§^' -(-, c^ \ fi ^SraS V' \ ,\»J »??.- :*Y.,. .^^ "^'"^ iks V S)l ^i- sS^' ^ ^ *nX\;x*>- fliv v;j ^?! .^.¦H. :^-^¦ ^ '.^m. :^..i WI ^i^lHli^^m-3 'lisi- -t--\ ks«, ^f ::\ V'v '' s ¦.¦\ ^ .V. X"v v%l^*> ^^$^ V .:k\t V =-*, »;j;wV,r-- Ss V "X --«v-V "^-= /ff^ ^^ P "^ 1 ' ¦ " '*p ^^'' t ;-- .t:'' ,dt ^ C- 5 ^ aTi*?. ^&; ;, ^ ? S^ ,'% w E Jjjjjjjjl i^ i.'l^S ;^ H 4^^8 M H 'V^*.4l-N m ^-v-x 5f *4?^. \--\.^-^ I> ^ --<^ ^:^-^1 S<3 "^(Bffife ¦•35, ..tSS. ,-; ,V-i^ ¦AH^ ~sJ-«r>V^.v-.i-- vv- SffS y^-^^-v, ^^ i"-" 5^'%>4Vf^ W '-iijs&s -"¦^...e:#^ -fecr- , Yale Center for British Art and British Studies SCIENCE AND ART DEPARTMENT OK THE COMMITTEE OF COUNCIL ON EDUCATION. CATALOGUE OF THE THIRD AND CONCLUDING EXHIBITION OF NATIONAL PORTRAITS COMMENCING WITH THE FORTIETH YEAR OF THE REIGN OF GEORGE THE THIRD AND ENDING -WITH THE YEAR MDCCCLXVII. ON LOAN TO THE SOUTH KENSINGTON MUSEUM. Ill April 13, 1868. LONDON : PRINTED BY STRANGEWAYS AND WALDEN, CASTLE STREET, LEICESTER SQtJARE. INTRODUCTORY NOTICE The Exhibition of the present year concludes the chronological series suggested by the Earl of Derby. It extends from the commencement of the century to the present time, and includes the last twenty years of the reign of George the Third ; the ten years comprising the reign of George the Fourth, and the seven years comprising the reign of William the Fourth ; with the first thirty years of the reign of Queen Victoria. As supplementary to the Exhibitions of the two previous years, the present collec tion also includes the portraits of many distinguished persons who were then either altogether omitted or inadequately re presented, with the works of some painters to whose art due justice may not have been hitherto done. In the first year, the Exhibition was distinguished by the works of the great foreign artists who had practised in this coun try. In the second year by those of our own painters, the founders of the English School, culminating in the fine portraits of Reynolds and Gainsborough, with numerous examples of their contemporaries and followers. The present year largely repre sents the works of Sir Henry Raeburn (b. 1756, d. 1823), William, Owen (b. 1769, d. 1824), Sir Thomas Lawrence (b. 1769, d. 1830), John Jackson (b. 1778, d. 183 1), Thomas Phillips (b. 1770, d. 184s). Sir Martin Archer Sltee(b. 1769, d. 1850), Sir J. Watson Gordon (b. 1790, d. 1864), and comprises some fine examples of the works of other eminent contemporary artists, as well as of those who survive and ably sustain the reputation of the ex isting school of portrait-art, b IV INTRODUCTORY NOTICE, Early in the century Sir Thomas Lawrence distanced all his competitors in the public esteem, and was, during his long career, the recognised favourite of the Court and the fashionable world. But that he had many worthy rivals for the supremacy he en joyed, the present collection will afford ample proof ; while it will also supply the materials for a just review and appreciation of their respective merits, and will probably determine the future rank of each in the English school. The supplementary portion, representing the works of the chief portrait-painters whose names and art have been known in the country from the earliest times, will no less show the influence of the truthful earnestness of their early art, and the source of many later excellences. In this latter portion of the collection, the works of many of the eminent painters, whose portraits were so highly distin guished in the two preceding years, find a place — and the present and concluding Exhibition contains, under the conditions already mentioned, a series of works in which the portrait-art of this country may be traced from the time of Holbein to the present day, including the works of Antonio More, Vansomer, Jansen, Vandyck and his followers, with those of our own country men, Reynolds, Gainsborough, Romney, Lawrence, and Raeburn — a collection alike interesting to the artist, the antiquary, and all who regard the great men, as well as the distinguished women, who have found a place in the annals of this country. Though no pains have been spared to obtain the portraits of all who should have a place in the collection, many whose names will at once suggest themselves are absent. It must not be assumed that every eminent man has had his portrait painted. In some cases on application to the family or representatives, they state that there has been no portrait painted ; in others, that they know of none, though there is, perhaps, a bust. Again, there are cases where no trace could be found of the family or connexions of persons well known even in the present genera tion. While in some instances, though it is gratifying to state, they are exceptional, the possessors of portraits hesitated to risk the transport, and entrust to other care remembrances they so greatly prize. On the other hand, possibly some portraits may INTRODUCTORY NOTICE. V have been overlooked which should have been included, and might have been obtained for the Collection. The Exhibition of 1866, the first of the series, comprised 1030 portraits; 866 were exhibited in 1867, and 950 are included in the collection of the present year ; so that no less than 2842 portraits, or portrait-groups, have been exhibited in the three years. The plan, as suggested by Lord Derby, has now been brought to the conclusion originally contemplated, and the known portraits of our most eminent men, with few exceptions, as well as the art of our best portrait-painters, have been fairly repre sented.. But it must not be supposed that the stores of portrait- art possessed in this country have by any means been exhausted. The portraits offered when it was too late and impossible to accept them, are some proof of this. Indeed the number seems almost without limit. The series of Exhibitions may surely claim one great merit, if it prove the means of awakening the owners of pictures, many of which are of national interest, to the true value of their possessions, and lead to greater care that the identity of family portraits is not lost by consignment to the housekeeper's room, or even to the attics ; if it saves the portraits themselves from destruction by cruel exposure to the sun till all traces of colour and the finer qualities of the art are hopelessly dried out ; or by exposure to damp or changes of temperature, so particularly in jurious to early portraits on panel ; or, worst of all, subjection to greater danger in the hands of incompetent repairers, who, in the attempt to restore what is irretrievable, destroy the only remains of original art which may have been spared. It has been the subject of remark that portraits have been exhibited under names, both of the person represented and of the painter, which are obviously wrong. But the portraits are lent under the condition that they shall be exhibited as described by their possessors; and though in some instances errors might be corrected where there is sufficient authority, yet, in many more, opinions differ, and it may well be asked where such a practice should stop, and whose dictum should be adopted. It is only right to say, that the experience of the two preceding exhibi- VI INTRODUCTORY NOTICE. tions leads conclusively to the opinion, that the rule adopted is the only safe and just one, and that any interference with names, probably long traditional, would have been extremely distasteful to the owners of the works. The above collections have included a large number of por traits which have been graciously contributed by Her Majesty ; also very interesting portraits from the principal families in the kingdom, with large contributions from the Universities, other corporate bodies, and the chief of our national institutions, including in the present year the fine series of portraits belong ing to the Dilettanti Society, which, at the request of the Society, have been appropriately arranged together. The public who have taken an interest in these Exhibitions, will hardly fail to appreciate the generous kindness by which, for their gratification, and to carry out the enlightened suggestion of Lord Derby, such large contributions have been made from treasured family memorials, and ancient trust depositories. SAM. REDGRAVE. N.B. The Catalogue has been prepared by Mr. R. H. Soden Smith, a member of the Committee, and Dr. Althaus. SCIENCE AND ART DEPARTMENT OF THE COMMITTEE OF COUNCIL ON EDUCATION, SOUTH KENSINGTON. NATIONAL PORTRAIT EXHIBITION IN 1868. The Lords of the Committee of Council on Education have determined lo hold, in the Spring of 1868, a Third and concluding National Portrait Exhibition al South Kensington, in the Arcades overlooking the Royal Horticultural Society's Gardens. This Exhibition will comprise — i , Portraits of persons {deceased) who lived between the years 1800 and the present time. 2. Portraits of persons living before the year 1800 who were unrepresented or inadequately represented in the two previous Exhibitions. The whole series is based upon the suggestions made by the Earl of Derby, in a letter dated 6th May, 1865, from which trie following extracts are made : — " I have long thought that a National Portrait Exhibition, chronologically arranged, might not only possess great historical interest, by bringing together portraits of all the most eminent contemporaries of their respective eras, but might also serve to illustrate the progress and condition, at various periods, of British Art. My idea, therefore, would be to admit either portraits of eminent men, though by inferior or unknown artists, or portraits by eminent artists, though of obscure or unknown individuals. I have, of course, no means of knowing, or estimating, the number of such portraits which may exist in the country"; but I am persuaded that, exclusive of the large collections in many great houses, there are very many scattered about by ones and twos and threes in private families, the owners of which, though they could not be persuaded to part with them, would willingly spare them for a few months for a public object. "The question of one, two, or three exhibitions in consecutive years, would, I apprehend, be mainly decided by the result of future inquiries as to the probable number of pictures which could be obtained, and the space which could be found for their exhibition. But whether the period over which each exhibition (if more than one) should range be longer or shorter, the point on which I should set the greatest value, in an historical, if not in an artistic point of view, would be the strict maintenance of the chronological series. I shall be very happy if any suggestions of mine should lead the Committee of Council to take up seriously, and carry out, with such alterations of detail as experience might suggest, a scheme which I think could hardly fail of being generally interesting : and I should have much pleasure in placing temporarily at their disposal any portraits from my collection at Knowsley which they might think suitable for their purpose." The Committee of Advice, as now constituted by my Lords, consists of the Trustees of the National Portrait Gallery, and the following other noble men and gentlemen : — THE EARL OF DERBY, K.G. (President). *The Lord President of the Council. The Duke of Buccleuch, K.G, The Duke of Devonshire, K,G. The Duke of Northumberland. The Duke of Leinster. The Duke of Wellington, K.6. The Duke of Buckingham, The Duke of Cleveland, K.G. The Marquis of Salisbury, K.G. The Marquis of Hertford, K.G. The Earl Cowper, K.G. ?The Earl Stanliope. The Earl of Darnley. The Earl of Warwick. The Earl Fitzwilliam, K.G. The Earl of Hardwicke. The Earl Delawarr. The Earl of Charlemont. The Earl Spencer, K,G. The Earl of Clarendon, K,G. The Ear) of Yerulam. The Earl Brownlow. *The Earl Somers. The Earl Granville, K.G. The Earl of Dudley. The viscount Sydney, G.C.B. *The Viscount Cranborne, M.P. The Lord Robert Montagu, M.P. *The Lord Stanley, M.P. The Lord Elcho, M.P. via *The Lord Bishop of Oxford. The Lord WharnclifFe. The Lord De LTsle and Dudley. The Lord Talbot de Malahide. The Lord Taunton. The Lord Houghton. The Master of the Rolls. The Hon. R. Curzon. The Hon Algernon Egerton, M.P. The Hon. Spencer C. B. Ponsonby. The Rt. Hon. H. T. Lowry Corry, M.P. *The Rt. Hon. B. Disradi, M.P. *The Rt. Hon. W. E. Gladstone, M.P. The Rt. Hon. Spencer Walpole, M.P. The Rt. Hon. Sir Robert Peel, Bt., M.P. The Rt. Hon. W. Cowper, M.P. The Rt. Hon. H. A. Bruce, M.P. The Rt. Hon. Sir W. Gibson Craig, Bt. The Rt. Hon. C. S. Fortescue, M.P, The Rt. Hon. Maziere Brady, The Rt. Hon. the Lord Mayor. Sir Percyvall Hart Dyke, Bart. Sir Charles J. F. Bunbury, Bart. Sir Sibbald David Scott, Bart. Sir C. C. W. Domvile, Bart. *Sir Coutts Lindsay, Bart. Sir John P. Boileau, Bart. Sir C. Wentworth Dilke, Bart., M.P. *Sir W. Stirling Maxwell, Bart., M.P. Sir Thomas Gabriel, Bart. Sir Frederick Madden. ?Sir Francis Grant, P.R.A. Sir Benjamin S. Phillips. Sir George Harvey, P.R.S.A. [being. The Vice Chanc. of Oxford, for the time The Yice Chanc. of Cambridge, for the *The Dean of Westminster, [time being. The Dean of St, Paul's. The Dean of Windsor. The Dean of Christ Church, Oxford. The Provost of Eton. The President of the Roy. Hibern. Acad. Mr. George Archdale. Mr. W. R. Baker. Mr. C. Sackville Bale. Mr. A. Barker. Rev. J. Beck. Mr. E. A. Bowring, C.B. Mr. John Bruce. Mr. R. Burchett. *Mr. Thomas Carlyle. Mr. Reginald Cholmondeley .Mr. H. Cole, C.B. Mr. Dominic Colnaghi. Mr. J. T. Gibson Craig. Mr. G. W. Dasent. Dr. Hugh W. Diamond, Mr, H, Doyle, Mr, James E, Doyle. * Are Trustees and t Secretary The Yery Rev. Canon Estcourt. Mr, Richard Fisher. Mr. John Forster. Mr. A. Fountaine. Mr. A. W. Franks. Mr. J. A. Froude. Mr. W. H. Gregory, M.P. Mr. Edward Hailstone. The Rev. W. Vernon Harcourt. Mr. Thomas Duffus Hardy. Mr. J. Heywood Hawkins. Mr, A, Helps, Mr. M, J, Higgins. Mr. R, S. Holford, M,P. *Mr, A. J, B, Beresford Hope, M.P. Mr. C. Wren Hoskins. Mr. F. Y. Hurlstone. Prof, the Rev. Charles Kingsley. Mr. Charles Knight. Mr. J. P. Knight, R.A. Mr. David Laing. Mr. A. H. Layard, M.P. Mr. William Longman. Mr. Norman MacLeod. Mr. Alfred Morrison. Mr. John Murray. Mr. A. Panizzi. Mr. J. R. Planche. Mr. J. H. Pollen. Mr. R. Redgrave, R.A. Mr. S. Redgrave. Mr. H. Reeve. Mr. Richmond, R.A. The Yery Rev. Dr. Rock. Mr. J. C. Robinson. Mr. W. Russell. f Mr. G. Scharf. Mr. H. D. Seymour, M.P. Mr. Henry Shaw. Mr R. Forster Sketchley. Mr. Catterson Smith. Mr. George Smith. Professor Goldwin Smith. Mr. R. H. Soden Smith. »Mr. W. Smith. Mr. R. Sneyd. Mr. James Spedding. Rev. Montague Taylor. Mr. Tom Taylor. Mr. W. J. Thorns. Mr. WiUiam Tite, M.P. Mr. Henry Vaughan. Mr. Edmund Waterton. Mr. G. F. Watts, R.A. Mr. Albert Way. Mr. J. Webb. The Hon. R. Sackville West. Mr. B. B. Woodward. Mr. R. N, Wornum. of the National Portrait Gallery. Mr. Samuel Redgrave, to whose valuable labours the successful formation of the Col lection of Portrait Miniatures is chiefly due, has undertaken the special charge of directing the Exhibition, and Mr, Sketchley will act as Secretary, By order of the Lords of the Committee of Council on Education. IX ARRANGEMENTS APPROVED FOR THE EXHIBITION. I. The Exhibition is specially designed to illustrate English history, and the progress of art in England. It may be divided into two or three sections, representing distinct historic periods, exhibited in successive years, depending upon the number of the portraits received and the space available for their proper exhibition. 2. It will comprise the portraits of persons of every class who have in any way attained eminence or distinction in England, from the date of Ihe ear liest authentic portraits lo trie present lime ; but it will not include trie por traits of living persons, or portraits of a miniature criaracler. 3. The portraits of foreigners who have attained eminence or distinction in England will also be included, with portraits by foreign artists which represent persons so distinguished. 4. The Exhibition will be held at South Kensington, in the large brick building used for trie Refresrimenl Rooms of the International Exhibition in 1862 ; and these galleries, which are perfectly dry, will be filled up especially for the exhibition, and patrolled day and night by the police. 5, All charges for the conveyance of pictures accepted for exhibition by the Committee will be defrayed by trie Department of Science and Art. 6. Trie exhibition will be opened on I51h April, 1868. In order trial the portraits may be properly arranged and catalogued, they will be required not later than the Fourteenth of March. They will be returned in the month of August. 7. In accordance with the usual practice, the Science and Art Depart ment, unless the owner objects, will take photographs of trie portraits for the purpose of instruction in trie Scriools of Art, and for sale to the public Ihrougri the medium of the Arundel Society ; but no permission will be granted to any private person to photograph or copy without the owner's express sanc tion. Two copies of each photograpri taken will be presented to the owner of the picture photographed. 8. As was the case at the Exhibitions of 185 1 and 1862 (and as is usual al the Royal Academy and other exhibitions), the Department cannot be responsible for loss or damage, but every possible care will be taken of works lent ; and it may be added, that the numerous paintings lent for exhibition in 1 862 were collected and returned by the same agency as will be now employed, free from injury or damage of any kind. 9. All correspondence, marked on the cover " National Portrait Exhibi tion," should be addressed to the Secretary of the Science and Art Depart ment, South Kensington Museum, London, W. NOTICE. [Applicable to the Exhibition of 1868.] Sale of Season Tickets, Season Tickets, 5^. Admission on Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays, and Saturdays, is. ; on Tuesdays, 2s. 6d. Transferable Tickets for a single admission may be obtained of the Money-Taker. The Season Tickets are sold upon the understanding that at any period the hours and charges of admission may be subjected to the Museum regulations. Contributors of Portraits to any one of the Exhibitions can, on application, purchase the bound copies of the large paper Catalogue, price lOi^. 6d. each. Hours from 10 till 7. Visitors wishing to examine , the Collection in Chronological sequence should take the Galleries in the following order, com mencing — Ground-floor. NORTHERN GALLERY. . (Nos. i lo 118.) ENTRANCE HALL . . . ( „ 11910159.) INNER HALL ( „ 160 lo 186.) EASTERN GALLERY . . ( „ 187 lo 413.) CENTRAL HALL ....(„ 414 lo 434.) WESTERN GALLERY . . ( „ 435 to 549.) Up-Stairs. 7. CENTRAL CORRIDOR 8. EASTERN GALLERY 9. EASTERN CORRIDOR 10 and 11. EASTERN ROOMS . (Nos. 550 to 584.) ( „ 58510867.) ( „ 868 to 885.) ( „ 886 lo 950.) CATALOGUE. Ground-floor — No. i. NORTHERN GALLERT (^Nos. I fo 1 1 8). Part of Reign of George III. — 1800- 1820. *** In the Catalogue, "three-quarter size'' is applied to a picture, not iii the technical sense of a little more than head-size, but as meaning more than half-length. Looking to r. or to 1. means to right or left of iki^ person represented. When a picture is horizontal, the larger measure is given last, as (No. 3) 26 x 39 in. I GEORGE AUG. FRED. PRINCE of WALES (aft. KING GEORGE IV.) (1762-1830). LENT BY PAINTER. Earl of Zetland. Thomas Gainsborough, R.A. Eldest son of George III. and Charlotte dau. of Charles D. of Mecklen- burg-Strelitz ; b. at St. James's Palace 12 Aug. 1762 ; marr. the Princess Caroline Amelia Elizabeth, 2nd dau. of Charles, D. of Brunswick- Wolfen- biitlel, 8 April, 1795 ; had an only dau. Princess Charlotte of Wales (No, 231) ; appointed Regent Feb. 181 1 ; succ. to the throne 29 Jan. 1820; d. 20 June, 1830. Full-length, standing in landscape beside his horse, scarlet uniform, star of K.G. Canvas, 100 x 70 in. 2 ERNEST AUGUSTUS, DUKE OF CUMBERLAND, KING OF HANOVER (1771-1851). Lord Talbot de Malahide.' Sir William Beechey, R.A. 5th son of George III. ; b. 5th June, 1771 ; marr. the 3rd dau. of the D. of Mecklenb.-Slrelitz, 181 5 ; succ. to the throne of Hanover on the accession of H.M. Q. Victoria, 1837; d. i8 Nov. 1851. Half-length ; standing, looking lo 1. ; hussar uniform ; resting both hands on sword. Canvas, 54 X 44 in. 3 SIR RALPH ABERCROMBY at the BATTLE of ALEXANDRIA (i738(?)-i8oi). Miss Oliver. Sir R. Ker Porter. General; b. at Tullibodie, Co. Clackmannan, Scotl. 1738; educ. at Rugby, Edinb. and Leipzig; enl. the Army 1756, and serv. under the D. of Brunsw. in the Seven Years' War; M.P. for Clackmannan, 1773 ; oppos. trie American policy of Government, and would not serve in the war against trie American Colonies ; Comm. of Divis. under the D. of York in the Netrierlands, 1 79J-4 ; Comm.-in-Chief in the West Indies, 1795-7, and in Irel. 1798; app. to the Comm. of the exped. against the French in Egypt, i860; landed at Aboukir, B i. 2 Part of Reign of George III. 1800-1820. and defeat, ihe French at Alexandria ; d. from wounds received in trie battle, 28 Marcri, 1801. Full-lengtri ; small figures in battle-piece ; in centre is Sir R. Abercromby, mortally wounded ; Aboukir Bay in distance. Canvas, 26 X 39 in, 4 JANE MAXWELL, DUCHESS OF GORDON ( -1812). LENT BY PAINTER. Mr. F. Gye, Sir Joshua Reynolds, P.R.A. Dau. of Sir Wm. Maxwell, Bart.; marr. Alexander Gordon, 4th D. of Gordon, 28 Oct. 1767 ; d. 12 April, 1812. To waist, small size, looking to r. ; open ruff. Crayon, paper, 11 X 8^ in, 5 HORATIO, ADMIRAL VISCT. NELSON (1758-1805). Rev. W. S. Halliday. A. W. Devis. 4tri son of Rev. Edmund Nelson (No. 25), rector of Burnham Thorpe, Norfolk; b. 29 Sept. 1758; Midsriipman, 1770; served on Capt. Priipps's expeditn. to trie N. Pole and on trie Indian station ; Lieut. 1777 ; Posl-Capl. 1779; engaged in trie Mediterranean from the outbr. of trie Frencri war, 1793; Commodore, 1796; highly distinguished himself al the battle of St. Vincent, and appoint. Rear-Adm. and K.B. 1797 ; lost his right arm in an attack on Teneriffe; gained trie vict. of Aboukir over the French fleet, 1798 ; crea. Baron Nelson, and D. of Bronte, in Sicily; returned lo Engl, with Lady Hamilton, 1800; destr. the Danisri fleet al Copenriagen, and crea. Visct. Nelson, 1801 ; resumed the command on the Mediterra. station, 1803 ; fell in trie battle of Trafalgar, 21 Oct. 1805 ; bu. in St. Paul's. Half-length, small size, looking to r. ; cocked rial, naval uniform, with various orders ; painted 1805, for Capt. Page ; pasted on trie back is auto graph letter to Capt. Page, dated March 4, 1803. Canvas, 15 X 12 in. 6 MRS. MARY ROBINSON, "Perdita" (1758-1800). Mr. Daniel Parsons. Sir Joshua Reynolds, P.R.A. Mary Darby, partly educ. by Mrs. Hannah More (No. 146) ; went on the stage ; attracted trie attention of trie Prince of Wales (afterwards Geo. IV.) wrien acting as " Perdita" in trie "Winter's Tale," 1780, and for about two years riad mucri influence over riim ; wrote novels and verses ; d. al Engle- field Green, 1800. To waist, witri riands in muff. Crayon, paper, I2| x 9 in. 7 RT. HON. HENRY ADDINGTON, VISCOUNT SIDMOUTH (1755-1844). Rt. Hon. T. H. S. Sotheron-Estcourt. J. S. Copley, R.A. Eld. son of Anthcny Addington, M.D. ; b. at Reading, 1755 ; educ. at Cheam, Wincriester, and Brasenose Coll. Oxf ; M.P. for Devizes, as an adrierent of his early friend Pitt, 1784; Speaker, 1789-1801 ; Crian. of trie Exch. and ist Ld. of the Treasury, 1801-4; cr. Visct. Sidmouth, 1805 ; Ld. Prcs. 1805 ; Ld. Privy Seal and aft. Ld. Pres. 1806 ; Lord Pres. 1812 ; Home Sec. 1812-22; d. at trie White Lodge, Richmond Park, of which he was Deputy Ranger, 15 Feb. 1844. Full-length, standing to r. ; robes as Speaker, mace on table before him. Canvas. 04 X 64 in. Ground-floor. 1 Northern Gallery, iVw. 1-118. 3 8 SIR WILLIAM BLIZARD, Kt. (174,2-1835). LENT BY PAINTER. College of Surgeons. John Opie, R.A. Surg, and Anatomist ; b. 1 742 ; many years Prof of Anatomy lo the Roy. Coll. of Surg. ; F.R.S. ; auth. of "Suggestions for the Improvement of Hos pitals;" d. Sept. 1835. Three-quarter length, sealed, looking lo his r. ; paper in 1. hand, black gown, crimson scarf. Canvas, 56 X 44 in. 9 HORATIO, ADMIRAL VISCT. NELSON (1758-1805). Earl Nelson. J. F. Rigaud, R.A. {See No. 5.) Half-length, standing to I., leaning both hands on sword ; as Post-Captain, R.N. at the age of 22 ; painted 1781, after trie taking of ' Fort St. Juan, Central America, shown in the background. Canvas, 49 X 42 in . 10 CHARLES DIBDIN (1745-1814). National Portrait Gallery. Thos. Phillips, R.A Actor, Dramatist, andMusical Composer; b. alSoulriampt, 1745; intended for the Church, and educ. at Winchester ; showed much talent for music, and decided for a thealr. career ; first performed in Lond. 1764, but did not succ. ; invented a new kind of entertainment, consist, of music, songs, and recita. ; became popular as a composer; wrote 30 dramatic pieces, and about 1400 songs, many of them naval and patriotic ; rec. a pension from Governm. ; pub. "A History of the Stage," "A Musical Tour," &c. ; d. 1814. Bust lo r. ; dark-brown coal, white waistcoat ; painted 1799. Canvas, 30 X 25 in. 1 1 CHARLES MANNERS SUTTON, ARCHBP. OF CANTERBURY (1755-1828). Viscount Canterbury. Sir Thos. Lawrence, P.R.A. 4th son of Ld. George Manners Sutton; b. 14 Feb, 1755 J educ, al the Charterhouse and Eman. Coll. Camb. ; presented lo trie living of Averham, Notts, 1785 ; Dean of Peterborough, 1791 ; Bishop of Norwich, 1792 ; Dean of Windsor, "in commendam," 1794 ; Archbishop of Canter bury, 1805; known as an opponent of the Roman Catholic claims; d. at Lambeth Palace, 21 July, 1828. Bust, unfinished, looking lo 1. Canvas, 30 x 25 in. 12 GEORGE III. (1738-1820). Miss Disbrowe. Jfter Thomas Gainsborough, R.A. Geo. Wm. Fred., eld. son of Frederick, Pr. of Wales, and Augusta, dau. of Fred. D. of Saxe-Gotha; b. al Norfolk Ho. St. James's Sq. 4 June, 1738 ; created Pr. of Wales on trie death of his father, 20 Apr. 1751 ; succ. his grand father, Geo. II. 25 Oct. 1760; crowned 22 Sept. 1761 ; marr. Charlotte, dau. of Charles, D. of Mecklenburg-Slrelilz, 8 Sept. 1761 ; mentally deranged, 1789-90, and again from 1810 to the end of his life; Pr. of Wales (afterw. Geo. IV.) Regent, 181 1-20; totally blind in his last years; d, at Windsor Castle, 29 January, 1820. Full-length, small size, standing near columns ; landscape background. Canvas, 30 X 23 in. 4 Part of Reign of George III, 1800-1820. 13 FREDERICA CHARLOTTE ULRICA, Princess Royal of Prussia, DUCHESS or YORK (1767-1820). LENT BY PAINTER. Mr. R. Gwyn. Sir William Beechey, R.A. Frederica Criarlotte Ulrica Calherina, Princess Royal of Prussia ; b. 1767 ; marr. 1791, Frederick D. of York ; d. 6 Aug. 1820. Half-length, sealed, holding a letter ; white low dress. Presented lo Mrs. Gwyn by H.R.H. trie Ducriess of York. Canvas, 36 X 28 in. 14 HORATIO, ADMIRAL VISCT. NELSON (1758-1805). Earl Nelson. L. Guzzardi. {See No. 5.) Full-lenglri, small size, standing, I. arm extended ; battle of trie Nile in trie background ; trie scar of trie wound received in trial action is shown on his forehead ; painted 1799. Canvas, 33 X 20 in. 15 RIGHT HON. WILLIAM PITT (1759-1806). E, V, Kenealy, LL.D. Thomas Gainsborough, R.A. 2nd son of Wm, ist E, of Chatham ; b, al Hayes, Kent, 28 May, 1759; educ, al home and at Pembroke Coll, Camb, ; enl, at Lincoln's Inn ; called lo trie Bar, going trie Western Circuit, 1780; M.P, for Appleby, and afterw. for Univ. of Camb. ; ent. Pari, as an oppon. of Ld. North's Admin. ; first spoke in support of Burke's plan of Economical Reform ; Crian. of the Excheq. in Ld. Srielburne's Adm. 1782 ; led the oppos. to the Coalition Min. ; 1st Ld. of trie Treas. and Crian. of Excheq. Dec. 1783 ; India Bill, 1784 ; New Sinking Fund, Commerc. Treaty with France, and Consolida. of Customs' Acts, 1786; Regency Bill, 1788; Acts for the relief of Catri. 1791-2; Union with Ireland, 1799; ^^ t'^s head of affairs during trie French Revol. and trie War witri Napoleon until 1801, wrien Mr. Addington became First Minister, (No. 7) ; succ. Mr. Addington, 1804 ; united Russia and Austria against Na poleon, an alliance dissolved by trie Battle of Austerlilz ; d. 23 January, 1806. Bust, as a young man ; bluisri coat, wriile cravat ; on back, " Painted 1787." Oval ; Canvas, 38 X 25 in. 16 HORATIO, ADML. VISCT. NELSON (1758-1805). Benjamin Ridge, M.D. Thomas Gainsborough, R.A. {See No, 5,) Bust as a boy, looking to 1, ; midsriipman's uniform. Can vas, 30 X 25 in, 17 BENJAMIN WEST, P.R.A. (1738-1820). Mr. j. H. Anderdon. Sir Thomas Lawrence, P.R.A. Son of Jorin and Sarah West, of a Quaker family ; b. at Springfield, Pennsylvania, 10 Oct. 1738; showed his talent for drawing when a child, and was taught by some Indians how to prepare a few colours, supplying riimself witri hair pencils from riis mother's cat ; at Philadelpriia was aided by Wil liams, a painter, and in his 1 8th year established riimself triere ; went to Rome, 1760; painted a port, of Ld. Grantriam and riistorical pictures; travelled through Italy; settled in London; painted " Regulus leaving Rome;" became known to Geo. III., who was his patron for nearly 40 years ; pro duced a great number of historical works, among them the "Death of Gen. Wolfe" and trie "Battle of La Hogue;" Pres. Roy. Acad, after Reynolds, 1792 ; d. in Newman St., London, 11 Mar. 1820 ; bu. in St. Paul's Catri. Head leaning on I. hand, unfinished. Oval panel, 30 X 24 in. Ground-floor. \ Northern Gallery, Nos. 1-118. 5 18 QUEEN CHARLOTTE (1744-1818). LENT BY PAINTER. Miss Disbrowe. After Thomas Gainsborough, R.A. Charlotte Sophia, 2nd dau. of Charles Louis Frederick, Duke of Mecklen- burg-Strelitz ; b. 19 May, 1744; marr. Geo. III. 8 Sept. 1761, by whom she had fifteen children; d. 17 Nov. 1818. Full-length, small size, standing ; fan in r. hand ; landscape background. Canvas, 30 X 23 in. 19 ADML. SIR THOS. TROUBRIDGE, Bt. ( -1807). Captain F. P. Egerton, R.N. Son of Richard Troubridge, Esq.; enl. trie Navy; serv. under Sir Ed. Hughes, in the E. Indies ; Post-Capt. 1782 ; command, the " CuUoden" at the b. of St. Vincent, 1797; supported Nelson in the b. of the Nile, and success!, operated on the coast of Italy; crea. Bart. 1799; Ld. of the Admlly. 1802; Adm. 1804; lost al sea in the " Blenheim," between Madras and the Cape of Good Hope, 1807. Half-length, standing, lo r. ; naval uniform ; resting r. hand on sword. Canvas, 50 x 40 in. 20 JOHN HELY, LORD HUTCHINSON, afterwards E. of DONOUGHMORE (1757-1832). Her Majesty (Hampton Court). Thos. Phillips, R.A. General ; 2nd son of J. Hely Hutchinson, Sec. of Slate for Irel. ; b. 1757 ; enl. the Army, 1774; Lieut.-Col. 1783; raised a regiment al trie outbreak of the war against France, 1793; served in Flanders under the D. of York, and under Sir Ralph Abercromby in Egypt ; succ. the latter as Comm.-in-Chief of the army there, and compell. the French to capitulate al Cairo, 1803; crea. Baron Hutchinson of Alexandria; Gen, 1813; succ, his bro, as E. of Donoughmore, 1825; d, 1832, Three-quarter length, sealed lo r, ; military uniform ; table, with writing materials, lo his r. Canvas, 50 x 40 in. 2 1 ALEX. GORDON, 4TH D, of GORDON (1743-1827). Duke of Manchester. Sir Henry Raeburn, R.A. Son of Cosmo George Gordon, 3rd D.; b, 18 June, 1743 ; crea, a Peer of Engl, as Baron Gordon of Huntly and E. of Norwich, 1784 ; inherited the Baronies of Beauchamp, Bletsoe, and Mordaunl of Purvey, al the death of Mary Anaslasia, Baroness Mordaunl, 1819 ; d. 17 June, 1827. To waist, looking to I. ; military uniform, cap in r. hand. Canvas, 36 X 28 in. 22 MRS. MARY ROBINSON, "Perdita" (1758-1800). Mr. j. H. Anderdon. George Romney. {See No. 6.) Bust ; seated to r., head leaning on r. hand ; low while dress. Canvas, 21 X 17 in. 23 SIR RALPH ABERCROMBY (i738(?)-i8oi). Lord Dunfermline. John Hoppner, R.A. {See No. 3.) Bust; military uniform, ribbon of Bath. Canvas 30 X 25 in. 6 Part of Reign of George III. 1800-1820. 24 CUTHBERT COLLINGWOOD, ist Ld. COLLING- WOOD (1748-1810). LENT BY FAINTER. Lords of the Adm. (Green. Hosp.) Henry Howard, R.A. Adml. ; b. al Newcastle, 1748 ; ent. the navy at 13 ; Flag-Capt. to Adml. Bowyer, June, 1794; comm. trie "Excellent" in trie battle of St. Vincent, 1797 ; Vice-Adml. of trie Blue and second in comm. at Trafalgar, where he higrily disting. riimself; Comm. of Ihe Fleet after Nelson's death; afterw. Vice-Adml. of the Red, and raised to the Peerage for his services; d. while cruising otf Minorca, 7 March, 1810. Full-length, standing lo 1., resting on gunwale ; telescope under r. arm. Canvas, 93 X 57 in. 25 REV. EDMUND NELSON (1722-1802). Earl Nelson. Sir William Beechey, R.A. Father of Adml. Ld. Nelson {See No. 5) ; son of Rev. Edmund Nelson ; b. at East Bradenriam, Norfolk, 19 Marcri, 1722; educ. al Caius Coll. Camb. ; marr. Catrierine Suckling, dau. of Dr. Suckling, by wriom rie had eight sons and three daus. ; presented lo the rectory of Burnham Thorpe, Norfolk, by Horatio, Ld. Walpole, who was godfather lo Ld. Nelson; lost his wife, 1769; was many years an invalid; d. at Batri, 26 April, 1802. Bust, full face ; black gown. Canvas, 30 X 25 in. 26 EMMA HART, LADY HAMILTON (1761-1815). National Gallery. George Romney. Dau. of a female servant named Hart ; b. about 1761, in trie co. Chester ; served for sometime as nursemaid at Hawardine, near Chester ; in 1777 came to London, where she sat to artists, and was trie favourite model of Romney ; became acqu. witri Sir Wm. Hamilton, Engl. Ambass. at Naples, wrio marr. rier, 1791 ; rose lo fame as an influential favourite at trie Neapolitan Court, and with Adml. Nelson; d. neglected, near Calais, 16 Jan. 1815. To waist, as a Bacchante ; figure in profile ; white dress. Canvas, 20 X 16 in. 27 HORATIO, ADML. VISCT. NELSON (1758-1805). Mr. Norman Wilkinson. Lemuel F. Abbot. {See No. 5.) To waist, looking lor.; naval uniform. Canvas, 30 x 25 in. 28 RICHARD BRINSLEY SHERIDAN (1751-1816). Mr. Henry F. Holt. Sir Joshua Reynolds, P.R.A. Son of Thos. Sheridan the elocutionist, and Frances, autrioress of various novels admired in their day; b. in Dorset St. Dublin, Sept. 1751 ; educ. al Harrow, where Dr. Parr was one of trie masters ; married Miss Linley, 1772 ; ent. at trie Middle Temple ; his first comedy, " The Rivals," perform. 1775, also riis opera "The Duenna;" produced trie "School for Scandal," 1777; friend of Burke and Fox; M.P. for Stafford, 1780; Under-Sec. of State in the Rockingham Administration ; deriv. his celebrated oration against Warren Hastings, Feb. 1787 ; M.P. for Westminster; a favourite of the Prince of Wales, afterw. George IV. ; trie death of Fox deprived him of riis criief party friend, and riis latter years were spent in embarrassment ; d. in Savile Row, London, 7 July,- 1816 ; bu. in Westminster Abbey. To waist, seated to r. showing r. hand; brown coat. Canvas, 30 X 25 in. Ground-floor.} Northern Gallery (iVw. i-ii 8). 7 29 WM. WYNDHAM, ld. GRENVILLE (1759-1834). LENT BY PAINTER. Earl Fortescue. Gainsborough Dupont. Statesman; 3rd son of Geo. Grenville; b. 1759; educ. al Oxf; early acquaint, with Pitt; Sec. lo Earl Temple in Irel. 1782 ; Paymast.-Gen. 1783 ; M.P. for Bucks; Home Minisl. and Minist. for For. Aff. 1791 ; raised lo the Peerage, 1790; resig. with Pill because trie Calhol. Emancip. could not be carr. 1801; afterw. joined the Oppos. of the "Talents;" Prime Minisl. after the death of Pitt, 1806-7 ; Crian. of trie Univ. of Oxf 1809 ; conlin. riis efforts for Catriol. Emancip.; d. without issue, 12 Jan. 1834. Half-length, standing; peer's robes. Canvas, 50 X 40 in. Dated, 1792. 30 JOHN WODEHOUSE, ist LD. WODEHOUSE (1741-1834). Hon. and Rev. W. Wodehouse. Sir William Beechey, R.A. Son of Sir Armine Wodehouse, Bart.; b. 1741 ; marr. Sophia, only child of the Hon. Charles Berkeley, of Bruton Abbey, and niece of John, last Ld. Berkeley, of Stratlon ; raised to the Peerage as Baron Wodehouse of Kim- berley, 1797; d. 29 May, 1834. Bust, looking to 1. ; dark blue coal. Canvas, 30 X 25 in. 31 RT. HON. WILLIAM PITT (1759-1806). Earl of Harrowby, K.G. John Hoppner, R.A. {See'^o. 15,) Half-length, standing; black dress; r. hand resting on official robes. Canvas, 56 x 46 in. 32 RT. HON. WILLIAM PITT (1759-1806). Hon. G. M. Fortescue. Gainsborough Dupont. {See No, 15.) Bust to r. ; dark blue coal. Canvas, 30 X 25 in, 33 RIGHT HON. CHAS. JAMES FOX (1749-1806). Lord Denman. Sir Joshua Reynolds, P.R.A. Youngest son of Rl. Hon. Hy. Fox, aft. isl Ld. Holland, and Lady Georg. Lennox ; b. 1749 ; educ. at Eton and Hertford Coll. Oxon ; M.P. for Midhursl, 1768, as a supp. of D. of Grafton's Adm. ; Ld. of the Admir. in Ld. Norlri's Adm. 1770-2; of trie Treas. 1773-4; in opp. lo Ld. North during the Amer. War ; M.P. for Weslm. 1780 ; Sec. of State for For. Aff. in Lord Rockingham's Adm. 1782, but resigned on his death ; Sec. of State for For. Affairs in the Coahtion Min. 1783 ; resigned on the defeat of trie India Bill, 1783 ; headed the opp. to Pitt's Ministry ; withdrew from Pari, in 1797 ; M.P. again for Weslm. 1802 ; on Pitt's deatri, in 1806, Sec. of Stale for For. Affairs in Ld. Granville's — "All trie Talents"— Administr., but d. 13 Sept. Bust, looking lo 1.; dark blue coat, wriite cravat, yellowish waistcoat. Canvas, 30 X 24 in. 34 THOMAS DENMAN, M.D. (1733-1815). Lord Denman. Lemuel F. Abbot. Father of the Ld. Ch. Just. ; b. at Bakewell, Derbysh. 1733 ; first, surgeon in the Navy, trien a Priys. of great eminence in London; Licent. in Midwife. Coll. of Phys. 1783; author of several works on Medicine; d. 181 5. Bust, full face; black dress. Canvas^ 30 X 25 in. 8 Part of Reign of George III. 1800-1820. 35 RT. HON. WM. WICKHAM (1761-1840). LENT BY PAINTER. Mr. William Wickham. FiicER. Diplomatist; b. 1761 ; Ambass. in Switzerl. 1795; Under-Sec. for the Home Departm. 1798; Minister- Plenipoten. lo the Austrian and Russian Armies, 1799-1801; Sec. of State for Irel. 1802-4; Ld. of trie Treas. 1806; d. 22 Oct. 1840. Half-length, standing ; holding paper in both hands ; blue gold-laced coat ; painted 1801. Canvas, 45 X 35 in. 36 THOMAS ERSKINE, afterwards ist LORD ERSKINE, K.T. (1750-1823). Mr. a. McKay. Thomas Gainsborough, R.A. 3rd son of David Henry Erskine, loth Earl of Bucrian ; b. 1750; educ. at Edin. Higri Scri. and St. Andrews Univ. ; went to sea, and after four years entered trie Army ; became a Student at Trin. Coll. Camb. 1777 ; studied Law al Lincoln's Inn ; was successful at the Bar ; King's Coun. 1783 ; M.P. for Portsmouth ; defended Hardy, Tooke, &c, on criarges of riigri treason, 1794 ; opposed war with France ; Lord Chan, and Baron Erskine in the Grenville Administration, 1806; K,T, 1815 ; d. 17 Nov, 1823, To waist, seated to r, ; pen in r, hand ; blue coat, while cravat. Canvas, 30 X 25 in. 37 JOHN SCOTT, 1ST E. or ELDON, Lord Chancellor (1751-1838). Earl of Eldon. W. Owen, R.A. Son of Mr. Wm. Scott ; b. in Love Lane, Newcastle, 4 June, 175 1 ; educ. at trie Grammar Scriool there and at Univ. Coll. Oxford ; entered Middle Temple ; called lo trie Bar, 1776 ; K. Counsel, 1783 ; M.P. for Weobly ; Solicitor-Gen. 1788, and Kt. ; Attor.-Gen. 1793 ; trie year following occurred trie trials for riigri treason of Home Tooke and others ; Ch. Just. Com. PI., and created Baron Eldon, 1799 ; succ. Ld. Loughborough as Ld. Chancellor, 1801-6; resumed this office after Ld. Erskine, 1807, and held it till 1827 ; created E. of Eldon, 1821 ; d. 13 Jan. 1838. Full-length, seated ; robes as Lord Chancellor ; seal and mace to his r. Canvas, 86 x 62 in. 38 GEN. SIR CHAS. WALE, K.C.B. (1768- 1845). Col. R. G. Wale. James Northcote, R.A. B. al Shelford, Cambridgesh. 1768 ; ent. the army at 16 ; serv. at the siege of Gibraltar, 1782, and under trie D. of York in Holland, 1797 ; disting. himself al the capture of Guadaloupe, 1810 ; held trie office of Gov. of Mar tinique, 1812-15; K.C.B. 1815; Lieul.-Gen. 1821; General, 1838; d. at Shelford, 19 March, 1845, Bust; mihtary uniform; star of K,C,B., ribbon and badge; painted 1819. Canvas, 30 X 25 in, 39 REV. EDW. DANIEL CLARKE, LL.D. (1769-1822). Jesus College, Cambridge. Traveller and Mineralogist; b. at Willington, Essex, 5 June, 1769; educ. at Camb.; accomp. Ld. Berwick lo Italy, 1794; trav. in N. Europe, Russia, Ground-floor."} Northern Gallery (^A^sf. i-ii 8). 9 Tartary, W. Asia, Turkey, and Greece, 1799-1802; Prof of Mineralogy at Cambr. 1808; enricried the library of Cambr. by many antiquities, and the colossal statue of the Eleusinian Ceres; pub. "Travels in various countries of Europe, Asia, and Africa;" d. 9 Marcri, 1822. To waist, full-face ; academic gown and hood. Canvas, 30 X 25 in. 40 GEO. DEMPSTER (of Dunnichen), M.P. (1733-1818)- LENT BY PAINTER. Rev. G. Dempster Miller. Ascribed toT. Gainsborough, R.A. B. at Dundee, 1733; educ. for the Bar ; M.P. for the Montrose Burghs, 1762-90 ; a zealous adherent of Ld. Rockingham, by whom he was made Sec. 10 Ihe Order of trie Thistle, 1765 ; Direct, of the East India Comp. ; d. at Dunnichen, Forfarsh. 1818. Bust, looking to I. ; bluish coat, embroidered waistcoat. Canvas, 27 x 22 in. 41 SAMUEL WHITBREAD, M.P. (1758-1815). Viscount Eversley. Thomas Gainsborough, R.A. Politician ; son of Sam. Wriitbread, M.P., brewer ; b. 1758 ; educ. al Eton and St. Jorin's Coll. Camb. ; marr. the dau. of Earl Grey ; enl. Parliament as member for Bedford, and determined opponent of Pitt ; took for many years a prom, part in the debates ; conducted the impeach, of Ld. Melville ; acted with Mr. Brougham on the part of trie Princess of Wales; d. 181 5. To waist, standing, leaning on r. hand ; full-face ; brown coal. Canvas, 36 X 28 in, 42 ELIZ. BRIDGET BANE, HON. MRS. CHARLES JAMES FOX (1750-1842). Lady Holland. Sir Joshua Reynolds, P.R.A. B, 1750; marr, i. Mr. Armislead; 2. in 1794, Hon. Criarles James Fox, the celeb, statesman ; d. 8 July, 1842. To waist, looking to r. ; large bl. hat and white plume. Canvas, 30 x 25 in. 43 WILLIAM SCOTT, ist Ld. STOWELL (1745-1836). Earl of Eldon. W. Owen, R.A. ¦Judge, and disting. authority on International Law; son of Mr. Wm. Scott, a merchant at Newcastle, and eld. bro. of Ld. Eldon ; b. at Heworth, Dur ham, 1745 ; educ. al Newcastle, and Corpus Chris. Coll. Oxf ; Tutor of his College till 1776; D.C.L. 1779; King's Advoc.-Gen. and Judge of the Con sistory Court, 1787; Knighted, 1788; Judge of the Court of Adinirally, 1798, a position in which he gained the higriest repulal. by his decisions in the frequent trials occas. by the great European wars of that lime; M.P. for Oxf. for nearly 30 years; raised to trie Peerage, 1821 ; d. 28 Jan. 1836. Full-lengtri, seated ; black official robes, as Judge of the Admiralty Courts. Canvas, 86 X 62 in. 44 MATTHEW BAILLIE, M.D. (1761-1823). College of Physicians. Sir Thomas Lawrence, P.R.A. Physic, and Anatomist; b. 27 Oct. 1761, in Lanark; educ. at Glasg. and Oxf ; assist, of Jorin Hunter in Lond. ; succ. Hunter as Prof of Anatomy ; app. to St. George's Hosp. 1798; priysic. to the King; had a very exten sive practice and pub. numerous works ; left his library and anatom. prepa rations to the Coll. of Physicians ; d. 23 Sept. 1823. Bust, nearly full face ; dark coal. Canvas, 30 x 25 in. 10 Part of Reign of George III. 1800-1820. 45 REV. JOHN JAMIESON, D.D. (1758-1838). LENT BY PAINTER. Mr. D. Mackenzie. G.Watson, P.R.S.A. Trieologian and Priilologist; b. 1758; for many years Minister lo a Congregation of Seceders from the Scotch Criurcri, al Edinb. ; Aulrior of an "Etymological Dictionary of trie Scottish Language," "An Historical Account of the Ancient Culdees of lona," &c. ; d. 1838. Bust, seated, nearly full-face ; black coal. Canvas, 30 X 25 in. 46 THOMAS ERSKINE, ist LORD ERSKINE, K.T. LD. CHAN. (1750-1823). Lady Moore. Sir Thomas Lawrence, P.R.A. {See No. 36.) Bust, seated, resting on I. arm, nearly full face; dark coat. Canvas, 30 X 25 in. 47 SIR FRANCIS BARING, Bt. (1740-1810). Lord Northbrook. Benjamin West, P.R.A. 3rd son of Jorin Baring, who came lo Exeter from Bremen, where his father was a Lutheran minister; b. at Exeter, 18 April, 1740; with his bro. John founded trie firm of Baring Brotriers in London, 1762; elected a Director of trie East India Co. 1779; M.P. for Calne and High Wycombe; supported the finan. policy of Pitt; created a Bart. 1793; d. 11 Sept. 18 10. Three-quarter length, seated to I., witri 1. hand extended ; black dress ; landscape background ; signed " B. West, 1804." Canvas, 50 X 40 in. 48 ALEX. FRASER TYTLER, LD. WOODHOUSELEE (1747-1813). Col. W. Fraser Tytler. Sir H. Raeburn, R.A. Lawyer; son of Wm. Tytler, the hist.; b. at Edinb. 1747; for some time Prof of Univer. Hist, at the Edinb. University ; Judge- Advocate for Scotl. ; raised to trie Bencri as Ld. Woodriouselee, 1802; Commiss. of Justiciary, 181 1 ; pub. a "Treatise on Martial Law," " Elements of General History," " Critical Essay on trie Life of Pelrarcri ;" d. 5 Jan. 1813. Bust; black coal, white cravat; painted in 1804. Canvas, 30 X 25 in. 49 ED. LAW, 1ST LORD ELLENBOROUGH, LD. CH. JUST. (1748-1818). Earl of Ellenborough. Sir Thos. Lawrence, P.R.A. Son of Edmund Law, Bp. of Carlisle ; b. at Great Salkeld, Cumberland, 1748; educ. at Charterhouse Scri. and Peter-riouse, Camb.; studied law; distinguisried by riis defence of Warren Hastings, wriicri Erskine had refused to undertake, and in wriicri he was successf notwithstanding the oppo sition of Fox, Burke, and Sheridan; Att.-Gen. 1801 ; Ld. Ch. Just, of King's Bencri, and raised to trie Peerage, 1802; opposed Calhol. Emancip. ; d. 1818. Three-quarter length, seated ; in Ld. Ch. Just, robes. Canvas, 56 X 44 in. 50 SIR SAMUEL ROMILLY, Kt. (1757-1818). Mr. Charles Romilly. Sir Thos. Lawrence, P.R.A. Eminent Lawyer; descend, from a Protestant family, who left France after trie Revocation of trie Edict of Nantes; b. 1757, in London, wriere his Ground-floor:'] Northern Gallery (A'w. 1-118). 11 father was a jeweller; articled to a solicitor; afterw. stud, for the Bar; rose lo distinc. in the Cl. of Chancery; K.C. 1800; Sol.-Gen. and M.P. for Queensborough, 1806; voted witri the Whigs, and was foremost among the advocates of a Reform of the Criminal Code; d. Nov. 1818. Bust, seated; black coat, white cravat. Canvas, 30 x 25 in. 5 I SIR JOHN SCOTT, Kt., aft. E. of ELDON (1751-1838). LENT BY PAINTER, Earl of Eldon. Sir Thos. Lawrence, P.R.A. {See No, 37,) To waist, full face; dark dress; painted in 1798, Canvas, 31 X 26 in. 52 RT. HON. GEORGE CANNING (1770-1827). Earl Granville, K.G. John Hoppner, R.A. Statesman, Orator, and Wit ; b. in London, 11 Apr. 1770, his father dying the following year ; educ. at Eton, and there planned " The Microcosm," pub. weekly at Windsor, 1786-7 ; ent. Ch. Ch. Oxf ; M.P. 1793, supporting Mr. Pill ; Und.-Sec. of State, 1796 ; started and wrote for trie " Anti-Jacobin," 1797-8; opposed the Addington Admin. ; defended Ld. Melville with great eloquence ; Sec. of Slate in the Portland Cabinet ; duel with Ld. Castlereagh, 21 Sept. 1809; supp. Grattan in favour of Catri. Emancip. ; named Gov.-Gen. of India, but on Ld. Casllereagh's deatri again undertook Sec. for Foreign Affairs, 1822; succ. E. of Liverpool as Premier, encountering a formidable opposition, 1827; d. al Chiswick, 8 August, 1827. Three-quarter length, seated to r. in arm-chair; black dress. Canvas, 53 X 39 in. 53 FRANCIS HORNER (1778-1817). Sir Chas. Lyell, Bt. Sir Henry Raeburn, R.A. Politician and Financier; b. at Edinburgh, 1778 ; educ. at trie Edinburgri Higri Scriool and University; early look an interest in politics, and joined the Whigs ; became trie friend of Brougriam, Mackinlosri, and Romilly, and one of the founders of the " Edinburgh Review;" settled in London, 1803; entered Parriament as Member for St. Ives, 1806; soon acquired influence by his information and sagacity, particularly in financial matters ; nominal. Chairman of the Bullion Committee, 1810; moved unsuccess. the resumpt. of Cash Payments, 181 1 ; declined the Secretaryship of the Treas. under Ld. Grenville ; went lo Italy for his healtri ; d. at Pisa, at the age of 39, 8 Feb. 1 8 1 7. Three-quarter length, seated to r. at table, on which is an open book; dated 1812 ; at back, " There are three copies of this picture, but triis is the original for wriicri my brotrier sat, for my wife and myself — LEONARD Horner." Canvas, 51 x 40 in. 54 RT. HON. SIR JN. SINCLAIR, Bt. (1754-1835). Archdeacon Sinclair. Sir H. Raeburn, R.A, Political Economist and Philanthropist ; b. at Thurso Castle, Caithness, 1754; educ. at the Higri School, Edinb. and the Universities of Edinb., Glasg., and Oxf; Member of the Faculty of Advoc. 1775; M.P. for Caithness, 1780, and in several subsequent Paris.; originat. the Board of Agriculture, 1793; pub. an elaborate Statistical Account of Scotland, 1798; raised two battalions of 1000 men each, al the time of the French inva. panic ; pub. several valuable works on financial and political subjects; d. 21 Dec. 1835. Bust, seated, holding paper in r. hand ; black coat. Canvas, 30 x 25 in. 12 Part of Reign of George III. 1800-1820. 55 DUGALD STEWART (1753-1828). LENT BY PAINTER. Col. Wm. Eraser Tytler. Sir H. Raeburn, R.A. Philosopher; son of Matthew Stewart, trie matriemalician ; b. al Edinb. 22 Nov. 1753; educ. at the High School and Ihe Univ. of Glasgow; Assist. Prof of Mathemal. at Edinb. 1774 ; Prof of Moral Priilos. 1785 ; founded the " Speculative Society," and was one of the most popular lecturers of his time ; retired on account of ill health, 1810 ; devoted the rest of his life lo lit. labour ; author of "Philosophy of trie Human Mind," "Outlines of Moral Priilosophy," Biographies of Adam Smith and Thomas Reid, &c. ; d. at Edinb. 1828. Bust, seated; dark coat; signed al back, "H. Raeburn, p." Canvas, 29 X 24 in. 56 JOHN CLERK, of ELDIN (1730-1812). Soc. OF Antiq^of Scotland. James Saxon. B. 1730; mathemal. and inventor of the celebr. naval manoeuvre of Breaking the Line; never was at sea riimself; first communicated his invention lo Ld. Rodney, who by means of il gained his great victory over trie French fleet under De Grasse, 1782 ; d. 1812. Half-length, seated at table ; ships in distance. Canvas, 49 X 39 in. 5y REV. ROWLAND HILL (1744-1833). Viscount Hill. Michael Keeling. Dissenting Minister; b. al Hawkslone, near Shrewsbury, 1744; educ. al Eton, and St. John's Coll. Camb. ; ordained a deacon of the Eslabl. Church, but soon after became a zealous disciple of George Whitefield; travelled much as Mission. Preacrier in Engl., Scotl., and Irel. ; did duty as minisl. at the Bristol and Lond. Method. Tabernacles, and after 1783, at the Surrey Chapel, London ; pub. " Village Dialogues," " Spiritual Characteristics," "Impostures Detected, and trie Dead Vindicated," &c. ; d. 1833. Bust, full face; clerical dress ; signed, "Ml. Keeling pinx. 1814." Can vas, 30 X 25 in. 58 EDWARD PELLEW, Admiral, ist VISCOUNT EXMOUTH (1757-1833). Mr. H. E. Pellew. Sir Thos. Lawrence, P.R.A. B. at Dover, 1757; Midsh. 