M -^tMt p^Xh^Vi^ ft*^ -••viW'ftMfn''^ 1 4A »"*¦ -* ¦• I «T2aiLIE«>¥]MII¥EIES2TrY- 1929 lancasbirc f arisb H^giat^r ^orietg. OF THE f arisb Cbnrcb of Walton-on-tbc-liU. ^\ft ^Z^lBttXB OF THE !aris| €\mt\ 0f Walt0n.on-t|tpill IN THE Conntg of lantaatcr. Cbristeitings, fSnriab, an5 Withlim^s 1586 to 1663. Transcribed and Edited by ARTHUR SMITH, B.A., LL.B,, Clerk of the Peace for the County Borough of Wigan. Printed by permission of the Rev. Chas, Gerard Leigh, M.A., Rector of Walton-on-the-Hill, and Hon, Canon of Liverpool. Printed for the Lancashire Parish Register Society, By Strowger & Son, at the Clarence Press. 1900. BtB4.3ij V. ^tdsiu. "T^HE old Parish of Walton-on-the-Hill, now -*¦ partially within the Municipal Borough of Liverpool, contained nine Townships — Bootle-cum- Linacre, Everton, Fazakerley, Formby (separated from the rest of the Parish of Sephton), Kirkby, Kirkdale, Simonswood, Walton, and West Derby. The Parish of Liverpool formed part of the Parish until i66g. During the period covered by this volume, there were the following Chapelries : — (a) Liverpool, which was separated from the Parish of Walton in 1669, although the registers date from 1661 ; (b) West Derby, called " an antient Chapel" in 1650. This Chapelry was taken out of Walton in 1843, but the Registers date from 1695. (cj Toxteth Park. This was extraparochial. (d) Formby. This existed before the Reformation, but the Registers only date from 17 10. In the Township of Kirkby there was the Church of St. Chad's, but the registers only date from 1678. Apparently, during the period covered by this volume, many of the baptisms, burials, and weddings, of the whole of the parish, as then constituted, were recorded in the Walton Registers, although it does not necessarily follow that the ceremony was performed at the mother Church (e.g., see pp. 48 and 51 of this volume). The Walton Registers are in very good condition. The first volume of parchment measures 13J inches in length by 6^ inches in breadth, and contains 102 leaves. The second volume, also of parchment, measures loj inches in length by 7 inches in breadth, and contains 50 leaves. The present volume contains 5305 entries, and comprises the whole of the contents of the first volume of the original Registers, and so much of the second volume as is contemporaneous with the period covered by the first volume. The second volume of the Registers was commenced by the "Register" elected under an Act of Parliament of 1653, after which year entries seem to have only been made intermittently in the first volume, and then it would seem only after the " Register" ceased in the year 1656, to perform his duties. There are no entries in either volume for the following years :— Births or Baptisms .... 1642 to 1653 Burials 1642 to 1653 Marriages 1659 to 1653 A transcript in M.S. of the old Registers, the work of the late Clerk of the Parish, is kept in the Vestry, and although I was not always able to accept the readings adopted therein, I frequently found this transcript of great assistance in the solution of my difficulties. Vll. I am deeply indebted to the Hon. Secretary of the Society for assistance in transcribing from the original register, in collating the M.S. therewith, in the revision of the proof sheets, and, indeed, for valuable advice and criticism in every department of the work ; and to Mr. Arrowsmith ('Editor of the Transcript of the Wigan Parish Register^ for the table of the variations of importance which occur in the Episcopal Transcript, for assistance in the revision of the proof sheets, and above all, in the very tedious and trying work of checking the Index. I have to express my grateful thanks to the Rector of the Parish for permission, so readily accorded, to transcribe the Registers ; and to Mr. Hutchinson, the Clerk of the Parish, who, by his continued courtesies, not less than by his interest in the work, added to the pleasure of my frequent visits to Walton, VllL (Kont^nts. PAGES. Pbkfaoe V. VII. Chbistenings 1— 76 Burials 76—152 Marriages ... ... 153—187 Miscellaneous Entries 188—192 Episcopal Transcripts ..... 193—197 Index of Christian Names and Surnames 199—246 Places 247—251 „ Trades and Various Matters . 252—253 Errata 254 t^t dPitiiBim of t^t (parte? of lX}a(ton. Liber regestr' a" dnj 1586 Noia et cognoia omnia et singula eor' qui in ecclesia pochiaii de Walton a vicessimo quinto die Decembris in a" dnj 1586 babtisati fuerunt p me Petrum Hey clericS et ibide' tum vicariS [The names and surnames all and singular of those who in the parish church of Walton from the twenty-fifth day of December in the year of our Lord 1586 were baptised by me Peter Hey Clerk and then of that place Vicar] Francis CHBISTENINGS [1586] d. Jo: More Gent Febbuabij ... 5 Katherine Tho: &Eic5 Jo: Lawrance Eic Tho: ElibethJo. Jo: 1587 d.of Wm Spenser s. of Tho: Higgenson s. of Eic Woolfall de Darbye s. Tho. Banckes s. of Mr. Jo: Lathams s. of Tho M'c' de Walton . . . d.of s. of Wm Amott . Bryan Farror s. of Tho Coocke Mahoij* .. 5 6 .. 1015 .. 17 27 Aprtll .. 1526 Maye .. 30 * In a later hand the words "Walton Church" have been written opposite this entry . Walton Eegisters. 1587-1588 Edwarde Eaphe s. of s. of Tho: Strange Hugh Medow Henrye s. of Omfrey Hey Joane Jane Tho: d.of d.of s. of Eobt Glover Jo: Pazs Jo Finohe Anne Henrye d.of s. of Jo: Poole Eic Haughton Katherine Eobt d.of s. of EiS MV de Darbye .. Eoger Harrison . . . Elin d. of Jo: Haworth of Darbye Margreat Jo: d.of s. of Jo: Faz' HughPazS Edwarde Edwarde s. of s. of Eobt Boulton ... Mr. Eoger Breers . . 1588 Henrye s. of Eio Toppinge Eic Eobt B. of 3. of Tho: Higgenson Edward Hytches .., Tho: s. of Wm Greene Henrye s. of Jo : Harrison . . . Francis d. of Eic WoolfaU Marye d. of Edmude Jumpe Tho s, of Henrye Ligh JUME 3 ... 15 Julye 23 September ... 2 19 ... 20 October 8 ... 23 NOVEUBBIS 3 ... 25 December ... 13 Januarye 19 ... 27 Februarie 14 ... 23 Mabohb ... 4 Apryll 7 ... 25 June 8 July 5 28 September 7 16 1588-1589 Baptismbs. Elizabeth d.of Ei^Hulme Anthonye s. of Tho: Eogerson Wm s. of Nye Mollineux Ja: s. of Wm Tarleton & Margcj Jo: s. of Mr David Whitfielde Dorithye Jo: d.of s. of Eic Haughton Tho : Coocke de Bootle Piers s. of Mr Peter Leigh MargerieJo: d.of s. of Jo: Eigbye EobtWOlmson Willm s. of Eic Mekin de Darbye Wm Anne s. of d.of Eobt Houghton Jo: Boulton 1589 Margerye d.of Nyoholas Stockley... WmTho: s. of s. of Eic Aymsdals Jo: Gardiner Elizabeth d. of Jo: Eatchdall Eobt s. of Tho: Strange .. Tho : s. of Wm Waringe . Marie d. of Mr Jo : Latham Marye d. of Ja: Berrye Eic. s. of Eoger Eigbye Margerye d.of Eic M'c' de Darbye Wm s. of WmSmerley Tho: s. of Eic M'c» Wyllm s. of Jo: Wiastandley * Written over " Eobt." struck through. Ootobbb ... 9 23 Novemb® ... 9 26 ... 28 Deoemb" 15 ... 26 29 Januarie ... 13 22 Pebeuaeib ... 13 29 ... 30 March ... 10 Aprill 8 ... 14 June ... 25 27 ... 29 Septembr 3 ... 6 19 Ootobr ... 8 ... 10 15 Walton Eegisters. 1589-1590 Anne d. of Jo: Sadler Elen d. of Edmude HoUand Jo: s. of Eic Toppiage.. Margreat d, of Eobt Poughten ... Jane d. of Jo: Wmsone ... Jo: s. of EiS Fisher George s. of Jo: Coocke ... Elen et Jane d. of Tho: Eogerson ... Dorithye d.of Jo: Diconson... Eic s. of Tho Plompton Eic s. of Eic Garston ... NoVEMBB 1 5 ... 13 Deoembe 17 23 28 ... 8 Januabie 17 Febeuaeie ... 14 19 ... 21 Margerye Gawther Wm Evan Marye Tho: 1590 d. of Eoger Harp s. of Tho: Thelwall s. of Jo: Cowp s. of Mr Eic Haughton... d. of Wm Smith ... . s. of Jo: Poole d. of Henrye Eyse s. of Edmude Boden d. of Eic Anderton s. of Wm. Washington ... EoseJo:ElenJo: Elen & Jone d. of Eobt Lonsdall Eic Jane Jo; s. of Jo: Boulton de Ewzam. d. of Jo: Moore de Walton s. of Henrye Ligh Maeche 28 Aprill ... 1723 ... 30 Mays 14 ... 19 June 19 Julye ... 29 August 2 ... 59 September ... 2329 October ... 30 1590-1591 Baptismes. EobtJo:pnell s. of s. of d.of Mr Eoger Breers Ehior Fletcher Eic Toppiage ... Lawrance Elizabeth s. of d.of Eobt Faz" ... Jo: Harrison Tho: Tho s. of s. of Edwarde Harrison Tho Higgerson ... Tho: s. of Eic Worsley Novembb 1 ... 23 27 Decembr ... 18 26 Januabie ... 18 22 Februarye 2 1591 Eobt s. of Henrye Tasker and Jane Barwicke Tho: s. of Mr Jo: Latham Tho: s. of Eic Gaskin Eic : s. of Peter Mosse et Clarisse Hogg Alice d. of Mr Jos Moore Jane d. of Jo: Musker Eic s. of Jo: Faz» Prances s. of Mr Peter Ligh ... EUzabeth d. of Eobt Woods ... Tho : s. of George M'c" & M'great Woods Jo: s. of Jo : Vose de Darbye Eobt s. of Tho: Strange Eic s. of Tho : Danett & Elin Berrie .. Eafife s. of Eic° Bridge & M'gerie Harp Eobt s. of Eobt Houghton Anne d. of Nic Vose & Jane Jania" Eobt s. of Jo : Bunckhorne & Sislye Baker Marche .. 13 25 ... 26 Apryll 26 Maye ... 10 13 June ... 17 Julye 17 ... 26 August 4 ... 7 Septembr 2628 30 October ... 18 22 ... 25 Walton Eegisters. 1591-1592 Margerie HenryeMargerieBryan Jo: Jo: Eobt. Eobt d. of Eic Eyse s. of Henrye Tyrer d. of Wm Henshall & M'gerie Gyll 8. of Eobt Burton s. of Eobt Gloover s. of Henrye *Jo : sone November 7 ... 9 Decembr 25 Januarie 6 ... 18 Februarie s. of Eobt Eobtson & Margerie Musker ... 22 s. of Jo: Moore 24 1592 Edward s. of Mr Eic^Haughton EUn d. of Jo: Anderton & Alice Whittle. Wm. s. of Wm Hey Jo: s. of Tho: Wright AUce d.of Wm Stadisshe Ja : s. of Jo : Woods & Margreat Bodkin EUzabeth d.of Wm Wade & EUn Tyrer Jane d. of Henrye Dey Wm s. of Jo : W^son de Liaaker Edward s. of Wm Burges & Anne M'c" Wm s. of Tho: Fletcher Eic s. of Wm Woods de Darbye Margerie d. of Nye Stockley * Johnson. Maeche ... 2930 Apryll ... 9 15 Maye ... 21 June 1 Julye ... 29 August 20 October ... 20 Novembr 19 Deo ... 23 Januarie 25 ... 29 1593-1594 Baptismes. 1593 Margreat d.of Eobt Gleast EUn Margreat d.of d.of Jo : More de Walton Edmude Jupe Wm s. of Lawrance Turner & Margerie M'c' Margreat d. of Margreat d. of Wm Gloover ... Eic Vose ... AUce & Jane d, of Wm Washington , Margreat d. of James MiUier Margreat d. of Eic Stockley Jo: s. of Eic Garston AUce d. of Eic Hare Wm s. of Jo : Burges de Darbye Sislye d. of & M'great Cariar Sislye d. of Jo: Sadler Eic s. of Sr Eic MoUneux Knight Margreat d. of Bryan Charles 1594 Apryll ... 7 Maye 6 ... 18 June 30 Aug ... 15 22 Seftembeb Ootobr 10 ... 16 December 21 ... 23 Januarie 25 ... 28 Februarye 8 ... 21 Marche 17 Francis d. of Tho: Wright ... Francis d. of Mr Eic *Houton AUce JaneElin d. of Wm Smith ... 22 7 Apbyll ... 6 Mays WUlm Whicke and Elizabeth Eccleston 17 EaffePryour 21 * Between the ' u ' and ' t ' are interlined ' gh' by a later hand. d.of d.of Walton Eegisters. 1594-1595-1596 Alice d.of Jo: Faz' Joane d.of Eic Anderton... EUzabeth d.of Eoger Mutche .. Ja: s. of Eobt Burton ... Nye Francis s. of d.of Edmude Whaley Wm Woods ... Julye 13 Aug ... 18 N ovembee 23 Januabie ... 18 Febbuaeye 24 ... 29 1595 Jo : s. of Wm Lunt of Darbye Eic s. of Lawrance Turner ... WUlm s. of EobtWorraU Eic s. of Jo : Eicbye de KirkdaU Eaffe s. of Eoger Eigbye Margreat d. of EUze Gloover & Jane Hey Anne d. of Jo: Cowp Omfrey s. of WUlm M'^ ... Jo: s. of Wm Cariar Eobt s. of Tho: Barton Wm s. of Jo: Watmough Eobt s. of Tho Fletcher Tho s. of Wm Bridge & Elin Wetherbye ... Aprill 5 .. 10 Maye 7 ... 20 Septembr ... 2930 Novembe ... 2325 Decembr 3 7 ... 13 Februarie 19 ... 27 Eoger Jane Tho: 1596 s. of Wm Boulton d. Wm Spenser & Margreat Eimmer s. of Henrye Ei&one de Litherlande ... Maeche 7 13 Aprill .. 17 1596-1597 Baptismes. Margreat & Alice ¦ d. of John Harper Anne EUzabethEUzabeth d. d. d. of Edwarde Benett Wm Stockley .. Wm Jo:sone.., Tho. s. of Myles Strange .. Jo: s. of Nye Lunt of Darbye ... Tho: s. of Jo : Wmson de Bootle Jane d. of Edwarde Damforth & Marye Orme EiS s. of Eobt Tarleton Tho: s. of EobtWorraU Jane d. of Tho. Boulton de olubmore WUlm s. of Jo : Breers and Jane Latham Anne d. of Tho. Bancke 9 Maye 17 Julye 3 13 ... 28 August 18 Septembr 4 15 Ootobr ... 1122 December ... 25 80 Januarie ... 8 27 Jo:EInorAnneTho. Anne MargreatAnne Francis MargreatJane s. of d.of d.of s. of d.of d.of d.of d.of d.of d. of 1597 Maeohe Eic Vsherwood and Margreat LonsdaU 19 Wm Smerley Tho. Bancke Aprill 17 25 Henrye Marton Henrye Wiadle June 29 31 WUlm Tarleton de OrreU... . Eobt Woodworth Julye 5 13 Tho: Wright Septembr 30 Wm Eobtson Eifi Anderton October 14 31 10 Walton Eegisters. 1597-1598-1599 Eobt s. of Edmud Whaley ... Nye s. of Jo: Eigbye Margerye d. of Henrye Bridge Deoembe ... 9 30 Januarie ... 7 1598 Jo: s. of Eic. Harrison and Dorithye Hey. AUce d. of Omfrey Wiadle EUzabeth d. of Jo: Muskin [sic'] Eic s. of Wm Stockley Margreat d. of Hamlett Stockley Eic s. of Jo: WUlmson de Linaker ... . EmUn d. of Tho: Knott Jo: s. of Eobt Wmson de Bootle Eoger s. of WUlm Burges . . . EUzabeth d.of Nye Eose ... . Marche ... 19 Aprill ... 4 16 June ... 27 August 30 Septembr ... 5 27 Deoembr ... 24 Februarie 27 ... 81 1599 Eoger s. of WUlm Faz' and Jane Jo: dought" Eic s. of Tho: Barton Mychael s. of Eobt Tarleton Anne d. of WUlm Burges Jo : s. of Jo : Harp de KirkdaU Eobt s. of Jo : LonsdaU de Low . Jo: s. of Nye Eose de Darbye... Maeche 6 ... 24 Maye 18 ... 28 Julye 18 September ... 2127 1599-1600-1601 Baptismes. 11 Eobt s. of Jon Coocke de Darbye. Eobt Wmsone de Darbye [sic] Marye d. of Peter Wainwright. December ... 8030 Januarie ... 10 Anne HenryeTho: AnneElizabethEaffe h Katherin b Wm AUceTho: KatherinJo: 1600 d. of Mr Eobt Hulme de NewhaU... s. of Bryan M'cer de Darbye ... s. of Wm. Blaekmore de KirkdaU... d. of Jo : Fletcher de Darbye ... d. of Anthonye Burges s. of Eoger Mutche de Bootle ... Marche .. 1223 Maye 6 23 June .. 29 August 18 October d. of Jo : Fleetwood de Netherton and Anne Wainwright ats Dickson de Darbye 6 November s. of Edward Tarleton de OrreU and Jane Cauldocke de Bootle 8 d. of Wm Eobtson de Darbye . . . s. of Peter Couldarke Januarie 2 ... 10 Februarie d. of Ja: Musker 13 s. of Jo : Madooke & M'great Bridge 30 EogerTho:EUn 1601 s. of Ja: Deye de Low s. of Tho : Plombe de Walton d.of Eaffe Pebrton Margreat d. of Nic Eenolde Marche ,.. 27 Apbyll 13 ... 29 Julye 21 12 Walton Eegisters. 1601-1602 Anne Eoger Nye Jo: EUzabeth George b Mathew JohnJohnEUzabeth JaneMargreat b Jo: EicJo: Wm. d.of s. of s. of s. of of d.of s. of s. of s. of s. of d. of d.of Holt Hugh Musker . Tho: Waringe Tho: Mosse Wm. Gardiner Henrye Marten . August ... 7 23 ... 28 September 21 ... 27 29 October Tho: Barton 12 Tho: Couldocke & Elizabeth Tyrer... 29 November 7 16 16 17 Mr. Eic MoUneux James Chahier de Darbye Jo: Poole de Darbye ... Wm. Bridge de Walton ., d. of Wm. MV de Linaker ... s. of Jo : Bridge & AUce Burges s. of Eaffe Pendleton s. of Tho: Standley s. of Wm. Hey December ... 28 Januabie 19 Febeuaeie ... 16 23 ... 26 1602 AUce d.of Wm. Gorton & AUce CarP Marche 19 George s. of Willm Scawrer Apryll 15 EUzabeth d.of MychaeU Whitehead Maye 28 WUlm s. of Thomas Strange June 27 Jane EaffeEUzabeth d.of s. of d.of Tho:Ascroft Eobt WoorraU Wm. Gloover August 7 18 19 1602-1608 Baptismes. 18 Jane d. of Eoger Harrison Francis d. of Mr Ei§ Moore . d. of Nic: Eose Jo: s. of Ei5 Stockeley b Margreat d. of Peter Marten and EUzabeth Baker Margreat d. of Tho: Standley Marye d.of Henry Amett Eic s. of Mr Eic MoUneux WiUm s. of Wm. Gloover 6 Elizabeth d. of Eic Aughton and Elen Eose AUce d. of Wm. Johnsoii de Darbye ... Eoger s. of Tho: Barton September 4 25 ... 27 October 7 23 December ... 3 Januarye 27 ... 2730 Februarye ... 1518 ... 25 1603 * Lawrance s. of Xxtofer Shurlaker Peter s. of Edwarde Haskeine ... Henrye s. of John Harvye Anne d.of Jo : Willin sone de Linaker ... . Eaffe s. of Eic M'c" de Darbye Tho : s. of Jo : Syre de KirkdaU Margreat d. of Eobt Moneley de Faz" John s. of Eobt M'cer de Walton Margreat d. of James Musker John s. of Wm WoorraU b Margreat d. of Geffray Gellye and Alice Shorlaker * The date " 1620" is written in left hand margin. Marche 1 Apryll 7 ... 9 Maye 7 ... 18 June 1 .. 23 Julye 7 Aug ,.. 27 October 23 ... 30 14 Walton Eegisters. 1603-1604 December b Thomas s. of John Bridge Alice Burges 12 Februarye AUce d.of John Barker 18 b Tho : s. of James Higgenson and Elen Watmough 27 1604 EllenorEic d.of s. of [No Entry] Mr Edwarde Moore Eobt Boulton Maeche Apryll ... 13 17 BicMargreat Eobt s. of d.of s. of WUlm Bridge Ja: Musker Tho: Hearnes Maye ... 9 14 ... 31 ThomasJohn s. of s. of Eic Bridge Willm Worrall & Mrgreat Syer ... Julys 7 ... 10 Alice Thomas d. of s. of Eobt Woodworth and Margreat Bogersone Thomas Barton August 2 ... 24 Willm Jane s. of d.of George CharUes Henrye Harp September 2 ... 18 ThomasHenrye s. of s. of Willm M'cer Eaffe Pemberton October 12 ... 28 BicHenrye s. of s. of Boger Harp Eaffe Pendleton November 19 ... 30 JohnAmre" [?] AUce s. of d.of d. of John Bridge & AUce Burges ... . Geffray Gellye Jo: Barker December 23 ... 29 30 ThomasJohn s. of s. of Ja: Higgensone Jo: Eylands Januarie ... 4 John s. of Eobt Boulton Febeuaeie ... 15 1605-1606 Baptismes. 15 1605 LawranceMargerye s. of d.of Edward Harrison 29 Tho: Paz" de Faz" 30 EdwardeEic s. of s. of June Eoger Harrison 28 Eaffe Bridge de Faz" 80 Lawrance Wm. s. of s. of August Tho: Stannanought 25 Eic. WUlmsone 30 Eobt John s. of s. of September Eoger Haughton 7 Tho: Johnsone 29 Anne d.of October Bryan Hoolme and EUzabeth FarcUffe 3 JaneWm. d. of s. of November WiUm Washington 25 Jo : Eose & Elen Winstanley 29 Margreat Eobt d.of s. of December BobtM'cer 24 Wm. Dicksoiie 80 LawranceNye. s. of s. of Januarye Willm Carter 20 Eio Stockley 26 AnneJohnEobt d.of a. s. of Febbuaeye Nye Bootle de Banok HaU 2 Xxtofer Shurlaker 8 Henrye Gleast 24 GraceArthure d.of s. of Maeche Halett Stockley 6 Henrye Gorsiche 24 Jo b Sislye Eic: s. of d.of s, of 1606 Eic Bridge de Walton Wm WoorraU and Elen Harvye WiUm Garston de Faz" Apryll 7 10 . 25 16 Walton Eegistees. 1606-1607 b KatherinAnneWUlm Jane Anne Jo: Amye EobtElen NicWmGeorge JoaneTho: Jo: JohnJo: d. of Wm MoUneux and Jane Bucke d. of John Crosse of Nye Walley de Bootle s. of MrEicMoore d.of Willm Crosse d. of James Dey s. of Eaffe Pemberton d.of Wm Danott et s. of Omfraye Shepheard .. d. of Jo: Heskett s. of Edwarde Darwen s. of James Eyse s. of Eobt Boulton d. of Lawrance Eose s, of Wm Eose of LowhiU s. of Hugh Bydinge s. Wm Tickle s. of Wm Blackmoore Maye 10 ... 13 15 ... 16 June 7 Julye ... 27 Septembee 30 November 7 ... 13 December 13 2228 ... 23 Januabie 4 ... 24 Febbuaeye ... 18 23 1607 Elen EUzabeth Margreat Margreat EdmudThomas Alice Anne WUlm d. of d.of d.of d.of Wm M'cer de Bootle Tho : HenshaU de Darbye Wm Wmson Jo: Bunckhorne Maeche 8 8 10 14 s. of s. of Gefiraye JoUye Tho: Barton Apeyll 13 28 d.of John Worsley Maye 8 d.of s. of Willffi Chalner . John Stinger June 17 27 1607-1608 Baptismbs. Britchett d.of Eaffe Pendleton... Margerye d.of Eowland Johnson... Eic. s. of Wm Hughson ... Eliz.AliceJane d.ofd.of d.of Jo. Syre Ja: Chalner Jo. Lice de OrreU ... Eio Tho: s. of s. of Wm Plombe Tho: Strange JamesJadith s. of d.of Eobt WoorraU ... Eic Brooks MargeryeTho: d.of s. of Tho: Stannanought Nye. Bridge Willm MargreatJaneEUzabeth s. of d.of d.of d.of Eobt Merc' James Higgenson ... Henrye Tesdall ... Edw: Harrison 17 Julye 27 August ... 30 Septembee 30 Octobee ... 79 ... 15 November 11 ... 11 December 13 ... 26 Januarys 13 ... 24 Februarye 4 ... 9 9 ... 17 WUlm EUzabeth Tho: JaneAnne EUzabeth Elen Alexander James Eobt * Hennrye 1608 Marche 3. of Thomas Henshall de Darbye 8 d. of Tho : Shorlaker and Margreat Higgenson 18 s. of Eondle WUlmson 23 Apbyll 17 ... 24 Maye 12 ... 15 June 2 ... 4 19 d. of Henrye d. of Wm Carter d.of Simond Eigbye d. of Tho : Forber and Alice Evenson a. of MrEicMoore s. of Bic Willinsone s. of Wm Gloover s. of Tho: Banner * Apparently an addition at a later date. 2 18 Walton Eegistees. 1608-1609 JohnJane Eic JaneIsabeUWm Margreat Eaffe Benjamin John GeorgeIsabeUMargeryeJohnEaffe Eic WUlmWiUm ElUs Anne b Eio AUce Margreat Thomas AUce s. of Edwarde Standishe d. of John Merc' de Tubroocke s. of Eaffe M'ces de Walton... d. of Jo : M'c' de Tubroocke d. of Tho: Barnes s. of Tho: Fazakerley d. of Eobt Boulton s. of Eoger M'c' de Walton s. of John Sadler a. of WyUm Eobtson s. of Jo. Crosse d. of d.of s of s. of s. of s. of s. of 8. of d. of s. of d. of d. of s. of d.of Henrye Marton . . Eaffe Pemberton Jo. Pooley Eobt MeUinge Edward Bridge John Hey de Darbye WUlm Pasmith de Darbye Eaffe Bridge de Faz. ... John Abbey Jo : Woods & Wm Gorton Anthonye Hey and Jane Meakin... WUlm Merc' de Linaker James Higginson de Everton Julye ... 1214 August 5 10 ... 1722 ... 31 Septembee 8 ... 13 19 ... 24 Octobee 2 ... 27 November 17 ... 28 December 4 ... 2329 Januabye ... 7 18 ... 24 29 ... 29 Febbuaeye 10 ... 28 1609 AUce d. of Wm Browne Loare d. of Tho: Meadow Eic. s. of Eobt Higgenson de KirkdaU AUce d. of Henrye Marton de Faz. ... Wm s. of John Heskett Mabohe .. 1327 Apryll .. 7 23 .. 28 1609-1610 Baptismes. 19 EobtHugh Katherin b Sarai b John Tho:Anne Nye. Alice JudithTho:AUceTho: MaryeWUlm b Elnor Eic.ElenGeorgeDavid s. of Ada" ¦ de Clubmoore a. of Jo : Eose de Clubmoore d. of Mr Eic: Moore June 19 . 20 August 28 September d. of George M'cer & Elizabeth Bryanson ats John'sdoughter de Sephton ... 9 aonne of Wm Moare & Jane Eicsdoughter ats Anthonyesdoughi? 14 s. of Jo: Bunckhorne a. of John HenshaU de Everton d. of Jo: Worsley s. of WiUm Stockley d.of Eic Boulton d.of Eaffe Wigaine s. of Jo: MoUneux d. of Tho. Thomasson 3. of Eaffe Bradshaw d. of Jo: Tomlinson s. of Andrew Fazakerly d, of Jo : Pasmitche and a. of Jo : Fletcher de Darbye s. of James Johnsone de Bootle d.of Eaffe Pendleton s. of Tho : Barton s. of Eic. Stockley , ... 15 Ooiobeb 2 ... 3 5 , ... 12 NoVEMBEB 2 ... 3 12 ... 14 December 17 17 Chalner 18 19 Januabye 1 11 12 14 WUlm Lawrance Eobt Henrye Edwarde s. of a. of 1610 Ja : Eyse de Darbye Wm Turner 8. of Tho : Ascroft de Bootle .. a. of Bic. Hale de Darbye s. of Tho : HenshaU de Darbye Maye 17 29 June 1626 20 Walton Eegistees. 1610-1611 Tho: Eobt AUce WUlm AUceWUlm Lawrance EogerFrancea AUceJohn Tho: Tho: EdwardMargreat b Eobt s. of Tho: Hey de Wartrye ... a. of d.of s. of d.of a. of d.of s. of a. of d.of d. of s. of s. of a. of and Margreat Higgenaon... Geffraye JoUye Eobt Bose de Faz Wm Garston de Faz Tho: Turner de Everton ... Ja: Higgenson de E^ton WUlm Turner de Walton ... Lawrance Turner de Faz. . . . Wm Eyce de Darbye James Johnson de Bootle James By croft de Clubmoor . Mr Bic : MoUneux de NewhaU Jo: Haworth Julye 5 August 12 . 18 s. of Mr Bic : Moore d. Jo: Syer 8. of Bryan Burton & ¦ September 2 ... 13 15 ... 16 October 17 ... 28 30 November ... 23 29 December 1223 January ... 23 27 Febbuaeye ... 21 Eobt Elizabeth a. of d.of Tho:Tho: b Phillippe s. of s. of s. of EaffeJoane James a. of d.of s. of AUce 1611 Eaffe Pemberton de Linaker Wm Bowson de Livpoole . . . Henrye Gleast WUlmKighley Eoger Dey & Dorithye Boden Tho: Barton Tho: MedwaU Wm Boulton de Darbye Juni" Bucke de Faz d. of Henrye Maeche 24 .. 27 Apbyll 18 . 22 28 Maye 44 & Jane 14 1611-1612 Baptismes. 21 Eobt Margreat JaneJo: HenryeElen Tho: Geffraye Tho: Katherin Margreat Margreat Clodius John MargreatCutbeartNye.EUzabeth EUzabethAlice Anne Wm a. of d.of d.of a. of a. of d.of ofof a. of d.of a. of a. s. of d.of s. of s. of d.of John B. of Alice & Elenor d. of Wm. s. of John a. of Jo : Worrall de Darbye Jo: Hey Wm Gloover Wm Bispam John Gregson Tho: Anderton Jo: Abbey Ja: Toppinge June 24 Julye ... 28 AuGuai 8 ... 8 September 1 ... 6 8 ... 9 OoTOBEB Ja : Higgenaone de Everton 12 Eobt Higgenson 13 Jo : Lelande & Anne Lea 14 Jo : Hodgeson and Dorithye ChantreU. . . 29 November Tho : Valdrey & Jane Gooddicar ... 1 Mr Alex : Eigbye 29 Eic Morrisse de Darbye 30 December Bryan M'cer ... 3 Alex Waringe and Dorithye Bindener 6 Jo : Walley de Litherlande 9 Eic. Winson 10 d. of Tho: Stannanought d. of Jo : Mulnes de OrreU d. of John Burges a. of Eic WUlmsone ats Newton Tho: HenshaU Hurdis de OrreU Tho: Bick'steth de Walton Bobt Johnsone de Linaker Januabie .. 37 ... 18 27 Februarie ... 2 10 ... 16 17 Brichett 1612 d. of Jo : Eose de Clubmore Mabohe .. 10 22 Walton Eegistees. 1612-1613 Joane Marye Eobt Anne Jane Jo: Tho:MaryeHenryeMaryeTho:WUlm Henrye Hugh Margreat d. of Edwarde Wainwright d. of Eic Bridge s. of Henrye Marton Apeyll 28 Julye . 20 27 August of Wm Tarleton de Wooton and Katherin Toppinge de Faz d. of Jo: Fletcher d.of Ja : Higgenson of Evton 7 s. of the sayd James J 8. of Eaffe Merc' de Walton d. of Jo : Coocke de Bootle s. of Bryan Daber de Bootle d. of WiUm Turner de Walton s. of Tho: Bode" de KurkdaU 8. of s. of Tho : MerS de Tubroocke B. Lawrance Eose d. of Tho : Medow 8 80 Septembee ... 1518 ... 2428 Novembee ... 8 Deceber 8 ... 18 Januabye 8 Febbuaeye ... 18 1613 Mrye d. of Jo: MoUneux EUzabeth d. of Bic Woodds ... Eic s. of Ja: Higgenson Edwarde s. of Eic MarS Elizabeth d.of Eoger MerS Eobt s. of Eobt Boulton de Clubmoore Henrye s. of WUlm Bridge Willm s. of Eaffe Mer5 de Darbye junio" Marche 4 .. 10 16 .. 18 Maye 28 Julye 2 27 August .. 25 1613-1614 Baptismes. 23 Edwarde Eic & Tho: Tho: BicJane HenryeWillm ThomasTho: MargreatJohn John•Tohn WUlm s. of Anthonye Hey s. of Jeffray JooUye a. of Henrye Mrc' de Schawgreene .. a. of M" Tho : Gerrard of ye Brinne d.of Tho : Merc' de Townerow a. of Ja : Eycroft de Clubmore a. of Henrye Kerfoote s. of WUlm Hearnes s. of Willm Crosse de Faz d. of Jo: Hitcheon s. of Bic Boulton de Darbye ... s. of Edwarde Tatlocke de Kirkbye s. of Jo: Abbey s. of Henrye Gleast de Faz October 8 ... 10 20 Noveber ... 21 80 Deoembeb 1 27 Januabye ... 6 27 Febeuarye ... 66 ... 8 12 ... 23 1614 Joane MargreatTho: d.of d.of s. of Bichard Bridge Bobt Johnson Tho : Henshall de Darbye . . Mabohe 17 27 80 JohnJoane s. of d.of Tho: Bicksteth Bic Bridge de Walton Apbill 13 28 An d.of BoBt Boulton of ye townerowe May in Darbye 14 Thomas a. of Henrye Eugstich of Darby ... June 1 Elizabeth WUlmJohn d.of a. of a. of John Darwine of Walton . . Tho: Guye of Kirkby Henry Pemerton of Walton Julye 16 27 30 BridgettBoberteElnour d.of s. of d.of M"Tho: Barnby Eaphe Mersor of Walton . . . Eobert Higgenson August 15 22 28 24 Walton Eegistees. 1614-1616 Jane d. of Tho : Cooke of KirkdaU EUen d.of Henry Gorsiegh of KirkdaU EUen d.of John Hey Broksyde Mary d. of Eobert Henshew of Darby Margrett d. of Tho : Medowe EUzabeth d. of Tho: Anderton Eycharde s. of Willm Boson of Darby Aiie d. of James Johnson Bootle Henry s. of Edwarde Bridge EUen d. of John Cooke of Bootle Katherin d. of Bryan Dowber Bootle WUlm s. of John Sec9 LiupooUe GUbert s. of Mr Gerrard Croxteth Henry s. of John WignaU and AUce Howcroft Margrett d. of John Haworth Eichard a. of Lawrance Eoosso Jane d. of Nicholas Bootle Edw^d } ^-"^ James Higgmson EUen d. of Edwarde Hey Ulegitime IsabeU d. of By : Booso of Everton Aiie d.of Jo. Bigby of Darby Tho : s. of James Toppinge of Fazak John s. of Eychard Haworth of Fazakerley EUzabeth d. of Thomas Ascrofte SaveU d.of Thomas Whyte Septembee 1 .. 2626 Ootobee ... 2 14 16 81 Novembee .. 23 ... 12 80 December 1 5 ... 1215 January ... 12 Febeuaei 5 17 .. 24 March 2 4 11 .. 2224 1615 Thomas s. of Eycharde Swift & EUzabeth Ormston Ulegitime John 8. of Boberte Boulton de Ewaome Thomas a. of John Worsley of Bootle Margery d.of Eychard Wmsone George a. of Eobte Boulton de Clubmore , . 27 28 . 29 Apbill 2020 1615 Baptismes. 25 May Lettice d.of Eoger Dey de Darby 23 June John a. of Edwarde Wainwright Toxteth 11 John s. of Willin Garston & E vere MayhuU ... 14 Margery d.of James Higinson de Efiton 18 Eoger a. of James Haughton de Bootle ... 24 Jul EUen d.of Thomas Choner of Darby 8 Britgett d.of Nicholas Barton de Walton 5 Elizabeth d.of Eychard PooUe 18 Ane d. of Tho: Burges de Clubmore 28 Aug. Thomas 3. of Edwarde Strang' 10 Eycharde a. of Eaph Pemerton de Linaker 10 EUzabeth d.of Eycharde Durninge & Parnell Houghton Ulegitime 18 Mary d.of WUlm Bridge de Walton 81 Septembee EUen d. of Thomas Barton de Walton 18 Eycharde a. of Thomas Boden de KirkdaU 25 Britgett d.of Eoger Merser de Walton 80 Octobee Lawrence s. of Willm Turner de Walton 8 Novembee Ane d.of Eycharde Mercer de Walton Talior ... 3 Eycharde a. of John Syer de KirkdaU 6 Jane d.of Wm Garston de Fazakerley 7 Jane d.of Eoger Merser de Darbye Ulegitime 19 EUen d. of WiUm Wright de Darby 25 John a. of Henry Forber de Darby 26 Deoembeb EUzabeth d.of Lawrence Bridge Clerk 9 Margery d.of John Hesketh de Darby 16 Thomas s. of John Passmiohe de Darby 31 Januaey Valentyne s. of James Bycrofte Clubmore ... 8 Jane d. of Thomas Johnson de Bootle 11 Henry a. of George Merser de Darby 17 Katherine d.of Wittm Fazackerley de Darby 24 EUzabeth d. of Wittm Yate of KirkdaU 26 EUzabeth d.of Wittm Bisbame de Darby 28 26 Jane EUzabeth Henry ElizabethAUs d. of d.of s. of of of Walton Eegistees. 1615-1616 February Thomas Hemes de Darby Wm Tickle de Darby Edwarde Haughton de Fazakerley ... 18 19 ... 23 Marche Wittm Johnson de Linacar 15 Henry Eughstiche de Darby ... 20 EdwardePeter Elnour ThomasHenry EUenMargret Joane Thomas Eycharde George WmEUzabethLawrence EUenThomas EUen EUzabethThomas Margrett John Ane AlisWmMargrett a. of s. of d. of s. of s. of d.of d. of d. of s. of s. of a. of s. of d.of s. of d. of a. of d.of .of.of, of of of .of, of , of 1616 Tho : Cooke de KirkdaUe 31 Aprill S' Tho : Gerarde Junior then de Croxteth 6 By Smyth de Cheshyre & Elizabeth ") .. .. Woods als Eobertsdought' de Darbye j John Cooke de Bootle 14 John Merser de Tubrook 30 May 1 8 12 . 23 27 . 30 June 20 . 23 July 14 .. 1825 ,. 28 August 11 ,. 12 Tho. Kenion then de Darby Eobert Boulton de Clubmore Baphe Merser de Walton Hugh Barnes de Darby John Secfi de Walton Margrett Woods de Darby Ulegitime. Wm Smyth e de Tounrow George Higinson de KirkdaU Anthony Merser & AUs Merser Tho. Strange de Bootle John Burton de Linaker Bobte Johnson de Linaker ... John Tarlton de Darby . . . Eychard Higinsone James Burton & Isabell Cook Anthony Hey By. Warrender George Hearnes & John Woods de Darby ... John Burges de KirkdaU September Ulegitime 11 13 18 Ootobee Ulegitime 5 11 28 1616-1617 Baptismes. 27 EychardeEycharde Elizabeth Wm Thomas John Ey. Margrett Ey. Wm. ThomasAiie WittmEoger ElnourAne James a. of a. of d.of s. of s. of s. of a. of s. of s. of a. of a. of s. of d.of s. of Edward Strange & Tho. Crosse George Cooke Milner & Ann Eyse Ulegitime Frannca Brwer Smyth de Fazackerley Wm Smyth de Brecksyde November 8 9 16 26 James Johnson de Bootle . . Wm Makin then de Croxteth John Gobett Tho. Tyrer & Janet Tyrer John Boosao de Clubmore George Hearnea Willin Boossen John Hesketh Edwarde Whittle de Bootle 8. of Henry Gleast d. of Nicholas Bootle d. of Wittm Garston a. of a Stranger att Henry Gorsic December 15 18 28 Ulegitime 81 January 2 8 15 18 26 February 2 March 16 22 23 1617 Henry Margrett s. of d.of Thomas Medow John Secume . ... 27 81 EUenEychardeJane d.of s. of d.of Wittm Potter John Livesley John Cooke de Bootle April 6 8 20 EUzabethElnourVictorya d.of d.of d.of Henry Eughstich Bobte Goer de Toxteth M" Edwarde Moore May 4 5 19 NicholasGeorge s. of a. of Henry Kerfootte John Hey * Margrett struck out. June 6 12 28 Walton Bbgistees. 1617 Henry Thomas AUs Ellen Edwarde AUs Elnour Wittm BogerEobert BogerJohn a. of s. of a. of s. of d. of d.of s. of d.of d.of 8. of 8. of July Ed. Orme By Boson & Tho fBridge & Ane Sedon Ulegitime 9 Lawrence Banks 13 Thomas Litherland 15 Wittm Bysse de Fazakerley 19 August Ey. Boulton de Greene Lane 8 John Finch 11 Thomas Burges 14 Eycharde Jumpe 17 Boberte Henshewe 20 s. of Eycharde Pryor & Ane Higinson Ulegitime 22 of of Thomas Bixteth Wittm GiU ... Septembee 3 ... 14 October Lawrence supposed s. of John Eoosse & EUen Standishstreete Ulegitime 3 Omfrey Shepherd 5 Anthony Merser & Margrett Bell illegitimate J Eleventh 11 James Higginson 12 Lawrence Eose de Walton 15 Henry Pemerton de Walton 26 November John Dorden of Aughton & Alis Charles of Darby widow Ulegitime 1 James Norres als Lake & Katherine Litherland Ulegitime 2 Wittm Smythe 6 Bobt Boothe 6 Bobt Boulton de Clubmore 7 Eycharde Haworth 23 Hughe Parke & EUen Ireland 28 Wm. EUen s. of d.of Edwarde WUlm EUen s. of s. of d.of Thomas 8. of Boberte 8. of Peter § Willm JaneEUenJohn s. of s. of d.of d.of 8. of AnneBobteAUs d.of 8. of d. of .Tohn Burton de Linakar Henry Merser de Darby John Merser & Dorathy Finch . . + Bridge struck out. J This word interlined. § Eobte smeared out. Deoembeb ... 8 19 ... 24 1617-1618 Baptismes. 29 EychardeJaneAiieEUen AUs JohnThomasMaryEllen Ane HenryEoger tt Frannces Henerie 8. of John Boulton de Efiton d. of James Toppinge d. of Davyd Wright & Jane Eccleton d. of Law. Bridge Clarke d. of Nicholas Barton s. of Bryan Dowber s. of Henry Fazakerley de Toxteth ., d.of Wm Fazakerley de Darby ... d. of John Worsley de Bootle January 1 ... 10 15 ... 25 26 Februaby ... 1 9 ... 1922 of Wittm Hey & Aiie Burges of Eoger Merser de Darby & *Margaret Kirkebie Ulegitime of Wittm Garston de Fazakerley & Adrian Gerrard of Tho: HenshaU of Thomas Choner March.. 10 Wittm Eushton s. of Bobt Eushton 1115 22 23 24 1618 Anne d. of WUlm Ticcle Margaret d.of James Haughton William s. of Eichard M'cer de Linaker EUen Mercer d. of George Mercer de Derbie ... Elizabeth Claye d. of Nicolas Clay gent. . . . Elenor GiU d.of Eicharde GUI Elizabeth d.of Thomas Johnson de Bootle Wittm s. of Thomas Dowbye de Bootle Thomas Cooke s. of John Cooke of Bootle John Stones and Wittm Stones a. of John Stones of West Derbie John Hay ward s. — — Ellen Bridge d.of Nicolas Bridge of Bootle Ellen Leyland d. of John Leyland * This name is added in a different hand and ink. f At this point a line has been erased. . 29 Apbil 1 4 1819 26 May 6 7 1817 19 31 30 Walton Eegi8tees. 1618 Anne the base d. of John Glofi (ut asaeritur) and Katharen Forber John Tyrer a. of Eichard Tyrer Thomas Orme s. of John Orme de West Derbe July 1 15 28 Ellen Bispome d. of Witim Bispome Wittm Eobtson s. of BoBt Eogerson [sic'] BoBte Bolton s. of Wm Boulton de West Derbie Ales Mercer d. of Eaaffe Mercer of Walton ... Henerie Leigh de West Derbie s. of Jotfen Leigh August 35 1013 22 Edward a. of Jane d. Mary Ellen d. of d. of Eoger Katherine s. of d. of Jane d. of Ane d. of Wittm s. of Septembee John Syre 5 Eaphe Cooke & Ellen Boulton Ulegitime 14 Eychard Boulton de Greene Lane ... 26 John Mercer de Tubrooke 26 Wittm Turner James Higginson of KirkdaUe . . . Ey Dowber als Pryor of KirkdaUe Edward Strange . . Thomas Fazakerley Junior John Pilkington Clarke Thomas Cooke s. of Thomas Cooke de Kirkedall WUUam Kigheley s. of Thomas Kigheley de Breekside . . Margery Higgenson d. of George Higgensone de KirkdaU EUz Harriesdaughter ats Eogerson of Derbye Hugh s. of Bichard Poultney of Linaker Octobee ... 23 ... 11 22 28 November 1 ... 16 17 ... 20 29 December ... 25 Ellin d. of WiUiam Smyth Junior of Darby . . . James a. of WUliam Johnsonne aUes WUUamsone of Lineker Margery Mercer and Edward Mercer d. & s. of Edward Mercer of Wavertry Bohert Bobertson s. of Eobert Johnsonne [sic] of Lyneker... Edwarde s. of Hugh Newtone of Walton Katherin d. of Bryan Lonsdale of Bootle John s. of Thomas Hey and Ales illigitimate Dorothie d. of James Johnsonne of Bootle January 8 Johnsonne 5 14 222529 31 1618-1619 Baptismes. 81 ThomasJane AnneJane Henry MargarettKatherin of ofof of 8. of d.ofd. of Thomas Eaton of Darby Thomas Anderton of the Thomas Stones of Darbye Boger WUsonne of Darby Bice John Molyneux of Walton ... Lawrence Bankes of KirkdaU . John Worseley of Bootle Febbuaby . .. 1 Lane 6 . ... 8 10 March . ... 1 9 ... 10 1619 Anne d. of Francis Bruer of Fazakerley . . . Anne d. of Eobert Henshawe of Darby Thomas s. of Eichard Poole of Walton EUzabeth d. of WiUiam Garston of Fazakerley Lawrence a. of Nicholas Woorall of Bootle EUin d. of Peeter Lunte of Darby ElUn d. of John Stones of Darby Anne d. of Bobarte Boulton of the Breckeside Thomas a. of Henry Mercer of Walton IzabeU d.of Bichard Woorall of Darby Anne d. of Thomas Gerrard of Liverpoole Mary d. of John Vaudrey of Darby Myles s. of Thomas Strange of Bootle WiUiam a. of William Potter of Darby Thomas s. of Boberte Goare of ye Parke Aprill 44 2329 May 30 June . 1317 . 1729 July . 11 24 . 29 August 1 6 . 18 Septembee Jane d. of Mr Gittens Preacher 5 George s. of Bichard Higkinson of Euerton 27 Wittim and Anne s. and d. of Henry Feilde of Kirkebye 29 Ales d. of James Higgensone of Everton 30 October James 8. of Hugh Barnes of Darby ... . 24 Dorothie d. of John Cooke of Bootle 81 32 Walton Eegisteb8. 1619-1620 John of November Eoger a. of John Mutch of Bootle 21 James s. of Bichard Hevill and Margery PhilUppa illigitimate 28 Deoembeb Ales d. of Leonard Woowmesley of Fazak 13 John s. of Eichard Prior of KirkdaUe 26 EUzabeth Cooke d. of Eaphe Cooke of Walton illegitimate 27 January Mr Wittm Chorley of the Breekside in Walton 8 James Eicroft of Darbie 28 Eobert Williamson of Darbie 27 John Shae of the Lowe 80 February Laurence Bose of Walton 14 Thomas Kighley of the Breekside ... 25 March Henrie Eogerson of Darbie 1 Bryan Lonsdale of Bootle 12 John Burges of Kirkdale 12 Boger Dey of Darby ... 12 Boberte Boulton of Ewsan 19 Thomas Key illegitimate 22 Thomas Litherland of Darbie 28 Henrie s. of Ellen d. of Anne d. of Thomas s. of Mary d. of Henrie s. of Margarett d.of Isabell d.of John s. of Boberte 8. of John 8. of Anne d.of 1620 John WilUam EUzabeth Katherin BogerMaryThomas Boberte EUin s. of Thomas Burgess of Clubmore. s. of James Johnson of Bootle . . . d. of John Secum of Walton ... . d. of Thomas Worrall s.d. of Wittm Hey , of Wittm Garston of Fazakerley s. of John Carter illigittimate a. of Witim Smyth of Darby d. of Thomas Henshall of Darby . Aprill 2 8 .. 20 May 4 .. 2525 .. 2728 * " Hannah " written in right hand margin in a later hand. 1620 Baptismes. 83 June ElUn d.of Witim Winstanley of the Lowe . . . ... 4 Anne d.of James Haighton de Bootle 8 WiUiam a. of Nicholas Bootle of Walton ... 25 John 8. of John Pasmighe of Darby 26 July Lawrance a. of Eichard Turner of Fazakerlie ... 11 Thomas s. of Eicharde Poultney of Lytherland 30 Septembee Katherine d. of John Hesketh of Derbie ... 5 Eichard s. of John Stones of West Derby ... 20 Octobee Margerie d.of Eobert Boulton of KirkdaU ... 20 Novembee Margarett d.of John Burton of Lineker 2 Esther d.of Eichard Scott of Croxtath ... 5 Henrie a. of Thomas Heaton of Darbie 7 Anne d.of Thomas Johnson of Bootle ... 18 EUm d. of James Higgenaon of Everton ... 19 John 8. of John MoUneux of Walton ... 23 December John 8. ?Edward Strange of KirkdaU ... 4 Humphrie s. of Eaphe Marcer of Walton ... 7 Eobt s. of Hue Pokes iUegitimate 8 Wittm 8. of Bichard GiU of Toxstath Parke ... ... 17 January Margarett d.of Nicholas Worrall of Bootle ... 14 Margarett d.of Jains Eicrafte of Clubmore 17 Sarah d.of John Pilkington Clarke ... 18 Boberte 8. of Witim Boson of Darby 23 Eichard s. of John Marcer of the Tuebrooke ... ... 25 Anne d.of t Thomas Doby of Bootle 28 February Nicholas s. of Eoger Eatchdale of Walton ... 2 Peter s. of Witta Smith of Darbie Chappell , 7 John s. of George Boulton of the Breekside ... 18 March Ales d. of Bobarte Blaekmore of Kirkedall 3 Anne d.of Henrie Pemberton of Walton ... 9 Wittia s. of Eobt Pendleton of Tubrooke ... . 12 Margarette d. of Bichard Stocklie of Darbie ... 8 James s. of John Fletcher of the Oka 20 James s. of Wittm Toppinge of Fazakerlie ... ... 20 * Eobert struck out. f^ittm struck out. J Willm struck out. 84 Walton Eegistees. 1621 1621 March Anne d.of Eicharde Poole of Walton 19 Jane d.of Thomas Boden of Kirkdale 80 Aprill Alice d. of Henry Gorstiehe of Kirkedale ... 6 IzabeU d. of Eoger Eose of Everton 29 Willia Molyneux fil. Bioh : Junioris MUitis 22 May WUlin s. of Lawrence Bankes of Kirkda 10 Nicholas s. of Thomas Medowe de Walton 17 Nevill Kay clericus pacifice est inductus in vioariam parochite de Walton per Tho : Wainewright Curat : de Liverpoole 24 die mensis maij anno domini 1621 June Alexander Haye fil AntonU de Walto 1 Margaret Bose fil : Lawren : de Walto 27 July Margarett Boughley fil : Ellen illig: 2 Henry Orme fil John de Darb 23 August Jeffrey Ann & Joane Jolly c. of Jeffrey de Fazakerley ... 1 John Higgenson aUas Georgeson fi : Geor : de Kirkd : ... 7 Elizabeth Mercer fi : Eich : 10 Septr Nicolas Cooper fil. Nicol : de Kirkda 16 Ellen Bruer fil : Fran : 21 Ann Strange fil : Bober. de Kirkdale 22 Margery Johnson fil Eober. de Linak 24 October Sara. Eose fil Witt de Lowe ••• 14 Willia Johnson fil Witt de Linaker 24 Samll Mercer 26 NoveB Margery fil : Eadal Mercer de Liverpool 4 George Smith fil : Witt de Darby ... 19 DeceB Ann Cooke fil, Eadol ; de Walto , § 1621-1622 Baptismes. 85 Elizabeth Mercer illeg Thomas Eoae fil : Thom : John Wilaon fil: Eoger Eichard Strange fil Tho : de Bootle John Winatanley fil : Witt de Lowe AUce Boberson fil John de Bootle . . . John Potter fil : Joh. de Darby Lowre Higenson fil : Jam : de Everton Margery Hogg WUUa Fazakerley ¦•¦ WiUia Burgesse fil : Tho : de Darb : . . Biohard Bridge fil : Nicol : de Bootle WiUia Fazakerley EUen Seaoombe Henry Eiding fil: Hugh de Darby Ellen Tickle fil. WiU de Dar : Nicolas Clayton fil : Pet : Janua 8 .. 9 12 ••|25 Feb 57 .. 10 12 .. 12 21 .. 21 Maboh 6 .. 7 7 .. 10 16 1622 Edward s. of James 3. of Margret d.of Nicholas 3. of WUlin a. of EUzabeth d.of EUzabeth d.of Margaret d.of Tho: 3. of Alice d.of Wittm s. of Ail d.of Eoger 8. of Kathrin d.of AUce d. of Tho. Stones of Derby 25 John Johnson ata MUler of Derby ... 27 Tho : Anderton of Walton 80 Aprill Tho : Boulton of Lowe 4 Bryan Lonsdale of Bootle 7 WUlin Wainwright of Derby 14 EoBt Goore of Parke do. John Mutch of Bootle 19 BoBt Boulton of Kirkdale do. Lawrence Bridge 21 Mat David Whitfield of Walton 22 John Worsley of Bootle 24 Henry Eogerson of Derby 27 Eichard WoolfaU & Ellin Harvie Ulegit 28 James Haughton of Bootle do. 36 Walton Eegistees. 