. — Visit to Ban gor. — Lumber mission. — Indian settlement. — Account of the country, and of the Baptist denomination in Maine. Cox, Geeshom Flagg. 1799-1879. Clergyman, Portland, Boston. Description of the Divine Being. 1836. See Stephens, Ann S. Life of. See Knights of the Cross. Cox, John. Portland. In Memoriam. 1871. See Preble, George H. Cox, Melville Beverage. 1799-1883. 6. Hallowell. Missionary. Remains of Melville B. Cox, late missionary to Liberia. With a memoir. Boston: Light and Horton. 1835. 16mo, pp. 200. [2523 Commemorative Notice of. 1861. See Sprague, William B. Life of. 1884. See Knights of the Cross. 320 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. Cox, William S. Searsmont. Joint compUer history Quantabaoook Lodge. 1871. See Cunning ham, Charles M. Ceafts, F. a. The Christian Hero, by the Rev. F. A. Crafts, Maine. New York : American Tract Society. (1861?) [2524 Craig, A. Guests of the Heart Edited by A. Craig. Augusta, Maine: E. C. Allen. 12mo. pp. 284. (Illus.) [2525 Room at the Top : or, how to reach success, happiness, fame and fortune. With biographical notices of successful, self-made men, who have risen from obscurity to fame, including Gen. Jas. A. Garfield, Elihu B. Washburne, Cornelius Vanderbilt, Robert Ful ton, Hiram Powers, Dwight L. Moody, George Peabody, Elias Howe, Jr., Jay Gould, Thurlow Weed. With ten portraits: also rules for behavior in society. By A. Craig. Augusta, Maine: True & Co. n. d. 12mo. pp. 400. (Illus.) [2526 Craig, Hugh. Authorized edition. The biography and public services of Hon. James G. Blaine, giving full account of twenty years in the national capital. By Hugh Craig, M. A. Illustrated. H. S. Goodspead & Co. New York and Chicago. 1884. 12mo. pp. 360. (14 pi. 2 ports.) [2527 Ceam, Marshall. 1804-89. Bridgton, Brunswick. An Address, delivered by Hon. Marshall Cram, at the dedication of the town house in Bridgton, January 8, 1852. With an appendix. Portland : Brown Thurston, Printer. 1852. Svo. pp. 44. [2.528 Ceanbeeey Isles. Incorporated 1830. Sketch of. 1871. See Mount Desert. Sketch of. ISSS. See Porter, J. W. Ceandall, Chaeles R., M. D. Portland. Early and Radical Treatment of Carcinoma of the Mammary Gland. A paper read before the Maine Medical Association, June 11, 1884. By Charles R. Crandall, M. D., of Portland. Portland: Stephen Berry, Printer. 1874. Svo. pp. 11. [2529 An Address by Charles R. Crandall, M. D., Portland, Maine, on temperance instruction in the public schools. Portland, Jan. 29 ISSS. Yarmouth: Scriptural Publication Society. I. C. Well come, director, n. d. (ISSS.) 16mo. pp. 21. [2530 Ceanb, Apphia B. Orono. Sermon on. 1S54. See Leonard, Henry C. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. 321 Crane, Mes. Julia Baekee. 1811-85. Exeter. Obituary of. 1885. See Barker, Noah. Ceane, Maey F. Orono. Discourse on. 18.53. See Leonard, Henry C. Ceanb, John. 1744-1S05. ^^ biting. Memorial of. 1873. See Drake, Francis S. Sketch of. 1890. See Porter, J. W- Crawford, Lucy. The History of the White Mountains, from the first settlement of the Upper Coos and Pequaket. By Lucy, wife of Ethan Allen Crawford, Esq. White HiUs: 1846. Printed by F. A. and A. F. Gerrish, No. 74 Middle Street, Portland. 16mo. pp. 201, (1). [2531 The same, under the following title : The History of the White Mountains, from the first settlement of Upper Coos and Pequaket. By Lucy, wife of Ethan Allen Craw ford, Esq. First published in 1845. With preface by Henry Wheelock Ripley. Portland, Maine. Hoyt, Fogg & Donham. 1883. 16mo. pp.230. (Illus.) The same. Portland, Maine: B. Thurston & Company. 1886. 16mo. pp. 228. (Illus.) Ceawfoed, William. 1730-76. Surgeon. Fort Pownall. Sketch of. 1886. See Porter, J. W . Ceessey, E. K. "Log Cabin to White House" series. Pine to Potomac. Life of James G. Blaine. His boyhood, youth, manhood, and public services. With a sketch of the life of Gen. John A. Logan. By E. K. Cressey. Boston: James H. Earle, Publisher, 178 Washington Street 1SS4. 12mo. pp. 421. (2 Ports.) [2532 Ceessey, George Ceoswell. 6. Buxton, 1856. Clergyman, r. Ban gor, 1885-91. No. I. Independent Congregational pulpit, Bangor. The Majesty and the Righteousness of a Nation. A discourse commemorative of the birthday of Washington, by George Croswell Cressey minister of the society. Press of John H. Bacon, Bangor, Me. 12mo. pp. 11. [2533 No. II. Independent Congregational pulpit, Bangor. The Foun dation of a World, Faith in Jesus Christ. By George Croswell Cressey, minister of the society. Press of J. H. Bacon, Ban gor, Me. 12mo. pp. 12. [2534 Rational Spirituality. An address at the State Unitarian Conven tion at Belfast. Sept. 1, 1885. Boston: Am. Un. Ass. 1886. 12mo. pp. 11. [2535 22 322 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. Cressey, Geoege Ceoswell, Continued. Funeral Sermon on Mrs. Vance. 1886. [2536 The Incarnation of the Divine. A Christmas sermon. By George Croswell Cressey, pastor of the Independent Congregational society in Bangor. Press of John H. Bacon, Bangor. 1887. 12mo. pp. 11. [2537 " Robert Ellsmere " as a Type of Religious Transition. By George Croswell Cressey, minister of the Independent Congregational society in Bangor. Published by request. Press of John H. Bacon, Bangor. 1888. Svo. pp. 11. [25.38 ReUgious Tendencies. Unit Rev. 1888. 30: 357. (1888.) [2539 Miracle as Marvel and as Magic. Unit Eev. 33: 19. (1890.) [2540 (Fourth series.) No. 59. Rational Spirituality. By Rev. George Croswell Cressey. Am. Unitar. Assoc. Boston, sm. Svo. [2541 Miracle as Marvel and as Magic. By George Croswell Cressey. Press of J. H. Bacon, Bangor, Me. 1890. 12mo. pp. 7. [2542 No. III. Independent Congregational pulpit, Bangor. Frederick H. Hedge, pastor of the society 1S35-50. Press of John H. Ba^ con, Bangor, Me. 1890. 12mo. pp. 12. [2543 Statement of Unitarian Belief. Prepared by Rev. George Cros well Cressey. 12mo. pp. 4. [2544 Ceessey, Gboegb Washington. 1810-67. Clergyman, Buxton. 1852-57. Sermon on. 1869. See Warren, William. Ceessey, Noah. 1777-1867. Clergyman, North Yarmouth, Portland. A Sermon preached on Thanksgiving Day, to the Chapel society in North Yarmouth, Dec. 2, 1824. By Noah Cressey. Portland: Printed at the Mirror Office. 1826. Svo. pp. 17. [2545 The Battle and the Monument of Bunker Hill, compared with the agonies and triumphs of the Cross. A poem by Noah Cressey. Portland: Foster & Gerrish, Printers, Portland Advertiser Office. n. d. (1843?) 12mo. pp. 24. [2545 The Murder of Dr. George Parkman, of Boston, Nov. 23, 1849, by Dr. John W. Webster, who was executed, Aug. 30, 1850. A poem by Noah Cressey, A. M. " Murder is a most shocking crime. Which none i-an tell in prose or rhyme." Portland: Harmon & Williams, Printers. 1850. 12mo. pp. 40. [2547 Ceipps, James. Life and adventures of James Cripps. Who was a seaman on board the "GoUah" 74 of the British Navy, at the battle of Abonkir Bay. A captain of the fore-top on board the " Excellent" 74 B N. from 1803 to 1805, and quarter-gunner on board the " Constitu- BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. 323 tion " U. S. frigate at the taking of the British ships "Gurrierre," " Cyane," "Levant," and "Java;" written by himself. 1857. [2548 Crisp, Stephen. A Short History of a Long Travel from Babylon to Bethel, written in the Oth month, 1691. llth ed. Hallowell, 1821. 12mo. [2549 First published in London, in 1711. Sabin mentions several Philadelphia editions, but not the Hallowell one. Christie Ceust. Pseud. See Dennison, Eliza F. Ceockee Family of Machias. 1889. See Porter, J. W. Ceockett, David. 1786-1836. Pioneer, Texas. An Account of Col. Crockett's tour to the North and Down East in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty-four. His object being to examine the grand manufacturing establish ments of the country; and also to find out the condition of its literature and morals, the extent of its commerce, and the practi cal operations of " The Experiment." Written by himself . Phil adelphia: E. L. Carey and A. Hart. Baltimore: Carey, Hart & Co. Boston: D. Tucker. 1835. 16mo. pp. 234. (Port) [2550 Ceockett, Simeon L. A Voice from Leverett Street Prison, or the life, trial and confession of Simeon L. Crockett, executed for arson, March 16, 1836. Boston: 1836. 16mo. pp. 22. (IUus.) [2551 He was from Lisbon. A copy of this pamphlet brought $4, in Boston, in 1882. Ceomwell, Olivbe. 1599-1658. Protector of England. Grants Acadia to Temple, La Tour and Crown. See Charlevoix, P. F. X. Ceomwell, Oliver, and Stain, David L. Trial of. ISSS. See Porter, J. W. Opinion in case against. 1889. See Peters, John A. Crosby, Atwood L. 1838-83. Physician, Waterville. Biographical Sketch of. 1SS3. See Smith, Charles D. Crosby, Mes. Eliza Lbland. Bangor. Chronological Rhymes prepared for the aid and comfort of a class of little girls, battling with Blair's Outlines, in the school-in-the- garden, on Harlow St., Bangor, 1830. sq. 16mo. pp. 4. [2552 Papers in " Voices from the Kenduskeag." 1848. "To the Author of a Version of the CXXXVII Psalm;" "I Have a Shroud;" "An Idle Word;" "Social Intercourse;" "Portrait of C. H. C.;" "A Garden, a Shadow, a Book and a Tree;" "Softly, Woman;" "Itis not Fit for Thee to Wear," See Appleton, Jane S. 324 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. Ceosby, Mes. Eliza Leland, Continued. A Successful Life. Autobiography of Eliashib Adams, born at Can terbury, Conn., June 6th. 1773. Died at Bangor, Maine, August 28th, 1855. Bangor: Printed by Benjamin A. Burr. 1871. Svo. pp. 109. (Port.) [2553 Appendix gives a sketch of his son, Henry M. Adams, 23 pps. Ceosby, James Hbney. b. Bangor. 1840. Educator, r. Bangor. The Twenty-years Record of the Yale Class of 1862. Bangor, Maine : Press of John H. Bacon. 1884. Svo. pp. v, 195. [2554 Crosby, John. 1757-1843. Hampden. Sketch of. (1885.) See WUUamson, W. D. Ceosby, John Leland. b. 1834. r. Bangor. Moosehead Lake to Mount Desert. A bicycle tour. 1885. J. L. Crosby, n. p. n. pp. 12mo. pp. 9. [2555 Ceosby, Josiah. b. 1816. Lawyer, Dexter. Remarks of Hon. Josiah Crosby, of Penobscot. In Senate of Maine, Wednesday, February 20th, 1867, on resolves for an amendment of the constitution by the repeal of article six of the amendments. Bangor: printed by Smith & HiU, 1867. Svo. pp. 31. [2-556 Crosby, Olivbe. 1769-1851. Atkinson. Notice of. N. E. Reg. 6: ,390. (1852.) [2557 Notice of. 1864. See Palmer, Joseph. Ceosby, Simon, and family of Bangor. 1886. See Porter, J. W. Ceosby, William. 1770-1852. Lawyer, Belfast Obituary of. N.E.Reg-. 6:307. (1952.) [2558 Biographical Sketch of. 1853. See Willis, William. Notice of. 1864. See Palmer, Joseph. Brief Sketch of. 1890. See Green, Samuel A. Crosby, William Geoege, LL. D. 1805-81. Governor of Maine, Lawyer, Belfast. Poetical Illustrations of the Athenaeum Gallery of Paintings. Boston: Published by True and Greene. 1827. Svo. pp. (iv), 39 (1)- [2559 Telling the Dream. 1828. See WUlis, N. P. Stanzas to memory of John G. 1828. See Willis, N. P. Annals of Belfast, for half a century. By an old settler. Comprised in fifty-two chapters. In Republican Journal, from Jan. 1, 1874 to February 25, 1875. [2560 Cuttings in library Maine Historical Society: also in bound volume Belfast Free Library. Sketch of. 1887. See Williamson, Joseph, BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. 325 Crowell, Mrs. Cheistiana. 6. Lebanon, Life and writings of Mrs. Christiana B. Crowell, who died in Le banon, Maine, Oct. 8, 1862, aged 41 years. "Though dead she speaketh." Biddeford: John E. Butler & Co. 1872. 16mo. pp. 296. [2561 Crowell, Thomas. Brunswick. Sketch of. 18S9. See Holbrook, Sumner L. Crowell, William, D. D. 1871. Clergyman, WatervUle. The Church Members Hand Book, a guide to the doctrine and practice of Baptist churches, by William Crowell, pastor of the First Baptist church, WaterviUe, Maine, author of "The Churcli Manual." " These things write I unto thee that thou mayest know how thou ought- est to behave thyself in the house of God which is the church of the living God. " Boston: Gould & Lincoln. New York: Sheldon, Blakeman & Company. Cincinnati: Geo. S. Blanchard. 1S57. sm. 12mo. PP- 144. [2562 Ceowne, (or Crodne) John. Sketch of. 1887. See Fogg, J. S. H. Crowninshield, Edwaed. 1840-83. Clergyman, Belfast, 1879-83. Immortality and Its Relations to Mortality. Unit. Rev. 17 : 25. (1882.) [2563 Crowninshield, Maey Beadfoed. All Among the Lighthouses, or the cruise of the Goldenrod. By Mary Bradford Crowninshield. " The rocky ledge runs far into the sea. And on its outer point some miles away. The lighthouse lifts its massive masonry, A pillar of fire by night, of cloud by day. " Illustrated. Boston: D. Lothrop Company, Franklin and Haw ley Streets, n. d. (1886.) sm. 4to. pp- viii, (4), 392- [2564 Maine Illustrations. Portland Head Light. Seguin Island Light- Half way Rock- Burnt Island Light. Monhegan Light. Boothday. Owl's Head Light. Dice's Head Light, Castine. Spindle, Otter Creek Ledge, Mount De sert Island. The Ovens, Mount Desert. South West Harbor. Long Lake and Western Mountain, Valley Cove, Somes' Sound, Mount Desert, Green and Schoodic Mountains. Petit Manan Light. Avery's Rock Light . Little River Lighthouse, West Quoddy Head. Lighthouse at East Quoddy- Cam pobello. JIatinicus Light. Crystal Drops- See Bradford, Fanny S. Cullum, .Iohn- A Map of the City of Portland, with the latest improvements. In cluding a view of the principal buildings. 1836. Engraved and published by John Cullum, Portland, 1836. [2.565 326 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. Cumberland. Incorporated 1821. Sermon, installation Rev. Amasa Smith. 1806. See Smith, John. Sermon, Thanksgiving. 1852. See Blake, Joseph. Sermon, Thanksgiving. 1853. See Blake, Joseph. History Congregational church. 1861. See Weston, Isaac. Sermon, anniversary. 1878. See Perry, Trueman S. Articles of Faith aud covenant of the Congregational church of Cumberland, Maine. Bridgton: From the press of the Bridgton News. 187S. 24mo. pp. 12. [2566 CUMBEELAND AND OXFOED CANAL. Report of the committee appointed to procure a survey of the route of the contemplated Cumberland and Oxford canal; to which is added the report of the engineer, containing an estimate of the expense of making the canal. Published by order of the corporation. Portland: Printed at the Mirror Office. 1823. Svo- pp. 15. [2567 Cumberland Collection op Saceed Music. 1846. See Sweetser, Ben jamin, Jr. Cumberland County, established 1760. Court Files. 1770. See Sargent, W. M. Topographical Description of the plantations W., N. and N. E. of Sebago Pond. Mass. Hist Soc. CoU. 3:239. (1794.) [2568 .\ccount of febrile diseases in, 1800-01. See Barker, Jeremiah. Cochranism in. 1819. See Stinohfield, Ephraim. Rules and regulations of the har, in the county of Cumberland, adopted March 13, 1829. Portland: Day and Eraser, Printers, Exchange Street. 1829. Svo. pp. 19. [2569 Report of the Cumberland County Temperance Society. Annual meeting, January, 1831. 12mo. pp. 36. [2570 By-laws and system of police of the Cumberland District Medical Society. Portland: Arthur Shirley, Printer. 1832. 16mo. pp. 18. [2571 Address to members of the Cumberland Bar. 1833. See Hopkins, James D. Fifth Anuual Report of the directors of the Cumberland County Temperance Society, read at its annual meeting, in High Street church. Portland. January 9, 18.35. 12mo. pp. 20. [2572 By Rev. A. S. Packard. Members of the bar of. 1838. See Hopkins, James D. Members of the Cumberland County bar. 1700 to 1838. Am. Q. Reg. 12:274. (1839.) [2573 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. 327 List of Congregational ministers of. 1840. See Gillet, E. Proceedings of the Cumberland bar upon the death of Simon Greenleaf. Law Rep. 6: (n. s.) 479. (1853.) [2574 Address to people of. 1853. See Adams, John M. Rules and regulations of the Cumberland Bar Association, n. d. (1864.) Stephen Berry, Printer. 1721-22. Fore Street, Portland. Svo- pp. 7. [2575 Cumberland Co. Ass. of ministers. 1788-1867- See Weston, Isaac. Newspaper Press of. 1869. See Holden, Charles. Second Annual Meeting of the Cumberland Sunday-school Asso ciation, held at Portland, Oct 25, 26, 1870. Svo. pp. 16. [2576 Atlas of. 1871. See Beers, F. W. Press of- 1872. See Griffin, Joseph. History of the Press in. 1875. See Elwell, E. H. Papers relating to the Press in. 1876. See Elwell, E. H. Papers relating to the Press in. 1877. See Thurston, Brown. Papers relating to the Press in. 1878. See Elwell, E. H. Historical and Descriptive Sketch of. 1880. See Thwing, E. P. History of. 1880. See Clayton, W. W. Paper relating to the Press in. 1880, ISSl, 1882. See Thurston, Brown. County Buildings, history of. 1881. See Goold, William. Account of Provincial Court seals in. (1883.) See Goodell, Abner C, Jr. Papers relating to the Press in. 1883. See Pickard, S. T. Papers relating to the Press in. 1SS4. See Chase, Albro E. Papers relating to the Press in. 1886, 1887, ISSS, 1890. See Thurston, Brown. Cuming, Henry, D. D. 1739-1823. Clergyman, BiUerica, Mass. A Sermon preached on the 9th day of October, 1799, atthe ordi nation of the Rev. Caleb Bradley to the pastoral care of tlie church and people of God, in the second parish of Falmouth. By Henry Cuming, A. M., pastor of the church in Billerica- Portland: Printed by E. A. Jenks. Svo. pp. 36. [2577 Cummings, Abraham. 1755-1827- Clergyman, r. Maine. 1765-1827. The Nature and Subjects of Christian Baptism Considered. In two discourses. Delivered to the Baptist society in North Yarmouth: 328 bibliography of maine. Cummings, Abraham, Continued. and published at the desire of the hearers. By Abraham Cum mings, A. B. In your concord and agreeing in charity, Jesus Christ is sung and every one of you all make up the concert. Ignatius. " Neither because they are the seed of Abraham, are they all children. " Paul. Printed at Portland by B. Titcomb, June MDCCXCV. Svo. pp. 29. [2578 A Dissertation on the introduction of the glory of the millenium, to which is prefixed a discourse on the two witnesses. By Abraham Cummings, A. M. " We look for the resurrection of the just, and for the thousand years. " JDSTIN Maktyk. Published according to Act of Congress. Boston: Printed by Manning Loring, 1797, Svo. pp. 26, 118. [2579 Believers Proved to be the Only Proper Subject of Baptism. In reply to a publication, entitled, "Sprinkling the Proper Mode, and Infants the Proper Subjects of Baptism. By Nathaniel Emmons, A. M. " By Abraliam Cummings, A. M. The tongue of the wise is health. Solomon. Boston: Printed by Manning and Loring. 1798. 12mo. pp. 64. [2580 The Present Times Perilous. A sermon, preached at Sullivan, on the national Fast, April 25, 1799. By Abraham Cummings, A. M. Printed for David J. Waters, Castine. n. d. (1799.) Svo. pp. 24. [2581 Contemplations on the Cherubim: wherein is considered the use and design of those sacred symbols. Boston : Printed by John Eliot, Jun. 1812. 12mo. pp. 184. [2582 The Harmony of Christians, the glory of God. A sermon, delivered at Sullivan (Me.), September, 1820. By Abraham Cummings, A. M. PubUshed by the desire of the hearers. Second edition. Hallowell: Printed by Goodale, Glazier & Co. 1822. Svo. pp. 16. [2583 Immortality Proved by the Testimony of Sense. In which is con templated the doctrine of spectres, and the existence of a particular spectre. Addressed to the candor of this enlightened age. By Abr. Cummings. Bath: J. G. Torrey. 1826. Svo. pp. 76. [25S4 Cummings, Asa, D. D. 1790-1857. Clergyman, North Yarmouth, Port land. A Discourse delivered at Brunswick (Maine), April 6, 1820, the day of the annual Fast iu Maine and Massachusetts. By Asa Cum- BIBLIOGEAPHY OF MAINE. 329 mings, A. B. Brunswick: Joseph Griffin, Printer. 1820. Svo. pp. 36. [2585 Text, Jer. 14: 7. " Tho' our iniquities testify against us." -A Sermon delivered November 7, 1821, at the ordination of the Rev. John A. Douglass, to the pastoral care of the Congregational church in Waterford. By Asa Cummings, pastor of the First church in North Yarmouth. Portland: Printed by Thayer, Tappan & Stickney. 1832. Svo. pp. 32. [2586 -Love to the Church the Highest Distinction. A sermon delivered before the First church at North Yarmouth, July 25, 1824, preced ing an election to the office of deacon, left vacant by the death of Deacon Ammi R. Mitchell. Portland : Printed at the Mirror Office. 1824. Svo. pp. 40. [2587 -The Divine Excellency. 2 Chron. 14: 11. A sermon delivered at Gorham, June 25, 1828, before the Maine Missionary Society, at their twenty-first anniversary. By Asa Cummings, editor of the Christian Mirror. Portland: Shirley & Hyde, Exchange Street. 1828. Svo. [2588 -A Memoir of the Rev. Edward Payson, D. D., late pastor of the Second church in Portland. '* S&ne orasse est bene sfuduisse." Luther. Portland: Ann L. Payson. Shirley & Hyde, Printers. 1830. 12mo. pp. 444. (Port.) [2589 -The same. Second edition. Boston: Published by Crocker & Brewster, 47 Washington Street. New York: J. Leavitt, 182 Broadway. 1830. 12mo. pp. 410. [2590 -The same. 1830. 12mo. pp. viu, 400. -The same. Published by the American Tract Society. 150 Nassau Street, New York. D. Funshaw, Printer, n. d. (1830.) 12mo. pp. 486. [259 -Memoir of the Rev. Edward Payson, D. D., late pastor of the Second church in Portland: U. S. Bene orasse est bene studuisse. Luther. Published byR. B. Seeley andW. Burnside: and sold by L. B. See ley and Sons, Fleet Street, London- MDCCCXXX- 16mo. pp. xU, 501. [2592 -The same, reprinted fromthe ninth American edition, 1835. London: Thomas Ward & Co., Paternoster Row, n. d. (1840, in British Museum Catalogue.) Svo. pp. 166. [2593 Lettered on the back. Ward's Library of Standard Divinity, 25. -The same. With an introduction by the Rev. E. Bickersteth, rector of Walton, Herts. Bene orasse est bene studuisse. LUTHEB. 330 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. Cummings, Asa, D. D., Continued. Third English Edition. Published by R. B. Seeley and W. Burn side: sold by L. & J. Seeley, Fleet Street, London. MDCCC- XXXV. Svo. pp. 447. [2594 On fly-leaf. The Christian's Family Library, Vol. III. -Worship. 1836. See Stephens, Ann S. Sermon at the interment of Rev. Perez Chapin, Pownal, Maine, Jan. 31, 1839. Portland: Alfred MerriU. Svo. pp. 32. [2595 Address before the Cumberland Association of Ministers at Bruns wick. 1840. Am. Q. Reg. 13:352. (1841.) [2596 Introduction to Recollections Marion Lyle Hurd. 1841. See Hurd, Carlton. Memoir, select thoughts and sermons of the late Rev. Edward Pay- son, D. D., pastor of the Second church in Portland. £ene orasse est bene studuisse. I LUTHEK. Compiled by Eev. Asa Cummings, editor of the Christian Mirror. In three volumes. Portland: Hyde, Lord & Duren. Boston: Crocker & Brewster: New York: E. French: PhUadelphia: Henry Perkins. 1846. Svo. Vol. I. pp. 606. — Vol. II. pp. 608. — Vol. III. pp. 608. (Port) [2597 Sermons of the late Eev. Edward Payson, D. D., complete in two volumes. Edited by Asa Cummings, D. D., editor of the Christian Mirror. Portland: Hyde & Lord, 1849. Svo. Vol. I. pp. xvi, 13, 608. Vol. II. pp. 608. [2598 Memoir and selected thoughts of the late Edward Payson, D. D. Bene orasse est bene studuisse. LUTHEK. Compiled by Rev. Asa Cummings, Philadelphia: Published by J. L. Gihon, No. 409 Chestnut Street, 1S58. Svo. pp. xvi, 606. (Portrait.) [2599 Notice of. 1864. See Palmer, Joseph. A notice of Dr. Cummings is also given in the Congregational Year Book for 1857, p. 90. Cummings, Enoch Lincoln. 1827-59. Lawyer, Portland. Pastoral Memoir of. 1859. See Chickering, John W. Cummings, Epheaim Chambeelain. &. Albany. 1825. Clergyman. r. St. Johnsbury, Vt., 1860-70. Now, Portland. The Life Temporal and the Life Eternal. Mo. Relig. Mag. 23 : 377. (I860.) ¦ [2600 Birth and Baptism. Discourses of first principles. By Ephraim Chamberlain Cummings. Portland: 1873. 12mo. pp. 263. [2601 BIBLIOGEAPHY OF MAINE. 331 The Great Question. Twelve lesson in the faith. By Ephraim Chamberlain Cummings. This is the work of God, that ye believe on him whom he hath sent.John 6: 29. Portland: Hoyt, Fogg & Donham- 1878. 16mo. pp. 147. [2602 Nature in Scripture. A study of Bible verification in the range of common experience. By E. C. Cummings. (rd) /ca9' ^/iepav avaKpivovre^ tu,q ypa(j>ag, ei ixot ravra ovtuc. The Acts, 17: 11- Portland: Hoyt, Fogg & Donham, 163 Middle Street. 1885. 12mo. pp. 348. [2603 The same. Boston: Cupples and Hurd, 94 Boylston Street. 1887. 12mo. pp. xiii, 357- The Reverend John Johnston Carruthers, D. D. Read before the Maine Historical Society, Nov. 2, 1890. Brown Thurston & Co., Portland, Me. 1890. Svo. pp. 40. (Port.) [2604 The same. Me. Hist Soc. CoU. 2d Ser. 2: 19. Cummings, Jacob A. 1773-1820. Teacher, Boston. First Lessons in Geography and Astronomy, with seven plan maps and a view of the solar system, for the use of young children, as preparatory to ancient and modern history. By J. A. Cum mings. Improved edition. Hallowell: Published by Glazier & Co. Also by Cummings, Hilliard and Co., Boston. Sold by bookseUers generally. Stereotyped at the Boston Type and Stereotype Foundry, late T. H. Carter & Co. 1826. 16mo- pp- 82 (1). [2605 The Pronouncing Spelling Book, adapted to Walker's critical pro nouncing dictionary, in which the precise sound of every sylla ble is accurately conveyed, in a manner perfectly intelligible to every capacity, by placing over such letters as lose their sounds, those letters, whose sounds they receive. By J. A. Cummings, author of "Ancient and Modern Geography," "Questions on the New Testament," &c. Revised and improved from the fourth edi tion. Stereotyped at the Boston Type and Stereotype Foundry. Hallowell, Published by Glazier & Co. And for sale by the booksellers generally. 12mo. pp. 108. [2606 Cummings, John Moeland, M. D. 1814-1878. Physician, Portland. Brief Sketch of. 1890. See Green, Samuel A. Cummings, Maey J. (Pueington.) 6. Bowdoinham, 1838. Little Toss. By Capt Games. Boston: Published by D. Lothrop & Co. n- d. (Copyright 1872.) 16mo. pp. 301. [2607 Uncle Anthony: or the Marsh family. By Capt. Carnes. Boston: D- Lothrop Company- n. d- (Copyright, 1873.) 16mo. pp. 333. [2608 332 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. Cuncheco. Petition to General Court against Indians at Cuncheco- 1676- Communicated by Dr. J. S. H. Fogg. Me. Rec 6:357. (1889.) [2609 Cdnningham, Chaelbs M. Searsmont. History of Quantabaoook Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons, Searsmont, Maine. From 1865 to 1871. By Chas. M. Cunning ham, W. S. Cox, and W. H. Woodcock, committee on history. Belfast: George W. Burgess, Printer. 1871. Svo. pp. 18. [2610 With Wilson, Otis D. Searsmont. History of Quantabacook Lodge, No. 129, Free and Accepted Masons, Searsmont, Me., from 1871 to 1881, by Charles M. Cun ningham and 0. D. Wilson, committee on history. Belfast; Geo. W. Burgess. ISSl. sm. Sv. pp. 18. [2611 Cunningham, Feank H. Familiar Sketches of the PhiUips Exeter Academy and surround ings. By Frank H. Cunningham. With illustrations. Boston: James R. Osgood aud Company. 1883. Svo. pp. xiv, .360- [2612 Contains address by Prof. Alpheus S. Packard. CuEKiE, James. 1756-1805. An Abridgement of the second edition of a work by Dr. Currie of Liverpool, in England, on the use of water in the diseases of the human frame: and on fever, opium, strong drink, abstinence from food, and the passage through the human skin; with occa sional remarks. Printed by Peter Edes of Augusta, in the Dis trict of Maine. Sold by Mr. Edes of Augusta and Mr. Bass of HaUoweU, in Maine: and by the booksellers of Boston, New York and PhUadelphia. n. d. (1799.) 16mo. pp. 54. [2613 CuEEiEE, Epheaim. The Second Coming of Christ and the Resurrection. Showing by an appeal to the Bible as it reads, aside from all human creeds and commentaries, the opinions of all sects of religionists on this vastly interesting subject to be merely human opinions and wholly irreconcilable with the Word of God. By Ephraim Cur rier. "To the law and to the testimony, if they speak not according to this word, it is because tliere is no light in them." Skowhegan: M. Littlefield. 1841. 12mo. pp. ISS. [2614 To the United States Convention of Universalists assembled at Providence, September, 1842. (On the Second Coming of Christ and the Resurrection.) Norridgewock, 1842. 12mo. pp. 16. [2615 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. 333 CuRRiBE, Oelando, HaUoweU. History of Jerusalem Royal Arch Chapter. Hallowell, Maine. Hallowell: Masters & Livermore. Printers. 1876. Svo. pp. 80- [2616 CuBEY, Daniel, D. D. 1S09-S7. New York. Life-story of Rev. Davis Wasgatt Clark, D. D., bishop of the Meth odist Episcopal Church, compiled from original sources. By Daniel Curry, D. D. New York: Nelson & Phillips. Cincin nati: Hitchcock & Waldron. 1874. sm. Svo. pp. 336. (Port.) (2617 Visit to Mount Desert, of which he was a native, pp. 271-277. Cuetis, Benjamin Bobbins, LL. D. 1809-1874. Lawyer. Argument of B. R. Curtis, Esq., of Boston, in the case of Francis O. J. Smith, in the Circuit Court of the U. S., Massachusetts district, Hon. Levi Woodbury, judge presiding, for an infringe ment of the letters patent of Samuel F. B. Morse, for the Electro Magnetic Telegraph, June 25 and 26, 1850. Portland: F. W. Nichols & Co. Printers. 1S50. Svo. pp. 54. [2618 Important Opinion on the constitutionality of the Maine hawkers' and peddlers' law. 1865. [2619 Curtis, George William, LL. D. 1824-92. New York. Letter in reply to an invitation to address the meeting at Bangor, Aug. 28, 1856. (On the recent letter of Mr. Choate.) n. t. p. [2620 The statue of LongfeUow in Portland. Harp. Mag. 78: 315. (1889.) [2621 Cuetis, Joseph R., and Deinkwatee, Nicholas. Yarmouth. History of Casco Lodge, No. 36 of Free and Accepted Masons, at Yarmouth, Maine, From A. D. 1821 to 1870. By Joseph R. Cur tis and Nicholas Drinkwater. (Masonic emblem.) Portland: Stephen Berry, Printer. 1870. Svo. pp. 54. [2622 Curtis, Miss Laura. See BuUard, Mrs. Laura Curtis. Curtis, Roland, M. D. 1846-82. Physician, Richmond. Biographical Sketch of. 1883. See Starbird, I. W. Curtis, Thomas, D. D. Clergyman, Bangor, 1834-37. The Danger of Our Public Gratitude Being Polluted by the Leaven of Boasting. A sermon delivered at the meeting-house of the First Baptist church, Bangor, Maine, on Thursday, Nov. 25, 1835, being the day of public praise and thanksgiving- By Thomas Curtis, pastor of the church. Bangor. Printed by John S. Carter, n. d- Svo. pp- 22. [2623 Editor. Bangor Journal of Literature, Science, Morals and Reli gion, from June 1, 1S37 to May 24, 1S3S. [2624 334 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. Curtis, William Edmund. New York- The Wealthy Women of America- Cosmopol. 7:593- (1889.) (Illus.) [2625 On page 599 of this article is a picture of Mrs. Eugene Hale and her three little sons. CuEWBN, Samuel. 1715-1802. Salem, Mass., London, Eng. The Journal and letters of Samuel Curwen, an American in Eng land, from 1775 to 1783: with an appendix of biographical sketches. By George Atkinson Ward, fellow of the Massachu setts and New York Historical Societies, honorary master of arts at the universities of Harvard and New York. Fourth edition. Boston: Little, Brown and Company. 1864. Svo. pp. xxiv, 678. (Port.) [2626 Burning of Falmouth, p. 42: biographical notice of General Pepperell, 449; Col. J. Moulton, 451; Lt. Col. William Vaughan, 452; Sir William Pep perell, (2d)52C; Dr. Silvester Gardiner, 5.35. Cushing, Caleb, LL. D. 1800-79. Newburyport, Mass. Letters to His Excellency Edward Everett, governor of Massa^ chusetts, on the question of the north eastern boundary. By Caleb Cushing. First published in the Boston Daily Advertiser and Patriot, n. p. n. d. n. pp. [2627 The letters were written in 1837. North Eastern Boundary. No. Am. Eev. 52:424. (1841.) [2628 Letter to Union meeting, Bangor, 1860. See Bangor. In this letter first occurs the subsequent familiar phrase, "The man on horseback with a drawn sword in his hand. " Cushing, Chaeles. 1734-1810. Pownalborough, 1761-83. Notice of. 1859. See AUen, Frederic. Sketch of. 1863. See WiUis, William. Cushing, James Royal. 1800-81. Clergyman, Wells, 1844-54. Historical Discourse, delivered October 29th, 1851, at the one hun dred and fiftieth anniversary of the First Congregational church, (the second in the state) in Wells, Maine. By Rev. James R. Cushing. Portland: 1851. Svo. pp. 22. [2629 Cushing, John Samuel, M. D. 1S30-S9. Physician, Skowhegan. Biographical Sketch of. 1889. See Meserve, A. K. P. Cushing, Luthee Steaens. 1803-55. Lawyer, Boston. A Practical Treatise on the trustee process, or foreign attachment of the laws of Massachusetts and Maine. With an appendix containing the statutes of Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island, New Hampshire, Vermont and Maine, on that subject. Cambridge: Brown, Shattuck & Co. 1833. Svo. pp. xviii 211. [2630 BIBLIOGEAPHY OF MAINE. 335 Cushing, Nathaniel, Je., and family, BluehiU. 1890. See Candage, R. G. P. Gushing, Roland. 1750-88. Lawyer, Pownalborough. Notice of. 1859. See Allen, Frederic Biographical Sketch of. 1863. See WiUis, WiUiam. Gushing, Rufus King, M. D. 1802-89. Physician, Bangor. Biographical Sketch of. 1889. See Meserve, A. K. P. Cushing, William, LL. D- 1733-1810. Justice U. S. Supreme Court. Lawyer, Pownalborough, 1760-72. Notice of. 1859. • See Allen, Frederic. Biographical Sketch of. 1863. See WUlis, William. Cushing's Island. (Casco Bay) Guide Book. 1886. See Sargent, W. M. Cushman, Ara. 6. 1829. Manufacturer, Auburn. Address of Mr. Ara Cushman, of the firm of Ara Cushman & Co., of Auburn, Maine, upon a plan of industrial partnership or profit sharing, which the firm proposes to inaugurate. Delivered Saturday evening, March 27, 1886, at Auburn Hall, to his em ployees. Auburn, Maine. 1886. 16mo. pp. 16. [2631 Address of Mr. Ara Cushman, of the firm of Ara Cushman & Co., to their employees at the close of the first year's business under plan of industrial partnership, or profit sharing; together with address and report of Mr. C. S. Yeaton of the committee of em ployees, Friday evening, April 29, 1887, at Auburn hall. Auburn, Maine. 1887. 16mo. pp. 42. [2632 Cushman, David Quinby. 1806-89. Clergyman, Newcastle, Bath, Warren. Autobiography of, with portrait. 1855. See Cushman, Henry W. Ancient settlement of Sheepscot. Appendix by William Willis Me. Hist. Soc. CoU. 4: 207. (1856.) [2633 Waymouth's voyage: Extracts from a paper read at the meeting the society, at Portland, in June, 1859. Me. Hist. Soc- Coll- 4:207.. (1856.) [2634 First Christian Worship in the New England. Cong. Quar. 8:21. (1867.) [2635 Biographical Notice of Cyrus Eaton. Me. Hist Soc- Coll. 7: 487. (1876.) [2636 The History of ancient Sheepscot and Newcastle, including early Pemaquid, Damariscotta, and other contiguous places, from the earliest discovery to the present time : together with the gene alogy of more than four hundred families. By Rev. David Quin- 336 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. Cushman, David Quinby, Continued. by Cushman, member of the Maine Historical Society, and member of the New England Historic-Genealogical Society. Bath: 1882. Svo. pp. 458. [2637 Sketch of. Congregational Year Book, 1890, p. 23. Cushman, Mrs. Hannah. Wiscasset. Sermon on the death of. 1850. See Merrill, Josiah. Cushman, Heney Wyles. Clergyman, Bernardston, Mass. A Historical and Biographical Genealogy of the Cushmans: the descendants of Robert Cushman, the Puritan, from the year 1617 to 1855. In Memoriam. Majorum. By Henry Wyles Cushman, Boston: Little, Brown and Company. 1855. Svo. pp. 666, (1). (Illus.) [2638 Autobiography of Rev. David (Q) Cushman, pp. 376-80. (Port.) Cushman, Joshua. 1762-1834. Clergyman, Winslow. A Discourse delivered at Winslow, November 29, 1804, being a day consecrated to the purposes of publick thanksgiving and praise, throughout the commonwealth of Massachusetts. By Joshua Cushman, pastor of the Christian Society in Winslow, (Maine). Boston: Printed for Adams aud Rhoades. 1805. Svo- pp- 23. [2639 Advertised for sale by H. Stevens & Son, London, 1883, at 8s. 4d. An Oration, pronounced at Augusta (Maine), on the Fourth of July, 1807, in commemoration of American Independence. By Joshua Cushman. Augusta: Printed by Peter Edes, 1807- Svo. pp. 23. [2640 An Oration, pronounced at Wiscasset on the Fourth of July, 1808, in commemoration of the Independence of the United States of America. By Joshua Cushman. Wiscasset: T. Loring, Printer. 1808. Svo. Title-page. pp. 3: 22. [2641 Noticed in Monthly Anthology. 5:449. (1808.; By John Stickney. An Oration, pronounced at Waterville, July 4, 1814, in commemo ration of the Independence of the United States of America. By the Hon. Joshua Cushman. Hallowell: Printed by N. Cheever. 1814. Svo. pp. 23. [2642 A Discourse delivered by request to a respectable audience of lib eral Christians, assembled at Winslow, from that and the neigh boring towns, April 13, 1815: the day recommended by the presi dent, to be observed as a general Thanksgiving throughout the United States, for the restoration of peace and other signal bless ings. By Joshua Cushman, late pastor of the Christian Society in Winslow. Hallowell: Printed by N- Cheever- 1815- Svo- pp- 24. [2643 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. 