Yale Center for British Art and British Studies The Royal Academy of Arts HENRY GRAVES & Co. Ltd. LONDON: 6, PALL MALL, S.W. BIRMINGHAM : 44, CHERRY ST. PARIS : 18, RUE CAUMARTIN. GEORGE BELL AND SONS. LONDON: PORTUGAL STREET, W.C. CAMBRIDGE: DEIGHTON, BELL & CO. NEW YORK: THE MACMILLAN CO. t ,i'St.h^j .m^^^/^y^/^r--' .mz^€>> ^y / 'rr •7.,cy'iyfn,u0'U?-ru c>'A v/r^/, ^crf ^j&^^^-z^ The Royal Academy of Arts A Complete Dictionary of Contributors and their work from its foundation in 1769 to 1904 BY ALGERNON GRAVES, F.S.A. COMPILER OF THE "WORKS OF SIR EDWIN LANDSEER, R.A.," THE "WORKS OF SAMUEL COUSINS, R.A.,'' THE " WORKS OF SIR THOMAS LAWRENCE, P.R.A."; AUTHOR OF THE " DICTIONARY OF ARTISTS, I760-1893"; AND JOINT-AUTHOR OF THE " HISTORY OF THE WORKS OF SIR JOSHUA REYNOLDS, P.R.A." COMPILED WITH THE SANCTION OF THE PRESIDENT AND COUNCIL OF THE ROYAL ACADEMY Vol. VII SACCO TO TOFANO LONDON HENRY GRAVES AND CO. LTD. AND GEORGE BELL AND SONS 1906 DEDICATED BY SPECIAL PERMISSION TO HIS MOST GRACIOUS MAJESTY KING EDWARD VII ? 4, , . : CHISWICK PRESS : CHARLES WHITTINGHAM AND CO. TOOKS COURT, CHANCERY LANE, LONDON. THE ROYAL ACADEMY OF ARTS 1769 1904 SACCO, G Miniature Painter. 1 7, Howland Street. 1852. 761 Queen Marie Amdie. 762 The Empress of Russia. 870 The Holy Virgin with the pear. 33, Grove Place, Brompton. 1853. 690 Mr. G., Miss K., Mr. D. D., His Majesty F. IL, Mr. P., a child, and an interior. 812 G. S. B. 1854. 653 The end of the world. 673 The Princess of Carini. 700 Portrait of the artist. 709 Mr. Paglieri Onorati. No address. 1857. 841 Mademoiselle Piccolomini. SACHE, F Painter. 81, Lancaster Road, Not ting Hill. 1872. 192 A cornfield in South Devon shire. SACHEVEREL-COKE, Alfred. Painter. 102, Fellowes Road. 1885. 79 Nydia. 416 A cottage garden. 1926 Decoration of end of Passage. {See also Coke, vol. ii, page 96.) SACHS, Edwin O Architect. 3, Waterloo Place, Pall Mall. 1902. 1404 The Shannon Factory, Dalston. SACHS (E. O.) and HOFFMAN (G. S.) Architects. 3, Waterloo Place, Pall Mall 1903. 1659 New factory, Dalston : View in courtyard. SACHS, Mrs. Jessie W. Miniature Painter. 32 Whitehead's Grove, Chelsea. 1900. 1456 Phyllis Sachs. vn. SACHS, Mrs. See Miss Ada R. Hol land, vol. iv, pages 128, 129. SACHSE, Edward J Painter. Tregarthen, Whitworth Rd., South Norwood. 1884. 1097 Early spring, Norwood. 1885. 1429 Suffolk scenery — noon. 1886. 1199 In the fields, Norwood. 1887. 1112 Summer afternoon, near South- wold. I, Cedar Villas, Crowther Rd., South Norwood. 1888. 1246 Old Mill at Bosham. 1890. 1366 Marshes on the Suffolk coast, Walberswick. 1394 A hazy morning, Walberswick. Garden Cottages, Winchelsea. 1896. 1280 Summer evening; passing clouds, Winchelsea. 1282 An April day, Winchelsea. 1897. 1357 Winchelsea meadows. SADDLER, John Engraver. 6, Southampton Street, Fitzroy Square. 1862. 929 Jane Dowglas. After J. E. Millais, A.R.A. 1863. 959 Ursula March. {Vide John Halifax, Gendeman.) After J. E. Millais, A.R.A. 960 Alice Tresdaile. ( Vide Grand mother's Money.) After John Tenniel. 1864. 837 Hilary. {Vide Mistress and Maid.) After J. E. Millais, R.A. 848 Magdalen's half hour. {See "No Name.") After J. E. Millais, R.A. 1866. 837 Christchurch, Hampshire. After J. Nash. 1867. 969 Sunset, St. Helen's, Jersey. After A. Clint. 976 Kathleen O'More. After Miss M. Gillies. THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS Saddler, John — continued. 1868. 913 Government House, Sydney, New South Wales. After J. Skinner Prout. 917 The late Dr. Southwood Smith, M.D. After Miss M. Gillies. 1872. 1264 Going to the Christening; a scene in Devonshire. After A. Bellows. 1873. 1295 "Les Misdrables." After Gus tave Dord. 1874. 1232 Night at the Ophir diggings. After J. S. Prout. 1247 St. Sauveur; street view. After L. J. Woods. 1283 Poet's Corner, Westminster Abbey. After S. L. Fildes. 1877. 1250 Illustration to "My Little Lady." After E. J. Poynter, R.A. 1878. 1 1 79 Hospenthal: on the road to Mount St. Bernard. After Birket Foster. 1879. 1272 Hop Gardens, Kent. After C. Lawson. 1880. 1312 Lieut.-Col. Cosmo Gordon of Tyrie Castle. After G. Reid. 1882. 1304 The Lady of the Woods. After J. MacWhirter, A.R.A. I, Park Villas, Wokingham. 1883. 1396 Durham Cathedral. After H. Dawson, SADEE, Philip Painter. 39^, Old Bond Street. 1874. 319 The portion of the poor. SADLER, Miss Kate Painter. Rock House, Horsham. 1880. 782 Azaleas. 869 do. 885 Chrysanthemums. 1 88 1. 658 White Azaleas. 800 Red and White Azaleas. Burford Lodge, Horsham. 1883. 1118 Roses. 1884. 898 Chrysanthemums in bracket. 1888. 1290 White Azaleas. 1435 Gloires de Dijon. 1889. 1 3 18 Meg Merrilies. SADLER, Thomas Painter. 1 9, Bernard Street, Russell Square. 1881. 1155 A study. SADLER, Walter Dendy Painter. 45, Warren Street, Fitzroy Square. 1873. 220 The deciding game. 1874. 3 A Westphalian peasant girl feeding chickens. 1875. 450 "Steady, brother, steady!" 1876. 4 "Mine own flask, too!" 99 His worldly care. 881 A village inn in the Tyrol 34, Finchley Road. 1878. 339 A day-dream. 103 1 Somebody's darling. 1879. 1021 The little laundress. 1880. 590 Thursday. 28, Finchley Road. 1881. 596 "It's always the largest fish that 's lost." 1882. 784 Friday. 1883. 311 A stranger in the monastery. 408 Recreation. 1884. 129 " Experientia docet." 1542 A goodly catch. 1885. 136 The salad. " Pour faire bien una salade il faut etre trois personnes; un sage pour y mettre du sel, un avare pour y mettre du vinaigre, un prodigue pour y mettre de \hm\&:'~Richelet. 233 "Tantum religio potuit sua- dere." 1063 Gudgeon-fishing. 1 1 33 Lea roachers. 1886. 605 "Habet!" 1887. 117 The old squire and the young squire. 376 "Ladies and gentlemen." 1888. 507 In the camp of the Amalek- ites. 669 Old and crusted. 1889. 1081 Over the nuts and wine. 1228 The widow's birthday. i8go. 1012 Home-brewed. 1034 The hunting-morn. 1 89 1. 58 Uninvited guests. 1892. 356 Sweethearts. 428 The middleman. 946 Scandal and tea. 1893. 83 The new will: " Everything to my wife absolutely." 588 A meeting of creditors. 44, Finchley Road. 1894. 810 "Chorus." "Let others sing the praise of wine, etc." 888 For fifty years. 1895. 776 An offer of marriage. " A son 's a son till begets him a wife. But a daughter 's a daughter all the days of her life." 887 Toddy at the Cheshire Cheese. 1896. 439 The end of the skein. 55 5 Time and the flowers. 901 Married. THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS 3 1897. 428 635 1898. 400 489 1899. 379 936 1900. 285 327 I90I. 570 806 1902. 675 1903. 679 1904. 476 841 Hemingford Grey, St. Ives, Hunts. Nearly done. For weal or woe. The young and the old. A little mortgage. The christening. The Plaintiff and the Defend ant. The awakening. The Squire's Song. A marriage by registrar. The bagman's toast. "Sweet hearts and wives." Time. "Shadow and sun for every one As the years roll on." The bride and bridegroom. The harvest home. " To plow and sow, To reap and mow, And be a farmer's boy." After dinner rest awhile. SADLER, William Painter. 2, White Lodge Terrace, Cleveland Road, Barnes. 1889. 2117 Study of a head. SAIN, Edouard Alexandre... Painter. E. Sain. 1874. 1040 A Capri girl. SAINSBURY, Everton Painter. 5, Rectory Road, Clapham. 1878. 580 The latest news. 1880. 213 Shadows. "Shadow'd all around, above. And a shad ow, too, on love." 415 A portrait. 563 Waiting.St. Mark's Buildings, Grosvenor Square. 1 88 1. 164 Portrait of a gentleman. 1882. 114 Castles in the air. 1509 "The Lady Geraldine had strayed, etc." 1883. 242 Superstition. "Down in the crimson west the sun had sunk, etc." 557 Hope and memory. "Linked by soft strains, etc." 1884. 392 "Mid roar of ocean, and the sea bird's cry." 525 Washing day. 673 Old Cross in the Eifel, Ger many. 1885. 399 A glimpse of the unknown. Child in the east end of London seeing butterflies for the first time. 1885. 952 Somebody's secret., 1066 " Time was." SAINSBURY, Miss Grace E. Painter. 50, Larkhall Rise, Clapham. 1891. 375 Thinking. 1893. 764 By the margin ofthe river. 1896. 724 By the sea. 795 Afternoon. 1897. 347 Morning in the fields. 1899. 826 In the fields. 4, Emanuel Avenue, Acton. 1900. 798 In quiet Sussex. 1902. 509 Joy in the meadows. 1904. 794 Wood and stream. SAINSBURY, Mrs. Maria Tuke. Painter. 63, Welbeck Street. 1892. 1 119 Tulips. 1894. 986 "Flowers are lovely — love is flower-like." SAINSBURY, S. Fox Painter. 50, Larkhill Rise, Clapham. 1897. 1262 Research. ST. AUBIN, J. ... Miniature Painter. 47, Berwick Street, Soho. 1795- 493 Portrait of a gentleman. 18, Portland Street, Soho. 1796. 601 A frame with three miniatures. 61, Berners Street. 1801. 827 Portrait of a lady. 837 do. gentleman. 1802. 732 Portraits of Mr. Humel and four others. ST. AUBYN, James Piers. Architect. 5, FurnivaPs Inn. 1850. 1272 St. James's Church, Devonport. No address. 1882. 1219 Church at Stoke Damerel, Devonport. Lamb's Buildings, Temple. 1886. 1575 Clock tower, Abberley Hall. ST. EYRE, G Painter. G. Saint Evre, Paris, and at Mr. Hodgson's, 4, Argyle Street. 1828. 177 A lady of rank of the fifteenth century, with two attendants. THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS St. Evre, G. — continued. G. St. Evre. 1829. 105 Beauty contemplating the rav ages of grief III Children and grandmamma. 297 A prisoner. 352 The Coronation of the remains of Ines de Castro. " In the year 1350, six years after the interment, the remains of Dona Ines de Castro were taken out of her tomb, and she was proclaimed Queen of Portugal, in the church of Santa Clara of Coimbra, by order of her husband Don Pedro. "The bishops and grandees, after having made public declaration of the marriage of the King with Ines, and explained the motives from which it had been kept secret, and having solemly given to her the title of Queen, bow respectively before the Royal Majesty. The heir to the Crown, Don Ferdinand, son of Don Pedro by Constance his first wife, and the two sons of Ines, Denis and Juan de Castro, followed by the princes and lords of the realm, approach the throne in order, as says the Portuguese historian Faria, 'to kiss all that re mained of what had once been so fair a hand.' Don Pedro presides at this solemn ceremony." ST. GEORGE, J Painter. T. St. George. 1843. 619 Scene in Kensington Gardens, from Nature. J. St. George, i,o,Jermyn Street. 1847. 577 View in Saxony, the fortress of Koenigstein in the distance. ST. HILL, H Architect. 1834. S94 Perspectiveviewofthelndigent Blind School, St. George's Fields. ST. JEAN, Simon Painter. Lyo?is, and 10, Titchborne Street. 1848. 597 Vase of Flowers. — St. Jean, Lyons, and 10, Titchborne Street. 1851. 779 Flowers. ST. MICHEL, Chevalier de. Painter. 8, Coventry Street. 1785. 46 Portrait. 91 do. 93 do. 123 do. {Lord Loughborough. — Walpole.) 376 Portrait. 378 do. SAINTON, Charles P Painter. 7, St. Stephen's Mansions, Bayswa/er. 1886. 762 Lost in thought. 1887. 369 The rag-picker's home in Paris. 418 Mrs. Edmund Russell. 906 Sunrise in Normandy. 1888. 696 Doves. ST. PIERRE, Gaston Painter. 15, Avenue Wagram, Paris. 1885. 1075 Femme Arabe. SALABERT, F Painter. 36, Haymarket. 1836. 462 An officer. 533 Mrs. H. H. Davis, formerly Louisa Mich an. 544 Miss Clara Novello. 547 Mr. Seguin. 579 Portrait d'un Chinois. 1837. 762 Mademoiselle Duvernay. S45 Signor Rubini. 8 87 Monsieur Pouchee (un centen- aire.) 953 Signor Dragonetti. 1838. 657 Mrs. Martin. 40, Haymarket. 1840. 523 Mile. Pauline Garcia. 1841. 887 Deux Soeurs. 917 Luz chico de Haurie. 36, Haymarket. 1842. 88 Mon Pouche, artiste, aged 106. 1845. 682 J. B. Cramer, Esq. 1 00 1 R. Galloway, Esq. SALAMAN Miss Isabelle J. Sculptor. 20, Pemb ridge Crescent. 1889. 2073 My sister; head. SALAMAN, Miss Julia. See Mrs. L. Goodman, vol. iii, page 270. THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS 5 SALAMAN, Miss Kate. Miniature Painter. 36, Baker Street. 1 84 1. 784 Portrait of a lady. 831 do. her sister. 1842. 903 do. a lady. 1843. 796 do. do. 865 Miss Fanny Fuller. 950 Portrait of a lady. 1844. 672 do. her father. 862 Mrs. Davis. 1845. 995 R- ^- Varicas, Esq. 1852. 878 Portrait of RustomjeeViccasee. 1853. 702 Horatio. 1854. 862 Brooch miniatures of R. E. S. — her brother, Alice and Miss Brettell. 1855. 904 Ella, second daughter of Phineas Abraham, Esq. 905 Elphinstone and Edward Gordon, sons of Dr. Bird. 1856. 726 Penelope, daughter of the late Henry Brettell, Esq. S ALANSON, Miss Eugenie. Painter. Hanover Gallery, 47, New Bond Street. 1892. 582 A Brittany fisher girl. SALISBURY, Frank O Painter. 8, Egerton Studios, South Kensington. 1899. 978 Reflections. 4, Limerston Studio, West Brompton. 1900. 466 "The heavens know best what is best for me." — Spenser. Kirkwick Avenue, Harpenden. 1 90 1. 478 Hamlet and the King. 816 The monk FeUx. "And long, long. With rapturous look, etc." Elmkirk, Harpenden. 1902. 147 The last drive of Hippolytus. 603 My lady's mirror. 726 Fantasies. 1585 Portion of east window. 1903. 254 Mrs. C. C. Greenwood and daughter. 779 Phyllis, daughter of I. Saun ders, Esq. 1904. 216 A message from the gods : Iris and Neptune. "Attend the mandate of the sire above; In me behold the messenger of Jove." 413 The escape; an incident from the destruction of Pompeii. SALISBURY, J Painter. Dillon's Marsh, Wiltshire. 1784. 137 Portrait of a lady. {Lady Wey mouth^ SALLITT, Miss Lily Painter. Hawthornden, Ickley, Yorkshire. 1891. 1386 Thistledown. SALMON, Charles E Architect. Bell Street, Reigate. 1903. 1656 A Surrey residence. SALMON, Miss Emeline Painter. 70, Kenninghall Rd., Clapton. 1904. 936 A group. SALMON, Miss Helen R. ... Painter. 113, West Regent Street, Glasgow. 1884. 705 "She sang sae sweet the auld Scotch songs." 794 Rhododendrons. 1885. 864 Au theatre. 1886. 295 " Pour se faire belle." 1888. 1120 In the conservatory. Woodlands, Gairlochhead, Dumbarton. 1890. 1128 Patchwork. SALMON, J Painter. 78, High Street, Camden Town. 1849. 245 On the coast of Norfolk. 1853. 656 View near Tamworth. SALMON, James and SON. Architects. 1880. 1 22 1 Trades house, Glasgow. SALMON, John Cuthbert ... Painter. 39, Green Lane, Stonycroft, Liverpool. 1878. 910 A rough road near Bettws-y- Coed. 1 88 1. 622 Ynys-gy-Hy-Log, near Bar mouth. Bron Eryri, Tal-y-Bout, near Conway. 1882. 1089 Early springtime. 1883. 989 Llyn Cowlid near Capel Curig. 1884. 965 A Welsh homestead. 982 Llyn Idwall. 1886. 1122 Silent Majesty. 1887. 1 190 Craig yr ysfa, a spur of Car- nedd Llewelyn. 1888. 1284 Spring evening — Conway val ley. THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS Salmon, John Cuthbert — continued. Gyffin, Conway. 1892. 1 163 Coardra, Inverness-shire. 1304 Afternoon — on the beach near Llandudno. Elsinore, Deganwy, Llandudno. 1899. 1050 Idwal. 1900. 1 1 66 The Glyders from Ogwen. 12 13 Conway marsh; the 3rd Lan cashire Volunteer Fusiliers in camp. Albert Drive, Deganwy. 1902. 896 The Cambrian coast. S ALMO N , Miss Maud Painter. Elsinore, Deganwy, near Llandudno. 1902. 970 Spring-time. Painter. SALMON, W. R. D Penllyn Court, Glamorganshire. 1851. 387 View in Surrey. 388 Cattle after nature. 568 Study after a shower. 1852. 220 Near Frimley, Surrey. 1853. 1093 Before rain; a sketch from nature. SALMOND, Miss Gwendolen. Painter. 4, Verulam Buildings, Gray's Inn. 1904. 660 Scotch tailors. SALOME, Antoine De. &fiD, vol. ii, page 310. SALOMON, Adam Sculptor. 99, Rue de la Faisanderie, Paris. 1880. 1561 Edwin Chadwick, Esq., C.B.; bust, marble. SALOMON, R Painter. 15, Tabernacle Square. 1802. 581 Whitehaven harbour, Cumber land. SALOMONS, Edward. Architect and Painter. 21, Whitehall Place. 1874. 1 126 House at Palace Gate, for P. Hardy Nathan, Esq. ( With the late J. P.Jones.) 1876. 1091 House at Manchester. 31, Soicth King Street, Manchester. 1 88 1. 843 Venice. 31, South King Street, Manchester, and 2,9a, Old Bond Street. 1883. 910 Pont du Beguinage, Bruges. 1894. 1201 Rue Jersual, Dinan. 1896. 1787 St. Jacques, Antwerp. SALOMONS (E.) and JONES (J. P.) Architects. 21, Whitehall Place. 1870. 745 Kenwood Tower, Highgate, for E. Brooke, Esq. 790 Reform Club, Manchester. 187 1. 960 Town Hall, Winchester. SALOMONS (E.) and WORNUM (R. S.) Architects. 39, Old Bond Street. 1878. 1147 39B, Old Bond Street. 1880. 1202 Town Hall Over Darwen. 1881. 1016 Ely Grange, Frant. 1 106 Lodge, Frant. 1885. 1748 Observatory, Rusthall. 1817 Frangon, Biarritz. SALOMONS (E.) and ELY (John). Architects. 31, South King Street, Manchester. 1881. 1030 The Cottage, Victoria Park, Manchester. 1886. 1652 Beeston Lodge, Cheshire. SALOMONS (E.) and STEINTHAL (A.) Architects. 31, South King Street, Manchester. 1897. 1925 Alvaston Hall, Cheshire. SALOMONS, Miss J. R Painter. 39, Porchester Terrace. 1867. 44 "Consider the lilies of the field." SALSBURY, Robert Painter. 80, Albert Street, N. W. 1883. 499 A November morning. SALTER, J Painter. 18, Charles Street, Hoxton. 1848. 256 A Mill on the Teign, Devon. 3, Lower Terrace, Torquay. 1870. 591 Natural arch, Torquay. THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS SALTER, Mrs. M. F ;. Painter. Mrs. Salter, 47, Charing Cross. 1843. 98 Portrait of a gentleman. 1844. 516 Phoebe. 2, Albert Villas, Hampstead Road. 1856. 3 Portrait of a lady. SALTER, P Sculptor. Edinburgh. 1849. 1304 Bust of a lady. SALTER, P. King-. See K, vol. iv, page 329. SALTER, S Architect. 5, New Palace Yard. 1845. 1309 Cast-iron pier at Milton, near Gravesend. {See also Spurr and Salter.) SALTER, Stephen, Junr.. ..Architect. 20, Woburn Place. 1872. 1169 Cowesfield House, near Salis bury. SALTER (S.) and ADAMS. Architects. 28, Woburn Place. 1893. 1577 St. Mary's Hospital, Padding ton. SALTER, William Painter. 44, Dorset Street, Portman Square. 1825. 121 Study of a child. M.A.F, etc., etc., 29, Sackville Street. 1833. 442 Mrs. Brouncker. 28, Old Burlington Street. 1837. 396 King George the Third arid the dying gipsy woman in Windsor Forest. "The King exclaimed, ' I am a minister, and God has sent me to instruct and comfort your mother.' Then, seating him self on a pack, he took the hand of the gipsy woman, showed the nature and de merits of sin, and pointed her to Jesus, the one and all-sufficient Saviour, etc." <,j. Pall Mall. 1842. 493 Major-General the Hon. E. P. Lygon, C.B., etc., one of the studies made for the Water loo Banquet. 1843. 364 Sicilian Mother. 1845. 1018 Portrait of His Majesty the King of Holland. Painted by command. SALTER, William Philip ... Painter. 21, Edward Street, Portman Square. 1849. 409 Portrait of a lady and child. 1850. 155 A study of a Roman Woman. 539 Portrait of a lady. 1851. 708 Miss Sutton. SALTER and LAFOREST. Architects. 12, Buckingham Street, Adelphi. 1855. 1274 Church at East Moulsey, Sur rey. SALTER and PERROW. Architects. 7, Wood Street, S. W. 1862. 912 Monument to Sir Humphrey Davy at Penzance, Cornwall. SALTMER, Miss Florence A. Painter. Brunswick Villa, Shooter's Hill. A hot day. Oxford House, Linkfield Lane, Red Hill. The reaper's lunch. A Sandy road. The old farm. Ewhurst Hill, Guildford. Soon to fly and carry seed. "The sight is pleasing, scent regaling." 799 Village Gossip. 1892. 566 Happy moments. 676 Where thistle and water-weed grow. Sunday evening. The Warren, Cranleigh, Guildford. Ready for carting. Cornish wild flowers. "He loves me, he loves me not." Washing day. Butterflies. Bythsea, The Beach, Shoreham. To Culham Lock. Whiteholm, Shoreham. Say grace. 1886. 591 1888. 336 389 1890. 429 1891. 9> 737 694 1893. 1895.1896. 302 237 204 1897. 732 1075 1899. 452 1900. 64 8 THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS SALVETTI, Antonio Painter. Colle Val d'Elsa, Siena. 1894. 39 Contadina Italiana. SALVIATI, Dr. A Enameller. 731, Campo S. Vio, Venice, and 1 34, Regent Street. 1865. 1061 Head of the Saviour; mosaic picture in enamel — Venetian manufacture. SALVIN, Anthony, F.S.A. Architect. 52, Newman Street. .1823. 504 Cloister door, looking into the Cathedral of Durham. 70, Quadrant, St. James's. 1825. 908 Design for an Exchange, north of England. 1828. 1008 Moreby Hall, Yorkshire, for Henry Preston, Esq. 32, Somerset Street. 1829. 1061 Vicarage, Northallerton. 1830. 1 163 Chapel in Wroxham church yard, near Norwich, to Sigis- mond Trafford Southwell, Esq. 1165 Mamhead Hill, near Exeter, the seat of R. W. Newman, Esq. 1831. 1015 Methley Hall, Yorkshire, the seat of the Earl of Mex- borough. 1838. 1171 Scotney Castle, Kent, the seat of Edward Hussey, Esq. SALVIN, Miss Painter. Hawsfold, Fernhurst, Haslemere. 1869. 585 View near Lynchmere, Sussex. SAL WAY, J Architect. At Mr. Jenkin's, 9, Hanover Street, Hanover Square. 1785. 578 Town Hall at Bath. 1786. 444 Design for an instalarium. 13, Hanover Street. 1789. 507 Design for a Villa. SAMBOURNE, E. Linley. Illustrator. 18, Stafford Terrace, Kensington. 1885. 1705 Design for Diploma, Interna tional Fisheries Exhibition, 1883. 1887. 1514 Designs depicting Her Majesty the Queen's reign for Mr. Punch's Jubilee Almanack, 1887. 1888. 1643 Hans Christian Andersen's Fairy Tale, the toad mother introduces her son to Thumbelina. 1644I1645 1 Set of designs for "Punch's 1646 j Almanack Calendar," 1888. 1889. 1766 Set of designs for the months of 1889, "Punch's Alman ack." 1767 Design for invitation to ban quet of the Lord Mayor of London, 1888. 1890. 1656 Design for "Punch's Alman ack," 1890: Mr. Punch visits Africa and the North Pole. 1891. 1630 Black and white; a medley. 1639 The dancing girl. 1892. 1522 "The mahogany tree"; por traits of past and present members of the "Punch" staff. 1545"^^ ^sop up-to-date; set of six „ - designs for the Christmas ^"^ number of " Punch," 1891. 1549 > y 1 5 50-' 1894. 1425 Proverbs up to date; designs for " Punch's Almanack," 1894. 1895. 1329 An apology to an old friend; original drawing for " Punch." 1340 A political conference; original drawing for " Punch." 1342 A summer idyll; original draw ing for the " Illustrated Lon don News." 1896. 1516 Athletics. "Brother Jona than. 'Say John, you'd better go into training again.'" — Cartoon for "Punch." 15 17 The last salute; "Punch" drawing. i5'9 Summer and winter; for "Punch." 1897. 1650 Putting him in position; draw ing for " Punch." 1658 A great big shame; drawing for "Punch." 1898. 1469 Design for index heading, Mr. Punch's I r3th volume. 1484 A little cheque; cartoon for "Punch," March 19, 1898. THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS 1898. 1533 Design for Mr. Punch's Goblin Tapestry Almanack, 1898. 1899. 1506 Design for cartoon, "Punch's Almanack," 1899, "Punch at the prow, Chronos at the helm." 1900. 1588 Design for heading of Mr. Punch's 1 1 8th volume. 1 90 1, i486 The dawn of the twentieth century; central cartoon for the Punch Almanack, 1901. 1902. 1285 The object lesson. Design for central cartoon, " Punch's Almanack," 1902. 1903. 1428 Time will tell; design for cen tral page of the " Punch Almanack," 1903. 1904. 1385 Time's skipping rope; design for central cartoon of " Mr. Punch's Almanack," 1904. SAMMON, J. C Architect. Hill Street, Wisbeach. 1843. 1323 Sketch for a picture ofthe in terior of the church of Up- well St. Peter, Norfolk. {Sammons in index, Sammon in catalogue.) SAMPSON, J Miniature Painter. 2, Percy Street, Bedford Square. 1840. 672 Group of the younger children of the Lord Chancellor. {Lord Cottenham.) No address. 1841. 525 Portrait of an Essex Rector. Eaton Street, Grosvenor Place. 1842. 889 Miss Law. , James Henry ... Painter. Ivy Lodge, Champion Grove, Camberwell Trawling. Sunlight. Old Bob's boat, Folkestone. The restless sea. "Three fishers went sailing." "For men must work and women must weep, etc." — Kingsley. Off! A bit of nature on the French Coast. Berck Sands. Squalls.Waiting for the tide. Homewards. 26, Howland Street. Spratting. SAMPSON 1870. 1872. 1873-1875- 944 1086 1148 103 45 1876. 295 289 1877.1878. 1317 617 304 529 1879. VII. S3 SAMPSON, Robert W. ... Architect. 152, High Street, Stoke Newington. 1889. i860 Covered bridge, etc. 3, The Myrtles, Sidmouth. 1899. 1662 Music room to Cotlands, Sid mouth. 1845 Alteration at Sidmouth. Wychwood Cottage, Sidmouth. 1903. 1523 Pavilion, The Manor, Sid mouth. SAMPSON, Thomas. Miniature Painter, etc. I, Terrace, Davies Street, Berkeley Square. 669 Lady Adelaide Fielding. 2, Percy Street. 606 Portrait of a young lady. 639 Miss Ogilvy, daughter of Sir J. Ogilvy, Bart. 657 Lord Porchester and Lady Eveline Herbert. 968 Lady Gwendolen Herbert in a fancy dress. 23, Wilton Place, St. John's Wood. " And one In this hand held a volume as to read, And smoothed a petted peacock down with that." — Tenny- 1838. 1841. 1842. 1847. 1851. 531 1852. 225 i8S3- son. 1 166 Bridge on the road to Watend- lath, Cumberland. Undine. " But an appearance from the opening of the fountain filled them with awe, as it rose like a white column of water; at first they imagined it to be a spouting fountain, until they perceived the rising form to be a pale female veiled in white." Mother and child. Sketch from nature in Gow barrow Park, Cumberland. 974 779 SAMUEL, George Painter. 24, Foster Lane, Cheapside. 614 A perspective view of the inside of a Cathedral. 80, Cheapside. 481 View near Hornsey Wood. do. near Chertsey, Surrey. do. in Hyde Park. do. near Stoke Newington. do. of Beddington Mills, Surrey. c 1785.1786. 1787. 515 454 547549 10 THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS Samuel, George — conti?iued. 1799 George Street, Adelphi. 1788. 526 Don Quixote and the Fulling Mills. — Vide Book III, Chap. 6. 1 800 575 Don Quixote and the FuUing Mills. 1789. 527 View on the Thames near York Buildings. 543 Pixon Mill, near Dorking. 7, New Inn. 1790. 563 Holland House, Kensington. 1801 583 View on the Thames from Rotherhith during the frost, January, 1789. 591 Dover Castle from the Sally port. 1802 477, Strand. 1803 1791. 562 View in Mr. Locke's park, Mickleham, Surrey. 1804 565 Four views of Leeds Castle, Kent, the seat of Lord Fair fax. 1792. 481 View on Clapham Common, Surrey. 594 Burpham Bridge, on the river Wey, near Guildford. 1805. 604 Mailing Abbey, Kent. 631 Sheet bridge, near Petersfield, Hants. 1793- 5'9 Hereford. 1806. 563 View on the Wye near Llan- good, Brecknockshire. 1807. 607 Entrance to Dover Harbour. 628 View of Tintern Abbey, Mon mouthshire. 1808. 856 Llanthony Abbey, Monmouth- 1809. shire. 1794. 376 Wood house in Earl Bathurst's grounds, Cirencester. 385 Town Hall and Church, Ciren- cester. 437 Pontipool Bridge, Monmouth shire. 1810. 1795- 342 Folkstone, Kent. 432 Iron work at Ponty Pool. 587 Monmouth Bridge. 603 Dover Castle. 2, Richmond Buildings, Soho. 1811. 1796. 513 Litchfield Cathedral. 669 Bala Lake, Merionethshire. 1797. 480 Farm house near Cader Idris. 725 Cottage near Bala Lake, Meri onethshire. 1812. 1798. 525 Mallwydd Bridge, North Wales. 1799. 366 Skinfrith on the Monore, Mon mouthshire. 497 Rhadr Vinalt, Caernarvon 1813. shire. 1814. 516 Usk, Monmouthshire. 521 Harewood Park House, Bed fordshire. 319 A View of Willsden Church, Middlesex. 403 A miner's cottage, Derbyshire. 442 Margate High Cliff. 478 Pike Pool on the Dove, Derby shire. 699 Haddon Hall, the seat of the Duke of Rutland, Derby shire. 320 Dudley Priory, Worcestershire. 376 Cadr Idris, Merionethshire. 636 Snowdon, from Capel Carig, Caernarvonshire. 439 Tal-y-Llyn, Merionethshire. 692 Penmorfa, Caernarvonshire. 478 Penmorfa, do. 289 View nearTallyllyn, Merioneth shire. 609 Llanllfrie, Carnarvonshire. 840 Snowdon, from Llynian Manil, Caernarvonshire. 873 Conway Castle, Caernarvon shire. 432 Harlech Castle, Merioneth shire. 443 Llyn-gwinedd, from Bulch-yr- eisteddfa, Caernarvonshire. 510 Windsor Forest. 358 Pont Aber Glass-llyn. 408 Caernarvon Castle. 487 Landscape. The cattle by R. Hills. 579 Mill near Seaton, Devonshire. 366 A study. 27 Powis Castle, North Wales. 44 Cottage near Tintern Abbey. 360 View near Tintern, Monmouth shire. 385 Brockwer, on the Wye, Glou cestershire. 391 Cottage in Windsor forest. 354 View of the ruins of the Abbey de Valley Crucis, and farm house, near Llangollen, North Wales. 85 Borrowdale, Cumberland. 456 Ellen and Allan Bane. " And when I place it in my hair, Allan, a bard is bound to swear, etc." — Lady of the Lake. 184 Mill at Michel Dene, Glouces tershire. 779 Ilfracombe Harbour, Devon shire. 362 Pembroke Castle, South Wales. 65 do. do. do. 303 Dunster Castle, Somersetshire. THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS 1 1 1815. 202 View from the entrance of the cavern in Cheddar Cliffs, Somersetshire. 253 View near Ambleside, West morland. 389 Cheddar Cliffs, Somersetshire. 1816. 372 London from Greenwich Park. 181 7. 264 Mount Edgecumbe, Devon shire. 311 Plymouth Dock from Mil- brook. 419 View of Windsor Castle. 1 8 1 8. 159 Trematon Castle, on the Lyner, Cornwall. 196 St. Nicholas' Island and the Citadel of Plymouth, from Mount Edgecumbe. 288 The Oreston quarry on the Plym, from which the stones are taken to construct the breakwater. 1 81 9. 336 Porlock, Somersetshire. 423 Porlock Bay, from above Bess- ington, Somersetshire. 441 View of Horner Woods, with Dunkery in the distance, Somersetshire. 461 View on the Wye, near God- aiming, Surrey. 1820. 439 View from King's Weston hill of the junction of the Avon with the Severn. 545 Evening— a view under King's Weston hill, Gloucestershire. 182 1. 310 London from Greenwich. 1822. 405 View on the Barle near Dulver- ton, Somersetshire. SAMUEL, Richard Painter. 12, Clement's Inn. 1772. 238 A conversation; small whole lengths. 1773. 260 Portraits of a lady and child. 261 Portrait of a gentleman ; small whole length. 159, Clement's Lane. 1774. 257 A portrait of a gentleman; half length. 258 A perspective view taken from the lower end of the Walks at Tunbridge Wells. 4, Cornhill. 1777. 312 Portraits of three children pre paring to fly a kite. 1778. 414 A nymph tying on her sandal. 415 King Lear. 416 Lady and child on a couch. 1779. 282 Portraits in the characters of the Muses in the temple of Apollo. 1779. 283 A portrait; oval. 10, Bow St., Covent Garden. 1780. 199 She sat like Patience on a monument smiling at grief. 357 Portrait of a lady; crayons. 6, Bridge St., Covent Garden. 1 781. 53 A child playing with a dog. 406 Sacrifice of Iphigenia. — Samuel, Beaufort Buildings, Strand. 1785. 125 Portrait of a gentleman. SAMWELL, Mrs. (formerly Miss Augusta Cole)... Miniature Painter. 54, Clarendon Road. 1864. 701 Miss Mary Cole. 1865. 723 Pasquarosa. 763 Pascuccia. 1866. 639 Madame Valerj, of Rome. 1868. 828 Miss Harriet Thornycroft. 1869. 1032 Stella. 1042 Miss H. Thornycroft. {See Miss Augusta Cole, vol. ii, pages 97-98.) SAMWORTH, Miss Joanna. Pen and Ink Artist. The Brooklands, Hastings. 1867. 982 Fir trees; pen and ink. 1868. 907 Early morning ; pen and ink. 1869. 1131 Evening; pen and ink. 1870. 848 A summer night; pen and ink. 876 Study of moonlight; pen and ink. 1 87 1. 818 Full moon in winter; pen and ink. 1874. 853 A cottage nosegay. 1244 On Stock Gyll— evening. SANCHEZ-PERRIER, E.... Painter. 96, Gracechurch Street. 1880. 1050 In the courtyard ofthe Museum at Seville. SANCTIS, G. De. See D, vol. ii, page 310. SAMBROKE DE ROCKSTRO, J. Painter. 2, Munden Terrace, Hammersmith. 1846. 1332 A landscape. {See also D, vol. ii, page 309.) SANDBY, Paul, R.A Painter. Poland Street. 1769. 101 A View of Roch Abbey. 102 A bonfire. 103 A view of the old Abbey Gate at Reading. 104 do. do. do. 12 THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS Water colours. 232 233 Sandby, Paul, R.A. — continued. 1770. 162 View near Blackheath. 163 View of Charlton in Kent. 164 do. do. 238 Morning.' 239 Noon. 240 Evening. 241 Night. 1 77 1. 173 View of Bridgenorth; water colours. 174 A view of Bothwell Castle, in Clydsdale; water colours. 175 A storm, from the Winter's Tale; water colours. 176 A storm subsiding; water colours. 1772. 231 A View of Worcester; water colours. A View in Shropshire; water colours. A landscape — sun setting; water colours. St. George's Row, Oxford Turnpike. 1773- ^^3 A View on the Thames; water colours. 264 A View in Wales; water colours. 1774- 259 The Terrace of Windsor, look ing westward. 260 The Terrace of Windsor, look ing Eastward. {Good. — Wal pole.) 261 A View in Wales. 262 Bothwell Castle in Clydsdale. 263 An upright landscape. 1775. 272 Monerbawr Castle in Pem brokeshire; water colour. 273 Pembroke Castle ; water colour. 274 Benton Castle, Milford Haven ; water colour. 275 Carnarvon Castle. 276 A study from nature; stained drawing. 277 A View of Windsor Castle; stained drawing. 278 do. do. 279 View of Warwick Castle; stained drawing. 280 do. do. 1776. 271 Part of Bangor. 272 A landscape with a recruiting party. 273 A landscape with a recruiting party — a warm evening. 1777. 313 The west gate of Cardiff, Glamorganshire. 314 South gate of Cardiff, Glam organshire. 1777.1779. 1780.1781. 315 A landscape in an oval. 316 Two views near Naples; in Aquatinta. 284 A View of Bothwell Castle. 285 do. Conway Castle. 286 A landscape — morning. 287 A view of Bangor; a stained drawing. 35 View in Wales. 89 A land storm. 192 Caernarvon Castle. 395 View in Wales. 462 Sepulchre of King Theodorick, near Ravenna. 1 5 View of Conway Castle. 20 do. Benton Castle. 156 do. the encampment in St. James's Park. 158 View of the encampment in the Museum Gardens. 213 View of the encampment in Hyde Park, from St. George's Row; a sketch. 367 View of the encampment in Hyde Park. 371 View of the encampment in St. James's Park. 376 View of the encampment on Blackheath. 380 View of the encampment in Hyde Park. 1782. 137 Landscape. 151 do. 1786. 510 View of Woolwich. 576 St. George's Gate at Canter bury. 584 The Cemetery gate at Canter bury. 1787. 145 Landscape; water colours. 166 do. do. 581 do. do. 599 Landstorm; do. 1788. 169 Landscape. 565 View in Wales. 1790. 495 Landscape. 623 do. 1791. 567 Evening view near Bayswater. 586 Morning — view on the road near Bayswater turnpike. 1792. 517 Landscape. 1793- 541 View in the wood yard, Wind sor Great Park. 555 View at Shrewsbury. 602 View in the grove near the lodge in Windsor Great Park. 603 View in the wood yard, Windsor Great Park. 1794. 328 A View of Vinters at Boxley, Kent, with Mr. Whatman's Turkey Paper mills. THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS 13 1794. 367 View of Rochester Castle. 381 A View from Rochester Castle. 1795. 414 View of Tunbridge town and castle. 420 View of the Eagle Tower at Caernarvon. 575 Evening. 579 Morning. 1797. 502 View near St. Albans. 511 Landscape after a thunder storm. 1798. 616 A view on the road to Here ford — a sunset. 623 A N.W. view of St. Albans — the effect of morning. 631 A view from the village of Scattalor, in Borrowdale, Cumberland. 1799. 650 West view of Denton Lodge, in Norfolk, the seat of Dr. Sandby, Chancellor of Nor wich, Flixton House in the center, and Flixton Hall, the seat of Mr. Alexander Adair on the right. 658 View of Denton Lodge, in Norfolk, the seat of Dr. Sandby, etc., taken from the road to Harleston. 662 View from Denton Lodge, Denton Parsonage and church, and Aldburgh church in the distance, and Belvidere seat over the new plantation. 367 View in Wales. 390 do. Kent. 710 Bayswater Turnpike. 717 View near Bayswater. 734 Caernarvon Castle. 622 The Welch bridge at Shrews bury. 629 West side of the old Welch bridge at Shrewsbury. 635 East side of Bridgenorth, Shropshire. 641 Carrick Ferry, near Wexford, Ireland. 1802. 600 View of Maidstone from near the foot of Boxley hill. 601 View on Windsor terrace. 625 Entrance to Windsor Great Park at Bishop's -gate. 1806. 390 A country village. 400 A wood scene, with gypsies. 401 A study in Windsor Park. 453 Chepstow Castle. 1807. 95 Pembroke Casde, looking to wards Milford Haven. 112 A beech tree. 1800. 1801, 1807. 1808. the the 1809. 566 608 195 137 Bayswater turnpike from east. 148 Bayswater turnpike from west. 22 A view in Windsor Forest. 27 A park scene. 54 A View of Woolwich as it was in the year 1785. 64 A scene near Hampstead. 482 Llangollen, in Denbighshire. 565 A View of Pembroke castle and town from the west. Bethkellet in Caernarvonshire. A forest scene. A view from the back of No. 4 in St. George's Row. 317 View of an iron forge on the river Kent in Cumberland. 336 View of the inside of the South Gate at Conway. 375 A View on Kilburn road. SANDBY, Thomas, i?.^.... Architect. (Professor of Architecture to the Royal Academy.) Windsor Great Park. iT^q. 99 A design in architecture. 100 do. do. 1770. 161 Elevation of a country seat, for a person of distinction. 172 A View from the arcade in Covent Garden. 230 The garden front of the Royal Academy. {It is Inigo Jones' front of Somerset House. — Walpole.) 262 A perspective view of the back part ofthe chapel of Windsor Great Lodge, as it appeared when building in the year 1765- 450 A bridge of magnificence, de signed for the sixth lecture on architecture. 462 View from the entrance on the bridge. No. 450. 241 View of the gothic gallery at Strawberry Hill. 1771. 1772. 1773- 1781. 1782. SANDBY, Thomas Paul Painter. T. Sandby, Jun., St. George's Road, Paddington. 1791- 453 Morning — a landscape. 1791. 469 Evening — a landscape. T. P. Sandby. 1792. 519 Landscape — evening. H THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS SANDEMAN, Mrs. B. (Mary). Painter. 44, Kensington Park Gardens. 1884. 1094 Afghan trophies. Miss Marie Sandeman, 44, Kensington Park Gardens. 1885. 908 "'Twas a fat oyster — live in peace — adieu." Mrs. Mary B. Sandeman, 44, Kensington Park Gardens. 1886. 1226 A basket of roses. SANDERCOCK, Henry Painter. Ardmore, Northam, Bideford, Devon. 1872. 844 Peace: Bideford Bay. 1874. 882 Summer noon, Northam Sands, North Devon. 1875. 814 Saltmarsh, near Appledore, North Devon. 826 Tintagel cliffs of Cornwall. 1876. 737 Mouth of the Torridge, north Devon. 1877. 891 Low Water, Bideford Bay. 1879. 850 The old road to the beach. 1882. 936 The harbour bar. 961 A Devonshire fishing village, SANDERS, Arthur N Engraver. 1 7, Surrey Terrace, Lewisham. 1865. 884 Sir John Lawrence, Bart., G.C.B., Governor-General of India. After J. R. Dicksee. 1867. 939 Sir H. Lawrence. 1871. 817 Thefirstbath. After J. Hay liar. SANDERS, Miss Ellen Painter. 8, Boscobel Gardens. 1868. 14 Free as the wind. "Youthfuland untrammelled colts." SANDERS, George Painter. 15, Edward Street, Portman Square. 1834. 27 Countess Nelson. 71 Lady Louisa Churchill. 94 The Hon. William Duncombe, M.P. 320 Viscountess Encombe. 346 The Duke of Gordon. {In ?>ty Dictionary of Artists, I have i?i- cluded this portrait paittter under G. L. Saunders as he lived at 15, Edward Street, and the latter at 10, Edward Street. D. N. B. says he only exhibited in 1834, and that he is often confused with G. L. Saunders the miniature painter.) SANDERS, George Engraver. 57, Upper Seymour Street. 1844. 1208 The destroying angel; study for a picture. 7, Upper Albany Street. 1861. 951 General Sir Edward Blakeney, K.C.B., late Commander of the Forces in Ireland. 1864. 819 Female head. After Havell. 820 Mother and child. After T. Jensen. 827 General Torrens. 12, Surrey Terrace, Lewisham. 1865. 869 The late Sir CulUng Eardley Eardley, Bart. After W. Roeting. 1866. 808 Lord Rivers. After the Hon. H. Graves. SANDERS, G. S Painter. 12, Great Randolph Street, Camden Town. 1835. 408 Evening scene on Dartmoor, near Moreton-Hampstead, Devon. SANDERS, John Painter. 33, Great Ormond Street, near Foundling Hospital. 1771. 177 A portrait of a young lady; three-quarters. 178 A philosopher. 1772. 234 St. Sebastian. 235 A portrait of a child; three- quarters. 1773. 265 Jael and Sisera. 266 Portrait of two children. 267 Portraits of a child and dog in crayons. 1774. 264 Portrait of a gentleman; half length. {Very lively. — Wal pole.) 265 Portrait of a young lady; three- quarters. 266 Portrait of a child asleep; in crayons. Mortis Imago et simulacrumestsonmus.~Cic. Tus. 267 Perspective view of the inside of the chapel of the Found ling Hospital; in water col ours. 268 Perspective view of the inside of the girls' dining-room; its companion; in water colours. John Saunders, Junr., 33, Great Ormond Street. 1775- 281 Sampson and Delilah. THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS 15 1775. 282 Portraits of two young ladies; half length. 283 A View from Crowe's coffee- room, Margate; a stained drawing. 1776. 274 Jacob and the Angel. 275 A foundling girl. 276 Two small portraits in crayons. 1777. 317 Ariel. 318 Portrait of a young lady; in crayons. 319 Portrait of a young lady; a stained drawing. Norwich, and 33, Great Ormond Street. 1778. 272 Portrait of a young lady; in crayons. 273 The Bard. F/ie Gray's Works, Ode.ii; a stained draw ing. John Sanders, Norwich, and 33, Great Ormond Street. 1779. 288 Two children; half length. 289 William Crotch of Norwich, who, at the early age of two years and a quarter discov ered a very extraordinary genius for music. 290 An artist; kitcat. J. Sanders, Junr. {in Index), Norwich, and 33, Great Ormond Street. 1780. 325 Portrait of W. Crotch of Nor wich. {J. Saunders.) 486 The choir of the Cathedral of Norwich. {T. Sanders.) J. Sanders, Junr. {in Index), Norwich and 33, Great Ormond Street. 1 78 1. 5 Portrait of a lady. (/. Saun ders, Junr. ) 392 View of Norwich Cathedral; a drawing. {J. Saunders, Jtmr.) 397 North-East View of Norwich Cathedral, from the Bishop's Gardens; a drawing. (/. Sanders, Junr.) 513 View of Norwich Cathedral; a drawing. (/. Saunders, Junr.) J. Sanders, Junr., 6, Great Ormond Street. 1782. 383 Portrait of a lady and child; crayons. 6, Great Ormond Street. 488 West end of Norwich Cathe dral. 493 Ruins in the Bishop's Gardens at Norwich. J. Sanders, 66, Great Queen Street, Lincoln's Inn Fields. 1783. 139 Portrait of an officer of the honourableartillery company of London. 237 Portrait of a lady. 385 Four drawings of the bronze figures which support the tomb of Lewis Stewart, duke of Richmond, in the Henry the VII's chapel. 1784. 201 Portrait of a young lady. 1785. 174 do. William Crotch, the musical boy. 383 Portrait of a gentleman. 1786. 421 Children ; in crayons. (_/. &««- ders.) 1787. 44 Hylas. {Vide Theocritus Id. 13. V. 63, 64.) 387 Portrait of a child. ( — Saun ders.) 10 1, Great Russell Street, Bloomsbury. 1788. 251 Portrait of a lady. {In my Dictionary of Artists I have carried John Sanders on to 1824; but it seems clear that the latter exhibits apply to Joseph Saunders. John Sanders, according to D. N. B. moved to Bath in 1790, and died at Clifton in 1825. The Royal Academy catalogues spell the name Sanders and Saunders, and sometimes add the word Junior^ SANDERS, John Architect. J. Sanders, at Mr. Soanes, Welbeck Street. 1787. 493 Design for the front of a bath. 598 A sketchfora ceiling (historical), painted for the drawing- room of the Earl of Ports mouth, Hants. J. Saunders, at Mr. Soanes, Welbeck Street. 1789. 564 Diagonal View of a design for a mausoleum, etc. J. Sanders, at Mr. Soanes, Albion Place. 1790. 608 Design for a public library. 74, High Street, Marylebone. 1 791. 503 Additions to Beoly-hall in Wor cestershire. Duchess Street, Portland Place. 1803. 882 The inside of a church. 990 The Royal Military Asylum, Chelsea. i6 THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS Sanders, John — continued. 1804. 914 Great drawing-room at the Marquis of Headfort's. 4, Weymouth Street. 1811. 864 Royal MiHtary College near Blackwater. 18 1 2. 145 Landscape. 803 The King's House, Winchester, altered 18 10. 1 8 13. 882 Royal MiHtary College, Black- water. 18 14. 702 Design for a triumphal arch. 1815. 803 Royal Military Asylum, Chel sea. Upper Seymour Street. 1 82 1. 956 Roman monument at St. Remy. 29, Lower Brook Street. 1828. 1 109 Design for Cathedral. SANDERS, John Arnold ... Painter. 3, New King Street, Bath. 1810. 477 Scene between Aberystwith and Mahynnleth, North Wales. 815 Mill scene; composition from nature. 857 Ross market-place, Hereford shire. J. A. Saunders. 1811. 280 Composition from nature. 313 Scene at Sir J. Cotterell's, M.P., Garnons, Herefordshire. J. A. Sanders, 23, Beaumont Street. 1812. 152 Scene between Machynleth and Aberystwith, North Wales. 516 Cottage Scene at Fown Hope, Herefordshire. 1813. 12 A View of London from Hamp stead. 33 Scene at Belmont, the seat of Colonel Matthews, Hereford shire. 185 Scene at Townhope, Hereford shire. SANDERS, Mrs Painter. 1838. 261 The Saviour. SANDERS, T. H Painter. Rainbow Hill, Worcester. 1855. 619 The bereaved family. 1857. 168 Who's there? SANDERS, T. Hale- Painter. 25, Byrne Road, Balham. 1881. 757 Going up with the tide. 1883. 739 The river from London Bridge. 1885. 569 A snug harbour. Loch Fyne. 1 1 15 The river Thames from Lon don Bridge. 1888. 1194 Gravesend pier. 1209 Santa Maria della Salute, Venice. St. Dunstan's, Balham. 1889. 1440 Dordrecht. 1892. 1243 The city in the sea. 1895. 977 The sea-girt temple. 1898. 1065 Twilight — Westminster. SANDERS 1884. 761 1885. 683 1886. 815 839 1887. 567813 834 1888. 536939 1264 1889. 905 1890. 907 1892. 572 1901. 69 , Walter G Painter. 103, Westbourne Grove. Roses. Autumn Roses. Roses. do. Pine-apples.Roses. Wood pigeons. 65, Cornwall Road. Roses. Rhododendrons, Roses. do. do.do. 24, Mazenod Avenue, West Hampstead. Roses. SANDERS, William Bliss. Architect. Wheeler Gate, Nottingham. 1875. 974 Park House, Inglefield Green, for Griffith Thomas, Esq. SANDERSON, John Architect. At Mr. J. Wyatt' s, 50, Lower Brook Street. 1813. 865 Design for a bath. 1814. 703 do. Triumphal arch. 18 16. 804 National monument to com memorate the glorious Battle of Waterloo, etc., etc., etc. II, Soho Square. 1817. 525 Rustic Lodge in Buckhurst Park, for Her Grace the Duchess of Dorset and Earl Whitworth. 869 Stanmore Cottage, for Dr. Hooper. 3, Clifford Street. 1824. 851 House at St. Clare, near Ryde, for E. V. Utterson, Esq. 933 Cottage near Ryde. 7, Cork Street. 1825. 984 St. Leonard's, near Stanmore, for Henry Stone, Esq. 1826. 913 Gothic House at Ryde. 1828. 1085 Church at Ryde. THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS 17 SANDERSON, J. W Architect. At Mr. Wyatt's, Queen Anne Street. 1790. 586 Design for a bath. 1791- 459 do. church. 1793. 708 Design for nobleman's villa. 841 do. Coombe Lodge. 1794. 647 Coombe Lodge, near Whit church, Oxfordshire. 1796. 801 Design for Boat house, etc. 829 Entrance to Coombe Lodge. 1797. 1092 Bellingbear, the seat of R. A. Neville, Esq. 1800. 1064 Prospect Hall, the seat of J. E. Liebenrood, Esq. 1 80 1. 850 Peasants' Cottages at Woodley, for Rt. Hon. Henry Adding- ton. 1036 Gothic Lodge at Bellingbear, for Lord Braybrooke. SANDERSON, Miss S. M.... Painter. 64, Mallison Road, Wandsworth. 1891. 829 Evening after rain. SANDS, J Architect. At Mr. Wyatt's, Albany. 1 8 13. 815 Design, Torrie House, Fife shire, the seat of Sir W. Erskine, Bart. i8i6. 861 Gallery at Torrie House, Fife shire, the seat of Sir W. Erskine, Bart. 42, Warwick Street, Golden Square. 1819. iioi Military monument, 300 feet high, etc. 1820. 922 Design, gentleman's mansion. {See also Winterbottom and Sands.) SANDYS, Miss E Painter. 9, St. Giles' Hill, Norwich. 571 Enid. 824 Daisy, daughter of Mr. Joseph Ince. 931 Lady Winifred Herbert, daugh ter of the Earl of Carnarvon. 646 Undine. II, Manchester Street. 1874. 1057 The Duchess of St. Albans. 1868. 1870. 1873- SANDYS, F Architect. 1797. 1066 Ichworth House, Suffolk. 1116 A triumphal bridge. F. Sandys, Bury St. Edmunds. 1800. 939 Great Tinborough Hall, Suf folk. 1800. 952 Warlingham Hall. 1802. 977 Entrance into Chippenham Park, Cambridgeshire, for J. Tharp, Esq. 990 Design of London Bridge and entrance for shipping be tween London and Black- friars bridges. 1806. 841 Downing College. 924 Assembly rooms at Bury St. Edmunds. 1807. 1005 Entrance to a park. 1106 Design for a bridge at Staines. 23, Manchester Square. 1808. 839 Buildings in West of England. 1809. 799 Westdean House, Sussex, the seat of Lord Selsey. 800 Royal palace at Caserta, King dom of Naples. 839 Family burial place. 851 Courts of Justice, Durham. SANDYS, Frederick. Painter in crayons, etc. F. Sands. 1 85 1. 1074 Lord Henry Loftus. F. Sandys, 21, Wigmore Street. 1854. 1096 Rev. Thomas Freeman. 1856. 719 A portrait. 855 Rev. Thomas Randolph. 1858. 693 Lady Wenlock. Thorpe, near Norwich. 1861. 178 Mrs. W. Clabburn, of Thorpe, Norwich. 639 Oriana. 1862. 350 Mrs. Clabburn. 361 King Pelles' daughter bearing the vessel of the Sancgraal. {See Mort d' Arthur) 789 Mrs. Doulton. 805 Autumn; pen-and-ink study. 809 Mrs. Rose. 53 Mrs. Susanna Rose. 606 La Belle Ysonde. 707 Vivien. 519 " Morgan-le-fay." 546 Portrait. 686 Judith; pen-and-ink drawing. 359 Gentle Spring. "O virgin mother ! of gentle days and nights, etc." — A. C. Swin- vii. 1863.1864. 1865. 503 Cassandra. 47, Leicester Square 1868. 735 Study of a head. 816 George Critchett, Esq. 1869. 99 Medea. 714 Mrs. Barstow. 1871. 468 W. H. Clabburn, Esq. d i8 THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS Sandys 1871 1873- 1875- 1876. 1878. 1879.1880. 1883. 1886. , Frederick — continued. 803 The children of J. J. Colman, Esq., M.P. 805 W. Clabburn, Esq. I, Spencer Street, Victoria Street. 1267 Leopold de Rothschild, Esq. 1269 Frederick A. Milbank, Esq., M.P. 1303 Mrs. Frederick A. Milbank. 13 13 Mrs. William Brand. 1058 Portrait; in chalk. 1076 Miss Ellis. 1212 Mrs. Brand. 1139 Mrs. Charles Augustus Howell. 1187 Cyril Flower, Esq.; chalk draw ing. 1 23 1 Dowager Lady Buxton; chalk drawing. 429 Mrs. Temple Soanes. 1233 James Brand, Esq.; chalk. 1289 Ethel and Mabel; chalk. 129, War dour Street. 1263 Robert Browning, Esq. 1272 His Excellency the Hon. J. Russell Lowell. 1281 Goldwin Smith, Esq. 1282 Matthew Arnold, Esq. 1330 Mrs. H. Chinnery; chalks. 1339 Miss Chappell; chalks. The Cottage, Holland Park Road. 1083 William GilHlan, Esq. SANDYS, S Painter. (An Honorary Exhibitor.) 1835. 305 On the Dart, Devon. 1838. 518 View on the Dart. 1839. 1113 A View near Dinant-on-the- Meuse. SANFORD, Miss S. Ellen ... Painter. 7, Bassett Road, North Kensington. 1894. 1014 " Grow old along with me." 1895. 1095 "Sit nomen Domini bene- dictum." 1896. 1056 "Veni, creator." Ayshford, Carshalton. 1904. 992 "I am monarch ofall I survey." 998 " Love's young dream." SANG, Frederic J Painter. 60, Park Road, N W. 1891. 869 Road near Grays, Essex. 1892. 225 Insured for total loss. 1893. 410 View on the canal near Gour- nay, Seine-et-Marne, France. 674 Old French harbour, St. Hehers, Jersey. 68, Carlton Road, Kentish Town. 1900. 509 The river, from the pier. Lime- house. 513 The river near Southend. 817 A bit of Hampstead, Middle sex. 819 Evening in the dock. Lime- house. 45, Pri7ice of Wales's Road. 1 90 1 . 73 Rough weather in the Channel. SANG, Frederick Architect. 27, Portland Terrace. 1846. 1262 Interior of the Royal Ex change; the embellishment in colour executed in en caustic. 1336 Staircase in New Conservative Club; in encaustic. 1337 Vestibule of New Conservative Club; in encaustic. 1358 Upper hall, etc.; in encaustic. 16, Acacia Road. 1848. 1095 Coffee room, Carlton Club, Pall Mall. 25, New Bond Street, and Frankfort-on-the-Maine. 1858. 989 Rebuilding Castle of Lahneck on the Rhine. 1006 Chimney wall, etc. 1020 do. do. in Lahneck Castle. 42, Charing Cross. 1859. 1052 New music-hall at Knowsley for the Earl of Derby. 1057 The King James room, Hat field House, for the Marquis of Salisbury. 1124 St. George's Hall at Liverpool. 1862. 866 Merchants' area. Royal Ex change. 24, Sackville Street, 1874. 1082 Suggested improvements in Trafalgar Square. 1102 Suggested improvements in Westminster, etc. 65, Gracechurch Street. 1884. 1299 Design for a Royal Mint on the Embankment. SANGIOVANNI, Benedetto. Sculptor. 1 6, Wardour Street. 1828. 1 1 64 Horse's head. 1177 Brigands of Calabria. "79 do. do. 1 194 do. do. THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS 19 — San Giovanni, no address. 1838. 1327 A dog. 1331 A lion. 1345 A brigand. R. Sangiovanni, no address. 1845. 1422 A dead stag and dogs. 1426 An Italian bandit chief. 23, Nassau Street. 1846. 1365 An Albanian Greek and dog. 1380 A Turk. — Sangiovanni, 29, Silver Street, Golden Square. 1847. 1311 An Arab of Morocco. SANGSTER, Alfred Painter. 52, Glebe Studios, Chelsea. 1904. 563 Ethel, daughter of the late John Wilson Cooper, Esq. 605 The crucifix. " But in my spirit will I dwell, etc." 837 The knave of hearts. SANGUINETTI, Edgardo. Sculptor. E. Sanguinelli, Florence. 1880. 1576 La Pompeiana; statuette, mar ble. E. Sanguenetti, 175, Bond Street. 1889. 990 Arab orange boy. SANSOM, Miss Nellie. Miniature Painter. 23, Rockley Road, West Kensington. 1894. 1278 Molly. 1895. 1143 Mother's darling. 1896. 1305 Madeline, daughter of T. John son, Esq. 60, Netherwood Road, West Kensington. 1898. 1279 Guy, son of Frank Shackles, Esq. 1899. 1273 Muriel, daughter of E.Stephens, Esq. 1900. II 52 Making a ball for pussy. 1372 Sunshine or rain. 1415 Waiting. SANT, George Painter. 45, Hereford Rd., Bayswater. 1858. 71 Near Dunblane, Perthshire. 365 Scene in Wales. Painted with James Sant. 2, Fitzroy Square. i860. 220 Study of Scotch firs, Blade Park, Iver Heath. 1863. 1864. 1865.1866. 477 217 1 86 1. 599 The Moat, Burnham Beeches. 1862. 518 A study. 582 Fern gathering. Figures by J. Sant, A.R.A. 175 "That yew tree's shade, where heaves the turf in many a mould'ring heap." — Gray. Figures by J. Sant, A.R.A. 234 A Burn running into Loch Fadd. 400 The Bishopston Valley, South Wales. Figures by J. Sant, A.R.A. Middleton Meadow, Isle of Wight. The Black Park, Langley, Bucks. Figures by J. Sant, A.R.A. 66, Westbourne Park Road. 1867. 517 Stoneleigh Park, Warwickshire. The figures by James Sant, A.R.A. 23, Great Western Terrace. 1869. 178 Autumn Mist, Black Park. 245 Dredging boats running for Oystermouth, South Wales. 260 Bishopstone Valley, North Wales. 498 The Black Wood, Langley. 926 The Wye, near Whitchurch. Ivy Heath, Bucks. 66 Blackberry gatherers. 409 " After summer evermore suc ceeds The barren winter with its nipping CQ\dL."—Shake- 1870. 1871. 580 Strawberry Farm, Fulmer Com mon. 1872. 135 On the Welsh Coast. 1130 Gathering seaweed. 1873- 161 Evening. 642 Through the Bracken. 1874. 645 "And bracken glistening with metallic light." 1875- 368 A Valley in Wales. 1876. 1335 Near Gower, South Wales. West Cross, near Swansea. 1877. 555 Clearing the nets. SANT, James, R.A Painter. Vauxhall. 222 Mr. William Sant. 74, Newman Street. 248 Lord Bexley. 307 R. P. Fulcher, Esq. 466 Childhood. "Beloved age of innocence and smiles, etc." — Henry Kirke White. 382 The rival pets; a portrait. 633 An interior with portraits. 1840. 1841. 1842. 1843- 20 THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS Sant, J ames, R.A. — continued. melody — the way Leads to 19, Soho Square. delight, etc." 1844. 373 Captain Colin Mackenzie, Madras Army, lately a host age in Caubool, in his Affghan dress. 1855- 119 The Lord Almaric Athelstane Spencer Churchill, and the Lady Clementina Spencer Churchill, the infant child 497 The Marquis of Exeter, K.G., etc. ren of Charlotte Augusta, Duchess of Marlborough. 1845. 33 Lady Sale. 378 The fortune-teller. 445 Gregory passing through the 638 Eda. slave market at Rome. 1856. 67 The Lady Edith Campbell and "Non Angh, sed Angeli, the Lord George Campbell, forent, si essent Christian!." children of the Duke of 1846. 173 The orphan child. Argyll. 356 Portrait of a lady. 82 Miss de Rothschild. 659 " Eternal hope ! when yonder 327 The children in the wood. spheres subHme, etc." — 559 The pet's pet. Campbell. 1857- 404 Master Henry Lionel Bathurst. 31, Soho Square. 433 Roland and Edith, children of 1847. 343 The Countess of Mount-Edg- cumbe, with her two young R. C. L. Bevan, Esq., and the late Lady Augusta Bevan. est children. 568 Infancy. " But lo ! thy door is 384 TheEarlofMount-Edgcumbe. left ajar ! Thou hearest foot 538 A portrait. steps from afar, etc." — Long 1848, 462 The Son of Mrs. Ireland fellow. Jones. 1858. 7 Lord Brackley and the Hon. 1849. 6 The Bursar. Painted for All Alfred Egerton. Souls' College, Oxford. 28 The children of Henry Eaton, 102 Francis, son of William Beck- Esq. ford, Esq. 205 Robert W. Kennard, Esq 309 Mr. Serjeant D'Oyley. 365 Scene in Wales. Painted with 496 Wild flowers. George Sant. 1850. 51 John Frederick Stanford, Esq., 421 Mrs. W. P. Livingston. M.P., F.R.S. 1859. 55 "Sometimes, with most in 100 Henrietta, youngest daughter of the Hon. Mr. Justice Vaughan. tensity Gazing, I seem to see Thought folded over thought." 297 The Duchess of Marlborough. 249 William Atkinson, Esq., of 1851. 51 Mrs. Jervoise and child. Ashton Hayes, Cheshire. 142 Children of F. J. E. Jervoise, Esq. 334 Mary Agatha, youngest daugh ter of the Rt. Hon. Lord 215 The infant children of the John Russell. Duke of Marlborough. i860. 73 Mrs. Herbert Barnard. 700 Spring flowers, children of 127 The cornfield. Francis Fuller, Esq. 140 Mrs. Godfrey Bosanquet and 2, Fitzroy Square. son. 1852. 277 Portrait. 309 Edward Henry Steward, Lord 606 Mrs. Frederick Banbury and Clifton. child. 387 Infant son of Walter Evans, 1853- 153 Lieut.-Colonel Sir Thomas Esq. Noel Harris. 552 Little Red Riding Hood. 505 Francis Puller, Esq. 1861. 41 William Reginald, eldest son of 507 " Speak, thy servant heareth." — I Sam. iii, 10. the Hon. W. Earnest Dun combe, M.P. 55' The Hon. Mr. Justice Vaughan 48 Mrs. William Henry Salt. Williams. 121 The Whisper. 1854. 283 Adela, daughter of George Edward Seymour, Esq. 257 The Hon. Reginald and the Hon. Michel Herbert, child 344 The children in the wood. "The wood is thick with ren of Lord and Lady Her bert. THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS 21 1861. 454 Children of Henry West, Esq., Q.C. (Elected A.R.A.) 1862. 20 The first sense of Sorrow. " The first sense of sorrow I ever knew, Steele says in the Tatler, was upon the death of my father, at which time I was not quite five years of age, but was rather amazed at what all the house meant, than possessed of a real understanding why no body would play with us. I remember I went into the room where his body lay, and my mother sat weeping alone by it; I had my battle dore in my hand, and fell a beating the coffin, and call ing Papa, for, I know not how, I had some idea that he was locked up there. My mother caught me up in her arms, and, transported be yond all patience of the silent grief she was before in, al most smothered me in her embraces, and told me, in a flood of tears, ' Papa could not hear me, and would play with me no more, for they were going to put him under ground, whence he would never come to us again.' " — Thackeray. 186 Margaret Holgate Foster. 266 Mrs. John Kelk. 338 Lord Theobald and Lady Blanche Butler, children of the Marchioness of Or monde. 400 Mrs. Arthur Chapman. 637 Miss Leedens. 1863. 16 Portraits. 113 Daughter of Colonel and Mrs. Richmond Jones. 385 The children of Henry Sykes Thornton, Esq. 412 John Dillon, Esq., and family. 727 Taking notes. 1864. Ill Mrs. Richard Fothergill and children. 222 Lady Gladys Herbert, youngest daughter of the late Lord Herbert, and "Llama," a Chinese dog, brought to Lady Herbert by Gen. Sir Hope Grant, K.C.B., from the Summer Palace at Pekin 1864. 279 401 538547 1865. 4 17 49 122 235264 1866. 129 140173 267 349 1867. 56 66 75 215 485 680 1868. 16 22 32 319 359 383 The Hon. George FitzRoy Somerset, eldest son of Lord Raglan. " Turn again, Whittington." Anthony Ashley, son of R. C. L. Bevan, Esq. The Hon. Augusta Neville, daughter of Lord and Lady Braybrooke. " Lo ! where the stripling, wrapt in wonder, roves." Daughter of A. H. Leyborne Popham, Esq. The Bishop of London. {A. C. Tait.) The children of Henry Metcalf Ames, Esq. The children of the Attorney- General and Lady Laura Palmer. Harvey, son of Richard H. Combe, Esq. Claude, younger son of Na thaniel Montefiore, Esq. The children of Bingham Mildmay, Esq. " Then would Philip, his blue eyes all flooded with the helpless wrath of tears, shriek out, 'I hate you, Enoch,' etc." — Tennyson, Enoch Ar- den. Grace and Maud, the children of C. Dingwall, Esq. Down the river. Lord Francis Hervey. Richard, son of Richard H. Combe, Esq. Alice and Eleanor, twin-daugh ters of T. Richardson, Esq. Mrs. A. H. Dennistown. Harry, son of T. H. Preston, Esq. Lisa and Constance, children of J. Snowdon Henry, Esq. 43, Lancaster Gate. The children of W. Jones Loyd, Esq. Felice.The Lord Walter, youngest son of the Duke of Rich mond, K.G. Cosmo, eldest son of F. Bevan, Esq. Florence, daughter of the Bishop of Ripon. {Bicker- steth.) The Countess of Scarborough, the Lady Sibell, and the Hon. Osbert Lumley. 22 THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS Sant, James, R.A. — continued. 1869. 43 Mrs. Frank Bevan. 84 Fannie Mary, daughter of Lieut.-Colonel Thomson. 173 Mdlle. Hilda de Bunsen. 189 Mentonese children; appHcants for a sou. 394 Emily, daughter of Baron de Stern. 459 Hon. Lionel and Julian Byng. (Elected R.A.) 1870. 60 James Shaw, Esq., late Prin cipal Inspector, General Medical Department, Ma dras Army. Paitited at the request of his friends. 146 Mrs. Harcourt Griffin. 149 H.R.H. Prince Leopold. Painted by command of Her Majesty the Queen. 154 H.R.H. the Princess Beatrice. Painted by command of Her Majesty the Queen. 304 Children of the Lord Aveland. 481 Alone. 1014 Mrs. Conolly of Castletown. 1 87 1. 162 Portrait. 214 Viscount Sandon, M.P. 331 The schoolmaster's daughter. Diploma work. 364 Earl Russell, K.G. 499 The children of Edward Barry, Esq. 569 Mrs. J. Whitaker Maitland. 1045 Rupert, son of Oswald Smith, Esq. 1872. 120 Arthur Bligh, son of the Earl and Countess of Darnley. 259 Her Majesty the Queen, with her grandchildren, the Princes Albert Victor and George, and Princess Vic toria of Wales. Painted by command of Her Majesty. 264 Mrs. Haldane Chinnery. 313 Charles, son of Henry R. Far- rer, Esq. 1873. 127 A. H. Oakeley Dennistown, eldest son of A. H. Dennis town, Esq. 135 Gertrude, daughter of Fred erick Swabey, Esq., of Cary- ton Park, Axminster. 253 Mrs. Oriel Walton. 257 Mrs. W. H. Stone. 275 The children of O. V. Walker, Esq., of Bury. 308 Master Frank Hoskier. 664 Master Robert Hanbury. 1874. 158 Peaches. 1874. 239 1430 1875- 191313 480 486 II75 II80 1876. 188 197 251 307 607 1320 1877. 164 212 310 336 1878. 940 2745 211 234296513 527 (Principal 1879. 124 226239 254 402423 1006 Mrs. Charles M. Palmer. The grandchildren of Joseph Laycock, Esq., Low Gos- forth, Northumberland. The early Post. Mrs. Johnston Stansfeld. Henry, son of Henry Padwick, Esq. Mac, son of R. Griffin, Esq. Alan, son of John H. Daniell, Esq. The children of Major H. Bar rett, of Moredon, Taunton. Mdlle. Zard Thalberg. The daughters of Carl Siemens, Esq. Lady Majoribanks, of Lady- kirk. John Monckton, Esq. Painted for the Town Hall, Man chester. The children of Carl Ferdinand Bolckow, Esq. " Maidens should be mild and meek. Swift to hear, and slow to speak." The Lady Harlech. Mrs. W. B. Eastwood and children. Gleanings. The Rt. Hon. Sir Richard Baggalay. Painted for the Merchant Taylors' Hall. Mrs. J. L. Starkie. Mrs. Surtees, of Redworth. Little Zarah. Lucy Beatrice Nolan, daughter of T. B. Horsfall, Esq., of Bellamour Hall, Stafford shire. Constance, daughter of Sir Thomas Fairbairn, Bart. Mrs. William Saville. Theresa, Evelyn, and Mabel, daughters of the late Colonel John Towneley. A portrait. Painter in Ordinary to Her Majesty.) Adversity. Lady Frances Bushby. Lord Glamis. Major Le Gendre Starkie, of Huntroyde. Nellie, daughter of Arthur Bass, Esq., M.P. The Hon. Mortimer Tolle- mache. Clara and Augusta, daughters of Crawshay Bailey, Esq. THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS 23 1880. 5 Lady Cunlifle. II Christopher, son of T. W. Erie, Esq. 82 Mrs. Graham Hutchison. 170 Katie, daughter of T. Sutton Timmis, Esq. 299 The Countess of Aberdeen. 358 "Genius is heaven-born, and looks from out the eye." 526 Lady Cardross. 1 88 1. 48 Mrs. Donaldson Hudson. 181 Hilda, daughter of John Pen nington Mellor, Esq. 191 Lady Fanny Marjoribanks. 218 Susan and Ethel, daughters of Arthur Wilson, Esq. 488 Miss Sartoris. 1882. 211 Rupert and Ernest, children of Edward Guinness, Esq. 236 Mrs. Bingham Mildmay and children. 266 Lieut.-Col. Fife Cookson. Lieut.-Colonel Fife Cookson accompanied the Turkish armies of the Balkans and at Gallipoli during the war of 1877 and 1878 as a Mili tary Attach^ of H.M. Em bassy at Constantinople. 291 The Earl of Aberdeen. 521 The Moat-house, Ightham, Kent. " All houses wherein men have lived and died, are haunted houses." 736 Maidenhood. "Like the swell of some sweet tune, etc." — Longfellow. 814 Alec, youngest son of T. W. Boord, Esq., M.P. 149 1 The Hon. Richard Denman. 1883. Ill An impromptu toilet. "Out of question thou wert born in a merry hour." 289 Mrs. French Brewster. 545 Mrs. Anstruther Thomson. 742 Love-birds. 808 Lady Mary Cooke. 1884. 36 Evelyn and Claud, children of Arthur Pease, Esq., M.P. 198" Sylvia. 251 Mrs. William Huntingdon and child. 323 Effie, daughter of Sir George Meyrick, Bart. 618 Ada and Dora, twin daughters of Thomas H. Ismay, Esq. 628 Ida and Ethel, twin daughters of J. Searight, Esq. 1885. 179 Nesta, daughter of Sir Marteine Lloyd, Bart. 1885. 271 Mrs. Sandbach Parker. 289 Daisy, daughter of G. T. R. Preston, Esq. 329 Geraldine, daughter of Frede rick Massey, Esq. 338 Ella Beatrice, eldest daughter of Chas. Taylor, Esq. 395 Buttercups and daisies. 1886. 4 Forget-me-nots. 177 Mrs. A. Douglas Ainslie. 250 Mrs. G. T. R. Preston. 283 Madame Adelina Patti. Pre sented to her by the Com mittee of the Swansea Hos pital, etc. 362 " I will believe thou hast a mind that suits With this thy fair and outward charac ter." 609 Ursula and Frank. 1887. 275 Lady Cunliffe-Brooks. 312 A thorn amidst the roses. 352 Mrs. David Jardine-Jardine. 438 Flowers of the field. 577 Elsie and Mary, daughters of J. Reckitt, Esq. 1888. 70 The Soul's Awakening. 190 Mrs. tubitt. 255 Mrs. Forestier Walker. 372 Mistress Anne Page. 473 The children of Lucas Ralli, Esq. 1889. 121 Mrs. Dixon. 177 Charles and Basil, sons of the Rev. T. C. Fry, Head Master of Berkhampstead School. 250 Miss Joicey. 402 Spirit Voices. " Borne on the swelling notes our souls aspire." 424 Floral offerings. 1890. 87 My Lady Dorothy. 198 Mrs. J. A. M'Leod. 204 Alice, daughter of W. R. G. Farmer, Esq. 336 Vincent, eldest son of Law rence H. Neame, Esq. 451 James A. Gye, younger son of Percy Gye, Esq. 507 Oliver Twist. "He walks to London." 1 89 1. Ill Little Lord Fauntleroy. 269 Mrs. H. Terry. 390 Hugh Burdett Money Coutts. 481 With the daff'odils. 689 Margery, youngest daughter of A. Lauderdale Duncan, Esq. 1892. 143 Kathleen, youngest daughter of H. G. Close, Esq. 168 A portrait. 24 THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS Sant, James, R.A. — continued. 1892. 248 A moving story. "Ah! what a power has white Simplicity, etc." — Keats. 534 Victor and Violet, children of Lord and Lady Robartes. 1893. 78 The letter. 180 The mirror. 374 Portrait of a lady. 393 Mrs. F. Egbert Hollond. 1894. 115 Lady Smyth. 146 A pastoral. 182 Mrs. Gerard Leather. 198 Marian, daughter of James T. Chance, Esq. 738 Alnwick Castle. 1895. 86 Bevil, son of the Hon. Douglas Tollemache. 181 A fair disputant. 640 A maid of Erin. 673 A study. 1896. 166 Miss Dorothea Baird as "Trilby." "The shadow of a presence." 201 Hubert, youngest son of John Foster, Esq. 451 An eavesdropper. 749 A portrait. 846 Nature's little handmaiden. 1897. 122 Mrs. Kenneth Mackenzie. 231 Jervoise, son of Archibald E. Scott, Esq. 306 Mrs. Charles R. Whitty. 772 Ham, near Dovedale; a study. 1898. loi Tom, son of J. Crawshall Chapman, Esq. 163 Elsa, daughter of Baron Deich- mann. 293 Julie, daughter of Spencer H. GoUan, Esq. 386 Colonel Mount Batten. 1899. 34 Wilfred, son of Arthur S. Bar- ham, Esq. 190 The daughters of J. H. Buxton, Esq. 277 The late H. Lee, Esq., M.R.C.S. Presentation por trait. 311 Miss Florence Shee. 465 The Ven. Archdeacon of Lan caster. 1900. 115 Echoes. 233 In maiden meditation. 856 Part of ruin of Cistercian Nun nery, North Berwick. 911 Near Dunbar, North Britain. 1901. 146 St. Helena. " The last phase." 155 Confidence. 265 Twin daughters of Laurence H. Neame, Esq. 1 90 1. 627 The old farm at St. Andrew's. 635 Study at Alnmouth, Northum berland. 1902. 194 Idle hours: a mute appeal. 502 Composition. 505 North Berwick. 520 Green and gold. 610 Craig Leith, North Berwick. 1903. 560 The wish tower, Eastbourne. 563 Birds of a feather. 564 The master's garden, St. Cross, Winchester. 620 Hacklinge, Kent. 1904. 27 The Slope, near Guestling, Hastings. 96 Mrs. Morton Robertson. 229 Joan of Arc. 699 Hurley on the Thames. 706 On the moors, Kilbryde, Scot land. 742 Joan, youngest daughter of Sir Marteine Lloyd, Bart. SANTLER, G Architect. At Mr. G. Colebatch's, 52, Church Street, Minories. 18 10. 725 Design for a theatre. SANTLER, R Wax Modeller. 13, Long Acre. 1785. 354 Cupid and Calypso; a model. 366 Portrait of a gentleman; a model. 22, Rathbone Place. 1786. 301 Portraitof His Majesty; model in wax. 303 Portrait of H.R.H. the Princess Royal; model in wax. 125, Strand. 1787. 540 Hercules; a model. 630 Portrait of a lady; a model. 638 Cupid's Forge; a model. 645 Portrait of a nobleman, de ceased; a model. SANTLER, W Architect. Surrey. 1815. 781 Design for a mansion. SAQUEZ, A. G Painter. (An Honorary Exhibitor.) A. Saguez. 1832. 938 The itinerant. 1833. 562 In the passage leading to the Dungeon, Chepstow Castle. A.J. Sagnez, 1834. 447 Composition. THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS 25 SARGEANT, John Painter. J. Sarjeant, Portsmouth. 1828. 467 Les Castagnettes. J. Sargeant, 69, Newman St. 1829. 49 The happy hit. 430 An orange girl. 976 Little Red Riding Hood. J. Sarjeant. 1830. 93 Morning. "When did morning ever break. And find such beaming eyes awake. As those that sparkle here? " — Sargeant. 1832. 420 A httle girl. J. Sarjeant. 1833. 37 Scene from Old Mortality. Vide Sir Walter Scott, vol. 3, chap. 1, p. 8. SARGENT, Frederick. Miniature Painter. 14, Beaufort Buildings. 1854. 741 John Tanswell. {G. F. Sarjent in index, G.J. Sargent in catalogue) F. Sargent, 14, Beaufort Buildings. 1855. 785 Mrs. Morris. 824 Senora Perea Nina. 856 F. M. Don Domingo Cortes. 888 Mrs. Howard Paul. 1856. 781 Mr. R. Morris, Junr. 15, Northumberland Street. 1857. 700 Portrait of a young lady. 25, Surrey Street, Strand. 1858. 680 Portrait of a lady. 97, New Bond Street. 1871. 991 The Duchess of Buccleuch. Stanmore Lodge, Richmond. 1874. 13 17 Countess Spencer. SARGENT, H Painter. 2, Howland Street, Fitzroy Square. 1795. 245 Portrait of a gentleman. {Mr. Hanger) 88, Great Portland Street. 1796. 226 Edwin and Angelina. 37, Charles Street, Middlesex Hospital. '^797- — {In the index, but no exhibit in the catalogue.) SARGENT, H. Garton Painter. 5, Bolton Studios. 1889. 852 Folkestone Harbour. S, Trafalgar Studios. 1890. 922 Interior of a barn. VII. SARGENT, John Singer, R.A. Painter. 73, Rue Noire Dame, Paris. 1882. 239 A portrait. 41, Boulevard Berthier, Paris. 1884. 788 Mrs. H. White. 1885. 5S6 Lady Playfair. Arts Club, Hanover Square. 1886. 78 Mrs. Harrison. 195 Mrs. Vickers. 709 The Misses Vickers. 13, Tite Street, Chelsea. 1887. 197 Mrs. William Playfair. 359 "Carnation, lily, lily, rose." Purchased for the Chantrey Bequest for .;^7oo. 33, Tite Street. 1888. 314 Cecil, son of Robert Harrison, Esq. 365 Mrs. Henry G. Marquand. 432 Mrs. E. D. Boit. 1889. 104 George Henschel, Esq. 564 Mrs. George Gribble. 638 Henry Irving, Esq. 1890. 421 Portrait of a lady; study. 652 Mrs. K. 1891. 544 La Carmencita. 1097 Mrs. M . 1893. 30 Lady Agnew. (Elected A.R.A.) 1894. 61 Miss Chanler. 423 Lunette and portion of ceiling. Part of a mural decoration for the Public Library of Boston, U.S.A. " They for- gat God their Saviour, which had done great things in Egypt . . . and they served idols which were a snare unto them. Yea, they sacri ficed their sons and their daughters unto devils, and shed innocent blood, even the blood of their sons and daughters, whom they had sacrificed unto the idols of Canaan. . . . Therefore was the wrath of the Lord kindled against his people. . . . And he gave them into the hand of the heathen; and they that hated them ruled over them. Their ene mies also oppressed them, and they were brought into subjection under their hand. . . . Nevertheless, he re garded their affliction when he heard their cry; and he remembered for them his 26 THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS Sargent, John Singer, R.A. — continued. covenant." — Psalms, cvi, 21, etc. 1895. 31 Mrs. Ernest Hills. 172 Coventry Patmore, Esq. 503 W. Graham Robertson, Esq. 647 Mrs. Russell Cooke. 737 Coventry Patmore, Esq. 1896. 64 The Rt. Hon. Joseph Cham berlain, M.P. 129 Mrs. Ian Hamilton. 402 Portrait of a lady. 473 Sir George Lewis. 591 Mrs. Colin Hunter. (Elected R.A.) 1897. 291 Mrs. Carl Meyer. 605 The Hon. Laura Lister. 1898. 63 Francis Cranmer Penrose, Esq., President, R.I.B.A., 1894- 96. 69 Mrs. Harold Wilson. 250 Johannes Wolff, Esq. 272 Portrait of a lady. 603 Asher Wertheimer, Esq. 609 Sir Thomas Sutherland, G.C.M.G., M.P., Chairman of the Peninsular and Orien tal Steam Navigation Com pany. 906 Lord Watson. Painted for mem bers of the legal profession i?i Scotland. 936 Mrs. Wertheimer. 1899. 18 Mrs. Charles Hunter. 122 Miss Octavia Hill. Presenta tion portrait. 237 Miss Jane Evans. Presentation portrait. 444 Lady Faudel-Phillips. Presen tation portrait. 1987 Design for part of a mural de coration. 1900. 44 The Earl of Dalhousie. Pre sentation portrait. 190 Lord Russell of Killowen, Lord Chief Justice of Eng land. 213 Lady Elcho, Mrs. Adeane and Mrs. Tennant. 625 Sir David Richmond, ex-Lord Provost of Glasgow. Pre sentation portrait. 630 Lord Russell of Killowen, Lord Chief Justice of Eng land. 729 An interior of Venice. Z>«))/(?iwa work. 1 90 1. 103 Mrs. Cazalet and children. 178 Daughters of A. Wertheimer, Esq. 1901. 219 421 576583 The Hon. Mrs. Charles Rus sell. Ingram Bywater, Esq., Regius Professor of Greek in the University of Oxford. C. S. Loch, Esq. Sir Charles Tennant, of the Glen, Bart. 811 Sir Charles Sitwell, Lady Ida Sitwell and family. 1792 Crucifix. {Sculpture.) 1902. 89 The Ladies Alexandra, Mary and Theo Acheson. 148 Mrs. Endicott. 157 Alfred Wertheimer, Esq. 175 Lord Ribblesdale. 229 The Misses Hunter. 323 The Duchess of Portland. 681 Mrs. Leopold Hirsch. 688 Lady Meysey Thompson. 1903. 19 Lady Evelyn Cavendish. 166 Mrs. Joseph Chamberlain. 235 Mrs. Julius Wernher. 262 Mrs. Philip Agnew. 453 G. McCorquodale, Esq. 458 The Earl of Cromer. 1904. 175 The Countess of Lathom. 206 The Duchess of Sutherland. 247 Major-General Leonard Wood, U.S. Army. 301 Mrs. Wertheimer. 329 T. L. Devitt, Esq., President of the Shipping Federation. Presentation Portrait. 397 Charles Stewart, 6th Marquess of Londonderry, K.G., carry ing the great Sword of State at the Coronation, August, 1902, and Mr. W. C. Beau mont, his page on that occa sion. SARGENT, Mrs. W. K. Miniature Painter. II, Camden Cottages, Camden New Town. 1855. 734 Portrait of a young lady. SARJENT, C. S Painter. 22, Tottenham Court Road, i8i2. 735 View of Icklefold, Bedford shire. SARJENT, G. R Painter. Upper John Street. 181 1. 737 View of Westbrook Place and part of the town of Godal- ming, Surrey. THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS 27 122, Tottenham Court Road. 1813. 758 View of Edinburgh. 18 19. 1 145 The Seasons. 33, Newman Street. 1822. 436 Saturday night. T,\,John Street, Fitzroy Square. 1827. 890 View of Winchester. G. R. Sargent, 5, Charlotte Street. 1836. 1024 The interior of Westminster School. G. R. Sarjent, 3, Charlotte Street. 1837. 569 Little Dean's Yard, West minster — 12 o'clock. 1838. 1 107 St. Martin's-le-Grand. 1839. 1051 Westminster School: the Col lege dormitory. 1842. 995 Chartres Cathedral. 1843. 1 178 Interior of St. Katharine's Chapel, Regent's Park. 1845. 1 109 St. Peter's College, West minster, from the garden. 1846. 1176 Interior of the Chapel of the Foundling Hospital. 1848. 1240 The Dining Hall, Westminster School. 64, Great Russell Street. 1849. 1130 Interior of St. James's Church, Piccadilly. SARJENT, Miss Emily. Miniature Painter. 3, Charlotte Street. 1845. 432 " My own dear pussy ! " 1846. 889 Brooch miniature of a young lady. 64, Great Russell Street. 1852. 668 Brooch miniature of a lady, in Eastern costume. 33, Upper George Street. 1853. 725 Portrait of a little boy. 1855. 926 do. lady. 927 do. gentleman. 957 James Gibson, Esq. 24, Russell Place. 1858. 656 Portrait. 1864. 727 The unwilling sitter. SARJENT, F. J Painter. 10, Howland Street. 1802. 295 View of the city of London from the fields below Hamp stead. 1803. 582 A View at Woolwich, looking down the river. SARTORIUS, C. J Painter. C. Sartorius, 39, Bedford Street, Covent Garden. 181 r. 162 A frigate passing Dover. C.J. Sartorius, 3, Church Lane, Queen's Elms, Fulham Rd. 1818. 339 A gun-brig entering Ramsgate pier. 545 A gun-brig leaving Dover Pier at high water. 18 19. 448 View of Gibraltar. At Mr. Marshall s, Holborn Bars. 1821. 163 Ramsgate Pier. SARTORIUS, F Painter. At Mr. Sartorius', 2, Spur Street, Leicester Fields. 8 A View of Margate Pier. 1799. 1800. 1801. 1802.1804. 1805. 1806. 1807. 1808. 165 A View near Dover. 561 A fishing boat beating to wind ward. 666 The stairs at Margate. 73 View of Broadstairs. 632 Margate Roads. 90, Newman Street. 281 A View of the Red House at Battersea, with pleasure boats. 1 1, Adam's Place, King's Road. 558 His Majesty's ship Centurion, 50 guns. Captain Ling, beat ing off' the Marengo flag ship. Admiral Linois, and two French Frigates of 36 guns each in Vizagapatam Road on the 19th Septem ber, 1804. 440, Strand. 179 A ship shortening sail, with a view of Dover. 910 Captain Mudge gallantly de fending H. M. Frigate Blanche against a squadron of French men-of-war, July 19th, 1805. 3, Great Russell Street. 326 A boat leaving the shore. 135 Captain G. Manby's invention of effectually rescuing per sons from vessels wrecked on a lee shore. SARTORIUS, Francis Painter. 10, Meard's Court, Dean Street, Soho. 1775. 284 A favourite horse. 28 THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS Sartorius, Francis — continued. 1776. 375 Portrait of a horse. I, Macclesfield Street. 1782. 118 Portrait of a hack. 376 Portrait of a Spanish dog. 1 7, Gerrard Street, Soho. 1784. 344 Portrait of a cart horse. 1785. 409 A spaniel. 1786. 236 Portrait of a horse. 1787. 248 do. coach-horse. 1788. 410 Portrait of two horses. 1789. 392 A pair of His Majesty's coach- horses. 1790. 230 An old dog and horses. SARTORIUS, John Painter. 108, Oxford Street. 1780. 75 Portrait of a horse. SARTORIUS, John F Painter. 1797. 145 A gentleman and dogs. 239 A fast trotting mare. 250 Going a-coursing. 340 A rabbit ferretter. 692 Portrait of a fattened French cow. 834 Portraits of dogs. {These six exhibits are put to J. N Sartorius in the index, and to J. F. Sartorius in the catalogue) J. Sartorius, 17, King Street, Holborn. 1 80 1. 31 Racehorses going to start. 32 Racehorses running. J. F. Sartorius, 17, King Street, Holborn. 1802. 32 Portrait of the mare Isabella and foal. 34 Portrait of the colt Edmund. J. F. Sartorius, Junr., 90, Newman Street. 1803. 27 Spaniels. 176 Pointers. Kin^s Road, Chelsea. 1806. 296 Coursing in Hatfield Park, with portraits of horses be longing to the Marchioness of Salisbury. Queen's Elms, Chelsea. 1809. 453 A partridge. 470 A snipe. F. Sartorius, 39, Bedford Street, Covent Garden. 1 8 10. 7 Portrait of a sportsman. J. F. SartoritiS, 3, Queen's Elms, Chelsea. 181 1. 444 A grouse; sketch from nature. I8I7. 172 A couple of snipes. 613 A brace of Ptarmagans. I8I8. 128 Woodcock. 256 Golden plover and snipes. 1820. 167 Grousing, with portraits of favourite dogs. 1822. 15 Partridges and snipes. 1823. 405 Grouse shooting, with portraits of dogs, in Cumberland. 1828. 483 Dead game and a jack snipe. 1829. 555 Dead game. SARTORIUS, John N Painter. • — Sartorius, Junr., 10, Wells Street, Oxford Street. 1 781. 219 Portraits of two horses. 386 Portrait of an officer on horse back. J. N. Sartorius, Junr., 10, Wells Street, Oxford Street. 1782. 133 Portrait of a cow belonging to a gentleman in Essex. 171 Portrait of an old famous hunter. 397 Portraits of two hunters. 1783. 264 Portrait of a shooting poney and dog. 109, St. Martin's Lane. 1784. 143 Portrait of a hunter. 209 A hunter. 2, Spur Street, Leicester Fields. 1785. 405 Horses belonging to a gentle man of Morden, Surrey. 1786. 402 Portraits of two hunters. 14, Stephen Street, Rathbone Place. 1787. 73 Going out in the morning. 97 The chace. 421 Portrait of a hunter. 1788. 164 do. do. 225 Landscape, in which is intro duced a new invented car riage. 1 791. 403 A hunter. 1792. 10 Inside of a stable. 12 A straw yard. 9, Percy Street, Rathbone Place. 1793. 251 Portrait of a hunter. 559 Portraits of a gentleman and dogs. 1794. 50 Portrait of a gentleman shoot ing. 289 Portrait of True-Blue, late the property of H.R.H. the Prince of Wales. 2, Spur Street, Leicester Square. 1795. 16 The death of the hare. 21 Gentleman shooting. THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS 1796. 79 Portrait of a fast-trotting mare. 167 Portraits of a shooting poney and dogs. I797' 554 Portrait of horses. {Six others are put to J. N. Sartorius in the index, but are by J. F. Sartorius in the catalogue) 1798. 116 Portrait of a chaise-horse. Ill Portrait of a hackney. 244 Portrait of an old hunting mare. 318 Portrait of a fast-trotting horse. 648 Portrait of Mr. Westcar's fat heifer. 666 Portrait of a very old horse. 1799. 560 Portrait of Mr. Westcar's great ox. 835 Portraits of coach-horses; the property of Mr. Maitland. 17, Bolsover Street, Oxford Street. 1800. 219 Portrait of a hunter. 2, Spur Street. 100 Portrait of Diamond. 232 Portrait of a horse. 859 Portrait of a cart horse; the property of Mr. Westcar. 122 Portrait of a lady's hunter. 1 2 3 Portrait of a fast trotting hobby. 168 The portrait of an Arabian be longing to the Farming Repository, Dublin. 113 Portraits of two hackneys. 116 Portrait of an Irish hackney. 166 Portrait of a hackney. 207 Portrait of a hunter belonging to Mr. Maskall. 504 Portrait of a horse. 39, Bedford Street, Covent Garden. 606 Portraits of horses at a cover side. 754* {In- the index, hut there is no such number in my cata logue.) 143 Flying leap; Fox dying. 279 Portrait of a stallion. 513 Portrait of a pug dog. 184 Portraits of spaniels flushing a woodcock. 423 Portrait of Mr. Butler's Miss Coiner. 443 Lord Foley's Comrade beating Mr. Goodison's Foxbury and Mr. Butler's Epsom, for the plate over Epsom, 1808. 175 Portrait of a spaniel. 557 do. Mr. Boufoy's cart horse. 1801.1802. 1803. 1804.1805. 1806. 1807. 1808. 1809. 353 •45 481 340 Portrait of a fast trotting horse, the property of Mr. W. Burgess. 388 Portrait of an Arabian. 106 Portrait of Smolensko. 142 Shooting poney, and Rolla the property of G. Wilson, Esq. A fast-trotting cart-horse, the property of Mr. Greaves. Portrait of a remarkable three- year-old deer, the property of the Earl of Derby. Tiny, a favourite spaniel. 50 Portraits of a shooting poney and setter, the property of G. Baker, Esq. 72 Portraits of a brood mare and foal, the property of T. Mathews, Esq. 117 Portrait of a blood horse, the property of J. Palin, Esq. 169 Portraits of Greyhounds, the property of J. Tanner, Esq. 94 Brood mare and foal. 494 Zuliker and Lion, a favourite poney and dog, the property of Miss Merle, Morden, Surrey. SARTORIUS, J. N. Junr. ... Painter. II, Adam's Place, King's Road. 1805. 87 Partridge shooting. SASS, Miss E Painter. I, King Street, Holborn. 727 The Iris Bulloga. 475 Pase Sitadelle. 614 The spotted Virginia Martagon. 772 A striped carnation. 459 The great valerian. 316 Jonquil. 316 Geranium. 597 Balsam. 543 The orange-lily. 556 A ruin, or Cala Ethiopica. 574 An aloe. 1»I2. 1813. 1814. 1815. 1816. 1817.1818. 1819. 1820. 1821. 1824. 1798. 1799.1800. 1801. 1803.1804.1805. 1806. 1807. SASS, Miss Henrietta Painter. I, King Street, Holborn. 1174 Anemone Apennina. 1180 Carnation. 676 A view from the Surrey side of Westminster Bridge. 685 The Amarillus Regina. 551 View in Hyde Park. 879 The Hydrangea Hortensa. 633 Peach Blossom. 340 May. 341 Geranium. 1797. 1798. 1799.1800. 1803. 30 THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS Sass, Miss Henrietta — continued. 1804. 579 Noram ferry on the Tweed. 638 A fall on the river Clyde, called Stone-byers. View from Harrow churchyard. A view near Roslin Castle. View from the Canterbury Road. 767 A View from Windsor terrace. 1805.1806. 525 579 552 1807. SASS, Miss 1805. 622 Fusia Coccinia. Painter. Miss Sass. 1808. 5 A View from the castle hill, Bridgenorth, Shropshire. 308 Pistyll Rhaiadr, a noble catar act in Wales, descending from the mountain of Berwin : the perpendicular height of the rock from which it falls is 240 feet. ( There may have been a third sister, as in the 1805 catalogue the three are indexed separately.) SASS, 1807.1808. Henry Painter. I, King Street, Holborn. 121 A study. Ulysses's descent into Hell. " Now swift I wav'd my falchion o'er the blood, etc." — Homer. 1809. 250 A study. H. Sass, Junr. 180 An artist in his study. H. Sass. 336 Themistocles taking refuge at the court of Admetus, King of the Mollossians. Vide Rollin's Ancient History. 24 Portrait of himself. 108 A study of a head. 171 Goody. 186 Portrait of a gentleman. 353 The soldier tired of war's alarms. " Here's a health to all good lasses." 50, Great Russell Street. 44 Portrait of a lady. 332 InfancyandmaturityofWoman; being one of a series of pic tures painting to illustrate the seven ages of Woman. " Then comes that sober character, a wife, with all the dear distracting cares of life, etc.'' 405 Portrait of a lady. 134 Study from nature. 256 do. do. 1811. 1812. 1813. 1814. 1815.1817. i»i81819 318 433 1819. 260 A Recollection of the Hustings in Covent-garden, 1818. Mr. W. Scoular. Christ's manifestation of him self. "Jesus therefore know- ingall things, etc." — St. John, xviii, 4-6. 625 Scene in the Banditti's Hovel, near Cisterna, on the road from Rome to Naples. Vide Journey to Rome and Naples in 1817, p. 228. 6, Charlotte Street. 1820. 36 S. Cartwright, Esq. 135 J. P. Humphreys, Esq. 403 Childhood. "Look here, fa!" 440 Portraits of Shuckh Ghoolam Moohueyood Deen, Envoy from the Rajah of Bednor, and his secretary. I82I. 265 Portrait of an artist. 387 do. a lady. 1117 Posthumous bust of John Scott, Esq., who was mortally wounded in a duel. 1823. 176 Study of a head. 389 Portrait of a gentleman. 1824. 25 Miss Pritchard. 27 Portrait of a lady. 33 Miss Andr^. 273 Dr. Billing. 274 Miss Lawrence. 275 Miss Whiting. 276 Portrait of an artist. 480 Portrait of a lady. 1825. 220 do. do. 222 Francis Kiernan, Esq. 234 Portrait of a lady. 236 do. do. 313 do. do. 516 do. a gentleman, de ceased. 1826. 290 Infancy. 1827. 258 George Langstaffe, Esq. 546 Portrait of an artist. 1828. 407 The Portrait. 1829. 68 A. Andrews, Esq., of the Theatre Royal, Haymarket. 76 A study. 250 Portrait of a lady. 339 do. blind gentleman. 688 Miss Place. 726 Miss Cope. 913 Miss Wilson. 951 Mr. Tulk. 1830. 13 Portrait of a lady. 15 do. do. 210 View of the interior of Mr. Sass's gallery. 220 Portrait of a lady. THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS 31 1830.1831. 1832.1833- 1834. 1835- 1836. 1837- 1838. 1839. SASS, 1852. 264 265 266 292 239 172 479 103 104 208 210235 333 3968 70 277 354 33 85 82 84 118 191 440 46 R. T. Morsden, Esq. Portrait of a lady. F. R. Hall, Esq. Infancy. Le bonnet rouge. — Interior of Mr. Sass's gallery. Study of a head. J. H. Wheelwright, Esq. Sketch from a native of India. Study of a head. do. do. Portrait of a gentleman. do. do. do. lady. Study of a head. Albert Watts, Esq. Portrait of a gentleman. do. do.do. do. do. do. do. do. do.do. do. lady. do.do. do.do. do.do.do. do. Henry William Architect. 25, Henrietta Street, Brunswick Square. 1 203 Leeds and Yorkshire Assurance Office. SASS, Richard Painter. R. Sass, Junr., 12, King St., Bloomsbury. i']<)i. 549 Landscape, cattle, and figures. 558 Landscape. 1792. 341 Winter piece. 417 Landscape and figures. 493 do. do. 494 do. do. 675 do. do. 1793. 19 Landscape, cattle, and figures. 588 do. do. do. 771 Landscape and figure. 772 do. do. 822 do. do. 1795- 358 Landscape. I, King Street, Holborn. 1796. 518 Landscape and figures. 649 do. do. 842 do. do. 855 View of Taplow, Berks. 64, Great Queen Street. 1797. 380 Landscape and figures. 382 do. do. 383 do. do. 762 do. do. 179717981799 1002.1805. 1806. 1808. 329 386 816 Moonlight. 334 A moonlight. 318 Fisherman's hut near Swansea, South Wales. 329 Landscape and figures. 967 do. do. 1052 Landscape. 76, Great Queen Street. 392 View of a waterfall called Col- with Beck, Lancashire. 577 Landscape and figures. 458 Cascade in Cottersdale, York shire. The cataract of Lowdore, on the Derwent water, Keswick, Cumberland. The remains of the old Palace of Paterdale, Ullswater, Cum berland. 403 Conway Castle, entering Con way from Llanroost. 462 The Cascade, seen from the summer house of Sir M. Le Fleming, Royal hall, West moreland. 479 TheVillageof Grange, entrance to Borrowdale, Cumberland. View, entering Lancaster from the Ulverston Road. Conway Castle, taken from the Arcadia. 1807. 346 The Pont au Pair between Capel Curig and Llanroost, . North Wales. 416 The fall of Dolig Melynllin, on the estate of J. Maddox, Esq., near Dolgelly, North Wales. 439 Composition. 569 Ash trees near Dolgelly, North Wales. 646 View of Snowdon and the Vale of Capel Curig, North Wales. 652 The Pass of Borrowdale, Cum berland. 707 The Ogwen pool between Capel Curig and Bangor, North Wales. Entering Welch Pool fromNew- port. North Wales. 4, King St., St. James's Square. The Dargle, near Dublin, Ire land. The mansion of H. Herbert, Esq., Lower Lake of Kil- larney, Ireland. The salmon leap, fall of the Liffey, near Dublin, Ireland. 552 New Castle, near Galway, Ire land; Messrs. Perse and Maberly's. 512 541 713 33 317 329 32 THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS Sass, Richard — continued. 1808. 553 View of Galway in Ireland. 640 The Gap of Dunloe, near Dun- loe Castle, Upper Lake of Killarney, Ireland. 645 Ruins of Askeaton Castle, near Limerick, Ireland. 670 Ronan's Island,' Upper Lake Killarney, Ireland. 1809. 368 Ross Castle and Lower Lake of Killarney, from the Dun loe Road, Ireland. 413 The Princess EHzabeth's cot tage. Old Windsor, Berks. 435 View of Great Malvern, Wor cestershire, from the Valley. i8io. Ill Landscape, composition. "Ap proach with reverence ! Maker of the world ! There is a Christian's cross! and on the stone, a name yet legible amid its moss — Anna." — Bowles. 119 A smith's shed, Adair, near Limerick, Ireland. 450 View, Innisfallen island, lake of Killarney, Ireland. 454 Scene near Mahynnleth, North Wales. 487 The Waterfall at Powerscourt, near Dublin, Ireland. 541 Boratto Castle, near Limerick, Ireland. 181 1. 154 View of Loch Katrine, High lands of Scotland, Allan Bane and Ellen. " His hand, reclin'd upon the wire, etc." — Sir Walter Scott. 302 Lake of Killarney, with the MacCuddy Rocks, from the Gap of Dunloe, Ireland. 328 Carisbrook Castle, Isle of Wight. 366 Leixlip Castle on the Liffey, near Dublin, Ireland. 391 Sun breaking through a mist; view, Southampton. (Landscape Painter in Water Colours to H.R.H. the Prince Regent.) 1812. 34 Fresh breeze off Brighton. 445 Sun breaking through mist'; composition. 496 Hurst Castle, North Wales. 508 Cattle, View near Hastings, Sussex. 509 View of Hastings, Sussex. 513 Fishing boats, view near Hast ings, Sussex. 50, Leicester Square. 1813. 597 Viewnear Wells, Somersetshire. 1813. 65s View in the North of Ireland. 663 Lime barges; view near Hast ings. 704 View near Hastings, Sussex; sun breaking through mist. {R. Sass was appointed teacher in draw ing to the Princess Charlotte. In 1825 he removed to Paris, when he altered his name to Sasse. He died in Paris in 1849.) SASS, Mrs. R Painter. (An Honorary Exhibitor.) 1798. 759 York and Lancaster Rose. 1799. 680 Passnor Rhoeas, red poppy, or corn rose. 681 Tulips, the Agatte, and Du- posin. 1800. 606 Lilium aurium, or gold reed lilly. 632 Morabilia Peruvilan, or Mar- veil of Peru. 181 2. 440 View in New Forest, Hants. SASSOON, Mrs. Alfred (Theresa). Painter. Warleigh Brenchley, Kent. 1889. 1152 The Hours. SATCHELL, Theodore Painter. 268, Upper Richmond Road, Putney. 1883. 857 Low tide. 1887. 747 Becalmed; off' Folkestone. SATCHWELL, R. W. Miniature Painter. 119, Fetter Lane. 1793. 749 Samuel. 4, Portland Street, Soho. 1796. 638 Portrait of himself. {Mr.R.W. Satchwell.) 32, Berwick Street. 1798. 833 Portrait of a lady. 910 Mrs. Weyrick. 1799. 748 Portrait of a gentleman. 18, Broad Street, Golden Square. 1800. 836 Mrs. Cooke. 858 Mr. CUfton. i8oi. 822 Portraits of W. Haslewood, Esq., Cornet in the Light Horse Volunteers, Captain Torry, and a clergyman. 1802. 711 Portraits of R. Frewin, Esq., Dr. Monro, Mrs. Barret, and two clergymen. 713 Mr. S. Argirople, chargd d'af faires de la Sublime Porte. THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS 33 1802. 715 Portrait of a gentleman. 720 Hatzi Ibrahim, Algerine Am bassador. 1803. 788 J. Scott, Esq. 797 Portraits of Mr. Browne, Mr. Brick, and Mr. B. Browne. 873 J. Lewis, Esq. 4, Great Marlborough Street. 1804. 784 Portrait of a gentleman. 794 A frame containing the por traits of G. Barret, Esq., Sir W. Rush, and Mr. R. G. Berreau. 797 Mr. Britton. 801 Washington. 1805. 371 Portrait of a gentleman. 376 do. do. 542 Mr. Britton. 1806. 717 Mr. Bedder. 723 J. Varley, Esq. 1807. 815 Master Green. 837 Mr. England. 1808. 713 Miss Montgomery. 762 Cox, Esq. 793 Mr. S. Prout. 1809. 637 Rev. Mr. Huet. 640 Mr. J. Varley. 689 Mr. G. Cole. Mrs. Huet. 59, Poland St., Golden Square. Mrs. Bessy. 620 T. Smith, Esq. 674 Portrait of a lady. 546 Portrait of an officer ofthe i8th Hussars. Miss Poole. C. Dibdin, Junr., Esq. Mrs. C. Burnett. Miss E. Gouldsmith. 1813. 434 The Rev. J. F. G. Fortescue. 462 The Hon. M. Fortescue. 473 Major Doyle. 484 Wm. Winchester, Esq. 487 M. Hoare, Esq. 536 W. H. White, Esq. 427 Mrs. J. Gwilt. 435 R. Frewin, Esq. 663 Portrait of a lady. 704 V. G. A. Walker, Esq. 707 Portrait of a lady. 718 Mrs. C. Dibdin. 25, Duke Street, St. James's. 599 Portrait of a lady. 1814.1815.1816. 1817. 1818. VII. 697 581 558551636664 626 do. gentleman. 716 do. lady. 758 do. do. 801 do. gentleman. 816 H. Bailey, Esq. 82, Portrait of a lady. 808 Miss Littleton. SATTERLEE, Walter Painter. 3, Stanhope Place, W. 1892. 1235 Garden weeds. SATTERLEY, J. T Painter. Sevenoaks. 1848. 257 Dead game. 528 Fruit piece. SATUR, Edmond Byrne De. See D, vol. ii, page 311. SATUR, Miss Frances De. See D, vol. ii, page 311. SAUBER, Robert Painter. 49, Warren Street. 1889. 830 Spare moments. 831 Unwelcome Guests. 1890. 202 The golden lure. " Fair ambition, bubble borne. Drops her laurel wreaths for lorn; Hands that wrestle, clutch and strain. Only strive for greedy gain." 1892. 113 Countess Von B. \a, Phillimore Gardens. 1893. 409 An evening stroll. 1894. 107 Miss Letty Lind as "The Chinese Dolly." 22, West Kensington Gardens. 1897. 88 Mrs. Rob Sauber. 178, Cromwell Road. 1904. 540 Mammon. SAUBERGUE, John Painter. 14, Lamb Street, Spital Square. 1830. 241 Venus entreating Vulcan to forge arms for ^neas. SAUERWEID, Alexander... Painter. 37, Great Pulteney Street. 1815. 458 The stage-coach going to Ver sailles, with a view of the Tuilleries in the distance. SAUGY, Louis Painter. 40, Rue de la Poste, Berne. 1898. 291 Old Bridge at St. Remo. SAUL, George H Sculptor. Florence. 1876. 1403 Imogene; marble bust. 1 5, Via La Marmora, Florence. 1879. 1520 Sleep. 1887. 1888 Despair; statuette. 1942 The Madness of Aristodemus. F 34 THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS SAUL, George P. D.... Metal Worker. II, Selwood Place, South Kensington. 1 891. 1809 Design for an altar cross, silver gilt, enamelled. SAUL and NORTH. Metal Workers. I, Beaufort Street, Chelsea. 1890. 1876 Crozier; silver gilt, enamelled and jewelled. SAUNDERS, Alick Boyd. ..Sculptor. 7, Hereford Road, Bayswater. 1887. 1872 His Eminence Cardinal Man ning; bust. 1892. 1853 The Duke of Cleveland; bust. 151, Fulham Road. 1893. 1682. The late Duke of Cleveland, K.G. ; bust, bronze. SAUNDERS, Charles L Painter. Tal-y-bout, near Conway. 1 88 1. 776 Dolgarog Mill, South Wales. 38, St. James's Street, Liverpool. 1882. 975 "O'er many a boulder rock. Madly the waters flow." 1883. 1 107 A Pool on the moor. 1884. 1075 An Autumn flood — Dartmoor. 1548 Oakhampton — Devonshire. 1885. 1 31 1 The Monarch of the range. 1901. 1103 The last load; old bridge of Dee. SAUNDERS, G Painter. 25, Strand. 1846. 1006 Divine Providence — night. An ornamental design from the works of Mrs. Barbauld. " All men are stretched in their quiet beds; and the child sleeps upon the breast of its mother; every eye is shut and every hand is still. "Who takes care of all people when they are sunk in sleep; when they cannot defend themselves, nor see if danger approaches? There is an eye that never sleeps; that eye sees everywhere, in all places and watches, con tinually over all the families the earth. The eye that sleeps not is God's; His hand is always stretched out over us." — Mrs. Barbauld. SAUNDERS, George, F.R.S. Architect. 250, Oxford Street. 1 78 1. 504 Plan and elevation of a design for a pubhc bath. J. Saunders, at Mr. Soane's, Margaret Street. 1786. 518 Design for lodges to a gentle man's park. G. Saunders, at Mr. Soan's, Welbeck Street. 1789. 498 Design for a house to be built for a lady, near Windsor. SAUNDERS, George Lethbridge. Miniature Painter. I o, Edward St. , Portman Square. 1829. 755 Captain Mingaye, R.N. 775 Miss Mordaunt, of the South ampton Theatre. 955 Portrait of a gentleman. 1830. 720 Mr. Scripps. 786 P. Meyer, Esq. 916 Prince Nicolo Esterhazy. 1 83 1. 717 H.R.H. the Duke of Cumber land. 732 H.R.H. Prince George of Cumberland. 733 Viscount Villiers, M.P. 748 B. Travers, Esq. 27, Soho Square. 1838. 870 W. Faber, Esq., 14th Light Dragoons. 885 Dr. Simpson. 903 Lady Clementina Villiers. 986 Lady Poltimore. 1000 Lord Poltimore. 1839. 814 Miss Nation. 839 Saville Morton, Esq. 876 Miss Isabella Nation. 901 The Marchioness of Down- shire. 924 The Hon. Nelson Hood, Fusi lier Guards. 950 Lady Charlotte Hill and Lady Mary Hood. looi Lady Sarah Villiers. 1851. 969 The Hon. Daniel Webster, Secretary of State, United States. 1083 Captain Carlton, Coldstream Guards. 13, Henrietta Street, Covent Garden. 1853. 873 Miss Abbot Laurence. SAUNDERS, J. ... Miniature Painter. 2?), Johnson St., Somers Town. 1830. 708 C. Hervd, Esq., the celebrated Automaton Profilist. THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS 35 SAUNDERS, Joseph. Miniature Painter. — Saunders, 20, Henrietta Street, Covent Garden. 1778. 270 Portrait of a lady in the char acter of Eliosa; miniature. 271 do. do. do. Joseph Saunders, 20, Henrietta Street, Covent Garden. 1779. 291 A young gentleman; in minia ture. 116, New Bond Street. 1780. 236 A fancy head; miniature. 109, New Bond Street. 1781. 342 Portrait of a lady, for a ring. 1782. 321 Frame with portraits. {Lord Rivers and Lady Howes.) 1783. 307 An old man's head. 310 Portrait of a lady. 324 do. do. 1784. 255 do. do. 299 do. do. 34, Great Maddox Street, Hanover Square. 1785. 316 Portrait of a lady. 360 A cherub. 1786. 251 Portrait of a child. 326 Fancy. 368 Portrait of a gentleman. 1787. 292 do. Mrs. Martyr. 340 do. a lady. 347 A Gardener's boy with fruit. 363 Boy catching a butterfly. 1788. 293 Portrait of a lady. 295 do. do. 298 do. do. 345 do. do. 347 do. do. 354 do. do. 1789- 335 do. do. 1 790. 42 do. a gentleman. 311 Miniature, fancy. 1791. 312 A fancy head. 317 Portrait of an artist. 359 Portrait of a theatrical per former ; done from memory. {Mrs. Eston) 363 Portrait of a gentleman. 1796. 576 do. young gentleman. 579 Hope. 614 Portrait of a young gentleman. 1797- 33' Cordelia and Edgar. From King Lear. 997 Portrait of a lady. — Saunders, 31, Rathbone Place. 1800. 908 Portraits of Mr. and Mrs. Eccles and family. SAUNDERS, J. E. See Francis and Saunders, vol. iii, page 159, and Gotch and Saunders, vol. iii, page 279. SAUNDERS, K.J. Miniature Painter. 57, Queen's Crescent, Haverstock Hill. 1870. 682 Mrs. William Kershaw. 702 Maud. SAUNDERS, Miss. See Mrs. James Robertson, vol. vi, pages 331, 332. SAUNDERS, R... Miniature Painter. R. Saunders, Junr., 33, Great Maddox Street. 1790. 565 Inside of a blacksmith's shop. 51, Rathbone Place. 1801. 762 Portrait of a child. 765 do. lady. 788 do. child. 1802. 794 Portraits of Mr. Silver, a child, Mr. Harrison, Mr. A. Beckett, Mr. Hayley, Master Norton, and two others. 9, Charles Street, Middlesex Hospital. 1804. 788 Portrait of a lady. 804 do. gentleman. 809 do. lady. 1 3, Great Titchfield Street, Cavendish Square. 181 1. 550 Portrait of a lady. 623 do. gentleman. 1814. 600 Portraits of General Skinner's fourth son and dog. 1818. 732 Portrait of a lady. 854 do. an officer. 873 do. do. 18 1 9. 694 do. a lady. 708 do. do. 717 Mr. Mitchell. 729 Mrs. Riddle. 786 Mrs. H. Corri. 951 Mrs. Watson. No address. 1828. 744 The late Mrs. Boyn. 760 The late Mrs. Travers. 761 The late J. B. Travers, Esq. 811 Rev. Dr. Owen. 845 — Gedney, Esq. SAUNDERS, W. A Painter. 1848. 133 Sevenoaks Church and Rec tory. 649 Wilmott Hill, near St. Juliens, Seal, Kent. 1085 View near Sevenoaks, Kent. 36 THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS SAUTER, George Painter. 45, Roland Gardens, W. 1897. 261 Prince Pierre Troubetskoy. James Architect. 9, Charterhouse Street. Design for a Belle Vue build ing. Design for a garden temple. do. triumphal monu ment. 22, Great Ormond Street. Design for a British temple to Victory. Maiden Lane, Wood Street. Design for a pavilion. 44, Barbican. Design for Ormond bridge over the river Liffey, Dub- hn. 12, Throgmorton Street. Richmond Bridge forming the approach to the Four Courts, Dubhn. 34, Walbrook. Design for a cenotaph. do. marine pavilion. St. Luke's Church, Chelsea. Design for a triumphant bridge. 31, Essex Street. New chapel at Speenhamland. Chapel in Sloane Street. Interior of St. Luke's, Chelsea. Chapel in Burleigh Street, Strand. UJ.^, 1799. 916 986 1800. 1099 1803. 987 1804. 878 1806. 933 1809. 845 I8I5. 805 1816. 557 1821. 1009 1825. 882 1830. 1005 1077 1831. 980 1832. 1064 SAVAGE, J. H Painter. 12, Charles Street, Middlesex Hospital. 1 84 1. 1174 Excess offers her cup to Guyon going to destroy Amasias' bower. "Under that porch a comely dame did rest Clad in fair weeds but foul dis ordered; In her left hand a cup of gold she held. And with her right the ripened fruit did reach, etc." — Faerie Queene. SAVAGE, Reginald Painter. 70, Upper Kennington Lane. 1887. 837 The invasion. SAVAGE, Rupert Architect. 148, Aldersgate Street. 1 90 1. 1572 Assembly Hall, Belfast. SAVIDGE, Joseph T Painter. 90, Carter Street, Newington. 1900. 895 Fruit. SAVILL, Miss Edith Painter. Willow Cottage, Brixton Road. 1880. 1257 Clare. 1321 A portrait. Edith Savile, 289, Brixton Road. 1881. 172 A young widow. 1 165 "Who goes there?" SAVILL, Miss Gertrude Mary. Painter. 22, Alexandra Villas, Brighton. 1 89 1. 1025 Miss Le Mesurier. 1893. 352 Mrs. Reginald Bailey. SAVILL, Miss Josephine ... Painter. Colchester. 1863. 96 Miss Unwin. Miss J. Saville, East Hill, Colchester. 1874. 702 Rest. Miss Josephine Savile. 1878. 170 Mrs. Frederick Sperling. SAVRY, H Painter. 16, Charlotte Street. 1876. 946 Cattle in the meadows. SAWNEY, A ... Painter. (An Honorary Exhibitor.) 18 14. 494 Landscape — composition. 18 15. 854 The Palace of Aladdin; a sketch. — Arabian Nights. SAWORD, Mrs.... Miniature Painter. Cold Bath Row, Blackheath. 18 II. 597 Portrait of a lady. SAWYER, Miss Amy Painter. 3, Enfield Terrace, Croydon. 1887. 864 A mystery. Caldicote Hill, Bushey Heath. 1893- ^^^..^ii flesh is grass, and all '-the goodliness thereof is as 65 I 66, the flower of the field." 1418 The girl who got lost in the toadstool country. 17, Meadow Studios, Bushey. 1896. 601 " Gentle spring brings her gar den stuff to market." 1897. 44 "The love that flies away." 1319 Dying Summer. THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS 37 Russell House, Ditchling, Sussex. 1903. 226 The Madonna of the hoar frost. 1904. 1078 "Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May." SAWYER, Mrs. Ethel Painter. Haverstock Cottage, Bushey Heath, Watford. 1898. 1475 Baby Eric. 1900. 1661 Portrait of a lady. SAWYER, F Painter. At Mr. Mackrells, Bristol. 1841. 318 The Orator Demosthenes hav ing taken poison in order to avoid falling into the hands of the soldiers sent by Anti- pater, King of Macedon, to apprehend him, falls down dead at the feet of the statue of Neptune. SAWYER, R. D Painter. 7, Avenue Gourgaud, Paris. 1886. 546 View of the mouth of the Seine near Honfleur. SAX, Bernhard Sculptor. 41, Tonbridge Street, New Road. 1856. 1263 Negro slave tied to a tree; bronze cast. 57, Via di St. Nicolo da Toleritino, Rome. 1865. 907 Childish grief, sisterly consola tion; marble group. 908 A young Bacchus — the last drain from the goblet; mar ble. 1870. 1087 Emile Ollivier; bronze. 47, Great Russell Street. 1877. 1470 A faun dancing with a bac chante. SAXON, George Painter. Parklands, Bruton, Somerset. 1885. 979 Gladiolus. SAXON, James Painter. 18, Fenchurch Street. 1795- 34 Portrait of an artist. At Mr. Macklin's, Fleet Street. 1796. 465 Mr. Palmer in the character of Cohenberg. 35, Gerrard Street. 1806. 171 Portrait of an artist. 245 Mr. Raymond as Macbeth. 40, Leicester Square. 1807. 293 Miss R. Boughton as Lavinia. 318 Mr. Phillips. 659 J. Carr, Esq. 29, Suffolk Street. 1808. 6 Sir Richard Phillips, Sheriff of London. 19 C. Smith, Esq., Sheriff of Lon don. 178 Mr. Under-Sheriff Leigh. 533 J. Pinkerton, Esq. 24, Maddox Street. 1809. 138 Mrs. Astley. 540 Miss A. Anderson. 77, St. Martin's Lane. 18 14. 163 Portrait of a lady. 356 M. Bryan, Esq. 73, Margaret Street. 181 7. 497 Mr. Stratton. 530 Portrait of a young gentleman and a cottager. SAXON, Samuel Architect. Berkley Square. 1778. 274 A design for a villa. With Sir William Chambers. 1779. 292 Elevation of a mausoleum. 1780. 394 Design for a villa. 1 78 1. 439 A nobleman's villa. Parliament Street. 1782. 448 Design for a hunting seat. SAXONI, C Painter. 16, Doris Street, Kennington Cross. 1846. 470 The Royal Academy of Music, from the Rue Grange Bate- liere, Paris. 634 The butter market, Paris. 687 Le Marche des Innocents — the vegetable market, Paris. 1 168 Entrance to Paris by the Bar- riere de Chichy. SAY, 1826. 1827,1828, 1829 1830, 1831 Frederick Richard Painter. 9, Mortimer Street. 258 J. Turner, Esq. 376 Portrait of a gentleman. 66 do. do. 171 James G. Shepherd, Esq. 273 Mrs. W. A. Nicholson. 20, Blenheim Street. 585 The Hon. Lindsay Burrell. 103 Viscount Boringdon. 186 Countess of Morley. 529 Lady Elizabeth Bulteel. 725 Portrait of a lady. 7, Weymouth Street. 357 Portrait of a field officer. 427 do. lady. 38 THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS Say, Frederick Richard — continued. 1832. 413 Sir B. Williams Bulkeley, Bart., M.P. 508 Portrait of an officer of the grenadier guards. 1833. 28 Earl Grey, First Lord of the Treasury, etc. 1835. 82 The Hon. Mrs. Langston and her daughter. no The Earl of Hillsborough. 195 Sir William Webb Follet, M.P. 207 Col. the Hon. H. R. Paken- ham, etc. 369 Sir W. Elford, Bart. 1836. 44 The Hon. Mrs. Warre and Mas ter Frederic Warre. 83 R. Robertson, Esq., Sheriff for Devonshire, Mrs. Robertson, and the Misses Robertson. 18, Harley Street. 1837. 170 Lady Johnstone and her daughter. 371 Lady Rycroft and her son. 516 Lady Caroline Turner. 1838. 224 Charles Anderson, Esq. 345 Lady Dering. 376 Edward, eldest son of Sir Edward Cholmeley Dering. 457 Viscountess Howick. 535 The Earl of Roden, K.P., etc. 1839. 19 Mrs. Beaumont. 259 William and Morland, sons of W. Hutton, Esq., at Gate Barton, Lincolnshire. 328 The Hon. Mrs. Sanderson and child. 1840. 66 Mrs. Hindle of Woodfield Park. 212 Sir John V. B. Johnstone, Bart. 453 The Countess de Grey. 1841. no The daughters of J. E. J. Cooper, Esq., M.P. 355 Earl de Grey. 459 Lieut.-General Sir S. F. Whit- teringham, K.C.B., K.C.H., Knight Grand Cross of the Military Order of St. Fer nando, etc., late Com mander-in-Chief of Her Ma jesty's Forces at Madras. 1842. 32 Mrs.Cooper, of Markree Castle, and youngest children. 58 Mrs. George Smith, of Heath- field, Surrey. 189 Captain Sir Augustus Clifford, Bart., R.N., C.B., etc. 218 Admiral the Hon. Sir Robert Stopford, K.C.B. 1843. ^^ -^ study. 1843. 95 1844. 1845.1846. 1848. 252 •51 520589 The lady and son of W. L. Chute, Esq., M.P. 288 The Hindoo gentleman, Dwar- kanauth Tagore. 43 The lady and child of J. Spen cer Smith, Esq., of Brook- land. 347 Lord Stanley. 96 Portrait of a lady. 21 Lieut.-General Sir James Mac- donell, K.C.B., Colonel of the 79th Regiment. The Bishop of Oxford, Chan cellor of the Order of the Garter. {Wilberforce.) Mrs. Shafto Adair. 177 Viscount Borringdon. 261 Miss Johnstone. Portraits of children. H.S.H. the Duke of Saxe-Co- burg and Gotha. Painted by command of Her Majesty. 1849. 73 H.R.H. Prince Albert. In tended for presentation to the University of Cambridge. 86 Sir James Cockburn, Bart., G.C.H. Painted for the Junior United Service Club. 329 Viscount Emlyn. 435 The son of Martin Tucker Smith, Esq. 1850. 105 The Archbishop of York. {Musgrave.) Edith, daughter of the late W. A. Beechey, Esq. M. Guizot. Sir Thomas Aubrey, Bart. Painted for the magistrates of the County of Bucking ham. 523 The Duchess of Roxburgh. 32 Emily, daughter of Lady Eliza beth Bulteel. 42 A Madonna. 93 Portrait of a lady. 191 John Newell Birch, Esq. The Very Rev. the Dean of Durham. {George Wadding- ton) Painted for the Canons of Durham. The Hon. Edward Twisleton. Rear-Admiral the Earl of Wal- degrave. The Chisholm. 246 Portrait of a boy. 359 do. gentleman. 255 The Rt. Hon. Sir Henry W. N. Wynne, K.C.B., G.C.H. 394 The late Lord Wenlock, the 199 3» 394 1851. 1852. 1853- 436 658 64 •34 THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS 39 Dowager Lady Wenlock, and the Hon. Mrs. Stuart Wort- ley. 1854. 358 W. L. Sclater, Esq. SAYER, Charles E Architect. 17, Soho Square. 1895. i6oi " Long Meadow," Goring. 1903. 1564 Fowey Hall, Cornwall. SAYER, E. C Painter. 9, Liverpool Terrace, Islington. 1845. 928 Caistor Castle, Norfolk. 1846. 1318 Sir Christopher Wren's first de sign for St. Paul's Cathedral, according to the model in St. Paul's. 28, Arlington Square. 1853. 950 The garden and its fountain. SAYER, George Painter. II, Tavistock Street. 1843. 332 Portrait of a gentleman. G. Sayers, 11, Tavistock Street. 1 844. 841 Portrait of an old gentleman in his 83rd year. G. Sayer, 8, Percy Street. 1848. 81 Portrait of a gentleman. SAYER, Miss Jessie C Painter. 94, Manor Road, Brockley. 1887. 1304 Fresh cut roses. SAYERS, Reuben T. W. ... Painter. 6, Church Row, Islington. 1845. 209 The twa pets. R. Sayer, 9, St. George's Terrace, Kensington. 1846. 224 Asleep and awake. R. Sayers, 8, Gloucester Terrace, Kensington. 1847. 122 The pet rabbits. 1848. 361 Lord Kensington. I, St. Peter's Square, Hammersmith. 1850. 62 Alexander Beresford Hope, Esq., M.P. 365 Field Marshal Viscount Beres ford, G.C.B., G.C.H. 1854. 125 The late Field Marshal Vis count Beresford, G.C.B., Colonel in chief of the Rifle Brigade. 1857. 58 Master Henry Sayers. 1858. 3 Master Patrick Boyle. 1859. 196 The rival pets. 463 Maternal love. i860. 593 " Thy will be done." 1863. 217 Childhood. SCACE, J Architect. 30, Moore Street, Edgeware Road. 1815. 797 Design for a lodge and gate way. SCALES, James Painter. 26, Green Walk, Holland Street. 1808. 505 East view of Chichester Cross. 597 North or outside view of the gate of Southampton. 27, Denmark Street, Soho. 1810. 792 Poor house at Southover, near Lewes, Sussex. 383, Oxford Street. 1 8 14. 27 View of an old building called Peach Hall, and part of the town of Tonbridge, Kent. 12, William Street, Pitt Street, Kent Road. 1823. 459 Entrance of a gravel pit ; study from nature. I, Charles Street, New Kent Road. 1826. 523 View in the New Forest, Hamp shire, near Lindhurst. SCANDRETT, Thomas ... Architect. 1825. 477 Mr. J. Henning. 494 Portrait of a member of the Society of friends. 9, Lower Belgrave Place. 1827. 945 Villa for Evan Jones, Esq., near Dolgelly, Merioneth shire. 20, Grosvenor Street West. 1830. 1 161 Design for a water gate. 14, Mill Street, Conduit Street. 1832. 996 Pompeian fragments. Hillingdon, Middlesex. 1 84 1. 816 Tomb of Sir Francis Vere, Westminster Abbey. 868 Tomb of Henry III, Westmin ster Abbey. 1850. II 09 Perspective sketch of the Dis trict church, Bracknell, Berk shire. 62, Cheapside. 1852. 1 173 Antwerp Cathedral, looking to wards the high altar. II 9 1 Interior of St. Michael's church, Ghent. 40 THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS Scandrett, Thomas — continued. 1853. 1075 Interior, Chapel of the Ack, Antwerp Cathedral. i860. 679 St. Vincent, Rouen. 680 Lady Chapel, Rouen Cathe dral. SCANES, Miss Agnes Painter. 63, Gwendwr Road, West Kensington. 1893. 1 135 Mrs. Philip Birch. 1 190 Sweetheart. SCANES, Edwin L Painter. 43, Gwendwr Road, West Kensington. 1885. 525 "Entre nous." 1887. 926 "Chez nous." SCANES, Mrs. See Miss Maud Good man, vol. iii, pages 270, 271. SCANLAN, Robert R Painter. 1837. 722 Portraits of Beauty and Star, two of His Majesty's state- horses. 732 Portraits of two sisters. 804 Lord Mount Charles and fa vourite poney. 981 Portrait of Angelica, the pro perty of a gentleman.14, Fitzroy Street. 1838. 8i6*Frederick, Walter, and Horatio, thechildrenofLieut.-Colonel the Hon. Edward Stopford. 1839. 713 The poacher under sentence of death. "Whoso spilleth man's blood, by man shall his blood be spilled." 1062 The noted rebel, Kimlin, taken prisoner, is pinioned, and brought before the Right Hon. Denis Browne, who immediately orders him to be executed by the black drummer, who is in attend ance for the purpose. This well-known occurrence took place in Ireland (at Castle- bar) during the year 1799. "While this ceremony was proceeding, Kimlin, with a dogged resolution, listened in sullen silence to his ac cuser. The detail ended, Denis, turning upon the un daunted felon a look that would have quailed the stoutest heart, demanded to know the names and haunts of his companions, but the robber spoke not, and met the eye of his judge with a scowl of deadly hatred." — Maxwell. 1840. 532 Portrait of the celebrated steeple-chase horse, " Lot tery," winner of twelve races, ridden by Mr. James Mason. 693 " Captain Rock " and his First Lieutenant, " Terry Alt." 1841. 908 "The Poacher," the property of the Earl of Drumlaurig, 2nd Life Guards. 63, Burton Crescent. 1845. 164 The countermand: costume of the Life Guards in the reign of Charles II. 1036 The Whiteboy. 1846. 717 Portrait of a favourite charger, the property of Captain Isacke. 1021 Portraits of grandpapa's pets. 1848. 397 The Christmas presents. 8, Milner Street. 1859. 690 Teedie, Brenda, and Boss. 1 105 Adventure by Theon. SCANLON, Mrs. Carrie L. Painter. St. Ives, Hunts. 1903- 747 A study in game. SCANNELL, Miss Edith M. S. Painter. 1870. 919 Bible reading in Switzerland in the 1 8th century. c\o Mr. E. Freeman. 1875. 390 L'Indovina. II, Douro Place. 1882. 462 In the school-room. 1883. 504 The favourite child. 1885. 353 " I met a little cottage girl, she was eight years old she said." 1888. 310 "For a kiss or two, confess, What doth cause this pen- siveness." 392 The torn frock. 1890. 1171 "Found in the garden, dead, in his beauty. Ah! that a linnet should die in the spring." 1 89 1. 1057 " Ladybird, Ladybird, fly away home." 1892. 1000 Out of reach. 1893. 562 Fairy tales. 20, Victoria Road, Kensington. 1900. 195 Hard lines. THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS 41 41, Egerton Terrace, South Kensington. 1901. 1373 " Curly locks." 1902. 1209 Moyra, daughter of E.Marshall, Esq. 1210 Girhe, daughter of E. Mar shall, Esq. 1903. 439 Brambles. SCAPPA, G. A Painter. 75, Gloucester Place. 1869. 612 In the New Forest. 2, Burwood Place, Hyde Park. 1872. 1047 A grey day at Wapping. 1873. 92 Dock gates, Limehouse. 248 From the Union Dock, Lime- house. 17, Nassau Street. 1874. 5 Breaking Waves. SCARFE, F Painter. 104, High Street, Marylebone. 1825. 980 Portrait of the Patriarch Isa- carus, of Bethlehem, arch bishop of Jerusalem. " In 1823 an attempt was made in Paris to assassinate this distinguished philanthro pist, who, as tradition as serts, is descended from David, King of Israel. SCARROW, Thomas Painter. 1 7, Great Russell Street, Covent Garden. 1 83 1. 213 A portrait. SCHACHT, C Painter. (An Honorary Exhibitor.) 1 83 1. 506 Composition. SCHAFER, Henry Thomas. Painter and Sculptor. 73, Queen's Crescent. 1875. 1182 A portrait study. 1 1 89 Home lessons. 1876. 401 Blossoms. " To bloom to gether, fade away, and die." 535 A portrait. 1877. 49 The wreath. 82 Portrait study. 62, Park Road, N. W. 1878. 982 Music. 1879. 163 To the Graces. 1056 A portrait study. 1356 Home. 7, Park Road Studios. 1880. 93 A basket of roses. 1488 Sisters. VII. 17, Fitzroy Street. 1881. 83 Niobe. Niobe, daughter of Tantalus, King of Lydia, married Amphion. Having ridiculed the worship of Latona, she was punished by Diana destroying her daughters, and Apollo her sons. 4, Waverley Place, St. John's Wood. 1882. 775 Treasures. 3, Acacia Gardens. 1883. 6 The bride. 75 Day-dreams. 484 Charity. 1884. 419 " II dolce far niente." 828 An impromptu. 1885. 317 Fame. "The rolling seasons pass away, etc." — Byron. 1886. 593 An offering. 1076 "From life without freedom, oh who would not fly!" — Moore. 1888. 982 Old Marlow. 1889. 440 Fruits of the earth. 988 A bird's nest. 2178 Forsaken; bas-relief, bronze. 1890. 1680 Sorrow. 1893. 511 Knitting. 1688 A Torso. {Sculpture)31, Acacia Gardens. 1894 541 Divinely fair. 3, Acacia Gardens. 1897. 788 A siesta. 895 A portrait study. 40, Brewer Street. 1899. 509 Ndrdide. 829 Eve. 2030 Don Quixote ; bust, bronze. 1901. 827 Marguerite and Mephisto. 1902. 501 " He loves me, he loves me not." 523 The sempstress. 1903. 34 The open book. 1904. 748 A faithful friend. SCHAMPHELEER, Edmond De. See D, vol. ii, page 312. SCHARF, George Painter. 3, St. Martin's Lane. 181 7. 624 Portrait of a clergyman. 632 Portrait of an artist. 696 Portraits of two ladies and three gentlemen. 852 A benevolent visit to a poor sick woman. e 42 THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS Scharf, George — continued. 1826. 509 View of the Artillery Hospital, Woolwich. 530 View from Shooter's Hill. 963 View of part of the grand Marylebone. 1006 View of Woolwich Dockyard as seen from the church yard. 1827. 465 View of the Royal Repository Grounds at Woolwich. 1828. 813 The Savoyards. 1829. 502 An exhibition room. 568 Interior of the Royal Military Repository, Woolwich. 1 01 3 The Lord Mayor's dinner at Guildhall on the 9th of November. 1830. 801 Children at their lessons. "De lightful task, to rear the tender thought, etc." — Thomson. 1002 View of a lodge at Milton Park. 1021 do. do. do. 14, Francis Street, Tottenham Court Road. 1831. 982 Viewfrom new London Bridge, taken by order of the Bridge Committee, June, 1830. 1832. 741 View of Crooked Lane as it appeared in 1830, previous to the demolition of St. Michael's Church and ad joining houses, for the new line of approach to the new London Bridge. 1833. 565 View of part of old Covent Garden Market, 1834. 982 The old and new London Bridges as they appeared in December, 1831. 1835. 973 Bird's-eye view of St. Stephen's Chapel, taken shortly after the fire, from the top of the western wall. Pain ted on the spot. 1836. 1007 View of the ruins of St. Ste phen's Chapel as it appeared shortly after the fire. 1837. 806 Deacon's Auction Room, Ber ners Street. 936 Entrance Hall to the Royal Academy, Somerset House, 1836. 1841. 1069 The Royal College of Sur geons, in progress of re building in 1834. G. Scarf, Senr. 1848. 232 View of Ratisbon, Bavaria. I, Torrington Square. 1849. 1 147 Walhalla and Donau Stauf — on the Danube, near Ratis bon (Regensburg), Bavaria. 1850. IIOI View of the town of Kelheim, Bavaria, where the Rhine joins the Danube by means of the river Main, the Lud- wig's Canal, and the river Altmiihl. On the centre rock was begun the monu ment (Befreiungs Halle) in commemoration ofthe battle of Leipzig, or of Deliver ance, fought in 181 3. SCHARF, Sir George, K.C.B., F.S.A. Painter. G. Scharf , Ju?ir., 14, Francis Street. 1845. 455 A Lycian migration from the valley of the Xanthus. 102S Tombs in the face of the rock at Myra. 1846. 71 Tombs and theatre at Xanthus, in Lycia. 246 The harpy tomb at Xanthus in 1840. 524 The horse tomb at Xanthus. 607 Our village at Xanthus during the expedition of 1844. {Sir George Scharf was Director of the National Portrait Gallery, andwas knighted in 1895.) SCHEEMAKERS, Thomas. Sculptor. T. Skeemakers, 6, Great Titchfield Street, Oxford Market. 1782. 500 Bust of General Honeywood; a model. 538 Monumental figure of faith. 542 Model of a monument from a design of Mr. Stuart. T. Sheemaker, 6, Great Titchfield Street, Oxford Market. 1784. 496 Model of a monument. T Scheemaechers. 1788. 606 A boy's head; from nature. 648 Medallion for a monument; portraits of a lady and child. 649 Model for a monument; figure of friendship. 1789. 490 Model of a monument. T Scheemaechers, 6, Great Titchfield Street, Oxford Market. 1790. 663 Portrait of a young lady. THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS 43 1793- 785 Model for a monument. 1795- ^77 Model of a monument. 1796. 866 A monumental figure represent ing Humihty. T. Scheemaekers, 6, Great Titchfield Street, Oxford Market. 1798. 1038 Monumental figure. T. Scheemaechers, 6, Great Titchfield Street, Oxford Market. 1799. 1048 A monumental figure. 1801. 995 Bust of a young lady. 1025 A monumental figure of a boy. 1803. 919 Two monumental figures of boys. 940 Monumental figure of a boy. 941 do. do. do. 1804. 907 A monumental figure of piety. SCHEFFER, Ary Painter. 1851. 752 St. John writing the Apocalypse. A. Schyfer, Paris. 1854. 206 Lord Dufferin. 14, Pall Mall East. 1856. 62 Charles Dickens, Esq. SCHEFFER, Hendrick Painter. 1 6, Upper Berkeley Street. 1839. 204 A protestant preacher. "After the revocation of the Edict of Nantes, in the year 1685, the dragoons were employed in the persecution of the protestants. Their public worship being interdicted, they sought the security of barns and other secret places for the exercise of their re ligion." 484 La Souvenir. SCHEFFER, Jean Gabriel ... Painter. 33, Rathbone Place. 1848. 192 Femme d'Ischia, Royaume de Naples. 241 Femme Espagnole. 437 Encore! 713 Deja. Geneva. 1859. S50 Festa day at Naples. 939 Geneva in 1685 — arrival of Protestant refugees. SCHELL, Anton. Miniature Painter. 6, Albert Road, Brighton. 1894. 1285 A sailor boy. SCHELL, Miss Lily. Miniature Painter. 108, St. Stephen's Avenue, Shepherd's Bush. 1885. 1571 Jealousy. SCHENCK, Mrs. Agnes Painter. St. Mark's Buildings, George Street, Grosvenor Square. 1884. 63 Girl reading. SCHENCK, Auguste Frederic Al- brecht Painter. Ecouen. 1872. 504 Goats in distress ; mountains of Mont Dore, Auvergne, France. 1873. 211 A rainy day in the mountains of Auvergne, France. SCHENCK, Frederick E. E. Sculptor. Frederick Schenck, 27, Bedford Street, Bashford, Stoke-on- Trent. 1886. 1787 "In youth the heart exults and sings. The pulses leap, the feet have wings." Relief. F. E. E. Schenck, 27, Bedford Street, Bashford, Stoke-on- Trent. 1887. 1892 Bacchanalian subject; vase, terra-cotta. 105, Sydney Street, Chelsea. 1889. 2053 Mother and children; medal lion, terra-cotta. I a. West Street, Pimlico. 1891. 2006 Navigation; relief. 2044 Night; relief. 1892. 1893 War; relief. 1893. 1713 TheElements: Fire, Air, Earth, and Water. Panel for the Municipal Council Chamber, Bath. 1786 Industry, Commerce, and Agri culture. Panel for Bath. 1894. 1758 "The morn is up again, the dewy morn, etc." 1829 " O, mysterious night. Thou art not silent, etc."; relief 1896. 1823 "Pottery"; relief. For the Council Hall, Stafford. 1 85 1 "Agriculture"; relief. For Stafford. 1871 " Ironwork "; rehef. For Staf ford. 1896 "Mining"; relief. For Stafford. 44 THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS Schenck, Frederick E. E. — continued. 1897. 1945 "Sloth"; relief. For Town Hall, Oxford. 1947 "Industry "; relief For Town Hall, Oxford. 1982 Design for tympanum — Fire and Earth. 2022 Sketch design for Town Hall, Oxford. 1898. 1891 A Triton; bas-relief. For Shoreditch Public Baths. 1 90 1. 1712 Summer; corbel in spandril. 1810 Autumn; do. do. SCHENCK, J Painter. Gresham House, Old Broad Street. 1859. 21 Paris in Portugal; costumes of Grigo, near Oporto. SCHENDEL, Petrus Van. See V. SCHETKY, John Alexander. Painter. J. A. Schetkey, Oxford. 1808. 641 A composition. J. A. Schethy, 9, Ebury Street, Chelsea. 182 1. 320 Recollection of the Serra da Estrella, Portugal. Portsmouth. 1825. 379 The Brune taking the French frigate Oiseau, 1768. 525 His Majesty's frigate Brune, 32 guns, running from the French 64-gun ship Con stant, 1762. {The last two were painted with John Christian Schetky) SCHETKY, John Christian. Painter. J. T. Schetky, Oxford. 1805. 498 A frigate and a convoy bearing away in a gale of wind. — Schetky, no address. 1806. 500 A sea piece. 519 A view. 549 do. 1807. 582 A drawing. {In my Dictionary of Artists nine works are given to J. T. Schetky, but the J. T is evid ently a misprint for J. C, in 1805. The above five belong to John Christian Schetky, and the other four to John Alexander Schetky.) 505 Royal Naval College. Portrait of the Borneo East Indiaman, as she came on shore on Southsea Beach, 22nd October, 1820. 5 20 A ship of the line and a frigate getting out of a scrape. 539 Portrait of the Emerald Yacht, off Cowes, Isle of Wight. 580 Leith Sands. 602 A fresh breeze: Frigate under topsails, etc. 1824. 473 Portrait of the Briton schooner yacht, off Cowes, Isle of Wight. 515 The situation of the Royal Yacht on the night of the nth of September, 1821, at the moment of the Squadron being taken aback duringthe storm which his Majesty en countered on his returning voyage from a Royal visit to Ireland. 823 The Royal Squadron bearing up for Milford Haven, on the morning after the gale during His Majesty's Home ward Voyage from his Royal visit to Ireland. Portsmouth. 1825. 379 The Brune taking the French frigate Oiseau, 1768. 525 His Majesty's frigate Brune, 32 guns, running from the French 64-gun ship. Con stant, 1762. {The last two were painted with John Alexander Schetky.) 1827. 406 The Gazette Yacht and ship ping off Cowes. 1828. 13 Portrait of the Hussar Yacht rounding the Land's End. Buckland House Portsmouth. 1829. 985 Sir William Hoste's action off Lyssa. 1094 A portion of the battle of Nav- arin, comprehending the Talbot's share in the action. 1 83 1. 74 The French Corvette, Chev- rette, of 20 guns, boarded and captured by the boats of H. M.S. Robust, 74, Beau- lieu, Uranic, and Doris, Frigates, under the Com mand of Lieut. Keith Max well of the Beaulieu, in Camaret Bay, Brest, on the night ofthe 20th July, 1801. THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS 45 1831. 483 H.M. Ship Northumberland, Captain Henry Hotham, de stroying two French frigates and a brig in their attempt to get into the harbour of L'Orient. 488 H.M.S. Columbine, with the experimental squadron, off the rock of Lisbon. 494 H.M. Ship Northumberland, Captain Henry Hotham, de stroying two French frigates and a brig in their attempt to get into the harbour of L'Orient. 1832. 411 His Grace the Duke of Port land's yacht Pantaloon beat ing to windward, with His Majesty's brig Charybdis and the frigates of Sir E. Codrington's squadron off the Dodman, July 21, 1831. 1833. 382 Landscape. 391 do. 989 Portrait of His Majesty's ship Albion at the Battle of Navarine. 1834. 432 Captain Dickenson's first and second plans for the recovery of the stores and treasure sunk in His Majesty's late frigate Thetis, at Cape Frio, by means of a small diving bell from a boat, and a large one from the derrick, or large crane of 158 feet in length, fixed against the cliff, and rigged with upwards of 4,000 fathoms of rope. 433 Capt. Dickenson's third plan for the recovery of the treas ure and stores sunk in His Majesty's late frigate Thetis, at Cape Frio, by means of a diving bell from a suspension cable, the derrick having been destroyed by a gale of wind, similar to that herein shown. 509 Portrait of Lord Willougby de Broke's yacht Antelope pass ing the Skaw, in a gale, on her voyage to St. Peters burgh. 510 His Majesty's ship Lightning, Capt. Thomas Dickinson, beating up to undertake the enterprise for the recovery of the treasure and stores sunk in His Majesty's late frigate Thetis at Cape Frio. 1836. 414 H.M.S. Pique at the interesting moment of her coming off the rocks on the Coast of Labrador, October 23, 1830. 1837. 457 Portrait of H.M.S. Fwi'a/ sail ing a match with H.M. Ships Endymion and Rapia off Milford Haven. East India College, Addiscombe. 1838. 240 The Aigle, a French 84-gun ship, just before striking her colours, being closely en gaged and boarded by His Majesty's ship Defiance, 74 guns. Captain C. P. Durham (now Admiral Sir P. C. H. Durham, G.C.B., Command er-in-chief at Portsmouth), in the battle of Trafalgar, 21st Oct. 1805. Ships' names, be ginning at the left of the picture, viz. : Enghsh, Swift- sure; French, Achille, Ar- gonauta, Belleisle, Poly phemus; English, Neptune, Defiance; French, Aigle, St. Juan, Nepomeceno, etc. 779 Her Majesty's ship Excellente, of 98 guns, stationed in Portsmouth Harbour, for the practice of naval gun nery, under the command and superintendence of Cap- tainThomas Hastings, R.N., etc. 1839. 553 Wreck of H.M.S. "Magnifi cent," 74 guns, off the Black Rock, Brest roads. 638 The "Pilot," Leith smack, running up the Frith of Forth: Tantallon Castle and the Bass rock in the distance. 1840. 317 H.M. late ship"Royal George," of 100 guns, sinking at Spit- head, 29th August, 1782. "The moment represented is just as the ship fell over on her broadside, and was filling with water, the lee ports being open, and the guns run out to list her to port, that the carpenters might get at the copper on the starboard side to repair it. On the right is the Vic tory, Lord Hood's flagship, firing guns of distress, and 46 THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS Schetky, John Christian — co7itinued. hoisting the signal for "boats to assist ship in distress with all speed." By this fatal accident upwards of 800 people were drowned, to gether with Admiral Kem- penfeldt and most of his officers." — CaptainMarryat. 1841. 46S Lord Anson's arrival at Spit- head with his prizes, after his victorious action with the French fleet under the command of Mons. Jon- quiere, off Cape Finisterre, on the 3rd of May, 1747. On the extreme right is a portrait of La Diamant of 66 guns, dismantled, with other prizes. The large ship is St. George, bearing the flag of Vice-Admiral Lord Anson, just having come to an anchor. The next ship, passing the Admiral, is a portrait of Le Serieux, Ad miral Jonquiere's flag-ship. The next, half seen, is De fiance, 60 guns, fore top mast and bowsprit shot away, and on board of which his brave young captain — Grenville, was killed, gallantly defend ing his ship against a fearful odds of five sail of the line. The next large ship is the Devonshire, Rear-Admiral Warren, and between her and the spectator is the Mars, 74, hove to, whose barge is seen passing to the St. George. In the distance on the extreme left, crippled ships coming in from sea. 1842. 254 A squadron of Dutch men-of- war getting under weigh, with the Stadtholder's yacht in the foreground — olden time. 1843. 336 A British man-of-war hard and fast on the rocks, or every nail at anchor. Waddon Lodge, near Croydon. 1844. 587 The embarkation of the King of Prussia at Danzig, ist July, 1842, on His Majesty's royal progress to visit the Emperor of Russia at St. Petersburg. Sketched ont he spot. (Marine Painter in ordinary to Her Majesty.) 1845. 242 The Arrival of His Majesty the King of the French in Ports mouth Harbour, October 8, 1844. On the extreme left is LordWilton'syachtdressed with flags, and saluting; the next yacht, with the blue flag, is the Elizabeth, R. Wright, Esq., of Southamp ton; close to the Gomer is the Kestril yacht, the Earl Yarborough, then Gomer; next Pluton, French war steamer; Victory, dressed and saluting; French yacht- brig La Reine Amdhe; the Dockyard, etc.; and among the boats the city authorities of Portsmouth in their red robes, going to present their address to the King of the French. Old Palace, Croydon. 1846. 296 Battle of Trafalgar: time 3h. 3 m. while Victory, Redoubt able, Terneraire, and Van guard lay fighting, and grind ing along side of each other, all four locked fast together; The Dingy being just then sent by Captain Hardy, with Lieut. Hills, to inform Vice- Admiral Collingwood of the death of Lord Nelson. On the left of the picture is the Royal Sovereign, with the Santa Anna (her prize); and behind is Rear-Admiral Dumanoir, running down the line, saluting all nations, while making his escape with five sail of the line. 642 The experimental squadron sailing from Spithead in re view of our Most Gracious Queen and Prince Albert, July, 1845. 1848. 341 Dutch men-of-war on the coast of Holland — olden time. 651 A squadron passing Tantallon Castle, with portrait of H.M. late ship Albion, 74 guns. 683 View of Spithead, with portrait of the old Royal Billy, in two attitudes — Portsmouth in the distance. 1849. ^'7 Sunborough Head, coast of Zetland, with the French THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS 47 Corvette Prevoyante retiring from the protection of their Iceland Fishery, August, 1847— The Fitful Head in the distance. 1850. 591 Portrait of the "Vigilant" revenue cutter (Capt. Gow- land) turning up Blackwall Reach with her prize in tow, Greenwich Hospital in the distance. 185 1. 194 View in Portsmouth Harbour, with men-of-war drying sails — the Windsor Castle of 120 guns just in from Spit head. 422 Admiral Sir Edward Russell's squadron bearing up for Plymouth in a gale of wind, 1692. E. I. College, Addiscombe. 1854. 1075 Sketch for a large picture of the Baltic fleet sailing from Spithead, March 11, 1854. 29, Blomfield Terrace, Harrow Road. 1857. 485 H.M. steam frigate "Fire brand" at anchor, drying sails, off the town of Rhodes H.M. ship "Colossus," 92 guns, in the distance. 987 H.M. steam frigate "Esk" beating up to join the fleet at Gibraltar, saluting the Admiral, while showing her number. 1 1 , Kent Terrace, Regent's Park. i860. 610 Lord Rodney's action with Count de Grasse, off Guada- loupe, 1 2 th April, 1782. Rodney's ship "P'ormid- able " is represented in the centre of the picture — hav ing, by luffing up, just broke through the French line of battle, followed by the " Na- mur," "Duke St. Albans," and the remaining ships of his division. On the left is seen the rear of the British van; the enemy's ships are coming down in confusion before the wind, between the two British divisions. 1866. 728 A naval incident ofthe French war; study in common ink. "A French man-of-war was saved from destruction on the coast of Spain, in 1803, by the assistance of Captain Hon. Sir Charles Paget on H.M. frigate "Endymion," who, at extreme risk, bore down with a flag of truce, and dropped his sheet anchor athwart her bows, which the Frenchman, who was riding to the stream cable, his only remaining one, happily got on board, just in time." 1866. 744 Dutch men-of-war drying sails in a calm — olden time; study in common ink. 1867. 700 H.M.S. Temdraire entering Portsmouth Harbour after the Battle of Trafalgar, Dec. 20, 1805; pen-and-ink draw ing. 1868. 695 Her Majesty's late ship "Bel- lerophon" in a gale, 1852. 1869. 744 View of Spithead, with por traits of the "Old Royal Billy" in two attitudes — Portsmouth in the distance. 1 1 33 The Victory of Lord Rodney over the Comte de Grasse off Guadaloupe, on the 12th April, 1782; drawing in common ink. 1139 H.M. Queen Victoria review ing the fleets of wood and iron at Spithead during a gale, on the occasion of the Sultan's visit to England, July 17, 1867. 1870. 588 An uncomfortable afternoon off the Paternosters, Island of Sark, on board the Duke of Rutland's yacht "Resolu tion." 589 Dartmouth Castle, Devonshire. Done on board a yacht. 623 Fort Augustus, Loch Ness. 1871. 108 A gallant rescue; naval in cident of the French war. While cruising on the Spanish coast in the frigate "Endymion," Captain the Hon. Sir Charles Paget de scried a French man-of-war in the last extremity. Sir Charles instantly bore down to assist his enemy, spite of the gale that was blowing, and 700 brave lives were saved. The " Endymion " herself being now in desper ate peril, hauled to the wind, let go her starboard bower 48 THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS Schetky, John Christian — continued. anchor, club-hauled, and stood off shore on the other tack, with three British cheers. 1 87 1. 718 Coming to an anchor in the Portland Roads. 1872. 697 Trial of speed off the Dodman between a lo-gun brig, built by the late Sir W. Symonds, and three of H.M. frigates, in which the former was suc cessful, the rest of the fleet accompanying as spectators. 887 Wreck of H.M. frigate "An son " in Mount's Bay, Corn wall. 1 1 17 Original composition : shipping in the olden time. SCHEURENBERG, J Painter. Diisseldorf. 1878. 950 Fete Champetre. T. Scheurenberg, Diisseldorf. 1879. 1359 In the rose bower. SCHIAVONI, Felice Painter. — Schiavoni, 66, Russell Square. 1840. 396 La Schiava. {Italian quotation from Redi) F. Schiavoni, no address. 1844. 175 Peregrine Laneton Massing- ford, Esq. SCHICK, P Painter. 1 1, Robertson Street, Hastings. 1853. 102; Portrait of a lady. Union House, Ryde. 1854. 1055 The children of G. A. Martin, Esq., M.D. 1067 Mrs. Albert Hambrough. 1068 G. A. Martin, Esq., M.D. SCHILLER, H. Carl Painter. H. C. Schillers, 40, Upper Charlotte Street. 1844. 648 Portrait of a lady. H. C. Schiller, 218, Regent Street, and 2, Erskine Street, Liverpool. 1855. 1052 Joseph Maton Kirk, Esq., of Halifax, Yorkshire, and family. SCHIRMACHER, Miss M. Dora. Painter. 113, Grove Street, Liverpool. 1885. 242 A summer's day. Engadine, Mowbray Road, Upper Norwood. 1889. 1193 A Welsh lane. SCHLESINGER, Henri Guillaume. Painter. Vienna. 185 1. 734 Mad. Jetty de Treffz. Paris. 1873. 1027 "Ce n'est pas moi." SCHLOESSER, Carl Painter. 46, Rue de Larochefoucault, Paris. 1858. 153 Neapolitan monks. 866 Reminiscence of the Gulf of Baia. 1859. 489 Saltimbanques comptant leur recette. 1862. 621 Arrest of Louis XVI at Var- ennes. 1 1, Bloom field Road. 1876. 1305 The village lawyer. I, Langham Chambers. 1878. 218 Reprimand. 1879. '°^5 Political discussion. 35, Grove End Road. 1880. 649 Broken promises. 148 1 A difficult passage. 1881. 502 Beethoven. 583 A duet. 1882. 618 Out of time. 746 Pianissimo. I, Primrose Hill Studios. 1884. 176 Old friends. 612 A book-worm. 1885. 234 From San Remo, Italy. 1034 From Bordighera, Italy. 1886. 804 An old bachelor. 1887. 342 Beethoven. 632 Mrs. Louis Floersheim. 851 Studying his sermon. 1888. 1040 Moliere reading one of his comedies to his servant. La Foret. 1 89 1. 63 Compulsory Education. 739 A country doctor. 1892. 565 Singing lesson. I, Primrose Hill Studio. 1894. 538 A promising beginner. 894 Her new dress. 1895. 426 A lesson in geography. 643 From Italy. 1897. 1067 Incorrigible. 1898. 666 An old master. 1900. 929 A duet. 1902. 658 In a monastery. 1903. 705 From Italy. 1904. 820 Beethoven in his study. THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS 49 SCHLOESSER, Miss Maud. Painter. Paddocks, Great Bookham, Surrey. 1 90 1. 188 Near Norbury. SCHMACK, Miss Emily Painter. II, Bury Court, St. Mary Axe. 1837. 