1622-1628 Tho: & Henrys, of Nioholaa a. of Peeter s. of Thomas fiUus dui Edward HalsaU of Deglake . . Eaphe Mercer of Walton John Pyke of Derby Eicharde MoUneux Junioris June 7 . 21 80 MiUtis Londini natus et ibi baptizatus JunU. . Tho: 8. of John s, of Francis d. of EoBt s. of EUzabeth d.of John a. of Ellin d.of Margret d.of EUm WittmEllin BichardAlice KathrinWUlm John Eose of Lowe Boger Bichardson of Walton Henry Lunt of Derby Bichard Poole of Walton . . . John Guffitt of Breekside... Tho: Cooke of Kirkdale John Pinnington of Derby Witim Hey of Walton d. of PhUlip Wooaey of Derby 8. of John Higginson of KirkdaU d. of Tho : Fazakerley s. of Bichard Stockley d. of EUin Boulton & John Butler of Henry Mercer of Derby , of John MoUnex John s. of Tho : WorraU of Derby John Eobtson Aii WiUn d. of James HaU 8. of Tho : Glover of Derby ... 24 July 18 ... 18 24 August 1 4 6 26 29 Sept: 1 OcTo: 12 18 18 Ulegitime 31 No: 13 18 Deo: 7 8 January 26 March 9 1623 EUin d, of Eobt Moore of Edglane ... 28 1623-1624 Baptismes. 87 ChroferMargery An & EUin WiUiaTho:EUzabeth Anthony Margret Mary Eichard EUinHenryKathrin Margret OldamAUcMargretAnthonyEdwardEichard Margret Edward JoneErne MaryJohn s. of James Johnson of Bootle. d. of John Millner d. of George Heames 3. of John Lievesley s. of Wittm Potter d. of John Seacome a. of Tho. Warton d. of Edward Strange d. of Tho: Johnson a. of Edward Turner d.of James Higginson ... . a. of Boger Mercer d. of Jo : Seacome of Everton . d. of Nicho: Cowper B. of NeviUKay* d. of Tho: Potter d. of Tho: Mercer s. of Henry Burges a. of Henry Haskeine s. of Tho: Anderton d. of Nicho: WorraU a. of Law: Bonke d. of Tho: Dowby d. of WiUm Chorley d.of Eaphe Cooke 3. of Tho : Hey of Everton Apbill 3 ... 1421 ... 27 30 May ... 7 12 ... do July 6 ... 11 13 ... 18 20 ... 20 August 1 ... 20 Octob : ... 22 Novem: 6 ... 12 I 80 Deoem : 3 ... 25 28 Januaey ... 4 Feb: 15 Thoins s. of Elm d. of Mary d. of Bichard a. of 1624 EoBte Eushton Wittm Smith ... Edward Piatt John Arme [?] ... "Vicar" interlined. Apr: 11 88 Walton Eegistees. 1624 d. of Francis Brewer d. of Lawrence Eose ... a. of Henry Eogerson . B. of Wittm Fazakerley s. of s. of d.of d.of a. of d.of Edw: HalsaU Gent. Henry Standiahe Tho: Mercer Eobte Johnson ... John Wade Thoms Boulton June 6 July 10 16 23 August 1 13 21 22 22 22 September 2 2 OoTOB : 3 27 Novemb : 16 Deoemb. Aii d.of John Butler & Ellin Boulton Ulegittime 12 WUlin s. of MichaeU Hindley 12 Mo that a guift of a hundred & twentie pounds was given by Thoms Harrison late of Walton to the use & maintenance of a free Schoole to bee continued in Walton for ever as appeareth by his last wUl and testament dated the XXVth day of May Aiio dni 1613 & the Exors thereof & Churchwardens to bee chosen yearely to be disposers of it and S' Eichard MoUneux Knight & Edward Moore Esq' to bee overseers of the same wee whose hands are subscribed have preuved the same wiU and testament the 14 day of December aiio dni 1624 John [?] Moore Gre: Turner Neuill Kay Vic: Walton John Syre Churchwarden MargretAliceThomsWittmEichard HenryEUm JaneJohnAlice SisUe Margret Margery Tho: Margret d. of Boger Eiohardson , d. of John Poole d. of Tho: Strange... . a. of John Couldocke... d. of Edw: Finch Margret d. of Bobt Boulton of Neasham 12 1624-1625 Baptismes. 89 EichardEUiiorEdw: George Seth EUnorEUzab : Mary Elizabeth Jane s. of John Walsh of Bootle .. d. of John Orme of Derby 8. of John Higinson s. of Thoins Glover of Derby a. of d.of d.of d.of d.of Thomaa Marsh Baphe Burges Nicholas Cowp John Guffett Thoins Burges d. of Baphe Higgenson . . . January .. 1 16 ,.. 17 23 Feb: ... 5 5 ... 8 13 ... 13 Maboh ... 8 1625 ApRn.L Dorothy Jane & EUin EUm EUzabeth Christopher d.of d.ofd. of d.of s. of Peter Clayton Wittm Johnson Thoms Cooke of Kirkdale ... . Wittm Hey Hugh Gibbons 3 16 17 23 30 May JohnJohn Joseph MargretKatherin a. of 8. of a. of d. of d.of James Haughton Eiohaird Mercer of Linaker ... John Wainwright John Orme Bryan Lonsdale 7 8 8 18 30 June EUeno'Eobert d.of s. of Witim Smith of Breekside ... . John Cheetame 5 8 July HenryEUin s. of d.of Eoger WiUson Eichard Guy 7 81 Aug EichardAliceWUlin s. of d.of s. of Mr Witim Chorley Eichard Stockley Edward Turner 12 28 81 40 Walton Eegistees. 1625-1626 JohnElUn JaneJane Woods Katherin 8. of d.ofd.of d.of d.of John Harrison ats Tenant Thoins. Mercer of Walton Eichard Nueoome Eichard Woods ThoiSis Forber Eichard Wittm s. of 8. of Thoins Bridge Myles Gerrard Wittm EobteJohn s. of s. of 8. of Eobte Strange James Johnson Eichard Harp of KirkdaU Eichard Witim a. of a. of Eaphe Mercer of Walton .. George Higginson John Margret Elizabeth Jane a. of d.of d.ofd.of Eoger Eatchdale John Butler Eoger Bichardson OriginaU FUtcroft Jane Tho:BoBte Jane Wittm d.of a. of 8. of d. of s. of Nicholas WorraU of Bootle John Cowdocke John BoBtson Lawrence Bonke Eobt. Gorsuch EobertEichard s. of s. of Henry Gleast Thoms Mercer Sept. 1 ... 2 21 ,.. 22 25 Octobee ... 23 25 Novemb. ... 8 20 ... 21 Dec: 2 ... 29 January 1 ... 16 24 ... 29 Feb: 11 ... 1212 ... 19 26 Maboh ... 12 21 1626 Humfrey s. of Tho: Amont ... EUzabeth d. of Tho : Warton . ElUn d. of John MUlner... Eobt s. of Witim Harrison. 30 Apr 9 11 16 1626 Baptismes. 41 MaryJohn Witim BeniaminMargretIsabell Lawrence John EUin ThoinsWitim EdwardKatherinElizabeth Gualther Margret Eobt George HenryMylesWitim Margret HenryMargretMargret EUzabeth EoBteAlice NathanieUDavid Eichard EUin d.of EoBt Mercer of Edg lane s. of Nevill Kaye Vicar s. of Evan Heay of Aughton s. of Eandle Haughton of Budworth d. of Thoms Plombe d.of Aii Scott illeg a. of Witim Potter a. of Thoms Haskeane d. of Tho: Johnaon a. of Henry Tuckett 8. of John Orme ... s. of Witim Garston . d. of Wittm Bowson ... . d. of Wittm Hunt 8. of Tho: Kerfoote ... . d. of Henry Thomasson... ofof of ofof d. of fil. Tho: Higgenson Henry Pyke Lawrence Keara John Liptrott of Prescott Eaphe Burges illeg. Witim Johnaon Boger Bennett & Joane Eccleaton d. of John Cowdocke d. of Thoins Mercer d. of Edw. Strange s. of Wittm Hurdisse d. of Wittm Johnson of Walton a. of Peeter Atkinson Clerke ... s. of EoBte Bixton 3. of John WoolfaU d. of Henry Burges May ... 2 7 ... 9 14 ... 19 27 June ... 17 20 ... 29 July 4 ... 4 26 Aug. 12 ... 13 20 ... 27 Sept. 8 ... 17 OoTOB. 8 ... 8 15 November ... 2030 Deoembeb ... 17 20 ... 29 January 4 ... 17 21 ... 21 21 Feb. ... 18 42 Walton Eegisterb. 1626-1627 Ellin d. of Bioh. Heyward Wittm a. of John Hughson Thoins 8. of Henry Glover... Maroh .. 1 11 .. 13 1627 t Bobt Thomas John Wittm Bichard Wittm EoBteJohnJohn ElUn EUno' Jane Anne Anne JohnElizabeth s. of 8. of a. of s. of d.of 3. of s. of of 3. of a. of Edw. HalsaU... . Michael Weste ... John Mercer [?] . Nichol. WorraU... Thomaa ... . Thomas Anderton Eichard Eose... Tho : Derby Aprill 9 13 15 18 18 27 May 16 20 June David HolUee & Jane Fazakerley then wife of WiUiam Fazakerley... :.. 29 Aug. 15 24 Sept 6 11 30 OoTOB : 2 18 25 25 Novemb. 80 Deo: 2 8 Bichard Harp Thoms Forber a. of WiUm Chorley ... 3. of Wittm Hey 8. of Eeynold Walmesley d. of Boger Bichardson... d. of BoBte Gorsuch ... d. of Eobte Johnson d.of John White d. of George Higgenson... s. of Eoger Shelboekf d. of Thoms Dey ... * A large blot of ink renders the writing at this point illegible. t This christian name has evidently been written over the blot. 1627-1628 Baptismes. 43 Thoiiis 3. of Bryan Lonsdale. Alice d. of Wittm Johnson EUzabeth d. of Henry ElUson . Henry s. of John Eccleston Eaphe s. of BoBt Mercer of Edgl : Margret d. of Thoiiis Bolton Ja: 16 1721 Feb: 6 Mar: 1818 1628 Margery d.of Thoms Boulton Jane d. of Eaphe Stones & Elizab : Linaker. Eichard s. of Witim Eogerson Ester d. of John Orme Edward s. of Original! FUtcroft EUin d. of Biohard Pickerne ... AUce d.of Tho : Bolton of Lowe Bryan 3. of James Burton Margery d.of Edward Turner ... . John EichardEobtThornsMargret Eaphe s. of a. of a. of d.of B. of Thorns EdwardEUzab: 3. of a. of d.of (ut asseritur) of Eaphe Eatchdale EUzabeth Wittmdar James Johnaon Hugh Gibbona Eobt Bolton Nicho: Cowp Henry Tuchett , John MUlner ... . NevUl Kay Vicar Wittm Garston 27 Ape: 6 7 15 May 7 June 68 2229 July 27 Aug 5 13232829 Sept. 7 21 21 44 Walton Eegistees. 1628-1629 Henry EUm MargretEllin John Henry EoBtIsabeUEichardJane Nicholas Henry Edouard Clarice ThomsEUno'Eichard 3. of Wittm Durninge d. of James Woods d. of Biohard Pendleton d. of Henry Burgesse .. s. of Jo: Amont a. of Eoger Eatchdale 3. of a MUlner & Margret Potter d. of Wittm Smith 8. of Wittm Boulton d. of Wittm Bowson 8. of Lawrence Banke 8. of John Butler a. of Wittm Chorley d. of Tho: Higgenaon a. of John Hughson d.of Witim Plombe s. of Anthony MaghuU & Jane Bridge Ootob : 28 ... 19 21 ... 27 27 Novemb. 14 Deoemb. 78 ... 8 21 Januaby ... 88 ... 8 Feb: 17 March ... 2020 ... 24 1629 Wittm s. of Edward Higginson of KirkdaU Thorns 8. of Baphe Burges Ealph Dickson s. of Thoins Greaves James s. of John Litherland Eichard & Katherin e. of WiUiam Johnson .. Eobte Elizabeth An a. of John Whyte d. of AUce Lonsdale & Thoiiis Pendleton d. of John Mutch* * " of Bootle " added in a later hand. . 25 Aprill 10 . 1010 . 16 May 25 . 31 Julye 29 1629-1630 Baptismes. 46 An John An d.of Thoins 3. of James a. of John a. of EUin d.of Mary d.of Eichard s. of Wittm a. of EUzab : 8. of Henry s. of Eoger a. of John s. of Eichard s. of John 3. of Ah d.of Eobt s. of Margret d.of d. of Thoms Glover a. of Thoms Plumbe Tho: Kerfoot Henry Daynole John Millner Aug ... 15 Sept. 4 Novemb. ... 5 27 ... 30 Decemb : Witim Chorley 4 John Euncorne & Katherin Schurliker 18 Wittm BUneton 20 George Higginson John EoBtson Wittm Johnson Eobt Bixteth & Ellen Poole Thorns Dey Wittm BusheU Wittm Henshawe Bobt Mercer of Edglane Eichard Sudden & Mary Lithgo . Thoms Mercer of Byelane Eichard Kenricke An d.of Bryan Lonsdale... Bridgett d.of Wittm Hey John s. of Wittm Faireclough Thoiiis s. of Biohard Harp Thoms & Wittm a. of Wittm Smith ... January .. 1017 .. 17 24 Feb: .. 7 7 .. 14 21 ... 22 28 .. 28 Maboh 1 .. 7 10 .. 14 28 1630 •f " Look for Ann Higginson & Elizabeth daughters of Tho : Higginson of Kirkdale." Eichard fil. Eich Pendleton d. Eurto . Margaret fil. Bog : Watmough de Darb. 2128 ' Jane fil " has been written in a later hand over the words "John son," f This has been interlined at a later date. 46 Walton Eegisters. 1630 Isabel fi. d. Tho. Cooke de Kirkdale ... Margarett fill Jam : Muslin (?) et ux : Faber An: fill Bob. Parkinton Margarett fil Tho Cawley et An Bridge iUeg: Bridge surety for parish ... Uleg: AUce fil Witi Garston WUliam fil Holmfry Morris Ellen Mercer de Walton surety for the parshe Margery fil Hen MiUner et EUen Aymount UI. John MUlner de Clubmor surety for par.... Isabell Ape. 4 4 26 80 May 10 13 Katherin fil. Bob. Gorsich ... . Nicholas & WUUa fil Edward HalsaU Mary fil Joh Burgese ... . Henry Margaret EUmAnn Thomas AUceThomasThomasJosephThomas Holmfre KatherineEobertAlice Alice Margaret EUen MUes fil. fil fil fil. fil. fil Hugh Gibbons Bog Eachdale . . . Nich: Cooper Tho. Higgenson Joh: Chetta WiU: Johnson fil. Tho: Bridge Will: Hurdeux fil Nich: Picorring fil Tho Aymont ... fil ThoHeye ... fil Tho Johnson ... fil Edward Turner 31 June 27 July ... 21 25 Aug. ... 1 3 ... 8 15 ... 18 22 Septembee ... 12 19 ... 26 Ootobee 3 ... 24 November 9 ... 80 fil fil fil fil fil WiU: Boulton WiU: Chorley Eaphe Mercer de Malpassie et Elizabe" Boe Henry Mercer de Walto surety for parish Eobert Harrison Will : Johnson & Ann Washingto UI i WiU : Washington surety for parish Deoembeb 10 10 16 21 24 1680-1631 Baptismes. 47 Wittm a. of Wittm Durninge Eobt. a. of Mr. John Bower de Ayntree ... . Edward a. of Eobte Turner John a. of Wittm Goore & Ellin Dickson ilUg: Goore suertie for the pishe Thomas s. of Wittm Eoae of Lowehill Thomas a. of Eich : Fazakerley of Clock houae Eobt Feb. 5 12 1721 2727 CHBISTNINGS AT DERBY CHAPPELL Jane LidiaHenryWittm EUin Bichard An ThomasWitim AUce ANO 1631 d. of James Woods Margret d. of Henry Eycroft d.of s. of s. of d.of a. of d.of 3. of a. of d.of Eichard Stockley Witim Potter ... Witim Hunt Wittm Bowson Wittm Smarley . July 10 Aug 2 Novemb. 21 30 Deo 5 12 12 Ja: Tho: Hodgson 27 John Sergeant 17 John ElUson 20 John Stockley 23 Thomaa Leighe Clericus Sacrse Theologise Bach elani pacifice est inductus in Eectoria parochise de Walton tertio die mensis FebruarU anno domini millessimo Sexeentessimo trigessimo p me NeuUl Kaye vicariu Waltonense Thoma Heye de Euerton guardiano ibidem anno prffidicto CHRISTENINGS AT WALTO ANO DOMN 1631 EUen f Willia Hey de Darby Ann f Eobert Fazakerley de Darby AUce and Elizabeth f John Haughto de Bootle * " Wittm" struck out, t Added in. another hand. Apeill 19 May 1 24 48 Walton Eegisters. 1631 Eobert Margaret WUUa EllenKatherin EUenWUlia Bridgett Bichard EobertAn: Eichard Elizabeth * Hugh Eichard Henry Edward Eich Eich WUlmEobtTho. Nicholas WUlia John John Eleanor Hugh f WUUa Laurenson de Toxteth Port f Tho Dickonson de Lowe f. Tho Woodward de Darby f Tho Glouer de Darby f WiU: Smith Breekside f Bobt Gorsich de Kirkdale ... f Eich Harper de Kirkdale ... f Hugh Bose Ju : de Clubmor f John Hales de Darby f Hugh Bidinge Ju de Darby , f John Bose de Prescott Lane f f a. f f: f: July 17 ... 24 24 AuGuaT ... 1014 Septembeb ... 4 ... 1818 ... 25 Octobee 28 ... 26 f Nicholas Coldocke de Bootle f Eoger Widowson de Bootle f WilUam Biding de Darby baptized in CapeU de Darby November 13 ... 13 20 f John Litherland de Breekside f Eobt EUison de Darby f Ada Tyrer de Darby f Mr. Wittm Chorley de Breksid Deoembeb 18 ... 1818 Jany ... 4 Tho Martin et Isab. Thornes iU : DaynoU surety for parish John Much de Bootle Baph Burgesse de Euerto James Woods de Darby Eichd Nich : Boulto de Darby Eobert Williason de Darby of Eoger Watmough de Darby John Gatliffe George Higgenson of Kirkdale Willia Biding babtiz: November 20 interlined p Ne: Kay Vic: Feb. . 6 12 . 1414 Maboh. 1 11 . 13 14 . 22 * This entry is interlined, and is explained by the last entry on this page. 16 1682 Baptismes. 49 1632 WUUa f : Henry DaynoU de Fazakely Eich: f: Eondle Pott EUzabeth f Witt BusheU Edward f Witt Butler al : Dauies ... John f. Witt Boulto de Walto EUzabeth f Euan Windle de Lowe ... WUUa f Tho: Kighelye et EUen Harriaon Ane spons pro paroch : ... EUzab: f Henry Tichett de Darby EUanor f WUUa Mercer de Darb : John f: Eobert Barto de Lynaker ... . Henry f: Will: AspinwaU de Walto EUzabeth f: Bryan Dober de Bootle Eobert f Nicies Wadingto de Bootle Eobert a. of Tho: Syre of Kirkdale Joh: f: WiUia Bymont & Mary Meadow... iUeg: Mary John Edward Eobert UrsulaMargery AnnAlice PeeterAlice Ann Elizabeth HenryEUzbeth f: Joh: Stockley 8. of Tho: Mercer Walto f: Witt : Henshawe de Eurto f WiU Fazakerly de GilmoBse ... f Eobert Sephton de Liverpoole ... f Witt : Harrison alias Johnso de Walto f: Tho : Strang de Bootle f: John Harrison f : Mr Tho : Legh Beet : Walt f: Eich: Barker f: Witi Fau:clough f Tho Cooke de Kirckdale 3. of Wittim Hey of Wallton f Hugh Eose Ju: de Clubmor Apbil . 19 May 8 . 10 26 June . 1010 July 2022 ... 29 August 18 ... 21 Septembee 13 ... 28 29 ... 30 October ... 8 16 ... 21 31 November ... 2 8 ... 5 11 ... 25 25 ... 25 Deoembeb ... 9 15 ... 27 50 Walton Begistbe8. 1632-1633 Alice f : Eobert Turner de Fazakely Ottuell f Joh: Haughto de Bootle .. James f : Hughe Gibbons de Walton AUce f James White de Darby Eobert & Jennett gem: f: Joh: Potter de Darby Ann f : Boger Widowso de Bootle Margaret f: Eich f Dauid f James f Eobt : Gorsich de Kircdale Hamlett Stockly de Darby Dauid Hall et Frances Story ill : Tho : Tyrer de Darby Janry 13 ,.. 14 19 ... 28 Feb. 3 ... 17 Maboh 3 ... 7 20 ... 20 1633 L'BwrenceIsabell John Willia Edward MargarettWiUia Margaret WUUa Margaret John Edward Ellen An Katherine EUzabethHenryAn WUUa Hardisse de Fazak : 28 Ann Bridge de Bootle iUeg : 29 Eowland Poughton & Margaretta Bixstaffe iU: 31 Thomas Watmough de Darby . . . Henry HalsaU de Bootle Witimi Bichardson de Kirckdale Eobert Steuenson Tinker ... John Gest et Jane Hunt illeg: f: Eichard BroknaU f Eaphe Higgenson de Euerto f: Willia Wade de Prescott Lane f John Darrand et Ellen Turner ill : f John Mercer de Darby f Thom : Hunt de Darby f Will : Johnson de Kirckdale f Tho Plombe de Walton f William Bispam & Margaret Spencer f Phillipi Dey & Ellen Lansdale Katherin f Edward Dilworth of Plesington Apbill .. 1417 .. 21 25 .. 28 May 12 .. 21 June 2 .. 3 16 .. 18 20 .. 2030 .. 30 July 6 1688-1684 Baptismes. 51 HenryHenry * ThomasEliz:Elizabeth Henry Thomas Thomas EUenJane Henry AUce ThomasJohn ThoJohnAn: Tho: f Tho Dey de Fazakerly f . Jane Feild & Thomas Meadowe f: Willia Eiding de Darby bapt in Cap: Darby f Edward Turner de Walto f: John Johnson de Bootle ... . f: John Bose de Prescott Lane... f Eobert Jones f. Witt : Strange de Darby f Willia Mercer de Euerto ... . f Thom : Choner de Lowe f Eobt Trustrum de Litherland . f John Mercer de Clubmore de Katherin f Bichard Ap Eichard de Linaker Edward Sephto de Faza : Hugh Eose Ju: de Darby Bobt Blundell & Alice Teasdale George Piatt Cestr Edward HenshaU de Darby Willia Eidins de Darby bapt : att Darb : August 15 interlind pNe: Kay Vic: 1633 Eich: Johnson de Euerton Gard: August . 8 1115 17 Septembee ... 12 21 ... 29 October 11 ... 16 November 17 December ... 1 22 Janby ... 8 Feb. ... 2 16 March ... 15 18 ... 23 1634 Maboh 30 Aprill Tho Stanley de Liuerpoole et sp. eodem infante Tho : Tarleton sen. et Henry Squier Spurrier de Liuerpoole spons p paroohia 13 Eobert Bootle de Phazakerly 14 Elizabeth f Tho: Higgenson Kirckdale Henry John * This entry is interlined, and is explained by the entry following that of the 23rd Maroh. 52 Walton Eegisters. 1634 Thomas f EUzabeth f Hannah f Thomas f: Willia f: Tho: f Eoger f John f John f Eichard f Eobert f Aim EllenPeeter BryanMargaretPeeter Willia Bichard Eichard Mary EUzabeth John Elizabeth Tho:Katherin James Edward Margaret JohnEobert Margry [?] James Watt de Fazakerly Witimi Durning de Darby ... Witimi Wainwright de Woodside John ElUson de Tounrowe ... John Orme de Milkehouse John Crosse de Darby John Harper de Walton John Litherland de Breekside John Higgenson de Kirckdale ... Henry Johnson de Broad Green James Barnes f Boberti Gorsich de Kirkdale . . . Nicholai Whaley de Darby Nichol : Cowdocke de Bootle Eobert Burton de Linaker James Woofall de Euerto Willimi Daueys alias Butler de Walto Willmi Bispam Eichard Cropper Thomas Bridge John Bispam et Jane Ince et Eichard Tarleton Sp. p paroeh : May 1 11 ... 1818 ... 18 25 ... 29 June 5 ... 1112 ... 29 July 6 August ... 78 ... 10 10 .. 26 Septembee 14 21 . ... 27 John Bispam de Bice Lane 29 Octobee 5 Eoger Watmough de Darby James Crosse et Mary Eobinson James Eccleston & Willia Lansdale de Lowe p paroehia spons: 8 John Mutch de Bootle 12 George Higgenson de Kirckdale 19 Nicholaii WorraU de Bootle 26 Tho Johnson de Waits 26 Johannis Moore de Banck HaU baptiz apud Banck Hall f : Laurenti MoUneux de Prescott Lane f Will Hey de Clubmore f John Lydgate f John Eawlinson de Bootle . . Novembee Armig: 10 Deoembeb ... 7 10 ... 30 1684-1635 Baptismbs. 68 Eliz : f Wittm Mercer de Euerton Katherine f Tho : Mercer de Tounrowe ... Alice f Tho: Watmough de Darby ... George f: WUl : Asplwall de Walton .. . WUlia f Willimi Windle de Lowe Thomas f Anthony MaguU WUUa & John gemeU : Henrie Whitfell de Darby Explicit ann° Nic Cooper January 11 ... 12 February 1 .. 12 12 March ... 8 9 Thomas AliceWUliam f: f f: NeuUl EUinerJohnThomasThomasJohn Margreat f: f: f f f f f John EdwardEichard Em f f f f EUzabeth EUine Thomas f ff Thomas Alice Thomas f ff 1635 Nicholas WUliamson .. John Woofall de Darby Eichardi Smarley de Darby Thomas Plumbe de Walton Huige Gibbonse de Walton Eichardi Pendleton * William Plumbe WiUiam Bradley John MUner de Club More . . WiUiam Jemson WiUiam Mercer de Darby John Stockeley Eichardi Bose de Darby John Whitfel'd de Diglake Thomaa Mercer de Else Lane WUliam Hey de Walton James Part de Muchouton in the Parish of ChUdwaU & Elnor Halwood of the same p Aprill 7 19 23 May 1 8 1010 14 . 17 24 June 7 7 7 29 July 1 5 6 Thomas Stonton & Margreat.. Eobert Bootle de Fazakerley Nicholas Stooley de GUmosse * Written over erasure. August i 2 4 9 54 Walton Eegisters. 1636 [For some reason about an inch of space is here left blank.] Jane f Thomaa f James f Thomas f Mathew f EUme f. Eober f Thomas f Alee f: Eichard f John f Anne f John f Jane f [For some EUzabeth fil Alee f AUce f WiUiam f Bichard f Katherine f Margreat f John f Eobert f. Bichard f. AUce f HeneryJohn fil f: MargreatThomas f f John f Eobert f Bichard f WUl f: Bichard Walley de Linaker John Cochede Darby ... Eobert Bigby de Tox Park... William Ascroft de Bootle Bichard Blacly Milner . . . Eobert Ellison de Prescot Lane James Watt de Fazakerley WUliam Bispam de Darby Thomas Strange de Bootle Henery Danould de Fazakerley WUUam Mercer de Walton Henery HalsaU de Bootle Baphe Burges de Euerton ... Eobert Fazakerley de GUmosse August ... 12 16 ... 1630 ... 80 September 10 ... 1320 ... 20 27 ... 30 October 2 ... 4 11 fil Eaphe Stones de KirdaU 18 November 1 William Blaeborne de Brekesid John Harrison de Lowe 8 Eobert Fazakerley de GUmosse 15 Eobert Ascroft de Bootle et Alice Worsley de Bootle 22 Eichard Eyes de Standish 29 Henery Edwardson de Low 25 Eobert Seaeom p Chidwall . . . John Johnson de Euerton ... WUliam Bichardson de KerdaU William Smith de Brecside William Fazakerley de Clokehouse Nicholas Boulton de Walton William Trentham de Low George Eicherdson John Hyton & EUzabeth Mercer . . . WUliam Bushel! Eichard Lansdale Eodger Hearnea & Elline Harinson Deoembeb 5 ... 2020 ... 26 Jan 3 ... 8 10 ... 1016 ... 24 24 ... 29 1685-1636 Baptismes. 56 Elizabeth f Anthony Johnson , Victoria f : Eobert Gorsich de KirkdaU ElUne & EUzabeth f : John Chonart EUzabeth f: James Strang Alice f. John Harper de Walton... Eichard f : William Seaeom de Euerton WUliam f : Edward Marsh de Bootle Henery Dey de Darby WilUam Fartclowgh John Coodoke Mr John Moore Esqur Anthony MvUinex de Maghul Henery MargreatMargreatKaterine f: f: f f EUme f Fee 7 .. 14 21 .. 2121 .. 28 28 March J" 13 .. 17 1636 EUme f : Eobert Williamaon de Brecside 27 WiUiam f: Henery Mercer de Darby Alice f Nicholas Stoeley de Darby Mary f John Eunchorne de Walton Eichard John Waindright de Edglaine Katherine f WilUam Hurdisse de Faz April 5 . ... 18 16 . ... 17 24 JohnEUzabeth f f William Hesketh de Darby John Ellison de Darby May . ... 7 16 Thomas Alice ElUne B. d. d. Eichard Eoae John Swift EoBt Broughton de Low June '...'¦:..} ^ . ... 16 Ann d. Bichard Denton in Tubroocke ... July 21 Thomas s. Eodger Watmough [Blank of half -inch left in original.] August . ... 7 EUine Eichard d. 8. Beniemine Johnson WUUam Windle Septembeb 21 . ... 30 56 Walton Eegistees. 1636-1637 George MargerieBryan AttHijtht7 a. d. s. JxiiULiuiiy Elizabeth Elline WiUiamMargreat AUce a d. d a d. d AUce MaryEUzabethMary EUzabeth Katherine Thomaa EUzabethAnn Thomas Ann AUce Katherine John Eobert Ann AUce John WiUiam Hey Thomas Aymond de Fazakerley Eaph Mercer de Brecside ... John Darrand Mason Bichard Harper de KirdaU... John Much de Bootle Henery Eycroft de Darby ... Eobert WUliamson de Darby... Bichard Hamlet d Eichard ap Eichard Ootobeb ... 79 ... 1816 ... 23 23 ... 2525 ... 26 November 9 d WUliam Bispam d John Copple d James Woofall de Eurton Elline d: Jane Ince & Henery Carter weare baptized Deoembeb ... 1 21 ... 29 80 d. John Pearson * s Bichard Gye de Darby d William d WiUiam Strange s Eichard Stones d Henery Mercer de Tubroock d Nicholas WaUey d George Higinson Kird s. George Crosse de Darb. ... s. Nicholas WiUiamson d. Thomas Charles d Eodger Widowson de Bootle a Thomas Stones January 8 ... 10 13 ,.. 15 28 Feb .. 1 9 .. 13 19 .. 26 Mar 2 .. 17 23 John Nehemie James a. 1637 Eichard Cropper de Walton Eobert Mercer de Edglaine Eobert Burton de Liniker ... April . 2 14 . 28 * The words " & AUce " struck out. 1637 Baptismes. 57 Edward EUine Alexander John Eaph JaneThomaa Thomaa Edward EUzabethJohnJamea EichardMargrat d. Tho : Pike & Jane Plat de Croeby . EUa Bali & Mary Jones John Moore de BankehaU Eaquire. John Litherland Eaph Mercer Thoma Watmough WUlam Boulton de Walton Hamlet Stockley Edward Buckley Milner . . . John WorraU juniar WUliam Johnson de Liniker Bichard Blackley de Faz : s. John Mercer d. Edward Turner Free Mason ElUne d. Henery Goore & Ann Taylor Katherime [sic] d. Tho. Higinson de KirdaU . . Mary d WUUam Mercer de Clubmore Thomaa a Nicholas Coudock de Bootle .. Thomas a John Greenehough EUzabeth d Eodger Watmough Dorethy d PhiUp Dey George s WUliam Hey de Clubmore .. AUce d Thomas EatcUf George a William Bispam de Darby Thomas s WUliam Smarley de Darby Nicholas a. Anthony Johnson de Euerton Eigby a Thomas Kighley Thomas s WUliam Durning Ann s. Eaph Stones de KirdaU Elizabeth s. Henery Whitfild John s John Eunkorne AUce d Hugh Eose de Clubmore Jane d Edward HenshaU May ... 7 8 ... 21 21 June ... 1618 ... 22 July 9 ... 9 10 ... 11 80 Aug ... 1 10 Septembeb ... 44 ... 7 17 ... 20 October 15 November ... 5 21 ... 2630 December ... 68 ... 14 24 ... 25 80 Jannu ... 1010 ... 28 58 Walton Eegisters. 1637-1638 EaphAliceBichard JohnEobert Henery Tichett de Edglaine Bemiemin Sadler John Harper de Walton... Will. Eose & Jonei Meddow William Seaeom de Euerton , Februaby 4 ... 7 25 March ... 11 18 1638 John BichardBichard Ellin MargeriKatherine William Margreat William DauidEUzabethMargreat BichardLaurance Eichard James Mary Alice WUUam Ellime [.sic] JamesMary JamesJames a John Johnson de Euerton., s. John Whitfild de Diglake s. William Plumbe de Darby.. d Eichard Smarley de Darby d. John Much de Bootle . . . d Henery Molinex a Bichard Eose de Darby d. s. d. WUliam Fazakerley & Ann Topping . . . Thomas WilUamson & EUzabeth ChUdwaU de Parish Hyton Tho: Eieheson Eichard Plumbe Eaph Burgesse April . 14 18 . 2228 May 3 2031 July 1 4 1515 22 a John Mercer & Mary Part . . . 8. Thomas Mercer de Else Lane a Bryan Lansdall Henery Chorsey de Walton William Hey de Walton .. John Wetherby WUliam Hurdis de Faza : . . Henery Mercer de Tubrooke .. Bichard Farer William Mercer de Euerton .. John Swift John Eamsden August 4 24 ... 26 September 6 ... 9 23 ... 80 Ootobee 2 ... 7 10 ... 21 28 1638-1639 Baptismes. 59 Bichard NicholasNicholas Ann JohnEUme Henery Margeri WUliamWUUam Eichard AUce JameThomasAUce s. d Henery Bieherson Eobert Williamson de Darby Henery Dey de Darby John Holme & EUme Strange de Bootle November ... 3 15 26 John Hayton Bichard Lansdall de Low s. Thomas Sandford d. John Waneright de Low s. WiUiam Haulshe s, Eobert Bootle 8 Edward Marsh d Eobert Whayley f. Henery Thomason s, Eobert ElUnson d Eobert Hunt Deoembeb 14 ... 30 January 12 Feb ... 5 Jan •••|27 Feb ... 1819 ... 24 24 Mae ... 3 1639 John Thomaa NieholaaKatherinJamea WilUam EUzabeth WUlia: KatherineAnn ThomasJohn March John Cooke de Brumberough & Margaret Parker born at the house of Saragh Horgy [?] Henery Mercer John Worrall de Town Eobert Boulton James Leigh de Lowe Bichard Fazakerley de Cloc : John Litherland Thomas Stanley & Pracis Eice Biehed Cropper de Wal Henery Eycroft WUla Marcer de Walton Eichard Denton 2729 Aprill 7 11 . 24 28 May 7 14 . 2226 . 2981 60 Walton Eegistees. 1689 June James JamesWUUam s Eobert Mercer de Edge Laine ... . 3 Edward Pemberton de Darby 8. Badulp Langworth 5 18 30 Memorandu. Quod vere veneberalis Dominus Andreas Clare Sacro sanctse Theologias Professor et principis nostri iUustrissimi CaroU Capelanus pacifice est inductus in Eeetoriam de Walton secondo die Julij Aniio Doini 1639 p me NeuUl Kaye Vic. Nichola Goare guardiano [sic] sunt temporis EUenJohn Thomas LawrenceEdward d. sss a Beniamin Sadler 11 Eobert Mercer de Walt 18 WilU: Bichardson 18 Henry Mosse & EUzeb Shurlicar 18 Thomas Stocto de Pres'- Lane 25 Septembee WiUia Margery a d Eichard Hamblett 15 Eobert Burton de Linak 16 Octobee Bridget MargretGeorge Thomas dd s 8 Eichard Greaues de Everto 6 Thomas Haward de Faz : 21 Lennard Worsley de Bootle 23 WUUa : Smith de Dar & Jane Huson ... 30 November WiUia a WUlia Blease 10 Deoembeb Jane s John Tarlton 18 Nicholas & Jane fil. George Crosse de Darby 22 Thomas s John Harp Wal 25 Willia a John Coppon 29 Jane d John Eowlinaon 29 January EUenJane ThomaaThomaa Thomas Thomas dd s3 s S WUUa Bispam de Dar 12 John Whaley 16 James Payor 16 John Gregson ... 19 John Harrison ... 26 Eobert Boulton Junior & Mary Bridge de Darby at that time 29 1689-1640 Baptismes. 61 Margret s. Thomaa Mercer de Aokera end John a. James Higinaon de Dar Eobert a Eobert Nixon de Dar Nieholaa & Jane Crosae de Darbie AUc d John Bridge de Wal Margreat John Margreat d. 3 d John Henshawe de Everton ... . Thomaa Flecher de Dar Eobert Bigbie de Faz 1640 Cicely d. John Greenehough DorothyAliceJohnMary WUlia Katherin Jamea MargeryAnAnnEichardEUzebeth d d. 8, d. s. d 3. d.d. d. 8. d. George Gri^hie & Sara Horrougx Edward Whitaide ... Philip Dey & EUen d. Philip Dey Eobert Aymond Eobert Lyon de Darbie Eobert Fleetwood de Faza ... . Nicholas Couldocke de Boot : ... Henry Mosse de Evertd Hugh Bose de Clubmore Eobert Ascroft de Boot : Thomaa Woofall de Stonebridge Eichard Eoae EUzebeth MathewEobertEichard d. 3. S. 8. Eobert Stonea Willia Ascroft de Bootle Willia Turner Henry Faza Ellen Alice Margret EUzebeth Ellen d. d. d. d. d. Thomas Smith de Darbie Thomas Pemberton de Linaker Eaph Stones de Kirdale Christopher Hurst de Dar . . . Eichard Makin Milner ThomasAnthony s.s. WUlia Aspe de Kirk : John Johnson de Eu'ton February ... 2 12 ... 1619 ... 28 Maboh 1 ... 1016 28 Apr 2 1213181316 171719 202626 May 1 11 1719 June 11121414 28 July 12 28 62 Walton Eegisters. 1640-1641 JaneAlice Eichard d. Eichard Aprchard d WiUia Copple & EUen Heardsman [Blank of nearly an inch.] B. Hamnet Boulto & An Harrison .. An d. John Worrall de Dar AUce & Jane fil : John Much de Bootle Henry ThomasMary EdmondJohn Mary Bichard HenryAlice EUenJohn William Eoger 8. Eobert Bootle s. Bichard Cropper d. John Johnson de Bootle 8. Eandle Whaley s. Bryan Dober d. Thomas Dey Faz^ Henry Meddowes & Jane Bridge John Pemberton d. Eichard Fazak : de Faz'* . . . d. Willia AspinwaU s. Henry Mercer de Darby s. Thomas Heatlye 8. Baph Mercer Junior de Walto Aug. 9 30 October ... 2224 Novembee ... 16 22 ... 29 Deoembeb 6 ... 6 11 January ... 12 27 February ... 1414 . . . last March 14 ... 21 1641 John 8. WiUia Seacome 28 An d. John Whitside de Fazaker : 28 April Peeter s. John Lee de Lowe 4 Lawrence 8. Willia Turner de WaU 15 Eichard S. Willia Mercer de Eu'ton 18 EUzebeth d. Henry Edwardson de Lowe . 20 Eobert s. Henry HalsaU de Bootle 25 Thomas 8. Bichard Smashawe ... 25 Thomas s. Edward Turner 30 1641 Baptismes. 63 Alice d. Eichard Pemberton Isabell d. WUlia Henshawe . . Henry s. John Harp de Walton Nicholas 3. Eichard a. Elizebeth d. Baphe Mercer Sara d. WiUia a. WUUa 3. Tho Kighley de Breckeside Jeffry Topping Thomas Higginson & Margret Jomes de Liuerpoole John Eunchorne Edward Bice John Holme & Ann Wright June 27 27 July 15 Aug. 1 89 27 29 ThomasAnn Margret Laurence 3. d. John Hayton John Amond & Jane Haward de Dar d Henery Coarsey 3 Nicholas Couldocke October 9 ... 14 No^'EMBER 9 ... 11 December 12 EUenn d : Anthony MaguU Willia 8. John Fletcher 19 Willia Edward Teasdale & Elizebeth Johnson 25 Mary d Eaph Burgesse 27 Willia 8. WUlia Johnson aleas Jameson de Bootle and Jane Forshowe de Banekehall ... 28 Nicholas s. Henry Fazakerley de Kirdale Alice d. James Topping & Ellen Eobinson Ellen d. Thomas Boulton Tubrooke ... Bryan s. Eobert Bigbie de Dar : Bridget d. Eobert Mercer de Walton Eobert s. Thomas Heward de Faza ... Bridget d. Willia Hurdesse de Fazaker EUen d. Henry Dannett de Faza ... January 6 ... 6 23 Febeuary ... 20 23 ... 2728 Mar. 2 [It will be noted that there are no ohristenings entered in the first Tolume of the original registers, but many of the years will be found in the portion of the second volume hereinafter printed.] ^64 Walton Eegistees, 1657-62 1657 Samuel son of Mr Eobert Eaton Parson of Walton Born Jan. 16 Saturday at night baptized J the 24th 1658 May Margret d. of WUl: Troughon of Everton ... 9 or 16 ibid: Apbil Joseph fil Jonathan Hunter de KirkdaU 11 Jan John f. Eobti Tayl' de Everton 23 1660 Mary d: Hen. Finch Vic. de Walton Borne July the third about eight or nine of the Clocke in the morning 1660 baptized July 8th 1660. Aug AUs d. Eich : Strange of Bootle 12 AUs d. John Eose of Ev'ton 12 1661 May Martha d. of Lawrence Turn' of Fazak'ley baptised at Darby 18 1662 Tabitha fil : Hen : Finch vie de Walton nat. vicessimo sexto die March cerciter Hor oetav ante meridie baptizat Sexto die April Anno Septimo Vicariatua Hen. Finch June Eebekah d. of Joshua Ambroae of Derby 24 [More than half of this page and the whole of the next page are entirely blank, then follow on page 71 of the original Registers the miscellaneous entries printed at the end of this volume. It will bo noted that a few ohristenings, weddings, and burials appear amongst these entries, but as they are all duly indexed, no difficulty will arise.] 65 [Vol. II. OF Original Eegisters.] A true & Perfect Register of all Mairages Births & Burialls wthin Walton pish since ye 29° of September 1653 by Wm. Ellisonn Regist' M* That uppon ye fifth day of October 1653 WUUam Ellison of West Derbie in the Countie of Lanc° Yeoman was in ye pish Church of Walton by the Vote of the Maior pte of ye Inhabitants of the said pish who mett here uppon that occasion chosen & elected Begister for the said pish of Walton Acording to ye Act of August 24° 1658 concerning Mairages Births & BuriaUs. And the said Wm Ellison did further att the same place & uppon ye same day Appear to execute the office of the Parish register of Walton. Before mee. As witnes my hand ye day & yeare aboue written JO FOXE 31 Register of ^irf^B. 1653 Walton pish 29th Not any births in September wthin Walton pish October Kirkbie Elizabeth d of Henry Woods 2 Derbie John s of Hugh Eimmer 5 Derbie A Child of Eandle Whaleyes of edge leane . 22 Kirkdale Mary d of John Strange 19 Ainesdale John s of Eichard Birch 21 Derby EUen d of WUUam Wmdle 23 66 Walton Eegisters. 1653 FormbieFormbieKirkdaleFormby DerbyDerbyKirkbie DerbyWaltonBootleKirkbie Derby Formby Formby Formby Formby EvertonFazakerleyFormbyFormbyFormby Bootle FazakerleyKirkdaleKirkby Simonswood AnesdaleFormby DerbyDerby Walton KirkbieFormby DerbyToxteth DerbyLinaere KirkdaleFazakerley Derby October ... 25 19 ... 31 17 ... 26 Novembee 6 ... 8 12 ... 13 13 ... 13 15 ... 1517 ... 18 18 1919 ... 23 23 ... 23 26 ... 26 December Alice d of Thomas Harrison 3 Thomas s of William Goore ... 4 Even s of John Swift 6 Alice d of John Eimmer 10 John s of Nicholas Sutton 10 Mary d of John Smarley 13 A bastard child of Edward Stockley ... 6 Elizabeth d of Thomas Bose 13 Peter s of Bichard Lee 18 Izabell d of Henry Wharton 19 Ellen d of Bichard Greaues de Broadgreen 15 * John a of John Hay ward 24 January Joshuah s of Nathan Whitfield 4 Bichard s of William Mercer 4 John s of Nicholas Coopar Jun' . . 7 John 8 of Thomas Martine 15 William s of Thomas Wainwright 22 * Written in a different ink. John 8 of Thomas Eimer Vulgo Maries Bichard s of Eichard Liuesey AUce d of Thomas Harrison William s of John Tyrer Two ehildern Thomas Mercers Anne d of William Hunt EUzabeth d of Lawrance Stananough Elizabeth d of Eobert Kenion Elizabeth d of Thomas Bose Samuell s of Eichard Strange EUzabeth d of Henry Brownbill .. Ellin d of Eobert Greaves of Broadgreen Anne d of John French Izabell d of Bichard Jumpe John s of Thomas Stanton Elizabeth d of Eichard March . . . Ann d of Henry WaUey Ester d of Lawrance Turner WilUam s of James Balshall .. EUzabeth d of Eichard Harrison Eichard s of John Eice Henry s of William Bootle Alice d of Henry Bawlin 1658-1654 Births. 67 Ainesdale Formby KirkdaleDerby Formby FormbyKirkdaleDerbieBootle FormbyLinicreDerby Gilbert Norres Ellen d of John Eimmer Eichard s of Thomas Pemberton John 8 of Thomaa Eose John 3 of Eoger Ainedoe February ... 6 11 .. 12 16 ... 28 March William s of EUzabeth Leadbeter bastard 1 Margaret d of Thomas Bennet 4 William s of Thomas Bowall 12 Katherine d of Bichard Worsley 18 John 8 of WiUiam Browne 20 Katherine d of John Tarleton 21 Two Children of WilUam Crosses of Woodside 23 1654 Kirkdale SamweU d of Bichard Hurst Derbie Margaret d of Eichard Sheopard Formby Elizabeth d of William Eice Formby WiUiam s of Lawrance Williamson Derbie Hannah d of Henry Eycroft Senior Kirkbie WiUiam s of Thomas Tyrer Walton Obediah s of Bichard Croppar Walton Eichard s of Thomas Harpar Derbie Ann d of John Bannester Formby Ann d of WilUam Longton Derby Samuell s of James Smolt Kirkbie Anne d of Edmond Kirkbie Derby Thomas s of Thomaa Eughstich bastard Derby Henry s of Thomas Eughstich bastard . . . Everton Elizabith d of Peter Johnson Derby Jane d of Mr. George Glover Walton WUliam a of WilUam Bootle . Formby Ellen d of William Ainedoe Formby John s of Mr. John Wallton Formby Margaret d of Edward Scareebrieke Formby IssabeU d of John Jumpe * Subsequently altered to 24. Maboh 25 2626 28 Apeill 7 9 . 16 19 . 2628 May 6 10 . 18 13 2125 . 28 June 2 . *14 16 . 18 68 Walton Eegistees. 1654 July Derby Susanna d of Eichard Henshall 9 Toxteth Thomas s of Bryan Webster . .. 10 Derby Sarah d of Eobert Gorestich 13 Derby Ann d of Henry Hey Scholemaat' . ... 14 Formby Mary d of John Perkinson 16 August KirkebyBootle f\ ni R.if*Vinrfl T^lpptwnnd 2 WUUam a of OttueU Houghton 6 Kirkedale Ann d of Peter Orme . ... 13 Euerton WiUiam s of Thomas Forber 13 Formby Henry s of Thomas Browne . ... 18 Simonswood Thomas s of WUUam Tatlocke 26 Bootle Katherine d of Eobert Eobinson ... 29 Walton WUliam s of Boger Langley 31 Septembb Derby Mary d of John Tyrer 6 Walton John 8 of Baph Mercer 10 Derby Ellen d of Henry Eydeing ... 10 Formby Mary d of Henry Whitehead 12 Kirkedale EUzabeth d of Eoger Turner ... 17 Derby WiUiam s of Henry Ellison 24 Formby Bichard s of Thomas Norres ... 26 Ootobee Derby DanieU a of Thomas Mather 1 Formby WilUam s of John Bydeinge ... 5 Kirkeby Cissely d of John Lee 10 Ainesdale Alice d of WilUam Eimmer . 12 WaUton Eoger a of John Bridge 15 Everton Jane d of John Eose . ... 24 Derby Eichard s of Thomas Tarleton . . 29 Tuebrooke Bichard s of Biohard Mercer . .. 29 NOUEMBB Formby Bichard s of Bichard Formby . ... 1 Derby Margaret d of Bichard Stockley 5 Derby Ann d of Boger Bragg ... 8 Derby Thomas a of WilUam Smith 8 Formby William s of Eichard Formby . ... 3 Kirkeby Elizabeth d of John Tatlocke ... 3 Kirkeby Martha d of Thomas Meddow ... 3 Fazakerley WUliam s of Henry Haward 21 Fazakerley WiUiam s of WilUam Bennet ... . , ... 14 1654 BiBTHS. 69 Formby EUzabeth d of Peter Leadbeter , , . Formby John s of WiUiam Eimmer Derby Eobert s of Edmond Webster Wallton Thomas s. of William Turner WaUton Thomas a of Eobert Mercer Wallton Mary d of WilUam Bose Formby Ellen d of Nicholas Benould Formby Thomas s of William Goare Wallton Jane d of Eobert Gibbons Bootle Eobert 8 of WUliam Whittle Fazakerley Eobert s of Dauid Bushen Everton Margaret d of Eobert Eose Formby Ellen d of William Charneley Formby John s of Thomas Eimmer Derby Margaret d of Eobert Wright Formby GUbert s of WilUam AspinwaU ... Formby Peter s of John Jumpe Formby John a of Lawrence Eimmer Toxteth Eleonar d of Edward AspinwaU Esq Formby John s of Eichard Mathew Formby Jane d of Henry Norres Walton Thomas s of Thomas Knowles Simonswood Margaret d of WUliam Eigby Derby Mary d of Mathew Gleaue Formby Ellen d of Thomaa Whiteside Euerton Mary d of James Boulton Everton Egeon Fitt Eobert Taylor Formby James s of Thomas Norres Formby James s of John Ords Formby A ChUd of George Balls Derby Sarah daughter of Eobert Kenion . . Formby Katherine d of Willia Eimmer ¦ ... Formby John s of Thomas Wharton Wallton EUzabeth d of Tho: Mercer ... . Formby EUzabeth d of James ShurUcar Bootle Eichard s of John Woodoson Formby John s of Peter Jumpe Bootle Alice d of William Johnson ... Formby Bichard s of John Johnson Kirkedale Ann d of WUliam Gorestich... Toxteth James f. WiUiam Keckowith Toxteth Lidia d of John Burgess Deoemb'* ... 11 ... 5 11 ... 1316 ... 1616 ... 17 18 ... 1420 18 ... 20 22 ... 24 January 12 ... 2023 ... 28 Febeuary 1 ... 2 8 ... 8 8 ... 1010 ... 1616 ... 18 24 ... 26 Maboh 1 ... 44 ... 8 16 ... 17 9 ... 20 20 ... 24 70 Walton Eegisters. 1655 1655 Formby WilUam s of Gilbert Browne Kirkeby Thomas s of Tho: Lawson ., Kirkedale Elizabeth d of Edward Banks . Derby Eandle s of Eandle Whaley ... Wallton Eichard s of John Huyton Everton Eichard s of Edward Eice Kirkeby John s of Henry Potter Kirkeby Alice d of William Eylands ... Wallton Edward s of William Holecroft. Derby Jane d of James Wainewright Kirkedale Ellen d of Nehamiah Wharton. Formby Margery d of Henry Formby Wallton Ellen d of Baph Stones ... Kirkeby John s of Thomas Webster ... Derby Jane d of John Smarley ... Linicre John s of Thomas Mekin Formby William s of Anthony BusheU Derby Hannah d of Dauid HoUand .. Formby Ann d of James Ainedoe Formby Bichard s of Eichard Weedoe .. Formby Elizabeth d of Gilbert Harrison Derby John s of WUUam ElUsonne Derby John s of Lawrence Parke ... Toxteth Ellen d of John Parr Formby Elizabeth d of Peter Jumpe ... Simonswood Thomas s of Eobert Knowles .. Wallton Katherine d of Henry AspinwaU . . . Formby Katherine d of John Eimmer Fazakerley Thomas s of John Whitfield WaUton Henry s of Eaph HiU Wallton Elizabeth d of Eaph HiU Derby Ann d of Eichard Woods Kirkeby Eaph s of Henry Leadbeter bastard Kirkdale Eichard a of George Myles Bootle William s of Eobert Houghton Formby John s of Phillip Norres Derby Joane d of Eobert BaUard Maroh 29 .. 