ADDRESS BY ALTON B. PARKER IN MEMORIAM DAVID BENNETT HILL rAJ-E un; 3LIK-- DELIVERED AT THE JOINT MEETING OF THE SENATE AND ASSEMBLY IN THE CAPITOL AT ALBANY JULY 6, 1911 ^ I ¦ /VITH COMPLIMENTS OF ALTON B. PARKER Address by Alton B. Parker, delivered at the Joint Meeting of the Senate and Assembly, at the Assembly Chamber, in the Capitol, Albany, July sixth, nineteen hun dred and eleven, at eight p. m., called to commemorate the services of the Honorable David Bennett Bill to his party, his State and his country, Governor Dix presiding. In surveying the life and services of David Bennett Hill we will pass over his boyhood and student days and the earlier years in his chosen profession, to reach the more expeditiously the full, rich years devoted to the public interests. We would find in his early life incidents of great human interest and giving large promise of the usefulness which followed. But those years of his life were after all very like the youthful years of the thou sands in this country who began life on the farm or on the tow-path, in the house by the woods or in the village home, securing their early education under disadvan tageous circumstances, but persevering ever. Among the men who have thus wrested a career from fortune will be found multitudes ministermg in every profession, countless others serving in public station, and not a few who have ultimately attained the Presidency of the United States. '' ' ' ; At the Bar. A student of men, well grounded in the principles of the law, of wide reading and experience in their applica tion, ever alert and watchful of the opposition, and loyal to the last degree to every cause he espoused — he soon reached the front rank of the profession and there re mained until his tasks were ended. The work of his late years was compensated for by vastly larger fees than that of the earlier. Interesting as would be a review of his professional life, it must not be allowed to trespass upon a considera tion of his public career. That occupied seventeen years of his life, when his powers were at their best. It in cluded a longer service as Governor than that of any since Governor DeWitt Clinton. The Young Politician. In the Douglas campaign at the age of seventeen years he manifested a keen appreciation of the impor tant duties of citizenship in a political address at Cayuta, Schuyler County. The comment of the county papers was to the effect that the speech indicated very considerable promise. Little did the writers think that this boy was to speak in behalf of the Democratic party in every campaign save ono from eighteen hundred and sixty to nineteen hundred and eight, inclusive, and that in at least two Democratic Presidential Conventions the honor of leadership on the floor of the convention would be nearly equally divided between another and himself, and that in still another his own and other States should press his nomination for the Presidency. At the age of twenty-seven he was sent to the Legis- lature from Chemung County, becoming a member of the Committees on Judiciary, Railroads and Elections. He introduced a bill to abolish contract labor in prisons. It failed of passage, but such an act was passed while he was Governor, receiving his approval. He was returned to the Legislature the following year, serving on the same committees. He and Samuel J. Tilden were the only Democratic members of the Judi ciary Committee, and they took part in the impeachment of Judge Barnard. Assemblymen Tilden and Hill became confirmed friends, the younger member giving to Mr. Tilden and his leadership enthusiastic and effective support. As Governor Mr. Tilden appointed Mr. Hill a member of the commission to prepare a uniform charter for cities, but he was unable to accept. Mr. Tilden said of him in eighteen hundred and sev enty-six, "He is the most promising young Democrat in the country to-day, ' ' and in eighteen hundred and eighty- five, although in feeble health, he gave out an interview in support of Mr. Hill's candidacy for Governor. Indeed, in eighteen hundred and eighty-two Mr. Til den desired him to be the candidate for Governor, but instead Mr. Hill sought the nomination for Lieutenant- Governor, and gave his support to the nomination of Grover Cleveland for Governor. Mr. Cleveland and Mr. Hill were then the Mayors of their respective cities, and their nominations for Gov ernor and Lieutenant-Governor were ratified by majori ties approximating one hundred and ninety-two thousand. Governor Hill. The election of Mr. Cleveland to the Presidency in eighteen hundred and eighty-four was followed by his resignation as Governor on the sixth of January, eighteen hundred and eighty-five. Governor Hill's subsequent election for a term of three years in November, eighteen hundred and eighty- five, was followed by a re-election for a like term in eighteen hundred and eighty-eight. But the defeat in this State at the same time of the Democratic Presiden tial electors was a sore grief to him. Aside from his earnest desire for the success of the party, he had — and rightly so — an ambition