\JL */<2. ¦ <7 "I give thefe Books
for the founding of a College in this Colony"
Fund 1907
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October 30, 1754, to March. 6, 1759
The Trustees surrendered the charter in June, 1752, where
upon the Lords Justices, with the advice of the Privy Council,
issued a proclamation directing all officers, both civil and mili
tary, to continue in the discharge of their respective duties until
such time as the king might establish another form of govern
ment. Thus the direction of the affairs of the colony devolved
for the time being on the President and Assistants.
In March, 1754, the Lords Commissioners of Trade and Plan
tations submitted a plan of government, which provided, among
other things, for the appointment of a Governor and a Council
of twelve persons with such powers and duties as were exer
cised by the Governors and Councils of the other British prov
inces in America, which were more immediately subject to the
direction of the crown. This plan was approved and adopted,
and on the sixth of August, 1754, Captain John Reynolds of the
British navy, was appointed the first Governor of Georgia, and
on the thirtieth day of October, 1754, the government of the
colony was transferred from the President and Assistants to
Governor Reynolds and his Council, consisting of Patrick Gra
ham, Sir Patrick Houstoun, James Habersham, Alexander Kel-
let, William Clifton, Noble Jones, Pickering Robinson, Francis
Harris, Jonathan Bryan and William Russell. This volume and
the four following in numerical order constitute a complete
journal of the proceedings of the Executive Department of the
colony from the inauguration of Governor Reynolds up to the
cessation of British rule in Georgia upon the final withdrawal of
Governor Wright in 1783.
Proceedings and Minutes
Province of Georgia.
Commencing the 30™ Day of October, 1754
Ending the 6th Day of March, 1759, Inclusive
You shall be true and faithfull to our Sovereign Lord George the
Third and to his Heirs and Successors — You shall nothing
know that shall be prejudicial to his Majesty his Crown or digni
ty but that you shall resist to the utmost of your Power, and with
all Speed shall Advertize his Excellency the Governor, (or Com
mander in Chief for the time being) thereof in such wise as the
same shall come to your knowledge. You shall also well and
truly Serve his Majesty in the Office of Clerk of the Commons
House of Assembly in this Province, making true Entry and
Records of the Things done & passed in the Same — Ye shall
keep Secret.all such Matters as shall be treated of in the said
House of Assembly and not disclose the same, but to such as they
ought to be disclosed unto — And Generally you shall well and
Truly Execute all things belonging unto you to be done Apper
taining to the Office of Clerk of the House of AssemblySo help you God.
GEORGIA At a Meeting of the President and As
sistants in Council assembled at Savannah
on Wednesday the thirtieth Day of October
Patrick Graham Esqr President
John Reynolds Esqr
and James Habersham
Noble Jones
Pickering Robinson
Francis Harris
Mr Reynolds then produced His most Sacred Majestys
Commission on Letters Patent bearing Date at Kensing
ton the Sixth Day of August 1754 in the Twenty Eight
Year of His said Majestys Reign, commissionating him
the said John Reynolds Esqr His said Majestys Captain
General and Governor in Chief of the Colony of Georgia
In America, which said Commission was read and duly
published in the presence of the said Patrick Graham Esqr
and the Assistants abovenamed
Then Patrick Graham Esqr delivred up the Chair to
His Excellency the Governor.
Governor de- ^s Excellency then informed the Board, that His Maj-
Nlmes'o! the esty had appointed the following Gentlemen to be of
councillors. the Coundl for this province) namely, Patrick Graham
Esqr, Sir Patrick Houstoun Bar1, James Habersham, Al
exander Kellet, William Clifton, Noble Jones, Pickering
Robinson, Francis Harris, Jonathan Bryan and William
Russell Esquires, and that they shou'd be forthwith called
together; Accordingly His Excellency ordered all the
Gentlemen aforesaid to be summon'd (except William
Clifton, who was not arrived in the province) to meet
Him at the Council Chamber the next Day — -
GEORGIA At a Meeting of His Excellency the
Governor and Council in the Council Cham
ber at Savannah on Thursday the thirty first
Day of October 1754
His Excellency John Reynolds Esqr
The Honourable Patrick Graham Esqr
Sr Patrick Houstoun Bar4
James Habersham
Alexander Kellet
Noble Jones v
Pickering Robinson \ l
Francis Harris and
Jonathan Bryan
Mr William Russell, who was nominated one of the
Mr. Russeii Council, appeared according to the Summons, and very
Counciide- dutifully and respectfully declin'd the Honour intended
clined acting
GovernorsCommission again read
Then His Excellency again produced His most sacred
Majesty's Commission appointing him Captain General
and Governor in Chief of the Colony of Georgia, and or
dered the same to be read, and it was accordingly read,
and duly published in the presence of the Gentlemen of
the Council abovenamed —
Then His Excellency took all the Oaths appointed by
Governor took Law, declared and subscribed the Test; and also took
oaths &c. the Oaths for administring the Government, and for se-
OCTOBER, 1754. 11
curing the Acts of Trade and Navigation, which two last
mentioned Oaths are as follows, namely,
You do swear, that you will Faith and true Allegiance
And the Oath bear unto His most sacred Majesty King George the sec
ond, and to His Heirs and Successors, and will well and
truly execute the Office and Trust of Captain General and
Governor in Chief for the Province of Georgia, accord
ing to the best of your Skill and Knowledge, and accord
ing to the Power to you granted by Virtue of His Ma
jesty's Letters Patent bearing date at Kensington the 6th
Day of August in the 28th Year of His said Majesty's
Reign — So help you God —
Governor's Oath relating to the Acts of Trade and
Navigation"You do swear, that you will, to the best of your Skill
And the oath "and Power, so long- as you shall continue in the Gov-
for observing
of Actsof "ernment and Command of His Majesty's Province of
Trade &C J J
"Georgia, well and truly execute and perform all Mat
ters and Things, which by the Statute made in the
"twelfth Year of the Reign of King Charles the second,
"entituled an Act for the encouraging and increasing of
"Shipping and Navigation, and the other Statute, made
"in the fifteenth Year of His said Majesty's Reign, En-
"tituled, An Act for the encouragement of Trade and also
"the Act made in the seventh and eighth Years of the
"Reign of His late Majesty King William, Entituled,
"an Act for preventing Frauds and regulating Abuses in
"the Plantation Trade — And also all other Acts, which
"have been made and are in Force for the better regulat-
"ing and securing the Plantation Trade, you are required
"as Captain General and Governor in Chief of the said
"Province to be sworn to the Performance So help you God —
Then His Excellency directed the first Article of His
ms Majesty°s Majesty's Instructions to be read, and the same being ac-
the Governor cordingly read, was ordered to be entered in this Day's
Minutes, and is as follows, namely,
Ist "With these our Instructions, you will receive Our
"Commission under the Great Seal of Great Britain con
stituting you Our Captain General and Governor in
"Chief of Our Colony of Georgia in America, You are
"therefore to fit your self with all convenient Speed, and
"repair to Our said Colony of Georgia, and being arrived
"there, You are to take upon you the Execution of the
"Place and Trust, We have reposed in you, and forth-
"with to call together the following Persons by Name,
"whom We do hereby nominate and appoint to be Our
"Council for that Colony, Viz1 Patrick Graham Esqrs, S"
"Patrick Houstoun Bar' James Habersham, Alexander
"Kellet, William Clifton, Noble Jones, Pickering Robin-
"son, Francis Harris, Jonathan Bryan and William Rus
sell Esqrs—
Then all the said Members of His said Majesty's Coun-
^iiors?eCx0cUept cil (excepting William Clifton and William Russell Esqrs)
Sand wliim. were called upon to take the State Oaths appointed by
tMiftheStete' Law ; and accordingly the said Members of His Majes
ty's Council (except Mr Clifton and Mr Russell before
named) took all the State Oaths appointed by Law, and
declared and subscribed the Test, and also the Oath of a
Councillor, which said Oath is as follows, namely,
OCTOBER, 1754.
"You do swear, that you Faith and true Allegiance
And the Oath it, TT. ,-»«-• T^. ^*
of a councillor bear unto His most sacred Majesty King George the
"secondhand to His Heirs and Successors, and shall be
"true and faithful to His Excellency John Reynolds Esqr,
"as He is commissionated Captain General and Governor
"in Chief, in and over this His Majesty's Province, and
"that you will, in the Place and Office of his Majesty's
"Councillor of this Province well and faithfully serve his
"said Majesty and promote the Good of His Majesty's
"Affairs with your best Advice and Council — You shall
"with your best Ability defend this Province from all
"foreign Invasions, and intestine Insurrections; You
"shall not countenance or conceal any Plott or seditious
"Conspiracy, or any treasonable or seditious Speeches
"against His said Majesty, His Heirs or Successors, or
"His said Excellency, but you shall give speedy Notice
"thereof unto His said Excellency, or to some Members
"of the Council; the secret Debates of the Council, you
"shall not reveal directly nor indirectly, All which you
"shall to the utmost of your Ability perform —
So help you God"
James Haber
sham Esqr
sworn as
Then James Habersham Esqr Secretary, Register of
the Records and Clerk of the Council, of this Colony, and
Alexander Kellet Esq1 Provost Marshal of the said Col
ony, took all the State Oaths appointed by Law, and de
clared and subscribed the Test, and afterwards the said
James Habersham took the following Oath of a Secre
tary, Register of the Records, and Clerk of the Council,
"I do swear, that I will bear Faith, and true Obedience
'to our Sovereign Lord the King, His Heirs and Suc
cessors ; I will bear true Fidelity to His Majesty's Gov-
"ernor, Deputy Governor or Commander in Chief of this
"Province — The Secrets of the Governor and Council,
"I will no Way reveal; I will in all Things behave my-
"self honestly and truly as a Secretary, Register of the
"Records and Clerk of the Council ought to do —
So help me God
Then the said Alexander Kellet Esqr had the last men-
Keiiet Esqr tioned Oath of Fidelity and Secrecy administred to Him,
sworn as Pro- .
vost Marshal only -with the Variation of the last Words — relative to
the Officer, instead whereof were, as a Provost Marshal
of this Colony
SmiSonas Ordered — That His Excellency's Commission be
oral &c to be forthwith recorded in the Secretary's Office of this Prov-
recorded in the .
Secretarys mce
office Then His Excellency produced His most sacred Ma-
and his Com- . .. .. . . . .
mission as vice i esty s Commission appointing him Vice Admiral ot this
Admiral read, J J rr o .
Province, and ordered the same to be read, and it was
accordingly read —
nd also His Then His Excellency produced His most sacred Ma-
u^fnrathefseai jesty's Warrant authorizing His said Excellency, or the
of the colony Commander in Chief of this Province for the Time being,
to use the Great Seal, of which the following is a Copy,
Viz' "To Our trusty and well beloved John Reynolds Esqr
saw'warrant "Our Captain General and Governor in Chief of Our
"Province of Georgia, or to the Commander in Chief of
"Our said Province for the Time being Greeting. With
"this you will receive a Seal prepared by Our Order for
"the Use of Our Province of Georgia, the same being en-
"graved on the one Side with Our Royal Effigies and a
"Figure representing the Genius of Our said Province
"on his Knee offering to Us a Skain of Silk, this Inscrip-
OCTOBER, 1754. 15
"tion being under the said Effigies, Hine laudem sperate
"Coloni, and this other Inscription round the Circumfer-
"ence, Sigillum Provincial nostrse Georgia? in America,
"and on the other Side of the said Seal Our Arms, Gar-
"ter, Crown, gupportors and Motto with this Inscription
"around the Circumference, Georgius secundus, Dei Gra
tia, Magnae Britannise, Franciae et Hibernise Rex, Fidei
"Defensor, Bruns vici et Lunenburgi Dux Sacri Romani
"Imperii Archi Thesaurarius et Princeps Elector — Our
"Will and Pleasure is, and We do hereby authorize and
"direct, that the said Seal be used in sealing all Patents
"and Grants of Lands, and all publick Instruments, which
"shall be made and passed in Our Name and for Our
"Service in Our said Province — Given at Our Court at
"Kensington the twelfth Day of August 1754 in the
"Twenty Eighth Year of Our Reign —
* By His Majesty's Command
T. Robinson"
Ordered That His most sacred Majesty's War-
im/thVseai rant aforesaid be forthwith recorded in the Secretary's
to be recorded ,-, rr r . . . -p,
mtheSecre- Office of this rrovince
tary's Office Ordered That His Majesty's Commission appoint-
cSJunis'Sons ing His Excellency Captain General and Governor in
pubiilhedat Chief of this Colony, as well as His Majesty's Commis-
the Militia sion appointing Him Vice Admiral of the same, be forth
with read and published at the Head of the Militia, now
under Arms before the Council Chamber, and both the
said Commissions were accordingly read, and published
as ordered —
Then was read a Proclamation for continuing all Of-
toro^tonine ficers, Eclesiastical, Civil and Military in their respective
all Officers in . , , , . .
their piaces,tiii piaces anr\ Trusts, until further Orders, which was or-
further Orders dered to be enter'd and is as follows, namely,
Governor's Warrant for
GEORGIA By His ExceeeEncy
John Reynoeds Esq/
"Captain General, Governor and Commander in Chief in
"and over His Majesty's said Province, and Vice Ad-
"miral of the same A PROCLAMATION
"Whereas His Majesty by His Royal Proclamation
"given at Whitehal the Twenty fifth Day of June 1752,
"did continue all Officers, then duly and lawfully pos
sessed of, or invested in any Office or Trust Ecclesias
tical, Civil or Military in His Majesty's said Province
"in their respective Offices and Employments until
"His Majesty's Pleasure should be further known —
"And whereas His Majesty's said Proclamation does
"now of Course determine; therefore that the Exe
cution of Justice may not be obstructed, and that
"good Order and Tranquillity may be preserved within
"His Majesty's said Province, 'till other Measures for
"that Purpose can be taken, I have, by and with the Ad-
"vice and Consent of His Majesty's Honourable Council,
"thought fit to issue this my Proclamation, requiring and
"commanding, and I do hereby require and command
"all Officers duly and legally invested in any Office, Ec
clesiastical, Civil or Military in His Majesty's said
"Province, to continue to exercise their respective Trusts
"and Offices, until further Orders — And I do hereby
"command and require all His Majesty's Subjects in the
"said Province to be obedient to, and aiding and assist
ing the said Officers in the Performance and Execution
"of their respective Offices, as they will answer the con
trary at their Peril
"Given under my Hand and the Great Seal of
"this His Majesty's Province, in the Council
NOVEMBER, 1754- *7
"Chamber at Savannah the thirty first Day of
"October 1754 in the twenty eighth Year of
"His Majesty's Reign
'By his Excellency's John Reynoeds
'Command James Haber-
'sham Secry" God save the King"
Ordered That His Excellency's Proclamation be
forthwith published by Beat of Drum, as usual, in this
Town —
GEORGIA At a Meeting of His Excellency the
Governor and Council in the Council Cham
ber at Savannah on Friday the first Day of
November 1754. Present
His Excellency John Reynolds Esq1
The Honourable Patrick Graham Esqr
Sr Patrick Houstoun Barr'
James Habersham —
Alexander Kellet —
Noble Jones —
Pickering Robinson —
Francis Harris —
Jonathan Bryan
? Esq1'
The Preceeding Day's Minutes were read and ap
proved—" 2 c r— vol 7
Mr Tames Habersham acquainted His Excellency that
William Spen- J . , _. _ .
cer admitted jt wou'd be necessary, for the Dispatch of Business, to
Leputy Clerk J L
and'swOTn""' appoint a Deputy Clerk of the Council, and He desired
His Excellency to admit Mr William Spencer in that Ca
pacity, which request was complyed with; and accord
ingly the said William Spencer took all the State Oaths
appointed by Law, and declared and subscribed the Test,
and afterwards the said William Spencer took the follow
ing Oath of a Deputy Clerk of the Council, namely,
"I do swear, that I will bear Faith and true Obedience
"to Our Sovereign Lord the King, His Heirs and Suc
cessors; I will bear true Fidelity to His Majesty's Gov
ernor, Deputy Governor or Commander in Chief of this
"Province; the Secrets of the Governor and Council I
"will no Way reveal; I will in all Things behave my self
"honestly and truly as a Clerk of the Council ought to
"do- So help me God
Ordered That the Clerk of the Board do forth-
Clerk of the
Council to send with make out and send a Copy of His Excellencv's
Copies of the L J J
Proclamation Proclamation to each of the following- Gentlemen, name-
1 or continuing <=> ' iicli1"-
?he?rffipciacesrtoly> a Copy to James Fraser and John Rae Esqra Conserva-
tosConheVa" tors of the Peace at Augusta, and within the District
cotayinthe thereof; another to John Ludwig Meyer Esqr Conserv
ator of the Peace at Ebenezer and within the District
thereof; another to Audley Maxwell Esqr Conservator
of the Peace at Midway River and within the District
thereof; and another to John McKintosh M. Esqr Con
servator of the Peace at Darien and within the District
thereof — And the Clerk was likewise ordered to direct
the said Conservators of the Peace to publish the said
Proclamation as soon as conveniently can be, in the most
solemn and public Manner within their respective Dis
tricts —
Letter from
Lachlan Mac-
Gillivray con
cerning the
Upper Creek
Patrick Graham Esqr laid before the Board a Letter,
which He received from Mr Lachlan McGillivray dated
Augusta the 25th October 1754, which was read, and con
tained the following Advice — "That a Trader just then
come from the Upper Creek-Nation, informed him (the
said McGillivray) that the French had been very busy
with that Nation, in endeavouring to set them against
this Province ; that they had prevailed upon Head Men
out of every Town to go to Mobile ; that the fatal Con
sequences of giving them (the French) too great Op
portunities to seduce the Indians from the English In
terest in the Northern Province is but too notorious, and
that their Success to the Northward, will doubtless spirit
them to seduce the Indians in Amity with this Province
to their Interest, who at present are the only Barrier to
secure our Western Frontiers from their Insults — ¦
The Board took the aforesaid Letter into Considera
tion, and had great Reason to believe the Truth of what
was set forth as well from the undoubted Veracity of the
Writer, as from many other concurrent Circumstances;
and as they had no Presents to countermine the French
Influence, they postponed coming to any Resolution there
upon, 'till they had more maturely considered the Affair —
GEORGIA At a Meeting of His Excellency the
Governor and Council in the Council Cham
ber at Savannah on Saturday the second Day
of November 1754
His Excellency John Reynolds Esqr
The Honourable Patrick Graham Esqr
Sr Patrick Houstoun Bar'
James Habersham
Alexander Kellet
Noble Jones— -
Pickering Robinson f *
Francis Harris —
Jonathan Bryan J
The Preceeding Day's Minutes were read and ap
proved —
Lachlan Mac- The Board reassumed the Consideration of Mr M°Gil-
terreadyyester-hvray's Letter read Yesterday respecting the Upper Creek
consideration, Indians ; and John Rae Esqr Conservator of the Peace
lution of the at Augusta, 3 Person well acquainted with Indian Af-
Board thereon .
fairs, being in Town, was desired to attend; and He ac
cordingly did attend, and confirmed the Advice the Board
had received — ¦ The Board likewise referred to a Minute
in the Journals of the late President and Assistants of
the 9'11 of August last by which it appeared, that they
thought it expedient to send a small Present to the lower
Creek Indians, for reasons set forth in the said Minute,
as well as a small Present to the Chickesaw Indians, the
last of which was timely forwarded; and as the Upper
Creeks (on His Excellency's arrival) wou'd expect some
Notice to be taken of them, as well as the lower Creeks,
and the Presents prepared for the latter, if divided, wou'd
probably answer no valuable Purpose, it was judged best
(especially as the Merchants, who provided them, wou'd
take them again) not to send any to the lower Creeks;.
NOVEMBER, 1754. 21
But for the Present His Excellency was advised to send
them respectively a Letter, or what is usually called a
Talk, until he was enabled to give them suitable Presents,
which it's hoped wou'd soon arrive from England
GEORGIA At a Meeting of His Excellency the
Governor and Council in the Council Cham
ber at Savannah on Monday the fourth Day
of November 1754 —
His Excellency John Reynolds Esq1-
The Honourable Sr Patrick Houstoun Bar'
James Habersham
Alexander Kellet
Noble Jones — ¦
Pickering Robinson
Francis Harris —
Jonathan Bryan
The Minute of the last Board was read, and approved — ¦
Part of the old The House hitherto used for transacting public Busi-
Sungdo'wpn?8 ness, and in which the Council and Assembly met, being
joumedto the in 3. ruinous Condition, and in appearance in great Dan-
and took into Ptv of falling-, the Board took into Consideration to pro-
Consideration ° -,-,, mi • iia ii>
the providing vlde a proper Place for 1 heirs and the Assembly s meet-
a proper Place r r
to meet in mg; which they had hardly entered into, when they were
alarmed with the falling of a Stack of Chimneys and one
End of the said House, and very providentially escaped
being buried in the Ruins, which obliged them immedi
ately to quit it, and move to the Court House until some
proper House could be provided, which Necessity now
obliged them to take under their immediate Considera
tion —
AHouseori i- ^ appeared to the Board that a large and commodious
for'thfus^of House erected at the public Expence, and intended for
tureSthoughta lodging and sorting Cocoons wou'd be very proper, if
proper Place fitted ^ for ^hlk offices . and they likewise understood
that it was at present of no Use, and wou'd not answer
the Purpose intended; but as it was thought proper, not
to divert any thing proposed to accomodate or encourage
the valuable Culture of Silk, the Board sent for Mr Otto
lenghe, who has the whole Care and Management of the
said Culture, to know whether the said House wou'd be
wanted for that Purpose — •
Mr. Ottolenghe
Mr Ottolenghe attended, and after being acquainted
'^Manager of wjm the Reason of his being sent for, He informed the
suitedlhfreon; Board, that He should have no further Use for the said
had noeuslefor House Therefore His Excellency ordered James Haber-
3e'sham, Noble Jones and Jonathan Bryan, Esq" to exam-
tee of the coun-ine what was necessary to be done to make it fit for pub-
cil was ordered
to inspect it he Offices, and to report the same to this Board
Then His Excellency directed the Eleventh Article of
His Majesty's Instruction to be read, and the same being
read, was ordered to be entered in this Day's Minutes,
and is as follows, namely,
1 1 "And whereas We are sensible that effectual Care
Article of His "ought to be taken to oblige the Members of Our Council
Majestys In- . .
structions to to 3 due attendance therein in Order to prevent the manv
the Governor A J
AtTen'dlnle of "Inconveniencys that may happen for want of a Quorum
ofetheecouncii "°f the Council to transact Business as Occasion may re
read "quire, It is Our Will and Pleasure, that if any of the
"Members of Our said Council residing in the said Col-
"ony shall hereafter absent themselves from Our said
"Colony, and continue absent above the space of twelve
"Months together, without leave from you or from Our
"Governor or Commander in Chief of Our said Colony
"for the time being first obtained under your or his Hand
"and Seal, or shall remain absent for the space of two
NOVEMBER, 1754. 23
"Years successively without Our leave given him under
"Our Royal Sign Manual, their Place or Places in Our
"said Council shall immediately thereupon become Void;
"and that if any of the Members of Our said Council re
siding in the said Colony, shall hereafter willfully absent
"themselves from the Council Board, when duly sum<-
"mon'd, without a just and lawfull Cause, and shall per*-
"sist therein after Admonition, You suspend the said
"Councillors so absenting themselves, 'till Our further
"Pleasure be known, giving timely Notice thereof to Our
"Commissioners for Trade and Plantations, in order to
"be laid before Us, And We do hereby will and require
"you, that this Our Royal Pleasure be signifyed to the
"several Members of Our Council aforesaid, and that it
"be entred in the Council Books of Our said Colony as a
"standing Rule
GEORGIA At a Meeting of His Excellency the
Governor and Council in the Council Cham
ber at Savannah on Tuesday the fifth Day of
November 1754 —
His Excellency John Reynolds Esqr
The Honourable Sr Patrick Houstoun Bar'
James Habersham
Alexander Kellet
Noble Jones — J> Esqrs
Pickering Robinson
Francis Harris
The Preceeding Day's Minutes were read, and ap
proved —
Pursuant to the Resolution of this Board of the second
Day of this Month, Two Letters were wrote to the Head
Men of the Upper and lower Creek-Indians, and the fol
lowing is a Copy of that to the lower Creeks, namely,
GEORGIA "To Our beloved Friend Mallatchie, and
"the rest of the beloved Men and War-
"riours of the lower-Creek Nation — ¦
Two Letters to "The great and Beloved King George my Master hav-
iowerCreek-in- "ing appointed me Governor and General of this His
dians from the . .
Governor, and Province of Georeia, I take the first Opportunity of ac-
delivered to o > i j. ->
to foraard3^ "quainting you therewith, and of assuring you, that I
"shall Use every Means to preserve the good Understand
ing that at present subsists between the Great King my
"Master's Subjects of this Province and your Nation,
"And as it will give me very great Pleasure to have an
"Opportunity of shaking Hands, and of talking with you
"Face to Face, I shall acquaint you, when it may be prop-
"er to come here, when I hope, I shall be able to give you
"a further Testimony of my Love and Friendship — In
"the mean Time, I wish you, your Wives and Children
"Health and Prosperity, assuring you, that I am —
"Your lovinq- Friend and Brother
"J. Reynolds"—
"Council Chamber in
"Savannah the 5th
"November 1754"
The Letter to the Upper-Creeks run in the same Words
as the foregoing, only with this Difference in the Direc
tion, "To Our Beloved Friend the Gun Merchant and the
"rest of the Beloved Men and Warriours of the Upper
"Creek Nation"
His Excellency then sent for John Rae Esqr Conserv
ator of the Peace at Augusta (being in this Town) and
He accordingly attended, when His Excellency commit-
NOVEMBER, 1754. 25
ted the above two Letters to his Care to forward ; that to
the Upper Creeks to Mr Lachlan McGillivray a Trader
there, and the other to Mr George Galphin a Trader in
the lower Creeks, with Orders to deliver and faithfully
interpret the same to the respective Chiefs as directed —
GEORGIA At a Meeting of His Excellency the
Governor and Council in the Council Cham
ber at Savannah on Wednesday the sixth
Day of November 1754
His Excellency John Reynolds Esqr
The Honourable Sr Patrick Houston Bar'
James Habersham "^
Alexander Kellet { ^ rs
Noble Jones— [ ^sq
Pickering Robinson J
The Preceeding Day's Minutes were read, and ap
proved —
Report of the Then Noble Jones Esqr acquainted the Board, that in
SmTto^ew" Conformity to His Excellency's Direction (as =p Minute
Snd^d for Pnub- of the 4th Instant) Mr Habersham, Mr Bryan and himself
^d°r?deeandCon"had viewed the House intended (as ^ aforesaid Minute
of the 4th Instant for public Offices, and had agreed to
what they thought necessary to be done, which he (the
said Noble Jones Esqr) had made a Plan of, and then laid
it before the Board, which being approved, they sent for
proper Tradesmen, in Order that they might make Pro
posals to fit up the said House for the Use proposed with
all Expedition ; accordingly they attended, and after be
ing informed of the Reason of their being sent for, they
desired a Day or two to consider of and make their Pro
posals —
GEORGIA At a Meeting of His Excellency the
Governor and Council in the Council Cham
ber at Savannah on Thursday the seventh
Day of November 1754 —
His Excellency John Reynolds Esqr
The Honourable Patrick Graham Esq'
Sr Patrick Houstoun Bar'
James Habersham
Alexander Kellet
Noble Jones — \ Esqri
Pickering Robinson
Jonathan Bryan
The Preceeding Day's Minutes were read, and ap
proved —
His Excellency having- communicated His Majesty's
Governor com- J J
mumcated His Instructions in regard to the calling- of a General Assem-
Maje3tys In- ° °
abouCttlthneScaii- bl> r> and lt appearing, that it was His Majesty's Inten-
Afsembiyeral tion to have it done as soon as conveniently cou'd be, the
same was taken into Consideration —
It was observed that His Majesty's Instructions or-
A Committee
appointed to dered, that no .Person shou d be capable of being; elected
consider of °
Means to carry a Representative to serve or of sitting- in General As-
His Majestys r o «^i - i...
intorExec°ution semDly, who is not possessed in his own Right of a Free-
repXwhich^hold Estate of Five hundred Acres of Land within the
is agreed to. District, or Division for which he is chosen, and it bein°-
well known to the Board, that there were no Persons
possessed of Five hundred Acres of Land within several
of the Districts empowered to send Representatives,
especially Frederica, Vernonburgh, Acton, Abercorn and
Goshen and Ebenezer, all of them except Frederica, the
most populous Places in the Province ; Therefore a Com
mittee of the Council, namely, Sr Patrick Houstoun Bar',
Noble Jones and Jonathan Bryan Esqrs were ordered to
NOVEMBER, 1754. 27
consider of such a Division of the Province, by which the
full Number of Representatives ordered by His Majes
ty's Instruction might be returned; and the Committee
reported, that it appeared to them, that His most sacred
Majesty's Royal Instruction could no otherwise be full-
filled, than by the following Division of the Province for
the present, by which each District wou'd have a Choice
of Persons properly qualifyed, namely, that the Northern
Division do extend South to the North Side of the North
Branch of Midway River and West to Mount Pleasant;
the Southern Division to extend from the South Side of
the North Branch of Midway River to the most southern
Settlements inclusive; The Western Division to extend
from Mount Pleasant to the most Western Settlements
inclusive, which Report was approved of by the Board
Then His Excellency was advised by the Board to
summons°for issue out 3 Writ of Summons to the Provost Marshal for
eS^ssemWy calling 3 General Assembly to meet at Savannah on
7thmjany next Tuesday the seventh Day of January next, to whom the
Provost Mar- following Instructions were ordered to be given, that the
shal, and In
structions same may be duly observed — •
given him "That it is His Majesty's command that no Person in
tions given0" "this Province shall be capable of being elected a Repre
sentative to serve or of sitting in General Assembly,
"who is a Popish Recusant or under the Age of twenty
"one Years, or who is not (legally) possessed in his own
"Right of a Freehold Estate of Five hundred Acres of
"Land within the District or Division for which he is
"chosen, nor shall any Popish Recusant or Person under
"the Age of twenty one Years, or who is not (legally)
"possessed, in his own Right of a Freehold Estate of
"Fifty Acres of Land, be deemed capable of giving his
"Vote for the Election of a Representative to serve in
"General Assembly —
And that the Freeholders may have timely Notice, it
was ordered, that the Provost Marshal be required to
direct the Magistrates within the respective Districts to
give at least five Days Notice to them of the Day of the
Election —
GEORGIA At a Meeting of His Excellency the
Governor and Council in the Council Cham
ber at Savannah on Friday the Eighth Day
of November 1754 —
His Excellency John Reynolds Esq1"
The Honourable James Habersham
Alexander Kellet
Noble Jones —
Pickering Robinson ' ^
Francis Harris —
The Preceeding Day's Minutes were read and ap
proved —
His Majestys His Excellency produced His most sacred Majesty's
reiatingto"8 Instructions, relating to the erecting of Courts of Judi
cature read- '" cature in this Province, and ordered the same to be read,
which was accordingly done ; but as the Board had been
informed, that William Clifton Esqr appointed Attornev
General for this Province was arrived in Charles-Town,
and that He was daily expected here, they thought proper
to postpone the further Consideration of so weighty a
Matter, 'till the arrival of the Attorney General-
Then His Excellency directed the following Articles
of His Majesty's Instructions to be entred in in this Day's
Minutes, which was as follows, namely,
His Maj'estys
Instructionsrelating to the
Writ of Habeas
Corpus entered
"40. "Whereas We are above all Things desirous that
'all Our Subjects may enjoy their legal Rights and Prop
erties, You are to take especial Care that, if any Person
'be committed for any Criminal Matters (unless for
'Treason or Felony plainly and especially expressed in
'the Warrant of Commitment) he have free Liberty to
'Petition for himself or otherwise the Chief Baron or
'any one of the Judges of the Common Pleas for a Writ
'of Habeas Corpus, which upon such Application, shall
'be granted and served on the Provost Marshal, Goaler
'or other Officer having the Custody of such Prisoner, or
'shall be left at the Goal or Place where the Prisoner is
'confined. And the said Provost Marshal or other Offi-
'cer shall within three Days after such Service (on the
'Petitioners paying the Fees and Charges and giving
'Security that he will not escape by the Way) make re-
'turn of the Writ and Prisoner before the Judge, who
'granted out the said Writ, and there certifye the true
'Cause of the Imprisonment and the said Baron or Judge
'shall discharge such Prisoner, taking his Recognizance
'and Security for his Appearance at the Court where the
'Offence is cognizable, and certify the said Writ and
'Recognizance into the Court, unless such Offences ap-
'pear to the said Baron or Judge not Bailable by the
'Laws of England
"41. "And in Case the said Baron or Judge shall re-
"fuse to grant a Writ of Habeas Corpus, on View of the
"Copy of Commitment or upon Oath made of such Copy
"having been deny'd the Prisoner, or any Person requir
ing the same in his Behalf, or shall delay to discharge
"the Prisoner, after the granting such Writ, the said
"Baron or Judge shall incur the Forfeiture of his Place
42. "You are likewise to declare Our Pleasure, that
"in Case the Provost Marshal or other Officer shall Im
prison any Person above twelve Hours, except by a
"Mittimus setting forth the Cause thereof, He be removed
"from his said Office
43. "And upon the Application of any Person wrong
fully committed, the Baron or Judge shall issue his
"Warrant to the Provost Marshal or other Officer to
"bring the Prisoner before him, who shall be discharged
"without Bail or paying Fees — And the Provost Mar
shal or other Officer refusing Obedience to such War-
Cant shall thereupon be removed; And if the said
"Baron or Judge denies his Warrant, he shall likewise
"incur the Forfiture of his Place
"44. "You shall give directions, that no Prisoner, be-
"ing set at large by an Habeas Corpus, be recommitted
"for the same Offence, but by the Court where he is
"bound to appear; And if any Baron, Judge, Provost
"Marshal or other Officer contrary hereunto shall re
commit such Person so Bailed or delivered, you are to
"remove him from his Place, and if the Provost Marshal
"or other Officer, having the Custody of the Prisoner
"neglect to return the Habeas Corpus, or refuses a Copy
"of the Commitment within six Hours after demand
"made by the Prisoner or any other in his Behalf, he shall
"likewise incur the Forfeiture of his Place
"45. "And for the better Prevention of long Impris-
"onments, you are to appoint two Courts of Oyer and
"Terminer to be held Yearly, Viz' on the second Tuesday
"in December and the second Tuesday in June; and you
"are to recommend to the Assembly, when met, forthwith
"to make Provision for defraying the Charge of holding
"such Courts — •
"46. "You are to take Care, that all Prisoners in
"Cases of Treason or Felony have free Liberty to Peti-
"tion in open Court for their Tryals ; that they be indict-
"ed at the first Court of Oyer and Terminer, unless it
NOVEMBER, 1754. 31
"appear upon Oath that the Witnesses against them
"could not be produced, and that they be tryed the sec-
"ond Court or discharged, and the Baron or Judge, upon
"Motion made the last Day of the Sessions in open
"Court, shall discharge the Prisoner accordingly; and
"upon refusal of the said Baron or Judge, and Provost
"Marshal or other Officer to do their respective Dutys
"herein, they shall be removed from their Places —
"47. "Provided always, that no Person be discharged
"out of Prison who stands committed for Debt by any
"Decree of Chancery or any legal Proceedings of any
"Court of Record —
"48. "And for the preventing of any Exactions that
"may be made upon Prisoners, You are to declare Our
"Pleasure, that no Baron or Judge shall receive for him-
"self or Clerks for granting a Writ of Habeas Corpus
"more than two Shillings and Six Pence, and the like
"Sum for taking a Recognizance; and that the Provost
"Marshal or other Officer shall not receive more than five
"Shillings for every Commitment, one Shilling and three
"Pence for the Bond the Prisoner is to sign, one Shilling
"and three Pence for every Copy of a Mittimus, and one
"Shilling and three Pence for every Mile he bringeth
"back the Prisoner
"49. "And further you are to Cause this Our Royal
"Pleasure, signified to You by the Nine Articles of In
structions immediately preceeding this to be made Public
"and Registred in the Council Books of Our said Colony
GEORGIA At a Meeting of His Excellency the
Governor and Council in the Council Cham
ber at Savannah on Saturday the Ninth Day-
of November 1754
His Excellency John Reynolds Esqr
The Honourable James Habersham
Alexander Kellet
Noble Jones — J- Esqri
Pickering Robinson
Francis Harris
The preceeding Day's Minutes were read and ap
proved —
The Carpenters and Bricklayers, ordered ^ Minute of
posais™orftt-0" the 6th Instant to make their Proposals to fit up the House
for public " intended for public Offices, attended with their Proposals
agreed to which were approved of ; and Noble Jones Esqr was ap-
The useful pointed to superintend the Work ; and as there were sev-
tnetoidacoun- eral Materials in the Old Council House, such as Bricks,
tek?n cwerff Doors, Sashes &C. they were ordered to be taken Care of,
ida1th6e"newyed that what was useful, might be employed in fitting up the
House - • , tt
aforesaid House —
GEORGIA At a Meeting of His Excellency the
Governor and Council in the Council Cham
ber at Savannah on Tuesday the twelfth Day
of November 1754 — •
His Excellency John Reynolds Esqr
The Honourable Patrick Graham Esqr
S1' Patrick Houstoun Bar'
James Habersham ^
Alexander Kellet i v ro
Noble Jones— [ ^
Pickering Robinson J
NOVEMBER, 1754. 33
The preceeding Day's Minute was read and ap
The Attorney William Clifton Esqr Attorney General of this Prov-
the state ince being arrived, attended, and took all the State Oaths
Oaths and
Oath of office appointed by Law, declared and subscribed the Test, and
then took the Oath of Fidelity and Secrecy in the Words
following, namely,
"I do swear that I will bear Faith and true Obedience
"to Our Sovereign Lord the King, His Heirs and Suc
cessors; I will bear true Fidelity to His Majesty's Gov
ernor, Deputy Governor or Commander in Chief of tht,
"Province of Georgia — ¦ the Secrets of the Governor and
"Council I will no Way reveal So help me God
Then Mr Attorney General observed, that his Majesty
General desir- had done him the Honour of appointing him one of the
mittedaMem- Council, which He thougfht, when in England, might in-
ber of Council ° ° °
conSerof^t terfere with his Office of Attorney General, but from the
Information, He had received since his arrival in Amer
ica, He apprehended, there was no Weight in the Objec
tion — His Excellency replyed, that He had likewise un
derstood, when in England, that the two Offices might
interfere, that however, if it appeared to him, that He
could constantly Act in both Capacities, He had no Ob
jection to his being sworn in as a Councillor, upon which,
Mr Attorney General desired further Time to consider
of it—
An Indian Chief of the lower Creeks, usually called
chief attended Captain Ellick, with a few of his Followers, who gen-
and was or- r
PrelLstLm!iso erally reside in our Settlements, came here Yesterday;
hfsITaaik'on and the said Captain Ellick waited on His Excellency in
Council, and after expressing his great Satisfaction on
seeing His Excellency, He said, that he had understood
3 0 r— vol 7
by some Indians late from the Creek Nation, that the
French had got some of the Upper Creeks to go to Mo
bile to receive Presents, and that the Spaniards had like
wise prevailed with some of the lower Creeks to go to
Augustine to receive Presents, but that He could not yet
learn what Design the French and Spaniards had, but
He should endeavour to acquaint himself and inform
His Excellency therewith —
The Board could only observe, that Captain Ellick's
Talk, confirmed what they had, before heard, that both
the Spaniards and French had been very busy in gaining
the Creek Indians, to their respective Interests ; and His
Excellency was advised to give some small Presents to the
said Ellick and his Followers —
GEORGIA At a Meeting of His Excellency the
Governor and Council in the Council Cham
ber at Savannah on Wednesday the Thir
teenth Day of November 1754 —
His Excellency John Reynolds Esqr
The Honourable Patrick Graham Esqr
Sr Patrick Houstoun Bar'
James Habersham
Alexander Kellet —
Noble Jones — [ Esq"
Pickering Robinson —
Francis Harris —
The preceeding Day's Minutes were read and ap
proved —
The Presents ordered Yesterday for Captain Ellick and
Presents dehv- J .
inltanChirf- h's Followers being provided, and brought to the Council
Chamber, the said Ellick was there introduced, when His
NOVEMBER, 1 754- 35
Excellency distributed them to him and his Followers,
and they appeared well pleased therewith
The Board cannot omit to remark, that it appears to
of Indian Pres- them absolutely necessary for His Majesty's Service and
ents necessary .,._-, . . .,",
to be Lodged the Welfare of this Province in particular, that a proper
supply of Presents for. the Indians should always be
lodged here, and it is more especially necessary, since His
Excellency's Arrival, as the Indians will expect Presents
from Him, and should they be disappointed they wou'd
probably be so much disgusted, as, perhaps, could not be
easily effaced —
Read a Petition of John Barnard, setting forth, that
FlhnBarnard William Bradley of London by Deed dated the 30*11 Day
wnEyBrad- of July 1748, did authorize and impower the said John
ihe old council Barnard to act relative to any Lands, Tenements and
^raytafthat1 Effects belonging to him the said William Bradley in
Materials Is America ; that a Lott of Land in Savannah with an
may be used 1 1 at C
maybeap- House thereon built, commonly known by the JName ot
praised, and J
accordingly616 the Council House, was reported to be the Property ot the
iSef*6 said William Bradley; that the Petitioner had not re
ceived any particular Instructions from his Constituent
regarding the Premisses, but thought it his Duty to per-
sue every legal Measure, that appeared necessary to se
cure his Constituent's Interest; therefore He prayed the
Board to allow him sufficient Time to advise with his
Constituent touching the Premisses— And that whatever
in the mean Time should be taken from off the Premis
ses, may be appraised by indifferent Persons for the Ben
efit of his Constituent, if He should appear legally entit
uled thereto
The Board did not enter into the Merits of the Peti
tioner's Claim of the said Lott and Land, but they grant
ed the Prayer of His Petition with regard to the Ap
praisement of such Part of the Materials as might be
wanted for His Majesty's Service — -Accordingly the Pe
titioner appointed Mr Peter Tondee of Savannah ap
praiser on his Part, and the Board appointed Mr Richard
Milledge of Savannah aforesaid Appraiser in Behalf of
His Majesty —
Attorney Gen
eral ordered to
deliver his
Oppinion in
Writing re
specting the
Constitutingof Courts of
Then His Excellency proposed to the Board to take
into Consideration the constituting of Courts for the Ad
ministration of Justice in, this Province, agreable to His
Majesty's Instructions on that Head, which being an
Affair of the last Importance to the Welfare of the Prov
ince, it was thought proper to take Mr Attorney General's
Opinion thereon And accordingly Mr Attorney General
was sent for, and His Majesty's Instructions being read,
He was ordered to draw up His Opinion thereof in writ
ing as soon as possible, and to lay the same before this
Board —
GEORGIA At a Meeting of His Excellency the
Governor and Council in the Council Cham
ber at Savannah on Thursday the fourteenth
Day of November 1754 —
His Excellency John Reynolds Esqr
The Honourable Patrick Graham Esqr
Sr Patrick Houstoun Bar'
James Habersham
Alexander Kellet —
Noble Jones —
Pickering Robinson
The preceeding Day's Minutes were read and ap
proved — ¦
NOVEMBER, 1754. 37
Provost Mar- Read 3 Petition of the Provost Marshal, setting forth,
Setting forth" that He had a Prisoner delivered into his Custody on a
proper" Goal3 Charge of Felony ; that there was no public Goal in the
and order ^ _
thereon 1 own of Savannah (tho' the Capital of the Province)
nor as He was informed in any other Town within the
said Province; that He had confined the said Prisoner,
for want of better Conveniency, in a ruinous House, that
belonged to the Goaler of Savannah, which He appre
hended to be very insecure and improper; Therefore he
prayed the Board to take the Premisses into Considera
tion, and to give him such Orders therein, as to them
should seem meet and expedient —
Ordered That the House hitherto used by the
Goaler, be forthwith fitted up as securely as can be, 'till
proper Measures can be fallen upon to erect a suitable
GEORGIA At a Meeting of His Excellency the
Governor and Council in the Council Cham
ber at Savannah on Monday the Eighteenth
Day of November 1754 —
His Excellency John Reynolds Esqr
The Honourable Sr Patrick Houstoun Bar'
James Habersham |
Alexander Kellet j- Esqrs
Pickering Robinson j
The Minute of the preceeding Board was read and
approved —
Attorney Gen
erals Petition
for Copy of
such part of
his Majesty's
Instructions as
related to the
Constituting of
Courts of Jus
tice and order
Read a Petition of Mr Attorney General, setting forth,
that He had received His Excellency's Orders in Council
to draw out a proper Plan for constituting Courts of Jus
tice in this Province, agreable to His Majesty's Instruc
tions to His Excellency ; that He had taken the same into
Consideration, and, that He might strictly adapt such
Courts to the sense and Intention of His Majesty's In
structions, He apprehended, that it was necessary for
him to peruse and inspect the same, so far as related there
to — Therefore He prayed the Board to order him a Copy
of such Part of His Majesty's Instructions, as are rela
tive to the appointing of Courts of Judicature
Ordered That a Copy of His Majesty's Instruc
tions, so far as related to the erecting and forming Courts
of Judicature in this Province; be made out and deliv
ered to Mr Attorney General —
Henry Hamii- His Excellency appointed Mr Henry Hamilton of Sa-
Messenger^f vannah Messenger of the Council, and He was accord-
and sworn- ingly sworn for the due Execution of the Office
GEORGIA At a Meeting of His Excellency the
Governor and Council in the Council Cham
ber at Savannah on Wednesday the Twenty
seventh Day of November 1754 —
His Excellency John Reynolds Esq1
The Honourable Patrick Graham
James Habersham
Alexander Kellet
Noble Jones — • >¦ Esqri
Pickering Robinson
Francis Harris
The Minutes of the preceeding Board were read,
and approved
NOVEMBER, 1754. 39
Patrick Graham Esqr laid before the Board a Letter,
which He this Day received from Mr Lachlan McGilli-
vray a creditable Trader in the Creek Nation, dated at
Augusta the 9"1 Day of November Instant, which was or
dered to be read, and after being read, was ordered (as
the Contents of the said Letter appeared to be of a very
extraordinary Nature) to be copyed in the Minutes of
this Day, and is as follows — "Augusta Novr 9th 1754
"Sir "Accounts from the Creek Nation, confirm more and
Mr. Lachlan u 111r^. . - T , . .
McGiiiivrays more the bade Situation of Indian Affairs with respect
Letter of the .
9th Novr. 1754 to tnis Government, This Day I received a Letter bv
to Patrick Gra- J J
hamEsar. re- "]\p Lachlan McIntosh from Mr Clark dated in the Up-
specting the *
mSks tw-re" "?er Creeks 19th last Ocr wherein he acquaints me that
upon «the Head Men of the Upper Creeks that have been late-
"ly down at Mobile, are returned, and say they hade a
"grand Conference with the Governor Of Orleans, who
"was at great Pains to persuade them the English were
"their utter Enemys, showed them a fictitious Letter
"wrote with red Ink, and a fictitious Captain who it was
"said was the bearer of it ; This Letter it's said contain'd
"a proposal from the English Governors to the French
"to join together in Order to destroy the Indians, at the
"same Time strongly recommended to them, to put them-
"selves under the Protection of the French being the only
"Friends they cou'd safely confide in; for the English
"wanted nothing but the Indians Lands, and at last will
"make them Slaves alsoe; that it was high time for the
"Indians to begin upon the English; and they (the
"French) were ready to support and assist them &C. &C.
"&C. &C. &C. &C. However silly, and shallow, these
"Arguments may appear to Us, yet may have a great
"Effect to our prejudice upon the Minds of the Indians,
"and especially on such of them as are in the French
"Interest, of whom there are but too many in the Creek
"Nation. But as now the Constitution of this Govern-
"ment is settled, I hope, and make no doubt, but effectual
"means will be taken to defeat the diabolical Schemes of
"the French, and secure the Indian Interest, on which, in
"my poor Opinion depends the very being of this weak
"infant Collony. I hope you'll pardon this long Epistle
"and "I am Dr Sir
"with great respect your most
"obedient humble Ser' "Lachlan McGieeivray
The Board (as appears by a Minute of the 5th Instant)
had advised His Excellency to send a Talk to the Upper
and lower Creek Indians, which they hoped wou'd in
some Measure efface any bad Impressions, that might be
artfully imposed on them, and which they thought was
all that could be done, unless they had Presents to give
them, which wou'd doubtless be the most prevailing Ar
Re ortofthe ^ Attorney General attended, and acquainted the
^™nce?nmg Board' that He had finished his Report of the Matters
julitS'read0* They referred to him for appointing Courts of Judicature
jone^and wu- within this Province, which He laid before the Board, and
E™rs appoSt- after being read, it was found expedient (as His Majes-
next court of ty in his Instructions to His Excellency had directed two
miner and Courts of Oyer and Terminer to be held Yearly, namely,
sworn J
one on the second Tuesday in December and the other on
the second Tuesday in June) to appoint Judges to hold
the approaching Court accordingly His Excellency, with
the Advice of the Board, appointed Noble Jones and Wil
liam Spencer Esqrs; who took the State Oaths and sub
scribed the Test required by Law, and likewise took an
Oath for the due Execution of their Office of Judges, and
the establishing the other Courts and Officers was post-
pon'd to a future Consideration —
GEORGIA At a Meeting of His Excellency the
Governor and Council in the Council Cham
ber at Savannah on Monday the second Day
of December 1754 —
His Excellency John Reynolds Esqr
The Honourable Patrick Graham Esqr
Sr Patrick Houstoun Bar*
James Habersham
Alexander Kellet
Noble Jones — ¦
Pickering Robinson
Francis Harris
Jonathan Bryan
The Minutes of the preceeding Board were read, and
Proclamationfor the Meet
ing of the As
sembly en the
Seventh Jan
uary issued
and published
Then was read a Proclamation requiring the Repre
sentatives of the ensuing General Assembly to meet (as
directed by the Writs) at Savannah on the seventh Day
of January next, which was ordered to be forthwith pub
lished —
Letter from Patrick Graham Esqr laid before the Board a Letter
Patriek°Gra- from John Ross dated Augusta 18'11 Novr 1754, which was
ham Esqr re- . , . , . ,
spectingthe ordered to be read, and the same was accordingly read,
Indean and . . .
remarks and contained the following Advice —
thereupon °
"That He (the said Ross) lately came from the Creek
"Nation, and that the present Situation of Affairs there
"appeared quite contrary to the Expectations of the Eng
lish; that the Head Men of all the Towns in General
"were invited by the French Captain of the Albanian
"Fort in July last to receive a Talk and Presents; that a
"few Days afterwards, a second Invitation was sent to
"them to go to Mobile to receive Presents there also,
"that the same Night the Head Men of the Oakfuskee
"Town returned from the Albamah Fort, all the Indians
"of that Town assembled in their Square, and about 12
"O'Clock of the Night, they all concluded to cutt of the
"English in that Town, except one young Man, who op-
Cosed it with Vigour, and put a stop to their wicked
"Designs — That after the Indians return'd from Mobile,
"they gave out, that the Governor of New Orleans told
"them, that He had received a Letter from the Governor
"of South Carolina, intreating him to join the English
"to destroy the Indians on the Main, which he rejected,
and thought proper to acquaint His Friends (the In
dians) therewith — ¦
The Board could not but be somewhat alarmed at the
Contents of the aforesaid Letter, as it confirm'd, what
they had before repeatedly been informed of, especially
as the Province is now in a defenseless State, having
neither Cannon, small Arms, Ammunition, Fortifications,
Troops nor even any Indian Presents —
GEORGIA At a Council held in the Council
Chamber at Savannah on Thursday the
Twelfth Day of December 1754 —
His Excellency John Reynolds Esqr
The Honourable Patrick Graham
James Habersham
Alexander Kellet J- Esqr
Noble Jones — ¦
Francis Harris
The Minutes of the preceeding Board were read and
approved Then was read again Mr Attorney General's Report of
the Method of erecting Courts of Judicature within this
Province, and the same being read, was ordered to be
entered in this Day's Minutes, and is as follows
Mr. Attorney-
Generals re
port concern
ing the Consti
tuting Courts
of Judicature
with in thia
"GEORGIA ss "The Report of the Attorney General
"on the business to him referred by his Ex
cellency the Governor and Council rela
tive to the appointing of Courts of Judi
"In pursuance of the directions to me given by his
'Excellency the Governor & Council I have perused and
'considered the several Articles of his Majestys instruc-
'tions and other the Papers laid before me which relate
'to the constituting and erecting of Courts of Justice and'
'Judicature within this Province of Georgia and in Obe-
'dience and conformity thereto I do humbly conceive
'That for the speedy Administration of Justice the pun-
'ishing of Offences and for the setling and determining
'all matters of Right and property between the Inhab
itants of the said Province there be erected and consti-
'tuted a General Court to be held before two or more
'Persons for this Purpose, to be appointed as Judges
'thereof by Commission from his Excellency That such
'General Court have Jurisdiction & Cognizance of all
'Actions real personal and mixt exceeding the value of
'Forty Shillings And also have cognizance of all Crim-
'inal matters with the like Power and authority as used
'and exercised by the respective Courts of Kings Bench
'Common pleas & Exchequer in England And to be held
'every three Months Viz' the second Tuesday in January
'the second Tuesday in April the second Tuesday in
'July and the second Tuesday in October That Liberty
'of Appeal be allow'd from the Judgment of Sentence of
'the said Court to his Excellency the Governor and
'Council for which purpose a Writ to issue as usual re-
'turnable before the Governor and Council who are to
"proceed to hear & determine such Appeal wherein such
"of the Council as shall be at that time Judges of the
"Court from whence such Appeal shall be made shall not
"be admitted to vote upon such Appeal but they may
"nevertheless be present at the hearing thereof to give
"the reasons of the Judgment given by them in the Causes
"wherein such Appeals shall be made provided neverthe-
"less that the Sume or value appeal'd for exceed the
"Sume of three hundred Pounds Sterling And that Se
curity be first given by the Appellant to answer such
"Charges as shall be awarded in Case the first Sentence
"be affirmed And if either Party shall not rest satisfied
"with the Judgment of the Governor & Council that they
"may then appeal to his Majesty in Council provided the
"value so appeal'd for exceed 500 £ sterling And that such
"Appeal be made within fourteen Days after Sentence
"And good Security given by the Appellant to prosecute
"the same and answer the condemnation as also to pay
"such Costs & damages as shall be awarded in Case the
"Sentence of the Governor & Council be confirmed Pro-
"vided nevertheless where the matter in question relates
"to the taking or demanding any duty payable to his
"Majesty or to any Fee of Office or annual rent or other
"such like matter or thing where the Rights in future may
"be bound in all such Cases an Appeal to be allowed tho'
"the immediate Sume or value appeal'd for be of less
"value That where Appeals shall be admitted execution
"to be suspended until final determination of such Ap-
"peals unless good and sufficient Security be given by the
"Appellee to make ample restitution in Case upon the de-
"termination of such Appeal the Decree of Judgment of
"the said Court be reversed & restitution Ordered to the
"Appellant, Appeals also to be admitted in all Cases of
"Fines imposed for Misdemeanors Provided the Fines so
"imposed amount to or exceed the value of two hundred
"pounds sterling the Appellant giving Security as be-
DECEMBER, 1754. 45.
"That for the regular establishing such General Court
"there be appointed these Officers Viz' a Clerk of the
"Crown and Peace for the business of criminal prosecu
tions a Clerk of the Court (or papers) for making out
"process entering Declarations &c. and a Cryer. That
"for setling the method of practice in the said Court a
"Summary thereof be drawn up with fit Rules and Or-
"ders as occasion shall require That the Fees to be taken
"by the respective Officers be setled and regulated — ¦
"That there be a Court of Chancery for hearing and
"determining all matters of Equity to be held before his
"Excellency the Governor as Chancellor, the Officers
"necessary will be a Master, Register and Examiner, This
"Court to sit after each General Court if business re-
"quire it — ¦
"And I do further apprehend that agreable to his Maj-
"estys said Instructions for the preventing long imprison-
"ments for matters criminal there be two Courts of Oyer
"and Terminer held Yearly the one the Second Tuesday
"in December the other the second Tuesday in June where
"all Criminals which may happen to be committed after
"the respective General Courts are to be tried for which
"purpose the Governor to issue a Commission to two
"Members of the Council (or Judges of the General
"Court) That all Prisoners in Cases of Treason or Fel-
"•ony have liberty to petition in open Courts for their
"Tryals. That they be indicted at the first Court of
"Oyer and Terminer unless it appear upon Oath that the
"Witnesses against them could not be produced And that
"they be tryed at the second Court or discharged —
"That for breaches of the Act of Trade and for deter-
"mining Controversies concerning Salvage Mariner's
"Wages and other Maritime Affairs there be held a
"Court of Admiralty before his Excellency as Vice Ad-
"miral or before whomsoever he shall Depute or Surro-
"gate for this Purpose When occasion shall require, to
"which Court will belong an Advocate a Register and a
"Marshall to be appointed by the Governor And from
"hence liberty of Appeal be allow'd to the High Court of
"Admiralty of Great Britain — ¦
"That for punishing Slaves committing capital Crimes
"a Commission of Oyer & Terminer be issued by the
"Governor, when necessary, directed to the Justices of
"the District or division where the Offence shall be com-
"mitted to try the Offender on proof of the ffact by Wit
nesses without any Jury and upon conviction the Com-
"missioners to award Execution and set a value upon the
"Slave which is afterwards to be paid to the Owner by the
"General Assembly as an encouragement to the People to
"discover the Villanies of their Slaves. That for the re
covery of small Debts and for the ease & convenience
"of the Inhabitants of the Province residing at too great
"a distance from Savannah there be Inferior Courts here-
"after establish'd as shall be thought requisite and nec-
"essary for this Purpose All which I humbly submit to
"the Judgment of his Excellency & their Honours
"Wm Ceifton
The Board having maturely considered the above Re
port, came to the following Resolutions
Resolutions Resoeved That the respective Courts of Justice
:;'-on ^Report" mentioned in the aforesaid Report be constituted, as oc-
going i
casion may require, conformable to the said Report —
That a Court of Record be immediately constituted by
to be constitu- the Name and Stile of the General Court, to be holden
ted and to be _, ,.,.,. _ ,
hoiden at Sa- \ early at bavannah withm this Jrrovmce on the second
vannah 4 times . m
a Year Tuesday in January, the second Tuesday in April, the sec
ond Tuesday in July and the second Tuesday in Octo
ber —
DECEMBER, 1754. 47
and to have That the said General Court have Jurisdiction and
thorit/atei- Cognizance of all Actions Real, Personal and mixt ex-
resp^ctive e ceeding the Value of Forty Shillings Sterling, except
Kings Bench, where the Title to a Freehold comes in Question And
Common Pleas *~
and Exchequer also have Cognizance of all Criminal Matters, with the
in England ° J
like Power and Authority as used and exercised by the
respective Courts of King's Bench, Common Pleas and
Exchequer in England —
That His Excellency the Governor will grant a Com-
Noble Jones .. AT11T ,T . .^
and Jonathan mission to JNioble ones and onathan Bryan Lsqrs to be
Bryan Esqrs. . J J u
judges of the Judges to hold the said Court, which Commission is or-
General Court dered to be entred in this Day's Minutes, and is as fol
lows — -
GEORGIA "George the second by the Grace of
"God of great Britain, France and Ireland
"King Defender of the Faith and so forth —
"To all to whom these Our Present Letters shall come
"Greeting — Know Ye that We, tendering the State and
"Condition of Our Province of Georgia, and being will-
"ing and desirous that Justice be duly and regularly ad-
"minister'd therein, Have thought fit to erect and consti-
"tute, and by these Presents do erect and constitute, a
"Court of Record by the Name and ******
"Stile of the General Court, to be holden yearly at Sa-
"vannah within Our said Province on the second Tuesday
"in January, the second Tuesday in April, the second
"Tuesday in July and the second Tuesday in October be-
"fore Our trusty and wellbeloved Noble Jones and Jona-
"than Bryan Espuires, or one of them, whom We hereby
"appoint Our Justices thereof during Our Pleasure and
"others Our Justices appointed for the Time Being And
"We do hereby give and grant unto the said Noble Jones
"and Jonathan Bryan, and each of them, and all others
"Our Justices of the said General Court for the time
"being full Power, Jurisdiction and Authority to inquire
'by the Oaths of good and lawful Men of the Province
'aforesaid, and by other Ways and Means, by which the
'Truth of the Matter may be better known and inquired
'into, of all Treasons Felonies and other Crimes and
'Criminal Offences whatsoever done or committed within
'Our said Province by any Persons whatsoever, and the
'same to hear and determine according to the Laws and
'Customs of Our said Province saving to Us and Our
'Successors all Fines Forfeitures and Amercements and
'all other Things to Us on Account thereof belonging and
'appertaining And further We give and grant to the
'said Noble Jones and Jonathan Bryan, and each others
'Our Justices of Our said General Court for the Time
'being, full Power, Jurisdiction and Authority to hold
'Pleas in all and all Manner of Causes, Suits and Actions
'whatsoever, as well Criminal as Civil, real, personal and
'mixt, arising, happening or being within Our said Prov-
'ince, where the Sum or Thing demanded shall exceed the
'Value of Forty Shillings Sterling, except only where the
'Title to any Freehold shall come in Question, and to
'proceed in such Pleas, Suits and Actions by such Ways,
'Means and Process as may with the greatest Safety dis-
'patch and Justice bring the same to a final Determina
tion, and also to hear and determine all such Pleas, Suits
'and Actions, and Judgment thereupon to give, and Ex
ecution thereof to award and issue, and this as fully and
'amply as can or may be done by Our Courts of King's
'Bench, Common Pleas and Exchequer in England, doing
'therein what of Right and Justice ought to be done In
'Testimony whereof, We have caused these Our Letters
'to be made Patent, and the Seal of Our said Province to
'be affixed thereto — Witness Our trusty and well be-
'loved John Reynolds, Esq1 Our Captain General and
'Governor in Chief, in and over Our said Province of
'Georgia the Twelfth Day of December in the Twenty
"Eighth Year of Our Reign
"J. Reynolds —
'By His Excellency's Command
James Habersham, Secry"
DECEMBER, 1754. 49
Mr. charies Ordered That Mr Charles Watson the late Re-
hvtetRecorder corder of Savannah Do on or before the next General
deiiver^the'0 Court of this Province which will be holden the 14th Jan-
Generai court uary next, deliver over to the Clerk of the said General
all Records of ^ ht-> 1 t\ *- • it, t rii
the late Town Lourt all Records, Minutes and Proceedings of the late
Court, and to m
pay ail fines Town Court, together with all Books belonging to the
&c received by ' ° ° °
vSt Marshal10" sa*^ Court — And do also give in a particular Account
of all Fines, Forfeitures and Amercements by Him re
ceived, and pay over the same to the Provost Marshal of
this Province — ¦
GEORGIA At a Council held in the Council Cham
ber at Savannah on Friday the thirteenth Day
of December 1754
His Excellency John Reynolds Esq'
The Honourable James Habersham
Alexander Kellet
Noble Jones — ¦ [ Esqrs
Pickering Robinson
Jonathan Bryan
The Preceeding Day's Minutes were read and ap
proved —
The Board taking into Consideration, what further
Regulations may be necessary in regard to Courts
of Judicature within this Province came to the following
Resolved That a Commission be issued appoint-
Commissionto ing- the Justices of the Peace within the Province, with
be made out ° J
appointing Power for any two of them, and three Freeholders to be
Justices of J
the Peace Judges in Causes not exceeding the Value of Forty Shil
lings Sterling
4 c r — vol 7
Proclamation Then 3. Proclamation was read, giving Notice of the
oTthf constf- Constituting of the Courts of Justice, and of superseding
courts of jus- all former Courts, which was ordered to be published
tice and Super
seding all for
mer Court3 —
The Board taking into Consideration, the Form and
Method of Proceeding to be used in the General Court,
also Instructions to be sent to the Justices of the Peace in
the respective Districts in Regard to the Proceedings it
was thought necessary to take Mr Attorney General's
Opinion thereon
Attorney Gen- Mr Attorney General, being sent for, attended, and
thlMethodof was Ordered to draw up his Opinion of the Method
theGenerfi1" of Proceeding in the General Court, and also Instructions
structions ta to the Justices of the Peace as soon as possible, and to lay
the Justices of
the Peace the same before this Board — ¦
GEORGIA At a Council held in the Council
Chamber at Savannah on Monday the Twen
ty third Day of December 1754 —
His Excellency John Reynolds Esqr
The Honourable James Habersham ]
Alexander Kellet
Noble Jones [ Esq'8
Pickering Robinson
Jonathan Bryan
The Preceeding Day's Minutes were read and ap
proved —
DECEMBER, 1754- 51
Attorney Gen- William Clifton Esqr His Majesty's Attorney General
betn|liCM"m- attended the Board, and in a dutiful and respectful Man-
Counciithe ner declined the Honour of being a Member thereof, on
Account of the Multiplicity of Business He was engaged
in Then Mr Attorney General laid before the Board, Plis
Report of the Form and Method of Proceeding to be used
in the General Court which being read, was ordered to
be entered in this Day's Minutes, and is as follows —
"The Form and Method of Proceeding to be used in
er^isTeportrf "the General Court appointed to be held Yearly at Sa-
MethoTofpro- "vannah on the second Tuesday in January the second
General Court "Tuesday in April the second Tuesday in July and the
"second Tuesday in October by Letters Patent under the
"Seal of the Province of Georgia bearing date the
"Twelfth Day of December 1754. Viz'
"The first Process to be a Writ or Capias to be issued
"by the Clerk of the Court and signed by the Judges or
"one of them to bear Teste on the last Day of every
"Court or upon the Adjournment Day thereof and re-
"turnable the first Tuesday in the preceeding Month to
"that wherein the Court is to be held which Writ is to be
"directed to the Provost Marshal who is to execute the
"same by taking the Body of the Defendant where Bail
"shall be required and the Defendant is to be found, but
"where Bail is not required or the Defendant cannot be
"met with, Then delivering a Copy of such Writ to the
"Defendant with a Notice indorsed in these or Words to
"the like import [Viz' "You are served with this Process
"to the intent that you may by your Attorney appear in
"His Majesty's General Court in Savannah at the return
"thereof being the Day of next
"in Order to make your defence in this Action and that
"in Case of your refusal or neglect ten Days after the
"Return of this Process Judgment may be enter'd against
'you by default"] or leaving the same at his or her House
'or most notorious Place of Abode shall be deemed good
'Service "That no Person be held to Bail for less than Forty
'Shillings Sterling and the Plaintiff before the issuing of
'the Writ to make Oath of his Debt before the Clerk of
'the Court or one of the Judges
"That if the Defendant does not file special Bail or
'enter his appearance at the return of the Writ or within
'ten Days after, the Plaintiff to be at Liberty to proceed
'upon the Bail Bond, where Bail shall have been taken
'by the Provost Marshal which Bond he shall assign to
'the Plaintiff in Words to the following effect Viz' "I A.
'K : Provost Marshal of the Province of Georgia do here-
'by assign transfer and set over unto A. B. : (the Plain-
'tif within named) all my Right Title and interest to the
'within Bond pursuant to the direction of the Statute
'in this Case made and provided as Witness my Hand and
'Seal this Day of :754- And where
'Service of a Copy is returned by him, to sign Judgment
'at the sitting of the ensuing Court if the Defendant does
'not appear or plead, the Plaintiff filing his Declaration
'ten Days before and entering a Rule for pleading ac
cordingly, which Rule in Case of non appearance may
'be affixed on the Door of the Court House unless the
'Defendant resides in Savannah in which Case the same
'shall be served upon him or left at his House or usual
'Place of Abode in the said Town. But if he shall in due
'time by his Attorney appear then the Rule to plead shall
'be served on the Attorney so appearing
"That where the Defendant files special Bail or ap-
'pears within the time limited, Plaintif to deliver his
'Declaration and enter a Rule for pleading thereto within
'ten Days and if the Defendant does not plead accord
ingly or by sitting of the ensuing Court the Plaintif to be
'at Liberty to sign his Judgment —
DECEMBER, 1754. 53
"That where Defendant pleads the Plaintif to have
"four Days to reply and the Defendant the like time to
"rejoin and Rules to be enter'd accordingly in all Plead-
"ings and Demurrers, And where issue shall be joined
"the Plaintiff is to give Ten Days Notice of Tryal
"That in all Actions other than Actions of Debt where
"Judgment shall go by default the Plaintiff to execute
"his Writ of Inquiry at same Court and the damages to
"be assessed by the Jury returned for Tryal of Causes
"That final Judgment be immediately signed after a
"Verdict or Writ of Inquiry of Damages executed, but
"no Execution to issue 'till thirty Days after
"That the Court adjourn for one Day not less than ten
"nor more than Twenty Days after each Court for hear
ing Motions in Arrest of Judgment arguing Demurrers
"and other special Matters that cannot by the course of
"Proceeding be got ready at the respective Courts"
Then the Board came to the following Resolution —
Resolved That the above be made an Order of the
Report made Court, and that such further Rules and Orders be here-
an order of ... -n
court after made for establishing and regulating the Practice
of the said Court as occasion shall require in which the
Rules and Practice of the Courts in Westminster Hall
shall be as strictly followed and adhered to as Circum
stances will admit
That a Copy of the same be made out and delivered to
nshedat the" the Judges in Order to be published at the next General
next General
court Court
Then Mr Attorney General laid before the Board, His
Report of the Instructions necessary to be observed by
the Justices of the Peace, which was read, and ordered
to be entered in this Day's Minutes, and is as followeth
"GEORGIA "Instructions to be sent to the Justices
"of the Peace of the several Districts of
"the said Province
Instructions to
the Justices of
the Peace
"A Commission of the Peace being made out under the
Seal of the Province appointing the several Persons
therein named Justices of the Peace for the said Prov
ince and the several Districts thereof as in the said Com
mission is particularly mentioned, and among others,
appointing You Justices to keep the Peace
within the Districts of in the said Province,
by vertue of which Commission You the aforesaid Jus
tices (having first qualified Your Selves by taking the
several Oaths as hereafter particularly directed) are to
keep the Peace within the several Districts aforesaid
and also to keep and cause to be kept all Ordinances and
Statutes made for the good of His Majesty's Peace and
the Preservation of the same and for the quiet Rule and
Government of his People in all and singular the Ar
ticles thereof in the several Districts aforesaid accord
ing to the force form and effect of the same and to chas
tize and punish all Persons offending against the form
of those Ordinances or Statutes or any of them in the
aforesaid Districts as according to the form of those Or
dinances and Statutes ought to be done And you are to
Cause all those who shall threaten the Persons of any
or the firing their Houses to come before you or any of
you to find sufficient Security for the Peace or their good
Behaviour and if they shall refuse to find such Security
then to cause them to be kept in safe Custody until they
shall find such Security You are also to take the Exam
ination of all those who shall be brought before you or
any of you touching any Felonys Crimes or other Of
fences and Misdemeanors as also the Informations of
the Parties accusing them upon Oath and the same you
are to transmit to the Justices of the next General Court
or Court of Oyer and Terminer for this Province as
DECEMBER, 1754- 55
"shall first happen together with the Recognizance taken
"for their Appearance and prosecuting such Offenders
"And herein You are to observe that in Case of Felony
"or other Capital Offence You are after taking the Ex
amination of the Offender to commit him to Prison and
"bind the Witnesses by Recognizance to appear at the
"next General Court or Court of Oyer and Terminer to
"give Evidence against him but if the Offence be bailable
"then You are to take a Recognizance with two sufficient
"Sureties for the Offenders appearance as above to an-
"swer the offence wherewith he is charged &c. and musi.
"likewise bind the accuser over to prosecute by taking
"his own Recognizance in a sufficient Penalty, and if the
"Party shall upon his Examination confess the Crime
"wherewith he is charged, you must put the particulars of
"such Confession into writing and make him Sign it
"And for the more easy recovery of small Debts and
"the hearing and determining of trivial Injuries tres
passes and other Matters not exceeding the value of
"Forty Shillings Sterling wherein the Titles of Lands
"are not concerned You are by the said Commission au-
"thorized to hold a Court of Requests upon every other
"Thursday throughout the Year before you or any two
"or more of you taking to your Assistance three Free-
"holders who are to attend by Rotation according to their
"Number in each District which Court is to be held at
"such Place as you shall think fit to appoint of which you
"are to give Notice And upon any Complaint made at
"such Court or to any one of You at any Time of any
"Matter within your Jurisdiction You are to grant a Sum-
"mons to the following effect Viz' "A. B : You are here-
"by summoned to appear at the Court of Requests to
"be held for the District of at
"on Thursday the Day of to answer a Com-
"plaint enter'd against you by C. D : and in Case of
"your refusal or neglect the Court will then proceed
"to examine the Matter on the Part of the said C. D :
"and give Judgment therein and award Execution ac
cordingly" which Summons is to be served by a Con-
"stable of the District, and if in Savannah by the Deputy
"Marshal, and to be delivered to the Party or left at his
"House or usual Place of Abode. At which Court if the
"Parties appear you are to examine the Matter in a Sum-
"mary Way upon the Oaths of the Plaintif and Defend-
"ant and their Witnesses, and in Case the Defendant shall
"not appear (upon Oath made of his having been duly
"served with the Summons) you are to proceed on the
"Part of the Plaintiff and thereupon give Judgment in
"the Premisses and issue your Warrant for levying the
"Debt or Damages and Charges upon the Defendants
"Goods and Chattells by distress and Sale thereof render
ing the Overplus (if any) to the Defendant, which War-
Cant may be after this Manner Viz'
'GEORGIA Court of Requests for the District of
"To the Constable of the said District
"WhEREas A. B : this Day recovered against C. D :
"by Judgement of this Court Thirty five Shillings
"for work and labour preformed by the said A. B :
"for the said C. D: [or as the Case is] these are
"therefore to require you to demand of the said C.
"D : the said Thirty five Shillings together with
"Shillings for the Charges of this Suit And if not
"forthwith paid then you are to levy the same
"by Distress and Sale of the Goods and Chattells of
"the said C. D : rendering to the said A. B : the Over
plus if any "By the Court "E. F: Clerk
DECEMBER 1754- 57
"But if the Defendant shall have no Goods or Chattels
"or not sufficient to satisfy the Plaintiff's Demands or
"shall be a Person of indigent Circumstances then you
"shall direct and order the Payment thereof in such Man-
"ner and Proportions as to your Discretion shall seem
"meet and the Ability of the Party will admit and in Case
"of Disobedience to or contempt of such Order then you
"are to grant a Warrant to take the Body of the Defend-
"ant and keep him in safe Custody until he shall satisfy
"the full effect of such Order
"That all Matters that shall come before such Court
"shall be determined by a Majority of the Persons pres-
"ent, not being less than two Justices and three Freehold
ers from whose Judgment there is to be no Appeal —
"That Minutes of the several Proceedings at such
"Court be enter'd in a Book for this Purpose to be pro
dded and the Fees following to be taken Viz'
"To the Justices for each Summons Six Pence
"To Ditto for every Order or Warrant of Distress
"or Detainer one Shilling
"To the Constable or Deputy Marshal for every
"Summons Six Pence
"To Ditto for every Warrant of Distress or Detain
er one Shilling, together with two Pence for each
"Mile He shall be compelled to travel in Execu-
"tion of the Premises
"Provided the whole exceed not Five Shillings Ster-
"You are also required to nominate at the first Court
"of Requests that shall be held after receiving these In-
"structions such Persons and so many as you shall think
"fit to serve the Office of Constable for your particular
"Districts in which Office they are to continue for one
"Year from such Appointment or until others are ap-
"pointed in their stead and are accordingly to be sworn
"in before You at the next Court, taking the following
"Oath Viz'
"You shall well and truly serve our Sovereign Lord
"the King in the Office of a Constable in and for the
"District of until you be thereof discharged
"according to the due Course of Law or for the Year
"ensuing and until another shall be sworn in Your
"Room you shall from Time to Time well and truly
"do and execute all Things belonging to the said
"Office according to the best of your Knowledge —
"So help &c.
"Which Constables are to make out and prepare a List
"of all Freeholders within their Districts to serve as Ju-
"rors at the General Court and Courts of Oyer and Ter
miner of this Province distinguishing such, as are most
"fit to be of the Grand Jury which Lists they are to de
liver into the Justices at the Court of Requests that shall
"be held next after the first Day of March ensuing who
"are thereupon required to transmit the same without
"delay to the Provost Marshal of this Province and for
"the Time to come the Constables shall Yearly at the
"Court of Requests to be held for the Districts aforesaid
"next after the Feast of S' Michael deliver in a List of all
"Persons qualified to serve on Jurys distinguishing as
"before those who are most fit to be of the Grand Jury —
"A Dedimus Potestatem will be herewith sent directed
"to Three Freeholders empowering them to Administer
"the Oaths by Law appointed for the Qualification of
"public Officers together with the Oath of a Justice of
"Peace to you respectively
DECEMBER, 1754. 59
"The Examination of a Felon
"The Examination of P. C : &C. taken before me
one of his Majesty's Justices of the Peace
"of the District of in the said Province
"The said P. C : being charged before me by S. C : of
"&C. with the felonious Stealing out of the House of the
"said S. C : in several Goods Viz' &C. to the value
"of &C. on last past he the said P. C : upon his
"Examination now taken by me denieth that he stole
"the said Goods or ever had them in his Possession or
"confesseth that he stole the said Goods and sold them
"to &C. and further saith not P C:
"The Informations of the Witnesses must be taken
"severally and upon Oath thus —
"The Examination of A. B : of &C. taken upon Oath
"before me A. R : Esq1" one of his Majesty's Justices
"of the Peace for the District of in the said
"This Examinant Saith that on last past he
"saw P. C : of &C. enter the House of S. C : and there
"feloniously steal one Silver Tankard mark'd &C. and
"also &C. belonging to the said S. C : and that this Ex-
"aminant being at that time a Senrant to the said S. C :
"endeavoured to apprehend the said P C : but there be-
"ing no other Person in the House belonging to the af ore-
"said S. C : the said P C : very much beat and wounded
"this Examinant and left him bound on the floor whilst
"he made his Escape with the Plate and Goods aforesaid
"And this Examinant further saith not
"Form of a Recognizance or Bail for the Appearance
"of an offender to answer &C. —
"GEORGIA "District of
"A. B : of &C. doth acknowledge to owe to
"our Sovereign Lord the King the Sum of Twenty
"Pounds and C. D : and E. F : of the same Place
"severally acknowledge to owe to our said Sov
ereign Lord the King the Sum of Ten Pounds to
"be levied upon their several Goods and Chattells
"Lands and Tenements by Way of Recognizance
"to his Majesty's Use upon Condition that the said
"A. B : shall appear at the next Court of Oyer and
"Terminer [or General Court] to be held at Savan-
"nah to answer all such Matters as on his Majesty's
"behalf shall be then and there objected against him
"by P. C : for assaulting and beating the said P. C :
"[or as the Case is] and not depart the Court with-
"out Licence Then this Recognizance to be void oth
erwise to remain in full force, [if it be to keep the
"Peace] then say upon Condition that the said A.
"B : do and shall keep the Peace or good Behaviour,
"towards all Men and especially P. C : then this Re-
Cognizance &C.
"Taken and acknowledged the Day of
"1754 before
"Note The Justice must subscribe his Name, but
"the Parties bound need not
DECEMBER, 1754. 61
"The Form of a Recognizance to appear and give
"Evidence against an offender
"GEORGIA. E. F doth acknowledge to owe to our
"Sovereign Lord the King the Sum of
"Twenty Pounds to be levied upon his
"Goods and Chattells Lands and Tene
ments for the use of our Sovereign
"Lord the King his Heirs and Success-
"ors if default shall be made in the Con-
"dition under written
"The Condition of this Recognizance is such that if
"the above bound E. F : do personally appear at the next
"Court of Oyer and Terminer [or General Court] to be
"held at Savannah and do then and there prosecute M. G :
"for feloniously stealing &C [as the Case is] wherewith
"he is charged by the said E. F : according to Law and
"give such Evidence and Information relating to the same
"as he knoweth and do not depart from thence without
"leave of the Court then this Recognizance to be void or
"else to remain in full Force —
"Taken and acknowledged the
Day of 1754
counc°iftohe Ordered That the Clerk of the Board, do make
ofathe°atoe-ys out Copys of the aforesaid Instructions to be sent to the
^"tobe^ent Justices of the respective Divisions and Districts as soon
to the Justices ...
of therespec- as pOSSlDle
tive Districts
GEORGIA At a Council held in the Council
Chamber at Savannah on Monday the Sec
ond Day of January 1755 —
His Excellency John Reynolds Esqr
f James Habersham
| Alexander Kellet
The Honourable ^ Noble Jones — ¦ }¦ Esqr:
Pickering Robinson
Francis Harris — ¦
The Minutes of the preceeding Board were read and
approved His Excellency being by His Majesty's Instructions
Settling the ,.,,,..,_, ., , , —
Fees of the directed with the acivice of the Council to settle the Fees
Respective Of-
ncerstaken to be taken by the Officers of this Province, the same
Into Consid- ¦>
eration- were taken into Consideration and a List of Fees taken
by the officers in South Carolina being laid before the
Board, which was settled by a Law of that Province in
Proclamation Money, which is one third
value_ j
And if under that value_
For signing a Probate of a Will
For signing Letters of Guardianship. _
For signing a Warrant for Land
For signing a Certificate or Register for ^
a Ship or Vessels under thirty Tons, >
by the late Act of Navigation J
For all above Thirty Tons
For signing a Certificate for Persons \
capable of contracting Debts j
For any Commission for a Place of Profit )
amounting to the Value of fifteen V
Pounds Sterling
taining Ninety Words, _. )
For a Marriage Licence or Bond
For Militia, Patrol or other Commis- )
sions to be paid by the Public \
For entring Satisfaction ou each Mort- }
gage J
10 2
646 1
5 c r — vol 7
A Citation-.
For entring a Brand and Mark .
For preparing and Countersigning a ^
Dedimus Potestatem \
For a Commission for a Place of Profit
amounting to the value of fifteen
Pounds Sterling c$ Annum or up
wards ..-_
And for Places under that Value _-.
For attending the Courts of Justice
with Records -- —
For every Writ of Election and affix
ing the great Seal _
and ingrossing
For Drawing a Proclamation.
For a Commission of the Peace
For preparing Wax and attending in
affixing the great Seal to any Paper.
For reading a Petition in the Ordi- 1
nary's Court -_ ._. _ j
For an Order thereon
And if it exceeds two Copy Sheets then 1
5d. $ Copy Sheet_ /
For attending the Governor in the Or- \
dinarv's Court on Matters contested f
3 9
o o
Clerk of the
Council's Fees-
For Reading a Petition.
An Order upon the Petition
Copy of any Paper exceeding two
Copy Sheets f> Copy Sheet
Copy of any Paper not exceeding two \
Copy Sheets /
A Citation or Summon each
Entering any Paper 5go Copy Sheet or )
Copys of them j
Every Oath in Council (State Oaths
excepted) .._._
Reading Countersigning and enter
ing all Grants signed in Council _
JANUARY, 1755.
Attending and entering the Minutes}
on Caveats for Land and Order >
thereon j
Reading Reasons on any Written Evi- "1
dencys relating thereto j
For every Order on the Treasurer for \
Money J
For attending and administring the"
State Oaths to any Person admitted
into any Place of Profit and giving
a Certificate thereof if required for
a Place upwards of fifteen Pounds
And for a Place of that Value or under
Clerk of the
Council in As
sembly Fees
For a fair Copy of the Journal for the"|
Use of the House with Marginal I
Notes and an Index to the same j
$ Copy Sheet ._. J
For fair Copy of the same and Dupli- \
cate f, Copy Sheet )
Reading a Petition
Every Order thereon
On passing a Private Bill _
Copying the same if required by the
Party "£>> Copy Sheet —
A Warrant of Contempt
A Releasement therefrom
Messengerof Every private Petition,
theCouncii-s Attending on the hearing of all Ca
veats —
Clerk and Mes-
E'of Rep- The like with those of the Clerk and Messenger of the
resentatives Fees
Council in Assembly
For Sealing every Writ
For signing a Decree in Chancery_^
For every Order on Motion or Petition
For signing and Sealing an Exempli
fication of a Decree
For hearing and determining every
Master in
Chancery's Fees —
For every Summon
For Copys of Charges and Discharges )
brought before the Master each side I
containing fifteen Lines and six j
Words in a Line J
Taking Affidavits in writing, if Drawn
by the Master (the Oath included)
For every other Oath
Taxing a Bill of Costs
All Accompts referred to him for Ex- )
animation or settling to be allowed '
for at the Discretion of the Court
of Chancery j
Taking a Recognizance
For every Days attendance upon a final
9 8 3
JANUARY, 1755.
Examiner and
Register Fees
in Chancery
For entring all Orders of Court f!
Copy Sheet
For examining every Witness and
Drawing Depositions fJ Copy Sheet
For Filing all Depositions Interroga- "j
torys Affidavits Decrees and other >
Proceedings. )
For entering a Cause for hearing
For entering all Decrees at large each \
Copy Sheet J
For Copying all Proceedings each )
Copy Sheet /
For Copying all Exemplification oiS
the Proceedings in any Cause each >
Copy Sheet J
For every Writ
For every Search
For reading a Bill Answer Replication ")
Demurrer or other Proceedings filed >
in Court J
Solicitor in
Chancery's Fees
A retaining Fee
Every Attendance in Court when any
Business is done
Court Fee at hearing the Cause
Drawing every Bill, Answer, Plea,
Demurrer Replication, &C ¦$) Copy
Sheet _.
For fair Copying and ingrossing the '
same ^ Copy Sheet containing nine
ty Words . — .
Signing thereof
64* 96
Every Motion in Court or Defending
the same
A Brief or Abstract of the Proceedings \
Each Sheet of such Proceedings __ J
Every Brief on hearing the Cause or \
arguing Demurrer or Exceptions. . J
A Fee upon every Writ ._
Pleading Fee upon every final hearing 1
or arguing Demurrer or Exceptions j
Drawing Bill of Costs and attending "I
Taxation thereof j
Copy of the same and Notice
Attending the Master upon every Ref
erence to him by Order of Court .._
Drawing every Decree each Copy Sheet
941 6
Chief Justice
at Session's
Ever}' Recognizance taken before him
Every Indictment found Billa Vera __
Every Writ _- -. --.
Every Order of Court
Every Warrant under the Judges Hand
Taxing a Bill of Costs __
For the Examination of every Person }
committed for a Contempt of the ,-
Court -. j
For every Affidavit in Writing
For every Judgment -
For hearing the Cause .
For hearing and Determining a Mo- y
tion in Arrest of Judgment or De- -
rnurrer in Law or special Verdict- )
o r
4* 4i
9 o 93
9 4*
Attorney Gen
eral's Fees —
His Report to the Governor in each pri
vate Case referred to him by the
Governor and Council. —
JANUARY, 1755.
Drawing every Capias against Persons
indicted and not bound over or
against Persons presented by the
Grand Jury or Constables
Every Recognizance
A Retaining- Fee against Persons in-
dieted where the Bill isfound_
Drawing every Indictment against any
Person presented or bound
Enterin g a Noli Prosequi
Attending at the Judges Chamber to
take the Affidavit of any Person. __
Drawing Affidavit each Copy Sheet_
Pleading Fee Arguing Demurrer, Ex
ceptions or any other Motion or Ar
rest of Judgment Each Day
Every Fiat for
Lands for new Comers excepted)
and keeping a Record thereof. . _ .
Every Person Discharged by Procla
mation -_
Session Fee in every Cause ...
for Lands
Grants ( Township
414i 6 9641 6 6
Clerk of the
Crown and
Peace's fees-
Reading a Petition or other Writing-
Entering an Order
Copy of an Order ^ Copy Sheet.
A Commitment
Filing a Petition or any other Paper -
Drawing any Warrant
An Order to keep a Bastard Child _ - .
A 'Writ of Restitution.
Every Person Arraigned
Every Indictment
Writing a Recognizance t^ Copy Sheet
Every Subpoena
The Copy of an Indictment ^> Copy \
Sheet. /
Every Cause entered in the Calender.
Recording the Proceedings of a Cause \
each Copy Sheet j
Every Certificate of a Coroners having
returned an Inquisition into Court
For every Traverse or Release or any
Person Acquit by Proclamation
Swearing every Witness
4 88
Fees of the
Chief Justice
of Common
For every Writ of Capias Subpoena or
other Writ or Process (except of
Habeas Corpus) and return
For every Writ of Habeas Corpus
For taking a Recognizance .. ..
Taking Acknowledgement of Satis
For the Judges Book on an Issue of
Law or Fact
Taxing a Bill of Costs
For Drawing a Jury on each Special
Drawing a Special Jury at a Special
For every Special Court and all At
tendances thereon
For every Order of Court
For Bail taken before the Judge
For the Admission of any Person to
be an Attorney of the Courts
For every Judgment confessed out of
For signingaTestimonial of a Woman's
Examination and renouncing her
right of Dower and Inheritance (in
cluding all the Lands contained in
the Conveyance _.
41 3
41 o
JANUARY, 1755.
For every Affidavit taken out of Court
For Cross Examination of Witnesses
out of Court each _
For Administring an Oath in Court __
Every x\ttachment for a Contempt un
der the Hands of the Chief Justice
and the Seal of the Court
Every Judgment at large
Signing a Testimonial affixed to an
Exemplification under the Seal of
the Court
For hearing and Determining every
Motion in Arrest of Judgment or
Demurrer in Law or Special Verdict
or for a new Tryal
941 899o
Fees of the
Clerk of the
Court of Com
mon Pleas.
For writing every Writ "J
For filing a Declaration, Plea, Replica- V
tion, Demurrer, Joinder in Demurrer J
or other Pleading
For Copying a Demurrer, Declaration 1
or other Writing ^> Copy Sheet j
For entering every Order of Court and
Copy _ .
For every Search in the Records
For signing any Judgment
For attending drawing a Jury at al
Special Court j
Each Days attendance at a Special
Drawing a Recognizance and attend- 1
ing on taking every Special Bail., j
Recording every Writing $ Copy Sheet
Receiving Money in Court and paying
it out again One and Half fp Centum
For His Attendance in every Cause \
tryed J
o o
941 4194
For swearing every Witness
For entering the Request of every Wit- ]
ness Demanding his Expences be- >
f ore he is sworn .. .._ _)
If a Certificate is required more .
Attorneys of
the Court of
CommonPleas Fees
A Retaining Fee
Drawing a Declaration, Plea, Replica- "*
tion, Rejoinder, Demurrer, Joinder
in Demurrer or other Pleading
If the Pleadings or Proceedings are
Special more _
For fair Copy thereof to be filed J^
Copy Sheet
For Warrant of Attorney
Fee on Executing every Writ of /
Enquiry. ... {
Fee on ending every Cause.
Drawing Bill of Costs and attending
the Judge on taxing the Costs. . -. .
If contested more. -
Copy of the same and Notice
Signing a Declaration, Plea, Replica- )
tion, Rejoinder, Demurrer, Joinder j
in Demurrer or other Pleading, J-
Joinder of Issue or Special Rule of j
Court .. - J
Drawing and ingrossing an Execution
and attending the Judge to sign it
Copy of ever}- Bond or other writing \
Declared on . _. )
If exceeding five Copy Sheets 4d $ '(
Copy Sheet more ._ ._ /
Attending the Judge to take the Depo- "j
sitions of Sick Persons or such as V
are departing this Province j
The Attorney to pay the Jury in every ,>
Cause tryed . _ \
9 9
4 ii
JANUARY, 1755.
Filling up every Writ and signing _ .
Copy of Writ and Notice
A Brief in every Cause
Attending the Judge at his Chamber /
to make a Motion. \
Every Motion in Court where an Order \
ensues ._ j
For every Attendance Necessaiy in )
Cause. . )
Service of every Rule in Savannah __
If out of Town 2d ^> Mile more
Drawing signing and acknowledging )
Satisfaction in Court ... j
Attending thereon out of Court
Drawing- every Judgment at large. __
A Court Fee in every Cause not ex
eeeding two Courts each Court . . .
A Fee on every Rule
Attending the Judge out of Court to )
confess Judgment j
Pleading Fee in every Cause on a "I
Tryal of Law or Fact or Motion in V
Arrest of Judgment j
For the Attendance of every Witness")
who lives in the Country each Day
(allowing a reasonable Time for
his setting out and returning home)
with the Payment of Ferriages if
any in the Way 1/9 and tor travel-
s d
ing Charges more 1/9 '$ Diem if re
quired in Court, and for Witnesses
s d
living in Savannah 1/4 if required
in Court .. ..
4 4
9 9
Provost Mar- For Summoning a Special Jury.
For serving every Writ if the Defend- £
ant is taken S
For serving a Summon
6 9
Returning every Writ or Summon ._
Drawing every Bail Bond (except of
Habeas Corpus)
Going by Land or Water to serve a
Writ or Summon each Mile from
Savannah to the Person's House ...
Calling each Action —
Levying an Execution on the Goods
for the first fifteen Pounds Sterling-
Five r$ Centum
And for all above Two and a half ^
Centum . ...
An Execution on the Body on the
true Debt and Costs one f* Centum
For Diet of White Persons f Diem
allowing one Pound of Bread and
one Pound of flesh all wholesome
Each Person presented and prosecuted
Each Person acquitted by Proclama
For carrying Writs of Election and
summoning all Jurys and publish
ing Proclamations to be paid by
the Publick f Annum -_-
For Dieting Negroes f3 Diem
Serving an Order of Council on Shore
in Criminal Matters and not other
For the Commitment of any Person^
where an Habeas Corpus, if after >
brought for his relief . _ _ ... j
For the Bond the Prisoner is to Sign
For every Copy of a Mittimus.
For every Mile bringing back the ")
Prisoner on a * * * * Habeas I
Corpus where no Mileage is paid (
each Day J
For the Bailif that attends the Jury 1
f Diem /
For Executing every Criminal ...
o 9 2
IO o 8
41 o 6
JANUARY, 1755.
Judge of the
Court of Admi
ralty's Fees
For a Warrant of Arrest and each \
other Warrant j
For the Return thereof
Admitting the Libel.- -_
For a Citation of Witnesses ...
Examining every Witness in Court. .
Examining Repeating and approving \
each Deposition taken out of Court j
Administring an Oath _
For holding every Court in each Cause
Every Order entred and signed by the )
Judge. _ \
Every Order before Contestation of
Every Order after
Every Interlocutary Decree
Every Definitive Sentence . _
Every Commission to examine Wit
Examining and admitting each Depo
sition returned thereby
Every Letter of Marque and Instruc
tions thereon and taking the neces
sary Securitys
For taking a Stipulation
Every Monition to cite the Parties - .
For taxing Costs.
For signing a Testimonial affixed to
Exemplifications under the Seal of
the Court
*3 6
419419 4 48 6
4 96 9
9 3
Advocate General Fees
His Retaining Fee
Taking out the Warrant of Arrest
Drawing every Libel, Answer Allega
tion and other Instrument exhibited
by the Copy Sheet ..
Fair Copying the same fS Copy Sheet
AbbrevLting every Copy Sheet of In- I
struments exhibited by the Adverse >
Party ... j
Every Motion made in Court before 1
Contestation of Suit. j
And for every Motion afterwards —
His Fee in Arguing any Matter of ^j
Law on which an Interlocutary De- !
cree or Definitive Sentence shall be (
made J
Taking out each Citation for Witnesses
Examination of Witnesses for each
Copy Sheet taken by the Register.
For a Court Fee in each Cause ._
Brief in every Cause .
Drawing Bill of Costs and attending ]
taxing \
His Fees on the Tryal of Pirates to be I
the same as above. . . I
44 44
9 41
co°?t of Ad- e Their Fees the same as those of the Advocate General
miralty's Fees
For every Warrant
Register of the .^ r . . ,. .
Court of Ad- For hung every Paper and Instrument 1
miralty's Fees exhibited in Court - . . . . _ f
For every Citation ... __
For entering every Order before Con- \
testation of Suit /
For every Order after Contestation of \
Suit J
Reading every Exhibit
94 4 4
JANUARY, 1755.
py i
Every Copy of the Proceedings in Court
each Copy Sheet containing ninety
Words ...
Every Interlocutary Decree ^ Copy
Every final Sentence by the Copy Sheet
Taking Depositions of Witnesses by
the Copy Sheet
Every Witness Sworn in Court
Entring the Return of every Warrant
Citation or other Return
Entering every Motion in Court
For Drawing and ingrossing Testimo
nials to be signed by the Judge ff
Copy Sheet
For writing Monitions to cite Parties
~§ Copy Sheet
Recording Proceedings each CopySheet
Informations for Contempts each Wit
ness interrogated
Notification of Sales
For every Search
For attending the Judge on Granting
Letters of Marque and Drawing the
For Drawing a Stipulation
4 6
4 44
10 6
4 9 4
Register of the The Motion __
SiStyford" Every Warrant for Apprehending ._
tZtestees.- The Prisoners Examination in Writ
ing fJ Copy Sheet
Examining Informers each Copy Sheet
An Order thereon
For every Commitment
Attendance at Court each Day
Summons for Witnesses each __
Every Oath in Court __
9 664 8
o 4
Every Recognizance
Reading the Commission of Piracy __
Reading the Articles of Accusation __
Interrogators and Answers each Copy \
Sheet .. 1 J
The same by the Party
Entring the Prisoners Defence "$ Copy \
Sheet j
Entering the Votes of the Judges
Drawing the Sentence
Warrant for Execution
4 44 89
Marshal of the
Court of Ad-
miraltys Fees
For serving a Warrant by Land and
returning the same ..
For Service by Water on Board any~|
Ship in the Stream of any River >
and Return J
For Drawing of a Bond for appearing
of a Person attached ..
Mileage for every Mile by Land
For every Mile by Water . —
Each Day keeping a Vessel in his
Serving each Citation and Mileage as \
above . /
Selling Vessels or Goods and receiv-^
ing and paying the Money for the [
first fifteen Pounds Sterling Two f
and an half "$ Centum J
For Attendance each Day _.
For keeping a Person in Custody "$ \
Diem j
For Copy of every Warrant if required 1
by the Party attached j
oo 5
41 9
JANUARY, 1755. I
on the Tryal of PIRATES
Marshal of the Each Days Attendance
mMt^orfthe Execution on each Criminal
££'&£.- Commitment
Diet ^ Diem allowing one Pound of ^
Flesh and one Pound of Bread all V
wholesome Provisions J
Public Regis
ters Fees
Registring any Conveyance Grant")
Lease Letter of Attorney Bond or >
other writing "$? Copy Sheet J
Copy of any Deeds &C. Registred in
the Office f Copy Sheet
For every Search
For entring Satisfaction on each \
Mortgage j
For a Certificate at the Request of the \
Party J
Fees of the
Surveyor and
of the Kings
Entering and clearing a Ship and every \
Service for the same j
Entering and clearing a Brigantine 1
Snow or Billander as above J
Entering and clearing a Sloop orS
Schooner and for all the particulars >
above mentioned J
i c r — vol 7
And signing every Certificate or Cocket
and examining the same ...
But Vessels to and from the Bahama 1
Islands to pay only two third Fees., J
And Vessels built or wholly owned in
this Province, to pay half Fees only
Collector of the
King's Cus
toms fees
Entering and Clearing a Ship for Man- "")
ifest for Oaths and every other Serv- j
ice for the same (excepting Bond !
and Certificate for enumerated Com
modities) with a Permit for the Mas
ter to Load or unload J
Entering and Clearing a BrigantineS
Snow or Billander and for the Par- I
ticulars as is above mentioned for a (
Ship J
Entering and clearing a Sloop or*i
Schooner and for all the particu- V
lars above mentioned J
Granting a Certificate for Cancelling )
a Bond given in any other Port j
For approving a Certificate for can
celling a Bond given here
Entering out and Permit to load if
Bond given here
For a new Register for a Vessel under
Thirty Ton
If above Thirty Tons ...
And for Recording the same more.--
Endorsing a Register for a new Master
Registring Seamen fJ Man
A Post Entry
Bounty Certificate for naval Stores or
other Certificate required by Law
(Oath included)
For every Cocket for Goods Exported
48 8
41 o441
JANUARY, 1755.
4 6
Bill of Health for Vessels bound to \
Foreign Markets j
For a Bond taken and granting a Let- S
ter of Licence when a Register is V
mislaid or lost j
But a Vessel to and from the Bahama \
Islands only two third Fees )
Every Entry of Goods inwards or j
Outwards including all the Goods >
any Merchant has in any one Vessel )
Vessels built or wholly owned in this \
Province to pay half Fees J
Every Oath where the Law requires 'S
it except for entering and clearing !
of Vessels and obtaining a Bounty [
Certificate J
Recording the Register at large if re- )
quired by the Owner or Master /
Searching the Books of Cockets.
Naval Offi
cer's Fees
Entering and Clearing a Ship for Man
ifests for Oaths and every other Serv
ice included (excepting Bonds for
enumerated Commodities
Entering and Clearing a Brigantine "|
Snow or Billander and for all the >
Particulars above mentioned J
Entering and Clearing a Sloop or")
Schooner and for all the Particu- >
lars above mentioned J
Signing a Certificate for cancelling a ")
Bond given in any other Port for V
enumerated Commodities - j
Every Bond for Enumerated Com- "|
modities with Certificate to the Col- >
lector __.- j
Cancelling each Bond .
Signing and Sealing a Certificate for \
naval Stores (including the Oath). /
Recording a Certificate or Bond given
in Great Britain with a Certificate
to the Collector
For signing and Sealing any other
Cocket or Certificate if required
But Vessels to and from the Bahama
Islands to pay two third Fees
And Vessels built or wholly owned in
this Province to pay half Fees
For every Oath required by Law by
him to be Administred except for
Entering and Clearing Vessels and
obtaining a Bounty Certificate as
) !
SeachersFees For Entering and Clearing a Ship and }
every Service for the same J
Entering and clearing a Brigautine )
Snow or Billander as above J
Entering and Clearing a Sloop or \
Schooner /
For signing every Certificate or Cocket
For every View and Indorsement onaj
Cocket for loading Rice to a for- >
eign Market - J
For examining the Invoices and Cock-")
ets of said Rice and Comparing the >
same each ..)
But Vessels to and from the Bahama "I
Islands to pay only two third Fees J
And Vessels built or wholly owned in )
this Province to pay half Fees only /
Fees of the
Justices of
the Peace
Taking a Deposition in Writing
A Warrant on Oath in Criminal Cases
o 4
JANUARY, 1755.
A Recognizance
A Commitment
Swearing Appraisers and certifying \
the same for the whole j
For every Oath
For a Liberate
For Writing and Signing the Probate ")
of any Writing and swearing the V
Witnesses J
For a Hue and Cry
4 8
4 884 9
in the Courts of Requests for recovery of Debts not
exceeding forty Shillings
jutficls^nthe For each Summons.
Courts of Re
quests for Re
covery of Debts tress or Detainer
not exceed
ing 40s
For every Order or Warrant of Dis-
in the Courts of Requests for Recovery of Debts
above Forty Shillings and not exceeding Ten
Pounds — at Augusta —
Feesofthe For each Summons
justices in the j?or Affidavit of Debt and Oath
Courts of Re- .
quests for re- For taking Bail
fronalos to For hearing and Determining the Cause
Augusta For a Warrant of Execution
o 4
constables For serving a Warrant in Criminal
Fees Cases
Mileage out and home Miles
o o
0 2
For Carrying on a Hue and Cry
For Attendance in Searching for stolen ~)
Goods for every Day at the request >
of the Party Complaining )
o 9
in the Courts of Requests for Recovery of Debts not
exceeding Forty Shillings
Deputy Mar
shal or Con
stables Fees in
Courts of Re
quests for Re
covery of
Debts not ex
ceeding 40s
For serving a Summons
For an Arrest at Augusta..
For Levying an Execution.
For Mileage f> Mile
o 2
in the Courts of Requests at Augusta for recovery
of Debts above Forty Shillings and not exceed
ing Ten Pounds
Deputy Mar
shals fees in
the Courts of
Requests at
Augusta for
recovery of
Debts from
40s to £10
For Service of Summons besides Mile
age 2d f> Mile
For an Arrest besides Mileage as above
For Lodging a Prisoner at Augusta fi
For Diet at Augusta and on the Road \
to Savannah while in Custody ^8 Day j
For Levying an Execution or taking
the Body of the Defendant besides
Mileage as above
For Poundage for Levying an Execu
tion ^9 Pound
4 6
4 6
JANUARY, 1755.
Publick Treas- For every Entrance and Clearance of
urer'sFees — a Vessel (Oaths and Manifests in
cluded) and for examining Masters
in regard to their Passengers for the
For every Entry of an entire Cargo of
Every other Entry .
Every Drawback
Every Bond and Licence for retailing
publick no- Every Protest (Oaths included)
tarysFees — Duplicate of a Protest ^8 Copy Sheet.
Administring an Oath in any other
Case —
Each Attendance on any Person to~)
prove any Matter or Thing as Notary >
Publick and Certifying the same... j
Every other Certificate
o 4
Salary to the
GoSer S A Salary to be paid by the Publick
Savannah ¦
GEORGIA At a Council held in the Council
Chamber at Savannah on Monday the Sixth
Day of January 1755 —
His Excellency r
The Honourable <
John Reynolds Esqr
Patrick Graham
James Habersham
Alexander Kellet
Pickering Robinson
Francis Harris
The Minutes of the Preceeding Board were read and
approved —
It appearing to the Board that there was Business
which required a Court of Admiralty to be called, they
came to the following Resolution —
James Edward
Powell Esqr
appointedJudge Advo
cate Wm. Clif
ton Esqr Advo
cate Genl.
Alexander Kel
let Esqr Mar
shal and Wm.
Spencer Esqr
Register of
the Court of
That His Excellency grant Commissions to James Ed
ward Powell Esquire to be Judge Advocate, To William
Clifton Esquire to be Advocate General To Alexander
Kellet Esquire to be Marshal and to William Spencer
Esquire to be Register of the said Court
JANUARY, 1755.
GEORGIA At a Council held at the Council
Chamber at Savannah on Tuesday the sev
enth Day of January 1755
His Excellency
The Honourable
Present John Reynolds — Esqr
Patrick Graham — Esqr
Sr Patrick Houstoun Bar*
James Habersham
Alexander Kellet
Noble Jones —
Pickering Robinson
Francis Harris —
Jonathan Bryan
? Esq"
The Preceeding Day's Minutes were read and approved
Mr James Deveaux and Mr Clement Martin two Mem
bers returned to sit in the ensuing Assembly attended
with a Message from the House, and acquainted His Ex
cellency that Seventeen of the Representatives were met
and desired to know when they might wait on him
His Excellency ordered the House to attend immedi
Accordingly the following Eighteen Members of the
ui^Treturn- House of Representatives attended, namely James Ed-
Ass^wyntook "'ard Powell, Joseph Ottolenghe, Edmund Tannatt,
£nd®1da?edh8 Charles Watson, Henry Yonge, James Houstoun, Noble
the lest3— "* Wimberly Jones, Lewis Johnson, George Cuthbert, James
De Veaux, Clement Martin, Edward Barnard, David
Douglass, Edmund Gray, John Farmur, John Harn,
Mark Carr, and William Gray Esqrs and took the State
Oaths appointed by Law and declared and subscribed the
Ordered to
withdrawand choose
Then His Excellency ordered them to withdraw and
aIsdPeakere choose 3 Speaker to be presented for his Approbation
Mr James Edward Powell and Clement Martin attend
ed with a Message from the House of Representatives
that the House had chose a Speaker and were ready to
present him to His Excellency when he should be pleased
to receive him —
,T „ ^ His Excellency answered, He was then ready to re-
Mr. David J J ¦
?e°nUtedastobee" ceiye the House accordingly they attended, and Mr James
fpp?oveda— Edward Powell acquainted His Excellency that he was
ordered by the House to present to him Mr David Doug
lass as their Speaker; And the said David Douglass was
accordingly presented and approved of by His Excellency
Then the Speaker requested of His Excellency in the
rehquestsasun- Name of the House of Representatives, That they might
the Governor— have free Access to His Excellency's Person? Liberty
of Speech, Protection for their Persons And that the Im
perfections of the Speaker might not be imputed to the
House ?
To which His Excellency replyed that they might De-
answer pend upon all the Privileges and Libertys, he could allow
them, that were Consistent with His Majesty's Instruc
tions. Then His Excellency made a Speech to the Council
and Assembly which is as followeth
"Gentlemen of the Council and of the Assembly
"I congratulate you upon the Regard His Majesty has
"been graciously pleased to shew this Province in fixing
"here a regular form of Government immediately under
"his Royal Authority, the great Advantage of which are
"too Obvious to require mention; And as His Majesty
"has done me the Honour to appoint me your Governor,
JANUARY, 1755. 91
"I take this first Opportunity to assure you that it shall
"be my Study during the Course of my Administration,
"to promote the Prosperity of the Colony that you and
"your Posterity, may reap the Benefit that, will attend
"it's flourishing State The only Advantage I propose to
"my self is my share of the Honour that will arise from
"the Success of our mutual Endeavours in this Under
taking, I expect therefore that you will all chearfully
"and Loyally Contribute your Assistance to this laudable
"end, and as the most effectual Means to attain it, are
"Unanimity, Method and close Application let me recom-
"mend it to you and Advise, that the more weighty and
"important Affairs, of the Colony, be taken into your
"immediate Consideration at your first meeting and after-
"wards things of lesser Moment. I think it proper for
"the Publick Service, that you first of all frame some Pro
vincial Laws for the well regulating the Militia, for the
"making Publick Roads and establishing a Provision for
"defraying the Expence of holding the two Courts of
"Oyer and Terminer which His Majesty has directed to
"be held on the second Tuesday in December and the sec-
"ond Tuesday in June and I likewise recommend to your
"Consideration the making a ^Provision for the Ordinary
"Contingencies of Government as far as the Circum-
"stances of the People will conveniently admit of the
"same "Gentlemen as you are called together for no other
"Purpose but to consult about the best Methods of pro
moting your own Welfare, I doubt not but you'l take
"Care to suffer nothing to disunite you or draw of your
"Attention from the publick Good, I on my Part shall be
"ready to concur, with you in every Thing that can be
"conducive to your true and lasting Interest
GEORGIA At a Council held in the Council
Chamber at Savannah on Wednesday the
Eighth Day of January 1755 —
His Excellency John Reynolds Esq1
Patrick Graham Esqr
Sr Patrick Houstoun Bar'
James Habersham
Alexander Kellet
Noble Jones
Pickering Robinson
Francis Harris
Jonathan Bryan
The Honourable <
? Esqr!
The Preceeding Day's Minutes were read and ap
proved —
Mr William Gray and Mr Edmund Tannatt attended
Mackintosh with a Message from the House of Representatives desir-
B. one of the ° r
Assembly took Ing that Mr John Mackintosh B. a Representative re-
the otate
oaths &c turned to sit in the Assembly might be sworn
Accordingly the said John Mackintosh B. took the
State Oaths appointed by Law and Declared and Sub
scribed the Test —
JANUARY, 1755.
GEORGIA At a Council held in the Council
Chamber at Savannah on Monday the thir
teenth Day of January 1755 —
His Excellency
The Honourable
Present John Reynolds Esqr
Patrick Graham Esqr
Sr Patrick Houstoun Bar'
James Habersham
Alexander Kellet
Noble Jones — ¦
Pickering Robinson
Francis Harris
Jonathan Bryan
The Minutes of the preceeding Board were read and
approved —
Petition of
Edwd. Brown
and 37 other
Subscribers praying for a
Quantity of
Lands on Oge-
che River
which was
postponed to
a further Con
Read a Petition of Edward Brown and thirty seven
other Subscribers, setting forth, that they had been at
great Expence in removing themselves and Families
many Hundreds of Miles from several of the neighbour
ing Provinces in order to settle in this ; that they all came
here since the beginning of last Spring, and finding a
Quantity of uncultivated and vacant Lands on the North
Side of great Ogechee River about one hundred Miles
from the Mouth of it, they had sat down on the same in
tending to apply for proper Grants, as soon as their Cir
cumstances and the Necessities of their Familys would
permit and that they were desirous of continuing to re
side in this Province; Therefore they prayed that the
Lands they now dwelt upon might be granted to them,
And that His Excellency would take such Measures with
the Indians as to His Excellency should seem meet, to
secure them from their insults they having used many
Threatnings and thereby put them in fear of their Lives,
and that unless some Methods were speedily taken to sat-
isfy the Indians they would be under a Necessity of leav
ing the Province
The Board after maturely considering the aforesaid
Petition, thought proper to postpone their coming to any
Resolutions thereupon, 'till they could get better Infor
mation respecting the Matters therein set forth
GEORGIA At a Council held in the Council
Chamber at Savannah on Friday the seven
teenth Day of January 1755 —
His Excellency John Reynolds Esq1
' Patrick Graham Esqr
Sr Patrick Houstoun Bar'
James Habersham
Alexander Kellet
Noble Jones —
Pickering Robinson
Francis Harris
Jonathan Bryan
The Honourable •
> Esqri
The Minutes of the preceeding Board were read and
approved His Excellency acquainted the Board that he had re-
DisScontent and ceived Information, that some Persons had industriously
propSatMr propogated a Spirit of Discontent and Disaffection to the
iXTbltlnte Government, among the Inhabitants which might have
bad Consequences if not timely prevented; And some of
the Members of this Board likewise acquainted the Board,
that they had been informed that circular Letters, had
been dispersed, in this Country to call in the Inhabitants
of this Town, under a Pretence of supporting their Lib-
JANUARY, 1755. 95
erties, which was represented to be infringed, His Excel
lency was therefore advised to publish a Proclamation,
which is as followeth
GEORGIA By His Excellency
John Reynolds Esquire
Captain General and Governor in Chief in and over His
Majesty's said Province
Whereas I have been informed that several unwary
forbidding tu- People not considering the Consequences of opposing
multuous As- .
sembiies and Government have been tampered with by Men of little or
requiring all J
Persons to be 110 Property or Character to assemble in Parties contrary
ready with r j j
whln^iTed to the publick Peace of the Inhabitants of this His Maj-
p?eSns thfm1—- esty's Province under my Government and it is even sus
pected with Design to resist the Government His Majesty
has been pleased to establish here —
I have therefore thought fit by and with the Advice
and consent of His Majesty's Honourable Council, to
issue this my Proclamation charging and commanding
all His Majesty's good Subjects and they are hereby
charged and commanded to be ready with their Arms
and Accoutrements to reduce by Force any Body of Reb
els (that may assemble) whenever they shall receive fur
ther Directions to meet together under my Command for
that purpose ; And I hereby strictly forbid all tumultuous
Assemblies and nightly Meetings as the Offenders will
answer Disobedience herein at their utmost Peril
Given under my Hand and the Seal of His
Majesty's said Colony at Savannah the Seven
teenth Day of January in the Year of our Lord
God 1755 and in the Twenty eighth Year of
His Majesty's Reign J. Reynolds
By his Excellency's Command
James Habersham Secr7
God save the King
GEORGIA At a Council held in the Council
Chamber at Savannah on Monday the twen
tieth Day of January 1755
His Excellency John Reynolds Esq1"
Patrick Graham
James Habersham
Alexander Kellet
The Honourable -j Noble Jones — ¦ y Esq"
Pickering Robinson
Francis Harris
Jonathan Bryan
The Minutes of the preceeding- Board were read and
approved His Excellency acquainted the Board that an original
Letter of an extraordinary Nature had fell into his
Hands, which was intercepted in the Country, which he
was pleased to lay before the Board, and is as followeth
Aii Original
JANUARY, 1755. 97
Savannah 15th January 1755
"Gentlemen If you regard the Libertys of your Coun-
k^frt™- "try, as we cannot doubt but they are dear to you it is
"highly Necessary that you come immediately to Savan-
"nah, there by your Presence, to animate and support
"your Friends in their Endeavours to procure those Bless
ings that can alone render this Colony flourishing and
"happy "In this we hope you will not fail and subscribe our
"Selves hearty and sincere Friends to you and Georgia
"Cha Watson
"Mark Carr
"John Farmur
"To the Freeholders of "John Harn
"the Province of Georgia "Edmund Gray
l &1
"John Mackintosh
"William Gray
"Edward Barnard
theinterce ted -^s Excellency ordered Mr Kellet to carry the afore-
fol^tteHou^e said Letter to the House of Representatives with the fol-
of Represen-
of^resen- lowjng Message .
"This Letter having fell into His Excellency's Hands
He has already laid it before the Upper House and thinks
proper to lay it also before the House of Representatives,
as it particularly concerns some of their Members —
7 c r — vol 7
GEORGIA At a Council held in the Council
Chamber at Savannah on Wednesday the
twenty third Day of January 1755
His Excellency John Reynolds Esqr
Patrick Graham — Esqr
Sr Patrick Houstoun Bar'
James Habersham
Alexander Kellet
Noble Jones —
Pickering Robinson
Francis Harris
Jonathan Bryan
The Honourable *
y Esqr
The Minutes of the preceeding Board were read and
approved His Excellency laid before the Board two Letters one
conn™hSsthe dated the Is' December last from John Petty crew in the
ry^cewrf'con"- Chickesaw Nation, and the other from Martin Campbell
F^nchpropo- dated at Augusta the 15"1 of this Instant, which confirmed
reports among the Accounts this Board have lately received, in respect
thelndians — ,_,,,., .
to the French having been very industrious m propogat-
ing false Reports among the Indians
Mr. Chas. Wat
son the late
Recorder or
dered to attend
in Council on
Monday next,
to shew Cause
why he has not
Complyed with
the order of
the 12th of
last Month
Whereas Mr Charles Watson the late Recorder of Sa
vannah was (by an Order of this Board of the 12th Day
of last Month) required to deliver over to the Clerk of the
General Court on or before the 14th of this Instant all
Records, Minutes and Proceedings of the late Town
Court, as well as to give in a particular Account of all
Fines, Forfeitures and Amercements by him received,
and to pay the same to the Provost Marshal of this Prov
ince — ¦ And whereas this Board is informed, that he hath
not obeyed the said Order, tho' served with a regular
Notice of it; It is therefore
JANUARY, 1755. 99
Ordered — ¦ That the said Charles Watson do appear
before this Board on Monday next the 27th Instant be
tween the Hours of Ten and twelve of the Clock in the
Morning to shew Cause, why he has neglected to obey
the Order aforesaid
Ordered — That the Clerk of this Board do make
out a Copy of the said Order, that the said Charles Wat
son may be forthwith served therewith —
Secretary to Ordered — That the Secretary of the Province do
make out a . ^ .. ,1-nr
NewCommis- make out a new Commission of the Peace, and that M
eion of the
Peace, and to Edward Barnard and Mr John Mackintosh B. who
leave out the
wtrdeBarnfrd signed the Letter copied in the Minutes of this Board of
tosh b^w^?11" the 20th of this Instant, and who were named in the last
forSeTcom- Commission, be left out, and other Persons were ordered
to be incerted
GEORGIA At a Council held in the Council Cham
ber at Savannah on Monday the twenty sev
enth Day of January 1755
His Excellency John Reynolds Esqr
Patrick Graham Esqr
Sr Patrick Houstoun Bar'
James Habersham ^
Alpvanrlpr TCpllpt '
The Honourable
Alexander Kellet
Noble Jones— ! -
Pickering Robinson f ^
Francis Harris j
_ Jonathan Bryan J
The Minutes of the preceeding Board were read and
approved — ¦
A Message from the House of Representatives, by Mr
Powel1 and Mr Jones to His Excellency, which is as fol-
loweth "May it please you Excellency
"The House of Representatives desire Your Excellency
resenta°tivesep" "will be pleased to give Directions to the Provost Mar-
emor to order ""shal to issue out Warrants for the Election of Members
Warrants to be .. . . - _, . . ,
issued for the to serve m Assembly for Savannah, for Augusta, and
Election of J ' rt.
Represents- "for great and little Ogechee in the Room of Charles
tives m the ° °
o? "their Mem- "Watson, Edmund Gray, John Farmur and John Hearn
bers expelled— "Fsqrs, who was expelled this House and made incapable
"to be elected to serve in General Assembly during this
"first Session, for having absented themselves from this
"House and obstructed another Member in coming to his
"Duty here and for having been concerned in writing
"and dispersing the Letter of a seditious Nature laid be-
"fore this House by your Excellency's Order
"January 27th 1755 "By Order of the House
"Da: Douglass Speaker
Ordered — That the Secretary do make out a Writ
for the Election of Representatives as aforesaid — ¦
Resolved — ¦ That this Board will receive Petitions
for Lands every Tuesday
FEBRUARY, 1755. 101
GEORGIA At a Council held in the Council Cham
ber at Savannah on Tuesday the fourth Day
of February 1755 — ¦
His Excellency John Reynolds Esqr
Patrick Graham
Sr Patrick Houstoun
James Habersham
Alexander Kellet
Pickering Robinson
The Honourable
Ten Acres of
The Minutes of the preceeding Board were read and
approved —
His Excellency moved that a piece of Land containing
Land granted Ten Acres laying to the East of Savannah and formerly
to the Gov- jo j
emor — (tho' very unfit for the Purpose) laid out for a Publick
Garden commonly known by the Name of the Trustees
Garden might be granted to him —
Resolved — That the said Land be granted to His Ex
cellency His Excellency was pleased with the approbation of
lyiLkUmton the Board to name the Town lately laid out, at a Place
Great Ogechee .^
named Hard- commonly called the Elbow on great Ogechee River,
wicke Iiardwicke — His Excellency moved that two Town
^Towr. Lots Lotts N° 51. and N° 58. in Hardwicke might be granted
granted to the 4.^. U'.m
Governor LO lnLn
Resolved — That the said two Lotts be granted to His
Excellency The Board taking into Consideration that Persons
might Petition for Lands, which they did not intend to
improve in a proper Manner or might desire a larger
Quantity, than they had ability to cultivate or were intit-
uled to, by the Number of their respective Familys,
which if not guarded against would prove detrimental to
the Province; Therefore in Order to prevent as far as
they could such Inconveniences they came to the follow
ing Resolution —
Resolved — That before any Persons obtain Lands
Oath to be Ad
ministred to from this Board the following Oath be administred to
persons Apply- °
ing for Land ^g person applying for Land —
You A. B. do swear that you have a and
Children and are possessed in your Right of Ne
groes now in this Province and that you sincerely intend
to cultivate and improve the Lands, that may be granted
upon your present Petition, without any mental Reserva
tion, Equivocation or intent of fraudulently obtaining
the same for any other Purpose whatsoever — "
"So help you God —
Read a Petition of Joseph Gibbons of this Province
Petition of
Joseph Gibbons praying for Lands agreeable to the Number of Persons
postponed jn his Family.
Ordered — ¦ That the further Consideration of the
said Petition be postponed 'till this Day four Weeks —
Read a Petition of William Lee late of Barbadoes set-
760 Acres
w^Lee*— thig forth, that he was desirous of improving Lands in
this Province and that he had a Wife two Children three
Servants and twenty eight Negroes his own Property,
and therefore praying for a Tract of Eighteen hundred
Acres of Land situated on the West and South West of
Mr Edward Goodale, and West of Mr David Fox Junrs
Land on the South Side of the South Branch of little
Ogechee River
Resolved — ¦ That Seven hundred and fifty Acres of
Land be granted to the said William Lee where he re-
FEBRUARY, 1755. 103
quested ; He having been sworn to thirteen Negroes now
in the Province
a Lot in Hard- Read 3 Petition of William Lee aforesaid, setting forth
towfirSn^Let that he was desirous of improving a Lot in Hardwicke ;
and therefore He prayed for Lott N° 146 in the said
Town Resolved — ¦ that the Prayer of the said Petition be
granted — ¦
a Lot in Hard- Read 3 Petition of Jonathan Bryan Esq1 setting forth,
Jonathan"*1*1 that He was desirous of improving a Lott in Hardwicke
Bryan Esqr. and therefore praying for Lott N° 47 in the said Town—
Resolved — That the Prayer of the said Petition be
granted Read a Petition of Hugh Bryan setting forth that he
A Lot in Hard- , . . .
wicko granted was desirous of improving a Lott in Hardwicke, and
to Haga Bryan therefore praying for Lott N° 6 in the said Town
Resolved — That the Prayer of the Petition be
„ . . . Read a Petition of Robert Homer of South Carolina
Petition of
forbLandomer praying for Eight Hundred Acres of Land and a Town
postponed Lott in Hardwicke
Ordered — that the further Consideration of the said
Petition be postponed, 'till the Petitioner brings his Fam
ily into the Province
Read a Petition of Sr Patrick Houstoun Bar' in Be-
A Lot in Hard- .1TT ..,,,
wick granted half of his Son, Patrick Houstoun, setting forth, that he
to Patrick
Houstoun — was desirous of improving a Lott in Hardwicke for his
said Son; and therefore praying for Lott N° 67. in the
said Town
Resolved — That the Prayer of the Petition be
granted —
a T * • xj j Read a Petition of the said Sr Patrick Houstoun Bar'
A Lot in Hard-
toiGeeoSSnted hi Behalf of his Son George Houstoun, praying for Lott
N° 69 in Hardwicke
Houstoun -
Resolved — That the Prayer of the Petition be
granted —
a Lot in Hard- Read 3 Petition of James Houstoun of this Province,
to ja1Ssanted setting forth, that He was desirous of improving a Lott
in Hardwicke; and therefore praying for Lot N° 78 in
the said Town —
Resolved — That the Prayer of the Petition be
granted Read a Petition of Alexander Kellet, Esqr setting forth,
A Lott in Hard- . . . .
wicke granted that he was desirous of improving a Lott m Hardwicke;
to Alexander
Keiiet Esqr- and therefore praying for Lott N° 182 —
Resolved — That thi; Prayer of the Petition be
FEBRUARY, 1755. 105
GEORGIA At a Council held in the Council Cham
ber at Savannah on Monday the Tenth Day
of February 1755
His Excellency John Reynolds Esqr
" Patrick Graham Esqr
Sr Patrick Houstoun — Bar'
James Habersham
Alexander Kellet
Noble Jones
Pickering Robinson
Francis Harris
Jonathan Bryan
The Honourable
> Esqri
The Minutes of the preceeding Board were read and
Memorial of Read a Memorial of David Douglass of Augusta Esqr,
SsIiLqr'rep- setting forth, that the present established Courts in this
inconven-30me Province called Courts of Conscience can be of little Serv-
tends the pres- ice to the Inhabitants of the District of Augusta as the
ent method of
proceeding in Hardship that will attend the recovery of such small
the Court of L J
^quests at^ Sums, by so of ten calling together two Justices and three
Re^0iatnifns°me Freeholders (the People living at a great Distance from
therein each other) will be greater, than the Advantage that will
accrue from such Recovery; And as the Justices of those
Courts are directed only to Summon Persons to appear,
they will probably be of very little Service, for such about
Augusta, that Actions of that Value will be against, will
generally be transient Persons, as well as of indigent Cir
cumstances and may be at a Hundred Miles Distance be
fore the Courts Sits ; Therefore the Memorialist proposed
that any one or two Justices have Power to decide all
Sums not exceeding forty Shillings, take the Defendant
into Custody or hold him to Bail when arrested upon
Affidavit that He is a Transient Person
also that the
Justices &e
may have
power to try
Causes for
Sums not ex
ceeding Ten
pounds, with
Appeal to the
General Court
The said Memorialist likewise observed that as Au
gusta was at a great Distance from Savannah a Person
had better loose seven or eight Pounds, than to go there
to recover the same as the Expence as well as trouble of
the Journey and Costs of Suit would amount to more
than the Sum sued for and whether Plaintiff or Defend
ant was to pay the Charges it would hurt both and would
greatly prevent the further Settlement of that District;
therefore He proposed, that for any Sum from forty Shil
lings to Ten Pounds three Justices and four Freeholders
should have Power to decide the same in Manner of the
Courts of Conscience before mentioned, such Courts to be
held once in two Months with Appeal to the General
Court at Savannah —
And that t-.vo
Justices may
be furnished
with Blank
Writs, and to
have power to
fill them up as
occasion may
require to be
Executed by a
Deputy ap
pointed by the
Provost Marshal
The said Memorialist further observed that the want of
a Power in Augusta at all times to arrest, hold a Debtor
to Bail or make up the Matter for larger Sums than those
above mentioned, was of the greatest Consequence to the
trading people there ***** as most People
that dealt with them were in a moving Situation and the
Loss of an Flour might be the Loss of some hundreds of
Pounds which would tend to the decay of Trade, and be a
Means of driving it again to the other side of Savannah
River and the Memorialist apprehended that the Trade
and Settlement of that District was of the utmost Conse
quence to this Province ; therefore, to remedy this Incon
venience, the Memorialist proposed, that two of the Jus
tices, of that District should be furnished with Blank
Writs, for which they should respectively give their Re
ceipts to the Provost Marshal and be accountable to him
for all legal Fees, for such of them as should be exe
cuted, whether the Person was holden to Bail or the Mat
ter was made up; And that the Provost Marshal should
appoint a Deputy to execute all Writs delivered to him
by the said Justices, and bring the Prisoner to either of
them, who might make up the Matter (the Contending
Parties agreeing thereto) take Bail or again deliver him
to the Deputy Marshal to do with him as the Law direct
ed; likewise that the Deputy Marshal might serve all
Writs &c. for any Sum from forty Shillings to ten
Pounds, and in his absence, and upon Oath made by the
Plaintiff, that he believed if he lost the present Oppor
tunity, he might loose the Debt, then the said Justices
might have power to depute a Marshal, but for that Ac
tion only
Ordered — That the said Memorial be referred to
Attorney Gen- ,. rt . . . , „
erai to report the Consideration of the Attorney General, and that he
his Opinion of
the said make a Report thereof to this Board, as soon as conven-
iently he could-
GEORGIA At a Council held in the Council Cham
ber at Savannah on Tuesday the Eleventh
Day of February 1755
His Excellency John Reynolds
Patrick Graham
Sr Patrick Houstoun
James Habersham
Alexander Kellet — ¦
! Noble Jones-
Pickering Robinson
Francis Harris
Jonathan Bryan
EsqrEsqr Bar'
The Minutes of the preceeding Board were read and
The Board taking into Consideration, that there were
more Lots reserved for Publick uses in Savannah, than
will probably ever be wanted for that Purpose, and there
being several Persons in want of Lotts, who are willing
to build thereon, the Board came to the following Resolu
tions —
iSSTiS6!!™^- Resolved — ¦ That the reserved Lotts in the Squares
toberesTrve^in Darby Ward, Reynold's Ward, and Deckers Ward, be
usesPubhck continued to be reserved for publick uses
and others to
be granted
Memorial of
the Revd. Mr.
desiring a Pub
lick Lot in Sa
vannah might
be Appropri-
ted for a Pub
lick School
Resolved — That such of the reserved Lots, as are
not now built upon in Anson's Ward, Percival Ward and
Heathcoate Ward, be divided into Lotts of 60 by 90 feet,
and granted by the Board, to such Persons, as shall ap
pear to them to be desirous to improve the same
Read Memorial of the Rev4 Mr Bartholomew Zouber
buhler Minister of Savannah, setting forth, that he had
understood, that one of the Publick Lotts in Savannah
was always intended for a Publick School ; and therefore
desiring, that one may be appropriated by the Board for
that Purpose — •
Resolved — ¦ That the Publick Lott (known by Let
ter R) containing Sixty feet in front and one hundred
and eighty feet in Depth in Reynolds Ward, be appropri
ated for a Publick School
Petition of the
Attorney Gen
eral and Pro
vost Marshal
for a lot each
in Savannah,
Read a Petition of William Clifton Esqr Attorney Gen
eral, and Alexander Kellet Esqr Provost Marshal, setting
forth among other Things, that since their Arrival in the
Province, they had been put to great Difficulties, as well
as Expence for want of convenient House Room and
Accommodations, not having had it in their Power to
build themselves Dwellings by Reason all the Town Lotts
in Savannah are already built upon or granted away;
that they had been informed, that there were no less than
twenty four Lotts set a part for Publick Uses in the said
Town, which they apprehended were more than ever
FEBRUARY, 1755. 109
would be required or made use of for the said Purpose;
and therefore praying that they may have granted to
each of them respectively one of the two reserved West
ern Lotts — facing the Church for their several uses. —
Resolved — That part of a reserved Lot in Savan
nah known by Letter N. containing sixty feet front and
Ninety feet Deep, fronting the Square in Heathcote
Ward, be granted to William Clifton Esqr
Resolved — That part of a reserved Lott in Savan
nah known by Letter F, containing Sixty feet front and
Ninety feet Deep, fronting the Square in Percival Ward,
be granted to Alexander Kellet Esqr
Read a Petition of William Little of Savannah Esq1',
Hardwicke setting forth, that he was desirous of improving a Lott in
granted tp Wil- T . , , , . . r T ,T . ,
Ham Litue Harwicke ; and therefore praying for Lott JN 52 in the
said Town
Resolved — ¦ That the Prayer of the Petition be
granted Read a Petition of William Davis of Midway River,
setting forth, that he had been in this Province fourteen
Years, and had, about three Years ago, a Tract of fifty
Acres of Land allotted to him on Midway River of which
he had improved Twenty Acres, That he had a Wife and
eight Children for the support of whom his present Pos
session was not sufficient; and therefore praying for so
many Acres of Land on the South Branch of Newport
River, at a Place called Eagle Neck, as the Board should
think him intituled to
Resolved — That a Tract of two hundred Acres of
Acres o? Land Land be granted to the said William Davis, where he re-
wmiam Da™ quested, He having been sworn to ten Persons in Fam-
Petition of
James Read
praying for
800 Acres of
Land post
Read a Petition of James Read, praying for Eight hun
dred Acres of Land
Ordered — That the farther Consideration of the
said Petition, be postponed, 'till the Petitioner appears in
Petition of Read a Petition of Joseph Watson of this Province
g^!" claiming sundry Parcels of Land
dry parcels of
postponed Ordered— That the further Consideration of the
said Petition be postponed, 'till this Day seven Night
Read a Petition of Elisha Butler of this Province in
Behalf of his Son William Butler, praying for Lott N°
Petition of
Elisha Butler
for a Lot in
his^'wii-01 94 in Hardwicke for his said Son.