37 Portrait of a child with flowers. 109 do. French artist. 220 do. young French Girl. 1838. 78 A young lady preparing for a fancy ball. 212 A young Greek. 1839. 491 Portrait of a lady. 1202 Study of a Jew. 1840. 341 Portrait of a lady. 17, Stockwell Green. 1 84 1. 71 Portrait. 112 do. 482 Portrait of a lady. 1842. 188 Children playing with a cat. 319 Madonna and child. 497 Portrait of a lady. 499 do. do. 1264 The fortune teller. 1843. 117 Portrait of a lady. 119 411 646 do. do. in a Greek Costume. Interior of a hall at Mortlake. Alice and her child. " At the open window of one of the tenements in this street sate Alice Darvil. She had been working (that pretty excuse to women for thinking), and as the thought grew upon her, and the evening waned, the work had fallen on her knee, and the pretty hands dropped mechanically upon her lap." Vide Ernest Mal- travers. SCHMALZ, Herbert Gustave. Painter. 22, Newman Street. 1879. 36 Light and shade. 67 "I cannot mind my wheel, mother." " I had a dreadful dream, mother, 'twas of a ship at sea, etc." Studios, Holland Park Road. 1880. 1262 The still, silent past. 1263 The dim mystic future. 1264 The present bitter-sweet. 1456 "Forever." VII. 1882.1883. 1884. 1885. 63 " Dust to dust." 1004 Muriel. 1371 Sir Galahad. " But she the wan sweet maiden, etc." — Tenny son. 395 Voices. 346 "Beyond." 710 The Temple of Eros. "Some have the roses, some the thorns." 1375 IdaHne; mezzotint. 827 "Too late!" "Till the day break and shadows flee away, etc." 1403 "Beyond." 939 Elaine. "And the Good Knight Sir Launcelot hearkened un to the word of the father of the damsel, and thereat took his shield and got him to horse and rode forth upon the evening, etc." 1 1 36 Julia Margaret, daughter of the late J. Christopher Wilson. 1886. 813 "Aimee." 823 Palm Sunday. 1887. 1031 Widowed. "Again she spoke: 'Where is my Lord the King?' etc." Faithful unto death. "Chris- tianse ad leones ! " "On the banks of Allan Water." 59 The young Duchess. 570 Bethany, the home of Martha and Mary. 983 The daughters of Judah in Babylon. "For there they that carried us away captive required of us a song, etc." — Psalm cxxxvii. 370 Mrs. Herbert Schmalz. 461 Damascus, from Salahiyeh; "a pearl, set in emeralds," as the Arabs call Damascus. 929 Mary of Magdala. — St. John, XX, 15. 49, Addison Road. 516 The awakening of love. "Words of another to music set, etc." 145 Miss Constance Meredyth. 677 A love song of Damascus. 284 The end of the day — Samaria. 542 1889. 535 1890.1892. 1893. 1894. 1902. 1903. 1904. SCHMIDT, Edward Allan ...Painter. 4, Craven Hill, Bayswater. 1868. 145 The Hunting Companion. 41, Collingham Place. 1876. 969 An old woman. 1877. 38 A trick too many. H 50 THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS SCHMIDT, Louis Painter. L. Schmid, II, Park Place, Regent's Park. 1834. 580 F. Nadorp, a distinguished German artist at Rome. (Painter to the King of Prussia.) — Schmidt, 15, Maddox Street. 1842. 553 Dr. Granville. Berlin. 1843. 8 H.R.H. the Duke of Sussex. SCHMIECHEN, Hermann. ..Painter. 24, Harrington Road, South Kensington. 1884. 279 H.R.H. the Princess Frederica of Hanover. Exhibited by Command of H.M. the Queen. 1888. 97 The Countess of Cottenham. 7, Cromwell Place. 1890. 459 General Sir Archibald Little, G.C.B. 497 — Wilks, Esq. 1892. 541 Mrs. Bloomfield Moore. 1893. 381 Lady Margaret Sackville. 1895. 352 Lady Herschell. , Guido Painter. E. Schmid, 8, Harley Street. Lady Francis Reddel. C. Schmid, 17, Bentinck Street. Portraits of two children. Dr. Tilt. Aix la Chapelle. H.R.H. the Prince of Prussia. G. Schmitt, Heidelberg. Madonna. My father's portrait. G. P. Schmitt, 9, Myddleton Square, E.C. Two for a penny, sir. G. Schmitt. Portrait group of Lady Evelyn, Lady Rachel, and the Hon. Alexander Campbell, child ren of the Earl of Cawdor. Gretchen, from Goethe's Faust. 291, Regent Street. Masters Francis and Seymour, sons of H. D. Erskine, Esq. Children of C. T. C. Grant, Esq. C. Schmidt, 34, Acacia Road. 187 1. 987 The last moments of Count Egmont. After Gallait. Enamel. SCHMITT 1846. 196 1851. 3763 1857- 3'5 1859. 340 501 1862. 552 1863. 583 985 1868. 325 1870. 889 1873- 1874. 1879. 1884. 1 87 1. 989 Titian's Flora. After Titian. Enamel. ( G. Schmidt in the index. ) G. Schmitt, 291, Regent Street. 1872. 1 137 The fruiterer's daughter at Christmas time. .S. Schmidt, 144, Albany Street. 1362 The execution of Lord Straf ford. After Delaroche. Enamel. {S. Schmitt in the index.) [212 The Countess of Ilchester. Guido Schmitt, 291, Regent Street. 341 Roman Peasant Girl. [211 Miss Margaret Lonsdale. 62 Madame Ida Carl Haag. {The spelling of the name and the initials are so hopelessly mixed in the catalogues that it is impossible to say whether the exhibits are by one or two men.) SCHNEBBELIE, Jacob C... .Painter. 25, Park Street. 1786. 475 The north east view of St. Augustin's Gate and Cathe dral Church, Canterbury. 1788. 583 View of the great door of the west front of Rochester Cathedral. 7, Poland Street. 1790. 577 View of the inside of Magdalen Chapel, near Winchester, looking towards the West. 588 View of the inside of Magdalen Chapel, near Winchester, looking towards the east. 1 79 1. 422 Kilgarron Castle, Pembroke shire. 585 View of the entrance into Castle Rising, Norfolk. 588 View of Beauchamp Chapel, Salisbury Cathedral. SCHNEBBELIE, Robert Bremmel. Painter. 16, Stafford Place, Pimlico. 1803. 393 Leegen Chapel, Kent. 464 Cowhng Castle, Kent. 1804. 340 A landscape. 39, Berwick Street. 1805. 543 Gateway leading to Tintern Abbey, Monmouthshire. 544 Glastonbury Abbey, Somerset shire. 808 Interior of Westminster Hall. 75, Berwick Street. 1808. 638 View of Cowhng Castle, Kent. THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS 51 125, Fenchurch Street. 1820. 891 View of BlackweU HaU. 25, Berwick Street. 182 1. 502 View from the Elephant and Castle. SCHNITZPAHN, C Sculptor. 4, Belgrave Terrace, Pimlico. 1857. 663 A medallion. 664 do. 665 do. SCHOEFFT, A Painter. 18, Hanover Square. 1859. 336 Mr. Cordy Burrows, Mayor of Brighton. Constantinople. i860. 338 Theturningof the Grand Canal at Venice, with the Balbi Palace. SCHOFIELD, J Architect. 20, Jewin Street, Cripplegate. 1802. 992 Design for a mausoleum for the interment of warlike heroes. SCHOFIELD, Miss J Painter. Hambly House, Streatham. 1833. 277 Children fishing. SCHOFIELD, John William. Painter. Manor Heath Road, Halifax. 1889. 1547 Pallanza from the lake. 1559 Study of Cottages, Interlaken. Romany Rye, Combe Martin. 1893. 1183 Bray Vicarage. 1894. 64 Hangman, North Devon Coast. 618 Cliffs and mist. 1895. 779 Thistledown. 1896. 102 Spring Vapours, North Devon. 528 Vanishing light, a North Devon pastoral. 1897. 49 Mrs. Howard Cunnick. 1077 Sundown, a North Devon pas toral. 1898. 988 David Graham, Esq. 9, Pembroke Studios, W. 1903. 416 The VaUey ofthe Roia on the Riviera. 1044 Bordighera from the Capo. 2, Alma Studios, Stratford Road, W. 1904. 349 Olive. SCHOFIELD, Kershaw Painter. Gate House, Clayton, Bradford. 1900. 688 February. 1902. Stour Cottage, Thornton, Bradford. 521 Green and gold. 634 Washing day. SCHOLANDER, F. W Painter. S3, Prince's Square. 1868. 849 The Courtyard of San Gregorio in Venice, and the Cupola of Santa Maria della Salute. SCHOLDERER, Otto Painter. 8, Clarendon Road, Putney. 1875. 371 Heron and ducks ; still life. 864 Portrait of Mrs. S. 1876. 516 Portrait. 1342 Miss Chermside. 121, Sloane Street. 1877. 25 Dr. George Bird. 362 Oswald Sickert, Esq. 487 Mrs. Tom Plews. 1878. 219 Young girl in a fancy costume. 503 W. H. Pole Carew, Esq. 954 Wondering. 1879. 200 Portrait of a lady. 279 Portrait of Mrs. S. 8, Clarendon Road, Putney. 1880. 410 Preparing for a fancy ball. 521 A man with game. 1 88 1. 8 Peasant girl. 257 Homeward. Hildesheim, Keswick Road, Putney. 1882. 10 Jessica. 284 " And beauty born of murmur ing sound shall pass into her face." 415 " Fine Yarmouth ! " 1883. 592 The last chord. Bolton Studios, Redcliffe Road. 1884. 375 Master of his horse. 812 Hermann Magnus, Esq. 1885. 786 Miss Fanny Kingdon. 1254 An odd volume. 1399 Robert CoUmann, Esq. 1886. 1 1 69 W. H. Pole-Carew, Esq. 1239 Alfred Morrison, Esq. 1887. 56 A fishmonger. 1253 Portrait of a boy; pastel. 1888. 48 StiU life. 550 Man with peacocks. 6, Bedford Gardens. 1889. 191 Madame Haas. 574 Mrs. Alexander Huth. 1891. io3o->103 1 Istill-life. 1032J 1892. 363 At the fishmonger's. 710 Apples. 52 THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS Scholderer, Otto — continued. 1892. 875 Pears. 1893. 229 Game. 6, Bedford Gardens. 1894. 604 Melon. 1895. 89 T. GeUibrand, Esq. 108 Miss Martin. 7, St. PauPs Studios, West Kensington. 1896. 875 The little flower-seUer. SCHONBERG, John Painter. 77, Loughboro' Park, Brixton. 1895. 1330 Japanese troops in snowstorm. 1336 Ping- Yang. SCHOONJANS, Adolphe. Sculptor. 3a, Phoenix Yard, Cavendish Square. 187 1. 1 192 Bust of a child. 3, Park Cottages, Adelaide Road. 1872. 1437 Bust of a lady. 1873. 1449 do. 1874. 1570 Comtesse Ldon. 1579 Comte Leon. 1876. 1493 Miss Grant. 9, Haverstock Hill 1877. 1 518 Captain Alcock; marble. 1878. 1504 Bust of T. S., Esq. 1879. 1490 Madame Schyler; bust, marble. 1882. 1554 NeapoHtan fisherman's child ren— " There 's father ! " 12, Park Village, Albany Street. 1884. 1694 Rescued from the deep. SCHOTS, Charles Louis ... Sculptor. L. Schots, 1 2, Stanley Place, Pimlico. 1872. 1549 Bust of a young girl. 1873. 1433 Napoleon III, late Emperor of the French. 178, Buckingham Palace Road. 1876. 1356 Miss E. Normand; medaUion. 1877. 1523 The darling's sleep. 1879. 1586 Portrait of a child. The Laurels, Belmont, Twickenham. 1891. 2052 Bust of a girl; terra-cotta. SCHOTT, Cecil Painter. Little Holland House. 1887. 866 The four -and- twenty elders; study for picture. SCHRADER, Julius Painter. Berlin. 1849. 540 Two Italian women, seated with their children in a vine yard at the foot of the Al banian mountains, Ostea. 1880. 220 Portrait of the German Chan cellor, Prince Bismarck. SCHRODER, Miss Enid. Miniature Painter. 51, Queen's Crescent, Haverstock Hill. 1904. 1 181 Rita, the organ girl. SCHRODER, H Painter. 35, George Street, Portman Square. 1793- n Portrait of a young gentleman. {Master Clemens.) 130 Portrait of a lady. {Mrs. Crouch) 136 Portraitof a lady. (J/w^«/z.) SCHRODER, Hubert. Painter and Etcher. 36, Rostrevor Road, Fulham. 1894. 1398 A Sussex Farm. 1 51 1 Near Beeding, Sussex. 15, Kempsford Garden, Earl's Court. 1895. 1283 Poole Harbour. After W. G. Schroder. Normanhurst, Poole Road, Bournemouth. 1898. 1592 Walberswick. Rose Cottage, Alumhurst, Bournemouth. 1899. 1463 Wareham Bridge. 15, West Park Gardens, Kew. 1903. 1336 Christchurch Priory. 10, Station Approach, Kew Gardens. 1904. 1411 Simnel Street, Southampton. 1413 The valley of the Itchin. SCHRODER, Walter G Painter. School of Arts, Chester. 1890. 681 At break of day. 1893. 150 A September morning. 1896. 152 By the wayside. 1897. 135 The sentinels of the night. 32, Eaton Road, Chester. 1904. 1088 East Cliff, Whitby — in the evening twiHght. SCHROESTER, Adeline Painter. 1877. 1053 Roses. THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS 53 SCHROWDER, B. ... Wax Modeller. 27, Carnaby Market. 1 78 1. 279 Portrait in wax. 280 do. marble. 354 do. wax. 355 do. wax. SCHULTZ, Robert Weir... Architect. 48, Mornington Road, N. W. 1885. 1784 The Old Infirmary, Edinburgh. British School, Athens. 1890. 1896 The cathedral, Athens. 9, Hart Street, W.C. 1891. 1773 David; twelfth-century Byzan tine mosaic — Daphne, At hens. 1798 Zephaniah; twelfth - century Byzantine mosaic — Daphne, Athens. 1903 Archaic Ionic capitals — the Acropolis, Athens. 1892. 1798 The baptistry, Florence — Zo diac panel in pavement. 14, Gray's Inn Square. 1898. 1622 A London garden — St. John's Lodge, Regent's Park. 1900. 1691 Reconstruction of Wester Kames Tower, Isle of Bute. 1704 Inholmes, Hartley Wintney, Hants. 1904. 1528 Church of St. Michael and All Angels, Woolmer Green, Welwyn, Herts. 1622 House near Edenbridge, Kent. SCHUMACHER, Bernard... Painter. 8, Winchester Road, South Hampstead. 1897. i6i2 Mortlake Brewery. 1898. 1 574 " Falling into a still delight and luxury of contemplation." 1591 The workshop. SCHWANFELDER, Charles Henry. Painter. Leeds. 1809. 75 A setter dog. Albion Street, Leeds, and 33, Newman Street. 181 1. 4 Landscape; a study from na ture. Albion Street, Leeds, and 63, Margaret Street. 1814. 324 Malcolm, an Arabian, the pro perty of H.R.H. the Prince Regent. Albion Street, Leeds, and 33, Charles Street, Middlesex Hospital. 18 1 5. 407 Setters and pointer. Albion Street, Leeds, and 9, Percy Street. 1816. 877 The lake of Grassmere, Cum berland. (Animal Painter to H.R.H. the Prince Regent.) 2, Pall Mall Court, and Leeds, Yorkshire. 1817. 58 Portraits of a favourite mare and dogs, the property of R. Walker, Esq., of Grove Cottage, near Leeds. 385 A setter and dead pheasant. 1818. 362 Portrait of a dog's head, the property of the Rev. R. H. Chapman. J. Schwansfelder, Leeds. 1821. 780 Portrait of a sporting dog, the property of an officer. (Animal Painter to His Majesty.) C. H. Schwanfelder, Leeds. 1826. 853 Moor game shooting. 1835. 1037 Dogs; favourite pointer, etc. SCHWARTZE, Miss Theresa. Painter. 9, Haverstock Hill. 1885. 636 "Musa." SCHWEICKHARDT, Heinrich Wil- helm Painter. J. W. Schweickhardt, 13, Haymarket. 1786. 169 Winter scene in Holland. 195 Summer view in Holland. 4, Chapel Street, Mayfair. 1788. 2 Landscape and cattle. 604 An imitation of a basso-relievo. 1789. 73 Moonlight. 191 Landscape, cattle and figure. 229 Winter piece. 235 Landscape, cattle and figure. 244 Winter piece. 19, Mount Street, Grosvenor Square. 1790. 27 Landscape with sheep. 41 Ice piece with figures skaiting. 45 Snow piece; view near the Hague. 68 Landscape with horses. 187 do. cattle. 246 Wood scene with cattle. (Director of the Academy at the Hague.) 7, Arabella Road, Pimlico. 1 79 1. 9 Portrait of a young lady. 1792. 168 Haymaking. 229 Cattle. 523 A winter piece. 54 THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS Schweickhardt, Heinrich Wilhelm — continued. 1793. 668 A snow piece. 1794. 316 Cattle. 1796. 213 do. 275 Turf making; view in HoUand. 341 View in Holland in winter. SCHWITER, Baron L Painter. Chevalier L. Schwiter, 13, Rue Royal St. Honore, and 221, Regent Street. 1833. 123 Baron Heurteloup. 666 Portrait of a little French girl. Baron Schwiter. 1835. 253 Alfred Vidile, Esq. 1836. 214 Portrait of a lady. {See also De Schwiter, vol. ii, page 312.) SCIFONI, Anatole Painter. 14, Great Portland Street. 1879. 533 The Cottabo. SCIPTIUS, George. Enamel Painter. 2, Bentinck Street, Soho. 1778. 275 Portrait of a gentleman; in enamel. 276 A flower piece; in enamel. 277 Ditto, its companion. 1779. 293 A frame of enamels in imita tion of cameos. 294 Three miniatures; in enamel. 1780. 257 The sacrifice of Polyxena; enamel. 259 Portrait of a family; enamel. SCOBIE, A. J Sculptor. Esher. 1867. 1064 Mr. Edwin Scobie; medaUion. SCOLES, J. J Architect. 9, Francis St., Bedford Square. 1820. 959 Design for Entrance to Park. 960 Conservatory at Knowsley for the Earl of Derby. 1821. 958 Interior of church, AU Saints, Poplar. 1071 Exterior of church, All Saints, Poplar. Carlton Chambers. 1829. 988 Ruins of the Erectheum at Athens, sketched in oil on the spot in 1824. II, Argyle Place. 1838. 1173 Interior of St. Mary's Chapel, St. John's Wood. 1844. 1099 St. Mary's church. Prior Park, near Bath. 1847. 1220 Church of the Immaculate Conception, near Berkeley Square. 58, Pall Mall 1852. 1245 Interior of chapel of church in Farm Street, Berkeley Square. 1854. 1106 Ince Blundell HaU, Lancashire, for Thomas Weld Blundell, Esq. SCORE, William Painter. At Sir Joshua Reynolds's. 1781. 12 A deception. 1783. 95 Portrait of a gentleman. 1784. 159 do. do. {Mr. Pope) 12, Duke's Court, St. Martin's Lane. 1785. 187 Portrait. 1786. 43 Portrait of a gentleman. 37, Leicester Square. 1787. 31 Portrait of an author. {Rev. Mr. Hunt) 150 Portrait of a gentleman. {Rgh- bumpi, a chemist.) 24, Leicester Fields. 1788. 224 Portrait of a lady. 1789. 95 do. young gentleman. 107, Tichfield Street. 1790. 174 Portrait of an artist. 245 View of St. James's Park, with the entrance to Carlton House. 75, Margaret Street, Cavendish Square. 1791. 63 Portrait of a gentleman. 1792. 73 do. do. {Mr. Quick, comedian) 3, Chapel Street, Tottenham Court Road. 1794. 222 Portrait of a gentleman. SCORER, Frederick Painter. Kent Hatch, Edenbridge, Kent. 1895. '°53 Afterglow at Assouan. 1897. 1338 Theban Mountains. 1903. 852 In Luxor temple, Egypt. 974 Mosque tomb, Assouan, Egypt. SCORER, George O Architect. Abercorn Lodge, Upper Hamilton Terrace. 1894. 1712 A street front. 28, Newman Street. i8g6. 1696 Town house. 1898. 1773 A Country house. 1899. 1746 do. do. 1747 A hall interior. THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS 55 1902. 1433 Country house. 1525 Keeper's lodge and dairy. 1592 House at Brancaster, Norfolk. 22, Surrey Street, Strand. 1903. 1509 House, Isle of Wight. 1674 do. West End. 1904. 1637 Gunterstone Cottages, Sels- field. SCORGONI, T Crayon Painter. clo S. Tolfrey, 40a, Barclay Road, Walham Green. 1883. 1326 The friend of the family; pastels. SCOTNEY 1811. 624 668 1812. 556 1813. 457 532 1814. 405 1815.1816.1818. 1819.1820.1822. 1823. 1824. 1825. 662 566632 773789 734 870 712642 798 764 801641679 622 1826. 578 1827. 683 1829. 745 1830. 678 1831. 743 1832. 857 1833. 877 SCOTT, , Francis. Miniature Painter. 14, Oxford Street. Reflection. Portrait of himself. 51, Dorset Street, Manchester Square. Portrait of a lady. do. an artist. Mrs. Wallis. 38, Dean Street, Soho. Mr. Parry the composer. 45, Great Russell Street. F. Thornhill, Esq. Portrait of a lady. do. do. do. do. Mr. J. G. Taylor. Portrait of a gentleman. do. do. Portrait of a lady. Mrs. E. G. Wright. Mrs. Scotney. J. Stracy, Esq. Portrait of a gentleman. J. Brown, Esq. Portrait of a gentleman. Lear; enamel. After Sir Joshua Reynolds. Edward Wilson, Esq. Portrait of a lady. A portrait. Thomas WiUiams, Esq. Portrait of a gentleman. Portrait of a lady. Posthumous portrait of Fred erick Thornhill, Esq. Painter. (An Honorary Exhibitor.) 1786. 474 View of Dover from the sea. 587 do. Boulogne-sur-mer. {Samuel Scott died in 1772. / cannot find another sea-piece painter named Scott at this date.) SCOTT, A Miniature Painter. 29, Mortimer Street, Cavendish Square. 1807. 834 Portrait of a gentleman. 1808. 807 do. child. SCOTT, Miss Ada Painter. 4, High Street, Ventnor. 1900. 487 The old Hospital, Rye. SCOTT, Alexander Engraver. 97, Paul's Road, Kennington Park. 1870. 857 W. Seppings, Esq., of Lynn, Norfolk. After S. Pearce. 1872. 1266 Admiral Sir James Clarke Ross, F.R.S. After S. Pearce. 1873. 1302 Erasmus Wilson, Esq., F.R.S. After S. Pearce. SCOTT, Miss Alice M... Painter, etc. 16, Church Row. 1880. 823 Mrs. G. Gilbert Scott. 1 88 1. 743 Enid. "And seeing her so sweet and serviceable, etc." — Tennyson. 1882. 1020 "The youth no other listener needs." 1883. 905 "Peona went Home thro' the gloomy wood in wonder ment." — Keats. 1586 The first thorn. "Love's path with roses strewn and thorns." 1889. 1465 Der Tod und das Madchen. 2136 The Spirit of Night. {Sculp ture.) " Wrap thy form in a mantle grey." — Shelley. SCOTT, Mrs. Alma Painter. 5, Guildford Place, W.C. 1888. 787 Roses. SCOTT, Miss Amy Painter. 14, Beaumont Street, Portland Place. 1883. 1 108 A Christmas present. 70, Brompton Road. 1885. 1 193 In the Blues. 14, Preston Street, Brighton. 1900. 1 3 10 Jack and Jill. SCOTT, B. F Miniature Painter. 1 8, Broad Court, Long Acre. 1792. 253 Portrait of a young lady. SCOTT, B. F Painter. 1849. 451 A Welsh valley. 56 THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS SCOTT, Charles James Painter. 7, Warwick Street, Golden Square. 1820. loi Cottage at Betchworth. 1825. 16 View of Lausanne. SCOTT, C. M. Oldrid Architect. Ridgeway House, Oxted, Surrey. 1903. 1526 New Rectory, Oxted, Surrey. SCOTT, David, R.S.A Painter. 5, Mary Place, Edinburgh. 1840. 510 Queen Elizabeth viewing the performance of the " Merry Wives of Windsor" in the Globe Theatre. "The tra dition recorded by Rowe, that Queen Elizabeth com manded Shakespeare to show Falstaff in love, furnishes the historical foundation for the picture. The first rude build ing of the Globe, the public theatre, exclusively belong ing to Shakespeare's com pany, is supposed to be re presented. Those of the characters which belong to history are introduced with out strict adherence to their relative ages. In the royal box, in attendance on the Queen, are the Earl of Lei cester, in armour, the Earl of Essex, and Walsingham. Towards the foreground is Sir Walter Raleigh, in a light red dress, between whom and Shakespeare, who stands upon the landing-place at the end of the seats, are Spenser, his hands on his breast, the Earl of South ampton, Fletcher, and Beau mont. To the other side of Shakespeare are Ben Jonson, in a black doublet, Thomas Sackville, Earl of Dorset, and Dr. Dee, who addresses a youth. The group behind the figure of Shakespeare re presents Cecil, Lord Bur leigh, Mildred, his wife, and a son and daughter. In the line of seats before these, but farther from the spectator, stands Sir PhUip Sidney, and higher, towards the left, Francis Bacon and Drake, 1845. Massinger, Harrington, etc are meant to be represented by other figures." Easter Dairy House, Edinburgh. 38 Pan awakened. SCOTT, Edmund Painter. 3 1, Old Bond Street. 1796. 421 Her Royal Highness the Prin cess of Wales. SCOTT, Miss Emily. Miniature Painter. Miss Scott. 1836. 869 Portrait of a lady. 22, Cannon Place, Brighton, and 14, Maddox Street. 1840. 526 Miss Close. 647 Miss Upton, in the dress of Beatrice di Ferrara, worn as Maid of Honour to the Queen of Beauty at the late Tournament held at Eglin- ton Castle, 1839. 671 Mrs. King and daughter. 1 84 1. 667 Sketch of a chUd. 688 Children of Colonel Grey. 1842. 603 Miss Burdett Coutts. 868 The Hon. Edward Brownlow. 1843. '°^^ Children of Lieut.-Colonel Brownlow Knox, Scots Fusi lier Guards. 1844. 654 ChUdren of W. Wood, Esq. 1845. 7'4 ChUdren of the Hon. Mrs. Anderson. Miss Emily Scott, 22, Cannon Place, Brighton, and 14, Maddox Street. 1848. 1028 Portrait of a chUd. 1852. 940 Children of Hemming Baird, Esq. 1855. 1000 Mr. La Touch^. SCOTT, Miss Emily Anne (after wards Mrs. Seymour). Miniature Painter. Sussex Cottage, Park Village, East. 1844. 715 Henry Beresford, Esq. 828 William Scott, Esq. 1845. 706 Portrait of a lady. 725 do. gentleman. 897 do. lady. 1847. 773 do. little girl. 788 Sweet reminiscences. 1848. 721 Madame Szepanoski. 762 Portrait of a lady. 766 Lady Constance Leveson- Gower. THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS 57 1848. 1061 Children of Sir WiUiam and Lady Medleycott. 1849. 673 Mrs. Mowatt, the American authoress and actress. 733 Mr. Davenport, the American actor. 792 Charles Manby, Esq. 1850. 732 Mrs. William Scott. 839 Portraits of J.S. Richards, Esq., R.N., in his 90th year, and two ladies. 1851. 1024 Three portraits. 1853. 719 Portrait of a lady. 1 2, Norfolk Street, Manchester. 1855. 934 Miss Seymour. SCOTT, E. E Architect. 46a!, Regency Square, Brighton. 1869. 992 Mortuary chapel, Portslade, Sussex. 1870. 751 Library and Museum for Sus sex County Hospital. SCOTT (E. E.) and HYDE. Architects. 46a, Regency Square, Brighton. 1875. 1015 Interior, St. James's church, Brighton. 1876. 1018 The Chauncey Hare Towns- hend Schools, Westminster. SCOTT, F Miniature Painter. 41, Rathbone Place. 1822. 707 J. Tilley, Esq. SCOTT, Miss Fanny C Painter. Miss F. Scott. 1869. 606 Waiting for a shot. SCOTT, F. J Miniature Painter. 310, High Street, Chatham. 1849. 893 Portrait of himself. SCOTT, G Architect. FurnivaFs Inn. 1802. 922 House at Demerary, for R. Fer- rier, Esq. 1832. ic68 Louth church, Lincolnshire. SCOTT, Sir George Gilbert, R.A. Architect. 20, Spring Gardens. 1847. 1244 Church of St. Nicholas, Ham burgh. 1247 Church of St. Nicholas, Ham burgh; interior. VII. 1848. 1192 Cathedral Church of St. John, Newfoundland. 1850. 1210 A Restoration of Chapter House of Westminster Ab bey. 185 1. 264 Interior of St. John's Church, Holbeck, Leeds. 268 Parish church of West Derby, Liverpool. 313 do. do. 1852. 1 1 74 Abbey Gateway in Broad Sanctuary, Westminster. 1853. 1 1 10 Reredos for Ely Cathedral. 1854. 1192 St. George's Church, Doncaster. 1855. 1189 St. George's Church, Doncaster; interior. 1235 Hotel de VUle, at Hamburgh. (Elected A.R.A.) 1856. 1094 Exeter College, etc., Oxford. 1 1 07 Church, Haley Hill, Hahfax. 1857. 1067 Town HaU, HaUfax; interior. 1073 Town Hall, Halifax. nil Monumentiin Melbourne Ceme tery to the late Sir Charles Hotham, K.C.B., first Cap tain-General and Governor of Victoria. (Elected R.A.) '^j Views illustrative of Gothic ''°° \ designs for the Government ^° offices. 702J 877 East window and reredos for St. George's Chapel, Wind sor to H.R.H. Prince Con sort. 883 Market at Preston, Lancashire. 914 Leeds General Infirmary. 776 Hall of Science for Prince Consort's Memorial. 779 do. do. 780 do. do. 781 do. do. 786 New Foreign and India offices. Diploma work. 1866. 780 Midland Railway Terminus and Hotel, St. Pancras. 1869. 977 University of Glasgow, Gilmore HiU. 982 St. Mary Abbots church, Ken sington. (Knighted. 1873. 1 1 19 Cathedral of St. Mary, Edin burgh. II 56 do. do. 1875. 926 German Parliament House, etc. 946 do. do. 954 do. do. 965 do. do. 1004 do. do. 1861. 1862. 1863.1864. 58 THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS Scott, Sir George Gilbert, R.A.— con tinued. 1875. 1044 Attempted restoration. North transept, Westminster Abbey. 1876. 1049 Church at MUton, near Stour- port, Worcestershire. 1060 do. do. interior. 1877. 1081 Tewkesbury Abbey, etc. (The late.) 1878. 1062 Rathhaus, Hamburg. 1067 do. do. SCOTT (G. G.) and MOFFATT (W. B.) Architects. 20, Spring Gardens. 1842. 1018 Infant Orphan Asylum, Wan- stead. 1052 do. do. SCOTT, George Gilbert, M.A., F.S.A. Architect. 24, Essex Street. 187 1. 940 New Corn Exchange, London. 31, Spring Gardens. 1872. 1244 Worcester School Board BuUd- ings. 7, Duke Street, Portland Place. 1873. 1 142 Reredos for Boston church, Lincolnshire. 1874. I no Church in Warwickshire. 31, Spring Gardens. 1875. 938 Design for a memorial chapel. 956 Hampstead parish church. 7, Duke Street. 1877. 1090 Divinity Schools, Cambridge. 1098 do. do. 31, Spring Gardens. 1879. noo Oratory, Brompton; interior. 1 1 22 do. do. longitudinal. 1 178 St. James's church, Maryle bone. 1883. II 37 Church of St. John the Bap tist, Norwich. 26, Church Row, Hampstead. 1884. 1340 Roman Catholic church of St. John Baptist, Norwich; in terior. SCOTT, H. Y. D Architect. Arts and Sciences, Exhibition Road, South Kensington. 1867. 905 Hall of Arts and Sciences, etc. SCOTT, J Painter. 19, Elliot's Row, St. George's Fields. 1790. 288 Flower piece. SCOTT, J Painter. 70, Newman Street. 1863. 235 Spring flowers. SCOTT, James ... Miniature Painter. 5, Carburton Street. 182 1. 449 B. Jutsham, Esq. 41, Rathbone Place. 1823. 545 Portrait of a gentleman. 669 W. Cross, Esq. 922 Portraits of a gentleman and his favourite spaniels. 10, Charles Street, Soho. 1824. 722 Sir G. Biggin and his favourite spaniel. 78, Newman Street. 1827. 642 Miss Varley. 997 Battle, from A. Cooper, R.A. 1828. 887 Portrait of a lady. 928 do. gentleman. 929 do. lady. 89, Great Portland Street. 1831. 713 Portrait of a lady. 1832. 887 do. do. 1836. 686 do. do. 38, High Street, Marylebone . 1838. 909 Portrait of a lady. 1 014 do. gentleman. 1843. 675 Miss Burt. 62, Charing Cross. 1844. 793 Portrait of a lady. 1 122 West of London and West minster Cemetery, Old Brompton. SCOTT, James Engraver. 12, Cornwall Terrace, Holloway. 1858. 1133 Dr. Rae, F.R.G.S., the Arctic explorer. After S. Pearce. 1859. 1214 Major-General Sabine, R.A., V.P.R.S. After Stephen Pearce. 1861. 926 Sir G. O. Wombwell, Bart. After L. Dickenson. 928 Lord Crewe. After F. Grant, R.A. 1863. 973 The Countess of Portsmouth. After F. Grant, R.A. 1864. 832 Field-Marshal Lord Seaton, G.C.B. After W. Fisher. 1865. 857 "Train up a child in the way it should go." After T. Faed, R.A. Weston Villas, Middle Lane, Hornsey. 1881. 1178 Henry, the fourth Marquis of Anglesey. After Dickinson. THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS 59 1885. 1720 The late John Landseer, A.R.A. After Sir E. Land seer, R.A. 1887. 1560 The late Earl of Chichester. After Frank HoU, R.A. 1888. 1694 Viscount Hampden. After F. HoU, R.A. 1889. 1 8 14 The Dean of Carlisle. After W. W. Ouless, R.A. SCOTT, Miss J. E Painter. Ravenscroft, Hammersmith. 1863. 995 Study of a head. 1865. 708 do. do. 1866. 698 ChUd of R. W. Mylne, Esq. 706 do. do. 1867. 723 Study of a head. SCOTT, James R Painter. 22, Dundas Street, Edinburgh. 1854. 1323 Border tower — evening. SCOTT, James V Painter. 15, Dublin St., Edinburgh. 1877. 790 Near Corrie, Arran. 1884. 1184 Moorland — DalmaUy. 13, Duke Street, Edinburgh. 1888. 1099 Near Brodrick, Arran. SCOTT, Miss Janet Mary. Miniature Painter. 1 2, Homefield Road, Wimbledon. 1896. 479 "Good-bye!" 969 Gwen. 1898. 1409 Eric, son of Kenneth McKean, Esq. 1 410 Olive and Nina, daughters of W. F. de Wend Fenton, Esq. 141 1 Mrs. Dickson. 8, Cathcart Studios, Redcliffe Road. 1903. 1306 Sylvia. SCOTT, John, R.I Painter. 4, Argyle Terrace, Kensington. 1872. 1067 Coming from mass. 60, Park Road, Haverstock Hill. 1877. 385 In pensive thought. 1879. 1002 "He loves me, he loves me not." 1881. 518 "Forget me not." 1882. 270 The wUd swans. "Yes, take me with you, said Ella. Then they spent the whole night in weaving a net with pliant wUlows. . . . Ella laid herself down on the net, and when the sun rose, and her brothers again became wild swans . . . they flew up to the clouds with their dear sister. . . . One of the swans soared over her head, so that his broad wings might shade her." — Hans Ander sen. 1883. 421 The apostates. 1884. 1622 An incident from "The Marsh King's Daughter." "This evening, said the stork, I went among the rushes, and while I was there three swans came; one of them threw off her plumage, and I immediately recognized her as one of the princesses of our home in Egypt. There she sat without any covering but her long black hair. The two swans rose up with her plumage." — Hans Andersen. 1885. 1279 Hours of idleness. 1887. 490 A good Samaritan. 1891. 775 New laid eggs. 998 Her woodland pets. 1892. 375 Freyja's first task. "The old witch gave Freyja a sieve, and bade her fetch water in it. She thought it strange to fetch water in a sieve, but still she went, and when she came to the well the birds said, ' Daub in clay, put in straw. Daub in clay, put in straw.'" — Norse Tales. 1893. 1079 The falconer; a good day's sport. 5, The Mall, Park Road, Haverstock Hill. 1895. 301 The fairy godmother. " Oh how they flew and sorted themselves under the touch of her magic wand; and very soon the task was finished — • there the feathers lay in three large heaps and aU in order." 1897. 802 Sunshine. 1898. 870 The enchanted well. 1900. 51 Cinderella and her fairy god mother. 210 Freijja and the witch. "Then the old hag drew out three caskets, one red, one blue, and one green, and of these 6o THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS Scott, John, R.I. — continued. the lassie was to choose one for her service. Now she didn't know at all which to choose, but the little birds sang: ' Don't take the red, don't take the green. But take the blue, where may be seen. Three little crosses, all in a row; We saw the marks, and so we know.'" — Norse Tales. 1 90 1. 842 Sanctuary. 1904. 505 Peeling potatoes. SCOTT, John B Painter. 57, Osborne Place, Aberdeen. 1902. 1041 Inchkeith, from Kinghorn Bay, Firth of Forth. SCOTT, John Douglas Painter. Roslyne Cottage, Bridge-of-Erne. 1872. 282 KUchurn Castle, Argyleshire. 24, George Street, Edinburgh. 1880. 970 Plockton, from Rhumore Point, Ross-shire. 1881. 190 Ruins of an ancient chapel, Ross-shire. SCOTT, John H Architect. 39, Brunswick Road, Brighton. 1876. ion St. Bartholomew's Church, Brighton. 1878. 1041 St. Botolph's Church, Heene, West Worthing. 1885. 1356 Lake of Lucerne — early morn ing. SCOTT, John Oldrid, F.S.A. Architect. 31, Spring Gardens. 1869. 976 Manchester Town Hall (por tico). 978 Manchester Town HaU; central hall. 996 Manchester Town Hall; view towards Cooper Street. 1020 Manchester Town Hall; view towards Lloyd Street. 1021 Manchester Town Hall; prin cipal front. 187 1. 957 Church at Speldhurst, near Tunbridge Wells; interior. 1873. 1141 London School Board Offices. 1874. 1151 Examination schools. Uni versity of Oxford. 1874. 1875- 1876. 1877. 1878. 1879.1880. 1883. 1884.1885. 1886. 1887.1888. 1890.1891. 1893.1897. 1898.1900. 063 40 158 Greek church. Interior, Lon don. 947 St. Paul's Church, Manchester. 050 Examination Schools, Oxford; principal front. 061 ByzantineChurch, NottingHill. 084 Church at Slough; interior. 085 Examination Schools, Oxford; Quadrangle. 092 Examination Schools, Oxford; Waiting HaU. St. Paul's Church, Man chester. All Souls' Church, Langham Place. 167 Slough Parish Church. 064 Vestry Hall, Kensington. 065 do. do. com petitive. 066 Vestry Hall, Kensington. 112 St. Paul's Church, Manchester. 106 Boat-house for Oxford Univer sity Boat Club, etc., Oxford. 145 Holy Trinity Church, Burton- on-Trent. New Cathedral, Lahore. Holy Trinity Church, Burton- on-Trent. Lahore Cathedral. do. do. St. Augustine's Church, Croy don. Cathedral for the Falkland Is lands. 160 Iconostasis; the church of St. Sophia, Bayswater. 216 Organ for Hahfax parish church. 761 Reredos for Canterbury Cathe dral. 658 Church, with schools below, at West Ham. 5S7 Sunningdale Parish church. 645 Steeple of St. Michael's church, Coventry. 773 BeU tower of St. Michael's church, Coventry. 738 Organ case, St. John's College Chapel, Cambridge. 755 Tower of University Buildings, Glasgow. 821 St. Mary's, Stoke Newington. 505 Organ front, St. Mary Abbots, Kensington. 35, Spring Gardens. 848 New church, Harrogate. 889 Selby Abbey, etc. 719 Tower of St. Mark's church, Harrogate. 1834 Tower, St. Michael's, Bourne mouth. 172 n5 127 131 160 168 THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS 6i 1 90 1. 1686 Cocks and Biddulph's Bank, Spring Gardens. 2, Dean's Yard. 1903. 1494 St. John the Baptist's church, Norwich. 1644 Hereford Cathedral. 1904. 1634 St. John's church, Palmer's Green. SCOTT, Miss Katharine Painter. I, Manor Park Place, Streatham. 1879. 867 Scarlet primula. 1886. 1284 Primulas. 1887. 1295 Dead birds. 1890. 1360 Primulas. SCOTT, Laurence Painter. East Hayes, Cheltenham. 1883. 750 Near Farnah HaU, Derbyshire. 2, Fairfield Terrace, Dewsbury. 1888. noo The Kitchen Garden. 1889. 170 Upland. 429 A hero of the roads. East Hayes, Cheltenham. 1890. 256 Ishmael. 264 In the south. 1 89 1 . 201 " Far away in some region old." 708 A cold summer's day. 26, Seed ley Road, Pendleton, Manchester. 1893. 486 " De profundis." St. James's Villas, Cheltenham. 1897. 1038 "Heigho! the wind and the rain." 1898. 423 Ad vesperas. 728 Mois de Marie. 1005 Hydrangeas. SCOTT, M Painter. 56, Great Russell Street, Bloomsbury. 1792. 576 Captives before a captain of banditti. SCOTT, M Painter. II, Sussex Cottages, Park Village East. 1854. Ill James Smith, Esq. SCOTT, Mackay H. Baillie. Architect. The Red House, Douglas, Isle of Man. 1894. 1604 House at Douglas. 1898. 1731 do. do. 1738 Design for pianoforte. 1787 House at Bexley. 1798 Dining-room at the Palace, Darmstadt. 1899. 1617 House at Windermere. 1802 Drawing - room. Chaplain's House, St. Mary's Home, Wantage. 1823 "LeNid." 1828 Village HaU, Onchan, Isle of Man. 1900. 1756 House at Cobham. 1804 do. Windermere. 1863 Glen Falcon, Isle of Man. 1869 White House, Helensburgh. 1870 House at Crowborough. Fenlake Manor, Bedford. 1902. 1573 House in Germany. 1589 do. do. dining room. 1904. 1458 do. Russia. SCOTT (Baillie) and MORRIS (Seton) Architects. 30, Great James Street, Bedford Road. 1895. 1457 House at Peel, Isle of Man. 1585 Country house, the HaU. SCOTT, Miss Miniature Painter, 2, Lambeth Road. 1802. 745 Mr. Bunn. 227, Piccadilly. 1803. 765 Portrait of herself 858 do. a lady. 1804. 674 do. gentleman. 765 do. lady. SCOTT, Robert Bagge Painter. 1886, 909 Groothoofd's Port, Dordrecht. Bank Plain, Norwich. 1889. 901 A beurt schipper, South Hol land. 926 Abandoned. 1130 On Netherland's windy waters. 1890. 404 Their winter's rest. 1891. 831 The wind and the willows. 1895. 750 Loading Hay, Papendrecht. 1896. 703 Dordrecht. SCOTT, Samuel Painter. At Bath. 1 77 1. 179 A view ofthe Tower of London, supposed on his Majesty's birth-day. SCOTT, Septimus E Painter. 27, Margaretta Terrace, Chelsea. 1900. 707 A market garden. 4o,Juer Street, Battersea. 1901. 888 Diana surprised by Actseon. 1064 Early spring, Surrey. 1137 Whitby. 62 THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS Scott, Septimus E. — continued. 25, Finborough Road. 1902. 324 Dawn. 500 The highway. 576 The Coquet near the sea. 14a, Cheyne Row. 1903. 396 The brewer's dray. 446 The horse pond, Amberley. 1904. 808 The crest of the hiU. SCOTT, Thomas Painter. Leslie Cottage, Selkirk, N.B. 1902. 900 The trysting tree. SCOTT, Thomas D. Miniature Painter. 30, Gloucester Road, Peckham. 1889. 1630 Mr. Alexander Scott. 1890. 1496 Miss May King. 1497 Master Arthur H. M. Peat. 1498 Master Cuthbert Cartmell. 1499 Melvin Peat, Esq. 1892. 1567 Le Pbre Jacques. 1893. 1282 Portrait of a lady. 1894. 1225 Mrs. Alexander Scott. SCOTT, Thomas T Architect. 43, Lowther Street, Carlisle. 1904. 1456 Interior, Claremont, near Long- town. SCOTT, Walter Painter. Sussex Cottage, Park Village East. 1841. 329 WUUam Wallace Scott, Esq. 1842. 76 Mr. John Garle Brown. 106 Thomas Sydney Cooper, Esq. 1844. 458 Henry Squires, Esq. 1847. '^^^ Professor Holloway. 411 Madame Szezepanowska. 1848. 560 "In maiden meditation fancy free." 1850. 321 Dr. Chapman. 1851. 40 The scrap-book. 1248 The novel. 1853. 503 Isabel. SCOTT, William Painter.Brighton. 1810. 470 Cottage at Godalming. 475 Landale Pikes. 495 Study of rocks in Borrowdale. 509 Cottage near Shoreham. 1820. 280 View of Arundel Castle. I, Broadway, Westminster. 1823. 352 View on the Thames near Battersea — morning. 105, Fore Street, Cripplegate. 1828. 373 Lane scene near Bromley, Kent. Milton Street, Cripplegate. 1830. 723 Dartmouth Castle; entrance to the river Dart, Devon. 888 Cottage scene, Barnes Com mon, Surrey. 1832. 1018 Portrait of a child. 27, Hoxton Square, Old Street Road. 1833. 292 Cottage scene. SCOTT, William. Architect and Etcher. 3, Great Woodstock Street. 1876. 1012 Design for a London residence. 19, Southampton Street. 1879. 1144 Design for a Town Hall. 1880. 1323 The Casa deU' Orto, Venice — Sunset. 24, Soho Square. 1881. 1202 Claude's Villa, Rome — Sunset; etching. 8, Via San Baselio, Rome. 1882. 1337 " Sotto Portico," Venice. 1347 Venice. Caffe Florian, Venice. 1884. 1433 Interior of St. Mark's, Venice: etching. 24, Soho Square. 1890. 1920 The "Paul Pindar," Bishops- gate Street. Ca Palmerino, Bordighera, Italy. 1896. 1616 Casa del Vallone, Bordighera, Italy. 1897. 1620 Old gateway, Bordighera. SCOTT, William Bell, LL.D. Painter. 4, Brecknock Crescent. 1842. 1 218 Chaucer, with his friend and patron, John of Gaunt, and the two sisters, Catherine and Philippa, their wives. Government School of Design, Newcastle-on- Tyne. 1847. 1 1 84 King Arthur carried to the land of enchantment. "Somemen yet say, in many parts of England, that Arthur is not dead; but by the wUl of our Lord Jesu, carried into an other place, that he wUl come again, and win the holy cross. And men say there is written on the tomb, "Arthurus, Rex quondam. Rex futurus." — Romance of Arthur. THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS 63 1851. 681 The trial of Sir William Wallace in Westminster Hall, on the morning of his execution, St. Bartholomew's Eve, 130s- 1852. 477 The haunted house on AU- hallows-eve. i860. 474 Una and the lion. 1 86 1. 446 The Border widow. "Idigg'd a grave and laid him in. And happ'd him with the sod sae green." 33, Elgin Road, Netting Hill. 1869. 525 "And behold the vail of the temple was rent from the top to the bottom, and the earth did quake and the rocks rent." — Matt, xxvii. SCOTT, William G Architect. 2S, Bedford Row, W.C. 1896. 1785 London and Provincial Bank, Enfield. SCOTT, William Wallace. Miniature Painter. Sussex Cottage, Park Village East. 1841. 231 " Child of a sunny clime Far, far from her loved isles she idly sits Upon a foreign shore, spread ing in vain Her native shells, to catch a glimpse of home." 1842. 588 Portrait of an eminent artist. Mr. W. W. Scott, Sussex Cottage, Park Village East. 825 Portrait of a lady. W. W. Scott, 10, Great Russell Street. 769 Miss Emmeline Montague. 863 Miss Woolgar. II. 776 Miss Scott. 982 A portrait. 999 do. 1004 Mrs. Scott. 758 A portrait. 823 Portraits. 874 Mr. W. Taylor, Junr. 883 Miss Taylor. 34, Bloomsbury Street. 741 A portrait. 766 Dr. Sterror, M.D. 131, Regent Street. 851 A portrait. 875 Reading the "Times" at 85; a portrait. 1844.1845. 1846. 1847.1S48.1849.1850. Sussex Cottage. 1850. 878 1851. 948 995 1852. 909 I8.S.3- 835 896 995 1854. 769 784 1855- 1856. 1858.1859. 966 I08I1119 681 857 658681976 Mrs. Taylor. 9, Upper Fitzroy Street. Charles Cowden Clarke. Charles J. Lyon, Esq. 3, Gower Street. "The letter"; a portrait. Thomas Webster, Esq., R.A. Admiral Sir William Parker, Bart., G.C.B. Countess Gigliucci (Madame Clara Novello). Mrs. Bailey, of Wormingford, Essex. Julia Victoria, infant daughter of Samuel U. Barrett, Esq. Mrs. Goldie Walker, of Ashfield House, Suffolk. Miss Dolby, a family group. Mrs. Girdlestone. Henry Jones Whitworth, Esq. C. M. Calderon, Esq. "Will you have this pretty rose, dear Mamma? " Henry Leslie, Esq. 26, Bessborough Gardens. Major Barnard. Miss Anderson. SCOTT-SMITH, Miss Jessie. Miniature Painter. Fern Bank, Ryde Vale Road, Balham. 1278 Portrait of a lady. 1492 The letter. 1504 Ethel Jessie, daughter of J. McGroarty, Esq. 1507 Adeline, daughter of J. Toms, Esq. 1533 A portrait. 1337 Mrs. J. Lumsden Oatts. 1367 Miss LiHe MUls. 343 Little Miss Lester, daughter of H. E. Lester, Esq. 1497 Portrait. 1658 Dr. Radford. 536 Breezy June. I, Trafalgar Studio. 1478 Mrs. Kenneth Balfour. 1422 Mrs. J. R. and family. 1883.1884. 1885.1886.1887.1888. 1889.1890.1897. 1898. SCOULAR, James. Miniature Painter. Great Newport Street. 105 Portrait of a Turk; in miniature. 165 do. lady; in miniature. 166 do. gentleman; in miniature. 180 do. do. 236 A miniature. 237 Portrait of a lady, a drawing. 1769. 1770. 1771. 1772. 64 THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS Scoular, James — continued. 1773- 268 Diana; in miniature. 269 Portrait of a gentleman; in chalks. 270 do. do. 1775- 285 A sibyl, in miniature. 286 Portrait of a young lady; in crayons. 287 Portrait of a young gentleman; in crayons. 1776. 277 Portrait of a little boy. 47, Great Russell Street, Bloomsbury. 1780. 279 Portrait of a gentleman. 1781. 75 do. young gentleman. 89 do. lady; crayons. 128 do. gentleman. 1782. 45 Portrait of a young gentleman and dog; crayons. 194 Portrait of a gentleman; cray ons. 326 Portrait of a young lady. 1783. 217 do. gentleman. 218 do. do. 343 do. lady. 1784. 10 do. boy; crayons. 12 do. girl; crayons. 261 do. lady. 293 do. do. 1785- 303 do. lady; miniature. 336 do. gentleman. 1786. 281 do. lady. 436 do. gentleman. 1787. SCOUI 302 .AR do. lady. , William Sculptor. I8I8. !I9. 31, Norfolk Street, Middlesex Hospital. 1815. 892 Bust of Dr. Leach. 15, Clarendon Street. 181 7. 948 Mr. J. Littler. 956 Portrait of a gentleman. 1048 Bust of a gentleman. 1072 Satan's contemplation. "Now conscience wakes despair, etc." — Milton. I, Berners Street. 18 18. 982 Portrait of a gentleman. 1007 do. do. 1015 do. lady. 1042 Bust of a gentleman. 1052 The Choice of Paris. The model that obtained the gold medal in the Royal Academy, 18 17. " Three charming goddesses there came Juno and Pallas and the Cyprian dame, etc." — Ovid. 1821. 1092 Bust of a gentleman. 6, Queen Street, Brompton. 1 118 Portrait in wax of a gentleman. 1188 The Death of Virginia. "Ap- pius, being captivated by the extreme beauty of Virginia, publicly proclaimed her to be the slave of one of his ministers, but Virginius took his almost expiring daughter in his arms, and happening to be near the shops that surrounded the Forum, he snatched up a knife that lay on the shambles, etc." Bust of Mr. H. Sass. do. J. Britton, Esq., F.S.A. 47, Foley Street. Bust of the late Dr. Monro, Professor of Anatomy in the University of Edinburgh. Bust of the late Dr. Gregory, Professor of the practice of Medicine in the University of Edinburgh. Bust of the late Dr. Ruther ford, Professor of Botany in the University of Edin burgh. Bust of Mrs. Oakley. do. a gentleman. do. R. Stevenson, Esq., CivU Engineer, Edinburgh. Bust of B. Oakley, Esq. 5, Foley Street. 997 The Judgement of Brutus on his two sons. "The two sons of Brutus being charged as parties to a conspiracy against the commonwealth, they were publicly tried and found guilty, and were sen tenced by their own father to that expiation which the laws had appointed." ion Figure in marble of Her late Royal Highness the Princess Elizabeth, infant daughter of T.R.H. the Duke and Duchess of Clarence. 1077 Bust of a gentleman. 1090 Bust in marble of Sir Walter Scott, Bart. 1 106 Bust in marble of D. Bridges, Esq. 1 120 Bust of the Rev. H. Gray, Edinburgh. (Sculptor in Ordinary to H.R.H. the Duke of Clarence.) 1824. 992 Bust in marble of Colonel Sir 1217 1229 1099 1107 1129 1130 "35 1141 1151 1622. 1823. THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS 65 James Carmichael Smyth, Bart. 1824. 1032 A Groupe of Adam consoling Eve. " She ended weeping, and her lowly plight, etc." — Milton. 24, Carburton Street. 1825. 1050 Narcissus. " But whilst within the chrystal fount he tries To quench his heat, etc." 1056 Bust of Miss Paton, of the Theatre Royal, Covent Gar den. 1058 Bust of Mr. F. W. Smith. 1068 do. Mr. H. Weigal, 1826. 1035 Adam and Eve bewailing the death of Abel. 25, capstone Street. 1836. 1081 Bust of Mr. Chambers. 1082 do. a lady. 1084 do. do. 1096 Marble bust of a gentleman. 1263 Paris and Helen. Marble statue of Sir Walter Scott. Bust of W. Salter, Esq. do. the late Sir James Car michael Smyth, Bart, Gov ernor of British Guiana. Marble bust of Matthew An- ketel, Esq. 91, Dean Street. Head of a child; in marble. Bust of an artist. Statue in marble of James Watt, Engineer. 1170 Bust emblematic of Poetry. 1202 Figure in marble of an Italian girl playing on a guitar. Bust in marble of Psyche. The infant Moses. " And when she could hide him no longer, she took for him an ark of bulrushes, and put the child therein; and she laid it in the flags, by the river's brink." 1305 Bust in marble of Cupid. 1377 Bust of Dr. Hope. 1389 Figure in marble of an Italian shepherd boy. "And yet poor Checco was no vulgar boy, etc." — Beattie. 1494 Figure in marble of Patroclus slain. 128 1 Group in marble. Adam con soling Eve after the trans gression. " But Adam, with such council nothing swayed, etc." — Milton. VII. 1838. 1839. 1840. 1287 131 1319 1348 1156 1169 1841. 1293 1300 1842. 1843- 1844. 1844. 1372 Bust of H.R.H. Prince Albert. 1845. 1427 A figure in marble of David with the sword of Goliath. 1846. 1398 A group, in marble, of Adam and Eve lamenting over the dead body of Abel. SCRATTON, G Architect. 1842. 1 106 A Design for Camberwell Church. SCRIVEN, H Painter. 21, Barbican. 1845. 1 1 38 View near Croydon. 1849. 852 Near Hornsey Wood House. SCRIVEN, J. W Sculptor. 10, Napier Road, Kensington. 1890. 2007 Sir Algernon Borthwick, Bart., M.P.; reUef 1893. 18 1 3 Sir Algernon Borthwick, Bart., M.P.; medaUion, marble. SCRIVENOR, A Architect. 8, Bread Street Hill 182 1. 1072 South Front of the Royal Ex change, with the new tower. SCROPE, William Painter. (An Honorary Exhibitor.) 1 80 1. 477 A scene from the Robbers, Schiller. 1806. 273 The Castle of Dunstaffnage in Scotland — twilight. 1807. 300 A scene from the Lay of the Last Minstrel. 1808. 484 View of Dunstaffnage and of Inverary. 181 1. 447 View of Melrose Bridge and the Elwyn Glen, Roxburgh shire. 1832. 473 Highland scene. SCRYMGEOUR, J. M Painter. 63, Frith Street. 1832. 924 Major-General Stuart of Garth, C.B., F.R.S.E,. and F.S.L. 925 The Earl of AirUe. 1836. 883 Christ crowned with thorns. " And when they had platted a crown of thorns, etc." — Matthew, xxvii, 29. SCULLEY, Harry Painter. II, Nelson Place, Cork. 1896. 1170 A Sussex farmstead. 1900. 10 Ringing the Angelus, Roncon Church, Normandy. 1 90 1. 961 A washing place — Quimperld. K 66 THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS SCUOTTO, Nicola Sculptor. 38, St. Oswald's Road, West Brompton. 1903. 1705 Bacchante; bust, marble. SCURRY, J Sculptor. 1850. 1390 Portrait bust of J. E. D. Rod gers, Esq., Professor of Chemistry at the St. George's School of Medicine. 13, Wilmington Square. 1851. 1356 Bust in plaster of W. Scurry, Senr. 1387 MedaUion of G. H. McShail, Esq. 1852. 1384 Posthumous bust of the late WiUiam B. Essex, son of W. Essex, Esq., enamel painter to Her Majesty. 1428 A medaUion. 1461 Bust of Master George Rodger. 1474 Bust of Miss Louisa Pyne. 1492 A medaUion. SEABROOK, Miss S. S. Miniature Painter. Miss Seabrook, 78, Hatton Garden. 1824. 594 Portrait of herself. 595 Miss Beveridge. SEAFORTH, C. H Painter. 38, Frith Street, Soho. 1827. 374 A frigate hove-to: maintop sails sheet gone; hoisting main-stay sails. 1829. 628 Shipping — vessels of different rates performing various evo lutions. 61, Poland Street. 1831. 381 A three-decker and other vessels at Spithead — Portsmouth in the distance, a ground swell and weather tide. 1832. 31 H. C. S. "General Harris," Captain Joseph Stanton, passing the South Foreland, homeward bound, shorten ing sail and making her number. 571 A frigate and three-decker un der close-reefed main-top sails and fore sail — gale abating. 24, Percy Street. 1833. 74 The Columbine corvette, etc. 141 Fishing-boats, with a line of battle ship, etc. — evening. 384 A frigate entering Portsmouth Harbour. 1834. 386 Gibraltar, with vessels working into the Bay. 924 Gibraltar, from the N.E.^ — a gale of wind in the Medi- terreanean. 1835. 181 The American frigate bearing up and making all sail on discovering the Enghsh three- decker through the fog. — Vide Cooper's novel of the Pilot, vol. ni. 1836. 323 The English sloop of war dis masted in the squall during her engagement with the Red Rover. — Vide Cooper's Red Rover. 330 Portrait of the Hart, tender to the Admiral at Sheerness — ¦ foggy morning. 372 Sailing barge, collier, etc. — calm, at the entrance of the Medway. 373 An i8-gun sloop of war, on Captain Symond's construc tion, working into the Med way: the Nore light vessel, etc., in the distance. 389 A frigate of the class of the Vestal, Cleopatra, etc., under close-reefed main-top sails and foresail — evening after sunset. 439 H.M.S. Cleopatra, Captain the Hon. George Grey, on shore in the Baltic when convey ing the Countess of Durham to St. Petersburgh — even ing. 1837. 315 His Majesty's ships Vanguard and Royal Frederick off Co- breta Point, working into Gibraltar Bay — sunshine. 533 Quarter view of H.M.S. Van guard off" the Eddystone, under double-reefed topsails — evening. 1838. 234 Apart of the battle of Trafal gar. The principal group in the picture represents the Neptune, English 98 - gun ship, knocking away the main and mizen-masts of the Santissima Trinidada, Spanish four-decker of 136 guns, after having done the same to the Bucentaur of 84 guns, Vice-Admiral Ville- neuve, the French comman der-in-chief. On the Nep- THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS 67 tune's starboard bow are Nelson's ship the Victory, with the Redoubtable, Tem'e- raire, and Fougueux, and the French 8o-gun ship; Neptune, ahead of them, firing into the Victory and Tem^raire. The ships astern of the English Neptune are the Leviathan, 74; next to her the Conqueror, 74, is seen hauled to the wind, firing into the Bucentaur, whose foremast is in the act of faUing: beyond the Bu centaur the Britania, Ajax, Orion, etc., are seen coming down into action under all possible sail; whilst on the extreme right the French 74, Le Heros, the sternmost of the ten ships of the com bined van, is lowering her boats to get her head round, previously to making off with other ships, under Rear Ad miral Dumansire." ¦ — Vide James's Naval History. 1838. 331 The Great Western, the new steamship running between Bristol and New York. 1028 H.M.S. Pique making sail from her anchorage. 1093 Her Majesty the Queen {then Princess) Victoria and H.R.H. the Duchess of Kent on an excursion from Ply mouth to the Eddystone Lighthouse, on board the Forte frigate. Commodore Sir Watkin Owen Pell, and attended by the Dee steam- frigate. Captain Oliver, Au gust sth, 1833. 1839. 399 Entrance to Hamoaze from rocks at the west end of St. Nicholas Island — sunset. 1142 H.M.S. Vanguard, 80 guns, drying sails in Plymouth Sound — hazy morning. 1 840. I The raft. 83 Coast scene, Boulogne. 289 H.M.SS." Pique "and "Hast ings " at Spithead. Victoria Place, Merton. 1841. 31 H.M.S. Pique, in stays, and other vessels, with the south bank of the Tagus, opposite Lisbon, a shore boat in the foreground. 1842. 293 372 1072 II26 II35 1843. 283 486 1841. 241 H.M.S. Daphne, hove-to, off Belem Castle; the Ajuda, etc., with the city of Lisbon in the distance. A line-of-battle ship leaving Spithead. On the sands at Margate — evening. H.M.S. Vernon, 50 guns, etc., in Barnpool,Plymouth Sound — the Breakwater, Mews- tori, etc., in the distance. Men-of-war and other vessels — evening, calm. H.M.S. Vanguard, of 80 guns, shortening sail at sunset in a gale. H.M.S. Daphne, 18 guns, off the Berlings, coast of Portu gal — morning. H.M.S. Ganges, 84 guns, in stays, off Cabrita Point, the rock of Gibraltar in the dis tance — sunrise. 1 164 A Lisbon "bean-cod" and other vessels, with H.M.S. Donegal (flag) and Revenge, saluting, the south bank of the Tagus, with Almada, CasiUas Point, etc., in the distance. 8, India Row, Poplar. 1844. 451 Line-of-battle ship in a gale, shortening sail after sunset. 452 A yacht and three-decker at Spithead. 775 Thames sailing barges, barques, etc. 5, Manor Road, Holloway. 1845. 81 H.M.S. Daphne, under triple- reefed topsails, courses, jib and driver, off the Eddy stone — sunset. 472 Her Majesty's ship Canopus passing Belem Castle, Lis- loon, and saluting. Naples. 1852. 50 Naples lighthouse — Vesuvius, etc., in the distance. 76 A Mistico and French squad ron leaving Naples Bay — Capri in the distance. 1250 An Indiaman and other vessels in a gale. 1853. 328 A Sorrento passage boat, in the bay of Naples, taking pas sengers on board. 1 09 1 The French ships, " Le Sou- verain " and " L' Alger," at anchor off the CasteUo del 68 THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS Seaforth, C. H. — continued. Ovo, Naples, with Scagliari, or stone boats, etc. 1853. 1220 The Point of Chittamone, the CasteUo del Ovo, with Vesu vius in the distance, from Mergellina. SEAGER, Mrs. ... Miniature Painter. 14, Fludyer Street, Westminster. 1827. 737 Portrait of a young lady. SEAGRAVE, H. W Painter. 9, Charterhouse Street. 1819. 372 Portrait of a boy. 1827. 413 do. girl. SEALY, Allen Culpeper Painter. 1 6, Bolsover Street. 1875. 402 Rushy Point, Tresca, Scilly. 1876. 1339 Wild flowers. 1877. 165 Mapledurham — evening. 291 The Blackpool, Odiham, Hants. 1006 Mapledurham Lock. 1878. 18 Mapledurham — morning. 54 The fir-tree pond, Bramshill Park, Hants. 334 The skirts of a wood, with a storm coming on, Dogmers- field Park, Hants. 1408 The weird fir, BramshUl Park, Hants. 1879. 41 Tramps, Hazley Heath, Hants. 12, Melina Place, St. John's Wood. 1882. 85 Baggy point. North Devon. 615 Mill stream, Pont Aven. 629 Baggy Point, North Devon. 1883. 447 Grist from the mill. 1884. 2 Freshwater Bay, Pembroke. 865 "The ploughman homeward plods his weary way And leaves the world to darkness and to me." 1885. 917 "For all is rocks, at random thrown. Black waves, bare crags, and banks of stone." 1886. 270 Life on the ocean wave. 669 The return of the prodigal. SEALY, J Sculptor. J. Sealy, Junr., Artificial Stone Manufactory, Lambeth. 1810. 607 Portrait of a young lady. 900 Bust of Mr. Sealy. 181 1. 932 do. an artist. SEARCH, R. D Architect. 8, De Crespigny Street, Denmark Hill. 1875. '°48 -A. London garden. SEARE, S Painter. 2, Albion Place, Canonbury Square. 1852. II 18 A quiet spot. SEARES, Miss Frances Fripp. See Mrs. Charles Rossiter, vol. vi, pages 374. 375- SEARES, G. A ... Painter. (An Honorary Exhibitor.) G. Seares. 1808. 325 View of HuU. G. A. Seares. 1809. 280 Launceston Bridge. G. A. Seares, Winchester. 1 8 10. 423 Landscape. 456 View at Plymouth. SEARLE, Charles Gray ... Architect. 4, Bloomsbury Place. 1862. 874 Free English Church, Hackney. SEARLE (C. G.), SON and YELF. Architects. 4, Bloomsbury Place. 1865. 792 Royal Albert Orphan Asylum, Bagshot, Surrey. SEARLE, Miss E. E Painter. 40, Burney Street, Greenwich. 1897. 724 The Pulpit, St. Andre's, Ant werp. SEARLE, R Architect. 4, London Road, Southwark. 1798. 989 A perspective view of the inside of a room. SEARLE, W. H Architect. 255, Oxford Street. 1819. 1044 Design for a theatre. SEARS, L Painter. 1854. 701- SteephiU Cove, near Ventnor, Isle of Wight. SEASON, R Architect. 1806. 796 New bridge at Aberdeen, 130 feet span, built of granite. THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS 69 SEATON, John Thomas Painter. John Thomas Seton, St. Andrew's Street, New Town, Edinburgh. 1774. 275 Portrait of a lady. 1 i^ j£ j lengths. 276 277 do. do. do.do. SEAWELL, S Painter, 7, Spencer Terrace, Islington. 1847. 1056 Reigate Church, Surrey. 3, York Place, Barnsbury Park. 1851. 1252 Sketch of the Grindstone Oak, near Farnham. SEBASTIANI DE BROCILLA, T. Painter. 14, Berners Street. 1833. 372 Peasant girl of the neighbour hood of Florence, occupied in platting straw. SEBBERS, L. H, Painter. Leicester Cottage, Bayswater. 1849. 229 Mrs. Sebbers. 1094 The Villa d'Este, Tivoli. 4, Bishop's Road, Bayswater. 1850. 74 A. B. Wall, Esq. 1851. 1239 Children of the Rev. H. H. Swinny. 1853. 251 Mother and children of Capri, Naples. 1286 Shepherd in the Campagna of Rome. 1854. 499 The Ascension. 1348 The Assumption. SEDCOLE, Herbert Engraver. 25, St. John's Park, Holloway, 1889. 1801 A grand hart. After Sir Ed win Landseer, R.A. 1894. 1485 The Honeymoon. After Sir Edwin Landseer, R.A. Chillingly, Knebworth, Herts. 1899. 1591 Leaving the hills. After J. Farquharson. 1900. 1655 The monarch of the glen. After Sir Edwin Landseer, R.A. 1901. 1428 Blinding drift. After Joseph Farquharson, A.R.A. 1902. 1273 The close of day. After Joseph Farquharson, A.R.A. 1349 Welcome home. After Hey wood Hardy. 1355 Where winter holds her sway. After J. Farquharson, A.R.A. 1903. 1 341 A summer's evening. After T. Sidney Cooper, R.A. 1412 Down to the ferry. After Joseph Farquharson, A.R.A. 1904. 1306 Ploughing on the South Coast. After Lucy Kemp-Welch. SEDDING, Edmund H. ... Architect. 18, Charlotte Street. 1886. 1576 Entrance to a London Hall. 1887. 1688 do. Park. 1888. 1833 The Percy shrine, Beverley Minster. 7, Buckland Terrace, Plymouth. 1892. 1727 School, etc.. All Saints, Ply mouth. , John Dando ... Architect. 18, Charlotte Street. Church at Newmarket, in me mory of Lord John Manners. House at Bournemouth for Edmund Christy, Esq. St. Clement's Church, Bourne mouth. Vicarage, Summertown, Ox ford. Children's Hospital, Cardiff. Wheatcroft, Scarborough. Grange; design. Elizabethan house. Salcombe church, Devon. Reredos for St. Clement's, Bournemouth. Children's Hospital, Mark Street, Finsbury. Design for pastoral staves for the Bishoprics of Bath and Wells and St. David's. Grey's Lodge, Torquay. Church of St. Saviour's, Sun- bury-on-Thames. 447, Oxford Street. New church at Ely. do. do. do. do. Design for Connecticut Pas toral staff. St. Saviour's church. New church, Roche, Cornwall. Restoration of Great Screen, Winchester Cathedral. Church at Hayle. Church of the Redeemer, Clerkenwell. All Saints' Vicarage, Plymouth. Church of the Holy Trinity, Upper Chelsea. SEDDING 1875- 934 lOIO 1876. 1028 1877. 1127 1878.1879.1880. 1165 11601159 1 146 1881. 1155 1023 1882. 1163 1883. 1175 1884. 1215 1240 1885. 1753 1766 1767 1792 1811 1886. 1643 1653 1887. 1709 1640 1888. 1672 1758 JO THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS Sedding, John Dando — continued. 1888. 1768 Church of the Holy Trinity, Upper Chelsea, interior. 1837 AU Saints' church, Falmouth. 1889. 1815 Nave, church, Sloane Street. 1980 HaU, Netley Castle. 1890. 1777 St. Peter's, Eahng, interior. 1843 Industrial Schools, Knowle, Bristol. 1859 St. Peter's church, Ealing. 1936 Holy Trinity church, Chelsea. (The late.) 1891. 1758 Schools at Knowle, Bristol. 1769 St. Lucy's home, Gloucester. 1770 Almshouses, Beckenham, Kent. 1794 St. Mary's church, Stamford, chancel screen. 1887 Tower, church of Eahng. 1916 St. Clement's church, Bourne mouth, new tower. SEDDON, John Pollard ... Architect. 6, Whitehall. 1862. 914 Design for a paintad glass win dow. 12, Park Street West. 1865. 788 St. Nicholas church. Great Yarmouth. 1867. 880 DesignforLawCourts, London. 920 do. do. do. central hall. 1869. 1003 University College, Aberyst with. 1870. 778 Bradford Town HaU. 1871. 880 Victoria Terrace, Aberystwith. 927 \ Design for decorations of 928 \ Christ's College Chapel, 929 j Brecon. 964 Chancel, Grasmont church, Monmouthshire. 1872. 1 168 Windows for church at Fish ponds, near Bristol. 1205 University College, Aberyst with. 1873. 1123 St. James's church. Great Yar mouth. 1 140 Stall work in St. Nicholas, Great Yarmouth. 1205 Staircase at University College, Aberystwith. 1874. 1076 St. Peter's Orphanage, Isle of Thanet. 1 1 06 Interior of a chapel. I, Queen Ann^s Gate. 1877. 1148 Chancel, UUenhall church, Warwickshire. 1 1 56 Screen, Ingham church, Nor folk. 1166 Restoration, Lambeth Palace Chapel. 1878. 1051 Queen's College, Oxford, etc. 106 1 Screen, Llangwm church, Mon mouthshire. 1077 Queen's College, Oxford, win dow. 1886. 1567 Memorial church. Paisley. 23, Grosvenor Road, Westminster. 1892. 1758 Drawing of the Crucifixion at St. R^mi, Rheims. {See also Prichard and Seddon, vol. vi, page 204.) SEDDON (J. P.) and CARTER. Architects. I, Queen Anne's Gate, S. W. 1887. 1734 University College, Aberyst with. {By the firm in the index, but by J. P. Seddon in the cata logue.) Seddon and Carter, 70, St. Maty Street, Cardiff. 1890. 1919 St. Catherine's church, Melin- cryddan. 1891. 1752 Welsh church, Briton Ferry. 1764 Church of St. Mary, Chepstow. 1892. 1826 All Saints' church, Penarth, Glamorgan. SEDDON, Miss M Painter. 23, Grosvenor Road. 1896. 961 Rev. WUHam Poole. 103 1 Miss Katharine Seddon. SEDDON, Thomas B Painter. T Seddon, 7, Percy Street, Bedford Square. 1852. 339 Penelope. "Then during the day she wove the large web, which at night she un ravelled." — Odyssey. 1853. 439 A VaUey in Brittany. 1854. 1291 L6on, from Mont Parnasse, Brittany. T. B. Seddon, 67, New Bond Street. 1856. 9 An Arab sheikh, and tents in the Egyptian desert. Painted on the spot. 474 Dromedary and Arabs at the City of the Dead, Cairo, with the tomb of Sultan El Barkook in the background. 895 Interior of a Deewan, formerly belonging to Copt Patriarch, near the Esbekeeyah, Cairo. THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS 71 SEDGEFIELD, Miss Isabel M. Painter. Kent House, Hammersmith. 1 89 1. 557 Daffodils. SEDGER, George Architect. 6, Park Villas, Ravenscourt Park. 1886. 1557 School of Science and Art, Lincoln. 26, Great James Street, W.C. 1889. 1911 Technical School, Stockport. 54, Ravenscourt Gardens. 1892. 1663 Technical school, etc., Darwen. 1689 A Rotherhithe hostelry. 26, Great James Street, Bedford Row. 1904. 1540 Central Library, Hammersmith. SEDGWICK, Mrs. John. See Mrs. William Oliver, vol. vi, page 12. SEDGWICK, William Painter. 4, Buckingham Street, Strand. 1786. 489 Landscape. 494 do. At Mr. Phillips's, Piccadilly. 1787. 517 Landscape from nature. 519 do. do. SEEBOECK, Ferdinand ... Sculptor. 118, Via Margutta, Rome. 1894. 1756 Sappho; statue, marble. SEELEY, Miss Ellen. Enamel Painter. Richmond Hill. 1880. 1380 Pensfe; on porcelain. 1881. 1323 A bud of promise. 1883. 1322 Portraitof a boy; on porcelain. 1885. 1494 Queenie. 1887. 1380 Angela, daughter of W. Ash- ford, Esq. New Road, Littlehampton. 1888. 1509 LUian and Muriel, chUdren of the Rev. Henry Seeley. SEELEY, Miss E. L Painter. E. L. Seeley. 1873. 879 Pastime in the jungle. Miss E. L. Seeley, 59, Hilldrop Crescent. 1874. 674 Misgivings. 1875. 427 Nobody's dog. SEELEY, Josh Painter. Larkhill Rise, Clapham. 1815. 203 A View of Maids Moreton Church, Buckinghamshire. (An Honorary Exhibitor.) 1816. 279 South Mimms, Middlesex. SEELEY, R Painter. Leyland House, Kingston. 1876. 94 A young swallow. "The dew shall weep thy fall to-night." SEGUIER, John Painter. 5, Buckingham Street, Fitzroy Square. 181 1, no The remains of an ancient palace near London. 1812. 302 View of the Alpha cottages near Paddington. 1 8 13. 339 Kew bridge. 1814. 99 An inn yard at Woburn. 1815. 187 Landscape and cattle. 22, Cirencester Place. 1820. 40 View on the Thames; taken from a window in the Tem ple. 147 North-west view of the town residence of G. W. Taylor, Esq., in Cavendish Square. 289 Kew bridge. 741 South-west view of the town residence of G. W. Taylor, Esq., in Cavendish Square. 1821. 42 View on the Thames; taken from a window in the Mid dle Temple. 731 Stonehenge. 22, Drummond Street. 1822. 268 View of the Forest-hills, Leicestershire. SEGUIN, G Painter. Paris. 1831. 362 St. Sebastian. SELB, Orpheus Victor W.... Painter. Brook House, Bosham, near Chichester. 1898. 672 Old horses, Antwerp. SELBY, Edgar H Architect. 26, Craven Street. 1890. 1 8 10 Villa near Ashford. SELBY, Miss E. Margaret. Miniature Painter. 92, Brompton Road. 1903. 1284 The late Dr. Joseph Parker. 1904. 1 196 Mrs. Selby. 72 THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS SELBY, F Architect. 44, ChanccTy Lane. 1899. 1732 Design for a library. Port Elizabeth, South Africa; " Savage " Memorial HaU. SELL, Charles Painter. 104, Maida Vale. 1880. 1004 After a skirmish. SELLAR, Charles A Painter. 2, Hill Street, Edinburgh. 1888. 8 Portrait of the artist's mother. II, Charlotte Street, Perth. 1 90 1. 1211 Tent's Muir, Fife. SELLERS, James H Architect. 24, East Parade, Heworth, York. 1891. 1810 Study for a country house. 1892. 1825 A town church. 22, Lismore Street, Carlisle. 1896. 1772 A domed church. 1897. 1833 A country house. {See Douglas and Sellers, vol. ii, page 3S7-) SELLETT, J Painter. II, Great Barlow Street, Marylebone. 1797. 301 Pigeons. 316 Rabbits, wild duck, etc. SELLON, William Painter. Choseley House, Twyford. 1876. 910 Hard times. 18, Broughton Terrace, Banbury, Oxfordshire. 1877. 186 Strangers yet. SELLS, Miss Violet E Painter. Whitehall, Guildford. 1903. 548 Waiting. SELLS, V. P Painter. 56, Bankside, Southwark. 1851. 327 South transept, Rouen Cathe dral. 37, Trinity Square. 1852. 981 At Caen, Normandy. 1188 Croix de Pierre, Rouen. 1853. 1198 The abbey of St. Ouen, Rouen. 1854. 1099 Interior of a church at Dinan, Brittany. 1854. 1157 At Dinan, Brittany. 1855. 693 Druidical remains at Goray, Jersey. 1856. 1104 At Stair Hole, Lulworth. Parkville House, Forest Hill. 1857. 899 The Castle Rock, Vale of St. John, Cumberland. 1859. 1048 Evening on the coast. 6, Clifton Villas, Penge. 1861. 804 At Dinan, Brittany. 1865. 830 Interior of St. Michael's Church, Ghent. SELOUS, Henry Courtney (formerly Slous) Painter. Wentworth Place, Downshire Hill. 1838. 23 John Poyer Poyer, Esq. 51 G. W. Shepheard, Esq. 259 Mrs. Poyer. 305 G. F. Kiallmark, Esq. 1191 Portrait of a lady. 5, Camden Street. 1839. 970 Sea coast and figures — view near Holland. 1848. 219 Aberystwith Castle — sunrise, misty morning. 41, Gloucester Road, Regents Park. 1850. 291 Berry HUl, near Dorking. 475 View on the Rhine. 726 View near Dorking. 1190 The origin of music. "Sat all day. Playing on pipes of corn, and versing love to amorous Phillida." 1 85 1. 611 The secret execution. Jaques de Brdz6, Count de Mau- levrier. Grand Seneschal of Normandy, causes his wife " Charlotte of France," daughter of Charles VII, to be put to death in the dun geon of his castle, for in- fidehty, 6th May, 1474. 1853. 169 The rustle of the tapestry — scene in the Tower of London, Anno Domini, 1483. " Evil expecting not, yet vaguely fearing, shrinking at every sound, not knowing where fore." 1854. 427 French fishing boats off Tre- port in a calm. 1311 A scene at Holyrood, 9th March, anno Domini, 1566. " The Queen, being at sup per in Holyrood Palace, with the Countess of Argyle THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS 73 and Rizzio, was suddenly intruded upon by the con spirators, headed by her husband, Darnley, Ruthven, George Douglass, and others. Douglass, plucking Darnley's dagger from its sheath, plunged it into the body of Rizzio, who was then dragged into an ante chamber, and dispatched by fifty-six wounds; his cries of agony reaching the ears of Mary, over whom watched Darnley, stern and relent less. From that time Mary studied only to revenge." 1855. 245 View of the Great Matterhorn, Valley of Zermatt, Canton Valais. Taken from the foot of the Riffelhorn, at an eleva tion of 9,000 feet, in 1854. 294 The pet swan. 1184 The glorious charge of the Heavy Brigade, at Balaclava, October 15, 1854. " The charge of this brigade was one of the most successful I ever witnessed." — Lord Rag lan. 1856. 562 "Emil. O! who hath done this deed ? Des. Nobody: I myself. Fare well, commend me to my kind lord : O ! farewell. Othello. Why, how should she be murdered ? Emil. Alas! who knows? Othello. You heard her say herself it was not I." Othello, act v, scene 2. 1857. 581 Bruce in his adversity. "In those days, except clergymen, few people learned to read or write. But King Robert could do both; and we are told that he some times read aloud to his com panions, to amuse them when they were crossing the great Highland lakes, in such wretched leaky boats as they could find for that pur pose. Loch Lomond, in particular, is said to have been the scene of such a lecture."— .Sz> Walter Scott. 1858. 1095 What does the sea say? "The men must work, and women must weep." VII, 1869. 19 A scene from Hamlet. " And am I then avenged? To take him in the purging of his soul. When he is fit and seasoned for his passage? No! Up, sword, and know thou a more horrid hent." Act iii, scene 3. 1870. 169 Katharine and Petruchio's wed ding supper. " Pet. What 's this, mutton? etc." — Taming ofthe Shrew, act iv, scene i. 187 1. 1173 The betting ring, A.D. 68. " The arches of the Coli seum on the morning of a gladiatorial show in the reign of the Emperor Nero. A young barbarian slave is about to enter the arena to combat for the freedom of himself and his mother, the boon of emancipation being frequently accorded to a vic torious gladiator. The "lan- ista," trainer and master of the young gladiator, is ex patiating on the high muscu lar condition of his slave, who is eagerly scanned by the betting men of the period busily engaged in giving and taking the Odds on the con test. The armed female on the right illustrates the re markable fact of women be ing allowed during Nero's reign to contend in these revolting spectacles." 1874. 518 "lago. What, are you hurt, lieutenant? Cassie. Aye, past all surgery, etc." Othello, act ii, sc. 3. 28, Gloucester Road, N W. 1885. 153 At the fountain. {For earlier exhibits see Henry Courtney Slous.) SEMBACH, A........ Painter. 239, Kin^s Road, Chelsea. 1878. 717 On the Maas. SEMENOWSKY, Eisman ... Painter. 15, Trinity Road, Tulse Hill. 1900. 803 Spring time. 942 After the dance. 1901. 667 Jewels. 1902. 467 A harvest festival. L 74 THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS SENECHAL, A Painter. At Mr. Sharp's, Leigh Street. Red Lion Square. 1795. 20 Portrait of a gentleman. SENIOR, Mark Painter. Fieldhead House, Ossett, Yorkshire. 1892. 662 Eventide. 54, Prudential Buildings, Leeds. 1896. 117 Pastures by the sea. 1898. 289 Her frugal meal. 319 The wild rose. 410 E. Cauldwell, Spruce, Esq. 793 Firelight. 9, South Parade, Leeds. 1899. 263 Preparing bait. 621 Herr MiiUer. 1900. 243 Washing day. 387 Nightfall. 397 Homewards. 1 90 1. 401 Fishermen making gear. 849 The last flicker. 1902. 632 Painting floats. SENTIES, T Painter. 6, Great Russell Street. 1852. 791 Mrs. Chapman and daughter. 1033 Albert Smith, Esq. 1853. 162 Miss Chapman. 289 Antigone. 847 Miss M. A. Chapman. 1854. 332 Departure of the Guards from St. George's Barracks; a sketch. 1025 Portrait of a lady. 1054 J. Royal, Esq. 1065 The Duchess of Montrose. 1072 Lady Otway. 1855. 582 The return from the baU. ion Sir John Marcus Stewart. 1020 Mrs. L. and daughter. 1 2, Orchard Street. 1856. 883 Portrait of a lady. 1857. 1173 Evelyn, daughter of Lieut.- Colonel Foster. 1 180 Captain ChappeU, R.N. 1858. 1 147 R. Buckner, Esq. 1 1 50 Miss Ferguson, Superior ofthe Pension at St. Denis, St. Omer. {Bryan mentions a Pierre Asthasie Theo dore Seniles, born in Paris in 1801; this may be the above, although no mention is made of his having been in England.') SEPHTON, George Harcourt. Painter. Golden Green, Sevenoaks. 1885. 708 The village forge. " With a bang and a clang, etc." 76, Newman Street. 1886. 366 Ploughing with oxen — Sussex. 13, North Crescent, Bedford Square. 1892. 267 Hop picking in Kent. 1895. 421 A primrose. 52(5, Campden Street, Campden Hill. 1897. 267 Captain H.R.H. the Duke of York, K.G., R.N., Master of the Trinity House. Painted for the Elder Brethren. 1898. 34 "What's o'clock?" 190 Ducklings. 8, St. Paul's Studios, West Ketisington. 1901. 884 The brook. SERRES, Miss A. E Painter. (An Honorary Exhibitor.) 1789. 500 View from nature. 1791. 590 do. do. Miss A. C. Serres. 1800. 388 A study near Chester. SERRES, Dominic, R.A Painter. Dominick Serres, R.A., Warwick Street, Golden Square. 1769. 106 A view from the gun-wharf at Portsmouth. 107 The siege of Fort Royal at Martinique. 108 An English man of war chas ing a French chebeck into a neutral port. 109 A ship of the line and a frigate going upon a cruise in the Mediterranean, with a view of Gibraltar in the dis tance. no A view of a ruined abbey by moonlight. 1770. 167 The burning of the town of Baseterre in the island of Guadaloupe. 168 A view of the Cape of Good Hope, with a British squad ron returning from the East- Indies. 169 A View of Gibraltar. 170 An engagement by moonlight. i7> A sea port. THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS 75 1770. 172 1771. 181182 183184 185 1772. 239 240241 242 1773. 271 272 A 273 274 1774- 269 270 271 272 273 274 1775- 288 289290 A view of Hurst Castle in Hampshire. A fleet sailing out of the Downs, with the story of black ey'd Susan. The Royal George returning from the Bay. A sea engagement by moon light. A View on the river Exe, near Powderham Castle, in De vonshire. A ditto. A squadron of Dutch men of war in a fresh gale. A hard gale. A view on a river. The burning of the town of Grimras, the capital of Neu tral French. The taking Chandernagore by the Admirals Watson and Pococke, March, 1757. view of Gibraltar with a squadron of English men of war; in the foreground is an Algerine xebeck. The India ship, D. of Cum berland, being wrecked on the coast of Guinea; four teen of the men went to Gambia in the long boat ; and, having raised and decked her, arrived safe home in her. A View of Stonehenge. His Majesty saluted by the Fleet at his arrival on board the Barfleur at Spithead. A Squadron cruising. A View in the Menagerie at Castle Ashby, the seat of the Earl of Northampton. A homeward bound Indiaman sailing through the Downs. A view of Ealing, near South ampton. A Calm. The Plymouth Squadron com manded by Lord Edgcombe, Vice-Admiral of the White, sailing from Spithead to wards St. Helens, with His Majesty on board the Au gusta yacht. His Majesty's return to Spit head. A View of Fort St. George, Madrass, and the arrival of Admiral Cornish from the 1775. 291 292 1776. 278 A 279 1777. 320 321 322 323 1778. 278 279 280 1779. 295 296 297 298 ManUlas with a Spanish prize. His Majesty's ship Phoenix, Captain Harvey, taking four teen French ships at Argen- teira, Nov. 9, 1756. Captain Harvey in the Hamp ton Court, burning the Nymph, French frigate of 36 guns, on the coast of Majorca, June 21st, 1758. view of Brown Sea Island and Castle, near Pool, be longing to Humphry Sturt, Esq. The south-west view of the island of Lundy in the Bris tol channel, belonging to Sir John Borlace Warren, Bart. An attack by the Provincials, with fire-ships and gallies, upon his Majesty's ship Phoenix, Capt. Parker, and the Rose, Capt. Sir James Wallis, in the North River, New York; from a sketch by Sir James WaUis. The Thesde, a French 74-gun ship, sinking while engaging with the Torbay, commanded by the Hon. Capt. Keppell, in the memorable action of 20th Nov., 1759. A View of Portsmouth from Spithead. A sea port in the Mediter ranean. The entrance into Portsmouth Harbour. A View in the Downs. Ditto in the Sound at Ply mouth. His Majesty's ship the Phoenix, Capt. Parker; the Roebuck, Capt. Hammond; and the Tartar, Capt. Ommaney ; forcing their way through the chevaux de frize, the forts Washington and Lee, and several batteries up the North River, New York, October 9, 1776. The Royal George bringing a French 74-gun ship into St. Helens. A View in the Downs. A View in Plymouth Sound, with a fleet under sailing orders. 76 THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS Serres, Dominic, R.A. — continued. (Marine Painter to his Majesty.) St. George's Row, Oxford Turnpike. 1780. 20 The engagement between the Fox, Hon. Captain Windsor, and the Juno, a large French frigate. 45 View of the English Squadron, commanded by Admiral Barrington, and transports, in the Cul de Sac, with the French fleet under Count D'Estaing, December i6th, 1778. 85 The attack by Count D'Estaing on the English squadron, commanded by Admiral Barrington at St. Lucia, Dec. 15, 1778. 180 Part of the engagement be tween Sir George Rodney and the Spanish squadron. 359 The engagement between the Serapis, Capt. Pearson, and the Countess of Scarborough, with Paul Jones and his squadron. 1781. 214 La Nymphe striking to the Flora. 231 Capt. M'Bride in the Bien- faisant, and Capt. Elliot in the Edgar, from Admiral Rodney's fleet, the 8th of Jan., 1780, discovering a Spanish convoy, gave chace, and after several had struck, Capt. M'Bride pursued their commodore, a 64-gun ship, and took her. 373 Capt. Montagu, of the Pearl, engaging the Sancta Monica, a Spanish frigate, off the Western islands. 375 The Sancta Monica striking to the Pearl. 391 Capt. Williams in the Flora, bears down upon La Nymphe, a French frigate. 396 The engagement between the Flora and La Nymphe. 1782. 59 The British fleet under the command of Rear-Admiral Hyde Parker, consisting of 16 sail of the line and a So-gun ship, going to sea from Gros Islet Bay, St. Lucia, on the 25th of March, 1780, in the face of 25 sail of French ships of the line, for the protection of an Eng lish convoy of troops and merchant ships coming from Antigua. 1782. 85 The action between the Eng lish fleet under vice-admiral Hyde Parker, and the Dutch fleet under rear - admiral Zoutman, on the Dogger Bank, August 5, 1781. This view is taken at the time the Dutch admiral had borne away out of reach of shot, and the English ad miral passed to leeward of the Buffalo (which was dis abled), and engaged the enemy's headmost ships in succession, the rear of his own squadron following him up. 1783. 67 His Majesty's ship Mediator, of 44 guns, commanded by the Hon. Captain Luttrell, bearing down at sunrise to attack five sail of the enemy's, mounting in all 130 guns, forming in a line of battle, to prepare for action. 79 His Majesty's ship Mediator, commanded by the Hon. Captain Luttrell, having put to flight three out of five of the enemy's ships, attacks two and takes one. 194 His Majesty's ship Mediator, commanded by the Hon. Captain Luttrell, having se cured his prize, pursues and comes up with the Flute La Menagere, about 10 at night, which, after some conflict, strikes. 238 Ship of the line carrying a French prize intoPortsmouth harbour. 1784. 53 Lord Hood's action with the French fleet before the island of St. Kitts. 56 The taking the Caton and Jason, French men of war, of 64 guns each, by the Valiant, Capt. Goodall, of 74- 89 La Ville de Paris striking to the British fleet, AprU 12, 1782. 127 View of Gibraltar, for the frieze of a chimney. 168 La Sybill, having dismasted La Magicienne. THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS n 1784. 210 The action between La Ma gicienne, of 32 guns, Capt. Greaves, and La Sybill, of 36 guns. 436 A bird's-eye view of the action on the 12th of April, 1782, between the English and French fleets. 1785. 38 View of Dover, with a fleet of men of war going to the northward, for a frieze of a chimney piece. 1 16 View of Gibraltar. 203 The distressed situation of the Monmouth, Capt. Alms, in the last engagement in the East - Indies, between Sir Edward Hughes and Mons. de Suffrein, out of which he extricated himself by wear ing his ship under the sprit- sail and the sprit-sail top sail. 237 A homeward bound Indiaman in three positions, passing by Dover. 1786. 158 View of the lighthouse, Genoa. 161 do. Europa Point, Gibral tar. 197 Sea piece, in the style of Van- derveld, by the particular desire of a gentleman. 213 do. do. do. 1787. 199 Five ships sent bythe Spaniards against the New Mole, etc., the Panther, man of war, commanded by Capt. Harvy, lying off Roscia Bay, Gibral tar. 238 The destruction of the floating batteries at Gibraltar. 422 Portraits of four Greenland ships outward bound. 1788. 32 Their Sicilian Majesties' return to Naples from Leghorn. 136 Lord Rodney Conducting the Ville de Paris and other prizes into Port Royal, Jamaica. 1789. 144 The Nottingham, Indiaman, with a view of Sandown Castle in the Downs. 181 View of Calshot Castle, at the entrance of Southampton River. 182 The Ceres, Indiaman, passing by Dover. 1790. 120 Sea piece. 169 Lord Rodney carrying the Ville de Paris and other prizes into Port Royal, Jamaica; a frieze for a chimney-piece. 1790. 184 A fleet saihng into Portsmouth harbour with a prize; a frieze for a chimney-piece. 233 The LasceUes, East Indiaman, off Dover. 442 Shipping. 455 do. 1 791. 34 The Hebe frigate, belonging to Mr. Fitzgerald, with a view of Spithead. 1792. 50 View of Calshot Castle, at the mouth of Southampton river. 83 View of Hurst castle, Hamp shire. 126 The relief of Gibraltar by Lord Howe and Admiral Barring ton, 1782. 1793. 25 Bristol man letter of marque, with a view of the island of Lundy. 50 A lively breeze. 126 The Foudroyant, commanded by Sir John Jervis, bringing the Pegase, a French 74, into Portsmouth. 132 A pleasing gale. 147 Their Majesties in the Augusta yacht, sailing through the fleet at Spithead, in May, 1778. 203 The Manship, East Indiaman, in a storm off' the Cape of Good Hope. 528 A View at Plymouth. {Serres' Christian name is spelt Dominick all through the Royal Academy catalogues, but D. N. B. spells it Dominic, and Bryan Dominique. In the notice of his death in the "Gent's Mag." 1793, it is Domenic. D. N. B. states that he succeeded Wilton as Librarian to the Royal Academy in 1792, but no mention is made of this in the catalogues) SERRES, Dominic M Painter. Master Serres. 1778. 375 View of Shenfield, near Brent ford, Essex. D. Serres, Junr., I, St. George's Row, Oxford Turnpike. 1781. 195 Portrait of a horse. D. M. Serres. 1782. 474 View of Leigh church, Glou cestershire. 1783. 21 Farm yard. 1784. 163 Portrait of a gentleman. 78 THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS Serres, Dominic M. — continued. Welbeck Street. 1785. 453 View of Boulogne sur Mer. St. George's Row. 1787. 500 Scene at the Poste Royale at Boulogne sur Mer; a draw ing. 528 View in the road to Paris, with the Messagerie Royal de Paris; a drawing. 36, Cockspur Street. 1804. 474 A scene looking across the bay of Naples towards Vesuvius, taken from the heights of PausiUpo. In the inter mediate ground is Monte Pizze Falconi and CasteUo de Novo. SERRES, Miss H Painter. (An Honorary Exhibitor.) Miss Serres. 1783. 454 Landscape. Miss H. Serres. 1790. 529 Landscape. Miss Serres. 1791- 435 Flower piece. 1792. 584 A bouquet of flowers. 1793- 853 A boquet of flowers. 1797. 657 Flowers. 1800. 1 601 A groupe of flowers. {Miss H. Serres was evidently the eldest of the four sisters) SERRES, Miss Joanna Painter. (An Honorary Exhibitor.) Miss J. Serres. 510 View from Nature. 523 Marian, from Gay's Pastorals. 596 Landscape. 700 A landscape. 582 do. 784 View after Nature. 533 A view near Bath. 609 Bouquet of flowers. 39, High Street, Marylebone. A landscape in Wales. 1788 1789 1791 1792 1793 1797 1798 1803. 881 SERRES, John Thomas Painter. (An Honorary Exhibitor.) Mr. John Serres. 1776. 333 A View of the Queen's palace. 1777. 398 do. of Aylesford in Kent. 1779- 37^ do. near Kilburn, Middle sex. J. Serres, at Mr. Serres', St. George's Row, Oxford Turnpike. 1780. 154 A gentleman on horseback. 1780. 310 The Abbey of Town Mailing, Kent; water colours. 311 Paper MiU at Bonend, Bucks; water colour. J. T. Serres, at Mr. Serres', St. George's Row, Oxford Turnpike. 1781. 108 View at Needsden, Middle sex. 369 View of Stone-bridge, near Harrow, Middlesex. 378 View at Willsden, Middlesex. 1782. 462 View of Dundery church, Somersetshire. 486 View at King's Weston, Glou cestershire. 1783. 18 View of the water engine at Pimlico. 1784. 118 Landscape. Welbeck Street, Cavendish Square. 1785. 459 Distant view of the city of Canterbury. St. George's Row. 1787. 35 Scene on the canal in the city of Hamburg. 37 Portrait of the Augusta Yacht, with a view of Gluckstadt on the Elbe. 38 The Bloomhouse at the en trance of the harbour at Hamburgh. 38tScene on the canal at Ham burg. 144 View of Coxhaven on the Elbe, with a portrait of his Ma jesty's yacht Augusta. 1788. 47 View of the lighthouse in the bay of Dublin, with his Ma jesty's yacht Dorset. 132 A brig in a fresh gale, with a view of Dover. 1789. 89 The change at Waterford. 180 Bellam Castle at the entrance of the River Tagus, Lisbon. 193 Trinity Yacht, with a view on the Thames. 211 View near Naples. (Marine Painter to H.R.H. the Duke of Clarence.) 1790. 86 View on the Thames, looking towards Limehouse church. 136 The Britannia shipwreck'd off Cape Colomna on the coast of Greece. Vide Falconer's Shipwreck. Rome. 1 79 1. 10 Moonlight. no Sun rising with a fog on the water. THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS 79 32, Upper Seymour Street, Portman Square. 1792. 106 Theforenoonof April 12, 1782, Admiral Rodney in the For midable, leading the centre of the British fleet through the French line. 114 Sunrise of April 12, 1782. The Valiant and Monarch re called (from chasing the dis abled ships) to form the line, the French fleet bear-~ ing down, which appears on the Horizon. 149 A calm inside the harbour of Genoa. 1 78 Sunrise, with the lighthouse at Genoa. 214 A storm, with Leghorn light house. 314 A scene on the coast of Suren- tem, with the island of Ischia in the distance. 327 The port of Leghorn, with a half galley of the Grand Duke of Tuscany putting to sea. 1793. 165 Industry, at Vietri, in the gulph of Salerno. 233 A composition in imitation of the Italian sea ports. 275 Castle del Uova, the entrance of the gulph of Salerno and the island of Caprea from Naples. 325 An English Frigate lying off the Castel Vecchio at Leg horn. 574 Amusement at Naples. (Marine Painter to His Majesty and H.R.H. the Duke of Clarence.) 1794. 61 A view of Dover Castle by moonlight. 134 A fleet cruizing — a brisk gale. 217 A View taken from the Howth looking towards Dublin hghthouse. 308 A frigate in a hard gale off the Edystone. 1795- 93 The Royal George becalmed at Spithead. 120 A brisk gale. 81, Wimpole Street, Cavendish Square. 1800. 32 The English and French squadrons engaging on the i2th Oct., 1798, off" Tory Island. 65 A scene in the bay of Dub lin. 1800. 66 Ships becalmed, with a making tide. 175 A scene on the banks of the Thames, with a Fisherman going aboard his boat. 535 His Majesty's squadron, under the command of Captain J. B. Warren, in pursuit of the French fleet. 738 The Robust taking possession of the Hoche. (Marine Painter to His Majesty and Duke of Clarence, and Marine Draughtsman to the Hon. Board of Admiralty.) 1 80 1. 499 A calm, with a ship of the line saluting. 560 A view of the town of La Valette, at Malta, with the ships in the harbour, when it capitulated to the Eng lish, sth September, 1800. 627 A View on the River Thames looking towards London- bridge. 64, Harley Street. 1802. 193 Mount Orgueil castle, Jersey, with a passing storm. "Larger ships may venture more; But little boats should keep the shore." 209 A representation of the coast and entrance of Brest, with H.M.S. Boadicea mak ing signal to a repeating frigate, of the number of French and Spanish ships at anchor in the harbour. 242 The Penguin raking the stern- most ship of the French line. 243 Commencement of the en gagement between H.M. brig Penguin, of 18 guns, commanded by Capt. Man- sell, and three French ships of 24, 18, and 16 guns. 855 The Penguin engaged by two of the French ships, notwith standing which, and the loss of her fore-top-mast, obUged the third to strike, when in the act of running her aboard. 1804. 594 His Majesty's ship, Clyde, Captain Cunningham, cruiz ing off the entrance of Brest, and making the signal that the combined enemy's fleet are in the same state as last reconnoitred, 1800. 8o THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS Serres, John Thomas — continued. 1804. 605 His Majesty's ship, Clyde, Capt. Cunningham, blowing up the Jason frigate, that was lost off St. Maloes, to prevent her falling into the hands of the enemy, 1801. 635 La Vestale striking to His Majesty's ship, Clyde, Capt. Cunningham, off the Tour de Cordouan, and another National frigate making her escape while the Vestale was taken possession of, 1798. (Marine Painter to His Majesty.) 50, Piccadilly. 1807. 155 A view of the old, or St. George's dock, at Liverpool. 283 A Dutch boat getting under- weigh in a squall of wind and rain; a ship of the line at anchor, and other vessels in the offing. 711 A view of the north shore at Liverpool, looking towards the entrance of the river Mersey. (Marine Painter to His Majesty, H.R.H. the Duke of Clarence, and the Hon. the Board of Admiralty.) 1816. 236 A squall of wind, with a boat on a lee shore; North Coast of Devon. 296 A scene on the Thames, near Gravesend, with an India- man drying sails off Tilbury Fort. 57, Brook Street, West Square, Lambeth. 1820. 4 Scene in Torbay, with a ship of the line riding at anchor, and a Dutch vessel putting to sea in a stiff breeze. SERRES, Mrs. John Thomas (for merly Miss Olivia Wilmot). Painter. (An Honorary Exhibitor.) Mrs. Serres, Junr. 1793- 534 A landscape. Mrs. J. T. Serres. 1794. 185 A landscape. Mrs. Serres, Junr. 1795- 49 Morning. 310 Evening. Mrs. J. T. Serres. 1800. 507 Morning; a sketch. 14, Old Cavendish Street. 1804. 47 Morning — a landscape. 663 A landscape — moonhght. 33, Old Bond Street. 1805. 272 Evening. Mrs. Serres, 3, George Street, St. James's Square. 1S06. 406 Morning. 904 A landscape. (Landscape painter to H.R.H. the Prince of Wales.) Mrs. O. Serres. 1807. 292 Morning. 556 Landscape, a composition. 685 Morning. S, King Street, St. James's. 1808. 668 A landscape — morning. {Mrs. Serres married in 1791, and separated in 1804. In 18 17 she claimed to be the daughter of Henry Frederick, Duke of Cumberland, but failed to support it. She died in poverty in 1834.) SERRES, Miss S Painter. (An Honorary Exhibitor.) 1797. 406 Flowers. 1800. 771 An Iris, after nature. SETCHEL, Miss Elizabeth... Painter. 23, King Street, Covent Garden. 1832. 1017 Dorothea, daughter of T. WU son, Esq. 1838. 52 Portrait. 314 A portrait. 1842. 210 do. 1843. 435 do. 1845. '°^9 do. SETCHEL, Miss Sarah Painter. 23, King Street, Covent Garden. 1831. 862 Fanny. 1832. 606 Sketch of a cottager. 673 A peasant child. 1833. 819 Study of a child's head. 1835. 865 A portrait. 1836. 848 Portrait of a lady. 1837. 933 A sketch. 1839. 612 Portrait of a lady. 1840. 550 Study of a gentleman reading. {This artist was well known by her en graved drawing of " The Momentous question.") SETH-SMITH, William Howard. Architect. 46, Lincoln's Inn Fields. 1885. 1965 Sketch at Perigueux. 1889. 1859 Design for Men and Boys' In stitute, Buckingham Palace Road. THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS 8i 1889. 1896 Marling Schools, Stroud, Gloucestershire. 1894. 1649 Buildings, West of England. 1895. 1488 Little Missenden Abbey, Bucks. 1578 Waxwell Farm, Pinner. 1896. 1736 The Elms, Roehampton. 1776 Lodge and stables, Waxwell Farm, Pinner. 1897. 1835 Theological CoUege, Cam bridge. With A.R.G. Pen ning. 1869 House at Eastcote, Pinner. 1899. 1777 St. Luke's Parish church, Maid stone. 1900. 1805 Houses at Godalming. 1903. 1576 House near Witley. 1904. 1434 School chapel, Oxfordshire. SETON, Charles C Painter. 19, Marlborough Hill, St. John's Wood. 1881. 38 A study. 1882. 115 "With Horace and Petrarch and two or three more Of the best wits that reign'd in the ages before." 338 " Away with melancholy." 1883. 367 The third age. "And then the lover, etc." Cavendish Buildings, Old Cavendish Street. 1884. 661 The unconverted cavalier. 1885. 1057 In hiding. 1887. 554 The ruby wine. 23, Cavendish Square. 1889. 356 The unconverted cavalier. 773 "Only a reUc dimm'd with tears." 1890. 512 A doubtful "Strad." 1892. 655 The grant of arms. 1894. 864 A mill on the Teme. SETON, John Thomas. See Seaton, vol. vii, page 69. SETTLE, W. Moss Architect. Ramsden Square, Barrow-in-Furness. 1903. 1634 " The King Edward," Vickers- town. SEVERN, Arthur, R.I. Painter. 1 1, Manchester Buildings, Whitehall. 1863. 789 St. Paul's at Sunrise. Brantwood, Coniston, Lancashire. 1895. 169 Morning effect over Skye, from Loch Scavaig. VII. 1895. 566 Sunset at Seascale, coast of Cumberland. 1896. 400 Moonlight. SEVERN, Miss A. M Painter. 2, Denbigh Terrace, Belgrave Road. 1852. 1070 The twins. Miss M. Severn, 59, Coleshill Street. 1855. '°97 Chess. 1856. 923 Summer and winter. SEVERN, Benjamin Painter. At Charles Jennings' , Great Ormond Street. 1772. 243 A portrait of a lady; three- quarters. SEVERN, Joseph Painter. 19, Frederick Place, Goswell Street Road. 1819. 267 Hermia and Helena. "We, Hermia, like two artificial gods, etc." — Midsummer Night's Dream, act iii, sc. 2. 940 J. Keats, Esq. 6, Goswell Street Road. 1820. 398 Una and the Red Cross Knight in the Cave of Despair. This picture obtained the gold medal in the Royal Academy in 1819. "The Knight was much enmoved at his speech, etc." — Spenser. Rome. The Vintage at Gensano in Italy. Cordelia watching by the bed of Lear. " O ye kind gods, etc. " Vide King Lear, act iv, sc. 6. The Roman beggar. A Roman peasant girl praying. An Italian scene. The lovers — scene an Italian vintage. A Venetian Warrior taking leave of his wife. The fountain. Italian vintagers returning. Sicilian peasants singing the evening hymn to the Virgin. 1834. 377 Shepherds and their flocks in the Campagna of Rome at sunset, the full moon rising behind the Alban Mount. 1836. 226 Puck. M 1827. 273 1828. 239 270 326 1829. 404 1830. 18 235 440 1832. 389 1833- IOI8 82 THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS Severn, Joseph — continued. 1836. 228 Ariel. 1838. 35 The infant of the Apocalypse saved from the Dragon. — Rev., chap. xii. A study for a large altarpiece, presented by the late Cardinal Weld to the church of St. Paul at Rome. 58 Ariel. "Where the bee sucks, there lurk I, etc." 252 The first crusaders in sight of Jerusalem. The principal characters are Peter the Hermit, Godfrey of BouiUon, Edward and Gildippe, Tan- cred, Raimond, Bsemond, Ademar, Bishop of Puy, etc. From Tas so' s Jerusalem De livered. 400 The finale of a Venetian masque at the summer's dawn. 1839. 264 Rhyme of the ancient mariners. " The western wave was all aflame, etc." "'The game is done! I've won,' Quoth she, and whistles thrice.'' 28 1 Rienzi amid the ruins of Rome, inspiring the people to re store the laws and govern ment, and to withstand the atrocities of the Barons. The subject is imagined from the nth Canzone of Petrarch addressed to Ri enzi. 1840. 113 Isabella on the Pot of Basil. " And so she ever fed it with her tears, etc." — Keats. 137 Portia with the casket. Vide "Merchant of Venice." 6 (Octagon room.) The witches' cavern: Glaucus and lone. Vide The Last Days of Pom peii. 8 (Octagon room.) The Roman Ave Maria. In the back ground is represented the Pantheon, as seen by the Italian twilight and the full moon. 3, Burlington Gardens. 1 84 1. 276 Riposo Italiano. 461 An Italian fountain. 1842. 295 An Italian widow seUing aU her trinkets to a Jew, except her husband's picture. " Her grief is proud and scorns to shew itself; She'll easier lose her trinkets than a tear; Her children are her jewels now." 21, James Street, Buckingham Palace. 1843. 516 Angelica descending to the earth from the flying horse, after she had been rescued by Ruggiero from being de voured by the sea monster. " Ruggiero carries the en chanted shield covered up, whose brightness overpow ered every creature it shone on; and in conquering the monster with it, his fear for Angelica made him give her the magic ring which ren dered her invisible when put into her mouth, and which the moment of her touching the earth she availed herself of." — Orlando Furioso. 528 His Excellency Chevalier Bun- sen, the Prussian Ambassa dor. 1844. 579 Vintage scene in •Southern Italy. " Some on the ladder, and some underneath. Fill ing their baskets, etc." — Rogers' Italy. 1845. 40 The Countess of Eghnton and her son, Lord Mont- gomerie. 238 The Hon. Mrs. H. R. Yorke. 1027 Shelley composing his Prome theus Unbound, amidst the ruins of Rome. " This poem was chiefly written upon the mountainous ruins of the baths of Caracallas, among the flowery glades and thickets of odoriferous blos soming trees which are ex tended in ever-winding laby rinths upon its immense platforms and dizzy arches suspended in the air. The bright blue sky of Rome, and the effect ofthe vigorous awakening of Spring in that divinest climate, and the new life with which it drenches the spirits even to intoxica tion, were the inspirations of this drama." — Shelley. 1846. 595 Lady Anne Beckett. THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS 1846. 678 1847. 340 1848. 581 1849. 887 549 892 1850. 569 984 1035 I85I. 821 "53 1205 1852. 261 Mary, the sister of Lazarus. "But one thing is needful and Mary hath chosen that good part, etc." — Luke, x, 42. From the parable of the lost sheep. Queen Esther's emotion when about to appear before the king, in favour of the Jews, etc. — Esther, vi, i. Study in chalks. The Holy Sepulchre. The two angels are sitting on the tomb, as described in St. John, chap, xx; one is at the foot, the other at the head. The first (on the side of the picture) is intended to re present the Angel of the Crucifixion, who, looking on the crown of thorns and the naUs, is absorbed in the past sufferings of our Saviour. The other angel is of the Resurrection, who, looking up with an expression of joy, contemplates the glori ous change, and will an nounce it to the approaching women. Twins. The abdication. "WhUst a prisoner at Lochleven Castle, the Queen of Scots was con strained to abdicate, owing to the violence of the Lords Lindsay and Ruthven, and by the advice of Sir Robert MelviUe."— 5z> W. Scott. Portrait, in chalks, of a lady. Portrait, in chalks, of Thurlow, the son of Sir Francis Astley, Bart. Keats, at Hampstead, when he first imagined his Ode to the Nightingale. — Milnes'Life of Keats. Amasea's despair {drawing for a fresco). " Then casting up a deadly look, etc." — Spenser. Chalk portrait of a lady in a bridal dress. 2, Denbigh Terrace, Belgrave Road. The triple sons of Agape. "Amongst those knights there were three brethren bold, etc." — Spenser. 1852. 944 The Bride; a sketch colours. " Happy bride that the sun in oil is the shines on. 1853. 225 " As Mary Magdalene, buying the precious ointment so de voutly, was permitted to foresee the crucifixion." " She hath done what she could, etc." — Mark, xiv, 8. 59, Coleshill Street. 1854. 325 Riposo Italiano. 26, Coleshill Street. 1857. 997 The deserted village. "Good heaven ! what sorrows gloom'd that parting day, etc. " — Goldsmith. SEVERN, Miss Mary. See Mrs. Charles J. Newton, vol. v, page 355. SEVERN, Walter Painter. 2, Denbigh Terrace, Belgrave Road. 1853. 457 Herd of Red deer — sunset. 1 3, Gate Street, Lincoln's Inn. 1855. 1345 Herds of red deer and fallow deer in Windsor Park. SEWARD, Edwin Architect. 55, Newport Road, Cardiff. 1890. 1866 A portal in Barcelona. SEWARD, Mrs. Edwin (Edith Jessie). Painter. 55, Newport Road, Cardiff. 1889. 800 A grey day, Bristol Channel. 1 89 1. 136 On the marsh. SEWARD, H. H Architect. I, New Millman Street. noi Design for a monumental building. At Mr. Soane's, Lincoln's Inn Fields. 1009 A design for a Villa. 873 A mausoleum. 814 Building in a park. 786 A Vestibule and Staircase. I, Verulam Buildings, Gray's Inn. 857 Design for a public library. 922 Design for a tower, in com memoration of the late Lord 1797. 1799. 1801.1804.1805. 1806. 84 THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS Seward ,H 1807. 1808. 963 943 1809. 741 1810. 704 1811. 821849 1812. 1813. 814881 1 8 14. 1816. 683 697 801 814 901 I8I7. 880 I8I9. 10591079 1820. 8g6909 911 1823. 481 914 , H. — continued. Nelson, proposed to be used as a lighthouse and signal station. Design for a Royal Palace. Vestibule do. 39, Craven Street. Entrance to a market at Here ford. New Court, Herefordshire, for the Rev. J. Lilly. Entrance to a prison. Parish church of East Witton, Yorkshire, to commemorate George the Third's Jubilee (50 years). East Witton Church. Buildings on banks of the Thames. Design for a triumphal bridge. do. do. do. Church at Greystead, North umberland. Chapel at Heemshaugh, North umberland. Church at Wark, Northumber land. Temple to National fame, etc. Gaol at Bristol. Bristol Gaol. do. Baths at Hot Spring, Clifton. The seat of J. Biddulph at Ledbury, Herefordshire. Hotwell House, CUfton. A church. do. interior. SEWARD, W. Architect. 241, Tottenham Court Road. 1813. 857 Design for a bath. W. Soward, 241, Tottenham Court Road. 1 8 14. 699 Design for a mausoleum. 707 do. pubhc buUding. 1815. 804 do. triumphal bridge. 847 Crewkerne church, Somerset shire. SEWELL, B Architect. Norwich. 1797. 1157 The South side of Norwich Cathedral, from actual mea surements. 1798. 933 South-west view of Norwich Castle. 1799' 945 N.E. view of Norwich Cathe dral. SEXTIE, William A Painter. 17, Duke Street, Grosvenor Square, and Richley House, Marlborough, Wiltshire. 1848. 408 A favourite hack, the property of the Earl of Granville. SEYFFARTH, Miss Agnes E. Miniature Painter. 8, Back Place, Bayswater. 1850. 790 Portrait of a gentleman. SEYFFARTH, Mrs. Woldemar. See Miss Louisa Sharpe, vol. vii, page 91. SEYMOUR, Miss Harriette Anne. Painter. 6, Southwick Crescent. 1866. 737 The Bell Harry Tower, Canter bury Cathedral. SEYMOUR, Mrs. See Miss Emily Anne Scott, vol. vii, pages 56, 57. SEYMOUR, Robert Painter. 32, Rosamond Street. 1822. 513 The Christians deterred by the terrors of enchantment from felling timber to construct their machines of annoyance. " And three succeeding days The boldest warriors, urged by thirst of praise, etc." — Jerusalem Delivered. SEYMOUR, Walter Painter. 1 5, Oseney Crescent, N. W. 1891. 1574 The last load. Ill, Charlotte Street. 1892. 1096 "Our Father." 1515 Miss Ellen Terry as "Lady Macbeth," act v, sc. i. 19, Fitzroy Street. 1896. 1511 On a summer night. 1554 For Margate direct. SHACKLE, George H Architect. " Rosedale," Stanford Road, New Southgate. 1897. 1820 Church for Exeter. 1900. 1826 House at Shelf ord. THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS 85 SHACKLETON, William ... Painter. National Art Training School, South Kensington. 1895. 1316 Summer flowers. 21, Sutherland Place, Bayswater. 1896. 1444 Study of a head. 1897. 1131 Twilight. 1246 Gathering plums. 1 316 Evening star. Amberley, Sussex. 1898. 803 The rehquary. 30, Churchfield Mansions, New King's Road, Fulham. 1900. 324 Children on the sea shore. 836 Motherhood. SHADE, William A Painter. 4, Pelham Street. 1875. 602 "He loves me, — loves me not?" 54, Parliament Street. 1877. 140 A spring time idyll. 1878. 493 "Sleep, baby, sleep." SHAKESPEAR,J. Miniature Painter. (An Honorary Exhibitor.) 1807. 927 Portrait of a gentleman. SHALDERS, George Painter. I, Green Row, Portsmouth. 1848. 565 Death. Pembroke Street, Portsmouth. 1849. 1068 Cobern on the Moselle. 1850. 4 StiU life. 37, Golden Square. 1853. 286 Near Woking, Surrey. 1854. 275 Glengariff, Ireland. 1855. 373 Near Guildford, Surrey. 375 Near Snowdon. 7, New Coventry Street. 1856. 429 View in North Wales. 581 do. do. 1857. 1042 do. do. 108, Tachbrook Street. 1858. 413 Near Kenmare, Ireland. 1859. 221 Glengariffi do. 241 Near Bantry Bay, do. 932 On the river Lee, do. 1862. 954 Near Haslemere, Surrey. SHALLCROSS, Thomas M. Architect. 6, Dale Street, Liverpool. 1904. 1576 House in Cheshire. SHAND, Miss Christine R....Painte'* Gas Company's Chambers, Newcastle-on- Tyne. 1899. 411 Azaleas. "See, and scorn all duller taste, how Heaven loves colour, etc." — Leigh Hunt. 1900. 747 Spring flowers. 772 From the cottage garden. SHAND, J Painter. 21, Greek Street. 1818. 516 Mr. A. Manning. 18 1 9. 424 Mrs. T. Manning. 434 Lord Charles Spencer Churchill. 44, New Bond Street. 1820. 172 Fred Fitzclarence, Esq., Cold stream Guards. 389 Rich. Armit, Esq., 3rd regi ment of Guards. SHAND, W Architect. 33, Gee Street, Goswell Street. 1807. 1036 Bank of Scotland. SHAN NAN, A. McFarlane. Sculptor. cjo R. Corbett, Esq., 2, Dunbarton Road, Glasgow. 1893. 17 1 2 The hunter and the wood nymph; group, bronze. 7, Scott Street, Garnet Hill, Glasgow. 1895. 1667 Portrait statuette. 1897. 1999 Lord Kelvin; bust, bronze. 1899. 1951 C. Eadie, Esq.; bust. 1902. 1610 Harry Alfred Long, Esq. ; bust. SHANNON, Charles Haslewood. Painter. 73, Lavender Sweep. 1885. 1681 Parable of the disobedient ser vant. 1709 Moses and the magicians be fore Pharaoh. SHANNON, James Jebusa, A.R.A. Painter. 25, Claverton Street, Pimlico. 1881. 575 The Hon. Horatia Stopford. Exhibited by command of H.M. The Queen. 1882. 686 Henry G. Hudson, Esq. 3, Radnor Street, Chelsea. 1883. 419 Miss K. A. SpurreU. 1884. 627 Madame Patey. 806 Herr Poznanski. 929 Mrs. Fachse. 86 THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS Shannon, James Jebusa, A.R.A. — con tinued Merton Villa Studios, Manresa Road. 1886. 151 Miss LiUie Bowring. 991 J. P. Lloyd, R.N. 1887. 78 Lady Milbanke. 94 Mrs. Bowring. 136 Mrs. W. J. Martin. 219 Miss Emily Bowring. 966 Mrs. Nichols. Alexandra Studios, Alfred Place, W. 1888. 744 Owen Slaney Wynn, Esq. 1004 W. H. Peat, Esq. 1889. 254 Mrs. Graham. 502 Mrs. E. Lycett Green and Eddie, 732 Sir Edward Green, Bart., M.P. II 44 Miss CoUey. 1891. 141 Mrs. George Coats. 191 Sir Frank Forbes- Adam. 371 The Duchess of Sutherland. 1892. 70 Offie, daughter of A. Laidlay, Esq. 87 The Hon. Mrs. Lawley. 236 Mrs. Andrew Lawson and Miss Butler. 568 Hon. Mrs. Harley. 692 Mrs. H. Turton Norton. 1893. 163 Mrs. Arthur and her son. 570 Mrs. T. Carew O'Brien. 3fl, Holland Park Road. 1894. 129 Mrs. Claude Magniac. 500 The Countess of Radnor. 1895. 197 The Marquess of Granby, M.P. 324 Winifred, daughter of G. H. Pember, Esq. 410 Lady Boston. 1896. 83 Mrs. Baird. (Elected A.R.A.) 1897. 333 Clare SeweU Read, Esq., M.P. for Norfolk 1865- 1885. Presentation portrait. 404 Mrs. George Peck. 639 Jill, the daughter of G. W. Rhodes, Esq. 646 The Rt. Hon. Sir John Hib- bert, K.C.B. 1898. 37 The white mouse. 114 Kathleen, daughter of Hon. Mr. Justice Mathew. 205 Mrs. Herbert Cohen. 643 Sir James Smith. Presentation portrait. 1004 Sir Thomas Roe. Presentation portrait. 1899. 13 Babes in the wood. 126 Lady Mathew. 1899. 334 Lady Ulrica Duncombe. 504 Lord Cranworth. 507 Mrs. James Crombie. 1900. 50 Lord Manners. 121 The Hon. Mrs. Portman. 371 Madame MichaeUs. 1 90 1. 21 Lady Barran. 41 Miss Kitty Shannon. 274 The flower-girl. Purchased by the Chantrey Bequest for 336 Sons of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Pelham Clinton. 491 Lady White. 498 Mrs. Walter Fenwick. 1902. 109 Mrs. Fred EUiott. 180 Colonel Charlesworth and his son. 202 Lady Marjorie Manners. 269 PhU May, Esq. 280 Margaret and Ruth, daughters of L. Hirsch, Esq. 1903. 15 Mrs. Ansell. 77 Miss Dulcie Laurence-Smith. 93 Mrs. Lazarus and daughter. 214 Mrs. Henri Riviere. 251 One of King Edward VII's pages at His Majesty's Coronation : George Francis Augustus, Lord Vernon. 277 Miss Beale. 1904. io6 Mr. Martin Harvey as "Syd ney Carton." 119 Sir William Emerson. 214 Miss Gladys Raphael. 281 Lorna and Dorothy, daughters of W. Heward Bell, Esq. SHANNON, M Architect. 26, James Street, Manchester Square. 1 800. 1049 Internal design of a mauso leum. 14, Poland Street. 1804. 830 Inside of a chapel. 1805. 726 Design for a pump-house, sup posed to be built by the water-mill, to supply ship ping with fresh water; the gallery is designed from whence an alarm may be given in case of fire. 191, Piccadilly. 1 808. 926 Design for farm house and offices. 932 The Abbey of St. Augustine's, in the city of Bristol, as it stood A.D. 1 146, founded by King Henry II and Earl Robert, King of the Danes. THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS 87 SHAPLAND, Mrs. A. F. Terrell (Ellen) Painter. 70, Grand Parade, Brighton. 1883. 1015 Whiting. 1888. 1261 The iris. 1889. 1539 A basket of whiting. 1890. 1393 Destined for the pan. SH APL AN D, John Painter. 8, Topsham Road, Exeter. 1 90 1. 2 Paradise Lost. 1903. 602 Fairy-led. 707 Diana. SHARMAN and ARCHER. Architects. Wellingborough. 1900. 1858 Wellingborough College Hos pital. SHARP. See Lewin, Sharp and Arpin, vol. v, page 50. SHARP, Arthur D Architect. 3, Caroline Place, W.C. 1903. 1682 Design for Liverpool Cathe dral. SHARP, Arthur William Painter. I, Chepstow Villas, Bayswater. 1875. 855 Near Rochford, Essex. SHARP, Miss Dorothea Painter. 9, Carlton Mansions, West End Lane. 1 90 1. 778 Playmates. 1 6, Douglas Mansions, West End Lane. 1904. 419 A Normandy farm. 663 Field daisies. SHARP, Edward Painter. 2, Chester Street, Belgrave Square. 1857. 682 The Terrace, Haddon HaU. SHARP, Michael William ... Painter. 22, Great Marlborough Street. 1801. 116 Mrs. Kennitt. 292 Mr. Heaviside. 1802. 138 H.R.H. Princess Elizabeth. 762 Lady Pitt. 1803. 15 H.R.H. the Princess Augusta. 261 J. Gilbert, Esq. 1804. 1805. 1807.1808.1809.1810. 1811. 1812. i«i3- 1814. 1815. 41, Great Marlborough Street. 302 SignoraStorace in the character of Katherine in the Enghsh Fleet. 396 The Prince of Wales's Loyal Volunteers preparing for the grand review by His Majesty, October 28, 1803; with por traits of the commandant, field officers, captains, lieu tenants, etc. W. Sharp, 3, Suffolk Street. 10 Sketch — evening. 284 Mrs. Sharp. M. W. Sharp, 3, Suffolk Street. 108 Skirmish; a sketch. 130 Portraits of a lady and her child. 164 Portrait of a gentleman. 104 The bunch of keys. 76, Newman Street. 125 Portrait of a lady. 249 do. do. 98 Portraits of a gentleman and his family. 293 The run-away heiress returning to her friends. 67, Newman Street. 141 Portraits of a lady and gentle man. 335 Sour apples. 403 Portraits of a gentleman and his family. 98 Portrait of a nobleman. 10 1 do. gentleman. 136 Mrs. Crome. 155 Portrait of the Chamberlain of Norwich. 106 Portrait of a lady. 177 do. British officer, de livering an African slave whom he brought to Eng land, and is now at his seat in Norfolk. 216 Popping the question. 303 Master Irby and his black ser vant Paulo. M. Sharp {no address). 1817. 120 The finishing touch. 127 Portrait of a gentleman. M. W. Sharp, 7, Duchess Street, Portland Place. 1818. 336 Scene Vth, Act 2nd, in "No Song No Supper." " End- lesse. Assault me if you dare ; if you strike me, it 's cogniz able in court, as I was not found in any overt act." 88 THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS Sharp, 1819. 1620.182I. 1822. 1823. 1824. 1825.1826. 1827. 1828. 1836. Michael William — continued. M. Sharp, 46, Rathbone Place. 298 Scene from, Shakspeare's play of King John; with portraits. "Arm, arm, you heavens, against these^perjured Kings, etc." — Act iii. Scene i. M. W. Sharp, 46, Rathbone Place. 61 Sunday morning. 166 A chUd. 282 An author reading his play in the Green Room to the Per formers of Drury Lane Theatre. 76, Newman Street. 226 A party of pleasure. 272 Shakespeare's Jubilee, with portraits ofthe Performers of the Theatre Royal, Drury Lane, Covent Garden. 122 The favourite child. "And without discipline the_7&z'(7«r- ite child. Like a neglectful forester runs wild. — Cowper. 19, Charles Street, Middlesex Hospital. 185 The barber politician. 126 Curiosity detected. 286 The Beggars' Opera.— Act II, Scene 3. " Peachum. Bro ther, brother, we are both wrong? " The arrival of the Calais steam Packet in Dover Harbour; the Custom House officer searching the passengers. Scene from " Kenilworth." The rivals, or the Sailor's wed ding. 15, Mornington Place. 220 Taming ofthe Shrew. — Activ, Scene 3. " Petruchio. Thy gown? why aye. Come, tailor, let 's see 't, etc." 551 347 383 SHARP, R. H Painter. York. 1819. 1067 Fragments in the "Vatican Museum at Rome." 1157 A frame containing a view of the Forum of Nerva, at Rome, and a view of the Roman Forum. SHARP, Thomas Sculptor. Paris, and 31, Tichbourne St., Edgware Road. 1830. 1225 Flora in marble. 1831. 1134 Bust of a lady. 1831. 1141 Bust of James Stewart, Esq., barrister at law. 1 145 Bust of a gentleman. 1193 A boy and lizard; in marble. " So having bathed him in the limpid stream, etc." 22 Dean Street, Soho. 1832. 1 1 14 Model of a Monument erected in Windsor Church to the memory of Elizabeth, relict of Richard Grape, Esq. II 83 Lord Augustus Fitzclarence. II 98 The daughter of Lord and Lady Frederick Fitzclarence. II, Charles Street, Clarendon Square. 1833. 1036 Medallic portrait, in wax, of a gentleman. 1052 Medallic portrait, in wax, of a lady. 1 13 3 Model of Mons. Louel, in the character of Troubadour, as he performed before his late majesty and others of the Royal Family at the Egypt ian HaU in 1829. 1834. 965 Medallicportrait, in wax, ofthe Rev. George Clayton, of Walworth. 975 Medallic portrait, in wax, of the Rev. John Reynolds, of Romsey, Hants. 1835. 902 A Model, in wax, of St. Martin and the beggar; to be exe cuted in silver, and presented to the Rev. Dr. Richards by the Parish of St. Martin. St. Martin seeing a beggar, and having no other alms to give, drew his sword, and divided his cloak with him. bacchanalian subject; em bossed in sheet silver. " So, from the joyous feast a reel ing throng, etc." MedaUic portrait, in wax, of G. Sharp, Esq., Mayor of Romsey, Hants. Statue, in marble, of David giving thanks to the Al mighty for his victory over Goliath. 1075 Marble bust of a Bacchante. 20, Gerrard Street. 1837. 1157 Agroupof orphans; in marble. " Both died. The elder of their offspring cried bitterly, etc." 1171 A group of Affection. 994 A 1017 1074 THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS 89 2$,JuddPlace West, New Road. 1840. 1163 Posthumousbustof Mrs. P. H. Dickes. 1842. 1 175 A Shakspeare cup, in silver, with subjects from Hamlet, Macbeth, King Lear, Julius Caesar, the Tempest, and Othello, embossed thereon. 1844. 1 3 14 Marble bust of Lord Palmer ston. 27, Burton Crescent. 1848. 1433 A Model of a Vintager danc ing. 1850. 1333 Christ's charge to Peter; a model. " Peter was grieved, etc." — St. John, xxi, 17. 1852. 1390 Bust, in marble, of the daughter of Charles Reeves, Esq. 1446 Posthumous bust, in marble, of J. Durance George, Esq., Professor of Dental Surgery at the London University. 50, Connaught Terrace. 1854. 1395 Model of a group, of Christ blessing little children. — Mark, X, 16. 1421 Bust, in marble, of Flora. 1450 Bust, in marble, of a Bac chante. 1492 Model of the bust of the Rev. Robert AinsUe. 1857. 1 29 1 Rev. James Eyre, LL.B.; post humous, marble bust. 1858. 1304 Joseph Miles, Esq.; post humous, marble bust. 1 86 1. ni6 Eve seeing the shadow in the water. "I started back: It started back, etc." — Mil ton. 1863. 1 194 Rev. J. Reynolds (posthu mous). 1864. 105 1 Mrs. George Lewis Phipps Eyre; posthumous, bust. 1865. 1032 Hagar and Ishmael. "Arise, hft up the lad, etc." — Genesis, xxi, 18. 1866. 851 Cupid in love; marble. "He lay entranced by Psyche, etc." 1867. 1090 Monumental recumbent statue of the late Lord Palmerston; sketch. 1 1 26 Henry Revell Reynolds, Esq.; posthumous bust. 1868. 1002 LordPalmerston,K.G., G.C.B.; marble statue. Executed for Southampton. 1083 Stafford Price, Esq.; posthum ous, marble. vu. 1868. 1195 J. S. Charlton, Esq. ; posthum ous. 1 01, Edgeware Road. 1869. II 69 Admiral the eleventh Earl of Lauderdale; marble. SHARP, W Painter. 345, Oxford Street. 1 81 9. 292 The Attentive Student. 1820. 438 Portrait of a young gentleman. 39, Goodge Street. 1 82 1. 389 Murder of David Rizzio. Vide History of England. 5, Tichbourne Street, Edgware Road. 1829. 801 Portrait of a gentleman. {In my Dictionary of Artists I have con sidered this artist as the great engraver William Sharp, but he died in 1824. This W. Sharp appears also as an engraver at Suffolk Street in 1831.) SHARPE, Charles W Engraver. 19, Barrington Crescent, Brixton. 1858. 1 155 Life at the seaside. After W. P. Frith, R.A. 1859. I22I Macready in the character of Werner. After D. Maclise, R.A. 3, Hilldrop Road. i860. 928 Raising the Maypole. After F. Goodall, A. R.A. 1867. 947 Hamlet, the play scene. After D. Machse, R.A. Ferns, Burnham, Maidenhead. 1883. 1359 The Tuileries, 30th June, 1792. After A. Elmore, R.A. En graved for the Art Union of London. SHARPE, Miss Charlotte (afterwards Mrs. Best Morris) Painter. Miss Sharpe, 13, King Street, Covent Garden. 1817. 651 Portrait of a lady. 663 do. do. 1818. 703 S. Middiman, Esq. 1819. 761 Portrait of a lady. 787 do. young lady. 1820. 646 do. gentleman. 774 do. do. {See Mrs. Best Morris, vol. v, page 298.) {D.N.B. states there were four daughters of William Sharpe, aBirmingham engraver; the eldest. Miss Charlotte Sharpe, married Captain Morris and died in 1849; the second. Miss Eliza Sharpe, died unmarried N 90 THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS Sharpe, Miss Charlotte — continued. in 1874; the third. Miss Louisa Sharpe married Mr. Seyffarth in 1834, and died in 1843, and the youngest. Miss Mary Anne Sharpe, died unmarried in 1867. In my Dictionary of Artists, the total number of the exhibits of the two elder sisters is wrong, for it now seems evident that Miss Sharpe {Charlotte), must have married Captain Morris in 182 1, and Miss Eliza then took the name of Miss Sharpe.) SHARPE, Miss Charlotte B. Painter. Miss C. Sharpe, 47, Upper Seymour Street. 1838. 998 Portrait of a lady. Charlotte B. Sharpe, 47, Upper Seymour Street. 1839. 773 Portrait of a lady. 1005 The widow. 1840. 674 Portrait. 775 Three portraits. 40, Seymour Street. 1841. 736 Miss M. A. Barrett. 1842. 737 Portrait of a lady in a fancy dress. SHARPE, Edmund Architect. Quarry Hill, Lancaster. 1875. 1039 Collegiate church of St. Jean- au-Bois, Compifegne. SHARPE and PALEY ... Architects. Laruaster. 1846. 1191 Knowsley Church, Lancashire. 1253 do. do. do. 1261 Capernwray Hall, near Lan caster, the seat of George Martin, Esq., M.P. 1340 do. do. do. SHARPE, Miss Eliza Painter. 13, King Street, Covent Garden. 1817. 807 Portraits of a lady and infant. 838 Portrait of a lady. 18 1 8. 648 do. do. 668 do. a gentleman. 671 do. her grandmother. 1819. 723 do. a young lady. 8 1 1 do. a gentleman. 907 do. a lady. 1820. 472 do. an officer. 854 do. a lady. Miss Sharpe. 1821. 721 do. a lady. 1821. 1823. 1826. 1829. 1838. 1841. 1847.1850. 1851. 1853- 1855- 1858.1865.1867. 695 776 814 Portrait of a lady. 827 do. gentleman. 920 do. lady. 546 Portraits of a mother and sleep ing child. 560 Portrait of a lady. 626 do. gentleman. 639 Miss Mainwaring. 677 W. J. Roper, Esq. 681 A portrait. 7 1 3 Portrait of a gentleman. Eliza Sharpe, 44, Upper Charlotte Street. 717 Miss Paton in the character of Clymante in the opera of "My native land." 804 The sisters. " Then gie me thy counsel, dear Titty, etc." Miss Sharpe, 65, Regent Quadrant. 1827. 678 Belinda. "The busy sylphs surround her darling care, etc." Mr. Ziliani. ¦Tick, tick." 944 Portraits. 35, Beaumont Street. 679 Portrait of a lady. 25, Alsopp Terrace. 611 Mrs. James Graham and chUd. 631 Portrait of a lady and her son. 673 Portrait of a lady. 46, Upper Charlotte Street. 955 Miss Cowley. 8, Burk Place, Bayswater. 765 Portrait of a lady. 897 Herbert C. Roberts, Esq. 913 Clarence D. Roberts, Esq. 923 George B. Roberts, Esq. 697 Portrait of the daughter Charles Kean, Esq. 710 Mrs. George Bishop. 715 Mrs. Frederick Walker. 879 Miss and Master Seyffarth. 987 Portrait of the late Mrs. Kean, mother of Charles Kean, Esq. Portrait of a lady. Jessica. Margaret. 1 2, Middlesex Place, New Road. 717 Portrait of a lady. 26, Howland Street. 657 Miss Seyffarth. 15, Osnaburgh Street. 744 Portrait of a little girl. 17, Tolmer's Square, Hampstead Road. 859 The late Mr. Sharpe. of 1037 703 705 THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS 91 SHARPE, E Painter. 3, Hilldrop Road, Camden Road. 1867. 15 Love, money and cunning. SHARPE, Miss F Painter. 3, Hilldrop Road, 1867. 796 Margaret. SHARPE, G. W Painter. 123, Stanley Street, Pimlico. 1865. 85 Quashie. 1866. 197 Peacock's feathers. 284 Thinking it over. SHARPE, J Painter. 12, Owen's Place. 1822. 515 Entrance into Borrowdale, Cumberland. 1833. 530 View in Borrowdale, Cumber land. SHARPE, J. C Architect. 19, Fleet Street. 1842. looi Church at Turnham Green. II 57 do. do. do.; interior. SHARPE, J. F Painter. West Hackney. 1826. 687 Joseph. 707 Portrait of a lady. 737 do. gentleman. 738 do. do. 834 Miss Watts. Shacklewell Green, West Hackney. 1827. 629 Portrait of a lady. 635 do. gentleman. 720 Mr. Dodd. 1828. 743 Portrait. 791 do. 851 Mr. Edward Gandell. 1829. 654 Portrait of a young gentleman. 799 do. lady. 804 Head of a young lady. 1830. 713 Miss S. M. Sharpe. 961 Portrait of a gentleman. 1 83 1. 669 H. Cumberlege, Esq. 684 Portraits of two sisters. 710 Portrait of a young lady. 759 do. do. 874 WiUiam Moore, Esq. 902 John Cooke Price, Esq. 121, Leadenhall Street. 1832. 842 Miss Watts. 19, High Street, Southampton. 1835. 432 G. Banister, Esq. 619 Mr. H. Buchan, Jun. 1835. 627 Portrait of himself. 742 Mr. W. B. Tarrant. 29, above Bar, Southampton. 1836. 736 Portrait of a lady. 861 do. do. Albion Place, Southampton. 1838. 969 Mrs. Shayer. SHARPE, J. T Painter. 1830. 936 Portrait of a lady. SHARPE, Miss Louisa (afterwards Mrs. Woldemar Seyffarth... Painter. 1 3, King Street, Covent Garden. 181 7. 607 Portrait of a lady. 824 do. gentleman. 839 do. lady. 1818. 665 do. gentleman. 830 A mother and dead child. " Sweet infant! withering in thy tender hour. Oh, sleep ! she cries, and rise a fairer flower." — Darwin. 18 1 9. 913 Portrait of a lady. 1820. 487 do. do. 1821. 662 Portrait of a Norwood gipsey- girl. 684 Portrait of a lady. 868 Miss M. Tree, of Covent Garden Theatre, in the cha racter of Viola in Twelfth Night. 1822. 641 Mrs. Mainwaring. 649 Portrait of a lady. 740 Master Harris. 763 Master G. Harris. 1823. 741 H. R. Bishop, Esq., composer to theTheatre Royal, Covent Garden. 44, Upper Charlotte Street. 1824. 590 Portrait of a lady. 598 Mrs. T. B. Morris, her son and deceased infant daughter. {This exhibit confirms the note under Miss Charlotte Sharpe, that she was married in 1821.) 623 Portrait of a gentleman. 736 Miss Stephens in the character of Mrs. Ford in the Merry Wives of Windsor. 794 A portrait. 1826. 673 Portraits of Mademoiselle Zdlie and Mademoiselle Celamie Delluc. 791 Miss Forbes, daughter of Sir Charles Forbes, Bart., M.P. 65, Quadrant, Regent Street. 1827. 559 Miss Georgiana Bosanquet. 92 THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS Sharpe, Miss Louisa — continued. 1827. 673 Mrs. WiUiam Ward. 699 Miss Mary Booth. 835 Titania and the Indian boy. " She, as her attendant, hath a lovely boy, stol'n from an Indian King, etc." — Mid summer Night's Dream, Act ii. Scene i. 1828. 923 "And the world's so rich in resplendent eyes, 'Twere a pity to limit one's love to a pair." 35, Beaumont Street. 1829. 499 Miss Georgiana Ward, youngest daughter of WiUiam Ward, Esq., M.P. 928 Henry Mackay, Esq., of 6th Dragoons. {Miss Louisa Sharpe, married in 1834, but never exhibited at the Royal Academy as Mrs. Seyffarth. She did exhibit at the old Water Colour Society up to 1842.) SHARPE, M Painter. Corner, Gloucester Road, Old Brompton. 1830. 562 HoUyoaks. HAR] PE, Miss Mary Painter. 32, Highbury Place. 186=;. 168 Head of a boy. 1866. 32 The little school-giri. 1867. 546 Girl with a hoop; a portrait. 1868. 372 Portrait of a lady. 7, Thurloe Square, S. W. 1879. 757 The Convent dispensary. SHARPE, Miss Mary Anne. Painter. 1 3, King Street, Covent Garden. 722 Portrait of a gentleman. 663 do. young lady. 871 do. lady. 672 do. do. 833 A portrait. 44, Upper Charlotte Street. 751 Portrait of a lady. 806 do. do. 716 Miss Ellen Tree in the cha racter of Violante. 25, Alsopp Terrace. 713 From "A Midsummer Night's Dream:" " Helena. I will not trust you, I; nor longer stay in your curst company. Your hands, than mine, are quicker for a fray; i»i9. 1820. 1821. 1822. 1823.1824.1826.1827. 1838. 1839. 1003 1840. 529 1847.1852. 1055 773 1853- 1854. 814 878 1858.1859.1862. 756828728 1863. 831 My legs are longer though, to run away." — Act iii. Scene 2. 63, Arlington Street, Camden Town. Portrait of a lady. 33, Howland Street. Expectation. 8, Burk Place, Bayswater. Jessy.The daughter of Dr. Wolde mar Seyffarth, LL.D. Miss Clarke. Portrait of a lady. 26, Howland Street. Miss Pinsent. Portrait of a lady. do. do. 15, Osnaburgh Street. Portrait of a little girl. SHARPLES, G Painter. 9, Fisher Street, Red Lion Square. 18 1 5. 514 Portrait of an artist. 8, Stephen St., Rathbone Place. 1817. 452 Portrait of a gentleman. 41, Rathbone Place. 1 82 1. 608 P. Egan, Esq., author of Life in London and Boxiana. 710 W. Nation, Esq. 854 P. GrenfeU, Esq., M.P. 1823. 505 T. Belcher, the celebrated Pugihst. ( This is probably the younger son described as James in D. N B.) SHARPLES, James Painter. Cambridge. 1779. 299 A lady. 300 Two gentlemen. — Sharpies, Bath. 1782. 75 Portrait of a lady of quality. 168 do. nobleman; cray ons. {Duke of Northumber land. — Walpole.) J. Sharpies, 45, Gerrard Street, Soho. 1783. 99 Portrait of a lady. 130 do. do. a gentleman. do. a lady. fruit girl in the 131 do. 143 do. 144 do. 260 do. wind. — Sharpies, Grosvenor Place, Lock Hospital. 1785. 118 A Newcastle lady in the char acter of Spring. THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS 93 1785. 119 Portrait of a young lady. 135 do. gentleman. 139 do. lady. {Mr. Cust in D. N. B. says that James Sharpies went to America and was taken prisoner with his family by the French. He reached New York in 1796. His elder son Felix remained in America as an artist. His widow Ellen, after her husband's death, re turned with the younger son James, and her daughter Rolinda, to England, and settled at Bristol Hot Wells. She gave nearly jC 5, 500 to build the Bristol Academy.) SHARPLES, Mrs. James (Ellen). Miniature Painter. Mrs. Sharpies, 82, Hatton Garden. 1807. 839 H. Brown, Esq. 843 Sir Jos. Banks. 851 Portraits of General Washing ton and Dr. Priestley. 853 T. Newman, Esq. 920 Dr. Priestley. {If this artist was the wife of James Sharpies, she must have returned to England before her husband's death in 1 8 1 1 . She ex hibited, as Mrs. Sharpless, at the Society of Artists from 45, Gerrard Street, in 1783, and is then described as " Embroideress to Her Majesty.") SHARPLES, Miss Rolinda... Painter. Clifton and 7, Howard Street, Strand. 1820. 46 Shells. 144 Eliza at work. 368 A market. 436 Portrait of a lady. 443 Shells. 2, Lower Harley Place, Clifton. 1822. 500 Rownham ferry, with portraits. 512 The young delinquent. "Alas! poor Granny, ne'er again thou'lt boast, The cap oft worn when named the village toast." 1824. 21 A mouse. SHAW, A Painter. 28, Gower Street. 1829. 1028 Organ screen of the HaU of Christ's Hospital, London. 27, Berners Street. 1836. 45S Chapel in the Church of San Francesco Assisi, near Rome; sketched from the spot. 1837. 354 View of Venice. 1837. 701 Florence from the Boboli Gardens; sketched on the spot. 741 View of Tivoli; sketched on spot. SHAW, A. Winter Painter. Wellesley House, Wellington Road, Peckham. 1891. 953 "It was but a summer shower." 9, Crockerton Road, Upper Tooting. 1 90 1. 192 By the river. SHAW, Byam Painter. 103, Holland Road. 1893. 79 Rose Mary. " The Mother held the sphere on her knee. Lean this way and speak low to me, And take no note but of what you see." — D. G. Rossetti. 12, Kensington Crescent. 1894. 796 Silent noon. "This close companioned in articulate hour. When twofold silence was the song of love." — D. G. Rossetti. 1029 Abundance. 1895. no "We two, she said, wiU seek the groves. Where the Lady Mary \s."—D. G. Rossetti, " The Blessed Damozel." 447 Evelyn, daughter of J. N. Pyke- Nott, Esq. 1896. 206 Mrs. John Shaw. 574 Whither? 950 Jezebel. 1897. 164 Love's baubles. 316 The comforter. 1898. 342 Truth. "Of Truth doth here this truth appear, etc." 1026 The Queen of Spades. 1899. 906 Love the conqueror. 28, Addison Road, W. 1900. 1034 " The ways of man are passing strange." 1 90 1. 60 Suffolk's land. — Shakespeare's "Henry VI." 241 Boer War, 1900. "Last sum mer green things were greener, brambles fewer, the blue sky hhier."— Christina Rossetti. 875 The honeymoon. 1902. 1286 "Lady Queen Anne, she sits in the sun." 1325 " Rock-a-bye baby." 94 THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS Shaw, Byam — continued. 1903. 390 The fool who would please every man. — yEsop. 527 Harvesting. Painted with R. Vicat Cole. 1904. 441 "Now is the pilgrim year fair autumn's charge." SHAW, Mrs. Byam (Evelyn). Miniature Painter. 28, Addison Road. 1900. 145 1 Mrs. Arthur Morse Reid. 1452 Jimmie, son of J. M. Pyke- Nott, Esq. 1466 Elsie, daughter of George Silley, Esq. 1901. 1272 Nancy, second daughter of Commander Vincent Ne- pean. 1374 George Byam Shaw. 1902. 591 The hunter. 1 903- 53° St. Francis and the birds. 1268 Barbara Byam Shaw. 1272 Mrs. Turner PhiUips. 1904. 1225 Marjorie, daughter of W. Bryce Chalmers, Esq. SHAW, Charles E Painter. 44, Hudson Street, Preston. 1885. 447 The ferry. 1889. 1117 When the sun sinks to rest. UnderhiU Cottage, Wonersh, Guildford. 1899. 1057 Summer time in Surrey. SHAW, Miss E. Sylvia Painter. 2, Cholmeley Villas, Highgate. 1902. 'l889 Gladys, daughter of F. H. C. Holloway, Esq. 1903 1 183 Dorothy and Grace, daughters of J. Barrington Baker, Esq., M.D. 1904. 1056 The boy and his paper. SHAW, Frederick Painter. 73, Premier Street, Everton. 1876. 393 Spring time — a country lane. 1 3 14 A quiet pool on the Lledr. 36, Burleigh Road, North Liverpool. 1880. 281 At Sefton, Lancashire — Even ing. 1884. 1018 Betty with the milking pail. SHAW, H Architect. I, Upper King Street, Bloomsbury. 182 1. 979 Interior view of York Cathedral. 37, Foley Street. 1822. 863 Drawing-room in Grecian style. 37, Southampton Row. 1848. 1104 Design for interior of a room, decorated with illustrations of the Coldstream Guards. In the centre, the state flags of the regiment are supported by the arms of George II, by whom they are supposed to have been presented. In the recess is the effigy of General Monk (afterwards Duke of Albemarle), by whom the regiment was raised in the year 1650. On the window are painted the arms of all the Colonels of the regiment from the Duke of Albemarle to the present Colonel, H.R.H. the Duke of Cam bridge; and the frieze is en riched with labels, on which are inscribed the names and dates of some of the battles in which the regiment has taken part, separated from each other by the badges of the regiment; the crown, the rose, and the star of the Garter; and angels bearing shields emblazoned with the arms of the Sovereigns dur ing whose reigns the various victories have been gained. 1289 Drawing of an ancient state pall, belonging to the Fish mongers' Company. SHAW, Henry, F.S.A Architect. 2 5, New Broad Street. 1878. 1127 ViUa at Stoke Bishop, near Clifton, Gloucestershire. 39, Clapton Square. 1880. io86 Design for a country mansion. 1881. 1051 House, Leigh Woods, Chfton, Somersetshire. SHAW, Hugh George Painter. Springfield, Stratford-on-Avon. 1874. 1367 The poacher. 1875. 28 Possession nine-tenths of the law. SHAW, James Wax Modeller. Charlotte Street, Rathbone Place. 1776. 280 Two portraits. 1784. 54 Portrait of a lady. {Mrs. Shirley.) THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS 95 1784. 88 Portrait of a clergyman. {Rev. Mr. Shazv) Coventry Street. 1786. 372 Portrait of a gentleman; wax. 1787. 646 Mucins Sccevola; model in SHAW, John, F.R.S. Architect and Painter. 25, Great James Street, Bedford Row. 1799. 998 Design for a villa in Surrey, for G. Whitfield, Esq. 1800. 991 Design for Courts of Judicature, etc. 1801. 976 Rooms at Putney HiU, Surrey. 1802. 1032 Two villas, part of a circus near Hampstead, etc. 1803. 874 The British Circus near Hamp stead, etc. 1804. 861 Brodsworth House, Yorkshire, the seat of the late P. Thel- lusson, Esq. 916 Villa on Putney Hill. 1805. 744 Shirley House, near Croydon. 1806. S98 Flamberts, Harrow, belonging to Lord Northwick. 28, Gower Street. 18 13. 304 A landscape. 859 The terrace of Clifden, Taplow, near Maidenhead, the seat of the Countess of Orkney, etc. 1814. 698 Entrance to Beau Desert, for the Earl of Uxbridge. 1815. 865 Blenden Hall, Kent, seat of J. Smith, Esq., M.P. 1816. loi A landscape. 242 Britton Ferry. 835 Lodge to Heath House, Staf fordshire, for J. Phillips, Esq. 1820. 968 View from the abbot's garden, Newstead Abbey, for Colo nel Wildman. 1831. 961 Church of St. Dunstan's in the West, etc. SHAW, J., Junr Architect. 28, Gower Street. 1825. 921 Hall of Christ's Hospital, London. 1827. 973 Marine Villa at Bognor, etc. 1831. 1008 Schools at Christ's Hospital, etc. Chrisfs Hospital. 1833. 1064 Law Life Assurance Company. 1836. 972 Dormitories, Christ's Hospital. 1842. 1 1 19 Royal Naval School, Counter HiU, Deptford. 1846. 1288 Eton College Chapel. 1296 do. do. SHAW, John J. Decorative Architect. 5, Stoneb ridge Villas, Tottenham. 1885. 1895 Dining-room ceiling. 105, Hampstead Road. 1886. 1733 Iron Screen, " Peace." 105, Hungerford Road, N. 1887. 1774 Scheme of decorations; a drawing-room. 1889. 1823 Decoration; boudoir. 1890. 1756 Bronze gates and grill. 1799 Casket in Cloisonnd enamel. 1892. 1658 A Renaissance ceihng. 1896. 1737 Decoration of a dining-room. 1897. 1779 Sketch for bronze gates. 1898. 1595 Design for gates. 150, Camden Road. 1900. 1842 Screen in wrought iron. 1904. 1632 A mural monument. SHAW, Joshua Painter. At Mr. Raiser's, Surrey Side, Westminster Bridge. 1802. 213 Sketch on the road-side, near Middleton, Derbyshire. 1803. 290 Scene with cattle. 348 Sunshine after a shower. Bath. 1805. 45 A landscape and cattle. Wells Road, Bath. 18 10. 59 View from Matlock, Derby shire. 221 View in Derbyshire. 222 do. do. At Mr. Raiser's. Westminster Road. 1812. 369 Sunset. 12, Mary Street, Fitzroy Square. 18 14. 175 The coming on of the storm. "At first, heard solemn o'er the verge of heaven, etc." — Thomson. SHAW, Miss Kathleen T.... Sculptor. Miss K. Shaw, Red House, Totteridge. 1889. 770 Gipsies. Miss K. T. Shaw, 41, St. John's Park, Blackheath. 2076 H. W. K. Roscoe, Esq.; bust. 96 THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS Shaw, Miss Kathleen T. — continued. 46, Via Fontanella de Borghese, Rome. 1891. 2067 Medal, obverse and reverse; wax. 8, Balcombe Street, Dorset Square. 1895- 1660 Mdle. Sophie-Pereyaslavzeva, and Miss Emma Kenning; medallions. 1896. 1814 Miss AUce Castleman; medal lion. 1857 An Athenian beggar; bust. 17a, Woburn Place. 1897. 1956 Mowgli; statue. " Look weU, 0 wolves ! Have I kept my word? " — Rudyard Kipling. 2079 The Duchess of Buckingham and Chandos; bust. 1898. 1823 The Eari Egerton of Tatton; bust, marble. 46, York Street Chambers, Bryanston Square, 1899. 1 90 1 MowgH; statue, bronze, etc. 1904 Mrs. Arthur Blomfield; bust. 1917 Mrs. Leigh-Brown; medaUion, bronze. 1900. i960 Lord Avebury; bust. 1987 Professor M. McHardy; bust. 1903. 1851 A nymph; statuette. SHAW, Miss Mary Helen ... Painter. Walkington, Beverley, Yorkshire. 1896. 658 "What shaU the summer bring?" 141 DaffodUs. 116 Winter decorations. 313 Peonies. 480 An Autumn Study. 669 Fallen leaves. 152 Lighting up the studio. 762 Lilium longiflorum. 880 Charity. 1901.1902.1903. 1904. SHAW, Richard Norman, R.A. Architect. 30, Argyll Street, Regent Street. 1870. 762 View of Leyes Wood, Sussex. 779 do. do. 1 87 1. 937 Preen Manor, Shropshire, etc. (Elected A.R.A.) 1872. 1 1 66 House at Harrow Weald for F. Goodall, Esq., R.A. 1 194 English church at Lyons. 1 196 Cragside, Northumberland, for Sir W. S. Armstrong. 1219 do. do. 1873. 1167 Offices in Leadenhall Street. 1170 St. Michael's Church, Bourne mouth. 1874. 1120 Hopedene, Surrey. 1 121 Boldre Grange, Hants. 1 137 Lowther Lodge, Kensington. 1875. 994 House in Queen's Gate, Ken sington. 1876. 1045 Wispers, near Midhurst. 1065 Pierrepont, Surrey. 1877, 1072 St. Margaret's church, Ilkley. 1086 Merrist Wood, Surrey. 1 103 Swan House, Chelsea. (Elected R.A.) 6, Ellerdale Road, Hampstead, and 29, Bloomsbury Square. 1878, 1 103 Houses in Cadogan Square. 1 118 House at Campden HiU. 1879. 1177 Adcote, Shropshire. Diploma work. 1880. 1126 House at SunninghiU. II 27 do. do. 1882. 1221 House at Hampstead. 1224 Alliance Assurance Company, St. James's Branch. 1229 House at Hampstead. 1883. 1 1 24 House in Cadogan Square. 1197 Chimney-piece, Cragside. 1884. 1250 Dawpool, Cheshire, four views. 1302 do. do. 1887. 1646 Metropolitan Police Central Offices. 1890. 1809 Reredos in Harrow Mission Church. 1838 New Scotland Yard. 1892. 1839 Reredos, AU Saints, Richard's Castle. 1895. '460 "The Hallams," Surrey. 1467 AU Saints, Swanscombe, Kent. 1897. 1841 New BuUdings, Liverpool. With J. F. Doyle. 1900. 1748 Parr's Bank, Liverpool. SHAW, Miss Painter. 37, London Street. 1829. 559 Fruit and flowers, from nature. SHAW, T Architect. 1819. 1082 A Gothic Skreen. 1 174 Edward the Third's monument, Westminster Abbey. SHAW, Walter J Painter. 168, New Bond Street. 1878. 56 The Storm. "The tempest rages, wild and high, etc." — Adelaide Procter. 212 Stepper Point, Padstow, Corn waU. THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS 97 1878. 437 " And ever the fitful gusts be tween, etc." — Longfellow's " Wreck of the Hesperus." 3, Colaba Terrace,Salcombe, S. Devon. 1879. 1016 " The sea-girt rock, washed by the surges for ever." 1047 On the "Doombar": entrance to the estuary of Padstow, Cornwall. Fairview, Salcombe. 1880. 613 The ebb tide on the bar. The Elms, Salcombe. 1881. 530 Atlantic rollers: Gammon Head, S. Devon. 536 A "comber." 1882. 477 The Great Orme's Head, North Wales, during the gale of October 14, 1881. 1883. 282 A rising gale — Dumbar Sands, Padstow, Cornwall. 1884. 760 A sunken reef. 1885. 