30 Aprill 1 .. 6 9 .. 979 10 .. 10 13 ,. 17 18 ,. 1819 . 19 May . 1516 ,. 18 21 . 25 27 . 3030 . 3081 June . 54 7 9 . 9 10 . 1416 . 24 26 . 27 1655 Biethb. 71 Kirkdale Peter s of Eobert Harrison Walton Jane d of Nicholas Mercer Formby John s of Thomas Scaresbrick Kirkeby Thomas s of John Fleetwood Linicre Henry s of WUliam Mercer Formby Alice d of Bichard Eydeing Formby John s of William Ainedoe WaUton Thomas s of Eobert Mercer Formby Ann d of John Christian Kirkeby Margaret d of John Sanford Derby Jane d of Eichard Woods Koopar Derby Jane d of Bichard Atherton Derby Thomas a of George Smith Derby Sarah d of Edward Pemberton... Derby EUz d of Thomas Eose Fazakerley Lidiah d of Lawrence Turner ... Kirkeby William s of John Kirkeby Derby Eichard s of John Kirkeby Simonswood Mary d of WiUiam Woods Kirkby Eobert s of William Kirkeby ... Formby John a of WiUiam Scaresbrick Formby Lawrence s of John Wright Fazakerley John s of John Wamesley Kirkdale Jane d of Evan Garret Euerton Elizabeth d of WiUiam Seacome ... Derby of Bichard Eose Derby Ann d of Thomas Gore Derby Thomas s of Henry Mercer Toxteth Samuell s of Bichard Euerard Euerton Ellen d of WiUiam Trangham [?] Kirkeby John s of James Bradshaw Formby WUUam a of WUUam Holme . . . Derby Deberah d of John Yonge Kirkeby Thomas s of Henry Woods Kirkeby Edward s of William Tatlock Fazakerley * Thomas s of William Bennett * * Written over an erasure. July ... 6 10 ... 28 August ... 8 5 ... 10 18 September ... 67 ... 8 19 ... 28 Ootobr ... 88 ... 9 12 ... 2020 ... 2022 ... 23 27 NoUEMBB ... 3 7 ... 8 9 ... 1616 ... 2223 ... 24 Deoemb' 4 ... 9 10 ... 1218 72 Walton Eegistees. 1655-1656 Derby James s of Thomas Whitfield Formby Ann d of John Ainedoe Formby WUliam s of Lawrence Williamson Derby Ann d of Henry Ellisonn Euerton Margaret d of Peter Johnson Derby Henry s of William Bispham ... Kirkeby Margaret d of John Kirkeby ... Derby EUzabeth d of Thomas Pendleton Formby Nicholas s. of Nicholas Benould Bootle AUce d of William Eobinson . . Formby Ann d of John Jump Derby Ann d of Eobert Kenion Formby Eobert s of Thomas Eimmer Formby John s of Edward Ainedoe Formby Eichard s of John Eimmer ... WaUton Baph s of Nicholas Meddow Kirkeby Henry s of Bichard Fleetwood Kirkeby Henry a of Henry BrownebeU Derby George s of James Standish ... Formby Katherine d of John Vause Formby John s of Eichard Harrison . . . Walton Eobert s of John Fazakerley Derby Ellen d of Eichard Stockley . . . Walton Ann d of Eobert Gibbons ... Formby Margery Vause d of Thomas... Formby Thomas s of Thomas Browne Formby Siscely d of WUUam Eimmer Derby Joshuah s of James Smolt Euerton Eaph a of Eobert Wigan Formby William s of WUliam Charnley. Formby Thomas s of Eichard Formby Toxteth Mary d of Edward AspinwaU . Kirkeby Alexand' s of Mr Alex Eatclife Formby William s of John Eimmer . 12 18 . 16 16 . 21 13 January 46 9 101216 16 2931 Febbuaby 1 83 5 8 1213 1216182328 29 March 15 6 69 13 1656 Kirkeby Mary daughter of Henry Guye Derby Thomas s of Christopher Bawson Derby Sarah d of Biohard Henshaw Baptized the 6th of May ifl Anno 1660 Derby * Hannah d of Bichard Henshaw baptized the 21 of March 1661 * This is the last entry of a birth by the "Register." March . 2729 6 21 1663 Baptismes. 73 CHBISTNINGS 1663 Walton Margarett d of Thomas Bolton Smith Walton John s of Bobt Mercer of Bice Lane Walton Wm 8 of Tho : Mercer Walton Joseph a of Bobt Mercer Walton EUzabeth d of Eobert Gibbons Fazakerl John s of David EowBon Kirkbie Anne d of John Burton. . Walton Anne d of John Fazakerley ... . Derbie Timothy Chadwicke s of a Stranger Kirkdale EUen Dunatar d of John Derbie Elizabeth Stockley d of Derbie Anne d of Thomaa Mercer Derbie Thomaa a of Thomas Plumbe Euerton John a of John Eose Bootle Eichard a of George Woraley Bootle Mary d of Thomas Ashcroft Derbie EUen d of Thomas Cheetham Kirkdale Thomas s of Wm Gorsuch Walton Eichard s of Thomas Knowles Derbie Eichard a of John Lansdale Bootle Marye d of Mr George Smith Walton Susan d of Nieholaa Meddowe Linaker WilUam a of Eichard Sayer . . . Linaker Henry s of Wm Fleetwood Walton Dorothye d of Eobt Kighley ... Bootle Ellen d of WUliam Eawlinson Kirkdale Cleue a of Edwarde Moore Esq. Apbil 5 May 19 June ... 14 28 August ... 4 September 6 ... 27 October 9 ... 1718 ... 18 21 November ... 1 6 ... 8 11 ... 2225 Deoembeb ... 13 20 ... 27 Januarye 16 ... 17 24 ... 25 Febbuaeye ... 2 March 5 74 [The following Baptisms appear amongst the Burials at the end of the first volume of the original register vide ad loc.J 1657 Samuel Eaton s Mr Eobt Eaton Parson of Walton Borne Jan 16th Saturday at night Baptized Jan 24th 1657 Hen Finch Vicar 1658 Apbil Joseph f. Jonathan Hunt de KirkdaU 11 May Margret f . Gulielmi Troughon de Everton . . . [sic] 9 or 10 1659 May Eich a. James Plumpton of Low 22 EUz. d. John Burges of Walton 22 Eich 8. Thom Markin of Walton 22 Bezaleel s. Eobt Eaton Parson of Walton 22 1660 June Eliz. d. of Tho. Boden of KirkdaU 3 d. of Eobt Davy of KirkdaU 10 1661 May Martha d. of Law Turfl of Fazakerley att Derby Chappell... 19 June of Wittm Eobinaon of Bootle 23 1661-1662 Baptismes. 75 Michaell s. of Tho Knowles of Fazakeley Ellen d. of Willm Pryer KirkdaU ... . July 19 19 1662 Susan s. of Edward Butl" of Walton Margret d. of Tho Boden Maud d. of Eich Eose of Derby . . . Susan d. of Ottiwell Houghton of Bootle Tho s. of Witt Waynwright of KirkdaU June 2228 July 27 Aug 10 10 CHBISTNINGS ATT WALTON IN YE YEAEE 1662 wm 8. of wm Prior James 8. of Eobert Houghton [Here follows a blank of one-third of the page wm s. Eich WoolfaU de Darby The s: of Kath d. Peeter Hurdis of Wolton John s. Overidge & Whetherby EUzabeth d. Edw Turner de Faz Elizebeth Glouer Abraham Woofall James s. John WUUamson [The remainder of this page is blank.] J November ... 9 December 27 ... 1 1 ... 8 Ootobee 6 November ... 4 December 20 76 xxvxats 1586 Noia et cognla omniu et singulor eor qui in coemitario Ecclesiave pochiaii de Walton a vicessimo quinto die Decembris in a° diij 1586 sepulti fuerunt p me Petri! Hey cleric et ibide vicariu [1586 The names and surnames of all and singular those who in the Burial ground or in the Parish Church of Walton from the 25th day of December in the year of our Lord 1586 were buried by me Peter Hey Clerk & of that place Vicar] 1586 Decembeis Anne d Wm Burscow 25 Anne w. of Tho. Eigbye 27 Januarij Amie Hitchens de Darby 3 Tho. Stones de Darby 13 Tho. 3. Jo: Thomasson 23 Februarie Jo Tarleton de KirkdaU 16 EUzabeth d of Henry Dey 26 1587 March Joane w of Hugh Bradley 2 Wm Jo : son de North End 17 Anne Dober de Walton 25 Aprill Alice Pendleton de Clubmore 10 Tho. Higgenaon de KirkdaU 17 Eic : s of Tho. Higgenson 30 Maye Henrye Lea de Walton 7 Margreat w of Eobt Bode 29 Elen d of Eic. Vose 30 1587-1588 Burials. 77 The wyfe of Edmude Bancke ... . Joane d. Jo. Harriaon EUzabeth d. Anne Henriea doughP. Eic Marabe Elen d. Eobt Houghton Joane w. Eoger Muaker Henrye s. Omfrey Hey Elizabeth Eylande de Darbye ... . Anne w. Jo. Burges Jo. s. Eic Worsley Elizabeth w. Oliver Brindley Anne w. Henrye Boulton Tho. Farror de Walton Tho. 3. EoBt Gloover Bic. Pendleton de Darbye Joa. Tho: Coocke Jane w. Jo. Formebye AUce w. Hugh Boulton Jo. s. Eic. Boulton de Clubmore. . . Jane w. Eoger Henshall Jo. a. Jo. Shawe Margreat Eose de Darbye ... . Jane Gooddicar of Darbye Julye ... 12 21 ... 25 August ... 6 12 ... 17 Septembee 17 ... 2830 October ... 8 24 November ... 10 16 ... 19 20 Deoembeb ... 21 27 ... 30 Januabie 7 ... 24 Februarie 9 ... 1319 1588 Margerie w. Ja. Tarleton Margerye w. Eic Worsley ... . Dowse w. Eobt. Boulton Edward Hitcheon de Walton Elen w. Jo, M'S de Letherlande Marche .. 24 27 Apeill .. 6 14 .. 23 78 Walton Eegistees. 1688-1689 Jo. Abbey de Morehouses Isabell Bridge de Walton Widow. Jo. Mather s. Lawrence Mather ... Joane Heskett de Faz^ Henrye Fazakerley de Faz^ Wm Amott de Walton Elizabeth d. Eoger Harp Andrew s. Jo. Harrison Jo. Woofall de Darbye Jo. 3. Eic Garston Edward Fazakerley de Faz' Joane w. Tho Anderton Anne w. Bic Stockley Henrye M'e° de Darbye Jo. Eobinsone de Linaker Jane w. Christofer M'cer Tho Dober de Bootle Sisly w. Henrye Jo: son ... . Joane d. Henrye Haughton . . . Jo. s. M' Nye Faz' de Walton. Margerie d. Jo. Plupton Maye 10 ... 1119 ... 80 Julye 7 ... 9 17 August ... 28 Septembk 4 ... 18 20 Octob" ... 23 27 Novemb" ... 19 27 ... 29 Deoembb 9 Januarie ... 5 14 ... 29 Febeuaeie 22 1589 Widow Darwen de Edgelane Joane w. Eic M'c' Henrye Eycroft de Clubmore Margerye d. Nic Stockley ... Anne w. Wm. Boare Bafe M'c' de Greave House... Maeche ... 4 13 Apeill ... 1 11 ... 16 27 1589-1590 BUBIALS. 79 Isabell d. Wm Washington Eobt Becke de Darbye Widow Coekram Elen w. Lawrence Heye Lawrence Formbye de Faz' Jo. s. Tho. Dowse ... . Alice d. Jafl M'c' Widow M'c' de Brode oke Elen Mosse de Everton . Mathew Becke de Darbye Elen w. WiUin Greene Margerye d. Eic Ainsdall ... Ux' Wm Syer de KirkdaU Margreat d Bobt Houghton. . . WUUa Smythe de KirkdaU . . , Bic 8. Tho Standley de Darbye June ... 19 26 ... 29 August 8 ... 15 27 Septembb ... 25 29 Ootobr ... 9 14 ... 24 Decembr 21 ... 29 30 Januarie ... 1426 1590 Katherine w. Jo. Diconson Peter Waynwright de Darbye Anne w. M' Jo: More Dorithye d. Mr Nic Faz' Henrye Powley de Darbye Mr Eobt Faz' de Darbye Margreat w. Tho. Wright Bic. Lonsdall de KirkdaU Jo. s. Edmiide Boden Maeohe ... 1 22 Apeill ... 25 Maye 6 ... 13 16 June ... 2429 ... 30 80 Walton Eegisters. 1690-1691 Margreat d. Clemace Vose . . . Elen d. EoBt. Lonsdall Joane d, the same Eobt, Margreat d. Eic Longworthe .. Widow Couldocke de Bootle Anne Standishe de Darbye Joane d. Tho. Dicon de Bootle Julye 10 ... 17 21 ... 26 September 2 ... 28 October 5 Henrye Burges de Darbye Joane Smerley de Darbye Elize Bycrofte de Darbye.. Elizabeth d. Davye Eishton WUlin a. Jon. Cowp Elizabeth d. Bic Govett Anne w. Boger BusheU Katherin w, Jo, Eose de Everton November ... 35 ... 17 Deoembeb 17 ... 22 Februarie 8 ... 57 1591 Katherin w. Herye Faz' Tho. Eose de Low Elizabeth d. Eic Halewoode ... Ux' Nic Blaekmore de KirkdaU Ux' Tho. Worsle de Bootle ... Clarisse w. Wmin Hey Willin Eoae de Darbye Widow Eose de Evton Tho. s. Arthur Gorsitohe Jo. Blaekmore de KirkdaU Tho. a. Eic Woraley Maeohe . ... 39 Apeyll . ... 9 14 . ... 1516 Maye . ... 1720 . ... 22 Julye 12 . ... 19 1591-1592 Burials. 81 Sislye w. Eoger Faz' John s. Jane Bode & Bafe Pryor Jo. a. Eobt. Fletcher Elen d. Jo. Harryson Joane Boulton de Walton ... . Katherin w. Eoger Eatchdall ... Bie. Bucke Eobt. M'ser de Low Hugh Durninge August 10 ... 18 27 ... 80 OCTOBB 17 ... 27 Novembe 25 ... 2729 Ja: Forste de Evton.. Eoger Boulton Jo. 3. Eoger Eigbye .. Bryan Webst' de Bootle Gefraye Gleast de Darbye Jo. Wainwright de Darbye Deoembe ... 2 13 ... 17 Febeuaeie 27 ... 28 80 1592 Maroue Jo:Pollert 1 Eic. Boulton de Livpoole Eline Berrye 7 27 Apryll M""=° Margreat Breers Margreat d. Bafe Longworth Anne w. ye said Bafe 3 9 10 Maye Eobt s. Tho. Strange Eobt 3. Wm M'c' 18 25 Anne d. Nye Eose & .Joane Janian 26 WUlin Boare de Aintrye 27 Julye Widow M'c' de Woodsye WiUm Hilton de Faz' 13 23 Marye w. Jo Vose 25 82 Walton Eegisters. 1592-1593 Anne Blackburne de Faz' . . . Eic. s. Nye Stockley ... . Widow Wadington de Walton Jo. Wiswall de KirkdaU ... Jo Poole de Faz' Ux'JoM'c' Margerie w. Eobte Carre ... . Eobt s. Bobt Houghton Wm 8. Jo. Willinson de Linaker. Sislye Blackburne Margerie d. Jo Washington... Mr Bafe Whitfield de Faz' . . Jo. 8. Tho. Boulton de Darbye Eic, Henshall Henrye Eogerson Alice d. blacke Tho. M'c' Peter GyU Eobt. Woode Jo Ligh s. Mr Pet Ligh Tho. M'c' de Darbye Alice Woode de Darbye Ux' Eoger Douse EUn Mr Tho. Eigbye .. August 10 . 1816 . 2022 Ootobee 22 ... 2729 ... 30 Novembe 5 ... 7 27 ... 2829 Decembb ... 38 ... 8 23 Januabie ... 14 16 ... 23 29 1593 Jo. Plombe de Brecksyde. Eic. Lunt de Faz' WUlm Hey de Hansteele . Bic Coocke de Bootle ... Sislye w. Wm Burton Letisse w. Henrye Plombe Willm Barrow de Darbye Margreat Bridge de Faz' Widow M'c' de Faz Marche 17 .. 9 13 .. 27 Aprill 13 .. 1925 .. 26 1698-1694 Burials. 88 Margreat w. Bic Eoae Ux' Tho. Boulton de Darbye Aug M'°"« Elnor w. Mr Jo. More . Tho. Musker de Bootle Widow Tho:son Jo M'c' de Litherland Nic Fazakerley de Linaker ... . Vid Eic. Boulton de Clubmore . . . AUce w. WUlm Lithalen Joane w. Eoger Hey Margreat w. Bafe M'c' de Walton , Tho. Higgenson de Evton Margreat w. Tho. Musker Ja. Gloover Eic Harp de Walton Eobt Houghton de Walton , Joane d. Bie. Anderton . . Jo, s. Eobt Gloover Jo, Pendleton de Lowe Eobt Boulton de Ewzam . Tho, Gloover de Darbye Margreat w, Eobt W"°aon Tho. a. Tho. Dicon de Bootle EUzabeth Boulton Margreat w. psivell Potter EUzabeth d. Eoger Mutch Maye ... 13 17 ... 29 29 ... 30 Julye 18 ... 28 August 8 ... 14 18 Septembb ... 3 8 5 15 Ootobr ... 7 12 ... 17 Novembee 2 ... 11 December ... 1823 ... 27 Januarie 25 ... 27 28 ... 30 Tho. a. Eic Finehe . Margerye w. Nye Smith Jo. Taylier de Faz . . . 1594 Mabohe ... 2830 ... 31 84 Walton Eegistees. 1594-1595 Margreat Lake de Evton Eoger Hey de Evton Jo. s. Jo. Cowp Peter s. Henrye Eyding ... Lawrence Plombe Darbye . Tho: s. Eobt M'c' Jo. M'c' de Darbye ... Jo. Tarleton de Darbye Jo. s. Edward Eishton Ux' Jo, Taylier de Faz' EUn w. Eobt M'c' de Eyse Lane Margerie d, Tho. Boulton Alice w. Tho Cocke Jo. Gardiner de Bootle EUzabeth M'c' Jo. Washington de Bootle Jo s, Peter Wainwrighte Tho. 8. Henrye Houghton Widow Tarlton de Else Lane Boger Barker de Croxteth Elin w. Eychard Longworth Tho. M'c' de Darbye Eic Longworth de Darby . . . David Ditton de Bootle . . . Tho. a. Jo. Coocke Milner EUn w. Wm Woode Aprill 10 Maye ... 2 14 ... 1518 ... 26 Julye ... 22 23 ... 24 August 2729 Septembb 5 ... 1325 ... 28 Octobee ... 2829 NoVEMBEB ... 13 18 . 23 Decembr 25 ... 27 29 Febeuaeie ... 3 7 ... 25 Jo. Eigbye de Darbye Ux' Henrye Eogerson Joane Eatchdall ... 1595 Maeche 28 .. 2930 1595 Burials. 86 Eobt a. Eobt. Eobt'aon Margreat d. Wm HenshaU ... Ux' Ja. Higgenaon Margerye d. Wm Woods Tho 8. Tho. Forstr Tho Higgenson de KirkdaU Eic Bridge de Faz' Wm s. Tho. Boulton Jo : M'c' de Tubrooke EUzabeth d. M' Nic Faz' ... . Margreat Kers' Widow Henrye Jo : sone de Bootle ... . Jo. Harrisone de Walton Jo. Walbancke de Darbye ... . Ux' Bic Fazakerley de Faz' ... Wm Forber & Wm Hey Wright . Jo. Fletcher de Darbye Eobt M'c' de Darbye Wm s. Jo. Burges Wm s. EUzabeth Litherland Tho. 3. Eobt, Fletcher Alice w. Eic. HUton Elizabeth w. Tho. Boulton de Livpoole. Arthure Tyrer de Darbye Katherin d. Tho. Finne Eobt. 8. Wm Smith Anne Fazakerley de Lowe Mr Eoger Breers Wmffi 8, Eio Anderton Eic Aamall Jo M'c' de Clubmore Margreat w, Lawrence Breera Tho, a, Tho, Strange Wm Walmealey Eic. Bridge de Eyae Lane Aprill 2 . ... 29 30 May . ... 8 19 . ... 22 27 [sic] Maye . ... 4 18 . ... 23 26 . ... 29 June 15 . ... 28 27 . ... 28 30 Julye . ... 7 10 . ... 15 28 . ... 80 August 2 . ... 8 7 . ... 18 23 September 6 . ... 15 22 October . ... 5 11 . ... 12 28 86 Walton Bbgistees. 1595-1596 Jane Washington Tho. Georgesone de Darbye Eic. Fazakerley Eic. Morrisse de Darbye ... Francis s. George Woods .. Anne d. Edward Eylands Henrye Bydinge EUn w, Wm M'c' de Tubrooke Jane w, George Woods Anne w. Jo, Boulton de Low . . . Ja. a. Wm Carier Bic 3. Jo. Douae Alice w. Bic Boden Jane d. Jo. Douae Barnabye Thornton Henrye s. Jo. Poole Jane d. Eic Boulton Bobt 3. Eobt. Mosse Xxtofer Browne November 7 ... 10 13 ... 18 24 Deoembe ... 18 17 ... 2227 ... 29 Januarie 8 ... 1012 ... 19 Febeuaeie 7 ... 1217 ... 21 25 1596 OUver Brindle de Darbye Margerye w. Jo. Finehe . . . Bafe Wetherbye de Darbye Francis d. Eic Wofall Widow Pooley de Darbye Wm Smith Eobt 3. Tho. Fletcher ... , Jane w. Eic Garston Alice w. Wm Tho : sone Jane w. Tho. Plombe Willm Eyse de Darbye.. Eafe Standisshe Maeche J' 9 ... 12 Maye 3 .. 9 18 June .. 10 Julye 14 ... 16 August 8 ... 6 1696-1597 Burials. 87 Laurence Longworth ... Hugh Musker de Darbye Jo. Tarleton Widow Tarleton de Bootle Eobt. Burton de Bootle Eondle Suddle de Walton Jo. s. Eoger Harp October 6 November ... 8 80 Deoembeb ... 27 Febeuaeie 13 .. 25 28 1597 Jo. b. Wm Marc' de Linaker . . . Katherin d. Jo. Burton Anne w. Bic M'c' de Litherland Eobt. Eycroft de Darbye Ux' Wm Boulton de Darbye Jo. s. Henrye M'c' IsabeU Finnc . . . Margreat Benett de Darbye... Jane w. Henrye Standanought Widow Durninge de Darbye Jo. s. Eoger Tyrer Katherin d. Tho. Durninge... Eic Standanought Elin Fisher Jo. Fazakerley Marche ... 13 18 Maye ... 23 June 26 ... 28 August 7 ... 14 October 15 ... 80 November 3 ... 7 Januarye 13 ,., 24 Febbuarie 8 ... 5 88 Walton Eegistees. 1698-1699 1598 Margreat LonsdaU Margreat Jo : son ¦Jo. Forber AUce w. Eondle Suddle Wmm Lonsdall Jo. Whitfield de Darbye Alice Wright Jane d. Jane Garnett Eafe M'c' de Walton . . . Jo. Boulton de Clubmore IsabeU M'c' AUce w. Jo. Eoae Jo. Eose de Darbye Lawrance Pendleton Widow Eicroft de Clubmore Tho. Fazakerley Edwarde Eylands ... Tho. P'scott de Walton Jane w. Eobt. Gloover Margreat w. Bic Yoxan Henrye Dey Nye Jo : son de Bootle . . Apbill 10 ... 11 28 June ... 12 Julye 27 Septembeb .. 1828 ... 30 October 23 ... 2528 ... 28 Novembee ... 1523 ... 31 Decembee 12 ... 16 25 Januarie ... 1 2 ... 6 Febeuaeie 8 AUce Bridge de Faz' Henrye Mar^ WUlm Breers de Walton 1599 Maeohe .. 10 15 .. 29 1599 BuBIALS. 89 Tho. a. Eobt. Willinn Margreat Amott Eobt. Fazakerley EUn d. Myles Strange Ux' Jo. Hughson Widow Haskeine de Fazakerley Widow Eyse Ux' Eoger Haughton Henrye Boulton de Darbye Jo. Harriaon ata Hogaon de Darbye WiUm s. Eic Barker Jane w. Eoger Dey Bic s. Eic Poughton Jane d. Tho Standley AUce d. Boger Dey Hugh 3. Tho. Durninge Eobt Litherlande de Darbye Tho Durninge de Edge Lane Jane Lea de Walton Margreat Anderton ParneU Formbye de OrreU Tho. 3. Jo Boulton de Ewzam Margerye Plombe Tho. s. Eic. Plombe Alice d. Jo. Boulton Anne Eicsdoughtr de Darbye Edmiide Jumpe de Darbye and Tho. s. Henry Boulton Anthonye & Edwarde s. Wm Lunt Marye d. Bobt. Fazakerley Eobt. Fazakerley Margreat Benett of Darbye psiveU Potter de Darbye Henrye Bridge de Fazakerley Xxtofer Abbott Eobt Litherlande de Darbye Aprill 6 ... 7 14 Maye ... 18 27 ... 29 30 June ... 13 18 ... 23 Julye 28 .. 1327 .. 29 August 17 ... 2327 September ... 4 6 ... 7 17 ... 19 19 Ootobeb ... 20 27 .. 29 Novembee ... 7 15 ... 21 27 ... 29 Deoembeb 3 ... 9 12 ... 18 90 Walton Eegistees. 1699-1600-1601 Eobt s. Omfrey Eoughstitche Widow Henshall de Edge Lane Januarie 3 ... 5 1600 Eoger BusheU de Darbye Margreat Coocke de Bootle Jo. Musker de Bootle Ux' James Berrye de Bootle . . . Ux' Henrye Fletcher de Darbye , Mr. Eobt. Holme Jo. Eigbye de KirkdaU Marye Eigbye w. ye saide Jo Tho. Coocke de Bootle Ginnett w. Eobt Jo : sone de Linaker b Wm a. Edwarde Tarleton & Jane Couldocke. Elizabeth d. Tho. Boulton de Clubmore ... Elizabeth d Charles de Darbye Grace Coekram de Darbye Elin d. Valentyne Eicaon Jane w. Wm Boulton de Darbye Jo. Haworth de Faz' Maeche 27 ... 80 Maye 21 June ... 9 25 ... 29 Julye ... 7 15 August ... 8 September 2 November ... 1728 Deoembeb ... 13 25 Januarie ... 2229 Februarie ... 7 1601 Mr Wm Fazakerley de Kirkbye Maboh 28 1601-1602 BuEULS. 91 Maye Jo. s. Jo. Madocke & M'great Bridge 6 Emme Blaekmore widow 11 EUzabeth Bydinge 11 June John Wigaine de Low ¦) Jo s. Edwarde Standisshe & M'cer ) July Eic Poughton de Low 7 Ux Tho. Boulton de Clubmore 15 Anne Woof aU de Darbye 17 Edwarde Blunt de Low 21 August Eoger Tarleton de Walton 17 Jo. M'cer de Walton 29 Septembeb Elen Mather de Fazakerley widow 13 Ux' Eic Tyrer de Darbye 23 OUver Boulton de Walton 28 October EUenor Bydinge de Darbye 11 Bryan Charles de Darbye 13 Novembee Margreat w. Eic. Kidd 3 AUce d. wmffi Hey de Darbye 7 Henrye a. Bryan Charles 7 Jo. a. Eoger Dey de Darbye 19 December Northerne John 23 George 8. Tho. Barton 29 Januabie AUoe w. Eic' Wmsoii 29 1602 Marche Katherin w. Eic M'cer de Darbye 20 AUce Hakeshead de Darbye Widow 26 Apbyll Margreat Busshell de Low ... , 17 Jo : Pemberton de Linaker 28 92 Walton Bbgistees. 1602-1608 Ux' Omfrey Hey de Everton Alice w. Tho. Kempe de Walton Alice Wiswall de Darbye Anne d. Eye Tyrer Mr Williii Moore de BanekehaU EUzabeth d. Wm Gloover Francis d. Mr Eic More Margreat d, Peter Marton and Elizabeth Baker Eobt, s, Jo, Wmsone & Elen Longworth WiUiii Woods de Croxteth pke Eobt, Eycroft de Clubmore AUce w. Wm Gloover Margreat w. Bic. Eose Willm Johnson de Bootle Joane Hawell de Faz' wmm s. Bic Bose de Evton Anne w. Jo. Shaw de Low Maye ... 2229 June ... 2528 Julye ... 17 August 28 October ... 24 Deoembeb ... 18 25 Januabie ... 19 29 ... 80 Febeuaeie 7 ... 27 28 1603 Elizabeth d. of Bic Aughton and Elen Eoae de Faz' Alice d. of Jo : Henahall de Evton Alice w. of Tho: Fazakerley widow Mychaell Whytehead de Faza Nye Eigbye a. of Eic Eigbye EUzabeth w. of Eigbye Tho : baae a. of George M'cer John M'cer de Tounerow d. of WyUm EoBtson Maeohe .. 2022 Apryll .. 3 10 .. 20 June 5 .. 21 1608-1604-1605 Burials. 98 AUce w. of Eaffe Lea widow AUce d. of Thomas Barton de Walton Jane w. of Nye Hatton [Here a blank of one-third of the page occurs.] 1604 John s. of Wm WoorraU & Margaret Syer Bic 8. of Eobt Boulton Eic Garston John Moore Eic Bridge AUce d. of Eobt Woodworth and Margaret Eogerson Tho:Boult5 Clerke Widow Berrye de Bootle Bobt Johnsone Bic Eyse de Evton wmm Fletcher de Evton Ux' Bryan MexS Julye 3 August ... 1 19 October Marohe ... 27 Maye 9 Julye ... 1728 ... 30 September 19 ... 22 Ootobee 18 Deoembeb ... 21 Januabye 16 ... 23 Maeche 17 1605 John s. of BoBt Boulton . Thomas Smith Nye Lea de Walton ... . Tho, Fisher de Faz ... Apeyll ... 8 19 ... 24 Maye ... 3 94 Walton Eegistees. 1605-1606 John Cowp de KyrkdaU Margreat d. of James Higgenson ... EUzabeth d. of Eobt. M'cer Widow Asmall Eobt Gloover Wm 8. of Tho: Whyte... . Alice Gloover Jo: a. of Tho: Johnsone Nye Eylands de Walton ... Henrye Fletcher de Darbye... Joane d. of Eobt Boulton de Darbye Elnor d. of Bic Dycon de Bootle Margerye Tarleton Widow John Alker de Paz Katherin w. of Jo : Bunckhorne Sislye w. of GylBt Pendleton Julye 23 ... 26 August ... 7 September 24 Ootobeb ... 2125 November ... 28 28 December ... 9 10 Januabye ... 19 20 ... 28 Febbuaeye 18 Maeohe ... 7 18 1606 Eic Eoskell EUen WoofaU de Faz ... Widow Mason de Darbye... Jane d. of WiUm Washington Jane d. of Jo : Lonsdall ... . Bic s. of Eowland Johnson... WUliii 8. of ye said Eowland ... Apryll . 6 .}" June 8 . 19 Julye 26 . 29 1606-1607 Burials. 95 Margery Williams doughter Eaffe a. of Tho : Boulton de Low . Elizabeth d. of George Litherland EoBt Hey of Walton Jo : Douae of P'scott pishe BoBt Plombe de Darbye Alice w. of Wm Litherlande Widow MerS de Shawgreene ... . George s. of EoBt Boulton Ux'Adam Widow Washington de Bootle Ux' John Tatlocke EoBt Amott Widow Abbott de Evton Tho a. of Wm Eose de Low Hyll John s. of Hugh Bydinge John 8. of Wm Tickle Jo. s. of Wm Blackmoore Henrye Johnsone de Darbye Anne d. of Peter Mosae ... August 18 •••|29 Septembee ... 24 29 Ootobee ... 1318 ... 27 Novembee 14 ... 23 Deoembeb 5 ... 19 21 Januabye... 1014 ... 24 Februarye 18 ... 23 Mabohe 13 ... 14 1607 Widow Wigaine de Low Thomas Dicon de Livpoole Wm s. of John Sadler... . Willm Hey de Breckesyde in Darbye WiUm Harrison de Olubmore 29 Maye 13 June 28 Julye 1 28 96 Walton Eegistees. 1607-1608 Willm 3. of Jo. Singer Henrye Heye de Darbye Anne w. of Peter Wainwright Jo. s. of Eoger Beiiett & Joane Eccleston John 3. of Wm Pasmitch Tho. Mere' de Mossyde Widow Coekram de Darbye WUlm Burges de KirkdaU Jo: s. of Eoger Tyrer Tho. Greaves de Evton John 8. of Mr EiS MoUneux de NewhaU Tho. s. of Nye' Bridge... Jane w. of Willm Broune Bobt Plombe de Darbye August .. 18 80 October ... 9 25 ... 28 Novembee 4 ... 25 Deoembeb 27 ... 30 Januabye 2 ... 14 Febbuaeye 2 ... 5 20 1608 Eoger Douse de Darby . John Mer§ de Walton ... Leonarde Chorley Gent. Alice MerS de Fazakerly Widow Henshall de Darbye John Jane w. of Jo : Eatehedall Henrye s. of Tho Banner Anne Butterye de Evton widow ... Francis Moore Margreat d. of Ei? Norrisse de Darbye Mabohe .. 2730 Apbyll .. 4 28 .. 29 June . 1080 Julye .. 18 August 7 . 28 1608-1609 Burials. 97 Xxtofer a. of Eaffe Wigaine de Low IsabeU d. of Tho. Barnea Thomas Douse Edwarde Benett de Faz. Elene w. of Wm Burton de Livpoole John Bunckhorne de Walton Thomaa Denton de Walton John a. of Mr. Jo: Poole Eic a. of Jo : Wooda de Darbye Alice d. of Jo: Heskett Septembee 7 .. 8 Deoembeb 16 ... 30 Januabye 12 ... 18 27 Febf ... 8 6 ... 7 1609 Elin w. of Nye Eigat de Muohe Crosbye Margerye d. of Eic Amott de Darbye .., John Harrison de KirkdaU Anthonye Burges de Darbye ... Bic a. of Eaffe M'cer de Walton.. Eobt a. of Anthonye Burges . . . Katherin w. of Anthonye Burges Elizabeth w. of Bobt Tickle Margerye d. of Bic Amott Jo: 8. of Eaffe M'cer de Evton Henrye s. of Jo : Watmough de Darbye EoBt s. of EoBt Mosse de Evton ... . Elen d. of Anthonye Hey James Berrye de Bootle John Singer Alice d. of Eic Tyrer KoBt Litherlande ... Mabohe 21 .. 2329 Apeyll .. 28 24 .. 2527 May 84 .. 5 12 .. 1824 June .. 11 17 August . 23 24 98 Walton Eegistees. EUenour Boulton de Bootle Ginnet Longworth Wido widow [sic] d. of Jo. Higgenson and pnell Haughton Widow Breers de Walton AUce w. of Eobt Boulton de Ewza AUce Higgenson de Walton Anne late w. of Wm Fletcher Widow... wmm Himt de Darbye Eio : 8, of Ja : Johnaon de Bootle 1609-1610 Septembee Ootobee ... 17 29 Novembee 5 Decebee 13 ... 18 27 Januarys ... 8 1610 Ux' John Georgeson de Darbye Ux' Tho. Harrison de Darbye Widow Barrow de Darbye [blank] [blank] Lawrance s. of and Elen Winstandley. Ux' Willm M'cer de Wartrie Margaret Medow de Walton Widow Nic Eose de Darbye Isabell d. of Wm Musker de Low EUzabeth Lea de Walto Elen WUson Widow Maeche 13 .. 27 Apeyll 12 Maye June Julye .. 18 August ... 13 17 September 1 2 October ... 24 November 28 1610-1611 BuBIALS, 99 Elen w, of Lawrence Eose de Walton Margreat Cawper de KirkdaU Widow Elen Eycroft Widow Tho. Finnc de Bootle Jane Dey Widow Dorithye d. of Boger Singleton [Here foUows a blank.] Deoembeb .-} * ... 1725 ... 81 Januabie 24 1611 * Margreat w. Tho Gleast de Darbye Elizabeth w. of John Coocke de Darbye Tho Bridge de Bootle [blank] Margreat w. of Jo : Boulton de Ewzam. . Eic. Boulton Batehler de Darbey . . . Ux' Pokes Barker de Darbye Katherin Dober widow Eobt Boden de Faz Jane w. of Tho: Couldocke... . Elizabeth d. of Mr. Bic: Moore Wm s. of Jo : Fazakerley de Darbye Tho. Worrall de Darbie ... Jo Forber Juni de Clubmore John Sutton svant to S' Peter Ligh Ux' Edwarde Benett de Faz. d. of Wm Gloover 8. of Tho. Fazakerley de Clockehouse * Opposite this entry is the letter "d," Maeohe ... 7 12 ... 27 Apryll Maye ... 7 10 ... 21 25 June ... 3 6 ... 8 Julye 23 Ootobee ... 5 28 Novembee ... 28 28 Decembee ... 18 24 100 Walton Eegistees. 1611-1612 Januarie Margreat w. of Jo. Burton de Linaker 5 Dame Elenor MoUneux late w. of Mr WUlffi Moore of ye BanekehaU 15 Jane late w. of Peter Ackers widow 28 Jo. a. of Nye Bridge de Bootle Ux' Peter Woofall widow ... Februarye ... 2 24 *1612 Elen M'cer widow Wm 8. of Tho. Turner Mr Nye Fazakerley de Walton Marche .. 8 16 .. 19 1612 Marye & Joane d. of Edwarde Haughton de Faz. f ¦¦¦ Peter Sadler de Darbye Elen Mercer de Oke Widow .. Mychaell Shorlaker EUzabeth Shorlaker Widow... Hugh Turner de Faz ... Elen d. of Wm Hewood Henrye Eose Katherin d of Eic Topping Margaret J Berrye de Darbye Lewes WUlmson Williii Eishton John Tatlocke de Bootle * These figures are entered in a different ink and hand. f This entry is crossed out. I "dought" struck out, Apryll . 23 May 12 ... 27 June 17 ... 22 Julye ¦ S^ 18 August ., 2130 September ... 6 10 ... 23 1612-1618 Burials. 101 Margerye w. of Ja : Eccleston Jane d. of Ja : Higgenson Katherine Whitfielde Widow , Tho Wright de Fazakerley Elen d. of Henrye Eose Eic : Ascroft de Bootle Widow Smith de KirkdaU John Boulton de Ewzam Eic : PluUepott de Low Lawrence s. of Wm Turner Henrye a. of Tho M'cer James Higgenson de KirkdaU Margreat d. of Bic: Poughton EUzabeth w. of Tho Coocke Jo : 8. of Mr BoBt Fazakerley WiUm Prescott Katherin w. of Tho Harrison de Nuc Juni Bryan Burton and ") Margerye d. of Tho. Stannanought ) Eic 8. of Willm P'scott wmffi Shakeragge Clemanee Ascroft croft [sic] de Bootle Widow Ootobee 3 ... 2827 Noveber ... 1824 December ... 17 24 Januarye ... 8 4 ... 10 18 ... I- ... 30 Februarye 8 79 14 1613 Margreat Dober Spinster Thomas Poole de Walton Bic: Berrye de Bootle pneU Hylton de Faz' WUlffi Tarleton de Darbye Eic Worsley de Bootle Margreat d. of Wm Fazakerley Eic s. of Wm Stockley Tho. 3. of Jo. Worrall de Darbye EUzabeth d. of Mr Bie: Moore ... Elizabeth d. of Wm Farrer ... Edmud s. of Mr Eobt. Fazakerley Marche 9 15 Apryll .. 3 4 .. 1719 ., 23 25 Maye .. 1417 .. 1920 l02 Walton Eegistees. I6l3 June Marye d. of Tho. Medow 3 wmffi Grimosin de pke 10 Henrye MerS de Tubrooke 13 Eobt Shepperd de Darbye 18 Julye * EUzabeth w. of Thomaa Bridge de Walton 22 Omfrey Eoughstitche de Darbye 27 Ux' Eic Toppinge de Faz' 31 August Eio : Stevenaone de Darbye 27 Widow Douse de Whiston 29 Septembee Elizabeth late w. of Eoger Dowse Widow 14 Elen d. of Henrye Gorsitche 28 Octobee John Sadler de Darbye 21 Peter s. of Edwarde Harrison 24 EUzabeth d. of Jo. Leland 25 Annie Turner Widow 27 Novembee Eoger Haughton de Bootle 1 Eoger 3. of Lawrence Turner 8 WUlffi Winstandley de Low 21 Elizabeth d. of Mr Eic Latham 21 Tho. a. of Jeffray JoUye 22 Wm Marton de Faz 25 Deoembeb Eic. Finehe de Litherlande 7 Elen Fazakerley de Darbye Widow 13 Januarye Jame M'c' de Walton 10 t Jane d. of Bryan Charlea de Darbye 28 Folkea Barker de Darbye 8 Februarye Thomas Strange de KirkdaU 12 Julyan d. of Mr Bichard Moore 25 John s. of Jo. Abbey 26 John Coocke de Darbye ") . Bie. Pendleton de Evton \ ^' Alice w. of Tho : Haworth 28 * This entry has been interlined. t Apparently interlined. 1614 BUEIALS. 108 1614 John WUlmson de Linaker James Toppinge de Faz , Tho. s. Mr Tho. Gerrard then de Croxteth Margreat d of Lawrence Banke Jane d of Boger Bose de Evton Tho. s. of Tho: HenshaU ... Margerye Higgenson de KirkdaU Widow Margerye d. of Henrye Eyse wmffi Broune de Darbye ... *Anne Woofall de Darbye Widow , Elen w. of Henrye Eyse Elizabeth w. Jo Bridge de Walton... AUs Whidbye of Toxteth ... ,, Thomas a. of Darbye Smyth Bichard Anderton of Walton Jane d of Edwarde Bridge Jane w. of Thomaa Baner Darby ... AUs w. of Eycharde Tyrer of Darby John Burges of ye Clubmore Loore d. of Thomas Barton of Walton... Britchett w. of Eichard Fazakerley Wm s. of Thomas Choner of Darbye... EUzabeth d. of John Darwin Thomas Dowber of Bootle John 8. of Baph Merser de Tounrowe ... Jane w. of Thomas Merser of Walton Mary w. of Baph Merser de Tounrow . . . Ane d. of Omfre Harison George s. of By Woods de Darby Elizab w. of Xtopher Merser de Everton Arnolde Gorste de Darby Thomas s. of John Hesketh de Darby * The word "night" written in the margin opposite this entry. Mabohe 9 . ... 10 Apryll 22 '...""... '^ . ... 11 |27 Maye . ... 1 7 . ... 8 9 . ... 15 19 June . ... 2 2 . ... 4 11 ¦..•¦... 1^1 26 Julye , ,.. 8 August 8 . ... 11 20 . ... 29 81 Septembeb . ... 3 12 Ootobeb . ... 8 November 12 . ... 24 104 Walton BegisterS. 1614-1616 Joane d. of Mr Standishe de Toxteth EUzabeth wife of Mr. Alexander Molyneux Esq. Joan & Joane [sic] d. of Mr John Abbey Eobte Boulton als Gloou' de Darby John [sic] d. of John Charnoeke John 3. of WiUm Makin de Croxteth Isabell Gerrarde Eandle Gararde Katherin d. of Bryan Dowber ... . Arthur MeUinge Sexton WUlffi Breeres of Walton Edward s, of James Higginson Thomas Bridge of Darby George Blanoherd of Walton EUzabeth Blaneherd of Darbye ... . Henry a. of WUlffi Bisbam of Darby Edwarde Charles of Darby Margret Bridge Widow stc] December ... 4 26 ... 29 January ... 4 10 ... 22 Febeuary 8 ... 8 11 ... 18 •• 1 25 ..'" 26 March ... 4 "...I » 12 ... 24 1615 EUen w. of Eychard WoofaU Towrow Elizabeth Whyte Widow Ane Chorley of Walton Isabell Charles of Darby John Hitcheon of Fazakerley John s. of John Burton Lowe Henry Boulton of Walton Bryan Goer of Walton Eycharde WorroU de Everton Ane w. of Eoger Dey & \ Ellen w. of Parswell Smyth de Darby ) "¦ Anne w. of John MoUneux de Walton John s. of Eycharde Tyrer de Darby Joan w. of John Walley de Mossyd John Bridge of Walton Henrye s. of James Eycroft of Darbye Joane d. of Eycharde Higginson de KirkdaU Apeili, 1 8 . 2021 . 2627 May 2 15 . 16 29 June 1 11 . 18 14 15 1616 BueialS. 106 Alis w. of Jo : Haryson of MeUinge Jo : s. of Ey : Haworth of Fazakerley Eaph Pendleton of Walton Sisly MoUneux de Darby Widow Ane w. of WUlffi Washington de Bootle Frannces w. of Mr. Andrew Mercer Jo: 8. of Bryan Dober de Bootle John Flecher of Darby Taller EUiour w. of Bryan Dober de Bootle Thomas Harison de New In in Walton Margery w. of George Smyth de Darby George s. of John PMton de Piloh Lane in Darby Elizabeth d. of Eychard Durning W^illm Muskin of ye Lowe By : s. of Eycharde Woods de Darby EUen Forber de Lowe Widdow IsabeU Martin de Tubrooke Widow EUen Jackson de Walton Eobert Hifielde de Bank HaU Ane w. of Tho. Boden de Darby Lettice d. of George Hemes de Darby Margery d. of John Heskth de Darby Katherin w. of John Kighley James Mather of Walton Jane Merser de Walton Widowe Jane d. of Eoger Merser de Darby Jane d. of WUlffi Garston de Fazakerley Eobert Merser de KirkdaU Henry s. of Tho: Fazakerley de Cloekhowse ... John ElUstones of Darby Ane d. of John Eigby de Darby John s. of Thomas Bixteth de Mossyde... Thomas s. of John Passmigeh de Darby John Baner of Darby June ... 17 18 ... 27 July 8 ... 29 August ... 3 11 ,„ 17 21 Septembee ... 2 13 ... 15 16 ... 26 Novembee 1 ... 1528 Decembee ... 68 January ... 9 11 ... 1416 ... 2529 February ... 12 ... 8 16 ... 28 Mabohe 6 ... 8 9 ... 28 106 Walton Eegistees. 1616 1616 Thomas s. of Hugh Laasell Joane Barton of Bootle wmffi Mather als Merser Isabell w. of John Thomasson de Darby . . . [Here follows a blank page.] AUs d. of Henry Eughstich de Darby Jane w. of John Bisbame de Darby EUzabeth WUlffison of Linaker Widowe , . . WiUffi Aughton Junior de Bootle John s. of Eycharde Haworth de Fazakerley Thomas s. of John Cooke de Bootle Margrett d. of David ElUson de Darby John a. of Wm Wainwright de Darby Aiie w. of Tho : Merser de Darby EUen w. of John Fisher de Fazakerley ... Joan d. of Ey : Bridge de Walton wmffi Lunte de Fazakerley WUlm Hearnes de Darby AUs w. of Eobte Pendleton Sara Karier de Brecksyde Katherin Haughton de OrreU ... AUs Cooke de Bootle Margery Merser de Walton Vid, Jo: 8. of Eye, Wooffall John & Joan e, of John Ormes John s, of Henry Jackson Eobte Tickle de Walton John & MichaeU e, of a stranger from ye Lowe Tho: s, of John Burton de Linaker wmffi 8. of John Woods de Darby Aiie Couldoek Peter Mosse de ESton By, a, of Thomas Crosse de Fazakerley March ... 26 31 Aprill ... 2124 May ... 8 68 12 ... 16 June 1 ... 25 July 2 ... 46 ... 20 August 1 ... 7 20 ... 21 Septembee ... 8 4 .. 1216 ... 29 October 6 Novembee ... 2 9 ... 11 12 ... 1618 ... 28 1616-161? Burials. 107 December None [sic] Januaey John 8. of Nicholas Bridge 7 Henry Boulton de Woodsyde 10 Thomas Shorliker of Walton 17 Wm s. of George Hemes 20 Lettice d. of Boger Dey de Darbye 28 Alis Woods de Croxteth pke Widow ) „., John 8. of John Syer de KirkdaUe j February EUzabeth d. of John Pinnington & Ellen Abraham ... 1 Margret d. of Wm. Bughley 2 John Finch de Darby 4 Aiie d. of John Syer 6 AUs w. of George Woods de Croxteth pke 11 Katherin Hulme de Fazakerley 18 Jane d. of Ey. Woods de Darbye 21 Alexander Cartwright 23 Maboh John s. of Eycharde GiU 22 [Here foUows another blank page] 1617 March Lawrence s. of Boger Fleetwood & EUzabeth Asps 25 Apbill Ane Govett Widow 2 Christopher Merser 3 George s. of Margrett Wooddes 12 EUen Dowse Widow 16 John B. of John Cooke de Bootle 20 Jane w. of John Crosse 22 May Anne w. of John Berry 6 Edwarde Flecher de Everton 10 Elizabeth d. of Hughe Parke 13 Ane Merser of Linaker 17 EUen w. of James Merser 31 108 Walton Eegistees. 1617 Tho Haryson of ye psonage . . . Thomas Haryson of KirkdaU Aiie w, of John WiUiii son Margrett Merser de Linaker John 8. of Wm Eoose de Lowe Eobte Haryson of KirkdaU... Eycharde Hesketh de Walton... Lawrence Burton de Darby... . John Lowe de Mossyde Eoger Mercer of Walton Jane d. of John Cooke Elizabeth w. of Wm Blaekmore. Thomas Merser de Walton WiUm Bobertson of Darbye Joane w. of Thomas Kighley Anthony Hey of Walton Eobte s. of Ey: Pryor Margrett w. of Laurence Mather de Knowsley... Lawrence a. of John Eoae & Ellen Standishstreete AUs d. of George Hemes Eycharde Blageburne de Fazakerley Joane p. of John Alkoeke Thomas Kenion de Toxteth Ellen w. of Thomas Crosse Judith d. of Eoger Dey June 2 8 10 16 24 29 July 39 15 25 31 August 15 Septembee 5 Ootobee 28 Novembee 4 16 25 26 December 10 26 , 31 Januarye 2 8 20 30 Febuaby [stc] 8 Tho : s. of Lawrence Banke Tho. 8. of John Dorden 7 A chyld of a stranger 8 Ellen w. of Eobte WignaU 18 John s. of Hugh Parke 10 Peter s. of WiUffi Smyth 19 Joane suposed* d. of WUlffi Wainwright & Jane Bysse iUegitime 20 Katherine Fazakerley widow 26 *ThiB word iaterlined. 1618 BuBIALS. 109 1618 Maboh John 8. of Bryan Dowber 6 Thomas Worthington p° de Winwick 8 Eoger s. of Eobte Henshew 18 Anne base d. of WUlffi Haye 25 EUen d. of John Worseley of Bootle 24 wmffi Mmer 27 *item James s. of Willm Toppinge 80 Apbil Henerie base s. of Eoger Mercer & Mgaret Kyrkebie 1 Thomaa Sharrocke 10 Eoger s. of Wm Garston & Adria Gerrarde 13 EUen MeUinge w. of Eobert MeUinge 23 Frannces HenshaU d. of Thomas HenshaU de West Derbie 24 Maie 11 11 Bridget Moore w. of Eichard Moore Gent ... Thomas Sargesone Twoo sonnes of John Haworth of Fazakerley lyving thother deade borne thone borne Anne Fishe d. of Thurstan Fishe Bichard Boulton Jane WoolfaU d. of Eobt WoolfaU Henerie Glover s. of Henerie Glover of West Derbie . Jane Bichardson w. of John Bichardson als Husonne. Peter Ascrofte John a. of John Fletch' de Carre de West Derbie Eauffe Wainewright of the Lowe Margaret Boulton w. of John Boulton of Euerton . Joane d. of Eichard Thomason of Euerton Jane Pendleton widow Anne w. of John LonsdeU of ye Lowe Margarett w. of John Parr Elen d. of John Leyland EUzabeth w. of Lawrence Cointree of ye Lowe EUzabeth Higginson of Eiiton ¦* This word is repeated before each entry, but it wag thought unnecessary to repeat it here. . 30 June 15 . 1821 . 23 Julie . 16 22 . 26 August . 1010 . 1526 Septembeb ... 16 20 ... 21 24 ... 27 110 Walton Eegistees, Mary w. of Wm Smyth de Brecksyde John 3, of James Higginson of Euton Thomas s. of ye sayd James ElUs Gloover of Walton Wm s. of Eobte Eogerson de Darby Edwarde Syre s. of John Syre de KirkdaU Margeret Wmiamsonne w. of Eicharde Wmiamsonne Elizabeth w. of Thomas Kerfoote de Brecksyde ... . Jane d. of Eichard Dober alias Prior of KirkdaU ... EUzabeth Harrisdaughter alios Eogerson of Darby Katherin d. of James Higgenson Mr Nicholas Fazakerley of Kirghbye William s, of Thoma8 Kighley de Breekside John Harrison of the Shae Greene Anne d, of John Stanistreete Dorothie d. of James Johnsonne Margarett w, of Thomas MoUnex de Breekside... Jane d. of William Toppinge of Fazakerley Jane d. of Ealphe Cocke and ElUn Boulton megitimate WUUam Spencer of Fazakerley Margarett d. of James Haughton of Bootle Henry s. of John MoUneux of Walton 1618-1619 Ootobeb 4 6 10 . ... 11 15 Novembee 22 29 Decembee 6 12 . ... 15 21 . ... 29 Januaey 17 27 27 Febeuary 1 8 . ... 9 ite 11 27 Maboh 14 19 1619 Margret d. of Eic Mather of Leupoole 29 Katherin d. of Bryan Lonsdale als Dober of Bootle 29 EUzabeth w. of John Haughton of Fazakerley 30 Apbill John Fazakerley of the Gill Mosse side 2 Parnell d. of John Haughton of Fazakerley 4 EUen Muskett widowe of Bootle 15 Edwarde s. of Thomas Fazakerley of Fazakerley 20 John s. of Boger Mercer of Walton 29 Edward a. of Mr Farefax of Leverpool 80 1619 BUEIALS. Ill Thomas s. of John Cocke of Bootle EUzabeth d. of Wimam Garston of Fazakerley Anne w. of Henry Smyth of Darby Ales w. of Eobert Darrant of Darby Mr Eichard Moore of Leverpoole Henry Singleton of Croxteth John a. of Jefferey JoUie... ParneU Prescott of Walton widow Katherin w. of Eobert Boulton of Darby Margarett w. of John Lowea of Fazakerley Hugh 8. of Eicharde Poultney of Lyneker Anne d. of Boberte Boulton of the Breckaide . . . Eicharde a. of WUlffi Smyth of Darby EUzabeth w. of Bichard Stonea of Darby Jane Burton d. of John Burton of Lowe Margarett w. of Edwarde Harrison of Fazakerley Anne w. of John Burton of ye Lowe WUUam a. of John Burton of the Lowe Elizabeth w. of Eoger Dey of Fazakerley Ales w. of Christopher Browne of Aggburth ... EUen w. of Ealphe Mercer of Darby Effin d. of Ealphe Wiggan of the Lowe ... John Burton senior of Lyneker Thomas Kempe of Walton Dorothie d. of John Cooke of Bootle Effin w. of Edmunde Jumpe of Darby John s. of Eobarte Pendleton of Darby Eichard Henshawe of the Greene Lane . . . WilUam WorraU of Kirkbie , Ales Boulton of Croxteth John a. of James Bycrofte of the Clubmoore May ... 8 11 ... 1919 ... 2225 June ... 6 24 July ... 13 AUGUBT 15 Septembee ... 1 6 ... 14 14 ... 21 29 ... 30 Octobee 2 ... 4 12 ... 13 Novembee 16 ... 24 Deoembeb 5 ... 9 22 January ... 1524 ... 27 Febeuary 5 ... 11 112 Walton Eegistees. 