Ham rejected
That the said Petition be rejected —
Petition of Read a Petition of the said Elisha Butler, praying for
forS£andstler Lands agreeable to the number of Persons in his Fam-
postponed -,
Ordered — That the further Consideration of the
said Petition be postponed 'till this Day three Weeks, and
the Petitioner was required to specify where he wanted
the Lands He prayed for
Read a Petition of Willm Butler of this Province in
Behalf of his Wife Elizabeth praying for Lott N° 144 in
That the said Petition be rejected
Read a Petition of the said Wm Butler, praying for
lands agreeable to the Number of Persons in his Fam
FEBRUARY, 1755. in
Ordered, that the further Consideration of the
said Petition be postponed 'till this Day three weeks, and
the Petitioner was required to specify where he wanted
the Lands He prayed for
Read a Petition of Edmund Tannatt, of this Province
wkke grated Planter, setting forth, that he was desirous of improving
$?a^t— a Lott in Hardwicke, and therefore praying for Lott N°
43, in the said Town
Resolved — That the Prayer of the Petition be
granted —
Read a Petition of Clement Martin, of this Province
wicke S-anted" Planter, setting forth, that he was desirous of improving
Martin 3 Lott in Hardwicke, and therefore praying for Lott N°
63, in the said Town
Resolved — That the Prayer of the Petition be
granted —
Read a Petition of Simon Rouviere of this Province,
150 Acres of . .
Land Granted setting f orth, that he was desirous of becoming: a Planter,
to Simon a ' b '
Rouviere having two Negroes his own Property; and therefore
praying for two hundred Acres of Land, adjoining West
to David Render's and Stephen Monfort's Land at the
back of Highgate —
Resolved — That one hundred and fifty Acres of
Land be granted agreeable to the Prayer of the Petition
the Petitioner having been sworn to three Persons in
Family —
Alexander Kei- Read 3 Petition of Alexander Kellet and Pickering
let and Picker- .
ing Robinson Robinson Esq™ praymsr severally for a 1 ract of Land as
praying sever- L x J ^
allLfor£and* Members of the Council, agreable to the Custom of North
as Members ot ' °
postponed" America and the West Indies—
Ordered — That the Consideration of the said Peti
tion be postponed, 'till sufficient Information can be had
concerning said Custom — -
Read a Petition of Lewis Tohnson of Savannah, setting
100 Acres of -r.1 • rt ?
Land granted forth, that he had settled a Plantation on Savannah
to Lewis
Johnson River, which having a deep Swamp on the front, He was
deprived (unless he should be at great trouble and Ex-
pence of a Landing on the River, that there was a piece
of Vacant Land adjoining to his Land, which had a
Landing on the River, and would remedy the Inconven
ience he had laboured under, as well as be very beneficial
to him to improve; and therefore praying, that a Tract
of one hundred Acres of Land lying between his Planta
tion on Savannah River aforesaid and Lands formerly
laid out for Robert Williams on the said River, might be
granted to him —
Resolved — That the Prayer of the Petition be
granted — ¦
Read a Petition of the said Lewis Johnson setting
ed to the said forth, that he was desirous of improving a Lott in Hard-
Lewis Johnson .
a Lot in ^ wicke, and therefore praying for a Lott N° 98, in the said
Resolved — ¦ That the Prayer of the Petition be
granted — -
GEORGIA At a Council held in the Council Cham
ber at Savannah on Friday the fourteenth
Day of February 1755
The Honourable
Present Patrick Graham Esqr President
Sr Patrick Houstoun Bar'
James Habersham
Alexander Kellet
Noble Jones y Esqri
Pickering Robinson
Francis Harris —
The Board received the following written Message
from His Excellency
A Message
from the Gov
ernor requiring
all the Instruc
tions received
by the late
President and
Assistants for
making Allot
ments of Lands
since the Sur
render of the
late Trustees to
be laid before
"The Governor desires Mr Graham, and the rest of the
"Gentlemen of the Council who were of the late Board of
"President and Assistants, forthwith to lay before him the
"Authority and Instructions they had received from his
"Majesty or the Board of Trade and Plantations for mak-
"ing Allotments of Lands in this Colony between the
"Time of the surrender of the Charter, by the late Trus-
"tees, and by taking Possession of this Government."
"To Patrick Graham Esqr and
"the rest of His Majesty's HonMe
"Council of the Colony of Georgia
'J. Reynolds
,th pebry
Letters &C
sent to the
Governor —
Ordered — • That the Lords Justices Proclamation
under the great Seal, and all the Letters from the Lords
Commissioners for Trade and Plantations, as well as
from Benjamin Martyn Esqr received by the late Board of
President and Assistants, since the Surrender of the Trus
tees; be forthwith sent to His Excellency, and accord
ingly the aforesaid Proclamation, and the following Let
ters were sent to his Excellency, namely, three Letters
from the Lords Commissioners for Trade and Plantations
8 c r— vol 7
dated the 16th July 1752 and the 22d December 1752 and
12th July 1753 and eight Letters from Benjamin Martyn
Esqr dated 29th July 1752, the 6th February, 26th and 27th
March, 21st April, and 23d July 1753, and the 29th May
1754 — and one received by His Majesty's Ship the
Portmahon the 29th October last without date
GEORGIA At a Council Held in the Council
Chamber on Monday the Seventeenth Day of
February 1755 —
His Excellency John Reynolds — Esqr
Patrick Graham Esqr
Sr Patrick Houstoun Barr'
James Habersham
.,,., , , , , Alexander Kellet
1 he Honourable < -m ui t
Noble Jones — ¦
Pickering Robinson
Francis Harris
Jonathan Bryan
Y Esqr
The Minutes of the preceeding Board were read and
approved The Board taking into Consideration that the Season
for feeding Silk Worms is approaching and being desirous
to give all due Encouragement to the Culture of Silk, they
came to the following Resolution
n » r u . u Resolved — That three Shillings Sterling be given for
3s V' Lb to be ° ° °
coToonsfit for eveiT Pound of Cocoons fit for use, which shall be raised
proacWr^T in this Province, and brought to the Publick Filature in
season Savannah this Year, provided that in taking them down
FEBRUARY, 1755. 115
from the Brooms, that Care is taken to keep the spotted
ones separate, which are to be paid for according to their
Ordered — That the said Resolution be forthwith
published in different Parts of the Province
GEORGIA At a Council held in the Council Cham
ber at Savannah on Thursday the twentieth
Day of February 1755 —
His Excellency John Reynolds Esqr
( Patrick Graham — Esqr
Sr Patrick Houstoun Bar'
„, TT ,, j James Habersham
The Honourable \ JAW„nfW va\^-
Alexander Kellet —
Noble Jones —
Francis Harris
The Minutes of the Preceeding Board were read and
approved Ordered — That all the Workmen that have been
&c^°pk^edin*mpl°yed hi htting UP the new Council House and the
ne^councii16 Goal, ancl all Persons, who have supplyed any Materials
£°bringninGoalfor the Use of the said Building do bring in their respec-
Molday'next'-tive Bills to His Excellency in Council, on Monday the
twenty fourth of this Instant, between the Hours of Ten
and Twelve of the Clock in the Morning to be examined,
and ordered Payment
Ordered — That the same be forthwith published
that all Persons concerned may comply therewith —
GEORGIA At a Council held in the Council Cham
ber at Savannah on Monday the Twenty
fourth Day of February 1755 —
His Excellency John Reynolds Esqr
Patrick Graham
James Habersham
Alexander Kellet
Noble Jones —
Francis Harris
Jonathan Bryan
The Honourable "
The Minute of the preceeding Board was read and
confirmed The Workmen lately employed in fitting up the new
Workmen's rt or
Bins for fittine Council House and Goal, and other Persons who had
up the new
£cu"x!m£ede suPPlyed Materials for the Use of said Buildings brought
Paym^netred *n their Bills, which after the Board had examined, they
ordered them to be paid
GEORGIA At a Council held in the Council Cham
ber at Savannah on Tuesday the Twenty
fifth Day of February 1755
His Excellency John Reynolds Esqr
Patrick Graham
James Habersham
Alexander Kellet
Noble Jones
Francis Harris
The Honourable
Jonathan Bryan _,
The Minutes of the preceeding Board were read and
approved —
FEBRUARY, 1755. 117
Read the Report of the Attorney General on the Mat
ters to him referred in the Memorial of David Douglass
Esqrs in Behalf of himself and others the Inhabitants of
Augusta relating to the Court of Requests there lately
established, which was ordered to be entered, and is as
followeth "In obedience to the directions given me by His Ex-
Attorney Gen- "cellency the Governor and Council I have perused and
ters referred to "considered the above Memorial and for remedying the
him in the . . , . . , ,
Memorial of Inconveniencies therein complain d of and the more
David Doug- r
«vl tothe rela" "easy an^ sPeedy hearing and determining all Matters
quesSat Ee" "arising within the District aforesaid not exceeding For-
Augusta «ty Shillings sterling as also for extending the Power and
"Jurisdiction of the Court of Requests lately appointed
"for the ease and convenience of the Merchants and
"Traders at Augusta agreable to the Proposals of the
"Memorialist, and until a Court of Common Pleas shall
"be there establish'd for the Tryal of all Causes and mat
ters arising within the District aforesaid not exceeding
"ten Pounds Sterling I apprehend the following Method
"may be pursued Viz'
"That for the speedy hearing and determining all in
juries arising within the said District not exceeding the
"value of forty shillings sterling wherein the Title to any
"Land shall not be concerned any two Justices of the Dis-
"trict to have power to determine the same immediately
"on citing the Parties before them And for this purpose
"any Justice of the Peace for the said District shall and
"may upon Complaint to him made of any matter within
"his Jurisdiction as aforesaid issue a Summons to the
"Party complain'd against requiring him to come before
"him and any other Justice of the said District at such
"time and Place as he shall think fit to appoint which
"Summons may be to the following effect Viz' A. B.
"You are hereby summoned to appear before me &
Attorney Gen- " his Majesties Justices of the Peace for the Dis-
contfnued°rt "trict of Augusta at on instant between
"the hours of there to answer a Complaint made
"against You by C. D. and in Case of your refusal or
"neglect the said Justices will then proceed to examine
"the matter on the part of the said C. D. and give Judg
ment therein & award Execution accordingly" Which
"Summons to be served by a Constable of the District (or
"in the absence of such by any Person the said Justice
"shall think fit to appoint for this purpose) by delivering
"the same to the Party or leaving it at his House or place
"of abode And upon the Parties appearing the Justices
"are to proceed to the examination of the matter beween
"them and in Case the Party summoned shall make de
fault upon due proof of his having been served to pro-
"ceed on the part of the Complainant and give Judgment
"in the Premisses and thereupon issue their Warrant for
"levying the Same or damages awarded with the Charges
"upon the Goods and Chattells of the Defendant by Dis
tress & Sale thereof rendering the Overplus (if any) to
"such Defend' which Warrant may be to the effect foil
"viz': GEORGIA District of Augusta
"To the Constables of the District aforesaid or to either
"of them on the Complaint of A. B. ag' C. D. —
"WhEREas upon hearing the said Parties and their
"evidence upon Oath [or upon hearing the said A. B.
"the said C. D. not appearing tho' duly summoned]
"We have thought fit to adjudge and award that the
"said C. D. Do pay unto the said A. B. the Sum of30s
"for work and labour done and performed by the said
"A. B. for the said C. D. [or as the Case shall be]
"These are therefore to require you to demand of the
"said C. D. the said 30s together with for the
"Charges of this Suit and if not forthwith paid then
"you are to levey the same by distress & Sale of the
FEBRUARY, 1755. 119
AttomeyGen- "Goods & Chattells of the said C. D. rendering the
contfnueed°rt "Overplus (if any) to the said C. D.—
"Given under our hands &C
"But if the Defendant shall have no goods or Chattells1
"or not sufficient to satisfy the Pit's demands or shall be
"of indigent Circumstances the Justices shall and may or-
"der payment thereof in such manner & proportion as to
"their discretion shall seem meet and the Ability of the
"Party will admit, and in Case of neglect or contempt of
"such Order to issue their Warrant for taking the body
"of the Defend' & to keep him in Custody until he satisfy
"the full effect thereof Provided that where the Party
"complain'd against shall be a transient Person or if it
"shall be apprehended that he will depart without the
"said District on being served with a Summons That then
"upon Affid' thereof and of the Pits demand which may
"be in these Words or to the like import Viz' A. B.
"maketh Oath that C. D : is justly indebted to this De
ponent in the Sume of 203 for goods sold & delivered
"by this Deponent to the said C. D : And that the said
"C. D : is a transient Person occasionally coming to Au-
"gusta & not resident in this Province or that this De-
"ponent is apprehensive the said C. D : will suddenly re-
"move out of the District of Augusta or leave it The said
"Justices or either of them may thereupon Grant a War-
"rant against such Party as follows Viz'
"District of Augusta
"To the Constables of the District aforesaid or either of
"them ,; , .. l:,u
"You are hereby required to take the Body of C. D :
"and bring him before me and his Majesties
"Justices of the Peace for the District aforesaid [at
"such time & place they or he shall appoint] To answer
"a Complaint made against him by A. B : as by Affi-
AttomeyGen- "davit appears Given &C Upon which the said Justices
contmuTrt "are to proceed without delay to examine the Affair
"and give Judgment and award Execution as before —
"That these determinations in manner as aforesaid be
"final and without appeal —
"That for hearing and determining all Actions and
"matters of Complaint above forty Shillings sterling and
"not exceeding ten Pounds (the Title to any Freehold not
"coming in Question) arising between Persons being resi-
"ant within the said District of Augusta in regard to the
"present exigency And until a Court of Common Pleas
"shall be establish'd for such District a Court of Requests
"be held on the first Thursday in every other Month be-
"fore three or more Justices and four Freeholders of the
"District who are to attend by rotation according to their
"Number in such District, such Court to be held at some
"convenient place in the Town of Augusta where the Jus-
"tices shall appoint of which Notice to be given And upon
"Complaint made at such Court or to any Justice of the
"Peace for the said District of any matter within the Ju-
"diction thereof a Summons to be granted to the following
"effect Viz' "A B You are hereby summoned to appear at
"the Court of Requests to be held at Augusta on Thurs
day the Day of next To answer a Complaint
"enter'd against you by C. D. [if Bail shall be required
"for the Sum of due to the said C. D. as by Af-
"fidavit appears] And in Case of your refusal or neg-
"lect the Court will then proceed on the part of the said
"C. D. and give Judgment thereupon and award Exe
cution accordingly which Summons to be served by
"the Deputy Marshall of the District and to be deliv
ered to the Party or left at the House or usual Place of
"Abode unless Bail shall be required by the Plaintif, in
"which Case he is to make Oath of his demand before the
"issuing such Summons after the form foil. Viz' A B.
FEBRUARY, 1755. 121
Attorney Gen- "maketh Oath that C. D. is justly indebted to this Depo-
contfnuld°rt "nent in the Sume of for goods Sold and delivered
"to the said C. D. [or as the Case shall be] And there-
"upon the Deputy Marshall is to take the Person of the
"Defend' and keep him in Custody until he gives Secu-
"rity to answer the Pits action (or is legally discharged)
"for which purpose & as the taking Bail Bonds wou'd not
"conveniently suit the Proceedings of such Court either
"of the Justices of said District to have power to take Bail
"on the Parties being brought before him as hereafter.
"At which Court if the Parties shall appear the Justices
"are to proceed to the examination of the matter between
"them in a Summary Way upon the Oaths of the Pit. and
"Defend* and their Witnesses and if Def shall make de
fault in appearing when served with a Summons (upon
"Oath of such Service) the Court to proceed on the part
"of the Pit and thereupon to give Judgment in the Prem-
"isses & issue a Warrant of execution for levying the
"debt and damages upon the goods & Chattells of the
"Def by distress and Sale thereof rendering the Over
plus if any to the Defendant and if he shall have none
"to take his Body into Custody if required by the Pit.
"That where any Person shall be arrested and give Bail
"for his Appearance and shall not appear accordingly
"The Court thereupon to proceed ex parte as before and
"issue Execution against the Goods & Chattells of the
"Defendant And for want of such or sufficient to satisfy
"the Pits debt and Charges upon a due return thereof
"made upon Oath at the then next Court Execution to
"issue ag' the goods of the Parties becoming Bail, and if
"they shall not have any or not sufficient to take the Per-
"son of the Defendant Provided that if the Bail shall sur
render the Body of the Defendant into the Custody of
"the Deputy Marshal before any Execution levied upon
"his or their Goods & Chattells such Bail to be discharged
"The form of Bail to be put in Viz'—
Attorney Gen- "District of Augusta A. B. ag' C. D. for by
eral's Report it \rr u
continued rmiu "Bail for the Defend' E. F. & G. H. who with the
"Defend' jointly and severally undertake that he shall
"appear at the Court of Requests to be held at Augusta
"for the District aforesaid on Thursday To an-
"swer the Plaint of the said A. B. and that the said C.
"D. shall pay & satisfy the debt damages and Charges
"that shall then be adjudged & awarded against him
"by the said Court or render himself to the custody of
"the Deputy Marshall, and in default thereof that they
"the said E. F. & G. H. shall pay and satisfy the same
"for him or render him in Custody as aforesaid
"Taken & acknowledged the Day of D. D.
"Justice of the Peace for the District aforesa
"Warr* of Excution GEORGIA
"Court of Requests for the District of Augusta
"To the Deputy Marshall of the District aforesd
"Whereas A. B. this day recovered against C. D. by
"Judgment of this Court for goods sold and
"delivered to the said C. D. by the said A. B. [or as the
"Case is] These are therefore to require you to demand
"of the said C. D. the said together with for
"the Charges of this Suit and if not forthwith paid then
"you are to levy the same by distress & sale of the goods
"& Chattels of the said C. D : rendering to the said C. D.
"the Overplus if any By the Court
T. W. Clerk
"That all Causes and matters that shall come before this
"Court be determin'd by a Majority of the Persons pres-
"ent not being less than three Justices and four Freehold-
FEBRUARY, 1755. 123
Attorney Gen- "ers who shall be no wise concerned or interested therein
cSntfnuTrt "Appeal nevertheless to be allowed to the General Court
"the Appellant giving Security in double the Sume ad
judged against him to prosecute the same with effect to
"answer the Condempnation & pay such Costs as shall be
"awarded in Case the Judgment shou'd be affirmed That
"the Party apprehending himself aggrieved by the Judg
ment of the said Court shall immediately or where Bail
"is put in within six Days after enter his Appeal and give
"Security as aforesaid in which Case Execution to be staid
, "until the determination thereof
"That Minutes be kept of the proceedings that same
"may be certified to the General Court in Case of any Ap
peal "That in regard to the having Writs of the General
"Court left in the Hands of one or two of the Justices
"at Augusta to be used as occasion shall require with lib-
"erty for them to take bail or make up the matter between
"the Parties as lastly proposed by the said Memorial
"where the Cause of Action shall exceed ten Pounds I
"apprehend some inconveniencies will arise for want of
"Persons sufficiently skill'd to fill up such Writs And as
"it may be difficult to give such instructions on this head
"as will answer all Cases to those unacquainted with Law
"Proceedings some few general Precedents can only be
"given and the Parties must run the Hazard of any Error
"that may happen if the nature of the Action shou'd not
"be properly specified. But however to comply with the
"Memorialist's Request in this particular as far as may
"be consistent in the present Circumstances and to remedy
"the inconvenience complain'd of I humbly recommend
"that a certain Number of blank Writs properly signed
"be from time to time left in the Hands of one or more
"of the Justices at Augusta to be used as occasion shall
"require and that when any Person shall apply for one he
Attorney Gen- "shall before the issuing thereof make an Affidavit of the
contmued°rt "Debt due to him before such Justice of the Peace that
"issues the Writ which Writ is to be delivered to the
"Deputy Marshall who by vertue thereof is to take and
"Arrest the Defendant and keep him in Custody until he
"gives a Bail Bond for his Appearance at the return there-
"of, And if such Defendant does not or cannot find Bail
"which in 48 hours after his being so arrested that then
"he shall be conveyed to the public Goal at Savannah
"That I apprehend it is not necessary or convenient for
"the Justices judicially to interfere in the making up or
"determining such Suit or Action as the Parties may
"agree matters themselves if they think fit, and when the
"Pit. is satisfied he has an undoubted Right and full pow-
"er to discharge the Action without the interposition of
"the Justices or any one else —
"That the Justices do immediately after the first Tues-
"day in March, June, Sepf & December on which Writs
"are made and will be returnable transmit to the Justices
"of the General Court or such Officer from whom they
"shall receive such blank Writs a particular Account of
"the Writs they shall have issued for such respective re-
"turn together with the several Affidavits made before
"the issuing thereof with the Fees due for the same And
"that said Justices be allow' d for their trouble in filling
"up and issuing such Writs each and for
"swearing the Affidavit, the Deputy Marshall to take for
"the Arrest and for the Bail Bond besides
"Mileage All which I humbly submit to the Judgment of
"your Excellency & Honours
Will™ Clifton
Secretary to
make out a
commission to Ordered — That the Secretary do make out a Com-
impower the •*
JuSa to hoidU" mission to impower the Justices at Augusta to hold Courts
conformawl to °f Requests there agreable to the aforesaid Report
the aforesaid
FEBRUARY, 1755. 125
a Peninsula of The Board taking into Consideration that a Peninsula
tofl common of Marsh Land, lying to the North of Hardwicke, might
tents of" "'"1~ be extremely beneficial for a Common for the Inhabitants
of the said Town, came to the following Resolution —
Resolved — That the said Peninsula be reserved and
appropriated for a Common for the use of the Inhabitants
of Hardwicke aforesaid
His Excellency moved, that two Thousand five hun-
LandAgCranted dred Acres of Land in two Tracts as follows, namely Two
to the Governor Thousand ^^ bounded North by Lands fad out for
Griffith Williams, John Gordon and Thomas Marriot,
South by Lands laid out for James Edward Powell and
on all other Sides by vacant Lands on the South Side of
great Ogechee River, and five hundred Acres bounding to
the West of Lands laid out for Richard Cox, and on all
other Sides by great Ogechee River aforesaid on the
North Side of the said River, might be granted to him — ¦
Resolved — That two thousand five hundred Acres
of Land as before described, be granted to His Excel
lency —
Read a Petition of William Clifton Esqr Attorney Gen-
wicke* Mantel" eral, praying for Lot N° 183. in Hardwicke, which he
to William Clif- , ,
ton Esqr. — promised to improve — -
Resolved — That the Prayer of said Petition be
granted Read a Petition of Henry Yonge Esqr of this Province,
a Lot in Hard- 3etting forth, that He was desirous of improving a Lot
wicke granted °
to Henry in Hardwicke ; and therefore praying for Lot N° 140 in
Yonge Esqr. A J °
the said Town
Resolved — That the Prayer of the Petition be grant
Read a Petition of David Douglass of Augusta, pray
ing for a Tract of five hundred Acres of Land formerly
Petition of
David Doug
lass for 500
poCsrtpSon'd an granted to Walter Augustin on Savannah River
to Edmund
Ordered — That the further Consideration of the
said Petition be postpon'd —
Read a Petition of Edmund Tannatt of this Province,
Landgranted setting forth, that he came to settle in this Province in
the Year 1753, when he had five hundred Acres of Land
laid out by Order of the late President and Assistants,
which was not Adequate to the Number of his Family,
which at present consisted of Thirty one Persons; and
therefore praying that an Island called May Island con
taining about forty Acres of Land on the North side of
little Ogechee River, and also a Tract of five hundred
Acres of Land bounding East on Lands laid out for
Thomas and William Carr, South West on Joseph Winn
and on all other Sides by vacant Lands at the Head of
Newport River, might be granted to him —
Resolved — - That the Prayer of the Petition be
granted, the Petitioner having been sworn to thirty one
Persons in Family —
600 Acres of
Land granted
to John
Read a Petition of John Elliot of this Province, setting
forth, that he was possessed of five hundred Acres of
Land, laid out some time ago by Order of the late Presi
dent and Assistants, and hoped to be favoured with an
Addition, having twenty seven Persons in Family; and
therefore praying that three hundred Acres of Land sit
uated on the West Side of the Land He now occupyed at
the Head of Midway River, and also six hundred Acres of
Land bounding on Andrew Way's Land on the East, on
the South Side of the head of Newport River, might be
granted to him
That Six hundred Acres of Land be
FEBRUARY, 1755. 127
granted to the said John Elliot, namely three hundred
Acres on the West side of the Lands He now occupies,
agreable to the Prayer of his Petition, and three hundred
Acres on the West of Andrew Way's Land aforesaid, He
having been sworn to twenty seven Persons in Family —
Read a Petition of Captain James Mackay of this Prov-
L^ndc!r!n°t!ed ince> setting forth, that He was now possessed of five
M'Say — es hundred Acres of Land, formerly laid out for him by Or
der of the late President and Assistants, and hoped to be
favoured with an Addition of Land, agreable to the
Number of his Family, which consisted of Twenty five
Persons ; and therefore praying, that a Tract of one hun
dred Acres of Land adjoining South West to the Lands
He now possessed on the South Side of great Ogechee
River, also a Tract of Fifty Acres to the Eastward of Mr
Samuel New's Land on the South Side of the said River,
and six hundred and fifty Acres of Land at the head of
Newport River bounded on all Sides by vacant Land,
might be granted to him —
Resolved — That the Prayer of the Petition be
granted, the Petitioner having been sworn to twenty five
Persons in Family —
The Board wm Resolved — ¦ That for the future, the Board will re-
tionsVfor Land ceive Petitions for Lands every first Tuesday in the
every first
Tuesday in Month ¦
the Month
GEORGIA At a Council held in the Council Cham
ber at Savannah on Wednesday the twenty
sixth Day of February 1755 —
His Excellency John Reynolds Esqr
The Honourable *
Patrick Graham
James Habersham
Alexander Kellet
Noble Jones —
Francis Harris
Jonathan Bryan
Petition of the
Surveyers Gen
eral praying
that all Plans
of Townships
and other
Lands might
be lodged in
their Office
The Minutes of the preceeding Board were read and
approved —
Read a Petition of Henry Yonge and William De
Brahm Surveyers General of this Province, setting forth,
that the Office of Surveyor General can't be properly con
ducted until the Records of Township, Villages and other
Plans of Lands heretofore surveyed are lodged in the
said Office, that recourse may occasionally be had to the
same; that His Excellency had directed the Petitioners
to report to him the State of all Surveys, and recommend
ed the forming a correct Plan of this Province ; that the
following original Plans (which have been the General
Guide) are particularly wanted, namely, of the Town,
Garden and tything Lots of Savannah, of Frederica, Au
gusta, Ebenezer and Darien, and the Villages of Acton,
Vernonburgh, Abercorn, Goshen and the two Villages on
Skidoway Island; and therefore praying, that the public
Records of Plans of Town-Ships and other Lands as be
fore mentioned, might for the future be lodged in their
ve™srtode"- Ordered — That all Persons who have been imployed
i'n their Pos- in surveying Lands in this Province, do forthwith deliver
session to the
surveyers over unto the Surveyers General of the said Province,
General J
FEBRUARY, 1755. 129
all Plans of Towns and Townships, Villages and other
Surveys of Lands respectively made by them in the said
Province, and that public Notice be given that all Persons
concerned may conform thereto —
pians in the Ordered — That all the Plans now lodged in the
Sr i£ b^deHv- Council Chamber be delivered over to the said Surveyers
ered likewise Qeneral_ Read a Petition of Charles West of this Province, set-
i^nd^anted ting forth, that he was possessed of five hundred Acres of
westar es Lands, which was laid out for him sometime ago by Or
der of the late President and Assistants, and hoped to ob
tain an Addition of Land, having twenty six Persons in
Family ; and therefore praying, that a Tract of two hun
dred and fifty Acres adjoining West to William Harn's
and South to William Butler's Land on the South Side of
great Ogechee River, and also six hundred Acres about
five Miles to the Westward of Thomas Carter's Land,
bounded on all Sides by vacant Lands on the South Side
of Newport River, might be granted to him —
Resolved — That only four hundred Acres of Land,
part of the aforesaid six hundred Acres prayed for, be
granted to the Petitioner, He having been sworn to Twen
ty Six Persons in Family — ¦
Read a Petition of Robert Homer late of South Caro
lina (postponed to a further Consideration the 4th In
stant) setting forth, that he was desirous of cultivating a
Tract of Land; and therefore praying, that a Tract of
Eight hundred Acres of Land situated to the West and
South West of Mr Edward Goodale, West on Mr David
Fox Junrs and adjoining to William Lee's Land on the
South Side of the South Branch of little Ogechee River,
might be granted to him —
Resolved — That part of the Prayer of the said Pe-
9 c r— vol 7
tition, namely seven hundred Acres of Land be granted to
the said Robert Homer, where he requested, the Petitioner
having been sworn to fourteen Persons in Family now in
this Province
Read a Petition of the said Robert Homer (postponed
RobertHomer's ,.,,_., . , t>, t \ •
Petition for a to 3. further Consideration the 4 Instant) praying for a
LotlinHard- ^ J r J b
wicke rejected Town Lot in Hardwicke
Ordered — That the said Petition be rejected —
500 Acres of
Land granted
to Elisha
GEORGIA At a Council held in the Council Cham
ber at Savannah on Tuesday the fourth Day
of March 1755. —
His Excellency John Reynolds Esqr
Patrick Graham
James Habersham
The Honourable \ Alexander Kellet y E
Noble Jones
1 Francis Harris
I Jonathan Bryan
The Minutes of the Preceeding Board were read and
approved Read a Petition of Elisha Butler of this Province Plant
er (postponed to a further Consideration the 11th Instant)
setting forth, that he was possessed of five hundred Acres
of Land, and that his Son William was also possessed of
the same Quantity, which was laid out for them some time
ago by Order of the late President and Assistants, and
that he hoped to obtain an Addition, his Family consist
ing of fifty three Persons ; and therefore praying that five
MARCH, 1755. 131
hundred Acres of Land, bounding on the West of the
Lands he now resided upon on the South Side of great
Ogechee River, might be granted to him —
Resolved — That the Prayer of the said Petition be
granted, the Petitioner having been sworn to fifty three
in Family — ¦
Read a Petition of William Butler of this Province
1,400 Acres of
Landgrarited pianf-er (postponed to 3. further Consideration the ii
Butier Instant) setting forth, that he was possessed of One thou
sand Acres of Land, which he obtained from the late
President and Assistants, and that he hoped to be fa
voured with an additional Tract or Tracts, having Ninety
Persons in Family; and therefore praying for fourteen
hundred Acres of Land, namely, a Tract of Five hundred
Acres situated adjoining South on Sterling's Swamp, one
hundred Acres adjoining Lands granted to Richard Burt-
ley, three hundred Acres near Collins's Creek on the
South Side of great Ogechee River, and five hundred
Acres of River Swamp near William Elliott's on the
North Side of great Ogechee River, might be granted to
him —
Resolved — That the Prayer of the said Petition be
granted The Petitioner having been sworn to ninety Per
sons in Family
Read a Petition of Henry Yonge and William Gerrard
DeBrahm Esqrs Surveyers General, setting forth, that
the Dutys of their Office wou'd require their Attendance
in Savannah, where they had no dwelling House nor Lots
to build on, and neither could they at present rent any
House, and they apprehended, that the Lots reserved for
public Uses in the said Town were more than wou'd ever
be wanted for that purpose, And therefore praying that
one of the reserved Lots in Savannah aforesaid (to be
equally divided) might be granted to them
a Lot 60 by 90 Resolved — That part of the Lot in Savannah known
nahglantedan" by Letter X containing Sixty feet front and ninety feet
Yonjelsqr deep fronting the Square in Anson's Ward be granted to
the said Henry Yonge
Resolved — That the other part of the said Lot,
Heetinsava^- known by Letter X. aforesaid containing Sixty ffeet front
wiii^GOT-*0 and ninety ffeet deep fronting the Common be granted to
Esqr. e r m William Gerrard De Brahm Esqr
Two Members from the House of Representatives at-
Eiisha Butier tended with Mr Elisha Butler, desiring that the said
the Rep"resen- Elisha Butler (one of the Representatives returned to sit
t-fl tives re™
turned for in the present Assembly for the District of little and great
great and lit- . J °
tie ogechee Ogechee) might be qualifyed, accordingly the said Elisha
Butler took the State Oaths and declared and subscribed
the Test—
GEORGIA At a Council held in the Council Cham
ber at Savannah on Thursday the Sixth Day
of March 1755 Present
His Excellency John Reynolds Esqr
Patrick Graham
James Habersham
The Honourable \ Alexander Kellet > Esqrs
Francis Harris
Jonathan Bryan
The Minutes of the preceeding Board were read and
approved —
MARCH, 1755. 133
Pay-Bin for Messieurs Harris and Habersham laid before the Board
scoutefore£25: a Pay Bill for the Prince George Scout-Boat from the
amm^anT 3ist October 1 754 to the 27th November following both
Governor — Days inclusive amounting to Twenty five Pounds three
Shillings and ten Pence Sterling, which when they had
examined, His Excellency the Governor certifyed the
Services to be duly performed by the Coxswain and Men,
and that the whole Expence had been punctually dis
charged by the said Harris and Habersham agreable to
Instructions, and of which the Board likewise advised Mr
Agent Martyn in a Letter of this Date
„ . „ . And the said Harris and Habersham likewise laid be-
Captp Raymond
?eeipteforSp3r£ fore the Board Cap' Raymond Demere's Receipt for Pro-
piyedtheDe- visions supplyed the Detachment from the three independ-
dlSdhucom"" ent Companys in South Carolina under his Command at
Se'tol'^io: Frederica, S' Simons, Jekyl and Cumberland Islands for
and certifyed seven Weeks and four Days, namely from the 31st October
emor 1754 to the 22a December following both Days inclusive
amounting to twenty two Pounds ten Shillings and seven
Pence three farthings Sterling, which when they had ex
amined, His Excellency the Governor certifyed the same
to be justly due to the said Harris and Habersham, and
of which the Board likewise advised Mr Agent Martyn in
a Letter of this Date
GEORGIA At a Council held in the Council Cham
ber at Savannah on Friday the Seventh Day
of March 1755 Present
His Excellency John Reynolds Esqr
Patrick Graham Esqr
Sr Patrick Houstoun Bar'
James Habersham
Alexander Kellet
Noble Jones
Pickering Robinson
Francis Harris
^ Jonathan Bryan
The Honourable {
The Minutes of the preceeding Board were read and
approved —
Two Members from the House of Representatives at-
aRepfiente1-1' tended with John Rae Esqr desiring that the said John
^quau^!"18" Rae one of the Representatives returned to sit in the pres
ent Assembly for Augusta, in the Room of Edmund Gray
Esqr expelled the House) might be qualifyed; according
ly the said John Rae took the State Oaths and declared
and subscribed the Test
The Board being informed that a Deserter from the
^S? from uie French Fort at the Albanians near the Upper Creek In-
e^am?naedFort dians was brought down here, He was ordered to attend,
and he accordingly attended; and being interrogated on
several Points, His answers were general, and very little
could be gathered from them, only that it was supposed
by the French on the Mississippi River, that there wou'd
soon be a War between them and the English; that the
number of Men, Women and Children in and about the
Albamah Fort consisted of about one Hundred and forty,
of which there were a Lieutenant, a Surgeon (in which
Capacity he acted) and forty private Soldiers, and that
MARCH, 1755.
the occasion of his leaving the Fort was a Quarrel be
tween him and the Officer —
and ordered
to be sent
to England
The Board considering that the French were very active
in sending Spyes under specious Pretences into the several
English Settlements on this Continent, thought it prudent
to send him to England in a Ship (the Neptune Cap' John
Rutherford) ready to Sail from this Port for London, and
he was accordingly ordered to be put on Board the said
Ship — •
GEORGIA At a Council held in the Council Cham-
• ber at Savannah on Monday the tenth Day of
March 1755
His Excellency John Reynolds Esqr
James Habersham
Alexander Kellet
Noble Jones —
Pickering Robinson
Francis Harris
Jonathan Bryan
The Honourable ¦
The Minutes of the preceeding Board were read and
approved —
Some Creek Indians having lately come here to the
25 creek in- Number of twenty five, Men, Women and Children, they
andPre^nts were ordered to attend, and after the usual Compliments
JS— en on these Occasions had passed, some Guns, Powder and
Bullets and a few other Articles, that could be procured,
were given to them, with which they seemed well pleased.
GEORGIA At a Council held in the Council Cham
ber at Savannah on Wednesday the Twelfth
Day of March 1755 —
H;« Excellency John Reynolds Esqr
( Sr Patrick Houstoun Bar'
| James Habersham
The Honourable ¦< Alexander Kellet
Pickering Robinson
. Francis Harris
The Minute of the preceeding Board was read and ap
proved —
The Board took into Consideration the Surveyers Gen
eral's Fees, and the same was accordingly done propor-
tionably to the Fees now allowed to be taken by the Sur-
veyer General in South-Carolina, and are as follows —
For runing out any Ouantity of Land (the Grantee find-
Surveyers ° J *" J v
Generars {ng Labourers and Provisions) four Shillings and six
Pence Sterling
copy of the Board of the 2 of January last concerning the Officers
foregornz u j o
Fees &c. pees prefixt, that they may conform themselves thereto —
GEORGIA At a Council held in the Council Cham
ber at Savannah on Tuesday the eighteenth
Day of March 1755 —
His Excellency John Reynolds Esqr
( James Habersham
| Alexander Kellet
The Honourable ¦{ Noble Jones —
Pickering Robinson
Francis Harris
The Minutes of the preceeding Board were read and
approved The Board having received Information, that some
Small Pox on ~
Board a Vassei Persons on Board a Vessel now at Tybee, and last from
at Tybee •> '
Jamaica, had the small Pox, for preventing the spreading
of the said Distemper among the Inhabitants, it was
Order to pre
vent the
Ordered — That the Pilot do carry the said Vessel as
far up Tybee Creek as she can conveniently go, and not
suffer any Person, who has been on Board since her ar-
rival here, to come up to Town 'till further Orders, and
he is also not to suffer any Person to go on Board her
without an Order from the Governor, that the Master of
the said Vessel, his People or Passengers do not go any
where on Shore, but at such landing upon Tybee Island
as shall be nearest to the Vessel, and that they do not go
from thence above a Mile Distant 'till further Orders, and
that all Persons whatsoever do observe that they do not
approach any of the People, that came in the said Vessel,
or receive any thing from them, but by means of a long
cleft Stick, and what may be so received must be dipped in
Vinegar, and afterwards smoaked before the Person re
ceiving the same do touch it —
Ordered — That the said Order be published, and
The 3. fores 3. id
order to be likewise that the Pilot and Master of the said Vessel be
published&C— .
respectively served with a Copy thereof —
Mr William Little the Governor's private Secretary laid
before the Board an Account for making out (By Order
of His Excellency) 28. Militia Commissions, and for at
tendance and administring the Oaths amounting to
Eleven Pounds four Shillings Sterling, and the said Ac
count being examined, the Board only allowed Six Pounds
ten Shillings and eight Pence, which was ordered to be
paid in due Course with other Contingencies of Govern
ment —
MARCH, 1755.
GEORGIA At a Council held in the Council Cham
ber at Savannah on Tuesday the 25th Day of
March 1755 Present
His Excellency John Reynolds Esqr
Patrick Graham
James Habersham
Alexander Kellet
Noble Jones —
Pickering Robinson
Francis Harris
The Honourable <
f Esq"
Pilot of Tybee's
The Minutes of the preceeding Board were read and
approved —
The Board took into Consideration the setting the Pilot
of Tybee's Fees, and the same were accordingly setled,
according to the Draught of Water of any Vessel at the
time of the Pilotage, and were as follows —
In Sterling Money
For Six feet of Water, inward or outwards eleven Shil
Six feet and half twelve Shillings and six Pence
Seven feet fourteen Shillings and six Pence
Seven feet and half Sixteen Shillings and six Pence
Eight feet Eighteen Shillings
Eight feet and half one Pound
Nine feet one Pound two Shillings and six Pence
Nine feet and half one Pound four Shillings
Ten feet one Pound five Shillings and six Pence
Ten feet and half one Pound seven Shillings and six
Eleven feet one Pound nine Shillings and six Pence
Eleven feet and half one Pound eleven Shillings and
six Pence
Twelve feet one Pound thirteen Shillings —
Twelve feet and half one Pound sixteen Shillings
and six Pence
Thirteen feet Two Pounds
Thirteen feet and half two Pounds three Shillings
and six Pence
Fourteen feet Two Pounds six Shillings and six
Fourteen feet and half Two Pounds ten Shillings and
six Pence
Fifteen feet two Pounds fourteen Shillings and six
Fifteen feet and half three Pounds two Shillings and
six Pence
Sixteen feet three Pounds twelve Shillings and six
Sixteen feet and half Four Pounds
Seventeen feet Four Pounds ten Shillings —
Ordered — That the Pilot of Tybee be served with a
tobeseJecT Copy of the foregoing Fees, with the Order of this Board
uietoeiTin/ of the second of January last concerning the Officers Fees
prefixt, that he may conform thereto —
Fees &C ¦
Petition of
Robert Homer
Fee for the Cryer of the General Court —
For calling each Action— One Shilling Sterling
Read a Petition of Robert Homer setting forth, that he
had obtained from this Board a Warrant to lay out seven
TOoTcresof hundred Acres of Land on Little Ogechee, but that all the
grante gOOC| Land af- the Place where he requested it was taken
up; and therefore praying for the like Quantity in an
other Place, in Lieu of the aforesaid Land granted him,
which he wou'd very readily resign
Resolved — That the Prayer of the Petition be
granted —
APRIL, 1755.
GEORGIA At a Council held in the Council Cham
ber at Savannah on Tuesday the first Day of
April 1755 Present
His Excellency John Reynolds Esqr
Patrick Graham
Sr Patrick Houstoun
James Habersham
Alexander Kellet
Noble Jones —
Pickering Robinson
Francis Harris —
Jonathan Bryan
The Honourable
Esqr Bar'
The Minutes of the preceeding Board were read and
approved —
Read a Petition of Alexander Kellet Esqr, setting forth,
iom Acres of^ that he was desirous of improving Lands ; and therefore
KenlTEsqrronPrayin£ f°r One thousand Acres, bounding to the North
PTOpCosedein His on Lands possessed by Mr John Gordon, South on vacant
StrSctions Land, West on Lands of His Excellency the Governor,
and East on a northern Branch of S' Catherines River
and Marshes of red Bud neck, which Lands He was will
ing to purchase on the Terms proposed in His Majesty's
Instructions to His Excellency —
Resolved —
That the Prayer of the Petition be
Read a Petition of William Little Esqr, setting forth,
L^ndCgrln°ted that he was desirous of improving a Tract of Land ; and
t°e ELqraron ' therefore praying for five hundred Acres, bounding to
thUerTe?rrts0pro- the South on Lands granted to Mr James Edward Powell,
Excellency's to the West on Lands of His Excellency the Governor, to
Instructions — the East on a Northern Branch of S' Catherine's River
and Marshes of red Bud Neck and to the North on Lands
granted to Alexander Kellet Esq1', which he was willing
to purchase on the Terms proposed in His Excellency's
Instructions —
Resolved — That the Prayer of the Petition be
granted —
Read a Petition of Sr Patrick Houstoun Bar', setting
forth, that he was only possessed of five hundred Acres
of Land, which he obtained from the late Trustees in the
Year 1 736, and that he hoped to be favoured with an Ad
dition, having a Wife, four Children, two white Servants
and twenty four Negroes ; and therefore praying that he
may have such an additional Quantity of Land granted to
him, as to the Board should seem meet, and that part of
the same, namely five hundred Acres might be laid out on
the South Side of great Ogechee River, bounding North
East on Lands formerly granted to Cap' Raymond De-
mere, South West on Lands granted to William Martin
Johnson and the remainder on any vacant Lands, and the
said Petitioner likewise prayed for a vacant Public Lot
in Savannah —
Resolved that a Tract of five hundred Acres of Land
L°MdCandpfart be granted where prayed for, and also that part of a public
by to^eet in60 Lot in Savannah known by Letter W. containing sixty
grlntecfto feet fronting Drayton Street and ninety feet deep in An-
Houstoun son's Ward be granted to the said Petitioner —
Read a Petition of William Ewen of Savannah Potter,
setting forth, that he had followed the Trade of a Potter
Six Years, and that his Kiln, which was in danger of
falling, stood on an other Person's Lot, and as he should
be obliged to build a new one, and make other Improve
ments, He was desirous of doing it on his own Land ; and
therefore praying for half of one of the Public vacant Lots
in Savannah —
APRIL, 1755- H3
Half a Public Resolved — That half the Public Lot in Savannah,
fleetdnlavan- known by Letter P. containing sixty ffeet fronting the
wnimm'Ewen3 Common and ninety ffeet deep in Heathcote Ward be
granted, agreable to the Prayer of the Petitioner —
Read a Petition of Ralph Killgore of Augusta, setting
forth, that he was desirous of improving Lands, having a
Wife and two Children; and therefore praying for Two
hundred and fifty Acres of Land, situated at the Mouth of
great Cayoka Creek fourteen Miles above Augusta afore
said —
,*„ . * Resolved — That part of the Prayer of the Petition,
150 Acres of r J
rIi ^Kin'ore namely one hundred and fifty Acres of Land be granted
where requested.
Read a Petition of John Mackintosh B. this Province,
setting forth, that he was possessed of five hundred Acres
of Land, which he obtained from the late President and
Assistants, and hoped to be favoured with an Additional
Tract, having a Wife, four Children, three White Serv
ants and eight Negroes ; and therefore praying for three
hundred Acres of Land, situated at the Head of Newport
River, bounded on all Sides by vacant Land—
Resolved — That the Prayer of the Petition be
granted, the Pel
sons in Fatnily-
300 Acres of
toajohnranted granted, the Petitioner having been sworn to sixteen Per-
Mackintosh B.
Read a Petition of James Read, setting forth, that he
a Lot in Hard- was desirous of improving a Lot in Hardwicke ; and
wicke granted A
to James Read therefore praying for a Lot N° 77 in Hardwicke afore
said —
Resolved — That the Prayer of the Petition be
granted —
Read a Petition of David Dicks of this Province Plant
er, setting forth, that he had setled a Tract of Land, situ
ated at a Place called the Fork of Barbicu near Coonochi
River on the South Side of great Ogechee River, and was
desirous of continuing to cultivate the same, having a
Wife four Children and nine Negroes; and therefore
praying for Eight hundred Acres of Land to be laid out,
where He had setled as aforesaid —
Resolved — That part of the Prayer of the Petition,
500 Acres of
Land granted namely, five hundred Acres of Land be granted, the Peti-
to David Dicks ¦" ° . '
tioner having been sworn to fifteen Persons in Family —
Read a Petition of Joseph Butler Junr of this Province
Planter, setting forth, that he was possessed of five hun
dred Acres of Land, which was laid out for him by Order
of the late President and Assistants, and hoped to be fa
voured with an Addition, having ten Negroes ; and there
fore praying for a Tract of one hundred Acres, adjoining
South to Lands lately granted to him, and North of Lands
possessed by Joseph Butler Senr on the South Side of
great Ogechee River —
100 Acres of Resolved — That the Prayer of the Petition be grant-
tf josfjphnt*d e(h the Petitioner having been sworn to eleven Persons in
Butler Jun. pami]y_ Read a Petition of Thomas Battoon of this Province,
setting forth, that he was desirous of improving Lands,
having a Wife and two Children, and therefore praying
for two hundred Acres of Land at the South End of Skid
oway Island
100 Acres of Resolved — ¦ That part of the Prayer of the Petition,
La«d granted narnely, one hundred Acres of Land be granted where re-
APRIL, 1755.
150 Acres of
Land granted
to George
Read a Petition of George Sigfrit of this Province, set
ting forth, that He was desirous of becoming a Planter,
having a Wife and one Child ; and therefore praying for
one hundred and fifty Acres of Land, situated on White-
marsh Island in Warsaw River opposite to Thunderbolt —
Resolved —
granted — ¦
That the Prayer of the Petition be
600 Acres of
Land granted
to John
Read a Petition of John Barnard of this Province
Planter, setting forth, that he was in Possession of five
hundred Acres of Land, which he obtained from the late
President and Assistants, and hoped to be favoured with
an Addition, having a Wife four Children and nineteen
Negroes ; and therefore praying for six hundred Acres of
Land, situated on the South East part of Wilmington
Island on Warsaw River
Resolved — That the Prayer of the Petition be
granted, the Petitioner having been sworn to Twenty five
Persons in Family —
Read a Petition of Jacob Loockerman of this Province,
setting forth, that he was desirous of improving Lands,
having a Wife one Child and four Negroes; and there
fore praying for four Hundred Acres adjoining East to
Mr George Cubbidge's Land, on the North Side of Mid
way River —
Resolved — That part of the Prayer of the Petition,
LandCSntod namely, three hundred and fifty Acres of Land be granted
Looekerman where requested the Petitioner having been sworn to six
Persons in Family
Read a Petition of Henry Curtis praying for four Hun-
Henry Curtis
Petition for 400 dred Acres of Land —
Acres of Land
Ordered —
10 c r— vol 7
That the said Petition be rejected
james Hart's Read 3 Petition of James Hart, praying for five hun-
AcresTf Land0 dred Acres of Land—
rejected Ordered — That the said Petition be rejected
David t. Read a Petition of David T'Bear, praying for two hun-
'Bear's Petition
for 250 Acres of dred and fifty Acres of Land —
Land rejected Ordered — That the said Petition be rejected
Read a Petition of Mordecai Sheftall, praying for fifty
Mordecai 3hef- . - T ,
tail's Petition Acres of L,and
for 50 Acres of
Land rejected Ordered — That the said Petition be rejected —
Read a Petition of Ambrose Dudley, praying for two
Ambrose Dud- -"*-./»
ley's Petition hundred and fifty Acres of Land — ¦
for 2.>0 Acres of J
Land rejected Ordered — That the said Petition be rejected — ¦
Read a Petition of Thomas Palmer, praying for three
mention hundred Acres of Land
tor 300 Acres of
Land post
poned Ordered — That the said Petition be postponed, till
this Day Month
Read a Petition of Joseph Alther, praying for one hun-
thlr's petition! dred Acres of Land — •
for 100 Acres
of Land
postponed— ordered— That the said Petition be postponed 'till
this Day Month
Read a Petition of Joseph Butler Senr, setting forth,
Land-^nted that he was possessed of five hundred Acres of Land,
Butier senr. which he obtained from the late President and Assistants,
and hoped to be favoured with an Addition, having two
Children and thirty eight Negroes; and therefore pray
ing for one hundred and forty Acres of Land, adjoining
to Lands formerly granted to David Black and William
APRIL, 1755- J47
Carr, five hundred Acres on Sterling's Swamp to the East
ward of William Butler's back Plantation, six hundred
and Sixty Acres adjoining to the North West of said Wil
liam Butler's Plantation, and up and above where David
Dicks lived and three hundred Acres at a Place known by
the Name of the Yamasee Camp, all on the South Side of
great Ogechee River —
Resolved — That part of the Prayer of the Petition
be granted, namely, one hundred and forty Acres adjoin
ing to Lands granted to David Black and William Carr,
and five hundred Acres (part of the aforesaid Six hun
dred and Sixty Acres) adjoining to the North West of
William Butler's Plantation on the South Side of great
Ogechee River, the Petitioner having been sworn to forty
Persons in Family —
Read a Petition of Shem Butler of this Province, pray-
petitio^to1'3 ing that a Tract of five hundred Acres of Land formerly
Acresnofeii°nd laid out for him in the Fork of great Ogechee and Coon-
ochee Rivers might be exchanged for a Tract of the same
Quantity in another Place
Ordered — That the said Petition be rejected
1 4,8
GEORGIA At a Council held in the Council Cham
ber at Savannah on Thursday the third Day
of April 1755—
His Excellency
The Honourable
Present John Reynolds
Sr Patrick Houstoun
James Habersham
Alexander Kellet
Noble Jones
Pickering Robinson
Francis Harris
Jonathan Bryan
Esqr Bar'
The Minutes of the preceeding Board were read and
approved —
Read a Petition of Wiliam Clifton Esqr, setting forth,
Land granted that he was desirous of improving Lands ; and therefore
to Wihiam .
Clifton Esqr. praying for Five hundred Acres, bounding to the JNorth
on Purchase as L ^ ° _
proposed in His gast on Land in Possession of Richard Spencer, and on a
Majesty r
instructions Tract N° 1 5. to the South West on the Head of the North
Branch of Newport River, and on all other Sides by va
cant Lands which Lands He was willing to purchase on
the Terms proposed in His Majestys Instructions
gr anted — ¦
That the Prayer of the Petition be
Read a Petition of Benjamin Farley of this Province,
Landgranted setting forth that he obtained a Warrant from the late
Fariey^n™"- President and Assistants dated the 8th of August last for
like Quantity laying out for him a Tract of five hundred Acres of Land
forrnsrly or-
dered to be laid hounded northerly by M1' James Miller's Land, and on all
out for him J J J
other Sides by vacant Land on the North Eranch of little
Ogechee River, which Warrant had not yet been executed,
and as the Land was not convenient for him to settle and
improve, He hoped to be favoured with a Tract of the like
APRIL, 1755-
Quantity in Lieu of the aforesaid Tract in another Place,
which (if granted) he promised to cultivate forthwith;
and therefore praying for five hundred Acres of Land,
bounded East by Lands possessed by Samuel Way, West
on Lands possessed by John Shave, South partly on John
Mitchel and vacant Land and North on vacant Land upon
the Head of Midway River, in Lieu of the aforesaid Tract
of the same Quantity on little Ogechee, which he re
signed —
Resolved — That the Prayer of the Petition be
150 Acres of
Land granted
to Philip Dele-
gal Junr
S0O Acres of
Land granted
to James Hab
ersham Esqr.
Read a Petition of Philip Delegal Junr of this Prov
ince Planter, setting forth that He now occupied a Tract
of five hundred Acres of Land, which he obtained from
the late President and Assistants, and hoped to be fa
voured with an Additional Tract, having a Wife four
Children and Six Negroes in the Province ; and therefore
praying for One hundred and fifty Acres of Land situated
in the fork of the South Branch of little Ogechee Swamp,
about a Mile higher than Lands granted to William Lee,
bounded on all Sides by vacant Land
Resolved — That the Prayer of the Petition be
granted, the Petitioner having been sworn to Eleven Per
sons in Family
Read a Petition of James Habersham Esqr, setting
forth that he was possessed of five hundred Acres of Land,
which was laid out for him by order of the late President
and Assistants, and that his Son James was also possessed
of a Tract of the like Quantity, on which the said Peti
tioner had made considerable Improvements, and was de
sirous of cultivating a larger Tract, having a Wife, three
Children and thirty three Negroes in the Province, and
therefore praying for nine hundred Acres of Land, name
ly, five hundred Acres resigned by Benjamin Farley
bounding North partly on James Miller's Land, and
North and East partly on Lands lately laid out for Lach
lan McGillivray, and four hundred Acres bounding East
on the aforesaid five hundred Acres on the West Side of
the North Branch of little Ogechee River
Resolved — That the Prayer of the Petition be
granted —
Read a Petition of John Jagger late of the Bay of Hon-
La2dAgrant°ea duras, setting forth, that he was desirous of improving
to John jagger j^andS; having Eighteen Negroes his own Property; and
therefore praying for One thousand Acres of Land, name
ly four hundred Acres situated on the first Bluff on the
South Side of Sapola River, opposite to Mr John Mackin
tosh's Plantation, and six hundred Acres also on the
South Side of Sapola River aforesaid on Turkey Camp
Swamp, bounding to the Southward on William Mackin
tosh's Land, and on all other Sides by vacant Lands
Resolved — That the Prayer of the Petition be
granted, on Condition (as the Petitioner has not the
Number of Negroes abovementioned now in the Prov
ince) that he find sufficient Sureties under a Penalty of
one hundred Pounds Sterling for the settling the said
Lands with the Number of Persons aforesaid within One
Year from the Date
Read a Petition of Thomas Bates late of the Bay of
500 Acres of Honduras, settine forth that he was desirous of cultivating
Land granted . . °
to Thomas Lands, having- a Wife and seven Negroes in the Province ;
Bates ° °
and therefore praying for five hundred Acres of Land,
namely, three hundred Acres adjoining to a Tract of four
hundred Acres granted to John Jagger on the South Side
of Sapola River, and two hundred Acres on Turkey Camp
Swamp, adjoining to a Tract of six hundred Acres grant
ed to the said John Jagger
APRIL, 1755'
Resolved — That the Prayer of the Petition be
granted, the Petitioner having been sworn to Nine Per
sons in Family
AudieyVax- Read a Petition of Audley Maxwell of this Province
Acref°of Land praying for five hundred Acres of Land
postponed Ordered — That the said Petition be postponed, 'till
the Petitioner appears in Person —
150 Acres of
Land granted
to Lemuel
Read a Petition of Lemuel Smith late of the Bay of
Honduras, setting forth, that he was desirous of setling
a Tract of Land, having a Wife one Child and one Ne
groe; and therefore praying for two hundred and fifty
Acres of Land, situated on Darien Salts, adjoining to
Lands granted to Mr John Perkins on the North Side of
Alamataha River
Resolved — That part of the Prayer of the Petition,
namely, One hundred and fifty Acres of Land be granted.
500 Acres of
Land granted
to Joseph
Read a Petition of Joseph Gibbons of this Province, set
ting forth, that there was a parcel of Land, adjoining on
the North West Corner of a Tract formerly laid out for
his Son Joseph Gibbons, which was very convenient for
the said Petitioner to improve, and that he had a Wife,
three Children and thirty one Negroes in the Province ;
and therefore praying for five hundred Acres adjoining
as aforesaid, and bounded on all other Sides by vacant
Land, being about Nine Miles to the Westward of Savan
Resolved — That the Prayer of the Petition be
granted, the Petitioner having been sworn to Thirty Six
Persons in Family
petition of Read a Petition of Henry Bourquin of this Province,
au!nrfo?iooo praying for one thousand Acres of Land
Acres of Land
postponed Ordered — That the further Consideration of the
said Petition be postponed 'till the first Tuesday in -June
next —
petitionof Read a Petition of Maurice Dullea of this Province,
Maurice Dullea .
for 100 Acres of prayme- for one hundred Acres of Land —
Land rejected °
Ordered — That the said Petition be rejected
Petitionof Read 3. Petition of Mary Smith of this Province, pray-
foariooSAcres 'nS f°r one hundred Acres of Land
of Land
postponed Ordered — ¦ That the said Petition be postponed
Read a Petition of John Francis Triboudet of this
Landgranted Province, setting forth, that he was desirous of cultivating
cis Triboudet Lands, having a Wife and four Negroes; and therefore
praying for one hundred and fifty Acres of Land, bound
ing South by Newington, West by Mr Joseph Gibbons,
North on vacant Lands, North East by Edward Barnard
and East by Peter Morel's Lands, and also two hundred
Acres in Newington Township known by N° 5. 8 : 10, and
11 —
Resolved — That Part of the Prayer of the Petition,
namely the one hundred and fifty Acres of Land as be
fore described, be granted —
Read a Petition of Lucas Zeigler of this Province, set-
LandCSntfed ting forth, that he, with his Father, Mother and Brother
zeigfe? s arrived in this Province about two Years and a half agoe,
when the late President and Assistants ordered one hun
dred Acres of Land to be laid out for the Petitioner's Fa
ther, Fifty Acres for the Petitioner and Fifty Acres for
his Brother at Hallifax ; that the Petitioner's Father and
APRIL, 1755- 153
Brother are since Dead, and the said Tracts containing to
gether Two hundred Acres of Land, being inconvenient
for him to settle, he was desirous of resigning the
same in Exchange for some Lands near Ebenezer; and
therefore praying, for one hundred Acres of Land situ
ated above the Path of Old Ebenezer and Abercorn, about
two Miles from Christopher Cremer's Plantation at Ebe
nezer Creek, and about three Miles distant from Michael
Walliser's fifty Acre Lot in Ebenezer Township, in Lieu
of the aforesaid Two hundred Acres of Land, which he
resigned— Resolved — That the Prayer of the Petition be
granted — -
petitionof Read a Petition of George Uland of this Province,
for°3ooeAcrens of praying for three hundred Acres of Land —
Land rejected Ordered — That the said Petition be rejected
Read a Petition of Richard Baker of this Province in
R?chard Baker Behalf of Mary Susannah and John Sumner, praying for
for 500 Acres of
Land for Mary, hye hundred Acres of Land
Susannah and
John Sumner Ordered — That the said Petition be postponed
Read a Petition of Thomas Peacock of this Province,
Landeranted setting forth, that about two Years agoe He petitioned the
jeaco°ckas 'ate President and Assistants for five hundred Acres of
Land, but not then having his Hands in the Colony, he
was told that he should have Lands, when he brought
them in ; that he had now four Negroes in the Province ;
and therefore praying for five hundred Acres of Land, sit
uated adjoining East to Mr Josiah Osgood's Land on the
North Side of the North Branch of Newport River
Resolved — That part of the Prayer of the Petition,
namely, Two hundred and fifty Acres of Land, be granted
the Petitioner having been sworn to five Persons in Fam-
ily- Read a Petition of Willam Peacock late of New York,
L°?ndgrreasnted setting forth, that he was desirous of setling Lands ; and
Peacock — therefore praying for one hundred Acres, situated on the
North Side of the North Branch of Newport River, ad
joining to Thomas Peacock's Land
Resolved — That the Prayer of the Petition be
Petition of Read a Petition of Nathaniel Holland, praying for One
Nathaniel Hoi- ' r J o
Ac'res'of rind hundred and fifty Acres of Land — -
Ordered — That the said Petition be Rejected — ¦
GEORGIA At a Council held in the Council Cham
ber at Savannah on Friday the fourth Day of
April 1755— Present
His Excellency John Reynolds — Esqr
f Sr Patrick Houstoun Bar'
James Habersham
The Honourable
J Francis Harris
| Pickering Robinson
| Alexander Kellet
[_ Jonathan Bryan J
The Minutes of the preceeding Day were read and ap
500 Acres of Read 3 Petition of Jonathan Bryan Esqr, setting forth,
toJonaThln*1 that he was in Possession of five hundred Acres of Land,
Bryan Esqr and faat his two Sons, Joseph and Josiah Bryan were
APRIL, 1755- 155
likewise possessed of five hundred Acres of Land Each,
and that he was desirous of cultivating another Tract,
having a Wife Seven Children and Sixty Six Negroes
in the Province ; and therefore praying for five hundred
Acres of Land, situated on Sterling Swamp to the East
ward of Mr William Butler's Plantation on the South
Side of great Ogechee River —
Resolved — That the Prayer of the Petition be
granted — ¦
Read a Petition of Nathaniel Day of this Province, set-
250 Acrfis of
Land granted ting forth, that he was desirous of improving Lands ; and
to Nathaniel . ^ &
Day — therefore praying for two hundred and fifty Acres of
Land, between great Ogechee and Midway Rivers, lying
to the southward of Lands granted to William Butler
Junr, and bounding North Westerly on the said Butler,
East on Samuel New, and on other Sides on vacant
Land —
Resolved — That the Prayer of the Petition be
granted —
Read a Petition of Joseph Butler Junr of this Province,
wici« Wanted" praying for a Lot (known by Number 115) in Hard-
to Joseph • ,
Butler Junr. WlCKe Resolved — That the Prayer of the Petition be
granted —
Read a Petition of James Read, setting forth, that he
Landgrlnted was desirous of setling Lands in this Province, having a
Wife two Children, one white Servant and twelve Ne
groes ; and therefore praying for Eight hundred Acres of
Land, situated at the Head of the North Branch of New
port River, between the Forks of the same, bounding
northerly on Lands of Thomas and William Carr, easterly
on Lands of Oliver Shaw and all other Sides on vacant
Lands —
to James Read
Resolved — That the Prayer of the Petition be grant
ed, on Condition (as the Petitioner's Family is not now
in the Province) that he with a sufficient Surety become
bound, in a Penalty of One hundred Pounds Sterling, to
settle the said Lands with a competent Number of Per
sons within one Year from this Date
Read a Petition of Edward Way of this Province, set-
LandCETanted ting forth, that he possessed a Tract of five Hundred
to Edward Way v . .... ,. t\ • 1
dicres of Land, which he obtained from the late Presidents
and Assistants, and hoped to be favoured with an addi
tional Tract, having a Wife, four Children, one white
Servant and ten Negroes in the Province; and therefore
praying for four hundred Acres, situated to the West
ward of a Tract granted to Moses Way on Newport
Swamp —
Resolved — That part of the Prayer of the Petition,
namely, two hundred and fifty Acres of Land, be granted,
the Petitioner having been sworn to seventeen Persons
in Family
350 Acres of
Land granted
to John Quar
terman Senr.
Read a Petition of John Quarterman Sen1 of this Prov
ince, setting forth, that he was in possession of five hun
dred Acres of Land laid out by order of the late President
and Assistants, and was desirous of improving another
Tract, having a Wife three Children and fifteen Negroes
in the Province ; and therefore praying for five hundred
and fifty Acres of Land, namely, five hundred Acres lying
about two Miles South Westerly of Land granted to Mo
ses Way on the Head of Newport River, and fifty
Acres adjoining a Tract, on which he resided (known by
Number 2. in the Plat) at the Head of Midway River —
Resolved- — That part of the Prayer of the Petition
be granted, namely, the fifty Acres as before described,
and three hundred Acres, part of the five Hundred Acres
APRIL, 1755.
250 Acres of
Land granted
to William
500 Acres of
Land granted
to Benjamin
prayed for, the Petitioner having been sworn to twenty
Persons in Family —
Read a Petition of William Baker of this Province,
setting forth, that he was in Possession of five hundred
Acres of Land, which he obtained from the late President
and Assistants, and hoped to be favoured with an Addi
tion, having a Wife two Children and thirteen Negroes
in the Province ; and therefore praying for four hundred
Acres of Land, situated on a Branch of Newport River,
and on the North West of Land granted to Moses Way —
Resolved — That part of the Prayer of the Petition,
namely two hundred and fifty Acres of Land, be granted,
the Petitioner having been sworn to seventeen Persons in
Family — ¦
Read a Petition of Benjamin Andrew late of South
Carolina, setting forth, that he had setled on a Tract of
Land, which he was desirous to continue to improve, hav
ing a Wife, three Children and six Negroes in the Prov
ince ; and therefore praying for six hundred Acres of
Land, namely, five hundred Acres where he resided,
bounded West on Richard Baker's Land, and on all other
Sides by vacant Lands, at the Head of Newport River,
and one hundred Acres joining to the Eastward of Lands
granted to John Graves at the Head of Newport River
aforesaid —
300 Acres of
Land granted
to John Quar
terman Junr.
Resolved — That part of the Prayer of the Petition,
namely, five hundred Acres of Land where the Petitioner
resided, as before described, be granted, he having been
sworn to eleven Persons in Family —
Read a Petition of John Quarterman Jun1 late of South
Carolina, setting forth, that he had a Wife and three Ne
groes in the Province, and was desirous to improve
Lands; and therefore praying for three hundred Acres
of Land, situated to the westward of and adjoining on
Lands granted to John Shave at the Head of Midway
River —
Resolved — ¦ That the Prayer of the Petition be
Read a Petition of John Stevens of this Province, set-
LandAgrant°ed ting forth, that he was possessed of five hundred Acres
steven" of Land, which he obtained from the late President and
Assistants, and hoped to be favoured with some additional
Tracts, having a Wife four Children and thirty three Ne
groes ; and therefore prayed for fifteen hundred Acres of
Land, namely, thirteen hundred Acres, situated about
three Miles to the North Westward of William Baker's
Land, * * * * and on all Sides by Vacant Lands,
and two hundred Acres lying between Lands granted to
Edmund Tannatt and a Creek of one of the Branches of
Newport River —
Resolved — That part of the Prayer of the Petition,
namely, twelve hundred Acres of Land, part of the thir
teen hundred Acres prayed for, be granted the Petitioner
having been sworn to thirty eight Persons in Family —
Read a Petition of the Revd John Osgood of this Prov-
L°andCgranted 'nce, setting forth, that he was possessed of Five hundred
Osgood' John Acres of Land, which was laid out by order of the late
President and Assistants, and hoped to be favoured with
an additional Tract having a Wife, one Child and sixteen
Negroes in the Province; and therefore praying for five
hundred Acres of Land, situated to the West of Lands
granted to John Quarterman Senr at the Head of Midway
River Resolved— That the Prayer of the Petition be grant
ed, the Petitioner having been sworn to Nineteen Persons
in Family —
APRIL, 1755- J59
Read a Petition of Robert Smallwood of this Province,
setting forth that he was desirous of improving Lands,
having one Negroe in the Province ; and therefore pray
ing for one hundred and fifty Acres situated on the North
Branch of Newport River, about a Mile to the Westward
of John Mitchel's Land
Resolved — That the Prayer of the Petition, be
granted —
Read a Petition of Lewis Smyth of this Province, set-
LandCgrantod ting forth that he was desirous of cultivating Lands, hav-
to Lewis smith ing a Wife and three Chjidren and therefore praying for
one hundred Acres of Land, situated on the South Side of
great Ogechee River, about four Miles above where Fort
Argyle formerly stood —
Resolved — That the Prayer of the Petition be
granted Read a Petition of Shem Butler, praying for a Lot in
Petitionof ' r J b
shem Butler Hardwicke
for a Lot in
Hardwicke Ordered — That the said Petition be rejected
Read a Petition of James Butler, praying for a Lot in
Petitionof J
James Butler Hardwicke
for a Lot m
Hardwicke rejected Ordered— That the said Petition be rejected
Read a Petition of Edward Sumner, praying for one
Edward sum- hundred and fifty Acres of Land —
ner for 150 J
Acres of Land
rejected Ordered— That the said Petition be rejected-
Read a Petition of John McDaniel, praying for one
Petitionof f
John McDaniel hundred Acres of Land —
for 100 Acres of
Land rejected Ordered — That the said Petition be rejected
petitionof Read a Petition of Robert Smallwood in Behalf of
woorff^MaryMary Bateman Widow, praying for three hundred Acres
Bateman for r r j
300 Acres of Ot l_,ana—
Land postpon'd Ordered — That the said Petition be postponed, 'till
the said Mary Bateman appears —
Read a Petition of Giles Todd of this Province, praying
Petitionof ' r j o
Giles Todd for f Gr one hundred and fifty Acres of Land —
150 Acres of J
Land rejected Ordered — That the said Petition be rejected.
Read a Petition of Thomas Mills of this Province, pray-
Lando'ngreat ing for two hundred Acres of Land on the South Side of
petitioned forr great Ogechee River, at a Place where Fort Argyle for-
by Thomas 1,1
Mills— reserved merly Stood
lor Public
Uses, and the
leavVto look* Resolved — That the said Land be reserved for Pub-
eisewhere — lie Uses, and the Petitioner had leave to look for Land
elsewhere —
Read a Petition of William Wilson late of South Caro-
wliham wnson hna, praying for one hundred Acres of Land
for 100 Acres
of Land
rejected Ordered— That the said Petition be rejected
Read a Petition of Josiah Powell late of South Caro-
josiah Poweii lina, praying; for 500 hundred Acres of Land
for 500 Acres J ° °
of Land Ordered — That the said Petition be postponed, 'till
the Board can be better informed of the Petitioner —
Read a Petition of Richard Burtley of this Province,
Land gSnted setting forth, that he was desirous of improving Lands,
Burtfey31 having a Wife and five Children; and therefore praying
for four hundred Acres, situated on the South Side of the
North Branch of Newport River, adjoining North to Mrs
De S' Julian's Land and West to Donald Mackay's —
APRIL, 1755- l61
Resolved — That three hundred Acres of Land, part
of the Prayer of the Petition be granted
Petitionof Read a Petition of Tohn M°Cullam, praying for three
JohnMcCullam J > r j o
for 300 Acres hundred Acres of Land —
of Land post
poned Ordered — That the said Petition be postponed, 'till
the Petitioner Appears —
Petitionof Read a Petition of Benjamin Cox of South Carolina,
fo^oTAcre* praying for five hundred Acres of Land —
of Land
postpon'd Ordered — ¦ That the said Petition be postponed, 'till
the Petitioner brings his Family into the Province —
Read a Petition of Thomas Parker of this Province,
300 Acres of setting forth, that he obtained a Warrant from the late
Land granted ^
toJik0ExS Far" President and Assistants dated 5th June 1753, for laying
KtenQuStitye out a Tract of three hundred Acres of Land on the East
end of Hutchinson's Island, but the said Land being no
ways convenient for him to improve, he hoped to obtain
a Tract in another Place ; and therefore praying for the
like Quantity on an Island bounded by little Ogechee and
Vernon River, lying between George Delegal and Sr Pat
rick Houstoun's Plantation, known by Number 158 large
Marsh —
Resolved — That the Prayer of the Petition be
granted — ¦
Read a Petition of Henry Yonge in Behalf of his Son
wicke granted" Francis Yonge, praying for a Lot in Hardwick, known
to Francis
to Francis u,r "NTo 0
Yonge Dy d\ 3.
Resolved — That the Prayer of the Petition, be
granted —
11 c r— vol 7
a Lot m Hard- Read 3 Petition of James Edward Powell Esqr of this
tojamraaEd-d Province, praying for a Lot in Hardwicke known by
ward Powell Number IS__
Resolved — That the Prayer of the Petition be
granted —
Read a Petition of John Graham of this Province,
wicke granted praying for 3 Lot in Hardwicke known by Number 68 —
to Mr. John r J o J
Graham Resolved — ¦ That the Prayer of the Petition be
petitionof Read 3 Petition of James Mutter of this Province, pray-
foTaeLotinter ing for 3 Lot in Hardwicke
VPIGCLGQ. ~~ ~ ~"
Ordered — ¦ That the said Petition be rejected
„ . , Read a Petition of fames Love of this Province, pray-
Petition of J > l J
forTLotTn mg for 3 Lot in Hardwicke
Hardwicke, Ordered— That the said Petition be rejected-
Read a Petition of William Wright of this Province,
wicke granted praying for a Lot in Hardwicke, known by Number 04 —
to Wm. Wright Resolved — That the said Petition be granted
Read a Petition of Cap' James Mackay in Behalf of
capt. James David Stephens Carpenter, praying for a Lot in Hard-
MackayinBe- ., ,,,T1
half of David wicke, known by Number s S —
Stephens for J ° °
a Lot in Hard-
poned Ordered — That the said Petition be postponed, 'till
the Petitioner Appears —
Read a Petition of Jacob Lookerman, praying for a Lot
rejected Ordered— That the said Petition be rejected
jacob°Looker- in Hardwicke
man for a Lot
in Hardwicke
APRIL, 1755- l63
a Lot in Hard- Read 3 Petition of William Gerrard De Brahm Esqr,
to wmxsSrari praying for a Lot in Hardwicke, known by Number 228
De Brahm Esqr Resolved — That the Prayer of the Petition be
granted Read a Petition of John Perkins of this Province, pray-
Lot in Hard- J > r j
wicke granted inSr for 3. Lot known by Number 103 in Hardwicke —
tn John Perkins C3 ^ J r J b ~-< >
David Hugue- known by Number 40 in Hardwicke
rin for a Lott J ^
in Hardwicke
postpon'd Ordered — That the said Petition be postponed
Read a Petition of Thomas Goodale of this Province,
Petn. ofThos. . .
Goodale for a praying f or a Lot in Hardwicke —
Lot in Hard- r j o
wicke rejected Ordered — That the said Petition be rejected —
Read a Petition of Joseph Minis of this Province, pray-
Petn. of Joseph . TT , . , > L J
Minis for a Lot ing for a Lot in Hardwicke —
m Hardwicke °
rejected Ordered — That the said Petition be rejected—
Petn. of isaae Read 3 Petition of Isaac Barksdale of this Province,
Eo™Ld-ra praying for a Lot in Hardwicke—
wicke rejected Ordered — That the said Petition be rejected —
Petn. of John Read 3 Petition of fohn Rae Esqr in Behalf of William
Rae in Behalf . J . TT ?
of wm. Rae Rae, praying for a Lot m Hardwicke
for a Lot in i. j a
rejected Ordered— That the said Petition be rejected
Petn. of John Read 3. Petition of John DeVeaux Senr in Behalf of
meBehaif ofnr'J°hn DeVeaux Junr, praying for a Lot in Hardwicke —
John DeVeaux
Janr. for a Lot _ m
in Hardwicke Ordered — That the said Petition be refected —
rejected J
Read a Petition of Benedict Bourquin of this Province,
Petn. of Bene- . _ T __ 1
diet Bourquin praying for a Lot in Hardwicke
for a Lot in
Hardwickerejected Ordered— That the said Petition be rejected—
Petn. of James Read 3 Petition of James Dixsee Senr in Behalf of his
Behalf of nr' in Son James Dixsee Junr for a Lot in Hardwicke —
James Dixsee
Junr. for a Lot _ . , _ . .
in Hardwicke Ordered — That the said Petition be reiected
rejected J
Read a Petition of Andrew Johnston of this Province,
wicke granted praying f or a Lot known by Number 12s in Hardwicke —
to Andrew L J b J J
Johnston Resolved — That the Prayer of the Petition be
a Lot in Hard- Read 3 Petition of Maurice Dullea of this Province,
to1Mauddc"ted praying for a Lot known by Number 92 in Hardwicke —
Dullea Resolved — That the Prayer of the Petition be
granted — ¦
Read a Petition of Tohn Milledge of this Province,
A Lot in Hard- . J & . . >
wicke granted praying for 3 Lot known by Number 62. in Hardwicke
to John l j a j
Milledg* Resolved — That the Prayer of the Petition be
APRIL, 1755- l67
a Lot in Hard- Read 3 Petition of Alexander Wylly of this Province,
toAiel^wyuV praying for a Lot known by Number 80 in Hardwicke
Resolved — That the Prayer of the Petition be
granted —
Read a Petition of John Mackintosh B. of this Prov-
wicke granted ince ; prayine for a Lot known by Number no in Hard-
to John Mack- . ' J °
intosh B. Wicke Resolved — That the Prayer of the Petition be
granted Read a Petition of James Rutherford of this Province;
wicke granted praying for 3 Lot known by Number 102 in Hardwicke
to James r j o J
Rutherford Resolved — ¦ That the Prayer of the Petition be
granted Read a Petition of James Dixsee Senr of this Province ;
wicke Ranted" praying for Lot N° 138. in Hardwicke
to Jams. Dix
see Senr. Resolved — That the Prayer of the Petition be
granted Read a Petition of Daniel Demetre of this Province,
wicke Salted" praying for a Lot known by Number 66 in Hardwicke
to Danl.
Demetre Resolved — That the Prayer of the Petition be
granted Read a Petition of George Paul, praying for one hun-
GeoVgeVaui dred and fifty Acres of Land
for 150 Acres of
Land rejected Ordered — • That the said Petition be rejected
GEORGIA At a Council held in the Council Cham
ber at Savannah on Wednesday the Ninth
Day of April 1755
His Excellency
The Honourable
John Reynolds Esqr
James Habersham
Alexander Kellet
Noble Jones
Francis Harris
Jonathan Bryan
The Minutes of the preceeding Board were read and
700 Acres of Read 3. Petition of Robert Homer, setting forth, that
Roberf Homfr he obtained from this Board the 26th February last a War-
theeukeaQuIn-r rant to lay out seven hundred Acres of Land on the South
Sn™wm Side of the South Branch of little Ogechee River, and that
he since set forth by his Petition of the 25th March last,
that the good Land there was taken up, and requested
the Liberty of looking out for the like Quantity in an
other Place in Exchange for the said Land on little Oge
chee, which request was granted, and therefore praying
for seven hundred Acres of Land, in Lieu of the afore
said on little Ogechee, which he resigned, situated adjoin
ing South West of Land formerly granted to John Ste
vens on the South Side of Sapola River —
RESOLVEd-granted — •
That the Prayer of the Petition be
Read a Petition of Joseph Stanley of this Province, set-
Land granted ting forth, that John Brown late of Savannah deceased
Stanley obtained a Grant from the late Trustees for One hundred
Acres of Land, which was never laid out; that the said
Brown dyed without Issue, leaving a Widow who after-
APRIL, 1755- l69
wards intermarried with the Petitioner, who has a White
Servant and a Negroe; and therefore praying for one
hundred Acres of Land, adjoining North West of a Tract
of the like Quantity possessed by the said Petitioner, on
another Side by the Township Lands of Savannah, on
another Side by Lands of Joseph Parker and on other
Sides by vacant Lands in the District of little Ogechee
Resolved — That the Prayer of the Petition be
granted —
Read a Petition of Nathaniel Day of this Province,
A Lot in Hard
wicke granted praving for a Lot known by Number iqa. in Hardwicke
to Nathl. Day A J ° J y '
Resolved — That the Prayer of the Petition be
granted Read a Petition of Adriann Van Beverhoudt of this
A Lot in Hard- . . .
wicke granted Province, praying for a Lot known by Number 105. in
to Adriann Van r J ° •* ^
Beverhoudt HardwickeResolved — That the Prayer of the Petition be
granted — ¦
Read a Petition of Isebrandt Van Beverhoudt of this
wicke Ranted Province; praying for Lot known by Number 104 in
to Isebrandt TT , . ,
Van Bever- Hardwicke
houdt Resolved — That the Prayer of the Petition be
granted His Excellency the Governor moved, that a Public Lot
nah°wbl?soan" in Savannah known by Letter Z. in Anson's Ward con-
the'GoTe'mor10 taining Sixty feet in front, and one hundred and eighty
feet in depth might be granted to him
Resolved — That the said Lot be granted to his Ex
Petn. of John Read 3 Petition of John Van Beverhoudt, praying for
JrhouBdtVf"or a a Lot in Hardwicke
Lot in Hard
wicke rejected Ordered — That the said Petition be rejected
petn. of Lucas Read a Petition of Lucas Van Beverhoudt, praying
Van Bever- r T , • TT 1 • 1
houdtforaLotfor 3 Lot in Hardwicke
in Hardwicke
That the said Petition be rejected — ¦
GEORGIA At a Council held in the Council Cham
ber at Savannah on Monday the fourteenth
Day of April 1755 —
His Excellency John Reynolds Esqr
James Habersham
Alexander Kellet
Noble Jones — ¦ y Esqr!
Pickering Robinson
Francis Harris — ¦
The Honourable <
The Minutes of the preceeding Board were read and
approved —
Bills of Ex
change Drawn
on Benjamin
Martyn Esqr.
for £ 256 : 7 :
$4, Sterling for
discharging the
Expence of fit
ting up the
New Council
House and Goal
The Account of the whole expence for fitting up the
new Council House and public Goal, with proper Vouch
ers for payment of the same, was laid before the Board,
amounting to the Sum of Two hundred fifty six Pounds
seven Shillings and eight Pence farthing Sterling; which
being examined, His Excellency the Governor, and Alex
ander Kellet, Noble Jones and Pickering Robinson Esqrs
(in order to discharge the said Expence) drew on Benja
min Martyn Esqr in two Setts of Bills of Exchange both
dated this Day, payable at thirty Days Sight to Messieurs
APRIL, 1755- 171
Harris and Habersham or Order, namely, one Sett for
two hundred and twenty Pounds, and the other for thirty
Six Pounds seven Shillings and eight Pence farthing, both
together amounting to the aforesaid Sum of £256 : 7 : 8%
which was in part of the Sum of five hundred Pounds al
lowed for the contingent Expences of this Government,
and of which, they likewise advised said Mr Martyn in
their Letter of this Date
The Board being informed, that some idle and illminded
fnypSotor Persons had thrown some of the great Guns of the Bluff
rring.IwhoSCOV" before this Town into the River, it was ordered, that any
gr^T(fun\eof Person or Persons, that will discover, who committed the
the Bluff into .1rr , . , „. ..
the River said offence, shall, upon Conviction of the Offender or
Savan nah Offenders, be intituled to a Reward of five Pounds Ster
lingOrdered — that the same be forthwith published
GEORGIA At a Council held in the Council Cham
ber at Savannah on Tuesday the Twenty sec
ond Day of April 1755
Present Patrick Graham Esqr President
Alexander Kellet ^
Noble Jones — j
Pickering Robinson y Esqrs
Francis Harris
^ Jonathan Bryan
The Honourable -
The Minutes of the preceeding Board were read and
approved —
an Express His Excellency the Governor being absent on a Prog-
ibouunfian* ress to the Southward, and there being Alarms in the
Town and Country of a March of a large Body of In
dians towards Savannah ; an Express being arrived from
Augusta, which was supposed to be relative thereto, the
President assembled the Council, who were of Opinion,
that in the present Circumstances, it would be expedient
to open the above said Express, which was accordingly
done, and contained two Letters directed to His Excel
lency, one from George Galphin dated at the Coweta's in
the lower Creeks the 22d March last, and the other from
John Rae Esqr dated at Augusta the 15th Instant, about
Indian Affairs
Ordered — That the said Letters be forwarded to
His Excellency the Governor the first Opportunity —
GEORGIA At a Council held in the Council Cham
ber at Savannah on Monday the twenty eighth
Day of April 1755
His Excellency John Reynolds Esqr
f James Habersham
[ Alexander Kellet
The Honourable
Ordered — ¦ That an Order be directed to Thomas
Trip, Benjamin Goldwire and Richard Milledge Carpen
ters to make a careful survey of the Repairs that are ab
solutely necessary, and to report the same under their
Hands, taking Care to be particular in the Articles and
the Expence, that will attend the same, and to include the
Charge of glazing the Windows-
Clement Martin Esqr being sent for, attended and pro-
E^Tprodu «d duced His most sacred Majesty's Warrant, under his
warrantetoybe Royal Sign Manual and privy Seal, dated at S' James's
of the Council , ' ,>, -r-v r r ¦
ofthisProv- the 14 Day of January 1755, appointing him the said
sworn, and ac- Clement Martin to be of the Council of this Province,
cordmgly took
his seat which was read, and, after he had taken the State Oaths
appointed by Law, and declared and subscribed the Test,
as well as taken the Oath of a Councillor mentioned at
large in a Minute of the 31s' of October last, He took his
Seat accordingly
£70 allowed for ^n Estimate of the Expence for building a House for
HouilenonTyhee tlie Phot on the Island of Tybee was laid before the
Island for the T> i
Use of the -DOara
Pilot there
Ordered — That the Sum of Seventy Pounds be al
lowed for that Purpose out of the Money arising from an
Impost laid on Shipping by an Act of the General As
MAY, 1755. 175
GEORGIA At a Council held in the Council Cham
ber at Savannah on Tuesday the Sixth Day
of May 1755 —
His Excellency John Reynolds Esqr
f James Habersham
| Alexander Kellet
The Honourable ^ Noble Jones — ¦ j- Esqrs
Francis Harris j
_ Clement Martin j
The Minutes of the preceeding Board were read and
approved —
. . Ordered — That the Secretary do make out a Com-
Commission to J
SdjonathL triission for Noble Jones and Jonathan Bryan Esqrs to
c^rtotfo0y1erahold 3. Court of Oyer and Terminer on Tuesday the tenth
and Terminer. Tjay Qr j^ next
Read a Petition of William Clifton Esqr Attorney Gen-
half a Lot in . . .
Savannah eral, setting forth, that he sometime agoe obtained from
granted to Wm. o > o
clifton Esqr. this Board a Moyety of a Lot in Heathcote Ward known
by Letter N., and had begun to erect a Dwelling House
thereon, which wou'd extend fifty two feet in Depth, ex
clusive of Out Houses and other necessary Buildings;
that the said Moyety, being only 60 by 90 feet, was not
sufficient for the Purposes intended, and therefore pray
ing, that the residue of the said Lot being Sixty feet by
Ninety, might be granted to him
Resolved — That the Prayer of the Petition be
granted — •
Read a Petition of Clement Martin Esqr setting forth,
at he was desirous of erecting a H
id therefore praying for one of th<
Heathcote Ward, known by Letter O.
savannah In that he was desirous of erecting a House in Savannah ;
ciementMar- and therefore praying for one of the reserved Lots in
tin Esqr. r J o
Resolved — That half the said Lot, namely, Sixty
by Ninety feet fronting the Square in Heathcote Ward,
be granted
GEORGIA At a Council held in the Council Cham
ber at Savannah on Saturday the Tenth Day
of May 1755
His Excellency
The Honourable ¦
Present John Reynolds Esqr
James Habersham
Alexander Kellet
Noble Jones —
Francis Harris
Clement Martin
- Esqn
The Minutes of the preceeding Board were read and ap
, . , James Jarvis presented an Account for bringing down
James Jarvis's . 00
a^mounlin to a Prisoner from Augusta amounting to six Pounds three
fnowtd- Shillings, which was allowed and ordered to stand in due
Course of Payment
Read a Petition of James Jarvis of Augusta, praying
for a Lot N° 19. in Augusta —
Ordered — That the said Petition be postponed, 'till
the Board can be informed whether the Lot prayed for be
Petition of
James Jarvis
for a Lot at
Petition of
Nicholas Mur
phy for a Lot
at Augusta
Read a Petition of Nicholas Murphy praying for a
Lot N° 21 in Augusta
Ordered — ¦ That the said Petition be postponed 'till
the Board can be informed whether the Lot prayed for be
MAY, 1755.
GEORGIA At a Council held in the Council Cham
ber at Savannah on Friday the twenty third
Day of May 1755
His Excellency John Reynolds Esqr
f James Habersham
! Alexander Kellet
m, n ,, ! Noble Jones —
The Honourable < ^^ Harris
Jonathan Bryan
t Clement Martin
- Esq"
The Minutes of the preceeding Board were read and
Samuel Venning presented an Account for bringing
Samuel Ven- . r .
nine's Account down three Prisoners from Augusta amounting to twenty
four Pounds Six Shillings which was reduced to twenty
Pounds four Shillings, and ordered to stand in due Course
of Payment with other Expences of the Court of Oyer
and Terminer
amounting to
£20: 4: 0
allowed —
Justices of Au
gusta to send
with any Per
sons they com
mit to the Pub
lic Goal for
Felony an Ac
count of the
Expence that
may have ac
crued at
Ordered — That the Justices of the Peace for the
District of Augusta, when they send down to Savannah
any Persons committed by them for Felony, do at the
same time transmit to the Judges of the General Court a
particular Account, certifyed by them of the Expences,
that may have accrued there, according to the Fees and
Precedents established — ¦
Ordered — That the said Justices be forthwith served
with the said Order — ¦
Public Treas
urer to give
Bond in the
Sum of £ 1000
His Excellency the Governor having appointed Jona
than Bryan Esqr Public Treasurer of and in this Province,
it was ordered, that the said Jonathan Bryan, do give
Bond with sufficient Surety to His Majesty in the Pen-
12 c r— vol 7
altv of one thousand Pounds Sterling for his faithful Dis
charge of the said Office
' b
William Russeii ^ls Excellency the Governor appointed William Rus-
edcommissary seh Esqr Commissary of the Province with a Salary of
ahedpubHc0f Twenty Pounds 1 o
tered^Henry Lands, in Order to give them Informations relative to
one1!? afes'ur- their Situation, to prevent Persons interfering with each
ra' other, an Oath of Secrecy and Fidelity was administered
to him in the following Words —
"I do swear that I will bear Faith and true Obedience
"to our Sovereign Lord the King, his Heirs and Suc
cessors; I will bear true Fidelity to His Majestys Gov
ernor, Deputy Governor or Commander in Chief of the
JUNE, 1755- 183
"Province of Georgia — The Secrets of the Governor and
"Council I will no way reveal So help me God —
Read a Petition of forty three Persons Freeholders and
nahS-fnteTto Inhabitants of this Province, who had Subscribed their
fnTru^tPforr a"s Names thereunto, setting forth, that they were Dissenters
meeting House f rom the Church of England and Professors of the Doc
trines of the Church of Scotland, agreable to the West
minster Confession of Faith, and being destitute of a
House to meet in to worship God according to the Form
of their Profession, they were willing (could they obtain
a vacant Lot in Savannah) to build a House thereon at
their own Expence, to be put into the Hands of Trustees
to be appropriated for that Use only ; and therefore pray
ing, that one of the vacant Public Lots in Savannah might
be granted in Trust for that Purpose to the Honourable
Jonathan Bryan Esq1, James Edward Powell Esqrs Mes
sieurs Robert Bolton, James Miller, Joseph Gibbons Wil
liam Gibbons, Benjamin Farley, William Wright, David
Fox Junr and John Fox — ¦
Resolved — That the Lot in Deckers Ward, known
by Letter K. containing Sixty Feet in Front and one hun
dred and eighty Feet in Depth be granted —
Read a Petition of Sr Patrick Houstoun Bar', setting
500 Acres of forth, that He was desirous of cultivating a Tract of
to sr. Patrick L,and ; and therefore praying for Five hundred Acres,
situated between the northern Forks of the North Branch
of Newport River, bounding easterly on Oliver Shaw's
Land, South on Newport River and on all other Sides
by vacant Lands
Houstoun -
Resolved — That the Prayer of the Petition be
Petition of Read a Petition of John Graham of this Province Mer-
forh5ooGAcrSof chant, praying for a Tract of five hundred Acres of Land,
Lan re3ecte wnjc|1 j^ was (jesirous Df Purchasing on the Terms pro
That the said Petition be rejected
poned ¦
Read a Petition of George Cuthbert of this Province
George Cuth- Planter, setting forth, that His Family consisted of Thir-
bert for five ' & ' J
hundred Acres ty One Persons, that He had only Five hundred Acres
of Land post- J J
of Land on the North Side of great Ogechee River, which
he obtained from the late President and Assistants; and
therefore praying for an Addition of five hundred Acres
joining and immediately above the Tract formerly laid
out for him as aforesaid —
Ordered — That the said Petition be postponed as
the Lands requested are supposed not to be vacant
Read a Petition of James Hart of this Province, pray
ing for five hundred Acres of Land —
Ordered — That the said Petition be postponed, 'till
the Petitioner appears —
Read a Petition of Francis Harris Esqr, setting forth,
that He was desirous of cultivating a Tract of five hun
dred Acres of Land, situated about a Mile North of the
North West Corner of a Tract of nine hundred Acres of
Land lately granted to James Habersham Esqr, and
therefore praying that the said Five hundred Acres of
Land might be granted to him —
Petition of j
James Heart
for 500 Acres
of Land
500 Acres of
Land granted
to Francis
Harris Esqr.
That the Prayer of the Petition be
Read a Petition of Mary Smith, postponed the 3d of
M^'smrth April last to a further Consideration, praying for one
Larnd^ected hundred Acres of Land —
That the said Petition be rejected
JUNE, 1755- 185
350 Acres of Read 3 Petition of Audley Maxwell of this Province
to Au!f?ynted Planter (postponed the 3d of April last to a further Con
sideration) setting forth, that He was in Possession of
five hundred Acres of Land, which he obtained from the
late President and Assistants, and hoped to be favoured
with an Addition, having a Wife, four Children and thir
teen Negroes, and therefore praying for a Tract of One
hundred and fifty Acres of Land, adjoining South to the
Land he possessed, and East on his Son James Maxwell's
Land, and three hundred and fifty Acres at a Place known
by the Name of the Haw Swamp, near where the Indian
Path crosses to go to Darien, bounded on all Sides by
vacant Lands —
Resolved — That Part of the Prayer of the Petition,
namely three hundred and fifty Acres of Land at Haw
Swamp as above described be granted, The Petitioner
having been sworn to nineteen Persons in Family
^00 Acres of
Read a Petition of George Delegal of this Province
L^d^lnted Planter, setting forth, that he was desirous of improving
Deie|°aie— Lands; and therefore praying for a Tract of two hun
dred Acres bounded on Lands granted to Mr William Lee
to the Westward on the South Side of the South Branch
of little Ogechee River, having two Negroes —
Resolved — That the Prayer of the Petition be
granted Read a Petition of Josiah Powell late of South Carolina
i^ndCSnted Planter (postponed the 4th of April last to a further Con-
Powefi3— sideration) setting forth, that he had eight Negroes, and
was desirous to cultivate Lands; and therefore praying
for five hundred Acres, situated joining to the North
West of Lands granted to William Baker, on the South
Side of the middle Branch of Newport River —
Resolved — That the Prayer of the Petition be
granted, the Petitioner having been sworn to Nine Per
sons in Family
GEORGIA At a Council held in the Council Cham
ber at Savannah on Wednesday the fourth
Day of June 1755 —
His Excellency John Reynolds — Esqr
Sr Patrick Houstoun Bar'
James Habersham
, . , Alexander Kellet
The Honourable -< Frands HarrJs . Esqr!
Jonathan Bryan
L Clement Martin
The Minutes of the preceeding Board were read and
approved — ¦
Read a Petition of Captain Raymond Demere of this
1000 Acres of L J
Land granted Province, setting forth, that he had ten white Servants
to Capt. Ray- ' &
mond Demere anci j?ieven Negroes, whom he wanted to employ in cul
tivating of Land ; and therefore praying for Eleven Hun
dred and fifty Acres of Land, situate about two Miles
North West of Lands granted to Mr John Mackintosh on
the North Side of the South Branch of Newport River,
bounded on all Sides by vacant Lands —
Resolved — That Part of the Prayer of the Petition,
namely, one thousand Acres of Land be granted, the Peti
tioner having been sworn to twenty two Persons in Fam-
350 Acres of
Land granted
Read a Petition of Kenneth Baillie of this Province
toaKeSnethed Planter, setting forth, that he was possessed of five hun
dred Acres of Land, laid out for him by Order of the late
President and Assistants, and hoped to be favoured with
an Addition having a Wife, five Children, two white
Servants and seven Negroes ; and therefore praying for
three hundred and fifty Acres of Land situated North
West of Robert Baillie, bounding South and South East
JUNE, 1755- l87
on the said Baillie and North Westerly on Thomas and
William Carr's Land on the North Side of the North
Branch of Newport River — ¦
Resolved — That the Prayer of the Petition be
granted, the Petitioner having been sworn to Sixteen Per
sons in Family
Read a Petition of John Graves late of South Carolina
^'arrant to be
made out to put Planter, setting forth, that upon the Petition of himself
John Graves in
Possession of and several others to the late President and Assistants,
five hundred
Acres of Land they were respectively promised Lands ( as appears by a
Minute of the 6th Day of August 1752) on Condition of
their setling the same with a sufficient Number of Hands,
and of their removing with their Familys into the Prov
ince; that he has accordingly removed into the Province
with a Wife, two Children and seven Negroes, and had
setled a Tract of five hundred Acres of Land, situate at
the head of Newport River, known by the Name of Grave
send, bounding East on Lands granted to Alexander
Low; and therefore praying, that a Warrant might be
directed to the Surveyer General to deliver and put him
in Possession of the Land aforesaid
Resolved — That the Prayer of the Petition be
granted, the Petitioner having been sworn to Eleven Per
sons in Family in the Province
Read a Petition of John Davis Senr of this Province
Land granted Planter, setting forth, that he and his Son John Davis
Davis senr. were, possessed of five hundred Acres of Land each, and
had made large Improvements thereon, that he had a
Wife, five Children and thirty three Negroes, and hoped
to be favoured with an Additional Tract; and therefore
praying for one thousand Acres of Land, situated adjoin
ing East to Lands lately granted to Audley Maxwell, at
a Place known by the Name of Haw Swamp, near where
the Indian Path crosses to go to Darien, bounded on all
other Sides by vacant Lands
Resolved — That Part of the Prayer of the Petition,
namely Seven hundred Acres of Land be granted, the Pe
titioner having been sworn to forty Persons in Family — ¦
* Read a Petition of William Baker of this Province
wmiam Baker Planter in Behalf of Rebecca Quarterman, setting forth,
in Behalf of . ' .
RebeccaQuar- that He was Guardian to the said Rebecca, who was in the
terman for 300
AoCsteSonV— Province, and had four Negroes her own Property; and
that he in Behalf of the said Rebecca was promised a
Tract of three hundred Acres of Land by the late Presi
dent and Assistants, on which He had setled the said Ne
groes; and therefore praying that a Warrant might be
ordered to put the said Rebecca in Possession of the said
Land — -
Ordered — That the said Petition be postponed to a
further Consideration
Read a Petition of Isaac Girardeau late of South Caro-
boo Acres of iina planter, setting forth, that he had a Wife, two Chil-
Land granted °
Girlrfeau ^ren and ten Negroes in the Province, and was desirous
of cultivating Lands; and therefore praying for Seven
hundred and fifty Acres of Land, namely, five hundred
Acres bounded between Lands surveyed for Andrew
Way and Thomas Way on the South Swamp of North
Newport, and two hundred and fifty Acres on the same
Swamp, joining Lands petitioned for by John Elliot Esqr
Resolved — ¦ That Part of the Prayer of the Petition,
namely, five hundred Acres of Land bounded as before
described between Lands of Andrew Way and Thomas
Way be granted, the Petitioner having been sworn to
fourteen Persons in Family
JUNE, 1755- 189
sco Acres of Read 3 Petition of Andrew Way late of South Carolina
to Andrew way Planter, setting forth, that a Tract of five hundred Acres
was allotted to him by the late President & Assistants on
Condition of his removing with his Family into the Prov
ince and setling the same, (as appears by a Minute of the
1 Ith July 1752) and that he had accordingly removed his
Family, consisting of a Wife, two Children and six Ne
groes, and setled a Tract of five hundred Acres of Land,
bounding East on Lands granted to-John Elliott Esqr and
West on Isaac Girardeau on the South Swamp of North
Newport; and therefore praying that a Warrant might
be ordered to be made out to put him in Possession of the
same —
Resolved — That the Prayer of the Petition be
granted, the Petitioner having been sworn to ten Persons
in Family
Read a Petition of John Graves in Behalf of William
500 Acres of
Land granted Graves late of South Carolina, setting forth, that the said
to William . ...
Graves William was desirous of cultivating Lands, having four
Negroes in the Province, and twenty more in South Caro
lina, which (having sold his Lands there) He intended
to remove wholy and speedily into this Province, where
he now was, tho he could not conveniently attend the
Board; and therefore praying for five hundred Acres of
Land, situated at the Plead of North Newport, and join
ing to Lands granted to John Graves easterly
Resolved — That the Prayer of the Petition be
granted, the said John Graves with a sufficient Surety
having entered into Bond to His Majesty in the Penalty
of one hundred Pounds Sterling for the said William
Graves setling the said Lands with a sufficient Number of
Hands within one Year from this Day — •
petition of Read a Petition of John McCullem postponed to a f ur-
iorsoffcfeZi ther Consideration the 4th Day of April last, praying for
Land rejected ^.^ hundred Acres Qf Land_
Ordered — That the said Petition be rejected —
Read a Petition of Joseph Massey late of South Caro-
madeoutto^utlina Planter, setting forth, that a Tract of five hundred
?n°Posse1afony Acres of Land was allotted to him by the late President
of Land"™ and Assistants (as appears by a Minute of the 6th August
1752) on Condition of his removing with his Family into
the Province and setling the same, and that he had ac
cordingly removed his Family consisting of a Wife and
seven Negroes, and setled a Tract of five hundred Acres
of Land, bounded easterly on Mr John Mitchel's Land
and on all other Sides on vacant Land; and therefore
praying, that a Warrant might be ordered to be made
out to put him in Possession of the same —
Resolved — ¦ That the Prayer of the Petition be
granted, the Petitioner having been sworn to Nine Per
sons in Family
Read a Petition of William Dews of this Province
LandCgran°ted Planter, setting forth, that he obtained from the late
Dews President and Assistants a Tract of three hundred Acres
of Land, and hoped to be favoured with an Addition, hav
ing a Wife, one Child one white Servant and four Ne
groes ; and therefore praying, for one hundred and fifty
Acres of Land, situated on the East-End of Wilmington
Island on Warsaw River — ¦
Resolved — That the Prayer of the Petition be
granted, the Petitioner having been sworn to eight Per
sons in Family
Read a Petition of Thomas Vincent of this Province,
toaThomtsted setting forth, that he was desirous of cultivating Lands;
and therefore praying for five hundred Acres on the East
350 Acres of
Vincent -
1000 Acres of
JUNE, 1755- *9J
Side of Wilmington Island, bounding on Lands lately
granted to John Barnard —
Resolved — That Part of the Prayer of the Petition,
namely three hundred and fifty Acres of Land, be grant
ed— Read a Petition of Henry Bourquin of this Province
^oagi grant'ed Planter (postponed to a further Consideration the 3d of
Bourquin • April last, ) setting forth, that he was possessed of five
hundred Acres of Land laid out for him by order of the
late President and Assistants, and hoped to have an Ad
dition granted to him, having a Wife, four Children and
twenty five Negroes ; and therefore praying for one thou
sand Acres of Land, namely five hundred Acres, situated
about four Miles to the Northward of Edward Goodale's
Land, and joining Lands lately granted to the two Dele-
gals, bounded on all other Sides by vacant Lands, and five
hundred Acres on Turkey Hill Swamp, joining Joseph
Raymond Resolved — That the Prayer of the Petition be
granted, the Petitioner having been sworn to thirty one
Persons in Family
Read a Petition of Frederick Keiffer of this Province,
LandCSn04d setting forth, that he had been upwards of Seventeen
to Frederick xr -it-,- i j- r '
Keiffer — Years in the Province, and was desirous ot improving
Lands; and therefore praying for one hundred Acres,
situated on the North Side of Vernonburgh, adjoining
East of Lands granted to Adam Ordner
Resolved — That the Prayer of the Petition be
granted —
Read a Petition of Christian Zipperrer, praying for one
Petition of
christian zip- hundred Acres of Land —
perrer for 100
Acres of Land
postpon'd— 0rdErEd_ That the said Petition be postponed—
400 Acres of
Land granted
to Daniel
Read a Petition of Daniel Demetre of this Province,.
setting forth, that he was possessed of five hundred Acres
of Land, which he obtained from the late President and
Assistants, on which he had made large Improvements,
and having a Wife one Child and twenty three Negroes
he hoped to be favoured with an additional Tract of four
hundred Acres of Land, situated at a Place known by the
Name of Eastwood Island, adjoining Lands formerly
granted to Mr John Smith; and therefore praying, that
the same might be granted to him
Resolved — That the Prayer of the Petition be
granted, the Petitioner having been sworn to twenty-six
Persons in Family
300 Acres of
Land granted
to Francis
Read a Petition of Francis Arthur of this Province
Planter, setting forth, that a Tract * * * * of
five hundred Acres of Land was allotted to him by the
late President and Assistants, but upon the Surveyers lay
ing it out, there was no more than three hundred and Fif
ty Acres, and that he hoped to be favoured with an Addi
tion, having a Wife, one Child and nine Negroes; and
therefore praying for three hundred Acres of Land
bounding Southerly of Mr Richard Hazzard Jun1"8 Land,
and on all other Sides by vacant Lands, on the North
Side of the North Branch of Newport River —
Resolved — That the Prayer of the Petition be
granted, the Petitioner having been sworn to twelve Per
sons in Family
750 Acres of
Land granted
to Thomas
Read a Petition of Thomas Bosset of this Province
Planter, setting forth, that he was possessed of five hun
dred Acres of Land, laid out * * * * for him by
Order of the late President and Assistants, and having
a Wife, two Children, two white Servants and thirty
three Negroes, he hoped to be favoured with an additional
JUNE, 1755. 193
Tract ; and therefore praying for fifteen Hundred Acres
of Land, situated at the North End of Ossebaw Island,,
about twenty Miles to the southward of Savannah
Resolved — That Part of the Prayer of the Petition,
namely, seven hundred and fifty Acres of Land be grant-
ed, the Petitioner having been sworn to thirty nine Per»
sons in Family
. Read a Petition of Joseph Ottolenghe, praying for five
ie™e£efor25 vacant Lots containing five Acres of Land each near to
rejected— d Lands granted to Jonathan Bryan Esqr —
Ordered — That the said Petition be rejected-
Read a Petition of William Low of this Province
60 Acres of
pand granted Planter, setting forth, that he had ten Negroes in the
to William Low ' & ' °
Colony, and was desirous of improving Lands; and
therefore praying for six hundred Acres of Land, situ
ated about a Mile to the westward of Lands granted to
Richard Hazzard Junr bounded on all Sides by vacant
Lands, on the North Side of the North Branch of New
port River
Resolved — That the Prayer of the Petition be
granted, the Petitioner having been sworn to Eleven Per
sons in Family
p tition of Read a Petition of William Morgan, praying for three
ym;™°Ie!Xl hundred Acres of Land —
for 300 Acres
of Land post
Ordered — That the said Petition be postponed-
„ . , „ Read a Petition of Richard Baker in Behalf of Mary,
Petition of J
for 506 Acres1 Susannah and John Sumner three Orphans (postponed
Ma^sSsfannah the 3d Day of April last to a further Consideration) pray-
nerret?tedm"ing for five hundred Acres of Land—
Ordered — That the said Petition be rejected —
13 c r— vol 7
300 Acres of Read 3 Petition of Samuel Stanhope, setting forth, that
toasan?utrted he was desirous of cultivating Lands, having four Ne
groes; and therefore praying for three hundred Acres
situated about a Mile to the Westward of Mr Joseph
Gibbons, and to the North West of Turkey Hill bounded
on all Sides by vacant Lands, about Eleven Miles to the
Westward of Savannah — ¦
Resolved — • That the Prayer of the Petition be
granted, the Petitioner having been sworn to five Persons
in Family — ¦
Read a Petition of Thomas Bailey of this Province,
L^nd^fnted setting forth that he was desirous of improving Lands,
Baiiey — having a Wife, one Child and two Negroes; and there
fore praying for three hundred Acres, joining North
West of Lands lately granted to Joseph Gibbons about ten
Miles to the Westward of Savannah —
Resolved — That the Prayer of the Petition, be
granted, the Petitioner having been sworn to five Persons
in Family
iso Acres of Read 3 Petition of James Pritchard of this Province,
toaj^n?esmted setting forth, that he was possessed of one Negroe, and
was desirous of cultivating Land ; and therefore praying
for one hundred and fifty Acres, situated between Thomas
Carter and Alexander Low on the South Side of the
North Branch of Newport River
Resolved — That the Prayer of the Petition be
granted —
Pritchard -
Petition of
William John
son for 200
Acres of Land
Read a Petition of William Johnson of this Province
Taylor, praying for two hundred Acres of Land —
Ordered — That the said Petition be rejected
JUNE, 1755-
petition of Read a Petition of Peter Nephew of this Province,
for^oo^Acrir praying for one hundred Acres of Land —
of Land post
poned Ordered— That the said Petition be postponed
Petition of Read a Petition of Rodolph Burghalter of this Prov-
Bulghhaiter ince, praying for one hundred and fifty Acres of Land —
for 150 Acres
of Land post
poned — Ordered — That the said Petition be postponed
GEORGIA At a Council held in the Council Cham
ber at Savannah on Thursday the fifth Day of
June 1755
His Excellency , John Reynolds Esqr
Sr Patrick Houstoun Bar'
James Habersham
Alexander Kellet
Francis Harris
Jonathan Bryan
Clement Martin
The Honourable •
The Minutes of the preceeding Board were read and
approved —
Read a Petition of John Smith, setting forth, that in
700 Acres of
Land granted the Year 1 746 he obtained from the late President and
to John Smith .
Assistants five hundred Acres of Land, situated on an
Island to the Southward of Sapola River, which he set
tled, and laid out a considerable Sum of Money thereon,
but not finding the Land so good as he expected, he sold
it at a great Loss, and purchased a Tract of the like
Quantity (late William Parker's deceased) about seven
Miles to the South East of Savannah, and having setled
the same, he hoped to have an addition granted to him,
having a Wife, three Children, two indented white Serv
ants and sixteen Negroes; and therefore praying for
seven hundred Acres of Land, bounding to the Eastward
of Lands granted to Mr Whitefield, and on the South and
East of Land granted to John Miller, and joining to his
Lands (late William Parker's) aforesaid—
Resolved — That the Prayer of the Petition be
granted, the Petitioner having been sworn to twenty three
Persons in Family —
Read a Petition of John Elliott Esqr of this Province
300 Acres of J ^ ,.-_,,
Land granted Planter, setting forth, that he was possessed of Eleven
to John Elliott ° r
hundred Acres of Land, and was desirous of an additional
Tract, having a Wife, three Children and twenty two Ne
groes ; and therefore praying for Three hundred Acres
of Land, joining East of Three hundred Acres lately
granted to him and on all other Sides by vacant Lands, on
the South Side of the Head of Newport River —
Resolved — That the Prayer of the Petition be
granted Read a Petition of Richard Milledge of this Province
Riciia?dMiii- Carpenter, praying for a Tract of three hundred Acres of
edgefor300 ,
Acres of Land L,and
rejected Ordered — ¦ That the said Petition be rejected —
Read a Petition of Joseph Barker of this Province
Joseph Barker Planter, praying for one hundred Acres of Land
for 100 Acres of
Land rejected Ordered — That the said Petition be rejected
Read a Petition of Thomas Walker of this Province,
LandCgranted setting forth, that he had setled a Peice of Land, and
Walk™— built 3 House thereon and made other Improvements, and
therefore praying for One hundred Acres, situated on
JUNE, 1755- J97
Walnut Branch on the South Side of Bryer Creek, about
five Miles above the Ferry, bounded on all Sides by va
cant Lands, which if granted, he promised to continue to
cultivate, having one white Servant —
Resolved — ¦ That the Prayer of the Petition be
A „ Read a Petition of Henry Myres of this Province
200 Acres of J J
J^nd granted^ Planter, setting forth, that he was possessed of fifty
Acres of Land, which he obtained from the late President
and Assistants, and was desirous of cultivating a larger
Tract, having a Wife and three Children ; and therefore
praying for two hundred and fifty Acres of Land, situ
ated about four Miles above where Fort Argyle formerly
stood, and near three Miles from the above mentioned
fifty Acres, bounded on all Sides by vacant Lands on the
North Side of great Ogechee River —
Resolved — That Part of the Prayer of the Petition,
namely two hundred Acres of Land be granted —
Read a Petition of David Stephens, setting forth, that
600 Acres of . ^T r . ' ° .
Land granted he was possessed of eight .Negroes in the Province, and
to David ±- fc> & '
Stephens was desirous of cultivating Lands, and therefore pray
ing for five hundred Acres, situated on the Head of Da-
viss' Swamp on the North West corner of Lands allotted
to James Donnom Junr and on all other Sides by vacant
Lands, on the North Branch of Midway River —
Resolved — That the Prayer of the Petition be
granted, the Petitioner having been sworn to Nine Per
sons in Family —
Petition of Read a Petition of John Sotherland, praying for one
Sdtoiar hundred Acres of Land—
Acres of Land
rejected Ordered — That the said Petition be rejected —
Petn ofVai- Read 3. Petition of Valentine Bostick of this Prov-
AcresCoffLan5d ince Planter, praying for three hundred and fifty Acres of
postpon-d Land_
That the said Petition be postponed
250 Acres of
Land granted
to Thomas
Read a Petition of Thomas Palmer of this Province,
setting forth, that he was desirous of setling a Tract of
— Land, having a Wife and three Children; and therefore
praying for two hundred and fifty Acres, situated at a
Place known by the Name of White Marsh "Island, oppo
site Thunderbolt on Warsaw River, adjoining North to
Lands granted to George Sigfrit
Resolved — •
granted —
That the Prayer of the Petition be
1000 Acres of
Land granted
to John Winn
Read a Petition of John Winn of this Province Planter,
setting forth, that he was setled on a Tract of Land, and
that his Family consisted of a Wife, four Children and
seventeen Negroes; and therefore praying, that the said
Tract being five hundred Acres, bounded Southeasterly
on Thomas and William Carr and Edmund Tannatt's
Lands, South Westerly on Joseph Winn's Land, North
erly on the Revd Mr John Osgood and North easterly on
vacant Land on the North Branch of North Newport
might be confirmed to him, and also five hundred Acres
laying East on Moses Way and Charles West and on
other Sides by vacant Lands — -
Resolved — • That the Prayer of the Petition be
granted, the Petitioner having been sworn to twenty
three Persons in Family —
Petition of Read 3 Petition of John Stephens in Behalf of Joseph
fo? MOAcres3 Oswold, praying for five hundred Acres of Land
of Land for
Joseph Oswold
postpon'd — Ordered — That the said Petition be postponed
JUNE, 1755- i99
Petn. of Bar : Read 3 Petition of the Reva Mr Bartholomew Zouber-
&rUaLotu"er buhler, praying for half a Public Lott in Savannah
Po™ponad known by Letter W. in Anson's Ward
Ordered — That the said Petition be rejected
Read a Petition of William Backshell of South Caro-
wmiamBack- Hna, praying for half a Public Lot in Savannah known
shell for a Lot ^ °
inSavanrah by Letter W. in Anson's Ward
postpon d J
Ordered — • That the said Petition be postponed
Read a Petition of Captain James Mackay in Behalf
A Lot in Hard- r_.ir,, .,._.
wicke granted of David Stephens of this Province, (postponed to a fur-
to David Ste- r ¦ \i r
phens ther Consideration the 4"1 Day of April last) praying for
a Lot in Hardwicke known by Number 55 — ¦
Resolved — That the Prayer of the Petition be
a Lot m Hard- Read 3 Petition of Ann Stewart of this Province, pray-
to An/ltewart hig for a Lot in Hardwicke known by Number 57. —
Resolved — That the Prayer of the Petition be
T . „ , Read a Petition of John Smith praying for a Lot in
a Lot in Hard- J r j o
to' fola smith Plardwicke known by Number 162 —
Resolved — That the Prayer of the Petition be
granted Read a Petition of Robert Bolton of this Province
wicke granted praying for 3 Lot in Hardwicke known by Number 81. —
to Robert Bol- * J ° J
ton Resolved — That the Prayer of the Petition be
granted —
a Lot in Hard- Read a. Petition of William Butler of this Province
to1wimamted praying for a Lot in Hardwicke known by Number 21 —
Butler Resolved — That the Prayer of the Petition be
granted —
„ ^. „ Read a Petition of William Dews praying for a Lot in
Petition of l j o
William Dews Hardwicke —
lor a LiOt in
Hardwickerejected Ordered — That the said Petition be rejected
Read a Petition of David Villard of this Province
Petition of
David vmard (postponed to 3 further Consideration the 4'11 Day of
for a Lot in v r r T J
^arf wicke April last) praying for a Lot in Hardwicke, known by
Number 39 —
Ordered — • That the said Petition be rejected
Read a Petition of David Huguerin of this Province
Petitionof _ . . _
David Hugue- (postponed to 3 further Consideration the 4 Day of
rin for a Lot in \r r t j
Hardwicke April last) praying for a Lot in Hardwicke, known by
Number 40. —
Ordered — That the said Petition be rejected —
Read a Petition of Isaac Young of this Province, pray-
a Lot in Hard- .
wicke granted jngr for a Lot in Hardwicke, known by Number 143.
to Isaac Young = J -ro
Resolved — That the Prayer of the Petition be
granted Read a Petition of Peter Tondee praying for a Lot in
Petition of
Peter Tondee riard wicke
for a Lot in
rejected- QrdEREd— That the said Petition be rejected-
Read a Petition of Isaac Trip of this Province praying
Petn. of Isaac - T . T T , • ,
Trip for a Lot for 3 Lot in Hardwicke
in Hardwicke
rejected Ordered — That the said Petition be rejected —
JUNE, 1755- 2QI
Petn of wm Read 3 Petition of William Ewen praying for a Lot in
iEnWH^°wri?kLe0t Hardwicke
rejected Ordered — That the said Petition be rejected
Read a Petition of Peter Mackay of this Province pray-
Petition of Pe- . _ _ . TT , . ,
ter Mackay for ing for 3 Lot in Hardwicke
a Lot in Hard
wicke rejected Ordered — That the said Petition be rejected
Read a Petition of James De Veaux of this Province
wicke granted praying f or a Lot in Hardwicke known by Number 28.
to James
DeVeaux Resolved — - That the Prayer of the Petition be
granted Read a Petition of John Farmur praying for a Lot in
Petn. of John T T , . ,
Farmur for a Hardwicke
Lot in Hard
wicke rejected Ordered — That the said Petition be rejected-
Read a Petition of Mungo Graham of this Province
^icke'^ranted praying for a. Lot in Hardwicke known by Number 83.
to Mungo
Graham Resolved — That the Prayer of the Petition be
granted —
Read a Petition of Newdigate Stephens of this Prov-
wh*Vgr?nted ince praying for a Lot in Hardwicke known by Number
to Newdigate ~ T
.Stephens 9 *¦
Resolved — That the Prayer of the Petition be
granted —
Read a Petition of Benjamin Wilson praying for a Lot
wusnonfoBreaJ' in Hardwicke
Lot in Hard
wicke rejected Ordered — That the said Petition be rejected —
Petn. of John Read a Petition of John Wilson praying for a Lot in
LoUnnHarda- Hardwicke
wicke rejected Ordered — That the said Petition be rejected —
Read a Petition of John Morel praying for a Lot in
Petn. of John TT , . .
Morel for a Lot Hardwicke
in Hardwicke
rejected Ordered — That the said Petition be rejected
Read a Petition of David Montaigut of this Province
a Lot in Hard- . ^
toiCDavM Mond PraY^nS f°r a Eot in Hardwicke known by Number 46. —
taigut Resolved — That the Prayer of the Petition be
granted Read a Petition of Benjamin Goldwire of this Province
wicke granted praying f or 3 Lot in Hardwicke known by Number 37. —
to Beni.
Goldwire Resolved — • That the Prayer of the Petition be
granted Read a Petition of Elisha Butler in Behalf of William
Butier in be- Butler his Son praying for a Lot in Hardwicke
half of Wm. r j o
Butler for a Lot
in Hardwicke _ „, , . . _ . . , . ,
rejected — Ordered — 1 hat the said Petition be rejected
Read a Petition of Mary Stephens in Behalf of Thomas
Stephenson15" Stephens her Husband praying for a Lot in Hardwicke
Thomas° ste- known by Number 88. —
phens for a Lot
in Hardwicke
postpon 'd ^ *_.. . . , T, . . , ,
Ordered — That the said Petition be postponed
T ^ . Read a Petition of John Manning praying for a Lot in
Lot in Hard- J
wicke granted Hardwicke known by Number 142 —
to John Man- J ~
ning Resolved — ¦ That the Prayer of the Petition be
granted —
JUNE, 1755- 203
Petn of Thom- Read 3 Petition of Thomas Wilson of this Province
St£. praying for a Lot in Hardwicke
wieke rejected Ordered — That the said Petition be rejected — ¦
Read a Petition of John Marian of this Province pray-
Petn. of John ¦ r T . . T T , . ,
Marian for a ing tor 3 Lot m Hardwicke
Lot in Hard
wicke rejected _
Ordered — That the said Petition be rejected —
Read a Petition of John Marian in Behalf of Richard
a Lot in Hard-
wicke granted Cooper his Brother in Law praying for a Lot in Hard-
to Richard x r j o
cooper — wicke known by Number 14. —
Resolved — ¦ That the Prayer of the Petition be
anted Read a Petition of Thomas Cross of this Province
Petn. of Thom- . r T , . TT , . ,
as Cross for a praying for a Lot in Hardwicke
Lot in Hard
wicke rejected Ordered — ¦ That the said Petition be rejected
Petitionof Read a Petition of John Davis in Behalf of John Davis
Behalf of^john his Son praying for a Lot in Hardwicke
Davis his Son
Hardwicke Ordered — That the said Petition be rejected —
rejected Read a Petition of Ambrose Dudley of this Province
we Dudtey" praying for a Lot in Hardwicke
for a Lot in
Hardwicke _A . ,
rejected Ordered — ¦ That the said Petition be rejected —
Read a Petition of Charles Marian praying for a Lot
Petn. of Chars. TT- , . ,
Marian for a in Hardwicke
Lot in Hard
wicke rejected Ordered — That the said Petition be rejected —
Read a Petition of John Davis of this Province pray-
wicke granted ing for a Lot in Hardwicke known by Number 100. —
to John Davis Resolved — That the Prayer of the Petition be
granted —
warrantor- ^ appearing to the Board, that the late President and
Hutchinslan'sUt Assistants ordered five hundred Acres of Land to be laid
poS toco"n- out for William Robinson, five hundred Acres for Jona-
Acres of Land than Bryan and three hundred Acres for Thomas Parker
to the Gover- tti- i t , i • inA r n
nor. — on Hutchinson s Island, opposite to the lown of bavan-
nah, and that Pickering Robinson in Behalf of the said
William Robinson, and the said Jonathan Bryan and
Thomas Parker had respectively resigned the said Lands
to His Excellency the Governor, His Excellency moved
that a Warrant might be made out to survey and lay out
the said Jsland (supposed to contain about thirteen hun
dred Acres of Land) to him
Ordered — That the Secretary do make out a War
rant directed to the Surveyers General to lay out and sur
vey the said Island (supposed as before mentioned to
contain about thirteen hundred Acres of Land) for the
Use of his said Excellency the Governor —
GEORGIA At a Council held in the Council Cham
ber at Savannah on Monday the Ninth Day
of June 1755 Present
His Excellency John Reynolds Esqr
f Sr Patrick Houstoun Bar'
J James Habersham
Alexander Kellet
Noble Jones
Francis Harris
Jonathan Bryan
Clement Martin
The Minutes of the preceeding Board were read and
approved —
JUNE, 1755- 205
james Edward The Commissioners of the General Loan Office appiyed
appofateaai' to the Board to appoint a Commissioner in the Room of
of°?h^ 'General the late Honourable Patrick Graham Esqr deceased, who
the Room of the was one of the Commissioners of the said Loan, and
Honourable .^ _ . ...
Patrick Gra- James Ldward Powell Esqr was accordingly appointed in
deceased — the Room of the said Patrick Graham deceased agreable
to an Act of the General Assembly, intituled an Act for
Stamping, Imprinting, Emitting and making Current the
Sum of seven thousand Pounds Sterling in Paper Bills of
Credit to be let out at Interest on good Securities at Six
The Minutes of the preceeding Board were read and
approved —
Ordered — That Public Notice be given, that such
ing Lands to Persons as are desirous of Grants for the Lands they
give in their ,.,.,... _
Names for claim do forthwith give in their Names to the Secretary
Grants into the ° J
officelcf8 °^ t'le Provhice, and Appear by themselves or sufficient
Attorneys before the Governor in Council on Tuesday the
15th Tuesday the 22d and Monday the 28th of this Instant,
in Order to their obtaining the same, if their Claim shall
appear to be well grounded
GEORGIA At a Council held in the Council Cham
ber at Savannah on Tuesday the fifteenth Day
of July 1755 Present
His Excellency John Reynolds Esqr
James Habershan
Alexander Kellet
Noble Jones —
Francis Harris
The Honourable
James Habersham ^ i- Esq"
Noble Jones —
The Minute of the preceeding Board was read and
Mary Morel's Ail Account of Mary Morels for Wine supplyed the In-
mS°and!2ai8:"dians at Savannah was laid before the Board amounting
to three Pounds, which being examined was reduced to
two Pounds eight Shillings, and the Commissary was ac
cordingly ordered to pay the same —
Read a Petition of William Little, setting forth, that
Lott i r. Savan-
nah^,f sixty He had no Habitation or Place to build on in Savannah,
by ninety Feet an(i hoped to be favoured with a Lott, in Order to build
granted to Vv ll- r >
a House thereon; and therefore praying for half of one
of the vacant Lotts in Heathcote or Anson's Wards —
Resolved — That half the Lott known by Letter O in
Heathcote Ward in Savannah on the East End contain
ing Sixty ffeet in Front and Ninety Feet Deep be grant
granliam Little
Claims of
Lands laid out
before His Ex-
Sundry Persons having given in their Names into the
Secretary's Office for Grants for Lands laid out respect-
rivaineCIamaned ively for them before His Excellency's arrival, the Board
took them into Consideration, and the Secretary was or
dered to prepare Grants for such of them as were al
lowed, the Particulars of which appear in the Book of
Claims — ¦
Querys for the Ordered — That the Attorney General do give his
erai to answer Opinion in writing to the following Querys
relating to
granting of In what Manner may His Majesty's Lands be granted
to Minors ? And to Persons absent out of the Province ?