1770; served on Lake Champlain dur. trie Americ. war; captured trie French frigate " Cl^opatre," 1793, for which he was knighted; took part in trie expedit. agst. Quiberon, 1800; Rear- Adml. and Comm.-in-Criief on the Indian slat. 1803-9; co-operated as Comm.- in-Chief in trie Mediter. with the Brit, forces in Spain dur. the Renins, war; crea. Baron Exmoutri, 1815 ; enforced, on an expedit, to Algiers, trie abolil. of Criristian slavery in trie Barbary Slates; crea, Visct. 1816; Vice-Adml. of Engl. 1832; d. Jan. 1833. Half-length, standing; naval uniform, ribbon of Bath. Canvas, 50 X 40 in. 59 RT. HON. THOS. GRENVILLE (1755-1846). Hon. G. M. Fortescue. John Hoppner, R.A. Son of Geo. Grenville, and eld. bro. of Ld. Grenville; b. 31 Dec. 1755 ; M.P. for Buckingham, 1776; took part in the negotial. leading lo trie peace of Paris, 1783, and in some of trie treaties between Engl, and the Continental Slates during trie Revolutionary wars; Priv. Coun. 1798; Pres. of the Board Ground-floor.} Northern Gallery (iVw. i- ii8). 13 of Control, and First Ld. of the Admiralty in Ld. Grenville's Ministry, 1806; retir. from public life after the deatri of Fox ; collected trie valuable library, known as the " Bibliotheca Grenvilliana," wriicri, by his will, he left lo the British Museum; d. 18 Dec. 1846. Bust, seated to r. ; black coat. Canvas, 30 X 25 in. 60 HON. ANNE PITT, LADY GRENVILLE ( -1864). LENT BY PAINTER. Hon. G. M. Fortescue. John Hoppner, R.A. Only dau. of Thomas, ist Ld. Camelford, and sister and sole heiress of Thos. Pitt, 2nd Ld. Camelford; marr. Wm. Wyndham, Ld. Grenville, 1792, at whose death, without issue, 12 Jan. 1834,- trie title became extinct; surv. Ld. Grenville till 13 June, 1864, Half-length, seated lo r, ; while dress; dated al back, 1801. Canvas, 30 X 25 in, 61 REV. SIR H. WELLWOOD MONCREIFF, Bt. D.D. (1750-1827). Mr. W. E. Malcolm. Sir H. Raeburn, R.A. Eldest son of Rev. Sir Wm. Moncreiff, 6lh Bart, minister of Blackford, Perthsh. ; b. at Blackford, 1750 ; educ. al the Univ. of Glasgow and Edinb, ; succ, his father, 1767 ; ord, minister of Blackford, 1771 ; minister of St. Cuthbert's, Edinb. 1775 ; one of the leaders in the Ch. of Scotland ; fre quently Moderator of trie Gen. Assembly ; d. 14 June, 1827 ; pub. sermons and discourses, pamprilels connected with trie Cri. of Scotland,and "Account of trie Life and Writings of Jorin Erskine, D.D." Bust lo I. ; dark coal. Canvas, 30 X 25 in. 62 JOHN FANE, iiTH E. or WESTMORLAND, G.C.B. (1784-1859). Countess Dow. of Westmorland. Cav. Benvenuti. General and Diplomatist ; eldest son of John, loth Earl ; b. 3 Feb. 178^ ; enl. the army ; serv. with distinction during the war with France ; rose to the rank of General ; K.C.B., G.C.B. ; Envoy Extraor. to Prussia, 1841 ; to Vienna, 185 1 ; Plenipo. at the Vienna Conferences, 1855 ; disting. also for his knowledge of music ; d. 16 Oct. 1859. Three-quarter size, seated to r. ; scarlet military uniform. Canvas, 48 X 39 in. Painted al Florence 18 16. 63 REV. ROBERT HALL (1764-1831). • Mrs. William Hall. P. Vandyke. Bapl. Preacher and Theol. Writer; b. at Arnsby, Leicestersh. 1764; educ. al the Baptist Coll. Bristol, and King's Coll. Aberdeen; app. successively Preacher and Prof at Bristol, Camb., and Leicester ; President of the Bristol Academy, 1826; published " Christianity not Inconsistent with the Love of Freedom;" " Sermon on Modern Infidelity," &c., fam. for his eloq. ; d. 1831. Bust, full face, partly showing r. hand ; black coal ; signed and dated in front. Canvas, 30 X 25 in. Painted in 1799. 64 JN. SHORE, 1ST LD. TEIGNMOUTH (1751-1834). Lord Teignmouth. A. W. Devis. Son of Thos. Shore, a Supercargo in trie East India Company's Service; b. in Devonsri. 5 Oct. 1751; educ. at Harrow and Hackney; went as cadet 14 Part of Reign of George III. 1800-1820. to Bengal, 1769; gradually rose to be Member of trie General Committee of Revenue ; accomp. Warren Hastings to Engl. 1785 ; returned lo Calcutta as Member of trie Supreme Council of India, 1786 ; effected many reforms in the administration; crea. Bart. 1792; Gov. Gen. of India, 1792; raised to the Peerage, 1797; spent the rest of his life in promoting philanthropic under takings ; d. 14 Feb. 1834. Half-length, standing to r. ; resting r. riand on vol. of life of Sir Wm. Jones ; on the table before him is an address of trie British inhabitants of Calcutta. Canvas, 50 X 40 in. 65 FRANCIS RAWDON HASTINGS, ist MARQ. OF HASTINGS (1754-1825). LENT BY PAINTER. Lady Edith Abney Hastings. Sir T. Lawrence, P.R.A. General ; son of trie E. of Moira; b. 1754; disting. riimself in trie Amer. war, wriere he rose to the rank of Brigad.-Gen. ; Aide-de-camp lo the King, and Baron Rawdon, 1783 ; E. of Moira, 1793 ; served under the D. of York in Holland, 1794; Mast-Gen. of trie Ordn. i8o6 ; Gov.-Gen. of India, 1812-22; crea. Marq. 1816; Gov. of Malta, 1824; d. on board the " Revenge," in trie Bay of Baiae, 29 Nov. 1825. Bust, seated; Windsor uniform. Canvas, 30 X 25 in. 66 JANE ELIZABETH SCOTT, COUNTESS OF OXFORD (1774-1824). Lady Langdale. John Hoppner, R.A. Eldest dau. of the Rev. James Scott ; marr, Edward, 5th E, of Oxford, 3 Marcri, 1794; was motrier of Alfred, last E, of Oxford; d, 20 Nov, 1824, To waist, seated, in landscape, looking to I. ; low white dress, red coral necklace; dated at back, 1797, Panel, 29J x 25 in, 67 RT. HON. SPENCER PERCEVAL (1762-1812). Mrs. Spencer Perceval. G. F. Joseph, A. R.A. Statesman; 2nd son of John, E. of Egmont; b. i Nov. 1762; educ. at Harrow, and Trin. Coll. Camb. ; first distin. as defender of Thos. Paine, in an action for libel ; noticed by Pitt on account of his financial capacity ; M.P. for Northampton, 1796; Sol.-Gen. 1801 ; Att.-Gen. 1802 ; leader of trie Opposition after Pitt's deatri, 1806-7 ; Chanc. of the Exchequer, 1807 ; succ. the D. of Portland as Prime Minister, 1809; assassinated in trie lobby of the House of Commons, by John BeUingham, 11 May, 1812. Three-quarter length, seated in arm-chair, holding papers in r. hand near table, on wriicri are inkstand and boxes ; signed " G. F. Joseph, A.R.A. pinxit, 1812," and marked "a posthumous portrait." Canvas, 56 X 44 in. 68 SIR GILBT. HEATHCOTE, 4th BT. (1773-1851). Lord Aveland. Sir Thos. Lawrence, P.R.A. Son of Sir Gilbert Heathcote, 3rd Bart., of Normanlon, Rullandsri. ; b. Oct. 1773 ; M.P. for Rutlandshire ; d. 26 Mar. 1851. Bust, full face, as a boy ; long dark hair. Canvas, 30 X 25 in. 69 LADY CHARLOTTE GREVILLE (1775-1862). Duke of Wellington, K.G. B. 3 Oct., 1775 ; eldest dau. of William Henry Cavendish, 3rd D. of Portland; marr. in 1793, Criarles Greville, son of Fulke Greville, Esq. of Wilberry, Wilts; d. 28 July, 1862. To waist, seated lo r., resting on 1. arm ; low wriite dress. Canvas, 30 X 25 in. Ground-floor.} Northern Gallery (A'iji. i-i 18). 15 70 CHAS. EARL WHITWORTH (1754-1825). LENT BY PAINTER, Countess Delawarr. Sir Thos. Lawrence, P.R.A. Diplomatist; son of Sir Charles Whitworlh, Kl.; b. at Laybourne Grange, Kent, 1754; educ. at Tunbridge Scri.; Ambass. to Poland, 1786; to Russia, 1788-1800; negotiated a Treaty with Denmark, 1801 ; sent as Plenipoten. to Paris, 1802; in Feb. 1803, had the famous interv. with Napoleon, v/hicri was soon followed by the resump, of hostilit. ; crea. Ld. Wriilworlh in trie peerage of Irel. 1800; Vise, in the peerage of Engl. 1813 ; Earl Whitworlh, and Viceroy of Irel. 1814; d. 15 May, 1825. Half-length, standing ; looking to r., holding paper in both hands ; ribbon of the Bath. Canvas, 5 1 X 40 in. 71 WM. SCHAW CATHCART, ioth LORD and ist EARL CATHCART (1755-1843). Earl Cathcart. John Hoppner, R.A. General and Diplomatist ; son of Criarles, 9th Lord Cathcart ; b. Aug. 1755; Major-Gen. 1794; Lieul.-Gen. 1801 ; Comm.-in-Chief of the exped. lo Copenhagen, 1807; crea. VisCl. Cathcart, in reward for his services there ; Earl Cathcart, 1814; held trie offices of Commis. of trie Royal Milit. Coll. and the Royal Milit. Asylum ; Vice-Adm. of Scotl. ; for some time Ambas sador al St. Petersburg; d. 16 June, 1843, Bust lo r, ; military uniform. Canvas, 30 x 25 in. 72 JAMES, ADMIRAL LD. GAMBIER (1765-1833). Admiral Gambier. Sir Wm. Beechey, R.A. B. al trie Bahama Islands, where his father was Lieul.-Gov. 1765 ; enl. the Navy at an early age and saw much service; Post-Capt. and Command. of a frigate, 1788; repeU. the French attack on Jersey, 1791 ; disting. himself in the battle of Ushant, 1794; Rear- Admir. 1795; co-operated with Ld. Cathcart in the capture of the Danish navy, 1807 ; raised to the Peerage and Commander of trie Channel Fleet, 1808; brought before a Court-martial, on account of his conduct in the bailie of Aix Roads, but acquitted; many years a Ld. of the Admiralty; Admiral of the Fleet, 1830; d. April, 1833. Bust, looking to 1. ; naval uniform, white cravat. Canvas, 30 x 25 in. 73 JAS. MAITLAND, 8th EARL OF LAUDERDALE (1759-1839). Mr. Edward Stanley. Colvin Smith. Eldest son of James, 7th E.; b. 26 Jan. 1759; M.P. for Newport; sup. Mr. Fox; succ. his father, 1789; crea. Peer of U. Kingdom, 1806; Minist.- Plenipo. to France, 1806; wrote on political economy; d. 15 Sept. 1839. Bust to r. ; brown coal, star of K.T. Canvas, 30 x 25 in. 74 ROGER WILBRAHAM, M.P. (1743-1829). Mr. G. F. Wilbraham. Son of Roger Wilbraham, Esq. of Nantwich ; b. 1743 ; educ. al Camb.; sal in several Paris, as memb. for Helslon and Bodmin ; also known as an antiq. and book-collector ; F.R.S.; d. 1829. To waist, seated to 1. ; book in r. hand. Canvas, 32 X 26 in i6 Part of Reign of George III. 1800-1820. 75 ADM. SIR THOS. MASTERMAN HARDY, Bt. (1769-1839). LENT BY PAINTER. Lords of the Adm. (Green. Hosp.) Richard Evans. Friend and brotrier-in-arms of Adml. Ld. Nelson ; b. 1769 ; ent. trie navy, 1781 ; appointed lieut. in trie " Meleager," of Nelson's squad. 1793 ; promot. to the command of the "Vanguard," for his gallantry al the battle of the Nile, 1799 ; flag-capt. to Nelson on board trie " Victory"; rec. Nelson's last orders in the battle of Trafalgar ; created Bart, for his services there ; Gov. of Greenwich Hospital, 1834; d. 1839. Half-length, standing ; naval uniform, ribbon G.C.B. ; telescope in I. hand. Canvas, 56 X 45 in. 76 JOHN JERVIS, 1ST E. OF ST. VINCENT, K.B. (1734-1823). Rev. St. Vincent Beechey. Sir. Wm. Beechey, R.A. 2nd son of Swynfen Jervis, Auditor of Greenwich Hospital ; b. at Meaford, Staff., Jan. 1734; ent. the Navy, 1748; Capt. of the "Alarm," 1769; Comm. the "Foudroyant" in Keppel's action off Ushant, 1778; Capt. ofthe "Pdgase" and made K.B. 1782; took Guadaloupe, Martinique, and St. Lucia, 1794; victory over the Spanish fleet off Cape St. Vincent, 14 Feb. 1797 ; cr. E. of St. Vincent, 23 June, 1797 ; in comm. of the Channel Fleet, 1800, and again in 1806 ; isl Ld. of the Admty. 1801-4 ; Gen. of Marines, 1814 ; Adm. of the Fleet, 1821 ; d. March 1823. Monument in St. Paul's. Bust, profile to r. ; black coat, ribbon of the Batri. Canvas, 30 x 25 in. Believed to have been painted when he was upwards of 80. ^J GENERAL SIR JOHN MOORE, K.B. (1761-1809). Lady Moore. Sir Thos. Lawrence, P.R.A. Eld. son of Dr. Jorin Moore; b. at Glasgow, 1761 ; ent. trie Army, 1776; served in the American War ; distinguish, riimself at trie storming of Calvi, in Corsica, and rose to trie rank of Brig.-Gen. 1795 ; accomp. Sir Ralph Aber cromby lo the West Indies, 1796; served in Ireland and Holland, 1798-99; took part in trie Exped. to Egypt, 1 799-1 802; sent on a Mission to Sweden; Comm.-in-Criief of trie EngL Army in Portugal, 1808; fell on his famous retreat from Saldanha, in trie battle of Corunna, 16 January, 1809. To waist, full face ; military uniform. Canvas, 30 x 25 in. 78 ADM. SIR GRAHAM MOORE, G.C.B. ( -1843). Lady Moore. Sir Thos. Lawrence, P.R.A. Brother of Gen. Sir John Moore; ent. the Navy; Captain, 1794; captured the French frigate " La Resolve," 1798, and three Spanish frigates laden with treasure, 1 804 ; escorted the Roy. Family of Portugal on its fiight from Lisbon to the Brazils, 1807; Comm.-in-Chief on the Baltic Station, 1812; in trie Mediterranean, 1820-23; Adml. 1837; Comm.-in-Chief al Plymouth, 1839-42; d. 1843. To waist, full face ; naval uniform. Canvas, 30 x 25 in. 79 THOMAS GLADSTONE ( -1809). Sir Thos. Gladstone, Bt. Sir H. Raeburn, R.A. Son of Jorin Gladstones, Esq. of Toftcombs, Lanarksri., a descendant of trie ancient family of Gladstaines ; b. 3 June, 1732 ; carried on business as a merchant at Leith; d. 1809. Bust ; black coat, close powdered wig. Canvas, 30 x 25 in. Ground-floor^ Northern Gallery {Nos. 1-118). 117 80 CHAS. STUART, LD. STUART DE ROTHESAY (1779-1845). LENT BY PAINTER. Louisa, Marchioness of Waterford. Baron Gerard. Eld. son of Criarles, 4th son of John, 3rd E. and isl Marq. of Bute; b. 1779 ; enl. the Diplomatic Service ; was for some lime Ambass. at trie Court of France; Minister to Lisbon during the Peninsular War ; marr. Eliz. dau. of Philip, 3rd E. of Hardwicke; was crea. Baron Stuart de Rothesay, 1829 ; minister at St. Petersburgh, 1841-44 ; d. 6 Nov. 1845. 1 Bust, showing r. hand ;. scarlet uniform and dark military cloak. Canvas, 29 X 24 in. 81 SARAH KEMBLE, MRS. SIDDONS (1755-1831). Mrs. Philip Martineau. George Romney. Tragic Actress; dau. of Rog. Kemble, manager of a comp. of comedians, and sister of Jn. and Chas. Kemble; b. at Brecknock, 1755 ; early performed in her father's company ; marr. Mr. Siddons, 1773 ; was at first unsuccessful at Drury Lane as "Portia," with Garrick as "Shylock," 1775 ; went to Bath; return, to London, 1782, when she rose speedily to the first rank on the stage ; removed lo Covent Garden, 1803 ; generally acknowledged to be trie foremost tragic actress of her time ; retired, 1812; d. 8 June, 1831. To waist, leaning on her hand, wreath in her hair. Canvas, 30 x 25 in., 82 JOHN PHILIP KEMBLE as " Richard III." (1757-1823). Sir Henry Halford, Bt. Stewart. Tragic Actor ; son of Roger Kemble, and brother of Chas. Kemble and Mrs. Siddons; b. al Prescot, Lancash. 1757; educ. at the English Catholic Coll. at Douai, where Talma was his fellow-student ; left the Coll. secretly, on discovering that his father intended him to be a priest ; performed with much success in an English itinerant company ; founded his fame as a great tragedian, by his appearance at Drury Lane in the character of" Hamlet," 1783; became manager of Druiy Lane ; made a Continental lour, to study the French and Spanish theatres; Manager of Cov. Garden, 1802-8; wrote the tragedy " Belisarius," and the opera " Lodoiska," and adapted many old dramas to the modern stage ; unpopular for some time during the O. P. riots ; retired, 1817 ; went lo the Continent for his health; d. at Lausanne, 26 Feb. 1823. Biisl lo r.; in character of "Richard III.;" red cloak. Canvas, 29 X 22 in. 83 WILLIAM ASHFORD, P.R.H.A. (1746-1824). Royal Hibernian Academy. Cumming, P.R.H.A.; Painter ; b. in Birmingham, 1 746 ; settled in Ireland, 1764, at about 18 years, old ; original member of R. Hib. Aqad. 1823, and its first President ; d. 1,824. To waist, seated, looking to r. ; sketch-book before him, on which 1. hand rests. Canvas, 30 X 25 in. 84 HARRIET MELLON, afterwards DUCH. OF ' ST. ALBANS, as " Mrs. Page " (1775-18371- Miss Burdett Coutts. J. J. Masquerier., Dau. of Matthew Mellon, the actor ; b. about 1775 ; followed her father's, profession; made her debut at Drury Lane as " Lydia Languish," under. thc Part of Reign of George III. 1800-1820. pair, of Sheridan, 1795; in 1814 marr. T. Coults, the banker, whose entire property she inherited, 1822 ; marr. 2ndly, Wilham, D. of St. Albans, 1827; bequeathed her property to Miss Angela Burdett (young, dau. of Sir Francis Burdett), who took trie name of Coults; d. 6 Aug. 1837. Full-length, standing, in character of " Mrs. Page," holding paper in 1. hand. Canvas, 94 X 60 in. 85 EDWARD DAYES (1763-1805). LENT BY PAINTER. Mr. j. W. Townroe. Edward Dayes. Waler-Colour Painter ; b. 1 763 ; teacher of Girtin, and author of " Instruc tions for Drawing and Colouring Landscapes," which exercised considerable influence on the development of Water- Colour Painting, since 18 10; d. 1805. Bust to I. ; dark coat, white cravat ; signed al back, "Edward Dayes, pictor fecit, 1801, aetat. 38." Canvas, 24 X 20 in. 86 FRANCIS ROBERT WEST. Royal Hibernian Academy. R. L. West, R.H.A. Artist; son of Robert West, an artist ; b. 1749 ; acquired a great academic power of drawing; was Master of the Roy. Dublin Society's School of Art, and several of his pupils became distinguished artists ; d. 24 Jan. 1809. To waist, seated, holding port-crayon in r. hand ; painted in Dublin, 1 80 J. Canvas, 30 X 25 in. 87 CHARLES KEMBLE (1775-1854). Mrs. Noseda. Henry P. Briggs, R.A. Actor; brotrier of Jorin Kemble and Mrs. Siddons; b. at Brecknock, 1775; first appeared al trie theatre in Sheffield, in "As You Like II," 1792; at Drury Lane, 1794; and at Covent Garden, 1804; visited the United Stales, 1832; retired from trie stage, 1836; afterw, gave readings from Shakespeare ; principally excelled in trie riigher branches of comedy ; d, 1854. Bust, looking lo r, ; open collar, brown dress. Canvas, 30 x 25 in. 88 AMELIA ALDERSON, MRS. OPIE (1771-1853). Miss Vincent Thompson. John Opie, R.A.' Authoress ; dau. of Dr. Alderson, a physician in Norwicri; b. 1771 ; early disting. for rier poetical talent; marr. Jorin Opie, the painter, 1798; com. her liter, career with trie tale of " Fatrier and Daugriter," 1801 ; pub, afterw. " Simple Tales," " Tales of Real Life," « Tales of the Heart," &c. ; after the death of her husb. in 1807, joined trie Soc, of Friends; left off writing tales; pub. the moral treatises, "Detraction Displayed" and " lUuslra. of Lying;" d. 1853. To waist, seated ; open wriite dress ; looking to I. Canvas, 30 X 25 in. 89 RICHARD PORSON (1759-1808), University Library, Cambridge, Classical Scholar; b, at East Ruston, Norfolk, 1759; educ. al Eton, and Trin. Coll. Camb.; app. Prof of Greek at Camb. 1793; afterw. Librarian of the London Institution ; author of " Adversaria," and other philological aftd critical writings ; d, in London, 1808. Bust, seated to r, ; dark coat. Canvas, 30 X 25 in. Ground-floor.} Northern Gallery {Nos. 1-118), 19 90 JAMES HEATH, A.R.A. (1765-1834). LENT BY PAINTER. Rev. j. M. Heath. John Jackson, R.A. Engraver ; began with engraving illustrations for books ; afterwards produced engravings from pictures, which were much esteemed, among Iriepi the " Death of Nelson," after West, " Scenes from Shakesp." after Smirke and Peters, Portraits of Pitt and Washington, &c.; elected Assoc. Roy. Acad. 1791 ; d. 1834. Bust, full face ; brown coat. Canvas, 24 X 20 in. 91 JOHN WALL CALLCOTT, Mus. Doc. (1766-1821), Mr. Wm. Hutchins Callcott. Sir A. W. Callcott, R.A. Musical Composer; b. at Kensington, 1766; studied for the medical profession, but gave il up for music ; app. assistant organist al St. George's, Hanover Square, 1783; commenced writing glees, and obtained a large number of prizes from the "Catch Club;" studied instrumental music under Haydn, 1790; graduated as Mus. Doc. Oxford, 1801; succeeded Dr. Crotch as Lecturer on Music at the Royal Inst. 1805 ; wrote a " Musical Grammar" and "Musical Dictionary;" d. 1821. To waist, holding music, pencil in r. hand ; painted about 1801. Canvas, 38 X 29 in. 92 WILLIAM SHARP (1749-1824). National Portrait Gallery. ' James Lonsdale. Engraver; son of a gunmaker in London; b. 1749; became known by his engravings for the "Novelist's Magazine;" executed a number of en- , gravings after Guido, Domenichino, Caracci, Vandyck, Sir Josriua Reynolds, B. West ; also noted as an adrierent of Mesmer, Swedenborg, and Joanna Southcote; d. at Chiswick, 1824. Three-quarter length, seated lo 1., pen in r. hand, 1. arm resting on labl?. Canvas, 50 x 40 in. 93 FRANCES M. NELTHORPE, LADY ANDERSON (1775-1836). Sir Charles J. H. Anderson, Bt. Chandler. 2nd dau. of Sir John Nelthorpe, Bart, of Scawby, Lincoln ; wife of the Rev, Sir Chas, John Anderson, Prebend, of Thorngate, in Lincoln Minster, and Rector of Lea; mother of the present Bart, ; d, 1836, Half-length, standing ; white open dress, narrow blue sash ; painted 1793 ; marked "Chandler, d. 21." Canvas, 30 x 25 in. 94 JOSEPH MALLORD WILLIAM TURNER, R.A. (1775-1851). National Gallery. J. M. W. Turner, R.A. Painter; son of a barber in Maiden Lane, Covent Garden; b. 23 April, 1775 ; studied at trie Roy. Acad. 1789; began to exhibit 1790; at first painted chiefly views of Engl, and Welsh scenery in water-colours ; exhibited the oil painting " Battle of the Nile," and elected A.R.A. 1799; R.A. 1802; Prof of Perspective, 1807; commenced his "Liber Studiorum," 1808; rose to fame by his versatility in all styles of landscape-painting and his masterly treatment of colours ; pub. his " Rivers of England," " Rivers of France," &C., painted " Crossing the Brook," the " Rise and Fall of Carthage," the " Old Temeraire," &c. ; d. at Chelsea, 11 Dec. 1851 ; left about 100 of his pictures, including some of his greatest works, to the nation, besides an important coll. of his drawings and sketches ; bu. in St. Paul's, Bust, as a young man, full face. Canvas, 29 X 22 in. 20 ParI" of Reign of George III. 1800-1820. 95 MRS. SIDDONS, as the " Tragic Muse." LENT BY PAINTER. Mr. Robert Tait. Sir Joshua Reynolds, P.R.A. {See No. 81.) Three-quarter length, seated in large chair, looking up lo r. Canvas, 40 X 50 in. 96 JOHN FAWCETT (1768-1837). Mrs. Fawcett. • G. H. Harlowe. Actor; son of an actor al Drury Lane Theat. ; b. 1768; appren. to a linen- draper ; ran away lo Margate, where rie app. on the stage under the name of : Foote; first perform, al Covent Gard. 1791 ; gain, reputa. by his represent'a. of -"Dr. Pangloss," "Caleb Quolem," and "Job Thornberry;" joined the English Opera, 1813; Manager of Covent Garden till 1836; d. 1837. Half-length, small size, standing lo r., holding hal, glove, and stick. Panel, 18J x 14J in. 97 SARAH KEMBLE, MRS. SIDDONS (1755-1831). •Mr. John Whitehead. William Hamilton, R.A. {See No. 81.) Full-length, standing to 1., black scarf on 1. arm ; signed and dated, " W. Hamilton, R.A., 1793." Crayon, paper, 23 x 16 in. 98 SIR WILLIAM BEECHEY, Kt. R.A. (1753-1839). Mr. William Goding, G. H. Harlowe. Painter; b. in Oxfordsh. 1753; studied at trie Roy. Acad. 1772; R.A. and knighted, 1798; executed some hist, pictures, but chiefly disting, himself •as a portrait-painter; d, 1839, Triree-quarter length, seated to r, ; small size; marone furred dress; mounted figures in background. Panel, 21 X 16 in. 99 KEMBLE FAMILY in "HENRY VIIL"— Mrs. J SIDDONS AS "Queen Katharine." ,Mr. Robert Tait. G. H. Harlowe. {See Nos. 81, 82, 87.) Full-length small figures; Mrs. Siddons as -" Queen Katharine" in " Hemy VIII." Canvas, 20 x 36 in. 1 0-0 . PROF. GEO. J. BELL ( -1843). Faculty of Advocates, Sir Henry Raeburn, R.A. Jurist; Prof of Scotch Law in the Univ. of Edinb, and one of the principal' Clerks of Session; author of " Commentaries on the Laws of Scotland;" d, 22 Sept, 1843 ; brotrier of Sir Charles Bell (No, 236), Three-quarter length, sealed; holding spectacles to his eyes; black 'dress ; ' aged 45. Canvas, 50 X 40 in., lOI HENRY PHIPPS, 3RD LD, and ist E of MULGRAVE (1755-1831), Si,R G. H. Beaumont, Bt. John Jackson, R.A. Second son of Constantine Phipps, ist Ld.; b. 14 Feb. 1755 ; suCc his brother, Constantine John, who d. without male issue, in the Irish Barony, Ground-floor. \ Northern Gallerv i^Nos. 1-118). , zic 1792 ;' crea. Baron Mulgrave in the Peerage of Engl. 1794; E. Mulgrave, 1812 ; was a Gen. Officer in the Army ; Col. of the 31st Reg. of Foot, Gov. of Scarboro. and Cuslos Rolulorum of the East Rid. of Yorksh.; d. 7 April, 1831. Bust lo r. ; dark coat; signed " W.B. pt. 1807." Panel, 30 X 25 in. 102 MARIA ANN HADFIELD, MRS. COSWAY. LENT BY PAINTER. Earl of Harrowby, K.G. Richard Cosway, R.A.^ , Dau. of an hotel-keeper at Leghorn; marr. Rich. Cosway, trie miniature- painter, and herself practised the art of miniature-painting ; was also a. disting. musical performer ; for some time an admired belle of fashionable society in Paris and London; left her husband in 1804, to become the superior of a religious house at Lyons ; paid a final visit to England after his death, in 1821, to place a monument on his grave. Half-length, seated lo r. ; child throwing its arms round her neck. Canvas, 26 X 19 in. 103 JOHN RENNIE (1757-1821). Mr. W. H. Rennie. Sir Henry Raeburn, R.A; Civil Engineer; b. at Phantassie, East Lothian, 1757; settled in London, 1783 ; first became known by his construction of the Albion Mills, and new' works at Whitbread's Brewery ; subsequently built the Waterloo, Southwark, and New London Bridges ; the Breakwater at Plymouth ; Hull and Sheerness docks; also planned and carried out extensive drainage schemes for the Lincolnshire Fens; d. 1821. Bust ; full face; dark coal. Canvas, 30 X 25 in. 104 GEORGE COOKE (1781-1834). Mrs. Cooke. G. Clint, A.R.A. Engraver ; b. in Lond. 1781 ; apprent. to Basire ; execut. plates of the coast scenery of Engl, and views of Scotl.; together with Henry Moses, en graved the illustrations for D'Oyly and Mant's Bible ; distinguished by his art publications ; d. 1834. To waist, full face; holding book in r. hand. Canvas, 30 x 25 in. 105 SIR GEORGE THOS. SMART, Kt. (1776-1867). Lady Smart. William Bradley. MusicalComposer; son of a music-seller in London; b. 10 May, 1776; app. Composer and Organist of the Chapel Royal, St. James's; knighted, 181 1 ; took part in founding the Philharmonic Society, 1813; as Musical Director of Covent Garden Theatre engaged Weber to compose " Oberon," and received him as a guest in his house, wriere Weber d. 1826; introduced into England Mendelssorin's Oratorio " St. Paul," and Rossini's " Stabal Mater;" conduc. many of the great musical festivals; d. in London, 23 Feb. 1867. To waist, sealed; holding music; wearing spectacles. Canvas, 30 x 25 in. 106 " JOHN O'KEEFFE (1748-1833). National Portrait Gallery. William Lawranson. Actor and Dramatist; b. at Dublin, 1748 ; early Vent on the stage; wrote acomedy at 15 ; came to Lond. 1780, lo obtain an engage, arid beingunsuc- cessful applied himself to dramatic compos. ; wrote " Wild Oats," " Agree able Surprise," " Peeping Tom," and many other comedies, comic operas, 22 Part of Reign op George III. 1800-1820. and farces; lost his eyesight; received a Governm. pension, 1808; pub. his autobiography; d. at Southampton, 1833. To waist; holding paper in r. hand; claret-coloured coat, cravat, and lace ruffles; painted in 1786. Canvas, 30 X 25 in. 107 SIR JOHN SOANE, Kt. R.A. (1752-1837). LENT BY PAINTER. National Gallery. John Jackson, R.A. Arcriitect; son of a builder; b. al Reading, 1752; studied under Dance, and at the Royal Academy; introduced to George III. and sent to Rome to pursue his studies, 1777 ; Architect and Surveyor of the Bank of Engh 1788 ; of the Houses of Pari, 1791, and of trie Roy, Woods and Forests, 1795 ; R.A. 1802; Prof of Architecture at trie Roy, Acad, 1806; F,R,S, 1824; erected many public buildings ; bequeatried his Museum and Collection of Works of Art to trie nation; d. 20 June, 1837. Bust to 1. ; claret-coloured coat ; leaning on open book ; spectacles in r. l^and. Canvas, 30 X 25 in. 108 DOROTHY BLAND, MRS. JORDAN (1762-1816). Mr. George H. Turnbull. Thomas Gainsborough, R.A. Actress ; b. at Waterford, 1762 ; appeared on the stage in Dublin, 1777; came lo London and performed al Drury Lane, 1785 ; mother of the Fitz- Clarence family, 1791-1811; reappeared on the stage for a short lime; retired to France; d. al St. Cloud, 3 July, 1816. To waist to I. ; white dress. Canvas, 30 X 25 in. 109 WILLIAM THOMAS LEWIS, as "The Marquis" IN "The Midnight Hour"( 1748-1811). National Gallery. Sir Martin A. Shee, P.R.A. Comedian ; son of an actor ; b. at Ormskirk, Lancash. 1 748 ; educ. at Armagri, wriere rie first acted ; crea. consid. sensation by his ddbut at Dublin as " Belcour," in the "West Indian," 1771; appeared at Covent Garden in the same character, 1773; manager of Covent Garden, 1782; disting. in light comedy; quitted tie stage, 1803; d. 13 Jan. 1811, at Chelsea. Full-length, standing lo 1. ; black court dress, hat with feather in 1. hand. Canvas, 94 x 58 in. IIO JOHN BANNISTER (1760-1836). Mr. j. Hutchinson Lee. Sir Joshua Reynolds, P.R.A. Comic Actor ; son of Charles Bannister, singer and wit ; b. al Deptford, 12 May, 1760; made his ddbut under Garrick al Drury Lane, 1772; first attempted tragedy, but on the death of Edwin took his place as comedian ; famous for his characters of " Sylvester Daggerwood," " Trudge," " Dr. Pangloss," "Job Thornberry," &c.; rec. the surname of "Gentleman Jack;" compelled by gout to retire, 1815 ; d. 7 Nov, 1836, Head to 1, ; wriite cravat, lavender coat. Canvas, 21 J X 17 in. Ill GEORGE HENRY HARLOWE (1787-1819). Mr. W. Anthony. G. H. Harlowe. Portrait-painter; b. 10 June, 1787; studied under Drummond and Sir Thomas Lawrence; began to exhib. at trie Royal Acad. 1805; had con- Ground-floor.} Northern Gallery {Nos. 1-118). 23 siderable success as a portrait-painter; trav. in Italy, 181 8; d. soon after his return, 4 Feb. 1819. To waist, seated lo r. ; paper in 1. hand, dark cloak ; landscape back ground. Canvas, 30 X 25 in. 112 WILLIAM BLAKE (1757-1827). LENT BY PAINTER. National Portrait Gallery. Thomas Phillips, R.A. Engraver, Painter, and Poet; b. in Lond. 28 Nov. 1757; appren. to an engraver, for whom he made drawings from monum. in Weslm. Abbey ; afterw. studied at the Roy. Acad.; pub. "Songs of Innocence," 1789; "America — A Prophecy," 1793; "Europe — A Propriecy," and "Songs of Experience," 1794; illustrated Mary Wolstonecraft's " Tales for Children," Young's " Night Thoughts," the " Book of Job," &c. ; disting, by a wild, visionary genius; d, 12 Aug, 1827, To waist ; seated, looking up to 1, ; pencil in r, hand. Canvas, 36 X 28 in. 113 EMMA HART, LADY HAMILTON (1761-1815). Mrs. Calvert. George Romney. {See No. 26,) As a Magdalen ; seated, looking up to r,, resting head on r. hand. Oval, canvas, 30 X 25 in. 1 14 SIR STAFFORD HENRY NORTHCOTE, Bt. (1762-1851). Sir Stafford H. Northcote, Bt. M.P. J. Northcote, R.A. Son of Sir Stafford Northcote, 6th Bart, ; b, 6 Oct, 1762 ; marr, Jaquetla, dau, of Crias, Baring, Esq,, of Larkbeer, by whom he had 3 sons; d. 17 Mar. 185 1, and was succeeded by his grandson, the present Baronet. Three-quarter ; sealed in landscape ; riding dress, blue coal ; dated at back, 1807. Canvas, 46 x 57 in. 1 1 5 WM. FARREN as " Lovegold," in the " Miser " (1787-1861). Mr. W. C. Cater. S. De Wilde. Comedian; son of an actor; b. in London, 1787; for some time stage manager of the trieatre at Dublin ; made his debut at Covent Garden as " Sir Peter Teazle," 1818 ; afterw. performed at the Haymarket and Drury Lane; excelled chiefly in the representation of old men ; d. 25 Sept. 1861. Full-length ; small size ; standing, with hands clenched ; signed, " S. De Wilde, 1820." Canvas, 30 x 23 in. 116 JOHN EMERY as "Tyke" (1777-1822). Mr. W. C. Cater. S. De Wilde. Comedian; b. at Sunderland, 1777; commenc. his theatrical life with a strolling company in Kent and Sussex ; made his debut at Covent Garden as "Frank Oatlands" in "A Cure for the Hearlacrie," 1798; achieved great popularity by his rustic characters and as " Lovegold " in " Trie Miser," "Cahban" in "The Tempest," and "Tyke" in "The School of Reform;" d. 25 July, 1822. Full-length ; small size ; standing, with hat in hand ; signed and dated, " De Wilde, 1806." Canvas, 30 X 23 in. 24 Part of Reign of George III. 1800- 1820. llj JOHN EMERY, as " Barney Brallagan." LENT BY PAINTER. Rev. J. E. Waldy. T. Heaphy, Sen. (.5"^^ No. 116.) To waist, miniature, in water-colour; smoking a pipe. Paper, 7 X SJ in. 118 GEORGE COLMAN the YOUNGER (1762-1836). A'Ir. T. M. Parrott. F. E. Turner. Dramatist and Wit; son of Geo. Colman, sen.; b. 1762; educ. at Weslm. School, Ch. Ch. Oxf and King's Coll. Aberdeen ; discontinued his studies at Lincoln's Inn, lo devote himself to dramatic art ; first earned applause by his Comedy "Two lo One," 1784, and his Opera " Incle and Yarico," 1787 ; succ. his father in trie management of the Haymarket Theatre ; wrote many popular plays and was much liked in society for his wil; appoint, by Geo. IV. Examiner and Licenser of Plays ; d. 1836. «To waist ; seated at table, writing materials and paper before him, on which his hand rests ; signed, " F. E. Turner." Panel, 8 x 7 in. No. 2. ENTRANCE HALL. {Nos. \ig to 15^.) 119 CHARLES ABBOTT, ist LORD TENTERDEN, Lord Chief Justice (1762-1832). Mr. Charles S. A. Abbott. John Wood.. Son of a hairdresser at Canterbury; b. 1762; educ. al the King's School, Canterbury; elected to a scholarsriip at Corp. Criris. Coll. Oxf 178 1; tutor to trie son of Judge Buller, by wriose advice he studied law ; called lo trie Bar, 1795; pub. a "Treatise on trie Law of Merchant Ships and Seamen," 1802; app. Judge of trie King's Bench, 1816; Ld. Chief Just. 1818; raised lo • trie Peerage, 1827; d. 4 Nov. 1832. To waist, seated ; resting on 1. arm. Canvas, 36 X 28 in. 120 ARCHDEACON WM. COXE, D.D. (1747-1828). King's College, Cambridge. Sir William Beechey, R.A. Hist, and Trav,; b, 1747 ; educ, at Eton and King's Coll, Camb,; accomp. several young noblemen as tutor to the" Continent ; afterw. became Canon Resid, of Sahsb, and Archdeac, of Wills; wrote " Travels in Poland, Russia, Sweden, and Denmark," " Memoirs of Sir Robt, Walpole," " Hist, of the House of Austria," " Life of Marlborough," &c. ; d. 1828, Bust; black coal, white cravat; painted March 5, 1805, Oval, canvas, 30 X 25 in, 121 ADML, SIR P. B, vere BROKE, Bt. (1776-1841). Admiral Sir G. Broke Middleton, Bt. Samuel Lane. B, 1776; midsriipm, 1792; Commander, 1799; Posl-capl, 1801 ; famous for riis gallant action of June, 18 13, wrien witri the " Shannon," 38 guns, he defeated trie Amer, frigate " Chesapeake," 49 guns ; raised to the rank of Bart, and Adml, for this action, -which at the lime excited great enthus. in Engl. ; d. al Broke Hall, Suffolk, 2 Jan. 1841. Full-length, standing, looking lo 1. ; naval court uniform ; sword in r. hand ; cannon lo his 1. Canvas, 94 X 57 in. Ground-floor.} Entrance Hall (A^w. 119-159). 25 122 WILLIAM BABINGTON, M.D. F.R.S. (1756-1833). LENT BY PAINTER. Mr. Benjamin Babington. Tannock. Physician and Nal. Philos. ; b. in Ireland, 21 May, 1756 ; practised in London from 1797 ; look a prominent part in founding the Geological Soc. of which he was elect. Pres. 1822 ; pub. "A New System of Mineralogy ;" d. 29 April, 1833. Bust, sealed lo I. ; fur-lined coal. Canvas, 30 X 25 in. 123 ABRAHAM REES, D.D. (1743-1825). Dr. W-hliams's Library. B. in Monlgomerysh. ,1743 ; educ. at a Dissenting academy al Hoxlon; mathematical and philosopriical tutor there, and at trie New Coll. Hackney ; edited " Chambers's Cyclopaedia," 1 776-89, and the Cyclopaedia called Rees's ; obtained trie degree of D.D. al Edinburgh, on the recommendation of Robertson the historian ; was also F. R. S. ; d. 1825. To waist, sealed ; black drpss ; paper in r. hand. Canvas, 36 x 28 in. 124 RT. HON. ALEX. GEO. FRASER, i6th LORD SALTOUN, K.T. K.C.B. (1785-1853). United Service Club. Sir Thomas Lawrence, P.R.A. General ; son of Alex, the 1 5th Ld. ; b. in Lond, 22 Sept. 1 785 ; ent, the army, 1802 ; serv. in Sicily and through the Peninsular- War ; disting. himself at the battle of Waterloo in the defence of Hougoumont and the last charge of the Guards ; com. a brigade at the capture of Criing Kiang Fou, in the Opium War, 1842 ; was several times elect, a Represent. Peer of Scotland ; Pres. of the Madrigal Soc. and of the Mus. Union, of Lond. ; d. 1 8 Aug. 1853. Full-length, standing ; military uniform ; shako in I. hand, sword in r. ; painted 1809. Canvas, 94 X 58 in. 125 ADMIRAL LORD DE SAUMAREZ (1757-1836). United Service Club. Samuel Lane. B. in Guernsey, 1757 ; enl. the Navy, 1772 ; serv. under Sir Hyde Parker, Hood, and Rodney, in the American War, and under Sir John Jervis in the Mediterranean; second in comm. lo Nelson al the battle of the Nile, 1799; crea. a Barl., Rear-Adm. and Comm. of the Squadron off Cadiz, 1801 ; gain. a brilliant victory over a superior force near Algesiras, for which he received trie thanks of both Ho. of Parliam. ; Comm.-in-Chief in the Baltic, till 1814; Vice- Admiral of Engl, and raised to trie Peerage, 1831; d. al Saumarez, his seat in Guernsey, 1836. Full-length, standing ; naval uniform ; ribbon of G, C, B, ; leaning r, hand on telescope; copied by S, Lane, 1838, Canvas, 95 X 58 in, 126 WM. HYDE WOLLASTON, M.D. (1766-1828). Royal Society. John Jackson, R.A. Natural Philosoprier; b. 1766; educ. al Camb,; graduated as M.D. 1793; devoted riimself to scientific labours; F,R,S,, became Pres. 1820; discov. several new metals; invented a sliding scale of chemical equivalents, a goniometer, and trie camera lucida ; led the way lo the discovery of Spectrum Analysis; conlrib. many papers lo trie "Philos. Transactions;" d. 1828. Three-quarter size, seated to r., near table paper in 1. hand, spectacles in r. Canvas, 56 x 44 in. 26 Part of Reign of George III. 1800-1820. 127 COL. HAMILTON SMITH, F.R.S. (1776-1859). LENT BY PAINTER. Miss Hamilton Smith. Edward Opie. B. in Flanders, 26 Dec. 1776; enl. the Army, 1794; served in the W. Indies, 1797-1809 ; took part as Deputy Quartermasl.-Gen. in the Walcheren Expedit. 1809; app. on trie Staff of the Horse Guards, 181 3; disting. as a draughtsman, and by his manifold scientific acquirem. ; pub. a Transla. of Lloyd and Templehof's " History of the Seven Years' War," "Ancient Cos tume of the British Islands," " Natural History of trie Human Species," &c. retired from the serv. 1820; d. al Plymouth, 21 Sept. 1859. Half-length, seated in arm-chair ; holding paper and pencil in hands ; black coal, orders. Canvas, 39 X 28 in. 128 SIR THOMAS MUNRO, Bt. (1760-1827).- Mr. C. Munro. Sir Henry Raeburn, R.A. Governor of Madras ; b. 1760 ; went as cadet to India, 1778 ; disting. himself in the Mahratta war, and was present al the fall of Seringapatam, 1799 ; appointed administrator of the territory ceded by the Nyzam, 1801 ; commanded an expedit. against the Peiswari of Soondoor, 1817, for which he received the thanks of Pari. ; crea. K.C.B. 1819 ; Gov. of Madras, 1820 ; Barl. 1825 ; d. al Pullerwoodah, 6 July, 1827. Bust to r. ; dark coat, wriite cravat. Canvas, 30 X 25 in. 129 THOS. BRUCE, 7TH EARL OF ELGIN and IITH OF KINCARDINE (1771-1841). Countess of Elgin and Kincardine. Anthony Graff. Diplomatist, and lover of Art; b. 1771; educ. al Harrow, Westmin., and St. Andrews; Ambass. at Constantinople, 1789-99; formed his celebrated collection of sculptures, medals, and other Greek antiquities, including the statues from trie Partrienon at Atriens (Elgin Marbles), trie whole of which were purchased by Governm. for trie Brit. Mus. 1816; was fiercely attacked by Ld. Byron and otriers, for removing trie marbles from trie Parthenon; d. at Paris, Nov. 1841. Full-length, standing ; full face ; military coal ; resting r.' hand on sword. Painted at Dresden, 1787. Canvas, 74 X 52 in. 130 SIR HENRY RAEBURN, R.A. P.R.S.A. (1756-1823). Mr. j. Peter Raeburn. Sir Henry Raeburn, R.A. Portrait-painter; b. at Stockbridge, near Edinburgh, 1756; appren. to a goldsmith; devoted himself to painting miniatures and portraits in oil; came lo London, 1778; visited Italy by the advice of Sir Joshua Reynolds; settled in Edinb. and achieved great distinc. as a Portrait-painter; Pres. of the Society of Artists of Edinb. 181 2 ; R.A. 1815 ; Knigrited, and appointed Portrait-painter lo trie King, in Scotland, 1822 ; d. 8 July, 1823, To waist, full face; 1. hand raised lo his chin. Canvas, 35 X 28 in. 131 SIR JAMES HALL, Bt. (1780-1832). Royal Soc. Edinburgh. Sir J. W. Gordon, R.A. P.R.S.A. Son of Sir John Hall, Bart.; b. 1780; devol. to scientific researches, chiefly in mineralogy and geology; F.R.S.; Pres. Roy. Soc. Edinb. ; tried lo establ. trie truth of the Huttonian theory of a central fire against the Ground-floor.} Entrance Hall (A'af. 119-159), 27 Wernerian or aqueous system; also auth. of an "Essay on the Origin, Princip. and Hist, of Gothic Archil.;" d. 1832. Three-quarter size,' sealed to r. in arm-chair, with open book in hand reading. Canvas, 54 X 44 in. 132 HON. CHARLES HAY, LD. NEWTON (1747-1811). LENT BY PAINTER. Nat. Gall, of Scotland. Sir H. Raeburn, R.A. Lawyer ; b. 1747 ; called to the Scotch Bar, 1769 ; promoted to the Bench, 1806 ; d. at Powrie, Forfarsh. 19 Oct. 181 1. Bust, sealed ; robes as Ld, of Session of Scotland, Canvas, 30 X 25 in. 133 ALAN HYDE, 2nd LD. GARDNER (1772-1815). Lord-Gardner, Sir Thomas Lawrence, P.R.A. Eldest son of Adml. Alan, ist Baron Gardner, and Susannah Hyde, only dau. of Francis Gale, Esq.; b. 6 Feb. 1772; ent. the Navy; command, the naval expedit. which captured Colombo, in Ceylon, 1796 ; afterw. serv. on the W. Indian station and in trie Criannel Fleet ; succeed, to the Peer. 1809 ; rose lo the rank of Admiral ; d. 27 Dec^ 18 15. To waist, showing r. arm; naval uniform, ribbon K.C.B. Canvas, 39 X 29 in. 134 HENRY KIRKE WHITE (1785-1806). Bromley House Library (Nottingham). T. Barber. Poet; son of a butcher at Nottingham; b. 1785; first placed with a stocking- weaver, then appren. to an attorney; educ. himself by private study; admitted a sizar at St. John's Coll. Camb. through the interest of Mr. Simeon; d. from the effects of over-study, 19 Oct. 1806. "Rernains of Henry K. While," edit, by Southey. Bust, profile to r. ; small size; dark coal. Canvas, 10 X 9 in. 135 GEORGE DANCE, R.A. (1740-1825). Sir G. H. Beaumont, Bt. John Jackson, R.A. Architect; b. 1740; son of Geo. Dance, the architect of the Mansion Ho. London ; succ. his father as clerk of trie works and builder to the City of London, 1768, and held these offices until 18 16; original member of the R.A. ; Prof, of Architecture and Auditor to trie R.A. ; executed many small- size profile portraits, criiefly in pencil ; pub. " A Collection of 72 Portraits sketcried from trie Life," 1808-14; d. 14 Jan. 1825, in Upper Gower Street. To waist, seated to 1. ; riands resting on book ; pencil in r. hand. Can vas, 30 X 25 in. 136 CHARLOTTE MARGARET HORNBY, LADY STANLEY ( -1817). Earl of Derby, K.G. Sir Thomas Lawrence, P.R.A. Second dau. of Rev. Geoffrey Hornby; m. Edward Smith Stanley, i3lh E. of Derby, 1798; mother of the present E. of Derby; d. 16 June, 1817. To waist, seated; open white dress. Canvas, 30 X 25. 137 ROBERT SMIRKE, R.A. (1752-1845). Mr. Sydney Smirke, R.A. Mary Smirke. «. at Wigton, near Carhsle, 1752; ent, the Roy. Acad. 177 1; began to exhib. 1786; painted domestic subjects ; chiefly famous as a designer for book illustrations ; A.R.A. 1791 ; R.A. 1793; d. 1845. Bust ; looking to r. ; leaning on I. arm ; black coal. Canvas, 30 X 25 in. 28 Part of Reign of George III. 1800-1820. 138 SIR FRANCIS BURDETT, Bt. M.P. (1770-1844). LENT BY PAINTER. Miss Burdett Coutts. Sir Thos. Lawrence, P.R.A. {Finished by Rd. Evans.) For many years a prominent M.P. ; b. 1770; educ. al Weslm. Scri. and Oxf; Ira veil, on trie Continent during the outbreak of the French Revolu.; marr. the daugriter of Triomas Coutts, trie banker, 1793; elected M.P. for Boroughbridge, 1796; M.P. for Middlesex, 1802, for Weslm., 1806; became known as an ardent Liberal ; committed lo the Tower for breach of privilege 1 8 ID, but barricaded himself in his house and had to be removed by force; aft, riis release, zealously advocated Pari, Reform and Catholic Emancipa. ; sentenced lo three months' imprison, for libel against the magistrates and yeo manry of Manchester, 1819; Conservative in latter part of life ; d.23 Jan. 1844. Full-length, standing, looking to r. ; resting against pedestal. Canvas, loo X 58 in. 139 BROWNLOW CECIL, 2nd MARQ. OF EXETER," with his Brother and Sister. Marquis of Exeter. Sir Thos. Lawrence, P.R.A. Brownlow Cecil, 2nd Marq. of Exeter; son of Henry, 1st Marq.; b. 2 July, 1795 ; succ. to the Marq. 1804; app. Ld. Steward of the Household, 1858; resigned 1859; d. 16 Jan. 1867. Group of three children, full length, one holding a cap and feather. Can vas, 64 X 48 in. 140 ANNA SEWARD (1747-1809). Mr. W. Percival Boxall. John Opie, R.A. Dau. of Rev. Thos. Seward ; b. at Eyam, Derbysh. 1747 ; wrote various poems, " Life of Dr. Darwin," &c. ; lived chiefly at Lichfield, wriere her father riad a canonry ; her miscellaneous works were edited by Sir Waller Scott, i8io ; her letters were left by her to Constable, the Edinb. publisher, and brought out in i8ii ; d. 25 March, 1809. To waist, seated ; open white dress. Canvas, 30 x 25 in. 141 MARY VERNEY, BARONESS FERMANAGH ( -1810). Sir Harry Verney, Bt. M.P. Lemuel F. Abbot. Niece of Ralph, 2nd E. Verney; succ. rier uncle, 1791; crea." Baroness Fermanagri, 1792; by her will, her name and estates were devised lo her maternal half sister, Catrierine Calvert, from wriom they descended by will to Captain Sir Harry Calvert, Bt., now Sir Harry Verney ; d. 1810. To waist ; black laced dress, white handkerchief. Canvas, 30 x 25 in. 142 SOPHIA COUTTS, LADY BURDETT ( -1844). Miss Burdett Coutts. Sir Thos. Lawrence, P.R.A. {Finished by Rd. Evans.) Youngest dau. of Thomas Coults, the banker; marr. in 1793, Sir Francis Burdett, Bt., M.P. by wriom srie riad Robert, the present Barl. and 5 daus • d. a few days after her husband, January, 1844. ' ' Full-lengtri ; seated in landscape under the tree, holding straw hal filled with flowers. Painted in 1807, and finished by Rd. Evans, 1831 Canvas 95 X 59 in. ' Ground-floor.] Entrance Hall {Nos. 119-159). 29 143 JAMES NORTHCOTE, R.A. (1746-1831). LENT BY PAINTER. Sir Stafford H. Northcote, Bt. M.P. Jas. Northcote, R.A. B.- at Plymouth, 22 Oct. 1746, where his fatrier was a watchmaker; apprenticed to that trade ; al the end of riis seven years' term devoted riim self lo art, and commenced portrait-painting; introduced to Sir J. Reynolds; became his pupil, and gained his friendsriip ; visited Italy for three years ; established himself in London, 1781 ; became R.A. 1787 ; painted portraits, , domestic subjects, and at lengtri historical pictures, especially those for the Boydell Shakspeare series ; contributed to the periodical called the "Artist ;" wrote " Fables," "Life of Sir Joshua Reynolds," &c, ; d. 13 July, 1831, in his 85th year. To waist ; showing I, hand, looking to r. ; black coat. Painted in 1807, as a present to Lady Northcote. Canvas, 36 x 29 in. 144 LADY CHARLOTTE HORNBY (1776-1805). Earl of Derby, K.G. Sir Thos. Lawrence, P.R.A. Lady Charlotte Stanley, eld. dau. of Edward, I2lh Earl of Derby, and Lady Elizabeth Hamilton his Countess; b. 1776; m. Edmund Hornby, of Dalton Hall, Westmoreland, 1796; d. 1805. To waist, seated ; looking to r., leaning on r. hand ; open white dress. Canvas, 30 x 25 in. 145 JOHN CONSTABLE, R.A. (1776-1837). Capt. Chas. G. Constable. Landscape-painter ; son of a miller at East Bergholt, Suffolk ; b. 1 1 June, 1776; intended for trie Criurch, but preferred the study of Art; first exhibit. 1802; gained distinc. as one of the foremost landscape-painters; A.R.A. 1819; receiv. a gold medal at the Paris Exhibit. 1824, for his picture "The Hay-wain;" R.A. 1829; d. i April, 1837. To waist, sealed ; resting on r. arm ; black dress. Painted about 1 798 or 99. Canvas, 30 X 25 in. 146 HANNAH MORE (1744-1833). Sir T. Dyke Acland, Bt. H. W. Pickersgill, R.A. Dau. of a village schoolmaster ; b. al Staplelon, Glouceslersh. 1744 ; her ¦ abilities were early known, and with the encouragement of Garrick she wrote various plays; her tragedy of "Percy" riad some success; became ac- .quainled with Johnson, Reynolds, and Burke, afterw. retired to the country, and long lived at Barley wood, near Bristol, devoting herself to literary work and active benevolence. Some of her writings had extraordinary success, especially the tales forming trie " Crieap Repository ;" her novel " Coelebs in -Search of a Wife," was very popular ; d. at Clifton, 7 Sept. 1833, aged 89. Half-length ; seated in arm-criair, near a table ; black dress, yellow scarf •Canvas, 50 X 40 in. Painted 1821. ,147 SARAH KIRBY, MRS. TRIMMER (1741-1810). Rev. Kirby Trimmer. Henry Howard, R.A. Educational Writer; dau. of Joshua Kirby, the painter; b. at Ipswich, 6 Jan. 1741 ; went with rier father lo Kew, where he was appointed Clerk of the Works al trie Palace; marr. 1762; first pub. " Easy Introduc. to the Knowledge of Nature," 1780; wrote a "Sacred History" in 6 vols. ; also con ducted the "Family Magazine," and the "Guardian of Education;" d. 15 Dec. 1810; bu. at Ealing, Middlesex. Half-length, seated at table, with Bible and writing materials. Canvas, 36 X 28 in. 30 Part of Reign of George III. 1800-1820. 148 WILLIAM GIFFORD (1756-1826). LENT BY PAINTER. Mr. John Murray. John Hoppner, R.A. Writer, and first Editor of the "Quarterly Review;'' b. al Ashburton, Devon, April, 1756; for some lime cabin-boy in a coasting vessel; afterw. appren. lo a shoemaker ; at 20 sent to school by Mr. Cookesley, a surgeon of his native town ; when at Oxf gained the favour of Ld. Grosvenor, who engaged riim to travel witri Ld. Belgrave on trie Continent ; on his return "pub. the satirical poems, " Baviad " and "Maeviad,^' 1794-95; edit, the "Anti-Jacobin," 1797 ; pub. an edition of Massinger's Plays, 1805 ; acquired literary influ. as editor of trie " Quarterly Review," 1809-24; d. 1826; bu. in Weslm, Abbey, Bust, seated lo r, ; book in 1, riand. Canvas, 30 X 25 in. 149 GEORGE DYER (1755-1841). Mr. H. Tyrwhitt Frend. John Jackson, R.A. Classical Scriolar; b. 1755; educ. at Cririst's Hospital and Eman. Coll. Camb. ; look a prom, part in Valpy's Edition of the Classics, 1819-30; also pub. " History of the University and Colleges of Cambridge," &c. ; suffered from loss of eyesight during the latter years of his life; d. 1841. Bust ; full face, brown coat. Canvas, 24 x 20 in, 150 HANNAH MORE (1744-1833). Duke of Manchester. John Opie, R.A. {See No. 146.) To waist; bl. dress; powdered hair, white neckercriief. Painted 1787. Canvas, 30 X 25 in, , 151 SIR WILLIAM GRANT, Kt,, Master of the Rolls (1754-1832). Master of the Rolls, Sir Thomas Lawrence, P.R,A. B. at Elcriies, Moray; educ. at Elgin, and Aberdeen ; student of Lincoln's Inn.; app. Attor.