for eighteen hundred and ninety- two, and no one realized more clearly than he that his only hope for such preferment would be buried by the defeat of Mr. Cleveland's electors in this State. With all his energy and ability, upon the platform and otherwise, in this and in other States — he appealed to the people for the success of the national ticket. Mr. Cleveland understood the situation, and thus expressed himself subsequently: "I want you some time to correct the false impres sion abroad that I either have, or had, any idea or im pression that the Presidential ticket was the victim of treachery in New York in the election of eighteen hun dred and eighty-eight. Nobody could understand better than I how that seemingly contradictory result was reached. My campaign for re-election was, of necessity, made upon a single national issue so forced to the front that, as I had foreseen, there was no such thing as evading it, even if my party or myself had so desired. "On the other hand, the State campaign had issues peculiar to itself, with their own supporters, men to whom the tariff had, from a business and political point of view only the remotest interest. The brewers had their own organization for the purpose of protecting the property under their management and jurisdiction. They had the right to use their power for their own protection, and that they exercised this right and power in their own way in no way constituted a grievance so far as the Presidential ticket was concerned. If they could attract votes from a weak and unpopular Republican candidate — supposed to be inimical to them — to his opponent who would be fair because he was strong, they had a perfect right to do so. I had had sufficient experience in State politics to understand the whole situation and never per mitted myself to reproach Governor Hill or his friends for the untoward result so far as I was personally con cerned. ' ' I have never ceased to admire and praise Governor Hill for his clean, high-minded administration of the affairs of the great State of New York. It kept down taxation, and was efficient in carrying out the traditional ideas of his party and our institutions. ' ' Nevertheless, there were those within the party who, without evidence to support it, and against the over whelming weight of evidence to the contrary, charged disloyalty on Governor Hill's part. The injustice of it was hard to bear, but it was borne silently and uncom plainingly, as was his wont. Falsely Accused. It was his rule never to answer an attack, however unjust. The consciousness that he had done right for right's sake was sufficient for him. Let others falsely assign a bad reason for wise action or charge non-action when he had, in fact, acted, if they would — answer he would not. Let me cite an instance, verified by the original letters now in the possession of his executors : Holding Judge Isaac H. Maynard in high esteem as a man of ability, integrity of purpose and spotless honor ; believing, as he did, that the later in openly reclaiming the Dutchess County election returns, before office hours, from the Comptroller, by the direction of the County Clerk, who had mistakenly mailed them — was both legal and proper ; and, further, being sure that the attack upon the Judge was solely for the purpose of delivering a blow at himself over Judge Maynard 's shoulder; nevertheless, on October fourth, eighteen hundred and ninety-three, he wrote the Judge a long letter, which he sent him by spe cial messenger, advising that "in view of the evidence of opposition " he " retire for the sake of harmony. ' ' The letter closes with this sentence : "This is the most painful letter I ever penned — but believe me still, your sincere friend." The day following Judge Maynard replied, declining to accept Mr. Hill's advice. His letter concluded as fol lows: "I know that you would not advise or suggest any thing you did not believe to be for my good and for the party's good, but I am also sure that you would not ex pect me to take a step which I could never regard without a sense of humiliation and shame, and which in my judg ment would cause me the loss of my own self-respect, and the respect of my friends." The defeat of the party in the election of eighteen hundred and ninety-three was followed by a bitter as sault upon Mr. Hill, the charge, in effect, being that against the judgment of the other party leaders he had forced the nomination of Judge Maynard ; that his course was prompted by selfishness, and was in entire disregard of the rights and interests of the party. But not a word of denial or explanation came from him. In eighteen hundred and ninety-four, against his ear nest protest, he was again nominated for Governor. Pub lic prints and speeches repeated then the charge of party misconduct in forcing the nomination of Judge Maynard. On the twenty-third of October, eighteen hundred and ninety-four, Judge Maynard wrote Senator Hill a letter, enclosing the letter of advice Senator Hill wrote him on October fourth, eighteen hundred and ninety-three. The Judge's letter concluded