Read a Petition of Alexander Kellet Esq' Provost Mar-
^rsPetitfo'n shal, setting forth, that on his first coming to this Prov-
Pris'onFels ince He appiyed to the Board for a proper Jail, who or
dered a House (formerly inhabited by the Jailor of Sa
vannah) to be fitted and used for that Purpose, 'till a
Public Jail could be conveniently built; That He by Ex
perience found it impossible to make this House a Place
JULY, 1755. 215
of safe Custody, as it is only a small, Wooden Building,
wherein all Sorts of Offenders were promiscuously con
fined, so that Escapes wou'd often happen, and obviously
made the Office of Jailor very unsafe and Hazardous;
That the customary Fees on Commitments and Dis
charges were omitted the Petitioner in the List given him
by Order of this Board ; tho' established in the Case of a
Habeas-Corpus by His Excellency's Instructions, and
allowed by the Board to the Marshal of the Admiralty;
And therefore He prayed for Relief as the Board shou'd
judge expedient —
The Board were of Opinion, that a Public Jail was
wanted, and ordered the Clerk of the Accounts to inform
them, what was remaining unexpended of the Sum of five
hundred Pounds allowed for contingent Expences and the
Consideration of the Fees was postponed —
GEORGIA At a Council held in the Council Cham
ber at Savannah on Tuesday the twenty sec
ond Day of July 1755
His Excellency John Reynolds Esqr
James Habersham
Alexander Kellet
Noble Jones —
") Francis Harris —
| Clement Martin —
^ Jonathan Bryan
The Honourable
The Minutes of the preceeding Board were read and
approved — ¦
The Attorney General returned an Answer to the
Querys proposed as «p a Minute of the preceeding Board
in Writing as follows
"In Answer to the Querys, which presupposes a right
^"r^AnswCT "in His Excellency and the Council of granting Lands
Granteol Land "to Minors and Persons absent I apprehend that Grants
"thereof may be made to Minors in their own Names or
"to others for their Use or in Trust for them as the Par
ties interested shall chuse and as to absentees who are
"intituled to Grants their Absence is no Impediment to
"their taking such Grants in their own Names —
Will™ Clifton —
The Board examined the Claims of Sundry Persons
Claims of
Lands exam- desiring Grants for Lands
GEORGIA At a Council held in the Council Cham
ber at Savannah on Wednesday the twenty-
third Day of July 1755
His Excellency John Reynolds Esqr
James Habersham
Noble Jones — -
Francis Harris
Jonathan Bryan
The Honourable
The Board examined the Claims of sundry Persons de
claims of
Lands exam
ined siring Grants for Lands
JULY, 1755. 217
GEORGIA At a Council held in the Council Cham
ber at Savannah on Thursday the twenty
fourth Day of July 1755
His Excellency John Reynolds Esqr
( James Plabersham j
The Honourable ¦< Alexander Kellet \ Esq"
( Noble Jones — J
claims of The Board examined the Claims of sundry Persons
Landse_xam- desiring Grants for Lands—
GEORGIA At a Council held in the Council Cham
ber at Savannah on Friday the twenty fifth
Day of July 1755
His Excellency John Reynolds Esqr
( James Habersham
The Honourable I Noble Jones —
( Francis Harris
claims of The Board examin'd the Claims of sundry Persons de-
Lands exam- . . _. _ T ,
ined sirmg Grants for Lands
GEORGIA At a Council held in the Council
Chamber at Savannah on Monday the twenty
eighth Day of July 1755
His Excellency John Reynolds Esq'
Sr Patrick Houstoun Bar'
James Habersham
Alexander Kellet
Noble Jones — y Esq™
Francis Harris
^ Jonathan Bryan
The Honourable
Read a Petition of Alexander Kellet Esqr Provost Mar-
Provost Mar-
shai's Petition shal, setting forth, that He apprehended it necessary to
Executioner have 3 Public Executioner appointed, to officiate not only
in Capital Cases, but when corporal Punishment was re
quired; that He had endeavoured without Effect to pro
vide a Person to execute the Convict now under Sentence
of Death, and that it was usual, where none offered to
induce some Malefactor to undertake the Office by a Re
mission of Punishment, and a Pecuniary Allowance;
Therefore he prayed the Board (by such Methods as they
shou'd approve) to appoint a Public Executioner, and
to allow him a small Salary
Resolved — ¦ That a Salary be allowed to a Public
Executioner, when the Provosts Marshal had appointed
one —
claims of The Board proceeded to examine the Claims of sundry
^n\?nldex" Persons desiring Grants of Lands
AUGUST, 1755.
GEORGIA At a Council held in the Council Cham
ber at Savannah on Tuesday the twenty ninth
Day of July 1755
His Excellency John Reynolds Esqr
{Sr Patrick Houstoun Bar
James Habersham
Alexander Kellet
The Minutes of the preceeding Board were read and
claims of The Board proceeded to examine the Claims of sundry
amined " Persons desiring Grants for Lands
GEORGIA At a Council held in the Council Cham
ber at Savannah on Friday the first Day of
August 1755
His Excellency John Reynolds Esqr
r Sr Patrick Houstoun Bar'
James Habersham
Alexander Kellet
Noble Jones —
Francis Harris
The Honourable ¦
Claims of
Land ex
The Board examined the Claims of sundry Persons de
siring Grants for Lands
GEORGIA At a Council held in the Council Cham
ber at Savannah on Tuesday the fifth Day of
August 1755 Present
His Excellency John Reynolds Esqr
Sr Patrick Houstoun Bar'
James Habersham
Alexander Kellet
Jonathan Bryan
Clement Martin
The Honourable
Read a Petition of Robert Smallwood in Behalf of
Land granted Mary Bateman Widow (postponed the 4"1 of April last)
Bateman setting forth that She was desirous of improving a Tract
of Land, having four Negroes; And therefore praying
for three hundred Acres, (situated on the North Branch
of Newport River about a Mile to the Westward of John
Mitchell —
Resolved — • That the Prayer of the Petition be grant
ed, the said Mary Bateman having appeared and been
sworn to five Persons in Family
Read a Petition of Mary Smith Widow, setting forth,
LandCgran°tfed that she had lived in this Province upwards of twenty
to Mary Smith lr ,, ,. -. ¦ t i i •
Years, and was now desirous of improving Lands, having
one Negroe, and intended soon to purchase another; and
therefore praying for One hundred Acres of Land, situ
ated bounding South on Mr Rasberry, West on vacant
Land, North and West on Mr Pury, North on Mr Farley
and East on Mr Bryan
Resolved — That the Prayer of the Petition be
granted — ¦
AUGUST, 1755. 221
warranttobe Read 3. Petition of William Baker in Behalf of Rebecca
?utdEebecca Quarterman Spinster (postponed as ^ Minute of the 4th
posaraesTn o™ June last) setting forth, that the said Rebecca was pos-
Land r sessed of four Negroes, which were setled on a Tract of
three hundred Acres of Land bounded northerly on Lands
possessed by John Winn, northwesterly on Sarah Mitch
ell, South West on Richard Spencer and South East on
Joseph Winn's Land on the Head of Newport River, laid
out by Order of the late President and Assistants (as ap
pears by a Minute of the 6th of August 1752) and there
fore praying, that a Warrant may be ordered to be made
out to put her in Possession of the same —
Resolved — That the Prayer of the Petition be
granted, the said Rebecca having appeared and been
sworn to five Persons in Family
500 Acres of
Read a Petition of Phillippa Fenny Widow, setting
toaphimanaed forth, that She was desirous of improving Lands, having
Fenny twelve Negroes now in the Province ; and therefore pray
ing for seven hundred Acres of Lands situated about two
Miles West of Lands granted to William Baker, and on
all other Sides by vacant Lands on the Head of the middle
Branch of North Newport —
RESOLVED — That Part of the Prayer of the Petition
namely five hundred Acres of Land be granted, where
prayed for, the Petitioner having been sworn to thirteen
Persons in Family
Read a Petition of John Cary of this Province, pray-
PetSion for 100 ing for One hundred Acres of Land situated South of
postponed Land granted to James Anderson deceased and bounded
East by Marsh —
Ordesed — That the said Petition be postponed, the
Lands prayed for supposed to be granted to Mr John
Petition of Read 3 Petition of George Cuthbert of this Province,
ber°tr!orCBooh" postponed the 3d Day of June last) praying for five hun-
pVstlfoned an dred Acres of Land situated on the North Side of great
Ogechee River —
Ordered — That the said Petition be postponed, the
Land prayed for not appearing to be vacant-
Read a Petition of John Elliott Esq1 of this Province,
A Lott in Hard- . . ,
wicke granted praying for 3 Lot in Plardwicke known by Number 82.
to John i. j o j
Elliott Esqr. Resolved — ¦ That the Prayer of the Petition be
granted Read a Petition of William Elliott Junr of this Prov-
1500 Acres of , , rr\ r -rt- 1
Land granted nice, setting forth, that He occupyed a I ract of Five hun-
to William > b > rj
Elliott — dred Acres of Land, which he obtained from the late
President and Assistants, and having thirty eight Negroes
now in the Province, He was desirous of improving some
other Tracts ; and therefore praying for Fifteen hundred
Acres of Land, namely five hundred Acres on the South
Side of the North Branch of Newport River, bounding
westerly on Lands laid out to Charles West on all other
Sides on Land unknown, five hundred Acres on the North
Side of the South Branch of Newport bounding on all
Sides on vacant Land and known by the Name of Beech
Hill about five Miles to the Southward of Mr Carters, and
five hundred Acres in the Forks of Ogechee and Coono-
che adjoining Lands laid out for Shem Butler
Resolved — That the Prayer of the Petition be
granted, the Petitioner having been sworn to thirty nine
Persons in Family
Warrant to be
Read a Petition of Joseph Way of this Province, set-
made'outto"'5 ting forth, that he was possessed of six working Negroes,
put Joseph ° l b b •
Way {^^ssea- which he had setled on a Tract of five hundred Acres of
sion of 500
Acres of Land Land, laid out by Order of the late President and Assist-
AUGUST, 1755. 223
ants (as appears by a Minute of the 11th July 1752) situ
ate on the North Branch of Newport, bounded South East
on William Baker, North East and South West on vacant
Land, North West of Joseph, Mary and Sarah Oswold's
Land; and therefore praying, that a Warrant may be
ordered to be made out to put him in Possession of the
same — •
Resolved — ¦ That the Prayer of the Petition be
granted —
A Lott in Hard-
Read a Petition of John Winn of this Province Planter,
wicke granted praying for a Lott in Hardwicke, known by Number 112.
to John Winn r J b —> > J
Resolved — That the Prayer of the Petition be
granted —
Read a Petition of William Wainwright of this Prov-
LandCSn°tfed ince, setting forth, that he was desirous of improving a
wkhrwright Tract of Land, having a Wife and two Children; and
therefore praying for two hundred and fifty Acres of
Land, situated on the South Side of Coonoche River on
Barbique Crek about a Mile to the North East of John
Matthews Land
Resolved — That the Prayer of the Petition be
granted —
Read a Petition of Michael Swiser of this Province,
Michael &wiser praying for two hundred and fifty Acres of Land, on the
Land°refect!!dof North East Side of Skidoway River, upon a Bluff about
two Miles below Thunderbolt — ¦
Ordered — That the said Petition be rejected, the
Lands prayed for being claimed by the Heirs of Edward
Jenkins deceased —
Petition of Read a Petition of Edward Barlow late of South Caro-
fotloodAcaresW hna Planter, praying for five hundred Acres of Land,
postponed situated at the South End of Ossebaw Island
Ordered — That the said Petition be postponed, 'till
the Board can be better informed of the Petitioner's Abil-
lity to improve Lands
Read a Petition of John Prethero late of North Caro-
300 Acres of . .
Land granted lina .Planter, setting forth, that he was desirous of culti-
to John Pre
vating a Tract of Land, having a Wife, five Children and
one Negroe; and therefore praying for four hundred
Acres of Land situated at a Place known by the Name of
long Bluff on Savannah River, adjoining West on Daniel
Shubdrien about two Miles below William Kennedy and
on all other Sides by vacant Land —
Resolved — That Part of the Prayer of the Petition,
namely, three hundred Acres of Land be granted, where
prayed for, the Petitioner having been sworn to eight
Persons in Family
Thomas Car
ter's Petition
for 200 Acres
of Land
Read a Petition of Thomas Carter of this Province
Planter, setting forth that he was possessed of three hun
dred Acres of Land, allotted to him by the late President
and Assistants, and hoped to obtain an Addition, having
a Wife three Children and six Negroes ; and therefore
praying for two hundred Acres, adjoining East to the
Lands he possessed on the South Side of the North
Branch of Newport River
Ordered — That the said Petition be postponed
Read a Petition of Parmenas Way of this Province
L0andCgrr!nOted Planter> setting forth, that he was in Possession of five
toParmenas hundred Acres of Land, which he obtained from the late
President and Assistants, and hoped to be favoured with
AUGUST, 1755. 225
an additional Tract, having a Wife, one Child and twelve
Negroes ; and therefore praying for three hundred Acres
of Land on the North Side of Midway River, abutting
West and South on Lands allotted to John Davis, and
West on Lands allotted to James Donnam and on all
other Sides by vacant Land —
Resolved — That the Prayer of the Petition be
granted the Petitioner having been sworn to fifteen Per
sons in Family
Read a Petition of John Davis of this Province Planter,
700 Acres of
Land granted setting forth, that on the 4 Day of une last, he obtained
to John Davis ° n\
from this Board a Tract of seven hundred Acres of Land,
adjoining East to Lands lately granted to Audley Max
well, at a Place known by the Name of the Haw Swamp,
bounded on all other Sides by vacant Land, but upon the
Surveyer's going to lay it out, he found a Line, that inter
cepted him ; and therefore praying for a Tract of the like
Quantity, namely Seven hundred Acres of Land, in Lieu
of the aforesaid adjoining to the Westward of Mr Audley
Maxwell on the Haw Swamp — -
Resolved — That the Prayer of the Petition be
granted —
Read a Petition of John Stevens in Behalf of Joseph
Land^lnted Oswold 3 Minor, setting forth, that he had setled a Tract
MaprySa£d of five hundred Acres of Land with Six Negroes belong-
in *Soint3W ing to the said Joseph, and that he had Money in Hand
to purchase two more, when Opportunity offered, which
Lands, were promised to the said Joseph by the late Presi
dent and Assistants on Condition of their being setled
within eighteen Months (as appears by a Minute of the
11th July 1752) which was complyed with; and therefore
praying, that a Warrant might be directed to the Sur-
veyer to put him in Possession of the said Tract of five
15 c r— vol 7
hundred Acres of Land in Trust for the said Joseph Os
wold, being situated on the North Branch of Newport
River, and one Mile northwestward of William Baker's
Land, bounded northwesterly and South Westerly on va
cant Land and northwesterly on Lands of said John Ste
vens —
Resolved — • That the said Tract of five hundred
Acres of Land be granted to the said Joseph, and Mary
and Sarah Oswold in joint Tenancy, the Negroes Appear
ing to be their joint Property
Read a Petition of Ralph Killgore of this Province,
eore's Petition praying for one hundred Acres of Land about twenty
for 100 Acres ^.r't 1 a
of Land! Miles above Augusta
postponed Ordered — That the said Petition be postponed, 'till
the Petitioner appears in Person
Read a Petition of Edward Carlton of this Province,
ton's Petition praying for a Lott in Hardwicke known by Number 82.
for a Lott in >¦ J o J
rejected OrdEREd — That the said Petition be rejected, the
Lott prayed for not being vacant — -
Read a Petition of Adam Craudie of this Province,
tedape«tfond" praying for one hundred and fifty Acres of Land on Part
LandrSectedf of WhiteMarsh Island bounded North by a Creek known
by Jenkins's Creek on Warsaw River
OrdEREd — That the said Petition be rejected, the
Land prayed for, being claimed by the Heirs of Edward
Jenkins deceased
Read a Petition of Patrick Clark of Augusta, praying
Patrick ciark's f or nfty Acres of Land, and a Lott of one Acre in the
Petition for 51 J
^Csrtponedand said Town—
Ordered — That the said Petition be postponed
AUGUST, 1755.
John Eigen's
Petition for i
150 Acres of]
Land rejected
Read a Petition of John Eigen of this Province praying
for one hundred and fifty Acres of Land, situated on
Whitemarsh Island, adjoining to Lands petitioned for
by Adam Craudie
OrdEREd — That the said Petition be rejected, the
Lands prayed for being claimed by the Heirs of Edward
Jenkins deceased —
Read a Petition of William Ashley of this Province,
250 Acres of
Land granted setting forth, that he was possessed of fifty Acres of Land
Ashley — on Burmuda Island, which he obtained from the late
President and Assistants, on which he had made Improve
ments, and that he had a Wife and three Children; and
therefore praying for three hundred Acres of Land, situ
ated at a Bluff called Indian Toms, en a small Creek, on
the West Side of Ossebaw Island —
Resolved — That Part of the Prayer of the Petition,
namely Two hundred and fifty Acres of Land, be grant
ed— Read a Petition of Matthias Aspergh of this Province,
^eagh'apeti"- praying for one hundred Acres of Land, situated on
Acres°of Land Whitemarsh Island, adjoining to Lands petitioned for by
rejected ^.
John Eigen
Ordered — That the said Petition be rejected the
Land prayed for, being claimed by the Heirs of Edward
Jenkins deceased
150 Acres of
Land granted
to Michael Illy
Read a Petition of Michael Illy of this Province, set
ting forth, that the late President and Assistants allotted
fifty Acres of Land to him, on which he made Improve
ments, but was obliged to dispose of the same to support
himself and Family in a long Sickness ; That he had now
a Wife and one Child, and was desirous of improving
Land for his and their Subsistance; and therefore pray-
ing for one hundred and fifty Acres of Land, being three
Lotts on half Moon Bluff on Skidoway Island known by
Number 8, 9 and 10. —
Resolved— That the Prayer of the Petition be
granted —
Read a Petition of Peter Baillou of this Province, set-
Land granted ting forth, that he was possessed of three hundred and
to Peter Baillou °
fifty Acres of Land, which he obtained from the late Pres
ident and Assistants, and had made large Improvements
thereon ; that he hoped to be favoured with an Addition,
having a Wife, two Children and Nine Negroes ; and
therefore praying for a Tract of three hundred and fifty
Acres of Land situated on Whitemarsh Island, South
to the said Petitioner, North East of Lands granted to
John Penrose and South East of Lands granted West
of Lands granted to Thomas Palmer —
Resolved — That the Prayer of the Petition be
granted —
Read a Petition of Robert Dixon of Augusta, praying
petition for a for 3 Town Lott of one Acre in Augusta, known by N°
Lott in Au- °
gusta post- 12
poned OrdEREd — That the said Petition be postponed —
Read a Petition of Matthew Roche of this Province,
Eoch's petition praying for half of one of the reserved Lotts in Savannah
for half a Lott r J b
in Savannah Ordered — That the said Petition be rejected —
Read a Petition of William Newberry of this Province,
Land^anfed setting forth, that for two Years last past, he had been
NewbeSy" setled on a Tract of five hundred Acres of Land, lying
on the South Side of a Place called Withringtons Bluff
on Savannah River formerly possessed by Patrick Brown,
AUGUST, 1755. 229
who resigned the same; and therefore praying, that the
said Land might be granted to him —
Resolved — ¦ That the Prayer of the Petition be
granted —
Read a Petition of William Johnston of this Province,
300 Acres of . J '
Las,d granted setting f orth, that he had a Wife and five Children ; that
to William ° '
Johnston he was possessed of fifty Acres of Land on the Island of
Skidoway by Allotment of the late President and Assist
ants, which was not sufficient for the support of himself
and Family; and therefore praying for three hundred
and fifty Acres of Land on the said Island of Skidoway,
bounding to the Southward on Lands granted to Thomas
Battoon —
Resolved — That three hundred Acres of Land, be
ing Part of the Prayer of the Petition, be granted, where
prayed for, the Petitioner having been sworn to seven
Persons in Family
GEORGIA At a Council held in the Council Cham
ber at Savannah on Wednesday the Sixth
Day of August 1755
His Excellency John Reynolds Esqr
Sr Patrick Houstoun Bar'
James Habersham
Francis Harris
Jonathan Bryan
Clement Martin
The Honourable -
The Minutes of the preceeding Board were read and
approved —
isooAoresof Read a Petition of the Honourable Jonathan Bryan
feajdnlthand Esqr, setting forth, that he and his Sons were possessed
Bryan Esq. of ^wQ thousand Acres of Land, allotted to them by the
late President and Assistants, and having Seventy eight
Persons in Family, he was desirous of improving another
Tract ; and therefore praying for eighteen hundred Acres
of Land on the Fort Swamp at the Head of Sapola River,
bounding on Hugh Morrison's about fourteen Miles to
the Northward of Darian —
Resolved — That the Prayer of the Petition be
granted —
Read a Petition of John Hamm of this Province, set-
Feet°in savan- ting" forth, that he had no Habitation or Place to build
nah granted to • r* 11 1 r • tt
John Hamm on in Savannah, and was desirous of erecting a House
there ; and therefore praying for half a Lott in Savannah
known by Letter P. fronting to the Eastward on the
Square in Heathcote Ward containing Sixty Feet in
Front and Ninety Feet in Depth
Resolved — That the Prayer of the Petition be
granted —
Read a Petition of Lachlan McGillivray of Augusta,
wicke granted praying f or a Lott in Hardwicke known by Number 26 —
to Lachlan ? J ° J
McGillivray Resolved — That the Prayer of the Petition be
granted —
Read a Petition of William Norton of this Province,
ton'sapltition praying for two hundred Acres of Land adjoining East
Land rejected to Lands of John Barnard on Wilmington Island —
Ordered — That the said Petition be rejected —
Read a Petition of William Handley, praying for a
wicke granted Lott in Hardwicke known by Number 61 —
to William
Handley Resolved — That the Prayer of the Petition be
granted —
AUGUST, 1755. 231
samuei Baker's Read 3 Petition of Samuel Baker of this Province,
uwAcrefof praying for one hundred Acres of Land, situate on the
reject xsj"orth Side of the Southermost Branch of North New
port, bounding South on Joseph Bacon and on all other
Sides by vacant Lands —
Ordered — - That the said Petition be rejected —
Read a Petition of Benjamin Andrew of this Province,
Benjamin An-
drew's petition setting forth, that he was possessed of five hundred Acres
for 100 Acres of o > r
Land rejected Df Land, and hoped to obtain an Addition, having a Wife
three Children and Six Negroes; and therefore praying
for one hundred Acres of Land, situated on the South
Side of the middle Branch of North Newport, adjoining
East to Lands granted to John Graves, and on other Sides
by vacant Lands —
Ordered — ¦ That the said Petition be rejected
Read a Petition of John Lupton of this Province, set-
Landgranted ting forth, that he had setled a Tract of five hundred
to John Lupton Acres of Land, allotted to him by the late President and
Assistants (as
allotted t0 him by the late President and
Assistants, and having a Wife, three Children and thir
teen Negroes, he hoped to be favoured with an additional
Tract ; and therefore praying for a Tract of four hundred
and fifty Acres of Land, situated on the North West
Point of Ossebaw Island opposite to Bear Island —
Resolved — That three hundred and fifty Acres of
Land, Part of the Prayer of the Petition, be granted, the
Petitioner having been sworn to eighteen Persons in
Read a Petition of Christopher Peters late of South
Carolina, setting forth, that he was desirous of cultivating
a Tract of Land, having a Wife; and therefore praying
for one hundred Acres of Land, situate and bounding
North East on Lands of David Graham and South East
on Samuel Barker near the River Savannah.
Resolved — That the Prayer of the Petition be
granted —
Read a Petition of Jonas Mick of this Province, setting
100 Acres of J
toajon!rBaMick ^orth> that he was possessed of fifty Acres of Land, allot
ted to him by the late President and Assistants, on which
he had made large Improvements, and hoped to be fa
voured with an additional Tract, having a Wife and two
Sons; and therefore praying for one hundred Acres of
Land, situated at Black Creek about half a Mile from his
present Land at Goshen, adjoining North West of Lands
granted to John Murry and North East of Michael Rei
ser —
Resolved — That the Prayer of the Petition be
granted Read a Petition of Alexander Mcdonald of this Prov-
Land granted ince, setting forth, that He was in Possession of a Tract of
McDonald — one hundred and fifty Acres of Land, allotted to him by
the late President and Assistants, on which he had made
large Improvements, and hoped to be favoured with an
other small Tract, having a Wife and one Child; and
therefore praying for fifty Acres of Land, adjoining to
Lands formerly granted to him, and on all other Sides by
vacant Land, on a Creek on the North Side of Sapola
River —
Resolved — That the Prayer of the Petition be
150 Acres of Read 3 Petition of Angus Mackay of this Province, set-
to"&n|uanted ting forth, that he was desirous of improving Lands, hav-
Mackay- ;ng a \Yif e ; an(i therefore praying for a Tract of one
AUGUST, 1755. 237
hundred and fifty Acres of Land, situated on the South
Branch of South Newport, bounded on all Sides by vacant
Lands, about three Miles to the Northward of Mr George
Mackintosh —
Resolved — That the Prayer of the Petition be
granted — ¦
GEORGIA At a Council held in the Council Cham
ber at Savannah on Thursday the seventh
Day of August 1755 —
His Excellency John Reynolds Esqr
Sr Patrick Houstoun Bar'
m, TT , , I James Habersham )
I he Honourable < froble Jones— V Esqrs
Francis Harris • j
The Minutes of the preceeding Board were read and
approved —
Read a Petition of Samuel Hastings late of South Car-
Landcrtnted olina, setting forth, that he was desirous of improving
HastSgf Lands, having a Wife, Six Children and eleven Negroes
now in the Province ; and therefore praying for one thou
sand Acres of Land, situate near the Head of the North
Side of South Newport, bounded on all Sides by vacant
Lands — -
Resolved — • That Part of the Prayer of the Petition,
namely seven hundred and fifty Acres, be granted, the
Petitioner having been sworn to nineteen Persons in Fam
500 Acres of
Land granted
to John Lang
Read a Petition of John Lang, setting forth, that he
arrived in this Province about three Years agoe, when the
late President and Assistants allotted for him and his
Family a Tract of two hundred and fifty Acres of Land at
Hallifax near Bryer Creek, which Land had it been sur
veyed for him, wou'd have been very inconvenient for
him to improve, and hoped to obtain a Tract in another
Place, in Lieu of the aforesaid at Hallifax which he read
ily resigned, having a Wife and seven Children; and
therefore praying for five hundred Acres of Land, bound
ing North upon Nathaniel Hunting, East on Rumney
Marsh, and South of Lands granted to William Johnston
on Skidoway Island —
Resolved — That the Prayer of the Petition be
granted, the Petitioner having been sworn to nine Per
sons in Family —
200 Acres of
Land granted
to Donald
Read a Petition of Donald McDonald, setting forth,
that he had been in the Province upwards of Sixteen
Years, and was desirous of improving Lands, having a
Wife and two Children, and therefore praying for two
hundred and fifty Acres of Land, situate at the Head of
the South Branch of South Newport, bounded on all
Sides by vacant Lands, about five Miles to the Northward
of Mr George Mackintosh —
Resolved — That two hundred Acres of Land, part
of the Prayer of the Petition be granted, the Petitioner
having been sworn to four Persons in Family
Read a Petition of Donald Mackintosh, setting forth,
Land granted that he had been upwards of twenty Years in the Prov-
to Donald . , . .
Mackintosh- nice, and was desirous of improving Lands, having a Wife
and two Children ; and therefore praying for two hundred
and fifty Acres of Land, situate on the South Branch of
South Newport, bounded on all Sides by vacant Land —
AUGUST, 1755. 239
Resolved — That Part of the Prayer of the Petition,
namely two hundred Acres of Land, be granted, the Pe
titioner having been sworn to four Persons in Family —
Read a Petition of Roderick McCloud, setting forth,
200 Acres of ' b >
toRolSck*1 ^iat ^e *ia(* been in ^is Province upwards of Sixteen
Mccioud Years, and was only possessed of fifty Acres of Land,
which he had largely improved, and that he had a Wife
and four Children ; and therefore praying for three hun
dred Acres of Land, situate on the North Side of Sapola
River, adjoining North of Mr John Mackintosh B's Land
and on all other Sides by vacant Lands —
Resolved — That two hundred Acres of Land, part
of the Prayer of the Petition, be granted, the Petitioner
having been sworn to Six Persons in Family —
Read a Petition of Ambrose Barr, setting forth, that
200 Acres of ' & '
Land granted he had been upwards of nineteen Years in the Province,
to Ambrose r
Barr anc[ was possessed of fifty Acres of Land, which he ob
tained from the late President and Assistants, and hoped
to be favoured with an Additional Tract, having a Wife
and three Children; and therefore praying for two hun
dred and fifty Acres of Land, situated at the Head of Mr
Patrick Brown's Line and Mr Johnsons, which he pur
chased of Mr William Russell, and on all other Sides by
vacant Land, at a Place known by the Name of Chero
kee Hill
RESOLVED — ¦ That Part of the Prayer of the Petition,
namely two hundred Acres of Lands, be granted, the Pe
titioner having been Sworn to five Persons in Family
Read a Petition of Peter Mackay of this Province, set-
Land grlnfed ting forth, that he was desirous of improving Lands, hav-
iday ing 3 Wife, one Child and one indented Servant; and
therefore praying for two hundred and fifty Acres of
Land on the South Branch of Augustine's Creek, about
four Miles from Savannah River, bounded on all Sides by
vacant Lands —
Resolved — That Part of the Prayer of the Petition,
namely two hundred Acres of Land, be granted, the Pe
titioner having been sworn to four Persons in Family
Read a Petition of Henry Curtis late of South Carolina,
200 Acres of J
Land granted setting forth, that he was desirous of improving Lands;
to Henry Curtis & ' r & '
having a Wife, five Children and one Negroe ; and there
fore praying for two hundred Acres of Land on little
Warsaw Island —
Resolved — That the Prayer of the Petition be
granted, the Petitioner having been sworn to eight Per
sons in Family
Read a Petition of George Paul, praying for two hun-
pltftfon a0" 23oo dred Acres of Land, situated on the South Side of the
rejected South Branch of Newport, adjoining Lands of William
Davis —
Ordered — That the said Petition be rejected
Read a Petition of John Todd Junr, setting forth, that
junr. -s Petition he was possessed of one hundred Acres of Land, allotted
for 150 Acres of
Land rejected to him by the late President and Assistants, and hoped to
obtain an additional Tract, having a Wife and two Chil
dren; and therefore praying for One hundred and fifty
Acres, situated near the Head of the North Side of the
South Fork of Newport, bounded on all Sides by vacant
Ordered — That the said Petition be rejected
Read a Petition of Giles Todd of this Province, setting
Petition for 150 forth, that he was desirous of improving Lands, having
rejected — one Negroe ; and therefore praying for one hundred and
AUGUST, 1755. 241
fifty Acres, situate near the Head on the North Side of
the South Branch of Newport River, bounded on all
Sides by vacant Lands —
Ordered — That the said Petition be rejected
Read a Petition of Matthew Roche of this Province,
Land granted setting forth, that He was in Possession of two hundred
to Matthew
Roche — Acres of Land, allotted to him by the late President and
Assistants, and having a Wife, one Child and eight Ne
groes, He hoped to be favoured with an Addition; and
therefore praying for four hundred Acres of Land, lying
West of Lands granted to William Baker and Mrs Fenny
on the West Branch of North Newport River —
Resolved — That the Prayer of the Petition be
granted, the Petitioner having been sworn to eleven Per
sons in Family —
Read a Petition of Thomas Greene of South Carolina,
Se^s Peti- setting forth, that he married the Daughter and Sole
Acres°rf°Land Heiress of Edward Jenkins late of this Province deceased,
postponed wbo ^n bjs ^r& Lime was possessed of five hundred Acres
of Land on an Island, commonly called Jenkins's on War
saw River, by Allotment of James Oglethorpe Esqr, on
which he built a House and made other Improvements,
but the Petitioner having no Instrument to shew to ascer
tain his Right in the said Lands, He hoped the Board
wou'd order a Warrant to be directed to the Surveyer
to lay it out, in Order that a Grant may be made out for
the same
Ordered — That the said Petition be postponed —
Read a Petition of Mrs Ann Parker Widow, setting
500 Acres of forth, that her late Husband Henry Parker Esqr in his
Land granted ' J ^
to Ann Parker Life Time was possessed of a Tract of five hundred Acres
of Land on an Island, called the Isle of Hope, and did
16 c r— vol 7
reside thereon and cultivate the same, at a great Expence
to the Time of his Death ; but, as the Petitioner was in
formed, did before his Death resign the same; that She,
with her Family, ever since the Death of her said Hus
band had resided and continued to make further Im
provements thereon ; and therefore praying, that the
Board wou'd regrant the said Lands to her —
Resolved — That the Prayer of the Petition be
granted — ¦
Read a Petition of Luke Paul, setting forth, that he
Petition for 100 was desirous of setling Lands in this Province ; and there-
Acres of Land . .
rejected— fore praying for one hundred Acres of Land, situated on
the South West Line of Mr Nathaniel Huntings Land on
Skidoway Point
Ordered — That the said Petition be rejected
GEORGIA At a Council held in the Council Cham
ber at Savannah on Friday the eighth Day of
August 1755— Present
His Excellency John Reynolds Esqr
James Habersham
Alexander Kellet
The Honourable { Noble Jones — y Esqri
| Francis Harris
(^ Jonathan Bryan
The Minutes of the preceeding Board were read and
approved —
AUGUST, 1755- 243
100 Acres of Read a Petition of William Maiden of this Province,
to8wii!temted praying for three hundred Acres of Land, adjoining
North of Lands granted to John Matthews and South of
Alexander Ross on the South Side of Coonoche River,
which he promised to cultivate, having a Wife and three
Children Resolved — That Part of the Prayer of the Petition,
namely one hundred Acres of Land, be granted
Thomas Bailey having entered a Caveat against Joseph
Baiiey'°s com- Gibbons having a Grant for a Tract of Land lately sur-
plaint against _
Joseph Gibbons Veyed for the said Gibbons about ten Miles West of Sa-
about survey- J
ingLands Lm- vannah, alledging that the said Gibbons had crossed the
Lines of a Tract lately granted to and laid out for him;
and both Parties appearing according to appointment,
and their respective Allegations being heard, it appeared
to the Board, that the survey made for said Gibbons was
executed agreable to his Warrant, which was prior to the
said Bailey's, and therefore was ordered to stand —
claims of Then the Board proceeded to examine the Claims of
aminld6— sundry Persons desiring Grants for Lands
GEORGIA At a Council held in the Council Cham
ber at Savannah on Tuesday the nineteenth
Day of August 1755 —
His Excellency John Reynolds Esqr
Sr Patrick Houstoun Bar'
Alexander Kellet "i
Francis Harris > Esqrs
Clement Martin j
The Honourable ¦
The Minutes of the preceeding Board were read and
approved — •
Bills drawn on
Mr. Agent
Martyn for
£857: 17: 8 to
discharge the
Expences of
the 6ilk
The Accounts of the whole Expence of the Silk Culture
the last Season being compleated, they were laid before
the Board, amounting to Eight Hundred fifty seven
Pounds seventeen Shillings and eight Pence Sterling, and
to discharge the same, His Excellency, and Alexander
Kellet, Francis Harris and Clement Martin Esqrs drew
sundry Bills of Exchange dated this Day on Benjamin
Martyn Esqr payable at thirty Days Sight to the following
Persons or their Order, of which they duly advised said
Mr Martyn, namely — •
To Mr John Fieri for .
To Ditto f or .
To James Edward Powell & Company . for .
To Joseph Ottolenghe for .
To Benjamin Sheftall for
To Revd Mr Bartholomew Zouberbuhler for .
To ditto for.
To Messieurs Harris and Rasberry. . .for.
To ditto f or .
To John Smith for .
To William Francis for .
To William Russell for .
To James Campbell for .
To Isaac Brabant for .
To James Habersham Esq1 for.
To Thomas Vincent for .
To William Russell for .
: 0
: 0
• 50
: 0
: 0
. 80
: 0
: 0
¦ 70
: 0
: 0
¦ 70
: 0
: 0
• 50
: 0
: 0
. 20
: 0
: 0
. . 50
: 0
: 0
• 30
: 0
: 0
• 50
: 0
: 0
• 50
: 0
: 0
• 5°
: 0
: 0
. 40
: 0
: 0
. 40
: 0
: 0
• 30 :
: 0
: 0
. 20 :
: 0
: 0
¦ 57 :
£857 ¦¦
His Excellency and Alexander Kellet, Francis Harris
Bills drawn on and Clement Martin Esqrs likewise drew a sett of Bills
Benjamin Mar- t * ¦LJU1J
£2n2-Eo^qofor dated this Day on Benjamin Martyn Esqr payable at
rfS&S* Thirty Days Sight to William Little Esqr or Order for
savannah twenty two Pounds Sterling on Account of the Expences
AUGUST, 1755. 245
for the Entertainment of Indians in Town, of which they
advised said Mr Martyn
Fees added to The Surveyers General having appiyed to the Board
the Surveyers - . , , . , . , . _^
General for an Addition to their b ees —
Ordered — That they be allowed to take for every
Search Eight Pence, and for a Return and Certificate for
a Town Lott Six Pence and no more —
Read a Petition of Cap' Raymond Demere praying for
wicke"SdHan-d" a Lott in Hardwicke known by Number 65. and also for
nthegJantedto" half of one of the reserved Lotts in Savannah, known by
Demerea— °n Letter F in Percival Ward, being on the East End con
taining Sixty by Ninety Feet
Resolved — • That the Prayer of the Petition be
granted —
The Provost Marshal having represented to the Gov-
PrOTost°Maer- ernor in Council, that Robert Wilson a Prisoner in Goal,
Robert wiiton who was lately condemned to be hanged, (but pardoned)
oa wag jn tjie utmost Danger of his Life by a Disorder, he
had upon him, and the General Court being adjourned to
a long Day, the Attorney General was asked his Opinion
of the legal Method of releasing him, who advised, that
in Consideration of the Circumstances, an Order from the
Governor and Council wou'd be sufficient, accordingly it
is Ordered, that the said Robert Wilson be immediately
released from his Confinement, and that the Provost
Marshal be served with a Copy hereof —
GEORGIA At a Council held in the Council Cham
ber at Savannah on Friday the twenty second
Day of August 1755
His Excellency John Reynolds Esqr
' Sr Patrick Houstoun Bar'
James Habersham ~)
The Honourable { Alexander Kellet
| Noble Jones — ¦
1^ Francis Harris —
? Esqr:
The Minutes of the preceeding Board were read and
approved —
The Board examined the Claims of sundry Persons de
claims of
Land examined sjr jng Grants f or Lands-
GEORGIA At a Council held in the Council Cham
ber at Savannah on Tuesday the twenty sixth
Day of August 1755 —
His Excellency John Reynolds Escf
( James Habersham
The Honourable < Alexander Kellet — j- Esqrs
I Noble Jones — j
The Board examined the Claims of sundry Persons de
claims of
Land examined siring Grants f or Lands —
AUGUST, 1755.
GEORGIA At a Council held in the Council Cham
ber at Savannah on Friday the twenty ninth
Day of August 1755 —
His Excellency John Reynolds Esqr
Sr Patrick Houstoun Bar1
James Habersham
Alexander Kellet
Noble Jones — • y Esqr!
I Jonathan Bryan
1^ Clement Martin
The Honourable <
The Provost Marshal having appiyed to the Board (as
Fees allowed ° u '
Slrfhaifor ^ Minute of the 15th of last Month) for Fees to be setled
an™schlrges on Commitments and Discharges, the Board took the
same into Consideration and,
Ordered — That he be allowed to take for every
Commitment of a white Person one Shilling and six
Pence, and the same for the Discharge ; and for the Com
mitment of a Negroe nine Pence and the same for the
Discharge — ¦
The Board examined the Claims of sundry Persons de
claims of . . r. _ T .
Land examined siring Grants f or Lands —
GEORGIA At a Council held in the Council Cham
ber at Savannah on Tuesday the Second Day
of September 1755
His Excellency John Reynolds Esqr
Sr Patrick Houstoun Bar'
James Habersham ")
Alexander Kellet j
Francis Harris J- Esqrs
Jonathan Bryan
Clement Martin J
The Honourable <
The Minutes of the preceeding Board were read and
approved —
Read a Petition of Thomas Smith of this Province,
Thomas praying for One hundred and fifty Acres of Land adioin-
Smith's Peti- 1 J ° J J
tion for 150 mg West of Lands lately granted to Cap' James Mackay
Acres of Lj3.ncl
postponed on the Head of South Newport —
Ordered — That the said Petition be postponed, till
the Board can be informed, whether the Land prayed for
be vacant — •
Read a Petition of Cap' James Mackay of this Prov-
M^kayTeu- mce, setting forth, that He had increased in his Family
Acre*°of70Land seventeen Negroes ; and therefore praying for seven hun
dred Acres of Land, namely two hundred Acres, adjoin
ing North to Lands granted to His Excellency the Gov
ernor on the North Side of great Ogechee River, and five
hundred Acres on the Head of South Newport, joining
North to Lands lately granted to the Petitioner —
Ordered — That the said Petition be postponed, 'till
the Board can be informed, whether the Land prayed for
be vacant
SEPTEMBER, 1755. 249
George Cuth- George Cuthbert Esqr named one of the Justices of the
tfyed^a Jul-" Peace for the Districts of Savannah, Abercorn and Go-
p^e°e * e shen Acton and Vernonburgh, and the Islands of Tyby,
Wilmington, Skidoway and Green Island desired to qual
ify as such; accordingly He took the State Oaths ap
pointed by Law, declared and subscribed the Test, and
also the Oath of a Justice of the Peace
claims of The Board examined Claims of sundry Persons de-
Land examined siring Grants for Lands
GEORGIA At a Council held in the Council Cham
ber at Savannah on Friday the fifth Day of
September 1755 —
His Excellency John Reynolds Esqr
Sr Patrick Houstoun Bar'
James Habersham ]
Alexander Kellet J- Esq"
Francis Harris |
The Honourable
The Minutes of the preceeding Board were read and
approved —
Read a Petition of the Reva Mr Bartholomew Zouber-
vannahofoobybuhler, praying for half of a Lot in Savannah known by
90 Feet granted T -,r . . , _ . . , TT, ,
totheRevd. Letter Y. fronting the Square in Anson s Ward contam-
Mr. Bartholo- _,_>_,
buhier0— *"" 'm% Sixty Feet in Front and Ninety Feet in Depth —
Resolved — That the Prayer of the Petition be
granted —
T ,. _ Read a Petition of Thomas Vincent of this Province,
a Lot in Savan-
Ftet°grantei to Praying Ior half of a Lott in Savannah, known by Letter
Thomas Vm- y. fronting Drayton Street in Anson's Ward containing
sixty feet in Front and Ninety Feet in Depth —
Resolved-gr anted —
That the Prayer of the Petition be
Claims of
Lands ex
amined —
The Board examined the Claims of sundry Persons de
siring Grants for Lands
GEORGIA At a Council held in the Council Cham
ber at Savannah on Tuesday the Ninth Day
of September 1755 —
His Excellency John Reynolds Esqr
Sr Patrick Houstoun Bar'
James Habersham
Alexander Kellet
Noble Jones — j> Esq"
Jonathan Bryan
Clement Martin J
The Plonourable •(
The Minutes of the preceeding Board were read and
claims of The Board examined the Claims of sundry Persons de-
Land examined sinng. Qrants for Lands
SEPTEMBER, 1755. 251
GEORGIA At a Council held in the Council Cham
ber at Savannah on Friday the Twelfth Day
of September 1755 — ¦
His Excellency John Reynolds Esqr
( Sr Patrick Houstoun Bar'
The Honourable < Alexander Kellet | „ ^ rs
( Noble Jones— J ^sq
The Governor laid a Letter from Governor Glen of
the Governor South Carolina before the Board wherein Mr Glen ob-
ima respecting serves that the Creek Indians are at the brink of breaking
the Indian
Trade read, and out War against Us and apprehends that the only Way
of preventing it will be to reduce the Trade to the same
footing as the Cherokees which the Indians have de
manded; and therefore desiring to have the Governor's
Sentiments thereon —
The Board having taken the same into Consideration
the Board gave it as their Opinion that provided the Traders of this
thereon ?, . , r . , . ~
Province were put on as good a footing as those of Caro
lina in regard to the Number and privileges and that Care
be taken that the Trade don't fall into too few Hands that
the Indians then ought to be satisfyed in lowering the
Price of Goods — ¦
A Memorial and Remonstrance of His Majesty's Coun-
RlmoTstrance cil which was deliver'd to His Excellency the 2a Instant
ty's counciTto was read and ordered to be enter'd in the Minutes of this
concernlngThT Day — • Also an Answer to said Memorial and Remon-
Conduct of , , ,,, ., TT.T^
William Little strance was read and order d expresly by His Excellency
Esqr. His Ex- i J J J
ceiiency's pri- to be entered in the Minutes likewise of this Day, and a
vate Secretary, J '
HamTittuvs" Copy thereof to be deliver'd to the Members conceni'd —
Letter to His
ariwernthereto "To His Excellency John Reynolds Esqr Governor in
ordered to be "Chief, Captain General, and Vice Admiral, of the Prov-
enter'd .
"ince of Georgia
"The humble Memorial & Remonstrance of His Majesty's
"Council for the said Province
Memorial of
His Majesty's"
Sheweth "That whereas on your Excellency's Arrival in
"this Province such Measures were taken by some Dis
affected Persons as both Houses of Assembly voted
"Seditious, upon which your Excellency sent to
"Charles-town for a Sloop of War station'd there & an
"Association was formed by the two Houses & other
"well disposed People to defend with their lives & For-
"tunes your Excellency's Government and Person,
"William Little Esqr (your Excellencys Private Sec
retary, Clerk of the Assembly, Clerk of the Crown and
"Peace, Clerk of the General Court, Justice of the
"Peace, Secretary & Commissary for Indian Affairs, &
"Aid-de-Camp to your Excellency) absolutely refused
"to Join in such Association to the Astonishment of the
"Friends of the Government, & the Encouragement of
"it's Adversarys
"And in Order Effectually & indisputably to Evi
dence the reason of such Conduct, That he the said
William Little from that Time openly consorted with,
& has ever since Professedly Patronized, the very
Persons Associated against; so that as soon as any
one is suspected or Censured by the Legislature he is
sure of having Mr Little for his steady Friend & Pub
lic Companion —
"That he the said William Little improperly inter-
"feres in the Departments of the Kings Officers, striv-
"ing all he can to make Business uneasy to them, &
"censuring their Abilitys, or Depreciating their Offices
"in Order to render the Officers contemptible ; and that
"he the said William Little has presumed to procede in
"such licentious behaviour so far, as to defame; slan-
SEPTEMBER, 1755- 253
"der & Threaten, the whole Council in a public Street :
"notwithstanding he himself has manifested as little
"Industry or Capacity in the Places he enjoys as any
"Person in Office in the Colony
"For that as Clerk of the Crown & Peace & of the
"General Court, he the said William Little has not only
"been extremely deficient and remiss in his proper Busi
ness and Duty, and behaved with great arrogance to
"the Bench ; but has even been Guilty of Extortion by
"exacting from those who Qualify there more than is
"allow'd by the Act of Parliament —
"That as Justice of the Peace he the said William
"Little thro' obstinacy constantly issues Unclerklike
"Warrants ; and has committed some Persons and dis
charged others illegally
"That as Private Secretary to your Excellency, he
"the said William Little has, either Ignorantly or de
signedly drawn the Commissions of the Subalterns of
"the Militia in such a manner as may defeat the neces
sary Subordination which is the life of all military Ac-
"tion. He the said William Little also frequently mis-
"represents your Excellency, as having your Promotion
"in the Navy more at Heart than the Prosperity of the
"Colony, as intending a rigorous adherence at all
"Events to narrow Literal Interpretations of your Pow-
"ers, as not being empower' d to settle the Government
"here upon the Plan of Clemency and liberty indulged
"to the neighbouring Colonys, and as determin'd to
"suspend any Counsellor or Kings Officer who shall
"transmit to England any Account of public Affairs :
"By means of which false Insinuations many Settlers
"have been so terrified as to leave the Province, and
"more doubtless hinder'd from coming in to it —
"And That as Clerk of the Assembly, he the said
"William Little has drawn up the Minutes of the Pro
ceedings of that House in so arbitrary a manner; sev-
"eral of it's Members have declared they were Mr Lit-
"tle's Minutes not those of the Assembly; & in so in
correct a Manner, that some Bills are Misnamed;
"some Entrys entirely omitted, & others unfaithfully
"set down : & of these Minutes or of any part of them
"he has refused Copys even to the Members of the
"Council who applied for the same. He the said
"William Little also endeavoured during the Session of
"the last General Assembly, in a most unprecedented &
"dangerous manner, dayly to Influence both Houses by
"pretended verbal Messages from your Excellency ; two
"of which have been falsify'd, And has even, with a
"temerity, deserving of the severest Animadversion
"dared to sink on the three States of this Province (or
"certainly Co-operated in the Sinking of) two Bills
"that had regularly pass'd Both Houses
"The Council therefore (being convinced that it is
"their indispensible Duty to their King, this Countrey,
"and your Excellency) very Earnestly advise, & most
"humbly Request, your Excellency, to Remove the said
"William Little from his Public Employments, & your
"Excellency's Counsels —
James Habersham
Alexander Kellet
Noble Jones
Francis Harris
Jonathan Bryan
Clement Martin
Esqr- to His
Excellency in
answer to a
Memorial of
His Majesty's
"Sir, "Your Excellency having been pleased to shew me a
wttomLittie "written Paper signed by some Members of the Council
"wherein many severe Reflections are cast upon me,. I beg
"leave to trouble your Excellency with an Answer, which
"I make not through Fear of losing my public Employ-
"ments which are attended with so much Trouble and so
"little Profit that I have long had it in my Thoughts, as
"my Friends very well know, to relinquish them, but least
"any false Insinuations should make Impression upon you
"and lessen me in your Friendship and Regard, which
"among the Things in this World I most value and es-
"teem —
"I am first charged with refusing to join in the Associa-
"tion; I did indeed refuse, because I thought it unneces
sary and might tend to make People desperate, who told
"me their Sole Design was to support a contraverted Elec-
"tion, which too was managed with so much Temper that
"there was not a broken Head or a bloody Nose upon the
"Occasion, and the chief of them did moreover assure me
"that if your Excellency would by any means signify to
"them your Pleasure that they should depart, they would
"instantly obey. My Loyalty to His Majesty has been
"manifested by twenty Years spent in his Service and I
"am now as your Excellency knows upon the List of half-
"pay Officers; I was scarce born in the Year 171 5 and in
"1745 having been just paid off after a long Voyage to
"Jamaica, Carthagene, & Porto Bello I entered as a Vol-
"unteer to assist in suppressing the horrid Rebellion of
"that, and part of the succeeding Year; my Attachment
"to your Excellency No Man in his Senses can doubt of,
"and indeed my Dependence upon You in this Country is
"so entire that to have entered into an Association for
"your Defence might even have made the whole redicu-
"lous ; But I am charged also with consorting or as it is
"improperly termed pratronising the Persons associated
"against; I have it is true kept Company with many of
"them, but with this good Design (which I communicated
"to Your Excellency and it was by You approved of) to
"undeceive them in some false Notions they had imbibed,
"and to conciliate their Minds and Affections to the Gov
ernment; and in this I have been so successfull that
"most of these I have comtersed with are ready to spill the
"last drop of their Blood in support of His Majesty's sa-
"cred Authority and the Defence of your Excellency's
"Person and Honour and of this Some have given You
"the most solemn Assurances in Person and others under
"their Hands —
"It is said that I improperly interfere in the Depart-
"ments of the King's Officers I know of no such Interfer
ing unless it be that during the sitting of the Assembly
"Mr Habersham used frequently to come to me for Advice
"and Assistance in forming the Minutes of the Council
"which I readily gave him but little imagined it would
"have been objected to me as a Fault; and as to cen-
"suring his Abilitys I remember one of the Council told
"me that he was absolutely insufficient for his Employ-
"ments, adding with an arch look, that there was one
"Qualification He thought requisite in a Secretary or
"Clerk that Habersham wanted and that is, knowing how
"to spell. I have labour'd to make no Man contemptible ;
"alas the Deportment of Some People makes that Work
"altogether unnecessary — ¦
"As to the Clerkship of the Courts I am charged with
"being deficient and remiss, and truely having never been
"bred to the Law and an utter Stranger to all the Forms
"of it, there may be many Deficiencies, but in this Re-
"spect I am far from being singular, the strange Irregu
larities (thro' Inexperience) of the Proceedings are
"known to every Body and as one of the Justices of the
"Bench (who is no more bred a Lawyer than my self)
SEPTEMBER, 1755- 257
"candidly observed, We have all a great deal to excuse in
"one another; As to remissness, even the Provost Mar-
Shall, who by the insupportable Haughtiness and Arro-
"gancy of his Behaviour and the scandalous Dissoluteness
"of His Morals and Conduct has made himself detestable
"and obnoxious to the Community, when he was thrice
"presented by the Grand Jury for illegal arbitrary and
"cruel Proceedings in the Execution of his office, He ig-
"norantly or presumtously dared to threaten in open
"Court that He would put a Stop to the Course of all civil
"Justice; a Threat which unless the Lawyers in Carolina
"are mistaken amounts to Treason —
"but it is said that I have even been guilty of Extor-
"tion ; a heavy Charge and that ought to be made good,
"or must reflect Infamy upon the Persons that bring it;
"When your Excellency took your Certificate out of
"Court, You gave me a Dollar, Some others followed your
"Example; Many did not, but as what they gave was
"chiefly in Merchants Note I received all that was offered
"and never looked into their Contents 'till the Court was
"over, and then found many were of two Shillings &
"half a Crown only ; All that I received that Day amount
ed to about two Pounds, which with the other Fees from
"the Attorneys and for the issuing out Writs make all
"the Places jointly worth about fourteen Pounds a Year
"and out of this, two Guineas I have expended for blank
"Writs, and two more for Books and Stationary Ware;
"I heartily wish a Salary was annexed to these offices that
"it might be worth while for some Man of proper Ability
"and Education to exercise them ; at present it is not, ffor
"the Profits in this expensive Country are not sufficient
"even to pay a Man's Lodging only
"It is also alledged that as Justice of the Peace I have
"made illegal Commitments and Discharges; As this is
"said in general my Answer must be so too; I know of
17 c r— vol 7
"none such ; Let the Particulars be pointed out and I am
"ready fully to justify my self upon that Head, and give
"me leave to say that in this Office I have never except in
"two litigious Quarrels taken any Fee or Reward at
"all— "That I have Slander'd defamed and threatned the
"whole Council in a Public Street I absolutely deny; one
"of the Members indeed accosted me with base injurious
"Language to which I made a proper Return, but to your
"Excellency's Orders in Council I have ever paid the
"greatest Deference and Regard —
"It is said that I have falsely misrepresented your Ex
cellency as having your Promotion in the Navy more at
"Heart than the Good of the Colony — When the Militia
"Bill passed there was a Clause in it vesting the Assem-
"bly with Power to dispose of the Public Money and as
"this was contrary to His Majesty's Instructions You re-
"jected it, many Arguments were used to incline You to
"consent, the Good and Encouragement of the Colony
"were pleaded and the Example of our Neighbours in
"Carolina was quoted as enjoying this Indulgence, and
"upon this Occasion I did indeed say that your Interest
"in the Navy was such that neither for the Good of this
"Colony or any Consideration whatever You would run
"the Hazzard of incurring His Majesty's Displeasure by
"a direct Breach of his plain and express Orders. Now
"if refusing to give up this Point and some others equally
"essential be sticking to narrow literal Interpretations I
"really know not what Idea to fix upon Words; I have
"upon all Occasions insisted upon His Majesty's Good-
Cess to this Colony and that Gratitude and legal Obedi-
"ence are the least Return that can be made for so many
"Marks of Royal Favour; I have been a strenious As-
"serter of the just Rights & Prerogative of the Crown
"and this is the secret, for they dare not make it the
"avowed, cause of many virulent Invectives against me
SEPTEMBER, 1755- 259
"and no Wonder it should be so in a Country where be-
Sore your Excellency's Arrival, Treasonable Jacobitical
"Healths were drank at Public Meetings and in the Com-
"pany of Persons then in the highest offices —
"That I should represent your Excellency as deter-
"mined to suspend any Councillor or King's Officer who
"shall transmit home an Account of Public Affairs is re-
"diculous; An Attempt to restrain or limit any Corre
spondence with England wou'd be absurd and imprac-
"ticable, and I dare say Your Excellency's Administra-
"tion can bear the stricktest Examination and I never
"heard of any Settlers that have left the Province except
"Edmund Gray and some of his vagrant Followers —
"A Defect is complained of in the Militia Commissions.
"Your Excellency I presume is the Sole Judge of the
"Power you think proper to invest the Officers with and
"as the Commissions were made out by your own Order
"You will be pleased to give your self an Account of your
"Conduct; however it is with Matchless Impudence Mr
"Habersham signs to this Objection since the Commis
sions were made out from an Original of his own hand
"writing which is now in my Possession —
"As Clerk of the Assembly it is asserted that I have
"drawn up the Minutes in so arbitrary a Manner that they
"are mine not those of the House. This Charge is equally
"false, Malicious and Weak. The Journal from the Be
ginning to the End as it now stands was on the very
"Day the Assembly was prorogued, read to, and approved
"of by, the whole House, and the Truth of this, several
"of the Members now in Town are ready to attest upon
"Oath; Money was offered to me for a Copy of this
"Journal, but I refused to give any, having had no Bi
sections for that Purpose, especially as the Assembly
"when the Council applied to them for their Journal told
"them, the Council had no Right to examine their Jour-
"nal as a House, but any Body might look into it upon
"making proper Application, and it has been accordingly
"read throughout by some Members of the Council ; It
"is said this Journal is incorrect and has misnamed sev
eral Bills ; Whoever considers that the Session was only
"of two Months Buration and that in so short a Period,
"above twenty Bills were brought in and twelve of them
"ingrossed and passed into Laws, two fair Journals of
"the House made out, and no Assistance to be got but
"from a Lad of seventeen Years of Age, will easily be-
"lieve there must be some little Inaccuracies, but they are
"so small that they can be seen only through the magni-
"fying Glass of Prejudice and Malice; not one willfull
"Error can be shewn ; He must be strangely ignorant of
"Parliamentary Proceedings that does not know that
"great Alterations are made in the Titles of Bills after
"they are brought into a House; and that all the Laws
"are inserted under their proper Titles I can prove by col-
Sating the Journal with the original Acts lodged in the
"Secretary's Office
"As to verbal Messages they were chiefly about such
"Things as could not with any Propriety be committed
"to writing and in Order to save time by abridging
"Forms, but I was so far from being fond of this Em-
"ployment that as it was indispensibly necessary that the
"Acts should be framed agreeably to the King's Instruc-
"tions, I had a Conversation with Mr Jones on the Sub
ject and told him that the Governor would inform him
"what Clauses and Parts of the Bills must be altered be-
Sore he was empower'd to assent to them, and that His
"Excellency would be very glad if Mr Jones would en-
"deavour to get the Alterations made in the Council ; at
"first He inclined to undertake it but whether He thought
"it a troublesome Business or that it might in some meas-
"ure affect his Independency I know not, but the Method
"to my great Regret was laid aside
"As to my sinking or cooperating in the sinking of
"two Bills, I never heard of more than one that was sunk;
"An Act to prevent illegal Settlements of Lands, and as
"ample Provision is made by the King's Instructions
"against this Evil, the Bill was not presented merely on
"Account of it's Insignificancy and Non-Importance; I
"have this Bill now by me and had it then ready and I
"defie the Craft and Subtilty of the Bevil or Man to
"prove that I could possibly have any Personal view or
"any Purpose whatever to serve in it's being sunk
Septr 12. 1755
"To His Excellency John Rey- "I am
"nolds Esqr Captain General and
"Governor in Chief of His Maj
esty's Colony of Georgia
"Sir "Your most Faithfull
"and Obedient
'Will™ Little
„ .. ,. The Consideration of said Memorial and Remon-
JfafandRe^0" strance was deferred 'till Mr Habersham returns from
An Account of the Provost Marshal amounting to
Marsha°™Ac- twenty two Pounds five Shillings and eight Pence was
mg to £22: 5: 8 presented, which was allowed and ordered to stand in
allowed due Course of Payment and the Public Treasurer was
ordered to pay the same
„ T , Mr Jonathan Bryan having resign'd acting as lustice
Mr. Jonathan 00 o j
Acttogafju1^ °t the General Court, the Board took into Consideration
eial&iurt— "the appointment of another, and came to a Resolution
that for the Future two more should be added and de
ferred the Nomination of them to a fuller Board —
Petitionof Read a Petition of Henry Yonge; praying for one
fo?nioorcrfse hundred Acres of Land—
of Land
postponed Ordered — That the said Petition be postponed
GEORGIA At a Council held in the Council Cham
ber at Savannah on Tuesday the thirtieth
Bay of September 1755
His Excellency John Reynolds Esqr
The Honourable
Sr Patrick Houstoun Bar'
Alexander Kellet j
Noble Jones — > Esq™
Francis Harris I
The Minutes of the preceeding Board were read and
approved James Mackay and James Edward Powell Esqrs being
a£d jam^iM- sent for> attended, and after they had taken the State
EsqrsPafterbe- Oaths appointed by Law, and declared and subscribed
their seats as the Test, as well as taken the Oath of Councillors men-
the'collncii tioned at large in a Minute of the 31s' of October last,
took their Seats at the Board accordingly
A Memorial and Remonstrance of His Majesty's Coun-
Memorialand .
Remonstrance cil having been presented to His Excellency the 22 day
HisExcenenc° this instant, it was ordered to be entered in this Bay's
bantered Minutes, and it is as follows
SEPTEMBER, 1755. 263
"To his Excellency John Reynolds Esqr Captain Gen
eral & Governor in chief of his Majestys Province
"of Georgia
"The Memorial and Remonstrance of his Majes-
"tys Council for the said Province
'humbly shews
"That the Council have taken into serious Considera
tion the letter to your Excellency from William Little
'Esqr which by your Excellencys express Command is
'entered in the Journal of their Proceedings; and want
'words to Express their Surprise & Concern that your
'Excellency should Think a Paper of so Extraordinary &
Unusual a Nature a proper answer to the Bispassionate
'& Respectfull Memorial presented by his Majestys Coun-
'cil for this Province to your Excellency — ¦
"For that whereas the Memorial of the Council is re-
'plete with nothing but the Facts complained of, which
'they are ready to prove in the most Formal Manner;
'and which indeed they might Accumulate, if they could
'suppose Additional Facts at all Necessary: Mr Little's
'Letter, on the contrary, (through the whole of which
'Reigns a contemptuous Asperity against his Majestys
'Council, ill becoming a Private person on whom they
'lavished favors,) is, excepting a few flimsy Palliations,
'made up of Indecent Invectives against Particular Coun-
'cillors, & notorious Misrepresentations of Men &
'Things : especially of the Presentment of a Grand Jury
'against one of their Members ; the Result of which Mr
'Little ought not to have Suppressed, but to have added
'to what has been written on That Subject, that the Mat-
'ters Presented were in the Opinion of the Court (the
'only Proper Judges) too Trivial to merit any Prose-
'cution — •
"That the Council can not sufficiently Lament the Pos
sibility that it should be in the power of a Man of a bad
"Head & worse Heart (for he must have Both to fit him
"for the Undertaking) to Lessen or Invalidate your Ex-
"cellencys wonted Confidence in your Natural Council-
"lors, who have collectively & Individually given incon-
"testable Proofs of their Loyalty to his most sacred Maj-
"esty, of their Zeal for your Excellencys Government, &
"of their Affection for your Person ; yet must They con-
"fess that the Council can only Attribute to such an In-
"fluence, an unfortunate Influence to this infant Colony
"should it in the least Prevail, That your Excellency is
"pleased to issue Proclamations without their Advice &
"Consent, even in affairs in which they are to have the
"honor of Cooperating with your Excellency; by means
"whereof they are precluded from giveing their Opinions
"as it is their Buty to do ; & if they consulted afterwards,
"it can only be on Points apparently Predetermined : Nor
"can they do otherwise than impute to the same Cause,
"That your Excellency has Suspended one of the most
"Unexceptionable of their Members, a Gentleman of great
"honor, & well qualifyed as the Council (in all Buty &
"Plumility to your Excellency) opine, to serve his Maj-
"esty at their Board —
"Your Excellencys faithful Council therefore,
"after maturest Beliberation, Protest, upon
"their Honors & Consciences, before God & the
"World, That they think it their Indispensable
"Buty to their King, this Country, & your Ex
cellency, Repeatedly to advise & Request your
"Excellency to Remove the said William Little
"from his Publick Employments & your Excel-
"lencys Councils
SEPTEMBER, 1755- 2(55
"Signed, in the Absence of James Haber-
"sham & Jonathan Bryan Esqrs in South Car-
"olina, by
Al Kellet
N. Jones
Fras Harris
Clem' Martin"
element Mar- His Excellency acquainted the Board that he had sus-
tinEsqr. sus-
pended from pended Clement Martin Esqr from the Board of Council,
the Board of r ^
council for Reasons which he should give to His Majesty —
James De Tames Be Veaux and Elisha Butler Esqrs being nomi-
Veaux and J ± ^
EsSvt Noml- nated by the Board Assistant Judges of the next General
tent Judges" of Court — It is Ordered that they be acquainted therewith,
er!i -ccfur?— and to desire their Answer whether they will Act as such
Sr Patrick Houstoun Bar* produced to the Board his
Houstoun Bart. Commission for being Register of the Grants and Re
sworn as Eeg- . . -it-.- r\ a
ister of the ceiver of Quit Rents in the Province of Georgia m Amer-
Grantsand ^ °
Receiver of ica and took the Oaths of Allegiance and Supremacy and
Quit Rents ° r j
declared and subscribed the Test, as also the Oath of
Office Read a Petition of Cap' James Mackay of this Prov-
LandSntod ince (postponed as ^P Minute of the 4th June last) setting
Mackay James f orth, that he had increased in his Family seventeen Ne
groes; and therefore praying for seven Hundred Acres
of Land, namely, two hundred Acres, adjoining North to
Lands granted to His Excellency the Governor on the
North Side of Great Ogechee River, and five hundred
Acres on the Head of South Newport, joining North to
Lands lately granted to the Petitioner
Resolved — ¦ That the Prayer of the Petition be
granted, the Petitioner having been sworn to seventeen
Negroes increased in his Family
150 Acres of
Land granted
to Thomas
Read a Petition of Thomas Smith of this Province
Planter (postponed as ^3 Minute of the 4th June last)
praying for one hundred and fifty Acres of Land adjoin
ing West of Lands lately granted to Cap' James Mackay
on the Head of Newport River
That the Prayer of the Petition be
His Excellency made a Speech to the Council, a Copy
of which was delivered to the Members, and is as fol
lows —
His Excellen
cy's Speech to
the Gentlemen
of the Council
'Gentlemen of the Council
"Last Tuesday, a Paper intitled the Memorial and Re
monstrance of His Majesty's Council for this Province,
was presented to me, which however is signed only by
three of the Members of the Council, in this Paper they
express their surprise and concern that I should think
Mr Little's Letter to me, a proper Answer to a former
Memorial, concerning the said Mr Little; whereas, if
those Gentlemen will recollect themselves, they may re
member that I proposed naming a Bay for Proving the
Facts alledged against Mr Little in that Memorial, and
accordingly it was agreed to be done when Mr Haber
sham should return from Carolina of which I ordered a
Minute to be made; and they must not expect my An
swer 'till after these Allegations against Mr Little, are
fully proved before me. But I shall take this Oppor
tunity to Observe to you, that I have great reason to
apprehend that some Evil-minded People have attempt
ed to destroy the Harmony that used to subsist between
me and the Council, by possessing some of the Members
with an Opinion that my Authority is insufficient to Be-
termine in any thing without the concurrence of the
Council, whereas nothing is more evident than the con
trary; for His Majesty's Commission and Instructions
SEPTEMBER, 1755. 267
"to me, which you all know is the Sole Basis and Consti-
"tution of this Government, are extreamly Clear and Ex
pressive, and without Seeking to give Interpretations or
"Extensions to them, which might have very Bad Conse
quences, they very particularly express those Matters
"wherein the Advice and Consent of the Council are nec-
"essary to be had, and in all others sufficiently Authorise
"me to Govern this Colony without consulting them : as
"I am Betermined to do, whenever I shall Judge Proper ;
"and I should be unworthy of my Office if ever I were to
"decend to be a President of the Council ; notwithstand-
"ing it has been my general practice to Govern my self
"by Your Advice, which will always have it's due weight
"with me; but I expect that no Member of this Board
"will Presume again to tell me in Council, that he thinks
"I ought to lay all the Public Letters I write, before the
"Council, for their Approbation, before I send them to
"England : or that I ought to give a Copy of all my In
structions to the Council; or that the word You, so
"often repeated in my Instructions, means the Council :
"or that I have ever connived at Prosecutions intended
"against any Member of the Council ; or that they doubt
"of my Authority to suspend any of the Members of the
"Council, and Several other unbecoming expressions,
"which have been made to me in Council; but that in
stead of wishing to break in upon that subordination so
"absolutely necessary in Government, and so wisely es-
"tablished here by the best of Kings. You will Befeat
"the Schemes of Wicked and Besigning Men, by uniting
"in the support of that Authority His Majesty has been
"pleased to invest me with, and assisting me with your
"best Advice, in all such Matters as I shall think proper
"to recommend to your consideration, for promoting the
"true Interest and Welfare of this Colony, which I have
"very much at Heart —
"In regard to the Proclamations that I issued concern-
"ing Lands, You are not unacquainted with that Article
"of my Instructions, wherein His Majesty Commands me
"to give Publick Notice on that occasion, by Proclama-
"tion, or otherwise as I shall Judge most proper —
J. Reynolds"
GEORGIA At a Council held in the Council Cham
ber at Savannah on Thursday the second Bay
of October 1755 —
His Excellency John Reynolds Esq'
Alexander Kellet
Noble Jones — ¦
Francis Harris \ Esq"
James Mackay — ¦
^ James Edward Powell
The Honourable
The Minutes of the Preceeding Board were read and
approved Some Creek Indians having lately come here to the
dianseattended, Number of thirteen, Men, Women and Children, they
munition or- were ordered to attend, and after the usual Compliments
dered to be
given them on these Occasions had passed, the Head Man (Oucuth-
la) appiyed to His Excellency for some Presents for him
self and Followers — His Excellency acquainted them that
the Presents were to be delivered to the Indians at Au
gusta ; therefore they could not deliver any to them here,
but to enable them to go on with their Hunts told them
that they should be supplyed with some Powder and Ball
before they set out from hence, and should have Notice to
come to Augusta when the Presents should arrive there,
at which time, His Excellency intended to be present —
OCTOBER, 1755- 2'
time J
FEBRUARY, 1756. 325
Mr.AgentMar- Which being respectively Examined his Excellency the
visld'thereof in Governor certifyed the same to be Justly due to the said
Harris and Habersham and Mr Agent Martyn was ac
cordingly advised thereof in two Letters from the Board
GEORGIA At a Council held in the Council Cham
ber at Savannah on Fryday the 27th Feb17
1756 Present
His Excellency John Reynolds Esq1-
Sr Patrick Houstoun Bar'
James Habersham ")
The HonMe > Noble Jones ! £ „
Francis Harris ( ^
James Edward Powell J
The Minutes of the Preceeding board were read and
claim of Lands Then the board Examined the Claims of Sundry per-
Examined— SQns desiring grants fof Lands
GEORGIA At a Council held in the Council Cham
ber at Savannah on Fryday the 5"1 March
T756 Present
His Excellency John Reynolds Esqr
' Sr Patrick Houstoun Bar'
James Habersham ")
The HonWe I Noble Jones I E ra
Francis Harris j ^
^ Jonathan Bryan J
The Minutes of the Preceeding Board were read and
Grants for His Excellency the Governor signed Grants for Lands
by &:anaidfrorn laid out by Grants from the late Trustees or Allotments
tels or Aiiot-" by the late President and Assistants to the following
ments from the
late President Persons.
and Assistants
signed by the James Habersham Esqr 500 Acres in the district of Little
James Habersham Esqr a Lot in Hardwicke N° 32
Joseph Habersham a Lot in Hardwicke N° 33
Bartholomew Zouberbuhler Clerk 500 Acres on Argyle
Island in the district of Savannah
Charles West 500 Acres in the district of Great Ogechee
James Dixie 200 Acres in the district of Little Ogechee
Benjamin Weddal 50 Acres being a Lot in Savannah with
Garden and farm Lotts
Peter Papot 98 Acres being a Lot in Savannah with a
Garden And Two farm Lotts
MARCH, 1756. 327
James Papot 50 Acres being a Lot in Savannah with
Garden and farm Lots
Peter Papot 400 Acres in the district of Little Ogechee
Lieu' John Gray 500 Acres on the North Side of Sapolo
Francis Harris Esqr a Lot in Plardwicke N° 45
Francis Harris Esqr 50 Acres being a Lot in Savannah
with Garden and farm Lots
Thomas Harris 500 Acres in the district of Little Ogechee
Andrew Walker 50 Acres being a Lot in Savannah with
Garden and farm Lots
Joseph Ottolenghe 50 Acres being a Lot in Savannah
with Garden and farm Lots
Joseph Ottolenghe 350 Acres in the district of Savannah
James Parris 350 Acres in the district of Augusta
Charles Watson 45 Acres being a Lot in Savannah with
farm Lot
John and Jane Cary in Trust for John their Son 50
Acres being a Lot in Savannah with Garden and farm
Richard Dormer 50 Acres being a Lot in Savannah with
Garden and farm Lotts.
John Dobell 50 Acres being a Lot in Savannah with
Garden and farm Lotts
Joseph and Anna Hunter 50 Acres being a Lot in Savan
nah with Garden and farm Lots
William Grant 50 Acres being a Lot in Savannah with
Garden and farm Lotts
David Brown 50 Acres being a Lot in Savannah with
Garden and farm Lotts
William Gibbons 365 Acres in the district of Savannah
William Gibbons 250 Acres in the district of Little Oge
Thomas Butler 500 Acres in the district of Great Oge
John Parker 500 Acres in the district of Midway
James Butler 500 Acres on Collins Creek leading out of
Midway River
William Butler 300 Acres on the South Side of Great
Ogechee River
William Butler 500 Acres in the district of Great Oge
William Butler a Lot in Hardwicke N° 23
Clement Martin Esq1" 500 Acres on the North Side of Lit
tle Ogechee
Clement Martin Esqr 500 Acres in the district of New
Clement Martin Esqr 500 Acres in the district of New
John Elliott 500 Acres in the district of Newport
Josiah Osgood 500 Acres in the district of Newport
John Quarterman Senr 500 Acres in the district of Mid
MARCH, 1756. 329
Grants for The following were for Lands laid out by Warrants
bawsa£to.°ut from his Excellency
from the Gov
ernor signed William Butler a Lot in Hardwicke N° 21
William Butler 500 Acres on the South Side of Great
William Butler 500 Acres on the North Side of Great
His Excellency John Reynolds Esqr Two Lotts in Hard
wicke Number 51 and 58
His Excellency John Reynolds Esqr a Lot in Savannah
Letter Z Sixty by One Hundred and Eighty feet —
John Elliott Esq1" 600 Acres in- the district of Newport
John Elliot Esq1 300 Acres in the district of Newport
John Elliot a Lot in Plardwicke N° 82
Isabrandt Van Beverhoudt a Lot in Hardwicke N° 104
Adrian Van Beverhoudt a Lot in Hardwicke N° 105
Maurice Dullea a Lot in Hardwicke N° 92
William Handley a Lot in Hardwicke N° 61
Audley Maxwell 350 Acres in the district of Newport
John Stewart Junr 500 Acres on the South Branch of
North Newport River
Joseph Bacon 500 Acres on the Middle Branch of North
Newport River
Toseph Bacon 500 Acres on the Middle Branch of North
Newport River
Joseph Bacon 300 Acres on the Middle Branch of North
Newport River
David Stephens 500 Acres on the North Branch of Mid
Mary Smith 100 Acres on the North Branch of Midway
James Houstoun a Lot in Hardwicke N° 78
Henry Yonge Esqr 300 Acres on Willmington Island
James Mackay Esqr 100 Acres between the Great Oge
chee and Midway Rivers
John Quarterman Senr 300 Acres in the district of New
Thomas Peacock 100 Acres on the North Side of the
South Branch of North Newport
John Winn a Lot in Hardwicke N° 112
John Quarterman Senior 50 Acres in the district of Mid
Clement Martin Esqr half a Lott in Savannah Letter O.
Clement Martin Esqr a Lot in Hardwicke N° 63
William Clifton Esqr 500 Acres in the district of New
William Clifton Esqr a Lot in Savannah known by Let
ter N.
William Clifton Esqr a Lot in Hardwicke N° 183
Robert Smallwood 150 Acres on the North Branch of
North Newport
MARCH, 1756.
100 Acres of
Land granted
to John Bar
Rebeckah Quarterman 300 Acres at the head of Newport
Joseph Way 500 Acres on the North Branch of Newport
Bartholomew Zouberbuhler Clerk half a Lot in Savannah
known by Letter Y
Read a Petition of John Barnard setting forth that he
was desirous of Improving a Tract of One Hundred
Acres of Pine Barren Land bounding on the North Side
of Willmington Island on a Creek that leads to Tyby
Joining to William Dews on the East and on the West to
his Land
That the prayer of the Petition be
Read a Petition of Thomas Brian Praying for One
Thomas Brian Hundred and fifty Acres of Land
for 150 Acres of
Land reejcted Ordered — That the said Petition be rejected the
Land not being Vacant
Petitionof Read a Petition of John Farley of this Province pray-
john Farley j for Th Hundred and fifty Acres of Land
for 250A of ° J
Land rejected Ordered — That the said Petition be rejected the
Lands prayed for not Vacant
350 Acres of
Land granted
to Benjn.
Read a Petition of Benjamin Goldwire of this Prov
ince Setting forth that he was desirous of Improving
Lands having a Wife and five Children and therefore
praying for Three Hundred and fifty Acres situate on the
North Side of Great Ogechee River opposite to the Place
where Fort Argyle formerly Stood
Resolved — -
That the Prayer of the Petition be
Petition of Gil- Read a Petition of Gilshot Thomas Praying for One
for°l5Tohrra!s Hundred Acres of Land on the South Side of Bryer
of Land rt i
Postponed ^reekOrdered — That the said Petition be Postponed
Read a Petition of James Hustons praying for four
jlmraHustons Hundred Acres of Land on the South Side of Bryer
for 400 of Land Creek
Postponed Ordered — That the said Petition be Postponed
The following Accounts were laid before the Board
£ s d
To Provost Marshalls Account amounting to. g. 18. 4
pSElxld. To Henry Meyers for Eleven Days Service]
&aiiow'd and Horse going Express to Augusta on y 2. 15. — -
Public Service J
Which being Examined were allowed and
Ordered — To be certifyed by the Clerk of this
Board to the Public Treasurer
cierk of the OrdEREd — ¦ That the Clerk of the Council do write to
Council to
write to Martin Martin Campbell of Augusta to shew Cause this day
Campbell to x ° J
thfswday Month mont'1 w^ ^ J0*111 Barnard should not have the Five
Sard thod not" Hundred Acres of Land on Wilmington Island formerly
have 500 on Richard Kents
MARCH, 1756.
GEORGIA At a Council held in the Council Cham
ber at Savannah on Saturday the 20th March
1756 Present
His Excellency John Reynolds Esqr
Sir Patrick Houstoun Bar'
James Habersham
Noble Jones
Francis Harris !- Esq"
Jonathan Bryan
:^- ::.:,:] I;| (^ James Edward Powell
82 Creek In-
'dians attended
and the Gover^
nor ordered
them to meet
him on Tues
day next to
receive some
The Honble <
The Minutes of the Preceeding board were read and
approved Some Lower Creek Indians having lately come here to
the Number of Eighty Two Men, Women, and Children,
they were ordered to attend and after the usual Compli
ments on these Occasions had Passed the Head Man ap
piyed to his Excellency for some Presents for himself and
followers they Complained of One Gray and other Peo
ple being settled on a Place called Sattilla which is near
their Hunting grounds his Excellency acquainted them
that it was not within the Limits of this Province but be
longed to South Carolina and he referred them accord
ingly to the Governor of that Province And that the
Presents had been sent up to Augusta except a Little
Powder and Shot and expected that they would have
been there to have received their Share but he told them
to meet him on Tuesday next when he would order them
some Powder and Shot and what other Little Things he
could get and in the mean time ordered them some Pro
visions and Liquor —
GEORGIA At a Council held in the Council Cham
ber at Savannah on Wednesday the 318'
March 1756 Present
His Excellency John Reynolds Esqr
' Sr Patrick Houstoun Bar'
Up l-Tnt,"- J J*™^ HabeI"sham 1
The Hon i Nob]e Jones I Esqra
_ James Edward Powell j
The Minutes of the Preceeding Board were read and
approved The Board took into Consideration to satisfy the Mes-
Messenirei* of
the council senger of the Council for his Service and it appearing that
allowed a Sal- ° . . . , , , , .
£ his fees since his Excellencys arrival had only amounting
£ B d
to about 17. 10. —
Ordered — That he be allowed Twenty Pounds ?P
Annum from the 30"1 October 1754 namely Ten Pounds
Account as Clerk ot the Assembly amounting to Sixty Pounds Eigh-
&wl™befna'" teen Shillings and Seven Pence which being Examined
£ 60. is. 7 was approved and
MAY, 1756.
Ordered — That the Clerk of this Board do certify
the same to the Public Treasurer for Payment
„._ „ Mrs Ann Parker and Mrs Susannah Cooper Widows
Mrs. Ann Par- r
for 500 Sot representing that they had been disappointed in getting
nah cfopeTfor Two Warrants executed within the time Prescribed name-
wfek^rotonged ly One dated the Seven August last for five Hundred
this date ' Acres of Land to the said Ann Parker and the other for
a Lott in Hardwicke dated the fifth June last to the said
Susannah Cooper and therefore praying that the said
Warrants may be prolonged Three Months longer
OrdEREd — That the Surveyers General do prolong
the said Warrants Three Months from this date —
His Excellency read the following and then delivered
hteExcSry°the the same to the Clerk and ordered him to enter it in this
Governor on
granting the
Prayer of fu
ture Petitions
for Land
days Proceedings namely — "The Governor informed the
'Board that he had observed with Surprise that although
'People have been all along very Eager to obtain War
rants for Lands in this Colony yet notwithstanding the
'Terms and Conditions of Cultivation have been so fa-
'vourably altered They still Continue to be very Back-
'ward in taking out Grants no more than Eighty four
'having been taken out since his Arrival to the Govern-
'ment that from hence many Inconveniencies arise but
'Chiefly that on this Account His Majestys Revenue of
'Quit Rents (which he is Instructed to Establish an ef-
'fectual Methode of Collecting & Receiving) suffers great
'Retardment And therefore after mature Consideration
'he has Resolved that in all cases of Granting the Prayer
'of future Petitions for Land the following minute shall
'be made thereupon in the Council Books Viz'
'Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti-
'tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
'Seven Months from this Day and that he doth also Reg
ister the said Grant in the Registers Office of this Prov-
22 e r— vol 7
"ince within Six Months from the date thereof that his
'Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit rents Then
"the Prayer of his said Petition is Granted — -. And the
"Governor further Informed the Board that he also Re
solved to Sign no more Warrants for Lands Untill the
"Fees for the Grant to be Signed for the same shall first
"be paid according to the Establishment — -
GEORGIA At a Council held in the Council Cham
ber at Savannah on Fryday the seventh Day
of May 1756 Present
His Excellency John Reynolds Esqr
f James Habersham 1
The Hont!e I Francis Harris [ Esqrs
t James Edward Powell J
James Mackay and James Edward Powell Esquires not
Powell Esqr.
sworn as
lie Treasurer
James Mackay
PoweiaSEscfred' being inserted in the present Commission of the Peace
to be named as .
justices in the Resolved — That they be named m the next Corn-
next Commn. J
of the Peace mission James Edward Powell Esqr having been appointed (as
jas. Edwd. 1$ Minute of the Third day of Last Month) Public
Pub- Treasurer of and in this Province he accordingly took the
State Oaths appointed by Law declared and Subscribed
the Test and also took an Oath for the due Execution of
the said Office — ¦
Read a Petition of George Cuthbert of this Province
LandCrrantfed that he was Possessed of Six Hundred and fifty Acres of
Cu?hberte Land and hoped to Obtain an Additional Tract which he
promised to Cultivate having a Wife and Twenty Nine
Negroes therefore praying for One Hundred Acres of
MAY, 1756. 339
Land fronting Two Hundred Acres formerly Surveyed
for Sr Francis Bathurst bounding South on Walter Au-
gustines and all other sides on the Savannah River
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner do take out a Grant for the Said Land within Seven
Months from this date and that he doth also register the
said Grant in the Registers Office of this Province within
Six Months from the date thereof that his Majesty may
not be defrauded of his Quit Rents then the Prayer of
his said Petition is granted he having been Sworn to Sev
enteen Persons in family now in the Province
Read a Petition of William Dunham setting forth that
500 Acres of
Land granted he was desirous of improving a Tract of Land having a
to William r o o
Dunham Wife Two Children and Twelve Negroes and therefore
praying for five Hundred Acres of Land on the North
Side of the South Branch of Newport bounding Easterly
on John Mckintosh's B's Land
Resolved — ¦ That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this day and that he doth also Regis
ter the said Grant in the Registers office of this Province
within Six Months from the date thereof that his Majes
ty may not be defrauded of his Quit rents Then the
Prayer of his said Petition is granted He having been
Sworn to Sixteen Persons in family now in the Prov
ince — ¦
Read a Petition of John Goldwire of this Province set-
Land^antfd ting forth that he was in Possession of fifty Acres of
Goldwire Land allotted him by the late President and Assistants
and hoped to obtain an Additional Tract having a Wife
and four Children and therefore praying for Three Hun
dred Acres joining his Brother Benjamin Goldwire sit
uate near a Place where Fort Argyle formerly Stood
350 Acres of
Land Granted
to Benjn.
Resolved — ¦ That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this date and that he doth also Reg
ister the said Grant in the Registers Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit rents then the
Prayer of his said Petition is granted.
Read a Petition of Benjamin Farley of this Province
setting forth that he had granted him five Hundred Acres
of Land and hoped to be favoured with another Tract
having fifteen Negroes and therefore praying for 350
Acres of Land on South Newport bounding Northerly on
James Heart and all other Sides on Vacant Land
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this date and that he doth also Reg
ister the said Grant in the Registers Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit rents Then the
Prayer of his Sa Petition is Granted He having been
Sworn to Sixteen Persons in Family now in the Province
1100 Acres of
Land granted
to Joseph
Read a Petition of Joseph Gibbons of this Province set
ting forth that he was possessed of One Thousand Acres
of Land and hoped to be favoured with an Addition hav
ing a Wife four Children and forty five Negroes and
therefore praying for five Hundred Acres of Land
bounding South Westerly on John Stewarts Land South
East Part on Joseph Bacons and part on Sarah Mitchell
North Westerly on Vacant Land and John Mitchell and
North East on Vacant Land on the South Branch of
North Newport and Six Hundred Acres of Land bound
ing Westerly on Lands of Samuel Hastings and all other
sides on Vacant Land on South Newport —
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti-
MAY, 1756.
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this date and that he doth also Reg
ister the said Grant in the Registers Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit rents Then the
Prayer of his said Petition is Granted he having been
Sworn to Fifty One Persons in family
530 Acres of
Land granted
to William
Read a Petition of William Gibbons of this Province
setting forth that he had allotted him by the late President
and Assistants Six hundred and fifteen Acres of Land and
hoped to be favoured with another Tract having a Wife
Two Children and Eighteen Negroes and therefore Pray
ing for five Hundred and Thirty Acres of Land bounding
Easterly on Lands of James Heart and all other Sides on
Vacant Land on South Newport
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this date And that he doth also Reg
ister the said Grant in the Registers Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the date hereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit rents then the
Prayer of his Said Petition is granted he having been
Sworn to Twenty Two Persons in Family now in the
500 Acres of
Land granted
John Graham
on Condition of
his giving Se
curity to his
Majesty in the £
Penalty of 100
Sterlg. to settle
the Same with
in One year
from this date
Read a Petition of John Graham of this Province set
ting forth that he was desirous of improving a Tract of
Land having a Wife and Three Negroes and therefore
Praying for five Hundred Acres of Land situate adjoining
to the Westermost line of William Butler Junior called
Boggy Branch on Great Ogechee but not having at Pres
ent a Sufficient Number of Hands to settle the same he
was willing to enter into Bond of One Hundred Pounds
Sterling with Proper Security to settle the same in
Twelve months
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this date And that he doth also Reg
ister the said Grant in the Registers Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit rents And Also
on Condition that the Petitioner enters into Bond with
Sufficient Suretys in the Secretarys office to his Majesty
in the Penalty of One Hundred Pounds Sterling for set
tling the same within one year from this date Then the
prayer of his sd Petition is granted
„ . . „ Read a Petition of Grey Elliot praying for a Lot Num-
Petition of j r j o
aLTtm'riard-1 ber °ne Hundred and fifty Seven in Hardwicke
wicke post- OrderEd — That the said Petition be Postponed till
the Petitioner becomes a resident in the Province —
Read a Petition of Charles West setting forth that he
Charles' west was possessed of five Hundred Acres of Land allotted
for 4.50 A^cres of
Land rejected him by the late President and Assistants and four Hun
dred Acres granted him since his Excellencys Arrival and
hoped to obtain an Addition having a Wife Three Chil
dren and Twenty One Negroes and therefore Praying for
four Hundred and fifty Acres Joining or near James
Hearts Land on Newport
Ordered — ¦ That the said Petition be rejected
Read a Petition of Telamon Phenix Praying for a
Petition of J b
Telamon Phe- Lot Number 77. in Hardwicke
nix for a Lot in ' *-*
Hardwicke Ordered — That the said Petition be rejected
Francis Harris Esqr represented that he had been dis-
iSout 500 lay" appointed in getting five Hundred Acres of Land laid out
toCFras. Harris on his Warrant dated the 3d Day of June 1755
Esqr. pro
longed Three
Months Ordered — That the Surveyers General do prolong
the said Warrant Three Months longer
MAY, 1756. 343
jas.Haber- James Habersham Esqr named in the Commission oi
QmHSffedM the Peace as a Justice within the Province Qualified as
Justice of ..„%.
the Peace SUCU
GEORGIA At a Council held in the Council Cham
ber at Savannah on Saturday the 15th May
1756 Present
His Excellency John Reynolds Esqr
( James Habersham j
The Honble * Francis Harris y Esq"
(^ James Edward Powell J
Read a Petition of John Seymer for a Lot in Hard-
johnseymer wicke known by Number forty Two
for a Lot in
Hardwicke Ordered — That the said Petition be rejected
His Excellency the Governor Signed grants for Lands
Lands laid out laid out by Grants from the late Trustees or Allotments
the iate Tms- by the late President and Assistants to the following Per-
tees or Allot- J °
ments by the SOnS
late President
and Assistants
c-fvlmor* Patrick Southerland 500 Acres on the River Sapelo
Richard Cox Junior 500 Acres in the district of Great
Thomas Bailey 90 Acres in the Township of Savannah
James Edward Powell Esqr a Lot in Savannah with Gar
den and Farm Lotts.
Thos Bailey a Lot in Savannah with Garden and farm
Thomas Bailey a Lot in Savannah with Garden and farm
Benjamin Sheftal a Lot in Savannah with Garden and
farm Lots
Edward Carlton a Lot in Savannah with Garden and
farm Lots
Samuel New Esqr 340 Acres in the district of Great Oge
Samuel Burnley 500 Acres in the district of Midway
William Butler Junr 500 Acres In the district of Great
John Shave 200 Acres in the district of Midway
William Gerrard De Brahm 600 Acres in the district of
William Gerrard De Brahm in Trust for Mark Bentz 137
Acres in the district of Savannah
Daniel Demetre 500 Acres in the district of Newport
Daniel Demetre 500 Acres in the district of Sapola
Lachlan McGillivery 500 Acres on the Head of the
Branches of Little Ogechee River
George Houstoun 450 Acres in the district of Great Oge
Richard Cox Esq1 Senior 500 Acres on the Great Oge
chee River
Richard Cox Esqr Senior a Lot in Plardwicke Number 16
Richard Cox Junr a Lot in Hardwicke Number 17
MAY, 1756. 345
James Habersham Junr 500 Acres in the district of little
James Habersham Senior Esqr a Town Lot in Savannah
together 50 Acres
Francis Harris Esqr 500 Acres in the district of Little
Elizabeth Baker 400 Acres in the district of Midway
Elisha Butler 500 Acres in the district of Great Ogechee
David Cutler Braddock 500 Acres in the district of Little
David Cutler Braddock 400 Acres in the district of Little
Samuel New Esqr 160 Acres on Great Ogechee River
Samuel New Esqr a Lot in Hardwicke Number 117
Thomas Goldsmith 500 Acres in the district of Great
John Perkins 500 Acres in the district of Darian
John Chapman 500 Acres in the district of Little Ogechee
John Gordon 500 Acres in the district of Great Ogechee
James New 500 Acres in the district of Great Ogechee
Samuel Way 500 Acres in the district of Midway
Andrew Collins 200 Acres in the district of Midway
John Smith 500 Acres in the district of Savannah
Samuel Bacon 500 Acres in the district of Midway
Edward Carlton 300 Acres in the dictrict of Ogechee
Joseph Althur 117 Acres on an Island of Augustine
CreekHis Excellency the Governor Signed the following
fo^Landfiaid Grants for Lands laid out Since his Arrival
out by War
rants from the
Governor Thomas Carter 200 Acres in the district of Newport
John Winn 500 Acres in the district of Midway
Elisha Butler 500 Acres in the district of Great Ogechee
John Mary and Sarah Oswald 500 Acres on the North
Branch of Newport River
John Smith 62 Acres in the district of Savannah
Joseph Gibbons 500 Acres in the district of Savannah
James Read 637 Acres at the Head of the North Branch
of Newport
Robert Hamer 700 Acres on the North Side of Sapola
John Stevens 500 Acres in the district of Midway
William Dews 150 Acres on Wilmington Island
William Little 500 Acres situate between Great Ogechee
and Midway Rivers
William Little a Town Lot in Hardwicke Number 52
William Little a Moiety of a Public Lot letter O in Sa
William Gerrard De Brahm a Town Lott letter X in
Savannah Sixty by Ninety feet
MAY, 1756. 347
William Gerrard De Brahm a Lot in Hardwicke Num
ber 260
Samuel Stanhope 300 Acres in the district of Savannah
Daniel Demetre 500 Acres in the district of Sapola
Daniel Demetre 400 Acres on an Island of the River Sa
Daniel Demetre a Town Lot in Hardwicke Number 66
Raymond Demere Esqr a Moiety of a Public Lot letter
F in Savannah Sixty by Ninety feet
Raymond Demere Esqr a Town Lot in Hardwicke N° 65
Lachlan Mac Gillivery a Town Lot in Hardwicke N° 26
Sr Patrick Houstoun Bar' 500 Acres in the district of
Great Ogechee
Sr Patrick Houstoun Bar' a Moiety of a Public Lot Let
ter W in Savannah Sixty by Ninety feet
Sr Patrick Houstoun Esqr a Lot in Hardwicke N° 67
George Houstoun a Lot in Hardwicke N° 69
William Johnson 300 Acres on Skidoway Island
John Stevens 500 Acres in the district of Midway
John Stevens 200 Acres in the district of Midway
Thomas Batoon 100 Acres on Skidoway Island
Benjamin Farley 500 Acres in the district of Midway
Thomas Bates 200 Acres near the River Sapelo
Jonathan Bryan Esq1" a Town Lot in Hardwicke N° 47
Hugh Bryan a Town Lot in Hardwicke N° 6
Peter Nephew ioo Acres in the district of Little Oge
David Dicks 500 Acres on the South Side of Great Oge
James Read a Town Lot in Hardwicke N° 77
claims of Then the Board Examined the Claims of Sundry Per-
LandsEaxmd. sons desiring Grants for Lands
GEORGIA At a Council held in the Council Cham
ber at Savannah on Tuesday the i8tb of May
1756 Present
His Excellency John Reynolds Esqr
f James Habersham ~)
The Hon- S^VS™ \ B*T
James Mackay
(^ James Edward Powell j
founnteyfoVpub- The following Accounts were laid before the Board
lie Expenses n „ rn 1 r
Examd. and nameiy
Allowed Henry Yonge Esq' Surveyor General his Account for
EsTi^/ccount resurveying the Town and Township of Augusta amount-
£12. 10. - ing to fifteen Pounds which being Examined was allowed
Twelve Pounds Ten Shillings
William Spencer Deputy Clerk of the Council his Ac-
William Spen- r , th .
cer-s Account count from the 2° of October 17^4 to the ^o"1 October
as Dep. Clerk ° ' onr °
of the^couneii 1 755 amounting to Seventy One Pounds Eight Shillings
£69. 17. 7 and Seven Pence which being Examined was allowed
MAY, 1756. 349
Sixty Nine Pounds Seventeen Shillings and Seven
Pence — •
William Spen- TTt.*<. r-* -r^ rti , r 1 rt m 1 • a
cers Account William Spencer Deputy Clerk of the Council his Ac-
for Blank i. L J
Books and sta- count for Blank Books and Stationary for the use of the
tionary for the J
ernofa^d6 Gov" Council within the said time five pounds Ten Shillings
c°™cii£5. which being Examined was allowed
10. — Thomas Lees Account for Smiths Work for the Court
House Five Shillings which being Examined was al-
SmithsWork5- lowed
Thomas Lees
Account for
The Clerk or-
dered to Cer- Ordered — That the Clerk of this Board do certify
tify the said J
public tI^u-6 the said Accounts to the Public Treasurer for Payment
rer of Payment Read a Petition of James Habersham Esq7 setting forth
La°ndSmted that he had obtained Grants for One Thousand four Hun-
e^sham^Esqr." dred Acres of Land which he had Considerably improved
and having a Wife Three Children and forty One Ne
groes was desirous of an Additional Tract and therefore
praying for Three Hundred Acres bounding West and
part North on Lands he now possessed and part North
of his Sons and James Millers Land East on Lands of
John De Veaux and South on Vacant Land
Resolved — ¦ That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner do take out a Grant for the said Land within Seven
Months from this date and that he doth also Register the
Said Grant in the Registers office of this Province within
Six Months from the date thereof that his Majesty may
not be defrauded of his Quit rents Then the Prayer of
the said Petition is granted
Land granted Read a Petition of John De Honneur setting forth that
Honneuron he was desirous of Cultivating Lands in this Province
Condition of ,
his giving se- and therefore pra\mg for five Hundred Acres upon the
curity m the a p o r-
steriiny°tohisK) Mortar Swamp near to Lands lately granted to William
tieth^s^ml6*" Gibbons but not having at present a Sufficient Number
withmone Qr \^axiQ\$ f-0 settle the said Land he promised to do it in
One year and was willing to give Bond with good Se
curity in the Penalty of One Hundred Pounds Sterling
for the Performance thereof
Resolved — ¦ That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner do take out a Grant for the said Land within Seven
Months from this date and that he doth also Register the
said Grant in the Registers Office of this Province with
in Six Months from the date thereof that his Majesty
may not be defrauded of his Quit rents And also on Con
dition that the Petitioner enters into Bond with Sufficient
Securitys to his Majesty in the Secretarys Office in the
Penalty of One Hundred Pounds Sterling to settle the
same within One year from this date Then the prayer of
his said Petition is granted
Read a Petition of John De Honneur aforesaid setting
wkkVgranted forth that he was desirous of improving a Lot in Hard-
Honneur wicke and therefore praying for the Lot known by Num
ber Eleven
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner do take out a grant for the said Lot within Seven
Months from this date and that he doth also register the
said Grant in the registers Office of this Province within
Six Months from the date thereof Then the Prayer of
the said Petition is granted
Read a Petition of John Morel of this Province Setting
forth that he was desirous of improving a Lot in Hard
wicke and therefore praying for the Lot known by N° 36
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner do take out a grant for the Said Lot within Seven
Months from this date and that he doth also Register the
Said Grant in the Registers Office of this Province within
Six Months from the date thereof Then the Prayer of
the said Petition is granted
MAY, 1756. 351
Petition of Read a Petition of Peter Morel of this Province Pray-
rtot^HaVring for Lot N° 73 in Hardwicke—
wicke rejected Ordered — That the said Petition be rejected
Read a Petition of Daniel Nunes Rivers setting forth
Land^Inted that he had Three Negroes and One Indented Servant
Nunes Rivers and was desirous of improving a Tract of Land And
therefore praying for Three Hundred Acres in the forks
of Cowanooche Joining North on William Elliot and
South Easterly on Saunders Ross
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner do take out a grant for the said Land within Seven
Months from this date and that he doth also Register
the said Grant in the Registers Office of this Province
within Six Months from the date thereof that his Maj
esty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents then the
Prayer of his said Petition is granted he having been
Sworn to five Persons in family
The Clerk of _ m . .
the Board to OrdEREd — .That Public Notice be given by the Clerk
give Public
Notice that the of this Board That the Board will receive Petitions for
Board will re-
lorVandeExam- anc* Examine Claims of Lands on every first Tuesday in
ine Claims of the Month
.Lands every
first Tuesday in
the Month
GEORGIA At a Council held in the Council Cham
ber at Savannah on Tuesday the Is' Day of
June 1756 Present
His Excellency John Reynolds Esqr
Sr Patrick Houstoun Bar'
James Plabersham
Noble Jones
The HonbIe { Francis Harris
Jonathan Bryan
James Mackay
James Edward Powell
The Minutes of the Board from the 318' March last to
this day were read and approved
™ , * ^ Ordered — That the Clerk of this Board do give the
Clerk of the °
tti°easecretar? a Secretary a Copy of the last Clause of his Excellencys
c?ausefofh?heSt private Resolution entered in these Minutes the Third
t!onre3ntereSdIu" Day of May last respecting the Payment of Fees for
Mayiasrt Grants to be signed
It appearing to the Board that Mr James Read had
Brad for set- s comply ed with the Condition of his Bond for Setling
of Land to be Eight Hundred Acres of Land granted him the fourth
delivered up.
He having ciav 0f April 1755
complyed with J r i ^o
the Conditions Ordered — ¦ That the receiver General of his Majes
tys Quit Rents do deliver up the said Bond to the said
James Read
It appearing also to the Board that Mr John Graham
hams °Bonnd for had Complyed with the Condition of his Bond for setling
Acres of Land five Hundred Acres of Land granted him the Seventh
to be delivered
upHehaving day of last Month
complyed with
the Condition Ordered — That the Secretary do deliver up the said
Bond to the said John Graham
JUNE, 1756.
petition of Read a Petition of Margaret Kalcher Widow Praying
&afheobiadher for fifty Acres of Land on an Island opposite to the Town
Acresrof0Land of Ebenezer bounding West on the River Savannah also
Fferis'for 100 a Petition of Theobald Keifer for fifty Acres and a Peti-
land opposite tion of John Flerl's for One Hundred Acres of Land on
to Ebenezer
postponed and. the said Island
Ordered — That the said Petition be Postponed till
it appears to the Board whether the Lands prayed for be
on an Island it having been represented that Part of it
had been Surveyed by Warrants from the Governor of
South Carolina
The Surveyers Ordered — That the Surveyers General do Examine
General to Ex- . ,
amine whether whether the same be an Island and make a report thereof
the Same be an
Island and to tO this Board
make their
report Read a Petition of Joseph Minis setting forth that he
wicke granted" was desirous of improving a Lot in Hardwicke and there
fore praying for Lot known by Number 99
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioners do take out a Grant for the said Land within Sev
en Months from this date and that he doth also register
the said Grant in the Registers Office of this Province
within Six Months from the date thereof then the Prayer
of his said Petition is granted
Petition of
John Sheriff
for 50 Acres
of Land
Read a Petition of John Sheriff praying for fifty Acres
of Land at Newington called the Eleventh Lot
Ordered — ¦ That the said Petition be postponed till
it appears whether the Land be Vacant
Read a Petition of Robert Stewart setting forth that
L^nd^nted he was desirous of improving a Tract of Land having a
Wife and five Children and therefore Praying for four
Hundred Acres on the South side of South Newport
about a Mile and a half above Kelers Bluff
300 Acres of
23 c r— vol 7
Resolved — ¦ That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this date and that he doth also reg
ister the said Grant in the registers Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit rents Then
Part of the Prayer of the Petition namely Three Hun
dred Acres of Land is granted the Petitioner having been
Sworn to Seven Persons in family
John Dobell by William Russell Esq1" his Attorney hav-
JohnDobellCa- J J ^ J
veatagt. the jngr entered a Caveat in the Secretarys Office against the
Heirs of Thos. ° J °
tonndlceafed" Fteirs of the late Thomas Mancer Causton deceased hav-
foarVlnLoti?!a-'ng a Grant for a Lot Number One in the fifth Tything
ted and post-" lower new Ward with Garden and farm Lotts thereunto
ture consld-"" belonging and Charles Watson Attorney at Law and the
said Russell appearing in behalf of the said Dobell and
Noble Jones Esq7 in behalf of the Heirs of the said Thom
as Mancer Causton and being respectively heard the
Board Postponed the same to a future Consideration
di^Hons de- Then the Board Examined the Claims of Sundry Per-
siring Grar '
for Lands
siring Grants , , .- ,
for Lands sons desiring Grants tor Lands
JULY, 1756.
GEORGIA At a Council held in the Council Cham
ber at Savannah on Tuesday the Sixth day
of July 1756 Present
His Excellency John Reynolds Esqr
Sr Patrick Houstoun Bar'
James Habersham
Noble Jones — ¦
Francis Harris V Esqr!
James Mackay
[_ James Edwd Powell
The Hon"
Read a Petition of James and William Dunham setting
iSndgrSnted forth that they were desirous of Cultivating a Tract of
wiii^m8 an Land Jointly having Ten Negroes and therefore Praying
for five Hundred Acres of Land bounding South Part on
Mr Way and Part on John Davis and East on John Da
vis's on Midway
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioners doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this date and that they do also reg
ister the said Grant in the registers Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit rents then
the Prayer of the said Petition is granted
300 Acres of
Land granted
to John Fitch
Read a Petition of John Fitch setting forth that he
was Possessed of One Hundred Acres of Land and hoped
to obtain an Additional Tract which he Promised to Cul
tivate having a Wife and Twelve Negroes and therefore
Praying for Three Hundred Acres of Land on Savannah
River on the South Side of Spirit Creek at a Place called
the Oldfields
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this date and that he doth also reg
ister the said Grant in the registers Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit rents Then
the Prayer of the said Petition is granted the Petitioner
having been Sworn to fourteen Persons in family now
in the Province
petitionof Read a Petition of John Fitch for a Lot in Hardwicke
John Fitch for , . , T ,
a lot in Hard- known by Number 149
wicke post
poned Ordered — That the said Petition be Postponed
Read a Petition of White Outerbridge setting forth
Land granted that he was desirous of improving a Tract of Land hav-
to White
outerbridge 'mg 3 Wife a Son and five Negroes and therefore Pray
ing for five Hundred Acres of Land Joining on Mr Gib
bons on South Newport
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said land within Sev
en Months from this date and that he doth also register
the said Grant in the registers Office of this Province
within Six Months from the date hereof that his Maj
esty may not be defrauded of his Quit rents then the
Prayer of the Said Petition is granted the Petitioner hav
ing been Sworn to Eight Persons in family now in the
Read a Petition of White Outerbridge aforesaid set-
wicke'^ranted" ting forth that he was desirous of Improving a Lot in
outerbridge Hardwicke known by N° 20
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within Sev
en Months from this date and that he doth also register
the said Grant in the registers Office of this Province
within Six Months from the date thereof then the Prayer
of the said Petition is granted
JULY, 1756.
petition of Read a Petition of John Stevens for Three Hundred
tosso Teres and fifty Acres of Land on North Newport
of Land
rejected Ordered — That the said Petition be rejected
Read a Petition of William Welch setting forth that he
Lot in Hard-
wfcke granted was desirous of improving a Lot in Hardwicke known by
+n William J. O J
to William
N° 49
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this date and that he doth also reg
ister the said Grant in the registers Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the date thereof then the
prayer of the said Petition is granted
) ) Acres of
Land grantrd
to James
Read a Petition of James Harley setting forth that he
was desirous of improving a Tract of Land and therefore
praying for One Hundred Acres of Land bounding North
Easterly on Nathaniel Way and South Westerly on Sam
uel Burly and South Easterly on Vacant Land
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner do take out a Grant for the said Land within Seven
Months from this date and that he doth also register the
said Grant in the registers Office of this Province within
Six Months from the date thereof that his Majesty may
not be defrauded of his Quit rents then the Prayer of the
said Petition is granted the Petitioner having been Sworn
that he intended to Cultivate the said Land
500 Acres of!
Land granted
to Elizth.
Read a Petition of John Graves in behalf of Elizabeth
Simmons his Daughter in Law setting forth she was Pos
sessed of Eighteen Negroes and was desirous of improv
ing a Tract of Land and therefore praying for One Thou
sand Acres of Land lying between South Newport and
the Bind Swamp and South East on Andrew Way
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner do take out a Grant for the said Land within Seven
Months from this date and that he doth also register the
said Grant in the registers Office of this Province within
Six months from the date thereof that his Majesty may
not be defrauded of his Quit rents Then Part of the pray
er of the said Petition namely five Hundred Acres of
Land is granted the Petitioner having been Sworn to the
Number of Negroes set forth now in the Province
Read a Petition of John Osgood setting forth that he
L^ndgranted was Possessed of One Thousand Acres of Land and
hoped to obtain an Additional Tract having a Wife One
Child and Eighteen Negroes and therefore Praying for
One Hundred Acres of Pine Land lying North Easterly
of Lands already granted him on Midway neck
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this date and that he doth also reg
ister the said Grant in the registers office of this Province
within Six Months from the date thereof that his Maj
esty may not be defrauded of his Quit rents then the
Prayer of the said Petition is granted The Petitioner
having been Sworn to Twenty One Persons in family
now in the Province
Read a Petition of John Stewart Junior setting forth
Landg'ranted that he was Possessed of five Hundred Acres of Land and
artjuSior w hoped to obtain an Additional Tract he having a Wife
Three Children and Nineteen Negroes and therefore
praying for five Hundred Acres of Land on Mortar
Swamp to the Westerly on Land Joining John De Houn-
eur on South Newport
Resolved — ¦ That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this date and that he doth also reg-
JULY, 1756. 359
ister the said Grant in the registers Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit rents Then
the Prayer of his said Petition is granted the Petitioner
having been Sworn to Twenty four Persons in family
now in the Province — •
Read a Petition of Daniel Dunham setting forth that
550 Acres of . _T . m .T11.
Landgranted he was desirous of Improving a tract of Land having a
to Daniel
Dunham Wife Two Children and Six Negroes and therefore pray
ing for five Hundred and fifty Acres of Land on Midway
Swamp lying northerly of Lands granted to John Osgood
Resolved — ¦ That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this date and that he doth also regis
ter the said Grant in the registers Office of this Province
within Six Months from the date thereof that his Maj
esty may not be defrauded of his Quit rents Then the
Prayer of his said Petition is granted the Petitioner hav
ing been Sworn to Ten Persons in family now in the
200 Acres of
Read a Petition of Thomas Mathars setting forth that
Land grantid he was desirous of improving a Tract of Land and there-
Mathars fore Praying for Two Hundred Acres of Land Joining
Henry Meyers upper line on Great Ogechee
Resolved — ¦ That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the Said Land within
Seven Months from this date and that he doth also reg
ister the said Grant in the registers Office of this Province
within Six Months from the date thereof that his Maj
esty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents Then the
Prayer of the said Petition is granted the Petitioner hav
ing been Sworn that he intended to Cultivate the said
,cn A , Read a Petition of Francis Pary setting forth that he
150 Acres of J o
toaFranrc1sted was Possessed of One Hundred Acres of Land but hoped
Pary to be favoured with another Tract having a Wife a Child
and One Negro therefore praying for One Hundred and
fifty Acres of Land about five Miles above Fort Argyle
and about a Mile and an half above Henry Myer's Land
and on all other Sides on Vacant Land
Resolved — ¦ That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this date and that he doth also reg
ister the said Grant in the registers Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit rents then the
Prayer of his said Petition is granted the Petitioner hav
ing been Sworn to four Persons in family now in the
Province Read a Petition of Andrew Lambert setting forth that
Andrew Lam- he was desirous of improving a Tract of Three Hundred
bert for 300 x ° . .
Acres of Land Acres of Land on Great Ogechee River
Postponed Ordered — ¦ That the said Petition be Postponed
Read a Petition of John Stewart Senior Praying for
seniors peti- five Hundred Acres of Land
tion for 500
Acres of Land
postponed Ordered— That the said Petition be Postponed till
the Land this day granted to Mr Outerbridge is surveyed
as it was supposed it would Interfere therewith
T . T t Read a Petition of Lewis Tohnson for half a reserve
Lewis John- J
sons Petition t^ jn Savannah known by Letter O
for a Lot in J '-'
Savannah Ordered — That the said Petition be rejected
Read a Petition of James Whitefield for half a reserve
Lot in Savannah known by Letter Q.
Ordered — That the said Petition be rejected
JULY, 1756. 361
GEORGIA At a Council held in the Council Cham
ber at Savannah on Wednesday the 7"1 July
1756 Present
His Excellency John Reynolds Esqr
Sr Patrick Houstoun Bar'
James Habersham
Noble Jones
The Honble { Francis Harris
Jonathan Bryan
James Mackay
James Edward Powell j
Read a Petition of John Feaster setting forth that he
100 Acres of . . m r-riji
Land granted was desirous of improving a Iract of Land and there
to John Feaster fore Praying for One Hundred Acres of Land between
Francis Pary and Thomas Marthars Land on Great Oge
chee Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven months from this date and that he doth also reg
ister the said Grant in the registers office of this Province
within Six Months from the date thereof that his Maj
esty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents then the
Prayer of his said Petition is granted the Petitioner hav
ing been Sworn that he Intended to Cultivate the said
Land Read a Petition of Mathias Salfner setting forth that
Land^anted he was desirous of improving a Tract of Land he having
saifner 'as a Wife and Three Children and therefore praying for
One Hundred Acres of Land fifty Acres to the South
ward of Adam Ortner and fifty Acres to the Northward
in the Town Ship of Vernonburgh
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this date and that he doth also reg
ister the said Grant in the registers Office of the Said
Province within Six Months from the date thereof that
his Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit rents Then
the Prayer of the said Petition is granted
BryonKeiieys Read 3 Petition of Bryon Kelley for a Lot in Hard-
LoMnMrt-3 wicke known by Number 129
wicke rejected
That the said Petition be rejected
Read a Petition of Michael Stutz setting forth that he
PetitionfOTtz was desirous of improving a Tract of Land and therefore
Land^lnted Praying for One Hundred Acres of Land Joining Francis
Parrys on the West Side of Great Ogechee
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this date and that he doth also reg
ister the said Grant in the registers Office of the Said
Province within Six Months from the date thereof that
his Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit rents Then
the Prayer of his said Petition is granted The Petitioner
having been Sworn that he intended to Cultivate the said
Read a Petition of David Gunidre setting forth that he
derl'i-Sition was Possessed of fifty Acres of Land and hoped to be
Land graCnted° favoured with an Additional Tract which if granted he
promised to Cultivate having a Wife and Six Children
and therefore Praying for four Hundred Acres Joining
South to Lands of William Spencer and South to John
Rouvieres Land at Highgate
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this date and that he doth also reg
ister the said Grant in the registers Office of this Prov-
JULY, 1756. 363
ince within Six Months from the date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents Then
the Prayer of his Said Petition is granted the Petitioner
having been Sworn to Eight Persons in Family
Read a Petition of John Pettycrows setting forth that
200 Acres of . . m , .
Land granted he was desirous of improving a 1 ract of Land and there
to John ^,
Pettycrow fore Praying for Two Hundred Acres of Land on the
North Side of Rocky Creek near Augusta known by the
Name of Long Beache Island having a Wife One In
dented Servant and Twelve Negroes
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this date and that he doth also reg
ister the said Grant in the registers Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents then the
Prayer of his said Petition is granted the Petitioner hav
ing been Sworn to fifteen Persons in family
Ulric Alther
Petition for 150
Acres of Land
Read a Petition of Ulric Alther for One Hundred and
fifty Acres of Land on Skidoway Island
Ordered — That the said Petition be rejected the
Land Prayed for not being Vacant
Read a Petition of James McHenry setting forth that
LandCSn°ted he was desirous of improving a Tract of Land having a
Henry' ' Wife Two Negroes and One Indented Servant and there
fore Praying for Two Hundred and Ninety Nine Acres
of Land on the Lower Side of Spirit Creek bounding on
the River Savannah within Three Miles of Daniel Dereso
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this date and that he doth also reg
ister the said Grant in the registers Office of this Prov-
ince within Six Months from the date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents Then
part of the said Petition namely Two Hundred and fifty
Acres of Land is granted the Petitioner having been
Sworn to five Persons in family
William Dun
hams Petition
for a Lot in
Hardwicke re
Read a Petition of William Dunham for a Lot in Hard
wicke known by Number Thirty Six
Ordered — That the said Petition be rejected the
said Lot not being Vacant
300 Acres of
Land granted
to Thomas
R.ead a Petition of Thomas Bailey setting forth that he
was desirous of improving a Tract of Land having a
Wife One Child one Indented Servant and Two Negroes
and therefore Praying for Three Hundred Acres of Land
Joining on the Back of Peter Tondees Land and between
William Gibbons and the Public Road about five Miles
from Savannah
Resolved — ¦ That on Condition only that the Peti-
tioner doth take out a Grant for the Said Land within
Seven Months from this date and that he doth also reg
ister the said Grant in the registers Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit rents Then
the Prayer of his said Petition is granted the Petitioner
having been Sworn to Six Persons in family
Read a Petition of David T Bear setting forth that he
Land "ranted was Possessed of fifty Acres of Land and hoped to Obtain
aran Additional Tract which if granted he promised to Cul
tivate having a Wife Three Children and One Negro and
therefore Praying for One Hundred Acres in the Town
Ship of Vernonburgh Joining to Adam Ramstathers
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti-
JULY, 1756.
90 Acres of
Land granted
to George
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this date and that he doth also reg
ister the said Grant in the registers Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents Then
the Prayer of his said Petition is granted the Petitioner
having been Sworn to Six Persons in family
Read a Petition of George Dresler (which was Post
poned to a further Consideration the Seventh November
last) setting forth that he was Possessed of fifty Acres of
Land and hoped to be favoured with an Additional Tract
having a Wife and Two Children and therefore Praying
for Ninety Acres of Land being Two Lotts commonly
called Trust Lotts in the Second Tything Ansons Ward
in the Town Ship of Savannah
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this date and that he doth also reg
ister the said Grant in the registers office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents then the
Prayer of his said Petition is granted the Petitioner hav
ing been Sworn that he intended to Cultivate the said
Read a Petition of Thomas Red setting forth that he
Land^ntld was desirous of improving a Tract of Land having a
to Thomas VA/ife Eight Children and Nine Negroes and therefore
Praying for Two Hundred Acres situate on the North
Side of Rocky Creek within four Miles of Augusta
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this date and that he doth also reg
ister the said Grant in the registers Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents then the
Prayer of the said Petition is granted the Petitioner hav
ing been Sworn to Nineteen Persons in family
Read a Petition of Thomas Red aforesaid setting forth
LandCgran°ted that he was desirous of improving a Tract of Land and
to Thos. Red therefore Praying for Two Hundred Acres of Land situ
ate about Three Miles from the Mouth of Kenyon Creek
on the North Side thereof
Resolved — • That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this date and that he doth also reg
ister the said Grant in the registers Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents Then
the prayer of his said Petition is granted
Read a Petition of the said Thomas Red praying for a
titionforaLot Town Lott in Hardwicke known by N° 147
in Hardwicke
rejected Ordered — The said Petition be rejected
JULY, 1756.
GEORGIA At a Council held in the Council Cham
ber at Savannah on Fryday the 9"1 Day of
July 1756 Present
His Excellency John Reynolds Esqr
Sr Patrick Houstoun Bar'
James Habersham
Noble Jones
HonbIe <| Francis Harris
Jonathan Bryan
James Mackay
James Edward Powell
? Esq"
Read a Petition of Edmund Tannatt for Twelve Hun-
Edmund Tan-
£?££& h-ed Acres of Land
of Land
Ordered — That the said Petition be Postponed
Wm. Black-
shell and Thos.
Palmer Peti
tion praying
that a Grant
may Pass to
sd. Blackshell
for a Farm Lot
purchased of
sd. Palmer for
the Town and
Garden Lot
formerly be
longing to the
sd. Farm Lott
Read a Petition of William Blackshell and Thomas
Palmer setting forth that the said Palmer had sold unto
the said Blackshell a farm Lot Number Three on half
Moon Bluff belonging to a Lot in Savannah Number
Seven in the fourth Tything Lower New Ward and
therefore praying that a Grant of the farm Lot may Pass
to the Purchaser and the Garden and Town Lott to said
That the Prayer of the Petition be
200 Acres of
Land granted
to Francis
Read a Petition of Francis Wylly setting forth that he
was desirous of improving a Tract of Land and therefore
Praying for Two Hundred Acres of Land on the North
Side of Rocky Creek near Augusta Joining John Petty-
crows Land
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this date and that he doth also reg
ister the said Grant in the registers Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents Then
the prayer of his said Petition is granted the Petitioner
having been Sworn to Three Persons in family
Claims of Sun
dry Persons de
siring grants . . . . , , ,
for Lands sons desiring Grants for Lands
Then the Board Examined the Claims of Sundry Per-
GEORGIA At a Council held in the Council . Cham
ber at Savannah on Saturday the 10th Day of
July 1756 Present
His Excellency John Reynolds Esqr
S1' Patrick Houstoun Bar'
James Habersham
Noble Jones
Francis Harris
Jonathan Bryan
James Mackay
James Edward Powell _
The Honb
? Esqr'
The Governor
produced some
papers and Ac
quainted the
Board they
were the Ac
counts of the
Contingent Ex
pences and also
the Expences
of the Silk Cul
ture which he
laid before
them to Exam
ine and they
declined hav
ing any con
cern therein
His Excellency the Governor produced some papers
which he acquainted the Board were the Accounts of the
Contingent Expenses and also the Expences of the Silk
Culture from Christmas to Midsummer last which he
laid before them to Examine The Board observed that as
those Expences had been contracted and paid without
their knowledge or Advice contrary to former Custom they
could not conceive what end their Examining them would
Answer likewise that if his Excellency was empowered to
contract such Expences without their Advice they thought
he was equally empowered to Pass the Accounts To which
AUGUST, 1756. 369
his Excellency replyed that he was Instructed not to
Issue any money raised by the Province for Public Serv
ice without the Advice and Consent of the Council but as
to what was allowed by the Crown he was very clear he
had a right to dispose of it without their Advice and even
to Pass the Accounts but as he was not so good a Judge
as they of the Prices of Labour and Materials here he
desired their Opinion whether the Expences were im
proper or over Charged His Excellency was Answered
that as the Services were already performed and Paid it
would be very disagreeable for the Board to object
against what he had thought necessary and neither could
they remedy what they might think Otherwise And there
fore declined having any concern therein
GEORGIA At a Council held in the Council Cham
ber at Savannah on Tuesday the 3d Day of
August 1756 Present
His Excellency John Reynolds Esqr
Sr Patrick Houstoun Bar'
James Habersham |
Noble Jones y Esq™
Francis Harris j
The Honble
The Minutes of the Board from the first of June last
were read and approved
James McHenry having entered a Caveat aeainst Tohn
Caveat of rK. . . . m J
James Mc. b itch having a Grant for Three Hundred Acres of Land
Henry against
h^vg^Grant on lower side of Spirit Creek bounding on the River
Land°0Lftigited Savannah and Mr Thomas Burrington Attorney for the
o?de?ed tonpass said Fhch and the said M°Henry appearing and being re-
to said Fitch Spectively heard it appeared that the said Fitch's Warrant
24 c r— yol 7
of Survey was Prior being dated the Sixth day of Last
Month and the said McHenrys the day following it was
therefore Ordered — That a Grant do Pass for the said Three
Hundred Acres of Land to John Fitch aforesaid
Read a Petition of lames McHenry aforesaid praying:
300 Acres of
Land granted for Three Hundred Acres of Land near Golphins Path
to James
McHenry between M°Bean's Swamp and Spirit Creek which he
promised to Cultivate —
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this date and that they doth also reg
ister the said Grant in the registers Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents then the
Prayer of his said Petition is granted
Read a Petition of James McHenry aforesaid setting
gMte'iranted forth that he was desirous of improving a Lot in Augusta
McJHenry And therefore praying for the Lot Number 22 containing
One Acre in the Third Row from the River
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Lott within
Seven Months from this date and that he doth also reg
ister the said Grant in the registers office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the date thereof then the
Prayer of his said Petition is granted
Richard Kents
Caveat agt.
John Barnards
having a Grant
for 600 Acres of
Land post
poned till the
1st Tuesday of
next month for
a final hearing
Richard Kent by Martin Campbell his Attorney hav
ing entered a Caveat in the Secretarys Office against John
Barnard having a Grant for five Hundred Acres of Land
on Wilmington Island and Mr Thomas Burrington At
torney for said Campbell and Kent and the said Barnard
Appearing the said Burrington urged that he was not
AUGUST, 1756. 371
properly instructed by his Client and therefore prayed for
a further day which was allowed
Ordered — That the Parties by them selves or At
torneys do attend this Board the first Tuesday of next
Month in order for a final hearing
Read a Petition of John Fieri in behalf of the Inhabi-
100 Acres of tants of Ebenezer Praying- for One Hundred Acres of
Land granted J °
^christian Land situated on the Old Augusta Path by A Branch
&cdjTsti«fof called Black Creek where they had made Improvements
^tirinThe dis- by building a House and fencing in some Acres for the
ne'zer°and to" use of the Man who took care of their Cattle
the Justices for
the time being
dYs'tricttn said Resolved— That on Condition only that the Peti-
inhlbitentJof tioner do take out a Grant for the said Land within
theeSsee8rf ar Seven Months from this date and that they doth also reg
ister the said Grant in the registers Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit rents And also
on Condition that the said Grant do pass to Christian
Rabenhorst Ludwig Meyer John Fieri and Theobald
Kiefer Esquires Justices of the Peace within the district
of Ebenezer and to the Justices for the time being within
the said district In trust for the Inhabitants of Ebenezer
for the use of a Cow Pen Then the Prayer of the said
Petition is granted
Read a Petition of John Farley setting forth that he
LandSrlnted was desirous of improving a Tract of Land having a
to John Faney WJfe Two children and Two Indented Servants And
therefore praying for Three Hundred and fifty Acres of
Land Joining John De Veaux's Land on the Westward on
Great Ogechee River
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this date and that he doth also reg-
ister the said Grant in the registers Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit rents then
Part of the Prayer of his said Petition namely Two Hun
dred and fifty Acres of Land is granted he having been
Sworn to Six Persons in family now in the Province
Read a Petition of John Kiln setting forth that he was
Landgranted desirous of improving a Tract of Land and therefore
praying for One Hundred Acres at the head of Black
Creek near old Savannah Path
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this date and that he doth also reg
ister the said Grant in the registers office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit rents then
Part of the Prayer of his said Petition namely fifty Acres
of Land is granted
Read a Petition of Hugh Ross praying for Three Hun-
peut«JonOfora3B0 dred and fifty Acres of Land on the South Side of South
PoJ-Soned an Newport Joining the South Side of Daniel McDonalds
Tract and on the West on Angus McKay's Land
Ordered — • That the said Petition be Postponed
Read a Petition of John De Veaux setting forth that he
Land°granted x was Possessed of five Hundred Acres of Land allotted
De veaux " "*"" him by the late President and Assistants and hoped to ob
tain an Additional tract having a Wife Three Children
and Twenty Three Negroes And therefore praying for
Nine hundred and fifty Acres of Land Joining Michael
Stutz on the Westward on Great Ogechee River
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
AUGUST, 1756. 373
Seven Months from this date and that he doth also reg
ister the said Grant in the registers Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit rents then the
prayer of his said Petition is granted he having been
Sworn to Twenty Eight Persons in family now in the
Province Read a Petition of John Pettycrow setting forth that he
crows Petition was in Possession of Two Hundred Acres of Land and
for 600 Acres of '
Land rejected hoped to be favoured with an Additional Tract having a
Wife One Indented Servant and Twelve Negroes and
therefore Praying for Six Hundred Acres of Land be
tween Great Ogechee and Coonochee River bounded on
all Sides by Vacant Land
Ordered — That the said Petition be rejected
Read a Petition of fohn Spencer setting forth that he
500 Acres of
Land granted was desirous of Improving Lands having Eleven Ne-
spencer groes and therefore praying for Five Hundred Acres on
the Northermost Branch of North Newport butting East
erly on Mary Bateman and South Westerly on John
StevensResolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this date and that he doth also reg
ister the said Grant in the registers Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents then
the Prayer of his said Petition is granted he having been
Sworn to Twelve Persons in family now in the Province
Read a Petition of fohn Spencer aforesaid Praying for
a Lot in Hard- J 1 J b
wicke granted a Lot in Hardwicke known by Number Nine which he
to John J
spencer promised to Improve
Resolved — That en Condition cnlv that the Peti-
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Lot within
Seven Months from this date and that he doth also reg
ister the said Grant in the registers Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the date thereof then the
Prayer of his said Petition is granted
Read a Petition of Christopher Peters setting forth
Land "ranted that he obtained a Warrant on the 6th day of August last
Peters for One Hundred Acres of Land near the River Savan
nah which he had got Surveyed and had Settled but hav
ing understood that Mr Bosomworth had entered a Caveat
against his having a Grant for the same He was discour
aged from making any further Improvements thereon
And therefore Praying for Two Hundred and fifty Acres
of Land lying Northerly about a Mile and a half from
Lands Possessed by Joseph Raymond and known by the
Name of the Two Holes about Thirteen Miles from Sa
vannah in Lieu of the Said One Hundred Acres which he
was willing to resign he having a Wife One Child and
One Indented Servant
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this date and that he doth also reg
ister the said Grant in the registers Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents then the
Prayer of his said Petition is granted he having been
Sworn to four Persons in family
260 Acres of
Land granted
Read a Petition of Alexander Rosse setting forth that
he was Possessed of one Hundred Acres of Land given
to Aiexr. Rosse him by the Jate trustees and hoped to be favoured with
an Additional Tract having five Negroes And therefore
Praying for Three Hundred Acres between the North and
South Branches of Newport at a Place called Carters
AUGUST, 1756.
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this date and that he doth also reg
ister the said Grant in the registers Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents Then
Part of the Prayer of his said Petition namely Two Hun
dred and fifty Acres of Land is granted he having been
Sworn to Six Persons in family now in the Province
Read a Petition of Jeremiah O Freels setting forth that
Fret™ipet?tion he was desirous of Improving Lands having a Wife and
ofrLaiKicres Three Children and therefore praying for Two Lots
postponed Number 13 & 14 on Skidoway Island Joining William
Bechets making together Ninety five Acres
Ordered — ¦ That the said Petition be Postponed
Read a Petition of Benjamin Williamson setting forth
Land Ranted that he was desirous of Improving Lands having a Wife
wmiLmson Three Children One Indented Servant and Two Negroes
and therefore Praying for four Hundred and fifty Acres
of Land on the South Side of Thomas Bassett and on the
North Side of Fullbright within Ten Miles of Augusta
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this date and that he doth also reg
ister the said Grant in the registers Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit rents Then
Part of the Prayer of his said Petition namely Three
Hundred Acres of Land is granted He having been
Sworn to Eight Persons in family
250 Acres of
Land granted
to James
At a Council held in the Council Cham
ber at Savannah on Tuesday the 7"
September 1756 Present
Day of
His Excellency John Reynolds Esqr
f Sr Patrick Houstoun Bar'
James Habersham ^
The Honb
Noble Jones
Jonathan Bryan
James Edward Powell „
The Minutes of the Preceeding Board were read and
approved Read a Petition of James Rutherford setting forth that
he was desirous of improving Lands having a Wife One
Child and a Negro And therefore Praying for Two Hun
dred and fifty Acres of Land about four Miles above
Lands lately granted to Michael Stutz on the Westward
on Great Ogechee River
600 Acres of
Land granted
to William
Resolved — ¦ That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this date and that he doth also reg
ister the said Grant in the registers Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents then
the Prayer of his said Petition is granted the Petitioner
having been Sworn to Six Persons in family now in the
Province Read a Petition of William Graves setting forth that
he was possessed of five Hundred Acres of Land but de
sired an Additional Tract having a Wife One Child and
Twenty Eight Negroes and therefore praying for Six
Hundred Acres of Land on the South Side of North
Newport Joining East on John Elliot
SEPTEMBER, 1756. 377
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this date and that he doth also reg
ister the said Grant in the registers Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit rents then the
prayer of his said Petition is granted the Petitioner hav
ing been Sworn to Thirty One Persons in family now in
the Province
Read a Petition of the said William Graves praying for
P^titionafor32oo Two Hundred Acres of Land Joining on the Northside-
«jeecte°df Land of Lands lately granted him on the Head of North New
port Ordered — That the said Petition be rejected
Read a Petition of Bartholomew Zouberbuler setting
zouberbuTers forth that he was desirous of improving Lands having
Acres°of Land Twelve Negroes therefore praying for Three Hundred
Acres of Pine Barren bounded West on William De
Brahm's and South or South East on Joseph Bryan and
Sigmund Bietz Lands and on all other sides by Vacant
Land Ordered — ¦ That the said Petition be Postponed
Read a Petition of James Read setting forth that he
i^nd^nted some time ago obtained a Warrant for laying out Eight
Hundred Acres of Land but on Survey found no more
Than Six Hundred and Thirty Seven Acres Vacant with
in the description of his Warrant having a Wife Two
Children and Twenty Two Negroes and therefore Pray
ing for Two Hundred Seventy five Acres resigned by Sir
Patrick Houstoun Joining North West on Lands of the
said Petitioner at North Newport
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti-
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this date and that he doth Also reg
ister the said Grant in the registers Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents then the
Prayer of his said Petition is granted the Petitioner hav
ing been Sworn to Twenty Six Persons in family now in
the Province
Read a Petition of William Backshell setting forth that
an Island about .