-Gen. of Canada, 1779; pres. at the siege of Quebec, in which he riimself did miht. duly; returned to Engl. 1787; was noticed by Ld. Triurlow; became M.P. for Shaftesbury, 1790, and a prominent supp. of Pitt; Solicit.-Gen. 1799; Mast, of trie Rolls, 1801 ; resig. riis office, 1817; d. 1832. Full-length ; seated in official robes, paper in r. hand. Canvas, 89 x 59 in. 152 JOHN KEATS (1796-1820). National Portrait Gallery. William Hilton, R.A. Poet; b. in Lond. 1796; appren. lo a surgeon; left his prof and pub. a vol. of poems under trie ausp. of Leigh Hunt, 1817; "Endymion," a poetical romance, 181 8; "Lamia," "Eve of St. Agnes," &c., 1820; felt deeply hurl by the severe criticism of trie "Quarterly Review;" went to Italy for his health; d. at Rome, 27 Dec. 1820; was bu. near trie Pyramid of Ceslius. To waist ; leaning on I. hand ; open book before him. Canvas, 30 X 25 in. 153 PERCY BYSSHE SHELLEY (1792-1822). Sir Percy Shelley, Bt. Miss Curran. Poet ; b. at Field Place, near Horsham, Sussex, 1792 ; educ. at Eton and Oxf; puli. a " Defen'~e of Atrieism,"for which he wasexpell. from the Univer. 1 81 1; marr. trie same year; separ. from his wife, 1813; marr. 2ndly, Mary Ground-floor.] Entrance Hall {.Nos. 119-159), 31 Godwin, dau, of William Godwin and Mary Wollstonecrafl, 1816; left Engl. 1818 for Italy, wriere rie lived in friendsri, witri Ld. Byron, Keats, and Leigh Hunt; first attained fame as a poet by his " Queen Mab;" publ. afterwards " The Revolt of Islam," " Prometheus Unbound," " The Cenci," a tragedy; " Alaslor, or the Spirit of Solitude," " Ode to a Skylark," &c. ; was drowned al sea in a sailing-boat, between Leghorn and the Gulf of Spezzia, 8 July, 1822; his body, accord, lo his own wish, was burned and trie ashes deposited near the Pyramid of Ceslius, in the Protestant Cemetery at Rome. To waist, seated ; nearly full face, open white collar, blue coat, pen in r. hand. Canvas, 24 x 20 in. 154 CHARLES THEOPHILUS METCALFE, afterw. LD. METCALFE (1785-1846). LENT BY PAINTER. Eton College. John James Masquerier. Colonial Governor; b. al Fern Hill, Berks, 1785; enter, the East India Company's Service, 1800; sent on a Polit. Mission to Lahore, 1808-9; held provisionally trie post of Gov. Gen, of India, 1835, after trie resignation of Ld. William Bentinck, but was recalled by the Company ; Gov. of Jamaica, 1836-38; Governor General of Canada, 1839-45; d. 12 Sept. 1846. To waist, sealed, to I. ; dark coal, while cravat ; at the age of 15. Can vas, 30 X 25 in. 155 CHARLES BURNEY, D.D. (1757-1817). Rev. Charles Burney. Sir Thos. Lawrence, P.R.A. Son of Dr. Burney, the auth. of the " History of Music," and brother of Madame D'Arblay ; b. at Lynn Regis, 1757 ; gained distinction as a classical scholar and critic ; pub. an Appendix to Scapula's Greek Lexicon, and an edit, of the "Choral Odes " of ,-ii ; recaUed by Ld. Liverpool; unemploy. liU 1831 ; on spec, missions. Ground-floor.} Eastern Gallery (Bay 1 — Nos. 187-208). 41 to Brussels and Berlin, 1831-35 ; receiv, a pension of 2000/. for his services ; pub. "An Historical Memoir of a Mission to the Court of Vienna," in 1806; " Memoirs of the Negolia. for trie Peace of the Dardanelles," 1808-9; d. 1855. Half-length, seated lo r., at table, pen in r, hand ; ribbon and star -G.C.B. Canvas, 40 X 34 in. 204 GENERAL SIR JOHN MacLEOD (1752-1833). LENT BY PAINTER, Lady Gardiner. F. Y. Hurlstone. B, 1752 ; educ. at the R. Mil. Acad. Woolwich ; served in the American war under Ld. CornwaUis ; app. Dep. Adj.-Gen. of ArtiUery, 1795 ; Master- gunner of Engl. 1808 ; com. the Artillery in the Walcheren expedition, 1809 ; Director-Gen. of Artillery, 1815 ; knighted, 1820; d. 1833. Half-length, standing, looking to r. ; dark military cloak, ribbon, and star ; signed " F. Y. H., 1828." Canvas, 44 X 34 in. 205 HENRY WM. PAGET, F.-MARSHAL, ist MARQ, OF ANGLESEY, K.G. (1768-1854). Duke of Wellington, K.G. Sir Thos. Lawrence, P.R.A. Gen. ; son of Henry Paget, isl E. of Uxbridge ; b. 17 May, 1768; fought in the Netherlands under the D. of York, 1794; succ. as 2nd E. of Uxbridge, i8i2 ; distinguished as a dashing leader of cavalry; greatly conlrib. lo the victory at Waterloo, at the head of the United Brit. Hanov. and Belg. Horse ; crea. Marq. of Anglesey, 4 July, 181 5; twice Ld. Lieut, of Irel.; Mast.-Gen. of Ordn. ; Field-Mar., K.G. &c, ; d. 29 April, 1854. FuU-length, standing ; in hussar uniform, with shako in 1. hand ; ribbon K.G. "At about 56 years of age." Canvas, 95 x 58 in, 206 ROBT. STEWART, VISC. CASTLEREAGH, 2nd MARQ, OF LONDONDERRY, K.G. (1769-1822). Her Majesty (Windsor Castle). Sir T. Lawrence, P.R.A. Statesman and diplomat.; eld. son of Robert, isl Marq. of Londonderry ; b. 1769 ; educ. at Armagh and St, John's Coll. Camb, ; first in the Irish, then in the British Pari, ; Keeper of the Privy Seal for Irel. 1797 ; assisted as Sec. to the Ld. Lieut., in bringing about the Union with Irel. 1801 ; Sec. for War and the Colonies, 1805; retir. on the death of Pitt; resum. office, 1807; resign, aft. the Walcheren Expedit. and his duel with Canning, 1809; be came Min. for Foreign Affairs, 1812; Plenipo. Extraor. to the AUied Powers, and to the Congress of Vienna, 1814-15 ; received the thanks of Parliament for his services; after the Peace, favoured the policy of the Holy Alliance; d. 12 Aug. 1822 ; bu. in Westminster Abbey. Three-quarter size, standing ; full face, resting 1. hand on papers ; star and ribbon K.G. Canvas, 54 X 42 in. 207 COLONEL WILLIAM LAMBTON ( -1823). Royal Asiatic Society. William Havell. An officer in the Indian Army ; disting, himself by conducting the Trigo nometrical Survey of India ; conlrib. to the Transactions of the Royal and Asiatic Societies ; d, 1823, To waist, fuU face, seated; dark coat; "painted 1822, at Hyderabad, for G. Lamb, Esq,, by W. Havell." Canvas, 30 X 25 in. 42 Reign of George IV. 1820-1830. 208 SIR MURRAY MAXWELL, Kt. R.N. (1774-1831). LENT BY PAINTER. Admiral Maxwell. Martin Cregan. Naval officer; entered the Navy 1790; commenced his career under Hood; Lieut. 1796; served in action off Lissa, and took two French frigates, 181 1 ; witri distinc. in trie W. Indies, in trie Mediter. as Capt. of the "Al ceste" (1807-1812) ; conveyed Ld. Amherst's embassy lo China ; C.B., 1815 ; shipwrecked in the " Alceste, " 1817 ; knigrited, 1818; app. Lieul.-Gov. of Pr. Edward's Island, but d. before riis depart. May, 1831. Bust, full face ; naval. uniform. Canvas, 30 x 25 in. SECOND BAY {Nos. 209 to 228). 209 MARIANNE CATON, MARCHIONESS WELLESLEY ( -1853). Duke of Wellington, K.G. Sir Thos. Lawrence, P.R.A. Daughter of Richard Caton, Esq. of the United Stales of America; marr. istly, Robt Paterson, Esq. whose sister Elizabeth was trie wife of Jerome Bonaparte, King of WestphaUa; and, 2ndly, in 1825, Richard, 2nd E. and 1st Marq. of Wellesley; d. 17 Dec. 1853. To waist, seated lo r. ; low white dress; 1. hand raised lo shoulder. Canvas, 30 X 25 in. 210 SIR WILLIAM CURTIS, Bt. M.P. (1752-1829). Her Majesty (Windsor Castle). Sir T. Lawrence, P.R.A. B. 14 Jan. 1752 ; Lord Mayor of London in 1795, and for 35 years M.P. for the City ; crea. a Bart. 1802 ; d. 18 Jan. 1829. To waist, seated, looking lo r. ; furred robes and gold chain. Canvas, 36 X 31 in. 211 SIR EVERARD HOME, Bt. (1756-1832). Royal Society, Thos, Phillips, R.A. Surgeon; b, al Greenlaw Castle, Berwick, 1756; trained by John Hunter, his bro,-in-law ; pract, as surgeon in Lond, ; rose lo be serg,-surgeon lo trie King; Pres, of the Coll, of Surgeons; Bart, 1813; V, P, Roy, Soc; auth, of several works on Medicine; d, 1832, Bust to r. ; blue coal, wriite cravat. Canvas, 30 X 25 in. 212 KING GEORGE IV. (1762-1830). Duke of Wellington, K.G. Sir D. Wilkie, R.A. Eld. son of George III.; b. 12 Aug. 1762; marr. Caroline of Brunswick, 5 April, 1795; app. Regent, Feb. 181 1 ; succ to trie throne, 29 Jan. 1820; d. 20 June, 1830. {See No. i.) Full-length, heroic size; in Highland costume; signed, "David Wilkie, 1820." Canvas, 109 X 69 in. 213 HENRY, 3RD E. BATHURST, K.G. (1762-1834). Duke of Wellington, K,G. Sir Thos. Lawrence, P.R.A. Son of Hen, 2nd E, ; b, 22 May, 1762 ; marr, Georgiana, 3rd dau, of Ld. Groundrfloor.} Eastern Gallery (B.a.y 2 — Nos. 209-228). 43 Geo, Henry Lennox; held the offices of a Teller of the Excheq, and Clerk of the Crown ; Sec, for Foreign Affairs ; Sec, for War and the Colonies, 1812-27 ; d, 26 July, 1834. Bust; nearly full face; dark dress. Canvas, 30 x 25 in. 214 PERCY CLINTON SYDNEY SMYTHE, 6th Vise. STRANGFORD (1780-1855). LENT BY PAINTER. Viscount Strangford. Diplomatist; son of Lionel, 51h Visct.; b. 31 Aug. 1780; educ. al Trin. Coll. Dublin; succ. lo the title, 1801 ; Minister and Envoy at trie Court of Lisbon, 1806; accompa. trie Portuguese "Court lo the Brazils, 1807; ret. lo Engl. 1816; Amb. in Stockholm, 1817; in Constantinople, 1820; co-plenipp. with trie D. of WeUington, at the Congress of Verona, 1822; crea. Baron Penshurst in the Peer, of Engl, and Amb, al St, Petersb, 1825 ; retired from the service, 1826; d, 29 May, 1855, To waist, standing ; looking to 1, ; peer's robes, collar and badge. Can vas, 36 x-28 in, 215 SIR THOS. STAMFORD RAFFLES (1781-1826). Mrs. Travers. G. F. Joseph, A.R.A. Son of a naval captain; b. at sea, off Jamaica, 1781 ; early ent, trie serv. of trie East India Company; Assisl,-Sec, al Prince of Wales's Island, 1805; Lieut-Gov, of Java, 1811-16; Direc, of trie Factory of Bencoolen, Sumatra, ¦1818; eslab, the free port of Singapore, and founded the Anglo-Criinese Coll; triere, 1823; lost all his collect by fire on his way home, 1824; pub, " The History of Java," and was Founder and first Pres, of the Zoological Soc, of London; d. July, 1826, To waist, seated; blue coal; r. arm resting on book. Canvas, 30 x 25 in. 216 SIR ASTLEY PASTON COOPER, Br. (1768-1841). College of Surgeons, Sir Thos. Lawrence, P.R.A. Surgeon; b, al Brooke, Norfolk, 1768; med, student in Lond, and Edinb,; assist, to Mr, Cline al St. Thomas's Hosp,; attained great reputa, as a Prof and a very extens, pract, as a surg, ; surg, lo trie King, and Barl, 1827; d. 12 Feb, 1 841, Half-length, standing; r, hand resting on table; dark dress. Canvas, 56 X 44 in. 217 CHARLES KENDAL BUSHE, LD. CHIEF JUST. OF IRELAND (1767-1843). Mr, John Bushe. Martin Cregan. B. 1767 ; ent. Trin, Coll, Dub. 1782 ; sat in the Irish Pari, for the borough of CaUan, 1797; Sol,-Gen, 1805; Ch, Just, of Irel. 1822; d. 10 July, 1843. Half-length, seated ; robes of Ld. Ch. Justice, Ireland. Canvas, 50 X 40 in. .218 SIR HENRY HALFORD, Bart. M.D. (1766-1844). Sir Henry Halford, Bt. Sir Thos. Lawrence, P.R.A. Physician; son of Dr. Vaughan, of Leicester; b. 1766; educated at Rugby and Oxford; successively Physician to Geo. III. and Qu. Charlotte, Geo. IV. WiU. IV. and Qu. Victoria; crea, Bart, 1809; changed his name 44 Reign of George IV. 1820-1830. for that of Halford, on inheriting a property, 1815 ; Pres. of the Roy, Coll. of Physic. 1824; d. 9 March, 1844. Three-quarter size, lo 1,; seated in arm-chair; full face; black dress. Canvas, 56 x 44 in, 219 SIR MATTHEW WOOD, Bt. (i 768-1843). LENT BY PAINTER. Ld. Just. Sir W. Page Wood. S. P. Denning. Son of a tradesman at Tiverton; b. 1768; commenced business as a druggist in the city of Lond. ; Sheriff, 1809; Ld. Mayor, 181 5, and again 1 8 16; M.P. for trie City, 1815 lo 1843 ; voted with the advanced liberals, and was conspic as the friend and supporter of Q. Caroline ; 3. 1843. To waist, seated to I. ; holding paper in 1. hand, spectacles in r. hand. Canvas, 36 X 28 in. 220 SIR JEFFREY WYATVILLE, R.A. (1766-1840). Her Majesty (Windsor Castle). Sir T. Lawrence, P.R.A. Architect ; son of Joseph Wyatt ; b. at Burton-upon-Trenl, 3 Aug. 1766 ; apprenticed to his uncle, Sam. Wyalt, architect to the Trinity House, Lond. ; joined a builder in executing Govern, contracts, and was engaged on seats of noblemen and gentlemen ; A.R.A. 1823 ; appoint, architect for re-modeUing Windsor Castle, 1824, when rie assumed trie name of Wyalville ; R.A. 1826 ; knighted, 1828 ; d. in the Wykeham Tower of Windsor Castle, 18 Feb. 1840. Three-quarter length, seated near table on which is plan of principal story of Round Tower 1830; Windsor Castle in distance; painted 1829. Canvas, 56 x 44 in. 221 JOHN LATHAM, M.D. F.R.S. (1761-1843). Mr. G. W. Latham. John Jackson, R.A. Physician ; b. al Gawsworlh, Chester, 1761 ; educ. al Oxf ; practised as a physician in Manchester, Oxford, and London, and attained great emin. in his profession; elected Presid. of trie Roy. CoU. of Priys. 1814; author of " Facts and Opinions concerning Diabetes;" d. 1843. Half-length; seated, as President of Roy. CoU. of Physicians; mace on table before him ; in distance is the dome of trie old CoU. of Phys. in War wick Lane. Canvas, 50 X 40 in, 222 RT. HON. SIR JN. LEACH, Master of the Rolls (1760-1834). Mr. Thomas Leach. Sir Wm. Beechey. Lawyer; b, 28 Aug, 1760; first studied Architecture; ent, the Middle Temple, 1785; called to the Bar, 1790; M,P. for Seaford, 1806; Ch,-Just. of Chester, 1814 ; Chan, of the Duchy of Cornwall, 1816; Vice-Chan, of Engl, and Priv. Coun. 1818; Mast, of the Rolls, 1807; d. 14 Sept. 1834. Bust to r. ; black coat. Canvas, 30 x 26 in, 223 CHAS. MURRAY, 2nd E. CATHCART (1783-1859). Earl Cathcart. Sir J. Watson Gordon, R.A. P.R.S.A. Son of WiUiam Schaw, isl E. ; b. 21 Dec. 1783 ; enl. the Army ; rose to the rank of Gen. ; for some time Gov. of Edinb. Castle, and Comm. of the Forces in Scotl.; Gov.-Gen. and Comm.-in-Chief in British North America; succ, lo the Peerage, 1843; d, 16 July, 1859, Bust, lo 1.; military uniform. Canvas, 30 X 25 in. Ground-floor.} Eastern Gallery (Bay 2 — A'oj. 209-228). 45 224 GEN. HON. SIR LOWRY COLE, G.C.B. (1772-1842). LENT BY PAINTER. Countess Cowper, Sir Thomas Lawrence, P.R.A. General ; 2nd son of ist E. of EninskiUen ; b, 1772 ; ent, the Army, 1787 ; engaged throughout the whole of the Peninsular War ; receiv, the thanks of Pari, for his services, particularly at the battles of Salamanca, Vittoria, and the Pyrenees; afterw. Gov. of the Cape Colony, and of the Mauritius; Lieut. General, 1825; General, 1830; d, 1842, Bust; general's uniform; stars of G,C.B. and K.T.S. Oval canvas, 30X 25 in. 225 QUEEN CAROLINE and PRINCESS CHARLOTTE, OF WALES (1768-1821). Her Majesty (Windsor Castle). Sir Thos. Lawrence, P.R.A. 2nd dau. of Ferdinand D. of Brunswick; b. 17 May, 1768; marr. Geo. Pr. of Wales, 1795; gave birth to the Princess Charlotte, 1796; lived ever after separated from her husband; left Engl. 1814; travel!, in Italy, Greece, Asia Minor, and Syria, till 1820; ret. on the access, of Geo. IV.; proceed. against by Bill of Pains and Penalties in the Ho. of Lords, and preven. from occupying her position as Queen; d. 7 Aug. 1821 ; bu. at Brunswick. {See No. 231.) Full-length figures ; Q. Caroline standing tuning the harp, the Princess holding up a piece of music towards her ; painted at Blackheath. Canvas, 119 X 81 in. 226 RT. HON. DUDLEY RYDER, ist EARL OF HARROWBY (1762-1847). Earl of Harrowby, K.G. Thos. Phillips, R.A. Statesman ; son of Nathaniel Ryder, ist Ld. Harrowby ; b. 22 Dec. 1762 ; educ. al St. John's Coll. Camb. ; ent. Pari, as Memb. for Tiverton, 1784 ; Under-Sec. of Stale for For. Affairs, 1789 ; Paymasl. of the Forces, and Vice-Pres, of the Board of Trade, 1791 ; enjoyed the friendsriip of Pitt, whom he seconded in his duel with Tierney ; Minist. for For. Affairs, 1804; Pres. of the Board of Control, and crea. E. of Harrowby, 1809 ; Pres. of the Coun. in Ld. Liverpool's minisl. 1812 ; support, the repeal of the Test and Corpora tion Acts; retir. from office, 1827; d. 26 Dec. 1847. Bust ; sealed, looking to r. ; dark coat and dress. Canvas, 30 x 25 in. 227 RT. HON. SIR J. MACKINTOSH, Kt. (1765-1832). National Portrait Gallery. Sir Thos. Lawrence, P.R.A. Jurist and slatesm. ; b. al Inverness, 24 Oct. 1765 ; studied for the med. prof. ; graduated as M.D. at Edinb. 1787 ; trav. on the Continent ; pub. his " Vindicise Gallicas"in defence of the French Revolu. 1791 ; studied law, and was app. Lecturer al Lincoln's Inn, 1799; defended Peltier for his libel on Bonaparte, 1801 ; Recorder of Bombay and knighted, 1803; enl. Pari, as Memb. for Nairn, 181 1 ; co-operated with the Whigs; made his famous motion for amending the criminal laws, 1818 ; Pres. of the India Bd. under Ld. Grey, 1830; conlrib. to the "Edinburgh Review;" pub. "The Regency Question," " Discourses on the Law of Nature and Nations," " History of England; " d. 30 May, 1832. To waist ; robes of D.C.L. ; looking up lo 1. Canvas, 38 X 30 in. 228 HUGH, 3RD D OF NORTHUMBERLAND, K.G. (1785-1847). _ Duke of Northumberland. Thomas Phillips, R.A. Son of Hugh, 2nd.D. ; b. 20 April, 1785; sent as Ambass. Extraord. to assist at the corona, of Charles X. of France, 1825; afterw. Ld.-Lieut. of 46 Reign of George IV. 1820-1830. Irel. ; Chan, of the Univ. of Camb. ; Constable of Launceston Castle, and High Steward of Launceston ; d. witrioul issue, 11 Feb. 1847. Bust ; looking up lo r. ; peer's robes. Oval, canvas, 28 x 28 in. THIRD BAT {Nos. lag to 246). 229 DAVIES GILBERT, P.R.S. (1767-1840). LENT BY PAINTER. Royal Society. Thomas Phillips, R.A. A friend and promoter of science ; b. at St. Ertri, in Cornwall, 1767; his family name was Giddy, but having marr. the dau. of Mr. Gilbert, a wealthy Sussex gentleman, he adopted the latter name ; was among the first lo recogn. the talents of Sir Humph. Davy whom he succ. as P.R.S. ; pub. " A Plain • Statement of trie BuUion Question;" M.P. for Bodmin, 1806-32; d. 1840. Half-lenglri, standing ; black dress ; I. arm resting on red cushion, roll of paper in 1. riand. Canvas, 50 X 44 in. 230 JOHN ABERNETHY (1764-1831). St. Bartholomew's Hospital. Sir Thos. Lawrence, P.R.A. Surgeon; b. at Abernetriy, 1764; studied in London under Sir Chas. Blick and Jorin Hunter; app. Surgeon lo St. Barthol. Hosp. 1787; Prof of Anatomy lo the R. CoU. of Surgeons, 1814; equally disting. as Lecturer and Operator; pub. "Surgical and Physiol. Essays," "The Constitution, Origin, and Treatment of Local Diseases ;" noted for his wil and eccentric manners ; d. at Enfield, 20 April, 1831. Half-length, standing; r. hand resting on table. Canvas, 55 X 44 in. Presented lo the Hospital, 1820. 231 PRINCESS CHARLOTTE AUGUSTA, OF WALES (1796-1817). Mr. Thos. Grissell. J. Cawze. Only dau. of Geo. IV. and Q. Caroline ; b. 7 Jan. 1796 ; gave early indica. of talent and nobleness of criaracler; marr. 2 May, 1816, Pr. Leopold of Coburg, afterw. King of the Belgians ; d. in child-bed, universaUy regretted, 5 Nov. 1817. •' & ! {See No. 225,) Triree-quarter size ; seated on sofa, looking to 1. ; low dress, wriite sleeves, dark blue skirt ; resting r, riand on portfolio. Signed, "J, Cawze Pinxl, 1817," Canvas, 60 X 42 in, 232 FREDERICK JOHN ROBINSON, ist EARL OF RIPON (1782-1859), Earl de Grey and Ripon, Sir Thomas Lawrence, P.R.A. Statesman ; youngest son of Triomas, 2nd Ld. Grantriam ; b. in London, 1782 ; educ. at Harrow, and St. Jorin's CoU. Camb. ; Priv. Sec. to Ld. Hard wicke, as Ld. Lieut of Irel. 1804; M.P. for Ripon, 1807; Pres. of trie Board of Trade, 1818; Crian, of trie Excrieq, 1823; Sec, for the Colonies, and crea, Visct, Godench, 1827 ; for some months Prime Minister after the deatri of Canning; Colonial Minister, 1830; Ld, Privy Seal, and crea, E, of Ripon, 1833; retired froni Ld, Grey's Ministry, 1834; Pres, of trie Board of Trade under Sir Robert Peel, 1841 ; resigned office, 1846; d, 1859, To waist, sriowing 1, riand gloved ; dark brown coat Canvas 36 X 28 in Ground-floor.] Eastern Gallery (Bay ^-^Nos. 229-246). 47 233 SIR HUMPHRY DAVY, Bt, P.R.S. (1778-1829). , LENT BY PAINTER, Royal Society. Sir Thomas Lawrence, P.R.A, Nat. Philosopher; b. at Penzance, 17 Dec. 1778; appren. to a surgeon; 1795; stud, privately sciences, languages, and hist; wrote for Dr. Beddoe's " Contributions lo Physical and Medical Knowledge," essays on Heat, Light, Respiration, &c. ; publ. his " Researcries, Criemical and Priilosopriical," 1800'; elect. Prof at the Roy. Institution, 1802; lectured on the connexion of agri culture and chemistry; app. Sec, Roy, Soc, 1806; discov, trie decomposition of alkalis by galvanism ; obtained trie prize of the French Institute, 1810; Knighted, 1812; V. P, Roy, Soc, 1814; invented the Miner's Safety Lamp, 1815; travel, in France and Italy, 1818-19; crea. Bart i8i8; P, R, S. 1820; d. at Geneva, 28 May, 1829. Three-quarter size, standing ; full face ; safely lamp on table lo his 1 , Canvas, 52 X 36 in, 234 RT. HON. GEORGE CANNING (1770-1827). Earl Granville, K.G. Baron Gerard. {See No. 52,) Three-quarter size ; seated in arm-criair lo i, ; riands crossed ; black dress. Canvas, 52 X 38 in. Painted in the last year of his lifei 235 RT. HON. JOHN HOOKHAM FRERE (1769-1846). Mr. George Frere. John Hoppner, R.A. Eld. son of John Frere, Esq. of Roydon, Norfolk ; b, in London, 21 May, 1769 ; educ. al Eton, where began his friendship with Canning, whom he assisted in the " Microcosm," and afterwards in trie " Anti- Jacobin ;" gradu ated al Camb. ; succeeded Canning as Under Sec. for For. Affairs ; M.P. for West Looe ; Envoy and Minis, to Lisbon, 1800 ; afterwards to Madrid, till 1804; retired lo Spain, 1808-9 ; subsequently occupied himself with. literary pursuits, residing at Malta, where he d. 7 Jan. 1846. Half-length, standing ; looking to r. ; dark cloak, showing r. hand. Canvas, 50 x 40 in. 236 SIR CHARLES BELL, K.H. (1774-1842), Mrs. Hamilton Bell. Stevens. Surgeon and physiologist; b, in Edinburgh, Sept 1774; came lo London, 1806; lectured with great success at Hunter's School in WindmiU St, ; app. Prof of Anatomy at the Royal Coll, of Surgeons; K,H, 1830; Author of papers in the Philos, Trans, on the Nervous System, " Anatomy of Ex pression," " The Hand, its Mechanism, as evincing design," and various works on anatomy and surgical operations; d, 29 April, 1842, Half-length, standing ; resting 1, hand on book, spectacles in r. Canvas, 50 X 40 in. Painted 1829, 237 RT. HON. GEORGE CANNING (1770-1827). Corporation of Liverpool. Sir Thomas Lawrence, P.R.A. {See No, 52,) FuU-Ienglh, standing ; I, hand raised lo chin, black dress, table lo r, with papers and inkstand. Canvas, 95 X 58 in, 238 RT. HON. WILLIAM HUSKISSON (1770-1830). Sir Thomas Gladstone, Bt, John Graham Gilbert, R.S.A. Statesman; b, al Birch-Morelon, Worcester, 11 Mar, 1770; went to Paris to study medicine; took part in trie storming of the Bastille, 1789; became Priv, Sec, to Ld, Gower, who introdu, him to Canning and Pitt, 1792 ; M.P, 48 Reign of George IV. 1820-1830. for Morpeth, and Under Sec. for War, 1795 ; resign, with Pitt, 1801 ; return, to office as Sec. to the Treas. 1804; Ch. Commiss. of Woods and Forests', 1814; Pres. of trie Board of Trade, 1822, when he initiated the policy of Free Trade, by removing many restrictions on commerce; Colon. Minister, 1827; d, from injuries received at the opening of the railway between Liverpool and Manchester, 15 September, 1830. Half-length, standing; r, hand resting on table, black dress. Canvas, 50 X 40 in. 239 JOHN BELL (i746-i'83i). LENT BY PAINTER, Mr. Charles Masters. G. Clint, A.R.A. Pubhsher; b, 1746; known by his edit, of the "British Poets," an edit. of " Shakspeare," and the " British Theatre," and the early use of book illus trations by eminent artists ; d, 26 Jan, 1831, Three-quarter size, sealed ; fuU face, " BeU's Weekly Messenger" in 1, hand. Canvas, 5 1 X 40 in. 240 CHARLES MANNERS SUTTON, ist VISCOUNT CANTERBURY (1780-1845). Viscount Canterbury. H. W. Pickersgill, R.A. Eld. son of the Archbp. of Canterbury; b. 1780; educ. al Eton and Trin. Coll. Camb.; called to the Bar, 1805 ; M.P. for Knaresborough, 1807 ; Judge Adv.-Gen. 1809; Speaker of the Ho, of Comm, 1817; M.P. for the Univ. of Camb. 1832; assisted in the formation of Sir Robert Peel's Ministry, 1834; opposed as candidate for the Speakership by Mr. Abercromby, who was elected by a majority of 10 ; crea. Vise. Canterbury, 1835 ; d, 21 July, 1845. Three-quarter size, seated ; looking to r. ; robes as Speaker, and ribbon of Bath. Canvas, 56 X 44 in. 241 JOHN ADOLPHUS (1768-1845). Mrs. Henderson. Ramsay R. Reinagle. Lawyer and Hist. ; b, in Lond. 7 Aug. 1768 ; allor. and solic. 1790; called to the Bar, 1807 ; bee. more generally known by his defence of the Cato-street conspirators, 1820; pub. "The Hist, of George III." "Memoirs of the French Revol." &c. ; d. 16 July, 1845. Three-quarter size, standing ; 1. arm extended, black dress. Canvas, 56 X 44 in. 242 HON. CHARLES WM. LAMBTON, "MASTER LAMBTON" (1818-31). Earl of Durham. Sir Thomas Lawrence, P.R.A. Eld. son of John George Lambton, ist E. of Durham; b. 16 Jan. 1818; d. 24 Dec. 1831. Full-length as a boy sealed on rocks near sea-side, looking to r., resting head on 1. hand ; crimson dress, open shirt-collar. Canvas, 54 X 44 in. 243 LD. WM. H. CAVENDISH BENTINCK, G.C.B. (1774-1839), Duke of Portland. Slatesm. ; 2nd son ofWm. H. Cavendish, 3rd D. of Portland ; b. 14 Sept. 1774 ent. the Army ; app. Gov. of Madras, 1803 ; Plenipolent. and Comm.- Ground-floor.} Eastern Gallery (Bay 3-.-iV"w. 229-246). 49 of English Auxiliaries in Sicily, 181 1 ; gave the Sicilians a liberal constitu tion, 1812 ; served in Spain, 1813 ; subjugated Genoa and restored il to Piedmont, 1814 ; M.P. for King's Lynn; Gov.-Gen, of India, 1827-33; signalised his rule by prohibiting trie burning of widows and removing many of the restrictions against settling in the East India Company's territories ; d. at Paris, 17 June, 1839. Bust ; military uniform, ribbon, G.C.B. Oval canvas, 32 X 25 in. 244 JOHN DALTON, D.C.L. (1766-1844). LENT BY PAINTER. Royal Society. B, R. Faulkner. Nat. Philosopher; b, al Eaglesfield, near Cockermouth, 1766; Prof of Mathem, and Nat. Philosophy in Manchester, 1793 ; publ, ." Meteorological Observations and Essays," 1793; "Anew System of Chemistry," 1808-10; became celebrated by his atomic theory, and discov, of the law oftheexpans. of gases; received the gold medal from the Royal Society, 1826; seized with paralysis, 1836; d. Aug, 1844. Three-quarter size, seated in arm-chair, black dress ; air-pump and che mical apparatus on table lo his 1, Signed "B, R, Faulkner pinx. 1841," Canvas, 50 x 40 in. 245 WILLIAM ALLEN, F.R.S. (1771-1843). Pharmaceutical Society. Henry P. Briggs, R.A. Chemist and Philanthropist; son of a Quaker silk-manufacturer in Spitalfields; b. 1771 ; became known by his chemical experiments and researches; app. Lect. on Chem. at Guy's Hosp. 1802; Led. al the Roy. Inst. 1804; F.R.S. 1807; look part with Wilberforce and Lancaster in pro moting the abolition of slavery and the improvement of the condition of the poor; went on several mission, journeys lo the Continent; pub. " Colonies at Home," " Plan for diminishing the Poor's Rates ;" d. at Lindfield, Sussex, 30 Dec. 1843. Three-quarter size, seated ; resting r. aim on table on which are draw ings ; brown coat. Canvas, 50 X 4° in. 246 EDMUND KEAN (1787-1833). Mr. George Ellis. George Clint, A.R.A. Tragic Actor; son of a stage carpenter; b. in London, 4 Nov. 1787; ran away from his parents, and went as cabin-boy to Madeira; on his ret. joined a company of actors in Yorksh. ; perform, al 13, the parts of " Hamlet" and " Calo ;" sent by Dr. Drury to Eton, to be educal, 1800; returned to the stage and performed with great success in the Provin, 1803 ; made his first appear. at Drury Lane, as " Shylock," 1814; rose to fame by his representations of "Richard IIL," "Othello," "Macbeth," "lago," and other Shakespearian characters; made a tour to the United Stales, 1820-21, and again in 1825 ; d, at Richmond, 15 May, 1833, ,, ^ , . Full-length ; in character as " Richard 1 1 1.," kneeling. Canvas, i6x 10 in. FOURTH BAT {Nos. 247 to 270). 247 SLR WALTER SCOTT, Bt. (1771 -1832). Mr. William E. Green. James Saxon. Poet and Author of the Waverley Novels; son of a Writer to the Signet at Edinb.; b. 15 Aug. 177 1 5 educ at the High School; articled to his father; called to the Scottish Bar, 1791 ; eagerly stud, the legendary hist. of Scotl. and German literature ; commenc. his hterary career by pub. transla. from Biirger and Goethe, 1796; app. Sheriff Deput. of Selkirksh. 1799; be- 50 Reign of George IV. 1820-1830. came known as a poet by his " Minstrelsy of the Scottish Border," 1802; " Lay of the Last Minstrel," 1805 ; " Marmion;" "The Lady of the Lake;" built Abbolsford; commenc. in 18 14, his Waverley Novels, which marked an epoch in trie history of romance, and were translated into all European languages; crea. Bart. 1822; pub. "Life of Napoleon," and "History of Scotland;" d. al Abbolsford. 21 Sept. 1832. Biograp. by J. G. Lockhart, his son-in-law. Half-length, sealed to r. holding dog. Canvas, 50 X 40 in. 248 JOHN M'CULLOCH, M.D., F.R.S. (1773-1835). LENT BY PAINTER. Royal Society. B. R. Faulkner. Physician and Geologist; b. in Guernsey, 1773; educ. al Penzance and Edinb.; al 18 gradua. as M.D,; enl, the Artillery as Assisl,-Surg, ; appoin. Chymist to the Ordn. 1803 ; gave up his practice to carry out for Governm. the mineral, and geological survey of Scotl. which he complet. in 1832 ; pub. a " Descripl. of the Western Islands," " Geological Classification of Rocks," "Essay on Fever;" d. August, 1835. Half-lenglri, seated ; reddish furred coal, pencil in r. hand. Canvas, 44 X 35 in. 249 SIR WALTER SCOTT, Bt. (1771-1832). Lady Ruthven. Sir F. Grant, P.R.A. {See No. 247,) Full-length, sealed al table, large book open on his knee, pen in r. hand ; two stag-hounds lo the r. ; armour on waU in background. Canvas, 30 X 25 in. Alluding to this picture Scott speaks, in his diary 29 Mar, 1831, of the artist being ' ' well pleased, I think very advisedly so, with a cabinet picture of myself, armour and so forth, together with my two noble staghounds. The dogs sat charmingly, but the picture took up some time," — Lockharfs Life of Scott. 250 JEREMY BENTHAM (1748-1832). Mr. j. a. Roebuck, M.P. G. F. Watts, R.A. Jurist and Founder of the Utihtarian Priilosopriy ; b. in London, 15 Feb. 1748 ; educ. al Westmin. School and Oxf ; took his degree as B.A. at 16, as M.A. al 20 ; called to the Bar, but did not practise ; pub. in 1776, " Fragment on Government," in opposition lo Blackstone, which brought him into con nexion witri the principal Whig statesmen ; trav. in Turkey, Russia, Poland, and Germany, 1785-88; devoted the remainder of riis life lo the task of working out a rational theory of government, and to the reform of abuses in the administ. of justice ; pub. " Introduction to trie Principle of Morals and Legislation," " Treatise on Civil and Penal Legislation," " Theory of Rewards and Punishments," "Plan of a Judicial EstabUshment," &c.; exercised great influence al home and abroad by his works, which were translated into several languages ; d. 6 June, 1832. FuU-lenglri, small size, seated in landscape, r. hand resting on slick. Paper, crayon, 26 X 20 in. Drawn from a wax model. 251 WILLIAM COBBETT (1762-1835). Miss Cobbett. J. Raphael Smith. Political Writer ; son of Geo. Cobbett, a farmer al Farnham, Svurey ; b. 9 March, 1762 ; worked on his fatrier's farm till 1783, when he became Clerk to a Solic. in London; enlist, in the Army, 1784; went with his regt. to Nova Scotia, 1785; took .riis dis. 1791 ; settled in Priiladelpriia, and edited " The Porcupine's Gazette;" returned to England, 1801 ; pub. " The Works of Peter Porcupine;" edit "The Weekly Register," in wriicri he first support, afterw Ground-floor.} Eastern Gallery (Bay 4 — Nos. 247-270). 51 violently opposed the Governm, ; fined and impris, for an article against flog ging in the Engl, Militia, 18 10; continued lo write and lecture on Politics ; took an interest in agricult, and wrote on the subject ; pub, " Collage Econ," " Rural Rides," &c, ; elect. M,P, for Oldham, 1832 ; d, 18 June, 1835, Full-length, seated lo r. in arm-chair ; portrait of John Hampden on wall in background ; copy of " Political Register " on table to his r. Paper, coloured crayons, 25 X 18 in. 252 SIR WALTER SCOTT, Bt. (1771-1832). LENT BY PAINTER. Duke of Buccleuch, K.G. Sir H. Raeburn, R.A. {See No. 247.) Full-length, sealed under a ruined stone wall, red book in 1. hand, pencil in r. hand. Canvas, 72 x 58 in. 253 JOHN GIBSON LOCKHART (1793-1854). Messrs. W. Blackwood & Sons. R. S. Lauder, R.S.A. Novelist and Miscellaneous Writer; b. at Glasgow, 1793 ; educ, at Glasgow and Oxf; called to trie Bar, 1816, Ijul did not practise ; became known by his transla. of Ancient Spanish Ballads, "Peter's Letters lo his Kinsfolk," and a biography of Cervantes ; marr, the eld, dau. of Sir Walter Scotl, 1820 ; pub. the Novels "Valerius," "Adam Blair," "Reginald Dalton;" succ, Gifford as Editor of the " Quarterly Review," 1825 ; pub, his celebrated " Biography of Sir Waller Scott," 1838; resign, the Editorsh. of the "Quarterly Review," on account of ill health, 1853; d. al Abbolsford, 25 November, 1854. Half-length, seated to r., showing 1. hand ; dark dress and cloak. Canvas, 42 X 31 in. 254 SIR HENRY ROWLEY BISHOP, Kt. (1786-1855). Mrs. Smith. T. Foster. Musical Composer; b. in London, 1786; stud, under Bianchi; rose into general notice by his Opera " Trie Circassian Bride," perf at Drury Lane, 1809; app. Music. Direc. of Covent Garden Trieatre, 18 10; composed nearly sixty pieces for the stage ; retired from the Opera, 1826 ; wrote many popular songs and glees ; knighted, 1837 ; held the offices of Director of trie Concerts of Ancient Music, and Prof of Music in trie University of Oxford; d. 1855. Half-length, seated, looking lo r., roU of music in r. hand ; dark cloak. Canvas, 44 X 35 in. 255 JOHN WILSON (1785-1854). Messrs. W.Blackwood & Sons. Sir J. W.Gordon,R.A. P.R.S.A. Poet and Essayist; b. at Paisley, 18 May, 1785; educ, al Glasgow and Oxf ; gained the Newdigate Prize for English verse, 1806; resided for some years in the Lake District ; rose lo fame by his " Elegy on the Death of James Grahame," and "Isle of Palms," 1812; chief edit, of "Blackwood's Maga zine," 1817, to which he contribul, many brilliant essays under the pseudon. of " Christopher North ; " Prof of Moral Philosophy in Edin, Univ, 1820; resigned on account of ill health ; d. 3 April, 1854. Three-quarter length, seated to 1,, arms crossed ; black dress, r, hand resting on stick ; signed " Sir Jo, Watson Gordon, R.A. and P.R.S.A. pinx. 1852, Edinburgh." Canvas, 50 X 4oin- 256 THOMAS CAMPBELL (1777-1844). Mr. Octavian Blewitt. Thos. C. Thompson, R.H.A. Poet; son of a Scottish merch,; b. 1777; educ. al Glasgow; Priv, Tutor at Edinb.; pub. his "Pleasures of Hope," which founded his fame, 1799; trav. 52 Reign of George IV. 1820-1830. on the Continent ; pub. " The Flxile of Erin," and " Hohenlinden ;" settled in. Lond. ; wrote the " Battle of trie Baltic," " Lord UUin's daugriter," " Speci mens of Brit. Poets, with Notices and Essay ;" edit, the New Monthly and Melrop, Magazines; went for his health lo Boulogne, d. there, 15 June, 1844. His remains were brought to England and bur, in Westminster Abbey. Three-quarter size, seated in arm-chair, full face, roll of paper in 1. hand ; painted 1833, at the age of 56, Canvas, 51 X 40 in. 257 SIR W. SCOTT, AND his Literary Friends, at Abbotsford. lent by painter, Mr, a. Dennistoun. Thomas Faed, R.A. Beginning at the left of trie picture the persons represented are as foUows : Ld, Chief Commissioner Adam ; Sir Henry Jardine, standing; James Bal- lantyne ; Archibald Constable ; Sir David Wilkie, standing ; Sir WiUiam AUan, standing ; Thomas CampbeU ; Thomas Moore ; Sir Adam Ferguson ; Francis Jeffrey ; Wm, Wordsworth ; J, G. Lockhart ; George Crabbe ; Pro fessor Wilson, standing ; Henry Mackenzie ; Sir Walter Scott ; the Eltrick Shepherd, {See No, 247,) Group of fuU-lenglh small-size figures, seated and standing at table, while Scott is reading aloud. Canvas, 47 X 65 in. 258 PATRICK LORD ROBERTSON (1794-1855). Major Robertson. T. Duncan, R.S.A. A.R.A. Judge, Wit, and Poet ; b. al Edinburgh, 1794 ; Advocate, 181 5 ; obtained great practice ; Dean of Faculty of Advocates, 1842 ; Ld. of Session, 1843; Ld. Rector of Marischal CoU. Aberdeen, 1848 ; pub, vol, of verse " Leaves from a Journal," &c, ; d, 1855, Three-quarter size, sealed, looking lo 1,, wearing spectacles ; black dress. Canvas, 53 X 40 in, 259 JAMES HOGG (1772-1835). Messrs.W. Blackwood & Sons. Sir J.W. Gordon, R.A. P.R.S.A. Known as the "Eltrick Shepherd;'' son of a shepherd; b, in the forest of Eltrick, Selkirksh. 25 Jan. 1772 ; from an early age followed the occupat. of his father; first began to write verses in 1801, when he was noticed by Sir Waller Scott, who encouraged him to try some literary composition ; won the premium given by the Highland Society for an " Essay on Srieep ;" pub. "The Mountain Bard," a collection of his poems, 1803; eslab, his reputation by "The Queen's Wake," 1813; contribul, lo "Blackwood's Magazine," and drier periodicals; pub. 1834 "The Domestic Manners and Private Life of Sir Walter Scott;" d, at Allrive Lake, on the Yarrow, Nov, 1835, Three-quarter size, seated, full face ; Scotch plaid, stick in I. hand. Canvas, 50 X 40 in, 260 THOMAS BEWICK (1753-1828). Lord Ravensworth. Wm. Nicholson, R.S.A. Wood-engraver; son of a coal-miner at Cherryburn, Northumberland; b. 1753 ; as a boy, worked in his father's coal-pit; afterw. apprent. to an engraver in Newcastle ; obtain, trie premium of trie Soc. of Arts for his cut of an illustration to Gay's Fables, 1775 ; became known by his designs and wood-engravings for " Select Fables," " General History of Quadrupeds," " History of British Birds," &c, ; d, at Gateshead, 1828, Three-quarter size, seated in arm-chair, pencil in r, hand, Newfound land dog to his r. Canvas, 50 x 40 in. Ground-floor.] Eastern Gallery (Bay 4 — Nos. 247-270). 53 261 JOHN LINGARD, D.D. (1771-1851). LENT BY PAINTER. Saint Cuthbert's Coll. Ushaw. James Lonsdale. Historian; b, at Winchester, 5 Feb. 1771 ; educ. at the Roman Catholic Coll. at Douay ; priest at Newcastle-on-Tyne ; commenced his hterary career by several works intended to vindicate the patriotism of the Roman Catho lics of Engl.; pub. "Antiquities of the Anglo-Saxon Church," 1809; and his principal work, " History of England to the Accession of William and Mary," 1819-25; trav. on the Continent; declined the dignity of a Cardinal offered to him by Pope Leo XII. ; d. at Hornby, 13 July, 1851. Three-quarter size, sealed; table with writing materials to his r.; pen in r. hand; painted 1834. Canvas, 56 X 44 in. 262 GEORGE WATSON, P.R.S.A. (1767-1837). Nat. Gallery of Scotland. Geo. Watson, P.R.S.A. First Pres. of the Roy. Scott. Acad. ; b. 1767, at Overmains in Berwicksh. ; stud. Art under Nasmylh and Sir Josh. Reynolds; settled in Edinb., where he obtained extensive employment as a portrait-painter ; Pres. of the Soc. of Associated Artists of Scotland, 1808-12 ; Pres. of the Roy. Scottish Acad. 1826; d. 1837. To waist; fuU face; holding palette and brushes. Canvas, 36 X 28 in. 263 SIR WALTER SCOTT, Bt. (1771-1832). Mr. Wynn Ellis. C R. Leslie, R.A. {See No. 247.) To waist ; smaU size ; sealed, nearly fuU face ; resting r. hand on stick ; shield of arms to his r. in background. Panel, 13 X 10 in, 264 WILLIAM COBBETT (1762-1835). Miss Cobbett. J- Raphael Smith. {See No. 251.) Bust ; full face ; brown coat. Crayon, paper, 10X9 in. ; taken in 1800. 265 GEN. SIR RALPH DARLING, G.C.H. (1771-1858). Lady Darling. John Linnell. B, 1 771; enl. the Army, 1793; serv, in the W. Indies liU 1808; fought under Sir John Moore in Spain, at Lugo and Corunna; app. Dep. Adj,-Gen. 1809- Comm. of the troops at the Mauritius, 1818-1823; Gov.-in-Chief of New SoulhWales and Van Diemen's Land, 1825-31; G.C.H. 1835; General, 1841 ; d. at Brighton, 2 April, 1858. , ^ , •,• r Half-length, small-size; standing, looking lo 1.; dark military uniform. Panel, 12 x 10 in. 266 JEREMY BENTHAM (1748-1832). Mr. H. W, Pickersgill, R.A. H. W. Pickersgill, R.A. {See No. 250.) Full-length; seated; claret-coloured coat; books on table to his r. Canvas, 88 X 58 in. 267 SIR JAMES M'GRIGOR, Bt., M.D. K.C.B. (1771-1858). Medical Officers of the Army. Sir D. Wilkie, R.A. Eld. son of ColquhounMcGrigor, merch. in Aberdeen ; b. in Invernesssh. q April, 1771 ; educ at Marischal CoU. ; ent. the Med. Depart, of the army, 1793 ; served in Holland and Flanders ; in the expedition against the Island of 54 Reign of George IV. 1820-1830. Grenada, 1796 ; in India, 1798 ; in Egypt, 1800 ; in the Walcheren exped. ; Chief of the Med. Depart, in the Peninsular War ; K,C.T.S. of Portugal, and Crescent of Turkey; Director Gen, of the Army Med, Depart 181 5-185 1 ; Bt, 1831 ; K,C.B. 1851 ; Ld. Rector of Marischal Coll. Aberdeen ; d. 2 April, 1858. Half-length; standing; crimson-lined, fur-collared cloak, star of K.C.B. ; signed " D. Wilkie f 1835." Canvas, 50 X 4° in. 268 THOMAS M'CRIE, D.D. (1772-1835). LENT BY PAINTER. Mrs. M'Crie. Sir J. Watson Gordon, R.A. P.R.S.A. Theolog. and Historian ; b, in Scotl, 1772 ; educ, at the Univ. of Edinb. ; separat, from the General Associate Synod, and became one of the founders of the Conslilut. Associate Presbytery; pub. Lives of "Knox," "Melville," and a " Hist of the Progress and Suppress, of the Reform, in Italy;" d, 1835. Half-length; sealed, full face; black dress. Canvas, 35 X 28 in. 269 CHARLES MATHEWS (1776-1835). Mrs. Mathews. John James Masquerier, Actor; b, 1776, in London, where his father was a bookseller; educ, at Merchant Taylors' School ; apprent, to his father, but preferred the stage ; made his first appearance al the Haymarket, 1803; became famous for his great mimic power and comic talent;' in 1819, began his entertainment entitled " Mathews al Home," which he repeal, with success on professional journeys through Engl, Irel, and America ; d. on his return from the United States, at Liverpool, 28 June, 1835, Bust; small size; looking lo his I, ; dark coat; on back, " Painted 1833, the last he sat for," Panel, 10 X 8 in, 270 ROBERT OWEN (1771-1858). Mr. George Ellis. Socialist and Philanthropist; b, al Newtown, Montgomerysh, 1771 ; went into business as a cotton-manufacturer, in which he was successful ; purchased the New Lanark Mills, Scotl, and commenced his work as social reformer among the workpeople in his factory, 1801 ; agitated the questions connected with the improvement of trie working classes in the press and in public meet ings; founded trie Communist colony of New Harmony, in Indiana, 1823; returned to Engl, 1826; conlin, to take an active part in all endeav, to raise trie social and econom, condition of the people ; pub, " Lectures on a New Slate of Society," " The Book of the New Moral Worid," "Revolution in the Mind and Practice of the Human Race ;" d. at Newtown, 17 November, 1858. Head slightly to 1,; signed " S, B. 1851." Crayon, paper, 14 x 10 in, FIFTH BAT {Nos. 271 to 307). 271 MARY GODWIN, MRS. SHELLEY (1798-1851). Sir Percy Shelley, Bt. Richard Rothwell. Dau, of William Godwin and Mary WoUstonecrafl ; b, 1798; marr, Percy Bysshe Srielley, 1816; pub, in the same year the tale of "Frankenstein," which founded her repulat, as an authoress ; edit, a collect, of her husband's Poems, 1839, and " Memorials" of him, 1840; wrote " Rambles in Germany and Italy," " Lives of Literary Frenchmen," &c. ; d. 1851. To waist; sealed, fuU face; low black dress. Canvas, 30 x 25 in. Ground-floor.} Eastern Gallery (Bay 5 — iVw. 271-307). 55 272 HARTLEY COLERIDGE (1796-1849). LENT BY PAINTER. Rev. Derwent Coleridge. Eldest son of Samuel Taylor Coleridge ; b. al Clevedon, 1 796 ; resided with his father in the Lake District; early showed a talent for poetry; commenced studies at Oxf, 181 5, where he obtained a fellowship at Oriel Coll.; being deprived of this, led a roaming life; unsuccessful as school master ; finally turned to literary labour ; pub. " Poems," " Worthies of York shire and Lancashire," " Essays and Marginalia;" d. al Rydal, 6 Jan. 1849. Half-length ; seated to r, ; resting head on r. hand, book in 1, Canvas, 36 X 28 in, 273 WILLIAM TAYLOR (1765-1836). Mr. John Barwell. John Barwell, Son of a merchant at Norwich; b. 1765; intend, for a mercantile career, but preferred politics and literature; first became known by his trans lations from Biirger and other German poets; edit, the "Norwich Isis," 1802 ; pub. " Engl, Synonymes," and an " Historical Survey of German Poetry," which was favourably noticed by Thomas Carlyle; d, 1836. Bust ; seated, three-quarter face to I, ; blue coat, yellow waistcoat. Can vas, 30 X 25 in. 274 HORACE SMITH (1779-1849). Miss Eliza S. Horace Smith. John James Masquerier. Poet and Novelist ; son of Robert Smith, Solicitor to the Board of Ordn, ; b. in London, 31 Dec. 1779; became a Member of trie Slock Exchange, but al the same time, in conjunction with his brotrier James, who worked in his father's office, engaged in literary pursuits ; wrote with his bro. trie " Rejected Addresses," on trie burning and re-open, of Drury Lane Trieatre, 18 12; afterw. pub. many novels; d. 24 December, 1849. Bust; smaU size; dark dress, wriite cravat. Millboard, 12 x 10 in. 275 CHARLES LAMB (1775-1834), S. T. COLERIDGE, R. SOUTHEY, and W. WORDSWORTH. LiEUT.-CoL. F. Cunningham. R. Hancock. Chas. Lamb, Poet and Humourist; b. in London, 1775; educ. at Christ's Hospital ; app. to a clerkship in the East India House, which he held for 33 years; pub. his first Poems together with Coleridge and Lloyd, 1797; wrote afterw. " Rosamund Gray," a tale ; " John Woodvill," a tragedy ; " Tales from Shakespeare," and trie " Essays of Elia"; universally beloved and admired for his brilliant talents and genial disposition ; d. 27 Dec. 1834 ; bu. al Edmonton. Memoirs of him by Judge Talfourd, by Percy Fitzgerald, and by B. W. Procter. For Coleridge {see No. 296) ; Southey (No. 282) ; Wordsworth (No. 277), Profile portraits to r. ; small size. Crayon, paper, each 7 X 6 in. Drawn for Joseph Cottle. 276 ROBERT, 1ST LORD GIFFORD (1779-1826), Ch. Just, of Comm. Pleas. Lord Gifford. Leakie. Son of Robert Gifford, Esq, of Exeter; b, 24 Feb, 1779; attained dis tinction as a Lawyer; Sol,-Gen, 1817; Atl,-Gen, 1819; Ld, Criief Justice of Com, Pleas, and crea. Baron Gifford, 1824; Mast, of the Rolls and Dep, Speaker of the Ho, of Lords, 1824; d, 23 Aug, 1826, Three-quarter length, miniature size ; seated in arm-chair, leaning on i. hand. Panel, 9 X 7 in. 56 Reign of George IV. 1820-1830. 277 WILLIAM WORDSWORTH (1770-1850). LENT BY PAINTER. St. John's College, Cambridge. H. W. Pickersgill, R.A. Poet ; the friend of Coleridge and Southey and prom, member of the Lake School; b. at Cockermouth, 7 April, 1770; educ. at St. John's Coll. Camb.; travelled on the Continent, and was strongly influenced by the ideas of the French Revolution ; resolved on regenerating English poetry by a return to healthy realism and simplicity ; pub. together with Coleridge, " Lyrical Ballads," 1798, and afterwards several vols, of poems, but was little appreciated al trie time ; settled at Rydal Mount, Cumberland, 1813; pub. in 1 814 his philosophical poem, "The Excursion," which established his reputation; was more and more recognised as one of the leading spirits of his age, for vigour and depth of thought and noble purity of feeling; succ. Southey as Poet- Laureate, 1843; d. 23 April, 1850; after his death was pub. his " Growth of a Poet's Mind." Memoir of him by Canon Wordsworth, his nephew. Three-quarter size ; seated under a rock ; crimson-lined cloak ; landscape to r. ; 1. hand holding pencil and resting on papers. Canvas, 64 X 52 in. 278 JOHN FINLAISON (1783-1860). Mrs. Finlaison. John Burnet. Emin. Actuary; b. at Thurso, 17 Aug. 1783; worked out a Digest of the Admiralty Records, 1808; compiled the first official Navy List; suggest, the reform, system of Governm. Life Annuities, 1820; held the office of Actuary of the Nat. Debt and Governm. Calculator; Pres. of the Instil, of Actuaries, 1848; d. al Bayswater, 13 April, i860. Bust, small size ; loolcing lo I. ; brown coal, white cravat. Oval canvas, 24 X 20 in. Painted about 1828, 279 CAROLINE FRY (1787-1846). Mr. William Wilson. Sir Thomas Lawrence, P.R.A. Writer on relig, subjects; b, at Tunbridge Wells, 31 Dec, 1787; marr. Mr, Wilson; became known as an author by her " Listener," 1830 ; pub. subsequently " Scripture Principles of Education," " Sunday Afternoons," " A Poetical Catechism," &c, ; d, 17 Sept, 1846, To waist ; seated ; open, low while dress, crimson scarf; looking up to 1. Canvas, 30 X 25 in, 280 CHARLES LAMB (1775-1834), and MARY ANN LAMB (1765-1847). Mr. j. Bertrand Payne. F. S. Cary. (For Charles Lamb, see No, 275.) Sister of Charles Lamb; b, 1765; kiUed her mother in a fit of insanity, 1796; afterw, lived under the tender care other brother, who did not marry for her sake ; look pari in composing his " Tales from Shakespeare ;" publ. "Mrs, Leicester's Scriool," 1809; surv, her bro, for 13 years; d. 20 May, 1847. FuU-length figures, small size ; Charles Lamb seated, his sister standing to his r, ; signed, " F. S, Cary." Canvas, 45 X 34 in, 281 ANNE McVICAR, MRS. GRANT of LAGGAN (1755-1838). Mr, j. p. Grant. Tannock, Miscellaneous Writer; b. at Glasgow, 1755; spent her early years in America, where her father, a retired officer, intended lo settle ; returned to Scotland and marr. Rev. James Grant, Chaplain of Fort Augustus, 1779; Ground-floor.} Eastern Gallery (Bay 5 — Nos. 271-307). 57 after her husband's death in 1 801, adopted Literature as a profession; pub. " Poems," " Letters from the Mountains," " Essays on the Superstitions of the Highlanders of Scotland," &c. ; d. at Edinburgh, 1838. To waist ; seated ; spectacles in r. hand ; close white cap, light drab shawl, black dress. Painted 1810. Canvas, 35 X 26 in. 282 ROBERT SOUTHEY (1774-1843). LENT BY PAINTER. Mr. John Murray. Thomas Phillips, R.A. Poet; son of a linendraper at Bristol; b. 12 Aug. 1774 ; educ. at Weslm. School, and Balliol Coll. Oxf where his talents attracted notice ; gave up his plan of entering the Criurcri ; Iravell. for some lime in Spain and Portugal ; made his first appearance in the literary world as Author of the epic poems " Joan of Arc," and " Wat Tyler ;" in 1803 settled al Keswick, where he com menced a long career of incessant literary labour ; like his friends Coleridge and Wordsworth, moderated his political opinions ; pub. " The Curse of Kehama," 1810, "and "Roderick," 1814; appointed Poet-Laureate, 1813; achieved great popularity through his biographies of Nelson and Wesley, and "The Doctor;" at length fell the effects of overwork, and spent his last years in complete retirement; d. 21 March, 1843. His "Common-Place Book " was published after his death. To waist ; sealed lo 1. ; open furred coat ; holding book in his hands ; badge as Poet-Laureate. Canvas, 36 X 28 in. 283 GEORGE O'BRIEN WYNDHAM, 3RD EARL OF EGREMONT (1751-1837). Mr. Alfred T. Derby. William Derby. Eld. son of Charles 2nd E. of Egremont, and Alicia Maria, dau. of Geo. 2nd Ld. Carpenter; b. 18 Dec. 1751; Ld.