215 A north-west gale — Padstow, Cornwall. 1886. 614 Ramsey Island, Pembroke shire. 1888. 202 The tide Race : Bolt Tail. Blackstone Lodge, Salcombe. 1890. 200 Off Bolt Head. 206 A November day — Moore Sands, near Prawle, South Devon. 1891. 1071 Bolt Head. 1892. 346 A south-west gale — Steeple Cove, near Salcombe. 1893. 592 Near Prawle, South Devon. 925 Salcombe bar. 1894. 65 The Hangman HiU, Combe Martin, Devon. 413 The ravages near Bolt Head, South Devon. 1897. 311 The rain squaU. 1898. 524 The ebb round the Prawle. 1904. 244 Salcombe bar. SHAW, Winter Painter. Lyndwood, Hayne Road, Beckenham. 1895. 990 " Beneath the sky that burning August gives." 9, Crockerton Road, Upper Tooting. 1897. 1104 "The day is ending; The night is descending." 1899. 264 In the Arun valley. SHAW, W. R. B Painter. 22, Grafton Street. 1839. 134 The beggar man. VII. 3, Brunswick Place, Hammersmith. 1 84 1. 261 Study of an old woman. 1845. 622 Glen scene, from Taff Fawr, near Merthyr Tydvil. 1846. 704 Pont Sam, near Merthyr Tydvil. SHAYER, William Painter. — Shayer, Southampton. 149 Study from nature. 407 The reaper's repast. W. Shayer, Southampton. 170 A scene in the Isle of Wight, near Mirables. 350 Distant view ofthe river Itchen, with part of the New Forest, taken from the grounds of J. Fleming, Esq., M.P. 150 Children fishing. 715 The fisherman's daughter. 1820. 523. 1824. 1843. SHAYER, William J Painter. c„Apsley Cottages, Twickenham. 1858. 697 Doing it cleverly. 191, Regent Street. 1885. loio Leisure moments. SHEAF, H. S Painter. Waterloo Place, Old Kent Road. 1847. 638 Mr. John Pounds, late of St. Mary's Street, Portsmouth. HEA RD, Thomas F. M. ... Painter. 9, Rue Campagne-Premiere, Paris. 1891. 214 An autumn day in the allot ments. clo T. Sheard, 2 t. High Street, Oxford. 1892. 1228 My little maid. 30, Great Russell Street. 1896. 958 Market morning in a city of the Sahara. 3, Turner Studios, Glebe Place. 1897. 309 Thrashing rye grass for seed. 1898. 517 Interior of an Arab house. 814 An Arab school. 1899. 933 Arab women preparing for the midday meal. 1900. 342 The mower. 1901. 519 An Arab fete: procession of dancing girls, with their escort. 1014 Life's dawn and setting. 1902. 8 Mrs. T. F. M. Sheard. 337 Portrait of a gentleman. 4, Holland Park Studios. 1903. 69 The promise of May. 208 Autumn Gold. 0 98 THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS SHEARER, James E Painter, i 13, Cornwall Street, | Edinburgh. 1896. 1092 Arch of Septimus Severus, the Forum, Rome. SHEE, Sir Martin Archer, P.R.A. Painter. M. Shee, 8, Craven Street, Strand. 1789. 360 Portrait of an old man. 418 do. a gentleman. {Mr. Shee. Anderdon's catalogue says Tom Smyth) 115, Jermyn Street. 1 79 1. 117 Portrait of a gentleman. {The artist's brother.) 171 Portrait of a gentleman. {Mr. McCarty) 273 Portrait of a gentleman. {Mr. Johnstone, Irish Comedian.) 389 Portrait of an Hussar. 41, Jermyn Street. 1792. 46 Portrait of a gentleman. {Mr. Pope, the artist and actor) 121 Portrait of a gentleman. {Mr. James Wilder.) 167 Portrait of Anthony Pasquin. 205 do. Mr. Lewis as the Marquis in the Midnight Hour. 318 Portrait of a gentleman. {Mr. Annesley.) 365 Portrait of a gentleman. {Mr. Richardson.) 445 Portrait of a gentleman. {Mr. Grant.) 1793- 4 Portrait of a gentleman. 23 do. member of the Clarence fleet. 32 Portrait of Mrs. Stephen Kem- ble in the character of Cow slip in the Agreeable Sur prise. 64 Portraits of two young gentle men. {Annesley.) 209 Portrait of a gentleman. {Mr. Farren.) 254 Portrait of a gentleman. {Mr. Jerningham.) 612 Portrait of a gentleman. {Mr. McCarthy) 626 Portrait of a gentleman. {Mr. Harding.) 1794- 2 Portrait of a gentleman. {Mr. Rennie; half length.) 51 Portrait of a lady. {Miss Jern ingham, afterwards Lady Bedingfield) 1794. 87 Portrait of a young lady as Miranda, Shakespeare's Tempest. 263 Jepthah's daughter. — Judges, chap, xi, ver. 37. 291 Portrait of a lady. {Mrs. Lar- kins; whole length.) 1795. 135 Portrait of an artist. {Mr. Shee.) 142 do. a gentleman. {Mr. Carlisle, surgeon, in a Van dyke dress.) 204 Portrait of an artist. {Mr. Bull) 225 do. a gentleman. {Jus tice Addington) 13, Golden Square. 1797. 6 Portrait of a lady. {Mrs. Shee.) 27 do. Miss Wallis. 63 Head of an old man; a study. 78 Portrait of a gentleman. {Mr. Nugent.) 122 Portrait of Mr.Pope. {Theactor.) 213 do. a gentleman. {Bro ther of the painter.) 293 Portrait of a lady. 354 do. Mr. Fawcett as Touchstone. 362 Portrait of a gentleman. {Mr. Carr.) 483 Portrait of a gentleman. M. A. Shee. 1798. 48 Dr. Godbold. 63 Sir W. Geo. Fairfax, Captain of the Venerable. 68 Mr. G. Shee. {His second son) no Mr. Earnshaw. 193 The Hon. Mrs. Ferguson. 239 Major O. Shea, of the Loyal Cork Legion. 328 Portrait of a girl; a study. 398 Miss Bourke. 689 Mr. Power. (Elected A.R.A.) 24, Cavendish Square. 1799. 2 {In the index, but by H Ashby in the catalogue.) 106 Master Dillon. 180 Major Vickers, 2nd regiment of Life Guards. 214 Miss Lushington as a Bac chante. 248 A flower girl. 271 Mr. Romney. 274 Mr. Coxe. 310 Mr. Matt by. 653 Mr. Delacour. 665 Mr. Coombe. (Elected R.A.) 1800. 12 H.R.H. the Duke of Clarence. Painted for the Merchants of Liverpool. THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS 99 523 708 1801. 7686 102119.58 191 1800. 96 Thomas Williams, Esq., M.P. 150 Captain Pierpoint, Royal Navy. 1 60 Mrs. H. Robinson and son. 198 Miss Morgan. 282 Portrait of a young gentleman. Mr. Bourke. Cottage Giri. Mrs. Abdy. Mr. J. P. Kemble. {In the index, but by T. Stewart in the catalogue) Mr. Vaux. Lord Althorpe. H.R.H. the Duke of Clarence. Lord Avonmore, Lord Chief Baron of His Majesty's Court of Exchequer in Ireland. 279 Mr. White. 1802. 77 The Duke of Leinster. 94 Countess Spencer. 95 Earl Spencer. 122 The Marquis of Exeter. 148 Mrs. Harvey Webbe. 167 The Misses Dillon. 620 Mr. Roy. 1803. 31 Lord Duncannon. 92 Mr. Johnstone as Sir Calla- ghan, in Macklin's farce of Love-^-la-Mode. 96 Portrait of a lady. 103 Mr. Andrews. 148 Mrs. Pope. {Formerly Mrs. Wheatley.) 170 The Rev. W. B. Kirwan, Dean of KiUala. 1804. 80 Portrait of a young lady as Opheha {Miss Lee), in Ham let. ( Whole length) 138 The Eari of Moira. {Whole length.) 144 Earl Spencer. {Three-quarters) 199 General Tonyn. ( do. ) 208 Portrait of a lady as Miranda. {Mrs. Williamson) 1805. 65 Col. Bagwell, M.P. 85 A cottage girl. 97 Mr. Holland. 134 Mr. J. D. Herbert. 187 The Marquis of Thomond. 210 Miss J. DiUon. 1806. 28 Miss Hoffnan. 29 Lord Sheffield. Painted at the request of the House of As sembly of New Brunswick for the province-hall. 71 A sleeping girl. 188 Sir J. Nicholl. 229 Prospero and Miranda. "Prospero. Recol lected, No more amazement; 1806. 254 1807. 75 88 lOI 1808. 21 58 71 1809. 23 133 I8I0. I 60 65 87 no 125 '35 I8I2. IS 44 70 114 .58 263 286 I8I4. 17 34 58 70 109 .58 173 234 I8I5. 22 54 79 122 1816. 6 34 56 77 135 142 240 256 I8I7. 25 69 119 149 181 189 3°5 tell your piteous heart There's no harm done." — Tempest, act i, scene 2. The Marquess of Hartington. Portrait of a child. Lady Sarah Bayley. Portrait of a gentleman. Captain Dick. Mrs. T. Hope. Lavinia. Col. Sheldon, M.P. Lord Kensington. The Archbishop of Tuam. {Hon. William Beresford.) Mrs. G. Harris. The Dowager Countess Grey. Lady H. EUice. Lieut.-Gen. Sir Eyre Coote, K.B. Mr. Sowerby. Lieut.-Col. EUice. E. Forster, Esq. Mrs. Colonel Kerrison. Mrs. Boehm. Miss Coote. Mrs. Lowther. The Rt. Hon. Col. Bagwell. G. Carey, Esq. Colonel Kerrison, 7th Hussars. Captain Webster. L. White, Esq. Mrs. Gordon. Mrs. Hopkins and son. General Popham. Mrs. John Reid. Master Tucker. Major-GeneralSirR. H.Vivian, K.C.B. T. Pares, Esq. The Rev. Mr. Gorden. Mrs. Hutches Trower. The late Lieut.-General Sir T. Picton, K.G.C.B. The Rev. W. Tooke. Mrs. Fairlie and children. E. EUis, Esq., and the Painter. Col. Hanmer. W. Fairlie, Esq. Lieut.-Gen. St. Leger. W. Sheldon, Esq. T. Tooke, Esq. EUis EUis, Esq. Lady Vivian. W. Roscoe, Esq. Paintedforthe Manuscript library ofT. W. Coke, Esq., of Holkham. Mrs. W. H. Harriot. T. Moore, Esq. Mr. Commissary General Wood. lOO THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS Shee, Sir Martin Archer, P.R.A. — con tinued. 1817. 330 S. Turner, Esq. 1818. 10 William Sharpe. 55 The Bishop of Norwich. {Henry Bathurst.) 96 The Earl of Albemarle. Painted at the request of the Yeomanry of the County of Norfolk, and to be ultimately placed at Holkham. 130 Mrs. General Reynolds. 155 Portrait of a young gentle man. 178 J. Cowper, Esq. 259 Simon Macgillivray, Esq. 309 John Dick, Esq. 1819. 84 Lady Jane Coventry. 123 The Duke of Leinster. 137 James Macnabb, Esq. 174 W. Roscoe, Esq. 195 Portrait of a lady. 207 do. do. 273 Lord Wm. Fitzgerald. 284 Portrait of a gentleman. 1820. 12 Mrs. Henry Owen in a cottage dress. 24 Miss Stephens. 58 Mr. J. Fairlie. 77 Miss Fairlie. 105 Portrait of a young gentle man. 158 The Bishop of Norwich. (^aM- urst.) 164 Lady Monroe. 341 Sir Thomas Monroe, K.C.B., Governor of Madras. 1821. 21 Portrait of a lady. 28 Mrs. Watson Taylor. 63 Miss Tunno. 80 Miss CampbeU. 124 Edw. Tunno, Esq. 187 J. Evelyn, Esq. 258 Mrs. Henry Elwes. 354 G. W. Taylor, Esq., M.P. 1822. 12 Portrait of a gentleman. 38 Mrs. Samuel Hibbert. 88 A mother and child. 90 T. S. Rice, Esq., M.P. Painted for the Chamber of Com merce, Limerick. 119 The Misses Birket. 169 Portrait of a young lady. 296 The Rt. Hon. John Hookham Frere. 326 — Hammond, Esq. 1823. 75 Chas. Tooke, Esq. 83 Dr. Harrison. 152 Major-Gen. Sir John Keane, K.C.B. 1824. 57 Mrs. Borridge. 83 Sir Anthony Carlisle, F.R.S., professor of Anatomy to the Royal Academy. 123 Portrait of a gentleman. 131 do. young gentleman. 193 The Rt. Rev. Alexander Mac- donell. Bishop of Rhcesina. 223 A young Bacchus. 290 Portrait of a lady. 329 Henry Moffat, Esq. 1825. 33 Portraitof a gentleman. 63 The Hon. Lady Palmer and chUd. 104 Mrs. H. Holden. 146 Lieut.-General Burr. 174 Robert Snow, Jun., Esq. 284 John Parsons, Esq. 395 Andrew Loughnan, Esq. 1826. 74 Miss M. Moffat. 105 Portraits of two children of the late Joseph Barretto, Esq., of Calcutta. 127 The Hon. WiUiam Edwards, R.N. 152 William Norris, Esq., late Pre sident of the College of Sur geons. 233 Onley SaviUe Onley, Esq. 328 John Hornby, Esq. 405 F. Dizi, Esq. 1827. 80 Edward Johnstone, Esq., in a Vandyke dress. 92 Thomas Lock, Esq. no Mrs. Burr. 165 John Wilde, Esq., LL.D., Trin. Coll. Cam. 320 William Henry Harriott, Esq. 1828. 53 Portrait of a lady. 93 Lieut. - General Sir George Cooke, K.C.B. 121 Henry Thomson, Esq., R.A. 194 Edward Johnston, Esq. 255 Portrait; a study. 1829. 47 Sir Thomas Strange, late Chief Justice ofthe Supreme Court of Madras. Painted for Christ Church College, Ox ford. 55 The Countess of Cavan. 65 Mrs. Edward Tunno. 167 The late Major-General Sir Thomas Monro, K.C.B., Governorof Madras. Painted for the town-hall of the Pre sidency. 406 A. J. Wilde, Esq., late Sheriff of London and Middlesex. (Elected P.R.A.) 1830. 54 Miss Elton. THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS lOI 1830. 73 •79 3°9 1831. 105 112 148 161 1832. 54 122 135 158 1833- 203 384 145 154 270 320 1834. 6a 67 123 139 321 372 1835- 5763 108 I^avinia, from Thomson's Sea sons. The Rt. Hon. Charies W. Williams Wynn. Portrait of the lady of Robert Hicks, Esq. (Knighted.) Miss Eliza Cooper. John Woolmore, Esq., Deputy Master of the Trinity House. Painted for the Trinity House. Pascoe GrenfeU, Esq., Governor of the Royal Exchange As surance. Painted for that Corporation. Sir Robert Williames Vaughan, Bart, M.P. for Merioneth shire; to be placed in the County Hall. Lady Thorold. " Eyre Coote, Esq., M.P. A magdalen. J. B. Morritt, Esq., in the cos tume of the Arch-Master of the Society of Dilettanti, and painted by their desire. Mrs. Edward Johnston. Francis Chantrey, Esq., R.A., F.R.S. The Bishop of Winchester {C. R. Sumner), Prelate of the Order of the Garter. Sir Gilbert Blane, Bart., F.R.S. The Rt. Hon. Sir Thomas Denman, Lord Chief Justice of England. Sir George Thomas Staunton, Bart., M.P., F.R.S. The Marquis Wellesley, K.G., Lord Steward of His Majesty's Household. John G. Ravenshaw, Esq. Christopher Hughes, Esq., American Minister at Stock holm. Sir Henry Halford, Bart., G.C.H. Portrait of the King. Ariadne.The Marquess of Exeter, K.G. J. P. Boileau, Esq. WiUiam Henry Pattison, Esq., of Witham, Essex. Lady Vivian. Portrait of the King. Portraits of two children of Edward J. Johnston, Esq. Earl Brownlow. 1835. 161 173 3n 1836. 411 54 59 66 129 1X9317 428 1837. 68 123 174194 273 310394 66 1838. 1839. 1840. 1841. 105 •77 6075 •37 205 346 54 68 75 .67179 308 54 68 Portrait of a son of Sir John CampbeU. Lord Abinger, Lord Chief Baron of the Exchequer. Lord Meadowbank, one of the Lords of Session in Scot land. Thomas Morton, Esq. The late Lieut.-General Sir Thomas Picton, G.C.B. Painted by command of His Majesty, to be placed in the Waterloo Gallery at Windsor Castle. The Marquess of Anglesey, K.G. G.C.B., etc. Painted by command of His Majesty, to be placed in the Waterloo Gallery at Windsor Castle. Miss Preston. Thomas Poynder, Junr., Esq., late Treasurer of Christ's Hospital. A Jew Rabbi. Sir Francis Chantrey, R.A., D.C.L., F.R.S., etc. George Crow, Esq. Portrait of the Queen. A Jew rabbi. Sir C. Bethel Codrington, Bart. Joseph Neild, Esq., M.P Thomas Frewen Turner, Esq. Viscount Alford. Portrait of a gentleman. The Bishop of Llandaff. {E. Copleston.) Rear-Admiral Sir George EUiott, C.B. His late Majesty King William IV. Sir Francis Burdett, Bart., M.P. The Eari of Aberdeen, K.T. Sir C. Bethel Codrington, Bart. The Hon. Lady Bethel Cod rington. Miss Reid. Sir Robert Harry Inglis, Bart., M.P. Lord Sudeley. Robert Berkeley, Esq. Lord Denman, Lord Chief Justice of the Queen's Bench. Mrs. Perceval Maxwell. Mrs. John Carrick Moore. Rev. William Wightwick. Henry GaUy Knight, Esq., M.P. The Archbishop of Canterbury. ( William Howley.) I02 THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS Shee, Sir Martin Archer, P.R.A. — con tinued. 1 84 1. 117 The Hon. Charles Cust, Royal Horse Guards. 154 The Rt. Hon. Charles Watkin WiUiams Wynn, M.P. 183 The Rt. Rev. James Bowstead, D.D., Bishop of Lichfield, late Fellow and tutor of Corpus Christi College, Cam bridge. Painted for the Col lege Hall, etc. 333 — Sloper, Esq. 1842. 74 George Wilbraham, Esq., late M.P. for South Cheshire. 118 The Rt. Hon. the Speaker. {C. S. Lefevre) 125 The Bishop of Sodor and Man. {Thomas V. Short.) 179 The Countess Brownlow. 300 Charles Hampden Turner, Esq. 1 843. 86 The Rev. Sir Henry R. Duken- field, Bart., Vicar of St. Martin's. Painted for the Parishioners. 136 Portrait of the Queen in the robes worn by Her Majesty when delivering the royal speech on opening the Ses sion of Parliament. 198 Sir WUliam Burnett, K.C.H. Painted for the Medical Officers ofthe Navy. 1844. 66 The Bishop of Llandaff. {Copleston.) 72 The Very Rev. Bruce Knight, Dean of Llandaff. 121 The Rt. Hon. Sir Edward Ryan, late Chief Justice in Bengal. Painted for Cal cutta. 133 The late Sir Francis Burdett, Bart. 190 The Rev. Sir Charles Farnaby, Bart. 314 Henry Hallam, Esq. 1845. 59 Benjamin Austin, Esq. 71 M. Thomas Ralli de Constanti nople, Chevalier de I'Ordre Russe de Stanislaus. 72 Miss Wilson. 213 Madame RaUi. 214 Sir William Ingleby, Bart. SHEE, Martin Archer, Jun. ...Painter. 32, Cavendish Square. 1827. 397 Portrait of a gentleman. 1828. 404 Sir Thomas Elmsley Croft, Bart. 1829. 144 The quadrille: pastorale. "En avant trois." 1830. 56 Gil Bias discovering himself to Camilla. "Taking the candle in my hand, I went towards the bed, and discovering my face to Camilla, ' Perfidious woman ! ' said I, ' behold the too credulous Gil Bias, whom you have tricked ; ah, wretch ! I have found you out at last : and the corregidor, in con sequence of my information, has ordered this alguazil to apprehend you,' etc." 1 83 1. 311 Gil Bias and Aurora de Guz man. " I rose in an ecstasy, and throwing myself at her feet, like a stage hero falling on his knees before his princess, I exclaimed in a declamatory tone, etc." — Gil Bias, vol. ii, chap. 2. 1832. 285 The rape of the lock. "The peer now spreads the glitt'- ring forfex wide, T' inclose the lock; now joins it to divide." SHEEHAN, Charles A Painter. 1 7, Cambridge Place, Paddington. 1898. 1 178 The mystic city. SHEFFIELD, George Painter. 13, Swan Terrace, Great Dover Road. 1825. 4 Portrait of a gentleman. 412 do. do. 6, Speldhurst Street. 1826. 182 Portrait of a lady. 426 T. Blamire, M.D., Carlisle. 644 Portrait of a gentleman. 22, Spencer Street. 1835. 98 Mr. John Charles. SHEFFIELD, George Painter. Chapel Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire. 1873. 728 Lindow Common. 1874. 900 On the Meuse, Rotterdam. ion Winter. Old Exchange Arcade, Manchester. 1876. 681 Off Spurn Point. 1878. 561 {No title in catalogue.) 1 1 84 View in the Island of Sark. THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS 103 SHEFFIELD, Miss Margaret A. Painter. 9, Dartmouth Row, Blackheath. 1889. 834 A dyke in the Fens. 1890. 1 169 In Croyland Wash. SHEFFIELD, Mrs. Mary ... Painter. Mrs. Sheffield. 1806. 888 Minerals. (An Honorary Exhibitor.) 1807. 386 Fossils. 1809. 299 Flowers. 308 do. 1811. 776 do. Mary Sheffield. 1812. 757 do. Miss Sheffield. 1813. 635 do. SHEFFIELD, Miss Mary J. Painter. 9, Dartmouth Row, Blackheath. 1887. 507 Primula. 1 89 1. 762 Roses. 827 Azalea. Arundel Park Road, Sidcup. 1893. 545 Roses and Nicotiana affinis. 1894. 710 WaUflower. 1896. 45 Thistledown. 1897. 495 Harvest flower. SHEFFIELD, T. Percy Painter. Crown Inn, Farnham Royal, Bucks. 1883. 1435 Birch trees and gorse land. SHEFFIELD, W. E Painter. At Mr. Pether's, 30, Litchfield Street. 1789. 425 Fruit piece. At Mr. Bland's, 45, High Holborn. 1 79 1. 198 Dead Game. 1792. 222 Study of an oak. SHEIL, E., R.H.A Painter. 1866. 35 Gethsemane. SHELDON, Frederick S... Sculptor. II, Cheyne Gardens, Chelsea. 1886. 1808 Sir R. N. Fowler, Bart., M.P.; bust, terra-cotta. SHELDRAKE, J Painter. 483, Strand. 1780. 277 Maria. From Sterne. SHELLEY, Frank Painter. 4, Margravine Gardens, West Kensington. 1900. 691 Alfred Garth Jones, Esq. SHELLEY, Frederick Sculptor. 15, Cadogan Street. 1890. 2056 Perseus and Andromeda; me daUion. 39, Torrington Place, Plymouth. 1899. 1064 A Devonshire orchard. 1900. 1 1 29 The fringe of Dartmoor. 1239 A September evening. 1904. 976 A Dartmoor Hillside — Even ing. SHELLEY, Henry Painter. 29, Rue des Capucins, Dunkirque. 1853. 25 "La Perle du Carnaval"; por trait of Mile. M. C. Gilling. SHELLEY, SamueL Miniature Painter. At Mr. Shelley's, 92, Whitechapel. 1774. 278 Portraits of a nobleman's three sons; miniature. 279 Portraitof a clergyman; minia ture. At Mr. Shelly' s, 24, Whitechapel. 1776. 281 Three miniatures. At Mr. Shelley's, 62, Whitechapel. 1777. 324 A head; miniature. At Mr. Fentum's, 78, Salisbury Street, Strand. 1778. 281 Portrait of a lady; miniature. 282 do. gentleman; minia ture. Litchfield Street, Soho. 1779. 301 A frame with miniatures. 302 A gentleman; in miniature. 1 6, King Street, Covent Garden. 1780. 227 Portraits of a nobleman and a lady. 251 Portrait of a lady. 270 Maria. From Sterne. 286 Portrait of a gentleman. 1781. 316 Portraits of His Grace the Duke of Marlborough, Her Grace the Dutchess of Marl borough, and Lord Francis Spencer. 330 Portrait of a lady and child. 351 Portrait of a lady. 353 A frame with miniatures. I04 THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS 1783. 332333 293302 303 314 Shelley, Samuel — continued. 20, Henrietta Street, Covent Garden. 1782. 257 Witches saluting Macbeth. 274 A frame with miniatures. 291 Portrait of a lady. 292 A fancy head. 301 Portraits of two ladies. 309 Portrait of a lady. 310 do. H.R.H. the Dutch ess of Cumberland. Portrait of a young gentleman. do. lady. do. do. do. do. do. do. Marcella. From Don Quixote. 322 Shepherdess of the Alps count ing her flock, Marmontel. 331 Eloisa and Abelard. 341 Portrait of a lady. 350 Frame with miniatures. 7, Henrietta Street, Covent Garden. 1784. 252 Portrait of a lady. 257 A frame with portraits. 265 Lavinia and her mother. From Thomson's Seasons. 285 Portrait of the late Sir Edward Walpole. 287 Portrait of a lady. 288 Eve. — Milton, book viii, fine 484. 291 Portrait of a gentleman. 297 Mr. Brereton in the character of Douglas. 316 Portrait of a lady. 1785. 308 Birtha. From Miss More. 317 Helen presenting Telemachus with a veil. ( Vide Odyssey, book 15, V. 134.) 318 Dorothea surprised. From Don Quixote. 330 A frame containing four por traits. 337 Portrait of a young lady. 245 Portraits of a lady and two children. 249 Portrait of a child; whole length. 285 Portrait of Sir Aston Lever. 2S9 do. a young lady. 292 Calypso lamenting the depart ure of Ulysses. 329 Portraits of a lady and two children. 1787. 297 Frame with miniatures. 304 Eugenia, from Caroline of Litchfield. 310 Shepherdess from Comus. 1786. 328 1788. 285 287 325335355 1789. 293 312 324 1787. 316 Portrait of a child. 319 Cloy, from Prior's Garland. 320 Portrait of a gentleman. {Mr. Howard.) A character by moonlight. The Hours (from Gray). Frame with six miniatures. {Lady Malton, Mrs., Miss, and Dr. Beardmore, Mrs. D. A. Drummond, Mrs. Beardmore and son.) Sylvia, from Pope's Spring. Doris, from Pope's Autumn. Abelard, from Cawthorne. Portrait of a nobleman. do. H.R. H. the Duchess of Gloucester. Portrait of a lady in the char acter of Hebe expecting the eagle. Frame containing six minia tures. A whole-length portrait of a nobleman in his coronation robes. {Lord Kinnoul.) Portrait of Lady Eliz. Lam bert. Portrait of His Serene High ness the Duke of Orleans. A whole-length portrait of a lady of quality in her corona tion robes. {Lady Kinnoul.) A frame containing a Vestal, portraits of a lady, an officer, and two children. A nobleman's children. The mansion of peace. Portraits of two boys. Erminia. An old man's head. Portrait of the late Nathaniel Chauncy, Esq. A frame containing Lear's grief at the death of Cordeha, Eve at her evening prayer, a group of children, and three portraits, miniatures. 1793- 377 A frame containing three groups, a portrait of a noble man, and five others. {Lord Inchiquin, Lady Egerton Lee and son. Miss Burt, Master and Miss Tighe, Miss Moore, Miss Baker, Miss Vaccreel, Mr. Shelley and sisters.) 419 Pilgrims' old heads; sketched from life. 469 Erminia purloining the armour of Clorinda; from Tasso's Jerusalem. 326 1790. 302 320 349 364 I79I. 293 313 330 353 362 1792. 266 278 290 THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS 105 1794. 386 Youth and beauty commiserat 1799. 463 ing age distressed, in the story of Belisarius. 473 466 A lady of quality; Major-Gen. 736 Cuyler's children in one 792 groupe and ten others. {Two Merediths.) 6, George St., Hanover Square. 795 1795. 445 The rosy hours. 447 A Dryad. 809 1796. 170 Seneca going to the bath. 176 A captive pilgrim. 177 An infant Theseus. 422 Erminia. — Tasso's Jerusalem. 1800. 4 495 Christ on the Mount; for an altarpiece. 572 A frame containing a group of children and six others. {Miss Saunders, Mr. Irwin, two Misses Irwin, Captain •5 Wells, etc) 629 Portrait ofa naval officer. {Cap tain Riou of the Guardian.) 631 Lady Eliz. Loftes' family. 679 Portrait ofa lady ; wholelength. 586 1797. 1024 Portrait of a lady and six gen 882 tlemen. {Mrs. Pearson, Mr. 895 Codrington, Mr. J. Baillie, Mr. Chambers, Mr. Touse, 907 Mr. Davis, Mr. Meredith) 1049 Portrait of a general officer in India. ( General Hartley. ) 1050 Portrait of a lady of quaUty. 1051 Portrait of a lady. {Miss McDougal) 1801. 115 1052 Omphale assuming the Her cules. 1053 A family; designed for a fron tispiece to Mr. Bryan's lec tures on astronomy. {Mr. 278 Bryan and daughters.) 1055 Venus complains to Jupiter, wounded by Diomede. 793 1798. 401 The Virgin and the fiend Nemesis; from Akenside's Pleasures of Imagination, Book 2, Ver. 516. 794 739 Malvina; from Ossian. 800 740 Mrs. Smith; a study. 801 784 Euphrosyne; from Savage, on the recovery of Lady Tyr- connel. 801 Hygeia; from Savage, on the 804 recovery of Lady Tyrconnel. 860 A frame containing the por traits of Mrs. Hatch, Sir William Wake, Mr. R. Rey 805 nolds, Mrs. Gurdon, Mr. 1802. 730 Hatch, Mr. G. Spence, Mr. 787 G. Jennings. VII. A son of Sir WUliam Langham, Bart. Portrait of Master Yenn. do. Mr. Gray. Adelaide, or Shepherdess of the Alps — on hearing Fen- rose music. A decayed officer; manner of Rembrandt. A frame containing the por traits of Mrs. Thomas, Mrs. Ladbroke, Miss Wake, Miss Travers, and Mr. Wake. Re-appearance of Euphrosyne, from the Vision of Harmo- dius. "When instant thro' the sable glooms. . . . Euphro syne appear'd and thus be gan, etc." — Akenside, b. ii. Wisdom and the fiend Neme sis from the Vision of Har- modius. " SUent by his side the Virgin came, etc." — Akenside, b. ii. Master Burrowes. Mr. Cuthbert. Diana, at the bath, chides her timid nymphs. A frame containing portraits of the Duke of Rutland, the Dutchess of Rutland, Lady Rodney, Mrs. Walker, Mrs. Cochrane, Mrs. Best, Mr. G. Meredith. Eleanor of Bretagne confined in prison by King John. "In one sullen tow'r she wet with royal tears her daily cell, etc." — Shenstone. Mnemosyne and Time. "O, memory ! celestial maid ! etc. " — Shenstone. The Horse, Eunomia, Dice, and Irene: or the past, the present, and the coming hour. Miss Linwood. Mr. Edw. Gray Saunders. Portraits of a lady, Mr. Gas- coyne, a gentleman, Mr. Travers, Capt. Cooke, Rev. Mr. Bale, and Miss Timson. The Parcse: Clotho, Lachesis, and Atropos; or, the Fates drawing the thread of human hfe. Portrait of a clergyman. do. lady. Daphne's tomb; from Pope's 4th Pastoral: Winter. "Ye p io6 THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS Shelley, Samuel — continued. weeping loves, the streams with myrtles bride, etc." 1802. 821 Mrs. Saunders. 827 Portraits of Lady H. Hay, Mrs. Shepherd, Mrs. Vardon, Sir E. KnatchbuU, and Master Butler. 1803. 214 Portrait of the late gallant Cap tain Riou, who was killed off Copenhagen. 720 Master J. Symonds. 777 A frame containing the por traits of Dr. Thornton, lec turer on botany to Guy's hospital, and author of a new illustration of the sexual system; J. H. Beaufoy, Esq.; M. Mitchell, Esq. ; the late N. Chauncy; Col. Patterson, East India Company ser vice; Miss Gurry, and Mr. Charlton. 836 Mrs. C. Pierson. 1804. 415 Masters W. and J. Henderson. 695 A family picture, the Hon. Mrs. Morton, her grandson, H. Morton Dyer, Esq., and lady; and her three great grandchildren; and portraits of Mr. Conolly, Captain and Mrs. Jones, Mr. E. Nash of Bombay, and three others. SHELLSHEAR, Miss Alicia J. Painter. A.J. Shellshair, 28, Blomfield Road, Maida HiU. 1877 723 Purity. A.J. Shellshear. 1879. 856 Portia. "Fare you well: your suit is cold. A gentle riddance : — Draw the curtains, go; Let aU of his complexion choose me so, etc." Merchant of Venice, act ii, sc. 7. 12, Warwick Rd., Maida Hill. 1883. 1071 Pauline, the " Lady of Lyons." 41, Westbourne Park Villas. 1887. 1060 Study of a head. SHELLY, Arthur Painter. 23, Woodland Terrace. 1881. 634 Study at Trachsellauinen, Lau- terbrunnen. 644 Lower Grindelwald Glacier. 1881. 651 In the Kanderthal, Switzerland. 844 Upper Grindelwald Glacier. Belgrade Road, Hampton. 1888. 1379 Winter sunset on the Thames. SHELSTON, J Architect. I, Upper Thornhaugh Street. 1 8 10. 691 Design for a county jail. 694 Double cottages. 799 Design for a pubhc bath. SHELTON, Miss Esther M. Miniature Painter. Manor House, Hornsey. 1901. 1460 Portrait of the artist. 1902. 1152 Marjorie. 1903. 1289 Miss Marjorie Head. 1904. 1389 Study in brown. SHELTON, Sidney Painter. I, Fitzroy Street. 1883. 197 Autumnal leaves. Roswald, St. John's Wood, Eastbourne. 1889. 980 Near Sevenoaks. SHENTON, Miss Annie F. Miniature Painter. 54, Greyhound Rd. Mansions, West Kensington . 1904. 1160 Miss Marjorie Peat, Miss Cun- liffe. Wood violets, Frank Bazaley, Esq. SHENTON, Miss Ellen Sculptor. II, St. James's Terrace, Kentish Town. 1850. 1347 Medora; model in plaster. " In life itself she was so still and fair, etc." 185 1. 1311 Sketch in plaster; Hagar and Ishmael. " Arise, lift up the lad, etc." — Genesis, xxi, 18. 1852. 1 37 1 Parasina. " And stiU and pale, and silently did Parasina wait her doom." 1389 Sybil. "She was happy; she dreamed a dream of love." 1853. 1368 The Greek mother, after having rescued her child from the eagle's nest, bearing it down the rocks. 1 7, Rutland Street, Regents Park. 1858. 1218 " By the waters of Babylon we sat down and wept;" a group. 1859. 1284 Cordelia. "Ay, sir, she took them, etc." — King Lear, Act iv, Sc. 4. THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS 107 SHENTON, Henry Chawner. Engraver. II, St. James's Terrace, Camden Town. 1846. 1478 Bust of J. Stenson Major, Esq. 17, Rutland Street. 1856. 1021 Richard Cceur de Lion forgiv ing Bertrand de Gourdon ; from the picture by John Cross in the House of Lords. Engraved for the Art Union of London. 46, Mary Street, Regent's Park. 1857. 1184 The Eari of Zetland, M. W. Grand Master of English Freemasons. 1 7, Rutland Street. 1858. 1138 "The loan of a bite." After W. Mulready, R.A. i860. 906 Labour for love. After T. F. Dicksee. SHENTON, J Sculptor. II, Si.Ja?nes's Terraee, Camden Town. 1845. ^355 The penitent; alto relievo. {J. Shenton in index, and H. Shenton, Junr., in catalogue) SHENTON, William Kernot. Sculptor. 46, Mary Street, Regents Park. 1857. 1363 Herr Manns; medallion. 1365 John Cross, Esq.; medallion. 1 7, Rutland Street, Regents Park. 1858. 1259 L. Walker, Esq.; medallion. 1328 E. Smith, Esq.; medallion. 1859. 1274 Mrs. W. K. Shenton; medal lion. 37, Great Coram Street. i860. 1029 The Poet Schiller. From a mask after death ; medallion portrait. 1033 Thomas Bardett, Esq., M.D.; medaUion. 1861. 982 E. Kenealy, Esq., LL.D., Bar- rister-at-Law; medallion. 1000 Ellis Eyton, Esq.; medaUion. 1862. 1070 Philip Frost, Junr., Esq.; medallion. 14, Anglesea Villas, Hammersmith. 1864. 1047 Medallion portrait of a gentle man. 1865. 996 W. G. Rogers, Esq.; medaUion. 1867. 1 173 Mr. G. A. Rogers; medallion. Wellington Road, Hammersmith. 1869. 1279 MedaUion portrait of a lady. 1 3 17 MedaUion portrait of H. G. Hine, Esq. 1871. 1332 Rev. Fred. Geo. Lee, D.C.L., F.S.A.; medallion. SHEPARD, Ernest H Painter. E. H. Shepard, 5 2, Glebe Place, Chelsea. 1901. 286 A Devonshire valley. 391 Miss Ethel Shepard. E. Shepard, 34, Shooters Hill Road, Blackheath. 1903. 1020 " They toil not neither do they spin." 1904. 125 Followers. SHEPARD, Frank N Painter. 4, Kensington Studios, Kelso Place, W. 1904. 43 Wind on the hill. SHEPARD, Henry Dunkin. Painter. 10, Kent Terrace, N W. 1885. 1380 In a German church. 1886. 1192 The last of his race. 1887. 1221 The Grey Friars' Hospital, Coventry. 1889. 1557 The first viohn. 137, Gower Street. 1891. 1427 A chorister. SHEPARD, Mrs. H. D. (Jessie). Painter. 10, Kent Terrace. 1888. 1274 StiU life. SHEPARD, T Architect. 36, Gumming Street. 1 83 1. 966 Design for a mansion. SHEPHARD, Eric A Painter. Leaholme, Torquay. 1886. 328 Scene in Surrey. {Shephard in index. Shepherd in catalogue) SHEPHEARD, George Painter. 9, East Street, Red Lion Square. 181 1. 104 The Cottage Gate, Thursley, Surrey. 445 Binford, Thursley, Surrey. 17, Great Ormond Street, 1814. 337 South End, Essex. io8 THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS Shepheard, George — continued. 1815. 327 The interior of a cottage. 181 7. 235 Smugglers. 426 Purford, with a distant view of Newark Priory, near Ripley, Surrey. 579 View near Crawley in Sussex. 1818. 211 The bird in danger. 898 The gypsies. 1821. 84 The morning call. 100, Guildford Street, Russell Square. 1830. 356 View at Cheriton, near Folke stone, Kent. 1837. 564 Fishermen in Folkestone Har bour dividing the fish by auction, which is decided by dropping a pebble; sketched from nature. 1838. 125 The old Queen's Head public house, Islington, from a sketch made in 182 1. 778 Thomas Fagan. This extra ordinary character was taken in a wood in Ireland, July, 18 10, by a party of military, whose vigilance he had, from his great activity, eluded for a length of time; he had been about fourteen years concealed, and had attained every appearance of a wild man, being completely covered with hair. When taken, he refused almost every kind of clothing, and preferred animal food in its raw state. They captured him under the idea that he had been a deserter; and were on the march, with other men of that descrip tion, to the depot in the Isle of Wight, when the sketch was made, 9th September, 1 8 10, at Ripley, Surrey, whUe the party were halting at the White Horse public- house in that village. He was not proved a deserter, but most probably had been active in the rebellion of 1798, and had concealed himself in that state to evade the military. 1839. 748 A halt of gipsies inthevicinity of Epsom previous to the races. 1840. 851 Hop-picking, sketchedatHawk- hurst, Kent, in the autumn of 1839. 1841. 175 The shipwrecked saUor. 1842. 1245 Dad's a-coming. The interior of a Welsh farmer's cottage, sketched from nature. SHEPHEARD, George Walwyn. Painter. 1 00, Guildford Street. 1836. 511 The Caeder Oak, on the estate of Major Mackworth, Glen Ush, Monmouthshire. 1837- 579 The elm, one of a series of forest trees, drawn from Nature. 1838. 730 The Willow, sketched at Toot ing, Surrey, in 1828. 1839. 625 The Cedar Pine: view near Spoletto; a drawing in pencil. 626 Val di Moline, Amalfi. II, Queen's Square, Bloomsbury. 1840. 546 The bridge and fort of St. Maurice, on the Rhone. 34, Great James Street, Bedford Row. 1841. 601 Study of beech in the forest of Fontainbleau. 69S View between Spoleto and Otricoli. 1842. 706 The Castle of Heidelberg. 1843. 1310 Colesbourne MiU, Gloucester shire, the property of the late John Elwes, Esq., from a sketch made in 1804 by the late Mr. G. Shepheard. 1311 Ash trees in the forest of Fon tainbleau; a study in pencil. 1844. 964 Vesuvius from Vico. 1044 Beech trees, near Le Rocher des Deux Soeurs, Fontain bleau. 1845. 683 The aspen, a study from Nature. 100, Guildford Street. 1846. 785 The wiUow. 1 08 8 On the lake of Geneva, near Vaud. 34, Great James Street. 1847. 994 Study in pencil of an Oak in Woburn Park. 46, Southampton Row. 1848. 1055 Leatherhead, Surrey. 1849. 989 The poplar. 1851. 1185 The forest deU. SHEPHEARD, Lewis Henry. Painter. 100, Guildford Street. 1844. 741 The loiterers. THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS 109 1846. 1143 Kathleen. 1847. 1033 Village Gossip. 1856. 1027 Study of fir. 1869. 516 Penshurst Place, Kent, the pro perty of Lord De L'Isle, and Dudley, formerly the resid ence of Sir Philip Sidney. SHEPHERD, George Painter. 1800. 382 View of Tottenham Court Church, Middlesex. G. Shepperd, 3, Ratcliff Row, City Road. 1802. 1052 WiUsden Church, Middlesex. G. Shepherd, 3, Ratcliff Row, City Road. 1803. 374 A Mill near Surrey Road, Lambeth. 532 St. Alban's Abbey, Herts. 579 Thetooth ofa mammoth, drawn from the original, found on the banks of the river Ohio, in America. 1804. 337 Canterbury Cathedral. 1805. 464 St. Alban's Abbey, from the meadow near St. Michael's bridge. 1807. 133 Bookham Church. 24, Grafton Street. 1808. 48 Cottages at St. Albans. 349 Dunkley Hill, Dorset. 31, Hertford Street, Fitzroy Square. 1809. 344 Thaxted Church, Essex. 374 Interior view of St. Alban's town, Herts. 469 Part of Netley Abbey, Hants. 18, Carburton Street. 181 1. 837 Interior of Kings Langley church, Herts, with the tomb of Sir J. Verney of Penley, who was sheriff of Herts and Essex in the fourth of Henry VII, and the tomb of Edmond of Langley, son of Edward III. 17, Clarendon Street, Somers Town. 1 82 1. 513 View of the Ruins of Berry Pomeroy Castle, Devon. 928 View of the town of Tiverton, Devon. 1822, 499 View of Battlesdon Park, Bed fordshire, the seat of Sir Gregory Osborn Page Turner, Bart., with a distant view of the Chiltern Hun dreds, and the intended piece of water. 1826. 493 Panoramic view of Battlesdon Park, the seat of Sir O. G. P. Turner, Bart. 1827. 503 Matlock Bath, Derbyshire. 510 A study from Hampstead Heath. 606 Study from Hampstead Heath. 1828. 528 Scene on the river Thames near Gravesend. 617 Ivy Bridge, Devon, painted on the spot. 1829. 533 The fall of the Erme, near Ivy Bridge, Devonshire. 968 The High Street, Maidstone, taken from the corner of Gabriel's Hill, Kent. SHEPHERD, George Sidney. Painter. 10, Clarendon Square, New Road. 1830. 494 Gravesend and the adjacent country, taken from Wind- miU HiU, Kent. 534 Old Covent Garden Market, as it appeared on the morning previous to Christmas day, 1828. 627 Crossing the heath. 972 A young lady at work. 978 Selling sprats, a scene in Lon don. 191, Regent Street. 1831. 45^ Study of weeds, from nature. 473 The Zoological Gardens, Re gent's Park. 545 Torquay, Devon. 570 The water-carrier. East Well, Hastings. 585 Mending nets, a scene at Hast ings. 899 Cherries. 16, Old Bond Street. 1832. 480 StiU life. 526 Sunset, a study. 12, St. Pauts Terrace, Camden Town 1833. 573 The pottery. 584 A leveret. 1834. 490 A heath scene; a study from nature. 47, Burton Street, Burton Crescent 1835. 455 Old London Bridge, with pre parations for building the new one. 559 A boat house at Brighton, Sus sex. 566 Scene on Hampstead Heath looking towards Highgate. no THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS Shepherd, George Sidney — continued. 1836. 490 A scene near Chalk Farm, looking towards Kentish Town and Holloway. 1038 A stone quarry. 15, Chad's Row, Gray's Inn. 1837. 746 Woburn Square. SHEPHERD, J Painter. Covent Garden Chambers. 1823. loi The doubtful sneeze. SHEPPARD, Miss Emma ... Painter. I, York Road, Northampton. 1897. 125 Sweet violets. 1898. 50 Flowers of the springtime. 1899. 754 My favourite flowers. 1900. 728 Voices of the spring. SHEPPARD, G... .Miniature Painter. 16, Prospect Place, Southwark. 1797. 914 Portrait of a lady. 952 do. boy. 22, Margaret Street, Cavendish Square. 1800. 874 Portrait of Geo. Smith. G. Shepperd, 33, Grafton Street, Fitzroy Square. 1802. 448 Mrs. Robson and child. SHEPPARD, Herbert C. ... Painter. Ashfield, Bridgend, South Wales. 1890. 862 Approach of a " Silent Death." North Sea fishermen call screw steamers " Silent Deaths," from their noise less approach, and the great number of lives lost through fishing boats being run down by them. Bryntirion, Stanwell Road, Penarth, Glamorgan. 1895. 462 Twilight on the SandhiUs, Glamorganshire. Newquay House, Flushing, near Falmouth. 1897. 1044 Gloucestershire meadows — dawn. Slon, Flushing, near Falmouth. 1899. 360 Snow and smoke. SHEPPARD, Miss Painter. (An Honorary Exhibitor.) 18 18. 560 Group of flowers from nature. SHEPPARD, Oliver Sculptor. 39, Basuto Road, Fulham. 1891. 1987 Hibbert C. Binney, Esq.; bust. 1893. 1727 W. G. Urquhart, Esq.; head. Stamford Bridge Studio. 1896. 1824 Incident in the Deluge; relief 1903 Genius of Celtic art; statuette. I, Fulham Studios. 1897. 2043 Lia-Fail, stone of destiny; statuette. Castle Rooms, Lenton Road, Nottingham. 1900. 1980 Dawn; statuette. 1901. 1759 do. do. bronze. 1768 The fate of the children of Sir (Irish legend); relief SHEPPARD, Philip Painter. Hampton Villa, near Bath. 1 86 1. 895 Cadgwith, Cornwall. 1862. 962 Mountain road. North Wales. 963 Snowdon, from Traeth Mawr, Portmadoc, North Wales. SHEPPARD, Reuben Sculptor. 23, Musgrave Terrace, Fulham. 1904. 1729 Love in idleness; relief. SHEPPARD, W Architect. Bedford Street, Bedford Row. 1810. 903 The abbey gateway, Worksop, Notts. 181 1. 895 The retreat; an accompani ment to a mansion. SHEPPERSON, Claude A.. ..Painter. 8, Clydesdale Mansions, Colville Gardens, W. 1895. 1385 Witchcraft. 18, Kensington Court Place. 1898. 1241 " Claudia. If he be not in love with some woman, there is no believing old signs; he brushes his hat o' mornings." — Much Ado about Nothing, act iii, scene 2. 1899. 1450 Shy; book illustration. 1900. 1589 Death waits at the door. 1604 The fight. 1629 A lad in love. 1901. 1471 Launcelot Gobbo. — The Mer chant of Venice. 1474 Duke Frederick, Celia, and Rosalind.— ^^ You Like It, act i, scene 3. THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS I II 1901. 1475 Shylock, Antonio, and Bas- sanio. — Merchant of Venice, act i, sc. 3. 1903. 1316 Charles II and the Duke of Buckingham ; a supper party at Campden House. 1439 A tailpiece for Leigh Hunt's " Old Court Suburb." 1904. 1384 Faggot-gatherers. 1408 Design for a bookplate. SHEPPERSON, Matthew... Painter. 39, Upper John Street. 181 1. 362 Banditti. 15, Moore Place. 1818. 150 Portrait of a child. 182 1. 4 do. gentleman. 190 do. general officer. SHERARD-KENNEDY, Edward. See K, vol. iv, page 315. SHERATON, T Painter. 13, Portland Street, Wardour Street. 1843. 212 Making a present. 4, Albion Place. 1846. 230 Portrait of a lady. 319 The pawnbroker. SHERBORN, Charles William. Etcher. 16, Warwick Street. 1863. 956 The armorial bearings of H.R.H. the Prince of Wales. 10, Gunter Grove. 1874. 1305 Moonlight: Old Battersea and church, 1875. 1074 Cat's head; dry-point etching. 1092 Putney Bridge; etching. 1 105 Northumberland House, Char ing Cross, in 1874; etching. 1876. 1187 Pope Pius IX; etching. 1188 On the Thames at Battersea; etching. 1 191 Ideal portrait of Shakespeare; etching. 1877. 1283 Venus and Cupid. 2, Sussex Terrace, Chelsea. 1878. 1200 Allegory of Life and Death. 1879. 1223 Lindsay House, Chelsea ; etch ing. 1262 H. Smith, Esq. 1880. 1267 Oliver Cromwell; ideal por trait. 1 3 16 The late R. A. Dundas C. Nis bet Hamilton. After G. Richmond, R.A. 1880. 1 3 17 Entrance to Westminster School; etching. I88I. 1272 ApoUo, God ofthe Sun. 1884. 1373 A bookplate; engraving. 1454 John Phelps, of Putney; etch ing. 540, Kin^s Road. 1886. 1520 A bookplate. 1888. 1715 Bookplate. 1716 do. 1889. 1799 do. 1800 do. 1890. 1694 Ex hbris. 1695 do. 1696 do. I89I. 1670 Bookplate. 1671 do. 1711 do. 1892. 1507 do. 1511 do. 1893. i35> do. 1405 do. 1406 do. 1408 The Archbishop of Canterbury. After H. T. Wells, R.A. 1466 Sir Alfred LyaU. After J. J. Shannon. 1894. 1405 Bookplate, Burlington Fine Arts Club. 1457 Bookplate. 1466 do. 1494 The Eari of Cariisle. After H. T. WeUs, R.A. 1895. 13 II Bookplate. 1896. 1564 do. 1898. 1479 do. 1500 do. 1589 Lady Halifax. 1900. 1583 A bookplate. 1903. 1440 do. 1441 do. 1904. 1299 do. HER IDAN, Harry Painter. Sella Park, Calder Bridge, Whitehaven. 1857. 697 The faU of the Aar, at the Handek. SHERIDAN, J Painter. 33, Strand. 1786. 46 Portrait of a gentleman. {Mr. Kemble, Junr.) 391 Portrait of himself. 37, Davies Street, Berkeley Square. 1788. 20 Portrait of a lady. 1789. 465 do. gentleman. I 12 THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS SHERIDAN, R Painter. 1 8, Old Burlington Street. 1785. 4 Portrait of a child. SHERIFF, G. Vincent Painter. 21, Leigh Street, Liverpool. 1877. 870 Glenfalloch. SHERLEY, Miss C Painter. 4, Upper King Street, Bloomsbury. 1842. 619 Portrait of a young lady. {Sherley in index, and Shirley in catalogue.) SHERLING, J Painter. 23, Charlotte Street. 1849. 985 Mrs. Valentine Bartholomew. SHERLOCK, William Painter. 78, Sloane Street. 1796. 150 Henry the Seventh's Chapel. 289 View of the Savoy. 414 Four portraits. 425 do. do. 506 do. do. 1797. 368 do. do. 378 do. do. 125, Strand. 1799. 638 Captain Edwards. 639 Mrs. Wheadon. 640 Mr. W. Gilpin. 641 Mr. G. S. Carey. 642 Mr. Wheadon. 643 Mr. Clearson. 1800. 43° Portrait of a gentleman. 455 Mrs. J. Atle. 521 Portraits of a lady and child ren. W. Sherlock, senr., 43, Broad Street, Golden Square. 1803. 796 A gentleman. 807 Portrait of a lady. 854 Miss A. Sheriock. 1804. 786 Miss Jones. 1805. 390 Portrait of himself. 401 Miss Sherlock. 1806. 635 Mr. Wells. 655 Mr. GUpin. 716 Miss Lloyd. SHERLOCK, William P Painter. 42, Dean Street. 1801. 767 Master C. Harvey. 1802. S82 C. KampfmuUer, Esq. 1803. 299 City of Rouen. 800 Portrait of a lady. 1805. 497 Tintern Abbey, Monmouth shire. 43, Broad Street, Golden Square. 1806. 812 A Mill on the Surrey side of the Thames, near Wands worth. Macclesfield Street, Soho. 1807. Tt,i*{No such number in the cata logue) 1808. 635 Landscape; a composition. 1810. 443 A mill at sunrise at Plymouth Dock, Devonshire. SHERMAN, W Painter. 26, Chapman Street, Islington. 1830. 14 The rich man leaving Jesus; a sketch. SHERRARD, Miss Florence E. Painter. 7, Oxford Square. 1885. 1663 James Corry Sherrard, Esq. 1886. 464 StiU hfe. 189 1. 338 The Convalescent. 1389 Head of a boy. 1892. 478 "Who wins?" 1105 Audrey, daughter of Eardley HiU, Esq. 1893. 897 After the first communion. 1894. 281 A Japanese scroll. SHERRARD, James Painter. 12, Queen Street, Brompton. 1829. 107 View near Northampton. SHERRATT, E Painter. 10, Castle Street, Strand. 1787. 265 Portrait of himself C. S her rati, 130, Strand. 1792. 292 Portrait of a lady. {Miss Levers.) SHERRATT, Thomas Engraver. T. Sherratt, Junr., 5, Westmoreland Place, Bayswater. 1 86 1. 948 The gipsy. After J. PhiUip, R.A. T, Sherratt, 9, Westmoreland Place. 1863. 942 Preparing for the chase. After Mourenhout. 970 From the Moors. After H. Park. 10, Basinghall Street. 187 1. 846 The Woman of Samaria. After H. Tidey. 1874. 1267 The Queen and her ladies. After G. H. Boughton. THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS 113 1878. 1191 The musician surprised. After G. A. Storey, A.R.A. 1880. 1268 Elijah, Ahab, and Jezebel in the Vineyard of Naboth. After T. M. Rooke. SHERRIFF, Mrs. Annie Painter. 13, Lancaster Gate. 1885. 512 " And while she turns the giddy wheel around. Revolves the sad vicissitudes of things." 1886. 1502 Study of a head. Pale Corwen, North Wales. 1887. 641 Sermon time. 1888. 811 Christmas roses. SHERRIFF, J Seal Engraver. Snow Hill, Birmingham. 1827. 988 Alexander, from the antique; an impression from a steel intaglio seal. SHERRIN, George Campbell. Architect. 2, Broad Street Buildings. School residence, Woburn Park, Weybridge. Master's House, Woburn Park, Weybridge. Lewisham Congregational Sun day Schools. Cricket pavUion, Woburn Park, Weybridge. Sanatorium, Woburn Park, Weybridge. Cottages, Halstead, Essex. Residence, Ingatestone, Essex. Writtlewick, near Chelmsford. Gate House, Ingatestone. 33, Finsbury Circus. Cannon Street Buildings. House at Ingatestone. House at Westgate on Sea. Workman's Club, Booking, Essex. 1962 Offices, Carey Street. SHERRIN, John, 7?./. Painter. 6, Little Abingdon Street. 1859. 685 Study of a bush on Wimbledon Common. 29, Gerrard Street. i860. 763 Plums. 779 Fruit. 1 86 1. 791 Apples, etc. 1862. 754 Fruit. 970 Blackbird, etc. VII. 1880. 1 140 I88I. 1070 1094 IIZ4 1882. II66 1884. 1253 I3I0 •337 1346 1885. 1886.1887.1889. 1905 15681584 1863 19, Stockwell Private Road, Clapham Rise. 1863. 755 Beauries of Kent. 776 Bough of apples. 1864. 619 Pine, Plums, etc. 634 Bough of Damsons. 8, Nelson Terrace, Twickenham. 1865. 667 Bough of Plums. 1866. 687 Damsons and peaches. 716 Bough of apples. 1869. 616 Wood pigeon. 1870. 558 Dead jay. 676 Bough of apples. 1871. 720 Fruit. 766 The winning move. 1872. 743 Branch of plums. 818 Rabbits. 1873- 714 Branch of apples. 884 Rabbits. 1874. 862 Beautiful in death. 872 Bunch of plums. 1875- 635 Magnum Bonum plums. 643 Golden Plovers. 1876. 664 Bough of peaches. 1877. 792 A bunch of plums. 817 Pine and sheU. 862 A bunch of apples. 1878. 856 Rabbits. 3, Codrington Villas, Ramsgate. 1879. 813 Golden Plovers. 884 A bunch of plums. 1880. 906 Branch of Plums. 1881. 720 Rabbits. 795 Pine and grapes. 1882. 901 A surprise. 1003 Wood pigeons. 1883. 935 Bough of plums. 964 Partridges. 1884. 967 Wood pigeons. 1894. 280 An unexpected meeting. SHERVIL, Alf. H. Miniature Painter. 7, Flanders Road, Bedford Park. 1898. 1260 Molly Bawn. 1356 Mrs. Edric W. Vredenburg. 1899. 1320 Ivy, daughter of Sidney Vesey, Esq. i44«, Sinclair Road, West Kensington. 1902. 1248 The late Mrs. Trigge. SHERWIN, Enoch Painter. Shelton, Staffordshire Potteries 18 1 9. 630 Fruit and flowers. Q 114 THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS SHERWIN 1774. 282283 1775. 392 A 393 A 1776. 282 1777. 326 1780. 343 1781. 424 1784. 229 {Sherwin graver.) , John Keyse Painter. At Mr. Bartolozzfs, Broad Street, Golden Square. Charity. After Guido ; a draw ing with chalks and crayons. Portrait of a young lady, in the same manner, in a fancied dress. At Mr. Jervis' s, Bedford Court, Covent Garden. drawing with chalks and crayons; from a picture of Nicolo Loir. drawing by William Hen- shaw. {It is doubtful whether this is a copy by Sherwin after Henshaw, or by the latter, who lived at Barto- lozzi's. See vol. iv, page 74.) Galatea. — Ovid's Met., Book xiii, verse 370. Leonidas leaving his family, going to Thermopyle to op pose Xerxes. — Glover's Leonidas, book i, line 321. 28, St. James's Street. Mrs. Hartley in the Winter's Tale. The joys of life. Portraits ofa lady and children. {Mrs. Dearne and family.) is better known as an en- SHERWIN, Mrs. Kate Painter. 4m, Portman Mansions, W. 1896. 1265 Iffiey MiU. SHIELDS, Harry G Painter. Capell Road, East Barnet. 58 Winter in the woods. 868 December bleak and drear. 740 A March day. Fen House, Perth. 573 A March day. Echobank, Inverkeithing, Fife, N.B. 113 The village street. 797 Woodland silver. 1889.1891.1892. 1894. 1898. SHIELDS, Thomas W Painter. 45, Avenue Villiers, Paris. 1880. 112 A cavalier; time of Louis XIII. SHIELLS, Miss Sarah Painter. (An Honorary Exhibitor.) Miss Shiells. 1784. 150 Portrait of a young lady. 1785. 214 Portrait of a lady. 215 do. do. Sarah Shiells, Lambeth Terrace. 1786. 182 Portrait of a lady. 218 do. do. 1787. 221 do. Mrs. Yearsley, the Bristol milk woman. SHIELS, William, R.S.A. ... Painter. 272, Strand. 1808. 156 Ulysses and Laertes. "Oh, father! rise, behold thy son ! " — Homer. 33, Cheapside. 1813. 94 The friendly visit. 143 Gipsies. 1814. 112 A courtship. 5 1, Johnson Street, Somers Town 1828. 224 A barn door. 123, Seymour Street, Fusion Square. 1830. 55 The young artist. 19, Circus Place, Edinburgh. 1 85 1. 447 Interior of a Scottish fisher man's cottage. 1852. 289 Preparing for a visitor. SHINDLER, Miss Florence A. Painter. 15, Queens down Road, Clapton. 1888. 1386 Entrance to Duke of Rich mond's tomb, Westminster Abbey. SHINER, Christopher M.... Architect. 15, New Broad Street. 1892. 1702 Fire Engine Station, Grays. 2, Walbrook, E. C. 1897. 1813 Memorial chancel to the late James Theobald, M.P., Grays. 1899. 1705 Entrance doorway, Grays, Es sex. 3, Bond Court, Walbrook. 1901. 1604 South Essex Waterworks Of fices, Romford. 6, Crutched Friars. 1902. 1376 Cottage homes at Grays. I903- '533 Stiffbrd Lodge. • 544 The Elms, Grays, Essex. SHIPHAM, B Painter. 79, Upper Parliament Street, Nottingham. 1852. 537 Midland scenery near Notting ham. THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS 115 1853. 64 On the river Trent, near Nottingham. 1855. 289 Clifton Grove, on the banks of the River Trent. 1856. 512 Scene at WUford, Nottingham shire. 1857. 548 Midland scenery, near Not tingham. 1858. 352 The Vale of the Trent, from Crow Park, Burton Joice, Nottinghamshire. 1861. 155 Lane scene near Sherwood, Nottinghamshire. 1862. 421 Scene in Bulwell Forest. 1872. 39 Near Aberglaslyn, North Wales. SHIPLEY, Miss Georgina (after wards Mrs. Frances Hare Naylor. Painter. (An Honorary Exhibitor.) 1781. 170 Portrait of a lady and two children. {Miss G. Shipley in the catalogue. Wal pole adds "eorgina.") SHIPWAY, J Architect. Great Malvern, Worcester. 1857. 1054 Water Cure EstabHshment, Great Malvern. 1088 ItaUan vUla. SHIPWRIGHT, Miss Emily A. Miniature Painter. 227, Hampstead Road. 1895. 953 A study. 27, Charlotte Street, W. 1904. 1 104 NeUie. 1242 Portrait ofa lady. SHIRLAW, Walter Painter. 41a, Cathcart Road. 1881. 1430 Cares forgotten. 3, New Burlington Street. 1891. 379 Reflections. 755 Moving westwards. SHIRLEY, Henry Painter. 7, Cumberland Terrace. 1844. 199 The babes in the wood. 229 Evening; a composition. 1845. 303 Noon; haymakers resting. 1846. 211 The cattle ferry. 554 Temptation. 1284 Embarking on the lake. 43, Burton Street. 1847. 248 Sunset — gipsies preparing for a revel. 1847. 600 A shower in harvest. 1848. 340 The rise of the harvest moon. 1 07 1 The seashore. 1849. ••64 A rustic Narcissus. 4, Weidington Street, Kentish Town. 1851. 124 Noon. 1852. 420 The gleaners. At Mr. Woolmer' s, Fortis Green, Finchley. 1853. 253 Maying. 118, Park Street. 1855. 455 Sunshine on the lake. 21, Carlton Road. 1859. 561 Archery. SHIRLEY, J Painter. Paddington. 1830. 252 Landscape. 1831. 437 do. 1832. 274 Storm passing off". SHIRREFF, Charles. Miniature Painter. At Mr. Burgess's, Gloucester Street, Red Lion Square. 1 77 1. 186 A portrait of himself; in crayons. 35, Lamb's Conduit Street, Foundling Hospital. 1774. 280 Portrait of a lady; miniature. 281 do. himself; do. 1775. 293 Two portraits; miniatures. Charles Shirriff, At Mr. Strachan's, 70, near the Adelphi, Strand. 1776. 283 Portrait of a gentleman; in miniature. 284 A frame with five miniatures. Charles Sheriff, 15, Salisbury Street, Strand. I'm. 325 A family; a miniature piece in water-colours. Charles Sherreff, At Mr. Fentum's, 78, Salisbury Street, Strand. 1778. 283 Portrait of a child; fuU length, in miniature. 24, Southampton Street, Covent Garden. 1780. 232 Portrait of a lady. 234 Fancy head. 235 Portrait of a boy. 261 do. gentleman. 1 78 1. 344 A frame with portraits. 345 Portrait of a gentleman. ii6 THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS Shirreff, Charles. — continued. C. Shirreff, 10, Tavistock Row, Covent Garden . 1 8 1 1 . 1783. 219 An officer. 313 Portrait of a lady. {Miss 0) 321 do. do. 420 do. do. 443 Group of three ladies. 14, Tavistock Row. 1784. 267 Portrait of a gentleman. {Mr. Shirreff.) 275 Portrait of a gentleman. {Mr. 1813. Kemble.) 281 Portrait of a lady. {Miss Phillips) 1785. 310 Portraits of Mrs. Siddons and Mr. Kemble in the charac ters of Tancred and Sigis- munda. 1786. 290 Portrait of an serial traveller. 1787. 290 do. a gentleman. {Caleb Whitefoord.) C. Sherriff, 13, Tavistock Row. 179 Portrait of a gentleman. 1788. 1789. 1790.1791. 1794. 1795- 1796. 341 do. do. 343 do. lady. 348 do. gentleman. 295 do. lady. 317 H.R.H. the Prince of Wales. 319 Portrait of an officer. 331 do. a lady. C. Shirreff. 305 Portrait of a gentleman. 340 do do. 355 do. an artist. 367 do. a gentleman. 10, Berners Street. 277 A sleeping nymph. Bath. 512 Two Bacchants. 525 Portrait ofa lady. {Mrs. Hart ley) 527 Portrait of a lady. 536 do. Chinese. 542 do. lady. 550 do. young lady. 552 The Master of the Ceremonies, Bath. {Mr. Tyson) 562 Miss Wallis and Mr. Dimond in Romeo and Juliet. 604 Portrait of a gentleman. {Mr. Her lot) 625 Portrait of a lady. {Mrs. Heriot.) 58, Green Street, Grosvenor Square. 670 Portraits of Mr. Shirreff, late Nabob of the Carnatic, the present Rajah of Benares, a 1814.1815.1816. 1817.1818.1823. Malabar native, Dr. Kay of St. Helena, and a Bengal native. 556 Lord Eardley. 561 A Madras native of rank. 594 Portrait of a young lady. 616 do. lady. 606 Mrs. Braidwood, teacher of deaf and dumb persons. 613 Portrait of a gentleman. 623 Mr. Barton of Calcutta. 633 Venus and Cupid. 483 Miss Murchison. 498 Portrait of a native of Con- pore. 534 W. Brown, Esq. 535 G. Owen, Esq. 38, Cumberland Street. 400 Master WiUiams. 411 Mrs. Brown. 444 Dr. Watson. 467 Portrait of a lady. 541 do. do. 544 do. do. 554 do. child. 617 A nymph. 639 Portrait of a lady. 737 do. do. 698 do. young gentleman. 710 Hebe. 822 Portrait of a lady. 428 Portraits. 445 Peneus. 45, Upper John Street, Fitzroy Square. 718 Portrait ofa gentleman. SHIRREFF, John Painter. 35a, Union Street, Aberdeen. 1890. II 22 Saturday night. {Shirreff in index, Sherreff in catalogue.) J. Shirreffs, 14, Union Row, Aberdeen. 1895. 1005 A Scotch interior. J. Shirreff. 1896. 1113 Tea time. J. Shirreffs, 7, South Street, Greenwich. 1898. 1163 A neighbour lad. SHIRVING, Archibald. Miniature Painter. At Mrs. Milward's, Little Brook Street, Hanover Square. 1778. 284 A frame with three miniatures. THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS 117 1799. 836 Portraitof John Clerk of Elden, Esq. , author of the celebrated Treatise on Naval Tactics. ( — Shirring in the index, — Skirving in the catalogue) SHOOSMITH, Thurston L. Painter. 30, Billing Road, Northamptofi. 1899. 1180 Western Favell, Northampton shire. 1901. 955 A Cornish port. 978 Rue de la Grosse Horloge, Rouen. 993 A street in St. Malo. SHOPPEE, Charles Herbert. Architect. 22, John Street, Bedford Row. 1890. 1746 New headquarters, St. George's Rifles, Davies Street, W. SHOPPEE, Charlesjohn. ..Architect. 61, Doughty Street. i860. 631 Lunatic Asylum for New Zea land. 1876. 1057 304, High Holborn. SHORE, Captain the Hon. Frederick William John Painter. 89, Norfolk Terrace, Bayswater. 1883. 1478 A peep of the Galleries, Gib raltar. Clonmell, Ireland. 1888. 105 The bone of contention, Tan- giers, Morocco. SHORE, Robert S Painter. 54, Lower Bagot Street, Dublin. 1896. 327 A grey day on the river. 1897. 684 From foreign parts. SHORSMITH Painter. 19, Gray's Walk, Lambeth. 18 1 9, 914 M. Langdale, Esq. 961 M. R. Langdale, Esq. SHORT, Frank Engraver. 3, Radnor Street, Chelsea. 1885. 1594 New Inn, Poole. 1653 Putney Bridge. Wentworth Studios, Manresa Road. 1886. 1470 Sunset on the beach. After Copley Fielding's mezzotint. 1887. 1889. 1890. 1891. 1892. 1893.1894. 1896.1897. 1899. 1904. 503 A north country fishing viUage. 505 Grey morning — Whitby. 545 In a cider country. After Alfred Parsons. 712 Mezzotint. After Alfred East. 685 The Curfew; aquatint. "Over some wind-watered shore Swinging slow with suUen roar." 700 Hayle. 705 Rye Port. 720 Orpheus and Euridice. After G. F. Watts, R.A. 792 A road in Yorkshire. After De Wint. 616 TwiHght on the Campagna. After G. Costa. 632 "Low tide and the evening star, and Rye's long pier de serted." 683 Day's dying glow. After J. Far quharson. ;684 Flatford Lock. After J. Con stable, R.A. 226 The breaking up of the " Great Eastern." 562 The entrance to the Mersey. 568 Near Hingham, Norfolk. After John Crome. 590 The breaking up of the " Great Eastern." 686 Swiss Pass. After J. M. W. Turner, R.A. 690 The mouth of the Thames. After J. M. W. Turner, R.A. 695 A Sussex down. After J. Con stable, R.A. 477 Diana and Endymion. After G. F. Watts, R.A. 350 The Solway. 398 Gathering the flock on Maxwell bank. 56, Brook Green, W. 486 "When the weary moon was on the wane." 510 Evening on the Solway. 580 Mouth of the Medway. After J. M. W. Turner, R.A. 584 FaUs of the Rhine, Schaff- hausen. After J. M. W. Turner, R.A. 603 Lucerne. After J. M. W. Turner, R.A. 604 Pastoral. After J. M. W. Turner, R.A. 570 Sir George Johnson, M.D., F.R.S. After Frank HoU, R.A. 311 Lord Tennyson. After G. F. Watts, R.A. ii8 THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS Short, Frank — continued. 1904. 1323 A vessel in distress off Yar mouth. After J. M. W. Turner, R.A. 1418 A Yorkshire Hayfield. After P. de Wint. {Mr. Short was elected A.R.A. in 1906.) SHORT, F. Golden Painter. Lyndhurst, Hants. 1887. 1013 By the Thames, Limehouse. 1888. 918 At Scarborough — evening. 1889. 952 Bude Sands, Cornwall. 1892. 471 Shadows of departing day. SHORT, George H Painter. Avondale, Rosemont Road, Acton. 1900. 1575 Study of a cat's head. 1638 do. do. 1662 do. do. SHORT, Percy Painter. Brant House, Shore Road, Hackney. 1888. 196 Study of a child's head. 52, Fountayne Road, Stoke Newington. 1889. 117 Study of a head. 38, Great Ormond Street. 1892. 754 Innocence. 1894. 620 Mrs. Lamparter. SHORT, Richard Painter. Tywarnal, Cardiff. no Penarth head. 2, The Walk, Cardiff. 685 Off Porthcawl. 675 St. David's Head, Pembroke. 708 Porthcawl beach. 979 Bristol Channel. 711 Worm's Head, Gower. 856 Light at eventide. 887 Gloomy weather. 902 Grangetown, Cardiff. 22, The Walk, Cardiff. 830 Porthcawl Sands. 297 St. David's head, Pembroke. 809 Cardiff roads. 874 Grey day. 891 East wind, Cardiff. 1882. 1886 1887 1889 1896 1897 1900. SHORT, W.J Architect. W.J. Short, 10, Waterloo Place. 1838. 1215 Crookham Manor Farmhouse, Kent. W. L. Short, 56, Shepperton Terrace, Islington. 1839. 1155 At Gloucester. W.J. Short, 13, Ward Street, Lambeth. 1 84 1. 1004 Design for a church. 1030 Old Buildings. 1 103 Old houses near Ightham. 1842. 1012 Porch of St. Mary's Church, Bury St. Edmund's. 1843. 1207 Old house in Lambeth Old Town. 2, Spring Terrace, Lambeth. 1844. 1123 Bookbinders' almshouses. 1845. 1 103 Old Buildings. SHORTHOUSE, Arthur C... Painter. AthencBum Chambers, Temple Row, Birmingham. 1898. 1082 Happy times. SHORTHOUSE, Miss Stella H. Painter. 5, Bramley Hill, Croydon. 1887. 757 Azaleas. I, Carlton HiU. 1888. 968 Tea roses. SHORTO, H. H Painter. H. Shorto, At Mr. Reynolds's, Bayswater. 1823. 185 Landscape; composition. 1824. 254 do. sunset. SHOTTEN,J Painter. 1863 216 W. S. B. Woolhouse, Esq., F.R.A.S., etc. SHOUBRIDGE, W Architect. 16, Hanover Terrace. 1831. 1048 Design for an ornamental temple. I, EarPs Terrace, Kensington. 1837. 991 Forum at Rome. 993 Gateway leading to the Piaz- zetta di San Marco, Ducal Palace, Venice. 1086 Venice. "She looks a sea Cybele, Qtc"— Child e Harolde. 18, Oxford Square. 1843. 1 192 Church of St. Ouen, Rouen. 1336 The Lady chapel. Church of St. Ouen, Rouen. SHOUBRIDGE, Mrs. W. ... Painter. Wellington Road, Hounslow. 1870. 725 Florence. THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS 119 SHOUT, Robert Howard. Architect. West End, Hampstead. 1845. 1 147 Design for a National Mu seum. 1846. 1352 New church. 1847. iiio Approach to a marine palace. 1848. nil All Saints' Church, Derby. 1 195 Wimborne Minster, Dorset shire. 1849. ''48 Smallpox Hospital, Highgate. SHOVERS, E Architect. 1847. ••='8 Monument. SHRIGLEY and HUNT. Stained Glass Painters. John 0' Gaunt s Gate, Lancaster. 1882. 1171 Stained glass. North Bovey Church, Devon. 1Z07 Ceiling decoration, Aigburth, Liverpool. 2%, John Street, Bedford Row. 1884. 1220 Window, English Church of All Saints, San Remo, Italy. 1885. 1827 Window, Mytton Church, near Whalley, Lancashire. 1886. 1734 Stained glass. Upper Stondon Church, Beds. 1888. 1750 Window, Cartmel Priory Church, Lancashire. 1859 Stained glass. Aldington Church, Kent. 1861 Stained glass, Harthill Church, Cheshire. 1889. 1927 Window, Chiswick parish church. 1938 Window, Ranmoor Church, Sheffield. John O' Gaunt s Gate, La?icaster. 1891. 1820 Window, St. Margaret's Church, Lowestoft. 1904 Window, St. Mary's Church, Leigh, Lancashire. 1892. 1789 Window, Skelton-in-Cleveland Church, Yorkshire. 1792 Window, Leigh Church, Lan cashire. 2%, John Street. 1893. 1553 Window, Hillhead Established Church, Glasgow. 1638 Window, "The Nativity," St. John's Church, Silverdale, Lancashire. 1894. 1559 Window to the late Lord Ed ward Cavendish, Cartmel Priory Church, Lancashire. 1894. 1569 Window, Church of SS. Simon and Jude, Southport. 1895. 1492 Reredos, St. Peter's Church Newton-le-Willows, Lan cashire. 1543 Decoration of Roof, New King's Hall, Holborn Res taurant. 1896. 16 1 9 Window, Heaviley Church, Stockport. 1726 Window, Great MarlowChurch, Bucks. 1897. 1764 Window, St. George's Church, Heaviley, Stockport. John O' Gaunt' s Gate. 1898. 1691 Chancel, St. George's Church, Preston. 1899. 1693 Window, Fenham HaU. 1696 do. Doncaster Parish Church. 2Z,John Street. 1900. 1 841 East window, St. Lawrence's Church, Morecambe. John O' Gaunt' s Gate. 1902. 1393 Window, Christ's Church, Waterloo, Liverpool. 1400 do. do. 1536 Nine windows, Christ Church, Waterloo, Liverpool. SHRIMPTON, Miss Ada M. Painter. 42, Clanricarde Gardens. 1891. 1285 Molly. Studio, Thurloe Square. 1893. 1047 Pansies. 1 140 The wood sprite. 1897. 1307 Roses. 1390 "Now I'm father." 1396 Sulky Sue. 57, Bedford Gardens. 1 901. 230 Dorothy's bridesmaid's dress. 843 Pippa. "I will pass by, and see their happiness, etc." — Browning. 1 1 77 Miss E. Shrimpton. 1904. 460 The Joy of Life. SHRUBSOLE, W. G Painter. 49, Tonbridge Road, Maidstone. 1881. 406 The ramparts of Idwal. 4, Summerhill Terrace, Upper Bangor, North Wales. 1882. 306 A crown of fire; sunset effect at Lake Ogwen. 1883. 349 A gusty morning at Ogwen. Arvonia Buildings, Bangor. 1886. 126 The Queen of Cambria. 172 "The wUd pomp of mountain majesty." I20 THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS SHUBROOK, Miss Laura A. Painter. I, Tudor Lodge Studios. 1891. 797 China asters. 46, Nicoll Road, Willesden. 1893. 453 Roses. 1894. 666 do. 1895. 212 White lUies. 1898. 178 Blue and white iris. SHUBROOK, Miss Minnie... Painter. 63, Plimsoll Road, Finsbury Park. 1885. 1694 Grace. 1886. 949 Leslie, daughter of Thomas Perkins, Esq. 1887. 360 Portrait of a lady. 798 Narcissus and Acacia. 1888. 633 W. Neave HiU, Esq. 1160 "Of what are you thinking, sweet lassie?" I, Tudor Lodge. 1889. 332 Maude, daughter of J. H. Wilson, Esq. 851 Christmas Roses. 1204 Mildred, daughter of T. E. B. HiUiard, Esq. 1890. 841 Christmas roses. 953 Chrysanthemums. 1 89 1. 990 Portrait of L. A. S. 1119 "Yet for old sake's sake she is still dear, the prettiest doU in the world." 1892. 93 A City Luncheon. 936 Christmas roses. 12, Denton Road, Stroud Green. 1896. 112 Gloire de Dijon roses. 1897. 800 do. do. 873 Roses. 916 do. 63, Plimsoll Road, Finsbury Park. 1899. 329 Iris. SHUCKARD, Frederick P.. ..Painter. 2, Ravenscourt Terrace. 1870. 214 A ray from the hearth. 826 do. do. (crayon.) 937 The umpire in the encounter. 4, Carlton Road West, Peckham. 1873. 66 Miss Frances, eldest daughter of A. H. Saunders Davies, Esq. 367 Master Clarence. 1874. 417 " In Thee the fatherless findeth mercy." — Hos., xiv, 3. 1875. 298 Returning with the spoils. 10, King's Road, Peckham. 1876. 1276 Mrs. Waterhouse. 1880. 548 Portrait. 812 Pelargonium (Digby Grand). 1881. 813 A little friend. 1885. 1458 Rhododendron. 6, Gunnersbury Villas, Peckham. 1888. 1409 Eastbourne, from Beachy Head. Frederic P. Shuckard, 14, Walerand Road, Lewisham. 1901. 1009 Cloister Court, Queen's College, Cambridge. SHUFFREY, Leonard A. Architect. 38, Welbeck Street. 1889. 1 97 1 House, Edgehill Road, Ealing. SHURY, George Salisbury. Engraver. 1859. 1218 Kars and its defenders. After W. Simpson. 1227 Viscountess Bury. After Henry Weigall. Prince's Terrace, Notting Hill. i860. 936 The first of October. After A. Cooper, R.A. 1861. 939 La Traviata. After Mons. Beard. 953 Parable of the rich man. After H. Le Jeune. 7, St. Mark's Road, Notting HiU. 1864. 838 The Hon. Lady Lyttleton. After H. Weigall. 74, Portland Road Villas. 1875. 1106 The burgomaster's daughter. After Rembrandt. 1876. 1 1 37 The Ladies Maria, Laura, and Horatia Waldegrave. After Sir Joshua Reynolds, P.R.A. SHUTER, Miss Agnes Sculptor. Lawn House, Tufnell Park, N. 1881. 1568 Mrs. Shuter; bust. 1882. 1602 Bas relief. 9, Steele's Road, Haverstock HUL 1884. 1758 Little Aggie, daughter of G. Acton Davis, Esq. SHUTER, William Painter. King Street, St. Ann's, Soho. 1774. 284 Two fruit pieces. 285 Two flower pieces. THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS 121 At Mr. Byrne's, 1 1, Long Acre. 1775. 294 Two fruit pieces. At Mr. Turner's, in Mary-le-bone Street, near Golden Square. 1776. 285 A flower piece. SHUTTLEWORTH, Alfred. Painter. 24, Villa Road, Handsworth, Staffordshire. 1898. 136 Teazles. SIBLEY, Charles Painter. 1826. 364 Dead game. 26, Duke's Court, St. Martin's Lane. 1827. 218 Dead game. 1828. 285 Lady with a globe of fish. Broad Street, Golden Square. 1829. 106 Dead game. 1834. 187 Water fowl. I, Vine Street. 1835. Ill Female reading. 20, Oxenden Street. 1837. 293 Inniskillen Dragoons. 1838. 5 Portrait of a gentleman. 66, Great Queen Street. 1839. 161 The suppliant. 6, Russell Place. 1847. 120 J. Burnett, Esq. SIBLEY, Frederick T Painter. 3, Garden Studios, Chelsea. 1890. 1220 A lonely shore. SIBLEY, G Painter. 39, Great Ormond Street. 1844. 1105 An interior view of a private chapel, Auvergne. SIBLEY, R. S Architect. 39, Great Ormond Street. 1838. noo Lunatic Asylum at Han well. 1839. 1193 Interno della Basilica di S. Pietro. SIBSON, H Sculptor. 84, Margaret Street. 1826. 1033 Satan calling up the infernal host. "Awake! arise! or be for ever fall'n." — Paradise Lost. Aloe Cottage, Wellington Road, St. Johfis Wood. 1833. 1141 Bust of R. Franklin, Esq. 1838. 1336 Model of part of a group for a silver centre piece, presented to Sir Alexander Woodford, VII. Bart., by the merchants of the Ionian Islands. 9, Douro Cottages, St. John's Wood. 1863. 1200 Lord Bacon meditating correc tions in his great work, "The Novum Organum Scienti- arum"; half-sized model ofa statue. SICCAMA, R. R Painter. 29, Doughty Street, Mecklenburgh Square. 1856. 950 Sunset off Gravesend. SICHEL, Ernest Sculptor. 171, Stanhope Street. 1885. 969 Curiosity. 2, Claremont, Bradford, Yorkshire. 1897. 175 Decorative panel. 633 The late Dr.Leonhard Schmitz. 1902. 1706 The potter; relief, panel. 1903. 1807 do. relief, silver. 1811 The, basket-maker; relief, panel. SICKERT, Oswald Painter. 12, Hanover Terrace, Notting Hill 1876. 108 Morthoe, coast of North Devon. 12, Pembroke Gardens. 1883. 258 Evening on the hills in North Devon. SICKERT, Walter Painter. 13, Edwardes Square, Kensington. 1885. 1650 The acting manager. 13, Robert Street, Cumberland Market, N W. 1898. 801 The stage box. SICKHERT, Bernhard Painter. 12, Pembroke Gardens. 1887. 810 Kensington High Street. SIDDONS, Mrs. Sarah Sculptor. (An Honorary Exhibitor.) Mrs. Siddons. 1802. 1058 A Bust of Adam, from Milton's Paradise Lost, book iv, line 300. "His fair large front, and eye sublime, etc." {Although the name in the catalogue is Mrs. Siddons, yet there seems no doubt the great actress was a sculptor and that this exhibit is by her. Mr. Knight, in D. N. B., vol. Hi, page 201, states, "She herself exe cuted busts of herself and of her brother John, etc.") 122 THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS SIDEBOTTOM, A Painter. 38, Sussex Place, Hyde Park. 1851. 115 Portrait of a lady. SIDLEY, Samuel Painter. 8, Mottram Road, Hyde, Manchester. 1855. 940 The ancient mariner. I, Eldon Road, Kensington. 1863. 203 Edmund Potter, Esq., M.P., F.R.S. 224 Sophia Western. 1864. 125 Companions in mischief. 1865. 245 Civil war. 1866. 428 Dr. Colenso, Bishop of Natal, 1867. 238 William Smith, Esq., of Gled- how, Leeds. {Presentation portrait) 1868. 238 Portrait of a lady. 1871. 203 Rt. Hon. Jas. Stansfeld, M.P. 1872. 40 Saying grace. 556 Lord Justice MeUish. 1874. 113 Mrs. Vandeleur. 957 Miss Maude Sanderson. 1407 Alice in Wonderland. 8, Victoria Road, Kensington. 1875. 185 A lady and her daughters. 281 Spring. 1876. 555 The challenge. 1877. 66 Annie and Ernest, children of Angus Holden, Esq. (Pony by R. Ansdell, R.A.) 331 "I know a maiden fair to see; Take care ! " 1878. 4 Daughters of Edward Holden, Esq. 1880. 345 Mrs. H. Ernst HaU. 666 Gertrude, daughter of H. II- lingworth, Esq. 1881. 72 Portrait of a lady. 1882. 433 The late Edwin Christy, 8th K.R.I. Hussars. (The horse by R. AnsdeU, R.A.) 1884. 112 Portrait of a lady. 750 Watching the effect. 1885. 592 Miss Barker. 1887. 1015 Mrs. Beausire. 1888. 997 Mrs. Andrew Knowles. 1889. 302 Andrew Knowles, Esq. (Piaiz'^z/^rf with J. Charlton) 1895. 704 Mrs. G. J. Thursby. SIDNEY, Herbert Painter. 1 6, Rue de la Tour, Paris. 1877. 627 A mother and daughter perish ing in the destruction of Pompeh. 28, Leicester Square. 1879. 398 Joseph interpreting the dreams of the butler and baker of Pharaoh. — Gen. xl. SIEVIER, R. M Sculptor. 12, Henrietta Street. 1846. 1482 Bust of Miss Charlotte Leach- man. SIEVIER, Robert William, F.R.S. Sculptor. 34, Southampton Row. 1822. 1036 Bust of Field Marshal Earl Harcourt. 1038 Bust of Daniel More, F.R.S. 1823. 1061 do. W. Home, Esq. 1071 do. S. Satoore. 1083 Bust in marble of S. Cart- wright, Esq. 1085 Bust of Lord Chief Justice Dallas. 1 1 03 Bust in marble of Mirza M. Sauleh. 1824. 973 The Earl of Shaftesbury; to be executed in marble. 983 A Bacchante asleep; in mar ble. "Amidst the shady (vine) leaves, overcome with sleep, her tender form re posed." 985 Charies MUls, Esq. 990 The Rt. Hon. Lord Francis L. Gower. 998 {In the index, but by Turnerelli in the catalogue.) 1825. 992 Pity, the daughter of Love and Sorrow. "Pity was com manded by Jupiter to follow the steps of her mother through the world, dropping balm into the wounds she made, and binding up the hearts she had broken. She follows with her hair loose, her bosom bare and throb bing. She wore on her head a garland composed of her father's myrtle, twisted with her mother's cypress. " — Mrs. Barbauld. 1007 A marble bust of the Lord ChanceUor. {Lord Eldon) 1 06 1 Marble statue of Dr. Jenner, M.D.; to be erected in Gloucester Cathedral. 1826. 1043 Bust of John Foster, Esq.; in marble. 1059 Bust of the Rt. Hon. Lord F. Gower; in marble. THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS 123 1826. io88 Bust of Lord RoUe; in mar ble. 1828. 1 1 40 Marble bust of a gentleman. 1 1 60 do. lady. 1 175 do. John Aber- nethy, Esq., F.R.S. 1212 A groupe — Affection; to be executed in marble. "No! you shall not Kiss him, at least not now; he will awake soon ; His hour of mid-day rest is nearly over; But it were pity to disturb him till 'Tis closed." — Byron. 1829. 1170 Girl and lamb; in marble. 1 175 Marble bust of Richard Clark, Esq., Chamberlain of the City of London. 1 176 Marble bust of the Countess of Sheffield. 1219 Boy and tortoise; in marble. 1830. 1173 Musidora. "Ah then! not Paris on the piny top Of Ida panted stronger, when aside The rival goddesses the veil divine Cast unconfined, and gave him all their charms, Thou, Damon, thou, as from the snowy leg And slender foot, the inverted silk she drew." 1202 Bust of the Marquis of Angle- sea. 1203 Bust of the Rt. Hon. W. Long Wellesley. 1211 Bust of the Hon. Mrs. W. L. Wellesley; in marble. 1 2 1 6 Posthumous bustofSir Thomas Lawrence. 1 83 1. 1 1 54 Marble bust of Baron BoUand. 1 1 68 do. Dr. Turton, Dean of Peterborough. 1 172 Marble bust of Thomas Le Blanc, Esq. 1229 Bust of Lord Brougham and Vaux; to be executed in marble. 1832. 1 1 77 Statue to the memory of Field Marshal Earl Harcourt; to be placed in St. George's Chapel, Windsor. II 86 Bust of R. Joddrell, Esq. 1833. 1122 Posthumous bust of J. BoUand, Esq. 1834. 1078 A mother and child. 1835. 1084 Marble bust of Professor Cole man, presented to him by his pupils. 1 134 Part of a monument to the late J. Palmer, Esq., represent ing him upon a sofa, as he appeared a few moments previous to his decease. 1837. 1 183 Mural monument to the memory of Mrs. Cole. 1231 Marble bust of the late Sir Thomas Monro. 12, Henrietta Street, Cavendish Square. 1838. 1320 Marble bust of J. H. Oughton, Esq. 1842. 1268 H.R.H. Prince Albert. 1398 His Majesty of Prussia; to be executed in marble. 1399 Sir William Home. 1843. 1438 Marble bust of Wynne EUis, Esq., M.P. 1517 Marble bust of Mrs. EUis. 1844. 1371 Marble bust of Mrs. Oughton. 1378 Bust of the late James Bordieu, Esq. {Mr. Sievier was a good stipple engraver up to the year 1824. Hewas elected F.R.S. in 1840; he did not die until 1865.) SIGMUND 1881. 810 1882. 1052 1884. 1093 1885. 434 1187 1264 1282 1886. 130314511118 1135 1210 1230 1325 1887. 1888. 1107 1127 1248 1185 1252 •3431436 Benjamin D. ... Painter. 52, Cannon Street. TranquiUity. By the stream. Taplow, near Maidenhead. On the edge of the woods — Barbrook, North Devon. 13, Riverside, Taplow. Early spring. Near Lynton, North Devon. Cottage at Barbrook Mill, North Devon. On the West Lynn, North Devon. The farmer's daughter. On the edge of the common. On Exmoor, near Lynton. Young anglers. Autumn. Companions.Feeding-time. The Willows, Bridge Street, Maidenhead. Gathering fuel. Evening. A reedy pool. By willowy streams. The Month of May. By the sea shore. Spring. 124 THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS Sigmund, Benjamin D. — continued. 1889. 1525 A woodland pool. 1565 Spring. 1890. 1304 O'er moor and fen. 113, Lot hair Road, N 1893. 1021 The edge of the wood. 1895. 964 The month of May. 1896. 1207 By the river. The Falls, Lynmouth, Barnstaple. 1897. 1289 The orchard gate. 1297 The brook. Lyndale, Wexham Road, Slough, Berks. 1899. 1069 A Buckinghamshire cottage. 1 184 The edge of the wood. 1900. 1225 The way to the farm. 1327 A backwater on the Thames. 1903. 983 Langley almshouses. SIGNOL, Emil Painter. M. Signol, 56, Rue de I'Ouest, Paris. 1853. 1056 La fde et la P^ri poursuivant I'ame de I'enfant. {French quotation.) E. Signol, Paris. 1865. 194 Christ descendu de la croix. 1866. 295 The Holy Family. SIGNORINI, Telemaco Painter. 60, Bedford Gardens. 1883. 180 Piazza del Mercato, Viareggio. SIGURTA, Luigi Painter. At Mr. Stirrup's, Greek Street, Soho. 1774. 286 Portrait of a lady. SILBURN, A Painter. S, Hargrave Road, Holloway. 1873. 1230 A study. 7, Vorley Road, Junction JRoad, Highgate. 1876. 745 Grey Friars, Canterbury. 22, Eyot Gardens, Chiswick. 1885. 1414 Hammersmith Mall. SILCOCK, T. B Architect. Octagon Chambers, Bath. 1895. 1508 Llandudno Municipal Build ings. 1607 Residence, Chippenham, Wilts. SILCOCK (T. B.) and REAY. Architects. Octagon Chambers, Bath. 1897. 1789 Country house, Bath. 184s Village HaU, Claverton, Bath. 1899. 1742 Holyrood Schools, Swindon. 1901. 1614 Brirish School, Trowbridge, Wilts. 47, Milson Street, Bath. 1904. 1512 Winsley House, Wilts. SILK, W Painter. 19, High Row, Knightsbridge. 1823. 664 Landscape. SILLEM, Charles Painter. 194, Cromwell Road. 1883. 655 Rough terrier and rats. c,c, Kensington Studios. 1889. 421 A poacher's bag. 460 Anticipation. SILLETT, James Painter. 1 2, Mansfield Place, St. George's Fields. 1796. 55 Brace of teal. J. Sillet, 16, Charles Street, Covent Garden. 1798. 21 Flowers. 43 Groupe of birds. 300 Flowers. J. Sillett, Norwich, or 6, Portugal Street, Lincoln's Inn Fields. 1802. 261 Brace of Partridges. 330 An Auricula; from nature. 464 Flowers. 1803. 330 Primroses. 333 Honeysuckles. 337 Grapes. 338 do. J. Sillet, Norwich, or 23, Marsham Street. 1804. 260 Peruvian Jay. 574 Fruit. J. Sillett, Lynn. 1807. 409 Leach of tench. 411 Dead game. 589 Passiflora alata; winged passion flower. 1808. 545 The red grouse or Moorcock. 562f Study of grapes and foliage. 562tt do. do. do. 1809. 430 Flower piece. 1810. 417 Dead game. 1811. 22 do. 764 Composition of fruit. Norwich, or 23, Marsham St. 18 1 2. 691 Basket of fruit. 692 Fruit. 695 do. 1813. 367 Hawk and prey. THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS 125 814. 329 Hen and chickens alarmed by a hawk. 650 Grapes and foliage. 654 do. do. I8I5. 125 The falco ossifragus or sea eagle and prey. I8I6. 397 An auricula. 485 Snake, thistle and insects. I8I7. 614 Fruit and flowers. I8I8. 158 Fish. 618 Fruit. I8I9. 317 Fish; from nature. 1820. 221 Dead game. 548 Study of flowers; from nature. I82I. 631 Fruit and flowers. 1823. 55 Hawk and prey. 1824. 488 A Flower Piece. 1837- 1 1 27 Interior of St. Andrew's HaU, Norwich, in which are held the musical festivals, etc. SILVERTHORNE, J. Miniature Painter. 1849. 663 Portrait of a gentleman. SILVESTER Sculptor. Lyceum, Strand. 1788. 596 Bust of Lord Hood. 609 do. the Rev. Mr. Westley. 655 H.R.H. the Duke of York. 656 Bust of Lord Rodney. SILVESTER, Miss Jessie M. Miniature Painter. 6, Springfield, Upper Clapton. 1903. 837 Ready for cooking. 166, Upper Clapton Road. 1904. 1183 Edith. SIM, James Painter. 70, Newman Street. 1870. 499 The suspicious letter. 1871. 438 The letter. 38, Markham Square. 1872. 515 The last day at Scarborough. 985 Morning gossip, Lake of Como. 1873. 995 The return from the baptism, Mentone. 1874. 121 The Campo Santo, Macugnaga. 1876. 404 A Wall flower out of season. 569 On the sands, Boulogne-sur- Mer. 9, Trafalgar Studios, Chelsea. 1880. 1080 By the tideless sea. 1886. 1112 The Nightingale's Grove, Lake Lecco. 1889. 1007 The first meeting. 1893. *^9 On the Riffel, above Zermatt. SIM, William Architect. 59, Elgin Crescent, Kennington Park. 1855. 1210 Residence in Ireland. 1259 Elgin Crescent East, Kensing ton Park. SIMCOCK, T Enamel Painter. 3, Red Lion Street, Clerkenwell. 1779. 303 A head; in enamel. 6, Little New Street, Shoe Lane, Fleet Street. 1781. 338 Head; enamel. 1782. 295 Portrait of a gentleman; enamel. SIMERING, R Sculptor. Berlin. 1 87 1. 1290 Justice. 1291 Grief 1292 do. 1293 Love. SIMMONDS, Thomas C Painter. Central School of Art, Derby. 1 88 1. 798 Old Street, Clovelly, North Devon. SIMMONDS, W. G Painter. 6, Pomona Studios, Fulham. 1903. 657 A spring adventure. 1 904. 1 36 1 Second part of King Henry IV, act iv, scene 4. SIMMONS, A Architect. Carlton Chambers, 8, Regent Street. 1830. 1155 St. James's Chapel, Croydon Common. 9, Symond's Inn. 1 83 1. 1047 West elevation of St. Martin's in the Field. 1061 Design for an entrance into Waterloo Place from St. James's Park. 1832. 995 St. Pancras Church. 997 St. Peter's Church, Walworth. SIMMONS, A. J Painter. 7, Tavistock Street, Covent Garden. 1853. 465 A study. 1854. 1089 A scene from the play of the "Hunchback." Helen. "Cousin, wiU you tell me one thing — Wore lovers ruffs in Master Ovid's time? etc." — Act iv, scene 2. 1856. 621 Winning the gloves. 126 THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS Simmons, A. "^.—continued. 1857. 106 The bride. "Of whom the tender mother full of fears." 1858. 994 The inquiry — left his home. 1859. 354 "In holiness and in purity live." 672 The effect of a day's shopping. SIMMONS, Edward E Painter. 320, Rue St. Honore, Paris. 188 1. 320 A Roman matron. St. Ives, Cornwall. 1888. 1138 Coast of CornwaU. 1889. 740 The carpenter's Son. — St. Luke, ii, 40. 1890. 1089 "John Anderson my jo, John." 1891. 274 The mother. SIMMONS, H. P Painter. 40, Mornington Place. 1 86 1. 455 A passing thought. 1862. 385 Meditation. 648 A study. 247, Hampstead Road. 1865. 520 By the window. SIMMONS, John Painter. Bristol. 1772. 244 Two portraits; three-quarters. John Simonds, Bristol. 1776. 287 Portrait of a gentleman; half- length. SIMMONS, J. Deane Painter. Holmbury, St. Mary, Dorking. 1883. 587 Before the leaf. Crandem Gate, Henley-on- Thames. 1884. 1086 The corner of the hayfield. 5, Fitzroy Square. 1886. 53 The merry May-time. 1887. 957 The Thames at Harleyford. 66, Margaret Street. 1888. 73 On the Avon, Hants. 651 In Norbury Park, Surrey. 5, Fitzroy Square. 1889. 528 A rustic flirtation. SIMMONS, William Henry. Engraver. 40, Mornington Place. 1857. 1170 Old, old story. After Frank Stone, A.R.A. 1 1 87 Marguerite. After Frank Stone, A.R.A. 1858. 1146 Highland Mary. After T. Faed. 1859. 1185 The proscribed Royalist. After J. E. MUlais, A.R.A. 1204 The image of Mama. After Schlesenger. 1 2 1 5 The Vision of Queen Katherine. After H. Le Jeune. 1861. 932 Luff, boy! After J. C. Hook, R.A. 949 " Daddy's coming." After T. Faed, A.R.A. 1863. loio Hesperus. After J. N. Paton. 247, Hampstead Road. 1864. 840 Sundayin the Backwood. After T. Faed, R.A. 1866. 831 Waiting for the Verdict. After A. Solomon. 832 Not guilty. After A. Solomon. 1869. 1122 Mors Janua Vitae. After J. N. Paton. 187 1. 856 The poor, the poor man's friend. After T. Faed, R.A. 1873. 1236 A shepherd of Jerusalem. After P. R. Morris. 13 12 A wee bit fractious. After T. Faed, R.A. 1874. 1227 Great Expectations. After H. Le Jeune, A.R.A. 1875. '°85 Steady, Johnny! After E. Nicol, A.R.A. 1096 Baith father and mither. After T. Faed, R.A. 1880. 1286 The offering. After W. C. T. Dobson, R.A. 1882. 1309 A humble servant. After Rosa Bonheur. SIMMONS, W. St. Clair Painter. St. Clair Simmons, 13, Westbourne Park. 13 Back water, Ostend. 2, Leicester Place, Bayswater. 47' The time of primroses. 5 7, Bedford Gardens. 1890. 1 313 A showery day. 1409 Old mill, Edwinstowe. 1103 Henry, son ofthe Rev. Richard Fitz Herbert. 887 Lady Maud RoUeston. 1159 Gleaners. 655 At a masquerade. 588 Iris; portrait of a lady. 1049 Blackberry gatherers. 1898. 1259 Lady Fitz Herbert. 1899. 689 Rev. C. P. Leigh. 1880. 82. 1891.1892. 1893.1894.1896. SIMMONS and RUMSEY. Architects. 1850. 1221 Design for Subscription Baths at Wolverhampton. THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS 127 SIMMS, A. G Painter. 14, Camden Cottages, Camden Town. 1859. 1 175 Repose. i860. 208 The Culprit. 1861. 215 Left in charge. ; 1863. 380 On the heath. 1865. 532 Rather more free than wel come. SIMMS, C. See Sims, C, page 134. SIMMS, C Painter. 2, Penywern Road, EarPs Court. 1895. 1327 Moonrise, after-glow, mist. SIMON (F. W.) and TWEEDIE. Architects. 36, Hanover Street, Edinburgh. 1894. 1718 Congregational church, Heaton Moor. SIMON, J. P Miniature Painter. 6, Meard Street, Dean Street, Soho. 1785. 278 A frame with five miniatures. J. Simon, 107, Wardour St. 1786. 361 Portrait of a lady. 362 do. do. SIMONAU, Frangois Painter. 20, Bennet Street, Blackfriars. 1818. 31 Portrait of a young lady. 89 A German artist ; a study. 24, Bennet Street. 181 9. 319 Portrait of a gentleman. 356 W. Kershaw, Esq. 429 W. Robinson, Esq. 437 Mrs. Robinson. 447 W. Hall, Esq. 609 Portrait of a gentleman. 26, Commercial Road, Lambeth. 1820. 134 Portrait of a gentleman. 309 do. do. 376 do. do. 12, Greek Street, Soho. 1821. 517 Mr. Porter of the Royal Ex change. 1822. 186 A study of a Jew Rabbi. 1823. 4H Portrait of a Polish Jew. 1024 F. Rabout, Esq. 1824. 519 Monsieur J. Ancot, Composer and Professor of the Piano forte. 1826. 861 J. T. Mayne, Esq., F.R.S., F.S.A. (The late.) i860. 99 A specimen of Nelson's invin- cibles pensioned off. SIMONDS 1866. 882 1031 1868. 1102 1107 1869. •274 1314 1870. 1098 1872. 1462 1873- 1423 1875- 1324 •335 1876. 1409 SIMONAU, Mrs. Louise Painter, I, St raf ord Studios, Kensington. 1898. 894 By the stream. , George Sculptor. 6, Vicolo de S. Nicolo da Tolentius, Rome. Bust of a gentleman. do. lady. T. Hugh Bell, Esq.; marble medallion. C. Lewthian Bell, Esq. MedaUion portrait; marble. do. do. do. Hugh Lee Pattinson, Esq.; bronze. Portrait of a lady; silver medal lion. Portrait bust; marble. 40, Piazza Barberini, Rome. The falconer; marble. Cupid and panther; marble. "The course of true love never did run smooth." Eros. " For valour is not love, a Hercules, etc. — Lov^s Labour Lost. Persephone. "The daffodU! thedaffodU!" 152, Buckingham Palace Road. The late Michael George Bren- nan, Esq.; medaUion. Mrs. W. B. Richmond; medal lion. Executedin Neapolitan lava. Bust of a young lady; marble. Medallion portrait of a young lady; marble. The genius of life; bas-relief. Medallion portrait of a young lady; marble. Perseus, the Liberator; ideal bust, marble. Hon. Levi Parsons; bust, marble. Dionysos — group ; marble. Dionysos was the son of Zeus and Semele. He first united the savage tribes of India under onegovernment: accomplishing this famous conquest without bloodshed, and instructing the people in the civihzing arts of agri culture, especially the culture of the vine, and of poetry. In order to reach India, he built a bridge over the Eu- 1412 1877. 1420 1426 1428 1429 •43 • •433 1878. 1432 1879. 145S 1527 128 THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS Simonds, George — continued. phrates, but arrived at the Tigris, Zeus, his father, sent him a tiger, on whose back he safely passed it, as well as other impediments to his journey. In India he was everywhere received with acclamations by the people, who joyfully submitted to his wise and benevolent rule. Gifted by Zeus with immor tality and perpetual youth, he was worshipped as a type ofthe ever-fresh and recuper ative power of Nature by the people, whose happiness he had promoted. 1880. 1538 The Worshipful Mayor of Reading,H.B. Blandy,Esq.; bust, marble. 1548 Tiger's head, designed for the gateway at Bourne Place, Bexley. 1570 Sir William Muir, K.S.I., founder of the University of AUahabad. To be erected in the University. 1881. 1547 Medusa; bust, marble. 1560 The late Arthur Leared, Esq., M.D.; bust, marble. Pre sented to the Royal College of Physicians. 1882. 1573 The late Raja Kali Krishna Bahadur, cast from the mar ble statue executed for Cal cutta. 1883. 1673 Perseus. 1884. 1776 A life-sized sketch at the Zoo. Model of a lion to be erected at Reading as a memorial to 328 officers and men of the (sdth Berks Regiment, who fell during the Afghan cam paign, 1879-80. 1885. 1972 Cupid and Campaspe; group, marble. "Cupid and my Campaspe played at cards for kisses — Cupid paid." Priory Studios, Lodge Place, St. John's Wood. 1888. 19 1 3 Fortune. {Latin quotation from Juvenal. ) 1889. 2141 Walter Crane, Esq. ; bust to be placed in the HaU of the Art Workers' Guild. 1890. 2014 The late Hon. Frederick Tolle mache. Study for the head of a statue to be erected at Grantham. 1891. 1953 The late Hon. FrederickJ.ToUe- mache. Statue to be erected at Grantham. 2062 The four seasons; panel for mantelpiece; copper. 1896. 1914 Spring time; statue. 1897. 1938 The Swan girl, " Hervor Alvit," and her companions; from the Volund Saga group. 1898. 1 8 10 Hervor Alvit, the Swan Girl and her companions; marble group. 1846 The central decoration for a studio door; low relief, brass. 1899. 1905 Song and dance; design for a fountain. 65, Hamilton Terrace, St. John's Wood. 1900. 1974 "Anemone," the wind flower; statuette. 1901. 1815 Song and dance; decorative group for fountain. 1902. 1697 Study of a young girl; bust. 1903. 1793 Miss Essex Ross Rich ; medal lion. 1852 Panels from dining-room doors at Bradfield House, Berks relief SIMONDS, John. &g John Simmons, vol. vii, page 126. SIMONETTI, Cavalier Attilio. Sculptor. A. Simonetti. 1876. 1470 The late Commander J. G. Goodenough, R.N., C.B. (posthumous.) SIMONI, G Painter. 526, Haymarket. 1884. 1005 Negroes dancing at the entrance of the Mosque of Sidi Boumedine, Algeria. SIMONS, E Painter. Liverpool. 1798. 470 Flowers. SIMONS, Marcius Painter. Clifton Ville, Northampton. 1891. 1080 Crushed hopes. SIMONSON, Miss Anna Painter. 129, Queen's Gate, S. W. 1895. 815 Study of flowers. 1368 Portrait of Miss F. 1898. 746 Interior. THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS 129 SIMONSON, D Painter. 8, De Crespigny Terrace, Denmark Hill. 1858. 477 Portrait. 596 Rebecca and Eleazar. 1030 Tancred's first view of Jerusa lem. 1859. 179 The daughter of — Beekh,Esq. 324 Hagar and Ishmael. SIMPKIN, T Painter. Cannon Row, Westminster. 1786. 445 View of the west front of Peter borough Cathedral. Great Windmill Street. 1794. 617 Crowland Abbey. SIMPSON, Miss Agnes. Miniature Painter. Miss Simpson, 10, Carlisle St. 1827. 275 Portrait of a lady. 1828. 785 Miss Forbes. 1829. 748 Miss Lloyd. 836 Miss Pierce. Portrait of a young lady. 1830. 710 1831. 746 1835. 665 678 684 1837. 900 902 1838. 869 1840. 800 1841. 770 933 1842. 829 do. gentleman. do. young gentleman. do. lady. do. young gentleman. do. do. do. do. do. lady. do. lady. do. gentleman. do. lady. do. do. Constance and Douglas, child ren of the Rev. Hugh Pear son. 1843. 697 Portrait of a gentleman. 756 do. lady. 959 do. the lady of the Rev. Arthur Hugh Pearson. 1844. 657 GeorgeSimpson,Esq.,F.R.C.S. 716 J. Marchant, Esq. 1845. 722 Eliza and Clara. Agnes Simpson, 7, Gloucester Road, Bayswater. 1847. 1058 Portrait of Miss Isabella Orr. 28, Somerset Street, Portman Square. 1848. 880 Miss Blanche Simpson. SIMPSON, Miss Annie L. Miniature Painter. 52, Prescott Street, Halifax. 1896. 1302 Marjory, daughter of W. Wil son, Esq. VII. SIMPSON, C Painter. 31, Carnaby Market. 181 1. 816 Julius Csesar. SIMPSON, Charles Painter. 10, Carlisle Street, Soho. 1835. 77 A sea-piece. 1838. 548 Portuguese boys. 1840. 331 Street scene in Lisbon. 1845. 807 The break-up of a fishing-boat off Margate. SIMPSON, Charles Painter. School Lane, Bushey. 1897. 474 The pedlar. 1670 A winter's day. SIMPSON, C. N Painter. Stamford. 1828. 657 South view of Peterborough Cathedral. O. N. Simpson, Stamford. 1830. 992 View of Peterborough. 1831. 491 do. Belvoir Castle. SIMPSON, Miss Eugenie ... Painter. 37, Crawley Road, Hackney. 1883. 7 Japanese anemones. 74 In memoriam. 1884. 211 Daffodils. 95, Darenth Road, Stamford Hill. 1886. 91 Japanese Chrysanthemums. 118 Trophies of a morning's sport. 406 Anemones and roses. 1888. 819 Japanese Anemones. SIMPSON, Captain Francis. Painter. (An Honorary Exhibitor.) 1833. 1054 Remains of an ancient mosque. City of Kurnoul, East Indies. SIMPSON, Mrs. F Painter. Derby. 1831. 225 Portraits of a favourite horse and greyhound. SIMPSON, F., Junr Painter. 1828. 655 South view ofSt. Mary's Church, Stamford. Stamford. 1831. 781 Street scene. 1832. looi Crowland Abbey, Lincolnshire. SIMPSON, F Architect. Wakefield. 1878. 1079 Wakefield Town Hall. 1 143 Interior of CouncU Chamber, Wakefield Town HaU. s I30 THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS SIMPSON, Frederick Moore. Architect. 89, Chancery Lane. 1885. 1780 Design for a block of three houses. 9, Dean's Yard. 1888. 1774 House at Godden Green, Sevenoaks. 1890. 1774 New Staircase, Remishaw Hall, Derbyshire. \%, Cowley Street, Westminster. 1 89 1. 1855 House at Copsale. 1892. 1643 Barton Pines, Paignton, Devon. University College, Liverpool. 1 90 1. 1 57 1 Town Hall, Liverpool. University College, Gower Street. 1904. 1627 HaU for women students of the University of Liverpool. SIMPSON, G Miniature Painter. 33, Berwick Street. 1799- 737 Portrait of a lady. SIMPSON, G Painter. (An Honorary Exhibitor.) 1807. 653 A View near Finchley, Middle sex. SIMPSON, G.,Junr. Miniature Painter. (An Honorary Exhibitor.) 1807. 925 Mr. Mason. SIMPSON, G Painter. 10, Carlisle Street, Soho. 1812. 597 Portrait of a lady. 1813. 579 do. Oscar Byrne. SIMPSON, G., Junr Painter. 23, Lower Crown Street, Westminster. 182 1. 242 Landscape, composition. 18, Buckingham Place, New Road. 1826. 302 View of Netley Abbey; from a sketch painted on the spot. SIMPSON, George G Painter. 30, Fitzroy Road, N. W. 1883. 1327 Study of a head; red chalk. 1885. 944 Study of a head. SIMPSON, Harry B Painter. 45, Gloucester Terrace, Hyde Park. 1887. 1289 " The shores of old romance." 1888. 1418 "Childe Roland to the dark tower came." SIMPSON, Henry Painter. 98, Gower Street. 1878. 946 A pilgrim. 1879. 383 The mower. 9, Trafalgar Studios, King's Road. 1884. 38 Waiting for the boats, Scheven- ingen. 1886. 10 1 6 From his soldier boy. SIMPSON, H. Hardey Painter. Motley Bank, Bowden, Cheshire. 1885. 992 Left at home. 1888. 418 John Jones, huntsman to the North Cheshire hounds. SIMPSON, Miss Janet S. C. Painter. Rosefield, 155, Widmore Road, Bromley. 1904. 1365 Bakehouse Close, Edinburgh. SIMPSON, John Painter. T. Simpson, 10, Carlisle Street, Soho. 1807. 517 Portrait of a gentleman. J. Simpson, 10, Carlisle Street, Soho. Mr. Mason. Castle Street. Portrait of a gentleman. 10, Carlisle Street. Portrait of a gentleman. The Rev. N. D. H. Newton. Mrs. De Meausse. Miss Simpson. Portrait of a lady. do. youth. 5, Fitzroy Street Mr. EUis. Mrs. Morris. Mr. J. Morris. Portrait of a gentleman. do. do. 10, Carlisle Street. Miss Palmer. Capt. P. Heywood, R.N. Mr. G. Palmer. Mr. W. Palmer. G. Palmer, Esq. A portrait. J. West, Esq. Mr. G. Simpson. Portrait of a gentleman. do. young lady and her brother. 1808. 278 I8I0. 156 I8I3. 284 I8I4. 251 260 I8I5. 69 I8I6. 109 361 I8I7. 440 I8I8. 38 411 1820. 263 685 1822. 209 237 336 403 410 1823. 268 295 452 1824. 40 •57 THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS 131 1824. 203 Devotion. 233 C. Palmer, Esq. 364 G. J. L. Noble, Esq. 380 Mrs. Dallman. 543 Portrait. 1825. 135 J. E. Carew, Esq. 205 Portrait of the son of James West, Esq. 230 Portrait of a lady. 232 Charles Toplis, Esq. 306 The Marquis of Cholmondeley, K.G. 345 Portrait of a lady. 554 Mrs. OUver Raymond and Miss C. Andrews. 1826. 10 Edward Foster, Esq. 114 Portrait of a lady. 146 Portraits of a young lady and her brothers. 416 Portrait of a young lady. 616 Children bathing. 1827. 202 Charles Farebrother, Esq., Sheriff and Alderman of the City of London. 280 Lady de Tabley. 283 The captive slave. "But ah! what wish can prosper, or what prayer For merchants rich in cargoes of despair, etc." 292 Portrait of a gentleman. 302 Nathaniel Stevens, Esq. 1828. 50 Robert Lukin, Esq. 212 Henry Winchester, Esq., late Sheriff of London and Mid dlesex. Anthony White, Esq. Miss Foster. 284 Mrs. Fhght. 300 Mrs. Blood. 359 Clarkson Stanfield, Esq. 373 J. Robinson, Esq. 428 S. Price, Esq. 459 Portrait of a young lady. 525 T. G. Street, Esq. 1830. 74 J. E. Carew, Esq. 161 Master Holmes. 222 J. C. Carpue, Esq., F.R.S. 570 Portrait of an officer of the 54th. 1 83 1. 280 Portrait of an officer of the Second Life Guards. 373 The Hon. Mountstuart Elphin stone, late Governor of Bombay. 1832. 250 Portrait of a lady. 305 Frederick Nash, Esq. 334 George Palmer, Esq. 385 Mrs. Hughes Hallett. 418 Mrs. Nash. 1829. 251 472 ^833 1834 476 92 251 183s 171 B. Morland, Esq. 317 Portrait of His Majesty. Painted for the Town Hall, Brighton. 387 Miss Langford. 452 Lady Taylor. 457 W. Turner, Esq. Lieut.-General Sir Herbert Taylor. Portrait of a young lady. The Rt. Hon. Charles Fare- brother, Lord Mayor of the City of London. 284 Portrait of His Majesty. Painted for the Senior United Service Club. 410 John Rosson, Esq. 578 Alfred Bunn, Esq. (Portrait Painter in Ordinary to Her Most Faithful Majesty the Queen of Portugal.) Brigadier-General Bacon, Com mandant of Cavalry, in the service of the Queen of Portugal. Her Most Faithful Majesty Donna Maria the second, Queen of Portugal. His Grace the Duke of Pal- mella. Admiral Napier, Count Cape St. Vincent, in the Service of the Queen of Portugal. Lord Howard de Walden, His Britannic Majesty's Ambas sador at the Court of Lisbon. 948 William Smith, Esq. 6 Baron de Lagos. 200 The Duke of Wellington. Painted for the Junior United Service Club. 266 Marshal Viscount Beresford. 287 Marshal the Marquis Saldanha. 289 Marshal the Duke of Tereeira. 317 George Goodman, Esq., First Mayor of Leeds under the Municipal Reform BiU. Portrait of a lady. Mrs. Blackburn. Charles Gascoigne Maclean, Esq. Mrs. Taylor. 444 Sir John Beckett, Bart. 482 James Taylor, Esq. 186 The Duke of WeUington. 201 Portraits of the daughters of James Dearden, Esq. 353 Eliza, daughter of W. Davison, Esq. •5 204 252 333 360 1836. 1837 1838 1839. 378 428 130247 132 THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS Simpson, John — continued. 1840. 53 Susan Caroline, Marchioness of Cholmondeley. 130 Rev. George Brett. 379 William Evans, Esq. 695 Elizabeth Georgiana Palmer, daughter of W. H. Palmer, Esq. 1 84 1. 548 Portrait of a lady. 560 Mrs. Oliver Raymond. 568 Mrs. Arthur Hugh Pearson. 972 Seton Laing, Esq. loio Portrait ofa gentleman. 1842. 220 Mrs. E. H. BaUey. 308 Commodore Sir Charles Napier, K.C.B. and M.P. 513 Sir De Lacy Evans, K.C.B. 922 Mrs. Smart. 1265 Mrs. Smart. 1843. 325 The Marquis of Clanricarde, K.P. 500 Mrs. Stephens. 565 John Rosson, Esq., one of the founders of the Catholic Blind Asylum for the United Kingdom. 1844. 3^ Portrait of a lady. 50 Mrs. Flight. 82 Thomas Beauchamp Proctor, Esq., late of the Royal Horse Guards. 267 Sir James Flower, Bart, M.P. 1845. 29 Portrait of a lady. 35 Lord Dunkellin. 189 Portrait of a child. 307 A study from nature. 332 A Genoese Girl. SIMPSON, John ... Enamel Painter. 28, Shepherd' s-market, Mayfair. 1831. 340 Sir John Beckett. 8, Garway Road, Westbourne Grove. 1847. 680 Lucretia; enamel. After C. R. Leshe, R.A. 1848. 701 Mr. and Mrs. Webster; enamel (on porcelain). After T. Webster, R.A. 1849. ^^* Miniature portrait in enamel of a gentleman. 1850. 654 Enamel from life. 655 Enamel. After Sir Thomas Lawrence. 656 Enamel from life. 786 Children from life; enamelled on porcelain. 1851. 836 Enamel. After Sir Thomas Lawrence. 1852. 1853- 1854185s 18561857 1858 1859 638 659 655 700 702 621811 i860. 857 1861. 1862. 1863. 1865. 1867. 844 1868. 1869.1870. 1871. 7, Denbigh Terrace West, Bayswater. Enamels from life. Mr. and Mrs. Webster; en amel. After Thomas Web ster, R.A. 644 Enamel portraits from life of two children. Enamel from life. Enamels from life. A study in enamel. 634 Miniatures, enamelled fromlife. 673 Enamel miniature from hfe. 3, Royal Hill, Bayswater. Enamel miniature. The Rev. Grattan Guinness; enamel on porcelain from a photograph. Portrait. After Sir W. C. Ross, R.A.; enamel. Enamel from life. M. M. F. Mackenzie; en amel. Miniature from life; enamel. Head of a chUd. After Sir Thomas Lawrence; enam elled on silver. 6, Queen's Road, Bayswater. Portrait of a lady; enamelled on gold. 810 S. M. Clapham; enamel. 1034 Duchess of Sutherland. 709 Enamel portrait of a gentle man. 1021 MissM. E. Clapham; enamelled from life. 797717 743 7i8 . Painter. SIMPSON, J. H 1877. 412 Just caught it. SIMPSON, John W Architect. 144, Finborough Road. 1878. 1034 The Norman Tower, Bury St. Edmund's. 3, Lynwood Villas, N. 1881. 1049 House near Lewes. 10, New Inn, W.C. 1894. 961 A Sussex Homestead. 1566 Memorial to the late C. W. Cope, R.A. 1898. 1685 The Roedean School. 1899. 1615 do. do. • 753 Union church. Queen Square, Brighton. 3, Verulam Buildings, Gray's Inn. 1903. 1667 Board schools at Brighton. 1904. 1587 House at Rugby. THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS ^33 SIMPSON (J. W.) and ALLEN (E.M.J.) Architects. lo, New Inn. 1893. 1526 Glasgow Art Galleries. 1894. 1575 Victoria Institute, Worcester. 3, Verulam Buildings. 1904. 1584 Cartwright Memorial Road, Bradford. SIMPSON, Miss Margaret H. A. Painter. 2, New Court, Lincoln's Inn. 1885. 580 The general Muster. Upper Tooting. 1889. 722 A quiet rubber. 32, Charlotte Street, Fitzroy Square. 1894. 301 In praise of Buddha. SIMPSON, Miss Mary. Miniature Painter. 6, Bedford Street, Bedford Square. 1849. 7°^ Miniature of a lady. 705 do. young lady. 743 do. do. 874 do. lady. 1850. 751 do. Henry Duesbury, Esq. 861 Miniature of a lady. 1851. 991 do. do. 1852. 873 do. young lady. 9, Gower Street. 1855. 723 Miniature of a youth. 1856. 832 Portrait of a youth. 1858. 655 do. child. SIMPSON, Miss Painter. (An Honorary Exhibitor.) 1799- 393 A view on the Wye between Ross and Monmouth. SIMPSON, Miss M. Lilian. Metal Worker. 37, Els ham Road, Kensington. 1896. 1826 Casket; bronze. 1925 Book cover; relief, silver. SIMPSON, Mrs. (formerly Miss Maria E. Burt)... Miniature Painter. 19, Church Road, Willesden. 1882. 1354 H. C. B. GUbert, Esq.; on ivory. 1427 The artist's model; on vellum. 1883. 1245 Thesongof the shell; on ivory. 1249 Ave Maria; on ivory. 1252 Portrait ofa lady; on ivory. {See Miss Maria E. Burt, vol. i, pages 357, 358.) SIMPSON, Philip Painter. 10, Carlisle Street. 1825. 60 Portrait of a son of the late Dr. Cleverly, M.D. 415 Thomas Perry, Esq. 1826. 139 Portrait of a youth. 1827. 107 Samuel M. Raymond, Esq. 121 Portrait of a lady. 1828. 100 G. Watson, Esq. 649 Portrait of a gentleman. 1829. 78 The young piper. 1830. 77 Boys with a monkey. 1832. 598 The birds' nest. "See, sister, see my fluttering prize, etc." 1834. 338 Portrait of a lady. 579 Major Steele Wilkinson. 1835. 272 Portrait of a naval officer. 1836. 285 Girl and boy with a parrot. SIMPSON, Miss Sophia Painter. 50, Clifton Road, St. John's Wood. 1863. 171 Lizzie. SIMPSON, Thomas, Crayon Painter. 22, Ludgate Street. 1775- 295 Bloody-bridge, a view on the King's private road, near Chelsea; in crayons. SIMPSON, Thomas Painter. West House, Clapham Common. 1887. 1303 On the Arun at Pulborough. 1888. 1170 "The time of sweet serenity when colour glows." SIMPSON, T. M Painter. 1804. 286 Nymph and boys. 1805. 613 Cupid re-animating Psyche. "Now flies he, joyful, to her aid. He gently rais'd her falling head, With his bright arrows touch'd the maid. And rous'd her from her cheer less bed." 1806. 412 Charity. 569 Mercy. 1807. 729 ^Eneas, accompanied by the Sibyl, discovers Dido amongst the shades. "Stay, stay your steps, etc." 4, Haymarket. 1808. 682 Richard I, at the point of death, orders the release of the regicide. 1809. 293 Fallen Angels. "Headlong threw themselves, etc." 134 THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS Simpson, T. M. — continued. 1810. 538 Penelope recognizing Ulysses. "At length, recovering, to his arms she flew, etc." 18 1 1. 404 A peasant girl at a spring. 1813. 9 Edward Shore. "And as she trembling speaks, his lively eyes explore her looks, etc." — Crabb's Poems. 1814. 90 Portrait of an artist. 18 1 5. 383 Cleopatra. 1816. 486 E. J. Jarvis, Esq. 18 1 7. 46 A young minstrel. 274 The departure of Hagar and Ishmael. 2, China Terrace, Lambeth. 1820. 118 Portrait of a lady. 1 82 1. 248 A Spanish lady and duenna going to mass. 279 Portrait of a lady. SIMPSON, W. B Painter. Coppice Row, Clerkenwell. 1820. 312 Portrait of a lady. SIMPSON, W. B.... Naval Architect. 456, West Strand. 1838. 1114 View of the fore-part of the principal cabin of the great Steamship The Royal Vic toria, 1,800 tons, now build ing by the British and American Steam Navigation Company. 1840. 982 View of the corridor of the President, great steam ship now building for the British and American Steam Navi gation Company. SIMPSON, W. Graham. Miniature Painter. 33, Bedford Gardens. 1878. 1284 The Hon. Lady Smythe. 1879. 1305 Portrait of a gentleman. 1880. 1361 Miniature of a little boy. 1404 Portrait of a gentleman. 6, Rockley Road, Shepherd's Bush. 1883. 1 3 16 Mrs. Searle. 45, Gloucester Terrace, Hyde Park. 1889. 1675 Portrait of a lady. 3, Seymour Place, Fulham Road. 1896. 1303 Lily. II, Trebovir Road, W. 1897. 1470 A souvenir of Cosway. 1898. 1324 Edith, daughter of Herbert Scott, Esq. SIMPSON, W. H Painter. Near Farnham Common. 1874. 601 A sunny day in March. 6, Abingdon Road, W. 1877. 921 A beech wood — winter. Cross Hayes, Malmesbury. 1878. 522 Burnham Beeches — winter. 1859. i860. 1861.1864. SIMPSON, William Page. Enamel Painter. 3, Royal Hill, Bayswater. 813 Enamelled on copper from a photograph by J. Simpson. 855 Rev. J. S. Brockhurst; enam elled on copper. 800 Enamel from life. 689 Dogs' heads enameUed on gold and copper. 697 Dog's head enamelled on cop per. 6, Queen's Road, Bayswater. 1867. 864 A lady's head. After T. Web ster, R.A. 1869. 1138 " The Horse Fair." After Rosa Bonheur; enamelled on por celain. 18, Bath Street, Stoke-on- Trent. i?>11. 1290 Portrait of a lady; enamelled on porcelain. SIMS, Charles Painter, C. Sims, 14, Doris Street, Kennington Cross. 1840. 70 At Brixham, Devon. 1 84 1. 433 Heath scene — Copethorne. 21, Mornington Place. 1843. 156 At Sevenoaks, Kent. C. Simms, no address. 1844. 323 Evening. C. Sims, 7, Edward Street. 1845. 623 Morning. {Simms in index, Sims in catalogue.) C. Simms, 2, Avenue Road, Lewisham. 1846. 492 The Abbey Bridge. 1847. 537 Evening. 7, Marylebone Street, Golden Square. 1849. 74 Clearing up after a shower. C Simms, care of F. Piercy, Esq., 45, Charrington Street, Somers Town. 1855. 145 On the Brent. 7, Nassau Street. 1856. 99 On the river Brent. 1098 Wimbledon Common. THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS 135 Dartmouth. SIMS, William Painter. 1875- 526 Near Torquay. 406, Strand. 736 Moonlight and twilight. 1821. 613 Portrait of a young lady. {It is difficult to say whether the above 38, Tavistock Street. list ri presents the work of two artists. 1822. 768 Portrait of a lady. C. Sims is correct up to 1843 ; as he lived 821 do. do. with W. Sims, he may have altered the 26, Cecil Street, Strand. spelling of his name in 1844.) | 1823. 649 Papa's miniature. 788 Portrait of the artist's mother. SIMS, Charles Painter. 930 do. a young gentleman. Charles H. Sims, 31, Newman Street. 133, Balls Pond Road. 1824. 698 Portrait of a young lady. 1893. 637 Lambs. 1825. 706 Instruction. 17, Fitzroy Street. 794 Portrait of a young lady. 1896. 163 Miss Sims. 1826. 683 Miss Bishop. 903 The vine. 1828. 683 Portrait of a lady. Charles Sims, 825 do. himself Addison Studios, Loughborough Road, Blythe Road, North Brixton. West Kensington. 1831. 836 Portrait of a lady. 1897. 1022 Childhood. 1832. 806 do. do. 1898. 209 A fairy wooing. 1833- 796 Caroline Percy. 969 Mrs. Sims. 1836. 613 Study of geraneum. St. Lawrence, Southminster, 725 Portrait of a young lady. Essex. 873 do. lady. 1899. 403 The Kingdom of Heaven. 885 Study of moss roses. 1900. 402 In Elysium. 16, Holland Place, cjo J. Mac Whirter, R.A., Clapham Road. I, Abbey Road. 1839. 1038 Portrait. 1901. 254 Spreading their wings. Tellham House, Brixton Hill. Queensborough Studios, 1843. 964 Fanny. Hyde Park, W. 1845. 952 Apples. 1902. 24 The top 0' the hill. Rectory House, 83 The nest. Coldharbour Lane. 371 Mrs. B. and children. 1846. 767 Lydia. 489 Miss Lilian Braithwaite. 1847. 1200 Sketch of a gentleman's Cot 1903. 32 Portrait of a lady. tage in Clapham New Park. 271 Water babies. 3, Trafalgar Place, 752 Playmates. Clapham Rise. 1904. 484 Mrs. Max Lindlar. 807 Butterflies. 1851. 1 1 19 Adelaide; a miniature. SIMS, William Percy Painter. SIMS, Frederick Painter. W. P. Sims, Junr., Stockwell Green. Rectory House, 1859. 37 A naughty child. Coldharbour Lane. 1848. 1 121 Erith Church. SIMS, G Painter. 14, Doris Street, Kennington. SIMSON, Mrs. S. . . . Miniature Painter. 1829. 473 Lane scene near Leatherhead. 37, Rue Boileau, Auteuil, Paris. 550 Lane scene near Coombe 1900. 1390 F. I. Simson, Esq. Hurst, Croydon. 1524 Hon. Mrs. Duff" Tollemache. 593 Landscape. 1831. 129 Lane scene, Fetcham, Surrey. SIMSON, T Painter. 1832. 822 Road scene. Blackmoor, Liss, Hants 1833- 67 Landscape. 1896. 1524 In the glade. 1834. 124 At Clifton. 1835- 897 At Felbridge. SIMSON, Theodore F. S.... Sculptor. 1836. 324 At Bruges. 3, Rue Campagne Premiere, 325 At Brockham. Paris 784 Sunset. 1902. 1607 Vance Thompson, Esq.; bust 136 THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS SIMSON, William, i?.^.^. ... Painter. 7, North St. David Street, Edinburgh. 1830. 234 A shooting party regaling — a scene in the moors; por traits. 1 83 1. 341 The Highland deer-stalker pre paring to go out in the morn ing. 1832. 474 Portraits of a gentleman, lady, and three daughters, with a favourite pony. 1834. 326 Prince Charles Edward Stuart at the battle of Preston, 1745. "It was just dawn, and the mist was fast retir ing before the advance of the sun, when the High landers set out upon their attack. Alonguninterrupted series of fields, from which the grain had recently been reaped, lay between them and General Cope's position. Morn was already on the waters of the Forth to their right, and the mist was roll ing in large masses over the marsh, and up to the crofts to their left; but it was not yet clear enough to admit of either armyseeing theother." — Chambers. 23, Duke Street, Edinburgh, and at Mr. J. HaU's, 40, Brewer Street, Golden Square. 1837. 9 A portrait of Maria, a young Roman girl. 254 A scene on the Grand Canal, Venice. " In Venice Tasso's echoes are no more. And sUent rows the songless gondolier. Her palaces are crumbling to the shore, etc." — Childe Harold. 91, Dean Street, Soho. 1838. 363 A Camaldolese monk shewing the relics in the sacristy of the convent, Rome. 434 Cimabue and Giotto. " A boy was tending his father's flock in the neighbourhood of Florence. His humble birth and poverty seemed likely to condemn him to an ob scure and miserable life; but nature inspired him with that talent which afterwards made him one of the greatest ornaments of his country. Cimabue, happening to pass one day, surprised the boy sighing over a rude sketch which he had traced on a stone. The great man saw at the first glance what might one day become of the un known shepherd. Cimabue felt instantly the desire to protect so happy a disposi tion; and being sure that he would leave to his country an heir worthy of his glory, he resolved to adopt this youth, a disciple of nature; and by doing so Cimabue acquired a new claim to the gratitude of Italy, which honours him as the restorer of painting and the master of Giotto." 1839. 25 Deerstalking in the forest of Athlone. The Highlander holding the stag-hound is a portrait of Thomas Jamie- son, forester to W. Scrope, Esq. 226 Goatherds of the Campagna di Roma. 519 Columbus asking bread and water for his child at the door of the convent of Santa Maria de Robida. "About half a league from Palos, on a solitary height, there stood, and stands at the present day, an ancient convent of Franciscan Friars, dedicated to Santa Maria de Robida. A stranger, traveUing on foot, accompanied by a young boy, stopped one day at the gate of the convent, and asked a little bread and water for his child. While receiving the humble re freshment, the guardian of the convent. Friar Juan Perez de Marehena, hap pening to pass by, was struck by the appearance of the stranger, and observing from his air and accent that he was a foreigner, entered into conversation with him. That stranger was Columbus, ac companied by his young son. THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS 137 1840. 1841. Diego." — Washington Irv ing. 12, Sloane Street. 404 Gil Bias introduces himself to Laura as his master, Don Mattias de Silva. " I threw myself in a transport at the feet of my nymph; and the better to imitate the beaus, pressed her in a petulant manner to make me happy. She seemed a little moved by my entreaties, but thought it was too soon to yield; therefore, pushing me gently from her, 'Hold,' said she, 'you are too forward, and have the air of a libertine; I am afraid you are no better than a downright rake.'" — Le Sage. II (Octagon room.) Titian in his study. {Italian quotation from Ridolfi.) 429 Mary, Queen of Scots, and her retinue returning from the chase to the castle of Stirling in 1562. This picture is intended to represent the young Queen of Scotland and her court soon after her return from France, when, in the words of Sir Walter Scott, " hunting, hawking, and other sports filled up the day, and music and dancing were the usual amusements of the evening." The Queen, mounted on her white palfrey, occupies the centre of the picture; on her right is her half brother, the Lord James Stuart, after wards Earl of Murray and Regent of Scotland; imme diately behind, in a dark dress, is Douglas, Earl of Morton, who succeeded Murray in the regency; then follow the ladies of the royal court, caUed, both in history and baUad, " the Queen's Maries," with Chate- lar, the French cavalier and poet; the Queen's secretary, Maitland of Lethington, and the captain of the royal guard, and the men at arms. In the foreground is one of the Queen's falconers, carry- VII. ing his tray of hawks, accom panied by Highland gUlies with dead red deer and other spoils of the chase ; the Queen's dwarf holds in the leash two of the royal stag- hounds; on the left of the picture is a group of the inhabitants of Stirling; the castle and palace of which are represented as they stood in the year 1562. 1841. 567 John Burnet, Esq., F.R.S. 1842. 103 Hagar and Ishmael. "And she departed and wandered in the wilderness of Beersheba and the water was spent in the bottle, and she cast the child under the shrubs, etc." — Genesis. 491 Alfred dividing his last loaf with the pilgrim. " During King Alfred's concealment from the Danes a poor pil grim knocked at his gate, and begged a morsel of food : the humane king caUed his queen, Elswitha, and desired her to give the poor man part of what provision there was in the house. The queen only finding one loaf, brought it to Alfred, to show how slender their store was: at the same time representing the distress the family would labour under should their followers return from their foraging unsuccessful. The king, not deterred by this scanty view from his charit able purpose, but rather in ternally rejoicing at this trial of his humanity, cheerfully gave the poor Christian one half of the loaf, etc." 1843. 333 Portrait of a gentleman and favourite bloodhound. 548 The return of the prodigal son. 1844. 504 The gipsy family. 511 Salvator Rosa's first cartoon on the walls of the Certosa, near Naples. " Santo Sacra- mento,"exclaimed Madonna Giulia, his mother, with up raised hands and eyes, as she entered the Loggia, to take her fresca or evening's draught of fresh air. " Cosa stupenda," re-echoed the T 138 THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS Simson, William, R.S.A. — continued. simple Signorina, his sister, as she gazed in stupid won der at her brother's talent and temerity; and the luck less Salvatoriello, for the studies he pursued, and the studies he neglected, was doomed to do penance by attendance on matins, mass, and vespers, in the Great Church of the Certosa, with pious punctuality, during the whole of the ensuing lent." — Lady Morgan. 1845. 523 The arrest of William Tell, for refusing to pay homage to a cap of Gessler's. " On the i8th of November, 1307, Herman Gessler, bailiff of Ari, among other indignities, had the audacity, in the public market of Altorp, to hang his cap upon a pole, and to enjoin the passengers to salute it, under pain of death. William Tell, of Biirglen, in the Canton of Uri, having disregarded this order, Gessler caused him to be arrested; but knowing his extraordinary skill as an archer, the tyrant, with the most refined cruelty, offered Tell his liberty, provided he would hit an apple on the head of his son at an hundred yards distance. Tell accom plished the feat, and after wards roused his countrymen to throw off the yoke of Austria, and give freedom to Switzerland. 1846. 598 Portraits of the nieces of the late Sir David Wilkie, R.A. 691 A Highland home. "Their groves o' sweet myrtles let foreign lands reckon, etc." — Burns. 1847. 501 The goat chaise, Kensington Gardens. SINCLAIR, John Painter. 21, Leigh Street, Liverpool. 1874. 447 Mountain solitude. 3, Slater Street, Liverpool. 1879. 463 Early spring. 17, Commerce Chambers, Liverpool. 1888. 1260 A Cheshire hayfield. SINDICI, Mrs. Francesca Stuart. Painter. 6, William Street, Lowndes Square. 1892. 884 The kettle drummer of the 2nd Regiment of Life Guards. 1893. 937 "It might have been "Napoleon — WeUington, 1847. SINGER, Miss Amy M Sculptor. Frome, Somerset. 1882. 1666 General Sir Charles Staveley, K.C.B.; bust. 1884. 1797 Charles Grant, Esq. 1885. 1991 Samuel Carter HaU, Esq. ; bust, terra-cotta. 1993 The Rev. George Tugwell; bust, terra-cotta. 2065 "Seventy;" statuette, terra cotta. 1887. 1792 Rev. Arthur Brooking; bust, terra-cotta. 1800 The Rev. WhitweU Elwin; bust, terra- cotta. 1931 Beryl; bust, terra-cotta. North HiU, Frome. 1889. 2181 Supplication; statuette. SINGLETON Painter. 1807. 185 Portrait of a lady. SINGLETON, Henry Painter. 33, Union Street, Middlesex Hospital. 1784. 352 A conversation. 1785. 210 Portrait of a gentleman and his two sons, with horses and greyhounds. 630 Julia, from the Two Gentlemen of Verona, act 4, scene 4; a sketch. 1786. 408 A family; small whole lengths. 1787. 114 Tancred andSigismunda. {Vide Dryden.) 239 Sigismunda, Guiscardo, and Priest. Vide Dryden. 406 Portraits of a lady and gentle man; small whole length. 419 The novelist. 1788. 214 Portrait of a young lady. 229 Menelaus and his companions surprising Protheus, the sea God (a sketch.) Odissey, Book IV, Line 910. 232 Portrait of a young lady. 22, Norton Street. 1789. 8 The surprize. • 8 The death of Edmond, King Lear, act v. 375 Flower and leaf. THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS 139 1791, •332 468 31 40 59 1790. 13 Banditti. Ariel and Calliban. Venus protecting her son ^neas, wounded by Diomed. The haunted grove, from Boccace. Education. Calepine rescuing Serena, Spencer's Fairy Queen. Nature.Portrait of the late Sir Charles Douglass. 172 Ophelia. 232 Dalilah and Sampson. 234 Angel appearing to Hagar. 1792. 42 Tyrrhesias and his daughter Manto. Dryden's CEdipus, act I. 44 Hercules rescuing Hesione from the sea monster. 359 The helmet sent by Isabel to Sir Bertram, at the banquet. Vide Hermit of Warkworth, a Gothic poem. 360 The Authoress. 423 Frontispiece to first volume of Giffard's history of France. 426 Portrait of a lady. 501 Four drawings for the History of France. 503 Five drawings for the History of France, and one for the Rambler. 1793. 70 The female moralist. 76 Othello at Brabantio's man sion. 79 John of Gaunt on his departure against Spain. Vide Rapin's History. 93 The hostages presented by the Vackeel to Lord Corn wallis. Portrait of a Leicestershire farmer. The reception of Richard lid's Queen on her landing at Dover. Vide Rapin's history. 184 An offering. 205 The Earl of Pembroke present ing Henry III to the Nobles. Vide Rapin's History. 294 Odin and the prophetess. Vide Gray's poems. 537 Portrait of a lady spinning. 854 Six drawings for Gyffard's History of France. 1794. 6 Portrait of a Nobleman {Lord Maynard.) 10 Departure of the hostages from Seringapatam. 13 The distressed veteran. 116 172 1794. 27 Gleaners returning from labour. 106 yEneas protecting the body of Pandarus. lUiad, book the Fifth. 218 David informs Zadock and Nathan his intentions to have Solomon proclaimed King. — I Kings, Chap. i. 238 The accusing and recording angel; from Sterne. 253 The Spirit of Cothmor appear ing at Clonmel's Cave. Ossian's Poems, Book 8th. 300 Inside of a gentleman's study, with portraits. 302 Portrait of a lady. 4, Haymarket. 1795. "3 Clarence's dream. — Shake speare's Richard III. 25 Comus and Euphrosyne. 29 Portrait of a gentleman. {Sir W. Chambers.) 190 The widow. 220 A portrait. 448 Emblematical subjects. 449 do. do. 1796. 44 Portrait of a child. {Hon. Miss Fitzwilliam.) 52 Death of Le Fever. — Sterne. 57 Winter's Morning. 63 Cottage — Evening. 104 Beggar; from Wharton's " Ode to Fancy." 160 Agrippina. 209 Four subjects from Milton's Paradise Lost. 217 Summer — morning. 300 Essex's Indignation. Vide Rapin. 313 EmiUus after his defeat by Hannibal. 346 Peasants at dinner. 417 Portrait of an officer. {Col. HaU) 1797. 217 From the Mysteries of Udol- pho. 221 Portrait of an Academician. {Mr. Northcote) 222 Portrait of an Academician. {Mr. T Sandby) 274 An artist in his study. 275 Portrait of an Academician. {Mr. Cosway) 276 Portrait of an Academician. {Mr. Zoffany) 335 Portrait of an officer. 419 Cottage girls. 563 Adam with the dead body of Abel. Vide Gessner's Death of Abel. 140 THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS Singleton, Henry — continued. 1797. 629 Edward V and his brother the Duke of York entering the Tower. 732 Angel appearing to Joshua. Joshua, Chap. V. 1798. 7 The Earl of Dunmeath and Grandson Oscar. Vide ist Vol. Children of the Abbey. 14 Infant Apollo. 18 Infant choir. 29 Hannah presenting the child Samuel to Elijah. — i Samuel, Chap. I. 44 Falstaff at Heme's Oak. 108 A settler in the interior of America attacked by the natives. 120 Falstaff and his page. 573 Miss J. Loraine. 742 The meeting of Caleb and his daughter. Joshua, 15. 1799. 34 The mother. 35 Four subjects from Macbeth. 37 The father. 77 Highland shepherds. 114 Lord Nelson boarding the Spanish ships in the engage ment off Cape St. Vincent, 14th Feb., 1797. 116 The engagement of the Glat- ton, 1 6th July, 1796, com manded by Capt. Sir H. TroUope with eight ships of war, in which Capt. Strang- ways of the Marines was mortally wounded. 292 The death of Leonardo da Vinci. 311 St. Austin preaching the Gos pel to King Ethelbert and Queen Bertha, in the Isle of Thanet. 851 Portrait of the Master of the Freemasons' Lodge at Wake field in Yorkshire. 1800. 195 Portrait of a gentleman. 208 The departure of Cain and his family. — Genesis. 239 A subject from the Life of Thomas A'Becket. 292 The Seapoy and family. 671 The death of Capt. Hood. 1801. 63 Christ entering Jerusalem. " And some of the Pharisees from among the multitude said unto him. Master, re buke thy disciples, etc." — St. Luke, xix, 38, 39. 71 Venus. 1 80 1. 88 The Market-girl. 651 Portraits of Captain Parker of 14th Dragoons, and Ensign Parker of the Coldstream Guards. 685 J. Milnes, Esq. 1802. 33 Hon. Lady A. Hudson and Child. 37 Ruth returned to her mother from gleaning in the fields of Boaz. 200 Mr. H. Johnston as Young Nerval. " Who shall resist me in a parent's cause." 216 Lord Strafford making his de fence before the Lords and Commons. — Vide the notes of Rapin, etc. 267 The Mother of Coriolanus, his wife, and the principal ma trons of Rome, interceding with him to withdraw from the siege of that capitol. 270 The Infant Neptune. 287 A nun going to matins. 868 Hannibal, at nine years of age, brought by his father, Ham- ilcar, to swear eternal en mity to the Romans. 1803. 25 The pangs of adversity. 172 C. L. Smith, Esq. 179 The portrait of an old earth stopper. 211 Moses, when a child, throws down the diadem in Pharaoh's palace. 234 Innocence betrayed. 242 Antiochus, Stratonice, and the physician. 1804. 8 The Cardinal enraged at the depositions of his spy.— Spectator, Vol. VI, No. 439. 9 The Taming of the Shrew. — Tatler, Vol. IV, No. 231. 32 Lysippe and babe, from a translation of the Greek poet Archias. "She bared her breast, it caught the pratrier's view. And from the brink of fate the uncon scious victim snatched, etc." 68 Portrait of Mr. EUiston, as Octavian, in the Moun taineers. 114 The eclaircissement. — Spec tator, Vol. V, No. 235. 160 The Chinese merchant sur veying the purchase he had made at market. — Spec tator, Vol. VII, No. 511. THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS 141 1804. 233 Christ healing the blind. 1805. 44 The flight into Egypt. "When he arose, he took the young child and his mother by night, and departed into Egypt." — St. Matthew, ii, 14. 69 W. Clayfield, Esq. 204 Christ and the Woman of Samaria. 280 Miss Duncan as Juliana, in the Honey Moon. 287 Portrait of a lady. 1806. 60 Oichoma's dream. — Vide Ossian's poem of Temora. 6 3 Richard I . receiving his brother. Prince John, after his rebel lion. — Vide Rapin's History, A.D. 1195. 67 Cottage girl and boy. 79 EviraUin, the daughter of Branno. — Vide Poem of Lothmore, Ossian. 271 Mary anointing the feet of Christ. "Wherefore I say unto thee, her sins, which are many, are forgiven, for she loved much." — St. Luke, xiii, 47. 1807. 42 The Annunciation to the Vir gin Mary. 131 The Angel appearing to Jo seph, "behold, the angel of the Lord appeared unto him in a dream." — St. Matthew, i, 18. 518 Portrait of a gentleman; a small whole length. 528 Mr. Bannister and Miss Dun can, in Robert and Florence, in the play of the Curfew. — Act n. 548 Regulus, when prisoner, reject ing the entreaties of his wife and the senate to enter Rome, on his return from Carthage on parole, etc. 1808. 297 ^neas, with his father and son, leaving Troy. "The welcome load of my dear father take." Aineas, book ii. 528 Prospero instructing Miranda when achild. — Vide Tempest. 1809. 159 An Arabian soldier's return to his family. 174 Miss Forster. 180 Cupid and Psyche, etc. 197 The bard. " In hymns inspir'd by truth divine, etc." 262 Portrait of a lady. VirgiPs 1809. 414 Miss Simpson. 18 10. 146 Relieving the distressed. 240 The captive. " He had one of these little sticks in his hand; and with a rusty naU, he was etching another day of misery to add to the heap."^ — Sterne. 327 The deserted mother. "Cold, cold, my dearest jewel, etc." 181 1. 144 David of the White Stone House. "A bard of this name lying on his death-bed, called for his harp, and per formed a plaintive tune, which he desired should be repeated at his funeral." — Jones. 213. The parting of Caius Gracchus from his wife, to meet Ful- vius and his party at Mount Aventine, during a civil war in Rome. " Gracchus, pierced to the heart with grief, and not having the power to answer her, broke from between her arms ; but she, holding him by the robe, followed him, till at length overpowered by the weigh t of her grief, she fainted and ieW:'— Rollin. 1 8 1 2 . 23 Cleombrotus, after his rebellion and defeat, took refuge in the Temple of Neptune with his wife and children. Che- lonis, his wife, appeases the resentment of her father, Leonidas, who had come with a party to seize him. Vide Plutarch's Life of Agis. 131 Peter Grimes. "Cold nerv ous tremblings shook his sturdy frame, etc." — Crabb's Borough. 271 Portrait of a gentleman. 1813. 62 Portraits of P. Latouche, Esq., senr., Mrs. Latouche, Miss K. Boyd, A. Knox, Esq., the Rev. Mr. Dunn, and a domestic. 182 The ballad. 216 Allen Booth. "Yes, old and grieved, and trembling with decay, was Allen, etc." 343 Portrait of an artist. 363 Charles Carr, a mountaineer on the estate of P. Latouche, Esq., at Lugelaw, County of Wicklow. 142 THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS Singleton, Henry — continued. 18 14. 15 The vision of the Kings ap pearing to Macbeth. "Come like shadows, so depart, etc." 50 David in the cave of AduUam. ' ' And the three brake through the host of the Philistines, and drew water out of the well of Bethlehem that was by the gate, and took and brought it to David ; but David would not drink of it, but poured it out to the Lord." — I Chronicles, i, 18. 191 Conrad and Gulnare. "Is it some seraph sent to grant him grace? etc." — Corsair. 253 C. Loraine Smith, Esq. 340 Christ in the house of Martha. " Martha, thou art careful and troubled about many things, etc." — St. Luke, x, 41, 42. 18 1 5. n Madame Alexander. 30 Prospero releasing Ariel from the cloven pine. — Tempest. 283 Jonah waiting the fate of Nineveh. "And the Lord God prepared a gourd, etc." — Jonah, iv, 6. 463 Elijah bringeth fire from Heaven on the chief and his men sent to him by King Ahaziah ..." then let fire come down from Heaven and consume thee and thy fifty, etc." — 2 Kings, i, 10. 1816. 146 Portrait of a child. 157 Belisarius in the peasant's cot tage. " Each mother pre sented her own child and placed him on the general's knees. The little infants smUed with young astonish ment, and raising their arms, seemed to offer up their thanks." — Marmontel 241 J. Alexander, Esq., and lady. 401 Death of Moses on Mount Nebo. "So Moses, the ser vant of the Lord, died there in the land of Moab, etc." — Deuteronomy, xxxiv, 4, 5. 830 The Rev. W. Barker. 1817. 145 Miss Elven and favourite dog. 218 The tired shepherd's boy. 302 Adam and Eve discover the dead body of Abel. Vide Gessner's "Death of Abel." 181 7. 442 Mr. D. Cocke. 483 Cupid in a storm. 1 818. 70 A, Knox, Esq. 157 Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed- nego delivered; a sketch. " Then Nebuchadnezzar the king was astonished, and rose up in haste. . . . Lo, I see four men loose, walk ing in the midst of the fire, etc." — Daniel, chap, iii, 24, 25- 183 Samson Agonistes. "O dark, dark, dark amid the blaze of noon, etc." 330 Portrait of a daughter of the Rev. G. Trevelyan. 373 Imogen. " Pisanio. "What shall I need to draw my sword? etc." — Cymbeline, act iii, sc. 4. 1819. 14 The Pastor's fireside; por traits. 33 Christ appearing to the Dis ciples after his resurrec tion. " The same day at evening, etc." — St. John, xx, 19. 64 Ariel. " On the bat's back I do fly, etc." 661 T. Daniell, Esq. 30, Parliament Street. 1820. 28 The departure of Mary Queen of Scots from France. " She sighed often, and cried out, 'Farewell France! Farewell beloved country, which I shall never more behold ! ' Even when the darkness of night had hid the land from her view, she would neither return to her cabin nor take food." — Robertson. 67 The Holy FamUy. 213 Satan starting from the touch of Ithuriel's lance. "So started up in his own shape the fiend. Back stept those two fair Angels half amazed, etc." — Milton. 336 The Jailor falling at the feet of his prisoners, Paul and Silas. Vide Acts xvi. 21, Charles Street, St. James's Square. 1821. 127 Lysander, Hermia, and Puck. " This is he, my master said, Despised the Athenian maid. And here the maiden, sleeping sound, THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS 143 On the dank and dirty ground, etc . " — Midsummer Nights Dream, Act ii. 1821. 237 Part of a group in the historical drama of Henri Quatre, as represented at the King's Theatre, Richmond ; with portraits of Mr. and Mrs. Klanert, Mr. E. Bartley, Jun., and a young gentle man. 430 Mrs. D. Cock. 21, Charles Street, St. James's Square. 1822. 266 Guardian Angels. 277 Infant Christ and St. John. 354 Valentine. "How use doth breed a habit in a man, etc." — Two Gentlemen of Verona, Act v, Sc. 3. 389 The female soothsayer de prived of her power by Paul at Philippi. "The same followed Paul and us, and cried, saying. These men are the servants of the Most High God, etc." — Acts, xvi, 16, 17, 18. 485 The Rev. R. Ferryman. 1823. 183 Homer. 209 J. Bond, Esq. 259 Judith going forth from the city of Bethulia. "And she said unto them. Command the gates of the city to be opened unto me, that I may forth to accomplish the things whereof you have spoken with me. So they commanded the young men to open unto her as she had spoken." — Judith, chap. x. 431 The Holy Family. 554 Scene in the Midsummer Night's Dream. "Bottom. I pray you let none of your people stir me, I have an exposition of sleep come upon me. Titania. Sleep thou, and I will wind thee in my arms. "-—Act iv, sc. i. 940 Portraits of two children of Sir T. Acland, Bart., and a favourite dog. 1824. 9 Falstaff and his Page. 16 Love in the bower. "Love, like a rude and wanton boy. Broke into my bower of joy! -Vide Camoens. 1824. 335 J. Major, Esq. 369 Christ and the two disciples at Emmaus. "And their eyes were opened and they knew him."— 6*/. Luke, xxiv, 31. 379 Mrs. Simpson and Miss Ed wards. 405 Christ appearing to Mary Mag dalene and Mary the mother of James. "Then Jesus said unto them, be not afraid, etc." — St. Matthew, xxvni, 10. 471 Portraits of two children of E. Parrot, Esq. 1825. 30 The happy age. 43 Conrade and Gulnare. "But who is she whom Conrade's arms convey, etc." — Corsair. 129 The parting of Pompey and Cornelia on board of the galley. " When Achillas had hold of his hand, and he was going to step in himself, he turned to his wife and son, and repeated that verse of Sophocles, etc." — Plu tarch. 227 Olivia and Viola. " Olivia. But we wUl draw the curtain, and show the picture, etc." — Twelfth Night, act i, sc. 4. 424 J. Fuller, Esq. 563 Portraits of three children of Sir Watkin Williams Wynn, Bart. 876 Master Brodie Cock. 1826. 25 Danger. "So full of dismal terror was the time." — Shakespeare. 176 The death of Lara. "But gasping heaved the breath that Lara drew, etc." — By ron. 231 The fairy and child. "She wafts the sleeping infant through the air To fairie land." — Old Legend. 347 Portraits of the children of J. Stephen, Jun., Esq. 468 Portrait of a lady. 1827. 112 Festivity. 151 Madame Caradori Allan as Giulia in the Opera of La Vestale. 259 Mountain shepherds. " The roar of waters, from the head long height Velino cleaves the wave-worn precipice, etc."^ — Childe Harold. 144 THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS Singleton, Henry — continued. and Hur on the hill, during 1827. 308 J. Saunders, Esq. 570 W. Graves, Esq. the conflict of Joshua and Amalek. " But Moses' 1828. 12 The Mother. 163 The Conflict. 241 Madame Pasta as Medea. 446 Jacob blessing his sons. " Joseph is a fruitful bough, etc." — Genesis. hands were heavy, and they took a stone and put it under him, and he sat there on, and Aaron and Hur stayed up his hands, etc." — Exodus, xvii, 12, 13. 1829. 174 The entombment. 268 Sabrina. " 'Tis my office best To help ensnared chastity, etc."- — Comus, act ii. 471 Portrait of a student at Cam bridge. 984 Mrs. Saunders. 1833- 219 Finished sketch from the Lord of the Isles. "Not so awoke the King: his hand snatched from the flame a knotted brand. The nearest weapon of his wrath; 1830. 127 Sir Gregory Gazette and Tim reading the news. — Vide Foote's Comedy of the Knights. With this he crossed the mur derer's path And venged young Allan well." 129 The poet introduced by the 330 The Angel appearing to Elijah printer's devil to young in the wilderness. "Arise Cape. — Foote's Author. and eat, because the journey 247 Remorse. is too great for thee, etc." 417 Richard's dream the night I Kings, xix. previous to the battle of 450 The last of the wreck. Bosworth field. " Dream on 1834. 7 Joan la Pucelle raising the thy cousins smothered in fiends. " This speedy quick the Tower, etc."— Rich appearance argues proof Of ard III, act v. your accustomed diUgence 957 Mirth. to me." — 1st Part Henry VI. 1831. 27 Medora. " In hfe itself she was so still and fair. That death, with gentler as pect, withered there; 50 Baruch writing the prophecy of Jeremiah. " Baruch wrote from the mouth of Jeremiah, all the words of the Lord, etc."— -Jeremiah, xxxvi. And the cold flowers her 126 An old fisherman. colder hand contained 296 C. Loraine Smith, Esq. In that last grasp as tenderly '835- 55 Portraits of the children of the were strained." Rev. A. Luttrell. — Corsair. 104 A visit to the baby; portraits. 179 The lady in the arbour, and 257 Portraits of the children of the fairy of the leaf. "Thus Rev. H. Dashwood. dancing on and singing as 1836. 98 The doge. they danced They to the 349 Sketch for a picture of the en middle of the mead ad tombment. vanced." — Dryden. 607 Death ofthe Talbot. "Soldiers, 320 Jesus in the Temple with the adieu, I have what I would doctors ; a sketch for a large have. Now my old arms are picture. "And aU that young John Talbot's grave." heard him were astonished — 1st Part Henry VI, act iv. at his understanding and 939 Portrait of an artist. answers." — St. Luke, ii, 47. 1837- 126 Alarm. 1832. 80 Childe Harold and his page. 128 The vision. "Come hither, my little 129 Portrait of the son of the Rev. page, why dost thou weep A. LuttreU. and waU, etc." — Childe 529 The banished man. Harold. 1838. 59 Jacob's vision at Mahanaim. 174 Frances Elizabeth, daughter of "And Jacob went on his Sir T. Acland, Bart. way and the Angel of God 505 Moses supported by Aaron met him." — Genesis, xxxii, i. THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS 145 1838. 91 Scene in Twelfth Night; Olivia, Maria, and Malvolio. 109 Death of Medora; a finished sketch. {See 1831, No. 27.) 1180 Robert Southey, Esq., LL.D., etc. 1839. 38 Scene in Romeo and Juliet. "Juliet. Good pilgrim ! you do wrong your hand too much, etc." — The Masque, Act I. 89 The Angels appearing to Abra ham at his tent door on the plains of Mamre. " And he lifted up his eyes and looked, and lo ! three men stood by him." 338 Scene in Macbeth; a finished sketch. The Banquet, Ghost of Banquo. " Lady Macbeth. Shame o' thyself! Why do you make such faces? When all 's done, you look but on a stool, etc." — Act iii. 367 The distressed father. SINGLETON, Mrs. H. Miniature Painter. Mrs. Singleton, 4, Haymarket. 824 Two portraits, a lady and a gentleman. 725 Miss Minia. 800 Miss Duncan in the Curfew. 611 J. Acland, Esq. 616 Portrait of an artist. 664 Miss Elvin. 651 A frame containing the por traits of Miss Elvin, Colonel Campbell, and Miss Barker. 3, Mortimer Street. 92 Portrait of Mr. Ab Salami, His Majesty's Oriental Inter preter. {Mr. Cust in D. N B. states that Henry Singleton died unmarried in 1839, but the above exhibits and those at the British In stitution from 1808 to i?,ii point distinctly to his having been married before 1807. Mrs. Singleton seems to have left her husband for some reason before 1 8 1 5 with Miss Maria Singleton) SINGLETON, Joseph. Miniature Painter. At Mr. Goddle's, King Street, Covent Garden. 1773. 275 Portrait of a gentleman in miniature. 276 A frame with five miniatures. VII. 1807. 1808. 1809.1810. 1811. 1822. At Miss Baker's, King Street, Covent Garden. 1774- 287 Four portraits of gentlemen; miniatures. At Mrs. Goddle's, King Street, Covent Garden. 1775- 296 A frame with miniatures. At Mr. Warne's, King Street, Covent Garden. 1777. 327 A holy family; in miniature. 328 A httle Bacchus; do. 1778. 285 Portrait of a lady; do. 286 do. gentleman. At Mrs. Goddle's, King Street, Covent Garden. 1779. 304 Two miniatures. At Mr. Byrne's, 18, Bedford Street, Covent Garden. 1781. 313 A sleeping Venus; miniature. 314 Portrait of a gentleman; minia ture. 1782. 279 do. do. do. 282 do. do. do. 316 Portrait of a lady; miniature. 325 do. do. do. 1783- 339 Frame, with miniatures. 1784. 308 Portrait of a lady; miniature. 1788. 400 do. do. do. SINGLETON, Miss Maria... Painter. Miss M. Singleton, 1 3, Great Russell Street, Bloomsbury. 