-¦ atKSHiSJsiK'''"-' "•¦•"¦ -''••¦ I- .''f^^',*'*' •»"¦•¦"¦ ••¦»>¦«*¦' ¦.¦• t*wt«ii;iii(i;wH(;^T,::;; ;;:;'.; > ' *^^s^' 9 Vi^ -^^Sie - ^'"¦' !!;Mj«i;!;(!lfe:!;-::;:;;rr"'" '¦'¦ Jtn-iSwwfv-:':".:-.';:-:JisSntCi'j:;;;;;-' BRITISH ART REFERENCE XkcX ( c M m i ^ bL L ' t §) i ff fliJiMF 'i j^r^jmj I.. m m a«i9*4- Yale Center for British Art and British Studies Catalogue of tj)e Cornb^ In the Churches of the City of LONDON, :^.2C>. 1666. By Major PAYNE FISHER, B.-A.. REVISED AND EDITED IIY G, BLACKER MORGAN. THIS copy IS THE PROPERTY OF J. ANDERSON ROSE, ESQ. LONDON Printed 1668, Privately re-printed 1885, This edition is limited to twenty-five large-paper copies (demy quarto) on Whatman's hand- made paper, and feventy-five fmall-paper copies (crown quarto) on antique paper. This copy is yiumhered L'i F rivati-ly printed by Ilaaeli, H-'aiion, &y* I 'inty, Ld. , 5, Kirby Street, London, E C. INTRODUCTION. The "Catalogue of Tombes of London" was publifhed by Major Payne Fiflier in 1668 — two years after the Great Fire. The names of the churches where the infcriptions were evident are entirely omitted by Fifher, rendering his work in its original flate comparatively ufelefs. In its prefent revifed form the Catalogue is arranged alphabetically. The original entries in Fifher's catalogue have been retained, while many additions have been made to the work from the befl editions of Stow's " Survey of London," etc. Fifher's original work may be identified by the abfence of the name of the church, or where it is added in fqiiare brackets. The remainder of the entries in this catalogue are additions made from the fources, named. Further particulars of the infcriptions will generally be found on reference to Stow's " Survey of London " under the name of the church. The number of churches in the City and Liberties of London (exclufive of S. Paul's Cathe dral) that exifled before the Fire was 108. Of thefe, thirteen within the City, and nine within the Liberties thereof, furvived the Fire, while eighty-fix churches were deftroyed. Of the latter number fifty-one churches were rebuilt, and the remainder of the parifhes, thirty-five in number, were annexed to the new churches. A moil ufeful lift of " Printed parifh regifiers," by Dr. Marfhall, will be found in The Genealogijl for July 1885, (New Series, vol. ii.. No. 7,) which may be advantageoufly referred to for information on this fubjeet. The following table has been carefully compiled from various fources. The dates of regifiers are taken from the Return of Parifh Regifiers in England and Wales. Ca&Ie Qjotomg tfte Cfturcbes toitf)in tbe <^\t'^ anD li&erties of lonDon tiefore anD aftec tbe jFire of 1666. The names of C/mrches dejlroyed by the Fire and rebuilt are printed in ordinary type ; thofe which furvived the Fire withm ihe City and Liberties are printed in black type ; and thofe Churches deflroyed by the Fire and not rebuilt, of which the parifhes were annexed to others, are printed in italics. Name of Church. ailftaltatDS, 13ar6ing AUhallows, Bread St. Allhallows, Honey Lane AUhallows, Lombard St. Locality. Great Tower St. . Watling St. ... , (With S. Mary-] Bow) Lombard St. sailtianotDs, aonlron inaaall New Broad St. Date of registers. ... 1558 ... 1538 le- Name of Church. ailSalloiDB, Statninff AUhallows the Great ... ... (With S. Olave, Hart St.) 1642 ... Upper Thames St. 1668 ... 1538 Allhallows the Lefs . . . ... (W^ith Allhallows ... 1550 ... 1559 S. Alban, Wood St. ... the Great) 1558 ... Wood St 1566 VI INTRODUCTION. ,. Date of Name of Church. Localitj'. registers. *. gip1>sgc, lionUon WiM London Wall ... 1613 Si. anlrrrto, jttjolborn ... '558 S. Andrew Hubbard (With S. Mary-at- Hill) 1791 5. an&Tth) ?iinltn£l)aft ...S.Mary Axe ... 1558 S. Andrew by the Wardrobe Doctors' Commons 1558 S. Ann and S. Agnes S.Martin's-le-Grand 1640 6'. Ann, Blackfriars (With S.Andrew by the Wardrobe)... 1560 S. Antholin' (With S. Mary Aldermary) ... 1538 S. Auguftine, Watling St.... Old Change 1559 S. Bartholomew, Exchange (With S. Margaret, Lothbury) 1558 *. ISartljolomrto tfif CSrfat Weft Smithfield ... 1616 $. iSartljolomrto I'D? S-ffS S. Bartholomew's Hofpital 1547 S. Benet Fink (With S. Peter-le- Poer) 1538 S. Benet Gracechurch ... (With Allhallow.s, Lombard St.) ... 1559 S. Bennet, Paul's Wharf ... Upper Thames St. 1619 i'. Benttet, Sheiehog (With S. Stephen, Walbrook) ... 1557 $. lootolptt, SliamjJUt ... Alderfgate St. ... 1640 *. ISOtoIpl). a(6gate Aldgate High St. 1558 S. Botolph, Bilhngfgate ...(With S. George, Botolph Lane)... 1685 * Botolpf). fflHitflOUt ... Billiopsgate St. ...1558 S. Bride, Fleet St. ... Fleet St 1653 S. Clement, Eaftcheap ... Clement's Lane 1539 Chriftchurch, Newgate St.... Newgate St 1538 S. Chriftopher-le-Stock ... (With S. Margaret, Lothbury) 1558 S. Dionis Backchurch Fenchurch St. ... 1538 S. Dunftan-in-the-East ... Great Tower St. ... 1558 *. J9iiiiilan=in=tf)tsi!!?ar!l Fleet St 1558 .s. Edmund King and Martyr Lombard St. ... 1670 ^i. (fftftflburga Biftiopfgate St. Within 1671 .?. Faith under S. Paul ... (With S. Auguftine) 1645 S. Gabriel, Fenchurch ... (With S. Margaret Pattens) 1571 .S. George, Botolph Lane ... Billingfgate 1547 *• fflilEB ffiiltijout, ffitips plegate P'ore Street 1561 Name of Church. S. Gregory by S. Paul . ... Date of Locality. registers. ... (With S.Mary Mag dalen, Knight- rider St.) 1559 51. J^eUn, 13ifl)0pCgate ... Great S. Helen's... 1575 *. James, IBuftf'B ^llare... i749 S. James, Garlick Hythe ... Garlick Hill 1535 S. John the Baptifi, Wal brook (With S. Antholin) 1538 S. John the Evangelifl ...(With Allhallows, Bread St.) ... 1538 S. John Zachary (With S. Anne and Agnes) 1693 S. iSatJn-ine Coleman ... Fenchurch St. ... i5';9 S. ISatljertne Crce (ffjiirefj Leadenhall St. ... 1663 S. Lawrence Jewry Greftiam St 1538 S. Laivrence Pountney ... (With S. Mary Ab- church) 1538 S. Leonard, Eaflc heap ...(With S. Benet, Gracechurch St.) 1559 6'. Leonard, Fofier Lane ... (With Chrift Ch.)... 1666 S. Magnus-the-Martyr ... Lower Thames St. 1560 S. Margaret, Lothbury ... Lothbury 1558 S. Margaret Mcfes (With S. Mildred, Bread St.) 1559 i'. Margaret, New Fifli St. (S. Magnus the Martyr) 1560 ... Rood Lane 1559 ... Ludgate HiU ... 1539 ... (With S. Clement, Eaftcheap) ... 1625 ... (With S. Helen's) 1670 ... (With S. Olave, Jewry) 1558 ... (With S. Michael Royal) 166S ... Abchurch Lane ... 1538 ... Aldermanbury ... 1538 ... Bow Lane 155S S. Margaret Pattens .. S. Martin, Ludgate .. S. Martin Urgars 3:. ifflartin ©ttttoirj ' 6'. Martin Pomeroy . . S. Martin Vintry S. Mary Abchurch S. Mary the Virgin .. S. Mary Aldermary .. A'. Mary Bothaw S. Mary-le-Bow ... 6". Alary CoL'church .. (With S. Swithin) 1538 ... Cheapfide ... (With S. Mildred, Poultry) 155S ... Love Lane, Eaft cheap 1558 S. Mary Magialen, Milk St. (With S. Lawrence, Jewry) 1559 S. Mary-at-Hill Rebuilt after the Fire, but deftroyed by Ecclefiaftical CommilTioners in 1876. Survived the Fire, but deftroyed in 1874. Tombs, S:c., removed to S. Helen's. INTRODUCTION. VU Name of Church. S. Mary Magdalen S. Mary Mounthaw S. Mary Somerfet S, Mary, Staining S. Mary Woolchurch Haw S. Mary Woolnoth ... ., S. Matthew, Friday St. ., S. Michael Baffiftiaw... .. S. Michael, Cornhill ... . S. Michael, Crooked Lane. S. Michael, Queenhithe . S. Michael-le- Quern ... . S. Michael Royal ... . S. Michael, Wood St. S. Mildred, Bread St. S. Mildred the Virgin S. Nicholas Aeons S. Nicholas, Cole Abbey . .S". Nicholas Olave ... . Locality. Date of registers. . Knightrider St. ... 1 7 17 . (With S, Mary Somerset) 1711 . Cole Abbey 1711 . (With S. Michael, Wood St.) ... 165s (With S. Mary Woolnoth) ... 1558 . Lombard St. ... 1538 . Friday St 1538 . Bafinghall St. ... 1538 . Cornhill 1546 ,. Crooked Lane ... 1539 .. Upper Thames St. 1653 ,. (With S. Vedast, Foster Lane) ... 1558 .. College Hill 1558 ,. Wood St 1559 .. Bread St 1658 .. Poultry 1538 .. (With S. Edmond, K. and M.) ... 1539 .. Knightrider St. ... 1538 .. (With S. Nicholas, Cole Abbey) ... 1704 Name of Church. S-. ©labr, J^art St S. Olave, Old Jewry ... . i'. Olave, Silver St. ... . S. Pancras, Soper Lane S. Peter, Cornhill ... . S. Peter, Paul's Wharf . S. lPeter=Ie=^poor ... . .$¦. Peter, Wefl Cheap ... . S. Sepulchre Without. . . . S. Stephen, Coleman St. . S. Stephen, Walbrook S. Swithin, London Stone, S. Thomas Apofile ... . Jlols Crinits tje Hefs S. Vedaft, Fofter Lane Trinity Locality. .. Mark Lane . . Old Jewry .. (With S. Alban; Wood St.) .. (With S. Mary-le Bow)... . .. Cornhill .. (With S. Bennet, Paul's WharQ .. .. Old Broad St. .. .. (With S. Matthew, Friday St.) .. Holborn Viaduct.. .. Coleman St . . Walbrook .. Cannon St .. (With S. Mary Aldermary) .. (With S. James, Garlickhithe) .. . . Fofter Lane .. (With S. Michael, Queenhithe) . . . Date of registers. 15631558 1566 1538 •5381607 1561 166316631558 1557153615581547 1558 G. BLACKER MORGAN. 5, Darnley Road, Royal Crefcent, W., Chriflmas, 1885. THE CATALOGUE of Moft of the Memorable Tombes, Grave ftones. Plates, Efcutcheons, or Atchievements in the Demolifht or yet Extant Churches of LONDON from St Katharines beyond the Tower, to Temple-Barre. The Out-Parifhes being included. A WORK OF GREAT WEIGHT, AND CONSEQVENTLY to be indulged and Countenanced by fuch v^^ho are gratefully ambitious of Preferving the Memory of their anceftors. By P. Fijher fometimes Serjant Major of Foot. LONDON Printed Anno, MDCLXVIII, SIR, I Have feen this your Synopjis, by which I guefs at the full pro portion of your Noble, and indeed, moft necejfary dejign, fince to quote that Authentick Expreflion of your Friend, the Alderman. / hold it as a Piece of as necejfary Piety, to repair and reedifie the collapfed 7ne7nories oj fo many worthy Patriots, as almofi to Rebuild the City ; by whof Beneficence the City gradually arrived formerly to fo tall a pitch and jlature. Sir, I muft confefs I (among many Thoufands) have read and admired your fublime Productions in moft happy Heroicks, which have diffufed your Name and Fame into thofe Countreys you have perfonally feen, to the Benefit and Advantage of your Obfervation. And now let me tell you, as your Latin Elucubrations have made you famous abroad, fo this Great and weighty Work you are imbarked in, will make you highly efteemed at Home, efpecially among fuch, whofe Interefi and Honor it is to Buoy up the fhipwrack'd and ruin'd Memories of their Ancefors. I have no more, but cordially to wifti, that fo Generous and Publick a Defign may meet with fuch fuitable fuccefs, as may principally conduce to that great end, for which this Piece is to be compiled : and collaterally, fuch influential advantages of your own, as may proportion- ably ftand in competition with the Scope and Latitude of fo brave an undertaking. This is the wifli of Sir, January 14. Your true Friend, 1667, and faithful Servant, Sy Hen. Hianfon, Baronet. C&e Catalogue of tbe mofi Memorable Perfon.s toF)0 |)aD tJifitile Com6s, plateD <^ratiefiones, Cfcutcbeons, or Mub^ ments, in tfje Citp of HLontion, tiefore tfje lafl DreaDful JFire, a.D. 16S6 [ano continueD to a.D. 1fO0»J fohn jibbot. (S, Lawrence, Jewry,) Roger Abde. (Allhallows, Bread Str,) Antonius Abdy, Armig,, Anceftor to Sir Robert Abdy, and Sir Thomas Abdy, both of Eflex, Knights Ba, [and Abigail his w. 1640: S, Andrew Underfhaft.] Jane Abraham. Nic. Achele. (S, Botolph, Alderfgate,) Rich. Acheley, Grocer, (S, Stephen Wal; brook,) Roger Acheley, L, Mayor, 151 1. (S, Chriftopher,) Elizabeth Acton,di2.ugh.t&roi^en.A.cton. Hugh Acton, 1520, (.S, Antholin's,) Hugh Acton. (S, Mary Woolnoth.) Hugh Acton, 1530, (Chrift Church,) The Lady Adams, wife of the learned, and true lover of learning, the hon= ourable Sir Thomas Adams, Knights Baronet, and father of the City. Anne Adams, wid. 1684. (S. Lawrence, Jewry,) Mris jane Adams, wife of Thomas Adams of Baterfea, Efq. EUzabeth Ade, wife of John Ade. [16 19: S. Andrew, Holborn,] Henry Ade, Grocer, 15 16, & wives Margaret & Julian. (S, Peter, Corn; hill,) Sir John Adler, Knight, buried at S. Gregories. Amy Adlyn, or Edlyn. John Adys, 1461, (S, John Zachary,) Thomas Adys, Goldfmith, Thos. Agar, 1673, (Temple,) John Agges, one of the Warders of the Tower. Philip Agmondejham. (S. Lawrence, Jewry,) Joane, vr. of Richard Ail/bury. (Auftin Friars,) John Ailworth, Grocer, Sir Edward Aker, Knight, Lo. Maior. [S, Pancras, Soper=lane,] John Aker. (S. Pancras, Soper=lane,) William Albany, Efq; [1589, & w. T';^o»2^«^,i565,Allhallows,BreadStr,] Philip Albert. (S. Lawrence, Jewry,) Dame Julian Albert on. (Auftin Friars.) Alderban, a Gafcoigne. (S. Bartholomew, Exchange.) Samuel Alderjey. [1633: S. Stephen, Coleman Str.] Aid] CATALOGUE OF TOMBES. William Aldridge. Richard Aldworth, Efq ; with Elizabeth his wife. [1603: S. Andrew, Hoi; born,] Laurentius Alert horp, one of the Can; nons of S, Pauls, Sir John Aleyn [or Allen\ Knight, Lord Maior, [1544,] one of the Privie Council to Hen, 8, anceftor to the now Sir George Aleyn of Eftex, and Sir Thomas Aleyn of London, Knight and Baronet, [Mercers' Cha; pel,] Alice the mother, Lucy the w, & Richard the s, of Kichard Alie, Efq. (S. Dunftan's in the E,) Conjlance Alford. Sir John Aliffe, Knight, anceftor to Sir Benjamin Aliffe in the county of EfTex, Richard Alington, Efq; Mafter of the Rolls. Edmund Alijon, Prieft, 15 10. (S. Mary Magdalen, Guildhall.) William Alkin. Edward Allen, Efq ; Sheriff\, Alderman, one of the anceftors of the honour; able Sir Thomas Allen of Finchly, Knight ; and one of the Knights of the Shire for the County of Middlefex, John Allen, 1441. (S, Michael, Wood Str,) Ralph Allen, Sheriff. 1546, (S, Matthew, Friday Str,) Thos. Allen, 1630. (S. Martin, Ludgate,) Thos. Allen, 1698, and John 1699, (S. Sepulchre,) Thos. Allen, 1699. (S. Mary Abchurch.) William Allen : ' His Banners and Arms 'are there, but no monument.' (S, Botolph, Bifhopfgate,) Sir Will. Allen, Alderman, 1574. (Mer; cer's Chapel,) Will. Allen, 1677. (S. Bartholomew the Great.) Joan, w. of Tho. Alleyn, Alderman. 1560, (S, Leonard, Eaftcheap,) Thos. AUeyne. (S, Lawrence, Jewry.) Martin Alleyn, 1432. (AUhallows;in; the;Wall,) Met calf AUington. Sir John Allot, Knight, Lord Maior. [1591 : S, Margaret;Mofes,] Sergeant; Major Alfop. John Alfop, 1661, & w, Frances, 1687, (S, Bride,) Ferdinando Alvazey, Mercator eminens. Nicholas Alwine, L, Mayor. 1505. (S. Mary;le;Bow.) Robert Amades, Goldfmith. (S. Mary Woolnoth,) Sir Fanhope, Lord S. Amand, & w. Elizabeth. (S, Anne, Blackfriars,) Richd. Lord S. Amand, 1508, (S, Anne, Blackfriars.) Sir Henry Amcots, Knight, Lo. Maior. [1554: & w. Dame Joan, 1573: S. Michael, Crooked lane.] John Amer^'e. (Mercer's Chapel,) Sir Henry Anderfon, Knight, Lord Maior, [1599. & w. Eliz : 1605. S, Olave, Jewry.] Thomas Anderfon, i6g6. (S, Catherine's, E, Smithfield.) Mris Anne Andrews. Will. Andrew. (S. Sepulchre.) Nicholas Andrewes. 1606. (Allhallows, Barking.) Lord Angleureoi France. (Auftin Friars.) Dr, Francis Antony, M,D, [1623, & s, John, 1655: S. Bartholomew the Great.] CATALOGUE OF TOMBES. [Ass Thomas Antrobus. [1611: S. Martin, Ludgate,] Sir William Apleton. (Chrift Church,) Thos. Apley ard, 15 15, (S, Auguftine,) Will: Appleyard. (Whitefriars,) John Aprocherch. (Whitefriars,) Sir Allen Apfley, Knight, Lieut, of the Tower, anceftor to Sir Allen Apfley Knight, &c. Sir Alan ApJly, Knight, Leivetenant of the Tower. Father of the worthily honoured Sir Alan Apfly Knight &c. Comptroler to his moft illuftrious Highnefs James Duke of York. John Archer, Fiflimonger, 1 48 7 . (S. Mary Woolchurch.) Ame Argall, daughter of Thomas Argall Efquire, and wife of Clement Syh vefter Efquire. Nicholas Arguz, 1494. (Mercers' Cha; pel.) William Armorer of Northumb. Efq ; Governor to the Pages of Honour of Hen, 8, and anceftor to Sir William and Sir Nicholas Armorer Knights, and neer kinfmen, [1560: Allhallows, Barking.] John Arnold, 1438. (S. Stephen, Cole; man Str.) Sir Iohn Arundell, Knight Banneret, and Knight Battchellour, Receiver Gene; ral for the Dutchey of Lancafter, a branch of that fo antiently flourifliing Family of the Arundells of Lanthern in the County of Cornwall, of which honourable Family there are fome memorable Perfons at this day living. Sir John Arundel, Knight of the Bath, and Knight;Banneret. John Arundel, of Quarnick, com. Corn. Efq. Sir Reinfrede Arundel, 1468. (Chrift Church.) Richard Earl of Arundel i3c. 1397. (Auftin Friars.) John Afcue, Efq. (S. James', Piccadilly.) Dame Elizabeth Afoough. James Afoough, Gent. May d. of Lady Afhbornham. 16 19. (S. Botolph, Alderfgate.) Sir John Ajkburnham Knight, one of the ancienteft families in the kingdom, and one of the anceftors to the honourable Colonel John Afliburn; ham; both of his late and prefent Majefties Bedchamber. [1620: S. Andrew, Holborn.] Iohn Afhburnham Hofpitii prasd. Efq ; a branch of that moft antient and fairely flouriftiing family of the Afti; •burnhams, in the County of Suflex, whereof the honourable Iohn Afti; burnham is the chief. Robert Afhcombe. (S. Alban, Wood Str.) Margaret, w. of Abraham Afoe, d. of Arthur Dee, 1638. (Allhallows, Bark; ing.) Tho. Afhehill. (S. Mildred, Poultry.) John AJhfield, Efq. (S. James', Picca; diUy.) Mris Cxcilia Afhford of the county of Devon. Mris Elizabeth Afhton. Sir ChriJiopher AJkew, or Afcough, Knight, Lord Maior. [1533 : S, John the Evangelift,] William Ajkham, Alderman, (S, Peter, Cornhill.) John Afoough, Citizen and Grocer, huftaand to Mris Alice Aikough now living. Margaret Affelky. (Chrift Church,) Ass] CATALOGUE OF TOMBES. Sir Thomas Afoeldy Knight, fub;Marftial of England, [Crutched Friars,] Sir John Aftley. (Whitefriars,) Will. Aftley, 1676, (S, Bride,) Edvardus Afton hofpitii prasd. Efq ; Sir Ralph AJlry Knight, Lord Maior, anceftor to the Aftries of Woodend in the county of Bedf, [1494. & Man garet & Margery 1492, his wives: S, Martin, Vintry,] Radolphus AJlry, Efq. [i 501 : S, Martin, Vintry,] Will. Athawe, 1484, (S. Leonard, Eaft; cheap,) John Athey & wives Elifabeth, Eleoner, & Sibel. (S, Leonard, Eaftcheap,) Elizabeth, Countefs of Athole. (White; friars,) John Atkenjon. (S, Lawrence, Jewry.) Thos. Atkins, Efq, i486, (S, Peter, Cheap,) Will. Atkinfon, 1678. (S. Dunftan in the Weft.) William Attewel. (S, Giles, Cripplegate,) Robert de Attrabate. (S, Anne, Black; friars,) Walter Atwood, 1683, (S, Margaret, Lothbury,) John Aubry, 1368, s, of the Mayor of Norwich, (Chrift Church,) James Purchet, Lord Audley, 1497. (S, Anne, Blackfriars.) Catherine, w. of Benedict Auguftine. (S. Martin Outwich.) Abrahamus Aurelius. James Auftin, Efq ; anceftor to William Auftin,formerlyofLincolnsInne,Efq ; and both anceftors to Sir James Auftin of the County of Surrey, Knight, i^c. [1602: S. Benet, Paul'sWharf.] John Auften, Efq; 6 Thomas Auflen, Efq; a memorable citizen. Thomas Auften, Efq ; his fons ; two hopeful Gentlemen, lately of Lin; coins Inne, William Auftin, Efq ; father of Sir James Auftin of Surrey, Knight ; and William Auftin of Grays Inne, Efq. William de Avenger. [1360: S. John the Evangelift,] Sir Alexander Avenon Knight, Lord Maior, [1570: S, Peter Cheap,] Lady Alice Avenon. [1574: S, Law; rence, Jewry,] Lady Ifabel de Averne. (Chrift Church,) William Avery, 1671, (S, Mary Mag; dalen, Guildhall,) Nicholas de Avefoy, & w, Margery. (S, James', Piccadilly,) Dame Anne Awnfham, Lady of the late Sir Gideon Awnftiam Knight, [1613 : S, Benet Fink,] Henry Axe, 1699, (S, Dunftan in the Weft,) Tho. Aylefoourgh. (S, Swithin,) Mary., w, of Tho. Aylward. i6(^^. (S. Michael Baflifhaw,) Elizabeth, Peter, Margaret, &' Eliza: beth, children of Peter Jtylworth, & s, Thomas & w. Margaret, 1675, (S, Chriftopher,) John Aylworth. 1693, (S, Mary Ab; church,) Sir Simon Ayres Knight, Lord Maior. Matthceus Babalius, 1567, (S, Olave, Hart Str,) Thomas Baby, 1452, (S, Vedaft Fofter,) Sir Edmund Bacon Knight, James Bacon, Alderman, [1573 ; S. Dunftan;in;the;E.] CATALOGUE OF TOMBES. [Bar Johannes Bacon. William Bacon, 1480. (S. Botolph, Bil; lingfgate.) Henry (1665.) & William Bainbrigg 1672. (S. Chriftopher.) Roger Bainton & d. Ifabel Luther. (Chrift Church.) Edward Baker. 1602. (S. Gregory by S. Paul.) John Baker (S. Lawrence, Jewry.) yVilliam Baker. Nicholas Bakhurft, Sheriff. 1577, (S. Michael Baffiftiaw,) Sir Thomas Baldry Knight, Lo. Maior. [1523 : Mercers' Chapel,] John Baldwin, of Grays Inn, Common Serjeant of London, 1469. (Chrift Church.) Sir Samuel Baldwyn, 1683. (Temple.) Peter Baliell, 15 16, & w, Annis. (S, Mary Somerfet,) Edw. Ball. Thos. Ball, \67g.znd. VI. Frances 1680, (S, Mildred, Bread Str,) Alice Balflred. (S, Bartholomew the Great,) Robert Balthorp, Efq, [1591 : S, Bar; tholomew the Lefs,] Adam Bamme, M.a.ior of London, 1397, [S, George, Botolph;lane,] Richard Bamme, his fon, of Gilingham in the County of Kent, Efq, [1452 : S, George, Botolph ;lane,] Robert Banburgh, 1437. (S. Mary Ab; church.) Richard Bancraft, bifhop firft of Lon; don, and next Archbiihop of Canter; bury. Margery, w. of Thos. Band (or Baud) & d. of John Huch. (Auftin Friars.) Ralph Bane, Bifhop of Coventry & Lichfield, 1559. (S. Dunftan in the Weft.) Edw. Bankes, Alderman, 1566. (S. Mary;le;Bow.) Thos. Bankes, 1598. (S. Michael le Quern.) John Banks, Efq ; Alderman Deputy of Bafing;Hall Ward. [1630: S. Michael le Quern.] John Bannifter, Efq ; Sheriff and Alder; man of London. John Bannifter, Efq ; of the late Sir Ed. Bannifters family, Drugo Barantine. [& w, Chriftian 1427, S, John Zachary,] Francis Barantine, 1557. (S. Mary Somerfet.) Sir John Barceter Knight, Robert Barer oft, 1679. (S. Andrew, Holborn.) Will. Barde, 1528, (S, Nicholas Cole Abbey,) Dame Agnes w, of Sir William Ban dolph, 1403, (S, James', Piccadilly,) Bardolfs, of Florence, (Chrift Church,) Mary Bareford, with feveral children of Mr, Jonathan Bareford, Margaret Barentine. (Auftin Friars,) Colonel Bariff, his Enfignes hanging over him. Abraham Barin, 1693, (S. Stephen, Walbrook.) Mris Anne Barker, [w, of John Barker. 