-Lieut, Cuslos Rot.ul. and Vice- Admiral of the Co. of Sussex; F.R.S. and F.S.A. ; d. unmarr. 11 Nov. 1837. Three-quarter size ; seated lo I. ; writing-table lo his 1., spectacles in r. hand, dog jumping on the chair ; holding letter dated Jan. 1825. Canvas, 56 X 44 in. 284 THOMAS CAMPBELL (1777-1844). National Portrait Gallery. Sir Thos. Lawrence, P.R.A. {See No. 256,) To waist, showing 1, hand ; black coal. Canvas, 37 X 28 in, 285 GEORGE GORDON NOEL, 6th LORD BYRON (1788-1824). Lord Leigh. Thomas Phillips, R.A. Grandson of Admiral, and son of Capt, Byron; b. in London, 22 Jan. 1788 ; went with his mother to Aberdeen, where he rec, his first education ; succ, to the family litle and estates on the death of his great-uncle, 1798 ; studied al Dulwich, Harrow, and Trinity College, Cambridge, 1 800-1 807 ; resided at Newslead Abbey, and published "Hours of Idleness," 1867; "British Bards and Scotch Reviewers," 1809; took his seat in trie House of Lords; travelled on trie Continent, 1 809-11; rose to fame as a poet by trie publ, of "Childe Harold," 1812 ; marr, Isabella, dau, of Sir R, Milbanke Noel, 1 81 5; separ, i8i6; trav, in Switzerland and Italy; publ. "Manfred," 1817; "Beppo," 1818; "Don Juan," 1819; resid. al Ravenna with the Countess Guiccioli, 1820-22; al Genoa, 1823; sailed for Greece, to aid in , 58 Reign of George IV. 1820-1830. the war of liberation against the Turks, 14 July, 1823 ; d. at Missolonghi, 19 April, 1824; bu. in Hucknall Torknard Church, Notts. To waist ; looking lo r., showing r. hand ; open collar, black cloak ; signed, "T. P. ifs." Canvas, 36 X 28 in. 286 WILLIAM VAN MILDERT, BP. of DURHAM (1765-1836). LENT BY PAINTER, Bishop of Durham. Sir Thomas Lawrence, P.R.A. B, in London, 1765 ; educ, at Merch, Taylors' Sch, and Qu, CoU. Oxf ; Curate of Sherbourne, 1788; Rector of St. Mary-le-Bow, Lond. 1796; preach. the Boyle Lectures, 1802-5; appoint. Preacher of Lincoln's Inn, and Reg. Prof of Divinity, Oxf; Bp, of Llandaff, and Dean of St, Paul's, 1819; Bp. of Durham, 1826; publ. Works of Dr, Waterland, 1823; Sermons, 1831 ; d. 21 Feb, 1836. Three-quarter size; seated, full face ; episcopal robes. Canvas, 56 X 44 in. 287 REV. GEORGE CRABBE (1754-1832). Mr. John Murray. Thomas Phillips, R.A. Poet; b, at Aldborough, Suffolk, 24 Dec, 1754; brought up to the med. profession, but abandoned it for literal, ; went lo Lond, 1770; obtained the friendsh, of Burke, who pub, one of his poems, and advised riim to enter the church; ordained 1781 and soon after app, Chapl, to trie D, of Rutland ; Rector of Trowbridge, 1813 ; publ, "Trie Library," "The Village," "The Parish Register," "Tales of the Hall," &c, distinguished alike for quaint- ness, truthfulness, and patrios ; d, at Trowbridge, 8 Feb, 1832, To waist ; seated, full face, hands clasped ; landscape background to his left ; signed, "T. P. 1820." Canvas, 36 x 28 in, 288 JOHN MURRAY, F.S.A. (1778-1843). Mr. John Murray. H. W. Pickersgill, R.A. ¦ Eminent Publisher; son of John Murray, formerly an officer in the R,N. who had settled in Lond, and founded the publishing firm in 1768; b, 27 Nov, 1778; by his ability and liberal management raised his business lo trie foremost rank in the kingdom ; founded the " Quarterly Review ; " lived in friendship with Byron, Scott, Campbell, Southey, and other eminent men, whose works he published; d, 27 June, 1843, Three-quarter size; seated in arm-chair, reading from sheet of MS.; bust in background to his r. Canvas, 57 X 44 in. 289 REV. GEORGE CRABBE (1754-1832). Rev. George Crabbe. H. W. Pickersgill, R.A. {See No, 287.) Bust ; seated ; nearly full face ; black dress. Canvas, 30 X 25 in, 290 JAMES HENRY LEIGH HUNT (1784-1859). Mr. Samuel Laurence. Samuel Laurence. Poet and miscellaneous writer ; son of Isaac Hunt, an Amer. barr. set. in Engl.; b, at Southgate, Middlesex, 19 Oct. 1784; educ, at Christ's Hospil, ; commenc, riis literary career soon after leaving school, as a theatrical critic ; found, with riis brother the " Examiner," for the purpose of promoting liberal opinions and Pari, Reform, 1808; prosecuted for his articles, and condemn. lo two years' imprisonment and a fine of 500/, 181 2; continued lo write in a Ground-floor.} Eastern Gallery (Bay 5 — Nos. 271-307). 59 liberal sense after his liberation ; spent some years in Italy, in friendship with Ld. Byron and SheUey; pub. "The Story of Rimini," "Wit and Hu mour," " The Old Court Suburb," " Men, Women, and Books," &c. ; receiv. a Government pension, 1847; d. at Putney, 28 Aug. 1859. Three-quarter size; seated to r. with open book in 1. hand. Canvas, 44 X 36 in. 291 WILLIAM FREND, M.A. (1760-1841). LENT BY PAINTER. Mr. H. Tyrwhitt Frend. William Fowler. B, about 1760; Fellow and Tutor of Jesus Coll. Camb.; auth. of "Even ing Amusements in Algebra;" wrote a pamphlet, " Peace and Union," which led lo his trial at Camb. and banishm. from the Univ, ; d, 1841. Bust; fuU face, seated; black coat; white cravat, Canvas, 30 x 25 in. 292 THOMAS MOORE (1779-1852). Mr. John Murray, Sir Thomas Lawrence, P.R.A. The national poet of Irel. ; b. in Dublin, 1779; educ. at Dublin Univer. ; came lo London, 1799; pub. his "Translation of Anacreon," 1800; obtain. a Governm, appoint, at Bermuda, to which he appointed a deputy ; Iravell. in the United States, 1803; pub, on his return " Odes and Epistles," 1806; fought a duel with Jeffrey (No, 314), on account of his severe criticism in the "Edinburgh Review;" became the friend of Ld, Byron, i8ii ; wrote "Irish Melodies ;" " Intercepted Letters," satires against the. Prince Regent, 1813 ; pub, "Lalla Rookh," 18 17; travelled with Ld. John Russell, in France and Italy; pub, "Memoirs of Ld. Edward Fitzgerald," 183 1; "Travels of an Irisri Gentleman," 1833 ; " History of Ireland," 1835 ; edited the Letters and Journals of Ld. Byron; rec. a Government pension, 1835; d, at Sloperton Cottage, 26 Feb. 1852. Bust, looking to 1. ; black coat and cravat. Panel, 30 X 25 in. 293 REV. HENRY FRANCIS CARY (1772-1844). Mr. F. S. Cary. F. S. Cary. Translator of Dante; son of a Captain in the Army; b. al Gibraltar, 1772 ; educ. at Rugby, and Ch. Ch. Oxf ; Curate of Abbot's Bromley and Kingsbury; engaged in literary work as conlrib. lo the " Gentleman's" and "London Magazines;" app. Assist.-Keeper of printed books in the Bril. Mus. 1825 ; edit, the works of Milton, Pope, Cowper, Thomson, and Young; pub, his celebrated trans, of Dante; resign, his office 1837, when unsuccess. in his application for the Chief Librarianship ; d. 1844. Three-quarter length, small size; seated in arm-chair, resting head on 1. hand; black dress. Canvas, 18 x 14 in. 294 WILL. MONTAGU, 5TH D. OF MANCHESTER (1768-1843). Duke of Manchester. Saunders. Son of Geo. 41h Duke, and Eliz. eld. dau. of Sir James Dashwood, Bart. ; b. 1768; marr. Lady Susan Gordon, 3rd dau. of Alexan. 41h D. of Gordon; was Gov. of Jamaica, Collector of the Customs for the Port of London, and Ld. Lieut, of Huntingdonshire ; d. 18 March, 1843. Bust to 1. ; dark green coal. Canvas, 26 X 2 1 in. 6o Reign of George IV. 1820-1830. 295 THEODORE EDWARD HOOK (1788-1841). LENT BY PAINTER. National Portrait Gallery. E. U. Eddis. Dramatist, Novelist, and Wit; son of James Hook, the composer; b. in London, 22 Sept. 1788; educ. al Harrow; early disting. by his talents as a mimic and improvisatore ; wrote al 17 "The Soldier's Return," a drama; gained the favour of the Pr. Regent ; app, Account.-Gen. of the Mauritius, 1813 ; return. 1819, sent lo prison for defalca. committed by his subordinate ; wrote in prison his " Sayings and Doings," which earn, him a wide repulal. ; released soon after ; pub. the novels, " The Parson's Daughler," " Gilbert Gurney," " Jack Brag," " Births, Deaths, and Marriages," &c. ; also known as Editor of the Newspaper, "John BuU;" d. at Fulham, 24 Aug, 1841. Bust to r. ; black dress. Canvas, 29 X 25 in, 296 SAMUEL TAYLOR COLERIDGE (1772-1834). Mr. John Murray. Thomas Phillips, R.A. Poet, Philos. and Theol. ; b. at Otlery St. Mary, Devonsh. 20 Oct. 1772; educ, al Christ's Hosp. and Jesus Coll, Camb,; known for his manifold ac quirements, and in early life for his extreme opinions; projected with Southey the model colony " Pantisocracy ; " visited Germany lo study German priilos, and literal, ; on his return wrote for trie ministerial " Morning Post" and "Courier;" for some time Sec, to Gov, Sir Alex, Ball al Malta; went to live in the Lake district in comp, with Soutriey; left his family at Keswick, 18 10, and settled at Highgate; exercised great influ, on his contemp, in endeav, lo counteract the materialistic lendenc of the lime ; auth, of trie " Ancient Mariner," " Criristabel," " Lay Sermons," " Con fessions of an Inquiring Spirit," " Aids lo Reflection," &c, ; also pub. a translation of Schiller's " Wallenstein;" d, at Highgate, 25 July, 1834. To waist ; seated, looking lo r, showing r, riand ; black dress. Canvas, 36 X 28 in, 297 SAMUEL TAYLOR COLERIDGE (1772-1834). National Portrait Gallery. Washington Allston, A.R.A. {See No. 296.) Half-lenglri ; seated, looking lo r. ; black dress ; painted at Bristol, 1 8 14. Canvas, 45 X 34 in. 298 REV. EDWARD IRVING (1792-1834). Mr. S. B. Robertson. Andrew Robertson. Found, of the sect of the " Irvingites ;" b. al Annan, Scotl. 4 Aug. 1792 ; educ. al Edinb. University; schoolmaster al Haddington and Kirkcaldy, 1810-15 ) commenced his career as a preacher at Annan, 1815 ; appointed assistant to Dr. Chalmers at Glasgow, 1819 ; preacrier al the Caledonian Chapel, Hatton Garden, 1822; excit. gener. notice by his eloquence; became the friend of Coleridge, Frere, and H. Drummond ; tried before the London Presbytery, for alleged heresy in his work " Criurcri and State," and exp. from riis office, 1831 ; founded trie " Calriolic and Apostolic Church ; " pub. " Babylon and Infidelity foredoomed," " Sermons on the Trinity," " Last Days," " Orations," &c. ; d, on a tour in Scotl. al Glasgow, 7 Dec. 1834. Head ; profile lo 1, Crayon, paper, 30 X 24 in, 299 WILLIAM GODWIN (1756-1836). Sir Percy Shelley, Bt. James Northcote, R.A. Political and miscellaneous Writer ; son of a Dissenting Minister ; b, at Wisbech, 3 March, 1756; stud, at the Dissent, Coll,, Hoxlon, and enter, on Ground-floor.} Eastern Gallery (Bay 5 — Nos. 271-307), 61 his profession as a preacher, but abandoned il for a literary career, 1783 ; conlrib, to the "Annual Register;" produced great sensation by riis Trea tise on "Political Justice," advocal, trie principles of trie Frencri Revolu. 1793, and the philosophical novel " Caleb Williams," 1794; pub, a pamphlet in favour of the acquittal of Hardy, ThelwaU, and Home Took; marr, Mary WoUstonecrafl, 1797; opened a bookseller's sriop, 1801 ; wrote trie novels, " St. Leon," " Fleetwood," " MandeviUe ;" " History of the Life and Age of Chaucer," " History of the Commonwealth," " Thoughts on Man," &c, ; app. Yeoman-usher lo the Excheq, under the admin, of E, Grey; d, 7 Apr, 1836, , Bust to 1, profile ; dark-furred cloak. Dale at back, " 1802," Canvas, 30 X 25 in. 300 ALLAN CUNNINGHAM (1785-1842). LENT BY PAINTER. LiEUT.-CoL. F. Cunningham. William Boxall, R.A. Poet and Hist. ; b. at Blackwood, Dumfriessh. 7 Dec. 1785, of humble parents ; appren. lo a stonemason, 1796 ; educ. himself by much private read ing; went to Lond, 18 10; first earned his livelihood as a reporter for the Press ; became princip, assist, in the studio of Chantrey, the sculpt. ; at the same lime successfully devoted himself lo literal. ; wrote " Sir Marma duke Maxwell," a drama; "Paul Jones," and "Sir Michael Scott," novels; " Lives of Brit. Painters, Sculptors, and Architects," &c, ; d. in London, 29 Oct. 1842. To waist, small size ; looking up lo r, leaning on 1, hand. Panel, 19 X 14 in. 301 WILLIAM HAZLITT (1778-1830). Mr. W. C. Hazlitt. John Hazlitt. Critic and Essayist; son of a Dissent, minist.; b. 1778; educ. at the Unitarian Coll. Hackney ; began life as an artist ; afterw. devoted hims. to politics and literature ; for many years on the staff of the " Examiner" and " Morning Chronicle ;" pub. " The Spirit of the Age," " Political Essays and Sketches of Public Characters," " The Literature of the Elizabethan Age;" recognised as a critical authority on the drama and the fine arts; d. 1830. Bust, three-quarter size ; face to I. ; black coat. Canvas, 27 X 24 in, 302 GEORGE GORDON NOEL, 6th LORD BYRON (1788-1824). Mr. William Smith. R. Westall, R.A. {See No. 285.) To waist, seated ; looking up to r. ; resting head on r. hand. Canvas, 30 X 25 in. 303 JAMES MONTGOMERY (1771-1854). Mr. John Blackwell, John Jackson, R.A. Poet; son of a Moravian Missionary ; b, al Irvine, Ayrshire, 4 Nov, 1771 ; left lo be educ, in Yorksh, while his parents went lo the West Indies, where they both died ; for some time shopman lo a bookseller in London ; early began to write verses ; conducted the " Sheffield Iris " for thirty-one years ; fined and impris, for reprint, a song of "The Fall of the Bastille, 1794;" nevertheless, continued to write in a liber, sense ; pub. his " Prison Amuse ments," 1797; the "Ocean," 1806; "Wanderer in Switzerland," 1809; " The World before the Flood," 1812; "The Pehcan Island and other poems," 1828; "The Christian Psalmist," &c, ; received a Government pension, 1846; d. 30 April, 1854, To waist, seated lo 1,, black coal. Marked al back, " Painted 1 830," Canvas, 30 X 25 in. 62 Reign of George IV. 1820-1830. 304 THOMAS NORTON LONGMAN (1770-1842). LENT BY PAINTER. Mr. Thomas Longman. Thomas Phillips, R.A. Late head of the great publishing firm of Longman & Co, in Paternoster Row, London; b. 1770; d. from trie effects of a fall from his horse, 28 Aug. 1842. To waist, seated to r,, showing both hands, letter in 1, signed " T. P." Canvas, 36 X 28 in, 305 SIR RICHARD PHILLIPS, Kt. (i 768-1840). Miss Emily Phillips. Son of a farmer near Leicester ; b, 1768 ; for some time schoolmaster ; sub sequently editor of the " Leicester Herald ;" imprisoned for three years on account of political articles in trial paper ; bookseller in London ; founded the "Monthly Magazine" and the "Antiquary's Magazine;" elected Sheriff of Lond, 1807; knighted, 1808; founded the " Sheriffs' Fund ; " author of "A Million of Facts, of Correct Data and Elementary Constants," &c, ; d. 1840. Bust; dark coat, white waistcoat. Dated at back "1828," Canvas, 30 X 25 in. 306 HARTLEY COLERIDGE (i 796-1849). Sir G. H. Beaumont, Bart. Sir David Wilkie, R.A. {See No. 272,) To waist, small size, as a boy ; full face, open frill, and dark jacket. Oval, card-board, 9 x 7 in. 307 WILLIAM HAZLITT (1778-1830). Mr. W. C. Hazlitt. W. Bewick. {See No. 301,) Head ; smaU size profile to r. Crayon, paper, 16^ X 13. SIXtH BAT {Nos. 308 to 334). 308 JOHN CHARLES, 3RD E. SPENCER (1782-1845). Earl Spencer, K.G. Sir Martin A. Shee, P.R.A. Statesman ; better known as Visct. Althorp ; son of George John, 2nd E, ; b. 30 May, 1782; educ. at Harrow, and Trin. CoU. Camb,; M.P, for North ampton, 1806; generally supported the measures of trie Whigs ; Chan, of the Excheq. 183 1 ; Leader of the Ho, of Commons on the passing of the Reform Bill, 1832; succ, lo the Peerage, 1834; took great interest in trie promotion of agriculture and industry; d, i October, 1845, To waist, sealed to 1, ; claret-coloured coat. Painted i8oo. Canvas, 20 X 25 in 309 REV. SYDNEY SMITH (1777-1845). Sir Henry Holland, Bt. M.D. E. U. Eddis. Wit and Humourist; b, at Woodford. Essex, 1777; educ, at Winchester and New Coll, Oxf; Curate of Nethera von, WiUs; Iravell, for some time m Germany; went to Edinburgh, wriere, witri Jeffrey, Brougriam, and Murray, he founded the "Edinburgh Review;" removed to London; look Ground-floor.} Eastern Gallery (Bay 6 — Nos. 308-334). 63 an influential part, on the Whig side; in the political discussions of the time, " always endeavouring to fight against evil;" lectured on belles lettres al trie Roy. Institution ; was appoin. Canon Residentiary of St, Paul's ; enjoyed a wide reputation for his brilliant witticisms, and as author of many Essays in the " Edinburgh Review ;" " Letters of Peter Plymley," &c, d, 21 Feb, 1845. To waist, looking to r, ; L hand resting on book. Painted 1846. Can vas, 30 X 35 in. Posthumous portrait, 310 CHARLES GREY, 2nd EARL GREY (i 764-1845). LENT BY PAINTER, Earl Grey, K.G. Sir Thomas Lawrence, P,R.A. Eld. son of Sir Chas, Grey, ist E. Grey; b. 13 Mar, 1764; M,P. for Northumberland, 1786, joining trie Whigs; ist Ld, of the Admiralty when Mr. Fox came into power, 1806 ; succ, him as Sec. of For, Affairs ; in oppos. 1807-30; islLd. of Treas, 1830 lo 1834, when he retired; d. 17 July, 1845, Half-length, standing ; 1. arm resting onpedestaL Panel, 44 x 30 in, 311 WM. MAGEE, ARCHB. OF DUBLIN (1765-1831). The Dean of Cork, H. Hamilton. A learned Divine; b. 1765; educ, at Trin. Coll, Dubl.; Assist, Prof of Oriental Languages and Prof of Mathemal, al his CoU, ; pub. " Discourses on the Scriptural Doctrines of the Atonem, and Sacrifice," i8oi ; app. Dean of Cork, 1813; Bp.. of Raphoe, 1819; Archbp. of Dubl. 1822; d. Aug. 1831. Bust ; seated to r., black dress. Canvas, 31 x 26 in. 312 SAMUEL ROGERS (1762-1855). Miss Rogers. Sir Thomas Lawrence, P.R.A. Poet ; son of a London banker ; b. at Stoke Newington, 1762 ; educ, privately; became a partner in his father's bank, but chiefly cultivated his talent for poetry; pub. "The Pleasures of Memory," 1792; "Jacqueline," a tale, 1814; "Italy," 1822; formed a valuable collection of works of Art, and was known for his literary and artistic tastes ; d. 18 Dec. 1855, Bust ; full face. Oval, crayon, paper, 27 X 22 in. 313 THOS. 1ST LORD DENMAN, Ch. Just. (1779-1854). Sir Herbert Denman Croft, Bt. Sir M. A. Sbee, P.R.A. Lawyer; b. in Lond. 1779; educ. at Palgrave Sch. Norfolk, and St. John's Coll. Camb,; barrist.-at-law, 1806; M,P. for Wareham, 1818; for Nottingham, 1819-32 ; at once joined the Whig Opposition ; disting. by the part he look in Q. Caroline's trial as one of her counsel, 1820; Com.-Serj., of the city of Lond, 1822; Attor,-Gen, 1830-32; Chief Just, of Q, Bench, 1832; crea, Ld, Denman, 1834; d, 1854, Three-quarter size, seated lo r, ; robes as Ch. Just. Canvas, 56 X 44 in. 314 FRANCIS, LORD JEFFREY (i 773-1850). Mrs. Empson. Colvin Smith. Lawyer and writer; son of a lawyer; b, at Edinb, 23 Oct 1773; ednc, at the High Sch, and Glasgow Univ.; called to the Scotch Bar, 1794; together with Brougham and Sydney Smith founded the "Edinburgh Review," of which he was the editor, 1802-29; Ld, Rector of the Univ. of Glasgow, 1821; Ld. Advocate in E. Grey's Ministry, 1830; M.P. for Edinb. 1832; raised lo the Bench, 1834; pub. a selection of his conlrib. lo the " Edinburgh Review;" d. 26 Jan. 1850, Bust, showing 1, hand ; full face. Canvas, 30 x 25 in. 64 Reign of George IV. 1820-1830. 315 WILL. LAMB, VISC, MELBOURNE (1779-1848). LENT BY PAINTER. Viscountess Palmerston. Sir Thomas Lawrence, P.R.A. Statesman; 2nd son of the ist Ld, Melbourne; b, 15 March, 1779; educ. at Eton, Camb, and Glasgow ; became heir lo the Peerage on the death of his elder brother, 1805 ; ent. Pari, as a member of the Liberal parly; app. Sec. for Irel. under Canning, 1827; Home Sec. under Ld. Grey, 1830; Premier, 1834, and again 1835-41 ; d. at Brocket Hall, Herts, 24 Nov. 1848. To waist, looking to I. ; dark dress, while cravat. Canvas, 30 X 25 in. 316 GEN. SIR ARCHIBALD CAMPBELL of AVA, Bt. (1770-1843). Lady Campbell. John Wood. Son of a Lieut, in the 42nd Scotch Highlanders ; b. 1770; enl. the Army, 1787; serv. in India und. Ld. Cornwallis and Sir R, Abercromby, 1789-1801 ; disting, hims, in the Peninsular War, 1808-14; return, as Brig,-Gen, lolndia, and selected lo comm, trie expedi, against Burmah, 1824; captur, Rangoon and Prome, and compell, the Burmese lo treat for peace, 1825 ; crea, a Barl, and appointed Lieut-Governor of Nova Scotia, 1831 ; d, 1843, Half-length, military uniform; covered with decorations, 1. hand resting on sword. Canvas, 44 X 35 in, 317 ROBERT PLUMER WARD (1765-1846). Mr. j. H. Hippisley, Henry P. Briggs, R.A. Politician and Novelist; son of a merchant at Gibraltar; b, 1765; educ. al Ch, Cri, Oxf; called lo trie Bar, 1790; became known by his work on " International Law in Europe," 1795 ; elect, M,P, for Cockermouth, as a supporter of Mr. Pill, 1802 ; Under Sec, of Foreign Affairs, 1805 ; Ld, of the Admiralty, 1807; Clerk of the Ordna, 181 1-23; retir, in 1823 from pubhc life, and occup, his leisure witri literary pursuits ; aulrior of " Tremaine," "De Clif ford," &c,, and various essays; d, at riis seat, Okeover HaU, Stafford, 1846, To waist ; full face, dark cloak witri fur collar. Canvas, 30 x 25 in, 318 RT. HON. JAMES ABERCROMBY, LORD DUNFERMLINE (1776-1858). Lord Dunfermline, Sir J. Watson Gordon, R,A. P.R.S.A. 3rd son of General Sir Ralph Abercromby; b, 7 Nov, 1776; called lo the Bar, 1800; Judge-Adv,-Gen, 1827; Chief Baron of Scotl, 1830; Master of the Mint, and Member of the Government, 1834; Speaker of the Ho, of Commons, 1835; resigned and crea, Ld Dunfermline, 1839; d, 17 April, 1858, Three-quarter size ; seated to I, ; stick in r, hand, gloves in I, ; painted Dec, 1854, Canvas, 50 x 40 in, 319 HENRY BROOKE PARNELL, ist LORD CONGLETON (1776-1842). Lady Henry Moore. Samuel Lane. 2nd son of Sir Jorin ParneU, Irish Chan, of ihe Excheq, ; b, 3 July, 1776 ; succ, to the family estates on the deatri of his father in 1801, instead of his elder bro. ; ent. Pari. 1802; succ. to the title on the death of riis bro. 1812; gain, consid. influence in Pari, in ah matters connected with Finance ; raised lo the Peerage, 1841 ; d. 8 June, 1842. Three-quarter size ; seated in arm-chair, 1. arm resting on writing- table. Canvas, 56 x 44 in. Ground-floor.} Eastern Gallery (Bay 6 — Nos. 308-334), 65 320 WILLIAM IV. (1765-1837). LENT BY PAINTER. Her Majesty (Windsor Castle). Sir Martin A. Shee, P.R.A. , 3rd son of George IIL; b. 21 Aug. 1765; ent. the Navy, 1779; graduaUy rose lo the rank of Rear-Adm. of the Blue, when he ret. from active service, 1790; crea. D. of Clarence, 1789; Adm. of the Fleet, 1811; marr. Adelaide, Princess of Saxe-Meiningen (No. 328), 11 July, 1818 ; Ijecame heir-pre sumptive to the throne by the death of the Duke of York, 1827 ; succ. GeOrge IV. 26 June, 1830 ; d. 29 June, 1837. ¦ FuU-lenglh, standing, looking tor, ; royal robes, mantle and collar, K,G, ; resting r. hand on sword. Windsor Castle in distance. Canvas, 106 x 70 in. 321 THOMAS SPRING RICE, ist LD, MONTEAGLE (1790-1866). LAdy Monteagle. E. U. Eddis. Statesman ; son of Stephen Edw, Rice, Esq. of Mt. Trenchard, Limerick ; b. al Limerick, 8 Feb. 1790; educ. al Trin, CoU. Camb. ; M.P. for Limerick, 1820-32 ; voted with the Whigs ; Under-Sec of Stale for Home Affairs, 1827; Sec. of the Treas. 1830; Sec. for the Colonies, 1834; Chan, of trie Excheq. 1835-39; appoint. Comptroller of the Excheq. and raised to the Peerage, 1839; d. at his seat near Limerick, 7 Feb. 1866. ; Three-quarter size, seated to r. ; official robes. Canvas, 50 X 4° in. 322 CHARLES EDWARD POULETT-THOMSON, LD. SYDENHAM (1799-1841). Mr. G. Poulett Scrope, M.P. Reynolds. Son of J. Poulett Thomson, a Lond. merch. ; b. 1799 ; correspond, of his father's firm at St. Petersburg, 1819; M.P. for Dover, 1826; M.P. for Man chester and Vice-Pres. of the Bd, of Trade, 1832; Pres, of the Bd, of Trade, 1834; Gov,-Gen, of Canada, 1839; raised lo the Peerage, 1840; d, in the midst of a successful administration from trie effects of a fall from his horse, 19 Sept, 1841, Half-length, standing to r, ; r. hand on table, black dress; painted in J 833. Canvas, 50 x 4° in- 323 SIR HERBERT TAYLOR, G.CB. (1775-1839)- Colonel Disbrowe. Son of Rev, Edward Taylor ; b, 29 Sept, 1775 ; enl, the Army ; Assist. Mil Sec, to the Duke of York during the campaign in Flanders, 1793-95 ; Priv, Sec, to the D. 1 799-1 805 ; served in Holland, 1813-14; afterw, Priv, Sec 10 King George III, and Queen Charlotte, and one of the trustees of the King's private properly ; Priv, Sec, to Geo, IV, and Will, IV, ; M.P, for Windsor, 1820-23 ; Lieut,-Gen. 1825 ; d. al Rome, 20 April, 1839, Full-length, smaU size; seated at breakfast-table. Canvas, 23 x 19 in, 324 WM. HOWLEY, ARCHBP. OF CANTERBURY (1765-1848). Mr, W. Howley Kingsmill. C. R, Leslie, R,A. B at Ropley, Hants, where his father was Vicar, 1765; educ, at Win chester and 'New Coll, Oxf; settled in the University; appoin, Reg, Prof, of F 66 Reign of William IV. 1830-1837. Divinity, 1809; Bp, of Lond. 1813; Archbp, of Canterbury, 1828; foremost among trie opponents of Calriolic Emancipa, and the Reform Bill ; d, 1848. ¦ Three-quarter smaU size, seated lo 1, ; near study table. Panel, 1 3 X 1 1 in. 325 JOHN GEORGE LAMBTON, ist EARL OF DURHAM (1792-1840). LENT BY PAINTER. Earl of Durham. Sir Thomas Lawrence, P.R.A. Statesman; eld, son of W, H, Lambton, Esq,, M,P, for Durham; b, 12 April, 1792 ; ent. trie Army; marr. Lady Louisa Elizab. 2nd dau. of E. Grey, 181 6 ;, ent. Pari, as member for the Co. of Durham, and became noted as an ardent Liberal ; supported Canning, 1827; crea. Baron Durriam, 1828; Privy Seal in E. Grey's Ministry, 1830; took the lead of the movement parly in the struggle for the Reform BiU; Ambass. al St. Petersb. 1835-37; Gov. Gen, of Canada, 1838; returned trie same year; d, 28 July, 1840, To waist, as a young man, showing 1, hand, holding crimson-lined cloak ; furred coal. Panel, 30 X 25 in, 326 SIR CHAS. MANSFIELD CLARKE, Bt. M.D. F.R.S. (1782-1857). Miss Clarke. Samuel Lane. Priysician ; son of a surgeon ; b, in London, 28 May, 1782 ; edu, al St. Paul's sch,; admitt to trie R, CoU, of Surg, 1804; F,R,S, 1825 ; Licent, of trie R,. Coll, of Priysic, 1827; app. Priysic, lo Q, Adelaide, 1830; crea, a Bart, 1831 ; D,C,L, Oxf 1845 5 d, at Brighton, 1857, Three-quarter size, seated, resting head on r, riand, paper in I, hand. Dated at back "Aug, 21, 1847," Canvas, 50 X 40 in, 327 GEO, FITZCLARENCE, ist E, of MUNSTER, K.G. (1794-1842), Royal Asiatic Society. James Atkinson. Eld, son of trie D, of Clarence, afterw. King Will, IV, and Mrs, Jordan ; b, 29 Jan, 1794; enl, the Army, and served under Sir John Moore and Sir Arthur Wellesley in trie Peninsula, 1809-14; Aide-de-Camp lo Ld, Hastings as Gov,- Gen, of India, 1815 ; distinguisri, riimself in trie Mariratta war, 1817; crea, E, of Munster, 1831 ; d, 20 Marcri, 1842, Bust to I, ; peer's robes and ribbon K,G, Canvas, 30 X 25 in, 328 QUEEN ADELAIDE (1792-1849), Her Majesty (WindsorCastle). Corden, aft. F. Winterhalter. Eld. criild of George, D, of Saxe Meiningen and Louisa, dau, of Criristian Albert, Pr, of Horienlolie Langenburg; b, 13 Aug, 1792; marr, trie D, of Clarence, 11 July, 1818; became Qu, of Engh on the accession of the D, of Clarence as William IV, 1830; Queen Dowager, 1837; d, 2 Decem, 1849, Half-length ; seated to left in arm-criair, paper in left riand ; copied by Mr, Corden, from trie original by F, Winterhalter, Oct, 1849, Canvas, 36X28, 329 HENRY PETTY FITZMAURICE, 3RD MARQUIS OF LANSDOWNE, K,G, (1780-1863), Marquis of Lansdowne, Sir Thos, Lawrence, P,R.A. Statesman ; younger son of Wm, Petty, 2nd E, of Shelburne and ist Marq, pf Lansdowne ; b, 2 May, 1780 ; educated at Westminster, Edinburgh, Ground-floor.} Eastern Gallery (Bay 6 — Nos. 308-334). 67 and Cambridge ; M.P. for Calne, 1801 ; M.P. for Univ. of Camb., wriere he defeated Lord Palmerston, and Chan, of the Excheq, 1806; advoc. Cathol. Emancipa. and all liberal measures of Reform; succ. lo trie Peerage, 1809; Home Sec. 1828; Min. of Foreign Affairs, 1829; Pres. of trie Council, and Leader of the Ho. of Lords, 1831-41 ; distin. for his enlighten, encouragement of science and art; quitted office, 1852, but to trie last retained considerable infiuence with his parly; d. al Bowood, 31 Jan. 1863. Three-quarter size ; standing, looking to r., 1. hand resting on pedestal. Canvas, 55 x 44 in. 330 ADOLPHUS FRED. DUKE OF CAMBRIDGE (1774-1850). LENT BY PAINTER. H.R.H. Duchess of Cambridge. Sir Wm. Beechey, R.A. Youngest son of George III, ; b, 24 Feb. 1774; educ. al Gottingen; serv, under the Duke of York in Flanders ; app, Col,-in-Chief of the King's German Legion, 1803; Field-marsh. 1813 ; Viceroy of Hanover, 1815-37; mar, in 1818 Princess Wilhelmina Louisa of Hesse, by whom he had issue the present D, of Cambridge and the Princess Mary ; return, to Engl. 1837 ; d. 8 July, 1850. Bust to r. ; black coat, star K.G. Canvas, 30 X 25 in. 331 REV. ADAM CLARKE, LL.D. (1762-1832). Rev. a. Clarke Rowley. John Jackson, R.A. Theologian ; son of a schoolmaster ; b. at Magherafelt, co. Londonderry, 1762; educ. in trie Wesleyan Scri. at Kingswood, near Bristol; became a travel. Methodist preacher, 1780; pub. a "Bibhographical Diction.," " Com ment, on trie Bible," "Memoirs of trie Wesley Family," &c. ; d. 26 Aug, 1832. To waist ; black dress ; painted in 1823, Canvas, 30 x 25 in. 332 HON. MARY MONCKTON, COUNTESS OF CORK AND ORRERY (1747-1840). Viscount Galway, M.P. Henry P. Briggs, R.A, Youngest daughter of John, ist Visct, Galway; b. 21 May, 1747 ; marr. Edmund, 7th E, of Cork and Orrery, 1786; d, 30 May, 1840, Half-length ; seated in arm-chair, fuh face ; white satin dress. Canvas, 50 X 40 in. Painted when about 90. 333 ADMIRAL SIR EDWD. CODRINGTON, G.C-B. (1770-1851). Gen. Sir W. J. Codrington, G.C.B. Sir T. Lawrence, P.R.A. B. 1770; enl. the Navy, 1783; took part in the battles of Brest and Trafalgar, and in trie Walcheren Expedition; served on the Medit. station during the Peninsular War; assisted al the attack on New Orleans, 1814; gained the " untoward" victory at Navarino, where the Turkish fleet was destroyed, 1827; retired from active service, and sal in Pari, 1832-39; Com,-in-Chiefal Portsmouth, 1839; d, 185 1. ^ „ .r- r , ai To waist, looking to r. ; naval uniform, ribbon G,C,B,, Trafalgar medal, &c. Canvas, 30 X 25 in, 334 ISAAC D'ISRAELI (1766-1848). Mr. Ralph Disraeli, S, P, Denning. Essayist and historian; only son of Benjamin D'Israeli, a Venetian mer chant, settled in Lond,; b. at Enfield, May, 1766; intended for a mercantile 68 Reign of William IV. 1830-1837. career, but preferred literature ; lived for some time in Holland and France ; returned to England, 1790; and entirely devoted himself lo literary labours; auth, of " Curiosities of Literature," " Quarrels of Authors," " Calamities of Authors,'' " Commentaries on trie Life and Reign of Criarles I." for which the degree of D,C,L. was conferred on him by the University of Oxford ; afflicted with blindness, 1839; nevertheless worked on and pub, "Amenities of Literature," 1841 ; d, at Bradenriam, Bucks, 19 Jan, 1848, Half-lengtri ; seated ; miniature size ; looking to r, ; signed, " S. P. Denning, 1832," Crayon, paper, 13 x 10 in. SEVENTH BAT {Nos. 335 to 366), 335 SIR FRANCIS CHANTREY, R.A. (1781-1841). LENT BY PAINTER. LiEUT.-CoL. F. Cunningham. Sir Francis Chantrey, R.A. Sculptor; b. at Norton, near Sheffield, 1781 ; appren. lo a carver and gilder at Sheffield ; early showed great talent for drawing and modelling ; went 10 London to study al the Roy. Acad. ; eslab. his fame by his colossal busts of Howe, St. Vincent, Duncan, and Nelson, for Trinity Ho. and Green wich Hosp. ; made busts of many famous men of his lime, and the bronze statues of Geo, IV, in Brighton, Edinburgh, and London, Pitt in Hanover Square, D, of Wellington at trie Roy, Exchange, &c, ; d, 25 Nov, 1841. To waist, lo his right ; holding port-crayon in r. hand ; green coat. Canvas, 30 X 25 in. 336 THOMAS DANIELL, R.A. (1749-1840). National Gallery. Sir David Wilkie, R.A. Painter and Engraver; b. at Kingston-on-Thames, 1749; studied at trie Roy. Acad. 1773; went witri riis nepriew, William Daniell, on a sketching journey to India, 1784; returned 1794; A.R.A. 1796; R.A. 1799; edited " Oriental Scenery," a collection of engravings from his Indian Sketches ; also pub. some works relating to India; d. 19 March, 1840. Bust, full face ; fur-collared coat. Canvas, 30 X 25 in, 337 THOMAS PHILLIPS, R.A (1770-1845). Mr. H. W. Phillips. Thomas Phillips, R.A. Portrait-painter; b, al Dudley, Worceslersh. 1770; went to Lond. 1790; employed under Benjamin West in decorating St. George's Chapel, Windsor; gained distinction as a portrait-painter; R.A, 1808 ; Prof of Painting to the Roy, Acad. 1824; d, 20 April, 1845, Bust to left, showing left hand ; blue cloak. Oval canvas, 30 X 26 in, 338 SAMUEL ROGERS (1762-1855). Mrs. Gibbons. John Linnell. {See No. 312.) Half-lenglri; standing, nearly fuU face; black coal; resting 1. riand on table ; signed, "J. Linnell, f 1835." Panel, 17 x 14 in. 339 OLINTHUS GREGORY, LL.D, (1774-1841). Mr, Chas. Hutton Gregory. Richard Evans. Mathematician and misceUaneous Writer; b, at Yaxley, Huntingdonsh. 1774; publ, a "Treatise on Astronomy," 1795; Prof of Mathematics at the Roy, Mil, Acad, Woolwich, 1802-38; edit trie " Panlologia," a dictionary of Ground-fljoor.} Eastern Gallery (Bay 7 — Nos. 335-366,) 69 Arts and Sciences; pub, "Plane and Spherical Trigonometry," " Malhe- ma:tics for Practical Men," &c, ; d, 1841. Three-quarter size ; seated in library ; black dress ; book in 1, hand. Panel, 21 x 18 in. 340 THOS. COCHRANE, ioth E. OF DUNDONALD (1775-1860). LENT BY PAINTER, Earl of Dundonald, P. E. Stroehling. Admiral ; son of Archibald Cochrane, 9th E, ; b, 14 Dec 1775 ; ent. the navy, 1 793 ; Lieut, 1 796 ; became known by his daring courage as Comm, of the " Speedy," when in ten montris he captured 33 ships ; promot. Post- Capt, 1 801 ; succeed, in destroying a large portion of the French fleet in Basque Roads, 1809; M,P, for Honiton and Westminster; attacked the system of naval administration ; tried on charges connected with the Stock Exchange, and deprived of his rank in the navy and his seat in Pari, 1814 ; went abroad and ser^'ed in the navies of the Soutri Amer, Slates, where he helped in the establishment of the republic of Chili and the empire of Brazil ; restored to his naval rank, 1830 ; succeed, to the earldom, 1831 ; promoted Vice-Admiral, 1841 ; G.CB, 1847 ; spent trie rest of riis life in writing his "Autobiography," in vindication Of his fame ; d, 30 Oct i860, FuU-length, small size ; standing on deck of ship, looking lo r„ foot rest ing on gun-carriage ; signed, " Stroehling," Copper, 24 X 18 in, 341 REV. JOHN THOMSON (1778-1840). Nat. Gall, of Scotland. R. S, Lauder, R.S.A. Clergyman and Painter; b, in Ayrsh, i Sept, 1778; presented lo the parish of Duddingstone, 1805 ; cultival, his talent for painting and regularly exhib, with the Soc, of Assoc, Artists of Edinb, 1808-40 ; much adm, for his landscapes in the Italian style ; an hon, memb, of the R, Scotl, Acad, but would not join any incorp, body of Arts, ; d, at Duddingstone, 20 Oct, 1840, Half-length, small size ; standing, full face ; clerical dress ; 1, hand resting on open book ; easel with picture lo his 1, Canvas, 25 X 21 in. 342 MARY ELIZ. BRABAZON, COUNTESS GREY ( -1861), Earl Grey, K.G. ,Sir Thos. Lawrence, F.R.A. Only dau, of Wm, Brabazon, ist Ld, Ponsonby; marr, i8th Nov, 1794, Charles, 2nd E, Grey; d, 26 Nov, 1861, {See No, 352,) FuU-lenglh ; sealed to r, on a couch ; low black dress, crimson scarf, flowers behind. Canvas, 92 X 58 in, 343 SIR DAVID WILKIE, R,A. (1785-1841). Sir W. W. Knighton, Bt. Sir David Wilkie, R.A. ¦ Painter; b, at Culls, Fifesh, 18 Nov, 1785; studied at the Royal Acad. 1805; became known by his "ViUage Politicians" and " Bhnd Fiddler," followed by a long succession of equally famous and popular pictures; elected R,A, 1811; Principal Painter to the King, 1830; knighted, 1836; painted the picture, of Her Majesty's First Council; sent to Constantinople lo paint the portrait of the Sultan ; d, on his return, on board the "Oriental," in Gibraltar Bay, i June, 1841, and was bu, at sea. To waist ; turned to r,, hands resting on sketch-book ; port-crayon in r, hand, ' Canvas, 30 X 25 in. 70 Reign of William IV. 1830-1837. 344 RICHARD PARKES BONINGTON (1801-1828). LENT BY PAINTER, Mr. W. Anthony. Mrs. Carpenter. Painter; b, al Arnold, near Nottingham, 25 Oct, 1801; went with his parents lo France, 1816; studied in the Louvre and under Baron Gros; obtained a gold medal from the French Institute for one of his marine views ; began to exhibit at the Royal Acad. 1826; excelled both in marine and coast scenes and architectural paintings ; d, prematurely, • in London, 23 April, 1828. Bust ; full face ; dark coal. Canvas, 30 x 25 in, 345 JOHN CONSTANTINE CARPUE, F.R,S, (1764-1846). St. George's Hospital. S. J. Stump. Surgeon and anatomist ; b, 3 May, 1764; Surgeon to St, George's Hosp. and lo the National Vaccine Institution; Lecturer on Anatomy; F,R.S, ; pub, "Description of the Muscles of trie Human Body," 1801, and other anatomical works; "Intro, lo Electricity," &c. 1803; d, 30 Jan, 1846. Bust ; seated to 1. ; black coal. Canvas, 30 x 24 in. 346 HENRY THOMSON, R.A. (1773-1843). Royal Academy. Sir M. A. Shee, P.R.A. Son of a purser in the navy; b. at Portsea, 1773; student al the Roy. Acad. 1790; A.R.A. 1801 ; R.A, 1804; succ. Fuseli as Keeper, Roy, Acad,; painted riistorical and fancy pictures and portraits ; d, 6 April, 1843. To waist ; sealed at table, looking lo r,, resting on 1. arm, port-crayon in r, riand. Canvas, 36 x 28 in, 347 CHARLES ROBERT LESLIE, R,A. (1794-1859). Mrs. Leslie. C. R. Leslie, R.A. B. of American parents, in London, 1794; apprenticed to a bookseller in Priiladelpriia; stud, at the Roy. Academy, 181 1 ; gained fame by his "Anne Page and Slender," 1818; and "Sir Roger de Coverley going to Church," 1820; A.R.A. 1821; R.A. 1826; app. to trie Professorsriip of Drawing in trie Mihtary Acad. West Point, United States, which rie resigned after five months, 1833; Prof of Painting at the Roy. Acad. 1848-51 ; publ, trie Life of Constable the painter, and was engaged on a Life of Sir Josh, Reynolds (completed by Tom Taylor), when he d, 5 May, 1859, Bust, small size ; looking lo 1, Panel, 9 x 6|in, 348 EDWARD HERBERT, 2nd E, OF POWIS, K.G. (1785-1848). Earl of Powis, Sir Francis Grant, P.R.A. Son of Edward, 2nd Ld, Clive, and isl E, of Powis; b, 22 March, 1785 ; marr, Lucy, 3rd dau, of James, 3rd D. of Montrose, 1818; succ, lo the title,' 16 May, 1839; was Ld,-Lieut, of Montgomerysh, ; d, 17 Jan, 1848, Three-quarter size ; seated to I, at table, holding paper in 1. hand. Canvas, 50 X 40 in, 349 WILLIAM HILTON, R.A (1786-1839). Mrs. Tatlock. Wm. Hilton, R.A. Historical Painter ; son of a portrait-painter; b, at Lincoln, 3 June 1786 ¦ stud, under John Raphael Smith and al trie Roy, Acad,; exriibited a series of classic works, 1806-10 ; the " Entombment of Christ," " Mary Anointing Ground-floor.} Eastern Gallery (Bay 7^iVw, 335-366). 71 the Feet of Je^us," and other pictures on sacred subjects, 1811-18 ; A,R,A, 1814; R,A. 1820 ; Keeper of the Roy, Academy, 1827 ; d, 30 Dec, 1839, To waist ; lo left, resting r. hand on book. Canvas, 30 X 25 in, 350 HEN. RICH. VASSALL FOX, 3RD LD. HOLLAND, LADY HOLLAND, and MR, JOHN ALLEN. LENT BY PAINTER. Earl Grey, K.G. C. R. Leslie, R.A. For Ld, Holland, see No, 354, Elizab, Vassall, Lady Holland ; dau, and heiress of Rich, Vassall, Esq, of Jamaica; marr, ist. Sir Godfrey Webster, Bt, from whom she was divorced, 1.797 ; 2nd, Hy, Richard, 3rd Ld, Holland, by whom she had issue Henry Richard, 4lh and last Ld. Holland ; famous as hostess of .the political and literary circle of Holland House; d. November, 1845. John Allen, M.D. (1770-1843) ; b. at Redford, nr. Edinb. 1770 ; educ. at Edin.Univ. ; gradua, as M,D, 1791 ;memb, of trie Pari, Reform Assoc formed in Edinb, 1792 ; lectured on Comparat, Anatomy ; in 1800 removed to London ; librar, to Henry, 3rd Ld, Holland (No, 354) ; pub, " An Inquiry into trie Rise, &c, of the Roy. Prerogal, in Engl, ;" " A Vindical, of trie Independ. of Scotl, ;" Master of Dulwicri Coll, 1820; continued an inmate and friend in Holland House lo the end of his life ; d, 3 April, 1843. Full-length figures in the library al HoUand House, Canvas, 24 X 30 in, 351 THOMAS STOTHARD, R,A. (1755-1834). National Portrait Gallery, Jas. Green, Painter ; b, in London, 1755 ; appren, lo a designer in Spitalfields ; afterw, commen, drawing illustrations for books, of which he made about 4000 ; also gained distinction as a Painter; elected R,A, 1794; Librarian lo the Roy. Acad. 1 812; d. 1834. To waist ; seated lo r., spectacles in 1. hand ; black coat. From the Coll. of Samuel Rogers as the work of Harlowe, though signed by James Green ; painted 1830. Canvas, 30 X 25 in. 352 MARY ELIZABETH BRABAZON, COUNTESS GREY, AND Her Two Eldest Daughters. Earl Grey, K.G. Sir Thos. Lawrence, P.R.A. Louisa Elizabeth, eld. dau. of the Countess; marr. J. G. Lambton, Esq. afterw. E, of Durham, 9 Dec, 1816; d, 1841, Elizabeth, 2nd dau, marr, J, C, Bulteel, Esq, May, 1826, {See also No. 342,) Three-quarter size ; seated, with two children, one with arms round her neck. Circular, canvas, 56 x 56 in, 353 SIR THOMAS LAWRENCE, P.R.A. (1769-1830), Royal Academy. Sir Thos. Lawrence, P.R.A. B, at Bristol, 1769, where his father became landl, of the White Lion Inn,. and afterw, of the Black Bear at Devizes ; noted as a child for his talent in drawing likenesses, and for his poetical recit, ; instruct, by Wm, Hoare^al Bath, and worked chiefly in crayons; at 13 received from the Soc, of Arts the silver palette; introduced lo Sir J, Reynolds, 1786; A,R,A, 1791 ; succeeded Sir Joshua as painter to the King ; painted the ports, of iUustrious persons at the Peace of 1814, now at Windsor ; went to trie Congress at Aix, lo Vienna and Rome ; knigrited, 181 5 ; sue Benjamin West as P,R,A, 1820; d, 7 Jan, 1830 ; bu, in St, Paul's Cathedral, Bust, head only finisried; full face. Canvas, 35 X 27 in. 72 Reign of William IV. 1830-1837. 354 HEN. RICH. VASSALL FOX, 3RD LD. HOLLAND (1773-1840). LENT BY PAINTER, Lady Holland. C. R. Leslie, R.A. Distinguished leader of the Whig party ; son of Steph, Fox, 2nd Ld, and nephew of Chas, Jam, Fox; b, 23 Nov, 1773 ; educ, at Eton and Oxf ; trav. several years on the Continent ; advocated Cath, Eman., Pari, Reform, and a liberal foreign policy ; Chan, of the Duchy of Lancaster, 1830 and 1834; known as a lover of Science and Art, and by his hospitality al Holland Ho. ; publ. a biography of " Lope de Vega," " Memoirs of Charles James Fox," "Memoirs of Ld, Waldegrave;" d. 22 October, 1840. {See No. 350.) To waist, seated, small size ; dark coat, slick in r. hand. Panel, 8J X 10^ in. 355 SIR JOHN GLADSTONE, ist BART. (1764-1857). Sir Thos, Gladstone, Bt. John Graham Gilbert, R.S.A. Son of Thomas Gladstone, and father of the Right Hon. W. E. Glad stone ; b, at Leitri, 11 Dec, 1764; rose lo wealth as a merchant in Liverpool; pub, several pamphi, on commercial questions ; crea, a Bl. 1846; d, Dec, 1857. Three-quarter size, seated in arm-chair, to r. ; brown coat ; signed "John Graham, 1828." Canvas, 50 X 40 in. 356 THOMAS MORTON (1765-1838). National Gallery. Sir Martin A. Shee, P.R.A. Dramatist ; wrote many popular comedies, chiefly between the years 1792 and 1828; d, 28 Mar, 1838, To waist, full face, seated ; black coat. Canvas, 30 X 25 in. 357 WM. HOOKHAM CARPENTER, F.S.A. (1792-1866). Mrs. Carpenter. Mrs. Carpenter. Son of James Carpenter, publisher ; b. in Lond. 1792; enl. his father's business ; afterwards applied himself to Literature and Art ; pub. Spence's "Anecdotes;" wrote "Pictorial Notices of Vandyke and Rubens," 1844; appoint. Keeper of Prints and Drawings in trie Brit. Mus. 1845 > effect, great irnprove. in the departm. entrust, to him; d. al trie Brit. Mus. 12 July, 1866. To waist, triree-quarter face to r. ; brown coat ; painted in 1826. Can vas, 30 X 25 in. 358 WILLIAM CLITFT, F.R.S. (1775-1849). Royal Society. Henry Schmidt. Nat. Priilos.; b. at Burcombe, near Bodmin, 14 Feb. 1775; apprent. to Jn. Hunter, trie Anatomist, 1792 ; Conservator of the Museum of the Roy. Coll. of Surgeons, 1799; F.R.S.; conlrib. papers to trie "Priilos. Transact.;" espe cially skilful in drawing and determining fossil remains; d. 20 June, 1849. To waist, sealed, sriowing riands, black coat. Dated at back "1833." Canvas, 30 X 25 in. 359 RD. WELLESLEY, MARQ. WELLESLEY, K.G. (1760-1842). Duke of Wellington, K.G. C. Fortescue Bate. Eld. son of Garrett, ist Earl of Mornington ; b. 20 June, 1760 ; succ. as Ground-floor^ J&astern Gallery (BAy 7 — Nos. 335-366). 73 2nd E. of Mornington, 1781 ; Gov.-Gen. of India; crea. Baron Wellesley, 1797, and Marq. Wellesley, i799 ; Ld. Steward; Ld.-Lieut. of Ireland, 1821, and again in 1833 ; Chamberlain of the Household; d. Sept. 2, 1842. Full-length, standing; peer's robes, collar, and mantle, K,G, ; plumed cap on table lo his 1. Signet! " C, Fortescue Bale," Canvas, 106 X 71 in. 360 THOMAS GRAY (1788-1848). LENT BY PAINTER, Mr. Richard A. Clack, Richard A, Clack. The "Railway Pioneer;" b, at Leeds, 1788; conceived trie idea of a general Iron Railway for Gl, Brit, and Ireland, which he developed in his work on " Land Steam Conveyance," and " Observat, on a General Iron Railway,'' 1819-20; was ridiculed by the public press; tried in vain to get employment, after the Railway system had been introduced ; d, forgotten and neglected at Exeter, 1848, Three-quarter, small size, seated at table ; riand resting on plan of railways. Signed, " R, A, Clack, Painted 1848, Exeter," Millboard, 15 X II in, 361 AARON MANBY, C.E. (1777-1851). Mr. Charles Manby. William Boxall, R.A. Engineer ; b, 1777 ; together with Rennie and Telford was the first to intro, cast iron into large structures ; inven, the oscillating cylinder marine engine, and planned the first iron ship which went lo sea ; d, i Dec, 1851. , Three-quarter, small size, seated, full face ; r, hand resting on paper on his knee. Panel, 24 X 18 in, 362 ADMIRAL SIR EDWD. CODRINGTON, G.C.B. (1770-1851). Lady Bourchier. Henry P. Briggs, R.A. {See No, 333,) Half-length, small size, seated to 1, ; black dress. Can vas, 20 X 17 in, 363 JOHN FIELDEN, M.P. (1784-1849). Mr. Samuel Fielden. John Bostock. Son of a manufacturer and farmer al Todmorden ; b, 1784 ; rose lo wealth as a cotton manufacturer ; look a lively interest in the condition of the work ing classes, and joined the first promoters of factory legislation ; entered Parliament as member for Oldham, 1832 ; introduced and succeeded in pass ing the Ten Hours' Bill; resigned his seal, 1847 ; d, 1849, Half-length, small size, seated to r, ; at table, leaning head on r. hand, arm resting on book. Canvas, 21 x 17 in, 364 SIR FRANCIS CHANTREY, R.A. (1781-1841). Sir G. H. Beaumont, Bt. John Jackson, R.A. {See No, 335.) To waist, seated lo r, ; black coat. Canvas, 30 x 25 in. 365 CHARLES MATHEWS. Mr. C. j. Mathews. Samuel Drummond, A.R.A. {See No. 269,) Bust ; full face, seated, dark coat. Canvas, 30 X 25 in. 74 Reign of Queen Victoria, 1837-1867. ^ 366 SIR GILBERT BLANE, Bt. M.D. (i 747-1834). LENT BY PAINTER, Coll. of Physicians. Sir Martin A. Shee, P.R.A. B. 1747; Licent.' of the Coll. of Physic. 1781; Physician-in-ordinary to George IV. and WiUiam IV. ; Bart. ; d, 1834, Head, three-quarter to 1, ; unfinished. Oval canvas, 29 x 23 in. EIGHTH BAT {Nos. 367 to 385), 367 MARIA LOUISA VICTORIA, DUCHESS of KENT, AND the princess victoria. Her Majesty (Windsor Castle). Sir Wm. Beechey, R.A. Young, child of Francis, D, of Saxe-Coburg; b, at Coburg, 17 Aug. 1786; marr, 1st, in 1803, Emich Carl, Pr, of Leiningen, who left her a widow in 1814; 2nd, in May, 1818, Edward, D. of Kent, and became mother of Her Majesty the Queen ; was left a widow, Jan, 1820 ; devol, herself to trie educa tion of her daughter and continued to live with trie Queen from her access. lo her marriage; d, at Frogmore, 16 January, 1861. {See No, 384,) Triree-quarter size, seated tol. ; Her Majesty as a child, with miniature of D, of Kent in her hands. Given to the Q, by the present King of the Belgians, 1867, Canvas, 56 x 44 in, 368 JOHN TAYLOR (1752-1832). Mr. j. Stirling Taylor. A. J. Oliver, A.R.A. Miscellaneous Writer; son of John Taylor, a celebrated oculist of Hatton Garden; b, 1752 ; followed his father's prof, and was oculist lo Geo. Ill,, Geo, IV,, and WiUiam IV, ; devoted himself mucri to literary pursuits ; many years sole proprietor of the " Sun" Newspaper ; pub, two vols of " Records of My Life," poems, &c,, the humorous piece, " Monsieur Tonson," &c.; d, 1833. To waist, full face, book in r, hand leaning on r, arm. Canvas, 34 x 27 in. 369 MARIA LOUISA VICTORIA, DUCHESS OF KENT (1786-1861). Her Majesty (Windsor Castle). F. Winterhalter. {See No, 367,) Bust, seated lo 1, ; purplish dress, trimmed with lace. Signed " F, Winterhalter, London, 1857," Oval, canvas, 25 X 20 in, 370 EDWARD, DUKE OF KENT, K,G, (1767-1820). Her Majesty (Buclcingham Palace). George Dawe, R.A. 4th son of Geo, III, ; b, 1767 ; ent, trie army, and served in Canada and the W, Indies ; K,G, 1799; Gov, of Gibraltar, 1802 ; marr, in 1818, Maria Louisa Vict,, Princess Dow, of Leiningen, and sister of Leopold, King of the Belgians, Theironly child, H,M,trieQu, wash, 24May, 1819, D,23jan, 1820. To waist, looking to r, ; military uniform, ribbon and star K.G, ; painted 1818, Signed " Geo, Dawe, R,A, pinxl," Canvas, 36 x 28 in, 371 WINTHROP MACKWORTH PRAED (1802-1839). Lady Young. Arminius Mayer. Poet and Pohtician ; b, in Lond, 26 July, 1802 ; educ. at Eton and Camb, ; e^rly excell, in humorous and elegant 7iers de soci^t^, many of which he Ground-floor.'^ Eastern Gallery (Bay %—Nos. 367-385). 