as follows: "I herewith enclose the same, for such use as in your judgment may be most advisable. ' ' Still he did not publish it, and went down to political defeat for the first time in his life, and without a murmur. It may be that his great affection for Judge Maynard contributed toward his decision, but the fact remains that his course in this instance was in line with his settled policy not to answer those who misrepresented him, or accused him of doing that which he ought not to have done or leaving undone that which he ought to have done. Other interesting illustrations could be given did time permit. Personally, I know of but one exception to this rule of silence. As that had to do with a matter of profes sional ethics, he brought it to the attention of the State Bar Association. Their investigation resulted in his com plete vindication. I am of the opinion that it would have been the part of wisdom to have occasionally strangled the libels his enemies created to his injury. But it must be admitted that his patient sufferance indicates great strength of character and full confidence that "Truth, crushed to earth, shall rise again," or, as he said, in professional phrase, "It will come out all right in the summing up." State Administration. In his first message, addressed to a Legislature m political oppostion, he said: "The people demand better government, purer meth ods and higher aims, and whatever party gives the best evidence of the honest fulfillment of such purposes will receive their confidence and approval. ' ' Frugal himself, it is easy to understand how it hap pened that he set himself the task of preventing waste and extravagance in the expenditure of public funds. His efforts were successful. How thoroughly suc cessful the people came to appreciate last year when com parison was made between the expenditures under his administration and those of his several successors. As we take up each year the two or more volumes of the session laws which embody the work of the Leg islature, we are like to wonder if it can be really true that during Governor Hill 's administration there was but a volume a year. Examination discloses that our recollec tion is exact. It was due, however, not to the Legislature, but to the Governor. He waged war without ceasing against unnecessary as well as bad legislation. He sought not credit for this strenuous service, but rendered it in the public interest as his duty of course. Instead of writing a stinging veto of an unnecessary or unworthy bill, thus wounding the introducer — who quite likely acted without fully appreciating 'the character of the measure — he sent for him, pointed out the objec tion, and suggested that the introducer might like to recall the bill. If the member decided not to do 'so, the veto followed. In other words, he did not try to make political capital for himself at the expense of other members of the State Government. A right result was his only aim. The Courts. Partisan he was, of vigorous and rigorous type. His party attachment and loyalty is well told in one speech in the Senate, in which he said : ' ' Born of a Democratic ancestry, reared under Demo cratic teachings, a public life devoted to building up and strengthening the party whose principles I have always zealously espoused, my interests, my sympathies, my hopes and my aspirations are all within party lines." He believed that the Democratic party was most sorely needed in the conduct of the National Government, and that it was his duty as well as that of every man enter taining a like belief to contribute his best effort to that result. Party organization with the power to administer discipline seemed to him absolutely essential. But this principle of party government in his judgment ought not to be invoked as to the judiciary. He believed it of the highest public import that the courts should deserve and have the perfect confidence of all the people, and that one means to that end is to have the appellate courts as nearly evenly divided as possible as to party faith. 10 As always with him, his creed was father to his prac tice. And when the responsibility came of appointing seven Supreme Court Justices to constitute the Second Division of the Court of Appeals, he carried the principle to a generous extreme. He could have created a court with a majority of Dem ocrats. Instead he appointed four Republicans and three Democrats. When Judge Potter left the court the opportunity again occurred to make the court Democratic, but he re garded Mr. Justice Landon, Republican, best equipped of the available Supreme Court Justices, by reason of his long service in the General Term; so to him the appointment went. So, too, did he appoint Republicans to fill vacancies caused by death or resignation of Supreme Court Jus tices chosen by that party. And his selections were rati fied by the nomination of both parties, and' subsequent election by the people. As a party leader he gave effective support to the adoption of that which has now become settled custom : that all worthy, able and efficient judges should have re election without party opposition. As Governor it fell to him to appoint a large com mission to revise the Judiciary Article of the Constitu tion. He selected its members from the leaders of the bar of the State, eliminating no man because of his per sonal or political opposition, and giving to each party equal representation. It will not be claimed, I think, that his record as respects the judiciary has a parallel in the history of the State. 