1808. 286 Portrait of Captain Rosen- hagen, R.N. 296 Mr. J. H. Deacon. 81, Charlotte Street, Fitzroy Square. 1809. 116 Portrait of an officer. {Miss Singleton in catalogue) 547 Portrait of a lady. Miss Singleton, 15, Charlotte Street, Bloomsbury. 1813. 378 PortraitofLieut.H.C. Deacon, late of His Majesty's ship Nereide. 386 A. CarUsle, Esq. 3, Mortimer Street, Cavendish Square. 1 81 5. 40 Field-Marshal Blucher. Miss Singleton, 3, Mortimer Street, Cavendish Square. 1816. 293 Portrait of a lady. 181 8. 187 do. do. in a Ber- noise dress. 18 1 9. 927 Portrait of a lady. 1820. 253 do. do. u 146 THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS SINGLETON, Miss Sarah Mack- larinan Miniature Painter. Banger Court, Shoe Lane. 1787. 49 Portrait of a young gentleman. 3, Great Tower Street. 1788. 16 Portrait of a child. 63 do. gentleman. 22, Norton Street. 1789. 206 Portraits of two children. 227 Narcissa and Miss WiUiams discovering Roderick's pic ture in the alcove. 1790. II Portraits of a boy and dog. 12 Portrait ofa lady. 397 do. an artist. {H. Sin gleton.) 1 791. 80 Fanny, from Joseph Andrews. 387 Portrait ofa gentleman. 397 do. a lady. 1792. 601 do. an officer. 664 A portrait. 669 do. 707 do. 1793. 580 A frame with four portraits. 778 Portrait of an artist. 779 do. a lady. 780 do. an artist. {Mr. Naish) 805 Portrait of a lady. 1794. 322 do. do. 323 do. a gentleman. 378 do. do. 394 do. the Librarian of the Royal Academy. {Ed. Burch, R.A) 429 Portrait of a gentleman. 438 Four portraits. 4, Haymarket. 1795. 628 Portrait of a young lady. {Miss Lorsaine) 629 Portrait of a gentleman. {Mr. Ryder) 630 Portrait ofa young lady. 1797. 877 do. gentleman. 1798. 776 Portraits of two children. 1799. 707 Miss Norris. 749 Portrait of a child as Cupid. 789 Mr. TeUing. 805 Portrait of Masters Johnston. Miss Singleton, 4, Haymarket. 1800. 520 Miss Jones. 806 Portraits of Mr. Hodson, Mr. Seff, senr., and others. 1801. 768 A frame containing the por traits of a gentleman, a young gentleman, and a peasant's child. 1802. 536 Portrait of a young nobleman. 728 do. Mr. Cooke in Kitely. 1802. 729 Portrait of the daughter of Lady A. Hudson. 1803. 356 Portrait of a young lady. 370 do. her sisters. 79S J. Brodie, Esq. 1804. 295 Portrait of a young lady. 298 do. do. 791 Miss Latour. 1805. 342 Portrait of a chUd. 386 do. lady. 409 do. do. 1806. 754 do. gentleman. 755 do. lady. {Mr. Cust in D. N. B. says Maria M. Singleton exhibited in 1787 and 1788. In the index works of Henry Fielding — 1320 j "Tom Jones." 1329 ) Original drawings for the 1330 > works of Henry Fielding — •33^ ) "Joseph Andrews." 1884. 610 Jack ashore. 762 Waiting for the tide. 1885. 926 The missing eggs. 1886. 1088 Returning from market — West of Ireland. 1887. 945 The last match. Purchased for the Chantrey Bequest for ;^2IO. 1888. 1153 Rough on Biddy. 1891. 345 " Love laughs at rain." 1892. 1093 Miss Laura Bradford. 1893. 1354 Illustration for "Prince For- tunatus." 1409 do. do. do. 1410 do. do. do. 1898. 1553 Water polo. 1900. 1016 The good Samaritan. SMALLBONE, Miss Eliza Anne (afterwards Mrs. Alexander Mel ville) Painter, Upper Brent Cottage, Blackheath. 1854, 324 Morning post. {See Mrs. Alexander Melville, vol. V, page 227.) SMALLFIELD, Miss Beatrice C. Miniature Painter. 52, Boundary Road, St. John's Wood. 1895. 1219 Mrs. Bridell-Fox, 1896. 1433 George E. Fox, Esq. 1897. 1 518 Catherine E. M., daughter of F. GoreU Barnes, Esq., M.P. 1898. 1401 Three studies of a head. 1 90 1. 1267 Miss Harriet Russell. 1292 Rose. 1902. 1060 Olivia. 1 06 1 Lily. 1 193 Meditation. 1903, 1099 Mrs. S. A. S. noo Mrs. Clark. 1290 Red Riding Hood. SMALLFIELD, Frederick, A.R.W.S. Painter. 53, Red Lion Street, Holborn. 1849. 609 A group of autumn flowers. 1850. 567 Hollyhocks. 1852. 27 A knitter. 1853. 343 Entering the garden. 1030 Stillaria. 124, Albany Street. 1854. 713 A portrait. 1284 do. 1855. 196 An embroidery lesson. 767 A portrait. 973 Hamlet questioning Ophelia. — Act ni, scene i. 43, St. Paul's Road, Camden Town. 1857. 1000 A Christmas invitation. 1858. 33 The strange gentleman. 877 The may-gatherer. 1859. 805 Study of a youth's head. 859 Little sweetheart. 1008 A children's party. i860. 358 The approach of twilight. 381 Luncheon time. 1861. 365 Cinderella. 549 Florentine sawyers — the dinner hour. 1862. 180 Juliet. " My early love sprung from my only hate, etc." Tudor Lodge, Mornington Crescent. 1863. 511 After sunset merrily. 15, Greville Place, Kilburn. 1866. 208 Mother and child. 752 Snake's head lilies. 1867. 19 The stinging nettle. 95 Siesta. 1870. 422 As he met her once a-maying. 52, Boundary Road, St. John's Wood. 187 1. 466 The old apple room. 1872. 542 Friar Laurence. "Within the infant rind of this small flower Poison hath residence, and med'cine power." — Ro meo and Juliet, act ii, scene 3. i6o THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS Smallfield, tinued. 1873. 224 1875. 871 1876. 444 1877. 977 1878. 316 •395 1879. 621 looi 1880. 1012 1886. 1015 Frederick, A.R. W.S.—con- Exiles from the cloister — Itahan monastic suppression. Town mice — their first day in a country house. jiEsop at school. " The young slave iEsop, watching the action of some foxes chained in his master's vineyard to scare lesser vermin from the ripening grapes, gathers sug gestions for his Fables." " When Peggy's arms her dog imprison I often wish my lot was hisn." — Thomas Hood. "Cats! cats!" Sun-down. Saturday afternoon. February. Old actors. Peg Woffington came to London at twenty- two years of age. After call ing many times, unsuccess fully, at the house of John Rich, the manager of Covent Garden Theatre, she at last sent up her name. She was then admitted, and found him lolling on a sofa, sur rounded by twenty-seven cats, of all ages. Colonel Newcome in Charter house. " Grace after meat." SMALLFIELD, Philip C. ... Painter. 52, Boundary Road, St. John's Wood. 1883. 673 A good mouser. 1885. 87 Sitting in a pleasant shade. 1886. 892 Leading-strings. 1887. 597 "One day 'Good-bye' met ' How d'ye do ! '" 724 A red-letter day — portrait. 1903. 486 Royal naval cadets. SMALLFIELD, Miss Rosalind C. Painter. 52, Boundary Road. 1901. 1206 The cloisters. Pump Court. SMALLWOOD, William Frome. Architect. 43, King Street, Covent Garden. 1826. 485 Design for a church. 4, Winchester Row. 1828. 1112 Design for a chapel. • 123 do. villa. 1829. 1056 do. public library, etc. 1831. 1832. 1 06 1 992 993563 579 646 1830. 1041 Entrance Porch, Louviers Ca thedral. Design for a church Hotel de ViUe, Brussels. Hotel de ViUe, St. Quentin. West Porch, Rouen Cathedral. Abbeville Cathedral. Tour St. Romain, Rouen Ca thedral. Palais de Justice, Rouen. 3, St. George Street, Camberwell. 1058 Hotel de VUle, Ypres. 1092 Antwerp Cathedral. 592 Convent of St. John, Soissons. The west front, being the only part saved, through the exertions ofthe townspeople, from destruction, in the Re volution of 1790. 1 01 8 Shrine of Henry V, Confessor's Chapel, Westminster Abbey. 10 1 9 Chartres Cathedral, west door. 1833. 1834. SMART, J Painter. Ipswich, Suffolk. 1786. 5 Portrait of a young lady. 24 do. an artist. 1787. 46 do. a gentleman; three- quarters. 397 Portrait of a lady. 437 do. do. St. Peter's, Norwich. 1788. 70 Portrait of Mr. Waddy, theatre. Ipswich, and 8, Castle Street, Leicester Square. 1793- 180 Portrait of the Marquis Corn- 1794. 193 Portrait of a gentleman. 1795- 274 A landscape. 292 A portrait. 1796. 515 Portrait ofa lady. 566 A portrait. 1797. 124 A landscape. 1798. 539 Portrait of a young lady. 868 do. himself. 1799. 189 A landscape. 1801. 121 Landscape. 1802. 41 Portrait of an artist. 65 A landscape. 686 do. 1803. 153 Portrait ofa lady. {The last four are by J. Smart, Junr., in the catalogue, but the address is Ipswich in the index.) 245 A landscape. 1804. 304 Mrs. Smart. 664 A landscape. THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS i6i 1805. 266 Cardinal Wolsey on his death bed at Leicester Abbey. " Had I but served my God as diligently as I served my King, he would not have given me over in my grey hairs." 1806. 301 Master Smart. 1808. 252 Portrait of Mr. Smart, Junr., representing Anchises ; from Spenser's Britain's Ida : " One day it chanc'd, as he the deer persu'd, etc." 1809. 406 Portrait of a lady. 450 do. himself. 1810. 93 Providence place, on the River Orwell, near Ipswich. 18 II. 517 Moonlight. 1813. 47 View on the River Orwell; the tide going out. {Both Mr. O'Donoghue in D. N B. and Dr. Williamson seem to have over looked the existence of a third J. Smart, living at Ipswich; he first appears at the Society of Artists in 1791, from that town, and as a painter, and not a miniature painter. He continued to exhibit for two years after the miniature painter died.) SMART, John, Junr. Miniature Painter. 39, Davies Street, Berkley Square. 1784. 50 Portrait of a lady. 202 do. do. in the char acter of a shepherdess. — Smart, 20, Grafton Street, Fitzroy Square. 1796. 634 Portrait of an artist. {By J. Smart in catalogue) 1797. 865 His Highness Mohamed Ally Khan Bahander, late Nabob of Arcot. 905 Parental affection. 912 A frame with four miniatures. 2, Russell Place, Fitzroy Square. 1799. 784 Portrait of Colonel Burr. 785 do. Mrs. Burke. At Mr. Smarts. 1800. 686 Portrait of Mr. Edwards. 899 do. C. Berrey, Esq., Miss Streat, H. Innes, Esq., Miss L. Lambert, and Miss E. Lambert. 906 Mr. R. Paine. 1802. 542 Miss A. S. Edwards. 646 Mr. Dodgson. VII. 1803. 504 Mr. Boyd. 855 Portrait ofa young lady. 1805. 412 Miss Smart. 1806. 701 Mr. Fittler. 1808. 722 Portrait of young Roscius. {H W. Betty) 1809. 680 Mrs. Smart. 1810. 645 Portrait of J, NoUekens, Esq., R.A. ; water colours. 680 Col. Reynolds. 181 1. 636 Mrs. Burr. 637 Major-General Burr. 647 Mr. R. Parker. 649 Portrait in Water Colours of Mr. J. W. Nattes. 650 Portrait in Water Colours of Mr. C. C. Nattes. {This artist commenced as a miniature painter at the Society of Artists in 1762; his address was never out of London.) SMART, John, Junr. Miniature Painter, 2, Russell Place. 1808. 571 Portrait in black lead of Mr. J. Smart, Junr. 785 A frame containing the por traits (a profile in black lead) of Miss Green, Miss M. A. Green, and Miss F. Green. 827 His serene Highness the Prince of Conde. {It is impossible accurately to separate the exhibits of the various J. Smarts. This John Smart went to India with his father, and died at Madras in 1809.) SMART, J Painter. 17, Newman Street. 1833. 9'''^ W\%% Howard. Brook Street, Ipswich. 1850. 511 Portrait of a gentleman. SMART, John, R.S.A ..Painter. 16, Picardy Place, Edinburgh. 1870 190 "Where heroes sleep These stones shall stand and speak to other years." 187 1. 88 The heat of the day — Loch Achray. 1872. 910 The auld peat hobs o' Drum- vaich, Perthshire. 988 The Drove Road, Braes o' Doune, Perthshire. 1873. 336 The graves o' our ain folk. "The praise of the bard is the meed of the glen. But where is the charm that can bring back the men ? l62 THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS Smart, John, R.S.A. — continued. 1873. 382 Wearin' in the sheep. 1874. 2 The pass ofthe Cateran. 343 The hUl fowk ; clipping day. 1875. 489 The crofter's moss. 517 The gloom of Glen Ogle. 1876. 459 The crofter's hairst. 491 The clear shining after rain. 1878. 200 The halt of the herd; Vale of Teith, Perthshire. 475 Drumharry Moor, near Fortin- gall, Perthshire. 1879. 286 Drummond Hill from near Lyon Bridge, Fortingall, Perthshire. 1396 Far from the busy world. 1 88 1. 905 Nature's decay. 1882. 69 In the track of the storm. 1883. 387 The half-way house. 1 884. 348 The land of Macgregor. 13, Brunswick Street, Edinburgh. 1885. 1370 The hUl of the Fairies, Strathyne, Perthshire. 1886. 411 The silent hills. 1179 The Cruachan range, from the peat moss, Corrieghoil, Dal maUy, Argyllshire. 1887. 1244 The Pass of Brander, Loch Awe, Argyllshire. 1894. 551 A Perthshire river. 1374 Glen Ogle, Perthshire. 1895. 559 'Tween sunshine and shadow. 1899. 1052 Flowing to the sea. SMART, R. K Painter. Prince's Square, Kennington. 1832. 548 Basil on the Rhine. SMART, Samuel Paul, Miniature Painter. Samuel Smart, 3, Old Bailey. 1774. 289 Portraitof a gentleman; minia ture. Samuel Paul Smart, 3, Great Old Bailey. 1775, 297 Portrait of a lady ; miniature. Paul Smart, At Mr. Bougonner's, 48, St Mary-Axe. 1776. 288 Portrait of a lady; in minia ture. — Smart, At Mrs. Bougonnaris 15, Finch Lane, Cornhill. 1777. 329 Portrait of a gentleman; in miniature. 1779.1780.1781.1782.1783. 1784. 1785- 1787. 1836. 1837-1839. 1842. S. Smart, Bethnal Green Road. 1778. 287 Portrait of a gentleman; in miniature. 288 Four ditto. Samuel Smart, Bethnal Green East. 305 A lady; in miniature. 267 Portrait of a lady. 237 do. do. 360 A country market girl. 138 Portrait of a lady. 339 Portraits of a gentleman's family. 290 Portrait of a lady; miniature. 437 A nosegay girl. 210 Portrait of a lady. SMART, T Painter. 3, Howland Street. 1046 Sir John Ramony's spurs being struck off, previous to his execution, on the turrets of Falkland Castle. — Vide Fair Maid of Perth. 409 Portrait of a lady. [2i6 Portraits of the family of Mr. John Romer. 18, Greek Street. 500 Au Revoir. 1843. '^4^ Portraits of two ladies. 7, Welbeck Street. 1851. 121 Portrait of a lady. 123 do. do. 1852. 615 One of the effects of Punch. I, Fitzroy Terrace. 1855. 374 Portrait of a young lady. SMEETON, G. ... Miniature Painter, J. Smeeton, Kibworth, Leicestershire. 1832. 682 Mr. Cartwright. G. Smeeton, Kibworth, Leicestershire. 1833. 875 Portrait of E. Bradley. SMETHAM, James Painter. S3, Gibson Square, Islington. 434 The flageolet. 686 Portrait of a child. 741 Portrait. I o, Charlwood Place. 23 Christ at Emmaus. 186 Birdcatchers. 436 Portrait. 91 Mrs. Sugden. 436 William Davies. 49 • Counting the cost. "Which of you intending to build a tower, sitteth not down first, and counteth the cost?" — Luke, xiv, 28. ./ 1851. 1852.1853- 1854. 1855- THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS 163 I, Willow Grove, Stoke Newington. 1856. 574 James Hoby, Esq. Painted for the Wesleyan Education Committee. I, Park Lane, Paradise Row. 1857. 211 The chestnut blossom. 1858. 107 The nurse. 849 Anna KuU. 1859. 274 A study. 450 Portrait. .1862. 35 Mr. Robert Levett and Dr. Johnson visiting a poor family. ¦ 1863. 137 The moorland edge. /1 869, 450 The hymn of the Lord's Sup per. "And when they had sung an hymn, they went out into the Mount of Olives." SMETHAM-JONES, G. See Jones, vol, iv, page 274, SMIRKE, Miss Dorothy Painter. Church House, Teddington. 1 90 1. 1 181 Queen's bedroom, Hampton Court Palace. SMIRKE, Miss Mary Painter. Miss Smirke. 1809. 163 View of Arundel Castle. 13, Berners Street. 181 2. 150 View on the Thames near Richmond. 1813. 10 View from Greenwich Park. 14 A cottage near Blackheath. 190 View of Twickenham. 1814. 83 View of Harrow. SMIRKE, Robert, R.A Painter, 65, Charlotte St., Rathbone Place. 1786. 392 The Lady and Sabrina, from Milton's Comus. 426 Narcissus. 1 791. 50 The widow. (Elected A.R.A.) Upper Charlotte Street. 1792. 58 Musidora, from Thompson's Seasons, Summer. 70 The lover's dream — from Thompson's Seasons, Spring. (Elected R.A.) 1793. 62 Lavinia, from Thompson's Sea sons. 1796. 94 The conquest. loi A scene in Catherine and Pe truchio. 129 Juliet and her nurse. 1797. 86 Countess Dolorado discover ing the cause of her grief to Don Quixotte. 1797. 102 The discovery. 135 The fortune-tellers. 138 Sancho's audience with the Duchess. 1798. 88 The seven ages of man, from Shakespear. {Here follow seven quota tions from the play. If they were separate pictures and all in one frame they may be the pictures painted for Boy dell's Shakespeare ; but it is pos sible that Smirke may have painted the subjects again in one picture.) 1799. 26 The friendly reception of Cap tain Wilson, of the ship Duff, and the persons sent out by the London Mission ary Society at Otaheite; and the ceremony of the formal grant of the district of Ma- tavai for their use, in pre sence of the King, Queen, and chiefs of that Island, March 16, 1797. 117 The ceremony of beard wash ing, performed on Don Quixote at the table of the Duke. — Don Quixote, vol. 3, chap. 15. 175 Mrs. Peachum faints at the idea of her daughter marry ing for love. — Beggar's Opera. 1800. 60 Combat between Don Quixote and the Giants, interrupted by the Innkeeper. 77 Don Quixote addressing the Princess Dulcinea. 109 The Angel justifying Provi dence — Parnel's Hermit. 140 The Gypsey. 153 Musidora — Thomson's Sea sons. 187 The plague ofthe serpents. — Numbers, chap. xxi. 13, Berners Street. 1805. 147 Psyche. 1813. 128 Infancy. SMIRKE, Sir Robert, R.A., F.R.S., F.S.A Architect, R. Smirke, Junr., Charlotte St., Fitzroy Square. 1 80 1. 113 Infant Bacchus. 1802. 244 A scene from the Merchant of Venice. 164 THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS Smirke, Sir Robert, R.A., F.R.S., F.S.A. — continued. 13, Berners Street. 1805. 678 Restoration of the Temple of Minerva on the Sunium pro montory, suggested by the ruins still existing. Albany, Piccadilly. 1808. 875 The Acropohs of Athens, as seen from the Areopagus; restored from remains still existing. (Elected A.R.A.) 1810. 709 The Temple of Jupiter Olym pus at Agrigentum, as seen from the Emporium gate, restored from remains dis covered in the year 1803. (Elected R.A. in 18 11.) {Sir Robert Smirke was treasurer to the Royal Academy from 1820 — 1850, and was knighted in 1832.) SMIRKE, Sydney, R.A., F.R.S., F.S.A. Architect, .S. Smirke, at Mr. R. Smirke' s, 5, Stratford Place. 1820. 918 Public buildings. 1 2, Regent Street. 1840. 1037 Design for a club house. 1038 do. do. 1842. 1002 West end of a church now being erected atBickerstaffe, Lancashire, for the Earl of Derby. 24, Berkeley Square. 1845. 1222 Interior ofa new portrait Gal lery, now being erected at Drayton Manor, the seat of the Rt. Hon. Sir Robert Peel, Bart. 1847. 1109 Carlton Club House. (Elected A.R.A.) 1848. 1201 New buUdings in the Temple. 1852. 1 178 Geometrical elevation of the iron gates leading into the forecourt of the British Mu seum; the pedestals are in tended to receive seated statues of Bacon andNewton. 79, Grosvenor Street West. 1855. 1 172 The design for the south front of the new Carlton Club House. 1856. 1115 Two sections of the new read ing room at the British Museum, one showing it finished, the other showing its construction wholly of iron and brick. 1857. 1083 The choir of Lichfield Cathe dral, showing a design pro posed for the reredos, the panelling to be ornamented with the mineral products of the diocese. 1859. 1060 Interior of a small church, de signed in the early Christian style and proposed to be erected in Yorkshire. (Elected R.A.) i860. 687 Arcades, about to be erected at South Kensington, to en close the Gardens of the Horticultural Society, on land belonging to the Com missioners for the Exhibition of 1 851; showing also a PavUion, proposed to be erected for Her Majesty's use. 80, Grosvenor Street. 1869. 1141 The intended design for the future adaptation of Burling ton House to the purposes of the Royal Academy, as approved by Her Majesty. SMITH, See Campbell and Smith, vol, i, page 387, and Lee and Smith, vol, V, page 21, SMITH, Sculptor, — Smith. 1790. 674 Portrait. 93, Tower Street. 1817. 972 Portrait of His Majesty. {Prob ably a medallion) SMITH, , Junr Painter. Islington. 1840. 40 Terrier and hedgehog. 406 Juno, a setter. SMITH (A.) and HENMAN. Architects. 46, Pall Mall, and Stockton-on- Tees. 1872. 1257 Hahfax Infirmary. SMITH (A.) and RISLEY, Architects, II, Buckingham Street. 1865. 813 Castle Carr, Halifax, for J. Priestley Edwards, Esq., etc. 833 do. do. do. THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS 165 SMITH (A,) and THURSTON, Architects. 49, PaU Mali 1851. 257 Mansion at Skircoal, near Hali fax, for John Crossley, Esq. 9, Southampton Street. 1853. 1134 London and Westminster Bank, Bloomsbury. 1203 Walton church, Surrey. SMITH, Albert C Painter, 144, Holland Road. 1889. 824 Old bridge and toU house. Sandwich. 907 When twilight comes. SMITH, Albert D Architect, 25, Great College Street, Westminster. 1888. 1772 Business premises. Gold Street, Northampton. 1889. 1943 The Steeple, Christ Church Cathedral, Oxford. 2f),Great Smith St., Westminster. 1890. 1898 Norwich Cathedral from the north transept. 1 89 1. 1808 Priest's throne in Chapter House, Canterbury Cathe dral. 1 841 Design for a technical college. SMITH (A. D,) and BREWERf(C, C), Architects, 28, Theobald's Road, W. 1896. 1732 Passmore Edwards Settlement Buildings. 1733 do. do. do. 1897. 1784 do. do. do. SMITH, Alfred Architect. North Street, Poplar. 1843. 1222 An interior, stone church, in the palmy days of the four teenth century. 1845. 1188 Abbey church of the Holy Trinity and St. Mary at Dore, Herefordshire, in the fourteenth century ; view from the nave, of which now only one arch remains. 1 191 Abbey church of the Holy Trinity and St. Mary at Dore, Herefordshire, in the fourteenth century; view of the south transept. Poulton-le-Fylde. 1846. 1206 An interior view of the abbey Gateway at Bury St. Ed mund's in the sixteenth cen tury. Berkeley Chambers, Bruton St. 1847. 1143 Sketch of a church without aisles. 49, Pall Mall. 1851. 320 Morning room of the Army and Navy Club, PaU Mall. 9, Southampton Street. 1853. II 37 The Mansion at South Grove, Halifax, for John Cropley, Esq. 12, Champion Grove, Denmark Hill. 1857. 1024 Interior of an old abbey church in Herefordshire in the olden time. II, Buckingham Street. 1859. 1 1 34 Schools near Manchester. 1863. 924 Restoration of Breamore House, Hants, for Sir Edward Hulse, Bart. 1 87 1. 885 Alterations to Bloomfield Hall, .Sunningdale, Berks. 46a;, Pall Mall. 1872. 1235 Wilderwick, East Grinstead, etc. {See also Parnell and Smith, vol. vi, page 60.) SMITH , Mrs, Alfred Painter. (An Honorary Exhibitor.) 1837. 955 A group of roses painted from nature. North Street, Poplar. 1844. 625 Flowers. SMITH, Guy Painter. 3, The Mall, Park Hill Road, Hampstead. 1900. 109. Family relics. SMITH, A, Harold ... Metal Worker. 3, Dancer Road, Fulham Road. 1900. 1895 Wrought Iron Gates. SMITH, Anker, A.R.A. Engraver and Miniature Painter. A. Smith, Church Lane, Chelsea. 1794. 482 Portrait of an artist. 31, Old Bond Street. 1796. 538 Portrait of a lady. {Mrs. Smith) 555 Portrait of a gentleman. {Dr. E. Snape) Church Street, Chelsea. 1797. 854 Portrait of a clergyman. (Elected A.R.A.) 1798. 549 Holy Family; an etching from a cartoon, by Leonardo da Vinci, in the possession of the Royal Academy. i66 THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS Smith, Anker, A.R.A. — continued. 1798. 766 Mother and child; miniature. 781 Portrait ofa gentleman. 783 Miss C. Smith. {Charlotte, born Nov. 5, 1792, married John Cart Burgess.) 1799. 766 Portrait of Mr. Taylor; minia ture. 859 The treachery of Col. Kirke; engraved for Bowyer's edi tion of the History of Eng land. 870 Scene from the Tempest; en graved from a picture by Hamilton, for Boydell's edi tion of Shakespeare. Upper Ranelagh Street. 1800. 647 Paul I, Emperor of aU the Russias, etc., etc.; engraved from the picture given by the Empress to Home Pop ham, Captain in the Royal Navy. I, Bridge Row, Pimlico. 1802. 877 Engravings of three subjects from the Arabian Nights. After pictures by R. Smirke, R.A., and the portraits of Gray, Goldsmith, and J. G. Grsevious, from drawings by Burney. 950 Pompey's Pillar. 1803. 488 The two gentlemen of Verona. 490 A frame containing three sub jects for Sharp's edition of the British Classics. 1804. 428 An engraving from a painting by T. Stothard, R.A. 561 A frame containing three en gravings. 1805. 610 do. do. do. 1806. 581 J. Barlow, Esq. 586 D. Hume, Esq. 1807. 621 The murder of Miss M'Rae, for the poem of the Colum- biad. 1808. 418 The medal for the Society for the Promotion of Arts, etc. 568 Portrait of Dr. S. Johnson; a fac-simile of a study (now in the possession of Mr. Man- son), by the late J. Barry, Esq.; intended for the in troduction of the Doctor's portrait into the picture of the Society of Arts, etc., in the Adelphi. 1810. 663 Mr. Robinson. 1811. 785 The death of Hippolitus. 1813, 461 Portrait of a lady. 1 8 14, 371 Portrait of a gentleman. 673 Sophonisba. After Titian. 1816. 403 Two vignettes for Don Quix otte. 1818. 604 A subject from one of Lord Byron's Poems. From a drawing by T. Stothard, R.A. {Anker Smith married, Nov. i, 1791, Charlotte Susannah Snape) SMITH, Miss Annie Painter. 114, Gower Street. 1880. 897 Waterside, Lincoln. SMITH, Arthur Painter. 1 6, Bolsover Street. 1880. 335 I see them coming. 1881. 1388 A summer's day at the Isle of Wight. SMITH, Arthur John Sculptor. 15, Marchmont Street, Brunswick Square. 1873. 14S9 Medallion of a gentleman. 1490 do. lady. 1491 do. gentleman. 79, St. PauPs Road, Camden Town. 1879. 1575 J. Stewart, Esq. 1880. 1607 Davidson Knowles ; bust. 552, Fulham Road. 1882. 1625 Bust of a lady; terra-cotta. 517, King's Road. 1885. 2050 Mrs. Davidson Knowles; bust, terra-cotta. 7, Musgrave Crescent, Moor Park Road. 1887. 1868. Merry as a cricket; bust. 5, Tournay Road, Fulham. 1891. 1994. William Morris, Esq.; medal lion. 18, Cambridge Road, Battersea Park. 1 90 1. 1802 William Morris; bust. 1902. 1650 W. F. E. Britten, Esq.; bust. SMITH, Arthur R Painter. 35, Struddridge Road, Fulham. 1902. 985 Norfolk woodland. 1904. 685 Bamborough Castle, Northum berland. 1066. Cloth Fair, Smithfield. {In 1902 it is Alexander, and in 1904 Arthur.) SMITH, B Sculptor. cjo J. E. Grays, Esq., British Museum. 1842. 1303 An old satyr extracting a thorn THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS 167 from the foot of a young man. 1842. 1390 Medallion portrait. 10, Sackville Street. 1844. 1344 Captain Sir James Clarke Ross, R.N. 1346 John Richardson, Esq. 1347 Lieutenant Henry Thomas Smith, R.N. 1845. '4^6 Edward Doubleday, Esq. 1467 Rowland Hill, Esq. 1846. 1432 Mrs. BeU Smith. 1470 Bust of a lady. 77, Baker Street. 1847. 1345 WiUiam Rathbone, Esq. 141 1 Farie. 1423 Edward Rushton, Esq. 1428 John Gould, Esq., F.R.S. 1436 Christopher Rawdon, Esq. 1848. 1305 Medallion of Mrs. Thomas Ringrose. 1311 L. H. Smith, Esq. 13, Foley Place. 1 85 1. 78 " Two water elves, in quaint and leaf-form'd boat, etc." {An oil painting) {B. Smith and Bryce Smith are hope lessly mixed in the catalogues ; whether they were both miniature painters and sculptors it is impossible to say. I have put all the miniatures under Bryce Smith, and the sculpture under B. Smith. The exhibits of 1851 andiZiii may be by another B. Smith altogether.) SMITH, Bryce ... Miniature Painter. B. Smith, 2, Coventry Street, Piccadilly. 1843. 696 Miss Melcombe. 857 Lieut. Parker of the 69th Regiment. 10, Sackville Street. 1844. 651 Mrs. Mackenzie, of Flower- burn. 671 James Ogilby, Esq. 1845. 894 Portrait. 944 Peter Littlejohn, Esq. 96, Great Portland Street. 1846. 245 Sketch by the wayside. 1132 Portrait of a lady. 1847. 915 Portraits. 1848. 871 Sir James Clark, Bart., M.P. 895 Lady Clark. 1068 The Rev. Gerrard Thomas Andrews, M.A., chaplain of the House of Commons, etc. 1849. 809 Portraits. 79, Park Street, Grosvenor Square. 185 1. 1053 John Thorpe Esq. 4, Campden Hill Villas. 1852. 465 The Corn-flower. {An oil painting.) 1854. 814 Portrait of a gentleman. 26, Lower Phillimore Place. 1855- 9°3 Portrait of a lady. 5, Drayton Grove, West Brompton. 1861. 114 John Pike, Esq. {Oil painting) SMITH, Miss Barbara Leigh (after wards Madame Eugene Bodichon). Painter. 5, Blandford Square. 1850. 698 View near Tremadoc, North Wales. 737 Dawn — near Manturogg, North Wales. Hastings. 185 1. 832 From nature. II 13 A hot day at Windermere. 1853. 668 Sunset — Hastings. 5, Blandford Square. 1856. 800 The sea grove. 913 At Ventnor, Isle of Wight. 964 The margin of the sea. {See also Miss Bodichon, vol. i, page 217.) SMITH, Bernard E Architect. 8, Buckingham Street. 1875. 941 Decoration of dining room. B. E. Smith, 30, Queen's Square, Bloomsbury. 1878. 1072 The Chateau de Chenonceaux. Bernard Smith, Gibraltar. 1880. 1 1 24 Lunatic Asylum, Gibraltar. 30, Queen's Square. 1 88 1. 1022 Sketch of Rathaus, Liibeck. 1 1 26 Church of St. Philip. 8, Gray's Inn Square. 1883. 1196 Sketch of the Town Hall, Seville. 1198 Sketch of the Hospital de Santa Cruz, Toledo. 1200 Sketch of the Plaza de la Ca- pilla de los Reyes, Granada. 1886. 1457 South transept, entrance to Cathedral, Granada, Spain. 1891. i860 St. Edmund's, Bungay. 1893. 1625 Billiard Room, Bungay. 1894. 1 59 1 Monastery, St. Laurence's, Ampleforth. SMITH, Miss Bessy N. W... Painter, 28, Viale Regina Vittoria, Florence. 1898. 1000 Mrs. G. A. Crawford. 1 68 THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS SMITH, Campbell L Painter. 8, Kensington Studio, Kelso Place. 1901. 568 The twa corbies. "His hound is to the huntin' gane, etc." 1902. 555 The conversion of St. Hubert. 113, High Street, Old Aberdeen. 1903. 743 Crawford Noble, Esq. 58, Beaconsfield Place, Aberdeen. 1904. 639 The farm girl. SMITH, Captain Wax Modeller. (An Honorary Exhibitor.) 1 79 1. 642 Portrait of a lady. SMITH, Carlton A., R.I. Painter. 3, Tudor Lodge, Albert Street. 1879. 718 Farewell. 1880. 923 "Sleep, my httle one. Sleep, my pretty one, sleep." — Tennyson. 8, Camden Studios. 1881. 737 Stirring news. 1884. 638 A toiler of the sea. 977 Rival Sisters. 72, Park Road, N. W. 1885. 1308 My pet. 1388 Reflections. 1886. 728 Coaxing granny. 1138 First steps. 1887. 198 Getting ready for the tide. 1888. 700 Opinions worth having. 1889. 957 A cabbage field. 1890. 1250 "Oh, woman! in our hours of ease. Uncertain, coy, and hard to please." i8gi. 1381 My httle one. 1892. 1 179 A fairy tale. 1893. 1037 The knitting lesson. 1066 Peeling apples. 1894. 1091 From over the seas. 1895. 724 The Japanese lantern. looi When the work is done. 1896. 1171 Bedtime. Witley, Surrey. 1897. 1148 Tea-time. Lasham's Hill, Witley. 1898. 1051 Day dreams. 1899. 1082 The close ofa long day. 1900. 1 172 When little ones grow weary. 1901. 1052 Christmas Eve. 1902. 940 Firelight glow. 1903. 501 When the boats are at sea. 806 With love and kisses. 31, Fairfax Road, Bedford Park. 1904. 576 Home. 984 A quiet afternoon. SMITH, Mrs. Carlton A Painter, Lasham's Hill, Witley. 1898. 112 Springtime. SMITH, Mrs. Caroline Painter. 18, Charles Street, Middlesex Hospital. 1 85 1. 656 Roman peasant boy. 72, Lansdowne Road, Notting HiU. 1867. 800 The late Earl of Camperdown. 858 The Lady Abercromby. 1869. 670 Henry Warren, Esq., K.L., President of the Institute of Painters in Water Colours, SMITH, Miss Catherine Painter. 52, Rathbone Place. 1898, 1593 On the Thames. 1900. 1 531 St. WiUiam's CoUege, York. 1545 Putney. SMITH, Chadwell Painter. Rye, Sussex. 1891. 1160 A tow out. 41a!, Cathcart Road. 1894. 1 148 Low tide. 64, Glebe Place, S. W. 1896. 1510 Mayor's day. Rye. SMITH, Charles Painter, 3, Newport Street, Leicester Fields. 1789. 19 Portraits of two boys. 23 Portrait of a gentleman. 108, St. Martin's Lane. 1 79 1. 130 Portraits of two young ladies dancing the Tarantula. 2, James Street, Adelphi. 1792. 99 The infant Shakespeare nursed by Tragedy and Comedy. 131 A reposo. 148 Venus and cupid. Edinburgh. 1794. 306 A nymph with an infant Bac chus and a Satyr. (Painter to the Great Mogul.) 1795. 104 Mars and Venus bhndfolding Cupid. 247 Portrait of himself 1796. 25 The infant Thomson instructed by Pan and Melpomene. 191 Andromeda. 1797, 25 Portrait of a nobleman. 282 Head of a cupid. 44' Portrait of an officer, 705 Cymon and Iphigenia. THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS 169 SMITH, Charles Painter, 4, Churchyard, Covent Garden. 1815. 494 Portraits of the artist's family. 18 1 6. 150 Venus and Adonis. 326 Macbeth, Banquo and the witches.51, Carlisle Place, Lambeth. 1817. 38 Mrs. Smith. 94 Master Damant. 1818. 596 Portraits of two young gentle men. 18 1 9. 425 Portraits of two young ladies as Poetry and Painting. 1 2, Owen's Row, Goswell Street Road. 1820. 218 Portrait of a lady. 317 Leucothoe saves her child by exposing her bosom. 33, Newman Street. 382 Portrait of a gentleman. 474 do. do. 83, Dean Street, Soho. 1821. 65 Portrait of a gentleman. 343 Lord Erskine. 351 Dr. Gillies. 1823. 73 The veteran of CuUoden, Pat rick Grant, aged 109. He was serjeant-major in the Highland Army in 1745, and one of those who escaped over the walls of Carlisle, to fight among his native moun tains. His Majesty recently granted him a pension of fifty guineas per annum, with remainder to his daugh ter. He is now living in good health in a cottage on the estate of the Hon. William Maule, of Panmure, M.P. 370 Sir James Macintosh, .Lord Rector of the University of Glasgow. 436 Portrait of a gentleman. 1018 do. do. 32, York Place, Edinburgh. 1829. 231 David Wilkie, Esq., R.A. Painted at Rome. 265 Mansart MonteceUi, a pilgrim of Lucca. Painted at Rome. SMITH, Charles Sculptor, 57, Norton Street, Fitzroy Square. 1820. 1015 Bust of Mr. Myers. 1032 do. Mr. Ricci. 1826. 1016 do. a gentleman. 1022 do. do. vn. 1826. 1090 An allegorical idea for a monu ment, representing genius expiring in the presence of the Muses. "The noblest form that ever trod the stage . . . In saddest grief they mourn, that nought could save Their fav'rite Kemble, etc." — r. W. 1827. 1 1 16 Bust in marble of D. Terry, Esq. 36, George Street, Foley Place. 1121 Bust of Edward Goldsmith, Esq. 1828. 1139 Cupid and Psyche. "The rage and jealousy of Venus imposes on the beautiful Psyche, as the punishment for her temerity, the necessity of descending to Erebus to obtain from Proserpine a portion of her charms, which was given to Psyche, inclosed in a casket accompanied by an injunc tion not to examine its mys terious contents; on her re turn to earth, her curiosity overcame her fears, and, seated on a rock, she opened the fatal box; but instead of aught which could charm or delight, a noxious vapour issued, which deprived her of sensation, and she sunk lifeless on the rock. Cupid, ever watchful over the des tiny of his beloved Psyche, instantly flew to her assist ance, and by his efforts, dic tated by his love, recalled back her fleeting spirits to existence." — Apuleius. 37, Gloucester Place, Lisson Grove. 1191 Bust of Col. Dalrymple, M.P. 1 1 93 do. a lady. 1212 do. W. Upcott, Esq., Lon don Institution. 1242 Bust in marble of J. Devon- port, Esq. 1222 Bust of George Campbell, Esq., M.D,, New York. 1029 Bust of C. Buck, Esq. 1266 Statue iUustrating the costume worn during the reign of the Tudors. do. do. 1830. 1831. 1834.1838. 1279 1280 do. do. 170 THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS Smith, Charles — continued. 1839. 1287 Henry VII : one of a series now executing in Caen stone for Mamhead Park, the seat of Sir Robert Newman, Bart. 1293 Model of a statue of the late Dr. Britton, head master of the King's Grammar School, Durham, now erecting in that Cathedral. 1840. 1080 Henry VIII: part ofa series executing in Caen stone for Mamhead, etc. 1095 Cardinal Wolsey: part of a series executing in Caen stone for Mamhead, etc. 184 1. 1229 Model of a statue of Michael Angelo, to be executed for the Marquess of Lansdowne, Bowood, Wilts. 1238 Model of a statue of Raphael for the Marquess of Lans downe, Bowood, Wilts. 1296 Model of a bust executed in marble of the Rev. Thomas Gilsborne, M.A., for Dur ham University. 13 13 Bust in marble of the late Winthrop Mackworth Praed, Esq., M.P. SMITH, Charles Painter. 18, Chester Street, Belgrave Square. 1857. 208 The Castle of ChiUon, Geneva. 443 The Eari of Stair. 547 Robert Grant of Kincorth. 45, London Street, Greenwich. 1858. 138 Evening on the Medway. 199 A bit of wild heath. 314 Evening effect. 1859. 169 The heath. 265 Evening. 1861. 159 do. 163 Morning. 21, Southampton Terrace, Waterloo Road. 1862. 301 Evening star. 533 Summer evening. 1863. 57 Evening. 323 In the Marshes. 416 A quiet nook. 42 1864. 42 Summer — moonrise. 200 do. evening. 1865. 255 do. moonrise. 296 River Dart, Devon. 2, Clarence Villas, Richmond. 1866. 304 River scene. Waterloo Bridge Road. 1867. 1868. 1869.1872. 1873- 1875-1876. 1878. 1879. 1880. 254 Evening. 504 A scene on the Dart, Devon. 53, Thome Rd., South Lambeth. 154 Evening hour. 4, Redcliffe Road. 17 Where the trout lie. I, Lime Villas, Putney. 158 The Swale, near Richmond, Yorkshire. 597 A nook on the Thames near Maidenhead. 1076 Early morning. 543 The place for a bite. 547 Banks of the Thames. 10 1 2 A Welsh river. 122 The Cornish Coast. 145 Bossiney Haven. 272 A grey evening, Cornish coast. 260 Haymaking by the river side. 1272 Maple Durham — evening. 1303 An English village — evening. 1330 A cool stream. 161 Barmouth — tide coming in. 500 Showery weather near Henley. 866 Gravel-pit, Wimbledon. 389 Backwaters,- Henley-on- Thames. 637 Wimbledon Common. 61 "Glide gently, thus for ever glide, O Thames."— Words worth. 2, The Elms, Boston Park, Brentford. 282 The rugged coast of Devon. 32, Great Ormond Street. 142 The haunt of the heron. 174 Clifton Grove — Kirke White's walk. 719 Hayes Common, Kent. 182 Pike fishing. 962 Norfolk Marshes. 1888. 169 "The last recipient of his golden rays, were the thick branches of the highest pines." 1 5, Rossetti Mansions, Cheyne Walk. 1894. 326 Winchester from St. Catherine's hiU. 929 Worcester. 300 Wimbledon Common. 93 Clouds and sunshine, Walbers wick, Suffolk. A September day, Winchelsea Marshes. 1006 Wenhaston Mill, Suffolk. 611 Sunshine and shadow, Win chelsea. 1901. 659 An old cowshed, Beeleigh, Essex. 1884.1885.1886. 1887. 1895. 1896. 1897. 323 1899. 1900. THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS 171 1901. 898 Walberswick Common, Sept ember day. 1902. 345 Southwold. 18, Oakley Crescent, Chelsea. 1904. 274 Walton-on-the-Naze. SMITH, Charles Architect, 1 64, Friar Street, Reading. i860. 634 East Tytherley Parsonage, Hants. 668 St. John's National Schools, Reading. SMITH (Charles) and SON, Architects, 1 64, Friar Street, Reading. 1885. 1763 Arborfield Hall, Berks. 1886. 1559 Provincial street architecture. 1887. 1765 Dining room at Dinorben Court, Hampshire. 1894. 1735 A street corner in Wokingham. 1903. 1522 " Hilfield," Yateley, etc. 1563 A suburban cottage. SMITH, C, Christopher Painter, 36, Penmartin Road, Brockley. 1888. 591 On the Ouse, York. SMITH, C. Dowton Painter, C. D. Smith, 5, The Terrace, Gray's Inn Lane. 1843, 174 Study from nature. 1844. 517 View from part of the Brasted Charts, Kent. 1845. 611 Dockyard lighter clearing a wreck in the Lower Hope, Gravesend. 1846. 221 Fishing smack coming up the Medway. 1"], Great Ormond Street. 1847. ••^7 Dover boat coming into har bour. 1848. 653 Long Reach, on the Thames; Dutch Galliot, etc. 2, Cowley Terrace, Brixton. 1850. 295 Fishing lugger off Hastings. 1852. 859 {Although put to C. D. Smith, it is evidently byE. D. Smith) 1854. 532 On the Thames, near Green- hithe. {See C. William Smith, vol. vii, page 172.) SMITH, Charles Edward... Sculptor, 17, Lansdowne Place, Everton, Liverpool. i860. 1070 W. Preston, Esq., Ex-Mayor of Liverpool; marble. 58, Mount Pleasant, Liverpool. 1 86 1. 1 105 Robert Preston, Esq. 1868. 950 Retiring from the bath; a por trait of Florence, infant daughter of E. Bickersteth, Esq., F.R.C.S., of Liver pool; marble. SMITH, C, Frithjof Painter, 20, Brienner Strasse, Munich. 1889. 246 In church. SMITH, Charles Harriot, Sculptor and Architect, 5, Portland Road. 842 Design for a villa. 812 Royal Hospital, Chelsea. 813 Design for a church. 776 do. an edifice to com memorate the victories of WeUington, etc. 933 Pantheon of the Heathen Deities. 1096 Bust of a gentleman. 1082 Interior ofa Pagan temple. 993 Bust ofa lady. 988 do. the Hon. and Rev. E. J. Tumour. 1809.1810.1812. 1815. 1817.1818. 1821. 1822.1824. SMITH, Mrs, C, H, Miniature Painter. 29, capstone Street. 1836. 760 Mr. C. H. Smith. 1837. 864 Mrs. W. Fisk. 1839. 729 S. Jones, Esq. 1840. 858 Own children. 1 84 1. 668 Sketch of T. L. Donaldson, Esq. 1842. 712 Mrs. Billings. 718 George Mair, Esq. 888 Portrait of a young gentleman. 1848. 798 Portrait. 1850. 950 Mr. C. H. Smith. 1855. 914 Study from life. Mrs. H. C. Smith, 72, Lansdowne Road, Notting HiU. 1868. 830 Dr. Barnes, of Bunker's Hill, Cumberland. Mrs. C. H. Smith, 6, Caroline Street, Bedford Square. 1869. 555 Village of Bettws-y-Coed, from foot of Gaet-y-Voel. Highfield, Willesden. 1875. 1 1 54 Miniature portrait on ivory. SMITH, C. L Painter. (An Honorary Exhibitor.) L. Smith. 1795. 26 Bagging a fox. 172 THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS Smith, C. L. — continued. C L. Smith. 1796. 230 Watering horses, 1797. 56 Horses. 1799. 549 Horses; a study from nature. 1805. 29 A View in Charnley Forest. 1806. 239 A fox chase in Leicester shire, SMITH, Charles Raymond. Sculptor. 37, Gloucester Place. 1842, 1280. The falconer; to be executed for Flete, Devon, the seat of I. C. Bulteel, Esq. 1292 Queen Elizabeth; part of a monument, executing in Caen stone, for Mamhead, the seat of Sir R. Newman, Bart. {See Charles Smith for the rest of the series up to 1841.) 1843, 1404 Part of monument to the memory of the late Dr, Whitaker, LL,D., fixed in Whalley Church, Lanca shire. 1419 The Warder. " Blow, warder, blow thy sounding horn." 1844. 1288 Ehzabeth of York; part of a series executed for Sir Ro bert Newman, Bart. No address. 1855. 1468 William Nesfield, Esq. ; marble. 245, Marylebone Road. 1876. 1445. Thomas Dunham Whitaker, D.D., F.R.S.; (posthumous) marble bust. SMITH, C. S Architect. At Mr. J. Wyatt s Office, Lower Brook Street. 1808. 925 Design for a bath. 1809. 554 do. cenotaph. 18 10. 732 do. triumphal arch. 18 1 3. 850 do. public baths, etc., at Leamington, Warwick shire. i8i6. 857 Design for a gaUery of arts. 37, Gloucester Place, New Road. 1828. 1082 A cottage near the Regent Hotel at Leamington. SMITH, Charles S Architect. 1 64, Friar Street, Reading. 1885. 1955 A corner in Lisieux. SMITH, C. Welby Painter. 62, Talf our d Road, Peckham. 1885. 1443 The Mole, Dorking. SMITH, C. William Painter. C. W. Smith, 5, Terrace, Gray's Inn Lane. 1839. 148 Dutch market boat and schuyt. 2, Cowley Terrace, Brixton. 1855. 316 The barque "Vesta" off Dover. 1864. 420 Hastings lugger off Dunge- ness. {See C. DowTON Smith, vol. vii, page 171.) SMITH, Miss Clifford, Miniature Painter, (An Honorary Exhibitor.) Miss C. S. Smith. 1839. 953 Miss Cecilia Smith. Exeter Place, Brompton. 1847. 754 A portrait. 1848. 799 do. 6, Elizabeth Street, Brompton. 185 1, 866 Ellen, daughter of Andrew Scott, Esq. 906 Portrait. 1854. 812 Bessie, daughter of the late Charles Gibbs, Esq. SMITH, Colvin, ^.5,^ Painter. 32, York Place, Edinburgh. 1843. 349 Portrait of a gentleman. 1844. 308 do. do. 1 6, Fleet Lane, Farringdon Street. 1847. 396 S. A. Pagan, Esq., President of the Royal College of Surgeons, Edinburgh. 32, York Place, Edinburgh. 1848. 557 George Anderson, Esq., Kir- kaldy, and lately Provost of that Burgh. Presentation portrait. 1850. 400 The Rt. Hon. David Boyle, Lord Justice General of Scotland. 1853, 5^9 Portrait of the Solicitor Gene ral of Scotland. {Robert Handy side.) 1856. 456 ^neas Macbean, Esq. 570 The late Thomas Mahson Smith, Esq., Madras Army. 1857. 307 Major Gumming Dewar, Ben gal Army; uniform ist Irre gular Cavalry, Gwalior Con tingent. THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS 173 1858. 448 Robert C. C. Graham, Esq., of Gartmore. 1864. 301 Alexander Guthrie, Esq., Sur geon, Brechin. Presentation portrait. 1865. 284 Andrew Buchanan, Esq,, of Auchintorlie. 1871. 194 John Clerk Brodie, Esq., of Idvies. SMITH, Mrs. Constance E. (formerly Miss Plimpton) Painter. The Laurels, Greyshott, Hants. 1897. 824 Drawing room pets. 851 Surrey broom-maker. 1898. 857 Quiet moments. 862 Catherine, daughter of Ander son Wells, Esq. Kitcat Cottage, Greyshott. 1899. 590 Mrs. C. E. Corry Lowry. 1900. 917 A silver king. {See Miss Constance E. Plimpton, vol. vi, page 163,) SMITH, Miss Constance I. Miniature Painter. Weston Lodge, near Bath. 1890. 1527 Claude, 1893. 1303 Christine, SMITH, Cyril W Architect. 16, Finsbury Circus. 1904. 1452 Design for a town church, SMITH, D Painter. 2, Doyley Street, Chelsea. 1813. 793 A dead fieldfare. SMITH, E Sculptor, Devonshire Street, Sheffield. 1843. ^43^ Marble bust of James Mont gomery, Esq. To be placed in the Hall of the Cutlers' Company, Sheffield. SMITH, Miss E, D, Miniature Painter, (An Honorary Exhibitor.) 1838. 95^ Portrait of a gentleman. SMITH, Miss Edith Heckstall, Painter, Connaught House, Beckenham. 1884. 1 1 18 Study of a head. 1885. 1329 A resting place. 5, New Court, Lincoln's Inn. 1886. 1142 The Witch of the Village. 1890. 1253 A field of pickle-cabbages. SMITH, Edward Blount Painter, 8, Kensington Square. 1886. 396 River Meadows. 951 The burn at Corrie. 22, King Henry's Road, N. W. 1890. 598 Coast of Capri. 9, Duke St., Portland Place 1891. 880 Our village. 33, Tite Street, Chelsea. 1894. 661 In the vaUey. "Russet lawns and fallows grey Where the nibbling flocks do stray." 1897. 737 Battersea. 821 In June — New Forest. 1898. 1 140 The red forest. SMITH, Edwin Dalton. Miniature Painter. At Mr. Burgess's, 2, Queen Street, Chelsea. 1816. 559 A group of flowers. 1817. 455 do. do. 5, Whitehead' s Grove, Chelsea. 18 19. 616 Camelia Japonica, from nature Stewarts Grove, Chelsea 1822. 635 Groupe of fruit, from nature. 1829. 566 Different species of cactus, from nature, representing the manner in which they are found growing upon the rocks in South America. 1833. 820 H. W. Burgess, Esq. 873 Mrs. J. Austin. 1834. 737 The children of E. G. Barnard, Esq., M.P. 1835, 629 Portrait of a gentleman. 741 Portrait. 1836. 852 Miss Fanny Bigge. 73, Park Street. 1837. 694 A portrait. 909 Portraits for a bracelet. 947 Baron de Haber. 1838. 592 Mrs. Charles Bethune. 927 J. S. Buckingham, Esq. 1009 The Hon. Miss Byng. 1840. 525 Sir Henry Webb, Bart. 551 Mrs. W. Boothe. 581 Henry Broadwood, Esq., M.P. 7, Hertford Street, Mayfair. 1 84 1. 771 Portrait of a lady. 854 J.S.Buckingham,Esq.,andson. 1843. 661 Mademoiselle Rachel in the tragedy of Les Horaces. 701 James Lewis, Esq, 705 Captain Mervyn Archdall, En- niskillen Dragoons. 174 THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS Smith, Edwin Dalton — continued. 1843. 848 The sisters. 933 The Hon. Lady Caroline Dun combe. 939 Colonel Clark Kennedy, C,B,, K.H. 7th Dragoon Guards. 1844. 938 Lady Marcus Hill and the Hon. Miss HiU. 943 Peter Borthwick, Esq., M.P, 1018 Portrait of a gentleman, 1043 Mrs, Kitchiner. 1845, 789 Lord Ernest Bruce, M.P. , Vice- Chamberlain of Her Ma jesty's Household. 852 Lady Ernest Bruce. 941 Viscount Cantilupe ; a sketch. loio James Yearsley, Esq. 1846. 917 Miss Granville. 1019 Viscount Ranelagh. 1069 Mrs. Dodd; a sketch. 1124 Miss Shuckburgh as Lady Arabella Fermer. 1847. 707 Her Excellency the Baroness Brunnow. 786 Mrs. Horace Twiss. 829 The Eari of Charieville. 871 The Earl and Countess Nel son, 886 Mrs, Eastmont. 888 Mrs. Henry Bainbridge. 903 The Conde de Montemolin, 1848, 733 Mrs. John Cunningham and chUdren. 855 Mrs. Maberley. 873 Master Dodd. 892 The daughter of Mrs. John Cunningham. 1849. 808 John J. CaUey, Esq. 869 Mrs. Horatio Maule. 1850. 707 The late Thomas Bigge, Esq. 770 The children of the Hon. and Rev. Augustus Duncombe. 1851. 951 Mrs. Newall. 1003 Mrs. Torrens. 1852. 728 The Earl of Stamford and War rington. 838 The late Lady Margaret Mil- bank. 859 E. Schultz, Esq. 1855.. 763 Lieut. Scovell, 79th Regiment. 782 Captain Dyke, R.N. 837 Mrs. Mosse. 933 Mrs. Dyke. 1856. 801 E. Court Haynes, Esq. 27 a, Old Bond Street. 1858, 623 The children of Robert Russell. 123, Mount Street. 1866. 618 Mrs. Egerton. {E. D. Smith was a son of Anker Smith, A.R.A., and was born October 23, 1800.) SMITH, Miss Emily Painter. I o. Upper Fitzwilliam Street, Dublin. 1857. 176 Gleaner. 1858. 44 Study from nature, SMITH, Miss Emma. Miniature Painter. 31, King Street, Covent Garden. 1799. 752 Portrait of a young lady, St. George's Row, Hyde Park. 1800. 348 The gateway at Warwick Castle. 1801, 332 A votary of Minerva. 365 The favourite dog. 31, King Street, Covent Garden. 1803. 46S Master Byrne. 472 Portrait of a young lady. 546 Shakespeare's Winter's Tale. " Herm. Pray you sit by us, and tell 's a tale. Mam. Merry or sad, shall 't be, etc." 1804. 783 Miss Staveley of York. 789 Miss Raperof York. 1805. 366 Miss Mortimer. 402 Dr. Curry. 534 The benevolent princess. "The princess, touched with com passion, knelt down, and taking the baby in her arms, gave it the breast." — Madame De Gantes. 33, Newman Street. 1806. 404 Portraits of a lady, and Mrs. Litchfield in the character of Emilia, in Othello. "What will you give me now. For that same handkerchief?" 561 T. Hammersley, Esq. 567 A frame containing the por traits of Mr. and Mrs. H. Read, T. Adkins, Esq., and a young lady. 742 W. Burnley, Junr., Esq. 1807. 413 G. S. Holroyd, Esq., and family. 414 A frame containing the por traits of Master Owen and the Miss Tomkisons. 447 Portrait of two ladies and children. 599 A frame containing the por traits of Sir John Carr, Dr. Parr, J, H. O'Hara, Esq., and Mr. Woelst. 629 Portraits of the Miss Gauthe- rots. 1808. 93 Samson and Delilah. THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS 175 1808. 564 A frame containing portraits of Master Glasse and Master Newbolt. 607 Portraits of a lady and child, 610 Mrs. Grant of Laggan. 646 A frame containing theportraits ofthe chUdren of M. Hether- ington, Esq., and C. Birch, Esq. 776 A. Clarke, Esq, SMITH, Ernest Painter, 52, Rathbone Place. 1869, 663 A rural road. Charlotte Street, Middlesex Hospital. 1874. 231 Afternoon: forest of Gombo, near Pisa. 1875. 397 The old Roman Road near Tivoli, 189, Maida Vale. 1887. 505 Rye. 1889. 977 Rye mill, Sussex. 1890. 370 Lyme Regis. SMITH, F Painter. (An Honorary Exhibitor.) 1800. 371 Sketch of Chalk Farm. 468 A landscape. 1801. 517 do. 638 do. 1802. 563 do. 564 A sea view. 1803. 399 A landscape. 1804. 530 do. SMITH, F, ... Stained Glass Painter. 85, Soutliampton Row. 1876. 1002 Design for Painted Glass Win dows: {a) King Alfred and the Arctic Voyagers, ninth century; {b) Admiral How ard attacking the Spanish Armada, sixteenth century; {c) Peter the Great visiting the dockyards at Deptford, eighteenth century. Exe cuted for Clarence House. SMITH, F, A Gem Engraver, 9, Mortimer Street. 1832. 1086 Hercules subduing the lion ; an impression from an intaglio. 211, Strand. 1833. •°^5 Shakespeare's seven ages; from the bas-relief by Mr. Behnes, an impression from an in taglio. SMITH, F, Denner Painter. The Studio, Edith Terrace, Chelsea. 1 90 1. 1 1 50 Cromer, Norfolk. SMITH, Miss Frances T. ... Painter. Montpellier, Llandrindod Wells. i9°3- 593 Autumn is here. SMITH, Francesco Painter. Francis Smith, Dufour's Court, Broad Street, Golden Square. 1770. 173 Aviewof the seaport of Naples, with a small part ofthe town, taken from the Strada Nova. 174 A view of an old temple near Naples. 175 A View of Constantinople, re presenting the Grand Sig- nior's Seraglio, with a great part of the city in Europe, the town of Scudari, with its distances in Asia, and part of the suburbs of Galata and Pera in the foreground; taken on the spot in 1764. I, Charlotte Street. 1772. 246 Eruption of Mount Vesuvius at Naples. 247 A View, with part of Naples, taken from the side of St. Maria de la Catina, 248 A View of an old temple near Puzzuoli, in Naples. 249 A ditto, 323 A landscape. 1773, 278 A View of London Bridge, taken from the bottom of Arundel Street. 279 A View of Westminster, from the bottom of Arundel Street. F. Smith, 2, Robert Street, Adelphi. 1802. 488 A landscape. SMITH, Fred. H Painter. 137, Gower Street. 1896. 938 In a wash house. SMITH, Frederick Painter. 22, Newman Street. 1873. 727 A wet night in the streets. 176 THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS SMITH, Frederick G. Stained Glass Painter. 19, Womersley Road, Stroud Green. 1889. 1885 Mercury and the Woodman; design for a panel in stained glass. SMITH, F. Hargreaves Painter. Wason Buildings, 4, Harrington Street, Liverpool. 1897. 168 The tortoiseshell cat. SMITH, F. M. Bell- Painter. 6, New Compton Street, Soho. 1888. II 93 The otter-tail vaUey, Rocky Mountains. SMITH, F. S Painter, 90, Wardour Street. 1847. 425 Interior — Francasti. 1239 Charity. SMITH, Frederick William. Sculptor, F. Smith, 1, Bridge Row, Pimlico. i8i8. no2 Bust of Mr. A. Smith, A.R.A. F. W. Smith. 1820. 1054 Bust of an artist. 182 1, nil Study from nature. I, Flask Row, Flask Lane. 1822. 998 A groupe of H^mon and Anti gone. — Thisgroupeobtained the Gold Medal in the Royal Academy, 182 1. 1023 Bust of the late John Keates. 8, Cecil Street, Strand. 1823. 1060 Bust of Allan Cunningham. 21, Queen Street, Pimlico. 1824. 982 Mother and child; from the Murder of the Innocents. " Exposed her sobbing bosom to the sword, etc." 1023 Bust of F. Chantrey, Esq., R.A. 1035 do. Mr. W. C. Ross. 1826. 1042 do. Mr, Allan Cunningham. 1061 do. Francis Chantrey, Esq,, R.A. 1827. 1094 Bust of M. J. Brunei, Esq. 1118 Nymph and Cupid. Ebury Cottage, Elizabeth Street. 1828. 1167 Marble bust of William Jerdan, Esq. {F. W. Smith was a son of Anker Smith, A.R.A., and was born August 25, 1797.) SMITH, G 1791. 408410 1792. 1793- 539190 673 1794. 280 1796. 407 478 535 644 1797. 118 555934 974977 1799. 599 609 695740 787 855 1800. 693931 I80I. 464 509 715 1802. 245 1803. 618712757 1804. 70 634707 Painter, etc. 5, Church Court, Clements Lane, Lombard Street. Portrait of a gentleman. do. do. 2, Fish Street Hill. Portrait of a lady. do. himself. do. a lady. {Mr. Holds- worth.) Portrait of a lady. 147, Strand. Portrait of a gentleman. {Mr. Warner, crayons.) Portrait of a gentleman as a cricketer. {Mr. Chapman.) Portrait of a lady. do. gentleman ; minia ture. Portrait of a lady. do. gentleman. do, do, minia ture, do. do. do. do. clergyman. II, Essex Street, Strand. Portrait of a setter and spaniel, the property of J. Gibbs, Esq. Portrait of Mrs. Powell of Drury Lane Theatre. Mr. Fearon, surgeon. Portrait of Mr. Weldon. do. Captain S. Field, Royal Bermondsey Volun teers. Dead Game, 148, Strand. Portrait of a lady. do. a gentleman. do. Mr. Marsden, a Surrey yeoman. Portrait of the Rev. Mr. Ed wards, archdeacon. Miss Satchel! ; miniature. Portrait of Captain C. Dunkin, of the Southwark troop of Surrey yeoman cavalry, un der the command of the Right Hon. Lord Leslie. 9, Henrietta Street. A tiger crouching from his den. Portraits of Masters Jacob and John Wrench. T. Southey, Esq.; miniature. A tiger disturbed the moment he has seized his prey. P. Holdsworth, Esq., Upper City Marshal. Portrait of a gentleman. THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS 177 1804. 913 Landscape — morning. ( 1805. 559 Portraits of Mr. and Mrs. C Johnson and family. SMITH, G., Junr Architect. 32, North Audley Street. 1803. 887 Design for a mausoleum of Egyptian architecture pro posed to be erected on the scite ofthe ancient Serapium, at the foot of Pompey's pUlar in Egypt, to the memory of Sir Ralph Aber cromby, the officers and sol diers who fell in the battle with the French under Gen eral Menou, at the lake Madie, near Alexandria on the 2 1 St of March, 1801; also to those naval officers and sailors who fell in the gallant attack and glorious defeat of the French fleet under Admiral de Brueys, in Aboukir bay, on the night of 31st of July, 1796. 24, Air Street, Piccadilly. 1804. 912 A Geometrical elevation of a design for a lighthouse to be erected on the island Pharos, to replace the celebrated building of Ptolomy Phil- adelphus: an idea for a Grecian arcade, to extend from the island on the cause way to the peninsula ; and a rastrated column in honour of the splendid victory of Lord Nelson over the French Fleet, forming part of a series of designs for improving the old and new harbours, and of rebuilding the ancient city of Alexandria in Egypt. 15, Prince's St., Cavendish Sq. 1805. 705 A design for the interior of a building proposed to be erected in Alexandria in Egypt, from the Xystos, in the baths of Titus, etc. 736 Design for a prison for Alex andria. 1806. 828 A marine villa, etc. 892 Interior of public library. 1820. 895 St. Mary's Church, Islington. 37, Castle Street East, Oxford Market. 182 1. 522 North Buckland Church, near Plymouth, Devon, VII. Buckingham Street. 41, Brewer Street. 1822. 484 View of the Town of Weobley, Herefordshire. 506 Market place at Weobley. 54, Tichfield Street. 1824. 522 Design for rebuilding Lake Lodge Colpotty near Col- umbo in the Island of Ceylon for S. W. Bennet, Esq., etc. 8, Bread Street Hill. 1825. 893 Whittington CoUege, Erected by the direction of the Mer cers' Company, Archway Road, near Highgate. 13 " 1826. 222 View of the Market House and Town of Ross. Mercers' HaU. 1835. 981 London and Gravesend Rail way, Greenwich Park. 1849. 1037 New Schools, etc., Christ Church, St. George's in the East. SMITH (G.) and BARNES (W.). Architects, Frederick Place, Old Jewry. 1837. 1055 Termination of London Grand Junction Railway, Skinner Street, etc. 1097 Alteration to Entrance to Green wich Park by Kent Railway, etc. 1126 New Hall at the Crown and Sceptre, Greenwich, now erecting for Messrs. Love- grove and Quartermaine, etc. 1838. 1201 Church in Arbour Street, West Stepney. SMITH, Garden G Painter. The Studio, Campden Street, Campden Hill. 1894. 973 Autumn. 1 125 Borderers. 40, New Bond Street. 1896. 1188 Holy week in Seville. SMITH, George Painter, Frederick Place, Old Jewry. 1830. 407 Venus entreating Vulcan to forge arms for her son ^neas. 194, Sloane Street. 1831. 578 The Idolatrous destroyed while sacrificing; a composition from the 25 th chapter of the Book of Numbers, verses 3-8. Rome, and 9, Wilton Place. 1833. 537 Scipio receiving his son, who A A 178 THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS Smith, George — continued. has been taken prisoner dur ing the war, from the hands of the ambassadors of An tiochus the Great. 2, Hans Place. 1835. 405 Ruth, Orpah, and Naomi part ing. " Orpah returned to her own viUage, but Ruth went with Naomi. And Orpah kissed her mother-in-law, but Ruth clave unto her." 602 A nymph washing her feet. SMITH, George Architect. (The late.) 1887. 1593 Parish Church, Haydock, Lan cashire. {This may be the same architect as the preceding G. Smith, Junr) SMITH, George Painter. Chichester. 1774- 290 A landscape. 291 do. its companion. 292 do. smaller. 293 do. do. its com panion. SMITH, George Architect. At Mr. Brettingham's, 32, Grosvenor Place. 1 80 1. 990 Design for a villa. 1802. 943 do. mausoleum. 1035 do. sepulchre. 232, Strand. 1803. 904 Design for a museum. I, PauPs Bakehouse Court. 1804. 816 Design for a pavilion. 882 do. sepulchre. 1805. 665 Perspective view of a viUa. Doctors' Commons. 1807. 944 Perspective view of a house and offices. 998 Design for the entrance to the groundsof the lateG. Mason, Esq., Aldenham Lodge, Herts. 1810. 785 Geometrical elevation of Col- ney lodge, Herts. 817 Clay HaU, Herts, the seat of J. Gosling, Esq., etc. 40, Brewer Street. 1819. 1049 View of St. Leonard's Church, Shoreditch. Bread Street Hill. 182 1. 963 Church at Mitcham, Surrey. I82I. 989 A pubhc building in the City of London. Mercers' HaU. 1826. 887 Church at Tottenham. 1007 Architect's office. Mercers' Hall. 1827. 901 Villa at Finchley for R. Hughes, Esq. 1060 Design for London Corn Ex change. 31, Great Titchfield Street. 1829. 1063 Design for a gothic church. SMITH, George Painter. 2, Rawson Street, Brompton Road. 1848. 194 A study of an old man's head from life. 7, Raws tone Street, Brompton Road. 1849. 314 A game at marbles. 1850, 69 Temptation, 1851. 1852, 1853- 1854. 1855- 1856.1857- 1858. 1859. i860. 235 A gentle student. 413 Another bite. 8, Gloucester Terrace, New Kensington. 149 The bird trap. Painted for H.R.H. the Duchess of Glou cester. 489 Spring flowers, 490 Maternal instruction. 12 "Beside his grass-clad grave she comes to mourn, and think of days that never can return, 97 A cottage fireside. 270 The first day of oysters, 363 The launch. 089 Evenings at home. 70 Blackberrying. 142 Bob cherry. 538 Musing. 576 The old pony; study from nature. 19, Ask Street, Pitfield Street. 167 The Truant, 347 Cherry-seller. 26, Bedford Place, Kensington. 313 Dancing dolls. 92 The Photographer. 167 Rather fractious. Feeding the chicks. The Valentine. Darning stockings, A quiet pipe. 2, Tor Villas, Kensington. 219 The New Boy. 33 • In for a ducking. 373 Spring time. 30 291 380 580 THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS 179 I86I. 434 The infant. 435 The school boy. 436 The The lover. 437 seten ¦ The soldier. 438 ages. The Justice. 439 Old Age. 440 ^Second childishness. 1862. 549 Searching for the will. 1863. 132 Registering the first-born. 271 The rivals. 1864. 5 Beware of the dog. 537 "As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country." — Proverbs. 1865. 406 Light and darkness. "To give light to them that sit in dark ness and in the shadow of death, to guide our feet into the way of peace. " — St. Luke, i. 79- Augusta Villa, Campden Hill, Kensington. 1866. 524 The first fancy dress. 1867. 329 The Valentine. "Who could have sent it." 597 Home. " Be it ever so humble." 1869. 54 A game of speculation. 1870. 86 In the study. 490 A rival in possession. I87I. 376 The last scene in the gambler's house. 1872. 405 Paying the legacies. 5^7 The httle bookworm. 1873- 415 Who comes here? 479 " Tending with care her favour ite flowers, etc." 569 The little housewife. 1874. 58 Musing on the future. 675 The rightful heir. 1429 Gathering the grapes. 1875- 240 A scrap of nature. 1187 Morning letters. 1876. 917 Into the cold world. 1877. 655 The prayer of faith. " And the prayer of faith shall save the sick." — St. James, v, 15. 1878. 923 A bit of advice. 942 The soldier's wife. "Mutely she sits, the soldier's wife: Her brave one's work is done, etc." 1879. 393 Obliging the company. Heatherbank, Shatter Hill, Haslemere. 1880, 392 Festival day. " The dark village maid when with flowers she dresses. Her dark flowing hair for some festival day." — Moore. 401 Alone , 1880. looi The dove. 1506 " In thoughful gaze." 1 88 1. 70 Lightly slumbering. 143 Never to be forgotten. 568 Caught. 965 A wrong stitch. 1882. 424 " Un gage d'amour." 1433 A new pet. 189, Maida Vale. 1883. 517 Portrait of the painter. 672 After the Victory. 1886. 1058 The reply. 1887. 216 Blanche. 915 Weather permitting. SMITH, George Armfield ... Painter, 16, Lamb's Conduit Street. 1836. 86 Lion, a Newfoundland dog, the property of R. Barnes, Esq. 1837. 414 Fox prowling. 474 Study of a dog. 1838. 82 Dog and rabbit. 1839. 787 Portraits of horses and dogs, the property of W. Bromley, Esq. {See George Armfield, vol. i, page $9 ', he dropped the name of Smith in 1840.) SMITH, George E Painter. 210, Denmark Hill. 1898. 1018 "Where the river runs down betwixt cassock and crown." 1899. 1233 A cottage home. 1903. 830 Near Dunwich. SMITH, G, F Painter, 18, EarPs Court Gardens. 1 87 1. 403 Under the moonbeams. 552 An evening party. SMITH, George G. Painter, 38, Springfield Road, St. John's Wood. 1894. 1230 The late John Horniman, Esq. SMITH, G, H Architect. At Mr. Hunts, St. James's. 1825. 931 Stobars, Westmorland. 1826. 988 Design for the theatre, Cardiff. 21, Hatton Garden. 1828. 1023 A Market house in the Tuscan style. 1829. 972 Fishing. Horse Guards. 1830. 10 14 A roadside inn for Chenies, Bucks. 1016 A Park entrance in Venetian style. i8o THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS Smith, G. H. — continued. 21, Downing Street. 1833. 921 Park Lodge for Sir WiUiam Somerville, Bart. 981 Fishing cottage at Bifrons for Marquis Conyngham. 1835. 931 Cottage for Nicholas Carlisle, Esq. 955 Culvert house, the seat of Rev. Richard Stephens, Exeter. 956 Bifrons, a seat of the Dowager Marchioness Conyngham. 1044 Chapel of Ease at Honiton, Devon. 12, High Row, Knightsbridge. 1836. 1036 Orton Hall, the seat of Lord Strathavon. 1837. 1130 An inn for the Earl of Aboyne. SMITH, G. J Painter, Wardwick, Derby. 1866. 294 Job's humiliation. SMITH, G, R Painter. 35, May field Street, Dalston. 1847. 393 "And as the father he hath done. In bounden duty doth the son." 1848. 244 The artist's assistant. Theodore Villa, Finchley. 1873. 1297 The fugitive safe and defiant; pen-and-ink drawing. SMITH, Miss G. S Painter. Sanctuary, Westminster. 1808. 332 Spring flowers. 1809 279 Amaryllis vittata. SMITH, Miss Gertrude Sculptor, 52, Rathbone Place. 1899. 1929 A slave; statuette. 1950 Mrs. R. Davies; medallion, bronze. SMITH, H, 1800. — {In the index without a number, and no exhibit in the cata logue. ) SMITH, H Architect, 6, Gerrard Street, Soho. 1838. 1220 Design for a country residence. II, Newman Street. 1850. 1224 Design for a country seat. SMITH, H Miniature Painter. 49, Frith Street. 1839. 741 Portraits of two children. SMITH, H Sculptor. Blackheath Park. 1844. 1235 Bust in wax of a lady. SMITH, Mrs. Hannah E. Miniature Painter, 40, Hemstall Road, West Hampstead. 1888. 1 5 16 My little boy. 1889. 1 59 1 My little girl. 1899. 1263 Mrs. Bernard Beere. 1900. 1386 Miss Miriam Clements in " My Friend the Prince." 1903. 1136 Miss Lily Brayton. SMITH, Miss Helen Donald-, See Donald-Smith, vol, ii, page 351. SMITH, H. A Sculptor. 57, Upper Norton Street. 1827. II 02 Portrait of a favourite spaniel. 37, Gloucester Place, near Lisson Grove. 1828. 1065 Miss M. Smith. 1105 Portrait of an artist. 1844. 1255 Wax medaUic portrait of Mrs. Marsh. SMITH, Hely Painter. Market Rasen, Lincolnshire. 1890. 661 A Norwegian barque. Belmont Looe, Cornwall. 1898. 373 A friend in need. 7, Bolton Studios, Redcliffe Rd. 1899. 404 Blustering Boreas. 495 The breezy shore. 1900. 170 A noisy crew. 10, Gainsboro' Road, Bedford Park. 1904. 160 Ever the breeze blows merrily. 977 A wet sheet and a flowing sea. 1027 Derelict. SMITH, H.B. &e Harvey and Smith, vol. iv, page 19. SMITH, Henry Bain- Sculptor. 29, Cochrane St., St. John's Wood. 1885. 2110 John B. Ledgwick, Esq.; medaUion. {See also Bain-Smith, vol. i, page 96.) SMITH, H. C Painter. 4, Warwick St., Charing Cross. 182 1. 66 Portrait of Major, a favourite dog, the property of a gentle man. 162 StiU hfe. 306 Sketch of Carew, a favourite pugMog. THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS i8i 1 1, Westminster Bridge Road. 1822. 477 Dead game. 1823. 355 Game. 183 1. 130 Landscape; composition. . G Painter. 33, High Street, Camden Town. Portrait of a gentleman. do. lady. 114, Park St., Camden Town. Miss Louisa Pyne. Portrait of a gentleman. Study of a child and dog. Joseph Richardson, Esq., Pro fessor, Royal Academy of Music. Preparing for the fete. 17, Newman Street. SMITH [, H 1839. 108 722 1840. 1844. •75 275 •57 375 1845. 671 1846. 160 A portrait. 1068 Editha and the monks dis covering the body of Harold, after the battle of Hastings. 1848. 182 A bacchante. 524 Dorothea. 41, Mornington Place. 1853- 273 Portrait of a young gentleman. 1854, 374 Portrait. 564 Portrait of a young lady. 1855- 530 Milking time. 653 The organ man, at the parlour window. 667 Little Red Riding Hood. 1856. 281 The good school boy. 444 The mountain violet. SMITH, Henry Smith Painter. 7, Bridgewater Square. 1828. 380 The Carib chief. 388 Portrait ofa lady. 1022 View painted at the residence of John Lett, Esq., at Rich mond. 1829. 58 Portrait of a member of the Corporation of the City of London. 272 Miss Katherine Leslie. 356 The love bird. 1830. 45 Lady Fanny, daughter of Earl Cowper. 78 Portrait of the son of a noble man. 1831. 3 Portrait of a young lady. 345 The invahd. 387 Portrait of the daughter of a nobleman, in ancient cos tume. 1833- 114 Red Riding Hood. 130 The miniature. 174 Gertrude, daughter of the Hon. 1833- 1834. 1835- 1836. 1837- 1838.1839.1844. WiUiam and Lady Louisa Duncombe. 201 The blind bard. 489 Sir John Sidney, Bart. 665 Michael Meredith, Esq. 356 A native Mohamedan lady of Hindostan. The novice. The forsaken. The Vice-Abbot. Vide The Abbot, by Sir Walter Scott. 10, Brunswick Square. The soldier's last hour. The invalid. 521 Portrait of the daughter of a nobleman, 983 The infant's last hour. 171 The shipwrecked mariner. 547 Winning and losing. 53 Portrait of a lady in a fancy dress. 245 Spenser in his study; from an authentic portrait. 80, New Bond Street. 484 The school mistress. 357182386 5° 214 SMITH, Herbert Luther Painter, Stewarts Grove. 1831. 397 Portrait of a lady. I, Sloane Square. 1832. 207 The Rev. H. J. Owen, M.A. 227 Portrait of a lady. 1833. 475 The charter of religious liberty. In 1540 Cranmer's great bible was placed by Royal injunctions in every parish church; and such was the eager desire of the people to hear, that those who could took it in turn to read all day; but Bonner, afraid of the effect, set up an adver tisement, threatening to take the bibles away, if so free use were made of them. 1834. 431 " Non Angli, sed Angeli." "It is reported, that St. Gregory the Great, in the year 596, when walking in the market place at Rome, struck by the appearance of the Brit ish youth there exposed for sale, made the above, with other remarks to their ad vantage, and determined the British mission under the conduct of St. Augustin." Clock House, Sloane Street. 1835. 148 Henry Streatfield, Esq., of Chiddingstone. l82 THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS Smith, Herbert Luther — continued. 1835. ^5' Christ raising the sick of the palsy. " But that ye may know that the Son of Man hath power to forgive sins, etc." 344 Vincent Hilton Biseve, Esq. 385 Portrait of a gentleman since deceased. 416 Mrs. Streatfield of Chort's Edge and children. 1836. 112 Earl Amherst. 448 Miss B. Streatfield. 1838, 315 The Bodleian picture-gallery. 514 Leonidas. "Who now can stand The torrent of bar barians, etc." — Glover's Leonidas. 2, Sloane Terrace. 1842. 371 Ruth and Naomi; portraits of a lady and her daughter. "Entreat me not to leave thee." 1844. 949 Michael Angelo. Zucchero,and other students, once inter rupted Michael Angelo, as he rode abroad, to show their drawings; Baroccio, too modest to approach, en trusted his folio to Zucchero, who generously exhibited its contents. The great master summoned the bashful youth to receive his approval. 1845. 106 Jonah's impatience reproved. " Doest thou well to be angry for the gourd? and he said, I do well to be angry, even unto death." — Jonah, iv, 9. 1846. 707 The moment of trial to the faith of Abraham, and obedience of Isaac, who was at this time twenty-five or thirty years of age. — Vide Josephus, etc. " And Abraham stretched forth his hand, and took the knife to slay his son." — Genesis, xxii, 10. 1 199 An octogenarian. 185 1. 1075 R. W. Garden, Esq., Alder man, Sheriff of London and Middlesex. 1 1 94 Robert May, Esq. 1852. 956 Captain the Hon. Thomas Best, R.N, 1029 George Stanley Repton, Esq, 1853. 907 Rev. Capel Molyneux. 970 A family group. 1854. 647 H. W., Esq. 1032 Rev. Thomas Garnier, B.C.L., chaplain to the Hon. House of Commons. {H L. Smith was the younger son of Anker Smith, A.R.A. He was born August 9, 1809, and died in 1869.) SMITH, H, V, Crawfurth, Architect. 2, Westbourne Villas, Hove, Sussex. 1898. 1740 Town house in stone and bronze. SMITH, Hugh Bellingham... Painter, Art Club Studios, Blackheath. 1892. 573 Little Breton maid. 696 A portrait. SMITH, Miss J. ...Miniature Painter. 8, Durweston Street, Portman Square, 1802. 700 Mrs. Smith. 798 W. Greenwood, Esq. II 06 Portrait of a gentleman. 1803. 606 The Amateur. 34, York Buildings, New Road. 1806. 641 Portraits of the Countess of Kingston and Viscount Kingsborough. 675 Mrs. Smith. 1807. 840 Portrait of a lady. 931 Mr. Smith, 1808, 704 Mrs, Williamson. 764 Sir J. Dalziel, Bart. 775 Miss Greenwood. 796 Sir W. Busk, Lady Busk, and H, Busk, Esq, 1809. 643 Portrait of a lady. SMITH, Miss J Painter, 22, Carmarthen Street. 1824. 6 Morning after a storm, off the coast of Aldborough, Suffolk. SMITH, James ... Miniature Painter. 34, Berners Street. 1779. 307 A frame with nine portraits; various compositions. 1 78 1, 43 Portrait of a gentleman. 1 1 7 do. lady. 259 do. do, 420 Family piece. 1782. 253 Portrait of a gentleman. 254 do. the Right hon. Lord Kepple. 255 Portrait of a lady. 308 do. in colours of H.R.H. the Prince of Wales. THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS 183 1782. 350 Portrait of a gentleman, 353 Sir Charles Raymond, Bart. 354 The Rev. Mr. Dingley. 357 Lady Charlotte Finch. 1789. 596 Portrait of a gentleman. 603 do. lady. SMITH, James Bennett H..,,Painter. J. B. Smith, 6, Northampton Place, Old Kent Road. 1830. 629 Flowers from nature. (An Honorary Exhibitor.) 1 83 1. 793 Portrait of a gentleman. 1832. 744 do. lady. 2, Coventry Street. 1835. 805 Portrait of a gentleman. 849 W. Nightingale, Esq. 1836. 635 Portrait of a lady. 767 Miss Ashton. 1837. 629 Master Herbert Clifford Smith. 839 Alfred Heme, Esq. 1838. 905 W. A. Smith, Esq. 1839. 931 Portrait of a gentleman. 1032 do. Ada Cove. 1840. 698 Clara and her pet. 844 A portrait. 1 84 1. 772 Mrs. Thomas Alexander. 1842. 845 Portrait of a lady. 877 do. do. /. B. H. Smith, 7, Cleveland Street, Fitzroy Square. 1842. 197 Portrait of a gentleman. J. B. Smith, 7, Cleveland Street, Fitzroy Square. 1844. 352 The first essay. 1845. 410 The fisherman's daughter. 510 Portrait of a young gentleman, Fitzroy Square. 1846. 284 A lady of the eighteenth century, 285 An Irish peasant Girl. (The late.) 1847. in A girl of Normandy. ( This painter appears in my Dictionary as J. Bell Smith, in error. It is clear that J. B. and J. B. H. Smith are one man, and neither name appears in the catalogues after 1847.) SMITH, J. John Painter. J. Smith, Junr., 3, Upper Titchfield Street. 1813, 218 A landscape. J. Smith, 7, Cockspur Street. 1 8 19. 34 A river scene. 118 Dead game. 1820. 252 Partridges. 1820, 394 A brace of dead partridges, 14, Smith Street, Chelsea. 182 1. 256 View of the River Tagus, as seen from the Lisbon side. Taken from a window over M'Dermott's (now Reeve's) hotel, Rua do Prior, No. 3, 2°, Andar. SMITH, James MacLaren. Illustrator. 50, Walham Grove, Fulham. 1873. '•S" "Homeros;" design for wall decoration. 1 160 " Epithalamios ; " design for wall decoration. Doune Lodge, Putney. 1875. 964 The Green parlour at Dome Lodge, Putney. 1876. 661 The Breithorn and Kleinmat- terhorn in the evening ; from Randa. 1 159 Illustrations to "The Pearl Fountain." I, The King ofthe Fairies driving by ; 2. Prince Doran and Fairy Nap; 3, The enchanted wood ; 4. Sunbeam and the Giant, Engraved by W. Measom. 1170 Illustrations to "The Pearl Fountain " : I. The Wonderful Pear 2. The Princess and the Fairy; 3. The Queen dis misses her minister; 4. The Giants at dinner. Engraved by W. Measom, 1 173 Illustrations to "The Pearl Fountain'': I , The Queen and Prince Doran; 2. The golden hen; 3. The little man; 4. The Princesses confined in the fairypalace; 5. Prince Doran and the fairies; 6. The lame Princess; 7, The old Fairy's gifts. Engraved, W, Mea som. SMITH, J. Moyr... Decorative Artist. Downe Lodge, Oxford Road, Putney. 1888. 1760 End of a drawing room. 1889. 1484 " We fly by night midst troops of spirits." — Macbeth. 1984 Design for a ceiling. Bloomfield, Queen's Road, Richmond. 1894. 1453 A Phrygian chant. 1 84 THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS SMITH, James Whittet Painter. /. W. Smith, Clapham Common. 1862. 781 Edinburgh, from Inch Colme, 1 87 1. 694 Loch Katrine. 2, Warrington Crescent, W. 1875. 816 The Mer de Glace, Chamounix. 1876. 687 The Matterhorn and Zmiitt glacier, at sunset, from the Stockji. 1877. 677 Mont Blanc at Sunset: from Cramont, over Courmayeur, Piedmont. 30. Abercorn Place, St John's Wood. 1878. 739 Sunset on the Jungfrau Monch and Eiger. 1879. 763 The Merjuelen See and Aletsch Glacier, Switzerland. 1880. 494 The turn of the tide at Slough- den, Suffolk. 753 The Breithorn and Gomer Glacier at dusk. 775 Sunrise on the Mer de Glace, Chamounix. 3, Ranelagh Terrace, Ealing. 1886. 1224 The Moors — autumn. SMITH, James William Garrett. Painter. 30, Abercorn Place, N. W. 1882. 271 The old quay at Haughden, Suffolk. 868 The first snow on the Alps, over Zinal, Canton Valais. 1883. 725 TheLower Rhine at Dordrecht. 1886. 154 Slaughden on the Aide, Suffolk. 1887. 1128 The Roseg Glacier at Sunrise. SMITH, Miss Jessie Scott-. See Scott, vol. vii, page 63. SMITH, Joachim Sculptor, 15, Wells Street, Oxford Road. 1781, 298 Portrait of a lady; model in coloured composition, 310 Portrait of a boy; model in coloured composition. 320 Portrait of a gentleman. {Mr. Dingle.) Model in coloured composition. 329 Portrait of a gentleman. {Mr. West) Model in coloured composition. At Mr. Keeling s, 3, Grange Court, Carey Street. 1793. 416 Portrait of a gentleman; in wax. 1794.1803.1812. 1813. 1814. 12, Coventry Street. 606 Portrait of a gentleman; in wax, 607 do. do. 9, Charles Street, Tottenham Court Road. 1012 An Angel casting Satan into the abyss. 1028 The nymph Laura rejecting the addresses of Mercury, — Ovid. 14, Upper King St., Bloomsbury. 924 Bust of Mr. W. Atkinson. 57, Norton Street. 902 Bust of a decayed artist. 910 do. Lord Gray, 916 Portrait of Mrs. Siddons. 804 Bust of Robert Southey, Esq the Poet-Laureat, SMITH, John Painter. Warwick Smith. No address in Catalogue. {He lived at 7, St. George's Row, Oxford Street Turnpike in 1811.) 181 1. 161 Landscape. {He was a member of the old Water Colour Society from 1807 to 1823, and sent 159 works there. This exhibit at the Royal Academy was included under Joachim Smith in my Dictionary of Artists.) SMITH, John Brandon Painter. 21, Southampton Terrace, Waterloo Bridge. i860. 125 View in Surrey, 138 A landscape, 1861, 526 View near Staplehurst, Kent, 562 View in Surrey, near Hasle mere, Palmer, near Slough. 1862, 70 On the Jed, 306 On the river Lledr. I, Florence Villas, Feltham, Middlesex. 1863. 58 Upper Lake Killarney, 76 In North Wales. 1864. 87 Tranquil spot, 124 On the Lledr, North Wales. 128 A Mountain stream. 72, Waterloo Road. 1867. 328 On the Lledr, 368 On the Conway. 370 On the Dee, 1868. 583 FaU of Foyers. 586 Pont-y-Glen. 669 On the Llugwy. 1869, 47 On the Brent, Devon. 33, Albert Square, Clapham Rd. 1871. 4> 8 On the Neath, South Wales. THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS 185 1872. 412 A stormy day. 1022 On the Neath, South Wales. 1874. 416 Caldron Linn, Perthshire. SMITH, John Hatchard ... Architect. \i,Moorgate Station Buildings. 1895. 1517 Trocadero Restaurant. 1898. 1665 Summerdale, Epsom. 1 90 1. 1544 Station Street Buildings, Hud- dersfield. 1902. 1505 The " Lord Nelson," Ewell. 1903. 15 1 8 Thakeham Court. 1538 Ingleside Epsom. 1 59 1 Lynwood, Huddersfield. 1904. 1492 Design for Hull Town Hall. SMITH, John Henry Painter. J. H. Smith, 37, Chapel Street, Edgeware Road. 1852. 168 Winter. J. Henry Smith, 60, Burton Road, Brixton. 1882. 429 A safe confidant. 1444 Where the shoe pinches. 1883. 175 Marie. 361 The costume of my grand mother. 598 "Done." 867 A difficult passage. 1884. 764 The httle Turk. 1885. 902 A book is the best solitary com panion in the world. 1886. 618 The lord of the meats and drinks. 19, Bolton Studios. 1888. 635 In the sacristy. Wentworth Studios. 1 89 1. 89 Pompey's wife, Cornelia. 23, Lansdowne Road, South Lambeth. 1892. 810 The Audience. Painted with C. E. Plimpton. 1893. 474 Idle summer time. Painted with C. E. Plimpton. SMITH, John R Engraver. 8, New Court, Carey Street. 1894. 1493 A Highland outpost. After J. Pettie, R.A. 128, Elm's Road, Clapham Park. 1897. 1600 With cattle through the ranges, snow time, Austrahan Alps. After J. W. Curtis. 1739 Among the eucalypti: snow time, Australian Alps. After J. W. Curtis. VII. SMITH, John Raphael Painter. 10, Bateman' s Buildings, Soho. 1779. 306 A young lady; in crayons. 1780. 337 Portrait of a lady; crayons. 369 do. do. 1781. 69 do. do. 255 do. do. 83, Oxford Street. 1782. •75 Their Royal Highnesses the Duke and Dutchess of Gloucester and children. 176 Portrait of a gentleman ; cray ons. •77 Portrait of a lady; crayons. 193 Hobnella, Vide Gay's Pas torals. 1784. 226 A family; in crayons. {Mr. Ruspinios.) 1785- 27 A credulous lady and astro loger. 1786. 211 The moralist. 31, King St., Covent Garden. 1787. •5 The soldier's farewell on the eve of a battle, 20 Agatha. From Mr, Jerning- ham's Poem of the English Wake. 180 Lecture on gadding. 183 Portrait of a lady. 213 do. flag officer. 226 Visit to the Grandfather. 1788. 91 The unsuspecting maid. 1 86 The widow's tale. 1789. 119 Albina. {See Mr, Jerningham's Poems, vol. ii, page 40.) 146 Portrait of a gentleman. 151 Portraits of children. 198 Portrait of an officer. 1790. 72 do. a lady. 387 Inattention. 394 Attention. 426 Portrait of an officer, 641 do. a lady. 1792. 373 do. a gentleman. {Mr. Dignum) 1800. 356 Portraits of three sisters. 492 Portrait of a lady. 560 do. Count Rumford. 565 do. Dr. Jenner. 649 do a lady of fashion. 756 do. Dr. Garnett. 1 80 1. 360 P. J. Meyer, Esq. 361 N. Bond, Esq. 387 T. Hammersley, Esq. 401 Dr. Walcot. 428 Portrait of a young lady. 508 Lady Smith. 540 Sir John Smith, Bart. 614 Miss Harvey, the beautiful Nyctalopes. B B 1 86 THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS Smith, John Raphael — continued. 1802. 218 Rosalind. Shakespeare's As you like it. 346 The Hon. C. J. Fox. 351 Dr. Saunders. 355 Lord Holland. 385 Portraits of two ladies. 414 Portrait of a lady. 1803. 270 do. Emma Smith. 383 General Andreossy. 392 Mr. Otto and his Secretary. 470 The fugal-man of the Somerset Place Association. 520 The Earl of Albermarle. 528 C. C, Crespigney, Esq. 542 G. Shepley, Esq. 559 Paulo and Francosia, " One day (a day I ever must deplore), The gentle youth, to spend a vacant hour. To me the soft seducing story read. Of Lancelot and fair Genevra's love, etc." — Dante's In ferno. 1804. 79 Groundless jealousy, 382 Sir W. MUner, Bart. 424 S. Athawes, Esq. 442 The Cotter's Saturday night. " But hark, a tap comes gently to the door, Jenny, who kens the meaning of the same, etc." — Burns. 553 T. Swan, Esq., and family. 585 Dr. Hunter, of York. 587 T. Hartley, Esq., as Lord Mayor of York. 1805. 456 Mr. and Mrs. Windus. 471 Portraits of a gentleman and his son. 482 Mrs. Boisragon, of Bath. 500 Portraits of the children of J. Gossett, Esq. 504 Portrait of a gentleman of East Ilsley, Berkshire. 570 Dr. Marshall. 574 Mrs. MarshaU. 583 Dr. Babington. {John Raphael Smith was the famous mezzotint engraver and publisher.) SMITH , John Rubens Painter, J. R. Smith, Junr., 31, King Street, Covent Garden. 1796. 377 Portrait of a lady. 391 do. do. 1797. 560 Olivia's return. Vide Vicar of Wakefield. 1798. 386 Portraits of three sisters study ing geography, 390 Portrait of a lady. 419 do. gentleman of the law. 432 Portrait of an officer of the Artillery. 50, Great Queen Street. 1799. 401 The slighted maid, from Shake speare's poem entitled. Lover's Complaint. 465 Portrait of a gentleman, 494 Olivia's visit to her father in prison. Vide Vicar of Wake field, vol. 2, page 9. R. Smith, 3, Barton Street, Westminster. 1800. 490 J. Grubb, Esq. J. Rubens Smith, 3, Barton Street, Westminster. 1 80 1. 648 Portrait of a gentleman and his gamekeeper. 39, Great Tichfield Street. 1802. 363 Miss H. Smith. 401 Miss Metcalfe and Miss G. Metcalfe. 41 1 Portrait of a gentleman, with a view of Glastonbury Abbey. 984 View of Reculver, near Mar gate. 81, Newman Street. 1803. 422 A View of Margate Pier and Harbour from the Ship wright's. 609 A scene at Brighton. 1804. 476 View of the remains of the old chapel at Hoddesdon, Herts. 512 Miss Desanges. 532 Lieutenant Latimer of the Loyal North Britons. 1 6, Upper Rathbone Place. 1805. 314 Portrait of a sergeant in the Westminster Volunteers. 317 Portrait of a Grenadier of the Hon. ArtUlery Company. 547 Portrait of a sergeant in the Duke of Cumberland's sharp shooters. 587 Miss Raymer. 33, Newman Street. 1806. 368 Colonel and Mrs. Thornton. 376 Portraits of W. Danby, Esq., Mrs. Danby, and Miss Tay lor. 380 Portraits of Dr. Moyes of Edin burgh and Mr. NicoU. 405 Portrait of a lady. 417 Mrs. Townsend. THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS 187 1806. 430 J. Gregory, Esq. 1807. 415 The consent. 446 An officer's lady, imagining she has descried the ship in which she expects the arrival of her husband. 475 Portrait of a gentleman. 1808. 402 Lord MUton. 452 Capt. Ware, Commandant of the Stockton Forest Rifle men, 472 W. R, H, Brown, Esq. 600 Mr. C. Hamilton. 634 J. H. O'Hara, Esq. 1809. 380 Astronomer and pupil. 390 Portrait of a gentleman. 1 8 10. 420 Capt. Foljambe, 2 oth Regiment of Light Dragoons. 524 Portrait of a lady. 181 1. 324 Sir F. Burdett. 333 J. H. Tooke, Esq. SMITH, J, S Painter, 24, Howland Street. 185 1, 754 ThemiU. 797 Landscape; Italy. 814 Interior; Italy. SMITH, John Thomas ("Antiquity Smith") Painter, 18, Gerrard Street, Soho. 1787. 605 View in Windsor Forest. 18, Great May's Buildings, St. Martin's Lane. 1788. 520 Entrance of Stroud, a vUlage near Egham. SMITH, Joseph Clarendon... Painter. 47, Upper Titchfield Street. 1806. 437 View of Mulham Cove, York shire. 560 St. John's Church, Devizes. 1807. 473 View near Hunsdon in Hert fordshire. 474 View of Dynevor Castle, Caer- marthenshire. 603 The Rye house, near Hoddes don, Hertfordshire. 706 View of the interior of Little Maplestead church, Essex, 722 Exterior view of Little Maple- stead church, Essex, 1054 The gateway of the Temple Church, London. 1808. 557 Charity. SMITH, J. C Miniature Painter. 13, Dean Street, Westminster. 1838. 791 Miss M. A. Humby. J. G. Smith, Craven Hotel. 1839. 1023 Portrait of a gentleman. 45, Bridge Road, Lambeth. 1840. 790 Mrs. Chappell Smith. SMITH, J, Clifford C, Draughtsman, J. C. Smith, Probate Court. 1868, 911 Ferny banks in the west, Lyn- Lynton; pen-and-ink. 1872. 1269 Holy Street mUl, Devonshire; pen-and-ink drawing. SMITH, K Painter, 1 3, Cleveland Row, Mile End. 1824, 478 View at Betchworth, near Dor king. SMITH, Miss Kate Alice. Miniature Painter. 20, St. Leonard's Terrace, Chelsea. 1895. 1162 Lelia, daughter of H. J. Wright, Esq. 21, Baker Street. 1896. 1370 A daughter of Romany. 20, St. Leonard's Terrace, Chelsea. 1897. 1490 Mignon. SMITH, L Painter. 252, Regent Street. 1849. 59 The Model returned to her home in the country, Rome. 334 Artists demanding a night's lodging at a convent. 574 Costume of Carrara. SMITH, Miss Lucy Bentley (Mrs. Bentley) Miniature Painter. 9, Valletort Place, Stoke Devonport. 1879. 895 The rabbit on the wall. 10, Rylett Crescent, Shepherd's Bush. 1890. 1563 Portrait of a lady. 1 89 1. 1482 A trio. 1892. 1377 A study. 1893. 1293 A book of Poems. 1894. 1232 Pansies for thoughts. 1895. 1257 " The brightest and the lightest thing That flits about on sportive wing." 1897. 1451 Inez. 1898. 1245 The merry thought. 1900. 1370 Reverie. 1902. 1 139 Sybil. 1903. 1189 Summer. 1904. 1 190 Reverie. i88 THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS SMITH, Mrs. L. Graham ... Painter. 40, Grosvenor Square, W. 1897. 1211 Mademoiselle Henriette. 32, Green Street, Park Lane. 1901. 966 Mrs. Fenwick. SMITH, M Painter. Bethnal Green. 1823, 934 Portrait ofa lady, SMITH, Lieut. M Painter. (An Honorary Exhibitor.) 1805. 16 Mahhwyd Bridge, Mont gomeryshire. 18 Llanberris Lake, Caernarvon shire. SMITH, Miss Margaret Painter. 7, Gordon Street, W.C. 1896. 722 Windflowers, SMITH, Miss Maria (sister of Anker Smith, A.R.A.). See Mrs. Henry Ross, vol. vi, page 364. {D. N. B. says that Miss Maria Smith married William Ross, and this is con firmed in vol. vi, page 366, where his first exhibit is Master W. C. Ross. I fancy the H. Ross on page 36425' a mistake for W. in the Royal Academy Catalogue as his address is given as 8, Macclesfield Street in 1814, and in 1816 W. Ross lived at that address. Noticing that Mrs. Ross lived there in 18 14 made me call her Mrs. Henry Ross. There was a Hugh Ross, a brother of William Ross, Senr) SMITH, Miss Matilda. Miniature Painter. 1 6, Upper King Street, Bloomsbury Square. 1823. 904 Portrait of a lady. 16, Bucklersbury. 1824. 702 Mrs. How. SMITH, Maxwell M Architect. 2, York Villas, W. 1892. 1686 Studio House. 6a;, Berners Street. 1900. 1897 Penshurst VUlage Club. SMITH, Miller Painter. The Chalet, Thorpe, near Norwich. 1885. 871 The shepherd's care. Trouse Newton, near Norwich. 1893. 791 In " Stranger's Hall," Norwich. The Studio, Trowse, near Norwich. 1901. 1 145 The Grande Place, Dinant-sur- Meuse. 1902. 905 A pastoral. 1903. 1047 Passing shadows. SMITH, Miss Painter. St. George's Row, Hyde Park. 1799. 383 View ofa mill. 1800. 317 The Eagle Tower, Caernarvon Castle. 1801. 419 View of Windsor Castle, etc., taken above the bridge. 1802. 1080 West gate at Warwick. 1803. 688 View of Warwick Castle. 1804. 309 View from the Hope Inn, look ing towards Frogmore. 489 View ofthe ruins in the Queen's Gardens at Frogmore. {See Miss Sophia '&u.\1's., page 190.) SMITH, Miss Painter. High House, Edgware Road. 1823. 598 Fruit from nature. SMITH, Miss Painter. 32, Carmarthen Street, Gower Street. 1823. 938 View near Crawley. 1824. 435 Combe Woodfrom Wimbledon. SMITH, Miss M. A. Miniature Painter. Mint, Tower. 1804. 774 Portrait of herself. 1807. 872 A portrait. (An Honorary Exhibitor.) 1808. 771 Portrait of a gentleman. 1810. 638 do. do. Miss Smith, no address. 18 1 5. 720 A portrait. Miss Smith, at Mr. MitcheU's, 40, Strand. 1816. 594 Portrait of a gentleman. SMITH, Nathaniel. Miniature Painter. 7, Portland Street, Oxford Market. 1772. 245 Portrait of a gentleman; in miniature. 1773. 280 do. do. SMITH, Noel ... Painter. 3, Lime Villas, Wandsworth. 1889. 1468 Caister, Norfolk. 1891. 1232 MiU on the Bure. THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS 189 10, Trafalgar Buildings, Northumberland Avenue. 1897. 1 196 A Suffolk Mill. 1898. 1 148 A woodland stream. The Studios, Edith Terrace, Chelsea. 1900. 1230 The Stour Valley, Hampshire. SMITH, Miss Olive Wheeler-. Painter. 8, Elgin Road. 1880. 899 Christmas Roses. 1882. 1047 " Wi' a lock o' his gowden hair We'U thatch our nest when it grows bare." SMITH, P Painter. 5, Terrace, Gray's Inn Lane. 1844. 626 A roadside pubhc house. SMITH, R, Miniature Painter. 13, Dean Street, Westminster. 1837. 583 A portrait. 1839. 808 Portrait of a lady. 47, Howland Street. 1847. 738 Portrait ofa young lady. 995 Mrs. Webb. 1848. 945 Evan Smith, Esq. 1053 A portrait. 1849, 936 Mrs, WUcott. 990 Portrait of a child. 6, Russell Place. 1851. 1173 Portrait of a youth. 26, Haymarket. 1852. 1024 Henry Unwin, Esq. 1853. 952 The Rev. Thomas Sale, A. M. Vicar of Sheffield. 992 John Holland, Esq. 73, Dean Street, Soho. 1854. 416 Jane, the daughter of Samuel Roberts, Esq., Queen's Tower. 850 Portrait ofa lady. 931 Portrait. 1038 James Montgomery the poet. 1076 Mrs, Wightman. 1855. 354 Richard Solly, Esq. 1062 Lieut.-General Sir WiUiam Napier, the historian of the Peninsular War. 1121 William Aldam, Esq. SMITH, R Sculptor. 37, Gloucester Place, New Road. 1846. 1416 A recumbent figure of Grace Darling— part of a cenotaph to be placed over her grave : Bamborough Church, North umberland. SMITH, R Architect. At Mr. Wyatt s, Queen Anne Street. 1789. 563 Design for a casino. 1790. 568 do. villa. SMITH, R Painter. (An Honorary Exhibitor.) 181 1. 755 A group of flowers. SMITH, Reginald Painter. 47, Oakfield Road, Clifton. 1 89 1. 1379 The rocky coast of Pembroke. 1892. 1106 "The sea which breaks and roars Above its savage rocky shores." 1893. 991 " A creeping tide comes creep ing up along the sand." 1097 "An iron coast and angry waves ." — Tennyson. 1894. 1082 Welsh coast near Aberporth. "The bUlows swell, the winds are high. Clouds over cast the wintry sky." 1092 Near Porthclais. " The break ing waves dashed high On a storm and rock-bound coast." 1895. 1008 Breakers at Towen Head, Cornwall. "Where the bil lows madly leaping Break with wild and deaf'ning roar." 1896. 1161 "Where the wild Atlantic surges Rush with headlong race to shore." 54, Pembroke Road, Clifton. 1898. 275 The Sea. "Its colours chang ing when from clouds and sun Shades after shades upon its surface run." 1899. 57 "Away to the west as the sun went down." 1900. 1246 Sea Mists — Spanish Head, Isle of Man. 1901. 1053 "The rolling surf; the breakers of the ever-glimmering sea." SMITH, Mrs, R. Beatrice L, Painter. 1 8a, Collingham Gardens. 1896. 1069 Old mill, Lamberhurst. 31, Portman Square. 1900. 1304 Spring time. 1904. 1048 The old manor. SMITH, Robert Catterson... Painter, II, St. George's Road, Regents Park. 1880. 628 Birch stems. 190 THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS Smith, Robert Catterson — continued. II, Prince's Terrace, Regents Park Road. 1 88 1. 348 In the green heart of a wood. 487 "Thus pleasure is spread through the earth In stray gifts, to be claimed by who ever shall find." Baytree Cottage, Shorne, near Gravesend. 1884. 609 Celandine. 1888. 872 A peasant's home, Dorset. 1889. 1138 Dreaming of puff-puffs. 1890. 990 Away, SMITH, R. M Sculptor, 41, Lower Belgrave Place. 1832. 1130 Part of a monument. SMITH, Robert Ormerod... Sculptor. Rome. 1855, •5°9 Theophilus Isles Smith, Esq.; marble. SMITH, Miss Rosa M Painter. 38, Gascony Avenue, I Vest Hampstead. 1887. 1533 " A penny for your thoughts." SMITH, Miss Ruby. Miniature Painter. 78, Eastgate Street, Winchester. 1899. 1303 Master Ivor Smith. SMITH, S Architect, At Mr. J. Wyatt s. 1807. 1012 Design for Gothic Entrance. No address. 1829. 1117 Town Hall, St. Albans. SMITH, Samuel Mountjoy... Painter, S. M. Smith, 55, Great Marlborough St. 1 83 1. 40 A hon and lioness reposing. 1836. 264 Portrait of a young lady with a dog. 279 Robinson Crusoe. SMITH (S, E.) and TWEEDALE (J.) Architects. 12, South Parade, Leeds. 1887. 1772 KiUerby Hall, near Scar borough. SMITH, Sidney R, James, Architect. 15, York Buildings, Adelphi. 1888. 1 76 1 West Norwood Library. 1890. 1767 Durning Library, Kennington. 1891. 1933 Design for Municipal Build ings. 1892. 1760 The Tate Library, Brixton. 1824 Proposed Gallery for British Art. 1893. 1582 New British Gallery, Millbank. 14, York Buildings, Adelphi. 1898. 1726 New residence, Green Street, Park Lane. 1901. 1574 Design for ceiUngs, Sussex. SMITH, Miss Sophia Painter, Miss Smith, 31, King St., Covent Garden. 1800. 487 Portrait of a young lady. 853 Miss Nicholson, Miss Knight, and others. 1802. 396 Parting of Hector and An dromache. " Th' illustrious chief of Troy stretched his fond arms to clasp the lovely boy, etc." 880 Five portraits. {D. N. B. only mentions one daughter of John Raphael Smith, but there are three Miss Smiths in the index of 1800, one liv ing at King Street, and two at St. George's Row {including Miss Emma). It looks as though J. R. Smith lived at St. George's Row, and had his business place at 31, King Street.) SMITH, Stephen Catterson, R.H.A. Painter. 5. C. Smith, 24, Argyll Street. 1830. 645 Robert Lee, M.D., F.R.S. C. Smith, 42, Stephen's Green, Dublin. 1849. 89 The Duke of Bedford. 149 The Duchess of Bedford. 341 Earl Spencer. 1855. 41 The Earl of Mount Charles, ist Life Guards. 167 {Put to Catterson Smith in the index, but by G. Smith in the catalogue.) 1856. 594 Viscountess Lifford. 1858. 191 The Marchioness of London derry. SMITH, S. S Engraver, 15, Boundary Road, St. John's Wood. 1870. 852 Scene from "Pepys' Diary." After A. Elmore, R.A. THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS 191 SMITH, Sydney Painter, ,5. Smith, 66, Berners Street. 1852. 626 Off the Lido, Venice. 37, Oxford Street. 1853. 336 Landscape, Cervara, Italy. 10, St. Andrew's Street North, Edinburgh. 1857. 12 Going to market — Naples. 35, Fitzroy Square. 1867. 229 Work in the Kitchen, 476 do, do. SMITH, T Painter. 47) Wych Street. 1801. 148 Sowing scene. SMITH, Rev. T Painter, (An Honorary Exhibitor.) 1797. 768 View of Sidmouth, Devonshire. 181 1. 418 Bovinger Parsonage, Essex. 18 1 2. 519 Bovinger Windmill, Essex. SMITH, T Painter. T. Smith, Junr., Homer Dale, Lewisham. 182 1. 1047 View of the lighthouse lately erected on the Island of Lundy, in the Bristol Chan nel, looking S.E. SMITH, Thomas. Miniature Painter. 1783. 300 Portrait of a gentleman. 1785. 521 do. young lady. 6, Wardour Street. 1786. 328 Portrait of an artist. {Himself) 369 do. a gentleman. 35, New Bond Street. I'jS'j. 305 Portrait of a lady. {Lady Ver non) 483 Portrait ofa gentleman. 1788. 281 do. young gentleman, {Captain Anstruther) SMITH, Thomas (or Theophilus), Sculptor. T. Smith, 57, Upper Norton Street. 1827. 995 Portrait of a lady. 1040 His late Royal Highness the Duke of York. 367, Strand. 1828. 1053 Wax portrait of Peter M'Intosh, veteran Highlander. 1087 Wax portrait of Mr. Samuel Joseph, Edinburgh, 6, Savoy Street. 1829. 1066 Medallic portrait of Miss Mary Augusta Carr, 1829. io8i MedaUic portrait of R, Evans, Esq., Composer, 1 103 Medallic portrait of Miss Mary Augusta Carr. 1141 Bust of J, B, Rondeaux, Esq., Island of St. Maurice, Mauritius. 1830. 1127 A Medallic portrait in wax of J. Debelle, Esq., aged 90. 1192 Macduff, a study from nature. 1271 Post-mortem bust of the late Lord Archibald Hamilton. (Modeller of Wax Medallic Portraits to the King and Queen.) 1831. 1033 A post-mortem wax medallic portrait of the late Mrs. Depree. 1037 Wax medaUic portrait of a lady, 1042 Miss Emma Murray as Spring. 1 1 89 Marble bust of W. Joliffe, Esq. 1833. 1042 Posthumous medallic portrait of the late James Depree, Esq. 1834. 970 MedaUic post-mortem portraits of His late Maj esty George IV and H.R.H. the Duke of York. 996 MedaUic portrait of the lady of WiUiam Rhoads, Esq., of Chichester. 1837. 1252 Bust of Dellamark Banks, Esq., Sheerness, Kent. 1261 A Bust of — Chippindale, Esq., Manchester. 1268 A Bust of J. Bingham, Esq., Oxford. 1840. 1089 Bust of Signor Costa. 1168 Bust. 1841. 1297 Post-mortem bust of the late J. Holdham, Esq., late Principal of the Engineering Department, Bank of Eng land. 1 31 5 Bust of a gentleman. 1842. 1362 Posthumous bust in marble of the daughter of Dr. Gully. 1843. 1445 Bust of — Marsh, Esq. 1844. 135 1 do. the late J. WUson, Esq. 1357 do. the late F.Bramah, Esq. 1358 Bust of Richard Cobden, Esq. 10, Wellington Street. 1846. 1471 Bust of a gentleman. 1473 do. thelatej. French, Esq., Stockwell. 1847. 1298 Medallic portrait of a friend. 1303 do. do. the much lamented W. Clowes, Esq. 30, Cranmer Place, Lambeth. 1849. 1294 Post-mortem bust of Thomas Bull, Esq. 192 THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS Smith, Thomas — continued. 1850. 1078 Wax medaUion post-mortem portrait of a lady. 1079 Wax medaUion portrait of Peter McLeod, Edinburgh. 1408 Post-mortem bust of a gentle man. 141 3 Post-mortem bust of Charles Holtzapffel, Esq. 14, Hart Street, Bloomsbury. 1852. 1472 Post-mortem bust of the late Mrs. Edlmann, Bickly Park, --.. — Kent. 1 8 7 2. i4^r^77:""H5l}an^7rEsq. Theophilus Smith, clo 16, Cemetery Road, Sheffield. 1877, 1533 William Poole, Esq,; medal lion. 1537 Selim Rothwell, Esq. SMITH, Thomas Architect. 39, Kelham Place, Belvidere Road, Lambeth. 1852. 1 179 Chateau at Cannes, etc. 1207 do. do. No address. 1862. 835 Memorial Church, Hertford. SMITH (T.) and SON ... Architects. London and Hertford. 1861. 692 Proposed Grand Hotel de la Mdditerranfe, Cannes. 1863. 900 Buildings at Cannes. 33, Bloomsbury Square. 1867. 916 Christ Church, Radlet, Herts. SMITH, T. B Painter. 6, George Street, Bath. 1833. 672 Portrait of a gentleman. SMITH, Thomas Henry ...Architect. 17, Basinghall Street. 1888. 1821 31, Egerton Gardens, 1890, 1723 Banking Premises, Thread- needle Street. 1815 The Equestrian Tavern, Black friars Road. 1891. 1939 31, Egerton Gardens, 1896. 1730 Mansion, Park Lane, SMITH, T, L Painter, 24, Howland Street. 1850. 554 Interior (Cervara). 620 Temple of Tivoh. II 07 Aqueduct (Italy). SMITH, Thomas Roger ... Architect, 57, Strand. i860. 699 Stratton Audley Park, near Bicester, Oxon. 1867. 873 Shephalbury near Stevenage, for Unwin Heathcote, Esq. 907 Stancliffe, near Matlock, for Joseph Whitworth, Esq. 915 Blythwood, near Taplow, for George Hanbury, Esq. 1868. 831 Brambletye, near East Grin- stead, for Donald Laruach, Esq. 1869. 1016 Blythwood, near Taplow. 23, Bedford Street, Covent Garden. 1874. 1193 Amarthwaite Hall on Bassen- thwaite Lake, Cumberland. 1877. 1082 Sanatorium at MiU Hill, Middle sex. I o, Lancaster Place. 1879. 1173 Hospital for Consumption, Mount Vernon, Hampstead. 1881. 1072 North London Hospital for Consumption, Hampstead, 130, Temple Chambers, Whitefriars. 1894. 1705 University College, London. SMITH (T. Roger) and GALE (Arthur J.) Architects, 10, Lancaster Place. 1886. 1735 House at Otford, Kent. Temple Chambers. 1889. 1945 House at Streatham. 2006 Stables at Otford. SMITH (T, R.), SON, and GALE, Architects. Temple Chambers. 1 89 1. 1856 Uplands, Heathfield. 1892. 1754 North London Hospital for Consumption, Hampstead. 1773 Polytechnic Institute, Batter sea. SMITH (T. R.) and SON... Architects. Temple Chambers. 1893. 15 1 1 Northampton Technical Insti tute, City of London Poly technic, SMITH T. S Painter. 35, Fitzroy Square. 1869, 74 A Fellah of Kinneh. SMITH, T. Strethill Architect. clo TroUope and Sons. 1892. 1804 Drawing room ceUing, Ash- ridge. THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS 193 SMITH, Thomas Tayler... Architect. 33, Bloomsbury Square. 1868. 860 Chapelle Benedictine, Nice, 1874. 1147 Chancel to Christ Church, Nice. SMITH (T. T.), and ROPER (G. F.), Architects, 4, Circus Place, Finsbury. 1877. 1 182 Church, Wolverhampton. SMITH, Miss T, W Painter. 57, Guilford Street. 1865. 684 Geraniums. SMITH, U. T Painter. 14, Chester Street, Kennington. 1826. 533 View on the Coast of Cornwall. SMITH, W Painter. 14, Arlington Street, Mornington Crescent. 1843. 367 Landscape and Cattle. SMITH, W Painter. 21, John Street, America Square. 1830. 203 Study from nature; achild. 1831. 115 Portrait of a gentleman. 196 do. do. 348 do, lady. 1834, 469 Joseph Brandon, Esq, 1842. 119 Dr. Clendining. 233 A native of Bengal. No address. 1847, 649 Scene near Woodcote, Shrop shire. I, Prince's Street, Gate Street. 185 1. 796 Animals, SMITH, W Sculptor. 7, Upper Fountain Street, Leeds. i860. 974 James Hole, Esq., Honorary Secretary of the Yorkshire Union of Mechanics' Institu tions; terra-cotta. 976 James Kennedy, Esq., Leeds. SMITH, Mrs. W Painter. 79, Gloucester Street, Belgrave Road. 1859. 586 "It is the first mild day of March, Each minute sweeter than before." — Wordsworth. VII. SMITH, William. Miniature Painter. At Mr. John Smiths, Berwick Street, Soho. 1774. 294 Portrait of a lady; half length, in miniature. 295 Two miniatures. 250, High Holborn. 1802. 790 Major Drummond. SMITH, William Painter. 6, Southampton Street, Pentonville. 18 1 3. 156 Portraits of three spaniels, the property of J. .Cotes, Esq., M.P. BesseU's Green, Seven Oaks. 18 1 7. 303 Portraits of a favourite horse and dog. 364 An alarmed hare; painted from nature. 424 Portrait of ^sculapius, a favour ite horse, the property of the Rev. J. Austen. 18 1 8. 181 Broom makers. 1819. 415 Worcester, a favourite hunter, the property of H. T. Lane, Esq. 6, New Millman Street. 1820. 124 Kingfisher, starUng, and wood pecker. 1821. 31 Beagle and rabbit. 1822. 87 Fishing; passing shower. 1823. 588 Harriers, the property of the Hon, Charles Trevor. 1825. 261 Portrait of a favourite spaniel, the property of a lady. 1049 Ajax, 1827. 224 Rainbow, a favourite horse, the property of Lord Grey. 1830. 65 The sheldrake. Shrewsbury. 1838. 187 Woodcocks, rabbit, etc. 13, Dean Street, Westminster. 1839. 128 The gun-room, with a portrait of " Don," the property of H. O. Pigot, Esq. Newport, Shropshire. 1840. 106 Portrait of Mr. William Drury, a Shropshire Yeoman, and his pony, Ben. 1 84 1. 446 Portraits of pointers, the pro perty of John Cotes, Esq. 661 William Tonge, Esq. Shrewsbury and Newport, Shropshire. 1843. 106 Landscape and cattle. 1339 The batching mill. cc 194 THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS Smith, William — continued. 1844, 1113 Portraits of favourite hounds in the United Park. 1845. 1296 Master Boycott, Greenstead, near Ongar. 1846. 943 The hive. Newport, Salop. 1848. 1036 A loiterer and rabbit catchers. 1850. 1239 Remains of an ancient cross. Heathill, Staffordshire. 1851. 1215 Posthumous portraits. 4, George's Street, Aldgate. 1855- 1462 Study of a head from the life. Woodgate, Newport. 1856. 263 British birds. 1857- 422 Scene on the river Tern, near Bolus, Shropshire. 1858, 408 The effect of ivy-roots, after they had slit and thrown down part of a buttress, at the east end of Woodcote Church. 1859. 695 Severn fish. SMITH, William Architect. New Adelphi Chambers, 12, John Street. i860. 665 New church at Norwich. SMITH, W. A Architect. 1 9, Gloucester Place. 1821. 1040 Design for a temple, etc. 1826. 899 do. Literary and Scien tific Institute. SMITH, W. Armfield Painter. 22, Norfolk Street, Middlesex Hospital. 1832. 397 A forester. ( W. A. Smith in index, and Mrs. A. Smith in catalogue.) 48, Saville Row, Hull. 1833. noo Portraits of two sisters. 58, London Street. 1838. 32 Miss Safe. 10, Dyer's Buildings. 1839. 314 W. F, Tolwray, Esq. 319 W. J. Lysley, Esq. 33, Southampton Street. 1842. 100 I. Safe, Esq. 1843. 48 Mr. Andrew Fulton, 1849. 123 Margaret, daughter of the late Dr, Clendenning, F,R,S. ( W. Armfield Smiihwas evidently abrother of George Armfield Smith, who changed his name to George Armfield in 1840.) SMITH, W. B Painter. Sudbury. 1833. 352 Groupe offish, from nature. SMITH, William Bassett- ,., Painter. 10, John Street, Adelphi. 1887. 1643 Rouen Cathedral; view of the western towers, etc. SMITH, WilliamCollingwood, R. W.S. Painter, 21, Marlborough Street. 1836. 366 The North aisle of Westminster Abbey, from a sketch in February, 1836. 1838. 647 Vessels in the pool near Lon don Bridge — moonlight. 774 The terrace of the Royal Hos pital, Greenwich. 1839. ^°7 Composition. 733 The Terrace at Haddon. I, Marmion Place, Peckham. 1840, 600 H,M,S, Dreadnought, seamen's hospital, off Greenwich, I, Maismore Place, Park Road, New Peckham. 1841, 635 Dover pier, steamboats landing passengers. 13, Marlborough Place, Old Kent Road. 1842. 703 Dismantling an East Indiaman off Blackwall, 723 Scarborough Pier head looking towards Oliver's Mount, 729 Entrance to Portsmouth Har bour from the Lines. 1843. 826 Room in Pentilly Castle on the Tamar. 1000 Distant view of Devonport from the grounds of Mount Edg- cumbe. 12, Canterbury Villas, Maida Vale. 1844. 930 Blackwall, vessels unloading. 950 Scarborough Pier — vessels running for the harbour in a brisk gale, 15, Marlborough Place, Old Kent Road. 1845. 947 Brig on the rocks at Tyne, Northumberland, in a gale of wind. 1248 Wreck at the Entrance of Bocastle Harbour, Corn wall. 41, St George's Place, Walworth. 1846. 682 Brig running for Scarborough. THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS 195 1846. 1044 Windsor Castle from the road to Virginia Water. 1 1 31 Peter boats off Greenwich Hos pital. 1847. 591 Staffa. 9, Brunswick Terrace, Walworth. 1848. 954 The arrival of Her Majesty at Dartmouth, en route to Scot land in August, 1847. II 68 All Saints' Church, Hastings, Sussex. 1849. 745 A cornfield near Erith, Kent. 1096 Bamborough Castle, North umberland. 15, Addington Place, Camberwell. 1850. 738 Emma Grace, daughter of H. J. Parsons, Esq., of Itchington. 1041 View from Arundel Park, Sussex. 1851. 932 Scarborough from the Sands. 1020 Troops embarking from Mount Edgecumbe, Plymouth. 5, Chester Terrace. 1852. 961 Heme's Oak, Windsor Forest. 43, Chester Square. 1853. 975 Attack of gun brigs, com manded by Lord Cochrane, on a Spanish flotilla and fort at Cape Oropesa. 1854. 1014 The Baltic fleet drying saUs at Spithead — sunrise. 1855. 1037 The gipsies' camp — a study at Windsor. SMITH, W, Harding C Painter, W.H. Smith, 13, Brixton Rise. 1870. 746 The cloisters of St. Pierre and Paul, Moissac, France. 1872. 824 Don Quixotte in his study. Wyndham Lodge, Brixton Hill. 1873, 804 Making advances. 845 King Charles at Cothele on the Tamar. 1876. 809 A dilettante. 1877. 890 The family archives. 1878. 730 Reflection, SMITH, William H Painter, 1, Knightsbridge Terrace, N W. 1863. 36 Fruit. 143, Maiden Road, N. W. 1864. 302 Fruit. 1865. 27 do. 3, Hemmings Row. 1867. 344 Study of grapes and plums. 1869. 230 A study of fruit. 1872. 448 Plums. SMITH, William H, Seth, Architect. 46, Lincoln! s Inn Fields. 1892. 1779 Giralda Tower, Seville. 1 82 1 House at Croydon, Surrey. 1838 Pelham House, Spital Square. {See also Seth-Smith, vol. vii, pages 80-84.) SMITH, William J Architect, 9, Upper Gloucester Street. 1837. 408 A young favourite. 1838. 544 View at Abbeville. 1839. 167 Remains of the portico of Sep timus Severus, Rome. 1840. 17 (Octagon Room.) Mayence. 7, Whitehall Yard. 1841. 369 Rue de St. Pierre, Rouen. 1843. 1166 The Ambassador's palace now erecting at Constantinople. 1342 Cavalry Hospital at Constanti nople. 185 1. 290 Medical HaU, Constantinople. 40, Fitzroy Square. 1855. 1225 Hospital for French troops near Pera, Constantinople. SMITH, W, P Painter, 58, Upper Seymour Street. 1843. 989 View of Harrow from Hamp stead Heath. Adelaide Road. 1844. 1062 A farm house. 1846. 751 View of the Village of Heeg in Friesland. Lower Road, Putney. 1849. 839 Shipping. 1850. 757 Meadfoot Sands, Torbay. March's Place, Lower Road, Putney. 1851. 833 Entrance to ecclesiastical pa lace at Fulham. West College, Putney. 1852. 767 Orleans House, Twickenham — swan-hopping, on the Thames. 1853. 1038 Erith Reach, low water. SMITH, W, Thomas Painter, 3, Wentworth Studios, Manresa Road. 1895. 155 " They forged the last link with their lives." The North- westPassage: "S-.M..^. Erebus and Terror, 1849-50. 1896. 1507 A Veteran. 1897. 645 Rear-Admiral A. H. Markham. 1 90 1. 1469 An Ulustration to the "Strand Magazine." 196 THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS SMITH-DORIEN, Mrs. Mary L. H. Miniature Painter. The Elms, Chalfont St. Peters, Bucks. 1898. 1307 Lady Evelyn Eyre. SMITHERS, Collier Painter. 5, Primrose Hill Studios. 1892. 1020 R. Norman Shaw, Esq., R.A. 10, Primrose Hill Studios. 1894. 181 Surg.-Lieut. Leopold Hudson, Duke of Cambridge's Hus sars. 1897. 182 A sea witch. SMYTH, Painter. (An Honorary Exhibitor.) 1777, 401 A dog. SMYTH, C Painter. 2, Leopold Road, Brighton. 1874. 920 The last hours of Queen Eliza beth. SMYTH, Coke Painter. 6, Sussex Chambers, 10, Duke Street. 1842. 438 The usurer. Upper Mall, Hammersmith. 1846, 217 The weU, 452 " How happy could I be with either," 1855, 1342 Slave merchant. SMYTH, Edward Painter. 85, Newman Street. 1819. 680 Flowers. 834 Portrait of a gentleman, 1820. 535 Flowers in a Vase. 182 1. 639 Portrait of a gentleman, 851 do. do. 1822. 597 Fruit and flowers. 1823, 670 Portrait of a lady. 708 do. a gentleman. 810 do. himself. 1825. 511 Flowers in a vase. 1830. 531 Fruit. 1832. 575 The villager's handkerchief opened, or wild flowers. 1835, 510 Cactus speciosissima and other flowers. 1837. 714 Varieties of Roses. 1840. 527 Portrait of a lady. 1843. 750 Flowers. 1844. 929 Flowers in a glass. SMYTH, Emily R Painter. E. R. Smyth, Ipswich. 1850. 391 View in the Calne Valley at Chappel, Essex, through which passes the railway to Sudbury. Bury St. Edmund's. 1854. 415 A gipsy scene. 1855. 661 Beach scene. E. R. Smythe. i860. Ill The return from market. E. R. Smythe, Risley, Bury St. Edmund's. 1874. 506 Favourite Hounds. The pro perty of E. Walter Green, Esq., Master of the Suffolk Hounds, SMYTH, H Painter. 10, Nottentone Place, Sneinton, near Nottingham. 1845. 54 View on the river Usk at Bre con, South Wales, SMYTH, Montague Painter. 40, Lansdowne Road, Croydon. 1894. 1021 Near Totteridge. 1 142 Going to market — Holland. 8, Glanville Road, Finchley. 1895. 943 -^ fen water gate. 36, Abbey Road, N. W. 1897, 1030 The sabbath eve, 1899, 1122 In the meadows. 1 1 34 The Village — Southwold. 1900. 77 Moonlight. 1904, 90 Hampstead Heath, SMYTH, S Painter. (An Honorary Exhibitor,) 1800. 425 View near Dianas, Emrys. SMYTH, T Painter. Queen Street, Ipswich. 1856. 107 {No title in catalogue.) St. Helen's Terrace, Woodbridge Road, Ipswich. i860. 321 The discovery. 20, Bolton Road, Ipswich. 1862, 335 The keeper's pony. SMYTHE, Lionel Percy, A.R.A., R.W.S. Painter. L. Smythe, 36, Gloucester Crescent. 1863. 169 Bon voyage. 1865. 281 Sunshine. 1868. 670 Through the wood. 1869. 838 A thick night off the Goodwins. THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS 197 1870. 1871. 1872, 1873- 1874.1876. 1877. 943 421 446 61 321420 1878. 752 1879. 1880. 1881. 1882. 1883. 1884. 1885.1886.1887. 1888.1889. 1890. 1891.1892.1894.1895. 1896. 1897. 1899. 1900.1901. {No title in the catalogue, or address in the index put to L. Smith) "There is a willow grows askaunt the brook, That shows his hoar leaves in the glassy stream." Alone. 125 A hero of our century. 1347 Shorthanded.Picking mussels. Noon. The harvest of the sea. Lionel P. Smyth, 36, Gloucester Crescent. Jessie. 968 Waiting. 368 Kindred Spirits. 565 "The sun was shining on the sea^ Shining with all his might; He did his very best to make The billows smooth and bright." 421 From the spring. 430 Shrimpers — Boulogne. 675 Shrimpers. 1075 Real flowers. The Field of the Cloth of Gold: '"Twixt Guines and Ardres." " Palm bloom "; girl and goat. 395 The dawn of Spring. 1 174 Summer Holiday. 1495 Boulogne Shrimpers. 1620 Haymaking, 1378 Germinal Purchased for the Chantrey Bequest for ;£^io5. 1 69 1 Phyllis. 1709 The last ghmpse. 1736 The goose. After Fred HaU. 1267 The gleaners. 36, Dover Street. 1341 Breadwinners. 1567 Palm bloom. 1 59 1 Gleaners. 136 A landscape. Chdteau d'Honvault, par Wimille, Pas de Calais. 93 Autumn. 1 1 14 The garden by the river. 470 Private practice. 1072 Bleaching linen — Le Portel. 153 A spring carol. (Elected A.R.A.) The garden. Chateau Hon- vault. The farmer's last harvest. The breeze's kiss. Within sound of the sea. 614 1261 1901.1902. 1903. 1904. 943 The late Mrs. Mackenzie. 32 The gleaners. 576 On the cliffs. 796 Hostages to Fortune. 1028 Gleaning oats. 575 A sunny shore. 1058 Lamplight. 68 976 55 749 SMYTHE, Miss Minnie Painter. Chateau d'Honvault, Pas Wimille, Pas de Calais. 1896. 1221 Ducks. 1897. 1151 Pear blossom. II 89 St. Martin's summer. 1899. 103 1 A March morning. 1900. 1 1 50 A rainy day. 1226 Julie. 1 90 1. 1 13 1 " Far fromthe madding crowd." SMYTHE, Richard Engraver. 1 7, Gloucester Crescent, N W. 1888. 1700 Girl at Well. After Saintpierre. Wenley House, Haverstock Hill. 1889. 1791. Head of a girl. After Greuze. 63, Sheriff Road, West Hampstead. 1902. 1315. Innocence. After W. Etty, R.A. SMYTHSON, Marcus H. ... Painter. r, Harpur Street, Bloomsbury. 1883. 340 Under consideration. SNAPE, Martin Painter. Spring Garden Cottage, Gosport. 887 Dead jay. 692 A study from nature. 761 In search of a breakfast. 842 Peonies. 790 A trifling foolish banquet. — Romeo and Juliet. 807 Shells. 691 Bank side with birds — early spring. 956 Birds and fuel. 911 The Gamekeeper's museum. 1048 "The cold frosty season of December." 754 The first hoar frost. 1 183 One for sorrow. 1297 The oldest oak in the green wood. 1 21 5 Victims of a bad name. 4 Brockhampton Mill. 1254 The vermin pole. 1890. 135 Forton Creek. 1874.1876. 1877.1878.1879.1881.1882.1883. 1885. 1886.1887. 198 THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS Snape, Martin — continued. 1894, 1128 The dragon. 1 1 37 The ferret-hutch. 1897. 1192 Gosport fair. 1901. 455 Off the highway. SNAPE, William H Painter. Spring-garden Cottage, Gosport. 1885. 842 Etching. 1888. 891 Porphyrogenita. 1889. 1737 Study of a cat. 1892, 1238 Versicolores aves. SNARD, Mrs. T. G Painter. Henham, Bishop's Stortford. 1848. 583 Middle miU on the River Colne, Colchester. {T. G. Snard in the index, S. G. Snard in the catalogue.) SNELL, G Painter. I, Belgrave Road. 1844. II 36 The church of St, Pierre, and half-timbered houses in the Rue St. Pierre at Caen. SNELL, Henry Saxon Architect. 36, Chancery Lane. 1865. 790 Design for a clock tower. 1872. 1263 Boys' School Patriotic Fund, etc. 22, Southampton Buildings. 1880. 1 193 Vestry Hall, etc, Rotherhithe, 1883. 1206 Hospital for the sick poor, Marylebone. SNELL, James Herbert Painter. 138, Prince of Wales's Road, N.W. 1880. 189 Signs of winter. 969 "The moon all pale in sunlit skies." 1881. 411 " Beneath the freshening shade of new spring leaves." 1882. 76 Woodland Solitudes. 180 The birch wood. 304 November. 724 The river's sedgy bank. 733 Showery weather. 1476 Early Spring. 1885. 598 Month of March. 675 March winds. 763 Queen of the night. 1886. 230 "The winter winds are sighing." 20, Southampton Street. 1888. 25 Floods in the Thames VaUey. 58, Rathbone Place. 1889. 560 The willow pool. 1156 Stormy March. 26, Newman Street. 1892. 17 The sand quarry. 94 "An upland bare and sere, in the waning of the year." 1893. 354 "The aged year is near his end." 846 " Sweet blossom of Spring," 191, Stanhope Street, Regent's Park. 1895. 5°* " Winter reigneth o'er the land, Freezing with its icy breath." 1896. 326 "Winter now takes up the tale." Lindhurst, Burnham, Bucks. 1902. 779 An old time garden. 26, St. George's Square, Regents Park. 1903. 259 The Priory pool. 1904. 120 The-wild-fowler. SNELL, Miss May Painter. Hill House, Needham Market, Suffolk. 1 90 1. 768 Tulips. SNELLGROVE, T Painter. 108, Wapping. 1800. 855 Mr. B. Perry. 923 Miss Mary HaU. 1801. 255 Portrait of a lady. 1802. 368 do. do. 393 do. himself 1803. 745 do. a lady and child. 1804. 720 Mr. Steele, 41, Poultry. 1806. 761 Mr. Betts. 5, Beech Street. 1807. 338 Miss Snellgrove. 18, Trafalgar Street. 1810. 681 Mr. Levey. 69, Sun Street, Bishopsgate. 181 1. 683 Portrait of an old lady. Bath Street, Hackney Road. 18 14. 573 Mrs. Rogers. 6, Red Lion Street, Kingsland Road. 1824. 882 Mrs. Snellgrove. 1827. 617 Portrait of an artist. SNEYD, Miss Eleanor F. Miniature Painter. ^S', Portland Place, W. 1892. 1432 Miss FaUe. 1433 Mrs. J. Head. 1434 Geoffery Garnier. 1893. 1228 Lady Lacon. 1275 Bertram G. Falle, Esq. THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS 199 SNEYD, Miss Sarah M Painter. 24, Notting Hill Terrace, W. 1895. 991 In Richmond Park. SNOOKE, W Architect. 12, Cadogan Street. 1836. 974 Parish church of St. Michael, Bath. {See also Allen, Snooke, and Stock, vol. i, page 26.) SNOOKE and STOCK ... Architects. 6, Duke Street, London Bridge. 1876. 1006 Bury Court at Leigh, near Rei gate, Surrey. {Snooke and Scott in the catalogue) SNOSWELL, W. T Painter. (An Honorary Exhibitor.) 1846. 1345 Interior of St. Martin's Outwich, Bishopsgate Street. SNOWE, Miss Lilly Hill. See Hill, vol. iv, page 104. SNOWMAN, Isaac Painter. 181, Fusion Road. 1893. 221 Tales of a Grandfather. 39, Oxford Road, Kilburn. 1894. 855 Hans Liithy, Esq. 1895. 403 WiUiam S. Patterson, Esq., M.A, 192, Alexandra Road, St John's Wood. 1896. 469 Vesta. 1898. 392 The wailing waU, Jerusalem. 48, Fortune Green Road, West Hampstead. 1900. 485 Sardanapalus. 604 Miss Harris. 1 90 1. 30 Footsteps. 350 A fresh morning. 529 The Lorelei. 1902. 58 "The thought of youth." 289 Confidences. 377 Children's voices. 1903. 41 The bracelet. 80 The children's hour. 241 Busy idleness. 387 The leopard's skin. 1904. 124 Butterflies. SOADY, B Painter. (An Honorary Exhibitor.) 1840. 387 Landscape. 1772. 1773- 3^5 281 282 SOANE, Sir John, R.A., F.R.S., F.S.A. Architect. John Soan, at Mr. Holland's, Half Moon Street. Front of a nobleman's town house. Front, next the Thames, of the Royal Academy, from actual measurement. Garden front of a gentleman's villa. At Mr. Holland's, Hertford Street. 1774. 296 A garden-building, consisting of a tea-room, alcove, bath, and dressing-room to ditto. Orange Court, Leicester Fields. 1775. 298 Elevation for a town house. 299 Section through the haU. At Mr. Holland's, Mayfair. 1776. 289 The principal fagade and plan of a design for a Royal Academy. At Mr. Holland's, Mayfair, and 7, Hamilton Street, Piccadilly. 1777. 330 Elevation of a mausoleum to the memory of James King, Esq. Rome. 308 Plan, elevation, and section of a British Senate House. 10, Cavendish Street. 471 Design for a dog house. 488 Elevation of a mausoleum, 489 Design for a mausoleum. 498 Plan of a mausoleum. 524 do. and elevation of a hunting casine. 33, Margaret Street, Cavendish Square. 534 Elevation of a design for a prison. 362 Design for a gateway. 367 do. dairy. 388 do. an observatory. J. Soane. 420 Gateway at Brancepeth Castle. 471 Blackfriars Bridge, Norwich. 485 Design for a mausoleum. 489 Offices at Burnhall. 500 Design for a museum. 523 Malvershall, 496 Front of a viUa designed for a gentieman in Norfolk. 563 Entrance front of Burnhall, the seat of George Smith, Esq. 1779. 1781. 1782. 1783-1784. 1785. 200 THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS Soane, Sir John, R.A., F.R.S., F.S.A.— continued. 1786. 478 Elevation of a bridge for a gen tleman in Staffordshire. Welbeck Street. 1787. 452 The great room at Chillington, built in the year 1786. 466 Entrance front to ChiUington, erected in the year 1786. (R.A. of Parma.) Great Scotland Yard. 1792. 550 Design for a villa; ditto for a mausoleum, and a view of Chilton Lodge. 558 Vestibule at the Bank of Eng land, the great hall, Bentley Priory, and the withdrawing room at Wimpole. Florence and Scotland Yard. 1793. 710 Geometrical elevation and per spective view of the entrance front of a seat of the Mar quis of Abercorn's. Lincoln's Inn Fields. The bank stock office, con structed without timber. Interior parts of a design, in tended to be built at Cam bridge. A design for the entrance front of a public building. Interior of designs for a public building. (Elected A.R.A.) Design for an entrance into Hyde and the Green Park, Part of the elevation of a de sign to render the House of Lords more commodious, !{No such numbers in my cata logue or in that at the Royal Academy; the numbering passes from 1069 to 1072.) Entrance to Hyde Park opposite Great Cumberland Street. The hall at Tyringham, the seat of W. Praed, Esq. The intended mansion of David Scott, Esq., in Scotland. The hall now building at Bent ley Priory, a seat of the Marquis of Abercorn. Design for a national mauso leum. Design for a triumphal bridge, for which the diploma of the Academy of Parma was given. 956 The bridge of Tyringham, be longing to W. Praed, Esq. 1794. 592 635 I79S- 648 649 1796. 73^ 735 1797. 1070 1071 1798. 927 960 1006 1799. 935 942 953 1799. 1800. 1007 IOI3 IOI8 960 1036 Design for a triumphal bridge. The entrance into Bagshot Park, a seat of H,R,H. Prince William of Glou cester. A vestibule at the Bank, View of a staircase designed for the Right Hon, William Pitt, View of the new Consols office in the Bank built in the year 1799. 1041 View from Old Palace Yard, of a design for a new House of Lords. 1045 View of a design for the Na tional Bank of Ireland. 1047 View from the Thames of a design for a new House of Lords. 1059 Design for an intended House of Lords, 1 80 1. 865 Part of the design for the new House of Lords, 890 do. do. 956 A sepulchral church, 957 A villa now building at Ealing. (Elected R.A.) 1802. 898 View of the new buildings in the Bank of England, erected in 1800. 905 View of Part of a design for the new house of Lords. 1803. 435 A design for the Royal en trance into the new House of Lords, as submitted to His Majesty. 562 View of a library now finishing in a villa on Ealing Green. 1021 View of one of the designs for the new House of Lords, as submitted to His Majesty. 821 View ofa pubhc building. 795 Design for a mausoleum. 805 View of part of the design for the new House of Lords. 797 Design for a triumphal bridge. 901 A view of part of the Bank of England. 907 A view of the new entrance into the Bank of England, from Prince's Street, 912 A view of part of a design for the new House of Lords. 1807, 105 1 View of one of the interior quadrangles in the Bank of England. 1056 Design for the new House of Lords, with the buildings connected. 1804.1805,1806, THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS 20I 1807. 1060 View of one of the interior quadrangles of the Bank of England. 1808. 849 View next the river, of a design made for the new House of Lords in 1795, by order of a Committee of the House of Lords. 855 Entrance hall at Croome's HiU, a seat of the Hon. G. F. Littelton; and two views of a corridor in the Bank of England. 889 Mausoleum to the memory of N, Desenfans, Esq. 931 View of a vestibule in the Bank of England. 984 View of the anti-room to the Discount office in the Bank of England. 1809. 778 View of the north front of the Bank of England. 828 View of part of the proposed design for the new House of Lords, etc. 1810. 692 View ofthe houses in Prince's Street, Lothbury, erected in the year 1808. 710 Design for the Opera house proposed to be built on the site of Leicester House gar den. 716 Design for the Opera House proposed to be built on the site of Leicester House gar den. 759 Design for a sepulchral church. 832 do. the Opera house, etc. 866 Part of the North front of the Bank as originally in tended. 877 Design for one of the fronts of the new House of Lords, etc, 1795, 181 1, 880 View of a mausoleum to the memory of the late Sir F. Bourgeois, Knt. 881 View of the royal entrance into the proposed new House of Lords. 892 View of the north front of the Bank of England as origin ally designed. 1812. 804 Design for a Senate house from the original drawings made in Rome in 1779. 8ro Design for a mausoleum to the memory of Sir F, Bourgeois, and a gallery for the recep- VII. tion of his coUection of pic tures bequeathed to Dulwich College. 1812. 811 New entrance hall to the Bank of England. 1813. 812 Design for three houses in tended to form a centre on the north side of Lincoln's Inn Fields, in part erected. 836 Design for a mausoleum at tached to the gaUery now building at Dulwich CoUege for the reception of the pic tures bequeathed to that establishment by the late Sir F. Bourgeois. 1814. 701 View of part of one of the designs for a new House of Lords. 1815. 769 View of the Gallery containing the pictures bequeathed to Dulwich CoUege by the late Sir F. Bourgeois, and the museum attached there to. 1816, 799 Monument. 810 do. 1817. 877 View of part of a design for a public building, 889 Sketch of an elevation of a national monument, forming part of a general design for the improvement of the two Houses of Parhament, the Courts of Judicature, the buUdings appertaining there to, and to commemorate the victories of Waterloo and Trafalgar. 1818. 908 View of the new buildings forming the principal altera tions and additions in the establishment of the Royal Hospital at Chelsea. 914 The elevation, plan, longitu dinal perspective section and other parts of a design for a national monument, to perpetuate the glorious achievements of British val our by sea and land. 925 The perspective representation of the exterior of a design for a national monument, forming one side of a quad rangle; the other sides in tended for sites of a Royal Palace, the two Houses of Parliament, and Courts of Judicature. D D 202 THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS Soane, Sir John, R.A., F.R.S., F.S.A.— continued. 1819, 1034 A cenotaph, now building, to the memory of the late Right Hon, William Pitt, etc, 1820, 894 Architectural visions of early fancy, in the gay morning of youth; and dreams in the evening of life, 1821. 949 Bird's-eye view of a design for a royal residence. 950 Sketch for a church proposed to be built in the Regent's Park, 964 do, do. do. 978 do. do. do. 1822. 854 Design shewing part of the exterior and interior of the Bank of England, 875 Design shewing part of the exterior and interior of a house in Lincoln's Inn Fields, 906 Continuation of do, 1823, 974 View of the Scala Regia of His Majesty's entrance to the House of Lords. 979 An architectural study; sub ject, the National Debt re demption office, and the cenotaph to the memory of the Right Hon. WiUiam Pitt, 984 View of the Scala Regia, leading to the House of Lords, 987 View of one of the Consol offices in the Bank of Eng land, etc, 1050 An architectural study, subject, a church. 1056 An architectural study, subject, the picture gallery and mau soleum ofthe late Sir Francis Bourgeois, at Dulwich. 1824. 838 View of the Bank of England from the N.W, corner, 873 View of the Bank of England from the west corner, 884 View of the Bank of England from N.E, corner, 965 View of a design for His Ma jesty's entrance into the House of Lords; erected between the 3rd October, 1823, and the 29th January, 1824. 1825. 902 A groupe of churches, to Ulus- trate different styles of archi tecture. 1825. 903 Design for a sepulchral church and mausoleum; a study. 913 View of a design for a part of the exterior of a public building. 923 View of part of a public buUd ing now erecting. 1826. 869 Plans, elevations, etc., for com pleting the south side of Downing Place, and con necting the same with the new Council Office, the Board of Trade, and the Treasury by a triumphal arch. This arch, decorated with statues of His Majesty, the Duke of York, and the Duke of Wellington, the battle of Waterloo in basso- relievo, and other appro priate sculpture, is intended to perpetuate the military glory and invincible valour of Great Britain. The arch at the end of Downing Place, decorated with statues of his late Majesty, Lord Howard of Effingham, and Lord Nelson, with the defeat of the Spanish Armada and the Battle of Trafalgar re presented in basso-relievo, is intended to record the glorious and ever memor able atchievements of the British Navy. Downing Place, thus enlarged and en riched with national monu ments, commemorative of the splendid successes of the British arms by sea and land, and containing likewise some of the principal public offices and the official resi dences of several of the great Officers of State, would form a suitable approach to the House of Lords from the new Palace in St. James's Park whenever His Majesty should be graciously pleased to open the Session of Par liament in his Royal Person, and the procession would be no longer compelled, as at present, to pass under the low arches and gloomy vaultings of the Horse Guards. "Mihi turpe re- linqui est." THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS 203 1826. 870 Plan, elevation and perspective view of a design for the western barrier of the me tropolis; with entrances into the two Royal Parks. 879 A design for a national en trance into the metropolis, intended to combine the classical simplicity of the Grecian architecture, the magnificence of the Roman architecture, and the fanciful intricacy and playful effects of the Gothic architecture. 889 Plans, elevations and perspec tive views of a design for entrances from Piccadilly into the two Royal Parks, made under the direction of John Robinson, Esq., Sur veyor-General of His Ma jesty's Woods and Forests. 1827. 905 View of the interior of the new Council Chamber. 910 General plan and differentviews of the new Law Courts at Westminster. 911 View m the Portico, with the principal entrance ; being part of a design for a Royal Residence. 954 Portico with carriage on an in clined plane; being part of a design for a Royal Resi dence. 967 Interior of the Court of King's Bench, etc. 968 Interior of the High Court of Chancery. 977 Design for a Royal Residence. 1828. 983 Design to render the entrances into the House of Lords, etc., more commodious, etc., etc. 984 Interior of a design for a sepulchral chapel. It is pro posed to erect this chapel contiguous to the Parade in front of the Horse Guards, in honour of His late R.H. the Commander in chief, etc., etc. 990 Design for completing the Board of Trade and the New Council offices. In this de sign Downing Street is made the centre of the front, etc., etc. 1033 View of one of the courts of a royal palace. Vignola's cele brated palace at Caprarola determined the general out line of the plans, etc. In the centre of the build ing is a dome similar to that of the Pantheon, etc. This palace was proposed to be erected in Hyde Park with a series of magnificent hotels extending from Knightsbridge to Bayswater, etc., etc. 1828. 1127 Exterior of a design for a sepulchral chapel. II 28 Design for a royal palace, etc. 1829. 989 Design to complete the North front of Westminster HaU, etc. 998 Design for completing the buildings at the corner of Downing Street, etc. In scribed to Lord Goderich. 1039 Interior of a room erected in 1828 for the Society of Free masons, under the auspices ofthe Grand Master H.R.H. the Duke of Sussex. 1 1 28 Designs for entrances into Hyde Park, St. James's Park, etc., altered from those exhibited in 1817, etc. In scribed to the Duke of WeUington. 1830. 1031 An architectural pasticcio. 1042 The New Mason's Hall in Free mason's Tavern. 1052 A bird's-eye view of the Bank of England, etc. {French quotation from Le Diable Boiteux) 1831. 981 Design for the new State Paper office, etc. 987 Architectural sketches. 990 Design for a monopteral temple to enshrine a colossal statue of His late R.H. the Duke of York, etc. 997 Design for the new State Paper office. 1004 View of the entrance into the sculpture gallery of Francis Chantrey, Esq., R.A. (Knighted.) 1832. 992 Architectural ruins; a vision. " The cloud-capt towers, etc." 998 Interior of the edifice devoted exclusively to Freemasonry, adjoining Freemason's Hall in Great Queen Street; an 204 THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS Soane, Sir John, R.A., F.R.S., F.S.A.— continued. evening view made after the completion of the build ing. 1832. 1006 An entrance to a park. 1833. 996 Design for a new State Paper office in Duke Street, West minster, etc. 1834. 870 Model of the principal front of a design for completing the buildings at Whitehall, north and south of Downing Street. At the south-east corner of Downing Street is the pro posed new Home office, and southward the new Record office, chambers for the Judges, the Colonial office. Board of Control, etc. The exterior of these pub lic buildings . . . might be connected together by a triumphal arch, etc. King Street is considerably wid ened and continued in a straight line towards West minster abbey church, etc. The building at the northern extremity, containing the office of the Secretary of State for the Home depart ment, is proposed to be new fronted and added to the Treasury chambers. 871 Model of part ofthe new State Paper office, etc. 1835. 975 An&xc\\\tectw[a\s\iQtch. {French quotation from Rousseau.) 1836. 951 A design for the improvement of the buildings adjacent to Westminster Hall, for two new Houses of Parliament, and Courts of Judicature, from the original drawings made in 1796. 952 A portfoho design for a British Senate House; from the original drawings made in Rome, 1779, This design was composed without re gard to expense or limit as to space — in the gay morn ing of youthful fancy, amid all the wild imagination of an enthusiastic mind, ani mated by the contemplation of the majestic ruins of the sublime works of Imperial Rome. 1836. 953 A design for a new House of Lords, made in obedience to an order of a committee in 1794, {D. N B. states that his real name was Swan, which he changed first to Soan and then {in 1784) to Soane. It has been com pulsory to curtail many of the descriptions in the catalogues owing to their great length.) SOANE, John, Junr Architect. At Mr. Candy's, 58, Greek Street. 181 1. 883 View of various architectural subjects belonging to J. Soane, Esq., R.A., as ar ranged in the year 1809. 889 Design for a public bath. SODEN, John E Painter. Bedford Rooms, Covent Garden. 1 86 1. 269 Quizzing the neighbours. 16, Mornington Road. 1863. 664 Lost or mislaid. 1 01, Stanhope Street, N. W. 1865. 254 Near neighbours quarrel most. 457 The odd change. 233, Stanhope Street. 1868. 195 Singing it over. 605 Well, I never! SODEN, Miss Susannah Painter. 16, St. Mark's Crescent, Notting Hill. 1867. 86 Azaleas. 72, Ledbury Road, Bayswater. 1876. 678 Azaleas, 115, Ledbury Road. 1888. 1468 Azaleas. 1890. 1367 Pink and white azaleas, SODINI, Dante Sculptor. 15, Viale Regina Vittoria, Florence, Italy. 1895. 1670 An old Florentine — head; terra cotta. SOEBORG, Knud Painter. 49, Roland Gardens, S. W. 1897. 331 Nesta Violet, daughter of Percy Cavill, Esq. SOHN, Carl Painter. 1883. 840 Cetewayo. Exhibited by Com mand of H.M. the Queen. THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS 205 SOILLEUX, Miss Painter. (An Honorary Exhibitor.) 1810. 833 Fruit and flowers from nature. 181 1, 768 Bignonia Catalapa. 1813. 718 Flowers from nature. 18 16. 516 Flowers and fruit from nature. SOLLY, Miss Evelyn W Painter. Merry Hill, Bushey, Herts. 1897. 104 The babes in the wood. 632 The judgment of Paris. Cranmere, Hillside, New Bushey. 1901. 1030 A rose garden. 1903. 916 A Somersetshire orchard. SOLLY, Samuel Painter. 6, Saville Row. 1870. 547 Sketch on the Old Man, Conis ton. 187 1. 693 The Frying Pan, Cadgwith, Cornwall. SOLOMON, Abraham Painter. A. Solomons, 3, Sandys Street, Bishopsgate without. 1841. 88 My grandmother. 1 1 64 "It would seem that nurse Shoolbred's apphcations were now so far successful, that Catherine's senses were in some measure restored; for turning her face more to wards her lover than her for mer posture permitted, she let her right hand fall upon his shoulder, leaving her left StiU in his possession, and seeming slightly to detain him, while she whispered, 'Do not go, Henry. — Stay with me, they will kill thee, these men of blood.' "—Fair Maid of Perth. A. Solomon, 3, Sandys Street, Bishopsgate without. 1842. 1022 Scene from the Vicar of Wake field. 1843. '^5 " On widow fair and staid He fixed his eye, but he was much afraid; Yet wooed, while she his hair of silver hue Demurely noticed, and her eye withdrew. " — Crabbe. 1844. 10 "The Sabbath service o'er, through shady lanes . . . his tender suit he urged, and of the future such a picture drew of happiness, etc" 255 Portrait of a lady. 1845. 502 '"Then by heaven,' answered Julian, 'IwiUwatchhis arrival in this island, and in this house; and, ere he has locked thee in his arms, he shall answer to me on the subject of my suit.' 'Then demand that answer now,' said a voice without the door, which was at the same time slowly opened. 'Demand that an swer now, for here stands Ralph Bridgenorth.'"— /"^ZJ^- ri I of the Peak. 8, Percy Street, Rathbone Place. 1846. 670 The breakfast table. "The stratagem of youth often outwits the experience of age." 21, Howland Street. 1847. 606 Robert Manning, Esq. 746 The Vicar of Wakefield, when prepared for church on the first Sunday after his loss of fortune, reproving his wife and daughters for appearing in their usual finery. "These rufflings and pinkings, and patchings will only make us hated by the wives of all our neighbours, etc." 1848. 1249 A ball room in the year 1760. " Now let the youth to whose superior place It first belongs the splendid ball to grace, etc" 1849. 497 Academy for instruction in the discipline of the fan, 171 1. " Mr. Spectator, — Women are armed with fans as men with swords, and sometimes do more execution with them. To the end, therefore, that ladies may be entire mis tresses of the weapon they bear, I have erected an academy for the training up of young women in the exer cise of the fan, according to the most fashionable airs and motions that are now prac tised at court." — Spectator, No. 102. 206 THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS Solomon, Abraham- 50, Upper Charlotte Street. 1850. 525 Too truthful. " So very like a painter drew. That every eye the picture knew; He hit complexion, feature, air. So just the life itself was there; He gave each muscle all its strength. The mouth, the chin, the nose's length His honest pencU touched with truth. And marked the date of age and youth. He lost his friends, his practice failed; Truth should not always be revealed." — Gay. 1851. 