75 contributed to " The Etonian," and " Knight's Quarterly" Magazines ; Tutor to Ld, Ernest Bruce, 1825-27; call, to the Bar, 1829; enl. Pari, as Mem, for St. Germains, 1830; M.P. for Yarmouth, and Sec. to the Board of Control in Sir Robert Peel's Ministry, 1834-35; M.P. for Aylesbury, 1837; d. 15 July, 1839. His Poems were edited by D. Coleridge, 1864. .To waist, seated at table, looking lo r,, with pen in r. hand. Canvas, 30 X 25 in. 372 REV. EDWARD IRVING (1792-1834). LENT BY PAINTER, Sir W. W. Knighton, Bt. Sir D. Wilkie, R.A. {See No, 298,) To waist ; full face ; black cloak. Canvas, 30 X 25 in. 373 AUG. FREDK. D. OF SUSSEX, K.G. (1773-1843). Royal Society. Thos. Phillips, R.A. 6th son of Geo, IIL; b. 27 Jan, 1773; stud, at Gottingen; marr, when a ininor. Lady Augusta Murray, whereby he incurred the King's displeasure ; joined the Whigs ; crea, D, of Sussex, 1 798 ; known as a friend of Science and Art ; elec. P.R,S, 1838 ; d, 21 Apr. 1843 ; bu, at his special desire, at Kensal Gr. Three-quarter size ; seated in chair as President of R,S. ; ribbon and star of K,G,, badge of K, St, P. Canvas, 51 x 46 in. 374 SAMUEL JAMES ARNOLD (1774-1852). Mr. T. j. Arnold. James Lonsdale. Dramatist and Musical Comp.; son of Dr, Samuel Arnold; b, 5 Dec. 1774; commenced his career by writing comedies and operatic enlerlainm. for Haymarket Theatre and Drury Lane; in 1809 establ. an Engl. Opera in trie Lyceum Trieatre, for which he wrote " The Smugglers' Tower," " The Maniac," " The Americans," and olrier success, pieces; was the first to bring out Weber's " Freischiilz " on the Engl, stage ; d, 1852, To waist ; looking to r. ; black coat. Canvas, 30 X 25 in, 375 RICHD. WHATELY, D.D. ARCHBP. of DUBLIN (1787-1863). Miss E. J. Whately. Catterson Smith, R.H.A. Distinguished Logician and Theologian; b. in London, 1787; educ. at Oriel Coll. Oxf; FeU. of his Coll, 181 1 ; Rect of Halesworlh, 1822; Prin. of St, Alban HaU, Oxf 1825 ; Prof of Polit, Economy, 1830; Archbp, of Dubhn, 1831 ; pub, " Historic Doubts relating to Napoleon Bonaparte," 182 1 ; " Ele ments of Logic," 1826; " Elements of Rhetoric," 1828; "Errors of Roman ism," "Introduc, to Politic, Economy;" promot, secular education in Irel,; d, al Dublin, 8 October, 1863. Three-quarter size ; standing ; black episcopal robes, badge of Order of St, Patrick, Canvas, 60 x 44 in. 376 RT. HON. FRANCIS EGERTON, ist EARL OF ELLESMERE, K.G. (1800-1857). Earl of Ellesmere. Edwin Long. 2nd son of George Granville, Marq, of Stafford and ist D, of Suther land; b, Jan. I, 1800; educ, al Eton and Ch, Ch, Oxf; M,P, for Bletch- ingley, 1823; Privy. Counc. and Sec, for Ireland when Marq, of Anglesey, was Ld,-Lieul. 1828 ; Sec, at War under Earl Grey's administral. 1830; M,P, 76 Reign of Queen Victoria, 1837-1867. for S. Lancash, 1834-36; crea. E. of Ellesmere, 1846; inher. the celeb, col lection of pictures formed by his great-uncle, trie last D. of Bridgewater, which he opened to the public at Bridgewater House; look an active in terest in Literature and Art ; pub. a trans, of Goethe's " Faust," " Mediter ranean Sketches," "Biog, of D, of Wellington," &c, ; d, 19 Sept, 1857, . Three-quarter size ; sealed lo r, ; black dress ; ribbon and badge of K,G. Canvas, 50 X 40 in, 377 CHAS. CHRISTOPHER PEPYS, LD. CHANCELLOR, 1ST E. OF COTTENHAM (1781-1851). LENT BY PAINTER. Earl of Cottenham. Henry P. Briggs, R.A. Son of Sir Wm, Weller Pepys, Bt, ; b, 29 April, 1781 ; called to the Bar, 1804; K.C, 1826; M,P, for Mallon, 1831 ; voted with the Whigs ; SoI,-Gen. and Master of the Rolls, 1834 ; Ld, Higri Commissioner of the Great Seal, 1835 ; Ld. Chanc. and Baron Cottenham, 1836 ; again Ld, Chanc. 1846; inherit, the family baronetcy on the deatri of riis eld, bro, 1846; crea. Visct, and E, on riis retirement from office, 1850; d, 29 April, 185 1, Full-length ; seated to 1, ; chancellor's robes ; mace on table lo his 1, ; signed, " H. P, Briggs, R,A. fecit, 1837." Canvas, 94 X 58 in. 378 WILL. LAMB, VISC. MELBOURNE (1779-1848). John Partridge. John Partridge. {See No. 315.) Three-quarter size ; seated, 1. hand resting on writing- table ; fur-lined coat. Canvas, 56 X 44 in. 379 JOHN ARCHIBALD, LD. MURRAY (1778-1859). Nat. Gall, of Scotland, Sir J. W. Gordon, R.A. P, R.S.A. Jurist ; son of Ld, Henderland, a Judge of the Ct, of Session ; b, 1778 ; educ. al trie High Sch, Edinb, and at Weslm, ; caUed to the Scotch Bar, 1799 ; entered Pari, as member for the Leith Burgris, 1832 ; succ, Jeffrey as Ld, Advocate, 1833 ; rais, lo trie Bencri, 1839 ; d, al Edin, 7 Marcri, 1859, Three-quarter size ; seated lo r, ; letter in r, hand ; black dress. Canvas, 50 X 40 in, 380 JOHN BIRD SUMNER, Archbp. of CANTERBURY (1780-1862). Rev. j. H, R, Sumner. Mrs, Carpenter. Eld, son of Rev, Robert Sumner ; b, 1 780 ; educ, al King's CoU, Camb, ; Canon of Durriam, 1820; Bp, of Chester, 1828; Archbp, of Canterbury, 1848; known as an opponent of the writers of the "Tracts for the Times;" author of " Evidences of Christianity," " Sermons on the Christian Faith," " Ser mons on the Festivals," &c, ; d, 1862, Triree-quarter size ; seated to r. ; black gown ; open book in 1. hand ; signed, " Margaret Carpenter, 1842," Canvas, 55 X 44 in, 381 SIR LANCELOT SHADWELL, V.-CHANCELLOR (1779-1850). Soc, of Lincoln's Inn. Thos. Phillips, R.A. B, 1779; educ al Eton and Camb,; Barrister, 1803; K,C, 1821; M,P. for Ripon, 1826; Vice-Chan, of Engl, 1827; also filled twice the office of Commiss, of trie Great Seal; d, 10 Aug, 1850, Half-length; seated; robes as Vice- Chanc, ; signed, "T, P,, 1842." Canvas, 56 X 44 in. Ground-floor.} Eastern Gallery (Bay 8 — Nos. 367-385), 77 382 ALBERT FRANCIS AUGUS. CHAS. EMMANUEL, PRINCE CONSORT OF ENGLAND (1819-1861), LENT BY PAINTER. Her Majesty (Windsor Castle), F. Winterhalter. Second son of Ernest, D, of Saxe Goburg ; b, al Ehrenberg, near Coburg, 26 Aug. 1819; educ, al Coburg, and the Univ. of Bonn; marr. Her Majesty, Qu, Vict, 10 Feb, 1840 ; took an active interest in the improvem, of the condit, of the poor, and the advancem, of Science and Art ; suggest, and promoted the Great International Exhibition of 185 1, and the establishm, of the SOuth Kensington Museum, 1857 ; was elected Chan, of trie Univ, of Camb, 1847; Pres, of the Brit, Assoc, for the Advancem, of Science, 1859; d, universally- regretted, al Windsor Castle, 14 December, 1861, Half-length ; standing, looking lo 1, ; dark uniform ; signed, "F, Winter halter, London, 1842." Canvas, 52 X 30 in, 383 EDWARD SMITH STANLEY, 13TH EARL OF DERBY, K.G. (1775-1851). Earl of Derby, K.G. William Derby. Eld, son of Ed, I2lh E,, and Lady Eliz, his Countess ; b, 21 Apr, 1775 ; M.P, for Preston and aft. for North Lancashire; succ, his father, 1834; Pres. of the Linnean and Zoological Societies ; cr. Baron Stanley of Bicker- staff in the lifetime of his father, 1832 ; d, 1851. Three-quarter size ; seated lo r, holding letter in left hand, plans on table to 1. ; signed, " W, Derby pinxl, 1837." Canvas, 56 x 43 in. 384 HER MAJESTY, QUEEN VICTORIA. Her Majesty (Windsor Castle). F. Winterhalter. Only dau, of Edward, D, of Kent, 4th son of Geo, III. and Louisa Victoria, Princess of Saxe-Coburg; b. 24 May, 1819; succ, to the throne, 20 June, 1837; marr, Pr, Albert, of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha, 10 Feb, i84o,.who d, 14 Dec, 1861, Half-length ; standing to r. arms folded ; white dress, rose in I, hand ; signed, "F. Winterhalter, 1842," Canvas, 52 X 39 in, 385 ED. COPLESTON, BP. of LLANDAFF (1776-1849). Misses Copleston. Sir Martin A, Shee, P.R.A. B, at Offwell, Devonsh, 1776; educ, by his father; elected to a scholarship at Corp, Crir. Coll, Oxf 1791 ; gained the Chancelloi^s prize for a Latin poem, 1793 ; Fell, of Oriel CoU, 1795; Dean of Chester, 1826; Dean of St, Paul's and Bp, of Llandaff, 1827 ; d, 14 Oct, 1849, Half-length ; sealed lo right ; episcopal habit ; cathedral of Llandaff in distance. Canvas, 50 x 40 in. 386 NINTH BAT {Nos. 386 to 413). SIR ROBERT PEEL, Bart. (1788-1850). Rev. W. B. Hawkins. Sir Thomas Lawrence, P.R.A. Statesman; son of Sir R. Peel, isl Bart.; b. at Tamworth, 5 Feb. 1788; educ. al Harrow and Oxf; M.P. for Cashel, 1809; Und.-Sec. for trie Colon. 1810; Chief Sec. for Irel. 1812-18; Home Sec. when he carried trie reform 78 Reign of Queen Victoria, 1837-1867, ^ of the Criminal Code, 1822-27; and again 1828-30, when Catholic Emancipai was carried ; resign, with the D, of Wellington, and oppos, the Reform Bill ; Prime Min, 1834-35, 1839, and 1841-46; during his last administration, in augurated a policy of Free Trade, and abolish, the Corn Laws, 1846 ; afterw. gave a general support to the Whigs ; d, from the effects of a fall from his horse, 28 June, 1850. To waist ; as a young man ; looking to 1, ; dark brown coat, yellowish waistcoat, white cravat. Canvas, 30 X 25 in. 387 CHARLES GRANT, LD. GLENELG (i 778-1866). LENT BY PAINTER. Miss F. March Phillipps. George Richmond, R.A. Statesman; son of the Rl, Hon, C, Grant, a Director of the E.I, Comp, ; b, in Bengal, 1778; stud, at Magd, CoU, Camb,; called to trie Bar, and M,P. for the Montrose Burghs, 1807 ; app. Ld. of the Treas. 181 3; Ch. Sec. for Irel. 1819 ; Pres. of the Board of Trade, 1827 ; Pres. of the Board of Control, 1830; Sec. for the Colon. 1834-39; raised to the Peerage, 1835 ; resign, his office, 1839; d. at Cannes, unmarried, 23 April, 1866. Head lo 1.; signed, "Geo. Richmond delt. 1861.'' Crayon, paper, 32 X 26 in. 388 FREDERICK JAMES LAMB, LD. BEAUVALE, afterwards 3RD VISC. MELBOURNE (1782-1853). Viscountess Palmerston. John Partridge; Son of Penislon Lamb, ist Visct; b. 17 April, 1782; enl. the diplomatic service and was for some time Ambass. at trie Court of Vienna ; raised to trie Peerage as Baron Beauvale, 1841 ; succ. lo the Viscountcy on the death of his brotrier, the Prime Minister (No. 315), 24 Nov. 1848; d. without issue, 29 January, 1853. Three-quarter size ; standing, leaning against a column, looking to r. ; holding hal in r. hand ; furred coat. Canvas, 56 X 44 in. 389 SIR THOS. FOWELL BUXTON, Bt. (1786-1845). Dowager Lady Buxton. George Richmond, R.A. Philanthropist; b. at Earls Colne, Essex, i April, 1786; educ. al Trin, Coll, Camb,; joined the firm of Truman, Hanbury, and Co, 181 1, when his connexion with the Spitalfields district awakened his interest in the cause of the poor; organised a system of relief in their favour; inquired, togetrier with his sister-in-law Mrs, Fry, into the slate of trie Prisons ; founded the Prison Discipline Society; M,P, for Weymouth, 1818-37; seconded and continued the efforts of Wilberforce, for the abolition of slavery ; advocated reform of the criminal code, education of the poor, civilizal, of Africa ; crea. a Bart 1840; d, 19 Feb, 1845, Three-quarter length, small size, standing; resting 1, hand on box on table. Water-colour, paper, 26 x 21 in, 390 RT, HON. SIR THOS. WYSE, K.C.B. (1801-1862). Mr. John Partridge. John Partridge. Diplomatist ; eld. son of Thos. Wyse, Esq. of Waterford ; b. l8oi ; educ. al Stonyhurst and Trin. Coll, Dubl,; M,P, for the County of Tipperary, 1830-32, and for Waterford, 1835-47; Ld, of trie Treas, 1839-41 ; Joint Sec, of trie Board of Control, 1846-49; Priv, Coun, and Minister at the Court of Athens, 1849 ; author of " Walks in Rome," " Oriental Sketches," &c, ; d, at Atriens, 15 April, 1862, To waist; seated at table; statuette lo riis r; painted 1846. Canvas, 28 X 36 in. Ground-floor.} Eastern. Gallery (Bay 9 — ATw. 386-413). 79 391 THOS. SLINGSBY DUNCOMBE, M.P. (1797-1861). LENT BY PAINTER. Mr. Thomas H. Duncombe. Wilkins. Sonof Thomas Duncombe and nephew of the ist Ld, Feversham; b, 1797; serv, for some time in the Army ; ent. Pari, as mem, for Hertford, 1826 ; advocal. Catholic Emancipai, and the Reform Bill ; M.P, for Finsbury, 1834-61 ; continued to vote with the advanced liberals on all questions of home and foreign policy ; d. al Brighton, 13 Nov. 1861. Bust to r, ; hussar uniform; signed "Wilkins fecit, 1824," Paper, crayon, 34 x 29 in, 392 SIR T. FOWELL BUXTON, Bt, (1786-1845). Sir T. Fowell Buxton, Bt. M.P. George Richmond, R.A. {See No. 389.) Head to 1. ; signed and dated, " Geo. Richmond delt. 1844." Crayon, paper, 31 X 25 in. 393 SHARON TURNER (1768-1847). Rev. Sydney Turner, Sir Martin A. Shee, P.R.A. Historian; b. in Lond. 24 Sept, 1768; articled lo an allor. 1773; car, on a large professional business together with his literary pursuits ; known for his researcries concerning trie Anglo-Saxons ; pub, " Hist, of the Anglo-Saxons," " History of England from the EarUest Period to the Death of Elizabeth," "Sacred History of the World," &c. ; d. 13 Feb. 1847. Bust; seated to I. ; black coat, white cravat. Canvas, 30 X 25 in. 394 THOMAS DRUMMOND, R.E. (1797-1840). Mrs. Drummond. H. W. Pickersgill, R.A. Philos. and Politician ; b. al Edinb. 1797 ; educ. at the Roy. Mil. Acad., Woolwich; ent. the Royal Engineers ; assistant to Col. Colby in the trigono metrical survey of Great Britain and Irel. 1819 ; invented and first used the lime-light, during trie survey of Irel. 1825 ; afterw, private secretary lo Ld. Spencer, and Under-Secretary for Irel, ; d, 1840, Three-quarter size; standing, nearly fuU face; h hand resting on table, on which are official papers. Canvas, 55 X 43 in. 395 SIR WILLIAM WEBB FOLLETT, Kt. (1798-1845). Mr. Edward Follett. F. R. Say. Lawyer; b. at Topsham, Devon, 1798; educ. at Exeter Grammar Sch. and Trin. CoU. Camb.; called lo the Bar, 1824; quickly rose to eminence in his profession; M.P. for Exeter and Sol.-Gen. 1834; again Sol.-Gen. 1841; Att.-Gen. 1844; went for his health to the Continent; d. soon after his return, 28 June, 1845. Three-quarter size; head resting on I. hand, book in r. ; signed, "F,R,S. 1835," Canvas, 53 X 44 in. 396 HENRY PETTY FITZMAURICE, 3RD MARQUIS OF LANSDOWNE, K.G. (1780-1863). Mr. John Partridge. John Partridge. {See No. 329.) Triree-quarter size ; seated in arm-chair, beside writing- table, metal-mounted casket on table lo his r. Canvas, 57 X 45 in. 8o Reign of Queen Victoria, 1837-1867. 397 RT. HON. JOHN WILSON CROKER, M.P. (1 780-1857). LENT BY PAINTER. Mrs. Croker. Sir Thomas Lawrence, P.R.A. Politician and writer; b. at Galway, 1780; educ. at Trin. Coll. Dublin; called to the Bar, 1807; M.P. and Sec. to the Admlly. 1808; Priv. Coun. 1828 ; disting. as an eloquent debater and frequent conlrib, lo trie " Quarterly Review;" edit, Boswell's "Life of Jorinson," and Ld, Hervey's "Memoirs of the Reign of George II,;" auth, of " Stories from the History of England," which Sir W, Scotl took as a model for his " Tales of a Grandfather ; " resign.' his office, 1832; d, 1857, To waist ; full face, seated, showing part of r, hand ; dark dress, chain and seals. Panel, 30 X 25 in, 398 RT. HON. J. C, HERRIES (1778-1855). Mr. C. j, Herries, William Boxall, R,A. Statesman ; eld, son of Charles Herries, a London merch, ; b, 1778 ; educ, al Leipsig; afterw, became a clerk in the Treasury;, Priv. Sec. lo Mr, Perceval, 1807-11; Commissary-in-criief 1811-15 ; Financial Sec, lo trie Treasury and M,P, for Harwich, 1822 ; Chan, of the Exch, 1827 ; Pres, of Board of Trade, and Master of the Mint, 1828; Sec, at War in Sir Robert Peel's Ministry, 1834 ; Pres, of India Board in Ld, Derby's Ministry, 1852 ; d. 24 April, 1855. "To waist, sealed, full face, resting hands on book. Canvas, 36 x 28 in, 399 SIR ROBERT CHESTER, Kt. (1768-1848). Mr. Harry Chester. Thomas Phillips, R.A. Son of a solicitor; b, 1768; educ, at Weslm, and Ch, Cri, Oxf; app. Gent, Usher of the Priv, Counc, and Assist, Mast, of trie Ceremonies to Geo, III, 1796; Mast, of the Ceremonies and Knigrited, 181 8; resigned his office, 1847; d, 1848, To waist; court uniform. Painted in 1836; aged 68, Canvas, 30 X 25 in, 400 JAMES SCARLETT, ist LORD ABINGER (1 769-1844). Gen. Hon. Sir J. Yorke Scarlett, K,C,B. William Derby. Disting, lawyer ; 2nd son of Robert Scarlett, of Jamaica; b, in Jamaica, 1769; educ, at Trin, Coll. Camb,; called to trie Bar, 1791 ; M,P. 1818; support, trie Whigs, and promoted the endeavours of Mackintosh and Romilly, in favour of a reform of the Criminal Code ; Alt,-Gen, under Can ning, 1827 ; Criief Baron, and raised to trie Peerage, 1835 ; d. April, 1844, Three-quarter size, seated in arm-chair ; black dress, r, hand resting on book, s, of arms in background to his r. Canvas, 56 X 44 in, 401 GEORGE HAMILTON GORDON, 4TH E. of ABERDEEN, K.G. K.T. (1784-1860). Mr. John Partridge. John Partridge. Statesman ; son of Geo. Ld. Haddo, and grandson of Geo. 3rd E. ; b. at Edinb. 28 Jan. 1784; educ. at Harrow and Camb.; trav. in Greece ; succ, to the- Ground-floor.} Eastern Gallery (Bay 9 — Nos. 386-413). 81 earldom, 1802; chosen one of the Represen, Peers of Scotl. 1806; Ambass. al Vienna and Paris, 18 13-14; raised to the Engl. Peerage as Visct Gordon, 1815 ; pub, " Inquiry into the principles of Beauty in Grecian Arcriitecture," 1822; Member of Dilettanti Soc; Minisl. of For, Affairs, 1828-30; and again, 1841-46; Prime Minist. 1852; resigned, 1855; K,G, 1857; d, in London, 14 Dec i860. Half-length, seated, with sketch of the Acropolis in his hands ; Parthe non in distance, a Greek vase, writing materials and inkstand on table to his r. Canvas, 44 X 58 in. 402 PROFESSOR ROBERT JAMESON (1773-1853). LENT BY PAINTER. Miss Jameson. George Watson, P.R.S.A. Nat. Philos, ; b. at Leith, 1773 ; stud, for the medical profession, but chiefly devoted hims, lo geology and mineralogy ; went lo study under Werner, at Freyberg, in Saxony, 1861; app. Prof of Nat, Hist, in the Univ, of Edinb,, 1804; pub, " Character of Minerals," " System of Mineralogy and Geology;" edit, the "Edinb, PhUos, Trans." from 1819; d, 10 April, 1853. To waist, seated lo r. ; black dress, white cravat. Canvas, 30 x 25 in. 403 THOMAS BABINGTON MACAULAY, LD. MACAULAY (1800-1859). Lady Trevelyan. George Richmond, R.A. Son of Zachary Macaulay, the philanthropist (iSTo. 185); b, at Rothley Temple, Leicestersh. 25 Oct. 1800 ; educ, al Camb,; Fellow of "Trin, Coll, 1822 ; called to the Bar, 1824; commen. his career as an essayist with his article on Milton, 1825; soon after appointed Commiss. of Bankruptcy; M.P. for Calne, 1830; Sec. of the Board of Control, 1831-34; zealously advocated trie Reform Bill ; went to India as Member and Legal Adviser of trie Supreme Council, 1834; drew up a cede of Indian law; after his return, 1839, Sec. al War, tiU the fall of Ld. Melbourne's Ministry, 1841; M.P. for Edinburgh, 1840; pub. his "Lays of Ancient Rome," 1842; his "Miscellaneous Es says," 1843; Paymaster of the Forces, 1846; lost his seat for Edinburgh on account of his vote for the Maynooth Grant, 1847; comm. writing his " History of England," the first two vols, of which appeared 1848; re-elect. for Edinburgh, 1852; crea. Baron Macaulay, 1857; d. 28 Dec. 1859; bu. in Westminster Abbey. Head looking lo 1. Signed "George Richmond delt. 1850." Crayon, paper, 31 x 26 in. 404 THOS. PHILIP, EARL DE GREY, K.G. (1781-1859). Institute of British Architects. John Wood. Son of Thomas, 2nd Ld. Grantham; b. 8 Dec. 1781 ; succ, his father as 3rd Ld. Grantham, and, in 1833, his aunt, the Countess de Grey, as E, de Grey; was Ld,-Lieut of Irel, 1841-44; Ld,-Lieul, of Bedfordsri, ; Pres, of trie Roy. Institute of British Architects, &c. ; d. 14 Nov. 1859, when he was succ. by his nephew, the E. of Ripon, father of the present E. de Grey. Half-length, standing ; black dress, scarlet robes. Canvas, 55 X 44 in. 405 RT. HON. HENRY GOULBURN, M.P. (1784-1856). Mr. Frederick Goulburn. G. Richmond, R.A. Statesman; b, in Lond, 1784; educ. at Trin. CoU, Camb,; M,P. for Horsham, 1807 ; Home Minist. 1810; Under-Sec, of Stale for the Colonies, 1812; Chief Sec, for Irel, 1821 ; Chan, of the Exch, 1828; retired with the D, of Wellington, 1830; M,P,for the Univ, of Camb. 1831 ; Chan, of the Exch. in Sir Robert Peel's Ministry, 1841-46; d. 12 Jan, 1856, Half-length, seated, small size ; arms folded. " George Richmond delt, 1848." Water-colour, paper, 25 X 21 in. G 82 Reign of Queen Victoria, 1837-1867. 406 RT. HON. ALEX. BARING, ist LD. ASHBURTON (1774-1848). LENT BY PAINTER. Mr. John Partridge. John Partridge. Statesman; 2nd son of Sir Francis Baring, Bart; b. in Lond. 1774; ent. the firm of Baring Brothers, and for some time conducted its business in the United Stales ; M.P. for Taunton, 1812 ; gained influ, in the discuss, of com mercial questions; Pres, of the Bd, of Trade, 1834; raised lo the Peerage, 1835 ; went as Special Commiss, lo America, to settle the dispute about the Maine Territory, 1842; opposed Free Trade; d, 13 May, 1848, Half-length, standing ; I. arm on table, on which stands statuette of Mercury, Canvas, 37 x 29 in, 407 THOMAS- BODLEY ( -1858). Mr. T. Bodley. William Etty, R.A. Early friend of Wm. Etty, the painter ; assisted him to go to Venice for study ; d, 1858, To waist ; holding forage-cap in I, hand ; crimson-lined cloak ; sea-coast in distance. Canvas, 30 X 25 in, 408 HENRY HALLAM (1777-1859). Col. Farnaby Lennard. George Richmond, R.A. Historian; b, at Windsor, 1777 ; educal Eton and Oxf ; settl, in Lond. and entirely devot, himself to liter, pursuits ; pub, " View of trie State of Europe dur, the Middle Ages," 1818; " Constitutional History of England," 1827; "Introduction lo the Literature of Europe in the i51ri, i6lh, and I7lh Centuries," 1837-38, which gained him an European reputa, for learning and literary genius ; his eld, son Arthur Henry, who died 1833, was the friend of Alf Tennyson, and the subj. of Tennyson's " In Memoriam ;" bereaved of his dau,, his wife, and 2nd son, d, 21 Jan, 1859, Head to r. "Geo, Richmond dell, 1843," Crayon, paper, 31 X 25 in, 409 DAWSON TURNER, F,R.S. (1775-1858). Dr. Hooker. Thomas Phillips, R.A. Botanist and Antiquary; son of a banker al Great Yarmouth; b. 1775 ; educ, al Pembroke Coll, Camb, ; early applied hims, to Natural History and Botany ; pub, " Synopsis of Britisri Ferns," " Botanist's Guide," &c, ; formed large botanical coUections ; during the latter half of his life devot, riimself lo antiquarian and artistic studies ; edit, Colman's " Arcriilectural Antiquities of Normandy," illustrat Blomefield's " History of Norfolk;" formed extens. collections of paintings, books, MSS,; d, al Bromplon, 20 June, 1858, To waist, seated, leaning on r, riand, witri botanical work before him. Canvas, 30 x 25 in, 410 CHAS, CHETWYND, 2nd E. TALBOT, K.G. (1777-1849)- Earl of Shrewsbury and Talbot. John Linnell. Son of John Chetwynd Talbot, ist E, and father of the present E, ; b. '25 April, 1777; app. Viceroy of Irel, on the retirement of Ld, Whitworlh; Also Ld,-Lieut, of Slaffordsh, and K,G, ; d, 13 Jan, 1849, Half-length, standing in landscape to I, ; peer's robes, collar K,G, Signed " Jno, Linnell, f 1840," Canvas, 51 x 44 in, 411 COLONEL JOHN GURWOOD ( -1845). Duke of Wellington, K,G, James Hall. Editor of the " Wellington Despatches ;" enl, the Army, 1808 ; served in the Peninsular War ; led a forlorn hope at trie assault of Ciudad Rodrigo, and Ground-floor.] Eastern Gallery (Bay Q—Nos. 386-413), 83 took the Governor prisoner; distinguished himself in the battle of Waterloo, where he was severely wounded ; acted for many years as Priv, Sec to the p, of WeUington, who entrusted lo him trie editing of his Despatches, and app, him Dep.-Lieut, of the Tower, in recognition of his services ; d, 25 Dec, 1845, Half-length, standing to I. ; holding banner in r, hand, sword in I, ; in costume as Esquire to the Duke of Wellington as Knight of the Bath, Dated al back " 1837." Canvas, 50 X 40 in, 412 LETITIA ELIZABETH LANDON, MRS. McLEAN "L. E. L." (1802- 1838). LENT BY PAINTER. Mr. Daniel Maclise, R.A. Daniel Maclise, R.A. Poetess; dau. of an army agent; b. at Chelsea, 1802; became known under her initials " L. E. L." by conlrib. to the " Literary Gazette," and trie Annuals ; pub. the poems, " The Improvisatrice," " The Troubadour," " The Golden Violet," &c., the novels, " Romance and Reality," " Ethel ChurchiU," &c. ; marr. in 1838, George M'Lean, Gov, of Cape Coast Castle; d, soon after her arrival there, 15 October, 1838. Half-length, miniature size. Signed with monogram, " D, M^C." Pencil, paper, 17 X 14 in, 413 LIEUT. JAMES HOLMAN, R.N. (1791-1857). Royal Society. George Chinnery. Known as the "Blind Traveller;" b. 1791 ; ent. the Navy as first-class volunteer, and rose to the rank of Lieut.; invalided and lost his sight, 1 8 10; app. a naval Kt. at Windsor; could not bear the quiet, inactive life there ; resolv. on travelling, and in spite of his blindness, carr. out his resol. ; undertook a long series of travels through N. and S.W, Europe, which he 'descr, in as many books ; relat, his princip, journey through Africa, Asia, Australasia, and America, in his "Voyage round trie World," 1834; afterw, travelled through E. Europe; d, 1857, Half-length, seated, small size, holding stick in r, hand. Marked at back "Geo, Chinnery, Canton, China," Canvas, 12 X 10 in. No. 5. CENTRAL HALL (Nos. 414 to 434). 4x4 SIR ALEXANDER BURNES, Kt. (1805- 1841). Mr. John Murray. Daniel Maclise, R,Au B. at Montrose, 1805 ; went as cadet in trie army to India, 1821 ; disting. himself by his proficiency in Persian and Hindustani; empl, as interpreter in different parts of India; assist, polit. agent at Culch, 1829; sent lo convey presents from the K. of Engl, to Lahore and Scinde, 1831, and explored the geography of the Indus; in 1832 made an exped to Central Asia, described in his " Travels into Bokhara ;" Knighted and Lieut.-Col. 1835 ; polit. agent al Cabool, 1839; assassinated there, 2 Nov. 1841 FuU-length, small size ; seated on the ground in Oriental fashion and costume. Canvas, 18 X 14 in. 415 JOHN AYRTON PARIS, M.D. (1785-1856). Royal College of Physicians. Charles Scottowe. Physician; b. 1785; educ, at Caius Coll, Camb,; FeU, of the Roy. CoU. of Physic, 1814; Pres, of the College, 1844; d. 1856, Three-quarter size ; sealed lo 1, in arm-chair ; book in 1, hand ; inkstand on table to his 1. Canvas, 50 X 40 in. 84 Reign OF Queen Victoria, 1837-1867. 416 SIR JOHN FRANKLIN, Kt. (1786-1847). LENT BY PAINTER, Mr. John Murray. John Jackson, R.A. Arctic Discov,; b, at Spilsby, Lincolnsh, 1786; ent, the Navy, 1800; pres. at the bait, of Copenhagen, 1801 ; accomp. Flinders on his expedit, to Aus tralia ; disting, himself at Trafalgar, 1805 ; and at New Orleans, 1814 ; explor. the Arctic coasts of N, America, 1818-19 and 1825 ; was knighted; held for seven years the Governorsh, of Van Diemen's Land ; sailed on an expedit. lo discover the N,W. Passage witri the " Erebus " and " Terror," May, 1845 ; d. on board his ship off Point Felix, in the Arctic Ocean, 11 June, 1847; his fate and that of his expedition were, after many fruitless endeavours, dis covered in 1857, by the expedition under Sir Leopold M'Clinlock, Bust, looking to r, ; naval uniform ; telescope in 1, hand. Canvas, 30 X 25 in, 417 SIR ROBT. HENRY SALE, K.C.B, (1782-1845). Colonel Mulock, C.B. H. Moseley. Known as the "Hero of Jellalabad;" son of Col, Sale, of the East India Com,'s ser, ; b, 1782 ; ent, the Army, 1795 ; serv, at the siege of Seringapatam, 1799; the storming of trie lines of Travancore, 1809; the capture of the Mauritius, 1816, and of Rangoon, 1824; app, to command a brigade in the Affghan war, 1838; compelled Dost Mahommed to surrender, 1840; forced trie Khoord Cabool Pass; maint, himself in Jellalabad, during the disastrous retreat from Affghanislan, and totally defeat, the Affghans under Akbar Khan, April, 1842; recov, Cabool; receiv, the thanks of Pari, for his services; fell in the battle of Moodkee, 18 Dec. 1845, Three-quarter size, standing ; military uniform, with sword in his hands, fort of Jellalabad in distance. Canvas, 56 x 44 in, ; 418 SIR JOHN RICHARDSON, SIR J AS. CLARK ROSS, AND SIR FRANCIS BEAUFORT, in a group PICTURE OF THE ArCTIC CoUNCIL. Mr. John Barrow, Stephen PeaRce. Sir John Richardson, Kt, (1787-1865), — Arctic discoverer, physician and naturalist ; b, at Dumfries, 1787 ; stud, med, at Edinb, ; ent, trie navy as assisl,-surgeon, 1807 ; accomp. Sir John Franklin as surgeon and natural ist on his two overland expedit, to the Arctic regions, in 18 19 and 1825 ; physic, to Melville Hosp, Chalriam, 1828, and to Haslar Hosp, Gosport, 1838 ; knigrited, 1846 ; undertook an expedit, in searcri of Sir John Franklin, 1848-49 ; retir, from trie serv, 1855 ; auth, of "Fauna Boreah-Americana," " The Polar Regions," &c, ; d, 5 June, 1865, Sir James Clark Ross (1800-62), — Antarctic discover, ; nephew of Sir John Ross ; b, in London, 1800 ; ent, the navy ; accomp, his uncle and Sir Edw, Parry on five successive voyages of discovery lo the Arctic regions ; command, the " Erebus" on a scientific expedition lo the Antarctic Ocean, 1839-43 ; receiv, the gold medal of the Geograph, Soc, for his services, and was knighted on his return ; pub, a narrative of his expedit, 1847 ; comm, an expedit in search of Sir John Franklin, 1848 ; d, 3 Aprilj 1862, Admiral Sir Francis Beaufort, K,C,B, ; b, 1774 ; entered the Navy, 1787 ; severely wounded in capturing the " San Josef" 1800 ; made several surveys ; F,R,S, ; Hydrographer lo the Admiralty, 1832 ; influential in promoting Arctic exploration ; d, Dec, 17, 1857, Three-quarter size figures ; Sir Francis Beaufort seated in centre at table. Canvas, 47 x 73 in, 419 ADMIRAL SIR JOHN ROSS, K,C.B. (1777-1856). Mr. C. Pearson. Fa.ulkner, Senior. Arctic Discoverer; son of a clergyman; b, al Balsarroch, 1777; enl, the Ground-floor.}.- Central Hall {Nos. 414^434). 85 Navy, and served with distinction through the French wars ; undertook with Sir Edward' Pariry in l8r8, the Expedit, 10 Baffin's Bay, which he described in his "Voyage of Discovery in search of a N, W, Passage;" Comm, another AYclic expedition, 1829-33; knighted on his return; Consul at Stockholm, 1839-45 ; again sailed for the Arctic Ocean in search of Sir John Franklin, 1850; returned, 1851; d. 1856. ; Half-length, standing ; 1, hand resting on table ; dark cloak, wearing several decorations. Canvas, 50 X 40 in. 420 SIR JOHN BARROW, Bt. F.R.S, (1764-1848). LENT BY PAINTER. Mr. John Murray, John Jackson, R,A. ' Traveller; b, near Ulverston, Lancash, 19 June, 1764; mathemal, leach. al Greenwich; Sec. of embassy lo China under Ld, Macartney, 1792; priv. sec, lo Ld, Macartney, and Audit.-Gen, of Publ, Accts, at the Cape of Good Hope, 1797-1803; sec, to the Admlly, 1804-45; crea, Bart, 1835; i^i his official posit, il constant advocate of trie great voyages of discov, undertaken during the pres, century ; auth, of " Travels in China," " Voyage lo Cochin China," " Life of Lord Macartney," &c, ; d. 23 Nov. 1848. Bust, looking to 1.; black coat, white cravat. Canvas, 30 X 25 in. 421 FLORENTIA WYNCH, LADY SALE (1787-1853). London Tavern Company. Clint. Dau. of Robert Wynch, Esq, ; b. 13 Aug, 1787; marr, Capt, R. H. Sale, afterw. Sir Robt. (No. 417), 1809 ; accompanied him on trie campaign in Affghanislan, 1841 ; with other officers' wives fell into trie riands of Akbar Khan; excited general admiration by trie spirit witri which she bore her captivity; rescued aft. trie relief of Jellalabad, when she rejoin, her husband ; d. al Green Point, Cape of Good Hope, 6th July, 1853. Three-quarter size ; seated lo I. in arm-chair ; Jellalabad in distance. Canvas, 56 X 44 in. 422 ADM. SIR WM. EDW. PARRY, Kt. (1790-1855). Captain Coote, R.N. Hayter. Famous in the. annals of Arctic discovery; b. at Ba,th, 19 Dec. 1790; ent. the navy, 1803 ; accomp. Sir John Ross on riis expedition lo the Polar Sea, 1 818; sailed in command of trie "Hecla"and "Griper," lo discover the N, W. Passage, 1819; engaged at different limes on other voyages of discovery in the Arctic regions; Knigrited, 1829; Commissioner in New South Wales, 1830-35; Rear-Adm, 1852; Lieut-Gov, of Greenwich Hosp. 1853; d, at Ems, 8 July, 1855, Bust to 1, ; naval uniform, furred cloak. Canvas, 30 X 25 in, 423 CAPT. FREDK. MARRYAT, R.N. C,B. (1792-1848). Mr, William P. Lindsay. Dixon. Novehsl; b, in Lond, 10 July, 1792; ent, the Navy, 1806; served under Ld. Cochrane at Aix Roads and in the Walcheren expedit, ; disting. himself in the American war, 18 14, when he cut out four vessels in Bostoii Bay, pro moted to the rank of Capt, and C,B, for his services in the Burmese war, 1823; decUned an offer lo take trie Comm,-in- Criief of the Brazilian Fleet, 1839; known as an author by his descriptions of naval life and character in the novels— "The Naval Officer," " Peter Simple," " Midshipman Easy," &c, ; also pub, a " Code of Signals " for the Mercantile Marine ; d, at Lang- ham, Norfolk, 9 Aug, 1848, Bust; seated, resting head on r, hand. Canvas, 30 X 25 in. 86 Reign of Queen Victoria, 1837-1867. 424 RICHARD BRIGHT, M.D. (1789-1858). LENT BY PAINTER. College of Physicians. F. R. Say. B. in Bristol, Sept. 1789; stud, al Edinb. University and Guy's Hospital, London; gradua. as M.D. 1813; Iravell. in Germany and Holland, 1814-15 ; Licent, of trie Coll, of Priysicians, 1816; Physician to Guy's Hospital, 1824; F, R, C, P. 1832; gained a wide reputation by his researches concern, renal diseases, and the disco veiy of the disease named after him; d, 15 Sept. 1858. Half-lengtri, sealed lo r. ; full face, book in I, hand. Canvas, 36 x 28 in. 425 ADM. SIR GEO, COCKBURN, G.C.B. (1771-1853). United Service Club. T. W. Mackay {Copy). B, in London, 1771; enter, the Navy, 1783; Capt 1794; Command, the " Minerva" in the battle of St, Vincent, 1797 ; reduced the Island of Mar tinique, 1809, for which he receiv, the thanks of Pari, ; serv, with distinction in trie Amer, War, 1814 ; conv, the Emp, Napoleon in the " Northumberland" to St, Helena, 1815; M,P, for Portsmouth, and Ld, of the Admir. 1818 and 1828; Comm. on the W. Indian and N. American Stations, 1832-36; Sen. Ld. of the Admiralty, 1841-46; d. 1853. Full-length, standing ; naval uniform, cocked hal, resting r. hand on sword; buildings on fire in background. Signed "T. W. Mackay, 1851." Canvas, 95 X 58 in. 426 RICHARD FORD (1796-1858). Mrs. Ford. Antonio Chatelain. Auth. and Connoisseur; b. in Lond. 1796; educ. al Winchester, and Trin. Coll, Oxf; called lo the bar, 1819, but never practised his prof ; travelled rnuch on trie Conl, particularly in Spain ; formed collec of pictures and rare books; finally settled at Heavilree, near Exeter; wrote for the "Quarterly Review;" pub, his "Handbook of Spain;" d, i Sept, 1858, Bust; resting head on r. riand. " Mt. 44, painted al Rome, 1844." Canvas, 24 X 19 in, 427 LIEUT. EDWARD HOWARD, R.N. ( -1841). Miss Howard. S. S. Osgood. Naval Novelist ; wrote trie novels, " Raltlin trie Reefer," " Outward Bound," and " The Old Commodore ;" also a Biography of Admiral Sir Sidney Smitri ; d, 30 Dec, 1841, Half-lengtri, seated, leaning with clasped hands on trie back of criair. Canvas, 36 -X 28 in, 428 WILLIAM PROUT, M,D. (1786-1850). Coll. of Physicians. H. W. Phillips, Priysician; b, in Gloucestersri, 1786; graduated al Edinb,; settled in London; was elect, F.R,S, ; made valuable researches in pathology and chemistry ; wrote the Bridgewater treatise on " Chemistry and Meteorology •" " On the nature and treatment of Slomacri and Renal Diseases," &c. ; d. 1850. Bust ; looking to r. Oval, canvas, 30 X 25 in, 429 EDWD. MALTBY, BP. OF DURHAM (1770-1859). Bishop of Durham. Sir W. Beechey, R.A. Scriolar and Divine ; b, 1770; Bp, of Chichester, 1831 ; translat. lo Dur- Ground-floor.}' Central Hall {Nos. 414-434). 87 ham, 1836; pub, "Illustrations of the Truth of the Christian Religion," "Ser mons," &c. ; Gr, Gradus ; resigned Bishoprick, 1857 ; d, 3 July, 1859, Three-quarter size, standing al table ; episcopal robes, book in I. hand, eye-glass in r. Signed " W, B. 1832." Canvas, 56 X 44 in, 430 BENJAMIN HICK, C.E. (1790-1842). LENT BY PAINTER. Mr. John Hick, George Patten, A.R.A. One of the leading Engineers of his lime in Lancash,; b, 1790; invented the invert, cup of the hydraulic press and radial drilling machine ; designed many of the public buUdings in Bolton; d. 1842, Half-length, sealed to r, ; full face, dark dress. Canvas, 44 x 35 in, 431 JOHN BRAHAM (1774-1856). Frances, Countess Waldegrave. Geo. P. A. Heaiy. Singer and Composer; b. in London, 1774; taught singing by^Leoni ; appear, as a public singer at the age of ten ; afterw, stud, under Rauzzini at Bath ; made his d^bul allhe Opera, Drury Lane, 1796; achiev, great success as one of the principal singers al the Italian Opera, Covent Garden, with which he was connected for many years, from 1801 ; composed songs and melodramas ; opened St, James's Theatre as an Opera Ho, 1836 ; d, 1856. FuU-length, standing ; theatrical costume ; looking up to 1, as singing in character of the " PostiUon." Canvas, 78 X 48 in, 432 DANIEL O'CONNELL, M.P. (1775-1847). National Bank. Sir David Wilkie, R.A B, at Cahirciveen, Kerry, 6 Aug, 1775 ; educ, at the Catholic Seminaries of St. Omer and Douay; stud, in the Temple, 1794; caUed lo the Irish Bar, 1798; rose to national influence as an orator and patriot, by his struggle for Catholic Emancipation, 1809-28; elect. M,P, for the Co, of Clare, 1828, but excluded from the Ho, of Commons on account of his disability as a Cathol. ; admit, after the pass, of the Catri, ReUef Bill, Feb, 1830; commenced riis Re peal agitation, 1831; formed an alliancewitri trie Whigs under Ld, Melbourne, and caused the defeat of the Tories on the Tithes BiU, 1834-35 ; renewed the Repeal agitation on the return of the Tories lo office, 1841 ; proceed, against by Govern, on the eve of the Monster Meeting at Clonlarf, and condemn, to imprisonment and fine, 1843; restored to liberty through trie reversion of riis sentence by the Ho, of Lords, 1844; lost influence during his latter years by the opposition of the Physical-Force Parly ; d, on a pilgrimage to Rome, at Genoa, 15 May, 1847, FuU-Iength, standing in front of a sofa ; looking to r, ; black dress, crimson-lined cloak; Canvas, 94 x 58 in, 433 GENERAL ROWLAND HILL, ist VISC. HILL (1772-1842). United Service Club. H. W. Pickersgill, R.A. General ; 2nd son of Sir Jn. Hill, Barl. ; b. al Hawkstone, Salop, 1 1 Aug. 1772; educ, al the Milit, Acad, at Slrasburg; ent, trie Army, 1790; Aide- de-Camp lo Ld, Mulgrave at the siege of Toulon, 1793 ; Col, in the Egypt. campaign, 1801-3; disting, himself in the Peninsular War, wriere he comm. an Army corps ; defeat. Gen, Girard at Arroyo de Molinas, and conquered the fortress of Almarez ; covered the line of communication at Waterloo ; raised to the Peerage, 18 14; promot, fuU Gen. 1825; Gov, of Portsmouth, 1827; Comm, -in-Chief of the Army, 1828-42; retired on ace, of iU health; d, 10 December, 1842. FuU-length, standing near rocks, looking lo 1, ; mUitary uniform, ribbon K,C,B. co.cked-hal in r, hand. Painted, 1844, Canvas, 94 X 58 in. Reign of Queen Victoria, 1837-1867. 434 JOHN KAYE, BP. OF LINCOLN (1783-1853). LENT BY PAINTER. Bishop of Lincoln. Samuel Lane. B. at Hammersmith, 1783; educ, at Camb, where he obtained first-class honours in classics and mathematics; Mast, of Chr. Coll. 1814; D.D, 1815; Regius Prof of Divinity, 1816; Bp, of Bristol, 1820 ; Bp, of Lincoln, 1827; eminent as a writer on Ecclesiastical History; author of "Account of the Writings and Opinions of Clement of Alexandria," "Athanasius and the Council of Nice," &c, ; d, 1853, Three-quarter size, sealed in large chair ; episcopal robes. Lincoln Cathedral in distance lo his 1, Canvas, 55 X 44 in. No. 6. WESTERN GALLERT (Nos. 435 to 549). 435 JOHN LINDLEY, Ph.D. F.R.S. (1799-1865.) R. HoRT. Society. E. U. Eddis. Botanist; b, 1799, at Cation, near Norwich; assist Mr, Loudon in his " Encyclop, of Plants ; " Prof of Botany in the Univ. of London ; advocated the Nat, Syst, of Bot, in his " Vegetable Kingdom," and other valua. works ; rec, the Copley gold medal; d, Nov, i, 1865. Half-length, seated in arm-chair ; full face ; sprig of wild rose in 1, hand. Canvas, 44 X 34 in, 436 CHARLES KEAN as « Richard III." (1811-1868). Mrs. Kean. Head by Edward Opie. Tragic Actor; son of Edmund Kean ; b, at Waterford, 18 June, l8u; performed first at Drury Lane, 1827, as "Young Norval," then on the Con tinent ; in 1839 made a tour to America, where he achieved his greatest suc cess as "Master Waller" in the "Hunchback;" marr. Miss Ellen Tree, 1842 ; went on a second tour to America with Mrs, Kean, 1845 ; gained the highest distinct, as manager of the Princess's Theatre, London, by his revival of Shakespeare's dramas, 1850-59 ; went with Mrs, Kean on a tour to Australia and the United Stales, 1863; returned to Engl, 1866; d, 22 Jan, 1868, Half-lenglri, standing ; crimson dress, plumed cap in r. hand. Canvas, 50 X 40 in. 437 SIR WM. JACKSON HOOKER, Kt. (1785-1865). Linnean Society. S. Gambardella. For portrait and biography, see No, 464,* 438 RT. HON. SIR HENRY POTTINGER, Bt. G.C.B. (1789-1856). Sir Henry Pottinger, Bt. Sir F. Grant, P.R.A. General and Diplomatist; b, 1789; went as Cadet to India, 1804; dis ting, himself in a long course of serv, ; rose lo the rank of Maj,-Gen, and Barl, at the close of the Affghan war, 1839; Envoy Extraord, to China, 1841 ; concluded trie treaty terminal, the Opium war, 1842; G,C,B. and Gov. of Hongkong, 1843-44; returned lo Engl, and made Priv, Coun, 1844; Gov. of trie Cape of Good Hope, 1846-9; Gov, andComm,-in-Criief of trie Presidency of Bombay, 1850-54; finally ret, to England; d, 18 March, 1856, Full-length ; seated at table, holding draft of treaty of Nankin ; ribbon and star K,C,B. ; Chinese landscape in distance to his r. Canvas, 87 X 59 in. Ground-fljoor.} Western Gallery {Nos. 435-549). 89 439 HENRY, FIELD-MARSHAL VISCT. HARDINGE AND STAFF (1785-1856). LENT BY PAINTER. Viscount Hardinge. Sir F. Grant, P.R.A. Son of the Rev. Henry Hardinge, rector of Stanhope, Durham; b. 1795 ; enl, the Army at 13; serv. through the Penins, War; disting. himself at Vimeira, Corunna, Albuera, Vittoria ; Engl, Commiss. at the Prussian head quarters dur, the Waterloo campaign ; lost his left arm al Ligny ; Clerk of the Ordn. 1823; Sec-at-War, 1829, 1830, and 1841 ; Gov,-Gen, of India, 1844; successf. terminated the Sikh wars, 1845-48; crea. Visct, Hardinge of Lahore, 1846 ; on his return Mast,-Gen. of the Ordn. and, after the death of the D. of Wellington, Comm,-in- Chief, 1852; Field-Marsh. 1854; d, 1856. Full-length ; smaU figures on horseback, on the field of Ferozhuhur ; Lord Hardinge in military uniform mounted on while horse. Canvas, 37 X 55 in. 440 WM, PARSONS, 3RD E. OF ROSSE, K.P. (1800-1867). Royal Society. Catterson Smith, R.H.A. Sonof Laurence Parsons, 2ndE,;b. 17 June, 1800, at York; enl, Trin, Coll. Dublin, 1818; Mag. Coll, Oxf 1819; graduated as a first-class in Mathem, Honours, 1822; M,P. for King's Co, 1823-39; succ lo the title, 1845; sat for some time as repres. Peer for Irel, ; in later years, entirely devol, himself to Astronomy ; construct, at Birr Castle his celebrat. Reflector, 52 feet long, 6 feet in diam,, by which many new nebulae were discov, and others resolved, that until then had resisted all instruments; Pres, of the Brit, Associat. 1843; Pres, of the Roy, Soc. 1849-54; honoured by aU learned Societies of Europe; d, I Nov, 1867, • Three-quarter size, seated in arm-chair ; black dress, ribbon and star of K.P. Canvas, 52 X 46 in, 441 EDMUND, ADM. LORD LYONS (1790-1858). Duchess of Norfolk. - L. Dickinson. Son of John Lyons, Esq,; b, al Burton, near Christchurch, 1790; ent, the navy, 1 801; distin, himself as Lieut, of the " Barracouta," in the operat. against the Dutch in Java ; Commander, 1812; Captain, 1828; employed on the Mediterranean station till 1835, when he entered the diplomatic service; Ambass. al Athens, 1835-49; al Berne, 1849-51 ; at Stockholm, 1851-53; at the outbreak of the Crimean war, appoint, lo the comm, of the fleet in the Black Sea, 1853; crea. Baron Lyons for his services there; d, 23 Nov, 1858. Full-length, standing ; naval uniform, 1. arm extended ; signed, " L, Dickinson, 1855," Canvas, 94 X 58 in. 442 THOMAS ELLIOTSON, M.D. (1800-1850). College of Physicians. James Ramsay, B, 1800 ; Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians, 1833 ; d. 1850. Half-length ; seated in arm-chair, looking to r. Canvas, 36 X 28 in. 443 ALGERNON PERCY, 4TH D. of NORTHUMBER LAND, K.G. (1792-1865). Duke of Northumberland. Sir Francis Grant, P.R.A. Only bro, of Hugh, 3rd D, ; b. 15 Dec, 1792 ; ent, the Navy, in which he rose to the rank of Admiral; raised to the Peeragp as Baron Prudhoe, 1816; First Ld, of the Adm, 1852 ; K,G, 1853 ; known as Pres, of many charitable go Reign of Queen Victoria, 1837-1867. Institutions, and a patron of Science and Art; d, at Alnwick Castle, 12 Feb. 1865 ; bu, in Westminster Abbey. Bust ; looking to r,, peer's robes. Painted 1848. Oval, canvas, 30 x 25 in. 444 RT. HON. SIR GEO. CORNEWALL LEWIS, Bt. (1806-1863). LENT BY PAINTER. Rev. Sir G. F. Lewis, Bt. . Henry Weigall. Statesman and Scholar; son of Sir Thomas F, Lewis, ist Barl, ; b. in London, 21 April, 1806 ; educ, at Eton and Oxf ; commenced his literary career in 1828, as contributor lo the " Classical Journal" and the "Foreign Quarterly Review ;" member of the commission on the Irish Church, 1831 ; advocated the abolition of the State Church in Ireland, 1836 ; succeeded his father as Criief Commissioner of Poor Law Board, 1839 ; M,P. for Hereford, and Sec, of trie Board of Control, 1847 ; Under Sec, of the Home Depart, 1848 ; Sec, of trie Treasury, 1850; Chanc, of the Excheq, 1855-58; Home Sec. 1*859-61 ; Secretary for War, 1861-63 ; continued his literary and scientific labours throughout his political career ; pub, " Inquiry into the Credibility of Early Roman History," " Essay on the Origin and Formation of the Romance Languages," "Historical Survey of the Astronomy of the Ancients," " Dialogue on the best form of Government," &c, ; d, at Harplon Court, Radnor, 13 April, 1863. Full-length, sealed near library table ; I, hand resting on book. Canvas, 76 X 50 in, 445 GEN. SIR JAMES OUTRAM, Bt. G.C.B. (1803-63). Mr. Thos. Brigstocke. Thos. Brigstocke. General and Administrator; b, in Derbysh, 29 Jan. 1803; educ. at Maris chal Coll. Aberdeen ; went as Cadet to India, 1819; Aide-de-Camp to Ld. Keane, 1838; Political Agent at Guzerat, Commiss. in Upper Scinde, and Resident al Hyderabad, Sattara, and Lucknow, 1839-42 ; Resident at Baroda and Bombay, 1847; Criief Commiss. of Oude, 1856; Lieut-Gen,'and Comm. of Division in trie Persian war, 1857 ; succ. Sir Henry Lawrence as Resident at Lucknow during trie Mutiny; crea, Bart and G,C,B, for riis disting, ser vices, 1859; returned to Engl, 1859; d, at Pau, 11 Marcri, 1863, . To waist ; full face, riead only coloured ; study for portrait in Oriental Club, Canvas, 36 X 28 in, 446 GEN. SIR THOS. ST. VINCENT H. C. TROU BRIDGE, Bt. C.B. (1815-1867). Dowager Lady Troubridge. G. F. Watts, R.A. Son of' Adml. Sir Edw. Thomas Troubridge, 2nd Bl. ; b. 1815; ent. the Army, 1835 I serv. as Maj, with trie 7th Fusileers in the Crimea; disting, him self at the b, of Inkerman, where he lost both his feel; app, C,B,, Lieut- Col,, A,D,C, to the Queen, and Dep, Adj,-Gen, to the Forces; d, 2 Oct, 1867. Head, looking lo 1. ; dark dress. Panel, 24 X 20 in. 447 BENJAMIN TRAVERS, F.R.S. (1782-1858). Miss Travers. C. R. Leslie, R.A. Surgeon; son of a merchant in London ; b. 1782 ; entered his father's business, but taking a dislike lo mercantile pursuits, was apprent. lo Sir Aslley Cooper ; became Demonstrator of Anatomy at Guy's Hospital, 1808 ; Surg, to the Ophlrialmic Hosp, 1810; F,R,S, 1813; Presid, of the Medico- Ground-floor.}. Western Gallery (^Nos. 435-549). 91 Chirurg. Soc 1827, and of the Roy, Coll. of Surgeons, 1847 ; Sergeant-Surg. to the Queen, 1857 ; d, 6 March, 1858. Three-quarter, small size ; sealed to r. in arm-chair, beside writing-table, in library, with book in r. hand. Canvas, 24 X 19 in. Painted 1843. -448 SIR JAS. COSMO MELVILL, K.C.B. (1792-1861). lent by painter, Mr. j. C. Melvill. E. U. Eddis, Son of PhiUp MelviU, Esq., some time Gov, of Pendennis Castle, Corn wall, and brother of Sir Peter MelviU, Mil. Sec, al Bombay ; b, 1792 ; ent. the service of the East India Comp, and for 30 years held the office of Sec. to the Comp, at the India House ; created K,C,B. for his disting. services ; d, at Tandridge Court, Godstone, 23 July, 1861, ¦ Half-length ; standing, hands folded. Canvas, 44 x 34 in. 449 SHOOTING PARTY at RANTON ABBEY, STAFFORDSHIRE. Earl of Lichfield. Sir F. Grant, P.R.A. Portraits of the E, of Seflon, E. of Uxbridge, E, of Lichfield, Viscount Melbourne, Viscount Anson, and keepers, at the Shooting Lodge of the E, of Lichfield. . Full-length small-size figures, in shooting costumes, with guns and shooting ponies ; game-cart in background lo the r. Canvas, 58 x 81 in, 450 GEN. HON. SIR GEORGE CATHCART (i 794-1854). Earl Cathcart. Gooderson. Youngest son of Earl Cathcart; b, in London, 1794; educ. al Eton and Edinb. Univ.; commenc. his military career in the 2nd Life Guards, 18 10; accomp. his father as aide-de-camp lo St. Petersburg, 18 12; present as Staff-officer al many battles in Germany and France, 1813; Aide-de-camp to the D. of Wellington at Quatrebras and Waterloo ; accomp. the Duke to the Congress of Aix-la-Chap. 1818, and Verona, 1822; served with distinc. in Nova Scotia, Bermuda, Jamaica, and Canada, 1828-37; appoint. Gov. of the Cape of Good Hope, 1852; speedily lerrnin. the Kaffir war; took com- maiid of 4th Division of the British Army in the Crimea; fell in the battle of Inkerman, 5 Nov. 1854, Half-length, standing ; mUitary uniform and cloak. Canvas, 50 X 40 in. 45 1 JOHN SINGLETON COPLEY, LD. LYNDHURST (1772-1863). Mr. G. F. Watts, R.A, G. F. Watts, R.A. Ld. Chanc. and Statesman ; son of J. S. Copley, the painter, whose father had emigrated from Irel. to the United Stales; b. at Boston, U. S, 21 May, 1772 ; came to Engl, 1774 ; first stud, for his father's profess, al the R, Acad. then entered at Camb, 1794; caUed to the bar, 1804; Ch, Just, of Chester, 1817; M,P, for Yarmouth, 1818; Sol, Gen, 1819; engaged for the Crown on the trial of Qu, Caroline, 1820; Allor, Gen, 1823; Master of the Rolls, 1826; opposed Cathol, Emancipa,; became Ld, Chan. 1828; Ch, Baron of the Excheq, 1830-34; opposed the Reform Bill; again Ld, Chan. 1834, and 1841-46; held a high position in the Ho, of Lords till the end of his life; d, 12 Oct 1863. Bust ; nearly full face ; in peer's robes. Panel, 24 X 20 in. 452 HENRY PELHAM CLINTON, 5TH DUKE OF NEWCASTLE (1811-1864). Duke of Newcastle. G. F. Watts, R.A. B, in London, 181 1 ; educ, al Eton and Oxf ; M.P. for South Notts, 1832 ; 92 Reign of Queen Victoria, 1837-1867. Ld, of the Treas, under Sir Robert Peel, 1834; First Comm, of Woods, &c. 1841-46; declared for Free Trade, and joined the Liberals, 1846; succ, to the Dukedom, 1851; Colon, Sec, 1853; Sec, of War, 1854; again Colon. See, 1859-64; accompa, the Prince of Wales on his visit to Canada and the United Stales, i860; d, al Clumber Park, 18 Oct 1864, Bust to 1, ; seated, dark dress. Panel, 25 X 20 in. 453 SIR FRANCIS THORNHILL BARING, Bt. ist LORD NORTHBROOK (1796-1866). LENT BY PAINTER, Lord Northbrook, John Linnell. Statesman; eld, son of Sir Thomas Baring, Bart, ; b, 20 April, 1796; educ. at Winchester and Ch, Ch, Oxf ; M,P, for Portsmouth, 1826-65 ; Ld. of the Treas, 1830; Chan, of the Excheq, 1839-41; First Ld, of the Admlly. 