337 Cushman, Sidney Bebman. 1810-90. Physician, Wiscasset. Biographical Sketch of. 1890. See Meserve, A. K. P. Cutler. Incorporated 1S26. And vicinjty. (Illus.) 1S89. See Bates, Arlo. From Petit Manan to. (IUus.) 1890. See Drake, Samuel A. Cutler, Elisha Pomeeoy. 1780-1813. Lawyer, North Yarmouth. Biographical Sketch of. 1863. See Willis, William. Cutler, Nathan. 1775-1861. Lawyer, Farmington. Biographical Sketch of. 1863. See Willis, William. Cutler, Rufus Putnam. 1818-77. Clergyman, Portland, 1846-56. " How is the strong staff broken, and the beautiful rod. " A ser mon preached at Park Street church, Portland, Sunday, Jan. 30, 1853. By Rev. R. P. Cutler. Occasioned by the death of Rev. Sylvester Judd. Portland: Published by H. J. Little & Co. Foster & Gerrish, Printers. 1853. Svo. pp. 26. [2644 Sylvester Judd. Mo. Rel. Mag. 10: 125. (1S53.) [2645 Cutt, Robert. Kittery. WiU of. 1674. See Herrick, N. J. CuTTBE, Ammi Ruhamah. 1705-46. Clergyman, North Yarmouth, 1730-35. For several years he was truckmaster at Saco, where he composed "an Indian vocabulary, yet extant, which contains a great number of their words and sentences." (Sec Me. Hist. Soc. Coll. 2d ser. 4:416. Willis, in. Smith's Journal, 1849, note, says " the work cannot now be found. " Cutter, Ammi Ruhamah, M. D. 1734-1819. North Yarmouth, Ports mouth. Biography of. 1828. See Thacher, James. A notice of Dr. Cutter is given in *' The Medical Men of the Revolution, " by J. M. Toner, 1876. Cutter, Edward Feancis, D. D. 1810-80. Clergyman, Warren, Bel fast, Rockland. The Claims of Seamen. A report presented at the annual meeting of the Lincoln Conference of churches, at Waldoboro, Aug. 22, 18.38. Sailors' Mag. 11: 105. (18-38.) [2646 Signs of the Times. A series of sermons, by Edward F. Cutter, pastor of the Congregational church in Warren, Maine. Port land: Thurston, Ilsley .& Co., Printers- 1844. 24mo. pp.48. [2647 Pastoral Conversations. Boston, Mass., S. S. Society. 1846. Svo. pp. 216- [2648 Christ's Legacy of Life to the Church. (Mark 16: 15; Matt 28: 19, 20.) A sermon preached in Bangor, (Central church), June 28, 1854, before the Maine Missionary Society, at its forty-seventh 23 338 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. Cutter, Edwaed Feancis, D. D., Continued. anniversary. By Edward F. Cutter, pastor of the First Congre gational church in Belfast. Augusta: WilUam T. Johnson, Printer. 1854. Svo. pp. 14. [2649 Eulogy on Abraham Lincoln, delivered at Rockland, Maine, April 19, 1865. By request of the citizens. Boston: D. C. Coleswor thy, 66 Cornhill. 1865. Svo. pp-' 16. [2650 CuTTBE, William. 1801-67. b. Portland. "To on her birthday;" " A New England Winter Scene; " " The VaUey of SUence. " 1836. See Stephens, Ann S. Introversion : or, magical reading of the inner man. Godey. 21:10 (1840.) [2651 Alden' s Rock. Godey- 39:379- (1849.) [2652 Cutting, Jonas, LL. D., 1800-76. Lawyer and justice of Supreme Judicial Court, Bangor. Resolutions and proceedings of the bar of Penobscot County, upon the retirement of Hon. Jonas Cutting, LL.D., from the bench of the Supreme Judicial Court of this state. 1875. Me. Rep. 63: 595. (1876.) [2653 In memoriam. Proceedings of the Penobscot bar on the death of Judge Jonas Cutting. 1876. See Pulsifer, J. D. Memorial of. By Hon. John A. Peters. 1880. See Memorials of Judges. Biography of. 1885. See Biog. Ency. Maine. Cutts Family. Notice of the Cutts family. N. E. Reg. 2: 277. (1S4S.) [2654 Cutts, Mes. Maey Peppbebbll Spaehawk. The Life and Times of Hon. William Jarvis, of Weathersfield, Vermont. By his daughter, Mary Pepperrell Sparhawk Cutts. New York: Published by Hurd and Houghton. Cambridge: Riverside Press. 1869. 8vo. pp. xii, 451. (Port.) [2655 Contains sketch of the Pepperrell family. Dakin, Moses, M. D. 197.5-a865. Physician, Hope, Islesboro. Monterey, or the mountain city; containing a description of the boundaries, situation, mountains, lakes, rivers, soil and climate, geological features, natural scenery, religious, moral, and literary institutions, number of inhabitants and of professional men and manufacturing resources of the southern part of the county of Waldo, Maine; to which is added an appendix, giving a brief account of some of the islands of Penobscot Bay. By M. Dakin M. D. Boston: Mead's Press, 4 State Street- 1S47. 12mo. pp. 28- [2656 Relates to Camden, Hope, Linoolnville and Northport. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. 339 Dall, Mrs. Caeolinb Wells Healey, LL. D. b. 1822. Historical Pictures Retouched, a volume of miscellanies. In two parts. Part I. Studies. Part II. Fancies. Hy Mrs. Dall, author of " Woman's Right to Labor. " " Not all thy former tale ; but this one word — whether thy tale be true . " King Johm. Boston: Walker, Wise & Co., 245 Washington Street. London: Edward S. Whitfield, 178 Strand. 1860. 16mo. pp. x, 402, (1). [2657 Contains, " Long Lane ; or Recollections of Kittery Long Ago, pp. 267-289; "Pepperrell House; or a Glimpse of Mary Stevens' Youth, " pp 290-330. " The last living and lineal descendant of Sir William Pepperrell herself wrote out for me the ootllnes of his story. " Preface. Dalton, Asa, D. D. Clergyman, Portland. The Fulness of Christ. A sermon preached January 30, 1876, in St- Stephen's church, Portland, Me. By Rev. Asa Dalton, rector of the church- Portland: Published by Dresser, McLeUan & Co. 1876. Svo. pp. 15- [2658 Address on Longfellow. 1882. See Maine Hist. Soc. Proc. A Sermon on the history and principles of St. Stephen's parish, Portland, Maine. By Rev. Asa Dalton, D. D., rector. Preached July 4, 1886, on the occasion of the centennial celebration of the city. Printed by request of the vestry. Portland: B.Thurston & Co. 1886. Svo. pp. 20. [2659 Robert Hallowell Gardiner. Read before the Maine Historical Society, February 9, ISSS. Me. Hist Soc. CoU. 2d ser. 1:295. (1890.)" [2660 Damariscotta. Incorporated, 1847, from parts of Nobleboro and Bristol. Narrative of hostile acts of Indians at. 1722. See " W. G." Vessels burned at, during Revolution. See Town, Ithiel. Oyster Shell Deposit at 1859. See Chadboum, P. A. Shell-heaps at. 1869. See Explorations. History Alna Lodge. 1874. See Hilton, William H. Centennial Celebration at Damariscotta and Newcastle, .Tuly 4, 1876, together with the historical address delivered by Gen James A. Hall. Waldoboro: Miller & Atwood, Printers. 1878 Svo. pp. IS. [2661 Account also in the Lincoln County News. 4: 27, 28, July 6, 13. 1876. Shell Heaps on the River. 1878. See Moses, Thomas F. History Alna Lodge. 1880- See Merry, C. G- History. 1882- See Cushman, David Q- Ancient Deeds of land at Damariscotta and Sheepscot. Bang. H. M. 1:64- (1885.) [2662 340 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. Damariscotta, Continued., Shell Heaps at. 1889. See Winsor, Justin. Catalogue of the Skidompha Club Ubrary; Mrs. C. G. Merry, librarian. Lege et disce. Damariscotta: Dunbar Brothers, Printers. 1890. ISmo. pp. 19. [2663 History Alna Lodge. 1880-91. See Merry, Charles G. Damariscotta and Mbdomak Rivees. U. S. Coast survey chart 1878. 25 x 38 inches. Scale 1.58. [2664 Dame, Charles. 6. 1810. Clergyman, Falmouth. Two Sermons on the mode and subjects of Christian baptism, preached at Falmouth, July 5, 1840, by Charles Dame, A. M., pastor of the First Congregational cburcli in that place. Port land : A. Shirley. 1840. Svo. pp. 34. [2665 Dame, Luthee. Life aud Character of Sir WilUam Pepperrell. By Luther Dame. (Read at the meeting in Newbury, Thursday, August 28, 18S4.) Essex. Inst Hist CoU. 21: 161. (1884.) [2666 The same. Separately printed, n. d. Svo. pp. 16. Damisokantik. (Megantic Lake, or Farmington Falls?) Abnaqui mission at. See Charlevoix, P. F. X. Dana, Chaeles Andeeson. 6. 1819. Editor, New York. The Household Book of Poetry, collected and edited by Charles A. Dana. New York: D. Appleton & Co., 346 and 348 Broadway. London: 16 Little Britain. 1858. Svo. pp. 79S. [2667 Contains "Cape Cottage by Sunset," by William B. Glazier; "It Might Have Been, " by William C. Williamson; " Why Thus Longing, " by Harriet AVinslow (Sewall). The same. Eleventh edition, revised and enlarged. New York. 1878. Svo. pp. xxvn, 810. Dana, Isbael Thoendike, M. D. b. 1827. Physician, Portland. The Actual Value of Medicines. An introductory lecture delivered before the medical department of Bowdoin College, February 14, 1861. By Israel T. Dana, M. D., professor of materia medica and therapeutics. Portland: Printed by David Tucker. 1861. Svo. pp. 22. [2668 Annual Address before Maine Medical Association. 1863. Records eleventh meeting, p. 14. [2669 Inaugural Address- 1869. See Me. Med. Ass. Trans. 1869. p. 21. History of the Portland School for Medical Instruction. An ad dress at the dedication of the new schoolrooms and the opening of the ISth annual course, 17th June, 1874. By Israel Thorn dike Dana, M. D. With the remarks of Hon. Israel Washburn Jr., Hon. WiUiam W. Thomas, Jr-, Dr. Alfred Mitchell, Rev- BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. 341 Edward Y. Hincks. Portland, Me- Stephen Berry, Printer 1874- Svo. pp. 33. [2670 Dana, Judah. 1772-1845. Fryeburg. Biographical Sketch of. 1863. See WiUis, WiUiam. Dana, Richard Hbney, LL. D., D. C. L. 1815-82. Lawyer, Boston. The Bible in Schools. Argument of Richard H. Dana, Jr., Esq., and opinion of the Supreme Court of Maine, in the cases of Law rence Donahue vs. Richards and al., and Bridget Donahue, by her next friend, vs. the same. Approved by the committee of publication. Boston: Massachusetts Sabbath Society Depository, No- 13 CornhUl. n. d. (1854.) 12mo. pp. 59. [2671 The case is reported in Maine Reports, 38: 376. Usury Laws. Speech of Richard H. Dana, Jr., in the House of Representatives of Massachusetts, February 14, 1867, on the re peal of the usury laws. Portland, Me. Daily Press Printing House, Wm. M. Marks, manager. 1875. Svo. pp. 32. ' [2672 Leonard Woods. Cent 21:138. (1881.) [2673 The above isa review of Prof. Park's "Memorial of Life and Character of Leonard Woods. " Dane, Joseph. 1778-1858. Lawyer, Kennebunk. Notice of. Mc Hist Soc CoU. 6: 364. (1859.) [2674 -Biographical Sketch of. 1863. See Willis, WiUiam. Notice of- 1864. See Palmer, Joseph. Obituary of. 1884. See Herrick, N. G. Danforth, Chaeles. 181-5-90. Justice Supreme Judicial Court; law yer, Norridgewock, Gardiner. Biography of. 1885. See Biog. Ency- Maine. In Memoriam. Proceedings of the Kennebec bar in relation to the death of Honorable Charles Danforth, who was an associ ate justice of the Supreme Judicial Court from January 5, 1864, to March 30, 1890, and who died at his residence in Gardiner, March ,30, 1890. Maine Reports, 82: 582. (1890.) [2675 Remarks by James W. Bradbury, Herbert M. Heath, Samuel Titcomb, and Orville D. Baker, Response by Chief Justice Peters. Danforth, J. S. Hunting and Trapping. 1882. See Barker, J. S. Danforth, Thomas. 1622-1699. President of Maine. Deed from Pres. Danforth to trustees of Falmouth. 1684. Me. Hist Soc. CoU. 1 : 554. (1831.) [2676 Deed to the inhabitants of York. 1684. See Green, Samuel A., and Sargent, William M. A brief biographical sketch of Pres. Danforth is given in Judge Emory Washburn's Judicial Hist. Mass., p. 247 342 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. Danger Signals. 1885. See Clark, Francis E. Daniel, Miss Maetha A. The Dew of Hermon. By Martha A. Daniel. Second edition, re vised with additions. "As the dew of Hermou and as the dew that descend ed upon the moun tains of Zion ; for there the Lord commanded the blessing, even life for ever more." Psalm 133: 2. Lewiston: J. A. Smith. 1858. ISvo. pp. 128. [2677 Golden Moments and Fragments of the Year. By Miss M. A. Daniel, Author ofthe "Dew of Hermon." Bath: for the author. 1S64. 16mo. pp.82, 1. [2678 Daniel, Uncle. Pseud. Traits of Character, Pursuits, Manners, Customs, and Habits Mani fested by the Inhabitants of the Northeastern States, in Common Pursuits of Life. By Uncle Daniel, LL. D. Portland: Arthur Shirley. 1837. Svo. pp. 68. [2679 Darby, Samuel, d. 1807. Revolutionary soldier, York. Memorial of. 1873. See Drake, Francis S. Darley, Felix Octavius Caee, b. 1822. Artist, New York. Composition in outline, from Judd's Margaret. Engraved by Kor- vian Huber. 30 plates. Oblong folio. New York: Readfield. 1856. [2680 "The drawings are original, graceful, and purely natural," London Athenasum, March 14, 1857. p. 347. The price was ten dollars a set. Daeling, Jonathan Jr. 1741-1826. Bluehill. Journal. An abstract contributed by the late R. W. G. Dodge, of BluehiU. Bang. H. M. 2:76. (1886.) [2681 Darling, and family. 1890. See Candage, R. G. F. A Letter from Jonathan Darling of Bluehill, 1791. Bang. H. M. b:16. (1890.) [2682 Daeling, Mary Gebbnleap. Gladys: A romance. By Mary Greenleaf Darling. Boston: D. Lothrop Company. 1887. 16mo. pp. 304. [2683 Incidental chapters are laid in Bar Harbor. Daveis, Chaeles Stewaet, LL. D. 1788-1865. Lawyer, Portland. On Greek Literature. lu^ev ev; kdrivag. . . Monthly Anthology and Bos ton Rev. 7: 309,394-8. (1809.) [26S4 Comprising an address before the Peucinian Society of Bowdoin College 1808. An Address delivered on the commemoration at Fryeburg, May 19 1825. By Charles S. Daveis. Portland: Published by James Adams, Jr. Printed by D. & S. Paine. 1825. Svo. cover title and pp. 64. |-268.5 bibliography OF MAINE. 343 -Common Law Jurisdiction. No. Am. Rev. 21 : 104. (1825.) [2686 Review of a dissertation on the nature and extent of the jurisdiction of the courts of the United States, &c., by Peter S. Du Ponceau. -An Address delivered at Portland on the decease of John Adams, and Thomas Jefierson, August 9, 1826. By Charles S. Daveis. Portland: James Adams, Jr. 1826. Svo. pp. 55. [2687 -Maine Legislature. Jan. Sess. (1828.) (Doc. No. 18.) Report of Charles S. Daveis, Esq. Agent appointed by the executive of the State of Maine. To inquire into and report upon certain facts re lating to aggressions upon the rights of the State, and of individual citizens thereof, by inhabitants of the Province of New Brunswick. Printed by order of the legislature. Portland, Thomas Todd, Printer to the State. 1828. Svo. pp. 35. [26SS —Notice of Enoch Lincoln. 1831. See Me. Hist. Soc. Coll. -North Eastern Boundary. 1. The Decision of the king of the Netherlands considered in reference to the rights of the United States and of the State of Maine. Portland. 1831. 2. Report of the Committee of Public Lands, on the subject of the north eastern boundary. Boston. 1832. 3. Report of the joint select committee of the Legislature of Maine, on so much of the governor's message, as relates to the north eastern boundary. Augusta, 1832. No. Am. Rev. 34: 514. (1S32.) [2689 —The North Eastern Boundary of the United States, (extract from the N. A. Review, with Appendix.) Boston; Peirce & Parker, No. 9, CornhiU. 1832. 12mo. pp. 100. (2.) Map. [2690 The map appended is entitled "Map of the State of Maine exhibiting the disputed territory in connexion with the adjacent British Provinces of N. Brunswick and Nova Scotia." It was issued from "Annin, Smith & Co's. Lith., Boston," and "Published for the Compiler by Stimpson & Clapp, Boston." The map measures 17 by 14 5-8 inches. —Earl Fitz William. (Obituary notice.) American Annual Register. S: 430. (1832-33.) [2691 —Address delivered before the alumni of Bowdoin College, ou the evening before commencement, September 1, 1835. By Charles S. Daveis. Portland: Smith & Waterhonse, Printers. 1835. Svo. pp. 67. [2692 —The French Revolution. 1836. See Stephens, Ann S. —Constitutional Law. Report of cases argued and adjudged in the Supreme Court of the United States. January term, 1837. By Richard Peters. No. Am. Rev. 46: 126. (1S3S.) [2693 —Report as chairman of the committee of the legislature of Maine upon the state of the north eastern boundary. Resolves of Maine, 1841. pp. 581-687. [2694 344 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. Daveis, Charles Stewaet, LL- D., Continued. Resolutions on the decease of Judge Story- 1845- See Story, Joseph. The Law of Riot The Portland riot Law Rep. n. s. 8:361 (1855.) [2695 Account of the Cincinnati. Appleton's New American Cyelopse dia. 4:596. (1858.) [2696 Resolutions on the death of Prof. Parker Cleaveland. Me. Hist. Soc. CoU. 6: 433. (1859.) [2697 Biographical Sketch of. 1863. See Willis, William. Memoir, with portrait. 1873. See Drake, Francis S. Sketch of. 1873. See Haskins, David G., Jr. Biography of. 1885. See Biog. Ency. Maine. Daveis, Edwaed Hbney. b. 1818. Lawyer, Portland. Reports of cases argued and determined in the District Court of the United States, for the District of Maine. 1822-39. Second edition, with cases in 1854-55. Boston: Little, Brown and Com pany- 1856- Svo. pp. viii, 599. [2668 Reports of cases determined iu the District Court of the United States for the district of Maine, with some opinions of the dis trict judge in cases determined in the Circuit Court. By Ashur Ware, district judge. Vol. II. 1839-49. By Edward H. Daveis. Second edition. Portland: Loring, Short & Harmon. 1873. Svo. pp xi, 470. [2699 Daveis, John Taylor Oilman, M. D. 1816-73. Physician, Portland. Biographical Sketch of. 1873. See Lamson, D. L. Memorial of. 1873. See Drake, Francis S. Davenpoet, Feedeeick S. Bangor. Organ Gems. A collection of offertories, elevations, communions, preludes, fugues, &c. By Andre, Batiste, Brosig, Hesse, Freyer, and others. Arranged and edited by Frederick S. Davenport Boston : PubUshed by Oliver Ditson & Co., 277 Washington St 1864. Roy. 4to. obi. pp. 30. [2700 D'AvBZAC, Maeie Armaud Pascal- Paris, France. Letter on Voyage of the Cabots. 1869. See Me. Hist. Soc. CoU. 2d ser. (Doc) 1:499. (1869.) [2701 Davidson, Henry. 1782-1863. Waldo, Belfast Specimen number. An ecclesiastical register, being a collection of facts relative to the churches and clergy of New England. By Henry Davidson. Half -sheet periodical. Portland: Shirley, Hyde and Company. 1830. 12mo. pp. 10, (2). [2702 A volume of 300 pages, in monthly numbers, was contemplated. Only one number appeared- BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. 345 Davies, Edward. Clergyman. A Believers Hand-book, for Christians of every name. By Rev- E. Davies, of East Maine Conference- "Let us labor, therefore, to enter into that rest. " Paul. Published by the author. For sale by Rev- E- Davies, East Machias, Me. James P. Magee, 38 Bloomfield Street, Boston, Mass. Price twenty-five cents. B. Thurston & Co., Printers, Portland, Me. n. d. (1868.) 12mo. pp. 72. [2703 The same. Second edition. 12mo- pp. 72. The same. Third edition. 12mo. pp. 72. Davies, Jambs. Voyage to Sagadahoc. 1607. See DeCosta, B. F. Davis, Miss Augusta Coedelia. 6. 1836. Yarmouth. Poems from Yare, by Alice Chadbourne. (Augusta C. Davis.) Portland: Ford & Rich, PubUshers, 1890- 16mo- pp. 124. [2704 Davis, Caleb Bailey. 1808-55. Clergyman, Paris, 1838-54. Baptist church, Paris, Maine. Am. Bap. Mem. 3:301. (1854.) [2705 Davis, Daniel. 1762-1835. Lawyer, Portland, 1782-1804. An Address to the inhabitants of the District of Maine upon the subject of their separation from the present government of Massachusetts. By one of their fellow-citizens. Printed at Portland, by Thomas B. Wait. AprU, 1791. 12mo. pp. 54. [2706 An Oration delivered at Portland, July 4th, 1796. In commemora tion of the anniversary of American Independence. By Daniel Davis. "Who is here so base, that he would be a bondman? If any, speak; for him have I offended. " Shakespeake. Printed at Portland, by Thomas Baker Wait. Svo. pp. 20. [2707 Biographical Sketch of. 1863. See WiUis, WiUiam. Davis, David. Sandy River, a poem. Farmington, Me. [2708 Davis, Ebenezee. 1754-99. Portland. Memorial of. 1873. See Drake, Francis S. Sketch of. 1873. See Haskins, David G., Jr. Davis, George Thomas. 1810-77. Lawyer, Portland, 1865-77- Slavery in Massachusetts. Hist Mag. 10: 81. (Supplement.) (1886.) [2709 " The St. Regis BeU. " Mass. Hist. Soc. Proc. 11 : 311 . (1869-70.) [2710 346 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. Davis, George Thomas, Continued. The same. u. t p. (1870.) Svo. pp. 311-321. Reprinted from above, without change of paging. Notice of. N.E.Reg. 32:103. (1878.) [2711 Memoir of. 1881. See Talbot, George F. Biography of. 1885. See Biog. Ency. Maine. Davis, Jbbfbeson, LL.D. 1808-90. President C. S. A., Beauvoir, Miss. Speeches of the Hon. Jefferson Davis, of Mississippi, delivered during the summer of 1858. — On the Fourth of July, 1858, at sea. — At serenade, at Portland, Maine. — At Portland convention, Maine — At Belfast encampment, Maine. — At Belfast banquet, Maine. — At Portland meeting, Maine. — At fair at Augusta, Maine. — At Faneuil hall, Boston. — At New York meeting. — Before Mississ ippi legislature, &o., &c. Baltimore: Printed by John Murphy & Co. 1859. Svo. pp. 56. [2712 Davis, J. Phenomena in Maine. No. Am. Rev. 3: ,325. (1816.) [2713 Davis, John. d. 1816. Revolutionary soldier, Norway. Memorial of. 1873. See Drake, Francis S. Davis, Rebecca I. Gleanings from Merrimac Valley. By Miss Rebecca I. Davis. " stream of my fathers ! sweetly still The sunset rays thy valley fill; Poured slantwise down the long defile, Wave, wood, and spire beneath them smile, " Portland, Me. Hoyt, Fogg & Donham. 1881. sm. 16mo. pp. 128. (Port.) [2714 Davis, Sylvanus. d. 1704. Pioneer, Sheepscot, Portland. The Declaration of Sylvanus Davis, inhabitant of the town of Falmouth, in the Province of Maine, in New England, concerning a cruel, treacherous and barbarous management of a war against the English in the eastern parts of New England, by the cruel Indians, being as I doubt not, and as the circumstances will appear, set upon their bloody design by the French and their abbetlors. Mass. Hist Soc. Col. 3d ser. 1: 101. (1825.) /See also, Hull, John T., "Capture of Fort Loyal," in which extracts are given. Account of his surrender and captivity. 1690. See Parkman, Francis. Davis, Woodbuey. 1813-71. Lawyer and justice Supreme Judicial Court. Belfast, Portland. The Eemoval of Judge Woodbury Davis. Law Rep. n. s. 9- 61 (1856.) 1-2715 Arguments on the removal of. 1856. See Choate, Rufus. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. 347 Maine Law Vindicated. By Hon. Woodbury Davis, judge of the Supreme Court of Maine. Published by the National Temperance Society and Publication House, No. 172 William Street (near Beekman Street, New York,) at $8 per thousand, n. d. (1852.) 12mo. pp. 8. [2716 The Beautiful City and the King of Glory. By Woodbury Davis. God was manifest In the flesh. 1 Tim. 3, 16. Jesus Christ is tbe image of the invisible God. Coll. i, 15. The brightness of his glory. Heb. 1, 3. Philadelphia: Lindsay and Blackiston. 1860. 12mo. pp. 255. [2717 Before publication the whole edition was suppressed by the author for reasons not communicated to the public. PoUtical Problem. Atl. Mo. 12:252. (1S63.) [2718 Congregation Polity, Usages and Law. From the Boston Review for July, 1865. Proprietors of Boston Review, 11 Cornhill. Bos ton. 1865. Svo. pp. 59. [2719 Resolutions of the bar of the county of Cumberland on the death of the Hon. Woodbury Davis, late associate justice of the Supreme Judicial Court. 1871. Maine Reports, 59:593. [2720 Davison, Chaeles. b. 1826. Clergyman, Monson. Semi-centennial Address of Charles Davison. Poems by W. S. Knowlton and T. N. Lord, etc. Monson, AprU 22, 1872. Portland: Hoyt, Fogg & Breed. 1S72. Svo. pp. 36. [2721 Davison, G. M. The Traveller's Guide through the Middle and Northern States and the Provinces of Canada. By G. M. Davison. Eighth edition. Saratoga Springs: PubUshed by G. M. Davison, and by S. S. & W. Wood, New York. 1840. 16mo. pp. 395. Maine, pp. 351-358. [2722 Dawes, Heney Lauebns. b. 1816. Statesman, Massachusetts. Memorial Address on Senator Fessenden. 1869. See Fessenden, W. P. Dawson, Henry Baeton. 1821-88. White Plains, N. Y. Battles of the United States by Sea and Land, embracing those of the Revolutionary and Indians wars, the war of 1812, and the Mexican war: with important official documents. By Henry B. Dawson, member of the New York Historical Society, etc. Illus trated with numerous highly-finished steel engravings, including battle scenes aud full length portraits, from original paintings. By Alonzo Chappel. In two volumes. New York. Johnson, Fry and Company, n. d. 4to. pp. 746 (4), 539. [2723 Contains: The Action ofl Machias, 1 : 44. The P^xpedition against Quebec The Bombardment of Tripoli, 2; 38. The Capture of the Boxer, 2 : 272. 348 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. Dawson, Henry Barton, Continued. -The Popham Colony of 1607. Hist Mag. (Supplement.) 10: 93 (1866.) [2724 Dawson, Sie John William, LL. D., C. M. G. Geologist, Montreal. Letters relative to fossil plants discovered in Perry, 1869. See Port. Nat. Hist Soc. Proc. [2725 Notice of tertiary fossils from Labrador, Maine, &c., and remarks on the climate of Canada. Montreal-, n. d. Svo. pp. 13. Day, Benjamin F. and Deown, Nahum S. History of Dunlap Lodge No. 47. F. and A. M., commencing with organization of Buxton lodge in 1826, located at Buxton, and continuing its history after its removal to Biddeford in 1854, and reorganization as Dunlap Lodge, up to A. D. 1890. Bidde ford: Standard Publishing Company. 12mo. pp. 99. [2726 Day, Chaelbs. 1798-1876. Printer, Portland. Notice of. See ElweU, E. H. Day, George Tiffany, D. D. 1822-75. Providence, R. I. Eulogy on the life and character of William Burr, delivered at Dover, N. H., October 8, 1867. Dover: 1867- Svo. pp. 23. [2727 Memoir of. 1876. See Bowen, WiUiam H. Day, Jambs, aud family, Bluehill. 1890. See Candage, R. G. F. Day, Jambs. Brunswick. An Epistolary Address to the Gurneyites and Wilberites. By James Day of Brunswick, Maine. Lewiston: J. A. Smith. 1860. Svo. pp. 27. [2728 Day, John J. Speech at Popham celebration, 1862. See Ballard, Edward. Day, Jonathan, and family, Bluehill. 1890. See Candage, R. G. F. Dayton. Incorporated 1854. See also Hollis. History. 1872. See Sanford, Everts & Co. History. 1880. See Clayton, W. W. Dead Rivbe Region. Ornithological Exploration of. 1886. See Carpenter, F. H. Guide to. 1886. See Sportsmen's and Tourists' Guide-book. Dbake, Chaelbs Standish. b. 1844- Portland. Ancestry of. ISSS. See American Ancestry. Dean, John. 1679-1761. A Narrative of the sufferings, preservation, and deliverance of Capt John Dean and company; in the Nottingham-galley of London cast away on Boon Island, near New England, December 11 1710. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. 349 London: Printed by E. Tookey and sold by S. Popping. (1711.) sm. Svo- Title, pp. iv, 23. [2729 Priced at£l, 2s. 2d. in H. Stevens & Sias" London CUalogue, 1877. The same. Boston. 1711. Svo. Distresses and deliverances of. 1711. See Mather, Cotton. Narrative of the sufferings, preservation, and deliverance of Capt. John Dean, of the Nottingham-galley, sailing from Boston, and wrecked on Boon Island, near Massachusetts Bay. London. 1722. Svo. pp. 16. [2730 A Narrative of the shipwreck of the Nottingham galley, &c. Pub lished in 1711. Revis'd, and re-printed with additions in 1726. By John Deane, Commander. Svo. pp. 24. [2731 The same. Reprinted, n. d. (1727.) Svo. (n. pp.) pp. 22. [2732 A Narrative of the shipwreck of the Nottingham galley, &c. First published in 1711, revis'd and re-printed with additions in 1727, and now re-published in 1730. By John Deane, commander. His Majesty's consul for the ports of Flanders. Svo. pp. 28. [2733 The same. A narrative of the shipwreck of the Nottingham-galley, &c. First published in 1711- Revis'd and re-printed with addi tions in 1726- Re-published in 1730, and now propos'd for the last edition during the author's life-time. n. p. (London.) 1738. Svo. pp. (4), 28. [2734 A Narrative of the shipwreck of the Nottingham galley, in her voyage from England to Boston. With an account of the miracu lous escape of the captain and his crew, on a rock, called Boone Island; the hardships they endured there, and their happy deliver ance. By John Deane, the commander of the said galley; but for many years His Majesty's consul for the ports of Flanders, residing at Ostend. The fifth edition. (Illustration; A ship in full saU.) Printed in the year MDCCLXII. Svo. pp. 28. [2735 The same- In shipwrecks and disasters at sea. Edinburg: 1812. 2:23. [2736 For another account See Langman, Christopher. See also, Nottingham Galley. For sermon upon. See Snurtleft, William. Dean, John Waed. b. Wiscasset, 1811. Editor New England Histor ical and Genealogical Eegister, Boston. Dane Genealogy. N. E. Reg. 8: 148. (1854.) [2737 The same, in separate form. Svo. pp. 16. Henry Kingsbury and his descendants. N. E. Reg. 13: 157. (1859.) 16: 3-37, (1862.) [2738 Some were settled in York, Wiscasset and other Maine towns- The same, reprinted from the Register, n- 1. p. pp. 4. Gorges and Harding. Communicated by John Ward Dean, A. M. N. E. Reg, 26: 381. (1872.) [2739 350 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. Dean, John Ward, Continued. Biographical Sketch of John H. Sheppard, A. M. N. E. Beg. 27: 335. (1873.) (Port.) [2740 The same, separately reprinted. Svo. pp. 16. Editor. Capt. John Mason, the founder of New Hampshire. In cluding his tract on Newfoundland, 1629; the American chart ers in which he was a grantee: with letters and other historical documents. Together with a memoir, by Charles Wesley Tuttle. Edited with historical iUustrations, by John Ward Dean. Boston: 1SS7. sm. 4fco. pp. xii, (1), 492. (Wood cut Folded map. Folded sheet, Facsimiles.) (Prince Society Publications.) [2741 Contains "Mason's Plantations on the Piscataqua." Deane, Charles, LL. D. 1813-S9. Cambridge, Mass. b. Biddeford. Account of visit of (Father) Rale to Rev. Hugh Adams, of Dover, N. H., inl716. Mass. Hist Soc. Proc 3:286. (185S.) [2742 Editor. Documentary History of Maine. Vol. II. 1877. See Me. Hist. Soc. CoU. Tribute to memory of Leonard Woods. Mass. Hist. Soc. Proc. 17: 15. (1879.) [2743 History of Maine. 1884. See Winsor, Justin. Note on the plan of St. George's fort 1889. See Brown, Alexan der. Deane, Hbney Padblfoed. 1823-73. Lawyer, Portland. Action of the Cumberland bar on his death. 1873. See Deane, Llewellyn. Obituary of. 1874. See Herrick, N. J. Deane, John Gilmoeb. 1785-1839. Lawyer, Ellsworth, Portland. Report of the joint select committee of the Senate and House of Representatives, of the State of Maine, in relation to the north eastern boundary of the state. Printed by order of the legisla^ ture. Portland: Thomas Todd, Printer to the State. 1828. Svo- pp. 56. |-2744 Prepared by John G. Deane, Esq., of Ellsworth. See, also. North Eastern Boundary. " The most untiring advocate of the rights of Maine, between 1825 and 1831, and the writer of most of the offlcial reports ot the state on the matter was John G. Deane. " Winsou, Nar. and Crit. Hist. Am. 7: 177. (1888.) " Hon. John G. Deane, on behalf of a joint select committee, made a re port so full, so accurate, so absolutely conclusive of every question, as to leave nothing more to be said for the vindication of our claims and of i.ur interpretation of the treaty of 1783. " Washburn, Israel, Jr. " North East ern Boundary, " read before the Maine Historical Society at Portland Mav 15, 1879. ' -^ Biographical Sketch of. 1887. See Deane, Llewellyn. Sketch of his life. 1890. See Deane, Llewellyn. BIBLIOGEAPHY OF MAINE. 351 Deane, Joseph Augustus. 1802-73. Lawyer, Ellsworth. History of liygonia Lodge, No. 40, Free and Accepted Masons, at Ellsworth, Maine, from 1S22 to 1874, by Joseph A. Deane, P. M. Eevised by John B. Redman. Published by vote of the lodge. Ellsworth, Hancock County Pub. Co., Printers. 1874. 12mo. pp. 67. [2745 Deane, Llewellyn. 1829-95. b. Ellsworth. Lawyer, Washington, D. C. Report of collections in Washington, D. C, on behalf of sufferers by the fire in Portland, Me., July 4, 1866. Svo. pp. 7. [2746 Dated Feb. 1, 1807, and addressed to " Hon. Augustus Stevens, mayor of Portland, Maine." Some Reminiscences suggested by the semi-centennial celebration, October, 1881, of High Street church, Portland, Maine. By Llewellyn Deane, Esq., of Washington, D. C. Printed for private use. Svo. pp. 15. [2747 Biographical Sketch of John G. Deane, and brief mention of his connection with tlie north eastern boundary of Maine. Copied by permission from the records of the Maine Historical Society; also, memoranda about members of the family, old residents of the city of Ellsworth, Maine, &c. Prepared by, and printed for his son, Llewellyn Deane, June, 1885, for private use. A. Beres- ford. Printer, Washington, D. C. 1887. Svo. pp. 70. (Map.) [2748 John G. Deane. A sketch of his life, with a recapitulation of his services, in establishing the north eastern boundary of Maine. By his son, Llewellyn Deane, of Washington, D. C. Read before the Maine Historical Society, January 8, 1885. Me- Hist. Soc. CoU. 2d. ser. 1 : 179. (1890.) (Map.) [2749 A Chapter from the Deane genealogy. Me. Hist. Soc. CoU. 2d. ser. 1:209. (1890.) [27-50 Deane, Samuel, D. D. 1733-1814. Clergyman, Portland, 1764-1814 Four Sermons to youngmen, from Titus 2: 6. Preached at Fal mouth, by Samuel Deane, A. M., junior pastor of the First church of Christ in that place. Salem: Printed and sold by Samuel and Ebenezer Hall. 1774. 16mo. [2751 The New England Farmer: or georgical dictionary: containing a compendious account of the ways and methods in which the most important arts of husbandry, in all its various branches, is, or may be, practiced to the greatest advantage in this country. By Samuel Deane, A- M., fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences- " Erigoribus parto agricolce plerumque fruuntur, Muitiaque inter se Iceti convivia curant : Invitat genialis hyems, curasqueresolvit." 352 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. Deane, Samuel, D. J)., Continued. Printed at Worcester,Massachusetts- By Isaiah Thomas. Sold by him and Company in Boston. MDCCXC. Svo. pp. VIII, 335. [2752 The list of subscribers' names and addresses is now valuable. The New England Farmer: or georgical dictionary: Containing a compedious account of the ways and methods in which the important art of husbandry, in all its various branches, is. or may be, practiced to the greatest advantage in this country. By Samuel Deane, D. D., vice-president of Bowdoin College, and fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. The Second edition, corrected, improved and enlarged by the author. "Erigoribus parto agricolce plerumque fruuntur, Mutuaque inter se losti convivia curant: Invitat genialis hyems, curasque resolvit." Virgil. Printed at Worcester, Massachusetts, at the Press of Isaiah Thomas, 1797. Svo. pp. viU, 397. [2753 The New England Farmer: or georgical dictionary. Containing a compendious account of the ways and methods in which the important art of husbandry in all its various branches, is, or may be, practiced to the greatest advantage in this country. By Samuel Deane, D. D., vice-president of Bowdoin College and Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. Third edition, corrected, improved aud adapted to the present state of the science of agriculture. "Erigoribus parto agricol(£ plerumque fruuntur, Mutuaque inter se Iceti convivia curant: Invitat genialis hyens, curasque resolvit.*' Virgil. Boston: Wells & Lilly, Court Street 1822. Svo. pp. 532. [2754 An Oration delivered in Portland, July 4th, 1793, in commemora tion of the Independence of the United States of America. By Samuel Deane, D. D. Portland : Printed by Thomas B. Wait, 1793. Svo. pp. 14. [2755 A Sermon preached before His Honour Samuel Adams, Esq., lieu tenant governor; the Honorable the Council, Senate, and House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, May 2Sth, 1794. Being the day of general election. By Samuel Deane, D. D. A pastor of the First church in Portland: Printed in Boston, at the State Press, by Adams and Larkin, Printers to the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. 1794. 8vo., title-page pp (1)- 5-31. ^2756 A Sermon, preached on February 19th, 1795, being the day of na tional thanksgiving, appointed by the president of the United States. By Samuel Deane, D. D., a pastor ofthe First church in Portland. BIBLIOGRAPHY' OF MAINE. 353 "In everything give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you." St. Paul. Printed at Portland, by Thomas B. Wait 1795. Svo. pp. 20- [2757 Pitchwood Hill. A poem written in the year 1780. By Samuel Deane, D. D. Printed at Portland. 1806. 16mo. pp. 11. [2758 It originally appeared in the Cumberland Gazette, March 5. 1795. The Death of an Aged Servant of God, considered and improved in a funeral discourse, deUvered at Portland, May 31st, 1795. Being the Lord's day after the funeral of the Rev. Thomas Smith, senior pastor of the First church of Portland, who departed this life. May 23, in the 94th year of his age. By Samuel Deane, D. D-, surviving pastor of said church. " David, after he had served his generation by the will of God, fell on sleep, and was laid unto his fathers, and saw corruption. " St. Luke- District of Maine, Portland: Printed by Benjamin Titcomb, Jun. 1795. Svo. pp. 24. [2759 Two Discourses on the Resurrection. See Willis, William, in memoir prefixed to diary, p. 296. Copies are not to be found. Funeral Discourse on. 1S14. See Kellogg, Elijah. Diary of. 1761-1814. See WiUis, WiUiam. Sketch of. 1S49. See Deane family. Mansion of, in Portland. 