11 ¦ vi 5 ¦! Gubernatorial Details. The purely administrative duties of the Governor were performed by him with that painstaking care, anx ious attention to detail and energy in execution which characterized whatever he undertook. For instance : Once every year he visited the prisons. It was neither a junketing excursion nor an idle ceremony. He notified the warden long in advance of his coming that he would personally hear any application for pardon that was deemed worthy of consideration. In most cases the applicant's appeal was dismissed at the end of an exami nation in the conduct of which all the skill and ability of the Governor was employed to ascertain the truth. Instances there were, however, which led to an investi gation outside the prison which disclosed either miscar riage of justice or excess of punishment, and a pardon resulted. Like thoroughness he employed in every branch of his administrative work. Some of the multitude of things accomplished by legis lative action but due to his initiative and recommendation were : The substitution of electrocution for hanging. Institution of Labor Day and the Saturday half holi day. Insurance of the right of religious liberty in public institutions. Grant to the Executive of power to appoint a referee to take testimony on applications for pardon. Creation of the Statutory Revision Commission. Expediting of the final dispositon of murder cases by permitting direct appeal to Court of Appeals. Establishment of the Forest Preserve, and creation of a commission to have general supervision thereof. 12 Institution of State Arbitration for disputes between employer and employee. Limitatip&iOf preferences under General Assignments to one-third, of estate. Repeal of acts superseded by PenaL and* Criminal Codes. . Provision; for organization, supervision, and adminis tration of trust companies. Inauguration of industrial training in schools. Creation of Commission for Promotion of Uniformity of Legislation in the United States. Establishment of County Roads, the predecessors of our State Roads. Amendment of the Civil Service Law by. giving a preference to veterans of the Civil War. The originating of legislation against child labor in this State. Prohibition of electioneering within one hundred and fifty feet of the polls and the institution of voting booths. Amendment to Penal Code requiring candidates to file statement of expenses ten days after election. Statutory direction to certain classes of corporations to make weekly payment of wages and salary: Senator Hill. Having completed, on the thirty-first day of Decem ber, eighteen hundred and ninety-one, his term as Gover nor, he immediately entered upon his duties as United States Senator* to which office he had been elected in the preceding January. During, the greater portion of his term he" served as 13 Cnairman Of the Committee on Immigration, and as mem ber' of thie: Judiciary, Fisheries, Organization of Execu tive Department, and other committees. With his accustomed energy he grappled with the work before his committees, bringing to bear upon it his well- trained mind and wide knowledge of law and affairs. He was soon known to his associates as an indefatigable and effective working member. In time they came to know that New York's Senator was the most effective debater that had represented his State since the days of Conkling. Income Tax. Some of his then associates are of the opinion that — everything considered — the most masterful of all his arguments were made in the great debate on the Income Tax features of the Wilson Bill. It is unquestioned that no other speeches on that subject were comparable to his. He began the first speech by entering the protest of New York. He pointed out that under the war emergency income tax New York had furnished thirty per cent, of the total revenues derived from that tax, challenged proof that its proportion would be less under the bill proposed, and declared it to be unjust and sectional in its design and operation. Presenting fifteen objections, some of them general and others special, he made vigorous argument in sup port of each. The first speech was made April ninth, eighteen hun dred and ninety-four; the last July third. And in the meantime several long and careful addresses were deliv ered. Securing by amendment the exemption from taxation 14 of income from bonds of the United States, he followed with an attempt to secure like exemption of the income from State bonds. But this effort was of no avail. He charged the bill to be unjust and indefensible in its discriminations in that it necessarily exempted the income