1629: S, Lawrence, Jewry.) Mary Barker. Nicholas Barker, 1524. (S. Benet, Paul's Wharf) Sir Edward Barkham Knight, Lo, M. anceftor to the now Sir Robert and Sir Edward Barkham Baronets. [1622: S. James', Piccadilly.] Bar] CATALOGUE OF TOMBES. Sir John Barkley. (see Lady M. Chenie.) Lord William, Marquis of Barkley, & Earl of Nottingham 1491. & w. Dame Joane. (Auftin Friars.) Edw. Barnard, 1660. (Temple.) Johannes Barnard. [1503: S. Andrew Wardrobe.] Sir George Barne, L. Mayor, 1552. (S. Bartholomew, Exchange.] Sir George Barne, L. Mayor, 1586. (S. Edmund.) Benedict Barneham, Efq ; anceftor to the now Sir Robert Barneham of Bough; ton in Kent, Baronet, &c. [1598 : S. Clement, Eaftcheap.] Francis Barneham, Efq ; Sheriff. [1576 : S. Clement, Eaftcheap.] Bartholomew Barnes, Efq. [1606: S. Swithin.] Sir Cuthbert Barnes, Knight, Lo Maior. [1521 : S. Mildred, Bread Str.] Elijabeth, w. of Richard Barnes. (S. Giles, Cripplegate.) John Barnes, Mercer and Maior. Richd. Barnes, 1479. (S. Michael Baffi; fhaw.) Robert Barnes. [? Mrs. Earners, d. of George Cotton & w. of] a great Benefactrefs. [1616: S. Catherine Coleman.] Sir Thomas Barnes, (see Lady M. Chenie.) William Barnocke. (S. Michael Royal.) Tho. Barnwell, Sheriff, 1434. (S, Mil; dred, Bread Str.) Richard Baron, I ^^2. (Mercers' Chapel,) Sir Ralph Barons. (Chrift Church,) Francis Barrantine de Hafely Com. Oxf. Efq. Rob. Barre. (S, Michael, Crooked lane,) Anne Barret, wife of Henry Barret; with ten of her children. Humphry Barret. [1501: S. Leonard, Fofter;lane.] Captain Barrow, the fourth fon of Col. Barrow of Dublin. Hannah Barrow, daughter of Mr. Giles Barrow, Wollen Draper. Thomas Barry, Merchant, 1445. (S. Dunftans;in;the;E.) Anne Bartelet, wid. 1596. (S. Stephen, Coleman Str.) John Barter. Laurentius Bartlet. [1470: S, Dunftan in the Weft,] Simon Bartlet, 1428, (S. Lawrence, Jewry ) James Bartlot, & w. Alice. (S, Martin, Vintry,) Johannes Barton, Armig. [1439 : ^• Martin, Ludgate,] Will: Barton, 141 o. (S, Lawrence, Jewry,) Robert Bartram, Baron of Rothale. (Chrift Church,) Alice, wid, of John Barvis. (S, Gregory; by;S, Paul,) Edward Barwiek, Brother to the late Reverend Dean Barwiek, Dean of St, Pauls, and the learned Dr, Peter Barw.ck. MDCL, Dr, John Barwiek, Dean of S. Pauls, Margaret, w, of Arthur Bqfano, 1620. (Allhallows, Barking,) Humphry Bafoervile, Efq ; Sheriff, Sir Humphry Bafoerville, Mercer, She; riff, 1 56 1, (Mercers' Chapel.) Robert Bafoet, L, Mayor, 1476, (All; hallows. Bread Str,) Elizabeth Bafoock. Robert Bateman, Efq ; Chamberlain of London, and anceftor to Richard Bateman, Efq ; Sir Anthony, Sir CATALOGUE OF TOMBES. [Bee William Bateman, Knights ; and Sir Thomas Bateman, Baronet ; all four brothers. John de Bath, 1390. (S. Botolph, Alderfgate.) Dom. Johannes Epifoopus Bathonice &' Wellen. [1540: S. Botolph, Aldgate.] Lancelot Bathurft, Efq ; Alderman, and anceftor to Edward Bathurft, Efq ; and Alderman, now living. [1594: S, Mary Bothaw.] Joha7ines Battail. [Re6tor : 1426 : S. Auguftine.] Ralph and William Batte. (S. Chrifto; pher.) Thos. Bayholt. (Whitefriars.) James Bayles, of the middle Temple, Efq ; very anciently of Potters New; ton, in the County of York, Efquire ; one of the Progenitors ofjohn Bayles, of Willy, in the County of Suffolk, Efq ; now living ; and of his brother Thomas Bayles, one of the benchers of the middle Temple, Efq ; and Counfellor at Law ; who with his young fon and heir Oneale Bayles, (there alfo admitted) compleateth feven defcents of that name and family which have been members of that Illuftrious Society. John Bayliffe, and Elizabeth his wife. Alice, w, of Nicholas Bayly. (S. Bar; tholomew the Lefs.) Sir William Bayly, Knight, and Lord Maior of London. [1533. and w. Dame Catharine : S. Michael Royal.] Andrew Bayning, 16 10, (S. Olave, Hart Str.) Paul Bayning, Efq : 1616. (S, Olave, Hart Str,) Sir Henry Baynton, Knight, Treafurer to the Chamber of Hen, 8, and one of the anceftors of that anciently knightly and opulent family of the Bayntons of Bromhal in the County of Wilts, Robert Beadles, 1682, (S. Catherines, E. Smithfield.) Robert Beal, Efq., 1601, (AUhallows; in;the;Wall,) Johannes de la Bearne, Med, Temp. Socius. John Beauchamp, 1407. (S. Peter, Corn; hill.) Dame Sibile, w, of Roger Beauchampe. (S, Anne, Blackfriars.) Thomas Beaumond, 1457. and w. Alice. (Allhallows, Bread Str.) Lady Catharine Beaumont. [1621 : S. Botolph, Alderfgate.] Francis Beaumont, Efq ; fometimes Governour of the Charter;houfe. George Beaumont, D.D., 1571, (S, Mar; garet, Lothbury,) Henricus Beaumont [.' Knight] int. Temp. Armig. [S. Botolph, Alderfgate.] Lord Beaumont, dau. of, (Auftin Friars,) Lord Beaumont. (S. Anne, Blackfriars.) Nicholas Beaumont, Efq, [1598 : w. Anne, 1 5 8 1 ,] Thomas Beaumond or Beaumont, [s, of Henry, Lord Beaumont, Chrift Church,] WilUam Becam, 1494. & w, Joanna, 1493, (S, Martin Vintry.) Thomas Beckenham, Efq ; [or Becking^ ham, 1576. & Anne his wife, 1565 : S. Olave, Hart Str.] Fredericus a Becker, a Gentleman of Holland, [1663 : S, Catharine's, E, Smithfield,] Anfeline Becket. (S, Margaret, Lothbury.) Bee] CATALOGUE OF TOMBES. Thomas, s. of Sir Will. Beckland (or Berland) Knt, (Auftin Friars,) Thomas Beddingfeild, Efq ; fon and heir of Sir Thomas Beddingfeild, Knight, John Bedham, 1472, (S, Mary;at;Hill,) Henry Beecher, Efq ; Alderman, one of the anceftors to that worthy family of the Beechers in the County of Bedford, [1570 : S, Chriftopher,] William, s. of Will. & Anne Beefton, 1 68 1, (S, Catharine Cree,) Thos. Bekhemton, Clerk of the Pipe, 1429, (S, Anne & Agnes.) Walter Belengham. (S, Michael, Corn; hill,) David Belgay, or Balgay, Efq. Robert Belgrave. (S, Magnus,) Sir James Bell (or Boel), Kt, (Auftin Friars,) Rev, Will. Bell, D,D,, Redor, 1683, (S. Sepulchre.) Robert Bellejdon, L, Mayor, 1591. (S. Auguftine.) Richard Belliman, of Erringham Efq. Hieronymus Benalius. Henry Belwaje, 1458, (S, Martin, Lud; gate.) John Belwin, 1467. (S. Olave, Jewry.) Mary Benam, 1577. (Allhallows, Stain; inc Joan, w. of John Bence, d. of Sampfon Cotton, 1684. (Allhallows;in;the; Wall.) Colinge, s. of Nic. Bendy, iQ>^ . w, Sarah, 169 1, (S, Peter, Cornhill,) Richardus Benefeild, Efq. Francis Benefon. (S, Michael, Cornhill,) Will. Benet. 1492, (S, Sepulchre,) Lydia, w, of Tho. Benly, Jun,, 1637, (Allhallows, Staining.) Katherine Bennet. 10 Lady Bennet, daughter of Sir Chrifto; pher Draper. [S. Dunftans;in;the;E.] Sir John Bennet, Knight, LL.D., and Judge of the high Court of Ad; miralty, a defendant from the no lefs honourable then antient Family of the Bennets, of which the right honourable Henry Lord Bennet and Baron of Ariington, &c., with his Elder Brother Sir John Benet, are chief of that name, and fpreading Familv. Robert Bennet, Efq ; fon and heir of Sir Robert Bennet of Broadwinfor, Knight. Sufan Bennet, wife of Roger Bennet. _ Sir Thomas Bennet Knight, Lo. Maior, anceftor to Sir Thomas Bennet of Babraham in the County of Cam; bridge. Baronet; and Sir Humphry Bennet of Hants, Knight and Colonel. Tho. Bennet. (S. Mardn, Vintry.) Simon Bennington, & w. Joan. (S. Law; rence, Jewry.) Thomas Benolt, Efquire, Clarentius King at Armes. [1534 : S. Helen's.] Robert Benfon. Gulielmus Bently. Thos. Bentley, Efq. (Temple.) Simon de Berching. (S. Alban, Wood Str.) Dame Elizab. Bercklay,v/ik of the late Sir Maurice Bercklay, Knight. Edmund Berford. (Temple.) Sir Simon de Berford. (Whitefriars.) Berkenhead, Efq. Anthony Berkley, Efq ; of the noble family of the Bercleys of Berckly Caftle, com. Gloceft. of which the truly right honourable the Lord George Barckley, is the long Iind Progenitor. CATALOGUE OF TOMBES. [Bir Edward Berkley, Efq., 1669. (S. Helen's.) Francis Berkley, prasd. Hofpitii Efq. Francis Bermerijon. Edvardus Bernard, Armig. Francis Bernard, M,D,, 169^, (S, Botolph, Alderfgate,) Henricus Bernard, inter. Temp. Armig. John Bernes, L. Mayor, 1370, (S, Pan; eras, Soper;lane.) John Bernigham, Efq. (S. James', Picca; dilly.) Vr^ula Beftney, daughter of Nicholas Beftney, Efq, WiUiam Be ft one, Efq, William Bejwick, Alderman, [1567: S, Lawrence Pountney,] Simon Betach, fon of Robert Betach, Efq, Thos. Bet/on. (S, Martin Vintry,) Walter Bever. (Chrift Church,) Mris Frances Beverfham,vi\ie ofWilliam Beverfham of Grays Inne, Efq, Mr, Thomas Bewly, late of Grays Inne, their fon, [1658 : Allhallows, Stain; ing.] Mris Bewly, wife of Thomas Bewly of Hall;place in the County of Kent, Gent, [i65|-: Allhallows, Staining,] TheophUus Biddolph, fon of Sir Theo; philus Biddolph, Knight and Baronet, Iohn Bide, Efq ; and Alderman of London, Father of the worthy Sir Thomas Bide, Knight B., now living, Benjamin Biddle, 1690, (S. Magnus,) Reginaldus Biens, Armig, [161 1: S, Andrew, Holborn,] Bartilmew Bildington. (S, Bartholomew the Lefs,) Johannes BiU, Armig, father to Ser; geant;Major Bill of Cainwood, &c. [1630 : S. Anne, Blackfriars.] Henry Billidge, Silk;dyer, Captain Billier's two daughters, Mrs. Bridget, 2nd w, of Sir Henry Bi. ' lingftey, d. of Sir Chriftopher Draper. (S. Dunftan in the E.) Sir Henry BiUingftey, Knight, Lord Maior. [1606: S. Catharine Coleman.] 'L.zdj Elizabeth Billinglley, his firft wife. [1577 : fome church.'] Elizabeth, wife of Tho. Billingfly, F,fq. Tho. Bilfington. (S. Botolph, Alderfgate.) Edith Bilfon, Daughter of Peter Bettes; worth of Finning comit. Suflex, Efq ; and wite of Thomas Bilfon of Maple Durrham, Efquire, from which worthy Family and faire feat, the worthily honoured both for his learning and humanity Leonard Bilfon of Maple Durrham, Efquire, and Sergeant Major of the County Forces, is lineally descended, with his Brother William both living. Thomas Bilfon, Efquire, fonne and heir of Sir Thomas Bilfon of Maple Durr; ham comit. Hants, Knight, Stylo Veteri. John Bingham, Efq. 'Hit Iohn Bingham of BinghamsMelcombe Com. Dorf , Knight, and fometimes GeneraU of Queen Elizabeths Armies, and one of the long lined anceftors to Iohn Bingham of Binghams Mel; combe, com. prasd., Efq ; at this day living. William Bir a, 1698. (S. Lawrence, Jewry.) Capt. James Birkdel. [1652 : S, Catha; rine Coleman,] Elizabeth Birkened, 1659, (S. Bartholo; mew the Great,) Edward Birkhead, Efq ; brother to II Bis] CATALOGUE OF TOMBES. Major Birkhead of Holborn, Citizen and Goldfmith of London. Catharine, 1686, d, oi Samuel (^1700^ & Sarah Bifoop (1690,) (Auftin Friars,) Rogerus Bifhop, Gen, [Temple,] Mris Eliz. Bijpham, late wife of Dr, William Bifpham, Prebend df Weft; chefter. Elijabeth v^. o? Samuel Blackerby, 1691, (S, Sepulchre,) Arthur Blaekmore, Painter;ftainer, or Arms;Painter, fon of Capt. Ralph Blaekmore, Mercer, and fometimes Pro;Governour of Berwick, Mark Blackmoore, J, C, Sir Thomas Blackwell, Knight, defcended from the worthy Family of the Black; wells in the North, Mary, d. of Col, Blagge. (S. Dunftan in the W.) Benjamin & Thomas, fons of Thos. Blagrave, 1676. (S. Chriftopher.) Sir Thomas Blanck, Knight, Lo. Maior. [1588.] Dame Margaret Blanck, his wife. [1596: S. Mary;at;Hill.] Sir John Blanckwell, & w. (Auftin Friars.) Robert Blanckworth. Thomas Bledlow, Sheriff^, 1472. (S. Dunftan's in the E.) Jeffrey Blifs & w. Elifabeth, 1689. (S. Mary Magdalen, Old Fifti Str.) Henry Blitheman. [1591 : S. Nicholas Olave.] Edvardus Blomley, Armig., heir of that ancient family of the Blomleys in Chefheir, whence Laurence Blomley of the Inner Temple, Efq ; and Counfellor at Law, of a good ftand; ing, is original defcended. Elizabeth Blofs. Nicholas Blondell, Efq. (Auftin Friars.) Mris. Anne [w. of Charles'] Blount. [1686: S. Bride.] Charles Blount, Lord Mountjoy, 1545. (S, Mary Aldermary.) John Blount, Citizen. [1599: S. Michael, Wood Str.] Sir Michael Blount, Lieut, of the Tower. Sir Richard Blount, Knight, Lieut, of the Tower. Thomas Blount de Glafoy, in the County of Salop Efq ; and chief Cuftomer of the Port of London, and one of the long Iind anceftors to Collonel Thomas Blount de VVrittle Marfti C. Kent Efq ; originally defcending from that truely noble, and renowned Family of the Blounts de Sellington alias Sadington, in the faid County of Salop. Sir Walter Blount, Knight of the Garter. [1474 : Chrift Church.] John Blund, L, Mayor, 1307. (S, Magnus,) John Blundel, Citizen and Fruiterer of London, [& wives Margaret ii Alice, 1474: S, Mary Somerfet,] Walter Blundel, 1320. (S, Lawrence, Jewry,) AUce Blunt, Lady Mountjoy, w, of Will. Browne, 1521, (Chrift Church,) Anne, d, of John Blunt, Lord Mountjoy. (Chrift Church,) Edward Blunt, Lord Mountjoy, 1475. (Chrift Church,) Henry Blunt & Dame Elizabeth. (Whitefriars.) Sir James Blunt. (Chrift Church,) John Blunt, Lord Mountjoy, 1485. (Chrift Church,) Sir John Blunt, 1531, (Chrift Church.) 12 CATALOGUE OF TOMBES. [Bow Rowland Blunt, Efq,, 1509, (Chrift Church,) William Blunt, Lord Mountjoy, 1534, (Chrift Church,) William Blunt, Efq. (Chrift Church.) Dame Anne Bodely, wife of the late Sir Thomas Bodely. \f S, Bartholo; mew the Lefs,] Sir Humphrey Bohun, Earl of Hereford, t?c,, 136 1. (Auftin Friars,) Robert Bois, 1485, (S, Mildred, Poultry.) Peter Bold, of Boldhall comit. Lancaft,, Efq, Thomas Bole, 1427, (S, Bartholomew the Lefs,) Thos. Boleyne, Efq,, 147 1. (S, Law; rence, Jewry,) Sir John Bolle, Baronet, 1685, (S, Swithin,) Sir George Bolles, Knight, Lord Maior, anceftor to the now Sir John Bolles of Scampton, Baronet. [1621 : S. Swithin.] John Bolt, 1459. (Allhallows, Barking.) Agnes Bond, wife of the late William Bond, Efq. Sir George Bond, Knight, Lord Maior. [1587 : Mercers' Chapel.] John Bond, 1 504. (S. Dionis Backchurch.) Captain Martin Bond, his [William's] fon; both immediate anceftors to the xnoft obliging William Bond, Efq ; and Alderman of London, now living. [1643 : S. Helens.] Nicholas Bond. (S. Dunftan's in the E.) William Bond, Efquire, Sheriff and Alderman of London. [1576 : S. Helen's.] Roger Bontjant. (S. Lawrence, Jewry.) John Booker, Aflrologer, 1667. (S. James', Piccadilly.) Guil. Booth, eldeft fon of Sir George, now Lord Booth, Baron of Delamere. William Borefhie. (S. Chriftopher.) Edw. Borias & w. (S. Olave, Jewry.) John Boftocke, Efq. (Allhallows, Stain; ing.) John Bofton and his w. (S. Pancras, Soper;lane.) Francis Bqfwel. (See F. Walker.) William Botelar. (See J. de Mollintor.) Dame Jane Boteler. (S. Anne, Black; friars.) Sir John Boteler. (Chrift Church.) Thomas Boteler, fonne of the faid James, and Brother of James Earl of Wilt; fhire and Earl of Ormond ; both of them the illuftrious Progenitors of His Grace James, Duke, Marquefs and Earl of Ormond, and Lord Lieu; tenant of Ireland, &c., now living. [1515 : Mercers Chapel.] Will. Bothe, 1434. (S. Mary Wool; church.) Elizabeth Boulen. (Chrift Church.) William Boulton, the laft Prior of great S. Bartholomews. John, Duke of Bourbon, &c., 1433, (Chrift Church.) Sir Perjyval Bourbon. (Chrift Church.) W. Bourdeaux. (See W. Multon.) Sufan & Margaret d's. of Walter Bourchier, 1690. (S. Andrew, Hoi; born.) Lady Ifabel Bourgchier, 1500. (S, Michael;Royal.) Proctor s, of Edw. & Elijabeth Bourn, 1688, (S. Andrew Underfliaft,) Sir W. Bourfer. (Auftin Friars,) Joane de Bovelin. Richard Bowdler, Draper, 1603. (S. Bartholomew, Exchange.) 13 Bow] CATALOGUE OF TOMBES. Sir Martin Bowes, Knight, Lord Maior. [1566 : S. Mary Woolnoth.] Robert Bowes. William Bowes. (Crutched Friars.) Francis Bowyer, of Chichefter, Efq ; Alderman. [1581 : S. Nicholas Aeon.] Robert Bowyer fY.{<\ ; Alderman, very anciently of Kinperfley ; anceftor to Sir William Bowyer of Denham in the County of Buckingham, Knight, and of Sir Edmund Bowyer, ori; ginally of Suffex, now of Camberwel in the County of Surrey, Knight, Baronet, and Knight of the Shire. [& w. Margaret : S. Olave, Jewry.] Sir William Bowyer, Knight, Lord Maior. [1543: S. Peter, Cornhill.] Elizabeth Boyd. Sir Philip Boyl, a valiant Knight of Arragon, whofe Anceftors were Founders of Abby, or Abbats Boyl in Ireland ; which Sir Philip was one of the ancient Progenitors of the Right Honourable Richard Boyl, Earl of Burlington, and Earl Corck ; and of his two noble Brothers, the right honourable Roger, Earl of Orery, and the right honourable Robert Boyl, his younger Brother, £5?^. Sir Matthew Boynton, Baronet. Johannes Boys, 1430. (S. Michael, Corn; hill.) Lady Beatrix Brabazon. (Chrift Church.) Margaret, w. of John Bracebridge, 1446. (Mercers' Chapel.) Stephen Brackenberry, Gent. Richd. Bradbandge. 1497. (S. Nicholas, Cole Abbey.) Barbara Bradberry. [1583. & Mary Somers, 1 598 : S. Botolph, Alderfgate.] Robert Bradbury, 1489. (Chrift Church.) 14 Thomas Bradbury, L. Mayor, 1509. (S. Stephen, Coleman St.) Thomas Bradbury. (Chrift Church.) Richard Bradley, Citizen. John Bradmore, & wives Margaret & Catherine, 1411. (S. Botolph, Alders; gate.) Peter Bradfhaw, Efq ; anceftor to Mr. Francis Bradfhaw, late Draper of London, ^c. Stephen Brakynbury, 1563 : & w. Joan. (S. Anne & Agnes.) John Brampton. (S. Michael, Crooked Lane.) William Brampton, Alderman. (S. Peter, Cornhill.) William Brampton. (S. Magnus.) John Bramre, of Gray's Inn, 1498. (Chrift Church.) Anne Branch, [w. of John. 161 1 : S. Botolph, Alderfgate.] Sir John Branch, Knight, Lord Maior, [1588,] Dame Hellena Branch, his wife, [S, Mary Abchurch.] Robert Branch, 1567. (S. Magnus.) Charles Brandon, Duke of Suffolk, his Armes in St. George's Church win; dows in Southwark, to which he was a good Benefactour, Sir Thos. Brandon, K,G., 1509. (S. Anne, Blackfriars.) William Brane. (S. Magnus.) Sir Hugh Brawne, Knight, &c, Nicholas Bray. (S, Margaret Mofes,) Reginold Bray, Efq, (Arms in Temple Hall,) William Braynwood, Parifli Clerk, and w, Margery, 1586, (S, Andrew Underfliaft,) Adam Breakfpeare, Chaplain, 1411, (S. Olave, Jewry.) CATALOGUE OF TOMBES. [Bro William Break/pear, 146 1. (S. John Zachary.) Martha, d. o? Francis Breerewood, Efq., and w. of Roger Burroughs, 1698. (S. Peter, Cornhill.) Sir Nicholas Brembar, Lord Mayor, 1386. (Chrift Church.) Nicholas Bremifgrave, Armig. \f Rev., 1 41 6: Allhallows, Barking,] Allen Bret, 1425. (S, Botolph, Alders; gate,) John Breton, Efq, (S. James', Picca; dilly,) Johannes Breton, 1500, (S, Peter, Cornhill.) Robert Brett. [1580: & w. Elizabeth, 1596 : S, Auguftine,] Mris Elizabeth Bretton, &c. Rev, John Breux, Rector, 1492, (S, Martin Outwich,) Richard de Brewes. (S, Anne, Black; friars,) Daniel Brewfter, 1697, (S, Chrifto; pher.) John Brewfter, Efq ; one of the an; ceftors to John Brewfter, of Gray's Inne, Efq ; and alfo of Mr. Edward Brewfter of St. Paul's Churchyard, Citizen and Bookfeller. [1609 : S. Sepulchre.] Samuel Brewfter, of the Inner Temple, 1684. (S. Alphage.) John Brian. (S. Olave, Jewry.) John Brian, Alderman, temp. Henry V. (HoIy;Trinity;the=Lefs.) Thomas Briar, 14 10. (S, Benet Fink,) Guy Brice (or Boys). S, Mary Wool; noth. Sir Hugh Brice, Knight, Lord Maior, [temp. Henry VII, : S, Mary Wool; noth,] Johannes Brickies. [Draper, 145 1: All; hallows;the;Great,] Capt, John Bridal, and w. Mary, 1694, (S, Dunftan in the Weft,) Sir John Bridges, L, Mayor, 1520. (S, Nicholas Aeon,) Georgius Briggis, Armig, Capitaneus, [1663 : S, Helen's,] David Brigges, Efq ; Sheriff, anceftor to William Brigges of Rickmers; worth. Esq ; [1626: S, Mary, Alder; manbury,] Mary Brigges. [d. of Thomas Crofts & w, of David Briggs, 1610 : S, Mary Aldermanbury,] John Brigget. (S, Giles, Cripplegate,) Walter Briggin. William Briggin, Merchant Taylor, 1625, (S, Helen's,) Richard Brigham, Efq ; Controuler to George and William, Archbifhops of Canterbury, Ralph Brijco, 1673. (S. Sepulchre.) Jorden Brijet, Founder of Clerkenwel; Priory. Robert Briftow. (Whitefriars.) Tho. Britaine, 1501. (S. Dionis Back; church.) Beatrix, Duchess of Britanny, d. of Edward III. (.? Chrift Church.) Eleanor, w. of John Duke of Britanny. (Chrift Church.) John Briton. (S. Mary Aldermary.) Sir Robert Br ocas. (Whitefriars.) Thomas Brocas, Gent, fervant to the late Earl of Surrey. [151 1 : S. Mary Somerfet.] Alan Broderick, fon of Sir Thomas Broderick, Knight, &c. John Broke. (S. Chriftopher.) Alice Brome. (See John Coventry.) 15 Bru] CATALOGUE OF TOMBES. Sir Hugh Bromeflete. (Whitefriars.) Edward Bromfit, 1460. (S. Michael Bafsifhaw.) Dame Anne Bromley, wife of Sir John Bromley, Knight. Humphrey Brook, M.D., 1693. (S, Andrew Underfhaft,) Dame Mary Brook [or Broke], daughter to the Lord Brook, one of the Barons of the Exchequer, [1589: S, Thomas, Apoftle.] Thomas Brook [or Browke], Efq, [i 546 : & w. Alice. S. Dunftan in the Weft.] Anne, d. of Jojeph & Mary Brookbank, 1697. (S. Olave, Jewry.) Will. Brookes. (S. Bartholomew the Lefs.) John Brooking, of the Middle Temple, 1 69 1. (S. Catharine Cree.) William Brofted, Efq. (Crutched Friars.) William Brothers, 1547. (S. Mildred, Poultry.) Will. Browderce, Efq. (Auftin Friars.) Mary Brown, 1699. (Chrift Church.) William, s. of William Brown, 1683. (S. Vedaft Fofter.) Browne and Fifhbourne. Appolina Browne, of Shredicote, co. Stafford, &c. (See P. Gunter^ Beatrix, d. of Will. Browne. (S. Catha; rine Cree.) Elizabeth Browne. (See E. RawHorne.) Sir George Browne, & w. Elifabeth. (S. Anne, Blackfriars.) Hanna, w. o{ Daniel Browne, 1695, (& fon;in;law Dixi Kent : & his w, Jane, 1696.) & he d. 1698. (S, Stephen Walbrook,) Henricus Browne, a memorable Mer; chant, 16 Sir Humfrey Browne, Lord Chief Jus; tice, 1562, (S. Martin Orgar.) James Browne, fon of Humphrey Browne, Merchant, John Browne, Sergeant;Painter to Hen. 8. and Alderman of London. [1532 : S, Vedaft Fofter,] John Browne, Alderman, 1474. (S. James, Garlickhithe.) Sir John Browne, L, Mayor, 1497. (S. Mary Magdalen, Milk Str,) Sir John Browne. (Whitefriars,) The Lady Browne, late wife of the now Sir Richard Browne, Knight and Baronet, and Major;General of all the Militia of London, Mrs. Mary, 1692. d. o? John Browning, 1687. (S. Lawrence, Jewry.) Randulphus Brownrigge, Epifo. Lond. \f Exon : Temple.] Richard Browne, Efq., 1546. (All; hallows. Barking.) Thomas Browne, Efq., of Shredi; cote, CO. Stafford, &c. (See P. Gunter.) Sir Thos. Browne, & w, Eleanor. (S. Anne, Blackfriars.) Sir William Browne, L. Mayor, 1507. (S. Mary Aldermanbury.) William Browne, L. Mayor, 15 13. (Mercer's Chapel.) William Browne, L. Mayor, 15 13. (S. Mary Magdalen, Milk Str.) Edvmrd Lord Bruce, Baron of Kinloffe, one of the Princely Progenitours of the Right honourable and eminently noble Edward Earle of Alifbury and Earle of Elgin, now living. [1610: Rolls Chapel.] Sir John Brudge, L, Mayor, 1530. (S, Nicholas Aeon's,) CATALOGUE OF TOMBES. [Bur Sir Thomas Brugge or Bruges, of Dimmock in Gloucefterfhire, Knight. Lady Elizabeth Bruges, wife of the Lord Chandois. Joan, w. of Richard Bruyn, de Elftng'- ham, 1462, (Allhallows;the;Great,) Ade de Buck. James Buck, S,T,P,, 1685, (S, Peter, Cornhill,) William Bucke, 1501, (S, Mary Alder; manbury,) WiU. Buckby, 1685, (S, Sepulchre,) Edward, Duke of Buckingham, 1521, (Auftin Friars,) Eleanor, Duchefs of Buckingham. (Chrift Church,) Iohn Buekland, hofpitii prasdidli, Efq, Sir Cutbert Buckle, Knight, anceftor to Sir Chriftopher Buckle Knight ; and both to Lieut. ;Col. Buckle of Bur; rough neer Bamfted;downs. [1594 : S. Mary;at;Hill.] Mary, w. o? George Buckley, 1677. (S. Botolph, Alderfgate.) Johannes Buckley. John Buckfton, & w. Cecilia, 1425. (S. Leonard Eaftcheap.) John Bugge, temp. Hen. VI, (S, Dionis Backchurch.) Stephen Bugge, 141 9. (S. Mildred, Bread Str. Ade de Buke. (S. Mary le Bow.) George Buggins. Arthur Bulkley, hofpitii prsed, Efq. Matthew Bull. Nicholas Bull. (S. Antholins.) Sir Godfrey BuUen, or Bollen, anceftor to Anne Bullen, mother of Queene Ehzabeth of famous memory. [1463 : S. Lawrence, Jewry.] Sir Godfrey Bullen, or Bollen ; one of Brothers and Sifters. the fons of Sir Godfrey, buried in Mercers' Chapel. Richard Bullen, or Bollen. [1563 : S. Giles, Cripplegate.] William Bullen, \t^'] 6. (S.Giles, Cripple; gate.) Lady Anne Bulftrode, widdow of the faid John Bannifter, Henry Daniel, Mary Daniel, Anne Daniel, James Bunce, Efq ; father of the honourable Sir James Bunce, Knight and Baronet, Qc. [1631 : S. Benet Gracechurch.] Cuthbert Burby. (See H. Turner.) Thos. Burdet, Efq. 1477. (Chrift Church.) Sir W. Burfire. (See Lady M. Chenie.) Rob. Burgener, 1361. (S. Leonard, Eaftcheap.) Thos. Burgeyn. (S. Bartholomew the Lefs.) Hubert de Burgo, Earl of Kent. (S. Anne, Blackfriars.) James Burkin, Merchant, & his w, Jane, d, of John Letbienler, 1675, (S. Dunftan's;in;the;E,) Edmund Burlacy, 1583, (S, Olave, Jewry,) Robert Burley, 1360. (S, Pancras, Soper-lane,) Henry Burnefold, Citizen, with his wife. Sir Edmund Burnel. (Chrift Church,) Edward, s. of Lord Burnel. (Chrift Church.) John Burnel. Mary Burnel. [.