817 An awkward position. "Oliver Goldsmith, towards the close of 1762, removed to ' Merry IsUngton,' then a country viUage, though now swal lowed up in omnivorous London. In this neighbour hood, he used to take his solitary rambles, sometimes extending his walks to the gardens of the White Con duit House, so famous among the essayists of the last century. While strolling one day in these gardens, he met three daughters of the family of a respectable tradesman, to whom he was under some obligation. With his prompt disposition to oblige, he conducted them about the garden, treated them to tea, and ran up a bill in the most open-handed manner imaginable; it was only when he came to pay, that he found himself in one of his old dilemmas, — he had not the wherewithal in his pocket, A scene of perplexity now took place between him and the waiter, in the midst of which came up some of his old acquaintances, in whose eyes he wished to stand particularly well. When, however, they had enjoyed their banter, the waiter was paid, and poor Goldsmith enabled to con voy off the ladies with flying colours." — Washington Irv ing. 1852. 618 The grisette. "In a few min utes the grisette came in with her box of lace; — I will buy nothing, however, said I within myself. The grisette would show me everything; I was hard to please; she would not seem to see it; she opened her little maga zine and laid all her laces one after another before me, etc." noo Scene from "Le Tartuffe," act ii, scene 4. {Quotation in French.) 1853. 470 Brunetta and Philhs. "PhiUis was draped in a brocade more gorgeous and costly than had ever before ap peared, , , . Brunetta came in a plain black silk, attended by a negro girl in a petticoat of the same brocade with which Phillis was attired. This drew the attention of the whole company, upon which the unhappy PhiUis swooned away." — Spectator, No, 80, 1854. 314 Firstclass, — themeeting, "And at first meeting loved," 361 Second class — the parting. " Thus part we rich in sor row. Parting poor," 1855, 355 A Contrast, "WiU Fortune never come with both hands fuU? Such are the poor, in health; such are the rich, that have abundance and enjoy it not," 1856, 486 The bride, 533 Doubtful fortune. "We know we're cheated, yet would fain believe," 18, Gower Street. ,1857. 562 Waiting for the verdict. 1858. 228 The flight, 454 " In silks and satins new. And hoop of monstrous size; She never slumbered in her pew But when she shut her eyes." — Goldsmith. 55S "The Hon in love."— C/^ Fable. THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS 207 1859. 243 "IcionRase" — Brittany. 293 The fox and the grapes. — '-» 557 " Not Guilty." Companion pic ture to "Waiting for the Verdict," exhibited 1857. i860. 478 Drowned! Drowned! "The gods are just, and of our pleasant vices Make instru ments to scourge \x%."—King Lear. 1 86 1. 180 Consolation. 464 La Malade Imaginaire. {French quotation.) 1862. 471 The lost found. "Thou hast turned for me my mourning into dancing: Thou hast put off my sackcloth, and girded me with gladness." — Psalm xxxii. SOLOMON, J. L Painter. 15, Duke Street, Manchester Square. 1854. 310 II Penseroso. SOLOMON, J. W Painter. 8, King Street, Covent Garden. 1828. 952 Michael showing Adam the deliverance of Noah and his family after the flood ; a sketch. " He looked and saw The ancient sire descend with all his train, etc." — Milton. 1829. 418 Mrs. Gascoigne. 1093 Expulsion of Adam and Eve from Paradise. "Whereat, In either hand the hastening angel caught our lingering parents, etc." — Milton. 1830. 387 Miss L. De Stuart. 1831. 53 A study. 35, Henrietta Street. 1833. 53 Portrait of a lady. 173 The favourite. 1834. 91 Jessy. 163 Puck. "But are we spirits of another sort, etc." — Mid summer Nights Dream. I, Strand. 1835. 17 The young rover. 1839. 63 Taking it easy; one of the best mottoes in life. 1 84 1. 375 The present. 1842. 16 Une Bayadere. 1845. 1017 La Promenade, 1846. 274 "Delightful task to rear the tender thought ! " 15, Duke Street, Manchester Square. 1849. 252 D. CuUimore, Esq., 3rd Brigade Bengal Horse Artillery. SOLOMON, Miss Rebecca... Painter. 50, Upper Charlotte Street. 1852. 1055 A. Solomon, Esq. 1854. 425 The governess. "Ye, too, the friendless, yet dependent, that findnor home, nor lover. Sad imprisoned hearts, cap tive to the net of circum stance." — Martin Tupper. 1855. 1360 The story of Balaclava. "Wherein he spoke of most disastrouschances." — Shake speare. 1856. 511 A friend in need. " Drest in a little brief authority, etc." — Shakespeare. 1 8, Gower Street. 1857. 27 "'Tis better to be lowly born, etc." — Shakespeare. 1858. 1094 Behind the curtain. 1859. 548 liove's labour lost. i860. 269 Peg Woffington's visit to Trip let, "If it was art, glory be to such art, so worthily applied, and honour to such creatures as this, that come like sunshine into poor men's houses, and tune drooping hearts to daylight and hope !" — Charles Reade. 1861. 581 The arrest of a deserter. 1862. 432 Fugitive Royahsts, "One touch of nature makes the whole world kin." 1 8, John Street, Bedford Row. 1863. 668 Good night. 1864. 502 Harry Esmond's welcome at Walcote. '"Look, who comes here? burst out Frank with a laugh.' ' 'Tis Mistress Bea trix, with a new ribbon. I knew she would put one on as soon as she heard a cap tain was coming to supper.' So she came, holding her dress with one fair rounded arm, and her taper before her, tripping down the stair to greet Esmond." — Thacke ray. 21, Guildford Street, Russell Square. 1865. 459 The lion and the mouse. 479 do. do. 208 THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS Solomon, Miss Rebecca — continued. 1 06, Gower Street. 1867. 150 Heloise. 484 Giovannina — Roma. 1 2, Fitzroy Street. 1869. 785 Helena and Hermia. "Oland is all forgot, etc." — Shake speare. 8, Kingswood Avenue, W. 1903. 827 A bit of old London. SOLOMON, Simeon Painter. 18, Gower Street. 1858. 1066 " And the Lord said. Take now thy son, thine only son Isaac, and offer him there for a burnt offering upon one of the mountains I wiU tell thee of." i860. 346 Moses, 1861. 493 A young musician employed in the Temple service during the Feast of Tabernacles, 22, Charles Street, Middlesex Hospital. 1862, 487 The child Jeremiah. 1863. 508 Juhette. 567 The betrothal of Isaac and Re becca. 1864. 273 A deacon, 26, Howland Street. 1865. 431 Habet! 106, Gower Street. 1866. 555 Damon and Aglae. "Sweet for a little even to fear, and sweet O Love! etc., etc." 1867, 113 Bacchus. 12, Fitzroy Street. 1869. 787 The toilette of a Roman lady. 1870. 77 A youth relating tales to ladies. 277 Love bound and wounded. 1871, 485 "The law is a tree of life to those who lay hold upon it. The supporters thereof are happy." 1872. 665 Judith and her attendant going to the Assyrian camp. SOLOMON, Solomon J., A.R.A. Painter. 3, Paragon, New Kent Road. 1 88 1, 319 Portrait of a gentleman. 1883. 665 Waiting. 1436 M. Bical. 61 Chepstow Place. 1884. 908 Ruth. " And Ruth said, Intreat me not to leave thee, or to return from following after thee." — Ruth, i, 16, 926 Portrait of a gentleman. 1885, 29 731 1886, 256 734 1887. •43 503 1888. 523 712 1889. 393 760 1239 1890. 56 1063 I89I. 248 988 1892. 526 666 1893, 575 867 892 1894, 402 523 1895. 127 749 770 1896: 120 432 1897. 90 363 383 1898. 46 299 403 1899. 1900. I90I, 625 437 605 639255539597 1024 •7 648 1902. 18, Holland Park Road. Love's first lesson. Mrs. Ludwig Messel, Miss Teresa Meyer. Cassandra,Mrs. Bernard Solomon. Samson. Mrs. Henry Lumley. Niobe. Gladys, daughter of Arthur Raphael, Esq. Sacred and profane Love. Sir John Simon, Serjeant-at- law. Mrs. George Mosenthal. Hippolyta.Portrait of a lady. The Judgment of Paris. 2, St. John's Wood Studios. PhiUp Haldinstein, Esq. Orpheus. Mrs. William J. Armitage. William James Armitage, Esq. " Your health ! " Mrs. Patrick CampbeU as " Paula Tanqueray." I. Zangwill, Esq. Miss Lucy Ingram. Arthur Hacker, Esq., A.R.A. Echo and Narcissus. (Elected A.R.A.) Mrs. Albert J. Jessel. The birth of love. George Frampton, Esq., A.R.A. Raphael Tuck, Esq. Mrs. Adolph Tuck. Mrs. Kenneth Foster. Mrs. S. J. Solomon. Sir George Faudel Phillips, Bart., G.C.S.I. On the threshold of the city, June 22, 1897. 60, Finchley Road. Laus Deo! Adolph Tuck, Esq. Joseph Smith, Esq., Ex- Mayor of Oldham. Equipped.B. L. Cohen, Esq., M.P. John Woodrow Cross, Esq. Presentation portrait. Mrs. Jules de Meray. Mrs. Roscoe Brunner. The Hon. Mrs. Reginald Rankin. W. H. Dunn, Esq. Presenta tion portrait. Mrs. Alex. Leon, Mrs. William J. Murphy. Madame Blanche Marchesi. THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS 209 1902. 18 NeUie, daughter of C. Stett- hauer, Esq. n8 Psyche. 376 WUliam Tebb, Esq, 1903. 73 H. J. Levy, Esq, 82 Mrs. Benjamin Lazarus. 622 Miss Montagu. 1904. 13 Sir Seymour King, K.C.S.I. 107 Portrait of a gentleman and his daughter. 240 An allegory. 357 Earl Cadogan, K.G. 522 Mrs. Gerald Beddington. SOLOMON, William E. G... Painter. 6, Pembroke Walk Studios, W. 1903. 932 The kiss of dawn. 1904. 818 Leila, daughter of Edward Marcus, Esq. SOLOMONS, Richard Painter. — Solomons, Liverpool. 1823. 471 His Majesty's steam and sailing packet "Tartar," upon foreign service. SOLON, Leon V Sculptor. Bank House, Stoke-on-Trent. 1952 Feeding the flame; relief. 1945 A string of gold; panel, enamel. 1946 The finishing touch; panel, enamel. 2044 The black cat; relief, china. 1837 La Pribre; china. 1844 By the road side; china. 1898.1899, 1900, 1903. SOMERSCALES, John Painter. 3, Leicester Street, Hull. 1893. 1723 Design for spandrels for a School of Art; wax. 1898. 1216 On the Flesk, near Killarney. SOMERSCALES, Thomas... Painter. 3, Leicester Street, Hull. 1893. 434 Corvette shortening sail to pick up a shipwrecked crew. 15, Newburgh Road, Acton. 1894. 266 A summer afternoon in the Atlantic a hundred years ago. The end of the fight off Ushant, June ist, 1794. British ships forming line to cut off French prizes, and protect the Queen. 1895. 593 After the gale; taking to the boats. 1896. 69 Sailors bathing. 917 Volunteers for a boat's crew. VII. 301, Beverley Road, Hull. 1897. 618 The last fight of the Revenge. "The little Revenge ran on sheer into the heart of the foe. With her hundred fight ers on deck, and her ninety sick below." 1898. 959 A coming squall. 1899. 2 Pico in the Azores. 943 Off Valparaiso. Purchased for the Chantrey Bequest for ;^25o. 3, Leicester Street, Hull. 1900. 1042 A flying squadron of the old school. 1901. 77 "Picking up a man." 514 The Caravels of Columbus. 1902, 462 The end of the gale. 1903. 323 Homeward bound. 1904. 387 The coast of the Desert of Tarapaca. SOMERSCALES, Thomas, Junr. Painter. 301, Beverley Road, Hull. 1900. 1352 The Llugwy, near Bettws. 3, Leicester Street, Hull. 1901. 1097 A Valley in North Wales. 53, Park Avenue, Hull. 1903. 819 Sunshine after rain. SOMERSET, Frank Painter. Newbury, Bucks. 1878, 288 Medea, 57, Bedford Gardens. 1883. 654 Scene from the "Tempest." SOMERSET, Mrs. J Painter. 53, Halliford Street, Islington. 1888. 1469 A Devonshire cottage. SOMERSET, Richard Gay... Painter. 90, Bristol Street, Hulme, Manchester. 1876. 9 The first day of January. 247 The bridge. 1877. 86 Royal Common, Surrey. 8, Vine Grove, Hulme. 1879. 370 Wandering sheep. 95, Bridge Street, Manchester. 1880, 1044 Through the surf, Capri; a winter scene. 1881. 533 Capri. 8, Vine Grove, Hulme. 1882. 60 Tramontana, Bay of Naples. 120 Late Autumn. 606 San Giorgio, Venice. EE 2IO THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS Somerset, Richard Gay — continued. 1883. 752 Hambledon Common. 1884, 334 The classic ground, Isola di Capri, 832 Ischia, from the Grande Marina, Isola di Capri, 1560 An olive grove in winter, Isola di Capri. 1886. 535 Outskirts of Venice. 867 In the Lagunes, Venice. 1887. 288 The wintry woods. 8, Old Exchange Arcade, Manchester. 1888. 98 Lingering leaves. 197 Moorland landscape. 327 Gathering the flock. Brazennose Club, Manchester. 1889. 702 Conway Quay. Bron Haul, Bettws-y-Coed, North Wales. 1896. 387 A spate on the Conway, Bettws- y-Coed. Pengwern, Bettws-y-Coed. 1902. 647 FaUs on the Conway. SOORD, Alfred U Painter. II, Meadow Studios, Bushey. 1893. 1210 Irish fish girl. 1894. 1138 St. Osyth, Essex. 1445 Study of a head. 1896. 933 The golden hour. 102 1 Study of a head. 1 1 85 Portrait of a man. 1513 Study of an old man's head. 1897. 406 Madame de X. 1898. 125 Wastwater, Cumberland. 680 Water lilies. 1899. 523 The home of the eagle. 959 Portrait of a lady. 1548 Alder tree. 1900. 1073 The lost sheep. 1 221 William Maitland, Esq. 1901. 1089 Portrait of my wife. Cranmere, Hillside Road, New Bushey. 1902. 998 Portrait of my mother. 1903. 651 Flowers and fruit. 988 Chrystian. SOPER, George Painter. 300, Amhurst Road, Stoke Newington. 1890. 1651 "Now fades the ghmmering landscape on the sight." 3, New Court, W.C. 1896. 1539 The native cavalry charge, Chitral Campaign. 34fl!, Memorial Hall Buildings. 1903. 1391 With General Knox, in chase of De Wet; guns cross ing a spruit. SOPER, Harold C. W. Miniature Painter. 14, Rectory Grove, Clapham. 1900. 1391 Oliver CromweU. After Sir Peter Lely. SOPER, Thomas James Painter. Bury Street, Edmonton. 1836. 138 Scene at Southgate. 9, Felix Terrace, Islington. 1842. 1159 Study from nature. 6, Tibberton Square. 1843, 214 Berry Pomeroy Castle, Devon shire, Albert Cottage, Cowley Road, Brixton. 1844, 583 Eel traps on the Yeo, North Devon. 1845. '^^ -^ summer shade. 1846. 191 On the North Devonshire moorlands — afternoon. 289 A lane of pollard beeches. 359 Snowdon from Glaslyn — even ing. 1847. 607 A lane by the woodside, 1021 Dolbadarn Castle and the Pass of Llanberis, North Wales, 1848. 1254 Heath scene — afternoon. 1849. 459 A stormy day — scene in Sur rey. 533 The river Conway at Bettws-y- coed, North Wales. I, Vassal Terrace, Brixton. 1850. 402 The Castle HiU, Berry Pome roy, Devon. 1852. 209 The beach at Little Hampton, Sussex. 340 Chart Lane, Dorking. 1853. 276 On the banks of the Thames, near Twickenham. 1854. 616 Under the East Cliff, Hastings. 1013 Knaresboro' Castle, Yorkshire. 1 101 Lane scene. 1855. 434 On the coast of South Devon, below Dartmouth. 630 Richmond Castle, Yorkshire. 1856. 485 On the upper part of the Teign, near Chagford, Devon. 1857. 525 The water cart; scene near Godalming, Surrey. 1858. 13 From the fields at StonehiU, looking towards London. 605 The ferry, Wargrave-on- Thames. THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS 211 I, Lansdowne Terrace, Lambeth. 1859. 1041 Eel bucks on the Thames. i860. 43 Lane scene. 556 The Thames at Goring, Oxford shire. 6, Marlborough Villas, Clapham Road. 1862. 978 Ludlow Castle, Shropshire. 1863. 800 Farm at Wootton, Surrey. 817 Avenue of Scotch firs, Wool- beding House, Sussex, the residence ofthe Hon. George Ponsonby. 1864. 643 Hambledon Common, Surrey. 60, Studley Road, Stockwell. 1867. 145 On the Lea Marshes. 1869, 564 Dartmoor and the river Dart. 187 1. 1092 Harvest field, coast of Sussex: storm coming on. 1873. 230 The Avenue, Danny Park, Sussex. 770 View from HoUingbury, near Brighton, looking towards Worthing. 832 On the Mole, near Leather head. 124, Kennington Park Road. 1874. 630 The Chestnut Avenue, Cow- dray Park, 1875. 661 At Wargrave, Berks. 720 The Chestnut Avenue, Cow- dray Park, Sussex. 920 On the river Arun, Sussex, 1876. 789 On the Rother, Midhurst, Sus sex. 43, Gower Street. 1877. 702 Barnard Castle, Durham. Crossway, Norbiton. 1880. 976 A creek on the Medway. 53, Warwick Road, Kensington. 1882. 951 A peep in the woods. SOPER, William ... Enamel Painter. 6, Poland Street. 1882. 1350 Miss Laubach; enamelled on copper, 1883. 1243 — Jones, Esq. After Grimaldi; enamelled on copper. 223, Oxford Street. 1903. 1243 H.H, the late Prince Chris tian Victor of Schleswig- Holstein; enamel. SORBY, Thomas Charles, F.R.G.S. Architect. Stanley Street, Pimlico. 1856. 1054 Church in the Huron District of West Canada. 26, Wellington St., Islington. 1858. 1077 Interior of a church. 42, Florence Street, Islington. .1864. 770 The new Town HaU, Bromley, Kent. SORENJEN, C. F Painter. 25, Ana'e Bourbon, Paris. 1855. 71 Scene from the coast of Hol land. SORESBY, J Painter. Master J. Soresby, 42, Cirencester Place. 182 1. 255 Portrait of a man in the em ploy of Mr. Soresby, of Cavendish Bridge, near Derby. SOTHERN, Miss Fanny Painter. Park Cottage, Brompton. 1874. 120 A study. 1875. 143 Bessy, daughter of P. H. Hol land, Esq. SORTINI, Saverio Sculptor. 5, Regent Street. 1 90 1. 1693 Design for a decorated bell. 1752 La Mfere Gregoire; bust, bronze. SCEUF, Miss Jessie Le-. See L, vol. v, page 45. SOUNES, W ...Medalist. (An Honorary Exhibitor.) W. Sounnes. 1820. 982 A study. W. Sounes, 1 2, Denmark Street, Soho. 1832. 1045 Akenside; an impression from a medal die. 17, Denmark Street, Soho. 1 84 1. 1 1 19 Impression from a medal die. William Henry Sounes, 46, Rupert Street. 1846. 1377 An impression from a medal die. W, Sounes, Junr., 46, Rupert Street. 1847. 1289 Impression from a medal die. SOUTH, R. S Architect. 34, Stamford Street. 1825. 982 Design for a bath. 212 THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS SOUTHALL, Joseph E Painter. 1 3, Charlotte Road, Edgbaston, Birmingham. 1895. 962 Cinderella. " Little tree, little tree, shake over me That silver and gold may come down and cover me," 1896. 1542 Isabel, 1897. 1695 Man in a fez. SOUTHERDEN, John Ellison. Painter. London. 1827. 387 Grapes. 135, Strand. 1828. 309 Landscape. SOUTHERN, J. M Painter. 89, Victoria Street, Liverpool. 1879. 751 A Welsh moorland in autumn. 781 A passing shower. 1880. 793 A Welsh homestead. 828 "Welcome, ye fresh green meads. Ye streams and sigh ing reeds." 9, Mulgrave Street, Liverpool. 1881. 687 A Welsh farmyard. 701 Spring afternoon, Conway val ley. 736 Squire's garden. 1882. 731 "When drowsy dayhght's drooping e'e Close o'er the fading lea." — E. Waugh. 974 The shallows of a Welsh river. SOUTHGATE, Miss Elsie... Painter. 107a, Long Acre. 1883. 400 Southbrook Farm, Gomshall. 1885. 1454 Blythburg, Suffolk. 1887. 1104 The Quay, Walberswick. SOUTHWELL, W. F Painter. 22, Baker Street. 1870. 326 Sulks. SOUTTERAUT, F. A. De. See D, vol. ii, page 312. SOUZA-PINTO, J. J. De. See Pinto, vol. vi, page 156. SOWARD, J Architect. 241, Tottenham Court Road. 1809. 731 Design for a county hall. 822 Interior of St. Giles' church from the west end. SOWARD, W. See Seward, vol. vii, page 84. SOWDEN, John Painter. 1 2, Stirling Street, Bradford. 1863. 774 May blossom and nest. 1864. 611 Apple blossom and nest. I, Blenheim Road, Bradford. 1888. 1430 A street in Robin Hood's Bay. 1890. 1 3 18 Robin Hood's Bay. 1892. 1 102 Whitby from Larpool. SOWERBY, James. Miniature Painter. 2, Bolt and Tun Passage, Fleet Street. 1779. 309 A lady; in miniature. 1780. 87 Portrait of a family. — Sowerby. 1782. 393 Landscape. J. Sowerby, 6, Rolls Buildings, Fetter Lane. 1784. 317 Portrait of a lady, 6, Brandon Road, Newington, Surrey. 1788. 391 Flower piece of scarce exotics. 2, Mead Place, Lambeth. 1790. 600 Passion flowers with fruit. SOWERBY, John G Painter. Ravenshill, Gateshead. 1879. 459 Twilight. 1880. 44 PartenhaU. 1883. 978 Poppies. 1884. 622 Strayed. 1885. 1237 Plum-blossoms. Wall-on-Tyne, Northumberland. 1894. 589 A quiet wood. John Sowerby, ChoUerton WaU, R.S.O. 1897. 1 119 The erring burn. 1171 A garden. 1898. 1158 The month of leaves. Boxted House, near Colchester. 1899. 1016 The Rattle Beck. 1 90 1. 97 The flooded meadow. 545 The Amber Vale. Sutton Courtenay, Abingdon, Berks. 1904. 509 The Avon. SOWERBY, Miss Kate Sculptor. 54, Long Acre. 1888. 1411 Fireside friends. 43, Theobald's Road. 1 89 1. 2027 A delusion; statuette. 1893. 1803 Study of a dog. • 815 Horse and trooper (17th Lan cers) resting; group, wax. THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS 213 SOYER, Madame (formerly Miss Emma Jones) Painter. 25, Charing Cross. 1840. 567 JuvenUe anglers: portraits of the children of R. Thomp son, Esq. 1842. 405 Sir George Chetwynd, Bart. {See Miss Emma E. Jones, vol. iv, page 264.) SPACKMAN, Miss Mary A. Painter. 4, Brunswick Square. 1892. 1269 Daffodils. SPAIN, John E. D Architect. 28, Ovington Street, Chelsea. 1900. 1731 Design for military museum. 36, Great James Street, Bedford Row. 1904. 1650 Design for altar screen, church of St. Catharine. SPAIN, John Henry Architect. 41, Oakley Crescent, Chelsea. 1889. 900 The Archaic Court, British Museum. SPALDING, G. ...Miniature Painter. G. Spalding, Junr., 10, White Conduit Terrace, Pentonville. 1821. 635 Portrait of a child. G. Spalding, 10, White Conduit Terrace, Pentonville. 1823. 645 Portrait of a lady. 1825. 663 do. gentleman. 1826. 592 do. lady. 798 do. gentleman. 41, White Lion Street. 1827. 724 Portrait of a lady. 1828. 939 do. do. 1829. 959 do. an artist. 980 do, a gentleman. II, Strahan Terrace, Liverpool Road. 1830. 643 Portrait of a gentleman. 1831. 757 J, Fitzgerald, Esq, 1832. 683 Portrait of a young lady. SPALDING, C. B Painter. G. B. Spalding, Reading, and 34, Rathbone Place. 1840. 107 Sailor, Jerry and Lottery, cele brated steeple-chase horses, the property of Mr, John Elmore. 2, Windsor Terrace, Pimlico. 1843. 70 Horses of Sir E. Filmer, Bart. {C. B. Spalding in the index, E. B. Spalding in the cata logue) C. B. Spalding, 9, Brunswick Place, Brighton. 68 The battle of Aliwal. 951 Horses. 35 A forester. 1848.1849. SPALDING and CROSS Architects. 15, Queen Street, E.C. 1891. 1927 Hampstead Liberal Club. 1893. 1512 Municipal Technical School, Manchester. 1894. 1697 Congregational church. West Hampstead. SPANTON, W. S Painter. Bury St. Edmund's, and 1, Effingham Street, Pimlico. 1867. 286 Rev. Thomas Jackson. 1868. 497 Mr. Spear. SPARE, Austin O Etcher. 1 5, Kennington Park Gardens. 1904. 1359 A book plate. SPARKES, Mrs. J. (formerly Miss Catherine Adelaide Edwards). Painter. The Lawn, 39, South Lambeth Road. 545 The Burgermeister's seat: early days of the Reformation, A.D. 1520. 655 A study on the Hardanger Fjord, Norway. 862 Preparing for the birthday. 850 A Telemarken home, Norway. 747 Romola pleading with Savona rola for the life of Bernardo del Nero. See "Romola" (George Eliot). Mother and child in sunny hours — Joyous pass from their peaceful home. Bearing, 'mid fragrance of sum mer flowers. Simple gifts to the sad and lone" 1879. 1431 A guerdon. 1 88 1. 302 Nearing the frontier. 1882. 481 The prelude. 1870. 1871.1872.1876. 1877. 1878. 872 214 THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS Sparkes, Mrs. J. — continued. Ewhurst, near Gtdldford. 1884, 889 Twelve o'clock, Heathside, Ewhurst. 1890. 1354 Carnations. {See Miss Catherine Adelaide Edwards, vol. iii, page 22.) SPARKS, Herbert B. Miniature Painter. 50, Woodsome Road, N. 1893. 1260 The late Miss Ethel Dord. SPARTALI, Miss Marie (afterwards Mrs. W. J. Stillman) Painter. The Shrubbery. Clapham Common. 1870. 530 Saint Barbara. 838 The mystic tryst. {See Mrs. W. J. Stillman.) SPEARE, G Painter. G. Spear. 1 8 10. 333 View of Jedburgh Abbey, Scot land. G. Speare. 1815. 431 View of Edinburgh Castle. 103, High Holborn. 1818. 592 View of Wilsdon Church, Mid dlesex. 1825. 491 View on the eastern side of the Harbour of Rio de Janeiro, Brazils. 113, Aldersgate Street. 1826. 433 Old houses near Monmouth. SPEARE, R Painter. R. Speare, Junr., 22, St. Anne's Court, Soho. 1799. 607 The cottage in Hyde Park. 1800. 450 A farm at Great Berkhamp stead, Herts. 1 80 1. 390 A landscape. 490 The bridge, with part of the old palace, at Eltham, Kent. 966 House at Eltham, Kent. 1802. 1016 Willsden Church, Middlesex. 1090 Part of the old palace at Elt ham, Kent. 1803. 317 View at Eltham, Kent, 454 Jedburgh Bridge, Scotland. 654 Roslin Castle, Scotland, R. Spear. 1810. 332 The hospital at Rio de Janeiro, Brazils. 473 Cottages at Jedburgh. 718 Monastery at Kelso. R. Speare. 181 1. 326 Banana trees. 412 A View of the City of St. Sebastian, Rio de Janeiro. 1812. 443 A landscape. 755 Jedburgh, Scotland. SPEARMAN, F. A Painter. 1828. 831 Miss Oliver. {F. A. Spearman in the index, F. H. Spearman in the catalogue.) SPEED, Harold Painter. 12, Bedford Gardens, W. 1893, 172 Frederick Rathbone, Esq. 569 A Derbyshire trout stream. 1894. 359 Joseph interpreting Pharaoh's dream. 902 Charles E. Skarratt, Esq. Oakley Studio, Upper Cheyne Row, Chelsea. 1895. 418 "The orb of day. In southern climes, o'er ocean's wave- less field comes sweetly smihng." 1896. 81 Lilium Auratum: portrait of a lady. 43 1 The Medusa head. "Andromeda by Perseus saved and wed. Hankered each day to see the Gorgon's head ; Till o'er a fount he held it, bade her lean. And mirrored in the wave was safely seen That death she lived by." Rossetti. 709 Morning — Venice. 1897. 179 Edward Speed, Esq. 993 The close of an autumn day. 1898. 363 Harry Mineard, Esq. 1899. no Mrs. John Biddulph. 210 Rosalind and Orlando. "Can I not say, I thank you ? etc." 1900, 380 Cupid's well. 1596 Miss Meggie Barclay. 1602 Master Christopher Barclay, 8, Holland Park Road Studios. 1 90 1. 589 Francis Anderton, Esq. 1902. 251 Mrs. Harold Speed. 1903. 1374 Laurence Koe, Esq. 1904. 321 William Hughes, Esq. SPEED, Miss Katharine G.... Painter. 80, Regents Park Road. 1898. 1213 The cockle-gatherer. THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS 215 1899. looi The gipsies: "While round them shadows gathered, and the fireUght fell." Said House, Chiswick Mall. 1 90 1. 757 Dawn. SPEIGHT, Thomas Painter. 27, Digby Road, Finsbury Park. 1903. 1059 Little Clacton. 1367 Head of a woman ; study. SPENCE, Benjamin Edward. Sculptor. 1849. 1283 BustofCharles HoUand, M.D. , F.R.S. 9, Via deP Incurabile, Rome. 1850. 1298 Ophelia. " There's rue for you, etc." 1856. 1229 Venus and Cupid. 1861. 983 Hippolytus. 1866. 843 The parting of Hector and Andromache. SPENCE, Ernest Painter. 6, The Grove, Highgate Road. 1884. 917 Tony Lumpton. 12, Edith Villas, West Kensington. 1890. 883 Solitude. 1 1 60 Circe. 1891. 287 Portrait of a nurse. 1894. 439 The gift to Pandora. Cushendall Pit-Farm, Guildford. 1899. 1176 The river Wey, near St. Cathe rine's. 1900. 1122 Norman lacemaker. 1254 St. Mary's GuUdford. 7, Sydney Road, Guildford. 1902. 7 Betty Nevill. SPENCE, Harry Painter. 227, Hope Street, Glasgow. 1895. 93 On the Normandy coast. 1899. 125 Valley of the Dee. 1903. 14 Moonrise. SPENCE, J. M Sculptor. 1848. 1328 Lavinia. "Then throw that shameful pittance from thy hand, etc." — Thomson. SPENCE, Percy F. S. Painter. 20, Ruskin Mansions, Kensington. 1899. 696 The toilers. 975 Sundown on the Kurrajong. 1900. 48 An Australian bushman. 1 90 1. 442 The cold blast. 89, Gunterstone Road, West Kensington. 1902. 742 The storm wind. SPENCE, Philip Painter. 3, Stratford Studios, W. 1902. 968 Valley of the Domleschy, Switzerland. 1013 The bed ofthe NoUa, Thusis. SPENCE, Robert Painter. 3, Stratford Studios, W. 1902. 674 Legend of the founding of Durham, by St. Cuthbert. " In the year 995 Bishop Aldune and the monks of Lindisfarne fled from the Danes with the body of St. Cuthbert. At Wredelaw the coffin refused to move until the saint in a vision told his followers that he must rest at Dunholme (Durham). A milkmaid, seeking her cow, led them to the place, and here they found a resting- place for the body of the Saint, above whose shrine arose the Cathedral of Dur ham." 1903. 435 George Fox at Lichfield. "It was winter, and the word of the Lord was like fire in me. I put off my shoes, and left them with some shepherds, and as soon as I got within the city the word of the Lord came to me saying, Cry wo unto the Bloody city of Lichfield." SPENCE, Thomas Ralph ... Painter. 25, Bridle Street, Newcastle-on- Tyne. 1876. 528 A breezy morning. 48, Holly Avenue, Newcastle. 1878. 1344 Fresh flowers. 42, Alexandra Place, Newcastle. 1883. no A dreamer. 45, Rathbone Place. 1 89 1. 220 A student. 1892. 501 The sleeping beauty. 730 A siesta. 1893. 481 The first invasion of Rome by the Gauls : insult to Papirius. 1896. 599 Disciples of Sappho. 1897. 604 The temptation of Odysseus by Circe. — Odyssey, book x. 2l6 THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS Spence, Thomas Ralph — continued. 28, Newman Street. i8g8. 358 Telemachus at the house of Menelaus. " In the heart of Telemachus he stirred a yearning to lament his father. , . . And Menelaus marked him, and mused in his mind whether he should leave him to speak of his father. While yet he pondered these things in his mind, Helen came forth from her vaulted cham ber." 1903. 289 The surrender of Capua, 210 B.C.: passing round the poisoned cup. SPENCE, William Sculptor. Liverpool. 182 1. 1093 Venus and Adonis. " But as she saw him gasp his latest breath. And quiv'ring agonize in pangs of death, Down with swift flight she plung'd nor rage forbore. At once her garments and her hair she tore, etc." — Ovid. 1125 Bust of the Rt. Hon. George Canning. Brownlow Hill, Liverpool. 1843. 1441 Hero and Leander. 1489 Paris. 1490 Ulysses watching Argus die. 1844. 1311 Rachael hiding the gods of her father in the camel-bags. — Genesis, xxxi, 34. 1 312 Jacob raising a pillar over Rachael's grave. — Genesis, xxxv, 20. 1 3 19 A Greek soldier watering his horse. SPENCE, W. B Painter. Florence 1869. 335 Portrait. SPENCELAYH, Charles. Miniature Painter. 9, Railway Street, Chatham 1892. 1402 Mrs. Robins. 1442 A portrait. I, Trefusis Villas, New Brompton. 1894. •294 Mrs. W. E. R. RandaU. 1895. 1184 Miss Mabel BeU. 1896. •439 Miss Walpole. 1899. 1371 The captive. 1900. 453 A difficult task. 1 90 1. 740 Always busy. SPENCER, C. Neame Painter. Belmont, Beckenham, Kent. 1897. 875 Pastoral. SPENCER, Fred Painter. 32, Geneva Road, Brixton. 1900. 852 Open pages. 1901. 682 Fruit. 1051 Apples and grapes. 1902. 891 Fresh gathered. 967 Fruit. 972 Old books to read. 1045 Apples and grapes. 1903. 851 Open pages. 991 Grapes, apples and nuts. 998 Fruit. 1904. 1065 Fruit. SPENCER, J Architect. 3, Gate Street, Lincoln's Inn Fields. 1804. 817 Design for a park entrance. 20, Great Ormond Street. 1807. 985 Design for a mausoleum. SPENCER, J Painter. At Mr. Reynolds', Bayswater. 1822. 703 St. John's barn, Eltham. SPENCER, John S Painter. 3, Foley Street. 1841. 279 Ahillpreachingof Covenanters, interrupted by the Life Guards, and preparing to defend themselves against an expected attack. SPENCER, Mrs. (formerly Miss Celia Gandy) Painter. 20, St. Martin's Court. 1836. 523 Sketch of exotics. 625 Rough sketch of exotics, 893 Convolvulus, from nature. {See Miss Celia Gandy, vol. in, page 197.) SPENCER, William Ball ...Sculptor. 89, Strand. 1843. 1360 Portrait of a gentleman. 1364 do. do. THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS 217 SPENCER, William Frederick. Sculptor. 5, St. Augustine's Road, Camden Town. 1868. 1 1 19 WiUiam Charles Macready, Esq. 1869, 1307 MedaUion of Miss B. A, S. 1 3 10 Miss L. M. S,; medaUion, SPENLOVE, Frank Spenlove-. Painter. Frank Spenlove, Studios, Shortlands, Kent. 1887. 43 The home of the heron — early morning. 742 In the stack. Frank S. Spenlove, The Parade, Beckenham. 1888. 849 The farmer's daughter. 1889. 225 Silver morn. 493 "In the evening it shaU be light." 804 In the Low Country — early morning. 841 L'^tude. 921 Eventide after rain. 963 A grey morning. 1242 The wane ofthe year. 1890. 1054 Waiting for father. 1 89 1. 60 Drear November. 810 " Her love had gone a-saiUng.'' 1069 Unto the last. The Hermitage, Croydon Road, Beckenham. 1892. 1 148 Ladies of the lake. Stafford Place, Buckingham Gate. 1893. 346 A Flemish landscape. 1894. 240 After Summer days. Frank Spenlove-Spenlove. 1895. 763 O'er land and loch. Kent House, Lansdowne Road, Notting HiU. 1896. 997 A rest by the way. 1897. 579 Homeward. 834 April. 958 Dawn of Night. "TiU the moon, Rising in clouded majesty, etc" 1898. 117 Avenues of gold ; a Picardy pastoral. 1899. 389 "Gold, green and grey," Picardy poplars — autumn. 551 "Storm-riven, so rugged and wild." 727 Return of the flock — Novem ber. 752 Near Alkmaar, Holland, VII. 1899. 953 A lowland shepherdess — morn ing. 1900. 145 The hurrying storm; on the Maas, Holland. 177 A winter's tale; funeral bless ings, Holland. 644 Night's awakening. 750 Mending nets, Cantyre, N.B. Studio, 28, Conduit Street. 1 90 1. 672 Spring. 797 Gilded pastures; an autumn day — Picardy. 886 Dunwich Common, Suffolk. The Corner House, 69, Addison Road. 1902. 206 The homestead. 224 Over the valley. 473 By the loch; a summer day on a Berkshire canal. 1903. 742 "Unto this last"; the pilot's funeral; Southwold, winter. 1904. 93 WiUow witches; evening effect after rain. 356 Too late! 885 Darsham Vale — autumn. " Clouds that follow the storm." SPERLING, J. W Painter. 23, Charlotte Street. 1845. 709 Gray staUion (by Gray Orvill), the property of His Majesty the King of Wurtemburg. 931 Portrait. 1848. 391 Valentine Bartholomew, Esq. SPICER, Charles Painter. 112, Great Portland Street. 1885. 107 1 " The unstopped drain." SPICER, Henry Enamel Painter. II, Henrietta Street, Covent Garden. 1774. 297 A frame with five miniature in enamel. 1775. 300 Portrait in enamel of Miss Hotham. 24, King Street, Soho. 1777- 333 Portrait of a gentleman; enamel. — Spicer, 45, Mortimer Street, Cavendish Square. 1782. 337 A frame of portraits; enamel. H. Spicer, 1 7, Great Newport Street. 1784. 286 Portrait of a gentleman; enamel. F F 2l8 THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS Spicer, Henry — continued. 8, Newport Street. 1787. 349 Frame with four portraits. {Alderman Pickett, etc.) 16, Great Newport Street. 1789. 349 Portrait of a lady. (Portrait painter in enamel to H.R.H. the Prince of Wales.) 1790. 315 Portrait of a gentleman. {Philip Champion Crespigny) 7, Great Newport Street 1792. 753 Portrait of the late Sir Joshua Reynolds; in enamel. 1793. 240 Portrait of a gentleman. 610 do. gentleman. {Chev alier Ruspini) 635 Portrait of a gentleman. 1794. 357 do. do. 370 do. do. 1795. 487 A frame with three enamel portraits. {Lord Ashbur- ton, Mr. Burke, Major Clarke.) 1796. 560 Portrait of a lady of quality. {Lady Elizabeth Ricketts.) 588 H.R.H. the Prince of Wales. 1798. 803 A frame with the portrait ofa nobleman, a naval officer, and a gentleman. 854 Portrait of a barrister at law. 863 Portrait of Shakespeare, from the original picture. 1799. 743 Portrait of Mr. Humphrey; enamel, 790 Dr. Sherson, 1800. 581 Portrait in enamel of W. For- steen. Esq, i8or. 714 Mrs. Bell; enamel. 721 A. Newland, Esq.; enamel. 731 W. Wix, Esq.; enamel. 785 W. H. White, Esq; enamel. 814 Mrs. Home; in enamel. 1802. 529 Lord Nelson; in enamel. 537 Earl Moira; in enamel. 640 W. Upcott, Esq., merchant, and Mayor of Tiverton, Devon, in the year 17 14; enamel. 652 Rev. W. Humphry, A.M.; enamel. 39, Lower Thornhaugh Street. 1804. 719 T. Hammersley, Esq. ; enamel. SPICER, Miss J. ... Enamel Painter. 7, Great Newport Street, Long Acre. 1 80 1. 796 A cherubim's head; in enamel. 1802. 649 Little man of Kent. From O. Humphry, Esq., R.A.; enamel. SPICER, Miss M. A. Enamel Painter. 7, Great Newport Street. 1799. 336 Ruins near Richmond, York shire. 106 1 View in Ullswater, Cumber land. (An Honorary Exhibitor.) 1800. 832 Miss Walpole, Miss M. C. Spicer, 7, Great Newport Street. 1801, 799 A cherubim's head; in enamel. Miss Spicer, 7, Great Newport Street. 1802, 815 A catholic bishop in the act of adoration. From Megnard; enamel. 1803, 842 The late Earl of Chesterfield, SPICER-SIMSON, Mrs. Margaret. Miniature Painter. I, Gay ton Crescent, Hampstead. 1 90 1, 1370 Dr. Moncure Conway. {See also Mrs. S. Simson, vol, vii, page 135.) SPICER-SIMSON, Theodore F. Sculptor. 3, Rue Campagne Premiere, Paris. 1904. 1710 Miss H, S, ; bust, marble, 1719 E, Halsey, Esq.; bust, bronze. {See also Theodore F. S, Simson, vol, vii, page 135.) SPIELMEYER, Wilhelm ... Painter. 90, Chancery Lane. 1894. 1497 Rip van Winkle; seven draw ings after G. H. Boughton, A.R.A, 1503 Evening after rain. SPIERS, Benjamin Walter... Painter. 70, Hereford Road, Bayswater. 1876. 861 " Crack'd bargains from bro kers. Cheap keepsakes from friends." 1877. 717 "Worthless old knicknacks and silly old books. 788 Some members of the cabinet. 1878. 826 Law and hterature. 1880. 760 The old book-staU. 1881. 707 Polite literature. 783 "A twopenny treasury, won drous to see." 1883. 1053 " Old armour, prints, pictures, pipes, china (all crack'd). Old rickety tables, and chairs broken - back'd." — Thackeray. THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS 219 1884. 1885. 1886.1887. 1889. 1890.1891. 1 163 Un Po' di Roma. 1285 A studio corner. 13 1 3 Ancestral relics. 1217 High life, \ 1 21 8 Low life. / 1229 Deeds and words. 1288, " As in a looking-glass." Longwood, Acol Road, West Hampstead. 1328 A visit to Wardour Street. 1252 Heirlooms. SPIERS, Miss Bessie J Painter. 21, Bernard Street, Russell Square. 1886. 1 1 88 On the river bank; Caerleon, Monmouthshire. 1888. 1467 Autumn — near Reigate. 1895. 1062 A tidal creek, Sussex. SPIERS, Miss Charlotte H.... Painter. 68, Newman Street. 1 88 1. 801 On the Wye. 4, Berners Street. 1897. 1368 The road to the sea, Stiffkey, Norfolk, 1901. 1167 In the marshes, Kessingland. SPIERS, Richard Phene, F.S.A. 958 Architect. 89, Upper Ebury Street. 970 1862. 829 Church of St. Ouen from the north-east, Rouen. 9S2 830 Chimney-piece in the Queen's 983 apartments. Chateau of Blois, Touraine. 1872, 1156 886 Chiteau of Chambord, Tou raine. 1160 907 Chateau of Chambord Tou raine. 909 Chateau of Blois, Touraine. 1165 1863, 899 The church of St. Stephen, Caen. 1248 14, St. Giles Street, Oxford. 1864. 789 Design for the vestibule, etc, of a Royal Palace. 1865. 815 Design for a museum of Natural History and Science. 819 House of Cornelius Rufus, Pompeii, 835 Arch of Titus, Rome. 836 Chapel of St, Bernardino, Perugia, 1866. 784 Peller's house at Nuremberg, 785 The baptistery, Pisa. 787 The Mittel Schloss, Marien- burg. 800 The Holstein Thor, Lubeck. 1867. 707 911 921 924 1868. 853 858 883 1869. 503 584 998 1006 1870. 716 723 784 I87I. 919 920 1259 1873. II961204 2 5 , Bernard St. , Russell Square. Portico of Esneh. Great Khan at Damascus. HaU of Columns, Karnac, Thebes. The Parthenon, Athens — west front. Silk mercer's Bazaar, Cairo. Mosque of Omar, Jerusalem. Temple of Dahr - el - Bahree, Thebes. Temple of Wingless Victory, Athens. East fagade of Parthenon, Athens. Temple of Kalabshee, Nubia. Architectural scraps from Bel gium. 22, Old Burlington Street. Old wooden house at Boppart, on the Rhine. Old wooden house at Rhense, on the Rhine. Mosque of Kaitbey, Cairo. The Black Prince's Tomb, Can terbury Cathedral. Interior of the Grand Hall of Spiers and Pond's Criterion Restaurant; 2nd premiated design. Exterior perspective view, Pic cadilly front of ditto. The Baptistry, Canterbury. Vestibule interior of Spiers and Pond's, etc. North-east corner of Parthenon, Athens. The ruins of St. Cloud; grand staircase of the palace. The ruins of Paris; vestibule and staircase. Palace of the Tuileries. Paris after the Commune ; Salle des Fetes, Hotel de ViUe. After the Commune; SaUe des Pas-Perdus, Palais de Jus tice. Paris after the Commune; Salle des Marechaux, Palais des Tuileries. Carlton Chambers, 1 2, Regent Street. North portico of Erechtheum, Athens. One of the premiated designs for Mr. HoUoway's Lunatic Asylum, St. Ann's Heath, near Virginia Water. Monument of Lysicrates, Athens. 220 THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS Spiers, tinued. 1874. 1875- 1876. 1877. 1878. 1879. ia»o.1881. 1882. 1883. 1884. 1885. 1886. Richard Phen6, F.S.A.— con- 1055 Schools erected in British Street, Millwall, for the London School Board. 1 09 1 Temple of Jupiter Olympus, Athens. 1 107 Entrance porch to old chapter house, Beauvais. 740 Old houses at Boppart, on the Rhine. 766 Noyon Cathedral and Library, France. 985 Hall of Justice, Cairo, 989 Churchof San Giovanni, Siena, 1013 Memorial tower to Mrs. Locke, at Locke Park, Barnsley, etc. 742 Notre Dame, Poitiers, France. 874 Magdalen cloisters and tower. 896 The cloisters of Noyon Cathe dral. 1202 Mansion at Impney, near Droit- wich, 1213 Stables at Impney, do. 849 Temple of Jupiter Baalbec 891 The Propylsea, Athens. 1135 Chapel of St. Joseph, Glaston bury. 1 14 1 Studio and residence in Caven dish Road, St. John's Wood. 877 Baptistery of Louis XIII, Fon- tainebleau. 893 Chateau de I'Oiselerie, near Angouleme. 904 Temple of Aboosimbel, Nubia. II 53 Mansion on the Thames Em bankment, Chelsea. 769 Old house at Vitre, Brittany. 932 Chateau de Vitre, Brittany. 786 Town-hall, The Hague, Hol land. 838 Tower of Oude Kerk, Dor drecht, Holland. 852 Enkhuisen, Holland. 1 1 35 Tom Tower, Christ Church, Oxford. 1137 Town HaU, Haarlem, Holland. 1059 Cottage at Abinger Hammer, Surrey. 1064 Blickling Hall, Norfolk; steps to terrace. 1 128 Kendray wing, Beckett Dis pensary, Barnsley. 1170 Stokesay Castle, Shropshire. 1750 Study for the centre block of a pubhc building. 1879 Hampton Court; bow window of banqueting hall. 1322 The Lady Chapel, Salisbury Cathedral. 1886. 1596 Study for an Itahan villa. 1887. nil Chateau de Chenonceaux, Loire et Cher. 1 151 Azay-le-Rideau, Loire et Cher. 1589 Etabhssement Hydropathique, Provence, France. 1888. 1322 Arena at Nismes, France. 1434 The fountain, Pinkie House, Scotland. 1487 The Parthenon, Athens. 1 5 12 Roslyn, chapel, Scotland. 1555 Interior of the arena, Nismes. 1996 Eton CoUege. 119 1 Ely Cathedral, from the south east. 1351 The Pont du Gard, Nismes. 1434 Queens' CoUege, Cambridge. 1923 Study for a gaUery of Sculpture. 1 1 30 Fagade of Chateau de GaiUon, Ecole des Beaux Arts, Paris. 113 1 Chateau de Blois, France. IIIO The old canal, Dordrecht. 1894. 1164 Southtransept of Netley Abbey. 1195 Nixon's School, Oxford, 1682 Interior ofthe original mosque, Damascus, 1556 Wolfgang's Kirche, Rothen- burg. 1652 KoboldzeUer Thor, Rothen- burg ob. Tauber. 1128 Doorway in Rath-haus, Rothen- burg-ob-Tauber. 1384 Klingen Thor, Rothenburg-ob- Tauber. 1799 Memorial fountain, Locke Park, Barnsley. Founder's tower and cloisters, Magdalen College, Oxford. 985 Walberswick church, Suffolk. 1904. 1085 Ely Cathedral, from the south east. 1090 Entrance porch to Chapter House, Beauvais. {See also Wyatt and Spiers.) SPIERS (R. P.) and PHIPPS (C.J.) Architects. 1 2, Regent Street. 1875. 984 Design for the church of the Sacred Heart, Montmartre, Paris. 1014 do. do. do. 1045 do. do. do. SPILLER, John Architect. Highbury Place, Islington. 1780, 436 Plan and elevation of a noble man's villa. 1889,1890.1891, 1892.1893. 1895,1896. 1897,1898, 1903. 978 THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS 221 8, Dyer's Buildings, Holborn. 1792. 547 Church of St. John's, Hack ney. 561 do. do. do. 35, Guildford Street. 1 80 1. 877 Laboratory and theatre for the Royal Institution. 951 The Villa at Roehampton, be longing to B, Goldsmid, Esq. 958 Design for Woodford. 1805. 718 Villa in Hertfordshire. 750 Tellimore, Hertfordshire, SPILLER, John, Junr Sculptor. Highbury Place, Islington. 1778. 289 A portrait in the character of Bacchus; a model in wax. 1779. 310 A portrait; a model in wax. 6, Throgmorton Street. 1785. 494 Venus introducing Helen to Paris, after his combat with Menelaus. 8, Dyer's Buildings, Holborn. 1786. 499 Portrait of an artist. SPILSBURY, Edgar Ashe,,, Painter. E. Spilsbury. 1800. 241 Horses, (An Honorary Exhibitor.) Mr. Spilsbury. 1801, 527 The holiday feast, 677 Council of horses; a sketch. E. A. Spilsbury, 15, Soho Square. 1806, 49 Wounded stag. 206 Sea-shore, Horses bathing. 238 Portraits of aged horses. 269 The tyger. 621 Bitterns fighting. 1807. in Lion and Lioness. 562 Greyhound. 1808. 294 Landscape and cows. 490 Boar-hunting. 613 Portraits in His Majesty's ist Regiment of Life Guards. 1809. 14 Panthers and leopard. 95 Doe licking her fawn. 1810. 233 Cattle languid from the heat. Painted from a study in the grounds of Barn Elms, Put ney, 181 1. 30 Portrait of Rover, 1812. 252 Bitterns, 272 Young plovers, 1814, 91 Horses greeting a stranger. 513 An eagle. SPILSBURY, Jonathan Painter. 28, Great Ormond Street, Bloomsbury. 1776. 290 Portraits of two chUdren. 291 Portrait ofa young lady; smaU. 292 do. do. water colours. 1777. 331 Christ receiving children, 332 Josephadoring the infant Jesus. 7, Upper Seymour Street, Portman Square. 1778. 291 Portrait of a young lady. 292 do. gentleman, 1780. 193 Portraits of a clergyman and young gentleman. 346 Landscape. 29, Upper Seymour Street. 1781. 220 Portrait of a gentleman. 221 do. lady. 236 do. young gentleman. — Spilsbury, St. George's Row, Oxford Turnpike. 1784. 357 Portrait. {Jonathan Spilsbury was also a mezzotint engraver. ) SPILSBURY, Miss Mary (afterwards Mrs. John Taylor) Painter. (An Honorary Exhibitor.) Miss Spilsbury. 1792, 158 The bandalore or fashionable toy. 1793. 22 Cottage children at supper, 10, St. George's Row, Oxford Turnpike. 1794. 282 Floretta wishes for beauty. Vide The Fountain by Dr. Johnson. 283 Floretta in pursuit of riches. Vide The Fountain by Dr. Johnson. 288 Children feeding pigeons. Miss M. Spilsbury, 10, St. George's Row, Oxford Turnpike. 1799. 195 Timothy learning the scrip tures, etc. — 2nd Timothy, i, ve. 5, etc. 857 The Virgin Mary in St. John's house after the crucifixion. — St. John, xix, 27. Miss Spilsbury, 10, St. George's Row, Oxford Turnpike. 1800, 76 Portraits of Admiral Hawkins Whitshed's chUdren. 138 Portrait of a daughter of Adm. Hawkins Whitshed. 222 THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS Spilsbury, Miss Mary — continued. 1800. 486 Portrait of the son of Admiral Hawkins AVhitshed saying his prayers, 543 A child defendedbyits guardian angel. 544 A sleeping infant, attended by angels. 729 The Ascension of the Inno cents. — Mat, \\, 16. 1802. 24 A working party. Vide The Task, Cowper's poems, vol. ii, p. 145. 79 The Nursery. 85 A Soldier recounting his ex ploits. 160 Richard and Kate; or fair day. " Didn't I tell you they'd be here?" — R. Bloomfield. 171 A pastoral scene. 1803. 26 Lodik instructing youth; with a view of a part of the lake of Zurich and the town of Rappershwyl in Switzerland. 72 The mother's birthday. 73 Miss Edmonds. 74 The dressing-room. loi Madame Chuard, with a view of Bex church, Switzerland. 157 Portrait of a lady. 208 Master Edmonds. 645 A Sunday-school. 1804. 64 Sunday evening; a young lady teaching village children to sing. 235 Portraits of the younger child ren of J. Thompson, Esq. 482 Christ feeding the multitude, the second miracle of the loaves and fishes. — St. Mat thew, XV. 1805. 20 Children in a farm yard, drink ing milk — morning. 1 1 3 Miss Julia Angerstein, attended by guardian angels. 242 Return of the spies from the promised land with the fruit and large grapes from Eshcol Caleb, before Moses and Aaron, contradicts the evil report of the fearful and un- beheving spies, etc. — Num bers, xiii, 30. 564 Portrait of a young lady. Miss M. Spilsbury, 10, St. George's Row, Oxford Turnpike. 1806. 10 W. Wyrs, now living at Clifton, in his hundredth year. 42 The house of protection for destitute females of char acter; two girls applying for admission. — This charity has been lately instituted at Bath, on the same plan as that of the house of refuge, estab- hshed in Dublin in 1801. 1806. 133 The inside of a cottage in Hampshire. 148 Portraits of the children of Dr, Mackintosh of Colchester. Miss Spilsbury, 10, St. George's Row, Oxford Turnpike. 1807. 9 A Missionary of the United Brethren conversing with the Esquimeaux. Scene in the Terra Labrador, month of June ; with a distant view of Nain. 39 The fourth of June. 241 Eli and Samuel in the Temple; Samuel declaring the judg ments of God against Eli's family. — ist Samuel, iii, 18. 242 The Robin. "Hopping o'er the floor Eyes all the smihng family askance." — Thomson. 246 Lavinia listening to her mo ther's mournful tale, " Of what her faithless fortune promised once."- — Thomson. 313 The Hon. P. Curzon, 314 Master Shepherd. 617 Mrs. Mackintosh. 1808, 182 A cottage door. 511 Children with wood pigeons. SPINDLER Painter. 1834. 38 Portrait of a lady. 361 Angrard, the virtuous judge. "On one occasion a man, who was the father of a large family, being arrested for debt, was brought before this good man. After having examined the papers he was obliged to commit the debtor to prison. Seeing the de spair of the unhappy family, he generously paid the unfor tunate prisoner's debt, who was immediately set at hberty." 902 Howard visiting the prisons in France during the revolu tion. "This immortal man consecrated the greater part of his life in relieving pri soners; their complaints. THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS 223 through him, reached the ears of kings and princes; by his generous importuni ties a considerable ameliora tion was made in the ad ministration of nearly all the prisons in Europe." 14, Great Marlborough Street. 1835. 86 Portrait of the daughter of Arthur Macnamara, Esq. 247 Miss Barther. 263 Mrs. Robarts with her son. 389 Study ofa Switzer girl. 574 The virtuous clergyman. 1836. 79 Mr. Xavier. {No mention of this artist is to be found in any dictionary.) SPINDLER, J. G. H Painter. 7, Ward Road, Dundee. 1895. 748 On Ben Vrackie, near KiUie- crankie. SPINDLER, Walter E Painter. 59, Avenue de Saxe, Paris. 1892. 406 Lady Jane H. Swinburne. 1893. 126 Madame Sarah Bernhardt. 1894. 100 Rita. 1896. II Persephone. SPINELLI, Raffaele Etcher. clo Graves and Co., 6, PallMaU. 1894. 1384 Kelp-burners. After J. C. Hook, R.A. SPINETTI, Mario Painter. 45, Belsize Square. 1902. 369 Le Volant. SPINKS, Thomas Painter. 41, Selborne Road. 1880. 133 After rain. Carlton House, Bettws-y-Coed. 1899. 384 StiU waters. 1 90 1. 502 In the valley. SPIRIDON, G. S Painter. 3, Garrick Street, Covent Garden. 1871. 1102 Dead Porcupine. SPITTLE, William M Painter. 89, Hampstead Road, Birmingham. 1894. 347 -Homeless. 7, Victoria Buildings, Temple Row, Birmingham. 1895. 604 An offering. SPONG, Miss Annie E Painter. 39, Doughty Street, W.C. 1896. 1481 Study of an old man. 1897. 804 Portrait of a lady. 1898. 61 Sir Nathaniel Barnaby, K.C.B, 17, Hanway Works, Oxford. 1899. 916 In the skittle alley. 39, Doughty Street. 1901. 433 H. George Smallman, Esq., Alderman of the City of London. {Presentation por trait) 1904. 242 Captain E. W. Andrews, Mayor of Lambeth. SPONG, Walter Brookes Painter. 45, Countess Road, Kentish Town. 1 88 1. 805 Santa Maria, Barcelona. 21, Montpelier Road, N. W. 1883. IIIO In the gardens of the Circo Price, Lisbon. 1885. 1424 Travessa da Palma, Lisbon. Savage Club. 1898. 1218 Off the Waght-el-birket. 1224 The mosque and temple, Luxor. 151, Queen's Road, Wimbledon. 1902. 893 Old Segovia. I, Priory Court Mansions, West Hampstead. 1903- 973 Fountain of the Sultan Mah- moud. SPOONER, Charles Architect. 19, Margravine Gardens. 1891. 1897 A country gentleman's house. 50, Queen Anne's Gate. 1894. 1689 Church of St. Bartholomew, Ipswich. 1896. 1615 do. do, do, 1757 Chapel to Almshouses, Had- leigh, Suffolk, 1897. 1788 St. Michael and AU Angels, Little Ilford. Eyot Cottage, Chiswick Mall. 1899. 1704 Altar, St. Leonard's, Bridg north. 1738 Chancel, St. Michael and All Angels, Ilford. 1900. 191 1 Rushmere Lodge, near Ips wich. 17, Red Lion Square. 1902. 1444 Aldershot vicarage. 17, Bedford Row. 1904. 1608 Church of St. Christopher, Haslemere. SPOONER, Mrs. Charles. See Miss Minnie Dibden Davison, vol. ii, page 270. 224 THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS SPOONER, J. S Painter. Beaver Grove, Llanrwst. 1854. 155 Pady HiU on the Machno, N. Wales. Tarry Vron, Llanrwst. 1874. 426 A Welsh glen. 1887. 824 SPRAGUE, Miss Edith Painter. 7, Elm Tree Road, St. John's Wood. " Strewn with faint blooms like bridal chamber floors." — Shelley. 25, Bolton Studios. Une lettre d'amour. {French quotation from De Musset) Violet weaving. I, Scarsdale Studios. Mrs. David WUliams, A home portrait. Bingham Studio, Nottingham Street. L. E, M, ; portrait of a lady. Myself Geoffry, son of Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Blomfield. Rosahnd, daughter of Vernon Watney, Esq. G. B. R. E. R. J. B. R. E. J. R. A. B. R. Mrs. Ernest De la Rue. Mrs. David WiUiams. Irene, daughter of Ernest De la Rue, Esq. Rev. Canon Lonsdale. Decies, Mary and Cecil, chil dren of William Daly, Esq. Mother Hubbard. Lindal, South Woodford, Essex. Mrs. Arthur Welch. Mrs. Basil Johnson. Margaret, daughter of Howard Ivens, Esq. " Here lie the mighty dead," 1889. 873 I89I. 138 1893. 620 685 1894. 712 1 26 1 1895. ••57 1896. •335 1405 1406 1407 1408 1409 1897. 1432 1448 1481 1581 1899. 1275 1900. 842 1902. 609 617 1903. 592 652 SPREAD, William Painter. 27, Pembridge Crescent. 1880. 1284 A shop, Dinan, Brittany. 1310 Dinan, Brittany. 1883. 561 Tide-deeds. 1342 The Cathedral, Antwerp. 1369 A bit of old Antwerp. 1884, 1452 French row, St. Albans; etch ing. 1885. 934 A quiet corner, 1586 A bit of old Antwerp, 1885. 1618 A passage, St. Albans. 1887. 1421 do. Antwerp, 1501 " Le rendez-vous," 1889, 1684 A street in Bruges. SPRINCK, Leon Painter. 4, Langham Chambers. 1893. 527 Louis Ries, Esq. SPRINGER, C Painter. Amsterdam. 1854. 507 A View of the Town Hall of Gouda, Holland. 1855. 1142 Het Huis met den Hoofden, Keizersgracht, Amsterdam. SPROSSE, Carl Painter. 7, Percy Street, King's Cross. 1852. 1240 The principal entrance to the Ducal Palace, Venice. 1243 The Baptistery, St. Mark's Venice. SPRY, Rev. H Painter. — Spry, Oriel College, Oxford. 1800. 360 North-east view of Swansea Bay, (An Honorary Exhibitor.) Rev. H. Spry. 1 80 1. 678 A View. SPRY, William Painter. II, Powell Street West, Goswell Road. 1834. 529 Groupe of flowers. 5 1 , Albany Street. 1835, 517 Study of hollyhocks. 38, Albany Street. 1836, 510 Fruit, 75, Great Portland Street. 1838, 641 A group of flowers. 1839. 712 Study of flowers. 1840. 608 Cactus with foreign insects. 1 84 1. 158 Flowers. 1843. 653 Composition of peonies and poppies. 982 A fruit piece. 1 1 14 Spring flowers. 1844. 983 Flowers. 54, Warren Street. 1845. 380 Fruit. 980 Composition of Roses and tulips. 1846. 1064 Flowers and fruit. 1847. 206 Miniature group of flowers. THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS !25 SPURLING, Miss Celia. Stained Glass Painter. 87, Finborough Road. 1896. 1027 Dieppe — wet market day. 63, Redcliffe Road. 1900. 1849 Stained glass window: "The Adoration of the Magi." 1851 Stained glass window: "The Sojourn in Egypt." SPURR, E. A Architect. 3, Newton Road, Bayswater. 1853. 1 162 Craven HiU Gardens, Bays- water. SPURR (E. A.) and ARNOLD (V.) Architects. 3, Newton Road, Bayswater. 1853. 1195 New church at Brentford, etc. SPURR and SALTER ... Architects. 1849. •°^5 Training School at Chichester. 1086 Workhouse at Birmingham. SPURRELL, B Architect. 5, Trevor Terrace, Knightsbridge. 1822. 917 Design for a church. 5, King's Parade, Chelsea. 1824. 843 Interior of Cathedral church of St. Louis at Paris. SPYERS, James Painter. Hampton Court. 1780. 391 Design of a grotto. 1783. 411 View in Richmond Park. 1790. 556 View of Mrs. Garrick's at Hampton. SQUIRE, Miss Alice, R.I. ... Painter. 35, Clarendon Road, Notting HiU. 1873. 740 Windfalls. 1875. 700 Garden friends. 1876. 863 Expectation. 28, Tavistock Road, Westbourne Park. 1877. 664 Hetty Sorrel. 719 The old garden. 1878. 689 " Little Barbara Lewthwaite." 1879. 820 Across the Common. 843 The pleasures of hope. 868 Spring-time. 1880. 738 The first mUd day in spring. 1881. 623 The cottage path. 821 A Village Maiden. 1882. 884 The fern gatherer. 921 The woodside. 1044 In the spring time. VII. 1884. 1 196 A day in spring. 1201 On the heath. 1885. 1413 A country lass. 1455 By the mill-stream. 1886. 1256 A primrose field. 1888. 1470 Twilight. 1890. 1356 A pleasant lane. 1357 The brook side, 141 6 Spring time. 1891. 1278 Where the lark sings. 1892. 1178 The farm path. 1253 Early spring. 1893. 1153 A cottage home. II 79 The cuckoo's voice. 1894. 1 155 A woodland path. SQUIRE, Miss Emma Painter. 35, Clarendon Road, Notting HiU. 1872, 619 Hoping for the " Yes " word. 1873. 47 Outside. 1874. 700 Weary work. 28, Tavistock Road, Westbourne Park. 1877. 177 Meeting an old friend. 1879. 767 Poor folk. 1882. 100 Spinning. 1886. 1233 do. 1890. 944 Persuasion. 1891. 943 Singing the Psalms of David, 1897. 725 "To be or not to be?" 1898. 978 Wanderers. 1899. nil "To be or not to be?" 1901. II 92 Singing the Psalms of David. SQUIRE, Miss Helen Painter. 30, St. John's Wood Park. 1892. 379 A httle bookworm. 1893. 732 A willing worker. 1898. 1046 The Magi. SQUIRE, John Painter. Ross, Herefordshire. 1873. 699 Watergate Bay, CornwaU. 1874. 874 At Newlyn, Mount's Bay, Corn waU. 26, Wind Street, Swansea. 1883. 1070 On the Erme, South Devon. 39, St. Luk^s Road, Westbourne Park. 1896. 1046 Coombe Park Water, Exmoor. SQUIRE, Josiah Painter. I, Rodney Street, Pentonville. 1828. 428 Portrait of a lady. 1829. 182 do. gentleman. 1830. 43 do. lady. GG 226 THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS SQUIRES, H Painter. 2, Buxton Villas, Stratford. 1865. 607 Group of flowers. 1868. 279 Crocuses. SQUIRHILL, D. G Architect. 3, Upper Gloucester Place. 1829. 1006 Design for ornamental seat. SRIEVE, A. R Painter. 1 24, High Holborn. 1837. 729 The cottage on the moor. STABB, Mrs. H. Sparke (Janetta). Painter. Liphook, Hants. 1894. nil Remains of old Roman port, Terracina, Italy. 1897. 1280 A street in Terracina, Italy. STABELL, Harold K Painter. 23, Loughborough Road, Brixton. 1 90 1. 994 The river. STABLE, Miss Fanny Painter. 152, Finborough Road. 1888. 884 Old boat at Etaples, Pas-de- Calais. 1889. 859 Hotel de ViUe and market place, Etaples, Pas-de-Calais. 1890. 971 Left in charge. 1121 A studio corner. 1897. 832 In the studio. STABLES, Miss T.J Painter. T.J. Stables, Ambleside. 1884. 1107 A Lincolnshire pool. 1 108 Crummock Water. STAGEY, Miss Painter. (An Honorary Exhibitor.) 1817. 500 Flowers from nature. 1878. STACEY, Walter S Painter. 23, Offerton Road, Clapham. 12 14 Design for decoration ofa side board—" The Roast Beef of Old England." ion The old family pew. 487 In bygone years. Grove House, Christ Church, Hampstead. 104 "Poor Nan!" 298 Back again. "And so when Jack, from o'er the stormy main, etc." 1872. 1873.1875. 1876.1877. 1879.1880. ISSI 1882 33 Out of danger. 1367 Old Shipmates. 141 5 Eastern spoils. 1054 Disappointed hopes. Hillcote, Christ Church, Hampstead. 333 "For better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, etc." 649 Prince Edward and his whip ping boy. " He was Prince Edward's proxy for correc tion, though, we may pre sume, seldom suffering in that kind. . . . Yet when execution was done, as Fitz- patrick was beaten for the Prince, the Prince was beaten in Fitzpatrick, so great an affection did he bear his servant. " — Fuller. 510 Spliced. 1735 Memorial window, Christ Church, Hampstead. 1736 Decoration design : the Epi phany. 1899. 1094 Sundown — Lympne Castle, Kent. 1221 Decoration design : St. Timothy and his mother. I, Cannon Place, Hampstead Heath. 922 The verger's corner. 1883. 1898. 1904. STACKE, E. G 1849. 370 Dr. Gauntlett. Painter. STACKPOOLE, Miss Mary Con stance Painter. 151, Gloucester Road, S.W. 1890. 1387 Chrysanthemums. 1 89 1. 782 A difficult problem, 1892. 1211 Chrysanthemums, 1257 Hugh Beale. 1893. 1088 CecU Bathe. STACPOOLE, Frederick, A.R.A. Engraver. 65, Newman Street. 1842. 1259 A portrait. 40, Rathbone Place. 1843. 171 Shakspere's Walk, in the grounds at Cole Orton HaU, Leicestershire, the seat of Sir George Beaumont, Bart. 2, Calthorpe Street, Russell Square. 1845. ^^^ "The hawthorn bush, with seats beneath the shade For THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS 227 talking age or whispering lovers made." — Goldsmith. 1846. 586 "There's nobody coming to marry me." 77, Albert Street, Regents Park. 1847. 625 A portrait. Upton Park, Slough. 1855. 419 Eton. 19, Eldon Road, Kensington. 1858. 1134 The strawberry girl. After Sir Joshua Reynolds. 1859. i2o8 The Rev. Dr. Pears, Head Master of Repton School. After F. Grant, R.A. i860. 913 The Welcome. After T. Faed. 1861. 970 The late Rt. Hon. James Wil son. After Sir J. W. Gordon, R.A. 6, Eldon Road. 1863. 962 Rt. Hon. Sir Thos. Fremantle, Bart. After Sir J. W. Gor don, R.A. Erin, farewell. After T. Faed, A.R.A. The reaper. After T. Faed, R.A. Lady Emily Foley. After Sir F. Grant, P.R.A. A drawing-room at St. James's Palace in the reign of Queen Victoria. 1095 The palm offering. After F. GoodaU, R.A. 8, Eldon Road. 1870. 871 The pensioners. After Sir E. Landseer, R.A. 14, Vale Place, Hammersmith. 831 Worn out. After T. Faed, R.A. 1276 Charity. After B. Riviere. 1238 Absorbed in Robinson Crusoe. After R. CoUinson. 1223 Circe and the friends of Ulysses. After B. Riviere. 1086 " Ought and carry one." After Miss A. Havers. 1141 All that was left of the home- wardbound. After B. Riviere. 1198 "Conscience doth make cow ards of us aU." After B. Riviere, A.R.A. 1215 School revisited. After G. D. Leslie, R.A. 1237 The farewell caress. After C. B. Barber. 6, Theresa Terrace, Hammersmith. 1879. 1252 Quatre Bras, 181 5. After Miss Elizabeth Thompson (Mrs. Butler). 1864. 833 1865. 856 1866. 830 1869. 1088 I87I. 1872. 1873- 1874. 1875-1876. 1878. (Elected A.R.A.) 1 88 1. 1204 Persepolis. After Briton Ri viere, A.R.A. 1205 Sympathy. After Briton Ri viere, A.R.A. 1882. 1260 Pot-pourri. After G. D. Leshe, R.A. 1270 A Winter's Tale. After B. Ri viere, R.A. 1883. 1408 The Night watch. After Briton Riviere, R.A. 1421 The cricket on the hearth. After Briton Riviere, R.A. 1884. 1406 "Envy, Hatred and Malice." After Briton Riviere, R.A. 1885. 1729 Argus. After B. Riviere, R.A. 1886. 1535 Playfellows. After Briton Rivi ere, R.A. 1887. 1570 "Home, sweet home." After G. D. Leslie, R.A. 1888. 1714 In disgrace. After C. Burton Barber. 1889. 1813 Trust. After C. Burton Barber. 1890. 1705 My first partner. 1891. 1720 "Friends or foes?" After C. Burton Barber. 1892. 1612 Sweethearts. After C. Burton Barber. 1893, 1379 Forget-me-nots. After J. Sant, R.A. 1894, 753 The trial trip. 1896. 821 In the Doldrums. 1897. 756 An anxious moment. 1898. 353 A glimpse of the sea. 1899. 863 Baby's first voyage. STADE, Miss H Painter. Rawdon House, Finchley. 1868. 822 Flowers. STADLER, Joseph Constantine. Painter. — Stadler, 12, Castle Street, Leicester Fields. 1787. 264 A Landscape. 288 do. 344 do. 375 do. STAFFORD, John Phillips... Painter. 29, Hunter Street. 1877. 754 A race. 5, Richmond Gardens, Lillie Road. 1878. 919 Two heads are not always better than one. 6, Tournay Road, Walham Green. 1886. 530 St. Valentine's day. "All in the morning betime." 22<: THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS STAFFORD, T. W Painter. 39, South Street, Manchester Square. 1840. 431 Loch Katrine, Pass of the Trossachs. 1841. 366 View in Glenorchy, Perthshire. STAIGG, Richard M Painter. Boston, U.S.A. 1847. 743 The Hon. Edward Everett of Boston, U.S. America. 783 Portrait of a boy. 920 Miss Lears. Mansfield Lodge, Portland Place. 1864. 709 Louis R. Mignot, Esq. STAINES, (An 1829. 660 1830. 478 1832. 718 1833. 578 1834. 491 1836. 678 1837. 584 1839. 655 I84I. 8 (An 1842. 316 1846. 446 F. W Painter. Honorary Exhibitor.) Landscape. J. W. Staines. Landscape. F. W. Staines. Lago Maggiore, near Lavino. Ruins of the Amphitheatre at Pola. W. F. Staines. Landscape. F. W. Staines, 72, Charlotte Street. Mola di Gaeta. Roma Vecchia. {Exhibited under initials F. W. S) Bay and town of Spezzia, Coast of Genoa. W. Staines, no address. Sea piece. Honorary Exhibitor.) F. W. Staines. Italian shipping near the island of Cupraja, Mediterranean. C. F. W. Staines. The wreck of the emigrant ship Burhampootur, near Mar gate, October 17, 1843 — from a sketch on the spot. The unfortunate ship, bound to Port Philip, was driven on the rocks to the eastward of Margate, with 94 emigrants, including 21 women and 44 children, be sides the crew. They were all with great difficulty taken off the wreck by the boats, and conveyed in a most de plorable state in carts to Margate. STAINFORTH, Martin F. Engraver. Montacute House, Grenville Road, Crouch End. 1895. '398 Virgin and child. After An drea Mantegna. 1406 Country girl and child. After W. Owen, R.A. Ireton House, The Bank, Highgate. 1896, 1563 The pilgrimage. After A. Le- gros. 1897. 1715 The marriage of St. Catherine. After Ambrogio Borgognone. 1898. 1478 Sunny hours, by Keeley Hals- welle. 1524 Madonna and saints. After Andrea del Sarto. 1530 Madonna and chUd. After Raphael, 1552 Girl and sailor. After G. H. Boughton, R.A. 1899. 1455 Virgin and child. After An drea Mantegna. 1456 Virgin and child. After A. Bor gognone. STAITE, Miss Harriet Painter. 4, Nelgarde Road, Catford, S.E. 1897. 854 A spring day. STAKES, W Architect. At Mr. Carter's, 23, Pavement, Moorfields. 1788. 530 Design for a park entrance. STALKER, George Frederick. Architect. 42, Belsize Street. 1874. 1114 Design for a public Hall. STALLWOOD, N Architect. 4, Charlton Street, Sommer's Town. 1797. 1099 Design for a temple. 1798. 993 do. gentleman's viUa. STAMFORD, G Architect. Spring Place, Paddington. 1838. 1176 The principal entrance to Pen- rhyn Castle. {Stamford in index, Stanford in cata logue.) THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS 229 STAMP, Ernest Etcher. Bushey, Herts. 1892. 1495 On canal side. 1894. 1368 A rainy day, Cookham. After F. Walker, A.R.A. 1410 The law's delay, Barnard's Inn. After W. F. Yeames, R.A. St. Giles Terrace, Northampton. 1898. 149 1 Flirtation. After Seymour Lu cas, R.A. STAMP, Miss Winifred L. Miniature Painter. 29, High Street, Hampstead. 1900. 1308 The babes in the wood. 1 90 1. 1360 Welthin and Winnie. 1385 La Princesse Lointaine. ST AMP A, George L Painter. 3, Clifton Hill Studios, St. John's Wood. 1898. 1482 A study of a woman. STAMPS, Walter J Painter. 22, Kempsford Gardens, West Brompton. 1901. 1084 The brook. STANDFUST, G. B Painter. 13, Trevor Square. 1844. 503 Tan, the property of the Hon. Jerrald Dillon. STANDISH, A. Hartrick. See H, vol. iv, page 16. STANDRING, Arthur Painter. Britannia Chambers, Manchester. 1885. 444 The road from the beach, Criccieth, North Wales. STANESBY, Alexander. Miniature Painter. 8, Robert Terrace, Chelsea. 1848. 949 A portrait. 966 do. I, York Place, Denmark Hill. 1849. 980 Portrait of an associate of the Society of Painters in Water Colours, 992 George Lance, Esq, 1850. 1022 Portrait ofa child. 1039 William Powell Frith, Esq., A.R,A. 13, Tachbrook Street, Pimlico. 1853. 694 William Samuel Woodin, Esq. 1854. 1027 Charles, son of Richard Martin, Esq. STANESBY, Joshua Painter. 50, Howland Street. 1 82 1. 532 Portrait of a lady. 1822. 574 The Rev. Geo. Thorn, D.D., minister of the Dutch Re formed Church, Caledon, South Africa. 602 Miss Tatem. 716 Portrait of a lady. 33, College Street. 1823. 654 Portrait of a lady. 918 The Rev. J. Morison. 8, Robert Terrace, Chelsea. 1848. 402 A Chelsea pensioner. 518 An aged sempstress. 86, Warwick Street, Pimlico. 1849. 194 Evening — a domestic scene. "The sun's last ray Smiles on the window, and prolongs the da.y:'— Crabbe. 360 A portrait. 14, Charlwood Place, Pimlico. 1850. 253 A student in the Royal Aca demy. STANESBY, Samuel Painter. 14, Charlwood Place, Pimlico. 1850. 696 A portrait. 1853. 657 Cochin-China fowls. STANFIELD, C Painter. Near Yeadon, Leeds. 1890. 986 A sunny day in October. 1892. 279 Farnham Common. STANFIELD, George Clarkson. Painter. G. L. Stanfield, Junr., 48, Mornington Place. 1844, 485 On the Lys, at Ghent. G. Stanfield, 48, Mornington Place. 1845. 45 Saw miU at Saardam. G. C. Stanfield, Junr., 48, Mornington Place. 1846. 299 Rudesheim on the Rhine. 1847. 76 In the Hampstead fields. 132 The back of Ramsgate Pier, looking towards Deal. 1848. 86 At Ambleteuse. 1259 Portel, near Boulogne. 1849. 472 On Hampstead Heath. 1850. 57 The old bridge, Frankfort. 230 THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS 403 1311 Stanfield, George Clarkson — continued. 1850. 398 The cliffs near Boulogne. The Green Hill, Hampstead. 530 East Tarbet on Loch Tyne. 249 Cambus Kenneth Abbey, near Stirling. 502 Llanrwst on the Conway. 389 Loggio, on the Lake of Lugarno. 540 At Bellagio on the Lake of Como. 424 At Sion in the Canton Valais. 589 MUls at Montreux, near the Lake of Geneva. 6, Pond Street, Hampstead. 12 The market square at Como, North Italy. At Sonning on the Thames, Berkshire. San Giulio — Lago d'Orta, North Italy. 380 Bridge over the Rhone at Leuk, Canton Valais. 487 Hampstead Heath. 505 Castle and church of St. Va lerie, Sion, Canton Valais. 188 At Berncastel on the Moselle. 339 Beelstein on the Moselle. 459 The old Town HaU and Mo selle Bridge, Coblentz. 640 At Saarburg on the Saar, Prussia. 15 Coblenz and Ehrenbreitstein, from the Moselle. 172 At Trarbach on the Moselle. 395 At Treves, Prussia. 561 Saarburg on the Saar. 62 Beelstein on the Moselle. At Saarburg on the Saar. On the Lighthouse Hills, at Cromer, Norfolk. The Castle of ChiUon. Huy on the Meuse. Church of St. Michael, Ghent. 357 The Brussels Gate, Malines. 229 Kirkstall Abbey. 424 Brieg, in the Valais, looking towards the Viescherhorn. Saarburg Castle. At Namur. Limburg — evening. Runkel on the Lahn. 554 Oberlahnstein, looking towards the Castle of Stolzenfels, 648 On the Lahn. 496 The Amphitheatre, Verona. 550 San Giorgio Maggiore, Venice. 351 The Palazzo Contarini, Venice. 421 The Canareggio, Venice. 581 San Trovaso, Venice. 596 Baldwinstein on the Lahn. 1851.1852. 1853- 1854. 1855- 1856. 1857- 1858. 1859. i860. 1861. 1862. 1863, 1864, 1865. 1866. 38643 663 •9 250 521559 61 437 42, Belsize Square. 1867. 641 At Luzern. 655 Dinant on the Meuse. 1868. 425 From the upper Ramparts, Mont St. Michel, Normandy. 512 Angers, Maine-et-Loire. 1869, 361 The old bridge at Angers, Maine-et-Loire. 445 The castle and town of Saumur on the Loire. 1870. 114 Limburg on the Lahn, Nassau. 386 Bellinzona, Canton Ticino. 1871. 1029 Dinan, Brittany. II 37 Town and castle of Amboise on the Loire. 1872. 469 Dunbar Castle, Scotland. 590 The Bass rock from North Berwick. 663 Tantallon Castle, Scotland. "Where'er TantaUon faced the land, Gateworks and walls were strongly mann'd, etc" 1873. 421 St. Cuthbert's monastery, Lin disfarne, 597 II Ponte di Castel Vecchio, Verona, 1075 Holy Island, Northumberland. 1874. 165 Angers, Maine-et-Loire. 53, Adelaide Road. ^875. 495 At Huy-on-the-Meuse. 913 Entrance to the harbour of La Rochelle, France. 1876. 939 Durdle door, near Lulworth, Dorsetshire. 1260 Le Pont de St. Benezet, Avig non, looking towards Ville- neuve. STANFIELD,William Clarkson, ^..,4. Painter. E. Stanfield, at the Cottage, Pratt Street, Lambeth. 1820. 288 A river scene. C. Stanfield, 14, Pratt Street, Lambeth. 182 1. 240 St. Bernard's Well, near Edin burgh. 3, Prince's Street, Stamford Street. 1827. 363 A calm. 14, Buckingham Street, Adelphi. 1829, 380 View near Chalons-sur-Saone, 1830. 284 Mount St. Michael, Cornwall, 1831, 63 A storm. 465 Strasburg. 476 Venice. 596 A fisherman of Honfleur. THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS 231 36, Mornington Crescent. 1832, 313 The opening of new London Bridge. (Elected A.R.A.) 1833. 247 Venice from the Dogana. 471 Scene on the Coast of France. 1834. 21 The Isola Bella, Lago Mag giore. 249 The Piazza di San Marco, look ing towards the "Bibliotdca " during a Festa — Venice. 568 The ruins of Palmyra. (Elected R.A.) 1835. 8 Scene near Livenza, in the Gulf of Venice. 315 Fisherman's abode at Mazzorto — Torcello in the distance. 363 On the Coast of Normandy. 1836. 290 Thebattle of Trafalgar. Painted for the Senior United Service Club. The picture represents the centre of the combined fleet at half-past two o'clock, about an hour and a half after Lord Nelson received his death- wound. The Victory, the ship that bore his Lordship's flag, after sustaining a heavy fire from four of the enemy's ships, is in the act of dis engaging herself from the Redoubtable, a French 74, at that time lashed alongside the Temeraire, a British 98, and at the moment the Fougueux, another French 74, became the prize of the latter. On the left of the spectator is Vice-Admiral Collingwood, in the Royal Sovereign, with her prize the Santa Ana, totally dis mantled, and the other ships of the lee division. On the right of the Victory is the Bucentaure, a French 80, Admiral Villeneuve, with her main and mizens masts shot away, the Santissima Trini dad, a Spanish four-decker, both ships unmanageable wrecks, from the heavy raking fire of the Victory, Neptune, Leviathan, etc. 1837. II Scene on the coast of Nor mandy, near Gonville. 78 Beilstein, on the Moselle — the Hundsrack ridge in the dis tance. 1837. 364 463 507 1838. 27 207226 1840. 13 148 •55 271343 470 476 1841. 9 354 4^7 1842. 20 128 313 347 512 1843. 37 192 293 409 1844. 187 On the Scheld, near Leiskens- hoeck — squally day. Scene on the Medway. Lago di Lugano. Chasse Mar^e, off the Gulf stream Light — the Downs in the distance. Near Sepolina, Lago di Como. Portel, Coast of Boulogne. 48, Mornington Place. Citara, in the Gulf of Salerno, looking towards the coast of Calabria. Ancona on the Adriatic. Sorrento, Bay of Naples. St. Georgio Maggiore, from the Ducal Palace, Venice. Avignon, on the Rhone. On the coast near St. Malo. Amalfi, kingdom of Naples. CasteUo d'Ischia, from the mole. "On Monday, December 24th, 1838, it blew a heavy gale from the south-west; several small craft from Pro- cida and Baix, moored with out the mole that connects the castle with the town of Ischia, parted from their moorings, and one— a felucca — was entirely wrecked, and it was with difficulty the crew were saved." Pozzuoli, from Caligula's bridge; the island of Nesida in the distance, Bay of Baise. Near Castel-a-Mare, Bay of Naples. VaUone del mulini, Amalfi. Isola Bella, Lago Maggiore. Pozzuoli, looking towards Baise — Istria in the distance. Kitchen of the inn at Amalfi. Torre di Terracina — Mola Gaeta in the distance. Mazorbo and Torcello, Gulf of Venice. The Castle of Ischia, kingdom of Naples. The Ducal Palace and Columns of St. Mark, Venice. View on the Giudecca, Ven ice. View on the Medway. The day after the wreck; a Dutch East Indiaman on shore in the Ooster Schelde — Zierikzee in the distance. 232 THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS Stanfield, William Clarkson, R.A. continued. 1844. 523 1845. 65 205 254 356 490 1846. 22 342 396 1847. 74 126169 271 542 546 Oude Scheld— Texel Island, looking towards Nieuwediep and the Zuider Zee. The Mole at Ancona, with Trajan's arch. Dutch boats running into Saar dam — Amsterdam in the distance. The action and capture of the Spanish xebeque frigate El Gamo, of 32 guns and 319 men, commanded by Don Francesco de Torris, and H.M. sloop Speedy, of 14 four-pounders and 54 men, commanded by Lord Coch rane (now Earl Dundonald) off Barcelona on the 6th May, 1 80 1. After a mutual chase and warm action, the El Gamo was carried by boarding; the commander of the Speedy (Lord Cochrane) ordering every soul in the brig to board, leaving only the sur geon, Mr. Guthrie, in charge of the helm. The Speedy had eight wounded and three kUled; the El Gamo had 45 wounded and 14 kiUed, including the commander, Don Francesco de Torris, From the great disparity of force, this was justly con sidered one of the most gallant exploits of the last war. Scene near Zeldkirch in the Tyrol. Dordrecht. A Dutch dogger carrying away her sprit. " On the Dogger bank, in the cold North Sea, etc." II Ponte Rotto, Rome. Italian seaport. Scene near Monnikendam on the Zuyder Zee. French troops (1796) fording the Margra — Sarzana and the Carrara mountains in the distance. Dordrecht. On the Zuyder Zee. Scene near Cattolica, Adriatic. Naples.Dort. 1849. 1850, The Green Hill, Hampstead. 1848, 166 The bridge of St, Benezet, Avignon, looking towards ViUeneuve. 217 Amalfi (the mariner's compass was invented by a citizen of Amalfi). "These, now to him who sails under the shore, etc." — Rogers. Mola de Gaeta, from the Ap plan way. On the Cornice. Ancona. Tilbury Fort — wind against tide. Lugano. Salvator Rosa's studio. Lago Maggiore. Near Miori, Gulf of Salerno. Moonlight off the Reculvers. Macbeth, Act I, scene 3 (Enter Macbeth and Banquo), etc. Scene on the Maas near Dort — market people waiting for the evening tide. Near Foria, Island of Ischia. The Bay of Baise, from the Capuchin convent, above Pozzuoh. Ponte Atrani, Gulf Salerno. Near Monickendam on the Zuyder Zee. The battle of Roverido, 1796. " See with blood the Alpine valley stained, the cloister- garth profaned, etc." Arco de Trajano, Ancona. The great Tor, Oxwich Bay, South Wales. The Bay of Baise from the Lake Avernus. The port of La Rochelle. Citara. The Gulf of Salerno. H.M.S. "The Victory" (with the body of Nelson on board) towed into Gibraltar 28th of October, 1805, seven days after the battle of Trafalgar. " Battle stained and tempest tossed, a mighty ship comes on. No shout of triumph wel comes her for the glo rious victory won. For she carries her dead ad miral, kUled in Trafal gar's Bay, And Nelson's flag hangs droopingly on that tri umphant day. 1851. 370586 590 •5^ 211 325 331 498 67 131 28S326 363 48 196 435743 1852. 48 1853- 190500 57 THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS 233 Sail on, proud ship! thy battered hull proclaims thy place in war, A fitting bier for him who feU in the fight at Tra falgar." " Disabled ships continued to arrive for several days, bringing with them the only four prizes rescued from the fury of the late gale. The anchorage became covered with ships. In the mole lay six dismasted hulls, whose battered sides, dismounted guns, and shattered ports presented unequivocal evi dence of the brilliant part they had taken in the glo riously contested battle ; a little beyond, the more re cently arrived lay at their anchors. At this proud mo ment no shout of exultation was heard, no joyous feli citations were exchanged, for the lowered flag which waved on the Victory's mast marked where the mourned hero lay, and cast a deepened shade over the triumphant scene." — Lieut. Nicholas. 1853. 325 An affray in the Pyrenees with contrabandistas. 1854. 57 The last of the crew. 139 La Rochelle. 187 Hulks, on the Medway. 315 View of the "Pic du Midi d'Ossau " in the Pyrenees. 1855. 87 Ilfracombe, North Devon. 142 Dutch boats entering harbour — Zuider Zee. 545 St. Sebastian, during the siege under Field Marshal the Duke of Wellington, July, 1813; British troops taking possession ofthe heights and convent of St. Bartolomeo. 1856. 94 The abandoned. "There was no trace by which the name of the ship could be ascertained. The wreck had evidently drifted about for many months; clusters of shell-fish had fastened about it, and long seaweeds flaunted at its sides. But where, thought I, is the crew? Their struggle has long been over — they vn. have gone down amidst the roar of the tempest — their bones he whitening among the caverns of the deep. Silence, oblivion, like the waves, have closed over them, and no one can tell the story of their end. What sighs have been wafted after that ship ! what prayers offered up at the deserted fireside of home ! How often has the mistress, the wife, the mother, pored over the daily news to catch some casual intelligence of this rover of the deep ! How has expectation darkened into anxiety — anxiety into dread — and dread into despair ! Alas ! not one memento shall ever return for love to cherish, all that shall ever be known, is, that she sailed from her port, and was never heard of more."— Washing ton Irving. 1856. 191 A guarda costa riding out a gale, off" Fuentarabia, at the mouth of the Bidassoa, Basque Provinces. 1857. 61 Fort Socoa, St. Jean de Luz. 204 Port na Spania, near the Giant's Causeway, Antrim, Coast of Ireland. "It is related that one or more of the ships belonging to the Spanish Armada were driven in to the coast by stress of weather, and in the mist took the isolated rocks, called the Chimney-tops, for the veritable chimneys of Dunluce Castle, and wasted their gunpowder in firing at them. The gale increasing they were totally wrecked in the bay, thence called Port na Spania." 308 Calais fishermen taking in their nets — squall coming on. 371 Calm — in the Gulf of Salerno. 1858. 18 Old Holland. 141 The fortress of Savona. 359 The Castle of Ischia. 497 The Hollands Diep — tide making. 1859. 184 On the coast of Brittany. 237 A Maltese Xebec on the rocks of Puiila Mazzodi Procida; H H 2 34 THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS Stanfield, William Clarkson, R.A.— continued. a steam tug and Neapolitan boats rendering assistance. The Island and Castle of Ischia in the distance. 1859. 459 Brodick Castle, Isle of Arran. i860. 23 Angers on the Maine-et-Loire. 71 Vesuvius and part of the Bay of Naples, from the Mole. 116 Outward bound. 1861. 57 Capture of smuggled goods on the old Antrim road, Ire land — dirty weather. 81 Homeward bound. 91 Mazorbo, Gulf of Venice. 320 Markeu, Zuyder Zee. 1862. 5 The Stack rock, Coast of Antrim. 21 The Race of Ramsay, near St. David's Head, South Wales. 82 Nieuwe Diep and the Helder light, from Texel Island. Disabled ships going to dock at Nieuwe Diep. 354 On the Coast of Normandy. 398 On the Coast of Brittany, near Dol. 1863. 94 On the Coast of Calabria. 123 The situation of His Majesty's ship, "The Defence," and her prize, " II St. Ildefonso," on the morning following the Battle of Trafalgar. Cadiz and Rola in the dis tance, with many of the cap tured ships ashore on the coast between Cadiz and Cape Trafalgar. 177 Oude Scheld, Texel Island. 272 Shakespeare's Cliff, Dover — 1849. 37' The Worm's Head, Bristol Channel. 1864. 65 The Mew -stone, Plymouth Sound. 155 War. 170 Peace. 284 On the Hollands Diep, near Willemstadt. 1865. 96 The Bass rock. 128 The Vale of Narni, Italy. 1866. 58 Tintagel Castle, coast of Corn wall. 78 The Pic du Midi d'Ossau, in the Pyrenees. 6, Belsize Park Road, N. W. 1867. 199 A skirmish off Heligoland. STANFORD, R Architect. 42, Upper Berkeley Street. 181 7. 887 Design for a mansion in the castle style. 1 8 18. 947 Architectural view in PaU Mall. 18 19. 1026 Design for a triumphal build ing. STANHOPE, J. R. Spencer. Painter, etc. J. R. S. Stanhope, 18, Chapel Street, Belgrave Square. 1859. 795 Lynmouth, North Devon. 890 Thoughts of the past. R. S. Stanhope, Sandroyd, Cobham, Surrey. 1862. 573 The Flight into Egypt. 1863. 624 Juliet and the nurse. 1864. 33 Rispah, the daughter of Aiah. 476 Penelope. 1865. 537 Beauty and the Beast, 77, Harley Street. 1868. 403 The footsteps of the flock. "If thou know not, O thou fair est among women, go thy way forth by the footsteps of the flock, and feed thy kids beside the shepherds' tents." J. R. S. Stanhope, 77, Harley Street. 1869. 843 The Rape of Proserpine. 1870. 151 The olive tree; a pastoral. 1872. 270 Cephalus and Procris. 1484 Andromeda; alto-relievo. Villa Nuti, Bellosguardo, Florence. 1902. 919 Knowledge stranghng Inno cence. 939 The vision of Ezekiel: the valley of dry bones. STANILAND, Charles Joseph, R.L Painter. 12a, Grove Place, St. John's Wood. 1863. 197. " Drapped i' the grave — God's lap. Our wee white rose of all the world." — Gerald Massey. 37, Middleton Square. 1865. 73 Interior of Manoir de Peran- goir, Quimber, Brittany. Hogarth Cottage, Chiswick. 1874. 1016 An emeute in the i6th cen tury, etc. THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS 235 1877. 645 Fugitives for conscience' sake, 1878. 594 Good-bye! 1 5, Steele's Rd., Haverstock HUL 1881. 90 The relief of Leyden, 1574. " Leyden was relieved. The Admiral, stepping ashore, was welcomed by the magis tracy, and a solemn proces sion was immediately formed. Magistrates and citizens, wild Zealanders, emaciated burgher guards, sailors, sol diers, women, children — nearly every living person within the walls, all repaired without delay to the great church, stout Admiral Boisot leading the way."— y. L. Motley. STANLEY, Archer Painter. A. Stanley, Junr., 25, Great Maddox Street. 1847. 873 Study of beech trees in Knowle Park. 1848. 894 Walberton church. 1850. 948 Near Brodrick, Isle of Arran. 1009 Pass in Glen Rosa, Isle of Arran. 1852. 842 Sabbath — a scene in the High lands. " In some lone glen where every sound is lulled, etc." 1853. 1000 Approaching storm in the Highlands. " As deeper moans the gathering blast." 1855. 1055 Summertime, "Thick around the woodland hymns arise." 33, Albert Rd., Regent's Park. 1857, 730 Loch Leven, with the burying island of St. Mann in the distance, Argyllshire. 865 The muir on fire. Highlands. 1858. 722 The Highland fisherman's home. 873 Loch Nicraig, Perthshire — autumnal showers, passing over. 1859. 990 The ruins of lona. "That man is httle to be envied whose patriotism would not gain force upon the plains of Marathon, or whose piety would not grow warmer among the ruins of lona ! " — Dr. Johnson. 1 163 Ben Nevis. 39, Somerset Street. 1 86 1. 787 Ben Nevis with Interlochy Castle. 35, Somerset Street. 1862. 981 Glencroe, looking towards the Great Rest. 1871. 315 Coming storm — West High lands. STANLEY, Charles H Painter. 25, Great Maddox Street. 1824. 68 Beckenham church; a sketch, painted on the spot 1849. 944 Norma, ofthe Fitful Head, re lating the history of her life to Minna and Brenda. 1850. 595 Temptation. 1851. 413 The rustic wreath. 10, Percy Street. 1853. 601 Miss Murray, as Dorothy Budd, in " St. Cupid," by Douglas Jerrold, Esq. 25, Great Maddox Street. 1855. 517 The morning rider. 1858. 1 106 Garden scene at Westfield House, Ryde, the residence of Sir Augustus Clifford, Bart. STANLEY, C. P Painter. 4, Queen Street, Brompton. 1844. 763 Miss Sophia Stanley. 1 166 Street in Rome. STANLEY, Colet Robert ... Painter. (An Honorary Exhibitor.) 1819. 368 Cottage at Bottwell, Middlesex. 25, Great Maddox Street. 1820. 14 Cottage at Betchworth, Surrey. 1822. 303 A sketch: painted on the spot. 1825. 350 Aber-dy-lais bridge. Vale of Neath, South Wales. 1826. 64 Harrow, from Hampstead Heath. 1827. 334 Hampstead Heath; a study from nature. 1830. 421 A storm coming on; a study from nature. 1 83 1. 204 The watermill. 1832. 17 A storm passing off, Killaloe on the Shannon. 1833. 9 The old bridge at Scariffe, Ire land; the Crag mountain in the distance. 1834. 302 Entrance to Candebec on the Seine, from the Paris Road. 1835. 384 Paris, from Chaillot. 1837. 229 Saltzburg, Germany. 1838. 554 Rotterdam. 1839, 461 An old street at Candebec on the Seine. 1840. 428 Cocheim on the Moselle. 236 THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS Stanley, Colet Robert — continued. 1841. 1167 Scene from Bishopsgate, Wind sor Castle in the distance. 1842, 1204 A View on the Rhine, 1843. 375 Chateau Gaillard, on the Seine. 1844. 143 Gateway, Saltzburg Castle, 1845, 684 The village church. 1846. 431 Entrance to the Chateau Runkel. 1848, 281 A scene in Stoneleigh Park. 1850. 238 Kenilworth Castle, 262 Breaking up of the clouds — cool morning. 1852. 1306 Tournon on the Rhone. 1855. 626 Erridge Castle, Kent. 1856. 246 A peep from a wood. 1858. 490 Auxerre on the Yonne. 1859. 544 Cottage Scene, Hertfordshire, i860. 604 Amiens, 1863, 263 Chiavari, on the Coniche, STANLEY, C. W Painter. C. W. Stanley, Junr., 25, Great Maddox Street. 1848. 55 The Hon. Miss Bickersteth. STANLEY, G Architect. Dover Street. 1800. 943 Entrance to the Bishop's gar den, Norwich. STANLEY, Harold J Painter. 1 5, Maximilian' s Platz, Munich. i860. 528 The widow. " Teuton and Sclave, her mas ters of the hour; To-morrow in their place the Frank may sit — And bid her learn some other melody." 1861, 601 Doing business. "Itisnaught, it is naught, saith the buyer; but when he hath gone his way, then he boasteth. — Pro verbs. 1 864. 426 Laborare est orare. STANLEY, Lady (formerly Miss Dorothy Tennant) Painter. Mrs. Henry Morton Stanley, 2, Richmond Terrace, Whitehall. 1893. 615 Henry Morton Stanley, Esq. 1896. 766 The bather. ¦Lady Stanley, 2, Richmond Terrace, Whitehall. 1900. 752 The forsaken nymph. 1903. 704 Leap frog. {See Miss Dorothy Tennant.) STANLEY, Montague, A.R.S.A. Painter. 43, Hadlow Street, Burton Crescent. 1833. 19 Wreck on the Lancashire Sands, near Cartmel. STANLEY, Miss Sara Painter. 3, Stirling Mansions, Compagne Gardens, South Hampstead. 1895. 72 Palazzo Ca d'Oro, Venice. 7, Albert Studios, Battersea Park. 1902. 633 Entrance to St. Mark's, Venice. STANMORE, H Painter. 3, Craven Place. 1864. 641 Campagna, Rome, Sabine HUls — sunrise. 1865. 624 The Dent d'Oche and the rocks of Meillerie, from Montreux, Switzerland. STANNARD, Miss A Painter. Castle Meadow, Norwich. 1859. 442 French partridges. STANNARD, Alfred George. Painter. Castle Meadow, Norivich. 1856, 414 The vUlage brook. 1858. 386 Woodlands. 774 A sunny afternoon. 1859. 434 The woodland spring. STANNARD, Miss Eloise Harriet. Painter. Upper King Street, Norwich. 1856. 72 Autumn. 291 Summer. 302 Winter. 1 128 Spring. 1857. II 38 Fruit. 1859. 509 do. i860. 157 do. 274 do. 1 86 1. 477 do. 487 do. 1862. 281 do. 405 Melon, etc. 418 Fruit. 1863. 344 do. 473 do. Opie Street, Norwich. 1864. 457 By the old garden wall. 1865. 285 Fruit. 329 In the outhouse. THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS 237 St. Andrew's HaU Place, Norwich. 1866. 323 Fruit. 1867. 554 do. 1868. 430 The gardener's bench. 447 Fruit. 1869. 752 Grapes and other fruit. 892 Black grapes. 1870. 6 Fruit. I87I. 272 do. with ewer, salt, etc., be longing to the Corporation of the City of Norwich. 1872. 378 Fruit. 428 Peaches. 1873- 295 Fruit. 1893. I Russets. STANNARD, Miss Emily... Painter. Harpur Place, Bedford. 1900. 1200 On the Wey. 1 90 1. 990 Nature's Garden. 1 169 "When soft winds and sunny skies, etc." 1239 " Down in the meadow and up by the stream." 1902, 926 In sweet September. 931 The quiet meadows round the hiU. 1903. 962 By meadow, footpath, hedge and stile. STANNARD, H. Sylvester. Painter. Flitwick, Bedfordshire. 1897. r269 Dusk. 1898. 1214 The old homestead. 1899. 1062 Still evening. 1 178 February. 1 199 The cottage homes of England. 1206 " Wuzzell" time in Bedford. 1900. 1097 "The trees began to whisper, etc. " — Tennyson. 1119 The trysting lane. 1 90 1. 940 SoHtude. 1036 Passing shadows. 1902. 846 "Now the evening shadows falling Warn from toil to peaceful rest." 955 By pasture and ploughland, 1903. 942 When the birds go north again. 1904, 980 Spring is come. 1003 A March morning. STANNARD, Henry Painter. Harpur Place, Bedford. 1902. 801 "White skies are blue and bright." 993 Autumn sunshine. 1903. 817 "Hints of Summer-time re main." 1904. 946 A Heilan' clan. STANNARD, Miss Lilian ... Painter. Harpur Place, Bedford. 1902. 865 " Where busy bees in sunshine reap A harvest for their hives." 1903. 1051 A petal-strewn path. 1904. 1061 The terrace walk. STANNUS, Anthony Carey. Painter. 208, Euston Road. 1863. 236 A young skipper. 602 An Irish cabin. A. C. P. Stannus, 15, Devonshire Terrace, Kensington. 1868. 690 View of the City of Mexico. A. C. Stannus, 26, Edwardes Square. 1%12. 113 Wreckers at the Land's End. 1874. 1348 Battle of the Boyne. 3, St. Aubyn's Gardens, Brighton. 1897. 290 In charge of the chief mate. 39, Westbourne Park Road. 1900. 158 " The first beam ghttering on a sail That brings our friends up from the underworld." 1902. 921 Evening on the Dogger bank. 1903. 839 The Valley of Mexico. STANNUS, Hugh Architect. 61, Larkhall Rise, Clapham. 1886. 1687 Design for decoration of St. Paul's Cathedral. STANSFELD, Miss Ellen L. Miniature Painter. 63, De Pary's Avenue, Bedford. 1902. 1187 H.M. Queen Alexandra. STANTON, Miss Emily Rose. Painter. Upfield, Stroud, Gloucestershire. 1885. 1383 Water lilies. 1890. 1270 Mushrooms. 1891. 1403 Fungus. 1892. 1295 Mushrooms. 1893. 1134 do. 1900. 651 do. 238 THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS STANTON, Horace Hughes-. Painter. H. H. Stanton, 31, Beaumont Street. 1873. 3^4 In the twihght. 4, Steele's Terrace, Haverstock Hill. 1874. 1376 Day-dreams. 4, Acton Terrace, Rock Ferry, Cheshire. 1879. 743 Our Farm. 863 My fair reader. Oxton, near Birkenhead. 1880. 922 A Cheshire farm. Longsdon, I a, Carlton Hill, N.W. 1897, 15 A heavy rain — St, Albans, Herts. 229 A spring pastoral. 8, Gloucester Mansions, Harrington Gardens, S.W. 1899. 432 A country road, 496 Moonlight from the hills. 510 Cornfield. 1 90 1. 19 Moonrise — the pool. 1902. 138 A spring pastoral. Scarsdale Lodge, Wright's Lane, Kensington. 1904. 547 Studland Bay, with Poole Har bour in the distance. 552 A summer's day, Sussex — early morning. STANTON, Miss Rose Emily. Painter. Upfield, Stroud, Gloucestershire. 1880. 729 Pets. 1 88 1. 702 Hedgehog and her young. 1882. 992 Wood pigeons, fledglings. 1887. 1192 Moorhen's nest. 1892. 1054 Finches. 1894. 1172 Plums in danger. 1896. II 63 Quinces. STANTON, Miss Sarah Painter. 3, Kingsland Green. 1843. 660 Houemahab. — From Moore's Lallah Rookh. 6, Annetta Crescent, Islington. 1846. 649 Contemplation. 22, Colebrook Row. 1848. 31 "She is far from the land." — Vide Maoris Melodies. STAPLES, Mrs. John C. (formerly Miss Mary Ellen Edwards and Mrs. Freer). See Miss Mary Ellen Ed wards, vol. iii, pages 27, 28. STAPLES, Robert Ponsonby. Painter. R. T. Staples, 20, Newman St. 1875. 348 Slievigahon, Ireland. R. P. Staples, 30a, Marlborough Hill. 1876. 527 Old John. 1877. 1353 Sir N. A. Staples, Bart. 1878. 236 The felon's wife. 1879. 106 The first lesson. 1406 Chez Nous. 1 88 1. 1345 Cairngorm. 21, Percy Street. 1883. 347 Guilty or Not Guilty? 96, Charlotte Street, Fitzroy Square. 1884. 685 "Steel, iron, and wood" ship- buUding yards, Belfast. Grey House, Hornton Street, Kensington. 1888 900 Under the Greenwood tree. 1892. 128 An old garden. 29, Warwick Gardens, Kensington. 1897. 997 Time, talk, and oblivion. 3, Comeragh Road, West Kensington. 1 90 1. 681 Our holiday. STAPLES, S Architect. I, Stapld s-inn, Holborn. 1824. 937 Design for a church. 960 do. for a Mechanics' Insti tute. 1825. 888 Design for a church. 1827. 1063 do. rebuilding Staple's Inn. 1830. 1082 House in Surrey. 1837. 1094 Cottage near Harrow. STAPYLTON, H. E. C Painter. (An Honorary Exhibitor.) 1856. 195 The Peace of Evening. {Stapylton in the index, Staplyton in the catalogue. ) STARK, Arthur James Painter. 10, York Place, Windsor. 1848. 226 A water miU. 1849. 529 An alehouse door. J. Stark, 35, Norfolk Street. 1850. 147 Forest scene. THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS 239 1850. 1851. 1852. 1853- 1854. 1855- 1259 Bettws-y-Coed Bridge. {The last two are evidently intended for A. J. Stark, as there are three others down to the father.) A.J. Stark, ¦^e,, Norfolk Street. 347 Fetching the mallard. 747 A study from nature. 1262 A rest from sport. 126 An interior ofa stable. 204 Cattle and landscape. 1260 A corner in the farmyard. 303 The startled heron. 1074 A summer afternoon. " Cattle court the zephyrs bland Where the streamlet wanders cool." 1857. 65 At rest. 214 A quiet nook. "Where coots in rushy dingles hide And moorcocks shun the day." Done work. Langham Chambers. 157 Left in charge. On the Lighthouse hills at Cromer, Norfolk. On the Teme, near Ludlow, Shropshire. Evening. 481 A shady pool. The Studio, Tattersall's, Grosvenor Place. Amateurs. A hunter, the property of the Duke of Rutland. 17, Langham Street, Portland Place. In Moor Park, Rickmansworth. 534 Waiting at the ferry. 120 The Moor Park. 401 The pasture. 156 Under the beeches. 213 Feeding time. 334 The homestead. In the shade. "The smooth- leaved beeches in the field receive them With coolest shade, till noontide's heat be spent." 175 Down in the meadows. 42, Fitzroy Street. 97 The angler's nook. 1390 Timber carting. 1 161 A farmyard. 587 Dartmoor drift. This is the name given to the annual collection or "driving" of the ponies on Dartmoor. They are thus got together 1858. 954 1859. •57 443 i860. 62 I86I. 58. 481 1862. 1863. 323 709 1865. 402 1866.1867.1868.1869.I87I.1872. 133 1873-1874. 1875- 1877. 1883. for the purpose of obtaining fees for pasturage, and for the sorting out of trespassers. During the drift they are occasionally halted to give owners dwelling near a par ticular spot an opportunity of claiming the animals be longing to them. 42, Grove End Road, N. W. 102 Whitening to the Harvest. STARK, Mrs. Flora M Painter. Ecc lesion, Torquay, Devon. 1896. 556 Trying on the Communion Veil. 1897. 774 Moonlight and lamphght — Asolo. STARK, James Painter. 181 1. 179 View on King Street River, Norwich. 1 81 2. 352 Cottages. 82, Berwick Street. 1814. 26 Road scene. 48, Wigmore Street. 1815. 269 A landscape. Norwich. 182 1. 426 View at Thorp, near Norwich. 1825. 165 Landscape. 14, Beaufort Row, Chelsea. 1 83 1. 405 Market gardeners at Battersea. 1832. 96 Landscape. 1833. 310 do. 1834. 88 A draining mill. 1835. IIS Scene at Battersea. 1836. 381 Water MUl, Norfolk. 1838. 484 Scene near Henley. 1839. 88 Fishing. 506 Ferry on the Thames. 10, York Place, Windsor. 1840. 881 On the Medway. 1 84 1. 108 Enlarging the park. Old Wind sor. 134 Beech trees near the statue, looking towards Windsor Castle. 395 A Trout stream. "These rocks were overhung with the branches of some fine oaks, which flourished on the shore, and whose gnarled and tortuous roots appeared to grasp the ground, as if to enable them to support the superincumbent weight of the gigantic trees. "The water forced its way over some rocky ob structions into a pool, sur- 240 THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS Stark, James — continued. rounded by high reeds, and shaded by drooping wiUows." —Jesse's Angler's Ramble. 1842. 456 The village oak. 547 Taking up eel-pots. 1843. 253 In Windsor Great Park. 456 The gamekeeper's lodge. 719 The forest oak. 1844. 588 Heath scene. 1 2 14 Stick-gatherers. 1845. 465 Milking-time. 483 A road through a forest. 803 A mountain stream. 1846. 215 A roadside cottage. 340 A glen. 665 On the wharf. 1847. 274 A water-mill. 332 The environs of the New Forest. 1848. 158 Windsor Great Park. 175 A forest pond. 716 Lane scene. 1849. 195 Hethernett Church, Norfolk. 550 A forest village. 587 Beeches in Savernake Forest. 35, Norfolk Street. 1850. 10 Marlborough Forest. 237 Donkey and foal. 447 Windsor. 185 1. 171 Windsor — Morning. 442 A forest farm. 454 Bolton Abbey. 1852. 112 On the banks of the Yare. 197 Going to market, 1127 A country churchyard. Vide Gray's Elegy. 1853. 172 Eton CoUege. 1079 Penn rocks. 1854. 228 Near Windsor. 392 Backhurst Park. 846 In Sussex. 41, Fitzroy Square. 1855. 28 A forest brook. 1 3 12 A farm yard. 21, Cardington Street, Hampstead Road. 1856. 317 Changing pasture. 531 On the Mole. Langham Chambers. 1857. 79 Marlborough Forest. 1 34 In Sussex. 436 On the Norfolk coast. 1858. 256 Rokeby Park. 301 Entrance to a wood. "Enter this wild wood and view the haunts of nature." — Bryant. 1096 Ruins of a church. (The late.) 1859. 637 A water mill. STARK, Robert Sculptor. 57, Bedford Gardens, Campden Hill. 1883. 1591 A Bedouin. 1884. 1670 Charles Darwin. 1885. 2055 A huntsman and horse. 2129 A lioness; bronze. 1898 The Danaides; rehef. 2, Hillgrove Road, N. W. 869 A bison sentinel; statuette. 29, Portland Road, Holland Park. 2002 Study of a rhinoceros. Chagford, Devon. 2091 Head of a young girl. 2051 An Egyptian; bust. 1947 An Indian rhinoceros; statu ette, bronze. Purchased for the Chantrey Bequest for £65. 839 Early spring. {Oil painting.) 1685 Aspirations; statue, bronze. 1824 John Peel; equestrian statu ette, bronze. 1687 The old shepherd; group, bronze. 1866 The Crusader; statuette. 1305 A pastoral, Asolo, 1886, 1887. 1889.1890.1892, 1893. 1895.1896. 1897. STARKEY, J Architect. Bucklersbury. 1799. 929 Design for a vUla. At Mr. Mawley's, 28, Thorhaugh Street. 1818. 958 Design for a church. STARKIE, Miss Edyth Painter. 118, Adelaide Road, South Hampstead. 287 Miss M, D. 3, Wychcombe Studios, Haverstock Hill. 702 Lilla. 294 St. Cecilia. 185 Pippa passes, "How near I ever might approach all these, etc." — R. Browning. 1895. 1897.1898. 1899. STARLING, Albert Painter. Widmerpoole, Sutton, Surrey. 1884. 328 Miles Standish. 1885. 960 Student days. 18, Fitzroy Street. 1886. 1013 M. J. Starling, Esq. 1887. 980 Winter work. 1 5 16 News from her soldier son. 1888. 493 Saved from the sea. 618 Dipped in sunshine. 1889. 1203 Strangers in a strange land. 1890. 1060 The skipper prescribes. THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS 241 1 891. 240 Called to the hfeboat. 1892. Ill Out of their reckoning. 1893. 1133 Off Ryde, Isle of Wight. Wedmerpool, Sutton. 1900. 709 Home from fishing. 1 90 1. 180 Life's chart. STARLING, Miss Marion A. Painter. Beresjord Lodge, Brighton. 1883. 606 A httle china pot with ferns. STARR, Miss Louisa (afterwards Madame Canziani) Painter. 38, Bedford Square. 1863. 676 Stella. 14, Russell Square. 1866. 25 "WiU he come?" 1867. 151 La Pensierosa. 613 From " Taming of the Shrew.'' " Hortensio. You'll leave his lecture when I am in tune? Lucentio. That will be never; tune your instrument. Etc." — Act in, scene i. 1868. 509 David brought before Saul. "And as David returned from the slaughter of the Phihstine, Abner took him and brought him before Saul, with the head of the Philistine in his' hand." — I Samuel, xvii, 57. 603 A reverie! 1869. 112 Pensativa. 464 A fairy tale. 1870. 3 J. E. Pfeiffer, Esq. 964 Undine. "She was about to add something more, when Huldebrand, with the most heartfelt tenderness and love, clasped her in his arms, and again bore her back to the shore. There, amid tears and kisses, he first swore never to forsake his affection ate wife, and esteemed him self even more happy than Pygmalion, for whom Venus gave hfe to his beautiful statue, and thus changed it into a beloved wife." 1871. 32 WiUie, son of W. R. Beverly, Esq. 391 Amy, daughter of Sir John Lubbock, Bart., M.P. 1872. 348 Scene from the Merchant of Venice, act iii, scene 2. "Portia. There are some vn. shrewd contents in yon same paper, etc," 1872, 388 Brian Houghton Hodgson, Esq., B.C.S., late British Minister at the Court of Nepaul; correspondingmem- ber of the Institute of France. loio Mrs. J. E. Pfeiffer. 1873. 311 Sintram. "Silently weeping, the son knelt down before his mother, kissed her gar ment that floated forward through the bars, and felt as it were in Paradise, where every wish and every tumult is hushed. . . . Then wiU I go into that cloister, etc. . . . That would be a beautiful, stilly, joyful existence, my good child, replied the Lady Verena, such, how^ever, is not thy destiny. A brave high and mighty knight must thou remain, etc." — De La Motte FouquL 445 Imogen. " Stay, come not in; But that it eats our victuals, I should think Here were a fairy." 1874. 139 Miss Louisa Evelyn Deni- son. 1355 Don Silva and Fedalma. "Ah! your lordly hands will never fix that jewel, etc." — George Eliot. 1875. 527 Hardly earned. 1876. 866 Mrs. Henry S. King. 1877. I Daughters of Robert RusseU Carew, Esq. 383 Mrs. J. E. Pfeiffer. 1878. 19 Rose time. " Bring the dainty rose, etc." — Horace. 438 Henry S. King, Esq. 1879. 522 Marguerite (Sissy), daughter of W. R. Beveriey, Esq. 1880. 426 Elizabeth, daughter of J. Ash ton Bostock, Esq., C.B. 5^1 Edith, daughter of F. Algar, Esq. 569 Henry PiUeau, Esq. 1881. 284 A. S. Bicknell, Esq. 1389 W. S. Shoobridge, Esq. 1882. 697 Mrs. Henry Seymour King. 1883. 472 Miss Wakefield. 814 Lady Campbell. 1884. 290 Lady Pelly. 729 Lady Nicholson. {See Madame Canziani, vol. i, page 389.) II 242 THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS STARR, Sidney Painter. 54, Charlotte Street. 195 George Wilkinson, M.A, 790 Waiting. 38, Abercorn Place. 235 On the retired list; a portrait. 217 A study. 928 Sketch, the fan. 811 Finchley Road, N.W. 1882. 1883. 1884.1885.1886. STATHAM, Henry Heathcote. Architect. 5, Britannia Buildings, Liverpool. 1872. 1230 Design for Memorial window. 7, Queen Anne's Gate. 1878. 1146 West front, Tewkesbury Abbey. 1890. 1720 Birmingham Law Courts. 1870 Sheffield Municipal Buildings. 1892. 1631 St. Paul's Cathedral. 1893. 1537 Edinburgh Municipal Build ings. 40, Gower Street. 1894. 1574 Study for completing National GaUery, etc. 1900. 1875 Cartwright Memorial Hall. 1 90 1. 1534 Piers, etc., Vauxhall Bridge. 1903' 1350 In a belfry, ringing in the New Year. 1904. 1658 "Builder" office. STAVELY, W Painter. W. Staveley, 2, George Street, Hanover Square. 1785. 41 Portrait of a nobleman. 204 Two portraits. 1786. 1787. 207 do. 57 Portraits of two children. 198, Piccadilly. [3 Portraits of a lady and child. 55 Portrait ofa lady. 56 do. gentleman. 57 do. lady. 215 do. gentleman. 1788. 26 do. child. 35 Portraits of children. {Mrs. Fuljames's family.) 106 Portraits of a nobleman's children. 108 Portraits of children. 1789. 12 Portrait of a lady of quality. Portraits of a nobleman's children. Portrait of a lady of quality. 28, Southampton St., Strand. 1793- ==41 Portrait of a gentleman. {Sir W, Dunbar) ••7 250 1, Hinde Street, Manchester Sq. 1794, 76 A portrait. 77 do. 82 do. 83 do. 292 do. 1795- 33 An architect. {Pardon) 146 A portrait. 147 do. 153 do. 154 do. 302 Portrait of a child. 407 Portraits. 1796. 90 Portrait of a gentleman. 133 do. young lady. 143 do. do. ¦2-n do. do. {Miss Pardon.) 374 Portrait of an artist. 753 An antique statue in the Newby Gallery, Yorkshire. 762 do. do. 766 do. do. 775 do. do. 1797. 81 Portrait of a nobleman. • 53 do. gentleman. 155 do. do. 223 do. do. 474 do. young lady. 478 do. lady. 1798. 701 do. himself. 1800. 261 Mrs. Dalton. 271 Portraits of Sir James Dalziel, Bart., and WiUiam Cun ningham, Esq., of Grass- mere, regaling after the chace. 706 Mr. Furnish. {ThelastthreebyS. Staveley in the catalogue) W. Staveley, 12, Old Bond Street. 1804. 20 Mr. Smith. — Stavely, no address. 1805. 392 Miss Callander. 522 Miss Callander. {Staveley in index, Stavely in the catalogue) STEAD, Miss Ella M. Miniature Painter. Red Barns, Formby, La neas hire. 1895. 1114 Study of a head. STEAD, Fred Painter. St. George's Chambers, Bradford. 1892. 401 Portrait, 1893. 138 Isaac Webster, Esq. 170, Swan Arcade, Bradford. 1895, 298 The young housewife. THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS 243 1897. 100 Shades of evening. 362 Gathering apples. 1898. 4 The magic crystal. 1899. 259 Waiting for a bite. 657 An inspiration. 819 A summer day. 1 90 1. 510 The princess and the frog. 542 Constance cast adrift, " Sothly the commander of that (ship) was He, etc." — Chaucer. 1902. 276 The Common. 1903. 366 Will-o-the-wisp. STEAD, T Architect. 33, Devonshire Street, Queen's Square. 1797. 1 193 Design for a villa. 5, St. James' Place, Clerkenwell. 1 80 1. 916 Design for a suite of offices. STEADMAN, W Sculptor. 17, Euston Place. 1857. 1359 Mrs. Deane; medaUion por trait. 1 360 medallion portrait ; posthu mous. STEBBING, Mrs. G Painter. 100, Cambridge Street. 1861. 40 Maidenhood. STEBBING, J. L Architect. 3, Beak Street, Golden Square. 1809. 867 A Design for a pavillion. 1810. 823 Design for a bath. At Mr. Cartwright s, 33, Dartmouth Street. 181 1. 800 Design for a casino in the Grecian style. 1813. 821 Elevated view of a public build ing. STECCHI, Fabio Sculptor. 85, Carlisle Mansions, S. W. 1891. 2024 Miss Le Poer Wynne; medal lion. STEEDEN, O Painter. 3, Red Lion Square. 1823. 644 Mr. J. H. Wakefield. STEEDMAN, Charles Painter. 35, Charles Street, Hampstead Road. 1826. 94 North Shields. 382 Fisherman. 1828. 215 WiUiams's Farm, near Winch- more HiU. 1829. 387 Fishing boats. 390 A fisherman. 1837. 290 The village tinker. 1841. 144 Mynheer Vandunck. 177 Rhubarb merchant. 545 Coast scene. 1842. 82 Physic. 1843. 56 Near Ventnor, Isle of Wight. 58 Shoreham. 1844. II 53 A Coast scene. 1845. 221 Our old gardener. 1846. 1040 Coast scene, Forfarshire. "The figure which advanced to meet them made many signs, which the haze of the atmos phere, now disturbedby wind, and adrizzlingrain, prevented them from seeing, or com prehending distinctly. Some time before they met. Sir Arthur could recognize the old blue-gowned beggar, Edie Ochiltree." — The Antiquary. 1847. 622 A fish girl. 1848. 180 Rustic figure. 1849. 133 Part of the Underchff, Isle of Wight. 232 A cave in the East Cliff", Hast ings. 546 An English Cabin. 1850. 1088 On the Medway, Rochester Bridge. 1852. 187 An old farrier. 1853. 105 The hay binder. 1854. 289 A rustic figure. 1855. 421 do. STEEDMAN, G Painter. (An Honorary Exhibitor.) 1824. 820 Willie brewed a Peck o' Maut. Vide Burns' songs. STEEL, John Sydney Painter. 8, Fitzroy Street 1889. 468 A hunter of the past. John S. Steele, 9, Charlotte Street, Fitzroy Square. 1890. 102 Hunting the Irish elk. /. S. Steel. 1892. 215 Death of the master stag. T. Sydney Steel. 1893. 189 In Benalder deer forest. J. Sydney Steel, Fair mount, Perth 1895. 549 Dead teal. J. Sidney Steel, Strathviep, Perth. 1900. 437 A night alarm. 244 THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS STEELE, Adeline Painter. St. Louis, United States. 1847. 851 A hunter in lUinois. STEELE, Miss Florence H. Metal Worker. 54, Hammersmith Road. 1896. 1821 Silver bottle 1888 George Clark, Esq. ; medaUion, bronze. 63, Rowan Road, Brook Green. 1899. 1955 Portrait of a lady; medallion. 1957 do. gentleman; medal lion, silver, 1986 Christening cup; silver. 1900. 1952 Hand-mirror; do. 1995 Decorative panel. 2008 Alms-dish. 1901. 1751 Portrait medallion. 1763 Design for a casket. 1770 do. silver. 1902. 1599 do. a bronze sundial. 1 61 9 do. a buckle. 17 14 Pendant; silver gilt. 1 715 Yachting trophy. 1903. 181 8 Design for a presentation sword. 1863 do. mayoress' chain; Preston. 1904. 1778 Group; bronze. 1780 Walking-stick head. 1814 Triptych; silver and enamel. STEELE, Miss Jane , Painter. J. Steele, 2, Upper Conway Street, Fitzroy .'Afreet. 18 10. 90 The upper waterfall, Dol-y- myllyn. North Wales, 353 Scene composed from nature. 43 8 View from nature. North Wales. Jane Steele, Cudbear Manufactory, Westminster. 181 1. 282 Ruins of Bayham Abbey, Sussex. 407 View on the river Lea, Hert fordshire. 3, Union Place, Lambeth. 181 2. 454 View of Westminster Abbey, from the New Cut, Lam beth. STEELE, Jeremiah. Miniature Painter. /. Steel, Nottingham. 1801. 821 Portrait of a gentleman. 1802. 703 797 1804. 7^3 1806. 764 1808. 699 804 1809. 639 I8I8.I8I9. 731 763978 1820. 811 1821, 669 768773 1822. 425 1826, — Steel, 134, New Bond Street. Portraits of two children. Portrait of a gentleman. J. Steel, Bath. Dr. Buxton. J. Steele, 1 74, Oxford Street. Miss Ward. 40, Church Street, Liverpool. Mr. Spencer, in a Spanish dress. Mr. J. Ritchie. 41, Leicester Square. Mrs. Davenport. 657 Miss Willoughby. 1 70, New Bond Street. 692 M. Harris, Esq. 837 T. S. Traill, Esq., M.P. 709 Henry Alexander, Esq. 725 B. Arthur, Esq. Portrait of a lady. General Sir Gregor M'Gregor. W. G. Johnston, Esq. 17, Cork Street. 640 Sir J. Boyd. 675 Henry P. Hole, Esq. Portrait of a lady. do. do. G. H. Drummond,' Esq., M.P. Portrait of a lady. do. do. 85, Wells St., Oxford Street. 840 Miss Right. STEELE, Louis John Etcher. 10 1, Clarendon Road, Notting HiU. 1872. 1127 "What shaU I wear?" - 1875, 595 Le jouer de cornemuse. (The bag-pipe player.) 1881, 1261 The revolutionist. After W. Q. Orchardson, R.A. ; etch ing. 1268 The poachers. After Briton Riviere, A.R.A.; etching. 1882. 1302 The Foundling. After Marcus Stone, A.R.A,; etching. 1343 La Tricoteuse. After Mrs, AUingham; etching. 1883. 1356 His only friend. After Briton Riviere, R.A.; etching. •399 "Comola." After BritonRiviere, R.A.; etching. 1884. 1466 Success. After S. E. Waller; etching. 1885, 1607 Napoleon on board the " Bel- lerophon," After W. Q. Or chardson, R.A,; etching. 1886. 1447 The young housewife. After W, Q. Orchardson, R.A.; etching. THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS 245 STEELE, Madame Louise. Enamel Painter. 10 1, Clarendon Road. 1875. 1 136 J. Steele, Esq.; enamelled on gold. 1 1 37 Mrs. J. Steele. 1877. 1297 Master Ernest; enamelled on gold. 1323 Master Louis; enamelled on gold. STEELL, David G., A.R.S.A. Painter. David G. Steel, 4, Maitland Street, 1891. 585 Sporting dogs. Edinburgh. STEELL, Gourlay, R.S.A. ... Painter. G. Steel, 90, George Street, Edinburgh. 1865. I The return to their native heath of the winners at Battersea, G. Steele, 90, George Street, Edinburgh. 1866. 738 Totty. The property of Mr. Crellin, Liverpool. 1869. 550 GUlie and Capercailzie. 132, George Street, Edinburgh. 1870. 438 The Elder's Collie. 187 1. 51 Equestrian portrait of Colonel Carrick Buchanan, of Drum- pellier, accompanied by his huntsman, J. Squires, and favourites of his celebrated pack of fox-hounds. G. Steell, R.S.A., 132, George Street, Edinburgh. 1873. 786 The open window. " The old house bythe lindens stood silent in the shade. I saw the nursery windows wide open to the air. Thelarge Newfoundland house dog Was standing by the door, etc." — Longfellow. 881 DrumpeUier pugs, the property of Mrs. Carrick Buchanan, of DrumpeUier. Tempera. G. Steell, 132, George Street, Edinburgh. 1874. 577 Portraits of three of Her Ma jesty's favourite dogs, Noble, Corran, and Waldmann. — Painted by Command. Gourlay Steell, 4, Palmerston Place, Edinburgh. iSTj. 410 A challenge. "When Greek meets Greek, Then comes the tug of war." 1880. 3^8. "Leo." STEELL, Sir John, ^.5.^.... Sculptor. J. Steel, Rutland Place, Edinburgh. 1837. 1260 Marble bust of Lady Stuart. 1264 do. Earl Grey, to be placed in the Council Hall, Edinburgh. (Sculptor to Her Majesty for Scotland.) /. SteeU, R.S.A., Edinburgh. 1839. 1332 Bust of Her Majesty Queen Victoria. 1386 Bust, in marble, of Baroness Stratheden. J. Steel, 3, Randolph Place, Edinburgh. 1846. 1512 Bust, in marble, of the Duchess of Buccleuch. 1 5 15 Bust, in marble, of Lady Isa bella Gordon. 1849. 1198 Statue, in marble, of the late Countess of Elgin, to be placed in the Cathedral of Spanish Town, Jamaica. 1852. 1457. Marble bust of the Marquis of Dalhousie, Governor Gene ral of India. J. Steele, 9, Randolph Place, Edinburgh. 1876. 1495 Thomas de Quincey, the Eng hsh opium eater; marble bust. STEEPLE, John Painter. Sherbourne Road, Birmingham. 1852. 566 The ford — a scene on the Dee, near Llansanfraid, North Wales. 1853. 986 A summer evening. 1855. 532 The shaUow stream — summer evening. 267, Stanhope Street, N. W. 187 1. 610 Pont-y-Garth, North Wales — evening, before a storm. 1872. 804 The Ogwen Valley; looking towards Nant Frangon — twilight coming on. 1874. 799 Mountain and moorland. North Wales. 18, Leighton Crescent, N. W. 1879. 776 Curfew. 246 THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS STEER, Henry R., R.I. Painter. 12, Canonburv Lane. 1888. 471 Fair play. 1890. 973 Barnaby Rudge and his mother in Chigwell churchyard. Earl Shelton, Hinckley. 1893. 682 Confidences. STEER, Philip Wilson Painter. 23, Brunswick Rd., Gloucester. 1883. 206 " What of the war? " Magdala, Denby Road, Bournemouth. 1884. 472 Fantaisie. Trafalgar Studios, Manresa Road. 1885. 643 Discovery. STEERS, A Painter. High Wycombe. 1837. 26 The Marquess of Chandos. STEERS, W Painter. 25, Sherrard Street, Golden Square. 1823. 778 Narcissus; from nature. 1824. 466 Study of fruit from nature. 23, New Street, Brompton. 1827. 621 Miss Georgina Macdonell Edge- worth. 203, Sloane Street. 1828. 360 Portrait of a lady. 673 Flowers. 1829. 836 Portrait of a lady. 13, Robert Street, Chelsea. 1830. 422 Portrait of an officer, late of the Duke of York's own Rifles. STEFFECK, Karl Konstantin Hein rich Painter. Berlin. 1863. 512 Steeple-chase. STEGGLES, Robert J. Stained Glass Painter. 34, Caver sham Road, Camden Road. 1899. 1 69 1 Design for a stained glass window. 1900. 1714 do. do. 1815 do. do. 47, Chippenham Road. 1903. 1519 Design for stained glass. STEIGER, Madame Isabel de. See D, vol. ii, page 312. STEIN, Miss Lillie Painter. 161, Adelaide Road. 1900. 1500 Chrysanthemums. 1903. 1163 A study. STEIN, Robert Painter. St. John's Street, Edinburgh. 18 1 3. 6 View in Cumberland. 51 Morning — scene on the Frith of Forth, near Aberdour. 18 14. 31 View of Edinburgh from the west. STEINHAiJSSER, C Sculptor. 24, Old Bond Street. 1870. 1164 Flora; marble statue. 1178 Madonna and child. STEINMETZ, John Henry. Architect. Upper Homerton. 1840. 959 View in St. Peter's at Rome, etc. 1841. 1003 Front of San Giovanne Late- rano, Rome. STEINTHAL, Mrs. Emmeline P. Sculptor. Wharfmead, Ilkley. 1890. 1987 After a hard life; bust. 1 89 1. 1 97 1 A worker; bust. 1893, 1754 Mrs. W. E. Forster; bust. St. John's, Ilkley, Yorkshire. 1902. 1252 Mrs. Jerrold Robertshaw. STEINTHAL, A. See Salomons and Steinthal, vol. vii, page 6. STENHOUSE, J. Armstrong. Architect. 33, Oakford Road, N. W. 1888. 1850. Design for interior of hall. 2, Colington Villas, Ealing Dean. 1890. 1721 Design for a corner of a boudoir. 1728 Design for dining-room. 1 89 1. 1777 do. a staircase. 1805 do. a hall. 1892. 1682 do. ballroom. Cedar Lea, Bickley, Kent. 1901, 1648 Hall interior, Egham, STENNET, R Painter. Bath. 1803. 142 A cock-pheasant. THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS 247 STENNING, Alexander Rose. Architect. i^"], Fenchurch Street. 1873. ••^o Greyswood Hill, Haslemere, Surrey. 121, Cannon Street. 1884. 1217 Foxwold, Brasted, Kent. 1305 do. do. 1886. 1739 House at West Wickham, Kent. 1 89 1. 1767 Country Bank, Caterham. 1892. 1834 House at Bourne End. STENT, Frederick Warburton. Architect. 261, Oxford Street. 1846. 1342 Milan Cathedral. STEPHANOFF, Fileter N. Painter. N. F. Stepanoff, 16, Mary-le-Bone Street. 1778. 293 Painting. 294 Mathematics. Fileter Stepanoff, 16, Mary-le-Bone Street. 1779. 311 A lady. F. Stephanoff, 6, North Audley Street. 1781. 229 Portrait of a lady. 262 Interview of Coriolanus with his family in the camp of the VoUci. 414 Portrait of a lady. STEPHANOFF, Mrs. F. N. (Ger trude) Painter. 34, Newman Street. 1783. 223 A pheasant. 274 Hare and partridge. Mrs. Stephanoff, I, Brompton Row. 1805. 592 Fruit. STEPHANOFF, Francis Philip. Painter. I, Brompton Row. 1807. 379 The Persians destroyed by Apollo, in their attempt to sack the Temple of Delphi. Vide Gillie's History of Greece. 383' Heliodorus driven out of the Temple of Jerusalem. Vide Rollin's Ancient History. -(.97 William of Deloraine taking the magic book from the grave of Michael Scott. "And when the priest his death prayer had prayed, etc." — Lay of the Last Minstrel. 23, Store Street. 1810. 162 Portrait of a gentleman. 547 do. do. 59, Berwick Street 1813. 107 Portrait of a young lady. 1814. 512 do. lady. 22, Charles Street, Middlesex Hospital. 1816. 139 Tuning. 18 1 7. 209 Edward the Black Prince con ducting his prisoner, John, King of France, in triumph to Westminster after the Battle of Poictiers. 181 8. 274 The trial of Algernon Sidney, in the Court of King's Bench, Westminster, before the Judges Jeffreys, Holloway, and Withers, accompanied by the portraits of other dis tinguished persons who were present. The time chosen is when Sydney, having been declared by the Chief Justice to be insane, stretched out his arm and exclaimed, " Feel my pulse, my Lord, etc." 1819. 264 A musical party; portraits. 1820. 330 Doctor Sangrado practising physic. Vide Gil Bias. 182 1. 37 Portrait of a gentleman. 113 do. do. 425 Poor Relations. 1822. 74 Henry the Eighth and Francis the First crowned victors at the Tournament ofthe Cloth of Gold. 1823. 128 The Reconciliation. 1824. 58 The triumph of Rubens; a sketch, the idea taken from Northcote's Dream of a Painter. 1825. 130 The widow. 208 Henry the Eighth crowned victor at the Tournament of the Cloth of Gold; a sketch designed for a stained glass window. 293 The children of Charles the First restored to him after he had been seized by the Army. Vide Clarendon. 1826. 57 Scene from Shakespeare. — Henry Ilf 248 THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS Stephanoff, Francis Philip — continued. 1826. 250 Beatrice and Benedict. Shak speare. 251 Queen Catherine. Shakspeare. 273 Catherine and Petruchio. " Nay, good sweet Kate, be merry." 456 Portrait of a gentleman; a study. 1827. 232 Love. 236 Jealousy. 237 Revenge. 1828. 97 The arrest of Sir Arthur Wood- gate. Vide " The Amulet." 50, Manchester Street. 1829. 108 The snuff-box. 328 Revenge. 9, Lower Brook Street. 1834. 188 Scene from Beaumarchais' comedy of the Barber of Seville in the house of Dr. Bartolo. {French quotation) 1835. 267 Cranmer revoking his recanta tion at Oxford immediately previous to his martyrdom; with portraits of Cranmer, Bonner, Dr. Cole, Fox (the author of the " Lives of the Martyrs"), Lord WiUiams, Lord Chandoys, Sir John Brydes, etc. "Cranmer be ing degraded, and an old gown contemptuously thrown over him, was brought to St. Mary's church, where a plat form was raised in front of the pulpit. Dr. Cole then preached a furious sermon against him, which being concluded Cranmer knelt and began his own devotions ; then rising, he exhorted the people to obey the king and queen, to love and live in charity one with the other; concluding with a confirma tion of his faith. ' And now, ' said he, ' I come to the great thing that troubleth my con science, and that is the set ting abroad of writings con trary to the truth, which I here renounce and refuse, and writ for fear of death. And forasmuch as my hand offended in writing contrary to my heart, therefore my hand shall first be punished; for if I come to the fire, it shall be first burned,' The amazement and confusion at the utterance of this speech was very great." — Le Bas. 1836. 391 Death of Cardinal Wolsey. 15, Henrietta Street. 1837. 50 Youth. 133 Death of Wolsey; a sketch. 1838. 249 Doctor Sangrado. 1839. 580 Sancho, Governor of Barataria, 46, Warren Street. 1840. I (Octagon Room.) The last sigh of the Moor. "As they ar rived at this spot, the Moors paused involuntarily to take a farewell gaze of their be loved city, which a few steps more would shut from their sight for ever. "The heart of BoabdU, softened by misfortunes and overcharged with griefs, could no longer contain it self, etc." — Washington Irv ing. 1 84 1. 350 Answering the advertisement. "Wanted, a respectable female, as housekeeper to a middle-aged gentleman of serious and domestic habits." 572 Domestic happiness. 1842. 102 Portrait in a Mamlouk costume. 127 The challenge. "None but the brave deserve the fair." 252 Scene from the tale of the Bold Dragoon. "And it was agreed on all hands, that it would be a thousand pities and a burning shame into the bargain to turn such a bold dragoon into the streets; so they laid their heads to gether, and it was at length agreed to accommodate him with an old chamber that had been shut up for some time. 'Some say it's haunted,' whispered the landlord's daughter, etc." — W. Irving. 987 Mr, C. Turner's print room, 1843, 597 The Countess of Derby defend ing Lathom House, when besieged by Fairfax. The countess is represented as directing a sally to be made under the command of Cap tain Farmer, while her chap lain, with her children are waiting to join in prayer for the success of her arms. THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS 249 1844. 380 The brothers releasing the lady from the enchanted chair. Derby Villa, Shepherd's Bush. 1845. 424 The ascension; a sketch. STEPHANOFF, James Painter. 9, Newman Street. 1 81 2, 483 Miss Smernove. 6, Devonshire Street. 1837, 589 Portrait of a young lady, 765 The cousins; portraits. 966 The combat between Earl Walter and Lord D'Arcie. " Earl Walter's grey was borne aside. Lord D'Arcie's black held on: Oh! ever alack, fair Margaret cried, The good Eari Walter's gone," —Hogg. 985 Mary Scott, "A bride so gay, a face so sweet. The Yarrow braes shall never see." — Hogg. 1838. 644 Cheo Tih Long, a Chinese literary gentleman, 651 Mrs, Allen. 696 Robert Porrett, Esq. 712 Miss Heppel. 763 Portrait of a lady. 1839. 784 The man at arms; a portrait. 791 A masquerade; portraits. 1840. 873 A scene ofthe olden time. 1 84 1. 619 The shrine. 1842. 750 Portrait. Elizabeth ViUa, Westbourne Grove. 1843. 1119 A hunting party. 1844. 568 Titian and the Emperor. Derby Villa, Shepherd's Bush. 1846. 653 Brawer and the Spanish soldiery. 1848. 569 The interior of a guard room. 7, Sloane Terrace. 1849. 924 Talbot! to the rescue. "The French exclaimed, the devU was in arms, etc."-^Henry VI, act i, scene 2. STEPHANOFF, Miss M. G. Painter. I, Brompton Road. 1793. 783 Flowers, from nature. 787 do. do. 803 do. do. STEPHANY, G Ivory Carver. — Stephony. 1791. 323 An offering to Cupid; in ivory. VII. 1791. 324 The offering to Priapus; in ivory. 326 Seaport view; in ivory. 327 An emblem to friendship; in ivory. G, Stephany, 10"], Jermyn Street. 1792. 237 Taking of the Bastille, and the sacrifice of Cupid; in ivory. 1793. 365 A landscape; in ivory. With J. Dresch. 392 A sea view, with a custom house. With J. Dresch. 1795- 478 Portrait of a lady; in ivory. 33, Old Bond Street. 1802. 654 p'rederick II, King of Prussia; in ivory. 881 The "La Nymphe" frigate of 36 guns; in ivory. 1803. 866 Portraitof a gentleman; inivory. STEPHENS, A.. ..Miniature Painter. 8, Cross Street, Hatton Garden. 1812. 4^0 D. Giddy, Esq., M.P. 1 24, Newgate Street. 1819. 712 F. W. Pott, Esq. 889 Mrs. F. W. Pott. 941 Master Staples. 1822. 691 Portrait of an officer of the Cornwall Yeomanry Cavalry. 1823. 809 Mrs. Davis. 1824. 631 Portrait of a gentleman. 680 Miss Meymott. 1825. 847 Master Longhurst, of the Theatre Royal, Covent Gar den, as Page in the Opera of Clari. 1826. 653 Mr. Thomas Merridew. 839 Mrs. Thomas Merridew. 1827. 691 Captain MaxweU. 1828. 880 A Greek lady. 67, Hatton Garden. 1829. 732 Portrait of a gentleman. 793 do. lady. 851 Miss Sharp. 18, Ludgate HiU. 1830. 395 Portrait of a gentleman. 780 do. lady. 781 An under-graduate. Trinity College, Cambridge. 840 Portrait of a gentleman. 10, Hatton Garden. 1831. 637 Mr. Clay. 649 Mr. L. Williams. 1833. 677 Miss Peacock. 729 Hon. Mrs. Causton. 1834. 739 Robert Gouger, Esq. 749 Alfred Gouger, Esq. KK 250 THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS Stephens, A. — continued. 1835. 423 Mr. F. Pascoe. 718 Portrait of the daughter of Thomas Ward, Esq. 1836. 765 Miss Susan Whitford. 1839. 859 Mr. B. Barton. STEPHENS, Charles William. Architect. 47, Hans Place, S. W. 1886. 1585 Houses in Hans Place. 1613 Houses, Pont Street, S.W. {See also Williams and Stephens.) STEPHENS, Miss Daisy B. Painter. 85, Ridge Road, Stroud Green. i9°3- 935 Scarlet geraniums. STEPHENS, Edward Bowring, A.R.A Sculptor. 30, Cirencester Place. 1838. 1270 Narcissus. 1275 An Arcadian Nymph. 1 28 1 Maternal love. 1371 Bust of James Viney, Esq. 1839. 1289 Diana. 1342 Bust of Miss Sheffield. la, Loiver Southampton Street. 1842, 1276 A Phrygian hunter; modelled in Rome, 1317 Eve, "Eve separate he spies, Veil'd in acloud of fragrance, t.\.c:'^Milton. 1327 Marble bust of Sir Wm. Follett, M.P., executed by order of his friends, to be placed in the Devon and Exeter In stitution. 1335 A bust of the late Lord RoUe. la, Hampstead Road. 1843. 141 3 A group, in marble, of maternal love, 1414 Hagar and Ishmael in the wilderness. 1449 Marble bust of P. Miller, Esq., M.D. 1450 Marble bust of the Very Rev. the Dean of Exeter. 1844. 1283 A marble statue of the late Lord RoUe in the robe he wore at the coronation of Her Majesty the Queen. 1297 The battle of the centaurs and Lapith«, This model ob tained the Gold Medal of the Royal Academy in 1843. " An ample goblet stood, of antic mould, etc." 1386 Marble bust of Lady Courtenay. 1844. 1399 Marble bust of the Earl of Devon. 1407 Marble bust of Sir Thomas Dyke Acland, Bart., M.P. 1845. 1349 The attendant spirit disguised as Thyrsis, and the Lady. — From Comus; basso-relievo, executed in marble. For Her Majesty's summer temple, Buckingham Palace. 1407 Marble bust of the Bishop of Exeter. {Henry Phillpots.) 1408 Marble bust of General Gage HaU. 1414 Marble bust of Colonel Ful- ford. 27, Upper Belgrave Place. 1846. 1421 A deer-stalker in pursuit. 1466 Marble bust of W. S. Kelsall, Esq. 148 1 A marble bust of J. B. Creswell, Esq. 1847. 1317 Comus offering the cup to the lady. "And first behold this cordial julep here, etc." - — Comus. 1327 The lady, seated in the en chanted chair, refusing the cup. 'Twill not, false traitor! etc." — Comus. 1365 Posthumous bust in marble of Sir Humphrey Davie, Bart., Greedy Park, Devon. 1381 Bust in marble of General Sir Benjamin D'Urban, G.C.B., K.C.H., etc 1420 Bust, in marble, of T. S. Kel sall, Esq., Fairham House, Chiswick. 1848. 1358 A model of part of a monu ment erected by public sub scription to the memory of the Rev. Richard Lewis, B.A., forty-five years of the Grammar school, Honiton, Devon. 1849. 1233 Monument to the memory of the late Rt. Hon. Sir John Bayley, Baron of the Ex chequer. 1250 Posthumous bust in marble of the infant son of Alfred T. Jay, Esq. 1 26 1 Bust in marble of Samuel Fletcher, Esq. 1850. 1323 Group, Charity. 1363 Archdeacon Dealtry, now Bishop of Madras; executed in marble and placed in the Cathedral of Calcutta. THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS 251 1851. 1329 Marble bust of Viscount Pal merston, M.P., H.M. Sec retary of State for Foreign Affairs. Presented to Vis countess Palmerston by the electors of Tiverton. 1333 Marble bust of John Aitkens, Esq. 1852. 1329 A young shepherdess by the brook side. "She dwelt on a wide moor, etc." 1853. 1317 Eve contemplating death. "The fruit of that forbidden tree, etc." 1854. 1449 Posthumous bust in marble of the Hon. William Cour tenay. 1855. 1540 Marble bust, 1856. 1234 Group of Euphrosyne and Cupid. 1857. 1330 Viscount Ebrington, M.P.; bust. 1349 Mercy on the battle field. "The noblest chivalry on earth The Lord's crusade of Mercy." 1858. 1172 Mercy on the battle field, etc. 1859. 1318 James Anderton, Esq. i860. 1026 Viscount Ebrington; marble. 1861. 999 Evening, going to the bath; marble group. 1016 Earl Fortescue, K.G. 1029 The Angel; intended for a mausoleum. "The trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised." 1041 Wm. Adams, Esq.; marble. 1098 Model of a monumental bas- relief, executed in bronze and erected at Hatherleigh, Devon, representing Lieut.- Col. Morris, C.B., 17th Lancers, carried wounded off the field of Balaklava. 1862. 1028 Model of a statue of Sir Thomas Dyke Acland, Bart., erected at Exeter by his friends. 1863. 1013 The Earl of Lonsdale; marble statue. 1060 Alfred the Great in the neat herd's cottage; statue in marble. To be placed in the Egyptian Hall at the Man sion House by order of the Corporation of the city of London. " Every circum stance is interesting which attends so much virtue and dignity reduced to such dis tress." 1863. 1062 The late Earl Fortescue, K.G., and Lord Lieutenant of Devon. Model of a statue to be erected at Exeter. 1140 The late Earl Fortescue, K.G.; marble bust. 1864. 910 Francis, 7th Duke of Bedford, K.G.; model for a bronze statue. To be erected at Tavistock. (Elected A.R.A.) 1865. 896 Euphrosyne and Cupid; a group in marble. 1866. 852 John Dinham; model of a statue executed in marble and erected at Exeter, " This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth ; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success," 865 Arthur W. Jaffray, Esq, ; post humous marble bust. 913 John Tyrrell, Esq.; marble. 1867. 1007 Lady Godiva. "Then fled she to her inmost bower, etc." — Tennyson. 1008 Cupid's cruise. no, Buckingham Palace Road. 1868. 945 Coaxing. 960 Blackberry picking— the thorn. "The guarded sweets you seek, fair maid, etc." 1869. 1206 Monumental figure in marble of Elizabeth, Countess of Devon. Part of an altar- tomb to be erected in Powder- ham Church. 1227 Saved from the wreck. 1235 Sir John Bowring, late Her Majesty's plenipotentiary in China; marble. 1870. II 63 Mrs. Henry Fortescue (post humous); marble. 1 1 80 Blackberry picking; the thorn, etc. 1871. 12S3 Zingari: marble, group. 1294 "In Memoriam"; part of a mural monument in marble. "He was the only son of his mother and she was a widow." 1300 Henry Fortescue, Esq. ; marble. 1872. 141 2 A wrestler ready for the grip. 1537 Viscount Palmerston (post humous); marble. 252 THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS Stephens, Edward Bowring, A.R.A. — continued. 1873. ^43° Samuel Solly, Esq., F.R.S. (posthumous bust); marble. 1504 A deer-stalker; marble figure. 1 54 1 Eve's dream. "Close at the ear of Eve, etc." — Milton's Paradise Lost. 1544 A wrestler preparing for the grip; marble figure. 1566 William, Earl of Lonsdale; marble bust. 1874. 1513 Leander preparing to cross the Hellespont. 1875. 13 13 Evening. "Lord! teach me how to pray." 1315 Morning. "Lord! teach my heart Thy love to sing." 1323 A bowler. 1876. 1415 The bathers. "Just one step more, and in we go, etc." 1435 The deer-stalker; group in bronze. 1878. 1470 Life-sized model for a colos sal statue of the late Sir J. Cordy Burrows. Erected at Brighton. 1509 The httle carpenter; statuette, marble. "Hit the wrong nail," 1510 The bathers; group, marble. "One step more, and in we go." 1879, 1467 The Rt, Hon, Peter Erie, late Chief Commissioner of Char ities for England and Wales : bust (posthumous), marble, 1526 Ophelia; statuette, marble, " O heavens ! is 't possible a young maid's wits, etc." 1529 Lady Godiva ; statuette, marble. "Then fled she to her inmost bovver, etc." — Tennyson. 1533 Alfred Rooker, Esq. Statue erected at Plymouth. 1880. 1519 The lecturer; model for terra cotta. 1560 The Earl of Devon, Bronze statue for Exeter. 1881. 1484 Shielding the helpless. (The late.) 1883, 1529 Shielding the helpless; statue, marble. STEPHENS, Frederic George. Painter. 29, Wallcott Place, Kennington. 1852. 231 YoxitiA. {Mrs. Stephens, Senr) 97, Lupus Street, Pimlico. 1S54. 1330 Portrait. {Mr. Stevens, Senr.) {Both small whole lengths.) STEPHENS, J Sculptor. 8, Buckingham Street, Adelphi. 1833. 1 184 Marble bust — posthumous, of the son of J. Maiden, M.D., of Worcester. Worcester. 1845. 1459 Marble bust of the late John Nash, Esq. 1852. 1469 Posthumous bust of the Hon. J. Leslie. STEPHENS, L... .Miniature Painter. 33, Charterhouse Street. 1824. 632 Portrait of a lady. 750 do. do. Commercial Road, East. 1825. 694 Portrait of a lady. 705 do. do. 3, Panton Street. 1828. 779 " I'd be a butterfly." 829 Mr. Poulett Somerset, son of Lord Charles Somerset. 908 The Mandolin. " She sat be neath a shading tree, etc." Miss Bryant, 23, New North Street. 1829. 656 Portrait of a young lady. 672 Psyche borne by the Zephyrs. 789 Miss Bryant. STEPHENS, W. Miniature Painter. 10, Hatton Garden. 1840. 686 Rev. J. Harding. STEPHENS, W. Reynolds-. Painter and Sculptor. W. Reynolds Stephens, 54, Devonshire Street. 1885. 1338 A VaUey near the sea. Prestmare, Beckenham. 1886, 1862 Cain, an outcast; group. 191 5 Portrait of a lady; bust. 3, Radnor Street, Chelsea. 1887, 1924 Pigeons; statuette, wax. W. Reynolds-Stephens, 33, St. Leonard's Terrace. 1888. 1227 Summer. {A drawing) W. Reynolds Stephens. i88g. 2025 Truth and justice. A semi- lunette for over entrance to London and County Bank, Croydon; to be executed in bronze. 2146 Decorative panel; adapted from The Women of Amphissa of L. Alma-Tadema, R.A. ; executed in copper. 1890. 2019 A wall fountain. THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS 253 7^5 1845 189 1. 292 Summer. The design for this picture has been., executed for the Royal Academy as a mural decoration in the Re freshment Room of the Ex hibition Galleries. 1022 Pleasure. 1921 A wall fountain; bronze. W. Reynolds-Stephens. 814 Love and fate. 428 In the arms of Morpheus. 10, Hill Road, Abbey Road. Mrs. EUoart. " Happy in beauty, life, and love, and everything;" re lief. 1958 Sleeping beauty; relief. 2094 Silver bon-bon dish. 1941 A low relief; bronze. 2037 Sir Launcelot and the nestling; the last tournament. Ten nyson, statuette. Guinevere and the nesthng; statuette. " And after loved it tenderly, etc." — Tenny son. 1901. 1819 Castles in the air; statuette, bronze. 1716 Love's coronet; group. 1892. 1893.1894, 18951896 1897. 1898. 1899. 1900. 2023 19021903 1727 1842 do, in various do, metals. Part of a church screen; in metal, mother-o'-pearl mar ble, etc. "The fruit of the spirit is love, joy, peace, etc." — Gal. V, 22, 23. 1904. 1809 A reredos. "My peace I give unto you." STEPHENSON, C.J Painter. (An Honorary Exhibitor.) 1815. 454 Hill House, near Dumfermline, Fifeshire, the seat of Capt. B. Mitchell. STEPHENSON, J Painter. Brown Street, Grosvenor Square. 1785. 414 Portrait. 433 do. ofa child. STEPHENSON, James ... Engraver. 23, Victoria Road, Kentish Town. 1856. 1020 Engravings. After drawings by John Faed, R.S.A.; illus trative of Tam O'Shanter. 1858. 1132 Engravings. After John Faed, R.S.A.; illustrative of the soldier's return. 1859. 1220 The entanglement. After F. H. Maguire. 26, Dartmouth Park Road. 186 1. 954 My ain fireside. After T. Faed, A.R.A. 1862. 937 Alfred Tennyson, Esq. After G. F. Watts. 1864. 821 H.R.H. the Prince of Wales. After Sir J. W. Gordon, P.R.S.A. 1866. 810 Ophelia. After J. E. Millais, R.A. 1867, 962 The careless nurse. After him self. 1870. 841 A midnight study. 1872. 1275 Osborne. After Sir E. Landseer, R.A. 1873. 1276 Thewayfarers, After T. Graham. 1309 The Great Day of His Wrath. After J. Martin. 1310 The Last Judgment. After J. Martin. 13 1 1 The Plains of Heaven. After J. Martin. 1884. 1420 The challenge; etching. STEPHENSON, Mrs. P. A. F. Painter. c\o 1st Essex Regiment, Fermoy. 1896, 1273 A Buddhist monastery in the High Himalayas. clo 1st Essex Regiment, Warley, Essex. 1899. 1048 In a Berkshire garden. STEPHENSON, W Architect. 13, Tavistock Row, Covent Garden. 1792. 566 View of St. Paul's Church, Covent Garden. 1796. 847 View ofthe new church. Strand. 37, Bedfordbury, Covent Garden. 1801. 862 Oatlands, the seat of H.R.H. the Duke of York. 1802. 964 Effingham Hill, Surrey. 1805. 604 North-east view of Hastings. STEPHENSON, W Architect. Vauxhall Bridge Road. 1844. 1167 North doorway of South Ocken- ham church, Essex. STEPHENSON, Willie Painter. Deganway, Llandudno. 1896. nil Sunlight and shade. 1897. 1179 Rising mist. 1260 The Ruined castle of the sum mit. 254 THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS Stephenson, Willie — continued. Haslemere, The Woodlands, Conway. 1899. 1095 Morning — Conway, North Wales. 1901. 1035 Snow-clouds. STEPHENSON and HUNT. Architects. 4, Parliament Street. 1859. 1047 AUsop's new brewery, etc., at Burton-on-Trent. STERLING, E. C Painter. 104, Strand. 1867. 408 Study of a head. 1868. 38 C. Thompson, Esq. 104, Sloane Street. 1869. 404 View over the Valley of the Nile from the mountains above Cairo. STERLING, Miss Frances... Painter. 18, Sheffield Terrace, Kensington. 1894. 784 A rest, 1897. 1004 Simultaneous chess; first game to the single player. 1898. 121 A singing lesson. 1899. 699 Grandmama's picture book. STERLING, Miss Helen Painter. 6, Bolton Row, Piccadilly. 1873, 491 A Cornish girl, STERN, Miss Sophie T Painter. 5, Clifton Road, Brighton. 1894. 1020 "There was a soft and pensive grace, A cast of thought upon her face." 1895. 1040 Lamplight impression of Leo Stern. 1896. 1201 Audine, STERNBERG, Frank Engraver. Cross Fountain Street, Leeds. 1885. 449 A lonely shore. Hillside Cottage, Bushey, Herts. 1887. 1520 Edmund Bates. 1527 Mrs. Bates. 1888. 1650 Miss Maud Peel. 1683 Child dreams. 1696 Rev. Canon Elhson. After H, Herkomer, A.R.A, 1707 The Rev. H. M. Butler, 1889. 1782 Thomas Hawksley, F.R.S., Past President of the Institution of Civil Engineers. After H. Herkomer, A.R.A. 1889. 1788 TheRt. Hon. W.E.Gladstone, M.P. After H. J. Thaddeus. 1 89 1. 1724 A bacchante. After G. F. Watts, R.A. Frank Stemburgh, cjo A. Lucas, Esq., 38, Baker Street. 1904. 1305 Miss Nelly O'Brien. After Sir Joshua Reynolds, P.R.A. STERRY, Miss Eleanor S. Miniature Painter. 3, Bedford Place, Croydon. 1897. 1511 Portrait of a lady. 1899. 1208 Dorothy, daughter of Richard Marsh, Esq. 1900. 1464 Molly. 1467 Mrs. Buxton Morrish. 1901. 1338 Dorothy, elder daughter of the late Hon. Marcus Caulfeild, C.B. 1903. 1233 Portrait study of a girl. STEUART, Miss Alice M. Gow-. Painter. 42, Palace Gardens Terrace. 1887. 1428 Head of a saUor. 29, Boulevard des Batignolles, Paris. 1900. 508 Forsaken. STEVENS, Albert Painter. 