from six hundred and thirty-five millions of Fed eral bonds, but denied like exemption to State bonds. Then followed a masterly argument to the effect that so much of the tax as is levied upon income derived from bonds issued by municipal corporations was a tax upon the power of the State and its instrumentalities to bor row money, and consequently was repugnant to the Con stitution of the United States. In the first decision in the Pollack case (157 U. S., 429) the United States Supreme Court completely sustained his position. His legal arguments in support of his assignments of unconstitutionality as to separate features of the bill, as well as to the bill as a whole, captured the interest and the admiration of the bar of the country. Unmatched in the debate, he was, nevertheless, over borne in the vote. Immediately a contest was determined upon, an effort was made to retain the Senator to argue the case in the Supreme Court of the United States. A large retainer was offered, but he would not accept it, although he hoped and believed his position would be vindicated by the Court. His reason was that while he had no hesitation in telling his brother Senators to their faces his view of their proposed legisation, it seemed quite a different matter to him and somewhat indelicate to denounce their action — however diplomatically — before the Court. So the pleasure was not his of presenting the argu ment to the Supreme Court. But he had great satisfac- 15 tion in the decision, not only because it sustained his view of the unconstitutionality of the provisions, but also be cause in his judgment a wise governmental position was attained. Good in an Enemy. The world is full of men whose eyes are not blinded by closest friendship or dearest kinship. These see and point out the fault that shows perfection unattained. Rarer the man with sense so keen that the fair quali ties of his enemy are visible to him. Senator Hill was one of these. And he freely and fairly acknowledged admirable trait and worthy deed. First Defense of President Cleveland. In eighteen ninety-four, during the heat of the sum mer and of the legislative debate on the Wilson Tariff Bill, President Cleveland sent a letter to the Chairman of the Committee of Ways and Means in the House. The letter criticized adversely certain provisions of the pending measure. It provoked a volley of protest from most of the Democratic leaders in the Senate, they cen suring it as an impropriety. Wide as was the breech between the President and Senator Hill, the latter came to the defense of President Cleveland and stood alone against the storm raging against him. He said, in part : " I am not the defender of the Presi dent ordinarily. I have received no favors at his hands, as you and the country well know. I have my political grievances. I differ with him on interparty policy, espe cially on political matters in my own State. * * * But I think * * * in this particular it is my duty, 16 and I am broad-minded and liberal enough to defend him when he is unjustly attacked." Of those who attacked the President were Senator Vest of Missouri, who made the first speech, Senator O'Gorman of Maryland, Senator Jones of Arkansas Senator Voorhees of Indiana and Senator Harris of Tennessee. Senator Hill, in closing his defense, said : "I am reminded how, years ago, a senatorial cabal conspired to assassinate the great Roman Emperor. If I were disposed to make comparisons, I might speak of the distinguished Senator from Maryland as the 'lean and hungry Cassius.' You recollect what Csesar said of him. He said : 'He thinks too much; such men are dangerous.' "I might speak of the Senator from Arkansas as Marcus Brutus — 'Honest Brutus.' * * * Casca was the distinguished Senator who struck the first blow last Friday. Trebonius, the Senator from Indiana — testy, probably a little petulant — 'good Trebonius.' Metellus Cimber, the distinguished Senator from Tennessee. * * * "When yesterday they stabbed at our President and sought to strike him down, they made the same plea as did the conspirators of old, that they struck for Rome — for their country. They said they did it not that they loved Caesar less, but that they loved Rome more; not that they loved the President less, but they loved their party and this Senate bill more. I can say with Mark Antony : " 'What private griefs they have, alas, I know not, That made them do it; they are wise and honorable.' " 17 A Bond Issue. On January third, eighteen hundred and ninety-six, Senator Hill, while temporarily presiding in the Senate, made a ruling which added greatly to his reputation as a parliamentarian, furnished another illustration of the rapidity of his mental processes, and relieved the Administration from threatened embarrassment. At the time the Federal treasury had not sufficient gold on hand to promptly meet the obligations which the credit of the Nation required should be paid in that coin, and the Administration was considering a bond issue. After the assembling of the Senate at noon on Fri day, January third, a motion was carried that at