'¦'ill- ,' ..-/^^/^SettySw liSttg 'Tf&]LJE-'VM^I8Sinnr- - EJII3I&&mr • BOUGHT WITH THE INCOME OF THE Alfred E. Perkins Fund mm THE PUBLICATIONS UTije 3|atletan §s>otitty. ESTABLISHED A.D. MDCCCLXIX. Wolnmt Xih FOR THE YEAR MDCCCLXXVH. LONDON : MITCHELL AND HUGHES, PRINTERS, WARDOUR STREET, W. Zt>t Tttfttatiou of tfir County of Wartotcfc 5n tfft §&*ar 1619. TAKEN BY WILLIAM CAMDEN, (Harl. MSS. 1167.) EDITED BY JOHN EETHEESTON, E.S.A. LONDON 1877. Bbdt.03 I 2_ V^fu^jg&j Cob) iRipSt ^tefac** The Genealogies set forth in the following pages were taken in 1619 for William Camden, Clarenceux King of Arms, by his deputies, Sampson Lennard, Blewmantle, and Augustine Vincent. The greater part (as that of Leicester, visited in the same year) is in the handwriting of the former, and his arms are stamped upon the cover. Like the Visitation of Leicestershire, the pedigrees are marked with crosses, chiefly of red chalk, at the beginning of almost every descent, which the copy in the College of Arms wants, so that whether that copy was transcribed from this is doubtful, neither copy being the original. That in the College, however, has attached to many of the descents the subscriptions of those who gave the information to the Heralds, whilst this, like that of Leicester, has only one sub scription, " John Kynnersley," at fo. 30 b. In Harl. MS. 1195 are some of the original loose papers signed by the then representa- MS. in Coll, Arm, Banners I, VI PREFACE. tives of the families therein recorded, facsimiles of which are given at the end of this work. Several additions, chiefly in the hand of Henry Parker, are to be found throughout the book, mostly in the earlier folios, and there are also many mistakes as to names and localities. Three Visitations of the County appear to have been taken, the first that by Eobert Cooke, Chester Herald in 1563, copies of which remain in Coll. Arm. MSS. I7,G 11, and H 12. Harl. MS.'l563 also contains somewhat of this. The second was the one printed in this volume, taken in 1619, and of which copies are still extant in some of our national collections ; for besides the pages of this book (a literal copy of Harl. MS. 1167), there are also in the British Museum Harl. MS. 1563 and MS. 1100 ; in the Heralds' College MS. C 7, and a volume of Vincent's ' Warwickshire Collections ;' and in both Universities ; that of Cambridge being at Caius College, marked MS. 548, and that of Oxford in Queen's College Library, marked MS. clx. An Index to the Warwickshire Visitations in the Harleian manuscripts has been privately printed by the late Sir Thomas Phillips, Bart., of Middle Hill. Arms and pedigrees of Warwickshire Gentry may be found in Harl. MS. 6060, and again in MS. 1353. In the ' Warwickshire Antiquarian Magazine,' from No. 3 to the present year (1877), printed at Warwick, and edited by myself, some of the pedigrees from this Visitation have been already issued j but these were a collation of the four manuscripts alluded to in the Harleian Library, and not a literal copy of any one. The third and final Visitation of this County was taken in 1682-3. The title page here follows :— " The Visitation of the County of Warwick begun by Thomas May Chester and Gregory King Rouge Dragon, in Hilary Vacac'on 1 682. Reviewed by them in Trinity Vacac'on following, and finished by Henry Dethick Richmond, and the said Rouge Dragon Pursuiv4 in Trinity Vacation 1683 by virtue of several deputations from Sr Henry S' George K' Clarencx King of Arms." This manuscript, which is believed to be wnique, is now in the College of Arms, marked K 3, and forms one of a series of Visitations amongst the last taken in that valuable collection. I am indebted to the kindness of a deceased Herald about nineteen years since for permission to copy a list of these pedigrees, which I subjoin in alphabetical order : — Adderley. Agborough.Alsop. ¦f- Archer of Dpton. Astley of Wolvey. Avery (Arms only). Aylworth of Wellesbourne. Bayley of Coventry, Bearcroft of Coventry. *Betham. Bickley.Biddulph. Bishop.Bohun or Boun. Boughton of Cawston. Boughton of Lawford. *Bracebridge. Bridgeman. ?Brookes of Hallaton. Bull of Kingshurst. Burton of Caresley. Cayley of Coventry. Clark of Salford. Clerke of Willoughby. PREFACE. Vll Clopton. fCookes of Harbury. ¦[¦Coventry of Snitterfield. *Coton of Coton. Craven. fDakyns of Maxstoke Hall. ?Dilke of Maxstoke Castle. Dover of Barton. Drayton of Atherstone. fDugdale. Duguard of Barford. fEborall of Balsall. fFarmer of Hartshill. ?Ferrers of Baddesley Clinton. Ferrers of Tamworth Castle. *Fetherston of Packwood. Fielding. f Fisher of Packington. Fitch.Freher of Birmingham. Fulwood of Alne. Gibbon of Coventry. fGibson of Combe. Goodwin of Badway. Grammer.Greene of Wyken. Gregory of Stivichall. fGrevill of Beauchamps Court. Grosvenor.Hacket.Hamersley.Harvey of Stockton. Higges of Coventry. Hinton of Coventry. fHolbech of Fillongley. Holden of Erdington. Huntbach. Ingram of Wolford. Kempson.Kendall. King. Kittermaster of Coleshill. *Knight of Barrels. Lee of Billesley. •(¦Leigh of Stoneleigh. Loggan.Lucy. Marow. Mathew. *Mayne of Elmdon. *Newdigate. *Newsam.fNorton of Coventry. Overbury. fParker of Hartshill. Parker of Tamworth. Parkyns. Phillips of Newton Regis. fPhillips of Studley. Purefoy of Wolvershall. *Quiney. f Rawlins of Marston Sicca. Repington of Amington. Rugeley. St. Nicholas. Saunders of Bedworth. Skipwith. Spooner. *Stratford of Atherston. Taylor of Anstey. Turton. *Ward. Warner of Wasperton. Westley of Ethorp. Wheler. Wilcox of Brandon. Willington of Hurley. Wolrich of Coventry. Woodward of Avon Dasset. Of these, those marked with an asterisk have been printed in the first and second numbers of the ' Warwick Magazine,' by limited subscription, and now entirely out of print ; those marked thus f by the late Rev. George H. Dashwood, P.SA., at his private press, Stow Bardolph (1865), twenty copies only •* and lastly, five others printed in ' Miscellanea Genealogica et Heraldica,' edited by J. J. Howard, Esq., LL.D., P.S.A., and of which a dozen copies were privately reprinted to supplement Mr. Dashwood's issue. These five are Bull of Kingshurst, Freher of Birmingham, Goodwin of Radway, King of Coventry, and Spooner of Henwood. In my possession is a parchment volume containing amongst other things a few pedigrees of Warwickshire families, evidently copied from this Visitation by Thomas Fetherston of Packwood, High Sheriff! of the County 1691-2, and con tinued in some until the year 1664, with a list of the Sheriffs from 1566 to the year before his death, 1713, and the under Sheriffs from 1662 to that date. The arms are blazoned; the pedigrees are these: — Woodward of Butlers Marston and Avon Dasset, Petherston of Pack- wood, "drawne out by Sr Symon Archer of Tanworth (Umberslade) in ye county of Warr. Knight, 1637, accordingly as it was taken by him;" Waring of Berry Hall, in the parish of Solihull (an old moated house, lately demolished) ; over the porch was the inscription, — " Jesus est * Five of these were accidentally destroyed. VT11 PREFACE. amor meus," in black letter, and many fragments of stained glass and old carving ; Kempson of Hillborow (" the haunted Hillborow of Shake speare ") ; Murden or Morden of Morton Morrell, near Warwick, the hall still remaining; Dilke of Maxstoke Castle, near Coleshill; Mayne of Elmdon (of the same family as the Regicide), the old hall pulled down to make room for the present, now the residence of William Charles Alston, Esq. ; ISTewsam of Chadshunt ; Purif oy of Caldecote, a modern residence occupying the site of the old hall celebrated for the defence against Prince Rupert; Peto of Chesterton, the gateway of which alone re mains ; and Raleigh of Pamborough, now passed away to the family of Holbeche. Besides this, the volume contains an ordinary in blazon of the Warwickshire families resident in the time of Charles the Second. These I append in their order : — Archer : Azure, three arrows points downwards or. Arden : Ermine, a f ess checquy azure and or. Ascough : Sable, a fess or between three asses statant argent. Askew (Lapworth) : Argent, a fess between three asses passant of the field. Annesley : Paly of six azure and gules, over all a bend of the last. Aylworth : Argent, a fess dancetty between six billets gules. Archard : Ermine, a cross sable. Aylesbury (Aylesbury House, in the parish of Packwood) : Azure, a cross argent. Alsope : Sable, a chevron between three doves or. Andrewes : Gules, a saltire or surmounted of another vert. Aglionby : Argent, two bars and in chief three martlets sable. Ashley: Azure, a cinquefoil ermine within a bordure engrailed or. Alderf ord : Argent, on a saltire azure a tiger's head erased or. Acton : Gules, a fess ermine within a bordure engrailed of the last. Aderley : Or, on a bend azure three lozenges argent. Apleby : Argent, two bars gules, a chief or, over all a bend azure. Aston : Sable, a saltire argent. Holbech of Fillongley: Vert, five escallops argent, two, one, two. Boughton of Causton : Sable, three crescents or. Burgoigne of Wroxhall : Gules, a chevron between three talbots passant, on a chief embattled argent as many martlets azure. Brome de Woodlow : Sable, on a chevron argent three sprigs of broom slipped vert. Broughton de Broughton (Wichingham, co. Berks) : Or, on a fess azure three escallops argent. Baggott : Ermine, two chevrons azure. Boswell : Argent, five fusils in fess sable, in chief three boars' heads couped of the second. Brookesby : Barry nebuly of six argent and sable, on a canton of the second a mullet or. Bradshaw : Argent, two bends sable. Browne de Wistow : Argent, a cross fitchee sable. Betham- Rowington : Ermine, a chevron between three boars statant sable. Beau- f oy de Guyscliff : Ermine, on a bend azure three cinquefoils or. Benley (Bendich ?) : Argent, a chevron between three ravens' heads erased sable. Burden : Argent, on a bend sable three bezants. Browne : Gules a chev- PREFACE. ix ron between three escallops or within a bordure engrailed azure. Barker: Barry of eight or and sable, a bend gules. Barker de Ansty : Per chevron engrailed or and sable, a lion rampant counter changed. Andrewes de Meriden: Argent, on a bend cotized sable three mullets of the field. Bracy de Barston : (Blank.) Briggs de Exhall: Azure, three water bougets or. Burdett de Bramcott : Azure, two bars or. Bury de Barton super Heath : Argent, a chevron between three squirrels cracking nuts sable. Booth de Witton : Argent, three boars' heads erased and erect gules, in chief a fleur de lis of the last for difference. Bushell de Brode Mersto' : Argent, a chevron between three water bougets sable. Catesby de Bickenhull: (field not tinctured) Two lions passant in pale or. Chamberlaine de Lutmans End : Gules, an inescocheon argent within an orle of mullets or. Chetwind de Grendon: Azure, a chevron between three mullets or. Clarke de Sawford : Gules, three swords erect in fess argent. Colemer de Bermingham : Gules, billetty and three crescents or. Coleburne de Morton Morrill : (blank.) Combes de old Stratford : Ermine, three lions passant in pale gules. Corbin de Hall End : Argent, on a chief or three ravens sable. Cotton de Woodcote : Azure, an eagle dis played argent. Dalby de Brookhampton : Argent, three bars wavy gules. Danvers de Ratley : Argent, on a bend gules three martlets or. Cope de Knoll : Argent, on a chevron azure between three roses slipped gules as many fleurs de lis or. Devereux de Castle Bromwich: Argent, a fess gules, in chief three torteaux. Digby de Coleshill : Azure, a fleur de lis argent. Dugdale of Blith Hall : Argent, a cross moline gules, in the first quarter a torteau. ? Ferrers de Tamworth : Vaire gules and or. Ferrers de Baddesley : Gules, seven mascles conjoined three, three, and one or ; a canton ermine. Fielding de Newnham : Argent, on a fess azure three lozenges or. Fisher de Packington : Argent, a chevron vair between three lions rampant gules. Fulwood de Aston Cantelupe : Gules, a chevron between three mullets argent. Fetherston de Packwood : Gules, on a chevron between three ostrich feathers displayed argent, as many annulets sable ; a canton ermine. Gibbes de Honnington : Sable, three battle axes argent. Glover de Baxterley: Sable, a chevron ermine between three crescents argent. Grant de Norbrooke : Ermine, on a chevron gules five bezants. Gregory de Stichall : Or, two bars and in chief a lion passant azure. Hales de Coventry : Gules, three arrows points downwards argent. Holt de Dudson : Azure, two bars, and in chief a cross patee or. Holbech de Fillongley : (field untinctured) Five escallops. Home de Stoke : Gules, a fess vair. Huband de Ippesley : Sable, three fleurs de lis argent. Kinarsley de Ward end : Argent, a fess vaire (untinctured) and or, between three eagles displayed gules. Knighl ie Rowington : Argent, three PREFACE. bendlets gules, on a canton azure, a spur erect argent. Knightley de Offchurch: Quarterly, ermine and paly of six or and gules within a bordure azure. Knottesford de Studley : (obliterated by time.) Lee de Billesley : Argent, a fess sable, in chief two pellets, and in base a martlet of the second. Leigh de Newnham et Stonley : Gules, a cross engrailed argent. Lisle de Moxhull : Quarterly, 1 & 4. Or, a fess betwixt two chevrons sable ; 2 & 3. Argent, three eagles displayed gules. Lucy de Charlecote : Gules, crusilly and three lucies hauriant argent. Lapworth de Sowe: Vair, on a saltire gules five fleurs de lis or. Marrowe de Barkeswell : Azure, a fess between three maidens' heads couped at the shoulders, with hair dishevelled or. Middlemore de Edgbaston : Per chevron argent and sable, in chief two moorcocks of the last. Mountfort de Kingshurst : Bendy of eight or and azure. Nbell de Longden Hall : Or, fretty gules, a canton ermine. Dingley de Charleton, co. Worcester : Argent, a fess sable, in chief a mullet of the last between two pellets. Pudsey de Langley: (field not blazoned) A chevron between three mullets or. Puckering de Warwick : Argent, a bend lozengy cotized (untinctured). Repington de Amington : Gules, a fess indented ermine between six billets argent. Rugeley de Dunton : Argent, a chevron between three roses gules. Newdigate de Erdbury : Gules, three lions' gambs erased argent. Skinner de Shelf eild: Sable, a chevron or between three griffins' heads erased argent. Verney de Compton : (field untinctured) Three crosses recercelee or, a chief erminois. Underbill de Idlicote and Etingto': (field untinctured) A chevron between three trefoils slipped. Wagstaff de Warwick: Argent, two bends engrailed, the lower one couped. Willington de Hurley: Gules, a saltire vair. Woodward de Avon Dassett : A pale between two eagles displayed, on the pale in chief a crescent for difference. Willoughby de Middleton Parke : Or, fretty (untinctured). Throgmorton de Coughton et Haseley : Gules, on a chevron argent, three bars gemelles sable. Stanton de Wolverton, Roxhali, and Longbridge : Sable, two chevrons within a bordure engrailed argent. Willis de Fenny Compton : Argent, a chevron between three mullets gules, pierced of the field. Tate de Wawins Wooton : Per fess crenellee or and gules, three gates counter- changed. Porter de Hollington Grange, co. Staff. : Sable, three church bells pendent argent. Skipwith de la Cotes, co. Leic. : Argent, three bars gules, in chief a greyhound courant sable. The order of the pedigrees in the manuscript has been adhered to as strictly as possible ; but it has been found necessary for the sake of uniform illustration to transpose the pedigrees without arms in order to fill up vacant spaces, and to slightly alter the arrangement at the end of the book for this purpose. I am indebted to several nobility and PREFACE. XI gentry for their liberality in aid of the illustrations, especially to Philip Evelyn Shirley, Esq., of Eatington Park, and the late Marquis of Northampton, and to Mr. Timothy Dilke Fetherston, for various assis tance rendered. MS. in Coll. Arm, Banners I. 2. CORRIGENDA. Digby (p. 16). Quartering 4. Burke's ' Armory ' gives the birds as " martlets," to which the drawing in the manuscript bears but little resemblance. Underhill (p. 30). Quarterings 2 and 3. A canton ermine is omitted. Grey (p. 42). Quarterings 1 and 4. For three bars read harry of six. Rainsford (p. 48). Quartering 12. For bends read bendlets. Montfort (p. 54). Quartering 3. For eight crosslets read seven. On escocheon of pretence, after, in pale argent, add crowned. Maeow (pp. 68, 70). Quarterings 1 and 4. After couped at the shoulders, add with hair dishevelled. Hales (p. 94). Crest. After dexter insert arm.. Olney (p. 112). Burke's ' Armory ' calls the fishes " pike." Gregory (p. 158). The engraver has omitted the crescent in fess for difference. Beaufoy (p. 202). Quartering 16. The engraver having copied the drawing strictly, has made the two pairs of annulets in chief appear to be in lend, and that in base in sinister bend. Knight (p. 218). Crest. Burke's ' Armory ' gives the crest — A spur, leathered or, between a pair of wings gules. The drawing, which is correctly copied, bears the greater resemblance of a winged spur. Peers (p. 232). Crest. Instead of embowed read counterembowed. Randolph (p. 302). Crest. After reremouse omit displayed, as the bat is always borne so. (Parker's ' Glossary of Heraldry,' page 267.) Horne (p. 342). Quartering 3. After buchles read tongues pendent. Sacheverell (p. 390). Quartering 2. Burke's ' Armory ' calls the bird a snipe, but the Visitation of Worcestershire, Harl. MS. 1043, fo. 36 b, blazons it as " Gules, a shoueler argt. membred and crowned or by ye name of Suytterton." TV l& NAMES OE QUARTERINGS AND IM PALEMENTS TRICKED IN THE VISITATION OE WARWICKSHIRE, 1619. Arms. 1. Grey. 2. Hastings. 3. De Valence. 4. Quincy. 5. Bellamont, E. of Leicester. 6. Wydville. 7. Bonville. 8. Harington. Sheldon (p. 2). 1. Sheldon. 2. Ruding. 3. Heath. 4. Grove. 5. Willington. Ferrers (p. 4) of Baddesley Clinton. 1. Ferrers. 2. Frevill. 3. Marmion. 4. Montfort. 5. Bottetourt. 6. Hexstall. 7. Hampden. 8. Sydney. 9. Popham. Ferrers (p. 6) of Tamworth Castle. 1. Ferrers of Chartley. 2. Peverell. 3. Ferrers of Groby. 4. Bellamont. 5. Grentesminil. 6. Galloway. 7. Scotland (Ancient). 8. Blundeville, Earl of Chester. 9. Lupus, Earl of Chester. 10. Frevill. 11. Marmion. ; 12. Kilpeck. 13. Montfort. 14. Bottetourt. 15. Zouch? Bracebridge (p. 8). 1. Bracebridge. 2. Birmingham. Fielding (p. 10). 1. Fielding. 2. Seyton. 3. Napton. 4. Willington. MS. in Coll. Arm. Banners I. 2 fo. 34. XIV NAMES OF QUARTERINGS. Griffith (p. 14). 1. Griffith. 2. Somerville. 3. Brecknock? Digby (p. 16). 1. Digby. 2. Waleys. 3. Danvers. 4. Pury. 5. Bruley. Holt (p. 18). 1. Holt. 2. Castell. 3. 4.5. Willington. Carles (p. 22). 1. Carles. 2. Strange? 3. Camville? Verney (p. 24). 1. Verney. 2. Darcy. 3. Wendesley. 4. Greene. 5. "Thame. Conway (p. 26). 1. Conway. 2. Crewkere. 3. Burdett. 4. Camvill. 5. Bruin. 6. Bereford. Grevell (p. 28). 1. Grevill. 2. Braose? 3. Cokesey (Dugdale's War wickshire. Ed. Thomas. 1730. Vol. ii. p. 987.) 4. St. Lo or Erdeswick (an cient) 1 6. 6. Cassy, co. Warwick (Pap- worth, vol. i. p. 232). Underhill (p. 30.) 1. Underhill. 2. Porter." Somerville (p. 32). 1. Somervill. 2. Aylesbury. 3. Bramston. 4. Beaufitz. Comberford (p. 34). 1. Cumberford. 2. Edgbaston. 3. Beaumont. 4. Comyn. 5. Earl of Chester. 6. Everingham. 7. Hanville. 8. Tinmare. 9. Stafford, WlGSTON (p. 36). 1. Wigston. 2. Langley of Knolton. 3. Poole. 4. Langley of Sutton Coldfield. Dixwell (p. 40). 1. Dixwell. 2. Mychell. Grey (p. 42). 1. Grey. 2. Hastings. 3. Astley. 4. Love. 5. Butnor. Congreve (p. 44). 1. Congreve. 2. Porter. Dabridgcouht (p. 46). 1. Dabridgcourt. 2. Greswold. Rainsford (p. 48). 1. Rainsford. 2. Wilcotts. 3. Wilcotts. 4. Hall. 5. Greene. 6. Glanville. 7. Lions. 8. Scocathe. 9..Wakested. 10. Ardborough. 11. Purscell. ) (Visit. Oxon. 12. Shershall. V Harl. Soc. 13. Prattell. ) vol. v. p. 165.) Charnells (p. 52). 1. Charnells. 2. Charnock? Montfort (p. 54). 1. Montford. 2. Clinton of Coleshill. 3. Bereford. 4. Haversham ? Escutcheon of Pretence,Fowler ? Alderfosd (p. 58). 1. Alderford. 2. Everard. 3. Sheldon. 4. Ruding. Greswold (p. 60). 1. Greswold. 2. Stockley of Yoxall, Stafford (Harl. MS. 6128, fo. 24). Belcher (p. 64). 1. Belcher. 2. Raund. Goodere (p. 66). 1. Goodere. 2. Thornbury. 3. Brent. 4. Scales. 5. Rowlett. Goodere — continued. 6. Knight. 7. Forster. 8. Meled. 9. Goldsmith. 10. Jaye. Maeow (p. 68). 1. Marow. 2. Rich. Arden (p. 72). 1. Arden. 2. Clodshall. 3. Bishopston. 4. Golofre. 5. Fishyer. Raleigh (p. 76). 1. Raleigh. 2. Pincherdon. 3. Helion. 4. Cottesford. Leigh (p. 80). 1. Leigh. 2. Barker. Boughton (p. 82). 1. Boughton. 2. Cave. Lunsford (p. 84). 1. Lunsford. 2. Barrington. 3. Tottam. Throgmorton (p. 86). 1. Throgmorton. 2. Olney. 3. De la Spine. 4. Bosan. Trussell (p. 92). Trussell.Trussell (ancient). Brome (p. 96). Brome.Body. Burdett (p. 100). Burdett.Camville.Bruin.Burdett (MS. in Coll. Arm, Vine. Coll. fo. 6). Kynnersley (p. 102). Kynnersley. Bond. Harman (p. 104). Harman.Collett. Squire. POYNTON (p. 120). Poynton. NAMES OF QUARTERINGS. XV Englefield (p. 122). 1. Englefield. 2. Bossall? Catesby (p. 124). 1. Catesby. 2. Ladbrooke. 3. Arden. 4. Cranford. 5. Croshelme? 6. Montfort. 7. Brandeston. 8. Bishopston. 9. Wilcotts. 10. Purscell. 11. Forster (p. 132). 1. Forster. 2. Popham (Berks, MS. 1081, fo. 24 [pencil]). 3.4. Delamare of co. Bucks (1563, fo. 646). 5. Bushell (p. 138). 1. Bushell. 2. Musard. 3. D'Abbitot. 4. Saltmarsh. , Thicknes (p. 144). 1. Ward. 2. Thicknes. 3. Rugeley. 4. Waldiffe. 5. "Whithead. 6. Passelowes. Gregory (p. 164). 1. Gregory. 2. Asfordby. 3. Segrave. 4. Malin. 5. Dymock. 6. Marmion. Griffin (p. 166). 1. Griffin. 2. Favell. 3. Brewse (Vine. Northants in Coll. Arm MS. 113, vol. i. fol. 12J.) i. Latimer. 5. Braybrooke. 6. Ledet. 7. Foliot (Vine. Northants in Coll. Arm, vol. i. fo. 14). 8. Reyncourt. 9. Newton. 10. Pigott, co. Somerset ? 11. Nevill, co. Hunts? 12. Perrot of Yestington, co. Gloucester. (Harl. MS. 1543, fo. 157J.) 13. 14. Cheddar? Peto (p. 172). 1. Peto. 2. Langley of Milcott. ) MS. 3. Bassett. >-1563, 4. Langley of Knowl-jfo.82 ton. Repington (p. 188). 1. Repington. 2. Goldsmith. 3. Otterborne? Puckering (p. 196). 1. Puckering. 2. Ashton. 3. Barton. 4. Strelley. 5. Lever. Clark (p. 198). 1. Woodchurch. 2. Clarke. 3. Spark. 4. De la Hay. 5. Winterborne. 6. Godfrey. Impaling 1. Alderford. 2. Everard. 3. Sheldon. 4. Ruding. Beaufoy (p. 202). 1. Beaufoy. 2. Abberbury. 3. Sharshall (Vine. Collection in Coll. Arm, No. 126, fo. 58). 4. Wilcotts. 5. Swinerton. 6. Montgomery. 7. Mallory. 8. Neville. 9. Hugford. 10. Comberley. 11. Dynge. 12. Cresholme. 13. Tate. 14. Ferrers of Baddesley Clinton. 15. Rainsford of Tew,co. Oxon. 16. Huddesdon. Throgmorton of Haseley (p. 206). 1. Throgmorton. 2. Abberbury. 3. Olney. 4. De la Spine. 5. Olney. 6. Bosan. 7. Wyke. Hales (p. 208). 1. Hales. 2. Harpur. Betham (p. 214). 1. Betham, impaling Wallis- ton. Knight (p. 218). 1. Knight. 2. Forster. 3. Waring, Northampton, 1618 -19. (Harl. MS. 1094, fo. 50.) 4. 5.6. Hely, Northants (Harl. MS. 1094, fo. 50). The Northampton Visitation gives the motto : — "Solus in Cselis." Palmer of Compton Scor- fen (p. 220). 1. Palmer. 2. Godweston. 3. RoclifE. 4. Garshall. Canning (p. 224). 1. Canning. 2. Salmon. 3. Marshall. Decons (p. 230). 1. Decons. 2. Reynes of Lewes. Fulwood (p. 236). 1. Fulwood. 2. Sydenhall (Vincent's Coll. [Warw.] No. 126, fo, 118). 3. Arden. 4. Sydenhall. 5. Lunell. 6. Mytton. Pudsey (p. 250). 1. Pudsey. 2. Hore. 3. Ellesfield. 4. Audley. Purifoy (p. 254). 1. Purifoy. 2. Purifoy. 3. Shireford. 4. Wellesburgh. 5. Hard wick of Lindley. 6. Rodvile. 7. Funden. 8. Flanders. 9. Limesey. 10. Ashbrook. 11. Champaine. 12. Stevens. Harl. MS. 1563, fo. Ill, gives the motto, "Purefoy, Ma Joy." HANSLAP (p. 256). 1. Hanslap. 2. Hore. Chamberlains (p. 258). 1. Tankervill. 2. Chamberlaine. XVI NAMES OF QUARTERINGS. Adderley (p. 262). 1. Adderley. 2. Braifield. 3. Thirkeld. Harware (p. 266). 1. Harware. 2. Dilke (p. 268). Dilke, impaling Devereux. Ward (p. 274). 1. Ward. 2. Rowley. Stanton (p. 276), impaling Washington. Devereux (p. 278). 1. Devereux. 2. Bourchier. 3. Thomas of Woodstock. 4. Bohun. 5. Milo. 6. Mandeville. 7. Lovayne. 8. Wydville. 9. Crophull. 10. Verdon. 11. Marischall. 12. Marshall. 13. Ferrers. 14. Blundeville, E. of Chester. (Mill's Catalogue of Hon our 1610, page 570.) 15. Quincy, E. of Winchester. 16. Bellamont, E. of Leicester. Spencer (p. 282). 1. De Spencer. 2. Spencer. 3. Deverell. 4. Lincolne. 5. Warsted. 6. Grant. 7. Ruding. Lucy (p. 286). 1. Lucy. 2. Furches. 3. Hugford. 4. Middleton. 5. Pabenham. 6. De la Planch. 7. Hamberie ? (Haversham) (1563, fo. 24.) 8. Trayley. 9. Acton. 10. Kingsmill. (Harl. MS. 1563, gives motto— " Semper in Clita Virtus." GOBARD (p. 292) Impaling Smith of Withcote. Randolph (p. 302) Impaling Ferrers of Baddesley Clinton. Cotton (p. 304). 1. Cotton. 2. Weasenham. 3. Brus. 4. David, E. of Hunts. 5. Waltheof Earl of Hunts. 6. Brus. 7. Earl of Chester. Archer (p. 308). 1. Archer. 2. Hulehall. ] 3. Sancey*or Cancey, I MS. co. Leicester. > 1563, 4. Aldbury aVs Maw- 1 fo.l4&. ley. ) 5. Hugford. 6. Middleton. 7. Pabenham. 8. De la Planch. 9. Hamberie ? Haversham. 10. Blakelow (MS. 1563, fo. 14J). 11. De la Launde. * [Sawy (Vincent, fo. 19).] News am (p. 316). 1. Newsam. 2. Barber. Aglionby (p. 328). 1. Aglionby. 2. Torreby (MS. 1563, fo. 151). Middlemore (p. 332). 1. Middlemore. 2. Edgbaston. Hugford (p. 336). 1. Hugford. 2. Comberley. 3. Dinge. 4. Crosholme. Impaling Butler. HORNE (p. 342). 1. Home. 2. Wollascot. 3. Morton. 4. Wood. 5. Pillesdon. 6. Pulleston? Shuckburgh (p. 344). 1. Shuckburgh. 2. Carbonel. 3. Napton. 4. Arden. 5. Sydenhall. 6. Lunell. MATHEW (p. 348). 1. Mathew. Mathew — c 2. De Avan alias Williams for Jestyn ap Gwrgant 1 Butler (p. 356). 1. Butler. 2. Barker (p. 360). 1. Barker. 2. Burley. Willington (p. 374). 1. Willington. 2. Waldyve. 3. Bracebridge. Baldwin (p. 376). 1. Baldwin. 2. Wigley. 3. Child. 4. Atcherley. Peiton (p. 378). 1. Peiton. 2. Coluille (MS. 1563, fo. lSb). 3. Sutton. 4. Aldham? 5. Francis. Grosvenor (p. 384). 1. Grosvenor. 2. Pulsford. 3. Feasant. 4. Whitmore. 5. Smith or Scar- Smith (Ni chols' Herald and Gene alogist, vol. iv. p, 486). 6.7. Clayton. 8. Bushbury. Sacheverell (p. 390). 1. Sacheverell. 2. Snitterton. 3. Hopwell. 4. Statham. 5. Massey. 6. Risley (MS. in Coll. Arm, C. 7, fo. 1146). 7. Morley. 8. De la Launde. 9. Montalt. Motto — En bon foy. (Visit, of Worcester, Harl. MS. 1043, fo. 36 &.) Andrewes (p. 394). 1. Andrewes. 2. Erdeswick? 3. Jennets, Worcester (Harl. MS. 1043, fo. 35). 4. Wybb. 5. Stafford. Kynnersley (p. 396). 1. Kynnersley. 2. Bond. NAMES OF QUARTERINGS. XVII Knightley (p. 400). 1. Knightley. 2. Pantolph. 3. Verdon. 4. Doiley. 5. Stoke. 6. Duston. 7. Noel. 8. Tregos. 9. Eures. Knightley — continued. 10. Golover. 11. Burgh. 12. Burgh. 13. Cowley. 14. Cowley. 15. Clanceux. 16. Skinnard. 17. Colcombe. 18. Harwedon. Knightley — continued. 19. Waterville. 20. Landwath. 21. St. John. 22. Comberton. 23. Plumpton. Wagstaff (p. 402), Impaling Fulwer. MS. in Coll. Arm. Banners I. 2, fo. 34. dW^ (f^^hlwCjf %m of yetngweft Adderley 263 Aglionby 329 Alderford 59 Andrew 50 Andrewes 395 Archer 309 Arden 73, 74 Arden 176, 177, 178, 179, 180, 181, 182 Arden of Redborne . . 182 Ashfield 165 Astley 365 AVEREY 407 Baldwin 377 Barker 361 Beaufoy .... 203, 204 Beaumont ...... 90 Belcher 65 Betham 215 Bishop 223 Bishopston 131 ^^^M^^^^^^^^^fi^^^" BosuM 89 v:--*^4^^.VkTSi^-"w'B0VT 187 'f-^^-^l^^m^^^^^^mii^.. Bracebridge 9 MS. in Coll. Arm. Banners I. 2 fo. 68. Bradley 355 Brandeston .... 127 Brome 97,98 Burdett 101 Burnaby 146 Bury 265 Butler 357 Bushell .... 139, 140 Bussere 136 Canning 225 Carington alias Smith . 71 Carles 23 Catesby . . 125, 126, 127 Catesby of Knowle . . 142 Chamberlains . . . .259 Charnells 63 Childe 205 Clapham 367 Clark . . . 199, 200, 201 Clerke 156, 167 Clinton 137 Clodeshall 74 Clopton alias Oockesfield 109, 110 Cocke 261 LIST OF PEDIGREES. XIX Cockesfield alias Clopton 109 Colemore 335 Colles 247, 248 Combe 291 Comberford 35 congreve 45 Conway 27 Cooke 299 Corbett 63 Corbin 312 Cotton 305 Cranford 129 D'Abbetot 136 Dabridgcourt .... 47 Dalby 369 Danvers 115 Darsett 79 Daston 21 Davenport 373 Decons 231 Devereux .... 279, 280 Dichford 91 Digby 17 Dilke 269 Dixwell of Coton ... 41 Dixwell 297 Dugdale 327 Englefield 123 Eschales 75 EVERTON 301 Falstaff 75 Ferrers of Baddesley . . 5 Ferrers of Tamworth . . 7 Fielding 11, 12 Fisher alias Hawltins . . 20 Fisher 217 Fletcher 353 Forster 133 Frevill 75 Fulwood .... 237, 238 Germin 169 Gibbes 213 Gobard 293 Golofre 74 GOODALL 204 Goodere 67 Goodwin 90 Grammer 51 Gregory of Stivichall 155, 156 Gregory .... 159, 160 Greswold 61, 62 Grevill 29 Grevill of Northend . . 143 Grey 43 Griffin 167, 168 Griffith 15 Grosvenor . 385, 386, 387, 388 Guibon 160 Hales 95 Hales 209, 210 Hales 273 Hanslap 257 Harman 105 Harware 267 Hawes 405 Hereward 98 Hobleday 176 Holbech 323 Holbeech 351 Holbrooke 75 Holt 19 Horne 343 Horsey 195 Hugford 337 Jenyns 241 Kempson .... 411, 412 Kendall 325 Knight 219 Knightley . . . 399, 401 Kynnersley 103 Kynnersley . . . 397, 398 Ladbrooke 128 Lane 307 Langham .... 388, 389 Leigh 81 Levinge 321 Lingard 347 Lisley 383 Lucy 287, 288 LUDFOED 150 Lunsford 85 Mallory 78 Marow 69, 70 Mathew 349 Mayne 331 Mayo alias Nicholls . . 248 Medley 107 Middlemore 333 Montfort 55, 56 Morden 319 mountford 127 Nash 147 Nethermill 253 Newdigate 39 Newsam 317 Nicholls alias Mayo . . 248 Nicolls 249 Olney 113 Oudby 136 Palmer of Lemington . .171 Palmer of Aston Cantlow 239 Palmer of Compton Scorfen 221, 222 Peach 129 Peers 233 Peiton . . . 379, 380, 381 Perkins 281 Peto 173 Petty 245 Porter 99 Porter of Aston . . . .117 Poynton 121 Puckering 197 Pudsey 251 Purifoy 256 Rainsford . . . . 49, 50 Raleigh 77, 78 Randolph 303 Ratcliffe .... 149, 150 Raues 91 Repington. . 189,190,191 Reynolds 243 Rogers 202 Rowlet 13 Rugeley of Dunton . . 153 Rugeley of Warwick . . 229 Rutter 235 Sacheverell .391,392,393 Sadler 339 Salso Marisco . . . .140 Saunders 371 Seginton 249 Sergiant 211 Sheldon 3 Shuckburgh 345 Shuttleworth .... 38 Skinner 295 Smith alias Carington. . 71 Smith of Campden . . .163 Somervill 33 South 79 Sparrey 161 Spencer . . 283, 284, 285 Stanton 277 Stoughton . . 141, 142 Stoughton 315 Sutton 78 Swanland 39 Tadlow 271 Thickness .... 145, 146 Throckmorton of Wooton 111 Throgmorton of Conghton 87, 88, 89 Throgmorton of Haseley 207 Travell 57 Travell of Coventry . . 409 Trussell 93 XX Turner 151 Underhill 31 Upton 229 Venour 313 Verney 25 Wagstaff of Harbury . 289 WagstAFF of Warwick . 403 Ward 275 LIST OF PEDIGREES. Waring 341 Waring alias Warren . . 359 Warner 51 Wheate 193 Wigston 37, 38 Williams 90 Willington 375 Willis 311 Wolley 157 Woodward of Sutlers Mar ston 119 Woodward of Avon Dasset 227 Wylmer 135 Wyttlebury 121 Yardley 11° Tate 363 L\*Wtyn ^^jUut3.-a*i/ / Seal and autographs of Job Throckmorton of Haseley, Esq. (p. 207) and Catherine his mother, concerning lands in Claverdon to John Robbins, dated 30th of April, 18th JUizabetti. [Orig. penes Ed.] £c? /rW3 4 ati0f Seal and autograph of Richard Catesby of Lapworth, Esq. (p. 126), to a bond for fifty pounds sterling to Thomas Wood of Allesley, dated 6th of January, 31st of Henry VIII. [Orig. penes Mr. H. Cooke of Warwick.] In the West window of Lapworth Church, Warwickshire, are some fragments of old glass worked up into the form, of a shield, amongst them is this badge twice, on a eushion a cat sejant argent, collared or. The stained glass was removed from the East window of the South aisle in the so-called restoration in 1807. the S>rH£ma*s{ujj;i^ THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. ^eltion. Arms. — Quarterly of six. 1. Sable, a fess between three sheldrakes argent. 2. Argent, on a lend between two lions rampant sable a wyvern volant in bend of the field. 3. Vert, on a chief argent, three cinquefoils azure. 4. Argent, a chevron between three pine apples pendent gules. 5. Or, a saltire vair. 6. As first. Crest. — A THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. Sheldon of Rowley in Stafordsh.=p- Rich. Sheldon of Rowley.=f Morris Sheldon of Rowley- 2 sonne. John Sheldon of Rowley .= I John Sheldon=pDaughter of Cotton. Clare da. & hey. ux. Corneliis Worley of Hampstid in com. Staffordsh. Daniell Sheldon.=p Morris. John ma. the da; j of Hickford. Richard Sheldon.=p r r Richard Sheldon.=p Lettice ma. to John Alderford. Richard a prest & others. Fran. Sheldon. John Sheldo' Raph Sheldo' of Berley: of Londo' in Worstersh. =Da. & hey. of Wm. Sheldon of Aberton Rudinge. ob. s. p. Thornas=FSheldon 2 sonne. BaldwineSheldon 3 sonne de com. Wore. Will'm Sheldon=f=Mary da. & Mary 1 mar. Joye. of Berley. cohey. of to Siluester William 2 to George Willengton. Ferrers. Fran. Elizb. Raphe. Thomas. I Wm. Sheldon=Elizb. d. of Ric. Phillepe ux. Antho' 2 sonne. Lewson. Pollard. Raph Sheldo'=i=Anne da. of Grodith ux. Kath' ux. Anne ux. Fran. Sauag.: of Berley. Sr Robt. Robt. Bran. Plowden of 2 to Antho' Paston. Throgmorto' Shropsh. Kt. j; : | William Sauag. Mary. Elizb. ux. Sr John Mary ux. Walter Murell ux. Fran. Anne ux. Sr John Russell Kt. Fowler of Clare of Pershall of Staffordsh. Worstersh. Staffordsh. r i Edw.=rEliz'b. d. Fran. ux. Kathr ux. of Tho. Antho' Fran. Tren- Mark- Maney of ha' of ham. Kent. Stafordsh. Shel don. Phillipe ux. Jane ux. Marg1 ux. Joh. Sulleard John Wm. sone of Edw. Flower of Standen. Sulleard. Rutlandsh. Will'm Sheldon sonne & heyer set. 5, 1594. Raph 2 sonne. Frauncis 4 THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. Jtrrers of Batitieslep Clinton. Arms. — Quarterly of nine. 1. Gules, seven mascles con joined or, a canton ermine. 2. Or, a cross flory gules. 3. Vair, a fess gules. 4. Bendy of eight or andjizure. 5. Or, a saltire engrailed sable. 6. Quarterly sable and argent, in the second and third quarters a fleur de lis or, over all a bend gules. 7. Argent, a saltire between four eagles displayed azure. 8. Or, a pheon azure. 9. Argent, on a chief gules two bucks' heads caboshed or. Crest. — An unicorn passant ermine. THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. Sr Tho. Firrers of Tamworth=f=Elizb. eldist da. & cohey. Kt. 2 sonne to Will'm Lord Firrers of Grobie. of Baldwine Freuille Kt. Lo. of Tamworth. Sr Tho. Firrers Sr Hen. Firrers^Marg* da. & Coheire of of Tamworth. of Chilmore Kt. 2 sonne. Will'm Hortall relicta William Wittenhall. Elizb. ux. Jams Sr Edw. Firrers=j=Constance d. & heyre of Clarke of Ford- of Badisley Kt. hall in Kent. Nicho. Brome of Badis ley & Clinton. Ursula.uxor John Henrye Firrers=pKatherin da. & Cohey. of Beaufoe of Ernes- of Badisley. cott. Sr John Hampden Knight. Edward Firrers of Badisley.=f=Bridgett da. of Wm. Lord Windsore. Henry Firrers of Badisleye.=Jane da. & hey. of Hen. sone of Sr Tho. White of South Warnebourne in Hampsheire. Edward Ferrers borne 1584.=== Anna soror Edw. Peto militis. Maria. ob. | sine prole. I Henricus Ferrers Alius et heres satatis 5 annoru' Octob. 1622. THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. jferrers of Camtoortf) Castle. Arms. — Quarterly of fifteen.. 1. Vaire or and gules. 2. Quarterly (untinctured) and vair, a lion rampant. 3. Gules, seven mascles conjoined or. 4. Gules, a cinquefoil ermine. 5. Gules, a pale or. 6. Azure, a lion rampant argent crowned or. 7. An inescutcheon within a double tressure flory counter flory. 8. Azure, three garbs or. 9. A wolf's head erased. 10. Or, a cross flory gules. 11. Vair, a fess gules. 12. Argent, a sword in pale point downwards sable. 13. Bendy of ten azure and or. 14. Or, a saltire engrailed sable. 15. Gules, six bezants, three, two, and one. Crest. — An unicorn passant argent. THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. Sr Tho. Ferrers Kt. of Tamworth=Elizb. eldist Da. & Cohey. to O ™.-,n 4-« TXMll'™ T„ T? _J? O.-D.U T7* -1 . vt T _ 2 sone to Will'm Lo. Ferrers of Groby. Sr Baldwyne Freuile K' Lo. of Tamworth. Sr Tho. Ferrers of=Anne sister of Will'm Tamworth Kt. Lord Hastings. I Sr Hen. Ferrers. 2 sonne. Sr John Firrers of Tamworth Knight.==Maude da. of Sr John Stanley. Sr John Ferrers of=Dorithy Da. of Will'm Maude. Alice. Isabell. Richard 2 sonne. Tamworth Knight. Harper of Rushall. I I Dorothy da. &=Sr Humpherie Ferrers of=Margarett da. of Tho. Anne ux. Sr hey. of Thomas. Tamworth Knight. Pegott Sergeant at lawe. Walt' Graf- feth Kt. John Ferrers of=Barbara da. of Fran. Tamworth. I Cockaine of Ashborne. Dorothie ux. Tho. Cockaine of Ashborne. Sr Humphery Ferrers===Anne da. of Sr Hump. Brad- of Tamworth Kt. | borne of Hough Kt. Dorithy ux. Edw. Holt of Thomas Walter Edward Sr Joh' Ferrers=Dorithie da. to Elizb. Bridgett. 2 sonne. 3 sonne. 4 sonne. of Tamworth Kt. Sr John Pucker- — ing Lo. Kep. Kath. Suzane. Hump'ies Ferrers miles=filia Joh'is Pagenton fil. et hasr set. 28 annoru' de com. Wigornias 1622, et not habet pro- militis. lem. Francisca nupta Joh'i Pagenton mils filio et haer Joh'is Pagenton militis pradicti. THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. Bracebritiae, Arms. — Quarterly of four. 1 and 4. VairS argent and sable, a fess gules. 2 and 3. Per pale indented argent and sable. THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. Simond Brasbridg of Kinsbury in Com. Warwick.=p I Richard Brasbredge.: Jane da. of Tho.= Mill 3 wife. =Joh' Brasbredge died 8 H. 8.=Elizb. da. of Sr Rob 2 mar. Mary da. of Sr John Browne Kt. Harcourt Knight 1 wife. Simond Brasbredge died before his father .= Joane da. of=Tho. Brasbredg died ii Eliz. & had to his 3 wife= Lucey 1 wife. EKzb. Da. of Geo. Winter of Worthington. Wm. Brasbridg mar.> ye d. of Esse of Hey- trell in Worstersh. =d. of Nich. Mille of Citizen of Couentry. .1 J I Joyce da. of Tho. Wilson 2 wife. Rich. Ellen. John Bras-==Isabell da. Edw. bredge 2 sonne. of Lucey Whatley. . . . wife of Skepwith of Sulthorp. "I Margery ux. of Hartley. Willington 4 children. Antho.=Anne d. of Simond==Hellen d. Thomas= Tho.Corbyn 4 sonne. & hey. of Bras- of Holland Anthony bridg in Warr. Cranken. 5 sonne. sonne. =Alice d. of Antho.Rugeley of Dutton. Prudence wife of Gold. Hester ux. Hudson. Elizb. da. & hey. ux. Fran. Beamond of Barrow in Darbish. I I I Dorothie. Anne.Barbara. Edward 5 sonne. Henry4 sonne. Will'm 3 sonne. Humphry2 sonne. John Bras -= Susan da. of bridg. Tho. Cotton . of Cotton- bridg in . . . Thomas. Rich. Henry. Fran. Anne. Elizb. Jane. Florance. 10 THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. jfieltiins* Arms. — Quarterly of four. Argent, on a fess azure three lozenges or (Fielding). 2. Gules, a bend argent between six martlets or (Seaton). 3. Ermine, on a fess vert three escallops or (Knapton). 4. Gules, a saltire vair (Willington). Crest. — A nuthatch proper* * Fielding crest does not occur in the College copy C. 7, 1619. In the Visitation of 1682-3, K. 3, it is drawn as a bird similar to this, azure, its breast or, perched upon a hazel bongh fructed proper. Walker's Nobility in Coll. Arm describes it as " A Nut hatch proper " standing on ," A Filberd Branch." None of the drawings have any resemblance to the real bird. THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. 11 John Feldinge.=p Will'm Feldinge 3 E. 3.= r Galfredus Feldinge.==Agnes Da. & heire of Napton. Will'm Feldinge miles.==Joane Da. of Prudhone. John Felding.==Jane Da. Belters (Purifoy). Sr William Russell Kt.= I Will'm Feldinge==Agnes Da. & John Elys of=Elianor Da. of Sr Alice ux. miles heire of Sey ton Deuonshere. William Russell Peirs of Hertfordsh. Court'ey. Sr Euerard feldinge of=Giliane Da. of John EUys Jaquette ux Litleworth in com. Leicestsh. John EUys of obijt. s. p. Euerard Digbye. Devonshire. Humphrie Feldinge= Elizb. Da. of 2. Peter.= 4 son. Wm. Kendall. | Peter. 3. John. Isabell filia Bos-=Sr William Feldinge=Elizb. da. of Sr Elizb. ux. Agnes. worth ux. 2. Knight. Tho. Poultney Kt. John Wrey. of Misterton. Fastine Feilding.= I =Marg* Da. & heir Bassell Felding=Godetha Da. & Euerard of Swillington de of Newenham Ebor. 1563. Will'm Feildin. Cohey. of 2 filius. Will'm Willing- — ton of Barches- Barbara ux. ton, War. Ri. Caue. Ill II 1. Anna uxor 3. Mary. Will'm Feldinge=Dorithie da. of Ferdinando Humphrie Peto. — of Newenha'. - 4. Godith. 2. Margeria ux. John Lane. Sr Raph Lane 2 filius. Kt. de Com. — Buck. John 3 filius. Bassell Feldinge of Newenham.==Elizb. Da. of Sr Walt. Aston Kt. quere Sr Wm. Feldinge Kt.==Da. of Arden. IA 12 THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. I A I Sr Will. Feldinge of Newenham Kt.==Suzan sist' to Sr Geo. Vellers vicecomes feilding. Marquesse of Buckingham. Bassil Feilding Georgius Feilding Maria nupta Dn'o Arran 2. Anna. filius et haeres 2 filius. filio et haer. Marchionis — set. Hambleton. 3. Elizab. Out of Mr. Feilding's Pedigree. Barnabe Feldinge.==Amadibella. Solarde Feldinge.===Rode Coluille. I I William Feldinge.=Eustachia Longuill. Anthony Feldinge.==Thomazine Rockley. I Bryan Feldinge.=Ursula Langley. Christian Da. of=Sr John Feldinge.===Isabell Rippes. Hamond Goodere. James Feldinge.=Elizb. Da. of Sr John Daleyland Kt. Robert Feldinge.=Joice da. of Marmion of Tamworth. Jefferie Feldinge.==Da. of Coluile. I Jefferie Feldinge.=Agnes Da. & hey. of Napton. THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. 13 3&otoIet Rob. Knight of Salop.^ Radus Rowlatt=Joane Da. & Cohey. Katherine uxor At. of Rob. Knight. Dauid Irtland. Dorithy Dau.=Rad.us Rowlet=Da. of Ant. Margaret ux. Suzanne ux. Tho. of Bowles. miles ob. 10 of Cooke miles. John Maynard. Skepwith. Ap.1571. = = Si- P- | | Radus Maynard. Wm. Skepwith in Com. Leicest. . . . ux. Radi Jennings, ux. Lathom. Ursula ux. Fran. Goodeer Ar. T Thomas Jennings John Jennings 1 Dau. 2 Dau. Hen. Goodeer ob. s. p. miles. miles. 14 THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. #rifKt&* Arms.— Quarterly of four. 1. Gules, on a fess dancetty argent between six lions rampant or, three martlets sable. 2. Azure, three eagles displayed between nine cross cross- lets or. 3. Barry of ten argent and gules within a bordure azure, charged with eight martlets or. 4. As first. Crest. — A demi-female habited gules, with hair dis hevelled or. THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. 15 Phil. SomeruilL Roger Som'uill.=p I Phill. Som'uill Kt.= Sr Ris ap Gruffeth— Joane Da. & hey. of Knight. Sr Phil. Som'uill Kt. Sr Rys ap Gruffeth==Margarett Da. of Kt. Zouch of Codnor. Tho. Gruffethe.= =Anne Sist' of Sr Tho. Blunt Kt. I Sr John Gruffeth==Kath' Da. of S* Tho. Knight. Tirwhett Kt. J Sr Walt. Gruffeth==Anne D. of Sr Rob. Constable=Sr Jeruice Clifton Kt. Knight 1 husband. of Flamborough Knight. 2 husband. Sr Walt' Gruffeth of=Anne d. of Sr John Ann Da, of Sr \Yalt. = Sr Jeruice Wigmore in Com. Stafford Knight. Firrers of Tamworth Gruffeth. Kt. Clifton Kt. I I John Gruffeth S1 George=Elizb. d. of Sr John Margaret Anne ux. John obijt sine p'le. Gruffeth Skeuington Kt. obijtsine Egerton of Kt. obijt sine Egerton of p'le. Wrinhill. Elizabeth. Walter Gruffeth=Kath. Da. of Edw. Dorithy ux. , Anne ux. Will'm of Wigmore 1565. Blunt of Kither- Gabrill sone of Clopton of Clop- mester. Sr William St. ton in Com. Quinton Kt. Warwick. I I Sr Hen. Gruffeth Kt. Anne. 33tz. 12, 1565. 16 THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE Biflty* Arms. — Quarterly of six. 1. Azure, a fleur-de-lis argent, in dexter chief a crescent for difference. , 2. Gules, a fess ermine. 3. Argent, on a bend gules, three martlets or. 4, Argent, on a fess between three birds sable, as many mullets of the field. 5. Ermine, on a bend gules two chevrons or. 6. As first. Crest.— An ostrich proper, in its beak a horse-shoe (un tinctured). THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. 17 Robert Digbie.: :Jane Da. of Sr James Bellers renupta Tho. Seyton. Euerard Digbye"- of Selbey. I I Sr John Digbie. Euerard Digbie. :Agnes Da. of John Clarke relicta Rich. Seddall. II Sir Wm. Dauers: of Chamb' house -in Oxfordsh. :Anne Da. & heire of John Purye. John Dauers: of Water- house. I -Margt Da. of Wm. Hampton of Harewell. Rowland Digbie. Simond Digbie= — Leiueftenant of Sr Thomas Digbie. ye Tower H. 7. = Alice Da. & heyre of John Walles. Reignold Digby=f=Agnes da. & heyre of Coulshull. of John Dauers of Waterhouse. Eliz'b. ux. Tho. Caue of Stanford. Dorithy ux. Nicho. Hubert of Ipsley in Com-. Warwicksh. Ambrose Digby setz. 54, 1582. Alice uxor Browne of Woodland. I I John Digbie=pAnne da. of Sr Geo. Margarett. of Colshull. Throgmorton Kt. Sr Geo. Digbie of Colshult Kt. ob. 1587. =Abegall d. of Sr Antho. Heningha' Kt. Robert Digbie setz. 8, 1582. John Digbie setz. 6, 1582. I Phillipe. 18' THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. J^olt anti Jisjjer. Arms. — Quarterly of six. 1. Azure, two bars and in chief a cross patee fitchee or. 2. Gules, three towers argent. 3. Azure, a cross crosslet or, in chief, a label of three points throughout argent. ±. Argent, four iars engrailed and a canton gules. 5. Or, a saltire vair. 6. As first. Crest. — First, a squirrel sejant argent cracking a nut; Second, the stump of a pine tree eradicated and erect sprouting a branch fructed. THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. 19 John Holt tempore E. l.=j= George Castell.=pAlmeren. I Simond Holt=pAlbreda Da. of Temp. E. 3. Walt. Holt 2 sonne. Georg Castell. Adam Grimsard.-- :Margt. Sist. of Sr Wm. Bagott Kt. John Holt eldist: sonne temp. E. 3. John Holt=f= eldist sonne 5H. 4. :Maude Da. of Adam Adam Grimsard. Grim-sard. Simond Holt=pMaude Will'm Holt Walter Holt Jolin Holte of Mchells 2 d. of 3 sonne. obijt sine obijt sine sone. 2 R. 2, Colings. p'le. p'le. 5 H. 4. I Adam Holt temp. H. 6. John Holt=pMargt. Da. of Sr Rich. Delabeere temp. H. 6. by the Da. of Ludlowe. Wm. Holt of=pMargt. Da. of Wm. Cumb'ford Elizb. ux. John Redgley=j= Nichells E. 4 of Cumb'ford. of Wiginton. Alice. John 2. Margery. Wm. Holt of=p Jane d. of Ada' Alice. Joane. Nichells H. 7, Tho. 3. Christian. H. 8. Knight of Shropsh. Eliz'b. Anne. Marke. Nicholas. Tho. Holt=p Margery d. & hey. of Will'm=pSr Ambrose Caue John. obijt H. 8. Willington of Barchesto' ob. 1 Eliz'b. Kt. 2 husband. Edward Holt of Ecchells=pDorithy Da. of John in Com. Warwick. Ferrers of Tamwosth. Margarett ux. Hen. Knowles sone to Sr Fran. Knowles Kt. Francis Hoult Robt. 2 sonne. 3 sonne. Anne ux. Sr Tho. Holt of Aston=Grace Da. Edw. West. Stoklands in Com. Warw. of . . . Kt. & Baronett. Lucey ux. Katherin ux. Marye. Dorithie ob. Margarett ob. Frances ob John Humphrie sine p'le. sine p'le. sine p'le. Hugford. Wirley. Anne ux. Elizabethe Margery ux. Ellen ux. Fran. ux. Margt. ux. Peirs. ux. Weston. Nicholes. Perman. Forster. Stanley. [ Concluded on next page. 20 THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. Arms. — Gules, a fess vair between two falcons with wings expanded, in chief, and a dolphin embowed in base argent all within a bordure engrailed of the last. Crest^ — A cubit arm vested vaire argent and purpure, on the hand a glove tasselled, and thereon a falcon close, lured. Tho. Hawkens al's Fisher of the Thowne of Warwick I Winefred Da. of Will'm^Tho. Fisher al's Hawkins of=Da. of . . . Richajd, John. Holt 1 wife. Warw. ob. 12 June 1577. 3. I Sr Edw. Fisher of Warwick Kt.=i=Da. of Sr Rich. Longe. I I John Fisher sonne & heyre. Dorithye. THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. 21 Baston* Gregorie Daston; T John Daston de Dambleton.=F Gregorie Daston de Hinton.=p George =pDau. of Joane Dau.: Daston. T Deroye. of Hodg kins. =Antho. Daston= de Dambleton. =Anne Da. of Wm. Sheldon de Berley relicta Fran. Sauag. John Das- Richard==Anne D. of Anne ux. George=Radi Huband=Anne Da. ton ob s.p. Daston. FrancisSauage. Wysam. Anthony John Anne. Daston. Daston. — Mary. Elizab. de Ipsley. & heire. I II Anthony Willm. Johannes Anne. Wysam. Wysam. Huband. — Elizabeth. Wm. Daston de Hinton ob. s. p. Elnor ux. Nicho. Langston: de Sedgborow. I Anne ux. Hen. Langston= de Sedgborow. Elizb. ux. Wm. Jane ux. Jacob Bredgman Tamar de Hill de Deane in com in Com. Wigor. Gloucest. I I Arthur 3. I Fran. 1. Arthur 3. Elizab. 1. Willm. 2. Henry 4. Anne 2. Godith 3. 22 THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. Carles* Arms. — Quarterly of four. 1. Ermine, on a chief gules five lozenges conjoined of the field. 2. Chiles, two lions passant in pale argent, debruised by a bend. 3. Two lions passant in pale. 4. As first. THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. 23 Tho. Stanley 2 sone=j=Mabell Da. & hey. of of John Stanley of Lathom. Sr John Ardren Kt. Sr John Stanley of=j=Maude widowe of Sr John Elford Kt. the King's Attorney. Sr Humph. Stanley=j=Elianor Da. & heire of of ye Pipe Knight & Baronett. Sr James Lee of Stone Kt. Rich. Carles=Mary Sist. & Cohey. al's Charles of John Stanley of of Stratford. Pipe. John Stanley= of Pipe. s. p. =Margt. Da. of Sr Tho. Gerrard of Brinne Kt. Walter Moyle of Kent.- Isabell sist. & cohey. of John Stanley. Thomas Babington=Mary Da. & heyre of of Dethick. Walter Moyle. 24 THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. Wtxntp. Arms. — Quarterly of six. 1. Argent, three crosses moline voided throughout gules, a chief vaire sable and ermine (Verney). 2. Argent, three inescocheons within a bordure gules (Darcy). 3. Ermine on a bend gules, three es callops argent (Wendesley). 4. Azure, three bucks statant within a bordure or (Greene). 5. Argent, a dragon vert and a lion azure crowned gules combatant (Tame). 6. As first. Crest. — An heraldic Antelope sejant argent, semee of torteaux, armed or. * The crest is guttee de sang in this manuscript, as also in 6060 ; but that from Harl. MS. 1663 has been adopted, the drawing being more correct. THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. 25 John Thame of=p Alice Da. of . Fayreford. I Sr Edm. Thame; :Agnes Da. of Sr Edw. Greuill Kt. Edmond Thame. =f=Kath. Da. of Sr Wm. I Sr Edw. Thame= Kt. ob. sine p'le. = 1. Da. of . . . 2 to Sr Walter Buckler Kt. 3 to Roger Legge. SrTho.Ver-=Sist. & Cohey. ney Kt. of of Sr Edw. Compton. Thame Kt. . . . ux. Sr Hump. Stafford of Bla- therwick Kt. Sr Ric. Verney of=p. . . Da. of Rawley Compton Kt. of Warwicksh. Sr Hump. Stafford John Stafford of Knight ob. sine pie. Blatherwick. George Verne of Compton. :Jane da. of Will'm Lucey of Charlcott. I Elizab. ux. Roydon. Dorothy ux. Danuers. Ric. Verney of Compton Mordack.^Marg* Da. of Foulke Greuill of . . . 3. Elizab. 4. Margt. Maria ux. Ri. Samuell de Com. North- ton mil. Anna nupta John Greuill Verney=j=Katherina filia Johannes Briton de Com. fil. hser. set. 32. Northton. Robt. South well de Com. NorfE. 2 filius set. 30. Greuill Verney fil. et haeres set. 8. I filia set. 1 anni. 3. Ricardus. 4. Georgius. 26 THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. Contoap* Arms. — Quarterly of six. 1. Sable, on a bend cotised argent a rose (untinctured) between two annulets of the field (Conway). 2. Azure, a cross of the field double voided or (Creuikere). 3. Azure, two bars or, each charged with three martlets gules (Burdett). 4. Azure, three lions passant in pale argent (Camvile). 5. Gules, a fess or between six martlets argent (Bruin). 6. Azure, a lion rampant argent, gutUe de sang (Berefford). Crest. — A Moor's head in dexter profile couped proper, wreathed about the temples -argent and sable. THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. 27 Sir John Burdett=pMargt. Da. of Tho. of Arrow Knight. Fitton of Gorworth in Chesh. Sir Tho. Knight. Burdettfp Sr Nicho. Burdett=p Joane Da. & hey. of of Arrow Knight. Brome of Bramcott. Da. of Rodney1 1 wife. :Thomas BurdettFfAgnes Da. of of Arrow. I John Waldiffe. Conwaye. John Burdett of Bramcott. Rich. Burdett of Arrow=i=Mary Da. of Sim. in com. Warw. I Mountford Kt. I Sr Hugh=Da. of Margaret Conwaye Countes of Deuon. Kt. Sr Edw. Conway=pAnne Da. & hey. of 2 sonne. Rich. Burdett, Arrow. j? John Conwaye=j=Da. of Weston. of Arrow Kt. Sr John Conwaye=Da. of Sr Foulk Kt. S1 Foulke Conway Kt. 2 sonne. 1 ux. .=Sr Ed Greuill Kt. w. Conwaye=Dorithye da. of Sr John of Arrow Kt. Tracey Kt. Widowe of Edmond Braye ux. 2. Edw. Conway miles fil. et hser. circa setate in 30 annoru' 1622. 28 THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. #rebill Arms. — Quarterly of six. 1. Sable, a cross engrailed or within a bordure engrailed of the last. 2. Azure, crusilly argent, a lion rampant or. 3. Argent, on a bend azure three cinquefoils or. 4. Argent, a bend sable, over all a label of three points throughout gules. 5. Argent, a bend gules within a bordure checquy of the field and azure. 6. Argent, on a bend gules three round buckles or. Crests. — First, a greyhound's head erased sable semee of roundles (untinctured),* collared argent, jewelled of the field. Second, a garb or, banded gules. * Harl. MS. 1563, fo. 32 b, tinctures them bezants. THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. 29 Willm. Greuill of Camden in Com. Gloucest.=p Lodouecus Greuill.=Margt. Da. & Cohey. of Egidi Ardren de Drayton. Vide plus in fol. Willm. Greuill of Drayton.=Jocosa Da. of Robt. Francis Milis. Rad'us Greuill sepultus apud Moxton in Com. Oxon; I John Greuill===Jane Da. of Hump. Forster Robt. Wil- of Milcotte. de Herpeden miles lowghby. =Elizb. Da. & hey. of Ric. Beauchamp miles. Robert2 sone in Com. Glouc. Edw. Greuill=pAnne Da. of Mary ux. Rob'ti Edward Willoughby^ of Milcotte Milis John Denton Som'uill de of Amersden. Edston. obijt ante patrem. I Foulk Greuill- Miles. =Eliz'b Da. & heire of Edw. Willoughby. I Foulk Greuill of Beau-=Anne Da. of Hen. Neuill champ Court Miles. Comes Westmerland. Foulk Greuill of Beau- champ Court Miles. Margt. ux. Rich. Verney de Compton miles.=j= I Greuill Verney miles. Eliano1 Da. of = John Greuill de==Eliz'b Da. of John Anne a Da. Radi Verney. Milcotte Miles. Spencer de Hodnell. Edw. GreuiU of=Da. & Cohey. of Wm. Mylcotte Miles. Willington of Brakston. Lodouecus Greuill=Thomazin Da. of of Milcotte 1589. Willm. Peter Kt. Carolus Peter Edw. Greuill of=Joane Da. of Tho. Anne. Margt. ux. Tho. Greuill. Greuill. Milcott Miles. Bromley Cancel- larius Anglise. Bushall.^ I John Greuill obijt sine p'le. I Eliz'bethe Bushell. 30 THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. mnUer&ill Arms. — Quarterly of four. 1 and 4. Argent, a chevron sable between three trefoils slipped vert (Undrill). 2 and 3. Sable, three church bells argent (Porter). Crest. — On a mount vert, a hind lodged or. THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. 31 Will'm Underell of Wolver-=. . . filia Stanlaye Rob'tus Porter.= hampton in Com. Staff. de. Bramwige in Com. Staff. Thomas Porter of= Nether Etington. Richard Daughter of Slead= John Underhill of=Agnes Da. & sole heire of Tho. 2 filius. of Maxstock in Com. Warwick, Woluerhampto' in Com. Staff. Porter of Etington in com. War. relicta John Norwood. Will'm Underhill ob. sine prole Edw. Underhill de=Allianora Da. of Meddle- dedit heredit. Edri' fri' suo. Etingtonn 3 fil. more of Edgbeston. Willm's 2 fil.==Da. of Congreue 3. John. ClericusAssisar'War'. Tho. Underhill=Elizab. Da. of et soror Elizab. 4. Humphry. of Etingtonn. Willm's Underhill de Idlicott.; Fulco attinct3. Hercules Underhill heres f 'ris. Thomas. Will'm2 fil. I John Congreve de Com. Staff. 1 Hump. Edw. Underhill=Da. of Loud. Francis. George, de Etington et Hinningha'. I de Agnew. Tho. Underhill sonne & neire. I I I Tho. Underhill=Anna Da. of Elizab. 1 filia uxor Ager Dorothy 3 filia Robt. Winter de Foston in com. Derby, ux. Young de of Hudding- — CromeinCom. ton in Com. Susan 2 filia Saluay de Wigorne. Wigorne. Purton in Com. Wigorniae. Rob. 4 fil. de Honington ob. s.p. 2™ fil. 1. Alicia Elizab. uxor Edm. Radus Thome ob. s. p. Lideat de Guen- 2 filius. ob. s.p. ton in Com. Oxon. Edward Underhill=-Johanna filia superstes 1563 de Hunningham in Com. War. Tho. Pourins de London. 1. Anna 1 filia. 4. Rachell. 2. Christiana. 5. Unica. 7. Prudence ob. s.p. Guilfordfirst son ob. s.p. Edwardus John Henrie 2 filius et 3 son 4 son hseres. ob. s.p. liuing 1563. 3. Elinora. 6. Anna. 32 THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. wmertailL Arms. — Quarterly of four. 1. Argent, on a fess between three annulets gules as many leopards' heads of the field (Someruill). 2. Azure, a cross argent (Alisberie). 3. Argent, three crosses moline azure (Bramston). 4. Gules, a saltire between four crosslets fitche'e argent (Beaufis). Crest. — Two leopards' heads affrontee argent, ensigned with a ducal coronet gules. THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. 33 Walter de Summeruilt in Com. Warw. 1 H. 2. Roger de Summeruill.=p Roger de Summ'uill.=Matilda, Roger filis et heires.: John de Summ'uill filis et heires 38 H. 3. Sir Walter Alisberie.=filia Domini Someri. Sir Roger Alesburie=Horabell filia 2 filius. I Fulkede Pen- bridge. Phillip Alisberie.==filia et coh. Brampston. Rogerus= filia 2. Thomas. 3. John. Alisberie. Harris. Jobes Alisberie.==filia et haer. Beufoies. Johes Alisberie.=Elizab. filia Porton. Tho. Som'uile de=p Jane filia et hser. Johis Somervile Asson in Com. Glouc. Alisberie de Ederiston in Com. War. Rob. Summ'uill==Mary Da. of John Greuill Ar. de Edston. de Melcourt in Com. War. John Somm'uill de=Elizb. Da. of Will'm 1. Anna ux. 2. Jane ux. Edm. Edston supstes Corbett of Lee in Edw. Graunt.- ijCooles de Lye in 1563 de Ederiston. Com. Salop. <- 'com. Worcest. John Summeruill=Margt Da. of Edw. Will'm Summeruill=j=Eliz'b. Da. of Hump. filius et hseres. Arden. de Edston Miles. Ferrers militis. Elizabeth. Margarett. Will'm Summeruill Grace. sonne & her. 34 THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. ComfcetfmU Arms. — Quarterly of nine. 1. Gules, on a cross engrailed argent five roses of the field (Comberford). 2. Per pale indented or and azure (Edgebarston). 3. Semee of fleur de lis, a lion rampant (Beaumont). 4. Gules, three garbs argent (Comins). 5. Azure, three garbs or (Belum al's Chester). 6. Gules, a lion rampant vair (Eueringham). 7. Sable, two lions passant regardant in pale argent (Hanville). 8. Vert, a bend or, in sinister chief a maunch sable (Tinmare). 9. Or, a chevron and in dexter chief a mullet gules (Stafford). Crest. — Out of a coronet a peacock's head per pale or and gules charged with six roses in pale counterchanged. THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. Roger fil. Alani de Cumb'ford .