1849- 52; raised lo the Peerage, 1865; d, at Stratlon, 6 Sept, 1866, Half-length, sealed lo 1, ; book in r, hand, landscape background. Signed "Jorin Linnell f 1842," Canvas, 44 x 36 in. 454 COLIN CAMPBELL, LORD CLYDE (i 792-1863). Viscount Burke, M.P. Sir F. Grant, P.R.A. General ; son of a joiner in Glasgow ; b. 20 Oct. 1792 ; entered the army, 1808 ; served in the Peninsula, in the American War (18 14-15), and in the W. Indies ; disting. himself in the Chinese War, at the storming of Tching- kiang-foo, 1841 ; received the thanks of Pari, and knighted for his services in trie Sikh War, 1848-49 ; rose to fame as chief of the Highland Brigade in the Crimea, al the battles of the Alma and Balaclava ; app, Com,-in-Chief in India, wriere he suppress, the great mutiny, 1857-58 ; crea. Lord Clyde, 1858 ; returned to Engl, i860 ; Field-marshal, i860 ; d, al Chatham, 14 Aug, 1863. Full-length, standing ; dark military uniform, cap in 1, hand. Canvas, 94 X 46 in. 455 ADMIRAL SIR CHARLES NAPIER (1786-1860). Mrs. Jodrell. W. W. Simpson. . Son of Capt, the Hon, Charles Napier, R,N, ; b. al Falkirk, 6 March, 1786; ent the Navy, 1800; Lieut, 1805 ; Post-Capt, 1809; assisted at the conquest of Martinique, 1 8 10; distinguish, himself as a volunteer in the Pen insular war and al Naples, 1811-12 ; served in trie American war, 1814 ; enl. trie service of Don Pedro of Brazil, and established Donna Maria on the Portuguese Irirone- by his victory over the fleet of Don Miguel, 1833 ; suc cessfully terminated the Turko- Egyptian war, as Comm, of the English squadron on trie coast of Syria, by trie defeat of Mehemed Aii, 1840 ; M,P. for Marylebone, 1842 ; active in improving trie condition of trie seamen ; Comm, of the Channel Fleet, 1847; Comm,-in-Chief of the Baltic Fleet al the outbreak of the Crimean war, 1854 ; resigned his command and became M,P, for Southwark, 1855 ; Adm, of trie Blue, 1858 ; d, at Merchislon Hall, Hants, 6 Nov, i860. Bust; naval uniform, ribbon K,C,B,, and badges of various foreign orders. Canvas, 30 x 25 in, 456 IIEN. JN. TEMPLE, VISC. PALMERSTON, K.G. (1784-1865). Viscountess Palmerston. John Partridge. Son of Henry, 2nd Visct, Palmerston; b, at Broadlands, Hants, 20 Oct. 1784; educ, al Harrow, Edinb, and Camb,; succ. lo the title, 1802; M.P. Ground-floor] Western Gallery {Nos. 435-549). 93 for Bletchingley, 1806; Ld. of the Adm. 1807; Sec. at War, 1809; kept this post under a succession of Ministries till 1828 ; separated himself from the Tories on the question of Catholic Emancipation ; Min. for Foreign Affairs under Ld. Grey and Ld. Melbourne, 1831-41, and again under Ld. Russell, 1846-51 ; resign. 1851 ; resumed office as Home Min. under Ld. Aberdeen, 1853; Prime Min. 1855-58, and 1860-65; one of the most' popular stales- men of his lime; d. al Brocket Hall, Herts, 18 Oct 1865 ;bu. in West minster Abbey. Full-length, standing ; full face, 1. hand resting on writing-table, star and ribbon of the Bath. Canvas, 95 X 59 in. Presented to Lady Palmer ston by Members of the House of Commons, 1850. 457 MEET OF H.M. STAG-HOUNDS on ASCOT HEATH. LENT BY PAINTER. Earl of Chesterfield. Sir F. Grant, P.R.A. Portraits of the D. of Beaufort, Count D'Orsay, Ld, Adolphlis Fitz- clarence. Earl of Chesterfield Master of the Buckhounds, Ld, Fred, Fitz- clarence, G, Wombwell, Esq,, Sir Horace Seymour, E, of Errol, Hon. G, "Anson, Ld. A, Paget, F. Grant, Esq,, &c,, with a view of the racecourse and kennels, FuU-Ienglh small-size figures, in hunting dress, with horses and 13J couples of stag-hounds. Canvas, 42 x 72 in. 458 RT. HON. SIR EDMUND W. HEAD, Bt. K.C.B. (1805-1868)- Merton College, Oxford. Henry Weigall. Son of the Rev. Sir John Head, Bart ; b. 1805 ; educ. at Winchester and Oriel CoU. Oxf where he graduated as a first-class in classics ; app. Poor Law Commiss, 1838; Gov. of New Brunswick, 1847; Gov,-Gen, of Canada, 1854; resign. 1861; pub. a "Handbk. of Spanish Painters," "Two Chapters •on ShaU and Will," &c. ; d. 28 Jan. 1868. Half-length, seated, fuU face ; dark fur-lined overcoat, badge K.C.B. Canvas, 48 X 38 in. 459 JOSEPH HUME, M.P, (1777-1855). Mrs. Hume. Geo. P. A. Healy. Politician and Financial Reformer; b, at Montrose, 1777 ; studied for the medical prof in Montrose and Edinb, and graduated as M,D, 1796; app; surg, in the service of the East India Co, 1799; Interpreter, Paymaster, and Postmaster, dur, the Mahratta war, 1803; ret. to Engl, 1808; trav, on the Cont. tUl 1810 ; enl. Pari, as mem. for Weymouth, 1812 ; M.P. for Montrose, 1818, for Middlesex, 1830-37, for Montrose, 1842-55; throughout his polit career a zealOus promoter of financial and Pari, reform, national education, and free trade; d. at Burnley Hall, Norfolk, 20 Feb. 1855. Half-length, seated to 1. ; resting 1. hand on table, on which are two Pari. reports. Dated at back " Augl. 1849." Canvas, 45 X 34 in. 460 GRANVILLE LEVESON GOWER, ist EARL GRANVILLE (1773-1846), Earl Granville, K.G, Sir Thomas Lawrence, P,R.A, Diplomatist; younger son of the ist Marq, of Stafford, and father of the present E, ; b. 12 Oct, 1773; ent the diplomatic serv,; was ambass, lo St, Petersburg and Paris; marr, Henrietta Eliz, dau, of trie D, of Devonsh. 24 Dec, 1809; d, 8 Jan, 1846, FuU-length ; standing, leaning on base of column covered with crirnson drapery ; full face ; black dress ; s. of arms lo the 1, Canvas, 94 X 57 in. 94 Reign of Queen Victoria, 1837-1867. 461 RICHARD COBDEN, M.P. (1804-1865). LENT BY PAINTER, Mrs. Cobden. Bean. Son of a farmer; b, at Dunford, near Midhursl, 3 June, 1804; during his early years a Merchant's Clerk and Commer, Traveller ; partner of a Cotton firm in Manchester, 1830 ; commenced his political career by publishing his pamphlet on "England, Ireland, and America," 1834; look a leading part in the formation of the Anti-Corn-law League, 1838; enter. Pari, as Memb, for Stockport, 1841; foremost among the promoters of Free Trade, Social Reform, and the doctrines of the Peace Society ; opposed the Crimean and Chinese Wars; negotia. the Commercial Treaty with France, 1864; declined all offers of office and honours; d, in London, 2 April, 1865, Three-quarter, sealed ; miniature size ; leaning head on 1, hand. Oval, 5i X 3i in. 462 ARTHUR WELLESLEY, DUKE OF WELLING TON, K.G. (1769-1852). Countess Dowager of Westmorland. Henry Weigall. {See No. 194,) FuU-lenglh ; standing ; dark court dress ; ribbon and star K,G. ; badge of Golden Fleece ; painted from sittings given to the artist, in 185 1. Canvas, 84 X 49 in. 463 THOMAS BABINGTON MACAULAY, LORD MACAULAY (1800-1859). Rt. Hon. J. E. Denison, M.P. Sir F. Grant, P.R.A. {See No, 403,) To waist ; seated, looking to I,, arm over back of chair. Canvas, 30 X 25 in. Painted in 1853, 464 RT. HON. SIR THOS. FRANKLAND LEWIS, Bt. (1780-1855). Lady Frankland Lewis. G. F. Watts, R.A. Son of John Lewis, Esq, ; b, at Harplon Court, 14 May, 1780 ; marr, in 1805, Harriet, 4lh dau, of Sir Geo, Cornewall, Barl, ; enl. Pari, as member for Beaumaris, 1812 ; afterwa. sal for Ennis and Radnor ; filled successively the offices of Sec. of the Treasury, Treas. of the Navy, Vice-Pres. of the Bd. Of Trade, and Commiss. of the Poor Laws ; crea. a Barl. 1846 ; d. 22 Jan. 1855. Half-length, seated in arm-chair to r. Canvas, 36 X 28 in, 464* SIR WM. JACKSON HOOKER, Kt. (1785-1858). Linnean Society. S. Gambardella. Botanist; b. at Norwich, 6 July, 1785; made extensive travels lo collect plants, 1806-14; Reg, Prof of Botany, at Glasgow, 1820; knighted, 1836; app. Director of Kew Gardens, 1841 ; edit, the " Botanical Miscellany," and " Journal of Botany ;" publ, " Tour in Iceland," " Flora Scolica," &c, ; d, at Kew, 12 August, 1865, To waist, looking to r, ; dark coal. Canvas, 30 X 25 in. Ground-floor. \ Western Gallery {Nos. 435-549). 95 465 JAMES ANDREW BROUN RAMSAY, ioth E. and 1ST MARQ. OF DALHOUSIE (1812-1860). LENT BY PAINTER. Lady Susan Bourke. Sir J. W. Gordon, R.A., P.R.S.A. Statesman; Son of George, 9th E, ; b, 22 April, 1812; M,P, for East Lothian, 1837 ; succ. to the Peerage, 1838 ; Pres, of the Board of Trade, 1845,; Gov.-Gen, of India, 1847-56; crea, Marq, of Dalhousie, and of the Punjaub, 1849; during his administration the Sikh wars were terminated, and Pegu, Nagpore, Berar, and Oude annexed ; resigned on account of declining health; d. at Dalhousie Castle, 19 December, i86o. Full-length, standing ; robes as Lord Clerk Register of Scotland, Signed "J. Watson Gordon, A,R,A, pinxl, 1847," Canvas, 94 X 58 in. 466 HUGH, 2ND E. FORTESCUE, K.G. (1783-1861). Earl Fortescue. E, U. Eddis. Son of Hugh, 3rd Baron and ist E, Fortescue; b, 13, Feb. 1783; succ lo the earldom, 1839; Ld.-Lieut, of Irel, 1839-41 ; d, 14 Sept 1861. Bust ; profile to 1. ; ribbon and star of K.G. Canvas, 24 X 20 in. 467 WILLIAM BINGHAM BARING, 2nd LORD ASHBURTON (1799-1864). Lord Northbrook. After Sir Edwin Landseer, R.A, Statesman ; son of Rl. Hon. Alexander Baring, ist. Ld. Ashburton; b. June, 1799; M.P. for Thelford, Winchester, and the N. Div. of Slaffordsh. ; Sec. of the Bd. of Control, 1841-45; Paymasl. of the Forces and Treas. of the Navy, 1845-46; succ. his fa,ther, 1848; d. March, 1864. Three-quarter size ; sealed lo r., reading from a large book on stand. Canvas, 36 X 28 in. 468 RICHARD COBDEN, M.P. (1804-1865). Miss Emma A. Novello. Emma A. Novello. {See No. 461.) Bust, lo r. ; grey hair ; black coat Canvas, 36 X 28 in. 468* GIDEON A. MANTELL, M.D. F.R.S. (1790-1852). Royal Society. John James Masquerier. Geologist; b. at Lewes, 1790; stud, for the Medical Profess. ; practised as a Physician till 1835, after which he devoted himself entirely lo Nat. History; published "Wonders of Geology," "The Medals of Creation," "Thoughts on a Pebble," &c.; his Geological CoU. was purchas. by the Brit. Mus. for 5000/.; d. 1852. Bust ; brown coal, red waistcoat ; portion of fossil to his 1. Canvas, 30 X 25 in. 469 JOHN CAMPBELL, ist LD. CAMPBELL, Ld. Chan. (1779-1861). Mr. G. F. Watts, R.A. G. F. Watts, R.A. Lawyer and Writer ; b. near Cupar, 1779; stud, at St. Andrews, ent at Lincoln's Inn; called to the bar, 1803 ; M.P. 1830 ; Sol.-Gen. 1832 ; Att.-Gen. 1834; Baron CampbeU, and Chan, of Irel, 1841 ; Chan, of the Duchy of 96 Reign of Queen Victoria, i 837-1 867. Lancaster, 1846-50; Ld. Ch, Just. 1850; Ld, Chan. 1853; d. at Kensington, 23 June, 1861, Author of " Lives of the Lord Chancellors," and " Lives of the Chief Justices," Full-length, to the I, ; standing in the House of Peers ; Lord Chancellor's robes ; seal and mace before him. Panel, 83 x 44 in. 470 JAMES MORIER (1780-1848). LENT BY PAINTER, Mr. John Partridge. John Partridge. Traveller and Novelist; b, 1780; made, when young, an extensive journey through trie East, which he described in his "Travels through Persia, Armenia, Asia Minor, to Constantinople ;" as British Envoy in Terieran, 1810-16; publ, after riis return, "A Second Journey to Persia," and the novels, "Adventures of Hajji Baba of Ispahan," "Zohrab, or the Hostage," &c,, containing descriptions of manners, customs, and life in the East; d, 1848, To waist, seated at table ; full face ; holding pen, writing materials before him. Canvas, 36 x 28 in. 471 LD. JOHN GEO. BERESFORD, ARCHBISHOP OF ARMAGH (1773-1862). Archbishop of Armagh. E. U. Eddis. B. 1773 ; educ, at Eton and Oxf ; Bp, of Cork, 1805 ; Archbp, of Dublin, 1820; Archbp, of Armagh, and Primate of all Irel, 1822; Chan, of Dublin Univ. 1 85 1; d. al Auburn, 1862; known for his munif in restoring the cathedral at Armagh al his own expense. Three-quarter size ; seated, full face ; episcopal robes, badge of Order of St. Patrick. Canvas, 55 x 44 in. 472 JAMES RENDEL, F.R.S. (1799-1856). Mrs. Rendel. W. Boxall, R.A. CivU Engineer; b, near Dartmoor, Dec, 1799; early employ, by Telford; made a surv. of the riarbours on trie S, W, coast of Engl, ; settled in Lond. 1838; constructed the docks al Birkenhead and Gl, Grimsby, and the har bours of refuge at Holyhead and Portland ; was appointed member of the Internal, Commiss, to examine the practicability of a canal across the Isthm. of Suez, &c; d, 1856, To waist; full face, showing 1, hand with scroU of paper; dark dress. Canvas, 36 x 28 in, 473 THOS. WILDE, 1ST LORD TRURO, LORD CHANCELLOR (1782-1855). St. Paul's School. Sir F. Grant, P.R.A. Son of a solicitor in London; b, 1782 ; educ, at St, Paul's School; articled to his fatrier; called lo the Bar, 1817 ; took part with Brougham and Denman in the defence of Qu, Caroline, 182 1 ; Serjt-at-Law, 1824; King's Serjt, 1827 ; M,P, for Newark, 1831 ; Sol,-Gen, 1839; Alt-Gen, 1841, when he delivered his celebrated speech on Parliamentary Privilege ; Ch, Just, of trie Common Pleas, 1846; Ld, Criancellor, 1850-52; d, 1855, Triree-quarter size, seated ; black official robes and wig ; mace on table lo his 1, Canvas, 56 X 44 in. Ground-floor.} Western Gallery {Nos. 435-549), 97 474 THE MELTON HUNT Going to Draw the Ram's Head Cover. LENT BY PAINTER. DuKE OF Wellington, K.G. Sir F. Grant, P.R.A. Contain, portraits of the Countess of Wilton in pony phaeton, Hon, Mrs, ViUiers, Hon. Aug, ViUiers, E, of Wilton, E, of Dariinglon, Sir F, Johnstone, Bt,, Sir D. Baird, Bt, E, of Rosslyn, Count Batthyany, &c. Full-length ; small-size figures on horseback, in hunting dress, with hounds. Canvas, 34 x 60 in. 475 GEORGE PEACOCK, DEAN OF ELY, D.D. F.R.S. Mr. John F. Elliot. Samuel Lane, Mathematician and Astronomer ; stud, al Camb. where he was Tutor and Fellow of Trin. Coll. ; Lowndean Prof of Astronomy. 1836 ; Dean of Ely, 1839; d. 8 Nov. 1858. /- -> . Three-quarter size, seated lo r. ; book in r. hand; Ely Cathedral in distance to his r. Canvas, 56 X 44 in. 476 RT. HON. THOMAS PEMBERTON LEIGH, LD. KINGSDOWN (1793-1867). Mr. Edward Leigh Pemberton. F. R. Say, Son of Robt, Pemberton, Esq,, Barrister of the Inner Temple; b, 11 Feb, 1793; called lo the Bar, 1816; K.C. 1829; M,P, for Rye, 1831, for Ripon, 1834; Att,-Gen, to the Pr, of Wales, 1841 ; ChanceUor lo the Pr, of Wales, and Priv, Counc. 1843; raised to the Peerage, 1858; d, unmarr. 7 Oct 1867, when his Peerage became extinct. Half-length ; seated at table, with book open to his r. Canvas, 36 X 28 in, 477 NASSAU WILLIAM SENIOR (1790-1864). Mrs. Senior. H. W. Phillips. Polit. Economist ; b. at Compton, Berks, 1790 ; educ, at Eton and Oxf ; called to the Bar, 1817 ; Prof of Polit. Economy al Oxf 1825-30, and again 1847-762; Master in Chancery, 1836; sat on Commissions on Poor- Law, Popular Education, and other subjects ; author of " Outlines of the Science of Polit, Economy," " Biographical Skelcries," " Essays on Fiction ;" resigned riis Professorsriip on acct, of ill health, 1862 ; d. al Kensington, 4 June, 1864, Half-length ; seated lo I. al writing-table, with pen in r, hand ; furred coat. Canvas, 39 x 32 in. 478 RT. HON. SIDNEY HERBERT, LD. HERBERT OF LEA (1810-1861), Lady Herbert of Lea. Sir F. Grant, P.R.A. Statesman ; 2nd son of George Augustus, nth E. of Pembroke; b, al Richmond, 16 Sept 1810; educ, at Harrow and Oriel Coll, Oxf ; enl. Pari, as memb, for South Wilts, 1832 ; joined trie Conservative parly and held the offices of Secretary lo the Admiralty, 1841, and Sec, of State for War, 1845, under Sir Robert Peel ; declared for Free Trade, 1846 ; again Secretary at War under Ld, Aberdeen, 1852-55, and under Ld. Palmerston, 1859-61 ; introduced many improvements in the administration of the army ; creat. Ld. Herbert of Lea, Jan. 1861 ; d, from trie effects of over- work, at Wilton, .2 Aug, 1861, Half-length, standing, looking to r, ; hal inl, hand, stick in r, ; landscape background. Canvas, 56 X 44 in. 98 Reign of Queen Victoria, 1837-1867, 479 PETER BARLOW, F.R.S. F.A.S. (1776-1862). LENT BY PAINTER. Mr. Peter W. Barlow. W. Boxall, R.A. Mathematician; b. at Norwich, 1776; Prof of Mathematics at the Royal Milit. Acad. Woolwich, 1807; pub. "New Mathematical and Philosophical Dictionary," " Essay on Magnetic Attraction," &c. ; resigned his professor ship, 1847 ; d. 1862. Half-length ; seated to 1., resting r. hand on arm of chair, and holding paper. Canvas, 36 x 28 in. 480 WILLIAM BUCKLAND, D.D. DEAN OF WESTMINSTER (1784-1856). Mr. G. C, Bompas. Thomas Phillips, R,A. Geologist; b, al Axminsler, 1784; educ, at Winchester and Corp. Chr. Coll. ; app. Reader in Geology and Mineralogy in Oxf Univ. ; pub. " Vin- diciae Geologicag," " Reliquiae Diluvianae," " Geology and Mineralogy with reference to Natural Trieology ;" twice Pres. of the Geological Society; Dean of Westminster, 1845; d. 1856, Half-length, standing ; black gown ; holding fossil skull ; ammonite's on table to his 1. Canvas, 51 X 40 in. 481 MARTIN JOSEPH ROUTH, D.D. (1755-1854). Rev. John Sedgwick, D.D. Hartmann. Classical Scholar ; Pres, of Mag, CoU, Oxf; b. at South Elmham, 1755; educal Magd, Coll, ; FeU, 1776; College Librarian, 1781 ; B,D, 1786; Pres. of his College, 1791 ; pub, "Reliquiae Sacras;" ed, "Burnet's History of his Times;" d, 99 years old, 1854, Half-length, seated; small size, with open book before him; " JEt. 95; anno 1850." Panel, 14 x 12 in, 482 HUGH MILLER (1802-1856). Mrs. Miller. William Bonnar, R,S.A. Poet and Geologist ; son of a coasting trader ; b. al Cromarty, 1802 ; apprent, to a stone-mason ; edu, himself by private study ; pub, " Poems of a Stone-mason," 1828 ; obtained an appoint, as accountant in a bank at Cromarty; pub. "Scenes and Legends from the North of Scotland," 1835.; became more generaUy known as editor of the " Witness," in which he pub. his papers on "The Old Red Sandstone," " First Impressions of EngL and its People," &c. ; afterw. wrote " Footprints of the Creator," " Testimony of the Rocks," &c. ; d. Dec. 1856. Three-quarter size, small size, seated to r. on rocks ; plaid over shoulder, slick in r, hand. Panel, 15 J X 12 in. 483 WM. THOS. BRANDE, D.CL., F.R.S, (1786-1866). Royal Institution. H. W. Pickersgill, R.A. Nat. Priilos.; b. 1786; educ. at Westmin. Scriool.; began lo lecture on Chemistry, 1808; F.R.S. and Assist, to Sir Humph. Davy at the Roy. Insti. 1809; Prof of Criemistry, 1813; Sec. of the Roy. Soc. 1813-26; also Prof of Chemistry to the Apothecaries' Comp. and Superintend, of the Die Depart. of the Mint; edit with Faraday, the " Quarterly Journal of Science;" pub. "Manual of Chemistry;" " Outline of Geology;" "Dictionary of Science, ¦ Literature, and Art;" d, at Tunbridge Wells, 11 February, 1866, To waist, sealed ; holding paper in r. hand. Canvas, 30 X 25 in. Ground-floor.} Western Gallery (A'ij. 435-549). 99 484 SIR DAVID BREWSTER, Kt. (1781-1868). LENT BY PAINTER. National Gallery. Sir J. Watson Gordon, R.A,, P.R.S.A. Natural Philosopher; b. al Jedburgh, 11 Dec. 1781; studied at Edinb,; gained distinction by his researches concerning the polarization of ligril, 1808; edited " The Edinburgh Encyclopaedia," 1808-30, and "The Edinb. •Philosophical Journal," 1819-32; invented the kaleidoscope, 1819; pub, "Letters on Natural Magic," 1831; "Treatise on Optics," and "Life of Sir Isaac Newton," 1832; gave the first impulse for the foundation of trie Brit, Assoc, for the Advancement of Science; knighted, 1832; Memb. of the Academies of St, Petersburg, Vienna, Berlin, Stockholm, and Copenhagen, and of the French Institute; Principal of Edinb. Univ. 1859; d. 10 Feb. 1868. Three-quarter size, seated in arm-chair ; full face, dark dress. Canvas, 50 X 40 in. 485 WILLIAM WHEWELL, D.D., F.R.S. (1795-1866). Trinity Coll. Cambridge. Samuel Laurence. Philosopher ; son of a blacksmith at Lancaster; b. 1795 ; educ. at Trin. Coll. Camb, ; early disting, for his manifold scientific attainments ; F,R.S. 1820; Prof of Mineralogy, at Camb. 1828; Prof of Moral Philos. 1838; Mast, ¦of Trin. Coll. and Pres. of the British Association, 1841 ; Vice-Chan. 1855; Author of many scien. and philos. works — " Treatise on Astronomy and General Physics," " History of the Inductive Sciences," " Essay on the Plurality of Worlds," &c, ; d, from the effects of a fall from his horse, 5 March, 1866. Half-length, standing ; full face ; black academic gown, hands folded. Canvas, 50 x 40 in, 486 SIR MARC ISAMBARD BRUNEL, Kt. (1769-1849). Mrs, Brunel. James Northcote, R.A, Engineer; b, al HacqueviUe in Normandy, 25 Apr. 1769; showed an early talent for the Phys. Sciences ; enl. the French Navy ; emigrat. during the Fr. Revolu, lo the U. States, where he adopt, the profess, of Civil Eng. ; settled in Engl. 1799; receiv. a public reward of 20,000/. for construct, trie block machinery in Portsmouth for trie Engl. Govern. 1806 ; built a saw-miU for the Admiralty at Chatham; designed and execu. the Thames Tunnel, 1825-42, for which he was knighted; chosen V, P. Roy. Soc, and Corres. Member of the French Institute; d. I3 Dec, 1849. Three-quarter size ; sealed near table, on wriich are plans and model of "boring machine ; fur-lined coat. Canvas, 50 X 40 in, 487 MICHAEL FARADAY, F.R.S., D.CL. (1791-1867). Royal In,stitution. H- W. Pickersgill, R.A. Natural PhUos,; son of James Faraday, a whitesmith ; b, at Newirigton, Surrey, 22 Sept, 1791 ; apprent, to Mr, Riebau, a bookseller and bookbinder, 1804 ; educ, riimself by private study ; app, Chem, Assist, to Sir Humphry Davy al the Roy. Instil. 1813 ; trav. with him in France, Italy, and Ger many, till 181 5 ; paper on riis disc of trie chlorides of carbon read 1820 ; announced disc, of magneto-electricity, 1831 ; the principles of electrolytic action and the influence of magnetism on ligril, 1846 ; app. Prof of Criem. lo the Roy, Inst, 1833 ; scientific adviser on lights to the Trinity House, 1836 ; Lecturer on Chem. at the Roy, Mil, Acad. Woolwich, 1829-42 ; author of " Experimental Researches," " Lectures on Various Forces of Matter," "Lectures on Light and Ventilation," &c,; memb, of many learned soc; d. 25 Aug, 1867. Bust ; nearly full face ; black coat. Canvas, 30 x 25 in. loo Reign of Queen Victoria, 1837-1867. 488 WILLIAM BALY, M.D. (1814-1861). LENT BY PAINTER. St, Bartholomew's Hospital. J, Prescott Knight, R.A. Physician ; b. al Lynn, Norfolk, 1814; studied at University Coll, and St. Barthol, Hosp,; afterwards al Paris, Heidelberg, and Berlin, where he gradual, as M,D. 1836; translat, MiiUer's "Physiology;" app. Physic, to Millbank Penitent, and Lecturer on forensic medic, at St, Barthol, Hosp, ; F,R,S. 1847 ; Physic, to trie Queen, 1859; d. from an accident on the S, W. Railway, near Wimbledon, 28 Jan, 1861, Half-length, standing, leaning on book. Canvas, 50 X 40 in. 489 SIR HY, THOS, DE LA BECHE, Kt. (1796-1855). Museum of Prac. Geology. H. P. Bone. Geologist; b, in London, 1796; educ, at the Royal Milit Coll, ; ent, the Army, 18 14, but soon quilted the service and devoted himself to geological studies; trav, in Switzerland and Italy; eslab, his repulal. by his contribul. to trie "Edinb. Priilosopriical Journal," on the geology of Dorset, Pembrokesh. and Jamaica, and on the "Classification of the European Rocks;" publ. " Geological Manual," and " Geological Observer;" assist, in the Ordnance Survey ; suggested the founda. of the Mus. of Practical Geology ; knighted, 1848; d. 1855, Bust ; miniature size ; ribbon of the Bath, Enamel on copper, 7 J X Si- 490 GEORGE STEPHENSON (1781-1848). Sir Joshua Walmsley. William Daniels. Engineer; son of an engine-tenter at a colliery, near Newcastle; b, 9 June, 1781 ; began life as a pit-engine boy; advanced by riis skill to trie office of engine-man ; constructed riis first locomotive, 18 14; planned and executed the railway line betw, Stockton and Darlington, 1818-25; constr, the railw. betw, Liverpool and Mancriester, which was opened, 15 July, 1830; from that lime was engineer lo most of trie lines constructed till 1840, wrien he retired from his profession ; d, al his seat at Taplon, 12 August, 1848, Three-quarter size, seated, lo r, ; holding design for viaduct in r, hand ; painted, 1846. Canvas, 22 x 16 in. 491 ISAMBARD KINGDOM BRUNEL (1806-1859). Mrs. Brunel. J. C. Horsley, R.'A. Engineer; sonof Sir M, I, Brunei, Kl,(No,486); b,i8o6; assist, lo his father in the construe of trie Thames Tunnel, 1826; successf compel, for design of Clifton Bridge, 1829; Eng. of Gl. West and other Railways, 1833, on which he construe trie Windsor, Chepstow, and Royal Albert Bridges ; promot. Ocean Steam Navigat. by designing the " Gl. Western" (1840 tons), the first regular Transatlantic steamer, 1836; trie " Gt. Britain" (3443 tons), first large iron ship, and first large screw steamer, 1 840 ; and the " Gt. Eastern " (13,000 Ions), 1853-59; D.CL. Oxford, 1857; F.R.S.; d. 15 Sept, 1859, To waist, seated al writing-table ; pencil in his hands. Canvas, 36 X 28 in, 492 ROBERT STEPHENSON (1803-1859). Institution of Civil Engineers. H. W. Phillips. Engineer; only son of Geo, Stephenson (No, 490) ; b, 16 Oct, 1803, al Willington Quay, nr. Newcastle-upon-Tyne ; assisted his father in railway Ground-floor.} Western Gallery {Nos. 435-549). 101 construe. ; stud, for one term at the Univ, of Edin, ; spent triree years exam, and repor, upon the gold and silver mines in Columbia ; constr, the " Rocket" locomotive engine, and continued engaged in railway improvements and great engineering works in various parts of trie world ; invented and first construe. Tubular Bridges ; M,P, for Whitby ; bestowed large donations on public institutions at Newcastle, &c, ; d, 12 Oct, 1859, Three-quarter size ; seated to 1. in arm-chair ; signed, " H. W. Phillips, 1866." Canvas 50 X 40. 493 HENRY HALLAM (1777-1859). LENT BY PAINTER. Mr. John Murray. Thos, Phillips, R.A. {See No, 408,) Bust, looking to r. ; black coat. Canvas, 30 X 25 in, 494 ARTHUR HENRY HALLAM (181 1-1833). Col. Farnaby Lennard. Eld, son of Henry Hallam; b. in Lond, 181 1; educ, at Eton, wriere he disting, himself as one of the best Latin and Greek scholars, and as a Memb, of the Debating Society; also disting, at Camb, wriere he became the intimate friend of Alfred Tennyson ; trav, on the Continent for his health ; d, suddenly at Vienna, 15 Sept, 1833; his "Remains in Verse and Prose," pub, 1834; in remembrance of him Tennyson wrote his " In Memoriam," Three-quarter size, as a boy, standing ; blue coal, striped waistcoat, lean ing on a chair. Pastel, 9X8 in. Taken at the age of 16. 495 REV. THOMAS RAFFLES, D.D. (1788-1863). Lancashire Independent Coll. B. R. Faulkner. Dissent Minister; b, in London, 17 May, 1788; stud, al Homerlon CoU, under Dr, John Pye Smith; Minister of the Congrega, Chapel, Hammersm, 1809; at Great George Street Chapel, Liverpool, 18 12-61; attained fame as a pulpit orator; publ, "Poems," "Sermons," and "Lectures on Religious Subjects;" d, at Liverpool, 18 August, 1863, Half-length, standing; clerical dress, book in r, hand. Canvas, 50X4° m. 496 PATRICK FRASER TYTLER (1790-1849), Mr, Geo. Young, M.P. Sir J. Watson Gordon, R.A., P.R.S.A. Historian ; son of Alex. F. Tytler, Ld. Woodhouselee ; educ. at Edinb. Univ.; enroll, in the Faculty of Advoc. 1,8 13, but did not practise; eslab. his literary reputation by his "Life of the Admirable Crichton;" wrote his "History of Scotland," 1828-43; also publ. "Lives of Scottish Worthies," Lives of "Sir Walter Raleigri," and "Hen. VIII." &c.; rec. a Governm. pension from Sir Robert Peel; d. at Great Malvern, 1849. To waist, looking to r. ; black coat Canvas, 30x25 in, 497 REV, FREDK, WM. ROBERTSON (1816-1853). Mr. C. B. Robertson. C. J. Bas^be. Divine ; son of an Officer in the Army ; b, in London, 1816; stud, at Edinb. and Brasenose CoU, Oxf ; app. successively to Curacies at Winchester, and Chellenriam, Minister of Trinity Chapel, Brighton ; disting, by riis eloquence as a preacher; pub, a selec of his "Sermons ;" d, al Brigriton, i4Aug. 1853. Head lo r, ; signed and dated, 1853, Oval, water-colour, paper, 1 5 X 12 J in. 102 Reign of Qijeen Victoria, 1837-1867. 498 SIR ARCHIBALD ALISON, Bt. (1792-1867). LENT BY PAINTER. Dow. Lady Alison. Harding. Historian ; b, at Kenley, Shropsh, 29 Dec, 1792 ; educ, al Edinb, Univ.; called to the Scottisri Bar, 1814 ; Dep,-Advocate, 1822-30 ; pub, his work on "Criminal Law," and app. Sheriff of Lanarksri. 1834 ; estab, his reputation as an historian by riis " History of Europe, from trie Commencement of the French Revolution to the Restoration of the Bourbons," 1833-42 ; pub, afterw, " Principles of Population,' " Life of the Duke of Marlborough," " Lives of Lord Castlereagh- and Sir Charles Stewart," &c,; elected Ld. Rector of Ma rischal Coll, Aberdeen, 1845, ^nd of Glasgow Univ, 1851 ; crea, a Baronet, 1852 ; d. 23 M'ay, 1867, Half-length, seated at table, looking to r. with pen in r, hand, and paper before him. Canvas, 36 X 28 ih. 499 SIR WILLIAM HAMILTON, Bt. (1788-1856). Dow. Lady Hamilton. James Archer, R.S.A, Philosopher; b. at Glasgow, 8 March, 1788; educ at the Univ. of Glas gow and Oxf; called to the Scotch Bar, 1813; Prof of Universal Hist, in trie Univ, of Edinb, 1821 ; known as priilos, thinker by his articles on Priiloso priy and Literature in trie " Edinburgh Review," 1829-32; app. Prof of Logic and Metaphysics in Univ, of Edinb, 1836; exercised considerable influence on the revival of philos, studies by his lectures, wriicri were pub, after his death; edit, the works of Reid and Dug, Stewart; d, 6 May, 1856, To waist; small size; looking to 1.; signed "J, Archer," 1854; Oval, crayon, paper, I4ix 12J, 500 CHAS. JOHN CANNING, ist EARL CANNING (18 12- 1862). Marquis of Clanricarde, Hayter. Statesman; son of Rt, Hon, Geo, Canning; b, at Bromplon, 1812 ; educ, al Eton and Oxf, ; M,P, for Warwick, 1836; succ, to the peerage on the death of Viscountess Canning; app, Under-Sec, for Foreign Affairs, 1841 ; Chief Commis, of Woods and Forests, 1846; Post-Mast,-Gen, 1853; Gov,-Gen, of India, 1856; distinguished himself by firmness and moderation during the Indian Mutiny ; crea, E, ; KG, ; d, soon after his return to Engl, June, 1862. Head; small size. Oval panel,. 12J X lo in, 501 EDW. STANLEY, BP. OF NORWICH (1770-1849). The Dean of Westminster. George Richmond, R.A. Youngest son of Sir John Thomas Stanley, Bart, of Alderley, Cheshire; b, 1770; educ, at St, John's Coll, Camb,; pres, by his father to trie rectory of Alderley, 1805; Bp, of Norwicri, 1837; wrote on Nat, Hist,; his most popular work the "Familiar History of Birds;" d, 6 Sept, 1849. To waist; small size; fuU face; signed, "Geo, Richmond delt. 1837." Water-colour, paper, 15 X 11 in, 502 REV. RALPH WARDLAW, D.D. (1779-1853). Elgin Place Church, Glasgow. D. Macnee, R.S.A. Nonconformist Divine; b, al Dalkeith, 22 Dec, 1779; studied at Glasgow for trie Ministry in the Unit, Secession Criurcri; Minister for upwards of 50 years of trie Congregational Cri, meeting in W, George-sl, Chapel, Glasgow ; Ground-floor.] Western Gallery {Ns. 435-549). 103 tutor in the Glasgow Theol, Acad. 1830; pub, works on " Infant Baptism," "Christian Ethics," "Church Establishments," &c ; d, 17 Dec, 1853. :¦ Full-length, seated lo r, ; resting arm on open book on table to his 1, ; black clerical dress, spectacles in 1, hand. Canvas, 84 x 58 in. 503 SIR FRANCIS PALGRAVE, Kt. (1788-1861). LENT BY PAINTER, Mr. R. H. Inglis Palgrave. Geo. Richmond, R.A. Lawyer and Historian ; son of Meyer Cohen, a Jewish merch, in London ; b. 13 July, 1788 ; for some time managing clerk to a firm of SoUc in Basingh. Street; employ, on the Record Commiss. 1822; marr. and changed his name to that of Palgrave, the maiden name of his wife's mother, 1823 ; called to the Bar, and employed from 1827 in Pedigree cases before the Ho. of Lords; pub. his " Rise and Progress of trie Englisri Comriionwealth," &c., and was knighted 1832 ; Dep.-Keeper Of H.M.'s Records, 1 838 ; did much to encourage the critic, study of the Middle Ages; pub. " Hist, of Engl, and Normandy," &c; d, at Hampslead, 6 July, 1861. Head lo r. Crayon, paper, 31 X 25 in, 504 ISAAC TAYLOR (1787-1865), Rev. Isaac Taylor. Josiah Gilbert. Philos, Writer; son of Rev, Isaac Taylor, of Ongar; b, al Lavenham, Suffolk, Aug, 1787 ; first studied art, afterw. entirely devoted himself to liter, pursuits ; pub. " Elements of Thought," " The Process of Historical Proof," " Natural History of Enthusiasm," " Natural History of Fanaticism," "The World of Mind," "Ultimate Civilization," &c. ; d. at Stanford Rivers, near Ongar, where he had lived since 1824; d. 28 June, 1865, Half-length, seated, smaU size, at table; fuU face. "J, Gilbert, i 854. Crayon, paper, 25 x 22 in. 505 JOSEPH HEN. GREEN, F.R.S. D.C.L. (1791-1863). Mrs. Green. Thos. Phillips, R.A. Eminent Surgeon, and Disciple of Coleridge; b, 1791 ; stud, Priilosophy in Germany, and Medicine in London ; Demonstrator in Anatomy in St. Thomas's -Hosp. 1825; became a friend of Coleridge, 1817; Prof of Anat, at the Coll, of Surgeons, 1824; Prof of Surgery at King's Coll, Lond, 1830;. Pres, of the CoU, of Surg, 1849 and 1858; retir, from practice soon after the death of Coleridge, whose literary executor he had been named ; spent the rest of his life in the preparation of his " Spiritual Philosophy, founded on the Teaching of S. T. Coleridge," which was pub, after his death ; d, 1 3 Dec, 1 863, Half-length, sealed to I, ; black dress, open book in r, hand. Canvas, 36 X 28 in, 506 ELIZABETH GURNEY, MRS. FRY (1780-1845). Dow. Lady Buxton. Geo, Richmond, R.A. Philanthropist ; Dau, of John Gurney, of Earlham, Norfolk, and sister of John Jos, Gurney; b. al Bramerlon, nr, Norwich, 21 May, 1780; educ. in the princip, of the Soc, of Friends ; marr, Joseph Fry, a London merct, 1800 ; was deeply impressed by the preaching of an American Quaker; began to preach herself, 1810; commenced her activity as a Prison Reformer, at Newgate, .1813; afterw. extend, her efforts to all trie Prisons of trie United Kingdom; went lo the Continent on a mission for the same purpose, 1837 ; d. al Rams- gale, 12 Oct 1845, Full-length, small size, standing ; Quaker's dress, close cap ; signed, " Geo, Richmond fecit, 1843," Water-colour, paper, 34 x 23 in. 104 Reign of Queen Victoria, 1837-1867. 507 CHARLES JAS. BLOMFIELD, BP. of LONDON (1 786-1 85 7). LENT BY PAINTER. Mrs. Blomfield. George Richmond, R.A. Scholar and Divine ; son of a schoolmaster at Bury St, Edmunds; b. 29 May, 1786; educ. at the grammar-sch, of his native town and at Camb, ; app, to trie rectory of Quarrington, 1810; gained distinction as a scholar by his edition of Kallimacrius and trie Dramas of yEscriylus; app. Rector of St Botolpri's, Bishopsgale, 1820; Bp, of Chester, 1824; Bp, of London, 1828; did mucri to extend church accommodation in his diocese; resigned on account of ill health, 1856; d, at Fulham Palace, 5 Aug. 1857. Head ; three-quarter face, to r. Signed "Geo, Richmond delt. 1846." Crayon, paper, 30 x 24 in. 508 SIR WILLIAM CUBITT, Kt. (1785-1861). Mr. Joseph Cubitt. Wm. Boxall, R.A. Engineer; son of a miller in Norfolk; b, 1785 ; appren, to a joiner; eslab. himself as a millwright ; invent, the self-regulating windmill sails ; commenc. civil engineering, and settled in London, 1826; was extensively engaged in constructing gas-works, docks, harbours, and canals ; planned and executed the Soutri Eastern Rail, and trie great landing-stage at Liverpool; knighted for the active part he look in the International Exhib, 1851 ; d. 13 Oct, 1861. Triree-quarter size, sealed lo r, in arm-criair ; spectacles in r. hand. Canvas, 56 X 44 in. 509 REV. WM. CURETON, D.D. F.R.S. (1808-1864). Mrs. Cureton. George Richmond, R.A. Orientalist; b. at Westbury, Salop, 1808; stud, at Oxf; Sub-Librarian of the Bodleian, 1834; Assist.-Keep, of Arabic MSS. in trie Brit Mus. 1837; pub. a classified Catalogue of trie Arabic MSS. and the famous collection of Syrian MSS. discovered in a Monastery in the desert of Nitria, and acquired by Mr. Tattam for the Brit. Mus. ; wrote in defence of his views concerning them "Vindieiee Ignatianas," &c. ; app. Chaplain to the Queen, 1847; Canon of Westmin. 1 849; d. from the effects of a railway accident, 17 June, 1864. Head to r, nearly profile; " Geo. Richmond delt. 1861," Crayon, paper, 34 X 38 in, 510 REV. JOHN KEBLE (1792-1866). Mr, George Richmond, R,A, George Richmond, R,A. Author of "The Criristian Year;" b, 25 April, 1792, at Fairford, Glou ceslersh, where riis fatrier was vicar ; educ, at Corp, Crir, Coll, Oxf ; Fellow and Tutor of Oriel Coll, 1812; Pubhc Examiner, 1814-16; and again 1821; soon after retir, to riis fatrier's parsonage; pub, "Trie Christian Year," 1827; succ, Milman as Prof of Poetry at Oxf 1 831-41 ; was one of the originators of the Tractarian Movement, 1833; presented lo the Vicarage of Hursley, 1 83 5 ; rebuilt trie Parisri Criurch out of trie profits of trie sale of trie " Christian Year," wriicri during his lifetime, passed through 92 editions; pub. "Lyra Innocentium;" d, al Bournemouth, 29 May, 1866, Head, lo 1, ; July 24, 1863, Crayon, paper, 32 X25 in. 511 THOMAS ARNOLD, D.D, (1795-1842). Mrs. Arnold, Thomas Phillips, R.A. Schoolmaster and Classical Scholar; b, al Cowes, Isle of Wight, 13 June, 1795; educ al Winchester and Corpus Christi CoU, Oxf; Fellow of Oriel, Ground-flaor,} Western Gallery {Nos. 435-549). 105 1815; Private Tutor al Laleham, Middlesex, 1819; Head-master of Rugby, 1827 ; effected great reforms in the system of public schools as an enlightened disciplinarian, and by promoting the study of history, geography, and modern languages ; pub, an edition of Thucydides and a History of Rome ; appointed Professor of Modern History at Oxford, 1841 ; d, at Rugby, 12 June, 1842, Three-quarter size ; seated, looking to r, ; black academic gown ; open book on his knees. Canvas, 56 X 44 in, 512 RT. HON. SIR ROBERT HARRY INGLIS, Bt. M.P. (1786-1855). LENT BY PAINTER. Mr. George Richmond, R.A. Geo. Richmond, R.A. Politician ; b, 1786 ; edu. at Winchester and Ch. Ch. Oxf ; M.P. for Dundalk, 1820-26, for Ripon, 1826-28, and for the Univ. of Oxf 1829-1853 ; throughout his career known as a staunch Conservative ; voted against Cathol. Emancipation, trie Reform Bill, Jewisri Emancipation, and the Abolit. of the Corn Laws; retir. from Pari, and made Priv, Counc. 1853; d, 5 May, 1855, Head to r,; signed, " George Richmond dell." Crayon, paper, 29 x 24 in. 513 GEORGE COMBE (1788-1858). Mr. Robert Tait. Sir J. W. Gordon, R.A., P.R.S.A. Physiologist ; b, at Edinb. 21 Oct, 1788 ; educ, al the High Scriool and University; Writer lo the Signet, 1812 ; adopted the phrenological doctrines of Spurzheim and Gall, 1816 ; pub, " Essays on Phrenology," 1819; " System of Phrenology," 1824 ; " The Constitution of Man," 1828 ; founded the Edinb, Phrenolog, Soc ; gave up his occupat, as an advocate, to devote himself entirely to literary and scientific pursuits, 1837 ; lectured on Phreno logy in Germany and America ; pub. " Notes on America," " Notes on the Reformation in Germany," " Remarks on National Education," d. at Moor Park, Surrey, 14 Aug. 1858. Half-length, seated ; full face ; holding book in 1. hand. Canvas, 36 x 28 in. 514 HENRY THOMAS COCKBURN, LD. COCKBURN (1779-1854). Nat. Gall, of Scotland, Sir J, W, Gordon, R.A., P.R.S.A. Scotch Judge; b, at Edinb. 1779; called to the Scottish bar, 1800; early distinguished in his profess, ; was among the founders of the " Edinburgh Review;" Sol.-Gen, for Scotl, 1830 ; Ld. of Session, 1834; auth. of a "Life of Lord Jeffrey," and " Memorials of his Time;" d. 1854. Full-length, standing in landscape; full face; black dress; stick under 1. arm. Canvas, 95 x 59 in. 515 WILLIAM YARRELL (1784-1856), Linnean Society. Mrs. Carpenter. Zoologist; son of a newspaper agent in London; b. 3 June, 1784; clerk in Herries and Farquhar's bank, 1802; afterw, conducted his father's busin,, but at the same time followed a strong bent for rural sports, which led him 10 study Nat Hist,; cont many papers to the "Trans, of the Zoolog, Soc, ;" pub, " Hist, of Brit. Birds," " Hist, of Brit, Fishes," &c, ; d, i Sept, 1856. Bust; fuU face, sealed. Dated at back, "May, 1839." Canvas, 30 X 24 in. io6 Reign of Queen Victoria, 1837-1867. 516 ROBERT BROWN, F.R.S. (1773-1858). LENT BY PAINTER, Linnean Society. H. W. Pickersgill, R.A, Botanist; b, at Montrose, 21 Dec, 1773; stud. for the med, prof al Aber deen^ and Edinb, ; joined a regiment of Fencibles as surgeon and ensign, 1795; accomp, H,M,S, " Investigator " as Naturalist on a, surv, of the coast' of Australia, 1801-5 J ret, with about 4000 species of plants, many of which were, new to science; app, Libr, lo the Linnean Soc, 1805; F.R.S, 181 1; Keeper of the Botan, Collec, in the Bril, Mus. 1827; Pres. of trie Linnean Soc, 1849; pub, "Prodromus Flor divided public patronage with Reynolds and Gainsborougri, 1776-97 ; re moved to Hampslead, 179.7; retired lo Kendal, 1799; d. there, 15 Nov. 1802 ; buried at Dalton, Father of George Romney ; Builder, Merchant, and Farmer, at Dalton-le-Furness, Lancashire, where George Romney was born. Busts lo I, ; the old man blind, holding a stick in 1, hand. Canvas, 30 X 26 in. 85+ LOUISA CATHCART, Countess of MANSFIELD. Earl Cathcart. George Romney, 3rd dau. of Chas, 9th Ld. Cathcart ; marr. ist. David, 7th Vise Slormont, who, in 1793, inherit, the Earldom of Mansfield, and wriom srie succeed, as Countess of Mansfield in her own right, 1796; 2nd, the Hon. Robt. Fulke Greville, son of the ist E. of Brooke and Warwick; d. 11 July, 1843. Three-quarter size, sealed to r. beneath a tree ; yellow low dress. Canvas, 50 X 40 in. 855 THOMAS BARKER (1769-1847). Mr. Thos. Jones Barker. Thomas Barker. Painter; b. at Pontypool, Monmouthsh. 1769; stud, al Bath; Iravell, in Italy; became known by his "Woodman," and olrier rustic groups ; painted a. large fresco outside his house at Bath; d, triere, 1847, To waist, turned lo 1, ; yellowish dress, long hair, group of gipsy figures in distance. Painted about 1787, Canvas, 30 x 25 in. 856 FRANCES BURNEY, MADAME D'ARBLAY (1752-1840). Rev. R. Barrett. E, F. Burney. Poetess and Novelist ; 2nd dau, of Chas, Burney, Mus, Doc, ; b, al Lynn Regis, 13 June, 1752; educated herself; published " Evelina," 1778, which, being praised by Dr, Johnson, at once made her popular; "The Wit lings," a comedy, 1779; app. Keeper of the Robes and Reader lo Q, Criar lotte, 1786 ; resigned on acct, of illriealtri, 1791 ; marr, M, D'Arblay, a French emigr. Artillery Officer ; had rier tragedy " Edwy and Elgiva " perform, at Drury, Lane, 1795; after the peace of Amiens visited Paris witri rier husband; remained there till 1812 ; pub, rier last novel, " Trie Wanderer," 1814; " Me moirs of Dr, Burney," 1832; d, al Batri, 6th Jan, 1840, To waist, showing hands crossed, looking lo I, ; low dark dress and black hal. Canvas, 30 X 25 in, 857 LOUISA TOLLEMACHE, COUNTESS of DYSART (1745- 1 840). Lord Aveland. Miss Berry. Dau, of Lionel, 3rd E, of Dysart; b, 1745; marr, John Manners, Esq, of Grantham Lodge, Lincoln ; adopt, after the death of rier riusband, by royal permission, for herself and her dau. Lady Laura, the surname and arms of the house of Tollemache, of wriich she was the representative and rieir ; succ, lo trie Peerage on trie death of her brother Wilbraham, 5th E, of Dysart, who d- without issue 9 March, 1821 ; d. al the age of 95, 22 Sept. 1840. To waist to r. ;. blue drapery in r. hand. Crayon paper, 24 x 19 in. 172 Supplementary Collection {Nos. 625-950). 858 LADY MARY MONTAGU, DUC. of MONTAGU. LENT BY PAINTER, DuKE OF Buccleuch, K.G. Thomas Gainsborough, R.A. Three-quarter size, sealed to I. ; blue dress, white scarf, holding rose in r, hand. Canvas, 50 X 40 in, 859 WILLIAM HAYLEY (1745-1820). Mr. W. H. Mason. George Romney. B. at Chichester, 1745 ; educ, al Eton and Trin, Coll, Camb. ; en tered the Middle Temple ; retired to Earlham, Sussex, and devoted himself to literature ; intimate with Gibbon, with Wm. Blake, and with the Poet Cowper (No. 777), wriose life he pub. in 1803 ; wrote much, both in verse and prose ; his productions in the former are satirised by Byron ; d. 1820. To waist ; resting head on r, hand, supported on large book ; blue coat. Canvas, 30 x 25 in. Painted at Earlham in 1776, 860 LORD ROBERT MANNERS, R,N. (1758-1782). Viscount Canterbury. Thomas Gainsborough, R.A. 2nd son of John Manners, Marq, of Granby ; entered the Navy ; Capt. in Hood's action witriDe Grasse in the W, Indies ; killed in action, 12 April, 1782. Three-quarter size, standing, looking to r, ; black dress, lace collar, plumed hal in I, hand. Canvas, 50 X 40 in, 861 JEDEDIAH STRUTT ( -1797). Lord Belper. Joseph Wright, of Derby, A.R.A. Son of Wm, Strutt, of South Normanlon, and grandfather of Ld, Belper ; carried on business as a manufacturer at Derby ; invented the method of manufacturing ribbed stockings ; d, 1797, Three-quarter size, sealed ; leaning head on r, hand, which rests on table lo his r. Canvas, 50 x 40 in, 862 ELIZ. DUCHESS OF BUCCLEUCH (1743-1827), AND HER DAUGHTER. Duke of Buccleuch, K.G. Sir Joshua Reynolds, P.R.A. Eliz, Montagu, dau, of Geo, last D, of Montagu; marr, 1767, Henry, 3rd D, of Buccleuch, by whom she had 2 sons and 5 daus, ; d, 21 Nov, 1827. Full-length ; sealed beneath crimson curtain ; child al her knee ; land scape background. Canvas, 92 X 58 in. Painted 1777, 863 WILLIAM PITCAIRN, M.D. (1711-1791). College of Physicians. Sir Joshua Reynolds, P.R.A. B, 1711; FeU, of the Coll, of Phys, 1750; Pres, 1775-84; d, 1791. Bust, seated to r, ; academic gown. Canvas, 30 X 25 in, 864 CHAS, WM. HENRY, 4TH D. OF BUCCLEUCH, AND 6th D, of queensberry, K.T. (1772-1819). Duke of Buccleuch, K.G. Sir Joshua Reynolds, P.R.A. Son of Henry, 3rd D. ; b. 24 May, 1772 ; marr. Harriet Kalrierine, young. dau. of Triomas, ist Vise. Sidney, 1795 ; summ. lo Pari, as Baron Tynedale, 1807; succ. 10 trie Dukedom, 11 Jan. 1812; d. 20 April, 1819. Full-lengtri, as a boy, standing, leaning on stone slab, and holding owl, dog lo the I.; dated in front, "1777." Canvas, 56 X 24 in. Up-stairs.} Eastern Corridor {Nos. 868-885). 173 865 LADY HARRIET ACLAND (1750-1815). LENT BY PAINTER, Sir T. Dyke Acland, Bt. Sir Joshua Reynolds, P,R,A, Dau. of Stephen, ist E, of Ilchester ; b, 1750 ; marr. Col, John Dyke Acland ; distinguished for her heroism when her husband was wounded and a prisoner in the American war, 1777 ; d, 181 5, Three-quarter size, seated lo 1, ; low white dress and gold embroidered scarf; dated in front, 1771. Canvas, 50 x 40 in, 866 PRINCE CHAS. ED. STUART, PRINCE (1720-1788), and henry benedict STUART (1725-1807). Viscount Dillon. Known as the Young Chevalier, or the Young Pretender ; eld. son of Jas, Francis Edw. Stuartj the Old Pretender, or Chevalier St, Geo, and the Princess Clementina Sobieski, and grandson of James II, and Mary of Modena; b, at Rome, 31 Dec, 1720; landed in Scotland from France in 1745, and raised an army lo support his father's pretensions to trie throne ; ent. Edinburgh, and proclaimed his father King ; defeated Gen, Cope at Preston Pans ; marched on his way to London as far as Derby ; on his return into Scotland was victorious over Gen, Hawley al Falkirk, but finally defeated at CuUoden by the D. of Cumberland, 16 Apr. 1746 ; after various adventures escaped from the Isle of Uist to Morlaix ; resided at Rome, and took the litle of Count of Albany instead of P, of Wales ; m, Louisa, Princess of Slolberg, who survived him ; d, at Rome, 31 Jan. 1788 ; bu, in the Cathedral Ch, of Frascali, Younger brother of Prince Chas, Edward; b, at Rome, 1725 ; crea. by his father D, of York ; entered Holy Orders ; crea. Cardinal by Pope Benedict XIV. 3 July,i747, when he became known as Cardinal York ; during the latter years of his life pensioned by the British Government ; d, at Rome, 1807. Full-length, in landscape, the Prince Charles standing; fancy dress ; his brother seated ; horse, black servant, and hounds to the 1. ; falconer in dis tance ; peacock to r. Canvas, 76 x 71 in, 867 GEO. BRYAN "BEAU" BRUMMEL (1778-1840). E. V, Kenealy, LL.D, Sir T, Lawrence, P,R.A. Known as " Beau Brummel ; " son of Will, Bruinmel, Private Sec, lo Ld. North, and holder of several offices under Government, 1770-82; b, 7 June, 1778 ; educ. at Eton, and Oriel Coll, Oxf ; Cornet in the ioth Hussars, and intimate friend of the Pr, Regent, 1794; left the Army, 1798; played a pro minent part in fashionable society as the criief " Beau" and dandy of his time; lost the favour of the Pr, Regent, 1813; fled lo France on ace of gaming debts, 1816; lived at Calais, till 1830; remov, lo Caen; impris, for debt, 1835; d. in the Hospital Bon Sauveur, at Caen, 30 March, 1840, Bust small size, to 1. ; uniform of ioth Hussars. Metal, 6 X 4J in. Upstairs: No. 9. EASTERN CORRIDOR. (Nos. 868 to 885). 868 RT. HON. GENERAL GEORGE WARDE (1725-1803). Admiral Warde, K.H. John Opie, R.A, B. 1725; ent the Army; rose to the rank of General; was Com.-in-Chief in Ireland; d. 1803. Half-length ; standing in landscape holding his horse ; scarlet military uniform. Canvas, 50 X 40 in. 174 Supplementary Collection (A'^.y, 625-950)- ' 869 REV, CHARLES WESLEY (1708-88), LENT BY PAINTER. Wesleyan Centenary Hall, J. Russell, R.A: Younger brother of John Wesley, the founder of Methodism; b. 18 Dec. at Epworlh, 1708 ; educ. al Westm. Sch. and Ch. Cri. Oxf ; laboured in con junction witri riis brotrier throughout his life in promoting the cause of Methodism ; contrib. many hymns to the hymn-book compiled by John Wesley; d. in London, 19 March, 1788. Bust, showing r. hand resting on Bible; signed, "J. Russell, pinxl. 1771." Canvas, 30 x 25 in. 870 REV. JOHN WESLEY (1703-1791). Rev. G. Stringer Rowe. George Romney. 2nd surviving son of the Rev, Samuel Westley, or Wesley, Rector of Epwortri, Lincoln,; b, at Epworlh, 1703; educ, at the Charterhouse and Ch, Ch, Oxf ; Fellow of Lincoln Coll, ; ordained, 1725, and acted as his father's Curate ; returned to Oxf about 1728, and became, with his brother Charles, James Hervey, and George Whitefield, one of the leaders of a religious Soc, nicknamed "Methodists;" accom. Gen, Oglethorpe lo Georgia as Sec, and lo preach lo the settlers and Indians, 1735-7 ; visited the Moravians at Hernhult, 1738 ; after riis separation from Wriilefield riis followers becam'e known as Wesleyan Melriodists ; Wesleyan Conference originated, 1744; for many years constantly engaged in travelling over trie United Kingdom preacriing and organizing trie Wesleyan Society ; wrote Journals, Hymns, Sermons, Tracts, &c, ; d, in London, 2 March, 1791, Bust to 1, ; clerical dress. Canvas, 30 X 25 in. 871 HENRY GRATTAN moving the Declaration of Irish Rights in the Irish Ho. of Comms,, 16 April, 1782 (1750-1820). Mr, C. Langdale, Junior. Nicholas Kenny. Orator and Statesman ; son of — Grattan, Esq,, Recorder of Dublin and M,P, ; b, 1750; educ, at Trin, Coll, Dubhn; ent trie Mid, Temple; joined the Irish Bar, 1772 ; M,P, for Charlemont in trie Irish Pari, 1775 ; his services were rewarded by a grant of 50,000/. ; M.P. for Dub. 1790 ; opposed trie Union; M.P. for Dub. in trie Brit Pari. 1806, in which he advocated Cath. emancipation ; d. in London, 14 May, 1820 ; bu. in Weslm. Abbey. Statue of him by Carew in Weslm. Hall. Upwards of 150 small-size figures, standing and sealed ; Grattan address ing the House. Canvas, 70 X 96 in. 872 ADMIRAL THE HON. ROBERT DIGBY (1732-1814). Mr. G. Digby Wingfield Digby. 