38, King Street, Covent Garden. 1877. 770 Cowdray Park, Midhurst. 1880. 804 After rain. 1887. 1272 "On a throne of rocks, in a robe of clouds. With a dia dem of snow." 1888. 1360 Menaggio. Grove Park, Chiswick. 1890. 803 Durham. 1 182 Varenna, Lago di Como. 35, Cranbourne Street. 1892. 1035 On the Wear, Durham. 1897. 1 1 99 Near Poschiavo, Switzerland. 1902. 923 Durham. STEVENS, Mrs. Albert (formerly Miss Mary Draper) Painter. 38, King Street, Covent Garden. 1889. 1537 A study of colour. 1553 The robin. Grove Park, Chiswick. 1890. 1205 "How I wonder what you are!" 1891. 1293 "I had rather be a kitten and cry mew, than one of these." — King Henry IV. THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS 255 35, Cranbourne Street. 1894. 1062 An Alpine meadow, Weissen- stein, Switzerland. STEVENS, Albert G Painter. 119, Church Street, Whitby. 1903. 567 A cottage interior. STEVENS, Alfred Sculptor. (The late.) 1876. 1427 Valour and Cowardice; group in bronze. For the National Wellington Monument, St. PauPs Cathedral. 1522 Recumbent figure in bronze of the late Duke of WeUington, for the National WeUington Monument, St. Paul's Cathe dral. STEVENS, Edward, A.R.A. Architect. Charles St., Cavendish Square. 1770. 176 Plans of the basement story and principal floor, designed for the Royal Exchange in the City of Dubhn. 177 Elevation of the Principal or North front of the Royal Exchange in the City of Dub lin, situated to form a termi nation to Parliament Street. 178 Elevation of the West front to face Castle Street. 179 Plan and elevation for a colon- ade bridge in the manner of the arcade bridge on the river Nadir, in the Earl of Pembroke's Gardens at Wil ton. 180 An elevation for a hunting villa, designed for a par ticular situation, near the forest of Needwood in Staf fordshire. (Elected A.R.A.) 1 7 7 1 . 187 Elevation of the principal front of Doveridge HaU, the seat of the Rt. Hon. Sir Henry Cavendish, Bart., began anno 1769. 188 A Casine, or shooting lodge. 189 A ditto. 190 Ground plan of the (Roman Villa) Laurentinum of Pliny the Consul, as described in the epistle to his friend Gallus, Lib. ii, Ep. xvii. 191 Elevation of the principal front entrance to ditto. 1772. 250 A ceiling for a library, the de corations emblematical, ac cording to the heathen mythology. {Scholar of Sir W. Chambers, died at Rome in 1775. — Walpole.) 251 Plan and elevation ofa casine, designed for the late Lord Viscount Hatton, intended to be built in Northampton shire. 1773' ^83 Elevation of a sepulchral church, designed on the death of her late Royal Highness the Princess Dow ager of Wales. 284 Plan and elevation of a Per- ipteros temple to painting, sculpture, and architecture, designed for the Marchioness Grey. 285 Section through the front court of a town house. 286 Elevation of a casine situated in a lake. STEVENS, E. N Architect. 1848. 1 28 1 House at Tunbridge Wells. 1849. •'^^3 School, etc., near Trinity Church, Tunbridge Wells. STEVEN S, Francis Painter. 42, Gutter Lane, Cheapside. 1804. 931 Flour mill near Staines, Middle sex. At Mr. Munn's. 1805. 305 View of Ripon, Yorkshire. 467 Hovel at Gamstead, Notts. 468 Door at Roach Abbey, York shire. 496 View in Water Lane, York. Bromley, Kent, and 71, Great Titchfield Street. 18 1 3. 34 Cottage at Wortley. 204 Landscape. 323 do. New Buildings, Exeter. 18 19. 148 Landscape. 150 Evening view on the Teign, Devonshire. 556 Landscape. " And pensive o'er his scattered flock. The little shepherd in his white capote, Doth lean his boyish form along the rock," — Childe Harold. 1822. no Landscape composition. 256 THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS STEVENS, Frederick W. Architect. Cumballa Hill, Bombay. 1880. 1181 Great Indian Peninsular Rail way Terminus and Adminis tration Offices, Bombay, STEVENS, George Painter. 3, Charlotte Street. 1810. 362 Dead hare. 7, Cockspur Street. 1 814. 20 Portrait of a mare, the property of J. Anderson, Esq. 49 Rural Sports. 205 do. 1816. 85 Portrait of a cat. 31, Wells Street. 1817. 398 A deer hunt. 7, Grafton Street East. 1822. 475 Portrait of a horse, the property of a gentleman. 2, Northumberland Street, New Road. 1823. 48 Kittens; from nature. 64, Arlington Street, Camden Town. 1840. 382 Interior, with dead game. 1841. 522 Ducks, 1842, 81 Dead game. 1844. 126 Fruit, 1845. 519 StiU life 1848. 245 Dead game, 1035 do, 3, Abbey Place, St. John's Wood. 1852. 179 The pet. 307 The dead guinea-pig. 38, Albert Street, Regents Park. 1853. 100 The pet. 52, Albert Street. 1854. 162 StiU life 1856. 348 do. Sidney Villa, Norfolk Road, St. John's Wood. 1861. 525 Peaches. 529 Strawberries. STEVENS, John, R.S.A Painter. 55, Poland Street. 1815. 250 Portrait of a lady. 1 81 6. 218 Favourite pigeons. 67, Berners Street. 18 19. 396 Portrait of a lady. 1823. 137 Italian costume. 139 Myself and Favourite. 948 Cottage window. 88, Charlotte Street. 1825. 906 The students. 67, Berners Street. 1 83 1. 181 Portrait of a young lady. 514 do. gentleman. 1832. 596 Col. West Hamilton, 986 Mrs. West Hamilton, 1834, 40 Capuchin friar. 6, Newman Street. 1 85 1. 506 Portrait of a lady of quality. 88, Newman Street. 1857. 432 The children of the Hon. John Young. STEVENS, J. H Painter. 21, High Park Street, Liverpool. 1897. 298 Llyn Geirrionedd, North Wales. 1900. 744 West Loch, Tarbert, N.B. STEVENS, John Hargrave. Architect. J. Stevens, 15, King's Arms Yard, Coleman Street. 183 1. 1 103 Entrance to City of London Theatre, Bishopsgate. 6, Clements Inn. 1840. 997 Interior court, etc., ofthe Royal Exchange, etc. J. H. Stevens, 6, Clements Inn. 1847, 1275 The church and mausoleum of the Metropolitan Cemetery Society — the Woodford Branch. STEVENS, Miss Kate Painter. 59, Osmaston Road, Derby. 1891. 1090 A group of Rhododendrons. 1896. 366 DaffodUs. 1897. 765 Fire-coloured azaleas. 1898. 86 Cacti. STEVENS, T. ... Miniature Painter. Atfield House, Kennington. 1 83 1. 655 Portrait of a gentleman. 1834. 816 do. himself Wandsworth Road. 1837. 784 Portrait of a gentleman. 1 84 1. 796 do. do. 1844. 730 do. do. STEVENS, Thomas Painter. Broughton Cottage, Thames Ditton. 1893. 1222 Moonlight — a sheepfold, Sus sex. STEVENS, Walter Rupert... Painter. Hogarth Club. 1885. 1355 A Surrey common. 1887. 184 Belgian Beech-wood. THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS 257 4, Park Road Studios, N. W. 1889. 1282 A Sussex hayfield. Vale of Health, N W. 1 89 1. 99 March: "While March reminds of winter past, 'Tis harbinger of Spring." STEVENS, William K Painter. 336, Clapham Road. 1881. 232 Deserted. " A wilderness it was of weeds and flowers." 602 Yorick and the young Hamlet. 1884. 994 Sunny days. 1885. 1266 Golden October. 1886. 1190 Gossips. 1889. 1427 After the storm. 1898. 525 Encored. 1899. 400 "Two's company." 1902. 188 Summer days. STEVENS and ALEXANDER. Architects. 6, Clements Inn. 1844. 1076 Interior, church at Notting HiU. II 49 Church at Surbiton. 1845. 1 146 Interior of a church. 1266 Church near London. STEVENSON, David W., R.S.A. Sculptor. Thomas Street, Edinburgh. 1868. IIIO Scotch peasant girl; marble. 1 1 12 Mrs. Scott Siddons. 2, Castle Terrace, Edinburgh. 1871. 1195 George MacDonald, LL.D. 12 1 2 Mrs. J. M. Brydon. 1874. 1527 Nymph at the stream. "Do not fear to put thy feet, Naked in the river sweet." 1878. 1476 Contadinella ; marble. 1889. 2040 Sir John Fowler, K.C.M.G.; bust, marble. 2071 Hamish MacCann, Esq.; head. The Dean Studios, Lyndoch Road, Edinburgh. 1890. 2052 Thomas Kershaw, Esq.; bust, marble. 1 89 1. 1945 The late Dr. Potts, Head Master of FettesCoUege, Edinburgh; bust. 1957 H. E. the Earl of Hopetoun, Governor of Victoria; bust. 1892. 1932 Professor Blackie; bust. 1895. 1620 Robert Louis Stevenson; bust, marble. 1896. 1855 Sir John Fowler, Bart.; bust, bronze. 1898. 1843 Robert Louis Stevenson; statuette, bronze. vu. STEVENSON, George H. Architect. Newland, Northampton. 1901. 1624 The "Cock" tavern, Kings- thorpe. STEVENSON, J. C Painter. (An Honorary Exhibitor.) 1810. 383 Bishop's Bridge, Norwich. STEVENSON, J. H. Miniature Painter. 18, Fleet Street. 1792. 397 Edwin, from Dr. Beattie's minstrel. 1793- 349 Portrait of an artist. 491 do. a lady. 569 Domestic felicity; a sketch. 15, Finsbury Place. 1794. 493 Portrait of a gentleman. 1795- 475 do. a young gentleman. 547 do. a lady. 1796. 510 do. an artist. 5^^ do. a lady. 556 do. do. 659 do. an artist. 663 do. a lady. Aldermanbury. 1797. 935 Portrait of a clergyman. 3, Artillery Court. 1798. 802 Portrait of a gentleman. 875 do. do. 877 do. lady. 1799. 779 do. gentleman. 803 do. do. 1800. 814 Miss Wyatt. 840 Mrs. Colebrook. 850 Mr. Brunei. 1801. 405 Portrait of himself. 1802. 585 Mrs. Talbot. 738 Mrs. Neale. 841 Portrait of a lady. 1803. 763 Mr. J. Heme. 793 Miss Vickery. 1804. 678 Portrait of a gentleman. 777 Mr. Semple. 780 Portrait of a gentleman. 781 do. lady. 1805. 815 The Rev. W. B. Collyer. 1806. 718 Mrs. Stride. 724 Mr. Stride. 1807. 838 Mrs. R. Wyatt. 928 Miss Wyatt. 1809. 460 View from Hampstead Heath. 549 North End, Hampstead. 1828. 787 Rev. W. Burkitt. 848 Rev. W. WaU. 1832. 704 Portrait of himself. 831 do. a gentleman. 1833- 681 Mr. Hudson. LL 258 THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS STEVENSON, John James. Architect. The Red House, Bayswater. 1874. 1103 The staircasein the Red House, Bayswater Hill. 1876. 1029 Houses in Hans Place, etc. 1877. 1224 do. Pont Street. 1878. 1088 do. Lowther Gardens. 1879. 1069 Ken HiU, Norfolk. 1880. 1088 Grand Saloon, Norfolk. 1882. 1102 Free Church at Crieff, Perth shire. IIIO Two London Houses. 1883. 1 149 Kensington Court. II 68 St. Leonard's Free Charity, Perth. 1884. 1245 The tower of Free St. Leonard's Church, Perth. 1885. 1922 Cambridge University Labora tory. 1886. 1602 Houses, Cadogan Square. 16 n Kensington Court. 1887. 1742 Library of Steamship "Ormuz." 1744 Dining Saloon, do. 1888. 1906 Christ College, Cambridge. 1889. 1828 Cheniston House, Kensington Court. 1842 I, Fitzjohn's Avenue, 4, Porchester Gardens. 1893. 1641 Houses on Grosvenor Estate, etc. 1894. 1632 Porches of London Houses. 1896. 1703 Presbyterian College, Cam bridge, 1897. 1825 Houses in South Street. 1898. 1629 Kelvin Church, Glasgow. 1899. 1873 Peter Memorial Church, Stir ling. 1900. 1753 Tower at Belmont Bridge, Glasgow. 1 90 1. 1539 Church at Stirling. STEVENSON (J. J.), and RED- FERN Architects. 4, Porchester Gardens, W. 1904. 1463 The Saloon of an Orient liner. STEVENSON, Miss R. Miniature Painter. 37, Long Acre. 1 80 1. 717 Miss Weston. Miss Stevenson, 83, Charlotte Street, Rathbone Place. 1802. 800 Portrait of a gentleman. STEVENSON, Robert A. M. Painter. 49, Radnor Street. 1879. 105 Wood alley in December. 16, St. Leonard's Terrace, Chelsea. 1880. 624 Les Vaux de Cernay, France. 1882. 547 Smelt fishers on the Seine. 1884. 616 Afterglow. 1885. 621 A South Coast chine. STEVENSON, R. Macaulay. Painter. 12, Waterloo Street, Glasgow. 1884. 476 Golden days. 58, West Regent Street, Glasgow. 1892. 935 Landscape. STEVENSON (S.J.) and ROBSON (E. R.) Architects. 20, Great George Street, Westminster. 1873. 1200 London Board Schools. 1875. 983 8, Palace Gate, Kensington. {See also Robson (E. R.) and Steven son (S. J.), vol. vi, page 342.) STEVENSON, W. Miniature Painter. 9, Crown Court, Westminster. 1777- 334 Two miniatures, 1778, 295 Three miniatures. STEVENSON, W. Miniature Painter. 32, Upper Norton Street, Portland Place. 1848. 1082 The chUdren of Captain T. T. Talbot, R.N. STEVENSON, Walter Painter. 48, Addison Road. 1879. 17 In pensive thought. 1880. 22 An idle moment. Iver Heath, Bucks. 1883. 1516 A brown study, STEVENSON, William Grant, R.S.A. Sculptor. 2, Castle Terrace, Edinburgh. 1874. 1563 Moses. 1582 Leander. "His ear but rang with Hero's song. Ye waves divide not lovers long." 1880. 191 Caste. Albert Studios, Shandwick Place, Edinburgh. 1883. 781 Connoisseurs. 1650 " You spoiled creature ! " THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS 259 63, Haymarket Terrace, Edinburgh. 1887. 609 A wood-cart. {Oil painting.) 1889 Andromeda; statuette. 1892. 1873 Colonel Sir Archibald C. Campbell, of Blythswood, Bart, M.P.; bust, marble. 1895. 1651 Twenty point stag; statuette. STEWARD. See Hunt, Steward, and Knight, vol. iv, page 200. STEWARDSON, Thomas ... Painter. T. Stewartson, 37, Broad Street, Golden Square. 1803. 514 Portrait of a gentleman. 673 Infantile distress. 1804. 3 Portrait of an artist. T. Stewardson, 25, Leadenhall Street. 1805. 263 Portrait of a lady. 1806. 53 Mr. Hayward. 276 Mr. Derbyshire. 321 Lord Clive. 408 Girl with flowers. 620 Girls in a storm. 50, Leadenhall Street. 1807. 322 Mr. Kinsbury. 505 Portrait ofa young nobleman. 731 Lord Sunderland. 732 Lord Chas. Spencer. 761 Capt. Gaitskell, ist Regiment of Surrey Volunteers. 1808. 108 Lieut. Treacher, R.N. 218 Lord J. Spencer. 249 Girl and chickens. 399 Major-General Wemyss. 434 Capt. Rich, ist Regiment Sur rey Volunteers. 603 The young flagellet-player, 627 J. Kneller, Esq. 1809. 21 Portraits of sisters. 89 Child at prayers. 137 Lord H. Spencer. 152 Portrait ofa barrister. 239 W. Gilpin, Esq. 358 Rev. W. Harrison, Chaplain of St. Saviour's, Southwark. 18 10. 91 The deserted sailor. 256 G. H. Rontgen, Esq., the African traveller. 285 H. Williams, Esq. 286 Boys playing at beggar my neighbour. 287 Boys playing at chess. 316 Mr. M. Ainslie. 392 Mr. C. Hamlyn. (Portrait-painter to H.R.H. the Princess of Wales.) 181 1. 139 Boys playing at backgammon. 153 S. Williams, Esq. 226 Sir C. Pegge. 454 Mrs. Lawrence. 499 Dr. Ainslie. 504 The mother. "The pious mother, doom'd to death. Forsaken wanders o'er the heath Her wretched orphan cries for bread — etc." — Smollet. 14, Adam Street, Adelphi. 181 2. 94 The Miss Hamlyns. 156 The Marchioness of Win chester. 164 The Hon. Lady Smith. 179 The Marquis of Winchester. 181 Sir D. Smith, Bart. 266 Sir T. S. Pasley, Bart. 702 Sir J. H. WUliams, Bart. 718 Lieut.-Gen. Barclay. 1813. 40 The Rt. Hon. G. Canning. 65 T. S. Benson, Esq. 160 The Earl of Onslow. Painted for the magistrates of the County of Surrey. 235 The Marquis of Winchester. 285 Lord H. Paulet. 360 Mrs. Cox. 385 The Earl of Wiltshire, Ladies Arabella and CeciUa, and Lords Charles, George, Wil liam, and Frederick Paulet. 18 15. 293 Colonel Gaitskell. 343 E. B. WUbraham, Esq., M.P. 375 A gentleman's family. 16. 73 Portrait of Sir W. Guise's gamekeeper. 94 Col. Guise, C.B. 108 Col. BraddyU. 17. 108 Electra. 18. 376 An Indian Circean. 599 E. Isaac, Esq. 19. 310 Aladdin. 403 Admiral Sir P. Malcolm, K.C.B. 436 Sir Jas. Little. 641 Olivia. 658 R. Trubey, Esq. 1820. 84 Lady Howden. 283 Mrs. Pera. 305 Portrait of a lady. 370 do. do. 379 do. gentleman. 526 do. do. 595 W. Holme, Esq. 182 1. loi An old man. 18 i< iJ 18 26o THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS Stewardson, Thomas — continued. 182 1. 176 Clarissa. 219 Portrait of a gentleman. 545 A family picture. 1822. 188 Recollection. 474 Bacchante. 1825. 145 The Rt. Hon. John Garratt, Lord Mayor. STEWART, Allan Painter. 35, Dick Place, Edinburgh. 1892. 271 A North Sea skipper. 1893. 488 Archibald J. Maclean, Esq., of Pennycross. 1894. 361 Prince Charlie's last look of Scotland. 1895. 800 The heart ofthe Bruce. "Pass first in fight, as thou wert wont, and Douglas wiU follow thee or die." The Studio, Campden Street, Campden Hill. 1896. 472 To the memory of brave men: The last stand of Major Allan Wilson at the Shan- gani, 4th December, 1893. 3, Randolph Gardens, Maida Vale. 1897. 277 The distriburion of the Royal Maundy. 1899. 996 The Mazoe relief, June, 1896, an incident in the Matabele rebellion. 1900. 623 The charge of the 2 ist Lancers at Omdurman. STEWART, Miss Amy Painter. 57, Gloucester Place, Portman Square. 1890. 1271 Mabel. I, Trafalgar Studios, Manresa Road. 1896. 1213 "Au revoir." 1898. 1160 Violet voilde. STEWART, Anthony. Miniature Painter. A. Steward, Jun., 26, Prince's Square, St. George's East. 1807. 850 L. T. Balmino, Esq. A. Steivart, 26, Prince's Square, St. George's East. 1808. 727 Mr. E. Lewis. 1809. 713 Mrs. G. Brown. 1810. 687 Capt. CoUey, R.N. 18 13. 492 Lieut. Deares, 28th Regiment. 569 Mrs. D'Esterre. 1815- 635 J. J. Watt, Esq. 1816, 568 T, Blizard, Esq. 1 818. 745 Miss Shepheard. 747 Miss Dearsley. 1819. 755 Portraits of children. 1820. 797 Portrait of a lady. STEWART, Charles E Painter. 23, Lanark Villas, Maida Vale. 1890. 893 " Every dog has his day." 6, Melina Place, St. John's Wood. 1893. 804 Rosebud. 1895. 508 Effie Deans in prison. 1896. 386 Only this little one. 1897. 113 A last farewell. 1898. 888 Gipsy ponies. 1899. 171 Yarrow. 613 On Guard. 1900. 124 Rats. 1901. 685 Sport. 708 Crossing the ford. 736 Homewards. 16, Grove End Road. 1902. 204 The Victoria Cross. 365 A prairie fire. 583 The best of friends. 1903. 404 Homewards. 1904. 318 do. STEWART, F. A Painter. 58, George Street, Hampstead. 1828. 268 {No title) 417 Landscape. 1830. 545 Sea-piece. STEWART, Miss Florence... Painter. 62, Fermoy Road, St. Peter's Park. 1886. 303 Azaleas. STEWART, G Architect. 13, Vine Street, Piccadilly. 1 791. 608 Design for a temple in per spective. 1792. 590 Design for a temple. STEWART, Gabriel Painter. Stewart, 12, Prince's Square, Ratcliff Highway. 1793. 319 Portrait of a gentleman. {Lang- ford.) STEWART, George Painter. 185 1. 328 Rochester Cathedral. 10, St. PauPs Road, Camden Square. 1854. 640 Landscape. 1016 A miU with distant country. THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS 261 1855. 864 View at Grays, Essex, 1857. 882 A composition. 908 On the Thames — towards even ing, 8, Store Street. 1858. 629 View on the Jed. 762 Jedburgh Abbey. 1021 do. 69, Tottenham Court Road. 1859. 687 Looking out. I, Regent Square. i860. 746 A river scene, 15, Sheendale Villa, Richmond. 1861. 899 Cornfield near Abbotsford. 37, Baker Street. 1873. 756 A cornfield, Great Yarmouth. 757 Shrimpers, 1874. 749 Cornfield in the marshes, Great Yarmouth. 921 Fog and frost. 180, Marylebone Road. 1884. 1054 Harvest time, Rustington, Sussex. STEWART, George A Painter. 1874. 796 A nook on the Thames. STEWART, Miss Grace Campbell. Miniature Painter. 26, Half Moon Street. 1843. 912 Lady Gertrude Louisa Scott, daughter of the Earl of Eldon. 20, Paradise Place. 1844. 731 Portrait of a child. {Master Sequier.) 782 Miss Isabella Seguin, daughter of John Seguin, Esq. 1846. 849 Portrait of a young gentleman. 854 Lady Selina Jane Scott, daugh ter of the Earl and Countess of Eldon. 1848. 767 Master Octavius. 30, South Villa, Wandsworth. 1849. 725 Viscount Encombe, son ofthe Earl and Countess of Eldon. Miss Stewart, 2, Surrey Place. 1852. 185 A study of fruit. 681 Lady Rachel Scott, daughter ofthe Eari of Eldon, 739 Master Gribble, son of Thomas Gribble, Esq,, Craven Hill. 1853. 886 Portraits of two sisters, 1854. 778 Master and Miss Shepherd. 10, Union Road, Clapham. 1855. 832 Portrait of a young gentleman. 1856. 749 Helena Mary, daughter of Sir William Heathcote, Bart. STEWART, H. ... Miniature Painter. 1826. 836 Portrait of a gentleman. STEWART, Miss Helen F.... Painter. Bourne Hall Cottage, Bushey, 1899. 740 The last gleam. STEWART, H.W Painter. 1847. 482 Summer. STEWART, James, R.S.A.... Painter. 9, Denton Street, Somers Town. 1825. 314 Miss Chester. 16, Newman Street. 1828. 63 Portrait of a gentleman. 1829. 138 Innocence. 201 Portrait of a gentleman. 348 Resignation. 8, Swinton Street. 1830. 940 Mrs. Russel. 1832. 371 Celadon and Amelia. 1833. 594 Portrait of the Venerable Arch deacon Hamilton. 1834. 869 Miss E. Paton in the character of Rosina in the Barber oj Seville. II, Whittlebury Street, Euston Square. 1835. *^° The happy dream. 789 Palemon and Lavinia. 6, Cirencester Place. 1836. 884 Portrait of a lady. 1844. 369 An autumnal summer. 59, Clarendon Square. 1850. 1277 Hop picking near Gravesend. 1852. 228 G. Fedor, Esq. 584 The Hon. and Rev. B. W. Noel. 1854. 248 The ferry boat. 417 Sunset. 1855. 534 " AU a growing, and a blowing. Come buy my primroses," 8, Ashby Place. 1858. 14s Sheridan Knowles, Esq. 1859. 476 A portrait, STEWART, James Lawson. Painter. 35, King Street, Cheapside. 1884. 932 Quilp's yard, 123, Camberwell Road. 1886. 1164 Jacob's Island, Rotherhithe. STEWART, John Painter. 10, Fitzroy Square. 1852. 567 The queen of the hop-garden, 33, Granville Square. 1853. 167 Dr. W. Wilson, Canon of Win chester. 262 THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS Stewart, John — continued. 1854, 183 Mrs. Richard Cooke, Yar borough, 1855. 1138 The farmyard. STEWART, J. E Painter. 1 2, Bedford Place. 1846. 614 Bamburgh Castle, North umberland. 631 Alnwick Castle. STEWART, J. G Painter. 32, Clarendon Street. 1844, 1343 A Group of flowers. STEWART, J. Malcolm Painter. 197, The Grove, Hammersmith. 1884. 461 Our iron-bound shore. {J. M. Stewart in the index and T. M. Stewart in the catalogue.) STEWART, Miss Katharine. Miniature Painter. 19, Broadhurst Gardens, N. W. 1887. 1523 Inez. 180, Broadhurst Gardens. 1890. 1673 Margaret. 54, Cotleigh Road, West Hampstead. 1893. 1313 Mary Stewart. 1895. •••? Geraldine, daughter of the late Rev. J. Stuart. 1 1 33 Mrs. Bateson. 1896. 1322 Marjory, daughter of H. Coom- ber, Esq. 1358 Margaret, daughter of R. C. Bell, Esq. 1366 Cecilia, daughter of R, C, Bell, Esq. 1897. 1500 Portrait of a lady, 1898, 1321 Mrs. Lewin. 1338 Mrs. Thornton Walker. 1370 Mrs, Miles Miley. 1899, 1354 Eileen, daughter of L, Wildy, Esq. 1900. 1448 Ruth, daughter of A, Romer Mackhn, Esq. STEWART, Miss M Painter. I, Union Street, New Bond Street. 1 791. 107 Scene from Miss Burney's Ce cilia, 1792, 345 Cornelia, the Mother of the Gracchi, shewing her child ren as her only jewels, 1793, 117 Portrait of a boy, 179 do. chUd, 39, Somerset Street, Portman Square. 1795. 277 The continence of Scipio. 296 The fortune teller. 1796. 333 Susan — Gay's Pastorals. At Mr. Stubbs', 24, Somerset Street. 1799. 487 Portrait of a lady. 1800. 257 Master Dearn, 482 Portraits of Miss Walton and Miss Sindal at the monu ment of Harley, " There is a blank at the bottom of the Tablet (said Lucy); Her companion smil'd gloomily at the observation . . . and reply'd that it should one day be filled up." — Man of the World, vol. ii, page 50. I, Darby Street, Mayfair. 1 80 1. 56 Edwin and Angelina. "Then, pilgrim, turn, thy cares forego, etc." STEWART, Mrs. Mary. Miniature Painter. 41, Victoria Street, S.W. 1888. 1544 Ph. Jennings, Esq. 147, Victoria Street. 1890. 1521 Marjorie, daughter of C. E. Stewart, Esq. 1522 Charles Stewart, Esq. 1523 Mrs. Charles Stewart. 1524 Portrait ofa barrister. 22, Kensington Gardens Sq. 1895. ••^8 Clarissa Janet, daughter of Maurice C, Anderson, Esq, 1896. 142 1 Miss Marjorie Stewart. 1899. 1 27 1 Kathleen, daughter of C. E. Stewart, Esq. 1283 C. E. Stewart, Esq. STEWART, Mrs Painter. 441, Strand. 1803. 44* Miss Rudding. STEWART, R Architect. 1813. 658 A villa. STEWART, R Painter. 29, Maddox Street, W. 1900. 1555 Sea wrack. STEWART, T Painter. I, Union Street, Bond Street. 1784. 3 Portrait of a lady. 1785. 4^3 do. young gentleman. THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS 263 1787. •49 1788. •95 269 1789. 221 428 1790. 6 1786. 100 Portrait of a child. 434 Hamlet, act i, scene 5. 149 Portrait of a boy. do. child. Portrait. Portrait of an artist. {Himself) do. a young gentleman. do. a gentleman. {Packer, the actor) 71 Portrait of a young gentleman. {Hon. F. North) 244 Portrait of a young gentleman. 1 791. 376 do. gentleman. 1792. 4 do. do. {Sir John Day) 64 Portrait of a gentleman. {Mr. Birch) 1793, 120 Portrait of a boy. 283 do. the late Mr. Lewis of Richmond. 1794. 39 Portrait of a young gentleman. 40 do. do. lady. 39, Somerset Street, Portman Square. 1795. 235 Portrait of a young lady. {Miss Steivart.) 236 Portrait of a gentleman. 1796. 387 do. do. {Charles Trebe) 1797. 812 Portrait of His Majesty. No address. 1 80 1. 98 Mr. Stubbs. STIFFE, C. E Painter. 154, Alexandra Road, South Hampstead. 1882, 900 A relic of Algiers. 1886. 1228 A cabbage field in Surrey. 1890. 934 In the fields near Hampstead. STIFFE, John Gillbee Painter. 154, Alexandra Road, N. W. 1888. 53 Pool on the Lledr, North Wales— Twilight, effect after rain. STIGAND, Miss Helen M. ..Painter. I, Howley Place, Paddington. 1868. 699 Lucerne Cathedral and the Rhigi. 1869. 509 The pathway through the wood. 1870. 445 Beeches in Knowle Park, Kent. 31, Conduit Street. 1872. 237 St. Peter's from the Villa Pam- fili Dorea, Rome. 1876. 453 "More glorious in thy ruin than thy pride." STILLMAN, Miss Effie Sculptor. 12, Campden Hill Gardens. c Dr. George Bird. ^ Bonham | Medal- 1897. 2095 2096 J Mrs. J. j Carter. flions. \ Charles Saxton, Esq. J The Hon. T. F. Bayard, late United States Ambassador. 1873- STILLMAN, Miss Lisa Painter. clo Mrs. Middleton, South Kensington Museum. 1894. 1009 Miss Evelyn Virtue Tebbs. STILLMAN, Mrs. W. J. (formerly Miss Marie Spartali) Painter. M. S. Stillman, 8, Attenburg Gardens, Clapham Common. 729 The finding of Sir Launcelot disguised as a fool. — Morte d' Arthur. 836 Sir Tristram and la beUe Fronde. — Morte d' Arthur. Miss M. S. Stillman, The Shrubbery, Clapham Common. 719 Mona Lisa. 757 The last sight of Fiammetta. "Above her garland and her golden hair I saw a flame about Fiammetta's head." — Boccaccio. 836 Roses and lilies. {See Miss Marie Spartali, vol. vii, page 214.) 1875-1876. 1877. STILWELL, J., Junr Painter. 1849. 913 A favourite dog. STINTON, H Painter. 13, Ann Street, Wilmington Square, Spa-fields. 1830. 615 Flowers. 55, Great Ormond Street. 1 83 1. 947 Flowers. 1832. 576 do. STIRLING, Miss Evangeline. Sculptor. 161, Finborough Road. 1880. 1627 One of our organ-grinders; bust, terra-cotta. 157, Finborough Road, and Stonycroft, Liverpool. 188 1 1470 Irene, a study; bust, terra cotta. 264 THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS Stirling, Miss Evangeline — continued. Ladies' College, Cheltenham. 1888. 2076 Meditation; bust, Astell House, Cheltenham. 1894. 1792 Miss Beale; bust, STIRLING, John Painter. Broadford Bank, Kingsland Place, Aberdeen. 1852. 32 Robert Jamieson, Esq., M.D., Lecturer on Medical Juris prudence, King's College, Aberdeen. 768 A study, head of an old Scotch woman. 807 A study, head of a Highland boy. 1853. 497 A "lassie" and lamb. "A tender nurse thou hast; etc." — ¦ Wordsworth. 1854. 1091 Bible class in a Scottish parish school, examined by a Com mittee of Presbytery. 32, Upper Berkeley Street West, Hyde Park. 1855. 357 Scottish Presbyterians, in a country parish church — the sermon. 1858. 257 The disguise. 263 The cottage window — Sunday. 115, Union Street, Aberdeen. 1859. 338 The thorn. 1 107 The princess and the seven dwarfs. "When the seven dwarfs came home, they found that someone had been in their house .... one cried. Who has been eating off my plate? Another, Who's been eating my bread? Another, Who 's been drinking out of my cup? And another. Who 's been lying in my bed? .... The seventh dwarf dis covered her asleep in his bed. Then they all came running and jumping to see the beautiful princess." 27, Upper Berkeley Street West. i860. 236 The bracelet. 569 Lay preaching in Scotland — the revival sermon. 5, Langham Chambers. 1861. 374 "His first attempt." "And what wad Roger say gin he could speak." 1862. 62 A breeze. "Alas! I discover too much of my love, etc." — Dryden, 1862. 310 A reaper. 430 Counsel. " Yet remember midst your wooing Love has joy, but love has rueing." — Campbell. 1863. 320 AlexanderKilgour, Esq., M.D., Aberdeen. 1866. 361 A hard word. 1867. 210 Olivia at the talking oak. " O yes, she wander'd round and round, etc." — Tennyson. Langham Chambers, and British Consulate, Tangier, Morocco. 1869. 71 Al-sok; market in Morocco. 582 Repas honnete. 772 Al-Ghirab; water - seller of Morocco. Langham Chambers. 1870. 124 Ablution; scene in Morocco. 187 I. 384 Le pommier. STIRLING, Miss Nina Painter. 3, Templeton Place, Eari's Court. 1887. 779 Roses. 880 Mackerel. STIRLING, William Architect. 51, Great Percy Street. 1885. 1746 Library of a small town. 1886. 1746 A warehouse fagade. 8, Upper Chadwell Street. 1887. 1753 Church of St. Luke; interior. 1888. 1783 Interior of library. 1793 Design for an interior. 1892. 1836 Temple of Mithras, the vesti bule. 1837 Interior view ofa haU. II, Adam Street, W.C. 1894. 1687 Gardener's cottage. East Burn ham Park. STJERNSTEDTS, Madame S. Painter. c\o F. Brown, 32, Charlotte Street. 1882. 624 Smaland, Sweden. {Stjern- stedt in catalogue.) STOCK, Miss Edith A Painter. Grena Lodge, Richmond. 1887. 1081 Safrano roses, 1204 Mar^chal Niel roses. 1888. 1432 Captain Christie roses. Rutland Lodge, Petersham, Surrey. 1903. 990 Roses. THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS 265 STOCK, Francis R Painter. 63, Regent Street. 1875. 40 Apples. 1876. 100 " Omne exit in fumo." 179 Tong See Ahoo at Canton. 216 Fruit. 319 Apples. 323 Lemons. 463 A judge of blue. Stanhope Studios, Delancey Street. 349 A foundling. 258 A quiet corner. 938 Her first valentine. 1320 Sally in our alley. 605 Fruit. 1402 Di Vernon. 237 Our first servant. 718 " A watched pot never boils." 1882. 492 St. Valentine's day. 1884. 773 Fruit. 1877.1878. 1879.1880. STOCK, Henry Architect. 9, Denman Street, London Bridge. 1886. 1689 New Hatcham School for Girls, New Cross. 1887. 1720 Enlargement of Kew Church. 1743 do. do. in terior. {See also Allen, Snooke, and Stock, vol. i, page 26, and Snooke and Stock, vol. vii, page 199.) STOCK, Henry J., R.L Painter. 26, Trigon Terrace, Clapham Road. 1874. 312 A child's head. 1876. 572 A boy's head. 1877. 821 The entombment. 40, Osborne Terrace, Clapham. 1879. 678 "Awake, awake; put on thy strength, O Zion." — Isaiah, hi, I. 847 Dante painting. 897 Good and evil spirits fighting for man's soul. 1881. 1428 Death and pleasure. 1882. 1460 Good and evil spirits fighting for man's soul. " Seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses." — Hebreivs, xii, i. 1884. 927 The death of the poet. "An unknown sphere, more real than I dream'd, more direct, darts awakening rays about me." — Walt Whitman. 1885. 373 Night covering the sleeping earth. VII, 1890. 114 Satan overthrown at the foot of the Cross. •75 " A savage place, as holy and enchanted As e'er beneath a waning moon was haunted By woman wailing for her demon lover. " — Coleridge's Kubla Khan. 998 Portrait study. 1020 Moon-dream. 1892. 898 Mother and child. 1251 The mermaid. 454a, Fulham Road. 1894. 398 Death turning away from the innocence of a child. "A simple child, what should it know of death?" — Words worth. 794 Sleep and twilight. 1441 The kiss. 1895. 3^7 The cascade. 1105 Death-of-love plant. 1896. 1123 The humiliation. 1897. 1385 An angel opening flowers at 1644 Miss Cicely Monson. 1899. 141 Nature's rhapsody. 783 Dreaming. 1900. 528 Life's immensity. 1 90 1. 251 Pain bringing wings to a soul. 689 The red apple. 1187 Listening to Brahms. STOCKDALE, C. W Painter, 5, Southampton Row. i860. 617 The Cathedral, WeUs. {H C. Stockdale in the catalogue) W. C. Stockdale, Church House, Richmond. 1867. 728 The Tricolor in Venice, 1866. STOCKDALE, F. C Architect. Montrose, Torquay. 1852. 1194 Longleat, Wilts, the seat of the Marquis of Bath. {F. H. Stockdale in the catalogue) 22, Sloane Street. 1854. 1 185 Interior of Howley Hall, Sur rey. STOCKDALE, F. W. L Painter. (An Honorary Exhibitor.) 1808. 343 Old houses in the Castle Yard, Bankside, 348 View of Epsom church. 367 do. a cottage at Fetcham. 1809. 313 Ryegate Castle, Surrey. 328 Sketch of the old chapel at Kingsland. M M 266 THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS Stockdale, F. W. L. — continued. 1809. 404 View of Maiden church, near Kingston, Surrey. 483 The old Queen's Head, Isling ton. 536 Winchester Cathedral. 1 8 10. 279 Ospringe church, near Fevers- ham. 326 Stutfall Castle, near Hythe. 385 Sketch of the Old Pied Bull, Islington. 1811. 293 Cowling Castle, Kent. 410 Chilham Church, Kent, in which is an elegant mauso leum belonging to the Cole- brooke family. 838 Cottages at Clewer, near Wind sor. 181 2. 433 Rochester bridge and castle. 758*View in Kent. 788 Woburn church. 18 19. 507 View of Hastings Castle, Sus sex. 789 View of Scarborough Castle, Yorkshire. 810 Remains of Kirkham Abbey, Yorkshire. 993 Ancient gateway at Winchel sea, Sussex. 182 1. 514 View of the Remains of St. Bennett's Monastery, Corn wall. STOCKS, Arthur, RJ. Painter. 9, Richmond Villas, Seven Sisters Road. 407 Christmas upstairs. 497 The expected letter. 422 Eventime. 469 The wreck. 789 Old cronies. 46 The worsted-winder. 69 The pet child. 1867. 1868. 1869.1870. 76 and little 1871. 340 999 68 1872. Gentle Jesus, meek mild. Look upon child." Home from sea. The rush-basket maker. Pleased with a feather. " The sports of children satisfy the child." — Goldsmith. 507 Just before the battle. 1104 Tired out. "And oft he pleaded as he held the skein To be released, but pleaded StiU in vain." 1 106 The young wife. 1 167 Lumb Stocks, Esq., A.R.A, 306 A solo. 1872.1873- 1874, 1875- 1877. 1878. 1879. 1880. 1881, 1S82, 1883. 1884,1885. 396 John Cousen, Esq. 578 A review at Chelsea. 4 Carding flax, Ireland. II An Irish weaver. 155 Just awake. 600 Mending the old cradle. "Wearied with toiling for his daily bread. To labour he anew by love is led." 860 An Irish cabin, 151 Dinner time, 463 " She knows, and knows no more, her Bible true," — Cowper. 1332 The old saUor's museum. 29, Hanley Road, Hornsey Road. 524 A httle maid of all work. 576 A litter of young rabbits. 911 Our soldiers, past and future. 29 " Man goeth forth unto his work and to his labour un til the evening." — Psalm civ, 23. 482 Seeing it wound up. "The clock beats out the lives of little men." 653 The best of husbands. 967 Portrait of a lady. 986 Hero-worship, 1852. 543 Her last Sacrament. "This do in remembrance of me, etc." 427 Sermon time. "As he sowed, some fell by the way side, etc." — Mark, iv, 4-8. 514 Her sweetest flower. 974 A Cornish cottage. 1013 An old-fashioned child. " Her china closet — cause of daUy care." 1066 'Listed. 391 At last! "By hope and fear al ternately possest, Joy comes at last to set the heart at rest." 1400 On the sick list. 706 A window garden. 795 An unknown species. 3 " One generation passeth away and another generation cometh." 49 Father's dinner. 815 In memory. "All are not taken ! there are left behind Living beloveds, etc." — R. Browning. 868 Examination day. 122 Inseparable. 662 Saved from the snow. 273 Lumb Stocks, Esq., R.A, THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS 267 1885. •''83 A village school in days gone by. 1886. 442 Repentance. 538 A rod in pickle. 1887. 524 "Lord make us truly thank ful." 1888. 466 Inexorable. 1048 Guy Fawkes' Day. 63, Hanley Road. 1889. 569 Sands of time. 1233 "A friend of mine, grand father." STOCKS, Bernard O Painter. 9, Richmond Villas, Seven Sisters Road. 1881. 670 A plover. 1200 Sermon time. After A. Stocks. 1882. 965 Young haddock. STOCKS, G. B Painter. 200, Westgate Road, Newcastle. 1885. 668 Storm on the Whitley coast, Northumberland. STOCKS, Miss Katherine M. Painter. 9, Richmond Villas, Seven Sisters Road. 1880. 910 Primulas. 1 88 1. 681 Carnations. 706 Wallflowers. 1884. 1143 Mackerel. 1888. 1312 Spring flowers. 1889. 1562 Azaleas. STOCKS, Lumb, R.A Engraver. 38, West Square, Lambeth. 1832. 872 Portrait of a young artist. 1834. 867 Study from nature. 12, Crosby Row, Walworth Road. 1835. 548 A portrait. 1836. 858 Portrait of a gentleman. 12, College Terrace, Islington. 1840. 796 A portrait. 9, Richmond Villas, Seven Sisters Road. 185 1. 1244 Study. (Elected A.R.A.) 1855. 1004 Bed time. After W. P. Frith, R.A. 103 1 Cupid and Psyche. After T. Uwins, R.A., in Her Ma jesty's collection. 1085 Portrait of a lady. 1088 A drawing lesson. 1856, 1857-1859,1861. 1863. 1864.1865. 1867. 1869.1871. 1872. 1874. 1875- 1876. 1879. 852 869 St. Luke painting the Virgin. After Steinla, in Her Ma jesty's collection. 897 Portrait of a lady. After Lumb Stocks. 974 The Beauty of Alban's. After Riedel, in Her Majesty's collection. 1 210 Many happy returns of the day. After W. P. Frith, R.A. Engraved for the Art Union of Glasgow. 967 The Dowie Dens of Yarrow. After J. N. Paton, R.S.A. 976 The Gentle Shepherd. After Sir David Wilkie, R.A. Engraved for the Association for the Promotion of the Fine Arts in Scotland. Claude Duval. After W. P. Frith, R.A. Engraved for the Art Union of London. " O Nannie, wilt thou gang wi' me." After Thomas Faed, R. A. Engraved for the Royal Association for the Promotion of the Fine Arts in Scotland. Eli Purser, bird watcher. The playmates. After Alex. H. Burr. 898 Charlotte Corday in the Con- ciergerie. After E. M. Ward, R.A. II 09 The return ofthe runaway. 847 Marie Antoinette listening to the act of accusation, the day before her trial. After E. M. Ward, R.A. (Elected R.A.) 1285 Detected. After J. C. Hors- ley, R.A. 1260 The meeting of Wellington and Bliicher after the Battle of Waterloo. After Daniel Maclise, R.A. Engraved for the Art Union of Lon don. 1270 The fight interrupted. After W. Mulready, R.A. 1088 The Odalisque. After F. Leighton, R.A. 1 103 The silken gown. AfterT.Faed, R.A. Olivia and Viola. "Twelfth Night." After Sir Noel Pa ton, R.S.A. Dr. Johnson waiting for an audience of Lord Chester field. After E. M. Ward, 758928 1119 1232 268 THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS Stocks, Lumb, R.A. — continued. R.A. Engraved for the Art Union of London. 1880. 1281 Mrs. S. C. HaU. After D. Maclise, R.A., 1833, 1282 Mrs. Henry Wood. After R. Easton. 1283 S. C. HaU, Esq. After Paul Delaroche, 1847. 1881. 1225 Etching, from nature. 1882. 1275 Stolen by gipsies — the rescue. After J, B. Burgess, A.R.A. 1883. 1404 Souvenir of Velasquez. After J. E. Millais, R.A. 1884. 1407 Sister's kiss. After Sir F. Leigh ton, P.R.A. 1411 The Princes in the Tower. After J. E. Millais, R.A. 1888. 1704 The Spanish letter - writer. After J. B. Burgess, A.R.A. 1890. 1649 Mrs. Stocks. 1891. 1634 Katherine M. Stocks. (The late.) 1892. 1543 Edith; portrait. STOCKS, S. C Painter. 1833. 632 An Italian beggar boy. STOCKS, Walter Fryer Painter. 9, Richmond Villas, Seven Sisters Road. 1862. 966 Tom Brown's pocket — -aneject- ment. 980 Young pigeons. 1863. 54 The wood pigeons' haunt. 757 Interior of a mast and block- maker's yard on the Thames near Stepney. 773 House in Hornsey Road, formerly the residence of Claude Duval, the highway man. 1864. 252 Oak walk in the Grove, Alex andra Park. 1865. 639 In chancery. 698 The haunted house, 1866. 663 Evening. 679 Ockwells Farm, near Windsor. 682 Cannock Chase. 697 " I passed by his garden and saw the wild briar, The thorn and the thistle grow broader and higher." 740 The last gleam. 749 Over the moor. 1867. 702 Midnight. "No voice in the chambers, no sound in the haU; etc." 713 Evening. 187018711872 687 681 68^ 773 882 1867. 764 A study from Haddon Hall. 834 Nearly bed time. 836 Arden Hall, Cheshire. 4, Maitland Park Terrace. 1868. 723 The moat, Ightham. 728 Ightham Moat, from the bowl ing green. 741 Bodiham Castle. 1 2, London St., Sussex Gardens. 1869. 562 Entrance to Leeds Castle, Kent. 679 The Junction of the Swale with the Medway near Sheer ness. Hever Castle. Wellington House, Leamington. The Medway, near Maidstone. 7, Sidney Terrace, Leamington. Old houses at Kenilworth. 20, Clarendon St., Leamington. An Atlantic headland. Glen Head. " Its vast and awful form. Girt with the whirlwind. Sandalled with the storm." The fire at Warwick Castle, December 3, 187 1. 1873. 766 Before arbitration. " Once the jays sent a message unto the eagle's nest, etc." — Macau lay. 844 Slieve League, " Monarch ofa giant race. Throned on a savage shore. With frowning brow and fur rowed face. Turned seaward evermore." On a desolate shore. The time of flood, " The furious river struggles hard, Tossing its tawny mane, etc." Warwick Castle, 1874, 756 Whitby Abbey, "Worn by the wind's eternal sway, etc," 791 The Refectory, Abingdon Ab bey. 810 Wilton Castle, near Saltburn- on-the-Sea, " Its lonely tur ret, shattered and outworn, etc," 840 The VaUey of the Rocks, Lyn ton, North Devon. " Where scarce a sound is heard, etc." 25, Hanley Road, Hornsey. 1875. 645 The harvest field. "When glows the western sky, etc." 687 A moorland valley. 768 An ancient bridge. 863 876 •345 THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS 269 Stocks, Walter Fryer — continued. 1875. 787 A sunset. " When in the crim son cloud of even The lin gering light decays." 796 A cornfield, near Aylsham, Norfolk. "Where the village swain Scares the swart spoiler from the golden grain." 151, Gloucester Road, Regents Park. 1876. 686 Carnarvon Castle. 849 A forest pool. " At midnight the moon cometh, etc." 1877. 704 The spectre ship. " The west ern wave was all a-flame, etc." — Coleridge's " Ancient Ma riner." 705 Canterbury Cathedral, from the Deanery Garden. Heath Cottage, Hampstead. 1878. 718 South woods, Arundel. 876 Remains of Cardinal Wolsey's Palace at Winchester. Upton House, Hampstead. 1879. 736 Donegal Bay. 840 The home field. 885 Moonrise. 1880. 692 Outlawed. 695 David's cave, near the Lizard, Cornwall. 778 Taking up pilchards, near the Lizard, Cornwall. 790 St. Bees Head, Cumberland. " Amid the roar, Of the surf- tormented shore." 791 Eventide. 901 In the pathless woods. 1881. 645 The Doone Valley, Exmoor. " It looked as if no frost could enter, neither winds go ruffling: only spring and hope and comfort breathe to oneanother." — LornaDoone. 6-jn. The end of the day. "When the reaper's work is done." 718 Eskdale. 744 The Badgeworthy Water, Ex moor. " Ere the dim evening light Sinks into silent night." 771 A September night. "The moving moon went up the sky, etc." — Coleridge. 1882. 707 The Llwyngwair woods, New port, Pembrokeshire. 882 The dying day. 897 The hunter's moon. 948 Bury, near Arundel. 1062 Coneysthorpe, Castle Howard, Yorkshire. 1882. 1883. 1884. 1885. 1887. 1 1 30 1178•353 13981063 12 1228 1889. 1890.1891.1892. 1893. 1903. 1099 An August evening. 192, Haverstock Hill. 949 A lonely valley. " Through the green evening, etc." — Keats. 1093 Watergate Bay, Cornwall : New Quay in the distance, Essenden, near Hatfield. 1037 Evening. 1 102 In the golden eventide. The Mourne Mountains. A cornfield, A Yorkshire village. "The world forgetting, by the world forgot." " In the north countree,'' Michaelmas — moonrise. 2 Dunstanborough. " And the hollow ocean ridges Roaring into cataracts." — Tennyson. Warkworth. " The gleam, the shadow, and the peace su preme." — Wordsworth. II 77 In the hush of night. 1237 In memory. 1266 Last year's hay. 1300 An ancient bridge. 1 3 16 After rain. 1387 The crimson of the sunset sky. 1410 "What time the evening shadows faU." A Yorkshire moor. " Forth comes the moon, the sweet surprise of heaven." Moonrise. 1408 A rick yard. II 69 Burning weeds. 966 Fading eve. 1057 The close of day. Glan Elwy, St. Asaph. 951 A border tower. 1564 410 •335 STODART, George J Engraver. Newhouse farm, Godstone. 1884. 1384 The Rev. Richard Green. After F. Sandys. 1886. 1515 The late Sir Bartle Frere. After W. E. Miller. 15 17 Catherine Lever. I, Caistor Rd., Great Yarmouth 1891. 1701 Lord Arthur RusseU. After H. T. Wells, R.A. STODDARD, Miss Florence Edith. Miniature Painter. 20, Scarsdale Villas, Kensington. 1903. 1273 Tim, the son of William B. Paterson, Esq. 1904. 1287 Mrs. James Gow. 270 THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS STODDART, Miss Christina M. Painter. 26, Castle Street, Edinburgh. 1904. 400 The noonday rest — India. STODDART, Miss Frances. Painter. 10, Belle Vue Crescent, Edinburgh. 1837. 124 View of Dunkeld Abbey, taken on the spot. 1840. 105 Highland landscape. 127 View of the Vale of Comric, with Sir David Baird's monu ment. STOHL, M Painter. 1858, 828 Greek giri. 834 The letter. 905 The Jew pedlar. STOKELD, J Painter. 22, Fowler Terrace, Hendon Town. 1863. 626 Whispering soft nothings. STOKES, Adrian S Painter. 18, Holland Street, Kensington. 1876. 596 "O coward conscience, how dost thou afilict me ! " — Richard III, act 5, scene 3. 1249 Is it true? 1295 Chrysanthemums. 1877. 1033 At the well, Breton peasants. 55a, Bedford Gardens. 1878. 208 One step more. 1022 "What's o'clock?" 1879, 1027 " I sent thee late a rosy wreath, etc." 1880. 443 Dr. Johnson's penance. " Once, indeed, said he, I was disobedient: I refused to attend my father to Ut- toxeter market. Pride was the source of that refusal, and the remembrance of it was painful. A few years ago I desired to atone for this fault: I went to Uttox- eter in very bad weather, and stood for a considerable time, bareheaded in the rain, on the spot where my father's stall used to stand. In con trition I stood, and I hope the penance was expiatory." — BosweU. 1882. 1883.1884. 1885. 1887.1888. 1889. 1890. 1891. 1892, 1893. 1895.1897.1898.1899. 1900. 1901.1902. 1903. 1904. •5 13, Holland Street, Kensington. Low tide — Coast of Nor mandy. 33 A grey afternoon at St. Vaast- de-la-Hougue. 320 A winter afternoon in the South of France. 373 Master Percy Ricardo. 827 By the walls of the Hougue. 44 Coast scene, Brittany. 210 A Spanish miU. 1483 A Spanish aqueduct. 188 "Had we never met and parted, We had ne'er been broken-hearted." 264 Across the common. 627 Early spring at Capri. 1 156 Capri housetops. 985 An afternoon in February. 381 Miss Dorothy Ricardo. 1024 Upland and sky. Purchased for the Chantrey Bequest for -£400. 756 The harbour bar, St. Ives, Cornwall, 137 Off St. Ives, 1 3, Holland Street. 645 Through the morning mist. 27, Avonmore Road 475 Sunset — Roman Campagna, 480 On a Cornish cliff. October moon. Queen Anne's Mansions, St. James's Park. Mountain mist. Mountains and hill. 9, Pitt Street, Campden Hill. 924 The old dyke. I a, Kensington Square. 1057 Through the beeches. 6, Edwardes Square Studios, W. 541 Trafalgar Square. 787 The King of the Dolomites. 276 Autumn in the mountains. Purchased for the Chantrey Bequest for ;^3oo. 682 The blue pool. 206 1053 413 STOKES, Mrs. Adrian (formerly Miss Marianne Preindlsberger). Painter. 1 3, Holland Street. 1885. 17 A parting. 954 A Capri witch. 1886. 23 Childhood's wonders. 1887. 523 The magic flute. 1 1 25 Portrait of a lady; pastel. 1888, 590 Lantern light. THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS 271 1889. 358 "Go, thou must play alone, my boy. Thy sister is in Heaven. 1891. 236 "Hail, Mary!" 27, Avonmore Road. 1893. 447 Angels entertaining the Holy Child. 6, Edwardes Square Studios. 1 90 1. 504 Candlemas-day. 1903. 105 J. Westlake, Esq., K.C. 1904. 713 Mrs. Westlake. 719 Mrs. St. John Hornby. STOKES, E 1 83 1. 108 Landscape. Painter. STOKES, Folliott Painter. St. Ives, Cornwall. 1897. 144 A light night. 1076 Moonrise. 1898. 96 Evening. 105 The river farm. II, Bedford Road, St. Ives. 1902. 318 The fir wood at moonrise. STOKES, G Architect. 21, Southampton Street, Bloomsbury. 1827. 950 Literary and Scientific Institu tion. 1828. 1009 Design for a theatre. 1830. 1 104 Library and reading room. 1831. 1096 Town Hall, etc., Hahfax. Porchester Gardens. 1843. 1216 Portion of Westbourne Ter race. 1844. 1065 New church at Paddington. 1848. 1 1 37 {No title in catalogue.) 1850. 509 Porch at the end of West minster Abbey, etc. 579 On the Lynn, Lynmouth, Devon. 1 85 1. 88 Castle of Elz, Germany. STOKES, G. H Architect. 1854. 1152 Crystal Palace, Sydenham, in terior view, Sheffield Court. 3, Spring Gardens. 1857. 1055 Mansion at Halifax, for Frank Crossley, Esq., M.P. 7, Pall MaU East. 1864. 757 Mansion near Geneva. STOKES, J Painter. 1846. 1237 Landscape. Brentford End, Middlesex. 1855. 490 A passing shower. STOKES, Leonard Aloysius Scott. Architect. 13, Holland St., Kensington. 1882. 1149 A West End club. 1 159 A casino or club. 31, Spring Gardens. 1884. 1324 Design for an Academy of Arts. 1886. 1635 Church of St. James, Spanish Place. 1642 St. Joseph's Church, Maiden head. 1887. 1671 Nazareth House, Southsea, 1711 New Presbytery, Southend-on- Sea, 1888. 1730 Roman Catholic Church, Folke stone. 1731 do. interior. 1752 do. interior of Lady Chapel. 1785 Royal, near Godalming. 1889. 1835 St. Michael's, Waterlooville, Hants. 1 86 1 House, Palace Court, W. 1910 St. Clare's Church, Sefton Park, Liverpool. 1913 do. do. 1987 Roman Catholic Church, Folke stone. 1890. 1729 Corpus Christi Priory, Man chester. 1790 Broxwood Court, Hereford shire. 1851 The Presbytery, St. Clare's Church, Liverpool. 3, Prince's Street, Storey's Gate. 1892. 1714 Miles Platting Church, Man chester. •759 Nymans, near Crawley. 1893. 1656 An island home — Loch Allen, Ireland. 1657 A new town church. 1894. 1596 St. Augustine's Church, Sud bury. 1597 Nazareth House, Bexhill. 1895. 1494 All Souls' Church, Peter borough. 1896. 1655 Hall and staircase, Kensington Palace Gardens. 171 1 Church, Clacton-on-Sea. 1898. 1718 Shooter's Hill House, Pang- bourne. 1720 do. do. 1724 do. do. picture gallery. 1899. 1616 Cold Ash, near Newbury. 1622 2, West Drive, Streatham Park. 1660 Soot Pray Farm, Worplesdon. 1900. 1789 All Saints' Convent, Colney Chapel, St. Albans. 272 THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS Stokes, Leonard Aloysius Scott — con tinued. 2, Great Smith Street, Westminster. 1 90 1. 1527 Girls' School, Oxford. 1528 House, Ascot Heath. 1529 Boys' School, Oxford. 1902. 1401 Ascot Priory. 1 5 10 Hill End, Wendover. 1903. 1646 Sketch for Liverpool Cathe dral. 1663 Littleshaw, Woldingham. 1904. 1571 Cottage, Sunningdale. 1577 Minterne, Dorset. STOKES (L.) and WARE (C. E.) Architects. 13, Holland Street, Kensington. 1883. 1208 Church of the Sacred Heart, Exeter. STOKES (L.) and HINE (G. T.) Architects. 3, Prince's Street, Westminster. 1899. 1723 AU Saints' Convent, Colney Chapel, St. Albans. STOKES, R Architect. 29, Lower Brook Street. 1828. 992 Design for a bath as an orna mental building in a park. 1829. 993 Design for a mausoleum with cenotaphs, 8, Charles Street, Clarendon Square. 1830. 1073 Design for a water gate to a nobleman's palace. 72, Sudeley Place, Cheltenham. 1831. 1105 Mansion in Tudor style. STOKOE Architect. 1808. 952 A villa. 992 do. STONE, Miss Ada. Miniature Painter. I, Wildwood Terrace, North End, Hampstead. 1903. 1176 Mariana. 1 6, Adair House, Oakley Street, Chelsea. 1904. 1217 Mrs. Frank Murray. STONE, Coutts Architect. Campden Hill, Kensington. 1843. 1 174 Design for river entrance in Tuscan style. 1844. 1194 Design for a church. 1 9, Great Marlborough Street. 1847. 1091 The Dogana, and church of Santa Maria della Salute, from the Giudecca, Venice. 1206 The Bridge of Sighs, from the side entrance to the Doge's Palace, Venice. 1848. 1 105 Ruins of the Temple of Ceres, Pcestum. 1193 Ezzolius's Tower, Padua. 1 88 1. 1 121 Nether Court, garden front. STONE, Miss Ellen Painter. 1 7, Bedford Gardens. 1874. 944 The map of the war. 1877. 1366 Discouragement. STONE, Frank, A.R.A Painter. 13, Newman Street. 1837. 38 Mrs. Manx. 90 Lady Seymour in a fancy dress. 53, Berners Street. 1838. 24 A study. 1839. 529 Lord Goderich. 551 The Hon. Mrs. Blackwood. 604 Portrait of a lady. 617 do. gentleman. 1840. 123 Scene from "A Legend of Montrose " — Annot Lyle, Allan M'Aulay and the Earl of Monteith. " She sate down at a httle distance from Allan, and turning her char {sic) back, she accompanied it with her voice." 196 Mrs. Robert Shute. 1 84 1. 507 The stolen interview of Charles ist, when Prince of Wales, with the Infanta of Spain. " The Infanta having gone one morning to the Casa de Campo to gather May dew, Charles rose with the sun, and, accompanied by En dymion Porter, explored the house. Not finding La dame de ses pens^es, he pursued his way into the orchard, where a wall and a double- locked and bolted door op posed his passage. The prince scaled the waU, and resolutely leaping from the height, hastened towards her. The old marquis, her guardian, falling on his knees, implored the prince THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS 273 1842.1843. 1844. 1845. 1846.1847. 1848.1849. 1850. 1851. 1852. to consider for a moment that the hoary head of his supplicant was at stake." — lyisraeli. 321 " Admonition." 534 The last appeal. 505 The course of true love never did run smooth. — Shakspere, etc. Tavistock House, Tavistock Square. 489 " Ce n'est que le premier pas qui cotite." 539 Scene from Hamlet. Ophelia sings: "White his shroud as the mountain snow, etc." 621 "Soft hour! which wakes the wish, and melts the heart! " — Byron. 331 The impending mate. 422 Mated. 485 Christ and the Sisters of Beth any. 120 Portrait of the infant son of T. K. Hervey, Esq. 286 The duet "andante con moto." 135 The gardener's daughter. "One arm aloft, Holding the bush, to fix it back she stood." — Tennyson. 342 Scene from the Tempest. Mi randa. " What is 't — a spirit?" 606 Scene from the Merchant of Venice. Bassanio receiving the letter announcing An tonio's losses and peril. (Elected A.R.A.) Russell House, Tavistock Square. 102 Scene from Cymbeline. Pisa nio bringing to Imogen the false announcement of her husband's return to Milford Haven. 362 A country girl. 388 At the opera. 501 Portrait of Dr. Hooker, in the Rhododendron region of the Himalaya Mountains, surrounded by his native (Lepcha) collectors, etc., etc., examining the plants ga thered during the day's march. Two officers of his Nepaulese guard are in attendance, and their Ghoorka sepoys are seated round a fire in the distance. The scene represents a view VII. taken on the skirts of a pine forest at 9,000 feet eleva tion; Kinchin Junga, the loftiest mountain in the globe, elevation 28,178 feet, is seen in the distance. The trunk of a tree, on the right, is covered with Rhododen dron Dalhousise, and other epiphytes. 1853. 113 A Nile flower. 333 " Now I'U tell you what we'll do." (Engraved as "Plot ting mischief.") 478 The Master is come. "And when she had so said, she went her way, and called Mary her sister secretly, saying, 'The Master is come, and calleth for thee.'" — John, xi, 28. 1854. 244 The mussel-gatherer — time to go! 258 The old, old story. 274 Castle-building. 1856. 319 Doubt. " Unheeded vows may heedfuUy be broken." — Shakspeare. 1857. 190 Margaret. " My peace is gone, my heart is heavy." 355 " Bon Jour, Messieurs." 1858. 204 The missing boat (Pas de Calais). 1859. 254 Friendship endangered. 440 The first voyage. 662 A little too late. (The late.) i860. 409 " A merry heart goes all the day. Your sad tires in a mile-a. " — Shakespeare. STONE, F. H Architect. King Street, Norwich. 182 1. 940 Design for a nobleman's man sion. STONE, Henry Architect. 34, Castle Street, Holborn. 1838. 1200 Elevation for a church. 1839. 1258 Glasgow Cathedral. 15, St. George'sRd., Southwark. 1842. 1095 Villa in Somersetshire. 1843. ••9° •A'^ Ecclesiastical edifice. 3, York Street, Walworth. 1845. 1 193 Winchester Cathedral — the nave. 1846. 1351 Interior of Lyons Cathedral. 2,0, John St., Bedford Square. 1873. 1202 St. Michael's Church, Kirby, Essex, N N 274 THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS Stone, Henry — continued. 1882. 1233 Tower of AU Saints' Church, Walton-on-the-Naze, Essex. 1886. 1609 do. do. do. STONE, Marcus C, R.A Painter. Russell House, Tavistock Sq. 1858. 601 Rest. " In all my wanderings round this world of care 1859. i860. 1861. 1862. 1863. 1864. 1865. 1866. 1867. Here to return — and die at home at last." M. Stone, Russell House, Tavistock Square. 456 Silent pleading. " Him and his innocent child." — Shake speare. 251 The sword ofthe Lord and of Gideon. "For Freedom's battle once begun. Bequeathed by bleeding sire to son. Though baffled oft, is ever won." — Byron. 425 Claudio, deceived by Don John, accuses Hero. "O Hero, what a Hero hadst thou been, etc." — " Much Ado about Nothing." 502 A painter's first work. "For genius oft misunderstood, etc." — Hudibras. 345 On the road from Waterloo to Paris. {Quotation in French from Beranger.) 418 Working and shirking. " Eng land expects every man will do his duty." 619 Old letters. " I looked for that which is not, nor can be, etc." — Christina Rossetti. 2^6 Steahng the Keys. " It was al ready day. In sooth we were in sad plighte; our poor father a prisoner in his own house, the which was in the hands of the brutal Round head soldiery. No way was to free him, save by good fortune we mighte get the keys of his prison chamber before that the troopers should waken after their orgies. . . . This my sister took upon herself to do, our good, faithful Margery quak ing in the doorway." 444 Nell Gwynne. " Unfit for further service, having given their best strength and often their very limbs in the late struggle between King and Parhament, the old soldiers were cast adrift to wander about in rags. Nell Gwynne, the orange girl, carrying her basket to the playhouse, saw and pitied them, and in grander days Mrs. Eleanor Gwynne did not forget them. She it was who begged their hospital at Chelsea from the King. 1868. 639 An interrupted duel. 1869. 60 The Princess (afterwards Queen) Elizabeth obhged to attend mass by her sister Mary. " The Princess Eliza beth, Protestant heiress to the throne of England, for some time resolutely refused to attend mass, but was at length persuaded to accom pany her sister to the Chapel Royal on the 8th of Sep tember, 1553, on the com memoration of the Na tivity of the Virgin, The Spanish and French ambas sadors, with others of her enemies, who were plotting to prevent the Princess's succession to the throne, hoped her behaviour would compromise her with the Queen; but altho' she is said to have yielded with a bad grace, and to have gone to the chapel with tokens of repugnance, she does not appear to have overstepped the bounds of prudence," 1870, 891 Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn observed by Queen Katha rine. " Indeed, all this time there is no doubt but good Queen Katharine both heard by report, and per ceived with her eyes, how the matter was framed against her, although she showed neither to Mistress Anne nor to the King any spark or kind of grudge or displeasure, but took and ac cepted aU things in good part, an d with wisdom and patience dissembling the same." THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS 75 I, Langham Chambers. 1871. 104 The royal nursery, 1538. "The King's grace was well pleased to see his heir so goodly a child of his age, although the little Lady Elizabeth was considered worthy of the honour of being admitted to keep company with the young Prince Edward, her brother, her father took but little note of her." 1872. Ill Edward II and his favourite. Piers Gaveston. "Gaveston was not only the Adonis of the English Court, but re markable for his knightly prowess, graceful manners, and sparkling wit^ It was the latter qualification which rendered him peculiarly dis pleasing to the English nobles, whom he was accus tomed to deride and mimic for the amusement of this thoughtless sovereign ; nor was the queen exempted when he was disposed to display his sarcastic powers." 1873. 663 " Le roi est mort! viveleroi!" 1874, 106 My lady is a widow and chUd- less. "'Tis better to be lowly born, and range with humble livers in content, etc. " — Shakespeare. 1875. ^3° Sain et Sauf. 1876. 42 Rejected. 1326 An appeal for mercy, 1793. (Elected A.R.A.) 8, Melbury Road, Kensington. 1877. 51 Sacrifice. 157 Waiting at the gate. 1878. 71 The post-bag, 206 Head of a girl. 262 The time of roses. 323 Fruit seller, 1879. 362 In the shade. 416 Summer-time. 548 Discord, 1880. 205 Olivia and Dick Primrose. 282 Amour ou patrie. 1 88 1. 294 Married for love. 1882. 5 " II y en a toujours un autre." Purchased for the Chantrey Bequest for ;£^8oo. 222 Bad news. 602 The Foundling, 617 Miss Frances Sterling. 1883. 5 An offer of marriage. 415 Asleep. 1884. 1885 18861887 188918901891189218931894 1895. 1896.1897.1898. 1899.1900.1901.1902.1903.1904. 448 Fallen out. 449 ReconcUed. " We feU out, my wife and I, O, we fell out, I know not why, And kissed again with tears." 18 A gambler's wife. 149 A peace-maker. (Elected R.A.) 246 Morning, 171 Good friends. Diploma work. 236 In love. 236 The first love-letter. 328 Garden flowers. 276 A passing cloud. 325 Love at first sight. 197 "Two 's company, three 's none." 158 A honeymoon. 90 Summer fruit. 92 Winter berries. 197 A stolen kiss. 183 A sailor's sweetheart. 226 Miss Messel. 5 Thoughts. 287 A welcome footstep. 724 The question. 176 Reverie. 161 A soldier's return. 1212 In a garden. 200 "Absence makes the heart grow fonder." 170 His ship in sight. 230 The proposal accepted. STONE, Miss (afterwards Mrs. Smith) Painter. (An Honorary Exhibitor.) 1781. 452 Birds. 461 do. 464 A peacock. 523 Shells. 1786, 535 Perspective view of Sir Ashton Lever's museum. {This artist appears as Mrs. Smith at the Society of Artists in 1791.) STONE, Mrs. (formerly Miss Mary Mulready Leckie) Painter. (An Honorary Exhibitor.) 1845. 914 Portrait ofa little girl. 1846. 956 do. lady. {See Miss Mary Mulready Leckie, vol. V, page 14.) STONE, Percy Goddard... Architect. 16, Great Marlborough Street. 1883. 1227 The Hall, Nether Court. 1898. 1737 Church of St. Peter, Shorwell, Isle of Wight. 276 THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS STONE, T Painter. 2, Warwick Street, Charing Cross. 1797. 323 A light horseman. STONE, W Painter. 46, Shakspeare Road, Stoke Newington. 1867. 260 The critic. STONES, Miss Emily R. ... Painter. 31, Parkhurst Road, Holloway. 1884. 1192 Wallflowers. 276, Camden Road. 1899, 1216 A quiet resting place. 1904. 1070 The fisherman's child. STONEY, Charles B Painter. 1 7, Elm Park Gardens. 1 88 1. 233 Anemones. 1882. 635 I 636 > Bude, Cornwall. 637) 652 J. Butler Stoney, Esq. 1464 Christmas roses. 1883. 215 do. 564 Roses. 1884, 250 do. 366 Malmesbury steeple. 665 Basket of roses. 877 Peonies. 1885. 99 Roses. 773 Christmas roses. 805 Gloire de Dijon roses, 1886. 282 Roses. 499 Winter roses. 895 Cinerarias. Cowbridge House, Malmsbury. 1887. 142 A standard rose. 183 Christmas Roses. 1888. 467 White roses. 554 Tulips. 1889. 1033 do. Heathcote Cottage, Newton Abbot. 1890. 266 Brixham trawlers. Fairthorn, Parkstone, Dorset. 1893. 881 St. Barthelemy, Nice. STONEY, T. Butler Painter. 7, Maida HiU, West. 1899. 298 The Test at Longparish. 6a, Stanley Studios, Palk Walk, Chelsea. 1900. 678 The voyage of St. Patrick. STONHOUSE, C Painter. 19, Newman Street. 1833. 209 Girl reading. 237 Musical party. 1834. 1835- 1837-1838. 1839. 1840. 1841. 1842. 1843. 1844, 253 The troubadour. " And he knew many a lay of love. The hearts of gentle dames to move." 6 The Mother's Joy. 52, Great Marlborough Street. 326 The Babes in the wood. 307 Portrait of a lady. 23, Foley Place. 85 Portraits of the three younger children of E. WiUes, Esq. 307 Meditation. 656 Portrait of a lady. 202 The broken pitcher. 378 The biUet doux. "Speeds the soft intercourse from soul to soul. And wafts a sigh from Indus to the Pole." 507 Sir W. FoUett. 44, Upper Norton Street. 142 Mrs, Capt, Burdett Dobson. 998 The Contrast, Vide Goldsmith's Deserted Village. 390 Miss Alexandrina V, Wortley, granddaughter of the Duke of Rutland. 427 Moses going to sell the Colt at the Fair. Vide Vicar of Wakefield. 543 Portraits of three children of W. Pigott, Esq., of DuUing- worth, near Newmarket. 1236 Portraits of Miss Marguerite and Miss Ellen Home Purves, daughters of Viscountess Canterbury. 459 Jaques and the wounded deer. Vide " As You Like It." 591 The fortune-teller. "The tawny sibyl no sooner appeared than my girls came running to me for a shilling apiece to cross her hand with sil ver." 1045 Mary Queen of Scots forced into signing the resignation of the crown. " ' Beware, Madam,' said Lindsay; and snatching hold of the Queen's arm with his own gauntleted hand, he pressed it, in the rudeness of his passion, more closely than he was him self aware of" Vide " The Abbot." 1046 The Vicar of Wakefield's family after the fire. "The next morning the sun arose with THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS 277 peculiar warmth for the sea son, so that we agreed to breakfast together on the honeysuckle bank. It was in this place that my poor Olivia first met her seducer, and every object served to recall her sadness. Her mother, too, upon this occa sion, felt a pleasing distress, and wept, and loved her daughter as before, etc." — Vicar of Wakefield, chap, xxiv, 1845. 449 Catherine over the dead body of Julian Avenel. " His last fight was over; the fierce and turbid spirit had de parted in the strife in which it had so long delighted, , , . Lift him up for God's sake, etc."—" The Monastery ^ Sir Walter Scott. 590 Roland Graeme saved from drowning. " The boat hav ing put off with a couple of men, met the dog half-way and relieved him of his bur then. They landed on the causeway, close by the gate of the castle, with their yet lifeless charge ; and were there met by the Lady of Avenel, attended by one or two of her maidens, eagerly waiting to administer assistance to the sufferer." Vide " The Abbot." 1030 Portrait of a lady. 1846. 226 Our Saviour reproving Martha. "And Jesus answered and said unto her, Martha, Martha, thou art careful and troubled about many things, etc." 362 Gertrude, youngest daughter of C. P. Calmady, Esq., of Langdon Hall, Devonshire. 1847. 328 Welsh girl and child. 375 The lesson. 551 Portrait of a boy. 1848. 680 The vicar's family on the way to church. " Next the straps of my wife's pillion broke down, and they were obliged to stop to repair them before they could proceed." 1849. 163 The young student. 522 Sleeping infant. 582 Jersey peasant girl at a foun tain. 53, Charlotte Street. 1865. 364 After a storm: the calm. STOPFORD, W. H Painter. School of Art, Halifax. 1880. 895 On the top of the Great Orme's Head. STOPPOLINI, Augusto G. Painter. 9, Glebe Place, Chelsea. 1893. 6 Rustic coquetry. 632 La canzone del mietitore. Oakley Studios, I, Upper Cheyne Row. 1896. 188 H. N. Hamilton Hoare, Esq. 1897. 577 Mrs. J. H. Johnstone. 1899. 562 " Somebody 's coming." 849 Lando de Noccio. 1900. 653 Octavian before Cleopatra. 754 Allegory. 912 The family of Nazareth. 1904. 600 The shepherd and the goat. {Italian quotation from Anibal Caro) STORDY, J Miniature Painter. 49, Mortimer Street, Cavendish Square. 1786. 268 Portrait of a lady. 1787. 346 do, an artist. 56, Great Portland Street. 1788. 340 Portrait of an artist. STORER, Henry Sargant ... Painter. H. Storer, Chapel Street, Pentonville. 1814, 737 Remains of the cloisters of Peterborough Cathedral, Northamptonshire. H. S. Storer, Chapel Street, Pentonville. 18 1 5. 846 Interior of Worcester. 1 8 1 6. 812 West front of Rochester Cathe dral. 8 1 3 South aisles, Canterbury Cathe dral. 1817. 871 Part of the nave of St. David's Cathedral. 914 Transept of Bristol Cathedral, 18 18. 763 do. Bangor Cathedral. 987 N.W. View of Ely Cathedral. 1819. 849 Oldhouses in Aldersgate Street, taken down in 1818. 1052 Panoramic View of the City of Edinburgh. 1820. 882 The Tron church, Edinburgh. 1 82 1. 945 Towers of All Souls' College, from Queen's College, Ox ford. 278 THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS Storer, Henry Sargant — continued. 1822. 903 North aisle, Exeter Cathedral. 1827. 560 Ancient Crypt under St. John's church, ClerkenweU. Cambridge. 1829. 1053 The old gate, and part of the chapel, King's College, Cam bridge, 1833, 560 The Chapel of King's College, Cambridge, looking east. 576 The chapel of King's CoUege, Cambridge, looking west. 146, Whitechapel. 1835. 439 The Chapel, Trinity College, Cambridge, 986 King's CoUege and bridge from Queens' College, Cambridge, 1836. 1028 LadyChapel, Fountains Abbey, Yorkshire, STORER, Louisa Painter. 35, Mount Street, Grosvenor Square. 18 1 6. 562 Flowers. 681 do. 1817, 733 do. 1818. 580 Flowers and fruit. 1819. 549 Flowers. 1820. 819 Cactus Speciosus from nature. 65, Conduit Street. 1823. 577 Flowers from nature. 1824. 457 Flowers. 632 {In the index, but by L. Stephens in the catalogue.) 98, Park Street, Grosvenor Square. 1843. 1044 Moss roses from nature. (/ cannot find any evidence as to whether this artist was related to H. S. Storer, she was probably his sister. The father, James Storer, died in 1853; his son in 1837.) STOREY, George Adolphus, A.R.A. Painter. 12, Marlborough Place, St. John's Wood. 1852. 1097 A family portrait. 1853. 446 The Madonna and chUd. 1292 Miss Georgy. 1854. 357 The Holy family. — Isaiah Iiii, 7. 1855. 394 The fair musician. 1857. 1147 Sacred music. " What art can teach, What human voice can reach The sacred organ's praise? etc." — Dryden. 1858. 1103 The widowed bride. " Out cam his auld mither, greeting fu' sair. And out cam his bonnie bride, rivin her hair'; Saddled and bridled and booted rade he, Toom hame came the saddle. but never cam he ! " 1859. 831 The bride's burial. " Mark now what honour she re ceived from love; I saw him leaning o'er her beauteous corpse, etc" — Vita Nuova. 1861. 254 A portrait. 500 do. 590 The bribe. " Strong walls and barred doors Against foul treachery are never proof. But walls have ears.'' The Besieged. " Heaven that created thee thus warlike, stole Into a woman's body a man's soul." Querer per solo Querer. 1862. 480 A present from the fair. 594 The closed house, 1665. "That every house visited be marked with a red cross of a foot long in the middle of the door, evident to be seen, and with these usual printed words, that is to say ' Lord have mercy upon us,' to be set close over the same cross, there to continue until the lawful opening of the same house." — De Foe. 6, Salisbury Terrace, Kilburn. 1864. 465 The meeting of WiUiam Sey mour and the Lady Arabella Stuart, at the Court of James I, 1609. " The near ness of the Lady Arabella to the English Throne seems to have inspired James with an unworthy jealousy, and to have caused him to form the resolution of keeping her single. In her chUd- hood, however, she had been acquainted with Mr. William Seymour, the second son of Lord Beauchamp, and in 1609 they met again at Court; their early friendship quickly grew into love, and they were secretly married, THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS 279 but James never forgave her for this step; the youthful couple were separated and imprisoned, and the Lady Arabella, after in vain im ploring for pardon, died in the Tower a pitiable lunatic, on the 27th of September, 1615," 2, Elgin Rd., Edgeware Road. 1865. 350 A royal challenge. " Henry VIII liked to share in the pastimes of his people, and invite them to share in his — to mix in the cudgel- playing, the May-mumme ries, the morris-dances, and the archery contests; hold ing his own in these national games by a quick eye and a strong arm, and playing his part in them with a frank ness, a courage, and a good humour which no chance could disconcert. Harry was English to the back-bone." 58, St. Mary's Terrace, Maida HiU. "After you." The shy pupil. Saying grace. " Sister." Going to school; portraits. The old soldier. "My fair charitable! what is it but your goodness and humanity which make your bright eyes so sweet that they out shine the morning? Nature has been bountiful to you ! be bountiful to a poor man." — Sterne. 1870. II A duet. "If music be the food of love, play on." — Twelfth Night. 486 At Halton Bank. 934 Only a rabbit! 1871. 70 Rosy cheeks. 277 Lessons. 1872. 331 Little buttercups. 400 " The course of true love never did run smooth." 1873. 158 Scandal. 387 Love in a maze. 893 Mistress Dorothy. 1874. 66 The blue Girls of Canterbury. 226 Dame Octavia Beaumont. 443 Little Swansdown. 521 Grandmamma's Christmas visitors. 1867. 388 1868. 273 5i^ 1869, 7 27 62 1875, 24 Mrs, Finch. 142 Caught! 244 Miss Caro Armitage. 1 160 The whip hand. (Elected A.R.A,) 1876. 121 A dancing lesson, 265 My Lady Belle. 1877. (>^ The old Pump-room, Bath. "The people say here, be whatever your case. You are sure to get well if you come to this place." no The Judgment of Paris. " To the fairest." 395 Christmas Eve. 1364 Children of Mr. and the Hon. Mrs, Halford, 1 9, St. John's Wood Road. 1878, 133 Sweet Margery. 526 Lady Clayton. 593 Portrait of a lady; a la Rubens. 1324 W. J. Alt, Esq. 1879. 80 Orphans. 421 Gertrude, daughter of J. C. Harter, Esq. 494 Mrs. Edmund Yates. 575 Lilies, Oleanders, and the pink. " There is a gentle lady among the flowers there. Who almost looks like one of them, she is so fresh and fair, etc." 1880. 87 Late for church. 155 " Follow my leader." 1046 Daphne. " Presently appears The lovely Daphne; to her heart I send A blunted dart, that hath a leaden end, etc." 1 88 1. 202 Octavia, Lady Beaumont. 470 The Coral necklace. 1 01 2 The Ivory Door: Design for an inlaid door of ivory, grey wood and ebony, with painted panels and medal lions, illustrating music. 1882. 386 Pensive daughter. "Are you at leisure, holy fa ther, now. Or shall I come to you at evening mass? Friar. My leisure serves me, pensive daughter, now." Romeo and Juliet. 794 Coracles on the Dee, Llanty- siUo. 1489 Out for a walk. 1883. 19 The Connoisseur. Tradition represents the elder Teniers 28o THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS 78 641 [149 Storey, George Adolphus, A.R.A. — continued. going with his son to sell his pictures, riding upon an ass. The painter, his son and the ass would travel from Ant werp to Brussels offering their wares, and more than once they had the humilia tion of not finding pur chasers. 1883. 450 Sunflower. "Fashions come and fashions go. Hats and skirts both ebb and flow, etc." 1884. 35 The shy lover. 74 The peace-maker. 189 Art and nature; a study of tone and colour. Hougoumont, Broadhurst Gardens. 1885. 78 " As good as gold." ChUdren of the Rev. George Fisher. The choice of the beautiful five maidens of Crotona, sitting to Zeuxis for his picture of Helen, " The masterpiece of Zeuxis, as a dehneation of female beauty, was consid ered to be his ' Helen ' in the Temple of Hera at Cro- ton. It was painted from five maidens, the most beau tiful to be found in that city, from whose combined per fections the artist was to extract the essence of con summate lovehness." A violin-player. On guard. 91 A young prodigal. "He enter tains a few friends, but has reckoned without his host," No wife, " I pray you, seiiorita, take pity on a poor padre, who, alas! has no wife to help him out of his diffi culties." 1889. 326 Godiva. "Leofric, Earl of Chester, married Godiva, a most beautiful and devout lady, sister of one Thorold, then a sheriff of Lincoln shire and founder of Spald ing Abbey. Godiva, having an extraordinary affection for Coventry, often requested her husband to set the in habitants free from the ser- 1886. 1887. 23175^ •5 1889. I46I •474 1890. 5 5'9 I89I. 356 704 1143 1161 1892. 129 1893. 118 286 1894. 212 1895. 140 217 718 1896. 255 679 1897. 203 833 1898. 1899.1900. 868 130 1032 128 107 vitude they laboured under. He promised at last to gratify her importunities, provided she would ride naked through the city; she complied, it seems, with the condition, and obtained a charter of freedom for the inhabitants, as memorialised in an an cient window in Trinity Church, Coventry: " I, Lurick, for love of thee. Do make Coventry toll free."— TindalPs His tory of Essex. Eynsford MiU. Bridge at Eynsford. The hungry messenger. Paris and OEnone. " Not yet so great wast thou when I, a nymph. Sprung from a River God, was pleased to wed thee, etc." — Ovid, "Heroides." The milliner's bill, "Why so large cost, having so short a lease. Dost thou upon thy fading mansion spend?" T, J, Pemberton, Esq, Mrs. and Miss Storey. A maiden fair. Meta, daughter of J, P, Reid, Esq. Waiting for her partner. Miss Jenny. 39, Broadhurst Gardens. First practice. Coming events. The rival. Reflection. The Town gossip. A love stratagem. Mischief; a portrait. A fair musician. " O, my love is like the melodic That's sweetly played in tune." The daughter of the regi ment. Summer days. In evening shade. Odney MiU. Lesson of love. The lost labour ofthe Danaides • — typical of human life. " The lost Danaides drag their endless round In dismal Hades, there to ex piate Their nuptial crime, etc." THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS 281 1900. 526 PhUomel. 838 Portrait ofa man in black. 108 1 Phyllis, daughter of Edward W. Meyerstein, Esq. 1901. 72 The love-letter. 989 The kitchen, Hever. 1902. 112 A talkative companion. 275 A love sonnet. 442 A reverie. 1903. 132 Olivia. 478 Edward, son of Edward W. Meyerstein, Esq. 498 Bianca. 1904. 466 Gladys, daughter of G. A. Storey, Esq., A.R,A, 723 Psyche. 822 Pluto's messenger. "When summer leaves have changed their tender green To melancholy autumn's red and gold. Then Proserpina knows 'tis time to leave The joyous earth, and once again descend To Pluto's silent realm." STORMONT, Howard Gull. Painter. II, Park Hill, Richmond, Surrey. 1898. 686 The ferry to Canvey Island- low tide. Ypres Studio, Rye, Sussex. 1900. 1212 Wild Poppies in the Ardennes. 1 90 1 . 1 207 Haymaking on the South Coast. 1902. 537 A Kentish shearing. 1903. 640 Pecheuses de crevettes. STORMONT, Mrs. Howard Gull (Mary) Painter. Ypres Studio, Rye, Sussex. 1899. 839 A Wayside Inn. 1900. 927 Sheep-milking, Walcheren. 1292 Le Beguinage, Bruges. 1 90 1. 1173 Pasture, Studland Bay. 1902. 977 Pelargonium. 995 A Dinant-sur-Meuse. STORR, J Painter. 12, Charles Street, Westminster. 1824. 211 Landscape. STORR, Milton Painter. Haslemere, Surrey. 1890. 1390 Dordrecht, Holland. VII. STORY, J Painter. Plymouth. 1793- •°5 Evening — Ships saluting their Majesties at the Naval re view at Plymouth in August, 1789. STORY, Julian Painter. 7, Place des Etats- Unis, Paris. 1889. 704 WiUiam W. Story, Esq., D.C.L. 1890. 44 Moro PhiUips, Esq. 1891. 651 Lord Vernon. 1897. 388 H.R.H. The Prince of Wales, K.G. STORY, Miss Mary S Painter. The Forest, Nottingham. 1885. 1 198 Gardenias. 1886. 1282 Parma violets. STORY, Waldo W Sculptor. Rome. 1886. 1768 Richard Monckton Milnes, first Lord Houghton; bust, marble. STOTHARD, Alfred Joseph. Medalist. 13, Clarendon Street. 182 1. 1021 Portrait of His Majesty; an impression from a die. 7, Seymour Street. 1825. 967 A medallic portrait of the late Lord Byron. 1826. 980 A frame containing medallic portrait of H.M. George the Fourth. Do. of the Rt. Hon. G. Canning. After F. L. Chan trey, R.A. Reverse of the same. After T. Stothard, R.A. Medallic portrait of Sir W. Scott, Bart., from the bust by F. L. Chantrey, R.A. Do. of the late James Watt, Esq., from the bust by F. L. Chantrey, R.A. Impressions from dies, being the first part of a series of medals of our Great Men, now publishing, (Medal Engraver in Ordinary to His Majesty.) 36, Upper Seymour Street, Euston Square. 1827. 991 Medallic portrait of His late 00 282 THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS Stothard, Alfred Joseph — continued. R. H. the Duke of York; after a bust by Joseph NoUe kens, R.A. Impression from a medal die. 1827. 1003 Medallic portrait of the late Professor of Sculpture, John Flaxman, R.A.; from a bust by E. H. Baily, R.A. An im pression from a die, 1037 Medallic portrait of H. M. George the Forth; an im pression from a die. 1828. 1091 H.R.H. the Serene Infant Don Miguel, Regent of the King dom of Portugal, and the two Algarves, and Lieutenant to His Most Faithful Majesty; obverse of a medal pre sented to him by the Por tuguese residents in Lon don. 69, Upper Seymour Street. 1 83 1. 1072 MedaUic portrait of the late T. J.Judkin, A.M., minister of Somer's Chapel, St. Pancras; an impression from a die, etc. 1077 Medallic portrait of His late Majesty George IV; an im pression from the obverse die for a medal which was struck by command of His Majesty, commemorative of the restoration of Windsor Castle. 108, Dorset Street. 1832. 1054 Medallic portrait of Lord Brougham and Vaux, an im pression from a die; from a bust by E. H. Baily, R.A. 1 221 Posthumous medallion of the late R. Collins, Esq., prin cipal enamel and miniature painter to George the Third; part of a monument to be erected to his memory in Fareham Church, Hants. 3, BelPs Buildings, Salisbury Square. 1833. 1038 MedaUic portrait of Master Henry Scobel. 1048 Medallic portrait of Master Scobel. 1073 MedaUic portrait of Miss Sco bel. 108 1 Impression from a seal for the National Society. 1834. 968 Obverse and reverse of a medal now executing for Blundell's School, Tiverton, Devon ; impressions from dies. 1834. 971 Medallic portrait of a friend. 17, Portland Place, Canonbury Square. 1835. 1015 MedaUic portrait of the Rev. Hunter Francis FeU, A.M., minister of Trinity Church, Islington. 1836. 1 1 14 Bust of the late Rev. Edw. Ward, minister of Iver. (Medal Engraver by appointment to the Queen.) 34, Upper Park Street, Barnsbury Park. 1839. 674 Her Majesty Queen Victoria; an impression from a die now in progress, being the first of an intended series of national medals of distin guished characters of the 19th century. 1840. 1083 0. Medallic portrait of John Lee, LL.D., F.S.A., and F.R.A.S., first President of the Numismatic Society; an impression from a die. 1085 q. Medallic portrait of John G. Akerman, Esq., F.S.A., one of the Secretaries of the Nu mismatic Society; an im pression from a die now in progress. 1841. 1121 Her Majesty the Queen; an impression from the obverse side of an unpublished medal. 1130 George Carrington, Esq., F,R.A.S., of Missenden Abbey, Bucks. 1844. 1253 A medallic portrait of his Highness the Duke of Vic toria, Regent of Spain; an impression from a die. 1845. '3^2 Impressions from the dies of the " Reynolds medal " for distribution by the Art Union of London for the present year. The portrait of the late Sir Joshua Rey nolds, engraved from a terra cotta bust by in pos session of the Royal Aca demy, and copied therefrom by their kind permission; the reverse of the medal being the Infant Hercules, from the design of the late Sir Joshua Reynolds. THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS 283 1821. 1826. 1827.1828. 1830. STOTHARD, Charles Alfred. Painter. C. A. Stothard, Junr., 28, Newman Street. 181 1. 251 The assassination of Richard the Second. Vide Hollins- hed's Chronicles. STOTHARD, Robert T., F.S.A. Miniature Painter. 28, Newman Street. 627 Portrait of a young lady. 652 do. do. 793 do. lady. 75, Great Titchfield Street. 847 Captain Warwick Tonken, of Teignmouth, Devon. 778 Portrait of a gentleman. 792 Portraits of two young ladies. 28, Newman Street. 602 Sir W. Clayton, Bart., as Lieut.- Colonel Commandant of the first regiment of Bucks Yeo manry Cavalry. 680 Portrait of a lady. 769 do. child. 942 do. lady. 1832. 739 do. do. 750 George Birkbeck, M.D., Presi dent of the Mechanics' In stitution, etc. 1835. 481 Subject from Don Juan. 635 The Jesuit; a study from na ture. 765 Viscount Palmerston. 1836. '723 Miss Birkbeck. R. Stothard, 20, Stonegate, York. 1 84 1. 119 1 The feast of peacocks, or a dinner in 1366. R. T. Stothard, Charterhouse, Aldersgate Street. 1857. 599 March of the May garlands. Isle of Wight — time, Charles I. STOTHARD, Thomas, R.A. Painter. At Mr. Somners, Bethnal Green. 1778. 297 A holy family. 27, Litchfield Street, Soho. iTjg. 312 Banditti. 1 6, Newport Street. 1780. 133 The shepherd, from Sterne. 135 The retreat ofthe Greeks with the body of Patroclus. {Mrs. Bray gives also " The Protestant Association" but it is not in my catalogue.) 1781. 545 Four designs in water colours, for the poetical and novel ists' magazines. J. Stothard, Great Newport Street, St. Martin's Lane. 1782. 483 Three drawings to be engraved for the Poetical Magazine. T. Stothard, 39, East Street, near Red Lion Square. 1785. 117 The death of Sir Philip Sidney. 1786. 401 Britomart. {Vide Spencer, Book iv, Canto 1, ver. 13. Henrietta Street, Covent Garden. 1791. 18 Henry 5th marriage to Cathe rine of France. 72 Richard ist returning from Palestine. 108 Richard First's treatment of Isaac, prince of Cyprus. 139 Friars, a conversation. (Elected A.R.A.) 1792. 156 A confirmation. 1793- 333 Six paintings from Telemachus. 335 The Dryads finding Narcissus. (Elected R.A.) 1794. 146 Mathew de Johnson defeating the Earl of Douglas and taking his brother, the Earl of Ormond, prisoner. Vide Peerage of Great Britain. 147 Keppel, Earl of Albemarle, at the siege of Lisle, when his horse was shot under him. Vide Peerage of Great Britain. 148 The interview between Henry VIII and the Emperor Charles V. 1796. 211 A Victory. 1797. 125 From the Pilgrim's Progress. 139 Venus and Adonis. 597 Christiana and her children. Vide Bunyan's Pilgrim's Pro gress. 1798. 152 Lion hunt. 160 Tempest. Vide Robinson's Shakespeare. 168 A scene in the second part of Henry IV. Vide Robinson's Shakespeare. 1799. 138 The two senior scholars of the grammar-school, in the Hall of Christ's Hospital, deliver ing their anniversary orations on St. Matthew's day, before the Lord Mayor and Alder men of London, and the 284 THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS Stothard, Thomas, R.A. — continued. Governors of the City Hos pital. 1801. 145 The fatal sisters — from the second volume of Mr. Bowles's poems. "Posting through the battle red. And singhng fast the destin'd dead, See the fatal sisters hie.'' 1803. 124 PhiUis and Brunella; or, the Rival Ladies, from the Spec tator, Vol. I, No. 80. 125 Roger de Coverley and the gypsies. 134 The Spectator's Club. 1805. 146 A design for part of the great staircase, Burghley. 1806. 153 Behnda, Vide Rape of the Lock. 1808. 122 Pope's Essay on Man. " Behold the child, by nature's kindly law. Pleased with a rattle, tickled with a straw, etc." 123 Robinson Crusoe's long boat. 1809, 130 Peace. 1810, 148 Cleopatra dissolving the pearl; the original design for a painting executed on the great staircase at Burleigh, 153 The interruption of the mar riage ceremony by Fitzallen, from Mr. Linley's novel of Ralph Reybridge. 157 Death of Sefton in the Jungle, from Mr. Linley's novel of Ralph Reybridge. 181 1. 77 Leaving home. "The good old sire who first prepar'd to go To new found worlds. His lovely daughter, lovelier in her tears. The fond companion of his helpless years. Silent went next, neglectful of her charms. And left a lover's for a father's arms, etc." • — Goldsmith. 117 Landscape, with cattle at a ford. 132 The scene of Boccaccio's Tales. See the Introduction to the Decameron. 1812. 79 Portraits of the children of S. Boddington, Esq. 1812. 99 The Judgment of Paris. 116 Amphitrite. 171 Canace with the enchanted ring. Vide Chaucer's Can terbury Tales. 1 8 13. 149 Shakespeare. The characters from the Comedy of the Twelfth Night, the comic characters of the First and Second Parts of Henry IV, As You Like It, and the Tempest, and from the tragedies of King Lear, Hamlet, and Macbeth. 1 8 14. 71 Calypso with her Nymphs caressing Cupid, — Telema chus, book vii. 249 Euphrosyne. " Haste thee, nymph, and bring with thee Jest and youthful joUity, etc'' — Milton's L' Allegro. 1815. loi The Crucifixion. " Now there stood by the cross of Jesus, his mother and his mother's sister, Mary, the wife of Cleophas, and Mary Mag dalen, etc." — St. John, chap. xix, 25-27. 1816. 33 Tam O' Shanter. "For Nannie, far before the rest, Hard upon noble Maggie prest. And flew at Tam wi' furious ettle; But little wist she Maggie's mettle — Ae spring brought aff her master hale. But left behind her ain grey tail." — Burns. 99 From the ballad ofthe Children in the Wood. The Uncle delivering up the children to the ruffians. 114 Adam and Eve in Paradise. 121 Adam and Eve out of Para dise. 124 The flower and the leaf. Vide Chaucer. 159 John preaching in the wilder ness, " I am the voice of one crying in the wUderness,etc." — St. John, chap, i, v, 23, 324 Diana and her nymphs bathing. 1817. 121 " Flow gently, sweet Avon," — Burns. 131 The triumph of Britannia. 137 Sans Souci. THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS 285 1817.1818. 1819. 1820. 1821. 1822. 1823.1824.1825. 1826.1827. 1828. 175 The bolero. 71 F6te Champetre. " Again with feathered feet we bound, Dancing in a festive round; Again the sprightly music warms, etc." 164 An interior in mdclviii. 1 65 The first part of the Decameron of Boccace. 166 The second part of the De cameron of Boccace. 26 Sancho Panza conversing with the Duchess and her dam sels. 66 The Mill. Vide Decameron of Boccace. 71 The Garden ; gathering flowers. Vide Decameron of Boccace. 92 The supper by the fountain. Vide Decameron of Boccace. 98 The Dance. Vide Decameron of Boccace. {Mrs. Bray has omitted this.) 146 Pampiena elected queen, and receiving the crown of laurel from Philomena. Decame ron of Boccace. 160 The Meadow. FiVfe Decameron of Boccace. 214 Amphitrite. 20 The Vintage. 109 Sancho Panza relates to his master, Don Quixote, the reception and conversation he had with Dulcinea. 209 Shakespeare's characters. Fal staff, As You Like It, Tem pest, King Lear, and Mac beth. 17 A sleeping Bacchante. 178 Joseph telling his dream to his father. " I have dreamed a dream more; and, behold, the sun and moon and eleven stars made obeisance to me. "And he told it to his father, and to his brethren, etc." — Gen., ch. xxxvii, 10. 117 The Muse Erato. 13 Venus with Cupid, attended by the Graces. 54 Titania. 16 A fete champetre. 99 The vision on May-day on Loch Lean, from the Legend of O'Donoghue. 98 May-morning. " Is not this the merry month of May? etc." — Spenser. 1828. 629 Frame containing four designs from Monstrelet : The Duke of Burgundy soliciting and vowing amity to the family of the young Duke of Or leans — The marriage of Henry 5th with Catherine, daughter to the King of France — Battle of Agin- court — Coronation of Henry 6th. 641 Arabian Nights. 642 From the " Tales of my Land lord." 1830. 163 The bower of Diana. 255 The Frith of Clyde, with the Isle of Arran and the town of Ayr in the distance. 1832. 383 Usurpation of birds' nests by Cupids. 1834. 242 The death of Nelson. STOTT, Edward Painter. 87, Rue de la Seine, Paris. 1883, 207 A French kitchen garden. 10, Impasse Fremin, Rue des Fourneaux, Paris. 1884. 689 Marie; a May flower. Littleton, Eversham, near Worcester. 1885. 1 118 Primrose Day. Amberley, Sussex. 1890. 842 Bathers. 1891. 247 Home by the Ferry. 410 Snowstorm. 1359 Nature's mirror; sketch. 1892. 992 Red roses. 1896. 783 Black horse and plough-boy. 1897. 799 Sunday night. 1898. 740 The httle violinist. 776 The fold. 1899. 369 The harvester's return. 1900. 867 Saturday night. 1901. 44 The river bank. 718 Sunday morning. 1902. 281 Peaceful rest. 506 Youth and age. 1903. 330 The gleaners. 616 Echo. 1904. 798 The old barge. STOTT, J Gem Engraver. 139, Strand. 1828. 1061 Tyger at bay in the water, a favourite Eastern sport, from a sketch by Howitt; an impression from an intag lio. 286 THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS Stott, J, — continued. 1828. 1066 Boat's crew from a Greenland ship attacking a whale, from a sketch by Clark; an im pression from an intaglio. noi Lion and Hottentot, from a sketch by Howitt; impres sion from an intaglio. 1829. 1072 Hunting antelopes with a pan ther. 1080 Portrait of a wolf dog. 1 104 Frame with English sports. 1830. 1136 Heron, from a sketch by Howitt. STOTT, William (of Oldham). Painter. 4, Passage Dulac, Paris. 1882, 771 Return from fishing, 66, Adelaide Road. 1891. 239 The bathing place. 1893, 427 The ferry. 1894. 584 Awakening of the Spirit of the Rose. " See! Rosy in her bower; Her floor is all thy flowers. Her bed a rosy nest By a bed of roses prest." Lovelace. 933 The faerie wood. 1895. 364 Morning in the Alps. 679 Ophelia. 1896. 527 Memory of an island. 965 Idlers. 1898. 566 Autumn. " Who hath not seen thee oft amid thy store? " — Keats. 614 The happy valley. 1899. 675 Hide and seek in the Garden of Epicurus; Leontion and Ternissa. 1 168 A pebbly river: "Follow my leader." STOURTON, Everard Sculptor. 21, Great College Street, Westminster. 1 89 1. 1989 Disturbed; relief. STOW, Edward Painter. 21, Norton Street. 1832. 549 The prison of the Conciergerie — the Pont Neuf and palaces of the Louvre and Tuilleries, from the Pont au Change, Paris. STOW, W. C Architect. Milton Cottage, South Lambeth. 1829. 987 Design for a church. W. S. Stow, Milton Cottage, South Lambeth. 1830. 1020 South-west side of Strada Balbi, in the city of Genoa, show ing the principal elevation of the palace of the King of Sardinia and ofthe two Balbi and the Cattaneo Palaces in the perspective. *¦ W. C. Stow. 1831, 1005 Triumphal arch. Bermondsey Street, Southwark. 1837. 1122 Palazzo Durazzo, Genoa. Long Lane, Bermondsey. 1843. •^9^ Almshouses at Richmond, Surrey, etc, STOWERS, C Sculptor. 22, Charterhouse Square. 181 1, 915 Bust of a young nobleman. 20, Wellington Street, Pentonville. 1818, 1099 Death of a stag. II, Angel Row, Hammersmith. 1821, 1162 Bust of W. Bromet, Esq., M.D. STOWERS, Thomas Painter. 18, King Street, Snow Hill. 1778. 296 View in a wood belonging to the Earl of Shelburne at High Wycomb. 1779. 313 A View from Milbank. 314 Ditto, its companion. 1780, 129 View in Buckinghamshire. 1 781. 196 View on Woolwich Common, 1782, 167 View near Henley - upon - Thames. 1783. 187 Paper miU. 1784, 73 View of London from Hamp stead. 3»7 Landscape. 1785, 10 Ruins of a tower near South ampton, 108 View at Bonchurch, Isle of Wight. 567 View from Richmond Hill; a drawing, 1786. 191 Part of the town and Castle of Dover. 241 View near Highbury. 415 Cowes Castle, Isle of Wight. 1787. 252 Landscape view from nature. 1788, 406 A Cottage in Derbyshire. 22, Charterhouse Square. 1792, 433 Cottage, Isle of Wight. 490 Farm yard. THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS 287 1792. 637 View in Buckinghamshire. 638 Chee-Torr in Derbyshire. 1797. 811 View from Frognal House, Hampstead. 1798. 147 A View at Hampstead, near Frognall Grove. 1799. 22 A scene near Richmond. 1 10 A view at Leigh on the Thames — sunset. 1800. 123 Scene on the Ipswich river. 186 View of London from Hamp stead Heath, 562 A scene in the Shrubbery at Southend. 1 80 1. 8 Scene on the Wye in Miller's Dale — morning, 199 View in Essex near Southend — morning. 1802. 150 The Jews in Captivity in Baby lon. "By the rivers of Baby lon, etc." — Psalm cxxxvii. 1804. 86 View near Caerphilly, South Wales. 1805. 132 A landscape. 1806. 218 A scene on the Lugwy, near Capelberrig, North Wales. 1807. 538 Scene in the grounds of Mr. Oakley at Tany Burylych, North Wales. 1808. 506 Cottages under Limpsfield heights, Surrey. 18 10. 354 View of the ruins of the abbey de Valley Crucis and farm house, near Llangollen, North Wales. 18 1 1. 96 A scene near Skelwith, West moreland. STOWERS, T., Junr. Painter. 22, Charterhouse Square. 1805. 100 Landscape — evening. 1807. 561 Scene on the road to Lyny- ddinas, North Wales, 1808. 494 Landscape — evening. STOWERS, T. Gordon Painter. 76, Newman Street. 1881. 1198 Luther Holden, Esq., F.R.C.S., Consulting surgeon to St. Bartholomew's and the Foundling Hospitals. 1882. 1243 The late Sir Francis Grant, P.R.A. 1894. 1430 G. F. Watts, Esq., R.A. STRACHAN, A. Claude Painter. 6, Normandy Street, Liverpool. 1 89 1. 1 217 Penmaenbach from Nant Val ley, Dwygyfylchi, North Wales. 1892. 1224 An evening's ruddy glow. North Wales. 1902. 883 The Whitchff, Ludlow. Glencairn, Northwick Road, Eversham. 1904. 983 Rustic homes. STRACHEY, Henry Painter. St. Margarets Mansions, S. W. 1889. 370 The village sawpit. 93 1 Hampshire water meadows. 28, Members Mansions, S. W. 1890. 1007 Autumn in Somerset. Sutton Court, Pensford, Bristol 1 89 1. i\ Tom Putts. 1892. 386 Damp autumn. " Autumn's stilly haunt asleep within a magic miser's palm." 1893. 120 Morning on the downs. Stowey, Pensford, Bristol. 1894. 567 June. 792 May on the Merrow Downs. STRAFFORD, Miss Anne... Painter. (An Honorary Exhibitor.) 181 1. 79 5 § Landscape composition. STRAFFORD, G Painter. 6, Jeffrey's Terrace, Kentish Town. 1842. 360 A street in Faugeres, Britanny. 1844. 1050 Mount St. Michael, Normandy. 1845. 1096 View of the Castle of Fougeres, Brittany. STRAHAN, Geoffrey Painter. Oakhurst, Ravenscourt Park. 1904. 39 Evening light. STRANG, William. Painter and Etcher. W. Strong, 51, Rathbone Place. 1883. 1364 Temptation. W. Strang, 18, Fitzroy Street. 1884. 1438 The mourners; etching. 145 1 The carpenter; do, 1885. 1617 T. W. Williams, Esq. 1622 The sieve mender. 17, St. George's Square, Regents Park. 1886. 1430 A good joke. 1449 Monk singing. 1892. 874 Solitude. 1893. 831 Girls bathing. 1894. 939 A pastoral. {Mr. Strang was elected an A.R.A. in 1906.) 288 THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS STRANGE, Albert Painter. Little Buckland, Maidstone. 1882. 957 Deserted. School of Art, Scarborough. 1883. 907 The end of the voyage. 105 1 Midsummer eve. i886. 1161 Moonrise and sea mist, St. Valery. 1887. 1 182 A quiet haven, mist clearing off'. 1888. 750 The still pool above the weir. Overbeck, Scarborough. 1889. 383 Boats ashore — winter. 1890. 1280 Kelso. 1 89 1. 1382 The whispering reeds. 8, Granville Square, Scarborough 1897. 1328 A fisherman's haven. STRANGE, Christopher W. Painter. Padworth, Reading. 1902. 656 A December evening. STRANGE, W. Le. See L, vol. v, page 46. STRASZYNSKI, L Painter. 13, Percy Street. 1867. 685 The precocious artist. STRATH AM, Miss Painter. (An Honorary Exhibitor.) 1837. 372 A sketch after Nature. 1838. 495 Sketch near Gosport. STRATTEN, Miss Lucy A. Miniature Painter. Hessle, East Yorkshire. 1890. 103 Study of a head. 1897. 1424 A. C. Kenyon-FuUer, Esq. 1428 Fairfax Wade, Esq. 1898. 1302 Mrs. Heydemann. 1325 Mrs. England. 1365 Mrs. Archibald Parker. 1899. 1391 Mrs. W. J. Collins. 1392 Baby. 1393 Portrait of a lady. 1394 do. do. 1901. 1332 Miss Edith Stratten. 1414 Portrait of the artist. 14 1 7 Mrs. William Russell. 1902. 1084 Mrs. Compton. 1085 Nellie, daughter of Thomas Stratten, Esq. 1086 Frances, daughter of Mrs. Compton. 1087 Mrs, WUliam Burkinshaw. 1902. 1088 Doris, daughter of R. S. A. Kennard, Esq. 1089 Mrs, George Stratten Russell, 1903. 1 104 Viscount Mountgarret, 1 105 Marion, II 06 Viscountess Mountgarret. 1107 Miss Kathleen Molineux. 1904. II 22 Child's head. 1123 Mrs, Mark WaUer, 1 1 24 Dick, STRATTON, Arthur Architect. University College, Liverpool. 1900. 1791 A house by the sea, St. Anne's, East Sheen. 1 90 1. 1598 House on the Thames. STRATTON, Fred Painter. Laurel Cottage, Amberley. 1901. 463 Changing pastures. 1904. 1034 The village — twihght. STRATTON, Miss Helen ... Painter. H. Stratton, 51, Never n Square. 1894. 478 Portrait of a lady. Miss Helen Stratton, 113, Abingdon Road, W. 1 90 1. 1476 Illustration for Hans Ander sen's Fairy Tales. Miss Helen I. Stratton, The Mumbles, near Swansea. 1903. 825 The window seat. 113, Abingdon Road. 1904. 1404 The water-sprite. STREATFIELD, Granville E. Architect. 26, York Place, Portman Square. 1899. 1638 House at Great Marlow. 1900. 1896 A white house, Welwyn. STREATFIELD, James Philip S. Painter. 4, Garden Studios, Manresa Road. 1 90 1. 474 The close of a summer's day. 724 Worn out. 52, Glebe Studios. 1904. 439 My sister. STREATFIELD, Rev. Thomas. Painter. (An Honorary Exhibitor.) 1800. 608 Elgiva before Dunstan. THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS 289 STREATFIELD, Thomas Edward Champion Architect. 39, Great Marlborough Street. 1874. IIOI Church at Woodford, Essex. 1113 The Moreton Almshouses at Westherham, Kent. STRECKER, J Painter. 35, Parliament Street. 1880. 940 In the clouds. STREET, Arthur Edmund. Architect. 14a, Cavendish Place. 1885. 1961 Architectural designs. 1886. 1571 Church of St. Paul, Worcester. 1664 Eight architectural designs : I. Whiston church; screen. 2. Graff ham church; tower. 3. American church, Paris. 4. Pulpit of St. Mary's, Southampton. 5. American church, Paris; vestry. 6. Wendover church ; screen. 7. St. Peter's Mancroft; fleche. 8. St. Thomas's, Salisbury; pulpit. 1887. 1771 Dewsbury Parish Church. 1889. 2010 HaUfax Cathedral, Nova Scotia. 1890. 1813 do. do. interior. 1907 I. Thring Memorial church, Uppingham. 2. Guest's House, East Grinstead. 3. Infant schools, Westminster. 1 89 1. 18 18 St. Michael's, Smethwick. 1838 St. Mary's church, Newbury. 1879 Pulpit, English Church, Rome. 1880 Font, St. Michael's, Smeth wick. 1892. 1681 Memorial to Mary Tudor, St. Mary's church. Bury St. Ed munds. 1724 St. Agnes School, East Grin stead. 1894. 1731 House in Cleveland. 1732 Design for violet altar vest ments ; chapel, Bishopgarth, Dewsbury. 1896. 1 75 1 Chapel, St. Margaret's College, East Grinstead. 24a, Bryanston Square. 1898. 1617 Design for a country house. STREET, George Edmund, R.A., F.S.A Architect. North End, Hampstead. 1848. n66 Church of St. Peter, Trebervyn, Cornwall. VII, 1849. •°34 Church of St. Mary the Virgin, Hadleigh, Middlesex. II 44 St. Mary the Virgin, Biscovey, Cornwall. Philpot Lane. 1850. 1178 Chancel of St. Peter and St. Paul, Sheviocke, Cornwall. Wantage. 1 85 1. 288 Church of St. John the Baptist, Hobart Town, Tasmania. 1852. 1185 Steeple in memory of the Rev. J. G, Lonsdale, etc. 33, Montague Place. 1857. loio Cathedral at Lille. I0I2 Memorial church at Constan tinople. 1015 Interior, Cathedral at Lille. 1 1 32 Interior, Memorial church, Constantinople. 1858. 1004 St. Dionis Backchurch, Fen church Street. 1859. 1069 ViUage churches, etc. i860. 648 Monument to Major Hodson in Lichfield Cathedral. 649 Church at Cowley, near Ox ford. 652 do. do. do. 1 86 1. 718 Church of St. Peter, Bourne mouth. 1862. 878 Interior of church of St. James the Less, Garden Street, Westminster. 51, Russell Square. 1863. 903 Interior of AU Saints, Den- stone, Staffordshire. 1864. 808 The Crimean memorial church, Constantinople. 1865. 795 Houses in Grosvenor Place, etc. 1866. 776 Parish Church, Leamington. (Elected A.R.A.) 1867. 881 Longmead,Bishopstoke, Hants, the seat of A. Barton, Esq. 889 Porch, Bristol Cathedral. 1868. 851 Convent of St. Margaret, East Grinstead. 870 Interior, Crimean Memorial Church, Constantinople. 1869. 615 Crepa Rossa (or Geislstein) Dolomite, on the Ampezzo Pass. 988 St. Peter's Church, Bourne mouth. 989 Church in Toddington Park. 993 Examination Schools, Oxford. loio Palazzo Celsi and Bridge of S. Bernardo, Venice. 14, Cavendish Place. 1870. 788 New Courts of Justice, etc. 789 View from Waterloo Bridge of design for placing the new PP 290 THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS Street, George Edmund, R.A., F.S.A. — continued. Courts of Justice on the Thames Embankment. Made by the direction ofthe Rt. Hon. A. H. Layard in 1869. 1870. 807 Design for new Courts of Jus tice, 1867, etc. 808 St. John's Church, Torquay. 812 Courtyard of proposed Courts of Justice, etc. 818 Steeple of St. Peter, Swinton, near Manchester. 187 1. 944 Christ Church Cathedral, Dub hn, etc, (Elected R.A.) 1872. 1163 New Courts of Justice, London, Strand front. II 83 Cathedral Church, Kildare, Ireland. 1 185 New Courts of Justice, Lon don, etc. 1195 do. do. do. 12 16 English church, Rome. 1873. ^'3^ Interior, Cathedral of St. Mary, Edinburgh. 1 143 Exterior, Cathedral of St. Mary, Edinburgh. 1181 Interior, Central Hall, new Courts of Justice. 1183 Rectory House, Wigan. 1874. 1 123 Church at Chapel AUerton, near Leeds. 1 150 Christ Church Cathedral, Dub hn, etc. 1 1 70 Church at Kingstone, Dorset. II 83 House at Holmdale. 1875. 953 Cuddesdon College, Oxon, etc. 963 Church of St. Paul in the Via Nazionale, Rome. 1876. 1055 New nave of Bristol Cathe dral. 1877. 1094 Library at Dunecht, Aberdeen, etc. 1 109 St. Mary's church, Southamp ton. 1878. 1063 Clun Church, Salop. 1073 Tettenhall church, Stafford shire. 1 102 Parsonage, Kingstone, Dorset. 1879. 1092 St. Mary's church, Monmouth. 1 107 Holmbury, St. Mary church, Surrey. 1133 St. Mary's church, Speenham land, Berks. 1 143 St. Margaret's, East Grinstead. 1 158 St. Peter's church, Bourne mouth. II 74 Houses in Cadogan Square. 1880. 1091 Garden front of a Surrey House. 1 134 Interior of Guards' chapel, Wellington Barracks. 1162 Interior, St. James's church, Paddington. 1185 South gable, Central HaU, Royal Courts of Justice. 1 88 1. 1057 Enghsh church. Via del Babu- ino, Rome. 1093 Monument to the Hon. A. Duncombe, late Dean of York in York Minster. 1 101 Interior, Kingston church, Dor set. 1109 Nave of Bristol Cathedral. STREET, Georgina A Painter. 10, Drayton Grove. 1861. 353 Primroses. STREET, Miss Kate Painter. I, Ellington Street, Barnsbury. 1880. 898 Wren and nest. 1882. 1013 Dead bullfinch. 1883. 1033 A study. 1885. 1305 Dividing the spoil, 146S China asters, 1887. 879 Gleanings. 1070 Rhododendron. 1 1 58 Frozen out. 1888. 960 Chaffinch and great tit. 121 3 A nice bite. 1239 The morning toilet. 1889. 1552 Winter. 53, Highbury Park. 1 89 1. 1209 Found dead. 1897. 1361 A study. 1900. 1336 Spring. 1901. 956 Clematis. 1902. 1027 Idle. STREETON, Arthur Painter, I, Bishopsgate Street 1 89 1. 84 Golden summer, Australia. 4, Joubert Mansions, Chelsea. 1899. 280 Sussex landscape. Chelsea Art Club. 1904. 854 Windsor. STRETTON, H Painter. 76, Gloucester Place. 1834. 903 View at Calais. STRETTON, Miss Hesba D. Painter. 17, The Grove, Clapham Common. 1886. 1305 Azaleas. THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS 291 STRETTON, Philip Eustace. Painter. 70, Lansdowne Road, W. 1884. 637 Disturbed. Mona Terrace, Wellington, Shropshire. 1885. 583 On guard. 596 Feeding-time. 17, The Grove, Clapham Common. 1887. 711 An alarm. 1888. 482 On duty. Hogarth Club. 1889. 165 The apple of discord. 970 " You may look, but must not touch." 1219 Happy days. Oakley Cottage Studios. 1890. 205 " Leave me alone ! " 792 Tired out. 923 Not forgotten. 1 89 1. 182 After the hunt. 513 Portraits of setters. 701 " There 's no place like home." 758 The Master ofthe Hounds. 1892. 152 " Home, sweet home." 183 Happy days. 941 Evening. 1894. 937 Market day. 13, Pembridge Crescent. 1895. 113 A master of arts. Elm House, 149, Church Street, Chelsea. 1897. 841 Left in charge. 1898. 982 Rest after toU. 1899. 757 Comfortable quarters. 40, Dover Street. 1900. 211 Puppyhood. 433 A poacher. 1047 Left in charge. 1 90 1. 27 The pet of the kennel. 656 Rough and ready. 1902. 498 Left in charge. 1904. 599 An Intruder. STRICKLAND, Miss Frances. Painter. 1830. 616 Reptiles, from nature. STRINGER, James Architect. At James Wyatt s, 65, Harley Street. 1802. 923 Design for a mausoleum. 1803. 909 Town hall and market place. STROEHLING, P. E Painter. 63, PaU MaU. 1803. 227 Louisa, Queen of Prussia, Princess of Mecklenburgh Strelitz. 1803. 690 1804. 134 222623 1806. 30 193 278 3245^5 1807. 330541 552 1819. 394 I82I. 192 361 397 1823. 256 348 Peter the Great of Russia, having taken possession of Neuenschantz, he laid the foundation of his new capital, St. Petersburgh, one of the finest cities in Europe, raised out of deep marshes; and though thousands of his sub jects fell a sacrifice to his great plan, it was carried on with the utmost rapidity, and without the least murmur. Portrait of Count Stahremberg, the Imperial ambassador. Portrait of Signora Grassini of the opera-house in the char acter of Vergine del Sole. Miss Noel, artist. Cupid and Psyche, " While from our glad embrace will rise Pure from all taint of earthly leaven. An infant inmate of the skies. The fairest of the host of heaven, etc." — Golden Ass. — Stroehling, Henrietta Street, Cavendish Square. Colonel Thornton (the hawke by P. Reinagle, A.R.A.). H.R.H. the Duke of Sussex. The late Mrs. Duff. Miss Manners. Madame Grassini in the char acter of Cleopatra. P. E. Stroehling, Henrietta Street, Cavendish Square. Col. C. Johnstone. Portrait of M. Dawson. Lord Cochrane. P. E. Stroeling, 7, Lambeth Road, Southwark. Mrs, Harrison. P. E. Stroehling, 26, Charles Street, Waterloo Place. General Sir A. CampbeU, K.C.B. Colonel Mayne of the Loyal Lusitanian Legion and Knight of Alcantara. Hebe. 28, Leicester Square. Lady Ogilby in ancient cos tume. Count Munster. 292 THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS Stroehling, P. "E..— continued. 1823. 473 Countess Munster, 18, Stratford Place. 1825. 970 Mr. Horn of the Theatre Royal, Drury Lane. 1826. I The Marquis of Anglesea. STRONG, C. E Painter. 7, Clifton Terrace, Gravesend. 1851. 672 River craft beating up Graves end reach. 1852. 287 Shrimpers off Leigh, mouth of the Thames. 1290 Squally weather off Gravesend. Kingswear, Dartmouth. 1853, 337 A brig running into Dartmouth harbour, STRONG, James Architect. II, Dale Street, Liverpool. 1901, 1645 Design for Forby golf club house. STROUD, Miss Maud. Miniature Painter. Durham House, Southfields, S. W. 1895. 608 A difficult question. {Now Mrs. W. Wheelwright.) 50, Rossetti Mansions, Chelsea. 1898. 543 May; portrait. 10, St. Loo Mansions, Chelsea. 1901. 1383 Portrait of a lady. Cheyne, Nepean Street, Roehampton. 1903. 1164 Peter, son of B. Ellison, Esq. 1904. 1229 Marjorie, daughter of Captain E. Nash. 1265 Study of a head. STRUCK, H Painter. 18, High Road, Kilburn. 1904. 1391 Gerhart Hauptmann. STRUDWICK, John Melhuish. Painter. Orchard Cottage, Abbey Wood. 1876. 577 Songs without words. {A picture, "A Golden Thread," was pur-chased for the Chantrey Bequest in 1885 for £.11^) STRUTT, Alfred W., F.R.G.S. Painter, 3, Bedford Place, Croydon. 1879. 778 " I hope I don't intrude," 825 Head of a Hindoo. 18S0,1881, 1882. 726 745 708 760 622 889 922 I8»3, 243 664 998 lOIO 1884, 742 936 1885. 1045 1300 1402 1886. 1445 1887, 330 t888. 514 945 1612 1889. 576 1295 1357 1890, 52 579 '363 1658 1891, 743 1211 1892, 728 II 20 •275 1894, 632 927 IIOI 1895. 821 1896. 1083 1897. 658 1900, 21 442 655 1311 1902, 728 1903. 729 1904. 1 102 Motynden, near Staplehurst, Kent. Unprotected property. A pretty pair. The history of a crime. Her first litter. Extremes meet. Defying the law. "The way of the transgressors is hard." 21, Blandford Road, Chiswick. Materfamilias. In trust. Water-babies. The garotter. Augustine Terrace, Brook Green. In safe keeping. Scraping an acquaintance. "ShaU old acquaintance be forgot? " Quiet and Commotion. Hungry children. The King's pillow. 1 9, Cromwell Grove, South Kensington . How many more? A flying visit. Hope deferred. Oliver asks for more. A return visit. Little Fauntleroy's birthday present. The Matterhorn from Zermatt. Savage Club. Perplexity.Dazzled. The complete angler. " He that fights and runs away Maylivetofightanotherday." Rhossilli, Wadhurst. In a fix. Through thick and thin. "When you meet a gentleman, always bow." " Welcome home, mother! " Looking and longing. "WUl you come with me?" Any port in a storm. "Oh, you httle darhng ! " The run of the season. A friend in need. The cold shoulder. "Thanks, awfully." One at a time. At his wit's end, " If at first you don't succeed." The huntsman's vision. "Where's the field?" Children of the hills. THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS 293 STRUTT, Arthur Edw Painter. 143, Darnley Road, Gravesend. 1899. 1 241 At the edge of the wood. 1900. 1269 The dawn of Spring. STRUTT, Arthur J Painter. Rome. 1855. 1 177 The Grotto of Egeria near Rome. Jacob George Painter. 34, Percy Street. Portrait of a lady. Sterne's Maria. Portrait of a clergyman. Lady Arundel, Captain G. Webb De Renzy, 82nd Regiment, who lost his right arm by a cannon shot at the battle of Vittoria. W. Johnson, aged 104. A. J. Valpy, M.A. A wood scene, A Scene in Severnake Forest, Wiltshire, with a View of the King Oak. Wood scene from nature. The great ash at Carnock, Stir lingshire. 1 2, Sloane Street. High Woods, Colchester. 8, Duke Street, St. James's. Joseph Houlton, Esq. Marlborough Forest. The Burnham Beeches. A View on the Thames, look ing towards Barnes. Carlton Chambers. Epping forest. Rome. View of the ancient forum of Rome, with the remains of the temple of Jupiter Stator. Tasso's Oak, in the garden of the convent of St. Onofrio at Rome; painted on the spot. 3, Red Lion Square. Coast scene near Amalfi, 40, Great Ormond Street. II Ponte Novo Campagna di Roma. STRUTT, 1819. 140 230 1820. 381 1821, 230 398 1822, 129 1823. 425 589 1824. 247 1825. 400 1826, 411 1827. 395 1828. 167342 1829. 378 1830. 174 1831. 309 1845. 1281 1851. 1245 1852. 604 1858. 22 STRUTT, Joseph Painter. 7, Duke Street, Portland Chapel. 1779. 315 Niobe; a sketch in colours. 316 Jupiter Olympus; a drawing in colours. 23, Duke Street. 1 78 1. 505 Orestes and Pylades discovered by Iphigenia at the altar; a drawing with pen and ink. 1782. 527 The chUdren in the wood. 540 Cleone weeping over her mur dered infant. 21, Char le ton Street, Marybone. 1783. 118 Public ingratitude. 1784. 351 Homer, Hesiod, and Sapho, listening to the strains of Apollo. 361 King Lear when he first re members Cordeha. — Act IV, Scene the last. 3 62 Shakespeare, Milton, and Spen cer, with Nature dictating to Shakespeare. STRUTT, W Architect. W. Strutt, Junr., at Mr. Robinson's, 7, Great Surrey Street, Blackfriars. 1819. 1 102 Design for an Academy of Arts. 1820. 885 do. a National Column. W. Strutt. 1821. 994 Design for a park entrance, 999 Design for a nobleman's seat, STRUTT, William Painter. Eaton Lodge, Writtle, Essex. 1865, 332 The httle wanderers, or the lost track. 16, St. PauPs Crescent, Camden Town. 1867. 85 White May, and hedge-spar row's nest. 633 The loose tooth; "Once — twice — thr " 654 The truants, 1868. loi The jealous mother. 163 Peace. "The wolf also shall dwell with the lamb, and the leopard shall lie down with the kid; and the calf and the young lion and the fatling together; and a little chUd shall lead them." Eaton Lodge, Writtle, Essex. 1870. 268 A study from nature. W. Strutt, Senr., 9, Augustin's Terrace, Brook Green. 1882. 1024 Jesus wept. William Strutt, 72, Brook Green. 1884. 713 Historic links; a Waterloo re membrance. 294 THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS Strutt, William — continued. 1884. 1033 "He shaU gather the lambs with his arms," 1885, 567 " Love me, love my dog," 604 Stolen children; a scene in the Soudan, 691 The coming race. 1886. 946 "The course of blind love never did run smooth." 1 9, Cromwell Grove, West Kensington Park. 1887. 819 Excelsior. 991 Bushrangers, Victoria, Austra lia, 1852. " For the space of two hours and a half all who passed along the road were stopped by a desperate gang of bushrangers, robbed of all their valuables, tied to gether in couples, and made to sit upon the ground, the better to be despatched by sentries should any attempt to escape." 1888. 243 A royal Siesta. Wadhurst, Sussex. i8go. 675 Golden Pippins. 1891. 273 " When he got there the bones were bare, and so poor Leo had none." 888 The King's pillow. 1006 Taming a shrew. "Women, that bene common chiders amonge their neighbours, and will not chastize their ill tongue to missaye folke, leutt them be chastized bi the Justice called ye ' Tew ' (ducking chair) or else leutt them make grievous rann- some, if they have whereoff." — Liber Secundus, the Domesday of Ipswich. 1893. 404 Watching for stragglers. 988 The rest of the mighty. STRUTT, W. T Painter. 9, Kirby Street, Hatton Garden. 1795- 345 Birds. 640 do. 5, Charles Street, Hatton Garden. 1797. 501 Flowers. W. Strutt, 42, Hart Street, Bloomsbury. 1800. 330 Sketch of an holly tree, from Nature. 421 View from Nature. W. S. Strutt, 45, Chapel Street, Pentonville. 1802, 535 Fruit from Nature, W. T. Strutt, 45, Chapel Street, Pentonville. 1805. 806 Primrose. 807 Coins. W.J. Strutt, 38, Cornhill. 1806. 531 Dogs. 615 Portrait of himself and three others. 1807. 726 Scene in Derbyshire. 795 Portrait of a gentleman pen sioner. 880 Portrait of a gentleman. 889 The Rev. R. Winter. W. T. Strutt. 1808. 693 Mr. George. 734 Mr. Walsh. 810 Mrs. Sneath. 812 Mrs. Hutchins. 1809. 715 A frame containing the por traits of R. Best, Esq., Secretary to the Bank of England; Mr. Johnston, Mrs. Charles, Mr. Colling wood, and Mr. Cundy. II, Charles Street, City Road. 1817. 648 Portrait of himself. 857 do. a Common Council man. 18 18. 611 S. Robinson, Esq. 699 Portrait of a gentleman. 5, Canal Place, Kent Road. 1822. 577 The Rev. W. Chapman, of Greenwich. 644 Mr. Phipps. 667 Portrait of a lady. STUART, A Painter. 53, Frith Street, Soho. 1827. 394 Portrait of a gentleman. 494 do. do. 1828. I His Highness the Rajah of Mysore. 538 Lieut.-General Sir Thomas Bowser, K.C.B. STUART, A. Burnett Painter. Mellifont, Wells, Somerset. 1895. 975 Ha-ta-men, Pekin. STUART, C Painter. Manor House, Stepney. 1859. 422 Fruit. 1861. 582 The baron's dessert. THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS 295 1862. 113 Parian vase and fruit. 153 Grapes, bird's nest, etc. 291 Pine, apple, grapes, etc. 1863. 527 Fruit. 681 A bunch of Muscat grapes. 701 do. Hamburg grapes. 1864. 407 Hambro' Grapes. 453 Grapes and convolvuli. 1866. 160 do. peaches. Constitution Crescent, Gravesend. 1868. 418 Grapes, convolvuh, and bird's- nest. STUART, 1880. 306 1881. 78 507 1882. 627 1884. 336 1885. 256 1886. 160 •75 1887. 911 1888. 290 398 1029 nil 1889. 310 1891. 346 1892. 116 536 1893. 4^ Charles, F.S.A. ... Painter. Avenue Road, Fulham Road. The summit of Cader Idris, North Wales. 18, Melbury Road, Kensington. " Nor again the anchor weigh with a yo heave ho ! " Uncertain weather — Llyn Cwm Bychan, North Wales. Sunny Autumn. The Hermitage, Cleve Road, Hampstead. "Break, break, break, at the foot of thy crags, O sea! etc. " — Tennyson. "Mirrored in the sleeping lake." " Where each towering height. Bathed in rich amber floods of light, Rises boldly to the sky." "Where rocks were rudely heaped and rent, As by a spirit turbulent." " As some tall cliff" that lifts its awful head. Swells from the vale, and midway leaves the storm." Mist-capped. July. "When soft winds and sunny skies With the green earth harmonize." A coming storm. A gleam of sunshine. September — a Sutherlandshire deer forest. Fading into night. Moor and mountain. The end of a summer day. Sunshine and mists — Scot land. " Each purple peak, each flinty spire. Was bathed in floods of living fire. But not a setting beam could glow Within the dark ravines below. " — Lady of the Lake. 1893. 85 The alarm. "From height to height the beacons bright Ofthe Enghsh foemen told." — Scott. 494 A mountain tarn. 506 A silent solitude. 1894. 793 The home of the red deer. " Wildly there, without con trol. Nature reigns and rules the whole." — Burns. 1895 272 Veiled with mists. 835 Disputed rights; a settlement. 1896. 614 October — the land of rocks and heather. 1897. 284 Nature's garden. 1899. 200 The heart of the deer forest. 612 In the Sanctuary. 1900. 209 In a Perthshire deer forest. 588 In a Sutherlandshire deer forest. 1 90 1. 177 Craggy heights; the chaUenge. 1902. 718 Loch Katrine and EUen's Island. "The stag at eve had drunk his fill." — ScoU. 1903. 212 " To greet the rising sun." 778 On the moors. 1904. 332 Solemn Solitude. STUART, Mrs, Charles, See Miss Jane Maria Bowkett, vol. i, page 257- STUART, Ernest Painter. 249!, High Holborn. 1903. 894 A sou'-wester — Hampshire coast. STUART, F Architect. 8, Craig's Court. 1843. 1273 Gatekeeper's lodge, etc. STUART, Miss F Painter, Miss Stuart, 71, Newman Street. 185 1. 341 Grapes. Miss T. Stuart, Manor House, Stepney Causeway. 1856. 1084 Fruit. STUART, Gilbert Charles (American Stuart) Painter, G. C. Stuart, 27, Villers Street, Strand. ^m- 335 Portrait of a gentleman. >96 THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS Stuart, Gilbert Charles — continued. G. Stuart, at Mr. Wests, Newman Street. 1779. 317 A young gentleman; three- quarters. 318 A little girl. 3i8tA head. 1 781. 204 Portrait of a gentleman; done from recollection of him since his death, {Dr. Fother gill. — Walpole,) 258 Portrait of a gentleman, {Mr. West) 1782, 146 Portrait ofa gentleman. {Caleb Whitefoord.) 164 Portrait of an artist. {Mr. D. Serres.) 190 Portrait ofa gentleman skating. ( Very good. — Walpole.) 417 Portrait of a gentleman. New Burlington Street. 1785. 127 Portrait of a gentleman. {Ad miral Barrington.) 160 Portrait of a gentleman; whole length. {Captain Gell.) 176 Portrait of a nobleman. {Lord Dartry. — Walpole. ) STUART, Miss G. E Painter. Manor House, Stepney. 1848. 833 Fruit. {Stuart in the index, and Stewart in the catalogue.) STUART, William Painter. Manor House, Stepney. 1848. 646 A calm. 657 A gale. STUART, W. E, D., Junr,,,. Painter, 22, Stepney Causeway. 1846, 1026 Fishermen packing for market, 1848, 170 Fruit. 1850. 1291 Flowers and Fruit. 185 1. 164 Fruit and Flowers. 1 188 Midday. 1852. 132 The gondola — night. 1248 do. evening. 1853. 310 Plums. 421 A fruit piece. 516 Fruit. 102 1 Their Majesties the Emperor and Empress of LiUiput. 1854. 371 The Thames off Limehouse — a storm coming on at sunset. 1012 A fruit piece. 1855. 292 Dead game. 1320 Fruit. 22, Arbour Street, Stepney. 1858. 449 The rich man's table. STUART -WORTLEY, Archibald, See Wortley. STUBBING Architect. (An Honorary Exhibitor.) 1802. 1041 Design to encompass a figure of Madness. STUBBLE, H. ... Miniature Painter. Little Carrington Street, Mayfair. 1785. 324 Portrait of a gentleman. 1786, 282 do. young lady. 1787. 271 A portrait of an officer. 1789. 328 Portrait of a chUd. 1790. 356 do. gentleman. 1 791. 457 do. lady. STUBBS, George, A.R.A. ... Painter. 24, Somerset Street, Portman Square. 1775. 301 Portrait of a horse named Euston, belonging to Mr. Wildman. 302 Portrait of a Pomeranian dog belonging to Earl Spencer. 303 Portrait of a Spanish dog be longing to Mr. Cosway. 304 Portrait of a monkey. 1776. 293 Tygers at play. 294 Mares and foals. 295 Portrait of a dog. 296 do. do. 1778. 298 do. ahorse. 299 do. a dog. 300 do. two dogs. 301 do. a gentleman prepar ing to shoot. 405 Portrait of a dog. 406 do. do. 1779- 319 do. mare and dog, 320 do. dog. 321 A gentleman on horseback. 322 Labourers. 1780. no Portraits of horses. 137 do. two heifers. 176 do. hunters. 183 Portrait of a dog. 1 9 1 Portraits of figures and animals. 326 Portrait of a horse. (Elected A.R.A. and R.A.) {Mr. Cosmo Monkhouse in D.N.B. :— " In the following year (1781) he was elected to THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS 297 full honours, but he resented the application to himself of a rule made subsequent to his election, which requires the presentation of a diploma work to the Academy. He refused or neglected to send one, and his election was an nulled in a very arbitrary manner, and another was elected in his place. He al ways maintained that he was entitled to the rank of R.A.") 1 78 1. 17 Two horses; in enamel. 1782. 32 Portrait of a dog. 70 do. young lady in the character of Una, from Spencer's Fairy Queen. 79 Portrait of a young gentleman shooting; enamel. 120 The farmer's wife and raven (Gay's Fables); enamel. 173 Portrait of an artist; enamel. 209 Portraits of a very old horse and dog. 363 Portrait of a dog; enamel. {The catalogue still has R.A. Elect in 1782, and in 1786 it is A.R.A) 1786. 77 Reapers. 94 Haymakers. 1787. 83 Fighting buUs. 95 Fighting horses. 116 Portrait of a hunter. 1789. 33 Carting of corn. 1790. 112 Portrait of the Lincolnshire ox, now to be seen at the Ly ceum, Strand. 448 Portrait of an Arabian horse. 1 79 1. 7 A Pomeranian dog. 91 H.R.H. the Prince of Wales. 275 A shepherd's dog from the South of France. 391 A Buffalo. 1799. 41 A trotting horse. 177 A monkey. 1800. 222 Hambletonian beating Dia mond at Newmarket. 744 Hambletonian, rubbing down. 1 80 1. 120 Portrait of a mare, the pro perty of the Earl of Claren don. 175 A park scene at the Grove, near Watford, Herts, the seat of the Earl of Claren don. 1802. 208 Portraits of two horses and dogs in the possession of G. Townley Stubbs. VII. 1850.1852. 1853- 1855- 1802. 866 Portrait of an Indian Bull in the possession of the Earl of Clarendon. 1803. 183 Portrait of a Newfoundland dog, the property of H.R.H. the Duke of York. {G. Stubbs, A.R.A. in the index, but R.A. in the catalogue; probably the artist wrote R.A. on the label, which was copied in the catalogue) STUBBS, George Painter. Boulogne-sur-Mer. 1837. 808 A view of Portel. I, Lower Belgrave Place. 1849. 1008 Marble quarries near Boulogne. 6, Grosvenor Street West. 323 The fisherman's cart. 1084 Robinson Crusoe's last look at the ship. 52, Brompton Row. 451 A token from the fight. 614 A cold day — waiting for the tide. 2, Alexander Square. 426 The wreck of the Hesperus. "At daybreak on the bleak sea- beach A fisherman stood aghast. To see the form of a maiden fair Lashed close to a drifted mast. " — Longfellow. 1858. 743 At St. Barnabas. STUBBS, George To wnley... Painter. 18, New Bond Street. 1782. 420 Portrait of an old hunter be longing to Mr. Oldmeadow, of West Wickham, Kent. ( G. T. Stubbs is better known as a mezzo tint engraver) STUBBS, J. Woodhouse Painter. 20, Thornhill Terrace, Sunderland. 1893. •°'7 Pansies. Government School of Art, Town Hall, Sunderland. 1894. 948 Gloire de Dijon roses. 34, College Road, Norwich. 1904. 973 Winter. 1013 Gloire de Dijon roses. STUBBS, Ralph R Painter. Paull, near Hull. 1859. 975 Portrait of a lady. {By Mrs. M. Stubbs in the catalogue, but by R. R. Stubbs in the index) QQ 298 THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS Stubbs, Ralph R. — continued. R. Stubbs, cjo B. CoUinson, Esq., Spring Hill, Palsgrave, Scarboro. 1872. 632 Near Gouthland, Whitby. "A summer landscape warm and bright, A bright day closing into night." 1873. 927 The Beggars' Bridge, near Whitby, " The rover came back from a far distant land, And he claimed of the maiden her long-promised hand, But he buUt, ere he won her, the bridge of his vow. And the lovers of Egton pass over it now." STUCHLIK, Camill Painter. 1420, Florenzgasse, Prague. 1890. 770 Girl reading. STUCKEY, G Painter, 2, Woodstock St., New Bond St. 1855. 55 Portrait of a gentleman. STULPNER, J. H Painter. 3, Smith's Buildings, Leadenhall Street. 1785. 238 A Faquir of the East Indies. 241 do. do. STUMP, Samuel John. Miniature Painter, 10, Great Suffolk Street. 1802. 554 Morning. Fzifi! Thomson. "But yonder comes the powerful king of day. Rejoicing in the east." 558 Evening. Vide Thomson, " Low walks the sun, and broadens by degrees. Just o'er the verge of day." 644 Mr, Saunderson, 853 Five portraits, 9, New Lisle Street. 1803, 768 A frame containing the por traits of Miss Mellon, Mr. C, Kemble, Capt, Maclain, and a young gentleman. 7, Leicester Street. 1804. 328 Mr. Stump, stockbroker. 349 Miss Brunton, of Covent Garden Theatre. 426 Mrs. Litchfield as Lady Mac beth. Actv, scenei. "One — two — why then 'tis time to do 't." 1804, 680 A frame containing the por traits of Mrs, Atkins, Mr. Brunton, and Mr. HUl, of Covent Garden Theatre, Mr. Dwyer, of Drury Lane Theatre, and Mr. Dizzi, professor of the harp. 1805. 362 A frame containing the por traits of Miss Marriott and Mr. Cooke, of Covent Gar den theatre, Mr. C. Hawley, Master Bateman, and Mrs. Powell. 1806. 669 A frame containing the por traits of Miss Brunton and Mrs, Litchfield, of Covent Garden Theatre, Miss Dun can, of Drury Lane, J. P. Thompson, and J. Gregory, Esq. 4, Duncan Place, Leicester Square. 1807. 823 A frame containing the por traits of Dr. Pearson, Miss Brunton, of Covent Garden Theatre, Mr. H. Siddons, of Drury Lane Theatre, Miss Lupino, and Master Bate man. 1808. 281 A waterfall. North Wales. 358 Evening — South Wales. 495 Ragland Castle, South Wales — effect of the sun shining through mist. 744 A frame containing the por traits of Mrs. H. Siddons and her two children, Mr. Decamp, of Drury Lane Theatre, and Mr. Blanchard, of Covent Garden Theatre. 1809. 694 Fortune teUer; portrait of Mrs. H. Johnston. 706 A frame containing the por traits of Mrs. Andrews, H. Harris, Esq., and a child of Mrs. H. Siddons. 1 8 10. 2 Evening — Fishermen return ing. "Now fades the ghm mering landscape, etc." — Gray. 651 A frame containing the por traits of Mrs. P. Smith and Miss Norton, of Covent Garden Theatre, as Elvena, in the Blind Boy. 677 Frame containing the portraits of Mrs. Nairn and children (from the East Indies), Dr. Bankhead, and Mr. R. Sidney. THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS 299 181 1. 543 A frame containing the por traits of a lady of distinction, a gentleman, and Miss Bol ton in the character of Fatima, in Blue Beard. " Heard you not groans, Irene? " Act ii, scene 2. 548 A frame containing the por traits of Miss Webb, Mr. Forth, and the Rev. J. Portus, Chaplain to H.R.H. the Prince Regent. 630 General Morgan. 172, New Bond Street. 1812, 591 A frame containing the por traits of Mrs, Hoffman, Miss Poole, and P. Smith, Esq. 632 A frame containing the por traits of Mr. Latour, pianist to the Prince Regent, Mr. Sinclair, of Covent Garden Theatre, and a subject from Telemachus : Venus de scends with Cupid to the Island of Calypso, whom she finds sitting pensive and alone at some distance from her grotto. — Telemachus, book 7th. 1813. 489 A frame containing the por traits of Miss Brooke, Mrs. Hadley, Miss Mellon, and Mrs. Blake, 499 A study from Nature, 543 A frame containing the por traits of Miss Cook, Miss Slackford, and a lady of dis tinction. 1814, 376 Portraits of Miss HaU, E, Walker, Esq., J. Gold, Esq., and a gentleman, 378 Portraits of Miss Stephens, Mr. Andrew Ebers, and Mr. Abbot, in the Miller and his Men, 1815. 551 A frame containing the por traits of Mr. R. T. Bone, Mr. Ebers, and a young lady. 7, Cork Street. 18 16. 660 Frame containing portraits of of Mrs. Orger, MissStephens, and a young lady. 710 Frame containing portraits of Sir H. Hawley, Captain Wildman, and Lady Hawley. 1817. 643 Miss Dimsdale. 656 Portraits of C. Phillips, Esq., Barrister-at-Law, Madame de St. Marguerite, and a gentleman in a fancy dress 1817. 686 Mrs. Thomas. 798 Mrs. Preston. 181 8. 642 Mrs. R. Pennington. 651 Frame containing portraits of Mrs. Ride, Dr. Spurzheim, and Miss Brunton, of Covent Garden Theatre. 1819. 794 Portrait of a lady. 801 Miss Carohne Grey. 808 Portraits of Dr, Demetrius Schinas, a young Greek; Mearza Reza, a Persian; and Mr, Kean as Junius Brutus, 886 Meerza Saulih, a Persian. 899 Mr. R. Miles, a coUector of Greek coins. 1820. 665 Mrs. Leigh. 182 1. 486 Mrs. Drummond. 626 S. Brown, Esq, 674 Mrs. Robinson, late of Drury Lane Theatre. 866 Mr. D, J. Reubenson, 1822. 63 Portrait of a lady. 362 do. himself. 402 Scene in North Wales — noon day. 609 W. Humby, Esq. 738 The Misses Austin. 794 Mr. Adams. 1823. 26 Mr. Parker. 92 Mrs. M'Clary. 93 J. Carpue, Esq., F.R.S. 121 Landscape — Evening; clearing up after a storm. 180 The Sunshine of life; a pas toral. When Corin sat all day Playing on pipes of corn, and versing love to amorous PhiUida. — Mid summer Nights Dream. 707 Miss Davis. 754 Portrait of a young lady. 872 Orby Hunter, Esq. 1824. 599 Mr. Wallack, of the Theatre Royal, Drury Lane, as Hot spur. 1825. 357 Mrs. Jackson. 588 Lieut.-Col. W. Hull, B.N.I. 654 Sophia at her toilet. 748 Mrs. GiU. 1826. 643 Mrs. Maclary. 648 Captain Macdonald. 651 Portrait of a gentleman. 1827. 148 Scene in Savoy, near Salanche — evening. 520 The Baroness Dimsdale. 855 Portrait ofa lady. 1828. 710 The Hon. Mrs. Curzon. 771 The Rev. Mr. Manners Sutton. 843 The Rev. W. Cooper, B.D. 300 THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS Stump, Samuel John — continued. 1837- 964*Portrait of a lady. 1828, 855 Mr. Cooper at Drury Lane Theatre. 1838. 102 Mr. Hastings. 727 Charles Kean as Hamlet. 859 Sir Gregory Way, 813 Miss Vandenhoff in the Love 898 Mrs. Manners Sutton. Chase. 1829. •33 Scene on the River Aar, near Thun, Switzerland — noon 834 Hulbort Wathen, Esq. 937 Portrait of a gentleman. day. 1839. 445 Delusion — a moonlight effect. 295 Scene on the River Aar, near Thun, Switzerland — twi light. " The moon is up and yet it is not night, etc" — Byron. 818 The Countess of Clonmell, 923 do, do, 926 Miss Murray, of the Olympic Theatre, 965 Robert Listen, Esq., Surgeon 694 Portrait of a lady. to the North London Hos 774 Rowland Lenthal, Esq. pital, and Professor of Clini 86r J. Heath, Esq. cal Surgery. 902 J. Wallack, Esq., of Drury 994 Major-General Hall, C,B. Lane Theatre. 1840. 60 Scene in Cumberland near the 909 Portrait of a lady. Bowther - stone — noonday 1830. 397 A scene on the lake of Thun, Canton of Bern, Switzerland. effect. 144 A scene in Savoy. 843 Portrait of a lady. 426 Miss Coutts. 1831. 271 Scene near Geneva, Switzer land. 765 Miss Majoribanks. 816 Major-General Hall, C.B. 701 Mr. Kean, Junr. 1841, 799 Mrs, Warner in the character 854 Mrs. Poore. of Ismene in the Athenian 863 Lady Caroline Maxse. captive. 1832, 428 Travellers attacked by banditti — stormy twilight effect. 807 A party of pleasure landing on an old dilapidated terrace. 723 Mrs. Humby, of Drury Lane Theatre. 836 R. D, Rodney, Esq., Scots Fusilier Guards. 726 Portrait of a gentleman. 861 The Hon. W. L. Bathurst. 767 Miss Phillips, of Drury Lane Theatre. 1842. 132 Edmund Kean as Lucius Junius Brutus. 1833- 542 Clara Mowbray. From Sir Walter Scott's novel of St. 873 Arthur Blackwood, Esq, 876 Mrs. Arthur Blackwood, Ronan's WeU. 1843. 93 Scene at Zurich. Taken from 703 Baron Dimsdale. the bridge. 719 Portrait of a lady. 378 Robert Liston, Esq., Surgeon 1834. 791 Mr. Dimond. of the North London Hos 802 Miss Ellen Tree, of Drury Lane Theatre. pital and Professor of Clini cal Surgery. 807 Mrs. Dimond. 771 Miss Rodney. 824 Portrait of a young lady. 778 Portrait of a young lady. 840 do. lady. 791 Mr. T. Stephenson. 1835- 33 A miU near Shrewsbury. 1844, 12 Landscape and figures — even 451 Scene from the Tempest. — Vide Shakespeare. "Where should this music be, etc." ing. 718 Portraits of Master Morris, Charles Kean, Esq., James 689 Mrs. Davidson. Morris, Esq., the late Miss 696 Mr, Davidson. Murry, and my little boy. 764 The Hon. Miss Beresford. 790 Mrs. Morris. 798 Lady Ernest Bruce. 809 R. Tichborne, Esq. 1836, 658 Miss MUes. 1845, 615 Endymion. 674 Portrait of a lady. 741 Portraits of Alexander Bos- 820 James Wallack, Esq., of Drury Lane Theatre. ville, Esq., Lord Clonmell, Robert Liston, Esq., James 855 Edward King, Esq. Wallack, Esq., and Miss 1837- 272 Portraits of a lady and child. Vandenhoff as Antigone. 8zi Portrait of a lady. 814 Portrait of a young lady. THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS 301 1845, 822 A character, 896 Mr. Thomas King. 1846. 798 Miss Stump. 800 Miss Vandenhoff, 925 Captain Bayard, 974 The Rev. G. Bethune. 1847. 730 Miss Brooke. 787 Miss Rowley in an old English dress. 831 Miss Stanley in a Vandyke dress. 835 Mr. Sidney in a Vandyke dress, 1848, 168 Master Sydney Hastings, youngest son of Dr, Hast ings. 776 Miss Frome. 857 Miss E. A. Frome. 865 The late Robert Liston, Esq., Professor of Clinical Sur gery. 1849. 7^3 -Dr. Hastings. 854 John Cooper, Esq., of Drury Lane Theatre. STURDEE, Percy Painter. 36, CavendishRd.,Brondesbury. 1886. 569 A lesson in sculpture. 1889. 592 Off work in the olive press, Perugia. 17, Fitzroy Street. 1895. 141 A cup of tea at the priest's house, Japan. 30, Heriot Row, Edinburgh. 1902. 223 Sir James Balfour Paul: Lyon King of arms. STURGEON, Miss Kate Painter, 53, D addington Grove, S.E. 1890. 1292 In fancy dress. 1 89 1. 1297 Romance in F. 1338 Mary, daughter of the late J. Evan Adlard, Esq. 1892. 1060 "I sit on my creepie and spin at my wheel. And think of the laddie who lo'es me sae weel ! " 1895. 959 Violets. STURT, Mrs. Florence M. Miniature Painter, Trehenne, Bushey. 1897. 141 2 Ann Underwood. STUTELY, Charles Architect. Keppel Street South. 1843, 1284 Interior of church of St, Mar- tin's-in-the-Fields, 106, Long Acre. 1857. 1109 Interior of St. Martin's-in-the- Fields. STUTELY, Martin Joseph, Architect. 1830. loio A monument. 1142 Egyptian temple. 11, John Street, Adelphi. 1835. 943 Design for a villain the Italian style. STUTTIG, F Sculptor. 149, Wardour Street. 1899. 1933 Moncure D. Conway, Esq.; relief. STYLE, Miss Amy, Miniature Painter, 4, Brandon Mansions, West Kensington. 1904. 1189 Miss M. L. Style. SUCH, W, T Painter, 10, Steelhouse Lane, Birmingham. 1857. 550 Winter scene. SUCHEMONT, Mdlle, A, A, De, See D, vol, ii, page 312, SUDDENWOOD, Mrs. H,... Painter, 23, Charles Street, Middlesex Hospital. 1798. 750 Branch of balsam. 760 Guernsey lily. 1799. 480 Fruit. 624 A double scarlet corn poppy. 625 A coxcomb. 1800. 631 Fruit. SUFFIELD, J. P Painter, 233, Strand. 1824. 89 Remaining Arch of the Mon astery of Evesham, Wor cestershire. 1825. 360 View near Hampstead Heath. SUFFREN, Madame De. &eDe, vol, ii, page 312, SUGARS, Miss Fanny Painter, 10, South King Street, Manchester. 1889. 943 Pansies. 1895. 650 Chrysanthemums. 1898. 348 The letter. 956 Stocks. Blacklow Brow, Huyton, Liverpool. 1903. 1 1 60 Portrait of a lady. 302 THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS SUGDEN, Larner Architect, W. Sugden and Son, Woodcroft, Leek, Staffordshire. 1893, 1483 Woodcroft, Leek, 1897. 1 79 1 Hillmorton House, Rugby. SUGGATE, F. W Architect, 13, Cambridge Road, Kilburn. 1879. 1070 The interior of Henry VII's Chapel, Westminster Abbey. SUHRLANDT, R Painter. (Professor to the late and present Grand Dukes of Mecklenburgh Schwerin.) 55, Charing Cross. 1840. 20 Study from nature. 390 Our Saviour. "He went up into a mountain apart to pray." — St. Matthew, xiv, 23- — Suhrlandt, 32, Rue-de-Penthiure, Paris. 1854. 134 Galilei in prison. SUKER, See Frederick Clive New- combe, vol. V, page 351. SUKER, Arthur Painter. Chestnut Road, Merton. 1886. 660 "By the western sea." "A mighty column stood. Whose capital seemed sculptured in the sky." — Shelley. SULLIVAN, Frederick ... Architect. 3, Ponsonby Street, Pimlico. 1858. 1048 House near Templemore, Ire land, for A. Coglan, Esq. SULLIVAN, M Painter, 7, Sefton Terrace, Putney. 1870. 888 The black shed and cattle pond, Barn Elms Estate, Putney. SULLIVAN, William Holmes. Painter, Beech Villas, Liverpool. 1875. 669 O'er the dreams of sages. SULLY, R, M Painter, R. M. Sully, Jun., 7, Warwick Street, Charing Cross. 1825. 508 Mr. Charles Beloe. 26, Cockspur Street. 1827. 177 Portraitof the Canon del Reigo. 390 do. an American author. SULLY, Thomas Painter, W. Sully, Philadelphia, U.S. 1835, 206 Mrs. Pierce Butler, late Miss Fanny Kemble, T. Sully, Philadelphia, and 6, PaU MaU. 1840, 483 Her Most Gracious Majesty the Queen, SULMAN, John , ,,. Architect. J.' Sulmon, I, Gidldhall Chambers. 1875. 1017 Congregational Chapel, Cater ham. J. Sulman, 16, FurnivaPs Inn. 1876. 993 Congregational School, Ponty pridd, South Wales. 1000 House at Addiscombe. 1005 do. Dorking. 1877. ^^74 Church at Beckenham. 1878. 1 145 do. West Bromwich. 1879. 1074 Harestone, Caterham. 1 1 65 Stabling, Caterham. 1880. 1087 Church at Bromley. 1135 St. Andrew's Church, Reading. II 58 Milton Church, Stoke Newing ton. I, FurnivaPs Inn. 1881. 1021 Lodges at Harestone, Cater ham. 1884. 1223 Church, Stoke Newington. 1885. 1878 New Exchange at Amsterdam. {See also Potts, Sulman, and Henman, vol. vi, page 190.) SUMMERBELL, L Painter. 140, Kensington Park Road. 1879. 1349 John, son of F. C. Marval, Esq. SUMMERS, Charles Sculptor. 81, Warivick Street, Pimlico. 1849. •^^' MedaUion. 1269 Bust of F. Hutchinson Synge, Esq. 1850. 1416 Bust of J. K. Haberfield, Esq., Mayor of Bristol, 1430 Medallion of W, Stucker, Esq. 10, Warwick Place. 1 85 1. 1 3 12 Medallion portrait of G. Sum mers (the artist's father). 1366 Plaster bust (proposed to be executed in marble) of George DoUond, Esq., F.R.S, 1377 Marble bust of Henry Lawson, Esq., F.R.S. 1852. 1410 Bust of Charles Moody, Esq., M.P. THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS 303 1852. •424 1443 •459 •475 1853- 13661428 1864. 930 932 978 1868. IOI51050 II34 1870. 1060 1065 1128 II43 1 208 I87I. II86 II99 I2I4I2I6 •2551265 12881306 1873. 1427 1428 MedaUion of T. H. Syng, Esq. Bust, in marble, of Charles Lockey, Esq. Bust of Master Pigott. Marble bust of Master Arthur Loring, Bust of E. F, S. P. do. Commander Robert Jenner, Esq,, R.N. 105, Collins Street, Melbourne, Victoria. The Hon. John Pascoe Fawk- ner, the first settler in Victoria, Australia. The Rev. Thomas Binney. Modelled during his visit to Victoria. The Hon. JohnO'Shaughnessy, M.P., late Chief Secretary of the Colony of Victoria. 