=p 35 Rich. Dom's de Cumb'ford.=p w' ' Willm's Dom's de Cumb'ford.=AHce da. of - I Ricardus Dom's de Cumb'ford==Agnes Da. of Joh'e's Dom's de frater et heires Joh'nis. Cumb'ford. John Cumb'ford Dom's de Cumb'ford.^Johan'e Da. of Willm's Don's de Cumb'ford.T=Anne Da. of John's Dom's de Cumberford.==Joane Da. & heyre of John Parle of Shitlhanger. Tho. Dom's de= Cumb'ford. =Dorithie Da. of Raph Fitzharbert of Norberie in com. Darby. Henry. Richard.== Johannes Cumbford mar. Anne d. of Beawlott.== 1 1 Dorithy 1. Elizbeth 2. Francis 3. Alice ux. William Kath. ux. John Littleton. Badeleighe. Humphrie =Dorithy 2 d. & Coh. Mary ux. Matilda ux. Euerard Marg* ux.== Cumb'ford of John Beamont of Johanes als Stanton de Staf. William Wednesbury. Reuell. Stanley. Tho. Dom's de=Dorithy d. of Humphry Mary ux. Isabell ux. Jaruice Dorithie Cumberford & Wm.Worklay Cumb'ford Walter Rolleston ob. s. p. ux. Wednesbury ex Elizab. 2 filius. Harcourt — Christo- obijt 1597. Stamford. de Tarn- 3. Constance. pher worth. He'ning-ham. Edward Humfrie Will'm Cumb'ford=Maryd. of Will'm Skeuing- Elizab. ux. Cumb'ford 2 son. de Cumberford et ton de Fisher wick ex Johana Wm.Stam- 3 sonne. Kingesborow. filia Jacobi Leueson. ford. Thomas 2. Francis 5. John 7. Hump. Cumb'ford= — — — de Cumb'ford. John 3. Richard 6. Henry 8. Will'm 4. =Mary Da. of Dorithy. Rob. Stamford. — Mary. Anne. Thomas Richard Will'm Humphrie Cumb'ford Anne. Dorithie. 2 sonne. 3 sonne. 4 sonne. sone and heire. — Joane. 36 THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. Wilton* Arms. — Quarterly of four. 1. Ermine, a chevron per chevron sable and argent, on the first three mullets un tinctured (Wigston). 2. Quarterly per fess indented azure and or (Langley of Knolton). 3. Argent, a chev ron between three crescents gules (Poole). 4. Argent, a fess sable in chief three ogresses (Langley of Sutton Cofield): Crest. — A wolfs head erased per pale azure and or guttee counterchanged. THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. 37 1. Quarterly per fess in dented azure and or. 2. Argent, a chevron between three crescents gules. 3. Argent, a fess sable in chief three ogresses. i. (Uhtinetwed) a fess and i/n chief three sable. John Wigston=p de Leicester mercator. Sir Godfray: Langley Kt. 1 I 2 Da. of=RogerWigs-=Da.of John Poult- ton de Bel- Mody m. ney. graue. miles. Nicholas = Wigston 1 John Langley of= Mylcocke & Ather- ston upon Sore in Com. War. Rogerus: 1 filius. Willm's= -2 filius. Jacob Wigston of Wolston. John Langley Lo; of Sodington & Atherston. Willm'sob. s. p. I Johes duxit= filiam Box- field. Ri. Poole Ser-==Margt. Da. & hey. Dim! giant at Lawe. of John Langley. John Langley ob. sine pie. "I Walter Langley of=Isabell Da. Knowlton in Kent, of Poole. Will'm Langley=Da. of ob. sine p'le. John Lisley. John2 sone ob. sine p'le. Edward = Langley3 sonne. =Da. of Maude ux. John Thame. Weeks of Daresley in Gloucest. J ™- I Wm. Wigston Roger Wigston=Christian Da. mar. the Da. of de Wolston. Rob. Markham miles ob. sine p'le. & coheyre of Edw. Edw. Pye. Will'm Pye 1 maritus. Walter Langley ob. sine p'le. Mary ux. Nich. Thornaof Bris- toll. I Alice ux. Wm. Cocksey obijt sine p'le. uxor Huggan.== I Bridgett. Eliz'b. ux. Johnes Dal- redgcourt. Thomas. I Isabell ux. Alice ux. John Hen. Ketleby Huntley of 2. to Skide- Standish in more. Com. Gloucest, 38 THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. Margt. d. of John Croft of Holt. I = Sir Will'm = Wigston Kt. Supstesl563 de Wolston in War. =Eliz'b. d. of Sr Robt. Peyton of Ishelham in Com. Cantab. Anne ux. JohnHugford obijt s.p. Kath. ux. Tho. Warren. 2. Giles Forster. 3. Edw. Ag lionby. John Wig ston2 filis. Anne A Dau. 3. Roger. 2. Edw. Wigston Roger Wigston==Margt. Da. of — hseres adoptus 4. Will'm. Ro. Pieton. of Wolston in Com. War. Nicho. Dauen- port. I I I Huntington Wigston Elizabeth ux. Dauenport. Suzane ux. Wentworth. ob. sine p'le. =. I Peirs Wentworth. t, i i i i Frauncis ob. Kath. ux. Mary. Bridgett sine p'le. Purifoy. ux. Smith. Anne ux. Christian Eliz'beth ob. Crofes. ux. Waks. sine p'le. »Jmttletoflrtjn Lawrence Shuttleworth de Com.' Lancashire fils iunior. 1. Thomas. Willm's Shuttleworth rector ,= Johanna filia, 2. Johannes. Ecclise de Packington Com. Warwick 3 filius. , Wright. Maria filia Geo. Mathew= Willm's Shuttleworth de Blaber==Elizab. filia Geo. de Barkeswell Warr. ux. 1. in Com. in pochia de Fillingleigh in Com. War. aetatis 39 annor' 1622. Mottershed uxor 2. Jana obijt sine prole. Tilk Willm's Shuttleworth filius et hares setatis 6 annoru' 1622. THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. 39 g>toanlan& anti JJetoiripte, Stephen Swanland.=p John Swanland. Sr Simon Swanland=f= miles. 3. Nicholas, " . 4. John. Thomas Willm's Swanland=Dionisia ux. John Swanland of= 3 son. fil. & hseres. London Drap, Willm's =Joan 2. Willm's. 4. Thomas. Joane mar..to= Swanland Da. of — — John Newdi- son of Ley. 3. Simon. 5. John. gate. Will'm. Beatrix ux. Tho. Brakenberie. John Newdigate.= Simon Swanland 1. Mawde. 3. Katherin. of London Draper — & Joan his Wife. 2. Elizab. Willm Newdigate.= Johannes Newdigate.=Elizab. Da. of Sr John Younge de Com. Cestrise Justice of ye Com'o Pleas. John Newdigate =Amphillis Da. of John Sergiant at Lawe. Nevell of Mablethorp. Ill I I I I I 2. Sebastian. John New-=Anne Da. Mary a Barbara ux. Jane ux. Isabell. 3. William. 4. Charles. digate. hey. to Nunne John Crug Robert Hilton. at Sion. de Excest. Dormer. II I Amph's. George New-= — digate. Francis. I III John New-=Elizab. Da. of Amph'us. Anthony. digate. ' Tho. Louett — de Ashwell. Thomas. 40 THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. Arg cheu g ent 3 lis sa. Arms. — Quarterly of four. 1 and 4. Vert, on a chevron between three fleurs de lis argent as many fleurs de lis (un tinctured). 2 and 3. Per pale argent and sable, a fess and in chief three trefoils all counter changed. THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. 41 Will'm Dixwell==Margt. Da. & hey. of Adam of Tengreth in Com. Bedford. Will'm Dixwell of Cotton sup le Wolde. Sampson of Cotton sup le Wold in com. Warr. =Anne sole Da. & heire of Hen. Mychell of Dedford in com. Warw. John Dixwell==Mary Da. of Robt. Grey of of Cotton. Enfeild in Com. Staff. Will'm Dixwell=Elizb. Da. of John Knight of Cotton. of Brockholme. Humphrie =Ellen Da. of . . . Lowe Dixwell of Cotton. of Clifton Regis in Com. Buckingha'. Carolus Dix-= well of Cot ton. =Da. of Herdson of London. Benedictis Dixwell. •Willm's Dixwell. "I Mary ux. Rob. Pries Ehzb. ux. Samp. Erdis- Anne ux. Edw. Broughton of of Washingley in wick de Sandon in Com. Longdon in Com. Staff. Com. Huntington. Staff. 42 THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. #rep* Arms. — Quarterly of four. First and fourth, quarterly of four. 1 and 4. Three bars and in chief as many roundles (untinctured) (Gray). 2. Or, a maunch gules (Hastinges). 3. Azwre, a cinquefoil ermine (Astley). Over all a label of three points throughout each point charged with two roundles (untinctured). 2. Argent, on a bend azure, three griffins' heads erased of the field (Love of Whitingto'). 3. Or, on a chevron between three lions' heads erased gules as many bezants (Butnor of Barshe). THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. 43 Edmund Loue of Whetington, Sir Reinold Gray Kt.=pJoane Da. & hey. Baron of Ruthin. of Wm. Lo. Astley 7H. 4. Hump. Loue: of Enuille. T r Alice Da. & hey. of Butnor of Warwicksh. Sr Edw. Graye Kt. Robt. Graye of Whitington=Elianor Da. & hey. of Lo. Gray of Groby. in Com. Staff. Hump. Loue of Enuille. Humphry Gray of Enuill=Anna Da. of Will'm & Whitingto'. Felding of Warw. Henry Gray of== Aunghell 2 sonne. Robt. Graye Margery Edw. Graye=pJoyce Da. of Elizb. ux. Samp- George ob. in vita patris sine p'le. ux. Rich, of Enuill. St. Barby. John Hoord sonn Erdeswich. Graye. of Bredgnorth — in Com. Salop. Mary ux. John Creswell. Richard & Francis Rob. Gray died before Joye ux. Will'm Horwood Attorney ob. sine p'le. his father. generall to K. H. 8. Tho. Graye=Anne d. of Raph Cassandria ux. John of Enuille. Vernon of Penley. Horwood sone of Will'm Horwood. .... uxor Jane ux. Houghton. Kinaston of Shropsh. John Gray= obijt in vita patris. =Jane d. of Sr Sim. Edward George Graye=Joice d. of Tho. Harcourt of Stan- Graye ton Kt. 2 sonne. 3 sonne. Leueson of Woluerhampton. John Graye. Mary Da. & heire. Kath. ux. Ellinor ux. Wm Caue Wm Clopton of Clopton= Wm Blunt, of Pighwell. in Com. Warw. =E' izb. d. of Tho. Graye. Will'm Clopton=pAnne d. of Sr Geo. of Clopton. I Griffith Kt. Sr Geo. Carew Baron=Joice d. & hey. of of Clopton. Wm Clopton. 44 I'HE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. Concrete* . Arms. — Quarterly of four. 1 and 4. Argent, on a chev ron between three trefoils slipped vert as many bezants. 2 and 3. Sable, three church bells argent, a canton ermine. THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. 45 John Congraue=i=Dorithie Da. of Sr John of Stretton in Staffordsheire. Forde Knight. 2 to Fran. Sherley of Stanton. Elizab. ux. Tho. Underhill of Ettington. Will'm Underhill=pUrsula Da. of John of Hunnington. Congraue of Stretton. Dorithy ux. Rob. Brokesbey of Shotley in Leicestsh. John Underhill sonne & heire. Dorithy. Anne. Margarett. 46 THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. Bafcrtoscourt Arms. — Quarterly of four. 1 and 4. Ermine, two bars humettee gules each charged with three escallops argent (Dabridgcourt). 2 and 3. Sable, two greyhounds sta tant in pale argent collared gules (Grisold). Crest. — Issuant from a coronet a plume of four feathers erect argent, charged with two bars gules each charged with three mascles fesswise or. THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. 47 Sr Eustace Damprecourt Kt.: Lo. of Damprecourt in ... . came into England with Que. Philipe wife to K. Ed. 3. :Dau. of John Lo. Wake. John Delamare Lo. of=pAgn< Oxwich & Portonon in Wales Glamorgan. es Dau. of Osbert le Grosse. Sanclett Damprecourt Kt. of=j= the order of the garter & one of the first founders : E. 3. Raph de la Mare.=j= John Damprecourt also Kt.: of the order of the Garter. William Delamare.: rJoane Da. & hey. of Dauid. John Damprecourt Knight. Johannes Dclamare.= Sir Nicho. Damprecourt: Knight. Johanes De: la Mare. =Auice Da. & Cohey. of John Penrise in Gower. Robert De= la Mare. Thomas De la mare.=p uxor Maunsell. Tho. Damprecourt 1440 .=== Alice Da. & hey. of Thomas Delamare. Jane uxor. Mary ux. Thomas Dabredg-=T=Dorithy Da. John Da-=Eliz'b. Da. of Hugon' Reynold court of Strot Smithwick. Pimne. fold in Hampsh of Geo. Pettenham. bredg- court. Geo. Dabredgcourt.=pDa. of Rich. Norton of Hampsh. Tho. Dabredgcourt.=Da. of Hen. Belcher. Roger Wig ston Lo. of Wigston. Tho. Dabredgcourt de Langdon=Alice d. & hey of Hall in Com. War. supst 1563. John Greswold of Longdon. Willm's Christian ux. Anth. 2 filius. Fosterd de Newark in co. Nott et pos- tea Robt. Constable. I Katherin ux. John Full- wood of Fordhall. Anne uxor Hen. vel John Hug ford of Henwood. Christian uxor Will'm Dabredg-= Grace d. & Cohey. Wm Belcher of court of Ossing- of Tho. Dabredg- Guillsbroughe ton 2 husband. court to hir 1 hus- ob. 1609. band Wm Cart- wreght. 48 THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. 3&ainsfortr> Arms. — Quarterly of thirteen. 1. Argent, on a cross gules, a mullet in chief for difference. 2. Azure, an eagle displayed argent. 3. Azure, an eagle displayed argent. 4. Argent, an eagle displayed gules. 5. Gules, a chevron ermine between three stags trippant or. 6. Argent, a chief indented azure. 7. Per pale or and vert, a chevron ermine. 8. Gules, on a chevron argent between three garbs or, a rose of the field. 9. A chevron gules between three cinquefoils. 10. Argent, a chevron engrailed between three escallops gules. 11. Vair, on a bend sable three boars' heads couped. 12. Argent, three bends azure, a canton (untinctured). 13. Three chevronels interlaced in base on a chief three roundles (untinctured). THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. 49 Tho. Wilcotts de Tew=Elizb. d. & hey. of Edw. Magna in com. Oxford. Hall d Grearford. John Raynsford of= Rainsford hall in Com. Lancast. Hump. Rainsford= second sonne. John Wilcotts of=p Wilcotts & Tew Magna. I Sr John Rains ford Kt. ob. s. p. Hen. Rainsford=Elizb. d. & Cohey. de Tew Magna, of John Wilcotts. Margt. ux. John Ashfeld of Ey- thorpe. Julian ux. Wm Wm Rainsford de Twe= Anne Da. of Will'm Anne Walgraue of Magnaincom.Oxford. of Northaston in com. Sussex Kt. Oxford. William Rains-=pfilia I ford 2 sonne. Hen. Rainsford Broke. 3 sonne ob. sine p'le. John Rainsford=Aliee Da. of Will'm de Tue Magna. Dauers of Cothorp Mil's. Carolus=f=Jocosa Da. Rains ford 1563. of Thomas Morgan of Cumb'ton. Margt. ux. Tho. Holloway in Com. Oxford. Will'm Rainsford=Jane Da. of John de Two Miles. Tho. Rains ford 1 sone. Hercules. Antho. 3. Elizb. I I Elianor 3. Morgan 4. Jocosa 2. Margt. 4. Osbaldeston of Chaldington. Hercules Rainsford= de Two m. 1574. =Dorithy Da. of Rob. Leigh in Com. I Julian ux. John Bett of Edmes- feldincom.War. Dorithy ux. John Dauers of Cul worth. 2 to Tho. Benger of Melton. J I I Willm's Rainsford 2 sonne. Hen. Rainsford sonne & heire. Dorithy. Anne ux. Tho. Langston of Charkham in com. Berks. John Rains-= ford 2 sonne of John. Geo. Rayns-===Kath. Da. of ford 3 sonne of John, Tauerner of Essex. Mary ux. Fran. Greuill in Com. Gloucest. miles. Thomas 2 sonne. Edward 3 sonne. Jane ux. Walter Couper. Alice ux. Christ. Brad bury of Charkham. Gilles Rainsford=p ' 1 sonne. Ambrose Rainsford ob. sine p'le. Edward Rainsford. 50 mtt|h Edm. Farwell miles.===Da. & hey. of Rob. Couentre. Wm. Caringtonn miles.=Anne Da. & heire. I Wm. Carington--=Kath. Da. of Wm. Montague Isabell = John Hend = Katherin miles Co's Sarum Da. of Maior Lond. I. Da. of Tho. Carington miles=Margt. Da. of Rob. Robert Laynham=pAlice Da. & heire. ob. 4 R. 2. I Roose Miles. John Carington al's Smitbrobijt 1446,=Milecencia Da. & heire. THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. 71 Thomas Smith de Riuenhall in Essex.=Da. of Hamond. Tho. Smith de=Isabell Da. & hey. Hugh Smith Riuenhall in of Will'm Tofte of 4 sonne. Essex. Lettell Bedow. Robert2 sonne. John3 sonne. Tho. Smithy de Riuen hall. Clem. Smith de== pua Bedow miles. Leonard Smith= de Norffolk. John Smith de- Blackmore. Da. of=Nicho. Smith=Da. of John Smith. Leonard Smith. Tho. Smith= de Laynards. Reynold ob. s. p. miles 1593. de Bleck- more. Mary. Francis Smith." I Da. & hey.=John Smith miles= of Wood. Baro Scacarij. =Agnes Da. & hey. of John Harwell de Wotton in Com. Warw. Tho. Smith de Cres- singe temple. Ehzb. da. of Thomas=Fran. Smith=Mary d. & hey. of Brudnell Miles. de Wotton. John Moreton de Ashley in Com. Leicest. Hen. Smith de Cres- singe Temple. Geo. Smith=Mary da. of Tho. Gifford Militis ex de Wotton. Ursula fil. Robti Throckmorton. I till Georg Thomas John Robt. Edward 2 sonne. 3 sonne. 4 sone. 5 sonne. 6 sonne. Fran. Smith de=Anne da. of Tho. Mark- Elizb, Wotton Miles, ha' in Com. Nott. 1 da . Mi ary Anne Ursula Dorithy 2 da. 3 da. 4 dau. 5 dau. Tho. Smith 2 sonne. Cha. Smith sone & heire. Mary. 72 THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. grtien* Arms.— Quarterly of six. 1 and 6. Ermine, a fess chequy or and azure (Ardren). 2. Gules, nine estoiles three, three, and three, between two bars wavy gemelles or (Clodshall). 3. Bendy of six azure and or, a canton ermine (Bishopsdon). 4. Barry wavy of six argent and gules, on a bend sable three bezants (Golofre). 5. Ermine, on a bend engrailed azure, three cinquefoils or (Fishyer). Crest. — On a chapeau azure, turned up ermine, a boar statant or. THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. 73 Hen. Ardren of the Parke=pHellen Da. of in Com' Warw. William Ardren 2 sonne. Sr Raph Ardren of=Sibell Da. the Parke Knight, of . Godfrie Ardren 3 sonne ma. Alice. Robert Ardren of Parkshall.=Elizb. Da. & hey. of Rich. Clodshall. I Walter Ardren of Parkshall.=Elinor Da. of John Hampden of Hamden in Com. Buckingha'. Thomas Martyn =¦ 2 sonne. Ardren 3 sonne. Jocosa uxor Joh. Char nells of Snarston in Leicest. . John Ardren Esq. of ye Body to K. H. 7. Da. & hey. ux. Tho. Gibbones. John Ardren 2 sonne. I =Da.of Brace- bredge of Kingesbury in Com. Warw. Elizb. ux. Walt. Leueson of Wolu- ha'pton. Robt. Henry. Thomas Ardren= of Parkshall. Thomas Ardren a Studient at Lawe. Simond Ardren mar. the widow of Bonde ? =Mary d. of Tho. Andrew of Charuelton Kt. Edward George Ardren a Joye ux. Ardren. Capteine slayne Ric. Cade at Bullen. of London. Ambrose Ardren. Mary. I I Elizb. ux. Cicily ux. Hen. Beaupre Shirley of of Wales. Woodbrough. Wm. Ardren of=Elizb. d. of Edw. Parkshall in Com. Warw. Conway of Arrowe. Mary- uxor Fran. Waferey of Lon don. Anne ux. John Ber- mesley of Bermesley. Edw. Ardren=Mary 3 da. of Parkhall. of Sir Ro bert Throg- mar, morton Kt. Fran. Ardren of Pedmore yeD.& hey. of Fox of Oxford. Bridget ux. Hugh Massey of Crossley in Chesheire. Barbara ux. Rich: Neuill sone to John Neuill Lo. Latimer. 1 I Thomas 2. Francis 4. Mary, George 3. John 5. Margt. ux. John Som'uill of Edreston. Mary. 74 THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. Robt. Ardren=Elizb. d. of Reinold Kath. ux. Sr Edw. Elizb. ux. Muriell ux. Wra of Parkhall superstes 1619. Corbett Justice of Deuereux of Simond ye Kings Bench. Castell Bromwich Shug- Kt. & Baronett. brough. Charnells of Snarston in Com. Leicest. I Margt. ux. Walti Ferrers. "I Sir Henry Ardren of=Dorithy Da. of Sr Basill Parkshall fil. & haeres ob. 1616. Feildinge of Newenha' in Com. Warw. Kt. Robt. Ardren fil. et hasres 1. Elizabetha. 3. Dorothea. set. 7 annoru' 1620. — — 2. Goditha. 4. Anne. Barry wavy of six argent and gules, on u, bend sable three bezants. <&oMxt anti CfofcisjmlL Sr John Golofre of=Elizab. Da. & hey, CercedonKt. obijt 1363 buried at of John Fisher of Fishiden in Barksh. Robert Golofre.: Walter Clodishalt 19 E. 3. :Alice Da. & heire of Raph Golofre.=p Roger Bushopdon. Richard Clodishall.=p Chiles, two bars wavy gemelles between ' nine estoiles, three, three, and three or. Joh'nes Golofre. Rogerus Golofre.==Mary d. of Wm. Brusley of Ledington. Johannes Clodishall.=Beatrix Da. & heire of Roger Golofre. tick; Richard Coldishall.= Robt. Ardren=Elizb. da. & heire of of Parkshall. Ric. Clodishall. THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. 75 estlmleSt dfrebfll, Hflftraoite, anti Jfalstaff. Thomas de Eschales^p I Stephen de Eschales.= J William de Eschales.=p I Baldwine Freuile.=pLuce Da. & heire. Tho. Holbrooke=f= . •¦¦ I Argent, a chevron be- ml es* tween ten crossleis gules. Rich. Freuili miles. Johannes =Da. of Rob. Hugh Fal- Holbrooke. I Burchid. stoffe. Robt. Fitz Raph.=f=Elizb. Da. Margt. Da. = Johannes & Coheire. & Coheire. John Freuill=Helena da. Robt. Freuill: miles ob. s.p. of Lucey. ob. 1393 Johannes=Elizb. Woluer-sto.n. I Thomas Freuill.===Margt. Da. & heire. William Freuill.=pAnne Da. & heire. I William Freuill.=Joane Da. of Tho. Charleton miles. Falstaffe. Hugh de Falstofte= I Johannes Falstoffe. 76 THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. &aletjj{)+ Arms. — Quarterly of four. 1. Argent, a cross between ten crosshts gules (Rawley). 2. Argent, a cross moline gules (Pinoherdon). 3. Argent, a stag's head caboshed sable (Helion). , 4. Argent, two bars gules within a bordure engrailed sable semee of bezants (Cotes- ford). Crest. — A boar's head couped erect argent. THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. 77 Sr Hen. Raleigh Kt.=pMabell Da. & Cohey. of Sr John Pincherdon Kt. John Sr John Raleigh Kt.===Joane Da. of John Lo. Gray of Rotherfeld. John Raleigh.==Rose Da. & hei. of Sir Wm Scarshull miles cheif iustice=p . ' Sr Peter Helion Kt. of Engl. temp. E. 3 had 5 daughs. Thomas Raleigh.=fA.gnes Da. of Sr Will'm Roger Cotes-=Catharin Da. & coh. of Swinford Kt. ford miles. Sir Will. Scarshull. Thomas : Raleigh. :Joane Da. of Sr Sr Henrie = Wm. Asteley Kt. Raleigh K. =filia et hser. Tho. Cottesford=p Bennall. miles. I Jane Da. & heire ux. Johannes Raleigh=pIdon. da. & hey. of Sr Edw. Bromflett. de Thornborow. Tho. Cotesford Kt. William Raleigh Kt.==Elizb. Da. of Sr Tho. Greene Kt. s. Gill. Thomas. Gilles. Wilhn. Sr Edward Raleigh==Margt. Da. of Sr Margarett ux Kt. Raph Verney Kt. Edward. Emmeux. Geo. Edward =p Anne d. of Sr Wm. Anne. Alice. Anthonie Raleigh Gainsford. Raleigh. Chamberleyn Kt. al's Tankeruill. 2 fil. Jane Da. of Will'm=George Raleigh=j=Anne_Da. of 1. Bridgett ux. Margaret Connysby of Alden- ha' Kt. 1 wife. 2 mar. widow of Fitz Gerrard. . Erneley John Cope ux. Ri. 3 wife. miles. Musket. Bridget ux. William Kingsmill. Johannes Raleighe supstes 1563. I III Edward 2 fil. 3. Leonard. 4. Anthonie Thomas 5 fil. duxit.=j=Maria. ob. s. p. obiere s. p. j Georgius fil. et hser. I II II I Fran. ux. 2. George. 3. Edward. 4. Hump. Thomas 2 son=j= Sibilla 2 Richard v . ^ vivens 1563. filia, Albon Verney obiere s. p. Butler. miles. Willm's. 78 THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. Simond Raleigh of Farnings=pAnne Da. of Martini Docwra Johanna 1593 at Thornborow. de Bolson in Com. Warr. 3 fiha. Geo. Raleighe.=pElizab. Da. of Christ. Smith. 2. Esay. 1. Margaret. I 3. Foulk. 2. Maria. Sr Edw. Raleghe.=Kath. Da. of Gabrill Poultney. 4. Edward. 3. Elizab. 4. Anna. Elizabeth Da. & heire. mtton anti JHaltorp* Gilbert Sutton miles.=p Will'm Sutton miles.= Thomas Sutton.==Da. & hey. of John John Peytot.=p Brayles Dom's de Dichford. r Henrie Sutton.=Margt. Da. of , Will'm Peytot John Peytot. A miles. Galfred Allesley.=Alianora Da. of Simon Malorie.=Margarett. Hen. Sutton. Joane ux. John= St. German. Ehzb. ux. Tho.= Robert Malorie/ Boughton. Galfrids St. German.==Da. of Rob. Richard Robert Johannes Will'm Greuill. Boughton. Malorie. Malorie. Malorie. . ux. Tho. Agard. THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. 79 Barsett Rich. Darsett.=f=Da. of Tho. Arden de Hanwell. I John Darsett.—Margt. Da. of Roger D'ns Wenlock. Will'm Darsett.=Alice Da. of William = Julian da. of John Oliuer Tho. Sutton. Spencer. de Wolston Miles. John Darsett.==Matilda Da. of Will'm Spencer. William Darsett. Tho. Darsett.=Margt. Da. of Eustace Burneby Hellena, et Phillippa uxoris eius filia Tho. Malory. I John Darsett. WUtl)* Johes South de Lowth=p in Comitat. Lincoln. Susanna uxor Rici Adlard de Lowth in Com. Lincoln. Joh'es South de Lowth=Jana filia . . 2. Johannes. 3. Thomas. 4. Johannes. in Comit. Lincoln filius et hseres. Kelke de Lincolne. Tho. South de= Faldingworth in Com. Lin coln a0 1619. 5. Zacheus. Willmus South de=j=Elizab. filia Susanna, — Warwick filius et 6. Samuell. hseres Superstes A0 1619. Amiliani Holbech de Warwick. Juditha. Thomas South filius et hares atat. 1 qrter anni A0 1619. 80 THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. Arms.— Quarterly of four. 1 and 4. Gules, a cross en grailed argent, in the first quarter a lozenge or. 2 and 3. Azure, two bars and in chief a griffin's head erased between two mullets argent. Crest. — An unicorn's head couped or. THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. 81 Rich. Leigh of Walington in Com. Salop yonger son of== John Leigh of Ridg 2 sone to Sr Peirs Leigh of ye Lime in Chesh. Roger Leighe of Walington.= I Will'm Leighe of Walington.==Dau. of Trafford. Ehzb. d. & hey. of=Will'm Leigh Sr John Harper of Rushell Kt. Usher to K. H. Vid. plus Staffordsh. Sr Tho. Leigh Kt.= Maior of London ye 1 of Quene Elizb. Alice Da. of John Barker al's Couerall of Camo' in Shropsh. Roger Leigh Usher to Qu. Mary ob. s.p. Raph 2 sonne ob. s. p. Kath. ux. Edward Barber Ser giant at Lawe. Winifred ux. Georg Bond of London. S1 Tho. Leigh of Stonley= in Com. Warw. Kt. & Baronet 3 sonne. =Kath. Da. of Sr John Spencer of Wol'uton. Alice ux. Tho. Conney of Leicestsh. I Mary 1 mar. to Nicho. Cobb. 2 to Ric. Andrewes. Margery Da. of=Sr Rowland=Da. of Sr Rich. Tho. Lowe of Leigh Kt. Barkeley Kt. London. 1 sonne. Thomas Leighe. Sr Wm Leigh= of Kings New- nam in Com. War. Kt. =Fran. Da. of Sr James Haring- ton of Exton Kt. Elizabethe uxr Hanmer, 2 to Broughton. Sr Fran. Leigh of New- nam Kt. 1619. = Elizb. d. of Tho. Egerton Lo. Elesmere and Chan- celor of England. Thomas 2. Kath. ux. Sr Robert — Dudley Kt. son to ye Francis 3. Erie of Leicest. §r John Leighe Kt. of==Ursula d. & hey. of Sr Christ. Hudgesonne of London Kt. by Alice Da. of Alex. Carrell of Lon don. Hamstall Ridware in Staff, died before his father 1608. Sr Thomas Leigh Kt.=pMary Da. & Cohey. of Sr Tho. Egerton Kt. sone of sone & hey. Tho. Lo. Chancellor ,of England & Viscount Brackley. Thomas Leigh filius et har. atatis 6 anor' die S4 Swethani 1622. Catherina atat. 8 annoru' die pascha'1622. Maria atat. dimidij anni 26 Decemb. 1622. M 82 THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. 3Sou]$ttin+ Arms.— Quarterly of four. 1 and 4. Sable, three cr or. 2 and 3. Azure, fretty argent. Crest. — A lion's head couped (uniinctwed). THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. 83 Rich. Boughton Shreife of. Warwick and Leicester. ¦Anne Daughter of Longeuille. William Boughton.=f=Elizb. Da. of John Brockett widow of Barrington. Thomas Boughton; Hr/w&tfliyr/'L Frauncis Willoughbie a daughter. 104 THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. barman. Sans cheiff. Arms. — Quarterly of four. 1 and 4. Argent, on a cross sable a stag's head couped between four birds of the field; on a chief azure a cross flory betwixt two roses or. 2. Sable, on a chevron between three hinds trippant argent as many annulets of the field. 3. Gules, a squirrel sejant cracking a nut or. Crest. — Out of a ducal coronet sable a stag's head argent, langued gules. THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. 105 Walter Harman.=pDau. of Sedney. I John Harman.=f Da. & hey. of Collett. Wm. Harman=pDa. & hey. of Squire & had of Morehall. Lands at Wakers. V L John Harman al's Vessey Bishop Hugh Harman of Excest' & presedent of Wales of Morehall. 17 H. 8. =Dau. of Ridgley. Margarett ( Gules a chevron engrailed between three mullets argent) ux'r Luson. . . . . ux. Johanis=p Massey. .... uxor. Chap man of Harford. ux. Midle- more. Margt. ux. Richard= Sheldon. I Hugh Masey mar. the da. of Ardren. I I Henry Chapman. Phillep Sheldon. Ha I John Harman=pSibbell da. of Fowler Will'm Elianor ux.- of Morehall. ofBuckingsh. 2 sonne. John Pudsey. Dorithy uxr Tho.; Wirley of Hamp- sted in Staff. Thomas =j=Anne da. of Harman. Lisley of Warw'sh. Anne ux. Randall Tardley. Elnor ux. Wm. Pudsey, Whauerley. George =j=Dau. of Cotton. Johannes Wirley. Sibell Da. and heire. Richard Pudsey ats. 20, 1582 Wm. Harman 3 sone John Harman 2 son mar. Anne ux' John Margery ux. Tho. mar. ye Da. of to his 1 wife ye Da. of Yardley elder Tikebrome of Hungerford widow of Underhill 2 da. of brother of TikbromeinCom. Bredges. Fran. Congraue. Randall, Staff. 106 THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. jHetilep* Arms. — Sable, two bars gemelles argent, on a chief of the last three mullets of the field. THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. 107 Bennett Medley of Whitnesse- in Com. Warwick. Will'm Medley=pMargt. Da. of Sr Rob. Wotton Kt. of Whetnesse. 2 to Tho. Marques Dorcett. Isabell ux. Tho. Shaksbrough of Shaksbroughe. I George Medley=pMary Da. of Gerrard of Whetnese. Dannett. Thomas ob. sine p'le. Henry Medley.= =Daughter of Throg morton. William= Medley. =Anne Da. of Sr Rob. Payton of Cambridshere. Elizabeth ux. Morris of Essex. 108 THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. CotltesMtf alias Clopton. Arms.— Paly of four or and azure, a lion rampant counterchanged. THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. 109 Sir Robert =pMabell Da. Clopton Kt. of Walter James Clopton* Clopton. E. 1. :Margt. Da. Joane of John Henry Clopton. Clopton. Per pale or and gules, a cross pattee cmmterchanged. Sir Walter de Cockesfeild al's called the=pJane Da. of . Marshall Knighte purchased the Mannor of Clopton of James Clopton the 4 E. 1. Walter de Cockesford^ tempore E. 1, E. 2. Thomas de Cocksford Lo. of Clopton obijt sine p'le. Walt. Cocksfeild of Clopton. E. 3.=pMawd Da. of . John Cockesfeild al's Clopton. R. 2.; ihn* Hugh Cloptonf Tho. Clopton= John Clopton= Maior of London of Stratford. March, of ye 7 H. 7. Staple & of London. John Clopton Esq.= died 1 H. 7. John Clopton=p Marchant of London. f Will'm Clopton J Esq.=Rose Da. of . . . after Johannes= died 29 Maye A" 13 mar. to Giles Greuill Clopton H. 8 Kt. She died 27 of August 17 H. 8. Yorksh. =Elizb. d. of Ashton of Lancastsh. A dau. died unmaried. * This James Clopton w' his 2 sonnes John & Henry sold ye mannor of Clopton to Sr Walter Cockesfield als dictus Mariscalles temp. E. I. f This Hugh Clopton builded y° bridge at Stratford upon Auon & a chappell in ye Colledg of Stratford, and Alisbery Cawsey, & at his death he bestowed upon maidens mariages 60001'. He also purchased landes in Rien Clifford & the bridgtowne the wch with other lands he least [to Will'm his brother's grandchild. i This Will'm had a pardon in H. 8 tyme w,h these wordes, Perdonamus p' presentes W™" Clopton nuper de Clopton Argr als d'cto Willmo Clopton nuper de Clopton in Com. Warr. gener. als dicto Willo Clopton de Coxfeild in Com. Essex armig. als dicto Willo Clopton de West Bernis in Com. Surrey gent, als dicto Willo Clopton armigr. als dicto generoso seu quocunq alio nomine censeato. 110 THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. William=FElizb. d. of William = Anne d. & Co- CloptonEsq. Sr Edward Clopton. Grey Kt. of Enfeld. hey. of Wm. Clopton Esq. I T1 J- Margt. uxor Jane ux. Alice. Leyton of Jackson Yorksh. of Yorksh. Thomas Cloptonob. sine p'le. Wm. Clopton- of Clopton in Com. War wick. =Anne Da. Elizb. ux ux. Anne Rose Elianor. of Sr Geo. Dannett Aruhdell uxor uxor Griffeth ob. sine of Trerise Strete. Cowmes. Kt. p'le. in Corn wall. I I Lodowick William obijt sine ob. sine p'le. p'le. Sr Geo. Carew Kt.= Joyce Da. & Elizabeth Mary Anneux. Lo. Carew of Coheire of ob. sine ob. s.p. Wm. Clopton & Vice William p'le. Clopton Chamberlayn to Clopton. aboue- Queene Anne. said. ^artilep* Thomas Yardley=pMargareta filia de Gorcot hill in Com. War. Will'i Guibon de Sutton Colfeild. Kenelmus Yardley: de Sutton Coldfeild in Com. War. 6 filius 1619. :Anna filia Bennet de Dostill in Com. War. Jocosa uxor Johis Fulwood de Clayhall in Com. War. 5. Tho. Yardley de Sutton Col- field in Com. War. 3. Arthurus. 4. Matheus. Johes Yardley de Sutton=pJana filia Tho. Vin- 2. Thomas. Comeld in Com. War. filius et har. 1619. cent de Thingdon in Com. Northam. 3. Willmus. Margareta uxor Willmi Corbin de Whitton in Com. Staff. Christopherus Yardley fil. et hares atat. 1 ann. a0 1619. 2. Raphe Yardley= de Ancott in Com. Warr. :Amicia filia Johis Harman de More hall in Com. Warr. Johes Yardley= de Gorcot hill filius et hares. = Anna filia Johis Har man de Morehall in Com. War. THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. Ill Cfirocltmortom In capella de Ullenhall in parochia de Wotton Wauen in Com. Warwick. Here lieth the body of Frauncis Throckmorton Esq. borne in the citty of Mantua in Italy, son and hey. unto Michaell Throckmorton Esq. ; and of Agnes Hide of Hampsheire ; wcl1 Michaell was borne at Coughton Courte in the County of War. and was younger brother to Sr George Throckmorton of Coughton aforesayd Knight. And after that the sayd Michaell had liued many years in Italy in good & great reputac'on with bountifull hospitality; Intertayning most of the noble men & gentlemen of England that had occasion to come that way ; Did returne into the Realme of England in ye verie beginning of the raigne of queene Mary & receyued of her gift the Mannors of Honelley, Blackwell, Packhurst, Winderton Ullenhall in Ullenhall and others ; as appeereth by her maiesties letters Pattents bearing date in the first yeare of her raigne ; and after went into Italy againe where he departed this Life and lieth buried in St. Martin's Church in the" said Citty of Mantua under a faire Tombe. The sayd Francis maried Judeth Daughter of Richard Tracey of Stanway in the County of Gloucester Esq. and of Barbara Lucy of Charlcot in the aforesaid County of Warwick & sister to Sr Paule Tracey Barronett & had by her 6 children, wherof 3 (that is to say) Frauncis, Michaell and Judith died without issue, and the other 3 are Liuing (that is to say) John, Michaell and Judith Anno D'ni 1617. Sr Robt. Throckmorton^ ob. 24 H. 7. :Katherina filia Will'mi Marrow Aldermanni London. Sir Geo. Throckmorton=Katherin Da. of de Coughton in Com. Nicholas lord War. Kt. Vaux. Michaell Throckmorton^ 2 filius Borne at Cough ton, Sepultus in Ecclia Sti. Martini in Mantua in Italy. :Agnis filia . . . Hide de South- hampsheire. Francis Throckmorton fil. et hares=Judith Da. of Ric. Tracy natus in Mantua In Italye ob. 1617. et sepultus in ecclia de Wotton Wauen in Com. Warr. de Stanway in Com. Glouc. Judith uxor Tho. Edwards. John Throckmorton=Mabella filius et hares fil. sup'stes 1619. Corniu'. Michaell=i=Rebecca fil. Francis. 2fihus sup'stes. Timothy filius et har. Johes 2 filius, Cramporn. — Michaell. Judith. ob. s. p. 112 THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. <£lM£* Arms. — Sable, a chevron between three fishes naiani argent. THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. 113 The chief house of ye Olneyes was at Weston in Buckinghamsheir, whose heyre generall was mar. to Throckmorton of Coughton, who now hath Weston, herby Weston &c. Ther is a towne called Olney being the place from woh they tooke their sur name. John Olney de Tachbrook.=p H. 4. John 01ney.=pEllena postea ux° Johannis Hanham. Margaret de Olney Dn'a de Weston 11 H. 6. Alicia ux. Johis Tirringham. Thomas Olney. John. Joane. Edmond Olney de Tachbrook.=7= I Thomas 01ney=pJoane Da. of Wm. de Feni-Compto' de Tachbroke. Just' ad pacem. Anne ux. Tho. Olney de=j=Eliz. d. of Rich. Martin Olney^fJane da. of Peter Tho. Howe. Tachbroke. Woodhall of Warwick. de Ashorne. Townsend. Thomas 1. John 2. Anne 1 dau. Ursula 2. Margt. 3. Thomas Olney. 1. . . . 2 fiha. John Olney de: Tachbroke. :Jane vidua Micha' Olney de: Rawley. Tachbroke. Abraham Olney Da. of = ux. filia Willi Morcott. Commander. :Joane Da. of . . . Priest de Burton sup Dunsmore. =Will'm 01ney.=fDa. of John=Da. of Edward 2. Catesby Olney. Brome. — ux. 1. Michaell 3. Will'm 4. John Olney. Debora. Sara. Rebecka 114 THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. Bankers* Arms,— Argent, on a bend gules three martlets or. THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. 115 Sir John Dauers= of Dauntesey. =Anne so' & hey. of Edw. Stradlinge miles. John Dauers^Dau. of Manger-feld. Dorothy 1 ux. John Phetiplace 2 to Anthonie Hungerford. Rich. Dauers of Tockenham, Elizb. ux. 1 Borowes2D'noAud- ley. Anne ux. Tho. Lovett de Astwell. W: T ill'm Dauers de Tockenham. Will'm Dauers=Elizab. filia Finnes et soror Richard Susan ux. Edw. Do'ms of Culworthe. Finnes que Duxit Dauers. Dauers. Hungerford. Thomas Dorithie ux. Dauers Sacheuerell ob. sine de Com. pi. Derby. John Dauers= de Culworth. =Dorithy Da. of Wm. Rains ford militis. Mary ux. Rob. Baker of Cul worth. Anne ux. Blunt de Wiggenton Oxon. Daniell=Suzan d. Temperance Samwell=Anne d. & Dauers. of John ux. Anthony Dauers hey. of Leon- Pope of Dellon. de Cul- ard Pigott Wroxton. worth. de p'ua Har- wood, Buck. J. Justicia ux. Ric. An drews de Com. Oxon. Prudence ux. Will'mi Howell de Com. Oxon. John 2 Richard 3 Daniell 4 Thomas 5 Samwell Dauers= sone. sonne. sonne. sonne. sonne & heire. Eliz'beth. Fortrida. Margery ux. Stanley. Margaret 1 mar. to Edw. Fines Thomas Dauers=p 2 Tho. NeueU de Holt miles. de Dauntesey. Silvester Dauers.: John Dauers miles.=F Hen. Dom's Dauers de Dauntesey. 116 THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. porter. Arms. — Sable, three church bells argent. THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. 117 Rich. Porter of Micleton.=pDa. of Latimer. " I John Porter. Wm. Porter.=j=Dau. of Gifford. ; | II 'I John Porter. Anthonie=j=Grisogona Da. of Edw. Edmond=rDa. of Porter. Stradling miles. Porter. Will'm Porter=Dau. of Edward= Angela Da. Nicholas Por-=Dau. of Hun ob. s. p. Tirrell. Porter. Egedij Porter, ter de Aston. der hill. Foulco Thomas Edward Charles Hellena Porter. Porter. Porter. Porter. Porter. Thomas Porter =j= Anthonie Porter ob. s.p. Egedius Porter.=F i i . I : i i Thomas Anthony Augelia ux. Lodouicus Luciana Porter. Porter. Edw. Porter. Porter. Porter. 118 THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. »ootitoarti* Arms. — Azure, a pale between two eagles displayed argent. Crest. — On a ducal coronet a greyhound sejant argent. THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE, 119 John Woodward de=p Butlers Marston. Rich. Woodward de=f= Butlers Merston. Anne Da. of John=j=Tho. Foxe de Woodward. Warwick. Thomas Fox: de Warwick. I =Mary Da. of Sparner de Com. Northamp. John Fox= de War wick. Will'm = Foxe de Sher burne. Anne Da. of Christ. Hall. Anne. Katherin. Will'm Foxe de Warwick. Margt. ux. Wm. Freston de Wotton. . . . ux. Richard Pickeringe. Ric. Woodward=T=Fran. Da. & hey. de Stretford sup Aven. r of Paiot de Stret ford sup Auon. Tho. Woodward de= Butlers Merston. Elizabeth Woodward in Francia. I I John 1. Rich. 2. :Dau. of . Rous de Linche. Mari ux. Murden in Com. Northam. Johannes Woodward=pdau. of . . . de Auendersett. de Burton. Palmer John Woodward. Richard Woodward icha Rich. Woodward= de Dome in Com. Gloucest. =Da. of . . . Rudhall de Rudhall. 120 THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. $opnton anti Wmpttltbuxv. Arms. — Quarterly of four. 1. Argent, two bars azure, in chief three hurts. 2. Azure, a fess or between three crescents argent. 3. Barry wavy, over all a bend (un tinctured). 4. A lion rampant (not blazoned). THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. 121 Will'm Poynton Miles.=p I Tho. Wittlebury.=j=Matilda Da. Thomas Burnha'=Elizb. Da. & Coheire. ob. s. p. & Coheire. Albertus Wittlebury.=p Richard Wyttlebury.= Hen. Plessington= Isabell Da. & hey. of Johannes Wyttlebury. miles ob. s. p. Albertus Wittleburie. Robert Witlebury.=Anne Da. of Will'm Catesby miles. 122 THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. engleMti. Arms. — Quarterly of four. 1 and 4. Gules, two bars argent; on a chief or, a lion passant azure. 2 and 3. Sable, a fess between six martlets or. Crest.* — A cubit arm couped at the elbow, habited per pale gules and or, grasping in the hand proper a branch. * Harl. MS. 6060, fo. 73, has the arm also couped. The en graving is taken from Harl. MS. 1563, fo. 64, which gives the crest as — A dexter arm embowed vested per pale gules and or, cuffed argent, the hand proper grasping a branch (of laurel?) vert. Harl. MS. 1100, fo. 45, has the same. Harl. MS. 1081, fo. 25, " Visitation of Berkshire, 1566, 1623," gives no crest, whilst Harl. MS. 1532, fo. 56, gives a double-headed eagle displayed per pale azure and gules, THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. 123 John de Inglefeild miles obijt 4 E. l.=p I Will'm de Englefeld miles ob. in Fine E. 1. T Roger de Englefeld miles E. 2.===Joane Da. of . * i lillir Phillip d Englfeld miles R. 2.=f Joane Da. of . . . I Johanes Englefeld=f=Isabell Da. of . . . Phil, de Englfeld=p miles R. 2. j 7 H. 6. onn John Englefeld.=f=Nichola Da. of . . . Robert Englefeld=p J E-i- I Nichola. John Englefeld ob.=pJoane Da. of John in vita patris. Milborne of London. Tho. Englefeild miles=j=Margt. Da. of ob. 4 H. 8. Tho. Englefeild Miles= Justiciar Cestria. Ric. Dauers. ft Ermine, a cross gules. John Lodbrook=i=Hauicia Da. of Rob. miles. Dauentry miles. Thomas Lodbrook.=pAlice Da. of Hugh Lodbrook Wm. Catesby. ob. sine p'le. John Lodbrook ob. Ahce uxor Lodouici=p in Gardo Corn's Coke als Cardigan. I Warw. s, p. | Kath. uxor Wm. Hathwick.: John Hathwick, THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. 129 Peacf). Godfrie Peach de=p Hampton. Rich. Peach .= John Peach.=p I John Peach.=p I John Peach de Hampton. Cranforti* Gules, a fret or, a William Cranford.=r Julian Da. & heire of Hen. Cuzon. John Cranford de=FPetronella Da. of Asheby St. Leger. Will'm Stanford. Nicho. Cranford=p de Ashby. Robert Cranford.=j=Margt. Walford=pSimonCresholme sole Da. & heire 2 husband. of RogeWalford. 8 a inru J Emme ux. John Catesbie de Lod brooke. Margt. ux. Edw.; Metley de Wol ston in Com. Warw. Joane ux. Robt. Burdett de Badisley Clinton. Argent, a chevron between 3 bugle horns stringed sable ; impaling per fess gules and or, in chief a label of three points througlwut azure. Nicho. Metley a quo Beawfoe, John Metley. ^30 THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. Bisj)0)3Ston> Arms. — Bendy of six or and sable, a canton ermine. THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. 131 Fredreick of Bishopston.=p I Sr Thomas de Bushopston.= Sr Will'm de Bushopston.: I S1' Thomas de Bushopston.=pJoane Da. of Hen. Lo. Mountford. Sr Will'm de Bushupston.: I Thomas Bushupston.=pJoane d. of John Pipard by whom he had Lackstock. Will'm 2 sonne. Johannes Bushopston.^p Agnes Da. of . . Sr John Bishopston.^Julian Da, of . . . Roger Bishopston.=pJoane Da. of ... . I Alice ux. Walt. Clodeshall of Clodeshull. Thomas=pDa. of William=p Blackett Da. & hey Bishop- ston. Walshe. WiU-cotts. of John Trillow Lo. of Castells. Sr Wilham=j=Phillipa Lady Elizb. uxor Bishopston. of Wfflcotts " Sr Tho. Da. & cohey. of Wickha' Wm Wfflcotts, Kt. Isabell uxor Anne ux. Margt. uxor Sr Rob. Robt. John Beaw- Shotes- Corners. foe. brooke Kt. Sr Wm Catesby=pPhillipa Da. & cohey Tho. Palmer=f Elizb. Da. & cohey, Lo. of Ashby & Lapworth. of SrWmBushopston. of Holt in Leicest. of Sr Wm Bushop- ston. Will'm =pMargt. Da. Catsby. of Zouch. A Da. & heyre ux. Will'm=j= NeueU of Holt. George Catesby. Thomas NeueU of Holt. 132 THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. jfbrster* Arms.— Quarterly of four. 1. Sable, a chevron engrailed between three arrows argent. 2. Quarterly of four : 1 and 4. Argent, on a chief gules two stags' heads caboshed or; 2. Or, a chevron argent between ten torteaux; 3. A chev ron between three cinquefoils (not blazoned). 3. Gules, two lions passant gardant in pale argent. 4. Sable, six fusils "or. THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. 133 Humphry Forster de= Herden iuxta Henley. 1 Alice Da. of Tho. Stonnor. Tho. Delamare: miles. Humphry Forster.: Ahce Da. & Cohey. John De la Mare.^Daughter of of Stephen Popham Dabredgcourt. Geo. Forster miles.=pEhzb. Da. & hey. of John Delamare. I Hump. Forster miles=j=Elizb. Da. of Wm. John Forster.=p ob. 18 Sept. 1556. Dominj Sandes. rffl'r Will'm Forster.=j=Jane Da. of Anthonie Anthony Forster.=p Hungerford miles. Humphry Forster.=i=Margt. D. of John Will'm Forster. . . in Com. Cumbr. Wm Forst' miles.=Mary Da. of Steward. Thomas Arthur Forster. Egedius Forster.=j=Kath. Da. of Roger ob. s. p. Wigston Ar. Anthony Forster. Will'm Forster.; Anne soror Hen. Thomas Forster. Goodier mil. Kath. ux. Henrie Margt. Valentyne. Foulco Forster Edward=Lucia Da. Henry = Elizb. Da. Mary ux. Ursula. ob. s. p. Forster. of Coles. Forster. of Hopkins. Edw.Gregory. Daughter of.... --Anthony Forster.^Christia' Da. of John Dabredgcourt post' Robto Constable militis. Marye. Giles Forster mar.=r Anne da. of Sr Will'm MeringKt. Alice ux. William =p Hunson de Walpole, Elianor ux. Geo.: Stoughton de Com. Leicest. Tho. Mary ux. Joyner. Tho. Hunson de Walp'le Dorithy ux. Huiiston mar. Anne Da. of Tho. Do's Oyle. Stoughton. Caue miles. 134 THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. Ste^lmer. Arms. — A chevron vair between three ducal coronets (not In the manuscript drawn in pencil, THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. 135 Rich. Wylmore=pDa. of John Godier de Ruyton. de Baginton. . . ux. John Spencer Will'm Wylmore=j=Julian d. of Tho. Spencer de Badby of Tame. de Ruyton. soror Thomas Spencer de Euerdon. Will'm Wylmore. Robert Wylmore.=j=Elizb. Da. of Thomas Wilmore^ Tho. Higenson. "de Stareton. Will'm Wylmore. Dorithy. I III I . , Tho. Wylmore Robt. Samuell 3. Dorithy 1. of London & 2 son. — — Budbrooke. John 4. Anne 2. Mary 3. Ann ux. Hen. Dorithy Joane ux. Elizb. ux. Mary uxor Tho. Audria. Thornton. ux. John Huckpole. Hen. Crowe postea Lauender. Rogers. Baldwin Hill. Peter Wyhnor=pElizb. Da. of Rich. Wylmore=pWinifrid Da. of Radi Browne, de Folkshall. de Couentry. John fitz Harbert. Elizabeth Da. & heire. Thomas Wyhnore=Da. of Fran. de Meriden. Stafford. 136 THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. lussere anti mitj), of Camptiem Arms. — Sable, on a fess between as many fleurs de lis gules. coupea or THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. 163 Smith of Cambden.=p I Tho. Smith of=pKatherin Da. of George Cambden. Throgmorton miles rehcta Rob't Winter. 3. Paulus. Tho. Smith — miles ob. 4. Lucas, s. p. 5. DanieU. ob. s. p. Anthonie: Smith de Cambden sup' 1593. r :Joane Da. of Eliz'b. uxor Roger Martin Walsh in miles. Com' Here ford. I Thomas Smith. Grisogoneda. Richard Smith.=pMaria Da. of Anne. Katherin ux'r=p Hugh Elston. Samwell Tracie. Siluanus Smithe. Mary. SamweU Tracie. Katherin. 164 THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. Hsltfettu AmLS.-^Argeni, a trefoil slipped between three mullets gules. THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. 165 Ashfeild.=p John Ashfeild=pAleanora Dau. of Edw. Ashefeld=pDa. of . . . de Heythorp. Seymore, deEulmemileB, Johnob. s. p. relicta Stafford. " I I " I Alice uxor .... ux. Cicili uxor Leey. Edward John Fortiscu Phetiplace. miles. I Anthony Ashfeild.=pDa. of Radi Sheldon Seniori. Johannes Ashfeld.=pAnne d. of Tho. Smith Humphrie rehcta Hump. Ashfeld. obijt s. p. ! "" "" I I I I John Ashfield. Henry. Humphry. Edward. Francisca MichaeU AshfeUd; Hump. Ashefeild=pHellena Dau. of Humphry=p Ashfeild. JohannesAshfeild. de Heythorp Conway. Joh' Ashfeld=pDau. of Anthony de Heythorp. Bridges. Ashfeld. :Da. of Rich. Kneuitt. — George.ob. s. p. Robert=pDa. of Humphry=pAnne da. of CromweUe Ashfeld Kettleby. Ashfeild. Thomas Smith. AshfeUd. Robert Ashfeild. Tho. Ashfeild Mary. Anne. de Heithorp. 166 THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. #riflim Arms. — Quarterly of fourteen. 1. Sable, a griffin segreant argent. 2. Or, a bend gules within a bordure (untinctured) semie of bezants. 3. Gules, crusilly fitchee, a lion rampant argent. 4. Gules, a cross flory or. 5. Chiles, seven mascles conjoined or, three, three and one. 6. A fess indented between ten crossleis or. 7. Barry wavy of sin ermine and gules. 8. Azure, a fess indented between six garbs or. 9. Argent, on a chevron azure three garbs or. 10. Ermine, three lozenges conjoined in fess sable. 11. Or, a fess indented, over all a bend. 12. Gules, three pears pendent or. 13. Sable, billelUe, a lion rampant or. 14. Sable, a chevron ermine between three escallops argent. Crest. — A talbot's head erased argent. THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. 167 John Griffin Wellencis=pElizb. Da. '& heire de Fauell. of John Fauell. Rich. Griffin.= Tho. Griffin-- miles. -"Elizb. da. & heire of Warinij Latimer. . Elizb. ux. Teken in Com. Northamp'. Rich. Griffin.=pAnne da. of Rich. Chamberlayn de Cotts. . Anne ux. Hardwick in Com. Oxon. Margarett. Nicho. Griffin=pKatherin Da. of Tho. de Brabrook. I PUkington miles. Kath. Da. of^Nicho. Griffin=pMary D'na Greene fil. et har Rich. Curson. , de Braybroke Joh'is Bellers. Elizabeth ux. Anne ux. Thomas Joane ux. William Sandford. Pinchbeck miles. Pickring mUes. Rich. Edw. Griffin=p 2 sone. mar. the Da. of Leigh in Com. Bucks. Isabell ux. Kath. ux. John Griffin=pEmme Da. of Tho. NeueU John Digby de Brabrook. de Rolles- de Ketleby ton. miles. Henry. Francisca Rich. Whet- hill deCaUis. Daued. George= Griffin. Nicho. Griffin=pAlice Da. of de Brabrook miles. Richard. Dauid. Raphe. Barthol. Mary ux. Brocas. JohnThorn-burge. William Newbotel.=pSara Da, & hey. of Rich' Cleudon in Com. Northampton. Thomas Newbottell.=pJane Da. & hey. of Hugh Luttrington. I Thomas Cost.=pAgnes Da. & heire. Robert Palmer.=pGrace Da. & hey. of Tho, Cost. I b 168 THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. Elizb. Lady Stonor Da.=2. Edw. Griffin de Dengley=pElizab. Da. & heire & hey. of Geffrie of Stannor relict Water Sonor. Attorney Generall 2 fil. 3 mar. Anne Da. of John Smith Baro' of th' exchecq. I of Rob. Palmer. Raph Griffin de Brome=pDa. of Tho. Throgmorton in Com. Warw. de Coughton. Mari ux. Plumpton, Edward Griffin. Mary. Jane ux. Hen.: Kebull de Humb'son in Com. Leicest. Edw. Griffm= pLuci Da. of Margaret. Grace ux. de Dingley. Reynold Sim. Nor Coniers ex wich de D'na Eliz. Brampton Stonor. in Com. Northamp. Elizb. Da. & hey.= nupta Edm. Kinge 1594. ; Anthonie Collie. Tho. Griffin de=pElizb. Da. of Geo. Dom's de Dingley nules. Audeley com. Castellhauen relicta John StoneU miles. I Anthony Collie. Elizb. Anne. Dingleys filia et hares. Tho. Griffin de Brabrook=pJane da. & cohey. of Rich. Newton miles. in Wike in Com. Somerset. Rise Griffin.=pElizb. da. of Thomas Tho.Brudnell 2 sonne. de Deane miles. Fran. ux. Roger Smithe de Withcoke. Anne. Bridget 1 mar. to MUes Haselrege. 2 to Wm. Lane de Cottesbrooke in Com. Norff. 1 da. Mary Da. & heire.=pTho. Markha' de Alberton in Com. Nott. Griffin Markha'. THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. 169 #ermtn* Johannes Germin who: cam of a younger bro ther of Germin of Suff. Johannes Germin de=pJohanna filia Joh'is Steple in hundredo de Dench in Com. Essex. Hunmore de Essex. Johannes Germin de= ExhaU in Comitatu Ciuitatis Couentria in War. =Anne fil. Francisci Moore de London. 170 THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. palmer* Arms.— Argent, on a chief sable three cinquefoils of the field, THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. 171 Johannes Palmer natus=j=Maria fil. Greuell apud Charleton Regis in Com. Glouc. de Arle iuxta Cheltingham. Egidius Palm'=pfilia Feild. de Burton sup' le Heath. Edwardus Palmer de Churchhide 2 fil. I Dorothea ux. Osbaston de Chadlington. Edw. Pahner=FFilia Rici Palmer Willm's Palmer. de Dorington in Com. Glouc. de Burton sup montem. I I Richard Wfflm's . Palmer de: Palmer. Lemington in Com. Gloucest. =Elizab. fil. Docura de Cham' house in Com. Berks. Elizab. fil. Munde; de Camden 2 ux John Palmer= de Warwick. =Maria fil. Edri Kerne cuius mater Denis. Penelope Palmer. 172 the Visitation of Warwickshire. peto. Arms.— Quarterly of four. 1 and 4. Barry of six per pah indented argent and gules counterchanged. 2 and 3. Quarterly of four, land 4 : Argent, a fess sable, in chief three ogresses. 2. Or, three piles meeting in base gules, on a canton azure a stag trippant of the field. 3. Quarterly per fess indented (untinctured). Crest. — A wing elevated or. THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. 173 Willm's Peto de Chesterton in Com. War.= liued in the time of E. 3. mar. Margaret. Sr John Peto,Kt.=p tempore R. 2. Willm's Peto fil. et=r hares temp. H. 4. Willm's Peito=p fil. et hares. I Edwardus Peto: filius et hares. Margareta fiUa Alexandri=pJohannes Peto filius=pAnna filia .... Cooke de Beuam militis ux. 2. et hares 28 H. 8. Couentrie marchant uxor 1. 3. Alexander. 4. Edmond. 5. Frauncis. Audria uxor Anna uxor Elizab. 2 fil. Maria uxor Joh'is Cooper Napper de uxor Shakerley Withwike de de Com. Oxon. Com. Oxon. de Com. Derby. Com. Staff. Johannes Peto=pAnna filia Joh'is Willm's Joanna monialis fil. et hares. Ferrers de Tam worth. 2 filius. apud Dennie. Humphrie Peto Liued in anno 1563 in=pAnne Da. of BasiU Fielding Chesterton in Com. War. in Hundred de Kinton. 1. Goditha. 3. Dorothea. 2. John. 2. Anna. 4. Margeria. 3. Richard. of Newnam in Com. War. WiUm's Peto= filius et hares. =Elinor filia Walt. Aston de Tixsall in Com. Staff. I Anna ux. Hen. Ferrers de Badisley. Catherin ux. Hastings Ingram de Com. War. Elinor. Walter.Elizab.ob. s. p. Edw. Peyto atat. circa 28. 2. WiUm's 3. Deuoreuy 4. John Judith ux-. John Margt. nupta Sam at. 23. at. 22. at. 20. Cooper deGlinton Clarke de Com. in Com. Oxon. North'ton. 174 THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. Jfobletia^ Arms. — Argent, on a bend gules three martlets or within a bordure engrailed sable. Crest. — Issuant from a ducal coronet or, a demi-leopard rampant proper bezantee. THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. 175 William Hobeldey of Bradley=pMary da. of Thomas Lyde of Ct i 4. .-. i- T m „- fTl I_l C ~i\.T ,-.„J .-..-. TT J T_*n ¦ _ /~i tt. Seriant at Law T. H. 6 Morton Underhill in Com. Wore. I Thomas William Hobleday of Bradley^Alice da. of Robt. Morgan 2. Jonie 1 and Faokingham in Com. of Camberton in Com. Anne a da. Wore. Wore. Joane wife of John Collier of Holloway William Hobelday of Inckborow. 2 sonn. Nicholas of=pMared da. & coheire Bradley. of Thomas Alwood of Gladny. Nicholaus Hobleday de; Bradley et Broadway in Com. Wore. :Margery filia Lewis Dyson de Bradley in Com. Wore. Elizabetha filia Anthonv=FLewis Hobilda Hodgkins de Wfflington in Com. Warr. de Thornton in Com. Warr. lfil. Lewis. :Dorothea filia Henrici Hunt de Hollowfields in Com. Wore. J 1 1 Ann 1. 1 II Dorothea 4. Ciceley 2. Elizabeth 5 Ursula 3. Frances 6. Johannes WiU'm us = Eliza.? da. of Antho' Nicholaus 1 filius. 2 filius. Sandbach of Broad- 3 ^ way in Com. Wore. 176 THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. ^rtiem The house of the Ardens is meerly English of the auncient bloud of the Saxons, and they were before the Conquest lordes of Warwick and of the most part of Warwicksheire, and although they founde some extraordinary fauor to enioy their landes, yet were they continually vexed by the Normans untffl they were forced to forgoe a great parte to the Earles of Warwick, and to hold the rest of them by Knightes seruice, from which tyme they liued in good accord with the Earles, and in quiet with the rest. The younger house of the Ardens were lords of Upton in Warwicksheire, and grew to be surnamed Uptons ; the heire generaU of them was maried to one Fenne of Banberie, who remouing his dwelling to Hungerford in WUsheire was there called by the name of Moeles, of whom the Moeles auncestors to the Lo. Hunger ford seeme to be descended. Aluynus D'ns et Vicecomes Warwici temp.: Edwardi Confessoris de quo et filiis suis Turchillo et Godmondo sepe fit mentio in redorda Vocata Domesday Booke, facta 20 Willi Conquestoris et in Thesaurario Scaccarij remanenti. i \ i A, V Uxor prima= Turchilli. Checquy a c ron gule. "John Rossus Warwick."Taking their name from a Woody Place called Arden in the Saxon tongue, =Turchillus Dn's Warwici*= temp. Conqestoris vir magna astimationis, ad maritagiu' Comitissa Per- tica p' d'cum Conq. pro- motus. Sed ilium Willm's Rufus (quam ob. Causam historici non scribunt) maxima p'te victus sui priuavit et redit Henrico Beaumont tunc facto Comiti ad complementu' Comitatus sui. Hie Tur- chfflus dedit Adelino Ab- bati et Ecclia de Abindon una' hidam terra in Ces- treton et duas hidas in Hill quas Willm's Conq. con- firmabat. =Comitissa=Arnulphus Portica de Hesding or Perche. Comes Portica et Dn's de Newberie temp. Con- qust 1 maritus. Godmundus: de Warwick Dn's de Pakyngton 2 fil. I Sr Herald de Arden Dn's de Upton in Com. Wilts. Chiles, three crosslets fitchie and a chief * " Turchillus, a Saxon, by some formerly and ignorantly made Earle of Warwick, but certayne it is "he was Lord of Warwick at the Conquest tyme. He was sonne to Aluinus, Lord of Warwick. Also this Turchillus florished after ward with great honor under King H. the 1, and had issue a sonne called Sywardus de Ardena, from whom the whole family of Arden of Warwiokshej]- and Oxfordsh. are descended," THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. 177 A| Margareta filia TurchiUi et Comitissa Partica nupta Hen. Beamont Dn'o de Nouoburgo et primus Comes Warwica post Conq. 1123. Sr John Arden: de Elford in Com. Staff. miles. :Matilda fil. et har. Rici de Stafford miles Dn's de Pipe. I Checquy, a chevron gules. Siwardus aliquando no'ie filij= TurchiUi, aliquando no'ie Si- wardi de Ardena, testis est diuersis Cartis et Euidentiis factis p' Henricu' Beamont Comitem Warwici, et Rogeru' filium eius, sicut apparet re- gistris Collegij Warwica- et prioratus de Kenelworth. He had great landes in Arden & other places of Warwicksh. Sr John de Arden=pMatilda mil. filia. Matilda fil. = Tho. Stanley 2 et har. fil. Joh'is Stan ley militis loci- tenens Regis H. 4 in Hib'nia. I Felicia. Sr Henricus de Arden dedit= terras prioratus de Kenel worth cuius charta mentio fit Ohua uxoris sua et Her- berti fiha eorum, et in alia Charta consensu d'ca Oliua et Gulielmi filij eoru' dedit Felicia sorori terras de Ba- chinton. Ob. quas d'ca sua soror dedit ei Anulum au- reu' cuius rei testes est Hugo frater eius. He was Lo. of Ratley & Rodburne in Warwicksheir. =01iua uxorHenricide Arden. Sr Hugo de Arden Dapifer or Sewer Willmo Comiti War- wicia dedit Canoni- bus in Ec'clia de Prat's iuxta Leicest. ante fundationem Abbatia, diuersas terras in Crudworth quas Walteranus tunc ComesWarwica confirmabat eis, et obijt sine Exitu. Osbertus de Ardenna. Vair, a fess gules. Amice of Arden Lady of Kinnesberie maried Brasbridge of Leicestsh. Sr Thomas de Arden heres patrui sui Hugoni vixifc 1 Rici confirmabat Donationes patris et Patrui Canoni- bus pradictis. Dn's de Rotley in Com. Warw. \ i Jt s\v\J Checquy, a chevron ermine,two bends. Sr Thomas de Arden Dn's de Roteley cui Henricus= Comes Warw. Carta sua sine Datededit illam fiboam nup casam in Pedemore quam Rogerus le Fhuer ad usum suum inclusit et adio cent terris quas Walle- ranus pater suus nup' dedisset Thoma de Arden patrui dicti Thoma.