3rd son of Hon. Ed, Digby and Charlotte Fox ; b, 1732 ; entered trie Navy, 1744 ; Post-Capt, 1755 ; served under Sir Edward Hawke in the expedit, against Rocheforl, 1757, and under Commodore Keppel in the Expedit, against Goree, 1759; app. Rear- Admiral after trie Battle of Ushant, 1779; second in comm, at trie battle of St, Vincent, 1780; afterw, served on trie American station ; rose to the rank of Adm, of the Wriite, 1795 ; d, as Senior Adm, of trie Fleet, at Minterne, Co. Dorset, 25 Feb. 1814. To waist, sriowing 1, riand ; blue gold-laced coat. Canvas, 30 X 25 in. 873 WM, TYTLER, of WOODHOUSELEE (1711-1792). Col. Wm. Eraser Tytler. Sir H. Raeburn, R.A. Historian and Miscella, Writer; b, at Edinb, 1711; educ, al Edinb, Univ,; followed the prof of a writer lo trie Signet ; conlrib, lo the Transac, of the up-stairs.}- Eastern Corridor (iVoj, 868-885), ^75 Edinb, Antiq, Soc. of which he became Vice-Pres, ; pub, " An Historical and Critical Inquiry into the Evidence produced against Mary, Queen of Scots," with reference to which rie was addressed by Robert Burns in the lines beginning — "Revered defender of beauteous Stuart;" d, 1792, Bust ; black broad-brimmed hat, and bl, coat. Canvas, 30 X 25 in, 874 ROBERT WOOD (1716-1771). lent by painter, Earl of Ellesmere, Raphael Mengs. Politician and Scriolar; b, at Riverstown, co, Meath, 1716; made trie tour of Greece and Palestine, 1751; app, Und, Sec, of State, 1759; wrote " The Ruins of Baalbec," " The Ruins of Palmyra," and an " Essay on the Genius and Writings of Homer," pub, after his death; d, 1771. To waist, showing r, hand ; fur-lined red dress. Canvas, 30 X 25 in, 875 WILLIAM CONYNGHAM PLUNKET, aft. LD. PLUNKET (1764-1854). Hon. and Rev, W. C. Plunket. H, Hamilton. Ld, Chan, of Ireland ; son of a Presbyterian Minister at Enniskillen ; b. 1764; educ, at Trin. Coll, Dubl; called lo tri^ Bar, 1787; foremost in oppos. the Union when M.P, in the Irish Ho, of Comm, ; conducted the prosecution of Emmell, 1803; Att-Gen, for Irel, 1807; M,P, for Dublin Univers, 1812; distin, himself as a Pari, Orator; supp. Catholic Emancipa,; raised to the Peerage, 1827; Ld, Chanc, of Ireland, 1830; resign, his office, 1841 ; d, 1854, To waist, sealed ; nearly full face, arms folded, showing 1, hand, black coat, signed " H. Hamilton," Canvas, 30 x 25 in, 876, PETER BURROWES, M.P. (1752-1841). Mr. Peter Burrowes. B, at Portarlinglon, 1752; educ, at Trin, CoU, Dublin; called lo the Irish Bar, 1785 ; entered the Irish Pari, as Member for Enniscorthy, 1799 ; was among the most zealous opponents of Ld, Castlereagh on the Union question ; acted as counsel for Robt, Emmell, on his trial for high treason ; app, first Judge of the Insolvent Ct 1821 ; resign, 1835 ; d, 1841, To waist ; barrister's wig and gown. Canvas, 30 X 25 in. 877 ADMIRAL EARL HOWE (1725-1799), Trinity House. Thos. Gainsborough, R.A. 2nd surviving son of Emanuel, 2nd Visct ; b, 1725 ; educ, al Eton; enl, the Navy at 14 ; Post-Capt, for his defeat of two French sriips bearing suc cours to the young Pretender, 1745 • succ, his brother the 3rd Visct, 1758 ; defeated a French squadron and took two of trie vessels, 1759; Ld- of trie Adm, 1763 ; Treas, of the Navy, 1765 ; M,P, for Dartmouth ; commanded the Fleet, and Commiss, for trie pacificat, of America, 1776; engaged successfully the French squadron under D'Estaing off Rhode Island, 1778 ; crea, Visct, Howe, 1782 ; relieved Gibraltar, 1782 ; Earl, 1788 ; in comm, of trie Channel Fleet, and gained the vict, of i June, 1794, over the French off the west coast of France ; suppressed trie Mutiny at the Nore, 1797 ; K,G, 1797 ; d. 5 Aug, 1799 ; bu. at Langar, Notts, Monument in St, Paul's, Known amongst the sailors as " Black Dick," from his complexion. Full-length, standing ; naval uniform ; I, hand on pedestal, holding sword. Canvas, 96 X 59 in. 176 Supplementary Collection {Nos. 625-950). 878 JOHN WILKES, M.P. (1727-1797). Mrs, Empson, R, E. Pine. Son of Nathaniel Wilkes, a Distiller in St, John Street, Clerkenwell ; b. there 17 Oct 1727; went with a tutor to Leyden; marr. 1749, Miss Mead, of a Buckinghamsh. family, from whom he was separ. 1757 ; Col. of the Bucks Militia ; M,P, for Aylesbury 1757, and again 1761 ; comm, his paper, "The North Briton," 1762 ; attack, the King's Speech, Apr, 1763, and was commit, to the Tower on a general warrant ; released on plea of privilege ; general warrants declared by Ch, Just, Pratt illegal ; expell, from Ho, of Commons, and outlawed ; M,P, for Middlesex, 1768 ; iinpris, in King's Bench ; again expelled the House, and on his re-election declared incapable of election ; large subscriptions made for payment of his fines and debts ; discharged from prison, 1770; again M,P, for Middlesex, 1772 ; Ld, Mayor of London, 1774 ; had the resolution of the House of Commons declaring him incapable of election expunged, 1782 ; d, 26 Dec, 1797 ; bu, in Grosvenor Chapel, South Audley St, ; pub, political pamprilels, speeches, and letters ; brought out handsome edit, of Theophrastus and Catullus, Three-quarter size ; seated at table lo r, with pen in r, riand, roll of paper, books, and pedestal, lo his r, ; signed " R. E. Pine pinx. 1768." Canvas, 50 X 40 in, 879 EDMUND LAW, BP. OF CARLISLE (1703-1787). Earl of Ellenborough. George Romney. B, at Cartmel, Lancash, 1703; educ, al St, John's Coll, Camb,; app. Bp. of Carlisle, 1769; author of " Considerations of the Theory of Religion," " Enquiry into the ideas of Space, Time, &c," " Life of John Locke; " d. 1 787. Three-quarter size, sealed to 1, ; riolding hat in I, hand, stick in r. Can vas, 50 X 40 in, 880 CHARLES CALLIS WESTERN, LD, WESTERN, and HIS Brother, the Rev. SHIRLEY WESTERN, as Boys. Sir Thos. Western, Bt. M.P. J. S. Copley, R.A. Ld, Western, son of Charles Western, Esq,; b, at Rivenhall, Essex, 9 Aug, 1767; 42 years M,P, for Maldon and Essex; crea, Ld, Western, 1833 ; d, unmarr, 4 Nov, 1844, when trie peerage became extinct. Rev, Shirley Western, younger brotrier of Ld, Western, Triree-quarter size figures as boys, one with sketch-book, the other, Shirley Western, playing with dog. Canvas, 49 x 62 in, 881 JOHN FITZGIBBON, ist E. OF CLARE, Lord Chan, of Ireland (1749-1802). Mr. a. j. B. Beresford Hope, M.P. Statesman and Judge ; b, 1749; educ, al Trin, Coll, Dublin, and at Oxf; called to the Bar ; rose rapidly till he became Lord Chancellor and Baron Fitzgibbon, 1789 ; E, of Clare, 1795 ; promoted the Union ; d, 28 Jan, 1802. Full-length, standing, looking to r, ; robes as Ld, Criancellor of Ireland ; mace and seals lo riis I, Canvas, 94 x 60, 882 JAMES QUIN (1693-1766). Duke of Cleveland, K.G. Thos. Gainsborough, R,A. Actor ; son of a barrister of Irisri family ; b, in King St, Cov, Garden, 1693; went on trie stage in Dublin, 1714; next appeared at Drury Lane, wriere Booth and Cibber were acting ; played witri success in tragedy and comedy, but especially as " Falstaff;" a rival of Garrick, and a noted bon up-stairs.] 1ST Eastern Room (Nos. 886-902). 177 vivant aiid wit ; gave liberal aid to Thomson the poet, who calls him the "vEsopus of the age ;" d, at Bath, 21 Jan, 1766. Garrick wrote the epitaph on his monument in Westminster Abbey, Full-length, seated to the 1. looking lo r,; book in r, hand ; dark gold laced dress. Canvas, 92 x 60 in, 883 PARSONS AND MOODY (1728-1812) in the LENT BY "West Indian." painter, Mrs. Philip Martineau. J. H, Mortimer, A.R.A. (For Parsons, see No, 783,) John Moody, b, 1728; the best actor of Irishmen in his time ; son of a hairdresser in Cork, named Cochrane ; crian, his name to that of Moody ; ran away lo Jamaica, where he played trie leading tragic criaracters for some years ; first earned applause in Covent Garden by riis performance of "Captain O'Cutter," in trie "Jealous Wife," 1759 ; succeeded ks " Maj, O'Flaherty," in Cumberland's "West Indian," and "Sir Patrick O'Neale" in the "Irisri Widow;" also performed as " lago," " Henry VI II,," " Sriylock," &c, ; supported Garrick in the " Half-price Riots," 1763; retired from trie stage about 1796 ; d, 1812, Full-length figures, standing; in the characters of " Var]and"and" Major O'Flaherty," (Act 4, Sc. 2,) one with stick raised, trie olrier witri crutch- handled stick. Canvas, 40 X 50 in, 884 REV. RICHARD GRAVES (17 15-1804). Mr. Charles Roberson. James Northcote, R A, Novelist and Poet; b, 1715 ; pub, "The Spiritual Quixote," 1773; Epigrams, Translation of Antoninus, 1792 ; d, 23 Nov, 1804, Half-length, seated to I, ; black clerical dress, landscape in background. Canvas, 36 X 28 in, 885 RT, HON. SIR JOHN CUST, Bt. (1718-1770). Earl Brownlow. Sir Joshua Reynolds, P.R.A. Eldest son of Sir Richard Cust, 2nd Bart ; succ. his father, 1734 ; M.P. for Grantham; elected Speaker, 1761 ; P.C. 1768 ; d. 1770. Full-length, standing ; robes as Speaker, mace to his r., speech on table lo riis 1., dated " Dec, 2, 1761." Canvas, 106 X 77 in. Up-stairs: No. 10. 1st EASTERN ROOM (Nos. 886-902). 886 SIR ROBERT TAYLOR, Kt. (1714-1788). Institute of Brit. Architects. Sculp, and Arcriitect ; son of a stone-mason ; b, in London, 1714 ; studied sculpture under Sir Henry Crieere, and in Rome ; execut. Guest's monum, in Westm, Abbey, and trie figure of Britannia al the Bank of Engl, ; subsequently engaged in architecture ; was appoint. Surveyor to trie Admiralty, Greenwich Hosp Bank of Engl, and Foundling Hosp. ; amassed a large fortune, part of which he left for the founda. of the Taylor Instilut. for the study of Modern Languages at Oxf ; d. 27 Sept. 1788- ¦ -u j Half-length, standing, looking to 1. ; scariet coat ; resting r. riand on table. Canvas, 50 X 4° in- 887 PRISCILLA BELL, Mrs. WAKEFIELD, and her Sister, CATHARINE BELL, Mrs. GURNEY, Mr. Alfred Head. Thos, Gainsborough, R.A. Priscilla Bell, Mrs. Wakefield; Educational Writer; b. 1750; pub hshed "J.uvemle Anecdotes," "Mental Improvement," "Leisure Hour, 178 Supplementary Collection {Nos. 625-950). "A Familiar Tour through the British Empire," &c., also promoted the foundation of " Frugality (Saving) Banks," for the benefit of trie poor; marr. Mr. Edward Wakefield, 1771 ; d. at Ipswich, 1832. Catharine Bell, Mrs. Gurney; dau. of Daniel BeU, a Lond. mercri. in 1775 ; rnarr. Jorin Gurney, of Earlham, Norfolk, by whom she became the motrier of Elizabeth, afterwards Mrs. Fry. Full-length figures in landscape, one seated, gentleman in blue coat, standing. Canvas, 47 x 36 in. 888 WILLIAM ROBERTSON, D.D. (1721-1793). lent by painter. University of Edinburgh. Sir H. Raeburn, R.A. Historian; b. al Borthwick, Mid-Lothian, 172 1; educ al Dalkeith and Edinburgh ; stud, trieol. and moral priilos. ; pastor of Gladsmuir, E. Lotriian, 1743; became famous by riis eloquence; iniluenlial memb. of the Gen. Ass. of the Church of Scotl.; publ. his "Hist, of Scotl." 1759; appoint. Criapl. in Ord. to trie King, 1761 ; Princip. of the Univ. of Edinb. 1762 ; publ. his criief work " Hist of trie Reign of the Emperor Criarles V," 1769 ; " Hist of America," 1 777; electmemb, of the Roy, Acad, of Madrid; d, at Grangehouse, near Edinb, 11 June, 1793: riis works were Iransl, into Frencri and German. Triree-quarter size, seated in arm-chair to 1, : clerical dress, mace and books on table to his 1, Canvas, 49 X 39 in, 889 REV. WILLIAM ROMAINE (1714-1795), Mr, W, G. Romaine, C,B. F, Cotes, R,A. Theologian; b, at Hartlepool, 1714; educ, al Hertford and Ch, Ch. Oxf ; app. successively Lecturer of St. Botolph, Bisriopsgate, Lecturer of St. Dunstan-in-trie-West, and morning preacrier at St. George's, Hanover-sq, 1748-50; known by riis opposition to the bill for the Naturalization of the Jews ; author of " Discourses on the Law and the Gospel," "The Life of Faith," &c, d, 1795, Three-quarter size, seated at table to r, ; leaning I, hand on arm of chair, with r, riand raised, in clerical dress. Canvas, 50 X 40 in, 890 SIR GEORGE TREVELYAN, Bart. (1707-1768). Sir W. C, Trevelyan, Bt. Thos. Gainsborough, R,A. Son of Sir Jorin, 2nd Barl, ; b, 1707; marr, Julia, only dau, of Sir Waller Calverley, Bart, and eventually rieiress of her brother. Sir Walter Calverley Blacket; d, 1768. Half-lengtri, standing ; lavender-coloured gold-laced coal ; painted in 1761, Canvas, 50 X 40 in. 891 FRANCIS NORTH, 4TH EARL OF GUILFORD (1761-1817). Colonel North, M.P. Thos. Gainsborough, R.A. 2nd son of Frederick, 2nd E. of Guilford, and 8th Ld. North, the celebra. Prime Minister; b. 25 Dec. 1761; succ. his bro. Geo. Augustus, the 3rd E, 1802; d, without issue, 1817, Half-length ; standing, looking to I, ; scarlet coat. Canvas, 50 X 40 in, 892 RT, HON, JAMES ABERCROMBY, afterw. LORD DUNFERMLINE (1776-1858). Lord Dunfermline. David Allan. {See No. 318.) Full-length, as a child of three years old, standing with dog and pigeon; TuUibodie House, trie residence of Sir R. Abercromby, in background ; dated al back, " 1779," Canvas, 51 x 40 in. Up-stairs.} ist Eastern Room {Nos. 886-902). 179 893 SIR ABRAHAM HUME, Bt. (1749-1838). LENT BY PAINTER. Earl Brownlow. Sir J. Reynolds, P.R,A. Eld, son of Sir A, Hume, Bt ; b, 20 Feb, 1749; succ, his father, 1772 ; M,P, for Pelersfield ; Sheriff of Hertfordsh, 1774 ; F,R,S, 1775 ; known as a patron of the fine arts ; d, 24 Mar, 1838, To waist ; looking to I, ; crimson coat. Canvas, 30 x 25 in. 894 JN. DUNNING, LD, ASHBURTON (1731-1783). National Portrait Gallery. Sir Joshua Reynolds, P.R,A. Son of J, Dunning, Esq,; b, al Ashburton, Devonsh, 18 Oct, 1731; stud, for the Bar, and soon attained lo eminence in his profession ; Counsel for Jn, Wilkes, whose defence he conducted with great ability; M,P, for Calne 1768; Alt-Gen, 1767-70; raised to trie Peerage, and Chan, of trie Duchy of Lancaster, 1782 ; marr, Eliz, dau, of John Baring and sister of Sir Francis Baring, Bart,; d, 18 August, 1783. Bust to r, ; black gown and bands. Canvas; 30 X 25 in. 895 HARIOT FAWKENER, HON. MRS. BOUVERIE AND MRS. CREWE, Lord Crewe. Sir J. Reynolds, P,R,A. Hariot Fawkener, Mrs, Bouverie, dau, of Sir Edward Fawkener, Kt ; marr, in 1764, the Hon, E, Bouverie, 2nd son of Jacob, ist Viscount Folkestone ; known as the intimate friend of Mrs, Crewe, and, like her, several limes painted by Sir J, Reynolds, Francis Anne Greville, Mrs, afterwards Lady Crewe, only dau, of Fulke Greville, Esq,, grandson of Fulke, 5th L, Brooke ; distin, in rier day for rier beauty and accomplish, ; mam, 1776, J, Crewe, Esq, of Crewe Hall, thirty-eight years M,P, for co, Criester, cr. Baron Crewe 1806 ; she d, 18 18, Half-length ; seated, in a garden, under a tree ; stone to their left, with inscription, " El in Arcadia ego." Canvas, 40 x 50 in. 896 MRS. LEYBORNE. Mr. F. Leyborne Popham. Thomas Gainsborough, R.A. Wife of the Gov. ofGranada and trie Western Isles, in trie reign of Geo. III. Three-quarter size, standing to 1. ; low blue dress ; bouquet of flowers in 1. hand. Canvas, 50 x 40 in. 897 ANNE CHALONER, COUNTESS of HAREWOOD, AND CHILD. Earl of Harewood, Sir Joshua Reynolds, P,R,A. Dau, of WiUiam Chaloner, Esq,, of Gainsborough ; marr, 1761, Edward Lascelles, afterwards isl Earl of Harewood, Three-quarter size ; seated, with infant child stretching its arms to her face. Canvas, 49 X 40 in, 898 EDWARD POPHAM, M.P. Mr. F. Leyborne Popham. Thos, Gainsborough, R.A. Son of Francis Popham, Esq, of Liltlecole, Wilts ; M,P, for Wills, 1741, 1747, 1754, and 1761 ; marr. Miss Rebecca Huddon ; d, 1779, Three-quarter size, standing to r., stick in r, hand, cocked hat under 1. arm. Canvas, 49 X 39 in, 899 DAVID GARRICK (1716-1779). Mr, j. Heywood Hawkins. P. J. de Loutherbourg, R.A. {See No. 774.) FuU length, small size ; in criaracler of " Richard III." near a castle gale. Panel, 26 X 17 J in. i8o Supplementary Collection {Nos. 625-950), 900 LORD HOLLAND and LORD ALBEMARLE, A SHOOTING PARTY. LENT BY PAINTER, Duke of Richmond, K,G, George Stubbs, A.R.A, FuU-length small figures in landscape, witri dogs and riorses. Canvas, 54 X 82 in, 901 DANIEL CHAS. SOLANDER, M.D. F.R.S. (1736-82). Linnean Society. Naturahst; b, at Nordland, Sweden, 28 Feb, 1736; studied under Lin naeus at the Univ, of Upsala, where he graduated as M,D, ; came to Engl. and was app, assist in trie Nat, Hist Departm, of the Brit, Mus, 1760 ; F,R,S, ; accomp. Sir Joseph Banks on riis voy, round trie world witri Capt, Cook, 1768-71; Assist-Librar, at trie Bril, Mus, 1773; d, 1782, FuU-length, looking to r,, seated al table, on wriicri is abotanical drawing, pen in r, riand. Canvas, 50 X 40 in, 902 DUCHESS OF RICHMOND and LADY LOUISA LENNOX, — Racehorses training. Duke of Richmond, K.G, George Stubbs, A.R,A. Small fuU-length figures in landscape. Canvas, 81 X 54 in. Up-stairs: No. ii. 2nd EASTERN ROOM (Nos. 903-950). SIX MEMBERS OF THE BIRMINGHAM LUNAR SOCIETT {Nos. 903-908), Trie Lunar Society consisted of a small circle of Scientific and Lilerarv men living in the Midland Counties towards trie close of trie last century ; Birmingriam being their head-quarters {see under No, 907), 903 JAMES KEIR, F,R,S. and GRANDDAUGHTER. Mr, James Moilliet. Longastre. Chemist ; b, 29 Sept, 1735 ; a member of trie "Lunar Society ;" author of an "Account of the Life and Writings of T, Day," 1791 ; d, 11 Oct, 1820, To waist, seated at table ; child to his left. Crayon, paper, 27 X 22 in, 904 WILLIAM WITHERING, M,D, F,R,S, (1741-1799). Mrs, Alfred Seymour, Carl von Breda, Physician and Botanist; b, al Wellington, Salop, 1741 ; stud, at Edinb, ; practised at Stafford and Birmingham ; pub, a " Systematic Arrangement of Brit, Plants," and discov, trie native carbonate of barytes ; d, 1799, Three-quarter size, seated; black dress; riolding flowers of foxglove; riis "British Flora" open to his 1.; signed, "Breda pinxit, 1792," Canvas, 50 X 40 in, 905 JOSIAH WEDGWOOD, F.R.S, F.S.A. (1730-1795), Mr. Charles Darwin, After Sir J, Reynolds, P,R,A The celebra, potter, member of a family of potters at Burslem; b, 1730; appren, to riis eld. brotrier ; early showed skill in the production of ornament. and coloured pottery ; established riimself at Burslem, 1759; became widely known by his Queen's ware, black basalt ware, cameos, &c, ; to extend riis up-stairs.] 2ND Eastern Room {Nos. 903-950), 181 works, founded the village of Elruria, 1766 ; engaged Flaxman the sculptor, as a designer; succ, in imital, the Portland Vase, 1790; chosen F,R,S, and F,S,A, ; estab, schools, and made roads for the Potteries; amass, a large fortune; d, at Elruria, 1795, Bust : claret-coloured coal, wriile cravat, powdered wig. Canvas, 30 x 25, 906 THOMAS DAY (1748-1789}, LENT BY PAINTER. Lord Belper. Joseph Wright of Derby, A, R.A. Writer ; son of a Collector of Customs in London ; b, 1748 ; educ, at the , Charlerrio, and Corp, Chr, Coll, Oxf ; enl, the Temple, but did not practise Law as a profession ; made himself known by his eccentric manners and opinions ; gained reputation as an author by his " History of Sandford and Merton;" d, from the kick of a favourite horse, 28 Sept, 1789, Half-length, standing ; leaning on base of column, book in 1, hand. Canvas, 50 X 40 in, 907 SAMUEL GALTON, F.R.S. (1753-1802). Mr. Darwin Galton. Longastre. B, 18 June, 1753 ; Member, with Walt, Boulton, Darwin, Baskerville, Edgeworth, Wedgwood, Wilriering, Day, Dr, Small, Keir, and Priestley, of trie " Lunar Society ;" d, 19 June, 1802, Bust, full face ; brown coat, wriite waistcoat. Crayon, paper, 26 x 22 in, 908 JOSEPH PRIESTLEY, LL.D. (1733-1804). Dr. Williams's Library. Henry Fuseli, R.A. B, near Leeds, 13 Marcri, 1733, of a Dissenting family; early applied himself lo acquire languages and made some progress in Chaldee, Syriac, and Arabic; stud, nal, science ; LL,D, ; pub, " History of Electricity," 1767; F,R,S, ; Minister at Leeds, 1767 ; Librarian for seven years to the E, of Shelburne ; obta, trie Copley medal for a paper on Air ; pub, " Disquisitions on Matter and Spirit," 1777 ; a " Defence of Socinianism," and various works respect. Christian Doctrine ; conlrov, with Dr, Horsley and reply to Burke on French Revolul, ; nominal, a citizen of the French Repuhl, ; populace at Birmingham destr, his house and library ; went lo America ; d, 6 Feb, 1 804. Three-quarter size, seated lo 1, in arm-chair at table, with papers. Canvas, 50 X 40 in, 909 CHARLES TOWNLEY, with Dr. VERDUN, Dr. OLIVER, Mr. C. PRICE, Mr. THOS. HOLT, AND CAPTAIN WYNN. Mr. Charles Towneley. R. Cosway, R.A. C. Townley, Antiquary, CoUector of the Townley Marbles ; resid. many years in Rome, where rie employed riimself in forming a museum of remains of ancient Art, wriicri rie afterw. arranged in his two houses in Park Street, Westminster; d. 1805. The Townley Marbles are now in the Brit, Mus. Full-length small size figures, examining a torso of Venus, placed upon an antique aUar ; others of trie Townley marbles round them. Canvas, 30 X 25 in, 910 JOSHUA KIRBY and his Wife (1716-1774). Rev. Kirby Trimmer. Thomas Gainsborough, R.A. Son of John Kirby, author of trie "Suffolk Traveller;" b. at Wickham Market, Suffolk 1716; settled in Lond, and introd, by Ld, Bute to Geo, 111, ; 1 82 Supplementary Collection {Nos. 625-950). Clerk of trie Works at Kew; Teacher of Perspective to the King and Queen; Presid. of trie Incorporated Society of Artists, 1768 ; pub. trie " Perspective of Architecture;" F.R.S. and F.S.A.; d. 20 June, 1774; bu. in Kew Churchyd. Full-length, small size ; seated beneath large tree, in landscape ; dog to his 1, Canvas, 30 X 25 in, 911 REV, DAVID WILLIAMS (1738-1816). LENT BY PAINTER , Royal Literary Fund. J. F. Rigaud, R.A. MisceUaneous Writer and Founder of the Royal Literary Fund ; b, in Cardigansri, 1738 ; officia, as Dissent, Min, at Frome, Exeter, and Highgate; opened a Criapel in London, 1776 ; afterwards devoted himself to literary labour ; pub, " Lectures on Education," " Lectures on Political Principles," " History of Monmouthshire," &c, ; founded the Royal Literary Fund, 1789 ; d, June, 1S16, Full-length, standing ; blue dress, 1, arm resting on desk, pen in r. hand. Signed, "J, F, Rigaud, London," Canvas, 40 X 33 in- 912 JOSEPH MALLORD WILLIAM TURNER, R.A. Mr. W. Llewellyn. J. M. W. Turner, R.A. {See No. 94.) Bust ; looking to his r., with palette and brushes in 1. hand ; greenish coal. Canvas, 24 x 20 in, 913 CHARLES TOWNLEY and others, Mr. Charles Towneley. Johann Zoffany, R.A, For Charles Townley, see No, 909, , M, D'Hancarville, author of "Antiquites Etrusques, Grecques, et Romaines," &c, Rt, Hon, Charles Greville, brother to George, 2nd Earl of Warwick. Mr. Astle, Keeper of the Records, author of trie " Origin of Writing," &c. Full-length small size figures, in Mr. Townley's Library, in Park-street, Westminster, examining the Townley Coll, of antique marbles. Canvas, 50 X 42 in, 914 GEORGE MORLAND (1763-1804). Mr. C. j. Smith, Geo, Morland. Painter ; son of Hy, R, Morland, a painter ; b, 26 June, 1763 ; first painted landscapes ; afterwards, for the most part, subjects with domestic animals ; worked with rapidity, and is said to riave often painted in pay ment of riis tavern bills; d, 29 Oct, 1804, at a sponging-riouse in Eyre-Street Hill, Coldbath Fields, FuU-length; small size; seated at easel, painting. Canvas, 30X25 in, 915 RICHARD PRICE, D,D, (1723-1791). Equitable Assurance Office, Benjamin West, P,R,A, Dissent, Minist, and Polit, Writer; b, at Tynton, Glamorgansh, 1723; studied at a dissent, acad, in London, 1741; chaplain to Mr, Streatfield, and preacher to different dissent, congrega, in London from 1743; F, R, S, 1765 ; .contrib, many papers to the " Priilosopri, Trans,;" wrote in favour of the Amer, Colonies, 1775-76, for wriicri he received tlie freedom of trie City of London, and was invited by Congress to Amer, ; consult, after trie war as a financial autriorily by Pitt, about the liquida, of the Nat Debt; hailed with enthusiasm the outbr, of the French Revolu, 1789, wriich drew upon him the censure of Burke; d, 19 Mar, 1791, To waist, seated; holding letter and spectacles; painted in 1784, Canvas, 30 X 28 in. up-stairs.} 2ND Eastern Room {Nos. 903-950). 183 PORTRAITS OF MEMBERS OF THE DILETTANTI SOCIETY (iVw. 916-946), LENT BY PAINTERS. Dilettanti Soc. Geo. Knapton, Sir J. Reynolds, and others. The Society of Dilettanti was established in 1734 by several noblemen and others (Viscount Harcourt, Duke of Dorset, &c,), who were desirous of advancing the Fine Arts in Great Britain, The Society consists of fifty members, and, by its aid or encouragement, there have been published from Lime to lime several important Art Works, In 1764 triey sent an expedition to Asia Minor, and recorded the results in the "Ionian Antiquities;" they aided in publishing Stuart's "Athens," Chandler's "Travels," &c, ; in 18 14 they sent an expedition to the Levant, The Members formerly dined together periodically al the Thatched House Tavern, St, James's, but now al WiUis's Rooms. In 1740 it was ordered, " That every Member of trie Society do make a present of his picture, in oil colours, done by Mr, George Knapton a Member, lo be hung up in the room wriere the Society meets." The following 23 Portraits were painted by Mr, Knapton : — CHARLES, 2ND DUKE OF DORSET. MR. J. HOWE. LORD HYDE, AFTERWARDS EARL OF CLARENDON, SIR JAMES GRAY, K,B. SIR BROWNLOW SHERARD, Bt. FRANCIS DASHWOOD, LORDLE DESPENCER, MR, HENRY HARRIS. WILLIAM, 2ND EARL OF BESSBOROUGH. HON, SEWALLIS SHIRLEY, (CHANCELLOR OF Oxford,) MR, WILLIAM FAUQUIER. COLONEL DENNY, GENERAL SIR GEORGE GRAY, SAMUEL SAVAGE, ESQ. WILLIAM WILDMAN, 2ND VISCOUNT BARRINGTON. JOHN MONTAGU, 4TH EARL OF SANDWICH. SIR JOHN RAWDON, BT. 1ST. EARL OF MOIRA, MR. THOMAS BRAND. JOHN, 4TH DUKE OF BEDFORD, SIR BOURCHIER WRAY, Bt. BARON HOPBERG. JOHN MONCKTON, 1ST VISCOUNT GALWAY. ROBERT D'ARCY, 4TH AND LAST EARL OF HOLDERNESSE. WILLIAM, 1ST EARL OF BLESSINGTON, SIR JOSHUA REYNOLDS, P,R,A, {By Himself). A GROUP OF PORTRAITS, COMPLETED IN 1779 {By Sir Joshua Reynolds, P.R.A.) :— Sir Watkin Williams Wynn, Bart, Sir John Taylor, Bart, Mr, Stephen Payne Galway, The Rt, Hon Sir Wm, Hamilton, K, B, Mr, Richard Thompson, Mr, W, Spencer Stanhope, Mr, Smyth of Heath, 184 Supplementary Collection (Nos. 625-950). A GROUP OF PORTRAITS {By Sir Joshua Reynolds, P.R.A.) :— Lord Mulgrave [Constantine John, 2nd Baron, Capt, R, N, ] Lord Dundas [Thomas 1st Baron, then Mr, Dundas], Earl of Seaforth [Kenneth Mackenzie, last Earl], Honourable Charles F, Greville, Duke of Leeds [Francis Godolphin, 5th Duke, then Marquis of Carmarthen], Charles Crowle, Esq, The Right Honourable Sir Joseph Banks, Bart, ICB, RICHARD PAYNE KNIGHT, ESQ, {By Sir Thos. Lawrence, P.R.A.) SIR HENRY C, ENGLEFIELD,Bt, {By Sir Thos. Lawrence,P.R.A) THOMAS, 1ST BARON DUNDAS {By Sir Thos. Lawrence, P. R.A) BENJAMIN WEST, P,R,A, {By Himself) JOHN B, S, MORRITT, Esq, {By Sir M. A. Shee, P.R.A) 947 RT. HON. EDWARD ELLICE, M.P. (1781-1863). LENT BY PAINTER. Corporation of Coventry. Sir Francis Grant, P.R.A. Statesman; b. at Montreal, 1781; educ. at Winchester and Aberdeen; engaged in commerce; M.P. for Coventry, 1818-26 and 1830-63; Sec. to Treas. 1831-2 ; Sec. of War, 1833-4; promoted trie formation of trie Refonn Club, and was its first Criairman; d. al Ardochy, N.B. 17 Sept. 1863. Full-lengtri, seated, full face ; r. riand resting on arm of chair, paper in 1. Canvas, 82 X 52 in. 948 PRINCESS CHARLOTTE AUGUSTA, OF WALES (1 796-1 8 1 7). Dowager Viscountess Ashbrook. George Dawe, R.A. {See No. 231.) Three-quarter length; seated on sofa, nearly profile to r. wearing wreath of wriite roses, r. arm resting on portfolio ; landscape back ground ; signed " Geo. Dawe, R.A. pinxl." Canvas, 57 X 44 in. 949 PRINCE OCTAVIUS (1779-1783). Her Majesty (Frogmore). Benjamin West, P.R.A. 13th chUd of Geo. IIL; b. 23 Feb. 1779; d. 2 May, 1783. Full-lengtri, as a criild, standing in a room, drawing a sword from its scabbard; straw rial, buff jacket, and blue sash; signed "B. West, 1788." Canvas, 50 x 40 in. 950 GEN. DAVID LESLIE, ist LD. NEWARK ( -1682). Mr. W. Pollard-Urquhart, M.P. George Jamesone. General ; 5tli son of Patrick Leslie, of Pitcairly ; served under Gustavus Adolphus in trie 30 years' war ; afterw. under the E. of Leven against Charles 1.; defeated Montrose at Philiphaugri, 1645; com. trie Royalist army al Dunbar and was defeated by Cromwell, 1650, and al Worcester, 165 1; imprisoned in trie Tower till the Restoration ; crea. Ld, Newark by Clias, II. 1661 ; d, 1682, Bust, looking to 1,; armour, wide lace-edged collar; dated, "Anno, 1642," Canvas, 26 X 21 in. INDEX. No. I,— NAMES OF LENDERS, The fl^ures refer to the mimber of the Portrait. Her Majesty the Queen — Buckingham Palace, 370 Hampton Court, 20, 628, 757 Windsor Castle, 190, 196, 206, 210, 220, 225, 320, 328, 367, 369, 382, 384, 656, 825 Frogmore, 949 H,R,H, trie Ducriess of Cambridge, 330 Abbott, Mr, Charles S, A, 119 A'Beckelt, Mr, GUbert Arthur, 595 Abinger, Sarah, Lady, 770 Acland, Sir T, Dyke, Bart, 146, 563, 844, 848, 865 Admiralty, Lords of the, 24, 75, 546, 755. 761, 772 Advocates, Faculty of, 100 Alison, Dowager Lady, 498 Anderdon, Mr, J, H, 17, 22 Anderson, Sir Charles J, H, Bart, 93 Anthony, Mr, W, in, 344 Antiquaries, Society of Scotland, 56 Architects, Royal Institute of {see In stitute of &c,) Argyll, Duke of K,T, 711 Armagh, Archbisriop of 471, 670, 674 Arnold, Mrs, 511 Arnold, Mr, T, J, 374, 795 Asribrook, Dowager Viscountess, 948 Asiatic Society, Royal, 207, 327 Aveland, Lord, 68, 857 Babington, Mr, Benjamin, 122 Barker, Mr, Thomas Jones, 855 Barlow, Mr, Peter W, 479 Barrett, iiev, R, 856 Barrington,Viscounl, M,P, 161,203,762 Barrow, Mr, Jorin, 418 Barry, Mr, Criarles, 618 Barwell, Mr, Jorin, 273 Beaumont, Sir G, H, Barl, loi, 135, 306, 364, 774, 783 Beckett, Mr, Gilbert Arthur k, 595 Bedingfield, Sir Henry G, P, Barl, 690 Beechey, Rev, St, Vincent, 76 Bell, Mrs, Hamilton, 236 Belper, Lord, 861, 906 Berners, Lord, 655, 658 Bicknell, Mr, Henry, 517, 608 Bingham, Colonel, 643, 687 Binning, Lord, 823 Birmingham and Midland Institute, 619 Blackwell, Mr, John, 303 Blackwood and Sons, Messrs. W, 253, 255, 259, 521 Blewitt, Mr, Octavian, 256 Blomfield, Mrs, 507 Bodley, Mr, T, 407 Boger, Mr, Deeble, 731 Bompas, Mr, G, C, 480 Bond, Mrs, 586 Bonomi, Mr, J, 835, 838 Bourchier, Lady, 362 Bourke, Lady Susan, 465 Bower, Mrs, 562 Boxall, Mr, W, Percival, 140, i68, 694 Boyne, Viscount, 801, 839 Brigstocke, Mr, Triomas, 445 Brodie, Sir B, C, Bart 578 Bromley House Library, Nottingham, 134 i86 INDEX OF LENDERS. Brookes, Mr, J, R, 1 79 Brownlow, Earl, 818, 885, 893 Bruce, Mrs, 548 Bruce, Mr. John, 714 Brunei, Mrs, 486, 491 Buccleuch, Duke of, K,G, 252, 717, 747,819,851,858,862,864 Burge, Mrs, 166 Burke, Viscount, M,P, 454 Burney, Rev, Charles, 155, 820 Burrowes, Mr, Peter, 876 Bushe, Mr, John, 217 Buxton, Dowager Lady, 389, 506 Buxton, Sir T. FoweU, Bart, M,P, 392 CaUcolt, Mr, WiUiam Hutchins, 91, 557 Calvert, Mrs, 113 Campbell, Lady, 316 Canterbury, Viscount, n, 240, 860 Carpenter, Mrs. 357 Cary, Mr, F, S, 293 Cater, Mr, W, C, 115, 116 Cathcart, Earl, 71, 223, 450, 854 Cavan, Earl of, 197 Criaplin, Mr, Clifford, 791 Chester, Mr. Harry, 399 Chesterfield, Earl of 457 Clack, Mr, Richard A. 360 Clanricarde, Marquis of, 500 Clarke, Miss, 326 Clay, Mr, Alfred B, 528 Cleveland, Duke of K,G, 882 Clifden, Viscountess, 553, 559 Clifford, Admiral Sir A, W, G, Bart, 184 Clougri, Mrs, A, H, 624 Cobbett, Miss, 251, 264 Cobden, Mrs, 461 Codrington, General Sir W, J,, G,C,B, 333 Colebrooke, Sir T, E, Barl, M,P, 157 Coleridge, Rev, Derwent, 272 CoUins, Mr, G, 797 Constable, Captain Criarles G, 145 Cooke, Mrs, 104 Coote, Captain, R,N, 422 Copleston, Misses, 385 Cork, Trie Dean of 31 1 Corporation of Birmingham, 524 Corporation of Coventry, 947 Corporation of King's Lynn, 540 Corporation of Liverpool, 160, 237 Corporation of Wisbech, 178 Cottenham, Earl of 377 Coutts, Miss Burden, 84, 138, 142, 811 Cowper, Countess, 224 Crabbe, Rev, George, 289 Craig, Mr, J, T, Gibson, 640, 646 Crewe, Lord, 667, 672, 895 Croft, Sir Herbert Denman, Bart, 313 Croker, Mrs, 397 Crowe, Mr, Eyre, 567 Cubitt, Mr, G,, M,P, 634, 809 Cubitt, Mr, Joseph, 508 Cunningham, Lieut,- Col, F,, 275, 300, 335 Cureton, Mrs, 509, Darling, Lady, 265 Dartmouth, Earl of 703, 737 Darwin, Mr, Charles, 905 De Grey and Ripon, Earl, 174, 232 De La Warr, Countess, 70, 705 Denbigh, Earl of 708 Denison, Right Hon, J, E,, M,P, 463 Denman, Lord, 33, 34 Dennistoun, Mr, A,, 257 Department of Science and Art, {See Science and Art Department) Derby, Earl of K,G, 136, 144, 383 Derby, Mr, Alfred T, 283 Devonshire, Duke of K,G, 725 Digby, Mr, G, Digby Wingfield, 766, 771,872 Dilettanti Society, 916-946 Dillon, Viscount, 631, 642, 663, 665, 669, 673, 676, 678, 680, 681, 698, 775, 805, 866 Disbrowe, Miss, 12, 18 Disbrowe, Colonel, 323 Disney, Mr, Edgar, 742 D'Israeli, Mr, Ralph, 334 Donne, Mr, W, Bodriam, 778 Dormer, Lord, 635, 648 Drummond, Mrs, 394 Duncombe, Mr, Triomas H. 391 Dundas, Lady Jane, 802 Dundonald, Earl of 340 Dunfermline, Lord, 23, 318, 892 INDEX OF LENDERS. 187 Durham, Earl of, 242, 325 Durham, Bishop of 286, 429 Edgeworth, Mr, A, E, 175 Edgeworth, Mr, M.P, 842 Egerton, Capt, F, P,, R,N, 19 Eldon, Earl of 37, 43, 51 Elgin and Kincardine, Countess of 129, 533 Elgin Place Church, Glasgow, 502 Ellenborough, Earl of 49, 833, 879 Ellesmere, Earl of 376, 709, 874 ElUot, Mr, John F, 475 EUiol, WiUiam, M,D, 594 Ellis, Mr, George, 246, 270 EUis, Mr, Wynn, 263 Elpriinstone, Sir James Dalrymple Home, Bl, 781, 782 Empson, Mrs. 314, 878 Equitable Assurance Office, 915 Espinasse, Mr, Isaac, 828 Eton College, 154 Eversley, Viscount, 41 Exeter, Marquis of 139, 739 F'awcelt, Mrs, 96 Feversham, Earl of 792 Fielden, Mr. Samuel, 363 Finch, Mr. C, Wynne, 633, 644, 647, 650, 668, 850 Finlaison, Mrs. 278 Fitzgerald, Mrs, 530 FitzGerald, Mr, C, R, (Home Office), 769 Follett, Mr, Edward, 395 Ford, Mrs, 426 Ford, Mr, F, Clare, 834 Fortescue, Earl, 29, 466, 765, 821 Fortescue, Hon, G, M, 32, 59, 60 Foster, Mr, W, O,, M,P, 837 Foundling Hospital, 803 Frend, Mr, H, Tyrwriitt, 149, 291 Frere, Mr, George, 235 Frewen, Mr, Triomas, 638, 659, 697, 701,715 Galton, Mr, Darwin, 907 Galway, Viscount, M,P, 332 Gambier, Admiral, 72 Gardiner, Lady, 204 Gardner, Lord, 133 Gibbons, Mrs, 338, 551, 558 Gifford, Lord, 276 Gladstone, Sir Thomas, Bt, 79, 238, 355 Goding, Mr, WiUiam, 98 Gordon, Sir Henry P, Bl, 193, 194 Gordon, Mr, G, Huntly, 613 Gordon-Cumming, Sir W, G, Bt, 849 Goulburn, Mr, Frederick, 405 Graham, Mr, J, Maxtone, 720 Grant, Mr, J, P, 281 Grantley, Lord, 852 GranviUe, Earl, K,G, 52, 234, 460, 836 Gray's Inn, Hon, Society of 751 Green, Mrs, 505 Green, Mr, William E, 247 Gregory, Mr, Criarles Hutton, 339 Gregory, Mr, John, 156, 704, 807 Grey, Earl, K,G, 310, 342, 350, 352 Griffith, Miss Conway, 831 Grissell, Mr, Thomas, 231 Gurney, Mr, Samuel, M,P, 176 Gwyn, Mr, R, 13 Gye, Mr, F, 4 Halford, Sir Henry, Bt, 82, 218 Haliburton, Mrs, 604 Hall, Mrs, WiUiam, 63 HaUiday, Rev. W. S. 5 Hamilton, Dowager Lady, 499, 560 Hardinge, Viscount, 439 Harewood, Earl of 897 Harrowby, Earl of, K.G. 31, 102, 226 Hastings, Lady Edith Abney, 65 Hawkins, Mr. J. Heywood, 899 Hawkins, Rev. W. B. 386 Hazhtl, Mr. W. C, 301, 307 Head, Mr, Alfred, 887 Heath, Rev, J, M, 90 Heaton, Miss, 600 Henderson, Mrs, 241 Henry, Mrs, 582 Herbert of Lea, Lady, 478 Heriot's Hospital, 660 Herries, Mr, C, J, 398 Hetley, Frederick, M,D, 163 Heys, Misses, 726 Hibernian Academy, Royal, 83, 86 Hick, Mr, John, 430 HiU Viscount, 57 i88 INDEX OF LENDERS. Hippisley, Mr, J, H, 317 Hodgson, Major-Gen, J, Studholme, 785 Holford, Mr, R, S,, M,P, 629 Holland, Lady, 42, 354 Holland, Sir Henry, Bt, M,D, 309 Hollway, Mr, J, H, 822, 829 Holt, Mr, Henry F, 28 Hood, Mr, T, 593 Hooker, Dr, 409 Hope, Mr. A, J, B, Beresford, M,P, 202, 881 Horticultural Society, Royal, 435 Howard, Hon, Mrs, Greville, 810 Howard, Miss, 427 Howard, Mr, J, .H, 584 Hughes, Mrs, John, 637 Humane Society, Royal, 527 Hume, Mrs, 459 Institute of British Architects, Royal, 404, 617, 776, 788, 886 Institution of CivU Engineers, 492 Jameson, Miss, 402 Jeffery, Major Morton, 790 Jesus College, Cambridge, 39 Jodrell, Mrs, 455 Johnson, Mr, H, R, Vaughan, 777 Johnstone, Miss Campbell, 817 Johnstone, Sir J, V, B, Bt 171 Jones, Mrs, Inwood, 6io Jones, H, Bence, M,D, 534 Kean, Mrs, 436 Keane, Sir J, H, Bl, 580 Keene, Rev, C, E, Ruck, 784 Kenealy, E, V,, LL,D, 15, 867 Keppel, Lieut-Colonel, 746 Keppel, Rev, W, A, W, 794, 846 King's College, Cambridge, 120 Kingsmill, Mr, W, Howley, 324 Knigliton, Sir W, W, Bt, 343, 372 Laing, Mr, David, 719 Lalor, Mr, E, Power, 539 Lancashire Independent College, 495 Langdale, Lady, 66, 565 Langdale, Mr, C, junr, 87 1 Lansdowne, Marquis of 329, 579, 754 Latham Mr, G, W, 221 Laurence, Mr, Samuel, 290, 716 Lawrence, Sir Trevor, Bt, 537 Leach, Mr, Thomas, 222 Lee, Mr, J, Hutchinson, no Leech, Mrs, 615 Leigh, Lord, 285 Lennard, Colonel Farnaby, 408, 494, 671,688 Leslie, Mrs, 347 Leslie, Colonel, K,H, 749, 758 Lewis, Lady Frankland, 464 Lewis, Miss, 814 Lewis, Rev, Sir G, F, Bart, 444 Lichfield, Earl of 449 Lincoln, Bishop of 434 Lincoln's Inn, Hon, Society of 381, 847 Lindsay, Mr, William P, 423 Linnean Society, 437,464* 515, 516, 518,901 Literary Fund, Royal, 911 Llewellyn, Mr, W, 91-2 London, Bisriop of 661 London Orphan Asylum, 523 London Tavern Company, 421 Longman, Mr, Thomas, 304 Lyell, Sir Charles, Bart, 53 Lysons, Rev, Samuel, 170, 173 Mackenzie, Mr, D, 45 Maclise, Mr, Daniel, R,A, 412 Major, Mr, Wreford, 616 Malcolm, Mr, W, E, 6i Manby, Mr, Charles, 361 Manchester, Duke of 21, 150, 294 Marshman, Mr, J. C, 545 Martin, Mr, Leopold C, 612 Martineau, Mrs, Philip, 81, 883 Mason, Mr, W, H, 859 Master of the RoUs, 151 Masters, Mr, Charles, 239 Mathew, Mr, J, C, 525 Mathews, Mrs, 269 Mathews, Mr, C, J, 365 Maw, Mr, C, 585 MaxweU, Admiral, 208 McKay, Mr, A, 36 M'Crie, Mrs, 268 Mechanics' Institute, Sheffield, 6u Medical Officers of the Army, 267 Melvill Mr, J, C, 448 INDEX OF LENDERS, 189 Merchant Taylors' Company, 641 Merton College, Oxford, 458 Middleton, Adml. Sir G, Broke, Bt 121 Midleton, Very Rev, Viscount, 172, 764 Miles, Mrs, 574 Miller, Mrs, 482 Miller, Rev, G, Dempster, 40 Moilliet, Mr, James, 903 Molesworth, Lady, 541 Monteagle, Lady, 321 Moore, Lady, 46, 77, 78 Moore, Lady Henry, 319 More, Mr, R, Jasper, M,P, 706, 735 Morrison, Mr, Charles, 730 Mostyn, Mr, C, 736 Mulock, Colonel, 417 Munro, Mr, C, 128 Murray, Mr, John, 148, 282, 287, 288, 292, 296, 414, 416, 420, 493 Museum of Practical Geology, 489 Napier, Major-General William, 543 National Bank, 432 National Gallery, 26, 94, 107, 109, 336, 356, 484, 550 National Gallery of Scotland, 132, 262, 341, 379> 514, 583, 590 National Portrait GaUery, 10, 92, 106, 112, 152, 169, 227, 284, 295, 297, 351, 609, 622, 666, 748, 843, 894 Nelson, Earl, 9, 14, 25 Newcastle, Duke of 452 New College, London, 522 NichoUs, Rev, A, B, 569 Norfolk, Duchess of 441 North, Colonel, M,P, 685, 686, 696, 744, 891 Northbrook, Lord, 47, 453, 467 Northcote, Sir Stafford H. Bart M,P, 114, 143 Northey, Colonel, 768 Northumberland, Duke of 228, 443, 627, 651, 710 Noseda, Mrs, 87, 597, 760 Novello, Miss Emma A, 468 Oliver, Miss, 3 Oratory, The, Bromplon, 520 Osborn, Sir G, R, Barl, 639, 645, 657, 662, 826 Owen, Rev, W, Hicks, 576 Oxford, Bishop of 180 Palgrave, Mr, R, H, Inghs, 503 Palmerston, Viscountess, 315, 388, 456, 743 Parkes, Mrs, 542 Parrott, Mr, M, 118 Parsons, Mr, Daniel, 6 Partridge, Mr, Jorin, 378, 390, 396, 401, 406,470, 536, 555, 589 Payne, Mr, J, Bertrand, 280 Pearson, Mr, C, 419 PeUew, Mr, H, E, 58 Pemberton, Mr, Edward Leigh, 476 Pembroke College, Cambridge, 799 Perceval, Mrs, Spencer, 67 Pharmaceutical Society, 245 PhiUip, Executors of the late John, R,A, 599 Phillips, Miss Emily, 305 PhiUips, Mr, H, W, 337 PhiUipps, Miss F, Marcri, 387 Physicians, Royal College of 44, 366, 415,424,428,442,863 Pickersgin, Mr, H, W,, R,A, 266 Plunket, Hon, and Rev, W, C, 875 Pollard-Urquhart, Mr, W, M,P, 950 PoUock, Right Hon, Sir F, J, Barl, 603 Popham, Mr, F. Leyborne, 702, 740, 896, 898 , Portland, Duke of 243, 632, 689, 7 1 2, 723 Pottinger, Sir Henry, Bart, 438 Powis, Earl of 348 Procter, Mr, Bryan Waller, 183, 605 Pugin, Mr, E, Welby, 588 Raeburn, Mr, J, Peter, 130 Rathbone, Mrs, 549 Ravenswortri, Lord, 260 Rendel, Mrs, 472 Rennie, Mr, W, H, 103 Richardson, Miss, 745 Richmond, Duke of K,G, 191, 900, 902 Richmond, Mr, George, R,A, 510, 512 Ridge, Benjamin, M,D, 16 Robartes, Mr, T, J, Agar, M,P, 741 Roberson, Mr, Charles, 884 Robertson, Major, 258 Robertson, Mr, C, B, 497 igo INDEX OF LENDERS, Robertson, Mr, S, B, 298, 832 Roebuck, Mr, J, A, M,P, 250, 812 Rogers, Miss, 312 Romaine, Mr, W, G,, C,B, 889 Romilly, Mr, Criarles, 50 Rowe, Rev, G, Stringer, 870 Rowley, Rev, A, Clarke, 331 Royal Academy, 346, 353, 607, 621 Royal Asiatic Society (.5"^^ Asiatic Society, Royal) Royal College of Physicians {See Phy sicians, Royal College of) Royal College of Surgeons {See Sur geons, Royal College of) Royal Hibernian Academy {See Hiber nian Academy, Royal) Royal Horticultural Society, 435 Royal Humane Society {See Humane Society, Royal) Royal Institution, 483, 487 Royal Institute of British Arcriitects {See Institute of &c,) Royal Literary Fund {See Literary Fund, Royal) Royal Society, 126, 167, 211, 229, 233, 244, 248, 358, 373, 413, 440, 468* Royal Society, Edinburgh, 131 Russell, Lady Frankland, 721, 727- 729, 732, 733 Ruthven, Lady, 249 Rutland, Duke of K,G, 535 Sacred Harmonic Society, 750, 756, 780 St, Andrews, United College of 570 St, Barlriolomew's Hospital, 230, 488 St, Culribert's College, Usriaw, 261, 526, 684 St George's Hospital, 162, 345, 556 St, Jorin's College, Cambridge, 277 St, Paul's Scriool, 473 Sanders, Mr, George, 695 Saye and Sele, Trie Ven, Lord, 738, 845 Scarlett, Sir J, Yorke, K,C,B, 400 Science and Art Department, 566, 571, 614 Scrope, Mr, G, Poulett, M,P, 322 Sedgwick, Rev, Jorin, D,D, 481 Senior, Mrs, 477 Seymour, Mrs, Alfred, 904 Sharpe, Mr, WiUiam, 816 Shelley, Sir Percy, Bart, 153, 271, 299 Srirewsbury and Talbot, Earl of 410, 773 Simmons, Rev, T. F, 158 Sinclair, Archdeacon, 54, 620 Smart, Lady, 105 Smirke, Mr, Sydney, R,A, 137 Smith, Mrs, 254 Smith, Mrs, Alexander, 581, 598 Smith, Miss Eliza S, Horace, 274 Smith, Miss Hamilton, 127 Smitri, Miss Lucena, 779 Smitri, Mr, C, J, 914 Smitri, Mr, Thomas, 808 Smith, Mr, William, 302 Smithson, Mr, R, E, 564 Somerville, Lord, 159, 677 Sotheby, Colonel, _i64 Sotheron-Estcourt, Rt, Hon, T, H, S, 7 Speke, Mr. William, 547 Spencer, Earl, K.G. 308, 734 Stanfield, Mrs. Clarkson, 572, 601 Stanley, Mr. Edward, 73 Stationers' Company, 722 Steprien, Mr. James, 181 Stone, Mr. J. J. 552 Strangford, Viscount, 214 Summer, Rev. J. H. R. 380 Surgeons, Royal College of 8, 216 Sutrierland, Duchess Dowager of, 587 Swinburne, Sir John, Bart. 165 Tait, Mr. Robert, 95, 99, 513, 554 Talbot de Malahide, Lord, 2, 707 Tatlock, Mrs. 349 Taunton, Lord, 626, 824 Taylor, Rev. Isaac, 504, 800 Taylor, Mr. Jorin Stirling, 368 Teignmoulri, Lord, 64 Thackeray, Rev. Joseph, 141 Thompson, Miss Vincent, 88 Thompson, Admiral, 664 Thornton, Mr. H. S. 182 Tindal, Mrs. Acton, 592 Towneley, Mr. Charles, 692, 763, 789, 830, 909, 913 Townroe, Mr. J.W. 85 Townshend, Marquis, 630, 683 Travers, Mrs. 215 Travers, Miss, 447 INDEX OF LENDERS, 191 Treffry, Rev, Dr, 724 Trelawny, Sir J, S. Bart, 753, 787 Trelawny, Mr, H. Brereton, 682 Trevelyan, Lady, 185, 403 Trevelyan, Sir W. C, Barl, 699, 890 Trimmer, Rev, Kirby, 147, 752, 910 Trinity College, CamlDridge, 485 Trinity House, 877 Trollope, Mr, Anthony, 596 Troubridge, Dowager Lady, 446 TurnbuU, Mr. George H, 108 Turner, Rev, Sydney, 393 Tytler, Colonel W, Fraser, 48,- 55, 873 United Service Club, 124, 125, 425, 433 University of Aberdeen, 636, 652 University of Edinburgh, 529, 888 University Library, Cambridge, 89, 177, 793 Vaux of Harrowden, Lord, 649, 654, 675, 798 Verney, Sir Harry, Barl, M,P. 141, 192 Verulam, Earl of 679, 827 Vincent, Rev. W, 186 Waldegrave, Frances, Countess, 431 Waldy, Rev. J, E, 117, 813 Wale, Col, R. G, 38 Walker, Mr, Joseph, 693 • Wallis, Mr. Henry, 623 Walmsley, Sir Joshua, 490, 568 Ward, Mr, E, M,, R,A, 531, 538, 573 Warde, Admiral, K,H, 767, 804, 806, 868 Warwick, Earl of 700, 815, 853 Waterford, Louisa, Marchioness of, 80 Watts, Mr, G, F,, R,A, 451, 469 Way, Mrs, E, 561, 575, 602 Wellington, Duke of K.G, 69, 187, 188, 195, 198, 199-201, 205, 209, 212,213, 359,411,474, 532 Wesleyan Centenary Hall, 869 Wesleyan CoUege, Didsbury, 519 Western, Sir Thomas, Bart, M,P, 880 Westminster, Marquis of K,G, 625, 840 Westminster, Dean of 501 Westminster, Dean and Chapter of 653 Westmorland, Countess Dowager of, 62, 462 Whately, Miss E, J, 375 Whitehead, Mr, John, 97 Wickriam, Mr, William, 35 Wilbraham, Mr, G, F, 74 Wilkinson, Mr, Norman, 27 Williams, Mr, J, Edgar, 591 WiUiams, Mr, W, S, 606 Williams's (Dr,) Library, 123, 691, 713, 718, 796, 908 Wilson, Mrs, James, 544 Wilson, Mr, R, B, W, 189 WUson, Mr, WiUiam, 279 Winn, Mr, Charles, 759 Wodehouse, Hon, and Rev. W, 30 Wood, Lord Justice SirW. Page, 219 Woodyeare, Rev, J. F, W, 786 Yates, Mr, Edmund, 577 Young, Lady, 371 Young, Mr, George, M.P. 496 Zetland, Earl of, i INDEX. No, II, — NAMES OF PAINTERS. N,B, — The rule adopted in giving the Names of Painters has been to retain those names supplied by the owners of the works exhibited, {See Preface, p, v,) The figures refer to the number of the Portrait. Abbott, Lemuel F, (1762-1803), 27, 34, 141 Allan, David (1744-1796), 892 AUan, Sir W,, R,A, P,R,S,A, (1782- 1850), (.S'^^ No, 583) AUston, Washington, A,R,A, (1779- 1843), 297 Amberger (aj-i,-rz(5i?(/^o)(i490-i 569), 639 Ambrose, C, 577 Archer, James, R,S,A, 499, 620 Arnold, S, J, 795 Astley, J, ( -1787), 786 Atkinson, James, 327 Barber, T, 134 Barker, Thomas (1769-1847) {See No, 855) Barrett, — ,524 Barwell, Jorin, 273 Basdbe, C, J, 497 Bate, C, Fortescue, 359 Bean, • — , 461 Beecriey, Sir WiUiam, R,A, (1753- 1839), 2, 13, 25, 30, 72, 7(>, 120, 200, 222, 330, 367, 429 Benvenuti, Cav, 62 Berry, Miss, 857 Betham, H, 604 Bewick, W, 307, 597 Birch, J, 611 Bone, H, P, 489 Bonham- Carter, J, H, Miss, 624 Bostock, Jorin, 363 Boxall, William, R,A, 300, 361, 398, 472,479, 508,617 Bradley, — , 105, 618 Briggs, Henry P, R,A, (1793-1 87, 245, 317, 332, 362, 377, 527 Brigstocke, T, 162, 445, 526 Buck, Adam, 842 Burnet, Jorin, 278 Burney, E, F, 856 Callcott, Sir A, W,, R,A, (i 779-1 844), 91, 167, 579 Carpenter, Mrs, 344, 357, 380, 515 Cary, F, S, 280, 293 Cawze, J, 231 Criandler, — , 93 Criantrey, Sir Francis, R,A, (1781- 1841) {See No, 335) Crialelain, Antonio, 426 Criinnery, George, 413 Clack, Ricriard A, 360 Clay, Alfred B, 528 Clint, — , 421 Chnt, G,, A,R,A, 104, 239, 246, 562, 566, 571,813 Cooper, — , 702 Copley, J, S,, R,A, (1737-1815), 7, 880 Corden, — , 328 Cosway, Ricriard, R,A, (1741-1821), 102, 909 Cotes, F,, R,A, (1726-1770), 780,781, 782, 791, 889 Crabb, WiUiam, 545, 582 Cranacri, Lucas (1472-1553), 638 Crawley, — , 539 Cregan, Martin, 208, 217 Crowe, Eyre, 567 Cumming, — , P,R,H,A,, 83 Curran, Miss, 153 INDEX OF PAINTERS. '93 Dahl, Michael (1656-1743), 761 Dance, Sir N, {See HoUand) Daniels, William, 490, 568 Dawe, Geo, R,A, (1775 -1829), 370, 948 Dayes, Edward (1763-1805), 85 De Heere, Lucas {See Heere) De Loutherbourg, P. J,, R,A. {See Lou therbourg) Damer, — , 750 Denning, S, P, 219, 334 Denner, Balthazar (1685-1747), 750 Derby, WiUiam (1786-1847), 283, 383, 400 Devis, A, W, (1762-1822), 5, 64 DeWilde, Samuel (1747-1831), 115, 116 Dickinson, L, 441 Dixon, — , 423 Dobson, William (1610-1646), 700, 709, 710 Drummond, Samuel, A,R,A,, 365 Duncan, T,, R,S,A,, A,R,A,, 258, 482 Dupont, Gainsborough (1767-1797), 29, 32 Dyce, WiUiam, R,A. (1806-1864), 564 Eddis, E, U,, 295, 309, 321, 435, 448, 466, 471 Egg, Augustus L,, R,A. (1816-1863) {See No, 607), 615 Etty, William, R,A, (1787-1849) {See No, 564), 407 Evans, Richard, 75, 138, 142, 339 Faed, Thomas, R,A, 257 Faulkner, — , Senior, 419 Faulkner, B, R, 244, 248, 495 Fisher, William, 609 Foster, T, 254 Fowler, William, 291 Frye, Thomas, (1710-1762), 760, 830 Fuger, — , 35 Fuseli, Henry, R,A, (1742-1825), 908 Gainsborough (after), 12, 18 Gainsborough (ascribed to), 40 Gainsborough, Thomas, R,A, (1727- 1788), I, 15, 16, 36, 41, 108, 752, 816, 817, 819, 821, 828, 835, 840, 845, 847, 851, 858, 860, 877, 882, 887,890, 891, 896, 898, 910 Gambardella, S, 437,464*, 610 Garrard, Mark (1561-1635), 647 G6rard, Baron (1770-1837), 80, 234 Gilbert, John Graham, R,S,A, 238, 355, 590 Gilbert, Josiah, 504 Gooderson, — , 450 Gordon, Sir J, W,, R, A,, P,R, S, A, ( 1 790- 1864), 131, 223, 255, 259, 268, 318, 379, 465, 484, 496, 513, 514, 521, 529, 541, 544, 560, 570, 619, 622 Graff, Anthony, 129 Grant, Sir F,, P.R,A. 249, 348, 438, 439, 443, 449, 454, 457, 463, 473, 474, 478, 535, 947 Green, G, P, E, 519 Green, James, 351 Guzzardi, L, 14 Hall, James, 411 Hamilton, — , 172, 175 Hamilton, Gavin (1730-1797), 849 Hamilton, H, 311, 875 Hamilton, Wm., R,A, (i 751-1 801), 97 Hancock, R, 275 Harding, — , 498 Harlowe, G, H, (1787-1819) {See No. Ill), 96, 98, 99, III Hartmann, — , 481 Havell, William, 207 Hayter, — , 422, 500 Hayter, John, 195 Hazlitt, — , 169 Hazlitt, John, 301 Healy, George P, A, 431, 459 Heaphy, T, Sen, (i 77 5-1 835), "7 Heere, Lucas de (1534-1584), 644, 682 Herbert, J, R,, R,A, 588 Hervieu,' A, 596 Hikon, WiUiam, R,A, (1786-1839), (i-«£No, 349), 152, 349 Hoadly, Mrs, (Miss Sarah Curtis), 748 Hoare, Prince, (1755-1834), 385 Hoare, WiUiam, R,A, (1767-1792), 790 Hobday, W, Armfield, 176 Hogarth, William (1697-1764), 716, 754, 759, 792, 794, 801, 802, 803, 839 Holbein (ascribed to), 626 Holbein, Hans (1495-1543), 625,627- 629, 651, 655-657, 659 Holland, Sir N, D, Bart, R,A, (1729- 181 1), {See No. 770) o 194 INDEX OF PAINTERS, Hoppner, John, R,A, (1759-1810), 23, 31, 52, 59, 60, 66, 71, 148, 161, 168, 182, 196, 235, 850 Horsley, J, C, R,A, 491 Howard, Henry, R,A, (1769- 1847) {See No, 584), 24, 147, 584 Hudson, Thomas (1701-1779), 806 Hume, — , 157 Hunt, WiUiam Henry (1790-1864) {See No, 585) Hurlstone, F, S, 197, 204 Huysman, J. (1656-1696), 703 Illidge, Thomas Henry, 561, 575, 602 Jackson,John,R,A,(i778-i83i)(i'^^No, 559), 90, loi, 107, 126, 135, 149, 191, 221, 303, 331, 364, 416, 420, 553, 559 Jamesone, George (i 586-1644), 950 Jansen (ascribed lo), 662 Jansen, Cornelius (i 590-1665), 676, 686, 688, 697, 699, 701, 706, 727, 729 Joseph, G, F,, A,R,A, 67, 215 Keeling, Michael, 57 Kenny, Nicholas, 871 Knapton, George (1698-1788), 916- 938 Kneller, Sir Godfrey (1648-1723), 746, 753,755,758,769,773 Knight, J Prescott, R,A, 488, 532, 556, 621 Landseer, Sir Edwin, R,A, 467 Lane, Richard J,, A,R,A, 586 Lane, Samuel, 121, 125, 178, 319, 326, 434, 475, 540 Lauder, R, S,, R,S,A, 253, 341, 517 Laurence, Samuel, 290, 485, 530, 537, 603 Lawranson, WiUiam, 106 Lawrence, Sir Thomas, P,R,A, (1769- 1830), {See No, 353), 11, 17, 44, 46, 49, 50, 51, 58, 65, 68, 70, 77, 78, 124, 133, 13'^, 138, 139, 142, 144, 151, 155, 164, 170, 173, 184, 187, 190, 198, 199, 202, 205, 206, 209, 210, 213, 216, 218, 220, 224, 225, 227, 230, 232, 233, 237, 242, 279, 284, 286, 292, 310, 312, 315, 325, 329, 333, 342, 352, 353, 386, 397, 460, 812, 825, 841, 867, 942-944 Leakie, — , 276 Lely, Sir Peter (1617-1680), 714, 7I9, 734-736, 743, 747, 772 Leslie, C, R,, R,A, (1794-1859) {See No, 347), 263, 324, 347, 350, 354, 447 LinneU, John, 265, 338, 410, 453, 55i, 557,558 Lomas, — , 520 Long, Edwin, 376 Longastre, — , 903, 907 Lonsdale, James, 92, 261, 374 Loutherbourg, P, J, de, R,A, (1740- 181 2), 899 Lucas, John, 518, 546, 592, 616 Macbeth, R, W, 581 Mackay, T, W, 425 Maclise, Daniel, R,A, 412, 414, 572 Macnee, D,, R,S,A, 502 Magufes, Isidore, 595 Martin, Charles, 612 Masquerier, J, J, (1778-1855) {See No. 811)," 84, 154, 269, 274, 468*, 811 Mayer, Arminius, 371 Mengs, R, (1728-1779), 834, 874 Mieris, F, Van (1635-1681), 768 Mireveldt, — , 666 More, Sir Antonio (1519-1575), 663, 677 More (ascribed lo), 645, 675 Morland, George (1763-1804) {See No, 914) Mortimer, J, H,, A,R,A, (1741-1779), 883 Moseley, H, 417 Mulready, WiUiam, R,A, (1786-1863) {SeeNo. 