3, Strand. Captain Sturt; marble. The signal of war; statuette in bronze of an Australian aboriginal. Frederick GoodaU, Esq., R.A. 72, San Niccolo da Folentino, Rome. Lady Macarthur; marble. Monumental figure to be erected in Godstone church, Surrey; marble. Playmates; marble. Mrs. George Macleay (post humous); marble. Lieut.-General Sir Edward Macarthur, K.C.B.; marble. James Macarthur, Esq., of Camden Park, Sydney, New South Wales; marble (post humous) bust. 8, Victoria Chambers. Professor Owen; marble. Mrs. C. WiUiam Siemens; marble. Admiral Sir George Brooke Middleton, Bart.; marble. William Sharp Macleay, Esq, (posthumous); marble. Mrs, Verdon; marble. A mother; marble group. Lady Broke Middleton; mar ble. William Sharp Maclean, Esq. (posthumous); marble. Rome. Colonel Sir Andrew Clarke, K.C.M.G.; marble. Admiral Sir Philip Broke, Bart. (posthumous); bust, marble. 1873. 1517 Miss Flora A. Pond; marble. 1521 H.R.H. the Duke of Edin burgh ; marble. Executed for the Art Gallery, MeP bourne, Victoria. 1 53 1 Group; in marble. "If we look not down with tenderness How shall we look up with hope? " 1535 Group; in marble. 1545 C. WiUiams Siemens, Esq., F.R.S., D.C.L. ; marble. 1875. 1263 Rev. Edward Steane,' D.D., Baptist Pastor, Camberwell, Hon. Sec, ofthe Evangelical AUiance. 1 312 Lynceus and Hypermnestra; marble. 1876. 1388 Lilian, daughter of Jas. H. Randall, Esq,; marble bust. SUMMERS, S. N Painter, Chelmsford, Essex. 1795- 494 Old man's head. 1801. 271 The ruins of Chelmsford church, which fell on the 17th January, 1800. 1802. 642 Bust of a nobleman; a drawing in imitation of bas-relief. 1805. 623 A sketch of Mary LazeU, aged 102 years. 653 Miss S. Morgan. 1806. 616 View in Admiral Fortescue's grounds, near Chelmsford. SUMNER, G, Heywood Maunoir, Painter, 14, Albert Place, Kensington. 1880. 1322 Wind and rain, near Bruges. 1881. 1236 St. Catherine's Hill, Win chester; etching. SUMPTER, H Painter, 43, Rupert Street. 1 8 16. 547 Lobster, etc., from nature. 40, Haymarket. 182 1, 200 StUl Life. 1823. 406 do. 1825. 593 Basket of Vegetables, and stiU life. 1830. 133 StiU Life 1839. 225 Lobster, etc. 1840. 45 Fruit. 1842. 199 do. 1843. 196 do. 544 Still Life. 44, Haymarket. 304 THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS SURGEY, J, B. Painter, 2, Great Coram Street. 1852. 1172 Leaving the Temple church. Sketch from recollection of a winter afternoon. Chigwell, Essex. 1864. 71 The house that Jack buUt, on the coast of Suffolk. 1867. 84 At Ravensbury Park Farm, Surrey. 89 A peep at Aldborough, Suf folk, 1868, no Near Buckland on the Moor, South Devon. 140 Portion of the old inn at Salis bury, where Mr, Pepys once lodged. {Diary) 1872, 849 Ludlow, from the cliff by Lud- ford — autumn evening. 1873. 39 Near Aldboro', Suffolk. 732 An evening with the swans, under Ludlow Castle. Cranford Bridge, Middlesex. 1875, 656 Near Nice. Bourton, Dorset. 1883. 310 A rustic relic. New Forest. SURREY, J Miniature Painter. I, Elm Place, Brompton. 1852. 973 A portrait. 5, Stanley Terrace, Chelsea. 1858. 607 Mr. W. J. Surrey. SURTEES, John Painter, 3, Brecknock Street, Camden Town. 1849. 1176 Baiting the line. 79, Upper Seymour Street. 1850. 1232 Crab fishers. 7, Saville Court, Newcastle-on-Tyne. 1857. 571 Persuasion. 1859. 162 " Where the brambles grow." loio Scene in North Wales. i860. 85 UUeswater from Gowbarrow Park. 457 Young guides, UUeswater. 1863. 17 Greta Bridge, Yorkshire. 1868, 413 A trout stream. North Wales, 421 A pool on the Conway, North Wales, 1869, 234 Stepping stones on the Machno, North Wales. 1870. 362 In the valley of the Llygwy. 1 87 1. 288 Autumn morning in the Valley of the Lledr, North Wales. 1872. 457 " Eagle Crag " in the Valley of the Lledr, North Wales. 1075 Mill near Bettws-y-Coed, North Wales. 1873, 695 Llyn Cefyn, 942 Snowdon, 1874, 435 A moorland path. 1875. 909 Summer time on the Thames; Bisham Church and Abbey. 1876. 253 The lake in Arundel Park, 1877, 712 A fresh in the river Pont-y- Pant, North Wales, 5, Camden Studios. 1878, 1363 A November day in the High lands, 1880. 327 The Rhayader Ddu, near Dol- gelley, 1881. 457 A summer morning near Capel Curig, 626 A December day in the Garden of the Palace of the Caesars. 1884. 119 Where the salmon lies — early autumn. 134 Summer calm. 913 The last days of autumn. 1607 The eagle crag. 1886. 656 Early summer. 132, Sloane Street. 1888. 1102 A Highland village. 1889. 1192 A fishing day at Rowsley. SURTEES, Mrs Painter. Ill, Gower Street. 1877. 753 The hillside path. SUTCLIFFE, Miss Harriette. Painter. 3, Christchurch Road, Hampstead. 1881. 1541 Portrait bust. 1885. 753 Spring. g, Johnson Court, E.C. 1886. 469 "Something the heart must have to cherish." 1887. 896 "Do take it." 1888. 86 "Gather the roses while ye may." 684 Sir Francis Roxburgh. 1889. 397 Mrs. Grant. loio Mrs. Perry. 1890. 609 "For you." 1 89 1. 452 After the bath. 587 Tired out. 16, Court hope Road, N. W. 1892. 355 "A posy for you, sweetheart." 645 Love crowning Youth. Russell House, Southend Road, Hampstead. 1893. 884 His first lesson. 1894. 715 A new book. 1895. 395 As rosy as a pippin. 1897. 74 "Look!" 1898. 361 "Keekieboo!" THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS 305 1899. 464 Honesty. 528 " Mother's coming." 842 Beauty and the beast. SUTCLIFFE, Miss Heather (after wards Mrs. C. H. Thompson). Miniature Painter. Ewe Cote Hall, Whitby, Yorkshire. 1896. 1386 Mrs. Lawson. {See Mrs. C. H. Thompson.) SUTCLIFFE, John Painter. 22, Grafton Street, Fitzroy Square. 1853. 638 The steppin'-stones. 678 "And everybody praised the Duke Who this great fight did win. But what good came of it at last? Quoth little Peterkin. Why, that I cannot tell, said he. But 'twas a famous victory." — Southey, Battle of Blenheim. SUTCLIFFE, John E Painter. Hawbury, Rudolph Road, Bushey. 1904. 577 After a day of toU. SUTCLIFFE, Lester Painter. 72, Grafton Street, Leeds. 1884. 31 An afternoon in late autumn — Carnarvon. 1109 At Loano, on the Riviera, Italy. 2, Park Place, Leeds. 1886. 43^ An IdyU of the Night. 17, Esk Terrace, Whitby. 1896. 790 In the spring time. I, St. Mark's Terrace, Leeds. 1898. 1459 Windward tide. 153 1 Morning after rain. 1899. 1512 The sea-birds' playground. 1555 A busy morning, Whitby. Sun Buildings, Park Row, Leeds. 1900. 1599 Beside stiU waters. 1902. 1348 Moonrise, Grange-over-Sands. 1903. 1378 Night workers taking in nets. SUTCLIFFE, Mrs. Lester (L. T.), formerly Miss Elizabeth Trevor. Painter. L. T. Sutcliffe, 17, Esk Terrace, Whitby. 1893. 882 Wallflowers and daffodUs. 1894. 746 From the sunny south. 779 Chrysanthemums. VII. 1895. 697 Spring flowers. I, St. Mark's Terrace, Woodhouse Lane, Leeds. 1898. 654 Poppies. 667 From the south. 775 Primroses. E. T. Sutcliffe, Sun Buildings, Park Row, Leeds. 1903- 590 Heralds of Spring. 40, Otley Road, Headingley, Leeds. 1904. 161 Golden fruit and flowers. SUTCLIFFE, Thomas Painter. Headingley, near Leeds. 1856. 911 Study in Harewood Park, Yorkshire. SUTER, R Architect. 35, Fenchurch Street. 1827. 923 Chapel for Fishmongers' Com pany at Tamlaght Finlagan, Ireland. 984 The Chapel at Banaghar, Ire land, for the Fishmongers' Company. 1832. 959 Three Designs for the Fish mongers' Company. 3, Upper Woburn Place. 1 85 1. 240 Gateway of St. Peter's Hospital, Wandsworth. 28, Fenchurch Street. 1854. 1 169 Central Depository or Metro politan Horse and Carriage Bazaar, London, etc. SUTHERLAND, Miss Fanny. Painter. 14, Alfred Place, Thurloe Square. 1877. 205 The Hon. Mrs. Thomas Kings- cote. 376 Lady Romilly. 8, Alexander Square. 1878. 926 Portrait of a lady. 1879. 883 A corner of the study. Hard- wick Hall. 887 Entrance gateway, Hardwick HaU. 70, Brompton Road. 1881. 745 A stately home of England. 1882. 1021 Hatfield. 1081 At Hardwick HaU. 1883. 996 Holly bright. 1008 Reflection. "Thy glass will show thee how thy beauties wear." — Shakespeare. R E 3o6 THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS SUTHERLAND, George Mowbray. Painter. 36, Bruton Street. 1 86 1. 734 Home, sweet home. SUTHERS, Leghe Painter. 52, Alexander Road, Southport. 1885. II 34 Venetian red. 1886. 95 On their way. 978 Dame Trimmer. 1887. 935 La Mascotte. 1890. 462 A pound a leg. 1891. 526 "A horse is a vain thing for safety." Newlyn, Penzance. 1893. 576 Romanies. 1895. 476 The beauty of the family. Treveneth, Paul, Penzance. 1896. 656 St. Valentine's Day. 1897. 82 In possession. The Cottage, Porlock, Somerset. 1900. 983 Dinner time. SUTHERS, W Painter. School of Art, South Kensington Museum. 1879. 722 Chrysanthemums. 912 Pink chrysanthemums. 1880. 671 Azaleas. 1884, 1027 Parson's Farm, near Hatfield. 1887. 1 168 Easling bridge, Surrey. SUTRO, Mrs. Esther S Painter. I, Garden Court, Temple, E.C. 1899, 591 An old garden, Sussex, at the well, SUTTILL, Miss Ada P Painter. Bridport, Dorset. 1889. 891 Iris, berries, and teazles. 1890. 532 Malmaison roses. SUTTON, Ernest R Architect. Bromley House, Nottingham. 1902. 1545 Friary church and schools. West Bridgeford, Nottingham. 1903. 1558 Gordon Memorial [Home, Nottingham. SUTTON (E. R.) and GREGORY. Architects. Bromley House, Nottingham. 1904. 1552 Free Library, Mansfield, Notts. SUTTON, J Painter. 1798. 357 Portrait of an artist. 488 do. a young lady in the society of quakers. 884 do. do. do. Cockermouth 1799, 413 Portrait of a gentleman. 1800. 656 Miss Hoskins, 1 80 1. 188 Mr. J. Kelty. SUTTON, J Painter. 89, George Street, Edinburgh. 1876. 700 A Berkshire Lane. 823 Old farm buildings. 1879. 677 In Craven Cottage Gardens, Fulham. 679 In the Vale of Mawddach, Merionethshire. 919 HiUside, Merionethshire. 77, George St., Edinburgh. 1885, 1306 Brigg, Lincolnshire, 1888, 1350 Brittany coast-scene — Plou- manach. 1890. 1404 Near Aber, Carnarvonshire. SUTTON, T 1868, 194 A quiet fish. Painter. SWAFFIELD, Miss Helena M. Painter. Cornwall House, Sevenoaks. 1894. 272 Sweet and twenty. 57, Elizabeth Street, Eaton Square. 1895. 386 Poppies, 1896. 52 Marsh pond, Woolbeding, Sus sex. 446 Peeling potatoes. 481 PhiUida. 728 The midday rest. 49, Hugh Street, Pimlico. 1897. 279 Chelsea Hospital. 1898. 1489 An idea. Cornwall House, Sevenoaks. 1902. 543 A boy with a lamp. SWAIN, John Engraver. 6, Bouverie Street. 1863. 944 Coming home. After F. Leigh ton. 945 Endymion. After J. E. MiUais, A.R.A. 1006 Thanksgiving. After F, Walker. 1007 Harold Harfager. After T. Sandys. 1867. 965 Hogarth in his studio. After F. Walker. 983 Animals; drawn by Basil Brad ley. 984 Danae. After F. Sandys. 1869. 1084 Afternoon in the Highlands After B. Bradley. THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS 307 1869. 1 1 12 Scene from the old legend of Romeo and Juliet. After G. Du Maurier. 1 1 29 Elijah and the widow's son. After B. Bradley. SWAIN, Ned ... Painter and Etcher. 5, Addison Crescent. 1878. 867 Wet. 1880. 1501 Winter; a leafless fig-tree, near Fort Beaufort, South Africa. 1884. 1468 Kew Bridge; etching. 1885. 966 Along by the dykes. Fordwich, Canterbury. 1898. 698 Bridge and spire — Fordwich. 148, Hailsham Avenue, Streatham Hill. 1900. 760 The Stour, Sturry. SWAINE, B Painter. 1832. 467 Cheddar cliffs. SWAINE, T Painter, 12, Queen St., Golden Square. 1805. 301 View of Northaw Church, Hert fordshire. {T. Swaine in the index, J. Swaine in the catalogue.) SWAINSON, Miss Mary Painter, The Ladies' College, Cheltenham. 1891. 2016 A peasant of Breisgau; bust. 41, Circus Road, N W. 1897. 2071 Case of three medals; bronze. 2, Southend Villas, Cheltenham. 1900. 1946 Part of a design for a fountain. SWAINSON, William, Miniature Painter, 20, Beauclerc Road, Hammersmith. 1884. 957 A portrait. 1885. 1576 do, 1888. 1526 The late Mrs. M. B. Meares. SWAINSTON, Miss Laura... Painter, The Elms, Sunderland. 1890. 1096 A toUer of the fields. 1892. 1526 Adversity. 1894. 80 Ewart; portrait of a lady. SWALLOW, Miss Jane F, ...Painter, 15, Whitehead's Grove. 1864. 184 A study. SWALLOW, John Charles... Painter, 22, East Parade, Leeds. 1855. 190 Study of a cactus. 170, Brompton Road. 1869. 139 Marie Louise pears from Jer sey. 3, Warrington Gardens, Maida Hill. 1876. 204 The larder. SWAN, Miss Alice Macallan. Painter, Alice C. Swan, Sun Mount, Cork. 1882. 1090 Lent Lilies. 1883. 1094 Azaleas. 1884. 1063 do. 1095 Cinerarias. Miss A. M. Swan, Sun Mount, Cork. 1885. 1427 Roses. 1887. 1176 Early spring. 35, Brook Green. 1888. 1 1 84 Harmony in white and gold. 1890. 1226 Our Lady of Roses. "Look upon our simple offering Nought but roses on this day." 1896. 865 Harbingers of spring. 1041 Strawberries and peaches. 1094 Poppies. 40, Milson Road, Addison Road. 1898. 1 1 50 Our Lady of Roses. SWAN, Cuthbert E Painter, 170, Hampstead Road. 1893. 520 "Duke;" a study of a lion. 233«, Stanhope Street, N. W. 1895. 769 At the pool — twilight. 1898. 754 Jaguars at play. 1899. 503 Puma and cubs. 712 Old age. 1900. 562 Wandered from the lair. SWAN, Edwin Painter, 109, College Place, Camden Town. 1896. 186 Portrait of a lady. 233a, Stanhope Street. 1898. 132 A Mountain torrent. Batheaston, Crowborough, Sussex. 1901. 1122 Pasture land. 43, Ampthill Square. 1902. 218 Mrs. D. G. Astley. SWAN, Miss Emily R Painter. 174, King St., Hammersmith. 1893. 1020 Pink and white azaleas. 3o8 THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS SWAN, Miss Frances Isabel. Sculptor. 58, Holland Park, W. 1895. •^¦S Bust of a lady. 1896. 1869 Pietro Corsi; bust. 1899. 1972 Marbles; statuette, bronze. 1903. 1829 Adeline; bust, bronze. SWAN, John Macallan, A.R.A. Painter and Sculptor. 24, Rue Bonaparte, Paris. 1878. 94 Dante and the leopard. ("In ferno," Canto I.) 1879. •°°3 -A- fugitive. Abinger Mill, Wotton, Surrey. 1882. 554 A shepherd boy. 171, Stanhope Street. 1884. 923 Poached eggs. 3, Acacia Road, St. John's Wood. 1889. 136 The prodigal son. Purchased for the Chantrey Bequest for 206 1 Young Himalayan tiger ; bronze. 1890. 465 The piping fisher-boy. 614 Lioness defending her cubs. 1891. no African panthers. 1892. 454 Thirst. 544 Lions drinking — sunset. 1992 African panther; statuette, bronze. 1994 Lioness drinking; bronze. (Elected A,R,A.) 1894. 222 Orpheus. 1895. 208 The goatherd. 314 Tigers at dawn, 1705 Orpheus; statuette, silver. 1896. 254 The lion hunter. 323 Study of East African leopards. 368 The sirens. 1897. 736 Tigress and cubs at a torrent. 2092 Young Indian leopard and tor toise; silver. 1898. 331 Fortune and the boy. 356 A broken solitude. 1899. 1924 Leopard eating; bronze. 1927 Leopard running; bronze. 1900. 1938 Puma and macaw; group. 2014 Fata Morgana; statuette, bronze, cire perdu. 2019 Matthew Maris, Esq.; medal lion. 1901. 1818 Puma and macaw; group, bronze. 1902. 3 Leopardess and young descend ing hill. 102 Mrs. Alexander C. lonides. 170 Lioness and cubs drinking at a torrent. 1902 454 John Zarify, Esq. 760 Alexander C. lonides, Esq. 1617 Wounded Leopard. {Sculpture.) 1722 Boy and bear cubs; group, bronze. 1725 Polar bears; silver piece. 64 Iris. 115 The Cascade. 165 The young bathers. 1734 A mermaid; statuette, silver. {Mr. Swan was elected R.A. in 1905.) 1903 1904 SWAN, Miss Mary E Painter. Lauriston, Bromley. 1890. 363 Miss White. 1894. 271 Oranges and lemons. SWANN and WRIGHT. Architects. Wheeler Gate, Nottingham. 1904. 1623 Library and museum. Limerick, SWANDALE, G Painter. G. Swandale, at Mr. Collins', 3, Great Knight Rider, St., Doctors' Commons. 1824. 155 Miss Matthews as a match girl. 65, Frith Street, Soho. 1827. 162 Portrait of an artist. 18, Chenies Street. 1833. 469 Miss Fanny Walker. G. Swandale, 12, Charlotte Street, Bloomsbury. 1838. 353 A child with fruit. SWANSTON and LEGGE. Architects. 196, High Street, Kirkcaldy, N.B. 1897. 1888 Villa, Dalhousie Road, Car noustie. SWAN WICK, Harold Painter. Clive, Winsford, Cheshire. 1889. 1080 A sower. 1890. 658 Resurgam. 1891. 144 Ploughing. 1892. 447 "Ah! whoa, whup!" 707 Mending nets — Conway. 1893. 1 1 36 Evening. 1894. 192 The last load. 1895. 380 The close of day. 1896. 1156 Her Kitten. 1897. 427 Evening after a hot day. 1085 The Djudjura Mountains, from Mustapha, Algiers. THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS 309 Clive, Middlewich, Cheshire. 1898. 461 An old farmyard. 1079 An Arab market, Algiers. 1899. 886 The drinking trough. 1904. 948 Potato getting. SWARBRECK, Samuel Dunkinfield. Painter. 7, Campden Grove. 1852. 1298 The ancient Common Hall entry, now called The Widow's Close, Chester. 5, Mortimer Street. 1853. 1223 Interior of Rosslyn chapel, showing the apprentice pillar. 1854. 1126 Watergate row, Chester. 9, Margaret Street, Cavendish Square. 1855. 32 Norman doorway, Thwaite church, Norfolk. II 67 Interior, Haddon, 1856, 19 Bed-room of Mary, Queen of Scots, Holyrood Palace : showing the anteroom whence Rizzio was dragged and murdered, and the secret staircase by which the conspirators entered. II 59 Interior of St. John's Church, Chester. 31, Oakley Square. 1862. 367 Interior of an ancient hall in Norwich. SWEETING, R. G Painter, 25, Paradise Place, Stockwell. 1845, 1048 Beggars, Dinan, Bretagne, Abbotsbury, Dorchester, Dorset. 1846. 261 An altar in the little church of St. Ouen, Dinan, Brittany. 1847. 659 Fishing group on the west Coast of Cornwall. Souftan Cottage, Albion Road, Hammersmith. 1856. 692 German mendicants; a wayside sketch. SWIFT, Miss Georgina Painter. 8, Summer Place. 1859. 181 Portrait. 1 86 1. 62 Marianne. 16, West Cromwell Road. 1870. 483 Janette. 1874. 955 In Scheveningen Bosch. SWIFT, Miss Catherine Seaton For- man (Kate), afterwards Mrs. Chris- tophe Bisschop Painter, 8, Sumner Place, Onslow Square. 1861. 255 Clementina. 635 At the weU. 1866. 300 "A maiden leant on the window sill. And oh! but the maiden was fair to see, The glittering jewels neglected fell, As she clasped the blossoms she loved so well, etc." 25, Lansdowne Crescent, Notting HiU. 1867. 27 Andrew, the son of the Rt. Hon. Sir James Colville. 1868. 653 Mrs. Richard Strachey. {See Mrs. Christophe Bisschop, vol. i, page. 203.) SWIFT, Miss Louise B Painter, 23, Lansdowne Crescent. 1868. 351 Miss Alice Judd. SWIFT, Mrs. W. B. (E. H.). Painter. Mrs. W. B. Swift, 81, Gower Street. 1835. 274 Contemplation. 1838. 332 Portrait of a girl at work. 1 84 1. — Three portraits. {This is not in the index, but it is somewhere in the catalogue. I found it thirty years ago, but cannot do so now) 1842. 477 The Hon. Augustus Charles Henry Hervey, second son of Earl Jermyn. 3, Greenaway Place, Lewisham. 1848. 656 The Eari of Scarborough. Mrs. E. H. Swift, 3, Greenaway Place, Lewisham. 1852. 181 Portrait. 1854. 1334 Lilly. 37, Gloucester Terrace, Blackheath. 1856. 608 Portrait of a lady. 1857. 32 do. child. 1859. 614 do. lady. SWINBURNE, T. H Painter. 12, St. Augustinis Road, Camden Square. 1855. 608 "My hand and sword defend this word." 3IO THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS SWINGLER, John Frank ... Painter. 65, Sydney Street, Fulham Road. 1886. 878 StiU hfe 48, Limerston Street. 1887. 765 Roses. 1888. 816 Still-life. 883 SheU-fish. 954 Oranges. 16, Waldemar Avenue, Fulham Road. 1889. 914 Roses. 1890. 46 Fruit. 32s SheU-fish. 342 Still life. 587 Fruit. 4, Lalor Street, Fulham. 1 89 1. 509 Herrings and smelts. 1892. 1288 StUl-life. 1893. 296 Blood-oranges, 1894. 665 Gurnet, etc. 694 Orange and blue. 20, Walham Grove. 1896. 606 Haddocks, 1897. 791 Fruit. 19, Prebend Gardens, Chiswick. 1899. 530 Lemons and nuts. 1900. 196 Gurnet. SWINSON, Edward S Painter. 3, Clifton Hill Studios. 1893. 584 Portrait of a girl. 1894. 701 B. E.Ward, Esq. 1895. 856 A daughter of Eve. 1896. 435 Portrait of a gentleman. 712 do. do. 15, Bilton Road, Rugby. 1897. 752 Portrait of a gentleman. 24, Holland Road, W. 1902. 57 A study, head ofa woman. SWINNERTON, See Swynnerton, SWINSTEAD, Alfred H, ... Painter, A. Swinstead, 12, St. Mark's Square, Kingsland. 1874. 234 A boy. 973 In the garden. 1877. 965 Playing. A. H. Swinstead, 70, Jenner' s Road, Stoke Newington. 1888. 602 Boats at Lyme Regis, 1897. 877 By the new Forest, SWINSTEAD, Charles Hillyard, Painter. C. Swinstead, II, Queen's Road West, Chelsea. 1863, 481 My boy. SWINSTEAD, Frank H Painter, Ivy Bank, Crouch End Hill. 1899, 326 Preparing for the regatta. SWINSTEAD, George Hillyard, Painter. 12, St. Mark's Square, West Hackney. 1882. 763 By appointment. 1883. 881 "When trumpets call, then homes are broken." Ivy Bank, Crouch End Hill. 1884. 608 " Good things of day begin to droop and drowse." 1524 A happy family. 1582 "Oh! merry goes the time when the heart is young, etc." 1885. 603 The first step. 614 Hours of idleness. Savoy Studios. 1886. 64 "He's coming." 602 The first-born. 1227 The pigeons' breakfast. 24, Weston Park, Crouch End. 1887. 528 A Surrey Village Common. 969 " And the story of the mouse came true." "When fireside stories have been told, etc." 1888. 540 "Rats, Toby!" 1890. 339 Waiting. 500 Baby's own. 1891. 368 Granny's May-blossom. 1893. 425 Half afraid. 1894. 296 Evening on the Lyn. 531 A wet day — Lynmouth. 1895. 764 Across the bridge of time. "Life appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away." 1896. 948 Her old love. 1898, 202 Dorothy, daughter of Frederick Sherlock, Esq, 1899. 577 Wild flowers and thorns. 1900. 270 The road from Gizeh to Cairo. 681 A wild flower. 787 Old boat-house — Littlehamp ton. 81, Hornsey Rise. 1 90 1. 560 First on the Antarctic Con tinent; Mr. C. E. Borch- THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS 311 grevink, F.R.G.S,, Com mander of the British Antarctic Expedition, 1898- 1900, on his reaching farthest south, 78" 50'. Kidderpore Avenue, Finchley Road. 1902. 292 "All square and one to play." The early days of golf. 1903. 340 Poppy land: Erica, daughter of Samuel James, Esq. 685 Violets: Mrs. G. Hillyard Swinstead. 1904. 71 Pomona's blossom. Miss Eulalia HiUyard Swinstead. SWINTON, James Rannie, Painter and Crayon Painter, 5, Buls trade St., Welbeck St. 1844. 20 The Marchioness of Douro. 191 Viscountess Camden. 502 Miss Farquhar. 682 The Hon. Frederick Bruce. 709 Professor Wilson. 1845. 253 Lady de Tabley and child. 312 The Marchioness of Douglas. 1846. 20 A portrait. 76 Mrs. Gambler Parry. 1847. 302 Mrs. Campbell, of Skipup. 745 His Excellency the Earl of Elgin and Kincardine, Gov ernor General of British North America. 817 H.R.H. the Duke of Cam bridge. 1848. 384 Lady Anne Charteris. 537 The Hon. Francis Charteris, M.P. I, St. George's Road, Eccleston Square. 1849. 468 Lord Dufferin. 555 The Hon. Mrs. Charles Cust. 662 Lady Clementina Villiers, in a costume worn at the Fete at Fulham, on the 19th July, 1848. 714 Viscountess Jocelyn. 922 Edmund St. John Mildmay, Esq. 1850. 187 The Marchioness of Salisbury. 1040 Lady Harriet Anson. 1054 Viscountess Maidstone. 185 1. 62 Miss Lygon. 444 Mrs. Hanmer. 750 Viscountess Jocelyn, 1014 The Duchess of Argyle. 1852. 35 Lady Dufferin, the Hon. Mrs. Norton and Lady Seymour. 118 Lady Burghley. 1853. 271 Lady de Blanquiere. 1853-1854. 1855-1856. 1857- 1858. 1859. i860. 1861,1862.1863. 1865. 1866. 1867. 1868. 43 • 973 77 337 798 170 1869. 565 Viscount Maiden. 914 Miss Louisa Steel. 938 Viscountess MandeviUe. 77 Lady Ribblesdale. 542 The Dowager Lady Ward. 918 The Countess of Strathmore. 924 Lady Augusta Sturt. 572 Mrs. Dalton. 6 Lady Claud Hamilton. 42 The Marchioness of Stafford. 411 Lady Eastlake. 779 The Duchess of Wellington. 238 Hon. Mrs. Duncombe. The Hon. Alfred Stourton. Earl Vane. Mrs. Holford. Lord Seymour. Miss Herbert, late of the Royal Olympic Theatre. 9, Park Street, Westminster. Mrs. Dudley C. Marjoribanks. 454 Lady Georgiana Balfour. 573 Lady Claud HamUton. 84 Lady Diana Pakington. 767 Lady Dufferin. 860 H.R.H. the Duchess of Cam bridge. 33, Warwick Place, Pimlico. 629 The late Lady Matilda Butler. 668 The Duchess of Hamilton, nee Princess Marie of Baden. Lady Diana Beauclerk. Lady Hermione Graham. The Hon. Lady St. John Mild may. Mrs. Davenport Bromley and Lady Mackenzie, of Gaer- loch. 853 Viscountess Castlerosse; sketch for a picture. H.R.H. The Grand Duke of Mecklenburg-Strelitz. Miss Burdett-Coutts. The Countess of Fife. Study from nature. H.R.H. Princess Mary of Cambridge. The Countess of Ducie. Mrs. Broke. Lady de Ros. 636 Mrs. Charles Baring. 766 The Hon. Mrs. Baring. 28 Earl Bathurst. 69 Colonel Probyn, C.B., V.C, and Honorary A.D.C. to the Viceroy of India and H.M.'s Indian Cavalry. 296 Lady Dufferin. 118 The Dowager Countess of Westmoreland. 748807 81 379 28 161 678 77 671 756 293 507 312 THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS Swinton, James Rannie — continued. 1869. 447 Lord Heytesbury, 794 Field Marshal Sir Wm. May nard Gomm, G.C.B.; crayon drawing. 802 Lady Eastlake, 1863; crayon drawing. 889 Miss Washington Jackson. 1872. 1307 The late Lady Charlotte Bury; crayon drawing. 1329 Baroness Gray of Gray; crayon drawing. 1873. 245 Colonel the Hon. Dudley Fitz gerald de Ros, First Life Guards. - 1257 John Steel, R.S.A., Her Ma jesty's Sculptor for Scotland; crayon drawing. 1266 Miss Hope Scott, of Abbots ford; crayon drawing. 1874. 468 The Hon. Mrs. Vesey. 1060 The Countess Th^rfese Carac- ciolo; crayon drawing. {Before 1869 it is difficult to distinguish the crayon drawings, as no indication is given in the catalogues; the higher numbers are the only guide. ) SWOBODA, Rudolf Painter, I, Wychcombe Studios, N. W. i8gi. 336 Bazaar in Assouan. 1892. 1006 A baker's shop, Cashmere. 1 316 A peep at the train — India. SWYNNERTON, Miss Annie L. Painter, 27, Clareville Grove. 1902. 19 Summer music. SWYNNERTON, Joseph William, Sculptor, J. W. Swinnerton, Rome. 1873. 1574 Cain: "I know not — am I my brother's keeper? " 1875. 1343 Bust of Mrs. Duncan Matheson. 2, Via Montebella, Rome. 1883. 1538 First steps; group, marble. 1642 Mischief; bust, marble, 26, Gordon Square. 1884, 1676 The Victor, J. M. Swynnerton, 15, Douro Place, Kensington. 1896, 1794 Group, representing the upper portion of a fountain, J. W. Swynnerton, 27, Clareville Grove. 1902, 1637 The Right Rev, WUliam Gor don, Bishop of Leeds; bust, marble. 1903. 17 1 5 The late Lord RusseU of KUl- owen; bust, marble. To be placed in the Town Hall, Newry. SWYNNERTON, Mrs, Joseph Wil liam, See Miss Anna Louisa Robin son, vol. vi, page 335. {On page 335 it says in error, " see Mrs. Swynnerton " ; but she has not exhibited at the Royal Academy since her marriage) SYDDALL, Joseph Painter, Old Whittington, Chesterfield. 1898. 1529 Miss A. E. Spong. 1899. 1523 Portrait of a gentleman. 1904. 1366 Mrs. Eric Byron. SYDNAS, A Painter. St. Giles' Hill, Norwich. 1868. 335 Study of a head. SYER, James Painter. J. Syer, Junr., 25, Lorrimore Road, Walworth. 1872. 522 An Autumn day on the Cornish coast. 576 Off' to the wreck. 1873. 330 St. Michael's Mount, from Marazion, CornwaU. SYER, John, R.I. Painter, 1846. 62 View of Wick Rocks, near Bath. 1851. 476 Scene near Bath. 5, Grove Place, Ridland, Bristol. 1852. 401 Sea piece on the Coast of Devon. 12, Upper Park Street, Clifton. 1853. 1261 Scene on the coast of North Devon. 5, Oakfield Place. 1857. 1060 Clovelly, North Devon. 1 1 25 Near Clovelly, North Devon. 2, Hampton Road, Cotham, Bristol. 1863. 599 Voss Modin, North Wales. 1865, 491 Foss Nodin. 499 Garden Park — Springtime. 6, Aberdeen Terrace, Clifton. 1866. 475 Lyn Cwm Funin, Snowdon in the distance — early morning. 1869. 13 The way to the lake. 187 1, 69 Scene from Fluelen; Head of Lake Lucerne, 1872, 93 Scene in North Wales. 459 do. Leigh Woods. THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS 3^3 II, Queen's Terrace, Haverstock Hill. 1873. 193 Near Festiniog, North Wales. 1039 In the Lledr VaUey, North Wales. 2, Oppidans Road, Primrose Hill. 1874. 244 "Mountains on whose barren breasts The labouring clouds do often rest." 1875. 556 Near Barmouth. 843 Scene in North Wales. SYER, K. S Painter. 10, Panton Street, Haymarket. 1798. 292 Melancholy. SYKES, Arthur Architect. 16, Brunswick Square. 1889. 1929 Design for a free library. 45, Finsbury Pavement. 1903. 1487 Business Premises, High Hol born. {See also Garlick, Park and Sykes, vol. 3, page 205.) SYKES, A. Bernard Painter. Perry Hill, Catford. 1894. 433 The pursuit of wealth, SYKES, George Painter. 33, Estate Buildings, Huddersfield. 1900. 1339 The old path through the wood. 1904. 1009 The Wharfe at eventide, Bolton Abbey. SYKES, Godfrey. Decorative Painter. South Kensington Museum. 1862. 902 First sketch for decorating with wall mosaics the panels for the International Exhibitions at South Kensington. 1864. 813 Design for decorating the soffit of an arch in South Court of South Kensington Museum. 814 Design for decorating with mosaic, wood-carving etc., the South Court of South Kensington Museum. SYKES, Henry Painter. 18, Northumberland Place. 1877. 768 In Fixby Park, Yorkshire. 886 Summer. Old Hall, Littleover, Derby. 1887. 1302 Summer roses. 1889. 1314 Idlers, 141 1 A reverie. vn. 2, West Hampstead Studios. 1891. 1288 Fallow land. 1893. ••^3 Sainfoin. 1895. 785 The ploughboy's team. "When summer reddens and when autumn beams." — Thomson. SYKES, Miss Marianne. Miniature Painter. 52, Delaney Street. 1876. 1248 Rosina, daughter of James Waddell, Esq. 1878. 1292 Charles Pigott, son of Sir Eustace F. Piers, Bart. 1879. 1307 Harold, son of James Waddell, Esq. 1348 James Waddell, Esq. 1881. 1285 Harold, son of James WaddeU, Esq. 1305 The late Frederick Arber, Esq. 1338 SybU, daughter of James Wad dell, Esq. 1882. 1402 A portrait. 141 5 The late James Watson, Esq., F.R.G.S. 1883. 1254 Edward Lloyd, Esq. 1884, 1 5 10 Janet, daughter of Frederick Whitman, Esq, 1885, 1485 Henry Nash, Esq, 1523 Mrs, Nash. 1557 Elizabeth, Countess of Devon. 1887. 1365 The Eari of Abingdon. 1376 The late Mrs. Louisa Diana Lloyd. 1888. 1535 Miss Mary Arber. 1891. i486 Algernon, son of Albert Dibley, Esq. SYKES, Mrs Miniature Painter. 15, Frederick Place. 1840. 616 Master Mivart. 1 85 1. 999 Portrait of a lady. I, Union Place, Regents Park. 1854. 674 Portrait of a gentleman 93 years of age. 1855. 918 L. R. Sykes, Esq. 14, Duke Street. 1857. 688 Portrait of a lady. 1858. 673 do. do. 291, Regent Street. 1859. 776 Portrait of a lady. SYKES, Peace Painter. Ramsden Estate Buildings, Huddersfield. 1872. 701 An old barn at Dalton, near Huddersfield. 1885. 1324 A Study in Fosforth GiU, Bolton. s s 314 THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS Sykes, Peace — continued. 1886. 1232 On the Wharfe, near Bolton Abbey. 1888. 1188 Bradley Glen, Yorkshire. 1889. 1374 Posforth Bridge, Yorkshire, SYLVESTER, C.J Painter. 96, Great Russell Street. 1846, 635 Scene in Derbyshire, 1847. 58 On the river Thame, 386 On the river Wye in Derby shire, 1848. 246 River scene. 470 Scene near London. 1849. 96 do. do. 432 A path. SYLVESTER, John Henry, Painter, 16, Melbury Road. 1883. 1495 Sad. 1888. 1008 Winifred. 1889. 1056 Cairene water-carriers. SYLVESTER, W Painter. 15, Church Lane, Chelsea. 18 14. 670 Flowers. SYME, John ^., R.S.A Painter. J. S. C. Syme, 4 Queen Street, Edinburgh. 1819. 553 Dr. Barclay, FeUow of the Royal College of Physicians and Royal Society of Edin burgh. 1820. 542 Dr. Monro, Professor of Ana tomy in the University of Edinburgh. S YME , Patrick, R.S.A Painter, 47, North Frederick Street, Edinburgh. 18 1 7. 744 Portrait of a lady. 745 Peaches. 793 A group of spring flowers. SYMES, Mrs. ... 1847. 887 Fruit. Painter. SYMINGTON, Lindsay D,... Painter 1902. 321 The potato garden 1903, 337 JoUy Lane Cot Prince Town, Devon. SYMONDS, E, ... Miniature Painter, Dover. 1836. 889 Portrait. SYMONDS, William Robert, Painter, 21, Fore Street, Ipswich. 1876. 206 Portrait of a little girl. 1877. 306 Portrait, 1879, 1046 Nellie. Soane Street, Ipswich. 1880, 388 Winifred, daughter of Frederick Fish, Esq,, of Ipswich. 591 At the market-gate. The Studios, Holland Park Road. 1881. 37 SterUng Westhorp, Esq. 316 Henry John des Vceux, grand son of John Pender, Esq., M.P. 577 Robert Lacy Everett, Esq. Presentation portrait. 1882. 169 Mrs. Daniel Lister. 277 Lieutenant Frederic Philip Forster Wood, 7 th Royal Fusiliers, kUled in action during the sortie from Kan dahar, August 16, 1880. 286 Captain Berners, R.N. 420 Florence, daughter of Thomas Lea, Esq., M.P. 601 Mrs. Miller, Ipswich. 1883. 151 J. Denison Pender, Esq. 253 Jim, grandson of Sir James Anderson. 345 Mrs. Charles Cheston. 509 Rev. D. P. Chace, D.D., Prin cipal of St. Mary HaU, Ox ford. Painted for the members of the Hall. 1884. 196 Mrs. Packard. 284 Mrs. Weller-Poley. 1885. 471 Sir Richard Wallace, Bart., M.P., K.C.B. 1886. 226 Viscount and Viscountess Sher- brooke. 264 Beatrice and Edmund, young est children of Henry A. Brassey, Esq. 1887. 255 Mr., Mrs. and Master Hol lond of Benhall Lodge, Sax- mundham. 349 Surgeon-General W. C. Mac lean, M.D., C.B., Professor of Military Medicine, Army Medical School. Presenta tion portrait. 489 Portrait of a lady. 1888. 257 Sir William Aitken, M. D., F.R.S., Professor of Patho- THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS 315 1888. 1889.1890. 1891.1892. 1893.1895. 1896. 1897.1898. 1899. 1900. 1901.1902. 1903 1904. 481 ••55 logy. Army Medical School. Presented to the Royal Vic toria Hospital, Netley, etc. 378 The Ven. Archdeacon Groome. Presentation portrait. 431 Leonard, youngest son of Al fred Tate, Esq. Mrs. Hutton, St. Petersburg. Portrait of an old lady. 132 Wm. Travers, Esq., M.D. 610 A morning meal. 64 Mrs. John Cameron Grant. 577 Mrs. T. P. Borrett. Cornwall Lodge, Rowan Road, Brook Green. 307 Kittens. 70 Mrs. Patrick Grant. 861 Family cares. 317 Esme and Stella, grand- daugh ters of Jas. T. Chance, Esq. 598 The Hon. Mrs. Kenneth F. Gibbs. 652 Maurice, son of J. Richards KeUy, Esq. Oswald, son of Archibald E. Scott, Esq. Lilika, daughter of R. Wemyss Swan, Esq. Sylvia and Dorothy, daughter of W. Peart Robinson, Esq. Harry and Alick, sons of the Hon. Henry Cubitt, M.P. Children of J. Binney, Esq. 883 Charhe, son of F. Shaw, Esq. 895 Babes in the wood. 548 Marjorie, daughter of Thomas P. Borrett, Esq. 788 Surgeon-GeneralJameson,C,B. Presentation portrait. 336 Mrs. Caleb Rose. 727 Hugh and Rowland, sons of the Hon. Henry Cubitt, M.P. 316 Heather. 492 Hugh and Eustace, sons of G. F. Chance, Esq. 1014 642 917 918 667 SYMONS, George G Painter, 297, Upper Street, Islington. 1899. 776 Rock-bound Cornwall. 2, Cobden Crescent, Grandpont, Oxford. 1904. 893 The wind, the rain and the struggling spring : Corn wall, SYMONS, William Christian, Painter. 7, South Lambeth Road. 1869. 815 Lilly. 1872. 472 Curiosities. 1873. 1061 Parting advice, 1875. 343 Neglected. 583 In hori mortis. "The time of my departure is at hand, etc." — 2 Timothy iv, 6, 7, 8. 32, Gloucester Road, 1876. 944 1877. 166524 1389 1878. 156 •57169 1879. 258 390 isao. 157 1881. 19s 1882. 533 Studies for decoratio '„'.{' 612 1883. 1452 1884. 128 1887. 596 1889. 879 1890. 195 730 1891. 98 1894. 98 Regents Park. Mrs. Westlake. I, Holly Place, Hampstead. Portraits. A sunny page. Azaleas. Diana hunting. The triumph of Bacchus. Phyllis and Corydon. " Can a bosom so gentle remain Unmoved when her Cory don sighs?" — Shenstone. Waiting. Dance of reapers and nymphs in the "Tempest." "Nymphs called Naiads of the winding brooks, etc." — Tempest, iv, i. Chestnut Lodge, Hampstead. " Tottie; " a portrait. Men of mettle. Margaret of Anjou and the robber of Hexham. "After the battle of Hexham, Mar garet and her son, flying to wards the border, were cap tured by robbers, from whom they escaped. They met an armed man, to whom Mar garet discovered herself, im ploring his protection. He carried the young prince to his cave, and there secreted them until they were able to escape into Scotland." "Trottie," daughter of Bart. Rous, Esq. Returned from the war; a tale in the barrack room, ist Life Guards. The Union Jack. 55, Park Road, N. W. Portrait of a lady. Summer evening, Hythe. Mayfield, Surrey. A smithy. A bright winter morning. Snow.Mrs. Ellis SharteU. 3i6 THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS Symons, William Christian — continued. 1896. 235 Spring blossoms. The Yew Trees, Mayfield. 1898. 370 Electricians, 634 Just before sunset, AprU, 653 St. John in Patmos, 1899. I Casablanca. 952 Secrets. SYMS, James J Painter. 30, Ravensbourne Gardens, West Ealing. 1903. 1328 Gloucester Cathedral, from Dean's Yard. SYNGE, Edward M Painter. Eastlands, Weybridge. 1899. 148 1 Forge at Samaden. 1900. 1557 Tyrolese Cottages. 1559 Hay-barn, Cortina. 13, St. Leonard's Terrace, S.W. 1901. 1451 Low tide at Pont Aven. 1453 Concameau. 1902. 1278 St. Gervais, Paris. 1903. 1324 St. Jacques, Paris. 1904. 1357 Belfry at Assisi. THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS TABER, F Architect. 131, Long Acre. 1803. 994 Design for a mausoleum. TACONET, Charles Medalist. 12, Queen Anne Street. 1790. 522 The Death of Milo. 535 Venus instructing Cupid in archery. 1791. 278 Portrait of a gentleman {Mr. Burke); design for a medal. 1792. 720 Atlas. TADOLINI, Adam Scipione. Sculptor, Rome. 1830. 1266 Bust of Sir Henry Willerton, Bart. {Tadolini in the index, Tadoline in the catalogue) Tadolini, Rome. 1853. 1452 Marble bust of His Holiness Pius IX. TAFFS, Charles H Painter. 13, Mervan Road, Brixton Hill. 1896. 1496 Summer song. 1897. 1690 "Outside only!" 1898. 1466 Far away. TAIT, Miss Adela Seton-. ... Painter. 99, Burnt Ash Road, Lee. 1897. 720 Nasturtiums. 1900. 425 Fruit. 797 Primroses. TAIT, J Architect. 16, Hemingford Road, N. 1862. 905 St. Paul's, north-west view. TAIT, Mrs. M. A Painter. Mrs. Tait, 18, Gloucester Street. 1839. 238 Landscape — moonlight. 40, Hoxton Square. 1845, 664 Landscape. Mrs. M. A. Tait, 40, Hoxton Square. 1846. 608 A Landscape. TAIT, Robert S Painter. 1845. 859 Love awakening to his own sweet music. " Hush ! hush ! said Venus, no other sweet 1848. 1849.1850. 1851. 1853- 1854.1855- 1856. 1857- 1858.1859.1861. 1863. 1864.1865. 1866.1869. 1875. voice but his own is worthy to wake him, etc." — Moore. R. Tait, 12, Harley Street. 1004 Portrait of a lady, 466 Elizabeth and Mary; or the Song of the Virgin. 89 The Rev. Gilbert Malcolm, 538 "She was a phantom of delight. When first she gleamed upon my sight." R. S. Tait, 12, Harley Street. 674 Captain Sir Baldwin Wake Walker, R.N., K.CB,, Sur veyor of the Navy, late Admiral of the Turkish Fleet. R. Tait, 12, Queen Anne Street. 254 Portrait of a young lady. 297 Master Harvey. 144 E. de Pentheny O'Kelly, Esq. 1 341 Captain Harvey. 153 Thomas Carlyle, Esq. 170 Susannah. 276 Dr, Lee of Doctors' Commons and Hartwell Park. 943 A Chelsea Interior. 232 Mother and child. 466 Brunetta. 377 John Gilchrist, Esq. 3 Portrait at Lugano. 215 Mrs, Stansfeld. 270 Miss A. F. Shaw. 127 Florentine boy. 342 "The future still hides in it gladness and sorrow." 872 Ahce. R. S. Tait, Athenceum Club, Pall Mall. 499 A portrait. TAITT, G. W Painter. 105, Houndsditch. 1797. 622 A portrait. 623 do. 19, Newgate Street. 1810. 377 A wolf. TAKUSH, M Enamel Painter. 42, Newgate Street. 1834. 811 Portrait of a gentleman; in enamel, from the life. 844 Portrait of a lady; in enamel, from the life. 1837. 646 Nymph and Cupid; enamel. After W. Hihon, R.A. 3i8 THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS TALBERT, Bruce James. Architect. lo, Nottingham Place. 1870. 780 Interior, Dining Hall. 1 6, Bury Street, St. James's. 1 87 1. 917 Interior of Hall. II, Argyle Street. 1872. 1201 A fireplace. 98, Gower Street. 1873. 1198 Entrance to vestibule. 1874. nil Screen, etc. 5, Euston Square. 1875. 966 Entresol, etc. 973 WaU decoration. 1876. 1072 A staircase. TALBOT, George Q, P Painter. Palazzo Doria, Venice. 1 88 1. 740 A study. I, Rue de Courty, Paris. 1882. 980 A lamp from a mosque at Tunis. 1022 La Mare aux F&s in the Forest of Fontainebleau. George A. P. Talbot, I, Rue de Courty, Paris. 1885. 1401 Study of Persian armour. TALBOT, John J Architect, II, Lord Street, Liverpool. 1 90 1. 1666 Unitarian Church, Birkenhead. 1902. 1462 Liberal Club, New Ferry, Cheshire. 1463 House at Bromborough, Che shire. TALBOT, Lionel A Painter, clo J. P. Jacomb-Hood, 26, Tite Street. 1900. 534 Awake! awake! TALFOURD, Field Painter, 86, Newman Street. 1845. Ill Portrait of a gentleman. 1189 Henry Jones, Esq. 1846. 94 Portrait of a girl. Erechtheum Club, St. James's Square. 1850. 366 Miss Talfourd. 381 Charles Massingberd, Esq. 185 1. 1 123 The Earl of Morley. 1852. 971 Portrait of a lady 22, Sloane Street. 1854. 552 The artist brothers. 1855. 115 Study of a head. 83, Newman Street. 1856. 743 Miss Beamish, daughter of J, C, Beamish, Esq,, Ply mouth. 1856. 774 " Fluffy," daughter of W. East- lake, Esq., Plymouth. 821 J. Salusbury Trelawney, Esq., late M.P. for Tavistock. 5, Southampton Row. 859 Head of a Roman peasant. 869 Miss Heaton, Leeds. 837 John Gibson, Esq., R.A. 880 A Roman peasant. F. W. Talfourd, no address. 834 Miss Medex. 883 Walter Mantell, Esq., New Zealand. F. Talfourd, 104, Sloane Street. 722 Jacques Blumenthal. 725 Felice Orsini, 752 J. B. Sterhng, Esq., Cold stream Guards. 95 Margherita. 732 Miss Collier. 68 A study. 658 The young mother. 44 Evening in the Lledr Valley, North Wales. Relicta. " And ever she doth lament and weepe To tint her lover soe, etc." Autumn on the river, near Bettws-y-Coed, North Wales, 124 The bather's pool. 676 Sir Robert Collier, Solicitor- General, 455 In the studio. 309 The fisher-boys. 957 The Green Pool, Bettws-y- Coed. 959 On the Lledr, near Bettws-y- Coed. 1858.1859.1861. 1862. 1863, 1864.1865. 55 203 1866. 18691870 1873. TALLEMACH, Richard Painter, R. Tallemach, 13, Serle Street. 254 A view on the Thames. 270 A landscape — evening. 752 A view of Buttermere. 4 A view on the beach at Brigh ton. 147 View in Richmond Park — moonlight. 204 View of the Green Park, from PiccadiUy. 183 A view on the Thames, near Twickenham — morning. 1808.1810.1812.1813.1814. 5iS- TALLEMACH, William ... Sculptor. 4, Castle Street East. 18 1 2. 906 A small statue ofthe King; to be executed in bronze. THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS 319 1 8 14. 796 Bacchus; a model in wax, intended to be cast in bronze. 798 Ariadne; a model in wax, in tended to be cast in bronze, TALLENT, J, .,, Miniature Painter, Hanover Square. 1797. 1013 H.R.H. the Duke of York. TALMAGE, Algernon M. ... Painter. St. Ives, Cornwall. 1895. 176 Fading day, Trecarrel, Redruth, Cornwall. 1896. 75 Through the gathering gloom. 1897. 341 The caress. 1899. 424 A Cornish harvest. Pednolver, St. Ives. 1 90 1. 338 Evening after rain. 420 The noonday sun. 546 The moorland pool. 1904. 790 After rain. TANCREDI, R Painter. 99, Long Acre. 1870. 367 Buoso da Duira, who betrayed Manfredi, King of Naples, having returned to his coun try a beggar, is recognized and reviled by the people for his treachery. TANING, J Architect. 4, Wells Street, Oxford Street. 1834. 955 Design for a castle. TANKERVILLE, Earl of. Miniature Painter. 1900. 1363 The Countess of Charieville. 1364 The Countess of Tankerville. 1365 Lord Ossulston. 1366 Master Ronnie Bodley. TANNER, See Romaine-Walker and Tanner, vol. vi, page 355. TANNER, Henry, Junr. ...Architect. 19, Haymarket. 1900. 1696 A sunk garden. 1 2, Regent Street. 1903. 1630 House at Beckenham. 1904. 1494 Hall Place, Shackleford. 1536 Craven House, Kingsway. TANNEUR, Philippe Painter. 151, Albany Street, and 3, Rue Tronchet, Paris. 1841. n8 Marine; representing Dutch barks. 1841. 230 View of St. Petersburgh, taken from the bridge of the sum mer garden, 255 Coast of Dover. 841 View taken in Normandy. TANNOCK, James Painter. 35, Leicester Square. 1813. 724 Portrait of a gentleman. 1814. 55 J. Millar, Esq. 18 1 5. 319 Rev. R. Yates. 332 Portrait of a gentleman. 72, Newman Street. 1816. 179 Portrait of a gentleman. 194 W. Graham, Esq. 217 Portrait of a lady. 264 do. do. 883 Mrs. J. R. MiUer. 18 1 7. 92 Walter Denoon, a native of Inverness, now in London, aged 102. 221 Portrait of a lady. 372 Sir James Shaw, Bart., Aid., M.P.; painted by desire of the Magistrates and Council of Kilmarnock, to be placed in their Town Hall. 181 8. 6 Captain S. Brown, R.N. 152 A. Heywood, Esq. 174 Portrait of a gentleman. 258 do. lady. 281 J. Gladstone, Esq. 298 — Gordon, Esq. 1819. 459 J- Wright, Esq. 1128 Mrs. Campbell. 1820. 56 Dr. Babington. 83 Portrait of a lady. 157 Mrs. Gibson. 174 Portrait ofa gentleman. 16, Newman Street. 182 1. 250 Mrs. Oughton. 278 Portrait of a young officer. 896 Mr. Oughton. 1822. 318 T. Houldsworth, Esq., M.P. 1823. 159 A study from Nature. 177 Portrait of a lady. 269 The Rev.C. A. Moysey, D.D., Archdeacon of Bath. 1824. 293 G. Chalmers, Esq., F.R.S,, S,A. 1826. 160 Robert FuUarton, Esq., Dean of Guild; painted at the re quest of the Inhabitants of Irvine, to be placed in their Town House. 183 A Scottish country girl prepar ing to go to market. 1827. 380 Portrait of a gentleman. 1828. 207 do. do. 422 do. lady. 320 THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS Tannock, James — continued. 1829. 324 Portrait of a lady. 367 do. do. 1830. 142 do. young lady. 1832. 569 A portrait. 1834. 550 Portrait of a gentleman. {By F. Tannock in index and catalogue) 1836. 172 Portrait of a young lady. 185 do. do. 1839. 136 do. an old gentleman. 1841. 129 do. a girl. TANNOCK, William Painter. 72, Newman Street. 1818. 321 A Scotch peasant girl. 1819. 421 Portrait of a gentleman. 1820, 120 do, do, 16, Newman Street. 182 1, 13 Miss Janes. 231 A. Riddell, Esq. 438 Mrs. J, R. Miller. 1822. 131 Portrait of a gentleman. 1823, 107 P. Duncan, Esq. 1824. 834 Portrait of a young lady. 1826, 398 Alexander Leiper, Esq,, in the dress of the Paisley Volun teer Corps, 900 The Rev. A. Nisbett, Glasgow. 1829. 727 Portrait of a young officer. 1830, 139 Mr. Thom, the celebrated sculptor of Tam O' Shanter and Souter Johnney, 1 83 1, 625 Family worship, TANTARDINI, Antonio ...Sculptor. Milan. 1875. •3'o Maria (Madame de Stael). TAPIRO, Jose Painter. Tangiers, Morocco. 1896. 1 193 Un Moro negro, 1215 Una novia mora, Fatima, Tapiro's Studio Street, Tangiers, Morocco. 1897. 1181 A Morocco bride. 1191 A marabout of Morocco. 1904. 1021 A native cafd in Tangier. TAPPEN, G Architect. Christ Church, Surrey. 1802. 969 Design for gothic chapel at Sydenham. John Street, Pall Mall. 1803. 997 Villa at Dulwich for C. Druce, Esq. 1806. 827*Gothic dwelling houseat Syden ham for R, Shute, Esq. 1807. 1085 Eastcombe House, for D, Hunter, Esq., near Charl ton, Kent. 8, Church Street, St. James's. 181 2. 883 Indigent Bhnd School near the Obelisk, St. George's Fields, etc. 1815. 826 The Caledonian Asylum, Re gent's Park. 181 7. 915 Villa in Kent. 1 8 19. 1047 Mansion in style of old Norman Castle. 1827. 918 Caledonian Asylum, near Battle Bridge and Holloway. The proportions of the order are taken from the Portico of PhUip, King of Macedon, in the Island of Delos. TAPPER, Walter J Architect. I, Raymond' s Buildings, Gray's Inn. 1892. 1711 Design for screen and fireplace. 1893. 1640 New chapel at Gray's Inn Gar dens. 1895. 1451 Bishop's throne, Colombo Ca thedral. 1896. 1722 Design for triptych in the Eng lish church at Pau. 1898. 1789 Design for Billiard room. 1900. 1824 Font coverfor Grantham Parish church. 1902. 1407 Doctor's house, Westchff'-on- Sea. 1447 Reredos, Grantham Parish church. 1903. 1552 Design for town church. 1904. 1591 Memorial church to Archdea con Livingstone, Malvern Link. 1600 Interior, Cathedral church, Liverpool; competition de sign. TAPPING, G Painter. (An Honorary Exhibitor.) 1797' 3°3 Portrait ofa nobleman's groom. 1798. 593 do. setter just finding the game. 1799. 62 Portrait of a clergyman. TAPSTER, R Architect. Barnet. 1803. 891 Design for a dairy. TARAGNOLA, Chevalier G. Painter and Sculptor. J. Targnola, 89, High Holborn. 1815. 529 Jacob deceived by Laban. " And it came to pass, that, THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS 321 in the morning, behold, it was Leah, etc." — Genesis, xxix, 25-27. ¦ — ¦ Targnola, 4, Rathbone Place. 1816. 920 Bas-relief: Victory presenting two dying British Heroes to Britannia. Chev. G. Taragnola, 4, Rathbone Place. 1818. 1088 Model for Monument of a British Hero, representing Victory crowning the Bust, and Britannia at the Tomb, afflicted for her loss. C. G. Taragnola, 4, Rathbone Place. 1820. 400 Bacchus and Ariadne, TARBUCK, E. L Architect. 25, Hanover Place, Kennington. 1848. 1 103 Design for a church. 1854. 1231 A sketch for street architecture, TARGET, F Painter. 61, Warren Street, Fitzroy Square. 1836. 397 A dog. TARNER, Miss G Painter, 3, Park Street Studios, N. W. 1896. 991 Mrs. Oakley Fisher. TARRANT, J Painter, 3, Dorset Place. 1823. 6 Effects of an earthquake. TARRANT, Percy Painter. 22, Beaufort Street, Chelsea. 1883. 916 Adrift. 1884. 1 131 Home from the fields. 1886. 1495 Rivals, I, Stanley Villas, Tooting. 1887. 1296 A Lilliputian stack yard, Chan nel Islands, 1888. 44 Roses. 1890. 97 River folk, 493 A frosty morning; bringing home the bargain, II 59 Making a gentleman of him. 1 89 1, 1622 Our Dolly. 6, Chandos Villas, Margate. 1895. 109 A pair of grandfathers. 1896. 1530 Parted. 1899. 1567 The witch's charm. 336, Clapham Road. 1 90 1. 408 A birthday party. 1903. 775 A flower service. 1904. 291 Secrets. VII. TARRING, John Architect, 23, Charles Street. 1838. 1194 Design for a National Reposi tory of Arts and Sciences. 1848. 1180 House, etc.. South Wales. 1850. 1183 Chapel, etc.. Independent Col lege, Finchley Road. 1851. 283 Thornton HaU, the seat of the Hon. Richard Cavendish, etc. 1853. 1 168 Thornton Hall, Bucks. II 89 Dining HaU, Thornton Hall, Bucks. 26, Bucklersbury. 1862. 884 Mansion in Sussex. TARRING (J.) and SON, Architects, 1876. 1023 Blackburn Congregational Church. TARRING and WILKINSON. Architects. 69, Basinghall Street. 1878. 1084 The "Three Nuns" Hotel, Aldgate. TARRING, T. C Architect, 23, Charles Street, Middlesex Hospital. 1846. 1272 Perspective view. 1850. 1124 Nobleman's house in New South Wales. 1853. noo Congregational Church, Clap ham. 1854. 1 160 Tromer Lodge, Down, Kent; for Rev. R. Ainslie. TARRY, Miss Alice (afterwards Mrs. Frederick Goodall) Painter, 12, Woronzoiv Road, St. John's Wood. 1890. 33 The picture book. 1891. 766 "What's o'clock?" 1892. 872 In granny's chair. 1893. 648 The brother's kiss. 62, Avenue Road. 1894. 664 The anxious mother. 1896. 694 The rocking chair. "Hush thee, my baby." TARTE, J Architect. 22,, James Street, Buckingham Street. 1819. 1153 Design for a museum. 182 1. 985 do. church. TT 322 THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS TARVER, Edward John... Architect. 10, Grains Court. 1874. 1072 Farmhouse, The Coombe, Wadhurst. 1876. 1016 Wadhurst Park; private chapel. 1877. 1185 Maison de Chasse, Ardennes; for the Duchesse d'Ossuna. 1193 Educational buildings, Notting ham. 1209 Church of AU Souls at Harles- den. 1878. 1057 Ante-room, Parkfield. 1882. 1203 Dining-room, Wadhurst Park. 1886. 1712 A suburban church. TARVER, Miss Henrietta M. Miniature Painter. The Bungalow, Old Bushey. 1898. 1522 J. R. Brooke, Esq. 1899. 1293 Miss Dorothy Smith. 1340 Miss Ada Henderson. 1900. 1499 Miss Dorothy Wickham. 1515 Miss Mildred Bennett. 15 16 Miss Josephine Tarver. 1522 Vere. 1 90 1. 1307 Miss Kathleen WUson. 1902. 1125 Portrait of a lady. 1903. 1 166 Teddy, son of Geoffrey E.Hale, Esq. 1232 Phoebe. 1235 Head ofa girl. 1305 Mrs. Henry Tarver. TASKER, Francis William. Architect. 7, FurnivaPs Inn. 1875. 1035 St. Charles' CoUege, Notting HiU. 1876. 988 Interior of Roman Catholic Church, St. Margaret, Bark ing Road. 1048 Monastery, Highgate HUl. 1877. 1084 Convent for Sisters of Naza reth, Northampton. 2, John Street, Bedford Row. 1881. 1033 Interior of the church of St. Patrick, Wapping. 1886. 1713 Holy Cross and All Saints, Warley. TASKER, Miss Helen Painter. (An Honorary Exhibitor.) 1840. 582 Flowers from nature. TASKER, J Architect. 59, Mortimer Street, Cavendish Square. 1782. 526 Elevation designed for a noble man's seat in the north of England. — Tasker. 1784, 416 North view of LuUworth Castle, Dorsetshire, the seat of T, Weld, Esq. 417 South-east view of LuUworth Castle. /. Tasker, 65, Mortimer Street. 18 14. 715 View of Spetchley, near Wor cester; for R. Berkeley, Esq. TASKER, T Architect. 7, Idol Lane, Tower Street. 181 2. 875 Design for a pavilion. 1814. 752 Interior of a haU. TASKER, William Architect. 26, Bedford Row. 1857. 1052 The Church of S. Giovanni e Paolo, Rome. 1859. 1078 Schools at Stagsden, Beds. TASSAERT, Philip Joseph. Painter. 28, St. Alban's Street, PaU MaU. 1785. 217 Portrait of a young gentleman; whole length. 424 Portrait ofa lady; small whole length. TASSIE, James Modeller. At Mr. Lewis's, Great Newport Street. 1769. Ill Two portraits ; models. {Duke and Duchess of Athol. — Walpole.) 1770. 181 Two models in paste. 182 do. do. 1771. 192 A portrait of a nobleman; a model in paste. 193 A portrait of a gentleman; a model in paste. (Walpole says of Tassie, " A Scot.") Compton Street, Soho. 1772. 252 Portraits of a gendeman and lady; models in paste. 1773- ^87 Portrait of a nobleman; in paste. 288 do. do. 289 Portrait of a gentleman. 290 do. lady. 1774. 298 Two portraits of gentlemen ; in paste, 1775- 3°5 Three cameos of royal por traits; in paste, 1776, 299 Three portraits ; in paste. 1777. 336 Portraits of a nobleman and his lady; in paste. THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS 523 1777- 337 Portrait of a lady; in imitation of marble, 338 Portrait of a gentleman. 4, Leicester Fields. 1778. 303 A frame with cameos in paste, viz.: No. I. Portrait of a young lady; No. 2. Portrait of a gentleman ; No. 3 and 4. Two cameos given annually as prize medals in the Univer sity of Glasgow, by Mr. An derson, for the best physical essays, and the best speci men of elocution. 323 Two portraits in paste; imita tions of marble. 299f A frame with models in paste. 357 Portrait of a gentleman; model in paste. 362 Portrait of a lady; model paste, 252 Portraits in paste. 355 Portrait of a gentleman; paste- Portrait paste,ton) 357 Portrait of a gentleman; in paste. 255 Portraits of a lady and gentle man; paste. 649 Portrait; in paste. 652 do. do. 620 Model, in paste, of a clergy man {Dr. Chelsham.) 581 Portrait of a gentleman; in paste. 582 do. do. do. 380 Portrait of a gentleman. 382 do. do. 383 do. do. 625 Portrait ofa gentleman; model in paste. 1779. 1780. 1781. 1782.1783-1784. 240 1785- 1786.1787. 1788.1789. 1790.1791. in in of a gentleman; in {Sir William Hamil- TASSIE, William Modeller. 20, Leicester Fields. 1798. 837 Head of Mars. 907 Lord Viscount Duncan. 1799. 1092 Six Kings of Scotland; cast in paste from models. 1800. 861 A model of Mr. J. Tassie. 1804. 943 Dr. Hare. {For a full account of James and William Tassie, see John AI. Gray's book, published in 1894 by Walter Greenoak Patterson of Edinburgh) TATE, T. F Painter. 8, Catherine Court, Tower HiU. 1850. 1049 The way over the brook. TATE, W.^Christopher Sculptor. W. K. Tate, 4, Ryder's Court, Leicester Square. 1828. 1 163 Bust of a gentleman. 1 165 do. do. 1829. 1185 do. Miss Judd. 1188 do. Miss Tennison. do. the Hon. George Agar EUis, M.P., F.R.S. Bust of Major Bridgeman. W. H. Tate, 4, Ryder's Court, Leicester Square. 1833. 1193 Bust of John Lawless, Esq. 1208 1213 TATE, William (pupil of Wright of Derbv^ Painter. Liverpool. 1776. 297 The meeting of BeUisarius with his daughter Eudoxia. 298 Portrait of a young gendeman. I, Red Lion Square. 1777. 339 A portrait; three-quarters. II, Craven Street, Strand. 1778. 302 Portrait of a gentleman; three- quarters. 1782. 197 Portrait of a gentleman. Manchester. 1787. 6 Abraham and Isaac. 1791, 5 Portrait of a gentleman. 175 do, do. 1802. 272 Boy blowing a bladder, and mischievous girl. 469 Girls with a firestick. 1803. 69 E. WUmot, Esq. Bath. 1804. 405 R. Tyson, Esq. TATHAM, Charles Heathcote. Architect. 10, Conduit Street. 1797. 113 1 Design in ornament. 1 135 do. for a villa. Mount Street, Grosvenor Square. 1798. 977 Designs for a candelabra and Sarcophagia, composed after the manner of an antique, and dedicated to a gentle man. 979 Design for a monument, after the manner of an antique Sarcophagus, and dedicated to an ingenious composer of ornaments. 980 A design for a private chapel, with a mausoleum, destined to be built contiguous to a family mansion. 324 THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS 1799. 991 1096 1800. 972 1019 1039 Tatham, Charles Heathcote — continued. 6, Grosvenor Square. A branch candlestick executed in gilt bronze, A frame containing twelve drawings of a work now publishing, 6, Charles Street. A chimney-piece for a gallery. Design for a museum, do, cottage. II, Mount Street. 1 80 1. 858 Principal front of Cowdray Lodge, Sussex. 878 A ViUa intended to be built on the lakes. 910 South front for Cowdray lodge, Sussex. 997 A Mausoleum. 1006 Cottages now building in a gentleman's park in Here fordshire. 103, Park Street, Park Lane. 1802. 918 The gallery now finishing at Castle Howard. 921 The Museum now finishing at Castle Howard. 945 A piece of plate executed for the Earl of Carlisle. 988 A branch light, executing in silver. 998 An ornamental piece of plate, presented by a gentleman to Admiral Lord Nelson. 1005 An American cottage, designed to be built in Hertfordshire for W. Butt, Esq. 1008 South front for Garnons in Herefordshire, the seat of Col. Cockerell. York Place. 1807. 1016 A cemetery to be built of granite for Sir P. Murray, Bart., of Ochtertyre in Scotland. 1032 Designs for Lynedock Lodge and offices, in Perthshire, the seat of Colonel Graham, M.P. 1033 The fountain and park bridges at Trentham Hall, Stafford shire, the seat of the Marquis of Stafford. 1034 The Cemetery at Trentham, in Staffordshire, the seat of the Marquis of Stafford. 1039 The picture gallery at Brockels- by, Lincolnshire, the seat of Lord Yarborough. Queen Street, Mayfair. 1809. 766 The new entrance to the park at Stoke, in Herefordshire, designed for the late Edward Foley. 1809. 784 East, west, and south elevations of a villa in Scotland. 816 The principal entrance now building, to the Park at Al thorpe in Northamptonshire, seat of Earl Spencer. 837 Plan and elevation of Wilton Park house in Buckingham shire, the seat of J, Dupre, Esq,, M.P., with the altera tions made in years 1803-4-5. 848 A frame containing the new lodge to the Park at Trent ham, Staffordshire, seat of the Marquis of Stafford — thegardener's house at Lyne dock, Perthshire, seat of General Graham — the lodge and pheasant houseat Brox- more, Wiltshire, seat of R, Bristow, Esq. 1813. 878 The Eari of Cariisle's GaUery at Castle Howard. 1814, 749 Entrance to nobleman's park in the North of England, 1817, 894 Mansion for a nobleman. 901 ViUa at Henerton, near Hen ley-on-Thames, for C, F. Johnson, Esq, 924 An equestrian statue of the Duke of Wellington, sur rounded at its base with the Waterloo cannon, and pro posed to be built in the Re gent's Park, 964 Mansion for a nobleman. 18 18. 928 Design for the Cenotaph of an Officer who fell in the battle of Waterloo. 940 Frame containing the picture gallery at Broklesby, the seat of Lord Yarborough, and the drawing room at Broxmore house, the seat of R. Bristow, Esq. 1823. 954 Cenotaph to Canova. 996 A private chapel, with a mau soleum, etc, 1825. 899 Rookesbury in Hampshire, for the Rev, W, Garnier, 1826. 927 The tower on Holly Hill, in Rooksbury Park, etc. 962 The tower now erecting on a rock, at Monrepos, a do main of Baron Nicolay in Russia. 1827. 919 Design for a Hospital. THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS 325 1828. 1074 Triumphal arch to commemor ate the naval and military achievements of Great Bri tain. 1829. 1096 Design for a theatre. II 19 A monument erected in gra nite on the domain of Baron Nicolay at Monrepos in Russia, to the memory of the Prince de Broglio and his brother, both slain in the Russian campaign. 1830. 1261 The crusader; a study. 1831. 1029 Design for a church near Southampton. 18, Charles Street, Berners Street. 1835. 985 Design for the new Houses of Parliament, by converting Inigo Jones' fine structure at Whitehall into a House of Lords, etc. 4, Elizabeth Street, Hans Place. 1836. 1025 West picture Gallery of Bridge- water House. TATHAM, Fred. Miniature Painter and Sculptor. I, Queen Street, Mayfair. 647 A portrait. 525. 664 do. 20, Lisson Grove. 1830. 1262 Marble bust of C. H. Tatham, Esq. 1831. 1152 The orphans; a study for a monument. 12 1 5 Marble bust of the Earl of Eldon as Chancellor. 1832. 1 1 33 Marble bust of the Earl of Eldon, ex - ChanceUor of Great Britain. 1200 Marble bust of John Coley, Esq., F.R.S., F.S.A., etc 18, Charles Street, Middlesex Hospital. 1835. 427 Robert Snow, Junr., Esq. 525 The Hon. George Neville. 549 Robert Snow, Esq. 731 Edward Foss, Esq. 879 Maria; a portrait. 1836. 506 Portrait of a gentleman. 538 do. do. 551 The late Edward Irving, M.A. 563 Portrait of a gentleman. 892 Edward Walpole, Esq. 1837, 578 My comrade's grave. "Three vollies have graced the tomb of the brave, etc." — Miss Pardoe. 1838. 624 Portraits of the children of Mr. John WUson. 731 Italian boy at supper, — his brother sick. 745 Gipsy-giri. 755 Bavarian girl singing. 1022 Italian boys begging. 1025 Portrait of a gentleman. 1839. 590 — Bowler, Esq. 627 Montagu Tatham, Esq. 746 Portrait of a lady. 7S9 Miss Bicknell, 873 Henry Knyvett, Esq. Winchester. 1840. 785 The late T. Conway Helps, Esq. 1 84 1. 620 Portraits of George and Emily {Sumner), youngest children of the Bishop of Winchester. 44, Great Marlborough Street. 1842. 598 The late Rt. Hon. General Sir George Hewett, Bart., G.C.B. 599 Portrait sketch of the Bishop of Winchester {Sumner). 630 Portraits of Philip and Mary, children of the Rev. Philip Hewett. 644 The Very Rev. Thomas Gar nier, D.C.L., Dean of Win chester. 680 Mrs. Garnier. 719 Portraits of the two daughters of the Hon. and Rev. P. Percival. 771 Portraits of Herbert and Samuel, children of the Venerable Archdeacon Wil berforce. 820 The Hon. Captain Caven dish. 1843. 652 Robert Tatham, Esq. 713 Charles Deacon, Esq. 972 Mrs. Hatchard. 1160 Signor Lablache. 1844. 898 Henry Hodding, Esq. 902 J. Grove, Esq., M.D. 945 Joseph Martineau, Esq. 17, Newman Street. 1845. 688 George Palmer, Esq. 978 The Hon. Frederick Walpole, Esq. 1040 Viscountess Pollington in a fancy dress. 1059 Samuel Manning, Esq., Sculp tor. 1083 The children of William Pal mer, Esq. 1846. 728 Mrs. Hart, second daughter of Baron Piatt. 326 THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS Tatham, Fred. — continued. 1846. 748 Hugh, eldest son of the Hon. Frederick Ryder. 1 106 Albert, infant son of Viscount Sandon. 1121 PortraitsofMiss Fanny Blanche and Miss Susan, daughters of the Hon. Frederick and Lady Charlotte Calthorpe Gough, 1 135 PortraitsofMiss Harriet, Miss Isabel, and Miss Oliva, daughters of the Hon. Fred erick Gough, 1152 Captain Hart, of the H.E.I.C.S. 74, Upper Berkeley Street. 1847. 979 Mrs. Bristow and son. 997 The Misses Alderman. io3o*Herr Ernst, the celebrated violinist. 1853. 909 Mrs. Marsh. 943 The Rev. T, Protheroe, of Whippingham, Isle of Wight, 25, Newman Street. 1854. 957 The children of the Rev, James Hildyard, of Ingoldsby Rec tory, Lincolnshire. 994 The Dean of Winchester. {Thomas Garnier.) 1009 The youngest sons of James Morrison, Esq,, of Baselden Park. 1043 David Veasy, Esq, TATHAM, Miss Helen S. ... Painter. Duncroft, Shanklin. 1 89 1. 1223 The haunt of the dragon-fly, near Shanklin. TATTAM, R Painter. 1 1, Pleasant Row, IsUngton. 1786. 206 View of Southampton. TATTERSALL, George... Architect. Cadogan Place. 1840. 1066 Lady Owen's School, Islington, for the Brewers' Company. 42, PaU MaU. 1846. 1 159 Entrance from the vUlage of Rhuabon to Wynnstay, the seat of Sir W. W. Wynn, Bart., M.P. 1 209 Lady Alice Owen's Almshouses, Islington, etc. 1357 Stables at Lady Kirk, Ber wickshire, the seat of David Robinson, Esq. 68, PaU MaU. 1848. 1096 Army and Navy Club House, Pall Mall. 1229 do. do. do. TATTERSALL, Miss Lily... Painter, 136, High Street, Putney. 1896. 301 Grapes and oranges. TATTNALL, Miss Diana W. Painter, Wellwood, Ryde, 1897. 63 Hayfield. Isle of Wight. TAUBMAN, Frank Mowbray. Sculptor, 123, Rue Potagire, Brussels. 1894. 1738 Study of a child; statue. 1895. 1689 WUd ass and panther; group, bronze. 1897. 1975 Golfer; statuette, bronze. 2046 Lihth; statuette, silver. 66, Glebe Place, Chelsea. 1898. 18 12 Joan of Arc; statue. 1959 Adam and Eve; group. 1900. 191 5 Sir Sydney Waterlow, Bart, Model of a statue to be erected in Waterlow Park, High- gate. 1901. 1798 William Martindale, Esq.; bust. 1902. 1600 Fairy Tales; statuette. 1903. 1699 The butterfly; statue. 1904. 1672 The sandal; statue. TAUNTON, William Painter, 1855, 579 Ploughing. TAKE, Theobald Painter, T. Tax, 2, Pelham Place. 1866. 311 Amazon. TAYLER, A. Chevallier Painter, A. Chevalier Taylor, 3, Wharton Road, Kensington. 1884. 914 Interior of a country druggist's. A. Chevallier Tayler, 27, Great James Street. 1886. 100 "Not lost, but gone before." 568 F, W. BourdiUon, Esq. 1887. 604 " Bless, O God, these gifts to our use, etc." 1888. 45 A dress rehearsal. 1889. 387 Confidences. 1 1 32 The encore, "Home, sweet home,' THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS 327 1890,1891. 1893. 1894. 1895.1896. 1897.1898. 1899.1900. 1901. 1902.1903.1904. 758 The last blessing. 1049 La vie Boulonnaise. 519 A summer dinner-party. 920 "Gentlemen! The Queen! " 35 A twilight idyll. 1006 Vanities. 30, Sussex Villas, Cornwall Gardens, W. 957 Cantus evangehi, 1024 Mrs, Herbert W, AUingham. 916 Sisters, " A sorrow's crown of sorrow is remembering hap pier things." 1004 " In sickness and in health." 592 Ecce Agnus Dei. 586 " Honi soit qui mal y pense; " the origin of the Order of the Garter, King Edward III, 1349. 6 1 , Carlton Hill, Abbey Road. 793 Dinners and diners. 368 " Benedictio novi militis." 516 The Viaticum. TAYLER, Arnold S Architect, 151, Brixton Road. 1895. 1459 Library at Hampstead. 2, The Sanctuary, Westminster. 1898. 1801 Tarn Moor, Hindhead, Hasle- TAYLER, Charles Foot, Miniature Painter, Isle of Wight. 1820. 662 Mrs. Rudge, Senr. 670 M. Robinson, Esq. 677 Mr. E. Tayler. 697 Portrait of a gentleman. 710 Mr. D. F. Tayler. 1 82 1. 641 Portrait of the daughter of the Rev. J. W, Deacon. 730 Portrait of the lady of the Rev, J, W. Deacon. 790 Mrs. Brown, 816 Portrait of the artist's mother. 863 Portrait of a young lady. Bath. 1822. 552 Portrait of a gentleman. 573 Young Fehx. ' 815 The Influential Star. 816 Portrait. 4, Barton Buildings, Bath. 1823. 646 Captain Rattray, R.N. 661 Miss Carr, of the Theatre Royal, Bath. 813 The Rev. Charles Abel Moy sey, D.D,, Archdeacon of Bath. 3, Oxford Row, Bath. 1824, 685 Portrait of a gentleman, 762 Miss Carr, of the Theatre Royal, Bath, and the Eng lish Opera House, London. 1825. 822 Portrait ofthe ladyofM, Blood, Esq, 1826. 736 Portrait ofa lady as a gipsey. 1827. 654 Bo-peep. 1828. 847 Edward King, Esq. 23, Gay Street, Bath. 1829. 756 Portrait of the lady of the Rev. T. Hale, D.D. 908 Thomas Haynes Bayly, Esq. 1830. 646 Portrait of a gentleman. 925 Mrs. Ashton, of the Theatres Royal, Bath, and the Hay market. 1831. 857 Miss Fanny Kemble as Portia. 1835. 617 H. Worsley, Esq. 676 Portrait of a young lady. 757 B. P. Bellamy, Esq., late manager of the Theatre Royal, Bath. 7, Oxford Row, Bath. 1845. 723 Admiral Sir WUUam Hotham, G.C.B. 1846. 840 Mrs. Taylor. 1847. 798 The Marchioness of Donegal. 1850. 785 Miss Marian Cuff. 185 1. 1046 The Rev. E. Mangin. 1852. 674 John Morris, Esq. 1853. 850 Portrait of a lady. 899 Beverley Randolph, Esq., in the dress of the Beaufort hunt. {In the catalogues the name is spelt Tayler and Taylor.) TAYLER, E Miniature Painter, 25, Leadenhall Street. Captain W. Jackson, Mrs. Tayler, and himself. E. Taylor, 25, Leadenhall Street. H.I.M. Alexander, Emperor of all the Russias. E. Tayler, 25, Leadenhall Street. Ti^ Mr. R. R. Tayler. 749 The late Mr. Hilton Docker. 752 Portrait of a gentleman. 956 Mr. J. Gettings. 699 Portrait of a gentleman. 883 Mrs. Smith. 884 Thomas Smith, Esq., Sword- Bearer to the City of Lon don. 713 Mrs. Baker. 726 Portrait of a lady. 1802. 8i 1815. 543 1816. 1817.1819.1820. 1821. 1822. 328 THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS Tayler, E, — continued. 1822. 802 Portrait of a lady. 814 do. gentleman. 865 Mrs. Curling. 866 J. Curling, Esq. 575 Mr. W. Pardy. 615 T. Davis, Esq. 756 Portrait of a gentleman. 839 Mrs. Ayres. 805 Portrait of a lady. 806 Mrs. Postans. 811 Mr, Postans, Junr. 650 Portrait of a lady. 721 Mrs. Tayler. 1B23.1825. 1827.1828. 1829. 1830. TAYLER, Edward. Miniature Painter. E. Taylor, no address. Portrait of a young gentleman. Mrs. HoUand. 7, Conduit Street, Westbourne Terrace. Miss Taylor. Mrs. Edward Birch Reynard- son. E. Tayler, 7, Conduit Street, Westbourne Terrace. Lady Denman. The Hon. Mrs. Joseph Den- 1857. 704 719721 727745 766 793 839 1858. 681692707 708 7^3 1849. 712 820 1850. 709986 1851. 926 928 1086 Portrait of a lady. 1852. 679 Mrs. Edward Birch Reynard- son. 699 Miss Benson. 735 Mrs. H. Linwood Strong. 797 Barnet Morier, Esq. 1853. 747 Portrait of a lady. 798 Miniature of Mary Jane and Emily Sturgis. 819 Mr. Henry Farquharson, Page of honour to the Queen. 1854. 717 Mrs. John T. Hebbert. 758 The Misses Hope. 810 Henry Denman Macaulay, Joseph Babington Macaulay, and A. M. E. Crapper. 863 Daughters of John Bevan, Esq. 884 The Hon. Mrs. Edward Crap per. 43, Manchester Street. 1855. 786 Mrs. Henry Walter and child. 800 Miss Danks Wright. 806 Portrait. 872 do. 890 Mrs. Manners Sutton. 1856. 805 Mrs. Blaydes Haworth. 812 Mrs. Gream. 850 Miss Swinfen. 723 725 758 1859. 737 765 77° 827 i860. 835 838 848 854 1861. 816 826 830 866 871 875 1862. 710 719 732 744 745 750 760 761 762 1863. 781 828 Mrs. Henry Burroughes. Major Court. Miss Louisa Hogge. A portrait, do. Theophilus, son of the Hon. and Rev. Godolphin Hast ings. Mrs. Morison. John Walter, Esq., M.P. Hon. Mrs. Fraser. Miss Capel Sandys. Eldest son of F. A. Sass, Esq. Margaret, daughter ofthe Hon, and Rev. Godolphin Hast ings, Mrs, Edward Heneage and chUd. Master Mountford Wood. Frederick Tayler, President of the Water-Colour Society. Miss Howard and Miss Cathe rine Howard. Miss Prince. Master Alfred Swainson. Sir Henry Ainslie Hoare, Bart, Miss Fanny Swainson, Mrs. Boucherett. Miss Annie Barnaby, Lady Huntley. The daughter of T. Ralph Ormsby Gore, Esq., M.P. 83, Gloucester Place, Portman Square. A study. Ida, daughter of the Earl of Tankerville. NeUy.Mrs. WiUiam Biriey. Mrs. George Henry Horsfall. Portraits of children. The Misses Ibotson. Viscount Lumley. Robert, son of Lord Robert Montague. Ethel, daughter of Lord Frede rick FitzRoy. The Countess of Scarborough. Sons of F. A. Sass, Esq. Eva, daughter ofthe Hon. Mrs. Frederick Byron. George, son of the Hon. Mrs. Frederick Byron. The Hon. Mrs. Woodhouse Currie. Mrs. Thomas Yallop. The children of the Hon. Mrs. Hughes and of Mrs. John Leslie, and the son of the Rev. James Court. THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS 329 1863. 842 H.R.H. the Prince William. 843 H.R.H. Princess Charlotte of Prussia. 847 Henry F. Walter, Esq. 859 Mrs. Reynolds Hole. 872 Mrs. John Leslie. 888 Mrs. Bertram Currie. 1864. 712 The Countess of Carnarvon. 714 The Countess of Harewood. 715 The Viscountess Fielding. 721 The Countess Jermyn. 723 Alice, daughter of the Hon. Mrs. Frederick Byron. 736 The Eari of Denbigh. 1865. 731 H.R.H. Prince Louis of Hesse. 732 H.R.H. Prince Albert Victor of Wales. 749 H.R.H. The Princess Beatrice. 751 H.R.H. the Princess Alberta of Leiningen. 752 H,R,H. the Prince of Wales and H.R.H. the Princess of Wales. 753 H.R,H. the Princess Victoria of Hesse. 754 H.R.H. the Princess Louis of Hesse. 759 Lady Muncaster. 1866. 613 Mrs, Gordon Young. 614 Ethel Mary, daughter of Mel ville Portal, Esq. 615 Mabel, daughter of Colonel Charles Baring. 622 John and Cecil, sons of Ed ward C, Baring, Esq. 623 Emily, daughter of William Ormsby Gore, Esq. 624 Lord Henry Paulet, son of the Marquis of Winchester. 641 The Hon, Mrs, Edgar Drum mond, 649 The Hon. Hugh and Lady Chariotte Portal. 1867. 823 Mrs. John H, Arkwright. 839 The Duchess of Beaufort. 841 Edith and Constance, children of the Hon. and Rev. A. A. B. Hanbury. 842 Edward, eldest son of E. KnatchbuU- Hugessen, Esq., M.P. 850 Viscountess Clifden. 853 The Earl of Harewood. 854 Lady Adelaide Murray. 1868. 781 Olivia, daughter of Colonel Charles Baring, Esq. 784 Nelly, daughter of Sir Edward Colebrooke, M.P. 787 Mary, daughter of Sir Edward Colebrooke, M.P. vn. 1868. 790 John H. Arkwright, Esq. 793 Mrs. Henry Longley. 804 Genevra,daughterof Sir Edward Colebrooke, M.P. 829 Master Philip Napier Miles. 1869. 510 Master Edward Colebrooke. 609 Adela, daughter of Melville Portal, Esq. 656 The late Archbishop of Can terbury. {Charles Thomas Longley) 1024 The Hon. Adela Douglas Pen nant, daughter of Lord Pen- rhyn. 1044 Alfred, son of Sir Henry Raw- linson. 1047 Master Charles Wroithesly Digby. 1048 Katherine, daughter of Mel ville Portal, Esq. 1053 The Marchioness of Hamilton. 1870. 523 Edith. 541 Miss PoUey. 686 Edward Baring, Esq. 695 William L. Leitch, Esq. -I Georgina and Seymour, child- ^°° I ren of Allan A. Bathurst, 7°'J Esq., M.P. 713 Isabel, daughter of Sir Dudley Coutts Marjoribanks. 1871. 624 Mary, daughter of Bertram Currie, Esq. 631 Emma, daughter of F. A. Sass, Esq. 715 Hope and Violet, chUdren of Captain Hopton Stewart. 754 Regret. 1002 Ronald, son of C. A, Murray, Esq. 1005 Maurice, son of Philip Sartoris, Esq. 1006 Rachel, daughter of Lord Henry Scott. 1007 Gwendolen, daughter of H. R. Hughes, Esq., of Kinmel. 1872. 768 Clare, daughter of H. W. Schneider, Esq. 817 Nellie and Beatrice, daugh ters of H. W. Schneider, Esq. 853 Elizabeth, daughter of Edward Baring, Esq. 1331 Lady Mary Agar. 1336 Lady Margaret Agar. 1370 The Hon. Sidney Agar. 1873. 878 A fair maid. 1344 The letter. 1390 Ethel, daughter of Granville Leveson-Gower, Esq. 1874. 738 Old memories. u u 330 THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS 1875- 926 13201322 648 729 1123 Tayler, Edward — continued. 1874. 817 Victor, Ralph, and Henry Cornwallis, sons of the Earl of Yarborough. Contemplation. Rest. Mrs. Ridley. 1 308 Mary {Lygon), daughter of Earl Beauchamp. Children of Lord Leconfield. Miniatures of children. Rosie, daughter of Henry Schreider, Esq. Going to the party. Viscount Halifax. 1125 Mary Beatrice Lane. 1 129 Daughter of Sir WiUiam Mar riott, Bart. 1130 Susan, daughter of Earl Beau champ. 1142 Son of Sir WiUiam Marriott, Bart. 727 Forecasts. 734 Miss Alice Farmer. 742 Kate, daughter of H. Lindsay Antrobus, Esq. Rebecca. Nina, daughter of Sir Charles EUice, K.C.B, Chandos, son of the Hon. Chandos Leigh. Robert, son of Sir Charles EUice, K.C.B. The Marchioness of Ormonde. 1876. 812 1231 1238 1 241 1877. 662 Seringas. 711 Alice. 750 " She never told her love, etc." — Twelfth Night. 872 Viscount Cowhurst, eldest son of the Earl of Cottenham. 1294 Lady Mary Scott. 1295 Lady Marriott. 1321 Countess Grosvenor. 1878. 663 The birthday gift. 684 " Far away." 1251 The Marquis of Downshire. 1262 Violet, daughter of Sir Charles and Lady Louisa Mills. 1275 The Hon. Bridget Harbord. 1278 The Marchioness of West minster. 1280 Lady Theodora Guest. 1879. 875 "Alone, but not lonely." 882 Lady Kilmarnock. 1297 Walter, son of Mr. and Lady Alice Gaisford. 1298 The Hon. Edward Lygon. 1303 Lady Margaret Lygon. 1312 Viscount Elmley. 1344 Lady Carrington. 1880. 1881, 1883, 1884.1885. 1390 1391 1886. 1887. 1368 Gertrude, daughter of Baron von Hiigel. 1369 Cecil, son of Edward C. Baring, Esq. 1370 Dorothea, daughter of Mr. and Lady Maud Parry. 762 Virginia. II 56 The late Earl of Cottenham and Lady Mary Pepys. 1284 Charles Richard John, Earl of Sunderland, son of the Mar quis of Blandford. 1339 Hon. Violet Somerset. 1034 The return from church. 1086 La Principessa. 1388 Denzil, son of the Earl of Il chester. 1389 Muriel, daughter of the Earl of Ilchester. Cecilia Marjorie, daughter of Sir Matthew White-Ridley, Bart., M.P. Henry RusseU, son of Henry Sturgis, Esq. 924 The violet-gatherers. 1049 The captive. 1270 Miss May Sheridan. 1275 Viscount Knebworth. 1276 Hon. Neville Lytton. 1012 Mary Josephine, daughter of W. T. S. Barber Starkey, Esq. 148 1 Mrs. Mostyn. 1 38 1 Girl with pipes. 141 1 Mrs. Ben Haworth-Booth. 1479 Josd,son of Edward Tayler, Esq. 1495 Mrs. Egerton. 1 56 1 Mary, youngest daughter of Lord Trevor. 1562 Hon. Eustace Scott Hamilton- Russell. 1569 The Earl of Aberdeen. 1205 Edward, son of Edward T. Stanley, Esq., M.P, 1345 Viscountess Halifax. 1393 Lady Glamis. 1249 Roses. 1386 The Rt. Hon. Edward Marjori banks, M.P. 1387 Mrs. Henry Scott. 1388 Mab. 1389 Henry Scott, Esq, 1549 Harriet, daughter of H. N. Middleton, Esq. Laura, daughter of H. N. Mid dleton, Esq. Lambert, son of H. N. Middle- ton, Esq. Miss Alice Clayton. 1553 Mrs. Hanbury. 1554 Miss Clayton. 1550 •55' •552 THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS 331 1891. 1889. 1644 Owsley, son of G. Fydell Row ley, Esq. 1663 Stella, daughter of Sir Matthew White Ridley, Bart., M.P. 1664 Mrs. Dun Waters. 1665 Mrs. T. Bertram Clayton. 1666 Lady Cremorne. 1667 Lady Ida L. Hare. 1668 Hon. Mrs. Edward Ridley. 1890. 1554 The Hon. Mrs. Geoffrey Glyn. 1555 Lawrence, son of Sir Ughtred Kay Shuttleworth, Bart., M.P. 1556 Rachel, daughter of Sir Ughtred Kay Shuttleworth, Bart., M.P. 1557 Mrs. E. W. Price. 1558 Mrs. FydeU Rowley. 1559 Sir Ughtred Kay Shuttleworth, Bart., M.P. 4, Nottingham Place. The Countess of Yarborough. The Earl of Yarborough. R. N. Sutton Nelthorpe, Esq. Jasper, son of Sir Matthew Rid ley, Bart., M.P. Lady Colebrooke. The Hon. Mrs. Frederick Pon sonby. Her first degree. John, son of F. E. Astley- Corbett, Esq. Lady Armstrong. Lord Armstrong. Mrs. Watson Armstrong. Favell, daughter of Gathorne HiU, Esq. Mrs. Gathorne HiU. Edmond, son of Colonel An trobus. Geoffrey, son of the Rev. G. B. Simeon. Jack, son of A. Blackett Ord, Esq. Alyson, daughter of A. Blackett Ord, Esq. Mrs. Hanbury. Violet, daughter of the Hon. Mrs, Pawson. Kathleen, daughter of F. C, Arkwright, Esq. 1331 The Hon. Evelyn Eden. 135 1 Miss Dorothy Lambton. 1352 Miss Lambton. 1353 Mrs. John C. Straker. 1354 Miss Margaret Lambton, 1355 John C. Straker, Esq. 1356 Violet, daughter of Mrs. Nicholas Wood. - •530 1531 1532•533•534•535 1892. 1233 •4351436•437 •438 •43914401441 1893. 1325 1326 •327132813291330 1894. 1357 1894. Flora, daughter of Mrs. Nicholas Wood. John William Philips, Esq. Nora, daughter of W. Burdon, Esq. WiUiam, son of W. Burdon, Esq. Miss Mabel Green-Wilkinson. Marjorie, daughter of A. Black ett Ord, Esq. Iris, daughter of W. Lamb, Esq. Gracie, daughter of Sir Matthew White-Ridley, Bart., M.P. Lady Dixon. Sir Raylton Dixon. Mrs. Edward Joicey. Georgie, daughter of the Hon. Louis Greville. Dorothy, daughter of Henry W. F. Bolckow, Esq. Molly. Mrs. Herbert Straker. The empty birdcage. The late Cecilia Marjorie, daughter of the Rt. Hon. Sir Matthew White Ridley, Bart,, M.P. Mrs. Frank Cross. Golden Locks. Godfrey, second son of Sir Walter Phillimore, Bart. Miss Wilkie. Reginald, son of Reginald Cholmondeley, Esq. Essex, daughter of Reginald Cholmondeley, Esq. Mrs. Hanbury. Armine and Victor, children of Henry B. Sandford, Esq. The Countess of Yarborough, Mary, daughter of Reginald Cholmondeley, Esq. Hester, daughter of Reginald Cholmondeley, Esq. Laura. The pet of the village. Lily.The evening walk. Grief. TAYLER, Harry. Miniature Painter. 26, Haymarket. 1882. 1420 Mrs. H. Tayler. 1883. 1307 H. Bell, Esq.; on ivory. TAYLER, Miss Ida R Painter. 151, Brixton Road. 1885. 901 Japanese chrysanthemums. 1895. 1222 1223 1224 1225 1226 1227 1228 1896. 1390 139I 1392•393 •394 1897. •39513961526 •527 1528 •529 1530 1898. 1258 1391 •392 •393•394 •3951396 •397 1903. 1904. 1126••34 1125 1126 1127 332 THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS Tayler, Miss Ida R. — continued. 1886. 809 White and blue. 1888. 803 Stephen S, Tayler, Esq. 1889. 52 Constance. 430 A fishing vUlage. 1207 Music. 1890. 430 Fireside fancies. 1 89 1. 1039 Nydia in the house of Glaucus. II, New Court, Carey Street. 1893. 414 Scarborough harbour. TAYLER, J. Frederick, P.R. W.S. Painter. F. Taylor, 22, Holland Street. 1830. 257 Band of the second regiment of Life Guards. F. Tayler, 23, Westbourne Grove. 1850. 82 The Keeper's daughter. 122 Scotch Fern gatherer. II, Upper Phillimore Gardens. 1862. 801 Recognition. 4, Horbury Terrace, Notting HiU. 1865. 861 Sheet of etchings. TAYLER, Miss Kate Painter. Kate Taylor, 8, HiU Road, St. John's Wood. 1885. 1474 A Brittany Girl Kate Tayler, 48, Westcroft Square, Hammersmith. 1893. 1181 Chestnut blossoms. TAYLER, Miss Minna Painter. 151, Brixton Road. Must not be disturbed. A portrait. At Work. " Lady Betty." Stephen S. Tayler, Esq. Sunset in the Highlands. Frederick Nettlefold, Esq. The old beach. Sandwich. Up the river. 5, New Court, Carey Street. An offering to Morpheus. Pelagia. Reflections. A studio reflection. With a withy, "They say that through heat and through cold, etc." — The Saga of King Olaf 438 "We know that the farmer hates to see our saucy red faces, yet here are we." 1902. 534 Twins, 1884, 202 ••57 1885. •437 1887. 60 1888. 248 1148 1889. 659 862 I89I. 1096 189.3. 301 1895. 455 1896. 899 1897. 401 1898. 581 1899. 96 TAYLER, 1863. 225 1865, III 372 1868. 244 1870. 66 1871. 6 1872. 1048 1873. 163 1875. ^9453^878 1877. 866 1882. 581 Norman E., A.R.W.S. Painter. N Taylor, II, Upper Phillimore Gardens. Girl with oranges. 20, North Audley Street. Left in charge. Welsh peasant girl — market day. N Tayler, 38, Avenue Road, St. John's Wood. Sunny hours. Contadini returning from Rome. On the banks of the Tiber. Carnival. Contested authority. Goats being driven to Rome. Acqua fresca. Amorosi.Early spring. 6, Trafalgar Studios. An anxious moment. 1792. 1793- 1809. TAYLER, T Painter. 40, Speldhurst Street, City Road. 1840. 1077,^. A gentleman. TAYLER, T Architect. T. Taylor, At John Bevans's West Street, West Smithfield. 745 A design for a nobleman's villa. 691 A perspective view of the great Hall in Crosby House. T. Taylor, At Mr. Inwood's, 3, Southampton Place. 729 Design for a villa. T. Tayler, Junr, Weir Street, Richmond. 1 81 5. 465 View of the Jubilee Dinner from the Earl of Dysart's grounds, given by the inhabit ants of Ham and Petersham, on the 25th October, 1809, to commemorate the anni versary of the 50th year of his present Majesty's reign, etc, 766 Design for a cottage. 788 View of the Parish church at Richmond. T. Taylor, Junr, Hill Street, Richmond. 1816. 815 Design for a library and read ing room. THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS 333 1816. 860 The Manor house at Peters ham, the seat of the Earl of Dysart. 1821. 955 Design for a bath. 1081 Design for a buUding to com memorate British valour. TAYLERSON, John E Sculptor. Trandescant Road, Lambeth. 1884. 1830 AchUles defying Agamemnon. 1885. 2077 Temple builders; relief, terra cotta. 1886. 1853 Miriam; statuette. 1856 Study ofa head. 1905 .^neas defending the body of Pandarus from Diomed. Iliad, Book v; wax panel. 90, Holland Road, Brixton. 1887. 1862 Zenobia; bust. 1876 The weary student; statuette, terra-cotta. 70, Sugden Road, Lavender HiU. 1888. 1956 Portrait of a lady; medallion, marble. 2010 Portrait bust. 2150 " Has Kismas come?" relief. 1979 Childhood; bust. 2084 Gudrun; statuette. "What is that? King Olaf said, etc." 1969 May; portrait bust. 1892 A Sea urchin; statuette. 1902 Christmas morn; relief, marble. 1697 The blessed damozel; relief. 1808 Death in love. "And said to me. Behold, there is no breath, I and this love are one, and I am death."- — House of Life. 30, Fontarabia Road, Lavender Hill. 1768 "Joy cometh with the har vest ; " relief. 163 1 Evensong; panel, low relief. 1673 Medal; bronze. Design sub mitted in connection with the plague at Hong Kong. 22, Marney Road, Lavender Hill. 1916 Evensong; relief, bronze, 1979 A Christmas Carol; low relief, marble. 1889.1890. 1891. 1892. 1893. 1894. 1895. 1898. 1899. TAYLOR, Miss Ada E Painter. 37, Albert Square, Clapham Road. 1 88 1. 1154 Ophelia. TAYLOR, 1776. 300 1777. 34° 1779. 404 1780. 240 1781. 297 1782. 267 300 335 1793 473 1794. 555 I79S- 472 492 522 53^ 1796. 550 559 646 Alexander. Miniature Painter. 23, Rathbone Place. Three miniatures. Four do. A gentleman; a miniature. Mr. Brereton in the character of the Prince of Wales in Henry IV; in miniature. Portrait of a lady. do. gentleman. Mr. Vestris, Junr. Portrait of a gentleman. — Taylor, 26, Air Street, Piccadilly. Portrait of a young lady. A. Taylor, 26, Air Street, Piccadilly. Portrait of a lady of quahty. Davies Street, Berkeley Square. Portrait of Mr. Holman. do. a lady. do. clergyman. do. lady. 4, Little Maddox Street. Portrait of a gentleman. do. naval officer. do. nobleman. {Lord W. Murray.) TAYLOR, Alfred Painter. 17, Fitzroy Street. 1879. 649 Dry. 1880. 69 The old boat. 113 A toast. 463 The woodstack. 1881. 366 Fuel gatherers. 1882. 1477 On St. George's Hills, Wey bridge. 1885. 175 Broadmere Common, Sussex. 25, South Street, Worthing. 1898. 1066 Mail from the fishing fleet; Faroe Islands. TAYLOR, Alfred Henry Painter. 35, Rathbone Place. 1832. 999 Design for Westminster Hos pital. 795 Portrait of a young lady. 62, Newman Street. 769 Portrait of a lady. 91, Charlotte Street. 525 Portrait of a lady. 17, Norton Street. 599 Study from Nature. 649 Mrs. Convan. 72, Charlotte Street. 539 C. E. Garman, Esq. 589 Sketching from nature. 597 Mrs. Tufnell. 18331835 18361837183918401842 334 THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS Taylor, Alfred Henry — continued*. 1843. 749 Reading the news. 763 The young Greek. 999 Mrs. James Mason. 1139 Master WiUiam Alfred Taylor. 1844. 909 Lieut. Col. Macbean, R.A. 1845. 1002 The chUdren of Reginald Cur- teis, Esq. 1846. 1086 Mrs. J. W. Kaye and her children. 16, Russell Place. 1847. 955 Portrait. 1848. 1047 Portrait of a lady. 1 850. 672 The widow of the late Stephen Taylor, Esq. 1070 J. Robinson, Esq. 1851. 885 Gathering blackberries. Lawn Cottage, Shepherd's Bush. 1855. IIOI Portrait of a young lady. 1 108 La demi-toilette. 34, Rathbone Place. 1856. 1032 Francis, son of Captain and Lady Frances Lloyd. 5, Claverton Street, Pimlico. 1862. 788 Florence. 48, Cambridge Street. 1863. 818 The fishing party. TAYLOR, Andrew Thomas, Architect. 16, Oakley Road, Islington. 1875. 1016 Tower of the church of St. Jacques, Antwerp; pen and ink drawing. 56, Bouverie Road. 1878. 898 The Judgment Corner; Doge's Palace, Venice. 29, Finsbury Place. 1879. 1 180 Design for memorial lych gate, Carmarthen. 1880. IIOI Memorial Halls and Schools, Dover. 72, Finsbury Pavement. 1881. io88 Roslin chapel. TAYLOR, Charles Painter, 55, Frith Street. 1836. 530 Study ofa boy's head. 37, Old Compton Street. 1839. 199 Anne Page's elopement with Fenton, from the "Merry Wives of Windsor." — Shake speare. 1841. 641 Hinda and Hafed. " One vic tory o'er, those slaves of fire, etc." — Fire Worship pers. 18, Queen Street Quadrant. 1842. 471 An attempt to escape. 6, Scarsdale Terrace, Kensington. 1843. 170 Una. — Spenser" s Fairie Queene. 618 Brighton at flood-tide. 643 Amabel Bloundel on the eve of departing from her father's house with the Earl of Ro chester. — Vide Ainsworth s Old St. Paul's. 1846. 1 102 Northfleet, near Gravesend — looking up the Hope. 1848. 419 A brig on the sands unloading her cargo. 56, Long Acre. 1849. 967 Pilot -boats leaving port — squally weather. 7, Elm Place, Brompton. 1850. 313 Wreck on the coast of Hamp shire. 1852. 36 Autumn. 22, Waterford Road, Fulham. 1854. 870 The Baltic fleet leaving the Downs for Deal. 1857. 785 Herring luggers running into Yarmouth Haven. 1858. 833 Portsmouth harbour, from the Spit buoy. 1859. 1179 Dutch fishing craft — Yarmouth beach. 28a, Sutherland Street. 1869. 214 Landing herrings — Yarmouth roads. 187 1. 734 Towing the lifeboat out of Gorleston harbour. TAYLOR, Charles, Junr. ... Painter, 42, Duke Street, St. James's. 1846. 4 Deptford Reach, from Mill WaU. 3, Gloucester Place, Camden Town. 1847. 518 Vessels off Chapman's Head Beacon — waiting for ebb tide. 7, Conduit Street, Bayswater. 1849. 801 In Chelsea Reach — showery day. TAYLOR, C, A Painter. 18, Queen Street, Regent Quadrant. 1844. 244 Medora. " She that day had past In watching all that hope proclaimed — a mast." — Byron. 1 19 1 Shakespeare and the hostess. " In his journeying be tween Stratford and London, Shakespeare often put up at the Crown Inn, Oxford; the THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS 335 hostess was beautiful and witty; the host a discreet citizen, a lover of plays, and playwrights, and more parti cularly of his visitor." TAYLOR, Charles T Architect. 10, Clegg Street, Oldham. 1901. 1656 Tavern— " Good Intent," Old ham. TAYLOR, E Architect. 42, Upper Berkeley Street. 1 8 18. 912 Design for a church. 1819. 1062 do. staircase. 5, Salisbury Street, Strand. 1821. 977 Design for a national museum. 1824. 931 Improvements, King's CoUege, Cambridge. TAYLOR, E Miniature Painter. North End, Fulham. 1825. 595 Mrs. Fitch. 826 Portrait of a lady. TAYLOR, Edward Ingram. Painter and Stained Glass Painter. Edward J. Taylor, 2, Wyndham Street, Bryanston Square. 1884. 1227 Design for a stained glass win dow. 1885. 913 A bridge over Avon. E. Ingram Taylor, 10, Blenheim Villas, Abbey Road. 1 886. 76 On a Surrey common. 1747 Design for a five light window. 1887, 865 " A shore of wintry mountains, inaccessibly Hemmed in with rifts and precipices grey." 189 1. 957 Malham Dale. 1897. 1840 Design for painted frieze. TAYLOR, Edward J. Bernard. Painter. 26, Highfield Road, Edgbaston, Birmingham. 1899. 770 In the meadows. 877 A portrait of a woman in cos tume. Rowington, near Warwick. 1 90 1. 133 A breezy upland. 737 Across the lagune, Venice. TAYLOR, Edward R, Painter, School of Art, Lincoln. 1865. 395 Study of a head. 1867, 1869, 1870. 231 1871.1872. 1873-1874.1876. 1877. 1878. 1879. 1881. 1882.1883. 1885. 1886. 1887.1890. 1892.1893.1895.1896, The Park, Lincoln. 316 Knitting. 435 " Abide with me, fast falls the eventide." I had rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God, etc." — PsalmXysWiV, 10, etc. 106 Miss S. Trotter. Canwick Villa, Lincoln. 54 Her wedding ring. 675 The Palace ruins, Lincoln. 306 Eventide. 965 Shudbrook, near Lincoln. 187 Our treasure. 478 Nearing home. 401 The cliff, Southwold. 056 The cloister well. 119, Hagley Road, Birmingham. 577 Not up to sample. 480 The village well. 26, Highfield Road, Birmingham. 94 Flies. 578 Half-tide, Whitby. 470 On the Scaur, Whitby. 562 " There were signs of his com ing and sounds of his feet.'' — William Morris. Her eyes were with her thoughts, and they were far away." 'Twas a famous victory." 8 Helpmate. 556 Sprats for bait. 45 The close of day. 289 A quiet hour. 410 "Aoi! aU together lads!" 273 Gold-fish. 550 Netting. 154 Runs wick. 35 On the look-out for her boat. 603 A June morning. 691 The four Evangelists and twelve Apostles at Cleeve Prior. 23 104 TAYLOR, Miss Etty Painter. 21, Highfield Road, Birmingham. 1888. IIOI Wind. 1891. 580 Yorkshire coast — evening. TAYLOR, Frank S Architect, 5, John Street, Bedford Row. 1898. 1693 An hotel in the Isle of Wight. TAYLOR, G Painter, 31, Long Acre. 1790. 173 Mr. Harley in Richard III. 536 THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS TAYLOR, George Ledwell, Architect, I, FurnivaPs Inn. 1820. 887 View of the Colosseum, Rome, finished on the spot. 889 View of the remains of the Temple of Jupiter Stator, Rome, finished on the spot. 900 View of the western end of the Roman Forum, including the Column of Phocus, the Temples of Concord and Jupiter Tonans, and the Arch of Septimius Severus ; with the Capitol in the back ground. 913 View of the Arch of Constan tine, Rome. 947 View of the Arch of Titus, Rome, finished on the spot. looi View of the remains of the Temple of Jupiter Tonans, Rome. 52, Bedford Square. 1821. 939 South-east view of the remains of the Temple of Minerva, Parthenon, Athens. 1822. 885 View of the Temple of Vesta at Tivoli, in its present state. 968 View of the remains of the Temple of Vesta at Rome. 983 View of the Temple of Mars the avenger at Rome, TAYLOR, H Sculptor, 1 6, Dover Street. 1843. 1461 Model of a horse. TAYLOR, Henry King Painter. II, Bridge Avenue, Hammersmith . 1859. 796 A pilot taking a fishing-boat in tow off the Portland race. Peel Lodge, Hammersmith. i860. 139 The passing storm. I, Buckingham Villas, Notting HiU. 1861. 18 The Ramsgate lifeboat going to the assistance of a dis abled ship on the Goodwin Sands. 401 Dutch shipping. 8, Halsey Terrace, Sloane Street. 1862. 19 Ramsgate harbour from the landing-stage — tide coming in. 9, King Street, Covent Garden. 1864. 103 The passing storm. TAYLOR, J Architect. (An Honorary Exhibitor.) 1797. 1062 AU Saints' Church, Southamp ton. At Mr. Flaw's, Southampton. 1798. 918 North front of Chessell, near Southampton. 1019 View of bannisters, near South ampton. 1799. 1023 A design for a bridge over the Itchen ferry at Northam, near Southampton. 1800. 981 A design. J., Junr Architect. 22, Parliament Street. St. Ann's Society's County Asylum, Brixton Hill. Lodge to a nobleman's park. Design for a mansion. View of Hurstmonceaux Castle. View of the remains of St. Stephen's Chapel, taken from the roof of the speaker's gal lery as it appeared on the morning after the fire of the 1 6th October, 1834. View of the skreen of Henry the Fifth's Chantrey, West minster Abbey. Hurstmonceaux Castle. Design for a Gothic altar piece. A Design for a cathedral. A design for an altar piece. Liverpool Assize Courts. Messrs. Harvey's premises at Ludgate Hill. A design for a church. Interior Hall, Liverpool Assize Courts. Design for Houses of Parlia ment. TAYLOR, 1833- 558 1834. 1835- 944 980546 999 1837. 994 1077 1838. 1152 1841, ion 10231039 10431052 1109 1842. 989 TAYLOR, J Painter. 172, Bur rage Road, Plumstead. 1863. 701 A bunch of Hamburg grapes. 6, Warne Cottages, Plumstead. 1865. 214 A Wanderer, TAYLOR, John ,., Miniature Painter, 62, Great Marylebone Street. 1780. 249 Portrait of a gentleman; ena mel. 253 Portrait ofa gentleman; minia ture, 1 781, 284 Frame with portraits. THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS 337 At Mr. Brookes' s, 139, Cheapside. 1782. 365 Portrait of a gentleman. 366 do. young gentleman. 1783. 326 do. do. 335 do. gentleman ; in en amel. 17, New Street Square, Fetter Lane. 1786. 313 Portrait of a gentleman. 316 do. lady. TAYLOR, lor") John (called 1779. 324 1780. 174 1781.1782. 1786.1787.1788. 5^ Old Tay- .. Painter. Dean Street, Soho. 1778. 304 Cardenio is discovered by the goat-herds lying in the hol low of a cork tree. 305 Dorothea is surprised by Car denio, the priest and barber ; from Don Quixote. 306 Two drawings. 84, Charlotte Street, Rathbone Place. A domestic scene. Industry.Portrait of a Turkish beggar. {In the index, but no exhibit in the catalogue.) 1783. 164 Busirane, enchanting Amoret, is surprised by Britomatis. — Spenser. 1784. 158 Portrait of a gentleman. 434 do. lady. 441 do. gentleman. 1785. 403 View of part of the Tower, taken from Great Tower- hill. 134 A conversation. 167 A knife grinder. 71 A man selling fruit. 117 Sketch ofa girl. 583 Belisarius; pencil. 665 Portrait of a gentleman; pen- cU. 5 Portrait of an artist. 82 A servant buying fish. 500 A girl. 581 Moonlight. 1789. 276 Portrait of an old Turk. 1790. 424 Emma. 51, Titchfield Street. 1792. 334 A pea cart. 12, Upper Titchfield Street. 1807. 490 Psyche ascending with the box of beauty to present to Venus. 1808. 261 Bleaching-yard, near Barnsley. 667 Emma. VII. 1809. 1810, 1811. 300 The Graces steahng the bow from Cupid. 421 Venus and Adonis. 171 Sappho composing her Hymn to Venus. 577 Portrait of himself 658 Mrs. S. Brown. 469 The comic muse, 685 Simsethea invokes the moon topunishthe infidelityof Del- phis. — Theocrytus, Idyll 2. 202 " Zephyr with Aurora playing. As he met her once a-may ing." — Milton. 217 The death of Daphnis. "He died — and Venus strove to raise his head, etc." 343 Palmistry. 346 IsabeUa flying from the pursuit of Manfred, falls through fear, and is overtaken by Theodore, who declares him self her protector. — Wal pole s Castle of Otranto. Cirencester Place. 18 1 6. 261 Simaetha sacrifices to Hecate and the moon, to revenge the injury received from Delphis. 516 Manfred stabs Matilda at the tomb of Alphonso. — Wal pole' s Castle of Otranto. 12, Cirencester Place. 245 Psyche returning from the mansion of Proserpine. — See Apuleius. 1S13. 18141815 1817. 1824. TAYLOR, John Architect, 53, Parliament Street. 1 86 1. 655 Villas at Roupell Park. 1863. 922 The London, Chatham, and Dover Railway station at Blackfriars. 6, Whitehall. 1864. 795 The Ludgate Bridge, etc. TAYLOR, John Painter, Llugwy View, Bettws-y-Coed. 1863. 459 A Devonshire Lane. 159, Upper Brook Street, Manchester. 1870. 49 A mountain stream, Aber, North Wales. 1871. 208 A mountain brook, North Wales. Newburgh House, near Conway. 1876. 480 The Conway meadows, looking towards Llanrwst. X X 338 THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS TAYLOR, John Sculptor, 5, Trafalgar Studios, Chelsea. 1879. '4*^ Commander Lord Charles William de la Poer Beres ford, R.N., M.P.; bust, marble. 82, Elm Park Road, Chelsea. 1880. 1608 Lady Monteagle; bust, mar ble. 1619 Girlhood: Scotch study; bust. 1646 Basil Bradley; bust, terra cotta. 1650 Mrs. Louise Jopling; bust, terra-cotta. Tolbooth Street, Kirkcaldy, N.B. 1881. 1517 Miss Ida Combe; statuette, terra-cotta. TAYLOR, Mrs. John. See Miss Mary Spilsbury, vol. vii, page 221. TAYLOR, John D Painter. 65, West Regent Street, Glasgow. 1884. 477 By the burnside. 1885. 117 A breezy day; near Port St. Mary, Isle of Man. 1886. 509 The first of winter's snow; Ben Lomond, from Luss. 1888. 1 1 55 On the Berwickshire coast, near Eyemouth. TAYLOR, Joseph Painter. 103, High Street, Oxford. 1848. 373 Christ Church meadows, Ox ford. 76, Westmoreland Place, City Road. 1852. 188 View in Old Charlton, Kent. 68, Wellington Road, Old Charlton. 1902. 1020 Evening over the " Anchor and Hope," Chariton. TAYLOR, J. F Architect, etc. 7, Salisbury Street. 1830. 1048 Proposed suspension bridge from the end of Hatton Garden in Holborn Hill to the Saracen's head Inn, Skinner street, etc 5, Queen Street. 1840. 788 A Spanish bull fight, Suerte de Capa. TAYLOR, Joseph H Architect, 4, Great Queen Street. 1827. 1019 Design for a church. 22, Parliament Street. 1834. 1020 Design for an architectural institution. 1835. 1026 Church at Sidmouth. 1837. 1115 Albany Chapel, near Regent's Park. 1838. 1 25 1 All Saints' Chapel, Sidmouth. 1841. 1059 Estate near Hackney, for J. B. Nichols, Esq. TAYLOR, Miss J. T Painter. Townshend Road, Hertford. i860. 620 Chancel of St. Mary's Church, Ware, seen through St. Mary's Chapel. TAYLOR, J. Wyckliffe Painter. 10, Anglesea Road, Surbiton. 1883. 128 Lioness, TAYLOR, Miss Lizzie Painter. 26, Highfield Road, Birmingham. 1883. 482 An old corner. 1884. 1 601 The drawing-room, Aston HaU, 1889, 580 The banquetting-room, Aston HaU, TAYLOR, L. See Wright and Taylor. TAYLOR, Leonard Campbell. Painter. 61, Broadhurst Gardens. 1899, 8,1 The sentinel. 1536 The last to leave. 1900, 75 Portrait of a lady. 916 Triumph. 938 The bargain. 1901, •45 John Waite, Esq, 655 Humphrey Roberts, Esq. 1902, 508 The patient. 559 The rivals. 566 The juggler, 62, Acacia Road. 1904, 150 Old King Cole, TAYLOR, Luke. Painter and Etcher. 16, Connaught Mansions, Battersea Park. 1899, 1553 A sunlit corner. 1900. 1569 Old building on the Darro, Granada, After D. Roberts, R.A. 1901. 1509 Elijah restoring the widow's son. After Ford Madox Brown. 1522 View at Hampstead Heath, After J, Constable, R.A. THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS 339 1901. 1523 The gossips. AfterG.J,PinweU. 313, Fulham Road. 1902. 1288 Chelsea reach. 1299 The road to Roxby. 56, Redcliffe Road. 1904. 1346 A sinking sun and an ebbing tide. 142 1 Old trees. TAYLOR, Martha Painter. (An Honorary Exhibitor.) 1787. 405 Flowers; water colours. TAYLOR, Miss Maud T Painter. 56, Streathbourne Road, Upper Tooting. 1904. 551 Adeline. "What hope or fear or joy is thine, etc." TAYLOR, Medland. Stained Glass Painter. 1893. 1548 Staircase window. TAYLOR, Miss Painter. 25, South Bank, St. John's Wood. 1831. 457 Near Cilcen, Flintshire. 501 On the Tamar, Devonshire. TAYLOR, P Sculptor. 1819. 1116 Medallion portrait of the late Mr. Bolton of Soho. TAYLOR, Richard Painter. 78, Basinghall Street. 1 77 1. 194 View in Basinghall Street; a drawing. (An Honorary Exhibitor.) 1775. 362 A drunken blackmith of Brox- bourn, Herts, in his Sunday dress. 1777. 403 Portrait of G. Holman, a higler, aged 85. 1778. 366 Portrait of an old pedlar; a drawing. 1780. 443 A View of Patcham. 1 78 1. 491 View of Stonehenge ; taken on the spot. 493 A Watermill in Kent. 1782. 484 Conversation at a country ale house window. 1783. 459 Portrait of a madman. 463 do. mad woman. 1784. 405 Acountrydoctor giving a bolus to a patient. 479 A beggar's boy; a sketch. 1785. 526 A beggar woman. 564 A performance. 1786. 543 A country ale-house orator; a sketch. 1787. 535 A rural scene in Kent. 1788. 477 The village barber, 1790. 503 The clown in doubt. 575 A cottage in Kent. 1 79 1. 270 View in the meadows near Tunbridge. 1796. 769 Brunswick Place, Southampton. TAYLOR, S Miniature Painter. (An Honorary Exhibitor.) 1807. 919 Portrait of Mr. Aarons. TAYLOR, Samuel C Painter. Enid, Knock, Belfast. 1897. 1159 StiU life TAYLOR, Stephen Painter. Winchester. 18 1 7. 42 Dead game, 382 A hawk and lark. 619 A dead woodcock. 18 18. 124 Woodcock and snipe. 126 Leveret and snipe. 138 Teal, snipe, and landraU. 253 Dead game. 356 Brace of partridges. Winton, 1819. 139 Dead game. 416 Pug puppies. 770 Rabbits feeding on a common. Winchester. 1820. 234 A wUd duck and mallard. 323 A brace of partridges. 354 Dead game, 879 A bittern feeding on an eel, 1821, 175 Woodcock and teal. 178 Wild ducks. 220 Horned owl, from the life, 413 A brace of partridges. High Street, Oxford. 1823, 44 Spaniel puppies. 218 A teal and snipe, St. Clements, Oxford. 1824. 421 A Hare sitting. 1825, 17 A spaniel watching dead game, 46 A woodcock and snipes, 1826. 51 A basket of birds. 3, Stamford Street, Blackfriars. 1827. 265 The beau's toilet. 1828, 228 The tiger cat pouncing upon an Indian pheasant. 35, Rathbone Place. 1830. 509 A large forked-tailed kite at tacking a field snake. 527 Blenheim spaniel puppies. 1 83 1. 513 A wounded bittern. 340 THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS aylor. Stephen — continued. 1798. 164 3, Westbourne Terrace. 200 1832. 429 Mandarin, a Chinese drake ; 388 painted at the Zoological 628 Gardens. 641 1833- 261 Dead game. 744 64, Westbourne Terrace. 752 1834. 711 Portrait of a young lady. 1835- 65 Partridge and snipe. 748 S. Allenby, Esq. 1836. 210 The bride. 1799. II 272 Love thoughts. 7, Grafton Street, 20 Fitzroy Square. 23 609 Dead game. 17, Norton Street. 42 1837- 473 WUd fowl. 72, Newman Street, or 5' Westbourne Terrace. 1838. 728 Alice. 126 797 Portrait of a gentleman. •97 800 do. lady. 946 Study of a head. 5^5 1839. 57^ Mrs. St. John Jeffereyes. 952 James Bourne, Esq. 552 1036 Miss Frances Bourne. 1141 Captain Mansel, 6th or Ennis- 604 killen Dragoons. 865 5, King Street, Bloomsbury. 1849. 923 " Love me, love my dog! " 866 TAYLOR, Miss S. M. Louisa. Painter. The Rookery, Headington, Oxford. 1867. 78 Daisy; a child's head. TAYLOR, T Painter, At Mr. J. Wyatt s. Queen Anne Street. 711 Design for a mausoleum. 715 View of the church of All Saints, Stamford. 6, North Street, Gray's Inn Lane. 615 Parliament House. 634 Rochester Cathedral. 339 View of Westminster Abbey. 862 Burleigh, the seat of the Earl of Exeter; ruins of Worthop Hall, Northamptonshire ; St. John's Church, Stamford, All Saints' Church, Stam ford. 9, Little Titchfield Street. 581 A landscape. 728 do. 105, Great Titchfield Street. 34 Cottage Scene — evening. 1792.1793- 1794. 1795- 1796. 1797. 1798. 872 1045 1800. 276 290 695 I80I.1802. 99 165 364 557 904 924 949 1803. 591 657 Mr. T. Westmacott. Landscape.Landscape and figures. Landscape, cattle and figures. Landscape and figures. Heath scene near London. Beggar man asking alms, "Pity the sorrows of a poor old man, etc." High Street, Oxford. Cottage scene near Chale, Isle of Wight, Winter piece. Cottage scene near Chale, Isle of Wight. View near Shanklin, Isle of Wight. View of Brading Harbour, Isle of Wight. Snow piece. View of Knighton, Isle of Wight. View ofthe Close gate, Canter bury. View of Shanklin Chine, Isle of Wight. Four views near Winchester. Cottage scenes near Winches ter. Storm coming on, " In rueful gaze the cattle stand, etc," — Thomson. Morning. " Roused by the cock, the soon clad shepherd leaves, etc." — Thomson. View of the Abbey St. Croix, near Winchester. 105, Great Titchfield Street. View near Reading, Isle of Wight, MUl Bay, Isle of Wight. Cottages between Newport and Reading, Isle of Wight. View of Henley. East view of Canterbury. View of Christ Church Walk, Oxford. Warwick Castle. Interior of Beecham Chapel, Warwick. Entrance to the Cathedral Yard, Canterbury. St. Augustine's Monastery Canterbury. 15, Bentinck Street. Entrance to the city of Amiens. Pont Aberglaslyn, North Wales — storm clearingaway. "Joy less rains obscure, etc." — Thomson. THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS 341 1804. 903 A sketch of a composition of architectural ruins designed for a staircase. 927 Interior of the Chapel Royal, VersaUles. 1805. 4 View near Brading, Isle of Wight. 1806. 147 LangoUen bridge. North Wales. 155 Shrewsbury, 57, Upper Norton Street. 1808. 14 Pont Aberglasslynn, North Wales. 580 Fountain Abbey. 633 Ouse Bridge, York. 360, Oxford Street. 1809, 207 Evening view in the Vale of Llangollen, North Wales, 352 Milton HaU. 417 Distant view of Fountain Ab bey. 463 View of York. 466 do. Leeds. 1810. 888 Interior of the Chapter House, York, No address. 1 81 1, 408 View of Paris. 759 View of York. TAYLOR, Thomas Architect, 18, South Row, Euston Square. 1843, 1217 Design for the proposed Ex change, Manchester. Lime Street Chambers, E. C. 1852. 1228 Design for a church. TAYLOR, Tom Painter, 8, Camden Studios. 1890. 1652 A reverie. 1 89 1. 1676 Neglected. 2, The Mall, N W. 1893. 1130 Christmas cheer for the old ship. 1894. 1086 " But when she came back, he was reading the news." Vale of Health Studios, Hampstead. 1895. •'^3° O"^ his best behaviour. 41, Denning Road, Hampstead. 1898. 1229 The answer. TAYLOR, W Painter. (An Honorary Exhibitor.) 18 1 1. 707 Juvenile Anglers; likenesses of his children. " For inno cence that ever charms, etc." W. Taylor. TAYLOR, Walter Painter. 8, Cecil Road, Wimbledon. 1898. 868 Duckhng. TAYLOR, William Painter. At Mr. Doz^s, Marchmont Street, Brunsudck Square. 1812. 753 Monmouth forge. 1815. 490 Partridges. 1820. 874 Goodridge Ferry. 1822. 507 A brace of partridges. 567 A scene on the river Wye — autumnal evening. 1826. 489 Carigg Walsh near Rhayadr. Isabella Street, Lambeth. 1829. 840 Portrait of a young gentleman. Kennington. 1831. 929 Portrait of a lady. Hartford Place, Walworth. 1832. 717 W. Trary, Esq. Old Kent Road. 1835- 415 Shipping. 1836. 517 Portrait of a gendeman. 536 A portrait. 809 Mr. Packman, surgeon. 28, Francis Street, Gower Street. 1839. 440 The shadow on the wall. Hitchin. 1840. 564 " Good night." 5, Southampton Street. 1841. 586 A girl of Andernach on the Rhine. Hitchin. 1843. 368 Christ stUling the tempest. 13, Foley Place. 1846. 508 Frolic and fright. 579 The lesson. Hitchin. 1859. 1160 A brace of partridges. TAYLOR, Mrs. W. Miniature Painter. 1822. 666 Portrait of a lady. TAYLOR, W. A Architect. 10, Caroline Street, Bedford Square. 1838. 1 1 61 Design for a museum. TAYLOR, W. B Painter. 109, Great Russell Street. 1820. 540 View on the river Guadiana. 2, Villiers Street. 1 82 1. 932 Evening: Marmion 's escort 342 THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS Taylor, W. B. — continued. approaching Norham Castle. " Day set on Norham's cas- tel'd steep, etc." — Scott. I, Garden Court, Middle Temple. 1826. 366 Nymphs bathing; a scene in the Vale of Tempe. 1828. 723 Napoli di Romania, in the Gulph of Argos, with the Cambrian frigate, saving the Turkish garrison. TAYLOR, William B. Sarsfield. Painter, 5, Pump Court, Temple, 1829. 1036 Scene in the Dargle, County Wicklow. 1830. 548 A scene near Kendal, Cumber land. 29, Great Queen Street. British artiUery in action, pointing a 24-pounder. Netley Abbey. 1831. 316 325 1833. 815 20, Featherstone Buildings. British artUlery in action, pointing an i8-pounder. 1834. 660 Aglaia. 1835. 368 The standard bearer slain. 1836. 396 The favourite pony of a lady, 897 The Ar^mdel pleasure-boat, nearly upset in a squall off the Sussex coast, October, 1835- 900 The Arundel pleasure-boat, close-hauled, standing in for Little Hampton, after having been nearly capsized in a squall off that coast in Octo ber, 1835. 1837. 527 Opening of the cloisters of St, Stephen's Chapel, West minster, by Henry VIII and Queen Catherine of Aragon, in the 4th year of their reign. These beautiful examples of Gothic architecture were just then finished by Dr, Chambers, the architect. They are at this time in excellent preservation, 1838, 532 St, Sebastian. 1839, 33 Admiral Nelson's flag-ship, "Vanguard," 74 guns, as seen at break of day, in June, 1798, nearly dismasted in a gale, whilst looking out with his squadron for the French fleet, which carried Bonaparte and his army to Egypt previous to the battle of the Nile. 1840. 320 Manlius thrown from the Tar- peian rock. 1841. 1156 Judith approaching Holo- fernes. 1 1 90 A waterfall on the Liffey. 1842. 1258 Blocleigh village, near North- wich Park, Gloucestershire. 1843. 1 159 Hero. 1844. 610 British heavy artillery in action, turning up the guns. 1845. 1175 Ruins of the Chapter House, Furness Abbey, Lancashire. Living Model Academy, 14, Upper St. Martin's Lane, 1846. 507 The mutineer abandoned to his fate. 46, Robert Street, Hampstead Road. 1847. 447 -^^ Affghan chief alarmed by the cries of a night raven. TAYLOR, William George. Stained Glass Painter, 4, Berners Street. 1882. 1216 Painted window in St. Dun stan's Church, Fleet Street, erected by the Cordwainers' Company. 1883. II 82 Design for painted window, St, Stephen's Church, Houn slow, with Philip H, New man. TAYLOR (W. G.) and GRIFFITHS (W. J.) Stained Glass Painters, 4, Berners Street. 1 88 1. 1 129 Window in St. Paul's Cathe dral, to commemorate the recovery of H.R.H. the Prince of Wales, 1872. 1143 Window; Christ blessing little children. 1883. 1 186 Window; Holbeck Church, near Leeds. 1884. 1225 Window for Ossett Church. 1885. 1896 The army of martyrs; stained glass, 1937 St. Paul at Athens and at Lystra; stained glass, 1888. 1854 Introduction of Christianity into Britain; stained glass. 1889. 1884 Window in SaUsbury Cathe dral. 1 89 1. 1 8 14 Stained glass memorial win dow. 1884 Window in Holbeck Church, near Leeds. THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS 343 TAYLOR, W, S Painter, 1814. 517 View of part of Monmouth. 579 Gleaners. 1816. 300 Thesportsman'spresent. "The frail unpack'd, the game dis- play'd. And expectation's thirst aUay'd." TAYLOR, William W Sculptor. Kirkcaldy, Fife, N.B. 1880. 1596 Caius Cassius; bust. "Yond' Cassius has a lean and hun gry look. He thinks too much, such men are dan gerous," — Julius Caesar. TAYLOR, GORDON and BOUS- FIELD Architects. 72, Finsbury Pavement. 1886. 1705 Residence, Montreal, Canada. TEASDALE, Kenneth J, M, Painter, The Warren, Cranleigh, Surrey. 1900. 416 The sheepfold. TEASDALE, Percy Morton, Painter, 3, Broomfield Road, Headingley, Leeds. 1894. 45 Under a spell. 1898. 612 FireUght. 1900. 113 Ready. 1901. 228 A winter's tale. 51, Cookridge Street, Leeds. 1904. 80 Autumn. 842 The Royal Standard. TEAPE, James S Painter. 54, Pearson Street, Kingsland. 1897. 1430 Miss E. Baston. 1901. 1314 Miss E. M. Tarnes. TEBBITT, Miss Gertrude ...Painter. 5, Penywern Road, S. W. 1901. 1243 ViUa Borghese, Rome. 1902. 592 Portrait of a lady. TEBBITT, Henri Painter. Bridge Road, East Molesey. 1884. 1592 Wet weather. TEBBY, Arthur Kemp Painter, 36, Lamb's Conduit Street. 1892. 511 Alone. " AU, aU that poets sing, or grief hath known. Of hopes laid waste, knells in that word — Alone!" 1897. 1029 Cinderella, 1899. 338 Falmouth. TEBBY, Leighton Painter, 36, Lamb's Conduit Street. 1888. 961 StiU evening. TEESDALE, Miss Emma. Miniature Painter, (An Honorary Exhibitor.) 1851. 984 Frank Teesdale, Esq. TEIXEIRA DE MATTOS, H, Sculptor, 20, Camden Road, N. W. 1893. 1739 Blind; bust {See also De Mattos, vol. ii, page 303.) 1845. 979 1847. 767 926 1848. 817 1850. 905 1851. 864 1852. 764776 849 1853. 849 1854. 676 TEKUSCH, Miss Margaret. Miniature Painter, 17, Southampton Street. Portrait of a lady. Portrait of her father. George Wyatt, Esq. Mrs. George W. Fitzgerald and child. Miss Stritch. The Rt. Rev. Charies H, Terrot, D.D., Bishop of Edinburgh Scottish Episco pal Church. Miss Surges. Mrs. LeschaUes. Lieut. Edward P. Lewin, Ben gal Artillery. Portrait of a lady. His Highness the Rajah of Coorgh. 17, Neivman Street. The Princess Gouramma, daughter of the Rajah of Coorg. Mrs. Wright. 16, Grafton Street. Mrs. Lewis Rosse and child. Mrs. Robinson. Two sisters. 5, Southampton Street, Fitzroy Square. Mrs. Grote. The Rev. William Y. Rooker, M.A., late minister of Fitz roy Episcopal Chapel. Georgina and Maria, daughters of John Chase, Esq. Portrait of a gentleman. Julia and Isabella, daughters of the Rev. George Evezard, and their nephew. Madame Venturi. G. H. Brand, -Esq. Mrs. HoUingdale. E. J. Brand, Esq. 1855.1856.1857- 868706 740 1858.1859. 75° 788 i860. 881 I86I. 885 850 1862. 1863. 739832 833 834 344 THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS Tekusch, Miss Margaret 1864. 702 A portrait 1865. 725 Mrs. WiUiam son. — continued. Percy Robert- 760 Miss Elizabeth Burges. 1866. 637 Mrs. Lampson. 645 Rev. H. A. DiUon Surridge, M.A. 1867. 802 Arthur Douglas Scott, son of Lady Scott. 813 Mrs. Egerton MUman. 817 Dressed for the charade; a portrait. 1868. 780 Mrs. Wm. Making Wynch. 783 Mrs. Henry Lampson. 786 Mrs. Arthur Frederick Payne. 796 Lord Forbes. 1869. 1026 Lieut.-Colonel Bramston. 1027 Mrs. Bramston. 1052 Mrs. William Gee, 1062 Captain Brand. 1069 Captain Robertson. 1070 John, son of Sir W. Forbes, Bart., of Craigievar. ii38*Lady Forbes. 1020 Miss Theresa Wirtzler. 1339 Portrait of a lady. 1356 Mrs. Robert Holland. 1370 Mrs. Wm. Feetham Sayer. 1 37 1 Walter Prideaux, Esq. 1288 Sybil, daughter of Robert Drummond, Esq. 1303 Mrs. John Holland. 1 3 12 Robert Holland, Esq. II 21 Howson and Lilian, children of Mr. and Mrs. Devitt. 1144 Mrs. T. L. Devitt. 1 145 Mrs. Knowles Tillotson. 1 195 Mrs. John Holland. 1243 Mrs. Norman Sampson. 1250 Mrs. Adrian Hope, 1300 Miss Clara Ellis, 1374 His Excellency Count Beust, 1293 Colonel Sir Lewis Pelly, K.C,B., K.C.S.I. 1297 Mrs. Moore. 1333 Lady PeUy. 1380 Thomas de la Rue, Esq. 1381 Miss Mary de la Rue. 1385 Mrs. Charles Calverley Cotton. 1386 Miss Constance de la Rue. 1387 Janet, daughter of Francis Forbes, Esq. 1244 Viscountess Canterbury. 1279 Mrs. WiUiam De la Rue. 1280 Charles W. Egerton, son of Charles Calverley Cotton, Esq. 1474 Miss de la Rue. 491 Mrs. Rose. 1871, 1872, 1873. 1874. 1875- 1876.1878. 1879. 1880. 1881. 1883. 1884. 39, Fitzroy Street. 1885. 1481 Gladys, daughter of Major- General Higginson, C.B. 1487 Mrs. Smith Richards. 1886. 1375 Portrait of a lady, 1389 Oswald, son of Walter Hill, Esq, 1887, 1334 Mrs, Mackenzie. 1335 The late Edward Mackenzie, Esq., of Fawley Court. 1377 Miss Connolly, 1381 The Marchioness of Ripon. 1383 Miss Dora Connolly, 1888. 1485 Margaret, daughter of Dr, Ed ward Liveing. i486 The late Mrs. Edward Live ing. 1487 Mrs. F. Catesby Holland, daughter of Dr. Edward Liveing. TELBIN, William Scene Painter, 5, Ladbroke Grove. 1857. 784 Convent of Madonna del Sasso, Lago Maggiore. TELFER, W. D Painter, 46, High Holborn. 1845. 262 The defiance of Douglas. " An' if thou saidst I am not peer To any Lord in Scotland here, Lowland or Highland, far or near. Lord Angus, thou hast lied." — Marmion 1846. 519 The dying guide. "Sudden fear checked the child's hand in the act to save When that strange chance came in the face of him he loved so weU." 1847. 280 The Baron's hand. A girl has been seized by one of our Anglo-Norman Barons, and confined in a room in his castle. At break of day she has heard the door softly unbarred; and at the mo ment I have painted her her eyes are fixed on his hand, stealthily opening the door; she has sprung, and is clinging to a crucifix. TEMPLE, Alfred George, F.S.A. Painter, Guildhall, E.C. 1890. 1403 Snowdon. 1646 Study of an Acuba. THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS 345 TEMPLE, Charles H Architect, Ironbridge, Salop. 1893. 1493 North end of Bath room, etc. 1899. 1692 Bath room dado. 1900. 1859 do. in tUes, etc. 1903. 1622 WaU tUing. TEMPLE, J Architect, At Mr. Porden's, 55, Devonshire Street. 1795- 704 Design for a church. 105, Wardour Street. 1798. 939 Design for a mausoleum. At Mr. Copland's, St. Martin's Lane. 1802. ion Design for a country market house. TEMPLE, Robert Scott Painter, 7, North Street, David Street, Edinburgh. 1879. 653 Among the Pentland Hills. 1880. 960 Early pasture. 5, I^aclise Road, West Kensington. 1882. 632 The MiU pond. 4, Argyle Street 1883. 237 The edge of the birchwood. Lawn Bank, Hampstead. 1884. 349 "Light beyond," Loch Lub- naig. 781 Roderick Dhu's staircase; by path to Ben Venue. 1885, 34^ The eagle's haunt; Cor Arden. 1886. 170 "Winter now takes up the talc" 241 Down for the wintering; Lodi Laggan. '" 1887. 265 Day's requiem. 37, Parliament Street. 1888. 609 Spring time. 18, Great George Street, Westminster. 1889. 388 The birch and pool. 10, Finsbury Square. 1896. 579 A Kentish sandpit. The Lodge, Lammas, Norfolk. 1900. 65 Autumn's glow. TEMPLETON, J, S Painter. 28, William Street, Hampstead Road. 1830. 1 141 Christchurch Cathedral, Dub lin. 1 83 1. 518 Group of trees from nature. 1832. 490 The quarries, Hill of Howth. 1833. 529 Sketch from nature, 33, Albany Street. 1841. 59 Professor Maiden, A.M., Uni versity CoUege, VII. I84I. 524 1842. 924 743 813 1843.1844. 836 981 696 1845. 1846. 1848. 729 987959 1849. 992830 887 1850. 890 George De Morgan, Esq. Portrait of Placida. do. a gentleman. do. do. 18, Howland Street. Portrait of a lady. do. gentleman. do. do, 4, Sussex Place, Kensington. The pet, John Walter, Junr,, Esq. Portrait of a young lady. do. lady. Lady Caroline Turnor. Mrs. Richard Pole. Algernon, fourth son of Mr. and Lady Caroline Turnor. The Hon. Constance Finch Hatton, daughter of Vis count Maidstone. Viscountess Maidstone. Study of a child. Lady Leigh. Portrait of a young lady. The Hon. Augusta Leigh. James Bright, Esq., M.D. Study for a portrait; group. Miss Kitto. The Hon. Joscelyn W. Percy, M.P. Portrait of a young lady. The Hon. J. F. PeUew. Henry Wyall Hart, eldest son of the Rev. Cornelius Hart. 72, Oakley Square. Mrs. Cornelius Hart. A portrait. TEMPLETON, P, A Sculptor, 16, Wellesley Street, Euston Square. 1847. 1378 Bust; in marble. TEMPRA, Quirino Sculptor, clo Bellman and Tovey, 95, Wigmore Street. 1884. 1775 The hesitating messenger; statuette, marble. TENDI, A Painter. 16, St. Martin's Street, Leicester Square. 636 The fine arts persecuted by Ignorance and protected by Jove. 10, Maddox Street. 561 Tideus. Vide Statins, lib. 3. Y Y 1053 I85I. II27 1 146 1852. 985 993 1853- 745 918 1854. 844 847 1855- 881 978 1008 1856. 861 1857- 901 1793- 1797. 346 THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS TENERANI, Chevalier Pietro, Sculptor, C. P. Tenerani, Rome. 1846. 1397 Marble statue of Psyche aban doned by her parents. F. Teneroni, no address. 1854. 1448 Lady Arbuthnot. TENISON, A, H. Ryan ... Architect, 12, Little College Street, Westminster. 1904. 1559 Additions, Radley College, Berkshire. TENISON, Miss Nell Painter, 215, Uxbridge Road. 1900. 1640 "Murther most foul, as in the best it is." — Shakespeare. 1902. 1264 Illustration to "Barthram's Dirge." TENISWOOD, G. F. 1863.1866. 1867. 87 217 Painter. Ham Common. 102 The curfew hour. I, Castlenau Gardens. 169 Stonehenge — early morning. 21 Early morning on the Stour. On the coast near Fairlight. East Cliff, Hastings — moon light. 1868. 131 The stranded wreck — cloudy moonlight. 627 The moonlit shore. " O'er tide- pools on a rock-strewn coast, and gleaming sands, etc." 338 Stonehenge — moonlight. 504 Twilight in the Isle of Skye. " Close screen'd by towering crag and river scaur, etc." Caton Lodge, Upper Richmond Road. yz At Fulham — moonhght. On the Thames — moonlight. 1871. 1872.1873-1874. 233 36 Tide pools — moonlight. TENNANT, Miss Dorothy (after wards Mrs, and Lady Stanley), Painter, 2, Richmond Terrace, Whitehall. 1886. 932 An Arab dance. 1887. 102 In trouble. 1014 A socialist. 1889. II 14 A load of care, {See Lady Stanley, vol, vn, page 236,) TENNANT, John F Painter, J. Tennant, 28, Upper Thornhaugh Street. 1820. 16 Landscape and cattle. 1821. 1822,1823,1824. 103 1054 373 1826. 312 1832.1833-1840. 1842,1843. 1844,1845-1846.1847. 1867. 529 View on the road to Eltham, Kent, I, Lower Street, Islington. 436 Scene near Woolwich, Kent, 519 Landscape, cattle, and figures, 37, Newman Street. Richmond Castle, Yorkshire. Durham from the South-west. Scene on the banks of the Thames. 65, Newman Street. Coast scene: smugglers on the look-out. Bexley Heath, Kent. 446 Coast scene — misty morning. 444 Preparing for a trip. 480 Landscape Composition. 1226 The timber barge. 340 River scene — morning. Frith Manor House, Hendon. Magpie Island, near Henley- on-Thames^early morning. Sir Scudamore journeying to the Temple of Venus in quest of Amores. "So on that hard adventeur forth I went, etc." — Spenser. View above bridge, Mon mouth. Solitude, composed from nature. Springfield Villa, Queen's Road. 423 Scene on the South coast. 217 627 77 614 TENNANT, Mrs. R. N, 1852. 863 A boy's head. 864 A fawn's head. . Painter. TENNIEL, Sir John, R.I Painter, etc. J. Tenniel, 22, Gloucester Place. 1837. 688 Captain Peppercull interceding for Nigel with Duke Hilde- brand. Vide Fortunes of Nigel. 1838. 635 The warrior's return. J. Tenniel, Jun., no address. 1839. 701 Captain Colepepper's visit to Nigel in Alsatia. 1840. 649 Lord Dalgarno's visit to Nigel at the house of John Christie, the ship chandler. Vide Fortunes of Nigel. 1841. 817 " Lord Souhs he sat in Hermit age castle. And beside him old Redcap sly, etc." 1842. 580 A study. THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS 347 1843. 1073 " WiUie courted Jenny, Jenny she was shy." 23, Newton Street. 185 1. 383 Sketch for a large picture in progress, representing alle- goricaUy the great Industrial Meeting of aU nations, a.d, 1 8 5 1 . " Peace and goodwill to all men, etc." — Thomson. 24, Newman Street. 1853. 1227 The Expulsion from Eden. "The world was all before them, where to choose their place of rest." — Milton. 10, Portsdown Road, Maida Hill. 1873. 715 Sir Rupert the fearless. 1874 1878, Lurline hung her head, turn'd pale and then red, Growing faint at his sudden proposal to wed, etc." 1215 Study in chalk and charcoal. " Jesus saith unto her, Mary. She turned herself, and saith unto him, Rabboni, etc." — St. John, xx, 16. 857 Peace. 830 Trial by battle. "Bear-crested, broad, the stark mace- wielder towered, etc." — Punch, 1877. 1880. 1330 The white elephant turned "Rogue." Finished sketch for a " Punch " cartoon. {Knighted in 1893.) TENNYSON-COLE, Philip. Painter. Royal Colonial Institute, Northumberland Avenue. 1903. 719 Lieut.-Colonel Probyn, Mayor of Westminster, 1902. Pre sentation portrait. {See also Cole, vol. ii, page loi.) TERNBAT, R Painter. Maidstone, Kent. 18 1 8. 17 View from nature. TERNOUTH, John Sculptor, J. Ternmouth, 2, Chapel St., Vincent Square. 18 19. II 84 Bust of Mrs. Chester. J. Ternouth, 2, Chapel St., Vincent Square. 1820. 1018 Bust of a lady. 2, Chapter Street, Vincent Square. 182 1. 1088 Specimen of sculpture in the Penryri slate. 7, Elizabeth Place, Pimlico. 1822. 1045 A monumental alto-relievo, in marble. 1824. 1037 Study from nature. 5, Westbourne Street, Chelsea. 1825. 1019 Bust of Colonel Hughes, M.P. 1040 do. John Carn Hobhouse, Esq., M.P., F.R.S. 1827. 1086 Marble bust of Mrs. Hudson Gurney. nil Marble bust of Sir Francis Burdett, Bart., M.P. 1 1 15 Marble bust of Hudson Gurney, Esq., M.P. 9, Lower Belgrave Place. 1828. 1147 Bust in marble of the Rev. Mr, Fraser, M.A. 1 199 Bust in marble of the eldest son of Rowland Alston, Esq. 1829. 1138 Bust of Sir John Tyrell, Bart. 1 1 64 do. Miss M. Tyrell, second daughter of Colonel Tyrell. 1 168 Bust of the infant daughter of Colonel Tyrell. II 97 Marble statue ofthe late Dean of St. Asaph. This monument intended to be placed in the cathedral church of St. Asaph, to the memory of the Very Rev. WiUiam Davies Shipley, more than fifty years Dean and Chancellor of that Dio cese, etc. 1830. 1188 Posthumous bust of A. Majori banks, Esq. 1200 Bust of Mr. Baxter. 1831. 1158 Monumental figure of a lady for the church of Beaumaris, Anglesea. 1832. 1137 Bust of Miss TyreU. 1147 do. John Crabb, Esq. 1 1 68 do. Sir R. B. Williams Bulkeley, Bart. 1833. 1139 Part of a monument. 1834. 1042 A nymph. 1102 Bust ofthe Bishop of Lincoln. (/. Kaye) ' 41, St. James's Street, and 9, Lower Belgrave Place. 1835. 1049 Marble statue of the late Duke of Athol to be erected at Dunkeld. 1837. 1199 Bust of Miss Dorothy Gregory. 1237 do. the late Mark Wilks Buchan, Esq. 1250 Bust of Miss Eva, third daugh ter of the Hon. Rice Trevor, M.P. 1257 Bust of Miss Gregory. 348 THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS Ternouth, John — continued. 1837. 1266 Bust of Viscount Melbourne. 1283 do. A. E. Gregory, Esq. 1838. 1298 Marble bust of Thomas Hop per, Esq. 1361 Marblebust of Rowland Alston, Esq., M.P. 1839. 1368 Bust of General Sir Ronald C. Ferguson, G.C.B., M.P. 1840. 1 1 19 Bust of Sir Francis Burdett, Bart., M.P. 1 84 1. 1318 A bust of the Rt. Hon. Lord John RusseU, M.P. 1842. 1323 The Hon. Mrs. Robert Drum mond. 1336 George Arbuthnot, Esq. 1356 W. E. Oliver, Esq. 1401 Bust of Lord Bridport. 1843. 1504 Posthumous bust of the late Col. Vans Agnew, K.C.B. 1844. 1325 Bust of George Pilcher, Esq., late President ofthe Medical Society of London. 1845. 1337 Marble statue of the late Colonel Conway, C.B., for the Cathedral of Madras. 1449 Marble bust of Edward Blore, D.C.L., F.R.S. 1847. 1336 Musidora, "With timid eye around, etc." (The late) 1849. 1246 Posthumous medallion of Ro bert Allen, Esq., youngest son of the late Bishop of Ely. TERRELL, Mrs. (formerly Miss Georgina F, Koberwein) ... Painter, 38, Auriol Road, West Kensington. 1879. 212 Stella. 923 A day dream. 1248 Ida, daughter of Henry and Lady Constance Belhngham. 1880. 34 " Round her gentle, happy face, Dimpled, soft, and freshly fair. Danced with careless ocean grace Locks of auburn hair." 144 Portrait of a lady. 180 A portrait. 1 88 1. 152 Mrs. Alfred Barratt. 308 Violet and Adelaide, daughters of Henry Bret Ince, Esq., Q.C. 1882. I " There is a gentle lady Among the flowers there, Who almost looks like one of them, She is so fresh and fair." 1882. 74 Edith Ince, daughter of Henry Brett Ince, Q.C. 762 Mrs. John RaUi. 1883. 574 Maude and Dorothea. 1885. 15 For mother. 1886. 1012 Mrs. F. B. Thompson. 1887. 999 Sweet memories. 15, Cranky Gardens,South Kensington. 1903. 1 37 1 Irene, {See Miss Georgina F, Koberwein, vol, iv, page 351.) TERRELL, R. H Painter. 1855, 1394 Portrait of a boy, TERRIS, John Painter, 113, West Regent Street, Glasgow. 1890. 1266 Behind Corrie, Isle of Arran, N.B. 1892. 1273 Noon — on the Forth, near Stiriing, N.B. Rustic Bank House, Bridge of Allan, N.B. 1896. 1242 Just before sundown. TERRY, Miss Agnes D Painter, 2, Prince's Road, Wimbledon. igoo. 415 The old lace maker. TERRY, C Painter, Holland Street, Kensington. 1 819. 54 UUswater; a sketch from na ture. 1820. 90 View of Hastings, from the White Rocks. 307 Scene near Patterdale : Part of Helvellyng. TERRY, D Architect. 1798. 961 Design for a theatre. 10, Cliffords Inn. 1801. 955 Design for a country residence. 987 do. an academy of arts and sciences. 1803. 735 View of ithe church at Strat ford-on-Avon. TERRY, Elizabeth Painter. 32, Blandford Square. 1846. 591 Broome's Hill, Bath. 12, Torrington Square. 1853. 1003 A study from nature. TERRY, Henry Painter. 34, Crawshay Road, Brixton. 1880. 785 " Land of my birth, I think of thee stUl." THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS 349 1881. 1883.1884. 1886.1891. 1893. 1894. 607 A " burgermeister." 685 Discovered. 979 Miss Edith Cook. 1079 A braggadocio. "... with his cicatrice, an emblem of war, here on his sinister cheek." — A IPs WeU that Ends Well, act ii, scene i. 1072 A serious question. 935 A pillar of the conventicle. Great Milton, Tetsworth. II 24 An old Dame. 1304 Old Giles. 1437 Reflections. 975 The picture Bible. 1072 Sunday afternoon. 1 147 Apple peeling. 949 An old garden gay and trim. TERRY, Miss Jane Painter. 23, Torrington Square. 1856. 977 A sketch from nature. TERRY, Robert Painter. At Mr. Whitaker' s. Castle Street, Leicester Fields. 1770. 183 Two small landscapes. 184 Two do. TERRY, Miss Sarah Sculptor. Walton Terrace, Aylesbury. 1862. 1061 The happy age. "Oh, fairest of the rural maids. Thy birth was in the forest shades, etc." — Bryant. 1865, 1012 Portrait of a child; medallion, 1867. 1087 Eva. "I'm going there 1 she said, to the spirits bright, Tom; I'm going before long." — Uncle Tom's Cabin. 1868. 1 173 Portrait of a young lady. 187 1. 1333 Portrait. 6, Pembroke Villas, Richmond. 1873. 1585 MedaUion portrait; marble. 1593 Portrait medallion. 1874. 1480 Chitty: Queen's waterman. 148 1 Rev. N. Oxenham, M.A. 1876. 1389 Portrait ofa lady; medallion, 1879. 1450 Childhood. TETLEY, Miss Ivy L. D. Miniature Painter. Woodville Priory, Honor Oak Rise, S.E. 1904. 1267 Rosamond. 1275 Scamp. TETLOW, . Gem Engraver. (An Honorary Exhibitor,) 1775, 361 Medusa, Cleopatra; after antique gem. an TEULON, Samuel Saunders. Architect. 1835, 945 Design submitted to the Cor poration of Penzance for their new Town-hall and Market place. With S. Kempthorne. 24, Upper Stamford Street. 1836, 930 Projected baths near Lee in Kent, 1837. I0I2 Design submitted to the Cor poration of Ipswich, for County Hall and Law courts, 1838, 1203 Tuesley villa, Lympsfield, Sur rey. 18, Millman Street. 1842. 1166 Almshouses at Kingsland, for the Dyer's Company. 1843. 1227 Blyth HUl, Kent, for Robert Espie, Esq. 1844. •°7° Market cross, 1092 Rectory at Wetheringsett, etc, 1 1 54 Design for Leicester memorial, 1 1 84 A rectory house, 1845. 1 1 26 St. Mary's Lodge, Hastings, for Rev. G. Vores. 1288 HaU Hyle, Norfolk, for T. E. Wallace, Esq. 1846. 1 241 North Creake Rectory, Nor folk, for the Hon. and Rev. Thomas Robert Keppel. 2, Lansdowne Place, Brunswick Square. Skendleby, Lincoln, for Sir Edward Blackenbury. Schools at Cautley, Yorkshire, for J.W.Childers, Esq., M.P. Almshouses at Holkham, for the Earl of Leicester. Almshouses at Riby, Lincoln shire, for George Tomline, Esq. Church and school, St. Ste phen's, Southwark. Terrace at Windsor, on the road to Ascot. Schools in Roby, Lincolnshire, for G. Tomhne, Esq. Schools at Elvetham Park, Hants, for Lord Calthorpe. Entrance to Perry Hall, Staf fordshire, for the Hon. Fred erick Gough. 185 1. 241 Mansion at CromhaU Park, Gloucestershire, for the Earl of Ducie. 1848. III4 II42 II7S II98 1228 1849. 1060 1 103 II6I 1850. II80 350 THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS Teulon, Samuel Saunders — continued. 1853, 1 184 St. James, Edgbaston, for Lord Calthorpe. 1855. 1 175 Wheelwrights' and other shops at Thorney Abbey, for the Duke of Bedford. 1 1 97 Post office, Thorney Abbey, for do. 1 21 5 Chapel of Ease to St. Andrew, Watford. 1856. 1096 Church at Wells, in memory of the Rev. Rd. Jenkyns, Dean of Wells, and Master of Balliol College, Oxford. 9, Grains Court. 1857. 1033 Holy Trinity Church, Hast ings. 1 1 29 Small brick church at Barring- ham, Lincolnshire, on the banks of the Trent. 1858. 1034 Clock tower, etc., ShadweU Court, Norfolk, for Sir R. Jacob Buxton, Bart. 1050 Church of the Holy Trinity, Hastings. 1859. 1108 Drawing room, etc.. Barton Manor, Oxon, for Henry HaU, Esq. 1146 Tower at ShadweU Court, etc. i860. 685 Entrance, Elvetham Hall, for Lord Calthorpe. 1862. 844 Hawkleyhurst, Hants. 859 Memorial to William Tyndale, on Nibley Noll, Gloucester shire. 867 Water tower, Elvetham Park. 1864. 806 Bestwood, Notts, for the Duke of St. Albans. TEULON, William Milford. Architect. 42, Guildford Street. 1854. 1 1 36 A room at Henbury House, Dorset. 1855. 1265 St. Margaret's Church, Hors- monden, Kent. 1859. 1112 Long Hall, Guisborough, for Thomas Chaloner, Esq., R.N. i860. 638 West Broyle, Chichester, for J. J. Johnson, Esq. 655 National Schools, Dynevor Park, Carmarthenshire, for the town of Llandilo, erected by Lord Dynevor. 1 86 1. 707 Frogmore, near Hertford, for Rev. Thomas D. Hudson. 1865. 778 Overstone Hall, Northampton shire. 96, Wimpole Street. 1875. '°^^ Hampton Hall, Cheshire, for Winding Jones, Esq. TEXIER, Miss Le. See L, vol. v, page 46. THACKER, Miss Winifred H. Miniature Painter. Rottingdean, Sussex. 1895. 1126 Miss Mabel Smith. 1896. 1356 Mrs. Fred Anderson. THACKERAY, Lance Painter. 42, Linden Gardens, Bayswater. 1901. 1038 The flower girl. 1903. 844 The quay. THADDEUS, H. Jones, A.R.H.A. See Jones, vol. iv, page 274. THANE, W Painter. 3, Spur Street, Leicester Square. 1807. 764 A landscape. 18, New Lisle Street. 1808. 563 A landscape. 181 1. 482 Landscape from Nature. 18 1 2. 315 A landscape. 1813. 89 do, 179 View from Belvoir Castle, Leicestershire. 36, New Lisle Street. 18 1 6. 483 A landscape. 31, Maddox Street. 1 8 18. 247 Landscape. 364 View in Derbyshire, looking down upon Rowsley, near Bakewell. THANGUE, H. H. La, A.R.A. See L, vol, iv, page 389, THANNENBERG, Count L, De. See D, vol. ii, page 313. THATCHER, C.F Painter, Cottage House, Paddington Green. 1816. 210 Reaper. 1 81 7. 241 Twilight. 546 A musical party. 1 81 8. 447 Dead Game, etc. 542 An evening scene, with cattle. 624 Village commerce. 902 View on the Wear, above Sun derland. THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS 351 1620. 182I. 1822. 1823. 1825.1826. 18 1 9. 36 The effect of moonlight in a bay on the coast of Devon. 492 Miss S. South. 825 View of the entrance into the Humber. 923 Representation of a distressing shipwreck off the coast of Spain. 459 Road side. 565 Tuhps. 297 Scourging of our Saviour. 406 A Toper. 724 Miss Heath. 689 Portrait of a gentleman. 450 Woman of Samaria at the well. 820 Portrait of a gentleman. 926 do. young lady. 735 do. gentleman. 837 do. Captain Cook, who so meritoriously saved the crew and passengers of the Kent East Indiaman. 1827. 612 R. Maliphant, Esq. 767 The late Miss Gale. 1829. 816 Miss Buckinghamshire. 957 Portrait of a lady. 1830. 636 Mr. WUliam Jones, 659 Miss Richards, 832 Countess Ferrers, 947 Earl Ferrers, 1832. 540 Llangollen Park, near Swansea, South Wales. 772 Portraits of a lady and child. Manor House, Paddington Green. 1833. 686 Portrait of a gentleman. 80s do, lady. 1834. 7^6 do. D.D. 2, Park Place, Paddington Green. 1836. 603 Waterfall, Hafod, North Wales. 949 Girl gathering mushrooms. 1845. 9^^ Miss Wells. 1846. 797 Portrait of a gentleman. THATCHER, F Architect, II, FurnivaPs Inn. 1841. 1094 Hatton Parsonage, Hastings. THAULOW, Fritz Painter, 21, Boulevard Berthier, Paris. 1899. 9 Smoke. 480 Night. 1900. 365 The old bridge in Verona. 608 View from the old bridge in Verona. 1 90 1, 470 The old fabrique, Christiania. 1902. 363 The caravan. 727 Old Saw MiU, Norway. 1903. 72 River in Normandy. 1904. 394 Winter day in Norway. 399 The river Dordogne. THEAKSTON, C Sculptor. 9, Belgrave Place. 1825. 1067 Bust (posthumous) of Edward Hind, Esq. 1831. 1175 Cabinet statue in marble of the Duke of Wellington. THEAKSTON, Joseph Sculptor. 10, New Road, Fitzroy Square. 1809. 759 Britannia at the tomb of her departed hero, referring you to history for his achieve ments, etc. I, Winchester Street, Pentonville. 1813. 901 Bust of R. Walker, Esq. 1817. 1012 Sketch for a monument in honour of Major-General R. R. GUlespie, who fell at Kalunga, in the Kingdom of Nepaul. 1019 Sketch for a monument in honour of Maj or- Generals A. Gore and J. B. Skerrett, who fell while leading the troops to the assault of the fortress of Bergen-op-Zoom. 1022 A colossal bust of a British warrior. 1037 Sketch for a monument in honour of Major-Generals the Hon. Sir E. Packenham and S. Gibbs, who fell in an attack upon the enemy's works in front of New Orleans. 1058 Sketch for a monument in honour of Major-General A. Hay, who fell while re sisting a sortie made by the garrison of Bayonne. 1818. 1069 Modelof a bustofMr. Schwan felder, Animal Painter to H.R.H. the Prince Regent. 1820. 1057 Sketch for a statue, to be ex ecuted in marble and erected at Weymouth, in memory of the late S. Weston, Esq. 1 82 1. 1 09 1 A marble statue to be erected in the Guildhall at Wey mouth, etc., to their late Chief Magistrate, S. Weston, Esq. 352 THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS Theakston, Joseph — continued. 9, Belgrave Place. 1825. 995 Part of a monument to be placed in Great Saling church, Essex, by an only chUd, Miss M. B. Shedden, to the memory of her parents. 1829. 1210 Innocence reposing; in marble. 1830. 1235 Bust of His Majesty, executed for John Harrison, Esq. Snelston Hall, Derbyshire. 1837. 1204 Sketch for a statue of Admiral Lord Nelson. THEAKSTON, J[. H Sculptor. 35, Gillingham Street, Pimlico. 1832. 1142 Bust of the youngest daughter of the late Joseph Hopkins, M.D. THEED, E. Frank Sculptor. 120, Henrietta Street, Cavendish Square. 1873. ^586 Mrs. Titus Salt. 1874. 1586 Bust of a lady; marble. 1876. 1370 Portrait of a young lady; mar ble medallion. 1371 Portrait ofa gentleman; marble medaUion. 1475 The late Dr. Frederick Bird, B.D. (posthumous); marble bust. 1878. 1450 Bertie, son of Robert M. Cocks, Esq. 1882, 1581 The Rt. Hon. Sir John Mellor; bust, marble, 1630 Wm. Langton, Esq, ; medaUion, marble, 1631 Sir Edward Watkin, Bart,; bust, marble, 1883, 1528 Mr, Wm, Burchell; presenta tion bust, marble. 1536 Clytie. 1554 Rev. J. W. Ayre, M.A., Vicar of St, Mark's, North Audley Street; presentation bust, marble, 1649 Mr, Edward Ross; bust, mar ble. 1885. 1980 The Rev. Archdeacon Grant; bust, marble. 1982 Mrs. Elizabeth Fry; bust, mar ble. 2010 Major-General Charles George Gordon, C.B., R.E,; bust. 2025 Lady Watkin; medaUion, mar ble. 1886. 1865 Portrait of a lady; bust. 1888. 1916 SirJohnP. deGex,Q,C,; bust, marble. THEED, William, R.A. Painter and Sculptor. 144, Strand. 1789. 49 Portrait of a gentleman. 49, Long Acre. 1797. 200 Venus and cupids. 1798. 59 Abraham offering Isaac; a sketch. " And the Angel of the Lord called unto him and said, Abraham, Abra ham, lay not thine hand on the lad." 543 Portrait of Mrs. Fowler and chUd. 57, Great Queen Street. 1799. looi Nessus and Dejanira. " Swift as his words the fatal arrows flew. The Centaur's back admits the feather'd wood. And thro' his breast the barbed weapon stood." — Ovid. 1800. 92 Cephalus and Aurora. " When as upon thy master's dreary head. For mountain stags, my net betimes I spread, Aurora spied, and ravish'd me away." — Ovid. II, Royal Hill, Greenwich. 1805. 695 Thetis with the arms of Achil les; a model in wax. 1806. 937 Vase and pedestal, in memory of the late Lord Nelson. 53, Dean Street, Soho. 1809. 865 A fawn; part of a group of figures, executing in orna mental plate. 181 1. 912 The death of Eurydice. " For as the bride, amid the Naiad train, Ran joyful sporting o'er the flow'ry plain, A venom'd viper bit her as she passed : Instant she fell and sudden breath'd her last." — Ovid. 913 Victory conducting the horses of war, 914 The death'of Nessus. "Think not, perfidious wretch, from me to fly, etc." — Ovid. (Elected A,R,A.) 1812, 915 Thetis returning from Vulcan, with arms for AchiUes. " Th' THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS 35- immortal arms the goddess mother bears swift to her son." — Pope's Homer. (Elected R.A.) 1813. 