=p ) s Sr Thomas Arden miles=pMargareta filia Joh'is de de Roteley vendidit illud Nicholao de Eaton. Sudeley Dn'i de Dousott. rJohanna ux. eius. 2 A 178 THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE, Sr Thomas Arden=p de Roteley Arden miles A0 9 E. 1. I Thomas de Arden obijt sine exitu'. I Johannes 2 filius se- ruiebat in curia Regis et furat quendam dis- cu' argenti pro quo imprisonatus in car- cere obijt s. p. Tb Juliana vabr? Imagine uxor Joh'is Soore de Shenning- ton militis. Lectuca uxor=p WiUi Lod brooke militis. Sr John Lodbrooke. Gulielmus de Arden 2 filiUs=pGaliena Henricus. vixit temp. Joh'es Regis Lo. uxor eius. — of Rodburne. Herbertus. Lectuca nupta Galfrido Sauage vel Saluago militi. Michaell= Christiana de de Sta Arden. Hellena sup'uixit maritu'. ^ ft R A ly. Ermine, a fess < or and azure. Gulielmus de Arden Dn's de Rod- borne surname of Rodburne qui quidam Ric'us de Bendit de Crud- worth relaxuauit 4 partem unius Roda terra in Campis de Orud- worth et assignatis dicti WiU'mi, quam 4 partem Gulielmus de Arden pater dicti Gulielmi eidem Ricardo ante dedit pro homagio suo et seruicio, &c. Radulphus de Arden=p de Hampton. =Hauisia uxor eius sepulta in Capellade Henwood in Com. Warw. Chiles, a chief or. Radulphus Arden Archidiaconus Dn's de Hampton qui habuit idem maneriu' ex dono Rogeri Mowbray p' seruitia dimidij militis. Rogerus de Arden Dn's de Hampton vocat Hampton in Arden. Petrus de Arden Clericus qui habuit Hampton con- iunctione Cum Rogero fratri remisit eus suum eidem Rogero. Gulielmus Arden D'cus de Hampton in Ardena.= I Gualterus de Arden. Hauisia Hugo de Arden Dn's de Hampton et KnoU H. 3. habuit quod maneriu' tenuit de Dn'o Mowbray Hngohi Honileegh huic rex H. 3 dedit Chartam Libere warenia p' et erat totu' (Demeane lands) de Hampton, et le Knoll in uxor Rici Com. Warwica, et eadem etiam continebat con- le Peche cessionem mercatus die mercurij in unaquaq sep- H. 3. timana apud dictum suum maneriu' de Hampto' acetiam mendinu' quolibet anno p. 3 dies videlt vigilia festo St. Luca et die post. Dat' apud Woodstock 4 feb. 35 regni sui, Oliua uxor=p le Menger. I Willm's le: Mengre. I I Amicia Margaret ux. Johis ux. Phill AJown. Alown. F THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. 179 F| Gulielmus Arden de Rodburne.=pJohanna uxor eius. Alicia, uxor Johanna Rogeri de uxor Willi Lullaford. Catisby. Elizabetha=pGulielmus de Arden= Agneta filia=Hugo de uxor Senior de Rodburne Joh'is Adam Prest- prima. in ComitatuWarwici. de Brandesto' wood 2 maritus. GuUielmus de Arden nuper de Rodburne Junior p' Cartam suam sine= dat' dedit Eustachia uxori Thoma de Arden militis pro homagio et seruicio Gulielmi Goman de Mineworth et seruicio Petri filij de Couentria vidt 4 partem unius Roda terra in Campis de Crudworth, &c. =Agneta filia Joh'is. Thomas Arden de=pEustacia p' Cartam suam sine dat' dedit Thoma filio suo Rodburne miles. Juniori WUlmu' filium Hugonis de Drayton, olim serui sui cum om'ibus ChateUis &c. Rob'tus Arden de Drayton in Com. Oxonia.=pNichola filia et hares Bardolfe. ( Or, three cinquefoils B.) *rEgidius Arden de Drayton mUes fecit Cartam omi'um- bonoru' mobilium et im'obihu' Ricardo Chapleyn et Joh'i Greene rectori de Drayton 1 Ric. 2, obijt 5 R. 2. =Margareta filia Joh'is Molineux militis. (B. a cros-molin pirced or.) Egidius Drayton filius et hares=pJohanna filia Jo'his Trillow militis. ob. ante patrem. (Ar. a cheu' engr. ent. 3 scallops sa.) Margareta filia et coh. nupta Lodouico filio et har. WiU'mi GreuUl de Campden. Johanna filia et Coh. nupta=p Rico Archer militi. (Ar., 3 pheons gu.) Johanna uxor Joh'is Donham militis. Thomas Arden=Roisia filia Radi Vernon in viduetate sua dedit Ra'do filio suo de Hanwellf miles 9 Ed. 1. manerium de Pedemore et tenementa in Cruddeworth, Minneworth, Moxhffl, Eschemenors et Ouerton, tenend de Willo Beauchamp, Comite Warwick et Matilde uxore sua et haredibus eoru' et si Dn's Radus obijt sine exitu tunc Rob to filio suo Juniori et haredibus suis remanere inperpetuu' sine Dat'. * Inquisitio capta Oxoniae post mortem Egidij de Arden militis 5 Rici. 2 dicit qd Margareta et Johanna filisa Egidij filij dicti Egidij Arden militis sunt hseredes dicti Egidij Arden militis. t Thomas Arden de Rotley miles p' chartam suam dat' 12 July 9 Ed. 1, dedit Thomse Arden de Hanwell militis maneriu' suu' de Pedemore et om'es terres suas et ten'ta in Crudworth, Minne worth, Moxhull, Esthendmore et Ouerton, et scripsit litteras suas eiusdem dati ad omnes tenentes illoru' maneriorum et tenamentorum ut illu' sicut dominu' suu' respicerent. 180 THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. G Thomas Arden: miles obijt sine herede masculo. Robtus de Arden duxit Margareta'. Johanna filia et hares nupta Joh'e Swinford militi. Radulphus de Arden= cui Robtus de Pede more Carta sua sine Dat dedit omne suum ius in om'ibus tene- mentis qua tenuit de d'co Radulpho D'no suo, &c* = Alicia Bartholomeus dedit filia de Wffl'mo Forrester Bello- et Matildi uxori eius campo. fflas terras quas pa ter suus habuit in Minneworth et Echenencar. Radulphus Arden cui Gulielmus Fitz Walter fitz Ricardi der Ouerton dedit unu' Croftum vocat Seafecroft in Campis de Crudworth inter aquam vocat Thame et viam ducent' ad Minneworth versus Ouerton bridg. Dat' apud Crudworth 2 Ed. 3. Hie Ra'dus dedit filio suo Johanni om'es terras et tenta qua habuit ex dono Joh'is Collett in villa de Mynne- worth et in feodis de Cruddeworth et Wiginghull p' cartam Dat' apud Mynneworth 21 E. 3. Isabella soror WUl'mi Bromwich." ( Or, lion rampant Sa., Gutty or.) Johannes Arden= de Crudworth miles 30 E. 3. cuius uxor erat Cicilia. S1' Henricus Arden de Parkhalt in Com. Warwick 30 E. 3 dedit Gulielmo filio Ric'i Hilden de Erdington pratu' suum vocat Gomons medow in Minworth pond olim tenuit ex dono Joh'is Arden militis fratris eius. Dat' apud Minneworth 39 E. 3. Rosia filia et har. in viduitate relaxauit Henrico Arden militi omne ius suum in manerio de Pedemore et om'ia terras, redditus et seruicia in Crudworth, Mynneworth, Sutton et Moxhull, qua fuerunt patri sui Dat' apud Castle Bromwich 4 Ri. 2. :Hellena uxor eius. Ermine, a fess checquy or and azure between three crescents gules. Ermine, afiss checquy or and azure. Radulphus Arden miles p' Cartam suam data= apud le Lodg iuxta Bromwich A0 7 H. 4. con- firmauit Hellena uxori Henrici patris sui pro termino vitasua Maneria' de Parkhall, Castle Bromwich, Pedemore et Clerkesplace, et alias terras et ten'ta in villis et Campis de Pedemore, Mynneworth, Cruddeworth, Moxhull et Aston in Com. Warwick &c. eadem omnia post de- cessu' dicta Hellena remanere sibi et suis haredibus imp'petuum. H =SibUla Gulielmus uxor Arden. eius. — Galfridusduxit Aliciam. * Radulphus Dersthull de Tampworth confessus est p' acquittanciam suam se reoepisse a Johanne Arden milite et Henrico Arden frate eiusdem Johannis et aliis Summam 4 marcarum sterlingorum. Dat' apud Tampworth 30 Edw. 3. Fines louata Eboraci in Octavis Michaelis 16 Edw. 3 inter Radum filiu' Radulphi de Arden et Isabellam uxore' eius complant et Henricu' filiu' Anselmi Bromwich deforciant pro tends in Crudworth, Sutton, MockellshuUq. remanere hseredibus de corpore eiusdem Radi et Isabella? et in eodem fine videtur eadem Isabellam fuisse sororem Gulielmi Bromwich. THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. 181 Robtus Arden de ParkhaU in parochia de Cruddeworthe=pElizab. filia et sola hares attinctus p. H. 6 usurpatorem Regem, quia cepit partem cum Ricardo Duce Eboraci vero harede corona et crude- liter apud Ludlow executus, relinquens 7 prole. Rici Sloddeshall. Gualterus Arden p' supplicationem suam a Rege.= Edwardo plenario restitutus erat et recuperauit dominu' de Bishopsden cum pertin' in Com. Warw. Wigornia et Glocest, et sicut verus hares Rogeri Bishopsden eius anticessoris. :Elinora filia Joh'is Hampden de Hampden in Com. Bucks. (Ar. a salt. g. ent. 3 eagletts B.) Martinus Arden=p 2 filius. r Elizab. ux. Gualteri Leueson de Wolfrehampton in Com. Staff. ( Quart. B. g, 3 hands ar.) Filia et hares nupta Thoma Gibbons. (A, lionpass't sa.) ? Johanna 3. Thomas. Johannes Arden Armiger=pfilia Bracebridg de Kinnesberie uxor — pro Corpore Henrici Joh'is 4. Robtus. 7 filius et hares. Charnells. — 5. Henricus. in Com. Warwick. (Verrii, ar. sa.,fes gu.) Thomas Arden de ParkhaU in=pMaria filia Thoma Andrew Johannes Arden p'ochia de Crudworth in Co. Warwick fil. et har. de Charlwelton in Com. North'ton militis. 2 filius. Georgius Arden 3 films Capitanus occisus sine prole. Thomas 4 filius studens templi ob. sans issue. Edwardus Arden 5 fil. ob. s. p. Simon Arden: 2 fil. duxit re- lictam Band ? I Ambrose. Maria. Jocosa uxor Rici Cade de Londino. Elizab. nupta Beaupre de Wallia. Cicilia nupta Maria uxor Henrico Stir- Fran. ley de Wood- Waferer borowe in de London. Com. Notting ham. Willm's Arden=Elizab. filia de ParkhaU filius et hares. Edw. Con way de Arrow, Anna nupta Joh'i Barmes- ley de Barmesley hall in Wigorn. Brigetta uxor Hugonis Massy de Crosley in Com. Cestria. Barbara uxor Rici Neuill haredis masculi Joh'is ultimi Dn'i Latimer. 182 THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. Edwardus Arden: de ParkhaU in comitatu Warwick attinctus temp. Elizab. :Maria 3 filia Rob'ti Throckmorton de Coughton in Com. Warwick militis. Jocosa uxor Joh'is Ladbrooke. (B. chew, ermin.) Franciscus Arden de Pedemore duxit filiam et hares Edmondi Fox in Com. Oxonia. Catherina ux. Edw. Deuereux de Castle Bromwich in Comit. Warw. 2. Margareta uxor Joh'is Someruile de Edreston attinctus p' Elizabetha'. Murielis nupto Will'i Charnells de Snarles- ton in Com. Leicest. Robertus Ardem de ParkhaU filius et hares supes- tus 1621. =Elizab. filia Reginaldi Corbett unius Justi- cius de Banco Regio. 2. Thomas. 4. Francis. 3. George. 5. John. Elizab. nupta Simoni Shug- borough de Napton in Com. Warw. Henricus Arden miles filius et=pDorothea filia BasUl Feilding de hares obijt ante patrem 1616. Newnam in Com. Warw. armiger. Margareta ux. Walteri Ferrers. Robtus Arden fil. et hares atatis 8 annoru' 1621. 1. Elizabetha. 2. Goditha. 3. Dorothea. 4. Anna. &rtien of &etrtorne+ Tho. Ardren=pEustacia. de Redborne. Robt. Ardren: de Draycott. :Nichola heres . . . Bardolfe. Egidius Ardren=pMargareta fil. miles. Egidius Ardren: Johis Molineux militis. :Joanna filia Johis Trillow militis. Lodouicus=Margareta Johanna ux. Greuill. fil. & Coher. Rici Archer. Tho. Ardren: de Hantrell miles. :Rosa filia Radi Vernon. Thomas Ardren: mil. Radus Ardrem 2 fil. Johanna uxor Johis Swin- ford militis. Radus : Ardren. Isabella soror Wm. Brom wich. Johes Ardren de Credworth. Hen. Ardren miles. THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. 183 This is the seale of the Borough of Warwick first incorporated in the 37. yeare of King Henry the 8. by the name only of Burgesses of the towne of Warwicke and since A0 1 et 2. Phil : et Maria reincorporated by the name of Bailiffe and Burgesses of the saide Borough of Warwicke, and enabled wth diuers great & large privileges, as amonge manie other to be a free Borough to plead and be impleaded, to haue a comon seale, to haue twelue assistants besids twelue principaU Burgesses, to haue power to make lawes and ordinances, for the more benefit of the sayd Borough, to haue a Recorder, Sergiant at mace, and Clerke of the market, to haue power to choose and elect a new Bailiffe, Burgesses & Recorder, That the Bailiffe, Recorder and two of the auncientest Burgesses shall be Justices of the peace and Quorum wthin the said Borough, and no other Justices to intromit, to haue power to punish the Bailiffe refusinge to hold upon election : together wth many other wholsome immunities then and since by or soueraigne lord Kinge James that now is granted and confirmed. And at the time of this present visitac'on vidl* 28. Augusti A0 1619. Edward Sanders gent was Bailiffe, John Townesend, Raphe Townesend, John Rugeley, Alexander Rogers, Willm Roe, Richard Lee, Thomas Shakespeare, Alexander Dungan, WiUm Hopkins, Michaell Hariott, Tho. Chaun- ders, and Richard Yardley gentlemen, principall Burgesses, John Norton gent Steward and deputie Recordor, and Sr Foulk GreuiU K' Recorder, 184 THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. : These are the Armes of the Cittye of Couentrie." Arms. — Per pale (untinctured) an elephant and castle. Crest. — A cat statant guardant. This manuscript (Harl. MS. 1167) has helm and mantlings. In Harl. MS. 1100, fo. 62, the field is not per pale. The drawing is taken from Harl, MS, 6060, fo. 109, THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE, 185 This is the Seale of the Borough of Stretford upon Auon in the Countye of Warwick, first incorporated in the 7. yeare of King Edw. 6. by ye name of Bailiffe, Aldermen & cheif Burgesses of the sayd Borough, & enabled with diuers large & great priuileges, wch sithence haue ben Confirmed & enlarged by the succeeding Queenes, and lastly by our Soueraigne Lorde Kinge James that now is. Of wch sayd Borough of Stretford at the tyme of this present Visitation 27. Augusti A0 1619. John WUmer was Baihffe, Henry Smith cheif Alderman, John Gibbes, Henry Wilson, DanieU Baker, Francis Smith thelder, William Wiott, Henry . Walker, Francis Smith the younger, Willm Walford, Julian Shaw, Willm Chaundeler, James Eliotts, & Robert Butler Aldermen, Alexander Aspinall, Arthur Caudry, William Elliotts, Francis Ange, Thomas Rutter, Richard Baker, Thomas Greene, WUlm Smith, Daniell Baker, Richard Robins, Michaell Smart, Thomas Queeny, Willm Shaw, and Humphrie Wheeler Burgesses Anthonie Langston town Clerke, and Steward, and Sr Foulk Greuill Knight Recorder. 2 B 186 THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. This is the Seale of the towne of Sutton Colfeild in the countie of Warwicke, incorporated by Kinge Henry the 8. the 16. of December A0 20. of H. 8. by the name of Warden and societye of the towne mannor and Lordship of Sutton Coldfeild and enabled wth sundrie great priuileges, as to haue a co'mon hall or Moote-hall for theire assembles, to haue power to chouse a Guardian, who shalbe sequestred from the sayd societie and loose the benefnt of the Charter, if he shall refuse to hold upon election. The societie to consist of fowre & twentie persons besides the Warden ; to haue a Clerke of the market, and a Steward, the Warden to be Coroner for his yeare, and also either one, or two sergeants at Mace, and that no Shreife shaU intromit w^in theire libertie. And at the tyme of this present Visitac'on videlt' 1. Septemb' 1619. Thomas Taylor was Warden, Georg Pudsey Esq., Edward Willoughby Esq : Kenolme Yardley gent., Geo: Heath; John Blaskam, Richard Sharp, WiU'm Fisher, John Scott, Raphe Cooper, John Heath, Christopher Veisey, Thomas Best, Rob't Holmes, Richard Turner, Thomas BuU, John Holioke, John Heath, WiU'm Swift, John Hall, Thomas BisseU, Randolph Sponer, Thomas Brookes of the societye, and the right honorable Rob't Deuereux Earle of Essex Steward, THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. 187 Bobp* Johannes Bouy.= WiU'mus Bou 2 filius. Tho. Bouy de Alcester: in Com. Warr. Johannes Bouy 3 filius. WiUm's Bou; de London, WiUm's Bouy de: Alcest' in Com. War. I rElinora fil. et har. . . . Badger de Bromsgrove in Com. Wigorne. Rad'us Bouy de Wood- Johes Bouy de Alcester=Margareta filia WiU'mi street London iuxta filius et hares. Harison de Calicroft in ecclia St. Albini. Com. Wore. 188 THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. Repington, q a q Arms.— Quarterly of four. 1 and 4. Gules, a fess ¦ ermine between six billets argent. 2. Gules, a saltire or. 3. Gules, a crescent or. Crest.— A demi antelope saliant gules, billettee argent, attired, tufted and unguled or. THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. 189 Simon Repington de Repington: in Com. Lincol. Anthonie Repington=pAffabell filia Rob'ti Worseley 3 fil. de Kingerby et de Comit. Lane, milit. Claypoole. (Or, cheif gu.) Thomas Staueley esq.: postea Stathom 2 Husb. (Gu. per pale fusile ar.) - Kather ina mar. first to Hugh Stanton de Com. North'ton. Sr Hugh Bushy=Anne filia seniora de Hether in et coh. Anthonij Com. Lincoln. Repington. Radulphus =p Audria filia Joh'es Repington Fearne de Belton in Arnig. Mr. Insula de Axholm ofye Leach, in Com. Lincoln. Geruace 2 filius duxit fil. Bouth de Lastingham in Pickeringleth in Com. Eboru' 4 H. 1. Rachell uxor Georgij' Pointz de Hatfeild juxta Dichmarsh in Com. Eboru'. (Per bend endent. or, g.) (Boult quart, or, S.) Roger Repington=pSusanna de Repington in Com. Lincoln Coferer to Maude the Empresse. Joh'es Repington filia Rici 2 fil. duxit Judith Scroope fil. Tho. Hacket de Bol- de Hagworthing- ton. ham in Com. Lin coln A0 1100. (Ar. 2 bendes engrail gu.) Henry Repington= 3 filius. =Jone Da. of Sr John Basker- uuile de Stoke in Com. Lin coln. Joh'es Repington: 3 filius. :Jocosa fiha Joh'is Langton de Langton in Com. Line. (Quart1 ly a bend.) Jonas 2 filius Duxit Mariam filiam Joh'is Cheeke. (Ar. 3 crescents g.) Marian Da. of=pSr Richard= Alicia filia Joh'is Sr John ther of ther. Lou- Lou- Repington. Chaworth de Norton in Com. Nott. Annabell ux. Joh'is Rochford de Roch- ford in Com. Essex. Rachell mar. to Xpofer Stain- ton. (Ar. 6 crosslets gu. 3, 2, 1.) Mathew Repington 3 filius duxit Barbara' filia' Tho. Cay de Okenshaw in Com. Ebor. (A., 2 bends sa.) Judith uxor Joh'is Mounson de Carleton in Com. Lincoln. (Or, 2 cheuerons gu.) Grisagar nupta Henrico Sutton de Aram in Com. Nott. Thomas * Repington=pAnna fiha Joh'is Ar. fil. et har. Peiton de Comit. Suff. John Repington 2 filius mar. Thomasin filia Tho. BredsaU de Com. Derby militis. (Palley of 6 or, gu.) * Thomas was at ye battell of Poiters in the tyme of K. E. 3, & being taken prisoner, was forced to sell his landes in Lincolushier to Sr Hen. Marmion K* Lo. Cheife Justice, to say, Repington, Folkingha' Danderby, Thorp in ye Willowes cum Membris, 40 E. 3, and is buried at Sempringham. 190 THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. John Blinkensop=Rosa fil. Thoma=Anthonie Stirley 2 maritus de Beach in i maritus ob. sine Repingto'. Com. Notting. had issue 2 sonnes & 3 Da. prole. She was buried at Loudham in Notting- hamsheir. Adam* Repington=pMarian filia et her. Hen.Lambert, Lady of Long Sutton, Oldgate, Canock, Sutton,Blocksmere & Linton ob, 22 R. fil. et hares Stand ard bearer to K. R. 2. Radulphus Repington 2 fil. Duxit Audry fil. Joh'is Repps de Wal ton in Com. Norff. (Er. 3 chew, sa.) 2, 1399. 3. Tho. Repington of Waldingfefid in Com. Suff. mar. Julian Da. of WiU'm Hunston of Waldseken in Norff. Willm's Repington de Com.: Suff. Auditor to Ric. Neuill Erie of Warw. ob. 1451. :Alicia filia Helbe Atton de Comit. Salop. (Barrie of 6 or, v. on canton.) Albreda uxor AdamiRersbyde Ashouer in. Com. Darby. Filia nupta Joh'i Camais mUitis, s. prole. Alice mar. to John Marshall of Newton Cranswike in Hol- dernes. Emme mar. to WiU'm Ingelby of Beuerley. Roger Repington 2 filius duxib Mariam fil. Rogeri Blewet de Harlixston iuxta Grantham in Com. Lincoln. Edmond fil. 1 duxit Jocosam fiL Joh'is fitz Arches de Groue in Com. Nott. Georg. 2 fil. de Thurganby duxit Margaret fil. Joh'is St. Pier de Congleton in Com. Cestria. I Christopher Repington 3 son=p Willm's Repington=pEmma fiha Joh'is maried Emmat Da. of Sr Peter fil.'et har. ob. 1512. Thruston of Great Vauasor of Spaldington. Waldingfield in Com. Suff. Clem4 Repington of Welby Drake. John Repington fil.=Collet Da. & hey. of et har. died 40 yeares before his father A0 1472. John Goldsmith of Melton Mowbray in Com. Leic. (Gu. Salter or.) Joice uxor Joh'is Grace uxor Joh'is Felton de Suffolk. S* Maur de Aungle in Com. Northamp ton. (2 cheu' $ a labell.) James Repington=Anne fil. Willi Carthorp de Carthorp 3 filius. in Com. Ebor. militis. * Adam was Justice of Peace & Quoru', who for taking of the Abbot of Crowland had giuen him by Robt. Lo. Fitzwalter generall of the feild the Demy Antlop for his Creast. 21 R. 2, 1397. THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. 191 I* Ricus Repington 4 fil. Duxit Elianora' filia' Rob'ti Pateshall de Bletso in Com. Bed ford. I WiU'm Repington de= Amington in Com. War. ob. 10 Januar' 1543. Julian Da. of Will'm Stokes of Folesell in Com. Couentria. Robtus 2 films duxit Johan- nam filiam Joh'is Jancede Fotheringhay. Phillip et Humphrie both Bans issue. 1. Katherin mar. to Robt. Burton Editha monialis de Lindley in Com. Leic. apud Polsworth. Anne ux. Tho. Corbin de HaUend in Com. War. Mary ux. Swinfen de Swinfen in Com. Staff. Francis Repington: of Amington Esq. zMawde Da. of Ric. Cotton of Ridware in Com. Staff. (B. eagle Ar.) KendaU of Smithesby= Maria superstes 1619. i maritus. =Sr Clement Fisher of Packingto' in Com. War. Kt. Tho. Repington=pFrances Da. of Sr WiU'm de Amington sup'stes 1601. Stamford Judg of the Common Pleas. Ricardus 3 fil. Jurisconsultus. WiU'm2 filius. Edwardus=pfilia Purifoy de Caldecot 3 fihus. in Com. War. Thomas atat. unius anni. 1619. Sr John Repington=pMargareta filia Edri. of Amington Knight. Littleton de Pillaton in Com. Staff, mihtis. HumphrusJurisconsultus 2 fil. Johannes fil. et hser. at. 12. Willmus. Maria. Francis. all ob. s. p. 192 THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. TOjjeate* Arms. — Vert, a fess indented and in chief three garbs or. Crest.— A stag's head proper, attired and gorged with three bars or, in the mouth three ears of wheat of the last. THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. 193 Wheate.=p Willm's Wheate: filius primogeni tus. Ricardus Wheate: filius et hares. WiUm's Wheate= filius et hares. 2. Nicholas. 3. Oliuer. Thomas2 filius. Henricus Wheate de Walsall=p in Com. Stafford fil. et har. I I I.I Edmondus Wheate de=plsabella filia Thomazin 1. Isabella nupta= Couentria in Com. Warw. 3 filius. Gareway. 3 filia. Willo Chidlowe. Judith ux. Willi Mor- tone. Sara uxor Johannis Stone. I 3. Anna. 4 Eliz. 1. Anna uxor 2. Alicia nupta 3. Susanna ux. 4. Martha nupta WiUimi Seaney. Johanni Armson. Rici. Murdack. Henrico Cruchloe. 5. Maria ux. Prudence 2. Beniamin. 4. Samuell. Joseph Wheate . . . Kempe. 6 fiha. — filius primogenitus 3. Jeremie. atat. I I Willm's Wheate de-pAnna fiha Hadriani Quiney 2. Thomas Ciuitate Couentria fil. et hares. f 2. Anna uxor=j= de Stratford sup' Auon in — Tho. Dighton. Com Warw. relicta Rici 4. Johannes. Bailey. Willm's Wheate de Couentria et de medio templo atatis 25 annoru' 1619. Ill I 1. Jobe. Sarah - 3 filia. 2. Joh'es 3, Thomas. Martha uxor . . . Foote. Anna uxor . . . Barnabee. 2 0 194 THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. ^orsep* Arms. — Azure, three horses' heads couped argent, bridled or. Crest. — A horse's head couped argent, maned or, bridled azure, plumed with four ostrich feathers erect alternately of the first and third. THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. 195 IsabeUa fil. Tho. Hussey=pJohanneB Horsey. de Chapwik in Com. Dorset. Willm's Horsey fil. primogenitus. Vide Dorset fol. 8. :Editha filia Joh'is Light de Comitatu Somerset ux. 3. Peter Horsey de=pEditha filia . . . Chettell Damarend in de St. Mary Blandford Com' WUtes. in Com. Dorset. Joh'es Horse; de Ireland. Dorothea filia Nic'i Browne de Tiso in Com' Warr. HannibaU fil. et hares. Alicia nupta Ric'o Potter de Kil- mington in Com. Som'set. Dorothea uxor Hugonis Cuff de Com. Som' set. Alicia fil. Jacobi=pHanniball Horsey de=Katherina fil. Edri Enion Ciuis & bruer London. Honningham in Com. Warr. fil. primogenitus. Fisher de Warwick ux. 1. s. p. James Horsey fil. et har. at. 8. 1 Octob. A0 1619. i96 THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. puckering Arms. — Quarterly of six. 1. Sable, a bend lozengy cotised argent. 2. Argent, a mullet sable charged with an annulet of the field. 3. Ermine, on a fess gules three annulets or. 4. Paly of six argent and vert. 5. Argent, two bends sable, the upper engrailed. 6. As first. Crest. — A buck salient argent. The visitation of Warwickshire. 197 Rob'tus Puckering: de Flamburgh in Com' Ebor. : Agneta filia et hares . . . Ashton. J Johes Puckering miles=pJana filia . . . Custos magni Sigffli Anglia obijt A0 1596. Chune de Fairlane in Com' Cantij. oh Johannes. Hattonus. Jana ob. s. prole. Katherina Adam New ton Ar. Secretary Henrici Principis Wallia. Elizab. uxor Tho. Mildmay de Mulsham in Com' Essex. Dorothea ux. Joh'is Ferrers de Tam worth in Com. War. militis. Tho. Puckering de prioratu=Elizab. fil. Joh'is Francisca ux. Tho. iuxta War, Baronettus iam Morley de Half Grantham de St. superstes A0 1619. naked in Comit' Katherins iuxta Sussex militis. Lincolne militis. 198 THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. Clark. The second is the Crest of Woodchurch " SOLERCIA VINCATT " is Clark's motto. A flower de luce is Clarke's Crest. " MODERATA DURATTT " is Alderford's motto. Arms. — Quarterly of six. 1. Gules, three swords in fess erect (Wood- church). 2. Paly of six wavy ermine and sable (Clarke). 3. Argent, on a bend sable a rose of the field (Spark). 4. Argent, on a fess gules between six martlets sable, two of the same or. (De la Hat). 5. Argent, a fess sable guttee d'eau between three water bougets of the second (Winterborne). 6. Sable, a chevron between three pelicans' heads erased (Godfrey), impaling ; Quarterly of four : 7. Argent, a saltire azure (Alderford). 8. Or, a chevron vert between three lions' heads erased sable (Everard). 9. Sable, on a fess between three sheldrakes, a crescent for difference (Sheldon). 10. Argent, on a bend between two lions rampant sable a wyvern volant of the field (Ruding). Crests. — A dexter hand couped at the wrist in bend brandishing a sword, A fleur de lis per pale argent and sable. THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. 199 Anketillus Woodchurch de=p Woodchurch in Com. Kent Radulphus Woodchurch de=p Woodchurch in Com. Kent, Rogerus Woodchurch de=plsabella filia Rici Wake Woodchurch in Com. Kent. hurst de Wakehurst. Henricus Woodchurch: filius 2. Thomas Woodchurch^=Anna filia Walteri Haruy fil. et hares Rogeri. militis majoris Ciuitatis Londini temp. Regis Joh'is vixit. Isabella Woodchurch. Sr Simon Woodchurch=pSusanna filia et har. miles filius et hares. Henrici Clerke. Benedicta filia et Coh.=pClark Wood- Simon Woodchurch=pIsabella fil. Robti Robti Shurt de Wood church. church fil. 2. filius et hares. Roxley militis. Petrus Clerke al's=pAlianora filia Woodchurch. Petri Rowling. Maria uxor Adriani Fortescue militis. Sr Joh'es Clarke al's=pMildreda fiha Woodchurch filius et hseres miles was at y battell of Poyters & Callis. et Coheres . Dela Hay. Henricus Clarke Baccalaureus Theo- logia ob. s. p. I Henricus Clark al's Wood-=pMatilda filia . . . Eching- church filius et hares. ham de Echino-ham. Robtus Cleart filius et hares. :Katherina filia Rici Edingham de Edignham in parochia de Woodchurch. Henricus Clarke Sacrarum Litteraru' professor. Juliana fil. Robertes=Willm's Clarke ob. A0 13 E. 4=pBenedicta filia de Glassenburie ux. 1. et duxit Eliz. unam haredum Will'i Winterborne. Obit. A0 setatis 87 A. D'ni 1473. A Ashbournham de Ashbornham ux. 2. 200 THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. A| filia Hales=pRobtus Clarke de Halden. fil. et hares. f Joh'es Clerk« fil. 2.=pRebecca filia et coh. Tho. is Buried at Wood- Godfrey de Fauconers church. Hurst in p'ochia de AUington. WiUm's Clark.=p I Johannes Clerk fil. et hares. Humfredus Clarke=pMargareta fil. Henricus Clarke=p, . . filia fil. et hares sepul- tuo apud Kinges- noth ob. 1579. Joh'is May- ney de Bid- denden in Com. Kent Gemellus cui pater dedit t'ras in Woodchurch, et har. Tomset. Joh'es Clarke duxit filiam Scot de Kent. Margaret uxor Willi Brockman de Rich- borow in Kent. I Edw. Clerke fil. 2 Capita- nus ob. sine prole. Humphredus Clarke= filius et hares. :Margareta fil. Georgij West militis patris WiUi Dn'i Delawar. Humphredus Clarke filius et hares=pMaria fil. et hares sepultus apud Bradgate in Kent. Abraha Markham. Franciscus Clarke. Letticia uxor Robti Purslow1 militis 2 mar. :Martinus Culpeper Ar. Johanna uxor Walteri Ascough militis. Martin Culpeper miles. Walterus Clarke fil. 3=pElizab. fil. Simonis Edolph sepultus apud Ratcliff in Com. Buek. de St. Radigunds in Kent. (by An Culpeper.) Elizab. ux. Rici Tuck. licna Humphredus Clerke fil. 4 Joh'es 3 filius duxit MichaeU. de London duxit Ciciliam Maria' Randall de filia Xri' Nicolls de Londo'. Dunkirke in Flandria. " noe Issue." hath Issue John. Walterus. Zacharias. ob. sine p'le. Anna. Margareta fil. et= Coheres Joh'es Alderford de Salford in Com. War. ar. ux. 1 wife hath issue. =Sr Simon Clark de=Dorotheafil.Tho.Hob- Annaux. Salford etNewbold son de Cantabrigia re- Abielis ReuellinCom.War. licta Willi Hay de Barnard. miles et Baronettus Garderoba ux. 2. SUpstes 1619 natus (gilmorton in co. Cam.) erat anno Dn'i 1579, noe issue. Martinus a captive ob. sine prole, THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE, 201 |B Elizab. Joh'es Clarke fil. at. 7. et har.atat. 14 annoru' 1619. Petrus at. 8. a captive. Woodchurch Clarke at. 4 annoru'. I I Walterus. Thomas. Walterus. ob. s. p. &ofjers+ Henricus Rogers.= Petrus Roger who cam=pJana soror Henrici Thornton out of Dorsetsheir into de Newna' in Com. Northamp. Warwicksheir. Henricus Rogers=pElizab. filia WiU'mi Thomas 2 filius de Shurborne in Com. War. Willmore de Righton ob. in Hibernia. in Com. War. Milicenta nupta Rico Masters de Hampton Canlew in Com. War. Timotheus Rogers=pJohanna filia Rici 2 filius. Willmore de Shur borne in Com. War. i rr~ Henricus Rogers 2. Thomas. 1. Milhcenta. filius Primogenitus. — — 3. Georgius. 2. Katherina. 3. Johanna. Maria uxor Tho. Basworth de Lap- worth in Com.War. Katherina nupta Simoni Home de Bishopton in Com. War. Henricus Rogers1 de Shurborne in Com. War. =Anna fil. Rici Ward de Pil- lerton in Com. War. Susanna uxor Joh'is Smith Clericus. Henricus Rogers fil. et har. atat. 17, 1619. Petrus Rogers 2 fil. atat. 14- annoru . 2 D 202 THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. Beattfop* /ri ' Arms. Quarterly of sixteen. 1. Ermine, on a bend azure three cinque foils or. 2. Or, a fess crenelle'e sable. 3. Vaire argent and gules within a bordure sable charged with eight bezants. 4. Azure, an eagle displayed argent, armed or. 5. Argent, a cross flory sable within a bordure engrailed gules. 6. Ermine within a bordure gules charged with eight horseshoes or. 7. Or, a lion rampant double queued gules. 8. Argent, six fusils con joined in fess gules. 9. Vert, on a chevron between three stags' heads caboshed or, as many mullets gules. 10. Per pale argent and gules, on a bend three escallops counterchanged. 11. Argent, on a chevron between three eagles displayed sable a crosslet of the field. 12. Argent, a chevron between three bugle horns stringed sable. 13. Per fess or and (untinctured) a pale counterchanged gules and (untinctured) between three birds sable. 14. Gules, seven mascles conjoined, three, three, and one, or; a canton ermine. 15. Argent, a cross sable. 16. Gules, a chevron argent between three pairs of annulets interlaced ? Crest. — A beech tree eradicated and masted proper, across the trunk an escroll inscribed " Sub Tegmine Fagi," THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. 203 Beaufoy Rogerus Beaufo.=p ' I Joheannes Beaufo.=p Joh'es Beaufo de Bereford; in Comitatu Oxonia. :Elizab. fil. et har. Ricardi Alberberie. Ric'us Beaufo de Bereford in Com' Oxon,= & Forester of Cank Wood in Comit. Staff. : Alicia filia et har. Tho. Swinerton. Humphredus Beaufo de=pJohanna fil. et Coh. Joh'is Bereford ob. 1 H. 7. Hugford de Edmondescot. Joh'es Beaufo de Edmondescott=pElizab. filia Rob'ti Tate in Com' War' obijt 1516. militis et aldermani London. Johanna uxor Rici Trockmorton. Ehzab. uxor Robti Belcher de Langdon. Joh'es Beaufo de=pUrsula filia Edri Ferrers Edmondescott in Com? War. de Baddesley in Com' War. militis renupta . . . Newport de Honningham in Com' War. Alicia uxor Willmus Greisley. Huddes don. Thomas Beaufo=p de War. WiUm's Beaufo. =Joh'es Beawfo=pJohana filia Georgius Joh'es Beaufo de MUuerton. Johannes. de Edmons- cott. Abraham. WiU'mi Rains- Beaufo. ford de Tew ob. s. p. in Com' Oxon miUtis ux. 1. Joh'es Beaufo de: Hassocks in p'ochia de Bud- brooke in Com' War. :Maria fiha . . . WirraU de Com' Ebor'. I Maria uxor Joh'isRugeley de Warwickgent. Elizab. uxor Francisci Cogniers de Arow in Com' War. Dorothea uxor Tho. Smith de Stauerton in Com' North'ton renupta Ric'o Harris. Thomas Beaufo. Will'mus Huddesdon de Guy- CUff duxit Annam. Thomas Beaufo de Edmondescott=pUrsula filia et har. WiUi Huddesdon in Com' War. miles iam Supstes I de Warwick et Guy Cliff ux. 1. 1619. A 204 THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. U Joliana uxor Edri Thomas Beaufo de Guy-= Chadwell de Chip- Cliff in Com' War' fil. et ping Norton in hares atat. 40 annoru' Com' Oxon. temp'eVisitac'onis 1619. :Anna filia Willi. Henricus s. p. Moulton de — Todenham in Anna s. p. Com. Glouc. — Elizab. s. p. Katherina s. p. Thomas. I I I 3. Anna. Henricus Beaufo fil. 1. Ursula. — primogenitus atat. 14 — — Will'mus. annoru' 1619. 2. Milicenta. 4. Elizabetha. s.p. #ootralI* Uxor 2,^=Ricus Goodall de Atherson=pAnna filia Thoma in Com. War. Samsonus Goodall 5 filius. Woode de Atherson in Com. War. Uxor=pJohannes Goodall=pJocosa filia . . . uxor=pAmias Goodall=p. . . fiha prima. de Atherson fil. et hares. WoUes 2 uxor. prima. I 2 filius. I Glouer2 uxor. 5. Ricardus. 7. Johannes. Ricardus Willm's Hugo — Primo- 2 filius. 3 fil. 6. Baptist. genitus. Christopherus GoodaU 2. Johannes. 3. Edwardus. Pago GoodaU filius et hares. ob. sine p'le. ob. sine p'le. 4 fil. Ricus Goodall de Lincolnes=pElizab. filia Francisci Robtus Goodall=pfilia Purifoy Inne 3 fil. CounseUer at Lawe. Wortley de Wortley 4 filius. in Com. Ebor. deCom.War. Jana nupta Tho. Shepey de=p Atherston in Com. War. Wortley GoodaU filius et hares atat. 18, 1619. abe 1. Georgius. Elizabetha. 2. Ricardus. Jocosa. GoodaU Shepley 1. Maria. 2. Jana. 3. Elizab. fil. et hares. \ \ THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. 205 emt. WiUm's Childe=p. . . . relicta de Northwike in Com' War. Muklow. Thomas Joh'es Childe de= Childe Turlaston in 2 filius. Com' War. atat. 60, 1619. =Maria fil. Joh'is 3. Phillippus. Iowres de Thur- — laston in Com' 4. WiUm's. Warr. Thomas Bushell=FlsabeUa filia de Marson in Com. Warr. et hares. Johannes Bushell filius et hares. 206 THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. C&roijmorton* Nulla fides, Vita nulla. Arms. — Quarterly of seven. 1. Gules, on a fess argent three bars gemelles sable. 2. Gules, a fess crenellee or. 3. Argent, on a fess crenelle'e between six crossleis fitchee gules three crescents of the field. 4. Sable, a chevron argent between three crescents or. 5. Argent, on a fess crenellee between six crossleis paUe fitchee gules, three plates. 6. Gules, three bird bolts argent. 7. Gules, a fess or between six gutee d'or. Crest. — A falcon rising jessed and belled argent, charged on the breast with a mullet for difference. THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. 207 Robtus Throckmorton der Coughton in Com. War. miles. :Katherina filia Willi Marrowe Aldermanni London. MichaeU Throckmorton filius 2 a quo Throck morton de UUenhall in Com. War. .Georgius Throckmorton de= Coughton in Com. War. mUes obijt in peregrina- tione versus Hierosolimam. :Katherina fiha Nici Vaux D'ni Vaux de Harwedon. Clement Throckmorton de=pKatherina filia Edri Neuill militis Haseley in Com. War. filij 2 Georgij D'ni Burgaveni. Maria uxor Egidij Foster de Bois in Com. Glouc. I Clement Throckmorton: de Ansley in Com.War. :Elizab. fil. Harecourt de Com. Staff, relicta Ludford. Juda Throckmorton. Job Comorans apud Alepo. Martha. Elizabeth. Job -Throckmorton de; Haseley in Com. War. filius et hares. Dorothea filia Tho. Vernon de Hownell in Com. Staff. Martha ux. Geo. Linne de South wick in Com. Northamp. I ' Ursula ux. Tho. Bigges de Len- wick in Com. Wigor. Clement Throckmorton: de Haseley in Com.War. miles fil. et hares iam superstes 1619. =Letticia filia 2 Clementis Job 2 Fisher de Packington in filius. Com. War. militis. Katherina ux. Willi Paget de Poultney in Com. WUtes. I I Clement Throckmorton fil. et har. Fisher atat. 15 annorum temp huius 2 filius Visitaconis 1619. ob. s. p. Job 3 filius. Katherina ux. Tho. Harby de Adston in Com. Northamp. re nupta Geo. Drydon et postea Joh'iWil- mer de Shrowley. Francisca ux. Henrici Med ley de Tiltey in Insula Victis. Edwardus. AmphiUis. Susanna. Henricus. Kenelmus. Josias. 208 THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. Scales* Arms. — Quarterly of four. 1 and 4. Gules, three arrows points downwards or, barbed and feathered argent. 2 and 3. Argent, a lion rampant within a bordure engrailed sable.Crest. — A dexter arm embowed in armour argent, grasp ing an arrow point downwards or, around the wrist a ribbon gules. THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. 209 Nicholaus Hales de Hales: place in Com. Cancij. Rob'tus Hales miles Prior of St. John's of HieruBalem & Tresuror of England. Nicholaus Hales mileB: frater et hares Rob'ti. Thomas Hales of Hales place=p in Halden in Com. Cancij Jon'es Hales de Halden=p fil. et hares. Henricus Hales: 3 filius. Heny Hales de Halden: in Com. Kent et Hales place. :Juliana filia et har. Ric. Capell de Le- den in Tenterden. Georg Hales: de Ledham. Joh'es Hales de Tenter-=p den in Com. Kent fil. et har. Thomas Halesz 2 filius. Elizab. fil. Cawnto'. Edw. de Romford in Com. Essex. John Hales_ de le: Dungeon prope Ciuitate' Cantua- nse. IsabeU fil. et her. Steph'i Harvey filij Tho. Haruy. Sr Christ. Hales Kt. Attornie generall to H. 8 Mr of ye Rolles reliquit 3 filias et Coharedes. Mildreda nupta Joh'i Honiwood de Sewna p'pe Hithe. Sr Jeames Hales=pfil. et Coh. Tho. Kt. Justice of the Co'mon pleas. Hales de Henley super Theames. Edw. Hales=Mar't filia de Tenter- Joh'is den fil. 3 Honiwood. vide plus. Humphrie Hales of=pJocosa filia et Coh. Rob'ti Atwater the Dungeon Esq. de Reiton iuxta Lenham. Sr James Hales of=pAlice Da. of Sr Tho. Kemp et one of " '"' the heyres matris sua Cicilia 1 filia Tho. Cheney milit'. the Dungeon iuxta Canterburie. Cheiney Hales filius=pMaria filia Rici Hardes soror Tho. Hardes et hares de Dungeon ob. 16 March 1596 mihtis de Hardres renup. W° Ashenden et modo ux. Georg Waller Ar. Jeames Hales fil. et hares de Dungeon miles iam sup'stes. 2 E 210 THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. Thomas Hales: 2 filius. Jacobus Hales.=p I Johannes Hales Aldermannus: Cantuaria 1512. Thomas Hales.: Joh'es Hales fil. primogenitus ob. sine prole. Thomas Hales de Halden: in Com. Kent obijt in Ciuitate Cantuaria. :. . . . filia Trefroy de Com. Cornubia. Stephanus Hales de Newland: in Comit. Ciuitatis Couentria filius 3. Anna filia Rici Morison de Com. Buck. Joh'es Hales Clericus Hana- perij s.p. Joh'es HaleB fil. primogenitus ob. s. p. Carolus Hales de Newland miles= one of his Matcs Counsell in the North ob. 1618. Elizab. fil. Walteri Fish de Londo'. Stephanus Hales de Newland= fil. et har. superstes 1619. ^Abigail 4 fil. Will'i Walter de Wimbleton in Com. Surrey. Carolus Hales fil. et har. atat. 16, 1619. Bartholmeus Hales=Maria filia et de Snitterfeild in Com. War. fil. 3. hares Georgij Harper de Com. Kent. Christopherus Hales=. . . soror Tho. Lucy 2 filius. de Charlcot in Comit. War. Prudentia ux. Joh'es Rubrough de BristoU. Brigetta ux. Joh'is Knottes ford de Studeley in Com. War. Ar. Maria ux. Antho' WoodhulldeMolling-ton in Com. War. I I I. Barthomeus Hales de Snitter-=pKatherina filia Tho. Greisley Thomas Henricus feild in Com. War. miles iam de Drakelowe in Com. 2 filius 3 filius. superstes A0 1619 atat. 52. Darbia milit. ob. s.p. Elizabetha fil. et hares atat. 1 anni, 1619. THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. 211 Sergeant Wfflm'B Sergiant de: Stone al's Stane de Com. Glouc. Thomas Sergiant de: Stone in Com. Glouc. : Alicia filia . . . Barnesdale de Com' Glouc'. Thomas Sergiant de=pKatherina fil. Joh'is Stone in Com' Glouc. Trie de Hardwick in com. Glouc. Euina uxor Nicholas Sergiant de=pFrancis filia Edw. Stivichall iuxta Couentry, in Com' War. atat. 48, 1619. Bagnall de Fennye Bentley in Com' Derby. John Sergiant de London 2 fil. Thomas Sergiant fil. primogenitus atat. 6 annoru' 1619. Nicholas 2 filius atat. 4. 1. Johanna 8. 2. Francisca 2. 212 THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. #tirteau Arms. — Argent, three battleaxes erect sable. Crest. — Three broken tilting spears or, one in pale and two in saltire, enfiled with a chaplet argent and sable. THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. 213 Rob'tus Gibbes=T=Margareta fil, de Honington in Com. War, . King. Margareta filia . . .=Rob'tus Gibbes de=pKatherina filia Will'i Prideaux de comit. Deuon uxor 1. Honington in com. War. Porter de Aston in com. Glouc. 2 uxor. Anthonius Gibbes de Honington fil. et hares s. p. Jana ux.. Nici Browne deTiso in com. War. Elizab. ux. Tho. Tickeridge de Eue- sham in com. Wore. Margareta uxor . . . Brian Ciuis Londini. I Rad'us Gibbes de Honington=pGertruda fil. Tho. Wroughton de Broad- in com. War. mUes. henton in com. Wilts militis. 2. GriueUus. 5. Will'mus. Mill 1. Vntona. 3. Ricardus. 6. Carolus. 2. Maria. 4. Georgius. 7. Rad'us. 3. Anna. 4. Jana. 5. Gertruda. Henricus Gibbes= de Honington in Com. War. miles jam superstes 1619. Elizab. fil. Tho. Temple de Stowe in Com. Buck. Hester filia primo- genita at. 5 annoru' a0 1619. Martha atat. unius anni a0 1619. .1 I I Francisca. Jocosa. Elizabeth. Anna uxor Geo. Wroughton de com. Wilts militis. Katherina ux. Edri Bentley de Kinton in com. War. Thomas=pMargareta filia et Gibbes 2 filius. hares Wilkes rehcta . . . Dimockdecom. War. I Tristam Gibbes 3 filius duxit Elizab. relictam Baker. Edwardus Gibbes fil. 4 atat 45 A° 1619. Edwardus fil. et har. Thomas at. 21 a0 1619. at. 19. Francisca. 214 THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. Betfjam* Arms. — Ermine, a chevron between three boars statant sable; impaling Azure, a stag trippant ermine, attired or, a chief of the last. Crest. — Issuant from a ducal coronet an elephant's head argent. THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. 215. Nicholaus Betham de: Crandon in Com. Buckingham. Maria filia Rici= Browne de Frome in Com. Hereff. =Edwardus Betham=pJana filia Edri de Ashenden in Lamborn de Com. Bucking'. Wadesden. 3. Nicholaus. 1. Radulphus. 2. Willmus. ob. s. p. Christopherus: Betham 2 filius de Adwell in Com. Oxon. =Margeria filia Edri Simeon de Pirton in Com. Oxon. Sibffla uxor Humfri Midle- moredeEgbas- ton in Com. War. Tho. Betham de=Margareta filia Rowington in Com. War. 4 fil. iam superstes 1619. et Cohares Joh'is Walliston de Rislip in Com. Middlesex. Robertus Betham. Wallistonus Betham=Emma filia Rob'ti Ricardus Alius et hares atatis 24 annoru' tempore Visitationis 1619. Middlemore de Edgbaston in Comitatu War. filius 2 at. 23. Johannes WiUmus 3 4 filius filius atat. atat. 10. 20 annoru' 1619. I Francisca filia primogenita at. sex mensium A0 1619. 3. Maria. I I 5. Fides. 4. Francisca. 6. Leticia. Elizab. uxor Joh'is Sparrey de Clent in Com. Staff. Brigetta uxor Joh'is Middlemore de Hawkes- low in Com. Wigorn. 216 THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. dftsfier. Confirmed to John Fisher of Packington in com. War. 4 of January 1 E. 6. by Tho. Hawley, Clarenceux. Arms. — Argent, a chevron vair between three demi-lions rampant erased gules. Crest. — A demi sea-dog salient azure finned and armed or.* * MSS. 1100, fo. 2, has for crest, a talbot's head erased argent collared gules, jewelled or. MSS. 6060, fo. 3, has a sea-dog's head couped. Hawley's Grants MS. in Coll. Arm, calls the crest " a demy hownde. maryn," THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. 217 Johannes Fisher de: Dottell in Comitat. Salop. :Anna filia WiU'mi Steuenton de Dottell. Joh'es Fisher de Packington in= com. War. he was Pentioner to H. 8. E. 6. Queene Mary & Q. Eliz. ob. in A0 1570, & buried at Packington. =Katherina filia Thoma Digbie militis. Clement Fisher de Packington in=Maria filia Francisci com. War. mUes ob. die Octobris 1619 Buried at Packinton whose funeraU was sol'mpnised by my self 13 January 1619. Repington de Amingto' in com. War. Ar. relict . . . Kendall de Smithes in com. Darb. Thomas Fisher 2 fil. obijt in Hib'nia. Maria 3 fil. uxor Edri' Littleton de PiUaton in comitat. Staff. mUitis. Rob'tus Fisher=Elizab. fil. Antho. miles fil. et hares sup'stes 1619. Tirringham de Tirringham militis. Anna 1 fil. ux. Thoma Dilke de Maxstock in com. War. militis. Letticia 2 fil. Clem4 Throck morton de Haseley in com. War. militis. Clement Fisher fil. et hares atat. 6 annoru' 1C19, Thomas 2 filius, 2 F 218 THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. 3Uttjg$t Arms. — Quarterly of six. 1. Argent three bendlets gules, on a canton azure, a spur pendent or. 2. Quarterly per fess indented argent and sable, in the first and fourth quarters a bugle horn stringed counterchanged. 3. Azure, three sea mews' heads erased argent. 4. Gules, on a fess or between three martlets argent as many fleurs-de-lis azure. 5. Gules, a lion rampant within a bordure engrailed or, a canton of the last. 6. Per pale argent and gules, three bendlets counterchanged, over all a label of three points through out.Crest. — A spur erect or between two wings elevated gules. THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. 219 Dorothea uxor Joh'is Ouerton deFUongleyinCom. War, Willm's Knight de= Rouington al's Rowenton in Com. War. fil. et hares 1619. :Jana filia Francisci Andreas Grammer de Kenel- Knight worth in Com.War. 2 filius. WiUmus Knight natus 27 Oct. ob. A0 1617. I Tho. Knight natus 1 Julij 1619. I Elizab. nata 11 Marcij a0 Johanna uxor WiUi Wase de Wappingberie in Com. War. 220 THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. palmer* " Testified under the hand of Rob't Cooke, Clarenceux." Arms. — Quarterly of four. 1. Checquy or and azure, a chief gules (Palmer). 2. Argent, three martlets sable (Goodweston). 3. Argent, on a chevron between three lions' heads erased gules, a mullet for difference (Rocliff). 4. Quarterly argent and sable, on a bend gules three fleurs-de-lis of the first (Garshall) ; in fess point a crescent for difference. Crest. — A griffin sejant with wings endorsed argent. I. Out of a ducal coronet a plume of five ostrich feathers alternately argent and II. A horse's head argent, maned sable. Harl. MS. 1563 differs in the names of the quarterings thus : — 1. Palmer ; 2. Booking ; 3. Godweston ; i. Roecliff. THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. 221 Stephanus le Palmer filius Henrici. J Johannes le Palmer=p filius et hares. Wfflm's le Palmer vir militaris et non alienus a Uteris Rici Rg's in Saracenos expedic'one intermit. Johes ie Palmer miles.=pAmicia de Clopton. Constancia:filia Galfri de Bilney. Willm's Pal-=Matildis Galfridus= mer filius et 2 uxor. le Pal- hares, mer. Arms.two bars fretty 01 -- Margareta una ex duabas sororibus et Cohar Petri le Marshall. Amicia uxor. Radulphi de Bereford militis. Thomas Palmer=p Agneta filia filius 1. Joh'is de Broughton. Galfridus le Palmer Sacris initiatus cali- bem vitam egit. Henricus Palmer=p primus filius. Joh'es Palmer filius 2- patruus et hares Alicia. Alicia filia et hares ob. s.p. =Helena soror Uriani de St. Pier. Wffl'mus Palmer= filius et hares. = Alicia filia Joh'is Shukbrough. 1 Henri 1 Joh'es = =Blanchia cus Palmer filia films 2 fil's et Wffl'i de ob. s.p. hares. Peito. Tho. Bock-=Johanna fil. et ing filius ex priore coniuge sibi suscepto. Coh. Rici de Godweston qui ob. ante patre' Arms. — Argent, on a bend between six crossleis gules three mullets or. WiUm's Maria uxor Palmer Tho. 2 filius. Sloughter. Joh'es Palmer filius et har.=pElizab. fil. Tho. pralio Agincourtensi vul- neribus confectus non multo post Londini fatis concessit. Bockiug et Johanna ux. sua matrisq. hares. Katherina monialis matre viuente. WiU'ms Palmer filius et hares.=pAlianora filia . ! Ric'us Palmer=pUrsula filia Joh'is Heron fil. et hares. (B. three herons s'me cross- lets or.) . Langham de Com. Leic. Thomas Edwardus=p 2 filius. Rocliffe. Robertus= Palmer fil. 2 Ricardi. = Agneta fiha Joh'is Heritage. (Ar.fes Sf two mul lets in cheif gu.) Joh'es Pal-=p Johanna soror mer fil. et hares Ricardi. et hares Henrici Rocliff. Henricus Rocliff nullis relictis ex iusta uxore Liberis integra etate occubuit. 222 THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. Rob'tus Pahner=Alicia filia Milonis Newenton Ricardus filius et hares. Ar. eheu' en' 3 herds heads arrastied gu.) 2 filius. Ricardus Palmer filius et hares.=pMargareta fil. WiU'mi Braden. Muriella ux. Edri Palmer de Kirk- hallowin Com. Derb. Francisca filia= Nicolaij Ouer berie de Bor- ton in Com. Glou. ux. 1. "Joh'es Palmer= de Compton Scorphin in Com. War. filius et hares iam sup'stes A" 1619. =Elianorafilia 3EdriRowse de Rowse- linch in Com. Wigorne Ar. I Rob'tus Pal mer de Blockley in Com-Wigorn 2 fil. duxit An- nam filiam .... Jeffris deTidworth. I | I I II I III Ricardus Maria. Edwardus Palm' 2. Johannes. 6. Willms. Palmer filius et har. — — ob. s.p. at. 14 annoru' 3. Ricardus. 7. Egidius. temp. Visita- — — conis 1619. 4- Robertas. 8. Henricus. =Elizab. fili. An tho Wye de la Box in Com. Glouc. Ricardus. I I 1. Johannes. 2. Robertus. 5. Rowsus. Ric'us et WiU'mus puerili patre defuncto pariter obierunt. Johes Palmer* filius et=f=Maria filia Ric'i, soror hares 20 H. 8 magis ter ferarum Chasta Malvernia. Wffli. GreuiU Jus ticiary de Banco Com'muni. Anna uxor Steph'i Wisham. Edwardus Palm' 2fil.duxitJanam filiam Joh'is Che ney de Woodhey s.p. Dorothea uxor Rici Osbaldeston de Chadlington. I Maria uxor Rob'ti Hunckes de Northwike WiUm's Palmer=pAnna soror unus ex genero- sis pencionarijs Hen. octauij fil. 1.=f Tho. Tiring- ham de Tir- ingham. Joh'es Palmer fil. Nothus= ex. Ehzab. Washbourne. =Maria fil. Edri Carne militis. Johannes Palmer ob. s. p. Egidius 3 fil's frater eft hares WiUi Palmer. :MurieUa fiha Rici Feild. (Sa. cheu' er' ent 3 garbes or.) Edwardus Palm'=pMuriella filia Rici Willm's Maria uxor Nici Ouerberie de de Kirkehallom in Com. Darbia. Palmer de Compton 2 fihus. Burton in Com' Glouc. patris Scorphin. Tho. Ouerberie mihtis. 2. Johannes. 4. Egidius. Ricardus Palmer=. . . . filia Caue.' — fil. et hares. 3. Edwardus. THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. 223 Bishop* Joh'es Bishop: de Brayles in Comit. War. Johannes Bishop= de Brayles fil. et hares. : Alicia filia Joh'is Willington de Bar- stone in Com. War. Georgius Bishop: de Oxhill in Com. War. 2 filius. Barnaby Bishop de Brayles fil. et hares. : Alicia filia Thoma Woodward de Marson in Com. War. Ricus Bishop Mathew Bishop=pBrigetta filia fil. primogenitus de Oxhill in unmarried atat. Com. War. 72, 1619. Joh'is Butler de Preston in Com. Northamp. Thomas Bishop 3 fil. nunc viuens in Amsterdam in Hollandia. Anthonius Bishop =EUina fil. et coh. de Oxhill atat. 28. Georgij Farmer de St. John's ChappeU in Com. Leic. I II Ehzab. nupta 1. Rosa. Joh'i Blackford — de Oxhill. 2. Alicia, 224 THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. Canning* " Testified by Raphe Brooke Yorke Herald, 1599. "Richard Canning of Foxcott in Warwicksh. & hidcott in Gloustersh." Arms.— Quarterly of four. 1 and 4. Argent, three Moors' heads couped in dexter profile sable, wreathed or. 2. Three spear heads in fess erect (not blazoned). 3. A ., (not blazoned). THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. 225 Galfridus le Marshall dedit terras suas in=p Foxcott Gilb'to filio suo. I Gilbertus le Marshall.= Simon le Marshall.=p I Joh'es Solman t'pe H. 4,=pMatilda filia et hares Simonis de Foxcott jure uxoris. le Marshall de Foxcott. Thomas Canninge de Foxcott=p Agneta filia et har, temp'er H. 6. I Ricardus Canning de Foxcott fil. et har.: Johannis Solman. filia Humphredi Compton. Thomas Canning filius et hares.=p Johanna filia Will'i Boughton. WiUm's Canning Ricardus Canning de=pElizab. filia Ricardi Petty filius 2. Foxcott in Com. War. de Ihnington in Com. War. Maria uxor Joh'is Georgius Canning Edwardus Canninge Will'ms Canninge RUand de Quein- iam comorans in de Enston in Comit. com'orans iuxta ton in Com. Glou. Hibernia. Oxon. 3 fil. 1619. Blackwell hall =p =p London mercator. Paule Canninge. Ricardus fil. primogenitus. 2. Robtus. 3. Willm's. Anna uxor Tho. Rowney Ric'us Canning de Foxcott=pMaria filia Willi Sam de Darhngscott in Com. Wigorn. in Com. Warr. filius et hares jam superstes a0 1619. bach de Brodwey in com. Wigorn. Ric'us2 fihus. Ursula uxor Timothei Riley de Brod Cam den in Com. Glouc. -I Maria uxor Will'i Hamptonde Ham burgh Mercator. Elizab. ux. Fran. Hal- ford de Armescot in com. Wigorn I Willm's Canning==Anna filia et de Foxcott fil. et har. atat. 27 an noru' a0 1619. har. Tho. Whorwoode als Harward de Brodfor- ton in Com. Wigorn. Ricardus filius et hares atat. 8 a0 1619, 2. Thomas. 3. Johannes. 4. Will'mus. 2 e 226 THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. oofctoartr. Arms. — Azure, on a pale between two eagles displayed argent, a crescent for difference. Crest. — On a ducal coronet or a greyhound sejant argent, charged on the breast with a crescent for difference. THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. 227 Johannes Woodward of Butlers Merston.=p ,W> Ricus Woodward de Butlers Merston.: Anna ux. Tho. Fox de Warw. Tho. Woodward de=pfilia Rouse de Ricus Woodward de Stratford sup' Auon Butlers Merston. Linch. mar. Frances fil. et hser. Paiot de Stratford. 1. Johannes. 2. Ricardus. 1. Maria uxor Morden de Com. North'ton. Alicia uxor Geo. Bishop de Ox hill in Com. War. Anna uxor Leo- Johannes Woodward de=--Elizabetha filia Rici nardi Smith de Lighthorne in Com. War. Auon Dasset in Com. Warw. fil. et hares. Palmer de Bourton in Com. Glouc. Susannaob. s.p. Maria uxor Edri Handes de Tardly in Com. Wigorn. Johannes Wood ward=IsabeUa filia de Auon Dasset in Com. War. fil. 2 iam sup'stes a0 1619. Johis Blenco de Marston in Com. Northamp. Margareta uxor Rolandi Robins de Pillaton in Comit. War. Ricardus Woodward fil. et har. atat. 15 annoru' a0 1619. Johannes 2 filius. IsabeUa. Anna uxor Tho.Tailor de Solihull in Com. War. Ursula uxor HugonisDauies de Walthamin Com. Berks. Ricardus Woodward=Francisca de Dome in Com. Glouc. filius et hares. filia . . . Rudhall de Rud hall. Ricardus= Wood ward de Comp ton. I Alicia ux or Edm. Dalby de Broke- hamtonin Com. War. Johannes Woodward fil. et har. Wfflm's 2 fihus. Thomas Woodward 228 THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. &uselep anti mpton. Arms. — Argent, on a chevron between three roses gules, a crescent for difference. THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. 229 Joh'es Upton de= Gaydon in Com. War, Nicholaus Rugeley de Dunton 33 H. 6. Joh'es Walden: de Warr. A0 4H. 5. Johanna A" 4 H. 5. Joh'es Upton de=p Agneta filia Geydon et War. et Cohares. Alicia uxor Joh'is Boneton. Willm's Rugeley de Dunton in Arden in Com. War. a quo Rolandus Rugeley de eadem miles. Jacobus Rugeley: de Warwick gen. 14 H. 7. Tsabella filia= et cohares Joh'is Upton. Hugo Dalby 2 Vir. 15 H. 8 Willm's Rugele; de Warwick fil. et hares. Alicia fiha . . . Day de Henley in Arden in Com. War. Joh'es Rugeley de=pIsabeUa filia . . . Hobday Warwick filius et hares. de Auster in Com. War. relicta Browne. Joh'es Rugeley de War.=pMaria fiha Joh'is Beaufo fil. et hares iam super stes 1619, de Edmondescott in Com. War. Ar. Anna s.p. Francisca uxor Tho. Sanders de Longbridge in parochia de Warwick. I Thomas Rugeley fil. et har. atat. 34 A° 1619. Ursula uxor Will'i Spicer de Harberie in Com. War. 230 THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. ©econs* Arms. — Quarterly of four. 1 and 4. Argent, a chevron gules treille or between three roses slipped proper in chief a crescent for difference. 2 and 3. Checquy or and gules, a canton ermine, over all on a bend azure a griffin's head erased of the first between two birds argent. Crest. — A crane's head erased, with wings elevated sable, eared argent, crested gules, and charged on the neck with a crescent for difference. THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. 231 Ricus Decons de Marston=pElizab. fiha et hares Morteine in Com. Bedf. Johannis Reines. Thomas Decons=pfilia . . . Chicheley de de Marston. Com' Cantabrigia. Thomas Decons ob. s. p. Alicia soror et Coh. uxor Rici Chibnall de Astwoode in Com' Bedf. a quo Chibnall de Com' Northamp. Elizab. uxor Tho. Snagge. Francisca ux. Thoma Hinton. John Combe=p de Stretford. Franciscus Decons de= Liddington in Com' Bedford 2 filius. -Dorothea fil. et Coh. Henrici Murcote de Oheswick in Com' Midd. Tho. Combe Edwardus : de Stretford. Combe de Wasperto'. :Anna filia StephiHales de Newlandin Com. Ciuitatis Couentria. Thomas Decons : de Napton super monte' in Com' War. filius et hares. :Elianora filia Willi' Spicer de Cheswick in Com' Midd. et de villa Leices- tria. Elizab. ob. s.p. Jocosa fil. et Coh. Anna fil. et Coh.: nupta Francisco Edri Combe de Cornwall de Bur- Wasperton in ford in Com' Salop Com. War. =Rob tus Decons de Wasperton in Com. War. fil. et hares iam superstes 1619. Margareta ux. Maria Joh'is Fauco- uxor ner de Napton in Com' War. Tho. Decons fil. primogenitusat. 14 ann' 1619. II II I 2. Edwardus'. Elinora. Maria. 3. Robertus. Anna. Persis uxor Fran cisci Leuing de Buddesley Ensor in Com. War. Martha ux. Tho.Hulmede Clifton in Com. War. Willm's Decons de= Napton in Comitat War. filius 2 iam superstes A0 1619. :Gracia filia . . . Hannah uxor Basford de Radi Walden Kinsberie in de Ciuitate Comitat. Warr. Couentria. Tho. Decons fil. et hares atat. dimid anni A0 1619. 1. Elinora. 2. Elizabetha. 232 THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. peers. " A patent of this Coate passed by Will'm Camden Clarenceux to Edm. Peers of Alston, alias Alueston in Com. War. son of Robt. Peers of Bristow and Brother of Will'm Peers, prior of Worcester 10 Julij 1605. 3 Jacobi Rx." Arms. — Azure, on a fess argent between three pelicans or vulning themselves proper as many ogresses. Crest. — Out of clouds a dexter arm embowed in armour argenl, garnished and studded or, holding a pheon headed spear erect of the last, and tied around the arm with a ribbon gules. THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. 233 Peers.=p I Rob'tus Peers de Bristow.=p WiUm's Peers, Prior of Woster. Edmondus Piers de Alston al's Aluestom in Com. War. obijt 1609. zMargareta filia Tho. UnderhiU de Nether Etenton in Com. War. ob. 1605. Maria nupta Tho. Field de Wethe- rock hiU in Com. Wigorn. Jana uxor Nici Griffin de Brome Court al's Burnells Brome in Comitat. War. Rosa uxor Edw. Grauenor de Ansley in Com. War. Isabella nupta Andreo Manton de Tilton in Com. jueic. Anna uxor Daniell Sperreyde ManneU hall in Com. Wigorn. 