1876. See Goold, William. Deane, Saeah Maeia. Bangor. See Sturtevant, Sarah D. Deane, William Reed. 1809-71- Antiquary, Mansfield, Mass. Reverend Jonathan Fisher, of Bluehill, Maine. Read before a meeting of the New England Historic Genealogical Society April 7, 1867, by William Reed Deane, Esquire. Hist. Mag. 2d. ser. 4:273. (1868.) [2760 Deaeboen, Heney. 1751-1829. Revolutionary general, Roxbury, Mass. Journal of Quebec expedition. 1775. See Chamberlain, Mellen. Sketch of. 1886. See Smith, W. H. Deaeboen, Jeeemiah Wadleigh, M. D. 6. Parsonsfield, 1832. Editor. A History of the first century of the town of Parsonsfield, Maine- Incorporated Aug. 29, 1885, and celebrated with impres sive ceremonies at Nortli Parsonsfield, Aug. 29, 1885. Portland, Me.: Brown Thurston & Co. ISSS. Svo. pp. xiv, (1), 499,(1). (100 ports, folded plan, plate.) [2761 Part I. Introduction. Programme. Address of Welcome, by J. W. Dearborn, M. D.; Oration by Hon. James W. Bradbury; Agriculture of Parsonsfield, by John Tuck; Schools of Parsonsfield, by Horace Piper, A. M., LL. D.; College Graduates, by Rev. Joseph Ricker, D. D.; Progress of 24 354 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. Deaeboen, Jeeemiah Wadleigh, M. D., Continued. Physics for a Century, by Prof. C. F. Brackett, A. M., M. D., LL. D.; Centennial Poem, by Mrs. Isadore E. Merrill; Lawyers of Parsonsfield, by P. Mclntyre, Esq. ; Physicians of Parsonsfield, by J. W. Dearborn , M. D. ; Minerals of Parsonsfield, by H. L. Staples, A. M-, M- D., Parsonsfield Seminary and its Students, by Prof. G. H. Ricker; Music and Musicians of Parsonsfield, by Prof. L. O.Emerson; Progress of Christianity for a Century (sermon,) by Rev. R. H. Conwell. Part. II. History of Parsonsfield, by H. G. O. Smith. Part HI. Personal Sketches. Part IV. Genealogies. Part V. Miscella neous papers. Sketch of the life and character of Hon. Amos Tuck. Read before the Maine Historical Society, December, 1888. By J. W. Dear born, M. D., of Parsonsfield, Maine, sm. Svo. pp. 31. [2762 Dearborn, W. Portland aud Champlain Railroad. By W. Dearborn. [2763 Deaths. Copied from inscriptions on gravestones in several places. Bang. H.M. 5:19. (1889.) [2764 De Aulnay, oe D' Aulnby. See Charnis^, Charles de Menou, Seigneur d' Aulnay, de. Debating Down East. All The Year Round. New ser. 6:245- (1871.) [2765 Deblois, Thomas Amoey, LL. D. 1794-1867. Lawyer, Portland. Notice of. 1868. See WiUis, William. Decalves, Don Alonzo. Travels to the Westward or Unknown Parts of America, being a tour of almost fourteen months. Containing an account of the country, upwards of two thousand miles west of the Christian parts of North America: with an account of Wliite Indians, their manners, habits and many other particulars. By Don Alonzo Decalves. Confirmed by three other persons. Printed at Portland, MDCCXC VI. (1796.) 12mo. pp. 28. [2766 De Costa, Benjamin Feanklin, D- D. 6. 1831. Clergyman, Ncw York. Scenes in the Isle of Mount Desert, coast of Maine. By B. F. De Costa, New York. 1868. sm. 4to. pp. 138. [2767 An edition of 120 copies, illustrated with ten photographs, was published. The same. New York. 1871. 4to- pp- 138. (10 photographs.) Supplement ou Isles of Shoals to Mount Desert, n. t. p. sm. 4to. pp. 139-221. [2768 Only 32 copies printed. Pages to follow foregoing. The Pre-Columbian Discovery of America by the Northmen. Illus trated by translations from the Icelandic sages. Edited with notes and a general introduction by B. F. De Costa. Albany: Joel MunseU. 1868. Svo. pp. ix, (1), 11, 118. (Map.) [2769 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. 355 -The same. Second edition. Albany, N. Y. Joel Munsell's Sons. 1890. Svo. pp. 196. (map.) [2770 Quotes that at Pittston, Me., trees three feet in diameter, and with six hundred annular rings were found, associated with brick work, which, so far as appearances went, antedated the trees. This is refuted by Prof. Henry W. Haynes (Mass. Hist- Soc. Proc. 2d. ser. 5: :337,) who says that rings are not a safe criterion for determining the age of trees, and that trees of Maine, such as the pine and spruce, do not live to the age of six hundred years. -Notes on a review of " The Pre-Columbian Discovery of America by the Northmen," in the North American Review for July. By Rev. B. F. De Costa. Advertiser Press: Charlestown, Mass. 1869. 16mo. pp. 14. [2771 -Sketches of the coast of Maine and Isles of Shoals, with historical notes. By B. F. De Costa. New York. 1869- 4to- pp. 221- (Photographic plate.) [2772 Twenty-four copies printed. Also, Antiquities. To the editor of the Ad vertiser. New York: Dec. 1, 186J. 4to. slip. p.l. -The Northmen in Maine; a critical examination of views expressed in connection with the subject, by Dr. J. G. Kohl, in volume I, of the new series of the Maine Historical Society. To which are added criticisms on other portions of the work, and a chapter on the discovery of Massachusetts Bay. By the Rev. B. F. De Costa, author of "The Pre-Columbian Discovery of America by the North men," etc., etc. Albany: Joel Munsell. 1870. Svo. pp. 146. [2773 Severely reviewed in Hist. Mag., 11. s. 7:206. (1870.) -Rambles in Mount Desert; with sketches of travel on the New England coast, from Isles of Shoals to Grand Manan. By B. F. De Costa. New York: A. D. F. Randolph & Co. Boston: A. WilUams & Co. 1871. 12mo. pp. 280. (1 illus.) [2774 —The Atlantic Coa.st Guide. A companion for the tourist between Newfoundland and Cape May. Including sketches of Cape Breton, New Brunswick, Penobscot Bay, Isles of Shoals, Mas sachusetts Bay, Nantucket, Narragansett, Connecticut Coast, Staten Island, Long Branch, Nova Scotia, Grand Manan, Cacco Bay, Cape Ann, Cape Cod, Martha's Vineyard, Newport, Long Island, the Jersey Coast, Cape May. With an account of all summer resorts. New York: E. P. Dutton and Company. Bos ton: A. WiUiams and Company. 1873. 12mo. pp. 88, 136. (2 maps.) [27 75 45 pages relate to Maine. -The Lost City of New England- Mag. Am. Hist. 1 : 14. (1877.) [2776 -The same. New York, 1877. sm. 4to. pp. 7. [27 77 25 copies printed. —The Popham Colony. Mag. Am. Hist. 1 : 689. (1877.) [2778 356 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. DeCosta, Benjamin Franklin, D. D., Continued. The Two Hundred and Seventy-third Anniversary of Sagadahoc. (Fromthe Churchman, August 21st, 1880.) Broadside, 174 x5i inches- , [2779 Gosnold and Pring. 1602-03. Extracts from a paper read before the New England Historic, Genealogical Society, Nov. 7, 1877, by Eev. B. F. DeCosta, of New York City. N. E. Reg- 32:76. (1878.) [27S0 Early Discoveries and Settlements on the coast of New England under church auspices. History American Episcopal Church. (1878.) pp. 479-500. [2781 (The) Hand Book of Mount Desert, coast of Maine. With all the routes thither, descriptions of the scenery and topography, sketches of the history, with illustrations and views of Mount Desert, and Penobscot and Frenchman's Bay from the United States coast survey. An island full of hills and dells. All rumpled and uneven. Browning. Boston: A. Williams & Company. New York: T. Whittaker, 2 Bible House. Bar Harbor, Me. : A. W. Bee. n. d. (1S7S.) 12mo. pp. xiii, 161. [2782 Published anonymously. A Relation of a voyage to Sagadahoc now first printed from the original manuscript in the Lambeth Place Library. Edited with preface, notes and appendix by the Rev. B. F. DeCosta - Cambridge: John Wilson & Son, University Press. 1880. Svo- pp. 43. [2783 Reprinted in advance from Proc. Mass. Hist Soc. 18: 82: 118, (1880-81.) It contains a facsimile of tile original manuscript title. It would seem from the internal evidence furnished by the journal and express testimony of Purchas, (Smith's Generall Historic, p. 203) that this composition was by James Davies, who, in the organization at Sagadahoc, held the office of captain of the fort. This journal was found to be the source whence Strachey drew his account of the colony. Winsor; Hist. Am. 3: 193. Alexander Brown (Genesis U. S. 1: 141) says that it was prob ably written by Davies. The preface reviews the story of the settlement, and the appendix reprints the extracts from Gorges, Smith, Purchas. and Alexander, from which, previous to the publication of Strachey's account, all knowledge of the colony was derived. The Two Hundred and Seventy-fifth Anniversary of the Landing at Kennebec. Mag. Am. Hist 8:555. (1882.) [2784 History of the United States of America. By George Bancroft. The author' slate revision. Vol.1. Mag. Am. Hist. 9:300. (1883.) [2785 Criticism upon Mr. Bancroft's substitution of the Georges, instead of the Penobscot as the river discovered by Waymouth. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. 357 Reply to Mr. Bancroft (upon same subject). Mag. Am. Hist 10: 143. (i883.) [2786 Norumbega and its English Explorers (in History of America). (1S84.) See Winsor, Justin. -Simon Ferdinando and John Walker in Maine. 1579-80. N. E. Reg. 44: 149. (1S90.) [2787 The same, under the following title: Ancient Norumbega, or the voyages of Simon Ferdinando and John Walker to the Penobscot. 1579-80. Albany: J. Munsell's Sons. 1890. Svo. pp. 12. [2788 "Revised from the N. E. Historical and Genealogical Register, April, 1890." Dedham. Incorporated 1837. Confession of Faith and Covenant adopted bythe Congregational church in Dedham, Maine. Organized December 13, 1841. Ban gor: Samuel S. Smith, Printer. 1856. 16mo. pp. 24. [2789 Debeing, C. W. Address, 150th anniversary of Gorham. 1886. See Gorham. Debeing. Incorporated from Westbrook, 1871- Accountof. N.E. Eeg. 25:292. (1871.) [2790 History of Stroudwater. 1871. See Goold, William. Manual of the Congregational church at Woodford's Corner, Deer ing, Maine. Portland: Loring, Short & Harmon. 1873. 24mo. pp. 20. [2791 Catalogue of the Woodford's Corner Congregational Sunday- school library. 1875. Portland: Hoyt, Fogg & Donham. 1875. 24mo. pp. 16. [2792 Deering Civil Service Reform Association. First annual report of the executive committee for the year ending May 3, 1883, with letters from W. W. Thomas, Bion Bradbury, Chas W. God dard, A. A. Strout, H. W. Richardson, Charles F. Libby, John W. Deering, Charles McLaughlin, John Marshall Brown. Deering, Maine 1883. 12mo. pp. 12. [2793 Directory. 1882. See Hull, John T. Report of special committee on topographical survey of the town of Deering, March 11, 1S78. Portland, Me.: Printed by William M. Marks. 1878. Svo. pp. 8. [2794 Cemetery Inscriptions. 1887. See Cobb, Isaac. Inscriptions on gravestones. 1887. See Deering, Henry Leading Business Men. 1887. See Beckford, W. H. "In Essential Things Unity. In non-essential things, Liberty. In all things. Charity." Manual of the Free church, Deering, Me- 1889. Portland, Me.: Printed by WiUiam M. Marks. 1889. 16mo. pp. 18- [2795 358 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. Debeing, Heney, and Noyes, Edwaed Debeing. Portland. Inscriptions of gravestones in private burying-grounds and on farms in Cape Elizabeth, Deering, Westbrook, Falmouth, Scar borough and other towns near Portland, Maine. Copied by Henry Deering and Edward Deering Noyes. Me. Eec. 4: 113. (1887.) [2796 Debeing, Mary S. Portland. See Caswell, Mrs. Mary A. Debeing, Nathaniel. 1791-1881. Author, Portland. Carabasset: A tragedy in five acts, by N. Deering. Portland: Pub lished by S. Colman, Literary Rooms, Exchange Street. 1830. ISmo- pp. 54. [2797 Mrs. Sykes. From the papers of Dr. Tonic, recently brought to light. 1835. See Stephens, Ann S. -The Donation Visit Godey. -33:204. (1846). [2798 Bozzaris: a tragedy in five acts. By N. Deering, Portland: PubUshed by J. S. BaUey. 1851. 16mo. pp. 66. [2799 Nancy Bean and the Maine Recruit. A touching ballad. Broad side- (1861.) [2800 Mr. Botkins Rises in the World. No. Mo. 1: 542. (1864.) [2801 Notice of. 1S77. See Duyckinck, Everts A. Sketch of. N.E.Reg. 35:307. (1881.) Notice of. Harvard Register. 1:243. (1881.) [2802 Biography of. 1885. See Biog. Ency. Me. [2803 Debe Isle. Incorporated 1799. Deer Island Papers. Petition of inhabitants. 1762. Bang. H. M. 1:195. (1SS6.) [2804 Petition of inhabitants. 1775. See Pratt, J- F. Letters on religious revival at. 1798. See Powers, Peter. Sermon, funeral Capt. Mark Haskell, 1799. See Brown, Joseph. Deposition of Deer Isle in time of Revolution. Bang. H. M. 2: 84. (If'SO.) [-2805 Silver Mine at. Report on. 1880. See Stewart, W. F. ^Petition from for grant of "Great Isle of Holt." 1802. Me Rec 1:30. (1884.) 'p806 Historical Sketch. 1886. See Hosmer, George L. Marriages at. 1832-52. See Adams, Jonathan E. Evidence of the stone age at Deer Isle. Bang. H. M. 3:58. (1887.) [2807 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. 359 Defoe, Daniel. 1661-1731. The Most Surprising Adventures, and wonderful life of Eobiuson Crusoe, of Yorke, mariner. Containing a full and particular account how his ship was lost in a storm, and all his companions were drowned, and he only was cast upon the shore by the wreck: and how he lived eight and twenty years in an uninhabited island, on the coast of America, etc., with a true relation h ow he was at last miraculously preserved by pirates, etc., etc., etc. Portland: Printed and sold by Thomas B. Wait 1789. [2808 The Life and Adventures of Robinson Crusoe. Portland: S. H. Colesworthy. 1839. 12mo. pp. 134. [2809 Defoemity of a Hideous Monstee Discoveeed in Maine. See Ely, S. DeGebgoieb, Maeie Theeesb. Mount Desert. Grant to. 1787. See Porter, J. W. DeLanoby, Edwaed Floyd. Lawyer, New York. Sir Henry Clinton's original secret record of private intelligence, contributed by Dr. Thos. Addis Emmett. Introduction and notes by Edw. F. DeLancey. Mag. Am. Hist 10:327,409,497. (1883.) 11 : 53, 156, 247, 342, 433, 533. (1884.) [2810 Concerning Daniel Sullivan, of Sullivan. Delano, Jetheo. Orrington, Bangor, 1786-96 Jethro Delano, Attorney for Plff. Bang. Hist. Mag. 1 : 178. (1856.) [2811 Db Laski, John. 1874. Vinalhaven. Glacial Action about Penobscot Bay. Am. Jour. Sci. 87:335 (1864.) [2812 On the motions of glaciers. 1863. See Port. Nat. Hist. Soc. Proc. Glacial Action on Mount Katahdin. Am. Jour. Sci. 103:27. (1872.) [2813 Dblesdbeniee, William. 1794-1842. Calais. Libel on. 1838. See Jackson, John. " Della Ceusca." Pseud. See Merry, R. Dbmonology, or Spiritualism, ancient and modern. 1884. See Hanson, Edgar F- Db Monts- See Monts, Pierre du Guast, Sieur de- Dbnio, Feancis Beigham, D- D. b. 1848. Professor Bangor Theo logical Seminary from 1882. The Greek Text of the Revisera and its Critics- New Eng. 45: 529. (1SS2.) [2814 The same- From the New Englander for July, 1SS2. Svo. pp. 19. 360 BIBLIOGEAPHY OF MAINE. Dbnio, Feancis Brigham, D. D., Continued. Notes for Old Testament Study. Printed for the use of F. B. Denio, Bangor, Me. Svo. pp. 66. [2815 Present Outlook for Old Testament Study. New Eng. 42: 642- (1SS3.) [2816 Denison, Adna Curtis, b. 1815. Lewiston. Biography of. 1885. See Biog. Ency. Me. Denison, Chaelbs H. Poem at the centennial celebration of the Congregational church at Alna, Maine, September 11, 1SS9. n. p. n. d. 16mo. pp. 4. [2817 Dennen, Stephen Eollins, D. D. Clergyman, West Newton, Mass. A Bold New England Rover. N. E. Mag. n. s. 2:665. (1890.) [2818 Sketch of Samuel Austin Whitney, of Linoolnville. Dennison, Eliza Feeeman. Portland. Autumn Leaves. By Christie Crust. " The maples redden in the sun : In autumn gold the beeches stand. " With illustrations. Portland: Press of B. Thurston & Company. 1875. 16mo. pp. 139- [2819 Dennett, Mark. 17S7-1S83. Kittery. Obituary of. 1883. See Herrick, N. J. Dennett, Jacob. 1742-1819. Bangor. Sketch of. 1889. See Porter, J. W. Denny, Major Samuel. 1689-1772. Georgetown. Sketch of. 1SS4. See Loring, Amasa. Dbnnysville. Incorporated 1818. Sermon, Divinity of Christ. 1827. See Church, Aaron B. Address: history of church. 1880. See Whittier, Charles. Memorial of the 100th anniversary of the settlement of Dennsy- ville, Maine. 1886. Portland, Maine: B. Thurston & Co. Printers. 1886. Svo. pp. 115. [2820 Contains memorial address, by Hon. George F. Talbot; review of educa tion, morals and religion, by Rev. Charles Whittier; municipal and statis tical history by P. E. Vose, Esq. ; and genealogies of principal families. Dbnys, Nicolas. French adventurer, and governor in Acadia, 1631. Description Geographique et Historique des Cost^s de I'Amerique septentrionale, AvecTHistoire naturelle du Pais. Par Monsieur Denys, Gouverneur Lieutenant General pour le Roy, & proprie- taire de toutes les Terres & Isles qui sont depuis le Cap de Camp- seaux, jusques au Cap des Roziers. Tome I. A Paris Chez BIBLIOGEAPHY OF MAINE. 361 Claude Barbin, au Palais, sur le Perron, de la sainte Chapelle. M.DCL.XXIL 2 Vols. ISmo. Vol. L pp. (32), 267, (1): VoL IL 480, (misprint for 486), (6). [2020a The title-page of Vol. II, reads as follows;— ffistoire Naturelle des Peuples, des Animaux, des Arbres & Plantes de I'Amerique Septentrionale, ii> de ses divers CUmnts. Avec une Description exacte de la Pesche des Molu'is, tant sur le Grand-Banc qu' a la Costi; dde toutee qui s'y pratique de plus particulier, <&c. The remainder is like Vol. I. The country over which M. Denys claimed to exercise jurisdiction, under the king of France, extended from Cape Cause, at the eastern extremity of Nova Scotia, to Penobscot Bay. DE Peystee, John Watts. 6. 1821. Author, TivoU, New York- Tlie Dutch at the North Pole and the Dutch in Maine. A paper read before the New York Historical Society, March 3, 1857. New York. 1857. Svo. pp. 100. [2821 Proofs considered of the early settlement of Acadia by the Dutch : being an appendix to the Dutch in Maine. Poughkeepsie: Platt & Schram. 1858. Svo. pp. 19. [2822 Edition, 500 copies. Dbeby, Martha Coffin. Portland. Notice of. 1834. See Knapp, Samuel L. Deemer, Thomas. Letter of Thomas Dernier, describing his passage from Maine to Virginia, A. D., 1619. From Purchas's Pilgrims. London, 1625- N. Y. Hist. Soc. CoU. 2d. ser. 1: 344. (1841.) [2823 Preceded by a note by the editor (George Folsom), describing Dormer's trip, and citing several authorities. Des Baeebs, Joseph Feedeeick Wallet. 1722-1824. English officer and engineer, Halifax, N. S. Charts of the coast and harbours of New England, composed and engraved by Joseph F. W. Des B., Esq; in consequence of an ap plication, of the Right Honorable Lord Viscount Howe, com mander-in-chief of HisMajesty's ships in North America from the surveys taken under the direction of the lords of trade. By Samuel Holland, Esq- surveyor general of lands and his assist ants {sic) who have beeu employed on that service since the year 1764. Folio, n. d. (1777?) [2824 Contents. Maijie: 1. New England from Rhode Island to Passama quoddy Bay. 11. The coast from Newbury to Cape Elizabeth. (No No. 12.) 13. The coast from Cape Elizabeth to Musketo Island. 14. Falmouth Har bour for pillotage. 15. The harbours and rivers between Portland Point and Stage Island, for pillotage. (No. No. IS.) 17. The harbours and rivers between Pemaquid Point and Metenic Island, for pillotage. 18. The coast from Mu.sketo Island to Skuttock Point. 19. The entrance into Pen obscot Bay, Isle Haut Bay, Great Blue Hill Bay, &C-, for pillotage. 20. Pen obscot Bay, Deer Island, Great Blue Hill Bay, &c., for pillotage- 21. The harbours and rivers from Burntcoat Island to Skuttock, for pillotage. 22. The harbours and rivers between Gouldsborough and Moose Harbour, for pillotage. 362 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. Des Baeebs, Joseph Feedeeick Wallet, Continued. Atlantic Neptune, published for the use of the royal navy of Great Britian By J. F. W. Des B., Esq., Under the direction of the Eight Honorable the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty. (Part III. Folio) (1781?) [2825 Contents. Maine. 1. 2d sheet. Ipswich to Passamaquoddy Bay. 2. 3 sheets. Moose Harbour, Little River Harbour, Mechias, Kennebec, Chand ler Bay, Indian River Bay, Pleasant River Harbour, Narrangaugus, Pigeon Hill Bay, Dyer's Bay. Gouldsborough, &c. 3. Falmouth Harbour. 4. 2 sheets. Newbury Harbour to Brobercs Harbour, Broberts Harbour to Cape Elizabeth. Additional Plates. 1. Mechias River near the mills, A Sketch of Me chias Mills. 11. Musketo Island to Frenchman's Bay. 2 sheets. 12. Bel fast Bay, Penobscot Bay and River, Great Blue Hill Bay, &c. 2 sheets. 13. Mount Desert Island, &c. 2 sheets. 14. Penobscot Bay, Isle Haut Bay, Great Blue Hill Bay, 2 sheets. 15. Chart from Musketo Island, westward to Cape izabeth. 2 sheets. 16. St. Georges River,&c. 2 sheets. 17. Portland Sound &c. 18. Chart of Piscataqua Harbour, &c., 2 sheets. Colored view. Appearance of the high Bands of Agamenticus, N. E. With Penobscot Hills to the eastwards, at 3 to 4 leagues off shore- (In "Charts of the coasts and harbours of New England from surveys taken by Sam'l Holland, Esq., surv'r gen'l of lands for the northern district of North America George Sproule, Chas. Blascowitz, Jam's Grant and Tho's Wheeler, his assistants pursuant to orders from the Right Hon'ble the Lord Commissioners for trade and plantations together with several useful additional surveys, soundings views, &c. Taken by various officers on the spot- Composed and published by command of government for the royal navy of Great Britain, by J. P. W. Des Barres, Esq. surveyor of the coast and harbours of North America. MDCCLXXXI. Flyn Scrip't et Sculp't" fol. (The) Destruction of Jerusalem, including a narrative of the calami ties which befel the Jews. With a brief description of the city and temples. HaUoweU: Printed by S. K. Gilman. 1820. 12mo. PP- 54. [2S26 Preface signed G. H., and dated London, 1st Jan. 1805. The same. Second edition. Saco : Elijah H. Morrell. 1850. 12mo . [2827 Detail of some Paeticulae Services in America. 1776-79. See Town, Ithiel. Dbvbebaux, Geoege H. Sam Shirk: A tale of woods of Maine. By George H. Devereaux. New York : Published by Hurd and Houghton. Cambridge : River side Press. 1871. 12mo. pp. iv, 391. [2828 Dbvoll, Saeah W. Results of employment of police matron iu Portland, 1881- See Sanborn, F. B. DeWitt, John Eveet. 1839-94. President Insurance Co., Portland. Ancestry of. 1888. See American Ancestry. BIBLIOGEAPHY OF MAINE. 363 Dextee. Incorporated 1816. Sermon at, on Mrs. S. B. Carpenter. 1853. See Parker, Wooster. History. 1882. See Hist. Penobscot County. Leading Business Men of, with historical sketch. 1889. See Lead ing Business Men. Manual of the Barron Memorial Congregational church. Dexter, Maine. Dexter, Maine : Eastern State Pub. Co. 1889. 16mo. pp. 23. [2S29 An Inland Retreat. 1890. See Haynes, George H. The Bank Tragedy, a novel. 1890- See Hatch, E. P. Dextee, Feank Heney. 6. 1856. Journalist, Springvale. Paper relating to history of Press in York County. 1890. See Maine Press Ass. Dextee, Heney Vaughan, D. D. 1815-84. Clergyman, Calais, Au gusta, 1845-69. The Shining Way; or unerring guide, being Scripture precepts topically arranged, by Rev. Henry V. Dexter, D. D., with an in troduction by Rev. Mark Trafton, D. D. " Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path. " Ps.119: 105. Augusta: E. C. Allen, n. d. 16mo. pp. 342. [2S30 (A) Dialogue between a father and son on the subject of Christian Baptism. Portland: A. Shirley, Printer, n.d. (1827.) 12mo. pp. 35. [2831 DiCKEEMAN, Gboegb Sheewood. b. 1843. Clergyman, Lewiston, 1874-83. Sermon by Rev- George S- Dickerman, of Pine Street church, Lewiston, before the Maine Missionary Society, June 28, 1876. Svo. pp. 16. [2832 The same. Minutes Gen. Conference. 1876. p. 217. The Divorce Evil. Report of a committee of the General Confer ence (of Maine), June 21, 1883. Rev. George S. Dickerman, chairman. Bangor: Benjamin A. Burr, Printer. Svo. pp. 6. [2833 The same. Minutes Gen. Conference. 1883- pp- 136-141. DiCKBESON, Jonathan Gaeland, LL.D- 1811-78- Lawyer, Belfast, and justice Supreme Court- In memoriam. Proceedings of the Waldo bar in relation to the death of Hon- Jonathan G. Dickerson, a justice of the Supreme Judicial Court, had before the court at the October term, in Bel fast, on Saturday, October 26, 1878- See Pulsifer, Josiah D- Remarks by Albert G. Jewett, Col. Wm. H. Fogler, Joseph Williamson and Judge Barrows, with resolations. Biography of. 1885. See Biog. Ency. Maine. 364 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. Dickey, Elbazee B. 1760-1S53. Revolutionary soldier, Monroe. Notice of. N. E. Reg. 7: 374. (1853.) [28.34 Dickinson, Charles Albert. 6. 1849. Clergyman, Portland, 1879- 82. A Sermon on the death of James A. Garfield, president of the United States, by Rev. C. A. Dickinson, delivered at the Second Parish church, Portland, Me., September 25th, 1881. Published by request. Portland, Me- : Hoyt, Fogg & Donham. B. Thurs ton & Co., Printers. Svo. pp. 16. [2835 Dickinson, John. 1782-1863. Lawyer, Machias. Sketch of. 1888. See Porter, J. W. Dickinson, Rodolphus. 1787-1863. Clergyman, Deerfield, Mass. The Columbian Reader. HaUoweU. 1818. DiDiEE, Eugene Lemoinb. b. 1838. Author, Baltimore, Md. The Political Adventures of James G. Blaine. Baltimore: The Peoples' Publishing Co. n- d- (Copyright, 1884.) Svo. pp. 12. [2836 Digby, William. Lieutenant in British army. Journal of. 1776-77- See Baxter, James P. Dighton Family. 1889. See Drummond, Josiah H. Dike, Samuel Fullbe, D. D. 6. 1815. Clergyman, Bath. Doctrine of the New Jerusalem. A sermon delivered at the dedi cation of the New Jerusalem temple in Bath, Maine, January 11, 1844. By Samuel F. Dike, pastor of the New Jerusalem society in Bath. Published by request. Boston: T. Harrington Carter & Co. 1844. Svo. cover-title, and pp. 64. [2S37 New .lerusalem Tracts. The Resurrection. The Medium of Salva tion. Boston: T. H. Carter & Son. Chicago: E. B. Myers & Chandler. 1867. ISmo. pp. 32, 8. [2838 New Jerusalem Tracts. The Pool of Bethesda. The Nature of True ReUgion. Boston : T. H. Carter & Son. [2839 Doctrine of the Lord in the Primitive Christian Church. Boston: H. H. and T. H. Carter. 1870. 12mo- pp. 61. [2840 Reviewed in New Jeru. Mag. 43 ; 457. (1870-71-) Is Death Man's Final Destiny? A sermon delivered at the church of the New Jerusalem, Bath, U- S- A., on Sunday, January 2Sth, 1877, by the Rev. Samuel F. Dike, D. D. " I protest by your rejoicing which I have in Christ Jesus our Lord, I die daily. " 1 Cor. 16: 31. Manchester: J. Larkin, 26 Hewett Street. Hightown: J. B. Ledsham, 31 Corporation Street. London: J. Spiers, 36 Blooms- bury Street, W. C. n. d. 12mo. pp. 12. [2841 Ancestry of. 1SS8. See American Ancestry. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. 365 Dill, Haery P. The Lakes of Franklin and Oxford County, Maine. From actual survey made during the winter of 1876. Surveyed and published by Harry P. DUl, PhUUps, Maine, PubUsher. "From Stream to Paddle. " Stereoscopic views of above section. Scale: 1 inch equals 1 mile. Map 26 x 36 inches. [2S42 Diller, Joseph Silas. Geologist, Washington, D. C. Topez from Stoneham. 1885. See Clarke, Francis W- DlLLINGHAM, PiTT- 1772-1829. Augusta. An Address in commemoration of American Independence. Deliv ered at Sidney, July 4, 1823. By Pitt Dillingham, Esq. Published at HaUoweU, Printed by S. K. Gilman. 1823. Svo. [2843 Dingley Family. From records compiled by Miss M. A. Thomas, with notes by W. H.Smith. Me. Rec. 2:120. (1SS5.) [2844 Dingley, Feank Lambbet. b. Unity, 1840. Journalist, Lewiston. Greatness in Men. University Q. 4: 55. (1861.) [2845 Studies in Europe of emigration moving out of Europe, especially that flowing to the United States. Made under the authority of the department of State during the year ending Oct. 1, 1890. U. S. Special Consular Reports, pp. 209, 332. 1891. Washington: Gov. Printing Office. Svo. 1S91. [2846 Dingley, Nelson, Jr., LL- D- b. Durham, 1832. Journalist, governor of Maine, Lewiston. Address, 1869. See Maine Press Asso. An Autobiography of Nelson Dingley, Jr. Lewiston: Published at the Journal Offlce. 1874. Svo. pp. 66. Privately printed. [2847 Protection of American Shipping. Speech of Hon. Nelson Dingley, Jr., of Maine, in the House of Representatives, Thursday, April 20, 1882. Washington: 1882. Svo. pp. 15. [2S4S The National Banking System. Speech in the House of Represen tatives, May 17, 1SS2. Washington: 1882. Svo. pp. 24. [2849 Prohibition and the Amendment. Address of Hon. Nelson Dingley, Jr., at Lake Maranacook, July 28, 1883. New York: National Temperance Society and PubUcation House, 58 Reade Street, n. d. (1883.) 16mo. pp. 22. [2S50 Protection to American Industries. Speech of Hon. Nelson Ding ley, Jr., in the House of Representatives, April 29, 1884. Wash ington: 1884. Svo. pp. 24. [2851 The DecUne of American Shipping. No. Am. Rev. 138:318. (1884.) [2352 366 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. Dingley, Nelson, Je., LL. D., Continued. Shall We Build Our Own Ships? Speech of Hon- Nelson Dingley, Jr., in the House of Representatives, March 25, 1886. Washing ton: 1886. Svo- pp. 16. [2853 American Steamships for American Mails. Speech in the House of Representatives, March 29, 1886. Washington: 1884- Svo. pp. 16. [2854 Paper relating to the history of the Press in Androscoggin County. 1887. See Maine Press Ass. The Fisheries Question. Speech of Hon. Nelson Dingley, Jr., in the House of Representatives, Feb. 20, 1887. Washington: ISSS- Svo- pp. 24. [2855 Protection and Prosperity. Speech of Hon. Nelson Dingley, Jr., in the House of Representatives, May 3, 1889. Washington: ISSS. Svo- pp. 24. [2856 French Spoliation Claims. Speech of Hon. Nelson Dingley, Jr., in the House of Representatives, August 3, ISSS. Washington: 1888- Svo. pp. 8. [2857 The American Merchant Marine. 1888. See Long, John D- How to Restore American Shipping. No- Am. Rev. 148: 687- (1889-) [2858 The TarifE. Speech of Hon. Nelson Dingley, Jr., in the House of Representatives. Washington : 1890. Svo. pp. 32. [2859 The Liquor TarifE and the State. Speech of Hon. Nelson Dingley, Jr., in the House of Representatives, July 19, 1890. Washington: 1890. Svo. pp. 16. [2860 DiNSMOEE, J. A Golden Wedding and the Dinsmore Genealogy from about 1620 to 1865. Augusta: 1867. Svo. pp. 24. [2S61 The golden wedding was that of Arthur and Patty Dinsmore, of Anson, 10 Sept., 1865. DiNSMOEB, Samuel Portbe. 1823-82. Lawyer and journalist, Bangor, New York. The Crescent and the Cross ; or a romance and realities of Eastern travel. By Eliot Warburton. No. Am. Rev. 65:56. (1847.) [2S62 A review of the work under the above title. (The) Disolosuee. No. 1. Documents relating to violations and eva^ sions of the laws during the commercial restrictions and late war with Great Britain, &c. Part first. Bath : Printed for the People. 1824- J- G. Torrey, Printer. Svo. pp. 47, (1.) [2S63 (A) DiscouESB on the Apostle Paul's Mystery of Godliness, &c- 1786. See Theosebes, Bereanus. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. 367 DiSTUENELL, J. Eastern Tourist 1848. Disturnell's railroad and steamboat book ; being a guide through the Middle, Northern & Eastern states. Containing a brief description of the principal places, railroads and steamboat routes, table of distances, ifco. Compiled from authentic sources. Ninth edition, with a map. New York: Pub lished by J. Disturnell, 102 and 233 Broadway. For sale by Red ding and Company, Boston : Wm. Groves and Company, Phila delphia, and by Booksellers generally. July 1848. 16mo. pp. 78. [2264 Dix, Morgan, D. D. Clergyman, New York City. Cathedral Church of Saint Luke, Portland, Maine. Sermon preached atthe consecration, on the Feast of St. Luke, October IS, A. D. 1877. By Morgan Dix, S. T. D., rector of Trinity church, New York. (Engraving and church emblems.) Port land, Me.: Printed by Brown Thurston & Co. MDCCCLXX VIL Svo. pp. 32. [2865 Appended to the sermon are a report of the consecration and a description of cathedral. Dix Island. Visit to. 1875. See Church, Ella R. Dixfield. Incorporated 1803- Address, educational, 1828- See Bloxham, Wansbrough. Dixon, Robeet, M. D- 1818-1888- Physician, Damariscotta. Biographical Sketch of. 1890. See Meserve, A- K- P- DoANB Family in America- 1887. See Rand, George D. DoANB, Gboegb Washington, D. D. 1799-1859. P. E. Bishop, New Jersey. The Church of the Living God, the pillar and ground of the tru h: a sermon preached by appointment before the Prayer Book and Homily Society of Portland, Maine: on Monday, June 6, 1831, by George Washington Doane, A. M. rector of Trinity church, Boston. Boston: Stimpson and Clapp. 1831. Svo. pp. 32. [2866 DoANE, Olivbe. 1754-1841. Orrington. .Sketch of. 1887. See Porter, J. W- Dobbins, Jambs- 1751-1853. Falmouth. Notice of- N- E.Reg- 7:374. (1853.) [2867 Dockham, C- Augustinb- Portland Almanac and Register: 1860- By C. Augustine Dock ham- Portland: Printed by B. Thurston. 1860. 24mo. pp. 108. [2868 368 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. DocTEiNE (The) of Christian Peefection, and evincing proof that God is love. By a friend of truth. Portland: Printed by Thayer, Tappan & Stickney, for the author. 1821. 12mo. pp. 31. ' [2869 DOCUMENTAEY HiSTOEY OF MAINE. Proceedings of the Legislature of Maine, for procuring copies of original papers, in the British state paper offlce, not heretofore published, in regard to the early history of Maine, n. t. p. (1863.) Svo. pp.4. [2870 Contains memorial of Maine Historical Society, by John A. Poor. 1869. See WiUis, WiUiam. 1869-77. See Maine. 1877. See Deane, Charles. Doddridge, Philip. 1702-51. English clergyman- History of Christ as recorded in the four gospels, arranged by the Rev. Philip Doddridge, and divided into sections and verses, with questions appended to every section. And an index at the close, for the use of Sabbath-schools, Bible classes and families. By an evangelist. " Search the Scriptures. " Je.sos Chbist. Portland: Printed at the Mirror Offlce. 1825. [2871 Dodge, A. D. Clinton. History of Sebasticook Lodge, No. 146, of Free and Accepted Ma sons, Clinton, Maine. From A. D., 1881 to A. D., 1891. CUntoii, Maine: B. T. Foster & Co., Printers. 12mo. pp. 24. [2872 Dodge, E. H. Dodge's Guide Book and Map to and over Mount Desert Island. ByE. H.Dodge. Tremont (Mt. Desert), Me. Portland: Loring, Short and Harmon. June, 1872. 16mo. pp. 64. [287.i Dodge, Elisha, and family, Bluehill. 1890. See Candage, R. G. F. Dodge, Jonah, and family, Bluehill. 1890. See Candage, R. G. F. Dodge, Reuben Geoege Washington. 1815-86. Bluehill. Early Settlers in Bluehill, and their families. (From the papers of R. G. W. Dodge, rearranged and added to by R. G. F. Candage.) Bangor: B. A. Burr, jjr. 1889. Svo, pp. (1), 181-220. [2874 The same Bang. H. M. 5:181. (1889.) Dodge, W. W. Some Lower Silurian Graptolites from Northern Maine. Am. Jour. Sci. 140: 153. (1890.) [2875 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. 369 Dods, John Bovbe. 1795-1872. Clergyman, Brooklyn, N. Y. A Sermon, delivered in the court house, Bangor, Wednesday evening, February 25, 1829. By the Rev. John B. Dods, pastor of the Universalist societies in Union and Thomaston. (Pub lished by request. Bangor: Printed at the Republican Offlce. 1829. Svo. pp. 16. [2876 A Sermon, delivered in the court house, Belfast, Sunday, May 3, 1829. By John B. Dods, pastor of the Universalist church and societies in Union and Thomaston. (Published by request.) Belfast: White & Rowe, Printers. Journal Offlce. Svo. pp- 16. [2877 Dob, Maey G. Elegy on the death of Rev. T. W. HUl, of Ossipee, N. H-, who was killed in a mill by being caught in a belt attached to a grind stone at Effingham, N- H., May 11, 1864, aged 37 years 7 months and 3 days- By Mary G- Doe, West Parsonsfield, Me. 1865. [2878 Doe, William D. Who Stole the Widow Snow's Thanksgiving Dinner? A love story- By WiUiam D. Doe, Belfast, Maine. Age Job Print: Bel fast, Me. 1890. 12mo. pp. 16. [2879 Dole, Isaiah. Teacher. 6. Skowhegan. ; . Keene, N. H. Requirements in a Lexographer of the English Language. Am. Jour. Ed. 3: 161. (1858.) [2880 Domestic Life and Chaeactee. Illustrated. Boston, Thomas Ap- plegate, 1858. Svo. pp. 200. [2881 A careful examination of this pamphlet reveals the fact that itwas first published at Portland in three numbers as "The Northern Home Magazine." An engraved cover containing a vignette view of Portland, being mortised, served for the new title. C. L. Woodward's Catalogue, No. 32. 1887. DoNBY. Indian Chief. Sketch of. 1845. See Drake, Samuel G. Donham, Gebnville Mellen. 6. Hebron, 1835. PubUsher, Port land- Maine State Year-Book and Legislative Manual for the year 1886- 87, from April 1, 1886, to April 1, 1887- Established 1870 by Edmund S- Hoyt. Calendar pages adapted to standard time. Prepared pursuant to orders of the legislature. Portland: Hoyt, Fogg & Donham. 193 Middle Street. 16mo. pp. 744. [2882 The same number of copies ordered by the State as for 1886, and at the same price. Maine Register or State Year-Book and Legislative Manual, from April 1, 1887, to April 1, 1888. Established 1870. Compiled by G. M. Donham. Standard time adopted for calendar pages. 