^ 1562 : S, Botolph, Alderfgate,] Tho. Burnel. [or Burnall, 1548 : S. Olave, Hart Str.J 17 Bur] CATALOGUE OF TOMBES. Barbara Burnell. (window in S. Law; rence, Jewry, 1618,) Sir Thomas Burgone, Knight, \f\ anceftor to the Knightly family of the Burgoines in the county of Bed; ford, [1517 : S, Lawrence, Jewry.] Andrew Burr el, of Gray's Inn, 1487. (S. Michael, Crooked-lane.) Roger Burroughs, (see M. Breerewood.) Robert Burfted. [1417 : S. Auguftine.] Edw. Burton, M.A., 1700. (S. Mary Woolnoth.) John Burton, 1460. (S. Michael Baffi; fhaw.) Symon Burton. [1593 : S. Andrew Underfliaft.] Thomas Burton. Sir Bartholomew Burwafh, w. Elifabeth & s. John. (Chrift Church.) Captain William Bufhel. Thomas Bufby, a memorable Patriot, one of the anceftors of Sir John Bufby, of Buckinghamfhire, and of the moft eminently learned and ex; emplarily obliging Doctor Richard Bufhy, Prebendary of Weftminfter, and many years the moft happy Mafter of that fo famous Freefchool. [1575 : S. Giles, Cripplegate.] Mr. Bufs (or Brifs), 1559. (S. Mar- garet;Mofes.) Matthews Buft. Elianor, d. of Sir Thomas Butler, Lord Sudley. (S. Helen's.) Francis Butler. Lord Francis Butler, or Boteler. James Butler or Boteler, Earl of Or; mond. [& Dame Johan his Countefs, 1430 : Mercers' Chapel.] John Butler, Sheriff in 1420. (S. Peter, Cheap.) John Butler, Sheriff, 1420. (S. Swithin.) Thomafine, w. of Thos. Butler, 1573. (S. Andrew Wardrobe.) Sir William Butler, L. Mayor, 1515. (Mercers' Chapel), Alan Buxhall. (Chrift Church,) Hutton Byerley, 1695. (Temple,) Alice Byng, d, o? Simon Burton, 16 16, & w, of Richard Waterfon, and of Francis Coldock and of Ii'aac Byng. (S. Andrew Underfliaft,) Robert Byrche, 1433, (S, Olave, Hart Str.) John Byrz, 141 7. (S. Bartholomew the Lefs.) Rev. Thomas Cafi, 1475. (Allhallows, Barking.) Anthony Cage. [1583 : S. Matthew, Friday Str.] Robsrtus Cage, Armig. Robert Caldcot & wives Johan & Agnes. (S. Bartholomew the Lefs.) Florence Caldwel, Efq. [1590 : S. Martin, Ludgate.] Laurence Caldwel [1625.] & w. Mary. [162 1 : S. Michael, Cornhill.] Ralph Caldwel, of Gray's Inn, 1527. (S. Anne & Agnes.) John Caler, w. of, 1694. and s. John. (S. Clement Eaftcheap.) John Calfe, 1426. (S. Nicholas, Cole Abbey.) Sir Henry Calthorp, Knight, defcended from Sir Henry Calthorp, Knight, temp. Hen. 7. Robert Calthrope, L, Mayor, 1588. (S. Peter;le;Poor.) Thomas Calvert, Citizen and Merchant- Taylor. Richard Cambden, Gen. CATALOGUE OF TOMBES. [Cav Sir James Cambel, Knight, Lo. Maior, Grandchild of the faid Sir Thomas. Robertus Cambel, Efq ; Alderman, fon of Sir Thomas, father of the late Sir James Cambel. Robert Cambel his fon, Alderman. Sir Thomas Cambel [Campbell], Knight, Lord Maior. [1613 : S, Olave, Jewry,] Sir Reynold de Cambrey. (Chrift Church,) Will. Cambridge, L, Mayor, 1420, (S. Mary;at;Hill.) Dame Joan, d, of Sir John Caine, & w, of Sir Guy Brian. (S, Anne, Black friars,) Edward Campion, praed, hofp. Efq. Giles Campion, 1697. (S. Dunftan in the Weft.) Will. Campneis. (S. Thomas Apoftle.) William de Monte Canifto, w. of. (Chrift Church.) Rev. Thos. Cane, Rector, 1444. (S. Mary Somerfet.) Thos. Canon, or Gernon, Sherifl^, 1410. (Mercers' Chapel.) Henry Cantelaw, Mercer, and Merchant of the Staple of Calice. [1495 : S. Mary Magdalen, Milk Str,] Sir William Cantlow, 1462, (S, Mary Magdalen, Milk Str.) Sir William Capel, Knight, Lo. Maior ; one of the anceftors to the now Earl of Efl"ex, [i 509 : S, Bartholomew, Exchange,] Mr, Capwood. Peter, Bifhop of Carbon, Hungary, 1 3 3 1 , (Chrift Church,) Roger Cardiffe, hofpitii prasdidi, Efq. Lady Elizabeth Carew. (S, Botolph, Aldgate,) ^\x Matthew Car^w of Corn wal, Knight; one of the anceftors to George Carew of Richmond, Efq ; and one of his Majefties Privie Chamber, [1538 : S, Botolph, Aldgate,] Sir Nicholas Carew, Knight of the Garter, and anceftor to the now Sir Nicholas Carew of Beddington. Thomas Carew de Haccomb in the County of Devon, Efq. John Carleton. (S. Bartholomew the Great.) Alexander Carlile, Vintner. Roger Carlile. [f CarU, 1665. &c : S. Andrew, Holborn.] The Lord Caroone, Embaflador Leidger from the States of Holland, his Atchievement in the fame Church. Alice Carpenter. Jane Carpenter. John Carre. Nicholas Carre. (S. Anne, Blackfriars.) Joane Cartwright. [1609: S. Andrew Underfliaft.] Samuel Cartwright . William Cartwright, hofpitii praed, Efq, Paul Carter, 1699. (S. Mary;le=Bow.) Henry Lord Cary, fonne to the late Henry, Earl of Monmouth. Sir Bartholomew Cafter. (Chrift Church.) William Caftleton. (S. Martin, Vintry.) Tho. Catazii. Edward Catcher, Pewterer. (S. Peter le Poor.) Henry Caufton, 1396. (S. Thomas Apoftle.) Alice, w. of Tho. Cavendifh, 151 5, (S, Botolph, Alderfgate.) Catarina, w. of Wilhelmi Cavendifh, 1499. (S. Botolph, Alderfgate.) Margaret, w. of William Cavendifh, 19 Cav] CATALOGUE OF TOMBES. s. oi Alice, 1540. (S. Botolph, Alders; gate.) Sir Stephen Cavendifh, Knight, [.''] Lord Maior. [1362: Mercers' Chapel.] Thomas Cavendifti, 1524. (Mercers' Chapel.) William Cavendifh, Efq; Sherifi\ [Mer; cers' Chapel,] William Cavendifh, Efq ; one of the anceftors of the Illuftrious William Cavendifh, Duke, Marquis, and Earl of Newcaftle. Will. Cawle. (Whitefriars.) Anne Cawood. (S. Mary Woolchurch.) Robert Cawood, 1466. (S. Botolph, Alderfgate.) Matilda Caxton. (S. Swithin.) William Ceely,]662. (Temple.) Richard Cely. [& Robert Ceh: S, Olave, Hart Street,] Sir Julius CaJar [alias Adelmare.] Knight, Mafter of the Rolls, ances; tor to Sir Henry Casfar of the County of Hertf [1636, & w.Anne: S, Helens.] Dr. Chadwell. (S. Benet, Paul's Wharf.) Sir John Chadworth, or Shadworth, Knight, Lord Maior. Sir Robert Chalons, & s. John, 1439. (Chrift Church.) Thomas Chalton, Lord Mayor in 1550. (S. Alban, Wood Str.) John Chamber. (Holy Trinity the Lefs.) Abraham Chamberlan, a memorable Merchant, and Father of Sir Thomas Chamberlan of Middlefex, Knight, now living. Charles Chamberlain. (See Laurence.) Chriftopher Chamberlain, 1640. (S. Helen's.) Hefter, d. of Sir Thomas Chamberlain 20 & w, Mary Burlamachi, 1691. (S. Stephen, Coleman Str.) Richd. Chamberlain, Sheriff, 1566, (S. Olave, Jewry,) Sir Robert Chamberlaine, alias Tankevile, Knight of the Bath, anceftor of that Knightly family of the Chamber lains, alias Tankeviles in the County of Oxford. [161 5: S, Bartholomew the Great.] Seagrave, fon of the Hon. Col. Edmund Chamberlain, 1675. (S, James, Gar lickhithe,) Thomas Chamberlain, Purveyor, 1684. & w, Mary, 1686, (S, Helen's,) John Chamberlayne. [w, Joan, S, Giles, Cripplegate.] Richardus Chamberlayne, Generojus. [Auftin Friars.] Thomas Chamberlayne, M.D. Judith, w. of Richard Chambers, Efq., 1668. (S. Martin Outwich.) Mary, w. of Henry Chambers, 1680. (S. George, Botolph;lane.) Peter Champion, 1511. (Chrift Church.) Sir Richard Champion, Knight, Lord Maior. [1568 : S. Dunftan in the E.] Walter Champion, Sheriff, 1529. (S. Anthony's Hofpital.) William Champion, Citizen and Grocer. William Chapman, Citizen and Mer chant. Richd. Chandler, 1691, and brother John, 1 6 8 6 . (S. Mary, Aldermanbury.) John, s. of Robert Chanlowes. (White friars.) Dame Ifabel,vf. oi Roger, Baron Chanoyes. (Chrift Church.) Francis Chape. (Chrift Church.) Anne, w. of JoJeph Chaplain, 169 (S. Margaret Pattens.) 2- CATALOGUE OF TOMBES. [Chi Edmund Chapman, Efq ; fervant to Queen Elizabeth. [1588: S James, Garlickhithe,] Guil. Chapman. [1446 : S. Dunftan in the Weft,] Henry Chapman, 1700. (S, Margaret, Lothbury.) Sir Ambrofe Char cam. Knight. [S, James' Piccadilly,] CHARLES the Firft, of moft blefled Memory, his Epitaph, Thomas Charles, Efq, (Auftin Friars,) Em.[me] Charleton. [1622: Allhallows, Staining,] Mris Mary Charleton. Henry Chorion, of Wolverington in the County of Salop, Armig. Robert Chart fey, Shtnff, 1548. (S. Law; rence, Jewry.) Walter Chartfey, 1430, (S. Lawrence, Jewry,) Mris Chatterton, wife of Mr, Chatterton of Pater;nofter row, Thomas Chatworth, L, Mayor, 1443. (S. Alban, Wood Str.) Richard Chaucer, Vintner, father to Sir Geoffey Chaucer, [1348 : S, Mary Aldermary,] William Chavvorth, Efquire, fecond [_- fonne of the late Sir John Chaworth • of Winnerton, in the County of Nottingham, Knight, Sir Richard Chaury, L. Mayor, 1509. •"(Allhallows, Bread Str.) Sir John Cheke, (moft antiently Cheque) ^^ tutor to Edward the fixth, [1557 : S. Alban, Wood Str.] Sir Thomas Cheke, Knight, his Gran; child ; both anceftors to Robert Cheke of Pergoe in Efl"ex, Efq ; &c, and Thomas Cheke his brother, one of the Efquires of his Majefties body, and one of the captains of his Majefties Guard, Agnes Chenie, wife of William Chenie, Efq, Sir Allen Chenie, Knight, [Chrift Church,] Dame Margaret, daughter of Sir Ralp Chenie. [w, of Sir John Barkley, of Sir Thomas Barnes, and of Sir W. Burfire : S, James', Piccadilly,] Richard Cheney. (See B. Elmore.) Thomas, s. of William Cheyney. (S. Alphage.) Sir William Cheny, Knight, a defcendant from that moft antient and Lordly Family of the Chenies : often Barons of the Realme, and eminent long before the Barons' warrs : and the lineal anceftors of the worthy hon; oared Charles Cheny de Chefham'-boys, Com. Bucks, Efq; at this day living. [Sons Thomas, John, & William, & d. Joan. S. Alphage : Sir William & w. Margaret : S. Benet, Paul's Wharf] Alexander Cheny. (S. Helens.) Francis Cherry. Chefliam. (S. Michael, Cornhill.) Robert Cheftyn, Alderman, Robert Cheftyn, a Divine, his fon. John Chefter, Draper. (Mercers' Chapel,) Richard Chefter, Alderman, 1484, (S, Botolph, Aldgate,) Sir William Chefter, Knight, [L, Mayor, 1560 : S. Edmund,] Anne Chetwind, wife of Henry Chet; wind, Efq, Sir Robert Chicheley, L, Mayor, 1437. (S, James, Garlickhithe.) Sir Robert Chichely, Knight, Lord 21 Chi] CATALOGUE OF TOMBES. Maior, [1428: S, Stephen, Wal; brook.] Robert Chichely, Efq ; one of the an; ceftors of the worthily honoured Henry Chichely, Efq. &c. Roger Chilbury, Efq. (Auftin Friars.) Robert Chilcot. Robert Chirwide, Efq, (S, James', Piccadilly,) Mary, w, of Richd. Chijwel, 1698, (Chrift Church,) John Chitcroft, Efq, (S, Catherine Cree,) Jqfper Cholmeley. [1586: S, Martin, Ludgate,] Ralph Cholmeley, 1563. (S. Dunftan in the Weft.) Sir Roger Cholmeley, 1538, (S, Dunftan in the Weft.) Sir Roger Cholmeley, Knight. [S. Martin, Ludgate.] Richd. Choppin, Sheriff in 1530. (S. Giles, Cripplegate.) John Chornet, Efq. (Auftin Friars.) Gulielmus Chriflmas, Armig. and Alderman, anceftor to the worthy William Chrift mas, Efq., now living. John Chriftmas, Stone-cutter and Common; Council man. John Chriftopherfon, M.D., 1524. (S. Mildred, Poultry.) Thomas Church, Draper, 16 16. (S, Bartholomew, Exchange,) John Churchil. (Temple,) Jajper Churchill, Gent, defcended from that ancient family of the Churchills in the Weft, and father of the worthily honoured John Churchill of Churchill, Efq ; one of the Seniors of Lineolns Inne ; and alfo of Mr, Jafper Churchill, Gold; fmith, with his brother Thomas, 22 John Churchman, Sheriff in 1385, (S, Martin Outwich.) Richd. Churchyard, oi Grays Inn, 1498. (Chrift Church,) George Chute, Efq ; Standard;bearer to H, 8 at Bulloigne, and anceftor to that Knightly family of the Chutes in Kent, Margaret Chute, daughter of Sir George Chute of Stockwel, Knight, ^c. Arnoldina, daughter of Heer Arnold Ci tiers, 1686. (Auftin Friars,) Lore Clakus. (Chrift Church,) Stephen Clamparde. (S, Sepulchre.) Johannes Clapham, Generos. [1618: Chrift Church.] Johannes Clapham, films. [1621: Chrift Church.] Sir Hugh Clare, 1295. (S. Anne, Black; friars.) Thomas Clarel, & w. Maud ; their children. (S. Giles, Cripplegate.) William Clarell. (Whitefriars.) Dame Anne Clarke, wife of the now Sir Frarcis Clarke late of Exeter. Humphry Clark, Efq ; Deputy of Al; hallows Ward, and father of Humphry Clark, of the M. Temple, Matthew Clark. Robert Clark, Efq ; fon of Roger Clark, Efq, Tho. Clark, & w, Alice, 15 13, (S. Michael, Cornhill,) Will. Clark, & wives Jane i£ Chriftian, 1505, (S, Nicholas Cole Abbey.) Eliz. Clarke, wife of Henry Clark, Draper. EUinor [w. oi Hamlet] Clarke. [1626: S. Martin Pomeroy.] George Clark, 1606. (S, Botolph, Aid; gate,) CATALOGUE OF TOMBES. [Cok Robert Clarke, Fifhmonger, 1521. (S. Magnus.) WiU. Clarke, 1501, (S, Nicholas Cole Abbey.) Sir John Claron. (Chrift Church.) Clavering. (S. Michael, Cornhill.) John Clavering, 1421. (S. Chriftopher.) John Clay ham. (S. Lawrence, Jewry.) William Clay tw el. Citizen and Fruiterer. Joane Clerke, wid. 1490, (S, Peter, Cornhill.) Thomas Clere, Efquire, eldeft fonne of Sir Thomas Clere of Norfolk, Knight, Cecilia, wid. of Rich. Cleyton, 1602. (Window in S, Lawrence, Jewry, 1618.) Sir Jafper Cleyton, Knight, Sheriff; very anciently of Oakenfhaw in the county of York ; father of the worthily honoured Sir John Cleyton, Knight, and Mr. George Cleyton, Mercer, of London. Sir Roger Clifford. (Auftin Friars.) William Clifford. (S. Anne, Blackfriars.) Sir Nicholas Clifton. (Chrift Church.) George Clint. [Parifli Clerk 35 years. S. George, Botolph;lane,] Jane, Lady Clinton, 1458, (S, Bartholo; mew the Lefs.) John, Baron Clinton. (Chrift Church.) Elifabeth, w. of Will. ClipJam, 1694. (S. Sepulchre.) John CUpftone, Prieft, 1457. (S. Mary Magdalen, Guildhall.) Sir Chriftoph. Clithero, Knight, Lord Maior ; anceftor to James Clithero and Henry Clithero, Efquires. [1642 : & d. Bridget, 1683 : S. Andrew Underfhaft.] Mary, w. of James Clitherow, 1662. (S. Andrew Underfliaft.) Will. Clitherow, and w. Margaret. (S. Martin Outwich,) Thomas Clivelod. [1558 : S. Mildred, Bread Str.] Hugh Clopton, L. Mayor, 1496. (S, Margaret, Lothbury.) Margerie, wid, oi Robert Clopton, Alder= man, 1462, (S, Peter, Cornhill,) Jafper Clutterbuck, 1697, (S, Martin Outwich,) Jerom & Mary Clutterbuck, children of (S, Alphage,) Alys Cobham. (S. Anne, Blackfriars.) John Cobham, Baron of Kent. (Chrift Church.) Theodore, s. of John & Hanna Cock, 169I. (Auftin Friars.) Thomas Cockain, Recorder. (S. Michael; Royal) William Cockaine, fen,, 1599 : & ist w, Elizabeth Medcalfe, 1589 : & 2nd w, Catherine Wonton, 1596, (S, Peter=le=Poor.) Joan, w. of John Cocken, Efq., 1509. (S. Helen's.) Robert Cocks, Citizen. Roger Cogger, 1384. (S. Botolph Billingfgate.) Joannes de Coggefhal, a moft famous Citizen. [1384 : S. Margaret, Fifh Str.] Will. Coggeftial, 1426, (S, Nicholas Cole Abbey.) Guil. Coggefhal, Civis i£ Pifoenarius. Clement Coke, oi Langford in the county of Derby, Armig. [1629: Temple.] Robert Coke, 1561, (S, Andrew, Hol= born,) Sir Thomas Coke, L, Mayor in 1462. (Auftin Friars,) Anne Cokerer, 1549. (S, Bride,) 23 Col] CATALOGUE OF TOMBES. Mr, Hen. Colborn. [1567 : S, Dunftan in the Weft.] Alice Coldock, or Bing. Francis Coldock. (See A. Byng.) Gregory Cole, of Buckifh in the county of Devon, Armig. [Temple.] Alice Coleman, daughter of George Gainsford, Efq ; fon of Sir John Gainsford of Crowhurft, Knight. [See G. Colemanf] George Coleman, 1558 : & w. Alice, 1 58 1. (S. Mary Magdalen, Old Fifli Str.) Reginald, s. of Robert Coleman, 1383. (S. Margaret, Lothbury.) Thos. Coleman, 1685. (S. Andrew, Holborn.) Henry Colfer, hofpitii predict. Efq. lacobo Colio, 1591 : & w. Elizab. 1593. (S. Dionis Backchurch.) Elizabeth Colledge, wife of Ralph Col; ledge. Henry Collet, L. Mayor, bur. at Stebon; heath, but pictures of himfelf and family in windows of St. Antholin's Church. Sir Henry Collet, Knight, twice Lord Maior of London. Johannes Collet. [& w. Alice : S. Alban, Wood Str.] Mary Collet oi the family of Sir Henry Collet, Knight, [w, of John Collet, 1613 : S, Mary Magdalen, Milk Str.] Jofoph Collier. William Collingbourne, Efq., 1484. (Auftin Friars.) Sir Stephen Collington. (S. Anne, Black; friars.) Thomas Collins, Gent. [S. Mildred, Bread Str.] 24 Thos. Collins. (S. Catherine's, E. Smith= field.) William Collins. William Collyns, Ibidem, Efq. Mary, w. of Edward Colman, 1693. (S. Dunftan's=in;the;E.) Richd. Colfol. (S. Stephen, Coleman Str.) Abigal Colt. [? Coult, 1629 : S. Bar; tholomew the Great.] Michael Lewis de Colywefton, Efq. Robert Combarton, 1422. (S. Mary Aldermanbury.) William Combarton, 141 o. (S. John Baptift.) William Combes, of Stoke, near Guilds ford, 1502. (S. Michael, Crooked Lane.) William Combes, Stock;fifhmonger, Sheriff of London, 1452 : a great Benefactor to his Parifh;Church, [S, George, Botolphdane,] Will. Comerton. (S, Michael, Cornhill,) Mary, d, of Robert Compton, & w, of Capt, John Perry, 1676, (S, Giles, Cripplegate,) William Lord Compton, his armes ; one of the anceftours of the Right Honour; able the Earle of Northampton now living, Mary, w. oi Edw. Conant, 1698. (All; hallows, Bread Str.) Allen at Condit. (S, Matthew, Friday Str,) Nicholas Coningfton. (S, Dunftan in the Weft,) John Conftantine, Efq ; anceftor of William Conftantine of Dorfet, Efq ; and one of the Benchers of the Middle Temple, [11 16: S, Mary, Aldermanbury,] CATALOGUE OF TOMBES. [Cot Will. Conftantine, Alderman, & w. Anne. (S. Martin Outwich.) Anne, w. of WiU. Coode, 1688, (S. Bride,) Edw. Cook, 1652, (S. Bartholomew the Great.) Frances Cook, wife of Paulus Ambro; fius Cook. Jane, w. of John Cook. (S. Bartholo; mew the Lefs.) Thomas Cook. [1608 : &cw. Joyce, 1612: S. Martin, Ludgate.] Sir Thomas Cook, Knight of the Bath, Lord Maior of London, 1642 ; de= fcended from a good Family of that name in Norfolk, and one of the Anceftors of that worthy family of the Cooks of Flindham-Hall near Glocefter, from whence William Cook, Efq ; and Lieutenant;Colonel in that County, and Colonel Edward Cook his brother (both fons of the late Sir Robert Cook, and nephews of the living Colonel Thomas Cook) are lineally defcended. Edward Cooke, Efq. Francis Cooke, 1460. (S. Michael Baffi; fhaw.) John Cooke. Rob. Cooke de Mileham comit. Norf. Efq. Henry Cookfon, Gent., 1638. (All; hallows, Barking.) William Coolly. (S. Benet Fink.) John Cooper, Butcher, & w. Alice, 1533. (S. Leonard, Eaftcheap.) Johannes Cooper, Armig. Henry Coote, Sheriff, 1509. (S. Vedaft Fofter.) Sir John Cootes, Knight, Maior. [1542: S. Stephen, Walbrook.] George Cope. (Holy Trinity;the=Lefs.) Aluredus Copeley, 1598. (S. Gregory; by S. Paul.) Will. Coplaye. (Whitefriars.) Mris Joane Coppinger, widow ofWilliam Coppinger, Efq. Tho. Copynger, 15 13. (S. Mildred, Bread Str.) John Cor aunt. (S. Michael, Wood Str.) John Corbet, 161 1. (S. Andrew, Hol= born.) Sir John Cordel, Knight, Lord Maior ; anceftor to Sir Robert Cordel, of Long Melford in the county of Nor; folk. Baronet. Edward Cordwell. [? Cor dell : S. Dun= ftan in the Weft.] Sir Edmond Cornewall, Baron of Burford. (S. Anne, Blackfriars.) Mary, wid. oi Thos. Corney, 1694. (S. Andrew, Holborn.) John Cornifh, 1470. (S. John Zachary.) Odde Cornifo, 13 12. (S. Mildred, Bread Street.) Countefs of Cornwall i^ Chefter. (S. Lawrence, Jewry ) Col. Henry Cornwall. (See M. Lau rence.) Sir John Cornwall. (S. Anne, Black; friars.) John Cornwalleys, 1436. (S. Martin; Vintry.) Thofnas Cornwallis, Efq ; Sheriff. [1384: S. Martin;Vintry.] John Coftlin, 1442. (Allhallows, Stain; ing-) John Cofton, 1637. & w. Frances. (S. Botolph, Alderfgate.) Robert Cojyn, Efq. [w. Eliz : & s. Robert : S. Martin Orgar.] Sir AUen Cotton, Knight, Lord Maior. [1628 ; S. Martin Orgar.] 25 Cot] CATALOGUE OF TOMBES. Charity, w, of George Cotton, Efq, Henry Cotton, 1614, (S. Sepulchre,) Johannes Cotton, Armig. [16 14 : S. Botolph, Alderfgate.] Roger Cotton. (S. Martin Vintry.) Nicholas Couderow, & w. Elizabeth. (Crutched Friars.) John Couper, Alderman, 1584. (S. Magnus.) Sir Francis Courte, Earl of Pembroke, iSc. (Auftin Friars.) Sir Edw. Courtney. (Whitefriars.) Sir Hugh Courtney. (Whitefriars.) Sir Thomas Courtney, Knight, fon of the then Earl of Devonfliire, which Earls of Devonfhire were the noble Pro; genitors of that Illuftrious and Princely Family of the Courtneys, time out of mind, in that County ; from whom the now living Sir William Courtney is lineally de; fcended. [Auftin Friars.] IVill. Courtney. (S. Anne, Blackfriars.) Ifabel, d. of Edward III., w. of Lord Coufe, oi France, afterwards Earl of Bedford. (Chrift Church.) Francis Covell, Gent. [1625 : All; hallows. Barking.] Catherine Covell, his wife. Sir John Coventry, Knight, Lord Maior. [1425 : S. Mary le;Bow.] John Coventry, L. Mayor. & w. Alice Brome, 1433. (S. Dunftan's;in the;E.) Thomas, Lord Coventry, Lord Keeper of the Great Seal of England, and Father of the Right Honourable Sir WilUam Coventry, Kt., &c. Miles Coverdale, Bifhop of Exeter, Thos. Covil, Efq, 1422, (Chrift Church.) IVilliam Cowch, 1583. (S. Botolph, Aldgate.) 