the close of the day the Senate adjourn to Tuesday, January seventh. The Vice-President called Senator Hill to the chair and left for the day. Then followed an extended speech by Senator Sher man on the financial situation. At its conclusion Senator Butler (Populist) of North Carolina asked for the pres ent consideration of a bill which he had theretofore intro duced being "A bill to prohibit the further issue of interest-bearing bonds without the consent of Congress." It provided as follows : "Be it enacted * * * that the issuance of interest-bearing bonds of the United States for any purpose whatever, without further authority from Congress, is hereby prohibited." After a brief speech he asked immediate considera tion. A single objection would prevent its passage at that session, and from the standpoint of the Administration it was vital. 18 Senator Hill appreciated the situation, and hoped and expected an objection. But none was made. However, he proved equal to the emergency, for he made the follow ing announcement: "The Senator from New York, now in the chair, objects to the consideration of the bill," much to the surprise and consternation of the Populists and their Republican allies. A coterie of Populist, Democratic and Republican Senators — who were by this bill seeking to embarrass the Administration — excited and incensed, hurriedly gath ered in front of the Journal Clerk, and referring to Sen ator Hill said, "Could he do that?" The Clerk, smiling, quietly replied, "Well, he has done it!" Subsequently the Clerk stated that although he knew of no precedent for the announcement, he had no doubt of either its legal ity or propriety. And the incident was closed. How timely and helpful to the Goverment his action was you will appreciate when I tell you that on the fol lowing Monday morning, January sixth, the Secretary of the Treasury published a call for a popular loan for one hundred million dollars. Saturday morning Colonel Lamont requested Senator Hill to confer with Secretary Carlisle and himself on the financial situation. The question discussed was whether the amount of the loan should be fifty or one hundred millions, and whether the bonds should be sold at private sale to a syndicate or disposed of to the general public as a popular loan. The conference lasted several hours. Senator Hill arguing for a popular loan of one hundred millions ; Sec retary Carlisle favoring a private sale on the ground that it was certain to produce the needed money, while the result of a popular loan could not be foretold. 19 The President on the day following decided in favor of the popular loan of one hundred millions. It was entirely successful, and the threatened crisis passed. Defeated in this carefully prepared scheme to em barrass the Government, the enemies of the Administra tion then apparently decided that if they could not block the financial plans of the Administration they could at least throw mud at it. Accordingly, on the twelfth day of the following month, Senator Peffer of Kansas, a Populist, introduced a resolution providing for the appointment of a special committee of the Senate to investigate and report all material facts and circumstances connected with the sale of United States bonds by the Secretary of the Treasury in the years eighteen hundred and ninety-four, eighteen hundred and ninety-five and eighteen hundred and ninety- six. The resolution came up again six days later. Senator Sherman moved its reference to the Financial Committee. Senator Peffer opposed such reference, and stoutly in sisted on a special committee. Thereupon Senator Hill began an address to the Sen ate, in opposition to any investigation either by the Finance Committee or a special committee. It occupied the major portion of many days before it was finally concluded, on May sixth. The introducer, as well as the supporters of the reso lution, and their motives, were presented in a light that must have made them very uncomfortable. Severe as was their eastigation, it was but just, as that which hap pened then and afterwards makes clear. The resolution went to the Finance Committee, which made a report of the evidence without recommendation. 20 An inquiry made by a Senator two days before Sen ator Hill's term expired prompted him to make a brief address to the Senate, in the course of which he said: "There was not a scintilla of evidence to invalidate the bond sale, or to cast any suspicion upon it." Important Matters in Senate. As early as eighteen hundred and ninety Senator Hill advocated the repeal of the Sherman Silver Law. When the extraordinary session of eighteen hundred and ninety- three was called to relieve the then "present im pending danger and distress," he predicted its repeal, and he advocated and voted for the repeal measure which was passed at that session, his speeches being largely re sponsible for that result. Senator Hill favored and voted for the measure of eighteen hundred and ninety-four providing for the coin age of the silver bullion then belonging to the Govern ment, known as ' ' seigniorage. ' ' He