25 370 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. Donham, Grenville Mellen, Continued. Prepared pursuant to orders of the legislature. Portland, Me. : J.B.Gregory. 1887. 16mo. pp.752. [2883 Five hundred and flfty copies ordered by the Legislature, at $1.60 per copy. Maine Register or State Year-Book and Legislative Manual from April 1, 1888, to April 1, 1889. Established 1870. Standard time adopted for calendar pages. Prepared pursuant to orders of the legislature. Compiled and published by G. M. Donham, Oxford Building, 185 Middle Street, Portland, Maine. 1888. 16mo. pp. 768. [2884 Seven hundred and fitty copies taken by the State, at the same price as for 1887. Maine Register or State Year-Book and Legislative Manual from April 1, 1889, to AprU 1, 1890. Established 1870. Standard time adopted for calendar pages. Prepared pursuant to orders of the legislature. Compiled and published by G. M. Donham, Oxford Building, 185 Middle Street, Portland, Maine. 1889. 16mo. pp. 782. [2885 Seven hundred and flfty copies ordered by the legislature at $1-50 per copy. Maine Register, or State Year-Book and Legislative Manual from AprU 1, 1890, to AprU 1, 1891. Established 1870. Standard time adopted for calendar pages. Prepared pursuant to order of the legislature. Compiled and published by G. M. Donham, Oxford Building, 185 Middle Street, Portland, Maine. 1890. 16mo. pp- 801. (Map.) [2886 The secretary of State was authorized to contract for seven hundred and flftycopies at $1. 50 per copy. DoNNELL, Albert, b. 1856. Clergyman, Eastport. Historical Address delivered at the seventieth anniversary of the formation of the Central Cong, church of Eastport, Friday, Feb ruary Sth, 1SS9. Eastport: Printed at the Sentinel Office. 1889. sm- 4to. pp- 20- [2887 Don Quixotte- Pseud. The Ichneumon. Being an essay on politics. Written in the Dis trict of Maine, July, 1814. By Don Quixotte. They hate him that rebuketh in the gate, and they abhor him that speak eth uprightly. Amos 5 : 10. n. p. n. d. (1814.) Svo. pp. 20. [2888 A manuscript note in a copy owned by the Maine Historical Society, says, " Printed by Peter Edes, Augusta, 1814. Written by an original named' Tupper. " DoEA Vbenon. a story of Lewiston Ufe. 1867. See Topographicus. DoEMAN, Jesse. Arundel. Muster Roll of his company. 1775. See Moore, M. J. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. 371 DoRRANCB, Oliver, Beastow. 1804-73. Portland, Boston Sketch of. N.E.Reg. 43:102. (1889.) [2889 Douglas, Alice May. Bath- Phlox. Bath, Me- Times Press- 1888. sq. 16mo. pp. 22. [2890 Mayflowers. Bath, Me. Times Press. 1888. sq. 16mo. pp. 16. [2891 — —Gems Without Polish, a story of the country week. New York: Hunt & Eaton. 1890. 12mo. pp. 423. [2892 Douglas, Joshua Lufkin. Bath. The Douglas Family of Massachusetts and Maine. N. E- Reg- 28:69- (1874.) [2893 Early Births in Durham. Me. Biog. 3 : 53. (1878.) [2894 Cemetery Inscriptions. Me. Rec 2:54. (1885.) [2S55 Arrowsic Island and West Bath. Ancestry of. 1885. See American Ancestry. -- — The Douglas Genealogy. By J. Lufkin Douglas. Bath: Press of Sentinel and Times. 1891. Svo. pp- 226. (Ports-) [2896 Douglas, Stephen Aenold. 1813-61. Statesman, Chicago. Non-interference by Congress with slavery in the territories. Speech of Hon. Stephen A. Douglas, at Bangor, Maine, on Wed nesday, August 15, 1860. Svo. pp. 8. [2897 Douglass, John Abbot. 1792-1878. Clergyman, Waterford. Christians Co-workers with God. (1 Cor. 3:9.) A sermon deliv- vered at Yarmouth, June 25, 1851, before the Maine Missionary ^ Society, at its forty-fourth anniversary. By Rev. John A. Douglass, pastor of a church in Waterford. Augusta: William T. John son, Printer. 1851. Svo. pp. 15. [2898 A Discourse, delivered before the Congregational church and so ciety of Waterford, Maine, November 7th, A. D., 1871, at the semi-centennial anniversary of the settlement of the pastor. Rev. J. A. Douglass. Published by request From the News Press, Bridgton, Maine, n. d. Svo. pp. 15. [2899 Douglass, William. 1691-1752. Physician, Boston. A Summary, historical and political, of the first planting, pro gressive improvements, and present state of the British settle ments in North America. Containing: I. Some general account of ancient and modern colonies, the granting and settling of the British continent and West India Island colonies, with some transient remarks concerning the adjoining French and Spanish settlements, and other remarks of various natures. II. The Hudson's Bay Company's lodges, fur and skin trade. III. New foundland harbours and cod-fishery. IV. The Province of 372 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. Douglass, William, Contimied. L'Accadie or Nova Scotia; with the vicissitudes of the property and jurisdiction thereof, and its present state. V. The several grants of Sagadahock, Province of Main, Massachusett's-Bay, and New Plymouth, united by a new charter in the present Province of Massachusett's-Bay, commonly called New England. By William Douglass, M. D. Boston in New England : by Eogers and Towle. MD, CC, XLIX. Svo. Vol. I. pp. Ui, (3), 568. Vol. II, 1751. Svo. 2 1. pp. 416. [2900 It originally appeared in numbers. The death of the author prevented the completion of the work. The same. Boston: New England, Printed : London, reprinted for E. Baldwin, M, DCC, LV. 2 Vols., Svo. Vol. I. 3, 1, pp. iv, 568, (map). Vol. II. 3, 1, pp. 416. An exact reprint of the Boston edition of 1749, with the addition of a map. The same. London: E. aud J. Dodsley, MDCCLX. Same title as preceding. Douglass, William Abbot. Waterford. A Short Account of WiUiam Abbot Douglass, who died at Water ford, Maine, February 23, 1832. Aged three years and eight months. By the children's friend- " Those that seek me early shall flnd me." Prov. 8: 17. " To thee the voices of the young, A monument of honor raise : And babes with uninstructed tongues. Declare the wonders of thy praise." Written for the Massachusetts Sabbath School Society and revised by the committee of publication. Third edition. Boston: Mass achusetts Sabbath School Society. Depository No. 13, Cornhill 1839. ISmo. pp. 36. (1 Ulus.) [2901 Douty, Calvin Sangee. 1813-63. Dover. Office, in Eebellion. Sketch of. 1864. See Bailey, Isaac H. DovBE. Incorporated 1822. Sermon, Fast. 1851. See Parker, Wooster. Historical Account. 1880. See Loring, Amasa. An Inland Retreat. 1890. See Haynes, George H. Dow, Daniel. 1772-1849. Clergyman, Thompson, Conn. The Pedobaptist Catechism, or a schedule of the most important questions and answers, together with Scripture proofs, relative to the subject and mode of baptism. Portland: A. and J. Shirley, Printers. 1816. 12mo. pp- 24- [2902 Dow, Feedbeic Neal. 6. 1840. Portland. Biography of. 1885. See Biog. Ency. Maine. BIBLIOGEAPHY OF MAINE. 373 Dow, Joshua- 1776-1861. Portland. Notice of. 1861. See Willis, WUUam. Dow, Neal. b. 1804- Temperance reformer, Portland- An Oration, delivered before the Maine Charitable Mechanic As sociation, at their triennial celebration, July 4, 1829, by Neal Dow- Publishedbyrequest ofthe association. Portland: Printed at the Argus Office by Thomas Todd. 1829. Svo. pp. 25. [2903 History of a Neighborhood. A true tale. American Temperance Offering. 1 : 237- (1851.) [2904 Reprinted in " The Expositor," and " State of Maine," newspapers, March- July, 1852. Operation of the Liquor Law in Portland. Eeport of the mayor, Hon. Neal Dow, to the board of aldermen and common council, January 14, 1852. Broadside, twelve and half by ten inches. Thurston Fast Job Press, Portland. [2905 Sketch of. 1852. See Bungay, George W. Life and character of. 1852. See Marsh, John. The Maine Law a Fixed Pact Hunt, 30: 703. (1854.) [2906 Neal Dow and the Maine Law. 1855. See Cole, H- G. Life of. 1856. See Clubb, Henry S. The South. No. Mo- 1 : 483, 540, 620- (1864-) [2907 Account of. 1866. See Marsh, John. Prohibitory Legislation- No. Am. Eev. 134: 15. (1882.) [2908 With D. Lewis. Prohibition and Persuasion. No. Am. Eev. 139: 179. (1884.) [2909 Biographical Notice of. 1884. See " Men of the Times." Answer to. 1884. See Walworth, C. W. Biography of 1885. See Biog. Ency. Maine Account of. 1885. See Centennial Temperance Volume. Sketch of. 1885. See " One Hundred Years of Temperance." The Effectiveness of Prohibition. Forum. 3 : 39. (1887.) [2910 The Outlook for Prohibition. Our Day. 1:11. (1888.) [2911 Liquor Traffic and the Ballot Our Day. 2:173. (1888.) [2912 Prohibitory Law and Personal Liberty. No. Am- Rev- 147: 132. (1888.) [2913 The Result of the Presidential Election. Our Day. 2:504. (1888.) [2914 Neal Dow at Home. 1888. See Willard, Frances E. Can the Liquor Traffic be Legalized Without Sin ? Our Day. 4: 418. (1889.) [2915 Down East Latch Strings. 1S87- See IngersoU, Ernest. 374 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. Down the West Branch. 1886- See Farrar, C- A. J. Downes, George. 1793-1869. Lawyer, Calais. Memoir and portrait of. 1853. See Livingston, John. Downing, Majoe Jack. Pseud. See Smith, Seba. Deake, Feancis Samuel. 1828-85. Author, Boston. Memorials of the Society of the Cincinnati of Massachusetts- By Francis S- Drake. (Seal.) Boston: Printed for the society. 1873. Eoy. Svo. pp. 10, x, 563. [2916 Facsimile of autographs of the original members for the state of Massa chusetts, 20 pp; 24 illustrations. Biographical notices are given of the following Maine members, vIk: Gen. Henry Knox, Thomaston, (portrait and illus) ; Bernard Calvin Bailey, Calvin Bailey, Bath; Ralph Hart Bowles, Machias; David Cobb, Goulds boro', (portrait); John Crane, Whiting; Samuel Darby, York; Ebenezer Davis, Charles S. Daveis, (portrait), John Taylor Gilman Daveis, Port land; John Davis, Norway; John Edwards, Portland; Francis Le Baron Goodwin, Frankfort; Africa Hamlin, Waterford; Park Holland, Edding- ton; Joseph W. Leland, Saco; Theodore Lincoln, Benjamin Lincoln, Den nysviUe; Nathaniel Nason, Berwick; Josiah Pierce, Jr., Portland; Benja min J. Porter, Camden; William Pitt Preble, Jr., Portland; George W. Stocker, Falmouth; Ebenezer Storer, Gorham; Joseph Henry Jackson Thayer, Bangor; William Torrey, Bath; Lemuel Trescott, Lubec; Joseph Tucker, York; Rufus Chandler Vose, Augusta; Thomas Vose, Thomaston; David Webber, Sanford; Christopher Woodbridge, Newcastle. Life and Correspondence of Henry Knox, major-general in the American Eevolutionary army. By Francis S. Drake. Boston: Samuel G. Drake, 17 Bromfield Street. 1873. Svo. pp. 160. [2917 Areprint from " Me.jiOrials of the Massachusetts Society of Cincinnati. " Three huadred copies were printed, for subscribers only. Reviewed In " The Nation, " Jan. 1, 1874. Henry Knox. N. E. Eeg. 34: 347. (1880.) [2918 This article is abridged from the author's " Life and Correspondence of He ary Knox." Drake, Oeeison. Wild Elver Tragedy. Murder! Suicide!! Charles Freeman of Gilead, murdered himself and wife on the morning of June llth, 1851. The cause was jealousy. By Orrison Drake. Price ten cents. Gorham, N. H.: Mountaineer Print. 1S82. 24mo. pp. 1'7- [2919 Deake, Samuel Adams, b. 1833. Author, Boston, Kennebunkport. The Pepperells of Kittery Point, Maine. (With a woodcut of the Pepperell residence.) Appleton's Jour. 11: 65. (1874.) [2920 Nooks and Corners of the New England Coast. By Samuel Adams Drake, author of "Old Landmarks of Boston," "Historic Fields and Mansions of Middlesex," &c. With illustrations. (Engraved BIBLIOGEAPHY OF MAINE. 375 epigraph.) New York : Harper & Brothers, Publishers. Frank lin Square. 1875. Svo. pp. pp. 459. [2921 Chaps. II-III. Mount Desert. Chaps. IV-V. Castine. Chap. VI. Pem aquid Point. Chap. VII. Monhegan Island. Chap. VIII. From Wells to Old York. Chap. IX. Agamenticus, the Ancient City. Chap. X. At Kit tery Point, Maine. Chaps. XI-XII. The Isles of Shoals. Portions of chapters IV, V and VIII are reproduced in "Coast of Maine." See Peabody, H. G- The Making of New England. 1580-1653. By Samuel Adams Drake. With many illustrations and maps. New York : Charles Scribner's Sons. 1888. 12mo. pp. x, (2), 251. [2922 The First Winter— De Monts, Colony, 1604. p. 20- Popham Colony, 1607, p 30- The Colony of Madame de Guercheville, 1613. p. 51. Pioneers of Maine, 1623-30, p. 119. A Book of New England Legends and Folk Lore, in prose and poetry, by Samuel Adams Drake, author of "Nooks and Cor ners of the New England Coast." "Old Landmarks of Boston," etc. Illustrated by F- I- Merrill. Boston: Eoberts Brothers. 1884. Svo. pp. xvUi, 461. [2923 York, Agamenticus,;p. 368; St. Aspenquid of Agamenticus. pp. 359-60 — ^The Pine Tree Coast. By Samuel Adams Drake, author of "Nooks and Corners of the New England Coast." "Now longe mayst thou saile by the Coast, Thou gentle Master, gentle Marinere." CUAUCEB. (Illus.) Boston: Estes & Lauriat, 1891. sm. 4to. pp. 393. [2924 (Three hundred and seventy-nine illustrations.) Contents. The West Coast. Chapter I. Kittery and the Piscataqua. II. The Isles of Shoals. HI. A Ramble in Old York. IV- Ogunquit, Bald Head, and That Shore. V- A Turn around WeUs Bay. VI. At Kennebunkport. VII. The Story of Cape Porpoise- VIII. Biddeford Fool- IX. On Old Orchard Beach. X. From Scarborough to Portland Head. The Mid Coast. Chapter XI. A Day in Portland. XII. Casco Bay. XIII. The Gate of the Kennebec. XIV. Boothbay and about There. XV, Monhegan on the Sea. XVI. Pemaquid, the Fortress. XVII. Thomaston. round Owl's Head. The East Coast- Chapter XVIII- A Voyage to Norumbega. XIX. Penob scot Bay and its Mountain Coasts. XX. Historic Castine. XXI. Mount Desert Island. XXII. In and out of Bar Harbor. XXIII- Around French man's Bay- XXIV- From Petit Manan to Machias, Cutler and Quoddy Head- XXV. Eastport and Quoddy Bay. XXVI. Run across Grand Manan. Drake, Samuel Gaednbe. 1798-1885. Historical writer, Boston. Indian Biography; containing the lives of more than two hundred Indian chiefs ; also such others of that race as have rendered their names conspicuous in the history of North America, from its first being known to Europeans to the present period- Giving at large their most celebrated speeches, memorable sayings, nu merous anecdotes and a history of their wars. Much of which 376 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. Deake Samuel Gaednbe, Continued. is taken from manuscripts never before published. By Samuel G. Drake. O time ! the beautlfler of the dead, Adornerof the ruin, comforter And only healer when the heart hath bled — Time ! the corrector where our judgments err. Bybok. Nishnoh oonouhlcoi pish qunohqutteauun, Tcah nishnoh wadechu, kar wad- chuemers pish ti;Jiquohttauunash. Indian Bible. Isaiah 40 : 4. Boston: Josiah Drake. MDCCCXXXII. 12mo. pp. 348. (2 engraved plates.) [2925 Tragedies of the Wilderness ; or, true and authentic narratives of captives who have been carried away by the Indians from the various frontier settlements of the United States, from the ear liest to the present time. Illustrating the manners and customs, barbarous rites and ceremonies, of the North American Indians, and their various methods of torture practiced upon such as have, from time to time, fallen into their hands. By Samuel G. Drake. Happy the natives of this distant clime, Ere Europe's sons were known or Europe's crime. Chcbchill. 'Tis theirs to triumph, ours to die ! But mark me. Christian, ere I go. Thou too Shalt have thy share of woe ! Fkeeman. Boston: Antiquarian Bookstore and Institute. 1842. Illus. 12mo. pp. 360. [2926 The Book of the Indians; or, biography and history of the Indians of North America, from its first discovery to the year 1841. " History maketh a young man to be old, without either wrinkles or gray hairs; priviledging him with the experience of age, without either the in- flrmities or inconveniences thereof. " Fuller's Holy War. " They waste us — ay — like April snow In the warm noon, we shrink away; And fast they follow, as we go Towards the setting day- Till they shall fill the land, and we Are driven into the western sea. " Bryant. By Samuel G. Drake, fellow of the Eoyal Society of Northern Antiquaries, at Copenhagen, Honorary member of the New Hampshire and New York Historical Societies. Ninth edition. With large additions and corrections. Boston: Benjamin B. Mussey. MDCCCXLV. [2927 Book III. Biography and History of the New England Indians. 8vo. pp. 156. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. 377 Chapter VII- Indians in Maine previous to their Wars with the Whites. Dominion of the Bashaba. Robinhood- Natahanda- Kennebis- Chapter VIII. Squando, Sachem of Saco- Madokawando. Assiminasqua. Tarum- kin. Mugg. Moxus. St. Castin. Syraon. Kankamagus, or Hogkins. Masandonet. Worumbo. Hopegood. Chapter IX. Bomazeen. Arruhawi- kwabemt- Doney- Captain Simmo. Mogg. Destruction of Norridgewock- Death of Rale. Paugus. Lovewell's Fight, with two ballads. Chapter X. Sabatis. Natanis. The Modern Penobscot Indians. Indian Captivities; or, life in the wigwam; being true narratives of captives who have been carried away by the Indians, from the frontier settlements of the United States, from the earliest period to the recent time. By Samuel G. Drake, author of the "Book of the Indians." New York: Miller, Orton & Co. 1857. 12mo. pp. 367. (S plates.) [292S Notes on the Indian wars in New England. N. E. Reg. 12: 1,161. (1858.) 15:. 33, 149, 257. (1861.) [2929 Sir Ferdinando Gorges, Kt N. E. Reg. 15: 17. (1861.) [2930 Contains pedigree. Editor. The History of King Philip's War. By the Rev. Cotton Mather, D. D. Also, a history of the same war, by the Rev. In crease Mather, D. D. To which are added an introduction and notes, by Samuel G. Drake, late president of the New England Historic Genealogical Society. Boston: Printed for the editor, and sold by him at No. 13 Bromfield Street; also by J. Munsell, 78 State Street, Albany. 1862. 4to. pp. 281, 1. (2 ports.) [2931 Dresden. Incorporated as Pownalborough 1760. See Wiscasset- Intentions of marriage, Pownalborough, 1760-78. See Patterson, W-D. Sermon, Fast. 1812. See Parker, Freeman. Discourse, dedicatory. 1833. See Miles, Henry A. Account of Pownalborough. 1853. See Bartlet, William S. ^Pownalborough and Lincoln County. ISSS. See Porter, J. W. -Account of Pownalborough. 1878. See Lapham, W. B. A History of Dresden Free High school, or Dresden Academy. Charles E. Emerson, Steam Printer. Wiscasset. n. d. (1889.) Svo. pp. 40. [2932 Inscriptions from Carney family burial-ground- 1890. See Patter son, W. D. - — —Leaves from early history. 1890. See Allen, Charles E. Debsser, Julius A. Boston. The True History of Mental Science. A lecture delivered at the church of the Divine Unity, Boston, Mass., on Sunday evening, Feb. 6, 1887- Revised with additions- By Julius A- Dresser. Boston: Alfred Mudge & Son, Printers. 24 Franklin Street. 1887. 12mo. pp. 28. [2933 Includes extracts from the manuscripts of P. P. Quimby, of Belfast. 378 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. Dbbssee, Richaed. 1817-94. Lawyer, Auburn. What is Universalism. Prepared by R. Dresser, n. p. (Lewiston.) n. d. 16mo. pp. 16. [2934 Dresser's Perpetual Almanac and Week Day Register, for one hun dred years. By Richard Dresser. 1856. [2935 Universalism Attacked and Defended. " Prove all things, hold fast that which is good." . . Scripture. Lewiston : George W. Callahan, Printer. 1887. Svo. pp. 28. [2936 Deeuilletes, (or Deuilletes,) Gabeiel, S. J. 1593-1681. Mission ary, Maine and Canada. Narre du voyage faict pour la mission des Abnaquiois et des Con- naissances tir^z de la Nouvelle Angleterre et des disposition des magistrats de cette Eepublique pour le secours centre les Iro quois, es ann^es 1650 & 1651. Par Le R. Pfere Gabriel Dreuil- lettes de la Compagnie de Jesus- Imprim^ d' apr^s la copie de 1' original d^pos^ parmi les papiers du Bureau des Biens des Jesuites, h, Quebec, sm. Svo. pp- (4), 33. [2937 .Journal of an embassy from Canada to the United Colonies of New England in 1650. By Father Gabriel Druilletes, of the Society of Jesus, translated from the original manuscript, with notes, etc. By John Gilmary Shea, member of the society. Svo. pp. 18. [2938 ^ Abnequi missionary at Kennebec, 1646-47. See Charlevoix, P. F. X- ; also Parkman, Francis. Account of. 1831. See Lincoln, Enoch. Account of. 1886. See Shea, John G. Deew, Maegeey Pepperrell. 1799-1875. Newfield. Notice of. N.E. Reg. 29: -339. (1875.) [2939 Drew, William Allen. 1798-1879. Clergyman and journalist, Au gusta. A Discourse delivered in Farmington, Maine, on Thanksgiving Day, December 5, 1822. By WiUiam Allen Drew. HaUoweU: Goodale, Glazier & Co., Printers. 1823. Svo. pp. 14. [2940 The Necessity and Value of the Christian Doctrine of Human Im mortality. A discourse delivered in Camden, May 7, 1826. Being the Sabbath next after the interment of the late Hon. Jonas Wheeler, president of the Senate of Maine. By William Allen Drew. Belfast: Printed by E. Fellowes. 1826. 12mo. pp. 16. [2941 The Christian Visitant. Monthly. 12mo. Edited by Rev. William A. Drew. Belfast. 1825-27. Two volumes. [2942 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. 379 Editor. Original Sermons on various subjects; by living Universa list ministers. 3 vols. Published in monthly numbers, under the title of the Christian Preacher, by William A. Drew. Editor. Gar diner- 1831-33 Svo. [2943 Annual Sermon, preached before the General Convention of Univer salists, in the city of New York, September 21, 1836. New York. 1836. 16mo pp. 16. [2944 Glimpses and Gatherings during a Voyage and Visit to London and the Great Exhibition in the Summer of 1851. By William A. Drew, commissioner of the State of Maine. " August and glorious city ! Thy renown Fills with heroic deeds of high emprise The lengthened records of the stream of Time. " Augusta: Homan & Manley: Boston: Abel Tompkins. 1852. 12mo. pp. 404. (Port.) [2945 Speech at Kingston, Mass., celebration. 1876. See Kingston. Drinkwatee, Anne T. Memoir of Mrs. Deborah H. Porter, wife of Rev. Charles G. Porter, of Bangor. Portland : Sanborn & Carter, 1848. Svo. pp. 269. [2946 Drinkwater Family. Me. Rec. 3:265. (1886.) Genealogical Notes on. 1884. See Conant, F. O. [2947 Deinkwatee, N. North Yarmouth. Correction to articles on the old church. North Yarmouth. O. T. 3:316. [2948 History of Cumberland Royal Arch Chapter of Yarmouth. O. T. 3:361. (1884.) [2949 Sketch of. 1885. See Loring, Amasa. Deisko, Gboegb W. 6- 1824. Journalist, Machias. The Revolution. Life of Hannah Weston; with a brief record of her ancestry. Also a condensed history of the first settlement of Jonesborough, Machias and other neighboring towns. By a citizen. " She looketh well to the ways of her household, and eateth not the bread of idleness." Proverbs 31 : 27. Machias, Me- C. O- Furbush & Co. 1857. 16mo. pp- 163. [2950 Contains " The Liberty Pole, a tale of Machias, by Charles P. Ilsley. Record of newspapers in Washington County. 1867. See Maine Press Association. The Press of Washington County. 1872- See Griffin, Joseph- Historical and Descriptive Sketch of Washington County. 1879. See Howard, R. H. Papers relating to history of the Press of Washington County, 1884, 1887, 1890. See Maine Press Association. 380 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. Deummond, Jambs. 1815-61. Clergyman, Auburn, 1842-58. How to Make the Most of Life. A discourse preached to the young men of the congregation, on Sabbath morning, Novem ber 28, 1847. By Rev. James Drummond, pastor of the Con gregational church, Lewiston Falls. Lewiston Falls, Me. : Printed by William H. Waldron & Co. 1847. 16mo. pp. 16. [2951 This was the first pamphlet printed at the Lewiston Journal Office. Sermon on. 1863. See Sewall, J. B. Tribute to Edward Little. 1875. See Clark, Sarah Little. Deummond, Josiah Hayden, LL. D. 6. 1827. Lawyer, Waterville, Portland. Young's Short and Practical Method of extracting roots, simplified and illustrated for the use of schools and business men. By Josiah H. Drummond, M. A. Waterville : Maxham & Wing, Print ers. 1849. Svo. pp. 16. [2952 Dispensations. Freemasons' Mo. Mag. 19: 106. (1860.) [2952a " Under which King." Freemasons' Mo. Mag. 20 : 339, 364. (1860.)[2952h This article was published as a pamphlet. The Supreme Council. Freemasons' Mo. Mag. 21 : 177. (1861.) [2952c -— — Masonic Historical and Bibliographical Memoranda. N. E. Freema^ son, 1: 43, 86, 129, 172, 308, 367, 426, 454, 500, 554. (1874.) [29-53 The same, (rewritten and enlarged) under the following title: Masonic Historic and Bibliographical Memoranda, by Josiah H- Drummond, P- G. M. fecond edition. Printed for the "Masonic Collectors' Association." By James W. Staton. Brooksville, Ky. 1882. Svo. pp. 127. [2954 Address upon Abner B. Thompson. 1871. See Freemasonry. Council of Deliberation. Sketch of. New England Freemason, 2: 393. (1874.) (Port.) [2955 Copied from History Waterville Lodge- — —History of Standish Lodge, No. 70. of Free and Accepted Masons, Standish, Me., from June 10, 1852 to Oct. 1, 1874. By Josiah H. Drummond. Portland: Harmon, Paine & Co., Printers. Svo. PP- 38. [2956 Portrait of. 1877. See Gilman, J. Wesley. The Maine Masonic Text Book, for the use of lodges, compiled by Josiah H. Drummond, Past Grand Master. Portland: Dresser, McLeUan & Co., 1877. Electrotyped by Stephen Berry, Printer, 37 Plum Street. 12mo. pp. 350. [2957 The same, second edition. Portland: Dresser, McLellan & Co. 1880. 12mo. pp. 354. BIBLIOGEAPHY OF MAINE. 381 The same, third edition. Portland: Stephen Berry, Printer. 1890. 12mo. pp. 368. Editor. History of Portland Lodge No. 1. of Free and Accepted Masons, Portland, Maine, from its organization. (1769) to 1880. Edited by Josiah H. Drummond, honorary member. Portland: PubUshed by the lodge. 1881. Svo. pp. 340. [29.58 Letterfrom. Freemason's Rep- 13:382. (1884.) [2959 The Flax Wheel. Me. Rec 2:2-36. (1885.) [2960 Biography. 1885. See Biog. Ency. Maine. Alexander CampbeU. Bang. H.M. 1 : 79. (1885.) [2961 John Parker, of Parker's Island. Bang. H. M. 1: 126. [1886) [2962 The Butler FamUy in Georgetown. Me. Rec. 3:134. (1886.) 4: 226- (1887-) [2963 John Bray of Kittery- Mc Rec 3: 248- (1886.) 4:25. (1887.) [2964 Eogers Family, of Freeport "Mc Eec 4:83. (1887.) [2965 Obituary of Daniel Wing. 1887. See Maine Farmer's Almanac. The MaxweUs of WeUs. Me. Rec. 4: 263. (1887.) [2966 Historical Memoranda concerning the Cryptic Eite. 1888. See Eob- ertson, J. Eoss- Symbolic Masonry. 1889. See Gould, Eobert Freke- Royal Arch Masonry- 1889. See Gould, Robert Freke. The Dighton Family. Mc Eec. 6:362. (1889.) [2967 Maine Eoyal Arch Text Book. 1SS9. See Sleeper, F. E. Obituaries of Noah Barker and Hobart W. Eichardson- 1890. See Maine Farmer's Almanac. History of Masonic Jurisprudence, 1S90. See Gould, Robert Freke. Ancient and Accepted Scottish Eite of Freemasonry. 1890. See Gould, Eobert Freke. Bibliographical Memorandum of the Laws of Maine. Me. Hist. Soc. CoU. 2d. ser. 2: 391. [2968 Reports for Masonic Grand Bodies. See Grand Lodge of Maine. Vol. V-XIV. See Grand Chapter of Maine. Vols- III- VIII. See Grand Council of Maine. Vols. I-IV. See Grand Commandery of Maine. Vols. I-II. Drunken Sea. 1841. See Henry, James. 382 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. Dudley, Dean. Dover, N. H., and Great Falls Directory, with Salmon Falls, Me. Directory for 1S67. By Dean Dudley- Dover, N- H. : D- Lothrop & Co. 1867. Svo. pp. 115, .32. [2969 Dudley, Deanb. Recollections of Gen. King, first Governor of Maine. Communicated by J. F. Anderson. (From the Franklin Patriot, Farmington, by Deane Dudley.) Me. Rec. 1 : 95. (1SS4.) [2970 Dudley, Paul. English Definitions of Indian Terms. From Paul Dudley's Papers. Mc Hist Soc. CoU. 5:425. (1857.) [2971 DuMAEESQ Family. (Compiled chiefiy from original documents.) N. E. Reg. 17: 317. (1863.) A Sketch of the family of Dumaresq, to which are added reminis cences of James Dumaresq and an appendix of documents. (Munsell's trade-mark.) Albany: J. Munsell, 78 State Street. 1863. Svo. pp. 23. [2972 Reprinted in part from the N. E. Register. Dumaresq, James. 1772-1826. Perkins. Reminiscences of James Dumaresq, Esq. N. E. Reg. 17: 320. (1S63.) (Anonymous, signed " I. H. S.") [2973 Dummer, Jeeemiah. 1677-1761. Boston. A Defence of the New England Charters. By Jer. Dummer. Pulchum est patrice benefacere, etiam benedicere Tiaud absurdum est. Sallust. Boston, New England: Reprinted and sold by Thomas and John Fleet, at the Heath and Crown in Cornhill. 1765. sm. Svo. pp. 4, 44. [2974 Contains description of fort at Pemaquid. The work was first printed in London, in 1728. DuMONT, John Thomas Philip. 1802-52. Lawyer, Hallowell. Notice of. N. E. Eeg. 7 : 374. (1853.) [2975 Notice of. 1864. See Palmer, Joseph. DuNBAE, Kendall M. b. 1857. Damariscotta. Papers relating to history of Press in Sagadahoc County. 1889. See Maine Press Association. Paper relating to history of Press in Lincoln County. See same. Dunham, James. Legal Forms for the Transaction of Business, particularly adapted to the use of farmers, mechanics, and all men in the private walks of life. By James Dunham. Portland: Printed forthe publisher. 1846. 12mo. pp. 36. [2976 BIBLIOGEAPHY' OF MAINE. 383 Dunlap, Eobeet Pinckney. 1796-1859- Lawyer, governor of Maine- Brunswick. Speech of Mr. Dunlap, of Maine, on the tariff; delivered in the House of Representatives, May 1, 1844- Washington, Printed at the Globe Office- 1844. Svo- pp. S. [2977 Address before the General Grand Chapter of the United States, at the triennial meeting in Hartford, Connecticut, September 9, 1856. (Freemasons.) Portland, Me. Published by order of the General Grand Chapter. (1856 ?) Svo. pp. 16. [2978 Address before the Grand Lodge of Maine, at the annual commu nication in Portland, May 4, 1858. (Freemasons.) Portland: Published by order of the Grand Lodge- 1858- Svo. pp. 8. [2979 Notice of. 1876. See Adams, George E. Sketch of- 1887. See King, Marquis F. DuNNELS, John E-, M- D- 1818-67- Physician, Harrison. Biographical Sketch of. 1867. See Brown, T. H. Dunning Family, of Maine. 1890. See Porter, J. W. Dunton, Alvin Bobbins. 1812-91. Instructor, Camden. A True Story of the Hart-Meservey Murder Trial, in which light is thrown upon dark deeds, incompetency and perfidy: and crime fastened upon those whose position, if not manhood should have commanded honest dealings. By Alvin R. Dunton, Camden; author of the Duntonian system of penmanship and the oldest expert in handwriting in the United States. Ye who love the ways of Justice, Who delight in noble actions, Who believe that truth should conquer. And that right should rule forever. Read this story of oppression. Read this story true and faithful. Published by the author, (n. p.) 1882. 12mo. pp. 309. (Two ports.) [2980 Duren, Elnathan Freeman, b. 1814. Publisher. ;. Bangor. Compiler. Manual High Street Congregational church, Portland. 1846. See Portland. Compiler. Annual Minutes Penobscot Musical Association, 1847- 84- See Penobscot County- Congregational Ministers and Churches in Maine from 1672 to 1867. Portland: 1867. Svo. pp. 147. [2981 Supplement to the same. 1868-76. Portland: 1876. Svo. pp. 67. [2982 Supplement to the same. 1877-86. Bangor: 1886. Svo. pp. 11. [2983 384 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. DuEBN, Elnathan Feeeman, Continued. Manual of the Hammond Street Congregational church, Bangor Maine. Printed for the use of the members. " The foundation of God standeth sure, having this seal, the Lord know eth them that are his. And, let every one that nameth the name of Christ, depart from iniquity, " 2 Tim. 2 : 19. Bangor: Printed by Samuel S. Smith & Son. 1871. 16mo. pp. 52. [2984 An addenda of 7pp., containing list of members received from Oc tober 1, 1871 to Dec. 24, 1873, was published in 1S74. Also, sup plements in 1877, 1878, 1881, and 1882. Bibliography of Maine. 1872. See Griffin, Joseph. Historical and Descriptive Sketch of Penobscot County. 1879. See Howard, R. H. Bibliography of Penobscot County. 1882. See Penobscot County. History of the churches in Bangor, Me. In Bangor Commercial. (Daily.) [2985 1. First Congregational. Vol. XV, AprU 24, 1886. 2. First Methodist church. Vol. XV, May 1, 1886. 3. First Baptist church. Vol. XV, May 8, 1886. 4. Unitarian church. Vol. XV, May 15, 1886. 6. Hammond Street Congregational church. Vol. XV, May 29, 1886. 6. St. John's Episcopal church. Vol. XV, May 29, 1886. 7. Universalist church. Vol. XVI, Febru ary 5 and 12, 1887. 8. Universalist church. 9 and 01. Central Congre gational church. Vol, XVI, March 26 and April 2, 1887. 13. Second Baptist. Vol. XVII, April 14, 1888. 12. Second (now Grace) Methodist church. Vol. XVII, April 21. 1888. 13. First Free Baptist church. Vol. XVII, May 12, 1888, 13. Advent Christian church. Vol. XVIII, February 23, 1889. (There are no numbers to the newspapers.) Manual of the Hammond Street Congregational church, Bangor, Maine. Bangor: O. F. Knowles & Co., Printers. 1887. sm. Svo. pp. 79. [2986 Editor. Minutes General Conference Maine Congregational churches. 1851-91. See Congregationalists. DuEGiN, Benoni T. History Eastern Frontier Lodge. 1871. See Trafton, John B. DuEGiN, Obadiah Elkin, M. D. 1795-1879. Physician, Deering. Biographical Sketch of. 1879. See Beede, J. W. DuEHAM. Incorported 1789. Early Births. 1S78. See Douglas, J. Lufkin. Dutch in Maine. (1857.) See de Peyster, J. Watts. Du Thet, Gabeiel. See Thet, Gabriel du. Dutton, Samuel, and family, Bangor. ISSS. See Porter, J. W. Dutton, S. T. New Haven, Conn. Address at Bar Harbor. 1886. See American Institute of Ins. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. 385 Duyckinck, Eveets Augustus. 1816-78. Author, New York. National Portrait Gallery of Eminent Americans: including orators, statesmen, naval and military heroes, jurists, authors, etc., etc. From original full-length paintings by Alonzo Chappel. With biographical and historical narratives, by Everts A. Duyckinck, editor of "Cyelopsedia of American Literature," etc. In two volumes. Vol. I. New York: Johnson, Fry & Company, 27 Beekman St., 4to. pp. 2, 488. (IUus.) Vol. II. pp. 470. (Illus.) [2987 John Neal ; Bowdoin College (with engravings) ; Grenville Mellen ; Jacob Abbott; John S.C.Abbott; Sylvester Judd; Mrs. Harriet Beecher Stowe (with engraving of her Brunswick residence). Cyelopsedia of American Literature, embracing personal and critical notices of authors, and selections from their writings, from the earliest period to the present day, with portraits, autographs, and other illustrations. By Everts A. Duyckinck, and George L. Duy ckinck. Edited to date by M. Laird Simons. In two volumes. Philadelphia: WiUiam Rutter & Co., 1877. Svo. Vol. I. pp. xxii, 990. Vol. II. pp. xiv, 1054. [2988 The following authors are noted as of Maine ; Simon Greenleaf, John Neal, Robert S. Cofftn, Grenville Mellen, Nathaniel Deering, Jacob Abbott, John S. C. Abbott, Frederic H. Hedge, N. P. Willis, H. W. Longfellow, Samuel Longfellow, George B. Cheever, George S. Hillard, B. B. Thatcher, George Burgess, Ann S. Stephens, Lorenzo Sabine, Seba Smith, Elizabeth O. Smith, John H. Sheppard, D. C. Colesworthy, Edmund Flagg, Charles Deane, John Ward Dean, John W. Thornton, Deane Dudley, William Willis, William Cutter, Samuel F. Smith, George W. Light, S. B. Beckett, William K. Stevens, George H. Preble, Elizabeth A. Allen, Harriet P. SpofEord. Dwight, Edwaed Steong. 1820-90. Clergyman, Saco, 1844-52. A Teaching Ministry the Conservators of the Social Welfare. (2 Chron. 15:3.) A sermon delivered at Searsport (1st. Ch.), June 23, 1852, before the Maine Missionary Society, at its forty-fifth anniversary. By Edward S. Dwight, pastor of the First Congre gational church in Saco. Augusta: William T. Johnson, Printer. 1852. Svo. pp. 17- . [2989 An Address deUvered in Saco, Oct. 12, 1S62, on the one hundredth anniversary of the organization of the First church in Saco, Me. By Rev. Edward S. Dwight, sixth pastor. Published by request. Saco: WiUiam Noyes, Printer. 1862. Svo. pp. 27. [2990 Dwight, Seeeno Edwards, D. D. 1786-1850. Clergyman. The Gospel, its own Witness to the Conscience. A sermon deliv ered in Portland, Nov. 9, 1825, at the installation of the Eev. Charles Jenkins, pastor of the Third Congregational church in that place- By S. Edwards Dwight, pastor of Park Street church, Boston- Portland: Shirley and Edwards, Printers. 1826. Svo. pp. 54. [2991 26 386 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. Dwight, Timothy, D. D. 1752-1817. Clergyman, New Haven, Conn. Travels in New England and New York. By Timothy Dwight, S. T. D., LL. D. Late president of Yale College; author of "Theol ogy Explained and Defended- " In four volumes- New Haven: Published by Timothy Dwight. S. Converse, Printer. 1821. 4 vols. Svo. pp. 524, (Map); 527, (Map); 534, (Map); 527, (1). [2992 Letter 16. Fryeburg— Hiram — Standish— Gorham — Falmouth- Letter 17. Portland — Its buildings and commerce — Attacks of the Indians — Wan tonly destroyed by Capt. Mowat in 1775. Letter 18. Story of General Wads worth — Attack on his house— His capture. Letter 19. Story of General Wadsworth concluded— Major Burton. Letter 20. Kittery— York— Wells — Kennenunk— Portland. Letter 21. Falmouth— North Yarmouth— Freeport — Brunswick — Bowdoin College. Letter 22. Bath — Woolwich — Dresden — Pittston — Gardiner — Augusta— Hallowell — Litchfield — Topsham — The Amiri- scoggin— The Kennebec. Letter 23. Tornado — Scarborough — Saco — Bid deford — Arundel. Letter 24. Maine — Its Climate — Coast — Soil — Manner of settlement — Difiiculties encountered by the first settlers — ^Their charac ter. Letter 25. Lovewell's excursions. Dwight, William Theodoeb, D. D. 1795-1865. Clergyman, Port land, 1832-64. Religion, the Only Preservative of National Freedom. A discourse delivered in the Third Congregational church of Portland, on the day of tho Annual Thanksgiving, December 1, 1836. By William T. Dwight. Published by request Portland: Arthur Shirley, Printer. 