26 Sir Edward Cowper, 1685. (S. Michael, Cornhill.) John Cowper, 1609. (S. Michael, Corn; hill.) Sir William Cowper, Baronet (.?), 1671. & w. Dame Martha Mafter, & s. Spencer Cowper, 1676, (S, Michael, Cornhill,) Richardus Coxe. [1467 : & w, Agnes, 1472 : S. Auguftine.] Sarah, w. of John Coxon, 1683, (S, Mildred, Bread Str.) Lady Cradocke, w. of Sir David Cradocke. (Auftin Friars.) Lionel Cranfield, Earl of Middlefex, anceftor to the Right Honourable Earl of Middlefex now living. Richard Crafhaw [? Crofhawe], Gold; fmith. [163 1 : S, Bartholomew, Exchange.] Sir William Craven, Knight, Lord Maior, anceftor to the Right Honourable and truly Noble Lord William Craven, Baron of Hemfted, and Earl of Craven. [1617 : S. An; drew Underfhaft.] Sufanna, w, of James Crawford. (S, Catharine Cree.) William Crayhay, temp. Edw. II. (S. Stephen, Coleman Str.) Ambrofe Crejacre. (Mercers' Chapel.) John de Creffingham. (S. James, Garlick; hithe.) Sufanna, w. of Robert Crefwell, 1590. (S. Botolph, Alderfgate.) William Crefwick, 1405. (S. Catharine Cree.) William Crewes, Efq ; and Alderman of London, anciently of Leton in Norfolk; from whence the now Sir John Cremer, of Sechee, in the fame CATALOGUE OF TOMBES. [Dae County, Knight, and late High Sheriff thereof together with his nephew Charles Cremer, of Sneti; fham, Efq ; and Counfellor at Law in the Illuftrious Society of Grays Inn, are originally defcended, Edmond Crich, Efq, Edmond Crich, filius, EUis CriJpe, wife of the late Ellis Crifpe, Alderman ; father and mother to the honourable Sir Nich, Crifpe, de; ceafed. [1625: S. Mildred, Bread Str.] Sir Nicholas CriJpe, Knight; Baronet and Colonel, and father to the now Sir Nicholas Crifpe, of Hammerfmith, Baronet, &c. [1626 : S. Mildred, Bread Str.] Mris Rebecca Crifpe, wife of the late Sir Nicholas Crifpe, &c. [16 16 : Allhallows, Lombard Str.] Elizabeth Crofts. NLrs. Frances Croke, 1605, (S, Catherine Cree,) Valentine Crome, 1662. (S, Bartholomew the Great,) William Cromer. Charles Crompton, 1676, (Temple.) John Croncar. Dr, WilUam Crone, F.R,S,, 1684, (S, Mildred, Poultry.) Edward Cropley, Efq ; Alderman, and anceftor of the honourable Sir John Cropley, Knight and Baronet. Edward Cropley, Efq ; fon of the honourable Sir John Cropley, Knight; Baronet. Sir John Crofoy, Knight, Lord Maior, builder and firft owner of Crofby houfe. [&w.yf»w, 1475: S.Helen's.] WiUiam Crouch. [1606: S. Dunftan in the Weft.] Robert Crowly, Vicar of Cripple-gate. [1588 : S. Giles, Cripplegate.] Will. Crowmer, L, Mayor, 1433. (S. Martin Orgar.) Michael Crud, Theologus. [1604 : S. Botolph, Alderfgate.] Matthew Crutchf.eld, oi an ancient family of that name, in the com. of Oxford, a worthy Citizen and Draper of London. Roffe Cryjpe, 15 14. (Mercers' Chapel.) Daniel Cudmore, oi Loxborne, in the county of Devon, Efq. Mary, w. of Henry Culpepper, 1670, (S, Michael, Cornhill,) Henry Cumber. (Mercers' Chapel.) Tho. Cure, Efq ; great grandfather to A. Cure of the Inner Temple, Efq. Mrs. Katharine Currance, wife of Mr. Allan Currance, anceftors to the truly worthy John Currance, Efq., now living. Elijabeth, w. of Sir Robert Curjon, 1494. (Chrift Church.) Sir George Curjon, Knight, and father; in;]aw to the late Edward, Earl of Dorfet. [1622 : S. Bride.] Sir William Curteene, Knight. Sir Tho. Curteis, 1559. (S. Dionis Backchurch.) Tho. Curtefius, Armig. Philip Cufhen (or Corfine), 1600. (S, Benet Gracechurch.) James Cuthing (or Schitting), Efq. (Auftin Friars.) William Cutting, 1599. (S. Catharine's, E. Smithfield.) Thos. Dably, Efq. (Whitefriars.) Arthur Dacre, 1489. (S. Mary Somer; fet.) 27 Dae] CATALOGUE OF TOMBES. Henry Dacres, Efq : anceftor to the worthily honoured Sir Thomas Dacres, of Cheftenham in the county of Hertford, Knight, of a very an; cient ftanding. Arthur Dacres, fon and heir of the late Lord Dacres. James Dagger. [1610: & w. Ifabel, 161 1 : S. Alphage.] John Dagworth. (S. Sepulchre.) John Dalebear. (S. Anne, Blackfriars.) Thomas Dalby, Mercer, [window in S. Lawrence, Jewry, 16 18.] William Dallijon, Efq. Sir George Dalfton, of Dalfton in the county of Cumberland, Baronet, father of the now Sir William Dal; fton, Baronet, of the fame Lordfhip. Lawrence Dalton, Efq ; Jurijconfultus. [1561 : & w. Dorothy : S. Dunftan in the Weft.] Robert Daluffe & w. Alifon. Barber temp. Edw. IV. (S. Martin Vintry.) John Dane. (S. Pancras, Soper;lane.) William Dane [^ Dayne], Alderman. [& w. Margaret, 1529 : S. Peter, Cheap.] Will. Dane, Sheriff, 1 509. (S. Margaret Mofes.) Alice [w. of John] Daniel. [148 1 : S. Margaret Mofes.] Sir William Daniel, Knight, one of the Judges of the C. P. [1610 : S. Stephen, Coleman Str.] Sir Robert Danvers, & w. Agnes. (S. Bartholomew the Lefs.) John Darby, Alderman, 1466. (S. Dionis Backchurch.) Michael Darby, 1672. (Allhallows, Barking.) S\r Arthur Darcy. (S. Botolph, Aldgate.) 28 Sir Edw. Darcy, ion oi the Lo, Darcy, [1612 : S, Botolph, Aldgate.] Sir John Darcy, Knight [.''], fon of the Lord Darcy. [1593: S. Olave, Silver Street.] Lord Thomas Darcy, of the North, one of the anceftours to the honourable Sir William Darcy and Edward Darcy now living. [1537 : S. Botolph, Aldgate.] Rev. Radulphus Darling. [1500 : All; hallows, Barking.] Roger Darlington, 1557. (S. Nicholas Cole Abbey.) Agnes Dart. [? Darr. w. of Leonard Darr. 1596 : S. Stephen, Coleman Str.] George, Lord Dartmouth, 1 69 1 . (Trinity, Minories.) Hugo Dafhfield, fervant to the late Lord Coventry. Francis Dafhwood, 1683 : & w. Mary, 1694. (S. Botolph, Bifhopfgate.) George Daftiwood, 1682. (S. Botolph, Bifhopfgate.) Sir Samuel Dafhwood, " a child of." (S, Botolph, Bifhopfgate,) Robert Daugges, fon of William Daugges, of Newgat;ftreet, in the county of Hertford, Efq, William Dauntfoy, Efq ; Alderman, one of the anceftors of Sir John Dauntfey, of Laverftock, in the County of Wilts. [1543 : & w. Agnes : S. Antholin's.] Thos. Davall, & w. Anna, 1700, (S. Mary;at;HilI.) John Davenport, 1683. & w. Catharine, 1679. (S. Vedaft Fofter.) Katherine Davenport, 1634, (Trinity, Minories,) CATALOGUE OF TOMBES. [Det Mary, w, of John Davenport & d, of JohnHacket,i6q2. (S, Vedaft Fofter,) Dorothy, d. of John Davies oi Barba; does, 1685. (S, Mary;le;Bow,) Sir Thos. Davies, 1679. (^- Sepulchre,) Alexander Davis, oi Ebury, in the C, of Middlefex, Efq ; brother to Sir Thomas Davis, Knight and Sheriff of London, Elizabeth, w, oijohn Davis, Efq, 1670. (S. Dunftan's in;the;E,) John, s. oi Richd. Davis, 168 1 : & s. Richard, 1691 : & d, Chriftian, 1696, (S, Lawrence, Jewry,) Sir John Davis, Knight, Attorney; General in Ireland, with his Lady Dame EUionora, daughter of the late Lord Audley, Earl of Caftlehaven, Mris Mary [w, of John] Davis, [i 6 1 2 : S, Dunftan in the Weft,] David Davijon, Efq, Elizabeth Davijon, daughter of Thomas Fonnes, of Plymouth, Efq, Henry Davy, 1672, (S, Olave, Hart Str,) Dame Joane Dawbeny, w. of Sir Will, Dawbeny, (Auftin Friars.) Sir John Dawbeny, s. of Sir Giles Daw beny. (Auftin Friars.) Sir John Dawbeny, & s, Robert. (Auftin Friars.) Walter Dawbeney. (S, Helen's,) Hugh Dawfet. Thos. Dawjon, M,D,, 1682, (S, Al; phage.) Sir John Dawtrie, 15 19. (Auftin Friars.) WilUam Dawtry, oi Lineolns Inn, Efq. Williayn Day, 1603. (S. Giles, Cripple; gate.) Sir James Deane, Knight, Lord Maior. [1608 : S. Olave's, Hart Str.] Antonius Death, 1679. (Allhallows, Barking.) Sir John Deddham, Knight. [S. James', Piccadilly.] RogerDelakere.{S.George^oto\p\i-A2ine.) EUzabeth Denham, wife of Williara Denham, Merchant of the Staple [1540 : Allhallows, Barking.] Rev. John Denham, Rector, 151 1. (S. Mary Somerfet.) William Denham, Sheriff, 1534, (All; hallows. Barking.) Henry Denne, Efq. John Denne, very anciently of Kent, Efq. [Temple.] Philip Dennis, Efq. [1556: Allhallows, Barking.] Edmund Denny, Baron of the Exchequer, 1520 : & wives Margaret, Mary, fe? Jane, i£c. (S. Benet, Paul's Wharf) ^\r Robert D^^^y, Knight. [&s. Thomas, 142 1 • S, Andrew Underfhaft,] John Dent, Merchant, 1595. (S, Bar; tholomew. Exchange,) Edw. Deoly, 14.6-/. (S, Mary Wool; church,) Roger Depham, Alderman, (S, Swithin,) WiU. Dsre, Sheriff in 1450, (S. Auguftine,) Margaret Derham. Thomas Derham, fon ofThomas Derham of Derham Grange, Oliver Defoorough, hofpitii prasd,, Generofus, Henry Defoie, Efq. (Auftin Friars.) Bertrand, w. of Grimond DeJure, Efq., 1494, (S, Martin, Vintry.) Sir Gilbert Dethicke, Garter King at Arms, (S. Benet, Paul's Wharf) & w, Joan, 1607, (S, Mary Magdalen, Old Fifli Str,) Det] CATALOGUE OF TOMBES. Dame Joane Detick. Sir Edw. Devereux, Knight, Sir George Devereux, Knight, and Lettiee his wife. Sir John Devereux, 1385. (Chrift Church.) Sir Richard Devereux, Knight, (All; hallows, Barking.) Richd. Dewe, 1687. & Edward, 1668. (S. Andrew, Holborn.) Giles Dewes, 1535. (S. Olave, Jewry.) Sir John Dewrofe. (Chrift Church.) Richd. Dey, 1563. (S. Bartholomew the Lefs.) Robert Dey, 1555. & w. Agnes, 1558. (S. Martin, Vintry.) Sir John Deyncourt, & w. Margaret. (Chrift Church.) William Dickenjon, 1675. (Temple.) John Dickins, Gent., 1674. (S. Dunftan In the Weft.) William Dickfon, & w. Margaret. (S, Michael, Cornhill.) Lady Venetia Digby, wife of the late honourable Sir Kenelm Digby, Knight, &c. [? Chrift Church.] Thomas Digges, Efq. [1593 : & w, Agnes : S. Mary Aldermanbury,] Thomas Digges, Efq ; both of them an; ceftors of that very ancient and knightly family of the Digges's In Kent, [ 1 5 9 5 : S. Mary Aldermanbury.] Will. Dikman, Sheriff, 1367, (S, Olave, Jewry,) William Dilkes, Citizen, and nephew to William Dilkes, fervant to the Duke of Buckingham, John Dinham, Treafurer of England, K.G. (Chrift Church.) John Dimmock, Efq. [1585 : S. Mar; garet, Lothbury.] 30 Sir VVolftan Dixy [Dixie], Knight, Lo, Maior, anceftor to Sir Woolftan Dixy, of Market;Bofworth, In the county of Leicefter, Knight;Baronet, [1582 : S, Dunftan's;in--the;E,] Sir Richd. Dobbs, L, Mayor, 1551, (S. Margaret Mofes,) Sir [?] David Doeringck, Knight [^. [S. Catharine Coleman,] John Dogget, Efq ; Sheriff [1509J, Al; derman, [S, John the Evangelift,] John Dogget, Vintner, 1456. & w. Alice. (S, Leonard, Eaftcheap.) Tho. Dogget, & w. Letitia. (S. Leonard, Eaftcheap.) Walter Dogget, 1480. (S. Leonard, Eaftcheap.) David Dolben, Bifhop of Bangor, of that antient Family of the Dolbens In Denblghfhire, from whence the Right Reverend Doctor John Dolben, Dean of Weftminfter and Bifhop of Roch; efter, is lineally defcended. James Donaldfn, City Garbler, i68|-. & s. John, 168 1. (S. Margaret Pattens.) Sir Michael Dormer, Knight, Lord Maior, anceftor to the late Sir Robert Dormer of Dourton In the county of Buckingham, Knight, [1545: & w, Eliz. : S. Lawrence, Jewry,] Sir William Dormer, Knight, Lord Maior, one of the anceftors to the now Charles, Earl of Carnarvon, Thomafine, wife of Henry Dove, D.D., Rector, 1678, (S, Bride,) Colonel John Dove, father of John Dove of Sarum, Efq, Dr, John Dove, Doctor of Divinity, fometimes Rector of S. Mary Alder; manbury, and anceftor to the much CATALOGUE OF TOMBES. [Due worthy John Dove of Grays Inne, I.e., now living. Robert Dove, Efq, [or Dow, 1612 : S. Botolph, Aldgate.] Allen Downer, & w. Mary. (S. Alban, Wood Str.) Will. Downer, 1484. (Mercers' Chapel.) Richard Downes. [1500 : & w. Joan, 1 5 1 9 : S. Botolph, Alderfgate.] Elkana, s. of Elkana is' Katherine Downs, 1659. (Trinity, Minories.) Roger Drake, Efq : father of Dr. Drake, S.T.D. and Chaplain In Ordinary to his Majeftle ; and of Dr. Roger Drake, M.D., his brother. Rev. Thos. Drake, M.A., Curate, 1675. (S. Sepulchre.) Jajper Draper, Efq ; Alderman. Sir Chriftopher Draper, Knight, Lord Maior. [1580: S.Dunftan's;In;the;E.] Elifabeth, w. of Robert Draper, 1613. (Chrift Church.) Henry Draper, Grocer, 1674. (S. Helen's.) Robert Draper, 1 500. (S. Michael, Wood Str.) William Draper, Efq., with Ifabel &" Margaret his wives, 1537. (S. An; drew Underfhaft.) Richard Drawer. Alexander Drax, Bamfield Drax, children of the late old Sir James Drax, Knight, i£c. Henry Drax, 1682. & wives Dame Frances fe? Dorothy. (S. John Zachary.) Sir James Drax, Knight. Sir James Drax, Knight, his fon, father and brother [f] of Henry Drax, Efq. [166 1 : & wives Melior a fef Mar- garet : S. John Zachary.] Jerimoth Drax. Jofeph Drax. Mary Drax, Neece of old Sir James Drax, and wife of Hugh Frankland of Staple;Inne, Gent, of the ancient family of the Franklands of Oldwark in the County of York, William Drax, Efq,, 1669, (S, Helen's,) John Drayton. (Whitefriars,) Johannes Dreux, Doctor of Divinity, Jane Drew. (S, Chriftopher,) William Drew. [Grocer, 1631 : S, Bartholomew, Exchange,] Wil. Drewe, Efq., 1586. (Chrift Church.) Robert Dreyton, Skinner, 1484, (S. Mildred, Poultry.) Sir WiU. Drifield (ox Driffeld), Knt, (S, Marrin Outwich,) Johannes Dromorenfis, 1433, (Rector : S, Mary Somerfet,) Gulielmus Drury, Doctor of Laws, and Judge of the Prerogative;court, John Drury. (Whitefriars,) Doct. WilUam Drury, Judge of the Prerogative Court ; a branch of that ancient and once flourlfhing family of the Drurles In Norfolk, and elfe; where. Will. Drury. (S. Mary Magdalen, Old FIfli Str,) Ann Dryden, wife of John Dryden, of the County of Northampton, Efq, Sir WilUam Dryfield, Knight, Lord Maior of London, Richard Dryland, Efq. [& w. Catha^ rine, 1487 : S. George, Botolph;lane.] Maria Dubois, 1659, (Auftin Friars.) Mris Jane Duck, daughter of the late Dr. Duck. [1633 : S. Botolph, Al; derfgate.] 31 Due] CATALOGUE OF TOMBES. Sir Robert Ducy, Knight, Lord Maior. one of the anceftors to that learned man, and great lover of learned men. Sir William Ducy of Frofter, In the County of Gloucefter, KnIght;Baro; net, and of Sir Hugh Ducie, Knight of the Bath, [window In S. Law; rence, Jewry, 1618.] Jane, w. of Tho. Dugdale, 1692. (S. Lawrence, Jewry.) Sufanna Duke. T. Duke, 1 42 1. (S. Dunftan;In;the; Weft.) William Dun ker, 1685. & w. Mary, 1688. (S. Mary Woolnoth.) Johannes Dunftable. [1453: S.Stephen, Walbrook.] John Dunftarre [Dunfter : 1625: All; hallows. Bread Str.] William Dunthorne [Downe thor7ie], Town-Clerk of London. [S. Alban, Wood Str.] John Durano, & w. Elijabeth. (S. Bar; tholomew the Great.) Thomas Durrem, & w. Margaret. (All; hallows;In;the;Wall.) Johannes Dury. William, s. of Sir Thomas Dyke of Hore; ham, 1675. (Temple.) Francis Eaglesfield. [& w. Mary, 1 606 : S. Bartholomew the Lefs.] Sir William Eaftfield, Knight of the Bath, Lord Maior [1438], who built the Conduit In Fleet Street, [window In S. Lawrence Jewry, 1442 : but bur. in S. Mary Aldermanbury.] Alexander Eaton. Edw. Eaton, 1687. (Temple.) Richd. Eaton. (Whitefriars.) 32 John Ebfworth, 1699, (S, Margaret, Lothbury,) Pearee Edgecombe oi Mount;Edgecombe, Efq. [1628: S. Botolph, Alderfgate.] Sir Francis Edgeoak, oi Edgeoak, C. Worft., Knight. Mary Edgerton, only daughter of Sir Thomas Edgerton, Knight Baronet, baron of Elfmere, and Lord High Chancellor of England, fe?f. Emy Edlyn, 1586. (S.Martin, Ludgate.) Jofoph Edmanfon, jun., 1692. (S. Cathe; rine's, E. Smithfield.) Thomas Edmanfon, 1675. (S.Catherine's, E. Smithfield.) Sir Chriftopher Edmonds, Kt., Privie Counfellor to Queen Elizabeth. [1596 : & w. Dame Dorothy, Chrift Church.] Lady Eliz. Edmonds, his wife(.') Simon Edmonds, Efq ; Alderman, Sheriff, and Lo. Maior eletft of London ; one of the anceftors of the worthy family of Edmonds of Kings Lang; ley, in the county of Herts, Efq. John Edmunds, 1690. (S. Sepulchre.) John Edrop, 1385. (S. Martin, Vintry.) William Edwards, L. Mayor, 1471. (Auftin Friars.) Dame IJahel, w. of William Edwards, Lord Mayor, 147 1. (Crutched Friars.) Catharine, w. of John Edwards, 1628. (S. Alphage.) William [f John] Edwards, fervant to three memorable Princes, and father of the now Mr. Will. Edwards, fer; vant likewlfe to Charles 2. the grand Succeffor of thofe three Princes. [1646 : & w. Catharine, 1629 : S. Alphage.] CATALOGUE OF TOMBES. [Erl William Edwards, Efq., 1687, & w, Margaret, 168 1, (S, Alphage.) Georgio Egeock, 1601. & w, Dorothy, 1606, (S. Andrew, Holborn.) Charles Lord Egerton, Vifcount Brack; ley. James Lord Egerton, Vifcount Brackley. Lady Cecilia Egerton, all three the chil; dren of the Right Honourable John Lord Ellefmere, Vifcount Brackley, Earle of Bridgwater, and the Right Honourable the Lady Frances his Countefs, daughter, and one of the coheirs of the Right Honourable Ferdinando Earle of Derby, Lord Thomas Egerton, Baron of EUes; mere. Lord High Chancellour of England, anceftour to the Right Honourable the Earle of Bridgwater now living. William Egmunton, Rector of Hackney, Robert Eldarbroke, 1460. (S, Alphage,) Sir Rivet Eldred, Knight, a memorable Merchant, and hufband of that nobly vertuous Dame Anne Eldred,daughter of Mr. John Blackwel of Hornldge in the county of Salop, John Element, Merchant;taylor, Catharine, w, of Theodore Elers, 1677, & Theodore, 1693, (S. Mary;le;Bow,) Edw. Elfomere. (Whitefriars,) Guil. Elgafton, Civis fef Pifcenarius. Chriftopher Eliot, & w, Philippa, 1509. (S. John Zachary.) John Elliot. ^een Elizabeth, 1602. (S, Benet Gracechurch,) ^een Elizabeth, i6of, (S, Anne, Blackfriars,) Sir Robert Elkenton, 1460, (Chrift Church,) William Elkin, Sheriff, 1593. (S, Michael le Quern,) Mrs. Anne Elkington, w. of Thos. Elking- ton, 1632. (S. Margaret Pattens.) Elijabeth, w. of Sir Will. Ellington. (S. Bartholomew the Great.) John, s. of Sir Thos. Ellys, Bart., 1686. (Temple.) John Elmifton, 1546. (S. Leonard, Eaft; cheap.) Bartholomew Elmore, &c w. Alice, 1636. s. Indaw Richard Cheney, fe? Richard fe? Bartholomew his fons, (S, Catharine Cree,) Edward Elrington, 1558, Chief Butler to Edw. VI. (S, Peter, Cornhill,) Valentine Elfing. Chriftophorus Jacobus Elffenhaimer, 1598, (S, Olave, Hart Str,) John of Eltham, Duke of Cornwal. (S. Anne, Blackfriars,) Henry Elvedon, Efq,, 1498, (S, Catha; rine Cree, but bur. In Chrift Ch, Aldgate,) John Elwick,- 1685, with four daus. (S, Dunftan;inrthe;E,) Richard EmmeJey. (S. Botolph, Alders; gate.) William Emmirjon. Sir Bartholomew Enefeld. (Chrift Church.) Sir Henry Enefeld. (Chrift Church.) Thomas Englifh. (Temple,) William Englifh. (Chrift Church,) Judith Ent, daughter of Peter Ent, Merchant, Brother of the moft emi; nently learned Sir George Ent, Knight, fometimes Mafter of, and ftlU a moft worthy member In the Colledge of Phyfitlans In London. Sir John Erlington, Knight. Erl] CATALOGUE OF TOMBES. Dame Margaret Erlington, daughter and heir of Thomas Lord Itching; ham, Gilbert Errington, Armig, [1578 : S, Michael le Quern,] Richard Efaftone, 1400. (S, Nicholas, Cole Abbey,) Joan Effex, 1607. (S. Sepulchre.) John Effex,i2i^2. (S. Stephen, Coleman Str.) WilUam Effex. (S. Bartholomew the Great.) Hefter Effington, daughter of Mr .William Effington, Merchant. John Efton, Efq. Bartholomew Ettenor. Lucy Evans, wife of George Evans, of the County of Gloceft. anciently Gentleman, and daughter of Mrs, Frances Forfbrook, wife of the late Richard Forfbrook, anciently of the County of Northampton, Efquires and Gentlemen, Mary Evans, wife of Phil. Evans. Thos. Evans, 1687, (S, Alphage.) William Evans. Alexander Evering. WilUam Evering of Grays Inne, Efq. Tho. Ewen, Grocer, 1501. (S.Michael, Crooked;lane.) Sir Simon d'Ewes of Gelderland, Knight. Dame Elizabeth late Countefs Dowager of Exeter, burled In S. James', Clark; enwel. Duchefs of Exeter. (S, Anne, Black; friars.) Dame Margaret, Duchefs of Exeter, 1458. (S. Catharine's, E. Smith; field.) Thomas Exmew, L. Mayor, 1528. (S. Mary Magdalen, Milk Str.) 34 Nicholas Exton, L, Mayor, 1387, (S. Mary;at Hill.) Mris Katharine Eyre. Simon Eyre, 1459, (^- Mary Woolnoth,) Thomas Eyre, 1493. (S, Stephen, Cole; man Str,) Robert Fabian, Alderman, 151 1, (S, Michael, Cornhill,) Frances Fair born, d, of Sir Palmes Fair; born, 1677, (S, Olave, Hart Str,) Walter Faireford. (S, Michael, Crooked; lane.) Tho. Fair fax, 1 4.(^0. (S. Mary Woolnoth.) Robert Fairford. Falces, Efq., "a Gafcoln." (Auftin Friars.) JacobFalckio, 1 603. (S.MartinOutwich.) Anne PhiUis Faldo. Edward Falkingham, 1698, (S, Michael, Cornhill.) James Falleron. (S. Martin Outwich.) Lord Fanhope, 1443. (S. Anne, Black; friars.) Richd. Farneford, 1525, '(S, Nicholas, Cole Abbey,) Anne Farrar, daughter of William Shephard of Great Rowbrlght, [16 13: S. Benet's Sherehog.J Sir Nich. Farringdon [f Farendon], Knight, Lord Maior, from whom FarrIngdon;Ward took Its denomi; nation. [S. Peter, Cheap.] Anne, w. of Caldwal Farrington, 164.1. (Allhallows, Staining,) Richard Farrington, or Farringdon, Alderman, Mris Alicia Farwel, wife of Philip Farwel, [1655: Allhallows, Staining,] Eliz. Fafelts, widow. George, s, of Hugh Faftolph. (S, Helen's,) CATALOGUE OF TOMBES. [Ele John Fauconbridge, Efq., 1545. (S. Helen's.) Richard Fearnefold, Citizen and Fifh; monger. Doctor Daniel Featly, a moft memorable Divine. Joyce Featly, d. of William Kerwyn, Efq. & w. of Daniel Featly, D.D., 1632. Arms in window. (S.Helen's.) Sir Jeoffry Fielding, Knight, Lord Maior, anceftor to the now Earl of Denbigh and Defmond. Chriftopher Felrocke, 1494. (S.Mildred, Poultry.) Eleanor, w. of Sir Hugh Fen. (S. Bar; tholomew the Great.) Sir Richard Fen, Knight, Lord Maior, Grandfather to the worthy Richard Fen of Hall;place (In Hurly;parlfh), in the county of Berks, Efq. William Fennor. (S. Martin, Vintry.) Robert Fenruther, Sheriff In 1512. (S. John Zachary.) Rogerus Fen ton, Armig, [161 5 : S, Stephen, Walbrook.] Joane de Fenys, & fifter Ifabel. (Chrift Church.) Elifabeth Ferrers, i^JO- (S. Andrew, Holborn.) Sir Guidon Ferrers, w, of, (S, Anne, Blackfriars,) Lady Ferrers. (S, Michael;RoyaI,) Cuthbert Fetherfton, one of the anceftors of the worthily honoured Sir Heneagd Fetherfton, Baronet, i^c. now living, [1615 : & w, Catharine, 1622 : S, Dunff an;in;the Weft,] John Fetiplace, Draper, 1464, & w, Joan. (S, Margaret, Lothbury,) George Fettiplace, Efq, (Arms In Temple Hall,) Geffrey Fielding, L. Mayor, 1452, &w. Angel, i^i']. (S. Lawrence, Jewry,) William Finch, & w, Efther. (S, Helen's,) ^xrjohn Finknel [? Finkell], Knight, [.?] [S, Michael, Crooked;lane,] Thos. Firmin, 1697, (Chrift Church.) Judith, w. of Capt, Robert Fifher, 1660. (S, Catharine's, E. Smithfield,) Mary Fifoer, wife of Payne Fifher, and daughter of Sir Tho, Neale, and the Lady Eliz, Freke ; mother of Major Payne Fifher now living. Author of this Collection, Richard Fifher, i68f, (S, Catharine's, E, Smithfield,) Sir Thomas Fifher, Baronet, anceftor to the now Sir Thomas Fifher, of Ifling; ton, KnIght;Baronet, WilUain Fifoer. (See N. Tench.) Johannis Fiffhe, 1496. (with wives AUce fe? Chriftiane.) (S. Leonard, Eaftcheap.) Sir Henry Fitz-alwin, Knight, Maior, and Maior Intermiffively four and twenty years together. [1213 : S. James', Piccadilly.] John Fitz James, 1669. (Temple.) The Lord William Fitz-Warren, and Ifabel his wife, fometimes Queen of the Ifle of Man. [Chrift Church.] Will. Fitzwater, 1466. (S, Bartholomew the Lefs,) Richard FitzwiUiams, 1520, (S, Peter; le;Poor,) Thomas, s, of Sir Thos. FitzwiUiams. (S, Alban, Wood Str,) Thomas Flatman, 1682, (S, Bride,) Col, Charles Fleetwood's Ladles Funeral; Scutcheons, John Fleming. (S, Lawrence, Jewry.) 