1619-1620 Febeuary Elizabeth w. of WiUffi BusheU of Fazakerley 12 EUzabeth d. of Ealphe Cooke and Ellin Boulton Illegitimate 12 Henry s. of James Eycroft of Darby 20 Henry Steeven of Walton 23 Thomas Plompton of Darby 27 March AUce w. of Willm Kelsoe of Fazakerley 2 John Daynolde of Fazakerley 6 John s. of Tho : Hey and Alice Johnson of Everton megitime 10 Thomas Daynole of Fazakerley 14 Thomas Cowdocke of Bootle 22 1620 Aprill Henry Prentice of Fazakerley 11 EUm Hey of Darby 17 EUin d. of Lawrance Bridge de Walton 27 John Tarlton de Bootle 28 May George Kekwicke of Fazakerley 1 * Edwarde Bowden of Fazakerley 10 Eoger s. of Henry Gleast of Fazakerley 80 June EUzabeth d. of Jane Coyntrie Uligitimate of Wartrie lane ... 4 Katherine Bridge widowe of the Eyce Lane 6 Thomas s. of John Muskett of Bootle 13 Edward Tarleton of Lyneker 15 Jane d. of Eoger WUson of Darbie 25 July t Johne 8. of Willia Kirbie of Breekside 10 Eobert Higginson of KirkdaU 12 Joane w. of Peeter Hey Clarke and Vicker of Walton ... 14 Septembee John s. Nicholas Eogerson aUes Lunt of Darby 3 Ales d. of Edmunde Whewley of Darby 7 Thomas s. of Lawrence Bose of Walton 10 Eicharde Marcer of Darby 25 John Finch of Darbie 29 WUUa a. of Willia Smith of Darbie ChappeU 28 * Entered in a different hand, f " William" struck out. 1620-1621 BUBULS. 118 WiUm Smyth of Darby John Poole of Darbye Margarett d. of John White of Darbie ... Ellen d. of James Higgenson of Everton Tho Wainwright of Each lane Christopher Leyland of Darby Anne w. of John Fisher of Fazakerley ... John Shawe of Wavertry Lane Widowe Dey of Darby Elizabeth Woods of Darby November ... 5 22 Deoembeb ... 1520 ... 23 January 14 Febbuaby ... 4 17 March ... 1 22 1621 Anne d. of Eicharde Poole of Walton ... Peeter Hey Vicar of Walton EUzabeth PooUe widowe late of Walton Bichard a. of John Burton Edward s. of Mr Tarlton of Fazakerley Two Infantes of Captaine MoUneux ... . Widowe Poughton of the Lowe Maryon Lake ill : fil Marg John Pike fil: Henrie de Dar Ann Haughto fil Jacob de Bootle ... . Jane Pemberto uxor Joh : de Dar : Henry Mercer fil Bichar: de Dar: ... . WiUia Crosby UI: fil: EUen Elen Berry Jane Wright fil: Johan: de Fazak Wiffia Aughton de Bootle Aprill ... 6 10 May ... 1720 ... 23 June 4 July ... 2 28 ... 31 31 Aug ... 1 24 Septe' ... 28 Ootob : 1 ... 12 25 114 Walton Eegistees. 1621-1622 Novmbb. John Burto de Linaker 6 Deoemb : Bichard Dale de Walto 17 Thomas Sauadge 20 Elizabeth Harrison 22 Januab : Katherine Harrison de Darb 12 Alice Mercer 28 Febeuar : Thomas Mercer de Darb: 14 Lower Higgenson de Eaut5 26 March Alice Charlea de Darb: 2 John Eoylands de Darb : 7 Henry Lonsdall de Earto 8 Mary Topping de Fazakerley 16 Henry Leigh de Darb : 19 1622 March Elizabeth d. of AUce Mercer Ulegitime 29 An w of OriginaU FUtcroft of Derby 80 Apr: EUzabeth d. John Seacome of Walton 9 Ellin d. of ye said John 10 WUlffi Mercer of Derby 24 Mary d. of Eich : Eose of Everton 29 May James 8. of John Miller of Derby 2 Bichard 8. of Nicho : Bridge of Bootle 2 Tho : Schey of Lowe 8 John Gaskin of Fazakerley 9 John s. of Wm Potter 14 Bichard Eose of Everton 19 June Edw : 8. of John Stones of Derby 13 AUce Hey of Derby Spinster ... ... .,. ,,, ,,. ,,, 23 1622-1623 BuEIALS. 115 Lawrence Turner of Fazakerley ... Wm 8. of Wffi Fazakerley of Derby . Eichard Woolfall of Derby Mary d. of Edw : Haughton of Faza : EUzabeth d. of EoBt Goore of Kirk : Ellin d. of Wm Potter Eobt s, of Wm Bowson Effin w, of John Barker John Fleetwood of Kirkdale ... Tho: 8, of Tho: Heaton ... . Tho : Bowden of Derbie Jane d. of Eichard Woolfall wmffi Whitfield Ellin Eylands widowe ElUn d. of Tho: Lathome Tho : s. of Henry Pyke ... . EUzabeth Hindley widow Baphe Pemberton Eich Poole of Faza : Mary d. of Tho : Marshe ... . An Leighe of Derby widowe... Elline Hearnes of Derby widow , Tho : Durning of Derbie Katherin d. of Henry Kerfoot John Berry of Bootle July 4 13 19 24 30 August 5 30 September 2 22 October 5 6 8 9 11 26 November 20 21 Deoembeb 20 30 31 Januaey 7 Feb: 9 28 Maboh 1 13 1623 Katherin Hodgson of Derby ... . Dorothy w. of Mr Ed. Tarleton... An Lathome ffiegit Jane w, of Eobt Tarletoa .,, .,, Ape: 3 15 1719 116 Walton Eegistees. 1628 ElUn d. of George Hearnes An w, of Bobt Fletcher Infans ignotus paup WUlffi s, of Boger Haughton WUlffi Hey labourer John Burton WUlffi Woods of Derby John Forber of Lowe Katherin d. of Bichard Woolfall Ulegit An d. of Margret Eose Katherin d, of John MUler Willm 8. of Bryan Dowber Tho: a. of WUlffi Adieat Alice Boulton Spinster Wffi Mercer & Humfrey his son An Mercer de Walto vid : Sep : in nocte Jennett Muskine ux. Johan de Darby ... Ellinor ux: Eaph: Mercer Thomas Pendleto de Lowe Katherin ux : Tho : Barnes Uxor Mercer de Euerto John Muskine de Darb : ... Anthony fil: Tho: Warton ... Ellin d. of James Higginson John Hughson of Derby . . . Mr Henry Fazakerly EUm Eatchdale of Walton An Hearnes widowe Henry Croft of Park Infans Worsley Eaphe Cooke of Walton . . . Widow Burges of KirkdaU ... EUzabeth Watmough Eoger Harp of Walton Mary Tarleton ... Ape: 19 27 27 27 29 80 May 2 4 7 11 16 18 19 20 22 JUNIJ 4 5 16 19 Jul: 1 6 9 30 31 Aug. 2 12 22 26 30 Sep: 6 24 Octob 1 4 27 No: 6 1628 BuBIALS. 117 EUzabeth d. of Mr. Fazakerley of Kirkby.. Henry s. of Eoger Mercer of Derby An Aughton widowe d. of Hughe Barnes Lettice d. of Henry Pyke Francis Wright of Faza : Spinster Tho: Wigan of the Lowe John Blaekmore of Kirkdale EUin Forber widow Lettice w. of John Tyrer Tho: Eose of West Derby Uxor Bridge of Bootle Infans. Eich Lunt als Mason John Tyrer of Derby Tho: Fazakerley AUce w. of John Lea Tho : Maaon of Brooksyde An Blinston EUen* Short* A poore Broune Eobte Boulton of KirkdaU Eichard Stones of Derby An d. of James Haughton [szc] woman and her child Jane Glover of Walton Margret Dale Widowe .. AUce Barker widow ... Widow Hunt of Derby ... An Adieat Infans Hall , An w. of Eobt Dobson... Henry Johnson of Litherland ParneU Mercer Thomas Coope Tho. s. of WiUm Smith Peeter Smith of Derby ... Eobt Johnson of Everton . . Grace Trustram widow .. Ellin w. of Humfrey Walley Eich a. of Edw. Turner ... Octob, .}- 28 ¦]28 Deoem : 5 1814182226 31 January . ... 2 3 4 5 John 15 & 17 20 24 27 Feb: 4 5 6 9 |. 14 |. 161724 I 29 * These names interlined. Il8 Walton BegisIeRs. 1623-16^4 Maeoh EUzabeth w. of Henry Mercer 1 A poore woman 4 John Mercer of Tubrook 4 A poore child 4 A poore man 7 Margery w. of Eobt Molinex ) Ellin d. of John Tenant 8 Elizabeth* Fazakerley widow 3 Margret d. of Eoger Halwood 11 Thoma Fazakerley aenior 18 1624 John a. of Eoger WUlson Margret Washington of Bootle Eobte WUlmson of Bootle Margery w. of John Darwin ... Widowe Griffith Effie d. of Mr Wm Chorley ... Thoms Turner of Fazakerley John Heyworth of Fazakerley Eich, Poole of Walton John s, of John Orme Thoffis Fazakerley of Clockhouse Margret d, of Ja: Pemberton ... Mary w. of WiUffi Bispham Lettice w, of Wffiffi Bowson ... Henry Haskeine of Fazakerley .. An d of wmffi Smith John Stones of Derby Thoffis Gleast of Derby Ellen Stones , AUce Bootle Thoffis Stones of Derby FoKiSf"' } "" "'"" Eobte Bootle 81 Apbill 1 2 , 12 23 May 7 13 192181 June 1 88 16 19 2828 Julye 1 I 2028 Aug: * Written over an erasure. 1624-1625 BuBlALS. 119 Henry Musker of Derby . Thoms Charles Margret Boulton widow. Jane WorraU.. Wffiffi Burton Thoms Boulton of Clubmore Geffrey Pendleton Thoms s. of Jo: Coudocke ... EUzab. d. of AUce Mercer Elizab. Woods Peeter Clayton Eicharde Plombe of Derby . . Thomas Woods Infans Bigbie Bryan Mercer of Derby ... WUUam Smith of Derby Wffiffi Farrer Margery w. of Tho : Kerfoot EUzab : Turner widowe . . . John Darwin... Effin Higginson John Scragg ... Eoger Eose of Everton ... EUzab. Boulton Eecusant bur. at noone day Edward DueU Sept. 18 . 14 Octob : 6 . 20 Novemb: 23 24 27 ¦ 28 Deoemb. 10 13 I 1518 24 January 4 8 , 15 Feb: 1 1420 Maboh 2 4 1625 Eobte Tarleton Thorns HaU Eichard Mercer of Derby Aii Diconson Apr. 2 12 1719 120 Walton Kegistees. l62S May Wffiffi Mercer of Derby 2 Margery Whaley 4 Eobte Eoae of Lowe 12 John Diconaon of Lowe 12 Infans WUlffi Johnson 20 June IsabeU Eycroft 1 July Eichard Chaddocke 8 EUno' WoolfaU widow 8 Aug: Margery Molynex 1 Sara d. of John WooUaU 28 Sept Eobt Eouson 2 Eaphe Wigan 11 Ootob. Jane Johnson 6 Novemb. EUm Barton 20 Eaphe Barker 20 Katherin w. of John Whyte 21 Eobte 8. of James Johnson 24 Ales Hey widowe 27 Bichard s. of John Henshawe 28 Deoemb : Margery Sadler 4 EUzab : w. of John Mercer 10 Margery Boulton widowe 15 January EUin Mercer 2 An w. of George Higginson 4 Margret Henshawe 5 An w. of Bichard Toppinge 11 John 8. of Edw. Bennett 16 Eoger Dey 25 16^5-1626 BueialS. 1^1 Feb John Eigby of Carrelane 11 Eobte Gleast 17 EUen Guy 19 Infans Hugh Bydinge 28 Maroh Thoms Glover 1 John Bridge 8 1626 Christopher s. of Hugh Gibbons 81 Apr AUce Harrison widow 7 Infans John EoBtson 7 John Griffith 8 May Margret d. of Tho : Mercer 9 Elizabeth d. of Boger Bichardson 16 Margret d. of Tho: Plombe 26 June Jane d. of Nioho : WorraU 4 July Hugh Bixtath 7 „ Edw. Tarleton gent 3 Lawrence a. of Wffiffi Potter 25 EUzabeth Mercer 26 Ootob. Eichard Lunt 3 Jeaper Pickerne 5 Infana Eich: WoolfaU 12 laabeU Scott 23 Dorothy Topping 29 Novemb. Elizabeth Windle 11 Dec: Uxor Eich : Gaskine 8 Eichard Gaakine 9 Edward Bridge 11 122 Walton Eegisters. 1626-1627 Jan. Wffim Foster 1 AUceHarp 18 Feb. Margery Charles 15 March Henry Eogerson 4 John Molyneux 24 EUzabeth Lonadale 24 1627 Ape John Boulton of Liverpoole 18 May WUlffi s, of James Woods 14 Thoffis a. of Eichard WoolfaU 19 Edward a, of Wffim Charlea 22 June Jane d, of James Johnson 27 July John a, of John Milner 14 Edward Standiah 20 Aug. WUlm Glover of Derby 14 John Thomasson 19 Sept Henry Haughton 11 Octob, EUzab, Haughton 10 Alexander Weste 11 Henry Fazakerley 15 Jane Dowse widowe 20 Deo: Eobte a, of Wffiffi Chorley 25 Widowe Potter of Derby 27 Feb: Sara Diconaon 3 Margery Potter 10 1627-1628 BuBiALS. 128 John a. of Nevill Kay Vicar Widowe BusheU An d. of Eaphe Cooke Jane w. of ParcevaU Eyce MichaeU Weste John Barker Henry Fazakerley EUen d. of WUlffi Harrison Thoffis Morecrofte Maroh 2 .. 2 446 „ 8 10 .. 1012 1628 Apr: George Cooke 28 May Thoma Forber 4 Eichard a. of WUlffi Eogeraon 18 June Alice d. of Myles Wadington 1 Margret Barker 28 July Eichard Kidd 5 Peiter s. of EoBt Haughton 14 An infant of Henry HaUsaUa 19 Sept Ellin d. of Bichard Pickerne 7 Eaphe 3. of Edw. Wainwright 13 John Burton 15 EoBt Fletcher 22 Ootob : Thomas a. of John MiUner 9 Ellin w. of John Pendleton 11 EUin d. of Henry Burgea 12 EUin d of Eoger Dey 12 Deo: GriceU [?] d. of Thoma HalsaU & Mary Welsh 5 Edward 8. of NevUl Kaye Vicar 9 Katherin d. of John Hesksth 21 Henry Mercer ¦) „.. Widowe Harrison \ 124 Walton Eegisters, 1628-1629 Eichard Mercer of Derby George Woods Margret Woods. An Shawe John Abbey Bryan Burton Margret Pendleton Effin Bidgate Henry Clayton John Stockley Sara Whaley Margret Dowby Henry Gleast SisUe Griffith John Tarleton Uxor Barton EoBt. Eose Bichard Haughton Uxor Latheland de Derby January .. 7 8 Feb. 16 .. 18 19 ,. 2022 .. 23 26 March 24 4 14 .. 16 1629 John a. of Wm Chorley g AUce w. of Hugh Bolton . . Alice d. of Jamea Wooda,.. WUlffi Turner of Fazakerley WUlm a. of Eobt Parkinson John Watmough of Derby .. Myles Strange Alexander a. of Eobt Parkinaon Willm s. of John Wright Aii d. of Edward Fazakerley g Bichard s. of James Johnson .. Henry s. of Eich Stockley ... Edward Whittaker ats Woods . Elizabeth d. of Wittm Garston Alice d. of Thoms Bolton Ape: 46 11 11 14 16 May 669 12 16 1616 25 27 1629-1680 Burials. 125 June Eichard a. of Wittm Harrison 2 laabeU d. of Wittm Smith 10 Jane d. of Wittm Eowaon 11 July George Wooda of Derby 29 Aug: Katherin d. of Wittm Harrison 16 Thorns Fletcher 18 Widow Gorsuch 25 Sept: Eich: s. of Eich: Harp 12 Margret d. of Thoms Johnson 29 Clarise d. of Thorns Higginson 30 Octob : Uxor Henrici Smith 5 Eaphe Mercer of Derby 8 Humfrey Hey of Everton 25 Mary Bowson 26 NoVEMB : John s. of John WoolfaU 25 Deo: John Prescott 18 Feb: AUce d. of Edw: Haukesey 19 March Jane w. of Biohard Woods 11 Widow Fazakerley 14 Margret d. of Willin Smarley 19 EUin d. of George Smith 22 1630 Aprill An Burton vid 4 Margery Tarlton 9 EUzabeth ux Wffiiam Hughson 9 WUliam Mercer de Darb: 18 Poore Bessie p cutled [?] 22 Edward Wainwright 29 Jane fil Eichard Forber 29 Nicholas fil John Sergeant „ .,. 80 126 Walton Eegistees. 1630 June WiUia fiU Wffi: Smith 12 John Eose Senior 26 July Margarett fil. Henry Burgesse 8 Thomas fil. WiU: Smith 18 AnUx: Wm:Daynol 22 John Dickson Ag 23 Emme ux : Edw HalsaU 24 EobertBryan 28 Aug Margery ux. George Mercer 4 Henry Irelande 6 EUzabeth ux Tho : Haskeine 17 Eichard Dey 28 WUlia Glouer 81 September Thomas fil Tho Boulton 12 Mrs Boore vid. de Ayntree 28 Ootobeb Lowre ux. Wffii Butler aUas Dauis 7 Katherine fil. Eobt Goraich 7 Mary Wainwright vid 16 Eobert Boulto de Euaa 18 Tho fil. Tho Barton 20 December Thomaa fil. Tho Aymont 1 John Langworth 6 John Eachdale 8 Margarett fil Bog: Bichardaon 9 James Dey de Lowe 10 Margarett Gauett 20 Janary Henry fil. WiU. EUison 27 A cripple unknown 27 WUUaMereer 31 Febr Mr Alexander MoUneux Eector Walto & gave to the poore of Walton Parishe fourty pound & gave to the free Schoole wages of Walton twenty pounda & hia theology hooka to the Vicar for his life & to the rectora sueeeding suecesaeuely to be kept from one to the other for aye N. Kaye 1 Henry a. of Lawrence Harrison ... , „ 25 1630-1681 BUBIALS. 127 Henry Burges of Walton. EUin Harvie of Lowe ... Maeoh .. 4 12 1631 Ann Muskin de Lowe Wffiia Bridge de Walto Tho : BUnsto de Lowe Eleanor fil WUl : Plombe . . . Jane fil Joane Woods de Darby Eich : ffl Witt Smarley John fil John Goare Uleg. Jane w. of Tho Stanynought Eaphe fil. Joh : White Hugh Scott Thom: Cadicke Eoger fil Eobt Haughton de OrreU IsabeU fil Tho: Cooke John Cooke of Walto Jane Slacke EUen fil Katherine Sherlaker Uleg. EUzb fil John Haughto Ellen fil. Bobt Gorsich AUce uxor. John MUner de Clubmor Margaret ux Bog: Eatchdale of Walto Margaret w. of WUl. Dobye of Bootle AUce fil Johi Haughto of Bootle Ann fil Bryan Dober John fil Eich Boulto de Greene Lane... Eobert Mercer de Eice Lane Margaret ux Wffiia Haywood 29 Ape. 6 17 21 26 May 2 3 80 June 2 3 18 July 141828 Septembeb ... 11 16 ... 17 28 ... 26 27 Ootobeb ... 1 8 ... 46 ... 20 Novembee 80 128 Walton Eegistees. Ellen fil Henry Eycroft de Darb. Cicely ux. Nicho : Lunt ... . Marg : ux AbeU Boulto Eichard Topping Holmfry Harrison An infant of Tho: Kerfoote... . Eoger Shelwocke Eoger fil Henry Deye Ann fil John Eose de Prescott Lane Eich: fil IsabeU Tabrnes UI. ... Elizabeth fil Eoger Widowson Eichard Poole de Fazak Bridgett Berry An fiU Tho Mercer de Darby Ann uxor Nicolas Sticaey de GUmoaae 1631-1632 Deoembeb 4 29 31 Janby 1 26 28 29 Pebry 9 1616 1925 March 3 13 22 1632 Margarett fil Tho Mercer de Darb Eoger Bennett de Darby Eichard fil Mr Wffi : Chorley de Breckaid . EUzab : ux : Eaphe GiU John Pendleton Thom : Pemberton Nieholaa fil Nicho : Boulton de Darby Margarett ux : Tho Kerfoote WUUa a. of Eich: WoofaU John Wiffiamson de Linaker EUzabeth fil Euan Windle .. Thomas Dickonson de Lowe James fil Will. Tyrer ffieg : 27 Apbl 182121 22 May 23 18 24 26 June 2 8 July 24 1682 BuEiALS. 129 Augst Eobert WignaU de Darby 12 Tho : fil : Nicholas Cowdoek de Bootle 14 Bichard Forber de Clubmore 18 EUenux WUl: Henshaw 27 An fil: EoBt Fazakerley 28 Septembeb An ux Thom : Taylor de Lowe 12 Octobee Ellen uxor Hugh Eyding Jur : de Darby 8 Clarisse Mosse de Euerto 10 Eich : fil Bichard Smarley 10 WUlia fiU Mr Edw* HalsaU 28 John fil WUUa Aymont 81 November Margaret ux : Wffiia Garston 7 Phillip s. of Bobt Parkinson de Liuerpoole 9 Deoembeb Jane uxor Thomas Eogerson de Bice Lane 12 Margery fil : Wffi : Harrison de Walto 17 Jane Gleast de Darby 21 Janry Elizabeth Forber de Darby vid: 1 Ellen fil : John EUison de Darby 9 Ellen ux Bobt Turner de Fazakerley 16 An fil Tho Strange de Bootle 17 Ann Eigby de Darby 17 Jane fil Tho Browne & Mary Euanso Uleg: 29 Amy Boulton de Darby vid 31 de caeteris hoe anno 8epulti8 consule in hoc libro pagina ante penultimam* ubi post nuptias "Henry Aymott" ineipit in defunctos Febby Henry Aymott de Clubbmoor 8 Thomaa Burto de Lynaker 9 Ellen Sadler vid: de Litherland 10 John fil: WiU. Pottarde Darby 17 Nicholas fil Mr Edward HalsaU de Diglak 18 Tho: Heye de Euerto 25 Henry Croston 28 *This is not correct, there being eleven leaves subsequent to the leaf in question. 130 Walton Eegistees, 1632-1633 March Margarett fil Eobt Gorsich 2 Eobert fil wm Potter de Darby 5 Jane vx Will : Mercer de Linaker 13 Edward Moore de Bankhouse aUas Bankhall armiger de Villa Kirkdale paroehia de Walton in Comit Lancal Sepult est apud Stone in Comit Staffor Decemb 1 ano 1632 Law: Bridge Gard: 1682 1633 March Elizabeth fil Thomee Hodgson de Darby 27 Ann fil Tho : Aymont de Darby 28 Aprill Willia Henshaw de Edglane 1 Elizabeth fil Tho Cooke de KirkdaU 2 Ellen fil John Tarlton de Darby 2 John fil WUl, Johnson de Linaker 8 Elinor Langworth de Linaker 11 Lawrence fil Nich WoorraU de Bootle 19 Margarett Boberson de Darby 28 George PickergUl borne at Kirkham 30 May Margarett Tarlton 1 Euan Windle de Lowe 2 Margarett Plombe 9 Elizabeth uxor Nich : Woorall de Darby 11 Margery ux Antho. Mercer de Euerton 13 An Woorall de Fazakerley 16 Jennett ux Tho: Bice de Linaker 19 June An ux Eich Eose de Euerto 3 Margarett Poole de Walto Vidua 5 Margarett Prescott de Darby vid 5 Ellen Carter de Walto vid; 10 Margery uxor Joh : Burgesse de Kirkdale 14 Elizabeth uxor Will : Lansdale 16 Nicholas Stockley de Darby 17 1638 BuBIALS. 181 Henry Mercer de Walto ,Iohn fil John Musgraue Michaell Hindley Senior Ellenor fil Eich Cropper de Walto Katherin fil Edward Dilworth... . AUoe WUliamso de Bootle vid ... Nicholas Bootle de Kirkdale ... . Eichard Berry Elizabeth fil Thoma Plombe de WaUo John Litherland de Breckaid Bichard Mercer Edward Corleaae de Abraye Ellen fil WUUa Mercer de Euerto Thomas Jones Henry fil Wiffia Bispam Thomas Anderton de Walto Margery Blinston vid: Margarett Much vid de Bootle An fil Tho Hodghson Ann Carr Edmond fil Joh Aymond Jur : de Darby EUen Boden de Darby Eobert Tarlto de Eice Lane ... . Mary Wainwright Margaret fil Tho. Mercer de Darby. Thomas fil p'dict Tho: Mercer ... Blanch Litherland Nicholas WoorraU de Darby Thomaa Eogerson de Bice Lane Joane ux WiU Trenta de Lowe ... EUzabeth ux Edwar : Sephton Henry fil WiU Hunt de Darby ... John fil Tho Walsh Henry fil GUbert Meadowe Eich Johnson June ¦ •>< ¦*¦ ¦•• 28 29 ¦ ¦*¦ *<> ••¦ 80 July 3 .. ... 11 27 ..¦ •>* ••• • 28 August Ito 15 Septembee 21 80 Ootobee 22 26 30 November 3 ... ..¦ >.• 4 11 16 26 December 8 arby 20 Januae 8 4 12 14 22 ... ... ... 25 28 Feby 4 10 12 18 Maeoh . . . , , . • , ... 3 15 Gard 1633 132 Walton Eegistees. 1638-1634 The Burialls in the yeare 1634 when Nicholas Cooper in office of Gardian did succeed Bic : Johnson are to bee found in this book written after the names of all persons married in aiio 1633 with this supscription Nicholas Cooper alia Bxmonet & then followed by the true register of all marriages during the year of Nic : Cooper gard : ita tester NeuiU Kaye Vie Walton March 26 1635 1635 N Kay 1634 Apr EUzabeth fil Brian Lansdale de Bootle 3 EUen Bennett vid : ux Bob Bennett 7 Alice fil John MUner de Clubmor 29 May Katherin Prescott de Walto 11 An uxor GUb : Balshawe in nocte sepult 4 June Katherine fil WUlm Plombe de Darby 12 Henry fil WUlm Mercer de Ackers End 23 Baphe fil Bichard Pendleton de Lowe 29 July Thomas f. James Watt de Fazakerley 6 August An Mercer de Eice Lane vid 16 John Meakin 22 Ann f. Eobert Gorsich 26 September John f John Higgenson de Kirkdale 6 Holmfrey WaUey de Walto 7 Francis Charton de Edgelane 8 James Tarlton 21 Thomas Boulton de Lowe 23 November Percivall Smith de Darby 9 Elizabeth f. Boger Watmough 9 James f. Tho Tyrer 15 1684-1636 BUEIALS. 183 Ux WiUelm Blinston de Lowe John f. Will : Seacombe de Euerton Edward f. Eich Parker Tynker . . . James Eccleston de Lowe WiUia Blinston de Lowe Senex ignotus sepultua, fil : supp : de Blinde Burne , John Cooke ata Johnson Ellen Hesketh Tho Staninought in nocte aep Margaret EUands , Katherine uxor Bobt Spenser de Fazakerley Deoembeb ... 5 18 ... 1980 Janry ... 4 6 Febeuey ... 10 13 March ... 16 17 ... 21 Nicholas Cooper Gardian alia pramonet 1635 John Dowae de Edgelane Bichard Tyrer de Euerton AUce uxor Xpopher Shurliker Alice Halwood de Darby Elizabeth uxor Will Boulton de Darby , Thomas Plumbe de Walton Eichard f. Eichard Bose de Darby ... Alice f. John Harinson de Low ... . Mary f. John Biapam & Jane Ince... Bapia f. Henery Titchet de Edgelane Dorethye f. Thomas Glouer Thomas Barnes Carrier Jane f. John Wainwright Ann Harinson de KirkdaU Aprill ... 15 17 May ... 5 5 ... 22 ..[sic] 39 June ... 18 July 2 Aug ... 3 21 Septembee 15 ... 25 25 ... 27 i84 Walton Eegisters. 1685-1636 Wffiiam Washinton de Bootle Jane f, Nicholas Boulton James f Hugh Gibbons de Walton Ann f. WiUiam Topping de Fazakerley Nevill f. Thomas Plumbe de Walton EUinn f. Bichard Stoeley de Darby WUUam f, WUl, Windle de Low... . John f . Eichard Gye de Car lane . . . Elizabeth uxor Henry Pike Elinne uxor Miles Strange de Bootle EUzabeth uxor Ealfe Titchet ... . John f. Nicholas Boulton de Walton Katherine uxor John Coudocke ... . Alice Worall de Bootle . . . George f. Thomas Marsh Elline Wainwright vidua Margerat Worrall de Bootle EUzabeth f. John Chauner Nicholas Woods de Darby ... Eobert Glast de Fazakerley .. Katherine Marsh de Walton Eobert f. Nicholas WUUamson Ann f. Tho. Chorley October 17 ... 29 NoVEMBEB 5 ... 16 29 Decembee ... 34 ,." ' 20 ... 29 Jan. 7 ... 89 Fbb. ... 10 13 ... 18 Marsh 5 ... 10 12 ... 21 21 ... 2630 1636 John f. John Woofall de Darby Jane Jumpe Eobert Worrall de Darby Chapell Margreat f. Bichard Blakey WilUam Smith de Darby... George f. John Hearnes Henry f. Francis Brewer... May 4 16 19 June 1 22 25 26 1636 Burials. 185July Elline uxor Eobert Hughson de Bootle 13 Margreat Barbour 22 Elline uxor Wffiiam Glouer 26 August Elline Boothe Darby 3 Margeret Higginaon 3 Eichard WUliamaon de KirkdaU 29 September Jane uxor Bichard Boulton de Tub 1 Eobert Boson de Darby 13 Mrs Ann MoUinex 17 Octobee Mary f, WUliam Laurence 17 WUUam Kighley 18 Thomas f, Eodger Watmough 28 Novembee Georg f. WUUam Hey de Clubmore 12 Ann Glouer vid 15 Deoembeb Henery Glouer de Woodsid 26 Effin f, John Much 31 Anthony f. John Darwin de Fazakerley 31 Jan. John f. Thomas Dowby 3 EUzabeth f. Jane Inoe 3 James Bourton 4 Margeret f. Eobert Wffiiamaon 4 Margeret Stoeley de Darby 6 Junet Dey vid 11 EUnor f. Jane Ince 17 Fbr Eichard Mercer de Litherland 8 Mary f. WUUam Biapam de Darby 9 March Ann f. Thomas Charles 4 Mary Dey de Darby 15 Wiffiam f. Henery Stoeley 17 1^6 Walton Eegistees. 163'? 1637 March George Smith 26 William Ashton f. John 28 Apeill John f . Eichard Cropper 8 Thomas Eice de Euerton 21 June Margerat Amont 24 July Eobert Liniker 3 August John Forber f. Henr 20 Margery Cholberson 24 November Jane Stoeley vid de GUmosse 26 Decembee Alice f. John Swift 2 Eobert Mosse de Euerton 28 Thomaa Crosby de Darby 24 Eodger Widdowaon de Bootle 27 Jan Eober f. Hugh Bidinge 2 Ellin Bridge de Bice Lane vid 3 Widdow Forber 8 Margery f. Thomas Heyworth de Faza : 9 Febe. Eobert Griffie f. Eaph 12 John Worrall f. Eobert 28 March John Kighle de Brecside 3 WUlia Edwardson de Low 7 Alice uxor Henery Mercer de Shaugrine 9 Eobert Darwin H EUzabeth Fox 14 1638 Burial^. l3t 1638 Mary f. Henery Thomason de Darby Eobert f . Wffiiam Hurdisse Willin f. James Houton Elizabeth Mather de Toxteth WUliam f. Edward Fazakerley de Kir. Effine f. WUliam Lunt Margerat uxor John Mosse de Euerton . Eichard Ashton Thomas Kighley de Walton James Wainwright John Kighley de Walton Thomas Hearnes de Darbie Margerie uxor Eodger de Darbie ... Ann Mercer de Clubmore Thomas Hunt de Darby WUUam Strange Danio f. Thoms Wricam de Darby Femina Clauda ignoti nominis Uxor Stanley de Darby Ellin Pooley viddua de Darby WUUa Plombe de Darby Bichard Harinson de Darby . . . WiUam f. Eobert Aymont Eichard Woods Uxor John Crosse de Fazakerley Ann Strange de KirkdaU Ann f. Ellen Strange illig. Margeret Stouton John Seacombe Georg Hearnes de Darby James f. John Eamsden March ... 28 Aprill 21 ... 24 26 May 46 ... 8 14 June ... 29 July 8 ... 4 26 AuGu: ... 6 Septembeb 1 2 ... 15 23 October ... 8 November 17 ... 24 26 December 46 ... 99 ... 16 22 ... 2824 ... 2781 138 Walton Eegistees. 1638-1639 Thomas WoofaU de Darbie Alice Making f. Thomas Holme Margreat f. John Kaye Edward f. Henery HalsaU John f. Baphe Burges de Euerto Ann Ince WUUam Boulton de Darby . . Mr Andrew Nores de Dar James Blackey John Eamsden Bichard Bell Thomas Ascrofte de Bootle Margeret Kirbie John Wetherbie John Lansdall Thomas Eouson Margaret f. William Glouer . Ann f. Henery Thomason de Darby Mary f. Margeret f. Edward Tumer Thomas f. Eobert Whaley Jan 7 8 20 Fbb 10 12181919 252626 2529 March .. 16 99 .. 10 .. 11 2122 1639 EUen Darwin Katherine Poole ux. Thomas Poole de Darbie John Mosse de Everton Mr Eoger Tony* Tho. f. Thomas Dey & Jane Dey Alice Mercer George Mercer de Touneroe WUUaHoUia Bichard Else Elizabeth Francis Margret Whitside EUzebeth f. Eichard Plombe Bichard Barker de Kirby .. James f . John Milner 29 .. 29 Apeill 5 .. 1013 .. 1415 ,. 27 May 2 .. 12 12 .. 1418 .. 20 *[?]Tong, 1639 S UEIALS. 139 Margret f. John Woofall James Stanton Henry Windle de Walto Thomas Leigh doc Eecto: Walton. Jane ux. John Effison Jane Woods de Darbie Jane ux. John ElUson EUzebeth f. Edward Fazakerley Elizebeth vx. Henry Pemberton de Walt Ellen f. Eobert Wrixon in Darbie Thomas James Watt Margreat f. George Higinson Eobert Fazakerley Senior de GUmosse .. Vx. Eichard Wainwright de Edgelane Margret Watmough vid: Katherin f. Eichard Cropp Walto . . . EUzebeth f. John Tarleton Darbie James f . Thomas Watmough Eichard f. Bryan Dober Eobert Spencer de Faza : Henry Harp de Bootle Margery ux. Nicholas Eogerson Dar Thomas Dowse de Edge lane , Thomas f. Eichard Eose de Dar Nicholas Crosse Dar Margreat f. Thomas Tyrer de Dar Eobert Wrixon de Dar Jane Crosse de Dar Vx. WoofaU de Dar Jane Aymont de Greene Lane John Aymont de Dar , Wiffia Harrison de Kird Henry f. Thomas Sandford , AUce vx Brian Charles May 20 ... 24 27 .. 2981 June 23 3 ... 9 20 ... 24 July 8 ... 12 August 13 ... 16 Septem. 18 ... 28 Novem: 6 ... 2021 ... 23 Decem : 5 ... 14 Janua 8 ... 22 Febbuaby 13 ... 1820 March ... 23 6 13 . 16 22 140 Walton Eegisters. 1640 1640 Hugh Eosse Senior de Clubmore . . . Thomas Kirfoote de Breekside ... Aii f. Edward Else Margery ux Eowland Bose de Low John f. Philip Dey John Harp de Kirdale An ux. Thomas Pinnington [?] de Dar . Margreat f. Anthony Johnson de Evto Jane vxor Wffiia Polter de Dar Eichard Smarley Eobert f. WUlia Turner de Walto ... WUUa f. Wffiia Haughshawe de Low. Ellen Burton vid EUzabeth f. WUUa Glover de Dar Margery Fleetwood Willia f. John Much Margery Mosae de Everton Willia f. WUUa Mercer de Darby Henry f. John Orme de Woodside FU. Willia Farelough Bichard Mercer An f . Bichard Denton . . . An vx James Pemberton . Edwarde John & Joane c. Blanch vx Thomas Else . of Edwar: Henshaw March .. 26 Ape 1 .. 18 18 May .. 1 3 .. 4 10 ,. 2021 June 3 13 . 28 Jra,Y 17 . 31 August 1 . 6 16 . 19 23 Henry Burgesse de Woodsid Alice Henshaw de Greene lane Ann Woorall de Bootle EUzebeth vx Dauy Harrison ... ,.. 8 12 .. 16 26 .. 30 Ootobee 2 .. 45 .. 26 1640-1641 BuBULs, 141 November AUoe Aymont de Greene lane 1 An BusheU vid 7 EUzebeth f, Henry MuUineux de Dar 13 Margret vx Henry Martin de Faza 16 Eichard Haworth de Faza 19 December Eobert f, Henry Eycroft 13 Alice f, Nicholas WUUason de Dar 14 Elizebeth vx John Mercer de Walto 16 John Hey de Breckeside 19 EUen f. Wffiia Bispam Juni 28 January Edmund f. Eandle Whaley 5 Vxor Morrowe 9 Vxor Smith de Dar 11 David Harrison 21 Jane vx Bichard Atherton 23 Bichard f. Henry Meddow 24 Eaph Poole 24 An Woods 27 February Vx: Whetherbie de Bootle 6 Bichard Eose de Euerton 7 AUce ux Bichard Parkinson 24 March Jane f. John Eyding & Elizebeth Flecher 2 Eaph Mercer de Crosbie 9 Bichard Haire de Fazakerley 10 Thomas f. Henry Dannet de Fazaker 19 1641 Ann Dickinson de Eu^'ton 28 Aprill WUlia Boulton Juni de Walt 1 Mary Dickinson vid. de Low 4 Margaret Johnson vid. de Efiton 5 Lawrence f. Willia Turner de Walt 22 Elizebeth Eose f. Eoger Bose de ESto 23 Eichard f. WiU. Mercer de Eaton 26 142 Walton Eegistees. 1641-1662 May Thomas f. WUUa Mercer de Tubrook 2 Katherine Kay d. of NeviU Kay Vicar of Walton 2 Eichard Boulton de Greene lane 3 Margaret f. WiUia Bispam de Darbie 9 Willia Tarleton de Linaker 12 Henry Fazakerley de GiU Mosse 13 Alice Atchen 21 June Eaphe Wigan 22 August Bichard f. Bichard Hamblet 8 Septembeb James f. Eichard Forber de Dar 6 Octobee Alice vx John Higinaon de Dar 1 Deoembeb Peeter Couldocke de Bootle 2 EUenn f. Wiffia Bispa Janu John f. supposed Bryan Cooke & An Wigan 26 Febbuaby James White de Dar 5 Alice vx John Eose de Clubmore 20 Maeohe Eobert f. Henry HalsaU de Bootle 4 Mr Thomas Fazakerley & An Sep in Jan et Febru Beet et Gent Hunt Faza 12 Hugh Eyding 15 [It will be noticed that there are no burials for some years after 1641 in the first volume of the original registers but some of the years will be found in the portion of the second volume hereinafter printed.] [Here entries of certain Baptisms (which will be found on p. 74 ante) are interspersed amongst the burials.] *1662 Sept Ann d. of Mr Nicholas Fazakerley 9 * The burials for 1662 with a few exceptions are entered twice on adjoining pages. 1662-1663 BUBIALS. 148 Wiffiam Hunt of Darby Agnes w. of William BusheU. Agnes w. of Will Howard ... EUz Glover Abraha WoofaU John Syer a. of Eichard of Linaker James s. of John Williamson Eobert Mercer of the Edge Lane John Hyton of Eyce Lane Nicholas Warrall James Woods of Derby Anne Harriaon of OrreU . . Ellen w. of Hamblett Boulton .. Katherine w. of John Boulton Ellinor w. of Nicholas Whalley .. Anne w. of Jamea Woods Anne w. of WilUam Hey s. of Mathew Glaue EUm d. of WiUiam Hey EUz. w. of Eobert Hemes Henry Boughstich Ellin Cowdoek wife of Peter ... Anne Wigan wife of Jno Ootobee 5 Deoembeb ... 88 October ... 6 November 4 Deoembeb 81 ... 20 Januaey ... 8 20 Feb 3 14 1414 1516 20 2224 March 5 .. 26 7 .. 7 21 1663 Mary Plumpton d. of James Elizebeth Darbishire d. of John ElUn Bose w. of Lawrence John Mercer of Edge Lane Thomas Mather of Fazakerley Margarett Gerrard of Darbye .. 20 Aprill 10 .. 1617 .. 18 29 144 Walton Eegistees. 1668-1664 Jane d. of John Harper Ellen w. of Edward Marsh w. of Banister of Darbie Ellen d. of Wm Burgesse of Euerton Elenor d. of EoBt Eouson of Darbie Mrisse Jennett Johnson of Euerton ... John ye naturall s. of Mary Lake Eoger Heye of Euerton John s. of Bobt Mercer of Bice Lane ... Elizabeth Glouer Abraham Woofall Agnes w. of Wm Howard James f. John Winson John f. Dauid Bowson baptized Anne f. John Burton baptized May ... 2 11 ... 18 22 ... 2328 June ... 88 May ... 24 Ootob 6 Novemb. ... 4 Deoembe 8 ... 20 Sept 6 ... 27 Maech 27 Apbil .. 10 Jan 16 Aug .. 14 [1664] Anne f. Mr John Walton baptized Wm f. Edward Butler baptized Susan d. Nich. Meddow baptized EUzabeth f. EoBt Gibbons baptized These are rightly digested in the new Begister where they wth others are to bee sought and found. [Here follows a blank page.] [On the following page two weddinga (which will be found at the end of the weddings in this volume) are entered.] * These two entries will be found also on p. 73 ante. t This and the three following entries are in the year subsequent to that iu which this printed volume ends. 145 31 "ilegtBfcr of ^uxxat£B, Beginning September 29 1663 1653 Walton Parish Formby Thomas Eimmer Alice Thomas ... Derby DerbyDerby Formby Toxteth Formby FazakerleyDerby Derby DerbyDerbyBeuen Meles DerbyDerby FazakerleyFormby FormbyKirkbieFormby DerbyDerby DerbyFormby Formby KirkbieKirkbie FormbyFormby Toxteth FormbyFormby Kirkbie George Standish buried at Walton Nicholas Whaley of Edgleane WUliam Windle of Greenleane . . . GUbert Ainsdale alias Norrea Henry s. of Edward Heye Ciscelie the wife of Thomas Younge Anne w. of John Webster A Child of Eandle Whaleyes still borne Bichard Haukesey of Croxteth . . A Child of John Hutchens of Edgleane Septembeb ... 29 Octobee 4 ... 6 8 ... 1112 ... 19 19 23 25 ... 17 November 3 Dorathy Smith Widdow Eobert s. of WilUam Eimmer 8 Ellen d. of William Windle of Greenleane 9 Henry s. of William Strangwaise 14 Thomas Tyrer buried att Walton 15 William s. of John Bidinge 16 Katherine d. of John Eidinge 17 Margret w. of William Garfett 28 William s. of William Ainesdale Margret Durninge of Edgleane William Hughson Elizabeth Williamson Widdow Jane d. of Thomas Norris... Mrs. Jane Woods Mary d. of John Smarley ... John BrownbUl John Kellett Anne Browne Thomas s. of John Brindle James Yonge de [?] Henry s. of Eichard Norres EUzabeth w. of James Egargate 10 December 4 ... 66 ... 7 10 ... 1216 ... 18 18 ... 1926 ,' 22 .., 8 146 Walton Eegistees. 1653-1654 Derby A Bastard ehUd of Edward Stockleys Formby Anthony s. of Nicholas Weatherby Formby Gilbert Norris Formby Thomas Sutton Formby Eichard s. of Thomas Sutton Formby Eichard s. of John Sutton Formby Wffiiam Eimmer Kirkby Jane Tatlocke Widdow Kirkdale Margret Boaden Fazakerley Henry Holland Toxteth Jane Whitehead Derby Margret d. of Philip Dey Wallton John Fazakerley Seniour Kirkbie Ann Norres Widdow Derby Margaret Stones Derby George s. of Eichard Woods Formbie Alice d. of John Eimmer Formbie Jane d. of William Jumpe Derby Joney Eccleston Widdow Derby Mary w. of John Heye Linicre Eichard s. of WUliam Mercer Derby EUen w. of William Pooley Formby Elizabeth Nores Derby Alice d. of Philip Deye Derby Eobert Mercer de Towne Eoe Derby John s. of Thomas Bose Derby John Stanley of Edge leane Formby John s. of Eoger Ainedoe Fazakerley Baph Bridge Derby Anne w. of John Mercer Formby Ann Bydeinge widdow Kirkeby Mr William Fazakerley Kirkeby Katherine Cleaton Kirkeby Edward s, of John Lawrence Derby Bichard Greaues Decembee 11 ... 22 22 ... 2222 ... 22 22 ... 23 28 ... 23 24 ... 26 January 4 ... 1219 ... 2021 ... 2126 ... 31 February 5 ... 1816 ... 17 17 ... 2020 ... 2427 March ... 34 ... 8 18 ... 1921 1654 Formby John Mathew 25 Derby Eich. & Margaret s. & d. of WUlia Crosse 29 Derby Eleonar w. of Bichard Pendleton 31 1654 BUEIALS. 147 Kirkeby Wiffiam s. of John Glouer Kirkeby Thomas s. of Eichard Lee Formby William Cristian Derby John Pasmuch WaUton Elizabeth d. of Bichard Harpar ... . Linicre Alice d. of William Mercer Formby Margery w. of Thomas Jumpe Euton Elizabeth d. of Peter Johnson Formby Alice w. of William Cristian Bootle Ann d. of John Tarleton Walton Mr Neuell Key Vicar Formby Eobert Langton Walton John Butler alias Dainson Simonswood Charles Gaskine Croxteth Eichard Lord Viscount Molyneux... . Derby Margarett d. of William Bispam Kirkeby Margery d. of Lawrence Stananought. Kirkeby Ann Field Derby Sarah d. of Eobert Gorestich Fazakerley Elizabeth w. of Edward Tarleton Derby William Mercer alias Bigby ... . Formby Ann w. of William Bleuin Kirkeby Mary w. of Thomas Mercer ... . WaUton Nichlas Worrall Derby Mary Smith of Derby Formby Thomas Yonge Formby William Formby Derby Ellen d. of Henry Bydeinge Derby Eleonar Hunt Derby Margaret w. of Baph Mercer ... Ainesdale Ellen d. of WilUam Ainedoe... Derby John Mercer of Blaekmore Mosse Formby William s. of John Eydeing .. Fazakerley Margaret d. of Bryan Atherton .. Formby Thomas Eimmer alias Thomas Apeill ... 3 8 ... 8 16 May ... 25 5 ... 26 26 ... 30 June ... 1 16 ... 2026 ... 29 July 1 10 - 18 "... 29 August 18 ... 1921 .. 24 24 September ... 4 8 ... 10 13 ... 15 19 October ... 2 6 ... 10 29 ... 29 148 Walton Eegisters. 1654-1656 Derby Mary w. of James Eycroft . . . Formby Jane w. of Edmond Eimmer Wallton Nicholas Walley Derby WUUam s. of Henry Ellison Kirkeby Ann w. of Edward Griffith .. Derby Judeth d. of Eoger Watmough Wallton Eichard s. of John Huyton . , Fazakerley Eobert Eogerson Formbye Margaret w. of John Hearnes . Wallton Ann d. of John Huyton Fazakerley William Toppinge Fazakerley Francis w. of WiUiam Gleast Derby Elizabeth d. of James Boulton. Formby John s. of Lawrence Eimmer Simonswood Ann w. of Hugh Tatlocke .. Everton John Marbury Everton Mr Eichard Johnson . . . Derby Francis Hodghson Derby Ann w. of Thomas White . Derby Elizabeth Boughley Euerton Joane Strieklenes Formby A child of George Balls ., Linicre William Johnson Formby Eichard s. of John Eice Formby Edward Eice Euerton Egeon f. Eobert Taylor ... Wallton Mr WilUam Ward Minist' Derby Mary d. of Mathew Gleave ... . Kirkeby Lawrence Gascall Formby Elizabeth w. of WiUiam Johnaon. Kirkeby WiUiam s. of John Kirkeby Derby Margaret d. of Bichard Stockley . Derby Low Samuell s, of James Smolt Derby Mary d. of Eoger Part Novembee ... 46 ... 14 20 ... 2025 ... 28 December . 16 21 ... 31 January 17 23 26 22 29 February 5 1 8 8 8 191921 2 28 March 1 .. 1 6 .. 9 10 .. 14 14 .. 24 1655 Derby John Mercer of Tuebrooke Derby Edward Henshall of Green Lane Derby EUen d. of William Plombe Apeill 8 .. 1418 1655 Burialls. 149 Derby WUliam Plombe Bootle Margaret Hughson Bootle Briehet w. of John Tarleton Formby Katherine Arnould Simonswood Margaret Woods Toxteth Em d. of Dorathy Lowe Fazakerley Eobert s. of David Eushen Formby Ann Norres widdow Derby William Henshall of Greene Leane Simonswood Margaret Fleetwood Kirkeby EUzabeth Cowley Euerton Baph s. of James Boulton... . Fazakerley Ann Lowe Kirkeby EUzabeth w. of Edward Woods. Formby Ann Formby Formby Jennet Leadbeter Formby John Bice Wallton Henry s. of Baph HUl ... . Kirkeby Cissely w. of John Webster ... KirkedaU Elizabeth d. of Eobert Turner . Formby CissUey Copeland Formby Katherine Christopherson ... Everton Jane d. of John Else Derby Eichard s. of Wffiiam Pooley Derby Sarah d. of Eobert Kenion .. Knowesley Margaret w. of Peter Hitchens Formby AUee Eimer Formby EUzabeth Norres Kirkeby Ann Fleetwood of ye Bowe .. Formby Katherine Norres Formby John Eimmer Hughes Formby Thomaa Gore Simonswood Margaret w. of Thomas Gore Apbill ... 27 21 ... 22 20 ... 30 May 26 ... 2627 ... 30 June 5 ... 10 12 ... 16 July 3 ... 4 23 August 1 8 ... 1616 Septembb ... 8 5 ... 6 23 ... 30 Octob' 16 ... 19 November 4 ... 6 9 ... 1213 ... 1 150 Walton Eegisters. 1655-1656 Formby Thomas s. of Peter Jump Kirkdale Margaret w. of Thomas Wharton. Kirkby Issabell Brounebell Wallton Francis s. of John Mossam ... Derby Joane Smith of Low Derby Thomas White Derby Margaret Woorell Formby Junet Dobb Formby John Stivens Derby William Pooley Derby Henry Hey SchoolemasP Formby William s. of WUUam Holme Derby Ann Moore Derby Ellen w. of Eichard Kenion ... Formby Margery Formby d. of Cuthbert OrreU Sissely d. of Elizabeth Tarleton Derby Thomas s. of William Smith ... Simonswood Hugh Tatlock Deoembeb 6 ... 14 16 ... 19 20 January ... 7 11 ... 18 Febeuaey 1 ... 34 ... 1610 ... 2629 March ... 4 11 ... 18 Toxteth Kirkeby Wallton Formby Simonswood Linicre DerbyFormbyFormby Formby WaUtonFormbyFormby Toxteth DerbyLowe 1656 Edward AspinwaU Esq' Elizabeth Eylands Boger s. of John Bridge Jane d. of William Wadkinson... Eobert Litherland Margery d. of EUen Burton A child of Henry Mercers Wright Eichard Sutton Margaret Sutton Eobert Eimmer .. Nicholas Boulton Margery Hunter .. John Johnson . . . Sarah Horrocks . . Thomas Woofall Eichard Fisher .. Clarke Aprill 1 12 1 . 1323 . 2525 . 80 May 678 . 10 16 . 16 26 1656-1668 BUBULLS. FormbyLinicre Derby Thomas Eimmer Eichard s. of Nicholas Couldoek Mary Couldoek Everton Derby Derby Kirkeby Eaph Burges Henry s. of Henry Gregson ... Margaret d. of Thomas Mercer. John Tatlock of ye Damm ... DerbyDerby Issabell Worrall Edward Halewood FormbyFormby Formby Jennett d. of John Valentyne . James Benoulds Thomas French Kirkeby Derby KirkedaUKirkdaU GUbert Hitehen Mrs Molyneux of new haU Jane d. of Even Garrett Ann d. of Margaret Orme ... . Fazakerley Derby Wallton Formby FormbyKirkeby *Kirkeby Eobert Turner WilUam s. of John Eushen Margaret w. of William Turner Nicholas s. of Thomas Tobie . Peter s. of John Birch Edward Woods Grace d. of Poore Margarett... 151 June ... 5 18 ... 25 July 1 ... 6 8 ... 24 August 1 ... 21 Septembb 3 ... 18 27 OOTOBE ... 8 4 ... 15 19 Novembr ... 7 9 ... 1423 ... 2580 1663 Derbie Marye d. of James Plumpton Kirkdale Anne w. of John Wiggan . . . Derbie Elizabeth w. of Bobt Hemes Derbie EUzabeth Darbyshire d. of John Walton Ellen w. of Lawrence Bose * The last entry of a burial by the " Register." March . 20 21 . 26 April 10 . 16 152 Walton Eegisters. 1663 DerbieFazakerley Darbie Mr John Mercer of Edge Lane Thomas Mather of Fazakerley Margrett Gerrard of Darbie Apeil 17 1829 Walton Liverpoole DerbieEuerton Derbie Euerton Jane d. of John Harpur Ellen w. of Edward Marsh Alice w. of John Banister Ellen d. of Wm Burgesse Elenor d. of Eobt Eouson Mrisse Jennett Johnson May 2 11 18 22 23 28 DerbieEuerton Walton John naturall a. of Mary Lake Eoger Hey Henry Butler June 8 3 20 Walton Susan d. of Edward Butler August 26 WaltonEuerton Derbie Hugh Bose ... James s. of Thomas Smarley Mary Tickle Widdowe September 2 10 . ... 21 DerbieLinakerKirkdale Elizabeth Glouer Isabell w. of Thomas Hateleye John Sayer Ootobeb 6 1221 Walton DerbieWalton Mr Lawrence Breores Abraham Woofall Katherme Dey Novembeb 2 4 8 Linaker Sutton Agnes w. of Wm Howard James s. of John Wmson Jane w. of John Barnes of Sutton ... Decembee 8 2030 Fazakerley Joane Bridge Januarye 11 Euerton Eobert s. of John Bose March 21 153 ^^arriages Noia et cognoia omniu et singulor eor qui in ecclesia pochiaii de de [sic] Walton a vicessimo quinto die Decembris in a° diij 1586 in matrimonio eopulati fuernt p me Petri! Hey cler: et ibide vicariu, [The names and surnames of all and singular those who in the Parish Church of Walton from the 25th day of December in the year of our Lord 1586 in marriage were joined by me Peter Hey Clerk and of that place Vicar,] 1586 Tho Weeke & EUzabeth Hitehmough Eic Eyse & Ellen M'es de Walton .. Febeuaeie ... 