2. Will'ms. 3. Edmund's. ob. s. p. Thomas Piers de Alston fil. et hares atat. 32 annoru' t'pe Visitac'onis 1619. Alicia nupta Maria. ) Edw. Bisp- — f gemella. ham de Belinges in Com. Lane. Martha. ) ob. s.p. 2 a 234 THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. Gutter. Arms. — Gules, three garbs and in chief a lion passant argent, a mullet for difference. THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. 235 Nicholas Rutter descended from=p Kinsley Hall in Com. Chester, who cam first and liued at Hil- cot in Com. Glouc. MichaeU Rutter de Quenton: in Com. Glouc. 3 filius. =. . . . filia Thoma Freeman de Blockley in Com. Worcest. Maria uxor Willi Bird de Northek in Com. Wigorn. Johannes Rutter=f=Anna filia Tho. Em- mot de Micleton. de Quenton fil. et hares. Michaell Rutter =. . . . filia . de Quenton fil. Palmer de et har. 1619. Anna nupta . . . Horsman de Tiso in Com. War. Ursula ux. Rob'ti Price de Bloxley. Tho. Rutter der Dome in Com. Glouc. 1619. =Maria filia . . . WiU'i Freeman de Burton super Monta' in Com. Glouc. Thomas Rutter de Mickleton in Com. Glouc. Willm's Rutter=pJoane Daught. de Quenton in Com. Glouc. 2 filius. of . . . Bouker de Alminton in Com. Glouc. Isabella uxor Tho. Ouerberie de Borton grand father to Sr Tho. Ouerberie. Elizab. nupta Bouker. Anna nupta Joh'i Timmes de Sutton in Com. Glouc. 3. Thomas Rutter de= Stratford upon Auon sup'stes 1619 atat. 55. =Anna filia WiU'i Lingan de New- bold in Com. Wigorn. Willm's Rutter 2 fil. duxit Saram. Elizab. uxor Tho. Home de Eyton in Com. Glouc. Thomas 5 fil. duxit Margt. fil. Rob'ti Bolton. Nicholas Rutter=pAnna filia de Queinton Ricardi 1 filius. Hodges. Juliana ux. Rob'ti Hacket de Aswell in Com. Rutl. Maria uxor Francisci Hill de Stretford in Com. War. II I I 2. Johannes. 3. Nicholas. 4. Thomas. Wi lm's Rutter= filius et hares. = Maria filia Joh'is Lad- brooke de Quenton. Ursula 2 filia. 5. Richard. 236 THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. jiiltoootu ARMS.—-Quarterly of six. 1. Gules, on a three mullets argent, a mullet for difference. 2. Per fess gules and azure, a lion rampant or. 3. Argent, a fess checquy or and azure. 4. Gules, three dexter hands couped at the wrist erect argent. 5. Azure, a fess argent between three crescents or. 6. Per pale gules and azure, a double-headed eagle dis played or. Crest. — A demiman in armour argent, his helm with visor uplifted and thereon a plume of four feathers alternately argent and gules, holding in the dexter hand a broken tilting spear or, and charged on the breast with a mullet for difference. THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. 237 Robertus de Fulwood.= Radulphus de Fulwood.: Robertus de Offord.=p Rob'tus de Fulwood.: I I Robertus de Offord. Ricardus de Fulwood.=pMargareta. Robertus de Fulwood.=pAlicia filia Joh'is Woodward de Tanworth. Joh'es Ful wood de Tanworth. Radus Ful wood. WiUm's Ful-: wood de Ful wood. :Joani fil. et har. Joh'is Sedenhall. (Abms. — B.fess arg. ent. crescent or.) ABMS. — Barry of six argent Sf azure, on a bend gules three mullets of the first, within a bordure or. (Fo. 33.) Joh'es Fulwood1 de Tanworth. Joh'es Fulwood; de Fulwood. Alice ux. WiU'mi Beake de Hambrey. Isabella filia Joh'is Harwell de Wotton in Com. War. John Fulwood: of Clay hall in Fulwood. Akms. — Gules, a chevron between three mullets argent within a bordure or. (Fo. 33.) :Matilda filia WiU'mi Ernies. Rob'tus 2 fil. I Ric'us Fulwood= de Clay hall. : Agneta filia Joh'is Hubard de Baidon. I Rob'tus Fulwood de Clay haU in parochia=pMargareta filia et hares Johannis de Tanworth in Com. War. A0 23 H. 8. Mitton de Salop. Joh'es Fulwood de=Johanna filia et coh. Ford hall inWotton in Com. Baldwini Heath de Fordhall. Ricus Fulwood de Clay hall filius: primogenitus duxit Margaretam filiam Thoma Trussel de Billesley. Johannes=Fulwood de Ford hall fil. et hares. A =filia et har. Hen. Win- son de 1. Margaret ux. Hugonis Wilkes Yeoman. Philippa ux. Snede. Ann a uxor Tho. Bon ner Yeoman Edw. Ful-=Jocosa fil. Joh'is wood de Clay Hall vixit 1563. Yardley de Sutton Coldfield in Com. War. 238 THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. A| B| c 1 John Fulwood sup'stes 1563. 1 Frances. s.p. 2. Dorothy. 3. Maria. 1 1 1 1. Elianor. 2. Maria. 3. Anna. III 2. Rob'tus. 3. Raffaell. 4. Humphrie. 1 Richard filius et hares. Rob'tus Fulwood de Alne parua in parochia=pfilia Tho. Hunter de Aston Cantlow in Com. War. fil. 3. de Stodley. Auerius. Thomas. Adam. Auerius Fulwood: de Woodhouse in. Com. War. : Johanna filia .... Gunne Marga- de St. Bury in Com. Glouc. reta relict Geo. Smith de Wood- filia 3. house. I Maria fil. 1. Johanna uxor .... Parker -de Arow in Com. War. Joh'es Fulwood=Maria filia de Alne parua filius et hares. Hill de Bearley in Com. War. Johanna ux Robins de Etington in Com. War. Anna uxor Ric'i Gunne de Aston Cantlow in Com. War. I 1. Auerius— Jana filia Phil- Fulwood de Wilme- cott in Com. War. 3 fil. lipi Atkins de Alne p'ua. Katherina uxor Hen. Hanburie de Hanbery in Com. Wigorn. Alicia uxor Theoph. Wilkin renupta Geo. Wilkinson de Greaues Norton in Com. Northamp. Eleanorauxor Will'i Greene de Alne parua. Rob'tus Fulwood filius et hares at. 20 annoru' 1619. Auerius 2. Johannes 3. I Maria. Robertus Fulwood= de Alne parua in Comit. *War. fil. et hares superstes 1619. =Elizab. fil. Joh'is Hill de Elford in Com. Stafford. 4. Ric'us Fulwood= de Alcester in Com. War. duxit Annam fil. Baffle. Joh'es Ful wood 2 filius. Adam Ful wood de London fil. 5. Johannes. Eleanora — sine Ricardus. prole. Adam. Thomas Ful wood fil. et har. atat. 20 annoru* 161 9. J I I Robertus 2 filius. Alicia. Jana. Thomas fil. pri mogeni tus. Tho- I Elizab. mas 2 fiUa. filius. THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. 239 palmer* Adam Palmer de Aston- Cunlow in Com' War. •Dorothea filia . . . Trussell de Billesley. Henricus Palmer=Elizab. fiha Geo. Maria ux. Rici de Miluerton in Com' War. Auerell de Solihull Grimshaw de in Com' War. Knoll in com' War. Elizab. at. 10. Georgius Palmer 2. Edward at. 16. — fil. et hares at. — Ursula at. 7. 19, 1619. 3. Henricus at. 13. 4. Samuell. 240 THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. Senpns* A cat's head. Willm's Jenins of London al's Lancaster Herald giue' by Tho. Wriothesley, Garter, & Tho. Benolt Clarenceux 10. Februar' 1516 a0 8 H. 8. Arms. — Azure, a chevron between three griffins' heads erased argent, on a chief or, a lion passant gules betwixt two torteaux. Crest. — A cat's head erased gules bezantie, in its mouth a cross path fikMe in bend argent. THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. 241 WiUm's Jenins Lancaster=p Herald of Armes 8 H. 8. John Jenyns1 de Ipesley in Com' War. :. . . . filia Markham de Astwoode Court in Com. War. Galfridus Jenyns : de Ipesley in Com' War. a0 1619. :Margeria filia . . . Pretty de Com' Wigorn. Fulco Jenyns 2 fihus. 3. WiUmus. John Jenyns filius Ohuerus — et hares atat. 24 Jenins 4. Edwardus. annoru' 1619. 2 filius. Maria. 2 I 242 THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. 3&egnofti& GOWER. The crest drawn in pencil. Arms. — Azure, a chevron between three foxes 'heads t in chief a crescent for difference. Crest. — A fox's head erased or. or, THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. 243 Hugo Reinolds de Stret-=pJocosa filia Rob'ti ford in Com' War. Blount de Glason parke iuxta Asheley. Hugo Reynoldes filius primogenitus ob. s. p. Thomas Reynoldes1 de Olde Stretfort 2 filius. -"Margareta filia et coh. WiU'i Gower de Red- marley in com. Wigorne ar. J I Anna. Francisca. Willm's Reinoldes=pFrancisca filia de Olde Stretford filius et har. a0 1619. . . . . de Bois of London in Phillip Lane. French. Anna filia unica atat. unius anni 1619. Walter Reinolds= Jocosa filia Rici de Olde Stretford Pace de Shottery. 3 filis. Tho. Reynolds de Stretford=pJohanna SanguiU. sup. Auon 2 filius. Willm's Reignolds fil. et hares atat. 1 anni et dimid. 1619. I I 1. Elizabetha uxor . , 2. Jana uxor Joh'is Fetherston de Ather- ston in Com. Leic. 244 THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. pettp. Arms. — Quarterly or and azure, on a bend vert, three martlets of the first. Crest. — Out of a ducal coronet an elephant's head argent, armed and eared gules. THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. 245 Ricardus Pettye de=pMatilda filia . . . Ilmington in Comitat Warwick. Elizab. uxor Rici Canning de Foxcote in Com. War. Colman de Ilmington. Anna ux. Thoma Stokes de Shipston, renupta Thoma Dauies de Quenton, et postea Tho. Sergiant de Quenton in Com. Glouc. J I 1. Thomas. 3. Willmus. 2. Nicholas. 4. Ricardus. Elizab. uxor WUli Austen de Ilmington in com. War. Joh'es Petty 5 fil. duxit fil. Lodbrookede Pointon in com. Glouc. Rob'tus Petty= de Ilmington in com. War. 6 filius. :Clemencia filia . . . Mannors de Com. Oxon. JohannesPetty 3 filius. Nicholas Petty de=pJana filia Rici Ilmington filius et har. superstes A0 1619. Blount de Market Bosworth in Com' Leic. I Willm'sPetty 2 fil. ob. s. p. Elizabetha unica filia atat. 16 annoru' A° 1619. 246 THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. Colles- Arms. — Gules, on a chevron argent peltettee four barrulets sable between three lions' heads erased or. Crest. — A sea gull with wings displayed sable guttee d'eau preying upon a fish lying upon its back argent. THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. 247 iAn Ric'us CoUes de Parochia de Powick in Com' Wigorn oriundus e familia Colleforu' de Comitat Somerset. Sepultus in Eccl'ia de Powick 1440.=p Wfflum's CoUes de Braunceford et Leigh in Com' Wigornia=pAlicia fiha. duxit Isabellam filiam . . . Turberuill qui Willm's ob. 1506, apud Bransfeild et sepultus apud Powick. Willm's CoUes ob.=pMargareta filia apud Leigh in Com. Wigorn et ib'm sepultus 1558. Hitch als Stech. I Johanna uxor Bul- lingham patris Bul- lingham Episcopi Wigorn renupta . . . Burford. Elizabetha Margareta 2 filia. uxor . . . Parsons. Edmundus CoUes de=pJana filia Rob'ti Leigh in Com. Wigorn Someruile de filius et har. obijt Edreston in Com' 1606, ib'm sepultus. War. Wffl'mus CoUes de Parkberie in Comi tat Hartf. fil. 3 duxit filiam . . . Packing- ton. Joh'es CoUes de Hatfield fihus 4 duxit filiam Archer de Ton worth 1619. Wfflm's CoUes de Leigh= in Com. Wigorn. filia . . . Edmundus CoUes de Hat-: Palmer. field in Com' Hartford. :. . . filia Edmundus CoUes de Leigh in: com' Wigorne sup'stes A0 1619. I =Martha filia Tirwhit Edmundus CoUes : de Com. Lincoln. de Hatfield 1619. filia Lucy. I Willm' CoUes filius et hares. Alicia uxor Archebold Jane uxor renupta Fulcom Wod- .... huh de Thenford in Com. Rudinge. Northamp. Maria uxor Anna uxor Ursula ux. WiU'i . . . Under- Pichard re- Hawes de Solihull hilldeEten- nupta Fox. in Com. War. ton. Elizab. uxor . . . Rumney de Knlghtwick in Com. Wigorn. Michaell Coles de Hampton=pMaria fil. Edri. Graunt de in Arden in Com. War. fil. Northbrookes et Snitter- 2 sup'stes 1619. Northbrookes et Snitter- feild in Com' War. Jana uxor Rici Judd de Elme don in Com.War. Jocosa uxor Rici Bludd renupta SiluestroRobins, Ursula ux. Fran. Hall 2a John Jones 3d Arthur Bagshaw. Katherina uxor WiU'i Bustard de Adderburie in Com. Oxon. Anna uxor WiU'i Cole de London mercatoris. 248 THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. Al IsabeUa uxor Tho. Penne de Mallets in Stony Strat ford in Com. Buck. Humfredus Colles: de Hampton-in- Arden et de medio Templo London Ar. iam superstes A0 1619. =Maria filia WiU'i Chamberlaine filij 4. Leonardi Chamb'laine de Sherborne in Com. Oxon militis. 1 i i dmundus 1. Henricus 5 Willmus 2. Michael 7. Johannes 4. Ricardus 6. Francisca 5. ob. sine p'le. Will'mus Colles filius et hares atat. 21 annoru' 1619. I I 2. MichaeU. "4. Johannes. 3. Humphredus. s. prole. Margareta. Margareta. s. prole. Maria. 0itfyoll% alias JHapo. Ric'us Nicholls de Holmden=p in Comitat. Northamp. Henricus Maio al's Nicolls: de Southam in Com. War. Brigetta nupta Egideo Hanslap de" Southam in Com. War. ;Dorothea fil. Anthonij Bridges de Norton in Com. Northamp. Henricus Maio al's1 Nicolls de Southam in Com. War. =Martha fil. WiU'i Leuins Alder- manus Oxonia. oh'e Joh'es 2 fil. duxit filiam . . . Smith de Couentria. Henricus filius et hares atat. 15, 1619. Dorothea uxor Georgij Tonge de Woluerton in Com. War. THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. 249 Seginton anti JJieoIR Galfridus Seginton.=p Gerardus Seginton.=p I Rob'tus Seginton.=p Johannes Seginton.=pMargareta filia Stephani le Ward. Robertus Seginton.=pElizab. filia Johannes Seginton,= Willmus Seginton.=p Agneta fil. Johannes Seginton=p Nicholas Seginton Jocosa hares=pThomas Nicolls. filius et hares. 2 filius ob. sine nepoti sua. prole. WiUm's Seginton fil. et har. Robertus Nicolls.=p ob. sine prole. j Thomas Nicolls =pElizab. fil. Will'i Ensor de I Wilnecott in Com. War. Johannes NicoUs Rob'tus NicoUs fil.=pDorothea fil. Joh'is Bar- Georgius Nicolls 2 fil. atat. 32. et har. atat. 35. well de Seginton in Com. 3 fil. atat. 30, War. 1619. Dorothea atat. 8 Jana 2 filia 3. Anna at. 5 annorum 1619. atat. 6. annoru'. 2 K 250 THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. putisep* ; Confirmed by Will'm Haruy Clarencieux Roy D'armes 1566." Arms.— Quarterly of four. 1. Vert, on a chevron between three mullets or, a mullet for difference. 2. Sable, three cinquefoils argent, pierced gules. 3. Barry nebulee argent and sable. 4. Gules, a fret within a bordure or, charged with seven fleurs-de-lis azure. Crest. — A cat statant gardant proper. THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. 251 Rowlandus Pudsey de Elles-=pEditha filia et hares field in Com. Oxon. Joh'is Hore. TiWi WiU'mus Pudsey de Ellesfield^pElionora. in Com. Oxon. I Rob'tus Pudsey de Ellesfield= in Com. Oxon et Langley in Com. War. :Elhanora filia Hugonis Harman de Morehall in Com. Warr. Jocosa uxor Wffl'i Blackmore. EUinora uxor Michaehs Gooderich de le Olde in Com. War. Gracia uxor Hen. De la More de p'ochia de Sutton Colfeild in Com. War. Margareta fiha Wffl'i=pGeorgius Pudsey= Gibbons de Sutton de Langley in ColdfeildinCom.War. Com. War. Ar. superstes 1619. =Matilda filia Humfri Cotton de Bolde in Com. Staff. uxor 1. ThomasPudsey de Com. Derbia. Johannes Pudsey. Georgius. Willmus. Maria. Robertus. Thomas. Margareta. Maria uxor Tho. Stanton de Woluerto' in Com. War. Willmus. Georgius. s.p. Ricus Pudsey=Margareta fiha . . fil. primogeni- Miller de Cotton tus. bridg in Comitat. War. Dorothea uxor Gawini Grosuer- ner de Sutton Coldfeildin Com. War. 3| Ehzab. uxor Joh'is New- sam de Chad- son. 2. Michaehs. 3. Walterus. 252 THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. 0ttljtvmill Arms.— -Argent, a chevron between three crescents azun THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. 253 Julinus NethermiU.=p I Aldermanus Ciuitatis Couentria. Johannes Nethermill=pBrigetta filia Henrici = Stephanus Hales Ouer al's Wauer al- 2 maritus. dermanni Couentria. — Johes Miles de Couentria |~~ 3 maritus. Johes Nethermill de ExaU infra libertates Ciuitatis Couentria fil. et hares superstes 1619. 254 THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. purifoy Arms. — Quarterly of twelve. 1 . Sable, three pairs of hands in armour, hand in hand argent, in chief a crescent for difference (Purifoy). 2. Azure, three stirrups or. 3. Gules, a chevron ermine between three leopards' faces or (Sherford). 4. Or, three piles meeting in base gules on a canton argent, a mullet sable (Wellesburgh). 5. Gules, a saltire engrailed argent between four mullets or (Hardwick). 6. Azure, semee of cinquefoils or (Roduile). 7. Azure, a bend double- cotised or (Tundin). 8. Argent, a fess and in chief three mullets gules (Flaunders). 9. Gules, three eagles displayed or (Limset). 10. Vair, a chevron gules (Ashbrooke). 11. Or, fretty sable, each joint charged with a crosslet fitchee argent (Champaine). 12. Gules, on a bend or three garlands vert (Stevens). Crest. — A cubit arm in armour grasping a broken tilting spear in sinister bend. THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. 255 Philip Purifoy de Newham^pMargareta filia et unica har. in Com. War. temp. E. 3. Simonis de Shelford in Com.War. Tho. Purifoy: filius et har. f Katherina filia & har. WiUm's Purifoy 2 fil. duxit Marian=p Jo. Welesborowe de Wellesborow fil. et har. AUani Aiott de Shalston. Wfflmus Purifoy .= Willm's Purifo; fil. et har. J :Margareta fil. Knightley. Joh'es Purifoy.: Nicholas Purifoy. Joh'es Purifoy=p Joan Relicta Joh'is Poultney Eliza ux. Rici Knightley fil. et har. de Minsterton. de Falesley. I Joh'es Purifoy ob. 7 H. 8.=pJoanna filia Wiston de Com. Stafford. Margeria Elizab. ux. Willm's Purifoy Tho. Purifoy=pMargeria filia Nicholaus ux. WiU'i WiU'i Pal- 2 fil. de Breles- ob. 34 H. 8. Fending mer de hall 3 H. 8. mihtis. Stanston. Anth. Fitz Valett's Harbert de Corona Norberie in H. 7. Com. Darbia. Radus Purifo fil. et her. ob. 4. E. 6. .1 Eliz. fil. et her. Rici Michaell Purifo; Bingham de Whet- de Caldecot in naU in Com. Nott. Com. War. WiUm's Purifoy. =Elizab. fil. Sanders de Bedworth. :Jocosa filia et una haredum Joh'is Hardwick de Linley in Com. Leic. Willmus Purifoy de=pKatherina filia WiU'i Caldecot in Com. War. fil. et har. Wigston de Wolston in Com. War. militis. Joh'es Purifoy= de Whitacre in Com. War. Jsabell filia Rob'ti Bradshaw de More- barne. Edwardus Francis Purifoy de=pElianora fil. Joh'is 3 filius. Caldecot in Com. Baskeruile de Crud- War. filius et har. worth in Com.War. Ar. Ar. Willm's Purifoy de Caldecot superstes 1616 fil. 2 duxit Jonam filiam Edri. Purifoy de Drayton in Com. Leic. Jocosa ux. Maria ux. Willm's Purifoy de Caldecote= Tho. Wolley Joh'is Farmer in Com. War. Ar. fil. et hare de Newton de Ratcliffe iam superstes 1619. in Com. War. in Com. Leic. = Johanna filia et har. unica Alani Pene- keston de Ciuitate Ebor. 2. NathanieU. 4. Franciscus. Elizabetha — — filia iuniora. 3. Radulphus. 5. Georgius. 256 THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. J^anslap* Arms. — Quarterly of four. 1 and 4. Argent, two bars gules, over all a crosslet fitchee azure. 2 and 3. Azure, a chevron between three bucks' heads caboshed or, THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. 257 Nicholaus Hanslap=pJohanna fiha et hares Rob'ti Hore de Stonithorp in parochia de Itch- ington Longa in Com. War. de Ainho Northam. in Com. a0 1504. Thomas Hanslap fil.^Jana filia Johis Goodwyn et har. a0 1533. de Com. Buck. Joh'es Hanslap=pElizab. filia de Stonithorp in Com.War. fil. et hares a0 1562. Rob'ti Middle- more deEgbas- ton in Com. War. Ar. Nicholas Hanslap: de Ainho in Com. Northam. Dorothea filia Tho. Higgen- son de Barkes- well in Com. War. Tho. Hanslap=pElizab. fil. Rici. Chaphn de Newenham in Com. Northampt. de Ainho fil. et har. Rob'tus Hanslap=pMargareta de Southam in I fil. Radi Com. War. fil. 3, | Hill de Sowtham. Johannes Han slap filius 2. s.p. Johannes Tho. Hanslap: Hanslap. de Ainho filius 2 filius. et har. a0 1619. :Maria fil. Nicholaus Hanslap fil. et har. atat. 11 annoru' 1619. Elizabethaatatis 4. Elizabetha filia 1. Anna filia 2. Rob'tus.Willm's.Ric'us. s.p. Dorotheaux. . . . Salter de Com.Salop. Francisca ux. Nic'i Boding- ton de Harbo- rough Magna in Com. War. Anna uxor Ric'i Wag- staff de Harburyin Com. War. Thomas Hanslap: de Stonithorp fit. et har. superstes 1619. Joh'es Hanslap de Stonithorp fil. et har. atat. 26 annoru' a0 1619. :Anna filia Tho. Peniston de.. . in Com. Oxon. Ricus Hanslap de=pAnna filia . . . Dormer Southam in Com. War. a0 1619. de Farthingho in Com. Northam. WalterusCalebs1619. I Ricardus Hanslap. Jana uxor Jasperi Peck de Copley hall in Com. Ebor. 2 L 258 THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. C&amherlaiitt. Arms. — Quarterly of four. 1 and 4. Gules, an inescocheon argent within an orle of mullets or. 2 and 3. Gules, a chevron between three escallops or. Crest. — Out of a ducal cm-onet gules the head of an ass argent, THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE, 259 Edwardus Chamb'laine: de Sherborne in com. Oxon mil. Leonardus Chamberlaine de Sherborne mUes.=p I Edw. Chamberlaine: de Astley in com. War. filius 2. Edw. Chamb'laine de=pfilia Harecourt. Astley in com. War. Ar. iam superstes. Ricardus Chamb'laine=p de Astley in Com. War. iam superstes A0 1619. Ehzab. uxor Gerardi Gif ford de Chil hngton in Com. Staff. Margt. unmarried. Joh'es Chamb'laine=filia de Astleyfil. et har. Justic' ad pacem ob. A0 1619. 2. Greuill. Edwardus Chamberlaine fil. et har. 1. I I I Elizabetha. 2. Maria. 4. Margareta, 5. Jana. Edwardus. Jana — uxor Robertus. Ric'i Cham berlaine de Curia War- doru'. 3. Francisca. 260 THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. Coefte, Arms. — Quarterly, gules and argent, in fess a mullet sable for difference. THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. 261 Willm's Cocke de: Brokesborne in Com. Hertford. .... filia uxor WiU'i Thurgood de Hod- desdon in Comitat. Hertf. Georgius 2 filius. Joh'es Cocke: de Brokes borne in Comitat. Hertf. Francisca ux. Wal teri Hungerford de. Codenham in Com. Wiltes. Susanna uxor . . . Warde de Cookefield in Comitat. Sussex. Anna filia Joh'is Goodierede Hud- ley in Com. Heref. Elizab. ux. . . . Clarke de Star- ford in Com. Hertford. Henricus Cocke=pUrsula filia deBrockesbornein Com. Hertf. miles. . . .„Bury de Hamp ton Poile in Com.Oxon. I I Elizabetha. Anna. WiUmus.Johannes. s. p. Francisca uxor Elizab. fil. et Coh.=Rob'tus Oxen- EdmondiLucy uxor Rob'ti West bridge deHus- de Kingeswood filij D'ni Dela- bandes in Com. in Com. Heref. ware renupta Ric'o Sou th'ton miles militis. Lucy militi et 2 maritus. Baneretto 3 marito. Willm's Cock de Maiden Croft in Com. Hertf. fil. 2. duxit Elizab. filiam Hughes. Joh'es s.p. Anna fil. unica. Thomas Gocke de Kirby=pGoditha filia Andrea Monacor' in Com. War. filius 3. superstes 1619. Brooke de Norton in Com. Cestria. Johannes 4 filius s.p. Jana ux. . . . Crawley de Cursell in Essex. Henricus Cocke fil. primogenit's S. prole. Thomas Cocke de=pAnna filia London grocer 3 filius 1619. Bury de Couentrie. Thomas Cocke atatis 1 ann'i 1619. Willm's 2 Basilius fil. atat. 4 fihus. 30 annoru'. Maria. Ursula ux. Xr'ofri Newce — de Brakerborne in Com. Goditha. Hertf. Francisca ux. WiU'i Sprigge de Lubben- ham in Com. Leic. 262 THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. &titierle£* Arms. — Quarterly of four. 1 and 4. Argent, on a azure three muscles of the field (Adderley). 2. Gules, three escallops in bend argent between two . bends vair (Braifield). 3. Or, three reindeers' heads couped sable, on a canton gules a fleur-de-lis or (Thirkeld). Over all in fess a martlet for difference. Crest. — On a chapeau azure, a stork argent. THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. 263 Anna filia^Humfredus Adderley=pElizab. fil. Ricardi Capell , . . North. de Wedington in Com. War. ob. 1 July 1590 fil. 4. I Anna uxor Wffl'i Wightman de Wyken in Com. Leic. renupta Rico Norton de Rotherfeild in Com. Sus sex militis ux. 2. Katherina nata 10 January 1594 uxor Haruei Bagot de Bithfield in Com. Staff. Ar. Humfredus Adderley=pJana filia Thoma de Widdington in Com. War. Ar. a0 1619: Joh'nnes 2 filius. Warde de Nun- thorp in Com. Ebor. Humfredus natus 5 Maij a0 1610. Rebecca.Elizab. Jana nata 2 Feb. a0 1589 uxor Willmi Burton de Lindley in Com. Leic. Ar. Katherine.Jana. Maria. 264 THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. 3Surp> Arms. — Argent, a chevron sable between three squirrels sejant proper (the blazon in pencil). THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. 265 John Bury al's Marshall=p. . . . filia Nower de Barton super le Heath in Com. Warr. de Tackley in Com. Oxford. Edmond Bury de: Barton super le Heath. :Elizab. fil. Edwardi UnderhiU de Etington in Com. War. Elianor uxor . . . Langford de Com. Heref. WiU'm Bury de= Barton super le Heath. :Maria filia Rob'ti Catlin de Ranee in Com. Northamp. Charles Bury de Medio templo 2 fil. atat. 30, 20 Augusti j 1619. Elizab.atat. 24. Willm's Bury de=pMaria filia Isack Barton sup. le heath in Com. Warw. Ar. fil. & hares. Astley de Melton in Com. Norff. Maria 1 filia atat. 7. May 7, 1619. Elizab. 2 filia cCLctt. 0, 3 Janu' 1619. Anna 3 fil. atat. 3 an. 3 feb". 1619. 2 M 266 THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. Sfartoare, \(U %k Arms. — Quarterly of four. 1 and 4. Azure, a bend wavy between two stags' heads couped or. 2 and 3. Azure, on a fess or, between ¦ three owls argent as many pallets vert. Crest. — Out of pallisadoes or, a stag's head gules, attired of the first, and gorged with a wreath or and azure. THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. 267 Randolphus Harware de Stoke: in Com. War. :Alicia filia Willm'i Jenninges de Stoke in Com. War. Tho. Harware Samuell Harware de=pMaria filia Ric'i Mansfeild Diuers other fil. et hares. Stoke & Couentrie. de Com. Nott. sonnes. Lawrence Harwar duxit fil. Grosvenour de Com. Cestria. Samuell Harware fil. et har. atat. 14, 1619. J I I I' 1 . Maria. 3. Jocosa. 4. Alicia. 2. Anna. 5. Zara. 268 THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. Bilke. Given by Sr Gilbert Dethick Garter to Rich. DUk of Kirby, 10 Junii 16 Elizab. 1574. Arms. — Gules, a lion rampant per pale argent and or, impaling, Argent, a fess gules, in chief three torteaux. Crest. — A dove close argent, beaked and membred gules. THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. 269 Thomas Dilk de Kirkby Malorie in com. Leic.: Balliuus Abbatis Leicestria. I I Anna ux. Edwardus3 ....Welsh Dilke de deShilton. Kirkby. Tho. DUke= de Goadby in com. Leic. 1619. Johannes Dilk 3 Robertes de filius. Sutton Chenell. fil. Will'mi=Richardus Dilke=Elizabeth de Kirkby Ma lory in com. Leic. fil. et har. Willmi Ashton 2 uxor. =Alicia fil Dorothea uxor Nutkin de El ston in com. Nott. WiU'mi Bouth de Witton in com. War. I WiUm's Dilke fil. 2 duxit filiam Cal- throp. George Dilke fil. & heres Duxit filiam Woluerston de Newbold. Thomas DUke de Maxstok Castell=pAnna fil. 1 Clementis Fisher de in com. Warr. miles. Packington in com. War. milit. Ricardus Dilk 2fil; I Fisher Dilke=. . . . filia Went- fil. 2, atatis worth de Lil- 24, 1619. lingston in com. Buck. Thomas Dilke,= Esq. filius et hares atat. 30, 1619. =Howarda filia Edwardi Deuereux militis et Baronetti de Castell Bromwish in com. War. Thomas Dilke fil. &=Jane the da. of Edmond har. atat. 4, 1619. fiarmor of charlton' Katherin atat. 3 1. Lettice atat. 22. I 2. Maria atat. 18. 270 THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. Catiloto, Arms. — Gules, a lion passant gardant or between three roses argent. THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. 271 .... Tadlow de Rumney =p in Comitatu Kent. Joh'es Tadlow de Parington=pAnna filia Joh'is Treene de in Com. Essex. Southwark iuxta Londo'. EdwardusTadlowfil. 2. Henricus Tad-=pLucia filia WiU'mi low de Couen tria. Wise de GiUesdon in Com. War. Nathaniell filius 3. Anna. Henricus Tadlow fil. et har. at. 2 annoru'. Lucia unica filia dimid' anni. 272 THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. Scales, Arms. — Gules, three arrows points downwards or, feathered and barbed argent. THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. 273 Stephanus Hales de Newland= in the County of the Citty of Couentry Armig. Anna filia Ricardi Morison de Com. Buck. I Anna nupta Edw. Combe de Stret ford in Com. War. I Katherina ux. Edw. Bugges de Com. Essex. 3. Stephanus. 4. Rob'tus ob. sine prole. Maria nupta Joh'i Bugges fratri Edwardi Bugges. I I Timotheus Hales=pElizab. fil. Thoma Carolus Hales de Newland=pElizab. filia filius 2 de ExaU in Comitatu' Couen tria. Astley de Woluey in Com. War. miles one of his Mates Coun- cell in the North ob. 1618. Johannes Hales filius et hares. Carolus Stephanus Hales: 2 filius. de Newland filius et hares sup'stes 1619. Walteri Fish de London. :Abigall 4 filia Willmi Walter de Wimbleton in Com. Surrey Ar. Joh'es Hales miles filius 2 gentleman Pentioner to Kinge James. 1. Elizabeth 13. Carolus Hales 2. Walterus at. 12. Stephanus — fil. et hares — db. s. p. 2. Katherina 9. at. 16, 1619. 3. Bartholmeus 10. 3. Abigail 3. 4. Anna 2. 4. Stephanus at. 1. 2 h 274 THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. War*. Arms. — Quarterly of four. 1 and 4. Azure, a cross fiory or, in dexter chief a mullet for difference. 2 and 3. A fess between three mullets (not blazoned). Crest. — A wolfs head charged on the neck with a mullet for difference. THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. 275 Henricus Ward de Pillerton=p in Com. Warw. ohr John Warde=p de PiUerton. Joh'es Bishop/ :. . . . soror de Wil lington Harley. Thomas Rowley=p. . . . soror Tho. de Idlicott in Com. Warr. UnderhiU de Etington Ar. Henricus Warde de=pAnna filia PiUerton in Com. Joh'is Bishop. Warr. I Martha fil. et har.: Tho. Rowley de Idlicot in Com. War. =Thomas Ward de Barford in Com. War. fil. 3. Ricus Ward de la Lane=p. de BeningfeUd in Com. Tudor. Buck. relicta Georgius Anna uxor . . . Rogers de fil. et hares. Shurburne in Com. Warr. Leticia fil. 2. WiUm's Warde filius 2 de Queenes CoUedg in Cantabrigia. Rowley Warde fil.= et har. de Warwick et de medio Tem- plo Armiger. :Joanna filia Joh'is Harbourne de Com. Midd. Thomas Ward fil. et har. atat. 8 annoru' 1619. I II I Rowley John atat. 4. Martha Warde — at. 9. s. p. Henry at. 3. Katherina maritatain Londino. Margaretauxor Eden de Com. Buck. Anna uxor James Pres- cot in Com. Lane. Maria nupta Rico Fox de Com. North amp. Joyce. Georgius 4 fihus in partibus transma- rinis. Tho. Warde 3 fil. de Queenes CoUedg in Cantabrigia. J I Willm's Warde=pLucia filia Michaehs Harcourt 4. Johannes. de PiUerton fil. et har. de Comitat' Buck. Humphrus.ob. s. p'le Henricus Ward fil. primus. 2. John. 3. MichaeU. 4. Willm's. Walter fil. 5 in partibus transmarinis. Margareta nupta Day. Jana uxor Anslow de Com. Salop. Katherina filia 3. Anna ux. Doue. Winifrede ux. taine de Com. Foun- Buck. 276 THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. Stanton. flM Arms. — Argent, two chevrons within a bordure engrailed sable ; impaling Vert, on a chevron argent between three mullets or a mullet for difference (this latter and blazon in pencil). Crest. — A fox statant proper. THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. 277 Thomas Stanton de Long- bridg in Com. War. T Joh'es Stanton de Long- bridge in Com. Warr. :Elizab. filia de Wallia. Townesend Ric'us Stanton de RoxsaU: in com. War. 3 fil. Isabella filia . . . Ludford de Com. Wigorn. Maior Stanton fil. primogenitus. Susan uxor Barneby Askew. Thomas Stanton filius et hares. Elizab. uxor Symonis May de Stoke in Com. Wigorn. Margareta ob. sine p'le. Tho. Stanton= deWooluerton 2 filius. Dorothea uxor Walteri Peiton de London et Sutton CofeUd in com. Warr. Maria 2 filia atat.26. Thomas Stanton=Katherina filia =Maria fiha seniora Georgii Pudsey de Langley in Comit. Warwick Ar. fil. et hares atat. 24, 1619. Walteri Wash ington de Rad- way in Com. War. Maior Stan ton 3 filius atat. 8, 1619. WiUm's 2 fil. atat. 20. Thomas Stanton fil. et hares atat. 3 Annoru' 1619. Alicia atat. 6 dierum 3 Sep- temb. 1619. 278 THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. Bebereuj:* Arms. — Quarterly of sixteen. 1. Argent, on a fess gules a crescent for difference, in chief three torteaux. 2. A cross engrailed between four water bougets (not blazoned). 3. Quarterly, France and England within a bordure. 4. A bend cotized between six lioncels rampant. 5. Two bends. 6. Quarterly, an escarbuncle. 7. A fess between twelve billets. 8. A fess and canton conjoined. 9. A saltire fretty. 10. A fret. 11. Per pale a lion rampant. 12. Five lozenges in bend. 13. Vair. 14. Three garbs. 15. Seven mascles conjoined. 16. A cinquefoil. (None of these blazoned.) Crest. — Issuant from a ducal coronet a talbot s head argent eared gules. THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. 279 Walterus Deuereux mUes.=p Walterus Deuereux Mfies.=pAgnitia fil. et har. Tho. de CrophuU. 7 Wilhn's= Bour- cher Com.Ewe. =Anna soror et har. Hum. Plantaginet filij et Her. Tho. Ducis Glocest. Walterus= Deue reux Miles 4H. 4. =Eliz. fil. Tho. Broun ock al's BromwichMiles. Willm's D'ns= Ferrers de Chartley. Willm's 3 fil. nupsit An- nam fil. et har. Tho. Hankford et Tho. 2 filius Archie'pus Cantuarien- sis. =EUina fil. et Coh. Tho. De la Roch Militis. Henricu' Bour chier Com.Essex. Walterus= Deue reux MUes. Elizab.uxoris eius filia et her. Joh'is D'ni Fitz- warren. Joh'es 4 fil. duxit Mar- garetam fil. et har. Rici. D'ni Ber- niers. =Elizab. fil. et har.Joh'is Mar-burye. I WiU'ms=Eliz.fil.Ha-D'ns monis Belk- Ferrers nap p' de Joannam Chart- sprorem et ley. Coh. Radi Butler Baronis de Sudley. WihWs Vice-= comes Bour chier. =Anna fil. et Coh. Rici Wooduile Comitis Riuers. Walterus Deuereux Eques Gar-= terij et D'ns Ferrers de Chartley p' E. 4 occisus apud Bosworth cu' R. 3. Henricus Bour-=Elizab. soror chier Com. E. 4 Regis Essex. Anglia. =Anna fil. et har. WiU'mi Dn'i Ferrers de Chartley. Cicilia soror et=Joh'es Deuereux har. Hen. Bourchier Comitis Essex. Eques Garterij D'ns Ferrers de Chartley. Elizab. ux. Rici Corbet militis postea Thoma Leighton mili tis. Henricus=Bour chier Com. Maria fil. Thoma=Walterus Gray Marchionis Dorset uxor 1. Anna fil. et har. uxor Willm'i Katherinaux. Jacobi Parre Marchionis BaskeruUe Northampton ob. sine prole. mUitis. Deuereux1 Vicecomes Here- fordia Eques Gar terij D'ns Ferrers de Chartley p. E. 6. ^Margareta fil. Rob'ti Garnish de Kenton in Com. Suff. postea renupta Willo D'no Willoughby de Parham. Ricus Deue-=Dorothea fil, reux miles ob. ante patrem. Geo. Hast- inges ComitisHuntingdo'. Willm's= Deue reux milesfilius 2. B =Joannafil. Joh'is Scuda- more. 280 THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. Maria Tirgo Elizab. ux. Johis Walterus De-= ob. 1558 Vernon de Hod- uereux pri atat. 20 net. mus Comes annoru'. — Essexia p' — Gorgius Deue Elizab. Regi- Anna ux. reux miles 2 fil. nam 1572 Hen. Clif Duxit fil. ob.inHib'nia ford. MeuereU. 1576. =Leticiafil. Fran cisci Knowles Eq. Garterij postea renupta Rob'to Com. Leic. et 3 Christ. Blount mil. Dorothea ux. Tho. Parrot mil. postea renupta Henrico Comiti Northumb. qua ob. 1619. I Penelope ux. Rob'ti D'ni Rich, qua ob. 1607. Rob'tusComes Essex=pFranciscafil decollates in turra 25 Feb. 1600. Walterus Deuereux miles filius naturalis. et har. Fran cisci Wals- ingham mil. rehcta Phil.Sidney. I I Margt. ux. Edw. Littleton de Com. Staff. mU. Barbara uxor Edw. Hastinges mil. relicta Caue. reux 2 fil. occisus apud Roan in GaUia 10 Decemb. 1591. Doro' ux. Hen. Shirley fil. et hey. Geo. Shirley de Stanton in Com. Leic. Militis et Baro- netti. Rob'tus 3 Comes Essex superstes 1619 atat. 28 restauratus p' R. Jacobu' 21 July 1 Jacobi. Fran. ux. WiU'mi D'ni Beauchamp filij Edw. D'ni Beauchamp filij Edri Comitis Hartf. Edwardus Deuereux de Castle Bromwich in Com.: War. filius Walt. D'ni Ferrers de Chartley p. Margaretam 2 uxore' nunc Baronettus. :Katherina fil. Edw. Ardren de Parkehall in Com. Warr. Ar. 1. Anna uxor Leighto' de Com. Salop. 2. Margareta uxor Hugonis Wrothesley de Wriothesley in Com. Staff, mil. 3. Howarda ux. Thoma Gracia Dilke de Maxston Castle 4 filia. in Com. War. Ar. GeorgiusDeue reuxsup'stes 1619. Will: I ms. Edwardus. Henricus. I WiU'mob.sineprole. Elizabetha fil.= Thoma Knigh- ley de Burgh all in Com. Staff. relicta Martin uxor 2. ; Walterus Deue-=Elizab. fil. et reux de Suffolk har. Robert miles nunc de Bashpoole de Castle Brom- Com. Suff. wich. mil. obijt sine prole. Essex Deuereux filius et hares atat. 4, 1619. Leicester Deuereux fil. 2 atat. 2, 1619. THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. 281 perfctns* WiUm's Perkins de=p Marson in Com. War. Thomas Perkins der Marson in Com. War.atat.65,1619. :Anna soror WiU'mi Robertes de Sutton Cheney in Com. Leic. mil. , Anna nupta Barnabie Holbeech de Filhngley in Com. War. I Valentinus Perkins 3 fil. de Marson duxit EUenam fil. Tho. Shilton de Com. Leic. Ricus Perkins= filius 2. =Maria filia Joh'is Wright de Non- eaton in Comitat. War. Zacheus Perkins fil. et har. Ric'i atat. 2 annorum 1619. Willm's Perkins=pJohanna filia fil. et har. atat. 28, 1619. Humphredi Stanton de Longebridg in Com.War. 1. Winifrida uxor Samsoni Wood de Fausley. Rector ib'm. Maria uxor Tho. Willmore de Hunningham in Com. War. Wfflm's Perkins fil. et har. atat. 3 annor' 1619. I I 3. Sibilla uxor Geo. Pegg de Burdesley in Com. War. Samuell Perkins 2 fil. 1. Abigail at. 6. atat. 3 mensis 18 Septemb. 1619. 2. Rebecca at. 4. 2 0 282 THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. Spencer* Arms. — Quarterly of seven. 1. Quarterly argent and gules, in the second and third quarters a fret or, over all on a bend sable three escallops argent. 2. Azure, a fess ermine between six sea mews' heads erased argent. 3. Gules, three stirrups with leathers in pale or. 4. Or, on a cross gules five etoiles argent. 5. A chevron between three cinquefoils (untinctured). 6. Ermine, on a chevron gules five bezants, in chief a crescent for difference. 7. Argent, on a bend between two lions rampant sable, a wyvern volant of the field. Crest. — Out of a coronet a griffin's head with wings expanded argent, beaked, and gorged with a collar gules. THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. 283 Juon Viscomit de Constantine-pEmine soror Alani Comitis Britania. 3. Edwardus. Hudardus Dn's de=p Alicia Dn'a NigeUus Baro' Wolstanus Dn's Wolmerus. Horswinus. Dutton temp. Willi Conquestoris. de Dutton. de Halton. de Hatton. Sr Hugo Dn's de Dutton.= Adam Dn's de Dutton=Agnitia fil. Rogeri in Com. Cestr' a quo filij Aluredi. Warberton. Hugo qui fuit le Despensor: Curia Regis H. 1. Thurstanus le Despensor; Almericus fil. et har. Dn's de: Stanley nupsit Elda' Blewett. Walterus le Despensor Dn's de Stanley temp. H. 2. Phillippus le=plsabeha fil. et har. Dispensor. Rici de Euens. Thurstanus le Despensor=p filius Almerici. Ricus le Despensor.^ I Galfridus le Despensor miles= ob. 1251 et 36 H. 3. Clara fiha et har. Hugo le Despensor Capitalis=p Alicia filia et har. Phillippi Justiciarius Anglia 49 H. 3. occisus apud Euersham. Basset BaronisdeWidcombe et rehct Rog. Bigot. GalfridusDn's=pEmma de Mardley in Com.Wygorn. ux. eius. Hugo le Despensor=Isabella fil. Willi Beau-=pPatrick de Cadurcis al's Comes Wintonia 18 E. 2 decoUatus 19 E. 2. champ Com. Warw. Chaworth primus maritus. I. Matilda fil. et har. ux. Hen. Monmoth Com. Lancast. Hugo le Des pensor Com. Gloucest. creat's 20 E. 2 iure uxoris, decoUatus1326. =Elianor fil. et heres Gilb'ti de Clare Comitis. Glou' et Hertford. I IsabeUa ux. Joh'is Hast- inges Dn'i Abergauenie2 Rad'i Monthermer. Ada ux. Dn'i St. Amon2a Rad'i Dn'iCamois. Elinor ux. HugonisCourtney. Elizab. ux. Edm. Dn'i Bur- nell ob. 1320. Hugo fil. 1 nupsit fil. Mountague Com. Sarum et ob. s.p. Edw. Dn's Spencer=pAnna fil. 2 fil. Hugonis le Despensor. Hen. Dn'i Ferrers. Gilb'tus 3 filius. PhiUipus 4 fil.=p Duxit fil. Dn'i Cobham. 284 THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. A| B | C Edwardus Dn's Despensor=pElizab. fil. et^har. PhiUipus Despensor .¦ eques Garterij hares avun- culi Sui Hugonis. Bartholmei Bur- wash militis. I Elizab. uxor Tho. Despensor=pConstancia fil. Edm. Plan- PhiUipus=pEliz. fil. Joh'is 2 Dn'i Comes Gloucest. Matreuers. p.R.2,1388,de- collatus 1 H. 4. tagenet Ducis Eboracensis Despen- illa ob. 1417, et sepultus in sor Baro. Abbatia de Readinge. p. R. 2. et har. Rob'ti Tiptoft. Ricus Despensor= EUinora fil.=pHen. Percie Elinora Com. Glouc. ob. RadiNeuffl Com. ob. s.p. s. prole. Com. Northumb. Westm. 2 maritus. Margareta nupta Rogero Wentworth a quo Dn's Went worth e't oriund. I Henricus Percy 3 Com. Northum' occisus=Elianora fiL et har. Ric'i Dn'i Rici in pralio apud Towton 1461. Dn'i Poyninges, Brian et Fitzpayne. Ricus Beawchamp= Isabella uniea har.=Ricus Beauchamp Com. Com. Worcest. fratris sui et patris. War. 2 maritus. Joh'es le Despensor temp. E. l.: I Adam le Despensor fil. WiUm's Despensor 2 fil. ob. 2 E. 3.^= primus ob. 3 E. 3. j Joh'es Despensor fil. et hares=p. ... fil. & har. DeuereU. Nich'us Spencer filius Johannis=p. . . . filia PoUard. Willm's Spencer .=pfilia . . . Cleere. Thomas Spencer.= Joh'es Spencer ob. Henricus Spencer.^plsabella fil. et har. 34 H. 6. sine prole. Lincolne ob. 18 E. 4. I ~"~" I | Joh'es Spencer de Worme-=p. . . . filia ... 2. Thomas. 3. Willm's. 4. Edwardus. leighton et Hadnell. Warsted. Wilm's Spencer de=p. . . . filia Empson soror 1 Wormleighton. Rich. Empson militis. Johe's Spencer of whom is descended Spencer of Had nell. Thomas2 filius. Joh'es Spencer de Worm -^Isabella fil. et har. Walteri leighton 20 H. 7. Anthonius Nothus. Gaunt de Smith in Com. War. THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. 285 Elizab. uxor Joh'is filij Ed'ri GreuiU de Milcot in Com. War. Thomas Spencer ob. s. p. 11m' WiUm's Spencer=pSusanna fil. de Wormleighto' ob. 1532. Ric'i Knight ley de Faues- ley militis. Isabella ux. Nichi Strel- ley de Com. Nott.militis. Jana ux. Ric'i Knightley cuius filia et coh. nupta Geo. filio et heres Dn'i Lumley. Anna ux. Goodwins. prole milit. Dorothea ux. Tho. Spencer deEverdonin Com. North. Armig. Joh'es Spencer=T=Katherina de Elthorp in Comitat. Nor thamp. miles. fil. Tho. Kitson de Comitat. Suff. mihtis. Jane ux. Isabella Ric'i ux. Johes Bridges de Cotton Sherisford de in Com. Cantab. Berks militis. Maria uxor Tho. Bowes de Walling ford inCom. Hartf. Esq. Alicia uxor Ferdinan. Comitis Darbia2 ux. Tho. Egerton Dn's EUes- mer et CancellariusAnglia. Mary ux. Edw. As ton miles s.p. Joh'es Spencer=Margareta fils. de Elthorp in Com. North amp. miles. et unica hares Rob'ti Catlin CapitalisJusti- ciarij Anglia. Katherinauxor Tho. Leigh de Stonley in Com .Warr. militis et Baronetti. I Elizab. uxor Georgij Carye Dn'i Hunsdon ob. ilia 1617 renupta Domi no Eueurs. Rob'tus Spencer miles Creatusz Dn's Spencer deWormleighton p. R. Ja. 21 Juhj 1603. :Margareta fil et. coh. Francisci Willoughby de Wollaton in Com. Nott. militis. I Margaret 4. nupta Ric'o 5. AndersonmUiti. Edwardus.Richardus. Eliza nupta Geo. Vane de Com. Kent militi. Margt. Johannes Wfflm's Spen-= Penelope ob. s.p. Spencer cer miles 2 filia Hen. fil. et har. fil. et har. Comitis ob. s. p. Southamp. Margareta ux. Egidij Alington de Com. Cantabriga 2 ux. Edw. Elrington. Anna ux. WiU'i Dn'i Monteagle 2 ux. Henrici Dn'i Compton 3 Rob'ti Comitis Dor set ob. ilia 1618. 3. WiU'm Spen cer mil de Yarn- ton in Com. Oxon. Duxit Margareta' fiUam Wm Bowier militis. 4. Ricus Spen cer mil duxit Elinora' fil. et coh. Joh'is Brokett militis. 2. Thomas Spencer de Clauerdon in Com. War. et Custos Breuium de Comuni Banco Duxit Maria' filia' Joh'is Cheeke Ar. Alicia fil. et Hares nupta Tho. Lucy de Charlcott in Com. War. muiti. Tho. Spencer mil et Baronettus duxit Margaretam fil. Rici Brainthwait seruien- tis ad Legem. I Georgius Spensor 2fil.mil. Elizab. uxor Tho. Russell de Com. Wigorn militis. Maria uxor Dalison de Com. Cancij. mihtis. .... nupta Henrico Montague militi Capitali Justiciar' Anglia. .... uxor Coluile de Com. Cantabr. militis. . . . . ux. Joh'is Woodward militis s. p. Joh'es=. . . . soror Broket Spencer Ric'i Spencer fil. et Anderson 2 fil. at. 1. Alicia uxor Jo. Jeninges de Com. Som. militis Elizab. ux. Culpeper de Com. Cancij. Anna unmarried. Uxor Joh'is Boteler de Walton Woodhall in Com. Hart. Kt. Bat. 286 THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. ^ucp* . Arms. — Quarterly of ten. 1. Gules, crusilly or, three lucies hauriant. (Lucy). 2. Gules, a lion rampant argent, crowned or (Farches). 3. Or, an eagle displayed sable, ducally gorged argent (Hugford). 4. Azure, a stag's head caboshed or (Middleton). 5. Barry of six argent and sable, on a bend gules three mullets or (Pabenham). 6. Argent billetee or, a lion rampant sable, crowned of the second (De la Planch). 7. Azure, a fess between six crosslets argent (Hamberie). 8. Or, a cross engrailed between four martlets gules (Tratlet). 9. Gules, a fess ermine within a bordure engrailed argent, 10. Argent, crusilly fitchee gules, a chevron ermines between three mill-rinds of the second, a chief of the third. Crest. — Out of a coronet gules a boar's head ermine, betwixt two wings displayed sable, billetee or. The blazon taken from folio 1, as also names of quarterings. Fo. 109 b does not giye this. THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. 287 Willm's Lucy. WUhn's Lucy.: I I Willm's=p Lucy. Sir WiU'm de: Hugford Kt. John de Pa- benha'. :John Da. & hey. of Walter : JamesDelaPlanch. Trayley. Thomas=p Lucy miles. Walter de=pDa. & heire of Wm. James =FKatherin Hugford. Medleton of Medle- ton in Shropsh. ' Paben. ham. da. of Walt. Trayley. John: Tray ley. =Elizb. da. of Willm's=pKatherina fil. et Sir William Hug-=pKatherin Da. & Lucy mUes. har. Reginaldi D'ni Grey de ford Kt. fo. 1 b. hey. of James Pabenham. John Tray ley. Thomas Luc; miles. Alicia fil. & har. WiU'mi Hugford mUitis. Reignold Trayley ob. s. p. 1402. Elizab. Agneta ux. WiU'i Holdenby in Com. Northamp. Ricar dus Lucy. Alicia filia= Will'iHamberie uxor 2. WiUm's Lucy=Margareta de Charlicot in Com. Warw. mil. 6H. 7.- filia Thoma Brecknock ThesaurarijHospitij H. 6. Edw.=Elinor fil. et Lucy her. Walteri miles. Trumping-ton relict. Rici Euerby mihtis. Edwardus. Maria. Edmundus=Anna filia 2. Humphrie, WiU'mus. Lucy de Charlicot 8H. 7. Rici Ludlow mihtis. 3. Richard. Rosa 1 nupta Johi Poultney, postea Johi Braconbridge. Thomas Lucy de Charlicot= in Com. War. =Elizab. filia Rici Empson militis. Anna uxor Leigh de Leigh. Agneta ux. Tho. Har- bert. Willm's Lucy= de Charlicot. =Anna fil. Rici Farmer de London. Barbara ux. Rici Tracy de Com. Glouc. Radigunda ux. Betts. 288 THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. I I I Edwardus Lucy Duxit Jana ux. filia West de Com. George Eboru'. Verney. Richard Will'mus. I I Timothy. Martha. Thomas Lucy de=pJocosa fil. et har. Tho. Charlicot miles. Acton miles. Elizab. ux. WUl'mi Fuller. Maria uxor Chris- topheri Halles. Dorothea fil. et har. Ro-^Thomas Lucy de=pConstancia fil. et landi Arnolde de Comi tat. Glouc. ux. 1. Charlicot in Com. War. miles ob. 1605. har. Ricardi Kingsmill ux. 2. Anna ux. Edw. Aston de Tix- haU miles. Thomas Lucy fil. et har. matris sua ux. WiU'mi Cooke s.p. de Highnam in Com. Glouc. militis. Elizab. ux. Joh'is Hungerford mil. Thomas Lucy= Charlicot de mUes atat. 33 1619. =Alicia fil. et har. Thoma Spencer de Clauerdon in Comit. War. Armig. I I I 2. Ricardus. 3. Georgius. 4. WiUm's. 5. Rob'tus. 6. Franciscus. Anna. Briget. Constantia at. 5. Ric'us Lucy 3 fil. Spencer Lucy fil. et har. atat. 3, 1619. I Rob'tus Lucy 2 filius at. 2. Margaretaatat. 3. THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. 289 OTaastaffe. Thomas Wagstaff de Harbery in Com. War.: Anna ux. Rici Willis de New- bold in Com. War. Henricus Wagstaff^ de Harberie filius et hares. :Elianora fil. Fitkin al's Farmer de Eudon hall in Com. Salop. Thomas Wagstaff de Collegio Warwici filius 2 a quo vide antea.=p ^K Thorn' Wagstaff de London fil. 2 de les RoUes in Chaun- cery Lane. Maria uxor Greene de Tamworth in Com. War. Ehzab. uxor Francisci Skelt de London renupta Johi Paston de Ciuitate Couentria. Ricardus Wagstaff= pAnna filia Joh'is Anna uxor Alicia uxor 1. Edwardus de Harberie in Hanslap de Stoni WiU'i Shawell Rici Barker — Com. War. fil. 4. thorp in Com. de Ciuitate de Ciuitate 3. Johannes superstes a0 1619. War. Couentria. Couentria. s.p. 1 Ml Joh'es Wagstaff 2. Thomas. U J 5. Ricardus. 1 1 Ellina. Anna. filius et hares — — — _ — atatis 16 annoru' 3. Henricus. 6. Edwardus. Gertruda. Maria. J619. — 4, Will'mus, 7. Josephus, 2 V 290 THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. Comfce* ; Given by Robt. Cooke Clarenceux 4 Nouemb. 1584. 26 Ehzab." Arms. — Ermine, three lions passant in pale gules. Crest. — A dexter hand and arm embowed in armour sable, garnished or, holding a broken tilting spear of the last, and wreathed about the arm gules and argent. THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. 291 Johannes Combe de Ashle; in Com. War. Johannes Combe de Ashley=p in Com. Wore. John Combe" de olde Stratford= in Comitat. War. =. . . . filia Blount in Com. Worcest. Edw. Combe fil. et har. Duxit Anna' filiam Steph'i Hales de Newland in Com. Warw. Thomas Combe fil. 2 et hares fratris per entail e de Old Stratford. Elizabetha. .... fiha. =Maria filia . Sauage de Elmeley in Com. Wore. John Combe 3 fil. ob. s.p. George 4 filius. WiUm's Combe=Katherina Thomas de olde Strat ford atat. 31 8 die Decemb. 1619. fil. Edw. Bough ton. Combe 2 fil. atat. 28. I Maria uxor Edri Lane de Bridg towne in Com. War. Jocosa uxor Edri Bough ton de Caw- son in Com. Warr. Maria filia unica atat. decem menses 1619. 292 THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. <§ofoarti* Arms.— Or, a bend between six martlets gules ; impaling gules, on a chevron or between three bezants as many crossleis fitchee sable. THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. 293 Nevffl de Thornton Bridge in Com. Eboru'.=p I . Darcy of the house of Menell=pFilia et hares Neuill= Strickland primus in Com. Eborum 2 maritus. de Thornton bridg. maritus. Uxor prima.=Peter Gobard of Picardy in France whose Aunces-=Francisca tors were men of great comaund, and possessions in that countrie, cam into England in the tyme of H. 8 and was seruant to the said King, Liued in the Citty of Londo' & died in anno 1567 or thereabout. filia Darcy ux. 2. Diners children that died with out issue. John Gobard de Ciuitate: Couentria Armig. modo viuens 1620. :Lucia filia Erasmi Smith Se Witcot in Com. Leic. Francisca nupta Tho. Barrington nnliti filio et haredi Francisci Barringto' de Com. Essex Baronetti. Anna 2 filia & Cohares uxor Tho. Leigh filij et haredis Uriahi Leigh de Adlington in Com. Cestria militis. Lucia 3 filia et Cohares nupta Calcot Cham brie de Williamscot in Com. Oxon Arm. Joh'es Barrington fil. et hares at. 6 annoru' 1620. Ohuerus Barrington 2 filius at. 2 annoru , Franciscus Thomas. Franciscus. obierunt s.p. Joanna at dimid. anni. Thomas Leigh filius et hares atat. 6 annor' 1620. I I 2. Johannes at. 3. 3. Ohuerus at. 2. I Lucia at. 4. Margaret at. dimidiu'anni. 294 THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. Mnner* Arms.— Sable, a chevron or between three griffins' heads erased argent. THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. 295 Anthonius Skinner de Shel-=pJana filia . . . Billing feild in Com. War. Capitalis Justiciar Anglia. WiUm's Skinner=pAlicia filia fil. et hares. Oldenhall de filia . . . Blunt=Anthonius Skinner=pElizab. filia Edw. de . . . relicta . . Hubbard mUitis ux. 2. de Shelfeild in Com. War. Armiger. Gage de Bentle in Com. Sussex ux. 1. Edwardus Anthonius Willm's Skinner- 4. Jacobus. 1. Maria. Skinner Skinner fil. et hares at. — — 2filiusat. 3 fil. at. 20. 5. Andreas. 2. Elianora. 296 THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. Btytoell Arms. — Argent, a chevron gules between three fleurs-de-lis sable, THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. 297 Willm's DixweU de Tengreth: in Com. Bedf. :Margareta fil. et har. Ada Samson de Coughton in Com. War. Wfflm's Dixwell de Eyton=pAnna filia et unica hares Hen. vel Coton sup le Wolde. Michell de Com. War. oh'e Joh'es Dixwell de Coughton=pMaria fiha Humphredi Gray in Com. War. de Withbroke in Com. War. WiUm's DixweU de Churchouer in=pElizab. filia Joh'is Knight de Com. Warr. vixit 1563. Muscott in Com. Northamp. Humphredus DixweU de=pAnna fiha .... Loe de Comitat North ampton. Churchouer in Com. War. fil. 1. Thomas 3 filius maried & had issue. Benedict 4 fil. mar. & had issue. Maria fil. et coh. ux. Rob'ti Price de Washingley in Com. Hunt. I Elizab. fil. et coh. nupta Samsono Erdeswick de Sandon in Com. Staff. Anna uxor Edri Brough ton in Com. Staff. Johannes. Elizabetha. ¦ 1 1 Watson de.Liding- ton in Com. Kent. 1 1 Margeria nupta Johi Dixwell de Com. War. Susanna ux. Rici Burnaby de Watford in Com. Northa'. Francis cus 7 fihus. J 1 p ErasmusDixweU5 fil. Fawstin Dixwell 6 fil. Charles =i Dixwell de Co- ton in Com. War. 2 fiUus. Eliz. filia 1 uxor Wmi Digby de Welby in Com. Leic. Joh'es. .... Herd- son Alder man of London. Barbara uxor Joh'is Brent de PiUarton in Com. War. Basffl 4 filius de Foulston in Com. Kent. Humphridus 3 fil. de Watford in Com. North ampton. Edwardus:2 fil. duxit filiam Haukes- worth. Willm's Dix-; well fil. et har. atat. 46 1619. Jacobus fil. et hares, atat. 13, 1619. =Elizab. fil. Brent de Thrup in Com. Oxon. I I I Charles Dixwell Brent Dixwell Willm's 3 fil. 1. Abigail 20. fil. et hares 2 fil. atat, 19. at. 10. atat. 23, 1619. 2. Katherina 15. 3. Elizabetha 13. 2 Q 298 THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. Cooke* By Tho. Hawley Clarenceux to WiU'm Cooke of Milton in Com. Cantab. 15 August, 5 E. 6. Arms— Per pale argent and sable, three wolves' heads erased and collared counterchanged. Crest.-J. wolfs head, per pale gules and or, collared counterchanged, THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. 299 WiUmus Cooke=pAlicia filia Joh'is de MUton in Com. Cantab. Hutton de Drayton in Com. Cantab. Thomas Cooke de= Milton primogeni tus ob. sine prole. =Jania filia Thoma LoueU de Becham- weU in Com. Norff. mffltis. Henricus Cooke= 2 fihus et hares fratris de Milton. :Anna filia Joh'is Jenninges de Dun- mow in Com. Essex. Anna uxor Joh'is Clerk de Stisted in Com. Essex. Joh'es Cooke fil. et=pMaria filia Huberti 1. Maria. hares de Milton in Com. Cantab, et Warwick. Hacon de Whitacre in Com. Norff. 2. Katharina. Franciscus fil. et har. atat. 6 annoru' 1619. Jana atat. 8 annoru'. 300 THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. eberton* Arms.— Argent, on a fess sable three mullets of the field. or. Asms.— Sable, a chevron argent between three pears pendent All the other Harl. MSS. give the upper Coat as the Arms of Everton. THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. 301 Henricus Euerton=p de Colsell in Com. War. Rob'tus Greene.-- :. . . . fiha et har. . . Arblaster de Longe in Com. Staff. I I Ricus Euerton de Cosell=pElizab. filia et har. in Com. War. Rob'ti Greene. Eeginaldus Everton de=pElizab. filia et har. Ric'i Colsell in Com. War. Wedgwood de Com. Staff. AlicianuptaSteph'o Clerke de Com.War. Johanna ux. Ohueri Hin- mande Stoke in Com. Leic. Ricus Everton=Elizab. fil de Colsell in Com. War. atat. 31, 1619. Rici Pywell de Burton in Com. Warr. Maria uxor Tho. Towne send de Com. Warr. EUina uxor Ric'i Cray- thorn de Com. War. Ricardus. I Humphrus. Catherina atat. 10. Elizabetha — — " wife of John Do atat. 4. Ricardus. Reginaldus. of London''- obierunt s. p. George Do only sonn and heire. 3 Do 1 da. 2nd da. 302 THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. &antiol#)* Bene qui latuit bene vixit. Arms. — Gules, on a cross argent five horse shoes sable ; impaling gules, seven mascles conjoined or, three, two, and one ; a canton ermine. Crest. — (Randolph.) A reremouse displayed argent. Crest. — (Ferrers.) An unicorn passant ermine. THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. 303 Ric'us Randolph=pMargareta filia . . . de Wallingford in Com. Berkes. Steuens de Burdrop. Rob'tus Randolph= de Wallingford. filia Lea de Morton Joh'es Randolph fil.=p primogenitus de Whitfeild in Com. Oxonia. in Com. Berkes. I fiha nupta . . . Montague de Berry in Com. Oxonia. Carolus Randolph=pEhzab. fil. et Coh. 2 fil. de Coding ton in Com. Bucks. I Ric'us Randolphe duxit Elizab. fil. . . . ap Rese: de Washingley in Com. Hunt. Maria filia et har. ob. sine prole. Chawley et Elizab. uxor eius fil. et har. WiU'i Temple de Kimble in Com. Buck. Johannes Randolph =p Maria filia . de Codington in Com. Buck. 2 fihus. Stretford de Com. Buck. Thomazin nupta Wilhn'o Harpur de Beeley in Com. Wigorn. EUina filia. Elizabeth 3 fiha. 1. Edward. 2. Francis. 1. Philippa. 3. Margaret. 2. Hester. Ml II 1. Elizab. Joh'es 3 filius duxit Carolus Tho. Randolph^pAnna fil. WiU'mi — Elizab. fil BuU- 2 filius. fil. et hares. 2. Maria, ing de Northampton. Webb de Burford in Com. Oxon. Johannes Randolph fil. primogenitus Elizab. Maria. Anna. atat. 5 annor' 1619. Thomas Randolph de Wood-^Elizab. fil. et Coh. Edwardi Ferrers 2 filij Edw. beuington in Com. Warr. Ferrers de Badesley Clinton in Com. War. militis et Elizab. uxoris eius fiha et Coh. Willi Grey de Wood-Beuinton. Edwardus Ran-=pDorothea filia Hen. Ferrers Ran dolph fil. 2. 3. Thomas. Isod de Todington dolphfil.ethar. — in Com. Glouc. atat. 34, 1619. 4. Joh'es. 1. Elizabetha. 2. Maria. 3. Anna. Johannes Randolphfihus et har. atat. 6 menses 1619, Anna at. 2 annor. 304 THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. Cotton. Arms. — Quarterly of four. 1. Azure, an eagle displayed argent. 2. Sable, a fess indented between three mullets argent. 3. Azure, a saltire and chief or.- 4. Or, three piles meeting in base gules. 5. Argent, a lion rampant azure, a chief gules. 6. Gules, a saltire argent. 7. Azure, three garbs or. 8. As first. An annulet fmr difference. Crest. — Out of a ducal coronet a demi-eagle displayed or, charged on the breast with an annulet for difference. THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. 305 WiUm's Cotton.=pMaria uxor eius. Thomas Cotton=pElinora fil. Rici Knightley de Fausley ob. 21 H. 7. I Thomas Cotton: fil. primogenitus. in Com. Northam' ob. 20 H. 8. : Johanna fil. Paris Ricus Cottony Julian fil. . . . Mont ford postea uxor New port de Welton. de Linton in Com. Cantab'. de Welton in Com. North amp' 5 fil. uxor prima.=pRic'us Cotton de Woodcott= in Com. War. :Katherina fil. Rogeri Kneuit de Whitchurch in Com. Salop 2 uxor. I 2| I Joh'es Cotton Joh'es Cotton Willm's Cotton St. Clem's ,je London de London Danes London Silke Weaver. Girdler 3 fil. lfil. Phillip Cotton=pMabilla fil. de Woodcott in Com. War. Lawrenc Torkentonde Steukley magna in Com. Hunt. Johannes Cotton fil. primogenit's atat. 4. Lawrentius Thomas and Phillip Gemell' 2 fil. atat. 3. atat. 2 mensis 7 Septemb' 1619. Thomas Cotton fil. hares.=pLucia filia . . . Haruey. Thomas Cotton.=f:Ehzab. fil. I Shirley ux. 1. Rob'tus Cotton mil. = Elizab. fil. & har. et Baronettus. Willmi Brokas. 2 R 306 THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. Arms. — Azure, three fireballs or, fiammant proper. THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. 