believed this to be the proper disposition of the bullion. Also, he hoped that the passage of this act would cool the anger of the silver Democrats over the repeal of the Sherman Act, and pre vent such a split as occurred in the party in eighteen hundred and ninety-six. The bill passed, but was vetoed. In eighteen hundred and ninety-eight a bill was passed providing for the coinage of the same bullion. He introduced, and, after a long contest, secured the enactment of a patriotic measure repealing the act mak ing Confederate veterans ineligible for appointment in the army or navy of the United States. He was an earnest advocate of the repeal of the Fed eral Election Law, which had long made possible unfair interference with the conduct of elections by the States. 21 These are* but a few of the many matters in which Senator Hill took prominent part in the Senate. State Leader. Returning from the Senate, he continued to be, as before he had been, the undisputed leader of the Demo cratic party in this State, until he voluntarily withdrew from politics January first, nineteen hundred and five. His leadership was due in no degree whatever to patron age, for he had none for many years, but was due to the fact that the Democratic masses of the State had the utmost confidence in his character, his ability and his loy alty to the fundamental principles of Democracy. Political Honesty. Throughout his life David B. Hill was the unyielding foe of corruption in the public service. When he took his seat as presiding officer of the State Senate he said: "I desire to observe and emphasize the fact that this Legislature is competent to offer and shape its own meas ures without the aid of that class of individuals who, holding no official relations to it, yet make it their busi ness to constantly hover about every legislative body, seeking to dictate its policy and influence its conduct. These corrupt, lobbying influences, which are unfortu nately increasing year by year, and which no honest man can view without concern, should be frowned upon and discouraged. These men, who thus surround us for such purposes, have neither the interests of the State at heart nor the welfare of its representatives. Their motives are mercenary, their occupation disreputable, and their very presence a reproach." 22 In the last speech of his life, made at Elmira, his old home, he pleaded for a return to old-time principles of honesty in public life. And it is known of all men that his conduct ever kept step with his discourse. Lack of Lucre Lust. In one of his Senatorial speeches David Bennett Hill spoke of wealth as man's "least noble possession." His friends well knew of his lack of instinct for the accumu lation of riches. Though his practice after the close of his public service was lucrative, Death found him a rela tively poor man. He cared not for money for itself, nor did he garner it to minister to his personal pleasure. He was honest to the extreme. He did, as a matter of course, many things which would have seemed far from necessary to many men, and to most others would have seemed of such rare excellence as to deserve an nouncement to and approbation by the public. An example of such exact probity is found in his refusal to accept the four thousand dollars and over which represented the salary of United States Senator from the time of his election to the day he qualified. He threatened to mandamus the Clerk unless the money was returned to the Treasury. Though this happened in eighteen hundred and ninety-two, even closest friends knew nothing of it till after his death. We find it difficult to avoid contrasting it with the modern custom. He spent much money in deeds of charity and kind ness, observing ever the scriptural injunction, "Let not thy left hand know what thy right hand doeth. ' ' Such an instance his death disclosed also. The last day before 23 his fatal illness he spent at Troy ordering a bell for the village church he attended in his boyhood, and it was stip ulated that he was not to be named as the bestower. This Was a Man. This was a man, of highest ideals and clean life, fear less, incorruptible, zealous in politics, loyal to the councils and principles of his party, faithful to every public trust, conscientiously devoted to the welfare of the people, en during calumny patiently, eager to help all distress, never vaunting his rectitude or beneficences, and having per sonal qualities that made his friendship a thing to be cherished with nothing less dear and sacred than ties of home and nearest kindred. By his death his profession loses an able, logical and scholarly advocate, his party a potent, enthusiastic and pre-eminent leader, and his country a great, far-seeing and broad-minded statesman. To the smaller company of his friends the loss is yet greater; for his friendship for others, once given, knew not change or diminution through circumstance or time. The consolation that remains rests in the trust that his friendship knows no change through eternity ! YALE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY 3 9002 08866 1047