35 Fle] CATALOGUE OF TOMBES. Sir Thomas Fleming, Lord of Rowalls (or Rowles) In Effex, & w, Margaret, 1464, (S, Catharine Cree,) Sir Thomas Flemming, Knight. [1466 : S, Catharine's, E, Smithfield,] Rev, Chriftopher Flower, 1698. (S. Margaret, Lothbury,) Nicholas Flowre, hofpitii praed. Gene; rofus. Sir Peter Floyer, Alderman, (Chrift Church,) WilUam Fluellin, Alderman, 1675, (S, Mary Magdalen, Guildhall.) Thos. Foderinghay. (Whitefriars.) Frances Fome, wife of Mr. John Frome, Citizen, Mary, w, of John Fooly, 1695, (S, Mary Somerfet,) William Ford, 1699, (S, Catharine's, E. Smithfield.) Richardus Forde, Gen. Roger Forde, 1440, & w. Joane, 1467 : & w. Margaret, 1492. (S. Mildred, Bread Str.) WilUam For man, L. Mayor, 1538. (S. George, Botolph;lane.) Rev. John Forreft, Vicar of S. Olave, Jewry, 1399. ' Elijabeth, w. of Sir Andrew Forrefter, & wid, of James Winftanley, 1684, (S, Michael Baffifliaw,) John del ForJs. (S. Martin, Vintry.) EUonor a Forte fcue, 1605. (S, Sepulchre,) Eliz., w, of John Fortefcue. (S, Law; rence, Jewry,) Mris Sarah Forth, wife of the worthy Mr, Hugh Forth, Merchant, fe?r, Martha, w, of Robert Forthe, D,C.L., 1589, (S, Gregory;by;S, Paul.) Samuel For trey, 168 1. (S. Bride,) Alice Fofter. (Whitefriars.) Sir Stephen Fofter, knight [.''], Lo. Maior. [1454 : & w. Agnes, S. Botolph, Billingfgate,] William Fofter, Diamond;cutter, 1687. (S, Catharine Cree,) Lord Bifliop Fotherly, burled in Alh allows, Lumbard Street, with a magnificent Tomb over him. Jane, w. of Gerard Fowke, 1689. (S. Andrew, Holborn,) Sir Richd. Fowlar, 1528, (Holy Trinity; the;Lefs,) Alice Fowler, d, of John Howton, w, of John Hulcot. (S, Martin, Vintry,) Mris Judith Fowler. [1613 : S, Peter, Cornhill,] Robert Fowler, 1691, (S.Peter, Cornhill,) Thomas Fowler, Efq,, father of Sir Thomas Fowler, Knight;Baronet, Sir Thomas Fowler, Knight, fe?c, W. Fowler. (See J. Ratcliffe?) John Foxe, Citizen and Goldfmith, [1597 : & w, Johanna, 1600 : S. Lawrence, Jewry.] Nathaniel Fox. (See Richd. Moore.) Johannes Fox, Martyrologus Anglicanus. [1587 : S. Giles, Cripplegate.] John Foxton. (S. Peter, Cornhill.) John Foy. [1625 : S. Thomas Apoftle.] John Frampton, Efq., of that ancient family of the Framptons of Upway, in the county of Dorfet ; and anceftor to Mr. John Frampton, of S. Martin's lane in the fields. Lady Margaret, d. of Philip, King of France, & w. of Edward I, 13 17. (Chrift Church.) Adam Francis, L. Mayor, 1354. (S. Helen's.) Johannes Francis. [1405 : & w. Eliza beth, 1432 : S.John Zachary.] CATALOGUE OF TOMBES. [Gar Edward Franck, Efq. John Franck [Franke], Efq. [& w. Cecilie, 1 6 1 2 : S. Martin Orgar,] William Franck, Efq. Dr. Mark Frank, S.T.D. and Arch; deacon of S. Albans. Mris Jodoja Frankland, a good Bene; fadbrefs to Brazen;nofe;Colledge, and a neer ally to Mr. Frankland, one of the fenlor Fellows of Brazen-nofe, and late Pro6tor of the Unlverfity of Oxford. [S. Leonard, Fofter;lane.] George Franklyn hofpitii prasdict. Efq, Simon Frauncis. (S, James', Piccadilly,) Sir John Frederic. (S, Olave, Jewry.) EUz. Freeman, [w. of Thos. Freeman : 1631 : S. Margaret Pattens.] Sir Ralph Freeman, Knight, Lord Maior, a moft memorable perfon, and Uncle to*the worthily honored Ralph Freeman, in the County of Herts, Efq. Richd. Freeman, 1691. (S. Sepulchre.) William Freeman. (Temple.) John French, Efq., Bencher of the Inner Temple. John French,^3.k.er, 15 10, (S, Magnus,) William Frere. (S, Giles, Cripplegate,) John Frey. (S, Benet Fink.) Sir John Frey, & d. Margery, w, of Sir John Lepington, 148 1. (S. Bar; tholomew. Exchange.) Eliz. Frefhwale. [f. Frefowater, 1617 : S. Bartholomew the Great.] Guil. Frefhwater. John Friend. [1665: S. Catharine's, E, Smithfield: alfo fon WilUam, 1665,] Elizabeth Friend, wife of Roger Friend, Henry Friole, 1400. (S. Olave, Jewry.) William Frith, 1648. w. Alice, 1649. & children George, Edward, and Elifabeth. (Allhallows, Staining.) Henry Frowcke, L. Maior, 1435. (S. Benet's Sherehog.) Henry Frowicke. (Mercers' Chapel,) Henry Frowike. (S, Alphage,) Henry & Reynold Frowike. |(Chrift Church,) John FroyJh, L, Mayor, 1394. (S. Benet's Sherehog.) J. Fulforde. (Whitefriars,) Nicholas Fulham, w, of, (Chrift Church,) Elen Fuller, 1521, (S, Mary Wool; church.) Richd. Fuller & wives Dionyfia fe? Ifabel. (S, John Zachary,) Dr, William Fuller, Dean of Durham, and father of the now Lady Jane Walton, widow of the famous Brian Walton, late Bifhop of Chefter, [1659 : S, Vedaft Fofter,] William Fyboll, Efq,, fon and heir of Sir William Fyboll, of Woodland, in the county of Dorfet, Knight, Robert Gabefor, Mayor of Newcaftle;on; Tyne, 1 3 10, (S, James, Garlickhithe,) John le Gage. (S, Pancras, Soper;lane.) Robert Gage, Efq,, 1625. (S, Giles, Cripplegate,) William Galys, & s. Robert. (Chrift Church,) Anthony Gamage, Sheriff, 1579. (S. Matthew, Friday Str,) Hugh Game. (S, Mildred, Poultry,) Richard Gardener, L, Mayor, 1478, (S, Pancras, Soper;Iane,) Tho. Gardener, Grocer. (S, Peter, Cornhill,) John Gardiner, Alderman, 1690, (S, Margaret Pattens,) 37 Gar] CATALOGUE OF TOMBES. Sir Peter Garinfers [Grainfors] of France, (Auftin Friars,) John Garland, 1476. (S, Mildred, Poultry.) Sir John Garme, 1468. (S, Stephen, Coleman Str,) John Garrard. Sir John Garrard, Sir Williams grand; ehilde, Walter Garraway, 1571. (Mercers' Chapel,) Elizabeth Garret, fole daughter of the late Sir George Garret, and wife of WilUam Northey, de Old Foard, Efq ; and an antient Member, and late Reader off, and in that honour; able Society of the middle Temple, Sir George Garret, Knight, Draper, Lord Maior of London, with his Lady, John Garret, M,D,, 1638, (S, Dunftan's; In;the;E.) Margaret Garret, d. of Robert Garret, fen, & Anne Mudd, his wife, 1683, (S, Catharine's, E, Smithfield,) Thomas Garret, Efq ; fonne of Sir George Garret, Knight, and hufband of Mrs, Anne Garret, daughter of Thomas Drury, Com. Norfolk, Efq, Simon Garrys. (Chrift Church,) Garth, Efq, (Mercers' Chapel) Sir William Gar way. Knight, Lord Maior, anceftor to Hen. Garway, of Ford in Suffex, Efq. [1625 : S. Peter;le;Poor,] Thomas Gale, unus Baronum Scaccarii. Mary Gaudy, &c. 1671. (Temple,) John of Gaunt, Duke of Lancafter, and fonne of Edward the Third, John Gawen. Thos. Gayle, Haberdafher, 1540, (S, George, Botolph;lane,) •38 Sir John Geere Knight, anceftor to the now Sir Robert Geere, KnIght;Ba. Thomas Gelfon. [1563 : S. Margaret Pattens.] Petrus de la Genebra. [ 1 43 9 : S, Martin, Vintry,] Elizabeth Philippine, wid, of Wylen Albert George, Graaf tot Bronchorft, 1692, (Auftin Friars.) Agnes, d. oi Will. St. George. (S, Bar; tholomew the Lefs,) Benet Gerard, 1403, (S, Botolph, Alderfgate,) Charles Gerbier, ion of Sir Balthazar Gerbler. Lady Deborah Gerbier, wife of Sir Balthazar Gerbier, Knight. John Gerbridge, Mercer and Merchant; adventurer. John Gerrard, Woolman, 1546. (S. Andrew Underfhaft.) Sir John Gerrard, 1625, & w, Jane, 1616, (S. Magnus.) Richard Gerrard, late of Grays Inne, Efq. William Gerrard, fon of Philip Gerrard of Grays Inne, Efq. [1660 S. Andrew, Holborn.] Sir William Gerrard, or Garrard, Knight, Lord Maior. [1571 : S. Magnus.] John Geft, 1458. (S. Martir, Ludgate.) Richard Geft. (Chrift Church.) Mr. Geth. (S. Anne, Blackfriars.) Dame Anne Gib, wife to the late Sir Henry Gib of Scodand, Baronet, and daughter of the yet hving Sir Ralph Gibbs, of Honnington in Warwick; fhire. [1658: S, Botolph, Bifliopsgate, J Lawrence GibJon, Efq, [w, Anne, 161 1: S, Alban, Wood Str,] CATALOGUE OF TOMBES. [Goo John Gidney, L. Mayor, 1427, (S. Chriftopher,) Henry Gifford, Gen. [1602 : S, Giles, Cripplegate.] Mr. John Gifford, Gent. [? Knight : Auftin Friars,] Richd. Gifford, 1540, & w. Jane. (S, John Zachary.) EUz. Gilbert, 1687, (S, Lawrence, Jewry,) Thomas Gilbert, 1483, (Allhallows, Barking,) WilUam Gilborn, Draper, (S. Catharine Cree,) Alice Gilbourne. Percival Gilburne, 1694, (S, Stephen, Walbrook.) Thomas Gillet, Gent. [1624 : S, Botolph, Alderfgate,] Dame Ifabel Gillifborough. Georgius Gippe, Efq ; one of the Judges in the Sheriff's Court, Henry Gifors, & w. Katharine, 1343, (S, Martin, Vintr.) Sir John Gifors, L. Mayor. (Chrift Church.) Felice, d. of Sir Thos. Gifors, & w, of Thos. Travars. (S. Giles, Cripplegate.) Sir John Gizors, Knight, Lord Maior. [13 1 1 : & s. Henry, 1343 : & brother John, 1350: S. Martin, Vintry.] John Gizors. (S. James, Garlickhithe.) Johannes Gla?ivile, Armig, James Glaforook, Efq, [1655, & w. Jane, 1658: S, Botolph, Alderfgate,] Alice, w. oi Thos. Glocefter, 1400, (S, Alban, Wood Str,) John Glocefter, Alderman, 1345. (S. Mary Mounthaw.) John Glocefter, Efq ; Alderman. Thos. Glocefter, & w, Anne. (Chrift Church,) Richd. Glover, 161 5, (S, Margaret Pattens.) Robert Glover, Armig, Somerfet;Herald, Grandfather by the mothers fide to Thomas Phllipot, of Southend in Kent, Efq. [1588: S, Giles, Cripple; gate.] Thos. Glover, 1677, (S, Sepulchre,) Sir William Glover, Knight, Lord Maior, [1603: S, Stephen, Coleman Str.] An7ie, Mary, Catharine, Sarah, ds, of Michael Godfrey. (S, Catharine Cree,) Michael Godfrey, 1689, & d, Hefter, 1698, & s, Michael, 1695, (S, Swithin,) Thomas Godfrey, iS77- i^- Mary, Aldermanbury,) Chriftopher Gold, Efq, Sir Nicholas Gold, Baronet, late hufband to the Lady Gold, now wife of Thomas Neal, of Warmford, Efq, George Golding, Efq, [1584, & w, Mary, 16 12 : S, Stephen, Coleman Str,] John Goldjhorough, of the Middle Temple, Armig, one of the Pro; thonotaries of the Common Pleas, Frances Goldfmith, daughter of Sir Fran; cis Appleton, Knight and Baronet, Francis Goldfmith. Mris, Jone, [w, of Clement] Goldfmith. [163 1 : Chrift Church.] WilUam Goldwyn, 1482. (Mercers' Chapel.) Dame Margaret Golyfoorough. (Chrift Church.) John Good, Efq., & w. Joan. (£. Catha; rine Cree.) 39 Goo] CATALOGUE OF TOMBES. Johannes Goodal, & w. Agnes, 1464, (S. Michael, Cornhill,) Richd. Goodcheap. (S, James, Garlick; hithe.) Sarah Gooi^ric/^, daughter to Sir William Bodenham, Knight, [w. of Henry Gooderick, 1616 : S. Giles, Cripple; gate.] Chriftopher Goodfellowe, 1690, & s, John, 1700. (S, Lawrence, Jewry,) James Goodier, 1 700. (S, Vedaft Fofter,) Adam Goodman, 1364, (S, Stephen, Coleman Str.) Thomas Goodwin, Efq., 1565. (S. Botolph, Alderfgate.) Thomas Goodwine, Efq. [S. James', Piccadilly.] William Goodwyn, 1494. (Mercers' Chapel.) Gerrard Gore, Efq., Alderman. [1607 : S. Mary Magdalen, Milk Str.] Sir John Gore, Knight, Lord Maior. Sir William Gore, Knight, Lord Maior, anceftor to that knightly family of the Gores in the county of Herts. Richard Goffelyn, 1428. (S. Mary;at; Hill.) Jeremy Gouge, 1692. (Allhallows, Bread Str.) Dr. William Gouge, Doctor of Divinity, and father of Mr, Thomas Gouge, many years of S, Sepulchres, and of Dr. Gouge the Phyfician, his brother. John Goulding, & w, Alice. (S, Bar; tholomew the Great,) Johannes Goure, Prince of Poets in his time, and anceftor to that moft ancient and eminent family of the Goures of Stitinham in the county of York, Abel Gower, 1667, (Temple,) 40 John Gower, 151 2, (S, Helen's.) George, s. of Edw. Gowre, 1470. (S. Michael, Crooked;lane.) John Gowre. (S. Giles, Cripplegate.) Richard Gowre, Efq. (S. Giles, Cripple; gate.) Johannes Grace, 1^29- ^ ^- Johanna. (S. Michael, Cornhill.) John Graffan, Grocer. Edward Graham, Efq ; a defcendant from the renowned Family of that name both In England and Scotland, of which the Illuftrious lames, Mar; queffe of Montrofe Is the chief. John Gramftone. (S. Michael, Crooked; lane.) Sir James Granado, Knt. (S. Dunftan's; In;the;E.) Thos. Grant, i486. (S. Martin, Vintry.) Thos. Grantham, 1 5 1 1 , (Chrift Church,) John Grantham. (S. Antholins,) John Gray. (S. Martin, Vintry.) Sir Richard Gray. (Whitefriars,) Fylone Graye. (S, Bartholomew the Great,) Thomas Greek. [1580 : S, Botolph, Alderfgate.] Catharine, w. of John Green, 1690, & daus, Angeletta, & Elizabeth ; w, Sufanna, 1700, (S, Chriftopher.) Deputy Green. Reginald Green, Gen. Edw. Greenberry, 16^4.. & w, Eleanor, 168 1. (S, Sepulchre.) Sir Richard Greene. (Whitefriars.) Robert Greene, 1590, (S, Botolph, Alderfgate,) Sir Tho. Greene. (Chrift Church,) William Greenfmith. Ralph Greenway, Grocer, 1559, (S, Dunftan's;in;the;E,) CATALOGUE OF TOMBES. [Gun John Greenwood, Painter;Stainer, [1585: S, John Zachary,] Paul Greenwood,\(>ii . (S.Bartholomew the Great,) William Gregory, L, Mayor in 145 1, (S, Anne & Agnes,) Richard Greneham, 1527, (S, Michael, Cornhill,) Sir John Greftiam, Knight, Lo, Maior, [1556 : & w. Mary, 1538 : S. Michael Baffifliaw,) Dame Mary, w, of Sir John Greftiam, 1538, (S, Mary, Aldermanbury.) Sir Richard Greftiam, L. Mayor, 1548. & w. Audrey, 1522, (S, Lawrence, Jewry,) Sir Tho. Greftiam, Knight, Lord Maior, [1579, & s, Richard, 1564 : S. Helen's,] Thomas Grefoam, Efq ; fon of the famous Sir Thomas Grefham, Knight, Mris Dorothy Grefwold. [1610 : S, Andrew Underfhaft,] Walburgis Gretfyin. [1597 : S, Martin Orgar.] Mary, w. of Nehemiah Grew, M.D., 1685, (Chrift Church,) George Lord Grey, Baron Ruthen, and Earl of Kent, Sir Henry Grey, ion oi the late George, Earl of Kent, [1562 : S, Giles, Cripplegate,] John, Lord Grey, 141 8, (Whitefriars,) Reginald Grey, Earl of Kent, (S, Giles, Cripplegate.) Richd. Grey, Sheriff in 151 5. (S. Michael, Queenhithe.) Dame EUzabeth Greyftock, w, of Sir John Vavafor, 1509, (S. Helen's.) John Grice, 1680, (Chrift Church,) Margaret, w, of John Griffith, 1624, (S. Bride.) Maurice Griffith, Bifhop of Rochefter, 1559. (S. Magnus.) Sir Rice Griffith, beheaded on Tower Hill 1 53 1. (Crutched Friars.) Sir Harbottle Grimfton, of in the county of Effex, Knight;Baronet, Mafter of the Rolls ; whofe arms are In the window. Henricus Grimfton, Efq ; third fon of the honourable Sir Harbottle Grim; fton of the county of Effex, Baronet, and Mafter of the Rolls, fefc. David Grimne, of the county of Breck; nock, Efq. Eleanor Griftles. (Whitefriars.) Elizabeth, 1693, w. of Frederick Gronen, 1697. (Auftin Friars.) Mary, w, oi Will. Grosfield, 1696, (S, Bartholomew the Great,) Dorothy, w, oi Robert Gryme, 1681, (S. Andrew, Holborn,) Nicholas Gundrey, 1675. (S, Bartholo; mew the Great,) Mris Gunfton, fifter of Serjeant;Major Gunfton, Philip Gunter, Efq ; Alderman, of London, d, 1582, ^et. 92, & wife Anne, dau, of Henry Barley, oi Albery, co, Hertford, Efq., 1585. & dau. Elifabeth, 1621. (S. Michael, Cornhill.) wid, of George Southaicke, of London, a Governor of Bridewell Hofpital ; father of Appolina Souths aicke, who married ift William ffayrefax, oi London, Goldfmith ; & 2ndly Thomas Browne, Efq., of Shredicote & Caverfwall, co. Staf; ford, & of Bentley Hall, co. Derby, (b, 1561 : d, 1633,) Procurator; 41 Gur] CATALOGUE OF TOMBES. General of the Arches Court of Canterbury, & co; Governor of Charterhoufe. The Lady Gurney, wife of the faid Robert South, and grandmother of Madam Mary Montague, wife of the honourable Mr. Montague the Queen's Attorney, and daughter of Sir John Aubery, of Wales. Sir Richard Gurney, Knight, Lord Maior, whofe two daughters (co; heirs) were married to the Right Honorable the Lord Richardfon and Sir John Pettus, fefc, Richard Gurney, Armig, [1596 : & w. Anna, 161 2 : S, Michael, Crooked; lane,] John Gurrey, 1536, (S, Leonard, Eaft; cheap,) Simon Guy don. (Chrift Church,) Avis Gybfon, and afterwards dame Avis Knevet, builder of the Free;School of Ratcliffe, where the ingenious Mr, Speed, Mafter of Arts, is the incum; bent Mafter, Agnes Gyffard, 1425, (S, Nicholas, Cole Abbey.) Elifabeth, w. of John Gynor. (S. Bar; tholomew the Great.) John Gyfe, 1511, & w, Elizabeth, 1536, (S, Leonard Eaftcheap,) Hacket, Gent, (S, Helen's,) Sir Cutbert Hacket, Knight, Lo, Maior, Richard Hackney, Sheriff, [1322, & w, AUce : S, Mary;at;HIll,] WiUiam HacUngridge, 1494, (S, Mil; dred. Poultry.) Sir Richard Haddon, Knight, Lord Maior. [1512 : S. Olave, Hart Str.] Walterus Haddon, Maffer of the 42 Requefts to Qu. EHz, [1572 : Chrift Church,] John Hadley, L, Mayor, 1370. (S, Pancras, Soper;lane,) Richd. Hadley, & wife Margery, 1492, (S, Peter, Cheap.) Matthew Hadocke. (Whitefriars.) Richard Hale, Efq., 1620. (S, Dun; ftan's;In;the;E,) Thomas Haley, Clarencieux, 1573 if. 1557), Enfigns of Arms only. (S, Giles, Cripplegate,) Joannes Hales, 1572, (S. Peter;le;Poor,) Guliel.Haliday ,YSi\., K}i^erm2in. [1623 : & wid, Sufanna, 1645, & d, Anne, 1656, fe?f, : S, Lawrence, Jewry.] Anne, 1678, & Elifabeth, 1680, children of Thos. HaU. (S, Vedaft Fofter,) Edwara Hall, oi Grays Inne, Efq ; that compil'd the Chronicle, fe?c, [1470 : Chrift Church,] John Hall, Draper, [16 18, & 3rd w, Ann, 1619 : S, Nicholas Aeon.] Tho. HaU, 1582, (S, Mildred, Bread Str,) WiU. HaU, 1680, (S, Vedaft Fofter.) Sir Leonard Hallyday, L, Mayor, 1605, (S, Michael Balfifliaw.) Captain Halfey, &c, Dr, James Halfey, Docftor of Divinity. [Rector, 1 640 : S. Alphage,] Dame Petronyl, w. of Sir Hugh Hals-- man. (Chrift Church.) Gilbert Halftocke. (S, Bartholomew the Great,) Henry Halton, Sheriff, 141 5, (S, An; tholln's,) John Halton, Gent, (Auftin Friars,) Dorothy, w, of Robert Halye, 1601, (S, Nicholas, Cole Abbey,) John Hamber. (S. Pancras, Soper;lane.) CATALOGUE OF TOMBES. [Har John Hamber, 1573. (S. Giles, Cripple; gate.) John Hamberyer. (S. Giles, Cripple; . gate,) Sir Hugh Hammerfty, Knight, Lord Maior, [1636 : S, Andrew Under; fliaft,] Edmond Hammond, Efq, [1643: All; hallows;In;the;Wall,] Stephen Hamms, 1690 : & w, Thomafin, 1596. (.? 1696 : S. Anne & Agnes.) Sir Thos. Hamner, 1688. (Temple.) Richd. Hamney, 141 8. (S. Stephen, Coleman Str.) Sir Robert Hampfon, Knight. [1607 : & w. Catharine : S. Mary;at HIU.] WilUam Hampfted. (S. Martin, Vintry.) William Hampton, L. Mayor, 1472. (S. Chriftopher.) Will. Hampton. (Whitefriars.) William Hanbury, Baker. (S. Andrew Underfliaft.) John Handford, Grocer. (S. Mary Woolchurch.) Ralph Handfon, 1653. (Allhallows, Staining.) Richard Hanley, Efq. Willoughby Hannam, i68f: & fifter Frances. (S. Margaret Pattens.) Mrs. Jane Hanfty. Elifabeth, d. oi^xr Robert Hanfon, 1690. (S. Mary Aldermary.) Sir Robert Hanfon, & w. Dame Kathe^ rine. (S. Mary Aldermary.) Will. Hanway, & children, 1686. (Trinity, Minories.) Adam Harcourt. (Chrift Church.) John Harding, 1576. (S, Benet, Grace; church,) Robert Harding, Sheriff, 1658. (S. Magnus.) Robert Harding, Sheriff, 1478, (S, Mary; le Bow,) Robert Harding, Sheriff, 1546. (S. Matthew, Friday Str.) John Hare, 1564, (Mercers' Chapel,) Sir Nicholas Hare, 1557. (Temple,) Nicholas Hare, Efq., originally from France, brother to the Right Honour; able Hugh Hare, Baron of Colerain, fe?f. [1621 : S. Dunftan In the Weft.] Mris EUinor Harecourt, wife of George Harecourt, Efq. William Hariot, Lord Mayor, 15 17. (S. Dunftan's;In;the;E.) Edmond Harlock. (S. Stephen's, Coleman Str.) Robert Harlow, Efquire, a member of that moft antient Family of the Harlowes In the County of Hereford, whereof Sir Robert Harlow, Knight of the Bath, Is the head with Sir Robert Harlow, Knight, and Collonel his Brother. Robert Harlow, Efq ; a branch of that ancient and knightly family of the Harlows In Hereford;fhIre, from whence Sir Edward Harlow Knight of the Bath, and Colonel Sir Robert Harlow his brother, are lineally defcended. Sir Joh. Harly, Knight, father of the late Sir Joh. Harly, Knight, and brother, Grand;father, and Father of Sir Erafmus Harly of Hartfordfliire, now living. [1610 : S. Michael, Cornhill.] Dorothy Harly. Baldwine Harney, Efq., M.D., chief Phyfician to the great Duke of Mufcovia, and father to the moft eminently learned, and exemplarily 43 Har] CATALOGUE OF TOMBES. liberal, Dr, Baldwin Harney, M,D,C,L, John Harper. [1632 : & w, Frances, 1630 : S, Margaret;Mofes,] Nicholas Harpsfield, Efq. (S. Helen's.) George Harrington, 1556. (S. Dunftan in the Weft.) Dr. Thomas Harriot, Doctor of Divinity. [162 1 : S. Chriftopher.] Edmund Harrijon, 1666. (S. Giles Cripplegate.) Tho. Harris, 1672. (S. Mary Abchurch.) George Harrifon, 1586. (S. Andrew, Holborn.) Sir John Hart, Knight, Lord Maior. [S. Swithin.] Jane, d. of Nathaniel Hart, 1666. (S. Catharine Coleman.) John Hart, 1449. (Chrift Church.) Will. Hart. (Whitefriars.) Jane Hartly. Thos. Hartley, Barber;Surgeon, 1683 : & w. Mary, 1700. (S. Alban, Wood Str.) John Hartfhorne, 1400. (S. Botolph, Alderfgate.) Benjamin Harvey, Efq., 1684. (S. Alban, Wood Str.) Sir James Harvey, L. Mayor, 1581. (S. Dionis Backchurch.) John Harvey. (S. Dunftan In the Weft.) John Harvey, Butcher, & w. Matilda, 1485. (S. Leonard, Eaftcheap.) John, s. of Stephen Harvey, & w. Eliz., 1700. (S. Mary;at;Hill.) Thomas Harvey, antiently of Foulkfton in the County of Kent, Efq. ; and one of the Progenitors of the honour; able Sir Daniel Harvey, Knight, Bifhop of Comb park in the County of Surrey, Knight and Baronet, now 44 living. [1622. &w. Elizabeth, 161 8: S. Peter;le;Poor.j Dr. WilUam Harvey, M.D., the famous Phyfician of his time, William, s, oi Robert Harvey, 1677, (S, Michael, Wood Str.) Daniel Harvie of Folkfton in the county of Kent, Efq ; father of the honourable Sir Daniel Harvie of Surry, Knight and Baronet, fe?r, Mris Mary Harvie, wife of the late Ellab Harvie, Efq ; and* both father and mother of the now Sir Eliab Harvie, Knight;B, Robert Harvie, Comptroller of the Cuftom;houfe, [1608 : S, Michael, Wood Str.] William Harvie, Gen, [1597 : ist w. Maudlin, 1581; 2nd w. Margaret, 1593 : S, Michael, Wood Str.] Edward Harvift, Gen, [16 10: S. Giles, Cripplegate.] Robert Hary. (S. Nicholas, Cole Abbey.) George Hafoen. (S. Mary Woolnoth.) Thomas Haftefoot, Vintner. John Haffal, Gent., fon of the late Dr. Haffal, Chaplain to the Queen of Bohemia, Sir George Haftings, Knight, fon of the late Lord Haftings, [161 1 : S, Bar; tholomew the Great.] John Haftings, Earl of Pembroke, 1389, (Chrift Church.) Sir Richard Haftings, 1501, Lord Willoughby & Wells. & w, Jane, 1505, (Chrift Church.) Dom. de Hatfeild. Rich. Hatfield, 1467, (S, Mary Wool; church,) Robert Hatfield, & s, Robert. (S, Pan; eras, Soper;lane.) CATALOGUE OF TOMBES. [Hen Thurftan Hatfield. (Chrift Church,) George Hatherjal, 1610, (S, Catharine Cree.) George Hatton, 1699, (S, Olave, Jewry.) Roger Hatton, Efq. ; Alderman, [1666 : Allhallows, Barking.] Robert Havelocke, 1390. (S. Olave, _ Jewry,) Sir Richard Havering, 1388, (Chrift Church.) John Having. (S. Michael Royal.) Chriftopher Hawes, Alderman, 1508. (S. Alban, Wood Str.) Sir James Hawes, Knight, Lord Maior, [1574 : S, Mary Abchurch,] Mr. Hawes, Watchmaker, Laurence Hawes, 1588. & w, Urfula, 1 6 14, (S, Vedaft Fofter,) Nathaniel Hawes, 1700, (Chrift Church,) Carolus Hawkins, Armig, [1621 : S. Nicholas Aeon.] Sir John Hawkins, Knight, the famous Sea;commander in Queen Elizabeth's Reign, Sir John Hawkins, Knt,, 1595. (S, Dunftan's;in;the;E,) Tho. Hawkins, Grocer, & w, Joanna, & Margareta. (S. Leonard, Eaftcheap.) Rev. John Hawlen, 1485. (S. Mildred, Bread Str.) Geo. Hawles, 1685, (S, Sepulchre,) Johannes Hawly, Armig, Sir Thomas Hawly, Knight, Claren; cieux, and anceftor to James Hawly of Bralnford, Efq,, &c, [S. Giles, Cripplegate.] John Hawley, Mercer and Maior. Chriftopher Hawfo, Sheriff, 1503. (S. Alban, Wood Str.) John Haydon, Sheriff, 1582, (S, Michael Royal,) James Hayes, Earl of Carlile, Mary, w. of Rich. Hayes, 1684. (S. Sepulchre.) Sir Thomas Hayes, Knight, Lo. Maior. [1617 : S. Mary, Aldermanbury.] John Hayman. Mr. Haynes, School;mafter of Chrift;Church. Henry Heardfman, Alderman. Thos. Hear df on, 161 8, (S, Bartholomew the Great.) Bazil Hearne, Gent,, 1692. (S. Michael Baffiftiaw.) Iohn Hearne, hofpitii praed,, Efq ; and one of the Benchers therof. Charles Heath, Efq, Ellen