1836. Svo. pp. 16. [2993 The Church, the Pillar and Ground of the Truth. A sermon deliv ered in Brunswick, June 26, 1839, before the Maine Missionary Society, at its thirty-second anniversary. By William T. Dwight, pastor of the Third Congregational church in Portland. Port land: Alfred Merrill, Printer. 1839. Svo. pp. 24. [2994 " A Great Man Fallen." A discourse on the death of President Harrison : delivered in the Third Congregational church of Port^ land, on Sabbath morning, April 18, and on Thursday evening, April 22, 1841, the dayof the Annual Fast. By William T- Dwight. Publishedbyrequest. Portland: Alfred Merrill, Printer. 1841. Svo. pp. 19. [2995 A Discourse on the rightfulness and expediency of capital punish ments. By William T. Dwight, pastor of the Third Parish church, Portland. Published by request. Portland: Printed at the Temperance Office. 1843. Svo. pp. 34. [2996 -An Address delivered before the association of alumni of Yale College, August 14, 1844. By WUliam T. Dwight, pastor of the Third Congregational church, Portland, Maine. Published by request of the association. New Haven: Printed by B. L. Ham- len. 1844. Svo. pp. 36. [2997 The Adaptation of the Truth to Promote the Salvation of Men. A discourse delivered at the installation of Rev. Oren Sikes over BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. 387 the Trinitarian Congregational church and society in Bedford, Mass., June 3, 1846. By WiUiam T. Dwight, pastor of the Third Congregational church in Portland, Me. Published by request of the church in Bedford. Boston: A. J. Wright's Steam Press. No. 3 Water Street. 1846. Svo. pp. 23. [2998 An Address delivered before the Phi Beta Kappa Society, Alpha of Maine, in Bowdoin College, Brunswick, Sept. 6, 1849. By William T. Dwight, D. D., pastor of the Third Congregational church, Portland. Published b,y request- Portland: Printed at the Mirror Office. MDCCCX- Svo. pp. 28. [2999 Reviewed by Rev. John Lord. 1852. See Lord, John. Select Discourses of Sereno Edwards Dwight, D. D., pastor of Park Street church, Boston ; and president of Hamilton College, in New York. With a memoir of his Ufe, by William T. Dwight, D. D., pastor of the Third Congregational church, Portland. Boston: Published by Crocker & Brewster, 47 Washington Street 1851. 12mo. pp. IxviU, 382. [3000 Characteristics of New England Theology. A discourse delivered at the first public anniversary of the Congregational Board of Publication, at the Tremont Temple, Boston. By William T. Dwight, D. D., pastor of the Third Congregational church, Port land. Boston: Congregational Board of Publication. 1855. Svo. pp. 34. [3001 The Pulpit in its Relation to Politics. A discourse delivered in the Third Congregational church, Portland. November 29, 1S56, and January 18, 1857. By William T. Dwight, D. D. Published by request. Portland: Published by Francis Blake. 1857. Svo. pp. 27. [3002 A Discourse on Spiritualism, delivered in the Third Parish church, Portland, April 26, 1857. By William T. Dwight, D. D. Port land: Published by Sanborn & Carter, 1857. Svo. pp. 28. [3003 Spiritualism Annihilated. A discourse delivered by Rev. William T. Dwight, D. D., in the church of the Third Parish, Portland, Maine. On the evening of Sunday, April 26, .1857. "The secret things belong unto the Lord our God." Deut. 29: 29. Reported in short-hand by P. B. Templeton, at the request of certain spiritualists. Portland. Svo. pp. 29. [3004 The Work : and the Workmen. A discourse in behalf of the Amer ican Home Missionary Society, preached in the city of New York, May S, 1859. By WUliam T. Dwight, D- D., pastor of the Third Congregational church, in Portland, Me- New York: Published by the American Home Missionary Society. Bible House, Astor Place- 1S59- Svo- pp- 31- [3005 388 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. Dwight, William Theodoeb, D. D-, Continued. — —Address delivered at the forty-fifth anniversary of the American Tract Society, in the Tremont Temple, Boston, Wednesday evening. May 25, 1859- By Rev- W- T. Dwight, D. D. PubUshed by the American Tract Society, No. 28 CornhUl. n. d. (1859.) 12mo. pp. 17. [3006 Letter to semi-centennial celebration. Park Street church. 1859. See Boston. The Nationality of a People, its Vital Element. An oration deliv ered in the new City Hall, before the city government and citi zens, of Portland, July 4, 1861. By WUliam T. Dwight, D. D., pastor of the Third Congregational church. Portland : N. A. Foster, City Printer. 1861. Svo. pp. 32. [3007 Sermon on his death. 1865. See Boardman, Henry A. -Life aud Ministry of. 1866. See Smyth, Egbert C. Dyee, Isaac Watson. 6. Baldwin. Lawyer, Portland. Maine Corporation Law. The statute law relating to Maine cor porations. With notes of decisions and blank forms. Compiled by Isaac W- Dyer, attorney-at-Iaw- Portland: Loring, Short and Harmon. 1881. 16mo. pp. (4), iv, 119. [3008 Dyee, Russell Glovee. b. North Haven, 1845. Journalist, Belfast. History of Corinthian Chapter, No. 7, of Royal Arch Masons, Bel fast, Maine, from 1848 to 1880. By Russell G. Dyer, secretary- Belfast: G- W- Burgess, Printer, 1880. Svo. pp. SO- [3009 Masonic Temple, Belfast, Maine. (Engraving.) Freemason's Ee- pos. 15:253. (1886.) [3010 Eames Family. Islesboro. 1889. See Porter, J. W. Eames, James. The Surveyor's Assistant, consisting of tables for ascertaining the base and perpendicular rise on any given hypothenuse from one to twenty rods. By James Eames. Portland : Printed by Arthur Shiriey. 1836. ' pon Earthy, John. Pemaquid. Accouutof. 187 1. See Johnston, John. Eastben Lands. Eastern Lands For Sale. (Announcement of land sales in the counties of York, Cumberland and Lincoln, 1788.) Broadside. [3012 Resolves of the General Court of the commonwealth of Mas.saohu- setts, respecting the sale of eastern lands: with the report of the committee appointed to sell said lands; From March 1 1781 to BIBLIOGEAPHY OF MAINE. 389 March 5, 1792. (Monogram of printers.) Boston: Printed by Young and Minns. Printers to the State. 1803. Svo. pp. 287. [3013 The date of March 5, 1792, is wrong. The resolves extended to June 22, 1802. Eastben Lyeb. 1S42. See Howe, Edward Jr. (The) Eastben Rosb-Bud. Vol. I. Portland: PubUshed by S. H. Colesworthy. 1841. 16mo- pp. 210. [3014 Eastman, Kimball- 6. 1839. Gorham, Cumberland Mills. Ancestry of 1889. See American Ancestry. East Machias. Incorporated 1826. Report of Temperance Society. 1829. See Temperance. Union Meeting House. 1836. Bang. H.M. 5 : 40. (1889.) [3015 Discourse, " Martyrs of Freedom. " 1S3S. See Stone, Thomas T. Address at union meeting. 1861- See Lowell, Joshua A. History of Warren Lodge- 1SS6. See Harris, Herbert. Warren Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of East Machias. Bang. H. M. 3: 140. (1888.) [3016 Inscriptions from gravestones in the old burying-ground at East Machias. Bang. H. M. 4: 196. (1889.) [3017 East Maine Confbeencb. See Methodists. Deceased Members of the East Maine Conference. 1848-88. Bang. H.M. 5:35. (1889.) [301S Eastman, Philip. 1799-1869. Lawyer, Saco. Digest of the decisions of the Supreme Judicial Court, of the State of Maine, contained in Greenleaf's, Fairfield's, Appleton's and Shepley' s reports; and comprising twenty-six volumes of the Maine Eeports. By Philip Eastman. Hallowell: Masters, Smith & Co. 1849. Svo. pp. xcvi, 682. [3019 Notice of- N- E- Eeg- 24:81- (1870.) [.3020 Eastman, Thomas. Proceedings of a division court martial, constituted for the trial of Capt- Thomas Eastman, battalion of cavalry, 1st brigade, Sth division; March 14, 1815- With his defence before the court, the division order of 27th March, disapproving the judg ment of the court, and address to the public. Hallowell: Printed by N. Cheever- 1815- Svo- pp- 47. [3021 Eastpoet. Incorporated 1798. Act of Incorporation of Eastport 1798. Bang. H. M. 3: 179. 1888- [3022 Constitution Botanic Society. 1812. See Thompson, Samnel. 390 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. Eastpoet, Continued. ^Letters from Eastport 1814. Bang. Hist Mag. 3:200. 1888. [3023 Four Years under Martial Law. 1814-18. See Sabine, Lorenzo. British at 1814-18. See Lossing, B. J. Representatives to General Court. 1807-19. See Washington County. Discourse, dedication. 1820. See Bigelow, Andrew. Constitution and subscribers' names of the Female Benevolent Society. Eastport: Benjamin Folsom, Printer. 1822. ISmo. pp. 8. [3024 ^Eastport Unitarian Book Society. Unita. Misc. 4: 35. (1823.) [3025 Sermon, before Baptist Association. 1825. See MerriU, Daniel. Sermon, dedication. 1829. See Gale, Wakefield. — -Correspondence between First Congregational society, Eastport, and Rev. Wakefield Gale. Eastport: Printed by Benjamin Fol som. 1829- 12mo- pp- 20. [3026 — —Sermon, ordination. E- H. Edes. 1831. See Whitman, Jason. Account of. 1832. See Coke, E. T. History. 1834. See Weston, Jonathan D. -Account of. 1834. See WUUamson, W. D. Catalogue of the Athenseum. 1836. By-laws and member's names of the Union Club, formed at Eastport, January, 1837. S. B. Mitchell, Print, n. p. (Eastport.) 1S37. 16mo. pp- 7- [3027 Constitution and subscribers' names of the Female Benevolent Society. Eastport: S. B. MitcheU, Printer. 1S37. [3028 Eulogy on President Harrison. 1841. See McPhail, Leonard. -Sermon. 1843. See Farley, Charles A. Early Settlers of. 1847. See Sabine, Lorenzo. Engraving of. 1853- See Sears, Eobert. Magnetic Observations at. 1860-64- See Bache, A. D. Marine Fauna of. 1871. See VerriU, A- E. — -U. S. Coast Survey Chart of Harbor. 1876. Size, 18x26 inches. Scale 1 : 58 to mile. [3029 Land Grants in Eastport and Lubec. (1SS6.) See Porter, J. W. Marriages in. Being the first on the town records. Bang. H. M. 3:80- (1887.) P030 Inscriptions from monuments and gravestones in Eastport ceme tery. Bang. H. M. 2: 150., (1887.) [3031 BIBLIOGEAPHY OF MAINE. 391 Early families who settled at Eastport. Tuttle, Shackford, Maybee, Eaton, Leighton, Todd, Bernard. From Eastport records. Bang. H.M. 3:95. (1887.) [3032 Historical and Biographical Sketches. 1888. See Kilby, W. H. Directory. 1888. See Putnam, Tower & Co. The Herring Industry. Eastport, Maine. Illustrated. Harpers Weekly- 33:226- (1889.) [3033 Address, Congregational church anniversary, 1888. See Donnell, Albert. Eastport and Quoddy Bay. (Illus.) 1890. See Drake, Samuel A. Organization of the Central Congregational church, Eastport, Maine, with confession of faith, covenant, and rules of the church. Adopted December 16, 1881. Eastport, printed at the Sentinel Offlce. 1892. 16mo. pp. 12. [3034 Eaton, Aethue Wentwoeth Hamilton. Clergyman. New York. Berwick, Maine, and Nova Scotia Hamiltons. N. E. Reg. 44: 361. (1890.) [3035 Eaton, Cyeus. 1784-1875. Educator, r. Warren, 1804-75. Annals of the Town of Warren: with the early history of St. George's, Broad Bay, and the neighboring settlements on the Waldo Patent. By Cyrus Eaton, A. M. HaUoweU : Masters, Smith & Co. 1851. 12mo. pp. xi, 437. (2 maps, 1 port) [3036 Reviewed by Lorenzo Sabine in No. Am. Rev. 74:171. (1852.) The same. Second edition. Hallowell: Masters & Livermore. 1887. 12mo. pp. xvi, 680. (7 illus. and maps.) Woman: an address delivered to the Ladies' Sewing Circle, Warren, Maine, by Cyrus Eaton. Hallowell: Masters, Smith & Co. 1854. 12mo. pp. 14. [3037 History of Thomaston, Rockland, and South Thomaston, Maine, from their first exploration, A. D. 1605; with family genealogies. By Cyrus Eaton: cor. member of the Mass. Hist. Society, also of the Wisconsin Hist. Society, and member elect of the Maine Hist. Society. " Gather up the fragments, that nothing be lost." John, 6:12. In two volumes. Hallowell: Masters, Smith & Co., Printers. 1865. 12mo. Vol. I. pp. xii, 468, Vol. II. pp. 4, 472. [3038 Biographical Sketch of. 1875. See Sibley, John L. Notice of. 1876. See Cushman, David Q. Eaton, Miss Emily. 1817-78. Warren. Notice of. N. E. Reg. 31 : 123. (1879.) [3039 392 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. Eaton, Mes. H. F. Portland. Christmas Concert Exercise. Immanuel — God with us. By Mrs. H. F. Eaton. Portland, Me. : Hoyt, Fogg & Donham. 1880. (Copy righted ISSO.) 16mo. pp. 15. [-3040 Eaton, Hosea, Ballou. 1822-87. Physician, Camden, 1844-87. Inaugural Address read before the Maine Homeopathic Medical Society, by Hosea B. Eaton, M. D., president, of Rockport, in Camden, at the fourth annual meeting of the society. Held in Augusta, Thursday, May 24, 1870, at 2 o'clock, P. M.Portland: Press of B. Thurston & Company. 1870. 12mo. pp. 22. [3041 Speech by Dr. H. B. Eaton, of Camden, Me., in the House of Repre sentatives, Jan. Oth, 1883, in favor of the amendment to the con stitutiou, forever prohibiting the manufacture and sale of intoxi cating liquors. The speech fully shows the physiological, medi cal, chemical and moral effects on those who use intoxicating liquors, and on their children, (hereditary). Confirmed by over 7000 of the best-read physicians in this county. Yarmouth, Me- : I. C- Wellcome, Publisher. Boston, Mass. : H. L. Hastings, 47 CornhiU. National Temperance Society and Publication House, New York, J. N- Stearns, Agent, 58 Reade Street. New York : Woman's N. C. T. Union, 76 Bible House. Nashville, Tenn.: Office of Southern Broad Axe. 12mo. pp. 32. [3042 Resolutions on his death. 1887. See Maine Homeopathic Med. Soc. Eaton, Isabel Geaham. Bangor. A Eomance of Castine. N.E.Mag, n. s. 2: 558. (1890.) [3043 Of the time of the siege in 1779. Eaton, John Eowell, M. D. 1830-85. Physician, Wilton. Biographical Sketch of. 1885. See Gordon, S. C. Eaton, John S. Guide to the Boston and Maine Eailroad, the White Mountains, and all principal points in the New England States. By John S. Eaton. For the year 1870. For sale at stations and by news agents iu the cars of the Boston and Maine E. E., at mountain hotels, &c. Price, 50 cents. J. E. Farwell & Company, Print ers. 37 Congress Street, Boston: 1870. 12mo. pp. 157. (IUus. 2 folded maps.) [3044 Eaton, Eussell. d. 1889. Publisher, Augusta- Biographical Sketch of. 1889. See Lapham, W. B. Eaton, Samuel. 1737-1822. Clergyman, Harpswell, 1765-1822. Sermon delivered at the interment of the Hon. Jacob Abbot of Brunswick, Me. By Samuel Eaton, A. M., pastor of the church in Harpswell. Brunswick: Joseph Griffin, Printer. 1820. Svo. PP- 20. [3045 BIBLIOGEAPHY OP MAINE. 393 Biographical notice of- 1856- See Packard, Alpheus S. Commemorative notice of- 1856- See Sprague, William B. Eaton, William. 1764-1881. Brimfield, Mass. The Speech of Gen. WiUiam Eaton, delivered in the House of Eepresentatives of Mass., the first day of March, 1808. On the resolutions to amend the United States Constitution, relative to the removal of judges, otherwise than by impeachment. Portland. Printed for the subscribers, n. d. (1808.) sq. Svo. pp. 8. [3046 Eayes, (or Eayees) Joshua. Deed of land in what is now Orono. 1784. Bang. H. M. 5:33. (1889.) [3047 Descendants of. 1890. See Porter, J. W. Ebbbty, Gboegb F. F. (The) Stars and the Earth : or thoughts upon time, space and eter nity- Third American, from the third English edition. Boston : Crosby, Nichols, Lee and Company, 117 Washington Street. 1860- 16mo. pp. 88- [3048 Recommendatory letter from the Rev. Thomas Hill, 1849, pp- 5-8. Echoes from the Pines. See Jordan, Margaret E. Eddington. Incorporated 1811- Heads of Families- 1776. See Penobscot River. Early Settlements on Penobscot River. Petition to General Court from what is now Eddington. 1786. Bang. H. M. 3: 231. (1888.) [3049 ^Rate Bill for the plantation called Eddington, on Penobscot River, for the year 1791. Bang. H. M. 3: 60. (1887.) [3050 List of members of Methodist church in. 1820- See Orrington- Eddy Family- Eddington. Notes on. 1876- See Porter, J- W- Eddy, James. Sketch of. 1879. See Reid, James D. Eddy, Col. Jonathan. 1726-1S04. r. Eddington, 1784-1804. Memoir of. 1877. See Porter, J. W. Memoir of. 1888. See Porter, J. W. Marriages by. Bang. H. M. l:.o6. (1885.) Eddy, Richard, D.D- Clergyman, Melrose, Mass., East Providence, R- I- Universalism in America- A history, by Richard Eddy, D- D. Boston: Universalist Publishing House VoL L 1636-1800- 18S4- Vol- II. 1801-1886. 1886- Svo- Vol- 1, pp- 554- Vol. II. pp. 634- [3051 A second edition of Vol. I was published in 1886. Progress of Universalism in Maine. 1: 515; 2: 377- Bibliography, 634. 394 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. Eden. Incorporated 1796. See Mount Desert. First Meeting-house at Hill's Cove- 1795- See Hamor, H- E. Townof. Bang. H. M. 2:180. (1S90.) [3052 Edes, Edward Henry- d. 1845. Clergyman. Eastport, Kennebunk. A Discourse preached on Sunday, March 23, 1S43, to the First Con gregational society in Kennebunk, Me- Occasioned by the death of Rev. George W. Wells, former pastor of the society. By Edward H. Edes, pastor of the society. Published by request. Kennebunk: Printed by James K. Remick. 1843. 12mo. pp. 21. [3053 Discourses of Rev. Edward H. Edes, with a sketch of his life- Boston: Benjamin H. Greene, 124 Washington Street. 1846- 16mo pp. 280. [3054 Contains discourse on Rev. George W. Wells. Edes, Gboegb Valentine. 1799-1875. Printer, Dover. The Press of Piscataquis County- 1872. See Griffin, Joseph. Sketch of. 1875. See Boardman. S. L. Notice of. 1876- See Smith, Frank K. Edes, Petee- 1756-1840. Printer, Bangor. Proposals for publishing newspaper in Bangor, 1815. Bangor. H. M. 5:48. (1889.) [3055 A Diary of Peter Edes, the oldest printer in the United States, written during his confinement in Boston by the British, one hundred and seven days, in the year 1775, immediately after the battle of Bunker Hill. Written by himself. Bangor. 1837. 12mo. pp, 24. [3056 —First Printer in Bangor. 1889- See Porter, J. W. Sketch of. 1889. See Porter, J- W- Edgecomb. Incorporated 1774- See Bristol. Petition and memorial to General Court. 1810. See Bristol. -Discourse, funeral Sarah Parsons. 1816. See Sewall, Samuel. History Congregational church. 1876. See Sewall, Rufus. Edgbely, j. A- History of Parsonsfield. 1872. See Sanford, Everts & Co. Edmunds. Incorporated 1828. Sketch of. 1885. See Hobart, Isaac. Edwaeds, A. M. Biographical Sketches and portraits of the State administration. Lakeside Press, Lewiston. 1SS9. [3057 Edwaeds, Beycb McL. Address at funeral of- 1871. See Thwing, E. P. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. 395 Edwards, John. 1802-86- Journalist, Portland. Memorial of. 1873. See Drake, Francis S- Edwards, Jonathan, D- D. 1745-1801. Schenectady, N. Y. The Necessity of Atonement, and the consistency between that and free grace, in forgiveness: illustrated in three discourses. By Jonathan Edwards, D. D- Late president of Union College, Schenectady, (New York). Second edition. Portland: Published by A. Lyman & Co. J. M'Kown, Printer. 1811. 24mo. pp- 107. [3058 Edwards, Justin, D. D. 1787-1853. President Andover Theological Seminary. Christian Communion. A sermon delivered June 12, 1822, at the installation of the Rev. Thaddeus Pomeroy, as pastor of the Con gregational church in Gorham. By Justin Edwards, pastor of a Congregational church, Andover, (Mass.) Portland: Printed by A. Shirley. 1822. Svo. pp. 24. [3059 The same. Third edition, enlarged. Andover: Printed by Flagg & Gould. 1825. Svo. pp. 16. Letter on Maine Liquor Law. 1885. See Maine Law. Eggee Robbet. (The Hermit of Aroostook.) Account of. 1847. See Lanman, Charles. Eglbston, Melville. New York City. The Land System of the New England Colonies. Johns Hopkins University studies, in historical and political science. 4th series. XI-XII. Svo. pp. 66. (1886.) [3060 Contains " Boroughs in Maine; " " Indian Lands Deeds in Maine. " Elden, Mes. Hannah. 1769-1871. LoveU. Notice of. N.E.Reg. 30:392. (1876.) [3061 Eldee Family. Falmouth. 1887. See Whittier, H. E. Eldee, Isaac L., and Jones, Charles. Windham. History of Presumpscot Lodge, No. 127, of Free and Accepted Masons, at North Windham, Maine from 1864 to 1880, by Isaac L. Elder and Charles Jones. PubUshed by vote of the lodge. Port land: Dresser, McLellan & Co. 1882. Svo. pp. 32. [3062 Eldee, Isaac L., and McQuillan, Geoege F. History of Presumpscot Lodge, No. 127 of F. and A. M., at North Windham, from 1864 to 1880. Portland: 1882. [3063 Elder, Janus Granville, b. St. Albans, 1835. r. Lewiston. History of Lewiston. Written by J. G. Elder, expressly for Andro scoggin One-price Company, Blue store, corner Lisbon and Ash Streets. Lewiston, Me.: 1882. Abr. G. Daniels, Printer, Boston. Svo. pp. 48. [3064 396 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. Eldee, Janus Granville, Continued. History of Lewiston, in Atlas of Androscoggin County. 1875- See French, N. [3065 Elevation of Mechanics. Five Addresses to the mechanics of Maine- Together with full proceedings of the Mechanic's state convention of 1841-42. Bangor: Smith and Sayward. Printers. 1842. 12mo. pp. 112. [3066 Elgin, James Beucb. Earl of Elgin and Kincardine. 1811-63. Gov ernor-general of Canada, 1847-54. Visit to, and speech at Portland. 1851. See Walroud, Theodore. Eliot. Incorporated from Kittery 1810. Address, dedication Academy hall. 1840. See Kimball, Israel. Piscataqua. 1850. See Parsons, Usher. Early Families. 1851. See Fogg, WiUiam. — -History. 1872. See Sanford, Everts & Co., Atlas York County- History. 1880. See Clayton, W. W. Eliot Library Association. Midsummer Fete of the Eliot Library Association, Eliot, Maine, 1888. Mr. F. Keefe, president. Dr. J- L- M. Willis, vice-president. Miss Sarah J. Farmer, secretary and treasurer. Executive committee: Mr. Samuel Dixon, Mr. C- Ed ward Bartlett, Mr- G- Everett Hammond, Mr. Frank L. Worster, Mr. F. A. Staples, Rev. James Lade, Mrs. J. L- M. Willis- Boston: Alfred Mudge & Son, Printers. No. 24 Franklin Street. 1889. Svo. pp. 31, (1). (2 engravings.) [3067 Addresses of Mrs. A. C.Thorpe, Cambridge, Mass; of Rev- A. P. Peabody, D. D., LL. D.; of Rev. W. .\. McKinley of Portsmouth and of P. J. Galvin, Esq., Newport. R. I. The Fgte. " The sweet-briar blooms on Kittery-side, And green are Eliot's bowers. " WUITTIEB. Published by Eliot Library Association. Eliot, Me. August 21- 22, 1888. Vol. I. No. 1. Fol. pp. 8. [,S068 The same. Eliot, Me. August 14-15, 1889. No. 2. Fol. pp. 12- [3069 Institutions at. 1889. See Hale, Edward E. Congregational church, Eliot, Maine, June, 1890- Portsmouth: J. D. Randall, Printer and Bookbinder, 1890. 24mo. pp. 10. [3070 Eliot, Chaelbs. The Coast of Maine. Garden and Forest, 3: 86. (1890.) [3071 BIBLIOGEAPHY OF MAINE. 397 Eliot, Chaelbs William, LL. D. President Harvard College, Cam bridge, Mass. The Forgotten Millions. A study of the common American mode of life. By the president of Harvard College. Scrib. 40: 556. (1890.) . [3072 An account of the community of the town of Mount Desert, in which its social life and institutions are explained. lETT, Andrew. Petition for partition of lands in Turner. 1792. Me. Rec. 1:13. (1884.) [3073 Ellett, Elizabeth Feibs. 1818-78. New York City. The Women of the American Revolution. New York: 1848. 2 vols. 12mo- pp- 348 and 312. Vol. I. pp. 107-111, contains an account of Mrs. Lucy Knox, [3074 -Sketch of Mrs. Knox. By Mrs. E. F. EUett, author of "The Women of the Revolution. " Godey. 40:106. (1849.) [3075 ^Queens of American Society. New York: Chas. Scribner & Co. 1867. 12mo. pp. 464. [3076 Mrs. Lucy Knox, p. 96. Ellingwood, John Wallace, D. D. 1782-1860. Clergyman, Bath, 1812-43- The Duty of Using Means for the Reformation of Immoral Per sons. A sermon, delivered at Bath, May 9, 1815, before " The Bath Society for Discountenancing and Suppressing Public Vices :' ' also, at Union, May 31, 1815, with a few omissions and altera tions, before " The Union Society for Discountenancing and Sup pressing Public Vices. " By John W. Ellingwood, pastor of a church in Bath. Open rebuke is better than secret love. SOLOJUON. Boston: Printed for the two societies. By N- Willis, No- 76 State Street. 1815. Svo. pp. 24. [3077 (Nothing Too Precious for Christ.) A sermon delivered in Nor ridgewock, June 25, 1817: bef ore the Maine Missionary Society, at their tenth annual meeting. By John W. Ellingwood, pastor of the North church in Bath. HaUoweU : Printed by N. Cheever. 1817- Svo- pp. 28. [3078 The Christian Watchman, meditating on his final account. A ser mon delivered at the ordination of the Reverend Isaac Weston, at Boothbay, (Me.), June 10, 1818. By John W. Ellingwood, pastor of a church in Bath, (Me.), Portland: Printed by A. & J. Shirley- ISIS- Svo. pp- 31- (3079 398 bibliography of maine. Ellingwood, John Wallace, D. D., Continued. A Sermon delivered Feb. 20, 1822, at the ordination of the Rev. Charles Frost, to the pastoral care of the Congregational church in Bethel, Me. By John W. Ellingwood, A. M., pastor of a church in Bath. Bath: Printed by Joseph G. Torrey. 1822. Svo. pp. 24. [3080 Sermon on the Fifth Commandment, delivered in the North meet ing-house, in Bath, Maine, March 2, 1828. Bath: Joseph S. Torrey. 1822. Svo. pp. 16. [3081 Record of marriages solemnized by. 1813-53. See Woodward, Frank E. Sketch of Rev. Joseph McKeen, D. D., first president of Bowdoin College. Sprague's Annals of the American Pulpit. 2: 216. (1857.) [3082 Notice of. 1876. See Fiske, John O. Ellingwood, Mes. Nancy. Bath- Sermon on- 1844. See Adams, George E. Elliot, Seth. Knox. Trial of Seth Elliot, Esq. For the murder of his son, John Wil son Elliot; before the Supreme Judicial Court, at Castine, Octo ber term, 1824. Belfast: Published by Fellowes and Simpson. 1824. Svo. pp. 54. [3083 Elliot's Soliloquy, or lines on his death. 1824. See Fisher, Jona than. Elliots, The, of Kittery. N. E. Reg. 44: 112. (1890.) [3084 Elliovich, John Beatish- Appeal in behalf of- 1840. See Neal, John. Ellis, Daniel Fulton, M. D. 1840-82. Physician, Brunswick. Biographical Sketch of- 1883. See Mitchell, Alfred. Ellis, Feedinand. A discourse delivered at the Universalist meeting-house in North Livermore, in compliance with a request from Mr. G. W. Quinby, publicly to discuss the question. Is the doctrine of endless pun ishment taught in the Bible ? or does the Bible teach the doc trine of the Final Holiness and happiness of all mankind? Brunswick. 1839. Svo. pp. 16. [3085 Ellis, Geoege Edwaed, D. D., LL. D- 1814-94. Clergyman, Boston Mass. ' The Terms of the Gospel Trust: a sermon preached at the installa tion of the Rev. Horatio Stebbins, as associate pastor of the bibliography of MAINE. 399 First church in Portland, Maine, January 31, 1855. By George E. EUis. Portland: George R. Davis. 1855. Svo. pp.43. [.3086 Another copy contains 64 pp., including charge, right hand of fellowship, etc Ellis, Jonathan. &- 1762- Clergyman, Topsham, 1789-1810. A Topographical description of Topsham in the county of Lin coln. Mass. Hist. Soc CoU. 3:141. (1794.) [3087 An Eulogical poem on Gen. George Washington, pronounced at Topsham, Me., Feb. 22, 1800. Portland: (1800.) Svo. pp. 24. [3088 An Oration delivered at the court house in Topsham, July 4th, 1806, on the anniversary of our national Independence, before the Federal Republicans of Brunswick and Topsham. By Jona than Ellis. Portland: From the Gazette Press. 1806. Svo. pp 16. [3089 Ellis, Jonathan, and family, Bluehill. 1890. See Candage, R. G. F. Ellis, Nathan, and family, BluehiU. 1890- See Candage, R. G. F. Ellsworth. Incorporated 1800. Names and Items from the books of Col. Meletiah Jordan at Union River, now Ellsworth. 1776-93. Bang. H- M- 3 : 94- (1887-) De Gregoire Grant- 1787- See Porter, J. W- [3090 Customs Offlcers at 1789. Bang. H. M. 5:59. (1889.) [3091 Names of persons found on the acco-ant book of Donald Ross, at Union Elver, now Ellsworth. 1793. Bang. H. M. 3: 232. (1888.) [3092 Petition from Plantation No. 7, on Union River, now Ellsworth, for incorporation. 1798. (From Massachusetts Archives.) Bang. H. M.3: 127. (1888.) [3093 First Congregational church and minister. 1812. See Porter, J. W- Discourse, ordination P- Nourse- 1812. See Kendall, Samuel. Missionary Work at Ellsworth and Rev. P. Nourse- Christian Disciple- n- s. 1 : 335, (1821.) [3094 Oration, 4 July, 1832. See Hathaway, Joshua W. Account of. 1834. See Williamson, W. D. Extracts from historical address. 1837-38. See Peck, Calvin. Business Directory of. 1853- See Lowell, Charles. Address, 4 July, 1852. See WisweU, Arno. The EUsworth Outrage. Metrop. 2:673. (1854.) [3095 Discourse, Thanksgiving. 1861. See WilUams, Nathaniel W. 400 bibliography of maine. Ellswoeth, Continued. Novel concerning: "The House of Yorke." 1872. See Tincker, Mary A. History of Lygonia Lodge. 1874. See Deane, Joseph A. By-laws of William H- H- Price Post No. 55- Department of Maine G- A- R- Adopted by vote of post, May 1, 1882- EUsworth: Printed by the Hancock Publishing Company. 1883. 16mo. pp. 8. [3096 Manual of the Congregational church, Ellsworth, Maine. Febru ary 1, 1884. Ellsworth: A. W. Packard, Printer. 1884. 16mo- pp. 16. [3097 Address, dedication court house. 1886. See Peters, John A. Inscriptions from gravestones in the old burying-ground at Ells worth. Bang. H. M. 3: 38. (1887.) [3098 Early Deeds on Union River, now Ellsworth, unrecorded. Copied from the original. Bang- H. M. 3:70- (1887-) [3099 Early Deeds on Union River, now Ellsworth- Bang. H.M. 3:90. (1887.) [3100 — —Account of first settlement. (1888.) See Moor, John L. Leading Business Men. 1888. See Bangor. Unrecorded deeds of land in Ellsworth. Bang. H. M. 3: 219. (ISSS.) [3101 The Picturesque City of the East. 1889. See Haynes, George H. History of Lygonia Lodge- 1890. See Chilcott, James C. History Esoteric Lodge. 1870-91. See Lord, Trueman C. Elvins, Richaed. 1716-76. Clergyman, Scarborough, 1744-76. True Justifying Faith, producing evangelical obedience- Illus trated in a sermon preached at Dunstan iu Scarborough, July 26, 1747- Boston: Printed and sold by S- Kneeland and T- Green. 1747. 24mo. pp. 87- [3102 Elwell, Edwaed Hbney. 1825-90. Journalist, Deering. The Burning of Portland. Full account of the great confiagration, Portland, July 4, 1866. Published by the Portland Transcript Company. [3IO3 Poem, read at Bath. 1868. See Maine Press Association. An Address deUvered March 15, 1870, before the sons and daughters of Maine, resident in LoweU, Mass., on the celebration of the fiftieth anniversary of the admission of Maine into the Union. [3104 Poem, " The Printer's Petition, " 1873. See Maine Press Associa tion. BIBLIOGEAPHY OF MAINE. 401 -1875. The Successful Business Houses of Portland. W. S. Jones, Publisher. Portland. 1875. Svo. pp. 162. [3105 -History of the Press in Kennebec County. 1875. See Maine Press Association. -Account of visits of editors and publishers to York Beach, 1875. See Maine Press Association. -JohnNeaL Me. Biog. 2:1. (1876.) (Port.) [3106 -Portland and Vicinity. By Edward H. Elwell. Illustrated. Port land: Published by Loring, Short and Harmon and W. S. Jones. 1876. [3107 -The same. With a sketch of Old Orchard Beach and other Maine resorts. By Edward H. Elwell. Illustrated. Portland, Me., Loring, Short and Harmon. Providence, E. I.; J. A. and R. A. Eeid. ISSl. Svo. pp. 142. [3108 —Paper relating to history of Press in Cumberland County, with obituary of Charles Holden. 1876. See Maine Press Association. —Aroostook: with some account of the excursions thither, of the editors of Maine, in the years 1858 and 1878, and of the colony of Swedes, settled in the town of New Sweden. By Edward H. Elwell, editor Portland Transcript. Portland: Transcript Printing Company. 1878. Svo. pp. 50. [3109 —The same. Second edition, revised, with additional matter and illustrations. J. A. and R- A- Reid, Providence, R- I. 1881. [3110 —Paper relating to the history of the Press in Cumberland County, (with accouutof "John Neal as a Journalist," and notices of P. O. J. Smith and Charles Day). 1877. See Maine Press Association. —Poem: "Retrospect." 1878. See Maine Press Association. —The Tower by the Sea. Poem. By Edward H- ElweU. Dedicated to Sylvester B- Beckett, in memory of many happy days spent with him on the seashore- Broadside, 1878- [3111 —Paper relating to history of Press in Cumberland County. 1878. See Maine Press Association. —Account of Editors' and Publishers' excursion to Moosehead Lake. 1878- See Maine Press Association- — Editorial Convention of 1852. (1879.) See Maine Press Association. —The Portland of Longfellow's Youth. (1882.) See Maine Hist. Soc. Proc. —The Boys of Thirty-five. A story of a seaport town, by Edward H. Elwell. Boston: Lee & Shepard, 47 Franklin Street. New York: Charles T. DUlingham, 678 Broadway- (1884-) 16mo- pp. 255- [3112 —The same- Second edition- Lee and Shepard. 1S89. 16mo. pp. 255. 27 402 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. Elwell, Edwaed Heney, Continued. Grand Army of the Eepublic Eead at Portland on Memorial Day, 1885. By Edward H. ElweU. n. p. 16mo. pp. 8. [3113 Poem. Paper on the Newspaper Press in Maine. 1885. See Maine Press Association. Fraternity Papers. By Edward H. Elwell. Author of " The Boys of Thirty-five." Portland: Elwell, Pickard & Co. Hoyt, Fogg and Donham. 1886. 12mo. pp. 310- [3114 The White Hills of New Hampshire- By Edward H. Elwell. Read before the Maine Historical Society, Portland, May 25, ISSl. Me- HistSocCoU- 9:207- (1SS7-) [3115 The Schools of Portland from the earliest times to the centennial year of the town, 1886- By Edward Henry Elwell. (City Seal.) Portland, Me. : William M. Marks, Printer. 1886. Svo- pp. 27. [3116 Paper relating to history of Press in York County. 1SS8. See Maine Press Association. Facts about Northern Maine. For the use of the Massachusetts Press Association, n. p. (Portland.) n. d. (1SS9.) 12mo. n. pp. (pp. 4.) [3117 Response on presentation of Paul Akers' Pearl Diver. 1889- See Portland Free Library. Enoch Lincoln. Read before the Maine Historical Society, Decem ber 23, 1882. Me. Hist Soc. CoU. 2d ser. 1: 137. (1890.) [3118 The same: in separate form. Portland: Brown Thurston Co. (1890.) Svo- pp. 21. Diamond Island, Portland, Maine. Its history, improvements and natural features, by Edward H. ElweU, with the by-laws, list of residences and landowners of the Diamond Island Association- ' Illustrated with cuts of cottages and scenery of the island. Lake side Press. Portland: 1890. pp. 29. [3119 Elwell, William. Islesboro. Bang. H- M. 1:61. (1885.) [3120 Embaego. In a bound volume in the library of the Massachusetts Historical Society, is a collection of pamphlets relating to the Embargo Act, and the following manuscript memorandum is found with them in the middle of the book: "A collection of pamphlets issued by a committee of public safety, cliosen by the town of Portland, in the county of Cumberland, state of Massachusetts, January, 1809, which committee consisted of the following gentleman : viz. Hon. Samuel Freeman, Enoch Ilsley, Daniel Tucker Woodbury Storer, Peter Warren, Lemuel Weeks, James D. Hopkins, Stephen Longfellow, Jun., and William Goddard. bibliography OF MAINE. 403 The titles of the pamphlets are as follows : "Politics for Farmers," or common sense addressed to common people. Mr. Sloan's Speech, n. t. p. Svo. pp. 8. [3121 This was issued at the Freeman's Friend Oflce, January 19, 1809, and has " Number 1 " at foot of the first page. Read, Citizens of Maine, and Judge for Yourself, n. t. p. 4to. pp. (4.) [3121a This contains " The Constitution Gone ! " " Violations of Unalienable Rights by Mr. Gallatin's and Mr. Giles' BiU," signed by "A Descendant of the Pilgrims: " and " Mr. Crowninshield's Resolutions," (Report of a com mittee in the House of Representatives, November 16, 1808.) Mr. Master's Speech. " In the day of adversity consider." n. t. p. 12mo. pp. 24. [3122 This has " No. II," printed at the foot of the first page, and contains an introductory portion, pp. 1-3, signed by "A '75 man; " common sense in Dis habille;" "Mr- Sloan's Speech, or Mr. Nicholas' and Mr. Bacon's Resolu tions, February 7, 1809. (pp. 4-17), and " Hear Mr. Lyon." (Extract of a letter from him to a friend in Vermont, Washington, February, 1809, signed " Mat thew Lyon- ") The pamphlet was issued at the Freeman's Friend Office, Portland. Mr. Bayard's Speech on his motion to amend the resolution offered by Mr. Giles, by striking out that part which is in italics. De livered in the Senate of tlie United States, Tuesday, February, 14, 1809. n. t. p. 12mo- pp- 24- [3123 This also contains Mr. HilUiouse's Speech, Feb- 14, 1809, pp. 18-24. The pamphlet was printed at the Gazette Oiiice, Portland, by Arthur Shirley. Ely, S. The Deformity of a Hideous Monster, discovered in the Province of Maine, by a man in the woods, looking after liberty. Printed near Liberty Tree, for the good of the Commonwealth, n. p. (Boston.) n. d. 12mo. pp. 31. [3124 Comprises a history of the Plymouth Patent, a criticism on certain legal cases, extracts from Indian deeds, »&c. Embeson, Andeew Leonaed. 