1 13 1587 Tho : Jo : son & Katherin Middleton Omfrey Hey & Alice Knowle Henrye Naylier & Jane Webster ... Wittm Eoae & EUzabeth Fazakerley .. Jo: Eoae & Letize Hunter Jo. Poole & Margreat Barrow Eic Mekin & Joane M'o° Jo: Haworth & Isabell Eycroft Jo : Wittmson & Katherin Wadington Ni^ MoUneux & Anne Bigby Apeill ... 2529 June ... 14 23 ... 29 July 22 Septembee ... 16 Novembee 23 ... 30 3 154 Walton Eegistees. 1588-1589-1590 1588 George Gildens & Margerie Blaekmore . Tho : Benett & Margreat Smith Edward Eimmer & EUzabeth Formbye , Xxtofer M'c» & EUzabeth Musker ... Ja: Ascroft & Elen Dalton Jo: M'c' & Margerie Bridge . Eaffe Chalner & Jane Darwen May ... 17 23 Septembee ... 19 Novembee ... 9 28 Febbuaby ... 7 29 1589 Ja: Formbye & Jane Gleast Tho : Bamsbotham & Jone Wright . . Bi§ Stockley & Margreat WoofaU ... Eobt Carrier & Sislye Chisnall Ja: WUcocke & Margerie Garston ... Tho: Mosse & Anne Cookrame ... Oliver Brindle & Margerie Banes . Wittm Tarleton & Margerie Potter Tho. Wright & Margreat TayUer . Apeill ... 12 June 22 ... 29 August 24 October ... 1523 November ... 27 January 7 ... 28 1590 Wittm Greaves & Jane Kellett OUver Boulton & Anne Abbott Eobt Faz & Anne Turner May 17 July .. 23 August 16 1590-1591-1592 Marriages. 155 October Henry Hey & Elin Croockes 9 Bic. Yoxan & Margreat Henryesdought' 19 Jo: More & IsabeU Hitcheon 27 Decembee Edw : Amett & Elen Eycroft 9 Febeuary Bic: Hilton & Alice BatehdaU 13 1591 Apeill Tho : Marton & Anne Woods 17 Adam Eobtson & Alice Burgea 22 June Jo: Farrer & Margreat Potter 13 Tho: Barton & Alice Eylande July Jo Burges & Eycroft [sic] 23 Tho. Wright & Sislye Haskeine 29 Wittm Hey & Alice Greaves 30 Jo : Merc' & Saueti Winstanley 31 Septembeb Tho: Kighley & Joane M'c" 5 Wittm Haughton & Alice Burges 17 Novembee Jo : Watmough & Margreat Ascroft 13 Januaey Henrye Bridge & EUzabeth Boulton 12 Tho : Litham & Margerie Eishton 27 Jo: Lawrance & EUzabeth Burges 25 1592 Apbyll OUver Standistreete & : Ackers 18 Jo. Bridge & Anne Eimer 21 June Tho : Wood & EUn Seeome 9 Ja : Hyton & AUce Boulton 26 Jo : Francis & Margreat WofaU 80 156 Walton Eegisters. 1592-1593-1594 Jo : Harp & Elen Worton . . . Jo, Vlster & Elen Dalton... . Omfrey Barker & Jane Hey... Bic Faz : & Alice Coocke . . . Wittm Davye & Elen Ashaw James Winstandley & Elizabeth Hall Tho : Hitehmough & Elnor Lideat August 28 ... 29 October 13 ... 25 January 19 ... 27 30 1593 Wittm Lunt & Jane Spenser Henrye Blaekmore & M'gery Wilson ... Eobt WignaU & Elen Eylands Wittm Litherland & Alice Tarleton . . . Boger Douse & Joane Moston Eoger Harrison & James [.sic] Woods Wittm Burton & Sislye Lurtinge ... Henrye Ballarde & Margerye Plombe... Edmud Whaley & EUzabeth Eccleston Eio Hatton & Elizabeth Finnc Edward Fletcher & M'great Johnsone Ja. Whyte & Emme Burscow Jo: Pasmege & Mode Boulton Peter Mosse & Clarisse Hogge Aprill ... 1525 May ... 22 June 18 ... 26 August 11 ... 19 21 Ootobeb ... 1827 Novembee ... 23 January 24 ... 2729 1594 Lawrance Turner & M'gerie M'c' ... Peter Ackers & Anne Tarleton Ja : Berrye & Elm M'c» Aprill , 3 July 18 . 25 1594-1595-1596 Marriages. 157 Eic : Guye & Anne M'c' Jo : Cropper & Margreat Eylands Bic: Tyrer & Margreat Poulton Hugh Bootle & Elnor MoUneux Wittm Stockley & Jane Faz: Eaffe Wainwright & Elen Whitfield August 14 October 23 ... 30 December 8 Febbuaby ... 2529 1595 Henrye Bridge & Jane Norrisse Eobt Johnson & M'great Wmsdoughter Wm Plompton & M'gerye Eylands... Eobt Higgenson & M'great M'c' Tho: Whyte & Anne Amott Tho. Bridge & Issabell Barker Bic Yoxan & Katherin Johnsdoughtr Jo : Gyll & Katherin Coekram Lawrance Pendleton & Elizabeth M'e' May ... 2930 July ... 23 August 29 Ootobee ... 23 28 Decembee ... 15 January 7 ... 28 1596 Henrye Bispam & Elin Plompton Peter Lunt & Elen Abbey Alexander Barrow & James Hitehmough Ja: Knowles & C'araye Walton Apryll 13 Julys ... 28 October 19 ... 25 168 Walton Eegisters. 1596-1597-1598 Eobt WUlmson & Jane Wasshington . Jamas Orme & Jane Blackburne . . . December 12 February ... 14 1597 Henrye Blaekmore & Alice Latham Xxtofer Shurlaker & Alice Mere' Xxtofer Pendleton & Anne Whitfield Eic : Marc' & Anne Martin Ja : Eccleston & Margerie Whyte Henrye Gobin & Margreat Bridge Tho : BusheU & Katherin Pasmege Eobt Maketyre & Jane Bi&doughf ParsiveU Smith & Elen Amott Bartholomew Sothworth and Margreat Smerle Eaffe Pendleton & Anne Higgenson Eaffe Newam & Letize Bydinge Apryll 23 July ... 5 23 Ootobee ... 29 December 3 ... 15 27 January ... 1617 ... 23 Febeuaeie 10 ... 12 1598 Tho : Pendleton & Anne Winstandley James HalsaU & Elizabeth Musker Jo : Eimmer & Alice Eic'sdoughter Jo : Scott & Alice Greaves Ja: Chalner & Elizabeth Pendleton Boger Dey & Anne Bydinge Maye ... 17 Julye 23 August ... 14 October ... 3 13 Deoembeb ... 23 1598-1599-1600 Mabeiages. 159 Ja: Wainwright & Jane Coocke Tho : Waimought & Elin Bobtsdoughtr. Febeuaeie 13 ... 23 1599 Eic Egcker & Jane Moneley EUze Gloover & Jane Hey Eaphe Newma & Letize Bydinge Edward ChUdwaU & EUzabeth Plobe Edward Bispame & Elizabeth Turner Jo: Lonsdall & Anne Tho: dought'... Tho: Eose & Sislye Bridge Ny5 Walley & Margreat Washington Peter Couldocke & Elen Lea Tho : Greaves & Margerie Boulton . . . EiS Pendleton & Joane Musker Ei^ Walley & Jane Mekin Jo : Bainst' & AUce Jo : sdought' Myles KirkdaU & Alice Syer Edward Blunt & EUzabeth Pedleton .. Apeill 17 ... 25 Maye 22 .., 2729 Julye ... 7 September 19 ... 25 November 16 ... 2530 December ... 3 14 Januarie ... 9 25 1600 Bobt Molineux & Margerye Boulton Jo: Henshall & Isabell Woodley Jo : Moore & Elizabeth Poole Jo : Ackers & Elin Douse Henrye Windle & Elizabeth Baron... Anthonye Suner & Elin Hey Bobt Bootle & Alice Walbancke Apeyll ... 7 23 Julye ... 19 September 13 ... 25 November 24 ... 30 160 Walton Eegisters. 1600-1601-1602 Henrye Harp & Elin Fleetwoode Henrye pke & Elizabeth Longworth Wittm Lunt & Jenett Trenehmore Wittm Gorsitche & M'great Gloover Januabye 9 ... 25 Febbuaeye 8 ... 7 1601 Eic Wittmson & Alice Berrye James Litherland & Alice Wiftmsdoughter Peter Houghton & Ann Burscow Henrye M'cer & EUzabeth Whitfielde ... Wiftm Parre & Anne Deye Wm Justice & Ginett Patrieke Edmude pkinson & Brigett Bydinge Wittm BlundeU & Alice Evansdought' ... Henrye Smith & Anne Middleton Jo : Amotte & Margerie Lea Eic" M'cer & Margreat Smarley Mychaell Whytehead & Alice Aughton . . . Apeyll 27 Julye ... 23 30 Septembee ... 2025 October ... 12 27 November Febbuaeye 8 ... 1114 ... 16 1602 Adam Willon & Christian Yonge Wittm Gloover & Alice Bridge Eic Bridge & Elen Gloover ... Eic Wittmson & Katherin Davye ... Jo: Coocke & Margreat Finehe ... Apeyll 6 Maye ¦}, June . 27 August 20 1602-1605 Marriages. 161 John Goare & Elizabeth Johnsdought' Ja : Higgenaon & Eliz : Harrison Tho : Buekeley & Margreat Henshall John Pradsam & Elizabeth Yate Novembee ... 9 13 Januarie ... 23 Febbuaeye 12 1603 John Calawaye & Elen Bridge EiS Haughton & Elen Eose Thomas Turner & Elizabeth Orshaw Wittm Spraye & Jane Travesse ... John Galawaye & Elen Bridge Julye ... 25 August 19 ... 27 Fbbeuaeye 18 ... 25 1604 John Heskett & Jane Deye Thomas Buckley & Jane Henshall Wittm BiSsone & Margreat Sutton John Barker & Alice Goare Bie. Fleetwoodde & Sislye Boden Thomas Vp Eobert & Alice Lake Maye 24 Septembeb 22 November ... 26 *Maye 15 ... 23 1605 Wittm Milner & Katherin Yoxan Wittm Bose & EUen Johnsdoughter Eobt. Woodworth & Margerye Bridge * " Februarye " and " Marohe " struck out. 11 July 23 Septembee ... 3 7 162 Walton Eegisters. 1605-1606 Thomas Coocke & Elnor Walker Nyfi Tickle & Margreat Kellett . . . George Baynforth & Sislye Carier ... Jo : Longworth & Elnor Burton . . . Henrye Vose & Jane Barker Boger • & Alice Shurlaker* Octobee ... 15 November 27 Decembee ... 3 Januabye 17 Febbuaeye -jl8 1606 John Finehe & Joane Mori Eobte MeUinge & Ellen Breers John Mere® & Tarleton Boger Bodes & Alice Shurlaker ... Wm Heaton & Anne Pemberton ... Jo : Finehe & Joane Moorye Tho : Lunt & EUn Aughton Tho : Witter & Margreat Thomason Edward Guye & Isabell Milner Wittm Morrisse & Alice Thomason George Hieheon & Jane Boughstithe George Brookes & Anne Blackmoore .. Bobf Greaves & Elnor Hieheon BiS Hieheon & Jane Boulton Maeche .. 3 June 28 .. 29 Julye 18 .. 2730 August October 13 ... 24 December 10 Januarye... 23 29 Februarye ... 1628 * See entry on July 18th infra. 1607-1608-1609 Marriages. 163 Apryll Henrye Blackmoore & Margerye Amott 21 Eic Boulton Katherin Chorleton 28 June Wm Coocke & Elnor ByrehaU 19 EiS Bydinge & Alice Farror 27 August Henrye WiUmson & Anne Gleast 13 Wittm Norrisse & Margreat Lake 22 Bobt Whytehead & Margreat Eissh ton 26 September Edmude Jumpe & Sislye Tyrer 3 James Mathew & Margreat Whytheade 11 October Eaffe MereS & Brichett Ligh 22 November Tho : Pickavance & Katherin Bridge 2 Febbuaeye David Lake & Alice Backster 2 1608 Julye Wittm Broune & Alice Forber 15 Gilbt Hitcheon ats Eylance & Catherin Gleast 27 Septembee Wittm Dober als Pryer & Elm Mere^ 13 Wittm Eosone & Lettice Litherland 26 Jo : Plumpton & Anne Sadler 29 Ootobeb Tho Wils & Elizabeth Francis 8 Eaffe Merc^ & Alice Mere' 19 Januabye Henrye Pemberton & Eliz : Marton 3 James Haughton & Catherin M'cer 18 1609 Apryll Tho : Plumpton & AUce Litherland 23 John Haworth & Margerie Stockley 29 164 Walton Eegistees. 1609-1610-1611 John Burton Juni & Ginnett Bootle George Molineux & Katherin Baker ... Tho : Lyon & Margreat Plumpton . . . Wittm Farrer & Elizabeth Blaekborne Michaell NeaU & Elin AinsdaU June ... 7 Septembee 14 ... 27 Decembee 10 Februarye ... 18 1610 Tho : Longrow & Alice Whitfielde NathanieU Gardiner & Elizabeth Pendleton Wittm Whitfielde & AUce Stockley ... Jo : Eose & Katherin Lassell Tho Anderton & Alice Johnsdoughter John Gregsone & Margreat Hey Eic Hind & Elizabeth Litham . Eobt Johnson & EUzabeth Higgenson ... Maye 24 . 80 Julye October 3 Januarye ... 2829 Pbbeuaeyb ..: 7 1611 Tho Gleast & Margreat Kighley Tho: Worrall & Anne Trustram Jo: Burgess & Margerie Molineux Tho : Woods & Elen Kirkbye Henrye Linne and Anne Hale Eobt Faireliffe & EUenour Fleetwoodde... Aprill 13 Maye ... 8 21 August ... 24 October 23 Febbuaeye ... 17 1612-1613-1614 Mabbiages. 165 1612 Bic. Eose and Elizabeth Tarleton Tho : Yonge & EUzabeth Plumer Tho Coooke & Alice Finehe Wittm HulUand & Alice Whitehead ... Wittm Standistreete & Elizabeth Sutton Julye ... 28 Septembeb 15 ... 27 Novembee 29 ... 30 1613 Jo : Coocke and Isabell Broune Jo Pemmerton & J ane Hulme Eic Haworth & Anne Sutton John Wittmson & Elizabeth Juley. Eobt Goore & AUce Jumpe Apeyll 24 June Octobee 23 Januabye ... 16 27 1614 Eycharde Eoosse & Ane Boulton Lawrence Bridge & Margrett Johnsdaughter George Higginson & Ane Strange [No entry] Eycharde Evansone & Elizabeth Eccleston Henry WUsone & Margery Shaw May .. 12 June 15 July ., 27 August September 8 October ... 23 166 Walton Eegistees. 1614-1615 Henry Bobts & EUzabeth Eyse Wittm WiswaU & Margery Eushton Eycharde Jumpe & Jane Molineux Henry Haworth & Margrett Henshaw ... John Strieklande & Joane Wittmsdaughter James Eeelestone & Aiie Choner John Finehe & Jane Hey ... Wm Porson & Jane Stapphorth Jeffere P'scott & Ellen Bridge Edwarde Hey & Alice Gffi Novembee 5 ... 11 26 Decembee ... 36 ... 22 Januaey 7 .. 16 Febeuaey 6 ... 14 March & Aprffi none 1615 Henry Forber & EUzabeth Tyekle Wittm Danold & Ane Mosse ... Eychard Poole & Alis Bysse John Secum & Alis Garston John Broune & Aim Croskffi de Liupol Eycharde Tyrer & Alis Boden Wittm Smythe & EUzabeth PooUe [No entry] Thomas Gleast & Jane Spray Wittm Bysse & Ellen TaUor Widow David Thomasson als Harisson & EUzabeth Goodiear March none May 13 ... 18 June 25 July ... 26 30 August ... 28 Septembee 3 Ootobee November ... 23 January ... 29 Febeuaey 3 1616-1617 Mabbiages, 167 1616 Henry Jackson & Ellen Johnsdaughter... [No entry] John Ireland & Izabell Stones Tho: Ashbroogh & Alis Southworth Wittm Trentam & EUen Ireland Wittm Adgitt & Margrett Topping Eycharde Merser & AUs Finehe Wittm Wasshington & Margrett Dowbye Tho Dowbye & Margrett Wasshington Ey: Akkera & Ellen Sheppde Edwarde Hallsall & EUzabeth Harpar John Alcocke & Jane Eoosse Apeill 16 May June 3 ... 24 July 7 September ... 16 October 14 Novembee ... 17 18 January ... 2 February 3 Maeoh 1617 Eobte Blaekmore & Elizabeth Berry . , . James Tomson & Aiie Greene Jeffere Hey & Jane Harrison & ") Edward Hey & Jane Bogeradaughter j Henry Anderton & Margery Eycroft 1 Wittm Blaekmore & EUen Copple ( May 17 June 2 Septembee 11 November ... 3 168 Walton Bbgistees. 1617-1618-1619 James Wittmson & Ellen Durninge ... . John Stones & Margeret Walbank Ey: Pryor & Aiie Higginson Henerie Thomason and EUen Worrall ... Decembee 10 January ... 1216 Februarie ... 2 1618 Bichard Lunte and EUzabeth Blunte Thomas Harrison and Ellen Muche Nicolas Worrall & Anne Haughton Wittm Hurst Anne Such Eichard Dale and Margaret Prescott John MoUneux & EUen Abram Nicholas Lunt & Margery Burges alias Whitfield Thomas Quaile and Ales Bryndle Boberte Wittmsonne and Margarett Charles June 28 Julie ... 2122 August ... 3 19 September ... 29 Novembee 11 Deoembeb ... 6 January 30 1619 Henry Mercer and Anne Mercer * Wittm Winstanley and Elizabeth Strange . . George Cartwright and Jane Harrison ... Nicholas Dobson and Alice Wilaon George Smyth and Katherin Brookefield *" Thomas" struck out. April . 18 24 . 29 May 1 August ,, 18 1619-1620 Marriages. 169 Wittm Eimmer and Jane Bolyn Eobarte Boulton & Elizabeth Bydinge John Burton and Ellin Kennion ... Laurence Bydinge and EUzabeth Tyrer Octobee ... 17 28 Novembee ... 29 December 22 *1620 Henry Crosse and Sarah Berry Apeill .. 20 1619 Hugh Bydinge and ElUn Haward Eichard Stockley & Anne Ley of Maghule Febeuary 24 November ... 20 1620 Eoger Eatchdale and Margret Bobson t Eaphe Cook & Ann Lunt Wittm Butler and Lore Tylotaon . . . Wittm Kelsoe and EUen Stanistreete.. Farancis Prescott and Katherin Millner Thomas Berke and EUnor Barton Thomas Marcer and Ellen Walley John Harrison and Margery Coyntyre James Dey and Anne Wainewright Thomas Carter and Elizabeth Barton Thomas Banner and Lettice Hallowed * " 1619 " struck out. + Appears to have been interlined in a different ink and hand. May 1 20 . 77 June 5 10 . 19 29 July . 14 25 August ,. 28 170 Walton Eegistees. 1620-1621-1622 Andrewe Barton and Margarett Lewis Eaphe Mercer and Elnor Smarley ... Bichard Winstanley and Ellin Swift . . . September 5 ... 16 November 6 1621 Bichard Higginson and Ales Sandes * John Jameson & Alice Letherland t Eoger Bichardson and EUzabeth Burgesse OriginaU FUtcroft and Ann Leigh Thomas Bichardson & Francis Booth Thomas Eidinge & Margery Harper May ... 13 August 31 Ootob : 7 ... 7 Jan 22 Februab ... 15 1622 Henry Eobtson als Tenant & Margery Fisher Hamlet Huchen & Margret Longworth John Pinnington & An Henshaw Edward Thomason als Harrison & An Prentice OriginaU Flitcrofte & An Stockley Thos. Boulton & EUza Eatchdal Aprill .. 30 May 1 June .. 17Sep80 Novem ,. 13 Decem 6 * The entry " William Fazzakarley was baptized March the fifth 1621," struck out. f In a different ink and perhaps hand. 1622-1628-1624 Marriages. 171 Willm Webster & Jane Brazegirdle Tho Sutton & SisUe Smith WUliii Trantom & Joan Pendleton January 6 February ... 20 24 1623 Eobte Starkie of Croston & Elizabeth Hughson of Derby Boger Dey and Elizabeth Hare Henry Gibson & Jane Bell Eowland Poughton & Elizabeth Faber John Hynd and Grace Goore Boger Shelboeke & Dorothy Houghton Eowland Eose & EUzabeth Poole Thoms Carter & Alice Bose Aprill .. 23 June 9 10 22 August . 26 Octob 25 Novem . 30 Feb 9 1624 Bichard Fazakerley & Ann Brookbank Thomaa Pendleton & Grace Hynd Wittm Wright & Margret Jackson., John Ashton & Margret Eose Eicharde Bridge & Mary Lathome., Peeter Derby and An Holland Parcevell Eyce & Elizab. Henshaw. Bobte Dobson & An Leech Thoms Bridge & Izabell Boulton Henry Mercer & An Walbank Ape. 5 12 July 26 Aug 5 1517 , 1818 Octob. 8 13 172 Walton Eegistees. 1624-1625 John Mercer & An Carrier Eieh. Kennyon & Ellen Gallaway Eaphe Mercer & Margret Boulton . . John Part & ElUn Whaley Eaphe Mercer & EUzab Bond ats Ball Edward Tarleton & Elizab. Barker Edward Gorton & Dorothy Proctor John Cheetome & An Hare Edward Fairehurst & Jane Orme Wittm Bond & Mary Wainwright John Walles & Mary Mather ... David Barker & Alice TomUnson Novemb .. 11 15 Deo 46 .. 2022 January ... 7 31 Feb ... 2 22 ... 2828 1625 John James & Katherin Badbrooke George Standishe & An Amont ... Thoms Haskeine & Eliz. Bolton John Harroeks & Sara Croft Nicholas Eigby & Phebe Fox . . . John Dobie & Alice Poole ... BoKte Balshaw & Ellin Sudden .. John Bobertson & Jane Torbocke Wittm Plombe & Jane Bond Wittm Bowson & Marye Haughton Thomas Forber & AUce Johnson .. Lawrence Vicars & Jane Huchen . Eaphe Worrall & Susan Smoose... Henry Tuchett & Margret Strange. Edward Eycroft & Elizab: Astin... Ape .. 20 26 May .. 10 18 .. 26 80 Aug ... 1415 ... 2424 ... 25 Sept ... 1222 ... 21 Ootobee 8 1625-1626 Mabbiages. 178 Nov John Cowdocke & Katherin Fleetwood 1 Thoms Pinnington & An Mercer 2 Nicholas Eyding & An Cooke 21 Edward Lake & Ellen Bydinge 26 Wittm Harrison & An Molynex 26 John Litherland & Mary Halewood 27 Dec Thoms WorraU & Effrey Haughton 6 John Prescott & Margret Stanley 7 Bichard Makin & Alice WorraU 10 Januaey BoBte Boothe & Sara Bridge 8 Bofete BroumbiU & An Glover 23 Wiftni & Margery Mossoeke 19 Peeter Atkinson & Margery Woods 20 Thoms Henshawe & Elizab. Wainwright 20 1626 May Eobert Winfield & Jane Tenant 8 Thoms Wainwright & Mary Pasmuch 16 June John White & Margery Goodiker 20 July Thoins Inglefield & Alice Barker 25 Aug Wittm Johnson & Katherin Henshaw 5 Septemb. John Wffiinson & Alice Windle 5 Octob. John Woods & Alice Crosse 8 John Bridge & Alice Cooke 26 Jan John Bordman & Alice Caddioke 8 Edw. Sephton & Elizab. Dey 15 174 Walton Eegisters. 1627-1628 1627 Apr. 29 Bichard Pickeringe & Jane Aslin Willm BusheU & An Pryor June Phillippe Comry & Jane Prescott 28 July Nicholas Beynolds & Jane Webster 21 Eichard Kirkeby & Joane Smith 30 Aug. George Higginson & Margret Thornton 10 Bichard Greaves & Elizab. Crane 22 Sept. Thorns Eccleston & Ellin Carter 1 Oct. James Sotherne & Margret Berry 17 Nov. BoBte Whaley & Elizabeth Griffith 3 John Amont & Elizab. Plombe 17 John Mercer & Margret Wright 17 Wittm Lonsdale & Elizab. Thomasson 29 Ja. John Archer & Dorothy Barker 22 Feb. Evan Alcumen & Dorothy Johnson 3 Eoger Watmough & An Dey 7 Wittm Bolton & An Poole 20 James Tompson & Margret Jackson 22 1628 Apr. George Higgins & Ellin Pickeringe 14 Hamlett Stockley & An Pendleton 15 EoBt Woodworth & Ellin Musker 22 Wittm Blinston & Katherin Johnsdar 26 June Wittm Faireclough & Ellin Fazakerley 2 Tho. Faireliffe & Jane Weste 17 Clivafer [?] Slater & Margret Simpson 22 1628-1629 Marriages. 175July Hugh Cropper & Margret Barker 27 Aug. * Baphe Seacome & EUzabeth Molineux 12 Sept. Wittm Wainwright & Alice Potter 26 Nov. Thoms Wittmson & Ellin Johnson 2 John Anyon & An Whaley 6 Henry Brownbill & Katherin Whaley 6 Thoms Watmough & Isabell Snuth 11 Feb. Eichard Smith & Margret Griffith 12 1629 Apeill Wiffiam Haskeine & Ann Ascroft 25 May John Faireclough & Margarett Abbey 2 Wffiiam Smarley & Elizabeth Haughto 25 July Henry Boulton & Katherine Caldwall 25 Aug. WUUam Martin & IsabeU Seriamt 1 Octob. Eobert Lake & Margarett Hemes 19 Mr. John Gerard Armiger & EUen Moore 20 WiUiam Aspe & Margarett Burohall 26 Novemb. John Ellison & Jane Syre 23 Arnold WoorraU & Sarah HUl 30 Thomas Burton & Jennet Lawrenson 30 Jany Eobert Ellison & Jane Harrison 20 John Williamson & Elizabeth Formby 21 Feb. Henry Haskeine & Jane Gerard 2 Eobert Ellison & Ann Pooley 2 Lawrence Haskeine & Amy Daynol 15 Henry Eicroft & Alice Smith 6 * Interlined in another hand. 176 Walton Eegisters. 1680-1631 1630 Apr. Anthony Martin & Ann Harrison 4 William Pendleton & Ellen Burgesse 5 Bichard Southworth & Alice Johnson 8 Eichard Latham & Jane Bareroft 14 Eobert Turner & Ellen Daynold 22 Eobert Whetherlye & Margarett Harrison 24 May John Eccleston & Elizabeth HalsaU 1 George Tyrer & Margaret Harper 1 William Lansdale & Margarett Molinex 13 June WiUiam Eiding & Elizabeth Wanewright 13 WUlia Boson & Ellen Bose 22 July Christopher Querke & Ann Webster 11 Sep. Christopher Eimmer & Alice Gayeoigne 18 James Higginson & Mary Howrobin 21 John Houghton & Ellen Haruye 22 Oct. William Henshawe & Katherin Hauhton 12 Thomas Chawner & Grace Southworth 18 Nov. Georg Mercer & Ellen HoUis 18 Henry Deye & Ellen Martin 22 Eobert Aymont & Ellin HiU 28 Feb, John Hale & Margarett Stoeley 2 Eandle Potts & Mary Diconson 10 1631 Aprill Willia AspinwaU & Margery Boulto 11 Willia Butler alias Dauies & Margaret Lytha 27 Adam Tyrer & Mary Mercer 29 George WoodfaU & Blizb : Dey 30 1681-1632 Maerl^ges. 177June Eaphe Mercer & EUzab. Eoe 8 Henry Chaddick & Catherine Fazakerly 9 William Barrow & Elizab. Tatlocke 10 Christopher WUliamson & EUzb. Eiiiier 13 July Eich Mercer & Alice Fazakerly 18 Aug. Eich France & EUzab. Stanystreet 25 Oct. Tho Pryor & Ann Tyrer 3 Thomas Browne & Grissett Dobb (in CapeU de Toxteath Park) 24 Dec. Thomaa Plombe & Elizab. Burgesse 1 Eobert Hodgess & Ann Woodley 1 Feb. John MUner & Ellen Okkeshawe 5 Willia Dawby & Ann Shepherd 6 Wffiia Dumvill & Ann Knowles 8 1632 Apr. Peeter Loye and Alice Amott 9 Tho Mercer & Ann Frodesham 12 Tho Eaton & Margaret Tomson 16 Will Haywood & Kathe Eddgegate 16 WiU Browne & Ann Whaley 22 June Henry Watton & Ann Looyd 7 Kath. Clarke & Elianor Starky 8 Henry Pooley & Alice HalsaU 14 July La wr. Mercer & Alice Cowley 2 Tho Goodiker & Margarett Ince 28 AUGT Eieh Egecker & Mary Higgenso 23 Tho. Asabalt [?]& Margaret Bisspam 25 Sep. Anthony Wetherby & Eliz. Charles 15 Phiffip Parkinson & Jane Ling 21 12 178 Walton Eegistees. 1682-1688 Oct. Edward Crosse & Elizab. Cooke 21 Nov. Tho Hitehen & Alice Aymont 1 John Johnso & Anne Boune 5 Eieh Brentnat and Joane Goare 12 Percival Eice and Dorothy Milner 13 James Pye & Alice Johnson 18 Dec. Edward Lunt & EUzab. Holgraue 3 Jan. Eobert Boulto & Ellen Dauies 28 Feb. WUlia Webster & Eliz Martin 3 Eaphe HaU & Mary Mosse 11 Eobert Trustram & Mercer 22 Baphe HUl & Dorothy Boden 28 1633 Apbl James MinshaU & Alice Burgesse 25 John Markham and Alice Goare 28 May Eichard Okkeshawe & AUce Harrison 20 Wffiiam Mercer & Isabell Mosse 22 Thomas Smith & Margarett GiU 27 June Bichard Eose & Margarett BanneU 20 John Hmdley & EUen Cockett 22 Eobert Bootle & EUen Farrar 80 July John Pryor & AUce Baxter 11 WUUam Michaell & AUce Bo wker 21 Edward Henshawe & Margaret Boulton 22 George Crosse & Lettice Lunt 28 Aug. Thomas Potter & Elizabeth Orme 8 Jamea Watts & Jane Dffier 11 Sep. William Mercer & EUen Potter 13 1638-1684 Mabbiages. 179 John Layland & Katherine Westhead ... Thomas Heskeine & Alice HalsaU Eichard Walley & Margaret Mercer James Eicrofte & Alice Corlease Thomas Moneley & Tymothy Plompton... Thomas Parr & Elizabeth Marlow Thomas Kighley & Ann Bootle Bryan Coppowe & Jane Abraham Nieholaa Eidinge & Jane Witter WUUa Wmdle & EUen WiUiansin John Hankingson & Jane Bhodes Bichard Higginson & Jane Bayly Eobert Turner and Margaret Tarbock WUUa Blackmor & Ellen Mercer Lawrence Molineux & Dorothy BeU Eichard Stone & EUzabeth Bridge Henry Dannett & Ellen Smith Eich. Johnson Gard 1633 Oct. 9 14 2124 Nov. 2 2730 80 Deo. 1 Janby 212223 25 25 Feb. 7 1416 [Here follow the Burialls for 1634 which will be found p. 132 ante] 16 3 4 Nich Cooper Gard. James Hartley and AUce Boulton Thomas Corker & EUen Winstanley Eobert Browne & Margarett Thomoson Baphe Prior al Dauber & Aii Anderton WilUa Trentam & Jane Holland John Lightbound & Katherine Asmore Wiffiam Lurking & Ellen Farrar John Harrison & Katherine Wade Thomas Martin & Elizabeth Laybourne , Henry Edwardson & Ellen Dikonson Apeill .. 14 May 10 .. 18 June 11 .. 12 24 Aug. .. 4 18 . 22 28 180 Walton Eegistees. 1634-1635 WiUia Ascroft & Alice Lurking PhUlip Carr & EUen Plombe John Lansdale & Ann Jumpe Eobert Bigby & Jennet Burton Edward Dale & Alice Bootle Bichard Greaues & Jane Boulton ... John Johnson & Elizabeth Moss William BlundeU & Elizabeth Lytham Nov. 24 24 Dec. 1 2 Jany 3 Feb. 355 1635 Francis Medcalfe & Mary Marsh John Wigan & Ane Aspinall John Holland & EUzabeth Curran . . Edward Dickinson & Dorothy Williason Anthony MuUinex & Alice Harper WUUa Morrice & Elizabeth Parre Willia Glouer & Alice WUliamson Henery Gregson & Mary Smith William Glouer — ¦ Hughson William Hesketh & EUzabeth Morris Thomas Linshley & Elizabeth Eichards Bichard Denton & Mary Mercer James Wardle & Elline Hinde Bryan Charles & Alice Litherland John Farrer & Elinor MuUinex by Ucen : Liuerpol Thomas Gorton & Lower Meddow Biohard Atherton & Jane Lightfoot Bryan Sootheme & Widdow Morton Mabch 31 Aprill ... 12 May 2 June 2 27 ... 29 July 11 ... 13 20 August ... 1017 ... 23 Octobee 8 ... 1819 ... 22 Novembee 21 ... 28 1635-1636-1637 Mabbiages. 181 Eobert Eimmer & AUce Mercer John Boughley & Margerat Seacombe Thomas Taylor & Jennett Garton ... John Bridge & Elline Hey Jan14 Feb 7 13 1636 John Whitside & Margaret Parker . . . SamueU Midsley & Margaret Gardner GUbert Balshawe & Elizabet Blundell Henery Plumbe & Sisley Mercer Eodger Hilcoke & Mary Creane John Woorall & Alice Syre Edward Whitside & Ann Orner [?] Henry Mercer & Alice Finch Geffery Whale & Margaret Aserick John Coppley & Jane Cooke May ... 1822 July ... 12 August 15 Octobee ... 9 16 ... 18 18 November ... 3 13 1637 John Cisley & EUine Humfres John Mercer Elizabeth Plombe John Lurting & Elline Penleton Henery Hauranc & Elizabeth Vproberts Henery Holme & Alice Ascroft Water Heyes & ElUne BlundeU John Cowdoke & Ann Smith Boger Powell Sa Bachel Beanolds Apeill . 17 June 10 , 1321 July , 27 Aug 1010 18 182 Walton Eegistees. 1637-1638 William Eidinge & Dorithy Cores Eobert Wilding & Ann Banister... Henery Harinson & Mary Akers September ... 11 Novembee 4 ... 14 1638 Thomas Plumton & Mary Henshay Wffim Bigbie & Ann Litherland . . . Eobert Morres & Margery Smashey Thomas Flether & Marger Boulton John Crookell & An Penleton ... Thomas Sandford & Eline Mercer .. Henry Bichardson & Ann Johnson Wffiam Fazakerley & Margeret Sargent Eobert Simson & ElUne Thomson Eobe® Huson & Margaret Abraham John Hatton & EUine Pemberton Eobert Betham Margeret Parre Arthur Molunex & Eline Harper John Sandford & Ann Johnson May 21 June ... 1 21 July ... 7 August 26 ... 26 Septembeb 16 Ootobee ... 19 Novembee 23 *Octobee ... 17Jan 11 ... 28 Feb 4 ... 15 * " Jan " struck out. 188 [The Weddings for the years 1639 and 1640 are missing in the original. The following entries for these years are taken from the Transcripts in the Diocesan Registry, Chester.] A true & perfect Coppie of the Regester of all Christinings Weddings burialls within the parish of Walton for the yeare of our lord 1639 WEDDINGS Houmphrey Talor and Margerie Gasking Eichard Parker & Alee Boulton Thomas WoofuU & Ann Greenhough Thomas Walton & ElUn Kenion Valentine Eicroft & Jane Daug Wiffiam Turner & Elizabeth Bridge Edward Bice & Ann Hey Thomas Walker & Alee Southworth Edward Eccleston < Ite Mr. Eobert Fazakerley &^ Thomas Boulton & William / for 181 14s 9d ob of Mr. Bird Topping surty John C qur [?] Rich : Blaekmore Harpur ) Ite Edward Hurst Richard Dwarihouse i j. loi in rj Eobert Melling . ^forlS110s5dx Peeter Parr Ite William Seaoombe & ) ^ m .< oj ^ rrj Anthony Mercer ... j fo"^ 71 4s 2d x 5s. 7d Ite WUUam Higgenson & | Edward Higgenson J " s, ^ Ite Mr. John Moore &^ Eobert Johnson & > for 181 10s 5d x Eobert Gorsiche .. ) Ite Mr. Bichard MoUneux for 81 2s 4d ob of Mr. Bird qur [?] Eich. Blaekmore Ite Mr. Eoger Bryars ") Mr. Henry Norris & V for 101 8s : x Henry Bose of Walton ) * Ite Thomas Tyrer ") Eichard Stockley [• for 101 8s paid p Th : Boulton WUlia Tarieton .. J * The names: Edmund Whaley, Nicholas Whaley, Robert Whaley, are struck through in the original, and the names aa given above substituted. Miscellaneous Entries. 189 Ite Mr. Neuffi Kaye & ) ^ ^j „ „ , WUliam Kighley . . . K Ite Mr Alexander Molyneux ) for 41 of Mr. Bird qur [?] Eich : & Mr. Thomas Molyneux bill ) Blaekmore Ite Mr NeviU Kaye ^ Thomas Mercer & > for 61 4s 9d ob x John Mercer ... ) Ite Mr. Lawrance Bryars ) for 41 8s 2d of Mr. Bird qur [?] John Mercer j Eich: Blaekmore Item Hugh Bose of Walton <^ 7 f^v. i ol i fi ra v Hugh Bose of Clubmore . . j Ite James Eycroft ¦ ¦ | for "il 4 x Thomas Watmough Thomas Watmough .. j Willia Hey t Lawrence B 71 Ita testor Nevill Kaye Vic : Walton 1621 Tempore Johanis Much Gardian in tota Verta folio X Edward Tumer „, WUlia Tumer sen et Ju X James Higgenson „, John Heye Thomas Badcott x Thomas Longrowe 41 Willia Tarlton July 14th 1661 Collected the day and yeare above written at the Parish Church of Walton towards the reliefe of the inhabitants of Milton Abbas in Dorsetshire the sume of six shillings ten pence Hen : Finch Vic ibed July 21 1661 Collected the day and yeare above written at the Parish Church of Walton towards reliefe of Inhabitants of Southwaldals Soulby in the County of Suffolke the sum of seven shillings seven pence Hen: Finch Vic: ibid July 28 1661 Collected the day and yeare above written att the Parish Church of Walton towards the buildinge & repayringe of two Churches in the towne of Scarborough in the Northridinge of the County of Yorke the sume of seven shillings five pence Hen : Finch Vic ibid. ¦j- This entry is struck out in the original. 190 Walton Eegisters. Aug 11th 1661 CoUected the day and yeare above written att the Parish Church of Walton towards the reUefe of WUliam Copperthwayte of the Parish of Kendall the sume of four shillings three pence Hen : Finch Vic : ibid September 22d 1661 Collected the day & yeare above-written att the Parish Church of Walton towards the reliefe of Henry Harrison the sume of five- shUUngs three pence Hen: Finch Vic: ibid September 29 1661 Collected the day and yeare above written att the Parish Church of Walton towards the repayre of the Collegiate Church of Bipon in Yorkeshyre the sume of five shiUings and a penny Hen : Finch vie ibid December 1st 1661 Collected towards the reliefe of WUUam Jenkinson of the Parish of MeUinge in the Countye of Lancaster the sum of four shillings sixpence Hen : Finch vie ibid Mem'du That Hen : Finch Borne in the Parish of Standish Anno 1633 Baptized Septembr Sth succeeded Mr. NevUl Kaye m the Vicaridge of Walton 1654 July 80th Hen: Finehe WUl Bydinge of Derby Church Warden Hen: Finch Marryed Mary Hammond of Warrington Octobr 11th 1659 Maria fil : Hen Finch Nat : 3° die July circa hor : 8 ante merid : Baptiz: 8° die ejusde Mensis anno dmfii 1660 & redit Begis CaroU 2** post exU 1"° Begni 12"° Martha daughtr of Lawr: Turnr of Fazakeley Bapt at Derby Chappel May 19: 1661 Mary daughtr of John Fazakeley of Walton Bapt Novembr 10th 1661 Tabitha fil Hen : Fmch Vic di Walton Nat 26° die Marty circ hor 8 ante Merid Baptiz 30° die Mens AprUis Anno Domni 1662 Baptiz AprUl 6° Miscellaneous Entries. l9l Mr Peter Hey Vicar of Walton was buried ye Xth of April 1621 as appears 20th leaf retro. Mr Nevill Kay succeeded him. Who died Anno 1654 And Mr Henry Finch succeeded him the 80th of July 1654 [The remaining half of this page is left blank] W^EDDINGS IN THE PARISH CHURCH OF "WALTON 1661 Deoemb' John Jackson & Mary Almond both of Derby 21 Jan Henry Glov' & AUs Buckley both of Derby 29 Aug Erasmus Harvey & Mary Quarks both of this parish ... 11 Marryd by Mr Fogge. [The remainder of this page is left blank] BURIALLS AT THE PARISH CHURCH OF ^WALTON 1661 May Katherin Shurlaker 30 Feb 2 1661 Collected att the Parish Church of Walton towards the reliefe Thomas Thornton James Nelson & Christopher Milner of Sowerby in the parish of Thirsk the sume of five shUlings twopence Hen Finch Vic: ibid 192 Walton Eegisters. March 9 Collected att the Parish Church of Walton for reliefe of Thomas Welby the sume of three shillings threepence Hen Finch Vic ibid Septemb' 8th Collected towards repayre of the Parish Church of Pontefract five shillings sixpence Hen Finch Vie ibid March 16th Collected towards reliefe of inhabitants of Bridgenorth in the countye of Salop the sume of three shings and nynepence Hen Finch Vic ibid Aprill 20th 1662 Collected towards the reUefe of the Protestant Churches of Lithuania the sume of three shUlings and nynepence Hen Finch Vie ibid March 6th 1663 Collected the daye & yeare above written at the Parish Church of Walton for & towards the repayre of ye Parish Church of Wythearm in the countye of Sussex the summe of foure shUUngs John Walton Vicar Eichard Fazakerley Churchwarden his marke B F May 1st 1663 Collected then ye day and yeare above written at ye Parish Church of Walton for and towards the releefe of ye inhabitants of Heighington in the parish of Washingbrough in the County of Lincoln the summe of foure shillings and a pennie John Walton Vicar Eichard Fazakerley Churchwarden his marke E. [The remainder of this page and the whole of the next leaf are blank] Then follow the burials. 198 CSptsrnpal ©ranaaipts. CHRISTENINGS . pp. 1 — 75 inclusive. BURIALS . , . „ 76—152 -WEDDINGS . . . „ 163—187 The Transcripts in the Diocesan Begistry at Chester begin in 1622, but the years 1623, 1624, 1626, 1627, 1628, 1681 to 1635 inclusive, 1638, 1641 to 1665 inclusive, are missing. The present Volume has been compared with the Episcopal Transcript, and where any further information is given therein, is has been noted below (see also pages 188 and 184 ante). °^ THIS ,,„.„_. Volume ^"^"^ Walton Rjegistbe Episcopal Tbansceipt 85 AprU 21 of OrreU after "Bridge" 36 Nov. 18 of Walton after "MoUnex" 36 Dec. 8 John Eobtson John son of John Eobtson 36 Jan. 26 of ffazakerley after " Hall " 39 Aug. 12 Gent after "Chorley" 44 May 25 of Derby after "Whyte" 45 Dee. 4 "g" after "Chorley" 45 Dec. 20 of ye Lowe after "Blinston" 46 April 4 MusUn [?] et ux Faber Musker & AUce Forber 46 April 25 Parkinton Parkinson 46 July 21 "Gent" after "HalsaU" 46 Aug: 3 Eachdale Bichardson 46 Sept. 19 Hurdeux Hurdisse 46 Sept. 26 Nich: Piceoring ... Eichard Pickeringe 55 Mar. 27 WilUamson de Brecside WUkinson 13 194 Walton Eegistees. Page Date of Bntrt Walton Resistkk Volume 55 After August 7 56 Oct. 13 Mercer de Brecside... 56 Oct. 16 Darrand Mason 86 After November 9 56 Dee. 29 James WoofaU de Eurton 56 Jan. 13 Wffiiam 56 Feb. 19 George Crosse de Darb 56 Mar. 23 Stones 57 Dec. 14 58 Before March 11 58 March 11 WiU 69 March29 59 AprU 11 59 April 28 59 May 7 59 May 14 59 May 26 59 May 31 ... 60 Before Aug. 11 60 Aug. 11 60 Aug. 18 ... Episcopal Tkansckipt " fil: Henry Thomasson bap August 18 Mercer Senior Darwayne Ed s of Bichard Norris de Darby Nov. 11 John Woofall WUliam Ad ame s John Crosse Glouer de Brecksyd after "Kighley" Ann d. John Eawlinson March 4 John de Tuebrooke after "Mercer" "Junior de Clubmoor" after " Boulton" "hs" after "Cloc:" de Breckeside after "Litherland" Gent after "Stanley" and de Walton after "Eice" de Darbie after " Eycroft" de Darbie after "Denton" John f. Thomas Plumton de Darbie Aug 1 de Darbie after "Sadler" de KirkdaU after "Bichardson" Episcopal Transcripts. 196 Page OF THIS Volume Date of , Entry Walton Register Episcopal Transckipt 60 Aug. 18 deWalto after " ShurUoer" 60 Aug. 25 Stocto Stonton 60 Oct. 28 Lennard Eich. 60 Nov. 10 . de Davenham after "Blease" 60 Dec. 29 Coppon Copples de KirkdaU 60 Before Jany 19 Jane f. John Daale bap. Jan. 16 60 Jan. 26 deWalton after "Harrison' ' 60 Jan. 29 de Clubmore after "Junior" 61 Feb. 2 Mercer . Tyrer 61 Feb. 16 Nixon Wrioson 61 Mar: 10 Thomas Flecher de Dar John Flecher de oke 61 May 1 Stones ,. Hearnes 62 After Aug: 9 the blank date should be September 10 62 Nov. 22 deWalton after "Cropper" 62 March 14 Heatlye Health 116 After July 19 . Margret d. of Tho: Anderton July 18 115 Oct. 9 . of Derby after "Whitfield" 115 Dec. 20 of Linaker after "Pemberton" 116 After March 18 in transcript NeuUl Kaye Vic Walto Henry Pemberton Ward 121 After March 3 Concordat cu Begisteris teste Neuffi Kay Viear Walton Thomas x Henshaw Gardianus ibed holmfrey Walley Jurat ibed 124 AprU 11 AUce EUm 125 AprU 22 p. cutled [?] ... so caUed 196 Walton Eegistees. Page Date of Entry Walton Register Volume 126 July 28 Bryan 126 Dec. 20 Garrett 135 July 22 Barbour 135 July 26 Elline 135 After Aug. 3 185 March 15 Mary Dey de Darby . 135 After March 17 135 „ „ 136 Feb: 12 136 After Feb. 12 ... 136 March 11 138 May 14 188 May 20 139 May 20 ... 139 May 24 139 May 29 139 June 2 139 June 8 189 July 8 George 139 Nov. 6 . . > 189 Nov. 20 189 Jan. 22 Crosse 189 Mar. 6 John Aymont de Dar 139 Mar. 16 140 AprU 18 deLow Episcopal Transcript Bryers Goffeth Barlowe Elizab Hamnet Stockley Aug 4 Mary Hey Henry Whitfield March 17 NeuiU Kaye Vic WaUo Thomas Mercer gard de Toxteth Park after "Eaph" Margarett Browne Feb. 27 de Darby after "Darwin" de Darbie after "Plombe"' de Clubmoore after "MUner" de Darbie after "WoofaU" de Darbie after "Stanton" & Sephton buried at Sephton after "Walton" vid after "Woods" de Kirkbie after "Fazakerley" Henry de Darbie after "Watmough" de Bootle after "Dober" Lunt John Aymont de Greene Lane de Darbie after "Sandford" de Everton Episcopal Teansoripts. 197 Page of this Date of Entry Walton Register Volume 140 May 1 140 May 4 Pinnington [?] 140 June 18 Haughshawe 140 July 17 140 Aug. 1 140 Aug. 23 140 Sept. 8 140 Sept. 16 140 Oct. 2 141 Dec. 28 172 May 30 Dobie 172 Oct. 8 Astin 178 After 2nd line from top 173 Nov. 26 Harrison 173 Jan. 19 Wittm 176 After Feb. 6 181 Oct. 181 Oct. 181 Nov. 181 Nov. 181 AprUl 181 AprUl 181 Aug. 9 Hilcoke . 18 Orner [?] 3 Whale . 13 Coppley 17 Cisley . 21 Haurane 10 Water Episcopal Transcript de Lowe after "Dey" PinningtonHenshawe de Woodsid after "de Dar" de Bootle after "Much" Law before "fil" Slaine after "Mercer" de Darbie after "Pemberton" de Darbie after "Burgesse" de Darby after " Juni " DavieAslin Nicholas Boulton & Lettice Ackers Nov. 20 Johnson Wittm Bromwell NeuiU Kaye Vic Walton Holmfry Walley gard Willcockson Brewer WaUes Coppowe Eisley Armiger Harrison Walter 199 ^nbexcj^. I. OF CHEISTIAN NAMES AND SURNAMES. CHRISTENINGS, pp. 1— 75, pp. 14Acmd 190, and pp. 193— 195 BURIALS 76—152, p. 191, „ 195—197 MARRIAGES. . „ 153— 167, pp. 190 and 191, and p. 197 Where a name has variants each is separately Indexed with cross refererenoes, except in cases where it seemed unnecessary because of close similarity. Where a name has an alias each form of the name is Indexed under its initial letter. The Christian names are, with some exceptions. Indexed under their modern form. Illegitimate children are Indexed under the Surnames of both Mother and putative Father. "N.X.N." signifies that "No Christian Name" is given in the entry iu question. An asterisk following a page number signifies that that combination of Christian and Surname occurs more than once on that page number. The instances where no surname is given in an entry are classified under " No Surname," at the End of this Index. A Ackers, Lettice, 197 Mary, 182 Abbey, Annie, 18 Peter, 100, 156 Ellen, 157 Richard, 167 Joan, 104* N.X.N., 155 John, 18, 21, 23,* 78, 102,* 104, 124 Adams, William, 194 Margaret, 175 Elizabeth, 194 Thomas, 21 Adgitt, WUliam, 167 Abbott, Ann, 154 Adieat, Ann, 117 Christopher, 89 Thomas, 116 N.X.N., 95 William, 116 Abram [Abraham], Abraham, Akkers, tee Ackers Elizabeth, 107 Ainedoe [Aindoe], see also Andon, Ellen, 107, 168 Ann, 70, 72 Jaue, 179 Edward, 72 Margaret, 182 Ellen, 67, 147, 186 Ackers [Akkers, Akers], Jane, 100 James, 70, 186 John, 159 John 67, 71, 72,* 146 200 Walton Eegisters. Christenings Bv/rials Marriages... pp_ 1 — 75, pp. 144 and 190, and pp. 193 — 76—152, p. 191, •- 195— ¦195 76—152, p. 191, „ 195—197 153—187, pp. 190 and 191, am,d p. 197 Ainedoe, Katherine, 186 Richard, 185 Roger, 67, 146 William, 67, 71, 147 Ainsdale [Ayuisdale, Ainsdall, Aymsdals] , Ellen, 164 Gilbert, 145 Margery, 79 Richard, 3, 79 WilHam, 3, 145* Ainsdale als Norrea], Gilbert, 145 Alcocke [Alkoeke], Joan, 108 John, 108, 167 Alcumen, Evan, 174 Alker, John, 94 Almond, Mary, 191 Ambrose, Joshua, 64 Rebekah, 64 Amett, see also Amott, Henry, 13 Mary, 13 Amont [Aymount, Aymond, Amond, Aymont] , Alice, 141, 178 Ann, 63, 130, 172 Edmond, 131 Ellen, 46 Humphrey, 40 Jane, 139 John, 44,* 63, 129, 131, 139, 174 Margaret, 136 Margery, 46, 56 Mary, 61 Eobert, 61, 137, 176 Thomas, 40, 46,* 56, 126,* 130 William, 129, 137 Ainott(e) [Aymott, Amott], see also Amett, Anne, 157 Elizabeth, 1 Ellen, 158 Henry, 129* John, 160 Margaret 89 Margery, 97* Eichard, 97* Robert, 95 William, 1, 78 Anderton, Ann, 179 Elizabeth, 24 Ellen, 4, 6, 21 Henry, 167 Anderton, Jane, 9, 31 Joan, 8, 78, 83 John, 6 Margaret, 35, 89, 195 Richard, 4, 8, 9, 37, 83, 85, 103 Thomas, 21, 24, 31, 35, 37, 42, 78, 131, 164 195 William, 85 N.X.N., 42 Andon, Margery, 184 Anthony's daughter als Eics daughter, Jane, 19 N.X.N., 19 Anyon, John, 175 Ap Richard, Alice, 56 Jane, 62 Katherine, 51 Richard, 51, 56, 62 Ap Eobert(s) [Vp Roberts], Elizabeth, 181 Thomas, 161 Archer, John, 174 Arme, see Orme Arnett [Amott], Alice, 177 Edward, 155 Margery, 163 Arnould, Elizabeth, 186 Katherine, 149 Aserick, Margaret, 181 Ascroft(e) [Ashcroft], Alice, 181 Ann, 61, 175 Clemanee, 101 Elizabeth, 24 James, 154 Jane, 12 Margaret, 155 Mary, 73 Mathew, 61 Peter, 109 Eichard, 54, 101 Robert, 19, 54, 61 Thomas, 12, 19, 24, 54, 73, 138 William, 54, 61, 180 Ashaw, Ellen, 156 Ashbroogh, Thomas, 167 Ashcroft, see Ascroft Ashton, John, 136, 171 Eichard, 137 William, 136 AsUn, EUzabeth, 197 Jane, 174 Index of Names. 