Hedgecock, wife of Robert Hedge; cock. John Headly, Mariner, Lady Mary Heigham, daughter of Sir John Colt, [w, of Sir Richard Heigham : 1634 : S. Catherine Coleman,] Dominicus ab Heila, Nobilis. [1608: Allhallows;in;the;wall.] John Hele, Efq ; fon and heir of Sir John Hele of Wenbury, Knight, i£c. Helling, Efq, (S, James', Picca; dilly.) Will. Hempfon, 1679. (S. Sepulchre,) Sir John Hend, L, Mayor, (S, Swithin,) Henry Heneage, Efq,, fon of Sir Tho. Heneage, Knight,) Sir Thomas Heneage. (S, Helen's,) Sir John Heningham, & Ifabel his w. (S, James', Piccadilly,) Benjamin Henfhaw, i68-|, & w, Martha, 1697, & Henry, s. of Richard Amy, (S, Michael, Crooked;lane, ) Thomas He7ifhaw, Efq., Captain, anceftor to the much accomplifhed Thomas 45 Her] CATALOGUE OF TOMBES. Flenfhaw of Kenfington, Efq, [1611, & w. Flower, 1 6 1 5 : S, Mary Mag; dalen. Milk Str,] The Lady Herbert. (S. James, Garlick; hithe.) William Herbert, 1590, (Chrift Church,) Henry Herdfon, Skinner, Alderman, 1555, (S, Dunftan's;in;the;E,) Edmund Herenden, Efq. [1590: S. Anne & Agnes,] John Herenden, Efq, [1572 : S, Anne & Agnes,] Alice Heriot (or Primrofo), 161 2. (S, Gregory;by;S, Paul,) Sir Nathaniel Heme, 1679. (S. Olave, Jewry,) Sir John Heron. (Whitefriars.) Sufanna, d. of Daniel Herringbrook, M.D,, & w, of George Woodford, 1694, (S, Michael Baffifliaw,) Arthur Herris, oi Effex, Efq,, and Counfellour at Law in Lincoln's Inne. William Herft, & 3 wives, Margaret, Joanna, & Agnes, 1487. (S. Leonard, Eaftcheap.) John Hewet, 1500, (S, John Zachary.) Henry Hewit, Efq. Johannes Hewit of London, Armig, [1602 : S, Dionis Backchurch.] Sir Thomas Hewit, Knight, Lo, Maior, Batehelor, Sir William Hewit [or Huet], Knight, Lo, Maior. [1559 : & w. : S. Mar; tin Orgar.] Thos. Hey, & w. Ellis. (S, Martin Outwich,) Alex. Heyband. (S. Michael, Crooked; lane,) Humphry Heyford, L. Mayor, 1477, (S, Edmund,) Thomas Heyhoe, Armig, [Temple,] 46 Robert Heyman, 1641. (S.Bartholomew the Great.) Edward Hey ward, 1573. (S, George, Botolph;lane,) Sir Rowland Heyward, Knight, twice Lord Maior, [1593: S, Alphage.] Sir Brian Hianfon, Knight and Barronet, Father of Sir Henry Hianfon, Barro; net. Doctor of the Civil Lawes, and fometimes Fellow of All Souls, at this cay living. Dr. Hibbert. (S. Olave, Jewry.) Charles Hickmote, fonne and heir of Mr, John Hickmote, Gent,, and of Mrs, Jane Hickmote, his furviving wife. Sir Baptift Hicks, Knight, Lo. Maior, anceftor to the Lord Vifcount Camp; den. [Window in S. Lawrence, Jewry, 161 9,] James Hickfon, Efq., 1689, (Allhallows, Barking,) Bernard Hide, of Boreplace in the county of Kent, Efq ; anceftor to the worthily honoured Sir Bernard Hide of Kent, Knight;B. Edvardus Hide, Efq ; fon of the Right Honourable Edward Earl of Claren; don, and Lord Chancellor of Eng; land, &'c. Hefter Hide, wife of the faid Bernard, Col. Humphry Higginjon. Thos. Higham, M.D., 1672. (S. Bride.) Iohn Highlord, Skinner and Alderman of London. John Hildie, 1 41 6. (S. Mildred, Poul; try.) Albayne HiU, M.D., 1559. & w. AUce, 1580. (S. Alban, Wood Str.) George Hill & family. (S. Vedaft Fofter.) CATALOGUE OF TOMBES. [Hol John Hill, 1439. (S. Bride.) Margaret HiU, wife of Dr. [Robert] Hill, Doctor of Divinity. [161 5 : S. Bartholomew, Exchange.] Richard HiU, Efq ; Mafter of the Wine;cellar to King H. 8. Robert HiU, Grocer, " kneeling in the window." (S. Mary Somerfet.) Sir Rowland Hill, Knight, Lo. Maior. [1549: S. Stephen, Walbrook.] Sir Thos. HiU, L. Mayor, 1485. (Mercers' Chapel.) James HiUs. Peter Hills, one of the Affiftants in the Trinity ;houfe. ElUs HiU on, Efq. [1528: S. Benet, Paul's Wharf] John, Baron Hilton. (Chrift Church.) William Hilton, 1519. (S. Mary Woolnoth.) William Hilton. (Chrift Church.) Thos. Hind, 1528. (S, Antholin's,) Auguftine Hinde, Efq, [1554 : & w, Elizabeth, 1569 : S, Peter, Cheap,] Steven Hindercle, Efq. (Auftin Friars,) Anthony Hinton, 1678, (S, Sepulchre.) William Hinton, 1689. & wives Elizas beth Chewning, & Rebeca Leman. (S. Peter, Cornhill.) Mris Rofe Hitchings. Thos. Hobfon, 1559, (S. Mildred, Poultry.) Will. Hobfon, Haberdafher, 1581. (S. Mildred, Poultry.) WilUam Hobfon, fon of Doctor William Hobfon. James Hacket, Mariner, Mafter of the Trinity-houfe. Mris EUz. Hodges. Nathaniel Hodges, M.D., 1688, (S. Stephen, Walbrook,) Robert Hodgejon, Efq ; and one of the Auditors of the Exchequer, [1577 : S, Alphage.] Henry Hodgkins, Churchwarden of Stepney, fe?c. William Hodfon. (S, Martin, Vintry.) Simon Hogan. (S. Martin, Vintry.) John Hoghton, 1699. (Temple.) Hans Holben. (S, Catharine Cree,) Sir Robert Holbourne, Knight, fe?f, John Hold, Alderman, (S, Benet's Sherehog,) Bridget, w, of John Holder, 1688, (Allhallows, Barking.) Dr, Rich. Holdfworth, Dean of Wor; cefter, his Tomb rebuilt by that great lover of religious and learned men, the honourable Sir Thomas Rich of Berks, Knight and Baronet. [1649 : S. Peter;le;Poor.] Dame Conftance Holland, fifter of the faid Duke of Exeter, John HoUand, Duke of Exeter, [and Earl of Huntingdon: 1447: S. Catherine's, E, Smithfield,] Philemon Holland, of the fame family as Dr, Philemon Holland of Coventry, M,D, Ralph Holland, Efq., Sheriff. [1452 : S. Mary Aldermary.] Thos. Holland, 1456. (S. Antholin's.) Sir William Holies [.? HolUs], Knight [.?], Lo. Maior, anceftor to the three laft fucceffive Earls of Clare. [1540 : S. Helen's.] Thos. Hollier, 1690 : & w. Lucy, 1677 : & s, Thomas, 1672 : & s. James, 1686, (Chrift Church.) George Holman, Gent,, Anceftor to the knightly family of the Holmans in the county of Northampton. 47 Hol] CATALOGUE OF TOMBES. WiU. Holftocke. (S, Mary;at;Hill,) Chriftopher HoU, Efq, [Allhallows, Staining.] Alexander Holt, Efq., Alderman of London ; both of them very anciently of that memorable family of the Holts of Grizlehurft in the county of Lancafter ; and both anceftors to Alexander Holt, Efq., and Alderman, yet living. William Holt, 1544. (S. Auguftine.) Robert Holt, Efq., Alderman of London. Guil. Hone. [S. Bartholomew the Lefs.] Peter Honeywood, 1685. (Temple.) Daniel Herring Hook, 1693. (S. An; tholln's.) John fe? William, sons of WilUam Hook, Efq., & w. Elizabeth, 1673. (S. Andrew Underfliaft.) Edward Hopegood, 1677. (S. Margaret, Lothbury.) WiU. Hopkins, B.D., & w. AvariU, Children of, 1685. (S. Lawrence, Jewry.) Elifabeth, d, oi Matthew Hoppie, 16 10, 2nd wife, Peter Naplefden, 16 14, (Mercers' Chapel.) Sl\r George Hopton, 1489. (Chrift Church.) Elifabeth, w. of Adam Hore. (S. Bar; tholomew the Lefs.) Jone Horn. (See Roger Marfhal.) Jofoph Hornby, & w. Judith, 1690. (S. Mary Woolnoth.) ' Jofeph & Judith Horneby, sons of, 1687. (S. Edmund.) Elizabeth Horfenayle, w. of Thomas Nafhet, 1695. (S, Catharine's, E, Smithfield.) Jeremiah Horjenayle, and Alics his wife, 1692, (S, Catharine's, E, Smith; field,) 48 Geo. Horfenel, 1697. (S, Andrew, Holborn,) Simon Horfopoole, Sheriff, 1601. (All; hallows, Lombard Str.) Gulielmus Horfnel, Gen,, very anciently of Horfnel;crouch (or Horfnel;crofs) in Kent, and father of John and George Horfnel, fe?c, [1656 : & w, : S, Andrew, Holborn,] John Horfpool. [S. Dunftan in the Weft,] Mris Anne Horton, wife of Mr, Thomas Horton, Eliz., w, of Thomas Horton, 1696, (Allhallows, Lombard Str.) Roger Horton, 1423. (S, Dunftan in the Weft.) Charles Hofoins, 1597, and w. Anne. (Mercers' Chapel,) John Hotham, Efq,, 1644, (Allhallows, Barking,) Thos. Hottby, 1528, and wives AUce, Joan, & Margaret. (S, Mary Somerfet.) James Houblon, 1685, (S, Mary Wool; noth,) Peter Houghton, Alderman, & father _ Thomas. (S. Michael, Cornhill.) Sir Robert Houghton, Knight, one of the Juftlces of the Common Pleas. [1623 : S. Dunftan in the Weft,] Robert Houfe, Sheriff in 1586. (All; hallows. Bread Str.) Roger How, 1606. (Mercers' Chapel.) Dorothea Howard. Henry Howard, Fade of Arundell and Surrey, one of the anceftours to the illuftrious Family of the Duke of Norfolk, now living, [1546 : All; hallows, Barking.] Matthew Howard, 1675 : & s. Samuel, CATALOGUE OF TOMBES. [Hut 1698: & wid, Sarah, 1700. (S, Mary; le;Bow,) James Howel, late Hlftorlagrapher to his prefent Majefty, [1666: Temple.] WilUam Howel, Hofpitii prasd., Efq., and eldeft Sonne of that Signall man of Law and learning Sir Iohn Howel, Kt., Recorder of London, fefc. Sir Adafn de Howton, 141 7. (Chrift Church.) Richd. Howton. (Whitefriars.) Richard Hubbart, Inhabitant of Redriff. Thos. Hubbart, oi Gray's Inn, 15 15: & w. Eliz. (Mercers' Chapel,) Sir John Hubblethorne, Knight, Lord Maior, Sir Henry Huberthorne, L, Mayor, 1546, (S, Peter, Cornhill,) Robertus Huckel, 1694, (Allhallows, Barking,) Dr, Walter Huddon. (Chrift Church,) Sir William Huddy, 1501, (Chrift Church,) Edmond Hudfon. James Huifh, Gent, [1590: S. Pancras, Soper;lane.] Johannis Huitfon, 1689. (S, Michael, Cornhill,) Robert Hulfton. JohnHulton, 1475, (S. Michael le Quern.) George Humble, Efq., father of Sir William Humble of Stratford;Lang; ton, com. Eff. Knight and Baronet, now living. Peter Humble, Gent. . Hungate, of Torks. (Mercers' Chapel.) Agnes, w, of Edw. Hungerford. (S. Bartholomew the Great,) Alice, Lady Hungerford. Hanged at Tyburn, 1523. (Chrift Church,) Edw. Hungerford. (S, Alphage,) Roger Hunning, Fiflimonger, and Pur; veyor to King H, 8, [1541 : S, Nicholas, Cole Abbey.] Richd. Hunfter, 1500. & w. Matilda, 1493, (S, Nicholas, Cole Abbey,) Robert Hunt, 1676. (Temple,) Henry Hunter, Efq,, 1669, (Allhallows, Barking.) Dame Ma., Countefs of Huntington. [1429: S. Catherine's, E. Smithfield.] The Countefs of Huntingdon. (S. James, Garlickhithe.) Countefs of Huntingdon. (S, Anne, Blackfriars,) Gwifoard, Earl of Huntingdon. (Auftin Friars,) Walter Huntingdon, Efq, (S, Helen's,) Jone Huntingfeld. (S, Anne, Blackfriars.) John Huntley. (S. Benet's Sherehog.) Tho. Huntley, Efq,, 1539. (S. Mary Bothaw.) WiU. Hurftwaight, 1526, (S, Mildred, Bread Str,) Jane Hufoands, wife to Captain William Hufbands, Lady Huje, wife of Sir Henry Hufe. (Chrift Church,) Antonius Hufe, Armig, [1560 : S, Martin, Ludgate.] GuUel. Hufe, Armig. [1559 : S, Mardn, Ludgate,] William & Jane Hufe, s, & d, of Dame ElUs, Countefs of Arundel. (S, Anne, Blackfriars,) John Huffe, Efq, (S, James, Piccadilly,) Mris, Elizabeth Huffey. Margaret, w, of Lawrence Huffey. [1569: Chrift Church,] Margaret Hutchinfon, wife of Ralph Hutchinfon. H 49 Hut] CATALOGUE OF TOMBES. Ruth, w. of WiU. Hutchinfon, 1688, & grandfon Thomas, 1695. (S. Mil; dred. Poultry,) 3Ir Richard Hutton, Knight, one of the Juftlces, &c. [1638 : S, Dunftan in the Weft,] Bernard Hyde, 1630 : Anne his wife, 1640 : Bernard his fon, 1655 : Hefter his wife, 1649. (S. Dunftan's in the E.) Thos. Ham, Sheriff, 1479. (Mercers' Chapel.) Lady Margery de Ilderton, 1338. (Auftin Friars,) Sarah lies, d, of Thos. Barendine, ist hufband Will. Height ; 2nd, Henry lies. (S. Mary;le;Bow,) William llford. (S, Margaret, Lothbury,) Ralphe Illingworth, fons of, (S, Alban, Wood Str,) Sir Richd. Illingworth, Baron of the Exchequer, (S, Alban, Wood Str.) Lady Imayne, of Huntengfelde. (Chrift Church.) Walter Ingham, 1464. & w, Eleanor, 1466, (S, Bartholomew the Lefs,) Sir Arthur Ingram, 168 1, (S, Dionis Backchurch,) Lady Elizabeth Ingram, wife of Sir Arthur Ingram, Knight, and Mer; chant of London, Johannes Ingram, Civis fe? Pifoenarius. Mris Ingram. Thomas Iken, Armig, [1590: S, Mil; dred, Poultry.] Sir Thomas Iken, Knight, John Ireland, Efq. [16 14. & w, £///a; beth, 1 6 13 : S, Mildred, Bread Str.] William Ifaack, Draper, Alderman, 1508, (S, Dunftan's;in;the;E,) 50 Richard Ifaacfon, Efq, [S, Catharine Coleman,] Queen Ifabel, w. of Edward II. , 1358. (Chrift Church,) Alice, w, of Sir Richard Ifoam. (S, Bartholomew the Lefs,) Thomas Ifham, 1692, Elizabeth Ifoam, 1693, children of Zach. Ifoam, D,D,, Rector, (S. Botolph, Bifhopfgate.) Rev. William Iftip, 1382. (S, Dunftan's; in;the;E,) Mary, w, of Will. Ivat, 1684, (S. James, Garlickhithe.) Edward Jackman, Efq., Sheriff of London, [1564: S, Stephen, Wal; brook.] John Jackfo77, & fifters Elifaheth Hard^ ing & Ifabel Juxon, 1691. (S. James, Garlickhithe.) John Jackfon, 1584. (Chrift Church.) Philip Jackfon, 1684. (S. Dionis Back; church.) John Jacob, 1683. & w. Rachel, 1691. (S. Sepulchre.) Joanna Jacobs, wid., 1691. (S, Dionis Backchurch,) Sir Bartholomew James, Knight, Lord Maior, [1479 : ^- Dunftan's;in;the E,] Helias James. (S, Andrew Wardrobe,) Nicholas James, Sheriff, 1423, (S, Botolph, Billingfgate,) William Jawdrell, Merchant;Taylor, [1440 : S, Mary Abchurch,] Mris, Sarah Jay, onely daughter of Mr, George Jay, fe?f. Lord Chancellor Jeffreys. (S. Mary, Aldermanbury.) John Jeffeys, Efq,, 1688, (S, Andrew Underfliaft,) CATALOGUE OF TOMBES. [Jux Dame Per cilia Jeffreys, 1676. (S. Dionis Backchurch,) David lenkins, hofpitii prasdicftl, Efq, Will. Jenks, & w. Chriftian, 1475, (Mercers' Chapel,) Francis J enner & w. Margaret, 1603. (S. Andrew, Holborn.) Dame Margaret, w. of Stephen Jenings, L, Mayor, 15 15, (S, Mary, Alder; manbury,) Ambrofe Jennings, Ironmonger. Iohn lemiings, Efq ; one of the long Iind Anceftors of that Knightly Family of the lennlngs in the County of Hertford, &c., whereof Iohn lennlngs of Saundridge com, prasd, Efq ; is at this day living. Sir Stephen Jennings, Knight, Lord Maior, [1523 : Chrift Church,] Judge Philip Jermin. Robertus Jermin de Ruftbrook, Armig, [S. Margaret, Lothbury,] Francis Jermy, 1668, (Temple,) Rowlandus Jewks, Efq, [}(>^.'i '¦ Temple,] Anthony Jocelyn, Efq ; and Chriftopher Marft, Efq ; both menial fervants to the Right honourable the Lady Dowager of Dorfet and Pembroke, Sir Ralph Jocelyn, Knight [,^], Lord Maior, [S, Swithin,] Alyn Johnfon, 1498, (S, Botolph, Al; dersgate.) Sir John Johnfon, Alderman, 1698. (S, Vedaft Fofter,) John Johnfon, Glazier to William III, (S, Alphage,) Johannes Johnfon, 1280, (S, Leonard, Eaftcheap.) Robert Johnfon, Mdermzn. (S. Matthew, Friday Str.) Anne Joliff. (See D. Papillon.) Thos., 1 67 1. & WiU. Jolly ffe, 1680. (Temple.) Abigail Jones. yirvs, Ann; Jones. [1665: S.Catherine's, E. Smithfield.] Dame Elizab. Jhones, wife of Sir Francis Jhones, Knight. [Window in S. Lawrence, Jewry, 16 18.] Charles Tones, hofpitii prasdicti Genero; fus. Helias Jones. Henry Jones, 1695, (S. Dunftan in the Weft,) Ignatius Jones, Efq, Johannes Jones, Armig, Katherine Jones, daughter of Rowland Morgan. Peter Jones, 1694. (S, James, Garlick; hithe.) Philipp lones, prasd, hofpitii, Efq ; one of the younger fonns of Collonel Phihp lones of South Wales, Efq. Robert lones, hofpitii prasdicti Generofus, Roger Jones. [1605 : S. James, Gar; lickhithe.] Sir Roger Jones, Knight, Lord Maior. Sufanna Jones. Sir WiUiam lones. Knight, one of the Judges of the King's bench. Elizabeth, w. of Peter Joye, 168 1. (S. Dunftan's;in;the;E.) Sir Andrew Jud (or Judde), Knight, Lord Mayor, 1551. (S. Helen's.) His dau. Elizabeth mar. Sir William Morgan of Pencoed, co. Monmouth, who was knighted at Briftol 1574, & d. s.p. 1584. John Julian. (S. Margaret, Lothbury.) William Juxton, Bifhop firft of London Lord Treafurer of England, Arch; 51 Kan] CATALOGUE OF TOMBES. bifhop of Canterbury, and Uncle to Sir William Juxton, anciently of Suffex ; and the Reverend and emi; nently learned D. Robert Poary, Refidentiary Prebend, of S. Paul's, fe?c., who beftowed the faid Arch; bifhops Atchievement, as an Orna; ment to Lambeth Church. John Kant. Sir Peter Kayor (or Kayen), Kt. (Auftin Friars.) Thos. Keck, J.C., 1671. (Temple) Henry Keeble. (Founder of S. Mary Aldermary, & there buried.) John Kellond, 1685. (S. Bartholomew the Great.) Henry Kelfoy. (S. Mary Magdalen, Milk Str.) Thomas a Kelfy, anceftor to the late Colonel Kelfy, fometimes Governour of Dover, Sarah, mother of Thos. Kemble, 1673, His d. Sarah i6j2y & d. Elizabeth 1676, & d. Anne 1677, & 2nd d. Anne 1683, & s, James. (S. Chrifto; pher.) John Kempe, Gent, (S, James', Picca; dilly,) Sir Nicholas Kempe, Knight, one of the High;Commiffion;Court, Lady Sarah Kempe, his wife, Philippus Kempe. Simon Kempe,Kiq. (S, James', Piccadilly.) Dame Joanna, wid, of Sir John Kemp- thorn, 1 69 1, (Allhallows, Barking,) John Kendal, 1468, (S, Mildred, Poultry,) John Kendrick, a moft memorable Citizen, [1624 : 'Atchievements & banners only.'] 52 William Kenley, Efq, (Auftin Friars,) Rev, John Kennington, 1374. (S. Dun; ftan's;in;the;£.) Sir William Kenod. (Auftin Friars.) Lucy, Countefs of Kent. (Auftin Friars.) Margaret, Countefs of Kent, 1540. (Whitefriars.) Nicholas Kenton, alfo Provincial of the fame order. Thos. Kenyngham. (Chrift Church.) William Kerwin, Citizen. [1594: S. Helen's.] William Kerwood, 1676. (Allhallows, Lombard Str.) Benjamin Kerwyn, 1621. (S. Helen's.) Magdalen Kerwyn, 1592. (S. Helen's.) Sarah Kefteman, wid. of Gabriel de la Porte, 1694. (Auftin Friars.) Henry Kettle, 1671. (S. Sepulchre.) Rev. Joannis Kettlewell, 1695, (All; hallows. Barking.) Margaret Keval, 1583, (S, Michael, Cornhill,) James Keyte, Armig,, anceftor to the worthily honoured Sir Jonathan Keyte of the County of Hertf,, Knight;B, Thos. Keyton, Loriner, 1522, (S, John Zachary,) Lady Catharine Killigrew, one of that moft ancient and honourable family of the Killigrews in Cornwall, [S, Thomas Apoftle,] Serjeant;Major Killigrew. John Kimber, 1684, (Allhallows, Bark; inc John King, 1677, (Temple,) Johannes King, 1434, (S. Michael, Cornhill,) Rebecca King. Sufanna King, wife of Daniel King. CATALOGUE OF TOMBES. [Lam William King, Draper, 1394. (S. Ste; phen, Coleman Str.) William King, late Rector of S. Olave, Silver;ftreet, fe?f. Elifabeth, VI. oi Ifaac Kingftand, 1679, (S. Botolph, Alderfgate.) Will. King ft one, Fiflimonger, 1298. (S. Peter, Cornhill.) William King fton. (S, Alphage,) Edward Kinnafton, Efq, James Kinnon. [of Lentilo, co. Mon; mouth, 1 6 1 5 : S. Bride.] John Kirby, Gent. John Kirkbie, Grocer, 1578, (S, Stephen, Walbrook.) Will. Kirkbie, 1465. (S. Olave, Jewry.) Sir Alexander Kirketon. (Chrift Church.) John Kiryoll, Efq., br. of Thomas Kiryoll, 1400. (S. Dunftan's;In;the; E.) John Knape. (S. Dunftan in the Weft.) Thos. Knefworth, 1515. (S. Mary Mag; dalen, Guildhall.) Philip Knevet, 16^4.. (S, Sepulchre,) David Knight, 1679. (S. Andrew, Holborn.) James Knight, 1439. {^- Dionis Back; church.) Thomas Knight, 1534, & wives Alice, 1533, & Lucy. (S, Michael, Cornhill,) Sir Walter Knight, oi Canterbury. Walter Knight, oi Canterbury, Gent. Sir William Knight, 1470. (S. Bartholo; mew the Lefs.) WilUam Knightly, Efq. Robert Knollys, Efq,, 1420, (S. Helen's,) Dame Lucy Knowles, Countefs of Kent. (Auftin Friars,) Sir Robert A"«ow/fJ, a memorable Knight, in the reign of Richard the 2, and eminent commander in France, in the reign of Edward the 3, [1407 : Whitefriars,] Sir Thomas Knowles, Knight, Lord Maior, Thomas Knowles, L. Mayor, 1550. & s, Thomas. (S. Antholin's,) Thomas Knowles, L, TMayor ; & s. Thomas. Twice L. Mayor. (S. Pancras, Soper ;lane.) Robert Korkford. (S. Pancras, Soper? lane,) Sir Henry Kybel, or Kyble, Knight, fefc. Lady K. Kyme [or Kene : S, Michael Royal,] Will. Kyng, 1420, (S, Leonard, Eaft; cheap.) Alys Kyngefton, d. of Lord St. John, (Chrift Church.) Tho. Kyngfton, and w. Agnes. (S. Giles, Cripplegate.) Nicholas, s, of William Kyriell, Efq, (Crutched Friars.) Stephen Kyrton, Alderman, fe?r., 1553. (S. Andrew Underfhaft.) Rev. Richd. Lacty, 1491. (S. Nicholas, Cole Abbey.) Dame Julian, w. of Sir Richard Lacy. (Auftin Friars.) Lancelot Laken, Efq. (Mercers' Chapel.) John, s. of William Lamb, Gent,, & w. Catherine, 1681, (S, Ethelburga,) William Lamb, 1679, & w, Elifabeth, 1680, (S. Matthew, Friday Str.) Mr, Lamb, founder of S. James' Chappel in the Wall, &c. John Lambard, Alderman, 1554, (S, Michael, Wood Str,) Julian, w, of John Lambard, Alderman, (S, Nicholas Aeon,) John Lambe. (S, Pancras, Soper;laae,) 53 Lam] CATALOGUE OF TOMBES. John Lambert, Gent, [1686 : S, Catha; rine Cree,] Richard Lambert, Alderman, 1567, (S, Mary;le;Bow,) Jacob Lamboni. (Allhallows, Barking,) Jacobus Lamborne, Agent for the Repub, of Venice. John Lampion. (Whitefriars.) Richard Lancafter, Herald, (S. Bar; tholomew the Great.) Francis Lane, 1685. (S. Lawrence, Jewry.) Lieutenant;Colonel John Lane, father ofjohn Lane, wholefale Grocer. John Langham, Efq. (S. Martin Out; wich.) Sir John Langham, Knight and Baronet, father of the eminently learned Sir James Langham, Knight, his vault. [S. Mary Magdalen, Guildhall.] Tho. Langham, 1700. & w. Eleanor, 1694. & d. Rebecca, 1692. (S. Martin Outwich.) Dr. William Langham, one of the Prebends of Lichfield, fe?c. [1437 : Temple.] Alice, w. of John Langhorn, 1420. (S. Michael, Cornhill.) Charles Langley. [1602 : S. Giles, Cripplegate.] Clemence Langley, wife of Richard Langley. Guil. Lang fton de Hanly;Caftle. John Langthrop, Efq., 15 10. (S. Helen's.) Chriftopher Langton, M.D., 1578. (S. Botolph, Billingfgate.) Thomas Langtony, 1350. (S. Helen's.) Gabriel Lapp, Hofpitii Lincoln, Efq. Robirtus Large. [1441 : S. Olave, Jewry.] 