30 Acres of he was Possessed of five Hundred Acres of Land but
Land granted
BaS'eii hoped to be favoured with an Additional Tract having
One Child and Seven Negroes and therefore praying for
a Small Island about Thirty Acres opposite his Land at
Thunderbolt Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this date and that he doth Also reg
ister the said Grant in the registers Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit rents Then
the Prayer of his said Petition is granted
Read a Petition of Isaac Tripp praying for Two Hun-
Pe^tion"?? 200 dred Acres of Land on the South Branch of Newport
rejected an lying Easterly Joining to William Norton
Ordered — That the said Petition be rejected
Read a Petition of Conred Hover setting forth that he
179 Acres of
Land granted was Possessed of fifty Acres of Land but hoped to be fa-
Hover voured with an Additional Tract having a Wife and five
Children and therefore Praying for One Hundred and
Seventy Nine Acres of Land Bounded Northerly on No
ble Wimberly Jones Southerly and Westerly on Thomas
Harris and East on the Township Lotts of Savannah
SEPTEMBER, 1756, 379
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this date and that he doth Also reg
ister the said Grant in the registers Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents then the
Prayer of his said Petition is granted the Petitioner hav
ing been Sworn to Seven Persons in family now in the
Province Read a Petition of John Adam Trittlen setting forth
Land granted that he was Possessed of fifty Acres of Land but hoped to
Trittien be favoured with an Additional Tract having a Wife and
therefore praying for One Hundred Acres of Land at
Black Creek by the Old Savannah Path Joining to Lands
of John Kilen —
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this date and that he doth Also reg
ister the said Grant in the registers Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents Then
the Prayer of his said Petition is granted the Petitioner
having been Sworn to Improve the said Land
Read a Petition of Jacob Ily setting forth that he was
La°ndgran0ted Possessed of fifty Acres of Land allotted him by the late
President and Assistants but hoped to obtain an Addi
tional Tract having a Wife And therefore praying for
One Hundred Acres of Land Joining his fifty Acres on
the South Side of Black Creek
Resolved — ¦ That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this date and that he doth also reg
ister the said Grant in the registers Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the date thereof that his
to Jacob Hy
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit rents Then
the Prayer of his said Petition is granted the Petitioner
having been Sworn to Improve the Said Land
Read a Petition of William Dodds setting forth that he
LandCgran°ted was desirous of Improving Lands having One Child and
Doddslham therefore Praying for One Hundred Acres of Land be
tween Black Creek and Augustines Creek
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this date and that he doth also reg
ister the said Grant in the registers Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents Then
the Prayer of his said Petition is granted the Petitioner
having been Sworn to Improve the Said Land
Read a Petition of Henry Snider setting forth that he
LandCgran°ted was desirous of Improving Lands having a AVife and One
Snider Child and therefore praying for Two Hundred Acres of
Land Joining John Farley's Land on the Westward on
Great Ogechee River
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this date and that he doth also reg
ister the said Grant in the registers Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit rents then part
of the prayer of the said Petition namely One Hundred
and fifty Acres of Land is granted the Petitioner having
Improved the same — ¦
Read a Petition of Solomon Shad setting forth that he
Land^ranted was desirous of Improving Lands having a Wife a Child
shad and One Negro and therefore praying for Two Hundred
SEPTEMBER, 1756. 381
and fifty Acres of Land Joining Plenry Sniders Land on
the Westward on Great Ogechee River
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this date and that he doth also reg
ister the said Grant in the registers Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit rents Then
the Prayer of the said Petition is granted the Petitioner
having been Sworn to four Persons in family
Read a Petition of John Burnett for One Hundred
petition tor 100 Acres of Land situate on the South Side of the North
rejected Branch of Newport River
Ordered — ¦ That the said Petition be rejected
Read a Petition of William Norton setting forth that
200 Acres of he was desirous of Improving Lands having a Wife and
Land granted r o b
to wm. Norton Two Children and therefore Praying for Two Hundred
Acres of Land upon the South Branch of Newport lying
East near William Davis's Land
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this date and that he doth also reg
ister the said Grant in the registers Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents Then
the Prayer of his said Petition is granted The Petitioner
having been Sworn to Improve the said Lands
Read a Petition of Peter Torquintz setting forth that
100 Acres of he was desirous of Improving Lands and therefore Pray-
Land granted . r o j
to Peter jng for One Plundred Acres of Land within four Miles
Torquintz °
of Mr Newberrys Land on Savannah River and about
Sixteen Miles from Halifax
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from. this date and that he doth also reg
ister the said Grant in the registers Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents Then
the Prayer of the said Petition is granted The Petitioner
having been Sworn to Improve the said Lands
Read a Petition of Isaac Gibbs setting forth that he was
Landrgranted in Possession of fifty Acres of Land but desired an Addi
tional Tract having four Children and therefore Praying
for a Hundred Acres of Land Opposite to Land Pos
sessed by him on Abercorn Creek
Resolved — ¦ That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this date and that he doth also reg
ister the said Grant in the registers Office in this Prov
ince within Six Months from the date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit rents then Part
of the prayer of his said Petition namely fifty Acres of
Land is granted the Petitioner having been Sworn to Im
prove the same — ¦
Read a Petition of Joshua Atkinson setting forth that
Landgranted he was desirous of Improving Lands having a Wife and
Atkinson One Negro and therefore praying for Two Hundred
Acres of Land on the Head of Mackentoshe's Swamp on
the South side of Bryer Creek about Thirty Miles below
Augusta Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this date and that he doth also reg
ister the said Grant in the registers Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents then the
Prayer of his said Petition is granted the Petitioner hav
ing been Sworn to Improve the Same —
Read a Petition of Michael Boreman setting forth that
LandCgrln°tfed he was in Possession of fifty Acres of Land Allotted to
Boreman him by the late President and Assistants but hoped to be
favoured with an Additional Tract having a Wife and
One Son and therefore Praying for One Hundred Acres
of Land situated Adjoining North on Land granted to
the Revd Mr Bolziuers near Josephs Town about half a
Mile to the Southward of the above mentioned fifty
Acres Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this date and that he doth also reg
ister the said Grant in the registers Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit rents Then the
Prayer of his said Petition is granted The Petitioner
having been Sworn to Improve the said Land
Read a Petition of Frederick Helvenstine setting forth
LandCSnted that he was in Possession of fifty Acres of Land allotted
Heivlnltine him by the late President and Assistants but was desirous
of An Additional Tract having a Wife and four Chil
dren and therefore praying for Two Hundred and fifty
Acres of Land namely 50 Acres lying between Lands
granted to Veit Lachner and Casper Pates and Adjoining
the North West Corner of the said Petitioners Land at
Abercorn and Two Hundred Acres at a Place known by
the Name of the Old Cowpen about Two Miles to the
Westward of Abercorn bounded on all sides by Vacant
Land being Pine Land
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this date and that he doth also reg-
ister the said Grant in the registers Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit rents then the
Prayer of his said Petition is granted the Petitioner hav
ing been Sworn to Improve the said Land
Mr Geor e ^r George Love having represented to the Board that
fo7M02Acresof he had been disappointed in getting five Hundred Acres
maHardnwk.Lotof Land surveyed on his Warrant dated the Second Jan-
Moithffrom uary last and also a Lot in Hardwicke on his Warrant
dated the 9'11 of January aforesaid and therefore Praying
that the said Warrants might be Prolonged
Ordered — • That the Surveyers General do prolong
the said Warrants Three Months longer from this date
Claims of
Lands Ex
Then the Board Examined the Claims of Lands Per
sons desiring Grants for Lands
GEORGIA At a Council held in the Council Cham
ber at Savannah on Wednesday the Eighth.
Day of September 1756
His Excellency John Reynolds Esqr
!Sr Patrick Houstoun Bar'
James Habersham
Jonathan Bryan
Read a Petition of James Whitefield setting forth that
he was desirous of Improving Lands having a Wife and
Two Negroes and therefore praying for Three Hundred
Acres of Land Joining Solomon Shads Land on the
Westward on Great Ogechee River
SEPTEMBER, 1756. 385
Resolved — - That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this date and that he doth also reg
ister the said Grant in the registers Office in this Prov
ince within Six Months from the date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit rents then the
Prayer of his said Petition is granted The Petitioner
having been Sworn to four Persons in family
It appearing to the Board that it will be necessary to
erTtocoS11" have a Compleat Plan of the Town and Township of
?lya& retuma Ebenezer for their Inspection
Plan of the
Town and
Township of
Ordered — That the Surveyers General do compleat
the Survey of the said Town and Township and that they
do deliver a Plan thereof as soon as Possible —
David Black having entered a Caveat in the Secretarys
havg. entered Office against William Wainwright having a Grant for
a Caveat agt. & to &
wm wain- Two Hundred and fifty Acres of Land on the Southside
wright havg. a J
Aclls of rLand °f Coonoche River on Barbaque Creek till he had been
bright ordered heard thereon which he desired might be as soon as Pos«
to attend the ¦ 11
Board on the S 1 01 e
first Tuesday in
next Month Ordered — That the Clerk of this Board do write to
the said Wainwright to attend this Board on the first
Tuesday in the next Month
His Excellency the Governor having Proposed the
WritofElec-tiontobe Calling of an Assembly and the same being taken into
Issued tor Rep- b J o
resentativesto Consideration
meet on the 1st
of Novr. next Ordered — That the Secretary do prepare a Writ for
Electing Representatives to meet on the first day of No
vember next
25 c r— vol 7
His Excellency the Governor Signed Grants for Lands
s£n^d0Grants laid out by Grants from the late Trustees or Allotments
outbaiGrante from the late President and Assistants to the following
from the late -p.
Trustees or Al- FerSOnS
lotmts. by the
late President
and Assists. Dudley Maxwell 500 Acres in the District of Midway
D° 200 Acres in Dp
John Fox 400 Acres in the district of Little Ogechee
James De Veaux 500 Acres on Argyle Island
D° 500 Acres on Skidoway Island
D° ¦ 500 Acres in the district of Little Ogechee
D° 45 Acres being a Trust Lot near Savannah
D° 50 Acres being a Town Lot with Garden and
farm Lotts in D°
James Edwa Powell Esqr 470 Acres in the district of Sa
Hugh Mackay 500 Acres in the district of Great Ogechee
James Mackay Esqr 500 Acres on the South Side of Great
John Savage in Trust for Ann the Wife of James Mackay
Esqr 500 Acres in the district of Little Ogechee
William Elliot a Lot in Hardwicke N° 1
William Elliot 500 Acres in the district of Great Ogechee
Elizabeth Marcer 50 Acres being a Town Lot with Gar
den and farm Lots in Savannah
D° for her life remainder to John Teasdale 50
Acres being a Town Lot with Garden and farm Lots in
SEPTEMBER, 1756. 387
Samuel Marcer 50 Acres being a Town Lot with Garden
and farm Lotts in Savannah
D° 500 Acres in the District of Savannah
Elizabeth Evans 50 Acres being a Town Lot with Garden
and farm Lotts in Savannah
Edmund Tannatt 500 Acres in the district of Little Oge
D° • 500 Acres in the District of Midway
The Heirs of William Cross 50 Acres being a Town Lot
with Garden and farm Lotts in Savannah
John Mitchell 500 Acres in the district of Midway
Sarah Mitchell 500 Acres in D°
Richard Spencer 500 Acres in the district of Newport
Thomas Carter 300 Acres in D°
Joseph Goodby 400 Acres in D°
Moses Way 200 Acres in D°
Nathaniel Way 500 Acres in the district of Midway
John Barnard 500 Acres on the Island of Wilmington
William Backshell 500 Acres on Argyle Island
Elisha Butler Esqr a Lot in Hardwicke N° 24
John Ludwig Meyer 200 Acres in the district of Aber
David T'Bear 50 Acres in the Township of Vernonburgh
The Heirs of James Coloine 50 Acres being a Town Lott
with Garden and farm Lots in Savannah
Christian Reidelsperger 200 Acres of Land between Ab
ercorn & Ebenezer
John Osgood and others in Trust 300 Acres in the dis
trict of Midway for a Glebe
David Truon 135 Acres in the District of Savannah
John Kelsall 500 Acres on Skidoway Island
Christian Rabenhorst Clerk 500 Acres in the district of
The Heirs of David Kraft 500 Acres in D°
Daniel Clerk and Lachlan McGillivray 500 Acres in Au
D° a Town Lot in Augusta N° 17 being One Acre
Edward Chapman and Jane his Wife In Trust for the
Heirs of William Grickson 50 Acres being a Town Lot
with Garden and farm Lotts in Savannah
The following were for Lands laid out by Warrants
Grants signed => J
outb? tiS from his Excellency
from the John Stewart Senior 500 Acres on the Middle Branch of
North Newport River
James Heart 550 Acres in the district of Newport
William Baker 250 Acres in the district of Newport
James De Veaux Esq1 1000 Acres an Island called War
D° a Lot in Hardwicke Number 28
James Edward Powell William Glen & John Cooper a
Lot in Hardwicke N° 22
SEPTEMBER, 1756. 389
James Mackay Esqr 650 Acres at the Head of Newport
D° 50 Acres on Red Bud Creek
William Elliot 500 Acres in the Forks of the River Oge
chee & Coonoche
D° 500 Acres in the district of Newport
Samuel Marcer a Lot in Hardwicke N° 31
David Stephens a Lot in Hardwicke N° 45
Edmund Tannatt 500 Acres in the district of Newport
John Barnard 600 Acres on the Island of Wilmington
D° a Lot in Hardwicke N° 116
John Fitch 300 Acres in the district of Augusta
William Maiden 100 Acres in the district of Great Oge
Frederick Keifer 100 Acres at Vernonburgh
Parmenus Way 300 Acres in the district of Midway
William Graves 500 Acres at the Head of North New
port River
William Blackshell half a Lot in Savannah Letter (W)
60 by 90 feet
Daniel Nunes Rivers a Lot in Hardwicke N° 79
claims of Then the Board Examined the Claims of Sundry Per-
i£dn!dEx" sons desiring Grants for Lands
GEORGIA At a Council held in the Council Cham
ber at Savannah on Monday the 13th Day of
September 1756 Present
His Excellency John Reynolds Esqr
f Noble Jones ]
The Honble \ Francis Harris [ Esq"
(^ James Edwa Powell j
His Excellency Acquainted the Board that One Ed-
Browns infor- ward Brown an Inhabitant on Great Ogechee had been
mation of some ..,. , ._. . . ,. . .
disturbance be- with him and made information of some disturbance be
tween tbe In- #
diansandthe tween that Settlement and the Indians and the said Brown
Inhabts. of
Great ogechee appearing made Oath as followeth
"That on the 4th Instant he and others of the Settle-
"ment on Ogechee Missed Several Horses out of the Pen
"and Suspecting they were Stolen by Indians he raised
"the Neighbours to the Number of Eight and went in
"Quest of them on the 5'11 they came up with them having
"followed them by their Tract fifty Miles and they run
"out upon them to the Number of four set up the War
"hoop and fired shootting a Man through the Hat and
"Wounding Several of the Horses upon which the White
"Men returned the fire and saw Two Indians drop which
"he believes were either killed or Wounded though they
"fired not above five or Six Shotts upon which the In-
"dians Continued to fire upon them till they got out of
"their reach which they did with their Horses as soon
"as they could and returning home packed up part of their
"Effects and retired to Mount Pleasant with their fam-
"ilies his
Edw4 E B Brown
SEPTEMBER, 1756. 391
The said Edward Brown being Askt who were the
People that went with him in Pursuit of the Indians he
Answered "Andrew Lambert Arthur Thomas
"James Lambert his Son Jacob Deptford
"Andrew Clements \ R , and
"Joseph Clements ] Bromers Solomon Kempe
William Moore of Mount Pleasant likewise acquainted
Corroborated the Board that he had conversed with five or Six of the
the deposition . ,
of said Brown aforesaid Persons and having related the Substance of
the said Conversation it corroborated with the Deposition
of Edward Brown
The Board having taken the same into Consideration
vised the Gov", advised his Excellency the Governor to Write Immedi-
immediateiy to ately to the Head Men of the Creeks desiring such Satis-
the Head Men J °
desirinCreek3 Action for the Insult shewn our People as we should give
satisfaction them on the like Occasion
Read a Petition of William Moore aforesaid setting
250 Acres of
to Wm. Moore
Land^anted forth that he was desirous of Cultivating Lands having a
Wife Two Children and four Negroes and therefore
Praying for Two Hundred and fifty Acres of Land situ
ated on Savannah River about a Mile below Mount Pleas
ant bounded on all Sides by Vacant Land
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within Sev
en Months from this date and that he doth Also register
the said Grant in the registers Office of this Province
within Six Months from the date thereof that his Maj
esty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents Then the
Prayer of his said Petition is granted he having been
Sworn to Improve the said Land And Eight in family
GEORGIA At a Council held in the Council Cham
ber at Savannah on Wednesday the 1 5th Sepf
1756 Present
His Excellency John Reynolds Esqr
Sr Patrick Houstoun Bar'
( Noble Jones
Th H We -I f'rancis Harris
| Jonathan Bryan
t James Edward Powell
His Excellency the Governor Acquainted the Board
The Govt, laid ,,,, ¦ , T 1 i a 1 • r
beforethe that he had received some Letters and other Advices from
Board some
Lettrs &c the Justices of Augusta relating to the late disturbance
from Augusta J o o
indtans'wlich w't'1 the Creek Indians and also a representation and Pe-
OTderedtobed tition from the Inhabitants of the said Place which being
ISiowethf read were ordered to be Copyed in this days Minutes and
are as followeth
"May it Please \
"your Excellency ) Augusta Saturday 10 of the Clock
in the Morning 12th September 1756
"We have as in duty bound sent this Express on pur-
GoTOmorfrom "p°se with the Inclosed Informations by which youl un-
thePeaceatof "derstand Indian Blood has been Spilt and Consequently
in^Sd wmeh "an Indian War is almost unavoidable the only thing in
tions about the "all humane Probability that can prevent it is the having
Indians and the .^
Presentstate "of the Murderers Secured For to make them Satisfac-
of the fort and
thatPtace*8 °f "t'on f°r which reason we Issued Plue and Crys every
"where to apprehend them and in Case they come by the
"Way of Savannah We hope care will be taken to Secure
"them we are affraid we Cannot hold this Place Long
"without Speedy Assistance which we hope your Excel
lency will take into your Serious Consideration all the
"Settlements on Ogechee are Abandoned and all that de
signs to stand we Expect will come in here Immediately
"but we have reason to believe a great many will fly the
"Fort cannot contain all the Inhabitants so that we will
"be obliged to Fortify some other Places we beg your
"Excellency would send us Instructions how to Act as
"you shall think proper there are some head Men of the
"Creeks in Charles Town on their way thither on them
"we have great dependance as we design to Assure them
"that we will take and do Justice on the Murderers and
"give them all the Satisfaction they will require we Wish
"We could hear from your Excellency before they went
"from this Place for which reason we hope your Excel
lency will dispatch the Express with all hast Possible
"there is no Match in the fort Mr Oterbrige begs if there
"is any such thing in Savannah that you send him some
"and we are with the Greatest respect your Excellencys
"Most humble and
"Most Obedient Serv'3
"Da Douglass
"John Rae
"Martin Campbell
"We have sent you the Inclosed Representation that
"your Excellency may see the Sentiments of the People
"of this Place before this unlucky Affair happened
Letter to the
Governor from
David Douglas
Esqr. from An-
gusta concern
ing the Indians
"Augusta Saturday 9 of the Clock in
"the morning 12"1 September 1756
"I have as in Duty bound Sent you the Inclosed Infor-
"mation by which in all Appearance an Indian War is
"unavoidable there is nothing in all humane Probability
"can prevent it but having those people who did the In-
"jury to make a retaliation for the Murder'd Indians and
"we have Accordingly Issued Hue and Crys sent out Par-
"ties to apprehend them and we have Alarmed all the
"Country both on the Carolina and Georgia Side The
"head men of the Chekesaws are now with me they de-
"clare they will live and die with the White People Pro
viding we will get them a place for their Wives and
"Children The Fort is too Small neither is it in a Condi
tion to hold the People of this Place so I think it will be
"better to have one or two fortifications or entrenchments.
"as near the Fort as Possible where the Women and Chil-
"dren may be Secure while we Scout out or fight the En-
"emy as needfull the Ogechee Settlements are intirely
"abandoned (would to God they had never been Settled)
"and indeed I have little dependence on any Norward
"Man I am Affraid we cannot long keep this Place with-
"out Assistance and the loss of this will be in a manner
"destruction to both Provinces as there is no People in
"this Province to Spare to send to our Assistance I hope
"your Excellency will Immediately apply to the Govern-
"ment of South Carolina who are Equally concerned to
"send an Immediate Supply of men or otherwise as you
"think most proper as I only hint my hasty tho'ts which
"if not right I beg your Excellency would Excuse I hope
"your Excellency will by this Express give me what pow-
"ers and Instructions you think needfull If Possible we
"will Immediately send to the Creek Nation to Assure
"the Indians those people who did Injury will be taken
"and Secured for their Satisfaction we are only Affraid
"the Blow will be Struck in the Nation Immediately there
"are Two Head Men of the Creeks in Charles Town or
"in their way thither we will Endeavour to do what we
"can with them there would to God we had your Excel-
"lencys Instructions before they went from this I hope
"your Excellency will pardon any Errors or Incoherences
"in this Letter as I am in a Continual hurry from some
"Quarter or another and
"I am
"With the Greatest respect
"Your Excellencys Most humble
"and Most Obedient Servant
"Da Douglass
SEPTEMBER, 1756. 395
Deposition of "The Deposition of Peter Elliott taken before us David
tokJn before "Douglass John Rae and Martin Campbell Esq" Justices
Augultalbout "Assigned to keep the Peace for the district of Augusta
"in the Colony of Georgia who being duly Sworn de-
"poseth and saith that yesterday he saw one David Kid-
"ney at Bryer Creek who told this Deponent that he had
"seen Andrew Clements and that the said Clements had
"been Scared on both sides of his face and had a hole
"through his hat and that the said Clements told him the
"said David Kidney who told this Deponent that the
"Morning after the Creek Indians stole their Horses out
"of their Pens that the following Persons went out after
"the Indians to get their Horses Viz' Andrew Lambert
"James Lambert Andrew Clements Joseph Clements Ed-
"ward Brown Solomon Kempt John Tadford and Arthur
"Thomas and came up with the Indians At their Camp
"last Sunday in the Morning and coming close to the In-
"dians they set their Guns on the Ground upon which the
"Indians immediately fired on them but did no other
"Mischief than Shoot one of the White Peoples Horses
"and Scaring Three little Indian Boys that was there who
"run of but the Indians firing again Shot Andrew Clem-
"ents through the Hat and Scared his Cheeck upon which
"the said Clements Cryed out to the rest of the White
"People (will you stand and see me Kil'd) at which Ed-
"ward Brown fired and shot one of the Indians and after-
"wards they shot Two More and wounded another who
"run into a Thicket and was heard to fire his Gun several
"times after they the White People left the Camp
Sworn before us the Eleventh Day of Sepf 1756
John Rae
Martin Campbell
Da. Douglass
Jacob Paul and
Wm. Caces
Lettr. to Davd.
Douglass Esqr,
concerning the
late disturb
ance with some
'Bryer Creek Settlement
September the iom 1756
"At this present being obliged to stand on our Guard
'for fear of the Indians and we being so few in Number
'that We the Under Subscribers cannot be Spared or
'otherwise we had come up our selves to have declared
'on Oath if required the following Confession of Andrew
'and James Lambeth's which was as followeth last Tues-
'day night we hearing that said Lambeths was Camped
'near our Settlements therefore in order to know the
'reason of their so Suddenly moving from their Habita
tions we went to their Camp and soon after we Spoke
'to them concerning the Indians the said Lambeth's told
'us that four Indian Men came Naked to their House
'and was very Saucey and Bold some Nine past and
'moved away several things and that he and some others
'went after and recovered the things again but not long
'after they came again and stole Three Horses out of
'Andrew Clements Pen on which they and some of the
'Neighbours followed after them to get the Horses again
'and came up with the Horses within Sight of their Camp
'on which they did see one run out from the Camp a Lit-
'tle Way but the rest gave the War hoop and he returned
'again to the rest and all together in hast made up to the
'White People that an Indian raised his Gun but she
'flashed and that Andrew Clements then alighted and he
'and the rest of them made Sign to the Indians with their
'Guns at the Ground not to Shoot but notwithstanding
'all they could say or do the Indians all fired at them and
'they fired at them the Second time before any of the
'White People shot at them in which time Andrew Clem-
'ents Stood on the Ground by a Small Tree and that he
'had with their Bulletts whilst in that Posture his hat
'graised Twice and his Horse Wounded beside him on
'which he cryed to the rest of his Company if they would
'See him Murder'd and that they was retreated so far
SEPTEMBER, 1756. 397
"that he was about half way betwixt them and the In-
"dians and as soon as they heard him so cry out they shot
"at the Indians and killed Three of them and Supposed
"the fourth One was Wounded who fled into a Swamp
"who Shot Several times in the Swamp but they did not
"go after Him but left him Shooting as aforesaid all
"which if it is required we are Willing to declare but we
"will Conclude Sr We are
your very humble
To Serv'
"Cap' David Douglass Esq1" his
"William + Cace
"Jacob Paul
"P S. That your Honour would be pleased to take a
"Copy of the Within and let us have the Original for
"to help our Memories for we are so Confused at this
"time that we had not time nor Oppertunity to draw
"one our Selves Sr We are yours &c
"Augusta 30th August 1756
"To his Excellency John Reynolds Esqr Captain
"General Governor and Commander in Chief in
"and over his Majestys Province of Georgia and
"Vice Admiral of the same
or Petition of
the Inhabitants
of Augusta &
Places Adja
cent setting
forth their
danger from
the Indians in
their present
defenceless State
"The Humble Representation and Petition of the In
habitants of Augusta and the Places Adjacent Sheweth
"That your Petitioners by their Vianity and connextion
"with Indians and Indian Affairs have had the Oppor
tunity to behold with concern the Great Progress the
"French have made for some time Past in seducing the
"Creek Indians and drawing them over to their Interest
"those People are indefatigable in perswading and Spur
ring on the Indians to a Rupture with us and had within
"these few Months according to the best Intelligence we
"could get and from the behaviour of the Indians in Gen-
"eral very near Succeeded and even with the concurrence
"of Part of the Cherokees — That although we believe they
"have miscarried Just at this present Juncture yet we have
"good reason to think If some effectual Methods are not
"taken to prevent it they will very soon bring their de
signs to Bear — That Augusta and the Places Adjacent
"being not only frontiers but places where the Stores and
"Trading Goods for all the Chickesaws Creek and Part
"of the Cherokees are kept are of the greatest Conse-
"quence for in all Probability they would for the sake of
"those Stores be the first that would be Attacked as they
"(the Indians) would be thereby Enabled with a Little
"Assistance from the French to Carry on a War with the
"English for a Considerable time that in our Present de-
"fenceless Condition those Places and Stores we are Mor-
"ally certain wou'd fall too Easy a Prey to 'em — That
"it is well known that fort Augusta was Erected here for
"the Sake of the Indian Trade and Protection of those
"who should carry it on and might also be a Protection
"to other Inhabitants that might afterwards come and
"settle in the North West division of this Province by
"being an Asylum for their Women and Children and a
"Place of Security for their Effects in Case of Danger —
"That That fort at present cannot answer any of those
"Wise and Salutary Ends being in every Part of it in a
"ruinous and untenantable Condition for the truth of
SEPTEMBER, 1756. 399
"Which we can Appeal to your Excellency who had Oc-
"cular Demonstration thereof when your Excellency was
"up here but even since that time it is much decayed and
"would have fallen to the Ground had it not been Sup
ported by the Care of the Commanding Officer that was
"the Fort in proper repair it could not entirely Answer
"the Ends proposed the few Soldiers that had been for a
"Long time at that Station which by repeated Detach-
"ments to South Carolina and else where are now ren
dered fewer being Insufficient for its defence in Case of
"an Attack — That if this Place was destroyed the de
struction of the whole Province would in all Probability
"soon follow for as we hinted before the Indians would
"get Arms and Ammunition and other necessarys here
"enough to enable them to Carry on the War where and
"how long they Pleased — That all though we have been
¦"Informed that your Excellency hath before now laid be-
"fore his Majesty the defenceless State of this Province
"and the ruinous Condition of the Fortifications in it
"(and We are Sensible no Person could take more Pains
"to know it then your Excellency) yet we hope this rep
resentation of our Particular Situation Especially in
"time of a War with France and as we have good reason
"to think of Immediate danger will not be taken Amiss that
"we also with Submission beg leave to observe to your
"Excellency that we sincerely wish there had been no Set-
"tlement made on Ogechee as yet for if ever the Creek
"Indians should break out a War with us what ever rea-
"sons they in their own minds might have for it we are
"Assured they will make that Settlement one Pretence for
"they are continually Exclaiming against it and more so
"this Summer than ever we wish there could be a Method
"taken of with drawing the Settlement by degrees so as
"it might not look like a Public Concession of those Lands
"the Indians would then at least want that Pretence of
"Quarreling — We therefore hope your Excellency will
"take this our Representation and Petition into your Se-
"rious Consideration and we Cannot doubt your Excel
lency will do every thing in your Power to remedy these
"Evils and to render our Safety and Protection more Ef
fectual but if nothing can be done here for the better
"security of these Parts we humbly beseech your Excel
lency to represent our Situation to his Majesty from
"whose fatherly care we may yet before it's too Late re
ceive the Assistance necessaryly required and your Ex-
"cellencys Petitioners as in Duty bound shall every Pray
"Da. Douglass William Clement
"Martin Campbell Richard Jonston
"Lachlan McGillivray John TinlEy
"John Williams Rob' Dixson
"John Spencer George Galphin
"William Little Moses Nunes
"James McHenry Patrick Clerk
"Danil Clark John Rae
"Edward Barnard Isaac BarksdalE
"John Pettycrow Wm Bonar
The Board having taken the aforesaid Advices into
The Board Ad- Consideration were of Opinion that in the Present de
vised the Govt. r
of Rangera'to" fenceless State of this Province a Troop of Ranger would
Ca£tein2fa be highly necessary and therefore Unanimously advised
net^QuaSSi-" the Governor to raise one with all dispatch to Consist of a
Private Men Captain Two Lieutenants a Cornet Two Quarter Masters
and Seventy Private Men to be allow'd the same Pay as
the Rangers Had during the late War till further Orders
Clerk of the
towrlte rtothe Ordered— That the Clerk of this Board do write to
the8resepective the Justices Captains and Principal Inhabitants of the re-
districts Of . , . . r rt. » , ,. . i-r^-
ogecheeMid- spective districts of Ogechee Midway and Darian ac-
way and Da- ...
rian acquaint- quamtmg them of the late unhappy affair with the In-
ing them with A L J
th?J*te ?ffair dians in Order to put them on their Guard which he did
with the In- r
?SoX in the following Words.
OCTOBER, 1756. 401
Savannah 15th September 1756
"Gentlemen "His Excellency the Governor having received Infor
mation that some White People had killed Three Creek
"Indians at the Head of Great Ogechee River and Not-
"withstanding all Possible means is and will be made use
"of to prevent any bad Consequences therefrom yet it
"may be the unhappy Occasion of a War with these and
"Probably other Indians I am therefore ordered by his
"Excellency in Council to Acquaint you thereof that you
"may be on your Guard and he recommends in particular
"your raising forts for the Protection of your Wives and
"Children Gentlemen your most
Obedient Servant
Tho8 Vincent D. C. C.
"To the Justices of the Peace Captains
"and Principal Inhabitants &c —
GEORGIA At a Council held in the Council Cham
ber at Savannah on Tuesday the 5"1 Day of
October 1756 Present
His Excellency John Reynolds Esqr
Sir Patrick Houstoun Bar'
{James Habersham ]
Noble Jones V Esq"
Francis Harris !
The Minutes of the Preceeding Board were read from
26 c r— vol 7
200 Acres of
Land granted
to Jacob
the 7th of September to the 18th of the said Month both
days Inclusive and approved
Read a Petition of Jacob Cusmal setting forth that he
was desirous of Cultivating Lands having a Wife and
Two Children and therefore praying for Two Hundred
Acres of Land at the head of Mailers Branch lying be
tween Black and Augustines Creek and the Savannah
Road Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this date and that he doth also reg
ister the said Grant in the registers Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents then the
prayer of his said Petition is granted the Petitioner hav
ing been Sworn to Cultivate the said Land
Read a Petition of Thomas White setting forth that he
100 Acres of^ was desirous of Cultivating Lands and therefore praying
to Thos. wwte for One Hundred Acres situate on the South Side of the
North Branch of Newport River at a Place known by the
Name of Bine Point about a Mile below Richard Burtley
bounded on all sides by Vacant Land
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this date and that he doth also reg
ister the said Grant in the registers Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents then the
Prayer of his said Petition is granted the Petitioner hav
ing been Sworn to Cultivate the said Land
Read a Petition of Benedict Bourquin setting forth
400 Acres of _
Land granted that he was possessed of Five Hundred Acres of Land
to Benedict ._ r ^
Bourquinj \yUi- was desirous of an Additional Tract having a Wife
OCTOBER, 1756. 4°3
Eight Children and Seven Negroes and therefore Praying
for four Hundred and fifty Acres of Land between Great
Ogechee and Midway about half a Mile from John Cub-
bedges Land
Resolved — ¦ That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the Land within Seven
Months from this date and that he doth also register the
said Grant in the registers office of this Province within
Six Months from the date thereof that his Majesty may
not be defrauded of his Quit Rents Then Part of the
Prayer of the said Petition namely four Hundred Acres
of Land is granted the Petitioner having been sworn to
Seventeen Persons in Family now in the Province
Read a Petition of Benedict Bourquin aforesaid praying
?vicke granted" for 3 Lot in Hardwicke known by Number 113
to Benedict
Bourquin Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Lot within
Seven Months from this date and that he doth also reg
ister the said Grant in the registers Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the date thereof Then the
prayer of his said Petition is granted
Read a Petition of William Mills setting forth that he
LandCgran°ted was desirous of Cultivating Lands having One Negro and
therefore Praying for One Hundred and fifty Acres at a
Place called Bear head Swamp on North Newport
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the sd Land within Seven
Months from this date and that he doth also register the
said Grant in the registers Office of this Province within
Six Months from the date thereof that his Majesty may
not be defrauded of his Quit Rents then the prayer of
his said Petition is granted the Petitioner having been
Sworn to Improve the Said Land
Read a Petition of Nathaniel Holland setting forth that
Landgranted he was desirous of Cultivating Lands having One Child
HoHandaniel and therefore praying for One Hundred and fifty Acres
of Land on an Island called Little Tybee
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this date and that he doth also reg
ister the said Grant in the registers office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents then the
prayer of his said Petition is granted Petitioner having
been sworn to Improve the said Land
300 Acres of
Land granted
to Charles
Read a Petition of Charles West setting forth that he
was possessed of Nine Hundred Acres of Land but hoped
to obtain an Additional Tract having a Wife four Chil
dren and Twenty Two Negroes and therefore Praying
for Three Hundred Acres of Land on the Southside Join
ing Alexander Rosses Land on South Newport
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this date and that he doth also reg
ister the said Grant in the registers office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit rents then the
prayer of his said Petition is granted the Petitioner hav
ing been Sworn to Cultivate the said Land
Read a Petition of John Burnett for One Hundred
John Burnett Acres of Land on the Southside of the North Branch of
for 100 Acresof . .
Land rejected Newport River at a Place known by the Bme Point about
a Mile below Richard Burtley bounded on all Sides by
Vacant Land
Ordered — That the said Petition be rejected the
Land not being Vacant
OCTOBER, 1756. 4°5
Gaveatof Da- David Black having entered a Caveat in the Secretarys
wmBwam-Bt Office against William Wainwright having a Grant for
rtontteifo Two Hundred and fifty Acres of Land situate on the
Litigated and a Southside of Coonoche River on Barbique Creek about a
topassforthe Mile to the North East of fohn Matthews Land and the
same to the said
wainwright said David Black and Wm Wainwright appearing and be
ing respectively heard it appeared that the said Wain
wright had legally settled the said Land by a Warrant
dated the 5th June 1755 and that the said David Black
had settled it without any Authority
Ordered — That the said William Wainwright do
have a Grant for the said Land and that the said David
Black be allowed to the first Day of March next to move
of his Effects
Read a Petition of Heriot Crooke late of S' Christo-
Heriet Crookes
Bond for set- pher Widow setting forth that on the 7 Day of Novem-
tlmg 500 Acres r ° ' J
to wtuvtred1 'Der last s'le obtained a Warrant for laying out to her a
rampiy^dw^fh Tract of hve Hundred Acres of Land which she entered
lnda?snodaion hito Bond in the Penalty of One Hundred Pounds Ster-
torpass°forrthe ling to settle with a Competent Number of Hands within
One year from the said Date that she had now Twelve
Negroes in the Province and promised to Cultivate the
said Land And therefore praying that the said Bond may
be delivered up to her and also that a Grant may Pass for
the said Land
Ordered — ¦ That the Secretary do prepare a Grant
for the said Land and that the Said Bond be delivered up
to the Petitioner she having been sworn to Thirteen Per
sons in family now in the Province — ¦
GEORGIA At a Council held in the Council Cham
ber at Savannah on Tuesday the 12th Day of
October 1756 Present
His Excellency John Reynolds Esqr
Sr Patrick Houstoun Bar'
tm -o- Die jjames Habersham ) « „
The Hon™ }JJames Edward Powdl J Esq"
His Excellency proposed the appointing a Public Day
of Fasting and of Fasting and Humiliation to be observed throughout
Humiliation to
be observed on this Province on Wednesday the 27 Day of this Instant
Wednesday the j i j
instant^ and that We may devoutly join in humble and fervent Prayer
to Almighty God to avert the Chastisement our Manifold
Sins have deserved to protect this Colony and all other
the Kings Dominions and to emplore the Divine Blessing
on his Majestys Arms both by Sea and Land
The secretary Ordered — That the Secretary do prepare a Procla-
to prepare a . , . .
Proclamation mation accordingly
GEORGIA At a Council held in the Council Cham
ber at Savannah on Monday the Is' Day of
November 1756 Present
His Excellency John Reynolds Esqr
Sr Patrick Houstoun Bar'
f James Habersham
| Noble Jones
The Hon1" \ Francis Harris [ Esqr
James Mackay
James Edward Powell
NOVEMBER, 1756. . 407
Govt, laid be- ^s Excellency the Governor acquainted the Board that
iTetterfrom he had received a Letter from the Right Honble the Earl
Loudoun0 of Loudoun which he thought proper to Communicate to
the Board and the same being read was ordered to be en
tered in this days Minutes and is as follows —
Albany 20th August 1756
Sir I Received last Night Accounts by which I apprehend
The Earl of ° J I r
te°rUtoUthe Let^ ^at Ossego whh all tis' Stores and Ammunition and the
Governor Train placed there is lost The Garrison made Prisoners
and our Naval Power on the Lake destroyed
I must put you on your Guard against every 111 Conse
quence of such an unhappy Event and as you may now
Expect the weight of the French Indian Power on your
Back I must caution you to put your Frontiers Immedi
ately in the best Posture of defence you are able as from
the Condition and Number of the Troops left to me when
I came to my Command I can scarce hope to do more than
to resist the French Power in these Quarters
Were my hands Strengthned to enable me to- Act I
would not dispair of Retreiving this Misfortune and to
Wrest out of the Hands of the French this Important
Post that by a Series of bad Circumstances has fallen too
easy a Prey to them
I must in the Strongest manner and from motives of
the most interesting nature demand your Assistance and
that of your Province
His Majesty having been graciously Pleased to send
over to America a Number of Officers for the Service of
these Countries his Royal American Regiment of four
Battalions does Expect that the Colonies will supply the
Levies for this Regiment The State of the Service does
now require that this Regiment should be Immediately
Compleated there is no Aid you could send me in any
Shape would be so usefull as Recruits to Compleat this
Regiment as under such good Officers as his Majesty has
Appointed to it they would be soon if not directly fitt
for Service
The Levy money is in all Justice and right expected of
the Colonies but if Obstructions to the Service should
Arise within your Province on this head I must at this
time undertake to Advance it
I do therefore again in the Strongest manner desire
of you and your Province that you will without fail as
you shall Answer for the Consequence use your utmost
Endeavours to procure and send me a Number of such
Recruits If I had had this Regiment Compleated directly
I should hope to be enabled to Act and remove those dan
gerous Circumstances under which his Majestys Colonys
do now Labour In Consequence of his Majesty's Positive
Orders I must require of you to lay a Prohibition on the
Exportation of all Manner of Provisions as the sending
out such at this time will not only Supply the French
every where and enable them to Act against us but may
in a very Essential manner distress his Majesty's Service
here as I do not know how soon I may want all that the
Colonies can furnish I am with truth and regard
Sr your most Obedient
Humble Servant Loudoun
His Excellency John Reynolds Esqr
NOVEMBER, 1756. 409
The aforesaid Letter being taken into Consideration
Governor ad-
vised to iBsue a the Board Advised the Governor to Issue a Proclamation
ExPhoi?te«orntof to prohibit the Exportation of all manner of Provisions
anyVPartnof° to the West Indies or any Part of America except to
somciroUnaept South Carolina as it was doubtfull whether the Inhabi
tants of this Province would have an Opportunity this
year of disposing of their Rice here or of shipping it to
Europe without which many of them could not subsist
otherways than by way of South Carolina where a Proc
lamation had lately been Issued to the same Purpose
OrdEREd — • That the Secretary do prepare a Proc
lamation accordingly and that the sar
Days Minutes which is as followeth
dered to pre-" lamation accordingly and that the same be incerted in this
pare the same
GEORGIA By his Excellency John Reynolds
Esqr Captain General and Governor in Chief
in and over his Majestys Colony of Georgia
and Vice Admiral of the same
Whereas the Right Honble the Earl of Loudoun
Prohibitmtg°the General and Commander in Chief of all his Majestys
Pro%dsions°n° forces in North America Hath in Consequence of his
Majestys Positive Orders required of me by his Letter
of the 20th August last to lay a Prohibition on the Ex
portation of all Manner of Provisions as the sending out
such at this time will not only supply the French every
where and enable them to Act against us but may in a
very essential manner distress His Majestys Service in
North America as his Lordship does not know how soon
he may want all the Provisions that the Colonys can fur
nish I have therefore thought fitt by the Advice of his
Majestys Council to Publish this my Proclamation
Strictly charging and commanding all Persons whatso
ever in this Colony and they are hereby strictly charged
and Commanded Immediately to forbear to Export any
Rice Corn Peas Rye Beef Pork or any live Cattle Fowls
or any other kind of Provisions to West Indies or any
other Part of America except South Carolina untill fur
ther Orders from me as they will Answer the Contrary
at their Peril and all the Officers of his Majestys Cus
toms are hereby required and directed to take effectuall
Measures to prevent the Exportation of any kind of Pro
visions as aforesaid as they answer the Contrary at their
utmost Peril Given under my hand and the Great Seal of
his Majestys said Province at Savannah this
Is' Day of November 1756 and in the Thir
tieth year of his Majestys Reign J. Reynolds
By his Excellencys Command
James Habersham SecJ
God save the King
Mr William Francis and Mr Edward Barnard Two
Members returned to sit in the ensuing Assembly at
tended with a Message from the House and Acquainted
his Excellency that Thirteen of the Representatives were
met and desired to know when they might Wait on him
His Excellency Ordered the Representatives to attend
bers of the Immediately Accordingly the following Thirteen Mem-
House of Rep- J ° J . a
resentatives bers of the House of Representatives attended namely
took tho State * J
(p-ath5 & de- William Little Samuel Marcer William Francis Edward
clared & Sub-
Te's't'tnd16 Barnard Joseph Ottolenghe William Ewen John Barnard
John Elliot Joseph Butler Noble Wimberly Jones John
Morel John Milledge and Charles Watson Esqra and took
the State Oaths appointed by Law and declared and
Subscribed the Test
NOVEMBER, 1756. 411
ordered to Then his Excellency ordered them to withdraw and
chusera* & choose a Speaker to be presented for his Approbation
Speaker Mr Marcer and Mr Joseph Butler attended with a Mes
sage from the House of Representatives that the House
had Chose a Speaker and were ready to present him to
his Excellency when he should be pleased to receive him
His Excellency answered he was then ready to receive
Little present- the House accordingly they attended and Mr Toseph But-
ed as Speaker . , , . .2 „ , , , , 1
and approved ler acquainted his Rxcellency that they were ordered by
the House to Present to him William Little as their
Speaker and the said William Little was accordingly
presented and approved of by his Excellency
Then the Speaker requested of his Excellency in the
The Speaker r ^ J
requests of the xrame of the House of Representatives that they might
Governor Sun- r j o
drymatters have free Access to his Excellencys Person Liberty of
Speech and Protection for their Persons and Servants
To which his Excellency reply'd that they might de-
Anlwer" pend upon all the Priviledges and Libertys he could allow
them that were consistent with his Majestys Instructions
Then his Excellency made a Speech to the Council and
Assembly which is as followeth
Gentlemen of the Council
and of the Assembly
I have taken the Earliest oppertunity that was recom
mended to me as consistant with the Planting Interest to
meet you in General Assembly and I do it now with very
great Pleasure as I cannot doubt that you will proceed
upon Public Business with all the Application and dis
patch the Nature of it will admit of which will certainly
recommend you in the most Effectual manner to the
Continuance of his Majestys Royal Favour and Protec
tion and be the best means of promoting the Prosperity
of this Colony nothing can be more conducive to the
Peace and Security of good Government than a due Ad
ministration of Justice without Partiality or delay and I
am commanded in my Instructions to recommend to you
forthwith to make Provision for defraying the charge of
holding the Courts of Oyer and Terminer and to Pass a
Law for collecting a Powder Duty You are not insensi
ble that the good Intentions of the late Assembly in their
first Session Passing a Tax Bill were in a Great Measure
defeated by the Inadvertency or Bad design of some con
cerned in the framing it without the inforcing the Exe
cution of it under the usual and proper Penalties other
wise it would have answered the Several Services intend
ed which undoubtedly belong to the Country to Provide
for as part of their internal Polity but which thro' the de
fects in the Bill I have been obliged to Pay for out of the
Contingent Money allowed by the Crown
His Majesty has been Graciously pleased to order the
Post Master General to provide Vessels for the carrying
on a regular Monthly correspondence between England
and North America and there are Vessels provided ac
cordingly which go and return between Falmouth and
New York and his Excellency Mr Lyttleton Governor of
South Carolina acquaints me that in Consequence of
Some Steps he has taken the Communication is opened
from Charles Town to all the Northern Colonies there
fore as nothing remains to be done to compleat a Work
so necessary for the Public Good but that this Assembly
should contribute their Quota (and a Small matter will
be Sufficient) in order to Establish a regular Post be
tween Savannah and Charles Town I recommend it to
your Consideration as I do also such other Laws as may
be necessary for the Good of this Infant Colony which I
shall gladly embrace every Opportunity to Promote
There are several other matters relative to the Present
Conjuncture of Affairs contained in a Letter to me from
the Secretary of State dated March 13"1 1756 which I
shall order to be laid before you
NOVEMBER, 1756. 4r3
Gentlemen of the Assembly
During the Apprehensions we were under of a Speedy
Incursion of the Indians I by the Unanimous advice of
his Majestys Council gave orders to raise a Troop of
Rangers for our Immediate Defence I have also caused
a Small Battery to be erected for the Safety of this River
and though no fund is yet appropriated for defraying
these expences I rely upon it that his Majesty out of his
Paternal regard for all his People will be most Gracious
ly Pleased to give orders for that Purpose
I am very far from desiring you to load your selves on
your Constituents with any heavy Impositions I have al
ready declared that I think the last Tax renewed and
fairly Collected is sufficient for this Province in its pres-
sent Circumstances to raise for the Current year and if
I am rightly informed this Tax was so Easy that Scarce
an Individual felt the Weight of it
In like manner I have not the least Inclination that
any of the Inhabitants of this Province should be abridged
of the Rights and Priviledges of free Britons on the Con
trary if any thing unprovided for should appear Bene
ficial to the Welfare and good Settlement of this Colony
I will concur with you in Joint Endeavours to procure
it on Condition they are employed in a Dutyfull Applica
tion to the King for the Trust reposed in me and the
Duty I owe my Royal Master will not permit me to go
farther It may not be improper to Advise you to all possible
Unanimity and to prevent all Partial Altercations which
may impede and obstruct the Public Prosperity and even,
endanger the Safety of the Colony
The register of Sir Patrick Houstoun Register of the Grants laid be-
countrAmou1itI fore the Board his Account for returns to England of
ing to £6. 1. 4 Grants registered amounting to £6. 8s. 4d which being
Allowed Examined was allowed
Ordered — ¦ That the Clerk of this Board do certify
the said Account to the Public Treasurer for Payment
GEORGIA At a Council held in the Council
Chamber at Savannah on Tuesday the Sec
ond day of November 1756
His Excellency John Reynolds Esqr
Sir Patrick Houstoun Bar'
James Habersham
Noble Jones
The Honble 1 Francis Harris \ Esqr!
James Mackay
t James Edward Powell
Read a Petition of John Stewart setting forth that he
Land granted was Possessed of five Hundred Acres of Land but hoped
to John t # .
Stewart to be favoured with an Additional Tract having a Wife
Two Children and fifteen Negroes and therefore Praying
for five Hundred Acres of Land bounding Easterly on
Mr Outerbridges and Westerly on Captain James Mac
kay Resolved — ¦ That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this date and that he doth also reg
ister the said Grant in the registers Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the date thereof that his
• Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit rents then the
NOVEMBER, 1756. 415
Prayer of his said Petition is granted the Petitioner hav
ing been Sworn to Nineteen Persons in family now in the
Read a Petition of Nathaniel Clark setting forth that
LandCgranted he was desirous of Improving a Tract of Land having
Two Negroes and therefore praying for Two Hundred
Acres on the North of Lands of Richard Baker at North
NewportResolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this date and that he doth also reg
ister the said Grant in the registers Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents then the
Prayer of his said Petition is granted the Petitioner hav
ing been sworn to Three Persons in family
Read a Petition of Anthony Sallis setting forth that he
Land granted was desirous of improving Lands and therefore Praying
sains for One Hundred Acres being Two Lotts known by the
Numbers Thirteen and Fourteen on Skidoway Island
Joining William Becket
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this date and that he doth also reg
ister the said Grant in the registers Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents then the
Prayer of his said Petition is granted the Petitioner hav
ing been sworn to Improve the said Land
Read a Petition of James McAry setting forth that he
LandSnted was desirous of improving Lands and therefore Praying
McAry for Two Hundred Acres lying on the River Savannah
about a Mile above the Ferry of Tuckese kings he hav
ing a Wife and Child
Resolved — ¦ That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this date and that he doth also reg
ister the said Grant in the registers Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit rents Then
part of the prayer namely One Hundred and fifty Acres
of Land is granted the Petitioner having been Sworn to
Improve the said Land
Read a Petition of Ezekiel Backler setting forth that
200 Acres of _ _ a
Landgranted he was desirous of Improving Lands having a Wife and
Backier four Children and therefore Praying for Three Hundred
and fifty Acres called the Pine Islands between Tuckese
Kings Bluff and Mount Pleasant
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this date and that he doth also reg
ister the said Grant in the registers Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents then
Part of the Prayer namely Two Hundred Acres of Land
is granted the Petitioner having been Sworn to Improve
the said Land
150 Acres of
Land granted
to Hugh
Read a Petition of Hugh Kennedy setting forth that
he was in Possession of fifty Acres of Land but was de
sirous of an Additional Tract having a Wife and Three
Children and therefore Praying for Three Hundred Acres
Joining William Kennedys Land on the North East Side
opposite to the two Sisters about 12 Miles from Ebe
nezer Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti-
NOVEMBER, 1756- 4i7
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this date and that he doth also reg
ister the said Grant in the registers Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents Then
Part of the Prayer namely One Hundred and fifty Acres
of Land is granted the Petitioner having been Sworn to
Improve the said Land
petitionof Read a Petition of Jacob Keabler Praying for One
SHotaJST Hundred Acres of Land
of Land post
poned Ordered — That the said Petition be Postponed
Petition of Read a Petition of Jeremiah Helvenston praying for
JSStoo Two Hundred Acres of Land
Acres of Land
Postponed Ordered — ¦ That the said Petition be Postponed
Read a Petition of George Cuthbert setting forth that
LandCgranted he was desirous of improving a Small Tract of Land
cuthbert having a Wife and Eighteen Negroes and therefore pray
ing for One Hundred Acres bounding Southerly on
Cuthbert Gordon and East on Daniel Cuthbert and Wal
ter Augustins Land about Two Miles from the River
SavannahResolved — That on Condition only that that the Pe
titioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this date and that he doth also reg--
ister the said Grant in the registers Office of this Prov^
ince within Six Months from the date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents then thq
prayer of the said Petition is granted
Read a Petition of Audley Maxwell setting forth thai
Land granted he was possessed of Eight Hundred and fifty Acres ol
to Audley r ° n\
Maxweii Land and hoped to be favoured with an Additional Tract
27 c r— vol 7
having a Wife five Children and Thirteen Negroes and
therefore praying for One Hundred and fifty Acres Ad
joining South to the Land he now Possesses on ye East
on his Son Audley Maxwells Land
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this date and that he doth also reg
ister the said Grant in the registers Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents then
the Prayer of his said Petition is granted the Petitioner
having been Sworn to Twenty Persons in family
Read a Petition of Thomas Moodie Praying for a Lot
tickV^Sted" in Hardwicke known by Number 154
to Thomas
Moodie Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Lott within
Seven Months from this date and that he doth also reg
ister the said Grant in the registers office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the date thereof then the
Prayer of his said Petition is granted
Read a Petition of Daniel Dunham Praying for a Lot
wicke S-anted* in Hardwicke known by Number 10
to Danl.
Dunham Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Lott within
Seven Months from this date and that he doth also reg
ister the said Grant in the registers office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the date thereof then the
Prayer of his said Petition is granted
Read a Petition of Edward Way for four Hundred
Petitionof _
Edwd. way for and fifty Acres of Land on South Newport
450 Acres of J r
Land Post- OrdEREd — That the said Petition be Postponed
Read a Petition of Isaac Laroch Praying that his Sal
ary as Goaler from the 5'11 of April to the 5th of October
may be allowed
Ordered — That the Clerk of the Board do certify
the same to the Public Treasurer for Payment
Mr Ewen and Mr Milledge from the House of Repre-
Timothy Morg- w
g^e sworn as sentatives attended and desired Mr Timothy Morgndge
Assembly might be Sworn as Clerk of that House
Accordingly the said Timothy Morgridge took the
State Oaths and declared and Subscribed the Test
Then the Board Examined the Claims of Sundry Per-
Claims of
Lands Ex
amined sons desiring Grants for Lands
GEORGIA At a Council held in the Council
Chamber at Savannah on Monday the I5tb
Day of November 1756
His Excellency John Reynolds- Esqr
C Sr Patrick Houstoun Bar'
James Habersham ]
Francis Harris > Esqri
„ James Edward Powell J
The Honble
His Excellency Acquainted the Board that he had been
from the upper Informed that some upper Creek Indians (among whom
demand satis- was a Head man called by the Indians Oboylaco and bv
faction for two ,_»,.,,__- _\
bndtheSettiers English the Handsome Fellow) were coming here to
oefefoee demand Satisfaction for Two Indians that were lately
killed by the Settlers on Great Ogechee River and that
they were incamped within Three Miles of this Town
waiting to be sent for therefore he desired the Advice of
the Council thereon
And the Same being taken into Consideration
His Excellency was advised to send for them to meet
him in Council to Morrow Morning Eleven of the Clock
GEORGIA At a Council held in the Council
Chamber at Savannah oh Tuesday the i6'h
November 1756 Present
His Excellency John Reynolds Esqr
Sr Patrick Houstoun Bar'
" James Habersham
Noble Jones
Francis Harris
^ James Edward Powell _
The Honb
Conferencebetween his
Excelly. the
The Indians from the upper Creeks attended agreable
to the Minute of this Board of yesterday and after the
c-^vIrnOTand usual Compliments had Passed His Excellency and Oboy-
HeadManaof laco the Head Man had the following Conference
the upper
Creek Nation The House of Representatives at their request being
Governor Ask the Head Man (Speaking to the Inter
preter) what his Business is here
Oboylaco I was sent from the Gun Merchant in the up
per Creeks
NOVEMBER, 1756. 421
Governor Have you any token to shew that you was sent
by the Gun Merchant
Oboylaco I have no token
Governor I shall notwithstanding hear what you have to
Oboylaco I was sent an Ambassador to the Cherokees
from thence I went to Charles Town where I
was well received and on my return called at
Augusta where I heard of some thing that
made me Sorry but it was not Confirmed the
Beloved Men at Augusta gave me a Letter and
advised me to return by way of the Lower
Creeks the old Treaty between the Indians and
the White People was made with the Great
King over the Water and afterwards confirmed
by the King in Charles Town who is very much
the Indians Friend
When I was in Charles Town there was a
firm Treaty made with the Indians which I
thought was Impossible to be broke there was
four of them One to be sent to England One
to remain in Charles Town one for the Gov
ernor of Georgia and one for the Creek Nation
Governor Has any Part of the Treaty been broke
Oboylaco I think not but I suppose you must know what
I come about and what has happened at Oge
Governor I wrote a Letter to the Lower Creeks requir
ing Satisfaction for the Jury done our People
at Ogechee by Stealing their Horses and Cattle
and afterwards firing upon them
Oboylaco The White People cannot be blamed I have.
understood the Indians were the first Agressors
and they had no Encouragement from the
Creek Nation to do it they were a Parcel of
Stragling runagates and it was natural for the
White People to protect themselves
Governor You talk like a Man of Sense
Oboylaco I hope what has happened will not brake the
Governor I hope it will Indure while the Sun Shines and
the Waters Run
Oboylaco In the Ancient Treaties it was always Stipu
lated that if an Indian was Mad and Killed a
White Man the Indian was to be killed and if
a White Man Killed an Indian the White Man
was to be killed
Governor I suppose there was always Proof required
Oboylaco Two Men in the upper Creeks were killed
Governor One of the White Men that was in the Skir
mish has died of his Wounds and the other is
Oboylaco When I was at Augusta a Man came from
where the fight was and could find no White
Governor One that was wounded has since died and the
other that is Missing may have since dyed of
his Wounds in the Woods
Oboylaco I carried a Letter from the beloved Men at
Augusta to the Nation telling the Indians not
to hurt any Traders but to inquire how many
Indians were killed and to send them word by
an Old Man sent up with me and all Care
should be taken to Apprehend the Agressors
and give Satisfaction
NOVEMBER, 1756. 423
Governor If a White Man should Break open the House
of an Indian and be thereby killed we should
require no Satisfaction because he was a Rob
Oboylaco The Lower Creeks will have nothing to do in
this Affair It belongs to the upper Creeks — I
should not have come down but having other
Business was intrusted with this affair that
Blood for Blood was always required by our
Law and none of our Nation ever heard of any
White Men being Killed
Governor A Man that dies of his Wounds received in
Battle must be killed thereby and we have a
right to Satisfaction having lost two Men who
only Stood in their own Defence — Had the
White People been the first Agressors we
should naturally have given the Indians Satis
faction —
The Indians Acknowledge they saw one
White Man drop and he may have Crept into
the Woods and dyed for we have heard noth
ing of him
Oboylaco I have never heard the Right of the Story be
fore and shall relate it to the Nation
Governor If it appeared to me that a White Man had
Wilfully killed an Indian he should certainly
be put to death but in the Present Case we have
certainly been Injured and have a Right to
Satisfaction —
Oboylaco I did not come here to talk any thing unreason
able we live at a Great distance and may not
have heard the Right of the Matter and I be
lieve the Governor does tell the truth which I
shall acquaint the Head men of the Nation with
Governor I hope you are Satisfied and will accordingly
relate what I have said to your Nation —
Oboylaco I have nothing more to say on this Subject
I have nothing to say about the Limits of Land
We have no Objection to the Settlement of
Augusta Which is usefull for the Trade of our
Governor If the Settlement of Ogechee is offensive I will
order the People to remove from thence but
they must have time to move off their Crops
Oboylaco The Lower Creeks have complained of the
Ogechee Settlements and were glad to hear
the People had left it we have no Objections
against Peoples settling on the Waters of Sa
vannah River and I have no Authority to talk
about the removal of the Ogechee Settlement
and will not talk about what I have not in
Governor Dont you remember by the last Treaty made
in Charles Town that the White People were
to settle in Common with the Red
Oboylaco I do remember some such thing but the Creek
Indians intended to meet the Governors of
South Carolina and this Province next Spring
at Augusta when I suppose the Limits of Lands
will be Settled but I have no Authority to treat
about it now
Governor When I hear of the Governor of South Caro
lina meeting the Indians at Augusta I shall
readyly do the same but I have heard nothing
about it — How long do you intend Staying
here that I may Provide for you accordingly
NOVEMBER, 1756. 425
Oboylaco I have Spent a good deal of time in coming
here which has brought me in Debt and I shall
take time to return in order that I may hunt
and get Skins to pay my Debts and I shall only
stay Six Days here
Govr — You talk like an honest Man and I will help you
to Some Powder and shot and what other Lit
tle things I have
Oboylaco then named Sundry things that he and his
People wanted which his Excellency Promised to Pro
cure for them if to be had here and that he would Ac
cordingly Order them to be got ready to be given them
in the Council Chamber at Nine of the Clock in the
Morning on Monday next —
GEORGIA At a Council held in the Council Cham
ber at Savannah on Monday the 29"1 Day of
November 1756 Present
His Excellency John Reynolds Esqr
Sr Patrick Houstoun Bar'
( James Habersham ^|
in. tt we J Noble Jones 1 ,-, _
The Hon- ut was desirous of an Additional Tract having
a Wife Three Children and One Negro and therefore
Praying for fifty Acres of Land on an Island opposite
Ebenezer Joining on the Northside of John Flerls Land
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this date and that he doth also reg
ister the said Grant in the registers office ©f this Prov
ince within Six Months from the date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents then the
Prayer of the said Petition is granted he having been
sworn to Improve the same
Read a Petition of Messrs Clark & McGilliveray setting
Mes'srs. clark forth that they were in Possession of five Hundred Acres
and McGilli- . ait- m
vray for fifty 0f Land but was desirous of an Additional Tract having'
Acres of Land °
was read forty Two Negroes and therefore Praying for 50 Acres
of Land lying Six Miles below Mess" Rae and Back-
dales Cowpen on Bryer Creek
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this date and that he doth also reg
ister the said Grant in the registers Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents then the
Prayer of the said Petition is granted
Read a Petition of William Moore setting forth that
Petition of a
wm^Moore for he was jn Possession of Two Hundred and fifty Acres of
Land read L,and but was desirous of an Additional Tract having a
Wife One Child and four Negroes and therefore Praying
for One Hundred Acres of Land upon Rooty branch
and Joining Athanasius Thomas about Six Miles above
Mount Pleasant
Petition of
Jno. Thomas
Senr. for 200
Acres of
Land read
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this date and that he doth also reg
ister the said Grant in the registers Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents then the
Prayer of the said Petition is granted he having been
Sworn to Seven Persons in family
Read a Petition of John Thomas Senior setting forth
that he was desirous of Improving a Tract of Land and
if could be favour'd with one Promised to Cultivate it
having a Wife Ten Children and Seven Negroes and
therefore Praying for Two Hundred Acres of Land Join
ing to Lands granted to James McCollum about Three
Miles above mount Pleasant
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this date and that he doth also reg
ister the said Grant in the registers office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents then the
Prayer of the said Petition is granted he having been
Sworn to Nineteen Persons in family
FEBRUARY, 1757. 463
petition of Read a Petition of Christian Thilo setting forth that he
t£m Acres"? was desirous of Improving a Tract of Land and if grant-
Land read ed Promised to Cultivate it having a Wife and One Child
and therefore Praying for Two Hundred Acres of Land
situate below Tea Creek about half a Mile from the North
West Corner of Ebenezer Town
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this date and that he doth also reg
ister the said Grant in the registers Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents then the
Prayer of the said Petition is granted he having been
sworn to Improve the said Land
Read a Petition of Athanasius Thomas setting forth
Aftarastas that he was desirous of improving a Tract of Land and
Ac?SareST 10° if could be favour'd with one Promised to Cultivate it
having One Child and therefore Praying for One Hun
dred Acres of Land lying below John McCollums at
and Rootty Branch about Six Miles below Mount Pleasant
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this date and that he doth reg
ister the said Grant in the registers Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit rents then the
Prayer of the said Petition is granted he having been
Sworn to improve the said Land
Read a Petition of John Rents setting forth that he
john'^nts for was in Possession of fifty Acres of Land and was desirous
La°ndS°f of an Additional Tract which if granted He Promised to
Cultivate it, having a Wife & One Child and therefore
and Praying for One Hundred Acres of Land on an Island
opposite to Ebenezer Joining Lands granted to Martin*
. Lackner Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti-
Granted tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land withim
Seven Months from this date and that he doth also reg
ister the said Grant in the registers Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit rents then the
Prayer of the said Petition is granted he having been
sworn to Improve the said Land
Read a Petition of John Fieri (which was Postponed
John Fieri for the first of June last) setting forth that he was in Posses-
LandCreaa° sion of One Hundred Acres of Land and was desirous of
an Additional Tract which if granted He Promised to
Cultivate it having a Wife and Three Children And
therefore Praying for One Hundred Acres of Land on an
and Island opposite to the Town of Ebenezer bounding West
on the River Savannah
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti-
Granted tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within*
Seven Months from this date and that he doth also reg
ister the said Grant in the registers Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents then the
Prayer of the said Petition is granted he having been-
sworn to Cultivate the Land
Read a Petition of Gasper Austeter setting forth, that
petition of he is in Possession of One Hundred and fifteen Acres of
Gasper Auste- ^
A,'™rnf0T.and Land but was desirous of an Additional Tract, which if
granted He Promised to Improve it and therefore Pray
ing for One Hundred Acres of Land Joining North West
on Lands granted to Jacob Kibber on Abercorn Creek
Acres of Land
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this date and that he doth also reg
ister the said Grant in the registers Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit rents then the
Prayer of the said Petition is granted
Petition of
Ben Andrews
for 200 Acres
of Land read
Read a Petition of Benjamin Andrew setting forth that
he is in Possession of five Hundred Acres of Land but
was desirous of an Additional Tract which if granted He
Promised to Cultivate it having a Wife Three Children
and Eight Negroes and therefore praying for Two Hun
dred Acres of Land Joining North on William Graves at
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this date and that he doth also reg
ister the said Grant in the registers Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit rents then the
Prayer of the said Petition is granted he having been
Sworn to Thirteen Persons in family
Read a Petition of David Jervey setting forth, that He
v?d je^veyfor" was desirous of Improving a Lot in the Town of Hard-
^eke'read" " wicke on Great Ogechee River and therefore Praying for
Lott Eighty Eight in Hardwicke aforesaid
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Lott within
Seven Months from this date and that he doth also reg
ister the said Grant in the registers Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the date thereof then the
Prayer of the said Petition is granted
80 c r— vol 7
Read a Petition of Christopher Cramer setting forth
chrisrncramer that he is in Possession of fifty Acres of Land and was
Lander3 °f desirous of an Additional Tract having a Wife and One
Negro and therefore Praying for One hundred Acres of
Land upon an Island Opposite to the Town -of Ebenezer
and bounding West on the River Savannah and North on
John Flerls Land
Resolved — • That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this date and that he doth also reg
ister the said Grant in the registers Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit rents then the
Prayer of the said Petition is granted he having been
sworn to Improve the said Land
Read a Petition of Alexander Shaw setting forth that
Aiexr?shaw he was desirous of Improving a Tract of Land and if
for 500 Acres of
Land read could be favour'd with one He Promised to Cultivate it,
having Ten Negroes and therefore Praying for five Hun
dred Acres of Land on Savannah River near Golphins
and upper Line about Twenty five Miles below Augusta
Resolved — • That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this date and that he doth also reg
ister the said Grant in the registers Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit rents then the
Prayer of the said Petition is granted he having been
Sworn to Improve the said Land
Read a Petition of James Weston setting forth that he
jS! weston was desirous of Improving a Tract of Land and if
SrLandAreaeI granted He Promised to Cultivate it having One Child
and a Negro and therefore Praying for Two Hundred
FEBRUARY, 1757. 4^7
Acres of Land on the River Savannah Joining William
and Moore below Mount Pleasant
Resolved-^ That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this date and that he doth also reg
ister the said Grant in the registers Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit rents then the
Prayer of the said Petition is granted he having been
Sworn to Three Persons in family
Read a Petition of Isaac Tripp setting forth that he
isaac'Tripp for was desirous of Improving a Tract of Land and if grant-
Land read ed He Promised to Cultivate it and therefore Praying for
One Hundred and fifty Acres of Land on the Southside
of North Newport bounding West and South on Lands
and of Lachlan Mackintosh including a Small Island about
Thirty Acres lying East of the said Neck
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti-
jrranted tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this date and that he doth also reg
ister the said Grant in the registers Office of this Prov
ince, within Six Months from the date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit rents then
part of the Prayer of the said Petition namely One Hun
dred Acres of Land is granted
Read a Petition of Joseph Butler setting forth that he
josephButier was in Possession of One Thousand Six Hundred and
for 460 Acres of A . T . . . . . , . .
Land read forty Acres of Land but hoped to be favour d with an
Additional Tract having Two Children and Thirty Eight
Negroes and therefore Praying for four Hundred and
Sixty Acres of Land between John Mackintosh and
and Charles West on the Northside of the South Branch of
Newport River
Resolved— That on Condition only that the Peti--
Granted tioner doth _take out 3 Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this date and that he doth also reg
ister the said Grant in the registers Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit rents then the
Prayer of the said Petition is granted
Read a Petition of Jonathan Bryan Esqr setting forth
Jonathan that he was Possessed of One Thousand and five Hun-
Acres of Land dred Acres of Land but was desirous of an Additional
read .
Tract having Seventy Persons in family now in the Prov
ince and therefore Praying for Three Hundred Acres of
Marsh and Swamp Land lying on the South Eastside of
Salters Creek bounding on Lands formerly granted him
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti-
Granted tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this date and that he doth also reg
ister the said Grant in the registers Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit rents then the
Prayer of the said Petition is-granted
Read a Petition of Thomas Red setting forth that he
Thomas Redfor had Two Hundred Acres of Land granted him on the
200 Acres of . _, . .
Land read— Northside of Rocky Creek which said Land was laid out
to John Pettycrow and therefore Praying for Two Hun-
and dred Acres of Land on the South Side of the said Creek ^
Ordered — - That the said Petition be Postponed till;
Postpone . tjie j>etitioner returns his former Warrant
Read a Petition of John Fitch setting forth that he is in
John Ktch for Possession of Seven Hundred Acres of Land but was de-
Landread— sirous of an Additional Tract having a Wife Two White
Servants and Thirty One Negroes and therefore praying
FEBRUARY, 1757. 469
for Three Hundred Acres of Land situate on the Southl
and side of Spirit Creek Joining to Lands formerly granted
Postponed Ordered — That the said Petition be Postponed
Read a Petition of John Sartin setting forth that he
John sartin for was desirous of Improving1 a Tract of Land and if he
200 Acres of . ° .
Land read — cou d be f avour d with one Promised to Cultivate it hav
ing a Wife and Six Children and therefore Praying for
Two Hundred Acres of Land situate at a Place known
by the Name of Cedar Point about a Mile to the South
ward of William Clark bounded on all sides by Vacant
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this date and that he doth also reg
ister the said Grant in the registers Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the date thereof that his
Majesty May not be defrauded of his Quit rents then the
Prayer of the said Petition is granted he having been
Sworn to Improve the said Land
Read a Petition of Robert Southerland setting forth
Robtsouther- that he was desirous of Improving a Tract of Land and
ttST °f Land ^ granted Promised to Cultivate it having a Wife and
Three Children and therefore Praying for One Hundred
and fifty Acres of Land on the Mouth of Rootty Branch
within Six Miles of Mount Pleasant
Petition of
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this date and that he doth also reg
ister the said Grant in the registers Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit rents then the
Prayer of the said Petition is granted he having been
sworn to Improve the said Land
Read a Petition of Simon Reuter setting forth that he
ItoraReuter was in Possession of fifty Acres of Land but was desirous
LandreadT— of an Additional Tract which if granted He Promised to
Cultivate it having a Wife and Three Children and
therefore Praying for One Hundred and fifty Acres of
Land at Old Ebenezer Creek Joining to Lands of George
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this date and that he doth also regis
ter the said Grant in the registers Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit rents then the
Prayer of the said Petition is granted
Read a Petition of Bartholomew Nibling setting forth
Barth°:nN?b- that he was desirous of Improving a Tract of Land and
AcfefsOof10Land if granted, He Promised to Cultivate it having a Wife
and therefore Praying for One Hundred Acres of Land
Toining Mr Whitefields back line behind Hampstead
and about four Miles from Savannah
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this date and that he doth also reg
ister the said Grant in the registers office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit rents then the
Prayer of the said Petition is granted
Read a Petition of George Sweiger setting forth that
clofswelger he was Possessed of fifty Acres of Land but was desir-
Land readres ° ous of an Additional Tract, which if granted He Prom
ised to Cultivate it having a Wife and One Child and
therefore praying for Two Hundred Acres of Land at a
and Place known by -the Name of the Third Bridge about
Two Miles from the New Saw Mill at Ebenezer
FEBRUARY, 1757. 47i
Granted Pssolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this date and that he doth also reg
ister the said Grant in the registers Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit rents then
Part of the Prayer of the said Petition namely One Hun
dred and fifty Acres of Land is granted
Read a Petition of John Ludwig Meyer setting forth
Petition of M
jno. Ludwig that he is in Possession of Two Hundred Acres of Land
Meyer for 100
Acresof Land but was desirous of an Additional Tract having a Wife
Three Children and four Negroes and therefore Praying
for One Hundred Acres of Land on the Mill Island op
posite to' Lands formerly granted him in Ebenezer Town
Resolved — That on Condition that the Petitioner
Granted doth take out a Grant for the said Land within Seven
Months from this date and that he doth also register
the said Grant in the registers Office of this Province
within Six Months from the date thereof that his Majes^
ty may not be defrauded of his -Quit rents then the
Prayer of the said Petition is granted he having been
Sworn to Nine Persons in family
Read a Petition of Robert Carr setting forth that he
ert'carrfo^ioo was desirous of improving a Tract of Land and if could
Acresof Land be favourd with one He Promised to Cultivate it and
therefore Praying for One Hundred Acres of Land Join
ing on the South East Corner of Samuel Bacons Land on,
and the South Branch of Midway
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti-.
Granted tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this date and that he doth also reg
ister the said Grant in the registers Office of this Prov-
ince within Six Months from the date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit rents then the
Prayer of the said Petition is granted he having been
Sworn to Improve the said Land
Read a Petition of Peter Redick setting forth that he
Petition of Pe- was desirous of Improving a Tract of Land and if could
ter Redick for r °
60 Acres of be favor'd with One He Promised to Cultivate it and
Land read therefore Praying for fifty Acres of Land on Lacys Is-
and land a Little below Mrs Parkers
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this date and that he doth also reg
ister the said Grant in the registers Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the date -thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit rents then the
Prayer of the said Petition is granted he having been
sworn to Improve the said Land
Petition of Read a Petition of John Farmer for a Lot in the Town
fJ£0a5iusa-Of Savannah
vannah read
Ordered — ¦ That the said Petition be rejected, the
Lot not being Vacant
Read a Petition of Thomas Basset setting forth that
he had Seven Hundred and fifty Acres of Land granted
wan°f°orBLand him the fourth day of June 1755 but being disappointed
in not getting his Land run out agreeable to his War
rant (being out of date) and therefore Praying that it
may be Prolonged three Months from this date
Petition of
Thos Bassett
That the said Petition be Postponed
His Excellency the Governor laid before the Board the
puts°rfthenewNames of sundlT Persons, that the Assembly had recom-
ttopSSwd mended to him to be added in the New Commission of
itoari— the Peace, which were agreed to, Except that Lachlan
McGillivray was Nominated in the Room of John Fitch
for the district of Augusta
FEBRUARY, 1757. 473
GEORGIA At a Council held in the Council Cham
ber at Savannah on Wednesday the Second
Day of February 1757
His Excellency John Reynolds Esqr
Sir Patrick Houstoun Bar'
James Habersham
... ,,„ , Jonathan Bryan
itie Hon , james Edward Powell \> Esqri
James Read
Patrick Mackay
Read a Petition of Patrick Mackay Esq1 setting forth
rick Mackay for that he is in Possession of Twelve Hundred Acres of
2600 Acres of . . . .....
Land read Land but was desirous of an Additional Tract which if.
granted He Promised to Cultivate it having a Wife and
fifty Three Negroes and therefore Praying for Two
and Thousand Six Hundred Acres of Land on Little and
Great Tybee
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti-
ingTteR^ghtof tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
an™ Seven Months from this date and that he doth also reg
ister the said Grant in the registers Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit rents then the
Prayer of the said Petition is granted reserving the
Claims of Persons who have had Lands heretofore laid
out, on the said Islands and also what Lands may be Va
cant contiguous to the Light House not Exceeding One
Hundred Acres.
Read a Petition of John McDonald setting forth that he
MctitDWdfor was desirous of Improving a Tract of Land and if could
Landreta0f be favor'd with One, Promised to Cultivate it and there
fore Praying for One Hundred Acres of Land at a Place
called the fort Swamp within two Miles of Hugh Clarks-
Land on the South Side of Sapola River
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this date and that he doth also reg
ister the said Grant in the registers office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit rents then the
Prayer of the said Petition is granted he having been
Sworn to Improve the said Land
Read a Petition of Hugh Ross setting forth that he
Hugh°Ro°sf3 for was desirous of Improving a Tract of Land and if he
Land read0 could be favour'd with one He Promised to Cultivate and
Improve the same having a Wife and four Children And
therefore Praying for Three Hundred and fifty Acres
of Land on the South Side of South Newport Joining
and the South Side of- Daniel McDonalds Tract and on the
West of Agnus Mckays Land
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti-
Granted23 tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this date and that he doth also reg
ister the said Grant in the registers Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit rents then
Part of the Prayer of the said Petition namely Two Hun
dred And fifty Acres of Land is granted
petition of Read a Petition of Thomas Lee in behalf of his Son
a lS inesava™ Thomas Lee Praying for a Lott in Savannah
nah read
Rejected OrdEREd — That the said Petition be rejected
Petitionofwm. Read a Petition of William Johnson setting forth that
Johnson for a . . . T . ^ .
Lotinsavan- he was desirous of a Lott in Savannah
nah read
Rejected Ordered — That the said Petition be rejected
FEBRUARY, 1757. 475
petition of ste- Read a Petition of Stephen Dickinson setting forth
forTo^Acres'of that he was desirous of Improving a Tract of Land and
Land read— Jf he could be favoured with one He Promised to Cul
tivate it having Two Negro Servants; And therefore
Praying for Three Hundred Acres of Land Joining John
and Mckays Land Westerly on the South Branch of South
NewportResolved — That on Condition only that the Peti-
grairted68 tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this date and that he doth also reg
ister the said Grant in the registers Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the date thereof that
his Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit rents then
Part of the Prayer of the said Petition namely Two Hun
dred Acres of Land is granted he having been Sworn to
Improve the said Land
His Excellency laid before the Board a Letter from the
fo^aiTmWo Right Honble the Lords Commissioners for Trade & Plan
tations requiring him to Cause an Embargo to be laid on
all Vessells Clearing out with Provisions from any Place
within this Province Except to his Majestys Colonys un
der certain Conditions
Ordered — That a Proclamation be forthwith Issued
which is as followeth
GEORGIA By his Excellency John Reynolds Esquire
Captain General and Governor in Chief of
his Majestys Province of Georgia and Vice
Admiral of the same
Whereas It having been represented to his Majesty
that the Several Islands and Colonys belonging to the
French in America have in times of War been frequently
Supplied with Provisions by means of the Trade carried
on from his Majestys Islands and Colonies to the Set-
tlem'3 belonging to the Dutch and other Neutral Powers
I am therefore ordered to cause an Embargo to be laid
during his Majestys Pleasure upon all Ships and Ves
sells clearing out with Provisions from any Port or Place
within this Province except those which may be em
ployed in carrying Provisions to any other of his Maj
estys Colonies and .Plantations Provided that the Masters
or Owners of such Ships or Vessels do before they take
any Provisions on Board enter into Bond (with two
Suretys known to reside in this Province and of Ability
to Answer the Penalty) with the Chief Officers of the
Customs at the Port of Savannah to the Value of One
thousand Pounds if the Ship or Vessel be of Less Bur
then than One Hundred Tons and of the Sum of Two
Thousand Pounds if above that Burthen that the Car
goes of such Ships or Vessels (the Particulars of which
are to be expressed in the Bonds) shall not be landed in
any other Ports or Places .than such as belong to His
Majesty or are in Possession of his Subjects and that
they will within Twelve Months after the date thereof
the Dangers of the Seas excepted Produce Certificates
under the Hands and Seals of the Principal Officers of
the Customs at such Ports or Places for which such Ships
or Vessels cleared out that the said Cargoes expressing
the Particulars thereof have Actually been landed there
And in Case the Masters or Owners of such Ships or Ves
sells shall not Produce the said Certificates within the
time Limited that I should attest the Copys of such Bonds
under my hand and Seal and Cause Prosecution thereof
And I am further directed that no Persons be admitted
to be Security for another who has Bonds standing out
undischarged unless he be esteemed responsible for more
than the Value of such Bonds I have therefore thought
fitt by the Advice of his Majestys Honble Council to Pub
lish this my Proclamation laying and I do hereby lay an
FEBRUARY, 1757. 477
Embargo on all Ships and Vessells Except as above Ex
cepted and all the Officers of his Majestys Customs are
hereby charged and Commanded Strictly to observe and
Conform to this my Proclamation as they will answer
the Contrary at their Peril Given under my hand and
the Great Seal of his Majestys said Province at Savan
nah the Second day of February 1757 and in the Thirti
eth year of his Majestys Reign
J: Reynolds
By his Excellencys Command
James Habersham Secry
His Excellency the Governor advised with the Coun-
Boat ordered to cil, what demensions the New Scout Boat should be of:
bemade36Feet long & 7 Feet and they were of Opinion, that it should be Thirty Six
feet Long and Seven feet Wide Cannon Built
Mrs Graham's OrdEREd — That Mrs Graham Claim of five Hundred
ic^oSd to Acres of Land be alter'd to Six Hundred Acres
be 600 Acres. Then the Board Examined the Claims of Sundry Per—
examined. sons desiring Grants for Lands
GEORGIA At a Council held in the Council Cham
ber at Savannah on Thursday the 3d Day of
February 1757 Present
His Excellency John Reynolds Esqr
Sir Patrick Houstoun Bar'
Francis Harris
James Edward Powell
The Hcnb
James Read -
Patrick Mackay
Read a Petition of Jeremiah Helvenstine setting forth
Petition of
jere: Heiven- that he is in Possession of One Hundred Acres of Land
stine for 200
a^T of Land but was desirous of an Additional Tract he having four
Negroes and therefore Praying for Two Hundred Acres
of Land on an Island Opposite Abercorn on the Eastside
and a little below Mill Creek
Resolved— That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within ¦
Seven Months from this date and that he doth also reg
ister the said Grant in the registers Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit rents then the
Prayer of the said Petition is granted he having been
sworn to five Persons in family
Read a Petition of Jacob Bull (which was Postponed
jacob°Bunffor the fourth Day of January last) setting forth that he
Landread0 — was desirous of Improving a Tract of Land and if grant
ed He Promised to Cultivate it having a Wife and Two
Children and therefore Praying for One Hundred and
and fifty Acres of Land lying between William Butler and
William Harns Land on Sterlings Swamp
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this date and that he doth also reg
ister the said Grant in the registers Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit rents then the
Prayer of the said Petition is granted
The followg Accounts were laid before the Board,
which being Examined, were allow'd
The Provost Marshalls Accounts amounting to 102. 10. 6
John Pettycrows Account 2. 11. -
James Garves Account as Constable 17. 17. 6
Ordered — That the Clerk of this Board do certify
Sc'eriSyfaid the said Accounts to the Public Treasurer for Payment
Accts u£C '^— — and that, for the future all Accounts that may Pass this
Board be sworn to
The following
Accts exam
ined and
Then the Board Examined the Claims of Sundry Per
sons desiring grants for Lands
At a Council held in the Council Cham
ber at Savannah on Saturday the 5th Feb17
His Excellency John Reynolds Esqr
Sir Patrick Houstoun Bar'
James Habersham
Francis Harris
James Edward Powell \ Esqn
James Read
Patrick Mackay
The HonbIe
„. , , The Minutes of this Board from the Sixteenth De-
Minutes read
and approved cember 1 756 to this day inclusive were read and approved
Messrs Francis Mr Francis and Mr Zouberbuler respective claim of
SrTciafS^One Hundred Acres of Land as ^ Minute of this Board
s?dOTedes con" of 24"1 October 1756 was taken into Consideration
Ordered — That the further Consideration thereof
be Postponed till Mr Noble Jones appears
Mr Clifton the Attorney General being sent for he at-
geni. asirtwhy tended when His Excellency the Governor ask't him why
the order of he did not obey the Order of this Board of the Third
Council re- J
inhabitontTof ^ay °t April 1 756 "That the Possessors of Lands within
thbe1?Grantas.t0 "the Township of Ebenezer be not obliged to take out
"more than One Grant for any Quantity not exceeding
"five Hundred Acres of Land though lying in Separate
"Parcels within the said Township".
His Answer
He replied he had given to several Poor People his
fees but he look'd on Mr Bolzius as capable of Paying
him as any man in this Province and he thought that as-
the fees were Established this Board could not alter them.
without a fresh Instruction from England his Excellency
told him, that he expected he would comply with the said'
order and desired he would Consider further of it — he
Answered he would
It being taken into Consideration what kind of Sails
would best suit the Scout Boat which was ordered on the-
Second of this Instant
Resolved — That they should be Satteen Sails with
¦. sliding Top Masts, such as are used in Barges belonging
to his Majestys Ships of War, having also a Jibb
His Excellency the Governor signed Grants for Lands
by his8Exce?-d laid out by Grants from the late Trustees or Allotments-
Governor by the late President and Assistants to the following Per
FEBRUARY, 1757, 481
John Burton 50 Acres being a Town Lott in Savannah
with Garden and farm Lotts
William Newberry 500 Acres in the district of Augusta
Robert Bolton 50 Acres being a Town Lott in Savannah
with Garden and farm Lotts
Mathew Mauve 50 Acres in Ditto
John Ludwig Weidman 50 Acres in the district of Ebe
Jacob Meyer 50 Acres in Ditto
Edward Barnard 500 Acres in the District of Augusta
Mathias Bradner 102 Acres including a Town & Garden
Lott at Ebenezer
His Excellency the Governor also signed the following
Grants for Lands laid out since his Arrival
James Habersham Esqr 300 Acres in the district of Oge
John Graves 500 Acres on the head of Newport River
Kenneth Bailey 350 Acres in the district of Midway
Bartholomew Zouberbuhler 300 Acres in the district of
Savannah k
John Stewart Junr 500 Acres in the district of Newport
Thomas Bailey 300 Acres in the district of Savannah
Samuel Marcer 300 Acres in the district of Savannah
John McClellan 750 Acres in the district of Ogechee
81 c r — vol 7
GEORGIA At a Council held in the Council Cham
ber at Savannah on Tuesday the 8tb Day of
Febry 1757 Present
His Excellency John Reynolds Esq1
Sir Patrick Houstoun Bar*
( James Habersham
j Francis Harris
The Honble \ James Edwa Powell } Esq"
| James Read
Yt'if \- Patrick Mackay
TheCommis-") His Excellency the Governor signed the New Com-
leace signed J mission of the Peace dated the first day of this Instant
GEORGIA At a Council Held in the Council
Chamber at Savannah on Fryday the Elev
enth day of February 1757
His Excellency John Reynolds Esqr
Sr Patrick Houston Bar'
James Habersham "^
Francis Harris 1 -^ „
James Edwa Powell f ^
James Read J
The Honble <
His Excellency the Governor signed Grants for Lands
byw^efiy. laid out by Grants from the late Trustees or Allotments
the Governour frQm the kte presidents and Assistants
Lachlan Mackintosh 500 Acres in the district of Newport
William Clarke 500 Acres in the district of Sappola
FEBRUARY, 1757. 483
George Mackintosh 500 Acres in the district of Darian
John Mackintosh. M. 154 Acres in the district of D° two
John Mackintosh. B. 434 Acres in the District of Sappola
Hugh Clark 500 Acres in the District of D°
Donald Mackay 250 Acres in the District of Newport
Thomas Vanmunch 500 Acres on Augustine Creek
Charles Vanmunch 500 Acres on an Island in the River
Christian Vanmunch 500 Acres at the Head of Augus
tine Creek
D° 500 on Savannah River
William Mackintosh 500 Acres in the district of Newport
His Excellency the Governor also signed the following
Grants for Land laid out since his Arrival
Benjamin Farley 250 Acres in the District of Newport
James Read 275 Acres in D°
John Smith 500 Acres in the District of Savannah
GEORGIA At a Council held in the Council Cham
ber at Savannah on Tuesday the fourteenth
Day of February 1757
His Excellency John Reynolds Esqr
Sr Patrick Houstoun Bar'
Francis Harris
James Mackay
The HonbIe -! James Edward Powell \ Esqri
James Read
Patrick Mackay
„ , . The following Accounts were laid before the Board
Sundry Accots. °
thelBoarfbaynd which being Examined were Allowed
allowed. £ s d
Mr William Littles Bill as Clerk of the Crown . . 3. 3. -
Mr William Littles Bill as Clerk of the Assembly 5. 11. 3
Mr William Littles Bill as Commissary and!
Clerk of the Public Accounts from December [20. — . —
24 1755 to December 24th 1756 J
deredtorce?tify ORDERED — That the Clerk of this Board do certify
Treassau?lr— 6 the said Account to the Public Treasurer for Payment
GEORGIA At a Council held in the Council Cham
ber at Savannah on Wednesday the Sixteenth
day of February 1757
His Excellency John Reynolds Esqr
Henry Ellis Esq*
Sir Patrick Houstoun Bar'
James Habersham
Francis Harris
Jonathan Bryan
James Mackay y Esqr;
James Edward Powell
James Read and
Patrick Mackay
The Honble
Mr. Ellis deliv
er'd the Govr. a
Letter, which
acquainted him
that His Majes
ty had appoint
ed said Mr. Ellis
Lieutenant Governorof this
Governor El
lis's Commis"
sion read
Mr Ellis then Produced a Letter which he told his Ex
cellency he was ordered to deliver to him and after his
Excellency had Perused the same He acquainted Mr Ellis
he was Informed that His Majesty had been Pleased to
appoint him Lieutenant Governor of this Province that he
was ordered to go to England and he should accordingly
obey his Majestys Commands
Mr Ellis then produced his most Sacred Majestys Com
mission bearing date at Kensington the fourth day of Au
gust 1756 in the Thirtieth Year of his Majestys reign
appointing him Lieutenant Governor of the Province of
Georgia and in Case of the Death or during the Absence
of his Majestys Captain General and Governor in Chief
of the said Province now and for the time being Author
izing and requesting him to exercise and Perform all and
Singular the Powers and directions contained in his
Majestys Commission to the said Captain General and
Governor in Chief according to such Instructions as have
been or may hereafter be received from his Majesty
which said Commission was read and duly Published in
the Presence of the said John Reynolds Esq1" and the
Gentlemen of the Council above named
Then Mr Ellis took all the State Oaths appointed by
Law declared and Subscribed the Test and also took the
Oaths for Administring the Government and for Secur
ing the Acts of Trade and Navigation which two last
Mentioned Oaths are as followeth namely
You Do Swear that you will faith and true Allegiance
ofnoffleee— bear unto his most Sacred Majesty King George the Sec
ond and to his Heirs and Successors and will well and
truly execute the Office and Trust of Lieutenant Governor
and Commander in Chief for the Province of Georgia
according to the best of your skill and knowledge and ac
cording to the Power to you granted by Virtue of his
Majestys Commission bearing date at Kensington the
fourth day of August 1756 in the Thirtieth year of his
said Majesty's reign — So help you God
Governors Oath relating to the Acts of Trade and
You do swear that. you will to the best of your skill and
fo?dobslrving'' P°wer so long as you shall continue in the Government
Sad^ct3 °f J and Command of his Majestys Province of Georgia well
and truly Execute and Perform all Matters and things
which by the Statute made in the Twelfth year of the
reign of King Charles the Second Intituled An Act for
the Encouraging and Increasing of Shipping and Naviga
tion and the other Statute made in the fifteenth year of
his said Majestys Reign Intituled An Act for the En-
FEBRUARY, 1757. 487
couragement of Trade and also the Act rriade in the Sev
enth and Eighth years of the reign of his late. Majesty
King William Intituled An Act for preventing frauds and
regulating abuses in the Plantation Trade — And Also
all other Acts which have been made and are in force for
the better regulating and securing the Plantation Trade
you are required as Lieutenant Governor and Commander
in Chief of the said Province to be sworn to the Perform
ance So help you God
Then John Reynolds Esqr delivered to his Honor the
Great Seal of the Province and also acquainted his Honor
. he should deliver to him the Papers He was Possessed of
agreeable to his Majestys Orders and thereupon left the
Council Chamber
Then His Honor observing that the Papers above men
tioned were to direct him in the Administration of Gov
ernment he was of opinion that he could not proceed any
further till the late Governor had furnished him there
with —
secretary or- 1 Then the Secretary was ordered to register his Hon-
dered to reg- [ , , . .
isterhisHon-> our's Commission in his Office
our's Com-
John Rey
nolds Esqr.
delivers up
the great Seal
of the Prov
ince to his
Honour the
Lieut. Gov
GEORGIA At a Council held in the Council Cham
ber at Savannah on Thursday the 17th Day
of February 1757
His Honour Henry Ellis Esqr
' Sir Patrick Houstoun Bar'
James Habersham
Francis Harris
Jonathan Bryan y Esq"
James Mackay
James Edwa Powell
TheHonble t
The above Members of his Majestys Council namely
IS! teke°thel Sir Patrick Houstoun Bar' James Habersham Francis
&ate a s j Harris Jonathan Bryan James Mackay and James Ed
ward Powell Esquires were called upon to take the State
Oaths appointed by Law and declared and Subscribed the
Test and also the Oath of a Councillor which said Oath
is as follows namely
And the Oath
of a Coun
You do Swear that you will faith and true Allegiance
bear unto his most Sacred Majesty King George the Sec
ond and to his Heirs and Successors and shall be true and
faithfull to his Honor Henry Ellis Esquire as he is Com
missionated Lieutenant Governor and Commander in
Chief in and over this his Majestys Province and that you
will in the Place and Office of his Majestys Councillor
of this Province well and faithfully serve his said Majes
ty and Promote the good of his Majestys Affairs with
your best Advice and Council — you shall with your best
Ability defend this Province from all forreign Invasions
and Intestine Insurrections you shall not countenance or
conceal any Plot or seditious Conspiracy or any Treason
able or Seditious Speeches against his Said Majesty his
FEBRUARY, 1757. 489
Heirs or Successors or his said Honor but you Shall give
Speedy Notice thereof unto his said Honor or to some
Members of the Council the secret Debates of the Coun
cil you shall not reveal directly nor indirectly All which
you shall to the utmost of your Ability Perform
So help you God
Then James Habersham Esquire Secretary Register of
•ershwEtqr.l the Records and Clerk of the Council of this Province
rctary,a&c.ec"J (having taken the State Oaths appointed by Law and de
clared and Subscribed the Test) took the following Oath
"I do swear that I will bear faith and true obedience
to our Sovereign Lord the King his Heirs and Successors
I will bear true Fidelity to His Majestys Governor Lieu
tenant Governor or Commander in Chief of this Prov
ince — ¦ The Secrets of the Governor and Council I will
no way reveal I will in all things behave my self honestly
and truly as a Secretary Register of the Records and
Clerk of the Council ought to do So help me God
Then Sir Patrick Houstoun Bar' had the last men-
Housto™ I tioned Oath of fidelity and Secrecy administered to him
-oeiver of the f only with the Variation of the last Words relative to the
Quit-Rent's I J
&c- ] Officer — Instead whereof were, as a Register of the
Grants and receiver of his Majestys Quit Rents of this
Province Then James Habersham Esqr Acquainted His Honor
Vincent1"33 1 that he had deputed Mr Thomas Vincent to Act as Clerk
aeriTof the [ of the Council — Accordingly the said Thomas Vincent
Council J ,
took the State Oaths appointed by Law and declared and
Subscribed the Test And also the last mentioned Oath of
fidelity and Secrecy only with the Variation of the last
words relative to the Officer — Instead whereof were,
as a Deputy Clerk of the Council of this Province —
Proclamation '
for continu
ing all Offi
cers in their
Places until
further Or
Then was read a Proclamation for continuing all Offi
cers Ecclesiasticall Civil and Military in their respective
Places untill his Honors Pleasure be known which was
ordered to be entered and is as follows Namely
GEORGIA By the Honourable Henry Ellis Esqr
Lieutenant Governor and Commander in
Chief of his Majestys Province of Georgia
Whereas his Majesty hath been graciously Pleased to
appoint me Lieutenant Governor and Commander in
Chief of this his Majestys Province of Georgia And
Whereas it is necessary for the Peace and good Govern
ment of the said Province that all Officers therein both
Civil and Military should hold themselves continued in
their Several Offices — ¦ Places and Employments untill
my Pleasure be further known I have therefore tho't fit
with the Advice of his Majestys Honble Council to Pub
lish this my Proclamation ordering and declaring And I
do hereby order and declare that all Persons duly and
legally Possessed of and invested in any Office Ecclesi
asticall Civil or Military in this Province will Continue
and Exercise their Several Offices or Places untill my
Pleasure be further known And further I do hereby
command and require all and Singular his Majestys
Subjects in this Province to be obedient to and aiding
and Assisting the said Officers in the Performance and
Execution of their respective Offices as they will answer
the contrary at their Peril
Given under my hand and the Great Seal of
the said Province in the Council Chamber at
FEBRUARY, 1757. 491
Savannah the 17th Day of February 1757 and
in the Thirtieth year of his Majestys reign
Henry Ellis
By his Honours Command
James Habersham Secry
God save the King
GEORGIA At a Council held in the Council Cham
ber at Savannah on Saturday the 19th Febry
1757 Present
His Honour Henry Ellis Esqr
Sir Patrick Houstoun Bar'
James Habersham ^
The Honble \ Francis Harris I p> ra
James Mackay j ^
James Edwa Powell J
His Honour Acquainted the Board the reason of his
the Govem- ' calling a Council was, that some Lower Creek Indians
crLkindilL [ have come here to the Number of Twenty Nine Men
chamber"""1] Women and Children, and being sent for, they attended,
and Acquainted his Honour that they heard of his Ar
rival, and they came to see him, and askt for a few Pres
ents ; he then acquainted them, that there were few in the
Store House, a Part of which however they should have
before their departure; that more were Expected out,
and when they Arrived, they should be taken farther no
tice of A day was then fixt for them to meet his Honor in
Council, when a Quantity Proper to be distributed should
be determined, In the mean time Provisions were or
dered them ; And Then Occouthla Tushenoi Chief of the
Chickawhaw Indians presented his Honour a Peacable
Commission of Mr Reynolds, and intimating a desire to
have it renewed, and made conformable to the Present
Situation of Affairs, the Secretary was ordered to com
ply with his request
Whereas it appears by the Minutes of this Board of the
raSoSinds Third day of May last that the late Governor did Resolve
the3dedaSynoCf to sign no more Warrants for Lands untill the Fees for
mlde out on SI the Grant to be signed for the same should be first paid
ficerand not agreeable to the Establishment — And it appearing that
sign'd by the & 1 r o
late Governor there are several Warrants for Surveys of Land Pre-
as the respect- J
whomthey3 for Pared in the Secretarys Office agreeable to Sundry Or-
haevlZdca'iieaders to the Secretary since the said Third Day of May,
paw the^Gov- which are not Signed by the late Governor, as the respec-
theGranttobe tive Persons for whom they are made out have not called
signed thereon, .,..,_, ,. .
the secretary f0r them, and Paid the fee for the Grant to be signed;
was ordered to
prepare an En- Arid the Secretary having also Informed His Honour
dorsement on J °
H?shHonou™to0r that he was this day appiyed to for Six of the said War-
sign, that the ..„„<.„
Surveyers Gen- l cuus
eral may exe
cute the same The Board took the same into Consideration, and were
of Opinion, that it would be proper for his Honor to
sign an Indorsement on each Warrant, empowering the
Surveyers General to lay out the Lands as described in
the same
Ordered — That the Secretary do accordingly pre
pare an Indorsement on Each of the following Warrants
To John Morel a Lot in Hardwicke & Warrant dat. the
1 8th May
David Guindre 400 Acres of Land ^ D° the 7th July
Thomas White 100 D°— ^ D°— the 5 October
t Daniel Dunham a Lott in Hardwicke
^ D°
George Cuthbert 10b Acres of Land \- the 2d Novr
Anthony Sallis 100 D°
James Germany 500 D°
Samuel Pelton 100 D°
George Hackle a Town Lot in Ebe
nezer ^ D°
David Dicks 200 Acres of Land ....
Lewis Mattiears 250 D°
Mordecai Sheftal 50 Acres of Land
at Vernonburgh
Martin Fenton 50 Acres of Land '
the 4th Jan17 1757
Joseph Butler 460 D° ^ D°
John Sartin 200 D° & D°
Jonathan Bryan 300 D° |D°
Isaac Tripp 100 D° ^ D°
Athanasius Thomas 100 D° ^ D°
Robert Southerland 150 D° ^ D°
Lachlan McGillivray & Daniel
Clark 50 D° p D°
William Moore 100 Acres, .fy D°
James Weston 200 D° p D°
John Thomas 200 D° p D°
David Jervey a Lot in Hardwicke
m d° ;
? 7tb December
> 9*b December
Warr' dated
the Is' February
Secretary or
dered not to
take the Gover
nors Fee for
His Honour ordered the Secretary not to demand or
rS^ufand take for the future the Governors fee for any Grant till
signed the same ke regUiarly made out and signed by him —
GEORGIA At a Council held in the Council Cham
ber at Savannah on Fryday 25"1 Day of Feb
ruary 1757 Present
His Honour Henry Ellis Esqr
Sir Patrick Houstoun Bar'
tm, -lj tie J James Habersham 1
The Hon S Francis Harris L Esq™
^ James Edward Powell J
The Minutes of this Board from the 16th to the 19th of
this Instant both days Inclusive were read and approved
The Indians mentioned in a Minute of the 19th Instant
His Honour attended by Order of his Honour when he observed that
ordered some -'
girvlntoSstomee he had obtained a List of the few Indian Presents that
anrprSelfted were remaining in this Town which he found were very
withawar3" inconsiderable that he had ordered a Part of those to be
CommnaDrum . . . , . . . . .
and a Flag got ready to be given to them Promising when in his
Power He would shew his regard for them in a more am
ple manner — He then Presented Accouthla the head Man
with a War Commission and also a Drum and a flag and
told him he hoped he would shew his friendship to the
English by Opposing their Enemies which he Promised
to do and he and his followers seemed highly Pleased
with the Reception they had met with
Then the Board Examined the Claim of Rich4 Johnson
for 150 Acres of Land which was allow'd
GEORGIA At a Council held in the Council Cham
ber at Savannah on Tuesday the Is' Day of
March 1757
His Honor Henry Ellis Esq1
Sir Patrick Houstoun Bar'
James Habersham
Francis Harris
The Honble \ Jonathan Bryan
James Mackay
James Edward Powell
William Knox
f Petition of 1
I Wm. Elliot
¦j to prolong
his War-
Irant read
Read a Petition of William Elliot setting forth that he
had a Warrant Executed for five Hundred Acres of Land
through Mistake by the Deputy Surveyor after the time
Limited by the said Warrant for which reason the Sur-
veyer General refused to certify the same, And therefore
Praying that it may be Prolonged one Month from this
Ordered— That the Surveyer General do Prolong
the said Warrant One Month accordingly
Read a Petition of Lewis Turner for five Hundred
Petitionof )
Lewis Turner, Acres of Land
for 500 Acres !
of Land read J
Rejected- Ordered — That the said Petition be rejected the
Land not
vacant Land not being Vacant
Read a Petition of Edmund Tannatt setting forth that
[Edmd?Tan] ^e *s 'n Possession of One Thousand and forty Acres of
i Imim. 5°° | Land but hoped to obtain an Additional Tract which if
lAcrread J granted he promised to Cultivate having a Wife Three
Children One Indented Servant and forty Negroes and
therefore Praying for five Hundred Acres of Land on the
Northside of Ossabaw Island and Nine Hundred Acres
.900 Acres
of Land situate at the Head of Augustines Swamp
bounding East of Lands of Thomas Vanmuch West of
SavannahResolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this date and that he doth also reg
ister the said Grant in the registers Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit rents then
Part of the Prayer of the said Petition namely Nine Hun
dred Acres of Land on Augustines Swamp aforesaid is
granted the Petitioner having been Sworn to forty Six
Persons in Family now in the Province
Read a Petition of Nathan Levy setting forth that he
[Nathan of 1 was desirous of Improving a Lott in the Town of Hard-
J Levy for a I
j Lot in i
Hardwicke I
tread and
wicke on Great Ogechee River and therefore Praying for
Lot known by Number Eighteen in Hardwicke aforesaid
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Lott within
Seven Months from this date and that he doth also reg
ister the said Grant in the registers Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the date thereof Then the
Prayer of his said Petition is granted
Read a Petition of Abraham Sarzedas setting forth
that he was desirous of Improving a Lot in the Town of
Hardwicke on Great Ogechee River and therefore Pray
ing for the Lot known by Number Eighty Seven in Hard
wicke aforesaid
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Lott within
Seven Months from this date and that he doth also reg
ister the said Grant in the registers Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the date thereof Then the
Prayer of his said Petition is granted
MARCH, 1757.
f William Knox Esqr.
I sworn in
J Provost
) Marshal
Iand one of
the Coun
cil .. .
His Honour Acquainted the Board that William Knox
Esqr had been appointed Provost Marshall and that he
' had also appointed him one of his Majestys Council of
this Province and being sent for he attended and after
he had taken the State Oaths appointed by Law and de
clared and Subscribed the Test as well as the Oath of a
Council and also the Oath of a Provost Marshall men
tioned at Large in a Minute of this Board of the 17th
Day of February last he took his Seat accordingly
Sir Patrick
Wart, for
1000 Acres
. of Land
I prolonged
I for three
I Months
Sir Patrick Houstoun Bar' acquainted the Board that
his Warrant for One Thousand Acres of Land situate on
a Creek known by the Name of Cat head Creek about
Two Miles above the Town of Darian was out of date
) and therefore Prayed that the same may be Prolonged
Three Months from this date
Ordered — That the Surveyer General do prolong
the said Warrant Three Months Accordingly
'The Clerk
ordered to
write to
Messrs. Os
good and
Maxwell to
attend on
, lstTues-
1 day in next
Month to
determinethe Eight
to an Island
claimed by
Mr. Max
Ordered — That the Clerk of this Board do write to
the Reverend Mr Osgood at Midway and also to James
Maxwell of the said Place to appear at this Board on the
first Tuesday of the next Month to determine the Right
to an Island which the said James Maxwell claims
James Habersham Esq' named in the New Commission
of the Peace as a Justice within the Province Qualifyed as
Then the Board Examined the Claim of Sundry Per
sons desiring grants for Lands
82 e r— vol 7
GEORGIA At a Council held in the Council Cham
ber at Savannah on Monday the 14"1 March
His Honour Henry Ellis Esqr
Sr Patrick Houstoun Bar'
James Habersham
Francis Harris
The Honble -( Jonathan Bryan
James Mackay
James Edwa Powell
William Knox
His Honour Informed the Board the reason of their
radvi?e°snour1 being called was to Acquaint them that he had dispatches
Bolrd as to relative to the new raised Troops and other matters of
aspec?aime i Consequence to Transmit to the Earl of Loudoun which
with ws required an Immediate -Answer and there being no Es-
Dispatchesto the Eari tablished Post from this Place it had been insinuated to
of Lou-
Uoun ) him by One of the Board that a Special Messenger should
be employed for this Service and desired to know their
Opinion thereupon as it would be attend'd with a Consid
erable Expence
The Board
recom mends the
Conveyance, at
present, to
be by the
Post, there
being no
Fund out
of wch. to
answer the
.Expence- His Honour! ^-'s Honour then Acquainted the Board that he had
as°pr°a3ceti- I observed with Concern the Present defenceless State of
< construct- >¦ the Province Especially of this Town where so many
People and so much Property was Collected that in such
And the board taking the same into Consideration were
of Opinion that it was a necessary measure but as there
was no fund for defraying so considerable a charge the
Ordinary Conveyance by Water to Charles Town and
from thence by the Northern Post was recommended at
Small Fort
and Bat
tery for the .
a Situation they were exposed to every kind of insult and
MARCH, 1757.
r Protection 1 Attack from the Enemy from the Smallest force and that
Townand I he thought it Practicable to construct a Small fort and
thiyseour1de-| Battery for the Protection of this Town and River as
state " j also to Erect others in proper Situations for the Scat-
ter'd Inhabitants to retire to upon any sudden Emergen
cy with their familys and Effects and he apprehended that
this might be Accomplished to Employ a Moiety of that
Labour towards it that the Law had Assigned for the re
pairing and opening of the Roads
The Board
intreats his
Honr. to
recommendit in the
strongestManner to
the genl
And the same being taken into Consideration the Coun
cil were Unanimously of Opinion that some such measure
, was indispensably necessary and Intreated his Honour to
recommend it as soon as Possible In the Strongest man
ner to the General Assembly
GEORGIA At a Council held in the Council Cham
ber at Savannah on Thursday the 17th March
1757 Present
His Honour Henry Ellis Esqr
(James Habersham j
Jonathan Bryan V Esqrs
William Knox J
The Minute of this Board of the 25"1 of Last Month
J utes read I and the first and fourteenth of this instant were read and
1 and ap- f .
1 proved — J approved
. f Petition of
; Richardson
1 for a Lot in
I Hardwicke
I read
Read a Petition of Samuel Richardson setting forth
that he was desirous of Improving a Lot in the Town of
• Hardwicke on Great Ogechee River and therefore Pray
ing for the Lot known by Number 121 in Hardwicke
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Lott within
Seven Months from this date and that he doth also reg
ister the said Grant in the registers Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the date thereof then the
Prayer of the said Petition is granted
GEORGIA At a Council held in the Council Cham
ber at Savannah on Tuesday the 22d March
1757 Present
His Honor Henry Ellis Esqr
James Habersham "^
Jonathan Bryan I -
James Edward Powell ( ^
William Knox J
( His Honour
acquaints the Board
with the
ruinousConditionof Tybee
LightHouse and
ofthe Want
of an House
there for
the Pilot
and propos
es some
Money in
the Treas
urer's Hands to be
applied to-
wards the
repairingand build
ing the
. same
The Honb
His Honour acquainted the Board that he had been in
formed that the Light House at Tybee was in a ruinous.
Condition and if not Immediately repaired that very use-
full and necessary Building must soon fall that by his re
quest Mr Jonathan Bryan had taken a View of the same
and Confirmed the Information he had received that, he
was also informed that the Pilot there had no House to
shelter himself and Family from the Weather and with
out one he could not continue to give the needfull Attend
ance that he found there was about Sixty Pounds in the
Hands of the Treasurer raised by an Impost on Shipping
by an Act of the General Assembly for repairing the said
Light House and also for building a House for the Pilot
which he apprehended would be very insufficient to an
swer the said Services and therefore desired the Opinion
of the Board thereupon
MARCH, 1757.
The Board
approvesthe Meas
ures pro
posed and
advises his
Honour to
recommend it to the
General As
sembly to
provide for
I. cieneies
'Also for an
Advertisement to be
for Propos- ¦
als to be
given in
relative to I
I the Work J
And the Board having taken the same into Considera
tion were of Opinion that it was absolutely necessary to
repair the Light House and build a House for the Pilot
with all Possible Dispatch especially as the former ap
peared to be in Iminent danger of falling to utter ruin
and as the Money for that Purpose in the Treasurers
Hands would be far Short of effecting the same they ad
vised his Honour to recommend it to the General Assem
bly to Provide for the Deficiency and that an Advertise
ment be Published for Workmen to inquire into what may
be thought Proper to be done in order to their delivering
Proposals to go about it Immediately
Ordered — That the Clerk of this Board do accord
ingly Publish an Advertisement in the -following Words
Whereas the Light House at Tybee requires an imme
diate Repair and it being also intended to build a House
Advertisement f°r the Pilot there Notice is hereby given that whoever is
inclined to undertake the same are desired to attend the
Governor in Council on Fryday next in the forenoon to
be made acquainted with what is necessary to be done in
order that they may deliver in their Proposals as the
Person who offers to do it on the Most reasonable Terms
will be Preferred
GEORGIA At a Council held in the Council Cham
ber at Savannah on Friday the 25th Day of
March 1757 Present
His Honour Henry Ellis Esq*
Sir Patrick Houstoun Bar'
James Habersham
Francis Harris
Jonathan Bryan y Esqri
James Edward Powell
William Knox
The Honb
His Honour
proposes a
Sum of
Money in
Mr. Rus
sell's Hands
to be also
applied to-
wards the
repairing the Light
House and
building a
House and
the same to
be replaced,
when want
ed, by the
Moneys arising
from the
Approved of by
the Board
Several Carpenters
attend in
quence of
Adver-tisemt. and
informedhis Honr.
. that a Sur- ,
His Honour Informed the Board that Mr Russell had
acquainted him that he had about Seventy Pounds in his
hands which the late Trustees had directed to be given
into Two Premiums to the first Two Persons that should
erect Private Filatures on their own Plantations and
therein Reel Thirty Pounds of Raw Silk from Cacoons
made from Silk Worms fed by Trees of their own Growth
and as there was no Probability of such Filatures being
soon erected and there was an Absolute necessity of Im
mediately repairing the Light House and of building a
Habitation for the Pilot at Tybee though there was no
fund Adequate to the Expence He Proposed that the said
Sum of Seventy Pounds should be appiyed for that Pur
pose and if it should hereafter happen expedient to give
the said Premiums for the Encouragement of Erecting
Private Filatures that may be replaced out of the Money
that may arise by the Impost laid on Shipping which the
Board having considered agreed to
In Consequence of the Advertisement Published agree
able to a Minute of the last Board several Carpenters at
tended being Informed with the Work intended to be
done at Tybee they observed that they could not deliver
in any Proposals thereupon till they had made a Survey
MARCH, 1757.
vey of the 1
Conditionof the
Light House was
previously necessary j
to their
giving in
Proposalsfor repair-
. ing it )
( Wednesdaynext ap
pointed for
. the Survey;
two of the
Council to
go with the
.Carpenters )
' Proposals 1
to be deliv- I
- eredon }¦
Monday 4th I
. Aprile next )
' His Honour "1
proposesdrawing a
Bill for 100
£ on the
Earl of
Loudounfor Paymt.
pf Rangers,
the Cap
tain being
unable to
raise pay
¦ for his Men
by Certifi
cates : and
in Case of
the Bill not
being paid
by his
that his
Hon. and
the Council
shod, un
dertake to
I discharge it
TheCoun- 1
cil thought
it an ill !
1 Precedent \
j and could f
not advise -
his Honr. I
. thereto J
of the Condition of the Light House on the Spot by
which means they would be better enabled to Calculate
the Expence with more certainty and therefore desired
his Honor to allow them a few days to make such Survey
which was agreed to and they were accordingly told that
Two Members of the Council would go with them to Ty
bee next Wednesday and that they might deliver in their
Proposals sealed to his Honour in Council on Monday the
fourth day of April next when those Who should Propose
to do the said Work in the best and Cheapest manner
should be Impartially Preferr'd
His Honour then Acquainted the Board that Captain
John Barnard who commands the Rangers lately raised
had Informed him that he could not get Cash for Certifi
cates and was unable otherwise to pay his Men and must
if not supplied by some other Means discharge them upon
which his Honor observed that as those Rangers were
raised on a very emergent Occasion and there appeared
to be a Necessity of continuing them he proposed the
drawing a Bill for One Hundred Pounds on the Earl of
Loudoun for the Present Exigency and if not Paid by his
Lordship that he and the Council should take upon them
to discharge the same
And the same being taken into Consideration the Coun
cil were of Opinion that it would be an 111 Precedent and
very imprudent to take upon themselves the Risque of
Supporting such Services and therefore could not Ad
vice his Honour to the Measure Proposed
GEORGIA At a Council held in the Council Cham
ber at Savannah on Tuesday the 29th March
1757- Present
His Honur Henry Ellis Esq1
f Francis Harris )
The Honb,e ^ James Edwa Powell }• Esqrs
[ William Knox J
The Minutes of this Board from the 17th of this In
stant inclusive to this Day were read and approved.
Then his Honour observed that there was only two
Justices of the general Court, and as there was Business
of great Importance to come before the ensuing Court
he proposed not only to make up the usual Number of
Three but to add two more Judges to the Bench ; and ac
cordingly James De Veaux, Elisha Butler, and Edmund
Tannatt Esqrs were nominated and approved — His Hon
our therefore
Ordered — That the 'Secretary do prepare Commis
sions accordingly.
Then his Honour proposed the making out a new Com
mission of the Peace that a sufficient Number of Justices
might be added in the respective Districts which he was
informed was become necessary especially since the Com
mencement of the Act for establishing Courts of Re
quest : And the same being duely considered the follow
ing Persons were nominated, viz'
Sir Patrick Houstoun Bar', James Habersham, Noble
justices Names Jones, Pickering Robinson, Francis Harris, Jonathan
Bryan, Clement Martin, James Mackay, James Edward
Powell and William Knox Esquires of his. Majesty's
MARCH, 1757. 5°5
Patrick Mackay, Joseph Butler, James De Veaux, Eli
sha Butler and Edmund Tannatt Esqrs Judges of the gen
eral Court, and William Clifton Esq' Attorney general.
Joseph Ottolenghe, James Campbell, Henry Yonge,
Noble Wimberly Jones, Samuel Marcer, David Mon
taigut, William Francis, Thomas Vincent, Alexander
Wylly, Lewis Johnson, Joseph Gibbons, William Spencer,.
and William Handley Esqrs and Bartholomew Zouber
buhler Clerk for the Districts of Savannah, Abercorn and
Goshen Acton Vernonburgh and the Islands of Tybee
Wilmington Skidoway and Green Island.
Christian Raberhorst Clerk, John Ludwig Meyer, John
Fieri, Theobald Kieffer, John Thomas, and John Gold-
wire Esquires for the District of Ebenezer —
John Henry Greeve, John Rae, David Douglass, Mar
tin Campbell, Edward Barnard, and Lauglan Mc Gilvray
Esquires for the Districts of Halifax and Augusta
Philip Delegal Junior, John De Veaux, William Butler
and James Maxwell Esquires for the district of great and
little Ogechee.
Audley Maxwell, John Stevens, John Elliot, Francis
Arthur, Grey Elliot, John Mackintosh M. John Mackin
tosh B. Roderick Mackintosh, Donald Clark, John Per
kins and Mark Carr Esquires for the Districts of Midway
Darian and Frederica.
Ordered — That the Secretary do prepare a Commis
sion accordingly.
Jonathan t Several Carpenters intending to go to Tybee to survey
Bryan and [,_,... . J
wm. Knox I the Condition of the Light House to Morrow Mr Bryan
gotoTybeej anc* ^ Knox were thought proper Persons to go with
wth. the Them
..Carpenters J il[J"'
GEORGIA At a Council held in the Council Cham
ber at Savannah on Monday the fourth Day
of Aprill 1757.
His Honour Henry Ellis Esqr
Sir Patrick Houstoun Bar'
James Habersham
The HonbIe <| Francis Harris
Jonathan Bryan
William Knox
The Minutes of the preceeding Board were read and
Minutes read A °
and approved, approved. Mr Habersham acquainting his Honour that Mr Thom-
po™fn°n| as Vincent had resigned the Office of deputy Clerk of the
j cou'nrif m16 [ Council and that he had deputed Mr Charles Watson to
iMr.vSSntJ be Clerk in the Place of Mr Vincent: Accordingly the
said Charles Watson attended, took all the State Oaths
appointed by Law, and declared and subscribed the Test,
and also took the usual Oath of Fidelity and Secresy. —
The Gov
ernour pro
poses that a
Piece of
Land for a
Garden be
, supplied to '
] the French (
Neutrals to
enablethem the
better to
. Themselves
His Honour acquainted the Board that Yesterday he
took the Opportunity of visiting the French Neutrals in
this Place, and was very much affected to see such a
Number of distressed People surrounded with large Fam
ilies of helpless Infants; and proposed to the Board their
having a Portion of Land allotted them for the making
a Garden, which might enable them to obtain a more
comfortable Support by what Necessaries such Garden
would afford them for their own Consumption, and by
the Money to be made of the Residue at a Market : That
if the Measure was approved his Honour intended to-
supply them with all Manner of Garden Seeds.
APRIL, 1757.
( Resolved
I that such
I Land be
-{ supplied on
I tion to be
I. made
The same being taken into Consideration the Board
was of Opinion that the French People, upon Applica
tion, should be accommodated with such Land for the
Purpose mentioned.
( Advertisement order
ed to be
for the
public Ac
counts be
fore 25th
March last
to be
brought in
that the
same may
be put in a
due Course
.of Payment.
His Honour also acquainted the Board that the ill Pay
ment of the public Accounts during the late Administra
tion, by some Persons being unduely preferred, and oth
ers totally neglected, had much injured the public Credit
of the Province; and proposed an Advertisement to be
published for all Persons having Demands on the Public
before the twenty fifth Day of March last to bring in their
Accounts to the Clerk of the Council on or before the sev
enteenth Day of this instant Aprill, distinguishing the
respective Sums due to them on the twenty fifth Day of
December and the twenty ninth Day of September pre
ceeding Whereby the Board might be enabled to put such
Bills in a due Course of Payment.
Ordered — That such an Advertisement be published.
The Car
penter's Proposals
delivered in
as to the
Repair of
the Light-
House and
buildinganHouse for
I the Pilot .
Several Carpenters who had been to survey the Condi
tion of the Light-House at Tybee this Day delivered in
their Proposals for repairing the same; And also the
• Terms on which they would build an House for the Pilot
twenty six by Eighteen Feet with one Partition and one
Story high.
The Board tdok the several Proposals under Consider-
Mc^carty's1 ation and were of Opinion that the Preference be given
wemj™? to Cornelius McCarty and James Wemyss, they ensrag-iner
{ Proposals > , , . , . , , . 2 _, , ' J b b b
accepted ( under Articles each in Seventy Pounds Sterling Pen-
and the ' J °
conditions alty) effectually to secure the Light-House in four
Months from the Time of signing the Contract — That
the Timber be free of Sap, and of the same Dimensions
with the Timber first used in Building the said Light-
House — That the additional Works be a Brace or Shbar
at each Angle fifteen Feet in. Length and twelve by nine
Inches broad, and to be well inclosed from the Weather —
Also that they do compleat the Pilot House in two
Months after the Expiration of the Time given for secur
ing the Light-House — And that they find all Materials
(Brick Work excepted) Nails, Carriage, and Labourers,
necessary to compleat the aforesaid Work — And that
twenty Pounds be advanced them to begin the Work
with. Ordered — That the said Cornelius McCarty and
j Mccarty -j jartles Wemyss be informed by the Clerk of this Board
i behrfOTrn^d i that their Proposals are approved and accepted of, and
Ithereof. ) . . . TT . . ....
that his Honour expects they will enter into Articles un
der the foregoing Conditions and Penalty —
GEORGIA At a Council held in the Council Cham
ber at Savanah on Tuesday the fifth Day of
Aprill 1757. Present
His Honour Henry Ellis Esquire
Sir Patrick Houstoun Bar'
James Habersham ")
The Honble \ Francis Harris I p rs
Jonathan Bryan [ ^
William' Knox J
Minutes read The Minutes of the last Board were read and approved.
and approved. rr
Read a Petition of John Gasper Wertsh setting forth
(johnGas-f ] that he was in Possession of fifty Acres of Land but was
1 for iooer J" desirous of an additional Tract which if granted he prom-
tLaicTread. J ised to cultivate And Praying for One hundred Acres of
APRIL, 1757-
Land on an Island opposite to Ebenezer joining Lands
of Mr Thilo.
Fifty Acres
f Petition of
I Thos. But-
¦{ ler for a Lot
i in Hard-
l. wicke read
("Petition of
I Elisha But-
< ler for 200
1 Acres of
I Marsh read J
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this Date and that he doth also reg
ister the said Grant in the Register's Office of this Prov
ince within six Months from the Date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit-Rents Then-
Part of the Prayer of the said Petition namely fifty Acres
of Land is granted.
Read a Petition of Thomas Butler setting forth that
he was desirous of improving a Lot in the Town of Hard
wicke on great Ogechee River, And Praying for Lot
called Number two hundred nineteen in Hardwicke afore
said.Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Lot within
seven Months from this Date and that he doth also reg
ister the said Grant in the Register's Office of this Prov
ince within six Months from the Date thereof that his.
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit- Rents Then
the Prayer of the said Petition is granted.
Read a Petition of Elisha Butler setting forth that he
was in Possession of one thousand two hundred Acres
of Land but was desirous of an additional Tract which,
if granted, he promised to cultivate having fifty three
Persons in Family And Praying for two hundred Acres
of Marsh Land on the north Side of great Ogechee Riv
er joining Easterly on the said River and South on Gov
ernour Reynolds's Land.
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
seven Months from this Date and that he doth also reg-
(Petition of
I John Mack-
) intosh D.
| for 66 Acres
of Land
f Petition of
I William
j Butler for
1 600 Acres
of Land
I read
ister the said Grant in the Register's Office of this Prov
ince within six Months from the Date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit-Rents Then
the Prayer of the said Petition is granted.
Read a Petition of John Mackintosh D. setting forth
that he had five hundred Acres of Land granted him by
the late President and Assistants but on the Surveyer
general making out the Plan from the former Surveyer
Ellis's field Notes he found the same to contain no more
than four hundred thirty four Acres And Praying for
sixty six Acres to make up his Deficiency joining John
D'Loin in the District of Darian.
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
seven Months from this Date and that he doth also reg
ister the said Grant in the Register's Office of this Prov
ince within six Months from the Date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit- Rents Then
the Prayer of the said Petition is granted.
Read a Petition of William Butler setting forth that
he was in possession of two thousand two hundred Acres
of Land but was desirous of an additional Tract which
if granted he promised to cultivate having ninety Per
sons in Family And Praying for a Tract of Pine Land
and some River Swamp in all five Hundred Acres above
Fort Argyle adjoining Mr AVilloughby West's Land on
a small Creek.
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this Date and that he doth also reg
ister the said Grant in the Register's Office of this Prov
ince within six Months from the Date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit-Rents Then
the Prayer of the said Petition is granted.
APRIL, 1757- 5"
f petition of -i Read a Petition of Matthias Slyterman Praying for a
IsSytermln I Lot Number 132 in Hardwicke on great Ogechee.
I for a Lot in f
Hardwicke I
I read J
Rejected. Ordered — That the said Petition be rejected.
Read a Petition of Joseph Henshaw setting forth that
j josepT ° 1 he was desirous of a Tract of Land, and if granted he
"j for 600 | promised to cultivate it having ten Negroes And Praying
1-MarshreadJ for six hundred Acres of Marsh Land upon the Point
fronting the East of the Town of Hardwicke.
r Petition of 1 Also a Petition of the said Joseph Henshaw Praying
I Henshaw I for a Lot in Hardwicke on great Ogechee Number 86.
1 for a Lot in f ° °
Hardwicke I
I. read J
both Ordered — That the further Consideration of the
said Petition be postponed untill the Petitioner with his
Postponed 'till Family
Georgia . Family reside in the Province And that the Lands be re
and the
Lands re
served for
. 18 Months
served for Eighteen Months.
Read a Petition of Thomas Burrington setting forth
[Thosi0Bu°rf- ] ^at ^e was desirous of a Tract of Land and if granted
I Io7Acref°r I he promised to cultivate it having a Wife two Children
tread Qne ]\Tegro anc\ two indented Servants And Praying for
four Hundred Acres of Land between the Rivers of Oge
chee and Conochee on the cross Swamp near to Lands of
and Daniel Nunes.
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti-
Granted tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
seven Months from this Date and that he doth also reg
ister the said Grant in the Register's Office of this Prov
ince within six Months from the Date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit-Rents Then
the Prayer of the said Petition is granted.
{Petition of
Jacob Tal-
f are for a
Lot in
read and
Petition of
JonathanBryan for a
Lot in Hard
wicke read
Petition of
Wm. Gibbons
for 90 Acres of
Land read
Read a Petition of Jacob Talfare Praying for a Lot
Number One hundred thirty three in Hardwicke on great
Ogechee. Ordered— That the said Petition be rejected.
Read a Petition of Jonathan Bryan Esqr Praying for
a Lot Number five in Hardwicke on great Ogechee.
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Lot within
seven Months from this Date and that he doth also reg
ister the said Grant in the Register's Office of this Prov
ince within six Months from the Date thereof that his-
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit-Rents Then
the Prayer of the said Petition is granted.
Read a Petition of William Gibbons setting forth that
he was in Possession of one thousand one hundred and
forty five Acres of Land and was desirous of an addi
tional Tract which if granted he promised to cultivate
having a Wife two Children and twenty two Negroes
And Praying for ninety Acres of Land bounding West
on the Petitioner's Land, East on Joseph Stanley and
South on James Baillou.
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
seven Months from this Date and that he doth also reg
ister the said Grant in the Register's Office of this Prov
ince within six Months from the Date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit-Rents Then
the Prayer of the said Petition is granted.
Read a Petition of Abigail Minis Widow setting forth
gin Mmhffor'" that She was desirous of a Tract of Land, and, if granted,
La°ndrr . . ,...,. ,-.