307 Nicholas Lane de Bridgtowne in parochia=p. . . . filia . . . de de Alueston in Com. War. I Com. Wigorn. Joh'es Lane=pFrancisca filia Tho. 2 fihus. Nash de Olde Strat ford in Com. Warr. Ric'us Lane de: Bridgtowne in Com. War. Edwardus Lane=Maria fil. Thoma fil. et hares Combes de Old .ffitat. 30 Stratford in Com. annoru' 1619. War. :Johanna fil. Henrici Whitney de Micham in Com. Surrey. Maria nupta Ric'o Bishop de Cholsey in Com. Berks. Nicholaus=pKatherina filia Lane fil. primo- genit's. . . . Murden de RatcliffinCom.War. Johannes Lane fil. primogen. atat. 10 anno- rum 1619. Johannes Lane 2 filius. Ricardus Lane 2 fil. atat. 3 annoru'. Margareta nupta Joh'i Greene de Stratford super Auon in Com. War.=p Franciscaat. 2. Anna atat. unius anni et dimid. Maria uxor Hen. Bushell de Marston in Com. Glouc. =r I 1. Maria. 2. Elizab. 308 THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. greyer. Arms. — Quarterly of twelve. 1. Azure, three arrows or. 2. Or, a fess azure, a canton ermine. 3. Sable, issuant from a chief argent a demi fleur-de-lis erect gules. 4. A fess indented fleury. 5. Or, an eagle displayed sable", collared argent. 6. Azure, a stag's head caboshed or. 7. Barry of eight argent and azure, on a bend gules three mullets or. 8. Argent, billetee and a lion rampant sable, crowned or. 9. Azure, a fess between six crosslets argent. 10. Gules, a chevron argent between three garbs or. 11. Barry indented. 12. As first. Crest. — Out of a mural coronet or a dragon's head argent. THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. 309 Joh'es Archer de Tamworth=pChristian uxor eius. temp. H. 3. Joh'es Archer de Tanworth.=pMargareta filia WiU'i Barnauill. Joh'es Archer de Tanworth.=pMargeria filia . . . Tracy. I Thomas Archer de Tanworth.=pMargareta filia Walteri Cleoberie. Thomas Archer de Tanworth.=pIsabella filia et hares Radi Erscott. Thomas Archer de Umberslade^p Agnes fiha Joh'is Hemberie. in p'ochia de Tanworth. Jana fiha . . .=Ric'us Archer de Tanworth.^pAlicia filia Willi uxor prima. Hugford uxor 2. Jones Archer de Tanworth.=pChristiana filia Radi Blacklove. I I Joh'es Archer de Tanworth.=pHeUena filia Baldwini Mountford militis. I Joh'es Archer de Tanworth1 in Com. War. :Margareta filia Humphri= Simon Hiatts Stafford militis. 2 maritus. Ric'us Archer de Tanworth.=pMatilda fil. et coh. Edm. Delamarre. Humphrus Archer de Tanworth.=7=Anna filia Rob'ti Townesend mUitis. I Andrew Archer de Omberslade in parochiaFpMargareta fil. Simonis Rawley de Tanworth in Com. War, de Farmaborow in Com. War. Simon Archer de Tanworth=pAnna fil. Joh'is Ferrers Ric'us Archer 2 fil. duxit fil. et har. atat. 36 miles 1619. de Tamworth Castell in Mariam filiam et her. Com. Warr. miles. Rolandi Bull de Nethorp iuxta Banburie. I I Johanne Archer Thomas filius et hares. 2 filius. 310 THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. Wlillix. r^k / Arms. — Argent, a chevron sable between three mullets gules. THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. 311 Robertus Keuerell.=f=Clementia filia Ada de Naplin- (Napton ?) as appeareth by Deede. Augustinus Keuerell.=p Agneta fil. WiU'mi de Frankton. Wfflm's Keuerell.=p Johanna fil. et hares WUlmi KeuereU.^=Tho. Jeames de Tisho. I Johannes Jeames.=p I Johanna fil. et har. Joh'is Jeames.=pRic'us Willis de Napton. Thomas Willis de Napton.=p Ric'us Willis de Napton in Comit. War.=p Thomas Willis de Priors Marston in Com. Warr.^= I Ric'us Wfflis de Feni-=p. . . . fiha . . . Grante de Compton in Com. Warr. Norbrooke in Com. Warr. I WiUm's Wfflis de Priors=p. . . . Nepota Joh'is Clerke Ricardus Willis=p Marston in Com. War. de Com. Northampton. filius 2 Ambrosius WUlis de=p Agneta fil. WiU'mi Coles de Preston Ric'us Willis 2 fil. Fenni Compton. Magna in Com. Northamp. duxit filiam Blount. Ric'us WUlis de=p'Hester fiha . . . Chamber Tho. Willis of Thistleworth in Com. Fennie Compton de WiUiamscot in Com. Midd. Scholmast. mar. Mary da. of in Com. War. Oxon. Tomlyn of Glouc. _ . . Georgius Willis de=pBriget fil. Willi Young Thomas Elizabeth wife of Mary-. Fenni-Compton at. 29, 1619. de Kingston Hall in 1 sonn. John Knowles of Com. Salop. — Lincolnshire. Henry. Georgius Willis fil. et har. atat. 8 annoru' 1619. Maria fil. unica. A 312 THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. A| Ric'us Willis de WiUm's Willis 2 fil. duxit Thomas Willis Ric'us WUhs Noball in Comitat. fil. et har. . . . Wright de 3 filius.=p 4 filius.=p War. fil. et har.=p Hopsworth in Com. War. • I I I _ I I ¦ I ~ illm's Ric'us 2. Thomas. 5. Peter. Henricus Willm's Henricus Ric'us Wilhs de Willis — — Willis. Willis 2 filius. Couentria mercer, de 3. Willm's. 6. John. 1 filius. duxit fil Han- Noball — cock de BlackweU 1 fil. 4. WiUm's. in Com. Wigorn. Corfcfn, Georgius Corbin de Halland^pMaria filia Will'i Faunt in' Com. Warr. fil. et hares 1619. de Foston in Com. Warr. Henricus Corbin Thomas Corbin Anna nata Jana natus 25 feb. a0 fil. 2 natus 24 19 Februrii 1591— obijt. sine May 1594. 1593. prole. THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. 313 Venour* Venour de Com' Sussex.=p Johannes Venour de Wellesbourne: in Com. Warwick 4 filius. Ricardus Venour de Welles-=p bourn in Com' Warwick. Ricardus Venour de Wellesbourn in Comitat. Warwick sup'stes 1621. 2 S 314 THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. »tou]$tom " robyn Read Brest pp." rp ^ ^ ^V ^ Arms. — Quarterly azure and gules, a cross engrailed ermine. Crest. — A robin proper. THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. 315 Gilbertus Stoughton de Stoughton=p in Comitat. Surregia. j Lawrentius Stoughton de Stoughton fil. et Anthonius Stoughton=pJana filia et hares 2 filius Groome of ye ... Jones de Witley Chamber to H. 8. in Com. Surregia. Anthonius Johannes 2 fil. nunc Stoughton viuens in 4 filius. Hibernia. WiUm's Stoughton: fil. et har. de Wor- pleston in Com. Surrey. =Elizab. fil. WiUmi Mustion de Ken sington in Com. Midd. Thomas 3 fil. de Com. Dorset duxit filiam . . . Monpesson de Com. Wiltes. 3.- Willm's. 1. Ehzabetha. Anthonius Stough-=pDorothea fil. et 4. Jonathan. 2. Jana. 5. Thomas. 3. Anna. 6. Timotheus. ton fil. et hares de St. John's, in Com. War. atat. 32, 1619. hares Johis Brett de Keuerton in Com. Kent. Nathaniell 2 fihus duxit Margaretam filiam . . . Sibthorp de Com. Somer set. Editha filia unica. 316 THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. j^etosam* Arms. — Quarterly of four. 1 and 4. Argent, on a fess sable three crossleis of the field, in chief a mullet for difference. 2 and 3. Gules, a chevron ermine between three round buckles or. THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. 317 Willm's Newsam=p de Ichington in Com. War. ¦I Tho. Newsam=pfiha . . . Barker de Itchington de Astrop in in Com. War. Com. Northamp. Anthonius Ail- worth de Ail- worth in Com. Glou. :fil. et her. Geo. Newherst de Tackley in Com. Oxon. militis. I Walterus Newsam de=pFrideswida fiha Anth' Chadshunt in Com. War. Ailworth de Com. Glouc. Brigetta fil. . . . Palm'= Joh'es Newsam de=pElizab. filia Geo. de Carton in Comitat. Northamp. rehcta Andrewe de Grayes In Londo' ux. 2. Chadshunt in Com. War. relict of Wil- cocks 3. Pudsey de Lang ley in parochia de Sutton Coldfeild in Com. War. Ar. ux. 1. Anna uxor Hen. Smith de Couentrie. Thomas Newsanr- filius et hares atat. 17, 1619. =Margaret da. of Edward Bentley of Kington in Com. Warr. Thomas 1 sonn Edward 2. ob. s. p. in Ire land. Walter ob. s. p. at Smerna. Charles John 3. 2 lining. Katherine wife of Thomas Templer of London. Frances. 318 THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. jHortiem s_ * . * .(©). ? . ? ^ ^ ^ ^ T The Armes of Morden al's Murden somtymes of Branston in ye Countye of Northamp. now of Morton Morell in Com. War. Ex'mplified, ratified & Confirmed to Rich. Morden of Morton aforesaide by me Wm Camden Clarenceux Kinge of Armes. Arms. — Ermine, on a chief sable a talbot passant argent, in fess an annulet gules for difference. Crest. — A demi Talbot salient. THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. 319 Thomas Morden=f=. . . filia al's Murden. Feildinge. WiUm's Morden al's Murden= de Morton Morell in Com. War. :Joanna filia Rici Pell de Eltington in Com. Northamp. ¦Joh'es Morden= al's Marden. -Katherina filia et Coh. Ric'i Marston de Droughton in Com. Northamp. Alicia uxor Walteri Washington de Red- way in Com. War. Richardus Morden=pMaria filia Tho, al's Murden de Mor ton MoreU in Com. Warr. atat. 46. Woodward de Butlers Marston in Com. War. Katherina uxor Nicholaij Lane de Stratford super Auon in Com.War. r Maria filia unica atat. 17, 1619. 320 THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. $Ltbinst* Arms. — Vert, on a chevron or a crescent for difference, in chief three escallops argent. Crest.— Within a chaplet vert an escallop argent charged with a crescent for difference. THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. 321 Walter Leuing de: Colsell in Com. War. Thomas Leuinge de: Bradesley in Comit. Warw. . . filia Jackson. :Margareta fil. Thoma Freeman de Tanworth in Com. Warw. WiUm's Leuing 3 fil. Duxit Dorotheam fil. WiU'm Hitson de Badesley in Com. War.=p I Thomas Leuing: de Bradesley fihus et hares. :Dorothea filia . . . Beresford de New ton Grange in Com. Derby. Timotheus fil. primogenitus 10. I J J WiUms 1. Percis. 2 filius — atat. 8. 2. Tabitha. Thomas Leuinge filius et hares atat. 18, 1619. Timotheus Leuinge 4 fihus Conciliarius ad Legem duxit Annam filiam .... Fairfax de London. Thomas Leuing atat. 2. Thomas Leuinge de Badesley=pPercis filia Thoma Degons de Napton in Com. War. 2 fil. sup le monte in Com. War. 1. Margareta at. 7. Thomas Leuinge fil. 2. Franciscus atat. 15. — primogenitus atat. — 2. Anne at. 5. 17, 1619. 3. Daniell atat. 12. 4. Timotheus 10. 2 T 322 THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. Shotted)* Arms. — Vert, five escallops in saltire argent. THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. 323 Thomas Holbech de: Filhngley in Com. War. Willm's Holbech filius et her. Thomas Holbech: de Filhngley in Comit. War. Johannes Holbeech ob. s. p. Barnaby Holbeech= de Filhngley in Com. War. Tho. Holbeech fil. primogeni tus at. 50 un- maried. :Emma fiha Willmi Perkins de Marson Jabett in Com. War. Tho. Holbeech 2 fil. duxit filiam Yaxley. I Maria filia=pWillm's Holbeech= NiciColuer- well de Cherie Bur ton in Com. Ebor. Armig. ux. 2. de Birchley Hall in parochia de Filhngley in Com. War. I Emma atat. 2 annorum. =Francisca fil. Petri Tonge de Ashley in Com. War. uxor. 1. _1 I Edwardus fil. et har. duxit filiam Portinton de Portington&had diuers Children. Barnaby Holbeech fil. et har. atat. 17, 1619. 2. WiUm's atat. 15. 3. Thomas atat. 13. Mariaatat. 9. 4. Franciscus 11. 324 THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. Hentrall. Arms. — Gules, a fess checquy or and azure between three eagles displayed of the second. THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. 325 Johannes Kendall a younger brother of the house of Smithesby. =Margareta fil. et Coh. . . . Aldestrop. Ric'us KendaU de Aldestroy: in Comitat. War. ^Elizab. filia WillinghaU de WillinghaU iuxta Couentrie. Henricus Kendall de= Aldestrey in Com. Warr. :Margareta fil. Geo. Kendall de Smithesby. Dorothea uxor WUlmi What- ton de Cossing- ton in Com. Leic. I Willm's KendaU 2 fil. nunc viuens in India Orientale 1619. Margareta ux. Tho. Elliott de Rauenston in Com. Leic. Henricus Kendall= de Aldestrie in Com. Warr. :Lucia fil. Joh'isBrookes de Haselouer in Com. Staff. Henricus Kendall fiUus primogenit's atat. 11 annoru' 1619. I Willm's 2 filius atat. 4. 1. Hester. 2. Rebecca. 3. Lucia. 326 THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. ©uatrale* 0^p> Arms. — Argent, a cross moline, and Crest. — A griffin's head and wings in the first quarter a torteau addorsed m: THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. 327 Jacobus Dugdale de=p. . . . filia Tho Clitherow in Com. Lane. Woodcock de Clitherow. Johannes Dugdale=pElizab. fil. Arthuri de Shustock in Com. War. Swinfen de Dunchurch descended of Swinfen de Swinfen in Com. Staff. WiUm's Dugdale fil's et hares atat. 14 annoru' 1619. Maria uxor Ric'i Sewall de Couentria. 1. Margareta at. 4. 2. Maria atat. 3. 3. Elizabetha 1. 328 THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. gglionty* Arms.— Quarterly of four. 1 and 4. Argent, two bars and in chief three martlets sable. 2 and 3. An itoile, on a chief azure, three water bougets argent. Crest. — A demi eagle with wings displayed or. THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. 329 Ric'us Eglionby.: I Edwardus Eglionby=pElizab. filia . . Wightman de Com. Leic. de Edmarsh in com. Warr. Ric'us Eglionby fil. et hares atat. 21, 1619. Joh'es Eglionby 2 filius atat. 20. 2 U 330 THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. JHajme, Arms. — Argent, on a bend of the field. sable three dexter hands couped THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. 331 Ric'us Mayne de Bouington=p. . . . filia Bradshaw. in com. Hartford. Henricus Mayne= de Bouington in com. Hartford. :AUcia fil. Elizab. nupta Alicia ux. WiUm's Mayne Ricardus et coh. . . . Hodsdon Joh'is 2 fil. 3 filius. Randolph fratri Joh'is Gollol. =p =F de com. Hodsdon Kt. Buck. 2. Ricus. 4. Willm's. 6. Edward. 1. Bridget. 3. Henricus. 5. Francis. 2. Jana. 3. Elizab. Edward Mayne. Jacobus Mayne=pMaria fil. et hares Joh'is Andrew fil. senioris WiU'i filius et hares. Andrewes de Lathberie in com. Buck. Andreas Mayne fil. 2. Johannes 3. Petrus 1. Alicia 2. Maria 3. Elizab. et hares atat. 18, at. 12. at. 10. at. 20. at. 14. at. 11. 1619. Anna soror Rici Loue^p Joh'es Mayne deElingtonars=pBlanchia fiha WiU'i Coles lace de Hurley in com. Berkes mUitis uxor. 2. Eldon in com. War. 3 filius. de Parke-berie in com. Hartford ux. 1. Joseph 2 filius atat. 7. John Mayne fil. et hares atat. 10. Blanch. Symon Mayne 2 filius duxit Coluberiam sororem Rici Louelace militis. Simon fil. et har. at. Caluberie 8 annoru' 1619. filia. Susanna ux. WiU'i Colles de=p Anna uxor Rad'i Gape de= Parkberie in com. Hertf. St. Albons in com. Hart. 1. Willm's at. 19. 2. Henry at. 16. 3. John. 4. Symon. 5. Edward. 1. Margaret. 2. Elizabeth. 3. Susan. 4. Mary. I I I I 1. John. 2. Henry. 3. WiU'm. 4. Symon. I I I 1. Florence. 2. Susan. 3. Mary. i. Ehzab. 332 THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. jHititsIemore- Arms. — Quarterly of four. 1 and 4. Per chevron arc and sable, in chief two moorcocks proper. 2 and 3. Per pale indented or and azure. Crest. — In rushes proper a moorcock sitting sable, combed gules. Sciant presentes et futuri qa ego Margareta quond' uxor Nicholaij de Egbaston dedi concessi etc. Joh'i de Egbaston, quinq' acras terra arabilis etc. Datum apud Swin- ford die Martis etc. anno regni Regis E. 3, 14. THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. 333 Jacet sepultus in Eccl'ia de Egbaston. Johannes Middlemore.: Henricus Middlemore.= Thomas Middlemore=pIsabella filia et hares Henrici fil. et har. Egbaston de Egbaston militis. Johannes Middlemore.=F Ricardus Middlemore de=pMargeria fil. Thoma Throck- Egbaston in Com. War. morton de Coughton. I I Thomas Middlemore=pAnn filia Ric'i Littleton de fiha nupta = de Egbaston. Pfflaton HaU in Com. Staff. Willington. Rob'tus Middlemore de=pAnna filia . . . Egerton de filia et coh. nupta WiU'o Egbaston sup'stes 1563. Reinhill in Com. Cest. Sheldon de Billey. Ehzabetha uxor Ric'us Mid-=p Anna soror et coh. Thomas 2 Margr 2 filia nupta I s\ir* 'in I— I rt-r^ n ri 1 /*\TV\ s-lvh-. s4 s\ L?-j /-.'-% I* nninAlJ J A +.ll -, , r, .-. 1 . t 1 UUn I «-*rt->-. Jr. T -.-. ^. V . . 1 Joh'is Hans- lape de Com War. dlemore de Egbaston in Com. Warr. Ric'i Greisold de filius objt. Shalwen de Insford Solihull in Com. sans issue, in Comitat Staff. War. Francisca un maried 1619. I Margeria nupta Muriell uxor Anna 2 filia Margareta 1 filia Joh'i Shug- Johnson de nupta Scu- uxor Ric'i Bray- — broughde Shug- Com. Lin- damore de brooke de Com. Ric'us 3 filius. brough in Com. coin. Kinthrop in Berkes. War. Com.Hereff. Rob'tus Middle-=pPresilla filia Joh'is 2. Johannes. 3. Humphrus Thomas Mid- more de Egbaston in Com. War. Ar. Brooke de Madeley in Com. Salop. obiere sine prole. dlemore 4 filius unmaried. Ric'us Middlemore=Maria filia Anthonij 2. Johannes at. 27. 4. Thomas at. 21. de Com. War. atat. Morgan de Weston — — 30 annoru' 1619. in Com. Warw. 3. Humphrus at. 23. 5. Rob'tus at. 18. Francisca. Presilla 3. Winifrida 2. Anna uxor Rob'ti Emma nupta Wale- unmarried uxor Tho. Gowre de Colmarsh ston Betham. 1619. Waringe. in Com. Wigorn. 334 THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. Colemore* Arms.— Gules, billettee and three crescents or. Crest.— A Moor's head couped in dexter profile proper wreathed gules and or. THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. 335 Wfflm's Colemore de Breming-=p Joane fiha .... Hunt de ham in Com. Warr Tanworth in Com. War. Clement Colmore Dor iuris CiuUis et Cancel- larius Dunehnensis hath issue. WiUm's Colemore: de Bremingham filius et hares. Anna filia WUl'mi Finey de Canke in Com. Staff. Abraham Colemore de Plimouth filius iunior. Dorothea ux.WUli Alport de Canke al's Canock in Com. Stafford. Martha nupta Tho. Ferebye de Com. Glouc. Judith uxor Michaehs Grundy de Thurgen- ton in Com. Nott. Maria uxor Joh'is Gisbrooke de Mid dleton in Com.War. WiUm's Colemore de Bremingham=pFrancisca fil. et har. Henrici WiUoughby in Com. War de Gorton in Com. Nott. Ar. 1. Grace at. 17. I Willm's Colemore filius 2. Rob'tus atat. 15. — et hares atat. 18 an- — 2. Lettice at. 14. noru' 1619. 3. Clement atat. 10. Brigetta ux. Joh'is Anna nupta Hen. Sara nupta Ric'o Elizab' nupta Edw' Wilkins de Com. Porter de Edgbas- Hinton de Com. Wilde de Breming- Glouc, ton in Com. War. Staff. ha' in Com. War, 336 THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. f^Ujjfortr. Arms. — Quarterly of four. 1. Vert, on a chevron between three bucks' heads caboshed or, as many mullets gules. 2. Per pale argent and gules, three escallops in bend counterchanged. 3. Argent, on a chevron between three eagles displayed sable a crosslet of the field. 4. Argent, a chevron between three bugle horns stringed sable ; impaling Azure, a chevron between three covered cups or. Crest. — A buck's head or, gorged with a wreath of laurel THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. 337 Johannes Hugford.=p Rob'tus Hugford de Edmonscott.=pJocosa fil. et har. Thoma Cumberley. Thomas Hugford de Edmonscott.=pMargareta filia Joh'is Dinge militis. Joh'es Hugford de Edmon- Willm's Hugford=pAUcia filia WiU'mi Gadier scott fil. et hares. 3 filius. de Pinchthorp. Thomas Hugford de Pinchthorp.=pBeatrix fil. Wffl'i Rody. Johannes Hugford filius Thoma.=p. . . . filia Charde. Joh'es Hugford de Hen-=pKatherina filia Joh'is Hennage fratris Thoma wood in Com. War. I Hennage de Howton in Com. Lincoln. Anna .fil. Thoma Dabs-= Joh'es Hugford: court 2 uxor sine prole. de Henwood. :Margareta fil. Joh'is Hugford de Bin- disleston in Com. Glouc. militis 1 uxor. Katherina uxor Edw. Tho. Hugford=pFrancisca fil. Geo. Margareta nupta Hungerford de Win- 2 filius. dridg in Com. Glouc. Butler de Aston in Will'mo Laurence the Walles in Com. de Sheraton in Northamp. Com. Glouc. 1. Ehzabetha at. 18. 3. Letticia at. 14. Henricus Hugford 2. Humphrus at. 12. — — fil. primogenitus — 2. Francisca at. 16. 4. Maria at. 8. atat. 13. 3. Thomas at. 6. Letticia 3 fil. Edw.=pJoh es Hugford de: Holt de Duddeston in Com. War. ux. 1, Henwood in Com. War. :Maria fil. Cooper Leticia uxor Caroli Relicta Farrentde Waring de Berie- Com. Leic. ux. 2. hall in Com. War. I I I I I I I I I II 1. Abigail 22. 5. Anna 14. Johannes Hugford 2. Edwardus at. 12. — — fil. et har. atat. 21 — 2. Margaret 19. 6. Kathern 12. 1619. 3. Will'mus at. 10. 3. Francisca 17. 7. Letticia 7. 4. Elizabeth 15. 8. Maria 6. Petrus atat. 2 annoru'. 2 X 338 THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. ^atrler* Arms. — Or, a lion rampant per fess azure and gules, charged on the shoulder with a mullet. Crest. — A demi-lion rampant azure, crowned gules, charged qn the shoulder with a mullet. THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. 339 Joh'es Sadler de PhiUingley in com. War.: Thomas Sadler de Phfflingley=p Alicia filia .... Vincent de Rob'tus Sadler filius et har. ib't Shepey in com. Leic. 2 filius. Edwardus Sadler 2 fil. duxit filia . . . Taylor de Stafford ux. 2. . filia Butler Ric'us Sadler=p uxor 1. 3 filius. I II I I Tho. Sadler 3 fil. duxit 1. Johanne' Anna. Thomas fil. Edw' Catherina' fil — — primo- 2 fil. Drought de South' in 2. Theodorus. Jocosa. genit's. com. War. =p =r I ....... 1. Edwardus. 2. Will'mus. 3. Thomas. Rob'tus Sadler. Joh'es Sadler de PhiUingley fil. et hares.=pAlicia fil Jeb de com. Lincolne. Theodorus Sadler de Phil-=pMaria fil. Fran' Samuell soror James 2. Walter 3. lingley in com. War. W'mi Samuell mUitis. Jana nupta Joh'i Horsey Mountague Sadler=pSusanna fil. Joh'is Maria de Sunning in Comitat. fihus et har. atat. Berks. 30, 1619. Taylor de Cheluens unmaried Coughton. 1619. Thomas Sadler fil. et har. atat. 3, 1619. Elizabetha a'tat 1 anni. 340 THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. Waring Arms. — Azure, a chevron between three lions passant ot. THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. 341 Thomas Waring liued in the 14 yeare of H. 6 as appeareth= by a speciall pardon under the great Seale of H. 6. Tho. Waring son of 'Tho. lyued in 35 yeare of H. 6r as appeareth by a deede dated in that yeare. Thomas Waring filius Thoma ob. 11 H. 8.=p Thomas Waringe de Tanworth=pAnna filia Joh'is Butler de in com. War. ob. 22 H. 8. Eldon in Com. War. ar. Willm's Waring de Tanworth=pAnna filia Joh'is Huband de Edwardus Waring=p in Com. War. Ipsley in Com. War. 2 filius. Wfflm's Waring=pMargareta fil. Radi Baskeruile de Erisley in de Tanworth ob. 1607. Com. Hereff. filij Junioris Walteri Basker uile de Erisley militis. Rob'tus Waringe. 1. Anna nupta Persons de Sam- borne in Com. War. Carolus Waringe de Bery==Letticia filia 2. EUianora uxor hall in parochia Solihull in Com. War. atat. 50 annoru' 1619. 1. Margaret 18. 2. Anna at. 16. 3. Ehzab. at. 11. 4. Lucia. 10. Joh'is Hugford Joh'is Wise de de Henwood in Yelson in Com. Com. War. War. I III Thomas Waringe=Winifrida filia 2. Carolus at. 20. filius et har. Rob'ti Middle- — atat. 21. more de Edgbas- 3. Edward at. 15. ton in com. War. — 4. Humphrus 13. 342 THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. i^orne* Arms. — Quarterly of six. I. Gules, a fess vair. 2. Sable, a bend between six martlets or. 3. Argent, a chevron gules between three buckles sable. 4. Azure, a chevron between three water bougets or. 5. Sable,, three mullets argent. 6. Gules, three mullets argent within a bordure ermine. THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. 343 Reginaldus Home de Pickesle in com. Salop. Margeria fil Lee de Whitchurch. Matilda Winifrida ux. WiU'i ux. Mathei SheweU. Dorington. Joh'es Home de; Childes Arcole in com. Salop. :Jana filia Thoma Morton de Ingleton in com. Staff. I EUena uxor Rob'tiCooke. Margaretaux. Joh'is TJnett de London. Maria uxor Hen.Crow- der de Stoke iuxta Couentry. Reginaldus Horne=Anna filia de Stoke infra Tho. hb'tates de Couen- Pachet de try fil. et har. Barwellin sup'stes 1619. com. Leic. I I 2. Jo hannes. 3. Tho mas. Alicia ux. Rici Holland de Sadington in com. Leic. clericus. I I 1. Anna. 2. Johanna. Henricus Home fil. et hares=pCassandra filia Xr'ofori at. 31 annoru' 1619. Randall de Stoke. Anna atatis dimidium Anni 1619. Joh'es Home de London, = Martina Frowlick de Lime streete, fil. 2. Germania inferiori. Reginaldus. 3. Franciscus. 344 THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. jmeltfmrafK Confirmed to John Shukbrough by Clarenceux Cooke. Arms. — Quarterly of six. 1. Sable, a chevron argent, between three mullets pierced (Shukborough). 2. Sable, three swords in pale, two with points downward, and one upward argent, hilted and pomelled or (Carbonel). 3. Or, on a fess azure, three escallops argent (Napton). 4. Argent, a fess checquy or and azure (Arden). 5. Gules, three dexter hands couped argent (Sydenhall). 6. Azure, a fess argent between three crescents or, on the fess a mullet for difference (Lunell). THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. 345 Galfredus Napton Dn's de Napton in Com. War. miles slaine in y° barrons warr T WiUm's Napton.=pJane filia Bassett de Com. Northamp. Nicholas Napton miles^Alicia fil. Hen. Appleby militis de Com. War. Robert Napton miles. =pLucia filia Comitis Warw. Adam Napton.=pMargaret filia Holiar. Hen. Siden-=pCatherin filia et har. hall. Phil. Lunnell. Joh'es Shukbrough de=pJoane fil. et har. Ada Shukbrough in Com. War. Napton soror et har. Johannis. I John fil. et har. Thomas. WiUm's Shukbrough=pJoana filia Joh'is Fulward Willms' Thomas Sidenhall. de Shukborough. de Tanworth. nothus. =p Willm's Thomas Shukbrough=pJana filia & hares 2 filius. de Shukborough. Tho. Sidenhall. Tho. Shukbrough=pPhillippa filia de Shukbrugh. Nic'i Vaux. Jasper Shukbrough 2 fihus de Pitford in Com. Northam. Balthaza Shuk brough of Nether Shukbrough. I 2. Willm's. 4. Jasper. 6. Bal- Tho. Shuk-= filia Johannes Anthonius — thazer. brough de 3. Willm's. 5. Mellcher. Shuk brough. Benedict Shuk- Medley brough. de War- =p wick. j Shuk brough. Thomas Shukburgh fihus Thoma=p. . . . filia Geo. Georgius. de Shukborough. Smith ye'man. Thomas Shuk brough. I Thomas fil. Anthonius Shuk-=pAnna filia Tho. Foxley de Joh'es Shukbrough primus ob. s.p. brough 2 fil. et har. fratris. Foxley in Com. Northamp. 3 fil. duxit Elizab. sup'stes 1563. filiam Combes. Thomas Elizab. nupta Joh'es Shuk-=Margeria filia 3. Symon fil. pri- Reginaldo mogent's Stanton de ob. s.p. Smewing in Com. Buck. brough 2 fil. hares fratris. Rici Middle- more de Egbaston. duxit Elizab. fil. Arden. I Henricus 4 fil. duxit Cristianam fil. Younge. 2. Ricardus, 3. Anthonius, Joh'es Shukbrough fihus et Joh'es Shukbrough at. 21. at. 19. hares at. 30 annoru' 1619. atat. 23. 2 Y 346 THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. ^ingartr* Arms. — Barry of six or and azure, on a bend sable three escallops argent. Crest. — A wolf's head erased sable, THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. 347 Joh'es Lingard who cam=pAlicia filia Joh'is Breech de out of Lankesh. Breech Hall in Com. Lane. John Lingard de Horne=p Edmond Lingard=plsabella filia Ric'i Ric'us Lin Castle in Com. Lincoln 2 filius. de Crudworth in Com. War. Vincent de Nonea- gard 3 filius. ton in Com. War. Wfflm's Lingard Edmond Lingard=pDorothea fil. Ric'us Lingard 2 fil. duxit=p fihus Johannis. de Crudworth in Com. War. WiU'i Wilson Maria' filiam Tho. Vaugh- de Crudworth. ton de Crudworth. 1. Dorothea 13. 2. Isabella 11. 4. Jana 7. Arden Lingard fil. — - et hares atat. 3. Anna 9. 5. Barbara 4. 1 anni, 1619. Ill I I 1. Agneta 16. Edmondus fil. 2. Ric'us at. 13. 3. Humphrus — primogenitus atat. 6 menses 2. Dorothea 11. atat. 16, 1619. 1619. 348 THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. JHat&eto. Arms.— Quarterly of four. 1 and 4. Sable, a lion rani- pant argent. 2 and 3. Gules, three chevrons argent. Crest. — A heathcock proper. THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. 349 Georgius Mathew who cam out of WaUes.=p I Joh'es Mathew fil. et hares.: I filia Butterise. Georgius Mathew de Barkswell=pJocosa filia Georgii Middlemore de in Com. War. Haselwell in Com. Wore. Georgius Mathew de Barks-=pAnna filia WiU'mi Underhill Jane uxor Will'iJ'ower, well in Com. War. de Edlicott in Com. War. postea renupta Hill. II I Franciscus 3 fil. atat. 33, Francisca ux. Henricus Mathew de=pMaria filia duxit filiam Digges de Com' Tho. Appletree Barswell filius et har. Wilts. " de Denton in atat. 38, 1619. Com. Oxon. r Tho. Good de Com. Wigorn. Henricus Mathew filius et hares at. 4 annoru' 1619. Anna at. 10. Godier Mathew 2 fil. atat. 36, duxit=p Georgius 4 fil. Mariam fil. Clerke de Com. War. at. 26. 1. Georgius at. 7 2. Johannes at. 4. 1. Francisca 14. 2. Jocosa 12. 3. Kather 2. 350 THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. gotteeejK Arms.— Vert, six escallops argent, three, two, and one. THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE, 351 Thomas Holbeeche de Filhngley in Com. War.=p . I WiUm's Holbeech de=p. . . fil. Thomas Holbeech 2 filius.=p FUlingley in Com. War. Petye. Barnaby fil. Thoma. I Tho. Holbeech fil. et har. Joh'es 2 filius de duxit filia' . . . Taylor de Filhngley duxit Solihull in Com. War. filiam Gray. Ricardus WiUm's 4 filius 3 filius. duxit filiam . . . Fetherston. Martin Holbeech=pElizab. fil. Tho. Sadler 5 filius. de Filhngley. Cicely ux. Tho. AmUlion 2 fil.= Holbeech filij Duxit Kathe- Thoma. rini' filia' Hix. Georgius Holbeech=pMUUcent filia filius et hares. Joh'is Poult ney. Katherina ux. Ehzab. 2 fil. ux. Johannes filius 2. Martin at. 19. Ric'i Booth de WiU'mi South et hares atat. — Com. War. de War. 21. 3. Gabriell at. 15. Elizab. uxor Tho. Holbeech de Mereden hall=pElizab. fil. Geo. Mathew Whitby. in Com. War. 3 fil. de BarkesweU. I I Thomas fil. 2. Matheus at. 13. 4. Martin at. 5. Elizab. primogenit's — — — atat. 1 5. 3. Amilion ob. s.p. 5. Georgius at. 1 Maria et dimidiu'. ob. s.p. 352 THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. ffiltttbtv. Arms. — Sable, a cross flory argent, surmounted of another of the first between four escallops of the second. THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. 353 Thomas Fletcher de Swin-=pElizab. filia . . . Harris de ford in Com. Leic. r Welford in Com. Northamp. Joh'es Fletcher de Ciuitate=pKatherina filia Joh'is Booes Couentry in Com. War. de Solihull in Com. War. Thomas Fletcher fil. primogenitus atat. 9 annoru' 1619. 1. Katherina atat. 7. 2. Elizab. atat. 6 menses 1619. 23 354 THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE, ^raaiejn Arms ,— Gules, a chevron argent between three boars' heads couped or, THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. 355 WiUm's Bradley de Sheri-=p hutton in Com. Ebor. Wfflm's Bradley de Ciuitate=p Agneta filia Thoma Margates Couentria in Com. War. de Riseden in Com. Northamp. Tho. Bradley=Maria filia Joh'is Cotes de Lakingale in Com. Suff. 2 filius. rehct WiU'i Jackson, Captaine of Ireland. Franciscus Bradley=pFrancisca filia Fran. Watkin de Pont fil. primogenitus. Poole in Com. Monmouth in Wallia. Franciscus Bradley fil. et har. atat 24, 1619. Anna Maria. Willm's Bradley=p Johanna fil. . . . Waddington 3 filius. de Com' Nott. . . . fihus atat. 3 1. Anna. 3. Ehzabetha. dieru' 4 Septemb. — . — 1619. 2. Magdalena. 4. Letticia. 356 THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. Butler. Arms. — Quarterly of four. 1 and 4. Azure, a bend , six covered cups or. 2 and 3. Argent, a lion rampant double queued gules. Crest. — On a mount an unicorn salient argent, maned or, around the neck a ribbon of the last. THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. 357 Sr Thomas Butler de Bewsey=p. . . filia Crofton de Crofton in Com. Lane, miles. .1 hall in Com. Lane. Willm's Butler de Preston super le monte in Com'=pElizab. filia . . . Ruding de Northamp. 3 fil. Tho. Butler de Bewsey. Cotton in Com. War. Ric'us Butler de Preston Capes vel=pElizab. fiha . . . Clerke de super le monte in Com. Northamp. Shustock in Com. Leic. Willm's Butler de Dorothea filia Joh'is: Preston Capes in Shukbrough de Com. Northamp. Nauesby in Com. ob. sine prole. Northamp. ux. 1. :Joh'es Butler de=pThomozin filia BlakesleyinCom.Northamp. sup' stes 1618. Powell de Sanford in Com. Oxon. ux. 2. Ill III 4. Sara. 1. Ehzab. 5. Johanna. 2. Maria. 6. Susanna. 3. Judith. Edwardus Butler fil. et har. atat 27 an noru' 1619. 2. Nathaniell. Willm's. Anna. 3. Valentine. Ricardus. Martha. Thomazin. Elizab. fil =pRic'us Butler=pJana filia Abelis Makepeace Nicholas Butler de Pres- Edmondi de Couentria de Chipping Warden in ton Capes filius 2 duxit BromweU Ar. fil. 3 atat Com. Northampto' ux. 2. Maria' filiam Ric'i Chaplin uxor 1. 67, 1619. de Newenham. Ruth nupta . . . Abell Butler filius 2. Henricus at. 5. Smith de London, et hares atat 15, — 1619. 8. Ricardus at. 2. 1. Sarah at. 20. 2. Dorothea 19. 4. Anna 15. 6. Lucya 9. 3. Auderey 16. 5. Jana 13. 7. Rachell, 358 THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. Waring Arms. — Checquy or and azure, on a canton gutes a tion rampant argent, in chief a martlet for difference. THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. 359 . . . Warin al's Warren who cam out of the house=p of Warren of Pointon in Com. Cestria. Christop. Warin als' Warren de= Ciuitate Couentria Aldermans. Christopherus Warin als' Warren=p. . . filia . . . Nether- de Ciuitate Couentria et Maior de eadem Ciuitate. nuper mill de Exhall in Comit War. Tho. Waring de Couentria 3 fihus. Christop. Waring al's=pEUina filia . . . Ric'us =p Alicia relicta . Warren Aldermanus Couentria. Wfflm's 3 fil. atat 18. I Edw. 4= fill's at. 14. 2. Katherina. 3. Prudence. 4. Ellina. Joh'is Eedes de Ashall in Com. War. Waring 2 filius. Cleyton Coroner de Couentria ob. 1612. Margareta ux. Joh'is Snell Drap' de Couen tria. Christop. Waring fil. et har. at. 21 nup' Scolasticus in Acade- mia Oxon et modo Studens de Medio Templo 1619. Joh'es fil. 2 at. 20 nunc Scolast. in Academia Oxon. Ric'us Waring fil. 2. WiUm's at. 12. primogenit. atat. 14, "I I 3, Johannes at. 9. Prudencia, 360 THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. JSarlter* .Arms. — Quarterly of four. 1 and 4. Per chevron engrailed or and sable, a lion rampant counterchanged. 2 and 3. Argent, a chief sable, three tilting spears erect counterchanged. Crest. — A demi mom- proper, over his shoulder a scarf gules, holding in the dexter hand a dart, and in the sinister a shield or. THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. 361 I Thomas Barker=pAnna fil. et hares de Wokingham. WiU'mi Burley. Joh'es Barker de Sunning=pKatherina fil. Edwardi in Comit. Berks. Martin de Shinfeild. Willm's Barker de Sunning=pAnna filia Lawrentij Stoughton in com. Berks. de Stoughton in Com. Surrey. thoni Willm's Barker fil. Anthonius Barker 2 fil.=pJane fil. Edw. Eldring- Joh'es 3 primogenitus ob. sine prole. hares fratris de Sunning in com. Berks miles. ton de Brichhall in com. Essex. fil. ob. sine p'le. 1. Fran cisca. — 4. Anna. 2. Jana. 3. Letticia. Willm's Barker 2. Henricus at. 20. 4. Anthonius — filius et hares — — atat. 21, 1619. 3. Nathaniellat.19. 5. Lawrencius. Thomas=pMaria filia Ricardus Barker 5 filius=pMaria fil. Joh'is Edwardus 6 fil Barker4 fihus. Saunders. de Austie in com. Ciuitatis Couentria. Litcott de Swallow- duxit relict feild in com. Berkes. Barford. Willm's fil, primogeni- fihus Anna. Willm's Barker filius primo- Maria, tus atat. 4 an. 1619. infans. genitus atat. 20, 1619. ? 4 362 THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. fate. Arms.— Per fess crenelU gules and or, three gates counterchanged. Crest.— Out of a ducal coronet a goafs head sable, attired argent. THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. 363 Ricardus Yate younger brother: of the house of Yate of Buck- land in Com. Berks. Joh'es Yate de London 2 fihus maried & had issue one sonne & 2 Da. WiUm's Yate de= Wotton Wowen in Com.War. fil. primogenitus. Elizab. filia Henrici Hunt de Inkeborowe in Com. Wigornia. Carolus Yate 3 filius obijt sine prole. Thomas Yate de= Wotton Wowen in Com. War. atat. 38, 1619. = Cicilia filia Arthuri King de East Claydon in Com. Buck. 364 THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE, gstlep* Arms. — Azure, three cinquefoils ermine. THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. 365 Georgius Astley de=p, Woluey in Comit, War. . filia et Coh. Hill de Solihull in com. War. EUzab. uxor Fardi- Thomas Astley= nando FeUding de de Woluey in Newenham in Com. ' Com. War. War. =Katherina Willm's Astley fil 2 filius.=p Copin. { Willm's. Margareta uxor . . . Adnet de Woluey. Maria uxor Jana nupta Thomas Astley=j Joh'is Cot- Ric'o War- de Woluey in terell de ren. Com. Warr. at. com.Canta- 33,1619. bridgia. ^Katherina 2. Johannes filia et at. 22. har. Joh'is — Cotterell. 3. WiUm's at. 20. Juditha nupta Will'o Hurst de Holwell in com. War. Thomas Astley iEgidius. 2. Georgius 1. Katherina 13. filius et hares at. 8. — atat. 12, 1619. — 2. Maria at. 7. 3. Wfflm's — at. 9. 3. Anna at. 5. 366 THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. Clapjjam. Arms. — Argent, on a bend azure six fleur-de-lis, two, two, and two, or. Crest. — A lion rampant sable holding a sword erect argenl, pomelled and hilled or. THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. 367 Thomas Clapham=p de Thurby in Com. Eboru'. Luke Clapham 2 filius duxit Julian fil. . . . KneU de Aple- doro in Com. Kent.=p [' SibiUa fiha Wffl'i=pGeorgiusClapha'= Denton de Cal- throp in Com. Ebor. 2 ux. de Thurby in Com. Eboru'. = fil. Ric'i Picker de Wadermaskin parochia de Masom in Com. Ebor. 1 ux. WiUm's 3 fil. ob. sine p'le. Joh'es Clapham de Willinghall=pMaria fil. Tho in Com. War. hey. to his Cosin John one of the 6 Clerkes. Leigh de Cal- throp in Com. Leic. Cleric's. Anna uxor Joh'is Slaughter de Swin- ton in parochia de Masom in Com. Ebor'. Luke Clapham fihus et hares atat. 6, 1619. Joh'es Clapham 2 filius atat. 5 annoru'. Joh'es Clapham one of the= 6 clerks of the chauncery ob. 1618. Sine p'le. =. . . . filia Kidermaster de Langley Parke in Com. Mid. 368 THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. Baity, Arms. — Barry wavy of six argent and gules. THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. 369 Edmondus Dalby.: Edwardus Dalby1 3 fil. Ric'us Dalby de=pMaria fil Under- 2. Willm's. Brookehamptonin Com. War. hill de Eaington in Com. War. 4. Thomas. Tho. Dalby de London Mercator ob. 1619. Edmondus Dalby de= Brookehampton in Com. War. 1 1 1 = Alicia filia Joh'is 1. Johannes. Woodward de — Auon Basset in 2. Johannes. Com. War. — 3. Lionellus. Judith nupta' Fran. Hohock de Southam in Com. War. 1 1 Isarell ux. Alicia WiU'i Perkins un- de London. maried. Elizab. uxor WiU'iWatton de Yardley in Com. Wigorn. Ric'us Dalby= fil. et har. atat. 42, 1616. Joh'es Dalby 2 fil. duxit filiam Steph'i Roberts de Londo'. I Edmondus fil. et har. atat. 1. Johanna atat. 2. Willm's Dalby 3 fil. duxit Judith fil. Barnes. I Johannesfil. et har. at. 2. I I Anna. Judith. 3 B 370 THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. i^auntrers. Arms.— Per chevron sable and argent, three elephants' heads erased counterchanged, armed m: . Crest. — An elephant's head erased argent, armed or. THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. 371 Rob'tus Saunders1 Agricola temp. 8 H. 6, 1437. Joh'es Saunders=p Agricola. j i Edwardus Saunders.^ T Wiilm's Saunders de Welford in Com. Northamp. 3 filius. Lawrencius SanderB de Harringworth 2 fil. Johannes Saunders de Com. Northamp. fil. primogenitus. Thomas Saunders de Sibertoft in Com. Northamp. Edwardus Saunders: fil. et har. :Thomazin fil. . . . Turner. Dorothea WUhn's Saunders=pElizab. filia Rad'i ux. . . . Adams. de Bedworth in Com. War. fil. primogenitus. Purifoy de Dray ton in Com. Leic. Libius Sanders ob. sine p'le. Anna uxor . . . Gilbert de Com. Staff. HumphredusSaunders3 filius.=p J Maria ux. GoldeTompson. Edward. Anna. Michaell : Saunders de Bed- worth fihus et hares 1601. : Margareta filia Joh'is Booty de Doddon in Com. Norff. 2. Rogerus. 3. Nicholas. Ric'us Saunders 4 fil. duxit filia' . . . Lago de Com. Leic. Abra uxor Joh'is WaUer de Com. Southamp. I I Constancia. Ric'us 3 filius atat. 24. Timotheus Saunders: fil. et har. atat. 30, 1619. ;Elizab. filia Fran. Foxley de Foxley Groue in Comit' Northamp. Franciscus Sanders filius et har. Elizab. atat. 3, 1619. atat. 1. I Michaehs 2 fil. duxit Annam fil. Brasbridge de Kingsberie in Com. War. atat. 27. Constancia ux. Will'i WaUer fratris Joh'is WaUer. 1. Willm's. 2. Rad'us. 372 THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. Babenport Arms. — Argent, a chevron between three crossleis fltche sable. Crest.— A man's head in dexter profile, couped at the shoulders, his neck entwined with a rope proper. THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. 373 .... Dauenport filius= iunior de Henbery in Com. Cestria. :. . . . filia , Venables. Edwardus Dauenport de: Couentry filius et hares. :Maria filia Joh'is Hereford Aldermanus Couentria. Christopherus Dauenport=Anna fiha WiU'i de Couentry fihus et bar. Hopkins de Aldermannus et Justicia- Couentry Alder- rius ad pacem Ciuitate manni. Couentria 1619. Henricus Dauenport= de Coventry, Alder mannus Ciuitatis Couentria duxit Winifridam filiam Rici Barneby de le Hull inCom. Wigorn. =Ehzab.fil.Tho. Bennett de Ebley in Com. Glouc. uxor 2. Edwin Dauen-=pSara filia Joh'is port filius 2, 1619. Whitehead de Couentry Alderman Johannes=Elizab. fil. Dauen- . . . Wooley. port fil. s. Henricus. Christopherus Dauenport fil. et har. 1. Winifrida. 2. Elizabetha. 3. PhiUippa. Christopherus: Dauenport 3 fil. 1619. =Francisca Henricus Barnabas Dauen-=pMaria filia filia Joh'is s. p. port fil. et har. Simonis Higenson. 1619. Grouer. Elizabetha fil. unica. Christopherus Dauenport fil. primogenitus. I I 1. Anna. 2. Elizab. 374 THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. »iilinatom Arms. — Quarterly of four. 1 and 4. (Field untinctured) A saltire vair, in chief a mullet for difference. 2. Or, three leopards' faces sable. 3. Vaire" sable and argent, a fess gules. Crest. — A pine tree eradicated proper, fructed or. THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. 375 Thomas Wfllington=pJohanna Nitingall Neece & next de Hurley in Com Warw heyre to John Waldiffe, whose mother was his sister. Johannes Willington=pIsabella filia fil. 4. I Litherland. Willm's et 3. Michaell. ob. s. prole. Tho. Willington: de MeriueU in Com. War. :Margareta filia Christopheri Cooke de MeriueU. Alicia nupta Tho. Willington de Hurley. i v -111111 i m Joseph et 1. Temperancia at. 25. Ichabod Willing- 2. Thomas at. 17. Patienciaob. sine 2. Prudencia at. 23 p'le. - 3. Content at. 21. 4. Prisilla at. 19. 5. Loyis atat. 10. 6. Patiencia at. 8. ton fil. et hares atat. 27, 1619. 3. Beniamin at. 15. 4. Johannes at. 12. Waldiffe Wilhng-= ton de Hurley in Comitat. War. :Margareta filia et Coh. Willmi Bras bridg de Kinsberie in Com. War. Jacobus WiUington filius 5 duxit filiam ... Crow de Meriden in Com. War. Elizab. uxor Hugh Grow- tage de Com. Staff. WiUm's 1 fil. Jana uxor WiU'i atat. 19, Younger de Com. 1619. Wigorn. J I 2. Anna. 3. Francisca. Elizab. ux. WiU'i Aston de Milwich in Com. Staff. auunculi Walteri Aston mUitis. Georgiu' 2 filius nunc viuens in Hibernia. Tho. Willing-=pAlicia filia Joh'is ton de Hurley Willington filij 4 in Com. War. Thoma pradicti. 3. Elizab. at. 13. 4. Susan at. 11. I I Maria at. 15. Alicia at. 5. Waldiff WiUington fil. et hares atat. 19, 1619. 2. Hugo at. 18. 3. Joh'es at. 6. 1. Judith at. 16. 376 THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. Batotoim Arms. — Quarterly of four. 1. Argent, a saltire sable (Baldwin). 2. Barry of six azure and argent, a chief ermine (Wigley). 3. Gules, a chevron ermine between three eagles or (Child). 4. Per pale gules and or, a fleur-de-lis counterchanged (Acheley). Crest. — On a mount a cockatrice argent, combed, ducally gorged and chained or. THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. 377 Willm's Bauldwine de=pMargareta filia . . . Feneux de Booking in Com. Essex mercator Stapula. Belton in Com. Leicest. uxor 2 renupta Will'o Porter de Escote haU in Com. Warr. Willm's Bauldwine=pfiha Will'i Snowe de Brain tree in Com. Essex. de London. Johannes Bauldwine de Braintree fil. 2. Petrus Baldwin fil. primogenit. s. p. Will'mus Baldwin 2 filius et har. I I Gracia. Sara. I III Ric'us Banldwin de Ciuitate=pJohanna filia Sara uxor Margareta Elizab. uxor Couentria fil. 3 Clericus Joh'is Fenton Geo. uxor Rici Geo. Barneby mercati Hospitij Regis et de Couentria. Elliott. Sherwood. deGlentworth totius regni Anglia sup'stes in Com. 1619. Lincol. Ric'us Bauldwin fil. et har. atatis 7 annoru' 1619. I Joh'es s.p. 2. Johannes. I I Margareta. Elizabetha. 3. Will'mus. Maria. 3 C 378 THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. jetton. Arms. — Quarterly of six. 1. A cross engrailed, in the first quarter a mullet. 2. Gules, three piles wavy meeting in base argent. 3. Or, a fess gules. 4. Or, a chevron gules, on a chief azure three mullets of the field. 5. Gules, a chevron ermine between three birds rising or. 6. As first. Crest. — A griffin sejant with wings elevated or. THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. 379 Joh'es Peiton de Peiton Hall, was=Grace Da. & hey. of S1 under age at the death of his father & died a very young man , in the tyme of K. H. 6, & lyeth buried in Stoke Neyland by his father John. Langley of Kent did bringe her Husband's familey much land in Kent. She died ye 6 of May & was 2 maried to Rich. Bey of Essex. Margaret fil. et har. Johis Barnard de Isleham in Com. Cantab. mUitis wch Signorie she did bringe to her husb. , uxor 1. =Tho. Peiton de Peiton: hall Ar. had by his first wife Margt. Barnard the Lordship of Isleha' 1484. in the Chauncell wcb wth y^ Church he buUt a new fro' the grounde. :Margaret fil. et hares Hugonis Francis de Giffords in Wickham Broke in Com. Suff. militis. Relicta Tho. Garnish de Kenton in Com. Suff. descended of the heyres of Den ton & Walton 2 uxor. John Peiton fil. et har. died in his minoritie 29 Octob. 11 H. 6. Franciscus Peiton= de Bery St. Ed mond hey. to his Mother had by his Nephew an an nuity of 6U out of his mannor of Isle- ham. :Elizab. fil Reginaldi Brooke de Aspall Stoneham in Comi tat. Suff. Christopher Peiton eldist son of Tho. by his 2 wife. He died 24 June 1507 & wth his wife Elizab. Da. of Hide of Hide haU in Com. Hertford who died ye 15 of Nouemb. 1516 doe both lye in Isleham Church w° he finished the building after his father's death. Elizab.ob.s.p. Anna ux. Edm. Peiton 2 fil. mar. first Christopherus= Rici More. Joyce Da. of Nicholas Gran- Peyton de St. tham et postea Susan relict Edmonds Catterus fil. et har. This Berie. Edm. was acursed for main taining the doctrine of Adam Dainlips. Jana fil. Tho. Mildmaysoror Tho. Mildmay militis. 1. Thomas Peiton de=Ladie Cicely Burie Sti Edmundi et Customer de Ph- mouth. fil. Joh'is Bourchier2 Comitis Bathon. Rosa uxor Tho. Lew- gar de Com. Suff. and hath issue, Phillip, Tho., Edw., Mary, Eliz. Martha uxor Will'i Kirkham fil. et har, Rob'ti Kirkham militis de com. Northamp. Henricus Peiton miles=Ladie Mary Da. 2. Thomas. Francisca wholongefoUowedthe of Edw. Sea- . — ux. Warres in Ireland mour Duke of 3. Robtus. Arthuri under his uncle Geo. Somerset relicta — Fortescue Boucher & lately em- Andrew Rogers 4. Christ. de Corn- ployed by the Vene- de Com. Dorset — wall. tians in their Warres. Esq. iUa obijt. 5. Wfflm's. 1620. 2. Presilla. 3. Jana. 4. EUinora. Henricus Peiton de London^pMaria filia WiU'mi Mercator 3 filius. I Pickering de London. | A C j Francis nupt'a=p Johi Harte. D 380 THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. °l Walterus Peiton de Sutton Coldfeld in Com. War.: fil. 2 et hares fratris. This Walter trauelling in the affaires of the honourable Company of the East India aduenturers & returning in the yeare 1612 hauing caried himself with great discreation & reputaeon was not longe after imployed by the said honor able Companie into those partes againe and hauing the Com'and of a ship wl the charge of 100 men returned in ye yeare 1617 wth great reputac'on and good approbao'on of the sayd honourable companie of the East India aduen turers in this Visitac'on his age 35, 1619. pDorothea filia 1 Eustace Thoma Stan Harte ton de Wol- filius uerton in Joh'is Com. War. Harte. Maria filia unica atat. 1 anni 1619. 5. Eliz. ux. 6. Margareta unmaried. Hester. ) ob. Anna. J s.p. Maria uxor Joliffe Lownes Appoticarius Carolo Principi. Johanna 3 filia uxor Johannis BekensfeUd de London. 2. Martha ux.. Tho. Allen nunc in Hibernia. MirabeU fil. 1 sine p'le. ob. Ric'us Peiton fil. primo genitus ob. sine p'le. Maria Margareta nupta uxor Ric'i Tho. Eden. Hough ton. Elizab. 2. Christopherus Peiton de St.=p Anna filia Anna nupta Edmonds berie Auditor Hibernia WiU'i uxor Rogero temp. Elizab. Regina duxit An- Palmer Rogeri Bentley. nam filiam Newman de Hibernia de Comit. Kinge. ux. 2 & hath issue by her. Warr. uxor 1. Elizab. fil. prima uxor Ric'i Cooke de St. Edmonds Bery. I 2. Ciciley nupta Henrico Rookewood a Captaine in the Lowe Countries & descended of a younger brother of the house of Esvsham in Norff. 3. Thomazin youngest Da. mar. to Captaine Peter CastUian son of Baptist CastUian a Spaniard & seruant to Queen Elizab. & after the wife of Robt. Pigot of the Desert in Ireland. I 1. Margareta. 2. Gracia, Thomas Peyton fil. et= her. ob. ante patre'. :Jana filia Calthrop de Com. Norff. She ouerliued her Husb. Elizab. uxor Edm. Langley de com. Kent. 2. Thomas. 3. Johannes. 4. Edward's. Sr Robt. Peyton of Isle ham Kt. ob.9H. 8,1518 as appeareth by his Will and under a faire monu- m* in S4 Catherin's Chap- pell Lieth buried. Margareta Elizab. ux. Fran. nupta Jenney de Will'o KnotshaU Wigston in Com. de Com. Suff. War. militi. Rob'tus Peiton de=Francisca =Elizab. fil. Rob'tiCleere de Com. Norff. mUitis. I Anna uxor Joh'is Ash ley de Hair- feild in Com. Essex. Isleham miles who was at the siege of BullenwthH.8ob. 1550 &lyeth bur ied by his father. fil.ethar. Francisci Haselden de parua Chesterfeild in Com. Essex. EdwardPeyton. Joh'es = Peiton deKnol-ton in Com. Cancij. = Dorothea fil. Joh'is Tindallde Hockwold in Com. Norff.militis Balnea. The visitation of Warwickshire. 381 E| Thomas Peyton=Anna fiha Martini de Knolton in Com. Cancij miles ob. 1611. Calthorp mUitis et Maioris Ciuitats Londini ob. in Maioralitate. Joh'es Peyton de: Dunnington in Insula Eliensis miles nup Locum tenens turra Londini et Capi- tanus Insula Jersey. I. :Dorothea filia et har. Edm. Beaupre de WeU in Com. Norff. relict Robt. Bell mil. Baron Scaccarij. Elizab. uxor Tho. Monings de Com. Cancij. Joh'es Peiton miles fil. et hares was the first Knight= Alicia filia Joh'is Peiton y* K. James made after he was K. of Engl, for bring- de Isleham miles et ing him the first newes of the death of Queene Elizab. Baronettus. Samuell Peyton= de Knolton in Com. Cantij miles et Baro nettus sup'stes 1620. =Marie 1 fil. et co- har. Rogeri Ash ton who cam out of Scotland wthK. James & in spe- ciall fauor w' him et Mag'r Gardirob. I I 2. Anna. 4. Juditha. 6. Maria uxor Fran. Clarke de Martin Abbey. 1. Alicia ux. Rob'ti Darrell de Calehill Kt. 3. Elizab. uxor Rob'ti Banester militis 2. Anna uxor Tho. Hales filij primog. Caroli Hales milit. I I I "I 1. Thomas. 2. SamueU. 3. Edward's. 1. Anna. 2. Ehzab. 3. Margt. Ricus Peyton 2 fil. de Parua Chesterford Con- sillarius ad Legem duxit Mariam fil . Leonard! Hide de Hide hall in Com. Hertf. He lyeth buried by his father. 3. WiUmus. Robtus Peyton de Isle-=Elizab. fil. — ham Armig. Lieth bur. Rici Rich. 4. Christop. withhis wife Eliz. Rich Baronis de — in the aforesaid Chap- Lees in Com. 5. Edwardus. pel in a stately enarched Essexetd'ni — monument. Cancellarij 6. Johannes. Anglia. Katherina uxorWillmi Oxford. 2. Ricus. 3. Robtus. Winifrid ux. . . . Osbourn Consi- larius ad Legem 2 to Horsfleete in Kent. 3 to John Hornbie in Com. Lincoln. Francisca ux. Joh'is Haggarde Bourne in Com. Cantab. Joh'es Peyton de: Isleham miles Lord of familis ancient inheri tance of Peiton hall was created Baronet 1611. D : Alicia fil. Rob'ti Osbourne militis et Maioris CiuitatisLondini. Maria ux. Robt. Baiam de Wal- soken in Com. Norf. 2 Ric'o Coxe de Braham in Insula Elien sis. Anna Elizab. uxor nupta Robti Antho' Bawn Ersene de de Com. Suff. Lincoln mUiti. I Maria uxor Rogeri Mieres de Houghtonin Com. Lincoln. Edwardus Peiton=Marthell de Magna Bradley fil. Robti in Com. Suff. Leuesey miles filius et de Toting hares. in Com. Surrey. I II I I 2. Joh'es 3. Rob'tus. 4. Rogerus. 5. WiUmus. 6. Thomas. Alicia uxor Johis Peiton iunioris de Dunnington in Insula Eliensis. 382 THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. Arms. — Argent, three eagles displayed gules. THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. 383 Ex sigiUo. A fess between two cJtevrons. Ex. sigfflis. Argent, three eagles displayed gules. Nicholaus Lisley siue de Insula de=p Moxhull in Com. War. 44 H. 3. Ankitellus de Lisley=pJoanna filia & her. Robt'i Black- de MoxhuU 13 E. 1. greue de Middleton in Com. War. Henricus de Lisley de=pJohanna uxor eius. Moxhull 17. 19 E. 2. Johannes de Lisley de=pMatildis relict Moxhull 10. 26 E. 3. 1 R. 2. Johannes de Lisley de Mox-=pMargeria. hull 1 R. 2 et 6 H 5. Wfflm's de Lisley de=pJuliana filia Rob'ti Middlemore Moxhull 21. 35 H. 6. de Egbaston in Com. War. Henricus de Lisley de Moxhull 12 E. 4.=pElizabetha. I Johannes Lisley=pAmy fiha et Coh. Tho. Lecroft vel de Moxhull. Lecros de ColsiU in Com. War. Nicholaus Lisley de Moxhull ob. 1540.=pAnn filia Thoma Swinerton de Com. Staff. 2. Edwardus. 4. Reginaldus. Thomas Lisley=pAlieia filia Geo. Masterton 3. Henricus. de Moxhull 1563. al's Masterson de Wicks in Com. Staff. I Tho. Lisley=pfilia WiUm's Anna uxor SibiUa ux. Johannes^ 2 fihus. Gedes- 3 fihus. Harman brooke. Thomas filius 2. Franciscus. primogenitus. — 3. Edwardus. post TaUows. Francisci Lisley de Gibbons. Moxhull ob.Elizab. -"Dorothea fil. Georgij Wil loughby filij Hugonis Willoughbymilitis. 2. Georgius. Abigail Anna uxor Exuperij Johannes Lisle — uxor Bradshaw. „ de Moxhull in 3. Thomas. Stringer. — ' Com. War. — — Maria ux. Johis S win supstes 1619. 4. Symon. SibiUa. fen de Swinfen in Com :Bregetta fil. Johis Knotesford de Studley in Com. War. Johannes Lisley fil. 1. Brigetta. 2. Letticia. et har. atat. . . . 384 THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. #rostoenor* & X* W Arms. — Quarterly of eight. 1. Azure, a garb or between three bezants. 2. Sable, a cross flory argent. 3. Azure, three birds or. 4. Vert, fretty or. 5. Gules, two bars argent, in chief three cinquefoils qf the last. 6. Vair, a canton gules. 7. Argent, a bend sable between three mullets gules. 8. Argent, on a fess cotised sable, three escallops of the field. Crest. — A talbot statant or, collared gules. THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. 385 GUbertus le Grosuenator miles=p Nepos Hugonis Lupi Comitis Cestria. Robertus le Grosuenator.=p I Henricus le Grosuenator.=p , I Radulphus le Grosuenator.=p I Ricardus le Grosuenator.=p I Emma fil. Will'i=pRob'tus le Grosuenator Sepulters=pAlicia ux. 2 postea Moberley ux. 1. in Eccha de Budworth uxor WiU'i Sketton. Rob'tus Grosueneur=pEmma filia Warini le Man- mUes Escaetor 7 E. 3. I Rad'us Grosueneur=p de Huhne miles. waring de Peuer 7 E. 3. MatUda uxor Joh'is Hatton renupta Rad'o Vernon 19 E. 3. Rad'us Grosueneur dictus senior. Rob'tus Grosueneur de Budworth. Jana fil. Johannis= DanieU de Tabley mihtis ob. s. p. I : Rob'tus Grosueneur de=pJuliana Holme ob. die Mercurii proximu' post festum natis beata Maria a0 20 R. 2 fuit defensor armoru' contra Scroope. filia et har. Roberti Pulford militis. Warinus le Grosueneur de Budworth. Thomas Grosuenor=pKatherina fil. &= de Holme miles rait 10 H. 5. hey. WiU'i Fea sant de com. Staff, militis. -Tho. Roch 2 maritus. Rob'tusGrosue neur de Budworth. Ricus le Grosueneur frater et hares mas- culus de Budworth. Rob'tus Grosueneur: de Holme miles vixit 16 H. 6. :Jenetta filia GalfridiChi- dell militis. Rawlinges vel Rad'us-- Grosueneur de Holme 2 fil. vixit 25 H. 6. Johanna fil. et har. Joh'is Etton de Etton vixit 36 H. 6. Elizab. fil. 1 et coh. nupta Petro Dutton de Halton. Emma 2 fil. ux. Joh'is Leigh de Boothes. 2. Petri Shakerley. Katherina 3 fil. et coh. nupta Ric'o Winnington de Winnington. 2. Wffl'o Venables. Margareta 4 filia et coh. ux. Thoma Leister de Tabley. Anna 5 fil. et coh. nupta Will'o Stanley de Sturton et Halton. Margeria fil. 6 Domina Abbatissa de Nunneria de Chester. 3 D 386 THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. E | A Rad'us Grosueneur de Chester 2 filius. Rob'tus Grosueneur: de Etton 1 filius ob. ante patrem. Johanna fil. Tho. Fitton de Gos- worth habuit 8 filii et 7 fiha. Rob'tus Grosue neur de Chester had by Sibell his wife 2 sonnes & 2 daughters. Alicia uxor Wffl'i Goodman de Chest. I Rob'tus Grosue neur de Eatton 9 H. 7. :Katherina filiaWfflmiNorris de Speake mil. James Grosueneur 3 fil. duxit Maf- garetam filiam Piers Stanley de Ewland. Margareta fil. et har. nupta Ric'o Oldefield de Knottesford. Thomas Grosue-=Elizab. filia neur de Eatton Hugonis fil. primogenit's Calueley- ob. sine p'le. de Calueley militis. Ric'us Grosue-=pKatharina filia neur de Eatton ob. 27 July 34 H. 8. Anthonius 4 fil. duxit Julian filia Rogeri Pulleston de EmeraU mil. Johnob. s.p. Rich. Grosueneur 3 fil. duxit Ehzab. fil. Piers Dutton de Hatton et ob. sans issue. et hares Ric'i Cotton de Rid- ware in com. Staff. 3. Radulphus. 4. Jacobus. I Tho. Grosue-= nour de Eat ton miles. Matilda fil. WUl'mi Poole de Poole in Werall. Anna nupta Edmundo Billet de Morton in com. Cestria ob. 1612. RicardusGrosueneurfil. 2 ob. sine p'le. Thomas Grauenour=pAnna fil. Rojeri de Eatton ob. 12 Nouemb. 1570. Bradshaw de Haugh postea WiU'i Ratcliff de Manchester. Thomas ob. Ric'us Grosueneur de Eaton sup'stes=pChristiana filia Ric'i Brooke infantulum. 1618 ob. 18 Septemb. 1619. de Norton ob. 1604. I Thomas Sr Richard Grosuenor=pLetticia filia Hugonis ob. sans fil. et har. knighted issue. 1617 at. 36, 1619. Chomley de Chomley mUitis in com. Cestria. Ric'us Grosuenor fil. et har. 1 . Christian. atat. xi. annoru' 1620. — 2. Mary. Tho. Grosueneur de Drayton=pIsabella fil. et coh. Ric'i Pershall de Rad'us 3 fil. vixit 8 H. 6. Chetwin in com. Salop mihtis. I Randolph Grosueneur de Belliport=pMargareta fil. Randolphi in Comitat.- Salop Man waring de Caringham. 4 filius. THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. 387 |D RandaU Grosueneur de Belhport=pAnna fil. Wmi Charlton 16 H. 7. I de Apeley. Tho. Grosueneur de BeUiport=pMaria filia Joh'is Cotes A0 1563. de Woodcotes 20 H. 8. I Ric'us 2 fil. duxit Ursulam filia' Franc. Charlton de Apley. Willm's Grosueneur=pAnna fil. et coh. WiU'i Haywood de Som'low in com. Staff. de Belliport in com. Salop. WiUm's Grosueneur duxit .... fil. et har. Joh'is Sherley de Stanton Herald in com. Leic. Willm's Grosuenour= Cicilia fil. Ric'i de BeUiport in com. Manwaring de Salop. Ightfeild in com. Salop. Joh'es Grosueneur duxit filiam et haredem Whitmore. WUhn's Grosueneur duxit Margareta' fil. et har.. Ricardi Scarsmith. 