54 Laude. (Launde : (S. Mildred, (Auftin Sir Thomas de la Auftin Friars.) Simon Launare, 1320. Poultry.) Sir John de la Launde, 1465. Friars.) John Launder, & w. Agnes, 1529. (S. Michael, Cornhill.) Richard Laundfoy, 1461. (Mercers' Chapel.) Dame Abigail, w. of Sir John Laurence, 1682. (S. Helen's.) Adam Laurence, Gent., Merchant, nephew to the honorable Sir John Laurence, Knight and Baronet, fefc. Margaret Laurence, d. of Laurence Huyffen, Heer Van Weelde, Zeland, w. of Col. Henry Cornwall, 1692. (Auftin Friars.) Rachel, w. of Sir John Laurence, & d. of Charles Chamberlain, Efq,, 1687. (S. Helen's.) Richard Laurence, Merchant. John Law. (S, Peter, Cornhill.) John Lawes, Y.i(\; Executor of Thomas Sutton, Gideon de Lawne, Efq ; anceftor of the now Sir Gideon de Lawne, Sir John Lawfon, Knight, &c., four of his children. Sir William Laxton, Knight, Lord Maior, [1556 : S, Mary Alder; mary,] Alex. Lay ton, 1679. (S. Dunftan in the Weft.) Iohn Ledgingham, Efq ; father of War; wick Ledgingham of Ottery St. Maries in the County of Devon, Efq. Sir John Lee. (See J. Sanye.) Sir Richd. Lee, L, Mayor, (S, Stephen, Walbrook.) CATALOGUE OF TOMBES. [Lig Richd. Lee, Clarencieux King of Arms, 1597, (S, Alphage.) _ Simon Lee, 1487. (S, Mildred, Poultry,) Tho. LeeoiHReyi. (S, Mildred, Poultry,) WilUam Lee. (S. Martin, Vintry,) Colonel Leg, i. oi Lord Dartmouth, (Trinity, Minories,) Ferdinando Leigh, hofpitii prasd. Gene; rofus, Gerrard Leigh, Efq, [1563 : S, Dun; ftan In the Weft,) Mris Anne Leighe. Henry Leigh, 1568, & w. Ifabel & Elifabeth. (S, Dunftan In the Weft,) Sir John Leigh, 1564. (S, Margaret, Lothbury,) Sir Thomas Leigh, Knight, Lord Maior [1558], anceftor to Edward Leigh of Gloucefter, Efq. [1571 : Mercers' Chapel,] Sir Thomas Leighe, Knight, buried in the Church of S, Leonard, Shore; ditch. Thomas Lekimpton, Efq, John Leland. (S. Michael le Quern.) Sir Peter Lemair, Knight, a memorable Benefadtor, Sir John Leman, Knight, Lord Maior ; anceftor to Sir William Leman of Northal in the county of Herts, Knight and Baronet, [1632 : S, Michael, Crooked;lane,] John Lemot, Efq,, Alderman. Dom. Richardus Lempfter, Capellanus. [Temple,] VValter Lemfter, Doctor of Phyfick, and Phyfitian to the Perfon of Henry the feventh. Sir John Lenthal, Knight, King;Mar; fhal of the Kings Bench, a fair Table for him and his neer relations. Sir John Lepington. (See Sir J. Frey}) Nathaniel Lett en, 1682. (S. Dionis Backchurch.) Johannes Leventhorp, Efq., one of the long;lind Anceftors of that honour; able and antient Family of the Leven; thorps in the County of Hartford, whereof Sir Thomas Leventhorp Com. prsed., Knight and Barronet, and Collonel of the Forces of that County, Is the chief. Ralph leventhorp, of Albury;Hall, comit. Hartf, Efq , one of the An; ceftors to the noble Sir Tho. Leven; thorpe com. prad.. Knight and Barronet, fe?c. Will. Lever, Gent,, 1666, (Allhallows, Barking,) Humfrey Leving, 1682, & s, Humfrey, 1677. (Allhallows, Bread Str,) Nicholas Levifon, Sheriff, 1534. (S. Andrew Underfhaft.) Michael Lewes, 1584. (S. Andrew, Holborn.) Alderman [fThomas] Lewen, Agnes Lewen, his wife. [Sheriff in 1537 : S, Nicholas Olave,] Sufan Lewen. [w. ist of John Palmer, & 2nd of John Kirby, 1624 : S, Mildred, Poultry,] Thos. s. of Thos. Lewkener. (Chrift Church.) Hugh Ley. (Window in S. Lawrence, Jewry, 16 18,) John Ley, Efq, [1604: S, Andrew Wardrobe,] Richardus Ley. James Lialton. (S, Lawrence, Jewry.) Will. Lightfoot, 1699. & w. Catharine, d. of Robert Abbot, 1673. (S. Mary Magdalen, Guild;toll.) Lil] CATALOGUE OF TOMBES. Anne, younger Knight, John Lilburne, Grocer, 1678. (S. Stephen, Walbrook.) Cornelius Linchebeck, a Dutch Mer; chant. [1655 : S, Ethelburga,] William Linchelade, 1392, (S, Alban, Wood Str.) Richard Lincolne, 1548. (S, Benet's Sherehog.) John Lingham, Efq. Sir John Lion, L. Mayor, 1554. (S. Benet's Sherehog.) Richard Lions, Vintner. Beheaded In Cheape by Wat Tyler, 138 1, (S, James, Garlickhithe.) Lord Liothe, of Ireland. (S. Blackfriars.) Daniel Lifte, Efq., one of the fons of Sir William LIfle, fe?r. [1663 : Temple.] Robert, s. of Lord Lifte. (Chrift Church.) Sir Robert Lifte, & Lady Lifte. (Chrift Church.) Mris. Margaret Litchervet [Lichten velde: 1593 : S. Botolph, Alderfgate.] Thos. Litchfield, 1320. (S. John Zach; ary.) Vlilielmus Litchfield. [1447 : Al; hallows;the;Great.] Richd. Litler. & w. Phcebe, 1674. (S. Margaret Pattens.) Sir William Littlefoury or Littlebury, Knight, Lord Major of London. [1487 : S. Thomas;Apoftle.] Dame Anne Littleton, wife of the late Sirlidw. Littleton. [1623 : Temple.] Edward Littleton, Efq. ; fon of Sir Thomas Littleton, Knight, fe?c. [1664: Temple.] John Littleton. (S. Mary Abchurch.) Sir Timothy Littleton, 1679. (Temple.) Katharine Lively. 56 Griffith Lloyd, Doctor of the Civil Law, [1586: S. Benet, Paul's Wharf,] Henry Lock. (S, John Zachary.) Sir William Lock, Knight, &c. [1550 : Mercers' Chapel.] John Locke, 15 19. (Mercers' Chapel.) Maudlin Lodge, 15 — . (S. Michael, Cornhill,) Sir Thomas Lodge, Knight, Lo, Maior. [1563 : & w. Dame Anne, S, Mary Aldermary.] John Loke, Sheriff, 1461, (S, Mary;le; Bow,) Ann Loker, daughter of William Loker of Oaking, in the County of Surrey, Efq, Thomas Lonaon. (S, Mary Abchurch,) Iohn Lonelye, Profeffor of Divinity and Fryar of the Fraternity of the Car; melites. Hen. Long, Efq, [1573 : S, Andrew Wardrobe,] Mr. Juftice Long. John Long oi Bedfordfhire, Efq, [1442 : S, Mary Abchurch,] Johannes Long ft one, or Lang ft on. John Long fon, 1583, (S. Vedaft Fofter.) John Lorimer, 1689. ^ Gilbert Lorimer, 1688, (S, Margaret Pattens,) John Lorimer, & children Samuel & Sarah, & wid, Frances, 1674. (S. Mildred, Poultry,) Thomas Lorimer, 1492, & w. Elizabeth. (S. Peter, Cornhill,) Frances, w, of Charles Loringe, i6^g. (S. Nicholas, Cole Abbey,) John Louth. (S, Bartholomew the Great,) John Loveday, 1693, (S. Anne and Agnes.) John Lovekin, four times Mair, and CATALOGUE OF TOMBES. [Lyo Mafter of Sir William Walworth. [S, Michael, Crooked lane,] Sir Thomas Lovel, Knight of the Garter, Henry Lovell, s, of William Lord Lovell. (Crutched Friars,) Nicholas Loven. (Allhallows;the;Great,) Margaret Lovet, 1631, (S, Andrew, Holborn.) Thos. Lovet, Efq., Sheriff of Northampt, 149 1, (S, Alban, Wood Str,) Sir John Lovetoht, & w, Margaret. (Chrift Church,) Anthony Low, 1685, (S, Dunftan in the Weft.) Simon Low. (S. Magnus.) Thomas Low, & w. Elizabeth, 1574. (Mercers' Chapel.) Antonius Lowe, Efq. [1641 : S, Bar; tholomew the Great,] Sir Thomas Lowe, Knight, Lo, Maior [1623 : S, Peter;le;Poor.] Elizabeth, w. of Emanuel Lucar, 1537. (S. Lawrence Pountney.) John Lucas of S. Johns neer Colchefter, Efq ; and one of the anceftors of the Lord Lucas. [1556: &c d. Margaret, w. of Thos. Pennie, M.D., 1587 : S. Peter;le;Poor.] Lucius Lucas [^ Lucy] an eminent Merchant. [1663 : S. Catherine Coleman.] Mris Conftance Lucie. Margaret Lucie, daughter of Sir Thomas Lucie of Charlecot, Knight. [1634 : S. Giles, Cripplegate.] Lady Conftance Lucy, fecond wife of Sir Thomas Lucy of Charlecot in the County of Warwick Knight, and Knightly for many generations ; grandmother of the worthily honoured Richard Lucy, Efq ; and incumbent heir and proprietour of that moft antient mannor, [1596 : Trinity, Minories,] Anna, wid. of John Lucy, 1653. (S, Catharine Coleman.) Geoffry Lucy. (Chrift Church.) Sir Thos. Lucy, 1525. (Chrift Church.) Thomas Lucy, Efq ; another branch of that moft antiently flourlfhing and diffufively fpreading Family of the Lucies de Charlecot, Comit. War; wick : whereof Richard Lucy de Charlecot, Efq., is the cheif. [1447 : S. Giles, Cripplegate.] John Ludlow, & w. Alice. (S. Bartholo; mew the Great.) Sir John Ludlow. (Whitefriars.) Mris Margaret Ludlowe. John Lumley, eldeft fon of the right honourable the Lord Vifc. Richard Lumley of Stanftead. Sir Martin Lumley, Alderman, 16,, 4, (S. Helen's,) John Lupfel. Edwaraus Lupton. [S, Michael;Royal,] Geo. Lufoin. (S. Mary Woolnoth,) Ifabel Luther. (See R. Bainton.) Robert de Luton, 1361, (S, James, Gar; lickhithe.) Robert Lyade. (S. Helen's.) Sufanna Ly dcot ,vi\ieoi Q,o\\one\ Leonard Lydcot, and daughter of Sir John Lenthal, Knight, and Marfhal of the King's Bench. Richard Lye, 1522, (S, Bartholomew the Lefs.) Tho. Lyffyn, 1482. (S. Michael, Corn hill.) Richard de Lyon, Armig., Sheriff, Sufanna Lyon. Sir John Lyons, Knight, Lord Maior 57 Mab] CATALOGUE OF TOMBESi John Mabbe, Chamberlain, &c, (S, Matthew, Friday Str.) Johanna Macany, 1452. (S. Nicholas Aeon.) John Machel, Alderman, 1558. (S. Mary Magdalen, Milk Str.) Rafe Machin, Efq., 1488. (S. Helen's.) Irnold Mackman, Vintner, 1457. (S. Michael Royal.) Sir Richard Maddox, Knight. John Maidenhead, & w. Diones, 1524. (S. Michael, Cornhill.) Sir Peter le Maire, 1631. (S. Chrifto; pher.) Sir Thomas Malefant, Knight, one of the Barons of the Exchequer. [1438 : S. Bartholomew the Lefs.] Thomas Malledze. o John Mallory. Sir Richard Mallory, Knight, Lord Maior. [1564 : Mercers' Chapel.] John, Sir Thomas, Sir Nicholas, & Dame Alice Malmayns. (Chrift Church.) Thos. Malory, 1470. (Chrift Church.) Philip Malpas, Efq., Sheriff of London. [1539 : S. Andrew Underfhaft.] Robert Malton, 1426, (S, Botolph, Alderfgate, John Malvern. & his w, (S. James', Piccadilly.) John Malwaine. (S. Bartholomew the Great.) Dr. Henry Man, Doctor of Divinity. [Bifhop of Man: 1556 : S. Andrew Underfhaft.] Walter Mancyll, Efq. (Auftin Friars.) Geffrey Mandeville, 121 5. (S. James', Piccadilly.) Richard Manhall, 1503. (S. Peter, Cornhill.) Sir John Manners. (Auftin Friars.) 58 Sir Thomas Manners, Knight. Randal Manning, Efq. [161 1 : S, Swithin.] Sarah Manning. Thos. Manningham, Efq. (Auftin Friars.) Sir Oliver Manny. (Auftin Friars.) Sir Walter Manny, or de Meynie, Knight. Sir Edward Mansfield, Baronet. James Manthrope, Efq. (S. James', Piccadilly.) Francis March. 1697. (S. Dunftan's;in; the;E. Gilbert March. (S. Martin, Vintry.) Robert March. (S. Michael, Crooked; lane.) Ralph Marco, 1672. (Allhallows, Staining.) Richardus Mardon. John Markam, Efq., Serjeant at Arms to King James. Thomas Markes. William Marks. Robert Maries. Sir Richard Marlow, Knight, Lord Maior. Richd. Marlow, L. Mayor, 1409. (S. Michael, Queenhithe.) Marpor, Gent., 1400. (S. George, Botolph;lane.) John Marret. Rob. Marriot, S. Th. P., 1689. & w. Martha, & s. Rob. Marriot of Gray's Inn, & d. EUz. w. of Will. Pett. (S. Stephen, Walbrook.) W. Marrow, & w. Catharine, 1468. (S. Botolph, Alderfgate.) John Marfh, Conimon Serjeant. (S. Michael, Wood Str.) Robert Marfh. [1602. & w. Florence: S. Vedaft Fofter.] CATALOGUE OF TOMBES. [Meg Edw. Marfhal, iSy^. & w. Anne. (S, Dunftan in the Weft,) Roger Marfhal, Efq, [& w, Jone Horn : S. Catharine Cree.] Thos. Marfhal, 1560, & w. Johanna, 1 56 1, (S, Peter, Cheap.) William Marfhal, his fon. Earl of Sallfbury. John Marfhall, 1498. & w. Joanna, 1484. (S. Laurence, Jewry.) Nicholas Marftiall, Alderman, 1474. (S. Helen's.) Robert Marftall, Alderman, 1439. & w. Eliz. (S. Pancras, Soper;lane.) R. Marfton, Efq. Edward Martin. Jar. Martin, Gent. John Martin, Sheriff, 1533. (S.Thomas Apoftle.) John Martin, 1460. (S. Michael Baffi; fhaw.) John Martin, & w. Margaret. (Chrift Church.) Maria Martin. [1565 : S. Benet, Paul's Wharf] Sir Roger Martin, Knight, Lo. Maior. [1573 : S. Antholin's.] Sir Will. Martin, L. Mayor, 1492. (S. Chriftopher.) Dom. Martinus Jurijconfultus eminens. [1606 : Trinity, Minories.] Richd. Martys & Agnes. (Mercers' Chapel.) Gilbert Maryon, 1391. (S. Ethelburga.) Nicholas Marys. (Chrift Church.) Robert Mafoall, Bifhop of Hereford. Charles Mafon, Gent. John Mafon, 143 1 . (S. Botolph, Aiders; gate.) John Mafon, eldeft fon of Richard Mafon, Yeoman of the Guard. Peter Mafon, 1416. (S. Peter, Cornhill.) Roger Mafon, 1603. (S. Giles, Cripple; gate.) Tho. Mafon, 1668. & w. Sufanna, 1679. (S. Sepulchre.) Tho. Mafon. (S. Giles, Cripplegate.) Mary Mafoe. John Mafter, Gent., 1444. (S. Dionis Backchurch.) John Matchell, Efq., and Alderman of London. John Matthew, L. Mayor, 1490. (S. Martin Orgar.) T)?ime Agnes Matrovers. (Chrift Church.) Henry Maundrell, hofpitii prasdicti, Efq. William Maufs,Y.io^., 1465. (S. Michael, Wood Str.) Richd. May. (Allhallows, Bread Str.) Sir Theodore fMayerne, Knight, Phyfitian to the late King. Thos. Mayhull. (Temple.) Mris Margaret Maynard. Sir WiUiam Maynard. (Chrift Church.) Elizabeth Medcalfe. (See W. Cockaine.) John Medley, Chamberlain. (S. Michael, Wood Str.) James Medlicoat, Efq., father ofThomas Medlycoat of the Middle Temple, Efq., and Counfellor at Law ; and alfo of his brother Mr. Edmond Medlycoat, an Officer of and in the Court. Arthur Medlycot, oi Salop, Efq., an; ceftor to Tho. Medlycot of the Middle Temple, Efq. ; and Edmond Medlycot of Whlte;hall, his brother fefc. [& w. Elifabeth, 1605 : S. Gregory;by;S. Paul.] Will. Medow. (Whitefriars.) Mris Judith Megges wife of William Megges. Efq. >9 Meg] CATALOGUE OF TOMBES. William Meggs, Efq., father ofWilliam Meggs of London, Efq., and Dr. James Meggs, Doctor of Divinity, fe/ir. John Melchborne. (S. Martin Outwich.) Chriftian Melites. Gilbert Melites. Lionel Mellington, ion of Sir Robert Mellington. Sir Tho. Mellington, Knight. Robert Mellifli. [1562 : Allhallows, Bread Str.] Henry Melmoth, 1699. (S. Sepulchre.) Will. Melrith, 1425. (S. Lawrence, Jewry.) Eliz. Mennel, oi that ancient family of the Mennels in the County of Derby, daughter of Mr. Mennel, and neece of Alderman Mennel, fe?c. Sir John Mennes, Knt., 1670. (S. Olave, Hart Str.) Charles Mercer, ion of Sir John Mercer, Knight. John Merchaunt, 1420. (S. Margaret, Lothbury.) Elifabeth, w. of Luke Meredith, 1689. (Chrift Church.) Sir William Meredith. (An Achieve; ment of Arms: S. Alban, Wood Str.) Sir Richard Merlow, Lord Maior of London. Lady Merrick, wife of Sir William Merrick, Knight, LL.D., and Judge of the high Court of Admiralty. Guy de Merricke, Earl of S. Paul. (Auftin Friars.) John Merwer. (Chrift Church.) William Meffe. Anthony Meffenger. [& fifter Mary, &c., 1625 : S. Alphage.] Emanuel de Meteren. [1612 : S. Dionis B?'-':church.] 60 Robert Metham. (Whitefriars.) Sir Walter Mewes. (Auftin Friars.) Richard Meynil, Apothecary, 1683. (S. Dunftan's;in;the;E.) Andrew Michael. (See Tho. Roach.) John Michael, Serjeant at Arms, 141 5. (S. Botolph, Alderfgate.) Thos. MieheU, 1527. (S. Olave, Jewry.) Sir Charles Micklethwait, M.D., 1683. (S. Botolph, Alderfgate.) Sir John Micklethwait, 1682. (S. Bo; tolph, Alderfgate.) Sir Samuel Mico, his Hatchment. John Micolt, or Mico, Gent. [1424 : & w. Joanna : S. Martin, Vintry.] Anne Middleton. [1596 : S. Matthew, Friday Str.] John Middleton, L. Mayor, 1472. (S. Mary, Aldermanbury.) Robert Middleton, Efq. Sir Thomas Middleton, Knight, Lord Maior. WilUam Midgely, of Staple;Inne, Gen., Clerk of the Judgements under the worthily honoured Thomas Robinson, Efq., and chief Prothonotary of the Conimon Pleas, fe?f. Francis Baromi of Milain, 1546. (S. Giles, Cripplegate.) Agnes Milburne, his wife. Sir John Milburne, Knight, Lo. Maior. [1535 : & wives Joane & Margaret: S. Edmund.] William Milburne, Sheriff and Alder; man of London. [Chamberlain, 1505: S. Vedaft Fofter.] Sir Walter Mildmay, Knight, Privie Counfellor to Queen Eliz. and one of the anceftors, &c. [1589 : & w. Maria, 1576: S. Bartholomew the Great.] CATALOGUE OF TOMBES. [Moo GuU. MiU, Axrmg. [1608: S. Botolph, Alderfgate.] Johannes Mill, filius. [of William, 1595: S. Botolph, Alderfgate.] Earl Millen. (See King Stephen.) George Miller of London, Gen. and Printer ; father to Simon Miller of St. Paul's Churchyard, Bookfeller. Anthony, s. of John Milles. Captain John Millet, Mariner. [1660 : S. Bartholomew the Great.] Lord Thomas Millington, Baron of Weenies. Rev. Daniel Mills, D.D., 1689. (S, Olave, Hart Str,) Mary, d. of Edw. MiUs, 1684, (S, Sepulchre.) John Milfon. [1567 : S, Botolph, Al; derfgate.] Iohn Milverton : a Fryar of Briftol, and Bifhop elect of St. David's. Roger Mingay, 1688. with his mother Mary Badger, 1678. & daus, Anne & Elizabeth. (S, Benet, Grace; church,) Sir Chriftopher Minns, Knight, one of the great Commanders at fea. Catharine, d, of Sir Thomas Mirley. (S, Alban, Wood Str,) John Mirfin, 147 1. (Holy Trinity;the; Lefs.) Sir John Mitehel, Knight, Lo. Maior. [f. John Michell, Merchant Taylor, 1537 : S, Andrew Underfhaft,] John Mitchell, L, Mayor, 1436, (S, Magnus.) John Mitford, Sheriff, 1375. (S, Mary Magdalen, Milk Str,) John Moager, & w. Emme. (S. Mary Woolnoth.) James Molins, 1686. (S. Bride.) Sir John Molins. (S. Anne, Blackfriars.) William MolUneux, hofp. prasd., Efq., and a branch of that flourlfhing Family and of that Lordly name, in the County of Lancafter. Lionel MolUnton, ^ia^. (Crutched Friars.) Rob. MolUnton, Efq., & w, EUzabeth. (Crutched Friars,) Sir Thomas de MolUnton, Baron of Wemefe, 1408, & w, Elizabeth, d, of William Botelar, Barone of Worne, 1 410, (Crutched Friars,) Edward, 1698, & Charles, 1700, fons of Edw. & Jane Mompeffon. Will. Moncafter, 1524, (S, Auguftine,) Galfred Moncley, 1281, (S. James, Garlickhithe.) Edw. Monecroft, 1578. (S. Stephen, Walbrook.) Humfrey Monmouth, 1535. (Allhallows, Barking.) Richard fVLonnes, Scrivener, 1552. (S. Catharine Cree.) William, Lord Montacute, Earl of Saliftury, King of the Ifle of Man. Lady Catharine Montague. [1612: S. Botolph, Alderfgate.] Robert Montague, Efq. Robert, s. of James Monteth, 1684. (S. Lawrence, Jewry.) Sir Hugh & Sir John Montgomery. (Whitefriars.) Nicholas, s. oijohn Montgomery, 1485. (Chrift Church.) Mris Ellen Monyns. [1632 : S. Giles, Cripplegate.] Mris Frances Monyns : Daughters of Sir William Monyns of Kent, Baronet, [1632: S, Giles, Cripplegate.] Elifabeth, w. of Mr. Moor, 1668. (S, Dunftan in the Weft,) 61 Moo] CATALOGUE OF TOMBES. George Moor, 1669, (Allhallows, Bark; ing.) Dame Mary Moor, w, of Sir John Moor, Knt., 1690. (S. Dunftan's;in; the;E,) Johannes a Moore. Katharine Moore, daughter of William and Margaret Moore, of Reading, [1667 : S, Catharine's, E, Smithfield.] R. Moore, Efq. [Sarah, d. of, & w. of Nathaniel Fox : S. Catharine's, E, Smithfield,] John Mordant, 1387, (S. Mary;at;Hill,) Sir Diones Mordafoe (or Morbeck), Kt, (Auftin Friars,) Simon Mordon, L, Mayor, 1368, (S, Michael, Crooked;lane,) John More, Norroy King at Arms, 1 49 1. (Chrift Church.) WUl. More, L. Mayor, 1395. (S, James, Garlickhithe.) Gulielmus Morecroft, Armig. [S. Dun; ftan In the Weft.] Peter Morens (or Morrows), Efq. (Auftin Friars.) Hugh Moreftye. (S. Giles, Cripplegate,) Valentine Moretoft, Efq, Thomas Morgan, Efq, (Arms In Temple Hall.) Sir William Morgan, of Pencoed, co. Monmouth, (See Sir A, Jud.) Sir Chriftopher Morice. (S. Peter, Corn; hill.) Sir WilUam Moris, & w. Chriftian. (Whitefriars.) Dame EUzabeth Morley. (ChriftChurch.) Johannes Morley, Efq. [1587. & w. Elifabeth Wotton, 1603 = S. Botolph, Alderfgate.] Thomas Morley, Gent., 1566. (S. Olave, Hart Str.) 62 Thos. Morley. (Window In S. Lawrence, Jewry, 161 8.) William Morley, and Ralph Morley, fons of the late Sir Thomas Morley, Knight, one of the Longlind An; ceftors, of thefe two long Knightly & ancient Families of the Morleys in Suffex. [Auftin Friars,] John Morrice. (S. Benet's Sherehog,) Thos. Morrys, & w. Joan, 15 12. (Mer; cers' Chapel.) Thomas Morftead, Efq ; Sheriff. [1450: S. Olave, Jewry.] Simon Morfted. (S. Alban, Wood Str.) Sir John Morteyne. (Chrift Church.) Sir John Mortimer, 1423, (Chrift Church.) John Mortimer. (S. Martin, Vintry.) Roger Mortimer, Earl of March, 1329, (Chrift Church.) Richd. Morton, M.D., 1698. (Chrift Church.) Sir Will. Morton, 1672. & w. Anne, 1668, &-C, (Temple,) Mr, Mofely. Francis IMoffe, 1657. & s. Henry, 1676, (S. Michael, Cornhill.) Sir Peter de Mot a. (Whitefriars.) John Mate. (S. Michael, Crooked; lane.) Captain Randal Moulton, huflsand of Rebecca Moulton, third fon of the famous Captain Robert Moulton, fometimes Vice; Admiral of England, fe?c., and younger brother of the yet; living and valiant Captain Robert Moulton, now in his Majefties fervice. James Mounford, 1544, (S, George, Botolph;lane.) John Mounfon, Efq ; third fonne of Sir CATALOGUE OF TOMBES. [Nea John Mounfon of South;Carleton in the county of Lincoln, Knight. Ofoert Moundford, or Mountfort. [i 6 1 4 : S. Mary Magdalen, Milk Str.] Robert Moundford, or Mountfort, an; ceftor by the maternal line to Sir John Brampfton, Knight of the Bath ; and Sir Mountford Brampfton, one of the Mafters of Chancery. Dame Anne Mountague, Dutchefs of Exeter. George Mountague, s. of Henry Earl of Manchefter, 168 1. (S. Catharine's, E, Smithfield.) Roger Mountague. (S. Mary Abchurch.) Peter Mountford. (Chrift Church.) Richard Mountford, 161 5. (S. Mary Magdalen, Milk Str.) Hefter Mountney. Johannes Mourton. Sir John Mowbray, Earl of Nottingham, 1398. (Whitefriars.) John Moyle, of Gray's Inn, 1495. (Chrift Church.) John Moyle, 1530. (Chrift Church.) Mary Muffet, his wife. Sir Edmund Mulftiew. (S. Michael Royal.) Thomas Multon, Efq., s. of Bourdeaux. (S. Catherine Cree.) WilUam Multon, alias Bordeaux, Herald. (S, Catherine Cree.) John Mun, 1 6 1 5. (Allhallows, Staining.) Mr. Anthony Munday, Draper, 1633. (S, Stephen, Coleman Str,) Sir John Munde, Goldfmith, Knight, Lord Maior, [1527 : S. Peter, Cheap,] John Mundham. 13 10. (S. Michael le Quern.) Auguftin Munford, 1666. & s. Richard, 1695. & w. Anne, 1698. (S. Law; rence, Jewry.) John Munne, Merchant. John Murdock, 1684. (S. Sepulchre.) Edward Murrell, Grocer, and Martha Murrell. Nicholas Murrey, Efq; a defcendant from that noble Family of the Murreys in Scotland, to which Mr. Henry Murrey fometimes of His late Ma; jefties Bedchamber is fo great an Ornament. John Murftey, 1432. (S. Anne, Black; friars.) Thomas Muf champ, Efq. [1547 : S. Mildred, Poultry.] Thomas Mufchampe, Sheriff in 1463, (S. Mary Magdalen, Milk Str,) Thos. Mufche. (S. Alban, Wood Str.) Philip Mufgrave, Efq., 1688. (Trinity, Minories.) John Muftel, 1424. (S. Martin, Vintry.) Nicholas de Nale. [1566 : S. Andrew Underfliaft.] Will. Narborough, & w. Dame Beatrix. (Crutched Friars.) Will. Narborough, & w. Dame Eliza- beth. (Crutched Friars.) John Nafti, 1466. (S. Michael, Wood Str.) Thomas Nafli, Efq. [1679 : Temple.] Richard Nay lor. Alderman, 1485. (S, Martin Outwich,) Thomas Neale, s. of Francis Neale, Efq., 1597. (S. Botolph, Alderfgate.) Thomas Neale, ion of Sir Thomas Neale, Knight, fe?f. Walter Neale, Efq., Sheriff, anno 1352. [.'' 1337 : S. James, Garlickhithe.] Ned] CATALOGUE OF TOMBES. John Nedham, 141 7. (S. Bartholomew the Lefs.) Jafper Needham, 1679. (S. Bride.) John Nelfon, fon of Mr. John Nelfon, Gent., and Merchant of London. WiU. Neve. (S. Swithin.) Jane Nevel, alias Jane Dethick. Anne Nevett, wife of Mr. Ed. Nevet of Cony;hatch In the County of Middlefex, Gent. Dame Catharine Nevil, Countefs of Rutland. Elifabeth, w. of John Nevil, 1423. (Chrift Church.) Lady Nevil, w. of Lord Dogelas. (S. Anne, Blackfriars.) Rofamond Nevil. Col. Thomas Nevil, his Lady, and other neer relations. John Nevill, Lord Latimer. Dame Elizabeth Nevyl, Lady of Aber-- gavenny. (S. Martin Outwich.) Tobias Newcourt, oi Pickwel in the county of Devon, Armig. [Temple.] Robert Newenton, Efq. (Auftin Friars.) Chriftophorus Newman. Gaius Newman. [1613 : S. Matthew, Friday Str.] Dame Jane Newmarch. (Chrift Church.) Richard Newport, many ages fince Bifhop of London, a defcendant from the truly honourable and moft antiently Knightly Family of the Nevvports in the County of Salop, of which noble Family the Right honorable Francis Lord Newport, Baron of High Arcoll is Princlpall. Will. Newport, Sheriff in 1375. (S. Nicholas Olave.) Thos. Newton, ist Rector. (S. Michael le Quern.) 64 Tho. Nicholas, 1527, (S. Nicholas, Cole Abbey,) John Nichols. [S. Martin, Vintry.] Sir Ambrofe Nichols [Nicholas], Knight, q. if not Lord Maior. [1575: S. Mildred, Bread Str.] Tho. Nichols, Citizen and Fiflimonger. [1527. & w. Chriftian : S. Nicholas, Cole Abbey.] William Nicholfon, Efq. [1531 : S. Andrew Wardrobe.] Robert Nieoll, iG-jG.