Acres of i ous of an Additional Tract, which if granted he Prom-
l Land read J > b .
ised to Cultivate, And Praying for One hundred Acres of
and Land joining John Meyers Land at Ebenezer.
f Rejected ] ORDERED
j the Land 1 .
l not being f not being Vacant
[Vacant J °
That the Petition be rejected, the Land.
f Petition of
i John Todd
1 Junr for
200 Acres
i of Land
[ Read
Read a Petition of John Todd Junr setting forth that
he was in Possession of One hundred Acres of Land and
was desirous of an Additional Tract which if granted he-
Promised to Cultivate having a Wife and three Children
And Praying for two hundred Acres of Land lying on the
North Side of little Sappalo River where formerly one-
Robert Johnson lived.
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within.
Seven Months from this Date and that he doth also reg
ister the said Grant in the Register's Office of this Prov
ince within six Months from the Date thereof that his-
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit- Rents Then
the Prayer of the said Petition is granted.
Petition of Read a Pethi°n of John Fitzgerald Praying for a Lot.
' gS&fr "a [ Number 108 iii the Town of Hardwicke on great Oge-
iT.nfj« r i
j Lot in
Hardwicke i
L read J
Resolvkd-is granted
That the Prayer of the said Petition.
APRIL, 1757- 523
Read a Petition of Nathaniel Clark setting forth that
[NlthaA?* ] he did some time ago Petition for two hundred Acres of
1 200 Acres \ Land, but on Survey found it not Vacant ; Therefore
1 read j praying for two hundred Acres Situate to the South of
Lands laid out to Captain James Mackay, and to the
North of Lands laid out for Mr Otterbridge on South
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this Date and that he doth also reg
ister the said Grant in the Register's Office of this Prov
ince within six Months from the Date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit- Rents Then
the Prayer of the said Petition is granted.
Read a Petition of Edward Sumervilee Praying for
Edta?d0f ] Lot Number 123 in the Town of Hardwicke on great
Sumerville 1 /~. .
for a Lot in f UgeCrlee.
Hardwickeread J
Ordered — : That the further consideration of the said
Petition be Postponed.
Read a Petition of Minis Minis Praying for a Lot
ISintaMtato] Number 123 in the Town of Hardwicke on great Oge-
1 for a Lot in i _
I Hardwicke j Chee
Read and
Resolved — That the Prayer of the said Petition is
Granted granted Read a Petition of Cornelius McCarty Praying for a
Cornelius I Lot Number 121 in the Town of Hardwicke on great
McCarty ! . °
for a Lot in ( Ogeechee.
.read J
and Resolved— That the Prayer of the said Petition is
Granted , 1
, Petit;on of -, Read a Petition of Mordecai Shef tall Praying for Lot
I shrf^ffor ' Number 1 76 in the Town of Hardwicke on great Oge-
1a Lot in ("chee.
Resolved — That the Prayer of the said Petition is
Read a Petition of Michael Stutz Praying for a Lot
Michael I Number 148 in the Town of Hardwicke on great Oge-
I Stutz for a 1 ° &
' Lot in 1 chee.
[read and
Resolved— That the Prayer of the said Petition is
Read a Petition of John Clayton setting forth that he
[john'ciay- ] was desirous of improving a Tract of Land and if grant-
I Acrefof00 1 ed Promised so to do, having a Wife and two Children
[Land read and prayjng for Qne hundred Acres of Land on Tuckesy
Kings joining to Lands of Jeremiah Swan
and Ordered — That the further Consideration of the
Postponed. said Petition be Postponed.
Read a Petition of Philip Box Praying for a Lot Num-
1 Philip box 1 ber 72 in the Town of Hardwicke on great Ogechee
-I for a Lot in 1- / S> to
I Hardwicke I
[ read J
an chee.
j for a Lot in
I Hardwicke
[read and
That the said Petition be rejected.
Read a Petition of Charles Dubois Praying- for a Lot
fPetitionof 1 ,, , . ~ r T
|chariesDu-| Number 222 in the iown of Hardwicke on great Oee-
J bois for a l o a
j Lot in f chee.
I Hardwicke I
I read J
Rejected. Ordered — That the said Petition be Rejected.
] Read a Petition of John Primut Praying for a Lot
I- Number 307 in the Town of Hardwicke on great Ogechee.
That the said Petition be Rejected.
f Petition of
I John Pri-
) mut for a
1 Lot in
1 Hardwicke
J. read j
Rented. Ordered—
Read a Petition of James Muter Praying for a Lot
Tjlme's110 1 Number 111 in the Town of Hardwicke on great Oge-
J Muter for a l .
"> Lotin r chee.
I Hardwizke j
I read and
That the Prayer of the said Petition is
f Petition of
1 Andrew
I Maxton for
¦ a Lot in
Hardwickeread and
Read a Petition of Andrew Maxton Praying for Lot
Number 13— in the Town of Hardwicke on great Oge
chee. Resolved — That the Prayer of the said Petition is
Read a Petition of Harriot Crooke Widow Praying
for a Lot Number 137 in the Town of Hardwicke on
Petition of
1 Harriot
Sf r great Ogechee.
I Hardwicke I
t read J
Resolved —
That the Prayer of the said Petition is
f Petition of
I James
I Graham for
a Lot in
I. read and
Read a Petition of James Graham Praying for a Lot
Number 53 in the Town of Hardwicke on great Oge
That the Prayer of the said Petition is
Read a Petition of Thomas Burrington Esqr Praying
fPetitionof ) r t i t»t , ^ fa ¦*"' M J b
I Thomas | tor a J_ot Number 184 in the Town of Hardwicke on
t Hardwicke Read and
I Burrington ,
I for a Lot in great Og-echee.
That the Prayer of the said Petition
APRIL, 1757.
Petition of
GilbertBurrinsrtonan Infant
Son of
Thomas Burringtonfor a Lot in
lead and
Read a Petition of Gilbert Burrington an Infant Son
of the above named Thomas Burrington Praying for a
Lot Number 205 in the Town of Hardwicke on great
Ogechee. Ordered — That the said Petition be Rejected.
Read a Petition of Nicholas West Praying for a Lot
Number 127 in the Town of Hardwicke on great Oge
chee. Ordered — That the further Consideration of the
said Petition be Postponed.
Petition of
James Boddie for i
a Lot in
Hardwicke !
reade J
Read a Petition of James Boddie Praying for a Lot
Number 114 in the Town of Hardwicke on great Oge
chee. Resolved — That on Condition only that the said
Petitioner doth take out a Grant for the said Lot within
Seven Months from this date, And that he doth Also Reg
ister the said Grant in the Registers Office within Six
Months from the Date thereof. Then the Prayer of the
said Petition is granted
Read a Petition of Nicholas Laurence Praying for a
[Nicholas0 Lot Number no in the Town of Hardwicke on great
Lawrence > _- .
for a Lot in Ogechee
[Hardwicke J °
Read and
Ordered — That the further Consideration of the
said Petition be Postponed.
Read a Petition of Peter Blyth Praying for a Lot
[leterBiyth] Number 147 in the Town of Hardwicke on great Oge-
< for a Lot in r ,
Hardwicke \ Ctiee
1 read J
Resolved — That on Condition only that the said Pe
titioner doth take out a Grant for the said Lot within
Seven Months from this Date and that he doth also reg
ister the said Grant in the Register's Office of this Prov
ince within six Months from the Date thereof that his-
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit-Rents Then
the Prayer of the said Petition is granted.
Read a Petition of Peter Morel Praying for a Lot
f Peter Morei ] Number 129 in the Town of Hardwicke on great Oge-
foraLotln > t
Hardwicke Cnee.
[ read J
Resolved — ¦ That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Lott within.
Seven Months from this date, And that he doth Also
Register the said Grant in the Registers Office of this
Province within Six Months from the Date thereof, that
his Majesty may not be Defrauded of his Quit Rentsr
Then the Prayer of the said Petition is granted.
Read a Petition of John Young Praying for a Lot
johnionof | Number 71 in the Town of Hardwicke on great Oge-
Young for I -i
a Lot in f chee.
Hardwicke I
read J
Resolved — ¦ That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Lot within
Seven Months from this date, And that he doth Also Reg
ister the said Grant in the Registers Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the Date thereof that his
Majesty may not be Defrauded of his Quit Rents, Then
the Prayer of the said Petition is granted.
Read a Petition of Jeremiah Slyterman Praying for a.
jlremiah Lot Number i;2 in the Town of Hardwicke on great
Slyterman r „ ,
for a Lot in Ogechee.
I Hardwch J °
Read and
Rejected ORDERED
That the said Petition be rejected.
APRIL, 1757-
f Petition of
1 Koug-le for
a Lot in
[read and
Read a Petition of Matthias Kougle Praying for a Lot
Number 128 in the Town of Hardwicke on great Oge-
¦ chee Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Lot within Sev
en Months from this Date, And that he doth Also Reg
ister the said Grant in the Registers Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents, Then
the Prayer of the said Petition is granted.
I Petition of
John Men-
zieforaLotin. Hard- chee.
wicke read J
Read a Petition of John Menzies Praying for a Lot
Number 126 in the Town of Hardwicke on great Oge-
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Lot within Sev
en Months from this Date And that he doth Also Regis
ter the said Grant in the Registers Office of this Province
within Six Months from the date thereof, that his Maj
esty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents, Then the
Prayer of the said Petition is granted.
Further time
allowed Mr.
John Jagger
for Settling
his Land.
It appearing to this Board that Mr John Jagger who
had a Tract of one thousand Acres of Land granted him
the third Day of April 1755 on Condition of his entring
into Bond in the Penalty of One hundred Pounds Ster
ling to Settle the same within the Time therein Pre
scribed had been prevented fulfilling the said Condition
by Unavoidable Accidents
Ordered — That the Time for Settling the same be
six Months proionge(j for Six Months from this Date.
34 e r— vol 7
Sixty Six
Acres of
Land, an
Island of
Marsh, and
a Parcel of
Land in
, 260 Feet
I from East
to West,
I and 300
I Feet from
| North to
I South granted his
I Honour the
[Governour. J
f His Honour
the Govern
our Sign
ed the fol
lowingGrants for
. Lands
His Honour the Governour moved that Sixty Six
Acres of Land bounding the Township Line of Hard
wicke on great Ogechee to the East, Lands of Hugh
Mackay South, and Lands of Joseph Barker West; to
gether with a Small Island of Marsh fronting the said
Land containing about Seven or Eight Acres ; And Also
that a Parcel of Land in the Town of Hardwicke includ
ing the Lots Numbers 139, 140, 141, bounded West by a
Street, North by the Bay of the Town, East and South
by the Fortifications Lands, extending from East to West
two hundred and Sixty Feet, and from North to South
three Hundred Feet ; might be granted unto him.
Resolved — That the Sixty Acres of Land and Is
land of Marsh And Also the Land in the Town of Hard
wicke as above described and set forth be granted to his
Honour. His Honour Signed Grants for Lands to the following
PersonsGeorge Cuthbert 100 Acres in the District of Savannah
Daniel Dunnom 550 Acres in the District of Newport
White Outerbridge a Town Lot Number 20 in Hard
Joseph Minis a Town Lot Number 99 in Hardwicke
White Outerbridge 550 Acres in the District of Newport
John Deveaux 950 Acres in the District of Ogechee.
John Pettycrew 200 Acres in the District of Augusta
Michael Stutz 100 Acres in the District of Ogechee
Solomon Shad
chee —
250 Acres in the District of 0<
APRIL, 1757- S31
Henry Snider 150 Acres in the District of Ogechee
Joseph Butler 500 Acres in the District of Ogechee.
Joseph Butler 140, Acres in the District of Ogechee
Joseph Butler Jun : Town Lot Number 115 In Hardwicke
James McKay Esqr 550 : Acres in the District of Newport
James McKay Esqr 200 : Acres in the District of Ogechee
Joseph Massey . . 500 : Acres in the District of Newport
Nathan Levi a Town Lot Number 18 In Hardwicke
Donald M°Donald 200: Acres at the Head of the S°
Branch of S° Newport
Phillippa Fenny 500 : Acres in the District of Newport
Grey Elliott A Town Lot Number 157 In Hardwicke
Thomas Carter 100 : Acres in the District of Newport
Christian Rabenhurst Clerk Ludwig Meyer John Fieri
and Theobald Kieffer . :ioo: Acres in the District of
Ebenezer In Trust &c
Joseph Butler 1500 : Acres in the District of Ogechee
Joseph Butler :300 : Acres in the District of Ogechee
Joseph Butler 1300 : Acres in the District of Ogechee
Joseph Butler : a Town Lot Number 96 In Hardwicke
Joseph Butler Junr 500 : Acres in the District of Ogechee
Shem Butler :5oo : Acres in the District of Ogechee
Mark Carr . . . 1500 : Acres in the District of Midway
Mark Carr . ; . :200 : Acres an Island at Midway
Thomas Carr 1500 : Acres in the District of Midway
Ann Graham Widow 600 Acres in the District of Sa
Ann Graham 50, Acres being a Town Lot in Savannah
N° 5 In Wilmington Tything wth Garden Lot N° 63
and Farm Lot N° 1
Ann Graham a Town Lot Number 44 In Hardwicke
John Deveaux 500 : Acres in the District of Ogechee
John M°Intosh M 350 Acres in the District of Sappalo
Ann Hopkins Widow 500 Acres in the District of Halli
George Peters . . 50 Acres being a Town Lot in Sa
vannah N° 3 in Belitha Tything with Garden Lot N°
16 and Farm Lot N° 4
John McBean 100 Acres in the District of Darian
Henry Yonge Esq 300 Acres in the District of Midway
William Burton 50 Acres being a Town Lot In Savannah
N° 5 in the first Tything Anson Ward with Garden
Lot 164 and Farm Lot N° 1
James Gallache 95 Acres being a Town Lot in Savannah
N° 10 in the fourth Tything" Anson Ward with Garden
Lot N° 161 and two Farm Lots N° 2 & 3
John Cornberger 100: Acres and a Town Lot In Eben
Hannah Elizabeth and Mary Frederica Gronou a Town
Lot in Ebenezer N° 5 and Six Garden Lots each con
taining two Acres and known by N° 1 : 2 in the third
Row & N° 1, 2, 3, 4 in the fourth Row in near old
Ebenezer Creek
APRIL, 1757- 533
Daniel Burgslainer a Town Lot in Ebenezer N° 3 and a
Garden Lot in the Second Row and 50 Acres of Land
in the Mile District of Ebenezer.
George Heckall A Town Lot in Ebenezer N° 4 And 50
Veite Landfelder a Town Lot in Ebenezer N° 9 & a Gar
den Lot 2 Acres and 50 Acres of Land in the Town
John George Snyder a Town Lot in Ebenezer N° 4 And
50 Acres in Ebenezer District
Veite Leckner a Town Lot in Ebenezer N° 10 And 150
Acres in the Mile District
John Michael Herse 50 Acres in the Mile District of Eb
Christian Stainer a Town Lot in Ebenezer N° 6 Garden
Lot 2 Acres and 100 Acres in Mile District
Christian Leimberger a Town Lot in Ebenezer N° 6 And
100 Acres in the Mile District
Michael Snyder 50 Acres in the Mile District of Eben
Frederica Bruckner a Town Lot in Ebenezer N° 2 Gar
den Lot 2 Acres and 50 Acres in the Town District
Thomas Geswandell a Town Lot in Ebenezer N° 3 a Gar
den Lot 2 Acres And 50 Acres in the Mile District
John Michael Weber 50 Acres in the District of Aber
corn and Geshen
Christian Birk a Garden Lot 2 Acres in the Town Dis
trict of Ebenezer and 50 Acres in the same District
/ /
Simon Renter a Town Lot in Ebenezer N° 7 a Garden
Lot 2 Acres and 50 Acres in the Mile District
George S'wiger a Town Lot in Ebenezer N° 9 Garden Lot
2 Acres and 50 Acres in the Mile District
Daniel Shubdrein Junr a Town Lot in Ebenezer N° 6 Gar
den Lot 2 Acres and 100 Acres in Bethany District
Christopher Cramer a Town Lot in Ebenezer N° 6 Gar
den Lot 2 Acres and 100 Acres in the Town District
Charles Zigmund Ott a Garden Lott 2 Acres and 50
Acres in the Mile District of Ebenezer.
GEORGIA At a Council held in the Council Cham
ber at Savannah on. Wednesday the Sixth
Day of April 1757
His Honour Henry Ellis Esq1
f Sir Patrick Houstoun Bar'
„, „ ble James Habersham, Francis Harris, ^ ^ r,
I he Hon - Jonathan Bryan, Jam8 Eda Powell l ' ' '•
William Knox,
The Min
utes read
and ap
Claims of
Lands be
tween the
Inhabitants of
Midwayand Mr.
The Minutes of the Preceeding Board were read and
Whereas it appears by a Minute of the first Day of
March last that the Clerk was Ordered to Write to the
Reva Mr Osgood at Midway (on Behalf of the Inhabi
tants there) and to Mr James Maxwell of the same Place
to appear at this Board on the first Tuesday of April In
stant to determine the Right to an Island, said to contain
APRIL, 1757-
twenty two Acres Petitioned for as Vacant Land by the
said Inhabitants of Midway for a Public Landing and
Claimed by the said Mr Maxwell as part of a Tract of
Land formerly allotted his Son James Maxwell a Minor :
Accordingly on this. Day the Parties appeared, and being
Severally heard, the Right to the Land in dispute ap
peared to be in Favour of Mr Maxwell ; but to Promote
Harmony and for the Public Utility of the Inhabitants
of Midway, the said Mr Maxwell for his Son in the Pres
ence of his Honour the Governor in Council did Volun
tarily resign his Right and Title to one half Part or full
Moiety of the said Island for the Use and Benefit of the
said Inhabitants of Midway and their Successors as a
Public Landing Place for ever, withal engaging that his
Said Son should Ratify the same when at Age, And re
quested his Honour would Order the said Inhabitants a
Grant for such Moiety of the said Island on their apply
ing for the same.
Then the Board examined the Claim of Alexander
f Bafflfe^s61 ] Baillie to one hundred Acres of Marsh Land on Midway
lammed and [ adjoining Probart Howasth and Baillies Island which
tallowed- J Cjaim was allowed_
GEORGIA At a Council held in the Council Cham
ber at Savannah the twelfth Day of April
1757 Present
His Honour Henry Ellis Esqr
Sir Patrick Houstoun Baro'
j James Habersham j
llu M " > Francis Harris [ Esq™
William Knox I
("TheMin- "1
J utes read
1 and ap-
[ proved
James De
veaux and
Edmund Tannatt
Esqrs. Sworn Jus
tices of the
. genl Court
f Mr. Thomas
J sworn
] Searcherin thi3
[ Province
The Minutes of the Preceeding Board were read and
j Approved
James Deveaux and Edmund Tannatt Esqrs having
been appointed Justices of the general Court attended and
Severally took the Oath of Office.
Mr Thomas Bruce having Produced a Deputation for
Searcher of the Ports in Georgia, He accordingly took all
the State Oaths appointed by Law declared and Sub
scribed the Test and Also took the Oath of Office.
Petition of
James An
derson and
Andrew Nowland
for Reward
for taking
. Dundass
Read the Petition of James Anderson and Andrew
Newland setting forth that David Dundass who was
Committed to Savannah Goal for Felony broke the said
Goal and escaped and that his Excellency Governor Rey
nolds Published a Reward for taking the said Felon.
That the Petitioners sometime in April 1756 took the said
Dundass at least 120 Miles from Savannah and brought
him down thither, whereby the Petitioners looked on
themselves not only intituled to the reward but Also to be
paid for the trouble & Expence they were at in bringing
down the Felon, And Praying that the said reward might
be Ordered, and such Reasonable allowance for their ex
pences and trouble, as their Honours should think fit
APRIL, 1757-
' Consideration thereof
Postponeduntill the
late Senior
Justice can
be spoke
Petition of
the Inhabi
tants of
Brier Creek
and great
ing of Dis
from the
Ordered — That the Consideration of the Petition
be Postponed 'till the Board can be informed by the late
Senior Justice (Mr Jones) of the Particulars of the Serv
ice Set forth
Read also a Petition of the Inhabitants of Great Oge
chee and Briar Creek setting forth That the Petitioners
laboured under extreem Hardships by the Indians de
stroying their Grain and Stock, and Stealing their Horses
-and whatever else they had a Mind for, and telling the
White People that many Families of Indians were coming
down to Settle a Town and plant this Spring on the North
Side of Ogechee River within Sixteen Miles of the Peti
tioners Settlement which the Petitioners imagined would
be very Prejudicial and oblige them after a tiresome ex
pensive Journey to Remove out of the Province, That
the part where the Petitioners were Settled would be very
valuable could it be cultivated quietly, and would be soon
Peopled : But the Petitioners misfortunes had Occasioned
many Families on their Way thither to stop short, and
some others to Remove from thence, whereby they were
reduced to 25 or 30 Families, and no ways able to stand in
their defence but obliged to let the Indians do as they
thought fit, And Praying that their Miserable case might
be taken into Consideration and such Method speedily
fallen upon for their Relief as should be thought most
' Petition of
the Inhabi
tants of
Brier Creek
- ing of white
SellingRum to the
Read also a Petition of the Inhabitants of Briar Creek
setting forth that the Petitioners Laboured under many
Inconveniences on Account of some Persons dealing with
. and Selling Rum to the Indians in those Settlements That
in the beginning of February 1757 Mr John Fitch came
thither with Goods to trade with the Indians and some
of them got Rum from him which made them almost
Drunk and a Parcel of them went the same day to the
House of John Cochlin and there got more Rum until!
some of them were quite Drunk and became very trouble
some to the Neighbours, taking away what they Pleased
out of the Houses, frightning the Women and Children,
Snapping their Guns and Outrageously threatening. That
Andrew Nowland, Michael Stuart and one Kerry were
also Supposed to carry on a Clandestine Trade with the
Indians at Ogechee in Defiance of the Laws; The In
dians themselves telling several People that they had
and Goods from Those Men, That by such Practices the In
dians were in the Settlements killing of Cattle and Steal
ing of Horses to the great Detriment of the Settlers which
must compel them to remove to some other Province un
less a Speedy Stop was put to such Practices, All which
the Petitioners humbly Submitted to his Honours Con
sideration Praying Redress — ¦
Ordered — That the further Consideration of the
[Instant— j t^^ ^^
ItotheT/th I said Petition be Postponed untill Thursday the 14th of this
GEORGIA At a Council held in the Council Cham
ber at Savannah on Thursday ye fourteenth
Day of April 1757
His Plonour Henry Ellis Esquire
Sir Patrick Houstoun "^
James Habersham It?™
Francis Harris ( bs(l
^ William Knox J
The Honble
(Minutes 1 The Minutes of the Preceeding Board were Read and
i App^ed j approved.
APRIL, 1757-
His Honour
the further
Consideration of the
. Petitions
And in
formed the
Board that
he had ap
pointed some Chie-
asaw In
dians to
meet him in
the Council
. Chamber
The Indians
attend ac
cordinglywith Bynon
their Inter
preter, tell
the Govt.
they came
to see him &
asked for
some Pow-
L der & Ball
f Bynon not
by his Hon
our to in
terpret, the
Messengersent for the
usual inter
His Honour acquainted The Board that the Reason of
his calling them together was to take into further Consid
eration the Petition of the Inhabitants of Bryar Creek and
Ogechee laid before this Board at the last Meeting ; which
his Honour Noticed were corroberated by three Affidavits
which he laid before them.
Also that some Chicasaw Indians were in Town and
desired to have a Friendly Talk, and that to Add to the
Solemnity, he had appointed to meet them in the Council
Chamber. Accordingly the Indians attended, five Men in Number
with Lewis Bynon their Interpreter, when his Honour ac
quainted Bynon that he was charged with Mai-Practices
in Regard to those Indians therefore could not Admit him
for Interpreter and ordered the Messenger to go for the
Usual Interpreter, And then Addressing himself to an
Indian called Dick, who his Honour was informed could
talk English, told him that he was very glad to see them,
That the Chicasaws had always been Steady Friends to
the English, but he had been told some White Men had
Perswaded them to come down, and he took it very ill
that any White Man should interfere between him and his
Friends the Chicasaws. — To which the said Indian an
swered that no Person had perswaded them down, That
they came Purposely to see the Governour, and to ask for
a little Powder and Ball, and the Head Man called the
Doctor, also said that they were very Poor, had come a
great way, and wanted Blankets to Sleep on.
His Honour
Promises to
buy them a
few Pres
ents and
that when
the Pres
ents came
from Eng
land they
should re-
. ceive more
His Honour told them that we were also poor, but that
he would buy them a little Powder and Ball, — That he
soon expected to have some Presents ¦ from the great
King, and when they arrived, he would acquaint them and
the rest of our Friend Indians of it, that they might re
ceive them.
The Mes
senger re
turns; the
Interpreternot to be
found; then
[ His Honour
! Asked the
1 Indians
[ Questions
The Messenger being returned, acquainted his Honour,
that the Interpreter was not to be found, Whereupon the
said Lewis Bynon was ordered to be sworn as Such.
His' Honour then asked whether the Indians could give
him any account of the French Indians? — They An
swered No.
He then Asked whether there was not to be soon a
Meeting of Creek, Cherokee and Chicasaw Indians at the
Chicasaw Town, he having heard such a Report? — The
Indians answered that if they came, they came, for they
knew nothing of it.
His Honour
tells the
Indiansthat he had
received complaints
of their
killing the
White-Men's Horses and
The Indians
that their
Young Men
haved wch
they would
to prevent
The Governour then told them, that he had received
complaints of the Indians killing and Stealing the White
Peoples Cattle and Horses about Brier Creek and Oge
chee, and of their frightning and threatning the Inhab
itants of those Settlements, and that while the White
People behaved well to them, he expected the Indians
should do the same. And if the White People misbe
haved his Honour desired he might be acquainted with it,
and he would take Care they should be Punished. Their
Answer was, that their Young People sometimes were
Mad with Liquor and Misbehaved, which they would en
deavour to Prevent for the Future.
The Gov
ernour ap
points the
Indians to
come to his
House to
Morrow at
four o'
clock in the
afternoon Petitions of
the Inhabi
tants of
Brier Creek
and Oge
chee fur
ther Con
sidered ; the
Persons ap
pearing on
behalf of
the Peti
tioners call- ,
The Governour told them to come to his House at four
of the Clock to Morrow Afternoon and he would give
them the few Presents he could Procure for them. Then,
after the usual Compliments at parting, they withdrew
appearing well Satisfied.
The Board then Proceeded to take into further Consid
eration the Petitions of the Inhabitants of Brier Creek
and Ogechee, and James Huston and David Emanuel on
the Behalf of the Petitioners, and Mr John Fitch and the
APRIL, 1757-
ed in, as
also Messrs.
Fitch &
Bynon two
of the Per
sons com-
. plained of
f Bynon's
I AnswerExcusing
L himself
said Lewis Bynon two of the Persons complained of, at
tending, were Severally called in.
Then his Honour informed the said Lewis Bynon that,
he was charged on Oath with having been an Instrument
in raising the Disturbances mentioned in the said Peti
tions by carrying Rum amongst the Indians, and also by
taking an Hatchet from them.
To which the said Bynon replied that he had not Sold
| them nor any other Indians any Rum or other Goods for
J two Years past, except the Hatchet above mentioned ;
That it was true he took the Hatchet from one of them,
not having been paid for it.
His Honour '
also ac
quaintedMr. Fitch
of the
pleads a
Permit ;
from the
late Gov
. Reynolds
' His Hon
our's Reply
thereon and
Reprimand to them
Then His Honour told Mr Fitch that the same Com
plaint was made of him. — ¦ He replied that he formerly
dealt with the Chicasaws Indians who had contracted
Debts with him, and that to enable him to collect in these
Debts the late Governor gave him a Permit to trade with
these Indians in any part of the Province : that he had
Sold them a little Rum in the Woods, which was also
Practised by the Traders at Augusta, and he thought that
in Vertue of his Permit he had a better Right than They.
His Honour then told them that Selling Rum any where
to the Indians, but more especially in the Woods, had been
found of the most pernicious Consequences and contrary
to the Licences of the Traders as was also the Suffering
of them to run in Debt. That as to general Licences to
Trade with Indians he could not suffer any such and
cautioned Mr Fitch against making any further use there
of, sharply reprehending him for his past Conduct, and
gave both him and the said Lewis Bynon to understand,
that if he heard any more Complaints of the like Nature
against them He would give immediate Orders for their
being Prosecuted with the utmost Rigour upon the Act
made for maintaining Peace with the Indians, wherein
His Honour
expressedhis Concern
to the Peti
tioners for
their hav
ing been so
injured, as
suring them it
should be
his study to
Prevent such indi
rect Prac
tices in fu
ture, and to
render the
Peace of
their Set
tlement Secure
f The Peti-
J tioners re-
1 turn
[ Thanks.
heavy Penalties to be recover'd against Such Aggres-
Then his Honour directed his discourse to the Peti
tioners Present expressed his Concern for their having
been so disturbed an Injured and acquainted them that he
should soon fall on a Measure to put the Trade with those
Indians on a Footing whereby those Indirect Practices
should be Prevented in Future, And the Peace of their
Settlements rendered more Secure. Whereupon the said
James Hutson and David Emanuel on behalf of the Peti
tioners returned his Honour their Thanks ; and all Parties
were Ordered to withdraw.
Read a Petition of the said James Hutson setting forth
that he had a Wife four Children and one Indented Serv
ant, that he had been settled near two Years in this Prov
ince on Lands lying to the South Side of Brier Creek of
which the Petitioner had Cultivated about fifteen Acres,
That he Petitioned on the 5th Day of March 1756 did pe
tition for Four hundred Acres of Land at the aforesaid
Place, which Petition was postponed And Praying that
the said four hundred Acres of Land Situate on Walnut
Branch on the said South Side of Brier Creek might be
granted unto him.
RESOLVED — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this date And that he doth Also reg
ister the said Grant in the Registers Office of this Prov
ince, within Six Months from the Date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents, Then
the Prayer of the said Petition is granted
Read a Petition of the said David Emanuel settins
I Petition of
foTlST1 [ forth that he had set clown on Lands on the South Side of
LaCnT°f J Brier Creek nigh two years and had Cultivated Several
APRIL, 1757.
read and
Acres but had had no Opportunity hitherto of Petitioning
for the same, And Praying that two hundred Acres on the
South Side of Brier Creek joining the said James Hut-
sons Land might be granted unto him.
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this Date And that he doth Also Reg
ister the said Grant in the Registers Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the Date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents Then
the Prayer of the said Petition is granted.
At a Council held in the Council Cham
ber at Savannah on Wednesday the 20"
of April 1757.
His Honour Henry Ellis Esquire
' James Habersham
Jonathan Bryan
James Edwa Powell
William Knox
The Honb
f Minutes "}
A read & >-
(.approved j approved.
The Minutes of the Preceeding Board were Read and
His Honour
Postpones his Jour
ney to the
Southwd. Parts of
this Prov
ince on
Accot. of
some Creek
Indians be
ing come
down His Hon
ours In
to the
Board in
Case of
EmergentBusiness in
his absence .
Ordered to I
be entered j
His Honour informed the Board that he Purposed set
ting out to Morrow on a Visit to the Southern Parts* of
the Province, but there being some Indians come to Town
he should defer his Journey for a Day longer in Order to
have a Conference with them, — In case of any emergent
Business requiring the meeting of the Board in his Ab
sence, he had drawn up some written Instructions for
their Guidance, Of which he then Produced a Copy and
the same were Ordered to be entered.
"By the Honorable Henry Ellis Esq1"
"Lieutenant Governor and Commander
"in and over the Province of Georgia."
"WhEREas I find it Necessary to Visit'the Southern
"Parts of this Province for Purposes of a Public Nature,
"and being unwilling that any Inconvenience should arise
"from my absence, I have thought proper to Leave the
"following Instruction for the Senior Councellor in Town,
"when any Emergency shall happen, wherein the Delib
erations or Resolutions of the Council may be requisite."
"You are hereby authorized to Assemble the Council
"and resolve upon and Execute such Measures as the
"Exigence may require, but no Resolution shall be Valid
"without the Concurrence of three of the Council at
"least, and the Resolutions so taken shall be considered
"as temporary ones and are to operate only during my
"absence. — ¦ If the Emergency is Such that any military
"Movements are Necessary, prior to such movements, a
"Council of War shall be called composed of the Members
"of the Council, the Field Officers of the Militia and the
"Captains of the Rangers, where the Subject is to be de-
"bated anew, and the Opinion of the Majority is to deter-
"mine the Point in Question as to the Particular Manner
"in which the Troops or Militia may be employed. And
"whatever Circumstance occasion this Convention or any
"other material matter that Occurs on Account thereof is
"immediately to be transmitted to me by the most Speedy
"Conveyance." "I have Ordered any Letters directed to me on his
"Majesty's Service to be opened and if they should be
"found to contain any matter of Consequence the same
"I have Ordered to be laid before the Council and I desire
"that a Copy thereof may likewise be conveyed to me if
"the Council shall think it of a Sufficient Importance."
APRIL, 1757.
"And I hereby direct that all such Business as usually
"comes before me in Council, if it is not of such a Nature
"as requires immediate deliberation and Decision may be
"Postponed untill my return"
"Given under my Hand this twentieth Day of
"April 1757 at Savannah"
"Henry Eeus'
"To Sir Patrick Houstoun
"or the Eldest Councellor
"as before mentioned"
'Messenger to acquaint
the Indians
that his
Honr. will
see them to
Morrow Morning in the
. Chamber
His Honour
Proposesthat the
Public Ac
counts be
examd. by
some of the
(. Council
Ordered — That the Messenger of this Board do in
form the Indians that his Honour has appointed to Mor
row Morning Eleven O'Clock for a Conference with them
in the Council Chamber
Then his Honour Proposed that some of the Gentle
men of the Council should be appointed to inspect and
examine the Public Accounts in Order for their being
ready to be laid before him in Council on his return
from the Southern parts of the Province.
And the same being considered.
JamesHaber sham,
Edwd Pow
ell, and
Esqrs. ap
pointed and
James Habersham, James Edward Powell and William
Knox Esqrs were accordingly appointed and agreed to
meet at the Council Chamber for that Purpose on Mon
day the 25th Day of this Instant April at Ten O'Clock in
the Forenoon.
Ordered — That the Several Public Accounts be re-
fered to those Gentlemen.
85 c r— vol 7
GEORGIA At a Council held in the Council Cham
ber on Thursday the 21st Day of April 1757.
His Honour Henry Ellis Esquire
Sir Patrick Houstoun Bar'
James Habersham
The Honble \ Francis Harris \ Esqr'
Jonathan Bryan
William Knox
(TheMm- ] The Minutes of the Preceeding Board were read and
J utes read I
1 and ap- [ approved
L proved J
His Honour
the Gover
nor meets
24 Indians
has a Talk
with them
and gives
them a few
The Indians mentioned in a Minute of the Preceeding
Day in Number twenty four (Men Women and Children)
attended. His Honour told them he was glad to see them
and asked whether they had any Particular Talk to de
liver him. — ¦ The Indians said they had no Particular
Talk having been from the Nation a long while That they
were lower Creeks and belonged to the Cussetaw Town.
That they heard of the Governours Arrival and came to
see him — His Honour told them he was Sorry he had no
Presents to give them, that as they had come to see him
he would buy them a little Powder and Ball — that the
late Governor had given away all the Presents but that he
hoped soon to have more from the King his Master, and
then they should have a Share of them, withal desiring
that the Chain of Friendship might be continued bright
and the Path strait between them and us. Then his Hon
our mentioned to them the great Injuries the French had
done and were daily doing us, And told the Indians if
they would go out to War against the French he would
give them a reward for every Scalp they brought to the
Value of Eight Pound of Leather, and to the Value of
Sixteen Pound of Leather for every Prisoner they should
That the English were
take alive and bring to him.
MAY, 1757.
Warriors but did not delight in Blood, and had rather
Pay for Prisoners then Scalps — His Honour also Asked
the Indians about the Conference said to be intended be
tween the Creeks Chicasaws Cherokees &ca at the Chica
saw Town but they answered that they knew nothing of
it — Then he ordered them to come to his House at four
O'Clock in the Afternoon to receive the few Presents he
could Procure them, And Also Ordered that the Commis
sary should Provide them with some Provisions and
GEORGIA At a Council held in the Council Cham
ber at Savannah on Monday the second Day
of May 1757. Present
His Honour Henry Ellis Esquire
{ Sir Patrick Houstoun Baro*
James Habersham
Francis Harris
Jonathan Bryan \ Esqri
James Edwa Powell
William Knox
The Honble
His Honour
acquaints the Board
with a Talk
he had
with Ed
mund Gray
(in his
Journey to
the South
ward) re
spectingthe Span
iards and
the Indian
The Minutes of the Preceeding Board were read and
approved His Honour acquainted the Board that in his Journey
to the Southern parts of this Province he had met with
one Edmund Gray with whom he had a Conference and
found that he and many other Families were Settled to
the Southward of the River Alatamaha; That the said
Gray told him that he was concerned with one Alexander
in Trading with the Creek Indians who frequented those
parts, which Trade had not been inconsiderable — That
the Governour of Augustin some time since had sent a
Message to them to remove off those Lands under Pre
tence of their being the Property of the King of Spain,
which the Indians having been made acquainted with,
they gave the said Governour to understand that they
would not Suffer the English to be disturbed: Where
upon the said Governour (by one Fish a Merchant in Au
gustin) invited the said Alexander to Settle an Indian
Trading House on the North side of the River S' John's
under the Spanish Protection, and that he should be well
Supplied with Goods for that Purpose, The said Grey
remarked that a Trading House being Settled there under
the Protection of the Spanish Government would seem
like a Tacit acknowledgement of their Right to the Lands
and therefore requested his Honour to give them a Li
cence to trade there
His Plonour hereupon observed to the Board that he
had very Seriously considered the aforesaid Request and
was apprehensive that the Trade being Settled so near
the Spaniards would give them the most favourable Op
portunity of Practicing with the Indians and weakning
our Influence with them; And (as there was no prevent
ing their trading he conceived it a much more eligible
Measure could they be induced to Settle on the River S4
Mary opposite Fort William on Cumberland Island
Which he had intimated to them and they seemed willing
to Acquiesce in, and the said Alexander was now here
his Determination.
The Council taking the same into Consideration Unan-
ciufapp'r'o-' imously approved the Measure and of his Honours giv-
the'iaeas- r ing the said Alexander a Licence to trade with the Indians
ure Pro
posed J on the said River S' Mary
MAY, 1757.
His Honour
Communicates to the
Board an Ap
plication made to him
by one Wil
liam Moore
for a Commis
sion to head
about 40 Gun-
Men who
were willing
to go and as
sist the Chic
asaws In
dians in their
War against
the French
His Honour also acquainted the Board that one Wil
liam Moore had set forth to him that there were about
forty Gun Men in his Neighbourhood near Mount Pleas
ant who were willing under his Command (could he ob
tain a Commission for that Purpose) to go to the Assist
ance of our Friends the Chicasaws Indians in their War
against the French — • That they desired no Pay more than
the Booty they, might chance to take — His Honour said
that he had heard his Excellency Mr Lyttleton Governour
of South Carolina had given Commissions of the like Na
ture, and Supposed that the same being done in this Prov
ince might have a good Tendency, and desired the Opin
ion of the Council therein — ¦ Adding that he purposed
Previous to the doing it to write to Mr Lyttleton on the
The Councils
And the same being taken into Consideration the
Council were of Opinion that to Strengthen the Hands of
our few Steady Friends the. Chicasaws now at War with
the French was of the highest Importance, especially as
they are informed that the French had Influenced some
of the Choctaws and Cherokees to enter into a Combina
tion to extirpate Them : Approving also of his Honour's
consulting with the Governour of South Carolina that
such Measures might be mutually concerted as best Tend
ed to the Security of the whole
GEORGIA At a Council held in the Council Cham
ber at Savannah on Tuesday the 3d Day of
May 1757.
His Honour Henry Ellis Esqr
Sir Patrick Houstoun Baro'
James Habersham
Francis Harris
Jonathan Bryan y Esqri
James Edwa Powell
William Knox
The HonbIe
, . , The Minutes of the Preceeding Board were Read and
( Minutes | °
lK I Approved
Read a Petition of Edward McGuire setting forth that
r Petition of ] Two hundred and fifty Acres of Land had been granted
EdwdMc- . , y . , . _ r
Guire for V unto him, the greatest part of which as well m Respect ot
j t-ou Acres 01
[Land J Quality as Quantity had been since Run out for Thomas
Carter, That the Petitioner had a Wife and two Negroes
in the Province, And Praying for Leave to resign the Re
maining Part of the said Tract And to have granted him
two hundred and Fifty Acres of Land on the North Side
of Midway joining Lands of Richard Hazzard on the
East, which if granted he promised to Cultivate.
Resolved — That, on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land, Within
Seven Months from this Date, and that he doth also Reg
ister the said Grant in the Registers Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the date thereof, that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents, Then
the Prayer of the said Petition is granted.
MAY, 1757.
Read a Petition of Philip Box (Postponed at a Board
of 5th April last for further Consideration) Setting forth
that he was desirous of improving a Lot in the Town of
Hardwicke on great Ogechee, And Praying for Lot Num
ber 72 in the said Town.
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take Out a Grant for the said Lot within
Seven Months from this Date And that he doth Also Reg
ister the said Grant in the Register's Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the Date Thereof that his
Majesty may not be Defrauded of his Quit Rents, Then
the Prayer of the said Petition is granted*
Read a Petition of John Baker setting forth that he
johrf Baker I was an Inhabitant of this Province and desirous of Ob-
for 100
Acres of
Land read J
| taining a Grant of Lands therein And Praying for One
hundred Acres of Land at North Newport lying between
Lands of William Low and James Pritchard being the
remaining part of a Tract heretofore granted Edward
McGuire which if granted he Promised to Cultivate.
RESOEVEd — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this Date And that he doth Also
Register the said Grant in the Register's Office of this
Province within Six Months from the date thereof that
his Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents Then
the Prayer of the said Petition is granted.
' Petition of 1
Motts for
50 Acres of
read and
Read a Petition of George Motts setting forth that he
had been Settled in this Province Four Years having a
Wife and one Child and no Grant of Lands therein, and
Praying for fifty Acres of Land at Hampsted joining
Lands of Michael Burghalter which if granted he Prom
ised to Cultivate.
Ordered — That the Consideration of the said Peti-
Postponed tjon ke Postponed 'till the Board be informed by the Sur
veyers Gen1 whether the Land Prayed for be Vacant
Read a Petition of William Graves setting forth that
r Petition of i he was in Possession of One thousand three hundred
] Graves for \ Acres of Land in this Province, and having a Family con-
200 Acres of ° J
[ Land J sisting of 3 Wife a Child and Twenty Eight Negroes, was
desirous of Obtaining a further grant of Lands And
Read Praying for two hundred Acres at Newport lying North
of Lands granted Benjamin Andrews.
and Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti-
. Granted — tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this Date And that he doth Also Reg
ister the said Grant in the Register's Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the Date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents Then
the Prayer of the said Petition is granted.
Read a Petition of William Stedman setting forth that
wuimSted- 1 he had been Settled in this Province for three Years and
Ac"es of i was desirous to Obtain a Grant for Land to Cultivate And
l Land read J Praying for two Lots on Skidoway Island known by
Number 13 & 14 joining to Lands of William Becket and
containing One hundred Acres which if Granted he Prom
ised to improve
Resolved— That, on Condition only, that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this Date, and that he doth Also Reg
ister the said Grant in the Register's Office of this Prov
ince, within Six Months from the Date thereof, that his
Majesty may not be Defrauded of his Quit Rents, Then,
the Prayer of the said Petition is granted.
MAY, 1757.
[Petition of
Shef tall for
350 Acres of
I Land read
Read a Petition of Benjamin Sheftall setting forth that
he had been an Inhabitant of this Province upwards of
Twenty Years having a Wife two Children and two Ne
groes was desirous of Obtaining a Grant of Lands for
Cultivation and Prayingfor three Hundred and fifty Acres
of Land lying between Lands granted David Douglass
and other Lands granted John Todd between the Rivers
New Port and Sappela which if granted he Promised to.
200 Acres
Petition of
John Far
mer for a
Lot in
Hardwicke Read and
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this Date, And that he doth Also
Register the said Grant in the Registers Office of this
Province within Six Months from the Date thereof that
his Majesty may not be Defrauded of his Quit-Rents,
Then part of the Prayer of the said Petition namely two
hundred Acres of Land is granted.
Read a Petition of George Knapp, setting forth that he
had been an Inhabitant of this Province four Years and
Upwards, having a Wife and two Children, and was de-
sirious of Obtaining a Grant of Lands for Cultivation not
being Possessed of any in the Province, And Praying for
one hundred and fifty Acres of Land at Hamsted near to,
or adjoining Lands of Michael Burghalter, which, if
granted, he Promised to Cultivate And improve the same
Ordered — That the Consideration of the Petition be
postponed 'till the Board be informed by the Surveyors
Gen1 whether the Land Prayed for be Vacant.
Read a Petition of John Farmer Praying for a Lot in
the Town of Hardwicke on great Ogechee Number 207.
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Lot within Seven
Months from the Date hereof And That he doth Also
Register the said Grant in the Register's Office of this
Province within Six Months of the Date thereof, Then
the Prayer of the said Petition is granted.
Read a Petition of John Barnes setting forth that he
was Settled in this Province, and was Desirous of obtain
ing a Grant of Lands, And Praying for One hundred
Acres of Land between great Ogechee and Midway Riv
ers joining the South Corner of the late Governour Rey
nolds Lands and bounded East by the said Land
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti-
Granted. tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months of this Date And that he doth Also Reg
ister the said Grant in the Registers Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the Date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents, Then
the Prayer of the said Petition is granted.
{Petition of
John Pri-
mut for 300
Acres of
Land read
Read a Petition of John Primut setting forth that he
was an Inhabitant of the said Province, having a Wife
and three Children and was desirous of Obtaining a Grant
of Land for Cultivation, And Praying for three hundred
Acres of Land butting and bounding upon the North Side
of great Ogechee River joining the Upper Side Line of
Land Granted Mr Rutherford which if granted he Prom
ised to Cultivate
f 150 Acres
I Granted
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner cloth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this Date And that he cloth Also Reg
ister the said Grant in the Registers Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the Date thereof, Then part
of the Prayer of the said Petition namely One hundred
and Fifty Acres of Land is granted him.
MAY, 1757.
Read a Petition of Robert Bolton setting forth that he
had been a Settler in this Province Eleven Years having
a Family consisting of a Wife five Children and One Ne
groe, and was desirous of Obtaining a Grant of Lands
being in Possession of only One hundred and Fifty Acres
of Land and that intirely unfit for Cultivation, One hun
dred Acres of which he was desirous to resign And Pray
ing for four hundred and fifty Acres of Land on great
Ogechee joining Thomas Butler's Son's Land on the
North- West Side which if granted he Promised to im
prove. Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this Date And that he doth Also Reg
ister the said Grantdn the Registers Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the Date thereof, that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents, Then
the Prayer of the said Petition is granted.
Read a Petition of Samuel Piles setting forth that he
(slSuei10* 1 was settled in this Province having a Wife two Children
1 Acresf of300 [ and one Negroe and was desirous of obtaining a Grant
of Lands And Praying for three hundred Acres of Land
at a Place called Cedar Point on the South Side of Sap-
pala River near or adjoining to Lands granted William
Read and Clark
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this Date, And that he doth Also
Register the said Grant in the Registers Office of this
Province within Six Months from the Date thereof that
his Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents,
Then the Prayer of the said Petition namely two hundred.
Acres of Land is granted; The Petitioner having first
Sworn to the Number of his Family
Read and
Read and
Granted,the Peti
tioner hav
ing first
Sworn to
the Num
ber of his
Read a Petition of Michael Germain Praying for a Lot
Number 177 in the Town of Hardwicke on great Oge
chee. Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Lot within
Seven Months from this Date, And that he doth Also
Register the said Grant in the Registers Office of this
Province within Six Months from the Date thereof, Then
the Prayer of the said Petition is granted
Read a Petition of Nathaniel Miller setting forth that
he was set down on Land in the Province for three Years
Past, and had under Cultivation thirty Acres, but by rea
son of the Distance from Savannah had not had an Op
portunity tb Petition for a Grant thereof — • That he had
four Negroes on the said Land and was desirous of Ob
taining a Grant And Praying for three hundred Acres of
Land about Eight Miles above the Fork of Brier Creek
being the Place he was Settled on, having vacant Land
on all Sides, which if granted he engaged to improve.
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this Date, And that he doth Also
Register the said Grant in the Register's Office of this
Province within Six Months from the Date thereof that
his Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit-Rents,
Then the Prayer of the said Petition is granted ; The Pe
titioner having first Sworn to the Number of his family.
Read a Petition of Francis Blake setting forth that he
Frans°n ° had been a Settler in this Province two Years, having' a
Blake for r
kooAcresof Family consisting of a Wife, a Child and four Negroes,
l Land read J and was desirous of obtaining a Grant of Lands therein,
And Praying for two hundred Acres of Land upon New-
and Port River, on the South Side of an Island called Ber
MAY, 1757.
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said- Land within
Seven Months from this Date And that he doth Also
Register the said Grant in the Registers Office of this
Province within Six Months from the Date thereof that
his Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit-Rents,
Then the Prayer of the said Petition is granted.
Petition of
WilliamSarcer for
an Island
contg 50
Acres of
.Land Read and
Read a Petition of William Sarcer setting forth that
he was Settled on a Small Island called Burnt-Pot and
¦ had made some Improvements thereon, And Praying for
a Grant for the same containing about fifty Acres.
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this Date, And that he doth Also
Register the said Grant in the Register's Office of this
Province within Six Months of the date thereof, that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of Quit Rents, Then the
Prayer of the said Petition is granted.
Petition of
GasperBetz for
two Hun
dred Acres
of Land
Read a Petition of Gasper Betz setting forth that he
had been an Inhabitant of this Province some Years last
past having a Wife and one Child, and was desirous of
Obtaining a Grant of Lands, And Praying for two Hun
dred Acres of Land on little Tybee Island joining Lands
granted Nathaniel Holland which if granted he Promised
to Cultivate.
Also Read a Petition of Michael Betz Praying for One
[Mlchleiof ] hundred and fifty Acres of Land on the same Island ad-
I llrel of100 [ joining Lands petitioned by Gasper Betz
I Land read J
Ordered — That the Consideration of both the said
Petitions be Postponed untill Mr Patrick Mackay has run
out the Land granted him on the said Island.
Read a Petition of John Fox Praying for a Lot Num
ber 8 in the Town of Hardwicke on great Ogechee.
Ordered —
That the Prayer of the said Petition be
' Grantedthe Petitioner
having first
Sworn to
the Num
ber of his
. Family
Read a Petition of Samuel Jordan Setting forth that
he was an Inhabitant of this Province having a Son and
three Negroes and was desirous of Obtaining a Grant of
Lands, And Praying for One hundred Acres of Land at a
Place called Rooty Branch adjoining Lands granted John
That on Condition only that the Peti-
f Petition of
i Wemyssfor
I a Lot in
I Hardwicke Read and
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
¦ Seven Months of this Date, and that he doth Also Reg
ister the said Grant in the Registers Office of this Prov
ince, within Six Months of the Date thereof, that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents, Then
the Prayer of the said Petition is granted ; The Petitioner
having first Sworn to the Number of his Family
-Read a Petition of James Wemyss Praying for Lot
Number 307 in the Town of Hardwicke on great Oge
chee. Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Lot within
Seven Months of this Date, And that he doth Also Reg
ister the said Grant in the Register's Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the Date thereof that his
Majesty may not 'be Defrauded of his Quit-Rents, Then
the Prayer of the said Petition is granted
Read a Petition of Robert Carlile and John Hopkins
setting forth that the said Carlisle on the 5th Day of April
. last Obtained a Grant for One hundred Acres of Land
within three or four Miles of Mount Pleasant which
( Petition of
Robert Car
lisle and
John Hop
kins con-
cerng. 100
Acres of
lLand read / Lands he afterwards found were Settled by the said Hop
MAY, 1757.
i Petition of
David Hies-
ler for 200
Acres of
Land read
kins who had made some Improvements thereon which at
the Time of Petitioning the said Carlile knew nothing of
And Praying that the said One hundred Acres of Land
might be granted to the said John Hopkins and that the
said Carlile might be Permitted to Apply for the like
Quantity elsewhere, And the said John Hopkins also Pray
ing for a Grant of the aforesaid One hundred Acres so
resigned in his favour which he Promised to Cultivate and
reside with his Family in the Province three Years.
Resolved— That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months of this Date and that he doth Also Reg
ister the said Grant in the Register's Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the Date thereof that his
Majesty may not be Defrauded of his Quit Rents Then
the Prayer of the said Petition is granted.
Read a Petition of David Hiesler setting forth that he
was an Inhabitant of this Province and had already fifty
Acres of Land therein but was desirous of a further Grant
having a Wife and four Children, And Praying for four
Lots in Highgate known by Number i, 2 : 3. and 12 con
taining together two hundred Acres.
Ordered — That the Consideration of. the said Peti
tion be Postponed 'till the Board be informed by the Sur
veyers Gen1 whether the Lands Prayed for be Vacant.
Read a Petition of David Fox Praying for Lot 295 in
the Town of Hardwicke on great Ogechee.
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Lot within
Seven Months of this Date And that he doth Also Reg
ister the said Grant in the Registers Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the Date thereof, Then the
Prayer of the said Petition is granted
' Petition of
ClemantMartin and
Edmd Tan
natt Esqr.
on behalf
of John
Hamm for
a New
Read a Petition of Clement Martin and Edmund Tan
natt Esqrs Attornies for Mr John Hamm late of this Prov
ince Setting forth that five hundred Acres of Land Situ-
¦ ated South West of Lands Possessed by John Ross and
North West of Lands Possessed by the Germans on
Black-Creek was granted to the said John Hamm on the
sixth Day of August 1754. And a Warrant for running
out the same was delivered to the former Surveyor
Thomas Ellis deceased and by him lost or mislaid so that
the lands were not Surveyed. And on behalf of the said
John Hamm Praying that a new Warrant might be made
out for that Purpose.
Resolved — That the Prayer of the said Petition
be granted and that the Surveyors gen1 be ordered to give
a New Warrant and direct the Survey as Prayed for.
Read a Petition of Mordecai Sheftall setting forth that
MOTderai"1 1 ^e was m Possession of two fifty Acre Lots in Vernon
Shef tal to
have two 50
I Acre Lots
included in
I one Grant
I read
burgh adjoining each other the one by Purchase and the
other by Grant of the late Governour in Council and
Praying that both the Lots might be included in One
Grant to be taken out for the same
Resolved — That the Prayer of the said Petition be
granted and that the Secretary be Ordered to include the
said Lots in One Grant as Prayed for
Read a Petition of George Tew Praying for Lot Num
ber 170 in the Town of Hardwicke on great Ogechee.
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Lot within
Seven Months from this Date, and that he doth Also Reg
ister the said Grant in the Register's Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the Date thereof that his
Majesty may not be Defrauded of his Quit Rents, Then
the Prayer of the said Petition is granted.
MAY, 1757.
Read a Petition of John Graves setting forth that he
petition of | was jn possession 0f Five hundred Acres of Land, but
SoaAcras°of [ having fifteen Persons in Family he hoped to be favoured
with an Additional Tract which if granted he Promised to
Cultivate And Praying for three hundred Acres of Land
on Midway lying North East of Lands granted William
and Low.
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti-
Granted tioner. doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this Date And that he doth Also
Register the said Grant in the Register's Office of this
Province within Six Months from the Date thereof that
his Majesty may not be Defrauded of his Quit-Rents
Then the Prayer of the said Petition is granted, the Peti
tioner having first Sworn to the Number of his Family
Read a Petition of John Prethere setting forth that on
the 5th Day of August 1755 he had granted him 300 Acres
of Land at a Place called Long Bluff on Savannah River
and obtained a Warrant for running Out the same, but by
unavoidable Accidents was Prevented doing it while the
Warrant was in force, That on Application to the Gov
ernor in Council on the seventh Day of December 1756
the Petitioner had his Warrant renewed for three Months
which time was expired without his having been able to
get the said Land Surveyed occasioned by the high
Freshes of the River that overflowed the said Land And
Praying for a renewal of his Warrant for the further
term of three Months that a Survey thereof might be
Resolved — That the Prayer of the said Petition be
Granted granted and that the Surveyors Gen1 be Ordered to give
a new Precept and direct the Survey as Prayed for.
36 c r— vol 7)
f Petition of
j John Gold-
} wire for a
1 Lot in
I Hardwicke
[read and
{Petition of
Hugh Ross
for a Lot in
Hardwickeread and
Read a Petition of Henry Bourquin setting forth that
he was Possessed of One thousand Acres of Land in this
Province and having a Family consisting of a Wife five
Children and twenty eight Negroes was desirous of ob
taining an Additional Grant And Praying for Five hun
dred Acres of Land Situated on the South Side of Sap-
pala River adjoining Lands once granted Robert Johnson
Resolved — ¦ That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this Date, And that he Doth Also
Register the said Grant in the Registers Office of this
Province within Six Months from the Date thereof that
his Majesty may not be Defrauded of his Quit Rents,
Then the Prayer of the said Petition is granted.
Read a Petition of John Goldwire Praying for Lot
Number 274 in the Town of Hardwicke on great Oge
chee Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Lot within
Seven Months from this Date, And that he doth Also
Register the said Grant in the Register's Office of this
Province within Six Months from the Date thereof that
his Majesty may not be Defrauded of his Quit Rents
Then the Prayer of the said Petition is granted
Read a Petition of Hugh Ross Praying for Lot Num
ber 156 in the Town of Hardwicke on great Ogechee.
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Lot within
Seven Months from this Date, And that he doth Also
Register the said Grant in the Register's Office of this
Province within Six Months from the Date thereof that
his Majesty may not be Defrauded of his Quit Rents
Then the Prayer of the said Petition is granted
MAY, 1757.
' Petition of
John Gra
ham to re
new his
Read a Petition of John Graham setting forth that on
the Seventh Day of May 1756 five hundred Acres of Land
adjoining the Westermost Line of William Butler Junr
called Boggy Branch was granted the Petitioner, and that
the Warrant for running out the same had miscarried in
sending to the Deputy Surveyor And Praying a renewal
of his said Warrant for the term of six Months that a
Survey of the said Land might be made.
Resolved — That the Prayer of the said Petition be
granted, and that the Surveyors General be Ordered to
give a New Precept and direct the Survey as prayed for.
Five hun
dred Acres
of Land
and Bear
Island con
tainingtwentyAcresgranted his
Honour the
. Governour.
His Honour the Governour moved that part of an
Island about half a Mile below the Town of Hardwicke
bounded North on great Ogechee River, West on Samuel
New containing with the Marsh adjoining to the East and
West about Five hundred Acres And Also that a Small
Island containing about twenty Acres bounded by a
Branch of Ogechee River leading to S' Catharine's known
by the Name of Bear Island, might be granted unto him.
Resolved — That the said Lands as above described
and set forth be granted to his Honour.
Then the Board Proceeded to examine the Claim of
Henry Bourquin to certain Lands, which was allowed,
and Grants ordered to be made out
GEORGIA At a Council held in the Council Cham
ber at Savannah on Wednesday the 1 Ith Day
of May 1757
His Honour Henry Ellis* Esquire
' James Habersham ^
Jonathan Bryan ! - r
James Edwd Powell f bsq '
v. William Knox J
The Honble {
fTheMin- 1 The Minutes of the Preceeding Board were read and
J utes read I
I and ap- f approved.
I. proved J His Honour acquainted the Board that he Purposed
His Honour ac- soon to remove into the House he had taken of Mr Clifton
quamts the
wants toinciose kut f°und h would be necessary Previously to extend the
terof LQAcre Pales of the Lot about a Quarter of an Acre in Order to
about°Mr. cia- furnish some Conveniences he required : That such an
wch. he had extension might seem to be an Encroachment (the House
he desired to bordering on what is called the Common of Savannah, )
pay an Annual °
ment°wIedse" ^s Honour ordered that an entry might be made of .his
requiring to do it only under an Annual acknowledge
ment, and that he would pay five Shillings yearly for such
Permission. To which the House agreed.
Then the Board Proceeded to examine the Claims of
|£Sdand] sundry Persons to Lands, which were allowed and dis-
1 deraedtsto°r" [ tinctly entered in a Book of Claims and Grants, for the
I pass J ^ , , -^
same were Ordered to Pass.
His Honour observing that there were a Number of
{evre?yyweek] Persons who had put in their Claims to Lands by Grants
NTeTamfn- from the late Trustees or Allotments from the late Presi-
luurchum. j dent and Assistants which yet lay unexamined: He ac
quainted the Board that he should set apart Friday in
every Week for that Business untill the whole of the
MAY, 1757.
Advertise ment order
ed to be
for Claim
ants to at
tend at that
Claims were gone through, And Accordingly the Clerk
was Ordered to Publish an Advertisement requiring all
' Persons concerned to give Attendance at that Time either
by themselves or their Attornies
GEORGIA At a Council held in the Council Cham
ber at Savannah on Friday the 13th Day of
May 1757.
His Honour Henry Ellis Esquire
" James Habersham "|
Jonathan Bryan I
James Edwa Powell f
William Knox J
The HonWe
The Clerk acquainted his Honour that he had Pub-
\ ment Pub- [ lished an Advertisement agreable to the Minute of the
( lished ) Preceeding Board.
Then the Board proceeded to examine the Claims of
claims Exam- sundry Persons to Lands, which Claims were allowed and
ined Distinctly entered in a Book of Claims, and Grants for
the same were Ordered to pass
GEORGIA At a Council held in the Council Cham
ber at Savannah on Wednesday the 18th of
May 1757. Present
His Honour Henry Ellis Esquire
(James Habersham |
James Edwa Powell J- Esq"
William Knox j
fTheMm- ) The Minutes of the two preceeding Boards were read
[ utes read I r a
I and ap- f and approved
I proved J rl
His Honour acquainted the Board that an Indian
His Honour] named Ellic (who had lived amongst us some Years) was
meets some ^ & y
come to Town with his Brother and some other Indians
Creek In
dians in the
CouncilChamberand has a
Talk with
from the Creek Nation, and desired to have a Talk with
him, and that he had appointed to meet them here : Ac
cordingly the said Ellic, his Brother and the rest of the In
dians attended; (twelve Men and Women) His Honour
received them in a most friendly manner, told them that
he hoped they had brought a good Talk and should be
glad to hear it. — Ellic answered that as for himself he
had been brought up amongst the White People from
his Youth, but that his Brother (named Will) with an
other Friend or two were come down from the Creek Na
tion, and at his Plantation, were enquiring about the
Governour of Georgia, and that he had brought them
down with him to see his Honour whose goodness he
hoped for to them That his Brother had brought a Talk
which he had heard in the Creek Nation. — ¦ "That the
"Cherokees were going to join the French and wanted
"the Creeks to do so likewise — That since the English
"had built a Fort in the Cherokee Country they were
"Jealous of our wanting to take away their Lands"
His Honour asked Ellic whether his Brother was Author
ised by the Headmen of the Nation to deliver this Talk
MAY, 1757. 567
or whether he mentioned it only as a thing he had, heard
there? — Ellic Replied, his Brother was not Deputed to
give any Talk. — His Honour then observed to the In
dians that there was no foundation for what had been
mentioned — ¦ That as to the Fort the English had built
in the Cherokee Country, the same had been 'done at the
particular Request of the Cherokees themselves for the
Security of their Women and Children (in the Absence
of the Men) and that the Cherokees many Years before
the Fort was built had Solicited the English to build
one. — • That it was true their was some little misunder
standing last Year between the English and Cherokees,
who had been treating with the French; but that the
Head Men had since been down in Charles Town, and
he had seen them there and heard the Talk they had with
Governour Lyttleton, and that the Chain of Friendship
was then made bright between them and us, and that the
Cherokees were so well satisfied that they had since sent
a hundred of their Warriors to assist us against the
French. — His Honour then told them that the Creeks
were always esteemed the Friends of Georgia and he
hoped, let what bad Talks so ever be given out, that they
would join no party to our Prejudice. — Ellic answered,
for his Brother, that it was the Disposition of the Creeks
themselves to join with none but the English, whom they
had always stood by. — His Honour then largely expa
tiated on the Cruelties of the French in all their proceed
ings — pointed out their late inhuman Attempt against
the Chicasaws, by barbarously endeavouring to insti
gate the Choctaw's and Cherokees to extirpate them —
which he Observed must proceed solely from their Thirst
after the Lands of the Indians. — That the great King
his Master, from whom he lately came expected that the
Creeks would join the English and assist to drive the
French farther back, who had already got a Rang of
Forts, and were daily making Encroachments and Steal
ing their Lands; and so soon as they should become
strong enough, they would treat the Creeks as they had
done Chicasaws. — That they had already began to make
Chains for our hands — That they were creeping upon
them like old Age, which they could not see, and that
they should exert themselves against them while they
were Young and Strong. — That what Lands we wanted
we bought of the Indians and honestly paid them for;
But the Policy of the French was to become Masters of
their Lands after barbarously murdering the Indian In
habitants; and their present Designs, were either en
tirely to cut them off, or reduce them and their Wives
and Children to a State of Slavery. — That the English
were People fond of Trade, and sent their Ships with
Cloathing and Merchandize into all Parts of the World,
- — That wherever they went their Study was to make
Mankind free and happy, and when they Talked their
Tongue and Heart were fast together — That the great
King also showed the Love he bore to the Indians by
sending them Presents, frequent and Friendly Talks, —
that his Honour expected Presents every Day from his
Majesty and Supposed the same were now on the great
Water, and as soon as they arrived he should let his
Friends the Creeks know of it and should give them a
Part of them — That the French also he knew, gave
Presents to the Indians ; but those Presents like the Rum
the Indians Drink, however sweet now, would make them
terribly sick in the End — That when the French held out
one Hand to them in Token of Friendship, could they
look into the other, they would see a Knife ready to cut
their Throats — That, the French delighted in Bloodshed,
and being Slaves themselves, were fond of enslaving oth
ers, notorious Enemies to Truth, and the Disturbers of
the World.
His Plonour then concluded that those Indians who
would go out to War against them should receive for
every Scalp they brought in a Reward to the Value of
MAY, 1757.
Eight Pound of Leather, .and for every Prisoner to the
Value of Sixteen Pound of Leather which last he had
much rather Pay, Altho' the English were known to be
Warriors it was likewise known they never took Pleasure
in Spilling human Blood.
f Ellic prom
ises that his
Brother on
his Return
to the Na
tion should
deliver his
HonoursTalk on
their Be-
. loved Day
Ellic answered that what his Honour had spoke was
very true and just — that he came down to hear a good
Talk, not for Presents and was not disappointed — That
his Brother would set off for the Nation again in a few
Days, and that there was a beloved Day approaching and
his Brother would then declare this Talk before all the
People that no one should say he did not hear it.
' Ellic ap
plies for the
Grant of a
Piece of
Land, but
not able
Sufficientlyto describe
Then the said Ellic applied for a Grant of a Piece of
Land or Small Island whereon he was settled, but he not
being able to describe it Satisfactorily to the Board, the
Consideration of it was postponed and Ellic told, if the
Lands vacant, or if the Proprietor of it could be induced
to accept of other Lands in Lieu thereof, that he should
have a Grant for it.
f Ellic and 1
J his Brother I ......
1 dine with [ With him
{ his Honour J
His Honour then invited Ellic and his Brother to dine
At a Council held in the Council Cham
ber at Savannah on Friday the 20th Day of
May 1757.
His Honour Henry Ellis Esquire
Sir Patrick Houstoun Baro4
James Habersham
The HonWe -J Jonathan Bryan
James Edwa Powell
William Knox
? Esqr'
Claims Ex
The Board proceeded to examine the Claims of sundry
Persons to Lands ; the Claims allowed, and distinctly en
tered in a Book of Claims, and Grants for the same were
Ordered to pass.
At a Council held in the Council Cham
ber at Savannah on Friday the 27th Day of
May 1757.
His Honour Henry Ellis Esquire
Sir Patrick Houstoun Baro*
James Habersham
The Honble -I Francis Harris ]¦ Esqr'
James Edwa Powell
William Knox
j Minutes
¦ read and
' approved
1 The Minutes of the two Preceeding Boards were Read
j and approved
MAY, 1757.
His Honour
lays before
the Board a
List of
Plans in the
Surveyors General Of
fice for
whichgrants long
Since ought
to have
been taken
out by the
. Claimants
fThe Board
approveshis Honors
Proposal —
¦ Genl. Or
dered to
Publishsuch an
His Honour acquainted the Board that he had received
from the Surveyers General a list of the Several Plans
of Land now laying in their Office, which, on Perusal,
he found amounted to twenty thousand Acres, and which
• long since should have been taken out and Grants passed
for the same; That the Surveyors-general had also in
formed him that Several Persons who had received their
Plans Out of the Office a considerable Time, had hitherto
neglected taking out Grants : His Honour hereupon ob
served that such Neglect in the Several Persons applying
for the said Lands was a bad Precedent, and might have
a Tendency to retard the Improvement of the Province,
and injure the Rights of the Crown, which was his Duty
to prevent; That many of the Plans he perceived, had
lain in the Office two Years and upwards, an Indulgence
the Claimants had no Right to expect as appears from
the Time limited for taking out Grants by his Majesty's
Instructions : Nevertheless to remedy the Evil and at
the same Time to remove all Ground for future Com
plaint his Honour proposed that an Advertisement should
be published by the Surveyors general incerting the
names of the Several Persons for whom such Plans had
been prepared, and were yet remaining in their Office,
informing them, and all Persons who were already pos
sessed of their Plans, that six Months further Time was
given them to take out their Grants, and in case of their
Non-Compliance, that his Honour could not, afterwards,
Sign grants to them for such Lands, but would be in
duced to regrant the same as vacant Lands to any other
Persons who should Petition for them and be approved of.
Which being taken into Consideration the Board
thought it expedient that the Surveyors general be Or
dered to Publish such an Advertisement.
Complaint of
Mr. James
Maxwell that
50 Acres of
Land former
ly John Kee-
lers and
which said
Maxwell had
purchased,had been ta
ken from him
by being run
into a Tract
of 500 Acres
granted Nathl. Way
The Board
of Opinion
that Mr. Max
well had
Right to the
sd. 50 Acres
standing Ways Grant
Mr James Maxwell representing to the Board that he
had some Time since purchased of one Keeler fifty Acres
of Land at Midway which had formerly been allotted and
set out to him by Warrant from the late President and
Assistants, Which said Land by some Indirect Practice
had since been included in a Tract of Five hundred Acres
granted Nathaniel Way.
The Board took the same under Consideration and
were Unanimously of Opinion that Mr Maxwell had an
equitable Right to the said Fifty Acres notwithstanding
the Grant to the said Nathaniel Way.
GEORGIA At a Council held in the Council Cham
ber at Savannah on Thursday the 2a Day of
June 1757. Present
His Honour Henry Ellis Esquire
James Habersham
Francis Harris
James Edwa Powell
William Knox
The HonbIe
His Honour
meetssome Creek
Indians in
Sundry Creek Indians, in their hunting, having heard
of his Honours late Arrival in this Province, came to
Town, and by his appointment this Day attended him
cha£bScil \ 'iere (upwards of twenty Men Women and Children)
Ta?khwith I His Honour received them kindly, told them that he soon
J expected Presents from the great King to be distributed
amongst all our friendly Indians, and the Creeks should
not want their Share of them — That soon after he re
ceived the Presents he intended to send a beloved Man to
their Nation to invite all the Head Men to a grand Talk
JUNE, 1757- 573-
he had for them — His Honour then set forth in the
Strongest Terms to those Indians as he had done to the
others he lately Talked with, the pernicious Designs of
the French, and how much it in a Particular manner be
hoved the Creeks not only to be on their guard, but vigour-
ously to oppose their Attempts, which were calculated in
the End to deprive them and their Posterity of their
Lands and their Freedom, and cause them to be no more
a People — He then inquired of them at what Time the
Indians usually returned from their Hunting? and was
answered that they were now every Day coming Back,
and would all be in their Towns very shortly — His Hon
our then Ordered them a Glass of Wine, and, complying
with the Request they made of having some Powder and
Ball and a few other trifling Presents given them, They
withdrew very well Satisfied
GEORGIA At a Council held in the Council Cham
ber at Savannah on Friday the third Day of
June 1757. Present
His Honour Henry Ellis Esquire
James Habersham
Francis Harris
James Edwd Powell
William Knox
The Honourable
The Board proceeded to examine the Claims of Sundry-
ciajms Ex- Persons to Lands ; the Claims allowed, are distinctly en-
amined J
tered in a Book of Claims, and Grants for the same were
Ordered to pass.
GEORGIA At a Council held in the Council Cham
ber at Savannah on Tuesday the 7th Day of
June 1757. Present
His Honour Henry Ellis Esquire
Sir Patrick Houstoun Baro*
James Habersham
Francis Harris
James Mackay > Esq™
James Edwa Powell j
. William Knox J
The Honble
,! Petition of
I William
I Clifton
¦{ Esqr. for a
I Lot in
I Hardwicke
I Read and
Read a Petition of William Clifton Esqr Praying for
a Lot in the Town of Hardwicke on great Ogechee N°
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Lot within Sev
en Months of this Date And that he Doth Also Register
the said Grant in the Register's Office of this Province
within Six Months from the Date thereof that his Maj
esty may not be Defrauded of his Quit Rents, Then the
Prayer of the said Petition is granted.
Read a Petition of White Outerbridge Praying for a
fwhlteOut-] ^ot *n t^ie Town °t Augusta known by Number 35 in the
| lLoidn?for [ fourth Row joining the Fort Common
I Hardwicke
[ Read J
and Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti-
Granted tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Lot within Sev
en Months from this date, And that he doth Also Reg
ister the said Grant in the Register's Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents. Then
the Prayer of the said Petition is Granted.
JUNE, 1757-
Petition of ')
HenryYongeEsqr. for
an Island of
Marsh 40
Acres & 60
Acres on
the Oppo
site Main
for his Son
Henry Read J
Read a Petition of Henry Yonge Esqr setting forth
that he was in Possession of thirteen hundred Acres of
Land in the said Province and was desirous to Obtain a
further Grant having a Family consisting of a Wife, Six
Children and Nineteen Negroes, And Praying for an
Island of Marsh below the Town of Savannah containing
about Forty Acres, and Sixty Acres on the Main in the
River Swamp opposite the said Island including Eight
vacant Garden Lots In Trust for Henry his Son, which
if granted he Promised to Cultivate and improve
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Island within
Seven Months from this Date- And that he doth Also
Register the said Grant in the Register's Office of this
Province within Six Months from the date thereof that
his Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit-Rents Then
the Prayer of the said Petition is granted.
Petition of
JamesThompsonfor a Lot in
read and
Read a Petition of James Thompson Practitioner in
Physic Praying for a Lot in the Town of Hardwicke on
great Ogechee Number 74.
OrdEREd — That the further Consideration of the
said Petition be postponed.
Read a Petition of Isaac Lines Praying for a Lot in
fF^acLinra| the Town of Hardwicke on great Ogechee Number 168.
for a Lot in f
Hardwickeread J
and Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti-
Granted. tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Lot within Sev
en Months from this date And that he doth Also Regis
ter the said Grant in the Register's Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the Date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents. Then
the Prayer of the said Petition is granted.
Read a Petition of William Dunham Praying for a Lot
in the Town of Hardwicke on great Ogechee N° 8.
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti-
Petition of ]
WilliamDunhamfor a Lot in
Hardwickeread and
Granted. — tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Lot within Sev
en Months from this date And that he doth Also Regis
ter the said Grant in the Register's Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the date thereof, that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit-Rents, Then
the Prayer of the said Petition is granted
Read a Petition of James Mackay Esqr Praying for a
james Mc- Lot in the Town of Hardwicke on great Ogechee Num-
KayEsqr. I ° °
for a Lot in f bei" ^8.
Hardwicke *-*
. read and Resolved — ¦ That on Condition only that the Peti-
Granted. — tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Lot within Sev
en Months from this date, And that he doth Also Reg
ister the said Grant in the Register's Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from this date that his Majesty
may not be defrauded of his Quit-Rents Then the Prayer
of the said Petition is granted
Read a Petition of William Bailew setting forth that
{wiiiiim0f } he had a Family consisting of a Wife and two Negroes
1 2501 Acresof | And Praying for two hundred and fifty Acres of Land
on Bermuda Island joining South on Lands lately granted
Francis Blake, which if granted the Petitioner Promised
to improve.
Rejected. ORDERED-
That the said Petition be rejected.
I Petition of '
AdrianLoyer for a
Lot in
Hardwickeread and
Read a Petition of Adrian Loyer Praying for a Lot in
the Town of Hardwicke on great Ogechee Number 243
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Lot within Sev
en Months from this date, And that he doth Also Regis-
JUNE, 1757.
ter the said Grant in the Registers Office of this Province
within Six Months from the date thereof that his Maj
esty may not be Defrauded of his Quit Rents, Then the
Prayer of the said Petition is granted.
Petition of
John Gas
per Betz
for 250
Acres of
Land read
Read a Petition of John Gasper Betz setting forth that
he had been an Inhabitant of this Province thirteen Years
' having a Family consisting of a Wife and a Child and
was desirous of obtaining Lands for Cultivation And
Praying for two hundred and Fifty Acres of Land on
Wilmington Island joining North East on Lands of Wil
liam Dews and Thomas Vincent.
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti-
' tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this date, and that he doth Also Reg
ister the said Grant in the Registers Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the date thereof that his
Majesty may not be Defrauded of his Quit-Rents Then
Part of the Prayer of the said Petition namely two hun
dred .Veres is granted
Petition of
Susannah Oneal for a
Lot in
Hardwickeread and
Rejected —
Read a Petition of Susannah Oneal Praying for a Lot
in the Town of Hardwicke on great Ogechee Number
Ordered — That the said Petition be rejected.
Read a Petition of Charles West Setting forth that he
rpetitionof] had been favoured with Such Lands as amounted to his
Family Rights, but being much in want of some Pine
[ Land for the Conveniency of Timber He Prayed that he
J might have granted to him as a Purchase (agreable to
his Majesty's Instructions) three hundred Acres of Pine
Land joining East on a Tract of three hundred Acres
granted him in South Newport.
37 c r— vol 7
West for
300 Acres
of Pine
Land by
Resolved — ¦ That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this Date and that he doth Also Reg
ister the said Grant in the Register's Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the Date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit-Rents, Then
the Prayer of the said Petition is granted.
titionof 'I
hn Lettt-
ire for f
I Acres of
Read a Petition of John Lettimore setting forth that
he was Settled in the said Province having a Family con
sisting of a Wife and an Apprentice And Praying for two
Petition c
morel200 Acres c_
l Land read j hundred Acres of Land on the North side of South New
Port between Lands of Alexander Ross and Daniel M°-
Kay which if Granted he promised to improve.
100 Acres
Resolved — ¦ That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land with-
Seven Months from this Date And that he doth
Also Register the said Grant in the Register's Office of
this Province within Six Months from the Date thereof
that his Majesty may not be deprived of his Quit Rents,
Then part of the Prayer of the said Petition namely One
hundred Acres is granted
f Petition of
I John
1 Michael
) Betz for
150 Acres
I Land read
100 Acres
1 I
Read a Petition of John Michael Betz setting forth
that he had been thirteen Years an Inhabitant of this
Province and had never obtained a Grant of Lands And
Praying for One hundred and Fifty Acres of Land on
Wilmington Island joining Lands Petitioned for by Gas
per Betz and Lands of Captain John Barnard, on all other
Sides, which if granted he Promised to improve.
Resolved— That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
RelZe T ¦!? *" Date' And that ^ doth Also
Registei the said Grant in the Registers Office of this
Province withm Six Months from L Date the eo th
JUNE, 1757- 579
his Majesty may not be Defrauded of his Quit Rents
Then part of the Prayer of the said Petition is granted,
namely One Hundred Acres
Read a Petition of Frederic Closman setting forth that
F?ederic° he was Indented to Mr Isaac Barksdale of Augusta for
Closmanf or f -„ . . .
150 Acres of Eight Years and was since become a Settler in the Place
l Land read J °
having a Wife and no Lands except a Town Lot yet
granted him And Praying for one hundred and fifty
Acres of Land at a Place called the Covert within two
and Miles of Augusta, which if granted he promised to Culti
vate Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti-
Granted— tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this date, And that he doth Also Reg
ister the said Grant in the Register's Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the Date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents, Then
the Prayer of the said Petition is granted.
1st Petition '
of William
Butler for
100 Acres of
Land read
Read a Petition of William Butler setting forth that he
was in Possession of two Thousand two hundred Acres
of Land, but was desirous of an Additional Tract, having
a Family consisting of ninety Persons And Praying for
One hundred Acres of Land (for a Reservoir of Water)
joining North Westerly on a Tract of the Petitioner's
and called Cain Acres on the South Side of Great Ogechee
Resolved — ¦ That on Condition only that the Peti-
Granted. titioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this date And That he doth Also
Register the said Grant in the Register's Office of this
Province within Six Months from the Date thereof, that
his Majesty may not be Defrauded of his Quit Rents,
Then the Prayer of the said Petition is granted.
' Petition of
John Davis
¦ for 100
Acres of
. Marsh read .
f 2d. Pet of
J Jno. Davis
1 for 200
f Acrs read
Read also a Petition of the said William Butler setting
forth as in the former Petition And Praying for One hun
dred Acres of Land (for a Reservoir of Water) joining
South Westerly on a Tract of the Petitioner's called
Sterling's Hill on the South Side of great Ogechee.
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this Date And that he doth also Reg
ister the said Grant in the Register's Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the Date thereof that his
Majesty may not be Defrauded of his Quit Rents, Then
the Prayer of the said Petition is granted.
Read a Petition of John Davis setting forth that he
was Possessed of one Thousand four hundred and fifty
Acres of Land and having a Family Consisting of a Wife
five Children and thirty three Negroes was desirous of an
Additional Tract And Praying for One hundred Acres of
Marsh Land on the North Side of Midway bounding on
the South End of Land Settled by the Petitioner
Resolved — _ That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this date And that he doth Also Reg
ister the said Grant in the Register's Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the Date thereof that his
Majesty may not be Defrauded of his .Quit-Rents Then
the Prayer of the said Petition is granted.
Read also a Petition of the said John Davis setting
forth as in the foregoing Petition And Praying for two
hundred Acres of Pine Land on the North Side of Mid
way bounding North on Mr James Maxwell's Land
Resolved — ¦ That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this date and that he doth Also Reg-
JUNE, 1757-
ister the said Grant in the Registers Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit-Rents, Then
the Prayer of the said Petition is granted.
Read a Petition of George Motts (postponed the third
Day of May) setting forth that he had been a Settler in
the Province four Years having a Wife and a Child And
Praying for Fifty Acres of Land at Hampsted joining
Lands of Michael Burghalter,* which if granted he prom
ised to Cultivate.
Resolved — That on Condition only that the ¦ Peti-
Granted. tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this Date And that he doth Also
Register the said Grant in the Register's Office of this
Province within Six Months from the Date thereof that
his Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit-Rents Then
the Prayer of the said Petition is granted.
Read a Petition of George Knapp (postponed the third
Geo^e" °f { Day of May last) setting forth that he had been an In-
i5?Ac?es°of J habitant of the said Province upwards of four Years hav
ing a Wife and two Children And Praying for one hun
dred and fifty Acres of Land at Hampsted joining George
and Motts Land
Petition of
MatthewMauve for
a Lot in
Hardwicke read
Resolved — ¦ That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this Date And that he doth Also
Register the said Grant in the Register's Office of this
Province within Six Months from the Date thereof that
his Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit- Rents Then
the Prayer of the said Petition is granted.
Read a Petition of Matthew Mauve Praying for a Lot
in the Town of Hardwicke on great Ogechee Number
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Lot within
Seven Months from this Date And that he doth Also
Register the said Grant in the Register's. Office of this
Province within Six Months from the date thereof that
his Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit-Rents,
Then the Prayer of the said Petition is granted.
Read a Petition of Alexander Michie setting forth that
he was desirous 'to become a Settler in this Province and
obtain a Tract of Land for Cultivation, And Praying for
five hundred Acres of Land at the Head of South New
port at a Place there "called Stralachlan Swamp
OrdEREd — That the further Consideration of the
said Petition be postponed.
Read a Petition of Mary Magdalena Shortner setting
ff.etitiS?of 1 forth that She has been an Inhabitant of the said Prov-
Mary Mag-
I Ihortner - 'nce upwards of twenty Years without any Lands, and
Acres°of was desirous of obtaining a Grant of Lands for the better
Support of herself and Family And Praying for One
hundred Acres of Land lying at Conochee Fording Place
50 Acres >
Granted '
f Petition of
I Michael
¦ Germain
¦ for 400
Acres of
Land read
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this date And that she doth Also
Register the said Grant in the Register's Office of this
Province within Six Months from the date thereof that
his Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents,
Then Part of the Prayer of the said Petition is granted,
namely fifty Acres
Read a Petition of Michael Germain setting forth that
he had been many Years in the Province and had a Wife
. three Children and one Slave And Praying for four hun
dred Acres of Land on the North Side of great Ogechee
River joining Lands petitioned for by Frederic Fritlen
JUNE, 1757-
200 Acres I
granted, f
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this Date, And that he doth Also
Register the said Grant in the Register's Office of this
Province within Six Months from the Date thereof that
his Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit-Rents Then
the Prayer of the said Petition namely two hundred
Acres is granted.
Read a Petition of David Hiesler (postponed the third
Day of May last) setting forth that he was in Possession
of Fifty Acres of Land and had a Wife and four Chil
dren, And Praying for four Lots at Highgate known by
Number 1. 2, 3 and 12 containing together two hundred
Acres, which if granted he promised to improve
Resolved — ¦ That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this date And that he doth Also Reg
ister the said Grant in the Registers Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the Date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit-Rents, Then
the Prayer of the said Petition is granted (Saving Nev
ertheless the Right of former Claimants as the Lots have
been many Years set out although Uncultivated) but it is
not known to whom
Read a Petition of James Love Praying for a Lot in
[jamesLo've| the Town of Hardwicke on great Ogechee Number 217
-j for a Lot in [
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Lot within
Seven Months from this Date And that he doth Also
Register the said Grant in the Register's Office of this
Province within Six Months from the date thereof Then
the Prayer of the said Petition is granted.
Read a Petition of Abraham Danford setting forth that
(Abraham1 ] he had been Nine Years in this Province and was desir-
1 5oaAcresfo°f [ ous of obtaining a Grant for Lands for Cultivation And
Praying for Fifty Acres of Land at Midway joining
Lands o* Peter Whitter and George Cubbedge
I Land read J
the Peti
tioner be
ing first
Sworn to
I the same
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti-
| tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land, within
y Seven Months from this Date And that he doth Also
J Register the said Grant in the Registers Office of this
Province within Six Months from the date thereof, That
his Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit-Rents Then
the Prayer of the said Petition is granted, The Petitioner
being first Sworn to improve the same.
Read a Petition of Captain Kenneth Baillie setting
forth that he had been many Years a Settler in this Prov
ince, and was in Possession of Six hundred Acres of
Land and was desirous of obtaining an Additional Grant
having five Children one White Servant and twenty one
Slaves, And Praying for Six hundred Acres of Land at a
Place called Cat-Head near Old Darian
Ordered — That the said Petition be rejected.
Read a Petition of Stephen Clark setting forth that he
r Petition of } was become a Settler in this Province and had a Wife two
\ cK lor [ Children and one Negroe therein, And Praying for three
lLandCreld j hundred Acres of Land at the Head of the middle Branch
of North Newport lying South of Lands Granted Philip-
and pa Fenny which if granted he Promised to Cultivate.
150 Acres
the Peti
tioner be
ing first
j Sworn to
his Family
and to im-
I prove the
I sd Land
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti-
, tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
I Seven Months from this Date And that he doth Also
' Register the said Grant in the Register's Office of this
Province within Six Months of the date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents, Then
JUNE, 1757-
part of the prayer of the said Petition namely One hun
dred and fifty Acres granted the Petitioner, having been
first Sworn to the Number of his Family and to improve
the said Land.
f Petition of
1 William
i Deveaux for a Lot in
I Hardwicke .
read and
Read a Petition of William Deveaux Praying for a
Lot in the Town of Hardwicke on great Ogechee Num
ber 130.
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Lot within
Seven Months from this Date, and that he doth Also
Register the said Grant in the Register's Office of this
Province within Six Months from the Date thereof, Then
the Prayer of the said Petition is granted
1 Petition of
Joseph Mc-
Guire for
200 Acres
of Land
'( Granted be
ing first
I Sworn to
- his Family
and to im
prove the
. said Land
Read a Petition of Joseph McGuire setting forth that
he had been in this Province Eighteen Months having a
Wife and one Child And Praying for two hundred Acres
of Land lying between Lands of George Noble and Wil
liam Low on the North Side of North Newport which if
granted he engaged to improve.
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land, Within
Seven Months of this Date And that he doth Also Reg
ister the said Grant in the Registers Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the Date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents, Then
the Prayer of the said Petition is granted the Petitioner
being first Sworn to the Number of his Family and to
improve the Land
' ' Petition of
AnthonyRivers for a
Lot in
.- Hardwicke
d read and
Read a Petition of Anthony Rivers Praying for a Lot
in the Town of Hardwicke on great Ogechee Number 1 76
That the said Petition be rejected.
I Petition of
David Fox
for 200
Acres of
Land read
Read a Petition of David Fox Junr setting forth that
] he was already in Possession of Four hundred Acres of
[ Land and was desirous of an Additional Grant having a
Wife three Children and Six Negroes And Praying for
two hundred Acres of Land between Land of Henry
Myers and John Goldwire on great Ogechee
Rejected OrdErEd — That the said Petition be rejected.
Read a Petition of Levi Sheftall setting forth that he
was born in the Province and being Arrived at the State
of Manhood was desirous of Obtaining a Grant of Lands
for Cultivation And Praying for One hundred Acres of
Land adjoining Lands lately granted Benjamin Sheftal
between Newport and Sappala, which if granted he prom
ised to improve
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this Date And that he doth Also Reg
ister the said Grant in the Register's Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the Date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents, Then
the Prayer of the sd Petition is granted
f Petition of
John De-
j veaux for a
] Lot in
1 read and
Read a Petition of John Deveaux Junr Praying for a
Lot in the Town of Hardwicke on great Ogechee Num
ber 131.
RESOLVED — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Lot within
Seven Months from this date, and that he doth also Reg
ister the said Grant in the Registers Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the Date thereof. Then
the Prayer of the said Petition is granted.
JUNE, 1757-
Read a Petition of Frederic Tritlen setting forth that
he was in Possession of Fifty Acres of Land by Grant
from the late Trustees, on which he had made Consider
able improvements and was desirous of an Additional
grant having a Wife and three Children And Praying
for two hundred and fifty Acres of Land on the North
Side of great Ogechee River joining Lands lately granted
John Primut which if granted he Promised to improve
Granted ;
being first
- Sworn to
the Num
ber of his •
Family &ca
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months of this Date, And that he doth Also Reg
ister the said Grant in the Register's Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the Date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents, Then
the Prayer of the said Petition is granted the Petitioner
being first Sworn to the Number of his Family and to Im
prove the said Land.
Read a Petition of Thomas Smith setting forth that he
f Thomas ° I had been an Inhabitant in the Province near twenty Years
100 Acres of | and never yet had any Lands therein And Praying for
One hundred Acres of Land in the Fork of Conochee ad-
joining Lands lately granted Daniel Nunes.
Rejected OrdEREd — That the said Petition be rejected.-
Petition of
Mackay for
a Lot in
Hardwicke read
Read a Petition of Peter Mackay Praying for a Lot in
the Town of Hardwicke on great Ogechee Number 242.
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take- out a Grant for the said Lot within
Seven Months from this date, And that he doth Also Reg
ister the said Grant in the Register's Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the Date thereof, Then the
Prayer of the said Petition is granted.
Read a Petition of William Gerard De Braham Esqr
waitam °f ] setting forth that he being Settled at Ebenezer was desir-
Brahm for ous of improving Lands in & near that Place And Pray-
Landby ing to become a Purchaser (agreable to his Majesty's In-
read J structions) of One hundred Acres of Land Part thereof
laying on the Island opposite Ebenezer and . the other
Part consisting of Sundry Vacant Lots in the Town of
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti-
Granted : ti0ner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this Date and that he doth Also Reg
ister the said Grant in the Register's Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the Date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit-Rents, Then
the Prayer of the said Petition is granted in the follow
ing Manner Viz* a Small Island lying North West of
Ebenezer and as much Land in the Swamp joining the
Garden Lots to the East of the Town of Ebenezer, and
on the Island mentioned in the Petition as together make
one hundred Acres.
f His Honour
I our Signed
I the follow
ing Grants
{ for Lands
His Honour Signed Grants for Lands to the following
Kenneth Baillie 500 Acres in the District of Midway
Kenneth Baillie. 500 Acres in the same District
Christian Rabenhurst Cierk three Town Lots in Ebenezer
N° 6, 7, 8
Morgan Sabb . . 50b Acres in the District of great Oge
John Todd Junr. 100 Acres in the District of New Port
John Reuter . . 50 Acres and Town Lot in Ebenezer
John Martin Bolzius Clerk 100 Acres and two Town Lots
j in Ebenezer N° 1 : 7
JUNE, 1757- 589
Charles West a Lot in the Town of Hardwicke N° 7.
Balthaser Backer 100 Acres in the District of Ebenezer
John Davis .... 500 Acres in the District of Midway
John Davis Junr 500 Acres on Skidoway Island
Elizabeth Hunold 50 Acres in the District of Ebenezer
John George Henry 50 Acres in the District of Goshen
Michael Switzer 50 Acres being a Town Lot in Savan
nah N° 8 in Second Tything Reynolds Ward wth Gar
den and Farm Lots.
Michael Switzer 50 Acres being a Town Lot in Savan
nah N° 10 Second Tything Anson Ward with Garden
and Farm Lot.
Frederick Fradling 150 Acres in the District of Goshen
William Elliott 500 Acres in the District of Newport
Joshua Atkinson 200 Acres in the District of Augusta
John Perkins a Lot in the Town of Hardwicke N° 103
Charles West 300 Acres in the District of Newport
John Davis Senr a Lot in the Town of Hardwicke N*
William Davis 200 Acres in the District of Newport
John Davis 450 Acres in the District of Newport
William Alexander 150 Acres in the District of Augusta
Aaron Moore 1 50 Acres in the District of Hallifax
James Harley 100 Acres in the District of Midway
John Adams Trittlen 100 Acres in the District of Goshen
Sir Patrick Houston iooo Acres in the District of Da-
William Moore 250 Acres in the District of Ebenezer
James MeCrary 150 Acres in the District of Augusta
John Emanuel 100 Acres in the District of Augusta
Ezekiel Backler 200 Acres in the District of Ebenezer
John McCollum 200 Acres in the District of Hallifax
Mr John Jagger being arrived in this Province with a
(Mr. Jag- 1 J J °° °
for lettilri ' \arge quantity of Negroes in Order to Settle, the Bond
1 dered torit>e f which he had given for Settling the Land granted him
[given up was orc[ereci to be delivered up.
GEORGIA At a Council held in the Council Cham
ber at Savannah on Friday ye 10th Day of
June 1757 Present
His Honour Henry Ellis Esquire
James Habersham "|
Francis Harris
The Honble
James Edwa Powell
^ William Knox
Claims examined
The Minutes of the Preceeding Board were Read and
approved Then the Board Proceeded to examine the Claims of
Sundry Persons to Lands; the Claims allowed are dis
tinctly entered in a Book of Claims, & Grants for the
same were Ordered to pass.
JUNE, 1757- 59i
Adrian 1 Adrian Loyer Gun Smith was appointed by His Hon-
pofntelto I our to have the Care of and keep in Order the Public
" Skth?Pub- \ Arms for the Service of this Province at the Stated Salary
£°2i ™g a I of twenty one Pounds Sterling proved of.
GEORGIA At a Council held in the Council Cham
ber At Savannah on Wednesday the 29th Day
of June 1757.
His Honour Henry Ellis Esquire
James Habersham
Jonathan Bryan
The Honble ¦{ James Edwa Powell
William Clifton
William Knox
His Honour acquainted the Board that the Reason of
His Honour ")..,,. , , , rt
advises wth his calling them together was to consider and Commission
the Board as
Peraratobe , a Proper Person to go to the Creek Nations and invite
Cr^kNa- the Head Men to a Conference with his Honour in Sa-
thTi^umf6 vannah on their Return from Charles Town.
to Savannah ,
Mr Bryan
who accepts
And the same being taken into Consideration Mr Bryan
„as proposed and approved of as a Proper Person for
such an Embassy; Who being Present accepted thereof.
JULY, 1757.
Mr Kieffer
declines act
ing as a J us-
tice of the
Thilo Esqr.
to be Nomi
nated in the
new Commis.
sion in Place
of Mr Kieffer.
His Honour also acquainted the Board that Mr Kieffer
of Ebenezer had mentioned to him his desire to decline
acting as a Justice of the Peace for that District And that
Doctor Christian Thilo of the same Place had been rec
ommended to him as a Proper Person to Supply such
Vacancy. Ordered — That Christian Thilo Esqr be nominated
a Justice of the Peace for the Town and District of Ebe-
' nezer in the new Commission of the Peace in the Room of
Mr Kieffer.
GEORGIA At a Council held in the Council Cham
ber at Savannah on Saturday the Second Day
of July 1757.
His Honour Henry Ellis Esquire
( James Habersham
j Francis Harris
Jonathan Bryan
James Edwd Powell
William Clifton
William Knox
TheHonble I
His Honour
advises wth
the Board as
to the Agents
carrying some Pres
ents with him
to the Indian
The same
thought nec
essary but
the Assort
ment and
Quantity Re
ferred to his
His Honour desired the Opinion of the Board whether
it might not be necessary that the Agent intended for the
Creek Nations should take some of the Indian Presents>
with him.
And the same being considered it was thought expedi
ent that there should be some Presents carried up that
were most Portable and of the best sort as an Earnest or
Compliment to some of the Chief Indians, but the Partic
ular assortment and Quantity the Board desired his Hon
our would take upon him to regulate and Settle.
GEORGIA At a Council held in the Council Cham
ber At Savannah on Monday the 4th Day of
July 1757-
The HonbIe
His Honour Henry Ellis Esq1
( Sir Patrick Houstoun Baro* 1
j Francis Harris k t? r
J James Edwd Powell f ^sq '
t William Clifton J
His Honour 1
advises wth
the Board as
to Utility of
Lodging: some
of the Public
Arms and
with the Of- !
fleer's of Mi
litia in the
Country in
Case of
Alarm or
Sudden At
tack J
The Board j
much ap
His Honour acquainted the Board that he had been
applied to by one of the Captains of the Militia in the
Country for a few Stands of his Majesty's Arms and
some Ammunition to be Lodged with him in Order to be
in Readiness to be delivered to such as might be trusted
with them in case of Alarm or Sudden Attack And Ad
vised with the Board whether it would not be of general
use and for the Public Safety that certain Quantities of
such Ammunition and a Proportion of Arms be Lodged
with the Several Officers of the Militia in this Time of
Public Danger : Which Measure being considered was
much approved of by the Board as conducive to the more
immediate Defence and Safety of the Province.
y .
His Honour
proposes the
admitting Affidavits of
Poor People
llYinff at a
«s»at dig"
~tance from
¦'-Savannah in j-
'.Support of
their Peti
tions for
Lands to save
ithem the Ex-
pence of a
Personal At
Taken into
Considera- I
tion and Post- !
poned j
His Honour also acquainted the Board that Sundry la
bouring People residing at a great distance from Savan
nah complained of the large expence and Trouble that
attended their Personal application for Lands And Pro
posed the admitting Affidavits made by them of three
Justices of the Peace of their Situation and the Number
of their Respective Families in Support of Petitions to be
preferred on their Behalf And the same being taken into
Consideration and debated, The further consideration
thereof was postponed the Board not being able to come
to any Resolution therein
JULY, 1757.
GEORGIA At a Council held in the Council Cham
ber At Savannah on Tuesday the 5th Day of
July 1757 Present
His Honour Henry Ellis Esqr
Sir Patrick Houstoun Baro'
James Habersham, Francis Harris,
The Honble -j Jonathan Bryan, James Edwa Powell, }Esqr:
James McKay, William Clifton
William Knox
The Minutes from the 24th of June inclusive read and
approved. Read a Petition of Captain Kenneth Baillie setting forth
that he had been many Years a Settler in this Province
and had granted him Six hundred Acres of Land therein,
and having a Family consisting of Five Children one
White Servant and twenty one Slaves was desirous of
obtaining a Grant of Lands Additional to those he was
then improving And Praying for two hundred Acres of
Pine Land joining the Tract on which he was Settled,
East on Nathaniel Way and South West on Robert Can
on the South Branch of Midway.
RESOivVBD — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this Date, And that he doth Also
Register the said Grant in the Register's Office of this
Province within Six Months from the Date thereof that
his Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents Then
the Prayer of the said Petition is granted.
Petitionof ] Read a Petition of Theobald Kieffer settiner forth that
Theobald "'
Keiffer for he had Purchased of Joseph Leitner of Ebenezer a Tract
Sundry i j l
Sduded'ta i °t Land said to contain forty Eight Acres with a Town
oneGrant j Lot and Garden Lot thereto which Land adjoined the
Petition of
Baillie for 200
Acres of
Land read
Settlement of the Petitioner. That he had not taken out
a Grant for the Lands on which he was Settled nor were
the Warrants for Running the same returned to the Of
fice — That he was dissatisfied in Regard to the Measure
ment of the Tract he had purchased which he believed
to be less than Forty Acres And Praying for a Resurvey
of the said purchased Lot And that as the Lands for
which the Warrant of Survey were not returned adjoined
the Purchase he had made and in the whole would not
he believed be two hundred and fifty Acres that he might
be permitted to have the whole included in One Grant
And the Prayer of the said Petition being taken into
Consideration it appeared to the Board that the Petitioner
had heretofore petitioned for & obtained two several
Tracts of Land the one containing Eighty and the other
one hundred and twenty Acres, for the Survey of which,
Warrants had been issued and were not yet returned and
that the said Eighty Acre Tract did adjoin the Petition
ers purchased Land, But that the one hundred and twenty
Acre Tract was lying on and part of an Island.
Ordered — therefore that the Surveyors General ta
Part Granted cause a resurvey to be made as prayed for of the said Pe
titioner's Purchased Land and certify the same together
with the Eighty Acre Tract adjoining in one Plat, And
Resolved that both these Tracts be included in One Grant,.
And that the Petitioner doth take out a Separate Grant
for the Tract One hundred and twenty Acres aforemen
tioned lying on an Island.
Read a Petition of Laughlan McGillvray setting forth
Petitionof i that he had been many Years an Inhabitant and Trader
Laughlanfo?(3ooVAcres r *n t'1's Prov'nce ar>d had above twenty Negroes therein.
°f Lre«i j an of the Peace for the Town and District of Augusta
afores4 who shall cause the same to be committed to writ
ing after the Form herein before set down, (Regard be
ing had to the Circumstances of each Persons Case) And
that the Affidavit so taken and committed to Writing be
certified by the said Justices together with their Opinion
as to the ability and Character of the Petitioner. And
Also that the said Justice do cause a Copy or Copies of
the Form of the said Oath to be affixed in the most Pub
lic Place or Places in and about Augusta for the more
general Information of Persons necessitated to apply in
that manner
Ordered — ¦ That the Clerk of this Board do trans
mit a Copy hereof to the Justices at Augusta, and withal
acquaint them that the above Resolution is intended to
be in force only during Pleasure.
His Honour observed that Complaints had been made
lately by various Settlers in this Province of disturbances
occasioned in their Respective Settlements by Persons
dealing with some Chicasaw Indians who lived there a
bout and that an Hearing thereon being duely had before
this Board on the 14th Day of April last the same was
found to be true. Therefore his Honour now proposed
(for the Quiet of those Settlements, and more regular
Clerk to send ]
a Copy to the I
Justices at
Augusta J
His Honour 1
informs the
Board that he
had licenced I
Messrs. Bar
nard and
Douglass to 'i
trade wth the f
Chicasaw In
dians in &
about Augusta
Approved by
the Board .
JULY, 1757. 613
conducting a Trade with those Indians) that a Licence
should be given to Messrs Barnard and David Douglass
of Augusta to deal with them and Supply them with
goods, at the place where the Indians lived, and no where
else which his Honour apprehended would be putting the
- Trade, as he had Promised on a much better footing than
heretofore; — and might also in Case of War or alarm
be greatly Serviceable to the Province in general by the
influence the Persons intended to Trade with them might
have with those Indians to engage them to Act Offen
sively against his Majesty's Enemies.
And the same being considered the Board joined with
«iePBoIrd— his Honour in Sentiment, hopefull that the Measure
would be Productive of the Salatry and Advantageous
Ends thereby intended.
GEORGIA At a Council held in the Council Cham
ber at Savannah on Saturday the 30*" July
1757 Present
His Honour Henry Ellis Esq1
Sir Patrick Houston Baro*
James Habersham ")
James Edwa Powell > Esq™
William Clifton j
The Honble
This Day his Honour the Governour had a Conference
His Honour has with an Indian of Note from the Oakf uskee Town in the
a Conference
indikn cafild Upper Creek Nation; his Name Tustanack-Hachoi, alias
theMadWar- the Mad Warriour ; Mr Lacklan McGilvray attending as
Interpreter. — The Indian told his Honour that he had
long entertained thoughts of coming down from the Na-
tion to Visit the white People, but whenever he proposed
it, the Indians always endeavoured to divert him from it,
and that he now came against the Will of the Heads of his
Town — That when he set out he had not determined
whether to Visit the Governour of Carolina or Georgia;
but he took the Opportunity from Augusta of coming
hither with a Friend. — The Governour said that he was
extremely glad to see him, and desired to hear it, if he
had any to deliver ; that he had the King's Instructions to
cultivate upon every Occasion the Friendship that had
long uninterruptedly subsisted with our good Friends and
Allies the Creeks
The Indian answered that there had been a Variety of
Scenes in the Nation during Mr Peppers Agency (who
had been sent up by the Province .of South Carolina) to
which perhaps his Honour might be a Stranger, that the
same had been in the whole disagreeable, and particularly
the Agents pretended (in Confederacy with two Indians
who assumed more Influence than they had a Right to) to
regulate the Trade between the Indians and white People
had given Disgust to the Chiefs among the Indians and
greatly disquieted the Traders.
His Honour replied that he himself disapproved of
some of Mr Peppers Transactions in the Nation which he
had been informed and was of Opinion that he might
possibly have exceeded his Instructions. — That the
Regulations he took upon him to Propose in the Trade
his Honour noticed was entirely out of Character, for
that the Trade with the Creeks properly centered in Geor
gia where only such Affairs should be debated and Ad
justed — That the Creeks might always rely upon the
Strictest Justice and every Act of kindness and Friend
ship from hence that they could desire ; but that at Pres
ent his Honour saw no Reason for altering things that
seemed to be attended with no Hardship or Inconven-
JULY, 1757. 615
ience: That whenever the Creeks should intitle them
selves to further Indulgences by any Signal Service or
beneficial attempt on their Part for the Advantage of the
English, his Honour would then Settle every Thing to
their Satisfaction in a National Way at a Congress of the
Chiefs of each People or of Proper Deputies from them
at their Unanimous Request and the same should be so
accommodated that each Individual might reap the Ben
efit The Indian answered that he approved and acknowl
edged the Justness of his Honours Intention
His Honour then told the Indians that he regarded the
Creeks exceedingly and was desirous to Establish a strict
and lasting Friendship with them — ¦ That if any White
People injured them they should always find him ready to
give them Satisfaction and should expect the like Return
on their Part in Case of the white People receiving any
Injury from them: And desired that the Indians would
never offer to take private Satisfaction for Injuries re
ceived until they had first applied to him for that Purpose
and been denied, and that he would observe the same
Conduct. — - He also mentioned that the great Squire who
came first to Georgia (meaning Mr Oglethorpe) had in
England spoke of the Creeks as a Wise and Honest Peo
ple that he hoped they would not forfeit the one Charac
ter by doing any thing unjust, or the other by entring
into any foolish Schemes with the French who were a
treacherous Nation, and had fallen upon and Killed our
People in Time of full Peace when we expected no Mis
chief from them. — • That the French had already got a
Fort on the Creek Indians Grounds close in their Settle
ments — ¦ The Indians must not think That Fort was con
structed for their Protection altho' the French tell them
so. — What Protection have they ever offered them? or
what Protection can the Indians expect from thirty or
forty Men (the whole Strength of the Garrison) who if
the Indians opposed them could not Support or protect
themselves ? The French carry on no Trade with the In
dians by means of that Fort, not being able to Provide
Goods except the few they buy from our Traders for their
own Consumption. — Do the Indians think that the
French King would be such a Fool as to maintain a Fort
there for nothing ? No — - It is for the Purpose of keep
ing footing in their Country, to Strengthen themselves by
degrees, and by cutting off or inslaving the Indian Inhab
itants, in the End to possess themselves of their valuable
Lands. — If the Indians have any better or other
Thoughts of the French they will awake from their
Dream of Delusion when, perhaps it may be too late.
His Honour further observed that the French were be
come so Perfidious that even their Friends the Spaniards
upon this Occasion were ashamed of their Behaviour and
refused to join with them against Us, the only Time that
the French had ever been at War with the English and
the Spaniards at Peace with them — That the English
were a People well known to the Indians for their Brave
ry by many signal Exploits in this Part of the World in
the late and former Wars, as might be seen by the Bones
of their Enemies scattered over the Appalachian Fields ;
in the Defeat of the large Army of Spaniards on their
invading this Province in the Year 1742 and in many
other Instances. And that the English would Ere now
have destroyed the French Fort but for giving the In
dians Disturbance by carrying War into their Towns — ¦
That the English had now got great Armaments both by
Sea and Land, and his Honour doubted not, but that
altho' the French were at first Successful by attacking us
unprepared the English would at Length oblige him to
sue for Peace.
The Indian then answered that as for his Part he had
JULY, 1757. 617
always laid it down as a Rule never to receive any Gifts
from the French altho' he knew that they sometimes made
large Presents to other Indians ; for that he looked upon
them as a designing troublesome People who gave noth
ing but with a View of Advantage : and added that he
entirely approved of every thing that had been said to
him, and would faithfully relate it to the Heads, of the
Nation at his Return. His Honour then told him he
would depend upon his Words, and would be glad to see
him at the general Meeting that was soon to take Place
as he talked well and seemed to have a good Heart to
the English; that a Messenger was then going to their
Nation to invite the Chiefs of all the Towns of Upper and
lower Creeks to Savannah where he intended to have a
strong Talk with them, sent by the great King himself to
his Children and then divide his Majesty's Presents
among them in the manner he was directed.
The Indian expressing doubts of his being able to Re
turn again, and insinuating a Desire of having his Share
of the Presents now, it was resolved to comply therewith,
and he was accordingly directed to meet the Governour
for that Purpose at his House in the Afternoon.
GEORGIA At a Council held in the Council Cham
ber at Savannah on Tuesday the Second Day
of August 1757 Present
His Honour Henry Ellis Esqr
' ( James Habersham .
Francis Harris
James Edwd Powell
William Clifton
The Honble
Minutes read | The Minutes of the Preceeding Boards from the 5th of
proved — j July were read and approved
Petition of
Thorns Bas-
sett for 250
Acres of
Land read
Read a Petition of Thomas Bassett setting forth that
he was in Possession of Five hundred Acres of Land
granted him by the late President and Assistants and hav
ing upwards of Twenty Negroes was desirous of a fur
ther Grant of Lands And Praying for two hundred and
fifty Acres of Land lying between Land Granted Benja
min Williamson and the Lands whereon the Petitioner is
settled at a Place called Coats Neck within Ten Miles of
Augusta. Resolved — That, on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this Date and that he doth Also Reg
ister the said Grant in the Register's Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the Date thereof, that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents, Then
the Prayer of the said Petition is granted, the Petitioner
having been Sworn to improve the said Land.
Read a Petition of James Annas setting forth that he
Petition of i had been an Inhabitant of the Province Sixteen Years
for 200 Acres \ and had not obtained any Grant of Lands therein having-
of Land J °
read J a Family Consisting of a Wife and a Son and was desir-
AUGUST, 1757.
ous of obtaining Lands for Cultivation And Praying for
two hundred Acres at the Head of Sapala between Lands
of Cap' John Mackintosh and Hugh Morrison which if
granted he promised to improve the same.
Resolved — That, on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take a Grant for the sand Land within
Seven Months from this date, And that he doth Also
Register the said Grant in the Register's Office of this
Province within Six Months from the Date thereof, That
his Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents.
Then the Prayer of the said Petition is granted.
Petition of
John Caine
for 500 Acres
and 200
Read a Petition of John Caine setting forth that he had
1 been in the Province three Years having a Family con-
j sisting of a Wife and seven Children and was desirous
of obtaining a Grant of Lands for Cultivation And Pray
ing for five hundred Acres of Land about a Mile South-
Westward of Joseph Bacon's Land on a middle Branch
of North Newport which if granted he promised to im
prove the same.
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this Date And that he doth Also Reg
ister the said Grant in the Register's Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents Then
Part of the Prayer of the said Petition namely two hun
dred Acres is granted the Petitioner having been first
Sworn to the Number of his Family and to improve the
said Land.
Read a Petition of Donald Kennedy setting forth that
DonaidVen- I he had already been favoured with such Lands as he
40 Acres | could hope for in Respect of his Family but there being a
Small Piece of Vacant Land supposed to contain between
thirty and forty Acres adjoining the Petitioners Land,
surrounded by Lands already granted and extremely com
modious for his further Improvement And Praying for
the aforesaid vacant Piece of Land joining the Petition
er's Land as above set forth on the South Branch of South
Newport which if granted he promised to Cultivate and
improve the same.
Rejected ORDERED-
That, the said Petition be Rejected
Petition of
Donald Mcin
tosh for 100
Acres read
Read a Petition of Donald Mackintosh setting
| forth that he was in Possession of two hundred Acres of
J Land and had made Improvements thereon, and having
a Family consisting of a Wife and three Children was de
sirous of obtaining an Additional Grant of Land And
Praying for One hundred Acres on the South Branch of
South-Newport adjoining the Petitioner's Lands which
if granted he Promised to Cultivate
Rejected — OrdEREd — ¦ That the said Petition be rejected
Read a Petition of James Maxwell setting forth that
Petitionof soon after his Arrival in the Province he did Petition for
James Maxwell
to have his anc\ obtained Several Tracts of Land for himself and
Plats of Land
derTo'his'ob-^ Family, the Expences of Surveying whereof, which was
taming Grants considerable the Petitioner Paid Thomas Ellis the then
Acting Surveyor who died without giving in or making
any Plan of the said Surveys by which default the Peti
tioner had been Obliged, at a renewed Expence, to have
the Lands resurveyed and Plats thereof made out, And
and Praying Leave to lay such Plats before the Board for
their Inspection and approval that he might be enabled to
obtain and take out Grants for the same
Ordered — That the Consideration of the said Peti
tion be Postponed
SEPTEMBER, 1757. 621
Read a Petition of Frederica Brookner an Orphan set-
F?eda°Brookner thig f orth that some Time since she did claim one hundred
S herh£I5id0 e Acres of Land and some Town Lots in Ebenezer and the
ed in one Grant same being examined by the Board was allowed and
passed, but through the imperfect Surveys of a former
Surveyor no more than Fifty Acres could be ascertained
and a Grant for that Quantity was accordingly made out.
Since which, on a Resurvey the Petitioners Right to the
other fifty Acres had been manifested And Praying there
fore that the Board would Permit a new Plan of the
whole Land to be annexed to the Grant so made out, and
the Grant to be altered by the Several Officers from fifty
to One hundred Acres, that the Petitioner might be saved
the Expence of a new Grant for the omitted fifty Acres :
Resolved — That the Prayer of the said Petition is
Granted granted and that the Several Officers be Ordered accord
ingly thereto.
GEORGIA At a Council held in the Council Cham
ber on Tuesday the sixth Day of September
1757 Present
His Honour Henry Ellis Esqr
Sir Patrick Houston
Francis Harris
The Honble -j James Edi
William Clifton
^ William Knox
Read a Petition of Joseph Massey setting forth that he
^hMMsey0" na(^ ^ad dotted him five hundred Acres of Land by the
read°0Acre3 Late President and Assistants adjoining John Mitchels
Land between the Heads of Newport and Midway Rivers,.
having a Family consisting of a -Wife two Children and
Seven Negroes and was desirous of obtaining a Grant of
Lands Additional to those already granted him And Pray
ing for One hundred Acres adjoining Southerdly on the
Tract heretofore granted him
Rejected — Ordered — That the said Petition be rejected.
Read a Petition of James Germany setting forth that
j!? Ge'rmany | on the Seventh Day of December 1756 he had granted
fnghivwarrt. j* him five hundred Acres of Land about twelve Miles above
?eadurvey J Mount Pleasant and had obtained a Warrant for running
out the same which by reason of his being obliged to go
into the Indian Nation was expired And Praying the Sec
retary might be directed to Prolong the Warrant of Sur
vey for three Months
Resolved — The Prayer of the said Petition is grant
ed and that the Secretary be Ordered according thereto.
Read a Petition of John Hopkins setting forth that he
john'Hopkins was Settled upon and in the improvement of One hun-
read50Acres dred Acres of Land lately granted him and having a Wife
was desirous of obtaining an Additional Grant of Lands
And Praying for fifty Acres adjoining the Tract whereon
he is Settled near a Place called Tuckasee Kings on Sa
vannah River
Ordered — That the Consideration of the said Pe
tition be Postponed
Read a Petition of William Dunham setting forth that
Petition of i he was possessed of Seven hundred and fifty Acres of
William Dun- i r , . , J
ham for2oo r L,and having a Family consisting of Eighteen Persons
and was desirous of obtaining an Additional Grant of
Lands And Praying for two hundred Acres of Land ad
joining Easterly on a Six hundred Acre Tract granted
SEPTEMBER, 1757. 623
William Graves on the South Side of North Newport
which if granted he Promised to improve the same
Resolved — ¦ That on Condition only that the Peti-
Granted tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this Date And that he doth Also Reg
ister the said Grant in the Register's Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the Date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents. Then
the Prayer of the said Petition is granted.
Read a Petition of John Thomas setting forth that he
joh^Thomasj was Settled on and in the Improvement of two hundred
read00 Acres j Acres of Land lately granted him having a Family con
sisting of a Wife ten Children and seven Negroes and
was desirous of obtaining an Additional Grant of Lands
And Praying for One hundred Acres adjoining Lands
and granted Athanasius Thomas and John McCullom at Rooty
Branch about six Miles below Mount Pleasant
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti-
Granted tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this Date And that he doth Also Reg
ister the said Grant in the Register's Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the Date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents Then
the Prayer of the said Petition is granted
Read a Petition of Robert Sutherland setting forth that
he was Settled" on, and in the improvement of, One hun
dred and fifty Acres of Land lately granted him having a
Wife and three Children and was desirous of obtaining an
Additional Grant And Praying for fifty Acres of Land ad
joining the Tract he is now Settled on at the Mouth of
Rooty Branch within Six Miles of Mount Pleasant
Rejected — Ordered — That the said Petition be rejected —
150 Acres
Read a Petition of William Johnson setting forth that
he was become a Settler in this Province having a Wife
and two Children and was desirous of obtaining a Grant
of Lands for Cultivation And Praying for two hundred
Acres of Land at a Place called Tuckasee Kings on Sa
vannah River adjoining Lands this Day Petitioned for
by John Hopkins, which if granted he Promised to Culti
vate the same.
Resolved — ¦ That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this Date and that he doth Also Reg
ister the said Grant in the Register's Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the Date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents Then
Part of the Prayer of the said Petition namely One hun
dred and fifty Acres of Land is granted, the Petitioner
having first Sworn to the Number of his Family and to
improve the said Land
Read a Petition of David Lewis setting forth that he
Petitionof i had been an Inhabitant of the Province for Seven Years
for |loo Araes r last past having a Wife and a Child and was desirous of
obtaining a Grant of Lands for Cultivation And Praying
for two hundred Acres at a Place called Butlers Creek
adjoining Thomas Red's South Line which if granted he
promised to Cultivate the same
Resolved — • That, on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this Date And that he doth Also
Register the said Grant in the Register's Office Of this
Province within Six Months from the Date thereof that
his Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents That
Part of the Prayer of the said Petition namely One hun
dred Acres is granted the Petitioner having been first
Sworn to the Number of his Family and to improve the
said Land
100 Acres
His Honour the Governour represented to the Board
proposes0"' ] the distressed starving Condition of the Arcadians in and
totep?ovfdfed r about Savannah so afflicted by Sickness that there were
Acadilnsc J not more than five Persons able to Work for the Main
tenance and Support of One hundred And withal men
tioned the Necessity he thought there was of something
being Provided for their immediate Relief. Which being
taken into Consideration the Board were of Opinion that
of Rice or- 1 they should be Supplied with five Barrels of Rice in their
dered f or f J . ^ r
i present distress
His Honour
advises with
the Board as
to the recall
ing the Men
he had Placed
at the Several
Inlets for
Lookout & re
placing them
at a more im
His Honour also observed to the Board that he (hav
ing been applied to by the late Assembly) had Placed
People at the several Inlets of this Province to keep a look
out and by timely advice Prevent any sudden Surprize
from the Enemies Vessels ; for which service, to be con
tinued three Months the Assembly had also furnished
Money : that two Months of the Time were near elapsed,
and, the Hurricane Months approaching, his Honour ap
prehended the Danger from those Quarters was ceased
for a Time ; and therefore Proposed that the Persons so
employed should for the present be recalled and the
Money remaining in Hand appropriated to the same Serv
ice at a more important Season : Which Measure the
Board unanimously approved
40 e r — vol 7
GEORGIA At a Council held in the Council Cham
ber at Savannah on Tuesday the 13th Day of
September 1757
His Honour Henry Ellis Esqr
(Francis Harris
James Edwd Powell
William Clifton
His Honour
acquainted the Board of
50 Indians
being arrived
from the
Southerd headed by an I
Indian called |
the Cow-
keeper J
His Honour
cates the
Contents of a
Letter re-
ceiv'd from
Ed Gray con
cerning some
Disputes be
tween the In
dians and
His Honour's]
proposed. 1
Conductthereon J
His Honour acquainted the Board that his desire of
meeting them at this Time was on Account of a Party of
about fifty Creek Indians just arrived from the South
ward headed by an Indian called the Cowkeeper a Person
of Consequence who had hitherto Prevented the Span
iards from Cultivating their Lands or extending their
Settlements from Pensacola or S' Augustine; and that
he chose to be in Council upon the Occasion that the meet
ing might appear more Solemn ; not that he knew of any
Particular Point to be discussed, the Head Men having
brought with him, he believed, no National Commission
or Instructions. His Honour at the same Time com
municated to the Board the contents of a Letter received
by the Head Indian from Edmund Gray residing at Cum
berland Island relating to some difference between those
Indians and the Spaniards on which Letter his Honour
largely commented, and concluded that he judged it im
prudent and impolitic at this Juncture to interfere in any
Quarrels or dispute between the Indians and Spaniards,
and intended carefully to avoid any Step that might em
broil him with either
The Cowkeeper and the rest of the Indians being intro-
conferenee i duced the Governour received them in a kind manner,
between ms
Governo? and [ anc^ a^ ter enquiring of the Head Man in Respect of his
the Indians J Health, asked him whether he was come down in a Pub
lic Character or only on a friendly visit? — The Indian
SEPTEMBER, 1757. 627
answered that he came only to see him and his Induce
ment thereto was the great Talk he had heard of the Gov
ernour of Georgia's Civility to his Country Men. — That
he had not been in the Nation these four Years, nor had
he received any Instructions from thence whereon to
Talk.— His Honour acquainted him that he was extremely
pleased with his visit as thereby he Paid him a Compli
ment in Preference to the former Governour, and gave
him an Opportunity of seeing one who from the first Set
tlement of Georgia had Proved himself a firm and Steady
Friend to the English. — His Honour told him that he
heard the Spaniards were going to Settle the Appalachian
Fields. — - The Indian said that he was present a few
Months ago when a Spanish Captain of Horse declared
the same and that thereupon he himself sett off for S'
Augustine and inquired of the Governour in Regard of
the Truth of it, who denied it and protested that the Span
iards had no such Intentions ; that he (the Indian) was so
enraged at the Report, when by the Governour he found
it to be false, that he had a great Mind to kill some of the
Spaniards, or the Captain of Horse himself who had thus
imposed on him. — The Governour then observed that
he enquired of this Matter only out of Curiosity, and
through a desire of putting them on their Guard against
the Designs of their Enemies; not from any intent his
Honour had of interfering in the Quarrels that might
happen between them and the Spaniards who at present
were our good Friends and Allies — however he was
pleased to find the Spaniards had no such Designs ; hav
ing the French already on one Side and should the Span
iards encroach on the other not only the English but the
Indians also would soon be reduced to narrow Bounds
His Honour told the Indian he also heard that the
Spaniards were going to drive away the English that
were Settled on Cumberland Island and that although he
should not interfere in the Quarrels between the Span
iards and Indians yet if the Spaniards wanted to Quarrel
with the English we should apply to our Indian Friends
for Assistance. — The Indian Answered that he knew
nothing of the Spaniards attempting so to do; but that
some Indians had an Intention to drive the English from
their Settlements above the flowing of the Tide : And that
some Time since two or three Indians came down intend
ing to kill some of the English, but he met with them and
told them he was sure the Heads of the Nation gave no
such Talk, and reasoning with them upon the Subject at
length sent them away quiet and Satisfied.
The Governour expressing his Satisfaction for this
good Service then asked him whether he ever went to the
French Fort at the Albania's ? The Indian answered No.
— That his employment had been making War on the
Florida Indians. — - and lately in negotiating a Peace be
tween the Creeks and Cherokees His Honour said that
the Creeks by Agreement with the Squire (Mr Ogle
thorpe) were the professed Friends of the English and
were to continue so while the Sun Shone and the Water's
flowed, and that he being a great Warrior, had now a
Special opportunity of manifesting his Friendship to the
English by making War on the French, who had fallen
upon us in Time of Profound Peace and had not only
killed many of the English but several of our Indian
Friends — The Indian replied as before, that he had hith
erto made War to the Southward; and added further
that he was a Stranger to the State of Affairs in the In
dian Nation having been so long absent, but when he
came there he should be always ready to make one with
the rest for the Service of the English
The Governour told the Indian he likewise understood
that the Shawanesse Indians were got among the Creeks
SEPTEMBER, 1757. 629
in their Nation endeavouring to Poison their Minds and
Alienate their Affections from the English ; and his Hon
our hoped that he and the rest of the Head Men and War
riors of the Creeks would join together to drive them
away and thereby prevent the Evils that might spring
from the Practices of such : as those Indians were
known to be the Professed Enemies of the English and
all our Indian Allies.
His Honour again exhorted the Indians strictly to con
tinue and if possibly to improve their Friendship and Al
liance with the English, that we might live together like
Brethren Children of the great King; which alone could
render them rich and Strong and keep their Pretended
Friends the French from becoming their open Enemies;
And that without this Connection and Correspondence
the Creeks would inevitably fall a Prey to the French or
the Choctaws, and be reduced to the wretched Alternative
of becoming Slaves, or being no more a People — His
Honour more over promised them that he would be ever
ready to redress any Injuries the Indians might receive
from the English, and expected that they would Act with
the same Justice in Respect to their People, and always
apply to him in such Cases for Satisfaction without of
fering to take it themselves.
The Indian Replied he was fearfull, from the various
Stories he understood had been propogated, and carried
backwards and forwards that his Honour would have
delivered an Angry Talk, but was extremely pleased to
hear what he did. — On which the Governour observed
that it was true he had heard some Complaints of the In
dians about the Settlements, but he was desirous at this
Time to bury them under Ground, having nothing to
charge him with, and was therefore unwilling such mat
ters should interrupt the Pleasure arising from this In
His Honour then concluded that although this Colony
was Poor at Present yet he would manifest his Affection
and Friendship towards them by a Distribution of a Share
of such Presents as the great King had furnished him
with to the End that the Chain of Friendship might be
continued bright and the Path Strait between Us : And
desired that they would attend him at his House in the
Evening for that Purpose
The Indian then Addressed himself to his Honour af-
sheechdcio'n-3 1 ter the following Manner : "I rejoice that God has Spared
coSSfence J "mY Eife to see this Day, and I hope whatever dark
"Clouds have hitherto threatened Us that they are now
"likely to be dispersed and * * a Strict harmony
"henceforth established between our People and Yours
"for ever, And as a token of my Sincerity and in Con-
"firmation of our former Friendship I now on my own
"behalf present you with these Deer Skins." — Then re
peating his last Words, he delivered his Honour a few
more Skins as a Testimony of his Peoples Love — And
departed with the usual Ceremonies.
GEORGIA At a Council held in the Council Cham
ber at Savannah on Friday the thirtieth Day
of September 1757
His Honour Henry Ellis Esq1
James Habersham
James Edwa Powell
William Clifton
TheHonWe •
1^ William Knox
A Letter from
the Justices
at Ebenezer
that the Fort
there Con
structed took
in Sundry
Town Lots
and applying
for other
Lots to be set
out to the
sevl Grantees
in Lieu
Unanimouslycomplied with
His Honour the Governour produced to the Board a
Letter from the Justices at Ebenezer giving an Account
of the Progress made in the building a Fort for that Dis
trict, and Also setting forth that the said Fort was so
constructed as to take in and render useless on account
of the Defence that they might be obliged to make there
from, sundry Lots of the said Town of Ebenezer; To
remedy which the Justices humbly proposed to his Hon
our that the several Grantees so Injured should have
other Lots set out to them for the Vacant Lots of the said
Town, in Lieu of such Lots so taken in or rendered use
less. Which proposal his Honour recommended to the
Consideration of the Board, Who having duely consid
ered thereof were unanimously of Opinion that the same
was reasonable and ought to be complied with
The Claim of Leonard Bodelle to a Town Lot in Sa-
The ciaim of i vannah and to fifty Acres of Land in Newington was ex-
eonto a Lot amined And it appearing to the Board that the said Town
inSavanh . .
and 50 Acres l L,ot was originally Holmes s and was conveyed to the
at Newington 1
^Tonedfor sai^ Bodelle by the Widow of the said Holmes (whose
Sufficient Estate in the Premisses did not appear) And
further Con
that the fifty Acres at Newington was granted on Condi
tion of the said Bodelles cultivating the same and residing
thereon three Years which were Circumstances no way
manifest, The Affair was postponed to a future Con-
sideration that the Claimant might have Opportunity to
clear up those Obstacles to Satisfaction
His Honour the Governour moved that two Lots -in
s£v°annahin 1 Deckers Ward in the Town of Savannah (heretofore re-
GOTemour6 J served for Public uses) described in the Plan of the said
Town by Letters I and L with the Vacant ground between
the said Lots (which vacant ground was originally part
of a Street called S' Julian) the whole containing one
hundred and ninety by one hundred and Eighty Feet
might be granted unto him.
Resolved — That the said two Lots as before de
scribed and vacant ground between them be granted to
his Honour.