893 A statue of Mercury. 1814. 790 A model of a piece of plate, executed for H.R.H. the Prince Regent. 791 A Bacchanalian groupe; for part of a piece of plate exe cuting for H.R.H. the Prince Regent. 1 8 16. 966 A sepulchral monument. 1817. 1064 Basso relievo of a charity; part ofa monument to be erected in St. Peter's Church, Ross, Hereford, to the memory of the late T. Westfaling, Esq., of Rudhall. ( William Theed, senior, began as a painter, then became a sculptor, 7Vorking first for Wedgwood, and later on for Rundell and Bridge, the silversmiths.) THEED, William Sculptor. 76, Dean Street, .Soho. 1824. 1029 Bust of a gentleman. 1825. 9S6 do. young lady. 998 Faith, Hope and Charity; part of a monument, executed in marble, to the memory of Lady Ann Elizabeth Hare, of Stone Hall, Norfolk. 1826. noo Bust of a gentleman. Rome. 1833. 1183 Marble bust of Edward Swin burne, Esq. 9, Vicolo degP Incur abili, Rome. 1838. 1256 A nymph preparing her bow for the chase. 1839. 1318 Modelof a bust of H.R.H. the reigning Duke of Lucca ; to be executed in marble. 1329 Marble bust of Cupid. 1344 do. Psyche. 1380 Marble bust of H.R.H. the Princess of Capua. 1382 Model of a bust of H.R.H. Prince Charles of Capua; to be executed in marble. 1842. 1312 Marble bust of a gentleman. 1844. 1367 do. James WiUiam Farrer, Esq. 1845. 1332 Marble statue of Psyche. 1428 Bust of Lady Culhng Smith. 143 1 Marble bust of Mrs. Williams Helps. 1433 Marble bust of James Scott, Esq. VII. 1845. 1437 Bust of Sir CuUing Eardley Smith. 1444 Marble bust of William Helps, Esq. 1847. 1324 Marble group of the prodigal son. 1409 Marble bust of a lady. 1848. 1458 Bust of J. Silk Buckingham, Esq. 12, Henrietta Street, Cavendish Square. 1849. 1222 Alto relievo; part ofa monu ment to the memory of two children. 1228 Statue of the late Charles Nor ris, Esq., of the East India Company's Civil Service, for Bombay Cathedral. 1282 Marble bust of James Morri son, Esq. 1850. 1296 Statue in marble of Rebekah. 1307 Group in marble of the prodi gal son. " But when he was yet a great way off, etc." — St. Luke, XV, 20, 21. 1 85 1. 1255 Marble heroic statue of Pro metheus. 1258 Marble monumental statue of a lady. 1358 Marble bust of the late Sir Charies Bell. 1360 Marble bust of Mrs. Pickers- gill- 1852. 1343 Model of a monumental statue of Resignation, executed in marble, and lately erected in Wales, at Gwersyllo church, near Wrexham. 1458 Posthumous marble bust of WiUiam Chfford, Esq., of Perrestone, Ross. 1473 Bust of John Gibson, Esq., R.A. 1853. 1318 Marble statue of Humphrey Chetham, being part of a monument for Manchester Cathedral. 1338 Mary, Queen of Scots, looking back at the coast of France ; a bas-relief from English History for the Palace of Westminster. 1340 Sir Walter Raleigh spreading his cloak as a carpet for Queen Elizabeth ; a bas-re lief from English History for the Palace of Westmins ter. 1342 Death of the renowned Sir Philip Sidney; a bas-relief zz 354 THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS Theed, William — continued. from English History for the Palace of Westminster. 1853. 1407 Posthumous bust in marble of Lieut.-General George Guy Carlton L'Estrange. 1445 Posthumous bust in marble of the Rt. Hon. James Alex ander Stewart Mackenzie of Seaforth. 1854. 1401 The escape of Mary Queen of Scots from Loch Leven Castle; a bas relief for Palace of Westminster. 1402 Katharine of Aragon pleading before Henry VIII; a bas- relief for Palace of West minster. 1403 Sebastian Cabot before Henry VIII ; a bas-relief for Palace of Westminster. 1464 Marble bust of Lady Cranworth, 1496 Marble bust of William Foster, Esq, 1497 Marble bust of Lady Eastlake, 1855, 1441 Bas-reUef: theGenius of British Literature; part of a monu ment in Westminster Abbey in memory of Sir James Mackintosh, 1457 W, F. M, Copeland, Esq.; marble. 1511 Rev. Dr. Francis Hessey. 1 519 Model ofa bust ofthe late Rt. Hon. Sir James Mackintosh; part ofa monument in West minster Abbey. 1539 The late Hon. Robert H. CUve, M.P.; marble. 1856. 1327 Design for a statue of an Indian officer. 1376 The Murder of Rizzio; bas- relief for the Palace of West minster. 1857. 1225 "The Bard"; to be executed in marble for the Egyptian HaU, Mansion House, etc. 1237 Portrait statue in marble of the Hon. Evelyn Cornwallis An derson Pelham. 1858. 1179 The Rt. Hon. Edmund Burke; model of statue and erected at St. Stephen's Hall, West minster. 1236 Elizabeth knighting Drake on board his own vessel at Greenwich. Part of a series of 12 bas-reliefs for the Princes' Chamber, Palace of Westminster. 1859. 1231 H.R.H. the Prince Consort, 1 261 Model of a colossal statue of Newton; erected in bronze at Grantham, Newton is re presented in the act of lec turing at Cambridge on one of his celebrated problems, the diagram connected with which is represented on the scroll, 1263 Obituary statue in marble, for Harlington church. 1325 Field of the Cloth of Gold alto-relief in bronze, form ing part of the series in the Palace of Westminster. i860. 965 Alto-reUefs iUustrative of Christian acts of Mercy; part of monument to H.R.H. the Duchess of Gloucester in St. George's chapel, Windsor. 982 Alto-reliefs illustrative of Christian acts of Mercy; for monument to H.R.H. the Duchess of Gloucester in St. George's chapel, Windsor. 1861. 978 Her Most Gracious Majesty the Queen; marble bust. 1038 Sir William Peel, K.C.B.; for the Painted HaU, Greenwich Hospital, and presented by the Rt. Hon. Frederick Peel, M.P. 1046 Malcolm Canmore. To be ex ecuted in bronze for Her Majesty. 1862. 992 His late R.H. the Prince Con sort. By command; marble bust. 1008 Rt. Hon. Sir John Laurence, Bart., G.C.B.; executed in marble for the Grocers' Company. 1863. 1054 Hallam the historian; marble bust, executed from the statue lately erected in St. Paul's, etc. 1864. 867 Model of a statue of H.R.H. the Prince Consort. Executed in marble and erected at Balmoral Castle in 1863 by her Majesty's command. 939 Bust of a lady; marble. 1866. 868 Musidora; executed in marble for H.R.H. the Prince of Wales. " Bathe on, my fair, 1868. etc." 926 Group of Queen Prince Her Majesty the and H.R.H. the Consort in early THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS 355 Saxon costume; executed in marble, erected at Windsor Castle, and exhibited by special permission of Her Majesty. "Allured to brighter things, and led the way." 1868. 969 The late John Gibson, R.A.; marble. 972 The Eari of Derby, K.G,; marble. 1012 The late Culling Hanbury, Esq., M.P. 1099 Model of a figure of Faith, be ing part of a monument to the memory of the late Cull ing Hanbury, Esq., M.P. 1869. 1266 William Tite, Esq., M.P. Ex ecuted by order of the London Institution. 1286 The Earl of Dartmouth; mar ble. 1873. 1429 Admiral Sir Augustus Clifford, Bart.; marble bust. 1580 Sir Henry Holland, Bart; marble bust. 1874. 1500 Margaret Roberts, daughter of Owen Roberts, Esq., M.A.; marble statue. 1877. 1405 General Lord Sandhurst; mar ble. 1417 The Rt. Hon. John Bright, M.P.; marble. 1438 George Clive, Esq., M.P.; marble. 1878. 1419 The Rt. Hon. W. E. Gladstone, M.P.; bust, marble. 1879. 1484 The late Sir Francis Goldsmid, Bart, M.P.; bust, marble. To be placed in the Bench ers' Hall, Lincoln's Inn. 1885. 1974 The Marquis of Salisbury; bust, marble. THELWALL, J. A Painter. 10, Fitzroy Street. 1883. 455 Hampstead Heath. 901 An art nursery. 15 15 Maude. I, Morseby Villas, East Molesey. 1885. 1078 Studio Gossip. THEOBALD, H Painter. 2, Cambridge Villas, Camden Town. 1845. 681 The refreshing draught. 1846. 946 The Monk. THEOBALD, W Painter. II, Skinner Street. 1 81 7. 315 Portrait of a dog. 361 do. dog's head. THEOBALDS, W Architect. 26, Budge Row, Cannon Street. 1903. 1629 Shrubland Road Congrega tional church. THEWENTI, L Painter. 424, High Street, Cheltenham. 1824. 810 Mons. De' Cazes. 201, Regent Street. 1826. 624 Dr, Christie of Cheltenham, 658 Lady Pinn. 1827, 679 Mrs, J. Fosbroke, of Chelten ham. 696 A Bacchante. 858 Admiral Sir Herbert Sawyer. 35, Milson Street, Bath. 1829. 926 Miss Roberta Nicholson and Miss Eleanor Bruce Nichol son, of East Court, near Cheltenham. 1831. 738 Sibylla. THICKE, Miss Charlotte. Miniature Painter, Miss C. Thicke, 17, Duke St., Portland Place. 1802. 781 Portrait ofa young lady. 885 do. a lady. 1803. 786 do. do. 1804. 762 do. do. 776 do. an officer. 1806. 660 do. a gentleman. 722 do. do. 1807. 804 do. a lady. 856 do. do. 857 do. a gentleman. 1810. 633 do. a lady. 181 1. 631 do. a gentleman. 181 2. 395 do. a lady. 582 do. a gentleman. 680 do. do. 1813. 448 do. do. 466 do. a lady. 474 do. do. 502 do. do, 1814. 391 do. do, 402 Portraits of a lady and child. 18 16. 610 Portrait of an officer. 181 7. 666 do, a lady. 1818. 641 do. a gentleman. 1819. 718 do. a lady. 868 do. a gentleman. 1822. 679 do. a nun. 1824. 615 do. a young lady. 1826. 593 do. a lady and child. 356 THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS Thicke, Miss Charlotte— continued. 1827. 619 Portrait of a lady. 1828. 781 do, Jewess selling oranges. 1829. 657 Portrait of a gentleman. 665 do. her father. 1831. 682 do. a lady. 858 do. a young lady. 907 do. her father. 1832. 754 do. a lady. 756 The late Sir Charles Macarthy. 780 Portrait of the late Bishop of Cloyne. {John Brinkley) 1833- 680 Portrait of a lady. 1835- 762 Miss Murray. 871 Portrait of her late mother. 1843. 867 do. a gentleman. 1844. 877 do. do. 884 Cupids. THICKE, Miss Eliza, Miniature Painter. 17, Duke Street. I80I. 769 Portrait of a young lady. 782 Miss Wynyard. 1806. 685 Portrait of a young lady. 1808. 768 do. gentleman. 1809. 625 do. lady. I8II. 554 do. do. 559 do. do. I8I3. 5°5 do. do. 5n do. do. I8I5. 619 do. gendeman. 644 Miss Vardill. I8I6. 589 Portrait of a lady. I8I7. 637 do. do. I8I9. 979 Mrs. Witherden. 1822. 712 Portrait of a gentleman. 1823. 775 do. do. 931 Mr. D. Fasana. 1824. 570 Portrait of a young lady. 800 do. gentleman. 1826. 824 do. do. 829 do. lady. 1828. 690 Miss Jones. 849 Mrs. Robinson. 941 Mrs, Middleton, 1832. 781 Portrait of a gentleman. 838 Captain Robertson. 1835- 761 The Rev. J. Jackson. 1836. 623 Portrait of a gentleman. THICKE, W Miniature Painter W Thick, 18, Duke Street, Portland Place 1787. 376 Portrait of a child. 1788. 320 do. lady. 1789. 284 do. young lady. 1791. 3'4 do. lady. 1792. 307 Portrait of a lady. 777 do. do. 1793. 465 Portraits of two young gentle men. men. 466 Portrait of a lady, 487 do. do. 491 do. do. 890 do. a young lady. 1017 do. a lady, 806 do, two young ladies, 816 do, a lady. 884 do. do. 900 Miss Green. 903 Portrait of a lady, W. Thicke. 1 80 1, 811 Portrait of a gentleman. 1802. 1 102 Captain Raine. 1807. 878 Portrait of a gentleman. 1795- 1797. 1798.1799.1800. 1808. 1809. 1810. 1812. 811716 575628 lady. do. do. woman selling 1813.1814. do. do.do. do. oranges. 430 Portrait of a lady. 463 Portraits of two young ladies. {This family of miniature painters is not mentioned in D. N. B., Bryan, or Red grave. The name was evidently Thick ori ginally, but when the daughters began in 1 80 1 they seem to have added the E, and the father did the same) THICKNESSE (Philip) and WIL- LINK (W. E.) Architects. 61, Lord Street, Liverpool. 1886. 1665 Cheltenham Grammar School; competitive design. THIEDE, Edwin Adolf Painter. 9, Bonfield Road, Lewisham. 1882. 1418 Miss Emily WUd; on ivory. 1883. 1319 Portrait of a gentleman; on ivory. 18, Alfred Place, Bedford Square. 1887. 931 An Academy model. 1888. 1107 Study of a girl's head. 1641 Hop picking, Boughton, Kent; stripping the last pole. 5, Percy Street, W. 1889. 1570 Florence. 4, Pomona Studios, Fulham. 1900. 654 Fraulein Valerie Degenhardt. THIELCKE, H Painter. Queen's House. 1805. 513 Portrait of a gentleman. 1806. 577 W. Martchin, Esq. THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS 357 1807. 591 Atlas. 619 The Rev. Mr. Kiiper, chaplain to His Majesty. 1809. 591 Madona and child. 181 2. 459 Portrait of a lady. 1813. 277 The adulterous woman de livered. " Neither do I con demn thee, go and sin no more." — St. John, viii, 11. 21, King Street, Covent Garden. 1814. 551 Captain Warton. 1816. 651 S. Wharton, Esq, THIENON, L Painter, 1852. 1226 Ruins of Holyrood chapel. THIERON, L, Painter, 25, Mary Street, Hampstead Road. 1837. 963 View of London and the course of the Thames from Green wich Park. {The last two may be the same man. Bryan gives Anne Claude Thienon, born in 1772, died 1846.) THIMM, Franz Painter, 88, New Bond Street. 1850. 1134 Town in the west of Prussia. 1852. 123 A Prussian landscape. THIRION, Eugene Romain. Painter. 7 bis. Impasse du Maine, Paris. 1874. 681 Madame X. {E. J. Thirion in the index, E. R. T. in the catalogue.) THIRSBY, J Painter. 1798. 80 A portrait. 85 do. THIRTLE, John Painter. Norwich. 1808. 642 Walter and Jane. THIRTLE, John Painter. The Elms, Banstead Road, Ewell, Surrey. 1898. 1464 A study in brown madder. THISELTON, A, U Painter, 1 83 1. 777 Pen and ink drawing. THOLEN, W. B Painter, I r6. New Bond Street. 1883. 895 A sunny day, Holland. THOLSON, W.... Miniature Painter, 84, Margaret Street. 1 8 10. 637 Frame containing the portraits of Miss Hughes and two ladies. THOM, James Crawford Painter, T. C. Thom, a Ecouen, near Paris. 1864. 587 Returning from the wood — winter. J. C. Thom, 3, Park Villas, Boston, Brentford. 1866. 177 "Hush-a-bye, baby." 1867. 251 Evening. 4, Trimmer Villas, Brentford. 1869. 859 Tired of waiting. 1870. 972 Going to School. 1872. 380 The shepherd. Upton House, Brentford. 1873. 283 The monk's walk. Painter, THOMAS, ^ (An Honorary Exhibitor.) 1797. 587 An Italian view. THOMAS, A, Bramwell... Architect, 7, Queen Anne's Gate, Westminster. 1899. 1785 New City Hall, Belfast THOMAS, B Painter, 8, Shepherd Street, Mayfair. 1836. 120 Coast scene — moonlight, THOMAS, Clinton Painter. Wilton Road, Salisbury. 1884. 820 After Sunset. THOMAS, David Arthur ... Sculptor, I, Harley Studios, Priory Grove, South Kensington. 1899. 191 8 Blanchette; bust 1900. 1925 Captain Pavy; bust, bronze. THOMAS, Miss Florence Elizabeth (afterwards Mrs. Alfred Williams). Painter. 68, Wimpole Street. 1852. 1274 Goat in an orchard. Hampstead Villa, Gloucester. 1864. 359 The Pets. THOMAS, Frederick Sculptor, 8, Mornington Road. 1892. 1993 The firstborn; group. 1893. 1730 "Whispers of love." Sketch design for a frieze for a chimney piece. 358 THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS Thomas, Frederick — continued. 243, Stanhope Street. 1894. 175 1 Irene and her attendants re moving St, Sebastian from the tree; group, 68, Gloucester Crescent, N. W. 1897, 2056 Hero and Leander; relief 20, College Green, Gloucester. 1901, 171 3 A mother's love; relief. THOMAS, F, Inigo Architect, 4, Clifford Street, Bond Street. 1893. 1401 At Schletstadt, Alsace. 1894. 1624 Athelhampton HaU, etc. 1625 A preliminary essay. 1895. 1598 Church, house, and garden. 1898, 1641 Playing fields, Eton College, 1649 Rotherfield HaU, Sussex, 1902. 141 8 A suggested treatment of the Mall. THOMAS, F. J Painter, 1828. 195 Landscape composition. {F. G. T. in the index, F. J, T. in cata logue.) THOMAS, G Painter. 1816. 548 A Landscape. THOMAS, George A Painter. Coleharbour House, Hildenborough. 1885. 445 The home of the moorhen. THOMAS, George Housman. Painter. Oakley Cottage, Hammersmith. 1854. 620 Garibaldi at Rome, 1849. From a sketch made during the siege. 1856. 469 BaU at the camp, Boulogne. Surbiton Lodge, Surbiton Hill. 1858. 599 The presentation of medals for service in the Crimea by the Queen on the i8th May, 1855. Painted by command of Her Majesty. 1859. 478 Review in the Champ de Mars, on the occasion of Her Ma jesty's visit to Paris. Painted by command. i860. 5 Parade at Potsdam in honour of Queen Victoria, August 17, 1858. Painted by com mand. 342 Dimanche. 1 86 1. 466 Want of confidence. 545 Happy days. 1862. 409 Rotten Row. 1863. 25 The Coronation of the King of Prussia — the Princess Royal doing homage. Painted by command of Her Majesty. 85 The Marriage of H.R.H. the Princess Alice, Painted by command of Her Majesty. Uplands, Surbiton. 1866, 84 At the Canteen, 207 Boys and boat 212 The Queen and the Prince Consort at Aldershot, 1859. Painted by command. 471 Their Grand Ducal Highnesses the Princess Victoria and Ehzabeth of Hesse, children of Prince Louis of Hesse and Princess Alice of Great Britain and Ireland. 701 The ghost story. 1868. 389 The apple blossom, 399 Her Majesty the Queen invest ing His Imperial Majesty the Sultan with the Order of the Garter, on board the Royal yacht "Victoria and Albert " at Spithead, July 1 7, 1867. 595 Masterless. Grosvenor Painter. 50, Gordon Street, Glasgow. Evening.H Painter. At Mr. Andrew's, New Street, Covent Garden. A noted beggar. James Havard... Sculptor. 16, St. MichaePs Hill, Bristol. The Rev. Canon Knight, of Bristol. Rev. H. J. Roper, of Bristol. 169, Ebury Street. Arcadian shepherd boy. His Eminence Cardinal Man ning. W. B. Carpenter, Esq., C.B., F.R.S.; terra-cotta. Study of a boy's head; terra cotta. Dr. Carpenter, C.B., F.R.S.; bust, marble. Edith; bust. 5, Trafalgar Studios. Penelope; medaUion. Portrait; medallion, marble. THOMAS, 1892. 326 THOMAS, 1800. 970 THOMAS, 1872. 1391 1873- 1450 1876. 14321462 1877. •478 •5^5 1878. 1430 1489 1879. •493 •495 THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS 359 1879. 1496 Marguerite; medallion, marble. 1562 The late H.R.H. Princess Alice and daughter. 1880. 1522 Ishmael. 1542 Hypatia; bust, marble. 115, Boulevard de Vaugirard, Paris. 1883. 1602 Mrs. Bernard CammeU; bust, marble. 1603 Mrs. CammeU; bust, marble. 1884. 1749 A study; bust, bronze. I, Wentworth Studios. 1886. 1774 A slave girl; statue, marble. 1914 Study of ahead; relief, marble. 1889. 2134 Marianina; low relief, marble. Villa Sain, Ana Capri, Italy. 1890. 1962 The late Rt Hon. W. E. Fors ter, M.P,; statue for Brad ford. Chelsea Arts Club. 1898. 1909 Agriculture; bas-reUef, marble. 1901. 1755 Pepinella; bust, marble. 1902. 1712 Castagnetti; statuette, silver. THOMAS, John Sculptor. 9, Allen Street, Lambeth. 1842. 1357 Edgar disguised as Mad Tom, act iii, scene 4. 1382 Lear, act 4, scene 6. 3, Lansdowne Terrace, Lambeth. 1843. 1170 View of workshops at new Houses of Parliament, 34, Lansdowne Terrace. 1845. ^352 Coriolanus. "If, TuUus, not yet thou knowest me, etc." — Coriolanus, act 4, scene 5. 1421 Imogen; a statue in marble. "Ho, who's here? etc." — Cymbeline, act iii, scene 6. 1847. 1233 Chimney piece. 1338 An attendant on the chase; a model to be executed in stone. 1388 The water-lily; a model. Part of a fountain to be executed in marble. 1848. 1380 Marble figure of Miranda ; from the Tempest, act i, scene 2. " What is it? a spirit? " Richmond Villa, Paddington. 1849. 659 A fountain, designed for S. M. Peto, Esq., M.P. 1340 Musidora. " And fair exposed she stood, etc." — Thomson. 1850. 1312 Model of Amphitrite. 1322 Model of Long-spee, Earl of Salisbury, to be cast in bronze for one ofthe niches in the House of Lords, etc. 185 1. 243 Preston Hall, near Maidstone, for E. L. Betts, Esq. 302 do. do. 1262 Acis and Galatea; marble group, part of a fountain, for E. L. Betts, Esq. 1852. 1180 Design for sculpture to the pediment for the Great West ern Hotel, Paddington, etc. 1184 Design for centre portion of stained glass window for Preston Hall, for E. L. Betts, Esq. 1853. 1308 Night; a statuette in marble. " E'en silent night proclaims my soul immortal, etc." 1326 Happy hours. " Bloodhounds at their caress abate their hayings wild To wanton with some fearless child, etc." 1854. 1 120 Somerleyton village, Suffolk. 1383 Pleading for the innocent; portraits of the children of E. L. Betts, Esq. 1389 Feeding the young; portraits of the children of E. L. Betts, Esq. 1469 Preparing for the bath; por trait of the infant daughter of the artist. 1855. 1427 The sire 'and his enemy; a group in marble, the property of E. L. Betts, Esq. 1439 The dam and her pets ; a group in marble, the pro perty of E. L. Betts, Esq. 1856. 1233 Queen Boadicea inciting the Britons to avenge the loss of their liberty, and the wrongs inflicted upon her children and herself. The closing part of the oration on that occasion was in the following words : " It was much better to fall honour ably in the defence of li berty, than be again exposed to the outrages of the Ro mans." 1250 Rachel, the daughter of Laban. 1 26 1 Cleopatra. 32, Alpha Road. 1858. 1 183 Faith; a group in Carrara marble for interior of a mau soleum in the Necropolis, Glasgow. II 90 Charity; group in Sicihan marble for the Necropolis, Glasgow, 300 THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS Thomas, John — continued. 1858. 1312 William Thomas, Esq., archi tect, Toronto, Canada; mar ble bust. 1859. 1293 D. Maclise, Esq., R.A. ; marble. 1295 W. P. Frith, Esq., R.A.; mar ble. 1326 Briseis, statue in marble; por tion of a chimney-piece for John Holdsworth, Esq., Glasgow. " She in soft sor rows andin pensive thoughts, etc." — Homer. 1332 Thetis; statue in marble, for John Holdsworth, Esq., Glas gow. " Behold what arms by Vulcan are bestowed, etc." i860. 946 H.R.H. the Prince Consort, a colossal bust in marble, for the Midland Institute, Birm ingham. 975 Mrs. John Thomas; marble medaUion. 1003 Study of a head; marble. 1021 John Phillip, Esq., R.A. ; marble. 1861. 984 Litde Red Riding Hood; an alto-relief in marble. 989 Lady Godiva; an equestrian group. " Then she rode forth clothed on with chas tity, etc." — Tennyson. 1049 A nymph; marble statue, the property of Her Majesty. 1083 Una and the Lion. — Spenser. THOMAS, J. Thomas, A, See Whitfield and THOMAS, John Evan, F.S.A. Sculptor. 7, Lower Belgrave Place. 1838. 1316 Marble bust of Daniel Jones, Esq., to be placed in the in firmary at Cardiff. 1840. 1092 Marble statue of Field Mar shal the Duke of Welling ton. 1 144 Marble bust of the late Lance lot Morgan, Esq., of Brecon. II 53 Marble bust of J. G. 1155 Marble bust ofthe late Sir W. W. Wynn, Bart., M.P., to be placed in the Welsh In stitution, London. 1841. 1273 Bust in marble of Sir Charles Morgan, Bart, of Tredegar. 1277 Bust in marble of George Price Waikins, Esq., of Brecon, 1841. 1842. 1280 1367 •379 1843. 1443 1844. 1845. Bust in marble of Joseph Bailey, Esq,, M,P., of Glen Usk Park, Breconshire, Bust in marble of the late Maria North, Marchioness of Bute, Bust in marble of John, Mar quess of Bute. Bust in marble of the late Wal ter de Winton, Esq., M,P,, of Mecslough Castle, Rad norshire. 1340 Marblebust of John, Marquess of Bute, K.T. 1395 Bust of the Vice-Chancellor, Sir J. L. Knight Bruce. 1402 Bust of a lady. 1398 Bust in marble of Robert, first Lord CUve, K.B., to be placed in Powis Castle, Montgomeryshire. 1400 Bust in marble of the Rev. M. WiUiams, M.A., Canon of St. David's. 1430 Bust of Lancaster Baugh Allen, Esq,, Dulwich Common, 1430 Marble bust of the late George Price Watkins, Esq,, of Brecon. 1492 Bust of Robert Gardner, Esq,, of Leighton Hall, Salop, Bust of T. Phillips, Esq. Bust in marble of the late Sir Charles Morgan, Bart, from which a public statue is exe cuting in bronze for the Town of Newport. 1848. 1335 Cabinet statue in marble of the late Sir Charles Morgan, Bart. 1337 Design for a statue of the late Sir William Nott, G.C.B. 1435 Bust of the late Marquis of Bute, K.T. 1439 Bust of Colonel Gwynne, Hol ford, Buckland, Brecknock. 1441 Bust of Viscount Hereford. 1220 Group in plaster of the death of Tewdric, King of Gwent, at the moment of victory over the Saxons, near Tin tern Abbey on the Wye; illustrative of Cambro-Brit- ish history. The wounded King is re presented after his having fallen in the battle, urging on the pursuit of the flying Saxons, attended by his only daughter, Marchell, and an 1846. 1847. 1352 1360 1849. THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS 361 aged Bard, who is in the act of proclaiming victory. 1849. 1314 Marble bust of the Rt. Hon. Knight Bruce, Vice-Chan cellor. 1850. 1341 Model of a bronze statue of Sir Charles Morgan, Bart., now erecting at Newport, Monmouthshire. 1375 Marble bust of John Parry de Winton, Esq., Maesderwen, Breconshire. 1851. 1304 Statuette of the late Sir Robert Peel, Bart. 1332 Marble bust of the late Joseph Bailey, Junr., Esq., M.P. for Herefordshire, 1852. 1327 A statue in marble of Musi dora. "And fair exposed she stood, etc." 1401 Bust of Sir Benjamin HaU, Bart., M.P. 1853. 1371 Cabinet statue, in marble, of Sir Joseph Bailey, Bart., M,P,, of Glanusk Park. 1390 Bust of the Very Rev. the Dean of Llandaff. ( W. D. Conybeare.) 143 1 Bust of the Bishop of Llandaff. {Alfred Ollivant) 1854. 1437 Bust of the late Duke of Wel lington, K.G., from which a bronze statue is being exe cuted for the town of Breck nock. 1855, 1432 Death of General Sir Thomas Picton at Waterloo; design for one of the bronze panels ofthe Wellington monument at Brecon. 15 1 2 Bust of the late Rear-Admiral Price, Commander-in-Chief of H.M. Fleet in the Pacific. 1856. 125 1 The racket- player; to be cast in bronze. 1307 John Probert, Esq.,theFounder and Treasurer of the Royal Medical Benevolent College at Epsom. 1313 Marble bust of a gentleman. 1857. 1229 Model of a bronze statue of the late John Henry Vivian. Esq., M.P. for Swansea. 123 1 Bust of the first Lord Clive, K.B., for the Eari of Powis. 1263 Lord James Stuart, M.P. 1266 Clement Tudway Swanston, Esq., Queen's Counsel; marble bust, for the Ben chers of Lincoln's Inn, etc. VII. 1857. 1286 The late John Church Pearce Church, Esq., the only child of Lieut.-Colonel and Mrs. Church Pearce, of Ffrwd- grech, Breconshire, and Staverton House, Glouces tershire; marble bust, 1858. 1161 Marblebustof the late H.R.H. the Prince of Wales, to be placed in the board room of the Welsh Schools at Ash ford, and for the entrance hall, of which a statue of H.R.H. is now executing by orders of the President and Governors. 1862. 1032 The late Lord James Stuart, M.P. 1078 The late Charies Crofts Wil liams, Esq.; marble bust. Executed for the Town Hall, Cardiff. 1870. 1037 The late J. Parry de Winton, Esq., of Maesderwen, Bre conshire. 1 1 22 The late Joseph Bailey, Esq., M.P., of Easton Court, Here fordshire. THOMAS, J. L Painter. 7, Lower Belgrave Place. 1554 Portrait of a lady in a riding habit; a model in alto relievo. 32, Bow Street. 99 The common — early autumn. 272 The mill pond — autumn, 556 The Bottom, Abinger, Surrey —evening. 1855. 1865. 1866. THOMAS, M Architect, Canterbury. 1801. 326 North-east view of St. Augus tin's gate. 340 North-east view of the ruins of St. Augustin's Abbey. 1802. 370 St. Augustine's Gate, Canter bury. 569 South-west view of St. Augus tine's Gate, Canterbury, II, Hamilton Place, Piccadilly. 1805, 751 A design for a public building. 74, Margaret Street. 1807. 1038 A mausoleum, intended to commemorate naval achieve ments. 1808. 896 Design for a church. 1809. 815 Mausoleum in commemora tion of a late military achievement. 3A 362 THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS Thomas, M. — continued. 18 10. 690 Courts of justice. 181 1. 818 Design for an hospital lunatics. for THOMAS, M. ... 1853. 205 Fruit .. Painter. No address. THOMAS, Miss Margaret ... Painter, 18, Surrey Street, Croydon. 1868. 1188 Frederick Wallis, Esq. ; medal lion. 1873. ^'9 Rachel. 1225 Renzo: I Promessi Sposi. 58, High Street, Pimlico. 1874. 137 Hon. Edward Stanhope, M.P. 145 Viscountess Clifden. 258 Miss Pilkington. 461 Eleanor, daughter of Frederick Locker, Esq. 602 Mrs. Beechcroft, 1393 Frederick Locker, Esq. 1875, 60 Miss CottreU Dormer, 1877. 458 Ethel, daughter of John Ed ward Woodroffe, Esq. THOMAS, Matthew Evan ...Painter. 74, Margaret Street. 181 6. 817 A royal palace. (Member of the Imperial Academy at Florence, and of the Academy of St. Luke, at Rome.) 1820. 991 The bell tower at Pisa. 1821. 997 The tower of Gloucester Cathe dral. 1029 The arch of Trajan at Ancona. 1822. 933 Verona. THOMAS, Miss Painter. (An Honorary Exhibitor.) 1 84 1, 164 The cottager. 1842. 155 MUl at Ashford, Derbyshire. THOMAS, Mrs Painter, Notting Hill. 340 Foreigners that agree with natives. 8, Lindon Grove, Bayswater. 93 Fruit. 144 do. 1858. 1859.i860. 1 86 1. 640 Luncheon time, THOMAS, Percy. Painter and Etcher. I, Powis Place, Queen Square. 1867. 971 A portrait; etching. 1869. 1085 Olphar Hamst, Esq. {Ralph Thomas); etching. 1870. 874 Homeward bound ; etching. 1870. 1871.1872. 1873- 1874. I2I6 1282 1875- 1072 880 Temple Bar, early; etching. Henry Road, New Barnet. 840 Using the old pump; etching. 865 Ralph Thomas, Esq.; etching. 292 " It was the birds, dear; " dry- point, etching. 297 The farmer's own boy; dry- point, etching. 233 Travellers; etching. 242 The sea-beat shore; etching. 292 "What shaU I sing?" etch ing. By the sea. " God speed you." Hanway Street; etching on 1876. 1879.1882. 1883. 1885.1886. 1073 ••49 894 832 •259 73 500 79° 1635 7^7 1407 1887.1888, •485 940 1890. 1576 I89I. 1892. 955 846 1895. 1304 1897. 1898. ¦597•584 Kitchen on board a Deal lugger; etching. 38, Doughty Street. Miss Isabel Bateman; dry point. Portrait ( — Upperton, Esq., of Brighton). After B. Ri viere; etching. On strike. Forbidden fruit. Sir Paul Pindar's House, Bishopsgate Street 5, Camden Street, Oakley Square. Sabrina. Quiet Moments. The old sketch book. " Down river," London. ReUcs. " Oh, sweet be thy sleep in the land of the grave. My dear little angel for ever." The old Tabard Inn, South wark. 155a, Great Titchfield Street. A Thames barge. " My Mother " {Ann Thomas). 45, Grafton Street. The windmill. After John Crome. Disturbed. A parting request. 13, Clifford's Inn. Old London Houses, Fleet Street. 21, Fitzroy Square. The old Chain Pier, Brighton. The choir. Temple church. THOMAS, Miss P, Elizabeth F, Painter, The Beeches, Tymaston, Surrey. 1900. 758 Portrait by lamplight. THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS 3^3 THOMAS, Robert Kent Etcher, 25, Cloudesley Square. 1876. 1 131 St. Cuthbert's Screen, St Alban's Abbey Church; etch ing. 1877. 1246 The Choir, St, Alban's Abbey; etching. 1878. 1208 Tarbert Castle, Loch Fyne; etching. 1879. 1206 In the Palais de Justice, Rouen; etching. 1880. 1335 Magdalen Tower and bridge, Oxford; etching. 1 88 1. 1248 St. Michael's Mount, CornwaU; etching. THOMAS, R. S Painter, 1839. 1085 A seapiece. 6, King Street, Portsea. 1841 642 Trafalgar, after the close of the action. 1842. 976 The Battle of Navarino. THOMAS, S, Seymour Painter, 24, Avenue de Saxe, Paris. 1892. 187 Miss B. THOMAS, Mrs. Sybil Painter, 122, Ashley Gardens, Westminster. 1897. 1576 Portrait of a lady. THOMAS, W Painter, 3, Saville Place, Lambeth. 1 816. 480 Portrait of a lady. THOMAS, William Architect, I, Portland Road. 1780. 426 Elevation and plan of a man sion. 1782. 503 Design for the garden front of the west wing of a gentle man's seat in Pembrokeshire. 29, Alsop's Buildings. 1794. 636 Thegarden front of Eaton Hall, Cheshire, the seat of Lord Grosvenor. 1795- 725 Elevation of a Villa at Upton, Pembrokeshire. 727 Elevation of a Villa in Leicester shire. 1796. 791 Elevation of an observatory for Lord Grosvenor. 1797. — {In the index, but no exhibit in the catalogue.) 1 799. 920 Plans and elevations of a naval obelisk, intended to be erected on Portsdown Hill, near Portsmouth. THOMAS, William Painter, 30, High Holborn. 1806. 681 Mr. G. Scott 60, Upper Charlotte Street. 1808. 770 Mr, Gibb. Beaconsfield. 1812. 54 Portrait of a physician. 9> Portraits of the children of the Rev. W. M. Bradford, A.M. 1813. 379 A cottage girl and child. 387 Portrait of the eldest son of Sir E. B, Sandys, Bart 72, Newman Street. 1814. 212 Portraits of the children of a gentleman. 642 Portrait of a lady. 1815. 358 do. do. 1816. 272 do. an old labourer. 3^5 do. the Lord Mayor. {Matthew Wood) 408 Lieut.-Col, Ferris. 22, Charles St., Cavendish Sq. 1818. •73 H. Burgess, Esq. 191 Portrait of the child of G. North, Esq. 55^ Portrait of a gentleman. 1819. 79 Portraits of two ladies. 126 Portrait of a gentleman. 224 Le chapeau de Paille. 1820. 245 Portraits of William Hickey, Esq., his favourite black servant, and his dog. 257 The study: portraits ofa gentle man and his family. 291 An episode; from the Rev. G. Richard's Dramatic poem of Emma. " There Henry lies; His ashy cheek deformed with blood, his sword care less beside him thrown, etc." 358 Portraits of a gentleman, his lady and child. 1822. 215 Miss AnnabeUa CarUsle. 1823, 172 The pheasant in danger. 17, Berners Street. 1827. 7 Portrait of a lady. 40 do. young lady. 1829. 211 Portraits of Mrs. Alexander Copland and her infantchild. 1125 Rosalind giving Orlando the chain. "Wear this for me; one out of suits with fortune, etc."— ^.f You Like It. 1831. 354 News from abroad. 1838. 1168 Before the wind. 364 THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS THOMAS, William Sculptor, 7, Lower Belgrave Place. 1839. 1326 Bust of J. L. V. Walters, Esq. 1842. 1403 Bust of a gentleman. 1845. '353 Medallion of a gentleman. 1354 Study from the hfe. THOMAS, William Cave ... Painter, 39, London Street. 1843. 1421 A guardian angel; infancy. 1423 do. age. 1850. 451 Alfred giving a portion of his last loaf to the pUgrim. 946 A design for a picture. "Watch ye therefore; for ye know not when the master of the house cometh, etc." — St. Mark xiU, 35-36. 72, Newman Street. 185 1. 737 Hope cherishing the droop ing. 1852. 448 Laura in Avignon. "The sage Sennuccio, as he walked of late Beyond the city, met my sainted love, etc." 1853. 1C95 Clara. "When, with the Baron's casque, the maid To the nigh streamlet ran; Forgot were hatred, wrongs and fears, etc." — Marmion. 1854. 1360 The protest. " Of what avail is all this costly art, etc." 1855. 497 Rivalry. 23, Holies Street. 1856. 610 The heir, cast out of the vine yard. " But when the hus bandmen saw the son, they said among themselves. This is the heir, come let us kill him, etc." — Matthew, xxi, 38, 39- 1857. 608 Canute listening to the monks of Ely. "Merry was the monk of Ely's song. When Canute the King was sailing along, etc." 1858. 600 Boccaccio in Naples. Boccac cio, on his second embassy to Naples, discontented, im provises a canzonet, etc. 765 A study for a head of the Saviour. 876 Christ in the praetorium. — Mark, XV, 16. 1859. 479 Domenico da Pescia urges Savonarola to have recourse to the fiery ordeal for a miraculous confirmation of his doctrines. " He (Savona rola) seems still to have con tinued to express his convic tion that the truth of his cause was not in want of supernatural proofs. 1859. 816 The beauty of good deeds; design for a picture. "Men's good deeds go before them through the world, and veil their personal defects." 872 The harvest time, "The har vest is the end of the world, and the reapers are the an gels." — Matthew, xiii, 19. 1376 Life's wreck; electrotype from a bas-relief. 6, Wells Street. 1 86 1. 553 Petrarch's first sight of Laura, "On Sunday in the Holy week, at six in the morning, the time of matins, Petrarch, going to the church of the monastery of St. Claire, saw a young lady whose charms instantly fixed his attention. She was dressed in green, and her gown was embroid ered with violets. Golden locks waved over her shoulders. " Her neck was well- formed, and her complexion animated by the tints of nature, which art vainly at tempts to imitate. . . . She was not only magnificent, but elegant, in her dress, particularly in the ornaments of her head, and the manner of tying up her hair; and we have seen she wore a coronet of gold or silver ; and some times, for variety, a garland of flowers, which shegathered herself in the fields." — Life of Petrarch. 1862. 555 Ehezer offering the earring and bracelets to Rebekah. " The man took a golden earring of half a shekel v/eight, and two bracelets for her hands of ten shekels weight of gold." — Genesis, xxiv, 22. THOMAS, William F Painter, Lydstep House, Southwold, Suffolk, 1 90 1. 747 Walberswick, THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS 365 THOMAS, W, M Sculptor, 1848. 1404 Bust of his brother. 1850. 1418 do. Carnhuanawe, Histor ian of Wales. The Rev, Thomas Price, Rector of Cwmdu, Breconshire. 1854. 1473 Heloise, 7, Lower Belgrave Place. 1855. 1475 Portrait bust of a boy. 1856. 1269 The cricket player; a sketch. 1341 Medallion portrait of Miss Fugion. 1863. 1 144 The late M. H. Lax Marianne Smallwood, granddaughter of the Rev. W. Lax, LL.D., Professor of Astronomy in the University of Cambridge ; marble bust. 1864. 937 The late Sir George CornwaU Lewis, Bart, M.P.; model for a bust. 987 The late WiUiam RawUns, Esq., Surgeon of the Bedford MUitia. 1865. 931 Joseph Leyton Elms Spearman, grandson of Lady Bailey; bust in marble with dog. 962 Ariel; a basso relievo. "On the bat's back I do fly." — Tempest. 1866. 1040 The late Rev. Thomas Price, M,A. (Carnhuanawe), Vicar of Cwmdu, Brecknock, Poet and Historian of Wales. To be executed in marble for the Priory church, Aberga venny. Llanover, and 7, Lower Belgrave Place. 1868. 1086 Master Arthur Herbert, of Llanarth. 1089 Miss Florence Herbert. 1092 The Hon. Mrs, Herbert, Llanarth; medallion, 1094 Master Bleiddian Herbert, of Llanarth; medaUion. 1098 Master Herbert, of Llanarth, 58, Buckingham Palace Road. 1869. 1273 Mdlle. Hilda de Bunsen, daughter of Ernest de Bun sen, Esq.,,and granddaughter of the late Baron de Bunsen, 1308 The Hon. Mrs. Herbert, of Llanarth; marble. 1309 Miss Herbert, eldest daughter of J. A. Herbert, Esq., and the Hon. Mrs. Herbert, of Llanarth. 1870. 1137 Master Stephen, youngest son of J. Arthur Herbert, Esq., and the Hon. Mrs. Herbert, of Llanarth (posthumous marble bust). 1871. 1301 Master Claud Alexander, son of Lieut.-Col. and Mrs. Alexander, of Ballochmyle marble. 1325 Mrs. Rousby; medallion. THOMASON, Yeoville ... Architect. iQ, John Street, Adelphi. 1886. 1646 Council House and Art Gal leries, Birmingham. THOMPSON, Alfred Painter, 9, Rue Couchois, Montmartre, Paris. 1863. 705 J. St John Jefferyes, Esq. Army and l^avy Club. 1864. 549 The plague-stricken, A.D. 1665. 10, Ovington Square. 1873. 225 Miss Casella. 1874. 999 Embroidery. 1 00 1 A Japanese Cleopatra. THOMPSON, Mrs, Christiana. Painter, 12, Inkerinan Terrace, 1879. 578 Sunshine. Kensington. THOMPSON, C, H Painter, 10, Meadow Studios, Bushey. 1894. 350 Miss Heather Sutcliffe. THOMPSON, Mrs. C, H, (formerly Miss Heather Sutcliffe), Miniature Painter, Oakhill Cottage, St. Buryan, Cornwall. 1903. 1184 Spring. 1904. 1 210 A sea fancy. 1226 Eve. THOMPSON, E Painter, 5, Claremont Terrace, Pentonville. 1845. 74 Portrait of a lady. THOMPSON, Miss Elizabeth (after wards Mrs, Butler and Lady But ler) Painter, 5, Bcnifare Terrace, Ventnor. 1873. 590 Missing. cjo E. W. Pollard, Esq., I, Brompton Square. 1874. 142 CaUing the roll after an en gagement, Crimea. 366 THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS Thompson, Miss Elizabeth — continued. 1875. 853 The 28th Regiment at Quatre Bras. This regiment played a conspicuous part in the battle of Quatre Bras, June t6, 1815. Formed together with the Royals into square in a field of "particularly tall rye " (Siborne's Waterloo Campaign), it was repeatedly assaulted by the enemy's cavalry. Cuirassiers, and Polish Lancers, who closed a long series of unsuccessful attacks by a furious charge, simultarieously delivered against three faces of the square, where it was " mainly composed of the men of the 28th" (Siborne). The pic ture represents the last effort of the enemy at about 5 p.m. The failure of these at tempts to break their forma tion was productive of much levity on the part of some of the younger soldiers, in stances of which are tradi tional in the regiment. The mounted officer. Ma jor, afterwards Sir Richard, Lluellyn, K.C.B., was se verely wounded on the i8th at Waterloo. {See Elizabeth, Lady Butler, vol. i, page 363.) THOMPSON, F Architect. 1852. 1201 Design for an alteration to the National Gallery, with a view to the entire occupa tion of the building by the Royal Academy. 1230 Design for a carriage to a rail way terminus. THOMPSON, Frank Painter, 3, Pimlico, Durham. 1898. 1220 Pittenween, Fifeshire. 1899. 1217 Richmond, Yorkshire. THOMPSON, G Painter, 42, Piccadilly. 1810. 351 View of Barking in Essex. 2, Elizabeth Street, Pimlico. 1839. 348 A study from nature. THOMPSON, Gabriel Painter. 54/3, Theresien Strasse, Munich. 1889. 139 Study of a girl's head. 1891. 326 Daffodils. Penhill Close, Cardiff. 1894. 432 S. Mitford, Esq. 482 A. Thompson, Esq. 1897. 496 Wood nymph. THOMPSON, G. A Painter. Albury, near Guildford. 1851. 352 Cottage Scene from nature. THOMPSON, G. H Painter. 2, Elm Field Villas, Southampton. 1885. 570 The Arundel Tower, South ampton — Sunrise. 1422 The western shore, Southamp ton. THOMPSON, Harri Painter. Warwick Studios, Hampstead. 1899, 781 Spring in Picardy, THOMPSON, Sir Henry ... Painter. (An Honorary Exhibitor.) H. Thompson. 1865. 456 The chrysahs. Sir H. Thompson, 35, Wimpole Street. 1870. 956 Near Rotterdam; late after noon, August, 1869 — showery weather; a vacation study. 1872. 299 A Japanese group. 1873. 1066 Summer evening on theThames near Henley. 1874. 728 Tea a la Russe. 1875. 538 Close to the High Street, Zer matt, Switzerland. 1876. 59 Naples; for a blessing in the market. 1877. 224 Court of the Mosque, palace of the Alhambra, Granada, Spain. 1878. 180 Chapel on the right of High Altar, St. Mark's, Venice. 1 88 1. 170 In the Borghese, winter after noon. 1883. 50 Entrance to a villa near Car rara, Italy. 1885. 116 Old blue; stiU life 1901. 638 BeUagio — summer morning haze from Cadennabbia, Lake of Como. THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS 367 THOMPSON, Henry J Painter. Melrose, Hampton Road, Teddington. 1904. 791 A bridge at Walberswick. THOMPSON, H, Raymond, Painter, 3, The Studios, N. W. 1892, 1572 Portrait. 1899. •"8 The joy of youth. 1900. 1133 \ The Poetry j Orpheus. 1134 > of < Homer, 1135 ) Music, ( St. Cecilia. 1904. 937 A pastoral. THOMPSON, Miss Isa (afterwards Mrs. R, Jobling) Painter, 15, Market Street, Newcastle. 1892. 499 Blossom. 1893. 288 Fisher-folk. {Now Mrs. R. Jobling.) 29, Victoria Avenue, Whitley, near Newcastle. 1897. 479 The lone reaper. 1898. 685 The Crofter's harvest. 1900. 1413 Anna, {See also Mrs. Isa Jobling, vol, iv, page 248,) THOMPSON, J Architect, At Mr. Banner's, Old Street. 1791. 483 Elevation of a church. {Thompson in index, Thomson in cata logue.) THOMPSON, J Sculptor. 1838. 1347 The favourites, THOMPSON, Jacob (of Penrith), Painter, Penrith, Cumberland, and Mr. Hughes, 28, Shepherd Street, Mayfair. 1 83 1. 2 Landscape composition with figures and sheep. 1832. 964 The druids cutting down the mistletoe, with a distant view of Long Meg and her daughters; a druidical circle near Salkeld, Cumberland. 21, Duke Street, Manchester Square, and Penrith. 1833. 598 Portraits of Miss and Augusta Mary Lowther, daughters of the Hon. Col. Lowther, M.P. Hampstead. 1834. 882 South-west front of FrognaU Priory, Hampstead, the re sidence of J. Thompson, Esq. 2, Little Brook Street. 1835. 290 Portrait of an artist. 330 The game-keeper. 140, High Street, Manchester Square, and Hitchin, Herts. 1840. 158 A group of portraits. 10, William Street, Hampstead Road. 1842. 1361 Bust of a child. Lowther, near Penrith, and 104, High Street, Marylebone. 1843. 33 Lake scenery with fallow deer. 1844. 74 Trout. The Hermitage, Hackthorp, Penrith, and 104, High Street, Marylebone. 1846. 1007 The baker's entry, Waltham Abbey, now in course of de- moUtion. {In the index by J. Thomp son, but in my catalogue by H. Thompson. In a British Museum copy in the index it is printed, H. Thompson of Waltham Ab bey.) 210 Proposal. 1848. 1849. 1850.1851. 925 " Cease, Galatea, cease to grieve; Bewail not, when thou canst relieve; call forth thy power, etc." — Acis and Galatea. 609 Ptarmagan. 713 The Highland bride's depar ture. " The huzzas of the party at the huts, where the wed ding had taken place, now mingled with the murmurs of the distant waterfall, and all nature was sinking into repose, as Jean, with the most solemn feeUngs of a mother, thus addressed the newly wedded pair: "My dear children, be faithful and kind to each other, and surely God will bless you. Do you, my daughter, take this Holy Book as your mother's last and best gift ; in this, you will find comfort under every affliction, coun- 368 THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS 1852. 577 1074 1853- 1854. •259 1078 1855-1856. 326 noo 1186 1857- i860. 323 612 I86I. 641 1863. 1864. 1866. 721 529 609 Thompson, Jacob — continued. sel for every difficulty, and through its sacred teaching, may God be merciful to you, and keep you in the way of righteousness." — Story of the Highland Bride, page 18. Going to church — a scene in the Western Highlands. An autumnal evening at Con- nel Ferry, Loch Etive. The hope beyond. " The course of true love never did run smooth." The mountain ramblers. Frederick Soames, Esq., Mrs. Soames and child, looking out for the homeward-bound East Indiaman. Sunny hours of chUdhood. The first lamb. The signal. " They have seen better days." The holiday. The height of ambition. The first lesson in dancing. THOMPSON, J. J., Junr. Architect, 57, Devonshire Street, Portland Place. 1857. 1064 Elevation for a public library and museum. 1859. 1059 Design for a marine Sani tarium. 1863. 894 Carriage Porch of Grittleton, Wilts, the seat of Sir John Neeld, Bart THOMPSON, James Robert, Architect, At Mr. Britton' s, Tavistock Place. 1808. 331 View of the Ruins of the cen tral tower, transept, etc., of Malmsbury Abbey Church, Wiltshire. 935 View of Henry the Seventh's Chapel, from the north-east, with the dilapidated parts restored. 947 View of the Armory, Heding- ham Castle, Essex. 976 View of an ancient tower gate way. 14, Shorts Buildings, Clerkenwell. 1809. 309 Beckett Farm, near Farring don, Berkshire. 1809. 811, 812. 813.814, 815. 816.817.818. 1819. 1822. 1830. 1841. 615 821 653 350 West gate and Gloucester bridge, Gloucester — sunset after rain. 372 Audly End, Essex, the seat of Lord Braybrooke. 868 North, or Lothbury, front of the Bank of England. 829 Design for a mausoleum. 15, St. James's Street, Clerkenwell. 450 Landscape. 819 Design for a monumental park entrance. 876 Design for a monumental sea mark and signal-house. 640 A landscape. 29, Great Bath Street, Cold Bath Square. View near Wazen, Switzer land. Design for a column as a sea mark. The Brocas, from Windsor Bridge. 18, Aylesbury St., Clerkenwell. 501 Elephant-hunting in the Island of Ceylon. I, Securing an elephant in its egress from the kraal, 2. An old elephant secured for taming. 3. A young ele phant secured for taming. 4. The portcullis, or curtain coiled to admit the passage of the elephants from the greater divisions of the kraal to the lesser. 5. The cur tain uncoiled to prevent the return of the elephants, with the mode of screening the manwhocuts thecoilingrope from the observation of the elephants. View near Castle Coch, on the Myrthyr Tydwel Canal. Design for an octastyle monop teral Temple to Peace. IIOI The original sketches (finished) of a design for naval monu mental and triumphal bridge . . . . for new London Bridge, etc. 29, Ossulston Street. 989 View of the library of Sir G. T. Staunton, Bart., of Leigh Park, Havant, Hants, etc. 1020 Doric column, to the memory of Sir Walter Scott, Bart, 1105 Design for Starbro' House, Lingfield; J. Wallis, Esq. 903 851 THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS 369 1842. 1075 Lock Hospital Asylum and Chapel, etc., near West bourne Green. 1088 do. do. 62, Clarendon Street. 1843. 1 180 Design for the Nelson Monu ment, combining a naval museum and library. 1211 Ruins of Elgin Cathedral. THOMPSON, Miss Kate Painter, 35, Wimpole Street. 1877. 323 Entrance to the Hall of Las dos Hermanas, from the Court of Lions; Palace of the Alhambra, Granada, Spain. 1878. 1401 Apres le d^jefiner. 1882. loi "Lovely and gentle, but dis tressed." — Sir Walter Scott. 519 In a vineyard near Como. THOMPSON, Matt, Raine... Painter, 43, George Street, Portman Square. 1881. 987 A sketch at Elstree. THOMPSON, N, Miniature Painter. 33, Newman Street. 1809. 594 Miss Douglas. 619 Portrait ofa lady and child. 654 Sir J. Carr. 701 Portraits of two children. 719 Miss Mortimer. THOMPSON, R Painter, Frederick Place, Newington Butts. 1807. 608 Pizarro, act v, scene in. THOMPSON, Stanley Painter. 28, Margaretta Terr cue, Chelsea. 1899. 1 20 1 A grey day on the Wear. 1900. 1098 November. "And the year, on the earth her deathbed, in a shroud of leaves dead, is lying," THOMPSON, Sydney L, ... Painter, Hotel de France, Concameau, Finisterre, France. 1904, 715 Shy. VII. THOMPSON, Thomas. Painter and Miniature Painter. 64, Fenchurch Street. 1793' 35^ Portrait of a gentleman. 39, King Street, Cheapside. 1795. 490 Portrait of a gentleman, 1796. 537 Five portraits, 33, Threadneedle Street. 1797. 420 Admiral Sir John Jervis's fleet taking possession of the Spanish prizes. 546 The Glatton, after the action. 557 The Glatton, Captain TroUope, engaging six French Frig ates. 119, Cheapside. 1798. 594 Close of the action in the lee division of the two fleets on the nth of October, 1797. 816 A frame with the portraits of Miss Sims, Mr. Lyne, Mr. J. Thompson, Senr., J. "Thomp son, Junr., Miss Outhwaite. 5, Leadenhall Street. 1799. 128 Shipping becalmed. 190 do. 839 A brisk gale off Dover. 41, Fenchurch Street. 1800. 299 Shipping in Portsmouth Har bour. 1801. 270 A View from Blackwall. 1802. 298 View on the river with shipping. 326 View on the river. 1803. 108 A fresh gale, with shipping, etc, and a sloop anchoring. 1804. 431 View ofDover,witha cutter and lugger, her prize, beating round the Foreland. Crescent, Store Street, Bedford Square. 1806. 134 A cutter passing the Shivering Sand Buoy. 146 A lugger off St. Helens. 302 An oyster-smack in a fresh gale. 1807. 157 A fisherman of Scotland. 244 A calm. 461 A cutter bearing up. 41, Fenchurch Street. 1808. 290 Sailors at a mess in the half deck. 1809. 143 A calm. 436 Hospitality to shipwrecked sailors. 559 Margate Roads. 1810. 235 A calm. 237 Fresh gale. 338 A calm. 448 Fishing smack in harbour. 3K 370 THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS THOMPSON, Thomas R.H.A 1816. 1817. 1818. 1819. 1820. 1822. 570 32 160 296 9' •32 217 327350 397 4^3 29 78 141 181 271 347386626 22 200237 383 42943' 1S21. 233 1823. 251 267 376 I 78 265 275 361 450 106 '53 Clement, Painter, 25, Lower Sackville Street, Dublin. A portrait. Sir C. L. Giesecke, Professor of Mineralogy, who has re sided many years in Green land. Portrait of a gentleman. The Rev. Dr. Bruce of Belfast 13, Henrietta Street. The Eari of Fingal. G. Ruth, Esq. The Hon. J. Butler. Portrait of a lady of rank. TheDeanofRaphoe. {Richard Allot) The Rt. Hon. Sir B. Bloom field, Bart. Portrait of a favourite Cat. The Earl of Rocksavage. Portrait of a lady. do. student. The Countess of Desart. The Countess of Carrill and her daughter. Lady S. Butler. The Rt. Hon. Sir J. Newport, Bart. The Rt. Hon. Charies Grant, M.P. The Eari of Desart. Portrait of a lady. W. Hammond, Esq. Henry Smith, Esq. The Marquis of Cholmondeley. Nath. Stonard, Esq. His Excellency Earl Talbot, Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, Grand Master of the Order of St. Patrick, etc., and one of his pages, the Hon. John Talbot The Hon. Percy Jocelyn, Bishop of Clogher. Portrait of a lady. W. Read, Esq. Lord Arthur HiU. Lord Sidmouth. Sir E. Lees. Eari O'Neill. Coriolanus, " Aufidius and you Volsces, mark, for we'll hear naught from Rome in private." — Act v, scene iii. Miss Caroline Wigston. J. De Michelle, Esq., professor of music. The Masters 5mith. Lady Lees. 1823. 397 Sir B. Bloomfield, Bart 424 Lord Howden. 957 The Marquis of Anglesea and the Hon. Sir Charles Paget, etc., etc. 1824. 18 Mrs. Erlington. 133 The Misses Waring. 181 The Marquis of Thomond. 1825, 193 The Rt. Hon. Lord Manners, Lord High Chancellor of Ireland. 372 Lord Viscount Gort. 1826. 71 His Most Gracious Majesty George IV. 1827. 368 Portrait of a young lady. 414 Don Guillemn MUler, General de Division del exercito Peruano. 430 William Cuming, Esq. 1828. 14 The Rev. Saxby Penfold. 45 Portrait 155 do. of a gentleman. 355 do. lady. J. C. Thompson, 26, Somerset Street, Portman Square. 1830. 22 The Rev. Charles Bayton, F.T.C.D. 102 Portrait of a lady. 404 Mrs, Cope. T. C. Thompson, 76, Welbeck Street. 1832, 72 The Marquis of Cholmondeley. 218 Samuel Drummond, Esq. 9, Princes Street, Hanover Square. 1833. 5 Meditation, a portrait of a lady. 73 The Earl of Ossory. 76, Welbeck Street. 1834. 4 Thomas Campbell, the poet. 18 The Rt. Hon. Spring Rice, etc. 165 St. Cecilia; portrait of a young lady. 1835. 147 A Spanish girl. 162 Lord Viscount Sandon. 469 The Hon. Richard Ponsonby, Bishop of Derry. 1836. 55 Portrait of a lady. 68 Lady Grant. 1837. 3 Mary, portrait of a young lady. 51 The Marquess of Cholmon deley, Hereditary Lord High Chamberlain of England. 535 The Rt. Hon. Frederick Shaw, M.P. for the University of Dublin. 1838. 115 Henry Phillpots, D.D., Bishop of Exeter. 297 Portrait of a lady. THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS 371 1840. 258447 468 ¦"1841. 244 495 504 534 1842, 64 475 Esq., his L. M. Mosley, 8oth year. The Invitation; portraits of a young lady and her sister. The Rev. Hugh M'Neile, M.A. The Rev. Hugh StoweU, M.A. Evelyn PhUip Shirley, Esq, Martha; portrait of a young lady. Portrait of a lady of distinc tion. Pryce L. Richard Gordon, Esq. Clarke Sewell, Esq., Fellow of Magdalen College, Oxford. 518 Portrait of a minister. 1843. 149 Mrs. Christmas. 494 The Rev. M. J. Routh, D.D., President of St. Mary Mag dalen College, Oxford, etc. 1 176 The infant St. John. 1844. 337 A young Spanish lady. 1004 Miss Margan. 1047 Lieut-General Sir John Buchan, K.C.B. 1845. 22 George V. Drury, Esq., of Shot- over Park, Oxfordshire. 58 Mrs. Drury, of Shotover Park, Oxfordshire. 138 The Rev. Professor Buckland, D.D., Canon of Christ Church, Oxford. 1092 Historical picture of the em barkation of His Majesty George IV at Kingstown in 1 8 2 1 . All the leading figures are portraits — the great officers of State and of the Household, with the nobility and gentry, who surrounded the King on that memorable andimportantoccasion. The subject is taken at the time His Majesty had received the address of the Lord Mayor and the citizens of Dublin on his departure; when the King graciously replied, "Gentle men, I approached your shores with pleasure; I now quit them with regret I " The painter had been honoured with sittings from His Ma jesty, and all the personages represented in the picture. The new pier at Kingstown is shown as it then appeared. Howth and Ireland's Eye in the distance. 1846. 462 Mrs, Shelton Mackenzie. 1846. 615 Miss Fanny Gwynne. 1847. 368 My grand-children. THOMPSON, W Painter, Arlington Street, Piccadilly. 1 78 1. 161 View from nature of Langdale Pikes and the adjacent mountains in Westmoreland. Half Moon Street, Piccadilly. 1782. 29 Ara Force, near Penrith, Cum berland. loi Scene in Borrowdale, Cumber land. 170 View taken at Carrigaurede, North Wales. 203 The mill at Lodore, near Kes wick, Cumberland. 380 Glenridding, in Westmoreland, with the effect of the rainbow after rain. 1784. 80 A sylvan scene, taken at the top of a cascade in West moreland. 191 View on the lake of Ullswater in Cumberland, looking to wards Harsop. 322 Portrait. THOMPSON, Wilfred H. ... Painter, 27, Church Row, Hampstead. 1887. 854 In Deal marshes. 1 89 1. 85 Dante and VirgU in the Umbo of the unbaptised. 1893. 373 Prayer; the church of Sta. Maria in Ara Coeli, Rome. ; Mors Consolatrix. 1894. THOMPSON, W.J Architect. 54, Long Acre. 1795. 718 Principal front of a stable. ( W. J. Thompson in the index, but J. Thompson in the catalogue.) THOMSON, Mrs. Adam Painter. 25, New Bond Street. 1850. 1360 Richard of Wallingford, Abbot of St. Alban's, invented and made the first English clock. THOMSON, Miss Beatrice... Painter. Westover, Mount Ephraim Rd., Streatham. 1903' 55' The old barn. THOMSON, David Painter, 212, Piccadilly. 1807. 563 Inside of a stable. 372 THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS THOMSON, E. ... Miniature Painter, 1 8, Rathbone Place. 1 80 1. 707 Portrait of a lady. THOMSON, E. W. Miniature Painter, 68, Rue du Fauxbourg, St. Honore, Paris, and 7, Great Marlborough St. 1832. 518 Portraits of chUdren. 619 W. J. Newton, Esq. 710 Portrait of a lady. 939 Mrs. O. Green. 945 Mrs. W, Batty. 1833, 897 Madame D'Egville, of Paris, 933 Mr, Brunton, of York, 69, Berners Street. 1839, 856 The late W, Roberts, Esq, 983 The late Hardwick Merriman, Esq, THOMSON, George Painter. 6, New Court, Lincoln's Inn. 1886. 1316 A fairy tale. Clayton House, Stroud-on-the- Green, Gunnersbury. 1892. 1541 A study in silver point. Maclise Mansions, Addison Road Station. 1898. 350 Portrait of a gendeman. THOMSON, Gordon Painter. 58, Queen's Road, St. John's Wood. 1878. 645 Sweethearting. 907 Kept waiting. THOMSON, G Architect, Dedham. 1822. 916 The church lately erected at Harwich. THOMSON, Henry, R.A. ... Painter, 38, Charles Street, Westminster. 1792. 406 Portrait ofa gentleman. {Home Tooke) 1793, 40 Wood girls, 73 Portrait of a lady, (J/«j.ffz«^,) 273 A fisherman, H. Thompson, Rome. 1794, 260 Old man's head, H. Thomson, 10, Berners Street. 1800. 220 Daedalus fastening wings on his son Icarus, — Ovid. 286 Dr, James Johnson, 679 Miss Caldwell. 1 80 1. 2 Portrait of a young gentleman. 1801. 55 James Cutforth, Esq. 179 The red-breast "Sacred to the household gods, etc." — Thomson. 661 Captain Sir E. Hamilton. 669 Dr. Robertson. (Elected A.R.A.) 1802. 4 Captain R. Campbell. 29 Baron Williams, Colonel in the service of Austria, command er of the Imperial flotillas dur ing the late war, on the Rhine, in Switzerland, etc., etc. 53 Cuxhaven, from the jetty. The British packet with signal for sailing. 57 Henrie and Birtha. "Sytte thee, Birtha, sytte and harke, etc." 136 Mauritania. " There sublim'd to fearless lust of blood, etc." — Thomson. 357 Portrait of a gentleman. 502 Victims ofa storm. "The winds subside the day in splendour dawns; but oh I too late — The work of death is done; and on the shore Lie the pale victims of the night's fierce storm." 1803. 60 Prospero and Miranda. "They hurried us aboard a bark : etc." — Tempest, Act i, scene 2. 166 Crossing the brook, "But one step more; be not in haste, etc" 236 Fadlallah, the dervise, and the doe." — Spectator, Vol. viii. No. 578. 239 Fadlallah Zemroude and the nightingale. — Spectator, Vol. viii. No. 578. 268 Portrait of a young gentleman. 538 Eloisa's tomb. "If everchance two wand'ring lovers brings, etc." — Pope. 619 Licinia endeavouring to dis suade her husband, Caius Gracchus, from joining the conspirators on the Aventine Hill. — Roman History. 639 Captain Sir T. Livingstone, Bart, (Elected R,A,) 1804. 38 Alexander and Hephestion visiting the family of Darius in their tents. 117 Cottage scene — summer even ing. THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS 373 1804. 151 A shipwrecked mariner, "Sad on the jutting eminence he sits. And views the main that ever toils below." i8i Mercy intercediug for a fallen warrior. " Thou who amidst the dreadful field, etc." — Collins. 221 Portrait of a lady. 421 do. clergyman, 1805. 27 The Bath, Roman nurse and child. 79 Portrait of a lady. " Gaiety's not always folly, Nor ev'ry owl-like visage wise." 140 Prospero and Miranda. " Mir. If by your art, my dearest father, you have put the wild waters in this roar, allay them." — Tempest, Act i, scene 2. 152 Belarius, Guiderius, Arviragus, and Imogen. " With fairest flowers, whilst summer lasts, and I five here, Fidele, I'll sweeten thy sad grave." — Cymbeline, Act iv, scene 2. 177 Brigadier-General Campbell. 1806. 5 Love sheltered. "It's a cold rainy night, and I'm wet to the skin. And I have lost my way. Ma'am, so pray let me in." 144 Miss St. Clare. 162 Sketch for a portrait of Sir J. F. Leicester, Bart., Colo nel of the Earl of Chester's Legion. 187 The mother finding her infant playing with the talons of the dragon slain by the Red Cross Knight. "One mo ther, wheneas her foole- hardy chyld did come too neare, eXc."— Spenser. 1807. 6 Portraits of a lady and child. 28 Portrait of Frederic, son of C, Leicester, Esq. 129 Lord Penrhyn. 226 The school boy, with his satchel and shining morning face, creeping like snail, un willingly to school. 238 Miss Vidal. 1808. 35 A portrait " Lo, the poor Indian ! whose untutor'd mind Sees God in clouds, and hears him in the wind." 49 Trap-ball; portrait of a young gentleman. 1809. 41 60 1808. 98 Love's ingratitude, "Protected from the beating shower. His torpid limbs regain their power; His wings, which, colourless and lank. Hung like wet weeds adown a bank, Now swell, and own their native dye. The bow its elasticity, etc." Portrait of a lady. Sir W. W. Pepys, Bart. 104 The distressed family. " To want, and woe, and wretchedness reduc'd. Poor Mary and her aged sire depend On strangers' bounty for their daily bread. This was their cottage; here they lived in peace. Most happy then, alas ! behold them now. By friends of their prosperity forsaken, E'en by their faithful watch dog quite forgot." 140 The dead robin. 177 Boys fishing. 15, Newman Street. 18 10. 46 Portrait of a lady. 114 Titania, Puck, etc. "What hempen home-spuns have we swaggering here, etc." — Midsummer Nights Dream, Act iii, scene i. 181 1. 94 Lady M, Grey. 189 Peasants in a storm — Salisbury Plain, " They wander on, still more and more astray, etc" 181 2. 45 View in Tabley Park, Cheshire, the seat of Sir J, F. Leices ter, Bart. 126 Lavinia. " The modest virtues mingled in her eyes, etc." — Thomson. 163 The infancy of Jupiter. 1 81 3. 92 Portraits ofthe children of the Earl of Jersey. 212 A groupe on the seashore (portraits of part of the family of Earl Grey) with a a favourite ass. 333 Sir J. St. Aubyn. 1814. 39 Thais. " Like another Helen, fir'd another Troy." 81 W. Smith, Esq., M.P. 374 THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS Thomson, Henry, R.A.— continued. 1814, 176 Eurydice hurried back to the infernal regions. {Latin quotation from Virgil.) 18 1 5. 21 Portrait of a lady, 96 Cupid disarmed, 1 23 Icarus, after his fall, found on the seashore. {Latin quo tation from Ovid) 18 1 6. 62 Portrait of a lady. 176 Mauritania. " There sublim'd to fearless thirst of blood, etc." — Thomson. 181 7. 31 Cupid and Ganymede. " In heav'n, one holy day, you read In wise Anacreon, Ganymede, Drew heedless Cupid in, to throw A main, to pass an hour or so, etc," — Prior. 164 Captain Machlachlan, Royal Artillery. 194 The kitten. 131 Portraits of the chUdren of G. W, Taylor, Esq,, and of a favourite poney. 152 Christ raising from death the daughter of Jairus. "Be hold there came a certain ruler, etc." — St. Matthew, ix, 18, 19, 23, 24, 25. 77 Bed time. 172 Miranda's first sight of Ferdi nand. " Where should this music be, etc." — Tempest, Act i, scene 2. 197 The child exposed by Anti- gonus on the seashore found by the shepherd. — Winter's Tale, Act iii, scene 3. 1825. 126 Juliet. THOMSON, H. ... Miniature Painter, (An Honorary Exhibitor.) 1818. 796 Portrait of a naval officer. 865 do. lady. THOMSON, James Architect, At Mr. Papworth's, II, Caroline Street, Bedford Square. 1822. 914 Design for a villa. 5, Great Ormond Street. 1823. 1029 Design for a cottage ornee. 15, Francis Street. 1824. 878 A temple designed to be used as a private chapel in a noble man's park. iSit 1820. I«2I.1822. IS23. 1824. 898 1825. 1827. 95^ 1012 1828. 1015 975 1830. 1044 1046 •••3 I83I.1832. 1833- 1014•033 1061 1834.1836.1837- 895 1016iit9 1839. 1840. 1234 93° 1025 1055 1845. 1846. 1113 1170 1847.1850. 1853- 186 1093••59 510 1 119 The interior court of a series of designs for a royal residence. 65, Great George Street, Euston Square. Design for a vestibule, etc. Porch of lodge. A Collegiate Institution. Architectural elevation, etc. 35, Foley Place. Fishing lodge, etc. A bailiff's cottage, for J. Wilkie, Esq., Berwick-on-Tweed. School house at St. Philip's, Norton, Somersetshire, etc. A rotunda, etc. A town hall and market place. Design for the Fa§ade of a National GaUery. Fa9ade for a sculptor's studio. A palatial edifice. The fagade for a New Gallery of Practical Science in Regent Street. 57, Devonshire Street. Palatial residence, etc. Manorial house, Wilts. Lodge in Somerset. The Capitol, Rome, as ap proached from the Via della Pettaccia, etc. Alderton church, Wilts. Interior of the Church of St Margaret, Leigh-de-la-Mere, Wilts. Exterior of the Church of St. Margaret, Leigh- de-la-Mere, Wilts. Royal Polytechnic Institution. Church of St Margaret. Rock Lodge. Ullswater, from Sparrow Bay, for A. Partlin, Esq. 57, Devonshire Street. Grittleton House, for Joseph Neeld, Esq,, M.P. THOMSON, Rev, John, of Dudding- ston Painter, (An Honorary Exhibitor.) 1 8 13. 706 View in the Highlands of Scot land. THOMSON, John Painter. Victoria Park, Manchester. 153 Study ofa head. 320 Twilight in the forest of Fon tainebleau. 1867. 197 The gloaming. 1863. 1866. THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS 375 1869. 786 La VeneUe St. MUlaine, Mor- laix, Brittany. 1870. 353 Old bridge near Rowsley. 149, Plymouth Grove, Manchester. 187 1. 301 A midsummer eve. 365 Ariel gazelles. 1872. 96 Passing away. 160 Le pardon due, Brittany. THOMSON, John Kinghorn. Painter. 27, Spencer Street, Canonbury. 528 The lover's grave. 9, Upper Terrace, Islington. 293 Story of a simple life — sunshine, shade, dawn. 629 Aisle in St. Nicholas' church, Canterbury. 61 Purity. 754 As the crow flies. 562 Sunny reflections. 702 May. 466 The old clock on the stairs. 205 The good Samaritan. 453 "Good Night" 630 Up and down. 1056 Late in the day. 1058 " Fast falls the evenride." 938 The burden of his song. 45 The last iUness of little Richard Evelyn. " He would of him- selfe select the most pathetic psalms and chapters out of Job to reade to his mayde during his sicknesse, telling her when she pitied him that all God's children must suffer affliction." — -Evelyn's Diary. 177 In the light. 282 Myne hoste of Canonbury. 293 In the dark. 838 Parting words. 407 The hidden mystery. 876 A lonely Christmas. 287, Upper Street, Islington. 47 Via Crucis. 3 Nearly won. 82 Where he lay. " Such things as these you know must be." 492 Acquainted with grief. 658 His last friend. 1849.i860. 1867.1868. 1869. 1872. 1873-1874. 1875- 1876. 1877. 1879. 1880.1882. THOMSON, J. Leslie, ^./.,,, Painter. 66, Oakley Square. 1873. 895 On the river. 1874. 1032 Low water. 1875. 916 Near Chelsea. 1876, 67 Silver Tweed. 1876. 205 On the Tweed — evening. 1877.1878.1879. 1880. 1883. 1884. 1885.1886. 1887. 1888.1889, 1891. 1892.1893. 1894.1895.1896, 1897.1898. 104 The valley of the Dee. 1055 Peat-moss. Newstead, Forest Hill. 243 After Sunset — Brittany, 336 Tidal creek, low water. 941 A coal yard, Brittany. 957 Hennant, Brittany. 77 Wool washing on the Border. 587 New moon. 622 Near Pont Aven, Brittany. 921 Bent-pullers; Newburgh. 1023 An afternoon in Autumn. 1066 Tweedmouth. 64 Late autumn. 1 86 A windy day. 190 Brittany. 197 The Tweed, Kelso. 76, Charlotte Street. 79 Brickfield, Norfolk. 244 A grey day. 461 Sundown. 21 A washing place, Normandy. 400 Zandvoort. 422 A little maid, Devonshire. 694 Sunny morning — Normandy. 577 Rye, Sussex. 408 Afternoon. 793 Sunshine — Normandy. 459 La Hogue, Normandy. 832 Near La Hogue, Normandy. 16 Evening. 346 A Hampshire common. 469 Stack barges, Essex. 655 Brickfield, Southend. 667 Berwick on Tweed. 355 Near Leigh, Essex. 719 Early summer. 844 On Poole Harbour. Dordrecht. A Dutch river. Autumn.New Forest. 862 The foot-bridge. 134 Berwick on Tweed. Brickfields. On Devon coast 98, James Street, Buckingham Gate. 357 Fishing boats. Rye. 228 A stack barge, Essex. 545 Goldhanger, Essex. 775 A bit of Dorset. 192 Dordrecht. 743 A spring. 537 A New Forest stream. 619 1 126 633 1063 260 852 THOMSON, Mrs. Mary Sculptor, 25, New Bond Street. 1843. 241 Portrait of Clementina Pike. 376 THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS Thomson, Mrs, Mary — continued. 1844. 1262 Bust; in composition. 1852. 1386 do. of a lady. 1391 do. do. THOMSON, William Painter. Sidmouth Lodge, The Boltons, S. W. 1893. 1078 Portrait of a lady. 1894. 1607 The old gateway at San Remo. THOMSON, Miss Winifred Hope, Miniature Painter. 57, Onslow Square. Fletcher Moulton, Esq., Q.C, F.R.S. 1495 Portrait. 1379 do. 1249 Miss Pamela C. Plowden. 1257 Lady Edmond Fitzmaurice. 1273 Miss Augusta Yorke. II 52 Mrs. Spencer Walpole. 1 161 Miss A. Martineau. II 83 Lady Clerk of Pennycuik. 13 19 Mrs. Ambrose Ralli. 373 Salome. 1479 Lady Seymour. 1311 Portrait of a lady. 1262 Mrs. George Armstrong. 1383 Miss Dorothy Freeman. 1384 Monsieur de Blowitz. 1385 Mrs. Stanfield. 1286 Grace, daughter of William Strang Steel, Esq. 1287 Lady Victoria Manners. 1288 Lady Elizabeth Manners. 1289 Lady Gibson Carmichael. 59, Pont Street, S. W. 1071 Mrs. Godfrey PapUlon. 1072 Doris, daughter of L. Vernon Harcourt, Esq. 1073 Mrs. Stansfield. 1 1 17 The Duke of Rutland, K.G. 1 118 Mrs. Saxon Noble. 1119 Madame Vagliano. 1 141 Miss Blanch Casberd Boteler. 1142 Olivia, daughter of L. Vernon Harcourt, Esq. 1 143 Rende, daughter of Arthur du Cros, Esq. 1890. 1891. 1892. 1893. 1895. 1896. 1897. 1898. 1899. 1900. 1901. 1902. 1903, 1904, THOMSON, William John, R.S.A. 1811. 560 Miniature Painter, 567 W.J. Thompson, 663 10, Tavistock Street, 1812. 401 Covent Garden. 407 1796. 586 Portrait of a gentleman. 412 1799- 754 1 000. 1801. 1803. 1804.1805. 1806. 1807. 1809. 843 773 756 851 828 850 717 347 353 65.661 692 703 757 789 913 623 632 569 626 635 W.J. Thomson, 39, Sackville Street, Picadilly. Duke d' Angouleme. W.J. Thompson, 39, Sackville Street, Piccadilly. Portrait of a clergyman. 53, Piccadilly. Portraits of the Duke de Mon- pensier. Dr. Crichton, Mrs. Donaldson, and two ladies. W. J. Thomson, 53, Piccadilly. Miss Campbell and four others. The late Captain Colhoun. A frame with the portraits of E. F. Agar, Esq., Miss D'Aubey, Miss Waddy, Theatre Royal, Covent Gar den, J. Campbell, Esq,, and Master Thomson. Mrs. Thomson. The Rev. R. Young, Portraits of Miss Irving, Mr, Williams, landscape painter, and Major Irving, Portraits of Sir J, Clerk, Bart,, and Mrs. Clerk. W. J. Thompson, 212, Piccadilly. Miss Campbell. Dr. Herdman. Mr. Campbell. Mr. Irving. A frame with five portraits of Miss Thomas, Miss Duff, Mr. Barrow, Mr, Barclay, and Master Thompson, W. J. Thomson. Portrait of a lady. do. do. 41, Craven Street, Strand. Mrs. Boucher. Dr. Parr, Love cherished by Solitude, "Yet ever and anon the nymph was seen To nurse a laughing boy, etc." Frame containing the portraits of Mr. R. Garraway, a lady, and a gentleman. Frame containing portraits of the late Dr. Pitcairn, Mr. Towry, and a lady. Portrait of a lady. do. gentleman. do. lady. The young student. The Idler. Lady EUenborough. THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS 377 1 812. 611 Young coquettes, or the mother's toilet 59, York Place, Edinburgh. 1813. 486 Peasant boy and girl. 1814. 451 Portrait of a young gentleman. 1815. 689 The age of innocence. 20, Dundas Street, Edinburgh. i8i6. 742 Portraits of a lady and child. 751 Portrait of a lady. 18 1 7. 761 The Rev. J. Thomson of Dud- dinston. 767 A family groupe. 785 Miss Gray. 1 8 18. 669 Portrait of a lady. 1822. 786 David Bridge, Esq. 1823. 724 Miss Thomson. 1824. 443 W. Williams, Esq. 811 Mrs. Nasmyth. 47, Northumberland Street, Edinburgh. 1831. 377 Christ blessing little children. Edinburgh, and 30, Welbeck Street. 1843. 475 Portrait of Tom Yarker, the King of deerstalkers, with favourite animals, the pro perty of H. Lowther, Esq. THORBURN, Archibald ... Painter. Forest Field, Kelso. 1880. 714 On the Moor. 824 The Victim. 1 88 1. 751 A Christmas hamper. 1882. 959 Black game. 972 The twelfth of August. 98 1 The first of October. 1883. 999 The golden eagle. 17, Cumberland Walk, Tunbridge Wells. 1885. 1328 Undisturbed. 25, Stanley Gardens, N. W. 1887. 1213 The eagle's crag. 1888. 1249 The covey at daybreak. 1324 Black game disturbed. 1890. 1327 The pack at sunrise. 88, Fellowes Road. 1892. 921 The last drive. 1203 Eagles disturbed in their nest 1893. 549 A grouse drive. 977 Golden eagles on the watch. 1894. 1079 The lost hind. 1895. 920 The watchful hinds. 1898. 1054 The home of the golden eagle. 1899. 1128 The lost stag. 1900. 1195 The eagle's stronghold. THORBURN, Miss Catherine, Painter, 13, The Lawn, Balham. 1897. 1304 The attics of Mayfair. vn. THORBURN, Robert, A.R.A. Miniature Painter. — Thorburn, 5, Manchester Street ¦ 1837. 776 Portrait. 903 Portraits. R. Thorburn, 42, Somerset Street, Portman Square. 1838. 788 The Eari of Craven. 888 Miss Bentinck. 958 Mrs. Plumer Wood. 973 General Sir George Anson. 974 Lady Elizabeth C. Craven. 977 The Countess of Craven. 1005 Lord Henry Cholmondeley. 1007 Sir Frederick Bathurst. 1839. 817 Walter Farrier. 885 Colonel Armstrong. 913 Miss Fielding. 929 Miss Ela Talbot 932 Miss Armstrong. 961 Miss Ricketts. 963 W. Hope Johnstone, Esq. 77, Upper Berkeley Street. 1840. 689 The Eari of Mount Edge combe. 719 The Countess of Mount Edge combe and her son. 794 Major-General Johnson. 797 Miss D. Bethune. 829 Mrs. Johnson. 836 Mrs. Knollys and her son. 855 Madame Falconet and her daughter. 1841. 779 Lady Mary Vyner and two of her children. 835 The Countess of Dunmore. 848 A lady. 876 Mrs. Arandel. 909 The Hon. Mrs, Gage. 922 The Hon. Mrs. Edmund Phipps and two of her child ren. 1842. 777 Sidney Waller, Esq. 816 Master York. 864 Miss Denison. 880 His Excellency the Earl of Elgin. 917 Lady Carmichael. 938 The Bishop of Carlisle. {Hon. Hugh Percy.) 1843. 752 Mrs. Gladstone and chUd. 798 Lady Torphican and Mrs. H. Johnstone. 802 The Hon. Mrs. Percy. 853 Master Worlehouse. 876 Mr, and Mrs. Hope John stone. 910 Mrs. Inglis. 3C 37^ THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS Thorburn, 1844. 669694 7^3 728 743 804 836868 1845. 75^783 795 820 829 846 847 885 1846. 812 833 868 894 912 913 950 972 1847. 766 775 780 821 877895918 1848. 755788801 835 Robert, A.R.A. — continued. The Marquess of Ormonde. Mrs. Russell and her child. The Hon. Mrs. Rashleigh. Mrs. Milbanke. The Misses Saunderson. The Hon. Mrs. Norton's family. Master KnowUys. Lady Louisa Fitzmaurice. Mrs. James and her son. Sir Graham Montgomery, Bart. H.R.H. Prince Albert. Painted by especial command. The Marchioness of Ormonde. The Countess of Shelburne . Mrs. Jackson. Mrs. Rashleigh. The Marchioness of Waterford and the Viscountess Canning. Lady Frances Egerton Lord William Graham in the armour of his ancestor, the Marquis of Montrose. The Duchess of Buccleuch, the Lady Victoria Scott, the Lady Georgina Balfour, and Lord Charles Scott. H.R.H. the Grand Duchess of Mecklenberg - Strelitz. Painted by special command. The Marchioness of London derry. The Duchess of Montrose, Lady Ernest Bruce, and the late Marquis of Graham. Lord WiUiam Thynne, The Hon. F. Russell, Mrs. Fowler Broadwood and her family. The Hon, Mrs, Maynard. H.R.H. the Princess Charlotte of Belgium. Paintedforthe King ofthe Belgians. Mrs. Morlin. H.R.H. the Duke of Brabant. Painted for the King of the Belgians. Viscountess Maidstone. Viscountess Pottinger. Lord William Beresford, Cap tain of the 2nd Life Guards. Miss Fitz Gibbon. Viscountess Downe and her family. Lord Arthur Hervey's family. Her Most Gracious Majesty, H.R. H. the Princess Helena, and H.R.H. Prince Alfred. Painted by command of the Queen. 1848. 878 Viscount Downe. 884 Miss CoUinson. 900 Miss Hawley. 922 Lady Dorothy Neville. (Elected A.R.A,) 1849. 7'° Colonel Thomas Wood. 722 The wife and family of H. W, Eaton, Esq. 738 The Earl of Macclesfield and his grandson. 755 Viscountess Newport 795 The Bishop of Carlisle. {Hon. Hugh Percy.) 828 Lady Ehzabeth Lawley. 833 Col. Henry Jones, Chairman of the Board of Public Works, Dublin. 848 F. D. P. Asdey, Esq. 1850. 720 William J. N., eldest son of WiUiam Angerstein, Esq. 731 Lady Edwin Hill. 745 George Foljambe, Esq., and his son. 767 J. D. Gardner, Esq., and Mrs. Gardner, 850 Lady Lindsay and Miss Lind say. 866 Mrs. D. Coutts Marjoribanks. 882 Miss Acland Hood, 907 Portrait of a lady. 1851. 870 Mrs, Jones and her two young est daughters, 961 Viscountess Melbourne. 987 H.R.H. Prince Albert and H.R.H. the Duke of Saxe- Coburg. 1005 Mrs Dunkenfield Astley and her sister. Miss Jones. 1027 The Countess of Chesterfield and Lady Evelyn Stanhope. 1059 Sir Alexander Acland Hood, Bart. 1080 The Hon. Mrs. Yorke 1091 The Hon. Mrs. Upton. 1852. 694 Mrs. Elmes and her eldest son. 716 Brothers and sisters. 737 Mortimer Percy Drummond, Esq. 745 Mrs. MUner. 792 Portraits. 829 Viscountess Seaham. 877 Lady Levinge. 892 The Hon. Miss Vernon. 2, Gloucester Square, Hyde Park. 1853. 708 Miss Brown. 738 Lady Constance Grosvenor. 776 The family of the Rt. Hon. H. Labouchere, M.P. 790 The Countess of Airhe. THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS 379 1853. 825 The Hon. Mrs. Sidney Herbert and two of her children. 836 Mrs. KnatchbuU. 854 Mrs. Russell Gurney. 864 Hugh Hamilton Lindsay, Esq. 47, Ebury Street. 1854. 757 J. H. Elwes, Esq. 787 The Countess of Carlisle. 802 W. GrenfeU, Esq., M.P. 803 Mrs. Labouchere. 804 Lady Mary Labouchere. 805 The Eari of Airlie. 806 Lady Jane St. Maur Stanhope. 842 Lady Sebright. 1855. 747 Mrs. Foljambe. 799 Earl Brownlow and his brother. 840 Viscountess MandeviUe. 874 Lady Mary Labouchere. 892 Mrs. G. GrenfeU Glyn. 936 The Marchioness of Stafford, 1856. 700 Mrs. Lowther. 710 The Hon. Mrs. RusseU. 722 The youngest daughters of the Rt. Hon. H. Labouchere, M.P. 744 Mrs. Dunn Gardner. 775 Portrait of a lady. 782 Viscountess Elcho. 808 The late General Lindsay. 1857. 738 The Countess of Kintore. 762 Lady Scott. 791 The Countess of Mount Charles. 795 Mrs. Manners Sutton. 1858. 271 Mrs. MitcheU. {Oil painting.) 309 The Duchess of Manchester, {Oil painting.) 336 Mrs. Merry and Mrs. Cunning ham (sisters). 377 Alexander J. Mitchell, Esq. 411 Alder trees. 483 John Lindsay, Esq. 522 John Cunliffe Kay, Esq., and his family; one of his game keepers introduced. 15, Bayswater Terrace. 1859. 44 A posthumous portrait. 1 1 5 Baroness de Rothschild, 282 Mrs. Fordyce Buchan. 460 A mother and child. 610 Sewing. i860, 93 Portraits of three children. 232 Mrs. Merry and Mrs. Cunning ham. 283 Portrait of a young lady. View Park, Lasswade, near Edinburgh, and 24, York Place, Portman Square. 1861. 465 "And thechild grew, and waxed strong in spirit, filled with wisdom, and the grace of God was upon him." 1861. 732 Lord Ossulston. 738 Countess of Tankerville. 772 The Rev. Mungo Mackenzie. 775 Viscount MandeviUe. 785 Hon. George Montagu Bennet. 808 Mrs. Brewster. 911 Three brothers. 1862. 465 "And the angel came in unto her, and said, ' Hail, thou that art highly favoured, the Lord is with thee; blessed art thou among women. And when she saw him, she was troubled at his saying, and cast on her mind what man ner of salutation this should be," — Luke, i, 28, 29. 692 Master Vauncey Crewe. 726 Lady Taunton. 753 Edmund, youngest son of C. T. Whitmore, Esq., Q.C. 782 Lady Crewe. 793 The Marchioness of Bath. 806 The chUdren of Sir Edward Colebrooke, Bart, M.P. 8 1 o The children of Sir John Crewe, Bart. Edinburgh, and 1 1, Blandford Place, Regents Park. 1863, 133 Lady Orde. 529 The task. 695 The Hon. Miss M. Labou chere. 794 The second son of Viscount Hardinge. 809 The late 1864. 403 Portrait of a lady. 441 " Where shall I find a refuge? " 667 Portrait of a lady. 678 Second son of Viscount Hard inge. Edinburgh, and 22, Percy Street. 1865. 92 The sister. 198 Lord Deas. 209 Asleep. 286 Volunteers. 465 On the Esk. 1866. 279 The orphan. "They do us watch and ward. All for love, and nothing for reward." — Spenser. 317 The famUy of Rhys B. Griffiths, Esq. 598 Portrait of a lady. 1867. 311 A Scotch stream. 38o THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS Thorburn, Robert, A.R.A. — continued. 1872. 37 1867. 607 " In the end of the Sabbath, as it began to dawn toward the first day of the week, came Mary Magdalene and the other Mary to see the sep ulchre." — Matthew, xxviii, i. 48 1868. 305 "Turn away mine eyes from beholding vanity: and quick en thou me in thy way." — Psalm cxix, 37. 357 A sea waif; study for a picture. 501 525 Forecasting. 1869. 180371 Undine."A foot on the cradle, and a hand on the wheel. Is a sign that a woman means to do weel." 659 693 380 Country life. 1873- 3>5 808 The Misses Deas. {Crayon drawing) 486 651 810 Mrs. Deas. {Crayon drawing.) 811 Lord Deas. {Crayon drawing) 936 1870. 207 Catharine of Arragon, queen of Henry VIII. 1874. 181 S15 339 St John the Baptist. 558 447 Mercy's dream. "The angel put a chain about my neck, and earrings in my ears, and 564 a beautiful crown upon my 1875- 179 head. Then the angel took 267 me by the hand, and said. 269 Mercy, come after me." — 476 John Bunyan. 491 1871. 2 Undine. 22 Summer. 502 72 The concealment of Moses. 1198 "And when she could no 1876. 538 longer hide him, she took for him an ark of bulrushes. and daubed it with slime and with pitch, and put the child therein, and laid it in the flags by the river's brink." — Exodus, ii, 3. 875 395 Lady Jane Grey. " Lady Jane Grey, while a prisoner in the Tower of London, Feb. 15, 1878. 86 1554, saw her husband led to execudon,andhis remains brought back. She met a similar fate an hour after wards with great courage and 501 serenity." 680 414 Winter. 5i' The orphan ; sketch for a pic ture painted, with altera tions. "And all his works with mercy doth embrace, etc." — Spenser. 7^4 949 ¦ And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host, praising God and saying, etc." — St. Luke, ii, 13, 14. 'Not she with trait'rous kiss her Saviour stung. Last at His cross and earliest at His grave." — Eaton Stannard Barrett. Greatheart with the pilgrims, Christiana, her children, and Mercy, arrive at the Porter's Lodge. — Bunyan. The widow's stay. — Psalm cxlvi, 9. Portrait. Ehezer and Rebecca at the well. Near Largs, Ayreshire. Gretchen leaving church; see Faust. The rivals. On the HiU side. In the meadow. The Gospel in the glen; an incident in the olden time. " Are they not all ministering spirits?" — Hebrews, i, 14. A portrait. Little mother Minnie. On the west coast of Scotland. A Scotch interior. On the Borough Moor, near Edinburgh. Portia. The Recording Angel. Christian descending the hill Difficulty. " Then he began to go forward; but Dis cretion, Charity and Pru dence would accompany him down to the foot of the hiU." • — Bunyan. The sundial. "Every hour wounds, the last kiUs." Walton Grove, Kelso. Christiana with her family, ac companied by Mercy, arrive at the Slough of Despond; Mercy finds a way across. — Bunyan. Out in the cold. A study of Mercy, for a picture from Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress. Study of an angel, for a picture representing the morning of the Crucifixion. The Morning of theCrucifixion. THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS 381 Forest Field, Kelso. 1879. 646 Our Saviour and the woman of Samaria at the weU. 1 36 1 The two Maries at the tomb of our Lord. — St. Matthew, xxviii. 1880. 992 Redi viva. "There is no death! What seems so is transition. This life of mortal breath Is but a suburb of the life elysian Whose portal we call Death." — Longfellow. 1379 Mrs. Pender; miniature. 1392 John Pender, Esq., M.P.; miniature. 1882. 475 Bonbons. 559 The Fates: Clotho, Lachesis, and Atropos. 647 An Eastern water-carrier. 721 The angel's whisper. 1883. 802 Queen Katharine on the eve of her divorce. " I am the most unhappy woman living, etc." — Henry VIII, in, i. 821 The babes in the wood. 1487 A game at chess. 17, Cumberland Walk, Tunbridge Wells. 1884. 798 Daniel in the lions' den. "Then Daniel said unto the King, my God hath sent his angel, and hath shut the lions' mouths." — Dan. vi, 21, 22. 1545 A quiet corner, 1629 Praying for father, (/ at first attempted to distinguish the miniatures from the oil paintings, but had to abandon the idea as impracticable. Several critics of this "Royal Academy Exhibitors " have suggested that some such distinction should have been made, but a careful com parison of the above list with the catalogues will show it could not be successfully carried out, owing to want of information in the catalogues themselves. Mr. Thorburn con tinued painting miniatures up to 1858, and then commenced painting in oils, although he still sent some miniatures after that date.) THORMAN, Frank Architect, Tadcaster, Yorkshire. 1894. 1662 St, Mary's Church, Tadcaster, THORN, Miss Sarah Elizabeth. Painter. 4, Albany Place. 1842. 43 A study. 1842. 534 Ehzabeth, Queen of Edward IV, parting with her youngest son in the Sanctuary of Westminster; struck with a presage of his fate, she ten derly embraced him and be dewed him with her tears. — Hume. 1843. 346 The lecture. Canonbury. 1844. 28 Portrait of a spaniel. 4, Albion Place, Canonbury Square. 1845. ^85 Portrait of a child. 1846. 306 do. do. 430 The white veil. THORN, T Painter. 6, Grove Terrace, . Highgate Road. 1887. 148 A Christmas gift THORNE, J Painter. I, Poland Street. 18 15. 243 The young soldier. 686 Portrait of a young artist. THORNE, R Painter. 3, Liquor Pond Street. Gray's Inn. 1788. — {In the index with no number, and no exhibit in the cata logue) 4, Vauxhall Row. 1798. 469 A country cellar with a portrait of its owner. 31, Castle Street, Leicester Fields. 1799. 561 A landscape. Thome, 3, Charles Street, Hatton Garden. 1802. 70 A landscape. 508 do. THORNE-WAITE, Robert. See Waite. THORNELY, Charles Painter. 9, London Street, Paddington. 1859. 720 Sketch on the beach. Port Madoc, North Wales. C. Thorneley, 106, Great Russell Street. i860. 56 The wreck. C. Thornley, 17, London Street, Paddington. 1862. 316 The wreck. 382 THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS Thornely, Charles — continued. C. Thornely, 1 2, Rothwell Street. 1864. 161 Tantallon Castle. 1865. 160 Near the Land's-end. 3, Hillesden Villas, St. Leonards. 1866. 48 Ecclesbourne Glen, Hastings. Hollington Park, St. Leonards. 1869. 428 Wreck near Hastings. 753 Hastings fishing boat — winter. 1870. 733 Doorway, Tintagel Church. 3, The Croft, Hastings. 1 87 1. 84 On the beach, Hastings. 245 Low water. 1872. 144 Boat buUding at Rye, 1 1 33 Wreck at St Leonards, 1873. 190 Dutch windmill. 1086 The Shot Tower, from Water loo Bridge. 3, Holloway Place, Hastings. 1874. 224 Under repair. 314 Hastings fishing-boats. 763 Tantallon Castle. 963 Dutch boats. 1875. 623 Schooner discharging at Bute. 839 Calm weather at Dort. 1876. 24 Dutch boats. 71 Near Rotterdam. 512 Sawmill, Holland. 1877. 632 Dutch river. 786 Bordeaux Harbour, Guernsey. Hastings House, The Park, Highgate. 1878. 103 Dort, Holland. 237 Dutch mills. 321 Dutch river scene. 402 Dutch boats becalmed. 1879. 1432 Dutch boats, etc. 1880. 286 Dutch boat becalmed. 1449 Ship repairing, Holland. 1 88 1. 404 Dordrecht. 1882. 238 Dutch river scene. 1884. 55 Becalmed. I Wetherall Terrace, Hampstead. 1885. 43 Dutch boats. 635 St. Malo. 1886. 174 Holland. 1070 Low water. Hadleigh Lodge, Matham Road, East Moulsey. 1888, 513 Low water, 713 Near Bude, 1889. 986 Dutch mill. II 64 After the gale. 1890. 965 Calm weather. 1891. 157 Dutch mill. 1891. 1430 Near Rotterdam. 41, Howland Street. 1892. 145 Near Bude, Cornwall. 1893. 765 Boat building at Rye. 1894. 412 Dutch river scene. 1895. •'°9 Sketch at Guernsey. 1897. 351 Dutch mill. 1898. 818 do. THORNEWAITE, R Painter. 8, The Mall, N. W. 1880. 999 "Make haste to save the hay. For rain will shortly come." THORNHILL, Philip J Painter. 68, Eaton Terrace, S. W. 1895. 398 Roses. 1896. 462 Andromeda. 33, Oxford Terrace, Hyde Park. 1897. 487 Venus sorrowing for Adonis. 2, Grove Studios, The Grove, Hammersmith. 1898. 764 Viola. 1899. 716 Phryne. 1901. 555 Bosworth Eve. 1903. 489 A hero of romance. 1904. 853 Golden threads. THORNTON, Thomas Painter. Doctors' Commons. 1778. 307 View of part of HolyweU mount. 308 A landscape. 1 7, Addle Hill, Doctors' Commons. 1779- 325 A view of Wansford, North amptonshire. 326 A view from Norman Cross Hill, Huntingdonshire. 1780. 304 A view. 345 do. 1781. 125 View on the Thames. 127 View in Berkshire, 1782, 162 The Turnpike at Newington Butts. 1785, 549 View, 554 do. THORNTON, W Painter. Reigate. 1837. 661 Sketch from nature, near Rei gate. Castle Keep, Reigate. 1855. 963 Near Beddgellert, North Wales. •033 At Pont Neath, Vaughan, North Wales. 1857. 696 Sketched in the Vale of Neath South Wales. 757 Nant Francon, North Wales. THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS 383 1858. 846 In Betchworth Park, Surrey. 1861. 903 In Betchworth Park, Dorking. THORNYCROFT, Miss Alyn M. Sculptor and Painter. 21, Wilton Place. 1864. 1020 Ophelia at the brook. 1865. 929 Edith seeking the body of Harold. 1866. 926 Lady Mary Stanhope; basso relievo. 1868. 367 Study of a head. 1869. 822 A study. 1871. 1336 The Countess Beauchamp; medallion. 1872. 398 News from India. 976 Mrs, Thornycroft. 1873. 65 Thomas Thornycroft. 394 Watching the game. Moreton House, Melbury Road, W. 1889. 2147 Miss Mona Kemp; head. Miss Alyce Thornycroft, Moreton House, Melbury Road, W. 1890. 2000 My mother; bust. 1892. 1899 do. do. bronze. 1918 Master W. H. Sassoon; bust. THORNYCROFT, Miss Helen. Painter. 21, Wilton Place. 1864. 941 F. S. Thornycroft {sculpture). 1865. 1053 The strayed fawn do. 1867. 720 The pet thrush. 1869. 614 Picking peaches. 1872. 755 One, two, three, and away. 1873. 825 Study. 1874. 917 Study of a head. 1876. 643 A study. 1877. 778 Saint Margaret. 1878. 810. The martyrdom of St. Luke. Moreton House, Melbury Road. 1879. 889 A Study. 1881. 787 Spring flowers. 1885. 1290 StiU life. 1886. 1 123 Poppies. 1 26 1 Crofter Country, Sutherland. 1887. 1067 Peonies. 1284 Lilies. Tower House, Chiswick. 1888. 1348 Chrysanthemums. 1 1 , Avonmore Mansions, Kensington. 1889. 1342 The training of Theseus. — Kingsley' s Heroes. 1890. 1380 Orchids. 1895. 972 Wild roses. 982 Harebells. 2a, Melbury Road, Kensington. 1898. 1075 Anemones. 1253 Honeysuckle. 1901. 1085 Harebells. 1903- 933 do. 1904. 1042 do. THORNYCROFT, Thomas. Sculptor. Thorncroft, no address. 1836. 1148 Study. T. Thornicroft, 56, Albany Street. 1837. 1270 Melancholy; a head in marble. 1838. 1291 Marble medallion of a lady. 1358 do. bust of WUliam Burley Dickenson, Esq. T. Thornycroft, 56, Albany Street. 1839. 1388 Marblebustof John Ryle, Esq., Henbury Hall, Cheshire. ( Thornicroft in index, Thornycroft in catalogue.) 1840. 1151 Marble bust of Mrs. Hibbert, Mirtly Hall, Cheshire. 1 196 Marble bust of Arthur, son of E. D. Davenport, Esq. 1841. 1284 L' Allegro; a bust in marble. 1 3 19 Bust of Samuel Thompson, Esq. 1842. 1354 Marble bust of Edward Haw kins, Esq., F.R.S., M.S.A. 1365 Marble bust of S. Thompstone, Esq. 1373 Marble bust of Mrs. Glendin- ning, of Ash Grove, Kent 1844. 1342 Head in marble of Medea. 39, Stanhope Street. 1845. 1392 ModelofabustofB. H. Hodg son, Esq. ; executed in mar ble for the Asiatic Society of Calcutta. 1850. 1299 Alfred the Great encouraged to the pursuit of learning by his mother. 1336 Architectonic statue of Henry, Earl of Hereford; executed for the Royal Commission of Fine Arts. 1852. 1325 Monumental statue in marble. " Them which sleep in Jesus wiU God bring with him." — Thess. iv, 14. 1853. 13^3 Model statue of the Hon. Elliott Yorke, executing in marble for the Earl of Hard- wicke. 1408 Marble bust of John Brockle hurst, Esq., M.P. 384 THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS Thornycro 1854. 1417 1855- 1418 •5^7 1856, •254 1857- 1858. 1252 •175 ft, Thomas — continued. Equestrian statue of Her Ma jesty the Queen ; executed in bronze for H.R.H. Prince Albert The knitting girl; statue in marble. Osberga (head in marble) ; part of an historical group. G. B. Thornycroft, Esq., first mayor of Wolverhampton ; executed in marble for Wolverhampton . Washington; bronze statuette. Lady Anna Chandos Pole; model for a marble statue. Lady Harrington and her son. Lord Petersham; sketch for a portrait group. Sketch for a statue of Havelock. 21, Wilton Place. John MarshaU, F.R.S. The Prince Consort; heroic size, from the model of a public statue revised by Her Majesty. Colossal head of Boadicea, a part of a chariot group now in progress. David Dracksford, lisq.; mar ble. Leicester, 5th Earl of Harring ton. James the First; marble statue. Executed for the Fine Arts Commission, to be placed in the Royal Gallery of the New Palace of Westminster. Charles I.; marble statue. Sketch model of a group, re presenting Commerce, to be erected at the base of the National Memorial in Hyde Park. George Baird, Esq.; marble, P. H, Humberstone, Esq. Richard, second Marquis of Westminster. Melpomene, Muse of Tragedy ; bronze statue of heroic size. Thalia, Muse of Comedy; bronze statue of heroic size. Clio, Muse of History; bronze statue of heroic size. THORNYCROFT, Mrs. Thomas (formerly Miss Mary Francis) Sculptor. 56, Albany Street. 1840. 1088 Bust of John Lander, the 1859. 1245 i860. 996 1861, 1057 1863. ion 1864. 991 1865. 956 1866. 862 1867. 1033 io6o 1868. 1096 1869. 1870. 1164 1262 •0+7 1874, 1519 1521 1529 1848. 1850.1852. 1853- 1319 1293 1406 1460 1478 1438 African traveller, one of the brother who discovered the termination of the Niger. 1840, 1167 Bust of a gentleman. 1844. 1307 do. in marble of Sappho. 39, Stanhope Street. 1847. 1425 Marble bust of H.R.H. the Prince of Wales; executed by command of Her Majesty the Queen. Bust of H.R.H. Prince Alfred; executed by command of Her Majesty the Queen. Model of a statue of H.R.H. Prince Alfred; executed in marble for Her Majesty the Queen. Bust of the Viscountess Mahon. do. Hon.MissStanhope; executed in marble. Marble bust of Lord Clan Maurice. Marble bust of the Queen; executed from sittings of Her most gracious Majesty. Marble bust of H.R.H. the Duchess of Gloucester — in her 77th year. Marble bust of the Countess of Hardwicke. Bust of Lord Lorn; executed for the Duke of Argyle. Marble bust of Viscount Peters ham; executed for the Countess of Harrington. The skipping girl; a statue in plaster. Miss Thornycroft; head. The Marquis Lorn; head in bronze. H.R.H. the Princess Royal. Annie, daughter of Roger Fen ton, Esq.; marble. Lady Ehzabeth York; marble. Bust of a lady; marble. 21, Wilton Place. The Princess Beatrice; exe cuted for H.M. the Queen. Mrs. Thornycroft of Titten- hall Wood, Wolverhamp ton. Mrs. Wallace of Glasgow; mar ble bust. H.R.H. Princess Louise of Hesse; marble bust. Exe cuted by command of Her Majesty. 1056 H.R.H. the Princess of Wales; marble bust. Executed by command of Her Majesty. 1440 1854, 1470 1855- •477 1856, 1239 1857- 1269 13.9 1858.1859. 1 16; 1316 i860. •354 1022 I86I. 980 1862. 1016 1863, •053 1055 THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS 38: 1864. 985 D. S. S., Esq.; marble ion Mrs. Sassoon. 1865. 959 Miss Thornycroft 964 Three sisters ; a portrait group. 1866. 986 Abraham L. Bensusan, Esq. 1867. looi The skipping girl. 1868. 975 A young girl; marblebust. 1869. 1226 A young cricketer. 1870. 1048 Alderman Pochin, late Mayor of Salford. Executed for the Corporation. 1173 Son of George Baird, Esq,, of StitchUl; marble bust. 187 1. 1271 H.R.H, the Princess Louise. 1299 Edward Baird of Rosemount. 1872. 1415 Melpomene. 1873. 1595 Mrs. Frances Tagart; marble medallion. 1875. 1248 H.R.H. Princess Louise, Mar chioness of Lome. Executed for H.M. the Queen. 1254 H.R.H. Princess Christian of Schleswig - Holstein ; mar ble. 1877. 1413 H.I. and R.H. the Duchess of Edinburgh. {See Miss Mary Francis, vol. iii, page 161.) THORNYCROFT, Miss Theresa G. Painter. 21, Wilton Place. 1875. 475 Design from the parable of the ten virgins. 1877. 1039 The parable of the great supper. "Go out quickly into the streets and lanes of the city, and bring in hither the poor, and the maimed, and the halt, and the bhnd."— Luke, xiv, 21. Moreton House, Melbury Road. 1878. 984 Dives and Lazarus. 1880. 670 The feeding of the multitude. " And Jesus took the loaves; and when he had given thanks, he distributed to the disciples, and the disciples to them that were set down ; and hkewise of the fishes as much as they would." — St. John, vi, II. 1 88 1. 3 Dawn at Bethlehem. 1883. 35 Ophelia. "There's rosemary, that's for remembrance; pray, love, remember! and there is pansies, that 's for thoughts." — Hamlet, act iv, scene 5. VII. THORNYCROFT, William Hamo, R.A Sculptor. 2 1 Wilton Place. 1872. 1558 Professor Sharpey; marble. Executed for the Sharpey Memorial Committee. To be placed in the Museum of Uni versity College, London. 1 57 1 Mrs. Mordant; marble re hef. 1873. 1502 Fame; plaster figure to be exe cuted in bronze. Part of a fountain to be erected in Park Lane, London. 1874. 1546 Dr. Mouat; marble bust. 1589 Lord Mayo, late Governor- General of India; bronze equestrian statuette. 1876. 1440 A warrior bearing a wounded youth from the battle. 1473 Francis Tagart, Esq.; marble bust. Moreton House, Melbury Road. 1878. 1428 The late Charles M'Garel, Esq.; bust, marble. 1468 Lot's wife; marble. "But his wife looked back from be hind him, and she became a pillar of salt." — Genesis, xix, 26. 1879. 1514 Stepping stones; group, mar ble. 1 52 1 Dr. William Harvey, the dis coverer of the circulation of the blood. Sketch for a pub lic statue. 1880. 1537 General Sir Arthur Cotton; bust, marble. 1566 Artemis. 1612 Putting the stone; statuette, bronze. (Elected A.R.A.) 1881. 1462 "Our sweetest songs are those which tell of saddest thoughts"; alto-relievo. 1477 Edward, 6th Earl of Milltown; bust, marble. 1487 Professor Owen; bust, marble. 1495 Teucer. " Since, rallying from our wall we forced the foe, StUl aimed at Hector have I bent my bow : Eight forky arrows from this hand have fled, And eight bold heroes by their points lie dead, etc." —Pope's "Iliad." 1882. 1610 Edmund W. Gosse, Esq.; me dallion, bronze. 3D 386 THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS Thornycroft, William Hamo, R.A.— continued. 1882. 1626 The late Earl of Beaconsfield; statuette, bronze. 1644 Artemis; statue, marble. 1665 Teucer; statue, bronze. Pur chased for the Chantrey Be quest for ;^I,O0O. 1674 Miss Grimstone; bust 1883. 1552 John Belcher, Esq.; bust, bronze. 1592 John Eric Erichsen, Esq., F.R.S.; bust, marble. To be placed in University Col lege, London. 1666 Alfred Waterhouse, Esq., A.R.A.; medallion, bronze. 1668 J. F. Mouat, M.D. ; medal, bronze. 1692 A sonata of Beethoven; statu ette of Miss Rachel Sassoon. 1884. 1701 Statuette of a cat; bronze. 1720 Walter Prideaux, Esq., late Clerk of the Goldsmiths' Company; bust, marble, 1788 SamuelTaylor Coleridge; bust, marble. To be placed in Westminster Abbey. 1856 The mower. "A mower, who, as the tiny swell Of our boat passing, heaved the river-grass, Stood with suspended scythe to see us pass." — Matthew Arnold. 1885. 2068 John Donaldson, Esq., C.E.; bust. 2074 Study of a head. 2090 Thomas Gray, the poet. To be executed in marble for the Hall of Pembroke College, Cambridge. 2133 Edward I; equestrian statuette, wax. 1886. 1797 Sir John Goss Memorial, Panel for monument for St. PauPs Cathedral. 1924 A Sower; statue. 1887. 1903 The late General Gordon. Quarter-sized model of the memorial in Trafalgar Square. (Elected R.A.) 1888. 2022 Justice and Mercy; decorative panel. For the National Memorial to General Gordon in Trafalgar Square. 2062 Medea; statue. Medea, daugh ter of the King of Colchis, charms to sleep the dragon that guards the Golden Fleece. 1889. 2052 Miss Ethelreda Cox; medal lion, terra-cotta. 2056 Teucer; statuette, bronze. 2074 Death of Gordon at Khartoum. Bronze panel for Memorial in Melbourne, Australia. 2088 Gordon teaching ragged boys at Gravesend. Bronze panel for Memorial in Melbourne, Australia. 2106 Design for the clasp of a cloak. 2182 Gordon statuette; bronze. 1890. 1999 Theodore Blake Wirgman, Esq.; medallion, bronze. 2010 Mrs. Theodore Blake Wirg man; medallion, bronze. 2021 The mower; statuette, bronze. 2057 The mirror; relief, marble. Diploma work. 1891. 2065 Science; decorative panel in high relief. Model for the In stitute of Chartered Account ants in the City of London. 1892. 1868 The late Rt. Hon. John Bright; statue. Model of a bronze statue lately erected at Rochdale. 1895 AprU; bust. 1959 SirStuartBayley,K.C.S.I.;bust 1986 A portrait; medal, bronze. 1996 Edward I; design for one of the proposed equestrian statues for Blackfriars Bridge. 1893. 1699 Lilian; medaUion. 1772 The late N. Clayton, Esq., of Lincoln; bust, bronze. 1823 Summer; statue. 1894. 1744 A Mower; statue, bronze. 1760 Master Philip Gosse ; medal lion, bronze. 1791 Miss Ethel Smyth; portrait, medallion. 1 81 3 James Chance, Esq.; bust, bronze. 1844 Edward I ; equestrian statue, bronze. 1895. 1616 Sir George Williams; bust, marble. 1617 The late Eari Granville, K.G.; statue, marble. 16 1 8 James Chance, Esq.; bust, marble. 1699 The late Rt. Rev. Harvey Goodwin, Bishop of Carlisle; recumbent statue, bronze. To be placed in Carlisle Cathedral. THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS 387 1840 1911 1895. 1701 The joy of life; statue. 1896. 1808 Sir Stewart Colvin Bayley, K.C.S.I. Model of a marble statue lately erected in Cal cutta. Mrs. Hamo Thornycroft; me dallion, bronze. The joy of life; statuette, bronze. 1924 James T. Chance, Esq.; com memoration medal ; bronze. 1897. 1972 A portrait; relief. 2050 James Eccles, Esq.; medallion, bronze. 2062 Miss Joan Thornycroft; medal lion, bronze. 1898. 1927 Miss Rosahnd Thornycroft. 1937 Sir George Gabriel Stokes, Bart., F.R,S,; bust, marble. For Pembroke College, Cam bridge. 1966 The bather; statuette, bronze, 1899, 1910 Oliver Cromwell; colossal statue, bronze. To be placed near Westminster Town-Hall. 1965 John Colet, founderof St. Paul's School, 1 5 18. Model for fuU- sized group for St. PauPs School, Kensington. 1900. 2021 Archbishop Plunket. Sketch model of a statue for Dublin. 1901. 1555 Design for bronze canopy. Part of Dean Colet memorial at St. Paul's School, Ken sington. 1708 Dean Colet, founder of St. Paul's School; group, bronze. For Dean Colet memorial at St. Paul's School, Ken sington. 1797 The late Sir WiUiam Wilson Hunter, K.C.S.I.; bust 1902. 1626 Pay-day; statuette, bronze. 1 63 1 By the sea; statuette, bronze. 1643 The late John Hopkinson, F.R.S.; bust, marble. 1684 The King Alfred memorial at Winchester; model in silver. 1704 Sleeping Cat; statuette, bronze. 1903. 1729 The Sandal; statuette, bronze. 1 740 WiUiam Ewart Gladstone ; small model for statue. 1835 Education; small model of part of a design for a public monument; group. 1904. 1708 Angel of death; sketch model of part ofa tomb; statuette, bronze. 1715 Commonwealth; plaque, bronze. THORP, Miss Adelaide Constance. Miniature Painter. North Court, Hampstead. 1893. 1435 Miss Ethel Davis. 4, Brunswick Square. 1897. 102 Grief. 1442 Marie. 1484 Marian. 1898. 1292 Mrs. Howard Palmer. THORP, Miss Florence. Miniature Painter. 64, Gloucester Place, Portman Square. 1904. 1202 Portrait of a lady. THORP, William Henry... Architect. St. Andreiv's Chambers, Leeds. 1884. 1260 New wing, St. James's Hall, Leeds. 1887. 1768 Entrance porch, Quarrydene, Westwood, Leeds. 61, Albion Street, Leeds. 1892. 1766 Part ofSecond Court, St. John's CoUege, Cambridge. 1893. 1535 Leeds School of Medicine, Mount Pleasant 1902. 1576 Burnley Technical Institute. THORPE, John Painter. 4, Gower Street North. 1835. 229 Dolgelley bridge. North Wales. 1 7, George Street, Euston Place. 1836. 186 Broomham Park, Sussex. "Be neath their shade the bleat ing flocks repose." 2, Cumberland Place. 1838. 601 A lee shore. 1240 Pubhc building, 1839, 1240 View of the coast at Fairlight. 26, Charles Street, Middlesex Hospital. 1840. 324 Coast scene at Hastings. 1841. 436 A Valley near Ilfracombe, North Devon. 74, Great Portland Street. 1842. 263 Straith Earn, from Dupplin Castle, the seat of the Earl of Kinnoul. 422 Scarborough Lighthouse, 22, Rutland Street. 1843. 142 At Lynmouth, North Devon, 1844. 230 Ilfracomb Light house and pier. 1845. 136 At Rye, Sussex. 18, Pembroke Square. 1846. no At Lynmouth, North Devon. 1092 The Mouth of the Rother. 1847. 141 On the Ouse, Sussex. 417 Eight miles from Worcester. 388 THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS Thorpe 1848.1849. 1850. 1851. 1855- 1856.1858. 1859. i860. i86t.1862.1863.1864. , John — continued. 253 Pevensey Castle. 534 Hastings from the Sands. 175 Hastings from Fairlight Down. 512 An outhouse. 232 Broomham Park, Sussex. 9, Gensing Terrace, St. Leonard' s-on-Sea. 162 The Coast at Fairlight. 333 Pevensey Bay, 36 do. 343 Rockanore, Hastings. 418 At Fairlight — Fog clearing. 1095 On the Coast by St. Leonards. St. Margarets Place, St. Leonards. 448 Sheep and lambs. 450 Cattle on the brow of a hiU. 337 Sheep and lambs. 339 Cattle. 213 Spring. 13 On the East HUl, Hastings. 35, Ellington Street, Islington. 350 Penrhyn Castle, near Bangor, North Wales. 9, Rutland Terrace, St. John's Wood. 1865. 123 To the rescue. 19, Alma Square. 1867. 154 Autumn. 1868. 301 View from Fairlight, looking east. 1 87 1. 422 Out at grass. 1872. 340 A narrow lane. THORS, Joseph Painter. 12, Great Russell Street. 418 View near Hampstead. 78, Southampton Row. 281 View in Nottinghamshire. 399 Landscape, Warwickshire. 28, Great Russell Street. 203 View near Reading. 1003 View near Leamington. 42, Ampthill Square. 389 View in Fontainebleau, France. 1863. 1866. 1867. 1874. 1878. THRELFALL, R Painter, 47, Edgware Road. 1840. 340 Composition of Scenery, with the Ruins of Caerphilly Castle, South Wales. THRING, Miss F. Miniature Painter. Lion House, Cambridge Road, Teddington. 1903. 1279 Eileen and Cecil, children of M. Luff, Esq. THROP, John Sculptor. Lady Pit Lane, Leeds. 1857. 1 3 10 Ophelia; marble bust. 5, Percy Street. i86r. 1 1 20 Bust of a child; marble, I, Denmark Terrace, Walworth. 1865, 989 The happy children. 991 The whisper of love. Hanslet Hall, Leeds. 1866, 977 The galloping boys. Victoria Road, Leeds. 1873. 1481 Bust of a boy. Calverley Street, Leeds. 1874. 1539 Obedience. 1561 Bust ofa child. 54, St. James's Street, Leeds. 1880. 1526 Prince Alemayu of Abyssinia. THRUPP, 1832, 1126 1833. •J^? 1835. 1066 1089 1836. 1088 1837. 1841. 1288 1843. "4°^1416 1417 1418 1844. 12741309•348 •374 Frederick Sculptor. Prodigal returned. 15, Paddington Green. Bust of J. H. Pope, Esq. A mother bending over her sleeping infant "To her bosom pressed. He drinks the balm of life, and drops to rest." — Rogers. Bust of B. E. HaU, Esq. Contemplation. Rome, and Paddington Green. The young hunter. " How sweet in the woodlands with fleet hound and horn, etc." Mother and children. "That it may please thee to give and preserve to our use the kindly fruits of the earth, etc." A Magdalene; a small statue in marble. Arethusa; a marble statue. Hope; do. do. Nymphs bringing lilies to Alexis; a basso-relievo. Faith shows the promises to the pilgrim kneeling at the foot of the cross; a basso- relievo in marble. 30, Gloucester Place, New Road. Two boys over a basket of fruit; a group in marble. Phyllis crowned with the hazel nut; a bust in marble. Ariel imprisoned in a pine-tree; a bust in marble. Hebe followed by the eagle; a small statue in marble. THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS 389 1846. 1414 A bas-relief, representing The tis bringing the armour to Achilles, who is mourning over the body of Patroclus. 1424 The return of the Prodigal Son. " But when he was a great way off, etc." — Luke, iv, 20, 21. 1436 The Saviour washing Peter's feet. " Peter saith unto him, Thou shalt never wash my feet, etc."— yi^/m, xhi, 8. 1489 Arethusa; a head in marble, 1847. 1321 The maid and the mischievous boy; a group, in plaster. 1387 A boy catching a butterfly; a model in plaster. 1848. 13 3^ Statue of Sir Thomas FoweU Buxton, Bart., to be erected in Westminster Abbey. 1422 Marble bust of the late Samuel Hoare, Esq. 1432 Model of a girl playing with a bird. 1849. 1247 Marble bust of Master Charles Cope. 125 1 Boy crowned with hops; a marble bust. 1332 Marble statue of a boy catching a butterfly. 1338 The shepherd. 1 3 19 Two boys with a pipe; a group, plaster. 1373 Statue of Flora. 1499 Reaper; a small statue. 1551 Girls at a fountain; bas-relief in wax. 1558 A bas-reUef. "The muse, the poet never found her. Till by himself he learnt to wander." 1856. 1268 Statue in plaster : girl and bird. 1372 Small bas-relief: Grace before meat, 232, Marylebone Road. 1858. II 94 A girl by the sea shore; por trait statue in marble. 1859. 1247 Mercy making coats and gar ments to give to the poor; marble statuette. i860. 956 A soldier of Gideon's army. 961 John Bunyan. 1861. 1044 The Hamadryads bring lilies to Alexis. See VirgiPs "Bucolics." 1065 Boy making a flute; marble statue. 1 112 Our Saviour led into the Wil derness. 1850. 1853-1854. 1855. 1862. 1864. 1865. 1866. 1868. 1869. 1870. 187 1. 1873-1874, 1875.1876, 1877. 1878, 1880, 1046 Mercy; marble statuette. 933 A girl going from the spring; marble statuette. 961 The angel of Peace. ion A girl feeding calves; marble, bas-relief. 1077 Bust of a child. 924 A river nymph; marble. 929 The three shining ones meet ing Christian at the Cross; marble. 968 Sherborne Farrer. 942 The prodigal son ; statuette, marble. 1017 Bronze door with ten panels, illustrating Bunyan's " Pil grim's Progress." 1097 Head of Phyllis; marble. II 37 The young schoolmistress. 1091 St. John blessing little child ren; marble. 1097 The Good Shepherd; marble. 1 140 Christian in the armoury; marble, relief. 871 Death triumphing over the Saviour. " On me let Death wreak all his rage, etc." — Milton. 1338 James Thrupp, Esq.; bronze, medallion. 1 22 1 The vision of the Saviour in the Holy Communion. 1453 Penelope. 1234 " Prevenient grace Descending from above, etc." — Milton. 1235 "If born on high Let them unto their kindred fly." — George Herbert. 1600 Irene Farrer; marble. 105 1 St. John blessingjlittle children. 1 178 Death, Sin, and Satan. 1448 Miss Richmond; terra-cotta bust. 1467 Maiden meditation. 1496 Grace before meat; bas-relief, bronze, gilt. 1413 Ten bronze bas-reliefs that illustrate the poems of George Herbert. 1338 Satan tempting the Saviour. THRUPP, J Architect. Paddington Green. 1004 Design for a national museum of arts, etc. 876 View of the chateau of Vin- cennes, in one of the apart ments of which sat the Council of War that con demned the unfortunate 1821. 1824. 390 THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS Thrupp, J, — continued. Duke d'Enghien. The obe lisk (lately erected to his memory) marks the place where he fell. 1 2, Oxford Street. 1832, 1007 A View in Egina. 1106 View of the Choragic monu ment of Lysicrates at Athens. THUMANN, Paul Painter. Weimar. 1867. 284 Consolation. 10, Keith Street, Berlin. 1892. 732 Art wins the heart. THURBER, Madame Caroline. Painter. 20, Rue Lauriston, Paris. 1 90 1. 354 The httle red book. THURLOW, Miss Margaret C. T. G. Sculptor. Art Cottage, Wimbledon. 1892. 1871 Sleeping dog, THURLOW, T Sculptor. 1846. 1494 Bust of the Hon. Clara Van- neck. 23, Eversholt Street. 1864. 935 The weary traveller; marble. 1030 Winter; marble. Saxmundham, Suffolk. 1865. 972 Shepherd and dog. 23, Eversholt Street. 1872. 1401 Homeless and friendless. TH URN ALL, Harry J Painter. Royston, Cambridgeshire. 1875. 23 Dead game. 1882. 339 Winter roses and almond. 1885. 1144 Dead game. 1887. 145 LUies and poppies. 1 90 1. 761 Old Court, Queen's CoUege, Cambridge. THURSBY, Miss Painter. (An Honorary Exhibitor.) 1793. 305 Dovedale; morning. THURSTLE, F Painter. (An Honorary Exhibitor.) 1799. 856 Scene in the Castle Spectre; sketch for a picture. THURSTLE, S Painter. (An Honorary Exhibitor.) 1799. 1069 View in Wales. THURSTON. See Smith (A.) and Thurston, vol. vii, page 165. THURSTON, G Painter. G. Thurston, Junr., Holloway. 1818. 368 The showman. 18 19. 51 Tasso's Jerusalem deUvered, etc. 1820. 52 Portrait of an old lady. 294 A boy at play with a puppy. 27, Henry Street, Pentonville. 1824. 489 Scene from Shakespeare's Tempest. 13, Princes Street, Waterloo Road. 183 1. 94 View of an Indian settlement in the State of Alabama, United States, North America. THURSTON, John Painter. 4, Poland Street, Oxford St. 1794- 395 Sleeping child. 9, Francis Street, Bedford Square. 1798. 382 Four designs from Quarles' Emblems. 680 Designs from Cotton's Visions. 681 do. do. 728 do. do. 729 do. do. Twickenham Common. 1802. 442 From various poems. 504 From Ossian. 545 do. 1809. 320 A drawing from Dryden's Theo dore and Honoria. Holloway. 1812. 457 Sinners endeavouring to hide themselves from the Divine Vengeance. J. Thurston, 25, Great Ormond Street. 1825. 711 Florimel, escaped from the monster, — Vide Spenser's Fairy Queen. 1826, 473 The reaper's daughter, 1828. 643 Charity. 1829, 490 Experience leading the mind from the shades of darkness into light, THURSTON, J. C Painter. J. Thurston, Junr., Holloway, 1818. 870 Ariel, Vide Tempest 1819. 493 Girl playing with a lamb. 1820. 742 An usurer examining pledges. 1823. 683 Mother and child. THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS 391 J. C. Thurston, British Museum. 1824. 571 Euphrosyne. 1826. 565 Portrait of a gentleman. THURSTON, John H Painter. 4, Albany Terrace, St. Ives, Cornwall. 1899. 1002 Breaking waves. THURSTUN, Mrs. Ray (Charlotte). Painter. Oak Farm, Headcorn, Kent. 1889, 871 " When the fields are drest in green." 1024 Twilight grey. THWAITES, W... Miniature Painter. 69, Great Prescott Street. 1819. 837 Miss Sims. TIBBATTS, J Painter. Tyndall Place, Islington. 1 80 1. 275 Mrs. Tibbatts. 1807. 159 Master W. F. Tibbatts. 1808. 86 Portrait of an artist. 1 810. 434 Mr. Linsell. 181 2. 81 Mr. W. B. Hue 378 Mr. J. Fildes. 1813. 599 Mrs. J. Head. 18 15. 173 Portrait of an artist. 1818. 686 Mr. J. Carr. 1819. 89 Mr. G. White. Halton Street, Islington. 1820. 34 Mr. W. Bailey. 53 Mr. H. N. Tibbatts. TICKELL, Miss B.J Painter. 20, Cromwell Crescent. 1903. 1039 Seal and script. TICKELL, H Painter. 17, Nottingham Street. 1842. 593 Mr. H. Tickell. TIDDEMAN, Miss Florence. Painter. II, Canterbury Road, Brixton. 1873. 622 "Corinne." 1874. 656 Florentine artist of the 15th century. 712 Dorothea. Vide "Middle- march." 1013 A life study. 1875. 66 Wild roses. 360 From the Sunny South. 769 "Veni— Vidi— Vici," 1876. 225 Between two worlds. 337 Medora. 1879. 1017 SpeUbound. 1 88 1. 1346 A sister of charity. 1897. 882 A dark beauty. TIDEMAN D, Adolphe Painter. Diisseldorf and 23, Cockspur Street. 1864. 542 An old Norwegian duel. 1874. 641 A Norwegian Wedding. TIDEY, Alfred ... Miniature Painter. 1831. 755 Portrait of a lady. 783 do. do. 806 A portrait. 26, Alfred Street, Bedford Square. 1832. 650 Hedge sparrow's nest, with eggs. 711 Portrait of a lady. 797 do. do. 798 do. do. 917 Clara and Ellen. 927 J. Hargraves, Esq. 71, Newman Street. 1833. 685 Mrs. Haily. 747 The Earl of Abergavenny, K.T. 775 Portrait of the daughter of J. P. Boileau, Esq. 781 J. P. Boileau, Esq. 790 Portraits of the children of the late George Forbes, Esq., of Bombay. 89, Charlotte Street. 1834. 657 Portrait of a lady. 658 Mrs. Godfrey. 668 Miss Phillips of the Theatre Royal, Drury Lane. 683 Mrs. Bishop. 693 Dr. Mayo. 777 Portrait of an Oxonian. 792 Mrs. Cipriani. 851 Portrait of a lady. 1835. 659 do. Miss E. Phillips of the Theatre Royal, Hay market. 772 Reginald Nevill, Esq. 810 Portrait ofa gentleman. 834 Miss Ellen Tree of the Theatre Royal, Covent Garden. 848 Mrs. William Vizard. 850 Portrait of a lady. 1836. 644 Miss Brisbane. 667 Miss Emily Brisbane. 703 Portrait of a midshipman, son of John Constable, Esq., R.A. 706 Portrait of his brother. 781 Mrs. Arnold. 794 Sir John Conroy, K.C.H. 849 Dr. Arnold, of Rugby. 392 THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS Tidey, 1837. 1838. 1839. 1840. 1841. Alfred — continued. 635 Mr. Robert Tidey. 703 Madame Cartier, 818 Portrait of a lady. 822 Ralph Pelham, son of the Hon. William Neville of Berlin. 834 Lady Brisbane, 808 The Countess Dowager of Chichester. 816 Nathaniel HaU, Esq. 871 The Hon, Mrs. Holland. 955 Miss Henrietta Borrer. 978 Portrait of a lady. 979 The Rev. Dr. Holland. 1012 The Rev. Dr. Anderson. 766 Miss Webber. 816 Miss Elizabeth Childs. 824 The Venerable Archdeacon Webber. 828 The Sisters; portraits. 1 01 2 Mrs. Webber. 801 Miss Gully. 821 Miss Ellen Tree. 931 The Hon, Miss Anson. Painted for the Queen by Her Ma jesty's Gracious Command. 1842, 733 Madame Cartier, 747 Portrait of a lady. 913 Bracelet portrait of James Bremridge, Esq; 959 Viscount NeviU, 687 Miss Hunter, 693 Miss Maria Blake. 730 Portrait of a lady. 801 Daniel Rowland, Esq. 658 Lady Henrietta Louisa Pris- cilla Somerset, daughter of the Duke of Beaufort. 674 Mrs. Jackson. 695 Mrs. West, 719 Miss Annie M'Bean, 821 Little Red Riding Hood. 834 Mrs. Spencer Stanhope. 1845. 762 Lady Catherine Boileau. 865 The white mice. 867 Alan, son of Major Graham. 977 VictoriaElizabeth and Anthony Lionel George, children of Lord Ashley. 62, Welbeck Street. 1846. 968 Rose Ellen Hendriks. nil Lady Ashley in the costume of 1745, as worn at Her Ma jesty's Ball, June 6th, 1845. 1847. 764 Mrs. Parry. 996 Viscountess Jocelyn. 1848. 774 Miss Breedon. 888 Miss Juha Breedon. 1065 Leila. 1849. 685 A lady. 1843. 1844. 1849.1850.1851.1852. Bor- 1076 939 Daughters of Captain W. J. Williams. 776 A study. 1052 Flora. 1077 Lieutenant Charles Golding Constable, I.N. 12, Hereford Road, Bayswater. 830 Meta (the South Downs). loio Emily, daughter of John ton, Esq. ion Mrs. Charles Bickmore. 752 Mrs. Gumming. 755 Captain Gumming. 825 A lady. 995 Mrs. William Henry PhUlips. WiUiam Henry Phillips, Esq., inventor of the Fire An- nihilator. The Countess of Shelburne. The Hon. Mrs. Elphinstone de Flahault. Home.Walter Reed, Esq. Mrs. Walter Reed. The hop-picker, Matthew PhiUips, Esq,, the philanthropic octogenarian. A lady. The cornfield, Henry Mank, Esq. Mrs, Augustus Forrest. The picture book. 8, Kildare Gardens. Retrospection. Manor Cottage, Noirmont, Jersey. Saxon Captives in Rome in the sixth century: " Non Angli sed Angeli," The head of the family. 114 Percy CampbeU Tidey. Rhona, the daughter of John ToUemache, Esq., M.P. 797 Ranulf, son of John Tolle mache, Esq., M.P. 799 Stratford, son of John Tolle mache, Esq., M.P. 55, Berners Street. 1873. 1285 H.I.R.H. the Crown Princess of Germany. 1290 Princess Victoria Louise of Schleswig- Holstein . 23, Alexandra Road, Gipsey Hill. 1874. 772 Mary, daughter of James H. Ivery, Esq., CE. 1875. 695 A portrait 1877. 691 Mrs. Clayton. 5, Belmont, Twickenham. 1885. 1242 Arthur D. Yonge, Esq. 1853- 654 994 1301 1854, 720 774 963 964 1037 185.5- 583 762 893 972 1857- 960 1863. 803 868 1867. 114 1869. 610 THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS 39; Glen Ely, Springfield Park, Acton. 1887. 1237 "As good as gold." TIDEY, A. W Painter. 8, Kildare Gardens, Westbourne Park. 1856. 549 Dart bridge, Buckfastleigh, South Devon. {A. Tidey in the index, A. W. Tidey in the catalogue. This exhibit may belong to the previous artist) TIDEY, Henry F. Miniature Painter. 1839. 654 Portrait 73, Newman Street. 1840. 849 Portraits of the children of Mrs. Osborn. 1842. 805 The sisters, daughters of John Clark, Esq. 828 Miss Barnicote. 1843. 1035 Sir John Dean Paul, Bart 1047 John Dean Paul, Esq. 1085 Children of Robert Hamilton, Esq. 1844. 981 Lady Mary Hamlyn Williams and daughters. 8, Duke Street, Portland Place. 1845. 712 Miss Louisa Watkins. 932 C. W. Aylmer, 6th Foot or King's Own. 1846. 1028 La Violette; a portrait. 1063 The mountain flower. 67, Gracechurch Street. 1847. 98° Miss Jane Ehza, daughter of Lieut.-Colonel Jourdan. 983 James Low, Esq., late Chair man of the City Lands Com mittees, etc. 1053 The children of Joseph Stain- burn, Esq. 87, Gracechurch Street. 1848. 993 Richard and Kate. "At length arrived amidst the throng. Grandchildren bawling hemmed them round. And dragged them by the skirts along." — Bloomfield. 1019 The well-remembered song. 1849. 777 Alfred, Emily, and Edith. 945 Portrait of a gentleman in the travelling costume of the province of Bogota, New Granada. 946 Mrs. Russell. 964 Francis William Russell, Esq. 997 The late Charles Chaulieu, Esq. VII. 1849. II 37 Bar-Thula; portrait of Mrs. Crosbie. "She turned her ear towards the tread of his feet; The tread of his feet is not heard."— -Cwzaw. 1850. 1015 Mrs. William Cowan. 1026 Portrait of a lady. io6i Mrs, Rupert Kirk. 1094 WiUiam Thomas Symonds, Esq. 1 85 1. 1 1 76 The lady of Joseph Laurie, Esq,, M.D, 1207 A portrait — lamplight. 34, Percy Street. 1852. 934 Viscountess Castlereagh. 964 The Countess of Roden. 972 Mrs. Cooper. 997 Viscount Castlereagh. 1009 Captain Edward Pakenham, Grenadier Guards. 1057 Thomas Cooper, Esq,, Stone Castle, Kent, 1069 Mrs. Thistlethwaite. 1853. 936 Brigadier - General Austin, K.C.T.L. 954 Captain Randolph, Grenadier Guards. 961 James S. Knowles, Esq. 974 Mrs. Knowles. 1049 Herbert, son of the Rev. George Murray. 29, Upper Charlotte Street. 1854. 971 The children of John M. Cha- bon, Esq. Mrs. Charles Lewis. EUa, daughter of the Rev. Robert Dower. 1003 Sir Henry Fletcher, Bart. 1024 The Rev. W. E. C. Austin, of New College, Oxford. 1069 Robert Pakenham, Esq. 30, Percy Street. 1855. 990 The children of Arthur Foulger, Esq., with portraits of their pony Gipsy and dog Charlie. 1041 The late IJeut -Colonel Pak enham, Grenadier Guards. "At the battle of the Alma, in the magnificent charge made by the Guards, he and his men were the first who entered and retained possession of the famous battery on the height that had previously caused such destruction to our troops. He was the first to jump over the embrasure, and was seen by one of the other colonels of his regiment, 3E 978 993 394 THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS Tidey, Henry V .—continued. scratching "Grenadier Guards " and the number of his company with the point of his sword, on the gun that was then taken. He fell at Inkerman." 1855. 1046 Mrs. Hudson. 1106 Mrs. Francis WiUiam Blake. 1856. 33 Sea weeds. 924 James Chapman, Esq., M.D. 1857. 906 George NevUl, Esq. 927 Mrs. George NeviUe. 1858. 792 Robert Sparkes, Esq., Royal Fusileers. 795 Harry Sparkes, Esq. 1859. 693 Edward Duncan, Esq. 700 Miss Jessie Hastie. 857 Astley Fellows Terry, Esq., 60th Royal Rifles. i860. 723 Louis Haghe, Esq. 775 Courtenay Forbes Terry, Esq., 60th Royal Rifles. 826 Miss Rachel Ainsley. 1861. 833 J. Wood Wymper, Esq. 910 Children of Alfred Tidey, Esq. 1869. 542 Charles Hylton, WUliam Wood, and Mary Josephine, child ren of Charles JoUiffe, Esq. 599 Mrs. Charles JoUiffe. TIDMARSH, H, E Painter, II, Upper Hornsey Rise. 1887. 1519 Near ChiUon. 1888. 1240 Combe church. 1889. 1734 An Interruption. 1896. 1022 Westminster Abbey. 1897. 1127 St George's, Hanover Square. 1129 AU Souls, Langham Place. 1208 The GuildhaU, City. 1898. 1 103 Fleet Street, looking east. 1899. 1189 Cheapside, do. 1 90 1. 965 Charles I, Trafalgar Square. 1902. 1322 London,fromtheTowerBridge. 1903. 1002 The Tour d'Horloge, Dinan. TIFFIN, Henry Painter. 434, West Strand. 1846. 1848. 1849. 1852. 1854. 457 Prayer. 104 An interior. 181 A portrait, 542 Playing at chess; portraits. 538 War's alarms. 8, Percy Street, Bedford Square. 94 The upper end of the Lake of Como from Colico. 965 Near Kinghassie, Vale of Spey, Scotland. 1854. 1293 Windermere Lake, Westmor land. 1856. 193 On the Rosslyn Park estate. Hampstead. 340 Derwentwater, Cumberland. 1857- 397 On the Danube. 434, West Strand. 1859, 68 Coire and the Valley of the Upper Rhine. 103 In the Salisbury meadows. 122 The environs of London— Agar Town. 971 The upper end of the Lake of Como from CoUco. 6, Alwyne Road, Canonbury. I86I. 260 A shady nook. 1864. 494 The first-born ; portrait. 1865, 216 Snoozeling. 1869. 881 Pussy in mischief. I87I. 16 More free than welcome. TIFFIN, James Benjamin ... Painter, 434, West Strand. 1847. 377 An interior. 1848. 122 Bacchanalian treasures. TIFFIN, Walter Francis, Miniature Painter. 434, West Strand. 1845. 7^7 Edward Holmes, Esq. 770 Portrait of a lady. 784 Brooch miniature of a young lady. 827 F. G. White, Esq. 870 The Rev. Septimus Ramsay, M.A. Salisbury, and 434, West Strand. 1846. 786 Portrait 995 Mrs. Read. 997 Portrait. 1847. 728 Mrs, George Benson, 782 Chambers Hall, Esq. 891 Son of the Rev. Francis Evans. 902 Portrait of a lady. 934 do. do. 935 Miss Agnes and Minnie Iguarrey. 1848. 740 Miss Ross. " It is the hour when from the boughs The nightingale's high note is heard." 852 Brooch miniature of Master Phil Steadman. 876 Portrait of a little giri. 881 A portrait 1849. 867 Portrait for a brooch of Miss Tiffin, 870 Portrait of a lady. THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS 395 1850. 31 StiU life. 34 Portrait of a little girl. 701 Mrs. Wilkinson. 761 Elizabeth, daughter of G. San- dars, Esq., M.P. 929 Mrs. F. Williams. 1851. 554 " Thy will be done," 835 Miss J. Ewart. 1852. 802 Miss Lucy Cadwell. 917 Portrait ofa lady. 936 do. do. 1854. 798 Lieut R. Moore, 5th Pusiliers, Clement and Charles Moore, sons of the Rev. R. Moore. 799 The Ladies Flora and Adine, daughters of Earl and Coun tess Cooper. 1855. 555 Lady Clare. From Tennyson's Ballad. 1856. 71 The welcome shade, Burnham Beeches. 410 Dora. From Tennyson ; a sketch. 1858. 468 Tasso's prison, in the Hospital of Santa Anna, Ferrara. 679 Miss Benson. 1863. 845 W. Francis, Esq. 881 Mrs. C. Forbes. 1867. 797 Mrs. Jackson. {See also W. T. Francis, vol. iii, page 161.) {Mr. Tiffin told me he first sent in his mother's surname) TILLER, Mrs Painter. 38, Half Moon Street. 18 19. 871 Mrs. Barnard. 1820. 641 Mr. Burnand. 1821. 925 Mr. Mollison. TILLOTSON, J. ...Miniature Painter. 98, Fleet Street. 182 1. 637 Portrait of a gentleman. 139, Fleet Street. 1822. 621 Dr. Spear. 820 Portrait of an officer. St. PauPs Churchyard. 1824. 699 Mr. Holmes. 1827. 623 Mrs. Bingfield. 1828. 783 T. Wilson, Esq. 1829. 703 Portrait of a lady. 1830. 848 do. gentleman. 44, Fleet Street. 1838. 412 Miss Emily Rose. 8, Stamford Street, Blackfriars. 1856, 657 John Tillotson. TILLOTSON, Mrs. Mary. Miniature Painter. 44, Fleet Street. 1839. 324 John Ferguson. 212, Strand. 1840. 820 Mr. Thomas Robinson. 1 84 1. 448 Study. 23, Fleet Street. 1842. 923 W. Holland, Esq. 1843. 767 WiUiam Gr^me, Esq. 1844. 881 Edward S. Watts, Esq. TILNEY, Frederick C Etcher. Marquis Villa, Stroud Green. 1894. 1467 Bookplate for a shipowner's library. 1896. 850 Watching the Squirrels. Unaleigh, Green Lanes, Winchmore Hill. 1899. 1491 An Aldine book-plate. 1549 Bookplate. 1900. 1573 do. 1738 Design for grille and cartouche in wrought iron. 74, Pellatt Grove, Wood Green, N. 1903. 1438 A bookplate. TILSTONE, J. R Painter. 1 7, Norfolk Street. 1827. 748 Portrait of a lady. 1829. 798 do. do. TILT, Archibald Painter. 2, Chapel Place, South Audley Street. 1877. 730 "O Solitude, if I must with thee dwell. Let it not be amongst the jumbled heap of murky buUdings." TILT, E. P Painter. Lovelands, Walton Heath, Epsom. 1868. 794 Ada. TILT, F. A Enamel Painter. Langham Chambers. 1866. 638 Marquis of Anglesea. 653 Mrs. Townend. Lovelands, Epsom, and 114, New Bond Street. 1867. 795 Mrs. Egerton; enamel. 803 Mrs. David Ward Chapman; enamel. 815 The Earl and Countess Man- vers; enamel. 816 The Duke and Duchess de Frias; enamel. 819 Her Majesty the Queen; painted by command; the original miniature from which the enamel was prepared for Mr. Peabody. 396 THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS Tilt, F. A, — continued. 1867, 855 T.R.H. the Prince and Prin cess of Wales, the Prince Albert Victor, the Prince George. Painted by com mand. 1868. 782 Lady Keane. 788 The Countess of Dudley. TILTMAN, Alfred Hessell, Architect. 1, John Street, Bedford Row. 1883. 1 1 50 Pubhc buildings, Alton. 1885. 1877 Design for a Town HaU. 70, Torrington Square. 1890. 1905 New vicarage. North Kensing ton. 1891. 1889 Baths, etc., Caledonian Road. 1893. 1492 New Church, Mission House, etc., Clerkenwell. 1894. 1627 Northern Polytechnic Institute, Holloway Road. (>, John Street. 1897. 1837 Kennington Road Baths and Washhouses. 51, Russell Square. 1 90 1. 1626 Eastern District Hospital, Glasgow. 1627 Royal Infirmary, Glasgow. {See also Deane and Tiltman, vol. U, page 282.) TILTON, John Rollin Painter. Rome. 1873. 1016 Kom Ombos, Upper Egypt; early morning, spring, after the subsiding of the waters of the Nile, when they are of a greenish colour. TIMBRELL, Henry Sculptor, 7, Carburton Street. 1833. 1171 Phaeton. Vide Ov\d.. 1834. 1 07 1 Satan in search of the Earth; a basso-relievo. " Mean- whUe the adversary of God and man, etc." — Milton. 20, Norton Street. 1835. 1093 Sorrow; a monumental sketch. 1836. 1067 Mezentius tying the living to the dead. — JEneid. {This group obtained the Gold Medal of the Royal Academy, 10th December, 1835-) 37, Seymour Street. 1838. 1296 Bust of a lady. 1297 do. gentleman. 1839. 1359 do. John Fletcher, Esq., Barrister-at-Law, 1839. 1379 Grief; a basso relievo in mar ble, 1 84 1, 1274 Posthumous bust of the late J. Hutton, Esq., accountant. 58, Upper John Street. 1842. 1352 BustofachUd. 1369 Psyche. Rome. 1843. 1409 Hercules and Lycas. {This group obtained for the artist the appointment of travelling student of the Royal Acad emy.) "Alcides snatch'd him, etc."— -Ovid. {Henry Timbrell died in Rome in 1849.) TIMBRELL, James C. Painter and Sculptor, 23, Warren Street. 1842. 533 Returning from market. 50, Upper John Street. 1844. 443 Carolon, the Irish bard. " About the beginning of the last century, or the end of the century previous, the then Lord Mayor brought from Dublin a celebrated Italian performer. Carolon, who was on a visit at his Lordship's, found himself greatly neg lected, complained of it in the presence of the for eigner. ' When you play in as masterly a manner ' (re plied his Lordship) ' you shall not be overlooked.' Carolon wagered with the musician, that though he was almost a stranger to Italian music, yet he would follow him in any piece of music he played, and that he himself would afterwards play a voluntary, in which the Italian would not follow him. The proposal was ac ceded to, and Carolon was victorious." — Life of Caro lon. 1848. 1469 Basso-reUevo; part of a monu ment to be erected in mar ble. TIMINGS, Samuel Painter. 117, Great Charles Street, Birmingham. 1865. 124 Crossing the stream. 409 Lane scene at Harborne, near Birmingham. THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS 397 TINDALL, Robert Edwin... Painter. Dixon Cottage, Monmouth. 1857. 274 Lausanne, from Grandes Rochers, Switzerland. 6, Montpelier Villas, Cheltenham. 1858. 481 Lausanne — morning. Ludlow, Salop. 1859. 593 Near Llanstephan, Radnor, South Wales. i860. 66 On the Upper Wye, the Black Mountains in the dis tance. 222 Shan-Buell, South Wales. 1863. 365 On the Teme, Shropshire. 437 On the Wye, near Mon mouth. , William Edwin... Painter. 10, Portland Crescent, Leeds. "Nature alone;" Adel, York shire. " When autumn scatters her departing gleams." " The softest blush that nature spreads." The western sun withdraws. Nature's solitude. 13, Vernon Road, Leeds. Nature's wealth. A peaceful evening — Raven- glass. " Nature gilded by the golden gleam." The last rays of sunlight. " The autumn leaf is sere and dead." Autumn's yellow lustre. Marshy pastures. Amongst the birches. Sundown, near Whitby. The Esk, Whitby. Near Slights, Yorkshire. A rough Pasture. " Bracken leaves the woodland strewing." Fringe of the wood. The bathers. The Esk Valley— Whitley. Corner of an orchard. When daylight softens into even. TINGECOMBE, John Painter. J. Tingcombe, 6, Bexley Place, Greenwich. 1827. 102 View near Greenwich. 1828. 350 View on the Plym. TINDALL 1888. 1 140 1889. 42 1890. 239 402 855 1891. 686 858 1892. 234 885 1021 1894.1896. 851 266 380 1897.1898. 707 20 350 574 68 1899. 1900. 1902.1904. 729 785 725 563 76 TINKER, Henry A Architect. The Chestnuts, Andover. 1902. 1498 A house on the South Coast 1504 do. do. do. TINKLER, T. C Architect. / C. Tinckler. 1841. 1063 Design for an opera house. T. C. Tinkler, 6, Bloomsbury Square. 1854. 1230 Errisfishing settlement. County Mayo, Ireland. TINKLER, W. A Painter. Putney. 1839. 535 Sunrise from the Guadalquiver. TINWORTH, George Sculptor. 5, Hope Street, Walworth. 1866, 979 Peace and Wrath in low life. 5, Portland Street, Walworth. 1868. 1021 Mr. John Doulton, Lambeth Pottery. 1874. 1441 The Garden of Gethsemane; panel in terra-cotta. 1467 The Descent from the Cross; panel in terra-cotta. 1468 The Foot of the Cross; panel in terra-cotta. 1875, 1293 Frame of terra-cottas, repre senting (i) The brow of the hill; (2) Entry into Jeru salem. 1294 Frame of terra-cottas, repre senting (i) Adoration ofthe Magi ; (2) Touching the hem of garment; (3) Waiting for the head of John the Bap tist. 1295 Frame of terra-cottas, repre senting (i) Peter's denial; (2) Christ blessing little children; (3) Release of Barabbas. 1876. 1380 The Stable; terra-cotta panel. 1 38 1 Judas; terra-cotta panel. 1 3 9 1 David w ith the head of Goliath ; terra-cotta panel. 1392 Paul and Barnabas at Lystra; terra-cotta panel. 1877. 1491 The football scrimmage. 1878. 1540 Abraham sending away Hagar and Ishmael; panel, terra cotta. 1880. 1517 Going to Calvary. 1 88 1. 1444 Triumphant entry of Christ into Jerusalem. 398 THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS Tinworth, George — continued. 1883. 1597 The meeting of Jacob and Joseph in the Land of Goshen ; high relief. 1885. 2067 Edwin Chadwick, Esq., C.B. ; bust, terra-cotta. TIPPING, Miss Kate Painter, 5, Lansdowne Terrace, Leamington. 1896. 1212 Onions. TISLEY, Samuel Painter, 118, Houndsditch. 1818. 623 View of Eagle Craig, Cumber land. TISSOT, James Painter. 39, Rue Bonaparte, Paris, and 7, St. Philip's Terrace, Kensington. 1864. 408 {No title in the catalogue.) 7, Springfield Road, St. John's Wood. An interesting story. Les Adieux. 17, Grove End Road. The Captain's daughter. The last evening. Too early. London Visitors. Waiting. The ball on shipboard. The bunch of hlacs. Hush! The Thames. A convalescent. The Thames; etching. Quarrelling; etching. Quiet. " Good bye " — on the Mersey. TITCOMB, William Holt Yates, Painter, 6, The Mall, Haverstock HiU. 1886. nil Fresh this morning. 1 1, Upper Hornsey Rise. 1887. 973 "That's where pa is." 1889. 1197 Primitive Methodists — St. Ives. 1890. 319 Poverty and Progress. 1665 File-cutters. 1 89 1. 83 Old sea-dogs. 1893. 360 "TiU death us do part." 914 Baby's first market-day. 1872. 389 644 1873- 108 121 914 1874. 116 387 690 1875- 48 1233 1876. 113 530 1098 II56 I88I. 560 981 St. Ives, Cornwall. 1894. 377 Piloting her home, Ockham House, Culverden Road, Balham. 1895. 198 Marguerites. 609 Cast up by the sea. 1897. 317 Evening. 703 The Wealth of England ; the Bessemer process of making steel. 1041 The steam hammer. 1899, 295 A mariner's Sunday school, 1900, 330 Good news from the War. 1902. 159 A magic pool. 1903. 248 "Ego sum: nolite timere." 535 An idyll. TITCOMB, Mrs, W, H, Y, (formerly Miss Jessie Ada Morison,) . . . Painter. Ockham House, Culverden Road, Balham. 1895. 353 The empty Cage. St. Ives, Cornwall. 1897. 456 Springtide. 1008 " When aU the world was young." TITE, Sir William, C.B., M.P., F.R.S., F.S.A Architect, 80, Fenchurch Street. 1 8 1 7 . 925 Interior of East Bourne church, shewing a remarkable in stance of a horse-shoe arch. 1818. 923 Interior of St. Catharine Chree church, Leadenhall Street, consecrated by Archbishop Laud in 1630. 1819. 1 06 1 Sketch of a design for a bridge over the Canal in St. James's Park. 2<), Jewry Street, Aldgate. 1820. 970 Interior and exterior of St. Luke's, Chelsea. 1823. 971 Design for rebuilding London Bridge and Fishmongers' HaU, etc. 1826. 876 National Scotch Church, Sid mouth Street. 960 St. Saviour's, Southwark, 42, Lowndes Square. 1854, 1 172 A composition of the works of Inigo Jones, architect, con taining his grand design for the palace at Whitehall, of which only the Banqueting- house (now Whitehall chapel) was erected. In this drawing, the palace forms the centre, on the THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS 399 Banks of the River Thames, as intended by the architect. Immediately behind is Old St. Paul's as altered by him; on the left hand are old Somerset House, Covent Garden, and Church, Stoke, Ambresbury, Drumlanrig, Burley on the Hill, Castle Ashley, etc., etc.; and on the right the water gate, parts of Greenwich Hospital, St. John's CoUege, Wilton, the Queen's house at Green wich, Heriot's Hospital, Coleshill, and other houses; in the landscape are intro duced his mill and Llanwrst Bridge; all the buildings are on the same scale. i860, 698 Contrasts and comparisons in architectural composition, worked out by W. J. Green, {He was knighted in 1869.) TITO, Ettore Painter, Caritd,, 880, S. Agnese, Venice. 1892, 24 An old story. 825 A morning toilet. TIVOLI, Serafino De, See D,, vol, ii, page 313, TIZARD, Miss Kate Sculptor. Queensborough Studios, Bayswater. 1 89 1. 2054 Hypnos; bust. 40, Spring Street, W. 1892. 1894 Hypnos; bust, bronze. 1900. 1949 Pansy; bust TOBERENTZ, Mrs. Catherine, Sculptor, 20, Cromwell Crescent. 1890. 2071 Portrait medallion ; bronze. TOBIN, J Painter. 1776. 349 A View in North Wales. TOD, A Architect. A. Todd, 7, Gloucester Street, Queen's Square, Bloomsbury. 1800. 1063 The west front of Gosford House, the seat of the Earl of Wemys. A. Tod, Islington. 1 80 1. 977 A mausoleum near Edinburgh. At Mr. Mylnes, New River head. 1803. 981 Villa at Norwood. 7, Gloucester Street. 1805. 743 House in Shropshire. TOD, David A Sculptor. The Avenue, 76, Fulham Road. 1885. 2028 Bust of a lady. TODD, A Painter. Scarborough. 1820. 629 A portrait. 182 1. 906 do. TODD, Miss Helen Painter. Miss H. Tod, 20, South Street, Thurloe Square. 1857. 802 Heart's-ease. 9, Cheltenham Terrace, Chelsea. 1859. 855 Geraniums. {At the Society of British Artists the name is spelt Todd) TODD, Charles T Painter. I, Mount Pleasant, Tunbridge Wells. 1852. 429 Working an old sawpit. {This should be Charles T. Dodd; see vol ii,page 345.) TODD, Henry G Painter, Croft Street, Ipswich. 1888. 936 StiU life. TODD, H, W Architect. Ripon, and 1 2, Finsbury Place. 1848. 1099 Design for a villa for B. Pell, Esq. TODD, John George Painter, /. G. Todd, 14, Pall Mall East. 1861. 106 Flowers. /. E. Todd, 14, Pall Mall East. I 1866. 405 Still life; turkey and pheasant. I John G. Todd, Ecouen, France. ; 1880. 182 Spring. j 437 Autumn. I 1881. 519 Summer evening. 964 The wicket gate. 1886. 35 The goat girl. 703 Summer repose. 400 THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS Todd, John George — continued. G. Todd, 95, Leadenhall Street. 1887. 389 Hollyhocks. George Todd, 21, Maddox St. 1892. 109 Isha's visit. TODD, J, Manly Painter. The Croft, Belvedere, Kent. 1898. 133 Blybro' Flats. 349 Autumn evening, Blythburgh. TODD, Ralph Painter. Newlyn, Penzance. 1885. 878 Early morning — the latest news. 1887. 440 A darkened home. 1893. 894 The Prodigal's return. TODD, Richard Painter. 68, Hatton Garden. 1807. 666 Beggar girl. 1808. 77 C. Masterton, Esq. 1809. 80 Portrait of a lady. 580 A child and dog. 1 7, Thavies Inn. 181 7. 921 H.R.H. The Duke of Sussex. 26, Tavistock Place. 1821. 405 The reaper's child. 1822. 158 A girl reading. 1823. 155 Mr. H. White. TOFANO, Eduardo Painter. 2, Park Row, Albert Gate. 1888. 829 Portrait of a lady. 1889. 84 Aden, son of G. Colvin White, Esq. 58, Glebe Place, Chelsea. 1897. 218 The Hon. Mrs. Hastings Camp beU. Arts Club, 181, King's Road. 1899. 100 Mrs. E. Jacobson. 1900. 583 Mrs. E. Snow. END OF VOL. VII, CHISWICK PRESS: PRINTED BY CHARLES WHITTINGHAM AND CO. TOOKS COURT, CHANCERY LANE, LONDON. THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITORS i^e^i [~i';r"' /-^¦¦fj;¥4fi^}'fjffiim:''r-