5: Rowlandus Johannes Grosueneur Willm's Elizab. Humphredus=p Jocosa fil. et 4fil.=p I fil. primogenitus.=p 3 filius. uxor Grosueneur Jenkins, de Farncot in com. Salop I 'Ric'us Grosueneur. Willm's Grosveneur. 2 fil. coh. Joh'is Welles al's Clarke de Tibbingtonincom.Staff. WiUm's Grosueneur. Nicholaus Grosueneur. Ric'us Grosuenour Humphredus =p Clericus, 2 filius. Ricardus Grosueneur. IsabeUa Margareta nupta uxor Tho. Brooke de Joh'is Chorley in com. Whor- Salop. wood. I Johanna uxor Rob'ti Collard de Fekenham in com. Wigorn. Joh'es Grosueneur=pRosa fil. et hares de Busberie Justice of ye peace & Coram in com. Staff. Joh'is Cleyton de Harwood parua in com. Lancast'. Henricus Grosue nour 2 fil. duxit Aliciam filiam Rob'ti Whitgraue de Burton sine prole. I I 3. Johannes. 4. Jacobus. Ric'usob.sinep'le. Ehzab. uxor Tho. New man de Hamers- worth. Walter = Grosueneur de Busberie in com. Staff. E Jocosa filia Johis Foulk de Gunston. 388 THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. E r 1 Walter Grosuenour Joseph. Gertrude Sara uxor Hester nupta I Venis ux. 3 fil. duxit Annam — uxor Hugonis Hugoni Ouer Tho. filia Humphredi SolomOn Wright. Whitbrooke de London. Frank Hill de Hilton in ob. sine postea re de Essex. com. Staff. p'le. nupta Lilley. Jonas Grosueneur* de Busberie in com. Staff, fil. pri mogenitus sup'stes 1619. =Elizab. fil. Gawen Grosuenour de Sutton: Humphredi Coldfield in com. War. p'l 2 Cotton de Atturnie in ye Star Chamber Boldall. atat. 53, 1619. I I I :Dorotheafil.Geo. Pudsey de Lang ley in com. War. ar. Jocosa uxor 2. Thomas. Edwardi — James de 3. Edward. Rowley. Dorothea uxor Walter Grosueneur= Juditha fiha Tho. Humphredi fil. & har. first mar. Vernon de Hasel- Astley de Elianor Da. of John ley in com. Ces- Church Eaton. Bradshaw of Bur- tria mil. uxor 2. ton. Job filius 2 atat. 13 annoru' non compos mentis. Foulk Grosueneur filius et hares atat. 17, 1619. Gawen Grosue neur, 3 filius. 1. Winifride. 2. Katherin. ^anjjjjanu Ricardus Langham de Coldashby in Com. Northamp.=T= Thomas Langham de= Coldashbye in Com. Northamp. 3 filius. =Alicia fil. Anna1filia. oh'i Joh'is Langham de=p Northampton fihus 4 duxit Annam. Johanna uxor Joh'is Grosse de Coldashby in com. Northa'. Johannes Langham. Willm's Langham de London. THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. 389 A| Johannes Langham=p de Coldashby fil. 2 1619. Ricardus Langham = Clericus rector Ecclesia de Thornby A0 1619. WiUm's Katherina. Langham. :Margareta filia Christopheri Hogeson de Lichfield. Edwardus fil. et har. atat. 16 annorum A0 1619. 2. Johanne. 1. Anna. 3. Thomas. 2. Elizab. Elizab. uxor Rogeri Wikes de Coldashby. Radulphus Langham =p Johanna filia Edri Lole de Pailton in Comitat. War. fil. et hares. de Winwick in Com. Northton. Willm's Langham Clericus rector ecclia de Thurnby in com. Northamp. 2 filius. Edwardus Langham de=pAnna filia Rob'ti West Guillesburgh in Com. de Cotton Ende iuxta Northampton fil. 5. Northampton. Sara uxor Ric'i Setterthwait de Gufflesborow. Anna. I Eliz. uxor Fran. Vincent de Wedon in Com. Northa'. oh'e Joh'es Langham de London filius et hares merca tor A0 1619. I J I Samuell Lang- Willm's ham de London — grocer A0 1619. Edward'sde Londo' Agnes uxor Christoph'ri Lea de Kirkby Mona- chorum in Com. War. I Jana uxor Christo pheri Packwood de Brokehurst in Monkes Kirby. I WiUm's Langham= de Stretlaston in Monkes Kirby fil. 2. Isabella filia Tho. Gilbert de Stretlas ton. Ricardus Langham atat. 20, 1619. I I 2. Edwardus. 3. Randulphus. Agnes. Idna. Maria. Ric'us Langham de=p Pailton fihus 3 duxit Goditham. I Edward Langham de=p Agneta fil. Joh'is Johannes Pailton filius et har. Handes de Shawell s. p. Superstes A0 1619. in Comit. Leic. Jana.Elizab. Agnes. Radulphus. Willm's. Johannes Langham fil. et har. at. 2 Ian. 1619. 2. Radulphus. I I 4. Thomas. 3. Willmus. 5. Edwardus. Elizab. ux. Wffl'i Harris de Draicot in Com. War. Agnes uxor Tho. West deWesthad- don in Com. North. Benedictus.Jana. Dorothea. ! Ill II Jana. Goditha. S. prole. Maria. Margareta. Sara. 390 THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. Dae&etoerelL Arms. — Quarterly of nine. 1. Argent, on a saltire azure five water bougets or. 2. Gules, a swan argent ducally gorged. 3. Argent, three hares sejant playing upon bag pipes gules. 4. Gules, a pale lozengy argent. 5. Sable, a chevron between three lozenges argent. 6. Argent, a fess azure between three crescents gules. 7. Argent, a lion rampant sable, crowned or. 8. Gules, a fess or between three bezants. 9. Azure, a lion rampant argent. Crest. — A goat statant argent, attired sable. THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. 391 Rob'tus SacheuereU.^. . . filia Hartell. I I Johannes Sacheuerell.=pAmia filia Joh'is Padley. Rob'tus filius obijt Patrick Sacheuerell=pParnell filia Jacobi Johannes 2 fil. sine prole. hares fratribus suis. Foliamby. ob. sine prole. Johannes SacheuereU.^. . . fiha Joh'is Oker. _^__ ! Joh'es Sacheuerell=p. . . filia Vernon Patricius 2. Henricus. 3. Rob'tus. fil. et hares. de Haddon. 4 filius. Patrick Sacheuerell.=p. . . filia et hares Snitterton de Sniterton. WiUm's SacheuereU=p. . . filia TJgenalli Brelsford militis. Rob'tus SacheuereU de Snitterton in Com. Derbia ar.=p. . . filia . . . Dewins. Rob'tus SacheuereU de Snitterton.=p. . . filia Lumley. Willm's SacheuereU.=p. . . filia Rad'i Langford. I Johannes Sacheuerell.=p. . . filia . . . Eyre. r~ : i fil. et hares Joh'is=pRob'tus Sacheuerell=. . . filia Sutton de Johannes Hopwell ux. 1. filius et hares. Haddon in le Peake SacheuereU ob. sine prole. 2 fil. Joh'es SacheuereU de HopweU.=pAnna filia Rogeri Leeche de Chattesworth militis. Radulphus Sacheuerell.=p. . . filia . . . Curson. Edmundus Morley miles.=p Edwardus Morley Walterus Morley=p mUes. miles. Rob'tus Morley .=pIsabeUa filia Phillippi Deybridg. I B 392 THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. Alice uxor AmphiUis uxor Ric'us Morley =pJohanna fil. et her. Verdon. Phillip Wasnes. . . . Delaland. Lucy Da. and hey. of Rich ^Morley .=pHugh Risley. Will'mus Massey.=pLucy da. and sole hey. of Hugh Risley. Rob'tus Statham Esq.=pGoditha fil. et har. WiU'mi Massey. Thomas Statham Esq.= filia Langley uxor prima. ;Tho. Statham=--fiha Curson 2 uxor sepulta miles sepultus apud Morley. apud Morley. Johannes Statham Esq.=p. . . filia CornwaU fil. et hares Baronis de Burford. filia Georgij Sandon = Henricus Statham de Morley duxit=p ob. sine prole. filiam Stanhop 2 ux. sine prole. filia Booth uxor prima. Jane filia et unica^=Joh'es SacheuereU 2. Ohuerus. I hares Hen. Statham de Morley in Com. Derbia. fil. et har. 3. Ricardus. . . . filia uxor . . . filia Findem de nupta Findern in Com. Derbia, Slurrey de CoUick. Henricus SacheuereU de Morley=pIsabella filia Joh'is - Ric'us Sacherell de Ratcliff in Comit. Derby miles et New hall in Com. War. Montgomerie militis. 2 fil. duxit Domina' Hun gerford. filia nupta Joh'i Booth. Katherina ux. Thoma Maria uxor Geo. Babington. Chaworth. I I I I I Elizab. nupta Willm's Sache^p. . . filia et hares 2. Rob'tus. 4. Thomas. Rad'o Francis de Ticknall. uerell fil. et hares. Clementis Lowe de Denbye, 3, Henricus, 5, Ricardus. THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. 393 I Johannes SacheuereU de Morley .=pElizab. filia Nic'i Peirpoint militis. I Franciscus. Nicholaus. ob. s.p, Rad'us SacheuereU duxit Mariana filia' AsteU. Margareta uxor . Jeruaice de King- stock. Maria ux. Danuers. Joh'es SacheuereU de Morley in Com. Derby .=p. . . filia Antonij Fitz Harbert militis. I Anna ob. M'ris Keies=pHenricus SacheuereU de Morley nuper=p. . . filia Humphri s.p. concubin. j Vicecomes Darbia de Newhall in Com. War. ob. 14 August 1620. Bradborne de Com. Leic. mihtis. Abigail uxor Jacinth Sache-=p. . . filia Ricardi Valence SacheuereU Jonathan Harper de Lit- 3 fil. atat. 15 an- 2 filius. tleouer in Com. noru' per M'ris Derbia militis. Kayes Nothus. Humphredi uerell filius et Pakington har. atat. 40 de Worcest. annoru' 1619. Henricus SacheuereU fil. et hares atat. 2 menses 26 Octobr 1619. Lucia filia Hen. Hastinges de=Ferdinando SacheuereU filius Newark iuxta Leic. militis. naturalis atat. 20, 1619. 3 E 394 THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. gntrretoes* Arms. — Quarterly of six. 1 and 6. Argent, on a bend cotized sable three mullets of the field. 2. Or, on a chevron gules five bezants. 3. Argent, two chevrons gules between six martlets sable, two, three, and one. 4. Gules, a heart betwixt three cinquefoils or. 5. Argent, two chevrons gules, in chief a label qf three points throughout vert. THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. 395 Willm's Andrewes=pJana fil. Joh'es de Hanberie in Com. Wigorn. Butler de Elme don HaU. Humfredus Andrewes1 de Hanbury in Comitat. Wigorn. :Anna filia Tho. Vernon de Hanbury in Com. Wigorn. Gilbertus Andrews fil.=pDorothea filia WiU'mi et har. de Hanburie in Com. Wigorn. Dethick de Newhall in Com. Derbia. Maria uxor . . . Bate de Beoly in Com. Wigorn. Gilbertus 1. Jana uxor Joh'is Fisher Maria 2 filius. de Com. Oxon. 3 filia. Elizab. uxor Ed'ri Crippes de London. Willm's Andrewes"- de Meridon in Com. War. -fil. et 1619. =Anna filia Tho. Reines de Com. Som'set. 5. Katherina ux. Joh'is Bradley de Hampton in Com. Staff. 4. Anna uxor . . . Robinson in Com. Staff. Willm's Andrewes fihus et hares at. 13 annoru' 1619. 396 THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. Hpnerslep* Arms. — Quarterly of four. 1 and 4. Argent, a fess vaire gules and or between three eagles displayed of the second, in chief a crescent for difference. 2 and 3. Argent, on a chevron sable between three hurts as many etoites or, on a chief gules three cinquefoils of the field. Crest. — On a mount under a holly bush proper a greyhound sejant argent collared or and charged on the shoulder with a crescent for difference. THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. 397 Robt. Ferrers de Lockesley.=p Robertus Ferrers de Lockesley, T Johannes Kinardesley=p 10 E. 1., 28 E. 1., 1 E. 3. Tho. de Ferrers Dn's de: Loxley in Com. Staff. 4 E. 1. Galfridus : Kinersley 11 E. 3. :MatUda. Joh'es Kinardesley=pJohanna soror Tho. de Alicia uxor de Loxley ob. 23 E. 3 et har. Tho. Ferrers ob. Tho. Rile Ferrers D'ni sine pie. 14 de Loxley. de Loxley. E. 1. Thomas Nicholas de Joh'es recto' Willm's de Kinar-=pElizab. fil. Rob'ti de Colaton Handley 18 Eccha de Stoke desley Dn's de Lox- 6 E. 3. E. 2. 19 E. 3 et 16 ley 24 E. 3, ob. 12 E. 2. H. 4. I de Salway de Canke in Com. Staff. Elizab. filia Joh'is=pRob'tus Kinardesley=pJana Relicta Tho. Gifford de Child- ington nhlitis ux. 1. Dn's de Loxley 13 H. 4, ob. 33 H. 6. Tamhorne militis ux. 2. I Joh'es Kinardesley Dn's de Lox-=pMargareta filia Rob'ti Henricus Kinardesley=p ley in Com. Staff, ob. 10 E. 4. j Aston de Tixsall re- de Brockton 2 filius nupta Rad'o Wolesley. 2 E. 4. Robertus Kinardesley de Brockton=pCassandra fiha WiU'mi Hum- et Drayton ob. 26 H. 8. phrison de Com. Salop. Joh'es Kinardesley de=pMargareta fiha Turner Brailesford 4 Elizab. de LichfeUd. Ellina ux. Cassandra Katherina Rob'ti Whit- ux. Hugonis ux. Tho. haU de Yard- Coxson de Hart de ley. Hough. Woodland. Edwardus Kinardesle; de Warde ende ob. 1612. -"Margeria fil. et hares Tho. Bond de Ward Ende. Johjes Kinardesley fil. et h^res=pKatherina filia WiU'mi Butler, Ehzab.ob. s.p. de Warde Ende in Com. Warr. atat. 40, 1619. soror Tho. Butler de Beden- ham in Com. Bedf. Joh'es Kinardesley fil. et hares Ursula Martha atat. 6 Thomas atat. 5, annoru' 1619. atat. 2. mensis 1619, 2 filius. 398 THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. |A Margeria filia Joh'is =pThomas Kinardesley Dn's de Loxley ob. 29 H. 8=Elizab. AgarddeForstonux.l. Duxit Ehzab. fil. Ed. Wolmere de Edmanston in filia Com. Salop ux. 3 relict. Henrici Petitrp Joh'is. Walter Kinardesley .=pJohanna ux. Ed'ri Sprott. Anna uxor Humfredi Cotton de Bold. Henricus Mercator Londini. John. Clem't. I Franciscus rector ecclia de Ley et blithefeild. Dorothea ux. Humfredi Minors de Utceter. Ellina ux. Rob'ti Whithall de Yardesley in Com. Darby. Joh'es Kinar desley ob. ante patrem 6 H. 8. :Dorothea filia et unica hares Hen. Pettit de Bagesance in Com. Salop re nupta Tho. Noell. 2. Margareta. 3. Jocosa. I I I 4. Katherina. Margeria — uxor Georgius ob. s.p. Eaton. Tho. Kinardes-=pDorothea filia Phihppi ley de Loxley ob. 34 Eliz. Dracott de Pensley militis. Elizab. ux. Joh'is Combes de Strat ford s.p. Maria uxor Tho. Woodcock de New port in Com. Salop. Anthonius Ki-=pIsabeUa filia et hares nardesley de Lodouicus Walker de Loxley 1613. Bramshall. Edwardus =pMaria filia Wffl'i Franciscus Kinardes ley 2 filius. Georg frater . . . Kinardesley Gorge militis. fil. et. har. :Letticia fil. Ric'i Maria ux. Bagot de Blith- Hen.Man- feild. waring. AnthoniusKinardesley. Tho. Kinardesley 2. Anthonius. 2. Walterus. filius et hares. Rad'us duxit EUenam fil. Ed'ri Nicholas Hayward de Bridgnorth.=p ob. s.p. Franciscus Kinardesley. THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. 399 Hnt|$tle£+ Rogerus Knightley de: Gousall in Com. Staff. Rogerus Knightley de= GousaU. Ahcia uxor Rob'ti Cotts. Joh'es Knightley de=pElizab. fil. et hares Gousall Ada de Brough. Ric'us Knightley=p filia .. . Gifford de GousaU. de Chillington. Ric'us Knightley de Fausley=pEhzab. filia Purifoy. in Com. North ton. Ric'us Knightley=pElianor filia Tho. Throck- de Fausley. morton de Coughton. Ricardus Knightley=pJane Da. & hey. of Hen de Fausley. Skinerton de Alderton. Ric'us Knightley = Jana filia Joh'is Spencer de Upton fil. 1. de Hodenhull miles. Valentinus Knightley=pAnna fiha Ed'ri Ferrers de Edmondus=Ursula fil. et Coh. mil. obijt 8 Marcij A0 1566 Baddesley in Com. War. ob. 12 Decemb. 1554. Knightley Joh'is Vere Comit. miles. Oxon relicta Geo. Windsor. Elizab. filia Ed'ri^pRicardus Knightley de=pMaria filia Ric'i Farmour Seimour Ducis Somerset, Fawesley mUes ob. 1 Septembris 1615. de Eston Neston. Seymour Knightley=Dorothea fil. Joh'is Bide miles. militis de Somerton. Valentine Knightley=pAnna fil. et har. Thomas Maria ux. Tho. Dorothea. de fausley et Upton miles ob. 1619. Edw. Umpton militis. 2 filius. Bamiston de Suff. 400 THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. Arms. — Quarterly of twenty-three. 1. Quarterly ermine and paly of six or and gules (Knightley). 2. Gules, two bars ermine, in chief a crescent for difference (Pan- tolph). 3. Gules, fretty or (Verdon). 4. Gules, three stags' heads caboshed or (Doiley). 5. Barry of ten argent and gutes, a chevron or (Stoke). 6. Gules, a stag's head caboshed argent (Duston). 7. Or, fretty gules, a canton argent (Noell). 8. Azyire, two bars gemelles, and in chief a lion passant or (Tregos). 9. Argent, a fess gules between three etoites sable (Euras). 10. Azure, a buck's head caboshed or (Golover). 11. Sable, on a saltire argent five swans of the field (Burgh). 12. Or, three stags' heads caboshed sable, attired argent (Burgh). 13. Argent, a lion rampant within a bordure engrailed sable (Cowley). 14. Gules, a chevron paly or and argent betwixt three crosslets of the last (Cowley). 15. Argent, a chevron between three annulets gules (Clanceux). 16. Sable, a chevron between three hawJcs' lures argent (Skinnard). 17. Or, a chevron between three escallops azure (Colcombe). 18. Argent, a bend lozengy gules and or (Harwedon). 19. Argent, a fess dancetU between nine crosslets gules (Wateruile). 20. Gules, three bendlets vair, in chief a label of three points throughout or (Landwath). 21. Gules, two bars argent, a canton ermine (St. John). 22. Gules, a lion rampant vaire azure and or (Comberton). 23. Azure, five fusils in fess conjoined or, each charged with a mullet gules (Plumpton). Crest. — A buck's head argent, attired or. THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. 401 Elizab. fil. et Coh. uxor Oliueri Luke de Com. Bedf. militis. Anna 2 Coh. nupta Ric'o Chetwood Ar. Maria iuniora filia ux. Georgij Purifoy ar. I Edmondus Knightley=pAlicia filia WiU'i Thomas Knight-=pElizab. fil. Joh'is de Granburgh in Com. War. filius 2. Bury de Culnetha' in Com. Oxon. 2. Georgius. 3. Edwardus. ley de Burgh hall in Com. Staff, fil. 3 superstes 1619 at. 78. Ricardus Knightley 1 fil. Sbukburgh de Nauesby in Com. Northamp. Ric'usKnightle fil. et har. at. 35. 'MM 2. SamueU at. 32. 3. Edward at. 26. 4. Nathaniell at. 24. 5. Timothy at. 19. T I I 1. Jana uxor Ric'i Hoode de Leicest. 2. Maria uxor Fabian Gast- rell de Glou cest. Ill I ™, 3. Elizab. nupta Waltero Deuereux de Castle Brom wich in Com. War. 4. Anna uxor Ric'i Smith de Com. Wilts. 5. Martha 5 fil. nupta Joh'i Norden de Com. Midd. 6. Francis nupta. Anna ux. Fran. filij et har. Tho. Cokain de Ash- bourn in Com. Darbia militis. I I Constancia ux. Hen. Acton de Ribbesford in Com. Glouc. Ar. Johannes -Knightley ob. s. p. Ehzab. filia=Edwardus Knightley de= Elizab. Thacker de London ux. 1. Offchurchberie in Com. filia , War. 4 filius duxit Eli- Knolles zab. fil. WiU'mi Lenthall de Lon- de Lachford in Com. donux.3. Oxon. ux. 2.=p Valentinus. Maria. s.p. Rob'tus Knightle de Offchurchbery in Com. War. fil. et hares superstes 1619. Anna filia Joh'is Pettus de Norwich militis. LI I ! I Constancia 1. Edwardus 3 Alicia 2. Anna 5. Elizab. 7. Elizab. 8. Dorothea 9. Georgius 10. , Edwardus 11. Andreas 12. Christiana ux. Gilles Stanney de Sussex filia 6. Johannes Knightley fil. et har. atatis 8 annoru' tempore Jiuius Visitac'on 1619, Edwardus ob. infancia. Brigetta. 3 F 402 THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. «aastaff. Arms. — Argent, two bends engrailed sable, the lower one couped, the upper charged with a crescent fm- difference in sinister chief an escallop qf the last ; impaling, Argent, three bars and a canton conjoined gules. Crest.— A demi-lion rampant argent, in the dexter paw a staff raguly sable. THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. 403 Thomas Wagstaffe de Harberie= in Com. War. Henricus Wagstaff de Harberie in Com. War. Gertruda fiha Rob'ti=Thomas Wagstaff de=pAnna filia Ric'i Broome de Woodlow in Com. War. ux. 2. CoUegio Warwici gent, filius 2. Venour de Com. War. gent. I Timotheus Wagstaff de=pElizab. fiha Nichi Fulwer CoUegio Warwici et de Medio Templo London Ar. iam superstes A0 1619. de Chamberhouse in com. Berks. I II I II Ehzab. Anna. Thomas Wagstaffe filius Timotheus Johannes — et hares atatis 4 annoru' 2 filius atatis 12 AbigaU. et dimid. tempore huius atatis 3 hebdomador', s.p. Visitationis 1619. annoru'. 404 THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. i^atoes* Arms.— Sable, a chevron argent between three leopards faces or. THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. 405 Thomas Hawes de Edlicot in=p Hundredo de Hemlingford in Com. Warr. Thomas Hawes filius et hares.=p Thomas Hawes filius et hares.= I Thomas Hawes filius et hares.=pJoane filia . . . Rainsford. Thomas Hawes de Edlicott in=pElizab. filia Nich'i Browne de Com. War. superstes 1563. Woodhouse in Com. War. I I Wfflm's Hawes de HiUfeild=pUrsula filia Will'i Constance ux. in parochia da Solihull in Comit. War. Ar. superstes 1619. CoUes de Leigh in Com. Wigorn. Thoma Speherd yeoman. 2. Elizabeth. 3. Margaret. Ursula. Ehzab. uxor WiU'i Sheldon de Broms- graue in Com. Wigom. Edmondus Hawes de Hillfeild=pJana filia Ric'i de Sohhull War. filius et har. superstes 1619. Porter-de Bay- ham in Sussex. 5. Anna. 6. Elizab. 7. Rutha. I I I WiUm's Hawes 2. Johannes. fil. et hares at. — 14 annoru' 3. Edmondus. 1619. II II II 1. Jana. 3. Ursula. Ursula. 2. Lucia. 4. Maria. Thomas. s..p. 1. Thomas. Ursula uxor Rad'i Hunt Constancia uxor Georgij — de Stoke grene in parochia Bally ? de Milcomb in 2. WiUmus. Hanburie in Com. Wigom. parochia de Bloxham in ob. s. p. Com. Oxon. 406 THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. gberep* Confirmed to Will'm Auerey of Filhngley 1579, by Robt. Cooke Clareunceux. Arms. — Ermine, on a pale engrailed azure, three lions' heads couped in pale or. Crest. — A leopard couchant argent bezante, ducally gorged or. THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. 407 Willm's=pKatherina filia . . . Williams Auerey. de Com. Somerset. Elizab. fil. Thoma: Harby de Adston in Com. North'ton ux. 1. : WiUm's Auerey= AmphiUis fil. Nich'i Elizab. uxor . . . de Filongley in Foxley de Blakesley Heringe renupta Com. War. ob. in Com. Northamp. . . . Langhorne et 7 Maii A0 1618. ob. Februar. 1616. postea . . . Younge. I Katherin uxor Hen. Agard de DunstaU in Com. Staff. WUhn's Auerey de=pMabilia filia 2, WiU'i Thomas Filongley in Com. Belcher de Guilles- fil. 2, War. fil. et. har. burgh in Com. North. Calebs superstes 1619. armigeri. 1619. Ricardus ob. in puerUi atate. Knightley Auery, 3 fil. obijt infans. Will'mus Auery fil. primogenitus. atat. 7 annoru' 1619. I Johannes. fil. 2. Elizab.ob. s.p. 408 THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. Crabell Arms. — Per pale azure and gules on a bend or between two eagles displayed argent three mullets sable, on a chief of the fourth as many garbs vert. Crest. — A greyhounds head sable charged on the neck with three mullets or pierced of the field. ' Per Tho. Wriothesley, et Tho. Benolt Reges Annoru' 1516, 8 of H. 8," THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. 409 Ricardus Trauell de Road in Com. Northamp.=p cui. H. 7 dedit Grang feildes in Quinton in eadem Comitatu. Alexander Trauell de Weston=FElizab. filia FaueU in Com. Northamp. , Ridge de Abington in Com. Northam. Joh'es Trauell 4 fil. de: Grayes Inne London. Elizabetha. :filia Geo. Harcourt de Dadlington in Com. Leic. IsabeUa uxor. Rob'ti Ekins de Caldicote in Com. Northam. Alexander : Trauell de Quinton in Com. North. fil. 2. Ricardus Trauell de Draughton=p. . . filia in Com. Northamp. fil. et har. . Chapman de Maydwell in Com. Northt. Alicia uxor Ric'i Har- Rob'tus TraueU filius=pMargareta fil. Ric'i Leuerich pole de Northamp. et hares A0 1619. de Stanwick in Com. North. Emanuell Trauell fil. et hares. Elizabetha. Thomas TraueU fil. 2 de Alexander Johannes Trauell de Ricardus Trauell Linford parua in Com. Trauell Easton in Com. de London 5 Bucks. filius 3. Northt. 4 filius. filius. I III Alexander TraueU fil. primogenitus. 2. Thomas. 3. Nathaniell. Elizab. Elizab. fil Fran.=Henricus Trauell de Couentry in Com =pElizab. filia Rogeri Hesket de North amp. ux. 1. Barnard de War. duxit Elizab. filiam Joh'is Holland Abington in de Northamp, Com. Northt. Ar. 1619. Alexander. Maria s.p. 2. Henricus. 4. Samuell. 6. Beniamin. 8. Will'mus. Katherina. 3. Daniell. 5. Josephus. 7. Franciscus. 9. Georgius. Elizab. uxor Joh'is Smith Dorothea ux. Ric'i Joh'es Trauell de London fil. de Northampton gen. Pywell de Couentry. et har. atat. 30 annoru' 1619. Edwardus Trauell de Weston in Com. Northamp. mercator Stapula fil. 3. 1. Johannes. 2. Samuell. Elizab. uxor Josephi Tirringham de Weston generosi. 3G 410 THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. iumpson. ^ JSr & Arms. — Or, three bars vert, in chief as many mullets azure. Q: THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. 411 Thomas Kempston de Walsalt in Com. Staff. Wfflm's Kemp ston de Grafton in Com .War. fil. et hares. :. . . . filia Shepard nep'tis WiU'i Seffinton miUtis ex sorore. :Anna filia et Ricardus Coh. Rob'ti Kempston Draper de s. p. Temple Grafton. :Nicholaus Kemp ston de Binton in Comitat. WTar. filius 2. :Agnes filia Tho. Home de Aston under Edge in Com. Glouc. ux. 2. JohannesKempston. Georgius Kemp ston de Haselor in Com. War. :EHzab. filia . . , relicta Joh'is Aunton. Ricardus Kemp-=T=Margareta filia Thoma Jackman de Binton. ston de Binton in Com. War. filius 4. Georgius Kempston fil. primogenitus. Nicholaus 2 fiUus. Ricardus Kemp ston fil. et har. atat. 12 annor' 1619. Anna uxor Joh'isWalker de Marcleeue in Com. War. Elizab. Agnes uxor Joh'is Johanna uxor Tho. Tarpley de Binton Granger de Dun- in Com. War. nington in Com. War. Thomas Kempston: de Ouersley in Com. War. fil. 3. :Letticia filia . . . Collier de Stone in Com. Staff. Thomas Kempston fil. et har. atat. 20 annoru' 1619. I I 2. Ricardus. 3. Edwardus. I I ! Margareta. Maria. Anna. Leonardus Kemp ston de Hilborow in p'ochia de Temple Grafton in Com. War. fil. et har. :Katherina fil. et har. AnthoniParsons de Samborne. Edwardus= Kempston de Ardens Grafton in Com.War.fil. 2. francisca fil. et har.Rogeri Swift de Ar dens Grafton. Dorothea. Jana. s. p. Johannes Kempston Capitanus inPortuga- lia s. prole. Georgius Kemp ston de Hilborow in Com. War. fil. etharesA°1619. :Anna fil. Joh'is Blinco de Marston S'ti Lawrencij in Com. Northt. - J L i •' 1. Anthonius. 2. Thomas. 3. Lodouicus. Edwardus. s.p. Dorothea ux. Thoma Gar ret de Ink- borow in Com. War. Jocosa uxor Tho. Bushell de Priors Cleeue in Com. Wigorn. 412 THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE. L^ WiUm's Kempston Anthonius 2. filius et har. atat. — 10 annoru' 1619. Georgius 3. Ehzab. 1. Margaret 3. Leonardus. Anna 2. — fs.p. Johannes. Geo. Kempston= de Ardens Graf ton in Com. War. fil. et har. 1619. Jana filia Anthonij Sambach de Childes Wickham in Com. Glouc. Leonardus Kemp- = Margareta ston de Stretford fil. Joh'is super Auon fil. 2. Sadler de 1619. Stratford. Willm's Kempston fil. et har. at. 11 annoru' 1619. Edwardus 2. Anthonius 3. Maria. Johanna ux. WiU'i She- pey de Stony Morton in Com. Wigorn. %&, Ichabod Willington (p. 375), eldest son of Thomas Willington of Merevale by Margaret dau. of Christopher Cooke of the same place, aged 27, 1619. Thomas Willington of Hurley, eldest son of Waldyve Willington of the same place by Margaret dau. and coheir of William Bracebridge of Kingsbury married Alice dau. of John Willington. xvmgsoury, AUTOGRAPHS OF WARWICKSHIRE GENTRY WHOSE PEDIGREES ARE RECORDED IN THIS VISITATION FROM MUNIMENTS IN POSSESSION OF THE EDITOR. Hwff#$r Sir Thomas Dilke, Kt. of Maxstoke Castle, (p. 269) married Anne eldest dau. of Sir Cle ment Fisher, Kt. of PackingtoD, remarried to Sir Hervey Bagot, Kt. and Bart, of Blithfield, co. Stafford. Thomas Dilke, Esq. of Maxstoke Castle (p. 269) setat. 30, 1619, married Howard, dau. of Honble. Sir Edward Devereux, Kt. and Bart, of Castle Bromwich, youngest son of Walter Viscount Hereford by Margaret dau. of Robert Garnish of Kenton Hall, co. Sufi, remarried to William Lord Willoughby of Parham. I Humphrey Colles of Hampton in Arden and the Middle Temple, London (p. 248), living 1619. Married Mary dau. of Sir Leonard Chamberlaine of Sherborne, co. Oxford. -v Thomas Holbeche. Henry Devereux (p. 280), younger son of Sir Edward Devereux Kt. and Bart, of Castle Bromwich, by Katherine dau. of Edward Arden Esq. of Park Hall. These five autographs from a deed of entail made 14th December, 1612, by Sir Thomas Dilke, Kt. upon the first marriage of his son with Howard, daughter of Sir Edward Devereux, Kt. and Bart., of Castle Bromwich. Sir Clement Fisher Kt. of Packington (p. 217), buried at Packington 13th January 1619. Married Mary, dau. of Francis Repington of Amington, widow of . . . Kendall of Smithby, co. Derby. Sir John Repington Kt. of Amington (p. 191). married Margaret dau. of Sir Edward Littleton of Pillaton Kt., co. Stafford. ~~JfJ>to: $ac&ny_ Theodore Sadler of FiUongley (p. 339), married Mary sister of Sir William Samwell Kt.of Upton, co, Northants, AUTOGRAPHS OF WARWICKSHIRE GENTRY WHOSE PEDIGREES ARE RECORDED IN THIS VISITATION FROM MUNIMENTS IN POSSESSION OF THE EDITOR— (continued). Thomas Brome (p. 98). William Shuttleworth (p. 38). These five foregoing autographs from a deed of feofment from Sr Thoinas Egerton, Lord Keeper, to Sir Thomas Dilke of the manor of Maxstoke, with Uvery and seizin endorsed dated 20th June 41st Elizabeth (1598). George Raleigh of Farnborough, Esq. (p. 77) ? Arthur Gregory of Stivichall (p. 156), Uving 1593, married Jane daughter of John Ferrers of Tam worth Castle. These two autographs from an inquisition taken at Kenilworth 20th August 20th Q. Eliz. of the lands of Peter Temple. <&*«t 4i$$ friT"' Sir Robert Fisher Kt. and Baronet of Packington (p. 217), Uving 1619, married Elizabeth dau. of Sir Anthony Tirringham of Tirringham, co. Bucks. 'J'O A?fL- JL^-Jl^ £y ull (p. 383) These two autographs from an indenture dated 10th of August 1606, John Lisley or Lisle of Moxhull (p. 383), living 1619, married Bridget dau. of John Knottesford of Studley co. Warw. Esq. Sir Edward Grevill Kt. (p. 29) mar. Joane dau. of Sir Thomas Bromley, Lord Chancellor. From a grant of land m the town of Warwick to Thomas Cater dated 6th July 2nd James 1st (1605), he being then Seneschal of the manor of Warwick. )i rrry Ttrrvri, Henry Ferrers Esq of Baddesley Clinton (p. 5 and 123), the antiquary, married Jane dau. and coheir of Henry White of South Warnborough co. Southants. From a deed to William Fethprstnn of Packwood, of lands in Beausale dated 20th Novemb. 34th Q. Eliz. muiam fetherston ( 413 ) INDEX OF NAMES. CAPITALS are the headings of pedigrees. Brackets ( ) are maiden names. = Signifies "married to a." Abberbury, Agnes = Throgmor ton, 87. Abbott, Margaret (Nuttall), 159. Richard, 159. a bredges, Frances = Throgmor ton, 89. Sir John, Lord Shandos, 89. Acton, Constancia (Knightley), 401. Henry, 401. Jocosa = Lucy, 288. Sir Thomas, 288. Adam, Agneta=Arden, 179. John, 179. Adams, Dorothea (Saunders), 371. Adcock, Elizab., 159. Hellen, 159. Henry, 159. Isabell (Nuttall), 159. John, 159. Mary, 159. William, 159. ADDERLEY, 262, 263. Anna (North), 263. Anna=Wightman, 263. Elizab. (Capell), 263. Elizab., 263. Humfredus, 263. Jana (Warde), 263. Jana = Burton, 263. Jana, 263. John, 263. Katherina=Bagot, 263. Katherine, 263. Maria, 263. Rebecca, 263. Adlard, Richard, 79. Susanna (South), 79. Adlington, Joane (Foxe), 146. Thomas, 146. Adnet, Margareta (Astley), 365. Agard, Henry, 407. John, 398. Katherin (Averey), 407. Agard — continued. Margeria = Kinardesley, 398, Thomas, 78. (St. German), 78. Ager, Elizab. (Underhill), 31. AGLIONBY or EGLIONBY, 328, 329. Edward, 38, 329. Elizab. (Wightman), 329. John, 329. Katherin (Wigston), 38. Richard, 329. Ailworth, Anthonius, 317. Frideswida= Newsam, 317. = (Newherst), 317. Aiott, Allanus, 255. Marian = Purifoy, 255. Alan, E. of Britany, 283. Alberberie, Elizab. = Beaufo, 203. Richard, 203. ALDERFORD, 58, 69. Anne, 59. Elianor = Woodward, 59. Eliza (Dormer), 59. Frances (Sheldon), 59. Francis, 59. Joane (Brooke), 59. John, 3, 59, 200. Joys, 59. Lettice (Sheldon), 3, 59. Margareta = Clarke, 200. Mawde (Evererd), 59. Walter, 59. WiUiam, 59. Alderwich, Joane = Montford, 56. William de, 56. Aldestrop,Margareta = Kendall, 325. Alesberay, Agnes (Brandeston), 127. Phillip, 127. Alington, Egidius, 285. Alington — continued. Margareta (Spencer), 285. Alisberie, Elizab. (Porton), 33. Horabell (Penbridge de) 33. Jane = Som'vile, 33. John, 33. Phillip, 33. . Sir Roger, 33. Thomas, 33. Sir Walter, 33. — (Someri), 33. — (Brampston), 33. —(Harris), 33. — (Beufoies), 33. Allesley, Alianora (Sutton), 78. Elizabeth = Boughton, 78. Galfred, 78. Joane = St. German, 78. Alown, Amicia (Menger le), 178, John, 178. Margaret (Menger le), 178. PhilUp, 178. Alport, Dorothea (Colemore), 335. William, 335. Aluynus, 176. Al wood, Maria = Hobleday , 175. Thomas, 175. Anderson, Margaret (Spencer), 285. Sir Richard, 285. — = Spencer, 285. ANDREW, 50. Anna = Pinchon, 50. Brigetta (Risley), 50. Brigetta= Crompe, 50. Edmond, 50. Edward, 60. Elizab. (Bagshawe), 50. Hetha (Lever), 50. John, 50, 331. Margaret (Daniell), 50. Maria = Arden, 73, 181. Maria= Mayne, 331. Nicholas. 50. 3 H 414 INDEX OF NAMES. ANDREW— continued. Samson, 50. Thomas, 50. Sir Thomas, 73, 181. William, 50, 331. Andrewe.Brigetta (Palmer),317. ANDREWES, 394, 395. Anna (Vernon), 395. Anna (Reines), 395. Anna = Robinson, 395. Dorithy = Bussell, 139. Dorothea (Dethick), 395. Elizab. = Crippes, 395. Gilbert, 395. Humfredus, 395. Jana (Butler), 395. Jana= Fisher, 395. Katherina = Bradley,, 395. Maria = Bate, 395. Maria, 395. Mary (Leigh), 81. Richard, 81. Thomas, 139. William, 395. Andrews, Justicia (Davers), 115. Richard, 115. Ange, Francis, 185. Anne, Anne = Rainsford, 49. William, 49. Anslow, Jana (Warde), 275. ap Rese, Elizab. = Randolphe, 303. Apletree, Jana (Warner), 51. Thomas, 51. Appleby, Alicia = Napton, 345. Sir Henry, 345. Appletree, Francisca (Mathew), 349. Thomas, 349. Arblaster,— = Greene, 301. Archebold, Alicia (Colles), 247. ARCHER, 308, 309. Agnes (Hemberie), 309. Alicia (Hugford), 309. Andrew, 309. Anna (Townesend), 309. Anna (Ferrers), 309." Christian (—?—), 309. Christian (Blacklove), 309. Hellena (Mountford), 309. Humphrus, 309. Isabella (Erscott), 309. Jana, 309. Johanna (Arden), 179. Johanna = Donham, 179. John, 309. Margareta (Barnavill). 309. Margareta (Cleoberie), 309. Margareta (Rawley), 309. Margareta (Stafford), 309. Margeria (Tracy), 309. Maria (Bull), 309. Matilda (Delamarre), 309. Richard, 179, 309. Simon, 309. Thomas, 309. Archer, 247. ARDEN, or ARDREN, 72, 73, 74, 176, 177, 178, 179, 180, 181, 182, ARDEN — continued. Adam, 140. Agneta (Adam), 179. Agneta (—?—), 179. Alice (—?—), 73. Alicia =Lullaford de, 179. Alicia (Bellocampo), 180. Alicia (—?—), 180. Ambrose, 73, 181. Amice = Brasbridge, 177. Anne=Bermesley, 73, 181. Anne, 74, 182. Barbara = Nevill, 73, 181. Bartholomew, 180. Bridget = Massey, 73, 181. Carolus, 149. Catherina = Devereux, 74, 182, 280. Christian (St Hellena), 178, Cicilia = Stirley, 181. Cicilia (—?—), 180. Cicily = Shirley, 73. Dorithy (Feildinge), 74, 182. Dorothea, 74, 182. Edward, 33, 73, 181, 182, 280. Egidius, 29, 179, 182. Elinor (Hampden), 73, 181. Elizabeth (Clodshall), 73, 74, 181. Elizabeth = Leveson, 73, 181. Elizabeth = Beaupre, 73, 181. Elizabeth (Conway), 73, 181. Elizabeth (Corbett),74, 182. Elizabeth = Shugbrough, 74, 182, 345. Elizabetha (—?—), 179. Elizabetha, 182. Eustacia (—?—), 179, 182. Felicia, 177. Francis, 73, 182. Galfridus, 180. Galiena (—?—), 178. George, 73, 181. Godfrie, 73. Goditha, 74, 182. Hauisia (—?—), 178. Hauisia = Peche le, 178. Hellen (—?—). 73, 180. Henry, 73, 74, 177, 178, 180, 181, 182. Sir Herald, 176. Herbert, 178. Sir Hugo, 177, 178. Isabella (Bromwich), 180, 182. Jana= Guibon, 160. Joanna (Trillow), 179, 182. Jocosa=Cade, 73, 181. Jocosa =CharneUs, 73. Jocosa = Ladbrooke, 182. Johanna = Archer, 179, 182. Johanna = Catisby, 179. Johanna= Charnells, 181. Johanna = Swinford, 180. 182, ARDEN— continued. Johanna (-?—), 177, 179. John, 73, 177, 178, 180, 181, 182. , Sir John, 23. Juliana =Soore, 178. Lectuca = Sauage vel Salu- age, 178. Lettice = Lodbrooke ds, 128, 178. Mabell = Stanley, 23. Margaret = Ferrers, 74, 182. Margaret = Grevill, 29, 179, 182. Margaret=Summervill, 33, 73, 182. Margareta (Molineux), 179, 182. Margareta (Sudeley), 177, Margareta (—?—), 180. Martin, 73, 160, 181. Mary (Andrew), 73, 181. Mary=Waferey, 73, 181. Mary (Throgmorton), 73, .88, 182. Mary, 73, 181. Matilda (Stafford de), 177. Matilda (—?—), 177. MichaeU, 178. Muriell= CharneUs,74, 182. Nichola (Bardolfe), 179, 182. Oliva (—?—), 177. 01iva= Menger le, 178. Osbert, 177. Peter 178 Raph| 73, 178, 180, 182. Robert, 73, 74, 179, 180, 181, 182. Roger, 178. Rosa (Vernon), 179, 182. Rosia = ?, 180. Sibell (—?—), 73, 180. Simon, 73, 181. Sywardus, 176. Thomas, 73, 79, 177, 178, 179, 180, 181, 182. Walter, 73, 160, 178, 181. William, 73, 178, 179, 180, 181. — (Bracebredge), 73, 181. — (Bonde ?), 73. —(Fox), 73. — = Darsett, 79. — = Feldinge, 11. — = Gibbons, 73, 181. — = Masey. 105. ¦ — = Salso Marisco, 140. (Ratcliffe), 149. Aries de— = Grevil, 143. John. 143. Armson, Alicia"( Wheate), 193. John, 193. Arnolde, Dorothea = Lucy, 288. Roland, 288. Arran, Lord, 12. Maria (Feldinge), 12. Arundell, Elizabeth = Brome, 97. —(Clopton), 110, INDEX OF NAMES. 415 Arundell — continued. Sir Raphe, 97. Ashbournham, Benedicta = Clarke, 199. Ascough, Johanna (Clarke), 200. Walter, 200. Asfordbie de, Joane = Gregory, 155. Peter, 155. Ashby de, John, 125\ William, 125. Ashenden, Maria (Hardes), 209. William, 209. ASHFIELD, 164, 165. Aleanora (Seymore), 165. AUce=Leey, 165. Anne (Smith), 165. Anne (Smith), 165. Anne, 165. Anthony, 165. Cicily = Fortiscu, 165. Cromwelle, 165. Edward, 165. Francisca, 165. George, 165. Hellena (Conway), 165. Henry, 165. Humphry, 165. John, 49, 165. Margaret (Wilcotts), 49. Mary, 165. MichaeU, 165. Richard, 165. Robert, 165. Thomas, J65. —(Bridges), 165. — =Phetiplace, 165. —(Kettleby), 165. — (Kneuitt), 165. —(Sheldon), 165. -(-?-), 165. Ashley, Anna (Peyton), 380. Elizabeth = Halles, 95. John, 380. Sir Thomas, 95. Ashton, Agneta = Puckering, 197. Edmond, 149. Elizabeth = Clopton, 109. Elizabeth = Dilke, 269. Joane (Ratclife), 149. Jacob, 149. John, 149. Marie = Peyton, 381. Roger, 381. Sir Thomas, 149. WiUiam, 269. Askew, Barneby, 277. Susan (Stanton), 277. Aspinall, Alexander, 185. Astall, Elizabeth = Catsby, 126. William, 126. Astell, Maria = Sacheverell, 398. Asteley, Joane = Raleigh, 77. Sir William, 77. ASTLEY, 364, 365. Anna, 365. Dorothea (Grosveneur), 388. ASTLEY— continued. Egidius, 365. Elizab. = Feilding, 365. Elizab. = Hales, 273. George, 365. Humphredus, 388. Isack, 265. Jana=Warren, 366. Joane = Gray, 43. John, 365. Judith = Hurst, 365. Katherina (Copin), 365. Katherina (Cotterell), 365. Katherina, 365. Margareta =Adnet, 365. Maria = Cotterell, 365. Maria, 365. Maria=Bury, 265. Thomas, 273, 365. William, 365. William, Lord Astley, 43. —(Hill), 365. Aston, Anna (Lucy). 288. Edward, 285, 288. EUnor=Peto, 173. Elizabeth = Feldinge, 11. Elizab. (Willington), 375. Margareta = Kinardesley, 397. Mary (Spencer), 285. Robert, 397. Sir Robert, 103. Walter, 173, 375. Sir Walter, 11. William, 375. — = Kinardisley, 103. Atkins, Jana=Fulwood, 238. Phillip, 238. Atton, Alicia= Repington, 190. Helbe, 190. Atwater, Jocosa = Hales, 209. Robert, 209. Audeley, Alice = Montford, 55. Elizabeths Griffin, 168. George, Lord, 168. John, Lord, 55. Audley, Elizabeth (Davers), 115. Lord, 115. Aunton, Elizab. (—?—), 411. John, 411. Austen, Elizab. (Petty), 245. William, 245. Averell, Elizab. = Palmer, 239. George, 239. AVERY, 406, 407. AmphiUis (Foxley), 407. Elizab. (Harby), 407. Elizab. = Heringe, 407. Elizab., 407. Johannes, 407. Katherina (Williams), 407. Knightley, 407. Mabilia (Belcher), 407. Margaret (Belcher), 65. Richard, 407. Thomas, 407. William, 65, 406, 407. Babington, Katherina (Sach everell), 392. Babington — continued. Mary (Moyle), 23. Thomas, 23, 392. Badeleighe, John, 35. Katherin (Cumbford), 35. Badger, Anna (Nash), 147. Elinora =Bovy, 187. William, 147. Bagnall, Edward, 211. Frances = Sergiant, 211. Bagot, Harvey, 263. Katherina (Adderley), 263. Letticia = Kinardesley, 398. Richard, 398. Bagott, Margaret = Holt, 19. Sir William, 19. Bagshaw. Arthur, 247. Ursula (CoUes), 247. Bagshawe, Edmond, 50. Elizab. = Andrewe, 50, Bailie, Anna=Fulwood, 238. Bailey, Anna (Quiney), 193. Richard, 193. Baker, Daniell, 185. Elizab. (—?—), 213. Mary (Davers), 115. Richard, 185. Robert, 115. Balam, Maria (Peyton), 381. Robert, 381. BALDWIN, 376, 377. Elizab. =Barneby, 377. Elizabetha, 377. Gracia, 377. Johanna (Fenton), 377. John, 377. Margareta (Feneux), 377. ' Margareta = Sherwood, 377. Margareta, 377. Maria, 377. Peter, 377. Richard, 377. Sara, 377. Sara= Elliott, 377. WiUiam. 377. —(Snowe), 377. Bally, Constancia (Hawes),' 405. George, 405. Band, or Baud 1 —(—?—), 181. Banester, Elizab. (Peyton), 381. Sir Robert, 381. Barber, Anne = Thicknes, 145. Edward, 81. Katherin (Leigh), 81. Robert, 145. Bardolfe, Nichola= Arden, 179, 182. Barford —(—?—), 361. Barington John, 85. Thomazine = Lunsford, 85. — (Tottam), 85. Barkeley — =Leigh, 81. Sir Richard, 81. BARKER, 360, 361. Alicia (Wagstaff), 289. Anna (Burley), 361. Anna (Stoughton), 361. Anna, 361. 416 INDEX OF NAMES. BARKE R — continued. Anthony, 361. Edward, 361. Francisca, 361. Henry, 361. Jana, 361. Jane (Eldrington), 361. John, 361. Katherina (Martin), 361. Lawrence, 361. " Letticia, 361. Maria (Saunders), 361. Maria (Litcott), 361. Nathaniell, 361. Richard, 282, 361. Thomas, 361. William, 361. -(-?-), 361. — = Newsam, 317. Barker alias Coverall, Alice = Leigh, 81. John, 81. Barkley, Henry, 88. Muriell = Throgmorton, 88. Muriell (Throgmorton), 88. Sir Richard, 88. Thomas, Lord, 88. — = Throgmorton, 88. Barmesley, Anna (Arden), 181 . John, 181. Barnabee, Anne (Dighton), 193. Barnard, Abel, 209. Anna (Clarke), 200. Elizab. = Travell, 409. Francis, 409. Sir John, 379. Margaret = Peiton, 379. Bamavill, Margareta = Archer, 309. William, 309. Barneby, Elizab.(Baldwin),377. George, 377. Richard, 373. Winifred = Davenport, 373. Barnes, Dorithy, 123. Elizabeth = Marow, 69. Humphry, 123. Judith = Dalby, 369. Susan (Englefeld), 123. Thomas, 123. WUliam, 123. Barnesdale, Alicia = Sergiant, 211. » Barniston, Maria (Knightley), 399. Thomas, 399. Barre, Joane = Catesbie, 126. Sir Thomas, 126. Barrington, Elizabeth (Broc kett), 83. Francis, 293. Sir Francis, 293. Francisca (Gobard), 293. Joanna, 293. John, 293. OUver, 293. Thomas, 293. Sir Thomas, 293. Bartlett, Alicia = Porter, 99. Elizabeth= Turner, 151. Bartlett — continued. John, 161. Barway, Mary (Burdett), 101. Barwell, Dorothea = Nicolls, 249. John, 242. Basford, Gracia = Decons, 231. Bashpoole, Elizab. = Devereux, 208. Robert, 280. Baskervile, EUanora= Purifoy, 255. Jacob, 279. John, 255. Sir John, 189. Jone= Repington, 189. Katherina (Devereux), 279. Margareta = Waring, 341. Radus, 341. Sir Walter, 341. Bassett, Alicia = Despensor, 283. Jane = Napton, 346. PhilUp, 283. Bate, Maria (Andrewes), 395. Baugh, Maria =Nash, 147. Roland, 147. Bawn, Anna (Peyton), 381. Robert. 381. Baxwell, Elizabeth (Marow), 69. Baynham, — = Throgmorton, 87. Beake, Alice (Fulwood), 237. William, 237. Beale, Elizabeth = Speeke, 103. Henry, 103. Beamond, Alice = Montford, 55. Elizabeth (Brasbredg), 9. Francis, 9. Henry, 55. Beamont, Christian = Here- ward, 98. Dorithy = Cumb'ford, 35. John, 35. Thomas, 98. Beardsey — = Stoughton, 141 . John, 141. Beauchamp, Edward, Lord, 280. Edward, E. of Hartf., 280. Elizabeth = WiUoughby, 29. Frances (Devereux), 280. IsabeUa = Chaworth, 283. Isabella (Despensor), 284. Matilda, 179. Richard, 29, 284. William, 179, 280', 283. BEAUFOY, 202, 203, 204. Abraham, 203. Alicia (Swinerton), 203. Alicia = Greisley, 203. Anna (Moulton), 204. Anna, 204. Dorothea = Smith, 203. " Elizab. (Alberberie), 203. Elizab. (Tate), 203. Elizab. = Belcher, 203. Elizab. = Cogniers, 203. Elizabetha, 204. George, 203. BEAUFOY — continued. Henry, 204. Humphry, 203. Johanna (Hugford), 203. Johanna = Throckmorton,, 203. Johanna (Rainsford), 203. • John, 5, 203, 229. Joliana= Chadwell, 204. Katherina, 204. Maria (WirraU), 203. Maria = Rugeley, 203, 229. Milicenta, 204. Richard, 203. Roger, 203. Thomas, 203, 204. Ursula (Ferrers), 5, 203. Ursula (Huddesdon), 203. Ursula, 204. William, 203, 204. BEAUMONT, 90. Edward, 90. Henry, 176. John, 90. Richard, 90. Thomas, 90. Walter, 90. William, 90. Bea.upre, Dorothea = Peyton, 381. Edmond, 381. Elizabeth (Arden), 73. 181. Beawfoe, John, 131. Margaret (Willcotts), 131. Beawlott, Anne = Cumbf ord, 35. Beddell, Jane=Belcher, 65. Thomas, 65. Bekensfield, Johanna (Peiton), 380. John, 380. BELCHER. 64, 65. Alexander, 65. AUce, 65. Christian (Greswold), 62. Christian (Dabredgcourte), 47, 65. Dabredgcourt, 47, 65. Edward, 65. Elizabeth (Beaufo), 203. Elizabeth (Fisher), 65. Elizabeth (Rainde), 65. Elizabeth (Saunders), 65. Emm. (Wirley), 66. Hauia (Belson), 65. Henry, 47. Hugh, 65. Jane (Beddell), 65. John, 65. Mabell =Goldisborough,65. Mabilia=Averey, 407. Margaret =Averey, 65. Mary, 66. Robert, 203. William, 47, 62, 65, 407. Belknap, Elizabeth = Ferrers, 279. Hamon, 279. Joan (Butler). 279. Bell, Dorothea (Beaupre), 381. Sir Robert, 381. Index of names. 417 Bellers, Sir James, 17. Jane = Fielding, 11. Jane = Digbie, 17. John, 167. Mary = Griffin, 167. Bellesley, Ellinor = Gregory, 155. Richard, 155. BeUocampo, Alice ( — ? — ), 140. AUce = Salso Marisco, 140. Alicia = Arden, 180. Gilbert, 140. Margaret = Montford, 55. Thomas, 55. BeUows, — (—?—), 147. Francis, 147. Belson, Hauia= Belcher, 65. Thomas, 65. Benger, Dorithy (Rainsford), 49. Thomas, 49. Berihall, — =Raleigh, 77. Bennet, Anna = Yardley, 110. Bennett, Elizab. = Davenport, 373. Thomas, 373. Benolt, Thomas, 240, 408. Bentley, Edward, 213, 317. Elizab. (Peyton), 380. Katherina-(Gibbes), 213. Margaret = Newsam, 317. Roger, 380. Bereford, Amicia (Palmer), 221. Petronell a = Charnells, 53 . Radulph, 221. Simon, 53. Beresford, Dorothea=Levinge, 321. Berkeley, Catherina = Sparrey, 161. William, 161. Bermesley, Anne (Arden), 73. John, 73. Berniere, Margareta = Bour chier, 279. Richard, Lord, 279. Best, Thomas, 186. BETHAM, 214, 215. Brigetta = Middlemore, 215. Christopher, 215. Edward, 215. Elizab. = Sparrey, 161, 215. Emma (Middlemore), 215. 333. Fides,.215.Francisca, 215._ Jana (Lamborn), 215. John, 215. Leticia, 216. Margareta (Walliston), 215. Margeria (Simeon), 216. Maria (Browne), 215. Maria, 215. Nicholas, 215. Radulph, 215. Richard, 215. Robert, 215. 8ibella = Middlemore, 215. BETHAM— continued. Thomas, 161, 215. Waleston, 215, 333. William, 215. Bett, John, 49. Julian (Rainsford), 49. Betts, Radigunda (Lucy), 287. Beuam, Sir Alexander, 173. Beufoies, — = Alisberie, 33. Margareta = Peto, 173. Bey, Grace (Langley), 379. Richard, 379. Bide, Dorothea = Knightley, 399. Sir John, 399. Bigot, Alicia (Basset), 283. Roger, 283. Bigges, Thomas, 207. Ursula(Throckmorton),207. Billesley, Elianor = Gregory, 159. Richard, 159. BUlet, Anna (Grosveneur), 386. Edmund, 386. Billing, Jana = Skinner, 295. Bilney, Constancia = Palmer, 221 Galfrid, 221. Bingham, Elizabeth = Purifoy, 255. Richard, 255. Bird, Maria (Rutter), 235. Wmiam, 235. BISHOP, 223. Alice, 159. Alicia (Piers), 233. Alicia (Willington), 223. Alicia (Woodward), 223. Alicia, 223. Anna=Warde, 275. Anthony, 223. Barnaby, 223. Brigetta (Butler), 223. Christopher, 159. Edward, 233. Ellina (Farmer), 223. Elizabeth =Blackford, 223; Elizabeth, 159. GUbert, 169. George, 223, 227. Hellena (Terry), 159. Henry, 159. Joane, 159. John, 159, 223, 275. Maria (Lane), 307. Mary, 159. Mathew, 223. Richard, 159, 223, 307. Robert, 159. Rosa, 223. Thomas, 159, 223. WiUiam, 159. — (Harley), 275. BISHOPSTON or BUSHOP- STON, 130, 131. Agnes (—?—), 131. Alice= Clodeshall, 74, 131. Elizabeth = Palmer, 131. Frederick, 131. Joane (Mountford), 55, 131. BISHOPSTON— continued. Joane (Pipard), 131. Joane (— 1— ), 131. John, 131. Julian (—?—), 131. Phillipa (Willcotts), 131. Phillipa = Catesby, 126, 131. Roger, 74, 131. Thomas, 131. William, 55, 126, 131. — (Walshe), 131. Bissell, Thomas, 186. Blackford, Eliz. (Bishop), 223. John, 223. Blackgreve, Joanna = Lisley, 383. Robert, 383. Blackham, Elizabeth = Rat cliffe, 149. William, 149. Blacklove, Christiana = Archer, 309. Radus, 309. Blackmore, Jocosa (Pudsey), 251. William, 251. Blaskam, John, 186. Blenco, Isabella = Woodward, 227. John, 227. Blewet, Maria = Repington, 190. Roger, 190. Blewett, Elda= Despensor, 283. Blinco, Anna = Kempston, 411. Dorithia= Warner; 61. John, 51, 411. Blinkensop. John, 190. Rosa (Repington), 190. Blount, Sir Christopher, 280. Jana = Petty, 245. Jocosa = Reinolds, 243. Leticia (Knowles), 280. Richard, 245. Robert, 243. — = WiUis, 311. — = Combe, 291. Bludd, Jocosa'(Colles), 247. Richard, 247. Blunt, Anne = Gruffethe, 15. Anne (Davers), 115. Edward, 15. Elizab. = Bussell, 139. Katherin = Gruffeth, 15. Katherin (Graye), 43. Thomas, 139. Sir Thomas, 15. William, 43. — = Skinner, 295. Booking, Elizab. = Palmer, 221. Johanna (Godweston), 221. Katherina, 221. Thomas, 221. Bodington, Francisca (Han slap), 257. Nicholas, 257. Bois de, Francisca = Reinoldes, 243. Bolstred, Anna=Nash, 147. Jacob, 147. 418 INDEX OF NAMES. Bolton, Margaret = Rutter, 235. Robert, 235. Bond, Alice= Gilbert, 103. Ellen (Mollineux), 103. George, 81. John, 103. Margery = Kinardsley, 103, 397. Thomas, 103, 397. Winifred (Leigh), 81. Bonde? — = Ardren, 73. Boneton Alicia (Walden), 229. John, 229. Bonner, Anna (Fulwood), 237. Thomas, 237. Booes, John, 353. Katherina = Fletcher, 353. Booth, Katherina (Holbech), 351. Richard, 351. — = Statham, 392. — (Sacheverell), 392. Boothbey, Elizabeth = Corbett, 63. William, 63. Boothe, George, 56. Katherin (Montford), 56. Booty, John, 371. Margareta= Saunders, 371. Borowes, Elizab. (Davers), 115. Bosse, — = Warner, 51, BOSUM, 89. Goditha = Olney, 89. Margarett = Burgoyne, 89. William, 89. Bosworth, Isabell = Feldinge, 11. John, 155. — = Gregory, 155. Boteler, Anna'(Spencer), 285. Sir John, 285. Botiler, Joane = Rugeley, 153. BOUGHTON, 82, 83. Anne (Longeville), 83. Dorithie = Trussell, 93. Edward, 83, 126, 291. Elizabeth (Brockett), 83. Elizabeth = Worceley, 83. Elizabeth (AUesley), 78. Elizabeth (Catesby), 126. Jocosa (Combe), 291. Johanna = Canning, 225. Katherina = Combe, 291. Margaret (Cave), 83. Richard, 78, 83. Suzan (Brockett), 83. Thomas, 78, 83. William, 83, 225. Bouker, Elizab. (Rutter), 235. "Joane = Rutter, 235. Bourchier, Anna (Plantagenet), 279. Anna (Hankford), 279. Anna (Woodvile), 279. Anna = Parre, 279. Lady Cicely = Peiton, 379. CiciUa= Devereux, 279. Elizabeth (Plantagenet), 279. Henry, Earl of Essex, 279. Bouchier — continued. John, Earl of Bath, 379. John, 279. Margaret (Berniers), 279. Thomas, 279. William, Viscount, 279. William, E. of Ewe, 279. Bouth, Dorothea (Dilke), 269. William, 269. — (Repington), 189. BOVY, 187. Elinora (Badger), 187. Margareta (Harison), 187. John, 187. Radus, 187. Thomas, 187. William, 187. Bowes, Anne (Burdett), 101. John, 101. Maria (Spencer), 285. Thomas, 285. Bowier, Margareta = Spencer, 285. Sir William, 285. Bowles, Dorithy = Rowlet, 13. Bowyer; Anna (Stoughton), 142. Thomas, 142. Boxfield, — = Wigston, 37. BRACEBRIDGE, or BRAS BREDGE, 8, 9. Alice (Rugeley), 9. Amice (Arden), 177. Anna = Saunders, 371. Anne, 9. Anne (Corbyn), 9. Anthony, 9. Barbara, 9. Dorothie, 9. Edward, 9. Elizabeth (Harcourt), 9. Elizabeth (Winter), 9. Elizabeth = Beamond, 9. Elizabeth, 9. Ellen, 9. Florance, 9. Francis, 9. Hellen (Cranken), 9. Henry, 9. Hester = Hudson, 9. Humphry, 9. Isabell (Whatley), 9. Jane (Mill), 9. Jane, 9. Jane (Catesbie), 126. Joane (Lucey), 9. John, 9. Joyce (Wilson), 9. Margareta =Willington, 9, 375. Mary (Browne), 9. Prudence = Gold, 9. Richard, 9. Simond, 9. Susan (Cotton), 9. Thomas, 9, 126. William, 9, 375. — (Esse), 9. — (Mille), 9. — = Skepwith, 9. — =-- Ardren, 73, 181. Brackley, Viscount, 81. Braconbridge, John, 287. Rosa (Lucy), 287. Bradborne, Anne = Ferrers, 7. Sir Humphrey, 7, 393. — = Sacheverell, 393. Bradbury, Alice (Rainsford), 49. Christopher, 49. Braden, Margareta = Palmer, 222. WiUiam, 222. BRADLEY, 354, 355. Agneta, (Margates), 355. Anna, 355. Anna Maria, 355. Elizabetha, 355. Francisca (Watkin), 355. Franciscus, 355. Johanna ( — i — ), 355. John, 395. Katherina(Andrewes), 395. Letticia, 355. Magdalena,. 355. Maria (Cotes), 355. Thomas, 355. William, 355. Bradshaw, Anna (Lisley), 383. Anna = Grosveneur, 386. Elianor =Grosveneur, 388. Exuperius, 383. Isabell = Purifoy, 255. John, 388. Robert, 225. Roger, 386. — = Mayne, 331. Bradshawe, Margareta (Gui bon), 160. Robert, 160. Bradston, Hugo, 56. Rose = Montford, 56. Brainthwait, Margareta = Spen cer, 285. Richard, 285. Brakenberie, Beatrix (Swan land), 39. Thomas, 39. Braly, Juleana= Salso Marisco, 140. Brampston, — = Alisberie, 33. Bran, Goditha (Sheldon), 3. Robert, 3. BRANDESTON, 127. Agnes =Alesberay, 127. Hugh, 127. Radus, 127. Rose = Mountford, 127. Sibell (—?—), 127. . Braybrooke, Margareta (Mid dlemore), 333. Richard, 333. Braye, Alice (Salso Marisco), 140. Dorithye= Conwaye, 27. Edmond, 27. Brayles, Agnes (St. Peter), 91. David, 91. Elizabeth— Raues, 91. John, 78. — = Sutton, 78, INDEX OF NAMES. 419 Breadsall, Thomas, 189. Thomazine = Repington, 189. Brecknock, Margareta = Lucy, 287. Thomas, 287. Bredge, — =Throgmorton, 87. Bredges, — (Hungerford), 105. Bredgman, Jacob, 21. Jane (Langston), 21. Breech, Alicia = Lingard, 347. John, 347. Brelsford, Sir Ugenall, 391. — =Sacheverell, 391. Brent, Alice = Goodier, 67. Barbara (DixweU), 297. EUzab.= Dixwell, 297. John, 297. Brereton, Frances (Throgmor ton), 88. Sir Randoll, 88. Brett, Dorothea = Stoughton, 141, 315. John, 141, 315. Brian, Eleanora = Percy, 284. Margareta (Gibbes), 213. Richard, Lord, 284. Bridges, Anthony, 248. Dorothea = Maio alias Ni coUs, 248. Jane (Spencer), 285. Sir Richard. 285. Bristol, Recorder of, 95. Briton, Anna (Verney), 25. John, 25. Brocas, Mary (Griffin), 167. Brockett, Elizabeth = Bough ton, 83. John, 83. Sir John, 83. Susan = Boughton, 83. Brockman, Margaret (Clarke), 200. WiUiam, 200. Brokas, Elizab. = Cotton, 305. Brokesbey, Dorithy (Congrave), 45. Robert, 45. Brokett, Elinora = Spencer, 285. John, 285. BROME, 96, 97, 98. Agnes, 97. AUce = Olney, 97, 113. Anne (Digby), 97. Anne = Palmer, 98. Anne, 98. Beatrix (Sherley), 97. Constance = Ferrers, 5, 97. Denys, 97. Elizabeth (Arundell), 97. Elizabeth (Skevington), 98. George, 98. Gertrude = Wagstaffe, 98, 403. Havis (Halwys), 97. Isabell = Purfoye, 97. Isabell = Marrow, 69. Jane = Gregorie, 97. Jane (Middlemore), 97. Joane (Body), 97. BROME— continued. Joane = Burdett, 27. John, 97, 98. Katherin = Stonor, 98. Katherin (Skeffington), 98. Margarett = Marrowe, 97. Margery (Brooke), 97. Nicholas, 5, 69, 97. Parnell (Stereton), 97. Paulin, 97. Phillip, 97. Raph, 97. Reignold, 98. Robert, 97, 98, 403. Skevington, 98. Thomas, 97, 98. WilUam, 97, 89. — (Stanley), 97. — (Catesbie), 97. — (Newport), 97. Bromflett, Edward, 77. Jane (Raleigh), 77. Bromley, Ahce (Hawes), 61. Henry, 61. Joane = Grevill, 29. Margaret = Greswold, 61. Thomas, 29. Bromwell, Edmond, 357. Elizab. = Butler, 357. Bromwich, Isabella = Arden, 180, 182. William, 180, 182. Brooke, Andrew, 261. BasiU, 151. Christiana = Grosveneur, 386. Elizab. = Peiton, 379. EUinora = Turner, 151. Joane = Alderford, 59. John, 333. Margareta (Grosveneur), 386. Margery = Brome, 97. Presilla = Middlemore, 333. Raphe, Yorke Herald, 224. Reginald, 379. Richard, 386. Thomas, 59, 386. WiUiam, 97. Brookes, John, 325. Lucia = Kendall, 325. Thomas, 186. Brough, Adam, 399. Elizab. =Knightley, 399. Broughton, Agneta = Palmer, 221. Anna (Dixwell), 41, 297. Edward, 41, 297. Elizabeth (Leigh), 81. John, 221. Brownocks als. Bromwich, Eli zabeth = Devereux, 279. Sir Thomas, 279. Browne, Alice (Digby), 17. Dorothea = Horsey, 195. Elizabeth =Wylmer, 135. Elizabeth = Hawes, 405. IsabeUa (Hobday), 229. Jana (Gibbes). 213. Sir John, 9, Browne — continued. Maria=Betham, 215. Mary = Brasbredge, 9. Nicholas, 195, 213, 405. Radus, 135. Richard, 215. Brudnell, Elizabeth = Smith, 71. Elizabeth = Griffin, 168. Thomas, 71, 168. Bruges — = Bussell, 140. Bruin, Henry, 101. Joane = Burdett, 101. Brusley, Mary = Golofre, 74. William, 74. Buckler, Sir Walter, 25. -(-?-), 25. Bugges, Edward, 273. John, 273. Katherin (Hales), 273. Maria (Hales), 95, 273. Buggs, Katherin (Hales), 95. BuU, Maria = Archer, 309. Roland, 309. Thomas, 186. Bulling, Elizab. = Randolph, 303. BuUingham, Johanna (Colles), 247. Burchid, Robert, 75. — =Holbrooke, 75. BURDETT, 100, 101. Agnes (Waldiffe), 27. Anne (Waldish), 101. Anne (Harwell), 101. Anne=Bowes, 101. Anne = Conway, 27. Anne, 101. Blanche = Sambourne, 101 . Bridget (Curson), 101. Bridgett, 101. Dorithy, 101. Elizabeth, 101. Elizabeth (Cockaine), 101. Elizabeth = Hutton, 101. Ellinor = Wellerscotte, 101. Francis, 101. George, 101. Humphrie, 101. Jane (Francis), 101. Jane, 101. Joane (Bruin), 101. Joane (Brome), 27. Joane (Cresholme), 129. Sir John, 27, 101. John, 27, 101. Katherin =Tudlet?, 101. Margaret (Bussell), 139. Margaret (Fitton), 27, 101. Margaret (Rodney), 101. Margaret (Wilson), 101. Mary (Throgmorton), 87, 101. Mary=Barway, 101. Mary = Frampton, 101. Mary (Mountford), 27. Sir Nicholas, 27. Nicholas, 101. Oliver, 139. Osborne, 101. 420 INDEX OF NAMES. BURDETT— continued. Richard, 27. Robert, 101, 129. Sir Thomas, 27, 101. Thomas, 87. William, 101. Burford, Johanna (CoUes), 247. Lord de, 392. Burgaine, Richard, 89. Burgoine, John, 89. Richard, 89. Burgoyne, Margarett (Bosum) 89. Burley, Anna = Barker, 361. William, 361. BURNABY, 146. Anna (Odall), 146. CicUia (Reames), 146. Elizab. (Sapcott), 146. Humphry, 146. John, 146. Richard, 146, 297. Susanna (Dixwell), 146, 297. Susanna, 146. Thomas, 146. William, 146. Burneby, Eustace, 79. Margaret = Darset, 79. PhiUippa (Malory), 79. Burnell, Edmond, 283. Elizab. (Despensor), 283. Burnham, Elizabeth (Poynton), 121. Thomas, 121. Burton, Anna (Catesbie), 142. Jana (Adderley), 263. Katherin (Repington), 191. Robert, 191. Thomas, 142. William, 263. Burwash, Sir Bartholomew, 284. Elizab. = Despensor, 284. BURY, 264, 265. Alicia = Knightley, 401. Anna, 265. Anna = Cocke, 261. Charles, 265. Edmond, 265. Elianor = Langford, 265. Elizab. (Underhill), 265. Elizab., 265. John, 265. Maria (Astley), 265. Maria (Catlin), 265. Maria, 265. Ursula = Cocke, 261. William, 265, 401. — =Cockes, 67. — (Nower), 265. BUSHELL, or BUSSELL, 138, 139, 140. Agnes (HaUord), 139. Alice = Mortyn, 139. Alina (Muesard), 139. Anne (Norwood), 139. Anne = Gaudy, 139. Anne = Gregorie, 140, 156. Anne (Gargrave), 140. Barbara, 140. BUSHELL— continued. Corbett, 140. Dorithy (Andrewes), 139. Dorithy, 140. Edmund, 140. Edward, 139, 140. Elizabeth (Blunt), 139. Elizabeth (Winter), 139. Elizabeth = Cole, 140. Elizabeth, 29, 140, 307. Emma, 139. Emma (Ernold), 139. Eva (DAbbetot), 136. Felicia = Gate wik, 139. Henry, 140, 307. Hughe, 139. ldonia (Cantelupe), 139. IsabeU=Widicombe, 139. Isabella (Childe), 205. Jocosa (Kempston), 411. John, 136, 139, 140, 205. Katherin (Saltmarsh), 139, 140. Katherin = Kolcopp, 140. Margaret = Maund, 139. Margaret (Fowlks), 137, 139. Margaret = Burdett, 139. Margaret (Delves), 140. Margaret (Grevill), 29, 140. Margaret (Hugford), 139. Margaret, 140. Maria (Lane), 307. Maria, 307. Marie — Rowdon, 140. Mary (Morris), 139. Mary, 140. Matilda (D'Abbetot), 139. Mivella, 140. Richard, 136, 137, 139, 140. Robert, 139, 140. Roger, 139. Sibella (—?