1804-35. Lawyer, Portland. An Oration delivered at Portland, July 5, 1824, on the celebration of the 4Sth anniversary of American Independence, by Andrew L. Emerson, Esq. Portland : Printed by Adams and Paine. 1^24. sm. Svo. pp. 14. [3125 Embeson, Charles Octavius. 1799-1863. Lawyer, York. Notice of. 1864. See Palmer, Joseph. Embeson, Ezekiel. 1736-1815. Clergyman, Georgetown. 1765-1810. A Sermon delivered at Newcastle, October 4th, 1797, at the ordi nation of the Rev. Kiah Bayley. By Ezekiel Emerson, V. D. M. Pownalborough: Printed by Laughton & Rhodes. 1798. sm. Svo. pp. 24. [3126 Emerson, George Baerell. 1797-1881. Biographical Sketch of. with portrait. 1889. See Waterston, R. C. 404 BIBLIOGRAPHY OP MAINE. Emerson, Gboegb Delaucb, M. D. 6. 1864. Physician, South Berwick. Chronic Indolent Ulcers. Read before the Strafford Co. Medical Society, Dover, N. H., Dec. 18, 1889- Internat- Jour- Surg. 3 : 30. (1890.) [3127 Embeson, John. 1792-1872. Lawyer, Montville, Oldtown. Sketch of. 1872. See Harvard College. Embeson, John Dolbebe. b. 1828. Clergyman, Biddeford, 1868-76- The Second Church, Biddeford, Maine- Cong. Q. 11:241. (1S69-) [3128 Sermon preached at Biddeford, Dec- 25, 1870. "Memorial of the Pilgrims. 1820-70," n.p. n.d. 12mo. pp. 12. [3129 Sermon preached at the union service held in the Baptist church, Biddeford, Maine. Nov. 26, 1874- Published by request- Svo- pp- 16- [3130 Gospel to the Poor. Sermon by Rev. John D. Emerson, of Second church, Biddeford, before the Maine Missionary Society, at its sixty-eighth anniversary in Augusta, June 23, 1875. Maine Gen. Conf- Minutes- 1875- pps- 89-102. [3131 — -Serai-centennial of York County Conference, Buxton, Maine, June 4 and 5, 1872. Papers there read, and sketches of the Congre gational churches in the county, with notes appended down to the present time, June, 1876. J. D- Emerson, and B. P. Snow, committee of publication. Portland: Hoyt, Fogg & Donham. 1876. Svo. pp. 119. [3132 Three Worthies, 1859, 1868, 1880. n. p- n. d. Svo. pp. 15. Preached at the funeral of Mrs. Lewis Small, Biddeford, Aug. 7. 1868. [3133 Ask, Seek, Knock. "Only God gives Himself for the Asking." A sermon preached at Biddeford, Me., Feb. 23, 1890. Published by the young men of Rev. O. H. Tracy's Bible class, n. p. sm. 4to. pp. 14. [3134 Emeeson, Joseph. 1785-1871. Saco. Notice of. N.E.Reg- 26:454. (1872.) [3135 Embeson, Luthee Oelando. 6. Parsonsfield, 1820. r. Boston. Music and Musicians of Parsonsfield. 1885. See Dearborn, J. W- Embeson, Ralph Waldo. 1803-82. Concord, Mass. The Method of Nature. An oration delivered before the Society of Adelphi, in Waterville College in Maine, August llth, 1841. Boston: S. G. Simpkins. 1841. Svo. pp. 30. [3136 Severely criticized in Mo. Miscel- 5:346. (1841.) In writing to Carlyle on the 31st of July, 1841, Emerson says : ¦' As usual at this season of the year, I, incorrigible spouting Yankee, am writing an oration to deliver to the boys in one of our little country colleges nine days hence. " Life of Emerson, by Oliver Wendell Holmes, p. 136. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. 405 " My oration was heard with cold, silent, unresponsive attention, in which there seemed to be a continued un uttered rebuke and protest. The services were closed with prayer, and the good man who prayed, prayed for the ora tor, but also warned his hearers against heresies and wild notions, which appeared to me of that kind for which I was held responsible. The address was really written in the heart and happiness of what I thought a real in spiration : but all the warmth was extinguished in that lake of iced water. " Substance of the author's statement to Edwin P. AVhipple, as contained in his" Recollections of Eminent Men, "p. 146. (1886.) 5fe also Cabot's Memoir, 1:467. The same story is told of an address delivered at Middlebury, Ver mont, four years later. Possibly, in his account to Mr. Whipple, Emerson confounded them together. The minister's prayer was that they might be delivered from ever again hearing such transcendental nonsense from the sacred desk. Emerson, the story goes, asked the name of the clergyman, and said, " He seems a very conscientious, plain-spoken man. " Emerson, Reuben. 1771-1860. Clergyman, South Eeading, Mass. A Sermon, on the qualification of a spiritual shepherd, delivered June, 1825, at the installation of Rev. Noah Emerson, to the pastoral care of the Congregational church and society, Baldwin, Me. By Reuben Emerson, A. M., pastor of the Congregational church, Reading, Mass. Published by request. 1827. Svo. pp. 16. [3137 Embeson, Samuel. 1765-1851. Physician, Kennebunk, 1790-1851. An Oration delivered at Kennebunk, on the Fourth of July, 1798; the anniversary of American Independence. By Dr. Samuel Emerson. (Engraving of eagle.) Printed by E. A. Jenks, Port land. 1800. Svo. pp. 203. [3138 An Oration on music. Pronounced at Portland, May 2Sth, 1800. By Samuel Emerson, A. M. (Published by special request.) From the Press of E. A. Jenks, Portland. 1800. Svo. pp. 20. [3139 An Oration on medicine, deUvered at Berwick, the first Wednesday in June, before the Medical Society of the county of York. By Samuel Emerson, of WeUs. Published by the unanimous request, and at the expense of the association. Portland: From the Press of E. A. Jenks. 1801. Svo. pp. 24. [3140 An Oration on the Independence of America, pronounced at Ken nebunk, July 4, 1803, by Samuel Emerson, A. M. Printed by S- SewaU, Kennebunk, (Maine^ 1803. Svo pp- 13. [3141 On p. 11 is a hymn by Jacob Fisher, Esq., and on pp. 12, 13, an ode by S. Sewall. An Oration pronounced before Saco Lodge at the celebration of the anniversary of St. John the Baptist. By Brother Samuel Emerson, A- M. Saco (Maine)- WiUiam Weeks, Printer. 1806. pp. 14- [3142 An Oration pronounced at Washington hall, in Kennebunk, Maine, on the Fourth of July, 1811- By Dr. Samuel Emerson. Kenne bunk, Maine, Printed by J- K. Remick. 1811. Svo. pp. 12. [3143 406 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. Emerson, Samuel, Continued. - — -Account ofthe "PeppereU fever." (1837.) See Holmes, Oliver Wendell; also Green, Samuel A. Emeey, Anthony. Kittery. Descendants. 1889- See Emery, Rufus- Embry, Daniel C- Gorham. History of Harmony Lodge, Gorham, to which is added some notice of the Morgan excitement, by Daniel C. Emery. Pub lished by request of the lodge. Portland: Stephen Berry, Printer. 1S70. 12mo. pp. 48. [3144 Emeey, Edwin. 1836-95. Instructor, New Bedford, Mass. Roll of Capt. Bragdon's company. (York County.) 1775. Me- Biog. 1:121- (1S76-) [3145 The Farm of Col- Samuel Waldo, (Jr-) Me- Rec- 2: 249. (1885.) [3146 Marriages solemnized in Sanford, Me., by Rev. Moses Sweat. Me. Rec 2:56, 108. (1885.) [3147 Sanford and the Embargo- Mc Rec 3:41. (1886.) [3148 Historical Scraps. Transcribed from the original. Me. Rec. 3:75. (1886.) [3149 Emeey, Gboegb Alexandee. 1821-94- b. York, r. Portsmouth, N- H- Second Edition. Corrected, enlarged, illustrated, revised. Ancient city of Gorgeana, and modern town of York (Maine), from its earliest settlement to the present time. Also its beaches and summer resorts. Written, compiled and typographically com posed by Geo- Alex. Emery- Boston: 1874- 16mo. pp. 256. [3150 He composed and printed this work without manuscript, depending on his memory and a few notes. Emeey, George Feeeman, LL. D. 6. 1817. Lawyer, Portland. Reports of cases determined in the District Court of the United States for the District of Maine, with some opinions of the district judge in cases determined in the Circuit Court. By Ware, Ashur, district judge. Vol.3. By George F. Emery. Portland: Loring, Short & Harmon. 1874. Svo. pp. xni, 392. [3151 Appendix: Retirement of Judge Ware, 1866. Address by Hon. George F. Talbot. Response by Judge Ware. Proceedings of the Cumberland bar on the occasion of the death of Judge Ashur Ware, which occurred Sept. 10th, A. D. 1873. Remarks by George F. Talbot, M. M. Butler, Nathan Webb, John Mussey, and response by Judge Fox. Poem; "Our Famous Men," at centennial celebration, Paris, 1S79. See Lapham, W. B. The Voice of Maine as Heard in the Genesis of Our Nationality. Read before the Maine Historical Society, January S, 1885. Me. Hist. Soc. Coll. 2d ser. 2: 51. [3152 BIBLIOGEAPHY OF MAINE. 407 Compiler. Thornton Academy Rejuvenated, September 6, 1889. Proceedings at the rededication, embracing notices of the Press, the addresses delivered on the occasion, prospectus, etc- Com piled by Geo- F. Emery. 8vo- pp- [3153 Cyrus Woodman. A memoir read before the Maine Historical Society, November 21, 1889. Me. Hist. Soc. Coll- 2d ser. 1:113. (1890.) [3154 John Appleton (of Portland). Eead before the Maine Historical Society, December 18, 1890. Me. Hist. Soc. CoU. 2d. ser. 2: 337. [3156 Pioneers of the Oxford Bar. Ms. Svo. pp. 94. [3156 In library of the Maine Historical Society. It comprises brief sketches of all the lawyers of Oxford County from its iirst settlement. Emeey, James. 1795-1844. Clergyman, Waterborough. The Gospel Hymn Book : a new collection of hymns and spiritual songs : for the use of the pious. By Elder James Emery. "Sing unto the Lord. " David. 1829. [3157 Emeey, John Simpson. 1816-95. Sullivan, Boston. Capt. Daniel Sullivan, of Sullivan. From the Ellsworth Ameri can. Bang. H. M. 3:36. (1887.) [3158 Genealogy of the Ingalls family, of Sullivan, Maine. Bang. H. M. 4: 149. (1S89-) [3159 Pay-rolls of men under command of Capt. Daniel Sullivan, of Sullivan, in the Revolutionary war. 1777-80. Bang. H. M. 6: 66. (1890.) [3160 Emeey, Lucilius Alonzo. b. 1840. Lawyer and justice Supreme Judicial Court, Ellsworth. Essay. The Newspaper before the Law. 1875. See Maine Press Association. Embey, Moses- 1794-1881- Lawyer, Wiscasset, Saco. An Oration delivered at Wiscasset, July fourth, 1823- Wiscasset: Printed by John Dorr. 1823. Svo. pp. 15. [3161 Oration delivered in Saco, Maine, July 4, 1839, by Moses Emery, Esq. Published by request- Saco Printed by S- and C- Web ster. 1839- Svo- pp- 19- [3162 Emeey, Nicholas. Portland. 1776-1861. Lawyer and justice Su preme Judicial Court- Notice of- 1861. See WiUis, WUliam. Emeey, Noah. 1699-1762. Lawyer, Kittery, Portland. Biographical Sketch of. 1863. See WUlis, William. Emeey, Noah. 1S25-86. Bangor. Sketch of. Bang- H.M. 5:113. (1889.) [3163 408 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. Emeey, Rufus, and others. Emery- Four generations of the descendants of John Emery, of Newburg, Mass., and Anthony Emery of Kittery, Maine. Pre pared by the genealogical committee. Salem, Mass.: Emery Cleaves- (1889.) Svo. pp- 32. [3164 Emeey, Stephen. 1790-1863. Lawyer, and judge District Court, Paris. Report delivered before Oxford County Lyceum : by Stephen Emery, one of the committee. Published by order of the Lyceum. Paris, Maine: Horatio King, Printer. 1832- Svo. pp. 7- [3165 An Address delivered in the court house at Paris, January 28, 1834, before the Union Temperance Society of Oxford County. By Stephen Emery- Published at the request of and by the Union Temperance Society of Oxford County- Portland : Arthur Shir ley, Printer- 1834. 12mo- pp- 36- [3166 Emmons, Heney Vaughan- 6- 1832- Clergyman, Hallowell, Oxford, Brownfield- Address, dedication public library- 1880- See Hallowell- Emmons, Nathaniel, D- D- 1745-1840- Clergyman, Franklin, Mass- A Candid Reply to the Rev. Doctor Hemmenway's remarks on a dissertation on the Scriptural qualification for admission and ac cess to the Christian sacraments. By Nathaniel Emmons, A- M., pastor of the church in Franklin. Printed at Worcester, (Mass.). n- d. (1796?) [3167 Reviewed in the Theological Magazine, 1797. p. 69. Emmons, Williams. 1784-1854., Lawyer, HaUoweU. An Oration, commemorative of American Independence. Pro nounced at Hallowell, July fourth, 1809. By WUUams Emmons, A. M. Augusta: Printed and sold by Peter Edes, also, sold by E- Goodale, at the Hallowell Bookstore. 1809- Svo. pp. 3, 20- [3168 England- Church of, and early American discovery. (1862). See Stevens, W-P- Englebeeght, John. Life of. HaUoweU. 1819- [3169 English, Thomas Dunn, LL- D- 6- 1819. Author, New Jersey. Prohibition in Maine. A scathing exposure of the result of thirty years' effort, n. t. p. (Newark, N. J.) 1882. 12mo- pp- 12. [3170 English Actors in the Feench Revolution. Edinburgh Rev. 166:445. (1887.) [3171 A portion ofthis paper relates to Benjamin Vaughan- BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. 409 Ends, Gen- Roger- 1729-1808- Revolutionary offlcer, Colchester, Vt. A Lost Chapter of Arnold's Quebec Expedition. (1885.) See Hay den, Horace E. Enteepeise and Boxee- Engagement between, on the coast of Maine, 1813- See Dawson, Henry B- ; Jordan, Fritz H.; Naval Temple; Lossing, Benson J.; Winsor, Justin- (The) Envoy, feom Febe Hearts to the Peeb. "Behold I will send my messenger and he shall prepare the way before me. " " He hath sent me to bind up the broken-hearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives and the opening of the prison doors to them that are bound. " Holy Writ. Pawtucket, E. I. : Published by the Juvenile Eman. Society. 1840. 16mo. pp. 112. [3172 "The Instinct of Childhood," by John Neal, is contained on pages 42-63. Episcopal. [The Journals of 1820 (with some omissions), 1833-34, and 1840 were pub lished in those years respectively, and brief extracts of the Journals for the remaining years in 1828 and 1840- From 1841, the Journals have been regu larly published each year-] Proceedings of the convention of the Protestant Episcopal Church, in the state of Maine. Holden at Brunswick, May 3, A. D. 1820- 12mo- pp- 12. [3173 — — -Abstract of the Journals of the conventions of the Protestant Epis copal church in the state of Maine, from its organization iq the year 1820, to the end of the year 1829. Portland: Day n impediunt foris; pernoctant nobiscum, pergrinantur, resticantur. Quod si ipsi hcec neque attingere, neque sensu nostra gustare possemus, tamen ea mirari deberemus, etiam cum in aliis videremus. " CiCEEo, pro Archia Poeta. Tbamslation : " But were pleasure only to be derived from learning, without the advant ages we have mentioned, you must still, I imagine, allow it to be a very lib eral and polite amusement. For other studies are not suited to every time, to ever.v age, and to everyplace; but these give strength in youth, and joy in old age ; adorn prosperity, and are the support and consolation of adversity; at home they are delightful, and abroad they are easy; at night they are company to us ; when we travel they attend us ; and in our rural retirement they do not forsake us. Though we, ourselves, were incapable of them, and had no relish for their charms, still we should admire them when we see them in others- Whltworth's Cicero- Printed at the Apollo Press, in Boston, for the author- MDCC- XCII- Svo. pp. ix, 10, 101. (Plate.) [3638 The copy in the library of the Massachusetts Historical Society contains manuscript notes by the author. Notice of- 1859- See Allen, Frederic. Biographical Sketch of- 1863- See Willis, William. Gaedinee, Robeet Hallowell. 1782-1864. , . Gardiner, 1803-64. History of the Kennebec Purchase ; or the proceedings under the grant to the colony of Plymouth, of lands on the Kennebec. Me. Hist. Soc. CoU. 2: 269. (1847.) [3639 Letter to, and to other citizens on the Kennebec River. 1850. See Webster, Daniel. Jones's Eddy. Me. Hist Soc. Coll. 4: 41. (1856.) [3640 Biographical Notice of. 1857. See Willis, William. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. 475 - — Observations on the opening and closing of Kennebec River, Maine- (17S5-1803-) Smith. Inst. Rep. 1858- (Imprint, 1859.) 434. [3641 Memoir of Benjamin Vaughan, M. D., and LL. D. Me. Hist. Soc Coll. 6: 83- (1859-) [3642 Notice of- 1876. See Burgess, George. Sermon on. 1876. See Burgess, George. Gaedinbe, Robert Hallowell, the younger- 1809-86. Gardiner- Notes on barometer, rain and snow guages- Smith- Inst- Rep- 1858. p. 432. [3643 Biographical Notice of Hon. George Evans. Me. Hist. Soc. Coll. 7: 457. (1876.) [3644 Memorial of, with portrait. 1886. See Boardman, S. L. — — -Memoir of. 1890. See Dalton, Asa. GaPvDiner, Rufus Paekee. b. 1856. Clergyman, r. Maine until 1888- Manual of the Congregational church, in Waldoboro, Maine. Pre pared by the pastor. Rev. R. P. Gardiner. June, 1887- Waldo boro, Me-: News Steam Job Print 1887- 12mo. pp- 37- [3645 Gardiner, Silvester. 1707-86. Physician, Newport, R- I. Dr- Gardiner versus James Flagg, merchant, n. t. p. Svo. pp. 44. [3646 A Short Vindication of the conduct of the referees in case of Gardiner versus Flagg, against the unjust aspersions, contained in two anonymous pamphlets lately published and handed about. n- d- (1767 ? ) Svo. pp. 22. [3647 To the Public, n. t. p. 16mo. pp. 18. [3648 Concerning a pamphlet entitled "Dr. Gardiner versus James Flagg:" issued later than February 3, 1767. Biographical Sketch of. 1842. See Curwen, Samuel. Gaednbe, Thomas. Penobscot Fort. Visit of the Mohawks to Fort Penobscot, 1662. Communicated by B- Fernou, late keeper of the archives of the State of New York. A true relation of the Maque coming to Penobscott Fort, and what they did: by Thomas Gardner, com mander of the same, the 5th of August, 1662. Mag. Am. Hist- 2, (Part I), 235. (1878.) [3649 Gaefield, James Abeam. 1831-81. Twentieth president of the United States- Address on, 1882. See Blaine, James G. Sermon on. 1881- See Dickinson, C. A- Gaeland- Incorporated 1811, First Settlement of Garland. (1801.) From the Maine Farmer, November, 1867. Bang. H. M. 4 : 13. (1886.) [3650 476 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. Garland, Continued. Sermon, ordination Isaac E. Wilkins. 1825. See Smith, John. Garland, David. 1815-84. Clergyman, Bethel, 1849-84. The Saint's Hope in Death. A sermon preached at the funeral of Mrs. Sally S. Whitcomb, of Sweden, (Me.) March 19, 1848. By Rev. David Garland. Portland; Printed at the Mirror Office. 1848. Svo. pp.12. [3651 Garland, Jambs Geay. 6. 1827. Inventor, Biddeford. ^incestry of. 1890. See American Ancestry. Gaeeison, Edwin William. 1805-40. Clergyman, Cherryfield, Ells worth. Memoir of Mrs. Rebekah P. Pinkham, of Sedgwick, Me., contain ing an account of her conversion: interesting letters to her friends: her writings for the promotion of missionary objects, &c. By E. W. Garrison, A. M. Blessed are the dead that die in the Lord. Rev. 14 : 13. Portland: Office of Zion's Advocate. 1S40- ISmo- pp- 160. (Illus.) (1 port) [3652 Gaeeison Houses. In York County. (1876.) See Bourne, Edward E. Gazettbee of Maine. 1843. See Hayward, John. The same. 1881. See Varney, George C. Gendell, Waltee. North Yarmouth. Sketch of. ISSO. See Banks, Charles E. Genesis of the United States. 1605-16. See Brown, Alexander. (a) Geogeaphical Vocabulaey. 1813. See Wright, Nathaniel- Geological Map of Maine : explained- 1867- See Hitchcock, C. H. Geology. See also Maine. Elementary Treatise on. 1816. See Cleaveland, Parker. — -of Aroostook County. 1887. See Bailey, L. W. of Maine. 1837-39. See Jackson, Charles T. of Maine. Report on. 1861. See Holmes, Ezekiel. of Maine. 1885. See Hitchcock, C. H. Relations of Eastern Maine and New Brunswick. 1889. See Bailey, L. W. Gboegb, Daniel. 1760-1804. r. Portland 1783-1804. An Almanack, forthe year of our Lord, 1786, being the second year after bissextile or leap-year, and the tenth of American Inde- BIBLIOGEAPHY OF MAINE. 477 pendence. Calculated for the meridian of Boston. Lat. 42deg. 23min. north. By Daniel George, Philo. Would you, through all your days, dispense The joys of reason and of sense? Or give to life the most you can? Let social virtue shape the plan. For, does not to the virtuous deed A train of pleasing sweets succeed? Or like the sweets of wild desire. Did social pleasures ever tire? Shekstokb. Boston: Printed by Adams & Nourse, in Court Street. ISmo. PP- 30. [3653 Biographical Sketch of. 1866. See Stickney, Mathew A. George, Mrs. Ellen S. Orrington. Sermon at funeral of. 1842. See Pond, Enoch. George, Nathan D. b- 1808. Clergyman, r. Maine until 1854. An Examination of Universalism, embracing its rise and progress, and the means of its propagation. By Rev. Nathan D. George, of the Maine Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church. " Now the serpent was more subtle than any beast of the field. " Bible. Boston: Waite, Peirce & Co., No. 1 Cornhill. Gardiner, Me.: N. D. George. 1846. 12mo. pp. 210, (2). [3654 George, Thomas, and family. Holden. 1890. See Porter, J. W. Georgetown. Incorporated 1716. See Arrowsic. Dates in. 1604-1884. See Lemont, L. P. Letters from, on Indian affairs. 1743-62. See Penhallow, P- W- Intentions of marriage. 1742-62. See Thayer, H. O. MUitia Company 1757- Bang. H. M. 4:138. (1889.) [3655 Marriages. 1760-72. Salem Press & Gen. Rec 1:126. (1891.) [3656 Topographical Description. 1792- See Sullivan, James. Sermon. 1797. See Emerson, Ezekiel. Gee-Abd, Gboegb. Instructor, Portland. French Course, or theoretical and practical system of the French language; to which are added elegant extracts from the most approved French poets- By George Gerard, A- M., formerly professor of French in Washington (now Trinity) College ; at the present time teacher of French in the Free St. Seminary for young ladies, and in the Portland High School, etc. Portland: S- H- Colesworthy. 1848- Svo- pp- 396. [3657 Geeman Colony in Maine. (1869.) See Pohlman, R. Geeeish Family. Record of- 1889. See Gerrish, John J- 478 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. Gbeeish, Feederic Henry, M. D- 6- 1845. Professor Maine Medical School, Bowdoin College, and physician, Portland. Salicylic Acid. The experience of Maine physicians in its use- Re ported by Frederic Henry Gerrish, M. D., of Portland. (Eeprint ed from the transactions of the Maine Medical Association, June, 1876.) Portland, Me.: Stephen Berry, Printer- 1876. Svo- pp- 15. [3658 The Sanitary Condition of Portland- A report presented to the Maine Medical Association, 14th June, 1877- By Frederic Henry Gerrish, M. D., professor of materia medica and thera peutics, and lecturer on public health in the Medical School of Maine, etc. (Reprinted from the proceedings of the Association.) Portland: Stephen Berry, Printer. 1877. Svo. pp. 30. [3659 Prescription Writing. Designed for the use of medical students who have never studied Latin. By Frederic Henry Gerrish, M. D., professor materia medica and therapeutics in the Medical School of Maine, etc. Portland, Me. : Loring, Short & Harmon. Philadelphia: J. P. Lippincott & Co. 1888. 16mo. pp. 50. [3660 This has reached a seventh edition. ^Annual Address before the Maine Medical Association. 1878. Trans. 6:331. (1878.) [3661 The same, under the following title : The Duties of the Medical Profession Concerning Prostitution and its Allied Vices. Being the oration before the Maine Medical Association at its annual meeting, 12th of June, 1873. By Frederic Henry Gerrish, M. D., professor of materia medica and therapeutics, and lecturer on public health, in Bowdoin College; instructor in physiology and microscopical anatomy in the Port land School for Medical Instruction; pathologist to the Maine General Hospital; ex-president of the Cumberland County Medical Society; etc. (Reprinted from the transactions of the association-) Portland: Loring, Short & Harmon. 1878- Svo- pp- 31- [3662 Cases Treated by the Lister Method, reported to the Portland Clini cal Society, llth of September, ISSO. By Frederic Henry Gerrish, M. D., surgeon to the Maine General Hospital, professor of ma teria medica and therapeutics in Bowdoin College, etc. Portland, Me. Privately printed. 1880. Svo. pp. 15. [3663 The Ownership of Prescriptions. Boston Med. & Surg. Jour. 103: 559. (1880.) [;:3664 ^Antiseptic Surgery. The principles, modes of application, and re sults of the Lister dressing. By Dr. Just Lucas-Championnfere, surgeon of the Hopital Tenon, member of the Soci^t^ de Chirur- gie, editor of the Journal de Medicine et de Chirurgie Pratiques. Translated from the second and completely revised edition, with BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. 479 the special sanction of the author, and edited by Frederic Henry Gerrish, M. D., A- M-, surgeon to the Maine General Hospital, professor of materia medica and therapeutics in Bowdoin College, etc. Portland: Loring, Short & Harmon- ISSl. Svo. pp. 258. [3665 Two Successful Cases of Removal of Uterus and Appendages- Bos ton Med. and Surg. Jour. 107:289. (1882.) [3666 The same. Reprinted. Portland, Me.: Printed by William M. Marks, 1882- Svo. pp. 15. Biographical Sketch of William Warren Greene, of Portland, Me. Med. Ass. Trans. S: 140. (1883.) [3667 Cases of Urinary Calculi. Boston Med- & Surg. Jour. 112:6- (1885.) [3668 The Hypodermic Administration of Morphine as a Substitute for Hanging in the Execution of Criminals. Boston Med. & Surg. Jour. 114: 270. (1885.) [3669 The Best Equipment for Medical Study. A paper read at the an nual meeting of the American Academy of Medicine in Pittsburg, Penn., 12th October, 1886. By Frederic Henry Gerrish, A. M., M. D. ; professor of anatomy in Bowdoin College, surgeon to the Maine General Hospital, president of the Maine State Board of Health, fellow of the American Academy of Medicine, member of the American Society of Naturalists, the American Society for Psychical Eeseach, the American Public Health Association, etc. Portland, Me. : Printed by William M. Marks. 1887. Svo. pp. 33. [3670 Biographical Sketch of Horatio N. SmaU, M. D. Me. Med. Ass. Trans. 9:315. (1887.) [3671 The Mutual Relations of the Pharmacist and the Physician. Phar maceutical Era, Detroit, Mich. 2 : No. 5. ISSl. [-3672 — —The Special Function of the American Academy of Medicine- Ad dress of the president, delivered at the annual meeting in New York, 13th November, 1888, by Frederic Henry Gerrish, A. M., M. D., of Portland, Me. Printed by order of the academy. Phil adelphia- 1889. Svo. pp. 27. [3673 Gerrish, James. Lebanon- Sketch of. 1890. See Green, Samuel A. Gerrish, John J. b- 1S21. Portland. Genealogical Record of the compiler's branch of the Gerrish fam ily. By John J. Gerrish. Portland: Tucker Printing House. 1889. ISmo. pp. 13. [3674 Ancestry of. 1889. See American Ancestry. Gerrish, Oliver- Portland- Address at Augusta- 1841. See Mechanics- 480 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. Gbeeish, Theodoeb. 6. 1846. Clergyman, Portland. Army Life. A private's reminiscences of the civil war. By Theo dore Gerrish, late member of the 20th Maine Vols. With an introduction by Hon. Josiah H. Drummond. Portland: Hoyt, Fogg & Donham, 193 Middle Street n. d. (1882.) 12mo. pp. 372. [3675 WUl Newton, the young volunteer, by T. Gerrish, author of "Rem iniscences of the War, " " The Blue and the Gray, " etc With illustrations. Bangor, Me.: O. F. Knowles & Co., Printers. 1SS4. 12mo. pp. 284. [3676 Life in the World's Wonderland. Illustrated. A graphic descrip tion of the great northwest, from St. Paul, Minnesota, to the land of the Midnight Sun. Including the lakes and forests of Minnesota; the wheatfields and stock ranches of Dakota; all the wonders of the unrivaled Yellowstone Park; the cities, mines, and caiions of the Rocky Mountains; the beauties of the Orange and Columbia Rivers; the famous inland passage from Tacoma, Washington Territory, to Sitka, Alaska. Descriptions of the old Indian battlefields, including the last battlefield of General Cus ter on the Big Horn River; the stories of old trappers, freighters, miners, and Indian fighters, told in their own unique style. With sixty engravings. By Theodore Gerrish, author of "Reminis cences ofthe War, " "The Blue and the Gray, " "Will Newton, " etc., etc. Biddeford, Maine. From the Press of the Biddeford Journal. 1887. Svo. pp. 421. [3677 (Joint author with Hutchinson, John S.) The Blue and the Gray, a graphic history of the Army of the Potomac and that of North ern Virginia, including the brilliant engagements of these forces from 1861 to 1865. The campaigns of the Shenandoah valley and the Army of the James, together with reminiscences of tent and field, acts of personal daring, deeds of heroic suffering and thrilling adventure, coupled with which will be found many tales of individual achievements, army yarns, and pen-pictures of officers and privates. A complete roster of the two armies, and twenty full-page maps. By Rev. Theodore Gerrish, private in the Army of the Potomac, author of " Reminiscences of the War, " and John S. Hutchinson, private in the Army of North ern Virginia. With introductions by Colonel Augustus C. Ham lin, Maine, and Gen. Fitzhugh Lee, Virginia. Portland : Hoyt, Fogg & Donham. 1883. Svo. pp. 816. [3678 Geeey, Edwin. 1820-85. Clergyman, Sanford. Story of his Ufe. 1887. See Wilder, S. Fannie G. Geeey, Elbeidgb. 1813. Lawyer, Waterford, Portland. Biography of. 1885. See Biog. Ency. Maine- BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. 481 Geschichte des Deutschen Elements in Staatb Maine- Deutscher Pion. 14:7. 349:151. 16:11, 349. [3679 Getchel, Dennis. A Testimony Concerning Acceptable Worship to Almighty God. By Dennis Getchel, late of Vassalborough in New England. Portland: Printed by Thomas B. Wait, at his office in Fish Street 1794. 12mo. pp. 12. [3680 Getchell, Ira E. North Vassalborough. Tables showing the magnetic declination in the state of Maine. From 1609 to 1880- With notes on the variation of the compass, the secular, the annual and the diurnal change- By Ira E. Getch ell, land surveyor. North Vassalboro, 1880- 12ino. n- pp. (11). [3681 Gettysburg. Report of the committee (of the state of Maine) on the soldiers' national cemetery, n. p. 1865. Svo. pp. 8. [3682 Giddings, Joshua Reed. 1795-1864. Statesman, Ohio. Speech of Mr. Giddings of Ohio, delivered in the House of Repre sentatives, Feb. 9, 1841. Second edition. Published by Maine Anti-Slavery Society. Hallowell: Printed by Thomas W. New man. 1842. Svo. pp. 24. GiEELow, John- Clergyman, Augusta, 1863-64- A Discourse on the times, by Rev- J- Gierlow, rector of St- Marks church. Preached Aug. 6, 1863. Being the day appointed by the president for the national Thanksgiving. Augusta: Printed at the Maine Farmer Office. 1863. Svo. pp. 8. [3684 ^Design of Freemasonry: an address delivered before the Masonic fraternity in Augusta, Maine, on the occasion of the installation of offlcers, November 18, Anno Lucis, 5863- By Eev- John Gier low- Augusta: Printed at the Maine Farmer Office. 1863. 12mo- pp. 12. [3685 GiLBBET, M- B. Round Dancing, by M. B. Gilbert, member of the American So ciety -of Professors of Dancing, New York. (IUus.) " Our feet shall catch th' elastic bound And reel us through the dance's round. " Portland, Mc: M. B. Gilbert n.d. 12mo. pp. 203. [3686 GiLBEET, Washington. 1816-90. Lawyer, Bath. Address of Hon. Washington Gilbert, deUvered at the centennial celebration of the town of Turner, July 7th, 1886. Portland, Maine: Press of B. Thurston & Co. 1886. Svo. pp. 16- [3687 32 482 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE . Gilbbet, Ziba Alden- 6. 1832. ?-. Greene. Shrinkage in Value of Farm Real Estate- Lecture before Maine Board of Agriculture at Augusta, January 15, 1890- Augusta: 1890- Svo. pp. 6. [3688 Gile Family- Genealogy and History of. 1887. See Burleigh, Charles. Gilead. Incorporated 1805. Account of- 1857- See Willey, Benjamin G- History of- 1867. See Chapman, Geo- W. Giles, Edwaed- Descendants of. 1859- See Vinton, John A- GiLES Memoeial. 1864. See Vinton, John A. Giles, Hbney. 1809-82. Clergyman. The Guilt of Contempt; a sermon preached in the Union Street brick church, of the Independent Congregational society, Bangor, Me., on Sunday afternoon, October 24th, 1847. By Henry Giles. Publishedbyrequest. Bangor: Samuel S. Smith, Printer. 1847. Svo. pp. 16. [3689 GiLKBY, John, and family, Islesboro. 1889. See Porter, J. W. Gillet, Eliphalet, D. D. 176S-1S48. Clergyman, r. Hallowell from 1795 till death. A Sermon preached at the ordination of Rev. Hugh Wallis, to the pastoral care of the church of Christ in Bath (District of Maine), December 9, 1795. By Eliphalet Gillet, A. M. pastor of the South church in Hallowell. Printed at HaUoweU, Hook, by Wait and Baker, n. d. Svo. pp. 32. [3690 A Discourse delivered at Hallowell, April 25th, 1799, being the day appointed by the chief magistrate of the United States, for a national Fast. By Eliphalet Gillet, A. M., pastor of the church of Christ in Hallowell. Hallowell — Printed: New York — reprinted for, and sold by Cornelius Davis, No. 94, Water Street. 1799. Svo. pp. 22. [3691 An Oration delivered January 2, 1800, before the citizens of Hal lowell (Me.), and its vicinity, in commemoration of the much lamented death of General George Washington. By Eliphalet Gillet, A. M. Published by desire. HaUoweU, (District of Maine). Printed by Peter Edes. 1800. 12mo. pp. 19. [3692 A Discourse, delivered in Newfield, February 16th, 1803, at the ordination of the Rev. John Dane- By Eliphalet Gillet, A- M- pastor of the church of Christ in Hallowell. Augusta, (District of Maine). Printed by Peter Edes. 1803. Svo. pp. 32. [3693 BIBLIOGEAPHY OF MAINE. 483 -A Sermon on infant baptism, preached at Winthrop, Nov. 4, 1804, at the baptism of the Eev. Mr. Belden' s child: to which are sub joined the Rev. Mr. (Jona.) Fisher's hymn on infant dedication, and the Rev. Mr- SewaU' s poem on the mode of baptism, by EUphalet Gillet, A. M., pastor of the First church in Hallowell- " I also will shew mine opinion," Job 32: 10. Printed by Peter Edes. Augusta: 1804. Svo. pp. 40. [3694 -The same. Reprinted by S. K. Gilman, HaUoweU- 1820- Svo- pp. 40. -A Discourse delivered on the annual Thanksgiving in Massachusetts, November 29, 1804. By Eliphalet Gillet, minister in HaUoweU. Be ye therefore wise as serpents and harmless as doves. Jesus Christ- Printed at Augusta by Peter Edes, and sold at the Hallowell Book-store by E. Goodale. 1804. Svo- pp. 3, 25. [3695 -History of the Bible and Jews, with remarks upon the rise and progress of Mohametanism and Popery. Adapted to the use of schools. Printed for Ezekiel Goodale, bookseller and stationer, Hallowell, Maine; for sale by him, at the Hallowell bookstore, sign of the Bible, and for sale by Thomas Whipple, Newburyport. Benjamin Edes, Printer, Augusta. 1806. 16mo. pp. 310. [3696 -A Discourse delivered on the annual Fast in Massachusetts, April 7, 1808. By Eliphalet Gillet, A. M., pastor of the First church in Hallowell. Augusta: Printed by Peter Edes. ISOS. Svo. pp. 5-14- [3697 -The Powers and Results of the Gospel. 1 Cor. 1:24. A sermon delivered before the Maine Missionary Society, at their annual meeting in Bath, June 27, 1810. By Eliphalet Gillet, pastor of the First church in HaUoweU. Hallowell : Printed by N- Chee ver- 1810. Svo- pp- 30- [3698 -The Patriot. A sermon delivered on the annual Fast in Massachu setts, April 11, 1811. By Eliphalet Gillet, Congregational minis ter in HaUoweU. Hallowell: Printed by N. Cheever. 1811- Svo. pp. 20. [3609 -A Discourse delivered at Hallowell on the annual Thanksgiving in Massachusetts, November 21, 1811. By Eliphalet GiUet, min ister in Hallowell. HaUoweU: Printed by N. Cheever. 1811 Svo. pp. 20. [3700 -A Discourse delivered in the forenoon at Hallowell, and in the af ternoon at Augusta, on the day of the national Fast, August 20, 1812- By Eliphalet Gillet, minister in Hallowell- Published by E. Goodale, at the Hallowell Book-store- Printed by Peter Edes, Augusta. 1812. Svo. pp- 23. [3701 484 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. Gillet, Eliphalet, D. D., Continued. Love to Christ: Sermon atthe ordination of Mr. Daniel Kendrick, West parish, Pittston, November 18, 1812. HaUoweU: N. Cheever. 1812. Svo. pp. 24. [3702 The Gospel Jubilee. A discourse at the ordination of Rev. Harvey Loomis, Bangor, November 27, 1811. Buckstown: Printed by Anthony H. Holland. 1812. Svo. pp. 20. [3703 Sermon at the dedication of the new meeting-house in Vassalboro, March6, 1S17. HaUoweU: E. Goodale, 1817. Svo. pp. 24. [3704 Sermon at the interment of Mrs. Elizabeth FiUebrown, at Winthrop, who died October 23,1817, set 46. HaUoweU:, 1817- N. Cheever. Svo. pp. 22. [3705 Correct Thanksgiving. A discourse delivered at Hallowell on the day of the annual Thanksgiving in Massachusetts, Dec. 2, 1819. By Eliphalet Gillet, pastor of the First church in Hallowell. HaUoweU: Printed by E. Goodale, 1819. Svo. pp. 16. [3706 Evils of Intemperance. A sermon preached at Hallowell, on the day of the annual Fast in Maine, April 12, 1821. By Eliphalet Gillet, minister in Hallowell. Hallowell: Printed by Goodale, Glazier & Co. 1821. Svo. pp. 19. [3707 Preaching Christ, Productive of Joy. A sermon preached Septem ber 10, 1823, at the ordination of the Rev. Seneca White, to the charge of the South church in Bath. By Eliphalet Gillet, pastor of the First church in Hallowell. Bath: Printed by Joseph G. Torrey, 1823. Svo. pp. 24. [3708 Complete List of the Congregational ministers, pastors of churches, in the state of Maine, from the settlement of the country to the present time. Am. Q. Eeg. 13: 144. (1840.) County of York, Cumberland County, Maine. 