201 Burials . Marriages. pp. 1 — 75, pp. 144 and 190, and pp. 193 — 195 „ 76—152, p. 191, „ 195—197 „ 153— 187, pp. 190 and 191, and p. 197 Asmall, Eichard, 85 N.X.N., 94 Asmore, Katherine, 179 Aspe [Asps], Elizabeth, 107 Lawrence, 107 Thomas, 61 William, 61, 175 Aspinall [AspinwaU], Anne, 180 Edward, 69, 72, 150, 185 Eleanor, 69 BUen, 62 George, 53 Gilbert, 69 Henry, 49, 70 Katherine, 70 Lewis, 185 Mary, 72 William, 49, 53, 62, 69, 176, 188 Assbalt, Thomas, 177 Astin, Elizabeth, 172 Atchen, Alice, 142 Atherton, Bryan, 147 Jane, 141 Margaret, 147 Eichard, 141 Atkinson, Nathaniel, 41 Peter, 41, 173 Aughton, see Haughton Aymond, see Amont Aymount, see Amont Atherton, Jane, 71 Eichard, 71, 180 Aynisdale [Aymsdals], see Ainsdale B Baokstee [Baxter], Alice, 163, 178 Jane, 184 Badcott, Thomas, 189 Baines [Banes], Isabel, 154 Margery, 154 Bainst' see Banister Baker, Cicely, 5 Elizabeth, 13, 92 Katherine, 164 Margaret, 13, 92 Robert, 6 Ball [Bali], Ellen, 57 BlUs, 57 George, 69, 148 N.X.N., 69, 148 Ball alias Bond, Elizabeth, 172 Ralph, 172 Ballarde, Henry, 156 Joan, 70 Robert, 70 Balmer, Isabella, 187 Balshall [Balshawe], Ann, 132 Gilbert, 132, 181 James, 66 Robert, 172 William, 66 Bancke(s) [Banke, Bankes, Bank, Banks, Bonke], Anne, 9* Edmund, 77 Edward, 37, 70 Elizabeih, 70 Jane, 40 Laurence, 1, 28, 31, 34, 37, 40, 44, 103, 108 Margaret, 31, 103 Nicholas, 44 Thomas, 1, 9* 28, 108 William, 34 N.X.N., 77 Bancroft, Jane, Banes see Baines Banister [Banistar, Bannester.Bainst'], Alice, 152 Ann, 67, 182 John, 67, 152, 159 Robert, 184 N.X.N., 144* BanneU, Margaret, 178 Banner [Baner], Henry, 17, 96 Jane, 103 John, 105 Thomas, 17, 96, 103, 169 Barbour, Margaret, 135 Bareroft, Jane, 176 Barker, Alice, 14,* 49, 117, 173 Dorothy, 174 David, 172 Elizabeth, 172 EUen, 115, Folkes, 99, 102 Humphrey, 156 Isabel, 157 Jane, 162 John, 14,* 115, 123, 161 Margaret, 123, 175 Ealph, 120 202 Walton Eegisters. Christenings ... pp. 1 — 75, pp. 14ii and 190, and pp. 193 — 195 Burials „ Y6— 152, p. 191, „ 195—197 Marriages „ 153— 187, pp. 190 and 191, and p. 197 Barker, Eichard, 49, 89, 138 Eoger, 84 WiUiam, 89 N.X.N., 99 Barlow, Margaret, 196 Barnby, Bridget, 23 Thomas, 23 Barnes, Hugh, 26, 31, 117 Isabel, 18, 97 James, 31, 52 Jane, 152 John, 152 Katherine, 116 Eobert, 52 Thomas, 18, 26, 97, 116, 1.33 N.X.N., 117 Baron, Elizabeth, 159 Barrow, Alexander, 157 Margaret, 153 WiUiam, 82, 177 N.X.N., 98 Barton, Alice, 29, 93 Andrew, 170 Bridget, 25 Eleanor, 169 Elizabeth, 169 Ellen, 25, 120 George, 12, 19, 91 Joan, 106 John, 49 Laura [Loore], 103 Nicholas, 25, 29 Ealph, 20 Eichard, 10 Robert, 8, 49 Roger, 13 Thomas, 8, 10, 12, 13, 14,* 16,* 19, 20, 25, 91, 98, 103, 126,* 155 N.X.N., 124 Barwicke, Jane, 5 Robert, 5 Baxter, see Backster Bayley [Bayly], Jaue, 179 Becke, Matthew, 79 Eobert, 79 BeU, Dorothy, 179 BUen, 28 Jane, 171 Margaret, 28 Eichard, 138 Bennett [Benett, Bennet], Anne, 9 Edward, 9, 97, 99, 120 Bennett, Ellen, 132 Henry, 41 John, 96, 120 Margaret, 67, 87, 89 Robert, 132 Roger, 41, 96, 128 Thomas, 67, 71, 154 Wmiam, 68,* 71 N.X.N., 99 Berke, Thomas, 169 Berry(e) [Berrie], Alice, 160 Ann, 107 Bridget, 128 Elizabeth, 167 EUen, 5, 81, 113 James, 3, 90, 97, 156 John, 107, 115 Margaret, 100, 174 Mary, 3 Richard, 5, 101, 131 Sarah, 169 N.X.N., 90, 93 Betham, Robert, 182 BickerstafE, see BixtafEe Bickersteth [Bicksteth, Bixteth, Bixtath], Henry, 45 Hugh, 121 John, 23, 105 Bobert, 45 Roger, 28 Thomas, 21, 23, 28, 105 WUliam, 21, 186 Bindener, Cuthbert, 21 Dorothy, 21 Birch [Berch], John, 65, 151 Margaret, 184 Peter, 151 Richard, 65 Thomas, 185 Birchall [ByrchaU, BurchaU], Eleanor, 163 Margaret, 175 Bird, N.X.N., 188,* 189* Bispam(e) [Bisbam(e), Bispome, Bisspam, Bispham], Edward, 159 Elizabeth, 25 EUen, 30, 60, 141, 142 George, 57 Henry, 50, 72, 104, 131, 157 Jaue, 106 John, 21, 52,* 106, 118, 133 Index op Names. 20S Christenings Burials ... pp, i_ 75, pp. 144 and 190, andpp, 198—195 „ 76—152, p. 191, „ 195—197 „ 153— 187, i??). 190 and 191, and p. 197 Bispam(e), Margaret, 142, 147, 177 Mary, 52, 56, 118, 133, 135 Thomas, 54 WUliam, 21, 25, 30, 50, 52,* 54, 56, 57, 60, 72, 104, 118, 131, 135, 141, 142,* 147 BixtafEe [BixstafEe], John, 50 Margaretta, 50 Bixteth, see Bickersteth Blaekborne [Blackburne, Blageburne], AUce, 54 Ann, 82 Cicely, 82 EUzabeth, 164 Jane, 168 Eichard, 108 WiUiam, 54 Blacly [Blackley, Blakey, Blackey], James, 57, 138 Margaret, 134 Mathew, 64 Eichard, 64, 57, 134 Blaekmore [Blackmoore], Alice, 33 Ann, 162 Elizabeth, 108 Emma, 91 Henry, 156, 158, 163 John, 16, 80, 95, 117 Margery, 154 Nicholas, 80 Eichard, 188,* 189* Robert, 33, 167 Thomas, 11 WilUam, 11, 16, 95, 108, 167, 179 N.X.N., 80 Blageburne, see Blaeborne Blakey, see Blacly Blanchard [Blaneherd], Elizabeth, 104 George, 104 Blease, WiUiam, 60* Blevin, Ann, 147 Eichard, 184 WUUam, 147 Blinston, Ann, 117 Margery, 131 Mary, 45 Thomas, 127 WiUiam, 45, 133,* 174 N.X.N., 133 BlundeU, Elizabeth, 181 Ellen, 181 BlundeU, Eobert, 51 Thomas, 51 WUliam, 160, 180 Blunt(e), Edward, 91, 159 Elizabeth, 168 Boardmau [Bordman], John, 173 Boare [Boore], Anne, 78 WUliam, 78, 81 N.X.N., 126 Boden [Bowden, Boaden, Bode] Alice, 86, 166 Ann, 105 Ciceley, 161 Dorothy, 20, 178 Edmund, 4, 79 Edward, 112 Eliszabeth, 74 Ellen, 131 Jane, 34, 81 John, 4, 79, 81 Margaret, 75, 76, 146 PhUip, 20 Eichard, 26, 86 Robert, 76, 99 Thomas, 22,* 26, 34, 74, 75, 105, 116 Bodkin, James, 6 Margaret, 6 Bollard, see Ballard Bolton, see Boulton Bolyn, Jane, 169 Bond, Elizabeth, 172 Jane, 172 Ralph, 172 William, 172 Bond alias Ball, Elizabeth, 172 Ralph, 172 Bonke, see Bank Boore, see Boare Boothe [Booth], EUen, 136 Francis, 170 Robert, 28, 173 WUUam, 28 Bootle, Alice, 53, 118, 180 Ann, 16, 179 Eleanor, 27 Hugh, 157 Henry, 62, 66 Jane, 24 Janet, 164 John, 61 Nicholas, 15, 24, 27, 33, 131 204 Walton Eegisters. Christenings ... pp. 1 — 75, pp. liA and 190, amdpp. 193 — 195 Burials „ 76—125, p. 191, „ 195—197 Marriages „ 153— 187, pp. 190 and 191, and p. 197 Bootle, continued — Robert,51, 53, 59, 62, 118, 159, 178 WUUam, 33, 59, 66, 67* Bordman, see Boardman Boulton [Bolton, Boulto], Abel, 128 AUce, 19, 36, 38, 4S, 46, 77, 89, 98, 111, 116, 124,* 155, 179, 183 Amy, 129 Ann, 3, 23, 31, 38, 77, 86, 111, 165 Dowse, 77 Edward, 2, 28 Eleanor, 98 EUzabeth, 83, 85, 90, 112, 119, 133, 148, 165, 172 EUen, 30, 36, 38, 63, 110, 112, 143 George, 16, 24, 33, 95 Hamnet, [Hamlett], 62, 143 Henry, 77, 89,* 104, 107, 175 Hugh, 77, 124 Isabel, 171 James, 20, 69, 148, 149 Jane, 9, 28, 30, 86, 90, 110, 134, 135, 162, 180 Joan, 81, 94 John, 3, 4, 14, 23, 24, 29, 33, 49, 54, 77, 82, 86, 88, 89,* 93, 99, 101, 109, 122, 127, 134, 143, 184 Katherine, 59, 111, 143 Margaret, 18, 26, 38, 43, 73, 99, 109, 119, 128, 172, 176, 178 Margery, 33, 43, 84, 120, 159,* 176, 182 Mary, 30, 69 Maud, 156 Nicholas, 36, 48,* 54, 128,* 134,* 150, 197 OUver, 91, 154 Ralph, 95, 149 Eichard, 4, 14, 19, 23, 28, 29, 30, 44, 62, 77, 81, 83, 86, 93, 99, 109, 127, 135, 142, 163 Eobert, 2, 14,* 16, 18, 22,* 23, 24,* 26, 28, 30, 31, 32,* 33, 35, 38, 43, 59, 60, 77, 83, 93, 93, 94, 95, 98, 104, 111,* 117, 126, 169, 178 Eoger, 8, 81 Thomas, 9, 35,* 38, 43,* 57, 60, 63, 73, 82, 83, 84, 85,* 89,* 90, 91, 93, 95, 119, 124, 126,* 132, 170, 188* Boulton, continued — William, 8, 20, 30, 44, 46, 49, 67, 85, 87, 90, 133, 138, 141, 174 N.X.N., 83,* 87, 91 Boulton alias Gloover, Robert, 104 Boune, Anne, 178 Bourton, see Burton Bowden, see Boden Bower, John, 47 Robert, 47 Bowker, Alice, 178 Bradley, Joan, 76 Hugh, 76 Thomas, 53 WUUam, 53 Bradshaw, James, 71 John, 71 Margery, 184 Ralph, 19 Thomas, 19 Bragg, Ann, 68 Roger, 68 Brazegirdle, Jane, 171 Breers, Edward, 2 EUen, 162 John, 9 Lawrence, 85, 152 Margaret, 81, 85 Robert, 5 Eoger, 2, 6, 85 WUUam, 9, 88, 104 N.X.N., 98 See also Bryars Brentnat, Eichard, 178 Brewer [Bruer, Brwer], Ann, 31, 197 EUen, 34 Francis, 27, 31, 34, 38, 134 Henry, 134 Margaret, 38 WUUam, 27 Bridge [Brydge], AUce, 35, 61, 88, 160 Ann, 46, 50, 185 Cicely, 159 Edward, 18, 24, 103, 121 Elizabeth, 25, 102, 103, 179, 183 BUen, 29,* 112, 136, 161,* 166 Ellis, 18 Henry, 10, 22, 24, 89, 155, 157 Isabel, 46, 60, 78 Jane, 12, 44, 62, 103 Joan, 25,* 106, 162 Index of Names. 206 Christenings Burials pp. 1 — 75, pp. 144 and 190, andpp. 193 — 195 „ 76—152, p. 191, „ 195—197 „ 153— 187,i?2». 190 and 191, and p. 197 Bridge, John, 11, 12,* 14,* 15, 61, 68, 91, 100, 103, 104, 107, 121, 150, 165, 173, 181 Katherine, 112, 163 Lawrence, 25, 29, 35, 112, 130, 166 Margery, 10, 164, 161 Margaret, 11, 46, 82, 91, 104, 168 Mary, 22, 25, 60 Nicholas, 17, 29, 35, 96, 100, 107, 114 Ealph, 6, 15, 18, 146 Richard, 5, 14,* 15,* 18, 22, 23,* 35, 40, 44, 62, 62, 85,* 93, 106, 114, 160, 171 Eoger, 68, 160 Sara, 173 Thomas, 8, 14,* 17, 28, 40, 46,* 52, 60, 96, 99, 102, 104, 167, 171 WUUam, 8, 12, 14, 22, 25, 127 N.X.N., 28, 117 Brindle [Bryndle], Alice, 168 John, 145 Oliver, 86, 164 Thomas, 145 Brindley, Elizabeth, 77 Oliver, 77 Bromwell, WUliam, 197 Brookbank, Anne, 171 Brookefield, Katherine, 168 Brooknall, Eichard, 50 WUliam, 50 Brooks [Brookes], George, 162 Judith, 17 Richard, 17 Broughton, BUen, 55 Eobert, 55 Browne [Broune], Alice, 18, 111 Ann, 145 Christopher, 86, 111 Gilbert, 70 Henry, 68 Isabel, 166 Jane, 96, 129 John, 67, 117, 166 Margaret, 196 Eobert, 179 Thomas, 68, 72,* 129, 177 WiUiam, 18, 67, 70, 96, 103, 163, m Brownebill [BroumbUl, Brounebell, Brownbill, Browubell, BrownebeU], Elizabeth, 66 Henry, 66, 72,* 176 Isabel, 150 John, 145 Robert, 173 Bruer, see Brewer Bryan, Charles, 7 Margaret, 7 Robert, 126 Bryars [Bryers], Lawrence, 189 Robert, 196 Eoger, 188 See also Breers Bryanson als John'sdoughter, Elizabeth, 19 Sarah, 19 Brydge, see Bridge Bryndle, see Brindle Bucke, James, 20 Jane, 16, 20 Katherine, 16 Richard, 81 Buckley [Buekeley], Alice, 191 Edward, 57* Thomas, 161* BurchaU, see BirchaU Burges alias Whitfield, Margery, 168 Burgess(e) [Burges, Burgese], Alice, 12, 14,* 155, 178 Anne, 10, 21, 26, 29,* 77 Anthony, 11, 37, 97* Edward, 6 EUzabeth, 11, 39, 74, 155, 170, 177 EUen, 41, 44, 123, 144, 152, 176 Eleanor, 28, 39 Henry, 37, 41, 44, 80, 123, 126, 127, 140 Isabel, 32 John, 7 12, 14, 21, 26, 32,* 46, 64, 69, 74, 77, 85, 103, 130, 138, 165, 164 Katherine, 97 Lydia, 69 Margaret, 26, 58, 126, 184 Margery, 130 Mary, 46, 63 Ealph, 39, 41, 44, 48, 64, 58, 63 138, 161 Robert, 48, 97 206 Walton Eegisters. gs ... pp. 1— 75, pp. 144 amd 190, a/nd pp. 193—195 Burials „ 76-152, p. 191, „ 195-197 153—187, pp. 190 and 191, and p. 197 Butler aUas Dauies, Daueys, Dains, Dainson, Edward, 49 John, 147 Laura, 126 Peter, 52 WiUiam, 49, 62, 126, 176 Butterye, Anne, 96 Bymont, John, 49 WiUiam, 49 Byrom, Alice, 184 ByrchaU, see Birchall Burges3(e), Roger, 10 Thomas, 14, 25, 28, 32, 35, 39, 44 WiUiom, 6, 7, 10,* 35, 41, 85, 96, 144, 152 N.X.N., 116 Burne, N,X.N., 133 Burscow, Ann, 76, 160 Emma, 156 WUliam, 76 Burton [Bourton], Anne, 28, 73, 111, 125, 144, 184 Bryan, 6, 20, 43, 62, 101, 124 Cicely, 82 Eleanor, 162 Ellen, 97, 140, 150 James, 8, 26, 43, 56, 135 Jane, 111 Janet, 180 John, 26, 28, 33, 73, 87,* 100, 104,* 106, 111,* 113, 114, 116 123 144, 164, 169 Katherine, 87 Lawrence, 108 Margaret, 26, 33, 100 Margery, 60, 150 Richard, 113 Robert, 6, 8, 20, 52, 56, 60, 87 Thomas, 26, 106, 129, 175 William, 82, 97, 111, 119, 156 Bushel(l) [Busshell], Agnes, 143 Ann, 80, 141 Anthony, 70 Elizabeth, 49, 112 John, 46 Margaret, 91 Eobert, 54 Eoger, 80, 90 Thomas, 158 WilUam, 45, 49, 64, 70, 112, 143, 174 N.X.N., 123 Butler, AUce, 36 Ann, 38 Edward, 75, 144, 152 Henry, 44, 152 John, 36, 38, 40, 44, 147 Margaret, 40 Susan, 75, 152 WiUiam, 144, 169 Caddioke, Cadwick, see Chadwick Calawaye, see Galawaye Caldwall, Katherine, 175 Capel, Charles, 60 Cariar [Carrier, Carier, Karier], Ann, 172 Ciceley, 7, 162 James, 86 John, 8 Margaret, 7 Eobert, 164 Sarah, 106 WilUam, 8, 86 Carr(e), Ann, 131 Margery, 82 Philip, 180 Eobert, 82 Carter [Cart], AUce, 12* Anne, 17 Dorothy, 186 Elizabeth, 56 Ellen, 56, 130, 174 Henry, 56, 186 John, 32 Lawrence, 15 Thomas, 32, 169, 171 William, 15, 17 Cartright, Alexander, 107 George, 168 Cawley, Margaret, 46 Thomas, 46 Cawper, see Cowper Index op Names. 207 Christenings ... pp, 1 — 75, pp. 144, and 190, and pp. 193 — 195 Burials , 76—152, p. 191, „ 195—197 Marriages „ 153— 187, pp, 190 and 191, and p. 197 Chadwicke [Chaddick Chaddoek(e), Cadwick, Cadicke], AUce, 173 Henry, 177 Eichard, 120 Thomas, 127, 186 Timothy, 73 N.X.N., 73 Chalner, Alice, 17 Anne, 16 Eleanor, 19 James, 12, 17, 158 John, 12 Ealph, 154 WUliam, 16 N.X.N., 19 Channor, see Choner ChantreU, Dorothy, 21 Margaret, 21 Charles L, King, 60 Charles [Charless, Charlies], Alice, 28, 114, 139 Ann, 56, 135 Bryan, 7, 91,* 102, 139, 180 Edward, 104, 122 Elizabeth, 90, 177 George, 14 Henry, 91 Isabel, 104 Jaue, 102 Margaret, 7, 168 Margery, 122 Thomas, 28, 66, 119, 135 William, 14, 122 Charneley, BUen, 69 WUliam, 69, 72* Charnoeke, Henry, 184 John, 104 Joan [?] 104 Charton, Francis, 132 Chawner, see Choner Cheetame [Chettam, Cheetome, Cheetham], EUen, 73 John, 39, 46, 172 Eobert, 39 Thomas, 46, 73 ChUdwaU, Edmund Edward, 159 Elizabeth, 58 WiUiam, 68 OhisnaU, Ciceley, 154 Cholberson, Margery, 136 Chonart, see also Choner EUzabeth, 65 EUen, 55 John, 55 Choner [Chowner, Chauuor, Chauner, Chawner], see also Chonart, Ann, 166 Elizabeth, 134 Ellen, 25 Henry, 29 Jane, 51 John, 134 Thomas, 25, 29, 51, 103, 176 WUUam, 103 Chorleton, Catherine, 163 Chorley, Alice, 46 Anne, 104, 134 Edward, 44 Emma, 37, 118 John, 32, 45, 124 Leonard, 96 Eichard, 39, 48, 128 Robert, 42, 122 Thomas, 134 WUUam, 32, 37, 39, 42, 44, 46, 46, 48, 118, 122, 124, 128 Chorsey, Henry, 58 James, 68 Christian [Cristian], Alice, 147 Ann, 71 John, 71, 186 WiUiam, 147,* 186 Christopherson, Katherine, 149 Cisley, John, 181 Clare, Andrew, 60 Clarke, Katherine, 177 Claye, EUzabeth, 29 Nicholas, 29 Clayton [Cleaton], Dorothy, 39 Henry, 124 Katherine, 146 Nicholas, 35 Peter, 35, 39, 119 Cleaton, see Clayton Coarsey, Henry, 63 Margaret, 63 Cochede, John, 54 Thomas, 54 Cocke, see Cooke Cockett, EUen, 178 208 Walton Eegistees. BurialsMarriages Coekram [Cookrame], Ann, 154 Grace, 90 Katherine, 167 N.X.N., 79, 96 Cointree, see " Coyntrye " Coldocke [Coodoke, Coudock(e), Cauldocke, Couldarke, Cowdocke, Cowdoke, Couldocke], Ann, 106 EUen, 143 James, 61 Jane, 11, 90, 99 John, 38, 40, 41, 55, 119, 134, 173, 181 Katherine, 134 Lawrence, 63 Margaret, 41, 55 Mary, 151 Matthew, 12 Nicholas, 48, 52, 57, 61, 63, 129, 151 Peter, 11, 52, 142, 143, 159 Richard, 48, 151 Thomas, 11, 12, 38, 40, 57, 99, 112, 119, 129 WilUam, 11, 90 N,X.N., 80 Comry, PhiUp, 174 Coocke [Cooke, Cocke], AUce, 84, 106, 156, 173 Ann, 34, 123, 173 Bryan, 142 Dorothy, 31, 111 Edward, 26 Ellen, 24, 39 Elizabeth, 27, 32, 49, 99, 101, 112, 130, 178 George, 4, 27, 123 Isabel, 26, 46, 127 Jane, 24, 27, 30, 108, 110, 169, 181 John, 1, 3, 4, 11, 22, 24, 26, 27, 29, 31, 36, 59,* 84, 99, 102, 106, 107,* 108, 111,* 127, 142, 160, 166 Joseph, 77 Margaret, 26, 90 Mary, 22, 37 Ralph, 30, 32, 37, 110, 112, 116, 123, 169 Randolph, 34 Richard, 82 Robert, 11 PP_ i_ 75, pp. 144 and 190, and pp. 198—195 „ 76-162, p. 191, „ 195—197 „ 153— 187, i?.i». 190 and 191, and p. 197 Coocke, Thomas, 1, 3, 24, 26,* 29, 30,* 36, 39, 46, 49, 77, 84,* 90, 101, 106, 110, 127, 130, 162, 166 WiUiam, 163 Coodoke, see Coldock Cooke, als Johnson, John, 133 Coope, Thomas, 117 Coopar [Cooper], see also Cowper Ellen, 46 John, 66 Nicholas, 34,* 46, 63, 66, 132,* 133, 179 Cooper, als Bxmonet, Nicholas, 132 Copeland, Ciceley, 149 Copperthwayte, WiUiam, 190 Copple, Alice, 62 Ann, 186 Elizabeth, 56 BUen, 167 John, 56, 196 WUliam, 62, 195 Coppley, John, 181 Coppon, John, 60 WUUam, 60 Coppowe, Bryan, 179 John, 197 Cores, Dorothy, 182 Corker, Thomas, 179 Corlesse, Alice, 179 Edward, 131 Coudocke, see Coldock Cowdocke, see Coldocke Cowley, Alice, 177 EUzabeth, 149 Cowper [Cawper], see also Cooper, Anne, 8 Elizabeth, 39 John, 4, 8, 80, 84,* 94 Margaret, 37, 89, 43, 99 Nicholas, 37, 43 William, 4, 80 Coyntrye [Cointree, Coyntrie], EUzabeth, 109, 112 Jane, 112 Lawrence, 109 Margery, 169 Crane [Creane], Elizabeth, 174 Mary, 181 Cristian, see " Christian " Croft, Henry, 116 Sara, 172 Croockes, EUen 165 Index op Names. 209 BurialsMarriages pp. 1— 75,^. 144 and 190, andpp. 193 — 195 „ 76-162, ^.191, „ 195—197 „ 163— 187, jpi>. 190 amd 191, p. 197 Crookell, John, 182 Cropper [Croppar, Cropp], Catherine, 69 Eleanor, 131 Hugh, 175 John, 56, 136, 157 Katherine, 59, 139 Obadiah, 67 Richard, 52,* 56, 59, 62, 67, 131, 136, 139 Thomas, 62 Crosby, EUen, 113 Thomas, 136 WUUam, 113 Croskell, Ann, 166 Crosse, Alice, 173 Anne, 16 Edward, 178 EUen, 108 George, 18, 56, 60, 178 Henry, 169 James, 62 Jaue, 16, 60, 61, 107, 139 John, 16, 18, 62,* 56, 107, 187 Margaret, 146 Nicholas, 60, 61, 139 Richard, 27, 106, 146 Thomas, 23, 27, 52, 106, 108 WiUiam, 16, 23, 67, 146 N.X.N., 67, 137 Croston, Henry, 129 Curran, Elizabeth, 180 Dabee [Dowber, Dober], see also Dowber and Dober, Anne, 76, 127 Bryan, 22, 24, 29, 49, 62, 104, 105,* 109, 116, 127, 139 Eleanor, 105 Elizabeth, 49 Henry, 22 John, 29, 62, 106, 109 Katherine, 24, 99, 104 Margaret, 101 Richard, 139 Thomas, 78, 103 WiUiam, 116 Dainot, see Danett Edward, 180 Dale, Jane, 195 John, 195 Margaret, 117 Richard, 114, 168 Dalton, Ellen, 154, 156 Damforth, Edward, 9 Jane, 9 Danett [Danott, Dannett, Daiaot], Amy, 16 Ellen, 63 Henry, 63, 141, 179 Nicholas, 184 Richard, 5 Thomas, 5, 141 WiUiam, 16 Danould see Daynole Darby [Derby], John, 42 Peter, 171 Thomas, 42 Darbishire [Darbyshire], Elizabeth, 143, 151 John, 143, 161 Darrand [Darrant], Alice, 111 Anthony, 66 Edward, 50 John, 50, 56 Eobert, 111 Darwen [Darwin(e), Darwayne], Anthony, 135, 194 Edward, 16 Elizabeth, 23, 103 Ellen. 138 Jane, 154 John, 23, 103, 118, 119, 135, 194 Margery, 118 Nicholas, 16 Eichard, 184 Eobert, 136 N.X.N., 78 Daueys alias Butler, Edward, 49 Laura, 126 Petflr 52 William, 49, 52 126, 147, 176 Daug, Jane, 183 Dauies, EUen, 178 Davy [Davye], John 197 Katherine, 160 Robert, 74 WiUiam, 156 N.X.N., 74 Dawber, see Daber and Dowber Dawby, see Dowbie 14 210 Walton Eegistees. Bwrials . . Marriages pp, 1— 75, pp. 144 and 190, andpp. 193—195 „ 76—152, i*. 191 „ 196—197 „ 153— 187,i»i». 190 and 191, amd p. 197 Daynol(e) [DaynoU, Danould, Danold, Daynold(e)], Amy, 175 Ann, 126 BUen, 176 Henry, 46, 49, 54 John, 112 Richard, 48, 54 Thomas, 46, 112 William, 49, 126, 166 Denton, Ann, 55, 140 John, 59 Richard, 55, 59, 140, 180 Thomas, 97 Derby, see Darby Dey(e), Alice, 89, 146 Anne, 16, 50, 104, 160, 174 Dorothy, 57 EUzabeth, 42, 76, 111, 173, 176 Ellen, 61, 123 Henry, 6, 61, 55*, 59, 76, 88, 128, 176 Jane, 6, 89, 99, 138, 161 Janet, 135 James, 11, 16, 126, 169 John, 32, 61, 91, 140 Judith, 108 Katherine, 152 Lettice, 25, 107 Margaret, 146 Mary, 62, 135 Nicholas, 59 Philip, 20, 50, 57, 61, 140, 146* Richard, 126 Roger, 11, 20, 25, 32, 45, 89,* 91, 104, 107, 108, 111, 120, 123, 128, 158, 171 Thomas, 42, 45, 51, 62, 138 N.X.N., 113 Dicon [Dycon], Eleanor, 94 Joan, 80 Richard, 94 Thomas, 80, 83, 95 Diconson [Dickonson, Dikonson, Dickinson] Ann, 119, 141 Dorothye, 4 Edward, 180 Ellen, 179 John, 4, 79, 120 Katherine, 79 Margaret, 48, 184 Mary, 141, 176 Sarah, 122 Diconson, Thomas, 48, 128 Dickson(e), EUen, 47 John, 47, 126 Ralph, 44 Robert, 16 WiUiam, 15 Dickson, als Wainwright Anne, 11 Katherine, 11 Dikonson, see Diconson DUler, Jane, 178 DUworth, Edward, 50, 131 Katherine, 50, 131 Ditton, David, 84 Dobb [Dob], Edward, 184 Janet, 150 Grissett, 177 Dober, see Daber and Dowber Dober, als Lonsdale, Bryan, 110 Katherine, 110 Dobson, Ann, 117 Nicholas, 168 Eobert, 117, 171 Dorden, John, 28, 108 Thomas, 28, 108 Dowbie [Doby(e), Dowby(e), Dobie, Dawby], Anne, 33 Joan, 37 John, 135, 172 Margaret, 124, 127, 167 Thomas, 29, 33, 37, 136, 167 WilUam, 29, 127, 177 Dowber [Dauber, Dober], als Pryor or Prior, Jane, 30, 110 Ealph, 179 Eichard, 30, 110 WiUiam, 163 See also Daber and Dober Dowse [Douse], Elizabeth, 102 EUen, 107, 159 Jane, 86, 122 John, 79, 86,* 95, 133 Eichard, 86 Roger, 82, 96, 102, 156 Thomas, 79, 97,* 139 N.X.N., 82, 102 DueU, Edward, 112 DumvUl, WiUiam, 177 Dunstan [Dunstar], BUen, 73 John, 73 Durning(e) [Durneinge], Elizabeth, 25, 52, 105 Index of Names. 211 Christenings ... pp, 1 — 75, pp. 144, and 190, and pp. 193 — 195 Burials 76—152, p. 191 „ 195—197 Marriages ... „ 153— 187, pp. 190 and 191, and p. 197 Durning(e), BUen, 168 Henry, 44 Hugh, 81, 89, 185 Katherine, 87 Margaret, 145 Eichard, 25, 105 Thomas, 57, 87, 89,* 115 William, 44, 47, 52, 57 N.X.N., 87 Dwarihouse, Eichard, 188 Dycon, see Dicon E Eaton, Bezaleel, 74 Eobert, 64, 74* Samuel, 64, 74 Thomas, 31, 177 Eccleston [Eccleton], Ann, 29 Edward, 183 Elizabeth, 7, 156, 165 Henry, 41, 43 James, 52, 101, 133, 158, 166 Jane, 7, 29 Joan, 41, 96, 146 John. 43, 96, 176 Margery, 101 Sarah, 186 Thomas, 174 Eddgegate [Egargate], Elizabeth, 145 James, 145 Katherine, 177 Edwardson, Elizabeth, 62 Henry, 54, 62, 179 Margaret, 54 William, 136 Egeker [Egecker, Bgcker], Eichard, 169, 177 Egargate, see Eddgegate Ellis [Elice], Magdalen, 184 EUison [Ellison(e), BUinson, Blison], Ann, 72 David, 106 EUzabeth, 43, 55 Ellen, 54, 129 Henry, 43, 48, 68, 72, 126, 148,186 Humphrey, 184 Jane 139* John, 47, 52, 55, 70, 129, 139,* 175, 184 Margaret, 106 Eobert, 48, 54, 69, 174,* 186 Thomas, 62, 59, 68 William, 47, 66,* 68, 70, 126, 148, 186 EUistones, John, 105 Evansone [Evenson, Buans6], Alice, 17 Ellen, 17 Jane, 129 Mary, 129 Eichard, 165 Evausdoughter, Alice, 160 Everard, Eichard, 71 Samuel, 71 Exmouet, als Cooper Nicholas, 132 Eyes, Katherine, 64 Eichard, 54 F Fabbe, Elizabeth, 171 Margaret, 46 N.X.N., 46 Pairclough [Fartclowgh, Faireliffe, FarcliflEe, Farelough, Farthclough, Faireclough], Aun(e), 16, 49 Elizabeth, 15 Jane, 46 John, 46, 175 Law[rence], 197 Margaret, 66 Eobert, 164 Thomas, 174 WilUam, 45, 49, 55, 140, 174, 186 N.X.N., 140 Fairehurst, Edward, 172 Farcliffe, see Fairclough Farefax, Edward, 110 N.X.N., 110 Farrer [Farror, Farer, Farrar], Alice, 163 Bryan, 1 Elizabeth, 101 EUen, 178, 179 James, 58 John, 1, 165, 180 Eichard, 58, 184 Thomas, 77 212 Walton Eegistees. Burials Marriages pp. 1— 75, pp. 14A and 190, andpp. 193—195 „ 76—152, p. 191, „ 195—197 „ 153—187, pp. 190 and 191, and p. 197 Farrer, WUliam, 101, 119, 164 Fayor, James, 60 Thomas, 60 Fazakerley [Faz^, Fazackerley, Fazzakarley], Alice, 8, 62, 92, 177 Andrew, 19 Ann, 47, 73, 85, 124, 129, 142* Bridget, 103 Cicely, 81 Dorothy, 79 Edmund, 101 Edward, 78, 110, 124, 137, 139 Elizabeth, 85, 117, 118, 139, 153 Ellen, 36, 102, 174 Henry, 29, 64, 61, 63, 78, 80, 106, 116, 122, 123, 142 Hugh, 2 Jane, 2, 42, 54, 167 John, 2,* 6, 8, 72, 73, 78, 87, 92, 99, 101, 110, 146, 190 Katherine, 25, 80, 108, 177 Lawrence, 5 Margaret, 2, 58, 101 Margery, 16 Mary, 29, 89, 190 Nicholas, 63, 78, 79, 83, 85, 100, 110, 142 Eichard, 5, 47, 59, 61, 62, 85, 86, 103, 156, 171, 192* Robert, 5, 47, 49, 54,* 72, 79, 89,* 101,* 129, 139, 154, 188 Roger, 10, 81 Thomas, 15, 18, 29, 30, 36, 47, 88, 92, 99, 105, 110, 117, 118,* 142 William, 10, 18, 19, 25, 29, 30, 35,* 38, 42, 49, 54,* 58, 59, 90, 99, 101, 115, 137, 146, 170, 182 N.X.N., 85, 99, 117, 125 Field(e) [Field], Ann, 31, 147 Henry, 31, 51 Jane, 51 WilUam, 31 Finehe [Finch], Alice, 28,* 165, 167, 181 Dorothy, 28 Edward, 38 Henry, 64,* 74, 189,* 190,* 191,* 192* Isabel, 184 Finehe, John, 2, 28, 86, 107, 112, 162 * 166 Margaret, 38, 160 Margery, 86 Maria, 190 Mary, 64 Eichard, 83, 102 Tabitha, 64, 190 Thomas, 2, 83 Finnc, Elizabeth, 156 Isabel, 87 Katherine, 85 Thomas, 85, 99 Fishe, Ann, 109 Thurstan, 109 Fisher, Ann, 113 BUen, 87, 106 Grace, 184 John, 4, 106, 113 Margery, 170 Eichard, 4, 160 Thomas, 93 Fl9etwood(e) [Fleetwood, Fleetwoodde], Ann, 149 EUen, 160 Eleanor, 164 Henry, 72, 73 John, 11, 71, 115 Katherine, 11, 61, 173 Lawrence, 107 Margaret, 149 Margery, 140 Richard, 68, 72, 161 Robert, 61 Roger, 107 Thomas, 71 WUliam, 73 N.X.N., 68 Fletcher [Flecher, Flether], Anne, 11, 22, 98, 116 Edward, 107, 156 Eleanor, 5 Elizabeth, 141 Henry, 90, 94 Jane, 141 James, 33 John, 5, 11, 19, 22, 33, 61, 63, 81, 86, 105, 109, 195 Robert, 8, 81, 85, 86, 116, 123 Thomas, 6, 8, 61, 85, 86, 125, 182 WUliam, 6, 63, 93, 98 N,X.N., 19, 90 Index op Names. 21S Bwiali pp. 1— 76, pp. 144 and 190, and pp. 193—195 „ 76—152, p. 191, „ 195—197 „ 153—187, pp. 190 and 191, and p, 197 FUtcroft, Ann, 114 Edward, 43 Jane, 40 OriginaU, 40, 43, 114, 170* Fogge, N.X.N., 191 Fokes, Hugh, 33 Robert 33 Forber, Alice, 46, 163, 193 Anne, 29 Elizabeth, 129 EUen, 17, 105, 117 Henry, 25, 136, 166 James, 142 Jane, 125 John, 25, 88, 99, 116, 136 Katherine, 30, 40 Margaret, 193 Eichard, 125, 129, 142 Thomas, 17, 40, 42, 68, 123, 172 WilUam, 42, 68, 85 N.X.N., 136 Formby [Formbye, Fomby, Formebye], Ann, 149 Cuthbert, 150 Elizabeth, 154, 175 Henry, 70 James, 154 Jane, 77 John, 77 Lawrence, 79 Margery, 70, 150 Parnell, 89 Richard, 68,* 72 Thomas, 72 WUliam, 68, 147 Forshowe, Jane, 63 WiUiam, 63 Foster [Forste(r)], James, 81 Thomas, 85 WUUam, 122 Fox [Foxe], Elizabeth, 136 John, 66, 185* Phoebe, 172 Fradsam [Frodesham], Ann, 177 John, 161 France, Richard, 177 Francis, EUzabeth, 138, 163 John, 155 French, Ann, 66 John, 66 Thomas, 161 Frodesham, see Fradsam Fryor, Thomas, 177 G Galawaye [Gallaway], see also Calawaye EUen, 172 John, 161* Garard, see Gerrard Gardiner [Gardner], Hugh, 183 John, 3, 84 Margaret, 181 Nathaniel, 164 Thomas, 3 WiUiam, 12 N.X.N., 12 Garfett, Margaret, 145 WUliam, 145 Garnett, Jane, 88* John, 184 Garret [Garrett, Garrat], Evan, 71, 151 Henry, 184 Jane, 71, 151 Garston, AUce, 20, 46, 166 Ann, 27 Edward, 41 Elizabeth, 31, 43, 111, 124 Jane, 25, 86, 105 John, 7, 25, 78 Margaret, 129 Margery, 154 Mary, 32 Richard, 4,* 7, 15, 78, 86, 93 Eoger, 29, 109 WiUiam, 15, 20, 25,* 27, 29, 31, 32, 41, 43, 46, 105, 109, 111, 124, 129 Garton, see Gorton GascaU, Lawrence, 148 Ga8kin(e) [Gasking], Charles, 147 John, 114 Margerie, 183 Richard, 5, 121* Thomas, 5 N.X.N., 121 Gatliffe, John, 48* Gauett, Margaret, 126 Gayeoigne, Alice, 176 GeUye, Amre'', 14 Geoffrey, 13, 14 Margaret, 13 See also JoUye 214 Walton fiEGisTBRg. BwrialsMarriages pp. 1— 76, pp. 144 and 190, andpp. 193—195 „ 76—152, p. 191, „ 195—197 „ 153— 187,^).?. 190 amd 191, and p. 197 Georgesone, John, 98 Thomas, 86 N.X.N., 98 Georgeson alias Higginson, George, 34 John, 34 Gerrard(e) [Gerarde, Gararde], Adrian, 29, 109 Ann, 31 GUbert, 24 Isabel, 104 Jane, 175 John, 175 Margaret, 143, 152 Myles, 40 Peter, 26 Randle, 104 Eichard, 23 Eoger, 29, 109 Thomas, 23, 26, 31, 103 WUUam, 40 N.X.N., 24 Gest, John, 50 Margaret, 50 Gibbons, Ann, 72 Christopher, 39, 121 Elizabeth, 73, 144 Eleanor, 53 Henry, 46 Hugh, 39, 43, 46, 50, 53, 121, 134 James, 60, 134 Jane, 69 Robert, 43, 69, 72, 73, 144 Gibson, Henry, 171 GiU [Gyll], AUce, 166 Bleonor, 29 Elizabeth, 128 John, 28, 107, 157 Margaret, 178 Margery, 6* Peter, 82 Ralph, 128 Richard, 29, 33, 107 WUUam, 28, 33 Gildens, George, 154 Gittens, Jane, 31 N.X.N., 31 Gleast [Glast], Ann, 163 Catherine, 163 Frances, 148 Geoffrey, 81 Henry, 15, 20, 23, 27, 40, 112, 124 Gleast, Jane, 129, 154 Margaret, 7, 99 Eobert, 7, 15, 40, 121, 134 Eoger, 27, 112 Thomas, 20, 99, 118, 164, 166 WiUiam, 23 Gleave [Gleaue, Glaue], Mary, 69, 148 Matthew, 69, 143, 148 N.X.N., 143 Glover [Gloover, Glou', Glouer], Alice, 92, 94 Ann, 30, 45, 135, 173 Dorothy, 133 Elijah (f), 8, 159 Elizabeth, 12, 75, 92, 140, 143, 144, 152, 196 Elize, 8, 159 BUen, 48, 136, 160 Ellis, 8, 110, 159 George, 39, 67 Henry, 42, 109,* 135, 191 James, 83 Jane, 21, 67, 88, 117 Joan(e), 2 John, 6, 30, 83, 147, 194 Margaret, 7, 8, 138, 160 Robert, 2, 6, 17, 77, 83, 88, 94 Thomas, 36, 39, 42, 45, 48, 77, 83, 121, 133, 194 WUUam, 7, 12, 13,* 17, 21, 36, 92,* 99, 122, 126, 135, 138, 140, 147, 160, 180* N.X.N., 99 Gloover alias Boulton, Eobert, 104 Goare, see Goore Gobett [Govett], Ann, 107 Elizabeth, 80 John, 27 Eichard, 80 Margaret, 27 Gobin, Henry, 158 Goffeth, see Griffith Goodiear [Godiear, Goodiker, Gooddicar], Clodius, 21 EUzabeth, 166 Jane, 21, 77 Margery, 173 Thomas, 177 Goore [Goare, Goer, Gore] Alice, 161, 178 Ann, 71 Index op Names. 215 Christenings ... pp. 1 — 75, pp. 14A and 190, and pp. 193 — 196 Burials 76—152, p, 191, „ 195—197 Marriages ... „ 153 — 187, pp. 190 and 191, and p. 197 Goore, Bryan, 104 Elizabeth, 35, 116 EUen, 57 Eleanor, 27 Grace, 171 Henry, 57 Joan, 178 John, 47, 127,* 161 Margaret, 149 Nicholas, 60 Robert, 27, 31, 35, 47, 115, 165 Thomas, 31, 66, 69, 71, 149* WilUam, 47, 66, 69 Gorsioh(e) [Gorsitche, Gorstiehe, Gorsiegh, Gorsiech, Gorestich, Gorsuch], AUce, 34 Ann, 52, 69, 132 Arthur, 15, 80 Catherine, 46 Eleanor, 42 EUen, 24, 48, 102, 127 Henry, 16, 24, 27, 34, 102 Katherine, 46, 126 Margaret, 50, 130 Robert, 40, 42, 46, 48, 50, 52, 55, 68, 126, 127, 130, 132, 147, 188 Sarah, 68, 147 Thomas, 73, 80 Victoria, 55 WUliam, 40, 69, 73, 160 N.X.N., 125 Gorsic(h), stranger at, Henry, 27 James, 27 Gorste, Arnold, 103 Gorton [Garton], AUee, 12, 18 Edward, 172 Jennett, 181 Thomas, 180 WilUam, 12, 18 Govett, see Gobett Greaves [Greaues], Alice, 155, 158 Bridget, 60 EUen, 66* Jane, 186 Ealph, 44 Eichard, 60, 66, 146, 174, 180 Robert, 66, 162 Thomas, 44, 96, 159 WUliam, 154 Greene, Ann, 167 Ellen, 79 Thomas, 2 WiUiam, 2, 79 Greenehough [Greenhough], Ann, 183 Cicely, 61 John, 57, 61 Thomas, 57 Gregson [Gregsone], Henry, 21, 151,* 180 John, 21, 60, 164 Thomas, 60 Griffith [Griffitt, Griffett, Griffie, Grifphie], Ann, 148 Cicely, 124 Dorothy, 61 Edward, 148 Elizabeth, 174 George, 61 John, 121, 185 Margaret, 175, 196 Ralph, 136 Robert, 136 N.X.N., 118 See also Guffett Grimosin, William, 102 Guffitt [Guffett], EUzabeth, 36 John, 36, 39 Mary, 39 Guy(e) [Gve], Edward, 162 Ellen, 39, 121 Henry, 72 John, 134 Mary, 72 Eichard, 39, 56, 134, 157 Thomas, 23, 56 WUUam, 23 H Haighton, see Hayton, Hyton, and Haughton Haire, see Hare Hakeshead, AUce, 91 Hale [Hales], Ann, 164 Henry, 19 John, 48, 176, 186 Eichard, 19, 48, 186 Halewood, see Halwood 216 Walton Begister^. Christenings ... pp. 1— 75, pp. 14A and 190, and pp. 193— 195 Burials „ 76—152, p. 191, „ 195—197 Marriages ... „ 153— 187, pp. 190 and 191, and p. 197 HaU [HaUe], Ann, 36 David, 50* Elizabeth, 156 James, 36 Ealph, 178 Eobert, 183 Thomas, 119 N.X.N., 117 Hallowed, Lettice, 169 HalsaU [HaUsaU], AUce, 177, 179 Anne, 54 Edward, 36, 38, 42, 46, 50, 126, 129,* 138, 167 Elizabeth, 176 Emma, 126 Grizell, 123 Henry, 36, 60, 54, 62, 123, 138, 142 James, 158 Nicholas, 46, 129 Richard, 38 Robert, 62, 142 Thomas, 36, 123 WUliam, 46, 129 N.X.N., 42, 123 Halwood [Halewood], Alice, 133 Edward, 151 Eleanor, 53 Elizabeth, 80 Marganet, 118 Mary, 173 Richard, 80 Roger, 118 Thomas, 63 Hamlet [Hamblett], Alice, 66 Eichard, 56, 60, 142 WiUiam, 60 Hammond, Mary, 190 Hankingson, John, 179 Hardisse, see Hurdis Hare [Haire], Alice, 7 Anne, 172 Elizabeth, 171 Eichard, 7, 141 Harne, Cicely, 184 Harper [Harpar, Harp, Harpur], Alice, 9, 66, 122, 180 Elizabeth, 56, 78, 147, 167 Ellen, 182 Henry, 14, 63, 139, 160 Harper, Jane, 14, 144, 152 John, 9, 10,* 40, 52, 55, 58, 60i 63, 87, 140, 144, 152, 156, 188 Margery, 4, 5, 170 Margaret, 9, 176 Ealph, 5 Eichard, 14, 40, 42,* 46, 48, 66, 58, 67, 83, 126,* 147 Eoger, 4, 14, 62, 78, 87, 116 Thomas, 45, 60, 67 WUliam, 48 Harries daughter alias Eogerson, Elizabeth, 30, 110 Harrison [Harinson, Harmson, Haryson, Harison, Haryson], AUce, 49, 54, 66, 66, 105, 121, 133, 178, 185 Andrew, 78 Anne, 49, 62, 103, 133, 143, 176 David, 140, 141 Edward, 6, 15,* 17, 102, 111 Elizabeth, 6, 17, 66, 70, 114, 140, 161, 185 BUen, 46, 49, 54, 81, 123 Gilbert, 70 Henry, 2, 126, 182, 190, 197 Humphrey, 103, 128 Jane, 13, 167, 168, 175 Joan, 77 John, 2, 5, 10, 40, 49, 54, 60, 72, 77, 78, 81, 85, 97, 105, 110, 133, 169, 179 Katherine, 101, 114, 126 Laurence, 15, 126 Luke, 185 Margaret, 111, 176 Margery, 49, 129 Peter 71 102 Eichard, 10, 62, 66, 72, 125, 137 Eobert, 2, 40, 46, 71, 108 Roger, 2, 13, 15, 165 Thomas, 5, 38, 60, 66,* 98, 101, 105, 108,* 168 WiUiam, 40, 49,* 54, 95, 123, 125,* 129, 139, 173 N.X.N., 98, 123 Harrison als Hogson, John, 89 Harrison als Johnson, Margery, 49 WiUiam, 49 Harrison alias Thomasoon, David, 166 Edward, 170 Index op Names. 21-? Christenings ... pp. 1 — 75, pp. 14A and 190, and pp. 193— 195 Bwrials „ 76—125, p. 191, „ 195—197 Marriages ... „ 153— 187, pp. 190 and 191, and p. 197 Harrison als Tenant, John, 40* Haughton, ParneU, 25, 98, 110 Harroeks, see Horrocks Peter, 123, 160 Hartley, James, 179 Eandle, 41 Harvye [Harvie, Harvey], Richard, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 13, 92, 124, Cicely, 15 161 EUen, 15, 36, 127, 176 Robert, 3, 6,* 15, 70, 75, 77, 79, Erasmus, 191 82, 83, 123, 127, 186 Henry, 13 Roger, 15, 26, 89, 102, 116, 127 John, 13 Susan, 76 Katherine, 35 Thomas, 84 Haskeine [Haskeane, Heskeine], WUUam, 3, 68, 70, 106, 113, 116, Cicely, 155 137, 166 Edward, 13, 37 N.X.N., 89, 98 Elizabeth, 126 See also Hayton Henry, 37, 118, 175 Haukesey, AUce, 125 John, 41 Edward, 126 Lawrence, 175 Richard, 145 Peter, 13 Haulshe, WilUam, 59 Thomas, 41, 126, 172, 179 Hauranc, Henry, 181 WilUam, 175 Hawell, Joan, 92 N.X.N., 89 Haworth [Heyworth], Alice, 102 Hateleye, Isabel, 152 Cicely, 184 Thomas, 152 EUen, 2, 28 Hatton, Jane, 93 Henry, 166 John, 182 John, 2, 20, 24,* 90, 105, 106, 109, Nicholas, 93 118, 153, 163 Eichard, 156 Margaret, 24 Haughshawe, William, 140 Margery, 136 Haughton [Haighton (?), Houghton, Richard, 24, 28, 106, 106, 141, Houton, Aughton, Hauhton], 165 AUce, 36, 47, 127, 160 Thomas, 20, 102, 136 Anne, 33, 113, 117,* 168 N.X.N., 109 Benjamin, 41 Hay, see Hey Dorothy, 3, 171 Hayton [Haighton], Edward, 6, 26, 100, 116 Anne, 33 Effrey, 173 James, 33 Elizabeth, 13, 25, 47, 92, 110, 122, John, 59, 63 127, 175, 183 Thomas, 63 EUen, 77, 162 See also Haughton and Hyton Evan, 4 Hayward [Heyward, Haward, Francis, 7 Heward], Henry, 2, 26, 78, 84, 122 Ann, 63 Jacob, 113 Ellen, 42, 169 James, 25, 29, 33, 35, 39, 75, 110, Henry, 68 117, 137, 163 Jane, 63 Joan, 78, 100 John, 29, 66 John, 39, 47, 50, 110,* 127,* Margaret, 60 176 Robert, 63 Katherine, 106, 176, 186 Richard, 42 Margaret, 29, 79, 110 Thomas, 60, 63 Mary, 100, 115, 172 WUliam, 68 OttweU, 50, 68, 75 N.X.N., 29 218 Walton Eegistees. Christenings ... pp. 1 — 75, pp.l4A and 190, and pp. 193—195 Bwrials „ 76—152, i^. 191, „ 196—197 Marriages ... „ 153—19,7, pp.190 and 191, and p. 197 Haywood [Hewood], EUen, 100 Margaret, 127 WUliam, 100, 127, 177 Heames, Ann, 37 EUen, 37 George, 37 Heardsman, Alice, 62 Ellen, 62 Heames [Hemes], Alice, 26, 108 Anne, 37 [?], 116, Elizabeth, 143, 151, 196 EUen, 37 [?], 115, 116 George, 26, 27, 37 [?], 105, 107, 108, 116, 134, 137 Jane, 26 John, 134, 148 Lettice, 106 Margaret, 148, 175 Eobert, 14, 143, 151, 195 Eoger, 54 Thomas, 14, 23, 26, 137 WUliam, 23, 27, 54, 106, 107 Heatlye [Health], Thomas, 62, 195 WUUam, 62, 195 Heaton, Henry, 33 Thomas, 33, 115 WiUiam, 162 See also Eaton Henrys daughter [Henryesdonght^], Anne, 77 Elizabeth, 77 Margaret, 155 HenshaU [Heushew(e), Henshaw(e), Henshay], Alice, 92, 140 Anne, 31, 51, 170 Edward, 19, 49, 51, 57, 140, 148, 178 EUzabeth, 16, 171, 184 Ellen, 32, 129 Frances, 29, 109 Hannah, 72 Isabel, 63 Jane, 67, 77, 161 Joan, 140 John, 19, 21, 61, 92, 120, 140, 159 Katherine, 173 Margaret, 61, 85, 120, 161, 166 Margery, 6 Mary, 24, 182 Eichard, 45, 68,72,* 82, 111, 120 HenshaU, Eobert, 24, 28, 31, 109 Roger, 28, 77, 109 Sarah, 72 Susannah, 68 Thomas, 16, 17, 19,* 21, 23,* 29, 32, 103, 109, 173, 195 WiUiam, 6, 17, 45, 49, 63, 85, 129, 130, 149, 176, 186, 197* N.X.N., 90, 96 Hemes, see Heames Heskeine, see Haskeine Hesketh [Heskett, Heskth], Alice, 97 Ann, 27 BUen, 16, 133 Joan, 78 John, 16, 18, 25, 27, 33, 65, 97, 103, 106, 123, 161 Katherine, 33, 123 Margery, 25, 105 Richard, 108 Thomas, 103 WiUiam, 18, 65, 180 HeviU, James, 32 Richard, 32 Heward, see Hayward Hewood, see Haywood Hey(e) [Hae, Hay, Heay, Hoye, Haye], Alexander, 34 AUce, 91, 114, 120 Ann, 29, 68, 109, 143, 183 Anthony, 18, 23, 26, 34, 97, 108 Bridget, 45 Clarissa, 80 Dorothy, 10 Edward, 23, 24, 145, 166, 167 Elizabeth, 39 EUen, 24,* 47, 53, 79, 97, 112, 143, 159, 181 Evan, 41 George, 27, 56, 57, 135 Geoffrey, 167 Henry, 2, 49, 68, 77, 96, 146, 150, 154 Humphrey, 2, 46, 77, 92, 125, 163 Jane, 8, 166, 159, 166 Joan, 83, 112 John, 10, 18, 21, 24, 26, 27, 30, 37, 42, 62, 112, 141, 146, 189 Lawrence, 79 Index op Names. 210 Christenings ... pp. 1 — 75, pp. 144: and 190, andpp. 193 — 195 Burials „ 76—152, ^.191 „ 195—197 Marriages ... „ 153— 187, pp. 190 and 191, and p. 197 Hey(e), Mary, 68, 146, 196 Margaret, 1, 18, 21, 36, 164 Peter, 1, 76, 112, 113, 163, 191 Robert, 95 Roger, 32, 83, 84, 144, 151 Thomas, 20,* 30, 37, 46, 47, 112, 129 WilUam, 6,* 12,* 18, 29, 32, 36, 39, 41, 42, 45,47, 49, 52, 53, 56, 57, 58, 80, 82, 85, 91, 96, 109, 116, 135, 143,* 155, 189 N.X N., 92 Heyes, Walter, 181, 197 Heyward, see Hayward Heyworth, see Haworth Hifielde, Eobert, 105 Higgins, George, 174 Higinson(e) [Higerson, Higgenson(e), Higenson, Higginson, Higkinson, Higgerson, Higgenso], Alice, 18, 31, 98, 142 Ann, 28, 42, 45, 46, 120, 168, 168 Clarissa, 44, 126 Edward, 24, 28, 39, 44, 104, 188 Ellen, 33, 37, 113, 116, 119 EUzabeth, 17, 26, 45, 51, 63, 109, 164 Eleanor, 23, 48 George, 26, 30, 31, 40, 42, 45, 48, 52, 66, 120, 139, 165, 174, 184, 186 Henry, 196 James, 14,* 17, 18, 20, 21, 22,* 24, 25, 28, 30, 21, 33, 35, 37, 61, 85, 94, 101,* 104, 110,* 113, 116, 161, 176, 189 Jane, 22, 39, 101 Joan, 104, John, 22, 24, 36, 39, 52, 61, 98, 110, 132, 142 Katherine, 21, 30, 56, 67, 110, 186 Lowre, 35, 114 Margaret, 17,* 20, 50, 94, 136, 139 Margery, 25, 30, 103 Mary, 177 Ealph, 39, 50 Richard, 1, 2, 18, 22, 26, 31, 46, 76, 104, 170, 179, 186 Robert, 18, 20, 21, 23, 28, 41, 112, 167 Higinson, continued — Thomas, 1,* 2, 5,* 14,* 21, 26, 41, 44,46,46, 51, 52, 57,63,76,* 83, 85, 110, 125 WilUam, 36, 40, 44, 188 N.X.N., 20, 85, 98 Higgenson alias Georgeson, George, 34 John, 34 Higerson, see Higginson Hilcoke, Roger, 181 HUl, Elizabeth, 70 EUen, 176 Henry, 70, 149 Ealph, 70,* 149, 178 Sarah, 175 HiUon [Hylton], AUce, 85 ParneU, 101 Eichard, 86, 155 WiUiam, 81 Hinde [Hind], see also Hynd, Ellen, 180 Richard, 164 Hindley, EUzabeth, 115 John, 178 Michael, 38, 131 WiUiam, 38 Hitcheon [Hieheon, Huchen, Hitchens, Hitehen], Amie, 76 Edward, 77 Eleanor, 162 Gilbert, 151 George, 162 Hamlet, 170 Isabel, 155 Jane, 172 John, 23, 104 Margaret, 23, 149 Peter, 149 Eichard, 162 Thomas, 178 Hitcheon als Rylance, GUbert, 163 Hitehmough, Elizabeth, 153 James, 157 Jane, 157 [7] Thomas, 155 Hodgeson [Hodgson, Hogson, Hodghson], Anne, 47, 131 220 Walton Eegisters. Christenings ... pp. 1 — 75, pp. 14A and 190, and pp. 193 — 195 Burials „ 76—152, p. 191, „ 195—197 Marriages ... „ 153— 187, pp. 190 and 191, and p. 197 Hodgeson, Elizabeth, 130 Francis, 148 John, 21 Katherine, 115 Margaret, 21 Thomas, 47, 130, 131 Hodgess, Eobert, 177 Hogson, see Hodgsson Hogson als Harrison, John, 89 Hogge, Clarissa, 6, 155 Margery, 35 Eichard, 5 Holecroft, Edward, 70 WiUiam, 70 Holgrave, Elizabeth, 178 Holland, Ann, 171 David, 70 Edmunde, 4 BUen, 4 Hannah, 70 Henry, 146 Jane, 179 John, 180 Hollis [HoUice], David, 42 Ellen, 176 William, 42, 138 Holme, AUce, 138 Ann, 59 Henry, 181 John, 59, 63 Robert, 90 Thomas, 138 WiUiam, 63, 71, 150 See also Hulme Holt, Anne, 12 N.X.N., 12 Horrobin, see Howrobin Horrocks [Horrougx, Harroeks], Dorothy, 61 John, 172 Sarah, 61, 150 Horgy, Sarah, 59 Houghton, see Haughton Howard, Agnes, 143, 144, 151 Margaret, 185 Thomas, 185 WiUiam, 143, 144, 151 Howarth, Henry, Howcroft, Alice, 24 Henry, 24 Howrobin [Horrobin], Mary, 176 Huchen, see Hitehen Hughson [Huson], Elizabeth, 125, 171 Ellen, 136 Jane, 60, 184 John, 42, 44, 89, 116 Margaret, 149 Richard, 17 Robert, 135, 182 Thomas, 44, 60 WUUam, 17, 42, 125, 145 N.X.N., 89, 180 Husonne als Richardson, Ann, 109 John, 109 HulUand, WUliam, 165 Hulme [Hoolme], Alice, 138 Ann, 11, 15 Bryan, 16 Elizabeth, 3 Jane, 166 Katherine, 107 Richard, 3 Robert, 11, 90 Thomas, 138 Humfres, BUen, 181 Hunt, Alice, 59 Ann, 50, 66 Eleonar, 147 Elizabeth, 41 Henry, 131 Jane, 50 Jonathan, 74 Joseph, 74 Margaret, 50 Robert, 59 Thomas, 50, 137 WUUam, 41, 47, 66, 98, 131, 143 N.X.N., 117, 142 Hunter, Jonathan, 64 Joseph, 64 Lettice, 153 Margery, 150 Hurdis [Hurdisst, Hurdisse, Hurdoes, Hurdeux, Hurdesse, Hardisse], Alice, 21 Bridget, 63 Eleanor, 21 BUen, 186 Katherine, 55, 76 Lawrence, 60 Peter, 75 Robert, 41, 137 Thomas, 46 WiUiam, 41, 46, 50, 55, 58, 63, 137 N.X.N., 21 Index of Names. 