551), 552, 614 Mytens, D, (i 590-1660), 738 Nicholson, F. (1753-1844) {See No, 563) Nicholson, WiUiam, R,S,A, 260 Northcote, James, R,A, (1746-1831) {See No, 143), 38, 114, 143, 171, 299, 486, 8S4 Novello, Emma A, 468 Oliver, A, J,, A,R,A, 368 O'NeU, H,, A,R,A, 599 Opie, Edward, 127, 436 INDEX OF PAINTERS. 195 Opie, John, R.A, (1761-1807), 8, 88, 140, 150, 183, 868 Osgood, S, S, 427 Owen, W., R.A, (1769-1825), 37, 43, 186 Partridge, John, 378, 388, 390, 396, 401, 406, 456, 470, 536, 555, 587, 589 Patten, George, A,R,A, 430, 523 Pearce, Stephen, 418 Perignon, — , 203 Peronneau, J, B, (1713-1783), 789 Phillip, John, R,A. (1817-1867) {See No, 599), 607, 613 PhiUips, H. W, 428, 477, 492 Phillips, Thomas, R,A. (1770-1845) {See No. 337), 10, 20, 112, 179, 192, 211, 226, 228, 229, 282, 285, 287, 296, 304, 337, 373, 381, 399, 409, 480, 493, 505, 511, 522 Pickersgill, H. W., R.A. 146, 188, 189, 201, 240, 266, 277, 288, 289, 394, 433, 483,487, 516, 550 Pine, R. E. (i73o-i795,or, 1742-1790), 808, 878 Porter, Sir R. Ker (1780-1842), 3 Raeburn, Sir Henry, R.A. (1756-1823) {See No. 130), 21, 48, 53-55, 61, 79, 100, 103, 128, 130, 132, 156, 166, 252, 807, 823, 873, 888 Ramsey, James, 442 Reinagle, Ramsay R. 241 Reynolds, — , 322 Reynolds, Miss Frances (1729-1807), 158 Reynolds, Sir Joshua, P.R.A. (1723- 1792) {See No. 818), 4, 6, 28, 33, 42, 95, no, 787, 810, 818, 820, 822, 824, 827, 829, 832, 836, 837, 843, 844, 848, 852, 862-865, 885, 893-895, 897, 939-941 Reynolds, Sir Joshua (after), ^05 Richards, Emma G. 605 Richmond, George, R.A. 180, 387, 389 392, 403, 405, 408, 501, 503, 506, 507, 509, 510, 512, 533, 534, 565, 569 Rigaud, J. F., R.A. 9, 838, 911 Riley, John (1646-1691), 713, 731, 742 Robertson, Andrew, 298 Robertson, John, 549 Roden, W, T. 542 Romney, George (1734-1802), 22, 26, 81, 113, 777, 779, 785, 815, 831, 833, 846, 853, 854, 859, 870, 879 RotriweU, Ricriard, 271 Russell, J., R.A. (1744-1806), 869 Saunders, — , 294 Saxon, James, 56, 247 Say, F. R. 395, 424, 476 Scrimidt, Henry, 358 Scottowe, Criarles, 415 Scougall, — , 660 Seaton, T. 165 Sriee, Sir Martin A.,P.R. A. (1770-1850), 109, 160, 308, 313, 320, 346, 356, 366, 385, 393, 580, 946 Simpson, John, 601, 608 Simpson, W, W, 455 Slater, F, 181, 185 Smirke, Mary, 137 Smith, Catterson, R,H,A, 375, 440 Smith, Colvin, 73, 314 Smith, J, Raphael, 251, 264 Stevens, — , 236 Stewart, — ,82 Stroehling, P, E, 340 Stuart, James, 598 Stubbs, George, A, R.A, (i 724-1 806), 900, 902 Stump, S, J, 345 Tait, Robert, 554 Talfourd, Field, 600 TannOck, — , 122, 281 Taylor, Rev, Isaac, 800 Thompson, Thomas C, R,H,A, 256 Turner, F, E, 118 Turner, J, M, W,, R,A, (1775-1851) {See No, 94), 94, 912 Vanderbank, J, 757 Vandyck, Sir Anlriony (i 599-1641), 685, 690, 692, 696,698, 700, 705, 717, 730 Vandyke, P. 63 Van Loo, L, M, 763, 784 VanSomer, Paul (1576-1620,673, 693, 724 196 INDEX OF PAINTERS. Verelst, --, 740 Verrio, A. (1634-1707) {See No. 739) Vivian, — , 737 Von Breda, Carl, 904 Walker, Robert (d. 1660), 695, 733 Wallis, Henry, 623 Ward, E. M,, R,A, 531, 538, 5-73 Waterhouse, W, 547 Watson, G,, P,R,S,A, (1767-1837) {See No, 262), 45, 262, 402 Watts, G, F,, R,A, 250, 446, 451, 452, 464, 469, 548, 578 Weigall, Henry, 444, 458, 462 West, Benjamin, P,R,A, (1738-1820), 47,767,915,945,949 West, R, L,, R,H,A, 86 West, S, 552 West, W, E, ( 1 801-1866), 576 Westall, R,, R,A. (i 765-1 836), 302 Wilkie, Sir David, R,A. (1785-1841) {See 343), 193, 194, 212, 267, 306, 336, 343, 372, 432 Wilkins, — ,391 Williams, Edwin, 543 Williams, J, Edgar, 591 Williams, W. Frank, 606 Wilson, Benjamin (1721-1788), 799 WUson, R,, R,A, (1714-1782), 774, 783, 834 Winterhalter, F. 369, 382, 384 Wood, John, 119, 316, 404 Woodforde, Samuel, R,A, 159 Wright, Joseph (of Derby), A.R,A. (1734-1797), 861, 906 Zoffany, Johann, R,A, (1735-1810), 745, 756, 774, 783, 826, 913 Zucchero, F, (1543-1616), 640, 646 INDEX. No, IIL— PORTRAITS. The figures refer to the number of the Portrait. Her Majesty the Queen, 384 Her Majesty the Queen as Princess Vic toria, 367 Albert Francis Aug, Charles Emmanuel, Prince Consort, 382 Abbott, Charles, 1st Lord Tenterden, 119 A'Beckett, Gilbert Abbot, 595 Abercromby, James, Lord Dunfermline, 318 Abercromby, Sir Ralph, 23 Abercromby, Sir Ralph, at the Battle of Alex andria, 3 Aberdeen, 4th Earl of, K,G., K,T. (George Hamilton Gordon), 401 Aberdeen, Bishop of (Gavin Dunbar), 636 Aberdeen, Bishop of (WiUiam Elphinstone 1, 652 Abernethy, John, 230 Abinger, ist Lord (James Yorke Scarlett), 400 Acland, Sir Thomas, Bt. 848 Acland, Colonel John Dyke, S44 Acland, Lady Harriet, 865 Adair, Sir Robert, G,C,B, 203 Adam, Lord Chief Commissioner, 257 Addington, Rt. Hon. Henry (Viscount Sid mouth), 7 Adelaide, Queen, 328 Adolphus Fredericic, Duke of Cambridge, K.G. Adolphus, John, 241 Albemarle, 2nd Duke of, K.G, (Christopher Monk), 726 Albemarle, ist Earl of, K.G, (Arnold Joost van Keppel), 746 Albemarle, Lord, 900 Aldersey, Elizabeth (Lady Coventry), 701 Alderson, Amelia (.Mrs, Opie), 88 Alison, Sir Archibald, Bt. ,498 Allan, Sir William, R.A, 257, 583 Allen, Cardinal, 684 Allen, John, M,D, 350 Allen, William, F,R.S, 245 Althorp, Viscount {see Spencer, 3rd Earl), 308 Amelia, Princess, 825 Anderson, Lady (Frances M. Nelthorpe), 93 Anglesey, Field Marshal, 1st Marquis of, K.G. (William Henry Paget), 205 Anson, Viscount, 449 Argyll, 1st Marquis of (Archibald Campbell), 711 Argyll, Duchess of (Elizabeth Gunning), 849 Armagh, Archbishop of (Lord John George Beresford), 471 Armagh, Archbishop of (John Bramhall), 674 Armagh, Archbishop of (James Usher), 670 Arne, Thomas Augustine, Mus, Doc, 756 Arnold, Samuel, Mus, Doc. 795 Arnold, Samuel James, 374 Arnold, Thomas, D,D, 511 Ashburton, ist Lord (Alexander Baring), 406 Ashburton, 2nd Lord (William Bingham Ba ring), 467 Ashburton, Lord (John Dunning), 894 Ashford, William, P,R,H,A, 83 Astle, Mr. 913 Atterbury, Francis, Bishop of Rochester, 753 Augustus Frederick, Duke of Sussex, K,G. 373 Aylesford, Countess of, 850 Babington, William, M,D,,F,R,S. 122 Baillie, Matthew, M.D, 44 Baily, Edward Hodges, R,A, 591 Baird, Sir David, Bart, 474 Ballantine, James, 257 Baly, William, M,D, 488 Bane, Elizabeth Bridget, Hon, Mrs, Charles James Fox, 42 Banks, Right Hon. Sir Joseph, Ri", K,B. 941 {fage 184) Bannister, John, no Barham, Rev, Richard Harris, 586 Baring, Alexander, 1st Lord Ashburton, 406 Baring, William Bingham, 2nd Lord Ash burton, 467 Baring, Francis Thornhill, 1st Lord North brook, 453 Baring, Sir Francis, Bt, 47 Barker, Thomas, 855 Barlow, Peter, F,R,S,, F,A.S, 47 igS INDEX OF PORTRAITS, Barrett, Elizabeth, Mrs. Browning, 600 Barrington, 2nd Viscount (William Wildman), 929 (page 183) Barrington, Hon, Daines, 762 Barrington, Shute, Bishop of Durham, 161 Barrow, Sir John, Bt,, F, R,S, 420 Barry, Sir Charles, Kt,, R,A, 618 Barton, Bernard, 530 Bates, Joah, 780 Bates, Mrs, (Susan Harrop), 780 Bath and Wells, Bishop of (John Still), 637 Bathurst, 3rd Earl, K,G, (Henry Bathurst), 213 Baxter, Richard, 713 Beaufort, Duke of, 457 Beaufort, Admiral Sir F,, K,C,E. 418 Beauvale, Lord, 3rd Viscount Melbourne, 388 Beckett, Gilbert Abbot a, 595 Bedford, 4th Duke of (John Russell), 933 {page 183) Beechey, Sir William, Kt,, R,A, 98 Bell, Sir Charles, K,H, 236 Bell, Professor George J, 100 Bell, John, 239 Bell, Catherine, Mrs. Gurney, 887 Bell, Priscilla, Mrs, Wakefield, 887 Bentham, Jeremy, 250, 266 Bentinck, Lord George, 540 Bentinck, Lord WiUiam Henry Cavendish, G,C,B. 243 Beresford, Lord John George, Archbishop of Armagh, 471 Beresford, Field-Marslial Viscount (William Carr Beresford), 202 Berners, 2nd Baron (John Bourchier), 655 Bessborough, 2nd Earl of (WUliam Ponsonby), 923 {page 183) Bewick, Thomas, 260 Bickersteth, Henry, Lord Langdale, 565 Bingham, Sir Richard, Kt, 643 Bishop, Sir Henry Rowley, Kt. 254 Blake, William, 112 Bland, Dorothy, Mrs. Jordan, 108, 841 Blane, Sir GUbert, M.D, 366 Blessington, 1st Earl of (WilUam Stewart), 938 (fg' "S3) BUzard, Sir William, Kt, 8 Blomfield, Charlesjames, Bishop of London, 507 Bloomfield, Robert, 168 Bodley, Thomas, 407 Bone, R, T. 555 Bonnington, Richard Parkes, 344 Bonomi, Joseph, A,R,A, 838 Bourchier, John, and Baron Berners, 655 Bouverie, Mrs, and Mrs, Crewe, 895 Boyne, 2nd Viscount (Gustavus Hamilton), 801, 839 Brabazon, Mary Elizabeth, Countess Grey, 342, 352 Braham, John, 43 i Bramhall, John, Archbishop of Armagh, 674 Brand, Mr, Thomss, 932 (page 183) Brande, William Thomas, D,C,L,, F,R,S, 483 Brandon, Frances, Duchess of Suffolk, and Adrian Stokes, 644 Brereton, Lord, 682 Brewster, Sir David, Kt, 484 Bright, Richard, M,D, 424 Brodie, Sir Benjamin Collins, Bt,, F,R,S, 578 Brodrick, Charles, D, D, Archbishop of Cashel, 172 Brodrick, Alan, 1st Viscount Midleton, 764 Broke, Admiral Sir P, B, Vere, Bt, 121 Bronte, Charlotte, Mrs, Nicholls, 569 Brookes, Joshua, F,R,S, 179 Brown, Robert, F,R,S, 516 Browne, Anthony, 1st Viscount Montagu, K,G, 675 Browne, Sir Anthony, 654 Browne, Sir George, 798 Browning, Mrs, (Elizabeth Barrett), 600 Bruce, Thomas, 7th Earl of Elgin and Kincar dine), 129 Bruce, James, 8th Earl of Elgin and Kincar dine) 533 Brudenell, George, last Duke of Montagu, K,G, 851 Brummel, George Bryan ("Beau Brummel"), 867 Brunei, Sir Marc Isambard, Kt, 486 Brunei, Isambard Kingdom, D,C,L,, F,R.S, 491 Buccleuch, 3rd Duke of, K,G,, K,T, (Henry Scott), 819 Buccleuch, 4th Duke of, K,T, (Charles W.H. Scott), 864 Buccleuch, Duchess of, and her daughter (Lady Elizabeth Montagu), 862 Buccleuch, Duchess of (Ann Scott, Duchess of Monmouth), 747 Buckinghamshire, 4th Earl of (Robert Hobart), '74 , . Buckland, WiUiam, D,D, Dean of Westmin ster, 480 Bulteel, Lady Eliz, (Lady Eliz. Grey), 352 Burdett, Sir Francis, Bt, M,P, 138, 171 Burdett, Lady (Sophia Coutts), 142 Burke, Right Hon, Edmund, 820 Burnes, Sir Alexander, Kt. 414 Burney, Charles, D,D, 155 Burney, Frances, Madame D'Arblay, 856 Burr, Margaret, Mrs, Gainsborough, 816 Burrowes, Peter, M,P. 876 Bushe, Cliailes Kendal, Lord Chief Justice of Ireland, 217 Buxton, Sir Thomas Fowell, Bt. 389. 392 Byng, Admiral John, 805 Byron, 6th Lord (George Gordon Noel), 285, 302 Callcott, Sir Augustus WaU, R,A, 557 Callcott, John Wall, Mus, Doc, 91 Callcott, Lady (Maria Dundas), 579 Calvt rt, Lieut,-General Sir Harry, Bt,, G,C,B,, G.C.H, 192 Cambridge, Adolphus Frederick, Duke of, K,G, 330 Campbell, Archibald, ist Marq, of Argyll, 711 Campbell, 1st Lord (John CampbeU), 469 INDEX OF PORTRAITS, '99 Campbell, Lord WiUiam, 817 CampbeU, Colin, Lord Clyde, 454 CampbeU of Ava, General Sir Archibald, Bt, 316 Campbell, Thomas, 256, 257, 284 Canning, 1st Earl (Charles John Canning), 500 Canning, Right Hon, George, 52, 234, 237 Canterbury, Archbishop of (Thomas Cranmer), 638 Canterbury, Archbishop of (WiUiam Howley) 324 Canterbury, Archbishop of (John Bird Sum ner), 380 Canterbury, Archbishop of (Charles Manners Sutton), 1 1 Canterbury, ist Viscount (Charles Manners Sutton), 240 Carlisle, 7th Earl of, K.G, (George W, F, Howard), 536 Carlisle, Bishop of (Edmund Law), 879 Carlisle, Archdeacon of (William Paley), 833 Carlisle, Countess of (Lucy Percy), 730 Carmarthen, Marquis of (Francis Godolphin), 941 (page 184) Caroline, Queen, and Princess Charlotte of Wales, 225 Carpenter, William Hookham, F,S.A, 357 Carpue, John Constantine, F,R,S, 345 Cary, Rev. Henry Francis, 293 Cashel, Archbishop of (Charles Brodrick), 172 Castlereagh, Viscount, 206 Cathcart, ist Earl (William Schaw Cathcart), 7' Cathcart, 2nd Earl (Charles Murray Cathcart), 223 Cathcart, General Sir George, 450 Cathcart, Louisa, Countess of Mansfield, 854 Caton, Marianne, Marchioness Wellesley, 209 Cavan, 7th Earl of (Richard Ford William Lambart) 197 Cavendish, William Spencer, 6th Duke of Devonshire, K,G, 184 Cecil, Brownlow, 2nd Marquis of Exeter, with his brother and sister, 139 Chalon, A, E,, R,A, 555 Chalon, J, J,, R,A, 555 Chaloner, Anne, Countess of Harewood, and Child, 897 Chantrey, Sir Francis, R,A, 335, 364 Charles Edward Stuart, Prince, and his Brother, 866 Charlotte, Queen, 18 Charlotte Augusta, Princess of Wales,225,23i, 948 Charnock, Stephen, B,D, 691 Chester, Sir Robert, Kt, 399 Chesterfield, Earl of, 457 Chudleigh, Elizabeth, Duchess of Kingston, 791 Clare, 1st Earl of (John Fitzgibbon), 881 Clarendon, Earl of (Henry Hyde), 918 (page .83) Clarke, Sir Charles Mansfield, Bart,, M D., F.R,S, 326 Clarke, Rev, Adam, LL,D. 331 Clarke, Rev, Edward Daniel, LL,D, 39 Clarkson, Thomas, 178 Clay, Rev, John, 528 Clerk, of Eldin, John, 56 Cleveland, John, 709 Clift, William, F,R,S, 358 Clinton, Henry Pelham, 5th Duke of New castle, 452 CUve, Mrs, (Catherine Raftor, " Kitty CUve") 759 Clough, Arthur Hugh, 624 Clyde, Lord (Colin Campbell), 454 Cobbett, William, 251, 264 Cobden, Richard, M,P, 461, 468 Cobham, F, M, ist Viscount (Richard Tem ple), 765 Cochrane, Thomas, ioth Earl of Dundonald, 340 Cockburn. Lord (Henry Thomas Cockburn), 5'4 Cockburn, Admiral Sir George, G.CB, 425 Cockerell, Charles Robert, R,A, 617 Codrington, Admiral Sir Edward, G,C,B. 333. 36a Colborne, John, Field-Marshal Lord Seaton, 201 Cole, General Sir Lowry, 224 Colebrooke, Henry Thomas, F.R.S, 157 Coleridge, Hartley, 272, 306 Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, 275, 296, 297 CoUingwood, 1st Lord (Cuthbert Colling wood), 24 Collins, William, R,A, 558 Colman, George (the Younger), 118 Combe, George, 513 Combermere, Viscount (Stapleton Cotton), 195 Congleton, 1st Lord (Henry Brooke ParneU), 319 Constable, Archibald, 257 Constable, John, R,A. 145 Cooke, George, 104 Cooper, Sir Astley Paston, Bt, 216 Copleston, Edward, Bishop of Llandaff, 385 Copley, John Singleton, Lord Lyndhurst, 451 Coram, Captain Thomas, 803 Cork and Orrery, Countess of (Hon, Mary Monckton), 332 Cosway, Mrs, (Maria Ann Hadfield), 102 Cottenham, ist Earl of (Charles Christopher Pepys), 377 Cotterel, Sir Charles, 710 Cotton, Stapleton, Viscount Combermere, 195, Coutts, Sophia, Lady Burdett, 142 Coventry, Thomas, Lord Keeper, 697 Coventry, Lady (Elizabeth Aldersey), 701 Cowper, William, 777 Cowper, Mrs, (Anne Donne), 778 Cox, David, 619 Coxe, Archdeacon William, D,D, 120 Cozens, John Robert, 808 Crabbe, Rev, George, 257, 287, 289 Cranfield, Lionel, ist Duke of Dorset, 769 Cranmer, Thomas, Archbp. of Canterbury,638 200 INDEX OF PORTRAITS. Crewe, Sir Randolph, Kt. 667 Crewe, Sir Thomas, Kt, 672 Crewe, Mrs, and Mrs, Bouverie, 895 CristaU, J, 555 Croker, Right Hon, John Wilson, M,P. 397 CromweU, Henry, 732 Cromwell, Oliver, Lord Protector, 728 Cromwell, Richard, 733 CromweU, Bridget, Mrs, Fleetwood, 727 Cromwell, Frances, Lady RusseU, 721 CromweU, Mary, Lady Fauconberg, 729 Crowe, Eyre Evans, 567 Crowle, Charles, 941 {page 184) Cubitt, Sir WiUiam, Kt. 508 Cumberland, Ernest Augustus, Duke of, K.G, (King of Hanover), 2 Cumberland, Countess of (Lady Margaret Rus seU), 679 Cunningham, AUan, 300 Cureton, Rev. WUliam, D,D,, F,R,S, 509 Curtis, Sir WiUiam, Bt,, M,P, 210 Cust, Right Hon. Sir John, Bt. 885 Dacre, Lady (Dorothy North), 696 Dalhous e, ist Marquis of (James Andrew Broun Ramsay), 465 Dalton, John, D CL, 244 D'AncarviUe, M, 913 Dance, Sir Nathaniel, Bt,, R,A, 770 Dance, George, R,A, 135 DanieU, Thomas, R.A. 336 ¦D'Arblay, Madame (Frances Burney), 856 D'Arcy, Robert, last Earl of Holdernesse, 937 {page 183) Darling, General Sir Ralph, G,C.H, 265 Darlington, Earl of, 474 Dartmouth, 1st Lord (George Legge), 737 Dashwood, Francis, Lord Le Dcipencer, 921 {page iSi) Davy, Sir Humphry, Bt, 233 Day, Thomas, 906 Dayes, Edward, 85 De Grey, Earl, K,G, (Thos, Philip Grey), 404 De la Beche, Sir Henry Thomas, Kt, 489 Delawarr, Lord (William West), 629 Delawarr, Lady (Isabella Edmunds), 705 Dempster, George, M,P, 40 Denbigh, ist Earl of (WiUiam Fielding), 708 Denman, ist Lord (Thomas Denman), 313 Denman, Thomas, M.D. 34 Denny, Colonel, 926 {page 183) De Quincey, Thomas, 622 Derby, 13th Earl of, K.G. (Edward Smith Stanley), 383 Derwentwater,3rdEarl of (James RadcUffe), 758 Derwentwater, Countess of (Mary Tudor), 749 Derwentwater, Countess of (Anna Webb), 758 De Saumarez, Admiral Lord, 125 Despencer, Lord le (Francis Dashwood), 921 {page 1 83) Devonshire, 6th Duke of, K.G. (William Spencer Cavendish), 184 Dibdin, Charles, 10 Digby, Admiral the Hon. Robert, 872 Dilettanti Society, Members of the, 916-946 D'Israeli, Isaac, 334 Dobson, William, 710 Donne Anne, Mrs. Cowper, 778 Donoughmore, Earl of (John Hely Hutchinson), 20 Dormer, Sir Michael, Kt. 648 Dormer, Jane, Duchess of Feria, 635 D'Orsay, Count, 457 Dorset, ist Duke of (Lionel Cranfield), 769 Dorset, 2nd Duke of (Charles Sackville), 916 (page 183) Dowton, William, 813 Drake, Sir Francis, Kt. 663 Drummond, Captain Thomas, R.E. 394 Dublin, Archbishop of (William Magee), 311 DubUn, Archbishop of (Richard Whately), 375 Dublin, Titular Archbishop of (Peter Talbot), 707 Dunbar, Gavin, Bishop of Aberdeen, 636 Duncombe, Thomas SUngsby, M.P. 391 Dundas, 1st Lord (Thomas Dundas), 941, 944 {page 184) Dundas, Maria, Lady Callcott, 579 Dundee, Viscount (John Graham of Claver- house), 720 Dundonald, ioth Earl of (Thomas Cochrane), 340 Dunfermline, Lord (James Abercromby), 318, 892 Dunk, George Montagu, 2nd Earl of Halifax, 826 Dunning, John, Lord Ashburton, 894 Durham, ist Earl of (John George Lambton), 325 Durham, Bishop of (Shute Barrington), 161 Durham, Bishop of (Edward Maltby), 429 Durham, Bishopof (William Van Mildert), 286 Durham, Countess of (Lady Louisa Elizabeth Grey), 352 Dyer, George, 149 Dysart, Countess of (Louisa Tollemache), 857 Eardley, Lady, and Child (Maria Marow Wilmot), 845 Eardley, Maria Marow, Lady Saye and Sele, 845 Eastlake, Sir Charles Lock, Kt., P.R.A. 621 Edgeworth, Richard Lovell, 175 Edgeworth, Richard Lovell, and Family, 842 Edmunds, Labella, Lady Delawarr, 705 Edward VI. 651, 657 Edward, Duke of Kent, K.G. 196, 370 Egerton, Francis, ist Earl of Ellesmere, K.G. 376 Egg, Augustus Leopold, R.A. 607 Egremont, 3rd Earl of (George O'Brien Wynd ham), 283 Eldon, Earl of (John Scott), 37, 51 Elgin and Kincardine, 7th Earl of (Thomas Bruce), 129 Elgin and Kincardine, 8th Earl of (James Bruce), 533 Elizabeth, Queen, 642 Ellenborough, ist Lord (Edward Law), 49 INDEX OF PORTRAITS. 201 Ellesmere, Ist Earl of, K.G. (Francis Egerton), 376 EUice, Right Hon. Edward, M.P. 947 Elliott, Ebenezer, 611 EUiotson, Thomas, M.D. 442 Elphinstone, William, Bishop of Aberdeen, 6 52 Elphinstone, General R, Dalrymple Home, 781 Elphinstone, Mrs, Dalrymple Home (Mary Elphinstone), 782 Ely, Dean of (George Peacock), 475 •Emery, tjohn, 116, 117 Englefield, Sir Henry C, Bt, 943 {page 184) Ernest Augustus, Duke of Cumberland, K,G, (King of Hanover), 2 Erskine, 1st Lord, K.T, (Thomas Erskine), 36,46 Etty, WiUiam, R.A. 564 Exeter, 2nd Marquis of, with his Brother and Sister (Brownlow Cecil), 139 Exmouth, 1st Viscount (Admiral Edward Pellew), 58 Faber, Frederick William, D.D. 520 Falconer, William, M.D, 812 Fane, John, nth Earl of Westmoreland, K.CB. 62 Faraday, Michael, F.R.S,, D,C.L, 487, 534 -Farnaby, Dr, Thomas, 688 Farren, William, 115 Fauconberg, Lady (Mary Cromwell), 729 Fauquier, Mr, WiUiam, 925 {page 183) Tawcett, John, 96 Feilding, WUliam, ist Earl of Denbigh, 708 Ferguson, Sir Adam, 257 Feria, Duchess of (Jane Dormer), 635 Fermanagh, Baroness ( Mary Verney), 141 Ferrers, 4th Earl (Laurence Shirley), 797 Ferrier, Professor James Frederick, 570 Fielden, John, M,P, 363 Finch, Sir Heneage, Kt, 668 Finch, Sir Moyle, Kt. 647 Finlaison, John, 278 FitzClarence, George, ist Earl of Munster, 327 FitzClarence, Lord Adolphus, 457 Fitzgibbon, John, 1st Earl of Clare, 881 Fitzherbert, Mrs, 821 Fitzmaurice, Henry Petty, 3rd Marquis of Lansdowne, K,G, 329, 396 Flaxman, John, R,A. 553 Fleetwood, Mrs, (Bridget CromweU), 727 Follett, Sir William Webb, Kt, 395 Ford, Richard, 426 Fortescue, 2nd Earl, K,G, (Hugh Fortes cue), 466 Fox, Henry Richard Vassall, 3rd Lord HoUand, 350, 354 Fox, Right Hon, Charlesjames, 33 Fox, Right Hon. Sir Stephen, Kt, 766 Fox, Lady (Christiana Hope), 771 Fox, Hon, Mrs, Charles James (Eliz, Bridget Bane), 42 FrankUn, Sir John, Kt, 416 Fraser, Alexander George, 16th Lord Saltoun, K,T,, K,C,B, 124 Frederica Charlotte Ulrica (Princess Royal of Prussia), Duchess of York, 13 Frederick Lewis, Prince of Wales, K,G, 757 Frederick, Duke of York, K,G, 193 Frend, William, M,A, 291 Frere, Right Hon, John Hookham, 235 Frewen, Accepted, Archbishop of York, 715 Fry, Mrs, (Elizabeth Gurney), 506 • Fry, Caroline (Mrs, Wilson), 279 Gainsborough, Mrs. (Margaret Burr), 816 Galton, Samuel, 907 Galway, 1st Viscount (John Monckton), 936 {pageil'i) Galway, Mr, Stephen Payne, 940 {page 183) Gambler, Admiral Lord (James Gambier), 72 Gardner, 2nd Lord (Alan Hyde), 133 Garrick, David, 774, 792, 837, 899 Garrick, Mrs, 837 George III, 1 2 George IV, i, 212 George Augustus Frederick, Prince of Wales (George IV,), i Geraldine, " The Fair," and the Earl of Surrey, 626 Gerbier, Sir Balthasar, Kt, 710 Gibson, John, R,A, 589 Gifford, ist Lord (Robert Gifford), 276 Gifford, William, 148 Gilbert, Davies, P,R,S, 229 Gladstone, Sir John, 1st Bt, 355 Gladstone, Thomas, 79 Glenelg, Lord (Charles Grant), 387 Glover, Miss, 566, 571 Godolphin, Francis, Marquis of Carmarthen, 941 (/.a^f 184) Godwin, WiUiam, 299 Godwin, Mary, Mrs, Shelley, 271 Gordon, 4th Duke of (Alexander Gordon), 2 1 Gordon, George, 2nd Marquis of Huntly, 717 Gordon, George Hamilton, 4th Earl of Aber deen, K,G,, K,T, 401 Gordon, Sir John Watson, R,A, 590 Gordon, Duchess of (Jane MaxweU), 4 Gordon-Lennox, Charles, 4th Duke of Rich mond, K,G, 191 Goulburn, Right Hon, Henry, M,P, 405 Gower, Leveson {see Leveson-Gower) Graham, James, Marquis of Montrose, 700 Graham of Claverhouse, John, Viscount Dun dee, 720 Graham, Thomas, Lord Lynedoch, 198 Grant, Charles, Lord Glenelg, 387 Grant, Sir WiUiam, Kt,, Master of the Rolls, 151 Grant of Laggan, Mrs, (.Anne McVicar), 281 Granville, 1st Earl(GranviUe Leveson-Gower), 460 Grattan, Henry, moving the Declaration of Independence in the Irish House of Com mons, 871 Graves, Rev, Richard, 884 Gray, General Sir George, 927 {page 183) Gray, Sir James, K,B. 919 {page 183) 202 INDEX OF PORTRAITS. Gray, Edward Wh'ittaker, M.D. 167 Gray, Thomas, the Poet, 799 Gray, Thomas, 360 Green, Joseph Henry, F.R.S., D.C.L. 505 Gregory, James, M.D. 156 Gregory, James, F.R.S. 704 Gregory, Ollnthus, L.L.D. 339 Grenville, Lord (William "Wyndham), 29 Grenville, Right Hon. Thomas, 59 Grenville, Lady (Hon. Anne Pitt), 60 Greville, Right Hon. Charles, 913 Greville, Hon. Charles F. 941 (page 134) Greville, Lady Charlotte, 69 Grey, 2nd Earl f Charles Grey), 310 Grey, Thomas Philip, Earl De Grey, K.G. 404 Grey of RoUeston, William, 2nd Lord, 744 Grey, Countess (Mary Elizabeth Brabazon), Grey, Lady Elizabeth, Lady Eliz. Bulteel, 352 Grey, Lady Louisa Elizabeth, Countess of Durham, 352 Grimston, 2nd Viscount, with brother and sisters (James Grimston), 827 Grosvenor, Robert, ist Marquis of West minster, 840 Guildeford, Lady, 659 Guilford, 4th Earl of (Francis North), 891 Gunning, Elizabeth, Duchess of Hamilton and of Argyll, 849 Gurney, Elizabeth, Mrs. Fry, 506 Gurwood, Colonel John, 411 Gwyn, Nell, 740 Hadfield, Maria Ann, Mrs. Cosway, 102 Halford, Sir Henry, Bt., M.D. 218 Haliburton, Hon. Thomas Chandler, 604 Halifax, 2nd Earl of (George Montagu Dunk), 826 Hall, Sir James, Bt. 13 i Hall, Rev. Robert, 63 Hallam, Arthur Henry, 494 Hallam, Henry, 408, 493 Hamilton, Gustavus, 2nd Viscount Boyne, 80J, 839 Hamilton, Right Hon, Sir William, K.B, 940 {page 1S3) Hamilton, Sir WiUiam, Bt, 499 Hamilton, Captain Thomas, 560 Hamilton, Duchess of (Elizabeth Gunning), 849 Hamilton, Lady (Emma Harte), 26, 113 Handel, George Frederick, 750 Hannah, Rev, John, D,D, 519 Hanover, King of (Ernest Augustus, Duke of Cumberland), 2 Hardinge, Field -Marshal Viscount (Henry Hardinge), and Staff, 439 Hardy, Admiral Sir Thomas Masterman, Bt, 75 Harewood, Countess of, and child (Anne Chalo ner), 897 Harlowe, George Henry, 1 1 1 Karris, Henry, 922 {page 183) Harrop, Susan, Mrs, Bates, 780 Harrowby, ist Earl of (Dudley Ryder), 226 Harte, Emma, Lady Hamilton, 26, 113 Hartley, Mrs, Elizabeth, 810 Hastings, ist Marquis of (Francis Rawdon Hastings), 65 Havelock, Sir Henry, K,C,B. 545 Hawes, Benjamin, F.S,A, 527 Hay, Charles, Lord Newton, 132 Haydon, Benjamin Robert, 575 Hayley, WiUiam, 859 Hazlitt, WiUiam, 301, 307 Head, Right Hon, Sir Edmund W,, Bt,, K.CB. 458 Heath, James, A.R.A, 90 Heathcote, Sir Gilbert, 4th Bt. 68 Hemans, Felicia Dorothea, 576 Heneage, Lady (Ann Poyntz), 650 Henry, Prince of Wales, 665 Herbert, Edward, 2nd Earl of Powis, K.G. 348 Herbert of Lea, Lord (Sidney Herbert), 478 Heriot, George, 660 Herries, Right Hon J. C. 398 Heywood, Miss (Mrs. Musters), 832 Hick, Benjamin, C.E, 430 Hill, ist Viscount (Rowland Hill), 433 Hill, Rev, Rowland, 57 Hilton, WiUiam, R,A, 349 Hoare, Prince, 835 Hobart, Robert, 4th Earl of Buckingham shire, 174 Hodgson, Field-Marshal Studholme, 785 Hogg, James, 257, 259 Holdernesse, last Earl of (Robert D'Arcy), 937 {page 183) Holland, Lord, 900 Holland, 3rd Lord (Henry Richard Vassall Fo't). 350J 354 HoUand, Sir Nathaniel Dance, Bt,, R,A, 770 Holland, Lady (EUzabeth Vassall), 3J0 Holies, Lord (Denzil Holies), 723 Holies, Sir Frescheville, 689 Holies, Denzil, 632 Holies, Gervase, 712 Holman, Lieut, -General James, R,N. 413 Holt, Mr, Thomas, 909 Home, Sir Everard, Bt, 211 Home, Rev, John, 823 Hood, Thomas, 593, 594 Hook, Theodore Edward, 295 Hooker, Sir WiUiam Jackson, Kt, 437, 464* Hopberg, Baron, 935 (page 183) Hope, Christiana, Lady Fox, 771 Hornby, Lady (Lady Charlotte Stanley), 144 Hornby, Charlotte Margaret, Lady Stanley, 136 Horner, Francis, 53 Howard, George W, F, 7th Earl of Carlisle, K,G, 536 Howard, Henry, Earl of Surrey, and the "Fair Geraldine," 626 Howard, Lieut, Edward, R,N, 427 Howard Henry, R,A. 584. Howe, Admiral Earl, 877 Howe, Rev, John, M,A, 718, 742 Howe, Mr. J, 917 {page 183) Howley, WiUiam, Archbp, of Canterbury, 324 INDEX OF PORTRAITS. 203 Hume, Sir Abraham, 893 Hume, Joseph, M.P. 459 Hunt, James Henry Leigh, 290, 606 Hunt, William Henry, 585 Huntly, 2nd Marquis of (George Gordon), 717 Huskisson, Right Hon. William, 238 Hutchinson, John Hely, Earl of Donough more, 20 Hyde, Henry, Earl of Clarendon, 918 {page 183) Hyde, Alan, 2nd Lord Gardner, 133 Inglis, Right Hon. Sir Robert Harry, Bt. M.P. 512 Irving, Rev. Edward, 298, 372 Jackson, John, R.A. 559 Jameson, Professor Robert, 402 Jamieson, Rev. John, D.D. 45 Jardine, Sir Henry, 257 Jebb, Sir Joshua, K.CB. 574 Jeffrey, Francis, Lord, 257, 314 Jenkinson, Robert Banks, 2nd Earl of Liver pool, 190 Jerrold, Douglas, 597 Jervis, John, ist Earl of St. Vincent, K.B. 76 Johnstone, Sir F. Bart. 474 Jones, Miss, 813 Jordan, Mrs. (Dorothy Bland), 108, 841 Kaye, John, Bishop of Lincoln, 434 Kean, Charles, 436, 568 Kean, Edmund, 246 Keane, General Lord, 580 Keate, Robert, 556 Keats, John, 152 Keble, Rev. John, 510 Keene, Sir Benjamin, 784 Keir, James, F.R.S, and Granddaughter, 903 Kemble Family, The, 99 Kemble, Charles, 87 Kemble, John Philip, 82 Kemble, Sarah (Mrs, Siddons), 81, 95, 97, 99 Kent, Edward, Duke of, K.G. 196, 370 Kent, Maria Louisa Victoria, Duchess of, 367, 369 Keppel, Arnold Joost Van, ist Earl of Albe marle, K,G, 746 Keppel, Admiral Viscount (Augustus Keppel), 843 King, Thomas, 774 Kingsdown, Lord (Thomas Pemberton Leigh), 476 Kingston, Duchess of (Elizabeth Chudleigh), 791 Kippis, Andrew, D,D. 796 Kirby, John, 752 Kirby, Joshua, and his wife, 910 Kirby, Sarah (Mrs, Trimmer), 147 Knight, Richard Payne, 942 (page 184) Knollys, Lettice, Countess of Leicester, 683 Knyvet, Sir Thomas, Kt, 658 Lamb, Charles, 275, 280 Lamb, WiUiam, 2nd Viscount Melbourne, 3'5. 378,449 Lamb, Frederick James (Lord Beauvale), 3rd Viscount Melbourne, 388 Lamb, Mary Ann, 280 Lambart, Richard Ford WiUiam, 7th Earl of Cavan, 197 Lambton, John George, 1st Earl of Durham, 325 Lambton, Hon, Charles William (*' Master Lambton "), 242 Lambton, Col, William, 207 Lancaster, Joseph, 169 Lance, George, 562 Landon, Letitia EUzabeth (Mrs, McLean),4i2 Landor, Walter Savage, 609 Langdale, Lord (Henry Bickersteth), 565 Langton, Bennet, 829 Lansdowne, 3rd Marquis of, K,G, (Henry Petty Fitzmaurice), 329, 396 Latham, John, M,D., F,R,S, 221 Lauderdale, 8th Earl of (James Maitland), 73 Law, Edmund, Bishop of Carlisle, 879 Law, Edward, ist Lord Ellenborough, 49 Lawrence, Sir Thomas, P,R,A, 353 Lawrence, Sir WiUiam, Bart, 537 Leach, Right Hon. Sir John, Master of the RoUs, 222 Lee, Admiral Fitzroy, 775 Lee, Sir Henry, of Ditchley, K.G. 676 Lee, Sir Thomas (of Ireland), 631 Lee, John, D.D. 529 Leech, John, 615 Leeds, 5th Duke of (Francis Godolphin), 941 (page 184) Legge, George, 1st Lord Dartmouth, 737 Legge, Colonel, 703 Leicester, Countess of (Dorothy Percy), 730 Leicester, Countess of (Lettice Knollys), 683 Leigh, Thomas Pemberton (Lord Kingsdown), 476 Lennox, Lady Louisa, 902 LesUe, Charles Robert, R.A. 347, 555 Leslie, David, 1st Ld. Newark, 950 L'Estrange, Sir Roger, 714 Leveridge, Richard, 760 Leveson-Gower, George Granville, 2nd Duke of Sutherland, ,587 Leveson-Gower, Granville, ist Earl Gran ville, 460 Lewis, Rt. Hon. Sir Geo. Cornewall, Bt, 444 Lewis, Right Hon, Sir Thomas Frankland, Bt. 46+ Lewis, William Thomas, 109 Leyborne, Mrs, 896 Lichfield, Earl of, 449 Lincoln, Bishop of (John Kaye), 434 Lindley, John, Ph,D,, F.R,S, 435 Lingard, John, D,D, 261 Liston, John, 566 Liverpool, 2nd Earl of (Robert Banks Jen kinson), 190 Llandaff, Bishop of (Edward Copleston), 385 Lloyd, Mary, Countess Rothes, 822 204 INDEX OF PORTRAITS, Lockhart, John Gibson, 253, 257 London, Bishop of (Charles James Blomfield), ¦ 507 London, Bishop of (Nicholas Ridley), 661 London, Bishop of (John Stokesley), 656 Londonderry, 2nd Marquis of, K.G. (Robert Stewart, Viscount Castlereagh), 206 Longman, Thomas Norton, 304 Lymden, John, 634 Lyndhurst, Lord (John Singleton Copley), 451 Lynedoch, Lord (Thomas Graham), 198 Lyons, Admiral Lord (Edmund Lyons), 441 Lysons, Rev. Daniel, F,R.S, 170 Lysons, Samuel, F.R,S, 173 Macaulay, Lord (Thomas Babington Macaulay), 403> 463. 538 Macaulay, Zachary, 185 Mackenzie, Kenneth, last Earl of Seaforth, 941 (page 184) Mackenzie, Henry, 257 Mackintosh, Right Hon, Sir James, Kt, 227 MacLeod, General Sir John, 204 Magee, William, Archbishop of DubUn, 311 Maitland, James, Sth Earl of Lauderdale, 73 Malcolm, Sarah, 802 Maltby, Edward, Bishop of Durham, 429 Manby, Aaron, CE, 361 Manchester, 5th Duke of (WilUam .Montagu), 294 Manners, Lord Robert, 860 Manners-Sutton, Charles, Archbishop of Can terbury, II Manners-Sutton, Charles, ist Viscount Canter bury, 240 Mansfield, Countess of (Louisa Cathcart), 854 Mantell, Gideon A,, M.D., F.R.S. 468* Maria Louisa Victoria, Duchess of Kent, 367, 369 Marryat, Captain Frederick, R.N., C.B. 423 Martin, John, 612 Martyn, Rev. Henry, 177 Mary, Queen of Scots, 681 Masquerier, John James, 811 Mathew, Very Rev, Theobald (" Father Ma thew"), 525 Mathews, Charles, 269, 365 Maxwell, Sir Murray, Kt,, R,N. 208 MaxweU, Jane, Duchess of Gordon, 4 McCuUoch, Horatio, 581 McLean, Mrs, (Letitia Elizabeth Landon), 412 M'Crie, Thomas, D,D, 268 M'CuUoch, John, M,D,, F,R.S, 248 McVicar, Anne, Mrs, Grant, of Laggan, 281 Meet of His Majesty's Stag-hounds on Ascot Heath, 457 Melbourne, 2nd Viscount (WiUiam Lamb), 3iS>378, 449 Melbourne, 3rd Viscount (Frederick James Lamb, Lord Beauvale), 388 Mellon, Harriet (Duchess of St, Alban's), as "Mrs, Page," 84 Melton Hunt (The), going to draw the Ram's Head Cover, 474 MelviU, Sir James Cosmo, K,C B, 448 Metcalfe, Lord (Charles Theophilus Metcalfe), 154 M'Grigor, Sir James, Bt,, M,D,, K.C.B. 267 Middleton, Conyers, D.D. 793 Midleton, 1st Viscount (Alan Brodrick), 764 Miller, Hugh, 482 Mitford, Mary RusseU, 592 Moir, David Macbeth, 521 Moira, ist Earl of (Sir John Rawdon, Bt.) 931 {page 183) Molesworth, Right Hon. Sir WiUiam, Bt. 541 Monckton, John, ist Viscount Galway, 936 (pagelSi) Monckton, Hon. Mary, Countess of Cork and Orrery, 332 Moncrieff, Rev. Sir H. Wellwood, Bt., D.D. 61 Monk, Christopher, 2nd Duke of Albemarle, K.G. 726 Monmouth, Duchess of (Anne Scott), 747 Montagu, last Duke of, K.G. (George Brude- neU), 851 -Montagu, ist Viscount, K.G. (Anthony Browne), 675 Montagu, John, 4th Earl of Sandwich, 936 {page 183) Montagu, WiUiam, 5th Duke of Manchester, 294 Montagu, Basil, 183 Montagu, Duchess of (Lady Mary Montagu), 858 Montagu, Elizabeth, Duchess of Buccleuch, and her Daughter, 862 Montagu, Lady Ann, 736 Montagu, Ann, Lady North, 686 Monteagle, 1st Lord (Thomas Spring Rice), 321 Montgomery, James, 303 Montrose, Marquis of (James Graham), 700 Moody, John, 883 Moore, Admiral Sir Graham, G.C.B, 78 Moore, General Sir John, 77 Moore, Thomas, 257, 292 More, Richard, M.P, 706 More, Colonel Samuel, M,P, 735 More, Hannah, 146, 150, 158 Morgan, Lady (Sydney Owenson), 610 Morier, James, 470 Morland, George, 914 Morritt, John, B, S, 946 {page 184) Morton, Thomas, 356 Morton, Lady, 673 Moser, George Michael, R,A, 809 Moser, Maria, R,A, 809 Mulgrave, 1st Earl of (Henry Phipps), 101 Mulgrave, 2nd Lord (John ConstantinePhipps), 941 {page 184) Mulready, WiUiam, R,A, 551, 552 Munro, Sir Thomas, Bt, 128 Munster, ist Earl of (George FitzClarence), 327 Murray, Lord (John Archibald Murray), 379 INDEX OF PORTRAITS, 205 Murtay, Right Hon, Sir George, 532 Murray, John, F.S,A, 288 Musters, Mrs, (Sophia Heywood), 832 Napier, Admiral Sir Charles, 455 Napier, General SirCharles James, G,C,B, 543 Napier, General Sir WiUiam Francis Patrick, K,C,B, 548 Naunton, Sir Robert, Kt, 664 Nelson, Horatio, Admiral Viscount, 5, 9, 14, 16, 27 Nelson, Rev, Edmund, 25 Nelson, Robert, 722 Nelthorpe, Frances M,, Lady Anderson, 93 Newark, David Leslie, ist Ld, 950 Newcastle, 5th Duke of (Henry Pelham Clin ton), 452 Newton, Lord (Charles Hay), 132 Nicholls, Mrs, (Charlotte Bronte), 569 Nicholson, Francis, 563 Noel, George Gordon, 6th Ld, Byron, 285, 302 Norbury, 1st Earl of (John Toler), 163 North, Dudley, 4th Lord, K,B, 685 Nortb, WiUiam, 6th Lord, 744 North, Francis, 4th Earl of Guilford, 891 North, Lady (Ann Montagu), 686 North, Dorothy, Lady Dacre, 696 Northbrook, 1st Lord (Francis Thornhill Baring), 453 Northcote, Sir Stafford Henry, Bt. 114 Northcote, James, R,A, 143 Northumberland, 3rd Duke of, K.G, (Hugh Percy), 228 Northumberland, 4th Duke of, K,G, (Algernon Percy), 443 Norton, Grace, Countess of Portsmouth, 852 Norwich, Bishop of (Edward Stanley), 501 O'ConneU, Daniel, M,P, 432 Octavius, Prince, 949 O'Keeffe, John, 106 Oliver, Dr, 909 Onslow, Admiral Sir Richard, Bt, 814 Opie, Mrs, (Amelia Alderson;, 88 Osborn, Sir Peter, Kt, 662 Osborn, Peter, 645 Outram, General Sir James, Bt,, G,C.B, 445 Overbury, Sir Thomas, Kt, 678 Owen, Robert, 270 Owenson, Sydney, Lady Morgan, 610 Oxford, Countess of (Jane Elizabeth Scott), 66 Paget, Henry WUUam, F,M, 1st Marquis of Anglesey, K,G, 205 Pakenham,Catherine,Dchs,ofWeUington,i87Paley, William, Archdeacon of Carlisle, 833 Palgrave, Sir Francis, Kt, 503 Palmerston, Viscount, K,G, (Henry John Temple), 456 Panmure, Lord (William Ramsay), 613 Par, Katharine, Queen of Henry VIII, 639 Paris, John Ayrton, M,D, 415 Parkes, Joseph, 542 ParneU, Henry Brooke, ist Ld, Congleton, 3 19 Parry, Admiral Sir William Edward, Kt, 422 Parsons, William, 3rd Earl of Rosse, K,P. 440 Parsons, William, 783, 883 Partridge, J, 555 Peacock, George, Dean ofEly,D,D.,F,R.S, 475 Peacock, Thomas Love, 623 Peel, Sir Robert, Bt. 386 Peel, Captain Sir William, R,N,, K,C.B, 546 Pellew, Admiral Edward, ist Viscount Ex» mouth, 58 Penn, Admiral Sir William, Kt, 772 Penruddock, Colonel and Mrs, 687 Pepys, Charles Christopher, ist Earl of Cotten. ham, 377 Perceval, Right Hon, Spencer, 67 Percy, Hugh, 3rd Duke of Northumberland, K,G, 228 Percy, Algernon, 4th Duke of Northumberland, K,G, 443 " Perdita" {see Robinson, Mrs. Mary.) Peters, Rev. Hugh, 724 Phillip, John, R.A. 599 Phillips, Sir Richard, Kt. 305 PhiUips, Thomas, R.A. 337 Phipps, Constantine John, 2nd Lord Mulgrave, 941 {page 184) Phipps, Henry, ist Earl of Mulgrave, loi Picton, General Sir Thomas, K.C.B. 200 Pitcairn, WiUiam, M.D. 863 Pitt, Right Hon. William, 15, 31, 32 Pitt, Hon. Anne, Lady Grenville, 60 Plunket, Lord (Wm. Conyngham Plunket), 875 Ponsonby, William, 2nd Earl of Bessborough, ')Zi{page 183) Pope, Alexander, 790 Popham, Edward, 898 Popham, Colonel Edward, 702 Porson, Richard, 89 Portsmouth, Countess of (Grace Norton), 852 Potter, Rev. Robert, 831 Pottinger, Right Hon. Sir H. Bt., G.C.B. 438 Poulett-Thomson, Charles Edward, Lord Syden ham, 322 Powis, 2nd Earl of, K.G. (Edward Herbert), 348 Poyntz, Ann, Lady Heneage, 650 Praed, Winthrop Mackworth, 371 Price, Mr. C 909 Price, Richard, D.D., 915 Priestley, Joseph, L,L,D, go8 Procter, Adelaide Anne, 605 Prout, WiUiam, M,D. 428 Pugin, Augustus Welby, 588 Purves, Sir WiUiam, of Woodhouselee, Kt, 7 1 9 Pye, Sir Walter, 699 Pye-Smlth, John, D,D,, F,R,S, 522 Queensberry, 5th Duke of, K,G,, K,T. ( Henry Scott j, 819 Queensberry, 6th Duke of, K T, (Charles W. H. Scott), 864 Quin, James, S82 Radcliffe, James, 3rd Earl of Derwentwater, 758 206 INDEX OF PORTRAITS. Radnor, 1st Earl of (John RobartesJ, 741 Raeburn, Sir Henry, R,A, 130 Raffles, Sir Thomas Stamford, 215 Raffles, Rev, Thomas, D,D, 495 Raftor, Catherine, Mrs, Clive (" Kitty CUve"), 759 Raglan, F, M, Lord (Lord Fitzroy Somerset), 188 Raleigh, Sir Walter, Kt. 646, 671 Raleigh, Lady (Elizabeth Throckmorton), 640 Ramsay, James Andrew Broun, 1st Marquis of Dalhousie, 465 Ramsay, William, Lord Panmure, 613 Rathbone, WiUiam, 549 Rawdon, Sir John, 1st Earl of Moira, 931 {page 183) Raymond, Lord Chief Justice (Robert Ray mond), 751 Reed, Andrew, D,D, 523 Rees, Abraham, D,D, 123 Reid, Dr, Thomas, 807 Rendel, James, F,R,S, 472 Rennie, John, 103 Reskimer, John, 628 Revett, Nicholas, 776 Reynolds, Sir Joshua, P,R,A, 818, 939 (page 183) Reynolds, Richard, 176 Rice, Thomas Spring, ist Lord Monteagle, 321 Rich, Sir Charles, 698 Richard II, 653 Richardson, Sir John, Kt, 418 Richmond, 4th Duke of, K,G, (Charles Gor don-Lennox), 191 Richmond, Duchess of, and Lady Louisa Len nox, 902 Ridley, Nicholas, Bishop of London, 661 Ripon, 1st Earl of (Frederick John Robinson), 232 Robartes, John, ist Earl of Radnor, 741 Roberts, David, R,A. 608 Robertson, Patrick, Lord, 258 Robertson, C. J, 555 Robertson, Rev, Frederick William, 497 Robertson, William, D.D, 888 Robinson, Frederick John, 1st Earl of Ripon, 232 Robinson, Mrs. Mary (" Perdita"), 6, 22, 828, 836 Robson, J, 555 Rochester, Bishopof (Francis Atterbury J, 753 Rogers, Samuel, 312, 338 Romaine, Rev, William, 889 Romilly, Sir Samuel, Kt. 50 Romney, George, and his father, 853 Rooke, Admiral Sir George, Kt, 761 Roscoe, William, i6d Ross, Sir James Clark, Kt, 418 Ross, Sir John, K,C.B, 419 Ross, Sir William Charles, Kt,, R,A. 561 Rosse, 3rd Earl of, K.P. (William Parsons), 440 Rothes, Countess of (Mary Lloyd), 822 Routh, Martin Joseph, D,D, 481 Russell, John, 4th Duke of Bedford, 933 {page 183) Russell, William, Lord, 725 RusseU, Lady (Francis Cromwell), 721 Russell, Lady Margaret, Countess of Cumber land, 679 Ryder, Dudley, ist Earl of Harrowby, 226 Sackville, Charles, 2nd Duke of Dorset, 916 (pagei&i) St, Alban's, Duchess of (Harriet Mellon, as " Mrs. Page"), 84 St, Vincent, ist Earl of, K,B, (John Jervis', 76 Sale, Sir Robert Henry, K,C,B, 417 Sale, Lady (Florentia Wynch), 421 Saltoun, i6th Lord, K,T,, K CB. (Alexander George Fraser), 124, Sanders, Colonel Sir Thomas, 695 Sandwich, 4th Earl of (John Montagu), 930 {page 183) Savage, Samuel, 928 {page 183) Saye and Sele, Lady (Maria Marow Eardley), 845 Scarlett, James Yorke, ist Lord Abinger, 40c Schomberg, Armand Frederick, Duke of, K.G, 768 Scott, Henry, 3rd Duke of Buccleuch, and 5th Duke of Queensberry, K,G,, K,T, 819 Scott, Charles W, Henry, 4th Duke of Buc cleuch, and 6th Duke of Queensberry, K,T. 864 Scott, John, Earl of Eldon, 37, 51 Scott, WiUiam, Lord Stowell, 43 Scott, Sir Walter, Bt, 247, 249, 252, 263 Scott, Sir Walter, and his literary friends, at Abbotsford, 257 Scott, Anne, Duchess of Buccleuch and of Monmouth, 747 Scott, Jane EUzabeth, Countess of Oxford, 66 Seaforth, last Earl of (Kenneth Mackenzie), 94' {p''g' '84) Seaton, Field-Marshal Lord (John Colborne), 201 Sedgwick, Edward, 826 Sefton, Earl of, 449 Selwyn, George Augustus, 824 Senior, Nassau William, 477 Seton, George, 5th Lord, 677 Seward, Anna, 140 Seymour, Edward, Duke of Somerset, K,G. 627 Shadwell, Sir Lancelot, Vice-Chancellor of England, 381 Sharp, William, 92 Sheepshanks, John, 614 Sheil, Right Hon, Richard Lalor, 539 SheUey, Percy Bysshe, 153 Shelley, Mrs. (Mary Godwin), 271 Sherard, Sir Brownlow, Bt, 920 (page 183) Sheridan, Richard Brinsley, 7 8 Shirley, Laurence, 4th Earl Ferrars, 797 Shirley, Hon. Sewallis, 924 {page 183) Shooting party at Ranton Abbey, Staffordshire, 449 INDEX OF PORTRAITS. 207 Shore, John, ist Lord Teignmouth, 64 Shrewsbury, Duke of, K.G, (Charles Talbot), . 773 Siddons, Mrs, (Sarah Kemble), 81, 95, 97,99 Sidmouth, Viscount (Henry Addington), 7 Sidney, Algernon, 734 Sidney, Humphrey, 731 Sinclair, Right Hon, Sir John, Bt, 54 Sinclair, Catherine, 620 Sketching Society, The, 555 Skynner, Right Hon, Sir John, Lord Chief Baron, 847 Smart, Sir George Thomas, Kt, 105 Smirke, Robert, R.A, 137 Smith, Alexander, 598 Smith, Colonel Hamilton, F,R,S, 127 Smith, Horace, 274 Smith, John Pye, D.D,, F.R.S, 522 Smith, Rev, Sydney, 309 Smith, Mrs, (Charlotte "Turner), 779 Smyth, Mr, of Heath, 940 {page 183) Smythe, Percy Clinton Sydney, 6th Viscount Strangford, 214 Soane, Sir John, Kt, R.A, 107 Solander, Daniel Charles, M,D,, F,R,S, 901 Somerset, Duke of, K,G. (Edward Seymour), 627 Somerset, Lord Fitzroy, Field-Marshal Lord Raglan, 188 Somerville, 1 5th Lord (John Somerville), 1 59 Sotheby, WilUam, 164 Southey, Robert, 275, 282 Speke, Captain John Hanning, 547 Spelman, Sir Henry, Kt, 693 Spencer, 3rd Earl (John Ciiarles Spencer, Vis count Althorp), 308 Spring Rice, Thomas, 1st Lord Monteagle, 321 Stanfield, Clarkson, R.A, 555, 572, 601 Stanhope, Lovell, 826 Stanhope, W, Spencer, 940 (page 183) Stanley, Edward Smith, 13th Earl of Derby, K,G, 383 Stanley, Edward, Bishop of Norwich, 501 Stanley, Lady (Charlotte Margaret Hornby), 136 Stanley, Lady Charlotte, Lady Hornby, 144 Stephen, James, M.P, 181 Stephenson, George, 490 Stephenson, Robert, 492 Stewart, Robert, Viscount Castlereagh, 2nd Marquis of Londonderry, K,G, 206 Stewart,' William, ist Earl of Blessington, 938 {page 183) Stewart Dugald, 55 StUl, John, Bishop of Bath and Wells, 637 Stokes, Adrian, 644 Stokesley, John, Bishop of London, 656 Stothard, Thomas, R,A, 351 Stowell, Lord (William Scott), 43 Strangford, 6th Viscount (Percy Clinton Syd ney Smythe), 214 Strutt, Jedediah, 861 Stuart, Prince Charles Edward, and his brother, 866 Stuart de Rothesay, Lord (Charles Stuart), 80 Stuart- Wortley, Lady Emmeline C, E, 535 Stump, S. J, 555 Sturge, Joseph, 524 Suffolk, Duchess of (Frances Brandon), and Adrian Stokes, 644 Sumner, John Bird, Archbishop of Canter bury, 380 Surrey, Earl of (Henry Howard), and the *'Fair Geraldine," 626 Sussex, Augustus Frederick, Duke of, K,G. 373 Sutherland, 2nd Duke of (George Granville Leveson-Gower), 587 Sutton"(5etf Manners-Sutton) Swinburne, Heory, 165 Sydenham, Lord (Charles Edward Poulett- Thomson), 322 Talbot, 2nd Earl, K,G. (Charles Chetwynd Talbot), 410 Talbot, Charles, Duke of Shrewsbury, K,G, 773 _ _ Talbot, Peter, Titular Archbishop of Dublin, 707 Talfourd, Sir Thomas Noon, 616 Tanfield, Lady, 669 Taylor, Sir Herbert, G,C,B, 323 Taylor Sir John, Bt, 940 {page 183) Taylor, Sir Robert, Kt, 886 Taylor, Isaac, 504 Taylor, John, 368 Taylor, William, 273 Taylor, Ann and Jane, 800 Teignmouth, 1st Lord (John Shore), 64 Telford, Thomas, F.R,S, 166 Temple, Henry John, Viscount Palmerston, K,G, 456 Temple, Richard, Field-Marshal, ist Viscount Cobham, 765 Temple, Sir WiUiam, Kt, 743 Tenterden, ist Lord (Charles Abbott), 119 Thackeray, William Makepeace, 531, 603 Thompson, Richard, 940 {page 183) Thomson, Henry, R.A, 346 Thomson, Rev. John, 341 Thornhill, Sir James, Kt, M,P. 716 Thornton, Henry, M,P, 182 Throckmorton, EUzabeth, Lady Raleigh, 640 Thynne, Lady Louisa, Countess of Aylesford, 850 Toler, John, ist Earl of Norbury, 163 Tollemache, Louisa, Countess of Dysart, 857 Towneley, John, Kt. of St. Louis, 789 Townley, Sir Charles, Kt. 830 Townley, Charles, and others, 909, 913 Townshend, Sir Roger, Kt. 630 Tradescant, John, the Elder, 694 Travers, Benjamin, F.R.S. 447 Trelawny, Rev. Sir Harry, Bt. as a Boy, 787 Trevelyan, Sir George, Bt. 890 Trimmer, Mis. (Sarah Kirby), 147 Trollope, Mrs, Frances, 596 Troubridge, Admiral Sir Thomas, Bt. 19 208 INDEX OF PORTRAITS, Troubridge, Sir Thomas St, Vincent, H, C, Bt,, CB, 446 Truro, 1st Lord (Thomas Wilde), 473 Tudor, .Vlary, Countess of Derwentwater, 749 Tuke, Sir Brian, Kt, 625 Turner, Dawson, F.R,S, 409 Turner, Joseph Mallord WiUiam, R, A, 94, 9 1 2 Turner, Sharon, 393 Turner, Charlotte (Mrs. Smith), 779 Twisden, Mrs, (Anne Wyatt), 633 Twisleton, Colonel John, 738 Tytler, Alexander Fraser, Lord Woodhouselee, 48 Tytler, Patrick Fraser, 496 Tytler, WiUiam, of Woodhouselee, 873 Usher, James, Archbishop of Armagh, 670 Uwins, Thomas, R,A, 555, 602 Uxbridge, Earl of, 449 Vane, Hon, Mrs, Morgan (Mary Woodyeare), 786 Van Mildert, WiUiam, Bishop of Durham, 286 Vassall, EUzabeth, Lady Holland, 350 Vaux of Harrowden, 3rd Lord (WilUam Vaux), 649 Vavasour, Anne, 680 Verdun, Dr, 909 Verney, Mary (Baroness Fermanagh), 141 Vernon, Robert, 1550 Vernon, Henrietta, Countess of Warwick, and Children, 815 "Ni^errio, Anthony, 739 Vestris, Madame, 566 Victoria, The Princess (Her Majesty the Queen), 367 Villiers, Hon, Augustus, 474 Villiers, Hon, Mrs, 474 Vincent, William, Dean of Westminster, 186 Wager, Admiral Sir Charles, Kt, 755 Wakefield, Mrs, (PrisciUa BeU), 887 Wale, Gen, Sir Charles, K,C.B, 38 Wales, Charlotte Augusta, Princess of, 225, 231, 948 Wales, Frederick Lewis, Prince of, K.G, 757 Wales, George Augustus Frederick, Prince of (George IV.), 1 Wales, Henry, Prince of, 665 Waller, Edmund, 690 Wallich, Nathaniel, M.D., F,R,S. 518 Walpole, Sir Edward, K,B, 794 Ward, James, R,A. 573 Ward, Robert Plumer, 317 Warde, Right Hon, General George, 868 Wardlaw, Rev, Ralph, D,D, 502 Warwick, Countess of, and Children (Hen rietta Vernon), 815 Watson, George, P,R.S.A, 262 Webb, Anna, Countess of Derwentwater, 758 Wedgwood, Josiah, F,R.S., F,S,A, 905 Wellesley, Marquis, K,G, (Richard Wellesley), 359 V/ellesley, Arthur, Duke of Wellington, K.G, 194, 199; 46^ Wellesley, Marchioness ( Marianne Caton), 209 WeUington, Duke of, K,G, (Arthur Wellesley), 194, 199, 462 Wellington, Duchess of (Catherine Paken- ham), 187 Wesley, Rev, Charles, 869 Wesley, Rev. John, 870 West, William, Lord Delawarr, 629 West, Benjamin, P,R,A, 17, 945 {page 184) West, Francis Robert, 86 Western, Lord (Charles Callis Western), 880. Western, Rev, Shirley, 880 Westminster, 1st M irquis of (Robert Gros venor), 840 Westminster, Dean of (William Buckland), 480 Westminster, Dean of (William Vincent), 186 Westmorland, nth Earl of, K,C,B, (John Fane), 62 Whately, Richard, Archbishop of Dublin, 375 WheweU, WiUiam, D,D,, F.R,S, 485 Whiston, Rev, William, 748 Whitbread, Samuel, M,P, 41 White, Sir Thomas, Kt, 641 White, Henry Kirke, 134 White, Rev, James, 517 Whitworth, Earl (Charles Whitworlh), 70 Wickham, Right Hon, William, 35 Widdrington, ist Lord (Sir W, Widdrington, Bt,) 692 Widdrington, 4th Ld, (William Widdrington), 763 WHberforce, William, 180 Wilbraham, Roger, M,P, 74 Wilde, Thomas, 1st Lord Truro, 473 Wildman, WiUiam, 2nd Viscount Barrington, 929 {page 183) Wilkes, John, M,P, 878 Wilkie, Sir David, R,A, 257, 343 William IV, 320 Williams, Mr, 566. Williams, Rev, David, 911 Wilmot, Maria Marow (Lady Eardley), and child, 845 Wilson, General Sir Robert Thomas, K,M,T. 189, Wilson, Right Hon. James, 544 Wilson, Professor Horace Hayman, 554 Wilson, Professor John, " Christopher North," 255> 257 Wilson, Richard, R,A, 834 Wilson, Mrs. (Caroline Fry), 279 Wilton, Earl of, 474 Wilton, Countess of, 474 Winwood, Sir Ralph, 666 Wiseman, Nicholas, Cardinal, 526 Withering, WiUiam, M.D., F,R,S, 904 Wodehouse, ist Lord (John Wodehouse), 30 Woffington, Margaret, 745, 754 Wolfe, Major-General James, 767, 804 Wolfe, Mrs, 806 WoUaston, WiUiam Hyde, M.D, 126 Wood, Sir Matthew, Bt, 219 Wood, Robert, 874 INDEX OF PORTRAITS, 209 Woodhouselee, Lord (Alexander Fraser Tytler), 48 Woodyeare, Mary (Hon Mrs. Morgan Vane), 786 Wordsworth, William, 257, 275, 277 Wortley, Stuart {see Stuart- Wortley) Wray, Sir Bourchier, Bt. 934 (page 183) Wright, Edward, 582 Wyatt, James, 788 Wyatt, Anne (Mrs, Twisden), 633 WyatvUle, Sir Jeffrey, R,A. 220 Wynch, Florentia (Lady Sale), 421 Wyndham, George O'Brien, 3rd Earl of Egre mont, 283 Wyndham, WiUiam, Lord GrenviUe, 29 Wynn, Sir Watkin Williams, 940 {page 183) Wynn, Captain, 909 Wyse, Right Hon, Sir Thomas, K,C.B, 390 Yarrell, William, 515 Yates, Frederick Henry, 577 York, Frederica Charlotte Ulrica (Princess Royal of Prussia), Duchess of, 13 York, Frederick, Duke of, K,G, 193 York, Archbishop of (Accepted Frewen), 715 Young, Charles, 571 Young, Thomas, M.D, 162, London : Stranoewavs and Walden, Printers, Cistle St. Leicester Sq, YALE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY 3 9002 08854 2841 »K V \ \ A N X N.t \ \ \ .•<:?' 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