His Honour Signed Grants for Lands to the following
¦Grants Signed persons Viz*
To Thomas Smith 150 Acres in the District of Newport
--Thomas Red a Town Lot in Augusta
James Brooks 50 Acres being a Town Lot in Savannah
Number 4 in the second Tything Reynolds Ward with
Garden and Farm Lots
Edward McGuire 250 Acres in the District of Midway
James Wetson 200 Acres in the District of Ebenezer
John Spencer a Town Lot in Hardwicke N° 9
Matthias Zetler a Town Lot & 100 Acres at Ebenezer
John Menzies a Town Lot in Hardwicke N° 126
John Smith a Town Lot, Garden Lot & 50 Acres in Eb
John Prethero 300 Acres in the District of Hallifax
SEPTEMBER, 1757- 633
David Montaigut 500 Acres in the District of Savannah
crants signed Donald Mackintosh 200 Acres in the District of Newport
Elisha Butler Esqr 500 Acres in the District of Newport
Simon Retter 1 50 Acres in the District of Ebenezer
Robert Williams Junr 50 Acres being a Town Lot in Sa
vannah N° 2 in the third Tything Reynolds Ward wth
Garden & Farm Lots
Ludwig Ernst a Town Lot, Garden Lot & 50 Acres in
Gotleb Stayley 150 Acres in the District of Goshen
Thomas Way 200 Acres in the District of Newport
Michael Bearman 100 Acres in the same District
Elizabeth Hunold 50 Acres in the District of Ebenezer
Peter Stensdorff Town Lot, Garden Lot & 50 Acres in
William Clement 300 Acres in the District of Augusta
John Baker 100 Acres in the District of Newport
James Read 500 Acres in the District of Ogechee
Matthias West 100 Acres in the District of Goshen
John Todd Senr 100 Acres in the District of South New
David Cunningham 50 Acres being a Town Lot in Sa
vannah Number 7 in the Second Tything Reynolds
Ward with Garden and Farm Lots.
David Mountaigut 50 Acres being a Town Lot in Savan-
To nah Number 5 in the first Tything Reynolds Ward
Grants signed with Garden and Farm Lots
William Graves 200 Acres in the District of Newport
Jacob Keibler 50 Acres in the District of Goshen
Nathan Taylor 500 Acres in the District of Midway
Valentine Deppe a Town Lot and 50 Acres in Ebenezer
Peada Clara Stroub a Town Lot and 50 Acres in Eben
John Pletter a Garden Lot and 50 Acres in Ebenezer
Hugh Kennedy 150 Acres in the District of Ebenezer
Gabriel Maurer a Town Lot and 50 Acres in Ebenezer
Donald Kennedy 150 Acres in the district of Sapalo
David Ashperger a Town Lot & 50 Acres in Ebenezer
Jacob Ports 50 Acres jn the District of Goshen
Henry Curtis 200 Acres on Warsaw Island
Jacob Gasper Walthour 145 Acres in the District of Oge
- Thomas Red 500 Acres in the District of Augusta
William Dunham 500 Acres in the District of Newport
Middleton Evans 500 Acres in the District of Midway
John Farley 250 Acres in the District of Ogechee
Daniel Nunez Rivers 300 Acres in the District of Oge
SEPTEMBER, 1757- 635
Michael Bearman 50 Acres in the District of Goshen
Grants signed Abraham Sarzedas a Town Lot in Hardwicke N° 87
James and William Dunham 500 Acres in the District of
Rupreik Eshberger a Town Lot, Garden Lot & 50 Acres
in Ebenezer
Christopher Peters 250 Acres in the District of Savannah
Nicholas Cronenberger a Town Lot & 200 Acres in Eb
Robert Baillie 500 Acres in the District of Newport
Conrade Hover 179 Acres in the District of Ogechee
Edward Way 450 Acres in the District of Newport
David Montaigut a Town Lot in Hardwicke N° 46
Elisha Butler 200 Acres in the District of Ogechee
John Sheraus 100 Acres in the District of Goshen
William Kennedy 50 Acres in the District of Ebenezer
George Dresler 50 Acres being a Town Lot in Savannah
Number ten in Vernon Tything Heathcoate Ward wtb
Garden & Farm Lots
John Fitch 300 Acres in the District of Augusta
John Hangleter 100 Acres in the District of Ebenezer
Benjamin Andrew 200 Acres in the District of Newport
Audley Maxwell 150 Acres in the District of Midway
John Jacob Metzger two Town Lots and 50 Acres at Eb
George Fowl 100 Acres in the District of Ebenezer
Grants signed Ann Parker Widow 500 Acres in the District of Ogechee
In Trust for the Heirs of Henry Parker Esq1 deceased.
Ann Parker 500 Acres in the District of Savannah
Henry William Parker 500 Acres in the District of Oge
Henry William Parker 500 Acres in Ogechee District In
Trust for Joseph Parker.
Joseph Athler 117 Acres on , the Branches of Augistine
Henry Bourquin 500 Acres in the District of Ogechee
Henry Bourquin 500 Acres in the District of Savannah
Henry Bourquin 500 Acres in the District of Ogechee
Henry Bourquin 500 Acres in the District of Ogechee
Joseph Sommers 270 Acres in the District of Ogechee
Joseph Summers 300 Acres, in the District of Ogechee
John Maurer a Town Lot Garden Lot & 50 Acres in Eb
Thomas Burrington 400 Acres between Ogechee and
Conochee Rivrs
Thomas Burrington 400 Acres in the District of Ogechee
Thomas Burrington a Town Lot in Hardwicke Number
Edmund Tannatt a Town Lot in Hardwicke Number 43
Edmund Tannatt 50 Acres being a Town Lot in Savan
nah N° 1 in the fourth Tything Reynolds Ward wth
Garden & Farm Lots.
OCTOBER, 1757. 637
GEORGIA At a Council held in the Council Cham
ber at Savannah on Tuesday in the Forenoon
the 4th Day of October 1757
His Honour Henry Ellis Esqr
James Habersham
Francis Harris
The Honble -j Jonathan Bryan } Esqre
William Clifton
William Knox
Minutes read ) The Minutes of the Preceeding Boards from the 2a of
prove!— I August were read and approved.
Read a Petition of David Tebear setting forth that he
vWTebearf??" was Settled in this Province and had had granted him
200 Acres read Qne hm^j-g^ Acres of Land which he caused to be Sur
veyed, but the same was afterwards found to be Glebe
Land belonging to Vernonburg Township whereupon it
was taken from him, That the Petitioner had a Wife
three Children & a Negroe and was desirous of obtaining
a Grant of Land for Cultivation, And Praying for two
hundred Acres lying between the Heads of Newport and
Midway Rivers, South of Robert Smallwoods Land,
West-South West of Joseph Massey and North of Joseph
Way which if granted he Promised to improve the same.
Resolved— That on Condition only that the Peti-
Granted tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this Date, And that he doth Also
Register the said Grant in the Registers Office of this
Province within Six Months from the Date thereof that
his Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents Then
the Prayer of the said Petition is granted.
Petition of
BalthasarReiser for 150
Acres of
Land &ca
Read a Petition of Balthasar Reiser setting forth that
he was a Settler at Ebenezer and possessed of Fifty Acres
of Land by Grant from the late Trustees and had pur-
j chased other fifty Acres adjoining and had also two Town
Lots in Ebenezer that the Petitioner having a Wife and
three Children was desirous to obtain a further Grant of
Land for Cultivation And Praying for One hundred and
fifty Acres adjoining his said Lands at a Place called
Bethany which if granted he promised to improve And
Also Praying that the Lands already possessed by him
might be Surveyed with the Lands their Honours should
be Pleased to grant on his said Petition and the whole
together with the said two Town Lots included in One
Ordered— That the further Consideration of the
said Petition be Postponed.
Petition of
¦John Rents
for 50 Acres
Read a Petition of John Rents setting forth that he was'
in Possession of Fifty Acres of Land granted him by the
late Trustees and laying at Ebenezer bounding Lands of
George Glanor at the Lagoon of the long Bridge And
was desirous of obtaining an Additional. Grant of Land,
Therefore Praying for fifty Acres adjoining the fifty
Acres aforementioned and in Consideration of a great
Part of it being Pine Land that both the said Tracts
might be included in one Grant
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this date And that he doth Also Reg
ister the said Grant in the Registers Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents Then
the Prayer of the said Petition is granted, And that the
Secretary be accordingly ordered to include both the
Tracts in one Grant as prayed for.
OCTOBER, 1757.
Petition of
Thorns. Bruce for 200
Acres of
Land read —
Read a Petition of Thomas Bruce setting forth that he
had lately granted him two hundred Acres of Land on
great Ogechee which was rendered useless by a Fort be
ing intended to be built on Part of it And was desirous
of obtaining a Grant of Lands for Cultivation in Lieu
thereof Therefore Praying for two hundred Acres on the
North Side of Midway between Lands of William Mar
tin, John Cubbedge and Coffy and Bennet wch if granted
the Petitioner promised to improve the same
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti-
Granted tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this Date And that Also he doth Reg
ister the said Grant in the Register's Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the Date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents Then
the Prayer of the said Petition is granted
Petition of
Moses Nunes
for 300 Acres
of Land read
Read a Petition of Moses Nunes setting forth that he
had been many Years a Settler in this Province and was
desirous of obtaining a Grant of Lands for Cultivation,
Therefore Praying for three hundred Acres between great
Ogechee and Midway adjoining Lands of Valentine Bos-
tick and Lands called Sterlings
Ordered — That, the further Consideration of the
said Petition be Postponed
Petition of
WilliamKnox Esqr
for Lot in
Savannah read and
Read a Petition of William Knox Esqr setting forth
that he was desirous of improving a Lot in the Town of
Savannah And Praying for a Lot in the said Town known
by Letter C in Johnson Square
RESOLVED — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this Date And that, he doth Also Reg
ister the said Grant in the Register's Office of this Prov-
Petition of
John Fitch
for 300 Acres
of Land read
ince within Six Months from the Date thereof Then the
Prayer of the said Petition is granted.
Read a Petition of John Fitch setting forth that he was
Possessed of Seven hundred Acres of Land, had a Wife
and thirty one Negroes and was desirous of obtaining an
Additional Grant of Land Therefore Praying for three
hundred Acres of Land upon Gum Swamp near new Sa
vannah adjoining Butlers Creek, which if granted he
Promised to improve the same.
Ordered — That the further Consideration of the
Postponed sa^ perjtion be Postponed, the Petitioner not appearing
to give Proof of the Number of his Family
Petition of
John Graham
for 750 Acres
of Land read
Read a Petition of Robert Godfrey settting forth that
he had Lands and Planted for two Years last Past at
Newport in this Province, had a Wife two Children and a
Negro And was desirous of obtaining a Grant of Lands
for Cultivation, Therefore Praying for three hundred
Acres of Land at a Place called Crab Tree Swamp which
if granted he promised to improve the same
Ordered — • That the further Consideration of the
said Petition be Postponed, untill the Petitioner who is a
Stranger shall produce some Voucher of his Character
and of his Ability to improve Lands
Read a Petition of John Graham setting forth that he
had had heretofore granted him five hundred Acres of
Land on Great Ogechee which was inconvenient -for his
Improvement that the Petitioner had a Wife and twelve
Negroes and was desirous of obtaining a Grant of Lands
for Cultivation in Lieu thereof Therefore Praying for
Seven hundred & fifty Acres on the North Side of the
North Branch of Newport adjoining Lands granted Rob
ert Baillie
OCTOBER, 1757.
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this Date And that he doth Also Reg
ister the said Grant in the Register's Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the Date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents Then
the Prayer of the said Petition is granted And that the
Five hundred Acres heretofore granted the Petitioner be
considered as Vacant Land.
Petition of
John Graham
for a Lot in
Savannah read
Read a Petition of the said John Graham setting forth
that he was desirous of Improving a Lot in the Town of
Savannah And Praying for a Lot in the said Town known
by Letter A in Johnson's Square which if granted the Pe
titioner engaged to build thereon in a Short Time
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this date and that he doth Also Reg
ister the said Grant in the Register's Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the Date thereof Then the
Prayer of the said Petition is granted.
One hundred
& twenty-
feet on the
Bay of Sa-
vannh.granted the
His Honour the Governour moved that he might have
granted unto him one hundred and twenty feet Front on
the Bay of Savannah extending from low Water Mark
to the Lot Number five being the North West Corner of
Digby Tything; and from the said Corner one hundred
and twenty feet Westerly in a direct Line with the Bay
Lots ; and from thence on a parellel Line with the West
ern Bounds of the Town lots to low Water Mark
Resolved — That the Quantity of Feet on the Bay
of Savannah as above described be granted his Honour
41 e r— vol 7j
GEORGIA At a Council held in the Council Cham
ber at Savannah on Tuesday the 4th Day of
October 1757 Present
His Honour Henry Ellis Esqr
James Habersham
Jonathan Bryan
James Edwd Powell
William Clifton
The Honble
PostponedPetition of
Thorns Bruce
for 500 Acs
Land again
Claims Examined
The Petition of Thomas Bruce Praying for five hun
dred Acres of Land at Newport presented to the Board
on Tuesday the fourth Day of April last and Postponed
for further Consideration was this Day at the request of
the Petitioner reconsidered.
Rejected ORDEREI
That the said Petition be rejected
Then the Board Proceeded to examine the claims of
Sundry Persons to Lands ; the Claims allowed are dis
tinctly entered in a Book of Claims, and Grants for the
same were Ordered to Pass.
His Honour the Governor Signed the two following
Grants signed Grants f or Lands Viz'
To John Jagger 400 Acres on Sapalo River
John Jagger a Town Lot in Hardwicke Number 2.
OCTOBER, 1757.
GEORGIA At a Council held in the Council Cham
ber at Savannah on Tuesday the 25th Day of
October 1757 Present
His Honour Henry Ellis Esqr
James Habersham
Francis Harris
The Honble \ Jonathan Bryan \ Esq"
James Edwd Powell
William Clifton
His Honour
acquaints the
Board wth
the Success
of the Agent
he had em
ployed to in
vite the
Creek In
dians to an
Interviewwith him at
Certain Intel-)
ligenceof a
Party of them
wth the
Agent being
already ar
rived at the
His Honour acquainted the Board that in Consequence
of a former Resolution to invite the Chiefs of the upper
and lower Creek Nation to an interview at Savannah to
receive his Majesty's Presents and endeavour to remove
the ill impressions they are said to entertain of the Eng
lish he had employed Mr Joseph Wright to execute the
Service a Person confessedly well Qualified both as to
his knowledge of the Indian Language and the Presenl
Disposition of those Savages. Of whose Arrival in the
Nation he had lately received some vague Accounts, and
had also an Intimation of the many obstructions he had
to combat in the Execution of his Commission; owing
to the Treatm' the Indians met with when they came last
to Augusta, joined to the constant Suggestions and En
deavours of the French who failed not to improve every
Incident that occurred to our Prejudice : The Shawanese,
and some of the Cherokees were no less active against
Us, the former being enraged at the Death of some of
their Tribe lately cut off by a Party of English from
Fort Loudon. But that notwithstanding all these and
many other Difficulties and Impedements the agent had
to contend with he at length accomplished his Business,
and it was with Singular Satisfaction his Honour ac
quainted the Board that he had now received certain In
telligence that a Party of these People with the Agent
were already arrived at the Fork of the Alatamaha from
whence they were hourly expected at Fort Argyle on the
great Ogechee River; and that he had dispatched Cap
tain Milledge of the Rangers thither to receive accommo
date, and, with his Troop to conduct them through the
His Honour
acquaintedthe Board
wth the Re
ception he in
tended to
give them by
OrderingColo. Jone's
Regiment of
Foot Militia
under Arms,
Cannon to be
mounted on
Sundry Bat-
terys &ca.
His Honour likewise observed to the Board that he
thought it highly Necessary upon this Occasion to receive
them in the best manner possible, for which Purpose he
had Ordered Col° Jones to have the first Regiment of
foot Militia under Arms Sixteen Cannon to be mounted
on different Bastions, a Flag to be displayed upon each,
and a Battery of seven Guns to be raised before his own
Door to salute them as they entered the Town ; and that
other Dispositions had been made equally demonstrative
of respectfull Regard.— All which the Board heard with
Pleasure "and Approbation.
GEORGIA At a Council held in the Council Cham
ber at Savannah 29th October 1757.
His Honour Henry Ellis Esq1
Sir Patrick Houston Baro'
James Habersham
«, . , Francis Harris
Jonathan Bryan [> Esq"
James Edwa Powell
William Clifton
The Arrival
of the In
dians escort
ed by Capt.
Milledge wth
his Troop of
This Day the Indians escorted by Captain Milledge
with his Troop of Rangers approached the Town. — They
¦ were met in an Open Savannah about a Mile Distant by
Captn Bryan with the Principal Inhabitants of the Towa
OCTOBER, 1757.
Rangers, and
a Particular
Account of
His Honour
the Gover
nors Address
to them -
on Horseback who welcomed them in his Honour the
Governour's Name and regaled them in a Tent pitched
for that Purpose — This being ended the Cavalcade re
sumed their March — Captain Bryan at the Head of the
Gentlemen led the Way, the Indians followed according
to their Rank, and the Rangers brought up the Rear. —
They advanced in this Order 'till they were in sight of
the Town where they halted, and were Saluted with three
Cannon from the Kings, three from Prince's, five from
Hallifax's, and five from Loudon's Bastion. They then
moved on to the Gate when Captain Bryan and the Horse
that were with him filing to the right and left formed two
Lines through which the Indians marched — They were
next received by Col0 Jones at the Head of his Regiment
of Foot Militia who conducted them with great regularity
towards the Council Chamber— As they passed the Gov
ernors House they were Saluted with Seven Cannon from
his Battery, which was Succeeded by the Cannon at the
Water Side and from Vessels in the River — A little short
of the Council Chamber the Foot Militia divided in good
Order to the Right and Left, the Indians marched through
and were again received by a Company of the Virginia
Regiment of Blues drawn up in a Line in Front who first
Saluting them with a Volley, by a Particular Evolution
formed two Lines extending to the Council House where
the Indians were conducted and introduced to his Honour
the Governor who holding out his Hands addressed them
in the following Manner — "My Friends and Brother's
"behold my Hands and Arms, our Common Enemies the
"French have told you they are Red to the Elbows, view
"them, do they Speak Truth? let your own Eyes Wit-
"ness, You see they are White, and could you see my
"Heart you would find it as pure, but very warm and
"true to you my Friends — The French tell you whoever
"shakes my Hand will immediately be struck with dis-
"ease and die, if You believe this lying foolish Talk don't
"touch me, if you do not I am ready to embrace you" —
His Honour
the Gover
nors further
Whereupon they all approach'd his Honour and shook
hands declaring the French lied and had often deceived
them in this Manner.
These Ceremonies being over and the Indians Seated
his Honour addressed himself to them again — ¦ "My
"Friends, I hope you left all our Brothers well in the Na-
"tion, that you are in Health yourselves, and met with no
"Misfortunes in the way to us, I am not ignorant of the
"many Hardships you Suffered in your Journey through
"want of Provisions, and I am very much concerned that
"it was not in my Power to have Provided better for
"You — You were told by bad People in the Nation that
"we had extended ourselves over all your Hunting
"Grounds, You are now Witnesses of the Falsity of such
"Assertions — We do not covet the back Lands for any
"other Purpose but to accommodate you when you are in
"Necessity and far from home — Tis those that lye near
"the Water Side that we Value where our Ships can come
"with Goods and carry away the Skins you Sell Us and
"the Things we raise out of the Ground — However for
"your Sakes I should have been glad there had been some
"Settlements on the Road to have furnished You with
"Corn and Rice when you went to Sleep to Silence Hun-
"ger — But I hope you have met with none of these Diffi-
"culties since you came among your Friends as I gave
"Orders to supply you with every thing the Plantations
"afforded and now that you are with my self I will take
"particular Care you shall not want what will be proper
"for You; And that you may enjoy each others Com-
"pany under one Roof and receive no Injury from the
"Weather, I have built a large House to Shelter You for
"I would rather loose my Eyes than any Mischief should
"befall you among Us — I am very well acquainted with
"all the lying and bad Talks that have been communicated
"to you by the French and their Indian Emissaries who
"are incessantly endeavouring to Plunge you into the
OCTOBER, 1757. 647
"greatest Miseries and Misfortunes from which nothing
"can Secure You but a Steady and close Union with your
"Friends the English of whose Constancy and Truth you
"have had too long Experience to doubt.— I conclude
"that you are much wearied and fatigued with so long a
"Journey, I will not therefore detain you longer from
"Repose but as soon as you are refreshed I shall again
"meet you and deliver you a Talk from the great King
"George who still remembers and loves you — You will
"then find how much you have been imposed on by our
"Common Enemies, and be convinced that we have noth-
"ing to ask that will give you any Uneasiness; Nothing
"but what is for our Mutual Benefit : And in the mean
"Time I Recommend to you to get your Guns and Saddles
"repaired which I have Ordered our Workmen to do if
"you desire it ; and I cannot but repeat the Satisfaction I
"feel in seeing so many of my Friends in one House with
"me." To which the Wolf King Mico of the Upper Creeks
A^w"rUn's as Speaker for the whole made Answer — • "We have
"heard many good Talks of You in our own Country
"which were not Lyes, and I think myself extremely hap-
"py and thank God that this Day affords Us an Oppor
tunity of seeing you Face to Face — I and my Country
"Men have been accustomed to visit the Governor's of the
"English Provinces but never had more Satisfaction than
"'we feel on this Occasion. — Tis true we experienced
"great hardships in our Journey from the back Lands
"being Uncultivated but as soon as we reached the
"Houses of our Friends we received Plenty of every
"Thing, and the kindest Treatment Possible. — • The
"length of our Journey has greatly fatigued Us, We
"therefore approve of taking the Refreshments and the
"other Steps You recommend to Us; after which we
"shall be ready to hear the great King's Talk.
This Speech was followed by a short one from Togulki
Mico of the lower Creeks.
"Tis not many Months (said he) since I was in
"Charles Town where I met with many Marks of Esteem
"and Respect from the Governour and his beloved Men.
" — I am now received with even stronger Tokens of Love
"which as they are Proofs of a Sincere Friendship can-
"not but Rejoice my Heart"
His Honour then invited the Head Men to dine with
him at his own House where they were entertained in the
kindest and most Friendly manner to their entire Satis
GEORGIA At a Council held in the Council Cham
ber at Savannah on Tuesday the first Day of
November 1757 Present
His Honour Henry Ellis Esq1
Sir Patrick Houstoun Baro'
James Habersham
Francis Harris
Jonathan Bryan y Esq"
James Edwa Powell
William Clifton
The Honble
Read a Petition of Daniel Dunham setting forth that
Dani Dunham on the Second Day of November 1756 a Lot in the Town
for renewing r t -r 1 • i 1 • rw\
his warrt read of Hardwicke was granted him but that the Term of the
Warrant for running out the same was expired without
his having made the Survey, And Praying that the Sur
veyors general might be enabled and Ordered to issue a
Petition of
Thomas Gilli-
land for 200
Acres of
Land read
Petition of
Charles Weatherford
for 150 Acrs
of Land read
new Precept on the aforesaid Warrant for setting out the
said Lot.
Resolved — That the Prayer of the said Petition is
granted and that the Surveyors General be Ordered to
give a New Precept and direct the Survey as prayed for
Read a Petition of Thomas Gilliland setting forth that
' he was become a Settler in this Province having a Family
. consisting of a Wife and three Children and was desirous
of obtaining a Grant of Lands for Cultivation And Pray
ing for Two hundred Acres of Land Situate on Savan
nah River at the Mouth of little Cyoka Creek on the lower
side thereof about fifteen Miles below Augusta, which if
granted the Petitioner Promised to Cultivate and im
prove the same.
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this Date And that he doth also Reg
ister the said Grant in the Register's Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the Date thereof that his
Maiesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents. Then
the Prayer of the said Petition is granted
Read a Petition of Charles Weatherfoot setting forth
that he was a Settler in this Province having a Family
consisting of a Wife and Child therein and was desirous
of obtaining a grant of Lands for Cultivation And Pray
ing for One hundred and fifty Acres of Land Situate on
the North Side of fishing Creek at the mouth of the said
Creek about fifty Miles above Augusta which if granted
the Petitioner promised to Cultivate and improve the
same Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months of this Date And that he doth Also Reg-
Petition of 1
Owen Day for I
500 Acres of |
Land read J
Petition of
Lewis John
son for Lot in
Savannahread ...
Petition of
Johnathan Bryan Esqr.
for 1000 Acres
of Land read .
ister the said Grant in the Register's Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the date thereof that his.
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents Then
the Prayer of the said Petition is granted
Read a Petition of Owen Day setting forth that he was
a Settler in this Province having a Family consisting of
a Wife and three Children and four Negroes therein and
was desirous of Obtaining a Grant of Lands for Cultiva
tion And Praying for five hundred Acres of Land on Sa
vannah River joining Thomas Basset's Land South, and
the Head Lines of Brown's, Campbell's and Red's Lands
on the North and Joseph Oak's Land on the West about
two Miles below Augusta Fort which if granted the Peti
tioner engaged to Cultivate and improve the same
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within.
Seven Months of this Date and that he doth Also Regis
ter the said Grant in the Register's Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents Then
the Prayer of the said Petition is granted.
Read a Petition of Lewis Johnson setting forth that he
was desirous of improving a Lot in the Town of Savan
nah And Praying for half the Public Lot in the said Town
known by letter H facing Drayton Street which if grant
ed he Promised to build upon and improve the same.
Ordered — That the said Petition be rejected; the
Court House that stands on the other Part of the same
Lot requiring Additional Buildings.
Read a Petition of Jonathan Bryan Esqr setting forth
that he was possessed of One Thousand three hundred
' Acres of Land in this Province having a Family consist
ing of upwards of Ninety Persons and was desirous of
Petition of
Alexr Wylly
for 400 Acres
of Land read
Granted Mr
Bryans 1000
Acres to be
first run
PostponedPetition of
Rieser for 150
Acres of
Land &ca
again read —
obtaining an Additional Grant of Land And Praying for
One thousand Acres lying to the Westward and bound
ing a Tract lately granted Edmund Tannatt on the Swamp
leading from the Head of Augustine's Creek which if
granted he Promised to improve.
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within Sev
en Months from this Date And that he doth Also Regis
ter the said Grant in the Register's Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the Date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents, Then
the Prayer of the said Petition is granted
Read a Petition of Alexander Wylly setting forth that
he was in Possession of Five hundred Acres of Land
having a Family consisting of a Wife a Child and four
teen Negroes and was desirous of obtaining a Grant of
Lands Additional And Praying for four hundred Acres
at a Place called Augustine's Swamp on Savannah River
adjoining Lands there lately granted Mr Edmund Tan
natt which if granted he engaged to Cultivate and im
prove the same.
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this date and that he doth Also Reg
ister the said Grant in the Register's Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the Date thereof, that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents, Then
the Prayer of the said Petition is granted the Tract above
granted Mr Jonathan Bryan to be first run out
Read a Petition of Balthasar Rieser (postponed the 4th
October last) setting forth that he was a Settler in Ebe
nezer and Possessed of fifty Acres of Land by Grant from
the late Trustees; and That he purchased other fifty
Acres adjoining, And that he was Also Possessed of two
Town Lots in Ebenezer. That he had a Family consist
ing of a Wife and three Children and was desirous of a
further Grant of Land for Cultivation, Therefore Praying
for One hundred and fifty Acres adjoining his own
Lands at a Place called Bethany And further Praying
that the Lands he was then Possessed of might be sur
veyed with the Lands their Honours should be Pleased to
Grant on his said Petition and the whole together with the
two Town Lots included in one Grant.
100 Acres
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this Date And that he doth Also Reg
ister the said Grant in the Register's Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the Date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents, Then
Part of the Prayer of the said Petition namely one hun
dred Acres is granted but not to be included in the same
Grant with his other Lands —
Petition of
Saml Chew
for 200 Acres
Read a Petition of Samuel Chew setting forth that he
was a Settler in the Province having a Family consist
ing of two Negroes and was desirous of Obtaining a
Grant of Lands for Cultivation And Praying for two hun
dred Acres situate on Savannah River at a Place called
Soap Creek about forty Miles above Augusta which if
granted he engaged to cultivate and improve the same.
Resolved — ¦ That on Condition only that the Peti-
Granted tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this Date, And that he doth Also
Register the said Grant in the Register's Office of this
Province within Six Months from the Date thereof that
his Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents Then
the Prayer of the said Petition is granted.
NOVEMBER, 1757. 653
Read a Petition of John Gordon setting forth that he
john'todon had been a Settler in the Province three Years last past
i£ndretdres° and had no Lands therein and was desirous of obtaining
a Grant of Lands for Cultivation Therefore Praying for
One hundred Acres on the South Side of Briar Creek at
a Spring about three Miles above Mr Raes Cowpen ad
joining Patrick Hamilton's Improvement
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti-
Granted tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this date And that he doth Also Reg
ister the said Grant in the Register's Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months of the Date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents, Then
the Prayer of the said Petition is granted.
Read a Petition of Lachlan McGillivray setting forth
Eachian Mc- ^iat ^e was Possessed of Eight hundred Acres of Land
Acr^rrad1 10° having a Family consisting of upwards of twenty Ne
groes and was desirous of Obtaining a Grant of Lands
Additional Therefore Praying for One hundred Acres at
new Savannah on Butler's Creek adjoining Lands be-
and longing to the - Petitioner and John Spencer which if
granted he Promised to cultivate and improve the same.
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti-
Granted tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this date And that he doth Also Reg
ister the said Grant in the Register's Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the Date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents Then
the Prayer of the said Petition is granted.
Read a Petition of Sir Patrick Houston Baro4 setting
Petitionof 1 forth that he was desirous of cultivating and improving
Houston \ other Lands than what he was then Possessed of And
Barot. read J Praying for One hundred Acres at a Place called Keelers
Petition of
James Gra
ham for 500
Acres of
Land read
Bluff upon Newport River about four Miles to the North
ward of Alexander McDonald's Plantation which if
granted he engaged to cultivate and improve the same.
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this Date And that he doth Also Reg
ister the said Grant in the Register's Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents Then
the Prayer of the said Petition is granted
Read a Petition of James Graham setting forth that he
was an Inhabitant of this Province and had no Lands
granted him except a Lot in the Town of Hardwicke and
was desirous of obtaining a Grant of Lands for Cultiva
tion Therefore Praying for five hundred Acres of Land
being the first Neck of Land on North Newport River
above the Island called Bermuda adjoining South West
on Land lately granted Edward McGuire which if granted
he Promised to improve and cultivate the same
Rejected Ordered — That the said Petition be rejected
Read a Petition of John Pettygrew setting forth that
John'plitticrew ^e was possessed of three hundred Acres of Land (one
ofrL^reS hundred Acres whereof he Purchased) having a Family
consisting of a Wife and fourteen Negroes now in the
Province and was desirous of Obtaining a Grant of Lands
Additional Therefore Praying for One hundred Acres
being Pine barren consisting of two fifty Acre Lots in
and Augusta Township Number 17 & 18 at the Back of James
Grays and James Parris's Lots and adjoining Edward
Barnards five hundred Acres.
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this Date And that he doth Also Reg
ister the said Grant in the Registers Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the Date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents Then
the Prayer of the said Petition is granted.
Read a Petition of John Milledge setting forth that he
KrmldOge°forOi60 was possessed of five hundred Acres of Land by Grant
cresrea fr0m the late President and Assistants having a Family
consisting of a Wife three Children and five Negroes and
was prepared immediately to purchase three more Slaves,
and was desirous of obtaining a Grant of Lands Addi
tional to and adjoining his aforesaid Tract on great Oge
chee. Therefore Praying for One hundred and Sixty
Acres lying to the West of the Petitioners said Land,
North East of John McKay's Land and South West of
Peter Nephew's Land which if granted he engaged to
improve the- same
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti-
Granted tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this Date and that he doth Also Reg
ister the said Grant in the Registers Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the Date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents Then
the Prayer of the said Petition is granted
Petition of
John Mil
ledge for 90
Acres of
Land read
Read a Second Petition of the said John Milledge set
ting forth as in the foregoing Petition And Praying for
two vacant Farm Lots lying in the first Tything of An
son Ward containing together ninety Acres and Adjoin
ing a small Tract of Land heretofore granted the Peti
tioners Wife which if granted he engaged to cultivate and
improve the same.
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this date and that he doth Also Reg
ister the said Grant in the Register's Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the Date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents Then
the Prayer of the said Petition is granted
Read a Petition of John Spencer setting forth that he
Ipenc™ for°3oo was possessed of Eight hundred and fifty Acres of Land
Acres read (three hundred Acres whereof he Purchased) having a'
Family consisting of a Son and fifteen Negroes now in the
Province and was desirous of obtaining a Grant of Lands
Additional Therefore Praying for three hundred Acres
at the Fork of Boggy Gut and Rocky Creek near the
Road from Augusta to Savannah about four Miles South
of Brier Creek which if granted he engaged to cultivate
and improve the same
Ordered — That the further Consideration of the
said Petition be Postponed
Read a Petition of William Gradell setting forth that
Petitionof ) he was an Old Settler in- the Province and had no Grant
deii for 150 " \ of Lands therein, that he had a Negro Boy and had Set-
Acres read J tied and improved Land which he had not an Opportunity
of sooner Petitioning for Therefore Praying for One
hundred and fifty Acres at a Place called the long Reach
on Savannah River where he is now Settled; one hun-
and dred Acres about two Miles above it : both Tracts being
under improvement and which if granted he engaged to
continue in the Cultivation of.
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti-
Grantedthe l tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
whole to be I
run in one r Seven Months from this Date and that he doth Also Resr-
ister the said Grant in the Register's Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents Then
NOVEMBER, 1757. 657
the Prayer of the said Petition is granted as follows,
namely, the One hundred and fifty Acres to be run in One
Tract on the Spot where the one hundred Acres is said to
GEORGIA At a Council held in the Council Cham
ber at Savannah on Thursday the third Day
of November 1757
His Honour. Henry Ellis Esq1
Sir Patrick Houston Baro'
James Habersham
Francis Harris
Jonathan Bryan [ Esqr!
James Edwd Powell
L William Clifton
The Hon"16 ¦
This Day the Heads of twenty one different Towns of
HisHonour i th Upper and lower Creek Nation Viz*
again meet ri
the Indians I
and has a ; Cowetas Wyokees Pucknatillihasse
formal Con
ference wth Cussetas Ufalas Okonees
them J Mucklasses Little Tellasee. . Tuskegee
Hellabees Tatmuchasse . . . Uchees
Swaggalas Hatsechubbas . . . Cheehaws
Great Tellasee . . . Fujhatchee Oakfuschees
Conhatchee Ottoses Tuckabachees
and upwards of one hundred of their Countrey Men hav
ing been conducted to the Council Chamber according to
appointment the former Civilities and Formalities were
repeated; and being seated in Order and the Council
Chamber thronged with the principal Inhabitants who at-
42 c r— vol 7
tended with Anxiety to learn the Events of this Congress
upon which the Tranquility of the Province so much de
pended. His Honour opened the Conference in the following
Manner "Observe, my Friends how serene and Cloud
less this Day appears ! I cannot but consider it as a good
"Omen of the Success of this Interview, and I hope that
"you are all come with Hearts resembling it, unclouded
"with Jealousies, and with Dispositions suitable to the
"good Work of brightning the Chain and making the
"Path Strait for ever between Us — I desire to know
"whether you my Friends are Authorised to transact and
"Speak for your whole Nation ? To which they answered
with one Voice "We are the Mouth of the Nation. —
His Honour then with great Solemnity produced a Paper
he had wrote for the Purpose intituled "A Letter from
the great King George to his beloved Children of the
Creek Nations" of which this is a Copy.
"The Great King George whose Days have been long
pioduc?s°andj "and happy who still Shines like the Sun to delight and
hltMaj^styr I "comfort the World, and whose Goodness flows upon his
"Children as the great Rivers run into the Sea ; sends his
"Love to all the Mico's Headmen and Warriors his Chil-
"dren in the upper and lower Creek Nation, To Whom
"Be It Known that the French King in a Time of full
"Peace Ordered his People to murder and Scalp some of
"my Children and Friends the red Men bordering upon
"my Countries to the North — We long bore those Inju
ries with Patience, but the Cries and Intreaties of my
"People prevailed on Us to grant them that Help their
"Distresses required — Whereupon these bloody French
"Men fell upon my Children the White People with the
"same Barbarity and Fury; and then by Lies and other
"bad Practices, corrupted the Hearts and caused to for-
"sake Us some of my Children among the Red People —
NOVEMBER, 1757. 659
"inhabiting the Borders of the great Lakes, who had long
"been in our Love, and received repeated Marks of our
"Kindness. — Having now acquainted you my most be-
"loved Children with the Reason of the Present War
"between my People and the French must warn you to
"guard against the treacherous Designs of those bloody
"Men, and their Indian Friends, and strongly recommend
"to you to continue your Obedience and Affection to me
"the great King your Father and Friend ; and to Assist
"in all Things my beloved Men and all my Children
"whether White or Red Men who live in or near your
"Countrey : and desire that you will always consider my
"Friends as your Friends, and my Foes as yours ; which
"will make you Strong in my Affection and Favour — I
"have now sent my very beloved Mico to Georgia to give
"you good Talks and some Presents as a Token of my
"constant Regard for, and Remembrance of You.
"That the great Spirit who made Heaven and Earth
"and all the Children of Men upon the Earth ; who sees
"and hears every Thing they do and say ; who loves good
"Men and hates the bad; may keep the Hearts of my
"People strait, preserve their Health, and direct them to
"those Things which are best for them, is the Earnest
"Wish of the great King George who puts his Hand and
"Seal to this Paper at his great Castle at London"
"King George"
This being fully explained Paragraph by Paragraph
His Honour ] was closely attended to and relished extremely by the
resumes his I J J J
themurset° J Indians who at every Period declared their Approbation
aloud! His Honour then resumed his Speech to them
thus — "My Friends you have now Heard with your own
"Ears the Words of the great King George you find how
"dearly he loves you and that he entertains no Suspi
cions of your Obedience and Friendship — He has not
"forgot the many Proofs you gave of your Affection
"Courage and Loyalty in our last War with the French
"and Spaniards — -He now sends you a fresh Token of his
"paternal Regard which shall be faithfully delivered —
"He hopes that you will shew yourselves deserving of it
"and Promises that whilst you do he will never forsake
"you — He desires that you may live and continue to be
"a free and happy People — He warns you against the
"Snares of your Secret Enemies and as the most effectual
"Way to secure your Present Felicity and defeat their
"treacherous and malicious Designs, he earnestly exhorts
"you to hold your Brothers the White People faster by
"the Hand. — He has sent me over the great Water with
"his Talk, a Journey longer and more dangerous than
"you have Performed, He has commanded me to take
"Care of his Children the red People but especially of you
"the -best beloved, I am now ready to Obey his Com-
"mands ; Is there any thing I can do for you ? let me
"know it and it shall be done, Keep nothing in your
"Hearts to make you uneasy for I am willing to redress
"every Grievance Let us improve this opportunity of
"cementing our Love by new and Stronger Ties than has
"hitherto united Us, That our Children may have Reason
"to remember this Day with thankfulness when our
"Bones are cold. — We your Brothers Ask for nothing
"but what is for our common Benefit, being all Children
"of the great King 'tis fit we should Love and help' one
"another — This is all we desire and all you can do in
"Return for the good Things you daily receive from us —
"You see your selves covered with our Gifts, your Wives,,
"your Children, your Houses, all wear Marks of our un
ceasing Benevolence — You cannot but have heard how
"wretched you were before we became your Friends —
"The Skins of Fowles and wild Beasts were then your
"best Raiment — ¦ Do not again reduce Your selves to
"these sad Circumstances when you can with so much
"ease avoid them. — You ought not to be Jealous of Us,.
NOVEMBER, 1757. 661
"We share what we have with You We take nothing
"from you that you can enjoy; we leave you the Woods
"and all the wild Fowls and Beasts for your Subsistence ;
"We draw our Food from the Earth, we teach you to do
"the same, which encreases your Plenty; and as our
"People are always ready to relieve you in your dis-
"tresses what better Friends can you hope for? Can the
"French do more for you ? No, you do not yet know the
"French, when they are Stronger you will know them
"and feel them too, if you forsake Us."
His Plonour then pausing to hear what the Indians
had to say Stumpee the Guardian of the late Emperor's
Son whom they appointed their Speaker delivered him
self to the following Effect. — ¦ "We have heard the great
"Kings Words with great Satisfaction — We have heard
"yours also they are strong and good — there is nothing
"we desire more than to employ this opportunity towards
"confirming and renewing our antient Friendship with
"our Brothers the English and as you have desired Us to
"acquaint you with all our Grievances We will now open
"our Hearts and entirely unburthen our Minds — All you
"have told Us is true and good we will remember it—
"Our Fathers were poor but you have made Us Rich —
"This we often tell our People, we desire them to hold
"you fast by the Hands as the Surest Means to continue
"secure in their Present Happiness — When the great
"Squire came first here we made a Treaty of Friendship
"with him and his People to whom we gave Sundry
"Lands on the Sea Side that they might live upon them
"reserving to our selves three Islands called Sappalo, S4
"Catherine's and Ossabaw; these we left in the Hands of
"an Old Woman (meaning Mrs Bosomworth) to keep for
"Us which She Pretending to have bought and that they
"belonged to her, occasioned great Animosities and Dis
turbances between Us and the White People We now
"declare that we did not Sell them to her and we desire
"that your Honour will take them under your Care In
"Trust to put an End to future disputes concerning them
" — I might take this opportunity of Mentioning many
"Things that have caused Uneasiness among Us such as
"the Changes that have been attempted in the Trade —
"but I am not willing to touch upon these Points for Fear
"of raising new Difficulties — Things have hitherto gone
"well, Alterations are apt to produce Misunderstandings,
"if matters cannot be intirely settled to the Satisfaction
"of every Body 'tis better they should continue as they
"are, which is the Opinion of our Nation— You have de
clared to us that it is your earnest desire to live in the
"Strictest Union with Us, we cannot but approve these
"good Dispositions : We know that Treaties have been
"made for this Purpose by our Fathers and agreed to by
"many of our Old Men Yet living : We are Sensible that
"these Treaties are binding not only upon those . who
"Signed them but upon our whole People and their Pos-
"terity : yet it would be well that they were renewed and
"confirmed in our Days, that the Young Men may be Wit
nesses to them and transmit a Knowledge of them to
"their Children; This is our Desire and we doubt not
"you will comply with it — I will say nothing as to the
"Lands above the flowing of the Tides, We observed a
"few Settlers there but nothing like the Number that was
"Reported to Us — We are content that every one should
"continue unmolested where they are Settled except one
"Man that we met driving Cattle towards Conoochee
"whom we desire may be recalled from thence as he has
"been uncivil to Us in our Journey — We have long
"wished that a Smith might be Settled among Us to
"mend our Guns, the French do this for their Friends
"which is a great advantage to them and Mortification to
"Us ; we hope you will think of this — As to other mat
ters we are content that nothing shall be said of them,
"and that whatever is past shall be buried in eternal Ob-
NOVEMBER, 1757. 663
"livion, that no Rust may sully the Chain of Friendship
"between Us any more" — To this Speech His Honour
replied "The Confidence you repose in me in regard to the
"disputed Lands gives me great Pleasure — You shall
"have no Reason to repent what you have done — Indeed
"I now know of nothing than can Interrupt our Friend
ship; for although there are some little matters yet un
settled they are not of such Consequence as to endanger
"our Union — What you have said about the Trade I
"have attended to and very much approve, 'Tho I must
"observe to you that as Carolina is chiefly concerned in
"it the Governour there is best qualified to regulate that
"Matter — I saw him not many Months ago when it was
"expected you would have visited him first, We then
"talked about this Affair and I consented that whatever
"agreement he made with you I would abide by — I tell
"you this that you may know where to apply in the fu-
"ture for after having given my Word I cannot recall it
"or do anything myself — We are as one people and
"whatever he shall do will be the same as if we both did
"it — The Smith you mention would certainly be a Con-
"venience to you and I wish it was in my Power to pro-
"vide you One, which it is not ; yet I would not have you
"despair of obtaining all your Wishes for there will soon
"be in Carolina a beloved Man from; the great King who
"has the Special Charge of your Affairs, and who I am
"convinced will neglect nothing to gratify You — When
"he arrives you will hear from him and I shall take Care
"to let him know your Minds — In Regard to the, Man
"you saw at Coonochee I will write to him I have already
"enquired into that Matter and find that he was drunk
"when he met you, and was only driving some Cattle that
"Way to eat up the Grass which would otherwise perish
"in the Winter — And now as. I know all your Desires I
"will endeavour to give you Content — The Treaty that
"you wish to have Executed is ready for that Purpose"
His Honour
desires the
Opinion of
the Gentle
men of the
Council in
Respect of
the Conf er-
The Council':
His Honour then Addressing himself to the Gentlemen
of the Council desired that they would give him their
freest Thoughts on every Part of the Present Transac
tion, that it might not hereafter be- insinuated that any
inconsiderate, hasty or improper Step had been taken by
him, or any Material one omitted through his Neglect of
taking Advice — The Council Unanimously approved the
Whole of his Honour's Conduct and confessed that more
i had been effected than there was Reason to expect, and
) that at this Juncture it would be dangerous to attempt any
thing more
A new Treaty
Produced and
Signed by the
The Wolf
King's Ad
dress to the
rest of the
Indians on
he Treaty
being Signed
The Treaty being then Produced in Writing, each Arti
cle was fully and distinctly interpreted and explained to
the Indians by the Linguist, and was heartily and unani
mously approved of, and immediately agreed to by all
the Head Men who put their Hands and Seals to it be
fore a numerous Audience — This being compleated the
Wolf King desired he might be heard and directing him
self to his Country Men spoke with great Vehemence in
the following Terms, "All of you have this Day freely
"confirmed your Antient Treaties with the English by a
"new one, in which some fresh Articles are inserted; I
"know that it has been customary for you to deny in your
"own Towns the Contracts you have made in those of the
"White People ; but remember how chearfully and readi-
"ly you all joined in this Act, which of you then will dare
"to deny it in our public Square hereafter? If there is
"one of you that can be so base, I am the Man that will
"call him a Lyar and the rest of you shall confirm it"
Whereupon the Council rose and the Head Men by his
Honours Invitation attended him to his House to Dinner
NOVEMBER, 1757- 665
copy of the GEORGIA Present
His Honour Henry Ellis Esqr Lieutenant
Governour and Commander in Chief of his
Majesty's Province of Georgia and Vice
Admiral of the same.
The Honble
Sir Patrick Houston Baro*
James Habersham
Francis Harris
Jonathan Bryan
James Edwa Powell
William Clifton
William Knox
On the one Part ; and on the other, the Head Men and
Warriors of the following Towns in the upper and lower
Creek Nations Viz the
Cowetas Wyokees Pucknatilihasse
Cussetas Uf alas Okonees
Mucklasses Little Tellasee . .Tuskegee
Hellabees Tatmuchassee . . Uchees
Swaggalas Hatsechubbas . . . Chehaws
Great Tellasee . . . .Tushatchee Oakfuschees
Conhatchee Ottoses Tuckabachees
Who reflecting Seriously upon the Miseries of War and
Discord, and the Blessings and Advantages of Peace and
good Correspondence and being desirous to avoid the one,
and preserve the other, the Governor who represents the
great King and the aforesaid Mico's who are the Heads
of upper and lower Creek Nations mutually agree to the
following Articles.
Ist That all the former Treaties agreed upon and con
cluded between the great Squire or any other of the
King's Officers, Governours, Councillors or beloved Men
and the Head Men of the Creek Nations are hereby rati
fied and confirmed according to their true Intent and
Meaning and shall be the Foundation of this Treaty
2dly That by this Treaty all former Grievances and Dis
satisfaction of every kind shall be forgiven and forgot as
thoroughly as if they never had happened and Peace and
good Friendship is hereby renewed and established be
tween the People of the great King George called White
Men and his beloved Children of both the Creek Nations
called the red Men
3aiy And that the Friendship and Alliance now firmly
established by this Treaty may never be endangered or
interrupted, It is reciprocally agreed that the irregulari
ties and Misdemeanours committed by the Straglers or
Vagrants of either Nation shall not hereafter be consid
ered as the Act of the Nation to which they belong nor
cause any Misunderstanding between the two People nor
by any Means involve them in a War on that Account, but
that all Difficulties and Disputes of what Nature so ever
which may hereafter arise between the English and the
Creek Indians shall be amicably determined and adjusted
at a Congress to be forthwith held for that Purpose where
shall be Present the beloved Mico of the great King
George who shall then govern this Province or any other
of the King's beloved Men on the one Part, and on the
other the Mico's Head Men and Warriors of the Creek
Nations who shall be authorised to transact the same
4thly And Whereas it has been asserted that the Head
Men and States of the Creek Nations had Alienated and
Sold the Lands and Islands called Ossabaw, S' Catherines
and Sappalo and the Lands from the Town 'of Savannah
to Pipemaker's Creek to Coosaponakesee alias Mary
Bosomworth, This is therefore to declare that we the
Headmen and States never did Sell or Alienate the same
to her or to any private Person whomsoever and
that we now deliver the said Lands and Islands In Trust
to his Honour the Present Governor Representative of
the great King
Lastly it is heartily and willingly agreed to by both
Parties that the Friends of the one shall be eternally con
sidered as the Friends of the other, and the Enemies of
either as the Enemies of both : And that the Present
Treaty of Peace and Alliance shall remain firm and in
violable as long as the Sun shall shine and the Rivers run
into the Sea
Done in the Council Chamber at Savannah
3a November 1757 —
Henry Ellis.
Patrick Hous
James Haber
&ca Witnesses
Tuskege Mico
Yaholaremathla Enthlamis Mico
TustanakehulthaboyYaw Willee alias Hoo-
Asseniahulba cho iha
Tustanagee the
Muckalassee Warrior
f The Wolf King's Mark
Mico Coweta a great
Hulthepoe Mico
IswanagemalthlaThe long Lieutenant
Tustenechoboy The long second Man
of the Wyokees
Tustanakee Chiskoliga
Lieutenant of the Fu-
,. shachees
GEORGIA At a Council held in the Council Cham
ber at Savannah on Monday the Seventh
Day of November 1757 —
His Honour Henry Ellis Esqr
James Habersham
Jonathan Bryan
William Clifton
William Knox
The Honble ¦
This Day his Honour the Governour had a Conference
a conference] with another Party of Indians just come in from the
with another 1 ^.
Party of r Uchee and Tuckabatchee Towns, the Wolf and Coweta
Indians J Mico's likewise attending — His Honour recapitulated to
them the Substance of the grand Conference held on the
third Instant together with the Kings Talk of which he
told them they would hear again in their Squares as the
Wolf and Coweta Mico's would have each of them a
Copy — His Honour then Produced to them the Treaty
that their Indian Friends entered into, had it explained to
them Paragraph by Paragraph, told them that the same
had been drawn up entirely at their Request to establish
our antient Friendships; and at the same Time pointed
out to them how extremely advantageous and beneficial
such a Treaty now was for our mutual Security : All
which the Indians gave the utmost attention to, And the
Talk being ended desired that they might also put their
Hands to the Treaty which they accordingly did
NOVEMBER, 1757. 669
GEORGIA At a Council held in the Council Cham
ber at Savannah on Thursday the Seven
teenth Day of November 1757 —
His Honour Henry Ellis Esqr
TV,* Wnnw blames Habersham Jonathan Bryan} p
ine non }Wmiam Clifton, William Knox, |Usq
Read a Petition of John Burnett setting forth that he
johnarrnfettl ^^ ^een Settled in this Province these four Years with-
ofrLan(frCe^l j out having obtained a Grant of Lands therein ; that he
had a Wife and was desirous of obtaining Lands for Cul
tivation Therefore Praying for One hundred and fifty
Acres on the South Side of North Newport bounding on
and the said River between Lands granted Richard Burtley
and Thomas White which if granted he engaged to Culti
vate and improve the same
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti-
Granted tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this Date and that he doth Also Reg
ister the said Grant in the Registers Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents Then.
the Prayer of the said Petition is granted.
GEORGIA At a Council held in the Council Cham
ber at Savannah on Wednesday the Six
teenth Day of November 1757
His Honour Henry Ellis Esqr
James -Habersham
James Edwa Powell
William Clifton
William Knox
Some old
Timber bor
rowed to
make Plat
forms for
mountg the
Cannon to re
ceive the
Indns either
to be return
ed or Pur
Thought best'
to Purchase
His Honour acquainted the Board that in the Prepara
tions made for the Indians Reception he had borrowed a
Quantity of Old Timber of the Widow Papot to make
Platforms for mounting the Cannon with a Promise that
the same should be again carried back to the Place it was
taken from; that he now found the Cartage would cost
twenty five Shillings and he believed the whole might be
Purchased of her for forty Shillings : And advised with
the Board whether it was not more eligible to purchase it
and let it stand where it is fixed rather than be at the
Expence of carting it back — The Board immediately ap
proved the Purchasing it as the Timber might be of Serv
ice on other Public Occasions
Sundry Accounts respecting the Expence incurred by
the coming down of the Indians were laid before the
Board by the Commissary for Examination.
GEORGIA At a Council held in the Council Cham
ber at Savannah on Friday the Eighteenth
Day of November 1757
His Honour Henry Ellis Esq1
James Habersham
Jonathan Bryan
The Honble \ James Edwa Powell [ Esq11
William Clifton
William Knox
The Board taking into Consideration the Importance
aUowance°nal of Mr Joseph Wright's Service in the Execution of the
made Mr Jo
seph Wright
for his Service
in bringing
down the In
Commission he was intrusted with for Inviting down the
Indians of the Creek Nations, and the great Fatigue
Losses and Expences he Suffered in the Course thereof
thought that the Recompense of thirty Pounds Sterling,
as promised him far inferior to the Task he had gone
through and the Success that had attended it, Therefore
came to a Resolution that the said Wright should have an
Additional Sum of thirty Pounds given him for such his
The Accounts'! The Several Accounts respecting the Expences of the
theYndians Indians are referred for examination to the Gentlemen of
Expences to I . . „ ¦ r 1 -r-t Ar\
be Examined i the Council to sit in Committee for that .Purpose on 1 ues-
by the Coun- j
daynJxT3" J daY next the 22& Instant
GEORGIA At a Council held in the Council Cham
ber at Savannah on Tuesday the twenty sec
ond Day of Novemr 1757
His Honour Henry Ellis Esqr
James Habersham
Jonathan Bryan
The Honble \ James Edwa Powell
William Clifton
William Knox
The Indians 1
Accounts Ex- I
amined &
Passed J
Assembly Or
dered to be
Prorogued by
to Uth Jany
The Commissary of the Province laid before the Board
all the Accounts of Expences contracted for the Indians
lately here, which were examined and after several De-
s d
ductions were passed amounting to £i8o: 16. o^4 Ster
ling exclusive of what was allowed the Agent for his
Service in going to the Creek Nation and attending here
as Interpreter
Ordered — That the Secretary do make out a Proc
lamation for Proroguing the general Assembly to
Wednesday the Eleventh Day of January next.
GEORGIA At a Council held in the Council Cham
ber at Savannah on Tuesday the sixth Day of
December 1757. Present
His Honour Henry Ellis Esqr
Sir Patrick Houston Baro'
James Habersham
Francis Harris
Jonathan Bryan
James Mackay
James Ed Powell
Willm Clifton & Willm Knox
The HonbIe
- Esq"
Petition of
Lachlan Mc-
Gillvray for
400 Acres
Petition of
George Gal
phin for 200
Acres read
Read a Petition of Laughlan MacGillvray setting forth
that he was an Inhabitant and Planter in the Province and
was possessed of Eleven hundred Acres of Land therein
having a family consisting of upwards of forty Negroes
and was desirous of obtaining a Grant of Lands Addi
tional And Praying for four hundred Acres on Savannah
River at a Place called the Indian Old Fields near Lands
granted Mr George Galphin which if granted he engaged
to cultivate and improve the same
Resolved — ¦ That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months of this Date and that he doth Also Reg
ister the said Grant in the Register's Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months of the Date thereof that his
Majesty may not be Defrauded of his Quit Rents, Then
the Prayer of the said Petition is granted ; The Petitioner
having been Previously Sworn to the Number of his.
Family before his Honour the Governour
Read a Petition of George Galphin setting forth that
\ he was a Settler in the Province and at Present Possessed
of only four hundred Acres of Land therein upwards of
One hundred Acres thereof he had cleared and Planted-
43 0 r— vol 7
That he had a Family consisting of forty Slaves and was
desirous of obtaining a Grant of Land Additional And
Praying for two hundred Acres adjoining the lower Line
of his aforesaid Tract on Savannah River which if grant
ed he engaged to cultivate and improve the same
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti-
Granted tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this Date And that he doth Also Reg
ister the said Grant in the Register's Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the Date thereof that his
Read a Petition of Bryan Kelly setting forth that the
iry'anKeiiyfor Petitioner had four Slaves now in the Province and was
S00 Acres read desirous of obtaining a Grant of Land for Settling a
Stock of Cattle and otherwise improving the same And
Praying for One hundred Acres on Rocky Creek the
South Side of Brier Creek and two hundred Acres on the
same Creek to be run in two different Tracts which if
granted he engaged to cultivate and improve the same.
Rejected OrdEREd — That the said Petition be rejected
Petition of
Handley for a
Lot in Sa
vannah read
Read a Petition of William Handley setting forth that
he was desirous of improving a Lot in the Town of Sa
vannah And Praying for a Lot in the said Town known
by Letter Q in Heathcote Ward which if granted he en
gaged forthwith to build upon and improve the same
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Lot within
Seven Months of this Date And that he doth Also Reg
ister the said Grant in the Register's Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the Date thereof Then the
Prayer of the said Petition is granted.
Petition of
John Tannar
for 200 Acres
Read a Petition of John Tanner setting forth that he
had lived in the Province above twenty Years and had set
down on a Piece of Land and Planted Eight Acres but
had had no Opportunity till now of petitioning for it
That the Petitioner had no Land in the Province and had
a Family consisting of a Wife and Child And Praying for
two hundred Acres about Eight Miles above the Mouth
of Briar Creek (where he now Settled) which if granted
he Promised to continue to cultivate and improve the
100 Acres
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this
Petition of
Joseph Gib
bons for 50
Acres read
Read a Petition of Joseph Gibbons setting forth that
1 he was Possessed of two thousand two hundred Acres of
| Land having a Family consisting of a Wife four Chil
dren and forty Six Negroes and was desirous of obtain
ing a Grant of Land Additional And Praying for Fifty
Acres of Land in Newington Village known by Number
Six adjoining the Lands the Petitioner was Settled on
and improving and running near his Door, which if
granted he engaged to improve the. same
Rejected Ordered — That the said Petition be rejected.
Petition of
James Me
Read a Petition of James Mackay Esqr setting forth
1 that he was desirous of improving a Lot in the Town of
f Lotto's^" I Savannah And Praying for Lot Number six in the first
vanh. read J Tything Reynolds Ward with Garden and farm Lots
thereunto belonging (Saving the Right of future Claim
ants under the Original Grantee) wch Lot if so granted
and . . .
the Petitioner engaged to improve
Ordered — That the further Consideration of the
Postponed gaid petition be Postponed
Petition of
John Ludwig
Meyer to
have Lands
included in
one Grant
Read a Petition of John Ludwig Meyer setting forth
that he had had lately granted him a Tract of One hun
dred Acres of Land which was Surveyed but the Grant
not taken out That the Petitioner had Also a Town Lot
and Garden Lot of two Acres in Ebenezer for which he
had not taken out his Grant, Therefore Praying that he
might be permitted to have the Town Lot and Garden
Lot and the One hundred Acres in One Grant.
Ordered — • That the Petition be rejected it not being
a proper Consideration of this Board.
Read a Petition of James De Veaux setting forth that
jlmesDe- \ In January 1756 he obtained from the Governor and
XH\feTd100J Council a Grant for Two Thousand Acres of Land on the
Island of great Warsaw — That on a Survey thereof it
contained but one thousand Acres And that the Petitioner
had taken up no Land for the Remainder one thousand
Acres, Therefore Praying for a Grant of two Village
and Lots on the Island Skidoway containing fifty Acres each
lying between Lands of the Petitioner and Henry Yonge
Esqr and William Johnson which if granted the Petition
er Promised to cultivate and improve the same
Resolved — That on Condition Only that the Peti-
GrantedSav-i tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
mg the Right
ciato^nTs [ Seven Months from this Date And that he doth also Reg-
' ister the said Grant in the Registers Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the Date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents, Then
the Prayer of the said Petition is granted Saving Never
theless the Right of future Claimants under the Original
Grantees the Lands having been formerly allotted and
set out
AngusChL-k 1 Read a Petition of Angus Clark setting forth that he
ofrLand\nres \ 'iacl granted him about seven Years since five hundred
Acres of Land on the North Side of Sapalo River be-
Lieu &cc.
tween Lands granted to George and John McIntosh which
is incommodious for a Stock And that the Petitioner had
not taken out a Grant for the said Land Therefore Pray
ing to be Permitted to resign the aforesaid five hundred
Acres And that in Lieu thereof a like Quantity of Five
hundred Acres might be granted him at a Place called
Buffalo Swamp on a Branch of the Altamaha which if
granted the Petitioner engaged to improve the same.
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this Date and that he doth Also Reg
ister the said Grant in the Register's Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the Date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents Then
the Prayer of the said Petition is granted.
Petition of
for 600 Acres
read ¦
Read a Petition of Laughlan McGillvray setting forth
that he was an Old Setler in the Province and was Pos
sessed of twelve, hundred Acres of Land therein having a
Family consisting of upwards of Forty Slaves as had
been Proved upon Oath and was desirous of obtaining a
Grant of Lands Additional Therefore Praying for five
hundred Acres near Augusta between Lands of Daniel
Pepper and Nathaniel Bassett originally granted Row
land Pritchard deceased Saving Nevertheless the Right
of future Claimants under the Original Grantee Which
if granted the Petitioner engaged to cultivate the same —
Ordered — That the said Petition be rejected the
Heirs of the Deceased being Supposed to be in one of the
Northern Colonies
Read a Petition of Richard Dowdee setting forth that
petition of 1 he was Settled in the Province and possessed of no Lands
Richard Dow- I
Acresof50 \ therein having a Family consisting of a Wife and two
Land read - J children and was desirous of obtaining a Grant of Lands
200 Acres
Granted -
for Cultivation And Praying for two hundred and fifty
Acres of Land at Newport adjoining the South West
Line of Lands granted William Davis which if granted
the Petitioner engaged to cultivate and improve the same
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this Date And that he doth Also
Register the said Grant in the Register's Office of this
Province within Six Months from the Date thereof that
his Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents Then
Part of the Prayer of the said Petition namely two hun
dred Acres is granted
Read a Petition of Richard Scruggs setting forth that
he was lately come into this Province and was desirous
to become a Settler therein having a Family consisting
of a Wife five Children and Eight Negroes now in the
Province and was desirous of obtaining a Grant of Lands
for Cultivation Therefore Praying for three hundred
Acres at the Foot of the great and little Walnut Branch
upon Briar Creek which if granted the Petitioner engaged
to cultivate and improve the same
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this date and that he doth Also Reg
ister the said Grant in the Registers Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the Date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents Then
the Prayer of the sa Petition is granted the Petitioner
having been previously Sworn before his Honour the
Governour to the Number of his Family and as to his
Intent of improving the Land —
Petition of 1 Pea-d a Petition of Lewis Johnson setting forth that he
roiTfo/a Lot [ was desirous of improving a Lot in the Town of Savan-
in Savannah
nah and Praying for Lot Number five in Hucks Tything
formerly allotted James Turner which Lot if granted the
Petitioner Purposed forthwith to build upon and improve
the same.
Petition of
Jacob Ander
son for 50
Acres read
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this date and that he doth Also Reg
ister the said Grant in the Register's Office of this Prov
ince Then the Prayer of the said Petition is granted Sav
ing Nevertheless the Right of future Claimants under the
Original Grantee of the Premises —
Read a Petition of George Rieser setting forth that
he was a Settler at a Place called Black Creek in this
Province and possessed of fifty Acres of Land granted
him by the late President and Assistants having a Family
consisting of a Wife and three Children and was desir
ous of obtaining an Additional Grant and Praying for
fifty Acres adjoining the fifty Acres heretofore granted
him and that the whole might be included in One Grant
Resolved — ¦ That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this date and that he doth Also Reg
ister the said Grant in the Register's Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents Then
the Prayer of the said Petition is granted.
Read a Petition of Jacob Anderson setting forth that
the Petitioner was desirous of obtaining a Grant of Lands
for Cultivation And Praying for four Hammocks or
Small Islands lying opposite Daniel Demetries Planta
tion and divided by a Cut-off from an Island called Bar
ber's Island containing together about fifty Acres which
if granted the Petitioner engaged to Cultivate and im
prove the same.
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this Date And that he doth Also
Register the said Grant in the Register's Office of this
Province within Six Months from the date thereof that
his Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents Then
the Prayer of the said Petition is granted if the Petitioner
immediately Settles the same but not otherwise
Read a Petition of Alexis Demay setting forth that he
AiSdsDemayj was 3 Settler in this Province having a Wife and Six Ne-
for^iwAcresj groes anc\ was desirous of obtaining a GranCof Lands for
Cultivation Therefore Praying for five hundred Acres
being a Neck of Land upon the first point above the last
Bluff of Bermuda Island on the South Side of North
Newport River bounding North on Richard Hazzards
Land which if granted the Petitioner engaged to culti
vate & improve the same
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti-
'Granted tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this date And that he doth Also Reg
ister the said Grant in the Register's Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the Date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents Then
the Prayer of the said Petition is granted the Petitioner
having first been Sworn to the Number of his Family and
as to his Intent of Improving the Land.
Tetition of
William Gib
bons for 180
Acres of
Land read
Read a Petition of William Gibbons setting forth that
he was in Possession of twelve hundred and thirty five
Acres of Land and was desirous of obtaining a further
grant having a Family consisting of a Wife two Children
and twenty three Negroes Therefore Praying for One
hundred and Eighty Acres being four Farm Lots Forty
five Acres each known by Number one heretofore Andrew
Duche's ; Number two William Calvarts ; Number three
Elisha Fosters, Number four Jenkin's Junr Reserving
Nevertheless the Right of future Claimants under the
Original Grantees, which Lots if so granted the Peti
tioner engaged to Cultivate and improve the same
Rejected Ordered — That the said Petition be rejected.
Read a Petition of John Jones setting forth that he had
john^on^s I keen *n *he Province these four Years having a Family
for 300 Acres
of Land read
J consisting of a Wife and four Children and was desir
ous of obtaining a Grant of Land for Cultivation There
fore Praying for three hundred and fifty Acres on the
West Point of an' Island called Heron's Island bounding
on South Newport River which if granted the Petitioner
engaged to improve the same.
Ordered — That the further Consideration of the
said Petition be Postponed
Read a Petition of Abigail Minis Widow setting forth
AbflTMmis] that She was desirous of improving a Lot in the Town of
LotduTsivan- [ Savannah for the Benefit and better Support of her large
nah read J parniiy most of whom were Daughters, That adjoining
the Petitioners Dwelling was a Lot originally granted to
one Turner that the same has many years been deserted
and the Family gone from this Province and the Fences
thereof had continually been Supported by the Petitioner
at her own Expence Therefore Praying for a Grant of the
said Lot Saving the Right of Future Claimants under the
Original Grantee which if so granted the Petitioner en
gaged to improve the same.
Ordered — That the said Petition be rejected It be
ing the same Lot Petitioned for by and at this Board
granted to Lewis Johnson
Read a Petition of Margaret Papot setting forth that
She was desirous of improving a Lot in the Town of Sa
vannah for the Use and Benefit of Elizabeth Papot her
Daughter an Infant. That adjoining a Lot, the Property
of one of the Petitioners Sons was a Lot Originally
granted one Peter Marrold who had left the Province
Eighteen Years and had not since been heard of which
Lot was very Commodious for the Petitioners Improve
ment, Therefore Praying for a Grant of the said Lot unto
Elizabeth the Daughter of the Petitioner Saving the
Right of future Claimants under the Original Grantee
which Lot if so granted the Petitioner on behalf of her
said Daughter engaged immediately to build upon and
improve the same.
Rejected OrdErEd — That the said Petition be rejected.
Petition of
MichaelDouthatt for
100 Acres of
Land read —
Read a Petition of Michael Douthatt setting forth that
he was an Inhabitant of this Province and had served his
Majesty as a Soldier and was desirous of obtaining a
Grant of Lands for Cultivation Therefore Praying for
One hundred Acres of Land on Newport joining South
West on Lands heretofore granted Robert Johnson Ship
wright which if granted the Petitioner engaged to culti
vate and improve the same.
Rejected OrdErEd — That the said Petition be rejected.
Petition of
James Wood
land for 200
Acres of
Land read
Read a Petition of James Woodland setting forth that
he was an Inhabitant of this Province and about three
Years since settled and improved some Land between Da-
rian and Sapalo having a Family consisting of a Wife and
four Children Which Lands during his Absence from the
Colony were granted first to one John Sartin and after
wards to Samuel Piles who had made a Resignation of
his Right thereto in favour of the Petitioner Therefore
Praying for two hundred Acres of Land where he had
DECEMBER, 1757. 683
before Settled between Darian and Sapalo as beforemen-
tioned which if granted the Petitioner engaged to con
tinue to cultivate and improve the same.
Ordered — That the further Consideration of the
Postponed said Petition be Postponed the Lands being at Present
in the Possession of John Sartin who has a Year from
this Day given him to bring his Family into the Prov
ince — •
Read a Petition of Jacob Loockerman setting forth that
jacob°Look- 1 ^e kad Settled and improved a Tract of three hundred &
read50 J Fifty Acres of Land at a Place called Killkenny having
a Family consisting of a Wife a Son and five Negroes,
That the Tract was originally to have been five hundred
Acres but the remaining Part was given to Nathaniel
Yates which very much hurts the Tract and which the
said Yates is willing to exchange with the Petitioner for
a like quantity could he obtain it, Therefore Praying for
a Tract of One hundred and fifty Acres on the South
Side of Midway at the Head of Evans's Creek adjoining
Richard Hazzards Land that the Petitioner might be
enabled to exchange with the said Yates.
Ordered — That the said Petition be rejected the
Rejected Land Petitioned for being Part of the Lands Petitioned
for by & granted to Alexis Demay
Read a Petition of James Anderson setting forth that
j^^An- 1 ^e was a Settler in this Province and had no Lands
Acresnrfead2-I granted him therein having a Family consisting of a Wife
Six Children and three Slaves and was desirous of obtain
ing a Grant of Lands for Cultivation, Therefore Praying
and for two hundred Acres of Land on the Waters of Briar
Creek wch if granted the Petitioner engaged to cultivate
and improve the same.
Ordered — That the further Consideration of the
Postponed said petition be postponed untill the Petitioner appears
the Land not being Sufficiently described. —
Read a Petition of Philip Gibbs setting forth that he
pwitP°Gibbs 1 was Settled upon a Fifty Acre Tract of Land in Aber-
for ^et"68 J corn granted him by the late President and Assistants
and was desirous of obtaining a Grant of Lands Addi
tional Therefore Praying for Fifty Acres adjoining his
own Tract formerly granted to Thomas Antrobus Saving
Nevertheless the Right of future Claimants under the
Original Grantees which if so granted the Petitioner en
gaged to cultivate and improve the same
Ordered — That the Petition be rejected the Orig-
Rejected inal Claimant having left Attornies to Act for him in this
Province. Read a Petition of Matthew Roche setting forth that
Matth°ew°f ] ^e had heen an Inhabitant in' Savannah about five Years
Lottasavan-f having 3 large Family and at a great Expence in House
nah read J Rent for want of a Lot tQ huM up0Ilj Therefore Pray
ing for a Lot in the said Town known by Number nine
in Sloper Tything Percival Ward lately resigned by
James De Veaux In Trust for the Petitioner's two Sons
William and Henry for whom he had hitherto obtained
no Land.
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti-
Granted tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Lot within Sev
en Months from this Date and that he doth Also Regis
ter the said Grant in the Register's Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the Date thereof Then the
Prayer of the said Petition is granted
DECEMBER, 1757- 685
His Honour the Governour signed the following
To Grants
Grants Signed Thomas White ioo Acres at Newport
Matthew Roche 200 Acres Argyle Island
Martin Lackner 100 Acres &ca Ebenezer
Jacob Cusmal 200 Acres in Savannah District
Jonathan Bryan Town Lot &ca in Savannah 50 Acres
Jacob Kiebler 100 Acres at Abercorn
William Norton 200 Acres Newport
John Stailey 50 Acres at Goshen
Theobald Kieffer 130 Acres at Ebenezer
Philip Box a Lot in Hardwicke
Philip Box a Lot &ca in Savannah 50 Acres
Angus Mackay 150 Acres at Newport
John Barnes 100 Acres great Ogechee — ¦
Jasper Rahn 100 Acres at Augusta
Adrian Loyer a Lot in Hardwicke
James Baillou a Lot &ca in Savannah 50 Acres
Joseph Subdrien 100 Acres at Ebenezer
Conrade Rahn 50 Acres Ebenezer
Paul Finch 50 Acres Ebenezer
John Martin Paulitsch 50 Acres Ebenezer
John Paul Miller 50 Acres &ca Ebenezer
Sarah Boddie a Lot in Hardwicke
Grants signed Sarah Boddie 500 Acres great Ogechee
John Gugel 50 Acres Ebenezer.
James Miller Lot &ca in Savannah 50 Acres
John Osgood 100 Acres Midway
Joseph Winn 200 Acres Newport
Matthew Mauve a Lot in Hardwicke
Hugh Ross 100 Acres in Abercorn
Hugh Ross 100 Acres Abercorn
Hugh Ross a Lott &ca Savannah 50 Acres
Maria Catharina Cranwetter 50 Acres &ca Ebenezer
Thomas Vincent a Lot in Hardwicke
Thomas Vincent 350 Acres on Wilmington Island
Peter Torquintz 100 Acres Hallifax
William Gibbons 90 Acres Savannah District
Thomas Vincent a Lot in Savannah
Isaac Tripp 100 Acres at Newport
William and Susannah Richardson a Lot &ca in Savan
nah 50 Acres
Mungo Graham a Lot in Hardwicke
John Stailey Junr 50 Acres in Goshen
Isaac Baillou a Lot &ca Savannah 50 Acres
Martin Lackner Junr 100 Acres &ca Ebenezer
DECEMBER, 1757. 687
George Philip Bertz 50 Acres in Abercorn
William Spencer a Lot in Hardwicke
William Spencer 500 Acres little Ogechee
Nicholas Shubdrien 50 Acres Ebenezer
James Pritchard 150 Acres Newport
Edward Goodale 300 Acres little Ogechee
Alexander Rose 250 Acres Newport
Samuel Hastings 750 Acres Newport
Robert Stewart 300 Acres Darian
Paynter Dickinson 250 Acres Midway
Abigail Minis 500 Acres Sapala
Stephen Dickinson 200 Acres Darian
Lewis Mattier 200 Acres great Ogechee
Joseph Butler 460 Acres Newport
James Rutherford 250 Acres Ogechee
Matthew Roche 400 Acres Newport
Jacob Loockerman 350 Acres Midway
GEORGIA At a Council held in the Council Cham
ber at Savannah on Wednesday the seventh
Day of December 1757 —
His Honour Henry Ellis Esqr
Sir Patrick Houston Baro'
James Habersham
Francis Harris
The Honble 1 James Mackay
James Edwa Powell
William Clifton
William Knox
> Esqr'
Claim be
tween John
Fitch and
William Ir
win as to 50
Acres in Au
gusta pos
sessed by
Hugh Oakley
deed heard &
determined in
favor of
This Day was heard before his Honour in Council the
litigated Claim between John Fitch and William Irvin
in Respect of a fifty Acre Lot in Augusta formerly Pur
chased by Hugh Oakley deceased of Overstreet; Fitch
• claiming the same as a Gift to his Wife by the said Oak
ley on his Death Bed, but could Produce no Evidence
thereof, and Irwin claimed it as being in Possession
thereof in the life Time and at the Death of Oakley and
had made Improvements thereon, and moreover that Oak
ley never had Improved the same and dying without
Heirs, Irwin Supposed it vacant Land and claimed the
same in Right of Possession. The Board took the af
fair in all its Parts into Consideration and observed that
Oakley's Right to the said Land was not by allotment but
by Purchase, and it appearing to them that Fitch had for
some Years before Oakleys Death maintained, Supported
and Nursed him in his (Fitch's) own House and also
Buried him at his own Expence; and that Irwin's Pos
session of the said Land was at first with the Consent of
Fitch ; without entring into the Particular Circumstances
of Oakleys having given it Mrs Fitch on his Death Bed,
The Board were of opinion that Mr Fitch had an equi
table Right to the said Land and Ordered that a Grant
should Pass to him for the same, But that Nevertheless
Irwin should be in quiet Possession thereof untill he had
gathered in the Crop he then had on the Ground
GEORGIA At a Council held in the Council Cham
ber at Savannah on Thursday the Eight Day
of December 1757
His Honour Henry Ellis Esq1
James Habersham
Francis Harris
The Honble \ James Edwa Powell \ Esq11
William Clifton
William Knox
Litigated Claim as to
the Right of
taking out a
Grant for a
Lot in Savan
nah formerly
allotted'Edwd Jenkins be
tween the
Heir at Law
of sd Jenkins
and the Mort
gagee of the
heard and de
termined in
favr of the
Heir at Law
This Day was heard before his Honour in Council the
litigated Claim as to the Right of taking out a Grant for
a Lot in the Town of Savannah formerly allotted Ed
ward Jenkins heretofore of this Province deceased known
by Number 2 Carpenter Tything Decker Ward; The
Dispute arose between Thomas Greene, in Right of his
Wife, only Daughter and Heir at Law of the said Jen
kins, and the Mortgagee under a Mortgage made of the
sa Lot (amongst other Lands) by the said Jenkins in his
life-time; After having heard the Arguments on both
Sides and the Council being withdrawn, The Board took
the same into Consideration and were of Opinion that as
the Equity of Redemption of the Premisses was undoubt
edly in the Heir at Law, Green ought to be admitted to
take out a Proper Grant for the same as it could no Way
Prejudice the Person or Persons claiming under the
Mortgage the Lands being at all Times, notwithstanding
the Grant, lyable to what was really and bona Fide due
44 c r— vol 7
thereon: And they were the more confirmed in their
Opinion as it did not appear to them that the Mortgagee
had foreclosed the said Equity of Redemption which Act
only the Board apprehended, could give him a Right to
require such Grant in Preference to the Heir at Law
Therefore Ordered — that a Grant of the said Lot do Pass
to the said Thomas Greene and his Wife &ca
GEORGIA At a Council held in the Council Cham
ber on Thursday the fifteenth Day of De
cember 1757 — ¦
Minutes read
and Ap
Petition of
William Gil
bert for 250
Acres of
Land read
.m d
His Honour Henry Ellis Esqr
f James Habersham
The Honble \ William Clifton
[ William Knox
The Minutes of the Board from the 4th October last to
this DaY were Read and approved
Read a Petition of William Gilbert setting forth that
he was lately Settled in this Province having a Family
consisting of a Wife four Children and five Negroes and
was desirous of obtaining a Grant of Lands for Cultiva
tion Therefore Praying for two hundred and fifty Acres
of Land on Wilmington Island between Lands of Captain
John Barnard and Lands of Michael and Gasper Betz
which if granted the Petitioner engaged to cultivate and
improve the same.
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner cloth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this Date And that he doth Also Reg-
ister the said Grant in the Register's Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents. Then
the Prayer of the sa Petition is granted the Petitioner be
ing first Sworn to the Number of his Family
A New Com- '
mission of
the Peace or
dered to be
Ordered — That a new Commission of the Peace be
made out and that those Gentlemen who were named in
the last Commission and refused to Act be, on their Per
sisting in such Refusal, left out thereof And Also that
Christian Thilo Esqr be named for the District of Eben
ezer in the Room of Theobald Kieffer Esqr who had re
signed and that John Francis Williams, John Clark, John
Vann and Pugh Esqr be added to the Justices for the
District of Hallifax and Augusta.
GEORGIA At a Council held in the Council Cham
ber at Savannah on Wednesday the twenty
first Day of December 1757
His Honour Henry Ellis Esq1
James Habersham
James Edwa Powell
William Clifton
William Knox
The HonbIe
His Honour the Governor laid before the Board two
Letters he had received from Colonel Boquet from
Charles Town, South Carolina dated the 9th and io"1 of
His Honour
communicated two Let-
tfirs from
Coio. Boquet i this Instant December, wherein he acquainted his Honour
aa to another f . 1 1 ^ 1 t* 1 1 •
that unless this Province could bupply Bedding and Uten-
Company of
Soldiers be
ing sent
sils for other Troops requested to be stationed here in
the Room of the Virginia Company recalled, He (Colonel
Boquet) thought it most advisable not to send another
Company, as he had not yet received the Earl of Loudon's
Orders to defray such Expences on the Government's
Account although he had not wrote to his Lordship on
that Subject. — His Honour hereupon observed to the
Board that he was of Opinion and the Colonel must also
have known as much from his the Governours Letters
that the other Exigencies of the Province would not ad
mit of our being at so extraordinary an Expence there
fore he looked on the Purport of Colonel Bouquet's Let
ters on the Subject to amount to little less than a Denial
— In which Opinion the Board unanimously concurred — -
As to a Barrel or two of Gun Powder in one of the
de™order"d°fOT Colonel's Letters requested to be Supplied from hence
cKi Boquets for the use of Fort Augusta which the Colonel Promised
requestf ,
to replace
The Board were of Opinion that should be sent
thither And the same was Ordered accordingly
GEORGIA At a Council held at the Governor's
House on Thursday the twenty Second Day
of December 1757
His Honour Henry Ellis Esq1
{ James Habersham "1
The Hon- \ {™.f ha» f Jan I Esq»
William Clifton j l
{. William Knox J
Mr Bryan Reported to the Board that he and Mr Har-
doneVatrTy- I ris had been down at Tybee and taken a Survey of the
bee Surveyed | -i t r i i 1 ii-itt
and Reported J Work there clone to the light House as agreed for with
JANUARY, 1758. 693
McCarty and Wemyss And that the same was done in a
good & Workmanlike Manner according to agreement—
Ordered — That the Clerk of this Board do make
oXdr'8 } out an Order to his Majesty's Treasurer for Payment of
Payment 3 ^ Carpenter>s__
Eeportof ] Mr BlTan als° Reported that the Roof and some other
work wantld 1 Parts of the said Light House wanted an immediate Re
to be done
GEORGIA At a Council held in the Council Cham
ber at Savannah on Tuesday the third Day
of January 1758. Present
His Honour Henry Ellis Esqr
( Sir Patrick Houston Baro'
Yl h we J James Habersham , ^ „
) Jonathan Bryan ' ^
L James Edwa Powell
Read a Petition of John Winn setting forth that he
John winn I was ^n Possession of One thousand Acres of Land hav-
real50 Acres J mS a Family consisting of a Wife five Children and nine
teen Negroes and was desirous of Obtaining an Addi
tional Grant of Land And Praying for three hundred and
fifty Acres of Pine Land between Newport and Midway
bounding Northerly on Lands of Edward Sumner and
and Benjamin Baker Westerly on Lands of the Reverend Mr
Osgood and South West on the Petitioner's Land which
if granted he engaged to improve.
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti-
Granted tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this Date And that he doth Also
Register the said Grant in the Register's Office of this
Province within Six Months from the date thereof that
his Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents Then
the Prayer of the said Petition is granted
Petition of
John Clark
for 200 Acres
of Land read
Read a Petition of John Clark setting forth that he was
Settled in this Province having a Wife four Children and
Seven Negroes and was desirous of obtaining a Grant
of Lands for Cultivation Therefore Praying for two hun
dred Acres upon the North Side of Briar Creek about Six
Miles from Savannah River bounded on all Sides by Va
cant Land which if granted the Petitioner engaged to cul
tivate and improve the same
Resolved — ¦ That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this date And that he doth Also Reg
ister the said Grant in the Register's Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the Date thereof That his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents, Then
the Prayer of the said Petition is granted the Petitioner
having been first Sworn to the Number of his Family
and to improve the said Land.
Petition of
Francis Ar
thur for 600
Acres read
Read a Petition of Francis Arthur setting forth that
he was in Possession of three hundred and fifty Acres of
Land having a Wife three Children and thirteen Slaves
and was desirous of obtaining an Additional Grant of
Lands Therefore Praying for Six hundred Acres of Land
at South Newport lying Easterly of Lands granted Ste
phen Clark which if granted the Petitioner engaged to
cultivate and improve the same
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti-
Granted tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this Date and that he doth Also Reg-
JANUARY, 1758.
ister the said Grant in the Register's Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents. Then
the Prayer of the said Petition is granted
Read a Petition of Frederic Fam setting forth that he
FredSfcFaml was an Inhabitant of this Province having a Wife and a
r^d00AcresJ Child & was desirous of obtaining a Grant of Lands for
Cultivation Therefore Praying for two hundred Acres at
little Ogechee bounded Easterly by William Bradley's
Land Westerly by lands of Edmund Tannatt and South-
and erjy by the Marshes of Ogechee which if granted the Pe
titioner engaged to cultivate and improve the same
120 Acres
Resolved — ¦ That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this Date And that he doth Also Reg
ister the said Grant in the Register's Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents, Then
Part of the Prayer of the said Petition namely one hun
dred and twenty Acres is granted
Petition of Ja
cob Colson for
100 Acres ot
Land read
Read a Petition of Jacob Colson setting forth that he
had been an Inhabitant of the Province more than a Year
past and had obtained no Grant of Lands therein and
was desirous thereof Therefore Praying for One hundred
Acres upon Rocky Creek the South Side of Briar Creek
about five Miles South of Lands granted Joshua Atkin
son which if granted the Petitioner engaged to cultivate
and improve the same
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this Date And that he doth Also Reg
ister the said Grant in the Register's Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the Date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents Then
the Prayer of the said Petition is granted.
Read a Petition of Joseph Gibbons setting forth that
seethGibi»n!r 'ie was Possessed 0l tw0 thousand one hundred Acres of
ofLandreTf Eand having a Wife four Children and forty six Negroes
and and was desirous of an Additional Tract of Lands There
fore Praying for One thousand Acres of Pine Land lying
between Lands of William Francis Edward Barnard Am
brose Barr Francis Triboudet and bounding south and
West on the Petitioner's Lands which if granted he Prom
ised to improve
550 Acres
Resolved — ¦ That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this date and that he doth Also Reg
ister the said Grant in the Register's Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the Date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents, Then
Part of the Prayer of the said Petition namely five hun
dred and fifty Acres is granted
Read a Petition of Donald Monroe setting forth that
he had been in the Province upwards of twelve Years and
had obtained a Grant of no Lands therein And was de
sirous thereof Therefore Praying for One hundred Acres
at South Newport adjoining Lands granted Donald Ken
edy and Stuart which if granted the Petitioner en
gaged to cultivate and improve the same
Resolved — ¦ That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months of this Date And that he doth Also Reg
ister the said Grant in the Register's Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the Date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents Then
the Prayer of the said Petition is granted
JANUARY, 1758.
Petitien of
Michael Eiet-
ter for 50
Acres of
Land read
Read a Petition of Michael Reitter setting forth that he
was a Settler in the Province but had as yet obtained no
Lands therein and was desirous of having a Grant of
Lands for Cultivation Therefore Praying for Fifty Acres
on Skidoway Island adjoining a Tract of Land there
granted to Michael Illy which if granted the Petitioner
engaged to cultivate and improve the same
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner cloth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this Date And that he doth Also
Register the said Grant in the Registers Office of this
Province within Six Months from the Date thereof that
his Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents Then
the Prayer of the said Petition is granted.
Petition for
James Love
for a Lot in
Read a Petition of James Love setting forth that he
was desirous of improving a Lot in the Town of Savan
nah And Praying for a Lot in the said Town known by
N° Seven in Laroche Tything formerly allotted Henry
Resolved — ¦ That on Condition only that the Peti-
Granted sav-i tioner doth take out 'a Grant for the said Lot within Sev-
ing the Right I
c"imte lea J en Months from this Date And that he doth Also Reg
ister the said Grant in the Register's Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the Date thereof Then the
Prayer of the said Petition is granted Saving Neverthe
less the Right of future Claimants under the Original
Grantee of the Premisses.
Petition of
John Rae for
50 Acres of
Land read
Read a Petition of John Rae setting forth that he had
had for Sixteen Years last Past a Cowpen Settled at
Briar Creek, The Stock whereon being so encreased the
Pasturage was become insufficient to Support it There
fore Praying for fifty Acres in the Fork between Briar
Creek and Boggy Gut for the Purpose of removing part
of his said Stock of Cattle thereon.
Resolved— That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this Date and that he doth Also Reg
ister the said Grant in the Register's Office of this Prov
ince Within Six Months from the date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents Then
the Prayer of the said Petition is granted
Petition of
JonathanBryan for 300
Acres read
Read a Petition of Jonathan Bryan setting forth that
he had some Time since granted him three hundred Acres
of Marsh to the East and adjoining to Salter's Island for
which he had not yet taken out a Warrant of Survey
Therefore Praying for three hundred Acres more of the
same Marsh to adjoin the former three hundred and that
he might obtain one Warrant for Surveying both Tracts
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this date And that he doth Also Reg
ister the said Grant in the Register's Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the Date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents Then
the Prayer of the said Petition is granted
Petition of
AlexanderWylly for BOO
Acres of
Land read — .
Read a Petition of Alexander Wylly setting forth that
he did some Time since Petition for and had granted him
four hundred and Fifty Acres of Land adjoining Lands
of Edmund Tannatt on Augustine's Creek which Land,
so granted the Petitioner begged leave to resigne, And
Praying to have granted him in Lieu thereof five hundred
Acres joining the Westermost Line of William Butler
Junr called Boggy Branch on great Ogechee which said.
Lands were lately resigned by John Graham
JANUARY, 1758.
Resolved — . That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this Date And that he doth Also
Register the said Grant in the Register's Office of this
Province within Six Months from the Date thereof that
his Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents Then
Part of the Prayer of the said Petition namely four hun
dred Acres is granted.
Read a Petition of Laughlan McGillvray setting forth
that the Petitioner and Daniel Clark ("since deceased) did
Petition for and had granted them on the 19th Day of
February last fifty Acres of Land lying Six Miles below
Messrs Raes and Barkdales Cowpen on Briar Creek but
the Warrant for running out the same was expired as to
it's Term without the Survey having been made There
fore Praying that the Surveyors general might be enabled
and Ordered to issue a new Precept on the said Warrant
that the said Land might be Surveyed.
Resolved — ¦ That the Prayer of the said Petition is
granted and that the Surveyors general be Ordered to
issue a new Precept for the Term of Six Months and di
rect the Survey as Prayed for.
Petition of
Lovelass Sav
age to renew
his Warrant
read — -
Read a Petition of Lovelass Savage setting forth that
he had granted him on the Seventh Day of December
1756 two hundred Acres of Land at the Head of Mill
Creek about Six Miles from Augusta That the Petition
er's calling him from the Province the Warrant for run
ning out the same was expired as to the Time in which
the Survey ought to have been made Therefore Praying
that the Surveyers general might be enabled and Ordered
to issue a new Precept for the Survey of the said Land
Resolved — That the Prayer of the said Petition is
granted, and that the Surveyers general be ordered u>
issue a new Precept for the further Term of six Months
and direct the Survey as Prayed for —
Petition of
Matthias Kougle to re
new his
Warrt read
Read a Petition of Matthias Kougle setting forth that
on the fifth Day of April 1757 he had granted him a Lot
in the Town of Hardwicke on the great Ogechee, and
that the Warrant granted for running out the same was
expired as to the Time in which the Survey ought to have
made Therefore Praying that the Surveyers general
might be enabled and Ordered to Issue a new Precept
for the Survey of said Lot
Resolved — That the Prayer of the said Petition is
granted and that the Surveyers general be Ordered to
Issue a new Precept for the further Term of three
Months and direct the Survey as Prayed for.
Petition of
Patrick Mc
Kay to renew
his Warrant
Read a Petition of Patrick Mackay setting forth that
on the Second Day of February 1757 two thousand six
hundred Acres of Land on great and little Tybee Islands
had been granted him Reserving the Claims of Persons
who had had Lands formerly laid out for them on the
said Islands And Also what Land might be Vacant con
tiguous to the light House not exceeding One hundred
Acres But that the Warrant for Running out the said
Land was expired as to the Time in which the Survey
ought to have made through the want of Deputy Sur
veyers in Savannah District Therefore Praying that the
Surveyers general might be enabled and ordered to issue
a new Precept for the Survey of the said Lands so
Granted Sav
ing the Right
of future
Claimants had been many Years Settled in the Province and had
James Gray >- J
for 100 Acres.) jia(j no Lands granted him therein except one Acre be
ing a Town Lot in Augusta and was possessed of only
fifty Acres besides which he Purchased and was desirous
of obtaining a Grant of Lands Therefore Praying for
One hundred Acres being two fifty Acre Lots in Augusta
Township joining Mess" McCartan and Campbell's and
John Pettigrew's fifty Acres Lots which if granted he
engaged to cultivate and improve the same
Petition of
Ezekiel Har
lan for 100
Acrs read
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this date And that he doth Also Reg
ister the said Grant in the Register's Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months of the date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents Then
the Prayer of the said Petition is granted
Read a Petition of Ezekiel Harlan setting forth that he
was Settled in the Province and desirous of obtaining a
Grant of Lands for Cultivation being possessed of no
Lands therein And Praying for one hundred Acres on
FEBRUARY, 1758. 723
Broad River joining Lands Petitioned for by John Vann
at Pistol Creek about Sixty Miles above Augusta which if
granted he engaged to cultivate and improve the same
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this Date And that he doth Also
Register the said Grant in the Register's Office of this
Province within Six Months from this date that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents Then
the Prayer of the said Petition is granted
Read a Petition of Isaac Wood setting forth that he
Ts^ScWood for was Settled in the Province and desirous to obtain Lands
100 Acres r therein for Cultivation And Praying for One hundred
Acres about forty five Miles above Augusta adjoining
Aaron Burreston's Improvements which if granted he
engaged to cultivate and improve the same
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti-
Granted tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this date And that he doth Also Reg
ister the said Grant in the Register's Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents Then
the Prayer of the said Petition is granted
Read a Petition of Benjamin Horn setting forth that
Ben1?HOTn ) he was Settled in the Province and had no Lands therein
jor 100 Acres J having a Family consisting of a Wife two Children and
two Negroes and was desirous to obtain a Grant of Land
for Cultivation Therefore Praying for one hundred Acres
(to wit) a fifty Acre Lot in the Township of Augusta
known by Number forty Nine and fifty Acres at the
an(j Back thereof not yet run out which if granted he en
gaged to cultivate and improve the same
Granted Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti-
titioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this date And that he doth Also Reg
ister the said Grant in the Register's Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents Then
the Prayer of the said Petition is granted
Read a Petition of John Williams setting forth that he
johnwri-* 1 'iac' been for some Years a Settler in the Province and
Ac?sSRerad00- J had not had any Lands granted him therein having Eight
Negroes now in the Province for whom no Lands to the
best of his knowledge had been obtained And Praying
for five hundred Acres on South New Port bounded
South on John Todd Senr and Junr and on all other
Sides by Vacant Land being the same Lands resigned by
Mr Douglass which if granted he engaged to cultivate
and improve the same
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti-
Granted tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this date And that he doth Also Reg
ister the said Grant in the Register's Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the Date thereof that his
Majesty' may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents Then
the Prayer of the said Petition is granted
Read a Petition of Martin Weatherford setting forth
that he was Settled in the Province and desirous of ob
taining Lands therein Therefore Praying for One hun
dred Acres on Savannah River joining Bryan Wards Im
provement about fifty five Miles above Augusta which if
granted he engaged to cultivate and improve the same
Petition of
MartinWeatherford for 100 Acr
Resolved — ¦ That on Condition only that the Peti-
Granted tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this date And that he doth Also Reg
ister the said Grant in the Register's Office- of this Prov-
ince within Six Months from the date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents Then
the Prayer of the said Petition is granted
Petition of
Willm. Raines for
150 Acr
Read a Petition of William Raines setting forth that he
was Settled in the Province and possessed of no Lands
therein having a Family consisting of a Wife and Seven
Children and two Negroes and was desirous of obtaining
a Grant of Lands for Cultivation Therefore Praying for
One hundred and fifty Acres the South Side of Briar
Creek on Atkinson's Branch about a Mile above Atkin
son's Plantation which if granted he engaged to culti
vate and improve the same
Petition of
John Ken
nedy for 100
Acres Read
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this date And that he doth Also Reg
ister the said Grant in the Register's Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents Then
the Prayer of the said Petition is granted
Read a Petition of John Kennedy setting forth that he
was an Old Settler in the Province and Possessed of two
hundred Acres of Land therein having a Family consist
ing of a Child and four Negroes and was desirous of ob
taining an Additional Grant Therefore Praying for One
hundred Acres on Savannah River on the upper Side of
Stony Bluff near Hallifax adjoining Lands granted Dar
by Kennedy which if granted he engaged to cultivate and
improve the same
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti-
Granted tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this Date And that he doth Also Reg
ister the said Grant in the Register's Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the date thereof that his
Petition of
Switzer for
260 Acres
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents Then
the Prayer of the said Petition is granted
Read a Petition of Dugald Campbell setting forth that
he was desirous of improving a Lot in Augusta And
Praying for Lot Number thirty four in the said Town
adjoining a Lot there granted White Outerbridge
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Lot within
Seven Months from this date, and that he doth Also Reg
ister the said Grant in the Register's Office of this Prov
ince with Six Months from the date thereof Then the
Prayer of the said Petition is granted
Read a Petition of Michael Switzer setting forth that
he was an Old Inhabitant in the Province having a Wife
and two Children and no Lands granted him and was de
sirous of obtaining Lands for Cultivation Therefore
Praying for two hundred & fifty Acres at the Mouth of
Abercorn Creek on the Savannah Side thereof commonly
called long Reach which if granted he engaged to culti-
vate and improve the same.
Petition of
Stephen Mil
len for 160
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said. Land within
Seven Months from this date And that he doth Also Reg
ister the said Grant in the Register's Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents Then
the Prayer of the said Petition is granted
Read a Petition of Stephen Millen setting forth that he
was an Inhabitant of the Province having a Wife and had
no Lands therein and was desirous to obtain Lands for
Cultivation Therefore Praying for One hundred and fifty
Acres at Ebenezer Creek about Eight Miles West from
Petition of
John Stuart
for 250 Acres
Petition of
William Rus
sell for a Lot
in Savannah
old Ebenezer which if granted he engaged to cultivate
and improve the same
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this date And that he doth Also Reg
ister the said Grant in the Register's Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents. Then
the Prayer of the said Petition is granted
Read a Petition of John Stuart setting forth that he
was an old Inhabitant of the Province having a Family
consisting of a Wife and two Children, had no Lands
therein, and was desirous to obtain Land for Cultivation
Therefore Praying for two hundred and fifty Acres on
the Island opposite Abercorn and facing a Creek there
called the Mill Creek which if granted he engaged to cul
tivate and improve the same
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this date And that he doth Also Reg
ister the said Grant in the Register's Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the Date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents. Then
the Prayer of the said Petition is granted
Read a Petition of William Russell setting forth that
he was possessed of a Tract of Land about three Miles
from the Town of Savannah consisting of Sundry farm
Lots of forty five Acres each the chief of which he Pur
chased at different Times. — That adjoining the said
Land lay a farm Lot formerly granted to one
Cooper who was dead or left the Province many Years,
the Want of which Lot rendered the Petitioner's Settle
ment very incommodious.
That he had employed an Agent in England to find
out if Possible, the Heirs of the said Cooper in Order to
make a Purchase of the Land but without Success. There
fore Praying a Grant of the aforesaid Lot Saving the
Right of future Claimants under the Original Grantee
which Lot if granted the Petitioner engaged to cultivate
and improve the same.
Resolved— That on Condition only that the Peti-
Granted tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Lot within
Seven Months from this date And that he doth Also Reg
ister the said Grant in the Register's Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the date thereof Then the
Prayer of the said Petition is granted Saving Neverthe
less the Right of future Claimants under the Original
Grantee — ¦
TheSecre- 1
teryto enter Ordered — That the Secretary do enter all the Acts
an tne A-colq \
to^a^BoSc \ °^ Assembly in a fair Book to be kept for that Purpose —
to be kept for |
that Purpose
GEORGIA At a Council held in the Council Cham
ber at Savannah on Friday the 10th Febru
ary 1758. Present
His Honour Henry Ellis Esqr
Sir Patrick Houston Baro4
James Habersham
Francis Harris
The Honble -I Jonathan Bryan \ Esqr'
James Edwa Powell
William Clifton
William Knox
Read a Petition of Patrick Mackay Esqr setting forth
rfckMcKa^for that he had granted him two thousand Six hundred Acres
L^d^Read* °f Land on great and little Tybee having a Family con-
sisting of a Wife and fifty three Negroes, that on a Sur
vey made by the Petitioner he could not be furnished with
more thereon (deducting former Claims) than four hun
dred and Six Acres Therefore Praying for Permission
to run out the Residue of the Land being two thousand
One hundred ninety four Acres granted him upon Hay
Island and if the Quantity should not be thereon then on
the Island opposite to Abercorn or Purisburgh or on the
Branches of Conoochee River
1114 Acres
.Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this Date And that he doth Also Reg
ister the said Grant in the Registers Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents Then
Part of the Prayer of the said Petition namely one thou
sand one hundred and fourteen Acres is granted him on
Hay Island
Read a Petition of Thomas Rasberry setting forth
Thomas rL- 1 that he was desirous of improving a Lot in the Town of
i-STnSavan- [ Savannah And Praying for Lot Number ten in Jekyl
-nah read J Tything. Darby Ward f ormerly granted the " Widow
Cooper which Lot if granted he engaged to improve
Granted Sav
ing &ca
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Lot within
Seven Months from this date and that he doth Also Reg
ister the said Grant in the Registers Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the date thereof that his
Majesty may not be- defrauded of his Quit Rents Then
the Prayer of the said Petition is granted Saving Never-
the less the Right of future Claimants under the Origi
nal Grantees, of in and to the Premisses —
Petition of
Sarah Boddie
for 300 Acres
Read a Petition of Sarah Boddie setting forth that She
was possessed of five hundred Acres of Land at great
Ogechee and a Town Lot in Hardwicke by Grant having
a Family consisting of four Children and Eight Negroes
and was desirous of obtaining an Additional Tract
Therefore Praying for three hundred Acres at great Oge
chee aforesaid lying between Lands of Sterling,
Samuel New, William Butler Junr and Valentine Bostick
one hundred Acres whereof was formerly surveyed for-
William Bonar and the other two hundred Acres was
Pine Land And further Praying that she might be Per
mitted to take up such Part of the said Land. (not intit
uled to by her Family) upon Purchase or otherwise give
Security to Possess herself of a Sufficient Number of Ne
groes within four Months.
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this date, And that She doth Also
Register the said Grant in the Register's Office of this
Province within Six Months from theMate thereof that
his Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents
Then the Prayer of the said Petition is granted, as fol
lows, namely two hundred Acres in Vertue of the Peti
tioner's Family Rights and One hundred Acres by Pur
chase agreeable to his Majesty's Instructions
Read a Petition of Joseph Wood setting forth that he
was desirous of improving a Lot in Hardwicke on the
great Ogechee And Praying for Lot Number fifty six in
the said Town
Resolved — - That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Lot within
Seven Months from this date And that he doth Also Reg
ister the said Grant in the Register's Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the date thereof Then the
Prayer of the said Petition is granted.
Petition of
John Giona-
voli for a Lot
in Savannah
Read a Petition of John Gionavoli setting forth that he
was desirous of improving a Lot in the Town of Savan
nah And Praying for Lot Number four in the second
Tything Anson Ward formerly granted Spanin-
Ordered — That the further Consideration of the
said Petition be Postponed.
Read a Petition of Cornelius McCarty setting forth
nlifu^McCarty that in his late agreement for the Repair of Tybee Light
S i^tra wol-k House he had omitted to make any Charge for the Work
Lightdkouse6 there done as mentioned in the Bill to the said Petition
annexed and that without such Extra Work the Building
would not have been Water Tight And Praying relief in
the Premisses—
Accordingly the Board took under their Consideration
undlrCoiIisM- the said Bill consisting of the following Articles Viz'
era tion s
Ten thousand Shingles at 20/ vi1Acts*ass-Passe(i and hx Force in this Province—
ed & in force in
the Province
GEORGIA At a Council held in the Council Cham
ber at Savannah on Tuesday the 28th March
1758 Present
His Honour Henry Ellis Esq'
f Sir Patrick Houston Baro' "j
The HonbIe -! James Habersham I Esq™
[ William Knox j
His Honour the Governour Signed the following
Grants Viz*
Philip Delegal Junr 500 Acres
Philip Delegal Junr 300 Acres
Philip Delegal Junr 150 Acres
Philip Delegal Junr 100 Acres
Grants Signed
John Rae Esqr 300 Acres
Grants Signed
To John Rae Esqr 100 Acres
John Rae Esqr 50 Acres
John Peter Briton a Lot in Savannah &ca 50 Acres —
James Burnsides 400 Acres
Donald Clarke 500 Acres
William Ewen 200 Acres
Thomas Collins 100 Acres
William Payne 500 Acres
Christian Dasher 100 Acres
George Philip Bortz 50 Acres
Isaac Girardeau 500 Acres
Joshua Sanders 100 Acres
William Kilgore 200 Acres
John Feaster 100 Acres
Charles Watson a Lot in Savannah &ca 45 Acres
William Russell a Farm Lot 45 Acres Saving the Right
of future Claimants under the Original Grantee
William Ewen a Lot in Savannah
Joseph Wood a Lot in Hardwicke N° 56
Jonathan Bryan Esq1 600 Acres
Jonathan Bryan Esqf 140 Acres
Moses Dyas 100 Acres
William Booth 300 Acres
MARCH, 1758. 747
Benjamin Hoare 15° Acres
Grants Signed
to Ralph Kilgore 100 Acres
John Cain 200 Acres
Peter Elliott 100 Acres
Abraham Danford 50 Acres-
Benedict Bourquin a Lot in Hardwicke
Patrick Mackay a Lot in Hardwicke
David Huguenin a Lot in Hardwicke
Robert Humphry 300 Acres
Alexander Shaw 500 Acres
James Burnsides
Ordered — That the Treasurer do give timely No-
Treasureror- tice to the Several Collectors of the Tax in this Prov-
dered to give
to^hJ several ince that they have their Accounts ready by the Day ap-
tt"T^rtohfave pointed by the Act of Assembly in that Behalf made and
reldybyCthe passed least they incur the Penalty inflicted in Default
by Act of thereof by the said Act : In which case they may depend
Assembly J J J r
such Penalty will be levied on such Defaulters without
Respect of Persons
GEORGIA At a Council held in the Council Cham
ber at Savannah on Tuesday the 4th April
I7S8 Present
His Honour Henry Ellis Esqr
James Habersham
Francis Harris
Jonathan Bryan
James Mackay
William Clifton
William Knox
The Honble <
Petition of
Mary Magda-
lena Shortner
for prolongg
her Warrant
Read a Petition of Mary Magdalena Shortner setting
forth that she had had granted her fifty Acres of Land
at Coonochee Fording Place the Warrant for Survey
ing whereof was expired as to> the Time limited for mak
ing the Survey And Praying that the Surveyors general
might be enabled to issue a new Precept on the said War
rant for the Purpose af4
Resolved — That the Prayer of the said Petition is
rante granted and that the Surveyers general do issue a new
Precept on the said Warrant for Surveying the said Land
to continue in Force for the Term of three Months
Petition of
AlexanderMackintoshfor 300 Acres
of Land read
Read a Petition of Alexander Mackintosh setting forth
that he was desirous of obtaining a Grant of Lands for
Cultivation being possessed of none in the Province and
having four Negroes therein Therefore Praying for three
hundred Acres on a Branch of the Buffalo Swamp about
a Mile to the North West of Lands granted Angus Clark
which if granted he engaged to improve the same
Ordered — That the further Consideration of the
postponed said petition be Postponed
APRIL, 1758.
Petition of
Thomas Fra-
sier, George
Derick, Davd
Kieffer, & Da
vid Fisher in
behalf of them
selves & others
for a Tract or
Portion of
Land in Ver
nonburgh read
Read a Petition of Thomas Frazier, George Derick
David Kieffer and David Fisher in Behalf of themselves
and other the inhabitants of Acton and Vernonburgh in
the said Province setting forth that during the Admin
istration of the late Trustees for Establishing the Colony
of Georgia a certain Tract or Portion of Land on Ver
non River together with a Lot of two Acres was laid out
and appropriated for the Use of a Minister of the Gospel.
And that the Petitioners were desirous to the Utmost of
their Power to Provide for the Support of a Minister
amongst them Therefore Praying that the Land appro
priated for the Purposes aforementioned might be sur
veyed and ascertained And that a Grant might be ordered
to pass for the same
Resolved — That the Prayer of the said Petition is
granted And that the Surveyers general do cause the
Land so appropriated to be Surveyed and Ascertained
And that a Grant for the same do pass to John Joakin
Zubley, Michael Burghalter, Simon Gering, George
Uland, George Forig, John Matthias and Thomas Fra
zier In Trust for the Use and Purpose aforesaid
Petition of
John Stevens
for 233 Acres '
of Land read .
Read a Petition of John Stevens setting forth that he
was possessed of one thousand Seven hundred Acres of
Land having a Family consisting of a Wife four Chil
dren and thirty five Negroes And was desirous of ob
taining a Grant of Land Additional Therefore Praying
for a Tract of two hundred and thirty three Acres on the
Middle Branch of north Newport lying South and East
on the Petitioner's Land and all other Sides on vacant
Land which if granted he engaged to improve the same
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the. said Land within
Seven Months from this Date And that he doth also Reg
ister the said Grant in the Register's Office of this Prov-
ince within Six Months from the date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents Then
the Prayer of the said Petition is granted
Read a Petition of the said John Stevens setting forth
john'stevens ' as 'm the former Petition And Praying for a Tract of
ofrLlndCreldl Sixty Seven Acres on the North Branch of North New
port lying North East on Lands of William Baker South
West on Lands of Sarah Mitchell and North West on
Lands of Joseph Gibbons which if granted he engaged
to improve the same.
Petition of
Paul Dubois
for a Lot in
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this date and that he doth also Reg
ister the said Grant in the Register's office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents Then
the Prayer of the said Petition is granted.
Read a Petition of Paul Dubois setting forth that he
was desirous of improving a Lot in the Town of Savan
nah And Praying for a Lot in the said Town Number
seven in Eyles Tything Heathcote Ward formerly al
lotted James Collier Collins which if granted he engaged
to build upon and improve the same
Petition of
Middleton ;
Evans for 50
Acres of
Land read
Ordered — That the said Petition be rejected
Read a Petition of Middleton Evans setting forth that
he had granted him some Time ago three hundred and
fifty Acres of Land on Ossabaw Island which he did not
run out by Reason of Mr Bosomworth's claiming the
same And was desirous of obtaining a further Grant of
Land for Cultivation being possessed of only five hun
dred Acres And had a Family consisting of a Wife three
Children and Eleven Negroes Therefore Praying for fifty
APRIL, 1758.
Acres on Skidoway Island called a Village Lot formerly
Settled by one Hasleford and bounded Southerly by Land
of Francis Robe, which if granted he engaged to improve
the same
Rejected OrdErEd — That the said Petition be rejected
Read a Petition of the said Middleton Evans setting
Middleton1 said forth as in the former Petition And Praying for three
rilmmocks^ Hammocks or Small Islands lying South of Warsaw
River opposite and below an Island there called Cabbage
Island containing together not more than one hundred
Acres which if granted he engaged to improve the same
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this date and that he doth also Reg
ister the sa'id Grant in the Register's Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months of the date thereof that his Maj
esty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents, Then the
Prayer of the said Petition is granted
Read a Petition of David Jervey setting forth that he
petition of ] was desirous of obtaining a Grant of Lands for Cultiva-
David Jervey I
for2oo -A-cres j tion having a Negro and a Son and being possessed of
no Lands in the Province Therefore Praying for two
hundred Acres on a Branch of North Midway Swamp
to the Westward of Lands granted David Stevens which
if granted he engaged to improve the same
150 Acres
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this date And that he doth also Reg
ister the said Grant in the Register's Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents Then
Part of the Prayer of the said Petition namely one hun
dred and fifty Acres is granted the Petitioner being first
Sworn to the Number of his Family and to his Intent of
improving the Land
Read a Petition of the said David Jervey setting forth
DlvidJeriey^ that one George Bunkle was formerly possessed of a
to&vamahj Town Lot in Savannah with a five Acre and a fortyfive
Acre Lot thereunto belonging And that the said Bunkle
had many Years left the Province and died unmarried and
had no Relations therein except the Petitioner who was
his Cousin, but that the said Bunkle might have nearer
Relations in Scotland Therefore Praying for a Grant of
the said Lot and Lands of the said George Bunkle (Sav
ing nevertheless in Case of nearer Relations or other- Ti
tle) the Right of future Claimants under the original
Grantee Which if so granted he engaged to improve the
Rejected OrdErEd — That the said Petition be rejected
Read a Petition of Veit Leitner setting forth that he
veittLecknerl was Possessed of One hundred and fifty Acres of Land
o?rLand'cres j having a Family consisting of a Wife and four Children
and was desirous of obtaining a Grant of Lands Addi
tional Therefore Praying for a Tract of two hundred
Acres bounding South West on the upper Ebenezer Gar
den Lots formerly the Claim of one George Ner who
died without Heirs, Which if granted the Petitioner en
gaged to cultivate and improve the same
Ordered — ¦ That the further Consideration of the
postponed said Petition be Postponed
Petition of
John Snook
for a Lot in
Read a Petition of John Snook setting forth that he
] was desirous of improving a Lot in the Town of Savan-
j nah And Praying for Lot Number in Eyles Tything
Pleathcote Ward formerly allotted James White who went
to England and left the same in the Petitioners Posses
sion who kept up the Fences and paid all Duties in Re-
APRIL, 1758. 753
spect thereof, Nevertheless only desiring the same might
Ano be granted to him Saving the Right of future Claimants
under the Original Grantee.
Rejected OrdEREd — That the said Petition be rejected
Read a Petition of William Patterson setting forth
wmiimplt- 1 that he was desirous of improving a Lot in the Town of
Leotins™a | Savannah And Praying for Lot Number four in the
vannah J thJrd Tything. Anson Ward formerly allotted one
Kead Bland which if granted he engaged to improve the same
Rejected Ordered — That the said Petition be rejected
Read a Petition of David Tubear setting forth that in
Petitionof 1 October 1757 he had granted him two Hundred Acres
for Prolong- [ of Land between the Heads of Nevvnp-ort and Midway
inghis Warrt. J Rivers the Precept for running whereof was put into a.
deputy Surveyers Hands who left the Province without
making a return thereof Therefore Praying that the Sur
veyers general might be enabled and ordered to issue a
new Precept that the Survey of -the said Land might be
Read and
Resolved — That the Prayer of the said Petition is
Granted granted And that the Surveyers general do issue a New
Precept Accordingly to continue in force for the Term
of three Months
Read a Petition of Martin Dasher setting forth that he
MtrtinVih-] was an °^ Settler in the Province and possessed of one
Acres4of° [ hundred Acres of Land therein having a Family consist-
Land jng. Q£ a YVife six Children and a Negro and was desirous
of obtaining a Grant of Land Additional Therefore Pray
ing for four hundred Acres at a Place called Turkey
Branch about Seven -Miles from old Ebenezer which if
And granted he engaged to Cultivate and improve the same
48 c r— vol 7
Petition of
John Kitt for
a Lot in Sa
Read and
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this date And that he doth also Reg
ister the said Grant in the Register's Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the Date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents Then
the Prayer of the said Petition is granted the Petitioner
having first Sworn to the Number of his Family and to
his Intent of improving the said Land
Read a Petition of John Kitt setting forth that he was
desirous of improving a Lot in the Town of Savannah
And Praying for a Lot Number nine in the third Tyth
ing Anson Ward the original Proprietor unknown Which
if granted he engaged to cultivate and improve the same
Rejected Ordered — That the said Petition be rejected
Read a Petition of the said John Kitt setting forth that
] he had a Wife three Children and four Negroes and was
in r».itt ior 1 °
Acresof j desirous of obtaining a Grant of Land for Cultivation
And Praying for five hundred Acres at Hallifax adjoin
ing Lands of John Kennedy on the Branch of a Creek
called sweet Water Creek which if granted he engaged
to improve the same
Petition of
John Kitt for
Read and
350 Acres
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this date And that he doth also Reg
ister the said Grant in the Register's Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents Then
Part of the Prayer of the said Petition namely three hun
dred & fifty Acres is. granted.
Read a Petition of Stephen Millen setting forth that
ItepheSMii- } he was desirous of improving a Lot in the Town of Sa-
innsavrannah J vannah And Praying for Lot Number Eight in Eyles
APRIL, 1758.
Tything Heathcote Ward formerly allotted Jacob Charles
Charles Which if granted he engaged to build upon and
improve the same
Rejected OrdEREd — That the said Petition be rejected.
Read a Petition of Peter Grenier setting forth that he
feter Grenier] was desirous of improving a Lot in the Town of Savan-
| nah And Praying for Lot Number four in Eyles Tything
Heathcote Ward formerly allotted Robert Parker Which
if granted he engaged to build upon and improve the
for a Lot in
.Savannah read J
Rejected ORDERED-
That the said Petition be rejected
Petition of
AlexanderMichie on be
half of John
Cooper & other
the Creditors of
William Gradell
deceased for a
new Warrt for
150 Acres of
Land granted
the sd Gradell
in his life Time
Read a Petition of Alexander Michie Attorney for
John Cooper Creditor Administrator of the Goods and
Chattells of William Gradell deceased setting forth that
the deceased William Gradell had in his Life Time grant
ed his one hundred and fifty Acres of Land at a Place
called long Bluff on Savannah River but the Warrant for
running out the same was not executed in his Life Time
and that the said William Gradell died considerably in
Debt Therefore Praying on Behalf of the said John Coop
er and other the Creditors of the said Deceased that the
Surveyer's general might be enabled and ordered to issue
a new Precept on the said Warrant in order that the Lands
might be Surveyed for the Benefit of the Creditors of the
said Estate
Rejected OrdEREd — That the said Petition be rejected
Read a Petition of Matthias Ash setting forth that he
Petition of ) had been eight Years in the Province and had no Lands
Matthias Ash I °
afLandnad J therein and was desirous of obtaining a Grant of Lands
for Cultivation And Praying for One hundred Acres of
Land at a Place called Turkey Branch on old Ebenezer
Petition of
Jacob Maurir
for 200 Acres
of Land read
Petition of
Mordecai Shef tal for a
Lot in Savan
nah read
Creek about Seven Miles from old Ebenezer Which if
granted he engaged to cultivate and improve the same
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this date And that he doth also Reg
ister the said Grant in the Register's Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents Then
the Prayer of the said Petition is granted
Read a Petition of Jacob Maurir setting forth that he
had been in the Province Eight Years and was possessed
of only fifty Acres and had lately married a Widow pos
sessed also of fifty Acres having a Family consisting of
three Children by his former Wife and was desirous of
obtaining a Grant of Lands additional Therefore Pray
ing for two hundred Acres lying three Miles from Eben
ezer near the Bridge between the Mill and Ebenezer ad
joining North and South on the fifty Acres of Land
granted Michael Walleser the Petitioner's Wife's former
Husband which if granted he engaged to cultivate & im
prove the same
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this date and that he doth Also Reg
ister the said Grant in the Register's Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents, then
the Prayer of the said Petition is granted.
Read a Petition of Mordecai Sheftal setting forth that
he was desirous of improving a Lot in the Town of Sa
vannah And Praying for Lot Number Nine in the second
Tything Reynolds Ward formerly granted George Bun
kle Which if granted he engaged to improve the same
Ordered — That the said Petition be rejected
APRIL, 1758.
Petition of )
Gaul Rietter
for 250 Acres
of Land read
and 100 Acres
Petition of 1
Lachlan Mc
Intosh for a
Lot in Hard
wicke read
Read a Petition of Caul Rietter setting forth that he
was a Settler in the Province and possessed of only fifty
Acres Land having a Family consisting of a Wife and
two young Children exclusive of three other Children
grown up and was desirous of an Additional Tract There
fore Praying for two hundred And fifty Acres upon
Skidoway Island adjoining Lands there granted John
Davis Which if granted he engaged to improve the same
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this date And that he doth Also Reg
ister the said Grant in the Register's Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents Then
Part of the Prayer of the said Petition namely one hun
dred Acres is granted.
Read a Petition of Laughlan Mackintosh setting forth
that he was desirous of improving a Lot in the Town of
Hardwicke on great Ogechee River And Praying for Lot
Number Nineteen in Hardwicke aforesaid
Resolved — • That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this date and that he doth Also Reg
ister the said Grant in the Register's Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the date thereof then the
Prayer of the said Petition is granted
Read a Petition of William Johnson setting forth that
Petition of 1 he was desirous of improving a Lot in the Town of Sa-
johnsorifora!> vannah And Praying for Lot Number Nine in the fourth
Lot in Savan- [ w .
lythmg Anson Ward formerly allotted, but the original
Proprietor unknown which Lot if granted he engaged to
nah read
Rejected OrdEREd — That the said Petition be rejected
Petition of
RaymondDemerie com
plaining of
one William
Dunham hav
ing run Land
within the
Lines of his
Land read
Read a Petition of Raymond Demerie Esqr setting
forth that in the Year 1755 he had granted him one thou
sand Acres of Land on the North Side of South New
port River adjoining Lands granted Clement Martin,
and the Warrant for running out the same was lodged
in the Hands of Nicholas West who compleated the Sur
vey except one Line which he was prevented doing by
bad Weather for which the Petitioner paid him and has
also paid the Tax for the said Land, That the Petitioner
being called on Duty during his absence one William
Dunham obtained Land in the same Place and did run
the said within the Lines of the Petitioner's Land where
by he was deprived if not knowingly defrauded of his
Right in the same Tract of Land Therefore Praying that
an Inquiry might be made in the Premisses And that
John Mackintosh on Behalf of the Petitioner and the
said William Dunham might be called upon for that Pur
pose And that the Petitioner might have such further Re
lief as might appear meet and equitable
That the Prayer of the said Petition is
Sive^toteke granted and that the Merits of the Petition be taken into
thlpetition°un- Consideration by this Board on the first Wednesday in
tion on theefirat June next And the said John Mackintosh and William
Wednesday in ¦» T • • /- Praying for a Lot in the South Woods adjoining a Lot
J formerly granted John Fletcher which if granted he en
gaged to improve the same
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Lot within
Seven Months from this date And that he doth also Reg
ister the said Grant in the Register's Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the Date thereof Then the
Prayer of the said Petition is granted
Read a Petition of Thomas Clancy setting forth that he
Petitionof i had been many. Years in the Province having a Family
ciancyfor4oo> coiisistins: of 3 Wife and five Children and was desirous
Acres of o
Land read ) Gf obtaining a Grant of Lands for Cultivation Therefore
Praying for four hundred Acres at Midway adjoining
JUNE, 1758. 77 l
Lands granted Richard Hazzard being Part of the Lands
and lately granted Alexis De May and by him resigned which
if granted he engaged to cultivate and improve the same
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti-
ranted tioner (joth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this Date And that he doth also reg
ister the said Grant in the Register's Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents, Then
the Prayer of the said Petition is granted
Read a Petition of John Clayton setting forth that he
johifciaytonl had been in the Province upwards of a Year and had had
read°0AcresJ no Lands granted him therein, and having a Wife and
two Children was desirous of obtaining a Grant of Lands
for Cultivation Therefore Praying for a Tract of one
hundred Acres at a Place called Tuckasee King's Creek
and where the Petitioner was Settled adjoining Lands grant
ed Jeremiah Swan which if granted he engaged to culti
vate and improve the same.
Resolved — • That on Condition only that the Peti-
Granted tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this Date, and that he doth also reg
ister the said Grant in the Register's Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents Then
the Prayer of the said Petition is granted.
Petition of ,
John Quar
terman Junr
for 300 Acres
of Land read
Read a Petition of John Quarterman Junr setting forth
that he was a Settler in the Province and had had three
hundred Acres of Land granted him therein having a
Wife two Children and Seven Negroes and was desirous
of obtaining an Additional Grant Therefore Praying for
three hundred Acres at Midway near the Lands there
granted John Graves Which Lands if granted he engaged
to cultivate and improve the same
Petition of
James An
derson for
200 Acres of
Land read
Petition of
James An
drew for 350
Acres of
Land read
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for. the said Land within
Seven Months from this Date, And that he doth also reg
ister the said Grant in the Register's Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents Then the
Prayer of the said Petition is granted
Read the Petition of James Anderson (postponed the
6th Decern"" 1757 setting forth that he was a Settler in the
Province and had no Lands granted him therein having
a Wife six Children and three Slaves and was desirous to
obtain a Grant of Lands for Cultivation Therefore Pray
ing for two hundred Acres on the Waters of Briar Creek
about two Miles below the Plantation of Joshua Atkin
son which if granted he engaged to cultivate and improve
the same
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this date And that he doth Also Reg
ister the said Grant in the Register's Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the date thereof that his
A'lajesty may not be defrauded of his Quit-Rents Then
the Prayer of the said Petition is granted —
Read a Petition of James Andrew setting forth that he
was lately settled in this Province having a Wife and six
Negroes therein and was desirous of obtaining Land for
Cultivation having had none granted him in the Province
Therefore Praying for three hundred and fifty Acres on a
Branch of Newport lying West of Lands granted Stephen
Clark and about a Mile distant therefrom which if grant
ed he engaged to improve the same
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this Date and that he doth also reg-
JUNE, 1758.
ister the said Grant in the Register's Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents Then the
Prayer of the said Petition is granted
Read a Petition of the said James Andrew setting forth
jlmes aS- 1 as in the foregoing Petition And Praying for One hun
dred Acres (chiefly Pine Land) at Newport adjoining
Lands there granted Benjamin Andrew.
drew for
100 Acres of
Land read
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this Date, And that he doth also reg
ister the said Grant in the Register's Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the Date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents Then
the Prayer of the said Petition is granted
Read a Petition of Lydia Saunders Widow setting
LydS0sa°un- 1 forth that she was lately settled in this Province having
Acr3es of550 | ten Negroes therein and was desirous to obtain a Grant of
Lands for Cultivation being possessed of none in the
Province. Therefore Praying for five hundred and fifty
Acres on a Branch of Newport to the West of Lands
granted Stephen Clarke and about a Mile and half dis
tant therefrom which if granted she engaged to cultivate
and improve the same —
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this date And that She doth also reg
ister the said Grant in the Register's Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents the
Prayer of the said Petition is granted.
Read a Petition of James Andrew on Behalf and as
jarne'lndrew Guardian of Ann Andrew Spinster his Neice setting forth
aV Andrew that the said Ann Andrew was in the Province and had
Acresof Land Eight Negroes therein her own Property and was desir
ous to obtain Lands for Cultivation Therefore Praying
for four hundred and fifty Acres on a Branch of Newport
and to the West of Lands granted Stephen Clarke and about
two Miles distant therefrom
Petition of
ThomasSachwighefer for 100 Acres
of Land read
Petition of
MiddletonEvans for 100
Acres of
Land read
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this date And that he doth Also Reg
ister the said Grant in the Register's Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents Then
the Prayer of the said Petition is granted
Read a Petition of Thomas Sachwighefer setting forth
that he had been many Years in the Province and had
only fifty Acres of Land therein and was desirous of ob
taining a Grant of Lands additional Therefore Praying
for One hundred Acres about two Miles from Abercorn
lying between Lands of Christian Riedlesperger and
Lands of Ulric Fetzer which if granted he engaged to
cultivate and improve the same
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this date And that he doth also reg
ister the said Grant in the Register's Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents Then
Part of the Prayer of the said Petition is granted namely
fifty Acres
Read a Petition of Middleton Evans setting forth that
he was Settled in the Province and possessed of Five
hundred and thirty Acres of Land therein having a Fam-
JUNE, 1758.
Petition of
George Hague for
150 Acres of
Land read
ily consisting of a Wife three Children and twelve Slaves
and was desirous of obtaining a further Grant of Land
Therefore Praying for an Island lying between the new
narrows of Skidoway and the Isle of Hope containing
about one hundred Acres — which if granted he engaged
to improve the same
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this Date and that he doth also reg
ister the said Grant in the Register's Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the Date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents, Then
the Prayer of the said Petition is granted
Read a Petition of George Hague setting forth that he
] had been three Years in the Province and had obtained
\ no Lands therein having a Wife and was desirous of a
J Grant of Lands for Cultivation Therefore Praying for
one hundred and fifty Acres at Abercorn beginning at the
Public Landing Place and joining the Lands formerly
granted Peter Beler deceased which if granted he en
gaged to cultivate and improve
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth 'take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this Date And that he doth also reg
ister the said Grant in the Register's Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents Then
Part of the Prayer of the said Petition namely one hun
dred Acres is granted
Read a Petition of Balthasar Rieser setting forth that
Iaithasa?f | he was an Old Settler in the Province and had had no
Acresof"-300 ( more Lands than fifty Acres granted him having a Fam-
Land read .jy consisting. Qf a Wife and four Children and was de-
sirous to obtain a Grant of Lands additional Therefore
Praying for three hundred Acres about four Miles from
old Ebenezer Cowpen adjoining Lands granted Martin
Dasher which if granted he engaged to cultivate and im
prove the same
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this Date And that he doth also Reg
ister the said Grant in the Register's Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the Date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents Then
Part of the Prayer of the said Petition is granted, namely
two hundred Acres
Read a Petition of Peter Hammer setting forth that he
was Settled at Ebenezer and had fifty Acres of Land
therein which he Purchased and also fifty Acres adjoin
ing that had been granted him and having a Wife and
four Children was desirous of obtaining a Grant of Lands
additional Therefore Praying for fifty Acres adjoining
the aforesaid Lands all upon old Ebenezer Creek and
that the three fifty Acre Tracts might be in one Grant
the Petitioner being a Poor Man
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this Date And that he doth also reg
ister the said Grant in the Register's Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the Date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents, Then
the Prayer of the said Petition is granted And that the
Surveyers general be ordered to include all the Lands
mentioned in the said Petition in one Grant as prayed for
Petition of i Read a Petition of Jonathan Bryan Esqr setting forth
B™tlhfOT 100 y that he did lately obtain a Warrant for running out one
Lanfread J thousand Acres of Land upon Broughton Island which
Petition of
Peter Ham
mer for 50
Acres of
Land and to
have two
other fifty
Acre Tracts
included in
one Grant
JUNE, 1758.
contained only nine hundred Acres And was desirous
to obtain a Warrant for running out the remaining one
hundred Acres elsewhere Therefore Praying for one hun
dred Acres on the North side of the Alatamaha near
Darian including a small Hammock on the same River
called Doboy
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this Date, And that he doth also reg
ister the said Grant in the Register's Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the Date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents, the
Prayer of the said Petition is granted
John Yonge
Read a Petition of Henry Yonge setting forth that he
Her!ry°Yonge had been favoured with Grants for fourteen hundred
for 500 Acres of ,.,,....