—), 139. Thomas, 29, 139, 140, 156, 205, 411. Ursula, 140. Ursula = Staple, 140. William, 137, 139, 140. — (Bruges), 140. — = Oxenford de, 139. — =Herbert, 139. — =Newers, 139. Bushy,' Anne (Repington), 189. Sir Hugh, 189. BUSSERE, 136. Cicily = Oudby, 136. Richard, 136. Roger, 136. William, 136. Bustard, Katherine (Colles), 274. William, 247. BUTLER, 356, 357. Abell, 357. Albon, 77. Anna = Waringe, 341. Anna, 357. Auderey, 367. Brigetta = Bishopj 223. BUTLER— continued. Dorothea (Skukbrough), 357. Dorothea, 357. Edward, 357. Elizab. (Ruding), 357. Elizab. (Clerke), 357. Elizab. (Bromwell), 357. Elizab., 357. Francisca = Hugford, 337. George, 337. Henry, 357. Jana (Makepeace), 357. Jana, 357. Jana = Andrewes, 395. Joan = Belknap, 279. Johanna, 357. John, 223, 341, 357, 395. Judith, 357. Katherina = Kinardesley, 397. Lucy a, 357. Maria, 357. Maria (ChapUn), 357. Martha, 357. Nathaniell, 357. Nicholas, 357. Rachell, 357. Radus, Lord Sudley, 279. Richard, 357. Robert, 185. Ruth = Smith, 357. Sarah, 357. Sibella (Raleigh), 77. . Susanna, 357. Sir Thomas, 103, 357. Thomas, 397. Thomazine, 357. Thomozine (Powell), 357. Valentine, 357. WilUam, 357, 397. — (Crofton), 357. — = Kinardesley, 103. — = Sadler, 339. Butnor, Alice = Love, 43. Butterise, — = Mathew, 349. Buttery, Crescentis, 143. Maria = Grevill, 143. Cade, Joye (Arden), 73, 181. Richard, 73, 181. Calthrop, Anna = Peyton, 381. Jane = Peyton, 380. Sir Martin, 381. Dilke, 269. Calveley, Elizab. = Grosveneur, 386. Sir Hugo, 386. Camais (Repington), 190. Sir John, 190. Camden, William, 1, 318. Camios, Ada (Despensor), 283. Radus, Lord, 283. Camvill, Alice = Catesby, 125. CANNING, 224, 225. Agneta (Solman), 225. Anna = Rowney, 225. Anna (Whorwoode alias Harward), 225. Edward, 225, INDEX OF NAMES. 421 CANNING — oontinued. Elizab. (Petty), 225, 245. Elizab. (Halford), 225. George, 225. Johanna (Boughton), 225. John, 225. Maria = Riland, 225. Maria (Sambach), 225. Maria — Hampton, 225. Paule, 225. Richard, 225, 245. Robert, 225. Thomas, 225. Ursula = Riley, 225. William, 225. — (Compton), 225. Cantelupe de, Idonia = BusseU, 139. Sir John, 139. Capell, Elizab. = Adderley, 263. Juliana = Hales, 209. Richard, 209, 263. Cappe, Henry, 93. Margaret (TrusseU), 93. Cardiff de, John, 140. Katherin (Saltmarsh), 139. Katherin, (Salso Marisco), 140. Paule, 140. Thomas, 139. Carew, Anne = Throgmorton, 89. Elizab., 123. Joice (Clopton), 43, 110. Sir George, 43, 110. Sir Nicholas, 89. Thomas. 123. CARINGTON, alias SMITH, 71 . Anne (Farwell), 71. John, 71. Katherin (Montague), 71. Margaret (Roose), 71. Milencia (Laynham), 71. Sir Thomas, 71. Sir William. 71. CARLES, alias CHARLES, 22, 23. Mary (Stanley), 23. Richard, 23. Carhe, Edward, 222. Maria = Palmer, 222. Carrell, Alice = Hudgesonne, 81 . Alexander, 81. Carthorp, Anne = Repington, 190. Sir William, 190. Cartwreght, Grace (Dabredg court), 47. WiUiam, 47. Carwe, George, 123. Margeria (Englefeld), 123. Cary, Anne (Corbett), 63. Radulph, 63. Carye, Elizab. (Spencer), 285. George,|Lord Hunsdon, 285. Castell, Albreda = Holt, 19. Almeren (—?—), 19. George, 19. Castilian, Baptist, 380. Peter, 380. Thomazin (Peiton), 380. CATESBY, 124, 125, 126, 127. Alice (Camvill), 125. Alice = Lodbrook, 128. Ann (Hasilrigge), 127. Anne = Wyttlebury, 121. 126. Anne (Throgmorton), 88, 126. Anne, 126. Anne (Seiton), 127. Anne (Obbene), 127. Anthony, 127. Dorithy (Spencer), 126. Edmond, 126, 127. Edward, 126. Elias, 125. Elizabeth = Wake, 126. Elizabeth (Empson), 126. Elizabeth = Fitz Jeffrie, 126. Elizabeth (A stall), 126. Elizabeth (Porter), 126. Elizabeth (Whorwood), 126. Elizabeth = Boughton, 126. Elizabeth = Owen, 126. EUzabeth, 126. Emme (Cranford), 125, 129. Eusebius, 127. George, 126, 131. Humphry, 127. Isabell (Ladbrooke), 125, 128. Isabell (Tresham), 127. Jane = Bracebridge, 126. Jane = Gainsford, 126. Joane (Rodburne alias Ar den), 125, 179. Joane (Barre), 126. John, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129. Katherin (Willington), 126. Katherin (Leigh), 126. Margaret (Zouch), 126, 131. Michaell, 127. Nicholas, 97, 125. PhUlip, 125. PhiUippa (Bishopston),126, 131. Randulph, 125. Reignold, 125. Richard, 126. Sir Richard, 126. Robert, 125, 126. Roger, 125. Rose (Mountford), 125, 127. Simon. 125, 126. Thomas, 126, 127. William, 125, 126, 128, 131, 179. Sir William, 88, 121, 125, 126, 131. — (Powell), 126. — = Nehum, 126. — = Brome, 97. — = Olney, 113. CATESBY of KNOWLE, 142. Anna (Foxhold), 142. Anna = Burton, 142. Anna, 142. CATE SB Y— continued. Edward, 142. Elizab. = Paine, 142. Elizabetha (Gunston), 142. Elizabetha, 142. Jana (Thurland), 142. John, 142. Margareta, 142. Randolph, 142. Simon, 142. Thomas, 142. William, 142. Catlin, Margareta = Spencer, 285. Maria = Bury, 265. Robert, 265, 285. Catterus, Susan (—?—), 379. Catweine, Alice = Gregory, 156. John, 156. Caudry, Arthur, 185. Cauley de, Alice = Gregorie, 155. Robert, 155. Cave, Sir Ambrose, 19. Anne = Hunson, 133. Barbara (Feldinge), 11. Brian, 88. Edward, 83. Ellinor (Graye), 43. Elizabeth (Davers), 17. Francis, 93. Margaret = Knowles, 19. Margaret = Boughton, 83. Margaret (Throgmorton), 88. Margaret (Trussell), 93. Margery (Willington), 19. Richard, 11. Thomas, 17. Sir Thomas, 133. William. 43. — = Primer, 222. Cavendish, Elizabeth (Bough ton), 83. William, Lord, 83. Cawdrie, Julian = Warner, 51. Cawnto' Elizab. = Hales, 209. Cay, Barbara = Repington, 189. Thomas, 189. Chaderton, Godfrie, 149. Margaret = Ratcliffe, 149. William, 149. Chadwell, Edward, 204. Joliana (Beaufo), 204. Chad worth, Joane = Marrow, 69. John, 69. Chaloner, Agnes (Thicknes), 145. Margaret = Thicknes, 146. Richard, 145. Roger, 145. Thomas, 145. Chamber, Hester = Willis, 311. CHAMBERLAINE, 258, 259. Anne = Raleigh, 77. Edward, 259. Sir Edward, 259. Elizab. = Gifford, 259. Elizabetha, 259. Francisca, 259. Jana = Chamberlaine, 259. 3 i 422 INDEX OF NAMES. CHAMBERLAINE-=Rolleston, 35. Joane (Parle), 35. Joane, 35. Johana (—1—), 35. John, 35. Katherin = Badeleighe, 35. Margaret = Holt, 19. Margaret = Stanley, 35. Mary = Harcourt, 35. Mary = Revell, 35. Mary (Skevington), 35. Mary (Stamford), 35. COMBERFORD— continued. Mary, 35. Matilda = Everard alias Stanton, 35. Richard, 35. Roger, 36. Thomas, 35. William, 19, 35. Combes, Elizab. = Shukbrough, 345. Comes, — = Stoughton, 141. Commander, — = Olney, 113. WUliam, 113. Compton, Anna (Spencer), 285. Humphredus, 225. Henry, Lord, 285. Margaret (Marowe), 69. Thomas, 69. — = Canning, 225. CONGREVE, or CONGRAVE, 44, 45. Dorithy = Brokesbey, 45. Dorithy (Forde), 45. Eliz. = Underhill, 31, 45. Francis, 105. John, 31, 45. Ursula = Underhill, 31, 45. — = Harman, 105. Corners, Anne (Willcotts), 131. Lucy = Griffin, 168. Reynold, 168. Robert, 131. Coningsby, Johana (Clinton), 137. John, 137. Thomas, 137. William, 137. Connegsby, Anne (Englefield), 123. Edward, 123. Elizabeth, 123. Humphry, 123. Jane, 123. Katherin, 123. Mary, 123. Thrmas, 123. Conney, Alice (Leigh), 81. Thomas, 81. Connysby, Jane = Raleigh, 77. Sir William, 77. Constable, Anne = Gruffeth, 15. Christian (Dabredgcourt), 47, 133. Robert, 47. Sir Robert, 15, 133. Constantine, Edward, 283. Emine (—?—), 283. Horswinus, 283. Juon, Viscount de, 283. Wolmerus, 283. CONWAY, 26, 27. Anne (Burdett), 27. Dorithy (Tracey), 27. Edward, 73, 181. Sir Edward, 27. EUzab.=Arden, 73, 181. Sir Foulke, 27. Hellena = Ashfield, 165. Sir Hugh, 27. Sir John, 27. 0 ON WAY — continued. — (Grevill), 27. — (Weston), 27. - (-?-), 27. COOKE, 298, 299. Alicia (Hutton), 299. Anna = Clerk, 299. Anna (Jenninges), 299. Anna = Peto, 173. Francis, 299, Henry, 299. Jana (LoveU), 299. John, 299.. Katherina, 299. Maria (Hacon), 299. Maria, 299. Thomas, 299. WilUam, 298, 299. Cooke, Anne = Goodere, 67. Anne (Goodere), 67. Anthony, 13. Christopher, 375. Edmund, 67. Elizab. (Pevton), 380. Ellena (Hoi-ne), 343. Lucy (Lucy), 288. Margareta = WiUington, 375. Richard, 380. Robert, Clarenceux, 220, 343, 344, 406. Sir WiUiam, 288. — (Nichols), 67. — =Rowlet, 13. Cooles, Edmund, 33. Jane (Somm'vill), 33. Cooper, Audria (Peto), 173. Elizab. (Gra'mer), 51. John, 173. Judith (Peto). 173. Maria = Hugford, 337. Raph, 186. Robert, 51. Cope, Bridgett (Raleigh), 77. Sir John, 77. Copin, Katherina = Astley, 365. CORBETT, 63. Andrew, 63. Sir Andrew, 63. Anne = Cary, 63. Anne (St. John), 63. Anne (Windsore), 63. Anne, 63. Arthur, 63. Eleanor, 63. Elizabeth = Arden, 74, 182. Elizabeth (Boothbey), 63. Elizabeth = Curson, 63. EUzabeth (Devereux), 63, 279. Elizabeth (Hopton). Elizabeth =Somm'uill, 33. Elizabeth (Vernon), 63. . Elizabeth = Wallop, 63. Frances (Humfryston), 63. Sir George, 63. Jane (Nedha'), 63. Jeronim, 63. Margaret (Erdington), 63. Margaret (Malorye), 63. INDEX OF NAMES. 425 CORBETT— continued. Margaret = Palmes, 63. Mary (Wolfe), 63. Mary, 63. Reginald, 74, 182. Reynold, 63. Sir Richard, 63, 279. Robert, 63. Roger, 63. Sir Roger, 63. Ursula, 63. Sir Vincent, 63. Walter, 63. William, 33. CORBIN, 312. Anna, 312. Anne = Brasbredg, 9. Anne (Repington), 191. George, 312. Henry, 312. Jana, 312. Margareta (Yardley), 110. Maria (Faunt), 312. Thomas, 9, 191, 312. WiUiam, 110. Corniu' = Throckmorton, 111. CornwaU, Francis, 231. Jocosa (Combe), 231. — = Statham, 392. Cost, Agnes (NewbotteU), 167. Grace = Palmer, 167. Thomas, 167. Cotes, John, 355, 387. Maria = Bradley, 355. Maria = Grosveneur, 387. Cotesford, Idon = Raleigh, 77. Sir Roger, 77. Sir Thomas, 77. CottereU, John, 365. Katherina = Astley, 365. Maria (Astley), 365. COTTON, 304, 305. Elinora (Knightley), 305. Elizab. (Brokas), 305. Elizab. = Grosveneur, 388. Elizab. (Shirley), 305. Humphrey, 251, 388. Isabella (Spencer), 285. Johanna (Paris), 305. John, 285, 305. Julian (Montford), 305. Katherina = Grosveneur, 386. Katherina (Knevit), 305. Lawrence, 305. Lucia (Harvey), 306. Mabilla (Torkenton), 305. Maria (—?—), 305. Matilda = Pudsey, 251. Mawde = Repington, 191. PhiUip, 305. Richard, 191, 305, 386. Sir Robert, 305. Susan = Brasbridg, 9. Thomas, 9, 305. WiUiam, 306. Pudsey, 105. Sheldon, 3. Cotts, Alicia (Knightley), 399. Robert, 399. Courtney, Alice (Russell), 11. Elinor (Despensor), 283. Hugo, 283. Piers, 11. Coventre — = Farwell, 71. Robert, 71. COVENTRY, ARMS OF, 184. Cowmes, Rose (Clopton), 110. Cox Anna (Nash), 147. Edward, 147. Maria = Nash, 147. William, 147. Coxe, Maria (Peyton), 381. Richard, 381. Cramporn, Rebecca = Throck morton, 111. CRANFORD, 129. Emme = Catesbie, 125, 129. John, 129. Julian (Cuzon), 129. Margaret (Walford), 129. Nicholas, 129. PetroneUa (Stanford), 129. Robert, 125, 129. William, 129. Cranken, Anthony, 9. Hellen = Brasbredg, 9. Cranley, Emery, 142. Jana = Stoughton, 142. Crawley, Jana (Cocke), 261. Craythorn, EUina (Everton), 301. Richard, 301. Cresholme, Joane = Burdett, 129 Margaret (Walford), 129. Margaret = Metley, 129. Simon, 129. Creswell, John, 43. Mary (Gray), 43. Crips, Anne, 59. Grippes, Edward, 395. Elizabeth (Andrewes), 395. Crofes, Anne (Wigston), 38. Croft, John, 38. Margaret = Wigston, 38. Crofton, — = Butler, 357. Crompe, Brigetta (Andrew), 50. John, 50. CrophuU de, Agnitia = Deve reux, 279. Thomas, 279. Crow, — =WUlington, 376. Crowder, Henry, 343. Maria (Home), 343. Crowe, Mary (Wylmore), 135. Thomas, 135. Cruchloe, Henry, 193. Martha (Wheate), 193. Crug, Barbara (Newdigate), 39. John, 39. Cuff, Dorothea (Horsey), 195. Hugo, 195. Culpeper, An (—?—), 200. Elizab. (Spencer), 285. Letticia (Clarke), 200. Sir Martin, 200. Martin, 200. Cumberley, Jocosa — Hugford. 337. Cumberley — continued. Thomas, 337. Curson, Bridget = Burdett, 101. Cicily = Trussell, 93. Elizab. (Corbett), 63. John, 93. Katherin = Griffin, 167. Richard, 167. Thomas, 101. Vincent, 63. — = Sacheverell, 391. — = Statham, 392. Cuzon, Henry, 129. Julian = Cranford, 129. D'ABBETOT, 136. Alice = 7, 136. Eva = Bussell, 136. Galfrid, 136. Godfrie, 136. Henry, 136. John, 136. Margaret = Rise, 136. Margarett (—7—), 136. Matilda = Bussell, 139. Robert, 136, 139. WiUiam, 136. DABRIDGCOURT, 46, 47. Alice (Delamare), 47. Alice (Greswold), 47. Anne = Hugford, 47. Christian = Belcher, 47,65. Christian = Forster, 133. Dorithy (Pettenham), 47. Elizabeth (Wigston), 37, 47. Sir Eustace, 47. George, 47. Grace = Cartwright, 47. Jane = Smithwick, 47. John, 37, 133. Katherin = Fulwood, 47. Mary = Pinne, 47. Sir Nicholas, 47. Sir Sanclett, 47. Thomas, 37, 62, 66. William, 47. — (Wake), 47. (Norton), 47. (Belcher), 47. — =Delamare, 133. Dabscourt, Anna = Hugford, 337. Thomas, 337. Dadley, Margaret = Greswold, 61. Dainlip, Adam, 379. DALBY, 368. 369. Alicia (Woodward), 227, 369. Alicia, 369. Anna, 369. Edmond, 227, 369. Edward, 369. Elizab. =Watton, 369. Hugo, 229. Isabella (Upton), 229. Israeli = Perkins, 369. Johanna, 369. John, 369. 426 INDEX OF NAMES. DALBY — continued. Judith=Holiock, 369. Judith, 369. Judith (Barnes), 369. Lionel, 369. Maria (UnderhiU), 369. Richard, 369. Thomas, 369. WiUiam, 369. — (Roberts), 369. Daleyland, Elizabeth = Feld inge, 12. Sir John, 12. Dalison, Maria (Spencer), 285. Dallinder, Mary (Lunsford), 85. Daniell, Jana = Grosveneur, 385. John, 385. Katherin (Marrow), 69. Margaret=rAndrew, 50. Raph, 69. William, 50. Dannett, Elizabeth (Clopton), 110. Gerrard, 107. Mary=Medley, 107. DANVERS, or DAVERS, 114, 115. Agnes=Digby, 17. Alice=Rainsford, 49. Anne (Stradlinge), 115. Anne=Lovett, 115. Anne=Blunt, 115. Anne (Pigott), 116. Daniell, 115. Dorithie=Sacheverell, 115. Dorithy (Rainsford), 49, 115. Dorithy=Hubert, 17. Dorothy=Phetiplace, 116. Dorothy (Verney), 25. Elizabeth=Borowes, 115. Elizabeth, 115. Elizabeth=Cave, 17. EUzabeth (Finnes), 116. Fortrida, 116. Henry, 115. John, 17, 49, 115. Justicia=Andrews, 115. Margaret=Fines, 115. Margaret=Englefeild, 123. Margery=:Stanley, 115. Maria (Sacheverell), 393. Mary=Baker, 115. Prudence=Howell, 115. Richard, 115, 123. Samwell, 115. Silvester, 115. Susan=Hungerford, 115. Susan (Pope), 115. Temperance=rDellon, 115. Thomas, 115. WUliam, 17, 49, 115. — (Mangerfeld), 115. Darcy, Francisca=Gobard, 293. DarreU, Alicia (Peyton), 381. Robert, 381. DARSETT, 79. AUce (Sutton), 79. Hellena, 79. DARSETT— continued. John, 79. Margaret (Wenlock), 79. Margaret (Burneby), 79. Matilda (Spencer), 79. Richard, 79. Thomas, 79. William, 79. — (Arden), 79. DASTON, 21. Alice (Norwood), 139. Anne (Sheldon), 21. Anne (Savag), 21. Anne=Wysam, 21. Anne=Huband, 21. Anne=Langston, 21. Anne, 21. Anne=Clifton, 139. Anthony, 21, 139. Elizab., 21. Elnor=Langston, 21. George, 21. Gregory, 21. Joane (Hodgkins), 21. John, 21, 139. Mary, 21. Richard, 21. William, 21. — (Deroye), 21. — =Morin, 139. — =Daston, 139. DAVENPORT, 372, 373. Anna (Hopkins), 373. Anna, 373. Barnabas, 373. Christopher, 373. Edward, 373. Edwin, 373. Elizab. (Wooley), 373. Elizab. (Bennett), 373. Elizabetha, 373. Elizabeth (Wigston), 38. Francisca (Higenson), 373. Henry, 373. John, 373. Margarefc=Wigston, 38. Maria (Hereford), 373. Maria (Grover), 373. Nicholas, 38. PhiUippa, 373. Sara (Whitehead), 373. Winifrida, 373. Winifrida (Barneby), 373. — (Venables), 373. Daventry, Havicia=Lodbrooke, 128 Robert, 128. Daves, Agneta, 159. Amicia (Terry), 159. Hellena, 159. William, 159. David, Joane=Delamare, 47. Davies, Anna (Pettye), 245. Hugo, 227. Thomas, 245. Ursula (Woodward), 227. Davis, Elizabetha=Turner, 151. Richard, 151. Day, AUcia=Rugeley, 229. Margareta (Warde), 275. DECONS, 230, 231. Alicia=Chibnall, 231. Anna (Combe), 231. Anna, 231. Dorothea (Murcote), 231. Edward, 231. Eleanora (Spicer), 231. Elinora, 231. Elizab. (Reines), 231. Elizab.=Snagge, 231. Elizab. 231. Elizabetha, 231. Francisca=Hinton, 231. Francis, 231. Gracia (Basford), 231. Hannah=Walden, 231. Margareta=Fauconer, 231. Maria=7 231. Maria, 231. Martha=Hulme, 231. Persis=Levinge, 231, 321. Richard, 231. Robert, 231. Thomas, 231, 321. William, 231. — (Chicheley), 231. Delabeere, Margaret=Holt, 19, Sir Richard, 19. Delahay, Mildreda = Clarke, 199. — =Goodier, 67. Delaland, Johanna = Morley, 392. Delamare, Agnes (Grosse le), 47. AUce=Damprecourt, 47. Avice (Penrise), 47. Elizabeth=Forster, 133. Joane (David), 47. John, 47, 133. Raph, 47. Robert, 47. Thomas, 47, 133. William, 47. — (Dabredgcourt), 133. Dalamarre, Edmond, 309. MatUda=Archer, 309. Delamore, Gracia (Pudsey). 251. Henry, 251. Delaplanch, Alice=Mountford, 55, 56. James, 287. John=Pabenham, 287. WiUiam, 55, 66. Delaroch Ellina=Ferrers, 279. Sir Thomas, 279. Dellon, Anthony, 116. Temperance (Davers), 115. Delves, John, 140. Margaret=Bussell, 140. Denis, — , 171. Denton, Anne=GrevUl, 29, 97. Isabell (Brome), 97. John, 29, 97. Sibella=Clapham, 367. WUliam, 367. Deroye, — =Daston, 21. Despensor, Ada=St. Amon, 283. Adam, 284. INDEX OF NAMES. 427 Deepensor — continued. Alicia (Bassett), 283. Almericus, 283. Anna (Ferrers), 283. Clara, 283. Constancia (Plantagenet), 248. Edward, Lord, 283, 284. Elda (Blewett), 283. Elianor (Clare), 283. Elinor=Courtney, 283. Elinora, 284. Elizabeth=BurneU, 283. Elizabeth (Burwash), 284. Elizabeth=Matrevers, 284. Elizabeth (Tiptoft), 284. EUinora (Nevill), 284. Emma (—?—), 283. Sir Galfrid, 283. Gilbert, 283. Hugo, 283. Isabella (Beauchamp), 283. IsabeUa=Beauchamp, 284. Isabella=Hastinges, 283. IsabeUa (Evens), 283. John, 284. Margareta = Wentworth, 284. Matilda=Monmoth, 283. PhiUip, 283, 284. Richard, 283, 284. Thomas, Earl of Glouc, 284. Thurstan, 283. Walter, 283. WUUam, 284. — (Cobham), 283. — (Deverell), 284. — (Montague), 283. Dethick, Dorothea=Andrewes, 395. Sir GUbert, 268. WiUiam, 395. Deverell, — =Despensor, 284. DEVEREUX, 278, 279, 280. Agnitia (CrophuU de), 279. Anna (Ferrers), 279. Anna=CUfford, 280. Anna=Leighton, 280. Barbara=Hastinges, 280. Catherina (Arden), 182. CicUia (Bourchier), 279. Dorothea (Hastinges), 279. Dorothea=Parrot, 279. Dorothea=Shirley, 279. Edward, 182, 280. Sir Edward, 74, 269. Elizab. (Brounock alias Bromwich), 279. Elizab. (Marburye), 279. Elizab.=Corbet, 63, 279. Elizab.=Vemon, 280. EUzab. (Bashpoole), 280. Elizabetha (Knightley), 280, 401. Essex, 280. Frances=Beauchamp, 280. Francisca (Walsingham), 280. George, 280. Gracia, 280. DEV EREUX— continued. Henry, 280. Howarda=Dilke, 269. 280. Joanna (Scudamore), 279. John, Lord Ferrers, of Chartley, 279. Katherina = Baskervile, 279. Katherina (Arden), 74, 280. Leicester, 280. Leticia (Knowles), 280. Margareta (Garnish), 279. Margareta = Wrothesley, 280. Margaret=Littleton, 280. Maria (Gray), 279. Maria, 280. Penelope=Rich, 280. Sir Richard, 279. Robert, Earl of Essex, 186, 280. Sir Walter, 279, 280. Walter, Earl of Essex, 63, 279, 280. Sir William, 279. William, 280. — (Meverell), 280. Dewins, — =Sacheverell, 391. Deybridg, Isabella = Morley, 391 Phillip, 391. Diccons, Ellinor (Gregory), 155, 159. John, 160. Robert, 160. Thomas, 160. Walter, 165, 159. William, 160. DICHFORD, 91. Beatrix (—?—), 91. EUena=Raues, 91. Galfred, 91. John, 91. Margarett=Clinton, 91. William, 91. DIGBY, 16, 17. Abegall (Heningha'), 17. Agnes (Clarke), 17. Agnes (Davers), 17. Alice (Walles), 17. Alice=Brome, 17. Ambrose, 17. Anne (Throgmorton), 17, 18. Anne=Brome, 97. Elizabeth (Dixwell), 297. Everard, 11, 17. Sir George, 17. Jane (Bellers), 17. Jaquette (EUys), 11. John, 17, 88. Sir John, 17. Katherina (Griffin), 167. Katherina=Fisher, 217. Margaret, 17. Phillipe, 17. Robert, 17. Reignold, 17, 97. Rowland, 17. Simond, 17. DIGBY — continued. Sir Thomas, 17, 217. William, 297. Digges, — =Mathew, 349. Dighton, Anna (Wheate), 193. Anna=Barnabee, 193. Jobe, 193. John, 193. Martha=Foote, 193. Sara, 193. Thomas, 193. DILKE, 268, 269. Alicia (Nutkin), 269. Anna=Welsh, 269. Anna (Fisher), 217, 269. Dorothea=Bouth, 269. Edward, 269. Elizabeth (Ashton), 269. Fisher, 269. George, 269, Howarda (Devereux), 269, 280. Jane (Farmor), 269. John, 260. Katherin, 269. Lettice, 269. Maria, 269. Richard, 268, 269. Thomas, 269, 280. Sir Thomas, 217. WiUiam, 269. —(Calthrop), 269. —(Robertes), 269. —(Wentworth), 269. — (Wolverston), 269. Dimock, Margaret=Malin, 155. Margareta (Wilkes), 213. William, 155. Dinge, John, 337. Margareta=Hugford, 337. Dingleys —(Griffin), 168. DIXWELL, 40, 41, 296, 297. AbigaU (Herdson), 41, 297. Anna (Michell), 41, 297. Anna (Loe), 297. Anna=Broughton, 41, 297. Barbara=Brent, 297. BasiU, 297. Benedict, 41, 297. Brent, 297. Charles, 41, 297. Edward, 297. Elizabeth=Digby, 297. Elizabeth (Knight), 41, 297. Elizabeth=Erdeswick, 41, 297. Elizabeth (Brent), 297. Elizabetha, 297. Ellen (Lowe), 41. Erasmus, 297. Fawstin, 297. Francis, 297. Humphry, 41, 297. Jacobus, 297. John, 41, 297. Katherina, 297. Margareta (Samson), 41, 41, 297. Margareta=Watson, 297. 428 INDEX OF NAMES. DIXWELL— continued. Margeria=Dixwell, 297. Maria (Grey), 41, 297. Maria=Price, 41, 297. Susanna = Burnaby, 146. 297. Thomas, 297.; William, 41, 146, 297. — (Haukesworth), 297. Do, Catherina (Everton), 301. George, 301. John, 301. Dockwra, Mildred (Hales), 95. Thomas, 95. Docura, Elizab.=Palmer, 171. Docwra, Anne=Raleigh, 78. Martin, 78. Dod, Avicia (Gaunte le), 97. Galfred, 97. Domas, Densell, 93. Elizabeth=Trussell, 93. Donham, Johanna (Archer), 179. Sir John, 179. Dorcett, Margaret (Wotton), 107. Thomas, Marquis of, 107. Dorington, Mathew, 343. Winifreda (Home), 343. Dormer, Anna=Hanslap, 257. Eliza=Alderford, 59. Jane (Newdigate), 39. Peter, 59. Robert, 39. Dorset. Anna (Spencer), 285. Robert, E. of, 285. Dove, Anna (Warde), 275. Dracott, Dorothea = Kinar desley, 398. Phillipp, 398. Draper, Anna=Kempston, 411. Robert, 411. Drought, Catherina = Sadler, 339. Drydon, George, 207. Katherina (Throckmor ton), 207. Dudley, Katherina (Leigh), 81. Margareta=Guibon, 160. Sir Robert, 81. DUGDALE, 326, 327. Elizab. (Swinfen), 327. •Elizabetha, 327. Jacob, 327. Johannes, 327. Margareta, 327. Maria=Sewall, 327. Maria, 327. William, 327. —(Woodcock), 327. Dungan, Alexander, 183. Durvassal, Nicholas, 125, 127. Rose (Montford), 125, 127. Dutton, Adam, 283. Agnitia (Alured), 283. Alicia, 283. Elizab.=Grosveneur, 386. Elizab. (Grosveneur), 385. Hudard, 283. Hugo, 283. D utton — continued. Sir Hugo, 283. Piers, 386. Peter, 385. Dyson, Lewis, 175. Margery=Hobleday, 175. Echingham, Matilda = Clark, 199. Eden, Margareta (Ward), 275. Margareta (Peyton), 380. Richard, 380. Edge, Elizab.=Wolley, 157. Edingham, Katherina=Cleark, 199. Richard, 199. Edolph, Elizab.=Clarke, 200. Simon, 200. Edward IV, K. of England, 279. Edwards, Judith (Throckmor ton), 111. Thomas, 111. Eedes, Ellina= Waring, 359. John, 359. Egbaston, Sir Henry, 333. Isabella=Middlemore, 333. Egerton, Alicia (Spencer), 285. Ann£u=Middlemore, 333. Anne (Gruffeth), 15. EUzabeth=Leigh, 81. John, 15. Mary=Leigh, 81. Thomas, Lord Elesmere, 81, 285. Sir Thomas, 81. Ekins, Isabella (Travell), 409. Robert, 409. Eldrington, Edward, 361. Jane=Barker, 361. Eliotts, James, 1 85. Elliott, George, 377. Margareta (Kendall), 325. Sara (Bauldwine), 377. Thomas, 325. Elliotts, WUliam, 185. Elrington, Edward, 285. Margareta (Spencer), 285. Elston, Hugh, 163. Maria=Smith, 163. Elys, Elianor (Russell), 11. Giliane=Feldinge, 11. Jaquette=Digbye, 11. John, 11. Emmot, Anna=Rutter, 235. Thomas, 235. Empson, Elizabeth=Catesbie, Elizab=Lucy, 287. Richard, 126, 284, 287. — =Spencer, 284. ENGLEFIELD, 122, 123. Anne=White, 123. Anne=Connegsby, 123. Elizabeth (Throgmorton), 87, 123. Francis, 123. Isabell (—?—), 123. Joane (—7—), 123. Joane (Milborne), 123. John, 123. Margaret (Davers), 123. ENGLEFIELD— continued. Margery=Carew, 123. Nichola (—7—), 123. Nichola, 123. Phillip, 123. Robert, 123. Roger, 123. Suzan=Barnes, 123. Thomas, 123. William, 123. Enion, Alice=Horsey, 195. Jacob, 195. Ensor, Elizab.=Nicolls, 249. WiUiam, 249. Erdeswick, Alice(Gregory), 155. Elizabeth (Gray), 43. Elizabeth (Dixwell), 41, 297. Sampson, 41, 43, 297. Stephen de, 155. Erdington, Margaret=Corbett, 63. Thomas, 63. Eritage, Elizab.=Clerke, 157. WUliam, 157. Erlington, — =Godier, 67. Erneley, Anne=Raleigh, 77. Ernies, Matilda=Fulwood, 237. William, 237. Ernold. Emma=Bussell, 139. Hugh, 139. Erscott, Isabella=Archer, 309. Radus, 309. Ersene, Anthony, 381. Elizab. (Peyton), 381. ESCHALES, 75. Luce=Frevile, 75. Stephen, 75. Thomas, 75. WUliam, 75. Esse, — =Brasbridg, 9. Etton, Johan na = Grosveneur, 385. John, 385. Evens, Isabella = Despensor, 283. Sir Richard, 283. Everby, Elinor (Trumpington), 287. Sir Richard, 287. Evererd, Mawde = Alderford, 59. Thomas, 59. Evers, Elizab. (Spencer), 285. Lord, 285. EVERTON, 300, 301. Alicia=Clerke, 301. Catherina=Do, 301. Elizab. (Greene), 301. Elizab. (Pywell), 301. EUzab. (Wedgwood), 301. Elizabetha, 301. EUina=Craythorn, 301. Henry, 301. Humphrus, 301. Johanna^Hinman, 301. Maria=Townesend, 301. Reginald, 301. Richard, 301. Eyre, — =SachevereU, 391. INDEX OF NAMES. 429 Fairfax, Anna=Levinge, 321. FALSTAFF, 75. Hugh, 75. John, 75. Margaret (Holbrooke), 75. Farmer, Alicia (Ludford), 150. Anna=Lucy, 217. Bartholomew, 150. Ellina=Bishop, 223. George, 223. John, 255. Maria (Purifoy), 255. Richard, 287. Farmor, Edmond, 269. Jane=Dilke, 269. Farmour, Maria = Knightley, 399. Richard, 399. FarweU, Anne = Carington, 71. Sir Edmond, 71. — (Coventre), 71. Fauconer, John, 231. Margareta (Decons), 231. Faunt, Maria=Corbin, 312. William, 312. Favell, Elizabeth=Griffin, 167. John, 167. Fearne, Audria = Repington, 189. John, 189. Feasant, Katherina = Grosve neur, 385. Sir William, 385. Felton, John, 190. Joice (Repington), 190. Feneux, Margareta=Baldwine, 377. Fenton, Johanna = Baldwin, 377. John, 377. Ferebye, Martha (Colemore), 335. Thomas, 335. FERRERS, OF BADDESLEY CLINTON, 4, 5. Anna (Peto), 5, 173. Anna=Knightley, 399. Bridgett (Windsore), 5. Constance (Brome), 5. 97, Edward, 5, 123, 303. 399. Sir Edward, 5, 97, 203, 303. Elizabeth=Clarke, 5. Elizabeth (Freville), 5, 7. Elizabeth (Grey), 303. Elizabeth==Randolph, 303. Henry, 5, 123. Sir Henry, 5. Jane (White), 5, 123. Katherin (Hampden), 5. Margaret (Hortall), 5. Maria, 5, 123. Sir Thomas, 5. Ursula=Beaufoe, 5, 203. FERRERS, OF TAMWORTH CASTLE,! Alice, 7. Anne=Archer, 309. Anne (Bradborne), 7. Anne=Graffeth, 7, 16. FERRERS, OF TAMWORTH CASTLE— continued. Anne (Hastings), 7. Barbara (Cockaine), 7, 69. Bridgett, 7. Dorithy=Cockaine, 7, 69. Dorithy (Harper), 7. Dorithy=Holt, 7. Dorithy (Puckering), 7, 197. Dorothy (—7—), 7. Edward, 7. Elizabeth (Freuille), 5, 7. Elizabeth, 7. Francisca=Pagenton, 7. Sir Henry, 7. * Henry, 173. Sir Humphrey, 7, 69. Isabell, 7. Jane=Gregory, 156. Sir John, 7, 15, 197, 309. John, 7, 69, 156, 173. Katherin, 7. Margarett (Pegott), 7. Maude (Stanley), 7. Maude, 7. Richard, 7. Suzane, 7. Sir Thomas, 7. Thomas, 7. Walter, 7. — (Pagenton), 7. Ferrers, Anna (Despensor), 283, Anna=Devereux, 279. Elizabeth (Belknap), 279. Elizabeth = Summervill, 33. EUina (De la Roch), 279. George, 3. Henry, Lord, 283. Sir Humphry, 33. Margaret (Arden), 74, 182. Mary (Sheldon), 3. Walter, 74, 182. WiUiam, Lord, 279. Fetherston, Anna=Turner, 151. Jana (Reynoldes), 243. John, 243. — =Holbeech, 351, Field, Maria (Piers), 233. Muriell=Palmer, 171, 222. Richard, 222. Thomas. 233. FIELDING, or FELDINGE, 10, 11, 12. Agnes (Napton), 11. „ Agnes (Napton), 12. Agnes (Seyton), 11. Agnes, 11. Amadibella (—?—), 12. Anna=Gray, 43. Anna=Peto, 11, 173. Anna, 12. Anthony, 12. Barbara=Cave, 11. Barnabe, 12. BasiU, 11, 12, 173, 182. Sir BasUl, 74. Bryan, 12. Christian (Goodere), 12. FIELDING— oontinued. Dorithy=Arden, 74, 182. Dorithy (Lane), 11. Elizabeth (Aston), 11. Elizabeth (Daleyland), 12. Elizabeth (Kendall), 11. Elizabeth (Poultney), 11. Elizabeth=Wrey, 11. Elizabeth, 12. Eustachia (Longvill), 12. Everard, 11. Sir Everard, 11. Fastine, 11. Ferdinand, 11. Galfred, 11. George, 12. Giliane (EUys), 11. Godetha (Willington), Godith, 11. Humphry, 11. Isabell (Bosworth), 11. Isabell (Rippes), 12. James, 12. Jane (Bellers), 11. Jefferie, 12. Joane (Prudhone), 11. John, 11. Sir John, 12. Joice (Marmion), 12. Margaret (Swillington), 11. Margeria=Lane, 11. Margeria (Purifoy), 255. Maria=Arran, 12. Mary, 11. Peter, 11. Robert, 12. Rode (Colville), 12. Solarde, 12. Suzan (Vellers), 12. Thomazine (Rockley),' 12. Ursula (Langley), 12. William, 11, 12, 43. Sir William, 11, 12, 255. —(Arden), 11. —(Col vile), 11. — =Morden, 319. Fiennes, Richard, Lord Say and Seale, 69. Ursula=Marowe, 69. Findern, — =Sacheverell, 392. Fines, Edward, 115. Margaret (Davers), 115. Margaret=Lunsford, 85. Sir Thomas, 85. Finey, Anna=Colemore, 335. William, 335. Finnes, Alice (Ward), 146. Edward, 146. Elizab.=Davers, 115. Richard, 146. William, 146. Fish, Elizab.=Hales, 210, 273. Susan=Hales, 95. Walter, 95, 210, 273. FISHER, alias HAWKINS, 20. Dorithy, 20. Edward, 195. Sir Edward, 20. 3 K 430 INDEX OF NAMES. FISHER, alias HAWKINS— continued. EUzabeth=Belcher, 65. John, 20. Katherina=Horsey, 195. Richard, 20. Thomas, 20. Winefred (Holt), 20. — (Longe), 20. FISHER, 216, 217. Anna (Steventon), 217. Anna=Dilke, 217, 269. Sir Clement, 191, 207, 217, 269. EUzab. (Tirringham), 217. John, 216,217. Katherina (Digbie), 217. Letticia = Throckmorton, 207, 217. Maria=Littleton, 217. Maria(Repington),191,217. Sir Robert, 217. Thomas, 217. Fisher, Elizab.=Golofre, 74. Jana (Andrewes), 395. John, 74, 395. William, 186. Fitkin, alias Farmer, Elianora =Wagstaff, 289. Fitton, Johanna=Grosveneur, 386. Margaret = Burdett, 27, 101. Thomas, 27, 101, 386. Fitz Arches, Jocosa=Reping- ton, 190. John, 190. Fitz Gerrard, — =Raleigh, 77. Fitz Harbert, Anthony, 255. Sir Anthony, 393. Dorothy=Cumb'ford, 35. John, 135. Margeria=Purifoy, 255. Raph, 35. Winirred=Wylmore, 135. — =Sacheverell, 393. Fitz Jeffrie, Elizabeth (Cates bie), 126. Fitzpaine, EUanora = Percy, 284. Richard, Lord, 284. Fitz Raph, Elizabeth^Wolver- stpn, 75. Elizabeth (Holbrooke), 75. Robert, 75. Fitz Walter, Robert, Lord, 190. Fitz Walter, William, 180. Fitz Warren, Elizab. = Hank- ford, 279. John, Lord, 279. Flamok, Sir Andrew, 69. — =Marow, 69. Fleming, — =Stoughton, 141. FLETCHER, 352, 353. Elizab. (Harris), 363. EUzab., 363. John, 353. Katherina (Booes), 353. Katherina, 353. Thomas, 353. Flower, Jane (Sheldon), 3. John, 3. Foder, Mary (Gregory), 160. Foliamby, Jacob, 391. Parnell=SachevereU, 391. Font, Anthony, 95. ¦ — =Hales, 95. Foote, Martha (Dighton), 193. Forde, Dorothie = Congrave, 45. Sir John, 45. Forman, Elizabeth (Domas), 93. Leonard, 93. Forrester, Matilda (—?—), 180, William, 180. FORSTER, 132, 133. Alice=Hunson, 133. Alice (Popham), 133. AUce (Stonnor), 133. Anne (Goodier), 67, 133. Anne (Mering), 133. Anthony, 47, 133. Arthur, 133. Christian (Dabredgcourt), 47, 133. Edward, 133. Egedius, 133. Elianor=Stoughton, 133. Elizabeth (Delamare), 133. Elizabeth (Hopkins), 133. Elizabeth (Sandes), 133. Foulco, 133. Frances (Holt), 19. Sir George, 133. Giles, 38, 133. Henry, 133. Sir Humphry, 29, 133. Jane=Grevill, 29. Jane (Hungerford), 133. John, 133. Katherin=Valentyne, 133. Katherin (Wigston), 38, 133. Lucia (Coles), 133. Margaret (—7—), 133. Margaret, 133. Mary=Gregory, 133, 156. Mary=Joyner, 133. Mary (Steward), 133. Mary, 133. Thomas, 133. Ursula, 133. WiUiam, 67, 133, 156. -(-?-), 133. Fortescue, Sir Adrian, 199. Arthur, 379. Francisca (Peiton), 379. Maria (Woodchurch), 199. Fortiscu, Cicily (Ashefeld), 165. Sir John, 165. Foster, Egidius, 207. Maria (Throckmorton), 207. Foulk, Jocosa = Grosveneur, 387 ; John, 387. Fountaine, Winifrede (Warde), 275. Fowkes, Johanna (Clinton), 137. John, 137. Fowkes — continued. Margaret=BusseU, 137. Fowler, Anne=Montford, 66. Brian, 56. Mary (Sheldon), 3. Sibbell=Hannan, 105. Walter, 3. Fowlks, Margaret=Bussell, 139. Walter, 139. Fox, Anna (CoUes), 247. Edmond, 182. Maria (Ward), 275. Richard, 275. — =Arden. Foxe, Anne (Woodward), 119, 227 Anne (Hall), 119. Anne, 119. Isabell=Sanderson, 146. Joane (Thicknes), 146, 153. Joane=Adlington, 146. John, 119, 146, 153. Katherin, 119. Margaret=Freston, 119. Mary (Sparner), 119. Thomas, 119. William, 119. Foxhold, Anna=Catesbie, 142. Edward, 142. Foxley, Amphillis=Avery, 407. Anna=Shukbrough, 345. Elizab.=Saunders. 371. Francis, 371. Nicholas, 407. Thomas, 345. Frampton. Mary (Burdett), 101. Richard, 101. Francis, Elizab. (Sacheverell), 392. " Hugo, 379. Jane=Burdett, 101. Jocosa=Grevill, 29. John, 101. Margaret=Peiton, 379. Radus, 392. Robert, 29. William, 101. Frank, Thomas, 388. Venis (Grosveneur), 388. Franklin, — =Gregory, 160. Frankton de, Agnetac=KevereU, 311. William, 311. Freeman, Dorothea = Grevill, 43. Margareta=Levinge, 321. Maria=Rutter, 235. Thomas, 235, 321. WiUiam, 235. — =Rntter, 235. Freston, Margaret (Foxe), 119. William, 119. FREVILL, 75. Anne (Wolverston), 75. Baldwin, 75. Sir Baldwin, 5, 7, 55, 56, 93. Elizabeth=Ferrers, 5, 7 Elizabeth (Montford), 55, 66. INDEX OF NAMES. 431 FREVILL— continued. EUzabeth (TrusseU), 93. Helena (Lucey), 75. Joane (Charleton), 75. Sir John, 75. Luce (Eschales), 75. Margaret (— ? — ), 75. Sir Richard, 76. Robert, 75. Thomas, 75. William, 75. Frowick, AUce=Goodier, 67. Henry, 67. Frowlick, Martina = Home, 343. Fuller, Elizab. (Lucy). 288. WiUiam, 288. FULWOOD, 236, 237, 238. Adam, 238. Agneta (Hubard), 237. AUce=Beake, 237. AUcia=Wilkin, 238. AUcia (Woodward), 237. Alicia, 238. Anna (BaUie), 238. Anna=Bonner, 237. Anna=Gunne, 238. Anna, 238. Averius, 238. Dorothy, 238. Edward, 237. Eleanora=Greene, 238. Elenora, 238. Elianor, 238. Elizab. (Hill), 238. Elizab. 238. Frances, 238. Humphry, 238. IsabeUa (HarweU), 237. Jana (Atkins), 238. Jana, 238. Joana (SedenhaU), 237. Joana=Shukbrough, 345. Jocosa (Yardley), 110, 237. Johanna (Gunne), 238. Johanna (Heath), 237. Johanna=Parker, 238. Johanna^Robins, 238. John, 47, 110, 237, 238, 345. Katherin (Dabredgcourt), 47. Katherina=Hanburie, 238. Margareta (Mitton), 237. Margareta (Trussel), 93, 237. Margareta=WUkes, 237. Margareta, 238. Margareta (—?—), 237. Maria (Hill), 238. Maria, 238. Matilda (Ernies), 237. Philippa=Snede, 237. Radulph, 237. Raffaell, 238. Richard, 237, 238. Robert, 93, 237, 238. Thomas, 238. WiUiam, 237. —(Hunter), 238. — (Winson), 237. Fulwer, Elizab.=Wagstaff,403. Nicholas, 403. Furnivall, — =Montford, 65. Lord, 55. Gadier, Alicia=Hugford, 337. WiUiam, 337. Gage, Edward, 295. Elizab.=Skinner, 295. Gainsford, Emme (Raleigh), 77. George, 77. Jane (Catsby), 126. WiUiam, 126. Ganut le, Galfred, 97. Gape, Anna (Mayne), 331. Elizab., 331. Florence, 331. Henry, 331. John, 331. Mary, 331. Susan, 331. WUliam, 331. Gareway, Isabella = Wheate, 193. Gargrave, Anne=Bussell, 140. Cotton, 140. Garnett, Alice, 145. Anne, 145. Elizabeth, 145. John, 145. Ursula (Thicknes), 145. Garnish, Margaret (Francis), 379. Margarefc=Devereux, 279. Robert, 279. Thomas, 379. Garret,Dorothy (Kempston), 411 Thomas, 411. Garton, Jana=Stoughton, 142. Sir Peter, 142. Gastrele, Fabian, 401. Maria (Knightley), 401. Gatewik, Felicia (Bussell), 139. Richard, 139. Gaudy, Anne (BusseU), 139. Thomas, 139. Gaunt de, Alice=St. Lees, 65. GUbert de, E. of Lincoln, 55. Isabella=Spencer, 284. Walter de, 55, 284. — (Montford), 55. Gaunte le, Avicia=Halwis, 97. Galfred, 97. Richard, 97. Gedesbrooke, — =Lisley, 383. GERMIN, 169. Anne (Moore), 169. Johanna (Hunmore), 169. John, 169. Gerrard, Margaret=Stanley, 23. Sir Thomas, 23. Gest, Anne=Gregory, 165. GIBBES, 212, 213. Anthony, 213. Anna=Wroughton, 213. Anna, 213. Charles, 213. Edward, 213. Elizab. (Temple), 213. Elizab.=Tickeridge, 213. GIBBES— continued. Elizabeth (—7—), 213. EUzabeth, 213. Francisca, 213. George, 213. Gertruda(Wroughton),213.Gertruda, 213. Grivellus, 213. Sir Henry, 213. Hester, 213. Jana=Browne, 213. Jana, 213. Jocosa, 213. Katherina=Bentley, 213. Katherina (Porter), 213. Margareta=Brian, 213. Margareta (King), 213. Margareta (Prideaux), 213. Margareta (WUkes), 213. Maria, 213. Martha, 213. Sir Ralph, 213. Richard, 213. Robert, 213. Thomas, 213. Tristam, 213. Untona, 213. William, 213. Gibbes, Anne=Gregory, 166. John, 185. WUliam, 156. Gibbons, Francis, 383. Margareta=Pudsey, 261. Sibella (Lisley), 383. Thomas, 73, 181. William, 251. — (Arden), 73, 181. Gifford, Elizabeth (Chamb' laine), 259. Elizabeth (Throgmorton), 88 Gerard, 259. Sir John, 88. Mary=Smith, 71. Phillipa (White), 123. Sir Thomas, 71, 87. Ursula (Throckmorton), 71. Walter, 123. — =Kinardisley, 103. — =Knightley, 399. — =Porter, 117. Gilbert, AUce (Bond), 103. Anna (Saunders), 371. Dorithy=Speeke, 103. Edward, 103. EUzabeth=Colby, 103. lsabella=Langham, 389. Thomas, 389. GUthorps, John, 93. Mary (Trussell), 93. Gisbrooke, John, 335. Maria (Colemore), 335. Glocester, Thomas, Duke of, 279. Glover, Maria (Porter), 99. — =Goodall, 204. GOBARD, 292, 293. Anna=Leigh, 293. Francisca = Barringcon, 293. 432 INDEX OF NAMES. GOBARD — continued. Francisca (Darcy), 293. John, 293. Lucia (Smith), 293. Lucia=Chambrie, 293. Peter, 293. Goddard, Maria=GreviU, 143. Goderich, Richard, 143. — =Grevill, 143. Godfrey, Rebecca=Clerke, 200. Thomas, 200, Godfrie, Jane (Gregory), 160. Godweston, Johanna=Bocking, 221. Richard, 221. Gold, Prudence (Brasbredg), 9. Goldisborough, Mabell (Bel cher), 65. Thomas, 65. Goldsmith, Collet=Repington, 190. John, 190. Gollol, Alicia (Mayne), 331. John, 331. GOLOFRE, 74. Beatrix=Clodishall, 74. Elizab. (Fisher), 74. Sir John, 74. Mary (Brusley), 74. Raph, 74. Robert, 74. Roger, 74. Goman, William, 179. GOODALL, 204. Amias, 204. Anna (Woode), 204. Baptist, 204. Christopher, 204. Edward, 204. Elszab. (Wortley), 204. EUzabetha, 204. George, 204. Hugo, 204. . Jane=Shepey, 204. Jocosa (Wolles), 204. Jocosa, 204. John, 204. Pago, 204. Richard, 204. Robert, 204. Samson, 204. William, 204, • Wortley, 204. —(Glover), 204. —(Purifoy), 204. Goodde, Maria=Mathew, 349. Thomas, 349. GOODERE, or GOODIERD, 66, 67. Alice (Brent), 67. Alice (Frowick), 67. Anne=Cocke, 67, 261. Anne=Cooke, 67. Anne (Cooke), 67. Anne==Forster, 67, 133. Anne=Rainsford, 67. Anne=Walkden, 67. Christian=Feldinge, 12. Dorothy, 67. Frances=Goodier, 67. i GOODE RE— continued. Frances (Lowther), 67. Frances=Waynman, 67. Francis, 13, Sir Francis, 67. Hamond, 12. Henry, 67. Sir Henry, 13, 67, 133. Jane (Greene), 67. Jane (Hault), 67. Jane (Lewknor), 67. John, 67, 135, 261. Mary, 67. Nicholas, 67. Richard, 67. Thomas, 67. Ursula (Rowlett), 13, 67. WiUiam, 67. — (Delahay), 67. — (Erlington), 67. — (Levenger), 67. — (Sanders), 67. —(Thornbury), 67. —(West), 67. —(Wren), 67. — =Wylmore, 135. Gooderich, EUinora (Pudsey), 251. Michael, 251. Goodman, Alicia (Grosveneur), 386. William, 386. GOODWIN, 90. Anna (Spencer), 285. Elizab. (Throgmorton), 88, 90. Elizabeth, 90. Sir Frances, 90. Jana=Hanslap, 257. John, 90, 257. Sir John, 88, 90. Katherin, 90. Petronilla, 90. —(Gray), 90. Sir — , 286. Gorges, Dorithy (Speeke), 103. Edward, 103. Gower, Margaret =Reynoldes, 243 William, 243. Gowre, Anna (Middlemore), 333. Robert, 333. GRAMMER, 51. Alicia, 61. Anna (Hansard), 51. Anna, 51. / Dorothea, 51. Edward, 61. Elizab.=Cooper, 51. Elizab. (Oldham), 61. Francis, 51, 219. Jana=Knight, 51, 219. Margeria (Trentham), 51. Margeria, 51. Maria, 51. William, 51. Grange, Isabell = Greswold, 61. John, 61. Granger (Johanna Kempston), 411. Thomas, 411. Grante, — =Willis, 311. Grantham, Francisca (Pucker ing), 197. Joyce=Peiton, 379. Nicholas, 379. Sir Thomas, 197. Graunt, Anna (Somm'vile), 33. Edward, 33, 247. Maria=Colles, 247. Gravenor, Edward, 233. Rosa (Piers), 233. Gray, Humphry, 297. Joane=Raleigh, 77. John, Lord, 77. Maria=Devereux, 279. Maria=Dixwell, 297. Thomas, M. of Dorset, 279. — =Holbeech, 351. Graye, Mary (Marowe), 69. Sara (Penifather), 146. Thomas, 69, 146. Greene, Anna, 307. Eleanora (Fulwood), 238. Elizabeth=Everton,' 301. Elizabeth=Raleigh, 77. Francisca, 307. Jane=Goodier, 67. John, 307. Margareta (Lane), 307. Maria (Wagstaff), 289. Mary (Bellers), 167. Robert, 301. Thomas, 185. Sir Thomas, 77. WUliam, 238. — (Arblaster), 301. GREGORY, 154, 155, 156, 158, 159, 160. Alice (Catweine), 156. AUce (Cauley de), 155. Alice=Erdswick de, 155. Alice=Terry, 155, 169. Anne (Bushell), 140, 156. Anne (Gest), 155. Anne (Gibbes), 156. Anne=Rugeley, 156. Anne, 150, 156. Anthony, 160. Arthur, 146, 156. Audria, 156. Christopher, 146, 156, 160. Edmond, 146, 156. Edward, 133, 140, 150. Egidius, 156. Elianor (BUlesley), 155, 159. EUinor=Diccons, 159. EUzabeth=Harman, 150. Elizabeth (Hutton), 166. EHzabeth=Lee, 160. Elizabeth (Ratcliffe), 150, 156. Elizabeth (Ward), 146, 165. Elizabeth, 156. Fedes, 156. FranciB, 140, 155, 156. Hellena (Malin), 155, 159. INDEX OF NAMES. 433 GREGORY— continued. Henry, 146, 156. Hutton, 156. Isabell (Segrave), 165. Isabell, 156. Jane (Brome), 97. Jane (Ferrers), 156. Jane=Godfrie, 160. Jane (Swift), 156. Jeremias, 156. Joane (Asfordbie de), 156. Joane (—?—), 155. John, 97, 155, 156. Lawrence, 160. Leonard, 160. Margaret '(— 7— ), 155. Martha, 166. Mary=Foder, 160. Mary (Forster), 133, 156. Mary, 156. MatUda (Moton), 155. Natalia, 155. Pasaviocosa, 156. Prudence, 156. Ranulph, 156. Raph, 155. Richard, 155. Robert, 155, 156. Segravia, 156. Thomas, 146, 155, 156, 159, 160. WUliam, 155, 156-159, 160. Sir WilUam, 155. Winifred=Walford, 156. —(Bosworth), 155. — =Diccons, 155. — (FrankUn), 160. — =NeUes, 159. — =WeUs, 155. Greisley, Alicia (Beaufo), 203. Katherina=Hales, 210. Sir Thomas, 210. Gresley, Elizabeth=Montford, 56. . Sir John, 56. Sir Thomas, 95. -^=Hales, 95. GRESWOLD, 60, 61, 62. Alice = Dabredgcourt, 47, 62. AUce=Haddy, 62. AUce (Parker), 62. Anne = Middlemore, 62, 333. Christian=Belcher, 62. Christian (—?—), 61. Dorithy (Jams), 62. Dorithy=WUd, 62. Elizabeth(Shuckburgh).62 Elizabeth (—?—), 61. George, 62. Henry, 62. Humphry, 62. Isabell (Grange), 61. Joane (Stockley), 61. Joane=Tong, 62. John, 47, 61, 62. Margaret (Bromley), 61. Margaret (Dadley), 61. Margaret (Hall), 62. GRE SWOLD— continued. Margaret (Miles), 62. Peter, 62. Radulph, 61. Richard, 61, 62, 333. Roger, 62. Thomas, 61, 62. William, 61, 62. — (Grome), 61. —(Hugford), 61. —(Verney), 62. GREVILL, 28, 29. Anne (Denton), 29, 97. Anne (Nevill), 29. Anne, 29. Charles, 29. Edward, 140, 285. Sir Edward, 29, 97. EUanor (Verney), 29. Elizabeth (Spencer), 29, 285. Elizabeth (Willoughby), 29 Foulke, 25. Sir Foulk, 27, 29, 183, 185. Sir Francis, 49. Jane (Forster), 29. Joane (Bromley), 29. Jocosa (Francis), 29. John, 29, 33, 285. Sir John, 29. Lodovecus, 29, 179, 182. Margaret (Arden), 29, 179, 182. Margaret=Bushell, 29, 140. Margaret=Verney, 25, 29. Mary (Rainsford), 49. Mary=Som'vill, 29, 33. Peter. 29. Ralph, 29. Robert, 29. Thomazine (Peter), 29. WiUiam, 29, 179. — =Conway, 27. —(WiUington), 29. GREVILLE OF NORTHEND, 143. Abigail, 143. Crescens, 143. Dorothea (Freeman), 143. Edmond, 143. Edward, 143. Egidius, 143. Sir Egidius, 143. Elizab. (Reeve), 143. Francis, 143. John, 143. Margareta .(Woodrowe), 143. Maria (Buttery), 143. Maria (Goddard), 143. Maria=Palmer, 171, 222. Rebecca, 143. Richard, 143, 222. Robert, 143. Untona, 143. William, 143. Sir William, 143,222. —(Aries de), 143. — (Goderich), 143. Grevill, Sir GUes, 109. Rose (—?—), 109. Robert, 78. — =Chamb'laine, 259. — =St. German, 78. GREY, or GRAY, 42, 43. Anna (Felding), 43. Anne (Vernon), 43. Arthur, Lord, 90. Cassandria = Horwood, 43. Edward, 43. Sir Edward, 43, 110. Elianor (Love), 43. Elizabeth = Clopton, 43, 110. Elizabeth=Erdeswich, 43. Elizabeth=Ferrers, 303. Ellinor=Cave, 43. Francis, 43. George, 43. Henry, 43. Humphry, 43. Jane (Harcourt), 43. Jane=Kinaston, 43. Joane (Astley), 43. John, 43. Joice (Leveson), 43. Joyce (Hoord), 43. Joye=Horwood, 43. Katherin=Blunt, 43. Katherina=:Lucy, 287. Margery=St. Barby, 43. Mary=Creswell, 43. Mary=DixweU, 41. Mary, 43. Sir Reginald, Lord, 43, 287. Richard, 43. Robert, 41, 43. Thomas, 43. William, 303. — =Goodwin, 90. — =Houghton, 43. GRIFFIN, 166, 167, 168. Alice (Thomburge), 167. Anne (Chamberlayn), 167. Anne=Hardwick, 167. Anne=Pinchbeck, 167. Anne (Smith), 168. Anne, 168. Bartholomew, 167. Bridget=Haselrege, 168. David, 167. Edward, 167, 168. Elizabeth (Audeley), 168. Elizabeth (Brudnell), 168. Elizabeth (Favell), 167. Elizabeth (Latimer), 167. Elizabeth (Palmer), 168. EUzabeth=Sandford, 167. Elizabeth (Stannor), 168. Elizabeth=Teken, 167. Emme (Whethill), 167. Frances=Smithe, 168. Francisca, 167. George, 167. Grace=Norwich, 168. Henry, 167. Isabell=Nevell, 167. 434 INDEX OF NAMES. GRIFF IN— continued. Jana (Piers), 233. Jane=Kebull, 168. Jane (Newton), 168. Joane=Pickring, 167. John, 167. Katherin (Curson), 167. Katherin=Digby, 167. Katherin (Pilkington), 167. Lucy (Coniers), 168. Margaret, 167, 168. Mary (Bellers), 167. Mary=Brocas, 167. Mary=Markham, 168. Mary=Plumpton, 168. Mary, 168. Nicholas, 167, 233. Sir Nicholas, 167. Raphe, 167, 168. Richard, 167. Rise, 168. Thomas, 168. Sir Thomas, 167, 168. —(Leigh), 167. —(Throgmorton), 168. GRIFFITH, or GRUFFETH, 14, 15. Anne (Blunt), 15. Anne=Clifton, 15. Anne=Clopton, 15, 110. Anne (Constable), 15. Anne=Egerton, 15. Anne (Ferrers), 7, 15. Anne, 15. Dorithy = St. Quinton, 15. Elizabeth (Skevington), 15. Elizabeth (Throgmorton), 88. EUzabeth, 15. Sir George, 15, 110. Henry, 88. Sir Henry, 15. Joane (Som'vill), 16. John, 15. Sir John, 15. Katherin (Blunt), 15. Katherin (Tirwhett), 15. Margaret (Throgmorton), 88. Margaret (Zouch), 15. Margaret, 15. Reis, 88. Sir Rys, 15. Thomas, 16. Walter, 15. Sir Walter, 15. Grimsard, Adam, 19. Maude=Holt, 19. Grimshaw, Maria (Palmer), 239. Richard, 239. Grimston, Mary=Trussell, 93. Grome, — =Greswold, 61. Grosse, Johanna (Langham), 388. John, 388. Grosse le, Agnes = Delamare, 47. Osbert, 47. GROSVENOR or GROSVE NEUR, 384, 385, 386. 387, 388. Alicia=Goodman, 386. AUcia (Whitgrave), 387 Alicia (—?—), 385. Anna=Billet, 386. Anna (Bradshaw), 386. Anna (Charlton), 387. Anna (Haywood), 387. Anna (Hill), 388. Anna=Stanley, 385. Anthony, 386. Christiana (Brooke), 386. Christian, 386. Cicilia (Manwaring), 387. Dorothea(Pudsey),251 ,388. Dorothea=Astley, 388. Edward, 388. Eleanor (Bradshaw), 388. Elizab. (Calveley), 386. Elizab. (Cotton), 388. Elizab.=Dutton, 385. Elizab. (Dutton), 386. Elizab.=Jenkins, 387. Elizab.=Newman, 387. Emma=Leigh, 385. Emma (Manwaring), 385. Emma (Moberley), 386. Foulk, 388. Gawen, 251, 388. Gertrude= Wright, 388. Gilbert le, 385. Henry, 385, 387. Hester=Over, 388. Isabella, (Pershall), 386. Isabella= Whorwood, 387. Jacob, 386, 387. James, 386. Jana (Daniell), 385. Jenetta (ChideU), 386. Job, 388. Jocosa (Foulk), 387. Jocosa=James, 388. Jocosa (Welles), 387. Johanna=Collard, 387. Johanna (Etton), 385. Johanna (Fitton), 386. John, 386, 387. Jonas, 388. Joseph, 388. Juditha (Vernon), 388. Julian (Pulleston), 386. Juliana (Pulford), 385. Katherina (Cotton), 386. Katherina (Norris), 386. Katherina = Winnington, 385. Katherina, 388. Leticia (Chomley), 386. Margaret (Stanley), 386. Margareta=Brooke, 387. Margareta=Leister, 385. Margareta (Manwaring), 386. Margareta(Scarsmiht), 387. Margareta=01defield, 386. Margeria, 385. Maria (Cotes), 387. Mary, 386. GROSVENOR eontvrmed— MatUda=Hatton, 386. Matilda (Poole), 386. Nicholaus, 387. Radulph, 385, 386. Randall, 387. Randolph, 386. Sir Raph, 385. Rawlinges, 385. Richard, 385, 386, 387. Sir Richard, 386. Robert, 385, 386. Sir Robert, 385. Rose (Cleyton), 387. Rowland, 387. Sara=Whitbrooke, 388. Sibell (—7—), 386. Solomon, 388. Thomas, 386, 387, 388. Sir Thomas, 386, 386. Ursula (Charlton), 387. Venis=Frank, 388. Walter, 387. Warinus, 385. WiUiam, 387. Winifride, 388. — =Harware, 267. —(Sherley), 387. —(Whitmore), 387. Grover, Maria = Davenport, 373. Simon, 373. Growtage, Elizab. (WiUington), 375. Hugh, 375. Grundy, Judith(Colemore), 336. Michael, 335. GUIBON, 160. Francis, 160. Jane (Arden), 160. Margareta = Bradshawe, 160. Margareta (Dudley), 160. Margareta= Yardley, 110. Maria=Power, 160. Sibella (Lisley), 160, 383. Thomas. 160. Ursula (Stamford), 160. WiUiam, 110, 160. Gunne, Anna (Fulwood), 238. Johanna=Fulwood, 238. Richard, 238. Gunston Elizabetha=Catesbie, 142. Simon, 142. Gunter, George, 142. Maria (Stoughton), 142. Haoket, Judith = Repington, 189. Juliana (Rutter), 236. Robert, 235. Thomas, 189. Hacklin, Elizabeth (Hereward), 98 William, 98. Hacon, Hubert, 299. Maria=Cooke, 299. Haddy, Alice (Greswold), 62. John, 62. INDEX OF NAMES. 435 Haggar, Francisca(Peyton),381. John, 381. HALES, HALLES, or HALLS, 94, 95, 208, 209, 210, 272, 273. Abigail (Walter), 95, 210, 273 Abigail, 273. Ahce (Kemp), 209. Anna=Combe, 96, 231, 273, 291. Anna=Combe, 95, 231- 273, 291. Anna (Morison), 210, 273. Anna (Peyton), 381. Anna, 273. Bartholomew, 95, 210, 273. Sir Bartholomew, 210. Bridget=Woodhull, 95. Brigetta=Knottesford,210. Brigetta (Over al's Waver), 253. Charles, 95, 273. Sir Charles,95, 210, 273, 381. Cheiney, 209. Christopher, 210, 288. Sir Christopher, 209. Edward, 209. Elizabeth (Ashley), 95. Elizabeth (Astley), 273. Elizabeth (Cawnto'), 209. Elizabeth (Fish), 210, 273. Elizabeth. 95, 210, 373. George, 209. Henry, 95, 209, 210. Humphry, 209. Isabell (Harvey), 209. Jacobus, 210. James, 951 Sir James, 209, Jane, 95. Sir Jeames, 209. Jocosa (Atwater), 209. John, 95, 209, 210, 273. Sir John, 273. Juliana (Capell), 209. Katherin=Bugges, 95, 273. Katherina (Greisley), 210. Katherina, 95, 273. Lucy=Taverner, 95. Margaret (Honiwood), 209. Maria (Hardes), 209. Maria (Harper), 210. Maria (Lucy), 288. Maria=WoodhuU, 210. Mary=Bugges, 95. Mary=Knatesford, 95. Mary (Lucy), 95. Mary (Morison), 95. Mary, 95. MUdred=Dockwra, 95. Mildreda=Honiwood, 209. Sir Nicholaus, 209. Prudentia=Rubrough,210. Robert, 95, 273. Sir Robert, 209. Stephen, 95, 210, 253, 273, 291 Susan (Fish), 95. Thomas, 95, 209, 210, 381. Timothy, 95, 273. HALE S — continued. Walter, 273. — =Clarke, 200. — (Font), 95. — (Gresley). 95. — (Hales), 209. — (Lucy), 210. — (Morison), 95. — =Recorder of Bristol, 95. — (Trefoy), 210. Halford, Agnes=Bussell, 139. Elizab. (Canning), 225. Francis, 225. Hall, Anna=Clarke, 156. Anne=Foxe, 119. Christopher, 119. Edward, 49. Elizabeth=Wilcotts, 49. Francis, 247. John, 186. Margarett=Greswold, 62. Ursula (CoUes), 247. Halton de, NigeUus, 283. Halwis, Avicia (Gaunte le), 97. Havis=Brome, 97. William, 97. Hamberie, Alicia=Lucy, 287. William, 287. Hamond, — =Smith, 71. Hampden, Elinor=Arden, 73, 181. Katherin=Ferrers, 5. John, 73, 181. Sir John, 5. Hampton, Margaret=Davers,17 Maria (Canning), 225. WilUam, 17, 225. Hanburie, Henry, 238. Katherina (Fulwood), 238. Hancock, — =WUlis, 312. Handes, Agneta = Langham, 389. Edward, 227. John, 389. Maria (Woodward), 227. Hanham, EUena (—7—), 113. John, 113. Hankford, Anna = Bourchier, 279. Elizabeth(Fitzwarren),279. Thomas, 279. Hanmer, Audoenus, 57. Elizabeth (Leigh), 81. Margareta=Travell, 57. Hansard, Anna=Gramer, 51. Gilbert, 51. HANSLAP, 266, 257. Anna (Dormer), 257. Anna (Peniston), 257. Anna=Wagstaff, 257, 289. Anna, 257. Brigetta (Maio al's Nicolls), 248. Dorothea (Higgenson), 257. Dorothea=Salter, 257. Egidius, 248. Elizab. (Chaplin), 257. Elizab. (Middlemore), 267, 333. Elizabetha, 257. HANSLAP — continued. Francisca = Bodington, 257. Jana (Goodwyn), 257. Jana=Peck, 257. Johanna (Hore), 257. John, 257, 289, 333. Margareta (Hill), 257. Maria (—7—), 257. Nicholas, 267. Richard, 257. Robert, 257, Thomas, 257. Walter, 257. WilUam, 257. Harbert, Agneta (Lucy), 287. Thomas, 287. Harbourne, Joanna = Warde, 275. John, 276. Harby, Elizab.=Averey, 407. Katherina(Throckmorton), 207. Thomas, 207, 407. Harcott, Elizab.=Ludford, 150. Simon, 150. Harcourt, Elizabeth = Bras bredge, 9. George, 409. Jane=Gray, 43. Lucia=Warde, 275. Michael, 275. Sir Robert, 9. Sir Simon, 43. — =Travell, 409. Hardes, Maria=Hales, 209. Richard, 209. Sir Thomas, 209. Hardwick, Anne (Griffin), 167. Jocosa=Purifoy, 255. John, 255. Hare, John, 103. Katherin (Kinardsley), 103. Harecourt, Elizab. = Throck morton, 207. Henry de, 155. — de (Bosworth), 155. — =Chamb'laine, 259. Harington, Frances=Leigh, 81. Sir James, 81. Hariott, MichaeU, 183. Haiison, Margareta=Bovy,187. William, 187. Harley, — = Bishop, 275. Willington, 275. HARMAN, 104, 105. Amicia=Yardley, 110. Anne (Lisley), 105, 383. Anne=Yardley, 105, 110. Anne=Yardley, 105. Dorithy= Wirley, 105. Elianor=Pudsey, 105, 251. Elizabeth (Gregory), 150. Elnor=Whaverley, 105. Francis, 150. Hugh, 105, 251. John, 105, 110. Margaret=Luson, 105. Margaret=Sheldon, 105. Margery=Tikebrome, 105. 436 INDEX OF NAMES. HARMAN — continued. Raph, 150. Sibell (Fowler), 105. SibeU, 105. Thomas, 105. Walter, 105. William, 105. — =Chapman, 105. —(Collet), 105. — (Congrave), 105. — (Hungerford), 105. — =Massey, 105. — =Midlemore, 105. -(Ridgley), 105. — (Sedney), 105. —(Squire), 105. —(UnderhiU), 105. Harper, Dorithy=Ferrers, 7. Elizabeth=Leigh, 81. George, 210. Sir John, 81. Maria=Hales, 210. Sir Richard, 393. William, 7. -= Sacheverell, 393. Harpole, Alicia (Travell), 409. Richard, 409. Harpur, Edward, 303. Francis, 303. Hester, 303. Margaret, 303. Philippa, 303. Thomazine (Randolph), 303. William, 303. Harris, Dorothea (Beaufo), 203. Elizab.=Fletcher, 353. Elizab. (Langham), 389. Richard, 203. William, 382. — =:Alisberie, 33. Harte, Eustace, 380. Frances (Peyton), 379. John, 379. Hartell, — =Sacheverell, 391. Harvey, Isabell=:Hales, 209. Lucia=Cotton, 305. Stephen, 209. Thomas, 209. Harvy, Anne = Woodchurch, 199. Sir Walter, 199. HARWARE, 266, 267. Alicia (Jenninges), 267. Alicia, 267. Anna, 267. Jocosa, 267. Lawrence, 267. Maria (Mansfield), 267. Maria, 267. Randolph, 267. Samuell, 267. Thomas, 267. Zara, 267. — (Grosvenour), 267. Harwell, Agnes=Smith, 71. Anne=Burdett, 101. Isabell=Fulwood, 237. John, 71, 237. Haselden, Francis, 380. Haselden — continued. Francisca=Peiton, 380. Haselrege, Bridget (Griffin), 168. Miles, 168. Hasilrigge, Ann=Catesby, 127. Thomas, 127. Hastinges, Barbara (Devereux), 280. Dorothea= Devereux, 279. Sir Edward, 280. George, E. of Huntingdo', 279. Sir Henry, 393. Isabella (Despensor), 283. John, Lord Abergavenie, 283. Hastings, Anne=Ferrers, 7. William, Lord, 7. Hathwick, John, 128. Katherin (Coke alias Car digan), 128. William, 128. Hatton, John, 385. Matilda (Grosveneur), 385. Hatton de, Hugo, 55. de WiUiam, 55. de Wolstan, 283. Haukesworth, — =Dixwell,297. Hault, Jane=Goodier, 67. Sir Thomas, 67. HAWES, 404, 405. Alice=Bromley, 61. Anna, 405. Constance=Speherd, 405. Constancia=Bally 1 405. Edmond, 405. Elizab. (Browne), 405. EUzab.= Sheldon, 405. Elizab., 405. Jana (Porter), 405. Jana, 406. Joane (Rainsford), 405. John, 405. Lucia, 405. Margaret, 405. Maria, 405. Rutha, 405. Thomas, 405. Ursula (Colles), 247, 405. Ursula=Hunt, 405. Ursula, 405. William, 247, 405. Hawkins, alias Fisher, 20. Hawley, Thomas (Clarenceux), 216, 298. Hay, Agneta (Nuttall), 159. Dorothea (Hobson), 200. Hellen, 159. Robert, 159. Thomas, 159. WUliam, 200. Haywood, Anna=Grosveneur, 387. William, 387. Head, Maria=Clerke, 156. William, 156. Heath, Baldwin, 237. George, 186. Johanna= Fulwood, 237. Heath — continued. John, 186. Helion, Sir Peter, 77. Rose=Raleigh, 77. Hemberie, Agnes=Archer, 309. John, 309. Hend, Alice=Laynham, 71. IsabeU (—7—), 71. John, 71. Katherin (—7—), 71. Heningham, AbegaU = Digbie, 17.Sir Anthony, 17. Christopher, 35. Dorothie (Stanley),^35. Hennage, John, 337. Katherin=Hugford, 337. Thomas, 337. Herbert, Jane=Ludiatt, 139. — (BusseU), 139. — =Richardson, 139. Herdson, Abigall=Dixwell, 41, 297. Hereford, John, 373. Maria=Davenport, 373. HEREWARD, 98. Christian (Beamont), 98. Edmond, 98. EUzabeth=Hacklin, 98. Hugh, 98. Joane (—7—), 98. John, 98. Margaret (—?—), 98. Richard, 98. Robert, 98. Rose (—7—), 98. Heringe, Elizab. (Averey), 407. Heritage, Agneta= Palmer, 221. John, 221. Heron, John, 221. Ursula=Palmer, 221. Hesding de, Arnulph, 176. Hesket, Elizab.=Travell, 409. Roger, 409. Hewet, John, 61. Margaret=Stockley, 61. Hiatts, Margareta (Stafford), 309. Simon, 309. Hickford, — =Sheldon, 3. Hide, Agnes := Throckmorton, 111. EUzab.=Peiton, 379. Leonard, 381. Maria=Peyton, 381. Higenson, EUzabeth = Wyl more, 135. Francisca = Davenport, 373. John, 373. Thomas, 135. Higgensou, Dorothea = Han slap, 257. Thomas, 257. Hill, Anna=Grosveneur, 388. Baldwin, 135. Elizab.=Fulwood, 238. Francis, 236. Humphry, 388. Jane (Mathew), 349. INDEX OF NAMES. 437 Hill — continued. John, 238. Margareta=Hanslap, 257. Maria=Fulwood, 238. Maria (Rutter), 235. Mary (Wylmore), 135. Radus, 257. — =Astley, 365. Hilton, Anne=Newdigate, 39. Hinman, Johanna (Everton), 301. Oliver, 301. Hinton, Francisca (Decons), 231. Richard, 335. Sara (Colemore), 335. Thomas, 231. Hitch alias Stech, Margareta= Colles, 247. Hitson, Dorothea=Leving, 321. William, 321. Hix, Katherin=Holbeeeh, 351. Hobday, Isabella = Rugeley, 229 HOBLEDAY, or HOBILDAY, 174, 175. AUce (Morgan), 175. Ann, 175. Anne, 175. Ciceley, 175. Dorothea (Hunt), 175. Dorothea, 175. Eliza 7 (Sandbach), 175. EUzabeth, 175. Elizabetha (Hodgkins), 175. Frances, 175. Joane=Collier, 175. John, 175. Jonci 7, 175. Lewis, 175. Margery (Dyson), 175. Maria (Alwood), 175. Mary (Lyde), 175. Nicholaus, 175. Thomas, 175. Ursula, 175. WiUiam, 175. Hobson, Dorothea=Clark, 200. Thomas, 200. Hodges, Anna=Rutter, 235. Richard, 235. Hodgkins, Anthony, 175. Elizabetha = Hobilday, 175. Joane=Daston, 21. Hodsdon, EUzab. (Mayne), 331. John, 331. Hogens, EUzabeth (Throgmor ton, 88. WUliam, 88. Hogeson, Christopher, 389. Margareta = Langham, 389. HOLBECH, 322, 323. Anna (Perkins), 281. Barnaby, 281, 323. Edward, 323. Emma (Perkins), 323. Emma, 323. HOLBECH— continued. Francisca (Tonge), 323. Franciscus, 323. John, 323. Maria (Colverwell), 323. Maria, 323. Thomas, 323. William, 323. — (Portinton), 323. — (Yaxley), 323. HOLBEECH, 350, 351. Amillion, 79, 351. Barnaby. 351. Cicely=Holbeech, 351. EUzab. (Sadler), 351. Elizab.=South, 79, 351. Elizab.=Whitby, 351. EUzab., 351. Gabriell, 351. George, 351. John, 351. Katherina=Booth, 351. Katherina (Hix), 351. Maria, 351. Martin, 351. Mathew, 351. MilUcent (Poultney), 351. Richard, 351. Thomas, 351. William, 351. — (Fetherston), 351. — (Gray), 351. — (Petye), 351. — (Taylor), 351. HOLBROOKE, 75. Elizabeth=Fitz Raph, 75. John, 75. Margarefe=Falstaffe, 75. Sir Thomas, 75. — (Burchid), 75. Holdenby, Agneta (Lucy), 287. WilUam, 287. Holiar, Margareta = Napton, 345. Holiock, Francis, 369. Judith (Dalby), 369. Holioke, John, 186. Holland, Alicia (Home), 343. Elizab.=Travell, 409. John, 409. Richard, 343. HoUoway, Margaret (Rains ford), 49. Thomas, 49. Holmes, Robert, 186. HOLT, 18, 19, 20. Adam, 19. Agneta=Mountford, 127. Albreda (Castell), 19. Alice, 19. Anna=Warner, 51. Anne=Peirs, 19. Anne=West, 19. Anne, 19. Christian, 19. Dorithy (Ferrers),-7, 19. Dorithy, 19. Edward, 7, 19, 337. Elizabeth=Redgley, 19. Elizabeth=Weston, 19. HOLT — continued. Elizabeth, 19. EUen=Perman, 19. Frances=Forster, 19. Frances, 19. Francis, 19. Grace (—?—), 19. Jane (Knight), 19. Joane, 19. John, 19, 127. Katherin=:Wirley, 19. Letticia=Hugford, 337. Lucey=Hugford, 19. Margaret (Bagott), 19. Margaret (Cumb'ford), 19. Margaret (Delabeere), 19. Margaret=Stanley, 19. Margarett, 19. Margery=Nicholes, 19. Margery (Willington), 19. Margery, 19. Marke, 19. Marye, 19. Maude (Colings), 19. Maude (Grimsard), 19. Nicholas, 19. Robert, 19. Simond, 19. Thomas, 19. Sir Thomas, 19. Walter, 19. William, 19, 20, 51. Winefred = Fisher alias Hawkins, 20. Honiwood, John, 209. Margaret=Hales, 209. Mildreda (Hales), 209. Hoode, Jana (Knightley), 401. Richard, 401. Hoord, John, 43. Joyce=Graye, 43. Hopkins, Anna = Davenport, 373. Elizabeth=Forster, 133. Grace (Sanderson), 146. William, 183, 373. Hopton, Elizabeth=Corbett,63. Thomas, 63. Hopwell, John, 391. — =Sacheverell, 391. Hore, Editha=Pudsey, 251. Johanna=Hans]ap, 257. John, 251. Robert, 257. Hornbie, John, 381. Winifrid (Peyton), 381. HORNE, 342, 343. Agnes=Kempston, 411. Alicia=Holland, 343. Anna (Pachet), 343. Anna, 343. Cassandra (Randall), 343. Elizab. (Rutter), 235. Ellena=Cooke, 343. Francis, 343. Henry, 343. Jana (Morton), 343. Johanna, 343. John, 343. Katherina (Rogers), 201. 