13 : 253. (1842.) Lincoln County, Hancock County, Washington County, and Kennebec County, 14: 269. (1842.) Notes, Oxford County, Penobscot County, Waldo County, Franklin County, Piscataquis County, Aroostook County. [3709 Reports as corresponding secretary of the Maine Missionary Society and from the trustees from its first to forty-first anniversary, 1808 to 1S4S, forty-one years. See Maine Missionary Society. Funeral Sermon on. 1848. See Tappan, Benjamin. Commemorative Notice. 1857. See Sprague, WilUam B. ¦Gillette, William Hookbe. 6. 1S53. Actor, New York. A Legal Wreck. By William Gillette, author of the plays " Held by the Enemy," "The Private Secretary," (joint author> BIBLIOGEAPHY OF MAINE. 485 " Esmeralda" (joint author), " The Professor, " etc. New York: Rockwood PubUshing Co., 1267 Broadway. ISSS. 16mo. pp. 228. .r„ - [S'TIO rhe scene is partly laid in Maine. Gilliatt, Joseph Staer. b. 1849. Portland. Ancestry of. 1890. See American Ancestry. Oilman, Allen. 1796-1S46. Lawyer, Bangor, 1801-46. Biographical Sketch of. 1863. See Willis, WiUiam. Biographical Sketch of. 1888. See Porter, J. W- GiLMAN, Arthur- b- 1837. Author, Cambridge, Mass. The Gilman Family traced in the line of Hon. John Gilman, of Exeter, N. H., with an account of many other Gilmans in Eng land and America. By Arthur GUman, A. M. Honors best thrive. When rather from our acts we them derive Than our fore-goers. All's Well that ends Well, act 2, scene 3. Albany, N. Y.: Joel MunseU. 1869. sq. Svo. pp. xn, (1), 324. (IUus.) [3711 Tales of the Pathfinders. By Arthur Gilman, M. A., author of "A History of the American People," "Kings, Queens and Bar barians," "Magna Charta Stories," etc., etc. (Illus.) Chicago:. The Interstate Publishing Company. Boston: 30 Franklin Street. n. d. (Copyright, 1884.) 16mo. pp. 225. [3712 Chapter X. " The Patriarch of Norridgewock." Chapter XI. " Citizen Soldiers take a Fortress," (relating to Sir William Pepperrell). Oilman, Charles. 1807.59. Lawyer, Bangor, Quincy, 111. The Maine Monthly Magazine. Edited by Charles Gilman. Vol. I. Bangor: Duren & Thatcher. Portland: Edward Stephens. 1837. Svo. pp. 568- (1 engraving-) [3713 From July 1836, to June 1837 inclusive. Account of Bangor. Am. Mag. 3 : 329. (1837.) (Engraving.) [3714 Gilman, Edwaed Whiting, D. D. Clergyman, Bangor, 1859-63. A Sermon preached before the First Congregational church of Bangor, January 16, 1859, on the Sabbath following his installa^ tion as pastor of that church. By Edward W. Gilman. Published by request. Bangor: Printed by Samuel S. Smith. 1859. Svo- pp. 24. [3715 ^Address on music. 1S62. See Penobscot Musical Association. Methods of promoting the fellowship of the church. 1870. Svo. pp. 8- [3716 486 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. Gilman, Epheaim. Report of the case of Ephraim Gilman, indicted for the murder of Mrs. Harriet B. Swan, before the Supreme Judicial Court of Maine- Including the arguments before the Law Court upon the exceptions, and the opinion of the court- Portland: Stephen Berry, Printer. 1863. Svo. pp. 77. [3717 Gilman, Gboegb H. 6. 1854. Journalist, Houlton. History of Houlton. 1884. See KendaU, J. Papers relating to history of Press in Aroostook County, 1887-89. See Maine Press Association. Oilman, John. Exeter, N. H. 1869. See Gilman, Arthur. Oilman, John Tayloe. 1806-84. Physician, Portland. Replies to a circular letter. Am. Med. Ass. Trans. 2:451. (1849.) [3718 Upon the sanitary condition of Portland. Biographical Sketch of. 1884. See Gordon, S. C. Proceedings occasioned by his death. (Vith portrait.) Me- Med. Ass. Trans. 8:373. (1SS4-) [3719 Memorial of. 1885- See Bell, Charles H. Biography of. 1S85. See Biog. Ency. Maine. Oilman, John Wesley- b. 1844. Oakland. History of R- A. Drummond chapter. No- 27- West Waterville, Maine: from its organization to September, 1876, by Comp- J. Wesley Gilman, P. M., of Messalouskee Lodge, No. 113. Port land: Stephen Berry, Printer. 1877. Svo. pp. 38. [3720 Contains portrait of Hon. Josiah H. Drummond, LL. D. Oilman, Nicholas Paine. Profit Sharing Between Employer and Employee. A study in the evolution of the wages system. By Nicholas Paine Gilman. The present doctrine is that the workman's interests are linked to those of other workmen, and the employer's to those of other employers. Event ually it wUl be seen that industrial divisions should be perpendicular, not horizontal. The workman's interests should be bound up with those of his employer, and should be pitted in fair competition against those of other workmen and employers. W. Stanley Jevons. Boston and New York: Houghton, Mifflin & Company. 1889. Svo. pp. X, 460. [3721 Describes the system upon which the Ara Cushman Company of Auburn and the Keene Brothers of Skowhegan is conducted. Oilman, Teisteam. 1735-1809. Clergyman, North Yarmouth. The Death of the Righteous Lamented and Improved. A sermon BIBLIOGEAPHY OF MAINE. 487 preached on the Lord's Day after the funeral of the Hon. David Mitchell, Esq., chief justice of the County of Cumberland, and one of the deacons of the First church in North Yarmouth. March 20, 1796. With some enlargements- By Tristram Gil man, A. M-, pastor of said church- Printed in Portland, by Thomas Baker Wait. 1796. Svo. pp. 32- [3722 Sketch of. Panoplist 5:1- (1S10-) [3722a Oilman, William S- d. 1885- JournaUst, Houlton. Papers relating to history of Press in Aroostook County. 1880-82. See Maine Press Association. Essay: " The Art Preservative. " 1883. See Maine Press Associa tion. Gilmoeb, Samuel, and family, Holden. 1890. See Porter, J. W. GiLPATEicK, Jambs. 1801-65. Clergyman, Bluehill, Topsham, 1829- 52. A Sermon delivered Sept. 8, 1830, at the ordination of Rev. Wilson C- Eyder. over the First Baptist church, in Mariaville. By James Gilpatrick, pastor of the First Baptist church in Bluehill. Pub lished by request. Bluehill: Beacon Press. B. F. Bond, Printer. 1830. Svo. pp. 12. [3723 The Nature and Remedy of Intemperance. An address, delivered before the Mount Desert Temperance Society, July 4, 1832. By James Gilpatrick, pastor of the First Baptist church, Bluehill, Maine. Boston: Lincoln & Edmands. 1832. 12mo- pp. 19. [3724 A Sermon delivered June 5, 1833, at the funeral of Rev. Daniel Merrill, A. M., late pastor of the First Baptist church in Sedg wick- By James Gilpatrick, pastor of the First Baptist church in Bluehill. Published by request, Ellsworth: Robert Grant, Printer. 1833. Svo. pp. 15. [3725 Gladys: a romance. 1887- See Darling, Mary Greenleaf - Glaziee, William Belchbe. 1827-70. Lawyer, Gardiner, r. Maine. 1827-54. Leaf of Life Knick. ,36: 50. (1850.) [3726 Poems. By William Belcher Glazier. Hallowell: Masters, Smith & Co. 1853. 12mo. pp- 168- [3727 Gleanings foe Youth. Portland. 1828. Gleanings from Meeeimac Valley. Portland: B. Thurston & Co. Glidden, Samuel P. 1761-lSlS. Lawyer, Readfield. Biographical Sketch of. 1863. See WiUis, Wm. 488 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. Goddard, Chaeles William. 1825-88. Lawyer and judge Superior Court, Portland. Eeport of C. W. Goddard, commissioner appointed to review, col late and arrange the general and public laws of the State of Maine, bythe resolve approved March 8, 1881. Augusta: 1881. Svo. pp. 59. [3728 Note on the sources of land titles in Maine. 1884. See Maine, Eevised Statutes. Biography of. 1885. See Biog. Ency. Maine- GoDDAED, Heney- 1785-1871- Portland- A Few of the Very Many Miscellaneous Articles in Poetry and Prose, written by Henry Goddard, during the last half century. Portland: Press of B. Thurston and Company. 1866. 12mo- pp. 44. [3729 Contents: Earth's Final Destiny. Speech: made on the eve ofthe sec ond election of President Jackson, in the Second Parish church, Portland. Thoughts on Happiness. Great Railroad Meeting (Wed. June 11, 1845). Missionary Hymn. (1846.) Lines. The Mechanics of Portland. (1864.) A Lover's Poem. GoDDAED, John, M. D. Obituary of Dr. John Goddard, of Portsmouth, N. H. Portland: Printed by B. Thurston. 1854. 16mo. pp. 17. [3730 GoDDAED, Maey J. Divine Providence. Illustrated in the life of Mathew J. Rankin, with a few poems annexed. By Mary J. Goddard. Boston: J. E- Farwell, Printer. 1875. 12mo- pp. 60- [3731 Godding, William. 1761-1849. Clergyman, Acton. Biographical Sketch of. Am. Bapt Mem. 13: 243. (1854.) [3732 Godfeey, Edwaed. 1584-1664. York. Governor Province of Maine. Life, Letters and Services. (1584-1664.) See Banks, Charles E. Godfeey, Geoege Feedeeick. 6. 1S40, Bangor. A Sketch of Bangor, by George F. Godfrey, with illustrations from photographs by the author. (Monogram of publisher.) Boston: James R. Osgood and Company. 1882. sm. ob. pp. 68. (12 pho tographs.) [3733 Godfrey, John. 1781-1862. Lawyer, Hampden and Bangor, 1805-62. Biography of. 1885. See Biog. Ency. Maine. Sketch of- 1SS7- See Porter, J. W- GoDFEBY, John Edwaeds. 1809-1884. Lawyer, Bangor. The Speculator; Penobscot Characters. 1848. See Appleton, Jane S. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. 489 -The Story of the Penobscot Bar- (Read by Hon. John E. Godfrey, at a dinner given to Hon- Frederick H. AUen, judge of the Dis trict Court, on the occasion of his retirement from the bench in 1849, to accept a professorship in the law school at Harvard Col lege.) Bang. H- M. 6: 25. (1890.) [3734 -Address, 1858- See Maine State Musical Association. -Address. 1859. See Penobscot Musical Association. -Bashaba and the Tarratines. Hist Mag. 2d ser. 1:98. (1868.) [3735 -The same Me. Hist. Soc. Coll. 7:93. (1876.) —Address at the centennial celebration of the settlement of Bangor. 1869. See Bangor. -The Press of Penobscot County. 1872. See Griffin, Joseph. —Address before the State Pomological Society- 1873. -Notice of David Barker, 1876. See Barker, David. -The Ancient Penobscot, or Panawanskek. Hist. Mag. 3d- ser- 1 : 85. (1872.) [37-36 -The same Mc Hist. Soc CoU. 7:1- (1S76-) -" Castine the Younger. " A paper read before the Maine Histori cal Society, at its meeting in Bangor (Bath), January, 1873. Hist. Mag. 3d- ser- 2: 121- (1873.) [3737 -The same- Me- Hist Soc- CoU. 7: 73. (1876.) -Pilgrims at Penobscot Am. Hist Rec 3: 366. (1875.) [3738 -The same. Me- Hist. Soc. CoU. 7: 23. (1876.) -Jean Vincent, Baron de Saint Castin. Me. Hist. Soc. Coll. 7 : 39. (1876.) [3739 -Norumbega. Read before the Maine Historical Society, at Port land, March 30. 1876. Me. Hist Soc CoU. 8:315. (ISSl.) [3740 -Memoir of Hon. Edward Kent, LL. D. Read before the Maine His torical Society, at Portland, May 15, 1879. With brief remarks by Israel Washburn, Jr., and Geo. F. Talbot. Me. Hist. Soc. Coll. 8: 449. (1881.) [3741 -Press of Penobscot County; the bench and bar of Penobscot County; Annals of Bangor. 1882. See Penobscot County, history of. -Claude de la Tour. Read before the Maine Historical Society, at Portland, May 15, 1879- Me. Hist Soc CoU- 9: 95- (1SS7-) [-3742 -Biography of. 1885- See Biog- Ency. Maine. -Sketch of- 1890- See Paine, Albert W- 490 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. GoDiNG, Geoege Heney. b. 1838- Auburn. History of Cumberland Lodge, No- 12. F. & A. M., New Gloucester, Me., from April 8, 1873 to Dec. 31, 1880. By George H. Goding, P. M. Lewiston: Printed by Geo. A. CaUahan. 1884. 12mo. pp. 10. [3743 Godkin, Edwin Laweence, JournaUst, New York. Contest on Election of Governor. Nation. 30:5. (1879.) [3744 Mr. Blaine's Whiskey Scheme. Nation. 37 : 462. (1SS3.) [3745 Mr- Blaine's Railroad Transactions- Nation. -38:378. (1884.) [3746 "KeepMy Name Quiet. " Nation. 39:2-37- (18S4-) [3747 Upon Mr. Blaine and the liquor question. Mr. Blaine and the English Civil Service. Nation. 43: 344. (1886.) [3748 Blaine and a Surplus. Nation. 45: 498. (1887.) [3749 Golden Rod. An idyl of Mount Desert. 1879. See Harrison, Con stance C. (A) Golden Wedding and the Dinsmore genealogy, from about 1620 to 1865. Augusta: 1867. Svo. pp. 24. [3750 GoLDSBOEOUGH, Chaelbs WASHINGTON. 1779-1843. Washington, D- C. The United States Naval Chronicle. By Charles W. Goldsborough. Vol- I. Washington City: Printed by James Wilson. 1824. Svo. pp. 395, xii. [3751 Page 23, Capt. Samuel Tucker; 26, Jeremiah O'Brien and Joseph Wheaton; 213, Commodore Edward Preble. But one volume was published- GoLDSMiTH, Olivbe- 1728-74. English poet and essayist- An Abridgement of the History of England; from the invasion of Julius Csesar to the close of the reign of George III- By Dr. Gold smith. And continued down to the present time by other hands.. From the twelfth edition. Additions secured according to law. Hallowell: Published by Ezekiel Goodale and Nathaniel Cheever. N- Cheever, Printer. 1814. 12mo. pp. 359. [3752 The same. The second HaUoweU edition. Hallowell: PubUshed by Ezekiel Goodale and S. K. Gilman- S- K. Gilman, Printer, No. 5 Kennebec Row. 1819. 12mo. pp. 371. [3753 The same: continued down to 1819. Hallowell: Glazier & Co. 1824. 12mo. [3754 GoLDTHWAiT, Thomas. 1717-99. Commander of Port Pownall- 6. Chelsea, Mass. d. Walthamstow, England. Letter from, at Fort Pownall, 1775. Bang- H. M. 6: 106- (1890.) [3755 Sketch of- 1886. See Williamson, Joseph- BIBLIOGEAPHY OF MAINE. 491 GONSALVBS, M. J. Popery in America, Popery in Italy, and Popery in Madeira, in three lectures. By Rev. Manuel J. Gonsalves, leader of the Madeira exiles. 1854. [3756 Goodale, Epheaim. The New Pleasing Spelling-book, or child's guide: critically pro gressive from the alphabet, designed to advance the infant mind in the first stages of learning; and combining the orthography of Johnson with the pronunciation of Walker. To which is an nexed a vocabulary containing a select collection of nearly thirteen hundred words, divided, accented and explained. The whole being adapted to lay in the minds of youth, the founda tion of a correct pronunciation of the English language. By Ephraim Goodale, Esq. " Simplicity is all the author's aim. " " To rear .the tender thought. To teach the young idea how to shoot- " Thomson- " Just as the twig is bent, the tree's inclined- " Pope. HaUoweU: Published by Goodale, Glazier & Co. 1821. 16mo. PP- 178- [3757 The same. Revised and improved from the third edition. Hallo well: Published by Glazier & Co., and C. Spaulding. 1826. Stereo typed at the Boston Type and Stereotype Foundry, late T. H. Carter & Co. 16mo. pp. 178. [3758 Goodale, Geoege Lincoln, LL. D., Cambridge, Mass. Professor Bowdoin CoUege, 1868-73- Catalogue of the fiowering plants of Maine. Port. Nat. Hist. Soc. Proc 1:37,127. (1863.) [3759 The Physics of Underdraining- Portland- 1863. Svo. pp. 30. [3760 Report on Toxicology. Portland- 1868- Svo. pp. 12. [3761 Manuals on Materia Medica, Mineralogy, Botany. For use in Bow doin College. 1870-72. [-3762 B7(ii7i Professor C- F. Brackett. A Laboratory Guide for beginners in chemical analysis, from the German of Dr. Birnbaum. Bruns wick: 1870. 12mo. pp. xiv, 79, 7- [3763 The Tendency of Modern Therapeutics. An address delivered be fore the Maine Medical Association. June 29, 1870- By Prof. George L- Goodale, M- D- Portland: Stephen Berry, Printer- 1870. Svo. pp. 16. [3764 Editor; jointly with Prof. Brackett. Bowdoin Scientific Review. A fortnightly report on the progress of natural and physical science. Brunswick :,jl870-72. [3765 492 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. Goodale, Stephen Lincoln. 6. South Berwick, 1815. r. Saco- The Principles of Breeding: or glimpses at the physiological laws involved in the reproduction and improvement of domestic ani mals. By Stephen L- Goodale, secretary of the Maine Board of Agriculture- Boston: Crosby, Nichols, Lee & Co. 1861- 12mo. pp- 164- [3766 Commercial Manures. A lecture delivered before the farmers' convention held at Augusta, Jan. 1869. By S. L- Goodale, sec retary Maine Board of Agriculture- Augusta: 1869- Svo- pp. 30. [3767 A Biographical Sketch of Gail Borden, and his relations to some forms of concentrated food. By S. L. Goodale, secretary Maine ' Board of Agriculture. Portland, Me.: B. Thurston & Co., Printers. 1872. Svo. pp. 32. (Port) [3768 GooDE, Geoege Beown. b- 1851. Ichthyologist. Washington, D. C. American Fisheries. A history of the menhaden, by G. Brown Goode. With an account of the agricultural uses of fish by W. O. Atwater, and an introduction, bringing the subject down to date. New York: Orange Judd Company. ISSO. Svo. pp. x, xii, 529. (30 plates.) [3769 Goodell, Abnee Cheney, Je. Salem, Mass. The Popham Colony Celebration. Essex Inst. Hist. Coll. 5:175- (1863.) [3770 An Account of the seals of the judicial courts of the colony and province of the Massachusettts Bay: 1680-1780. Mass. Hist. Soc Proc. 20:157. (1882-83.) [3771 Contains an account of the seals of the courts in York, Cumberland and Lincoln Counties. The same. Reprinted with slight alterations from the pro ceedings of the Massachusetts Historical Society. Cambridge. 1883. Svo- pp- 16. (2 plates of seals.) The same, under the foUowing title: Provincial Seals in Massachusetts. N. E. Reg. 37:349. (1S83.) (2 plates of seals.) One hundred copies reprinted, 1883, pp. 12, and another hundred copies at same time, pp. 14, with a slight change in the title-page, and a leaf in serted bearing an inscription. Each imprint contains two plates of seals. GooDBNOw, Daniel, LL. D. 1793-1863. Lawyer and justice Supreme Judicial Court, Alfred. Biographical Sketch of. 1S54. See Livingston, John. Resolutions of the bar of the county of York, on the death of the Hon. Daniel Goodenow, LL. D., late associate justice of the Su preme Judicial Court. Maine Rep. 50:610. (1864.) [3772 Remarks by Hon. E. E. Bourne ; response by Judge Kent. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. 493 G-ooDBNow, Smith Baetlett. 6. 1817- r. Brunswick and Bath, 183S-42 . A Systematic Text-book of EngUsh Grammar on a New Plan: with copious questions and exercises. By Smith B. Goodenow, late principal of Bath Academy- Portland: William Hyde. 18-30. [3773 Goodhue, Saeah. The Copy of a valedictory and monitory writing, left by Sarah Goodhue, the wife of Joseph Goodhue, of Ipswich, in New Eng land, and found after her decease, &c. Cambridge, New Eng land. Printed in 1681. Salem : Eeprinted by Samuel Hall, 1770 . Portland. Again reprinted, by request, by Jenks & Shirley. 1805. pp- 13- ¦ [3774 GooDNOW, William E. Publisher, Norway, The Press of Oxford County. 1872. See Griffin, Joseph. GooDEicH, Feedeeick E. The Life and Public SerA ices of Grover Cleveland, with incidents of his boyhood and an account of his rise to eminence in his pro fession; also containing his addresses and official documents, as mayor of the city of Buffalo, governor of the State of New York, and president of the United States. "An honest government, honestly administered, in honest ways, by honest men." Chakles Theodore Rdssell, Jk. By Frederick E. Goodrich, author of the " Life of Winfield Scott Hancock, " etc. With an introduction by Hon. Frederick O- Prince, ex-mayor of the city of Boston, and secretary of the Democratic National Committee- (lUus-) Augusta, Maine. True & Co- Svo. pp. 504- [3775 Goodrich, Jeeemiah. Murray's Reader: or pieces in prose and poetry selected from the best writers. Designed to assist young persons to read with pro priety and effect ; to improve their language and sentiments ; and to inculcate some of the most important principles of piety and virtue. With a few preliminary observations on the principles of good reading. Improved by the addition of a concordant and synonimising vocabulary. Consisting of about fifteen hundred of the most important words contained in this work. The words are arranged in columns and are placed over the selections re spectively from which they are selected; and are divided, defined and pronounced according to the principles of John Walker. The words in the vocabulary and their correspondent words in the section are numbered with figures of reference. Walker's 494 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. Goodrich, Jeeemiah, Continued. pronouncing key, which governs the vocabulary is prefixed to this work. " Words can have no definite idea attached to them when by themselves ; it is the situation and tract in a sentence which determines their precise meaning. " Db. Johnson. By Jeremiah Goodrich- Saco : Putnam & Blake. 1827. 12mo. pp. 304. [3776 GooDEicH, Samuel Geiswold. 1793-1860. Editor. The Token and Atlantic Souvenir. A Christmas and New Year's present. Edited by S. G. Goodrich. Boston: MDCCC XXXII. 12mo. pp. 2, iv, 388. [3777 Pp. 124-134, contain a sketch of Sir WiUiam PepperreU, by the author of " Sights from a Steeple. " (Nathaniel Hawthorne.) Lights and Shadows of American History; by the author of Peter Parley's Tales. Boston: Bradbury, Soden & Co- MDCCCXLIV- 16mo. pp. 320. (Illus.) [3778 Arnold's March to Quebec, pp. 270-280- GoODEiDGB, Elijah P- Bangor. Trial for alleged robbery of. 1817- See Kenniston, Levi & Laban. The same. 1817. See Jackson, Joseph. An account of this alleged robbery is contained in works of Daniel Webster, 5: 441, and in " Reminiscences of a Nonogenariau " by Mrs. Sarah A. Emery, 1879. Good Templars. See Independent Order of Good Templars. Goodwin, Benjamin, and family. Brewer. 1890. See Porter, .1- W- GooDwiN, Daniel, and his descendants, Kittery. 1652. See Good win, William F. Goodwin, Daniel Raynes, D. D., LL. D. 1811-90. b. North Berwick- r. Maine until 1853. Nature and Effect of Emulation. Am. Q. Reg. 5 : 65. (1832.) [3779 Written when a college undergraduate. The Worth and Care of the Soul. Rel. Mag. 1 : 149. (1834.) [3780 -On religious ultraism. Lit. and Theol. Rev. 3:56. (1836.) [3781 ^Review of Upham on the will. Bib. Repos. 2d. ser. 7: 330. (1836.) [3782 Radical Opinions. Lit. and Theol. Rev. 3:253. (1836.) [3783 PhUosophy of History. Meth. Quar. Rev. 24:383. (1842.) [3784 The above is a review of works by Herder, Hegel and Schlegel on the Philosophy of History. Editor. Novelas EspaSolas: Y Coplas de Manrique; con algunos pasages de Don Quijote, etc., Por J. Griffin. . . Brunswick. Se BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. 495 HallarA en las librerias de J. Munroe, Boston; Y de Wiley Y Putnam, N. York Y Londres. M DCCC XLV- 16mo. pp. 132. [3785 The first edition was published in 1830, by Prof. H. W. Longfellow for his classes in Bowdoin College. Times, Character, Political System, &c., of Machiavelli. Bib. Sac. 3: 122. (1846.) [3786 Civilization: American and European. Am. Whig. Rev. 4:27. (1846.) [.3787 Capital Punishment. Part I. Bib. Sac. 4: 270. Part II. 435. (1847.) [3788 Unity of Language and of Mankind. No. Am. Rev. 73:163. (1851.) [3789 Fowler's EngUsh Grammar. No. Am. Rev. 73:310. (1851.) [3790 Mackay's Progress of the Intellect. No. Am. Rev. 75: 1. (1852.) [3791 Harrison's English Language. Bib. Sac. S: 715- (1851.) [:i792 Resurrection of the Body. Bib. Sac. 9: 1. (1852.) [3793 Latham's English Language. No. Am- Eev- 74:1. (1852.) [3794 Memoir of John Merrick, Esq. Prepared for the Maine Historical Society. By D. R. Goodwin, D. D., provost of the University of Pennsylvania. January, 1862. (Henry B. Ashmead, Book and Job Printer, Nos- 1102 and 1104 Samson Street.) Svo. pp. 39- [3795 The same Mc Hist Soc Coll. 7:379. (1876-) [3796 Address before the alumni of Bowdoin College, July 8, 1873, by the Eev- Daniel E- Goodwin, D. D-, LL. D., professor of theology in the Philadelphia Divinity School. Brunswick: Joseph Griffin. 1873. Svo. pp. 31- [3797 Memorial Address before the alumni of Bowdoin College, July 12, 1882, by Rev. Daniel R. Goodwin, D. D., LL. D. Portland: Stephen Berry, Printer. 1SS2. Svo. pp. 33. [3798 On Henry W. LongfeUow. Obituary and bibliography of. 1890. See Merrick, J. Vaughan. Memorial Discourse on. 1890. See Clark, Thomas M. Goodwin, Edwaed Payson, D- D- Chicago- The Holy Spirit and Missions- A sermon before the American Board of Commissions for Foreign Missions, at the seventy-third annual meeting, held at Portland, Maine, October 3, 1882- By Rev- Edward P. Goodwin, D. D-, Chicago, lUinois- Boston: Bea^ con Press: Thomas Todd, Congregational House, No- 1 Somerset Street- 1883. Svo- pp. 30. [3799 496 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. Goodwin, Feancis Le Baeon. 1760-1816. Revolutionary offlcer, Frankfort. Memorial of. 1873. See Drake, Francis S. Sketch of. (1886.) See Williamson, W. D. Goodwin, Ichabod. 1743-1829. Lawyer, South Berwick. Biographical Sketch of. 1863. See Willis, William. Goodwin, James Scamman, M. D., 1793-1884- Portland. Biographical Sketch of- 1884- See Gordon, S. C. Goodwin, William Feedbeic- 1823-72- Lawyer, Concord, N- H. Daniel Goodwin of Kittery, Maine, in 1652, and some of his de scendants. Hist Mag. 2d ser. 4:191 (1858.) [3800 Some ofthe Descendants of Captain Thomas Bradbur.y, the emi grant, through his son, WiUiam. Hist. Mag. 2d ser. 4: 205. (1868.) [3801 The Thacher Papers. Selected from the papers of Hon. George Thacher. Hist. Mag. 2d ser. 6: 257, 337. (1869.) [.3802 Records of the proprietors of Narragansett township No. 1, now the town of Buxton, York County, Maine. From August 1st, 1733, to January 4th, 1811. With a documentary introduction by William F. Goodwin, captain U. S. Army. Concord, N. H. Privately Printed. 1871. Svo. pp. 400. [3803 Mission of Penhallow and Atkinson, in 1703, to the Penobscot In dians. N. E. Reg. 34: 90. (1880.) [3804 Goodwise, Timothy. Pseud. See Colesworthy, Daniel C- GooGiNS, Geoege Edgae- 6. 1863. Lawyer, Millbridge- Strange Adventures of a Summer Tourist. A novel by George Ed gar Googins. "What pleasure, sir, find we in life, to lock it From action and adventure." Portland: Mitchell & Bickford, Publishers. 1891. 16mo. pp. 194. [3805 Goold, Geoege Waltbe. Portland. Tickelick, or middies and misses. Comic opera in two acts, writ ten and composed by George Walter Goold. Portland : Stephen Berry, Printer. ISSO. Svo. pp. 20. [3806 Goold, Olivbe Ames. 6. 1843. r. Boston. A Ramble amid the Rubbish of Theology: A lecture by Oliver A. Goold, editor of the Portland Sunday Advertiser. Delivered in Congress HaU, Portland, May 15th, 1870. Monitor Printing Company, Portland, Me. 12mo- pp. 10. [3807 BIBLIOGEAPHY OF MAINE. 497 GooLD, William. 1S09-90. Windham. History of Stroudwater and Parson Bradley's journal. Sunday Star. 1871. [3808 Cuttings in N. E. Hist. Gen. Soc. Library. History of Portland Rifle Corps. 1810-61. Sunday Star. 1872. Twenty papers. [3809 Cuttings in N. E. Hist. Gen. Soc. Library. History of fire apparatus and Casco Engine Company of Portland. Sunday Star. Portland. 1872. [8810 Cuttings in N. E. Hist. Gen. Soc. Library. History of steam navigation in Maine. Sunday Star. 1872. Eleven papers. [3811 Cuttings in N. E. Hist. Gen. Soc- Library. The Burning of Falmouth (now Portland), Maine, by a British squadron, in 1775. Read at a meeting of the Maine Historical Society in Bath, Feb. 19, 1873. N. E. Reg. 27:256. (1873.) [3812 The same. Reprinted for private distribution. Boston: 1875. Svo. pp. 16. Portland Custom House and Collectors. Portland Daily Press. AprU 10, 13, 1873. [;3813 Cuttings in N. E. Hist. Gen- Soc. Library. Early Paper Mills of New England. Read before a meeting of the Maine Historical Society, at Bath, Feb. 19th, 1874. N. E. Reg. 29:158. (1875.) [3814 The same, in a separate form. Boston : 1875. Svo- pp- 8. The Successful Business Houses of Portland. 1875. See Elwell, E. H. The Deane Mansion. Its original and subsequent owners. The price paid at each transfer. Its alterations and occupants. Old- time customs and costumes. Portland Press, Jan. 5, 1876. [3815 Cuttings in Portland Public Library. Fort Halifax : Its projectors, builders and garrison. Read before the Maine Historical Society, at Portland, March 30, 1876. Me. Hist Soc Coll- 8:197- (1881 -) [3816 Col- Arthur Noble, of Georgetown; his military services at Cape Breton, and Nova Scotia, and his death at Minas- Read before the Maine Historical Society, at Portland, March 22, 1877- Me- Hist Soc. CoU. S: 108. (1881.) [3817 Col. William Vaughan, of Matinicus and Damariscotta- Eead be fore the Maine Historical Society, at Portland, March 14, 1878- Mc Hist. Soc. CoU. S: 291. (1881.) [3818 The three papers on Vaughan, Noble and Fort Halifax were printed for private distribution. Portland. 1881. Svo. pp. 107-313. (Port.) 33 498 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. GooLD, William, Continued. John Taber and Son and Their Paper Money. Read before the Maine Historical Society, March 14, 1878. Portland Daily Press, March 15th, 1878. [3819 Cuttings in Portland Public Library. Sir William Phips. Read before the Maine Historical Society, at Portland, May 15, 1879. Me. Hist Soc. Coll. 9: 1. (1887.) (Port) [3820 History of the Cumberland County Buildings. Read before the Maine Historical Society, Feb. 2, 1881. Portland DaUy Press, Feb. 3, 1881. [3821 Cuttings in Portland Public Library. Sketch of the life of Gen. La Fayette. With an account of his visit in Maine. Read before the Maine Historical Society, Nov. 16,1881. Me. Hist Soc. Coll. 2d. ser. 3:57. [3822 General Peleg Wadsworth and the maternal ancestors of Henry W. LongfeUow. 1882. See Me. Hist Soc The same. 1882. See Underwood, F. H. Remarks at celebration of the 84th birthday of Prof. A. S. Pack ard. 1882. See Me. Hist. Soc CoU. Thomas Chute, the first settler of Windham, . Maine, and his descendants. Eead before the Maine Historical Society, Dec. 23, 1882. Portland Daily Press, Dec. 27, 1832. [3823 Cuttings in Portland Public Library. Portland Privateers in the War of 1812. Portland Daily Press, Jan. 2, 8, 11, 20, Feb. 8, 21, March 7, 14, April 15 and May 1, 1884. [3824 Cuttings in Portland Public Library. Portland in the Past, with Historical Notes of Old Falmouth. Sixteen illustrations. Printed for the author by B. Thurston & Co. Portland, Maine. 1886. Svo. pp. 543. [3825 The French Treaty of 1778, recognizing the independence of the United States. How the good news came to Falmouth. Eead before the Maine Historical Society, June 10, 1887. Me. Hist. Soc. CoU. 2d. ser. 1 : 29. (1890.) [3826 Gov. Christopher Gore and his visit to Maine. Read before the Maine Historical Society, Feb. 9, 1888. Me. Hist. Soc. CoU. 2d ser. 5:71. [3827 Madam Wood, the first Maine writer of fiction. Her residence in Portland in the early part of the century. Eead before the Maine Historical Society. February 22, 1889. Me. Hist. Soc. Coll. 2d ser. 1:401. (1890.) [3S2S BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. 499 Gordon, John True. 1844-75. Thorndike. The Trial of John True Gordon, for the murder of Emma A. Gor don, June 16, 1873, with an account of the murder, proceedings atthe coroner's inquest, etc. 1874. Svo. pp. 69. (Port, iUus.) [3829 Newspaper cuttings, in bound volume in Waldo County Law Library. Gordon, Seth Chase, M. D. 6. 1830. Physician, Portland. Biographical Sketch of Seth Chellis Hunkins, M. D., of Portland. 1867. See Me. Med. Ass. Trans. 1867. p. 227. [3830 Biographical Sketch of George E. CoUins, M. D., Bethel. 1869. Me. Med. Ass. Trans. 1869- p. 174. [3831 President's Address before the Maine Medical Association. Me. Med. Ass. Trans. 7:28. (ISSO.) [3832 - — Biographical Sketch of Daniel Mountfort Tolford, M. D., of Port land. Me Med. Ass. Trans. 8:147. (1883.) [3833 Results of Treatment of Injuries Occuring During Parturition. A paper read before the Maine Medical Association, June 13, 1883. By S- C- Gordon, M- D., of Portland. Portland: Stephen Berry, Printer. 1883. Svo. pp. 11. [3834 Operative Treatment for Hyperphasia of Uterus and Vagina, with special reference to the use of displacements. Read before the Sec. Gynecol, Internat, Med. Cong., Copenhagen, August, 1884. Am. Jour. Obs. 17:205. (1884.) [:3S35 Eeport as necrologist Maine Medical Association. Trans. 8: 36S. (18S4.) [-38301! Biographical sketches of William Swasey, M.D-, Limerick; John Taylor Gilman, M. D., Portland; James S. Goodwin, M, D., Portland; C. 'W. Whit more, M. D., Gardiner. Report as necrologist Maine Medical Association. Trans. 8: 559. (1885.) [3836 Biographical sketches of George Parcher, JI. D., Ellsworth, by A- H- Fulton, M. D. ; Eugene W. Brooks, M. D., Portland, by T. A, Foster, M, D. ; John II. Eaton, M. D., WUton; J. C. JIanson, M. D., Pittsfleld. Catgut, its use as ligatures and sutures. N. Y. Med. Jour. 43: 6S)2. (1886.) [3S37 Hysteria and its Relation to Diseases of Uterine Appendages. Ad dress as chairman of section of diseases women and obstetrics. Amer. Med. Ass. Jour. Am. Med. Ass. 6: .561. (1886.) [38-38 "Pelvic Congestion versus Pelvic Inflammation." Amer. Gyn. Soc Trans. 14: 222. (1889.) [3839 Gore, Cheistophee, LL. D- 1758-1827. Governor of Massachusetts. Visit to Maine. 1809. See Goold, WiUiam. GoEGBANA. See York. 500 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. GoEGES Family. Gorges and Archdale. N.E.Reg. 17:287- 1864. [3840 Contains inscription from a mural tablet to the Gorges Family, Genealogical Notes on. 1890. See Baxter, James P. Goeges, Sie Ferdinando. 1565 (?)-1647. Proprietor of Maine. Letters written by. 1607. See Baxter, James P. Lease to George Cleeve. 1636. Me. Hist Soc. Coll. 1: 543. (2d ed. 1865.) [3841 Letters to John Winthrop, with fac-simile of autograph and seal. 1637- Me- Hist Soc. CoU. 1 : 544. (2d ed. 1865.) [3842 Grant of Province of Maine to. 1639. See Hazard, Ebenezer. Commission and ordinances from, to Thomas Josselyn and others. 1639. See same. First charter of Agamenticus from. 1641. See same. Second charter of Gorgiana from. 1641. See same. A Brief e Narration of the Originall Undertakings of the Advancement of Plantations into the Parts of America. Especially,showing the beginning, progress, aud continuance of that of New-England- Written by the right worshipfuU, Sir Ferdinando Gorges, knight and governor of the fort and Island of Plymouth, in Devonshire- London: Printed by E- Brudenell, for Nath- Brook at the Angell in Corn-hill. 1658- sm. 4to- pp, (1), 57. [3843 The same. Mass. Hist Soc. CoU. 3d ser. 6: 45- (1837-) The same Me- Hist Soc CoU. 2:1. (1847.) The "Preface" prefixed to these two reprints, is thought by Mr. W. F. Poole, (Introduction to Johnson's " Wonder Working Providence, " to have been wrongly placed, and to have no possible connection with the work as originally printed. The same. 1890. See Baxter, J. P. This tract, written not lorig before the death of Gorges, was first published by his grandson, of the same name, in 1659, with three other tracts viz : " America Painted to the Life ; " "Johnson's Wonder Working Providence," and the " History of the Spanish Proceedings in America, " comprising four hundred and forty pages, under the general title of " America Painted to the Life, " &c. Each tract has a separate title-page, with difierent dates and independent paging. "The collection has been a puzzle to bibli ographers," says Dr. W. F. Poole. For a discussion of the authorship of the four tracts, see introduction to Dr. Poole's edition of Johnson, pp. xxx-lvi and " Gorges and his Province of Maine, " by J. P. Baxter, 2: 175. Biography of. 1794. See Belknap, Jeremy. Sketch of his life and character. (1847.) See Folsom, George. Commissionto. N.E. Reg. 14:345. (1869.) Sketch of, with pedgrec 1861. See Drake, Samuel 6. Vindication of his claims as father of English colonization in America. 1862. See Poor, John A. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. 501 His efforts at colonization in Maine. (1864.) See Benedict, Eras tus C. Autograph of. Am. Hist Rec. 3:377. (1874.) [3844 Family and pedigree of. (1875.) See Brown, Frederick. Genealogy of. (1875.) See Drake, Samuel G. Account of his career. (1884.) See Winsor, Justin. And his Province of Maine, with a memoir- 1890. See Baxter, James P. Brief Biography of. (1S90.) See Brown, Alexander. (Gorges, Sie Feedinando, and others.) A briefe Relation of the Discovery and Plantation of New Eng land: and of Svndry Accidents therein occvrring. From the yeere of our Lord M.DCVII to this present M.DC.XXII. To gether with the state thereof as it now standeth the generalle forme of gouernment intended; and the division of the whole Territorie into Counties, Baronries, &c. London: Printed by John Haviland, and are to be sold by William Bladen. M.DC. XXII. sm. 4to. pp. 35. [.3845 This book was entered in the Stationer's Register, July 15th, 1622, and op posite the entry appear the names of Mistress Griffith, probably the wife of George Griflith, and associate adventurer with Sir Ferdinando Gorges, and of John Haviland. Note prefixed to the imprint in J. P. Baxter's "Sir Ferdinando Gorges and the Province of Maine," I; 200. Mr. Baxter regards Gorges as the sole author. Gorges, Ferdinando. 