Land on Pur- Acres of Land the full of his Majestys Bounty for the
chase in two
250 Acre Tracts Present Number of his Family; but the said Lands being
In Trust for J ' o
andSwmi?mnry insufficient for the Purpose and Desire the Petitioner had
to make a Separate Provision for a Large Family con
sisting of five Sons and a Daughter Therefore Praying
to be permitted to purchase five hundred Acres of Marsh
on the Point of Augustine Creek bounding Northerly on
Savannah River and Westerly on the said Creek includ
ing two small Islands of high Land about thirty Acres
to be granted in two Tracts of two hundred and fifty
Acres each to the Petitioner in Trust for his Sons Henry
Yonge and William John Yonge
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti-
Granted tioner doth take out Grants for the said two Tracts of
Land Within Seven Months from this Date, And that he
doth also register the said Grants in the Register's Office
of this Province within Six Months from the Date there
of that his Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit
Rents, Then the Prayer of the said Petition is granted
Petition of
Dugald Campbell for
200 Acrs of
Land read
Read a Petition of Dugald Campbell setting forth that
he was possessed of only two Lots containing one Acre
each in this Province having a Wife and one Negro and
was desirous of obtaining a Grant of Lands for Culti
vation Therefore Praying for two hundred Acres near
Augusta joining Lands heretofore granted Joseph Oakes
and Owen Day which if granted he engaged to cultivate
and improve the same
Resolved — ¦ That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this Date, And that he doth also reg
ister the said Grant in the Register's Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the Date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents, Then
the Prayer of the said Petition is granted
Read a Petition of Priscilla Jones an Infant by William
Petition of . . .,__,...,
prisciiia Jones EWen her Guardian setting: forth that the said Priscilla
by William °
GuardSrffor was born in the Province and possessed of in her own
Landcreso£ Right three Negroes and had also a Sum of Money out
at Interest sufficient to purchase four Slaves and which
by the Time She arrives at the Age of Eighteen Years
will by being laid out in Slaves intitule her to Petition
for at least five hundred Acres of Land Therefore Pray
ing for two hundred Acres of Land on great Ogechee to
the West of Lands granted Daniel Nunes and that three
hundred Acres adjoining the same might be reserved
untill a Purchase could be made of Slaves in order to
intitule her thereto
Rejected. OrdErEd — That the said Petition be rejected.
Read a Petition of Laughlan MTntosh setting forth
ElchianMcin- that he had a Warrant for running out five hundred
Acres'™ uL Acres of Land on an Island opposite Darian but on a
Acres read View thereof could not find Land commodious for a Set-
JUNE, 1758.
tlement and was desirous to obtain a like quantity of
Land in Lieu thereof in a more convenient Place, There
fore Praying for five hundred Acres (in Lieu as afore
said) between MTCay's Bluff and Aberdeen Bluff upon
the Altamaha which if granted he engaged to cultivate
and improve the same
Rejected Ordered — That the said Petition be rejected
Petition of
Alexis De-
may for 500
Acres of
Land in Lieu
of a Like
Read a Petition of Alexis Demay setting forth that he
had lately granted him five hundred Acres of Land on
y Bermuda Island but on surveying thereof there was not
sufficient vacant Land to be found and what vacant Land
was thereon was very unfit for Improvement — Therefore
Praying for five hundred Acres (in Lieu thereof) upon
North Newport bounding Westerly upon Lands lately
granted Francis Arthur
Postponed Ordered — That the said Petition be postponed
Read a Petition of John Brady setting forth that he
johifrTr^fy ^ had heen long settled in this Province and had had one
ofLandEeldJ hundred Acres of Land granted him by the late President
and Assistants and having a Wife & Child was desirous
of obtaining an Additional Grant Therefore Praying for
one hundred Acres adjoining the Lands heretofore grant-
and ed him on Savannah River about two Miles from Lands
granted Samuel Hudson which if granted he engaged to
cultivate and improve the same
postponed. OrdEREd — That the said Petition be postponed
cierk ordered OrdErEd — That the Clerk of this Board do give
to give Public
Notice for an Public Notice for all Persons having Demands on the
Persons having °
tne^ubiic™ Public to bring in their respective Accounts by the twen-
SHkth tieth of this Month
this Month
GEORGIA At a Council held in the Council Cham
ber in Savannah on Wednesday the 21st June
1758. Present
His Honour Henry Ellis Esqr
Sir Patrick Houston Baro'
James Habersham
The HonWe -! Jonathan Bryan ¦¦ Esqn
James Edwa Powell
Wm Knox
His Honour the Governour acquainted the Board that
ms Honour as the Small Pox was now in Augusta and other less re-
proposes that a
Party of mote Parts of the Province, he thought it of Consequence
Ib'enezerto that all possible Care should be taken to Prevent the Inf ec-
spreldingrf tion spreading To which End he Proposed that a Party of
ithbe1™galinFox' the Rangers should be stationed at Ebenezer with Orders
to stop all Persons coming either by Land or Water from
the infected Parts of the Province unless they Produced
a Bill of Health from under the Hands of the Justices
there being : Which Proposal was approved by the Board
The Boards ap- a Service highly necessary and they requested that his
""" '""'-'" Honour would be Pleased to order a Party of Rangers
JULY, 1758. 781
GEORGIA At a Council held in the Council Cham
ber at Savannah on Monday the 3d July 1758
His Honour Henry Ellis Esqr
Sir Patrick Houston Baro'
James Edwa Powell 1
William Clifton [ Esqra
William Knox I
The Honourable ¦
His Honours
further Pro
posal to Pre
vent the
Spreading of
the Small
Pox J
His Honour Proposed to the Board, as a further Pre
ventative to the Spreading of the Small Pox, that no
, Leather or other Peltry brought from the infected Parts
of the Province should be Permitted to be Landed; Nor
any Person or Persons suffered to receive the same into
any Stores or Houses in this or any other Town or Towns
in the Province during the Continuance of the Malady :
And that a Proclamation should issue for that Purpose,
Which being considered, the Board approved of, and the
provesThereof Secretary was Ordered to Prepare such a Proclamation
His Honour also acquainted the Board that a Negro
His Honour Fellow had been lately taken up, who on his Examination
proposes to the J A
taranmghofT was found to have deserted from S' Augustine, but ap-
Malter'who peared to be the Property of one Fish an English Mer-
updandefou1iden chant there ; for which Reason his Honour Proposed re-
ertyeof one™0" turning him to his Master, as such an Act might be of
Augustine — Service to the Province in Securing an Advocate in Cases
of a Similar Nature. The Board agreed in Sentiment
with his Honour who accordingly ordered the Negroe to
be returned.
GEORGIA At a Council held in the Council Cham
ber at Savannah on Tuesday the 4th JulY
His Honour Henry Ellis Esq1
Sir Patrick Houston Baro'
James Habersham ^
Francis Harris I
The Honble \ Jonathan Bryan
James Edwa Powell
William Clifton
William Knox
Read a Petition of John Martin setting forth that he
Petitionof had been three Years in the Province and had not ob-
John Martin ,
forioo Acres of tamed any Grant of Land therein and was desirous of
Land read J
cultivating Lands Therefore Praying for One hundred
Acres at Midway adjoining the North Side of Lands pur
chased by John Cubbege of John Edwards, Which if
granted he engaged to cultivate and improve the same
Petition of
John Ingle
for 100 Acres
of Land read
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this Date, And that he doth Also reg
ister the said Grant in the Register's Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the Date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents Then
the Prayer of the said Petition is granted
Read a Petition of John Igle setting forth that he had
been Sixteen Years in the Province and was possessed of
no Lands therein and was desirous of obtaining a Grant
of Lands Therefore Praying for one hundred Acres in
Ebenezer Township joining the upper Line of Lands pos
sessed by George Swerger; Which if granted he en
gaged to cultivate and improve the same
JULY, 1758. 783
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this Date ; And that he doth also reg
ister the said Grant in the Register's Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the Date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents,- Then
the Prayer of the said Petition is granted
Read a Petition of William Baker Junr setting forth
] that he was lately come into the Province in order to Set-
aReJse?ve of" [ tie and will have Nine Slaves with him in the Fall of the
Landread0 J Year; That he had brought with him a Wife and was
desirous of obtaining a Grant of Land for Cultivation
Therefore Praying for a Reserve to be made for him (un
till his Slaves arrive in the Fall) of Six hundred Acres
and at Newport adjoining Lands of William Dunham, Ed
ward Way and John Steward; Which he engaged to
•qualify himself for and improve the same
Petition of
William Ba-
Ordered — ¦ That the further Consideration of the sa
Petition be Postponed
Read a Petition of John Milledge setting forth that in
petitionof November 1757 he had granted him one hundred and
to Prolong ws sixty Acres of Land on great Ogechee joining Lands
Warrant read J ,..,..,,, ,
there formerly granted him which he had not been able
to survey within the Time Limited by the Warrant.
Therefore Praying that the Surveyer's general might
be enabled and Ordered 'to issue a new Precept on the
said Warrant that the Land so granted him might be
surveyed and set out
Resolved— That the Prayer of the said Petition is
Granted granted And that the Surveyer's general do issue a new
Precept on the Warrant for surveying the said Land to
continue of Force for the Term of three Months
Petition of
Francis Par
ris for a New
Warrant read
Read a Petition of Francis Parris setting forth that
during the Administration of the late Trustees for Es
tablishing the Colony of Georgia he had granted him one
hundred Acres of Land at little Ogechee joining Lands
then of Newdigate Stephens deceased and since of Ed
mund Tannatt a Survey whereof was regularly made by
Thomas Ellis Surveyer deceased but by design or neglect
no Return of such Survey had been made Therefore
Praying that the Truth of the Premisses appearing, the
Secretary might be ordered to make out a Warrant for
the Resurvey thereof thereby to enable the Petitioner to
obtain his Majesty's Warrant for the same
Resolved — That the Prayer of the said Petition is
granted, And that the Secretary do issue a new Warrant
for surveying the said Land agreeable to the Prayer of
the said Petition
Read a Petition of Thomas Schwighofer setting forth
that he had lately granted him fifty Acres of Land in
Ebenezer Township between Christian Riddlesperger and
Ulric Fetzer which on View was inconvenient and insuf
ficient for his Purpose That he had no Lands granted
him in the Province having been many Years in it and
was desirous of obtaining a Grant of Lands for Cultiva
tion Therefore Praying for one hundred Acres in Ebene
zer Township joining the upper Line of Lands granted
Lucas Gerger and that he might be permitted to resign
the aforesaid fifty Acres
Resolved — ¦ That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this Date ; And that he doth also reg
ister the said Grant in the Register's Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the Date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents, Then
the Prayer of the said Petition is granted.
JULY, 1758. 785
Read a Petition of Samuel Jeans setting forth that he
Iamuein jLis was lately settled in the Province having a Wife and
Landre^d630* Nine Negroes and was desirous of obtaining a Grant of
Land for Cultivation being possessed of none therein
Therefore Praying for six hundred Acres on North New
port about a Mile North West of Lands laid out for John
a"d Stevens, Which if granted he engaged to improve the
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti-
500 Acres tioner d0th take out a Grant for the said Land within
Granted g^^ Months f rom thjs Date . And that he doth alsQ reg.
ister the said Grant in the Register's Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the Date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents, Then
Part of the Prayer of the said Petition namely Five hun
dred Acres is granted.
Read a Petition of Edward McGuire setting forth that
petitionof ) [n May 1757 he had granted him two hundred & fifty
Edward Mc- I J ' D/ ° J
n"w warrant [ Acres of Land on the north Side of Midway joining
read J T^nds 0f Richard Hazzard on the East which by a mis
take in the Surveyer had been so run out as to interfere
with Lands granted Edmund Tannatt And that the War
rant for running out the same being expired in its Term
the Mistake cannot be rectified. Therefore Praying that
the Surveyers general might be enabled and ordered to
issue a new Precept on the said Warrant that the said
Mistake might be rectified by a Resurvey
Resolved — That the Prayer of the said Petition is
Granted granted And that the Surveyers general do issue a new
Precept on the Warrant for surveying the said Land to
continue of force for the Term of three Months
Petition of
Read a Petition of William Quarterman setting forth
Ou"aJterman I that he was lately come into the Province and had ob-
if-L^tieai j tained no Lands therein having a Family consisting of a
50 c r— vol 7
Wife & four Negroes and was desirous to obtain a Grant
of Lands for Cultivation Therefore Praying for two hun
dred Acres on Newport to the South and adjoining
Lands of John Graves which if granted he engaged to
cultivate and improve the same
Ordered — That the further Consideration of the
said Petition be postponed
Read a Petition of William Gibbons setting forth that
wiramffib- be had had granted him one thousand two hundred and
Acre fol Land thirty five Acres of Land having a Wife two Children"
and twenty nine Negroes and was desirous of obtaining
a further Grant Therefore Praying for two hundred
Acres of Marsh lying at the North End of an Island late
ly Purchased by the Petitioner called Baillou's Island in
Augustine Creek which if granted he engaged to improve
the same
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti-
Granted tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this Date ; And that he doth also reg
ister the said Grant in the Register's Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the Date thereof, that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents Then
the Prayer of the said Petition is granted
Read a Petition of George Threadcraft setting forth
GeoVgTThread- that he was lately settled in ihe Province and had no
craft for 200 T , . . ,
AoresofLand L,ands therein having two Negroes and was desirous of
obtaining a Grant of Lands for Cultivation, Therefore
Praying for two hundred Acres upon Turkey Camp
Swamp between Darian and Sapala River near or
and adjoining Lands of William Mackintosh, Which if grant
ed he engaged to cultivate and improve the same
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti-
Granted tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
JULY, 1758. 787
Seven Months from this Date ; And that he doth also reg
ister the said Grant in the Register's Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the Date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents, Then
the Prayer of the said Petition is granted
Read a Petition of Isaac Hoskins setting forth that he
FsaScHoskrnsl was Settled in the Province a Year Past having a Wife
of'Land^read I and was desirous of obtaining a Grant of Lands for Cul
tivation Therefore Praying for one hundred and fifty
Acres upon Midway within two Miles of Lands granted
John Elliott which if granted he engaged to cultivate and
improve the same
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti-
Granted tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this Date, And that he doth also reg
ister the said Grant in the Register's Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the Date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents Then
the Prayer of the said Petition is granted.
Read a Petition of Christopher Rinck setting forth that
petition ofl he had been many Years Settled in the Province and had
Rinck for 350 had no Lands granted him therein having a Wife a Child
Acres of Land & . °
read and three Negroes Therefore Praying for three hundred
and fifty Acres of Pine Land adjoining Lands heretofore
granted John Rinck his Father at Acton Village, Which
if granted the Petitioner engaged to improve the same
300 Acres
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
granted geven j^Q^hs fr0m this Date, And that he doth also reg
ister the said Grant in the Register's Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the Date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents Then
Part of the Prayer of the said Petition namely three hun
dred Acres is granted.
Read a Petition of David Fox Senr setting forth that
vWFoxfor 1000 he was lately Settled in this Province and had no Lands
read33" an therein having a Family consisting of a Wife four Chil
dren and Sixteen Negroes and was desirous of obtaining
a Grant of Land for Cultivation Therefore Praying for
One thousand Acres of Land, that is to say, five hundred
Acres on the North side of great Ogechee River about a
and Mile from Lands granted John Primut and five hundred
Acres upon the South Branch of little Ogechee adjoining
Lands of Philip Delagal Which if granted he engaged
to cultivate and improve the same
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti-
whSeto beein tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
uttie ogeechee Seven Months f rom this Date ; And that he doth also reg
ister the said Grant in the Register's Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the Date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents Then
Prayer of the Petition is granted as follows, One thou
sand Acres the whole to be run on the South Branch of
little Ogeechee
Read a Petition of Mark Carr setting forth that he was
MaA ck^ for P°ssessed of two Lots in the Town of Frederica and the
Landed to re- out Lands thereto containing one hundred Acres, And
sign iso Acres that the gurvey Qf those Lancis bdrig lost he desired to
resign the said one hundred Acres and obtain a like
Quantity elsewhere. That the Petitioner had a Family
of twenty five Negroes and only five hundred Acres
granted him, And was desirous of obtaining a further
Grant for Cultivation Therefore Praying for three hun-
and dred Acres on the South West Point of S' Simon's Island
commonly known by the name of the Fish Hawk Nest
Ponds which if granted he engaged to cultivate & im
prove the same
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti-
Granted tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
JULY, 1758. 789
Seven Months from this Date ; And tliat he cloth also reg
ister the said Grant in the Register's Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the Date thereof, that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents the
Prayer of the said Petition is granted
Read a Petition of Thomas Keesee setting forth that
Thomas Keesee he had been Settled in the Province about a Year having
Land read™ a Son and was desirous of obtaining a Grant of Lands for
Cultivation, Therefore Praying for one hundred and
fifty Acres on Savannah River above Briar Creek near to
Lands there laid out for John Gasper Horshman being
and Land whereon he had been Settled Six Months, Which
if granted he engaged to continue in the Cultivation of
the same
Ordered — ¦ That the further Consideration of the
Postponed sa[r\ Petition be Postponed
Petition of
William Norton
Read a Petition of William Norton setting forth that
he had a large Family and was desirous of providing
vSinah°readSa" something towards their Support by building in the Town
of Savannah Therefore Praying for a Grant of a Lot in
the said Town known by Number Nine in Vernon Tyth
ing Heathcote Ward for the use of his Son Jonathan Wat-
and son Norton which if granted the Petitioner engaged to
improve the same
Ordered — That the further Consideration of the
said Petition be Postponed
Read a Petition of Ulric Fetzer setting forth that he
petition of ui- was settled in Ebenezer and was possessed of fifty Acres
nc Fetzer for r J
Landread0f °^ Land therein having a Family consisting of a Wife
and two Children and was desirous of obtaining an addi
tional Grant Therefore Praying for one hundred & fifty
Acres at Ebenezer Creek adjoining Lands there granted
John Rents and Udric Niedlinger, Which if granted he
engaged to cultivate and improve the same
Ordered — That the further Consideration of the
Postponed .,_..., , . .
said Petition be postponed the Petitioner not attending.
ms Honour Grants signed by his Honour the Governour
Signed Grants Nicholas Laurance 300 Acres S' John's Parish
Nicholas Laurance 200 Acres S' Philip's Parish
Nicholas Laurence 50 Acres S' John's Parish
Penelope Fitzwalter Lot N° 10 in Savannah with Garden
and Farm Lots 50 Acres
Thomas Baillie 100 Acres on great Tybee Island
Mary Farley 200 Acres on great Tybee Island
John Mullryne 500 Acres S4 John's Parish
John Fitch 50 Acres in Augusta District
James McKay Esqr Town Lot N° 59 in Hardwicke
James Mackay Esqr a Town Lot N° 38 in Hardwicke
Thomas Young a Town Lot N" 10 in Savannah with
Garden and Farm Lot 50 Acres
Alexander Rose 100 Acres in S4 Philips Parish
Alexander McDonald 150 Acres S' Andrew's Parish
His "Honour Henry Ellis Esqr 1700 Acres S* Simon's
Island S' James Parish
Patrick Mackay 360 Acres on Tybee Island
Lachlan McGillivray 400 Acres S' Pauls Parish
Lachlan McGillivray 300 Acres same Parish
JULY, 1758. 791
Lachlan McGillivray 100 Acres same Parish
Grants Signed Jonathan Bryan Esqr 900 Acres on River Alatamaha.
Elisha Butler 300 Acres S* Philips Parish
Elisha Butler 200 Acres same Parish
Hugh Morrison 250 Acres S* Andrew's Parish
Samuel Gandy 200 Acres S' George's Parish
Robert Bolton 450 Acres S' Philip's Parish
Robert Bolton a Lot N° 81 in Hardwicke
William Knox Esqr a Public Lot in Savannah Letter E
William Knox Esqr two Town Lots N° 244, 245 Hard
David Jervey a Town Lot N° 88 in Hardwicke
Matthias Kougle a Town Lot N° 128 in Hardwicke
White Outerbridge Lot in Augusta N° 35
John Hamm a Moiety of a Lot in Savannah Letter P.
James Love a Lot in Savannah N° 7 Laroche Tything
Joseph Stanley a Lot in Savannah with Garden and Town
Lots 50 Acres
Lachlan Mackintosh 500 Acres on the River Alatamaha
James Germany 500 Acres Hallifax District
Francis Wylly 200 Acres Augusta District
GEORGIA At a Council held in the Council Cham
ber at Savannah on Thursday 13th July 1758
Flis Honour Henry Ellis Esqr
' James Habersham
James Edwa Powell
William Clifton
William Knox
The Honb,e
Public Ac- Sundry Public, Accounts were laid before the Board
ined and order- and being examined were severally ordered, to be certified
ed to be Certi- , . ^ - . , m
fiedtothe to his Majesty s Treasurer for Payment
Treasurer for J
GEORGIA At a Council held in the Council Cham
ber at Savannah on Fryday the 21st Day of
July 1758 Present
His Honour Henry Ellis Esqr
Sir Patrick Houston Baro'
Jonathan Bryan
The Honble
James Edwa Powell
William Clifton
William Knox
Public Ac
counts in the
Commissary'sHand ex
His Honour .
recommends to
the Board the
necessity there
was of having a
Public Filature
and Store
houses built
Sundry Public Accounts in the Commissary's Hand
were laid before the Board and examined —
The public Filature and Warehouse having been de
stroyed by an Accident of Fire his Honour recommended
to the Board the Necessity there was of immediately hav
ing other Buildings erected for that Purpose, Which be
ing taken under Consideration and the Demensions of
AUGUST, 1758.
Public Fila
ture &ca
the Building fixed on and settled an Advertisement was
ordered to be published in the following Words Viz'
"Whereas a Public Filature in Savannah one Story
tr BuMiSTa* "high, the side Walls ten Feet, the length Sixty Feet, and
"Breadth twenty Feet, with fourteen Windows and two
"Doors, And also a Warehouse on the same Lot, two
"Story high, each Story ten Feet, the Length forty eight
"Feet, and Breadth twenty two Feet in the clear, with
"thirty two Windows and two Doors ; are intended to be
"built forthwith : Any Person or Persons willing to un
dertake the Work are desired to deliver in their Pro-
"posals to his Honour the Governour in Council on
"Wednesday the second Day of August next together
"with a compleat Bill of Scantling necessary for the Occa
GEORGIA At a Council held in the Council Cham
ber at Savannah on Tuesday the first August
His Honour Henry Ellis Esqr
Sir Patrick Houston Baro'
James Habersham
Francis Harris
The Honble -j Jonathan Bryan
James Edwa Powell
William Clifton
William- Knox
Read a Petition of William Sisson setting forth that
petitionof wii- he was lately come into the Province had three Slaves
liam Sisson for
250 Acres of therein and was desirous to obtain a Grant of Land for
Land read Cultivation Therefore Praying for two hundred & fifty
Acres on Savannah River called Wood's old Field oppo-
and site a Place called Point Comfort, Which if granted he
engaged to cultivate and improve the same
That the said Petition be rejected, being
Rejected the ORDERED
part ofeEfnds Part of Lands possessed by Alexander Wood deceased
possessed by - _ r
AiexrWood tor twenty Years past
Petition of Wil
liam Johnson
for 100 Acres
of Land read
Petition of
James Parker
for a Lot in
Read a Petition of William Johnson setting forth that
he had been upwards of four Years in the Province and
was desirous of obtaining a Grant of Land for Cultiva
tion being possessed of no Land therein Therefore Pray
ing for one hundred Acres at Midway about a Mile from
the Town called Sunbury bounded East by Francis Ar
thur's Land, West by Vacant Land, South by Edmund
Tannatts Land, and North by Middleton Evan's Land.
Which if granted he engaged to cultivate and improve
the same
Resolved — ¦ That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this Date ; And that he doth also reg
ister the said Grant in the Register's Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the Date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents, Then
the Prayer of the said Petition is granted.
Read a Petition of James Parker setting forth that he
was desirous of improving a Lot in the Town of Hard
wicke on the great Ogechee River And Praying for Lot
Number Sixty four in the said Town
Resolved — ¦ That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Lot within
Seven Months from this Date ; And that he doth also reg
ister the said Grant in the Register's Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the Date thereof. The
Prayer of the said Petition is granted
AUGUST, 1758.
Petition of
Willm. Sisson
for 200 Acres
of Land read
Read a Petition of William Sisson before mentioned
setting forth as in his foregoing Petition And Praying
for One hundred and fifty Acres on an Island in Savan
nah River opposite a Place called Tuckasee Kings and
fifty Acres of Pine Land on the Main opposite the said
Island for the Conveniency of Building. Which if grant
ed he engaged to improve the same
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this Date, And that he doth also reg
ister the said Grant in the Register's Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the Date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents Then
the Prayer of the said Petition is granted
Petition of
John Helvin-
stine to pro
long his War
rant read
Read a Petition of John Helvinstine setting forth that
in January 1757 he had granted him by the late Governor
two hundred Acres of Land on Whit-Marsh Island ad
joining Thomas Palmer's Land, Which Land had been
accordingly Surveyed but no Return thereof made into
the Surveyer General's Office, Therefore Praying that
the Surveyer's general might be enabled and Ordered to
issue a new Precept on the Warrant granted him for run
ning the said Land giving further Time for a Resurvey
thereof to be made.
Resolved — That the Prayer of the said Petition is
granted, And that the Surveyers general do issue a new
Precept on the Warrant in order that the said Land may
be Surveyed and a Plat thereof returned to continue in
Force for the Term of three Months.
Read a Petition of Christopher Cremer setting forth
Christopher {that in February 1757 he had granted him by the late
Prolongs | Governour One hundred Acres of Land upon an Island
arrantrea 0pp0Site Ebenezer bounding West on Savannah and
North on John Flerl's Land, the Warrant for running
whereof was expired in its Term, without the Petitioner's
being able to get the Survey made, Therefore Praying
that the Surveyer's general might be enabled to issue a
new Precept on the said Warrant giving further Time
for the Land so granted to be surveyed.
Resolved — That the Prayer of the said Petition is
granted, And that the Surveyer's general do issue a new
Precept on the Warrant for surveying the said Land to
continue in Force for the Term of three Months; Re
serving nevertheless on surveying the same, a Road of
twenty four Feet wide at the usual Path, for Passengers
between this and the neighbouring Province
Read a Petition of James Neilson setting forth that he
Petition of ~i was lately settled in this Province and was desirous to
James Neil- I,. ^. T ^ . ~
son for 100 i- obtain a Grant of Land for Cultivation Therefore Pray-
Acrs of Land I J
read j Jng for one hundred Acres on Savannah River at Cutt's
Camp about half a Mile below Point Comfort, Which if
granted he engaged to cultivate and improve the same
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this Date, And that he doth also Reg
ister the said Grant in the Register's Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents, Then
the Prayer of the said Petition is granted
Petition of
John Gasper
Wertsh to
prolong his
Warrant read )
Read a Petition of John Gasper Wertsh setting forth
that in April 1757 he had granted him fifty Acres of Land
on an Island opposite Ebenezer joining Lands of Chris
tian Thilo which Land by the neglect of the Deputy Sur
veyer (who has since left the Province) had not been
ascertained to the Petitioner, And that the Warrant for
running the same was expired in it's Term Therefore
AUGUST, 1758.
Granted -
Petition of
Samuel Pel-
ton for 100
Acres of
Land read
Praying that the Surveyers general might be enabled
and ordered to issue a new Precept on the said Warrant
giving further Time for the Survey to be made
Resolved — That the Prayer of the said Petition is
~~ granted And that the Surveyers general do issue a new
Precept on the Warrant for surveying the said Land to
continue in Force for the Term of three Months.
Read a Petition of Samuel Pelton setting forth that he
] was possessed of one hundred Acres of Land at Abercorn
1 by Grant from the late Governour; that he was Pos
sessed of two Negroes in the Province and was desirous
to obtain an Additional Tract. Therefore Praying for
one hundred Acres on the Island opposite Abercorn ad
joining Lands there granted John Stewart, Which if
granted he engaged to improve the same
Resolved — ¦ That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this Date, And that he doth also reg
ister the said Grant in the Register's Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the Date thereof, that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents Then
the Prayer of the said Petition is granted
Read a Petition of John Rents setting forth that in
Petitionof ] February I7S7 he had granted him by the late Governor
John Rents I J I 01 o j
Wa™int?ehidj One hundred Acres of Land on an Island opposite Eben
ezer joining Lands granted Martin Lackner, the War
rant for running whereof was expired in its Term with
out his having been able to get the Survey made There
fore Praying that the Surveyers general might be enabled
and ordered to issue a new Precept on the said Warrant
giving further Time for surveying the said Land
Resolved — That the Prayer of the said Petition is
granted, And that the Surveyers general do issue a new
Precept on the Warrant for surveying the said Land to
continue in Force for the Term of three Months
Read a Petition of Philip Gibbs setting forth that the
PhiHp°Gibbes| Petitioner had been brought up in the Province and was
ofLandrell J desirous to obtain a Grant of Lands for Cultivation
Therefore Praying for one hundred Acres on the Island
opposite Abercorn aforesaid on the outside thereof next
and the Cut off to Purisburgh, Which if granted he engaged
to improve the same.
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this Date, And that he doth also reg
ister the said Grant in the Register's Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the Date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents; Then
Part of the Prayer of the said Petition namely fifty Acres
is granted.
Read a Petition of Nicholas Cronenberger setting forth
Petition-of i that in February 1757 he had granted him by the late
p1poionr#ehis0 [ Governour fifty Acres of Land on an Island opposite
warrant resad J Ebenezer joining the North side of John Flerl's Land
the Warrant for running out whereof was expired in its
Term without a Survey having been made Therefore
Praying that -the Surveyers general might be enabled and
ordered to issue a new Precept on the said Warrant giv
ing further Time for surveying the said Land.
Resolved — That the Prayer of the said Petition is
granted And that the Surveyers general do issue a new
Precept on the Warrant for Surveying the said Land to
continue in Force for three Months
Read a Petition of Samuel Lewis setting forth that he
samueiLewis I was lately come into the Province having a Wife and Six
for 450 Acres f
of Land read J Children therein and was desirous to obtain a Grant of
AUGUST, 1758. 799
Lands for Cultivation being possessed of none in the
Province Therefore Praying for four hundred and fifty
Acres at New Port lying North of Lands granted Cap'
James Mackay on a Branch of the North Swamp of
South Newport Which if granted he engaged to cultivate
and improve the same.
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti-
Granted. titioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this Date, And that he doth also
register the said Grant in the Register's Office of this
Province within Six Months from the Date thereof that
his Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents,
Then the Prayer of the said Petition is granted
Read a Petition of John Fieri setting forth that he
petitionof "1 had granted him by the late, Governour in February 1757
prokWhis f One hundred Acres of Land on an Island opposite Eben-
Warrant read J ezer bounding West on Savannah River the Warrant for
running out the same was expired in its Term without
the Survey having been made Therefore Praying that
the Surveyers general might be enabled and ordered to
issue a new Precept on the Warrant for surveying the
said Land giving further Time for the Survey to be made
Resolved — That the Prayer of the said Petition is
Granted granted and that the Surveyers general do issue a new
Precept on the Warrant for surveying the said Land to
continue in Force for the Term of three Months
His Honour the Governour moved that an Island called
Anisiand called long Island near Frederica containing about fifty Acres
Long Island & . ° J
containing 0f Planting Land might be granted James Mackay Esq1'
jlme^McKay hi Lieu of Fifty Acres at great Ogechee belonging to the
?oSAcies:La1tu of said James Mackay and laying contiguous to Lands there
ioSinrtotd granted the Governour Which said fifty Acres the said
gwenupby James Mackay had resigned and absolutely given up To
him to his J
Honour the hold to his Honour the Governour his Heirs and Assigns
Governour "
for ever
Resolved — That for the Consideration aforesaid
and on Condition that the said James Mackay doth take
out a Grant for the said Island within Seven Months
from this Date, And that he doth also register the said
Grant in the Register's Office of this Province within Six
Months from the Date thereof that his Majesty may not
be defrauded of his Quit Rents Then the said Island
called Long Island is granted to the said James Mackay
Whereas Patrick Mackay Esqr had a Warrant for
dlreltormake Surveying two thousand six "hundred Acres of Land on
?antatoepaSfck Tybee Islands which Survey had been executed so far
f orC26oo Acres forth as the vacant Lands on the said Islands would ad-
bee islands, the mit but the original Warrant is lost or mislaid Therefore
Original War-
rant being lost Dn the Application of the Surveyers general the Secretary
is Ordered to make out a new Warrant for surveying
the said Land to bear date the third Day of January 1758
(being the Date of the last Precept granted on the Orig
inal Warrant) in order to authenticate and justify the
Return to be made of the Survey by the Surveyers gen
eral —
AUGUST, 1758. 801
GEORGIA At a Council held in the Council Cham
ber at Savannah on Wednesday the Second
Day of August 1758
His Honour Henry Ellis Esqr
Sir Patrick Houston Baro'
James Habersham
Francis Harris
The Honb,e \ Jonathan Bryan
James Edwa Powell
William Clifton
William Knox
Read a Petition of William Barnet setting forth that
Petition of wa- he was lately come into the Province and was desirous
ham Barnet for J
Landcrreead0f to °htain a Grant of Land for Cultivation Therefore
Praying for One hundred Acres as follows (namely)
fifty Acres at a Place opposite Point Comfort being an
old Field possessed by Alexr Wood deceased and fifty
Acres on an Island in the River Savannah contiguous to
the said Old Field, Which if granted he engaged to cul
tivate and improve the same
Resolved— That on Condition only that the Peti-
and 50 Acres tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this Date, And that he doth also reg
ister the said Grant in the Register's Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the Date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents Then
Part of the Prayer of the said Petition, namely fifty Acres
on the said Island is granted.
Read a Petition of William Francis setting forth that
wiiiism Fran- he had been upwards of twenty Years in the Province
rfLand read es and had had granted him no more than five hundred
Acres of Land being possessed of twenty Slaves and was
desirous to obtain an additional Tract Therefore Pray-
51 c r— vol 7
ing for two hundred Acres at great Ogechee at a Place
called Francis's upper Cow-pen about five Miles N. E.
and from that Part of the River Swamp that lies six Miles
above the old fording Place of the River
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti-
Grantea tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this Date, And that he doth also reg
ister the said Grant in the Register's Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the Date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents, Then
the Prayer of the said Petition is granted
This Day the Carpenters attended with and delivered
penteSattend their several Proposals for building a new Filature and
If Adnveer«seen-ce Warehouse And the Board took the same into Consider-
hver innpropo- ation and were of Opinion that the Preference be given
IViiature and to Messrs Goldwire and Tondee They engaging (under
Penalty) to execute and finish the said Work in the
Month of January 1759 being properly and duely sup
plied with Materials For which said Work when finished
the Board agreed they should be paid One hundred and
Messrs. Gold- ) fourteen Pounds Sterling agreeable to the Calculation
wire & Ton- I
dees Propo- f they had made and presented.
sals preferred J
Ware houses
AUGUST, 1758. 803
GEORGIA At a Council held in the Council Cham
ber at Savannah on Wednesday the ninth
Day of August 1758
His Honour Henry Ellis Esqf
f Sir Patrick Houston Baro*
„, „ ble J James Edward Powell )
Ihe Hon S William Clifton > Esq™
1^ William Knox )
The Accounts of Money paid for Cocoons raised in the
Money paid for Province this Year were laid before the Board, and hav-
Cocoons raised
in the Province jng been examined and Audited his Honour the Govern-
this Year ex- °
ftoilJnfr OTdlrs our ordered Bills of Exchange to be drawn for One thou-
chan^efor" sand and fifty Pounds Sterling for that Service, And
SCTviclTAteo* Also Bills for the further Sum of ninety nine Pounds ten
mnl Pounds Shillings and Seven Pence Sterling on Account of Con-
ten Shills & 7d
on Accot of
Mr William Clifton one of the Board set forth to his
ciifton one'of Honour the Governour in Council that he had had grant-
makes Appiica- ed him by the late Governour five hundred Acres of Land
tion to be Per-
TGrtnthe6 hid at Newport in this Province which he had Surveyed and
sMAcresVr taken out his Majesty's Grant for the same; But that
outnanoth°ertake as his Circumstances were at Present somewhat inthralled
fameVremises and he might have Occasion either to make Sale of the
in Trait r said Land, or give it in Security for the Satisfaction of
his Creditors, He therefore made Application that he
might be Permitted to resign the Grant so obtained and
to take out another Grant of the same Premisses to some
and Person in Trust in Order to discharge the Land of Dower
"Which being taken into Consideration
Resolved that
the Secretary-
do make out
a new Grant
agreeable to
Mr Clifton's
Application& the former
be cancelled
RESOLVED — That the same be granted, And that the
Secretary do make out a new Grant of the said Land
agreeable to Mr Clifton's Application, And that the Reg
ister do enter such new Grant and that the former Grant
made of the same Premisses be cancelled: Nevertheless
the Quit Rents to become due in Respect of the said Land
are to be accounted from the Date of the first Grant
Petition of
John Rents
for 100 Acres
of Land read
GEORGIA At a Council held in the Council Cham
ber at Savannah on Tuesday the 5th Day of
September 1758
His Honour Henry Ellis Esqr
{Francis Harris
Jonathan Bryan
James Edwa Powell ,
William Knox J
[ Esq"
Read a Petition if John Rents setting forth that he had
granted him by the late Trustees a Town Lot Garden
Lot and one hundred Acres of Land in Ebenezer And
was desirous to obtain an Additional Tract having a Wife
and a Child Therefore Praying for One hundred Acres
joining the Land formerly granted him (being Pine
Land) in Lieu of one hundred Acres lately granted him
on the Island Opposite Ebenezer which he resigned
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this Date, And that he doth also reg
ister the said Grant in the Register's Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the Date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents Then
the Prayer of the said Petition is granted
Read a Petition of Jacob Bell setting forth that he was
jacob0Beiffor| settled- in the Province having a Wife four Children and
[ a Slave and was desirous to obtain a Grant of Land for
Cultivation And Praying for four hundred Acres upon
Savannah River about ten Miles above Briar Creek ad
joining Lands lately granted Thomas Kesee which if
granted he engaged to cultivate and improve the same
four hundd
Acres of
Land read
Ordered — That the further Consideration of the
said Petition be Postponed until Proof of his Family is
Read a Petition of Alexander M°Donald setting forth
petition of 1 that he had been many Years in the Province and had
Alexander I
McDonaidfor \ had two hundred Acres of Land granted him therein hav-
50 Acres of ; °
Land read J [ug a Family consisting of a Wife a Child and a Negro
and is desirous to obtain an additional Tract Therefore
Praying for fifty Acres adjoining the Lands already
granted him on a Creek upon the North Side of Sapala
River Which if granted he engaged to improve the same
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this Date, And that he doth also reg
ister the sa Grant in the Register's Office of this Province
within Six Months from the Date thereof that his Maj
esty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents Then the
Prayer of the said Petition is granted
Read a Petition of John Fitzgerald setting forth that
he had been Long in the Province having a Wife and
two Children and was desirous to obtain a Grant of Lands
for Cultivation And Praying for two hundred Acres on
the north Side of South Newport joining Lands of Daniel
McDaniel North and East and Land of Heart East
Which if granted he engaged to cultivate and improve
the same
Rejected ORDERED-
That the said Petition be rejected
Read a Petition of John Scull setting forth that he had
John scuii 1 been five Years in the Province and was desirous to ob-
f or 100 Acres
of Land read J tain a Grant of Land for Cultivation being possessed of
none therein And Praying for one hundred Acres on old
Ebenezer Creek about Eight Miles from Ebenezer Town
and and on the West side of the said Creek which if granted
he engaged to improve the same
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this Date, And that he doth also reg
ister the said Grant in the Register's Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the Date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents Then
the Prayer of the said Petition is granted
Petition of
John Price
for 100 Acres
of Land read
Read a Petition of John Price setting forth that he
had been in the Province nineteen Years and was desir
ous to obtain a Grant of Land for Cultivation Therefore
Praying for One hundred Acres about a Mile to the East
ward of Frederica adjoining Lands of Doctor Hawkins,
Which if granted he engaged to cultivate and improve
the same
Rejected the
ingnvacant e~ Land not being vacant
That the said Petition be rejected the
Petition of
John Price
for a Lot in
Read a Petition of the said John Price setting forth
as in the foregoing Petition and that he was desirous to
improve a Lot in the Town of Frederica And Praying
for Lot Number in new Street adjoining a Lot lately
granted John Galpin
Ordered — That the further Consideration of the
Postponed gaid Petition be Postponed untill a Certificate appears of
the Lot being vacant
SEPTEMBER, 1758. 807-
Read a Petition of John Paul Miller setting forth that
jotaPauiMii- he was an old Settler in the Province and had had fifty
Acraof Land Acres of Land granted him having a Family consisting
of a Wife and Child and was desirous to obtain an addi
tional Tract Therefore Praying for One hundred and
fifty Acres lying at Mill Creek in Ebenezer adjoining the
fifty Acres the Petitioner had Purchased of Adam Straule
and that the two hundred Acres might be included in one_
Grant. , „ £
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Petf-
Granted. tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this Date, And that he doth also reg
ister the said Grant in the Register's Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the Date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents the
Prayer of the said Petition in Respect of the one hun
dred and fifty Acres is granted; but the two Tracts not
to be included in one Grant
Read a Petition of Thomas Peacock setting forth that
ThomasPea- he had been some Time settled in the Province and had
Acref ofLand had three hundred and fifty Acres of Land granted him
having a Family consisting of Eight Negroes And that
the Petitioners Land was so situated that he had not
Sufficient high Land to Supply him with Timber for his
Use Therefore Praying for One hundred and fifty Acres
and 0£ pjne Eand about a Mile and a half from the Lands
already granted him and whereon he is Settled at North
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this Date, And that he doth also
register the said Grant in the Register's Office of this
Province within Six Months from the Date thereof that
his Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents Then
the Prayer of the said Petition is granted
Petition of
Cameron for
100 Acres .
Land read
Read a Petition of Alexander Cameron setting forth
1(,r 1 that he WaS Iately come int0 the Province and was de-
of j sirous of obtaining a Grant of Lands for Cultivation And
Praying for One hundred Acres on the South Side of
South Newport bounding on Lands of Sir Patrick Hous
ton on one Side and Lands of Stephen Dickinson on the
other Side; Which if granted he engaged to cultivate
and improve the same
Petition of
Peter Manley
for a Lot in
Petition of
William Knox Esqr.
for 200 Feet
Square on
Yamacraw Bluff read
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this Date, And that he doth also reg
ister the said Grant in the Register's Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the Date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents The
Prayer of the said Petition is granted.
Read a Petition of Peter Manley setting forth that he
was desirous to improve a Lot in the Town of Frederica
And Praying for a Lot Number in New Street in
Frederica adjoining a Lot Petitioned for by John Price.
Ordered — That the further Consideration of the
said Petition be Postponed untill a Certificate appears of
the Lot being Vacant
Read a Petition of William Knox Esqr setting forth
that he was desirous to improve a Peice of Land contigu-
j. ous to the Town of Savannah And Praying for two hun
dred Feet Square on Yamacraw Bluff commonly called
Watson's, free-town down to low Water Mark Which if
granted he engaged to improve
Resolved— That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Lot within Sev
en Months from this Date, And that he doth also register
the said Grant in the Register's Office of this Province
within Six Months from the Date thereof that his Maj-
SEPTEMBER, 1758. 809
esty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents Then the
Prayer of the said Petition is granted
Read a Petition of Jonathan Bryan Esqr setting forth
Land read
[ Lands therein and was desirous to obtain a Grant of
Land for Cultivation Therefore Praying for one hundred
and fifty Acres on Cat-head Creek near Darian adjoin
ing the South East Line of Lands granted Sir Patrick
Houston which if granted he engaged to cultivate and
improve the same
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this Date, And that he doth also
register the said Grant in the Register's Office of this
Province within Six Months from the Date thereof that
OCTOBER, 1758.
Petition of
McKay for
150 Acres of
Land read
his Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents,
Then the Prayer of the said Petition is granted.
Read a Petition of George Mackay setting forth that
he had been many Years in the Province and had had one
hundred Acres of Land granted him in Abercorn and was
desirous to obtain an Additional Tract having a Wife and
two Children Therefore Praying for one hundred and
fifty Acres on the Island Opposite Abercorn adjoining
on one Side Lands granted Samuel Pelton and on the
other side Lands granted Isaac Gibbs which if granted
he engaged to improve the same —
Petition of
Abraham Williams for
100 Acres of
Land read
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this Date, And that he doth also
register the said Grant in the Register's Office of this
Province within Six Months from the Date thereof that
his Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents,
Then the Prayer of the said Petition is granted
Read a Petition of Abraham Williams setting forth
that he was lately settled in this Province from Philadel
phia and was desirous to obtain a Grant of Land for the
Purpose of building a Mill Therefore Praying for one
hundred Acres on Coonochee River at a Place called
half-moon Bluff about three Miles above the Ford for
the Purpose aforesaid
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this Date, And that he doth also
register the said Grant in the Register's Office of this
Province within Six Months from the Date thereof that
his Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents the
Prayer of the said Petition is granted the said Tract to
extend across the Creek to the opposite Bluff
Read a Petition of James Mackay setting forth that
he was lately settled in the Province having a Family
consisting of a Wife and five Children and was desirous
to obtain a Grant of Lands for Cultivation Therefore
Praying for four hundred Acres at Withirington's Bluff
upon Savannah River near Lands granted William New
berry; Which if granted he engaged to improve the
SOO Acres
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this Date, And that he doth also
register the said Grant in the Register's Office of this
Province within Six Months from the Date thereof that
his Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents
Then Part of the Prayer of the said Petition namely
three hundred Acres is granted
Read a Petition of David Unseld setting forth that he
Petitionof i was an Old Settler in the Province and had had fifty
David Unseld I J
ofrLandCSj Acres granted him by the late Trustees and was desirous
to obtain an additional Tract having a Wife and a Ne
groe, Therefore Praying for two hundred Acres of Land
at a Place called Turkey Branch about ten Miles from
old Ebenezer, Which if granted he engaged to improve
Resolved — ¦ That on Condition only that the Peti-
Grantedonhis tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Acres hereto- Seven Months from this Date, And that he doth also
fore granted
him — register the said Grant in the Register's Office of this
Province within Six Months from the Date thereof that
his Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents,
Then the Prayer of the said Petition is granted on his
resigning his Right to the fifty Acres granted him by the
late Trustees
OCTOBER, 1758.
Read a Petition of John Sallis setting forth that he was
John Sams 1 lately come into the Province from North Carolina hav-
ofLand read J ing a Wife and five Children and was desirous to obtain
a Grant of Lands for Cultivation Therefore Praying for
four hundred Acres on Savannah River about a Mile
and a half above Lands Possessed by Mr Rae in Augusta
Township, Which if granted he engaged to cultivate and
improve the same. having already begun a Settlement
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this Date, And that he doth also reg
ister the said Grant in the Register's Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the Date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents Then
the Prayer of the said Petition is granted if the Land
shall appear to be vacant Land
Petition of
William Mac
Acres of
Land read
Read a Petition of William Mackay setting forth that
1 he had been many Years in the Province and no Lands
| granted him therein, And was desirous to obtain a Grant
of Land for Cultivation having a Wife and a, Child
Therefore Praying for two hundred Acres on Cat-head
Creek near Darian joining Lands granted Sir Patrick
Houston, which if granted he engaged to improve the
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti-
Granted tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this Date, And that he doth also
register the said Grant in the Register's Office of this
Province within Six Months from the Date thereof that
his Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents,
Then the Prayer of the said Petition is granted
Petitionof Wil
liam Champ
for 300 Acres
Read a Petition of William Champ setting forth that
he was lately settled in the Province from Virginia and
was desirous to obtain a Grant of Land for Cultivation
having a Wife and three children Therefore Praying for
three hundred Acres in the Fork of Briar Creek within
Seven Miles of Lands granted Nathaniel Miller which
if granted he engaged to improve the same
Wm. Green to
be first run
Resolved — That on Condition only that the -Peti-
Sa?t^rtnted tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this Date, And that he doth also
register the said Grant in the Register's Office of this
Province within Six Months from the Date thereof that
his Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents
Then the Prayer of the said Petition is granted, the Tract
this Day granted William Green to be first run and
Champ's Land to adjoin thereon
Read a Petition of James Annas setting forth that in
jaSes Annas! Augst 1757 he had granted him two hundred Acres of
wlrrTntreadJ Land at the Head of Sapala between Lands of George
Mackintosh and Hugh Morrison the Warrant granted
for running of which was expired in its Term and no
Survey yet made Therefore Praying that the Surveyer's
general might be enabled & ordered to issue a new Pre
cept on the said Warrant that the Land might be Sur
Resolved — That the Prayer of the said Petition is
granted And that the Surveyer's general do issue a new
Precept on the Warrant for surveying the said Land to
continue in Force for the Term of three Months
Read a Petition of Richard Hubbard setting forth that
RkhardHub-] ^e was latety settled in the Province and was desirous
Acrefof100 I t0 obtain a Grant of Land for Cultivation Therefore
Land read J prayjng f or one hundred Acres on an Island called King's
OCTOBER, 1758.
Creek Island in Savannah River (opposite Hallifax)
where he had began an Improvement
Ordered — That the further Consideration of the
said Petition be Postponed.
Read a Petition of George Knapp setting forth that
in he had granted him one hundred and fifty Acres
of Land at Hampsted the Warrant for running whereof
was expired in its Term and no Survey made Therefore
Praying that the Surveyer's general might be enabled
and ordered to issue a new Precept on the said Warrant
that the Land might be Surveyed
Resolved — That the Prayer of the said Petition is
granted, And that the Surveyer's general do issue a new
Precept on the Warrant for surveying the sd Land to
continue in force for the Term of .three Months
Petitionof Wil
liam Francis
for Permission
to take out a
Grant of a
Piece of Land
at Yamacraw
Bluff devised to
him by Joseph
Watson deced
Read a Petition of William Francis setting forth that
Joseph Watson deceased by his last Will & Testament
and Writing and Codical thereunto annexed dated the
Sixteenth Day of January last did give and devise unto
the Petitioner a Peice of Land at Yamacraw called El
liott Square where the said Deceased lived adjoining the
Wharff and Street called Watson's Wharff Elliott Street
together with two other Lots of one hundred feet Square
each on the Front of the River upwards, and the Land
from those Lots to low Water Mark Therefore Praying
that he might be Permitted to take out his Majesty's
Grant for the Lands so as aforesaid devised him and hold
and enjoy the same according to the Testator's Intent in
his said Will expressed
Ordered — That the said Petition be Postponed for
further Consideration
Read a Petition of John Ludwig Meyer setting forth
joSTLudwig I that he had granted him one hundred Acres of Land on
Meyer for f , t 1 i t-m
prolonging the Island opposite Ebenezer the Warrant for surveying
whereof was expired in it's Term and no Survey made
Therefore Praying that the Surveyer's general might be
enabled and ordered to issue a new Precept on the War
rant for running the said Land that a Survey thereof
might be made
Resolved — That the Prayer of the said Petition is
granted, And that the Surveyers general do issue a new
Precept on the said Warrant for surveying the said Land
to continue in Force for the Term of three Months
Petition of
John Preth-
ero to pro
long his
read and
Read a Petition of John Prethero setting forth that on
| the seventh Day of February last he had granted him one
[ hundred Acres of Land on Savannah River adjoining
Lands thentofore granted him, the Warrant for running
of which was expired in its Term and the Land not sur
veyed Therefore Praying that the Surveyer's general
might be enabled and ordered to issue a new Precept on
the said Warrant that a Survey thereof might be made
Resolved — That the Prayer of the said Petition is
granted And that the Surveyer's general do issue a new
Precept on the Warrant for running the said Land to con
tinue in Force for the Term of three Months
His'Honour the
Governour pro
poses to the
Board that the
Party of Ran
gers Stationed
at Ebenezer
should be re
called to
The Board ap
proves thereof
His Honour the Governour proposed to the Board
that the Party of Rangers he had Stationed at Ebenezer
in June last to Prevent the further spreading of the small
Pox by Persons and Boats passing from Augusta and the
adjacent Parts infected with the Malady, should be re
called to Savannah as the Distemper appeared to be to
tally subdued and there was a necessity for a Guard here
the Prison being full of Felons, Which Measure the
Board approved of as a more necessary Service
OCTOBER, 1758. 825
Whereas John De Honeur on the Eighteenth Day of
johnSDeHon-°f May 1756 did Petition for and obtain a Warrant for run-
and humbiyrre- ning out 500 Acres of Land at the Mortar Swamp And
Bond by them did on the same Day with two Surities of sufficient Abili-
entered into . , • 1 t-» 1 rt r
wththesdDe- ties enter into Bond to his Majesty in the Penal Sum ot
Honneur for J J
ol Lanll^ght* one hundred Pounds Sterling each for securing the said
to be permftted Eand with a competent Number of Hands in one Year
^iutekReasnujana"- from the Date of the said Bond Which Term being long
Land°to h?sS since expired and the Condition of the Bond no Way
complied with by the said John De Honneur his Sureties
in the said Bond appeared at this Board and humbly re
quested that the Board so as afa by them entered into with
the said John De Honneur might be cancelled, and that
they might be Permitted as his Sureties (and to exculpate
themselves) to make an absolute Resignation to his
Majesty of all Property or Claim in or to the Land or any
and part thereof as fully to all Intents and Purposes as if
such Land had never been granted to the said John De
Honneur Which humble Request being taken under Considera
tion and duely weighed.
Resolved that
the Bond be
cancelled And that his
Grant to the
said DeHon-
jieur be also
Resolved — That the said Bond be cancelled and
that the Resignation made of the said Land by the said
De Honneur's Sureties be accepted and the same from
henceforth considered as vacant Land; And that his
Majesty's Grant of the Premisses made out under the
Provincial Seal be also Cancelled
GEORGIA At a Council held in the Council Cham
ber at Savannah on Tuesday the iott October
1758 Present
His Honour Henry Ellis Esqr
Sir Patrick Houston Baro*
James Habersham
Francis Harris
Jonathan Bryan y Esq"
James Edwa Powell
L William Knox
The HonbIe
Thomas Bur-
ring-ton Esqr
Sworn in At
torney gen
eral during
Mr. Clifton's
William Clifton Esq1" his Majesty's Attorney general
having Leave of Absence from the Province for some
.Time; Thomas Burrington Esq1" this Day before his
Honour the Governor in Council took all the State Oaths
appointed by L^w and declared and Subscribed the Test
and also took an Oath of Fidelity and Secrecy as Attor
ney general during said Clifton's Absence
His Majesty's
Commission to
Edmund Atkin
Esqr appoint
ing his Agent
to the Indian
Nations Read
His Honour ac
quaints the
Board that he
had appointed
Mr Atkin an
Escort of
twelve Ran
gers as far as
Fort Moore,
and proposes
that some In
dian Presents
at Augusta un
distributedshould be put
nto the Agents
His Honour the Governour produced to the Board
(where the same was read) his Majesty's Commission to
Edmund Atkin Esqr appointing him Agent to the Indian
Nations, and withal mentioned that Mr Atkin complained
much of having been neglected in Carolina and by the
Commander in chief at the Northward. That as he (Mr
Atkin) was come hither in his Way to visit the Creek In
dian Nations His Honour was desirous this Province
might manifest all due Respect to his Majesty's Com
mission ; in Order whereto his Honour had appointed Mr
Atkin an Escort of twelve Rangers as far as Fort Moore
opposite Augusta : And Proposed to the Board that some
Indian Presents now at Augusta Undistributed should be
put into his the Agent's Hand to dispose of, for the Pur
pose of strengthening his Interest and Influence with
those Indians and furthering his Majesty's Service. His
His Honour
also proposes
that Mr Atkin
should be
Sworn a Jus
tice of the
Peace for this
The Board ap
proves thereof
Mr Atkin
Sworn in a
Justice of the
Peace in and
for this
Honour also Proposed that Mr Atkin should be Sworn a
Justice of the Peace in and for this Province and his
Name inserted in the Commission of the Peace. All
which the Board unanimously approv'd
Accordingly the same Day Mr Atkin took all the State
Oaths appointed by Law and declared and Subscribed
the Test, And also took the Oaths of a Justice of the
Peace in and for the Province of Georgia
GEORGIA At a Council held in the Council Cham
ber at Savannah on Tuesday the 7th Novem
ber 1758
His Excellency Henry Ellis Esqr
Sir Patrick Houston
James Habersham
Francis Harris
Jonathan Bryan
James Edwd Powell
William Knox
The Honb,e
- Esq"
Read a Petition of Edmund Tannatt setting forth that
mtmd°Tanfn!rtt ^e was possessed of one thousand nine hundred and forty
Land r^dr—f three Acres of Land having a Family consisting of a
Wife two Children and thirty five Negroes and an In
dented Servant and was desirous to obtain an Additional
Tract Therefore Praying for one hundred Acres of Pine
barren bounded Easterly by William Bradley's Land
Southardly by Land of Francis Parris Westerly by the
Petitioner's Land and Northerly by vacant Land.
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant of the said Land within
Seven Months from this Date, And that he doth also reg
ister the said Grant in the Register's Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the Date that his Majesty
may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents Then the Prayer
of the said Petition is granted.
Read a Petition of John Gabel setting forth that he had
john'Gabei 1 been many Years in the Province and Eight Years Set-
o^Land^Sj tied in Abercorn upon one hundred Acres of Land here
tofore granted him and was desirous to obtain an addi
tional Tract having a Wife and three Children There
fore Praying for One hundred Acres at Abercorn afore
said joining the Land he lives on and Land granted
George Hague, Which if granted he engaged to culti
vate & improve the same
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this Date, And that he doth also reg
ister the said Grant in the Register's Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the Date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents, Then
the Prayer of the said Petition is granted.
Read a Petition of John Goldwire setting forth that he
Petitionof i had had granted him three hundred Acres of Land and
John Gold- m
wire for ioo f was desirous to obtain an additional Tract having a Wife
Acres of °
Land read ] four Children and two Negroes And Praying for one
hundred Acres at a Place called Mount Pleasant on the
River Savannah where he then lived and had made con-
and siderable Improvements which if granted he engaged to
continue in the Cultivation of
That on Condition only that the Peti-
Granted sav-i tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
ing the Right 1
clafmts &ca J Seven Months from this Date, And that he doth also reg
ister the said Grant in the Register's Office of this Prov-
ince within Six Months from the Date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents, Then
the Prayer of the said Petition is granted. Reserving
Nevertheless for his Majesty's use one hundred Acres
round and adjoining the Place where the Garrison was
formerly kept
Petition of
Lewis John
son for 300
Acres Pine
Land on Pur
chase read
Read a Petition of Lewis Johnson setting forth that
adjoining the Back of his Plantation on Savannah River
was a Quantity of Pine barren Land very commodious
for the Purpose of cutting Lumber And Praying that he
might be Permitted to Purchase three hundred Acres of
the said Pine Barren adjoining the Back Line of Mr Rob
ert Williams Tract and the Tract whereon the Petitioner
is Settled
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this Date, And that he doth also reg
ister the said Grant in the Register's Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the Date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents Then
the Prayer of the said Petition is granted.
Read a Petition of James McKay Esqr setting forth
that he had had two thousand Acres of Land granted
him and was desirous to obtain an additional Tract hav
ing a Wife four Children and Forty Negroes. Therefore
Praying for three hundred and fifty Acres at the Head
of Hampton Marsh on S* Simons Island near Lands
granted his Excellency the Governour
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this Date, And that he doth also
register the said Grant in the Register's Office of this
Province within Six Months from the Date thereof that
his Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents,
Then the Prayer of the said Petition is granted.
Petition of
Sebastian Hossinloerfcr 150 Acrs
of Land read
Read a Petition of Sebastian Hossinloer setting forth
that he had been in the Countrey seven Years and had
had no Land therein, And was desirous to obtain a Grant
of Land for Cultivation having a Wife and a Child There
fore Praying for one hundred and fifty Acres at Eben
ezer joining Lands of John Ludwig Meyer, Which if
granted he engaged to improve the same
Granted Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this Date, And that he doth also reg
ister the said Grant in the Register's Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the Date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents Then
the Prayer of the said Petition is granted.
Read a Petition of William Vanderherst setting forth
that he was desirous of becoming a Settler in this Prov
ince and was Possessed of a Grant formerly made by the
Lords Proprietors of South Carolina to of
four hundred sixty Eight Acres of Land at Thunderbolt
in this Province Therefore Praying for a Grant of the
said four hundred sixty Eight Acres of Land on which he
engaged to settle with a competent Number of hands in
Six Months from the Date of his Petition and improve the
same Ordered — That the said Petition be rejected the
Lands being within the Township Lands of Savannah
and granted by the late Trustees to sundry Persons
Read a Petition of John Staley setting forth that he
John staley I had been Eight Years settled on Fifty Acres of Land at
for 200 Acres f
of Land read j Goshen granted him by the late President and Assistants
Petition of 1
William Van- I
derhorst for [
468 Acres of
Land read J
Rejected the
Lands being
within the
TownshipLands of Sa
vannah, &
granted by the
late Trustees
to Sundry
Persons -
Petition'ofWilliam!;Knox Esqr
for an Island
called Hogg
Island read
Petition of
Lewis John
son to pro
long his
Warrt. read J .
and was desirous to obtain an Additional Tract having a
Wife and two Children Therefore Praying for two hun
dred Acres on an Island six Miles above Abercorn between
Savannah River and a Creek called Bear Creek which if
granted the Petitioner engaged to improve the same
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this Date, And that he doth also reg
ister the said Grant in the Register's Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the Date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents Then
the Prayer of the said Petition is granted
Read a Petition of William Knox Esqr setting forth
that he had at a Considerable Expence improved his
Town Lot in Savannah to which Lot there was no out
Lands belonging whereon he might cut fire Wood There
fore Praying for a small Island in Savannah River sup
posed to contain about fifty Acres lying on the North side
of Hutchinson's Island and commonly called Hog Island
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this Date, And that he doth also reg
ister the said Grant in the Register's Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the Date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents Then
the Prayer of the said Petition is granted
Read a Petition of Lewis Johnson setting forth that in
] March last he had granted him one hundred feet under
the Bluff or Bank of Savannah for the Purpose of build
ing a Wharff the Warrant for surveying whereof was ex-
pired in its Term and no Survey made Therefore Pray
ing that the Surveyer's general might be enabled and or
dered to issue a new Precept on the said Warrant giving
further Time for the Surveying thereof
Petition of
Frederic Sta
ley for 100
Acres of
Land read
Petition of
John Conyers
for 100 Acres
of Land read
Resolved — That the Prayer of the said Petition is
granted And that the Surveyer's general do issue a new
Precept on the Warrant for surveying the said Land to
continue in Force for the Term of three Months
Read a Petition of Frederic Staley setting forth that he
had been brought up in the Province and had no Lands
therein, and was desirous to obtain Lands for Cultivation
Therefore Praying for One hundred Acres on an Island
six Miles above Abercorn between Savannah River and a
Creek called Bear Creek adjoining Lands Petitioned for
by his Brother John Staley which if granted he engaged to
cultivate and improve the same
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this Date, And that he doth also reg
ister the said Grant in the Register's Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents, Then
the Prayer of the said Petition is granted.
Read a Petition of John Conyers setting forth that he
had been in the Province above two Years and was desir
ous to obtain a Grant of Land for Cultivation having had
none granted him Therefore Praying for one hundred
Acres at Briar Creek about four Miles above Land Peti
tioned for by Gilshot Thomas, which if granted he en
gaged to improve the same
Ordered — That the further Consideration of the
said Petition be Postponed the Petitioner not attending —
Read a Petition of Gotlieb Staley setting forth that he
had been brought up in the Province and had had fifty
Acres of Land granted him therein by the late President
& Assistants and was desirous of an Additional Tract
having a Negroe Therefore Praying for One hundred
Petition of
Hugh Ross
for 400 Acres
of Land read
200 Acres
Acres on an Island six Miles above Abercorn between
Savannah River and a Creek called Bear Creek adjoining
Lands Petitioned for by John Staley his Brother which if
granted he engaged to improve the same
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this Date, And that he doth also reg
ister the said Grant in the Register's Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the Date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents the
Prayer of the said Petition is granted
Read a Petition of Hugh Ross setting forth that he
was an old Settler in the Province and had had one hun
dred Acres of Land granted him therein and was desir
ous to obtain an additional Tract having a Wife six Chil
dren and one Negro Therefore Praying for four hundred
Acres on the Island opposite Abercorn adjoining Lands
lately granted John Stewart which if granted he engaged
to improve the same
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this Date, And that he doth also reg
ister the said Grant in the Register's Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the Date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents Then
Part of the Prayer of the s4 Petition namely two hundred
Acres is granted
Read a Petition of John McNish setting forth that he
jlhn'ivicNish 1 was l^ely settled in the Province and was desirous to
ofrLandAr^f J obtain a Grant of Land therein for Cultivation, There
fore Praying for One hundred Acres on Savannah River
adjoining Lands Petitioned for by John Branson and
about three Miles below Lands granted Nathaniel which
if granted he engaged to cultivate and improve the same
68 c r— vol 7
Petition of
•John Bran
son for 400
Acres of
Land read
Petition of
John Mill-
edge to renew
his Warrant
Petition of
Johnson to
resign 100
Acres of
Land and ob
tain a like
quantity in
Lieu read
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this Date, And that he doth also reg
ister the said Grant in the Register's Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the Date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents Then
the Prayer of the said Petition is granted
Read a Petition of John Branson setting forth that he
| was lately come into the Province from South Carolina
| And was desirous to obtain a Grant of Land for Cultiva
tion having a Wife and five Children Therefore Praying
for four hundred Acres in Hallifax on Savannah River
about three Miles below Lands granted Nathaniel Miller
which if granted he engaged to cultivate the same
Ordered — . That the further Consideration of the
said Petition be Postponed the Petitioner not attending
Read a Petition of John Milledge setting forth that in
I Novembr 1757 he had granted him one hundred and
[ sixty Acres of Land on great Ogechee the Warrant for
running out of which was expired in its Term and the
Survey not made Therefore Praying that the Surveyer's
general might be enabled and ordered to issue a new Pre
cept on the said Warrant that the Survey of the Land
might be made and a Plat thereof returned
Resolved — That the Prayer of the said Petition is
granted And the Surveyers general do issue a new Pre
cept on the Warrant for Surveying the said Land to con
tinue in Force for the Term of three Months
Read a Petition of William Johnson setting forth that
he had lately granted him one hundred Acres of Land at
the Head of a Tract granted Francis Arthur at Midway
but on going to Survey the same the said Arthur told the
Petitioner that he (Arthur) had not got his Compliment
of Land, And the Petitioner feared that by running his
Land there he might meet with Difficulty if not with the
loss of it hereafter Therefore Praying that he might re
sign the said One hundred Acres and obtain a Grant in
Lieu thereof of one hundred Acres on Demetries Point
South of Mr Hazards Land being Part of the Land before
Petitioned for by Alexis DeMay
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this Date, And that he doth also reg
ister the said Grant in the Register's Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the Date thereof that his
Majestey may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents Then
the Prayer of the said Petition is granted
Petition of
John Clark
for 200 Acres
of Land read
Read a Petition of John Clark setting forth that he had
had two hundred Acres of Land granted him in the Prov
ince and was desirous to obtain a further Grant having a
Wife four Children and seven Negroes Therefore Praying
for two hundred Acres on Briar Creek above Land grant
ed William Green which if granted he engaged to culti
vate & improve the same
Petition of
David Tubear
for 150 Acres
of Land read
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this Date, And that he doth also reg
ister the said Grant in the Register's Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the Date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents Then
Prayer of the said Petition is granted
Read a Petition of David Tubear setting forth that he
had had granted him two hundred Acres of Land at Mid
way and was desirous to obtain an additional Tract hav
ing a Family consisting of a Wife three Children and two
Negroes Therefore Praying for One hundred and fifty
Acres joining the Land before granted him at Midway
Rejected. Ordered — That the said Petition be rejected
Read a Petition of Christian Zipprer setting forth that
1 he had been seven Years in the Province and had not ob-
AeresTf [ tained any Grant of Lands therein and was desirous to
"; " "' obtain Lands for Cultivation, having a Wife and a Child
Therefore Praying for two hundred Acres between Go
shen & Black Creek near and to the Westward of Lands
granted Christian Dasher, Which if granted he engaged
to improve the same
Petition of
Zipprer for
200 '
Resolved — ¦ That on Condition only that the Peti-
Granted tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this Date, And that he doth also reg
ister the said Grant in the Register's Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the Date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents Then
the Prayer of the said Petition is granted
Read a Petition of John George Zitrauer setting forth
that he was brought up in the Province and lived in Ebe
nezer and was desirous to obtain a Grant of Land for Cul
tivation Therefore Praying for One hundred Acres at
Ebenezer aforesaid adjoining Lands of Matthias Seck-
inger which if granted he engaged to improve the same
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this Date, And that he doth also reg
ister the said Grant in the Register's Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the Date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents Then
the Prayer of the said Petition is granted.
Petition of
Jonathan Bryan Esqr.
for a Lot in
Petition of
John Barna-
by for 250
Acres of
Land read
Petition of
John Clayton
for renewg
his Warrant
Read a Petition of Jonathan Bryan Esqr setting forth
that he was desirous to improve a Lot in the Town of Sa-
¦ vannah And Praying for Lot Number two in the fourth
Tything Reynolds Ward formerly allotted one Christie,
Saving nevertheless the Right of future Claimants under
the original Grantee
Ordered — That the further Consideration of the
said Petition be Postponed untill the Expiration of the
Term limitted by Act of Assembly and given to absentee
Claimants of Land in this Province to come in & Claim
the same
Read a Petition of John Barnaby setting forth that he
had been nine Months in the Province and was desirous
to obtain a Grant of Land to make a Settlement for him
self and Family having a Wife and two Children There
fore Praying for two hundred and fifty Acres on Bermu
da Island at a Place called Abraham's Point which if
granted he engaged to cultivate and improve the same
Resolved — - That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this Date, And that he doth also reg
ister the said Grant in the Register's Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the Date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents, Then
the Prayer of the said Petition is granted
Read a Petition of John Clayton setting forth that in
June last he had granted him one hundred Acres of Land
at a Place called Tuckasee Kings Creek adjoining Lands
granted Jeremiah Swan the Warrant for surveying
whereof was expired in its Term and the Land not sur
veyed Therefore Praying that the Surveyer's general
might be enabled and ordered to issue a New Precept on
the said Warrant that the Survey might be made and a
Plan of the Land returned
200 Acres
Resolved — That the Prayer of the said Petition is
granted And that the Surveyers general do issue a new
Precept on the Warrant for surveying the said Land to
continue in Force for the Term of three Months
Read a Petition of George Sheraus setting forth that
he was settled at black Creek and had had fifty Acres
there granted him and was desirous to obtain an addition
al Tract having a Wife and three Children Therefore
Praying for two hundred and fifty Acres at Black Creek
aforesaid contiguous to his Settlement and adjoining
Lands of Michael Boreman which if granted he engaged
to cultivate and improve the same
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this Date, And that he doth also reg
ister the said Grant in the Register's Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the Date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents Then
Part of the Prayer of the said Petition namely two hun
dred Acres is granted
Read a Petition of Robert Burton setting forth that he .
was lately settled in the Province from South Carolina
& was desirous to obtain a Grant of Land for Cultivation
Therefore Praying for One hundred Acres at Newport
lying between Lands granted Mr Quarterman and Ste
phen Williams which if granted he engaged to cultivate
the same
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti-
¦ tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this Date, And that he doth also reg
ister the said Grant in the Register's Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the Date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents, Then
the Prayer of the said Petition is granted
NOVEMBER, 1758. 839
Read a Petition of William Gerard De Brahm setting
forth that he was desirous to obtain a Grant of Land ad
ditional to what had been granted him having a Wife
two Children and four Negroes and had agreed with a
Merchant to Purchase four Negroes more which he every
Day expected. Therefore Praying for five hundred Acres
on an Island North East of Ebenezer opposite to his
and Dwelling which if granted he engaged to cultivate the
Petition of
William Ge
rard De-
Brahm for
500 Acres of
Land read
Ordered — That the further Consideration of the
said Petition be Postponed
Read a Petition of Isaac Lines setting forth that he had
Fsla^Lines ' hve hundred Acres of Land granted him at Midway and
ofrLandArerad J was desirous to obtain an additional Tract having a Wife
four Children and nine Negroes Therefore Praying three
hundred Acres on the Main opposite Doboy Island ad
joining Lands granted John Perkins which if granted he
engaged to cultivate and improve the same
Resolved — ¦ That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this Date, And that he doth also reg
ister the said Grant in the Register's Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the Date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents Then
the Prayer of the said Petition is granted
Read a Petition of John Grant setting forth that he had
john'Gra'Jft ' been Sixteen Years in the Province and had had fifty
ofrLanAera! J Acres of Land granted him and was desirous to obtain
an Additional Grant having a Wife and three Children
Therefore Praying for three hundred Acres at the Head
and of Cat-head Creek near Sapala and that he might be
Permitted to resign the fifty Acres formerly granted him.
200 Acres
Petition of
-John Peter
Port for 100
Acres of
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this Date, And that he doth also reg
ister the said Grant in the Register's Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the Date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents, Then
Part of the Prayer of the said Petition namely two hun
dred Acres is granted.
Read a Petition of John Peter Port setting forth that
he was settled in the Province and was desirous to obtain
a Grant of Land for Cultivation Therefore Praying for
One hundred Acres being two fifty Acre Lots at High-
gate originally allotted one Fage and De Ferron both
long out of the Province
Ordered — That the further Consideration of the sa
- Petition be Postponed untill the expiration of the Term
limited by Act of Assembly and given to absentee Claim
ants of Lands in this Province to come in and claim the
His Excellency the Governor signed the following
Grants Signed GrantsJohn Paul Miller 150 Acres Sl Matthew's Parish
Michael Ritter 50 Acres in Christ Church Parish
Stephen Miller 150 Acres S' Matthew's Parish
Alexander McDonald 50 Acres S* Matthewes Parish
John Prethero 100 Acres S' Matthewes Parish
John Cornberger 50 Acres in the same Parish
Jonas Mick 100 Acres at Goshen
William McGregory 100 Acres in Ogechee District
NOVEMBER, 1758. 841
Minis Minis a Lot in Savannah &ca 50 Acres
William Francis Esqr 200 Acres in Christ Church Parish
William Francis Esqr 133 Acres in the same Parish
William Francis Esq1" 559 Acres in the same Parish
William Francis Esqr 500 Acres in the same Parish
William Francis Esqr a Lot in Savannah &ca 50 Acres
William Francis Esqr 589 in Christ Church Parish
Thomas Wilson 240 Acres in the same Parish
Joseph Barker 50 Acres in Sl Philips Parish
John Mearn 100 Acres in the same Parish
Sebastian Fitzer 50 Acres in S* Matthew's Parish
Ann Green the Wife of Thomas Green a Lot in Savan
nah &ca 50 Acres
GEORGIA At a Council held in the Council Cham
ber at Savannah on Friday 17th November
1758 Present
His Excellency Henry Ellis Esqr
James Habersham
Francis Harris
The Hon"16 \ Jonathan Bryan y Escf
James Edwd Powell
William Knox
His Excellency represented to the Board the extroardi-
SprSent" toCy nary Danger the Light House on Tybee Island was yet
Daenge?rthe e in falling notwithstanding the late Work done there ; And
Tybee island acquainted the Gentlemen that he was going down him-
was yet in fall
ing down self to see what could be done to prevent so great a Loss
to the Public.
His Excellency mentioned to the Board the State of the
mentioXnseto the Troop of Rangers lately raised for the Defence of this
of°thetTroopaof Province ; That he had already drawn for seven hundred
Pounds in Support of that Service; which Bills were not
known to have been paid and should the same be returned
under Protest would with the attendant Charges be so
Purposes send- mucn money out of his own Private Fortune and an Ex-
lfe^to 'tiS Bai1" pense too heavy on him Therefore Proposed sending Lieu-
waitonGrai tenant Baillie of the Rangers to the Northward to wait
wth Letterse0n on General Abercrombie the Present Commander in chief
there with Letters on that Head, Which Measure the
Highly ap-
Boarddbythe Board highly approved
PuShanAd- Ordered— That the Treasurer do Publish an Adver-
anVi^on" °rtisement for all persons who have any Demands on the
having De-
mandsonthe Public before the 20th September last to brine: in their
Public before y 1 to
29th sepr last Accounts by the ^oth of this Instant November
to bring in their J ^
Accots. by 30th
this Inst.
GEORGIA At a Council held in the Council Cham
ber at Savannah on Monday 20th November
His Excellency Henry Ellis Esqr
Sir Patrick Houston Baro'
James Habersham
Francis Harris
James Edwa Powell
William Knox
The Honble
? Esq"
His Excellen
cy acquaints
the Board
that he had
been to View
the Condition
of Tybee
Light House
and gives his
His Excellency the Governor acquainted the Board
that he had been to view the Condition of Tybee Light
House, and was of Opinion that the Danger of its Falling
was so great that to take it entirely down and rebuild it
was the only Means of Security he could propose ; which
work he had been informed might be done for one hun
dred and fifty Pounds Sterling. — ¦ He had heard indeed
that a Gentleman of the Common House of Assembly
should say that he would engage to secure it without tak
ing down for fifty Pounds — His Excellency expressed
how glad he should be to Preserve so valuable a Building
and that by Means the least expensive and therefore Pro
posed to the Board the sending for that Gentleman and
two others of the Commons House and hear the Method
that might be Planned for its Security, and at the same
Time recommend by their Means, the Importance of Pre
serving so Useful a Building to the Public as a matter
worthy the Consideration of the Legislature, Which Pro
posal was unanimously approved
Accordingly the Gentlemen were invited up and the
Method Proposed for securing the light House talked
over but no Resolution come to thereon, his Excellency
not being convinced that the Plan might so effectually
answer the Purpose as taking the Building down and new
raising it.
On His Excellency's taking Leave of the Gentlemen he
earnestly recommended to them the further Consideration
of the Subject, together with Ways and Means in As
sembly. Cornelius McCarty Carpenter was likewise talked with
and desired to Consult his Brethren thereon and deliver
in Proposals.
GEORGIA At a Council held in the Council Cham
ber at Savannah on Tuesday 21st November
1758 Present
His Excellency Henry Ellis Esqr
James Habersham
Francis Harris
The Honble •! Jonathan Bryan \ Esq™
James Edwd Powell
William Knox
His Excellency
communicatesto the Board a
Letter from
his Majesty's
Secretary of
State wth Re
spect to the
Settlementcalled New
His Excellency the Governor communicated to the
Board a Letter dated the 1 Ith June last from his Majesty's
Secretary of State signifying his Majesty's Commands
that the Settlement called New Hanover, extra of this
Province should be broke up and the Inhabitants ordered
to remove ; His Excellency further acquainted the Board
that Governour Lyttleton of South Carolina had wrote
to him Signifying that he also had received his Majesty's
Commands to the same Effect to Act in Concert with his
NOVEMBER, 1758. 845
His Excellency hereupon observed that his Majesty
would not Suffer any Persons to set down on Lands in
the manner those People had done upon Principles of
Indepency, for that his Majesty's American Subjects must
Submit to the Laws of his Provinces : And requested the
opinion of the Board as to the most Prudent and easy
Method of Putting those Orders into Execution, Gov
ernor Lyttleton having communicated a Procedure that
his Excellency thought not so eligible in the present Case
The same being taken under serious Consideration the
Council were of Opinion that the Method Proposed by
Governour Lyttleton would carry with it too much Pa
rade whereby-the Governour of S' Augustine might be in
duced to believe such Removal owing to a Consciousness
in the English that those Lands were the Property of the
Crown of Spain or that some Representation, heretofore
made on that Subject by the Spanish Governour, might
in its Consequence have actuated such Proceeding; all
Foundation for which Belief the Board thought in this
particular Instance should be strictly guarded against :
Therefore Proposed as a more Prudent Step, that those
Settlers should have Notification of his Majesty's Pleas
ure Concerning them in a less public Manner and a Pro
vision of Lands made for them on Cumberland Island or
elsewhere until his Majesty's Pleasure should be further
known therein
His Excellency likewise communicated a Letter from
commun?eiet«iy General Abercrombie respecting the Troop of Rangers
Letter fromda raised in this Province, and acquainted the Board that he
S£ erre- had Scarce hopes of the Bills he had already drawn for
Trlop'rf* the Support of that Troop being Paid, That to save the
Captain from Embarresment, he Purposed notwithstand
ing again to draw for the Amount of the last Pay-Bill;
but that he should order those Bills to be on the Paymas
ter general and that he would at the same Time write to
his Majesty's Secretary's of State and War on the Sub
ject, transmitting therewith General Abercrombie's Let
ter, and would use every other Means tending to continue
those Troops, and strengthen and Support the Province.
Which Measure the Board intirely approved, and ex
pressed their Thanks to his Excellency for his Regard to
the Province
His Excellency this Day made an Agreement with
Bratrjeed^r Nicholas Cronenberger for the building a new Scout
Feet Long and Boat for forty five Pounds Sterling- the Length of the
17 Feet Wide , , . ^. . ,...-.. ^ . ,
said Boat to be thirty Eight or thirty Nine Feet and the
Breadth thereof Seventeen Feet; the Work to be com
pleated in Six Months from this Day and the said Cro
nenberger to give Bond for that Purpose
GEORGIA At a Council held in the Council Cham
ber at Savannah on Tuesday 5th December
1758 Present
His Excellency Henry Ellis Esqr
Sir Patrick Houston Baro'
James Habersham
Francis Harris
Jonathan Bryan y Esqri
James Edwa Powell
William Knox
The Honb]e
Read a Petition of John Rentz setting forth that his
Petitionof Warrant for surveying fifty Acres of Land adjoining
p^otong Ms fifty Acres formerly allotted him by the late President
read and Assistants (of which there was no Plat in being) was
by Mistake surveyed notwithstanding the Time Limited
Petition of
John Davis
for 50 Acres
of Land read
in the Warrant for making the Survey was expired
Therefore Praying that the aforesaid Warrant might be
prolonged and that his former fifty Acres and a Town
Lot in Ebenezer might be also included in the same Piatt
Resolved — That the Prayer of the said Petition is
granted And that the Surveyer's general do issue a new
Precept on the said Warrant for surveying fifty Acres
of Land, and that the Petitioner's former fifty Acres and
his Town Lot in Ebenezer be also included in the same
Plat. Read a Petition of John Davis setting forth that he
had a Family consisting of a Wife three Children and one
Negro and had had one hundred and fifty Acres of Land
granted him and was desirous to obtain an Additional
Tract Therefore Praying for fifty Acres on Savannah
River near a Place called the Spaniards Cabbin adjoining
West on the Tract already granted him, which if granted
he engaged to cultivate and improve the same.
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this Date, And that he doth also reg
ister the said Grant in the Register's Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the Date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents, Then
the Prayer of the said Petition is granted.
Read a Petition of Christopher Cramer setting forth
that he had a Family consisting of a Wife a Child and a
Negroe and had had only fifty Acres of Land granted
him and was desirous to improve an Additional" Tract
Therefore Praying for one hundred Acres of Land join
ing Land of Frederica Brookner at Ebenezer.
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this Date, And that he doth also reg
ister the said Grant in the Register's Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the Date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents Then
the Prayer of the said Petition is granted.
Petition of
Owen Carter
for 200 Acres
of Land read
Read a Petition of Owen Carter setting forth that he
had a Wife and a Child and was desirous to obtain Lands
for Cultivation having had none yet granted him There
fore Praying for Two hundred Acres adjoining Lands of
William Moore near Mount Pleasant which if granted he
engaged to improve
100 Acres
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this Date, And that he doth also reg
ister the said Grant in the Register's Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the Date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents Then
Part of the Prayer of the said Petition namely one hun
dred and fifty Acres is granted.
Read a Petition of George Winkler setting forth that
Georgenwfnk- ^e ^ac^ been 'n t'ie Province Seven Years and had had no
Ac/e^of Land Land Granted him and was desirous to obtain Land for
100 Acres
Cultivation having a Wife Therefore Praying for one
hundred & fifty Acres River Swamp below Abercorn
joining Land of Jacob Kiebler.
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this Date, And that he doth also reg
ister the sd Grant in the Register's Office of this Province
within Six Months from the Date thereof that his Majes
ty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents Then Part of
the Prayer of the sa Petition namely one hundred Acres
is granted
Read a Petition of Elijah Brazeale setting forth that he
Elijah Brf- ] was desirous to improve Lands in the Province being
Acrlso0/100 | lately come in to settle Therefore Praying for one hundred
Acres at a Place called the great Corn House adjoining
Lands granted James Germany which if granted he en
gaged to improve the same
Resolved — ¦ That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this Date, And that he doth also reg
ister the said Grant in the Register's Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the Date thereof that His
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents Then
the Prayer of the said Petition is granted.
Read a Petition of William McKenzie setting forth
1 that he Purposed to become an Inhabitant of this Prov-
r ince having a Wife two Children and twenty Slaves
' Therefore Praying for five hundred Acres of Land on the
North Side of Great Ogechee beginning at or near a Place
called the Springs and from thence down the River
Petition of
William Mc
Kenzie for
500 Acrs. of
Land read
Ordered — That the further Consideration of the
postponed saj^ petition be Postponed' untill the Petitioners Family
arrives in the Province.
Petition of
John Smith
for 100 Acres
being an
Island called
PattersonsIsland read
Read a Petition of John Smith setting forth that he
had been three Years in the Province; was possessed of
no Lands therein and desirous to obtain a Grant of Lands
for Cultivation Therefore Praying for an Island com
monly called Patterson's Island containing not more than
one hundred Acres and lying about two Miles North West
of Doboy Island Which if granted he engaged to settle
and improve the same
Ordered — That the said Petition be rejected it be
ing supposed that the said Island has been formerly run
out 54 e r— vol 7
85o Governor and council
Read a Petition of Benjamin Andrew setting forth that
petitionof jj ^ad jia(j prranted him seven hundred Acres of Land
Benjamin An- o
AcerIofrLand and was desirous to obtain an Additional Tract having a
read Wife three Children and twelve Slaves Therefore Pray
ing for two hundred Acres at Newport adjoining Lands
granted Ann Andrew, which if granted he engaged to
cultivate and improve the same
Ordered — That the said Petition be rejected.
Read a Petition of James Dunham setting forth that he
jamei°Dunnam was lately settled in the Province and in March or April
of^oo^crelof next shall bring in Slaves to intitule him to two hundred
Land rea ^ ^^ Acres of Land Therefore Praying that a Reserve
might be made until the Time mentioned of two hundred
and fifty Acres at Newport (mostly Pine barren) one
and hundred Acres lying to the South and one hundred and
fifty Acres to the North of Lands granted Andrew Way
Resolved — • That the Prayer of the said Petition is
Granted granted And that 3 Reserve of the said two hundred and
- fifty Acres be made for the Use of the Petitioner during
the Term of six Months.
Read a Petition of David John setting forth that he
Petition of Da- had been four Months in the Province, and had no Lands
wo Acres of therein, and was desirous to obtain a Grant of Lands for
Cultivation Therefore Praying for One hundred Acres in
the Fork of Briar Creek about a Mile from Land of Wil
liam Champ which if granted he engaged to improve the
Land read
Resolved — • That on Condition only that the Peti-
Granted tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this Date, And that he doth also reg
ister the said Grant in the Register's Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the Date thereof that his
December, 1758.
Petition of
Thomas Dar
nel for 100
Acres of
Land read
Petition of
John Sneider
for 100 Acres
of Land read
Petition of
Andrew Snei
der for 150
Acres of
Land read
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents Then
the Prayer of the said Petition is granted
Read a Petition of Thomas Darnel setting forth that
he had been some Years in the Province was possessed of
no Lands therein and desirous to obtain a Grant of Lands
for Cultivation Therefore Praying for one hundred Acres
at the upper end of the Island over against Abercorn op
posite the Mouth of a Creek called the Lagoon Creek
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this Date And that he doth also reg
ister the said Grant in the Register's Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the Date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents Then
the Prayer of the said Petition is granted.
Read a Petition of John Sneider setting forth that he
had been nineteen Years in the Province, had had only
fifty Acres of Land therein, and was desirous to obtain
an Additional Tract having a Wife Therefore Praying
for one hundred Acres near Mill Creek adjoining the
fifty Acres already granted him which if granted he en
gaged to cultivate and improve the same
Resolved— That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this Date, And that he doth also reg
ister the said Grant in the Register's Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the Date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents, the
Prayer of the sa Petition is granted
Read a Petition of Andrew Sneider setting forth that
he had been nine Years in the Province, was possessed
of one hundred Acres of Land therein, and desirous- to
obtain an Additional Tract having a Wife and two Chil-
dren And Praying for one hundred and fifty Acres- at
Black Creek adjoining Lands granted John Hamm Which
if granted he engaged to improve the same
Resolved — • That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this Date, And that he doth also reg
ister the said Grant in the Register's Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the Date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents Then
the Prayer of the said Petition is granted.
Read a Petition of John George Sneider setting forth
George 1 that he had been nineteen Years in the Province, had had
of i only fifty Acres of Land granted him, and was desirous
to obtain an additional Grant having a Wife Therefore
Praying for One hundred Acres at Ebenezer joining
and Lands of Christian Rabenhurst, Which if granted he en
gaged to cultivate and improve the same
Petition of
JohnSneider for [-
100 Acres
Land read
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this Date, And that he doth also reg
ister the said Grant in the Register's Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the Date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents Then
the Prayer of the said Petition is granted.
Read a Petition of John M'Clenachan setting forth that
john'Mcciena- he was lately come into the Province and desirous to ob-
Acres of Land tain a Grant of Land for Cultivation Therefore Praying
for one hundred Acres at Hallifax adjoining Lands of
John Tanner & George McCulloch Which if granted he
and engaged to cultivate and improve the same
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti-
Granted tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this Date, And that he doth also reg-
DECEMBER, 1758. 853
ister the said Grant in the Register's Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the Date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents, Then
the Prayer of the said Petition is granted
Read a Petition of Charles Sigmund Ott setting forth
chariefsdl- ^at ^e had been twenty three Years in the Province and
iso'Acres'of r had only fifty Acres of Land therein, and was desirous to
obtain an additional Tract having a Wife and three Chil
dren Therefore Praying for one hundred and fifty Acres
upon Mill Creek Ebenezer adjoining the fifty Acres al
ready granted him, Which if granted he engaged to cul
tivate and improve the same
Land read ¦
RESOLVED — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this Date, And that he doth also reg
ister the said Grant in the Register's Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the Date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents the
Prayer of the said Petition is granted.
Read a Petition of John Lariscy setting forth that he
Fohii'ifariscyl had been in the Province three Months and was desirous
ofrLandArradJ to obtain 3 Grant of Land for Cultivation being possessed
of none in the Province, Therefore Praying for One hun
dred Acres on the South Side of the lower Ford of Briar
Creek, which if granted he engaged to cultivate and im
prove the same
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti-
Granted tfoner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this Date And that he doth also reg
ister the said Grant in the Register's Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the Date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents Then
the Prayer of the said Petition is granted.
Read a Petition of George Miller setting forth that he
GeorgenMiiierl had been three Years in the Province and Possessed of no
ofrLandArCeradj Lands therein, and was desirous to obtain a Grant of
Lands for Cultivation having a Wife and a Child, There
fore Praying for two hundred Acres on Savannah River
near a Place called Long Bluff below and adjoining one
hundred Acres this Day granted John Prethero which if
granted he engaged to cultivate and improve the same
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this Date, And that he doth also reg
ister the said Grant in the Register's Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the Date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents, Then
the Prayer of the said Petition is granted
Acres of
Land read
Read a Petition of John Prethero setting forth that he
Petition of ) had had four hundred Acres of Land granted him on Sa-
JohnPreth- &
en.w in'; y yannah River a great Part of which was Pine barren
' That he was desirous to obtain an Additional Tract for
the Conveniency of Planting Indico having a Family con
sisting of a Wife Eight Children and one Negroe There
fore Praying for one hundred Acres at a Place called
Long Bluff below and adjoining Lands heretofore grant
ed him, Which if granted he engaged to cultivate and
improve the same
Resolved — That on Condition -only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this Date, And that he doth also reg
ister the said Grant in the Register's Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the Date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents Then
the Prayer of the said Petition is granted,
Read a Petition of Michael Weaver setting forth that
he had been nine Years in the Province had had fifty
Acres of Land granted him and was desirous to obtain
an additional Tract having a Wife Therefore Praying for
one hundred Acres at the Back of Abercorn joining
Lands of Paulus Packer which if granted he engaged to
improve the same
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this Date, And that he doth also reg
ister the said Grant in the Register's Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the Date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents Then
the Prayer of the said Petition is granted
Read a Petition of John Fitch setting forth that he had
1 had granted him Seven hundred and fifty Acres of Land
ofrLandAreraIJ and was desirous of an additional Tract having a Wife
and forty three Slaves Therefore Traying for one hun
dred Acres on Spirit Creek near adjoining three hundred
and Acres there last granted him
Petition of
John Fitch
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti-
Granted tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Lands within
Seven Months from this Date, And that he doth also reg
ister the said Grant in the Register's Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the Date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents the
Prayer of the said Petition is granted ; the said one hun
dred Acres to adjoin the three hundred Acres mentioned
in the said Petition
Petition of
James Wood
land for 200
Acres of
Land read
Read a Petition of James Woodland (postponed on the
6tb December 1757 on Account that the Lands Petitioned
for were then in the Possession of John Sartin who had
a Year given him to bring his Family into the Province
in order to intitule him to the Land) setting forth that
he was an Inhabitant of the Province and about three
Years agon settled and improved some Land between
Darian and Sapala having a Family consisting of a Wife
and four Children Which Lands during his Absence from
the Colony were granted first to one John Sartin and
afterwards to Samuel Piles who had made a Resignation
of his Right in Favour of the Petitioner Therefore Pray
ing for a Tract of two hundred Acres where he had here
tofore settled commonly called the old Cedar Point be
tween Darian and Sapala before mentioned.
Resolved — • That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this Date, And that he doth also reg
ister the said Grant in the Register's Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the Date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents Then
the Prayer of the said Petition is granted Sartin the Per
son in possession of the Lands Petitioned for appearing
and acknowledging that he had not complied with the
Order of the Board made 6th December 1757
Petition of
Matthias Brantner for
150 Acres of
Land read
Read a Petition of Matthias Brantner setting forth
that he had been twenty four Years in the Province and
had had only fifty Acres of Land granted him and was
desirous of an Additional Tract having a Wife and two
Children Therefore Praying for one hundred and fifty
Acres upon Mill Creek Ebenezer adjoining the fifty Acres
formerly granted him, Which if granted him he engaged
to improve the same
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this Date, And that he doth also reg
ister the said Grant in the Register's Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the Date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents, Then
the Prayer of the said Petition is granted
Petition of
Joseph Sub-
drian for 100
Acres of
Land read
Read a Petition of Joseph Subdrien setting forth that
] he had had one hundred Acres of Land granted him, and
I was desirous to obtain an additional Tract having a Wife
and two Children Therefore Praying for one hundred
Acres joining Lands of Thomas Geshwandle on Mill
Creek Ebenezer, Which if granted he engaged to improve
the same
RESOLVED — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this Date, And that he doth also reg
ister the said Grant in the Register's Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the Date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents, the
Prayer of the said Petition is granted
Petition of
for 100 Acres
of Land read
Read a Petition of Christian Liemberger setting forth
that he had been many Years in the Province, had had
one hundred Acres of Land granted him, and was desir
ous to obtain an additional Tract having a Wife and two
Children Therefore Praying for one hundred Acres upon
Mill Creek Ebenezer adjoining the Lands heretofore
granted him Which if granted he engaged to Cultivate
and improve the same
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti-
Granted tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months" from this Date, And that he doth also reg
ister the said Grant in the Register's Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the Date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents Then
the Prayer of the said Petition is granted
Petition of
Simeon Riet
ter for 100
Acres of
Land read
Read a Petition of Simeon Rietter setting forth that
he had had two hundred Acres of Land granted him and
was desirous to obtain an Additional Tract having a Wife
and three Children Therefore Praying for one hundred
Acres adjoining fifty Acres heretofore granted him at
Mill Creek Ebenezer, Which if granted he engaged to
improve the same
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this Date, And that he doth also reg
ister the said Grant in the Register's Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the Date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents, Then
the Prayer of the said Petition is granted
Read a Petition of Michael Rietter setting forth that
Michie" Riet 1 he had been Many Years in the Province, had had only
ter for 100
Acres of
Land read
f fifty Acres of Land granted him and was desirous to ob-
' tain an additional Tract having a Wife and four Children
Therefore Praying for One hundred Acres on Mill Creek
Ebenezer joining Lands of Rupert Eishberger and John
Mawur Which if granted he engaged to cultivate and im
prove the same
Resolved— That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this Date, And that he doth also reg
ister the said Grant in the Register's Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the Date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents, Then
the Prayer of the said Petition is granted; the Lands at
this Board Petitioned for by and granted to Matthias
Brantner, Joseph Subdrien Christian Liember and Sim
eon Rieter to be first run
Petition of
John Henry
Greves for
Permission to
resign 500
Acres of
Land and ob
tain a like
Quantity in
Lieu read
Read a Petition of John Henry Greves setting forth
that he had had five hundred Acres of Land granted him
at Hallifax which he had continued to cultivate six Years
but the same was so extremely barren that it must be his
Ruin longer to lay out his Labour on it as it was a contin
ued Expence without any Return Therefore Praying for
Permission to resign the said five hundred Acres, and that
he might have granted him five hundred Acres upon Sa
vannah River at a Place called Buck-Creek at Sellers
Spring about a Mile above Land granted John Davis,
Which if granted he engaged to cultivate and improve the
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this Date, And that he doth also reg
ister the said Grant in the Register's Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the Date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents Then
the Prayer of the said Petition is granted
Petition of
Joseph Bur
ton for 400
Acres of
Land read
Read a Petition of Joseph Burton setting forth that he
] had been a Year in the Province and possessed of no
| Lands therein and was desirous to obtain a Grant of
Land for Cultivation having a Wife three Children and
two Negroes Therefore Praying for four hundred Acres
at a Lagoon from Savannah River on the North Side of
a Place called the Spaniards Cabbin, and about a Mile
and a half from Land granted John Davis Which if
granted he engaged to cultivate and improve the same
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this Date, And that he doth also reg
ister the said Grant in the Register's Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the Date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents, Then
Part of the Prayer of the said Petition, namely three hun
dred Acres is granted; the Lands at this Board granted
John Henry Greves to be first run out
GEORGIA At a Council held in the Council Cham
ber at Savannah on Friday 22a Decr 1758
His Excellency Henry Ellis Esqr
James Habersham
Jonathan Bryan
The HonbIe -j James Edwa Powell \ Esq"
James Mackay
William Knox
Petition of
John Gray
Esqr. for 500
Acres of
Land read
Read a Petition of John Gray Esqr setting forth that
) he had had five hundred Acres of Land granted him by
j" the late President and Assistants and was desirous to ob
tain an additional Tract having forty Slaves in the Prov
ince Therefore Praying for five hundred Acres of Land
at Sapala joining Lands of Robert Homer, Which if
granted he engaged to improve the same
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this Date, And that he doth also reg
ister the said Grant in the Register's Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the Date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents Then
the Prayer of the said Petition is granted.
Read a Petition of the said John Gray setting forth
as in the foregoing Petition And Praying for five hun-
Petition of
John Gray
Esqr for 500 ,
Lana3r°ead J ^red Acres of Pine Land at a Place called Broran Creek
joining Lands of George MacDonald on Sapala
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this Date, And that he doth also reg
ister the said Grant in the Register's Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the Date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents Then
the Prayer of the said Petition is granted
Petition of
John Gray
Esqr. for 500
Acres of
Land read
Read a Petition of the said John Gray setting forth as
in the first Petition And Praying for five hundred Acres
of Pine Barren at Sapala formerly allotted Angus Clark
and by him resigned.
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this Date, And that he doth also reg
ister the said Grant within the Register's Office of this
Province within Six Months from the Date thereof that
his Majesty may not be defrauded of 'his Quit Rents,
Then the Prayer of the said Petition is granted.
Petition of
John Gray
Esqr for 100
Acres of
Land read
Read a Petition of the said John Gray setting forth as
in the first Petition And Praying for One hundred Acres
(being about an Acre and a half of Wood Land and the
Residue Marsh) an Hammock near Lands granted Hugh
Clark Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this Date, And that he cloth also reg
ister the said Grant in the Register's Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the Date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents Then
the Prayer of the said Petition is granted.
Petition of
John Gray
Esqr. for 300
Acres of
Land by Pur
Petition of
KennethBaillie for 500
Acres of
Land read
Read a Petition of the said John Gray Praying to be
admitted to purchase, agreeable to his Majesty's Instruc
tions three hundred Acres of Land near the Lands for
merly allotted him Which if so granted he engaged to
cultivate and improve the same
Resolved— That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this Date And that he doth also reg
ister the said Grant in the Register's Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from this Date, that his Majesty
may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents Then the Prayer
of the said Petition is granted
Read a Petition of Kenneth Baillie setting forth that
he was settled on five hundred Acres of Land the Prop
erty of Colonel Probart Howarth, which Land had al
ways been considered as a Part of the Petitioner's Family
Right, That the Number of the Petitioners Family intit
uled him to Petition for an Additional Tract of five hun
dred Acres Therefore Praying for five hundred Acres
in the Mortar Swamp bounded on the North East by
Lands of William Gibbons, heretofore granted John De-
Honneur and resigned that the Petitioner might be en
abled to exchange with the said Colonel Howarth for the
Lands the Petitioner lived on
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this Date, And that he doth also reg
ister the said Grant in the Register's Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the Date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents Then
the Prayer of the said Petition is grant'd
petitionof i Read a Petition of Bartholomew Zouberbuhler setting
fHSuE forth that he had had Eight hundred Acres of Land
ofLand^dJ granted him & was desirous to obtain an Additional Tract
JANUARY, 1759.
having twenty four Negroes Therefore Praying for five
hundred Acres on an Island in Savannah River adjoining
the North End of Lands granted Nicholas Cfonenberger
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this Date, And that he doth also reg
ister the said Grant in the Register's Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the Date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents Then
the Prayer of the said Petition is granted.
GEORGIA At a Council held in the Council Cham
ber at Savannah on Tuesday 2d Jany 1759
His Excellency Henry Ellis Esqr
James Habersham
Francis Harris
The Honb,e •! Jonathan Bryan
James Edwa Powell
William Knox
Petition of
Thomas Bruce to pro
long his War
rant read
Read a Petition of Thomas Bruce setting forth that in
February last he had granted him two hundred Acres of
' Land on Whitmarsh Island near lands formerly granted
John Penrose, the Warrant for surveying thereof was
expired at its Term and the Land not run out Therefore
praying that the Surveyers general might be enabled and
ordered to issue a new Precept on the said Warrant that
the Lands so granted might be surveyed and a Plat there
of returned
Resolved — That the Prayer of the said Petition is
granted and that- the Surveyer's general do issue a new
Precept on the Warrant for running the said Land to
continue in force for the Term of three Months.
Petition of
Clement Mar
tin Esqr for
600 Acres by
Read a Petition of Richard Milledge setting forth that
he had from his Infancy been in the Province and had
had no more than ninety Acres of Land granted him and
was desirous to obtain a further Grant having a Wife
three Children & a Negro Therefore Praying for five hun
dred Acres of Pine Land at Tuckasee Kings bounding on
Land there granted one Jeremiah Swan to be granted in
manner following (namely) two hundred and fifty Acres
in Right of his Family and the other two hundred and
fifty Acres on Purchase
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this Date, And that he doth also reg
ister the said Grant in the Register's Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the Date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents, Then
the Prayer of the said Petition is granted
Read a Petition of Clement Martin Esqr setting forth
that he had already had Lands granted him but was de
sirous to obtain an additional Tract Therefore Praying
to be admitted a Purchaser (agreeable to his Majesty's
Instructions) of six hundred Acres of River Swamp on
an Island about four Miles above Abercorn near Lands
granted Hugh Ross and Frederic Helvinstine—
Resolved — ¦ That on Condition only that the Peti-
Fanpdfy^ght tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
on purchase163 Seven Months from this Date, And that he cloth also reg
ister the said Grant in the Register's Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the Date thereof, that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents, Then
the Prayer of the said Petition is granted in manner fol-
JANUARY, 1759.
Petition of
George Zeig-
ler for 100
Acres of
Land read
lowing (Viz') four hundred Acres on the Petitioner's
Family Right and the other two hundred Acres on Pur
chase Read a Petition of George Zeigler setting forth that
he had been' many Years in the Province and had had only
fifty Acres of Land granted him and was desirous to ob
tain an additional Tract having a Wife Therefore Pray
ing for One hundred Acres at Ebenezer adjoining Lands
of Jacob Maurir Which if granted he engaged to culti
vate and improve the same
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this Date, And that he doth also reg
ister the said Grant in the Register's Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the Date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents Then
the Prayer of the said Petition is granted
Read a Petition of Joseph Gibbons setting forth that
Feephti0Gibbons0" he did lately Petition for two hundred feet of Land at
Iqulreunder Yamacraw Bluff for the Purpose of building a Lumber
vannSlrad a~ Yard which Petition was rejected the Land Petitioned
for being in Dispute, That the Petitioner was engaged in
Sawing Large Quantities of Lumber and much in want
and of a Peice of Ground whereon to make a Lumber Yard in
Savannah Therefore Praying for two hundred Feet for
the Purpose aforesaid under the Bluff or Bank at Sa
vannah fronting a Street there called Abercorn Street,
100 Feet Which if granted he engaged immediately to build upon
and improve the same
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti-
Granted tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this Date, And that he doth also reg
ister the said Grant in the Register's Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the Date thereof that his
65 e r— vol.7
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents, then
Part of the Prayer of the said Petition, namely, one hun
dred Feet is granted, to be run out between the said
Street called Abercorn Street, and the Street next to it
Petition of
Christian Ra
benhurst.John Fieri &
Meyer to pur
chase five
hundredAcres of Pine
Land read
Read a Petition of Christian Rabenhurst, John Fieri
and Ludwig Meyer setting forth that the Petitioner's
had had granted them one hundred twenty five Acres of
Pine Land for the Use of the Public Mills at Ebenezer
most Part whereof being on a low Island was rendered
useless for the Purposes intended Therefore praying to
be admitted to Purchase for the Use aforesaid five hun
dred Acres of Pine Land at Ebenezer adjoining Land
of the Petitioner Christian Rabenhurst
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti-
Granted tioner's doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this Date, And that he doth also reg
ister the said Grant in the Register's Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the Date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents, Then
the Prayer of the said Petition is granted.
Petition of
Christian Ra
benhurst, John Fieri
and Ludwig
Meyer to pur-
chase 300
Acres of
Land readand
Read a Petition of the said Christian Rabenhurst, John
j Fieri, and Ludwig Meyer, setting forth as in the fore-
I going Petition and praying to be admitted to purchase
for the Use aforesaid three hundred Acres of Pine Land
at Ebenezer adjoining Land of George Hyde
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this Date, And that he doth also reg
ister the said Grant in the Register's Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the Date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents, Then
the Prayer of the said Petition is granted.
JANUARY, 1759.
Petition of
Daniel Dun
ham for 250
Acres of
Land read
Read a Petition of Daniel Dunham setting forth that
he had five hundred and fifty Acres of Land granted him
and was desirous to obtain an additional Tract having a
Wife three Children and ten Slaves Therefore Praying
for two hundred and fifty Acres at South Newport to the
South Westward of Lands Granted Captain James Mac
kay Which if granted he engaged to cultivate & improve
the same
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti-
STg^ SLr ^oner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Prtvhfcetot! Seven Months from this Date, And that he doth also reg-
.p'earfthatThe ister the said Grant in the Register's Office of this Prov-
impVoved the ince within Six Months from the Date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents, The
Prayer of the said Petition is granted ; but no Grant un
der Seal of the Province to issue untill it appears that the
Petitioner has improved the Land.
Read a Petition of James Donnom setting forth that
he was lately settled in the Province having Eight Ne
groes therein and was desirous to obtain a Grant of Land
for Cultivation, Therefore praying for two hundred and
fifty Acres at Newport adjoining South East on Lands
granted Alexander Rosse Which if granted he engaged
to cultivate and improve the same
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this Date, And that he doth also reg
ister the said Grant in the Register's Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the Date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents Then
the Prayer of the said Petition is granted
Petitionof 1 Read a Petition of William Knox Esqr setting forth
KnoLaEsqr. 1 that he had had lately granted him five hundred Acres of
ofrLandArC<£d J Land at South Newport but the Quantity could not there
Petition of
West 350
Acres of
Land read
250 Acres
Petition of
AlexanderWylly for 100
Feet under
SavannahBluff read
be found and therefore no Part of it was surveyed There
fore Praying for five hundred Acres on great Ogechee
called Dear Forest Which if granted he engaged to cul
tivate and improve the same
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this Date, And that he doth also reg
ister the said Grant in the Register's Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the Date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents, Then
the Prayer of the said Petition is granted
Read a Petition of Matthias West setting forth that he
had been many Years in the Province And had had no
more than fifty Acres of Land granted him, and was de
sirous to obtain an further Grant having a Wife and four
Children Therefore Praying for three hundred and fifty
Acres at a Place called Turkey Branch about Seven Miles
from Old Ebenezer, Which if granted he engaged to cul
tivate and improve the same
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this Date, And that he doth also reg
ister the said Grant in the Register's Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the Date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents, Then
Part of the Prayer of the said Petition namely two hun
dred and fifty Acres is granted
Read a Petition of Alexander Wylly setting forth that
he was engaged with Doctor Lewis Johnson in building
a Wharff and Warehouses under the Bluff of Savannah
for the Conveniency of Storing and Shipping Goods, for
which the hundred Feet lately granted the said Lewis
Johnson is insufficient Therefore Praying for one hun-
JANUARY, 1759.
Petition of
Joseph Gib
bons for 1000
Acres of Pine
Land read
dred Feet for the Purpose aforesaid adjoining the said
Lewis Johnson
Resolved— That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this Date, And that he doth also reg
ister the said Grant in the Register's Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the Date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents then the
Prayer of the said Petition is granted
Read a Petition of Joseph Gibbons setting forth that
he had a Family consisting of a Wife five Children and
fifty three Negroes and had had two thousand one hun
dred Acres of Land granted him and was desirous to
improve an additional Tract Therefore Praying for one
thousand Acres of Pine Land adjoining South on his
own Land, Westerly on Joseph Gibbons Junr Northerly
on Lands lately granted Lewis Johnson and Easterly on
William Francis Land
Resolved — That on Condition only the Petitioner
Granted Pro-i doth take out a Grant for the said Land within Seven
the Land one > Months from this Date, And that he doth also register
Purchase and . • , rt t\ r-\rr t-»
not otherwise J the said Grant in the Registers Office of this Province
within Six Months from the Date thereof that his Maj
esty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents Then the
Prayer of the said Petition is granted provided the Pe
titioner take the said Land on Purchase and not otherwise
Read a Petition of Ezekial Backler setting forth that
Petition of ] he had been three Years in the Province and had had two
BackieeforBo !¦ hundred Acres granted him between Tuckasee Kines and
Acres of . I ° °
Land read j Mount Pleasant and was desirous to obtain an additional
Tract having a Wife and four-Children Therefore Pray
ing for fifty Acres adjoining the aforesaid two hundred
Acres, And also one hundred Acres of Pine Land upon
Tuckasee Kings aforesaid for a Cowpen
Resolved— That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this Date, And that he doth also reg.-
ister the sa Grant in the Register's Office of this Province
within Six Months from the Date thereof that his Maj
esty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents, Then the
Prayer of the said Petition is granted.
Read a Petition of James Parris setting forth that Rich-
james Parris ard Bennison deceased the Petitioner's Brother in Law
LOarnd0rAadresof had in his Eife time a Warrant for laying out four hun
dred Acres of Land at Spirit Creek in this Province That
after the said Warrant was issued your Petitioner did
agree with the said Bennison for an Exchange of Lands
and did really and Bona Fide give him a Tract of Land
belonging to the Petitioner in Carolina in Lieu of the
aforesaid four hundred Acres, but the said Bennison died
before proper Deeds could be executed, That the Peti
tioners Family consisted of a Wife four Children and
and Nine Negroes and he had had only five hundred Acres
of Land granted him Therefore Praying for a Confirma
tion of the aforesaid Land to him in Respect of the ex
change above set forth or for a Grant of three hundred
Acres thereof on Account of the Number of his Family,
Which if granted he engaged to cultivate and improve
the same
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti-
Granted tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this Date, And that he doth also reg
ister the said Grant in the Register's Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the Date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents, Then
three hundred Acres is granted him in Right of his
JANUARY, 1759.
Read a Petition of Francis Parris setting forth that
f^S Parris he had had two hundred and fifty Acres of Land granted
Land read"53 ° him & was desirous to obtain an additional Tract having
a Wife and three Negroes, Therefore Praying for a small
Island on great Ogechee supposed to contain near one
hundred Acres joining Lands granted the Petitioner
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this Date, And that he doth also reg
ister the said Grant in the Register's Office of this Prov
ince that his Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit
Rents Then the Prayer of the said Petition is granted
Petition of ¦
Thomas Mock
for 100 Acres
of Land read
Read a Petition of Thomas Mock setting forth that he
had been seven Years in the Province and had had no
Land granted him, And was desirous to obtain a Grant
of Land for Cultivation Therefore praying for one hun
dred Acres at a Place called Blue Bluff on Savannah Riv
er adjoining Lands petitioned for by Bartholomew Mock
his Brother, Which if granted he engaged to cultivate
and improve the same
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this Date, And that he doth also reg
ister the said Grant in the Register's Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the Date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents Then
the Prayer of the said Petition is granted.
Read a Petition of Bartholomew Mock setting forth
petitionof ] that he had been seven Years in the Province had had no
Mockfor'^oo' [ Lands granted him and was desirous to obtain a Grant
A cres of I
Land read j of Land f or Cultivation having a Wife and a Child There
fore Praying for two hundred Acres at Blue Bluff on Sa
vannah River joining Lands granted Daniel Subdrien,
Which if granted he engaged to cultivate & improve the
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti-
Granted tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this Date, And that he doth also reg
ister the sa Grant in the Register's Office of this Province
within Six Months from the Date thereof that his Maj
esty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents, Then the
Prayer of the said Petition is granted
Read a Petition of Conrade Echard setting forth that
Conrade0f 1 he had been three Years in the Province, had had no
!5ohAcre.?of I Lands therein and was desirous to obtain a Grant of
Land for Cultivation having a Wife and two Children,
Therefore Praying for two hundred and fifty Acres at a
and Place called Blue Bluff on Savannah River adjoining
Lands granted George Miller Which if granted he en-
200 Acres gaged to cultivate and improve the same
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti-
Granted tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this Date, And that he doth also reg
ister, the said Grant in the Register's Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the Date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents Then
Part of the Prayer of the said Petition namely two hun
dred Acres is granted
Read a Petition of John Wilson setting forth that he
Petitionof i was a Settler in the Province and had had no Lands
John Wilson i .
for 200 Acres f granted him and was desirous to obtain a Grant of Lands
of Land read J for Cultivation having a Wife and five Children There
fore Praying for two hundred Acres being an Island on
and Thunderbolt River bounded by Barnard's Creek East
ward and Jenkins's Creek Westward and by an Island
JANUARY, 1759.
Petition of
WilliamEwen for a
Farm Lot
Petition of
Charles Story
for 200 Acres
of Land read
Petition of
John Larescy
for 100 Acres
of Land read
called Whitmarsh or Baillou's Island Northward Which
if granted he engaged to cultivate and improve the same
ORDERED — That the said Petition be rejected the
Land petitioned for having been formerly allotted one
Lacy Read a Petition of William Ewen setting forth that he
was possessed of a Farm Lot about a Mile from Savan
nah which he obtained by Purchase That adjoining it was
a Farm Lot formerly granted one Ambrose Morrison
long since dead the Want of which Lot rendered the Pe
titioner's Settlement very incommodious his own Land
being mostly Pine barren, That the Petitioner had en
deavoured to find the Heirs of the said Morrison in order
to purchase the same but without Success, Therefore
Praying for a Grant of the said Lot Saving nevertheless
the Right of future Claimants under the original Grantee,
Which Lot if so granted he engaged to cultivate and im
prove the same
Ordered — That the further Consideration of the
said Petition be postponed
Read a Petition of Charles Story setting forth that he
was lately come into the Province and desirous to obtain
a Grant of Land for Cultivation having a Wife three
Children and Six Negroes Therefore Praying for two
hundred Acres on the North side of great Ogechee River
joining Lands granted Henry Myers Which if granted
he engaged to cultivate and improve the same
Ordered — That the further Consideration of the
said Petition be postponed
Read a Petition of John Larescy setting forth that he
had had granted him one hundred Acres of Land at Briar
Creek and was desirous to obtain an additional Tract
having a Wife and an Orphan Child Therefore Praying
for one hundred Acres on Savannah River opposite a
Place there called Matthews's Bluff Which if granted he
engaged to cultivate and improve the same
Rejected OrdEREd — That the said Petition be rejected
Read a Petition of Edward Somerville setting forth
Petition of Ed- that he was desirous to become a Settler in this Province
viiie for 200 and to cultivate Lands therein Therefore Praying for
Acres of Land
read — two hundred Acres of Land (to be granted him on Pur
chase) being Part of an Island called Whitmarsh Island
bounded by Thunderbolt River — Barnards Creek, Which
if granted he engaged to improve the same
Ordered — That the further Consideration' of the
Postponed said Petition be Postponed the Lands prayed for having
been formerly allotted one Lacy
Read a Petition of Peter Zeprer setting forth that he
petition of ) had been seven Years in the Province and had had no
Peter Zeprer I , ,
for 150 Acres f Land granted him and was desirous to obtain a Tract
of Land read J °
having a Wife Therefore Praying for one hundred and
fifty Acres near Lands granted George Winkler below
Abercorn Which if granted the Petitioner engaged to
cultivate and improve the same
Ordered — That the Petition be rejected, it appear-
Rejected. jng. that the Petitioner has no Intention to settle the Land
prayed for
His Excellency the Governour moved that he might
200 Acres of have two hundred Acres of Land granted him, being a
Land being a -^
Neck of Land in Neck 0f Land in the Township of Savannah at Thunder-
the Township . r
Granted his bolt bounded Easterly by Warsaw River, Westerly by the
£overno1urythe one hundred Acre Lots of Thunderbolt, Southerly by a
large Marsh and Northerly by the Farm Lots of the
JANUARY, 1759. 875
fourth Tything Reynolds Ward including a small Pine
Island in the Marsh Southward of the said Thunderbolt
PointResolved — That two hundred Acres of Land as
above described be granted his Excellency the Governor.
GEORGIA At a Council held in the Council Cham
ber at Savannah on Monday 22a January
1759 Present
His Excellency Henry Ellis Esqr
Sir Patrick Houston Baro'
James Habersham
Francis Harris
Jonathan Bryan y Esqri
James Edwa Powell
William Knox
The Honble <
His Excellency the Governour acquainted the Board
that the Governor of South Carolina had, in the Provin
cial Scout-Boat sent up a Gentleman as a Commissioner,
with one to be appointed from hence (and to act in Con
cert with him) to go to the Settlement called new Han
over and command the Removal of all the Families there
pursuant to the Kings Instructions in that Behalf — His
Excellency at the same Time produced a blank Commis
sion and Instructions that he had caused to be drawn in
Order to be filled up to any Gentleman approved of for
carrying his Majesty's commands into Execution And de
sired the opinion of the Board in Respect thereof, and
also as to a proper Person to be appointed Commissioner
for that Purpose and what allowance might be necessary
to defray the Expence of the Service
Which several Matters being maturely considered the
Board were of Opinion that his Majesty's Orders should
be strictly observed and carried into Execution as the
Settlement without doubt had been illegally made, and
proposed James Edward Powell Esqr as a proper Person
to see his Majesty's Orders complied with. Who being
Present and addressed by his Excellency, accepted of the
said Commission And the Board were unanimously of
Opinion that the Salary of a Guinea a Day should be al
lotted the said James Edward Powell to defray his Ex-
pence in the Service.
GEORGIA At a Council held in the Council Cham
ber at Savannah on Tuesday 6th February
1759 Present
His Excellency Henry Ellis Esqr
Sir Patrick Houston Baro1
James Habersham
The Honble -I Francis Harris \ Esq11
Jonathan Bryan
William Knox
Read a Petition of Charles West setting forth that he
charfra west 1 ^ad keen favoured with fourteen hundred and fifty Acres
ofrLanAreadj of Land in the Province in Right of his Family and was
desirous to obtain an Additional Tract having a Wife
four Children and thirty Slaves, Therefore Praying for
four hundred Acres adjoining the Land heretofore grant
ed him on the Nine Swamp at North Newport being in-
tirely for the Conveniency of cutting Lumber for Planta
tion Use and making a Reservoir of Water for the same
Petition of
RobertSmallwoodfor 200 Acres
of Land read
Petition of
Mungo Gra
ham for 500
Acres of
Land on Pur
chase read
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this Date, And that he doth -also reg
ister the said Grant in the Register's Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the Date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents Then
the Prayer of the said Petition is granted
Read a Petition of Robert Smallwood setting forth
that he had had granted him one hundred and fifty Acres
of Land and was desirous to obtain an additional Tract
having a Wife and four Negroes Therefore Praying for
two hundred Acres at Midway about a Mile North of
Lands granted John Stevens Which if granted he en
gaged to cultivate and improve the same
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this Date, And that he doth also reg
ister the said Grant in the Register's Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the Date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents Then
the Prayer of the said Petition is granted
Read a Petition of Mungo Graham setting forth that
he was desirous to cultivate and improve Lands in the
¦ Province and had had no Lands granted him therein
Therefore Praying to be permitted to purchase (agreeable
to his Majesty's Instructions) five hundred Acres about
four Miles above Abercorn adjoining Lands Petitioned
for by Charles Pryce Esqr
Rejected OrdEREd — That the said Petition be rejected
Petition of
Joseph Pru-
niere for a
New War
Read a Petition of Joseph Pruniere setting forth that
some Time since he had granted him one hundred Feet
tinder the Bluff or Bank of Savannah for the Conven-
iency of building a Wharff and Storehouses the Warrant
for setting out which was expired in its Term and the
Survey not made Therefore Praying that the Surveyers
read general might be enabled and ordered to issue a new Pre
cept on the said Warrant giving further Time for that
Purpose Resolved — That the Prayer of the said Petition is
Granted granted And that the Surveyers general do issue a new
Precept on the said Warrant for surveying the said Land
to continue in Force for the Term of three Months.
Read a Petition of Hugh Ross setting forth that he
HughRoss I was settled on the South Side of Newport and had had
ofrLandCreIdj two hundred & fifty Acres there granted him and was
desirous to obtain an additional Tract having a Family
consisting of a Wife and Seven Children Therefore pray
ing for a small Tract containing not more than Sixty
Acres lying at South Newport aforesaid between Lands
of Donald Kennedy and Daniel Munroe and near to the
Land granted the Petitioner, "Which if granted he en
gaged to cultivate and improve the same
Petition of
Donald Mcin
tosh for 100
Acres of
Land read
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this Date, And that he doth also reg
ister the said Grant in the Register's Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the Date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents Then
the Prayer of the said Petition is granted
Read a Petition of Donald Mackintosh setting forth
that he was an Old Settler in the Province and had had
two hundred Acres granted him at South Newport and
was desirous to obtain an additional Tract having a Wife
and three Children Therefore Praying for One hundred
Acres adjoining the North Line of the Petitioner's Land
at South Newport afa Which if granted he engaged to
cultivate and improve the same
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this Date, And that he doth also reg
ister the said Grant in the Register's Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the Date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents, Then
the Prayer of the said Petition is granted
Petition of
John Gould-
Ing for 300
Acres of
Land to be
reserved for
him read
Read a Petition of John Goulding setting forth that he
intended to remove into this Province in a short Time in
. order to settle and improve Land, that he had viewed a
Peice of Land at Midway very commodious for his Pur
pose that his Family consisted of a Wife four Children
and Sixteen Slaves Therefore praying that three hundred
Acres of Land at Midway aforesaid about two Miles
from Sunbury and adjoining Lands granted Middleton
Evans might be reserved for him for three Months in
which Time he hoped to have his Family in the Province
Ordered — That the further Consideration of the
Postponed gaid Petition be pOStponed
Petition of
George Senior
for 400 Acres
of Land read
300 Acre
Read a Petition of George Senior setting forth that he
was an old Inhabitant in the Province had had no Land
granted him therein and was desirous to obtain Lands
for Cultivation having a Wife and five Children There
fore Praying for four hundred Acres on the Second
Swamp about six Miles above Darian Town, Which if
granted he engaged to settle & improve the same
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this Date, And that he doth also reg
ister the said Grant in the Register's Office of this Prov -
ince within Six Months from the Date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents Then
Petition of
Michael Joyce for 200
Acres of
Land read
Granted -
Petition of
BenjaminBaker for [200
Acres of
Land read
Part of the Prayer of the said Petition namely three hun
dred Acres is granted
Read a Petition of Michael Joyce setting forth that he
I was just come into the Province to settle having a Wife
r and seven Children and was desirous to obtain Lands for
Cultivation Therefore Praying for two hundred Acres at
a Place called the three Runs on little Bacon Branch about
four Miles from Mount Pleasant which if granted the
Petitioner engaged to cultivate and improve the same
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this Date, And that he doth also reg
ister the said Grant in the Register's Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the Date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents Then
the Prayer of the said Petition is granted
Read a Petition of Benjamin Baker setting forth that
he was a Settler in the Province and had had five hun
dred Acres of Land granted him and was desirous to
obtain an additional Tract having a Wife Eight Children
and one Negroe Therefore praying for two hundred
Acres of Pine barren at Midway West of Land formerly
granted one Frisby (that is to say) one hundred Acres in
Right of his Family and the other one hundred Acres by
Rejected ORDEREl
That the said Petition be rejected
Petition of
MichaelSwitzer to
prolong his
Read a Petition of Michael Switzer setting forth that
on the seventh Day of February 1758 he had granted him
two hundred and fifty Acres of Land at the Mouth of
Abercorn Creek on the Savannah side thereof commonly
called Long Reach ; the Warrant for running out where
of was expired in its Term and the Survey not made
FEBRUARY, 1759. 88t
Therefore Praying that the Surveyers general might be
enabled and ordered to issue a new Precept on the said
Warrant giving further Time for that Purpose
Resolved — That the Prayer of the said Petition is
granted And that the Surveyers general do issue a new
Precept on the Warrant for surveying the said Land to
continue in force for three Months.
Read a Petition of William Dabney Cawthorn setting
petitionof wu- forth that the Petitioner had been three Years in the
ham Dabney
of^L^reld Province, had had no Lands granted him therein, and
was desirous to obtain Lands for Cultivation having a
Wife and three Children Therefore Praying for three
hundred Acres upon Savannah River above a Place there
called McBeans Swamp near to Lands granted James
McHenry which if granted the Petitioner engaged to
Cultivate and improve the same
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti-
two hundred tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Acres Granted Seven Months from this Date, And that he doth also reg
ister the said Grant in the Register's Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the Date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents Then
Part of the Prayer of the said Petition namely two hun
dred Acres is granted.
Petition of
John Dinkins
for 200 Acres
of Land read.
Read a Petition of John Dinkins setting forth that he
had been five Years in the Province, had obtained no
Lands therein and was desirous of a Grant of Lands for
Cultivation having a Wife and a Child Therefore praying
for two hundred Acres upon Tuckasee Kings near Mount
"nd Pleasant at a Place called Muster Field Branch which if
granted he engaged to cultivate and improve the same
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti-
Granted tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
56 e r— vol 7
Seven Months from this Date, And that he doth also reg
ister the said Grant in the Register's Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the Date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents Then
the Prayer of the said Petition is granted If the same
shall not interfere with Lands heretofore granted John
Ragland by the late President and Assistants.
Petition of
Daniel Sub-
drien for 100
Acres of
Land read
Read a Petition of Daniel Subdrien setting forth that
he had had fifty Acres of Land granted him in the Prov
ince and was desirous to obtain an additional Tract hav
ing a Wife and two Children Therefore Praying for one
hundred Acres at Blue Bluff on Savannah River adjoin
ing the fifty Acres formerly granted him.
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti-
Granted tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this Date, And that he doth also reg
ister the said Grant in the Register's Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the Date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents, then
the Prayer of the said Petition is granted
Read a Petition of John McKay setting forth that he
John'McKay i, had been many Years in the Province and had had only
Land read J fifty Acres of Land granted him and was desirous to ob
tain an Additional Tract Therefore Praying for one hun
dred Acres lying between the fifty Acres formerly granted
him and Lands granted John Jagger on Sapala River,
Which if granted he engaged to settle and improve the
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this Date, And that he doth also reg
ister the said Grant in the Register's Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the Date thereof, that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents Then
Part of the Prayer of the said Petition namely fifty Acres
is granted
Read a Petition of Stephen Clark setting forth that he
Stephen0* | ^ad ^ad one hundred and fifty Acres of Land granted
AcresLlnl0 | ^m and was clesirous to obtain an additional Tract hav-
read J jng a wife three Children and two Slaves Therefore
Praying for two hundred and fifty Acres between South
Newport and Sapala at a Place called Stralaghlan Swamp
above the Public Road which if granted he engaged to
improve the same
Rejected — OrdEREd — That the said Petition be rejected
Read a Petition of Donald McDonald setting forth that
1 he had been many Years in the Province, had had two
[ hundred Acres of Land granted him and was desirous
1 to 'obtain an additional Tract having a Wife and four
Children Therefore Praying for one hundred and fifty
Acres at South Newport adjoining the North Line of the
Lands whereon he was settled which if granted he en
gaged to improve the same
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this Date, And that he doth also reg
ister the said Grant in the Register's Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the Date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents Then
Part of the Prayer of the said Petition, namely, one hun
dred Acres is granted
Read a Petition of Grey Elliott setting forth that he
Grey*Eiiiottforwas possessed of two hundred Acres of Land situate at
^"^4- the Head of Midway River formerly granted Maurice
chase read j)uuea the whole of which being Swamp the Petitioner
Petition of
Donald Mc
Donald for
150 Acres of
Land read
100 Acres
prayed for Leave to purchase three hundred Acres of
Pine Land adjoining thereunto for the Use of necessary
Timber for the said Tract.
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this Date, And that he doth also reg
ister the sa Grant in the Register's Office of this Province
within Six Months from the Date thereof that his Majes
ty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents then the Prayer
of the said Petition is granted
Petition of
James Pres-
cott for a Re
serve of 500
Acres of
Land read
Read a Petition of James Prescott setting forth that he
was desirous to become a Settler in this Province having
a Family consisting of a Wife a Child and twelve Slaves
and was Sollicitous to obtain a Reserve of Lands for a
limited Time untill he could remove his Family from
South Carolina Therefore Praying for a Reserve of five
hundred Acres on the great Ogechee about two Miles
from Lands granted Jonathan Bryan and William Knox
Esqrs which when obtained the Petitioner engaged to set
tle and improve the same
That the further Consideration of the
said Petition be postponed untill the Petitioner can settle
with his Family
Petition of
Andrew Way
for 450 Acres
of Land 150
for his Fam
ily Right &
300 on Pur
Read a Petition of Andrew Way setting forth that he
had had granted him five hundred Acres of Land & was
desirous to obtain an additional Tract having a Wife
three Children and Seven Slaves, Therefore Praying for
one hundred and fifty Acres of Pine barren on Midway
neck about two Miles from Sunbury in Vertue of his
Family and three hundred Acres of like Pine barren, on
Purchase between the Nine Swamp and North Newport
adjoining Lands belonging to the Petitioner
FEBRUARY, 1759. 885
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti-
Granted tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this Date, And that he doth also reg
ister the said Grant in the Register's Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the Date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents Then
Part of the Prayer of the said Petition namely one hun
dred and fifty Acres adjoining his own Land is granted
- Read a Petition of John Michler setting forth that he
john'Michierl was an old Settler in the Province and possessed of only
of Land read J fifty Acres of Land therein, and was desirous to obtain
an additional Tract having a Wife and four Children
Therefore Praying for three hundred Acres at Ebenezer
adjoining the Glebe and Lands belonging to Conrade
Eccard and the Petitioner's own Land, Which if granted
he engaged to improve the same
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti-
granted tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this Date, And that he doth also reg
ister the said Grant in the Register's Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the Date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents then
Part of the Prayer of the said Petition namely two hun
dred Acres is granted
Read a Petition of John Mitchell setting forth that he
was a settler in the Province, and had had five hundred
Acres of Land granted him and was desirous to obtain
an additional Tract having a Wife and ten Slaves There
fore Praying for one hundred and fifty Acres mostly Pine
barren on a Branch of Midway joining Lands of John
Stevens Easterly, and Lands of Audley Maxwell West
erly. Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti-
Granted tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Petition of
John Mitchell
for 150 Acres
of Land read.