221 Christenings ... pp. 1 — 75, pp. 14A amd 190, amd pp. 193 — 195 Bwrials „ 76—162, p. 191, „ 195—197 Marriages „ 153 — 187, pp. 190 and 191, amd p. 197 Hurst, Christopher, 61 Edward, 188 Elizabeth, 61 Richard, 67 Samuel, 67 WUUam, 168 Huson, see Hughson Hutchens, John, 146 N.X.N., 145 Huyton, see Hyton Hynd, see also Hinde, Grace, 171 John, 171 Hytches, Edward, 2 Robert, 2 Hyton [Huyton], Ann, 148 James, 155 John, 54, 70, 143, 148* Richard, 70, 148 See also Hayton I Ince, Ann, 138 Eleanor, 135 Elizabeth, 56, 135 EUen, 66 Jane, 17, 62, 66, 133, 135* John, 17 Margaret, 177 Mary, 52, 133 Inglefield, Thomas, 173 Ireland(e) Ellen, 28, 167 Henry, 126 John, 28, 167 Isherwood, see Usherwood Jackson, EUen, 106 Henry, 106, 167 John, 106, 191 Margaret, 171, 174 James, John, 172 Jameson, see also Jemson, John, 170 Jameson, alias Johnson, John, 183 WilUam, 63 Janian [Jania^], Anne, 5, 81 Joan 5, 81 Jemson, Margaret, 53 WilUam, 53 Jenkinson, William, 190 John, Nartherne, 91 John's daughter [Jo:'s daughter, Johnsdough(e)r, Johnsdar], Alice, 169, 164 Elizabeth, 161 EUen, 161, 167 Jane, 10 Katherine, 167, 174 Margaret, 165 Roger, 19 John's daughter, als Bryanson, Elizabeth, 19 Sarah, 19 Johnson(e) [Jo: sone, Jonson, Johnsonne, Joneson], Alice, 13, 20, 30, 41, 43, 46, 69, 112, 172, 176, 178 Ann, 24, 33, 182* Anthony, 65, 67, 61, 140 Benjamin, 55 Christopher, 37 Cicely, 78 Dorothy, 30, 110, 174 Elizabeth, 9, 26, 29, 46, 51, 66, 63, 67, 147, 148, 184 EUen, 26, 39, 41, 56, 176 Henry, 6, 52, 78, 85, 95, 117 James, 19, 20, 24, 27, 30,* 32, 37, 40, 43, 52, 98, 110, 120, 122, 124 Jane, 25, 38, 39, 42, 120, 122 Janet, 90, 144, 152 John, 6, 15, 21, 27, 30, 51, 54, 67, 58, 61, 62, 69, 94, 112, 130, 150, 178, 180 Katherine, 44, 46, 60 Margaret, 23, 41, 72, 88, 125, 140, 141, 156, 183 Margery, 17, 34 Mary, 37, 62 Miles, 46 Nicholas, 57, 88 Peter, 67, 72, 147 Richard, 19, 43, 44, 51, 52, 69, 94, 98, 124, 131, 132, 148, 179 Robert, 21, 23, 26, 30*, 34, 38, 40, 42, 64, 90, 93, 117, 120, 157, 164, 188 222 Walton Eegisters. Christenings ... pp. 1 — 75, pp. 14A and 190, and pp. 193 — 195 Burials , 76—152, p. 191 „ 195—197 Marriages 153— 187, pp, 190 and 191, and p. 197 Johnson(e), Rowland, 17, 94* Thomas, 16, 25, 29, 33, 37, 41, 46, 52, 94, 125, 153 WiUiam, 9, 13, 26, 30, 32, 34, 39, 41,* 43, 44, 45, 46,* 50, 67, 63,* 69, 76, 92, 94, 120, 130, 148*, 173, 197 N.X.N., 120 Johnson, als Cooke, John, 133 Johnson, alias Harrison, Margery, 49 WUliam, 49 Johnson, alias Jameson, WilUam, 63, 183 Johnson, als MUler, James, 36 John, 35 Johnson, als WUliamson, James, 30 WUliam, 30 JoUye [Jolly, JooUye, JoUie], see also Gellye and Juley, AUce, 20 Ann, 34 Edmund, 16 Geoffrey, 16, 20, 23, 34, 102, 111 Joau, 34 John, 111 Richard, 23 Thomas, 23, 102 Jones [Jomes], Ellen, 57 Elizabeth, 63 Margaret, 63 Mary, 67 Robert, 51 Thomas, 61, 131 Joneson, see Johnson Juley, Elizabeth, 165 Jump [Jftpe], Alice, 165 Anne, 72, 180 Edmund, 2, 7, 89, 111, 163 EUzabeth, 70 BUen, 111 Isabel, 66, 67 Jane, 134, 146 John, 67, 69,* 72, 186 Margaret, 7 Margery, 147 Mary, 2 Peter, 69,* 70, 150 Richard, 28, 66, 166 Thomas, 147, 150 WilUam, 28, 146 Justice, Thomas, 185 WUUam, 160 Kaeibb, see Cariar Kay(e) [Key], Edward, 43, 123 John, 32, 41, 123, 138 Katherine, 142 Margaret, 198 NevUl, 34, 37, 38, 41, 43, 47, 48, 51, 60, 123,* 126, 132*, 142, 147, 189*, 190*, 191, 195,* 196, 197 Oldham, 37 Thomas, 32 Kears, Henry, 41 Lawrence, 41 Keckowith [Kekwicke], George, 112 James, 69 William, 69 Kellett, Jane, 154 John, 145 Margaret, 162 Kelsoe, Alice, 112 WUUam, 112, 169 Kempe, Alice, 92 Thomas, 92, 111 Kenion [Kennion, Kennyon], Ann, 72 Elizabeth, 66 BUen, 26, 150, 169, 183 Richard, 160, 172, 184 Eobert, 66, 69, 72, 149 Sarah, 69, 149 Thomas, 26, 108 Kenricke, Margaret, 46 Eichard, 45 Kerfoot(e) [Kerfootte, Kirfoote], Ann, 45 Elizabeth, 110 Henry, 28, 27, 116 Katherine, 116 Margaret, 128 Margery, 119 Nicholas, 27 Thomas, 41, 46, 110, 119, 128,* 140 Walter, 41 WilUam, 23 N.X.N., 128 Kers^ Margaret, 85 Key, see Kay(e) Kidd, Margaret. 91 Eichard, 91, 123 Index op Names. 223 Christenings ... pp. 1 — 75, pp. 14A and 190, amd pp. 193 — 195 Burials „ 76—152, p. 191, „ 195—197 Marriages „ 163 — 187 , pp. 190 and 191, and p. 197 Kighley [Kigheley, Kighle, Kighelye], Dorothy, 73 Joan, 108 John, 106, 136, 137 Katherine, 105 Margaret, 164 Mary, 32 Nicholas, 63 Eigby, 57 Eobert, 73 Thomas, 20, 30, 32, 49, 57, 63, 108, 110, 137, 165, 179 WilUam, 20, 30, 49, 110, 135, 189 Kirfoote, see Kerfoote KirkdaU, MUes, 159 Kirkebie [Kirkbie, Kirkbye, Kyrkebie, Kirbye, Kirbie, Kirkeby], Ann, 67 Edmumd, 67 EUen, 164 Henry, 29, 109 John, 71,* 72, 112, 148 Margaret, 29, 72, 109, 138 Eichard, 71, 174 Robert, 71 WUUam, 71,* 112, 148 Knowles [KnoU], Alice, 163 Ann, 177 Emlin, 10 James, 157 Michael, 75 Eichard, 73 Robert, 70 Thomas, 10, 69, 70, 73, 75 Lake, Alice, 161 David, 163 Edward, 173 John, 144, 162 Margaret, 84, 113, 163 Marion, 113 Mary, 144, 162 Robert, 175 Lake, als Norres, James, 28 Robert, 28 Langley, Eoger, 68 WUliam, 68 Langton, see Longton Langworth, see Longworth Lansdale, see Lonsdale Lassell, Hugh, 106 Katherine, 164 Thomas, 106 Lathame [Latham, Litham, Lathome, Lytham, Lyth^], AUce, 158 Ann, 115 Elizabeth, 102, 164, 180 EUen, 115 Jane, 9 John, 1, 3, 6 Margaret, 176 Mary, 3. 171 Richard, 1, 102, 176 Thomas, 5, 115, 166 WiUiam, 9 Latheland, see Litherland Laurance [Laurence, Lawrance], Edward, 146 John, 146, 155 Maiy, 135 WilUam, 135 Lawrenson, Janet, 176 Robert, 48 WilUam, 48 Lawson, Thomas, 70 Laybourne, Elizabeth, 179 Lea, see Leigh Leadbeter, Ann, 185 Elizabeth, 67, 69 Janet, 149 Henry, 70 John, 186 Peter, 69, 186 Ralph, 70 WiUiam, 67 Leech, Anne, 171 Leigh(e) [Legh, Leegh, Ligh, Lea, Lee, Ley], Alice, 93, 117 Anne, 21, 115, 169, 170 Bridget, 163 Cicely, 68 Elizabeth, 98 Ellen, 169 Frances, 5 Henry, 2, 4, 30, 76, 114 James, 59 Jane, 89, 183 John, 4, 62, 68, 82, 117 Jonathan, 30 Katherine, 184 224 Walton Eegisters. Christenings ... pp. 1 — 75, pp. 14A and 190, and pp. 193 — 196 Bwrials „ 76—162, p. 191, „ 195—197 Marriages „ 153— 187, pp.190 and 191, amd p,197 Leigh(e), Margaret, 21 Margery, 160 Nicholas, 93 Piers 3 Peter, 3, 5, 49, 62, 66, 82, 99 Ralph, 93 Richard, 66, 147 Thomas, 2, 47, 49, 139, 147 Letherland, see Litherland Lewis, Elizabeth, 184 Margaret, 170 Leyland [Lelande, Layland], Christopher, 113 Elizabeth, 102 Ellen, 29, 109 John, 21, 29, 102, 109, 179 Margaret, 21 Lideat, Eleanor, 156 See also Lydgate Ligh, see Leigh Lightbound, John, 179 Lightfoot, Jane, 180 Linaker [Liniker], Elizabeth, 43 Jane, 43 Robert, 136 Ling, Jane, 177 Linne, Henry, 164 Linshley, Thomas, 180 Liptrott, John, 41 Miles, 41 Litham, see Latham Litherland [Letherland, Litherlen], see also Latheland, Alice, 28, 83, 96, 163, 170, 180 Ann, 32, 182 Blanch, 131 EUzabeth, 59, 85, 95 George, 95, 118 James, 44, 160 John, 44, 48, 52, 57, 59, 131, 173 Katherine, 28 Lettice, 163 Richard, 48 Robert, 28, 89,* 97, 160 Thomas, 28, 32 WUliam, 83, 86, 95, 156 N.X.N., 124 Lithgo, Ann, 45 Mary, 45 Livesey [Lievesley, Liusey, Liuesey], John, 27, 37 Richard, 27, 66 WUUam, 37 Longrow(e), Thomas, 164, 189 Longton [Langton], AUce, 186 Ann, 67 Eichard, 186 Eobert, 147 WUliam, 67 Longworth [Langworth], Ann, 81 Eleanor, 130 EUzabeth, 160 EUen, 84, 92 Janet, 98 John, 126, 162 Laurence, 87 Margaret, 80, 81,* 170 Ralph, 81 Randolph, 60 Richard, 80, 84* Eobert, 92 WilUam, 60 Lonsdale, als Dober, Bryan, 110 Katherine, 110 LonsdaU [Lonsdale, Lansdale, LonsdeU, Lonsdall], Alice, 44 Ann, 45, 60, 109 Bryan, 30, 32, 35, 39, 43, 45, 58, 110, 132 EUzabeth, 44, 122, 130, 132 Ellen, 4, 50, 59, 80 Henry, 114 Jane, 94 Joan, 4, 80 John, 9, 10, 73, 94, 109, 138, 169, 180 Katherine, 30, 39, 110 Margaret, 9, 32, 88 Richard, 54,* 58, 59, 73, 79 Eobert, 4, 10, 80* Thomas, 43 WUliam, 35, 52, 88, 130, 174, 176 Looyd, Ann, 177 Lowe [Lowes], Aim, 149 Dorothy, 149 Emma, 149 John, 108, 111 Margaret, 111 Loye, Peter, 177 Lunt [Lunte], Ann, 169 Anthony, 89 Cicely, 128 Edward, 89, 178 BUen, 81, 137 Index op Names. 226 Christenings Burials . . . pp. 1 — 75, pp. 144 and 190, andpp. 193 — 195 „ 76—152. p. 191 „ 195—197 „ 153-187,pp.l90 and 191, and p. l&r Lunt, Francis, 36 Henry, 36 John, 8, 9 Lettice, 178 Nicholas, 9, 128, 168, 196 Peter, 31, 167 Eichard, 82, 121, 168 Thomas, 162 WiUiam, 8, 89, 106, 137, 156, 160 Lunt als Mason, see Mason als Lunt Lunt als Eogerson, John, 112 Nicholas, 112 Lurking, Alice, 180 WUliam, 179 Lurtinge [Lurting], Cicely, 156 John, 181 Lydgate, John, 52 Robert, 62 See also Lideat Lytham see Latham Lyon, Robert, 61 Thomas, 164 WUUam, 61 M Madocke, John, 11,* 91* MaghuU [MaguU], see also MayhuU, Anthony, 44, 53, 63 Ellen, 63 Eichard, 44 Thomas, 53 Mahatore, Dorothy, 184 Maketyre, Eobert, 158 Makin, see Mekin, Marbury, John, 148 Marcer see Mercer March [Marsh(e)], Edward, 55, 59, 144, 152 EUzabeth, 66 Ellen, 144, 152 George, 134 Katherine, 134 Mary, 115, 180 Eichard, 59, 66, 77 Seth, 39 Thomas, 39, 115, 134 WUliam, 55 Maries alias Eimmer, John, 66 Thomas, 66 Markham, John, 178 Markin, Eichard, 74 Thomas, 74 Marlow, Elizabeth, 179 Marshe, see March Marton [Martine, Martin, Marten], AUce, 18 Ann, 158 Anthony, 176 EUzabeth, 12, 163, 178 Ellen, 176 Henry, 9, 12, 18,* 22, 141 Isabell, 18, 105 John, 66 Margreat, 13, 92, 141 Peter, 13, 92 Eichard, 48 Eobert, 22 Thomas, 9, 48, 66, 155, 179 WUliam, 102, 175 Mason, Eichard, 117 Thomas, 117 N.X.N., 94, 117 Mason als Lunt, Richard, 117 N.X.N., 117 Masy, Hamlett, 183 Marcer see Mercer Mather, Dansel, 68 EUzabeth, 137 BUen, 91 James, 105 John, 78 Lawrence, 78, 108 Margaret, 108, 110 Mary, 172 Eichard, 110 Thomas, 68, 143, 152 Mather als Mercer, William, 106 Mathew, James, 163 John, 69, 146 Eichard, 69 MayhuU, Bvere, 25 John, 25 Meadow, see Meddow Medcalfe, Francis, 180 Meddow [Medow(e), Meadow(e), Meddowes], Gilbert, 131 Henry, 27, 51, 62, 131, 141 Hugh, 2 Joan, 58 John, 49, 58 Laura, 18, 180 15 226 Walton Eegisters. Christenings ... pp. 1 — 75, pp. 144: and 190, and pp. 193 — 195 Burials „ 76—152, p. 191, „ 195—197 Marriages ... „ 153 — 187, pp. 190 and 191, and p. 197 Meddow, Margaret, 22, 24, 98 Martha, 68 Mary, 49, 102 Nicholas, 33, 72, 73, 144 Ralph(e), 2, 72 Richard, 62, 141 Susan, 73, 144 Thomas, 18, 22, 24, 27, 33 51, 68, 102 MedwaU, Joane, 20 Thomas, 20 Mekin [Meakin, Making], Alice, 138 BUen, 61 Jane, 18, 159 John, 70, 104, 132 Margaret, 18 Eichard, 3, 27, 61, 153, 173, 184 Robert, 3 Thomas, 70 WilUam, 3, 27, 104 MeUinge, Arthur, 104 EUen, 109 Raffie, 18 Robert, 18, 109, 162, 188 Mercer [Marcer, Mersor, Merser, M'cer, M'C, M'ces], Alice, 26, 28, 30, 51, 79, 82, 96, 114,* 119, 136, 138, 147 158, 163, 181 Andrew, 105 Ann, 6, 25, 56, 73, 87, 106, 107, 116, 128, 132, 137, 146, 157, 168, 173 Anthony, 26, 28, 130, 188 Bridget, 25, 63 Bryan, 11, 21, 56, 93, 119, 184 Christopher, 78, 103, 107, 154 Cicely, 181 Edward, 6, 22, 30* Eleanor, 49, 116 Elizabeth, 22, 34, 35, 53, 53, 64, 69, 84, 94, 103,114, 118,119, 120, 121, 141, 167 BUen, 16, 28, 29, 30, 38, 40, 46, 50, 51, 58, 77, 84, 86, 100,* 107, HI, 120, 131, 153, 156, 163, 179, 182, 184 Frances, 105 George, 5, 19, 25, 29, 92, 126, 138, 176 Mercer, Henry, 11, 22, 23, 25, 26, 28, 29, 31, 36, 37, 46, 55, 56, 58, 59, 62, 71,* 78, 87, 88, 101, 102, 109, 113, 117, 118, 123, 131, 132, 136, 150, 160, 168, 171, 181, 184 Humphrey, 8, 33, 116 IsabeU, 88 James, 60, 79, 102, 107 Jane, 18,* 23, 25, 71, 78, 103, 105,* 130 Joane, 26, 78, 153, 155 John, 13, 18,* 26, 28, 30, 33, 39, 42, 45, 49, 50, 51, 53, 54,* 57, 58, 60, 62, 68, 73, 77, 82, 83, 84, 86,* 87,* 91, 92, 96, 97, 103, 110, 118, 120, 141, 143, 144, 146, 147, 148, 152, 154, 155, 162, 172, 174, 181, 189* Joseph, 73* Katherine, 2, 36, 53, 91, 163 Laurence, 26, 58, 177 Margaret, 12, 15, 21, 37, 41, 46, 61, 83, 108, 121, 128, 131, 147, 151, 167, 179 Margery, 3, 7, 30, 34, 106, 126, 130, 156 Mary, 41, 57, 58, 103, 147, 176, 180, 183 Nehemiah, 56, Nicholas, 35, 71 ParneU, 117 Randolph, 34 Ralph, 13, 18,* 22,* 23, 26, 30, 33, 35, 40, 43, 46, 56, 67,* 62, 63, 68, 78, 83, 88, 97,* 103,* HI, 116, 125, 141, 147, 163,* 170, 172,* 177 Richard, 2, 3,* 13, 18, 22, 25, 29, 33, 34, 39, 40,* 57, 68, 62, 66, 68,* 78, 87, 91, 97, 112, 113, 119, 124, 131, 135, 140, 141, 146, 158, 160, 167, 177 Robert, 13, 15, 17, 2.3, 28, 41, 43, 45,* 56, 60,* 63, 69, 71, 73,* 81,* 84,* 85, 94, 105, 127, 143, 144, 146 Eoger, 18, 22, 25,* 29, 37, 62, 105, 108, 109, 110, 117 Samuel, 34 Sarah, 19 Index of Names. 227 Burials pp. 1— 75, pp. 144 amd 190, and pp. 193—195 „ 76—152, p. 191, „ 195—197 „ 153—187,^^. 190 and 191, and p. 197 Mercer, Thoma-s, 1,* 3, 5, 14, 18, 22,* 23,*31, 37,38, 40,*41,46, 49, 53,* 58, 59,* 61, 66, 69,* 71,* 73,* 82,* 84,* 92, 96, 101, 103, 106, 108, 114, 121, 128,* 131,* 142, 147, 151, 169, 177, 189, 196 William, 7, 8, 12, 14, 16, 17, 18, 22, 29, 49, 51, 53*, 54, 55, 57, 58, 59, 62, 66, 71, 73, 81, 86, 87, 98, 114, 116, 120, 126, 126, 130, 131, 132, 140,* 141, 142, 146, 147,* 178,* 188 N.X.N., 42, 66, 79, 81, 82,* 91, 93, 95, 98, 116, 178 Mercer [alias Eigby], William, 147 Mercer [als Mather], WUliam, 106 MichaeU, WUliam, 178 Middleton, Ann, 160 Katherine, 153 Midsley, Samuel, 181 Miller, James, 114 John, 114,116 Katherine, 116 WiUiam, 109 MiUer [alias Johnson], James, 35 John, 35 MUner [MiUner], a, 44 (?) Alice, 127, 132 Christopher, 191 Dorothy, 178 EUen, 40 Henry, 46 Isabel, 162 James, 7, 45, 138 John, 37, 40, 43, 45, 46, 53,* 122,* 123, 127, 132, 138, 177 Katherine, 169 Margaret, 7 Margery, 37, 46 Robert, 44 (?) Thomas, 43, 123 William, 161 N.X.N., 44 (?) MinshaU, James, 178 Moare, see Moore Mollineux [Molinex, Molineux, MulUnex, Molunex, Molyneux, Molynex, Mulnes, MolUnex], Alexander, 104, 126, 189 Alice, 21 Ann, 104, 135, 173 Mollineux, Anthony, 55, 180 Arthur, 182 Cicely, 105 Elizabeth, 104, 141, 175, 183 BUen, 55, 184 Eleanor, 100, 157, 180 George, 164 Henry, 31, 58, 110, 141 Jane, 166 John, 12, 19, 21, 22, 31, 33,* 36, 96, 104, 110, 122, 168 Katherine, 16, 58 Laurence, 52, 179 Margaret, 52, 110, 176 Margery, 118, 120, 164 Mary, 22 Nicholas, 3, 153 Richard, 7,* 12, 13,* 20, 33, 36, 38, 96, 147, 188 Robert, 118, 159 Thomas, 19, 20, 36, 110, 189 WUliam, 3, 16, 33, 36 N.X.N., 113, 151 Monley [Moneley], Jane, 159 Margaret, 13 Robert, 13 Thomas, 179 Moore [Mure, More, Moare], Alexander, 17, 57 Alice, 5 Anne, 79, 150 Bridget, 109 Clement,Cleue, 73 Edward, 14, 20, 27, 38, 52, 73, 130 Eleanor, 14, 83, 100 Elizabeth, 99, 101 Ellen, 7, 36, 175 Francis, 1, 13, 92, 96 Jane, 4 John, 1, 4, 6, 7, 38, 52, 55, 67, 79, 83, 93, 155, 159, 188 Joseph, 5 Julian, 102 Katherine, 19, 55 Eichard, 13, 16, 17, 19, 20, 92, 99, 101, 102, 109, 111 Eobert, 6, 36 WilUam, 16, 19, 92, 100 Victoria, 27 N.X.N., 19 Moorye [Mori], Joan, 162* 228 Walton Eegisters. Christenings ... pp. 1 — 75, pp. 144i and 190, and pp. 193 — 195 Burials „ 76—162, p. 191, „ 195—197 Marriages ... „ 153 — 187,pp. 190 and 191, and p. 197 Morecrofte, Thomas, 123 Morrisse [Morris, Morrice, Morres], Elizabeth, 180 Humphrey, 46 John, 21 Richard, 21, 86 Robert, 182 WUliam, 46, 162, 180 Morrowe, N.X.N., 141 Morton, N.X.N., 180 Moss [Mosse], Ann, 95, 166 Clarissa, 129 Elizabeth, 180 BUen, 79 Henry, 60, 61 Isabel, 178 John, 12, 137, 138 Lawrence, 60 Margaret, 137 Margery, 61, 140 Mary, 178 Peter, 5, 95, 106, 156 Richard, 5 Eobert, 86, 97,* 136 Thomas, 12, 154 Mossam, Francis, 150 John, 150 Mossoeke, Margery, 173 Moston, Joan, 156 Much, see Mutche MulUnex, see MoUineux Mulnes, see Mollineux Mure, see Moore Musgrave, John, 131 Musker [Muskin, Muskine], see also MusUn and Muskett, Ann, 127 Elizabeth, 10, 154, 158 Ellen, 174 Henry, 119 Hugh, 12, 87 Isabel, 98 Janet, 116 Jane, 5 James, 11, 13, 14, 193 Joan, 77, 159 John, 5, 10, 90, 116* Katherine, 11 Margaret, 13, 14, 83, 193 Margery, 6 Eobert, 6 Eoger, 12, 77 Musker, Thomas, 83* WilUam, 83, 98, 105 Muskett, Ellen, 110 John, 112 Thomas, 112 MusUn, James, 46 Margaret, 46 Mutche [Mutch, Much, Muche], Alice, 62 Ann, 44 Elizabeth, 8, 52, 83 Ellen, 56, 135, 168 Jane, 62 John, 32, 35, 44, 48, 62, 56, 58, 62, 135, 140, 189 Margaret, 35, 131 Margery, 58 Ralph, 11 Roger, 8, 11, 32, 83 WUUam, 48, 140 Myles, George, 70 Mary, 184 Richard, 70 N Naylier, Henry, 153 NeaU, Michael, 164 Nelson, James, 191 Newam, Ralph, 158 Newhouse, Thomas, 184 Newman, Ralph, 159 Newton, Edward, 30 Hugh, 30 Newton als Williamson, Richard, 21 William, 21 Nixon, Robert, 61 Norres als Aindale, see Ainsdale als Norres Norres als Lake, James, 28 Robert, 28 Norres [Norris, Norrisse, Nores], Alice, 186 Andrew, 138 Ann, 146, 149 Edward, 194 Elizabeth, 146, 149 Gilbert, 67, 146 Henry, 69, 145, 188 James, 28, 69, 184 Jane, 69, 145, 157 John, 70 Index op Names. 229 Burials . . Marriages pp. 1 — 75, pp. 144 and 190, andpp. 193—195 „ 76—152, p. 191, „ 195—197 „ 153— 187,i»p. 190 and 191, and p. 197 Norres, Katherine, 149 Margaret, 96 PhUip, 70 Richard, 68, 96, 145, 194 Robert, 28 Thomas, 68, 69, 145 WiUiam, 163 Nueeome, Jane, 40 Richard, 40 Okkeshawe, EUen, 177 Eichard, 178 Oproberts, see Aproberts Ords, James, 69 John, 69 Orme(s) [Arme], Ann, 68, 151 Edward, 28 Elizabeth, 178 Eleanor, 39 Esther, 43 Henry, 28, 34, 140 James, 168 Jane, 9, 172 Joan, 106 John, 30, 34, 37, 39,* 41, 43, 52, 106,* 118,* 140 Margaret, 39, 151 Mary, 9 Peter, 68 Eichard, 37 Thomas, 30 WUUam, 41, 52 Ormston, Elizabeth, 24 Thomas, 24 Orner, Ann, 181 Orshaw, Elizabeth, 161 Overidge, John, 75 N.X.N., 75 Parke, Elizabeth, 107 Henry, 160 Hugh, 28, 107, 108 John, 28, 70, 108 Lawrence, 70 Parker, Edward, 133 John, 69 Margaret, 59, 181 Richard, 133, 183 Parkinson [Perkinson, Parkinton], Alexander, 124 AUce, 141 Ann, 46 Edmund, 160 John, 68 Mary, 68 Philip, 129, 177 Richard, 141 Robert, 46, 124,* 129 WilUam, 124 Parr(e), EUzabeth, 180 BUen, 70 John, 70, 109 Margaret, 109, 182 Peter, 188 Thomas, 179 WilUam, 160 Part, James, 53 John, 172 Mary, 58, 148 Roger, 148 Richard, 58 Thomas, 53 Pasmith [Pasmege, Pasmitch, Pasmitche, Passmigeh, Passmith, Pasmuch, Passmuch, Passmiche, Passmighe], Eleanor, 19 John, 19, 25, 33,* 96, 105, 147, 156 Katherine, 158 Mary, 173 Thomas, 25, 105 WUliam, 18,* 96 Patrick, James, 184 Janet, 160 Pearson, John, 56 Katherine, 56 Pedleton, see Pendleton Pemberton [Pemerton, Pemmerton, Pebrton], AUee, 61, 63 Anne, 33, 140, 162, 187 Edward, 60, 71 Elizabeth, 139 Ellen, 11, 28, 182 230 Walton Eegisters. pp BurialsMarriages 1— 76,^^. 144 and 190, andpp, 193—196 76—162, p. 191, „ 195—197 153—187, pp. 190 amd 191, p. 197 Pemberton, Henry, 14, 23, 28, 33, 62, 139, 163, 195 James, 60, 118, 140 Jane, 113 John, 16, 23, 62, 91, 113, 165 Margaret, 118 Margery, 18 Ralph, 11, 14, 16, 18, 20, 25, 115 Richard, 25, 63, 67 Robert, 20 Sarah, 71 Thomas, 61, 67, 128, 184 Pendleton [Pedleton, Penleton], Alice, 76, 106 Ann, 174, 182 Bridget, 17 Christopher, 158 Cicely, 94 Eleonar, 146 Elizabeth, 44, 72, 158, 159, 164 Ellen, 19, 123, 181 Geoffrey, 119 Gilbert, 94 Henry, 14 Jane, 109 Joan, 171 John, 53, 83, 111, 123, 128 Lawrence, 88, 157 Margaret, 44, 124 Kiilph, 12, 14, 17, 19, 105, 132, 158 Eichard, 12, 44, 45* 53, 77, 102, 132, 146, 159 Eobert, 33, 106, 111 Thomas, 44, 72, 116, 158, 171 WUUam, 33, 176 Pennington [Pinnington], Ann, 140 Elizabeth, 107 BUen, 36 John, 36, 107, 170 Thomas, 140, 173 Perkinson, see Parkinson Phillepott, Richard, 101 Phillips, James, 32 Margery, 32 Piceringe [Pickeringe, Pickerne, Piccoring(e)], Ellen, 43, 123, 174 Jasper, 121 Joseph, 46 Nicholas, 46, 123, 174 Richard, 43, 123, 174 Pickavance [Pickvnce], Thomas, 163 PickergUl, George, 130 Pike, see Pyke PUkiugton, John, 30, 33 Sarah, 33 Pinnington, see Pennington Piatt [Plat], Edward, 37, 67 George, 51 Jane, 57 John, 51 Mary, 37 Plombe [Plumbe, Ploumbe, Plumbo, Plobe], Eleanor, 44, 127 Elizabeth, 50, 58, 131, 138, 159, 174, 181 Ellen, 148, 180 Henry, 82, 181 Jane, 86 John, 45, 82 Katherine, 132 Lawrence, 84 Lettice, 82 Margaret, 41, 121, 130 Margery, 89, 156 NeviU, 53, 134 Richard, 17, 58,* 89, 119, 138 Robert, 95, 96 Thomas, 11,* 41, 45, 50, 53,* 73,* 86, 89, 121, 131, 133, 134, 177 William, 17, 44, 53, 58, 127, 132, 137, 148, 149, 172 Plompton [Plumpton, Plumton, Pluton], Ellen, 157 George, 105 James, 74, 143, 161 John, 78, 105, 163, 194 Margaret, 164 Margery, 78 Mary, 143, 151 Richard, 4, 74 Thomas, 4, 112, 163, 181, 194 Timothy, 179 WUUam, 157 Plumbe, see Plombe Plumer, Elizabeth, 165 PoUert, John, 81 Polter, Jane, 140 WUliam, 140 Index op Names. 231 Bwrials Marriages pp. 1— 75, pp. 144 and 190, and pp. 193—195 „ 76—152, p. 191, „ 195—197 „ 153—187, pp. 190 and 191, and p. 197 Poole [PooUe], AUce, 172 Aun(e), 2, 34, 113, 174 Elizabeth, 12, 25, 113, 159, 166, 171 Ellen, 45 Henry, 45, 86 John, 2, 4, 12, 38, 82, 86, 97,* 113, 153 Katherine, 138, Margaret, 38, 130 Ralph, 141 Eichard, 25, 31, 34, 36, 113, 115 118, 128, 166 Eobert, 36 Thomas, 4, 31, 101, 138, 183 Pooley, Ann, 175 EUzabeth, 184 EUen, 137, 146 Henry, 79, 177 John, 18* Richard, 149 WUUam, 146, 149, 150, 186 N.X.N., 86 Porson, WUliam, 165 Pott [Potts], Randle, 49, 176 Richard, 49 Potter [Pottar], Alice, 37, 175 EUen, 27, 115, 178 Henry, 47, 70 James, 3 Janet, 50 John, 35,* 50, 70, 114, 129 Lawrence, 41, 121 Margaret, 27, 44, 83, 165 Margery, 3, 122, 154 Percival, 83, 89 Robert, 44, 50, 130 Thomas, 37,* 178 WiUiam, 27, 31,* 37, 41, 47, 114, 115, 121, 129, 130 N.X.N., 122 See also Polter Poughten [Poughton, Poulton], John, 60 Margaret, 4, 101, 157 Richard, 89,* 91, 101 Robert, 4 Eowland, 50, 171 N.X.N., 113 Poultney, Hugh, 30, 111 Richard, 30, 53, 111 Thomas, 33 Powell, Roger, 181 Powley, see Pooley Prentice, Ann, 170 Henry, 112 Prescott [Prscott], Francis, 169 Geoffrey, 166 Jane, 174 John, 125, 173 Katherine, 132 Margaret, 130, 168 ParneU, 111 Richard, 101 Thomas, 88 WilUam, 101* Prior, see Pryour Proctor [Prockter], Dorothy, 172 BUen, 184 Pryour [Pryor, Prior, Pryer], Ann, 174 Ellen, 7, 75 Jane, 30 John, 32, 81, 178 Ralph, 7, 81, 179 Richard, 28, 30, 32, 108, 168 Robert, 28, 108 WUUam, 75* Pryor [Prior], als Dowber, Dauber, Dober, Jane, 30, 110 Ealph, 179 Eichard, 30, 110 WUUam, 163 Pye, James, 178 Pyke [Pike], Edward, 57 Elizabeth, 134 George, 41 Henry, 41, 113, 115, 117, 134 John, 36, 113 Lettice, 117 Peter, 36 Thomas, 57, 115 Q Qdailb, Thomas, 168 Querke [Quarks], Christopher, 176 Mary, 191 R Radbeooke, Katherine, 172 Eichard, 184 232 Walton Eegisters. Burials . . Marriages pp. 1 — 75, pp. 144 and 190, andpp. 193 — 195 „ 76—152, p. 191 „ 195—197 „ 153—187, pp, 190 and 191, and p. 197 Eamsden, James, 58, 137 John, 58, 137, 138 Ramsbotham, Thomas, 154 Ratchdal(e) [Ratchdall, Ratchedale, RachdaU], Alice, 155 EUen, 116 Eliza, 170 Elizabeth, 3 Henry, 44 Jane, 96 Joan, 84 John, 3, 40, 43, 96, 126 Katherine, 81 Margaret, 46, 127 Nicholas, 33 Ralph, 43 Roger, 33, 40,44, 46, 81, 127, 169 Eatclif(e), Alexander, 72* AUce, 57 Thomaa, 57 Eawlin, AUce, 66 Henry, 66 Rawlinson [Rowlinson], Ann, 194 BUen, 73 Jane, 60 John, 52, 60, 194 Margery, 62 William, 73 Eawson, see Eowson, Christopher, 72 Thomas, 72 Eaynforth, George, 162 Reynolds [Eeanolds, Eenolde, Eenould], Ellen, 69 JameB, 151 Margaret, 11 Nicholas, 11, 69, 72,* 174 Eachel, 181 Ehodes [Eodes], Jane, 179 Eoger, 162 Eicbye, see Eigby Eice [Eyse, Ryce, Eysse, Rise], AUce, 166 Ann, 27, 140 Blanch, 140 Edward, 63, 70, 140, 148, 183, 184 EUen, 28, 103 Elizabeth, 27, 67, 166 Frances, 20 Francis, 59 Rice, Henry, 4, 103* James, 16, 19 Jane, 108, 123, 149 Joan, 108 Janet, 130 John, 66, 148, 149* Margery, 6, 103 Percival, 123, 171, 178 Richard, 6, 66, 70, 93, 138, 148, 153 Rose, 4 Eowland, 184 Sara, 184 Thomas, 130, 136, 140 WiUiam, 16, 19, 20, 28, 59, 63, 67, 86, 166 N.X.N., 89 Richards, Elizabeth, 180 EicVought', Alice, 158 Ann, 89 Jane, 158 Eicsdoughter als Authonysdoughter, Jane, 19 N.X.N.: 19 Bichardson [Eichsone, Eicherdson, Eic^sone, Eieheson, Eicson], Cicely, 38 David, 58 EUzabeth, 40, 121 Ellen, 42, 90 George, 54 Henry, 8, 59, 181 Jane, 109 John, 36, 109 Margaret, 50, 126 Eichard, 54, 59 Eoger, 36, 38, 40, 42, 121, 126, 170 Thomas, 8, 54, 58, 60, 170 Valentine, 90 WUliam, 60, 54, 60, 161 Eiohardson als Husonne, Jane, 109 John, 109 Eicroft, see Rycroft Ridgate, see Rigat Eiding(e) [Eydinge, Eydeing], Alice, 71 Ann, 146, 168 Bridget, 160 Eleanor, 91 Elizabeth, 91, 169 Index op Names. 233 Christenings ... pp. 1 — 75, pp. 14A and 190, and pp. 193 — 195 Burials „ 76—152, p. 191, „ 195—197 Marriages , 153— 187, pp. 190 and 191, and p. 197 Eiding(e), BUen, 68, 129, 147, 173 Henry, 35, 68, 84, 86, 147 Hugh, 16, 35, 48,* 95, 121, 129, 136, 142, 169 Jane, 141 John, 16, 68, 95, 141, 145,* 147 Katherine, 145 Lawrence, 169 Lettice, 158, 159 Nicholas, 173, 179 Peter, 84 Eichard, 71, 163 Robert, 48, 136 Thomas, 51,* 170, 188 William, 48,* 51,* 68, 145, 147, 176, 182, 190 N.X.N., 121 Rigat [Ridgate], BUen, 97, 124 Nicholas, 97 Eigby(e) [Rigbie, Eigbey, Eicbye], Alexander, 21 Anne, 24, 76, 105, 129, 153 Bryan, 63 EUzabeth, 17, 92 Ellen, 82 John, 3, 8, 10, 24, 81, 84, 90,* 105, 121 Margaret, 61, 69 Margery, 3 Mary, 90 Nicholas, 10, 92, 172 Ralph, 8 Richard, 3, 8, 61, 92 Eobert, 54, 63, 180 Roger, 3, 8, 81 Simon, 17 Thomas, 76, 82 WiUiam, 69, 147, 182 N.X.N., 21, 92, 119 Eigby alias Mercer, WilUam, 147 Eilands, see Eylands Eimmer [Rimer, Rymer], Alice, 66, 68, 145 [?], 146, 149 Ann, 155 Christopher, 176 Cicely, 72 Edmund, 148 Edward, 154 EUzabeth, 177, 186 EUen, 67 Hugh, 65 Rimmer, Jane, 8, 148 John, 65, 66,* 67, 69,* 70, 72,* 146, 148, 149, 158 Katherine, 69, 70, 186 Lawrence, 69, 148 Margaret, 8 Richard, 72 Eobert, 72, 145, 150, 181 Thomas, 66, 69, 72, 145, 147, 151 WUliam, 68, 69,* 72,* 145, 146, 169, 185 Rimmer alias Maries, John, 66 Thomas, 66 Eimmer alias Thomas, Thomas, 145 [?], 147 Eise, see Rice Eishton [Risshton], David, 80 Edward, 84 Elizabeth, 80 John, 84 Margaret, 163 Margery, 155 WilUam, 100 See also Eushton Risley, John, 197 Rixton, David, 41 Robert, 41 Roberts, Henry, 166 Robertsdoughter, BUen, 159 Eobertsdought^ als Woods, Eleanor, 26 Elizabeth, 26 Eobertson [Eobtson, Roberson, RosoSe], Adam, 155 Alice, 11, 35 Henry, 170 John, 18, 35, 36, 40, 45, 121, 172 Margaret, 9, 130, 169 [?] Margery, 186 Robert, 6,* 30, 85, 86* William, 9, 11, 18, 30, 45, 92, 108, 163 [?] N.X.N., 92, 121 Robson, Margaret, 169 Eobtson als Tennant, Henry, 170 Robinson, AUce, 63, 72 Dorothy, 185 Elizabeth, 184 Ellen, 63 John, 52, 78 234 Walton Eegistees. Burials . . . Marriages... pp. 1 — 75, pp. 144 amd 190, amdpp. 193 — 195 „ 76—162, p. 191, „ 195—197 „ 153— 187, pp. 190 and 191, and p, 19^ Robinson, Katherine, 68 Margaret, 184 Margery, 185 Mary, 52 Robert, 68 WUUam, 72, 74 N.X.N., 74 Rodes, see Rhodes Eoe, EUzabeth, 46, 177 Margaret, 46 Rogerdaughter, Jane, 166 Eogerson [Rogersone], AUce, 14, 93 Anthony, 3 Elizabeth, 110 Ellen, 4 Henry, 32,* 35, 38, 82, 84, 122 Jane, 4, 129 John, 112 Margaret, 14, 93, 139 Nicholas, 112, 139 Richard, 43, 123 Robert, 30, 110, 148 Roger, 35 Thomas, 3, 4, 38, 129, 131 WilUam, 30, 43, 110, 123 N.X.N., 84 Eogerson aUas Harrisdaughter, EUzabeth, 30, 110 Eogerson als Lunt, John, 112 Nicholas, 112 Roose [Roosoe, Roosso, Rooso, Eoossen, Rosse], see also Rowson, Hugh, 140 Isabel, 24 Jaue, 167 John, 27, 28, 108 Laurence, 24, 28 Richard, 24,* 27, 165 Thomas, 27 WiUiam, 27, 108 Rose, see also Roose Alice, 38, 57, 64, 88, 142, 171 Ann, 48, 61, 81, 116, 128, 130 Bridget, 21, 48 EUzabeth, 10, 13, 49, 61, 66,* 71, 92, 141 BUen, 13, 92, 99, 101, 143, 161, 161, 176 Henry, 51, 100, 101, 188 Hugh, 19, 22, 48, 49, 51, 57, 61, 152, 189* Rose, Isabel, 34 Jane, 68, 103 Joane, 16 John, 10, 15, 19, 21, 36, 48, 51,* 58, 64, 67, 68, 73, 80, 88,* 108, 126, 128, 142, 146, 152, 163, 164 Katherine, 80 Lawrance, 16, 22, 28, 32, 34, 38, 99, 108, 112, 143, 151 Margaret, 34, 69, 77, 82, 92, 116, 171 Margery, 140 Mary, 69, 114 Maud, 75 Nicholas, 10,* 13, 81, 98 Richard, 42, 53,* 55, 58, 61, 71, 75, 82, 92,* 114,* 130, 133,* 139, 141, 165, 178 Robert, 20, 69, 120, 124, 152 Roger, 34, 103, 119, 141 Rowland, 140, 171 Sarah 34 Thomas, 16, 32, 35,* 36, 42, 47, 55, B6,* 67, 71, 80, 95, 112, 117, 139, 146, 159 WUUam, 15, 16, 20, 28, 34, 47, 58,* 69, 80, 92, 95, 153, 161 N.X.N., 13, 71, 80 Roskell, Richard, 94 Eoson, see Eowson Eosse, see Eoose Roughley [Rughley], EUzabeth, 148 EUen, 34 John, 181 Margaret, 34, 107 WUliam, 107 Eoughstitche [Rugstick, Rughstich(e), Boughstithe, Eug8tich(e)], Alice, 26, 106 EUzabeth, 27 Humphrey, 90, 102 Henry, 23, 26, 27, 67, 106, 143 Jane, 162 Eobert, 90 Thomas, 23, 67* EowaU, Thomas, 67 WiUiam, 67 EowUuson, see Rawlinson Index of Names. 23S Christenings ... pp. 1 — 75, pp.144' and 190, and pp. 193 — 195 Bwrials „ 76—152, p. 191, „ 195—197 Marriages „ 153 — 187, pp. 190 and 191, and p. 197 Rowson [Roson, Eouson], see also Roose Christopher, 72 David, 73, 144 Elizabeth, 20 Eleanor, 144, 152 Ellen, 47 Jane, 44, 125 John, 73, 144 Katherin, 41 Lettice, 118 Mary, 125 Richard, 24, 28 Eobert, 33, 116, 120, 135, 144, 152 Thomas, 72, 138, 184 WilUam, 20, 24, 33, 41, 44, 47, 115, 118, 125, 163, 172, 176 N.X.N., 28 Roylands, see Eylands Rughley, see Eoughley Eughstitch(e) [Eugsticke], see Roughstitche Runcome [Runchorue, Runckhorn(e), Eunkorne], Ellen, 45 John, 5, 16, 19,* 45, 55, 57,* 63, 94,97 Katherine, 94 Margaret, 16 Mary, 55 Eobert, 5 Sara, 63 Eushton [Eushen] , see also Eishton, David, 69, 149, 185 John, 151 Margery, 166 Eobert, 29, 37, 69, 149 Thomas, 37 WiUiam, 29, 151 Ryoroft(e) [Eicroft], Ann, 59 Edward, 172 Eliza, 80 Ellen, 99, 128, 155 Hannah, 67 Henry, 23, 32, 47, 56, 59, 67, 78, 104, 112, 128, 141, 175 Isabel, 120, 153 James, 20, 23, 25, 32, 33, 104, 111, 112, 148, 179, 189 John, 20, 111 Margaret, 33, 47 Margery, 167 Eycroft(e), Mary, 148 Robert, 87, 92, 141, 149 Valentine, 25, 183 WilUam, 56 N.X.N., 88, 165 Eydinge, see Riding Eylance als Hitcheon, GUbert, 163 Rylands [Eylande, Roylands, Eilands], AUce, 70, 155 Anne, 86 Edward, 86, 88 Elizabeth, 77, 150 BUen, 115, 156 GUbert, 163 John, 14,* 114 Margaret, 133, 157 Margery, 157 Nicholas, 94 WUliam, 70 Rymer, see Eimmer Ryse [Eyce, Eysse], see Rice S Sadler, Alice, 58 Anne, 4, 163 Benjamin, 18, 58, 60 Cicely, 7 Ellen, 60, 129 John, 4, 7, 18, 95, 102 Margery, 120 Peter, 100 WiUiam, 95 Sandes, Alice, 170 Sandford, Henry, 59, 139 John, 71, 182 Margaret, 71 Thomas, 59, 139, 182 Sargent, see also Serjeant, Margaret, 182 Sargesone, Thomas, 109 Sauadge, Thomas, 114 Sayer, see also Syre, John, 152 Richard, 73 WilUam, 73 Scare8brick(e), Edward, 67 John, 71* Margaret, 67 Thomas, 71 WilUam, 71 236 Walton Eegisters. Burials . . Marriages pp. 1— 75, pp. 144 and 190, andpp. 193—195 „ 76—152, p. 191 „ 195—197 „ 153—187, pp. 190 and 191, and p. 197 Scawrer, George, 12 William, 12 Schey, see Shaw Schurliker, see Shurlaker Scott, Ann, 41 Esther, 33 Hugh, 127 Isabel, 41, 121 John, 168 Richard, 33 Scragg, John, 119 Seacome [Secomme, Secum(e), Seacombe], Elizabeth, 32, 37, 71, 114 Ellen, 35, 114, 155 John, 24, 26, 27, 32, 37,* 54, 62, 114,* 133, 137, 166 Katherine, 37 Margaret, 27, 181 Ralph, 175 Richard, 26, 55 Eobert, 54, 58 WiUiam, 24, 55, 58, 62, 71, 133, 188 Sedon, Ann, 28 N.X.N., 28 Sephton, Edward, 51, 131, 173 EUzabeth, 131 Robert, 49 Thomas, 61 Ursula, 49 Seriamt, Isabel, 175 Serjeant [Sergeant], see Sargeant, John, 47, 125 Nicholas, 125 Thomas, 47 Shakeragge, William, 101 Sharrocke, Thomas. 109 Shaw(e) [Shae, Schey], Ann, 32, 92, 124 John, 32, 77, 92, 113 Margery, 165 Thomas, 114 Shelboeke [Shelwocke, Shelbock], John, 42 Eoger, 42, 128, 171 Shepheard [Shepherd, Sheopard, Sheppde, Shepperd], Ann, 177 BUen, 167 Humphrey, 16, 28 Margaret, 67 Shepheard, Richard, 67 Robert, 16, 102 WilUam, 28 Sherlaker, see Shurlaker Sherwine, John, 186 Shorlaker [Shorliker], see Shurlaker Short, EUen, 117 Shurlaker [Shurlicar, Shorlaker, SchurUker, ShorUker, Sherlaker], AUse, 13, 133, 162* Catherine, 45, 191 Christopher, 13, 15, 133, 158 Elizabeth, 17, 60, 69, 100 EUen, 45, 127 James, 69 John, 15 Katherin, 127 Lawrence, 13, 60 Margaret, 13 Michael, 100 Thomas, 17, 107 Simpson [Simson], Margaret, 174 Robert, 182 Singer, see also Stinger, John, 96, 97 William, 9(1 Singleton, Dorothye, 99 Henry, 111 Roger, 99 Sitch, Mary, 186 Slacke, Jane, 127 Slater, Clivafer, 174 Smarley [Smerle, Smarley], Ellen, 58 Eleanor, 9, 170 James, 152 Jaue, 70 Joan, 80 John, 66, 70, 145 Margaret, 125, 158, 160 Mary, 66, 145 Richard, 47, 63, 58, 127, 129,* 140 Thomas, 57, 152 WUliam, 3,* 9, 47, 53, 57, 125, 127, 175 Smashawe [Smashey], Margery, 182 Richard, 62 Thomas, 62 Smerley, see Smarley Smith [Smyth, Smythe], AUce, 7, 54, 175 Ann, 111, 118, 181, 183 Index op Names. 237 Burials . . Marriages pp. 1— 75, pp. 144, and 190, andpp. 193—195 „ 76—152, ^.191 „ 195-197 „ 153— 187,i?p. 190 and 191, and p. 197 Smith, Catherine, 48 Cicely, 171 Darby, 103 Dorothy, 145 Eleanor, 26, 39 Ellen, 30, 37, 61, 104, 125, 179 George, 34, 71, 73, 105, 125, 136, 168 Henry, 111, 125, 160 Isabel, 44, 125, 175 Joan, 150, 174 Margaret, 154 Margery, 83, 106, 185 Mary, 4, 73, 110, 147, 180 Nicholas, 83 Percival (ParsweU), 104, 132, 158 Peter, 28, 33, 108, 117 Eichard, 26, 111, 175, 179 Robert, 32, 85 Thomas, 27, 45, 60, 61, 68, 71, 93, 103, 117, 126, 150, 178, 184 WiUiam, 4, 7, 26,* 27, 28, 30, 32, 33, 34, 37, 39, 44, 44, 45, 48, 54, 60, 68, 79, 85, 86, 108, 110, HI, 112,* 113,117,118, 119, 125, 126,* 134, 150, 166, 183 N.X.N., 101, 125, 141 Smolt, James, 67, 72, 148 Joshua, 72 Samuel, 67, 148 Smoose, Susan, 172 Smyth, see Smith Sotherne [Sootheme], Bryan, 180 James, 174 Sothworth [Southworth], AUce, 167, 183 Bartholomew, 158 Grace, 176 Richard, 176 Spenser [Spencer], Henry, 50 Katherine, 1, 133 Jane, 8, 156 Margaret, 50 Robert, 133, 139 WUUam, 1, 8, 110 Spray(e), Jane, 166 WiUiam, 161 Squier, Henry, 51 Standish(e) [Stadisshe], Alice, 6 Anne, 80 Standish(e), Edward, 18, 91, 122 George, 72, 145, 172 Henry, 38* James, 72, 186 Joan, 104 John, 18, 91 Ealph, 86 WilUam, 6 N.X.N., 104 Standishstreete [Standistreete, Stanistreete, Stanystreet], Ann, 110 EUzabeth, 177 Ellen, 28, 108, 169 John, 110 Lawrence, 28, 108 Oliver, 155 WUUam, 165 Stanley [Standley], Henry, 51 Jane, 89 John, 12, 146 Margaret, 13, 173 Richard, 79 Thomas, 12, 13, 51, 59, 79, 89 WUliam, 59 N.X.N., 137 Stannanought [Stananought, Stanynought, Staninought, Stananough, Standanought], Elizabeth, 21, 66 Henry, 87 Jane, 87, 127 Lavrrence, 15, 66, 147 Margery, 17, 101, 147 Richard, 87 Thomas, 15, 17, 21, 101, 127, 133 Stanton [Stonton], Edward, 195 James, 139 John 66 Margaret, 53 [?], 137 Thomas, 53,* 66, 195 Stanynought, see Stannanought Stapphorth, see Stopforth Starkie [Starkey], Eleanor, 177 Robert, 171 Steeven [Stivens], Henry, 112 John, 160 Stevenson(e), Eichard, 102 Eobert, 50 WUliam, 50 Sticsey, Ann, 128 Nicholas, 128 288 Walton Eegisters. Christenings ... pp. 1 — 75, pp. 144: and 190, amd pp. 193 — 195 Bwrials „ 76—152, p. 191, „ 196—197 Marriages ... „ 153— 187, pp. 190 and 191, and p. 197 Stinger, see Singer, John, 16 WUUam, 16 Stivens see Steven Stockley [Stoeley, StockUe, Stockeley] Alice, 39, 47, 65, 164, 184 Ann, 78, 170 David, 19 Edward, 53, 66, 146 Elizabeth, 9, 73 EUen, 72, 134 Grace, 15 Hamlett, 10, 15, 50, 57, 174, 196 Henry, 124, 135 Jane, 136, 184 John, 13, 47, 49, 53, 124 Lydia, 47 Margaret, 7, 10, 33, 68, 135, 148, 176 Margery, 3, 6, 78, 163 Mary, 49 Nicholas, 3, 6, 15, 19, 63, 55, 78, 82, 130 Eichard, 7, 10, 13, 15, 19, 33, 36, 39, 47, 50, 68, 72, 78, 82, 101, 124, 134, 148, 154, 169, 188 Thomas, 53, 57 WUliam, 9, 10, 19, 101, 135, 157 N.X.N., 66, 73, 146 Stocton, Edward, CO Thomas, 60 Stone(s), Anne, 31, 57, 59 Edward, 35, 114 Elizabeth, 54, 61, 111 BUen, 31, 70, 118 Isabel, 167 Jane, 43 John, 29,* 31, 33, 56, 114, 118, 168 Mai-garet, 61, 146 Ealph, 43, 54, 57, 61, 70 Eichard, 33, 56, 111, 117, 179 Eobert, 61 Thomas, 31, 35, 56,* 76, 118 Wiffiam, 29 Stonton, see Stanton Stapphorth, Jane, 166 Story, David, 50 Frances, 50 Strange [Strang', Straug.], Alice, 54, 64 Ann, 30, 34, 49, 56, 57, 59, 129, 137,* 165 Strange, Edward, 2, 25, 27, 30, 33, 37, 41 Elizabeth, 41, 56, 168 Ellen, 26, 59, 89, 134, 137 James, 55 John, 33, 65 Margaret, 37, 172 Margery, 38 Mary, 66 Myles, 9, 31, 89, 124, 134 Eichard, 27, 35, 64, 66 Eobert, 3, 5, 33, 34, 40, 81 Samuel, 66 Thomas, 2, 3, 5, 9, 12, 17,* 25, 26, 31, 35, 38, 49, 51, 54, 81, 85, 102, 129 WUliam, 12, 40, 51, 56, 137 Strangwaise, Henry, 145 WiUiam, 145 Strieklande [Strieklenes], Joan, 148 John, 166 Such, Ann, 168 Sudden, Ann, 45 BUen, 172 Eichard, 45 Suddle, AUce, 88 Randle, 87, 88 SQner, Anthony, 159 SuttoQ, Arm, 165 Elizabeth, 165 John, 66, 99, 146 Margaret, 150, 161 Nicholas, 66 Richard, 146,* 150 Thomas, 146,* 171 WiUiam, 1 84 Swift, Alice, 55, 136 Ellen, 170 Evan, 66 James, 58 John, 55, 58, 66, 136 Richard, 24 Thomas, 24 Syre [Syer], see also Sayer, Alice, 159, 181 Ann, 107 Edward, 30, 110 Elizabeth, 17 Jane, 175 John, 13, 14, 17, 20, 25, 30, 38, 93, 107,* 110, 143 Margaret, 14, 20, 93 Index of Names. 239 Christenings Burials Syre, Richard, 25, 143 Eobert, 49 Thomas, 13, 49 WiUiam, 79 N.X.N., 79 Tabenes, Isabel, 128 Richard, 128 Talior, see Taylor Tarbuck [Torbocke, Tarboeke], Elizabeth, 184 Henry, 185 Jane, 172 Margaret, 179 Tarleton [Tarlton], Alice, 156 Ann, 147, 156 Bridget, 149 Cicely, 150 Dorothy, 115 Edward, 11, 90, 112, 113, 116, 121, 147, 172 Elizabeth, 26, 139, 147, 150, 165 EUen, 130 James, 3, 77, 132 Jane, 60, 116, 186 John, 26, 60, 67, 76, 84, 87, 112, 124, 130, 139, 147, 149 Katherine, 67 Margaret, 3, 9, 130 Margery, 77, 94, 125 Mary, 116 Michael, 10 Richard, 9, 52, 68 Eobert, 9, 10, 115, 119, 131 Roger, 91 Thomas, 51, 68 William, 3, 9, 11, 22, 90, 101, 142, 154, 188, 189 N.X.N., 22, 84, 87, 113, 162 Tasker, Henry, 5 Eobert, 5 Tatlock(e), Ann, 148 Edward, 23, 71 Elizabeth, 68, 177 Hugh, 148, 150 Jane, 146, 183 John, 23, 68, 95, 100, 151, 184, 185 Ralph, 185 Thomas, 68 pp. 1 — 76, pp. 144 and 190, andpp. 193 — 195 „ 76—152, p. 191, „ 195—197 „ 153— 187,i!p. 190 and 191, and p. 197 Tatlock(e), WiUiam, 68, 71 N.X.N., 95 Taylor [TaUor, Talor, Taylier], Ann, 67, 129 Egeon, 69, 148 BUen, 57, 166 Humphrey, 183 John, 64, 83, 84 Margaret, 154 Robert, 64, 69, 148, 186 Thomas, 129, 181 N.X.N., 84 Teasdale [TesdaU], AUce, 51 Edward, 63 Henry, 17 Jane, 17 Thomas, 51 WiUiam, 63 Tenant, BUen, 118 Jane, 173 John, 118 Tenant als Harrison, John Tenant als Robson, Henry, 170 ThelwaU, Gawther, 4 Thomas, 4 Thomas, Alice, 145 Tho: dought', Ann, 159 Thomason [Thomasson, Tho(m)son, Tomson, Tomason, Thomoson, Tho: sone, Tompson], AUce, 19, 86, 162 Ann, 138 Edward, 170 EUzabeth, 174 BUen, 182 Henry, 41, 59, 137, 138, 168, 194 Isabel, 106 James, 59, 167, 174 Joan, 109 John, 76, 106, 122 Margaret, 41, 162, 177, 179 Mary, 137 Richard, 109 Sara, 184 Thomas, 19, 76 WUUam, 86 N.X.N., 83, 194 Thomasson als Harrison, David, 166 Thomas alias Rimmer, Thomas, 145 [?], 147 Thornes, Isabel, 48 Eichard, 48 240 Walton Eegistees. Bwrials pp. 1— 75, pp. 144 and 190, andpp. 193—195 „ 76—152, ^.191, „ 195—197 „ 158—187, pp. 190 and 191, a/nd p. 197 Thornton, Barnaby, 86 Margaret, 174 Thomas, 191 Tichett [Titchet], see Tuchett Tickle [Tyekle, Ticcle], Anne, 29 Elizabeth, 26, 97, 166 EUen, 35 John, 16, 95 Mary, 152 Nicholas, 162 Robert, 97, 106 William, 16, 26, 29, 35, 95 Tobie, Nicholas, 151 Thomas, 151 Tomlinson, Alice, 172 John, 19 Mary, 19 Tomson [Tompson, Tomasson], see Thomason Toncaster als Harrison, Edward Tony [? Tong], Roger, 138 Topping(e), Alice, 63 Ann, 58, 120, 134 Dorothy, 121 Geoffrey, 21, 63 Henrye, 2 James, 21, 24, 29, 33, 63, 103, 109 Jaue, 29, 110 John, 4 Katherine, 22, 100 Margaret, 58, 167 Mary, 114 Parnell, 5 Richard, 2, 4, 5, 63, 100, 102, 120, 128 Thomas, 24 WilUam, 33, 109, 110, 134, 148, 188 N.X.N., 22, 102 Torbocke, see Tarbuck Trangham, Ellen, 71 WiUiam, 71 Trantom, WiUiam, 171 Travesse. Jane, 161 Trenehmore, Jennett, 160 Trentham [Trenta], Joan, 131 Margaret, 54 William, 54, 131, 167, 179 Troughon, Margaret, 64, 74 William, 64, 74 Trustram [Trustrum], Ann, 164 Grace, 116 Trustram, Henry, 51 Eobert, 51, 178 Tuckett [Tuchett, Tichett, Titchet], EUzabeth, 49, 134 Henry, 41, 43, 49, 58, 133, 172 Ealph, 43, 58, 133, 134 Thomas, 41 Turner, Alice, 50 Ann, 154 Annie, 102 Edward, 37, 39, 43, 46, 47, 50, 51, 57, 62, 75, 117, 138, 189 EUzabeth, 51, 68, 75, 119, 149, 159 EUen, 50, 129 Esther, 66 Gregory, 38 Hugh, 100 Lawrence, 7, 8, 19, 20,* 25, 33, 62, 64, 66, 71, 74, 101, 102, 115, 141, 156, 190 Lydia, 71 Margaret, 57, 138, 151 Margery, 43 Martha, 64, 74, 190 Mary, 22 Eichard, 8, 33, 37, 117 Eobert, 46, 47, 50, 61, 129, 140, 149, 151, 176, 179 Eoger, 20, 30, 68, 102 Thomas, 20, 62, 69, 100, 118, 161 WilUam, 7, 19, 20,* 22, 25, 30, 39, 61, 62, 69, 100, 101, 124, 140, 141, 151, 183, 189 Tylor, see Taylor Tylotson [TiUotson], Laura, 169 Tyi-er, Adam, 48, 176 AUce, 97, 103 Ann, 92, 177 Arthur, 85 Cicely, 163 Edward, 48 Elizabeth, 6, 12, 169 Ellen, 6, 186 George, 176 Henry. 6* James, 50, 128, 132 Janet, 27 John, 30, 66, 68, 87, 96, 104, 117,* Lettice, 117 Margaret, 139, 195 Mary, 68 Index of Names. 241 Clir istenings Burials ... pp. 1 — 75, pp. 144 and 190, andpp. 193—195 „ 76—152, p. 191 „ 195—197 ,, 153 -187, pp. 190 and 191, amd p. 197 Tyrer, Matthew, 12 Eichard, 30, 91, 92, 97, 103, 104, 133, 157, 166 Eoger, 87, 96 Thomas, 27, 50, 67, 132, 139, 145, 188, 193 William, 66, 67, 128 N.X.N., 27, 91 USHEEWOOD, John, 9 Eichard, 9 Valentyne, Jennett, 151 John, 151 Valdrey [Vaudrey], Clodius, 21 John, 31 Mary, 31 Thomas, 21 Vause, see Vose Vicars, Lawrence, 172 Vlster, John, 156 Vose [Vause], Anne, 5 Clemace, 80 Ellen, 76 Henry, 162 John, 5,* 72, 81 Katherine, 72 Margaret, 7, 80 Margery, 72 Mary, 81 Nicholas, 5 Eichard, 7, 76 Thomas, 72 Vp Eoberts, see Ap Roberts Vsherwood, see Usherwood W Wade, EUzabeth, 6 John, 38,* 50 Katherine, 179 WUUam, 6, 50 Wadington, Alice, 123 Katherine 153 Myles, 123 Nicholas. 49 Wadington, Robert, 49 N.X.N.,82 Wadkinson, see Watkiusou Waimought, Thomas, 159 Wainwright [Wainewright, Wanewright, Waindright, Waynwright, Wenwright], Anne, 11, 96, 169 Edward, 22, 26. 123, 125 Elizabeth, 35, 173, 176 EUen, 134 Hannah, 52 James, 70, 137, 159 Jane, 70, 133 Joan, 22, 108 John, 26, 39, 65, 59, 81, 84, 106, 133 Joseph, 39 Katherine, 11 Margery, 59 Mary, 11, 126, 131, 172 Peter, 11, 79, 84, 96 Ralph, 109, 123, 157 Bichard, 55, 139 Thomas, 33, 66, 75, 113, 173 WilUam, 35, 52, 66, 75, 106, 108, 175, 184 N.X.N., 139 Wainwright als Dickson, Anne, 11 Katherine, 11 Walbancke [Walbank], Alice, 159 Anne, 171 John, 85 Margaret, 168 Walker [Walkar], Eleanor, 162 Margaret, 185 Thomas, 183 WaUes [WaUs], Anthony, 187 Geoffery, 197 John, 172 WaUey, see Whaley, Walmesley [Woowmesley, Wamesley] AUce, 32 John, 42, 71* Leonard, 32 Reynold, 42 WUliam. 84 Walsh, see also Welsh, John, 39, 131 Eichard, 39 Thomas, 131 Walton [Wallton], Ann, 144 Cesraye, 157 16 242 Walton Eegisters. Christenings Burials pp. 1— 75, pp. 144 and 190, andpp. 