1630-1718. Grandson of Sir Ferdinando Gorges. England. America Painted to the Life. The true history of the Spaniard's Proceedings in the conquests of the Indians, and of their civil wars among themselves, from Columbus his first discovery, to these later times. As also. Of the original undertakings of the advancement of plantations into those parts; with a perfect re lation of our English discoveries, shewing their beginning, pro gress, and continuance, from the year 1628, to 1658. Declaring the forms of their government, policies, religions, manners, customs, military discipline, wars with the Indians, the com modities of their countries, a description of their towns and havens, the increase of their trading, with the names of their gov ernors and magistrates. More especially, an absolute narrative of the north parts of America, and of the discoveries and plantations at our English in Virginia, New England, and Berbadoes. Published by Ferdinando Gorges, Esq; A work now at last exposed for the publick good, to stir up the heroic and active spirits of these times, to benefit their countrey, and eternize their names by such honorable attempts. For the reader's clearer understanding of the countreys, they are lively described in a compleat and ex- 502 bibliography of maine. Goeges, Feedinando, Continued. quisite Map. Ovid. Auri sacrafames quid non. London. Printed for Nath. Brook at the Angel in CornhUl. 1658, 4to. pp. (3), 4, 51. [3846 Besides the map, there is in some copies a folded frontispiece : but dif ferent copies have not the same frontispiece, and about half the copies I have seen have none. W. F. Poole. His claim to Maine sustained by King Charles II. 1664. See Hutchinson, Thomas. Letter of Ferdinando Gorges, 1679, relating to his claim to the pro vince of Maine. Essex Inst Hist CoU. 7:271. (1865.) [3847 Gov. Leverett authorizes purchase of his claim. 1674. See Hutchin son, Thomas. Deed of the Province of Maine, from Ferdinando Gorges to John Usher, March 13th, 1678, and deed of the same premises from John Usher to Massachusetts Bay, March 15th, 1678. Me- Hist Soc Coll. 2:257. (1S47.) [3848 His sale of Maine disapproved by the king. 1679. See Hutchinson, Thomas. Literary Work of. (1890.) See Baxter, James P. (The) Gorges Society. I. New England's Vindication. By Henry Gardiner. Edited with notes by Charles Edward Banks, M. D. London. 1660. Printed for the Gorges Society, Portland, Maine. 1884. sm. 4to. pp. S3. [3849 160 copies printed. Notice of the Society's first publication, "New England's Vindica tion," with constitution, rules, and regulations. Portland: 1884. n. t. p. sm. 4to. pp. 7. [3850 II. George Cleeve of Casco Bay, 1630-67, with collateral docu ments. " Enquire no further who was his father. Thou shalt anon see that he was, as the Italians express it, 'a son to his own labors.' " By James Phinney Baxter, A. M. (Engraving.) Printed for the Gorges Society. Portland, Maine. : 1885. sm. 4to. pp. 339. (5 Illus.) [3851 200 copies printed. III. Rosier'sRelationof Waymouth'sVoyagetothe Coastof Maine, 1605, with an introduction and notes. By Henry S. Burrage, D. D. (Engraving.) Printed for the Gorges Society, Portland, Maine, 1387. sm. 4to. pp. xi, 176. (6 illustrations and maps.) [3852 200 copies printed. Bibliography of. 1890. See Griffin, Appleton P. C. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. 503 Gorges, Thomas. Agamenticus (York). Deputy governor Province of Maine, 1640-43. Sketch of, and will. 1890. See Baxter, James P. Goeges, William, b- 1605. Governor Province of Maine. 1636-37. Administration of. 1636-37. See Banks, Charles E. GOEHAM. Incorporated 1764. Sermon, ordination Sol. Lombard. 1751. See Smith, Thomas. Owners taxable land. 1799. See Strout, E. S. Eulogy on WiUiam Gorham. 1894. See Hilliard, Timothy. Address, opening academy. 1806. See Nason, Reuben. Sermon, ordination Asa Rand. 1809. See Appleton, Jesse. Sermon, missionary. 1S14. See Brown, Francis. Sermons. 1817. See Rand, Asa. Sermon, installation T. Pomeroy. 1822. See Edwards, Justin. Address, Masonic. 1S23. See Megquire, John L. Sermon, missionary. 1828. See Cummings, Asa. Memoir of the township. 1830. See Parmer, John. Address, valedictory. 1834. See Nason, Reuben. Address, centennial. 1836. See Pierce, Josiah. Address, dedication seminary. 1837. See Packard, A. S. Gorham Academy and Teacher's Seminary. Address of trustees. n. t. p. (1839). Svo. pp. S. [3S53 History Narragansett Townships. 1847. See Coffin, Charles. First Settlers of. N- E. Reg. 2: 305. (1847.) [3854 Address. 1859. See Andrew, John A. History Narragansett Townships. 1862. See Coffin, Charles. History. 1862. See Pierce, Josiah. State Normal School, established 1863. See Maine; Public Docu ments. Grantees Narragansett township. 1862. See Woodman, C. C. Address on J. D. Harmon. 1862. See Weston, E. P. "Dead on the Field of Honor." Dedication of the soldiers' monu ment at Gorham, Maine, Thursday, October IS, 1866. Addresses, poem and other exercises. Portland: Press of B. Thurston aud Company. 1886. Svo. pp. 32. [38.55 Introductory address by Hon. John A. Waterman; oration by Gen. J.L. Chamberlain; poem by Edward P- Weston. This monument, the gift of Hon. Toppan Robie, was the first memorial of the kind erected in Maine. Old Home. 1867. See KeUogg, Elijah. History Harmony Lodge. 1870. See Emery, Daniel C. 504 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. Gorham, Continued. Memorial Discourse. 1871. See Robie, Toppan. Sermon, missionary. 1873. See Gurney, John H. Sermon, centennial. 1876. See Ferris, L. Z. Sermon. 1877. See Ferris, L. Z. Good Old Times. 1878. See KeUogg, EUjah. Address, dedication Normal School building- 1879- See Spaulding, George B. Addresses on William Warren. 1879. See Warren WiUiam. — — Andalusite from. 1882. See Kuntz, George F. Records from cemetery. 1884. See Cobb, Isaac. Inscriptions from burying grounds. 1884. See Cobb, Isaac. Celebration of the one hundred and fiftieth anniversary of Gorham, Maine, May 26, 1886. Portland, Maine: B. Thurston & Company, Printers, 1886. Svo. pp. (4), 133 (12 illus.) [3856 Addresses by Elijah KeUogg, John A. Waterman, Geo. B- Emery, Edward Robie, D. D., C. W. Deering, George L. Prentiss, D. D. Early Marriages. 1887- See Watson, S- M- Sermon, farewell- 1887. See Huntington, S. Henry. Gosnold, Baetholombw. d. 1607. English navigator. Relation of his voyage. 1602. See Archer, Gabriel. Relation of his voyage. 1602. See Brereton, John. Biography of, and account of his voyage. 1794. See Belknap, Jeremy. Account of Ills voyage, rewritten, 1798. See Belknap, Jeremy. Documents relating to Captain Bartholomew Gosnold's voyage to America, A. D., 1602. Mass. Hist. Soc. CoU. 3d ser. 8: 69. [3S57 Account of his voyage. Me. Hist. Soc. Coll. 3d ser. 2: 143. [3858 Gosnold first made land May 14, 1602, at York. Voyage to Sagadahoc. 1603. See De Costa, B. F. (The) Gospel Hymn Book, being a selection of hymns, composed by authors. Designed for the use of the church universal, and adapted to public and private devotion. ISIS. [3859 Goss, Eldeidge H. New York city. Something about Monhegan. Mag. Am. Hist. 12:266. (1884.) [3860 Goss Family: an historical romance. 1SS6. See Boomer, William H. GouD, Claekson. Clergyman. Topsham- See WeUcome, Isaac C. The Son of David. Yarmouth: Scriptural Publication Society. 1881. 12mo. pp. 6. [3S0i BIBLIOGEAPHY OF MAINE. 505 GouGH, John Baktholomew. 181 7-86. Temperance Eeformer. An Autobiography by John B. Gough. " Raging drink! thou'lt not enslave me: Sparkling bowl ! thou now art dim : Angel Temperance stooped to save me From the death within thy brim." William B. Tappan. Boston: Published by J. B. Gough, Gould, Kendall* Lincoln. 1845. 16mo. pp. (4), ISo- (port) [3862 Gives an account of visits to Bangor and Gardiner, in 1844. Gould, John M. History of the First, — Tenth, — Twenty-ninth Maine regiments, from May 3, 1851, to June 21, 1866. By Major John M. Gould, with his tory of the Tenth Maine battalion, by Rev. Leonard G. Jordan. Portland. 1871. Svo. pp. 719. [3863 Contains numerous steel and plate lithographic portraits and wood cut engravings. Directory of the First, Tenth, Twenty-ninth Maine Regiment As sociation, compiled for the use of the association by Major John M. Gould, Sec'y. 1889. (State coat of arms.) Portland: Stephen Berry, Printer. 1889. Svo- pp- 40. [3864 Gould, Albeet Palmee. 1821-88. Lawyer, Thomaston. Speech. . . Delivered in the House of Eepresentatives of Maine, March Oth and 7th, 1862. Augusta, 1862. Svo. pp. 48. [3865 Gould, Edwaed K. Lawyer, Eockland. Sons of Veterans' Guide for officers and members of the Sons of Veterans, U. S. A., and Ladies Aid Societies. Second edition. Revised. By Col. Edward K. Gould, past commander. Division of Maine. Rockland, Maine: Edward K. Gould, Publisher. ISSS. 16mo. pp. 154. [3866 Compiler. Proceedings of the First, Second and Third encamp ments of the Division of Maine Sons of Veterans of the United States of America. By Edward K- Gould, author of " Sons of Veterans Guide, " etc., late judge advocate of the division. Compiled by order of the Third Encampment. Bangor, Maine: John H. Bacon, Printer. 1886. Svo. pp. 43. (Port Commander Frank P. Merrill.) [3867 Gould, Maey. 1806-73- New Portland- Notice of- N- E.Reg. 27:224. (1873.) [3868 Gould, Robbet Feeke. The History of Freemasonry, its antiquities, symbols, constitu tions, customs, etc Derived from official sources throughout the world. By Robert Freke Gould, past senior grand deacon of England- W- J- Hughan, past senior grand deacon of the 506 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. Gould, Robert Feeke, Continued- Grand Lodge of England and Masonic historian. Rev. A- F- A. Woodford, past grand chaplain of the Grand Lodge of England- David Murray Lyon, grand secretary of the Grand Lodge and Masonic historiographer of Scotland- Enoch T. Carson, deputy of Northern Supreme Council, 33° for Ohio, and past commander K. T., of Ohio- Josiah H. Drummond, past grand master of Maine and past grand commander Northern Supreme Council of the United States. T. S. Parvin, P. G. M., of Iowa, and grand recorder G. E. K. T. of the United States, and others. Vol. IV. (Emblem.) John C. Yorston & Co., Publishers, New York, Cin cinnati and Chicago. [3869 The American Addenda to this work contains " The History of Symbolic Masonry in the United States, " and "The History of Royal Arch Masonry in the United States, " both by Josiah H. Drummond- GouLD, William Edwaed. Portland. The Christian Grace of Giving. Address before the Portland Benevolent Society, in the meeting house of the First Parish of Portland, delivered December 22, 1878, being the seventy-fifth an niversary of said society, by William Edward Gould. Portland, Me. : Stephen Berry, Printer. 1879. Svo. pp. 24. [3870 Familiar Talk upon banking. Bank. Mag. (N. Y.) 35:726. (1881.) [3871 Gouldsboeough. Incorporated 1789. Settlement of. 1847. See Quincy, Josiah. Early Settlement. See Foss, Thomas. Account of early times in. (ISSO.) See Shaw, Robert G. Town of Gouldsboro. Incorporated Feb. 16, 1789. Bang. H. M. 1:216. (1886.) [3872 GowEE, Chaelbs Foote. The Scientific Phenomena of Domestic Life, familiarly explained by Charles Foote Gower. Reprinted from the second London edition, with additions and alterations, intended to adapt it to American readers. Kennebunk: Daniel K. Remick. 1847. [3873 GowEE, H. B. The Sabbath-school Concert, or exercises for Sabbath-school wor ship, by a Sabbath-school minister. (H. B. Gower.) 1855. [3874 Gove, Maey S. Solitary Vice. An address to parents, and those who have the care of children. (Anon.) Portland: Printed at the Journal Offlce. 18.39. 24mo. pp. 18. [3375 Geaffam, David. Lewiston. Defence of. 1856. See Locke, A. C. BIBLIOGEAPHY OF MAINE. 507 Graham, Daniel McBeide, D. D. 1817-89. Clergyman, Philadel phia. The Life of Clement Phinney, by D. M. Graham, pastor of the First F. W. Baptist church. New York. Dover, N. H. : WilUam Burr, Printer. 1851. (Portrait) 16mo. pp. 190. [3876 Grandfontaine, Hubert d'Andigny. Chevalier de Governor of Acadia. Besides at Pentagoet; reUeved by de Chambly; appoints St. Castin his lieutenant. See Charlevoix, P. F. X. Grand Manan. A Run Across. 1890. (Illus.) See Drake, S. A. See also Peabody, H. G. Grand Teunk Railway. Summer Resorts Reached by. 1888. See Summer Resorts. Geangee, Joseph. 1807-54. Lawyer, Eastport. Memorial Biography of Frederick Hobbs. (ISSl.) See New Eng land Historic Genealogical Society. Grant, Joseph Peekins, M. D. 1813-81. Physician, Saco. Biographical Sketch of. 1883. See Kimball, J- E. L. Geant, Robeet. A New Theory for an Independent Treasury for the People; or an explanation of the causes ofthe late fluctuations in our currency, with a proposition for a efflcient remedy. By Robert Grant. Bangor: Samuel S. Smith. 1840. 12mo. pp. 36. [3S77 Geant, Robbet, Ph. D. Author, Cambridge, Mass. Little Tin Gods-on-Wheels: or, society in modern Athens. A tri- ology after the manner of the Greek, also. Oxygen, a Mt. De sert pastoral. Fromthe Harvard Lampoon. Cambridge: Chas. A. Sever. 1879. sq. 12mo. pp. 36. (Illus.) [3878 A Plea for Bar Harbor. Outing. 6:515. (1885.) [3879 Graves, Jotham S. Farmington- In Memory of. 1882. See Howard, Roland B . Graves, Milan, M. D. 1830-73. Physician, Bath. Biographical Sketch of. 1874. See Wedgwood, M. C. Graves, William Jordan. 1805-48. Louisville, Ky. Duel with Jonathan Cilley, 1838. See Cilley, Jonathan. Gray, Reuben, and family, Bluehill. 1890. See Candage, E. G. F. Gray, Robeet- A Sermon preached at the installation of the Reverend Daniel Stone, to the pastoral care of the First church of Christ in Hal- 508 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. Geay, Robert, Continued. lowell, October 21st, 1795. By Robert Gray, A. B-, pastor of the church in Dover, New Hampshire. HaUoweU, (District of Maine): Printed by Peter Edes, MDCCCXCVI. Svo. pp. 36. [3880 Geay. Incorporated 1778. Oration, 4 July, 1890. See Weston, Daniel. ^Discourse on government. 1810. See Smith, Elias. — -Proceedings of a convention of delegates from the County of Cum- beriand at Gray, 1812. n. p. Svo. n. pp. [3881 Sermon, ordination S- H. Peckam. 1825. See Smith, John- Materials for a history of Gray. N. E. Reg. 10:164. (1856.) [3882 Geebly, Allen. 1781-1866. Clergyman, Turner, 1810-44. (The Encouragements to Service for Christ. 2 Kings, 6:11). A sermon delivered in Bangor, June 23, 1824, before the Maine Missionary Society, at the 17th anniversary. By Allen Greely, pastor of the church in Turner. HaUoweU: Printed by S. K- Gilmau- 1824- Svo. pp. 22. [3883 Geebly, Eliphalet. 1784-1858. Portland. Notice of. N.E.Reg. 12:364. (1858.) [3884 Gebbn, Beeiah. Kennebunk. Sketch of. 1888. See Baker, Smith. Gebbn, Calvin, and family, Brewer. 1890. See Porter, J. W. Geeen, David, and family, Bluehill. 1890. See Candage, R. G. F. Gebbn, John, and family, BluehiU. 1890. See Candage, R. G. F. Gebbn Lake. Illustrated. 1SS9. See Haynes, George H. Geeen, Peecival. 1660-84. Clergyman, Wells. 1683-84. Biographical Sketch of. 1885. See Sibley, John L. Gebbn, Samuel Abbott, M. D- Librarian Massachusetts Historical Society. Groton During the Indian Wars. By Samuel A. Green, M. D. Gro ton, Mass. 1SS3. Svo. pp. 214. [3885 Chapter IV, "Diimmer's War, " contains an account of Lovewell's light, and an incident relating to John Chamberlain, its surviving hero, pp. 134- 147. Groton Historical Series. A collection of papers relating to the history of the town of Groton, Massachusetts Bay- By Samuel Abbott Green, M. D- Vol. I- Groton: 1887. Svo. (PubUshed in numbers which are paged separately.) [3886 No. XVI. PeppereU fever. Account by Dr. Samuel Emerson of Kenne bunk, p. 17. Account of the Lakm family, from Groton, at Union, 24. No. XIX. The Farrington family. A member of it, the first child born in Nor ridgewock, 22. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. 509 The same. Vol. II. Groton. 1890. Svo. pp. viii, 471. [3887 Thomas Rice, Jr. (6. at Wiscasset), p. 37; Ether Shepley (Saco, Portland), 38, 357; Samuel E.Smith (Wiscasset), James Sullivan (6. Berwick), 38; Gro ton famUies in Maine (at Norridgewock and Canaan), 75-78; Eev. Joseph C. Smith (Frankfort), 149-152; The Wesson or Weston family (containing letter from Nathan Weston, Augusta, 1804, to his brother Ephraim, in Vermont), 153-150; "Paugus John" Chamberlain (relating to LoveweU's fight), 164: Thomas Adams and Ardelia Louisa (Lawrence) Staples (Machias), 309. The same. Vol. III. Groton. 1893. Svo. pp. vii, 488, (1). [3888 Dr. Jacob WiUiams (m. at Kennebunk), p. 23; Dr. James Cummings (Port land), 29; Dr. Gibson Smith (6. Maine), 41; Maine settlers from Groton, 91- 102; The Farnsworth family (relative to Machias), 176-178; James Sullivan (6. Berwick), 199; James Gerrish (Lebanon), 234: Edward Albert Kelly (6. Frank fort), 246; WUliam Swan (Winslow), 253; Thomas Bond (HaUoweU), 258; Luther Fitch (Portland), 264; Ether Shepley (Saco, Portland), 278; John Shepley (Saco), 280; William Sullivan (b. Biddeford), 286; Benjamin -Ames (Bath), 291; William Crosby (Belfast), 298; Thomas Hopkinson (6. New Sharon), 303; Thomas Rice (Wiscasset), 311; Henry Vassal Chamberlain, (Farmington) 331 ; George Thacher (6. Biddeford), 333 ; Moses Child (one of the proprietors of Tyngstown, now Wilton), 249-352; Maine settlers from Groton, Jonathan Stone and family (Waterford), 353-356, LoveweU's Fight, 366. Swan Family at Groton, Mass., and Maine. Bang. H. M. 2: 63. (1889.) [3889 Communication of a deed of land given by President Thomas Dan forth to the trustees of the town of York, July 26, 1684. Mass. Hist Soc Proc 2d ser. 5: 432-435. (1890.) [3890 The same. Reprinted separately, n. t. p. 1890. Svo. pp. 5. The authenticity ofthis deed has been questioned. See Sargent, W. M. Green, Samuel S. Lecture on methods of teaching to read. 1844. See American Inst. Ins. Green, Thomas, M. D. Clergyman, North Yarmouth, 1797-1814. Gospel Ministers, the workmanship of Jesus Christ. A sermon deUvered in the Baptist meeting house at Readfield, August the Sth, 1798, at the ordination of Mr. James Murphy, to the office of an evangelist. By Thomas Green, V- D- M-, pastor of the Baptist church. North Yarmouth, Maine. Portland: Printed by B- Titcomb. 1798. Svo. pp. 28. [3891 Greene Incorporated 1788. Sermon before Bowdoinham Association. 1829. See Merrill, Daniel. Geeene, Benjamin. 1764-1837- Lawyer, Berwick. An Eulogy on George Washington, late commander in chief of the American armies, who died December 14th, 1799. Pronounced at Berwick, January 4, 1800. By Benjamin Greene, A. M. Portsmouth, N. H- Printed by J. Melchers- 1800- Svo. pp- 16. [3892 510 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. Greene, Benjamin, Continued. An Oration pronounced at Kittery, the Fourth of July, 1808. By Benjamin Greene, Esq. Published by request of the hearers Portsmouth: S. SewaU, Printer, Court Street 1808. Svo. Title. page. pp. 5-16. [3893 Biographical Sketch of. 1863. See WUlis, WUliam. Geeene, Claea Maecblle. The Magdalen and other poems. By " Kate KendaU." Portland: Brown Thurston & Co. 1890. sq. 16mo. pp. 128. [-3894 Geeene, H. W- Letters addressed to Francis O- J- Smith, representative in Con gress, from Cumberland District (Me.), being a defence of the writer against the attacks made on him by that individual — and a sketch of Mr. Smith's political Ufe. By H. W. Greene, late editor of the Eastern Argus. 1839. Svo. pp. 22. [3895 Geeene, Jonas. The Crown Won, but Not Worn, or M. Louise Greene, a student for five years at Kent's Hill, Maine. By Jonas Greene. Boston: 1867. Svo. pp. 162. [3896 See ¦' Libel Refuted." A Rejoinder to the reply on the Kent's Hill tragedy. By Jonas Greene. Lewiston: Printed for the Author. 1868. 16mo. (Svo- size) pp. 64. [3897 Geeene, M. Louise. See Greene, Jonas, and "Libel Refuted." Geeene, Roscob Goddaed. Educator, Portland. A Compend of English Grammar; designed for the use of the stu dent while attending a course of lectures on etymology and syn tax; containing emblematical charts of the several modes and tenses arranged on the principles of locality and association. By R. G. Greene. " The institution of lectures is, of all helps that can be given, the most valuable when circumstances permit; that is, in towns of a certain size. Much may be thus taught, even without any other instruction ; but combined with reading and subservient to it, the effects of i^ublic lectures are great indeed. The students are enable to read with advantage; things are ex plained to thera which no books sufiEicientiy illustrate; access is afEorded to teachers who can remove the difficulties which occur perpetually in the reading of uneducated persons; and a word may often suffice to get rid of some obstacles which would have impeded the unassisted student's progress for days." Brougham o^- Popular Educatioij. Portland: J. Adams, Jun., Pr. 1826. Svo. pp. 54. [3898 Questions on the science of book-keeping by double and single entry; adapted to Bennett's system: with explanations of tech nical words and phrases, accompanied with short methods of cal- BIBLIOGEAPHY OF MAINE. 511 culation, notes, observations, &c. By E. G. Greene. Portland: A. Shirley, Printer. 1827. [3899 Murray's Theory of the moods and tenses of English verbs, IUust trated by an emblematic chart. By E. G. Greene. Portland: WiU & Edwards, Printers. 1S27. Svo. pp. 16. (1 chart.) [3900 An Emblematical Chart of the several moods, presenting at one view, the number of tenses in each, their signs, and the manner in which each tense is formed ; designed to assist the memory of the student by applying the principles of local association. By E. G. Greene, teacher of English Grammar. Portland: 1827. [3901 -A Practical Grammar of the English Language, in which the princi ples established by Lindley Murray are inculcated, and his the ory of the moods clearly illustrated by diagrams, representing the number of tenses in each mood — their signs — and the manner in which they are formed. By Roscoe G. Greene, teacher of English Grammar. Portland: Shirley & Hyde. 1829. Svo. pp. 111. [3902 The same. Second edition, improved. Portland: Shirley & Hyde- 18.30. Svo. pp. 111. -The same. Third edition, revised and improved. Portland: G. Hyde & Co. 1832. Svo. pp. 126. The same. First stereotype edition. Hallowell: Glazier, Masters & Smith. 1835. Svo. pp. 132. -The same. With an appendix. Tenth edition. Portland: W.Hyde. 1840. Svo. pp. 139. -The same. Sanborn & Carter, Portland. 1846. A Grammatical Text^Book, in which the several moods are clearly iUustrated hy diagrams, representing the number of tenses in each mood — their signs and the manner in which they are found. Being an abstract of a, practical grammar, &c. Designed for the use of schools. By Roscoe G. Greene. Boston : Lilly, Wait, Col man & Holden. 1833. [-3903 A Grammar for Children, with emblematic illustrations. By Ros coe G. Greene- Augusta: G. S. Carpenter & Co. 18-34. [3904 Geeene, William Waeebn, M. D. 1831-81. Physician, Portland. Greene's Questions in Surgery. By William Warren Greene. Port land : Brown Thurston & Co. 1872. Svo. pp. 176. [3905 President's Address. See Me. Med. Ass. Trans. 7: 234. (ISSl.) [3906 In Memoriam. William Warren Greene. September 10, 1881. Portland, Me. : Wm. M. Marks, Printer. 1881. Svo. pp. 16. [3907 Addressby Rev. William H. Fenn, p. 9. Biographical Sketch of. 1883. See Gerrish, F. H. 512 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. Greenleaf, Alexander. Monson. Sketch of. 1889. See Sprague, John F. Geeenleaf, Chaeles Edwaed. Gardiner. Educator. The Child's Instructor and Moral Primer, containing, besides the stops and principal characters used in punctuation, the figures and abbreviations, early lessons in prose; amongst which are some very pleasing and valuable pieces of sacred history, and the ten commandments; likewise a brief selection from Baldwin's Fables, history of the elephant, whale, ant aud silk-worm, &c., &c, ornamented with cuts. AU which affords a pleasing variety for the child, and is calculated to improve his morals and give him that instruction which is suitable to his age, and to advance him in the valuable and delightsome acquirement of good reading. By the Young Child's Friend. "Children like tender osiers take the bow; And as they first are formed, forever grow." Second edition, enlarged and improved- Boston: Printed by Sylvester T. Goss. 1820. [3908 The same. Second edition: enlarged and improved. Portland: A. W. Thayer. 1822. pp. (Illus.) Some of the Duties of a Faithful Teacher. Am. Inst. Ins. 1843. 185. Criticisms in Etymology and Syntax: or a supplemental grammar; containing much that is new, original and important, whilst it is designed principally for the higher classes of grammarians, and to improve the language of many in a very extensive circle of society, it will be found also a profitable and encouraging book for beginners. " Midtum in Parvo-" By a North American teacher. (Anon.) Gardiner: for the author. (By Charles Green leaf.) 1853. 12mo- pp. 48. [3909 An Improved and Comprehensive School Grammar, in which are equally regarded both the wants of the beginner and those of the advanced and critical student; containing aU the essential principles of the science usually found in other works, with an addition of much that is new, critical and highly approved by competent judges. By a North American teacher. 1855. [3910 An Appendix in English Grammar; including a great variety of im portant matter, directing to good language very little of which has been hitherto given, with etymology and syntax, thought proper to be classed there. Designed for a third part to the work entitled " An Improved and Comprehensive School Gram mar, " but can be used to good advantage above, or in connection with any other work. By a North American teacher. 1856. [3911 An Accompaniment to English Grammars, including a thorough course of questions in etymology and syntax, with exercises to BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. 513 be performed by the pupil. To which is added a variety of new, important and critical matter, not given elsewhere. By a North American teacher. 1861. [3912 The name A. M. C. Heath appears in parenthesis at the close of the copy right entry. Geeenleaf Family. Genealogy. 1854. See Greenleaf, Jonathan. Geeenleaf, Jonathan, D. D. 1785-1865. Clergyman, Wells, 1815-28- Sketches of the ecclesiastical history of the state of Maine, from the earliest settlement to the present time. By Jonathan Green leaf, pastor of a church in Wells- Portsmouth: Published by Harrison Gray, R- Foster, Printer. 1821. 12mo. pp. 293; ap pendix, 78. [3913 A copy containing Ms. additions and corrections, made by the author, is m the library of the Maine Historical Society. Account of Wells. 1825. See Hubbard, Jeremiah. Sermon delivered at Epping, New Hampshire, Oct. 25, 1826, at the ordination of Rev. Forest Jefferds, to the pastoral office in that place. By Jonathan Greenleaf, pastor of the Congregational church in Wells, Maine. Concord: Printed by Jacob B. Moore. 1827. Svo. pp. 15. [3914 A Sermon delivered at Great FaUs, Somersworth, N. H., January 23d, 1S2S, at the ordina'tion of Eev. Josiah T. Hawes, to the pastoral office in that place, by Jonathan Greenleaf, pastor of the Congregational church in Wells, Me. n. p. [3915 A Doctrinal Catechism. Portland: Shirley & Hyde, Printers. 1828. ISmo. pp. 31. [3916 Geeenleaf, Mosbs. 1778-1834. Williamsburg. A Statistical View of the district of Maine; more especially with reference to the value and importance of its interior. Ad dressed to the consideration of the legislators of Massachusetts. By Moses Greenleaf, Esq- Salus publica mea merces- Boston: Published by Cummings and Hilliard, at the Boston Bookstore, No. 1, CornhiU. 1816. Svo. pp. 154. [3917 Reviewed by Benjamin Rand in No. Am. Rev. 3:369. Accompanying the work was a large folding map of Maine, in four sections, mounted on linen, in board covers. Treatise on Indian languages. 1824. See Indians. A Survey of the state of Maine, in reference to its geographical features, statistics and political economy. Illustrated by maps. Portland: Published by Shirley & Hyde. 1829. Svo. pp. 468. [3918 A legislative resolve, 1830, authorized the purchase of four hundred copies of survey and maps at $16 per set, and appropriated $500 in consideration of the author's expense and exertions in their publication. Sketch of. (ISSS.) See Williamson, W. D. 34 514 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. Geeenleaf, Patrick Heney, D. D. 1808-69. Clergyman, Brooklyn, N. Y. Autumnal Days. 1836. See Stephens, Ann S. Geeenleaf, Simon, LL. D. 1783-1853. Lawyer, Portland. }. in Maine, 1790-1833. An Oration pronounced at New Gloucester, before the worshipful master and brethren of Cumberland Lodge on the festival of Saint John the Baptist, A. L. 5806, by Simon Greenleaf. Port land: Printed by Brothers Adams and Jenks. n. d. (1806.) Svo. pp. 18. [3919 A Brief Inquiry into the Origin and Principles of Free Masonry. " Be thou faithful unto death and I will give thee a crown of life. " Portland: Printed by Arthur Shirley, 1820. Svo.pp. vn, 8, 117. (Engraved title-page.) [3920 A Collection of cases overruled, doubted or limited in their appli cation. Taken from American and English reports. By Simon Greenleaf, counsellor at law. Portland: Printed by Arthur Shir ley. 1821. Svo. [3921 Reviewed by Theron Metcalf, in No. Am. Rev. July, 1822. Later editions of the work have been published, but the author had nothing to do with them, and all editions, since the first are by other hands. Marvin's Legal Biblio, 348. Reports of cases argued and determined in the Supreme Judicial Court of the State of Maine. By Simon Greenleaf, counsellor at law. Vol. I. Containing the cases of the years 1820 and 1821. Hallowell: Printed .by Goodale, Glazier & Co. 1822. Svo.pp. vUi, 436. [3922 The same. With notes and references to subsequent decisions and statutes, by Edmund H. Bennett, counsellor at law. Second edition. Boston: Little, Brown and Company. 1852. Svo. pp. 436. [3923 The same. Third edition. With annotations by Clarence Hale, Esq., of the Cumberland bar. Portland: Dresser, McLellan & Co- 1876- Svo. pp. vn, 436. [3924 Reports of cases argued and determined in the Supreme Judicial Court of the State of Maine. By Simon Greenleaf, counsellor at law. Vol. II. Containing the cases of the years 1822 and 1823. Hallowell: Printed by Glazier & Co. 1824. Svo. pp. vii, 432. [3925 The same. With notes and references to subsequent decisions and statutes, by Edmund H. Bennett, counsellor at law. Second edition. Boston: Little, Brown and Company. 1852. Svo.pp. 398. [3926 BIBLIOGEAPHY OF MAINE. 515 -The same. Third edition. With annotations by Hon. W. W. Bolster of the Androscoggin bar. Portland: Dresser, McLellan & Co. 1875. Svo. pp. vii, 440. [3927 -Reports of cases argued and determined in the Supreme Judicial Court of the State of Maine. By Simon Greenleaf, counsellor at law. Vol. IIL Containing the cases from May term, 1824, in Cumberland, inclusive, to the end of the year 1825. Portland: Printed and published by James Adams, Jun. 1826. Svo. pp- vii, 504. [3928 -The same- With notes and references to subsequent decisions and statutes, by Edmund H- Bennett, counsellor at law. Second edition. Boston : Little, Brown and Company. 1852. Svo. pp. 476. [3929 —The same- Third edition- With annotations by Hon. Edmund F. Webb, of the Kennebec bar. Portland: Dresser, McLellan & Co. 1875. Svo. pp. vii, 513. [3930 —Reports of cases determined and argued in the Supreme Judicial Court of the State of Maine. By Simon Greenleaf, counsellor at law. Vol. IV. Portland: Printed and published by James Adams, Jun. 1828. Svo. pp. 562. [3931 —The same. Containing the cases from April term, 1826, in York, to May term, 1827, in Cumberland. With notes and references to subsequent decisions and statutes, by Edmund H. Bennett, counsellor at law. Second edition. Boston: Little, Brown and Company- 1852. Svo. pp. 489. [3932 —The same. Third edition. With annotations by George E. Bird, Esq., of the Cumberland bar. Portland: Dresser, McLellan & Co. 1876. Svo. pp- 575- [3933 -Reports of cases argued and determined in the Supreme Judicial Court of the State of Maine. By Simon Greenleaf, counsellor at law. Vol. V. Portland : Printed and published by Shirley and Hyde, 1829. Svo. pp. 524. [3934 -The same. Containing the cases from May term, 1827, from Oxford, to April term, 1829, for York. With notes and references to sub sequent decisions and statutes, by Edmund H. Bennett, counsellor at law. Second edition. Boston: Little, Brown and Company. 1852. Svo. pp. 460. [3935 -The same. Third edition. With annotations by Hon. Enoch Foster, Jr., of the Oxford bar, Bethel, Me. Portland: Dresser, McLellan & Co. 1876. Svo. pp. 536. [3936 -Reports of cases argued and determined in the Supreme Judicial Court of the State of Maine. By Simon Greenleaf, counseUor at law. Vol. VI. Portland: Published by G. Hyde & Co. 1831. Svo.' pp. 539. [-3937 516 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. Geeenleaf, Simon, LL. D., Continued. The same. Containing the cases from May term, 1829, in Cumber land, to May term, 1830, in Lincoln, both inclusive. With notes and references to subsequent decisions and statutes, by Edmund H. Bennett, councellor at law. Second edition. Boston: Little, Brown and Company. 1852. Svo- pp. 469. [3938 The same. Third edition. Portland: Dresser, McLellan & Co. 1876. Svo. pp. 543. [3939 Reports of cases argued and determined in the Supreme Judicial Court of the State of Maine. By Simon Greenleaf, counsellor at law. Vol. VIL Portland: Published by G. Hyde & Co. 1832. Svo. pp. 524. [3940 The same. Containing the cases from June term, 1830, in Kennebec, to May term, 1831, in Lincoln. With notes and references to sub sequent decisions and statutes, by Edmund H. Bennett, counsellor at law. Second edition. Boston: Little, Brown and Company- 1852. Svo. pp. 477. [3941 The same. Third edition. With annotations by George E. Bird, Esq., Portland, Me., of the Cumberland bar. Portland: Dresser, McLeUan & Co. 1876. Svo. pp. 536. [3942 Reports of cases argued and determined in the Supreme Judicial Court of the State of Maine. By Simon Greenleaf, counsellor at law. Vol- VIII. Portland: PubUshed by WiUiam Hyde for Z. Hyde. A. Shirley, Printer. 1834. Svo. pp. 479. [3943 The same. Containing the cases from 1831, for Kennebec, to June term, 1832, for Somerset. With notes and references to subsequent decisions and statutes, by Edmund H. Bennett, counsellor at law. Second edition. Boston: Little, Brown and Company. 1852. Svo. pp. 392. [3944 The same. Third edition. With annotations by George E. Bird, Esq. Portland, Me., of the Cumberland bar. Portland : Dresser, McLeUan & Co. 1876. Svo. pp. 491. [3945 Reports of cases argued and determined in the Supreme Judicial Court of the State of Maine. By Simon Greenleaf, counsellor at law. Vol. IX. Portland: Published by William Hyde for Z. Hyde. A. Shirley, Printer. Svo. jip. 152. [3946 The same. Containing the cases for June term, 1832, for Penobscot to July term, 1832, for Waldo. With notes and references to sub sequent decisions and statutes, by Edmund H. Bennett, counsel lor at law. Second edition. Boston : Little, Brown and Com pany. 1852- Svo. pp. 133. [3947 The same. Third edition. With annotations by T. T. Snow, Esq. of the Cumberland bar. Portland: Dresser, McLeUan & Co. 1876. Svo. pp. 165. [3948 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAINE. 517 A Digest of Greenleaf's reports of cases argued and determined in the Supreme Judicial Court of Maine, from the year 1820, to the year 1832, inclusive. Portland: Published by William Hyde. Arthur Shirley, Printer. 1835. Svo. pp. 360- [3949 The same is continued in volume IX of the first edition. Masonic Charge. 1823. See Megquire, John L. Memoir of the life and character of the late Chief Justice Mellen. By S. Greenleaf, LL. D., Royal professor of law at Harvard Uni versity- Maine Reports, 17: 467- (Appendix.) (1841.) [3950 Proceedings of Cumberland bar on his death. 1853. See Cumber land County. Biographical Sketch of. 1863. See WiUis, WiUiam. Geeenough, Jones & Co : Geeenough, W. A. Je. and Geeenough, W. A. & Co., Publishers of Directories, Boston. AUGUSTA, HALLOWELL AND GAEDINBE. Greenough's Directory of the inhabitants, institutions, manu facturing establishments, business, societies, business firms, etc., in the cities of Augusta, Hallowell and Gardiner, for 1871. W. A. Greenough, Jr., compiler and publisher, 96 Washington Street, Boston. Augusta: J. Frank Pierce. Svo. pp. 224. [3951 The same, for 1876-77. Svo. pp. 262, 18. [3952 The same, for ISSO. Svo. pp. 264. [3953 The same, for 1882. Svo. pp. 375. [3954 The same, for 1884. Svo. pp. 368. [3955 The same, for 1886-87. Svo- pp. 477. [3956 The same, for 1888-89. With a list of the business firms in Ran dolph, Pittston and Farmingdale. Svo. pp. 487. [3957 BANGOE. Greenough, Jones & Co's Directory of the inhabitants, institutions, manufacturing establishments, business, societies, business firms, etc., etc., in the city of Bangor, for 1871-72. To which is added a directory of Brewer. Published by David Bugbee & Co., No. 5 Strickland Block, Bangor, Me. Boston: Greenough, Jones & Co., compilers, No. 96 Washington Street. Price $1.50. Entered according to Act of Congress in the year 1871, by Greenough, Jones & Co., in the office of the Librarian of Congress at Wash ington. B. Thurston & Co. Printers. Portland, Svo. pp. 260. -The same, for 1872-73. Svo- pp. 272, and 62 pp. advertisements. (Map.) [3959 -The same, for 1873-74. Svo. pp. 316, 54. [3960 -The same, for 1875-76. Svo. pp. 294, and 52 pp. advertisements. (Map.) [3961 518 bibliography of maine. Greenough, Jones & Co., Geeenough, W. A., Je., and Geeenough, W. A. c Iapari?dTijc, h