Petition of
Sir Patrick
Houston for
his Warrant
Seven Months from this Date, And that he doth also reg
ister the said Grant in the Register's Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the Date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents Then
the Prayer of the said Petition is granted.
Read a Petition of Sir Patrick Houston Bar' setting
forth that in November 1757 he had granted him one
hundred Acres of Land at a Place called Keeler's Bluff;
the Warrant for running which said Land was expired
in it's Term and no Survey thereof made, Therefore
Praying that the Surveyers general might be enabled and
ordered to issue a new Precept on the said Warrant grant
ing further Time for surveying the said Land
Resolved — That the Prayer of the said Petition is
granted And that the Surveyers general do issue a new
Precept on the Warrant for surveying the said Land to
continue in force for the Term of three Months
Petition of
John Stacy
for 100 Acres
of Land read
Read a Petition of John Stacy setting forth that he
had been a Year in the Province and was desirous to ob
tain a Grant of Land for Cultivation Therefore Praying
fpr one hundred Acres (to wit) fifty Acres on Tuckasee
Kings Bluff and fifty Acres on an Island lying over
against it Which if granted he engaged to improve the
Ordered — That the further Consideration of the
Postponed sa[r\ Petition be postponed untill the Surveyer general
can attend that the Board be satisfied that the said Land
is vacant.
Read a Petition of Charles Pryce setting forth that he
charie°p4ce was possessed of Seventeen Negroes for whom no more
ofrLand read than three hundred Acres of Land had been obtained
and that not improvable— That the Petitioner had also a
Wife and a Son Therefore Praying for five hundred
200 Acres in
Right of his
Family & 500
Acres on Pur
chase Granted
Petition of
Samuel Lewis
for 450 Acres
of Land & to
resign a like
Quantity in
Lieu read
Acres of Land on an Island about four Miles above Aber
corn adjoining Lands lately petitioned for by Clement
Martin Esqr and to continue up Bear Creek on the Mill
Island, And also two hundred Acres adjoining Lands of
Nicholas Cronenberger and to continue down Savannah
River, Which if granted he engaged to improve
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this Date, And that he doth also reg
ister the said Grant in the Register's Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the Date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents Then
the Prayer of the said Petition is granted in Manner
following (viz1) two hundred Acres in Right of his Fam
ily And five hundred Acres on Purchase And the whole to
be run in one Tract
Read a Petition of Samuel Lewis setting forth that he
did some Time since petition for and had granted him in
Right of his Family four hundred and fifty Acres on the
north Branch of South Newport but the Lands were not
to be found so that the Petitioner had had no Lands in the -
Province having a Wife and Six Children Therefore
Praying for four hundred and fifty Acres on the north
side of the Alatamaha near where Captain John Mackin
tosh formerly kept Store Which if granted the Petitioner
engaged to cultivate and improve the same
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this Date, And that he doth also reg
ister the said Grant in the Register's Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the Date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents Then
the Prayer of the said Petition is granted in Lieu of four
hundred and fifty Acres on the North Branch of South
Read a Petition of Esther Minis Spinster setting forth
Esthe^Minis I that her Uncle Simeon Minis was possessed of a Lot in
l" Ga?denn j the Town of Savannah Number two in Vernon Tything
Heathcote Ward with Garden and Farm Lot thereto
which Premisses before he left the Province he verbally
gave to his Nephew Joseph Minis and the Petitioner to
be divided between them, That the said Joseph Minis was
dead and the Petitioners Uncle had been many Years ab-
and sent from this Province ; Therefore Praying for a Grant
of the said Lot to the Petitioner in Fee; or saving the
Right of the said Simeon Minis and those who might
claim under him
Ordered — That the further Consideration of the
Postponed g^ Petition be postponed until the Expiration of the
Time limited by Act of Assembly and given to absentee
Claimants of Lands in this Province to come in and
claim the same
Read a Petition of Martin Dasher setting forth that in
SKitm' Dasher April 1 758, he had granted him two hundred Acres of
LOari00rAadresof Land at Turkey Branch about Seven Miles from old Eb
enezer but the Place not answering expectation no Survey
thereof was made Therefore Praying for two hundred
Acres at a Place called Blue Bluff on Savannah River be
tween Lands of Valentine Tapp and Ludwig Emtz,
Which if granted he engaged to improve and cultivate
the same
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti-
Granted tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this Date, And that he doth also reg
ister the said Grant in the Register's Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the Date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents Then
the Prayer of the said Petition is granted
Widow for 160
Land read
Read a Petition of Jean Graham Widow setting forth
j|an Graham | that the Petitioner with two Children, both Boys, one of
of°r | the Age of Seventeen Years, and the other about the
Age of Eleven, had had the Misfortune to be driven by
the Enemy from her late Settlement in the Province of
Pensylvania and was desirous of finding an Asylum and
Protection in this Province and of obtaining a Grant of
Lands therein for Cultivation and Support Therefore
Praying for one hundred and fifty Acres at South New
port adjoining Land there granted William Mackenzie,
Which if granted she engaged to cultivate and improve
the same
100 Acres
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this Date, And that she doth also
register the said Grant in the Register's Office of this
Province within Six Months from the Date thereof that
his Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents Then
Part of the Prayer of the said Petition, namely, one hun
dred Acres is granted
Read a Petition of John Holmes of South Carolina
jon^°Ho0imes Planter setting forth that he purposed in a short Time to
Land°re1ldresof come and settle in this Province and to bring with him at
least ten Slaves in order to cultivate and improve Lands,
Therefore Praying for four hundred Acres upon Cat-head
Creek Alatamaha surrounded Partly by the said Creek
and other Part by the forty five Acre Lots of Darian,
Which Land if granted he engaged to set down on and
improve the same
Ordered — That the further Consideration of the
said Petition be postponed 'till the Petitioner attends
Petitionof 1 Read a Petition of Stephen Cater setting forth that he
te?fOTniooo" [ was desirous to settle in this Province and of obtaining
Land8reld J a Tract of Land for Cultivation having had none granted
Petition of
Clement Mar
tin Esqr for
200 Acres of
Land on Pur
chase— read
him and having twenty Slaves Therefore Praying for a
Tract of Land at Midway being mostly Marsh and con
taining not more than one thousand Acres lying North
and North Westerly of Lands lately belonging to Thomas
Affleck and Lands of Captain Kenneth Baillie on the
River Midway, Which if granted he engaged to improve
the same
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this Date, And that he doth also reg
ister the said Grant in the Register's Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the Date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents Then
the Prayer of the said Petition is granted
Read a Petition of Clement Martin Esq1 setting forth
that he had been lately favoured with a Tract of Land
* near Abercorn opposite to which there was a Piece of
Land or Island called Mill Island which would be very
commodious for the Purpose of erecting a Mill Therefore
Praying for two hundred Acres on the said Island for the
Purpose aforesaid to be granted him (on Purchase) ad
joining Lands of Frederic Helvinstine and Christian Ra
benhurstResolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
Seven Months from this Date, And that he doth also reg
ister the said Grant in the Register's Office of this Prov
ince within Six Months from the Date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents, Then
the Prayer of the said Petition is granted.
PetitionWilliam son for 250
Acres of
Land read
Read a Petition of William Coulson setting forth that
coui- 1 he was lately settled in the Province from Carolina hav-
J ?ng five Negroes therein but had had no opportunity to
prove his Family Right Therefore Praying for two hun-
FEBRUARY, 1759. 891
dred and fifty Acres at Hallifax on Savannah River ad
joining Lands granted John Branson Or otherwise that
the said Land might be reserved for three Months in Or
der for his appearing to prove his Family Right on Oath
Ordered — That the further Consideration of the
said Petition be postponed untill the Petitioner appears
in Person.
GEORGIA At a Council held in the Council Cham
ber at Savannah on Wednesday the 14th Feb
ruary 1759. Present
His Excellency Henry Ellis Esq1
Sir Patrick Houstoun Bar'
James Habersham
Francis Harris
Jonathan Bryan V Esq™
James Edwa Powell
William Knox
TheHonbIa •
Read a Petition of James Ogleby of the said Province
oetebynf°r 200' Planter setting forth that he had a Wife and three Chil-
Acresread dren therein and was desirous to obtain Land for Culti
vation being possessed of none in the Province Therefore
praying for two hundred Acres on Boggy Gut a Branch
of Briar Creek on the Path leading from Savannah to
and Augusta which if granted he engaged to cultivate and
improve the same.
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti-
Granted tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
seven Months from this Date And that he doth also reg
ister the said Grant in the registers Office of this Prov-
ince within six Months from the Date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents the
prayer of the said Petition is granted.
Read a Petition of John Murray setting forth that he
Murray for 100' was settled in the Province had no Lands therein and
.Acres re^d ^~^— - was desirous to obtain a Grant of Land for Cultivation
Therefore praying for one hundred Acres on Savannah
River at the Beaver Dam Branch about ten Miles below
William Newberry's in Hallifax District which if grant
ed he engaged to cultivate and improve the same.
Ordered — That the further Consideration of the
said Petition be postponed.
Read a Petition of Thomas Hickambottom setting
Petitionof t. forth that he was settled in the Province, had had no
HickamhottomreId°°Acres Lands granted him therein and was desirous to obtain a
Grant of Land for Cultivation having a Wife and nine
Children Therefore praying for one hundred Acres on a
Branch running into Savannah River about five Miles
above Augusta and three Miles back from the said River
Which if granted he engaged to cultivate and Improve
the same —
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti-
Granted tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
seven months from this Date And that he doth also reg
ister the said Grant in the Registers Office of this Prov
ince within six Months from the Date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents the
Prayer of the said Petition is granted.
Read a Petition of Thomas Bell setting forth that he
ThosdrTeiffor was settled in the Province had no Lands therein and
200 Acres read was desirous to obtain a Grant of Land for Cultivation
having a Wife and seven Negroes Therefore praying for
two hundred Acres on Savannah River about four Miles
FEBRUARY, 1759. 893
above Stony Bluff in the District of Hallifax joining
Bnd Land petitioned for by William Cochran which if granted
he engaged to Improve the same.
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
seven months from this Date And that he doth also reg
ister the said Grant in the registers Office of this Prov
ince within six Months from the Date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents the
Prayer of the said Petition is granted.
Read a Petition of Thomas Walker setting forth that
w2kernfOT?6o he was settled in this Province, had obtained no Lands
• rcorea therein and was desirous of Lands for Cultivation having
a Wife and Child Therefore praying for one hundred
Acres on- the South side of Briar Creek about seven Miles
and above the Ford to Rae's Cowpen which if granted he en
gaged to cultivate and improve the same.
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
seven Months from this Date And that he doth also reg
ister the said Grant in the Registers Office of this Prov
ince within six Months from the Date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents the
Prayer of the said Petition is granted —
Read a Petition of John Nesmith setting forth that he
"according to the Power to you granted by Vertue of his
"Majesty's Letters Patent bearing Date at the
" Day of in the Year of his said
"Majesty's Reign"
'So help you God'
GovERNOUr's Oath relating to the Acts of Trade and
Navigation. "You do swear that you will to the best of your Skill
"and Power so long as you shall continue in the Govern-
"ment and Command of his Majesty's Province of Geor-
"gia well and Truly execute and perform all Matters and
"Things which by the Statute made in the Twelfth year
"of the Reign of King Charles the second entituled an
"Act for the encouraging and encreasing of Shipping and
"Navigation; and the other Statute made in the fifteenth
"Year of his said Majesty's Reign entituled an Act for
"the Encouragement of Trade; And also the Act made
"in the seventh and Eighth Years of the Reign of his late
"Majesty King William intituled an Act for preventing
"Frauds and regulating Abuses in the Plantation Trade ;
"And also all other Acts which have been made and are in
"Force for the better regulating and securing the Planta
tion Trade; which you, as Captain general and Gov-
"ernour in chief of the said Province, are required to be
"sworn to the Performance of" "So help you God."
Then the Members of his Majesty's Council took the
The Members State Oaths appointed by Law, and declared and sub-
of Council take rr J
InaSotth?ofth3 SCI"ihed the Test, and also the Oath of a Councillor, which
office sajd Oath is as follows, namely,
"You do swear that you Faith and true Allegiance bear
"unto his most sacred Majesty King George the second
FEBRUARY, 1759. 911
"and to his Heirs and Successors ; And shall be true and
"faithful to his Excellency Henry Ellis Esqr as he is com-
"missionated Captain general and Governour in chief of
"his Majesty's Province of Georgia; And that you will
"in the place and Office of his Majesty's Councillor of
"this Province well and faithfully serve his said Majesty
"and promote the good of his Majesty's Affairs with your
"best Advice and Council You shall with your best ability
"defend this Province from all Foreign Invasions and
"intestine Insurrections You shall not conceal any Plot or
"seditious Conspiracy, or any treasonable or Seditious
"Speeches against his said Majesty his Heirs or Success-
"ors or his said Excellency but you shall give speedy No-
"tice thereof unto his Excellency or to some Members of
"the Council ; the secret Debates of the Council you shall
"not reveal directly or indirectly — ¦ All which you shall to
"the utmost of your Ability perform" "So help you God"
A Proclamation for continuing all officers Ecclesiastical
Civil and Military in this Province in their respective
omfenrs&c.aI1 Places and Trusts untill further Orders was ordered to
be published.
Ordered — That the Secretary of the Province do
Order to Secry.
to prepare it prepare the same.
to issue for
GEORGIA At a Council held in the Council Cham
ber at Savannah on Saturday the 3d March
1759- Present
His Excellency Henry Ellis Esqr
f Sir Patrick Houstoun Baro*
| James Habersham
The Honble <{ Francis Harris— I Es „
James Edward Powell ' t
^ William Knox —
Members of The Members of Assembly took the State Oaths ap-
the stateoaths pointed by Law and declared and subscribed the Test;
Treasurer &c. dP
oaths of office And the Treasurer, Judge of the Admiralty, Register of
Grants, Provost Marshal, and Clerk of the Council took
also their respective Oaths of Office.
GEORGIA At a Council held in the Council Cham
ber at Savannah on Tuesday the 6th March
1759- Present
His Excellency Henry Ellis Esqr
Sir Patrick Houstoun Bar'
,,, , Francis Harris 1
Mh " ¦¦" ' James Edwa Powell I Esq™
William Knox J
Read a Petition of Samuel Jeans setting forth that in
Petition of Tuiy 17^8 he petitioned for six hundred Acres of Land at
Saml. Jeans for J J ' ° r
300 Acres read North Newport five hundred Acres whereof were granted
him, but on making the survey it was found that three
hundred Acres of the same Land had been before Sur
veyed for another Person Therefore praying for three
MARCH, 1759.
hundred Acres on South Newport within two Miles of
Land granted James Mackay, the Petitioner having dropt
his former Warrant.
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
seven Months from this Date And that he doth also reg
ister the said Grant in the registers Office of this Prov
ince within six Months from the Date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents the
Prayer of the said Petition is granted.
Read a Petition of William Megie setting forth that he
wm^Megie for was lately come into the Province and desirous to obtain
100 -Acres re&d a Grant of Land for Cultivation having none in the Prov
ince Therefore praying for one hundred Acres on the
South side Briar Creek at a Place called the two Springs
which if granted he engaged to Improve the same.
Resolved — That on Condition only that the peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
seven Months from this Date And that he doth also reg
ister the said Grant in the registers Office of this Prov
ince within six Months from the Date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents the
Prayer of the said Petition is granted.
Read a Petition of Andrew Griner setting forth that he
had been six Years in the Province had had one hundred
Acres granted him and was desirous to obtain an addi
tional Tract having a Wife a Child and two Negroes
Therefore praying for two hundred Acres at Hallifax
about half a Mile from the Land formerly granted, him
and adjoining Gasper Herseman which if granted he en
gaged to cultivate and Improve the same.
Petition of
And : Griner
for 200 Acres
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti-
Granted tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
58 c r— vol 7
seven Months from this Date And that he doth also reg
ister the said Grant in the Registers Office of this Prov
ince within six Months from the Date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents the
Prayer of the said Petition is granted.
Read a Petition of Richard Dowdee setting forth that
Rtchddbowdee he had granted him two hundred Acres of Land at New-
for 400 A-Cres * •
read port which he had not surveyed and the Warrant granted
for that Purpose was out of Date ; the Petitioner desired
to resign his Right to that Land, and to have the Land
his Family entituled him to ask for granted in one Place,
having a Wife five Children and two Negroes Therefore
and praying for four hundred Acres on Heron's Island
fronting North Newport River joining South West Lands
granted the Widow Crook including two small Islands
of about ten Acres each which if granted he engaged to
cultivate and Improve the same.
Rejected OrdEREd — That the said Petition be rejected.
Read a Petition of John Jones setting forth that he
petition of had been upwards of five Years in the Province, no Land
John Jones for £
450 Acres read granted him therein, and was desirous to obtain Land for
Cultivation having a Wife four Children and two Ne
groes Therefore praying for four hundred and fifty Acres
upon the West Side of an Island called Heron's Island
at a place called half Moon Bluff fronting north Newport
River which if granted he engaged to cultivate and Im
prove the same.
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti-
350 Acres tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
granted seven Months from this Date And that he doth also reg
ister the said Grant in the registers Office of this Prov
ince within six Months from the Date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents Part of
MARCH, 1759. 915
the Prayer of the said Petition, namely, three hundred
and fifty Acres is granted.
Read a Petition of John Smith setting forth that he
fnpdth°forf2oo0- had been twenty Years in the Province and had had only
fifty Acres of Land granted him and having a Wife and
three Children was desirous to obtain an additional Tract
Therefore praying for two hundred Acres of Pine Land
joining Land of Peter Hammer a Mile from the fifty
Acres formerly granted him and three Miles from old
Resolved — That on Condition only that the peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
seven Months from this Date And that he doth also reg
ister the said Grant in the registers Office of this Prov
ince within six Months from the Date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents the
Prayer of the said Petition is granted.
Read a Petition of James De Veaux setting forth that
petition of jas. he had granted him some Time past two thousand Acres
De Veaux for ° r
900 Acres read 0f Rand of which he had taken up only Eleven hundred
Acres Therefore praying for nine hundred Acres to ad
join Lands petitioned for by Charles Pryce extending
down the River Savannah to the Mouth of a Creek called
Callis's Creek being mostly River Swamp.
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti-
Granted tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
seven Months from this Date and that he doth also reg
ister the said. Grant in the Registers Office of this Prov
ince within six Months from the Date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents the
Prayer of the said Petition is granted.
Read a Petition of James Moore setting forth that he
Moore for 100^ was lately come into the Province from South Carolina
and was desirous to obtain a Grant of Land for Cultiva
tion Therefore praying for one hundred Acres in the
Fork of Briar Creek next Savannah River within two
Miles of Land granted William Green, which if granted
he engaged to cultivate and Improve the same.
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
seven Months from this Date And that he doth also reg
ister the said Grant in the registers Office of this Prov
ince within six Months from the Date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents the
Prayer of the said Petition is granted.
Read a Petition of William Frazer setting forth that
wm ^"az'er for ^e was lately come into the Province from South Caroli-
100 Acres read na and was desirous to obtain a Grant of Land for Culti
vation Therefore praying for one hundred Acres on the
North Side of North Newport River commonly known by
the name of Demetre's Neck or Saw Bluff joining the side
and Line of Mr Hazzard's Land and lying on Land granted
William Johnson which if granted he engaged to culti
vate and improve the same.
Ordered — That the further Consideration of the
said Petition be postponed for six Months.
Read a Petition of Benjamin Andrew setting forth that
Ben^Andrew he had had seven hundred Acres of Land granted him and
for 200 Acres was desirous to obtain an additional Tract having a Wife
three Children and twelve Slaves Therefore praying for
two hundred Acres chiefly Pine barren at Newport afore-
and said about two Miles from the Lands before granted him
and adjoining northward on Lands formerly granted
Joseph Goodby.
MARCH, 1759. 9l7
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti-
Granted tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
seven Months from this Date And that he doth also reg
ister the said Grant in the registers Office of this Prov
ince within six Months from the Date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents the
prayer of the said Petition is granted.
Read a Petition of Edward Delegal setting forth that
Edwd. Deiegai he was lately settled in this Province from South Caro-
for 300 Acres J
read — hna, had obtained no Lands therein, and was desirous of
a Grant of Lands for Cultivation having a Wife and seven
Negroes Therefore praying for three hundred Acres at
great Ogechee being a Tract resigned by James White-
field lying next Lands there granted Solomon Shad which
if granted he engaged to Improve the same.
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
seven Months from this Date And that he doth also reg
ister the said Grant in the Registers Office of this Prov
ince within six Months from the Date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents the
Prayer of the said Petition is granted.
Read a Petition of Jonathan Fox (postponed 7th March
Pthin°Fo°xforn" x75^) setting forth that he was about to become a Set-
100 Acres read tier in this Province having three Negroes and desired
to obtain a Grant of Land for Cultivation Therefore
praying for one hundred Acres on the South Branch of
and little Ogechee bounding South West on Lands granted
John Fox.
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti-
Granted tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
seven Months from this Date And that he doth also reg
ister the said Grant in the registers Office of this Prov-
ince within six Months from the Date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents the
Prayer of the said Petition is granted.
Read a Petition of Samuel Piles setting forth that he
sami. Piles for was desirous to improve a Lot in the Town of Frederica
Lot in Fred- ,
erica read And praying for a Lot in the said Town in a Place called
the new Row near the South Woods which if granted he
engaged to build upon and Improve the same.
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
seven Months from this Date And that he doth also reg
ister the said Grant in the registers Office of this Prov
ince within six Months from the Date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents the
Prayer of the said Petition is granted.
Read a Petition of Aaron Moor setting forth that he
had had one hundred and fifty Acres of Land granted him
which he had settled and improved and was desirous to
obtain an additional Tract having two Negroes Therefore
praying for fifty Acres lying on the Steep Bottom near
Mount Pleasant about a Mile and half from the Peti
tioner's Land for the Purpose of erecting a Mill thereon.
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
seven Months from this Date And that he doth also reg
ister the said Grant in the register's Office of this Prov
ince within six Months from the Date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents the
Prayer of the said Petition is granted.
Read a Petition of Matthias Kougle setting forth that
M^tt'fKougie adjoining a Lot of fifty Acres at Vernonburgh purchased
for^res by i±e Petitioner of jacob plessy was another fifty Acres
originally granted Conrade Fierer deceased who had no
Petition of
Aaron Moore
for 50 Acres
MARCH, 1759. 9*9
Heirs in the Province and the Land lay extremely com
modious for the Petitioner's Cultivation Therefore pray-
and ing for the said fifty Acres Saving nevertheless the Right
of future Claimants under the original Grantee.
Ordered — That the further Consideration of the
said Petition be postponed.
Read a Petition of Michael Haverin setting forth that
Michi°Haverin he was desirous to improve a Lot in the Town of Freder-
*>eda0 reld ica And praying for a Lot in the said Town in the new
Row adjoining a Lot lately granted John Galpin.
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a grant for the said Land within
seven Months from this Date And that he doth also reg
ister the said Grant in the register's Office of this Prov
ince within six Months from the Date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents the
Prayer of the said Petition is granted.
Read a Petition of the said Michael Haverin setting
Mlci?:0Haverin forth that he had been Eight Years in the Province, had
rSiJ— cres had no Lands granted him, and was desirous to obtain
Lands for Cultivation having a Wife and two Children
Therefore praying for two hundred Acres about two
Miles and an half from Frederica at a Place called the
Village between the Lime Kilns and Cannon's Point.
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti-
Tra^ted tioner doth take out a grant for the said Land within
seven Months from this Date And that he doth also reg
ister the said Grant in the registers Office of this Prov
ince within six Months from the Date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents then
Part of the Prayer of the said Petition, namely one hun
dred Acres is granted.
Read a Petition of Richard Baker setting forth that he
RicSVaker had had five hundred Acres of Land granted him and was
rrad — cr< desirous to obtain an additional Tract having a Wife two
Children and fourteen Slaves Therefore praying for four
hundred and fifty Acres on the Head of the head Branch
Bnd of north Newport Easterly of Lands granted Ann An
Resolved — That on Condition only that the peti-
^smteT tioner doth take out a grant for the said Land within
seven Months from this Date And that he doth also reg
ister the said Grant in the registers Office of this Prov
ince within six Months from the Date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents then
Part of the Prayer of the said Petition, namely, two hun
dred and fifty Acres is granted.
Read a Petition of John Gasper Wertsh on Behalf of
jfo-we^h on himself, the Revd John Martin Bolzius and John Fieri
self ^"other's setting forth that the Lot in Ebenezer inhabited by the
Ebenezer for a Petitioner was a was a public Lot and originally designed
Mill Store read / . \
for building an Orphan House, and there being no Occa
sion for such a building Therefore praying that the said
Lot might be granted to the said John Martin Bolzius,
and John Fieri and the Petitioner In Trust for the Purpose of
a Mill Store.
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti-
Granted tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
seven Months from this Date And that he doth also reg
ister the said Grant in the registers Office of this Prov
ince within six Months from the Date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents the
Prayer of the said Petition is granted.
MARCH, 1759. 921
Read a Petition of Philip Shelley setting forth that he
Phiiip°sheUey was lately come into the Province from South Caro-
r^i — cres hna and was desirous to obtain a Grant of Land for Cul
tivation Therefore praying for one hundred Acres in the
Fork of Briar Creek joining Land lately granted William
Ordered — That the further Consideration of the
said Petition be postponed for six Months.
Read a Petition of John Pearson setting forth that he
Petitionof jnowas settled in the Province and desirous to obtain a Grant
Pearson for 200
Acres read 0f iv£ind f or Cultivation having a Wife and two Children
Therefore praying for two hundred Acres on Bermuda
Island formerly petitioned for by William Bailow and
rejected — joining Lands granted Adrian Van Beverhoust.
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
seven Months from this Date And that he doth also reg
ister the said Grant in the registers Office of this Prov
ince within six Months from the Date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents the
Prayer of the said Petition is granted.
Read a Petition of Samuel Piles setting forth that he
IlmLKies for had had granted him two hundred Acres of Land which
200 Acres read he afterwards resigned in Favour of John Woodland the
same having been formerly settled by him ; That the Peti
tioner had had no other Land granted him in the Province
and was desirous to obtain Land for Cultivation having a
Wife three Children and six Slaves Therefore praying for
two hundred Acres on the West Side of Frederica Island
near Land of Captain Dunbar.
Ordered — That the further -Consideration of the
postponed. sajd Petition be postponed untill the Expiration of the
Term limited by Act of Assembly and given to Absentee
Claimants of Lands in this Province to come in and claim
the same ; the Land petitioned for being supposed to have
been formerly granted.
Read a Petition of Ephraim Alexander setting forth
Petition of t . . . . _.
EPh:Aiexan- that he was desirous to improve a Lot in the Town of
der for Lot in
Freda, read ' Frederica And praying for a Lot in the said Town in the
new Row near the South Woods.
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti-
Granted tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
seven Months from this Date And that he doth also reg
ister the said Grant in the registers Office of this Prov
ince within six Months from the Date thereof the Prayer
of the said Petition is granted.
Read a Petition of John Rae setting forth that he had
Hefo?8°ofoJn0' ^ad ^ve hundred and fifty Acres of Land granted him
Acres read and was desirous to obtain an additional Tract having
a Wife two Children and thirty six Slaves Therefore
praying for Eight hundred Acres on Savannah River on
and the north Side of McBean's Swamp about twenty Miles
from Augusta.
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti-
Granted tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
seven Months from this Date And that he doth also reg
ister the said Grant in the registers Office of this Prov
ince within six Months from the Date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents the
prayer of the said Petition is granted.
Read a Petition of Benjamin Baker setting forth that
Ben^Baker for he had had five hundred Acres of Land granted him by
cresrea tbe jate presjdent and Assistants which he settled culti
vated and improved for seven Years but some of his Ne
groes dying and others being disabled he was at length
necessitated to Sell the Land the better to provide for him-
MARCH, 1759. 923
self and large Family having a Wife Eight Children and
one Slave And by the Sale so made of ability to purchase
more Slaves in Order to cultivate Lands in the Province
Therefore praying for two hundred Acres (mostly Pine
and Land) joining the West side of the South End of Land
formerly belonging to one Frisby at Midway One hun
dred Acres thereof in Right of his Family and the other
hundred Acres on Purchase.
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti
tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
seven Months from this Date And that he doth also reg
ister the said Grant in the registers Office of this Prov
ince within six Months from the Date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents the
Prayer of the said Petition is granted the whole to be on
Purchase. Read a Petition of Moses Nunes setting forth that ad-
Mos^Nunes joining to a Farm Lot originally Abraham DeLion's and
Lot read — now the Petitioner's was adjoining a Farm Lot formerly
granted one Mellichamp extremely commodious for Im
provement Therefore praying for the said Lot Saving
nevertheless the Right of future Claimants under the
original Grantee.
Ordered — That the further Consideration of the
said Petition be postponed.
Petition of Pe
ter Dusseign
Read a Petition of Jacob Dusseign setting forth that
he had been Eight Years in the Province had had only
re^,j5l^cres fifty Acres of Land granted him and was desirous to ob
tain an additional Tract having a Wife and a Child There
fore praying for one hundred and fifty Acres at Blue
and Bluff on Savannah River joining Lands of Michael Wine-
coff and Thomas Mock.
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti-
Granted tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
seven Months from this Date And that he doth also reg
ister the said Grant in the registers Office of this Prov
ince within six Months from the Date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of the Quit Rents the
Prayer of the said Petition is granted.
Read a Petition of John and Richard Milledge Guar-
sVichard mu°-' dians of the Children of Newdigate Stephens deceased
f o/a Grants setting forth that the said Newdigate Stephens died In-
500 Acres as °
Guardians- to testate leaving three Children, very Young, destitute of
stephlnste anv Support except what the Rent of five hundred Acres
of Land might afford them That the Petitioners as the
near Relations of the Infants were sollicitous to make the
best provision for their Maintenance and Education which
they apprehended might most effectually be done could
the Lands be sold and the Interest of the Moneys applied
to that End Therefore praying that a Grant of the said
Land might be made out to the Petitioners as the Guar
dians of and In Trust for the said Children to the End
that the same might be applied to their utmost Benefit and
Ordered — That the further Consideration of the
said Petition be postponed.
Read a Petition of Audley Maxwell setting forth that
petition of he had one Thousand three hundred Acres of Land erant-
Audley Max- &
AcresTead0 ed him and was to obtain an additional Tract having a
Wife five Children and thirty three Negroes Therefore
praying for one hundred Acres of Marsh adjoining his
and own Land at the Head of Midway River.
Ordered — That the Petition be rejected the Land
prayed for having been already granted.
MARCH, 1759. 925
Read a Petition of William Baker setting forth that he
weaker for d'd some Time past petition for two hundred Acres of
" '"""' Land, which petition was postponed on Account of his
Family not being then in the Province, that his Family
consisting of a Wife and nine Slaves- were arrived There
fore praying for the said two hundred Acres at Midway
and adjoining the upper Line of Lands granted John Quarter-
man Junr which if granted he engaged to cultivate and
Improve the same.
Resolved — That on Condition only that the Peti-
Granted tioner doth take out a Grant for the said Land within
seven Months from this Date And that he doth also reg
ister the said Grant in the registers Office of this Prov
ince within six Months from the Date thereof that his
Majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents the
Prayer of the said Petition is granted.
Abercrombie, General, letters sent to, 842; letter from, 845.
Accounts, public, ordered to be brought in, 507; Habersham, Powell ana
Knox ordered to examine, 545.
Accounts, sundry, ordered paid, 447; those relating to Indians' expenses io
be examined, 671; examined and passed, 672.
Adye, Stephen, lands granted to in Savannah, 310.
Affidavits in support of petitions for land, 611.
Alexander, Ephraim, lot in Frederica granted to conditionally, 922.
Alexander, William, land granted conditionally, 433; land granted, 589.
Alther, Joseph, petition for land postponed, 146; petition for land rejected,
Althur, Joseph, land granted, 346.
Althur, Ulric, petition for land rejected, 363.
Anderson, Jacob, land granted conditionally, 679.
Anderson, James, petition for land rejected, 323; claim for reward post
poned, 536; petition for land postponed, 683; land granted Conditionally,
Andrew, Ann, land granted conditionally, 774.
Andrew, Benjamin, land granted to, 157, 284; petition for land rejected, 231;
land granted to conditionally, 465, 916 ; land granted, 635 ; petition for
land rejected, 850.
Andrews, James, land granted conditionally, 772, 773.
Annas, James, land granted conditionally, 618, 822.
Answer of Council to Governor's speech, 270.
Appointment of new Commission of the Peace postponed, 452.
v" Arcadians, relief for, 625.
Arms and ammunition to be put in hands of militia, 600.
Arthur, Francis, land granted to, 192; appointed Justice of Peace, 505; land
granted conditionally, 694.
Ash, Matthias, petition for lot rejected, 741; land granted to conditionally,
Ashley, William, land granted to, 227.
Ashperger, David, lot granted to, 634.
Aspergh, Matthias, petition for land rejected, 227.
Assembly not called at present, 323; acts of to be entered in book, 728.
Athler, Joseph, land granted, 636.
Atkin, Edmund, commission appointing him agent to Indian Nation read,
826; escort of Rangers provided for, and given presents to distribute to
Indians, 826; sworn as Justice of Peace, 827.
928 INDEX.
Atkinson, Joshua, land granted conditionally, 382; land granted, 589.
Attorney General, copy of King's instructions given to, 38; report of as to
Courts of Judicature, 40, 43; directed to draw up mode of procedure in
the courts, 50; his report on form and- method of proceeding in the
General Court, 51; report of adopted, 53; instructions of to Justices of
the Peace, 55; report of on memorial of David Douglass, 117; ordered
to give his opinion relating to granting of lands, 214; his answer con
cerning granting of lands, 216; report of on memorial of the Bosom-
worths, 274; account of examined and ordered paid, 290; moved that
caveats entered by Bosomworths against persons having grants for lands
be discharged, 309; to insert, in all fiats for grants of lands proviso for
registering them within six months, 318; reply to order of Council, 480;
Secretary directed to furnish acts of General Assembly to, 745.
Augusta, petition of inhabitants of setting forth their dangers from the
Indians, 398; gun powder ordered for, 692.
Austeter, Gasper, land granted conditionally, 464.
Backer, Balthasar, land granted, 589.
Backler, Exekiel, land granted conditionally, 416, 869 ; land granted, 590.
Backshell, William, petition for lot postponed, 199; lot in Savannah granted
to, 308; land granted conditionally, 378; land granted, 387.
Bacon, Joseph, land granted, 232, 329, 330.
Bacon, Samuel, land granted, 345.
Bailew, William, petition for land rejected, 576.
Bailey, John, land granted, 445 ; wharf lot in Savannah granted to, 445.
Bailey, Kenneth, land granted, 481.
Bailey, Thomas, land granted to, 194, 343, 481 ; hearing of dispute between
him and Joseph Gibbons, about lands, postponed, 212 ; his complaint
against Joseph Gibbons about surveying lands litigated, 243; lot in
Savannah granted to, 343, 344 ; land granted to conditionally, 364.
Baillie, Alexander, claim of allowed, 535.
Baillie, Kenneth, land granted to, 186, 588; petition for land rejected, 584:
land granted conditionally, 601, 862.
Baillie, Lieutenant, the Governor proposes to send him to General Aber-
crombie with letters, 842.
Baillie, Robert, land granted to, 635.
Baillie, Thomas, land granted to, 790.
Baillons, Peter, warrant for land prolonged, 317.
Baillou, Isaac, land granted, 686.
Baillou, James, lot granted to, 685.
Baillou, Peter, land granted to, 228.
Baker, Benjamin, land granted, 285; petition for land rejected, 880; land
granted conditionally, 922.
Baker, Elizabeth, land granted to, 345.
Baker, John, land granted to conditionally, 551; land granted, 633.
INDEX. 929
Baker, Richard, petition for land postponed, ¦ 153 ; land granted to, 285 ;
petition for land partly granted conditionally, 920.
Baker, Samuel, petition for land rejected, 231.
Baker, William, additional land granted to, 157; land granted to, 311, 388.
Land granted to conditionally, 925.
Baker, William, Jr., petition for land postponed, 783.
Baker, Joseph, petition for land rejected, 196; land granted to, 841.
Barksdale, Isaac, petition for land rejected, 166.
Barlow, Edward, petition for land postponed, 224.
Barnaby, John, land granted to conditionally, 837.
Barnard, Edward, member of assembly, 89; left off Commission of the
Peace, 99; petition for lot postponed, 275; petition for lot rejected,
322; land granted to, 481; appointed Justice of Peace, 505.
Barnard, John, petition of, 35 ; land granted to, 145 ; lot in Hardwicke
granted to, 164; land granted to, 331, 387, 389.
Barnard, Capt. John, requests pay for Rangers; 503.
Barnard & Douglass licensed to trade with Chickesaws, 612.
Barnes, John, land granted .to conditionally, 554; land granted, 685.
Barnet, William, petition for land partly granted conditionally, 801.
Barr, Ambrose, additional land granted to, 239; land granted to, 810.
Basset, Thomas, petition for prolonging his warrant postponed, 472; land
granted conditionally, 618.
Bateman, Mary, widow, petition for land postponed, 160; land granted to,
220, 446.
Bates, Thomas, land granted to, 150; land granted to, 347.
Battoon, Thomas, land granted to, 144, 347.
Bearman, Michael, lot granted to, 633 ; land granted to, 635.
Bell, Jacob, petition for land postponed, 805.
Bell, Thomas, land granted to conditionally, 892.
Bennet, John, land granted to conditionally, 898.
'Bentz, Mark, land granted to, 344.
Bertz, John Philip, land granted to, 687.
Betz, Gasper, petition for land postponed, 557.
Betz, John Gasper, land granted to conditionally, 577.
Betz, John Michael, land granted to conditionally, 578.
Betz, Michael, petition for land postponed, 557.'
Birk, Christian, lot granted to, 533.
Black, David, his caveat against Wm. Wainwright, 385; same dismissed,
Blackshell, William, land granted to, 367; one half of lot granted to, 389.
Blake, Francis, land granted to conditionally, 303, 556; lot in Hardwicke
granted to, 303.
Blyth, Joseph, affidavit of concerning intended invasion by the French and
Creek Indians, 427.
Blyth, Peter, lot in Hardwicke granted to, 527; petition for land postponed,
714; land granted to conditionally, 744.
Boddie, James, lot in Hardwicke granted to conditionally, 527.
59 c r— vol 7
93° INDEX.
Boddie, Sarah, lot and land granted to, 686; land granted to conditionally,
730; land granted to, 810.
Bodelle, Leonard, claim for lot postponed, 631.
Bolton, Robert, lot in Hardwicke granted to, 199; land granted to, 312,
791; lot in Savannah granted to, 481; land granted to conditionally,
555; land warrant renewed, 707.
Bolzius, Rev. John Martin, land granted to, 293, 588.
Bonar, William, land granted to, 280; lot in Hardwicke granted to, 281.
Booth, William, land granted to conditionally, 432; land granted to, 746.
Boquet, Colonel, letter from, 691.
Boreman, Michael, land granted to conditionally, 383.
Bortz, George Philip, land granted to, 746.
Bosomworth, Adam, land granted to conditionally, 439.
Bosomworth, Thomas, paper of read, 272; papers returned to, 275.
Bosomworth, Thomas and wife, papers relating to laid before the Board,
269; memorial of read, 269.
Bosset, Thomas, land granted to, 192.
Bostick, Valentine, petition for land postponed, 198.
Bounty to encourage silk culture, 114.
Bourquin, Benedict, petition for land rejected, 166; land granted to con
ditionally, ,402 ; lot in Hardwicke granted to, 403, 747.
Bourquin, Henry, petition for land postponed, 152 ; land granted to, 165 ;
191, 636; land granted to conditionally, 562, 709; claim allowed, 563.
Box, Philip, petition for lot postponed, 524; lot granted to conditionally,
551; land granted to, 685.
Braddock, David Cutler, land granted to, 345 ; petition for guns granted,
Bradner, Matthias, lot granted to, 481.
Brady, John, petition for land postponed, 779; land granted to conditional!},
Branson, John, petition for land postponed, 834.
Brantner, Matthias, land granted conditionally, 856.
Brazeale, Elijah, land granted to conditionally, 849.
Brian, Thomas, petition for land rejected, 331.
Briar-Creek, complaint of people of that rum is sold to Indians, 537-
British Regiment to be organized for defense of Georgia, 209.
Briton, John Peter, lot granted to, 746.
Brookner, Frederica, petition of granted, 621.
Brooks, James, land granted to, 632.
Brown, Cornelius, land granted to conditionally, 902.
Brown, David, lot in Savannah granted to, 328.
Brown, Edward, statement of, 390.
Brown, Edward and others, petition of for land on Ogechee, 93.
Brownjohn, Benjamin, land granted to, 445.
Bruce, Thomas, land granted to conditionally, 517, 639, 718; sworn is
Searcher, 536; petition for land rejected, 642; petition for prolonging
warrant granted, 803.
INDEX. 931
Bruckner, Frederica, lot granted to, 533.
Bryan, Hugh, lot in Hardwicke granted to, 103, 348.
Bryan, Jonathan, named as councillor, 9; recommended for Judge of General
Court, 47; lot in Hardwicke granted to, 103, 347, 512; additional land
granted to, 154; appointed Public Treasurer, and ordered to give bond,
177; sworn as Public Treasurer, 181; commissioned to hold court of
Oyer and Terminer, 175 ; land granted to, 230, 284, 285, 312, 685, 74f),
791, 810; resigns acting as Justice of General Court, 261; resigns office
of Public Treasurer, 335; land granted to conditionally, 468, 609, 650,
698, 702, 776, 809 ; warrant for land endorsed, 493 ; appointed Justice
of the Peace, 504 ; to go to Tybee to survey condition of Light-Hous<\
505 ; appointed to go to Creek Nation, 598 ; petition for lot postponed,
Bull, Jacob, land granted to conditionally, 478.
^Burghalter, Rodolph, petition for land postponed, 195.
Burgslainer, Daniel, lot granted to, 533.
Burnett, John, petition for land rejected, 404; land granted to condition
ally, 669.
Burnsides, James, land granted to, 746, 747.
Burnley, Samuel, land granted to, 232, 344, 446.
Burtley, Richard, land granted to, 160.
Burrington, Gilbert, petition for land rejected, 527.
Burrington, Thomas, land granted to conditionally, 511, 513; lot in Hard
wicke granted to, 526; land granted to, 636; petition for land rejected,
742; sworn as Attorney General during Wm. Clifton's absence, 826.
Burton, John, land granted to, 481.
Burton, Joseph, land granted to conditionally, 859.
Burton, Robert, land granted to conditionally, 838.
Burton, William, land granted to, 532.
Bush, Henry, petition for lot rejected, 744.
Butler, Elisha, petition for land for son, William, rejected, no; petition
for land postponed, no; land granted to, 130; qualified as one of the
Representatives, 132 ; nominated Assistant Judge of General Court, 265 ;
consents to act as Assistant Judge, 269; land granted to, 321, 345, 346,
387, 633, 635, 791 ; suspended as Justice of the General Court, 459 ,
proposed as Assistant Judge of General Court, 504; appointed Justice
of Peace, 505; land granted to conditionally, 509, 606; qualied as one
of Justices of General Court, 592.
Butler, James, petition for land rejected, 159; land granted to, 328.
Butler, Joseph, Sr., land granted to, 147.
Butler, Joseph, Jr., land granted to, 144; lot in Hardwicke granted to, 155;
land and lot granted to, 531.
Butler, Joseph, appointed Justice of the General Court instead of Elisha
Butler, suspended, 459; sworn as Justice of General Court, 460; land
granted to conditionally, 467 ; warrant for land endorsed, 493 ; appointed
Justice of Peace, 505; land granted to, 531, 687.
Butler, Shem, petition for land rejected, 147, 159.
932 INDEX.
Butler, Thomas, land granted to, 328; land granted to conditionally, 509.
Butler, William, petition for land rejected, no; petition for land post
poned, in; land granted to, 131; lot in Hardwicke granted to, 200;
petition for lot in Hardwicke rejected, 202; land granted to, 308, 328,
329, 344 ; appointed Justice of Peace, 505 ; land granted to conditionally,
510, 579, 580.
Bynon, Lewis, arraigned for selling rum to Indians, 541 ; land granted to,
conditionally, 719; land granted to, 810.
Cain, John, land granted to, 319, 747; land granted to conditionally, 619.
Campbell, Dugald, land granted to conditionally, 726, 778.
Campbell, James, lot in Hardwicke granted to, 164; appointed Justice of
the Peace, 505.
Campbell, Martin, letter from, 98; to show cause why John Barnard
should not have land on Wilmington Island, 332; appointed Justice
of Peace, 505.
Cameron, Alexander, land granted to conditionally, 808.
Carlile, Robert, land granted to conditionally, 521, 558, 711.
Carlton, Edward, petition for lot rejected, 226; lot in Savannah granted
to, 344; land granted to, 346; lot in Hardwicke granted to, 513.
Carr, Mark, member of Council, 89; appointed Justice of Peace, 505; land
granted to, 531 ; land granted to conditionally, 788.
Carr, Robert, land granted to conditionally, 471.
Carr, Thomas, land granted to, 532.
Carter, Owen, land granted to conditionally, 848.
Carter, Thomas, petition for land postponed, 224; land granted to, 320, 346,
387, 531; land granted to conditionally, 440.
Cary, John, petition for land postponed, 221 ; land granted to, 288, 446.
Cary, John, Jr., lot in Savannah granted to, 327.
Cater, Stephen, land granted to conditionally, 889.
Caudry, Thomas, land granted to conditionally, 895.
Cawthorn, William Dabney, land granted to conditionally, 881.
Chapman, Edward, land granted in trust, 388.
¦ Chapman, John, land granted to, 345.
Champ, William, land granted to conditionally, 822.
Cherokee Indians, arrival of, 179; attend the Council and receive ammuni
tion, 180; complaint against and order thereon, 182; attitude of, 643.
Chevers, Matthew, land granted to conditionally, 905.
Chew, Samuel, petition for land granted, 652; land granted to conditionally,
? Chickesaw Indians, received by Governor and Council; their talk, etc., 206;
ammunition given to, 207; desire to talk, 539; ask for powder and balh,
539 ; presents promised to, 539 ; promise good behavior, 540 ; presents
for, 610.
Civil officers continued in office by Governor's proclamation, 16.
INDEX. 933
Claims for lands examined, 214, 216, 351.
Claim, contested, of Fitch and Irwin decided in favor of Fitch, 688; Edward
Jenkins vs. Mortgagee decided, 689.
Claimants for lands required to register their names, 213 ; to appear before
Governor and Council to support claims of lands, 280.
Clancy, Thomas, land granted to conditionally, 770.
Clark, Angus, land granted to conditionally, 676.
Clark, Daniel, warrant for land endorsed, 493.
Clark, Donald, appointed Justice of Peace, 505; land granted to, 746.
Clark, Hugh, land granted to, 483.
Clark, John, appointed Justice of Peace, 691 ; land granted to conditionally,
694, 835.
Clark, Nathaniel, land granted to conditionally, 415, 523.
Clark, Patrick, petition for land postponed, 226.
Clark, Sarah, widow, lot in Augusta granted to conditionally, 904.
Clark, Stephen, land granted to conditionally, 584; petition for land re
jected, 883.
Clarjc & McGillivray, land granted to conditionally, 461.
Clayton, John, petition for land postponed, 524 ; land granted to conditionally,
771 ; warrant for land renewed, 837.
Clement, William, land granted to, 633.
Clerk, Daniel, land granted to, 388.
Clerk of Board to write to Justices, Captains, etc., 400; takes oaths of
office, 912.
Clerk of Crown and Pleas, his fees prescribed, 597.
Clifton, William, named as Councillor, 9 ; attended and took oaths, 33 ;
declines appointment as member of Council, 51; to be Advocate General
of Court of Admiralty, 88; land granted to, 109; lot in Hardwicke
granted to, 125 ; land granted to, 148, 330 ; additional land granted to,
175 ; allowed one year to examine records in support of his claim to
lot in Savannah, 282; moved that caveats entered by Bosomworth against
persons having grants for land be discharged, 309; appointed Justice of
Peace, 505 ; land granted to conditionally, 574 ; memorial of, 591 ; takes
seat as Councillor, 592; resigns warrant and new warrant granted to,
803 ; leave of absence given to, 826.
Closeman, Frederick, lot granted to, 276; land granted to conditionally,
Cockran, William, land granted to conditionally, 896.
Cogler, George, land granted to, 445.
Coloine, James, heirs of, land granted to, 387.
Colson, Jacob, land granted to conditionally, 695.
Collins, Andrew, land granted to, 345 ; land granted to conditionally, 904.
Collins, Thomas, land granted to, 746.
Commission of the Peace, appointment of new, postponed, 452 ; same referred
to Attorney General, 453 ; a new, ordered, 504 ; a new commission to b^
made out, 691.
Common reserved at Hardwicke for inhabitants, 125.
Conference between the Governor and the Cowkeeper, 626.
934 INDEX.
Consideration of suspension of Noble Jones postponed, 450.
Constables in Justices Court provided for, 57; oath of, 58; to prepare lists
of Jurors, 58.
Contingent expenses examined and ordered paid, 313, 324.
Contested claim of Fitch and Irwin decided in favor of Fitch, 688 ; of Edward
Jenkins vs. Mortagee decided, 689.
Conyers, John, petition for land postponed, 832.
Cooper, John, petition for lot postponed, 320; land granted to conditionally,
Cooper, Richard, lot in Hardwicke granted to, 203.
Cooper, Susannah, warrant for lot prolonged, 337.
Coppe, Rev. Mr. Jonathan, lot granted to, 275 ; petition for land postponed,
Cornberger, John, land granted to, 532, 840.
Council adjourns to court house, 21; heartily approves proposition to buill
fort, 499.
Council House falls down, 21.
Council House and Goal, expense of fitting up, 170.
Council refuses to examine accounts submitted by the Governor, 368.
Councillors summoned, 10; take oaths, 11, 488; those of Ellis' Council take
oaths, 910.
Coulson, William, petition for land postponed, 890.
Courts of Oyer and Terminer, dates fixed for, 298.
Cowkeeper, his reply to the Governor, 630.
Cox, Benjamin, petition for land postponed, 161.
Cox, Richard, land granted to, 343.
Cox, Richard, Sr., land granted to, 344.
Cox, Richard, Jr., lot in Hardwicke granted to, 344.
Cramer, Christopher, land granted to conditionally, 466, 847; lot granted
to, 534-
Cranwetter, Marie Catharina, land granted to, 686.
Craudie, Adam, petition for land rejected, 226.
Craus, Leonard, land granted to, 810.
Cremer, Christopher, land granted to conditionally, 795.
Cremer, Christopher and others, petition of rejected, 707.
Creek Indians, presents given to, 135 ; ammunition given to, 268 ; ordered
to meet Governor and receive presents, 333 ; few attend and presents
ordered them, 336; presents given to, 494; report of the Agent con
cerning, 643; arrival of, 644; how received, 641; arrive under escort of
Capt. Milledge, and particular account of their reception, 644, 645;
address of Governor to, 645 ; answer of the Wolf King Mico to Gov
ernor's speech, 647; speech of Togulki, 648; Head Men invited to dine
with Governor, 648 ; received by his Honor in Council, 657 ; new treaty
signed by them, 664 ; copy of treaty, 665 ; Governor has conference with,
7°3. 732'> present deer skins to Governor, 704.
Cronenberger, John, land granted to conditionally, 737.
Cronenberger, Nicholas, land granted to conditionally, 461, 798 ; lot granted
to, 635 ; agreement made with to build new scout-boat, 846.
INDEX. .935
Crooke, Herrio.t, widow, land granted to conditionally, 287; land granted
to, 405; lot jn Hardwicke granted to, 526.
Crooke, Robert, petition for land rejected, 290.
Cross, Thomas, petition for lot in Hardwicke rejected, 203.
Cross, William, heirs of, land granted to, 387.
Croswell, Mary, widow, lot in Augusta granted to, 279.
Cunningham, David, land granted to, 633.
Curtis, Henry, petition for land rejected, 145; land granted to, 240, 634;
warrant for land prolonged, 318.
Cusmal, Jacob, land granted to conditionally, 402; land granted to, 685.
Cuthbert, George, member of Assembly, 89; petition for land postponed,
184, 222; qualifies as Justice of Peace, 249; land granted to, 288, 311,
312, 339, 530; land granted to conditionally, 417; warrant ior land en
dorsed, 493. D
Dan.ford, Abraham, land granted to conditionally, 584; land granted to,
Darnel, Thomas, land granted to conditionally, .851.
Dasher, Christian, land granted to, 746.
Dasher, Martin, land granted to conditionally, 753, 888:
Davis, John, petition for lot in Hardwicke rejected, 203 ; lot in Hardwicke
granted to, 203 ; land granted in lieu of former grant, 225 ; petition for
land rejected, 317; land granted to conditionally, 436, 580, S47 ; land
granted to, 589.
Davis, John, Sr., land granted to, 187.
Davis, John, Jr., land granted to, 589.
Davis, William, land granted to, 109, 589; land granted to conditionally,
Day, Nathaniel, land granted to, 155, 312; lot in Hardwicke granted ,to, 169.
Day, Owen, land granted to conditionally, 650.
Day, Peter, petition for land postponed, 814.
Day of fasting and humiliation appointed, 406.
Dean, Lydia, widow, land granted to, 446.
De Brahm, William, Surveyor General, memorial of, 291.
De Brahm, William Gerrard, lot in Savannah granted to, 132, 346; lot in
Hardwicke granted to, 163, 347; land granted to, 344; land granted to
conditionally, 588; petition for land postponed, 839.
Denfenceless condition of colony, 209.
De Honneur, John, land granted to conditionally, 3^9; Jot -in Hardwicke
granted to, 350; his bond cancelled, 825.
Delegal, Edward, land granted to conditionally, .917.
Delegal, George, lot in Hardwicke granted to, 164; land -granted |to, 185.
Delegal, Philip, Jr., land granted to, 149, 745; -lot in Hardwicke ^granted to,
163; appointed Justice of Peace, 505.
Demay Alexis, land granted to conditionally, 680; petition for land post
poned, 779.
936 INDEX.
Demere, Capt. Raymond, presents receipt for provisions supplied Detach ¦
ment under his command, 133; land granted to, 186; lots granted to,
245; lot in Savannah granted, 347; lot in Hardwicke granted to, 347;
' petitions set for hearing, 758.
Demetre, Daniel, lot in Hardwicke granted to, 167, 347; additional land
granted to, 192; land granted to, 344, 347; land granted to conditionally,
Deppe, Valentine, lot granted to, 634.
De Reinoses, Carlos Auziano, relief granted to, 460.
DeVeaux, James, member of Assembly, 89; lot in Hardwicke granted to,
201; nominated Assistant Judge of General Court, 265; consents to act
as Assistant Judge, 269; Warsaw Island granted to conditionally, 316,
386, 915 ; land granted to, 388 ; proposed as Assistant Judge of General
Court, 504 ; appointed Justice of Peace, 505 ; sworn as Justice of the
General Court, 536.
DeVeaux, John, lot in Hardwicke granted to, 163 ; land granted to condi -
tionally, 372, 676 ; appointed Justice of Peace, 505 ; land granted to, 530,
DeVeaux, John, Jr., petition for land, rejected, 166; lot granted to condi
tionally, 586.
DeVeaux, William, lot in Hardwicke granted to, 585.
Dews, William, land granted to, 190, 293, 346; petition for land reejcted,
Dickinson, Paynter, land granted to, 235, 687.
Dickinson, Stephen, land granted to conditionally, 475 ; land granted to,
Dicks, David, land granted to, 144, 348; land granted to conditionally, 442;
warrant for land endorsed, 493.
Dinkins, John, land granted to conditionally, 881.
Discontent and disaffection among inhabitants, 94.
Disputes between Indians and Spaniards, 626.
Dixey, James, petition for lot postponed, 716.
Dixie, James, land granted to, 326.
Dixon, Robert, petition for lot postponed, 228; lot in Augusta granted to,
Dixsee, James, Sr., lot in Hardwicke granted to, 167.
Dixsee, James, Jr., petition for land rejected, 166.
Dobell, John, lot in Savannah granted to, 327; his caveat against heirs of
Thomas Causton litigated and postponed, 354.
Dohart, John, land granted to conditionally, 894-.
Donnom, James, land granted to conditionally, 867.
Dormer, Richard, lot in Savannah granted to, 327.
Douglass, David, member of Assembly, 89; elected Speaker of House, 90;
memorial of concerning Courts of Conscience, 105 ; petition for land
postponed, 126, 458; appointed Justice of Peace, 505.
Douthatt, Michael, petition for land rejected, 682.
Dowdee. Richard, lot in Hardwicke granted t conditionally, 677; petition
for land postponed, 914.
INDEX. • 937
Dresler, George, petition for land postponed, 290; land granted to, 3°5 ;
lot granted to, 635.
Dubois, Charles, petition for lot rejected, 525.
Dubois, Paul, petition for land rejected, 750.
Dudley, Ambrose, petition for land rejected, 146; petition for lot in Hard
wicke rejected, 203.
Dunbar, Capt. George, petition of rejected, 708.
Dunham, Daniel, land granted to, 359; lot in Hardwicke granted to, 418.
warrant for land endorsed, 493 ; petition for renewing warrant granted,
648; land granted to conditionally, 867.
Dunham, James, land granted to, 355, 635 ; land reserved for, 850.
Dunham, William, petition for lot postponed, 306; land granted to, 339;
355. 634, 635; petition for lot rejected, 364; lot granted to conditionally,
576; land granted to conditionally, 622.
Dunham, James and William, land granted to conditionally, 355; Ian J
granted to, 635.
Dunnom, Daniel, land granted to, 530.
Dullea, Maurice, petition for land rejected, 152; lot in Hardwicke granted
to, 166, 329; land granted to, 287, 447; ordered to attend to support claim
of lands, 307; caveat against having grant litigated, 309; land to be
surveyed, 309.
Dusseign, Jacob, land granted to conditionally, 923.
Dyass, Moses, land granted to conditionally, 606; land granted to, 746.
Eage, George, land granted to, 445.
Earl of Loudoun, letter from, 407.
Ebenezer, how possessors of land in shall take out grants, 335; land granted
to inhabitants of conditionally, 371 ; Surveyers General ordered to make
plat of, 385.
Echard, Conrade, land granted to conditionally, 872.
Eigen, John, petition for land rejected, 227.
Ellic, an Indian, dines with Governor, 569.
Ellick, Captain, Indian Chief, waits on Governor, 33; presents delivered
to, 34-
Elliott, Grey, land granted to conditionally, 309, 456, 761 ; petition for lot
postponed, 342; appointed Justice of Peace, 505; land granted to, 531;
appointed Surveyor and Auditor General, 811; fees of fixed, 811; petition
for land on purchase granted, 883.
Elliott, John, land granted to, 126, 328, 329; additional land granted to, 196;
lot in Hardwicke ./ranted to, 222, 329; appointed Justice of Peace, 505.
Elliott, Peter, land granted to, 319, 747.
Elliott, William, land granted to, 386, 389, 589; warrant for land prolonged,
Elliott, William, Jr., land granted to, 222.
EHis, Governor, meets Creek Indians in Council Chamber, 491.
938 INDEX,
Ellis, Henry, appointed Lieutenant Governor, 485; his commission as Lieu
tenant Governor read, 485 ; takes oaths of office, 486 ; Great Seal de
livered to by Reynolds, 487; land granted -to, 790; Jiis commission as
Governor in Chief published, 909; takes the State oaths, gog, 910.
Emanuel, David, land granted to conditionally, 542.
Emanuel, John, land granted to conditionally, 436; land granted to, 590.
Embargo on all trading vessels, 766.
Eneaux, Claud, lot in Augusta granted to conditionally, 899.
Ernst, Ludwig, lot granted to, 633.
Eshberger, Rupreik, lot granted to, 635.
Evans, Elizabeth, land granted to, 387.
Evans, Elizabeth and Jane, land granted to, 445.
Evans, Middleton, land granted to, 235, 634; petition for land rejected,
750; land granted to conditionally, 751, 774.
Ewen, William, potter, lot granted to, 143, 746; petition for lot in Hard
wicke rejected, 201; petition for lot postponed, 873.
Fahie, Anthony, lands granted to, 310.
Fam, Frederick, land granted to conditionally, 695.
Farley, Benjamin, land granted to, 148, 313, 347, 483; land granted to con
ditionally, 340, 720.
Farley, John, petition for land rejected, 331 ; land granted to conditional
371, 709; land granted to, 634, 810.
Farley, Mary, land granted to, 790.
Farmer, John, lot in Savannah granted to, 472; lot in Hardwicke granted d
conditionally, 553.
Farmur, John, member of Assembly, 89; petition for lot in Hardwick.
rejected, 201; land granted to conditionally, 740.
«=, Feaster, John, land granted to conditionally, 361; lot granted to conditinninl'
741 ; land granted to, 746.
Fees of court officers to be posted by each officer in his office, 63.
Fees of Governor, 64.
" " Secretary, 65.
" " Clerk of Council, 66.
" " Clerk of Council in Assembly, 67.
" " Messenger of Council, 67.
" " Chancellor, 68.
" " Clerk and Messenger in House of Representatives, 68.
" " Master in Chancery, 68.
" " Register in Chancery, 69.
" " Solicitor in Chancery, 69.
" " Chief Justice, 70.
" " Attorney General, 70.
" " Clerk of Crown and Peace, 71.
" " Chief Justice of Court Common Pleas, 72.
INDEX. 939
" Clerk of Court of Common Pleas, 73.
" " Attorneys of Court of Common Pleas, 74.
" " Provost Marshal, 75.
" Judge of Court of Admiralty, 77.
" Advocate General, 77.
" " Proctors of Court of Admiralty, 78.
" Register of Court of Admiralty for trial of pirates, 79.
" " Marshal of the Court of Admiralty, 80.
" " Marshal of the Court of Admiralty in the trial of pirates, 81.
" " Publick Register, 81.
" " Surveyer and Comptroller of the King's Customs, 81.
" " Collector of King's Customs, 82.
" " Naval Officers, 83.
" " Searcher, 84.
" " Justices of Peace, 84.
" " Constables, 85.
" Deputy Marshal or Constables Fees, 86.
" " Puolick Treasurer, 87.
" " Publick Notary, 87.
" " Goaler, 87.
" " Cryer of General Court, 140.
" " Pilot of Tybee, 139.
" " Provost Marshal for commitments and discharges, 247.
" " Coroner, 314.
" " Clerk of Church of England, 314.
" " Sexton, 314.
" " Clerk of Crown and Pleas, 597.
Fenny, Phillippa, widow, land granted to, 221; land granted to, 531.
Fenton, Martin, land granted to conditionally, 455 ; warrant for land en
dorsed, 493.
''Fetzer, Ulric, petition for land postponed, 789.
Finch, Paul, land granted to, 685.
Fitch, John, land granted to conditionally, 355, 855 ; petition for lot post
poned, 356; land granted to, 370, 389, 635; lot in Hardwicke granted to
conditionally, 444; petition for land postponed, 468; arraigned for sell
ing rum to Indians, 541; petition for land postponed, 640; land granted
to, 790.
Fitzgerald, John, land granted .to, lot in Hardwicke granted to, 522 ; petition
for land rejected, 805.
. Fitzer, Sebastian, land granted to, -8|i.
Fitzwalter, Penelope, sells lot fo Lewis Johnson, 706 ; land granted to, 790.
Fleming, John, petition for lot -postponed, 519.
Fleming, Walter, land granted to, 809.
Fieri, John, petition for land postponed, 353; land granted to, 446; land
granted to conditionally, 464; appointed Justice of Peace, 505; warrant
for land prolonged, 799.
Fieri, Charles, land granted to, 445.
94° INDEX.
Fowl, George, land granted to conditionally, 519; land granted to, 636.
Fox, David, land granted to, 292; lot in Hardwicke granted to conditionally,
Fox, David, Jr., land granted to, 313; petition for land rejected, 586.
Fox, David, Sr., land granted to conditionally, 788.
Fox, John, land granted to, 313, 386; petition for lot rejected, 558.
Fox, Jonathan, petition for land postponed, 737 ; land granted to conditionally,
Fox, William, petition for land postponed, 459.
Fradling, Frederick, land granted to, 589.
Francis, Mr., claim for land postponed, 480.
Francis, William, memorial of concerning postponing of order granting land
to Rev. Mr. Zouberbuhler, 282 ; appointed Justice of Peace, 505 ; land
granted to conditionally, 801 ; petition for land postponed, 823 ; lands and
lol granted to, 841.
Francis, Capt. William, lot in Hardwicke granted to, 164; letter from
relating to behavior of some Indians, 210; ordered to overtake Indians,
enquire into their conduct and make report, 211; makes report, 211.
Fraser, Margaret, lot in Augusta granted to, 322.
Frazer, William, petition for land postponed, 916.
Frazier, Thomas, and others, land granted to at Acton and Vernonburgh,
Freels, Jeremiah O., petition for land postponed, 375.
French deserter brought before Council and sent to England, 134.
French Neutrals, Governor proposes that land for garden be supplied to,
French people permitted to land, provisions and boats are furnished to, 302 ;
petition of, 304; relief granted to, 304.
Friday in every week set apart for examining claims, 564.
Gabel, John, land granted to conditionally, 828.
Gallache, James, land granted to, 532.
/ Galphin, George, letter from concerning Indian affairs, 172, 173 ; land granted
to conditionally, 673.
* Galphin, John, land granted to conditionally, 770; lot in Frederica granteJ
to conditionally, 770.
Gandy, Samuel, land granted to conditionally, 758; land granted to, 791.
Gee, Charles, petition for lot rejected, 525.
General Assembly, King's instructions concerning, 26; to meet in Savannah,
27; qualification of members, 27; prorogued by proclamation, '672.
General Court, a court of record established, 46; its jurisdiction, 47.
Germany, James, land granted to conditionally, 432; warrant for land en
dorsed, 493; petition for prolongation of warrant granted, 622; land
granted to, 791.
INDEX. 941
Germain, Michael, land granted to conditionally, 556, 582.
Geswandell, Thomas, land granted to, 533.
Gibbs, Philip, petition for land rejected, 684; land granted to conditionally,
Gibbs, Isaac, land granted to conditionally, 382.
Gibbons, Joseph, the elder, land granted to, 311.
Gibbons, Joseph, the younger, land granted to, 311.
Gibbons, Joseph, petition for land postponed, 102; land granted to, 151,
312, 346; land granted to conditionally, 340; appointed Justice of Peace,
505; petition for land rejected, 675, 815; land granted to conditionally,
696, 865, 869.
Gibbons, William, petition for land postponed, 308; land granted to, 312,
328, 447, 686; land granted to conditionally, 341, 512, 786; petition for
land rejected, 680.
Gilbert, William, land granted to conditionally, 690.
Gilliland, Thomas, land granted to conditionally, 649.
Gionavoli, John, petition for lot postponed, 731.
Girardeau, Isaac, land granted to, 188, 746.
Girardeau, Richard, land granted to conditionally, 740.
Glaner, George, land granted to, 445.
Glaudenox, Peter, petition for lot postponed, 279.
Glen, Governor, of South Carolina, letter from respecting Indian trade, read,
Goal in Savannah provided for, 37.
Godfrey, Robert, petition for land postponed, 640.
Goff, John, land granted to conditionally, 895.
Goldsmith, Thomas, land granted to, 345.
Goldwire, Benjamin, directed to make estimate of repairs on church, 173 ;
lot in Hardwicke granted to, 202; land granted to, 331; petition for lot
postponed, 735.
Goldwire, John, land granted to conditionally, 339, 828; lot in Hardwicke
granted to conditionally, 562; appointed Justice of Peace, 505.
Goldwire, Tondee, contract to build filature, 802.
Golphin, George, land granted to, 446.
Goodale, Edward, land granted to, 687.
Goodale, Thomas, petition for land rejected, 165.
Goodby, Joseph, land granted to, 387.
Gordon, Capt. James, petition for land postponed, 165.
Gordon, John, land granted to, 345; land granted to conditionally, 653.
Goulding, John, petition of postponed, 879.
Governor, commission of read to Council, 10; oaths of, n; instructions to
read, 12; commission of recorded, 14; warrant of to use the Great Seal,
14; warrant of to use Great Seal recorded, 15; commission of to be read
at head of militia, 15; speech of to Council and Assembly, 90; proclama
tion of, 95; town lots granted to, 101 ; message from, 113; land granted
to, 125; lot in Savannah granted to, 169; Hutchinson's Island granted to,
204; speech to Council concerning Wm. Little and proclamations issued,
942 INDEX.
266 ; fees allowed to for signing letters testamentary, 281 ; signs grants
for lands, 283, 292; committee of Council to attend Governor to Augusta,
294; proclamation of concerning tenure of lands, 296; grants for lands
signed by, 309, 326; resolution of on granting future petitions for land.
337; signs grants for lands, 343, 346; to raise troop of Rangers, 400;
speech of to Council and Assembly, 411; fee of for signing grants not
to be taken until grant is signed, 493; advises with Board as to sending
a special messenger with dispatches to Earl of Loudoun, 498; proposes
to erect fort arid battery, 498; land granted to, 530, 563, 641, 874; post
pones visit to southward, 543; offers reward for French scalps, 546;
meets Creek Indians in Council Chamber, 566, 572; speech to Indians,
567 ; lays plans before Council, 571 ; conference between Governor and
Cowkeeper, 626; speech of to Cowkeeper, 627; speech of Cowkeeper to,
630; two lots in Savannah granted to, 632; address of to Creek Indian:;,
645 ; again meets Creek Indians in Council, 657, 658 ; his discourse to
them, 659; conduct of approved by Council, 664; has conference with
Creek Indians, 703, 732; deer skins presented to by Creek Indians, 704;
his reply to Opeya, 734; land granted to on St. Simon's, 762; represents
to Board danger of Light House at Tybee is in of falling, and proposes
to go to view it, 842 ; mentions to Board state of Rangers, 842 ; his
opinion on condition of Light House, 843.
Gradell, William, land granted to conditionally, 656.
Graham, Ann, land granted to, 532 ; town lot granted to, 532.
Graham, James, lot in Hardwicke granted to, 526; petition for land rejected,
654; land granted to for wharf, 743.
Graham, Jean, widow, land granted to conditionally, 889.
Graham, John, lot in Hardwicke granted to, 162; petition for land rejected,
184; land granted to conditionally, 341, 640; bond for settling land de
livered up, 352 ; warrant renewed, 563 ; lot in Savannah granted to con
ditionally, 641.
Graham, Patrick, President, resigns seat to Governor, and named as Council
lor, 9; death of, 181.
Graham, Mrs., claim for land, 477.
Graham, Mungo, lot in Hardwicke granted to, 201, 686; petition of to pur
chase land rejected, 877.
Grant, Gilbert, land granted to conditionally, 767.
Grant, John, land granted to conditionally, 839.
Grant, William, lot in Savannah granted to, 328.
Grants, conditions endorsed on back of, 298; which have passed seal, 299; to
be taken out within seven months from date of warrant, 337.
Graves, James, account of allowed, 479.
Graves, John, land granted to, 187, 481 ; land granted to conditionally, 561.
Graves, William, land granted to, 189, 389, 446, 634; land granted to condi
tionally, 376, 552; petition for land rejected, 377.
Gray Edmund, member of Assembly, 89; expelled from House of Represen
tatives, 134; Governor talks with, 547.
Gray, James, lot in Augusta granted to, 278 ; petition for lot in Hardwicke
rejected, 279; land granted to conditionally, 722.
INDEX. 943
Gray, John, lands granted to conditionally, 860, 861 ; permitted to purchase
land, 862.
Gray, Lieutenant John, land granted to, 327.
Gray, William, member of Assembly, 89; letter from, 426.
Green, Ann, lot and land granted to, 841.
Green, John, land granted to, 311.
Green, William, land granted to conditionally, 812.
Greene, Thomas, petition for land postponed, 241.
Greeve, John Henry, appointed Justice of Peace, 505.
Gregor, Luke, land granted to conditionally, 520.
Gregory, William, land granted to conditionally, 518.
Grenier, Peter, petition for lot rejected, 755.
Greves, John Henry, permitted to exchange land, 859.
Griner, Andrew, land granted to conditionally, 913.
Gronou, Hannah, and others, lots granted to, 532.
Grounidge, Margaret, land granted to, 288.
Gruber, John, land granted to, 446.
Gugel, John, land granted to, 686.
Guindre, David, warrant for land endorsed, 493 ; land granted to condition
ally, 738.
Gunidre, David, land granted to conditionally, 362.
Habeas Corpus, right of guaranteed, 29.
Haberer, Michael, land granted to, 445.
Habersham, James, named as Councillor,, 9; takes oaths as clerk, 13; land
granted to, 149, 284, 326, 481 ; land granted to conditionally, 349 ; qualifies
as Justice of Peace, 343, 497; appointed Justice of Peace, 504.
Habersham, James, Sr., land granted to, 345.
Habersham, James, Jr., land granted to, 345.
Habersham, Joseph, land granted to, 326.
Hackle, George, warrant for land endorsed, 493.
Hague, George, land granted to conditionally, 775.
Hakel, George, lot in Ebenezer granted to conditionally, 434.
Hamer, Robert, land granted to, 346.
Hamilton, Henry, appointed messenger of Council, 38; land granted to, 310,
311; lot in Hardwicke granted to conditionally, 515; petition for land
postponed, 739.
Hamm, John, lot granted to, 230; new warrant granted to, 560; new land
warrant issued to, 761 ; lot granted to, 791.
Hammer, Peter, land granted to conditionally, 776.
Handley, William, lot in Hardwicke granted to, 230, 329; appointed Justice
of Peace, 505; lot granted td conditionally, 674; land granted to, 810.
Hangletter, John, land granted to, 635.
Hardwicke, town of named, 101 ; land in too small for fortifications, 316.
Harlan, Ezekiel, land granted to conditionally, 722.
944 INDEX.
Harley, James, petition for land rejected, 306; land granted to conditionally,
357; land granted to, 589.
Harn, John, member of Assembly, 89; petitions for land postponed, 515;
petitions for land rejected, 739.
Harold, Edmund, land granted to conditionally, 769.
Harris, Francis, named as Councillor, 9; land granted to, 184, 345, 446; lot
in Hardwicke granted to, 327; lot in Savannah granted to, 327; warrait
for laying out land prolonged, 342; appointed Justice of Peace, 504.
Harris & Habersham, present pay bill for scout boat, which was examined
and certified by Governor, 133 ; presents Capt. Demere's receipt for pro
visions which was examined and certified by Governor, 133 ; present pay
bill for scout boat and receipts for provisions for three Independent Com
panies in South Carolina, 300, 325 ; present receipts for Detachment at
Augusta, 301 ; land in Savannah granted to, 440.
Hart, James, petition for land rejected, 146; petition for land postponed, 184.
Harvell, Ann, lot granted to, 278.
Hastings, Samuel, land granted to, 237, 687.
Haverin, Michael, lot in Frederica granted to conditionally, 919 ; land grante 1
to conditionally, 919.
Head Man, drum and flag granted to, 494.
Head Men invited to dine with Governor, 648.
Heart, James, land granted to, 305; lot in Hardwicke granted to, ,305; land
granted to, 388.
Helvenstine, Frederick, land granted to conditionally, 383, 814; petition for
land rejected, 438.
Helvenstine, Jeremiah, land granted to conditionally, 478.
Helvenstine, John, land granted to conditionally, 455; petition for lot
postponed, 737; warrant prolonged, 795.
Helvenston, Jeremiah, petition for land postponed, 417.
Heckall, George, land granted to, 533.
Henry, John George, land granted to, 589.
Henshaw, Joseph, petition for land postponed, 511; petition for lot in
Hardwicke postponed, 511.
Herse, John Michael, land granted to, 533.
Hickambottom, Thomas, land granted to conditionally, 892.
Hiesler, David, petition for land postponed, 559; land granted to condi
tionally, 583.
Hoare, Benjamin, land granted to, 277, 747.
Holbrook, Jacob, land granted to conditionally, 437.
Holland, Nathaniel, petition for land rejected, 154; land granted to con
ditionally, 404.
Holmes, John, petition for land postponed, 889.
Homer, Robert, petition for land and town lot postponed, 103; land
granted to, 130, 140; petition for lot in Hardwicke rejected, 130; per
mitted to exchange land, 168.
Hopkins, Ann, land granted to, 532.
Hopkins, John, land granted to conditionally, 558; petition, for land post
poned, 622.
INDEX. 945
Horn, Benjamin, land granted to conditionally, 723.
Hoskins, Isaac, land granted to conditionally, 787.
Hossinloer, Sebastian, land granted to conditionally, 830.
House of Representatives ordered to attend Governor in Council, 89, 410.
Houston, Deborah, lot in Savannah granted to, 809.
Houstoun, George, land granted to, 344; lot in Hardwicke granted to,
Houstoun, James, member of Assembly, 89; lot in Hardwicke granted to,
104; land granted to, 293, 330.
Houstoun, Sir Patrick, named as Councillor, 9; petition for town lot in
Hardwicke for son, Patrick, granted, 103; petition for lot in Hard
wicke for son, George, granted, 104; additional land granted to, 142,
183; sworn as Register of Grants, etc., 265; land granted to, 293, 321,
347, 59°; petition for land postponed, 319; submits account, 414; land
warrant prolonged, 497; appointed Justice of Peace, 504; land granted
to conditionally, 653; petition for prolonging warrant granted, 886.
Houstoun, Robert, land granted to, 306.
Hover, Conrad, land granted to conditionally, 378; land granted to, 635.
Hubbard, Richard, petition for land postponed, 822.
Hudson, Charles, land granted to conditionally, 818.
Hudson, Robert, land granted to conditionally, 815.
Hugenin, David, land granted to, 743; lot granted to, 747.
Huguerin, David, petition for land postponed, 165; petition for lot re
jected, 200; lot in Hardwicke granted to, 281.
Humphrey, John, petition for land postponed, 320; land granted to, 322.
Humphreys, Robert, land granted to conditionally, 442; land granted to,
Hunold, Elizabeth, land granted to, 589, 633.
Hunter, Anna, lot in Savannah granted to, 327.
Hunter, Joseph, lot in Savannah granted to, 327.
Hustons, James, petition for land postponed, 332.
Hutson, James, land granted to conditionally, 542.
Hyde, George, land granted to conditionally, 767.
Igle, John, land granted to conditionally, 782.
Illy, Jacob, land granted to conditionally, 379, 815.
Illy, Michael, land granted to, 227; land warrant prolonged, 317.
Indian disturbances, 390, 537.
Indians, supply of presents for should be kept on hand, 35; expenses for
entertainment of paid, 244; letter concerning, 392; talk with, 546; pil
lage Joseph Watson of provisions, 592; arrive from the south, 626;
accounts relating to expense of to be examined, 671; same examined
and passed, 672; talk with, 763.
Indian Traders, opinion of Board as to, 251.
Instructions to Council in absence of Governor, 544.
Intercepted letter laid before Assembly, 97.
Irwin, Thomas, land granted to conditionally, 713.
60 0 r — vol 7
946 ''"' INDEX.
Jagger, John, land granted to conditionally, 150; lot in Hardwicke grant
ed to, 163; time for settling land extended, 439, 529; arrives with large
, number of negroes, 590; land granted to, 642; lot in Savannah granted
to, 642.
Jarvis, James, account of for bringing down a prisoner from Augusta
ordered to be paid, 176; petition for land postponed, 176; lot granted
to, 276; land granted to conditionally, 721.
Jeans, Samuel, land granted to conditionally, 785, 912.
Jervey, David, lot in Hardwicke granted to conditionally, 465; warrant
for land endorsed, 493; land granted to conditionally, 751; petition
for lot rejected, 752; land granted to, 791.
John, David, land granted to conditionally, 850.
Johnson, Andrew, land granted to, 312.
Johnston, Andrew, lot in Hardwicke granted to, 166.
Johnson, Lewis, member of Assembly, 89; land granted to, 112; lot in
Hardwicke granted to, 112; land granted to, 310, 312; petition for lot
rejected, 360; appointed Justice of Peace, 505; petition for lot re
jected, 650; land granted to conditionally, 678, 736; buys land from
Penelope Fitzwalter, 706; petition of granted conditionally, 829;
warrant prolonged, 831.
Johnson, Richard, lot granted to, 276; land granted to, 494.
Johnson, William, petition for land rejected, 194; land granted to, 347;
petition for lot in Savannah rejected, 474; land granted to condition
ally, 624, 794; petition for lot rejected, 757; permitted to exchange
land, 834.
Johnson, William Martin, land granted to, 310.
Johnston, William, land granted to, 229.
Jones, Colonel, his regiment ordered under arms to receive -Creek In
dians, 644.
Jones, John, petition for land postponed, 681; land granted to condition
ally, 914.
Jones, Mary, lot in Savannah granted to, 310.
Jones, Noble, named as Councillor, 9; to superintend repairs on public
offices, 32; appointed Judge of Court of Oyer and Terminer, 40; rec
ommended for Judge of General Court, 47; commissioned to hold
court of Oyer and Terminer, 175; desired to make out and deliver to
Surveyers General return of quantities of land and also of surve3-s
and plans made by him, 291; allowed ten guineas as acknowledgment
for his services, 291; land granted to, 311, 444; suspended from his
offices, 450; appointed Justice of Peace, 504.
Jones, Noble Wimberly, member of Assembly, 89; land granted to, 311,
444; appointed Justice of Peace, 505.
Jones, Priscilla, petition for land rejected, 778.
Jones & Bryan, their commission as Judges, 47.
Jordan, Samuel, land granted to conditionally, 558.
INDEX. 947
Joyce, Michael, land granted to conditionally, 880.
Judge of Admiralty takes oath of office, 912.
Justices' Courts established, 49.
Justices at Augusta to hold Courts of Requests, 124.
Justices of the General Court, two to be added, 261.
Justices of the Peace at Augusta to send expense account with prisoner
sent to Savannah for commitment, 177.
"Kalcher, Margaret, widow, petition for land postponed, 353.
Kannady, William, land granted to conditionally, 432.
.Xeabler, Jacob, petition for land postponed, 417; land granted to condi
tionally, 435.
TCeesee, Thomas, petition for land postponed, 789.
Keiffer, Frederick, land granted to, 191; warrant for land prolonged, 318;
land granted to, 389.
-Keiffer, Theobald, directed to make enquiry concerning complaint of
Chickasaw Indians, 207; petition for land postponed, 353; land
granted to, 445; land granted to conditionally, 457.
Keibler, Jacob, land granted to, 634.
TCellet, Alexander, named as Councillor, 9; takes oath as Provost Mar
shal, 14; to be Marshal of Court of Admiralty, 88; lot in Hardwicke
granted to, 104, 312; petition for land granted, 109; petition for land
postponed, 112; land granted to, 141; petition of for a jail and prison
fees, 214; petition of for a public executioner, 218; land granted to,
Kelsall, John, land granted to, 388.
Kelly, Bryan, petition for land rejected, 674.
Kelley, Bryon, petition for lot rejected, 362.
Kemp, John, land granted to conditionally, 721; warrant for land pro
longed, 899.
Kennedy, Darby, land granted to, 277.
.Kennedy, Donald, petition for land rejected, 619, 634.
Kennedy, Hugh, land granted to conditionally, 416; petition for land re
jected, 438; land granted to, 634.
Kennedy, John, land granted to conditionally, 725.
-Kennedy, William, land granted to, 635.
Kent, Richard, his caveat against John Barnard, 370.
. Kiebler, Jacob, land granted to, 685.
Kieffer, Mr., declines to act as Justice of Peace, 599.
Kieffer, Theobald, land granted to conditionally, 601; land granted to,
TCillgore, Ralph, land granted to, 143; petition for land postponed, 226;
land granted to, 277, 747.
.Killgore, William, land granted to, 278, 746; warrant for land prolonged,
443; land granted to conditionally, 897.
Kiln, John, land granted to conditionally, 372.
King's instructions, article eleven read, 22; concerning courts of Justice,.
Kitt, John, petition for land rejected, 754; !and granted to conditionally*
Knapp, George, petition for land postponed, 553; land granted to condi
tionally, 581; warrant prolonged, 823.
Knox, William, sworn as Provost Marshal, 497; appointed Justice of
Peace, 504; to go to Tybee to survey condition of Light House, 505;
lots in Hardwicke granted to, 518; lot granted to conditionally, 639,
717; land granted to, 791; land granted to conditionally, 808, 867;.
Hogg Island granted to conditionally, 831.
Kohleison, Peter, land granted to, 446.
Kougle, Matthias, lot in Hardwicke granted to conditionally, 529; peti
tion of granted, 700; town lot granted to, 791; petition for land post
poned, 918.
Kraft, David, heirs of, land granted to, 388.
Krause, Leonard, land granted to, 446.
Krouze, Leonard, land granted to conditionally, 73°-
Lackner, Martin, land granted to, 456, 685.
Lackner, Martin, Jr., land granted to, 686.
Lambert, Andrew, petition for land postponed, 360.
Lanche, Herman Henry, land granted to, 446.
Land, oath of persons applying for, 102.
Landfelder, Veite, land granted to, 533.
Land grants must be registered, 762.
Lang, John, land granted to, 238.
Larescy, John, petition for land rejected, 873.
Lariscy, John, land granted to conditionally, 853.
Laroche, Isaac, salary as goaler allowed, 419.
Laurence, Nicholas, petition for lot postponed, 527; land granted to, 790..
Laurance, Nicholas, land granted to, 790.
Lawson, Roger, land granted to conditionally, 903.
Leckner, Veite, land granted to, 533.
Lee, Thomas, account allowed, 349; petition for lot rejected, 474, 413;.
land granted to conditionally, 716, 896.
Lee, William, land granted to, 102, 103.
Lempke, Rev. Harman, land granted to, 293.
Leitner, Veit, petition for land postponed, 752.
Letter to Upper and Lower Creeks read, 24; letter from Augusta concern
ing Indians, 392.
Lettimore, John, land granted to conditionally, 578; land granted to, 809.
Levi, Nathan, lot granted to, 531.
INDEX. 949
ILevy, Nathan, lot in Hardwicke granted to conditionally, 496.
Lewis, David, land granted to conditionally, 435, 624.
Lewis, Evan, land granted to conditionally, 710.
Lewis, Samuel, land granted to conditionally, 798; petition to exchange
land granted conditionally, 887.
Leimberger, Christian, lot granted to, 533.
Liemberger, Christian, land granted to conditionally, 857.
Light House at Tybee, 500; Jonathan Bryan and William Knox to go to
Tybee with carpenters and survey condition of, 505; carpenters' pro
posal deliver as to repairs of, 507; condition of, 811; in danger of
falling, 842; Governor goes to view, 842; opinion of Governor on,
Lindin, William, land granted to conditionally, 901.
Lines, Isaac, land granted to, 445; land granted to conditionally, 575,
List of members of first House of Representatives, 89.
Littell, William, lot granted to, 276.
Little, William, petition of for lot granted, 109; fees paid to, 138; peti
tion of for land granted, 141, 214; remonstrance against conduct of
read, 251; his answer to, 255; memorial concerning conduct of, 263;
request for his removal, 264; Governor's speech concerning, 266; an
swer of Council to Governor's speech concerning, 270; accounts of
-as Clerk of Assembly allowed, 336; lot in Hardwicke granted to, 346;
land granted to, 346; elected Speaker of House, 411; appointed Jus
tice of General Court instead of James Deveaux, resigned, 459; sworn
as Judge of General Court, 460; bill of as Clerk of Crown allowed, 484;
as Clerk of Assembly allowed, 484; bill of as commissary allowed, 484.
Loockerman, Jacob, land granted to, 145, 687; petition for land rejected,
Lookerman, Jacob, petition for land rejected, 162.
Lords Commission for Trade and Plantation, letter from, 295.
Lords of Regency, instructions in reference to tenure of lands, 295.
Love, George, land granted to, 304; lot in Hardwicke granted, 304; peti
tion of granted, 384; land and town lot granted to, 447.
Love, James, petition for land rejected, 162; land granted to condition
ally, 583, 697; lot granted to, 791.
Low, William, land granted to, 193.
Loyer, Adrian, lot in Hardwicke granted to, 576; appointed to take care
of arms, 591; land granted to, 685.
Lupton, John, land granted to, 231, 312.
Lyttleton, Governor of South Carolina, letter from, 844; sends commis
sioner to go to New Hanover, 875. M
Macclemurry, William, land granted to conditionally, 898.
Machensis, Alexander, petition for land rejected, 289.
Mackay, Angus, land granted to, 236, 685.
.Mackay, George, land granted to conditionally, 819.
950 INDEX.
Mackay, Hugh, land granted to, 386.
Mackay, Captain James, petition of for land granted, 127; petition for
land postponed, 248; land granted to, 265.
Mackay, James, sworn as member of Council, 262; land granted to, 330,.
386, 389, 790; to be named as Justice in next Commission of Peace,
338; appointed Justice of Peace, 504; land granted to conditionally^
576, 820; petition for lot postponed, 675; permitted to plant and culti
vate squares and streets of Hardwicke, 760; Long Island granted, 799-
Mackay, Patrick, land at Joseph's Town granted to, 444; sworn as Coun
cillor, 449; appointed Senior Justice, 451; land granted to condition
ally, 473, 728; appointed Justice of Peace, 505; land warrant renewed,.
700; lot in Hardwicke granted to, 718; lot granted to, 747, 790; new
warrant issued to, 800.
Mackay, Peter, petition for lot rejected, 201; land granted to<, 239; lot
granted to, 587.
Mackay, William, land granted to conditionally, 821.
Mackintosh, Angus, land granted to conditionally, 594.
Mackintosh, Alexander, petition for land postponed, 748.
Mackintosh, Donald, land granted to, 238, 633; petition for land rejected,.
- 620; land granted to conditionally, 878.
Mackintosh, George, land granted to, 483.
Mackintosh, John B., sworn as member of Council, 92; left off Com
mission of Peace, 99; additional land granted to, 143; lot in Hard
wicke granted to, 167; land granted to, 483; appointed Justice of
Peace, 505.
Mackintosh, John D., land granted to conditionally, 510.
Mackintosh, John M., land granted to, 483, 532; appointed Justice of
Peace, 505.
Mackintosh, Lachlan, land granted to, 482.
Mackintosh, Roderick, appointed Justice of Peace, 505.
Mackintosh, William, land granted to, 483.
Mad Warrior, conference with, 613.
Mainer, William, land granted to conditionally, 897.
Maiden, William, land granted to, 243, 389.
Manley, Peter, petition for lot postponed, 808.
Manning, John, lot in Hardwicke granted to, 202, 312.
Marcer, Elizabeth, land granted to, 386.
Marcer, Samuel, lot in Hardwicke granted to, 165; proposed as member
of Council but not admitted, 205; land granted to, 387, 481; lot granted
to, 389; land granted to conditionally, 434; appointed Justice of
Peace, 505.
Marian, Charles, petition for lot in Hardwicke rejected, 203.
Marian, John, petition for lot rejected, 203.
Martin, Clement, member of Council, 89; lot in Hardwicke granted to,
in; sworn as member of Council, 174; land granted to, 175; sus
pended from Council, 265; land granted to, 328; half lot in Hard-
, wicke granted to, 330; appointed Justice of Peace, 504; land granted
to conditionally, 864; petition of to purchase land granted, 890.
INDEX. 95i
Martin, John, land granted to conditionally, 782.
Massey, Joseph, land granted to, 190, 531; petition for land rejected, 621.
Mathars, Thomas, land granted to, 359, 447.
Mattiears, Lewis, land granted to, 493.
Mattier, Lewis, land granted to, 687.
Maurer, Gabriel, lot granted to, 634.
Maurer, John, lot granted to, 636.
Maurir, Jacob, land granted to conditionally, 756; land granted to, 810.
Mauve, Mathew, land granted to, 481; lot in Hardwicke granted to condi
tionally, 581; land granted to, 686.
Maxton, Andrew, lot in Hardwicke granted to, 526; petition for land
postponed, 603; petition for land rejected, 603.
Maxwell, Audley, petition for land postponed, 151J land granted to, 185;
329, 386, 635; land granted to conditionally, 417, 520; appointed Jus
tice of Peace, 505; petition for land rejected, 924.
Maxwell, James, ordered to appear before Board, 497; appointed Jus
tice of Peace, 505; relinquishes land for landing, 534; his claim to
lands sustained, 572; petition of postponed, 620.
McAry, James, land granted to conditionally, 415.
McBean, John, land granted to, 532; land granted to conditionally, 595.
McCarty, Cornelius, proposal of to repair light house accepted, 507; lot
in Hardwicke granted to, 523; lot granted to conditionally, 710; com
pensation for extra work allowed, 731; desired to deliver in proposal
on repairing light house at Tybee, 844.
McClellan, John, land granted to, 481.
.McClenachan, John, land granted to conditionally, 852.
McCloud, Roderick, land granted to, 239.
McCollum, James, land granted to conditionally, 458.
McCpjlum, John, land granted to conditionally, 456; land granted to, 590.
McCrary, James, land granted to, 590.
McCullan, John, petition for land postponed, 161.
McCullem, John, petition for land rejected, 190.
McCurrie, Andrew, petition for land postponed, 817.
McDaniel, John, petition for land rejected, 159.
McDonald, Alexander, land granted to, 236, 790, 840; land granted to con
ditionally, 805.
McDonald, Donald, land granted to, 238, 531; land granted to condition
ally, 883.
McDonald, John, petition for land rejected, 289; land granted to condi
tionally, 473.
McDonald, Norman, petition for land rejected, 289; land granted to con
ditionally, 594.
McGillivray, Lachlan, letter from concerning Upper Creeks, 19; letter
from, 39; lot in Hardwicke granted to, 230, 347; land granted to, 344,
388, 790, 791; warrant for land endorsed, 493; appointed Justice of
Peace, 505; land granted to conditionally, 602, 653, 673; petition for lot
in Augusta granted conditionally, 603; petition for land rejected, 677;
petition of granted, 699.
952 INDEX.
McGregory, William, land granted to, 840.
• McGrigere, William, petition for land rejected, 235.
McGuire, Edward, land granted to conditionally, 550, 785; land granted,
McGuire, Joseph, land granted to conditionally, 585.
McHenry, James, land granted to conditionally, 363, 370; caveat of
against John Fitch, 369; lot in Augusta granted to conditionally, 370.
Mcintosh, Ann, land granted to conditionally, 593.
Mcintosh, Laughlan, land granted to, 702, 791; land granted to condi
tionally, 720, 757; petition for land rejected, 778.
McKay, James, land granted to, 531, 79°; land granted to conditionally,
McKay, John, land granted to conditionally, 882.
McKenzie, Alexander, land granted to conditionally, 431.
McKenzie, William, land granted to conditionally, 816; petition for land
postponed, 849.
McNish, John, land granted to conditionally, 833.
Mearn, John, land granted to, 841.
Megie, William, land granted to conditionally, 913.
Members of Assembly take oaths of office, 89, 912.
Memorial and remonstrance concerning William Little, 251, 262.
'Menzies, John, lot in Hardwicke granted to conditionally, 529; lot grant
ed to, 632.
Message from House of Representatives asking warrants for election of
members of Assembly to fill vacancies, 100.
Messenger of Council, salary allowed to, 334.
Metger, John Jacob, land granted to, 635.
Meyer, Jacob, land granted to, 481.
Meyers, Henry, account of allowed, 332.
Meyer, John Ludwig, land granted to, 387, 824; land granted to condi
tionally, 471; appointed Justice of Peace, 505; petition of rejected,
Meyer, John Ludwig & Company, mill site at Ebenezer granted to, 446.
Michie, Alexander, petition for land postponed, 582; attorney, petition
rejected, 755-
Michler, John, land granted to conditionally, 885.
Mick, Jonas, additional land granted to, 236; land granted to, 840.
Midway, petition of people of for land for landing postponed, 459.
Miers, Henry, petition of for land rejected, 438.
Milledge, Captain, ordered to receive Creek Indians and conduct them
through settlements, 644.
Milledge, John, lot in Hardwicke granted to, 166; lands granted to condi
tional, 655; land warrant prolonged, 783; petition for renewing land
warrant granted, 834.
Milledge, Richard, directed to make estimate of repairs on church, 173;
petition of for land rejected, 196; land granted to conditionally, 864.
Milledge, John and Richard, guardians, petition of postponed, 924.
INDEX. 953
"Millen, Stephen, land granted to conditionally, 726; petition for lot re
jected, 754.
Miller, George, land granted to conditionally, 854.
Miller,. James, land granted to, 292, 312; lot granted to, 686.
Miller, John Paul, land granted to, 685, 840; land granted to condition
ally, 807.
Miller, John Philip, land granted to, 445.
Miller, Nathaniel, land granted to conditionally, 556.
Miller, Stephen, land granted to, 840.
Mills, Thomas, petition for land rejected, 160.
Mills, William, land granted to conditionally, 403; land granted to, 447.
Minis, Abigail, land granted to conditionally, 512; petition for land re
jected, 681; land granted to, 687.
Minis, Esther, petition for lots postponed, 888.
Minis, Joseph, petition for land rejected, 165; lot in Hardwicke granted,
353; lot granted to, 530.
Minis, Minis, lot in Hardwicke granted to, 523; land granted to, 810; lot
granted to, 841.
Mitchell, John, land granted to, 387; land granted to conditionally, 885.
Mitchell, Sarah, land granted to, 387.
Mock, Bartholomew, land granted to conditionally, 871.
Mock, Thomas, land granted to conditionally, 871.
Montaigut, David, lot in Hardwicke granted to, 202; appointed Justice of
Peace, 505; land granted to, 633, 635, 809; land and lot granted to,
Moodie, Thomas, lot in Hardwicke granted to conditionally, 418; lot
granted, 447.
Moor, Aaron, land granted to conditionally, 918.
Moore, Aaron, land granted to conditionally, 434; land granted to, 589.
Moore, James, land granted to conditionally, 916.
Moore, William, petition for land postponed, 336; corroborates state
ment of Brown, 391; land granted to conditionally, 391, 462; warrant
for land endorsed, 493; applies for commission to lead Indians against
French, 549.
Morel, John, petition for lot in Hardwicke rejected, 202; account of paid,
212; land granted to, 310; lot in Hardwicke granted to, 350; land
warrant endorsed, 493.
Morel, Peter, petition for lot rejected, 351; lot in Hardwicke granted to,
Morels, Mary, account of examined, reduced and allowed, 214.
Morgan, William, petition for land postponed, 193.
Morgridge, Timothy, qualified as Clerk of House, 419.
Morrison, Hugh, land granted to, 791.
Motts, George, petition for land postponed, 551; land granted to condi
tionally, 581.
Muggyer, Edward, land granted to, 234.
Mullryne, John, land granted to, 790.
954 INDEX.
Munroe, Daniel, petition for land rejected, 289.
Munroe, Donald, land granted to conditionally, 696.
Munroe, James, land granted to conditionally, 818.
Murphy, Nicholas, petition of for land postponed, 176; lot in Augusta
granted to, 279.
Murray, John, petition for land postponed, 892.
Muter, James, lot in Hardwicke granted to, 526; petition for lot post
poned, 712; land granted to conditionally, 742.
Muttear, Lewis, land granted to conditionally, 441.
Mutter, James, petition for land rejected, 162.
Myres, Henry, land granted to, 197.
Neilson, James, land granted to conditionally, 796.
Nelson, John, land granted to conditionally, 894.
Nelson, Thomas, land granted to conditionally, 516.
Nephew, Peter, petition for land postponed, 195; land granted to, 233;.
land reserved for, 286; land granted to, 348.
Nesmith, John, land granted to conditionally, 893.
New Hanover, letter from Secretary of State with respect to, 844; pro
vision of land to be made for, 845; commissioners sent to command
removal of families there, 875.
New, James, land granted to, 345.
New, Samuel, land granted to, 344, 345; lot in Hardwicke granted to, 345.
Newberry, William, land granted to, 228; land granted at Augusta, 481.
Nibling, Bartholomew, land granted to conditionally, 470.
Norton, William, petition for land rejected, 230; land granted to, 685;
petition for land postponed, 789.
Newland, Andrew, claim of for reward postponed, 536.
Nunes, Moses, petition for lot in Hardwicke postponed, 514; petition for
land postponed, 639; land granted to conditionally, 744; petition for
land postponed, 923. O
Oath of clerk, 7.
Oath of councillors, 13.
Oboylaco, a Head Man, his interview with the Governor, 420.
O'Freels, Jeremiah, petition for land postponed, 375.
Ogleby, James, land granted to conditionally, 891.
Oneal, Susannah, petition for lot rejected, 577.
Opeya Old King, his talk, 732.
Order in Council, not order of Council, 307.
Osgood, Rev. John, land granted to, 158, 284, 285; ordered to appear be
fore Board, 497.
INDEX. 955
Osgood, John, land granted to, 358, 388, 686.
Osgood, Josiah, land granted to, 328.
Oswald, John, land granted to, 346.
Oswold, Joseph, petition for land postponed, 198; land granted to, 225.
Oswold, Mary, land granted to, 226, 346.
Oswold, Sarah, land granted to, 226, 346.
Ott, Charles Zigmund, lot granted to, 534.
Ott, Charles Sigmund, land granted to conditionally, 853.
Ottolenghe, Joseph, member of Assembly, 89; petition for land rejected,
193; allowed seventy pounds for care of public filature, 208; land
granted to, 327; lot in Savannah granted to, 327; appointed Justice
of Peace, 505.
Outerbridge, White, land granted to, 356, 530; lot in Hardwicke granted
to, 356; lot granted to, 530; land granted to conditionally, 574; lot
in Augusta granted to, 791.
Oyer and Terminer, courts of established, 30.
Pace, Richard, land granted to conditionally, 903.
Palmer, Thomas, petition for land postponed, 146J land granted to, 198;
warrant for land prolonged, 318; garden and town lots granted to,
Papot, James, lot in Savannah granted to, 327.
Papot, Margaret, petition for lot in Savannah rejected, 682.
Papot, Peter, lot in Savannah granted to, 326; land granted to, 327.
Parker, Mrs. Ann, widow, land granted to, 241, 636; petition for land
prolonged three months, 337.
Parker, Henry William, land granted to, 636.
Parker, James, lot in Hardwicke granted to conditionally, 794.
Parker, John, land granted to, 328.
Parker, Thomas, additional land granted to, 161; land granted to, 810.
Parris, Francis, land granted to conditionally, 784, 871.
Parris, James, land granted to, 327; land granted to conditionally, 715,
Pary, Francis, land granted to, 360.
Patterson, William, petition for lot rejected, 753.
Paul, George, petition for land rejected, 167, 240.
Paul, Luke, petition for land rejected, 242.
Paulitsch, John Martin, land granted to, 685.
Payne, William, land granted to conditionally, 746; warrant for land ex
tended, 902.
Peacock, Thomas, land granted to, 153, 284, 330; additional land granted
to, 233; land granted to conditionally, 807. '
Peacock, William, land granted to, 154, 293.
Pearson, John, land granted to conditionally, 921.
¦956 INDEX.
Pelton, Samuel, land granted to conditionally, 437, 797; petition for land
endorsed, 493.
Pember, Mary, lot in Savannah granted to, 310.
Perkins, John, lot in Hardwicke granted to, 163; land granted to, 323,
345, 589; appointed Justice of Peace, 505; land granted to condition
ally, 768; petition of postponed, 906.
Peters, Christopher, land granted to, 235, 635; land granted to condi
tionally, 374.
Peters, George, land granted to, 532.
Peters, Richard, warrant for land prolonged, 317.
Petitions for land to be received first Tuesday in each month, 127.
Petition of inhabitants of Midway River, etc., to have lands reserved for
postponed, 459.
Petition of forty-three Freeholders for lot in Savannah for a dissenting
meeting house granted, 183.
Pettycrew, John, letter from, 98; land granted to, 530.
Pettycrows, John, land granted to, 363; petition for land rejected, 373;
account allowed, 479.
Pettygrew, John, land granted to conditionally, 654.
Phcenix, Telamon, petition for lot rejected, 342; petition for lot in Hard
wicke rejected, 517.
Piercy, Joseph, land granted to conditionally, 813.
Piles, Samuel, land granted to conditionally, 555; lot in Frederica granted
to conditionally, 918; petition for land postponed, 921.
Pilot's fees fixed, 139.
Pilot's house on Tybee, estimate of cost, 174; proposal of carpenters as
to building, 507.
Pletter, John, lot granted to, 634.
Port, John Peter, petition for land postponed, 840.
Ports, Jacob, land granted to, 634.
Powell, James Edward, to be Judge Advocate of Court of Admiralty, 88;
member of Assembly, 89; lot in Hardwicke granted to, 162; appointed
Commissioner of the General Loan Office, 205; sworn as member of
Council, 262; land granted to, 292, 298, 312, 386, 388; appointed Public
Treasurer, 335; to be named as Justice in next Commission of Peace,
338; sworn as Public Treasurer, 338; lot in Savannah granted to, 343;
appointed Justice of Peace, 504; land granted conditionally, 607; com
missioned to go to New Hanover and command removal of families
there, and salary allowed for this service, 876.
Powell, James Edward & Co., lot in Hardwicke granted to, 320.
Powell, Josiah, petition for land postponed, 160; land granted to, 185.
Pownal, John, Secretary to Lords of Trade, etc., letter from concerning
condition of holding lands, 273.
Presbyterian meeting house, lot in Savannah granted for, 313.
Prescott, James, petition to have land reserved postponed, 884.
Prethere, John, warrant renewed, 561.
Prethero, John, land granted to, 224; warrant for land extended, 443;
INDEX. 957
land granted, 632, 824, 840; land granted to conditionally, 711, 854.
Price, John, petition for land rejected, 806; petition for land postponed,.
Primut, John, petition for lot rejected, 526; land granted to conditionally,.
Prisoners escape from public goal, and reward offered, for their apprehen
sion,. 180.
Pritchard, James, land granted to, 194, 687.
Proclamation convening General Assembly, 41; proclamation giving,
notice of the constituting Courts of Justice, 50; prohibiting exporta
tion of provisions, 409; prohibiting exportation of provisions re
voked, 453; of embargo on exportation of provisions, 475; continuing-
all officers in office, 490; for proroguing General Assembly, 672; pro
hibiting intrusion on Indian lands, 705; to issue for continuing all-
officers in office, 911.
Proctor, George, land granted to conditionally, 905.
Provost Marshal, fees allowed for commitments and discharges, 247;,
account of ordered paid, 261, 332, 479; takes oaths of office, 912.
Pruniere, Joseph, land granted to for wharf, 741; petition for land re
jected, 743; new warrant granted to, 877.
Pryce, Charles, lot in Hardwicke granted to, 514; land granted to condi
tionally, 886.
Public accounts ordered to be brought in, 507, 842; Habersham, Powell
and Knox appointed to examine, 545.
Public expenses, accounts for examined and ordered paid, 315, 323, 332,
Public executioner allowed salary, 218.
Public filature, 792.
Public jail needed, 215.
Public school, lot in Savannah appropriated for, 108.
Pugh, , appointed Justice of Peace, 691.
Quarterman, John, Sr., land granted to, 156, 328, 330.
Quarterman, John, Jr., land granted to, 157, 284; land granted to condi
tionally, 771. '
Quarterman, Rebecca, petition for land postponed, 188; land granted to,.
221, 331.
Quarterman, William, petition for land postponed, 785.
Question of new Commission of Peace referred to Attorney General, 453..
958 INDEX.
Rabenhorst, Christian, land granted to, 388, 588; appointed Justice of
Peace, 505.
Rabenhurst, Christian and others, trustees, land granted to, 531; petitions
granted conditionally, 866.
Rae, John, qualified as Representative for Augusta, 134; lot in Hard
wicke granted to, 163; letter from concerning Indian affairs, 172, 173;
appointed Justice of Peace, 505; land granted to conditionally, 697,
922; land granted to, 746.
Rae, William, petition for land rejected, 166.
Rahn, Conrade, land granted to, 685.
Rahn, Jasper, land granted to, 685.
Raines, William, land granted to conditionally, 725, 901.
Rangers stationed at Fort Argyle, 451; stationed at Ebenezer, 780; those
at Ebenezer recalled to Savannah, 824; escort of twelve for Mr. Ed
mund Atkin, 826; letter from General Abercrombie concerning, 845.
Rasberry, Thomas, land granted to conditionally, 729.
Read, James, petition for land postponed, no; lot in Hardwicke granted
to, 143, 348; land granted to conditionally, 155, 377, 454; land granted
to, 346, 445, 483, 633; bond of for settling land delivered up, 352;
qualifies as Councillor, 443.
*Red, Thomas, land granted to, 365, 634; land granted to conditionally,
366, 712; petition for land postponed, 468; lot in Augusta granted,
Redick, Peter, land granted to conditionally, 472.
Register of Grants takes oaths of office, 912.
Reidelsperger, Christian, land granted to, 388.
Reiser, Balthasar, petition for land postponed, 638; land granted to con
ditionally, 651, 775.
Reiser, George, land granted to conditionally, 679.
Reiser, Michael, land granted to, 445.
Reitter, Michael, land granted to conditionally, 697.
Remonstrance against conduct of William Little, 251.
Renter, Simon, lot granted to, 534.
Rents, John, land granted to conditionally, 463, 638, 797, 804; land war
rant prolonged, 846.
Retter, Simon, land granted to, 633.
Reuter, John, land granted to, 588.
Reuter, Simon, land granted to conditionally, 470.
Reward offered for persons dismounting guns, 171.
Reynolds, John, presents his commission as Governor, 10; commission
read, 10; takes the oaths of office, 10; commission recorded, 14; land
granted to, 283, 284, 294, 312; two lots in Hardwicke and one in Sa
vannah granted to, 329; delivers Great Seal to Ellis, 487.
Richardson, Samuel, lot in Hardwicke granted to conditionally, 499.
Richardson, William and Susannah, lot and land granted to, 686.
INDEX. 959
Rietter, Caul, land granted to conditionally, 757-
Rietter, Michael, land granted to conditionally, 858.
Rietter, Simon, land granted to conditionally, 858.
Rinck, Christopher, land granted to conditionally, 787.
Ritter, Michael, land granted to, 840.
Rivers, Anthony, petition for lot rejected, 585.
Rivers, Daniel Nunes, lot in Hardwicke granted to, 315; land granted to,
351, 389, 634.
Robe, Francis, petition for lot in Hardwicke rejected, 514.
Robinson, Pickering, named as Councillor, 9; petition for land postponed,
in; appointed Justice of Peace, 504.
Robinson, Sir Thomas, letter from, 208.
Roche, Matthew, petition for lot rejected, 228; additional land granted to,
241; lot granted to, 684; land granted to, 685, 687.
Rose, Alexander, land granted to, 687.
Ross, Donald, land granted to conditionally, 595.
Ross, Hugh, petition for land postponed, 372; appointed door-keeper,
449; land granted to conditionally, 474, 833, 878; land granted to, 562,
Ross, John, letter from respecting Indians, 41.
Ross, Lettimore, land granted to conditionally, 906.
Rosse, Alexander, land granted to conditionally, 374.
Rotenberger, Christopher, land granted to, 445.
Rouviere, John, land granted to, 317, 810.
Rouviere, Simon, land granted to, m; land granted to, 810.
Russell, William, named as Councillor, 9; declines to serve as Councillor,
10; appointed Commissary and Clerk of Public Accounts, 178; sworn
as Commissary and Clerk of Public Accounts, 181; ordered to dis
charge and make up accounts of expenses of silk culture, 208; ordered
to furnish French passengers with provisions and boats, 302; to make
report of condition of French people to Governor, 304; lot in Savan
nah granted to, 311; lot granted to conditionally, 727; lot granted to,
Rutherford, James, lot in Hardwicke granted to, 167; land granted to
conditionally, 376; land granted to, 687.
Sabb, Morgan, land granted to, 588.
Sachwighefer, Thomas, land granted to conditionally, 774.
Salfner, Matthias, land granted to, 361.
Sallis, Anthony, land granted to conditionally, 415; warrant for land en
dorsed, 493.
Sallis, John, land granted to conditionally, 821.
Sanders, Joshua, land granted to conditionally, 605; land granted to, 746.
Sarcer, William, land granted to conditionally, 557; land granted to, 810.
960 INDEX.
Sartin, John,- land granted to conditionally, 469; warrant for land en
dorsed, 493.
Sarzedas, Abraham, lot in Hardwicke granted to, 496; land granted to,.
Satisfaction demanded of Indians, 391.
Saunders, Lydia, land granted to conditionally, 773.
Savage, John, trustee, land granted to, 386.
Savage, Lovelass, land granted to conditionally, 430; petition of grant
ed, 699.
Savage, Robert, land granted to conditionally, 907.
Scales, William, land granted to, 444.
Scout boat ordered to be made, 477.
Schwighofer, Thomas, land granted to conditionally, 784.
Scott, Hamilton, land granted to conditionally, 768.
Scruggs, Richard, land granted to conditionally, 678.
Scull, John, land granted to conditionally, 806.
Seckinger, Matthias, land granted to conditionally, 813.
Secretary directed to furnish acts of General Assembly to Attorney
General, 745.
Secretary of State, letter from, 844.
Sellea, John, door-keeper, account paid, 323.
Seillie, John, account of examined and allowed, 208.
Senior, George, land granted to conditionally, 879.
Seymer, John, petition for lot rejected, 343.
Shad, Solomon, land granted to, 530.
Shave, John, land granted to, 344; petition for land rejected, 519.
Shaw, Alexander, land granted to conditionally, 466; land granted to,
Shawanese Indians, attitude of, 643.
Sheftall, Benjamin, lot in Savannah granted to, 344; land granted to con
ditionally, 553.
Sheftall, Levi, lot granted to, 525; land granted to conditionally, 586, 73^.
Sheftall, Mordecai, petition for land rejected, 146; land granted to con
ditionally, 441; warrant for land endorsed, 493; lot in Hardwicke
granted to, 524; land granted to, 560; petition for lot rejected, 756.
Shelley, Philip, petition for land postponed, 921.
Sheraus, George, land granted to conditionally, 838.
Sheraus, John, land granted to, 635.
Sheriff, John, petition for land postponed, 353.
Shortner, Mary Magdalena, land granted to conditionally, 582; land war
rant prolonged, 748.
Shubdrien, Daniel, Jr., lot granted to, 534.
Shubdrien, Nicholas, land granted to, 687.
Sigfrit, George, land granted to, 145.
Silk culture, bounty to encourage, 114; expenses of ordered to be dis
charged, 208, 244; opinion of traders in raw silk in London commu
nicated to Board, 270; money paid for cocoons, 803.
INDEX. 961
Simmons, Elizabeth, land granted to, 357.
Sinclair, Sarah, widow, land granted to, 283; lot in Hardwicke granted
to, 283.
Sisson, Thomas, land granted to conditionally, 817.
Sisson, William, petition for land rejected, 793; land granted to condi
tionally, 795.
Skeets, John, land granted to conditionally, 716.
Slyterman, Jeremiah, petition for lot rejected, 528.
Slyterman, Matthias, lot in Hardwicke granted to, 511.
.Small-pox, vessel infested with quarantined at Tybee, 137; preventative
to spread of, 781.
Smallwood, Robert, land granted to, 159, 330; land granted to condi
tionally, 877.
Smith, John, land granted to, 195; lot in Hardwicke granted to, 199;
warrant for land prolonged, 317; land granted to, 345, 346, 483, 632;
land granted to conditionally, 440, 915; petition for land rejected, 849.
Smith, Lemuel, land granted to, 151.
Smith, Mary, petition for land postponed, 152; petition for land rejected,
Smith, Mary, widow, land granted to, 220, 330.
Smith, Thomas, petition for land postponed, 248; land granted to, 266;
petition for land rejected, 587; land granted to, 632.
Smith, William, land granted to conditionally, 738.
Smyth, Lewis, land granted to, 159.
Sneider, Andrew, land granted to conditionally, 851.
Sneider, John George, land granted to conditionally, 851, 852.
Snider, Henry, land granted to, 531.
Snook, John, petition for lot rejected, 752.
Snyder, John George, lot granted to, 533.
Snyder, Michael, land granted to, 533.
Somerville, Edward, petition for land postponed, 874.
Sommers, Joseph, land granted to, 636.
Sotherland, John, petition for land rejected, 197; complaint of against
Indians, 210; pursues Indians, 211; account paid, 212.
Southerland, Robert, land granted to conditionally, 469; warrant for
land endorsed, 493.
Spencer, John, land granted to conditionally, 373, 604, 900; lot in Hard
wicke granted to conditionally, 373; land granted to, 446, 632.
Spencer, Richard, land granted to, 387.
Spencer, William, appointed Judge of Court of Oyer and Terminer, 40;
to be Register of Court of Admiralty, 88; accounts as Deputy Clerk
allowed, 348, 349; appointed Justice of Peace, 505; lot and land
granted to, 687.
Stacy, John, petition for land postponed, 886.
Stainer, Christian, lot granted to, 533.
Staley, John, land granted to conditionally, 830.
Stailey, John, land granted to, 685.
60 c r— vol 7
962 INDEX.
Stailey, John, Jr., land granted to, 686.
Staley, Frederick, land granted to conditionally, 832.
Staley, Gotlieb, land granted to conditionally, 832.
Standly, Joseph, land granted to, 312.
Stanhope, Samuel, lot in Hardwicke granted to, 164; land granted to,
194, 347-
Stanley, Joseph, land granted to, 168, 791.
Stanly, Joseph, land granted to, 311.
Stayley, Gotleb, land granted to, 633.
Steadhand, Benjamin, land granted to conditionally, 902.
Stedman, William, land granted to conditionally, 552.
Stensdorff, Peter, land granted to, 633.
Stephens, David, petition for land postponed, 162; land granted to, 197,
330; lot in Hardwicke granted to, 199; caveat of against Maurice
Dullea having grant for land litigated, 309; land ordered to be laid
out for, 309; lot granted to, 389.
Stephens, John, land granted to, 310.
Stephens, Newdigate, lot in Hardwicke granted to, 201.
Stephens, Thomas, petition for lot postponed, 202.
Stevens, John, land granted to, 158, 346, 347; petition for land postponed,
357; appointed Justice of Peace, 505; land granted to conditionally,
749. 750.
Stewart, Ann, lot in Hardwicke granted to, 199.
Stewart, James, land granted to conditionally, 593.
Stewart, John, land granted to conditionally, 414.
Stewart, John, Sr., land granted to, 233, 388; petition for land postponed,
Stewart, John, Jr., land granted to, 234, 329, 358, 481.
Stewart, Robert, land granted to, 353, 687.
Story, Charles, petition for land postponed, 873. ; _;
Stroub, Peada Clara, lot granted to, 634. :. 1
Struthers, William, land granted to conditionally, 709, 900. - r • j
Stuart, John, land granted to conditionally, 727.
Stutz, Michael, land granted to, 362, 530; lot in Hardwicke granted to,
Subdrien, Daniel, land granted to conditionally, 882.
Subdrien, Joseph, land granted to, 685; land granted to conditionally, 857.
Summerville, Edward, petition for lot in Hardwicke postponed, 523.
Summer, Joseph, land granted to, 636.
Summers, Edward, land granted to, 446.
Sumner, Edward, petition for land rejected, 159.
Sumner, John, petition for land rejected, 193. ' -j
Sumner, Mary, petition for land rejected, 193. i
Sumner, Susannah, petition for land rejected, 193.
Surveyor General, fees of fixed, 136.
Surveyers General, apply for addition to their fees, 245; addition granted,
245; to return two certificates into Secretary's office, and to take six
pence for each, 286; memorial of, 291; to renew all past surveys of
INDEX. 963
land, 292; ordered to lay out David Stephens' land, 309; to prolong
warrant for surveying land, 317; ordered to make plat of town and
township of Ebenezer, 385; to deliver plans only when ordered by
Council, 731.
Surveyors required to deliver to the Surveyers General plans and plats,
Sutherland, Robert, petition for land rejected, 623.
Sweiger, George, land granted to conditionally, 470; land granted to, 810.
Swiger, George, lot in Ebenezer granted to, 534.
Swiser, Michael, petition for land rejected, 223.
Switzer, Michael, lot granted to, 589; land granted to conditionally, 776;
warrant prolonged, 880.
Talfare, Jacob, petition for lot rejected, 512.
Tanner, John, land granted to conditionally, 675.
Tannatt, Edmund, member of Council, 89; lot in Hardwicke granted to,
in; land granted to, 126, 387, 389; land granted to conditionally, 495,
827; proposed as Assistant Judge of General Court, 504; appointed
Justice of Peace, 505; sworn as Justice, 536.
Taylor, Lieutenant Charles, letter from, 425.
Taylor, Nathan, land granted to, 634.
Tax collectors ordered to collect taxes promptly, 747.
T'Bear, David, petition for land rejected, 146; land granted to, 364, 387.
Tebear, David, land granted to conditionally, 637.
Teasdale, John, land granted to, 445.
Tew, George, lot in Hardwicke granted to, 560.
Thilo, Christian, land granted to conditionally, 463; appointed Justice of
Peace, vice Theobald Kieffer, resigned, 691.
Thomas, Athanasius, land granted to conditionally, 463; warrant for land
endorsed, 493.
Thomas, Gilshot, petition for land postponed, 332, 816.
Thomas, Joanna, widow, land granted to conditionally, 895.
Thomas, John, Sr., land granted to conditionally, 462; warrant for land
endorsed, 493.
Thomas, John, appointed Justice of Peace, 505; land granted to condi
tionally, 623.
Thompson, James, petition for lot postponed, 575.
Thornton, John, land granted to conditionally, 898.
Threadcraft, George, land granted to conditionally, 786.
Todd, Giles, petition for land rejected, 160, 240.
Todd, John, Sr., land granted to, 633.
Todd, John, Jr., petition for land rejected, 240; land granted to condi
tionally, 522; land granted to, 588.
Togulki, Mico, of Lower Creeks, speech of, 648.
964 INDEX.
Tondee, Peter, petition for lot rejected, 200; lot in Hardwicke granted to,
Torquintz, Peter, land granted to, 686.
Trattles, William, applies for leave to land French people, 301.
Treason and felony, persons accused of, 30.
Treaty, new one signed by Creek Indians, 664; copy of, 665.
Treasurer takes oaths of office, 912.
Triboudet, John Francis, land granted to, 152; land granted to condi
tionally, 608.
Tripp, Isaac, petition for lot rejected, 200; petition for land rejected, 378;
land granted conditionally, 467; warrant for land endorsed, 493; land
granted to, 686.
Trip, Thomas, ordered to make estimate or repairs on church, 173.
Tritlen, Frederic, land granted to conditionally, 587; land granted to, 809.
Trittlen, John Adam, land granted to conditionally, 379; land granted to,
Truan, David, petition for lot rejected, 519.
Truon, David, land granted to, 388.
Trustees' garden granted to the Governor, 101.
Tybee, work at paid for, 692.
Tubear, David, warrant for land prolonged, 753; land granted to, 810;
petition for land rejected, 835.
Tucker, Edward, petition for lot postponed, 524.
Tuckabatchee Indians, conference with, 668.
Turner, Lewis, petition for land rejected, 495.
Uchee Indians, conference with, 668.
Uland, George, petition for land rejected, 153.
Unseld, David, land granted conditionally, 820.
Unseld, David, petition for land rejected, 522.
Upper Creeks demand satisfaction for two of their tribe killed, 419.
Van Beverhoudt, Adriann, lot in Hardwicke granted to, 169, 329.
Van Beverhoudt, Isebrandt, lot in Hardwicke granted to, 169, 329.
Van Beverhoudt, John, petition for lot rejected, 170.
Van Beverhoudt, Lucas, petition for lot rejected, 170.
Vanderhorst, William, petition for land rejected, 830.
Vanmunch, Charles, land granted to, 483.
Vanmunch, Christian, land granted to, 483.
Vanmunch, Thomas, land granted to, 483.
Vann, John, appointed Justice of Peace, 691.
INDEX. 965
Venning, Samuel, account of, for bringing down prisoners from Augusta,
ordered paid, 177.
Villard, David, petition for land postponed, 165; petition for land re
jected, 200.
Vincent, Thomas, lot in Hardwicke granted to, 164; land granted to, 190;
lot granted to, 250; sworn Deputy Clerk of Council, 295; oath of
office, 295; appointed Justice of Peace, 505; resigns office of Deputy
Clerk of Council, 506; land and lot granted to, 686.
Voters, qualifications of, 27.
Wade, Nehemiah, lot granted to, 275.
Wade, Nehemiah, Jr., land granted to conditionally, 608.
Wainwright, William, land granted to, 223, 405; caveat against, 385, 405.
Walker, Andrew, lot in Savannah granted to, 327.
Walker, George, land granted to conditionally, '713.
Walker, Thomas, land granted to, 196; land granted to conditionally,
Wallace, Richard, land granted to conditionally, 905.
Walthour, Jacob Gasper, land granted to, 634.
Ward, Bryan, land granted conditionally, 718.
Watson, Charles, ordered to deliver up records of town court to clerk of
Court of Records, 49; member of Assembly, 89; ordered before Coun
cil, 99; appears as attorney for Harris & Habersham, 282; lot in Sa
vannah granted to, 327; sworn Clerk of Council, 506; land granted to
conditionally, 736; lot granted to, 746.
Watson, Joseph, petition for land postponed, no; reimbursed, 592.
Watson, Nathaniel, land granted to, 311.
Way, Andrew, land granted to, 189, 446; petition for land rejected, 458;
land granted to conditionally, 884.
Way, Edward, additional land granted to, 156; petition for land rejected,
232; land granted to, 312, 635; petition for land postponed, 418; land
granted to conditionally, 516.
Way, Joseph, land granted to, 222, 331.
Way, Moses, land granted to, 387.
Way, Nathaniel, land granted to, 387.
Way, Parmenas, additional land granted to, 224; land granted to, 285;
lot in Hardwicke granted to, 305, 389.
Way, Thomas, land granted to, 633.
Weatherford, Charles, land granted to conditionally, 649.
.Weatherford, Martin, land granted to conditionally, 724.
Weatherford, William, land granted to conditionally, 721.
Weaver, Michael, land granted to conditionally, 855.
Weber, John Michael, land granted to, 533.
Weddal, Benjamin, lot in Savannah granted to, 326.
966 INDEX.
Weidman, John Ludwig, land granted to, 481.
Welch, William, lot in Hardwicke granted to, 357.
Wemyss, James, proposal of to repair light house accepted, 507; land
granted to conditionally, 558.
Wertsh, John Gasper, land granted to, 445; lot granted conditionally,
508; warrant for land prolonged, 796.
Wertsh, John Gasper and others, trustees, land granted to conditionally,
West, Charles, land granted to, 129, 313, 326; petition for land rejected,
342; land granted to conditionally, 404, 525, 577, 876; lot in Hard
wicke granted to, 589.
West, Matthias, land granted to, 633.
West, Nicholas, petition for lot postponed, 527; land granted to condi
tionally, 868.
Westley, James, land granted to conditionally, 719.
Weston, James, land granted to conditionally, 466; warrant for land en
dorsed, 493.
Wetson, James, land granted to, 632.
White, Thomas, land granted to conditionally, 402; warrant for land
endorsed, 493; land granted to, 685.
Whitefield, James, petition for lot rejected, 360; land granted to condi
tionally, 384, 759; land granted to, 447, 809; lot in Hardwicke granted
to, 514.
Widman, Ludwig, land granted to conditionally, 607.
Wilkins, William, affidavit of concerning intended invasion by French
and Creeks, 429.
Wilson, Benjamin, petition for lot in Hardwicke rejected, 201.
Wilson, John, petition for lot in Hardwicke rejected, 202; petition for
land rejected, 872.
Wilson, Joseph, land granted to conditionally, 714.
Wilson, Robert, ordered to be released from goal, 245.
Wilson, Thomas, petition for lot rejected, 203; land granted to, 841.
Wilson, William, petition for land rejected, 160.
Williams, Abraham, land granted to conditionally, 819.
Williams, John, land granted to conditionally, 724.
Williams, John Francis, appointed Justice of Peace, 691.
Williams, Robert, Jr., lot granted to, 633.
Williams, Stephen, land granted to conditionally, 769.
Williams, Thomas, land granted to conditionally, 604.
Williamson, Benjamin, land granted to conditionally, 375, 717.
Winkler, George, land granted to conditionally, 848.
Winn, John, land granted to, 198; lot in Hardwicke granted to, 223, 330;
land granted to, 346; land granted to conditionally, 693.
Winn, Joseph, land granted to, 686.-
Witter, Jacob, land granted to conditionally, 817.
Wolf King Mico, his answer to Governor's speech, 647; address on
treaty being signed, 664.
INDEX. 967
Wood, Isaac, land granted to conditionally, 723.
Wood, Joseph, lot in Hardwicke granted to conditionally, 730; land
granted to, 746.
Woodland, James, land granted to conditionally, 855.
Woodland, Joseph, petition for land postponed, 682.
Workmen employed on new Council house and goal ordered to bring in
bills, 115; render bills, which are ordered paid, 116.
Wright, Joseph, employed to invite Creek Indians to an interview with
Governor, 643; additional allowance made to for services in bringing
down Indians, 671.
Wright, William, lot in Hardwicke granted to, 162; land granted to, 313.
Writs for election of Representatives issued, 385.
Wylly, Alexander, lot in Hardwicke granted to, 167; land granted to,
292; appointed Justice of Peace, 505; petition for land postponed, 521;
warrant extended, 605; land granted to conditionally, 651, 698, 868.
Wylly, Francis, land granted to conditionally, 367; land granted to, 791.
Yates, Nathaniel, land granted to, 306.
Yonge, Henry, member of Assembly, 89; lot in Hardwicke granted to,
125, 313; lot in Savannah granted to, 131, 313; oath of secrecy and
fidelity administered to, 182; petition for land postponed, 262; memo
rial of, 291; land granted to, 285, 286, 288, 330, 532; account allowed,
348; appointed Justice of Peace, 505; land granted to conditionally,
Yonge, Henry, trustee, land granted to conditionally, 777.
Yonge, Francis, lot in Hardwicke granted to, 161, 313; land granted to,
Young, Isaac, lot in Hardwicke granted to, 200; land granted to condi
tionally, 708.
Young, John, lot in Hardwicke granted to, 528.
Young, Mary, widow, land granted to, 809.
Young, Thomas, land granted to, 790.
Zaut, Solomon, land granted to, 445.
Zeigler, George, land granted to conditionally, 865.
Zeigler, Lucas, permitted to exchange land, 152.
Zeprer, Peter, petition for land rejected, 874.
Zetler, Matthias, lot and land granted to, 632.
Zimerabuer, Ruprath, land granted to, 445.
968 INDEX.
Zipperrer, Christian, petition for land postponed, 191.
Zipprer, Christian, land granted to conditionally, 836.
Zitrauer, John George, land granted to conditionally, 836.
Zittauer, Paul, land granted to, 446.
Zouberbuhler, Rev. Mr. Bartholomew, memorial of, 108; memorial of
concerning condition of church at Savannah, 173; petition for land
rejected, 199; lot granted to, 249; grant for land on Savannah River
postponed, 282; land granted to, 326, 331, 481; petition for land post
poned, 377; land granted to conditionally, 431, 862; claim for land
postponed, 480; appointed Justice of Peace, 505.
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