&c s. Richard, 16']']. & w. Rebeca, 1679. (S. Chriftopher.) Martha, vr. of Richard Nicolls, 1684. (S, Dunftan's;in the;E.) Robert Nicolfon, 1594. (S. Mary Ab; church.) Agnes, d. of Tho. Niter. (S. Giles, Cripplegate.) Tho. I^ockst, Draper, 1396. (S. Mary Woolnoth.) John Norbery, Efq., & s. Henry, High Treafurer of England. (ChriftChurch.) John Norberry, Efq., Judge of South; Wales, father to Mr. George and Mr. John Norberry, fe?c. Petronilla, w. of John Norberry. (Chrift Church.) Richard Nor dell. Richard Nor den, int. Tempi. Efq. [1460. & w. Joanna, 1459 ¦ S. Dunftan in the Weft.] Margaret, Duchefs of Norfolk, d. to Thomas Brotherton, Earl Marfhal, 1389. (ChriftChurch.) Lady Margaret Norf or d, 1406. (S Chriftopher.) Edward Norgate, Efq. Sir John Norice. (Whitefriars.) Thos. Norland, Sheriff. (Mercers' Chapel.) CATALOGUE OF TOMBES. [Ore John Norlong. (S, Lawrence, Jewry,) John Norman, Draper, 1453. (All; hallows, Honey;lane,) Richard, 1673. s, of Richd. Normanfel (1694), & w. Elifabeth. & s. Robert, 1675. & d. Elifabeth. (S, Botolph, Alderfgate,) Elifabeth, d, of the Rt, Hon. Sir Henry Norreis, 1574. (S, Mary, Alderman; bury,) Dame Joane Norris, Lady Bedford. (Auftin Friars,) John Norry holme (or Norris : S, Chrifto; pher,) Elijabeth North. (S. Dunftan In the W.) Elizabeth [w. oi Roger] North, Generofa. [1612 : S. Dunftan in the Weft.] Dame Margaret North, wife of Edward, Lord North. [1575: S. Lawrence, Jewry.] Pope North, J674. (Temple.) Roger North, Merchant, 1509. (S. Michael le Quern.) Elifabeth, w. oi Sir William Bohan, Earl of Northampton. (S. Anne, Blackfriars.) John Northampton, L. Mayor, 1381. (S. Alphage.) John Norton, Efq. (Mercers' Chapel.) Turvile Norton, 1694. (Allhallows, Staining.) John Norwich, Grocer, 1390. (S. Dun; ftan's;in;the;E.) Mary Norwich, 1686 (S. Giles, Cripplegate.) Luke Nourfe, oi Gloucefter, 1673 ; s, Edward, 1689. (S, Michael, Cornhill,) Sir Martin Nowell, Knight, defcended from that antient and honourable Family of the Nowels In Lancafhire, and father to the truly honoured Sir Martin Nowel, Knight B,, now living. Henricus Nowellus. Johannes Nowellus, Arm., M.D. Joane, w. of Thomas Nucke, Gent. (S. James', PiccadiUy.) Sir Edward Nulfhew, Knight. Margaret, w. of Tho. Nutfon, 1487. (S. Michael, Cornhill.) Hugh Offiey, Efq ; and Sheriff. [1588: S. Andrew Underfliaft.] Robert Offiey, fon of Hugh Offiey, Al; derman. [1631 : S. Mary, Alderman; bury.] Sir Thomas Offiey, Knight, Lord Maior : anceftor to that worthy family of the Offleys in Staffordflilre. [1556 : S. Andrew Underfhaft.] Oglethorp, Bifhop of Carlifte, 1559, (S, Dunftan in the Weft,) Edmund Oldhall. (Whitefriars,) Sir William Oldhall, Knight, [1460 : S, Michael;Royal,] John Romany Ollarie, & Agnes his wife, 1408. (S, Botolph, Aldgate.) John Olney, L. Mayor, 1375, (S, Mary Magdalen, Milk Str,) Sir John Olney, Knight, Lord Maior. [1446: S. Michael, Crooked;lane.] Sir John Olyffe, Knight, Sheriff. [1577: S. Lawrence Pountney.] John Onely, 1537. & w. Elijabeth. (S. John Zachary.) Mrs. Elizabeih Ongley, 1694. (S. Michael, Cornhill.) Joan Only, wife of John Only of War wickfhire, Efquire. John Orenge, Gent., with Agnes his wife. [1504 : S. Nicholas, Cole Abbey.] 65 Org] CATALOGUE OF TOMBES. John Organ, Sheriff, 1385. (S. Olave, Jewry.) John Orme. [16 17. & w. Mary, 161 8: S. Bartholomew the Great.] Nicholas Orme. [1628: S.Bartholomew the Great.] Alexander Orpwood, 1672. (Allhallows, Lombard Str.) Mary, vr. of Sir Lewis Orrel. (S. Helen's.) Edward Ofborne, Efq., int. Temp. I.C. Sir Edward Oftorne, Knight, Lord Maior. [1591: S. Dionis Backchurch.] Petrus Ofoorne, Armig. Georgius Chriftophorus [George Sebaftlan ab] Ofterhaufen. [Knt. of Thuring. 1638 : S. Catharine Coleman.] Thos. Oftritch, 1483. (S. Alban, Wood Str.) Elizabeth, vr. oi Juftus Otgher, 1686. (Auftin Friars.) Margaret, vr. of Sir William Othal, & d. of Lord Willoughby. (Chrift Church.) John Outwich, & w. (S. Martin Out; wich.) Martin, & Nicholas, & WiU. de Out: wich. (S. Martin Outwich.) Sir Ralph Saint Owen. (Whitefriars.) Dr. Owen, Phyfician to Hen. VIII. (S. Stephen, Walbrook.) Sir Samuel Owfeild, or Ouldfeild, Knight. John of Oxford, 1341. (S. James, Gar; lickhithe.) John Oxney. (S. Michael le Quern.) Robert Packenton, 1536. (S. Pancras, Soper;lane.) Lady Anne Packington. [1563 : S. Botolph, Alderfgate.] 66 Mary Packfton, daughter of Rodger Packfton. Thos. Paddington, 1485. (S. Nicholas, Cole Abbey.) Thomas Paddington, Citizen and Fifli; monger. William Page, Apothecary, a perfon very memorable. [& wives Idonia, Johanna, & Johanna : S. Peter, Cornhill.] Robert Paget, Sheriff, 1536. (S. Dionis Backchurch.) William Paggen, Merchant, i689;90. (S. Dunftan's;in;the E.) Roger Paine. (S. Martin, Ludgate.) John Palfryman, 1692. (S. Margaret, Lothbury.) Iohn Palgrave, Fryar of the fame Fra; ternity. Dudley Palmer of Grays Inn, Efq ; fon and heir of Sir Anthony Palmer, Knight of the Bath. Dudly Palmer, of Grays Inne, Efq ; his grandchilde. James Palmer, Batehelor of Divinity. John Palmer of Clerkenwel, Efq. [.? 1 5 1 3 in S. Peter, Cheap.] Matthew Palmer fenior, Efq. [1605 : w. Anne, 1630 : S. Giles, Cripple; gate.] Matthew Palmer, his grandchilde, Efq. [S. Giles, Cripplegate.] Robert Palmer. (S. Bartholomew the Lefs.) William Palmer, 1356. (S. Mildred, Bread Str.) Gabriel Pannel of London, Leather; feller. Anna Mary, vr. of David Papillon, of Lubenham, co. Leicefter, 1675. & $. George Papillon, of London, 1684. CATALOGUE OF TOMBES. [Pay & Jane, d. of Philip Papillon. & w. Annejollif, 1690. & David Papillon, s. oi Thos. Papillon, of Paris, 1693. (S. Catharine Coleman.) John Par, 1607. & w. Mary, 1606. (S. Benet, Paul's Wharf) Thomas a Par, slain at Barnet, 1471. (Chrift Church.) Sir Thos. Par, 1 5 1 7, father of Katherine Par, vr. oi Hen. VIII. & wid. Dame Maud, 1 5 3 1 . (S. Anne, Blackfriars.) John Parce, Gen. Johana Parey, 1683. (Chrift Church.) Sir Thomas Pargiter, Knight, Lord Maior [1530], ancestor to that worthy family of the Pargiters in Northampton;fhire, whence Mr. Par; giter, Goldfmith, is lineally defcended. [Allhallows, Bread Str.] John Parker. (S. Pancras, Soper;lane.) Matthew Parker, Arch;bifhop of Can; terbury. Margaret Parker, wife of the faid Matthew. Sir William Parkhurft, Knight, Comp; troller of the Mint. Margery, vr. oi John Parkinfon, 161 1. (S. Andrew, Flolborn.) Sir Peter Parravicin, Knt., 1696. (S. Dunftan's;in;the;E.) Sir Hugh Parfal, 1490. (Chrift Church.) Fenton Parfons, Efq., a branch of thofe two flourlfhing and antient Famelies of that name. In the Kingdome of Ireland, the one neer Dublin, the other in the County of Waxford, of which Knightly Family there, the learned and much obleiging Arthur Parfons, Efq., and one of the Farmers of His Majefties Cus; tomes for that Kingdom, is chief 1519 (s. George Nicholas Partrich, Sheriff, George, Botolph;lane.) Thomafin Pafofield, wife of Pafefield, Efq. Lord John Paflay, fonne of the Earle of Abercrome, hufband of the honour; able Lady Katharine Lenthall, one of the daughters of Sir John Lenthall, Kt., ftylo veteri, and Marfliall of the Kings Bench. Philippus Pafque [Pafoin], Efq., one of the anceftors of the moft eminently learned, the late Dr. Pafque. [1580 : S. Stephen, Coleman Str.] William Pafton, & w. Anne. (S. Anne, Blackfriars.) Edward Patience, and Grace Gibfon. Will. Patkyn, Efq., 1537, (S, John Zachary,) Henry Patmer, 1520, (S, Peter, Cornhill,) Stephen Patrington, Provincial of the order of Carmelites. Philip Pats, 15 1 8. (Chrift Church.) Petter Patten, M,A,, 1673, (S, Law; rence, Jewry,) John Patteftey, Mayor, 1441, (S. Michael, Crooked;lane,) Sir George Paul, Knight, William Paulet, Efq,, 1482, (Chrift Church,) John Paune. (Mercers' Chapel,) Tho. PauJet, oi Stalfet, Efq, (S, James', Piccadilly,) Jane Pawel. (S, Anne, Blackfriars,) Samuel Payler, Efq, Mary Payler, his wife. Thomas Paynard, alias Thomas Aylwood, Secretary to the Lord Cromwell Chancellor of England, fe?^l.) UlUi.im WandefforJ of PickhUl in the county of York, Efq. Ljureva- JVarcam. (S. Sepulchre.) Eiiziiheth WdrcDp (or If'jrcup), eldeft Daughter of Rodolph Warcup of Englilh, in the Countv of Oxford, Efq. Anne Jf'^reup. John [far J. (S. Mary;le Bow.) Sir Patience Jf'ard^ L. Mayor, 1696. &: w. EUzalcth, i6S5.\S. Mary Abchurch.) William Ward. T. Tf'ardbury. 1545. (S. Pancras, Soper lane.) Janus Ware, \6~i. &: w. £//;., 1699, (S. Lawrence, Jewrv.) Thos. {f'jrlivgzcrrh. (S. Matthew, Friday Str.) EJ\c.irJ Warner, Efq ; fon of Sir Ed. Warner, Knight. [162 S : S. Andrew Underfhaft.] Her.ry Wur>::r^ El'q; lon of Sir Ed. Warner, Knight. Jchn WjfKcr. Sheriff, 1494- Sc s. RAen. I ;i6. (AUhallows, Lombard Str.) R:\hsrJ:is Warner. [1476: S. Au; guftine.] Robert Warner, ic w. Dame Alicf. \S. Bartholomew the Lefs.") Sarah JVarner, 1699. (S. Catherine's, E. Smithfield.) Kscho'.as Warren, Gen. [16 14: S. Michael, Wood Str.] Sir Ralph Warren, Knight, Alderman, and twice Lord Maior. [1553 : S. Benet's, Sherehog.) Edw. Warrington. (S. Benet's, Shere; hog.) Tho. WarjJc, Sc w. Ifj.hel. (S. Giles. Cripplegate.) JohauKcs Wartenfis. [: War tants: 1662 : S. Helen's.] EJn:ur.J TJ'arter. (S. Giles, Cripple; g.ite.) J:hK Jrartcn, ia w. £.7 'aherh. (S. Bar; tholomew the Great.) Chrift.-pher JVafz. Goldi'mith, one oi the anceftors to that eminentlv learned M. Chriftopher Wafe, S.T.B!, and Schoolmaller of the Free;School of Tunbridge. [1605 : S. Vedail: Fofter.] Edmund Warar. (S. Giles, Cripple; gate.) Jy:K Water, York Herald, i;;c. (Chrift Church.) Fra'uis Water ksu e, Efq ; and 5r;.;^. ,- his wife ; father and mother of the worthily honoured Edward Water; houfe oi Greenford in the countv of Middlefex, Efq. Hu^h IFarrrh.u > ic Zia-jri, their fons Mary Warcrhcu 'e. wife of the lait Edward Warerhouie of Greenford in the county of Middlefex, Eiq. Lady Eiizalerh War^rmj':. relict of Robe-t RuiTel, ic w. of Sir Georee Waterman. i6-,". (S. Dunftan's in the E.) EJ'.carJ Tf aters. Eiq., Sen eant;ar; Arms, i;,J. ^S. Dunftan's in the E.) Rifoard War:r':>:. (See ./. By':g.) J:':': H aforJ. \S. Bartholomew the Great."* Alderman Wathal. 1 S.Peter, Comhil!. J:hn Wats, Inhabitant of Redriff. Gfirge Warrs. Sir J:':k VJ'arrs, Knight, one of the anceftors of the honourable Sir John Way] CATALOGUE OF TOMBES. Wats in the county of Hertf. Knight and Colonel, &c. Richard Wayte, of Hampfhire, 1492. (Mercers' Chapel.) Mr. John Weaver, that writ the Acts and Monuments. [S. James, Clerk; enweltSuburbs.] Henry Web, Efq ; Gentleman ufher to H. 8. [1553. & w. Barbara, 1552: S. Catharine Coleman.] Thos. Webb, 168 1. (Temple.) John Welbe. (S. Benet Fink.) Sir William Welbe, Knight, Lord Maior. [1599: S. Dunftan's in;the;E.] Jonas a Weely of Amfterdam. [S. Catharine Coleman.] Mris Marfton Weely. Sir Henry VVeever, or Weaver, Knight. Sir Humphry Weld, Knight, Lo. Maior, one of the anceftors to Humphry Weld of Lulworth;Caftle, Efq ; and Sir John Weld, Knight, his younger brother. [S. Olave, Jewry.] Henry Weldon, fecond fon of Ralph Weldon of Swanficomb in Kent, Efq. James Well. (S. Chriftopher.) Henry We liens. Anne, d. of John Vifcount Welles. (Auftin Friars.) John Welles, a memorable Citizen. [143 1 : S. Mary Magdalen, Guild; hall.] Rev. Richd. Welles (or Willowes), 1391. (S. Nicholas Olave.) S. Welles, 16 1 2. (S. Andrew, Holborn.) James Wellington, Draper, 1684. (S. Catharine Cree.) Anthony, s. of John Wells. (S. James', Piccadilly.) John Weis. (Mercers' Chapel.) 90 Jeffreys, Lord Wem. (Pennons above Communion Table : S. Mary, Alder; manbury.) John Wenlocke, 1477. (S. Andrew Wardrobe.) John Went. (S. Martin, Ludgate.) — ¦ — Wentworth, Efq., 1 5 10. (S. Olave, Jewry.) Peter Wentworth, Efq ; anceftor to Sir Peter Wentworth of Oxfordfhire ; an ancient Knight of the Bath. Will. Wentworth. (Whitefriars.) Ludolphus de Werder, 1628. (S. Olave, Hart Str.) Henry Werney, Efq. (Chrift Church.) John Weryn, 1475. (S. Mary Ab; church.) Mary, d. of Robert Wefonham, 1674. (S. Catharine Coleman.) Dame Ide, vr. oi Sir Thos. Weft. (Auftin Friars.) John Weft, Alderman, 1517. (S. Mary Magdalen, Milk Str.) John Weft, Efq. [1408 : S. Mary Bothaw.] Dame Margaret Weft. (Auftin Friars.) Dr. Reginald Weft, S.T.D. [1563 : S. Margaret Pattens.] Tho. Weft, Efq. (Auftin Friars.) Richard Wefterne. [1602 : S. Giles, Cripplegate.] Mris Elizabeth Weftfield, wife of Dr. Thomas Weftfeild, Biftiop of Briftol. [1653 : S. Botolph, Alderfgate.] Mary Wefton, 1694. (S.Peter, Cornhill.) Sir WilUam Wefton, Knight, Prior of S. John's of Jerufalem. Thomas Weftrop, or Weft row. [1625 • S. Peter, Cornhill.] Anne Weftwick. [1556 : S. Bartholo; mew the Lefs.] CATALOGUE OF OMBES. [Wil Sir Weftye. (S. Anne, Blackfriars.) Gabriel Wettenhal, 1682. (S. Sepulchre.) Elizabeth Whaley, wife of Roger Whaley of London, Salter. Thomas Wharton, M.D., 1673. (S. Michael Baffiftiaw.) John Wheatly, 1428. (S. Mary, Alder; manbury.) Anna, vr. of Nicholas Wheler, Efq., 1 6 10. (S. Olave, Jewry.) Benjamin Whichcote, S.T.D., 1686. (S. Lawrence, Jewry.) Elifabeth, vr. oi John Whilton, 1697. (S. Alphage.) Robert Whilchcot, Efq., fon of Thomas Whitchcot, Efq., both anceftors to the honorable Sir Jerom Whitchcot, Knight B. and Colonel, fe?c., and alfo of the moft learned Dr. Whitch; cot, late of Cambridge. [1557 : S. Dunftan In the Weft.] Andrew White (See H. Turner.) Edmund White, a memorable Citizen. [Window in S. Lawrence, Jewry, 1618.] Mris. Frances White. Lady Anne White. BlafeWhite,!^^'^. (S. Mildred, Poultry.) Ethelreda, vr. oi Henry White, Efq., 1534. (S. Alban, Wood Str.) Lady Joan White, 1573. (S. Benet's sherehog.) R , w. of Tho. WMte, 1686. (S. Edmund.) John White, Efq. [Temple.] Laurentius White, com. prasdict. Armi; ger. William White, 1504. & wives Alice & Ellyn. (S. Alban, Wood Str.) William White, Sheriff, 1482. (S. Swithin.) James, s. of John Whiting, iSfo. (S. Bartholomew the Great.) John Whiting, 1681. & w. Margaret, 1680. (S. Bartholomew the Great.) Dame EUzabeth Whitmore, Lady;mother to the now Sir William Whitmore of Shropfhire, Baronet, and his brother Sir Thomas, Knight of the Bath. Sir George Whitmore, Knight, Lord Maior, father of William Whitmore, of B., Efq. Conliance Whitney, daughter of Sir Robert Whitney, of Whitney in the county of Hertford, Knight, fe?^. [S. Giles, Cripplegate.] Sir Rich. Whittington, Knight, Lord Maior. [& w. Dame Alice : S. MichaeL-Royal.] Camela, vr. oi Henry Whitt on, 1622. (Allhallows, Barking.) Tho. Whyteyne. (S. Michael^Royal.) Edward Wint, Armig. [1571 : S. Auguftine.] Hugh Wich, L. Mayor, 1420. & w. the Lady Wich. (S. Dionis Backchurch.) Hugo Wickftead. [1625 : S. Botolph, Bifhopfgate.] Radolphus Widdrington. John Widnell, 1601. (S. Nicholas Olave.) William Wight, Fiflimonger, 1672. (S. Andrew Underfliaft.) Tho. Wigmore, Efq. (Auftin Friars.) Daniel Wigjall, 1698. (S. George, Botolph;lane.) Richardus Wilbraham, Efq., Common Sergeant of the Citie of London, and anceftor to that worthy family of the Wilbrahams In Chefhire. John Wilcoeks, 1561. (S. Benet Fink.) R. Wilcox, Efq. Wil] CATALOGUE OF TOMBES. Sir James Wilford, 1550. (S. Bartholo; mew, Exchange.) John Wilford, Alderman, 1544. (S. Bartholomew, Exchange.) Thos. Wilford, & w. Elifabeth, 1551. (S. George, Botolph;lane.) EUinor, daughter of J. Wilkes, of Michel;Grove in the county of Suffex, Efq. Will. Wilkinfon, Alderman, 15 19. (S. Mary Abchurch.) Henricus Wilks, Rector Ecclefia fancti Nicolai Olave. Andrew Willaw, Efq., 1700. & wives Elizabeth, & Anne. (S. Botolph, Bifhopfgate.) WiUiams, 1583. (S. Ethelburga.) Frances, vr. oi Benjamin Williams, 1685. (S. Mildred, Bread Str.) Francis Williams, nephew of Lord Williams, 1559. (S. Alphage.) John Williams, and Alice his wife, 1660. (S. Catharine's, E. Smithfield.) Sir John Williams, 1668. (Temple.) Lord Williams oi Thame. (S. Alphage.) Ludovicus Williams, Venedocus. [1609: Chrift Church.] Roger Williams, of Gray's Inn, Armig. "7 homas Williams, Venedocus, Gen. [1495 : S. Helen's.] Thos. Williams, 1645. (Temple.) Sir Thomas Williamfon, of Great Mark; ham in the county of Nottingham, Knight and Baronet. Millefcent Willis, wife of Robert Willis. Robet Willowby. (S. Bartholomew the Great.) Frances, w. of Will. Willys, Efq., 1676. & s. William. (S. Edmund.) Anne, vr. oi Tho. Wilfon, LL.D., 1574. (S. Mary;at;Hill.) 92 Henry Wilfon, Mafter of the Bridge; houfe. Jone, vr. of Dr. John Wilfon, 1624. (S. Giles, Cripplegate.) Richard Wilfon, iS'^S- (^- Pancras, Soper;lane.) Rowland Wilfon, Efq ; Alderman. Rowland Wilfon, Vinter and Merchant of London. [Window in S. Laurence, Jewry. 161 8.] William Wilfon, & vr. Joane & d. AUce, 1572. (S. Alban, Wood Str.) John Wiltwater, flain at Barnet, 1471. (Chrift Church.) Simon de Winchcombe, 1396. (S. Mary Abchurch.) Simon Winchcombe, 1391. (S. Mary, Aldermanbury.) Sir John Windany, 1502. (Auftin Friars.) Thomas Windent, & w. Katharine. (S. Antholin's.) John Winderhall. (S. Bartholomew the Great.) Dame Grizald Windfor, fole daughter of the L. Windfor. [1600 : S. Olave, Silver Str.] John Winger, 1505. (S. Mary Wool; church.) Catharine Wingfield, daughter of Sir Thomas Wingfield of Lethrlngham in comit. Suffolk, Kt. ; and wife ot the worthily honoured, and no lefs learned then exemplarily oblieging Francis Bacon comit. prasdict. Efq ; and late Bencher of, and Reader in the honourable fociety of Graies Inne, &c. Both of which were Father and Mother of Francis Bacon, Efq ; and Counfellour at Law, in the fame Society. CATALOGUE OF TOMBES. [Woo John, s. of Sir John Wingfielde. (Auftin Friars.) Samuel Winne. John Winter. (Whitefriars.) Richd. Winter, 1407. (S. Magnus.) Sir Ralph Winwood, Knight, Secretary of Eftate to King James, and one of the anceftors of Ralph Winwood of Quainton in Buckinghamfhire, Efq. Sir Robert Wifoman, 1684. (S. Benet, Paul's Wharf) Sir Hugh Witch, L, Mayor, 1466, (S. Margaret, Lothbury,) Sir John Wit ham, Bart,, 1689, (Temple.) John Withers. (S. James, Garlickhithe.) William Withers, 1700, (S, Maryde; Bow,) Francis Withins, Efq ; his fon. Robert Withins, Armig. Alderman and Sheriff, Mris Margaret Withy, late wife of Mr, John Withy, Gent, and Painter; Stainer of London, Nicholas Wolbergh, Civis fe? Pifcenarius. [1407 : S, Nicholas, Cole Abbey,] Regina, d, of John Wolfe & w. Regina, 1690 : Regina, 1691 : & d, Lucy Wolfe, 1 69 1. (S, Helen's,) John Wolle. (Whitefriars.) Catharine Wonton. (See W. Cockaine.) Adam Wood, 1681. (Chrift Church.) Chriftopher Wood, Efq. Francis Wood, 1684. (Temple.) Jane, vr. oi Laurence Wood. (S. An; drew, Holborn,) Joane, vr. oi Robert Wood, Brewer, 1600, (S, Botolph, BIfliopfgate.) John Wood, 1531. (S. Michael, Crooked;lane.) John Wood, 1658. s, John, 1670. & ist w, , 1645, & 2nd w, , 1695, (S. Mary;at;HIll,) Richard Wood. Rogerus Wood, Sergeant at Arms. Robert Wood, Efq ; Deputy of Billings; gate Ward, father of William Wood, Efq ; now living, Henry Woodboke. (S, Martin, Vintry.) Sir John Woodcock, Knight, Lord Maior. Ralph Woodcock, Alderman of London. [1586 : S. Mary, Aldermanbury.] Sufan, d. oiThos. Woodcock, 1637. (All; hallows;in;the;Wall.) John Woodcocke, L. Mayor, 1405. (S, Alban, Wood Str,) Roger Woodcocke, Hatter, 1475, (S. Michael le Quern,) Thomas Woodfold, Efq ; Alderman of London, S. Woodford. (See S. Herringbrook)) John Woodhouje. (S. Bartholomew the Lefs.) Oliver & WilUam, fons of John Wood:: houfe, Efq. (S. Martin Outwich.) David Woodroffe, Sheriff, 1563. (S. Andrew Underfliaft.) Richard Woodroffe, Merchant;Taylor. [1598 : S. Mary Magdalen, Old Fifli Str.] Stephen Woodroffe. (S. Andrew Under; fliaft.) Mr. Woodroffe, Gent. James Woods, 1700. & w. Elizabeth, 1690. (S. Dionis Backchurch.) Rev. Henry Woolnough, Rector of Bram; fhdt, CO. Northampton, 1673. (S. Mary;le;Bow.) Katherine Woodward, widow. [S. Dionis Backchurch.] John Woolfton, Butcher, & wives Rofe 93 Wor] CATALOGUE OF TOMBES. & Catharine, 1510. (S. Leonard, Eaftcheap.) Tho. Worall, D.D., Prebendary of S. Pauls, & Rector. 1639. (S. Botolph, Bifhopfgate.) Sir John Piptofte, Earl of Worcefter. Beheaded 1470. (S.Anne, Blackfriars.) Countefs of Worcefter (^ Gloucefter) & child. (S. James, Garlickhithe.) The Countefs of Worcefter, in Garlick; hIthe;Church. Chriftopher Wormeal, of Lambeth, Gent. Richard Worfoly, of the Ifle of Wight, Efq. John Worth, 1693. (S. Mary Abchurch.) Edward Wot on, M.D. (S. Botolph, Alderfgate.) Edw. Wotton, M.D., 1555. (S. Alban, Wood Str.) Elizabeth VVotton. Maria Wotton, of the noble family of the Wottons of Kent, Rev. Nicholas Wotton, Rector. 1482. (S. Martin Outwich. Sir Edmund Wright, Knight, [?] Lord Maior, father to the Lady Harring; ton, wife of Sir James. [Window in S. Laurence, Jewry, 161 8.] Izan Wright, vr. oi Edwards, 16 13. (Allhallows, Lombard Str.) Rcjamond Wright. Thomas Wright. 1700. (S. Alphage.) Sir John Wriotheftey [or Writhefty], Knight, King at Arms, and anceftor to the late Thomas Earl of South; ampton. [with family, S. Giles, Cripplegate.] Thomas, Lord Wriotheftey, 1550, (S, Andrew, Holborn,) Eleanor, vr. oi John Writh &c, (S. Giles, Cripplegate,) 94 Sir John Wroth, L, Mayor, 1407. (S. James, Garlickhithe,) Sir Thomas Wroth, of Petherly Park Com. Summ.erf , of the fame Family of thofe Wroths of Durance, in the County of Middlefex, and Sir John Wroth, whofe name and Family appeareth by the Authentique tefti; mony of old datelefs Records, to be one of the ancienteft in that County ; of which feat of Durance, Sir Henry Wroth, now living. Is the incumbent Proprietor. Sir Walter Wrotftey, 1473. (Chrift Church.) John Wyburne, Efq. Sir Hugh Wyche, Knight, Lo. Maior, one of the anceftors of the much honoured Sir Cyril Wyche, and Sir Peter Wyche, both brothers, fe?f. Richard Wyche. [S. Dunftan's;In;the;E.] Thos. Wyckham. (Whitefriars.) Sir WilUam Wyde, Bart., 1 679.i^Temple.) Richd. Wye. (Temple.) Peter Wygich. (Whitefriars.) Philippus Wylander [Philip Van Wyllen- der. 1553 : S, Olave, Hart Str,] Gilbert, s. of Sir WiU. Wyld, Bart., 1 67 1. (S. Bartholomew the Great.) George Wylde, 1679. (Temple.) Nicholas Wylfolde, & s. Thomas. (S. Pancras, Soperdane.) Henry, s. of Sir John Wyn, of Guidder, CO. Ca-narvon, Bart., 1671. (Temple.) Dr. Goulafton de Wymondham, M.D., a memorable Phyfician. John U ynch, 1675, & Robert, 1676. (S. Bride.) George Wyngar, 1521. (S. Mary Wool; church.) Henry Wynn, iG-ji. (Temple.) CATALOGUE OF TOMBES. [Zou Richard Wynne, 1688. & w. Joyce. (S. Alban, Wood Str.) John Wythens, 1693. & s. Thos., 1679. (S. Giles, Cripplegate.) Grace, vr. oi Jofoph Tates, 1673. (S. Vedaft Fofter.) William Teardly. [1523. and w. EWdf beth, 1593 : S. Martin, Ludgate.] Sir James Terforde, L. Mayor, 1527. & w. Elifabeth, 1548. (S. Michael Baffifliaw.) Henry Tevele, Free;Mafon to Edw. 3. fe?c. [1400 : S, Magnus.] Dame Margaret, Countefs of the Tie. (S. Anne, Blackfriars.) EUis Tong, Efq. James Tong, 1638, & Anne his wife, 1666, (S, Dunftan's;in;the;E,) Dr. John Tong, Dean of York, Mafter of the Rolls. [1516: Rolls Chapel.] Thomas Tonge, 1476. (Chrift Church.) Elle York, daughter of Edmond York. Sir John Torke, 1549. (S. Stephen, Walbrook.) Sir John Toung [or Tong], Knight, and Lord Maior. [1466. & d. Agnes : S. Michael Royal.] John Toung, Draper, 1670. (S. Michael, Cornhill.) Dame Johane, vr. oi Sir John Zouch, 1439, (S. Olave, Hart Str.) Printed by Hazell, Watson, & Viney, Ld., London and Ayksbury. YALE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY 3 9002 08854 2148 ' V IH ,,/ . .> ;; a,.-. / ^ ^'.-^/V ." '''..;;