193—196 „ 76—152, p. 191, „ 195—197 „ 153— 187, pp. 190 and 191, and p. 197 Walton, John, 67,* 144, 192* Thomas, 183 Wamesley. see Walmesley Ward, WiUiam, 148 Wardle, James, 179 Waring(e), Alexander, 21 Cuthbert, 21 Nicholas, 12 Thomas, 3, 12 WilUam, 3 Warrall, see Worrall Warrender, Ann, 26 Eichard, 26 Warton [Wharton, Worton], Anthony, 37, 116 Elizabeth, 40 EUen, 70, 156 Henry, 66 Isabel, 66 Janet, 186 John, 69 Margaret, 150 Nehemiah. 70 Thomas, 37, 40, 69. 116, 150 William, 186 Washington [Wasshington], Alice, 7 Ann, 46, 105 Isabel, 79 Jane, 7, 15, 86. 94, 158 John, 4, 82, 84 Margery, 82 Margret, 118, 159, 167 MUes, 46 WUliam, 4, 7, 15, 46, 79, 94, 105, 134, 167 N.X.N., 95 Watkiusou [Wadkinson], Jane, 150 WilUam, 150 Watmough, Alice, 53 Elizabeth, 52, 57, 116, 132 BUen, 14 Henry, 97 James, 139 Jane, 57 John, 8, 48, 97, 124, 155 Judith, 148 Margaret, 45, 139 Eoger, 45, 48, 52, 55, 57, 132, 135, 148, 174 Thomas, 14, 50, 53, 55, 57, 135, 139, 159, 175, 189* WUUam, 8, 50 Watt(s), James, 52, 54, 132, 139, 178 Robert, 54, 186 Thomas, 52, 132 Thomas James, 139 Watton, Henry, 177 Waynwright, see Wainwright Webster, Ann, 145, 176 Bryan, 68, 81 Cicely, 149 Edmund, 69 Jane, 153, 174 John, 70, 145, 149 Robert, 69 Thomas, 68, 70 WiUiam, 171, 178 Weedoe, Richard, 70* Weeke, Thomas, 153 Welby, Thomas, 192 Welsh, see also Walsh, GriceU, 123 Mary, 123 Wenwright, see Wainwright Weste, Alexander, 122 Jane, 174 Michael, 42, 123 N.X.N., 42 Westhead, Katherine, 179 Wetherby(e) [Whetherby, Wetherbie, Whetherbie] , AUce, 58 Anthony. 146, 177 Ellen, 8 ' John, 58, 75, 138 Nicholas, 146 Ralph, 86 Robert, 176 Thomas, 8 N.X.N., 76, 141 Whaley [Whaleyes, Whale, Whalley, Walley, Whewley, Whayley], Alice, 56, 59, 112 Anne, 66, 175, 177 Edmund, 8, 10, 62, 112, 141, 156, 184, 188 Ellen, 52, 117, 169, 172 Ellinor, 143 Geoffrey. 181 Henry. 66 Humphrey, 117, 132, 195, 197 Jane, 54, 60 Joan, 104 John, 21, 60, 104 Katherine, 176 Index op Names. 243 Burials pp. 1 — 75,pp.l44,amdl90, and pp. 193— 195 „ 76—152, p. 191 „ 195—197 „ 153—187, pp. 190 and 191, and p. 197 Whaley, Margery, 120 Nicholas, 8, 16, 21, 52, 56, 143, 145, 148, 159, 188 Sarah, 124 Randle, 62, 65, 70, 141, 145 Richard, 54, 159, 179 Eobert, 10, 59, 138, 174, 188 Thomas, 138 N.X.N., 16, 65, 145 Wharton, see Warton Whetherly, see Wetherby Whewley, see Whaley Whicke, Jane, 7 WUUam, 7 Whidbye, AUce, 103 White [Whyte], Alice, 50 Ann, 42, 148 EUzabeth, 104 James, 50, 142, 156 John, 42, 44, 113, 120, 127, 173 Katherine, 120 Margaret, 113 Mai-gery, 168 Ealph, 127 Robert, 44 SaveU, 24 Thomas, 24, 94, 148, 150, 157 WUUam, 94 Whitehead [Whytehead], Alice, 165 EUzabeth, 12 Henry, 68 Jane, 146 Margaret, 163 Mary, 68 Michael, 12, 92, 160 Robert, 163 Whiteside [Whitside], Alice, 61 Ann, 62 Edward, 61, 181 Ellen, 69 John, 62, 181 Margaret, 138 Thomas, 69 Whitfield(e) [\¥hitfell, Whitfild, Whitfel'd, WhittfeUd], Alice, 164 Ann, 158 David, 3, 35 EUzabeth, 67, 160 BUen, 157 Emma, 63 Henry, 53, 57, 196 Whitfield(e), James, 72 Jane. 184 John, 3, 53,* 58, 70, 88, 184 Joshua, 66 Katherine, 101 Margery, 168 Nathan, 66 Ealph, 82 Eichard, 58 Thomas, 70, 72 WiUiam, 35, 53, 115, 164 Whitfield, alias Burges, Margery, 168 Whittaker, als Woods, Edward, 124 Whittle, AUce, 6 Edward, 27 EUen, 6 Eobert, 69 WUUam, 27, 69 Whytehead, see Whitehead Whyte, see White Widdowes, Richard, 184 Widdowson [Widowson], see also Woodoson, Alice, 56 Ann, 50 EUzabeth, 48, 128 Eoger, 48, 50, 56, 128, 13fi Wiendright, see Wainwright Wigaine [Wigan, Wiggan], Ann, 142, 143, 151 Christopher, 97 Ellen, 111 John, 91, 142, 143,151, 179 Judith, 19 Ealph, 19, 72, 97, 111, 120, 142 Robert, 72 Thomas, 117, 185 N.X.N., 95 WignaU, Ellen, 108 Henry, 24 John, 24 Robert, 108, 129, 156 N.X.N., 95 WUcocke, James, 154 Wilcockson, Roger, 197 WUding, Eobert, 182 WUkinson, Elizabeth, 184 Ellen, 193 Eobert, 193 Williams daughter [Wm doughter] Alice, 169 EUzabeth, 43 244 Walton Eegisters. Burials Carriages pp. X— 75, pp. 144 and 190, and pp. 193—195 „ 76—152, p. 191, „ 195—197 „ 153— 187, pp. 190 and 191, and p. 197 WUUams daughter, Joan, 166 John, 43 Margaret, 157 Margery, 95 WUliamson(e) [Wm son, Willinsone, Williamsonne, Wmsone, WUliiiu, Williason], Alice, 91, 131, 141, 180 Anne, 13, 108 Christopher, 177 Dorothy, 180 Elizabeth, 21, 106, 145 EUen, 32, 55, 179 Henry, 163 James, 17, 30, 75, 143, 144, 152, 168 John, 3, 4, 6, 9, 10,* 13, 76, 82, 92, 103, 108, 128, 143, 144, 152, 163, 165, 173, 175 Lawrence, 67, 72 Lewie, 100 Margaret, 16, 56, 83, 110, 135 Margery, 24 Mary, 186 Nicholas, 53, 56, 59, 134, 141 Eandle, 17 Eichard, 10, 15, 17, 21,* 24, 91 110, 135, 160* Eobert, 3, 10, 11, 32, 48, 55' 56,* 59, 83, 89, 92, 118, 134, 136, 168, 168 Thomas, 9, 17, 53, 58, 89, 175 William, 6, 16, 16, 21, 30, 48, 58, 67, 72, 82, 89 WilUamson als Johnsonne, James, 30 William, 30 WilUamson als Newton, Eichard, 21 WUliam, 21 WUlinson [WUliansin], Ellen, 179 John, 173 Willon, Adam, 160 Wils, Thomas, 163 Wilsonne [Wilson(e), Willson]. AUce, 168 EUen, 98 Henry, 39, 165 Jane, 31, 112 John, 35, 118 Margery, 156 Eoger, 31, 35, 39, 112, 118 Windle, AUce, 10, 173 Windle, Anne, 9 Elizabeth, 49, 121, 128 Ellen, 65, 146 Evan, 49, 128, 130 Henry, 9, 139, 159 Humphrey, 10 Eichard, 55 William, 53,* 55, 65, 134,* 145,* 179 Winfield, Eobert, 173 Winstanley [Winstandley], Ann, 158 BUen, 15, 33, 98, 179 James, 156 John, 3, 35 Lawrence, 98 Richard, 170 SaveU, 155 WUliam, 3, 15, 33, 35, 102, 168 WiswaU, AUce, 92 John, 82 WUliam, 166 Witter, Jane, 179 Thomas, 162 Wood [Woode, Wooddes, Woods, Woodds], AUce, 82, 107,* 124 Ann, 70, 141, 143, 155 Edward, 149, 1.51 Elizabeth, 5, 22, 26, 65, 113, 119 149 BUen, 44, 84, 195 Elnour, 26 Frances, 8 [?] Francis, 8, 86 George, 26, 86,* 103, 107,* 124, 125, 146 Henry, 65, 71 James, 6, 44, 47, 48, 122, 124, 143,* 156 Jane, 40, 47, 71, 86, 107, 126, 127, 139, 145, 156 Joan, 127 John, 6, 18, 26, 97, 106, 173 Margaret, 5, 26, 107. 124, 149 Margery, 85, 173 Mary, 71 Nicholas, 134, 187 Richard, 6, 18, 22, 40, 70, 71, 97, 103, 105,* 107, 125, 137, 146 Robert, 5, 82 Thomas, 6, 48, 71, 119, 155, 164 William, 6, 8, 26, 71, 84, 85, 92, 106, 116, 122 Index of Names. 245 Christenings ... pp. 1 — 75, pp. 144,andl90, andpp. 193 — 195 Burials „ 76— 152, i>. 191 „ 195—197 Marriages ... ., 153— 187, pp. 'i90 and 191, and p. 197 Woods als Robertsdought', Eleanor, 26 EUzabeth, 26 Woods als Whittaker, Edward, 124 WoodfaU, George, 176 Woodley, Ann, 177 Isabel, 159 Woodoson, John, 69 Eichard, 69 Woodward, Thomas, 48 WUUam, 48 Woodworth, Alice, 14, 93 Ann p 9 Eobert, 9, 14, 93, 161, 174 WoolfaU [WoofaU, Wofall, WoofuU], Abraham, 75, 143, 144, 152 AUce, 53 Ann, 91, 103 Eleanor, 120 Ellen, 94, 104 Francis, 2, 86 James, 52, 56 Jane, 109, 116 John, 1, 41, 53, 78, 106, 120, 125,* 134*, 139, 194 Katherine, 35, 116 Margaret, 52, 139, 154, 155 Mary, 56 Peter, 100 Richard, 1, 2, 35, 41, 61, 75, 86, 104, 106, 115,* 116, 121, 122, 128 Eobert, 109 Sarah, 120 Thomas, 61, 122, 138, 150, 183 WiUiam, 75, 128 N.X.N., 100, 121, 139 Woosey, Ellen, 36 PhUlip, 36 Woonmesley, see Walmesley WorraU [Worall, Woorall, WoorraU, WorroU, Warrall, Woorell,] Alice, 134, 173 Ann, 62, 130, 140 Arnold, 175 Cicely, 15 Ellen, 168 EUzabeth, 57, 130 Isabel, 31, 151 Jane, 40, 119, 121 WorraU, John, 13, 14, 21, 36, 67, 59, 62, 93, 101, 136, 181 James, 17 Katherin, 32, 52 Lawrence, 31, 130 Margaret, 33, 37, 134, 150 Nicholas, 31, 33, 37, 40, 42, 52, 59, 121, 130,* 131, 143, 147, 168, 187 Ealph, 12, 172 Eichard, 31, 104 Eobert, 8, 9, 12, 17, 21, 22, 42, 134 Thomas, 9, 32, 36, 99, 101, 164, 173 William, 8, 13, 14, 15, 93, HI Worsley [Worseley, Worsle], AUce, 16, 54 Anne, 19, 35 Ellen, 29, 109 George, 60, 73 John, 16, 19, 24, 29, 31, 35, 77, 109 Katherin, 31, 67 Leonard, 60 Margery, 77 Eichard, 6, 54, 73, 67, 77,* 80, 101 195 Thomas, 5, 24, 80* N.X.N., 80, 116, 118 Worthington, Thomas, 109 Worton, see Warton Wricam, Danio, 137 Thomas, 137 Wrixon, Ellen, 139 Eobert, 139,* 195* Wright, AUce, 88 Ann, 29, 63 David. 29 Ellen, 25 Francis, 7, 9, 117 Jane, 113 Joan, 154 John, 6, 71, 113, 124, 185 Lawrence, 71 Margaret, 69, 79, 174 Eobert, 69 Thomas, 6, 7, 9, 79, 101, 164, 165 WUUam, 25, 63, 124, 171 246 Walton Eegistees. Christenings ... pp. 1 — 75, pp. \4A and 190, and pp. '^93 — 195 Burials „ 76— 152, j?. 191, „ 195—197 Marriages ... „ 153 — 187, pp. 190 and 191, and p. 197 Yate(s), Elizabeth, 25, 161 William, 26 Yonge [Younge], Christian, 160 Cicely, 145 Deborah, 71 James, 145 John, 71 Thomas, 145, 147, 165, 186 Yoxan, Katherine, 161 Margaret, 88 Richard, 88, 155, 157 No Surname, Adam, 19, 95 Alice, 20, 26 Bessie, 125 Cicely, 7 Elizabeth, 56 No Surname, Grace, 161 Henry, 17, 20 James, 27 Jane, 17 John, 96, 106 Lawrence, 18, 98, 189 Margaret, 151 Margerie, 137 Mary, 138 Michael, 106 Richard, 18 Robert, 19, 20,* 162 Roger, 137, 162 Thomas, 42 WUliam, 22, 56, 173 N.X.N., 7, 18, 20,* 22, 26, 27, 28. 42, 75, 95, 98, 106, 108, 116, 117, 118,* 126, 133, 137, 138 247 II. Snbex of Wi'aces. CHRISTENINGS BURIALS MARRIAGES pp. 1 — 76, pp. 144 and 190, and pp. 193^195 „ 76—152, p. 191, „ 195—197 „ 153— 187, pp. 190 and 191, and p. 197 Abraye, 131 Ackers End, 61, 132 Aigburth [Aggburth], 111 Aintree [Ayntree, Aintrye, Ainetree], 47, 81, 126, 186 Ainesdale, 65, 66, 67, 68, 147, 186 Alkar, 186 Aughton, 28, 41 Avntree, see Aintree B Banok(e) Hall [BankhaU], 16, 62, 57, 68, 92, 100, 105, 130 Bank house alias Bankhall, 130 Blaekmore Mosse, 147 Bootle, 3, 9, 10,* 11,* 16,* 19,* 20, 22* 24,* 26,* 26,* 27,* 29,* 30,* 31,* 32,* 33,* 35, 37, 39, 40, 44, 47, 48,* 49,* 50,* 52,* 54,* 65, 56, 57, 58, 69, 60, 61,* 62,* 63, 64, 66, 67, 68, 69,* 70, 72, 73,* 74, 75, 78, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84,* 85, 87,* 88, 90,* 92, 93, 94, 95, 97, 98, 99,* 100, 101,* 102, 103, 105,* 106,* 107, 109, 110,* 111,* 112,* 113,* 114, 115, 117, 118,* 127,* 129, 130, 131,* 132, 134,* 135, 136, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142,* 149,* 196 Breekside in Darby, 95 Breekside in Walton, 32 Breceside [Brecksyde, Breckeside, Brecksid, Brecside], 27, 30, 31, 32,* 33, 36, 39, 48,* 52, 54, 55, 63, 82, 95, 106, 110,* 111, 112, 128, 131, 136, 140, 141, 194* Bridgenorth, 192 Broad Oak [Brode oke], 79 Brookside [Brooksyde, IBroksyde], 24, 117 Brumberough, 59 Brynn [ye Brinne], 23 Budworth, 41 Capel de Daebt, see Derby Chapel Capel de Toxteath Park, 177 Carre, 109 Carre lane [Car lane], 121, 134 Cheshire, 26 Chester, 51, 183 ChUdwaU, 53, 64, 58, 186 Clockhouse, 47, 54, 59, 99, 105, 118 Clubmoor(e) [Clubmore, Clubbmoor, Clubmor], 9, 19,* 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 32, 33, 46, 48, 49, 52, 63, 57,* 61, 76, 77, 78, 83, 85, 88,* 90, 91, 92, 95, 99, 103, 111, 119, 127, 129, 132, 135, 137, 140, 142, 189, 194, 195 Collegiate Church of Ripon, 190 County of Staffer, 130 County of Suffolke, 189 248 Walton Eegisters. Christenings .. pp. 1 — 75, pp- 144 and 190, and pp. 193 — 195 Burials „ 76—162, p. 191, „ 195—197 Marriages „ 153— 187. pp. 190 and 191, and p. 197 County of Yorke, 189 Countye of Lancaster, 130, 190 Countye of Salop, 192 Countye of Sussex, 192 County of Lincoln, 192 Crosby [Crosbie], 57, 141 Croston, 171 Croxteth [Croxtath], 24, 26, 27, 33, 84, 103, 104, 111,* 145, 147 Croxteth Parke, 92, 107* Damm, ye, 161 Darbye [Derby(e), Darby, Darbie, Darby(e), Derbie, Dar., Darb], 1, 2,* 3,* 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, *12,* 13,* 16, 17, 18,* 19,* 20,* 21,* 22, 23,* 24,* 25,* 26,* 28, 29,* 30,* 31,* 32,* 33,* 34,* 35,* 36,* 39,* 45, 47,* 48,* 49,* 50,* 51,* 52,* 53,* 54,* 55,* 56,* 57,* 58,* 59,* 60,* 61,* 62, 63,* 64,* 65,* 66,* 67,* 68,* 69,* 70,* 71,* 72,* 73, 76, 76, 77,* 78,* 79,* 80,* 81,* 82,* 83, 84,* 86,* 86,* 87,* 88,* 89,* 90,* 91,* 92, 94,* 95,* 96,* 97,* 98,* 99, 100,* 101, 102,* 103,* 104,* 105,* 106,* 107,* 108,* 109, 110,* 111,* 112,* 113,* 114,* 115,* 116,* 117,* 118,* 119,* 120, 122,* 124,* 125,* 127, 128,* 129,* 130,* 131,* 132, 133,* 134,* 135,* 136, 137,* 138,* 139,* 140,* 141,* 142,* 143,* 144,* 145,* 146,* 147,* 148,* 149,* 150,* 151,* 152,* 171, 185, 186,* 190,* 191,* 193, 194,* 195, 196,* 197* Darby [Pilch lane in], 105 Darbye Chapel [Darbie Chappell, Derby Chappel], 33, 47, 48, 51, 74, 112, 134, 190 Davenham, 195 Derby Low, 148 Deglake [Diglake, Diglak], 36, 53, 58, 129 E Each Lame, 113 Eccleston, 186 Edge Lane [Edgelane, Edglane], 36, 41, 43, 45, 55, 56, 58, 60, 65, 78, 89, 90, 130,132,133, 139, 143,* 145,* 146, 152 Everton [Euerton, Eauto, Earto, Euerto, Efiton, Eurto, Efito, Evto, Euton], 18, 19,* 20,* 21, 22, 24, 25, 29, 31,* 33, 34, 35, 37,* 45, 47, 48, 49, 60, 61, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58,* 60, 61,* 62, 64,* 66, 67,* 68, 69, 70, 71, 72,* 73, 74, 79, 80,* 81, 83, 84,* 92,* 93,* 95, 96,* 97,* 102, 103,* 104, 106, 107, 109,* 110, 113, 114,* 115,* 116, 117, 119, 125, 129,* 130, 131, 133,* 134,* 136,* 137, 138,* 140,* 141,* 144,* 147, 148, 149,* 161, 152,* 186, 196 Ewsome, see Neasham Ewzam, see Neasham Fazackeely [Faz', Faz., Fazak., Faza :, Fazakerley, Faza., Faxaker., Fazekerley, Phazakerley], 13, 15,* 18,* 20,* 22, 23,* 24,* 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 31,* 32,* 33, 34, 49, 60,* 51,* 52, 63, 54, 56, 56, 57, 58, 60, 61,* 62,* 63,* 64, 66,* 67, 68,* 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 76, 78, 79, 81, 82,* 83, 84, 86, 88, 89,* 90, 91, 92, 93, 94,* 96, 97, 99,* 100, 101, 102,* 103, 104, 105,* 106,* 107, 108, 109, 110,* 111,* 112,* 113,* 114,* 115, 117, 118,* 124, 128, 129, 130, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 141, 142,* 143,* 145,* 146,* 147,* 148,* 149,* 151, 152,* 185, 186, 190, 193 Index op Places. 249 Christenings ... pp. 1 — 75, pp. 144: and 190, and pp. 193 — 195 Burials , 76—162, ^j. 191, „ 195—197 Marriages „ 153— 187, pp. 190 and 191, and p. 197 Formby [Formbie], 66,* 67,* 68,* 69,* 70,* 71,* 72,* 145,* 146,* 147,* 148,* 149,* 150,* 151,* 186, 186* G Gill Mosse [Gilmosse, Gill Mosse], 49, 53, 54,* 128, 136, 139, 142 GiU Moss Side, 110 Greave House, 78 Green Lane [Greene Lane], 28, 30, 111, 127, 139, 140, 141, 142, 145,* 148, 149 H Hansteele, 82 Heighington, 192 Huyton, 58 Kendall, 190 Kirkdale [KirkdaU, KerdaU, KirdaU, KyrkdaU, KirkdaUe, Kirkedall, Kirkedale, kir., Kird., Kirdale], 8, 10, 11, 13, 18, 22, 24,* 25,* 26,* 30,* 31, 32,* 33,* 34,* 35, 36,* 39, 40, 44, 45, 46, 48,* 49, 50, 52,* 54, 66, 56,* 57, 61, 63, 64, 65,* 66, 67, 68,* 69, 70,* 71,* 73,* 74,* 75,* 76,* 79,* 80, 82, 85, 90, 94, 96, 97, 99, 101,* 102, 103, 104, 105, 107, 108,* 109, 110,* 112, 115,* 116, 117, 130, 131, 132, 133, 135, 137, 139, 140, 146, 149, 160, 151,* 152, 186, 194, 196 KUby, 138 Kirkby [Kirkebye, Kyrkebie, Kirghbye, Kirkbie], 23,* 31, 65, 66,* 67,* 68, 69, 70,* 71,* 72,* 73, 90, 110, 111, 115, 117, 145,* 146,* 147,* 148,* 149,* 150,* 151,* 185 Kirkham, 130 Knowsley, 108, 149 LancasS, 130 Lancaster, County of, 100 Linaker [Linacar, Lineker, Lynaker, Liniker, Lyneker, Linicre], 6, 10, 12, 13, 18, 20, 21, 25, 26*, 28, 29, 30,* 33, 34,* 39, 43, 49, 52, 54, 66, 57, 60, 61, 66, 67, 70, 71, 73,* 78, 82, 83, 87, 90, 91, 100, 103, 106, 107, 108, 111, 112, 114, 128, 129, 130,* 132, 142, 143, 146, 147, 148, 150, 151, 152*, 195 Lincoln, County of, 192 Litherland [Litherlande, Letherlande, Lytherland], 8, 21, 33, 51, 77, 83, 87, 102, 117, 129, 135 Lithuania, 192 Liverpool(e) [Livpoole, LeupooUe, Leverpool, Liuerpoole Liupol], 20, 24, 31, 34,* 49, 51,* 63, 81, 85, 96, 97, 110,* 111, 122, 129, 162, 166, 180, 186,* 186* London, 36 Low [Lowe, ye], 10, 11, 32, 33, 34, 35,* 36, 43, 48, 49, 51, 52, 53, 54, 56, 59,* 62, 74, 80, 81, 83, 85, 86, 91,* 92, 95,* 97, 98, 101, 102, 104, 105, 106, 108, 109,* 111,* 113, 114, 116,* 117, 120,* 126, 127,* 128, 129, 130, 131, 132,* 133,* 134, 136, 140,* 141, 150, 160, 186, 193, 197 Low (Derby), 148 LowhiU [Lowehill, Low Hyll], 16, 47, 96 Lunt within Sephton, 186 M Maghull [Maghule], 56, 169 Malpassie, 46 Melling(e), 105, 190 Milkhouse, 52 Morehouses, 78 Moss side [Mossyd(e)], 104, 105, 108 Muche Crosbye, 97 Muchouton [Muchwoolton], 63 250 Walton Eegisters. Christenings Burials . . . Marriages. . . N pp. 1— 75, pp. 144 and 190, andpp. 193—195 „ 76—152, p. 191, „ 195—197 „ 153— 187, i?/?. 190 and 191, and p, 197 Neasham [Ewsome, Ewzam, Ewza, Ewsan, 4, 24, 32, 38, 83, 89, 98, 99, 101, 126 Netherton, 11 NewhaU, 11, 20, 96, 151 New Inn, Walton, 105 Newsham, see Neasham Newton, 11 North End, 76 North Ridiuge of the Coy of Yorke, 189 0 Oaks [Oke, Oks], 33, 100, 195 OrreU, 9, 11, 17, 21,* 89, 106, 127, 143, 160, 186, 193 Parke, The, 31, 35, 102, 116 Parsonage, The, 108 Phazakerley, see Fazackerley Pilch Lane in Darby, 106 Plesington, 60 Pontefract, 192 Prescott, 41, 95 Prescott Lane, 48, 50, 52, 54, 60, 128 R Reubn Meles, 145 Rice Lane [Ryclane, Rise Lane, Ryce Lane, Ryse Lane], 31, 45, 52, 53, 68, 84, 86, 112, 127, 129, 131,* 132, 136, 143, 144 Ripon, 190 Rowe, ye, 149 Salop, County of, 192 Scarborough, 189 Sephton, 19, 186, 196 Shawgreeu(e) [Schawgreene, Shae Greene, Shaugrine], 23, 95, 110, 136 Simonswood, 66, 68, 69, 70, 71, 147, 148, 149,* 150* Stafford, 130 Southwaldals Soulby, 189 Sowerby, 191 Standish, 54, 190 Stone, 130 Stonebridge, 61 Suffolke, County of, 189 Sussex, County of, 192 Sutton, 152 Taebock, 185 Town, The, 59 Thirsk, 191 Town row [Tounerow(e), Touneroe, Towrow], 23,* 26, 52, 53, 92, 103, 104, 138, 146 Townerowe in Darby, ye, 23 Toxteth, 26, 27, 29, 66, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 103, 104, 108, 137, 145,* 146, 149, 150* Toxteth Parke [Toxstath Parke, Toxteath Park], 33, 54, 177, 196 Toxteath Park, CapeU de, 177 Toxteth, Port, 48 Tuebrook(e) [Tubrook, Tubrook(e), Tubroocke, Tub], 18,* 22, 26, 30, 33,* 55, 56, 58, 63, 68, 85, 86, 102, 106, 118, 136, 142, 148, 194 W WALLASEY [Wallesie], 185 Walton [Walta, Walt, WaUton, Wolton], 1,* 4, 7, 11, 12, 13, 15, 18,* 20, 21, 22,* 23,* 25,* 26,* 28,* 30,* 31,* 32,* 33,* 34,* 35,* 36,'* 38, 40,* 41, 46, 47,* 49,* 50,* 51, 52,* 63,* 64,* 66,* 56, 67, 68,* 69,* 60, 61, 62,* 63, 64, 66, 66, 67,* 68, 69,* 70, 71, 72, 73,* 74,* 76,* 76, 77, 78,* 81, 82, 83,* 85, 87, 88,* 89, 91,* 92, 93, 94, 96, 96, 97,* 98,* 99,* 100, 101, 102, 103,* 104,* 106,* 106,* 107, 108,* 109, 110,* 111, 112,* 113,* Index op Places, 251 Christenings ... pp. 1 — 75, pp. 14A and 190, and pp. 193 — 195 Burials ,, 76—125, i?. 191, „ 195—197 Marriages „ 163 — 187, pp. 190 and 191, and p. 197 Walton, continued — 114,* 116,* 117, 118, 126,* 127,* 129, 130,* 131,* 132,* 133, 134,* 137,* 139,* 140, 141, 142, 145, 146, 147,* 148, 149, 150, 161,* 152,* 163,* 183, 184,* 185,* 187, 188,* 189,* 190,* 191,* 192,* 193, 194, 196,* 196 Walton, The New Inn, 105 Warrington, 190 Wartrie Lane, 112, 113 Washingbrough, 192 Wavertry [Wartrye, Wartrie], 20, 30, 98, 112 West Derby [West Derbie, West Derbe], see Darbye Whiston, 102 Winwick, 109 Woodside [Woodsye, Woodsyde, Woodsid], 52, 81, 107, 136, 140,* 197 Wooton, 22 Wythearm, 192 Yorke, County op, 189 Yorkeshire [Yorkeshyre], 190 252 III. ^xxbex of "gradeje, ^eBCxipUonB, anb r>artous vetattera. CHRISTENINGS BURIALS MARRIAGES pp. 1 — 75, pp. 144 and 190, and pp. 193 — 196 „ 76—152, p. 191, „ 195—197 „ 153— 187,;pjp. 190 and 191, and p. 197 Armiger, 52, 130, 175, 197 Auguste M'^s"8, 83 B Bachelor op Theology, 47, 49 Batchelor, 99 Black, 82 BUnd Bums, 133 Born at the House of Saragh Horgy, 59 Capelanus peikcipis nostki illustrissimi Caeoli, 60 Captain, 113, 186 Carrier, 133 Child, a poore, 118 Churchwarden [Warden], 38, 188, 190, 192,* 195 See also Garden Chyld of a Stranger, a, 108 (Jlerk [Clarke, Clericus], 1, 25, 29, 30, 33, 34, 41, 47, 76, 93, 112, 150, 153 Cooper [Koopar], 71 Cripple unknown, a, 126 Curat, 34 D Dame, 100 Doctor, 139 Dominus, 36 ESQUIBE, 38, 55, 67, 69, 73, 104, 160 185 Femlha Clauda Ignoti Nominis, 137 Free Mason, 57 G Gent [G.], 1, 29, 38, 96, 109, 121 124, 193,* 194 Guardian [Guardianus, Gard, Gardian], 47, 51, 60, 130, 131, 132, 133, 189, 195, 196, 197 iNPANs Ignotus, 116 JUNIO^ 20, 22, 30,* 33, 36, 48, 51, 60, 62, 101, 106, 129, 131, 141, 194 K Knight, 7, 33, 34, 38 Koopar, see Cooper Labourer, 116 Licen [Marriage by], 180 Lord Viscount, 147 Walton Eegistees. 253 Burials . . Marriages pp. 1— 75, pp. 144 and 190, and pp. 193—196 „ 76—152, p. 191, „ 195—197 „ 153— 187, i»i). 190 and 191, and p. 197 M Man, a poore, 118 Mason, 56, 57 Mason, Free, 57 Master [Mr., M^], 1, 2, 3,* 4, 5,* 6, 7, 11, 12, 13,* 14, 16, 17, 19, 20,* 21, 23,* 24, 27, 31, 32, 39, 47, 49, 66, 64, 67, 72, 73, 74, 82, 85, 92, 96, 97, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 110, 111, 113, 115, 126, 129,* 138,* 142,* 144, 146, 147, 148,* 152,* 175, 188,* 190* 191 Miles, see Knight MUner [MUlner], 27, 44, 54, 57, 61 Minister [Minisf], 148 Mistress [M'^^^e^ Mrisse, Mrs], 81, 83, 126, 144, 145, 151, 162, 186 N Nocte, Sepult, in, 116, 132, 133 Northerne John, 91 Parish Register, 66 Parson, 64, 74 Pauper, 116 Poore Bessie, 126 Poore Child, 118 Poore man, 118 Poore Margaret, 161 Poore woman and her child, 117 Poore woman, 118 Preacher, 31 Principis Nostre illustrissimi Caroli Capelanus, 60 Professor of Theology, 60 E Ebeve, 188 Rector [Recto], 49, 126, 139 (?) Rectoria, 47, 60, 139 Recusant bur. at noone day, 119 Registrar [Eegister], 65* Saceab Theologi^ Bach, 47 Sacrse Sanct^ Theologise Professor, 60 Schoolmaster [Scholemast', Schoolemast'], 68, 150 Senex ignotus, 133 Senior [Seniour], 111, 118, 126, 131, 146 Sep in nocte, 116, 132, 133 Sexton, 104 Sir, 7, 26, 38, 99 Slaine, 197 Smith [Smyth], 27, 73 Spinster, 101, 116, 117 Spons pro paroch, see surety for parish Spurrier, 51 Stillborne, 145 Stranger, a chyld of a, 108 Stranger at Henry Gorsic, 27 Stranger, son of a, 73 Stranger fi'om ye Lowe, 106 Surety [Surty], 188* Surety for parish [Suertie for the pishe, Surty , Spons pro poroch], 46,* 47, 48, 49, 51, 52 Talior [TaUer, Tailor], 26, 105 Theologise Sacrse Bach, 47 Theologias Sacrse, Sanctse Professor, 60 Thone borne living and thother deade borne, 109 Tinker [Tynker], 60, 133 Vicar [Vic, Vicker], 1, 37, 38, 41. 43, 47, 48, 60, 64, 74, 76, 112, 113, 123, 126, 132, 142, 147, 153, 189,* 190,* 191, 192,* 195,* 196, 197 Viscount, 147 W Warden, see Churchwarden Widow (prefixed to the Surname) 80,* 81, 82, 84, 86, 87, 88, 89,* 90, 94, 96,* 98, 101, 113, 118, 122, 123, 125,* 136 Woman, a poore, 118 Woman, a poore, and her child, 117 Wright, 85, 150 Yeoman, 66, 186 254 drrata. Page 10, line 11 , /or " Knott ' ' read ' ' Knoll. ' ' 37, ,, 3, ,, " Heames " read "Hearnes." 42, „ 34, „ "Shelbockr'" rmrf" Shelbock".' 47, ,, 27, ,, "Bach elani" r«a(i "Bachelaur.' 108, ,, 22, ,, "p" read "d" 125, ,, 87, „ "p cutled (?)" rf«r/ "So called.^ STBOWaBE ft SON, THE CLARENCE PBESS, WIGAN, Patrons : The Right Rev. THE LORD BISHOP OF MANCHESTER The Right Rev. THE LORD BISHOP OF LIVERPOOL COUNCIL for 1898-9:— Lieut. -Col. FisHwicK, F.S.A., The Heights, Rochdale (President) Henry Brierley, Mab's Cross, Wigan (Hon. Secretary) James Clayton, Radcliife William Farrer, Marton House, Skipton J. Holme Nicholson, M.A., Whitefields, Wilmslow Major Parker, Browsholme Hall, Clitheroe Rev. J. H. Stanning, M.A., Leigh Vicarage, Lancashire Charles W. Sutton, Manchester Free Library James E. Worsley, F.S.A., Winwick, Newton-le- Willows James R. Faithwaite, Manchester and Salford Bank (Hon, Treasurer) Hnks. I. — That the Society shall be called "The Lancashire Parish Register Society," and shall have for its objedt the transcribing and publishing of the Registers of the ancient Parishes of the County. 2. — That the aflairs of the Society shall be governed by a Council, consisting of a President, Secretary, and Treasurer, with nine other members, to be annually chosen at the general Meeting. 3. — That three members of the Council shall form a quorum. 4. — That the subscription of members of the Society shall be one guinea per annum, which shall entitle them to the publications for the year ; but any member whose subscription shall be two years in arrear shall thereupon be removed from the Society, and shall not be re-admitted until all arrears have been paid. 5. — That the subscriptions shall be due on the first of January in each year, and that no work shall be issued to any member whose subscription is in arrear. 6 — That an annual meeting of the Society shall be held in the month of February, of which due notice shall be sent to all the members. At this meeting, a report of the work of the Society, with a statement of the income and expenditure, shall be presented. These shall be annually pubhshed, together with a list of members and the rules of the Society. 7. — That so long as the funds of the Society permit, two volumes at least shall be issued to members in each year. 8. — That no payment shall be made to any person for editing any work for the Society, but that the Editor of each volume shall be entitled to ten copies of the work so edited by him. 9. — That the Council may require any transcript to be examined by them before publication. 10. — That no volume of Registers be published without a full index of both Christian names and Surnames. II. — That the Treasurer's accounts shall be audited by a member of the Society, who shall be eleifled at the annual meeting. 12. — That no alteration shall be made in any of the above rules except at the annual general meeting. Notice of any proposed alterations must be sent to the Hon. Secretary a month before such general meeting. Of the LANCASHIRE PARISH REGISTER SOCIETY, read at its First Annual Meeting held in the Chetham Hospital (by kind permission of the Feoffees), on Monday, 27th March, 1899. THE Lancashire Parish Register Society is the outcome of an effort made by our President, Lieut-Col. FisHwicK, F.S.A., in November, 1897. The year 1898 was fixed as the first year of the Society's existence^ and consequently it now holds its First Annual Meeting — adjourned from unavoidable causes from last month. The Society now numbers 164 members, which, though a fair number, taking into account the various Societies which appeal to the purses of Antiquaries, might still be largely augmented by the adhesion of the various Lancashire Municipal Libraries. It is a striking fadt, that while many of the American Libraries and the Royal Library of Berlin have joined the Society, the names of several important Lancashire towns are absent from its Roll. By the Rules, Two Volumes at least shall be supplied to members every year. One of these, — the Bury Registers, 1590-1616, edited by our first Secretary, Rev. W. J. Lowenberg, and Mr. Henry Brierley, has been handed to members. The second volume, for 1898, " Burnley," 1562-1653, an extra sized volume, edited by W. Farrer, Esq., of Marton Hall, Skipton, will shortly be forwarded to members. As the first volume for 1899, " Wigan," 1580-1625, edited by Mr. Josiah Arrowsmith, of Wigan, has already gone to press. It is also hoped to print in addition, "Whittington," 1538-1764, and "Walton-on-the-Hill," if the necessary permission can be obtained, in return for the 1899 Subscription. Very great interest and enthusiasm are being manifested in the work of the Society, and the number of volunteer editors is so great that the difficulty is to find them all Registers to edit. The following Registers have been offered to the Society for publication: — Bispham, edited by Mr. and Miss Blade ; Brindle, edited by Rev. K. Jacques, M.A., and Mr. J. A. Hudson ; Clitheroe, edited by Major Parker, Browsholme Hall ; Colne, edited by Mr. T. B. Ecroyd, Loweshaye ; Dalton - in Furness, edited by Mr. Harper Gaythorpe ; Flixton, edited by Mr. D. H. Langton ; Kirkham, edited by Mr. Henry Brierley ; Lancaster, edited by Mr. W. O. Roper ; Middleton, edited by Mr. Giles Shaw ; Ormskirk, edited by Mrs. C. M. Royds, Greenhill, Rochdale ; Poulton-le- Fylde, edited by Miss Guest ; Radchffe, edited by Mr. James Clayton ; Standish, edited by Mr. Wm. Lees ; Whittington, (near Kirby Lonsdale), edited by Mr. Henry Brierley ; Winwick, edited by Mr. J, E. Worsley, F.S.A. Mr. Arthur Smith, LL.B., and Mr. J. H. Chadwick have intimated their willingness to transcribe Registers when such can be conveniently found for them. The Council wish to express their special obligations to Messrs. Tillotson and Co., Ltd., of Bolton, who have most kindly placed the Transcript of the Bolton and Deane Registers, obtained by them at great cost in the time of a former Vicar of Bolton, at the disposal of the Society for publishing purposes. The whole of the Transcript of the Rochdale Registers, a transcript of a further portion of the Bury Registers, and transcripts of very large portions of Oldham, Middleton, and Radcliffe Registers are also available for publication in due course. The Council also wish to express their gratitude to Canon Blackburne, to Canon Townley Parker, and to the Rev. R. G. Matthew, M.A., for the great facilities which they have so kindly afforded for the transcription of the Registers in their custody. Similarly, they would express their obligations to the custodians of the Registers of the other Churches enumerated. To the ladies and gentlemen who have so kindly volunteered their services our thanks are also due, and to the newspapers who have so ably advocated the claims of the Society. As the result of an article in the Yorkshire Post dealing with our Society, it is believed that the " Yorkshire Parish Register Society," whose founding we welcome, is the immediate outcome. We regret that the Society has lost the services of its first Secretary, Rev. W. J. Lowenberg. To his energy and perseverance in the early days of the Society it largely owes its success, but we doubt not that the new Diocese to which he has removed will reap the benefit of his stores of knowledge. Read and passed (subject to Audit) at 1st Annual MeeUng, 27th March, 1899. LANCASHIRE PARISH REGISTER SOCIETY. In Account with Treasurer, Feb., 1898, to Feb., 1899. 160 Subscriptions at £1 is. 168 o o Donation from Mrs. C. R. Jacson 050 Bank Interest on 4 /168 16 4 £ s. d. Cheque Book 021 Clegg's Bill for Printing Vol. No. I 69 10 II Formation Expenses . . 32 i 5 Postages through Secretary, Treasurer, and Editor 8 911 Balance 58 12 o £i6& 16 4 Audited and found correct, (Signed) GILES SHAW. August 4th, 1899. BancciB^ixt {pam^ (Rejiefer ^ocUt^. ¦^¦VTir-f -* 'f-t-~^-T-V" v-'ir T~y -r-r t- t ¦v"'r-~^ MEMBERS. Adshead G. H., loo, Bolton Road, Pendleton, Manchester Ainscough J. M., Crawford House, Wigan Aitken L., Ainsworth Hall, Bolton-le-Moors Aldenham Lord, Aldenham House, near Elstree, Herts Amherst of Hackney, Lord, Didhngton Hall, Brandon, Norfolk Anderton H. F., J. P., Vaila, Shetland, N.B. Andrew S., Hey, Lees, near Oldham Armytage Sir G. J., Bart., Kirklees Park, Brighouse Arrowsmith Josiah, 58, Park Road, Wigan Ashworth Richard, 2, York Road, Adton, Middlesex Bamford Miss Clara, The Knowsley School, Bury Battersby John, 218, Albion Place, Bury, Lancashire Berry William, M.D., Park House, Wigan Bertwistle Thos. R., Market Street, Bury, Lancashire Blackburne Rev. Canon, Rectory, Bury, Lancashire Bloxsom M., Hazelwood, Crumpsall Green, Manchester Blundell Colonel H.B.H., M.P., Ascot Cottage, Winkfield, Windsor Booth Geo. James, Oakenrod, Rochdale Bramwell W. H., Bow, Durham Brierley Abraham, Lauriston, Rochdale Brierley Rev. E., The Vicarage, Whitworth Brierley Henry, Mab's Cross, Wigan (Hon. Secretary) Brown W. D., Parbold, near Southport Brown-Westhead Mrs. M., Lea Castle, Kidderminster Butcher S. F., Fairlawn, Manchester Road, Bury, Lancashire Byrom James, Heaton Grove, Bury, Lancashire Chadwick Joseph H., South Parade, Rochdale Clayton James, Seed Street, Radcliffe Clegg James, Aldine Press, lo, Milnrow Road, Rochdale Cleworth Rev. T. E., M.A., The Rectory, Middleton, near Manchester C Exeter House, Roehampton, London, S.W. ¦' ¦ ¦' c College of Arms, London, E.C. Comber J., Rivington, Claremont Road, Pendleton Cowan R. H., 23, Standishgate, Wigan (dead) Crofton T. H., 36, Brazennose Street, Manchester Crook T. A., Holcombe House, Holcombe, near Manchester Cross Viscount, Eccle Riggs, Broughton-in-Furness Crossley E. W., Dean House, Triangle, near Halifax Cunlifife Walter F., 109, Lansdowne Road, Netting Hill, W. Davies-CoUey T. N., Hopedeen, Higher Broughton, Manchester Derby the Right Hon : The Earl of, K.G., Knowsley, Prescot Dickson Mrs. A. B., Abbotts Reading, Haverthwaite, Ulverston Dunkin E. H. W., Rosewyn, 70, Heme Hill, London, S.E. Earle T. A., Hartford, Cheshire Eastham John, Clitheroe Eastwood J. W., Todmorden (dead) Ecroyd T. B., Lomeshaye, Nelson, Lancashire Edge Hon : Sir John, Junior Carlton Club, London Ellis T. R., King Street, Wigan ( Manchester and Salford Bank, Manchester Faithwaite J. R., j 4, Holly Brook Road, Birkdale, Southport (Hon. Treasurer) Farr C. B., Union Bank, Bury, Lancashire Farrer William, Marton House, Skipton ffarington Lieut.-Col., Mariebonne, Wigan Fishwick Lieut.-Col., F.S.A., The Heights, Rochdale (President) Fletcher Mrs. Alfred, AUerton, Liverpool Fletcher John Robert, The Uplands, Whitefield, near Manchester Gaythorpe Harper, Claverton, Prospedl Road, Barrow-in-Furness Gray Henry, Goldsmith's Estate, East Adton, W. Greenhalgh Andrew, The Oaks, Radcliffe, near Manchester Gregson W. E., 43, Moor Lane, Great Crosby, Liverpool Hall O. S., Park Cottage, Bury, Lancashire Harrison Captain, M. J., R.N., The Old Cedars, Sydenham, London, S.E. Harrison F. A., 66, Mark Lane, London, E.C. Haworth Jesse, J. P., Woodside, Bowdon, Cheshire Hayes Herbert, The Limes, Leigh, Lancashire Heape Charles, Glebe House, Rochdale Heape Richard, Hall Bank, Rochdale Heywood N., Solicitor, Mount Street, Manchester Hockliffe F. R., High Street, Bedford, Bedfordshire Hopwood John S., 17, King Street, Wigan Horrox Rev. J. H., Vicarage, Newchurch-in-Pendle, near Burnley Hovenden Robt., Heathcote, Park Hill Road, Croydon Howarth Frederick, Silver Street, Bury, Lancashire Hudson J. A., Bent House, Littleborough, near Manchester Hunt Thomas, M.D., Heywood Hutchinson H. O., Eldershe, Prestwich Hutchinson J. H., 6, Highfield Road North, Rock Ferry, Cheshire (dead) Irvine Wm. Ferguson, 4, Eaton Road, Birkenhead Jackson Charles Gidlow, Chorley Jackson George, Lower Gates, Rochdale (dead) Jones James, E., Sparthfield, Rochdale Kay Samuel, Charlestown House, Davenport, Stockport Kemp George, M.P., Beechwood, Rochdale Kenyon James, M.P., Walshaw Hall, Bury, Lancashire Kinch W. S., Burtholme, Worthington, Wigan Knowles Lees, D.L., M.P., Westwood, Pendlebury, near Manchester Lambert F., Garratt's Hall, Banstead, Surrey Lancashire J. H., J. P., DeepHsh Hill, Rochdale Langton David H., Morningside, Flixton Law WilHam, J. P., Littleborough, Manchester Laycock J. A., The Holme, Sabden, near Blackburn Layland-Barratt Mrs., 68, Cadogan Square, London, S.W. Lea, John, Rodney Street, Wigan (dead) Lea John Henry, i8, Somerset Street, Boston, Mass., U.S.A. Leach R. E., The School, Appleby, Westmoreland Leech Professor D. J., g6, Mosley Street, Manchester Lees Sir Elliott, Bart., M.P., South Lytchet Manor, Poole Lees William, Langtree Grange, Standish, Wigan Leighton Stanley, M.P., Sweeney Hall, Oswestry Lever W. H., Thornton Manor, Thornton Hough, Cheshire Libraries — Lancashire : — Barrow Free Library, Barrow-in-Furness (T. Aldred, Librarian) Blackpool Free Library (Miss Kate Lewtas, Librarian) Bolton Free Library, Bolton, Lancashire (James K. Waite, Librarian) British Museum Library (Sir E. Maunde Thompson, D.C.L., L.L.D., Chief Librarian) Burnley Public Library Bury Corporation, Library Committee of Chetham's Library, Hunt's Bank, Manchester ( W. T. Browne, Librarian) Chorley Public Library (E. MacKnight, Librarian) Darwen Public Library (Albert Cawthorne, Librarian) Heywood Free Library Hindley Urban Distridl Council (John Smith, Librarian) Lancashire and Cheshire Historic Society Liverpool Clerical Society (Rev. G. H. Spooner, Woolton Redtory, near Liverpool) Liverpool Free Public Libraries (P. Cornell, Librarian) Libraries — Lancashire — cmUinucd — Manchester Public Free Library (C. W. Sutton, Librarian) Oldham Free Library, Oldham, Lancashire (Thos. W. Hand, Librarian) Owens, The, College Library, Manchester (W. E. Rhodes, D. Lit., Librarian) Preston Public Library (Wm. Story Bramwell, Librarian) Rochdale, Equitable Pioneers' Society, Educational Committee Rochdale Public Free Library (G. Hanson, Librarian) Southport, Atkinson Free Library (Thos. Newman, Librarian) St. Helens Free Library (A. Lancaster, Librarian) Stonyhurst College, near Blackburn Warrington Museum and Library (Charles Madeley) Wigan Free Library (H. T. Folkard, F.S.A., Librarian) Other English and Scotch Libraries : — Birkenhead Free Library (Wm. May, Librarian) Bodleian, The Library, Oxford (E. W. B. Nicholson, M.A., Librarian) Dewsbury Public Free Library (Wm. Hy. Smith, M.A., Librarian) Edinburgh, The Signet Library (Thos. G. Law, Librarian) Leeds Public Free Library (T. W. Hand, Chief Librarian) Foreign Libraries : — Berlin Royal Libraries (per Messrs. Ascher and Co.) Boston Public Library, U.S. New England Historic Genealogical Society, i8, Somerset Street, Boston, U.S.A. New York Public Library, Astor Library Building, New York City, U.S.A. New York State Library Foreign Libraries, continued — Peabody Institute, Baltimore Pennsylvania Historical Society, 1300, Locust Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Pennsylvania State Library, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania (W. H. Egle, Librarian) Lingard-Monk R. B. M., Fulshaw Hall, Wilmslow, Cheshire Livesay J., Springwood, Aughton, Ormskirk LongstafF Dr. G. B., Highlands, Putney Heath, London, S.W. Lord John, 12, Cheltenham Terrace, Heaton, Newcastle-on-Tyne Lord W. C, 29, Booth Street, Manchester Lowenberg Rev. W., Penshaw Redtory, Fence Houses, Durham (dead) Marshall G. W., Rouge Croix, Herald's Office, London, E.C. Mason Rev. Canon, Vicarage, Kirkham, Preston, Lancashire Mather John, Thorn Lea, Whitefield, Manchester Matthew Rev. R. G., M.A., The Hall, Wigan Mawdesley F. L., Delwood Croft, York Mellor Colonel, M.P., The Woodlands, Stand, near Manchester Mills A. L., Bedford Street, Rochdale Milnes Edmund, Seedfield, Bury Minns Geo., Waterside, Ely, Cambs. Molesworth Alexander, Rochdale Molyneux Miss, Tom-na-Monachan, Pitlochry Mosley Sir Oswald, Bart., RoUeston Hall Nicholson J. Holme, EUerhow, Wilmslow, Manchester North B. N., Halecote, Grange-over-Sands Oliver Samuel A., Bellingham House, Wigan Parker John, Extwistle Lodge, 34, Scarisbrick Street, Southport Parker Major W., Browsholme Hall, CHtheroe Parr Rev. Henry, 51, Manor Park, Lee, London, S.E. Peak Richard Lowton, Newton-le- Willows, Lancashire Penrhyn Rev. Canon, Winwick Redtory, Newton-le- Willows Pink W. D., Leigh, Lancashire Powell Sir F. S. Bart., M.P., i, Cambridge Square, Hyde Park West Radchffe Herbert, J. P., Balderstone Hall, Rochdale Radcliffe John, Furlane, Greenfield, near Oldham Radcliffe R. D., F.S.A., Old Swan, Liverpool Renaud F., M.D., Hill Side, Alderley Edge, Manchester Renshaw W. C, Q.C., Sandrocks, near Haywards Heath Richards F. D., 5o, South Temple Street East, Salt Lake City, Utah, U.S.A. (dead) Ripley James N., The Butts, Rochdale Robinson Arthur, The Castle, Clitheroe Robinson W. E., Tithebarn Street, Poulton -le-Fylde Robinson W. P., c/o C. L. Woodward, 78, Nassau Street, New York City, U .S. A. Roper W. O., F.S.A., Bank Buildings, Lancaster Royds Mrs., Greenhill, Rochdale Royds Miss W., Hooton Pagnell, Doncaster Rudd Rev. D. S., M.A., Roseville Terrace, Roundhay Road, Leeds Rylands Mrs. E., Longford Hall, Stretford, Manchester Scott A. G., 41, Lexham Gardens, London, W. Scott R. F., St. John's College, Cambridge Sephton Rev. J., 90, Huskisson Street, Liverpool Shaw A. P., B.A., LL.B., Whitehall, near Buxton Shaw Giles, Ingleside, 4, Ash Street, Southport Shaw Henry, Whitehall, Buxton, Derbyshire (dead) Simon Mrs., Lawnhurst, Didsbury Smith Arthur, B.A., LL.B., Moot Hall Chambers, Wigan Stanning Rev. J. H., Leigh Vicarage, Lancashire Statter Thomas, Stand Hall, near Manchester Stephen J., Sartfield, Lapwing Lane, Didsbury Sutton Albert, 8, Deansgate, Manchester Swanson Mrs. A. B., 48, Ventnor Villas, Brighton Swan wick John A., Lymm, near Warrington Taberner James, 81, Orrell Road, Pemberton, Wigan Tatham Leonard, i, St. James' Square, Manchester Taylor Alexr., St. Mary's Place, Bury Taylor E. L., Solicitor, Falinge Road, Rochdale Taylor Henry, Birklands, Southport Tempest Mrs., Broughton Hall, Skipton, Yorkshire Thomasson J. P., J. P., Heaton, near Bolton Thompson Joseph, Riversdale, Wilmslow Threlfall H. S., J. P., i, London Street, Southport Tonge W. Assheton, Disley, Cheshire Tootell G. H. L., 34, West Cliff, Preston, Lancashire Toulmin George and Sons, Preston Turner James, g, Halhwell Street, Corporation Street, Manchester Waddington William, 86, Redtory Road, Burnley Warburton Mark, Walshaw, Bury Warburton Samuel, Langley, Broughton Park, Manchester Watts James, Abney Hall, near Manchester Wemyss-Whittaker Rev. E. J., i, Norfolk Buildings, Bath Wilson James, The Poplars, Wigan Winder T. H., Westcombe, Heaton, Bolton-le-Moors Woolstenholme Charles M., Abbotsford, Park Road South, Birkenhead Woodcock Samuel, Chesham, Bury Woodrow Rev. J. E., M.A., The Vicarage, Ormskirk Woolfenden Robert, 24, Hackin's Hey, Liverpool Worsley Jas. E., F.S.A., Winwick, Newton-le-Willows (dead) Worth J. T., Oakenrod Mount, Rochdale Wrigley Robert, Brampton, Cumberland Yates Geo. C, F.S.A., Swinton, Manchester Young Captain T. Simpson, 22nd Madras Infantry, Cuttack, Orissa, India YALE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY 3 9002 08866 0916