3 L 438 INDEX OF NAMES. HORNE — continued. Margareta=Unett, 343. Margeria (Lee), 343. Maria=Crowder, 343. Martina (Frowlick), 343. Matilda=Shewell, 343. Reginald, 343. Simon, 343. Thomas, 235, 343, 411. Winifrida = Dorington, 343. HORSEY, 194, 195. Alicia (Enion), 195. AUcia=Potter, 195. Dorothea (Browne), 195. Dorothea=Cuff, 195. Editha (Chettell), 195. Editha (Light), 195. Hanniball, 195. Isabella (Hussey), 195. James, 195. Jana (Sadler), 339. John, 195, 339. Katherina (Fisher), 195. Peter, 195. William, 195. Horsfleete, Winifrid (Peyton), 381. Horsman, Anne (Rutter), 235. Hortall, Margaret=Firrers, 5. Horwood, Cassandria (Gray), 43. John, 43. Joye (Graye), 43. William, 43. Houghton, Maria (Peyton), 380. Thomas, 380. — (Graye), 43. Howe, Anne (Olney), 113. Thomas, 113. Howell, Prudence (Davers), 115. WiUiam, 115. Huband, Anna=Waring, 341. Anne (Daston), 21. Anne, 21. EUzabeth, 21. John, 21, 341. Radus, 21. Hubard, Agneta = Fulwood, 237. John, 88, 237. Mary (Throgmorton), 88. Hubbard, —(Blunt), 295. Sir — , 295. Hubert, Dorithy (Davers), 17. Nicholas, 17. Huckpole, Joane (Wylmore), 135. Huddesdon, Anna (—7 — ), 203. Ursula=Beaufo, 203. William, 203. Hudgesonne, Alice (Carrell), 81. Sir Christopher, 81. Ursula=Leighe, 81. Hudson, Hester (Brasbredg), 9. HUGFORD, 336, 337. Abigail, 337. Alicia=Archer, 309. Alicia (Gadier). 337. Alicia=Lucy, 287. HUGFORD— continued. Anna (Dabscourt), 47, 337. Anna, 337. Anne (Wigston), 38. Beatrix (Rody), 337. Edward, 337. Elizabeth, 337. Francisca (Butler), 337. Francisca, 337. Henry, 337. Humphrus, 337. Jocosa (Cumberley), 337. Johanna=Beaufo, 203. John, 19, 38, 47, 203, 337, 341. Katherin (Pabenham), 287. Katherina (Hennage), 337. Katherina = Hungerford, 337. Kathern, 337. Leticia=Waring, 337, 341. Letticia (Holt), 337. Letticia, 337. Lucey (Holt), 19. Margareta=Bussell, 139. Margareta (Dinge), 337. Margareta (Hugford), 337. Margareta = Laurence, 337. Margareta, 337. Maria (Cooper), 337. Maria, 337. Peter, 337. Robert, 337. Thomas, 139, 337. Walter de, 287. William, 61, 309, 337. Sir William de, 287. — (Charde), 337. — =Greswold, 61. — (Medleton), 287. Huggan, Bridgett, 37. — (Thorne), 37. Hughes, Elizab.=Cocke, 261. Hulme, Martha (Decons), 231. Thomas, 231. Humfreysonn, Cassandria = Kinardsley, 133. William, 103. Humfryston, Frances=Corbett, 63. William, 63. Hunckes, Maria (Palmer), 222. Robert, 222. Hunderhill, — =Porter, 117. Hungerford, Sir Anthony, 133. Anthony, 115. Dorothy (Davers), 115. Edward, 337. Edward, Lord, 115. Elizab. (Lucy), 288. Elizabeth (Hussey), 88. Francisca (Cocke), 261. Jane=Forster, 133. John, Lord, 88. Katherina (Hugford), 337. Lady=Sacheverell, 392. Susan (Davers), 115. Walter, 261. — =Harman, 105. Hunmore, Johanna = Germin, 169. John, 169. Hunson, Alice (Forster), 133. Anne (Cave), 133. Dorithy=Oyle, 133. Thomas, 133. WiUiam, 133. Hunston, Julian = Repington, 190. William, 190. Hunt,Dorothea=Hobilday,175. Elizab.=Yate, 363. Henry, 175, 363. Joane=Colemore, 335. Radus, 405. Ursula (Hawes), 405. Hunter, Thomas, 238. — =Fulwood, 238. Huntley, Alice (Langley), 37. John, 37. Hurst, Juditha (Astley), 365. William, 365. Hussey, Elizabeth=Throgmor- ton, 88. Isabella=Horsey, 195. John, Lord, 88. Thomas, 195. Hutton, Alicia=Cooke, 299. Anthony, 101. Elizabeth (Burdett), 101. Elizabeth=Gregory, 156. John, 299. Thomas, 156. Sir William, 101. Ingelby, Emme (Repington), 190. William, 190. Ingram, Catherin (Peto), 173. Hastings, 173. Iowres, John, 205. Maria=Childe, 205. Irtland, David, 13. Katherine (Knight), 13. Isod, Dorothea=Randolph, 303. Henry, 303. Jackman, Margareta = Kemp son. 411. Thomas, 411. Jackson, Jane (Clopton), 110. — =Leving, 321. James, Edward, 388. Jocosa (Grosveneur), 388. Jams, Dorothy=Greswold, 62. Henry, 62. Jance, Johanna = Repington, 191. John, 191. Jeames, Johanna (Keverell), 311. Johanna=Willis, 311. John, 311. Thomas, 311. Jeb, Alicia=Sadler, 339. Jeffris, Anna=Palmer, 222. Jenings, Jane (Lunsford), 85. Jeninges, Alicia (Spencer), 285. ' John, 285. INDEX OF NAMES. 439 Jenkins, Elizab. (Grosveneur), 387. Jenney, Francis, 380. Margareta (Peyton), 380. Jenninges, Alicia = Harware, 267. Anna=Cooke, 299. John, 299. WUliam, 267. Jennings, John, 13. Radus, 13. Thomas, 13. — (Rowlatt), 13. JENYNS, 240, 241. -Edward, 241. Fulco, 241. Galfrid, 241. John, 241. Margeria (Pretty), 241. Maria, 241. Oliver, 241. WUliam, 241. — (Markham), 241. Jerningha', Ellinor (Throgmor ton), 88. Henry, 88. John, 88. Jervaice, Margareta (Sache verell), 393. Johnson, Muriell (Middlemore), 333. Jones, Jana = Stoughton, 141, 315. John, 247. Ursula (Coles), 247. Jordaine, WiUiam, 142. — =Stoughton, 142. Joyner, Mary (Forster), 133. Judd, Jana (Coles), 247. Richard, 247. Jury, Richard, 142. Rosa=Stoughton, 142. Kebull, Henry, 168. Jane (Griffin), 168. Keies, — =Sacheverell, 393. Kelke, Jana=South, 79. Kemp, Alice=Hales, 209. Cicilia (Cheney), 209. Sir Thomas, 209. Kempe, Maria (Wheate), 193. Kempshe, Cicily (Trussell), 93. GUes, 93. KEMPSON, or KEMPSTON, 410, 411, 412. Agnes (Home), 411. Agnes=Tarpley, 411. Anna (Blinco), 411. Anna (Draper), 411. Anna=Walker, 411. Anna, 411, 412. Anthonius, 411, 412. Dorothea=Garret, 411. Dorothea, 411. Edward, 411, 412. Elizab. (—?—), 411. Elizabeth, 411, 412. Francisca (Swift), 411. George, 411, 412. Jana, 411. KEMPSON— continued. Jana (Sambach), 412. Jocosa=Bushell, 411. Johanna=Granger, 411. Johanna=Shepey, 412. John, 411, 412. Katherina (Parsons), 411. Leonard, 411, 412. Letticia (ColUer), 411. Lodovicus, 411. Margaret, 412. Margareta (Jackman), 411. Margareta, 411. Margareta (Sadler), 412. Maria, 411, 412. Nicholaus, 411. Richard, 411. Thomas, 411. William, 411, 412. — (Shepard), 411. KENDALL, 324, 325. Dorothea=Whatton, 325. Elizabeth=Feldinge, 11. Elizabeth (WillinghaU), 325. George, 325. Henry, 325. John, 325. Lucia (Brookes), 325. Lucia, 326. Margareta (Aldestrop), 325. Margareta=Elliott, 325. Margareta (Kendall), 325. Maria (Repington), 191, 217. Rebecca, 325. Richard, 325. William, 11, 325. Kerne, Edward, 171. Maria=Palmer, 171. Ketleby, Henry, 37. Isabell (Langley), 37. Magdalena (Travell), 57. WiUiam, 57. Kettleby, — =Ashfield, 166. Keverell, Agneta (Frankton de), 311. Augustin, 311. Clementia (Naplin, (Nap ton)?), 311. Johanna=Jeames, 311. Robert, 311. WiUiam, 311. Kidermaster, — = Clapham, 367. Kinaston, Jane (Graye), 43. King, Arthur, 363. CicUia=Yate, 363. Margareta= Gibbes, 213. Kinge, Anna (Peyton), 380. Edmond, 168. EUzabeth (Kebull), 168. Roger, 380. KingsmiU, Bridget(Raleigh),77. Constancia=Lucy, 288. Richard, 288. William, 77. Kirkham, Martha (Peyton), 379. William, 379. Sir Robert, 379. Kirton, Mary=Rainsford, 50. Thomas, 50. Kitson, Katherina = Spencer, 285. Thomas, 285. Knatesford, Mary (Hales), 95. Knell, J uUan= Clapham, 367. Knevit, Katherina = Cotton, 305. Roger, 305. — =Ashfeld, 165. KNIGHT, 218, 219. Adam, 12. Andreas, 219. Dorotheas Overton, 219. Elizab., 219. EUzab.=Dixwell, 41, 297. Elizab. (Stoughton), 142. Jana (Grammer), 61, 219. Jane=Holt, 19. Joane=Rowlatt, 13. Johanna=Wase, 219. John, 41, 142, 297. Robert, 13. Thomas, 219. William, 51, 219. KNIGHTLEY, 399, 400, 401. Alicia=Cotts, 399. AUcia (Bury), 401. Alicia, 401. Andreas, 401. Anna= Chetwood, 401. Anna=Cokain, 401. Anna (Ferrers), 399. Anna (Pettus), 401. Anna=Smith, 401. Anna (Umpton), 399. Anna, 401. Brigetta, 401. Constancia= Acton, 401. Constancia, 401. Christiana=Stanney, 401. Dorothea (Bide), 399. Dorothea, 399, 401. Edmond, 401. Sir Edmond, 399. Edward, 401. Elianor (Throckmorton), 87, 399. EUnora=Cotton, 305. Elizab. (Brough de), 399. Elizab. = Devereux, 280, 401. Elizab. (Knolles), 401. Elizab. (Lenthall), 401. Elizab. (Luke), 401. Elizab. (Purifoy), 255, 399. Elizab. (Seimour), 399. Elizab. (Shukburgh), 401. Elizab. (Thacker), 401. EUzab, 401. Francis, 401. George, 401. Jana (Spencer), 285, 399. Jana=Hoode, 401. Jane (Skinerton), 399. John, 399, 401. Margareta=Purifoy, 255. Maria (Farmour), 399. Maria=Bamiston, 399, 440 INDEX OF NAMES. KNIGHTLEY— continued. Maria= Purifoy, 401. Maria=Gastrell, 401. Maria, 401. Martha=Norden, 401. Nathaniell, 401. Richard, 87, 255, 285, 305, 399, 401. Robert, 401. Roger, 399. Samuell, 401. Seymour, 399. Susanna= Spencer, 285. Thomas, 280, 399. Timothy, 401. Ursula (Vere), 399. Valentine, 399, 401. — (Gifford), 399. KnoUes, Elizab. = Knightley, 401. Knotesford, Brigetta = Lisley, 383. John, 383. Knottesford, Brigetta (Hales), 210. John, 210. Knowles, Elizabeth (Willis), 311. Sir Francis, 19, 280. Henry, 19. John, 311. Lettice=Rugeley, 163. Leticia=Devereux, 280. Margarett (Cave), 19. Sir Thomas, 163. Kolcopp, Clement, 140. Eliza, 140. Katherin (Bussell), 140. KYNNERSLEY, or KINAR DESLEY, 102, 103, 396, 397, 398. Anna=Cotton, 398. Anthony, 103, 391. Cassandra (Humfreysonn), 103, 397. Cassandra = Cockesonn, 103, 397. Clement, 398. Dorothea (Dracott), 397. Dorothea=Minors, 398. Dorothea (Pettit), 398. Edward, 103, 397, 398. Elizab.=Combes, 398. "Elizab. (Gifford), 103, 397. Elizab. (Salway de), 397. Elizab. (Wolmere), 398. Elizab. (—?—), 398. Elizab., 397. EUen (Hayward), 398. EUen=Whithall, 103, 397, 398. Francis, 398. GaUrid, 397. George, 398. Henry, 103, 397, 398. Isabella (Walker), 398. Jane (—?—), 103, 397. Joane, 103. Jocosa, 398. Johanna (Ferrers), 397. KYN NERSLEY— continued. Johanna (—?—), 398. John, 103, 397, 398. Katherin=Hare, 103, 397. Katherina(Butler), 103, 397. Katherina, 398. Letticia (Bagot). 398. Margaret (Aston), 103, 397. Margaret(Turner), 103, 397. Margaret, 398. Margeria (Agard), 398. Margeria (Bond), 103, 397. Margeria=Eaton, 398. Maria=Woodcock, 398. Maria (Gorge), 398. Maria=Manwaring, 398. Martha, 397. MatUda (—?—), 397. Nicholas, 397, 398. Radus, 398. Robert, 103, 397. Thomas, 103, 397, 398. Ursula, 397. Walter, 398. WilUam, 397. LADBROOKE, or LOD BROOK, 128. Alice (Catesby), 128. AUce = Coke alias Cardi gan, 128. Havicia (Daventry), 128. Henry, 128. Hugh, 128. Isabell=Catesby, 125, 128. Isabell (—?—), 128. Jocosa (Arden), 182. John, 128, 178, 182, 235. Lettice (Arden), 128, 178. Maria=Rutter, 235. Robert, 128. Thomas, 128. William, 128, 178. — =Petty, 245. Lago, — =Saunders, 371. Richard, 371. Lambert, Henry, 190. Marian=Repington, 190. Lamborn, Edward, 215. Jana=Betham, 215. LANE, 306, 307. Bridget (Griffin), 168. Dorothie=Felding, 11. Edward, 291, 307. Francisca (Nash), 147, 307. Johanna (Whitney), 307. John, 11, 147, 307. Katherina (Murden), 307, 319. Margareta=Greene, 307. Margeria (Felding), 11. Maria=Bishop, 307. Maria=Bushell, 307. Maria (Coombes), 291, 307. Nicholas, 307, 319. Sir Raph, 11. Richard, 307. William, 168. Langford, Elianor. Radus, 391. Lan gf ord — continued. Sir Radus, 56. — =Montford, 66. — =Sacheverell, 391. LANGHAM, 388, 389. Agnes=Lea, 389. Agnes=West, 389. Agnes, 389. Agneta (Handes), 389. Alianora=Palmer, 221. Alicia (—?—), 388. Anna (—?—), 388. Anna, 389. Anna (West), 389. Anna (—?—), 388. Benedict, 389. Dorothea, 389. Edward, 389. Elizab.=Wikes, 389. Elizab., 389. Elizab.=Harris, 389. Elizabeth=Vincent, 389. Goditha, 389. Goditha (—7—), 389. Idna, 389. Isabella (Gilbert), 389. Jana=Packwood, 389. Johanna=Grosse, 388. Johanna (Lole), 389. John, 388. Katherina, 389. Margareta (Hogeson), 389. Margareta, 389. Maria, 389. Radulphus, 389. Richard, 388, 389. Samuell, 389. Sara=Setterthwait, 389. Sara, 389. Thomas, 388, 389. William, 388, 389. Langhome, Elizab. (Averey), 407. Langley, Alice=Huntly, 37. Christian=Wigston, 37. Edmond, 380. Edward, 37. Elizab. (Peyton), 380. Sir Godfray, 37. Grace=Peiton, 379. Isabell=Ketleby, 37. John, 37. Margaret=Poole, 37. Maude, 37. Ursula=Feldinge, 12. Walter, 37. William, 37. Sir — , 379. — =Statham, 392. Langston, Anne (Daston), 21. Anne, 21. Anne (Rainsford), 49. Anthonie, 185. Arthur, 21. Elizabeth=Tamar, 21. Elizabeth, 21. Elnor (Daston), 21. Francis, 21. Godith, 21. Henry, 21. INDEX OF NAMES. 441 Lan gston — continued. Jane=Bredgman, 21. Nicholas, 21. Thomas, 49. WiUiam, 21. Langton, Jocosa = Repington, 189. Lathom, — =Rowlett, 13. Latimer, Elizabeth = Griffin, 167. Waring, 167. — =Porter, 117. Laurence, Margareta (Hug ford), 337. William, 337. Lavender, Dorithy (Wylmore), 135. John, 136. Laynham, Alice (Hend), 71. MUecencia=Carington, 71. Robert, 71. Lea, Agnes (Langham), 389. Christopher, 389. — =Randolph, 303. Lecroft vel Lecros, Amy=Lis- ley, 383. Thomas, 383. Lee, EUanor=Stanley, 23. EUzabeth (Gregory), 160. Sir James, 23. Margeria=Horne, 343. Richard, 183. Leeche,Anna;=Sacheverell,391. Sir Roger, 391. Leey, Alice (Ashefeld), 165. Legge, Roger, 25. - (-?-), 25. Leicester, Earl of, 81. Leticia (Knowles), 280. Robert, Earl of, 280. LEIGH, 80, 81. Alice (Barker alias Cover all), 81. Alice=Conney, 81. Anna (Gobard), 293. Anna (Lucy), 287. Catherina, 81. Dorithy=Rainsford, 49. Elizabeth (Egerton), 81. EUzabeth (Harper), 81. EUzabethe=Hanmer, 81. Emma (Grosveneur), 385. Frances (Harington), 81. Francis. 81. John, 81, 293, 385. Katherin=Baxber, 81. Katherin (Spencer), 81, 285. Katherin=Dudley, 81. Katherin=Catesbie, 126. Lucia, 293. Margaret, 293. Margery (Lowe), 81. Maria, 81. Maria=Clapham, 367. Mary=Cobb, 81. Mary (Egerton), 81. Oliver, 293. Sir Piers, 81. Raph, 81. Richard, 81. LEIGH — continued. Robert, 49. Roger, 81. Rowland, 81. Thomas, 81, 126, 285, 293, 367. Ursula (Hudgesonne), 81. William, 81. Winifred=Bond, 81. — (Barkeley), 81. — =Griffin, 167. — (Trafford), 81. Leighton, Anna(Devereux), 280. Elizab. (Devereux), 279. Thomas, 279. Leister, Margareta (Grosve neur), 385. Thomas, 385. Lennard, Samson, 1. Lenthall, Elizab. = Knightley, 401. WiUiam, 401. Levenger, — =Godier, 67. Lever, Hetha=Andrewe, 50. Leverich, Margareta = Travell, 409. Richard, 409. Levesey, Marthell=Peiton, 381. Robert, 381. Leveson, Elizabeth (Arden), 73, 181. Joice=Graye, 43. Thomas, 43. Walter, 73, 181. LEVINGE, 320, 321. Anna (Fairfax), 321. Anne, 321. Daniell, 321. Dorothea (Beresford), 321. Dorothea (Hitson), 321. Francis, 231, 321. Margareta (Freeman), 321. Margareta, 321. Percis (Decons), 231, 321. Percis, 321. Tabitha, 321. Thomas, 321. Timotheus, 321. Walter. 321. WiUiam, 321. — (Jackson), 321. Levins, Martha = Maio alias Nicolls, 248. William, 248. Lewgar, Edward, 379. Elizabeth, 379. Mary, 379. PhiUip, 379. Rosa (Peyton), 379. Thomas, 379. Lewkenor, — =Stoughton, 141. Lewknor, Jane=Goodier, 67. Lewson, Elizabeth= Sheldon, 3. Richard, 3. Ley, Joan= Swanland, 39. Leyton, Margaret(Clopton),110. Lichland, Anna = Warner, 51. Edward, 51. Lideat, Edmond, 31. EUzab. (Underhill), 31. Light, Editha=Horsey, 195. John, 195. Ligon, Elizabeth = Norwood, 90. Lilley, Sara (Grosveneur), 388. Limesey, Agatha (Montford), 55. Richard, 55. Peter, 55. Lincolne, — =Spencer, 284. Lingan, Anna=Rutter, 234. WUliam, 235. LINGARD, 346, 347. Agneta, 347. Alicia (Breech), 347. Anna, 347. Arden, 347. Barbara, 347. Dorothea (Wilson), 347. Dorothea, 347. Edmond, 347. Humphrus, 347. Isabella (Vincent), 347. Isabella, 347. Jana, 347. John, 347. Maria (Vaughton), 347. Ricus, 347. William, 347. Linne, George, 89, 207. Martha (Throgmorton), 89, 207. LISLEY, 382, 383. Abigail=Stringer, 383. Alicia (Masterton), 383. Amy (Lecroft al's Lecros), 383. Ankitellus, 383. Ann (Swinerton), 383. Anna = Bradshaw, 383. Anna = Harman, 105, 383. Brigetta (Knotesford), 383. Brigetta, 383. Dorothea (Willoughby), 383. Edward, 383. Elizabetha (—?—), 383. Francis, 383. George, 383. Henry, 383. Joanna (Blackgreve), 383. Johanna (—?—), 383. John, 37, 383. Juliana (Middlemore), 383. Letticia, 383. Margeria (—?—), 383. Maria= Swinfen, 383. Matildis (—?—), 383. Nicholas, 383. Reginald, 383. Sibilla=Guibon, 160, 383. Sibilla, 383. Symon, 383. Thomas, 160, 383. William, 383. — (Gedesbrooke), 383. — =Langley, 37. Litcott, John, 361. Maria=Barker, 361. 442 INDEX OF NAMES. Litherland, Isabella=Willing- ton, 375. Littleton, Alice (Cumbford), 35 Ann=Middlemore, 333. Edward, 191, 217, 280. Sir John, 69. Judge, 69. Katherin=Sheldon, 59. Margaret (Devereux), 280. Margaret=Marowe, 69. Margareta = Repington, 191. Maria (Fisher), 217. Richard, 333. Thomas, 59. William, 35. Loe, Anna=Dixwell, 297. Lole, Edward, 389. Johanna = Langham, 389. Longe, Sir Richard, 20. — =FiBher, 20. Longeville, Anne = Boughton, 83. LongviU, Eustachia=Feldinge, 12. Loud, — =Underhill, 31. Louther, Sir John, 189. Marian=Repington, 189. Love, Alice (Butnor), 43. Edmund, 43. Elianor= Graye, 43. Humphry, 43. Lovelace, Anna = Mayne, 331. Columberia=Mayne, 331. Sir Richard, 331. Lovell, Jania=Cooke, 299. Thomas, 299. Lovett, Anne (Davers), 116. Elizabeth=Newdigate, 39. Thomas, 39, 115. Lowe, Clement, 392. Ellen=DixweU, 41. Margery=Leigh, 81. Thomas, 81. — =Sacheverell, 392. Lownes, Joliffe, 380. Maria (Peiton), 380. Lowther, Sir Christopher, 101. Frances=Godier, 67. Hugh, 67. Margaret (Wilson), 101. LUCY, 286, 287, 288. Agneta=Harbert, 287. Agneta=Holdenby, 287. Alicia (Hamberie), 287. AUcia (Hugford), 287. Alicia (Spencer), 285, 288. Anna=Aston, 288. Anna (Farmer), 287. Anna=Leigh, 287. Anna (Ludlow), 287. Anna, 288. Barbara=Tracy, 111, 287. Briget, 288. Constancia (Kingsmill), Constantia, 288. 288. Dorothea (Arnolde), 288. Edmund, 261, -287. Edward, 287. 288. LUCY — continued. Elinor (Trumpington), 287. Elizab., 287. Elizab. (Cocke), 261. Elizab. (Empson), 287. Elizab.=Fuller, 288. Elizab.=Hungerford, 288. Francisca (Cocke), 261. Francis, 288. George, 288. Humphrie, 287. Jana= Verney, 25, 288. Jocosa (Acton), 288. Katherina (Grey), 287. Lucy=Cooke, 288. Margareta (Brecknock), 287. Margareta, 288. Maria, 287. Maria=Hales, 95, 288. Martha, 288. Radigunda=Betts, 287. Richard, 261, 287, 288. Robert, 288. Rosa=Poultney, 287. Spencer, 288. Thomas, 95, 210, 287, 288. Timothy, 288. WilUam, 26, 287, 288. — =Colles, 247. — =Hales, 210. — (West), 288. Lucey, Helena.=Frevill, 75. Joane= Brasbredg, 9. LUDFORD, 150. AUcia=Farmer, 150. Anna (Skeffington), 150. Elizab. (Harcott), 150, 207. Elizab.=West, 150. George, 150. Isabellas Stanton, 277. John, 150. Michaell, 150. Sara (Warren), 150. Thomas, 150. William, 150. Ludiatt, Jane (Herbert), 139. Ludlow, Anna=Lucy, 287. Richard, 287. Luke, Elizab. (Knightley), 401. Oliver, 401. LuUaford Alicia de, (Arden), 179. Roger, 179. Lumley, George, Lord, 285. — (Knightley), 285. — =Sacheverell, 391. Lunnell, Catherin = Sidenhall, 345. Philip, 345. LUNSFORD, 84, 85. Anne, 85. Cicily (Pelham), 85. Emelyn, 85. Isabell=Roberts, 86. IsabeU, 85. James, 85. Jane=Jenings, 85. Joane, 85. John, 86. LUNSFORD— continued. Margaret (Fines), 85. Mary (Sackville), 86. Mary=Dalinder, 85. Mary, 85. Thomazine (Barrington), 85. WUliam, 85. Luson, Margarett (Harman), 105. Luttrington, Hugh, 167. Jane=NewbotteU, 167. Lyde, Mary=Hobleday, 176. Thomas, 175. Macor, Radus, 128. Robert, 128. Makepeace, Abel, 357. Jaua=Butler, 357. MaUn, Hellena=Gregory, 156, John, 155, 159. Margaret (Dimock), 165. MALLORY, 78. John, 78. Margaret=Corbett, 63. Margarett (Sutton), 78. PhilUppas=Burneby, 79. Robert, 78. Simon, 78. Thomas, 79. William, 78. Sir William, 63. Maltrevers,EUzab.[(Despensor), 284. John Lord, 284. Maney, Anthony, 3. Frances (Sheldon), 3. Mangerfeld, — =Davers, 115. Mannors, Clemencia == Petty, 245. Mansfield, Maria = Harware, 267. Richard, 267. Manton, Andrew, 233. Isabella (Piers), 233. Manwaring, Charles, 145. CicUia=Grosveneur, 387. Emma=Grosveneur, 385. Isabell=Thicknes, 145. Margareta = Grosveneur, 386. Randolph, 386. Richard, 387. Warin, 385. Marburye, Elizab. = Devereux, 279. John, 279. Margates, Agneta = Bradley, 355. Thomas, 355. Mark, Jana (Turner), 151. John, 151. Markham, Abraham, 200. Anne=Smith, 71. Elizabeth= Sheldon, 3. Griffin, 168. Maria=Clarke, 200. Mary (Griffin), 168. Sir Robert, 37. INDEX OF NAMES. 443 Markham — continued. Thomas, 5, 71, 168. — =Jenyns, 241. — =Wigston, 37. Marmion, Sir Henry, 189. Joice=Feldinge, 12. MAROW..68, 69, 70. Agnes, 69. Alice (Yonge), 69. Andrew, 69. Bridget, 69. Constance, 69. Dorithy=Cockagne, 69, 97. Edward, 69, 70. Sir Edward, 69. EUzabeth (Barnes), 69. EUzabeth=Baxwell, 69. Elizabeth=Medley, 69. Elizabeth. Sanders, 69. Elizabeth, 70. Felice, 69. Frances=WUlougbby), 69. Frances. 69, 70. George, 70. Isabell (Brome), 69. Isabell=Waldon, 69. Joane (Chadworth), 69. Joane=Clopton, 69. Joane, 69. John, 69, 70. Katherin=Daniell, 69. Katherin (Rich.), 69. Katherin = Throgmorton, 69, 87, 111, 207. Katherin, 69. Margaret (Brome), 97. Margaret=Clopton, 69. Margaret=Compton, 69. Margaret (Littleton), 69. Margaret, 69. Mary=Graye.Maiy, 69. SamweU, 69, 70. Thomas, 69, 70. Sir Thomas, 97. Ursula (Fiennes), 69. WilUam, 69, 87, 111, 207. — (Flamok), 69. Marshall, Alice (Repington), 190. Galfrid le, 225. Gilbert le, 225. John, 190. Margareta le = Palmer, 221. MatUda le=Solman, 225. Peter le, 221.. Simon le, 225. Marston, Katherina = Morden, 319. Richard, 319. Martin, Edward, 361. Elizabetha (Knightley). 280. Joane=Smith, 163. Katherina=Barker, 361. Roger, 163. Marvin, Edward, 126. Jane (Catsby), 126. Sir John, 126. Massey, Bridget(Arden), 73,181. Goditha=Statham, 392. Hugh, 73, 105, 181. Jane=Rugeley, 163. John, 105. Lucy (Risley), 392. William, 392. — (Harman), 105. Masters, Milicenta (Rogers), 201. Richard, 201. Masterton, Alicia — Lisley, 383. George, 383. MATHEW, 348, 349. Anna (UnderhUl), 349. Anna, 349. Elizab.=Holbeech, 351. Francisca=Appletree, 349. Francisca, 349. Franciscus, 349. George, 38, 349, 351. Godier, 349. Henry, 349. Jane=Power, 349. Jocosa (Middlemore), 349. Jocosa, 349. John, 349. Katherin, 349. Maria (Clerke). 349. Maria (Goodde). 349. Maria= Shuttleworth, 38. — (Butterise), 349. —(Digges), 349. Maunsell, — (Delamare), 47. May, Elizab. (Stanton), 277. Simon, 277. Maynard. John, 13. Sir John, 161. Margaret (Rowlett), 13. Radus, 13. Susanna=Sparrey, 161. MAYNE, 330, 331. Alicia=Gollol, 331. AUcia (Randolph), 331. AUcia, 331. Andrew, 331. Anna=Gape, 331. Anna (Lovelace), 331. Blanch, 331. Blanchia (Coles), 331. Bridget, 331. Caluberie, 331. Coluberia (Lovelace), 331. Edward, 331. Elizab.=Hodsdon, 331. Elizab., 331. Francis, 331. Henry, 331, Jacob, 331. Jana, 331. John, 331, Joseph, 331. Maria (Andrew), 331. Maria, 331. Peter, 331. Richard, 331. Simon, 331. Susanna=Colles, 331. Symon, 331. WilUam, 331. Mayney, John, 200. Margareta=Clarke, 200. Meade, Anne=Rainsford, 50. Thomas, 50. Mecor, Robert, 128. Medleton, William, 287. — =Hugford, 287. MEDLEY, 106, 107. Anne (Payton), 107. Benedict, 345. Bennett, 107. Elizabeth (Marrow), 69. Elizabeth=Morris, 107. Francisca (Throckmorton), 89, 207. George, 107. Henry, 89, 107, 207. Isabell=Shaksbrough, 107. Margaret (Wotton), 107. Mary (Dannett), 107. Thomas, 107. William, 107. — =Shukbrough, 345. — (Throgmorton), 107. Menger, Amiciale=Alown, 178. Margaret le=Alown, 178. Oliva le (Arden), 178. William le, 178. Merebrooke, Alice=Norris, 127. Hellena (Mountford), 127. Richard, 127. Mering, Anne=Forster, 133. Sir William, 133. Metley, Edward, 129. John, 129. Margaret (Cresholme), 129. Nicholas, 129. Meverell, — =Devereux, 280. Michaell, Canon of Welles, 149. MIDDLEMORE, 332, 333. Alianora=Underhill, 31. Ann (Littleton), 333. Anna (Egerton), 333. Anna=Gowre, 333. Anna (Greswold), 62, 333. Anna=Scudamore, 333. Brigetta (Betham), 215. Elizabetha=Hanslap, 257, 333. Emma=Betham, 215, 333. Francisca, 333. George, 349. Henry, 333. Humphrus, 215, 333. Isabella (Egbaston), 333. Jane=Brome, 97. Jocosa=Mathew, 349. John, 215, 333. Juliana=Lisley, 383. Margareta = Braybrooke, 333. Margareta=Shalwen, 333. Margeria = Shugbrough, 333, 345. Margeria (Throckmorton), 87, 333. Maria (Morgan), 333. Muriell=Johnson, 333. Prisella (Brooke), 333. Presilla, 333. 444 INDEX OF NAMES. MIDDLEMORE— continued. Richard, 62, 87, 333, 345. Robert, 215, 257, 333, 341, 383. Sibella (Betham), 215. Thomas, 333. Winifrida = Waring, 333, 341. — =Bolstred, 147. — (Harman), 105. — =Willington, 333. Mieres, Maria (Peyton), 381. Roger, 381. Milborne, Joane = Englefeld, 123. John, 123. Mildmay, EUzab. (Puckering), 197. Jana=Peyton, 379. Thomas, 197, 379. Sir Thomas, 379. Miles, Brigetta (Over alias Waver), 253. John, 253. Margaret=Greswold, 62. MiU, Jane=Brasbredge, 9. Nicholas, 9. Thomas, 9. — =Brasbridg, 9. Miller, Margareta = Pudsey, 251. Mintridge, Jana (Turner), 151. John, 151. Mitton, John, 237. Margareta=Fulwood, 237. Moberley, Emma= Grosveneur, 385. William, 385. Mody, — — Wigston, 37. Sir John, 37. Molineux, Sir John, 179, 182. Margareta = Arden, 179, 182. MoUens, Elizabeth (Gilbert), 103. Sir Nicholas, 103. Mollineux, EUen=Bond, 103. John, 103. Mompesson, — = Stoughton, 141, 316. Monings, Elizab. (Peiton), 381. Thomas, 381. Monmuth, Henry Earl of Lan caster, 283. Matilda (Chaworth), 283. Montacute, Alice (Montford), 55. Simon, 65. Montague, Henry, 285. Katherin=Carington, 71. WiUiam, 71. — (Randolph), 303. — (Spencer), 285. Monteagle, Anna (Spencer), 285. William, Lord, 285. MONTFORT, or MONTFORD, 64, 65, 56. Adilen (—7—), 55. Agatha=Limesey, 55. MONTFORT— continued. Alice (Audeley), 55. Alice (Beamond), 55. Alice (Delaplanch), 55. Alice (Delaplanch), 56. Alice (Delaware), 55. Alice=Montacute, 55. AUce, 56. Anne (Fowler), 56. Anne (Verney), 56. Sir Baldwin, 309. Baldwyn, 56. Sir Edward, 56. Elizabeth=Frevill, 55. Elizabeth (Gresley), 56. Francis, 56. Guido, 55, 56. Hellena= Archer, 309. Henry, Lord, 55, 131. Hugo, Lord, 55. Joan=Bishopston, 55, 131. Joane (Alderwich de), 56. Joane (Clinton), 86. Joane (Vernon), 56. John, 55, 56. John, Lord, 56. Julian= Cotton, 305. Katherin=Boothe, 56. Lora (Ullenhall), 56. Margaret (Bellocampo), 65. Margaret (CUnton), 56. Margaret (Peele), 56. Mary=Burdett, 27. Mary (Stapleton), 56. Matilda=Sudley, 55, 56. Peter, Lord, 55, 56. Richard, 55, 56. Robert, 55, 56. Rose (Bradston), 56. Sibell, 56. Simon, 66. Sir Simon, 27, 56. Thomas, 56. Thurstan, 55. William, 56, 56. — (Furnivall), 55, 56. — =Gaunt, 55. — (Langford), 56. — (WiUington), 56. Montgomerie, Isabella=Sache- verell, 392. Sir John, 392. Monthermer, IsabeUa (Despen sor), 283. Radus, 283. Moore, Anne=Germin, 169. Francis, 169. Morcott, — =01ney, 113. MORDEN, alias MURDEN, 318, 319. Alicia=Washington, 319. Joanna (Pell), 319. John, 319. Katherina=Lane, 307, 319. Katherina (Marston), 319. Maria (Woodward), 119, 227, 319. Maria, 319. Richard, 318, 319. Thomas, 319. MORDEN — continued. William, 319. — (Feldinge), 319. More Anna (Peiton). 379. Richard, 379. Moreton, John, 71. Mary=Smith, 71. Morgan, Alice=rHobleday, 175. Anthony, 333. Jocosa=Rainsford, 49. Maria=Middlemore, 333. Mary (Sanders), 123. Robert, 175. Thomas, 49, 123. Morin, — (Daston), 139. Morirs — (BusseU), 139. — =Witton, 139. — (—?—), 139. Morison, Anna=Hales, 210, 273. Mary=Halls, 95. Sir Richard, 95. Richard, 210, 273. — :=Hales, 95. Morley, Alice=Verdon, 392. Amphillis=Wasnes, 392. Sir Edmond, 391. Sir Edward, 391. Elizab.=Puckering, 197. Isabella (Deybridge), 391. Johanna (Delaland), 392. Sir John, 197. Lucy=Risley, 392. Richard, 392. Sir Walter, 391. Morris, Elizabeth (Medley), 107. Mary=Bussell, 139. Phillip, 139. Morton, Jana=Horne, 343. Thomas, 343. Mortone, Judith (Chidlowe), 193. William, 193. Mortyn, Alice (Bussell), 139. John, 139. Moseley, Isabella (Whitehead), 146, John, 146. WiUiam, 146. Moton, Matilda=Gregory, 155. Sir Roger, 165. Mottershed, Elizab. = Shuttle- worth, 38. George, 38. Moulton, Anna=Beaufo, 204. WiUiam, 204. Mounson, John, 189. Judith (Repington), 189. Mountague, — =Despensor, 283, MOUNTFORD, 127. Agneta (Holt), 127. Hellena=Merebrooke, 127. Rose (Brandeston), 127. Rose=Catesby, 125, 127. Richard, 127. Sir William, 126, 127. Moyle, Isabell (Stanley), 23. Mary=Babington, 23. Walter, 23. Muklow, —(—?—), 205. INDEX OF NAMES. 445 Mundey, Elizab.=Palmer, 171. Murcote, Dorothea = Decons, Henry, 231. Murdack, Richard, 193. Susanna (Wheate), 193. Murden alias Morden, 318, 319. Muskett, Margaret(Raleigh),77, Richard, 77. Mussard, Alina=Bussell, 139. Clement, 139. Mustian, Elizab. = Stoughton, 141, 315. William, 141, 315. Mychell, Anne = Dixwell, 41, 297 Henry, 41, 297. Naplin (Napton ?), Adam de, 311. Clementia=Keverell, 311. Napper, Anna (Peto), 173. Napton, Adam, 3 15. Agnes=Feldinge, 11, 12. Alicia (Appleby), 345. Galfrid, 345. Jane (Bassett), 346. Joane=Shukburgh, 346. John, 345. Lucia (—?—), 345. Margaret (Holiar), 345. Nicholas, 345. Robert, 345. WUliam, 345. NASH, 147. Alicia, 147. Anna=Badger, 147. Anna (Bolstred), 147. Anna=Cox, 147. Anthonius, 147. Edward, 147. Francisca=Lane, 147, 307. Francis, 147. George, 147. John, 147. Maria (Baugh), 147. Maria (Cox), 147. Maria, 147. Susanna, 147. Thomas, 147, 307. WUUam, 147. —(—?—), 147. Nason, Elizab.= Warner, 51. Richard, 51. Nedha', Jane=rCorbett, 63. Robert, 63. Nehum, William, 126. —(Catesbie), 126. Nelles, George, 160. Roger, 160. Valentine, 160. William, 160. — (Gregory), 159. Nellsonn, — =Trussell, 93. NETHERMILL, 252, 253. Brigetta (Over alias Wa ver), 253. Johannes. 253. Julinus, 253. — =Warin alias Warren, 359. Nevell, Amphillis=Newdigate, 39 Isabell (Griffin), 167. John, 39. Margaret (Davers), 115. Thomas, 115, 131, 167. William, 131. —(Palmer), 131. Nevill, Anne=Grevill, 29. Barbara (Arden), 73, 181. Sir Edward, 88, 207. Ellinora=Despensor, 284. George, Lord Burgaveny. 207. Henry, E. of Westmore land, 29. John, Lord Latimer, 73, 181. Katherin = Throgmorton, 88, 207. Radus, E. of Westm., 284. Richard, E. of Warwick, 190. Richard, 73, 181. — =Darcy, 293. Newbotel, Agnes=Cost, 167. Jane (Luttrington), 167. Sara (Cleudon), 167. Thomas, 167. William, 167. Newce, Christopher, 261. Ursula (Cocke), 261. NEWDIGATE, 39. AmphiUis (Nevell), 39. Amphrus, 39. Anne (Hilton), 39. Anthony, 39. Barbara=Crug, 39. Charles, 39. Elizab. (Lovett), 39. Elizab. (Younge), 39. Francis, 39. George, 39. Isabell, 39. Jane=Dormer, 39. Joane (Swanland), 39. John, 39. Mary, 39. Sebastian, 39. Thomas, 39. William, 39. Newenton, Alicia = Palmer, 222 Milonis, 222. Newers, —(BusseU), 139. Newherst, George, 317. — =Ailworth, 317. Newman, Anna=Peiton, 380. Elizab. (Grosveneur), 387. Thomas, 387, Newport, Julian (Montford), 305. Ursula (Ferrers), 203. William, 97. — =Brome, 97. NEWSAM, 316, 317. Anna= Smith, 317. Brigetta (Palmer), 317. Charles, 317. NEWSAM — continued. Edward, 317. Elizab. (Pudsey), 251, 317. Frances, 317. Frideswida (Ailworth), 317. John, 251, 317. Katherine=Templer, 317. Margaret (Bentley), 317. Thomas, 317. Walter, 317. William, 317. —(Barker), 317. Newton, Adam, 197. Jane=Griffin, 168. Katherina (Puckering), 197. Richard, 168. Nic 7, Daniell, 159. Hellen, 159. Joane, 159. Mary (Nuttall), 159. Niche, 159. Noel, 159. Thomas, 159. NICHOLLS alias MAYO, 248. Brigetta=Hanslap, 248. Dorothea (Bridges), 248. Dorothea=Tonge, 248. Henry, 248. John, 248. Martha (Levins), 248. Richard. 248. —(Smith), 248. Nicholes, Margery (Holt), 19. Nichols, — =Cooke, 67. NICOLLS, 249. Anna. 249. Christopher, 200. Cicilia=Clarke, 200. Dorothea (Barwell), 249. Dorothea, 249. Elizab. (Ensor), 249. George, 249. Jana, 249. Jocosa (Seginton), 249. John, 249. Robert, 249. Thomas, 249. Nitingall, Johanna = WiUing ton, 375. Noel, Dorothea (Pettit), 398. Thomas, 398. Norden, Martha (Knightley), 401. John, 401. Norris, Alice (Merebrooke), 127. John, 127. Katherina = Grosveneur, 386. Sir William, 386. North, Anna=Adderley, 263. Northumberland, Dorothea (Devereux), 280. Henry, E. of, 280. Norton, Elizab. (Capell), 263. John, 183. Richard, 47, 263. — = Dabredgcourt, 47. 3 M 446 INDEX OF NAMES. Norwich, Grace (Griffin), 168. Simon, 168. Norwood, Agnes (Porter), 31. Alice=Daston, 139. Anne=Bussell, 139. Edward, 90. Elizabeth (Ligon), 90. Henry, 88, 90. Jane, 90. John, 31, 139. Katherin (Throgmorton), 88. Margaret, 90. Mills, 139. Robert, 90. William, 90. —(Sheldon), 139. Nower — =Bury, alias Marshall, 266. Nutkin, Alicia=Dilke, 269. Nuttall, Agneta (Terry), 159. Agneta=Hay, 159. Elizabeth, 159. Isabell=Wattes, 159. Katherin, 159. Margaret=Abbott, 159. Martin, 159. Mary=Nic? 159. Milicehcia, 159. Ranulph, 159. Robert, 159. Thomas, 159. William, 159, Obbene, Anna=Catsby, 127. Jacob, 127. Odall, Anna=Bumaby, 146. Offeley, Dorothy (Greswold),62. Hugh, 62. Suzanne, 62. Oker, John, 391. — = Sacheverell, 391. Oldefield, Margareta (Grosve neur), 386. Richard, 386. Oldenhall, Alicia = Skinner, 295. Oldham, Elizabeth=Grammer, 61. John, 51. Oldnole, Prudence (Warner), 61. TJiomas, 51. Oliver, Sir John, 79. Julian=Spencer, 79. OLNEY, 112, 113. Abraham, 113. Anne=Howe, 113. Anne, 113. Debora, 113. Edmond, 113. Edward, 113. Elizabeth (Woodhall), 113. EUena (—7—), 113. Goditha (Bosum), 89. Jane (Townsend), 113. Jane (—?—), 113. Joane (Priest), 113. Joane, 113. John, 97, 113. O LNEY — continued. Margaret = Throgmorton, 87, 89. Margaret, 113. Martin, 113. Michaell, 113. Rebecka, 113. Robert, 87, 89. Sara, 113. Thomas, 113. Ursula, 113. William, 113. —(Brome), 97, 113. —(Catesby), 113. — (Commander), 113. — (Morcott), 113. Osbaldeston, Dorothea (Pal mer), 222. J ane= Rainsford, 49. John, 49. Richard, 222. Osbaston, Dorothea (Palmer), 171. Osbourn, Winifred (Peyton), 381. Osbourne, Alicia= Peyton, 381. Sir Robert, 381. OUDBY, 136. Cicily (Bussere), 136. Thomas, 136. WiUiam, 136. Over, alias Waver, Brigetta= NethermiU, 253. Henry, 253. Hester (Grosveneur), 388. Hugo, 388. Overberie, Francisca=Palmer, 222. Isabella (Rutter), 235. Maria (Palmer), 222. Nicholas, 222. Sir Thomas, 235. Overton, Dorothea (Knight), 219. John, 219, Owen, Elizabeth (Catsby), 126. John, 126. Oxenford, George de, 139. —(BusseU), 139. Oxford, Katherina (Peiton), 381. William, 381. Oyle, Dorithy (Hunson), 133. Lord, 133. Pabenham, James, 287. | John (De la Planch), 287. John, 287. Katherin (Trayley), 287. Katherin=Hugford, 287. Pace, Jocosa=:Reinolds, 243. Richard, 243. Pachet, Anna=Home, 343. Thomas, 343. Packington, — = Colles, 247. Packwood, Christopher, 389. Jana (Langham), 389. Padley, Amia = Sacheverell, 391. John, 391. Pagenton, Francesca (Ferrers), 7. Sir John, 7. — =Ferrers, 7. Paget, Katherina (Throckmor ton), 207. William, 307. Paine, Elizab. (Catesbie), 142. Henry, 142. Paiot, Frances — Woodward, 119, 227. Pakington, Abigail (Sache verell), 393. Humphry, 393. PALMER, of Lemington, 170, 171. Dorothea = Osbaston, 171. 222. Edward, 171. Egidius, 171. Elizab. (Docura), 171. Elizab. (Mundey), 171. Ehzabetha = Woodward, 119, 227. John, 171. Maria (Grevill), 171, 222. Maria (Kerne), 171. Penelope, 171. Richard, 171,227. WiUiam, 171. —(Field), 171, 222. —(Palmer), 171, 222. PALMER, of Compton Scorfen, 220, 221, 222. Agneta (Broughton), 221. Agneta (Heritage), 221. Alianora (Langham), 221. Alicia (Newenton), 222. Alicia (Shukbrough), 221. Alicia, 221. Amicia=Bereford, 221. Amicia (Clopton), 221. Anna (Jeffris), 222. - Anna (Tiringham), 222. Anna=Wisham, 222. Blanchia (Peito), 221. Constancia (Bilney), 221. Dorothea = Osbaldeston, 171, 222. Edward, 222. Egidius, 222. Elianora (Rowse), 222. Elizab. (Booking), 221. EUzab. (Wye), 222. Francisca (Overberie), 222. Galfridus, 221. Helena (St. Pier), 221. Henry, 221, 222. Jana (Cheney), 222. Johanna (Rocliff), 221. John, 221, 222. Margareta (Braden), 222. Margareta (Marshall le), 221 Maria (Came), 222. Maria (Greuill), 171,222. Maria=Hunckes, 222. Maria=Overberie, 222. Maria= Sloughter, 221. Maria, 222, INDEX OF NAMES. 447 PALMER— continued. Matilda (—7 — ), 221. Muriella (Field), 171, 222. Muriella (Palmer), 171,222. Murielle=Palmer, 222. Richard, 221, 222. Robert, 221, 222. Rowsus, 222. Stephen, 221. Thomas, 221. Ursula (Heron), 221. William, 221, 222. —(Cave), 222. PALMER, of Aston Cantlowe, 239. Adam, 93, 239. Dorothea (TrusseU), 93, 239. Edward, 239. Elizab. (Averell), 239. Elizab., 239. George, 239. Henry, 239. Maria=Grimshaw, 239. Samuell, 239. Ursula, 239. Palmer, Anne (Brome), 98. Anne=Peiton, 380. Brigetta=Newsam, 317. Edward, 98. Elizab.=Griffin, 168. Elizab. (Purifoy), 255. Elizabeth (Bushopston). 131. Grace (Cost), 167. Robert, 167, 168. Thomas, 131. William, 255, 380. — =Colles, 247. — =Nevill, 131. — =Rutter, 235. Palmes, Franci6, 63. Margaret (Corbett), 63. Paris, Johanna=Cotton, 305. Parker, Alice=Greswold, 62. Johanna (Fulwood), 238. Parle, Joane=Cumberford, 35. John, 35. Pair, Anna (Bourchier), 279. William, M. of Northamp., 146, 279. Parrot, Dorothea (Devereux), 280. Sir Thomas, 280. Parsons, Anthony, 411. Katherina = Kempston, 411. Margareta (CoUes), 247. Passelow, Hugh, 145. Margaret = Whitehead, 145. Paston, Elizab. (Wagstaff), 289. John, 289. Pateshall, Elianora = Reping ton, 191. Robert, 191. PEACH, 129. Godfrie, 129. John, 129. Richard, 129. Peche Hauisia le (Arden), 178. Richard le, 178. Peck, Jana (Hanslap), 257. Jasper, 257. Peckham, Katherin (Trussell), 93. Reynold, 93. Peele, Margaret=Montford, 56. Sir — , 56. PEERS, or Piers, 232, 233. AUcia=Bispham, 233. Anna=Sperrey, 233. Anne (Holt), 19. Edmund, 232, 233. Isabella=Manton, 233. Jana=Griffin, 233. Margareta (Underhill),233. Maria=Field, 233. Maria, 233. Martha, 233. Robert, 232, 233. Rosa=Gravenor, 233. Thomas, 233. WilUam, 232, 233. Pegg, George, 281. Sibilla (Perkins), 281. Pegot, Margarett=Ferrers, 7. Thomas, 7. C Peirpoint, Elizab.=Sacheverell, 393. Sir Nicholas, 393. Peito, Blanchia= Palmer, 221. WiUiam, 221. PEITON, 378, 379, 380, 381. Alicia=Darrell, 381. Alicia (Osbourne), 381. AUcia (Peiton), 381. Alicia=Peiton, 381. Anna=Ashley, 380. Anna=Bawn, 381. Anna (Calthorp), 381. Anna=Hales, 381. Anna=Kinge, 380. Anna=More, 379. Anna (Newman), 380. Anna (Palmer), 380. Anna=Repington, 189. Anna, 380, 381. Anne=Medley, 167. Christopher, 379, 380, 381. Cicely, Lady (Bourchier), 379. Ciciley=Rookewood, 380. Dorothea (Beaupre), 381. Dorothea (Stanton), 277, 380. Dorothea (Tindall), 380. Edmond, 379. Edward, 380, 381. Sir Edward, 381. Elizab.=Banester, 381. Elizab.=Bentley, 380. Elizab. (Brooke), 379. Elizab. (Cleere), 380. Elizab. (Cooke), 380. Elizab.=Ersene, 381. Elizab. (Hide), 379. Elizab.=Langley, 380. Elizab.=Monings. 381. Elizab. (Rich), 381. PEITON— continued. Elizab.=Wigston, 38, 380. Elizab., 379, 380, 381. EUinora, 379. Frances=Harte, 379. Francis, 379. Francisca = Fortescue, 379. Francisca=Haggar, 381. Francisca (Haselden), 380. Grace (Langley), 379. Gracia, 380. Henry, 379. Sir Henry, 379. Hester, 380. Jana (Calthorp), 380. Jana (Mildmay), 379. Jana, 379. Johanna =. Bekensfeild, 380. . Johnyl89, 379, 380, 381. Si* "John, 381. yr-" Joyce (Grantham), 379. Juditha, 381. Katherina=Oxford, 381. Margaret (Barnard), 379. Margaret=Eden, 380. Margaret (Francis), 379. Margaret=Jenney, 380. Margaret, 380, 381. Maria=Balam, 381. Maria=Clarke, 381. Maria (Hide), 381. Maria=Houghton, 380. Maria=Lownes, 380. Maria=Mieres, 381. Maria (Pickering), 379. Maria, 380. Marie (Ashton), 380. Martha=AUen, 379. Martha=Kirkham, 379. Marthell (Levesey), 381. Lady Mary (Seamour), 379. Mirabell, 380. Presilla, 379. Richard, 380, 381. Robert, 379, 381. Sir Robert, 38, 107, 380. Roger, 381. Rosa=Lewknor, 379. Samuell, 381. Sir Samuell, 381. Thomas, 379, 380, 381. Thomazm=Castilian, 380. Walter, 277, 380. WiUiam, 379, 381. Winifrid=Osbourne, 381. Pelham, Cicily=Lunsford, 85. Sir John, 85. Pell, Joanna=Morden, 319. Richard, 319. Penekeston, Alan. 255. Johanna= Purifoy, 255. Penifather, Anne (Ward), 146. John, 146. Sara=Graye, 146. Thomas, 146. William, 146. Peniston, Anna=Hanslap, 267. Thomas, 257. 448 INDEX OF NAMES. Penne, Isabella (Colles), 248. Thomas, 248. Penrise, Avice=Delamare, 47. John, 47. Perche, Countess of = Tur chillus, 176. Percy, Elianora (Rich), 284. EUinora (Nevill), 284. Henry, Earl of Northum berland, 284. PERKINS, 281. Abigail, 281. Anna=Holbeech, 281. Anna (Robertes), 281. Ellena (Shilton), 281. Emma=Holbeech, 323. Johanna (Stanton), 281. Maria=Willmore, 281. Maria (Wright), 281. Rebecca, 281. Richard, 281. Samuell, 281. Sibilla=Pegg, 281. Thomas, 281. William, 281, 323. Winifrida=Wood, 323. Zacheus, 281. Perkins, Isarell (Dalby), 369. William, 369. Perman, Ellen (Holt), 19. Pershall, Anne (Sheldon), 3. Isabella=Grosveneur, 386. Sir John, 3. Sir Richard, 386. Persons, Anna (Waring), 341. Peter, Thomazine=Grevill, 29. Sir WiUiam, 29. PETO, 172, 173. Alexander, 173. Anna (Cooke), 173. Anna (Ferrers), 173. Anna=Ferrers, 5, 173. Anna=Napper, 173. Anna, 173. Anne (Fielding), 11, 173. Audria=Cooper, 173. Catherin=Ingram, 173. Deuoreuy, 173. Dorothea, 173. Edmond, 173. Edward, 173. Sir Edward, 5. Eiinor (Aston), 173. Elinor, 173. Elizab.=Shakerley, 173. Elizab., 173. Frauncis, 173. Goditha, 173. Humphrie, 11, 173. Joanna, 173. John, 173. Sir John, 173. Judith=Cooper, 173. Margaret=Clarke, 173. Margaret (—7—), 173. Margareta (Beuam), 173. Margeria, 173. Maria=Withwike, 173. Richard, 173. Walter, 173. PETO— continued. William, 173. Pett, Edward, 87. Godithon (Throgmorton), 87. Petta, Elizabeth (Throgmor ton), 88. George, 88. Pettenham, Dorithy=Dabredg- court, 147. George, 147. Pettit, Dorothea=Kinardesley, 398. Henry, 398. Pettus, Anna=Knightley, 401. Sir John, 401. PETTY, 244, 245. Anna=Stokes, 245. Clemencia (Mannors), 245. Elizab.= Austen, 245. Elizab.=Canning,225,245.Elizabetha, 245. Jana (Blount), 245. John, 245. Matilda (Colman), 245. Nicholas, 245. Richard, 225, 245. Robert, 245. Thomas, 245. William, 245. — (Lodbrooke), 245. Petye, — =Holbeech, 351. Peyton, Margareta=Porter, 99. John, 99. Peytot, John, 78. Margaret=Sutton, 78. Sir William, 78. Phetiplace, Dorithy (Davers), 115. Edward, 165. John, 115. — (Ashefeld), 165. Pichard, Anna (Colles), 247. Picker, Richard, 367. — =Clapham, 367. Pickering, Maria=Peiton, 379. William, 379. Pickeringe, Richard, 119. — (Foxe), 119. Pickring, Joane (Griffin), 167. Sir William, 167. Pigot, Robert, 380. Thomazine (Peiton), 380. Pigott, Anne=Davers, 115. Leonard, 116. Pilkington, Katherin = Griffin, 167. Sir Thomas, 167. Pimne, Mary (Damprecourt), 47. Reynold, 47. Pinchbeck, Anne (Griffin), 167. Sir Thomas, 167. Pinoherdon, Sir John, 77. Mabell=Raleigh, 77. Pinchon, Anna (Andrew), 50. William, 50. Pipard, Joane = Bushupston, 131. John, 131. Plaisted, Edward, 57. Margaret=Travell, 57. Plantagenet, Anna=Bourchier, 279. Constancia = Despensor, 284. Edmond, Duke of York, 284. Humphry, 279. Thomas, Duke of Glouces ter, 279. Plessington, Sir Henry, 121. Isabell (Wittleburie), 121. Plowden, Katherin (Sheldon), 3. Plumpton, Mary (Griffin), 168. Pointz, George, 189. Rachell (Repington), 189. Pollard, Anthony, 3. EUzabeth (Speeke), 103. Phillepe (Sheldon), 3. — =Spencer, 284. Poole, Isabell=Langley, 37. Margaret (Langley), 37. Matilda = Grosveneur, 386. Richard, 37. WUliam, 386. Pope, Gregoria = Rainsford, 50. John, 50, 115. Susan=Davers, 116. Popham, Alice=Forster, 133. Stephen, 133. PORTER of Edgbaston, 99. AUcia (Bartlett), 99. Anna (Colemore), 99, 335. Henry, 99, 335. Jane=7, 99. Jone, 99. Margareta (Peyton), 99. Maria=Glover, 99. Richard, 99. Robert, 99. Sara, 99. Thomas, 99. WilUam, 99. PORTER of Aston, 116, 117. Angela (Porter), 117. Anthony, 117. Angelia=Porter, 117. Charles, 117. Edmond, 117. Edward, 117. Egidius, 117. Foulco, 117. Grisogona (StradUng), 117. HeUena, 117. John, 117. Katherina=Gibbes, 213. Lodovicus, 117. Luciana, 117. Nicholas, 117. Richard, 117. Thomas, 117. William, 117, 213. - (Gifford), 117. — (Hunderhill), 117. — (Latimer), 117. — (Tirrell), 117. - (-7-), 117. INDEX OF NAMES. 449 Porter, Agnes=Underhill, 31. Anthony, 126. Edward, 139. Egedius, 139. Elizabeth = Catesbie, 126. Isabell (Maund), 139. Robert, 31. Thomas, 31. Portinton, — = Holbeech, 323. Porton, EUzabeth = Alisberie, 33. Potter, Alicia (Horsey), 195. Richard, 195. Poultney, EUzabeth=Feldinge, 11. Gabrill, 78. Joan (—?—), 255. John, 255, 287, 351. Katherin=Raleghe, 78. MiUicent = Holbeech, 351. Rosa (Lucy), 287. Sir Thomas, 11. — =Wigston, 37. Pourins, Johanna = UnderhiU, 31. Thomas, 31. Powell, Thomazine = Butler, 357. William, 126. — =Catesby, 126. Power, Jane (Mathew), 349. Maria (Guibon), 160. WiUiam, 349. Powtrell, Anne=Trussell, 93. William, 93. Poynes, Maria=Travell, 57. Thomas, 57. POYNTON, 120, 121. EUzabeth = Burnha', 121. Matilda=Wittlebury, 121. Sir WiUiam, 121. Prescot, Anne (Ward), 275. James, 275. Prestolfe, Elizabeth (Catsby), 126. John, 126. Prestwich, J., 148. Prestwood, Agneta de (Adam), 179. Hugo, 179. Pretty, Margeria=.Jenyns, 241. Price, Maria (Dixwell), 297. Robert, 235, 297. Ursula (Rutter), 235. Prideaux, Margareta = Gibbes, 213. Pries, Mary (Dixwell), 41. Robert. 41. Priest, Joane=01ney, 113. Prudhone, Joane = Feldinge, 11. PUCKERING, 196, 197. Agneta (Ashton), 197. Dorothea = Ferrers, 7, 197. Elizab.=Mildmay, 197. Elizab. (Morley), 197. Francisca = Grantham, 197. Hatton, 197. Jana (Chune), 197. PUCKERING— continued. Jana, 197. Sir John, 7, 197. Katherina = Newton, 197. Robert, 197. Sir Thomas, 197. PUDSEY, 250, 251. Dorothea = Grosveneur, 251, 388. Editha (Hore), 251. Elianor (Harman), 105. EUonora (—7—), 251. Elizab. = Newsam, 251, 317. ElUanora (Harman), 251. Ellinora=Gooderich, 251. George, 105, 251, 277, 317, 388. Gracia=Delamore, 251. Jocosa=Blackmore, 251. John, 105, 251. Margareta (Gibbons), 251. Margareta (Miller), 251. Margareta, 251. Maria = Stanton, 251, 277. Maria, 251. Matilda (Cotton), 251. Michael, 251. Richard, 105, 251. Robert, 251. Rowland, 251. Thomas, 251. Walter, 251. William, 251. — (Cotton), 105. Pudsey, George, 186. PuUord, Juliana = Grosveneur. 385. Sir Robert, 385. Pulleston, Julian=Grosveneur, 386. Sir Roger, 386. Pulman, Margaret=Throgmor- ton, 89. Robert, 89. Purfoye, Isabell (Brome), 97. Phillip, 97. PURIFOY, 254, 255. Edward, 255. Elianora (Baskervile), 255. Eliza = Knightley, 255, 399. Elizabeth (Bingham), 255. Elizabeth=Palmer, 255. Elizabeth (Sanders), 255, 371. Elizabetha, 255. Francis, 157, 255. George, 255, 401. Isabell (Bradshaw), 265. Joan (—?—), 256. Joanna (Wiston), 255. Jocosa (Hardwick), 255. Jocosa=Wolley, 157, 255. Johanna ( Penekeston ) , 255. John, 255. Jona (Purifoy), 255. Katherina (Wigston), 38, 255. PURIFOY— continued. Katherina (Welesborowe), 255. Margareta (Knightley), 255, 401. Margareta (SheUord de), 256. Margeria=Feilding, 226. Margeria (Fitz Harbert), 255. Maria (Aiott), 255. Maria=Farmer, 255. Michaell, 255. Nathaniell, 255. Nicholas, 255. Philip, 255. Radus, 255, 371. Thomas, 255. William, 255. — =Goodall, 204. — =Repington, 191. Purslow, Letticia (Clarke), 200. Robert, 200. Purye, Anne=Davers, 17. John, 17. Pye, Christian (Langley), 37. Edward, 37. WUliam, 37. Pywell, Dorothea (Travell), 409. EUzab.=Everton, 301. Richard, 301, 409. Queeny, Thomas, 186. Quiney, Anna=Wheate, 193, Hadrian, 193. Rainde, Elizabeth = Belcher, 65. Thomas, 65. RAINSFORD, 48, 49, 50. Alice=Bradbury, 49. Alice (Davers), 49. Ambrose, 49. Anne (Anne), 49. Anne (Godier), 67. Anne=Langston, 49. Anne (Meade), 50. Anne, 50. Anthony, 49. Charles, 49. Dorithy=Davers, 49, 115. Dorithy (Leigh), 49. Edward, 49, 50. Elianor, 49. Elizabeth (Wilcotts), 49. Elizabeth, 49, 50. Francis, 67. George, 49, 50. Gilles, 49. Gregoria (Pope), 50. Henry, 49, 50. Sir Henry, 67. Hercules, 49. Humphry, 49. Jane=Couper, 49. Jane (Osbaldeston), 49. Joane=Hawes, 405. Joane, 50. Jocosa (Morgan), 49. 450 INDEX OF NAMES. RAINSFORD— continued. Jocosa, 49. Johanna=Beaufo, 203. John, 49, 50. Sir John, 49. Julian=Bett, 49. Julian=Walgrave, 49. Katherin (Tavener), 49. Margaret=Holloway, 49. Margaret, 49. Mary=Grevill, 49. Mary (Kirton), 50. Mary, 50. Morgan, 49. Richard, 50. Robert, 60. Thomas, 49. William, 49. Sir William, 49, 115,203. RALEIGH, 76, 77, 78. Agnes (Swinford), 77. Alice, 77. Anna, 78. Anne (Chamberleyn), 77. Anne (Docwra), 78. Anne (Emeley), 77. Anne, 77. Anthonie, 77. Bridget=Kingsmill, 77. Bridgett=Cope, 77. Edward, 77, 78. Sir Edward, 77, 78. Elizabeth (Greene), 77. Elizabeth (Smith), 78. Elizabeth, 78. Emme=Gainsford. 77. Esay, 78. Frances=Verney, 77. Foulk, 78. George, 77, 78. Gillies, 77. Sir Henry, 77. Humphry, 77. Idon (Cotesford), 77. Jane=Bromflett, 77. Jane (Connysby), 77. Joane (Asteley), 77. Joane (Gray), 77. Johanna, 78. John, 77. Sir John, 77. Katherin (Poultney), 78. Leonard, 77. Mabell (Pincherdon), 77. Margaret=Archer, 309. Margaret=Musket, 77. Margaret (Verney), 77. Margaret, 78. Margarett=7, 77. Maria (—?—), 77. Maria, 78. Rose (Helion), 77. Sibella=Butler, 77. Simon, 78, 309. Thomas, 77. William, 77. — (Bennall), 77. —(Fitz Gerrard), 77. Randall, Cassandria = Home, 343. Randall — continued. Christopher, 343. Maria=Clarke, 200. RANDOLPH, 302, 303. Alicia=Mayne, 331. Anna (Webb), 303. Anna, 303. Charles, 303. Dorothea (Isod), 303. Edward, 303. Elizab. (ap Rese), 303. Elizab. (Bulling), 303. Elizab. (Chawley), 303. Elizab. (Ferrers), 303. Elizabeth, 303. EUina, 303. Ferrers, 303. John, 303. Margareta (Stevens), 303. Maria (Stretford), 303. Maria, 303. Richard, 303. Robert, 303. Thomas, 303. Thomazine=Harpur, 303. —(Lea), 303. — =Montague, 303. RATCLIFFE, 148, 149, 150. Alice (—?—), 149. Anne=Side, 150. Edmond, 149, 150. Elizabeth (Blackham), 149. Elizabeth = Gregory, 150, 156. Elizabeth=RatcUffe, 149. Joane=Ashton, 149. John, 149. Margaret (Chaderton), 149. Margaret (Chaterton), 149. Margaret=Standish, 149. Richard, 149, 150. Robert, 149. Roger, 149, 156. Thomas, 149. William, 149. — =Ardren, 149. Ratcliff, Anna (Bradshaw), 386. William, 386. RAUES, 91. Agnes=Cheverell, 91. Elizabeth (Brayles), 91. Ellena (Dichford), 91. John, 91. Thomas, 91. Ursula, 91. William, 91. Rawley, Jane (—?—), 113. — = Verney, 25. Reames, Cicilia=Burnaby, 146, Redgeley, Editha = Thicknes, 145. Editha (Waldiffe), 145. Nicholas, 145. Thomas, 145. Redgley, Alice, 19. Elizabeth (Holt), 19. John, 19. Reeve, Elizab.=Greville, 143. Reines, Anna=Andrewes, 395. Elizab.=Decons, 231. Reines — continued. John, 231. Thomas, 395. REPINGTON, 188, 189, 190, 191. Adam, 190. Affabell (Worseley), 189. Albreda=Rersby, 190. Alice=Marshall, 190. Alicia (Atton), 190. Alicia (Chaworth), 189. Anna (Peiton), 189. Annabell=Rochford, 189. Anne=Bushy, 189. Anne (Carthorp), 190. Anne=Corbin, 191. Anthonie, 189. Audria (Fearne), 189. Audry (Repps), 190. Barbara (Cay), 189. Christopher, 190. Clement, 190. Collet (Goldsmith), 190. Editha, 191. Edmond, 190. Edward, 191. Elianora (Pateshall), 191. Emma (Thurston), 190. ; Emmat (Vavasor), 190. Emme=Ingelby, 190. Frances (Stamford), 191. Francis, 191, 217. George, 190. Gervace, 189. Grace=St. Maur, 190. Grisagar=Sutton, 189. Henry, 189. Humphry, 191. James. 190. Jocosa (Fitz Arches), 190. Jocosa (Langton), 189. Johanna (Jance), 191. John, 189, 190, 191. Sir John, 191. Joice=Felton, 190. Jonas, 189. Jone (BaskervUe), 189. Judith (Hacket), 189. Judith=Mounson, 189. Julian (Hunston), 190. Julian (Stokes), 191. Katherin=Burton, 191. Katherina= Stanton, 189. Margaret (Littleton), 191. Margaret (St. Pier), 190. Maria (Blewet), 190. Maria (Cheeke), 189. Maria=Fisher, 191, 217. Maria=Kendall, 191. Maria, 191. Marian (Lambert), 190. Marian, (Louther), 189. Mary=Swinfen, 191. Mathew, 189. Mawde (Cotton), 191. Phillip, 191. Rachell=Pointz, 189. Rachell=Stainton, 189. Radulph, 189, 190. Riohard, 191. ' INDEX OF NAMES. 451 RE PINGTON -continued. Sir Richard, 189. Robert, 191. Roger, 189, 190. Rosa=Blinkensop, 190. Simon, 189. Susanna (Scroope), 189. Thomas, 189, 190, 191. Thomazine (Bredsall), 189. William, 190, 191. — (Bouth), 189. — =Camais, 190. —(Purifoy), 191. Repps, Audry=Repington, 190. John, 190. Rersby, Adam, 190. Albreda (Repington), 190. Revell, John, 35. Mary (Cumb'ford), 35. REYNOLDS, 242, 243. Anna, 243. Elizabetha=? 243. Francisca (Bois de), 243. Francesca, 243. Hugo, 243. Jana=Fetherston, 243. Jocosa (Blount), 243. Jocosa (Pace), 243. Johanna (SanquiU), 243. Margareta (Gower). 243. Thomas, 243. Walter, 243. William, 243. Rich, Elianora=Percy, 284. Elizab.=Peyton, 381. Katherin=Marrowe, 69. Penelope (Devereux), 280. Robert, Lord, 280. Richard, 381. Richard, Lord, 284. Thomas, 69. Richards, Alice (Terry), 159. Thomas, 159. Richardson, Canan, 139. Elizabetha, 151. Maria (Turner), 151 . Thomas, 151. —(Herbert), 139. Ridge, Elizab.=Travell, 409. Ridgley, — =Harman, 105. RUand, John, 225. Maria (Canning), 225. Riley, Timothy, 225. Ursula (Canning), 225. Rippes, Isabell=Feldinge, 12. Rise, Margaret (Abbetott de), 136. Margaret=Clare, 136. Simon, 136. Thomas, 136. Risley, Brigetta=Andrew, 50. Hugh, 392. Lucy=Massey, 392. Lucy (Morley), 392. Robertes, Anna=Perkins, 281. Julianna=Clarke, 199. WUiiam, 269, 281. — =Dilke, 269. Roberts, Isabella (Lunsford), 85. Roberts — continued. Stephen, 369. — =Dalby, 369. Robins, Jocosa Colles), 247. Johanna (Fulwood), 238. Margareta (Woodward), 227. Richard, 185. Roland, 227. Silvester, 247. Robinson,Anna(Andrewes),395.Roche, Jams, 93. Ursula (Trussell), 93. Rochford, Annab'ell (Reping ton), 189, John, 189. Rockley, Thomazine=Feldinge, Rocliff, Edward, 221. Henry, 221. Johanna=Palmer, 221. Rodburne alias Arden, Joane= Catesby, 125. William, 125. Rodney, Margaret = Burdett, 27, 101. Body, Beatrix— Hugford, 337. Joane=Brome, 97. Thomas, 97. William, 337. Roe, William, 183. ROGERS, 201. Andrew, 379. Anna (Ward), 201, 275. Elizab. (WUlmore), 135, 201. George, 201. Henry, 135, 201. Jana (Thornton), 201. Johanna (Willmore), 201. Johanna, 201. Katherina=:Horne, 201. Katherina, 201. Maria^=Basworth, 201. Lady Maria (Seamour),379. Milicenta=Masters, 201. Peter, 201. Susanna=Smith, 201. Thomas, 201. Timothy, 201, Rogers, Alexander, 183. Rookewoode, Cicely (Peiton), 380. Henry, 380. Roose, Margaret = Carington, 71. Sir Robert, 71. Rossus, John, 176. Rous, Margaret (Throgmorton), 87. — ^Woodward, 19, 227. Rowdon, Marie (Bussell), 140. Richard, 140. ROWLET or ROWLATT, 13. Dorithy (Bowles), 13. Joane (Knight), 13. Margaret=Maynard, 13. Ralph, 13. Sir Ralph, 13, 67. Suzanne=Skepwith, 13. ROWLET— continued. Ursula=Goodeer, 13, 67. —(Cooke), 13. — =Jennings, 13. — =Lathom, 13. Rowley, Martha=Ward, 275. Thomas, 275. —(Underhill), 276. Rowling, Alianora=Clerke,199. Peter, 199. Rowney, Anna (Canning), 225. Thomas, 225. Rowse, Edward, 222. Elianora=Palmer, 222. Roxley, Isabella=Woodchurch, 199. Sir Robert, 199. Roydon, Elizabeth (Verney), 25. Rubrough, John, 210. Prudentia (Hales), 210. Rudhall, Francisca — Wood ward, 119, 227. Ruding, Elizab.=Butler, 357. Rudinge, Jane (Colles), 247. RUGELEY of DUNTON, 152, 153. Alice=Brasbridge, 9. Anthony, 9. Editha=Thicknes, 153. Editha=(Waldiffe), 153. Jane (Massey), 153. Joane (Botiler), 153. Jocosa (Sheldon), 153. John, 153. Nicholas, 153. Lettice (Knowles), 153. Rapp, 153. Rebogia (Rugeley), 153. Rowland, 153. Thomas, 153. William, 153. RUGELEY of WARWICK, 228, 229. Alicia (Day), 229. Anna, 229. Francisca=Sanders, 229. Isabella (Hobday), 229. Isabella (Upton), 229. Jacob, 229. John, 203, 229. Maria (Beaufo), 203, 229. Nicholas, 229. Roland, 229. Thomas, 229. Ursula=Spicer, 229. William, 229. Rugeley, Anne (Gregory), 156. John, 183. Samwell, 156. Rumney, Elizab. (Colles), 247. Russell, Alice=Court'ey, 11. Elianor=Elys, 11. Elizab. (Spencer), 285. Elizab. (Throgmorton), 87 Elizabeth (Sheldon), 3. Sir John, 3. Sir Thomas, 285. Sir William, 11. RUTTER, 234, 235. Anna (Emmot), 285. 452 INDEX OF NAMES. RUTTER— continued. Anna (Hodges), 235. Anna=Horsman, 235. Anna (Lingan), 235. Anna=Timmes, 235. Elizab.=Bouker, 235. Elizab. =Horne, 235. Isabella=Overberie, 235. Joane (Bouker), 236. John, 235. Juliana=Hacket, 235. Margaret (Bolton), 236. Maria=Bird, 235. Maria (Freeman), 235. Maria=Hill, 235. Maria (Ladbrooke), 235. Michaell, 235. Nicholas, 235. Richard. 235. Sara (—?—), 235. Thomas, 235. Ursula=Price, 235. Ursula, 235. William, 235. —(Freeman), 235. —(Palmer), 235. Rutter, Thomas, 185. SACHEVERELL, 390, 391, 392, 393. AbigaU=Pakington, 393. Amia (Padley), 391. Anna (Leeche), 391. Anna, 393. Dorithie (Davers), 115. Elizab.=Francis, 392. Elizab. (Pierpoint), 393. Ferdinand, 393. Francis, 393. Henry, 391, 392, 393. Sir Henry, 392. Isabella (Montgomerie), 392. Jacinth, 393. Jane (Statham), 392. John, 391, 392, 393. Jonathan, 393. Katherina = Babington, 392. Lucia (Hastinges), 393. Margareta=Jervaice, 393. Maria (Astell), 393. Maria=Chaworth, 392. Marta=Danvers, 393. Nicholaus, 393. Oliver, 392. Parnell (Foliamby), 391. Patrick, 391. Radulph, 391, 393. Richard, 392. Robert, 391, 392. Thomas, 392. Valence, 393. William, 391, 392. — =Booth, 392. — (Bradborne), 393. — (Brelsford), 391. — (Curson), 391. — (Dewins), 391. -(Eyre), 391. SACHEVERELL— continued. — =Findem, 392. — (FitzHerbert), 393. —(Harper), 393. — (Hartell), 391. — (Hopwell), 391. —(Hungerford), 392. —(Langford), 391. —(Lowe), 392. — (Lumley), 391. — (Oker), 391. — =Slurrey, 392. —(Snitterton), 391. —(Sutton), 391. —(Vernon), 391. Sackville, John, 85. Mary=rLunsford, 85. SADLER, 338, 339. Alicia (Jeb), 339. Alicia (Vincent), 339. Anna, 339. Catherina (Drought), 339. Edward, 339, Elizab.=Holbeech, 351. Elizabetha, 339. James, 339. Jana=Horsey, 339. John, 339. Maria (Samuell), 339. Montague, 339. Richard, 339. Robert, 339. Susanna (Taylor), 339. Theodore, 339. Thomas, 339, 351. Walter, 339. William, 339. —(Butler), 339. —(Taylor), 339. Sadler, John, 412. Margareta = Kempston, 412. St. Amon, Ada (Despensor), 283. Lord, 283. St. Barby, Margery (Gray), 43. Richard, 43. St. German, Galfrid, 78. Joane (Allesley), 78. John, 78. — =Agard, 78. —(Grevill), 78. St. Hellena, Christiana=Arden, 178. St. John, Anne=Corbett, 63. Oliver, Lord, 63. St. Lees, Alice (Gaunt), 55. Simon, 65. Simon, E. of North, 55. St. Maur, Grace (Repington), 190. John, 190. St. Peter, Agnes=Brayles, 91. Isabell (Trussell), 91. Joane (Acton), 91. Sir John, 91. Urianus, 91. St. Pier, Helena=Palmer, 221, John, 190. Margaret=Repington, 190. St. Pier — continued. Urianus, 221. St. Quinton, Dorithy (Gruffeth), Gabrill, 15. Sir William, 15. SALSO, MARISCO, 140. AUce (Bellocampo), 140. Alice=Braye, 140. Henry, 140. Hugh, 140. Juleana (Braly), 140. Katherin = Bushell, 139, 140. Peter. 140. Sir Walter, 140. Sir William, 140. William, 139. —(Arden), 140. Salte, Elizabeth (Stockley), 61. Richard, 61. Salter, Dorothea (Hanslap), 257. Salvay, Susan (Underhill), 31. Sambach, Anthony, 412. Jana=Kempston, 412. Maria=: Canning,' 225. William, 225. Sambume, Blanch (Burdett), 101. Sampson, Adam, 41, 297. Margaret = Dixwell, 41, 297. Samuell, Francis, 339. Maria=Sadler, 339. Maria (Verney), 25. Sir Richard, 25. Sir William, 339. Sandbach, Anthony, 175. Eliza ?=Hobilday, 175. Sanders, Edward, 123, 183. Elizabeth (Marowe), 69. Francisca (Rugeley), 229. John, 69. Margery (Englefeld), 123. Mary=Morgan, 123. Thomas, 67, 229. — =Godier, 67. Sanderson, Grace = Hopkins, 146. Isabell (Foxe), 146. John, 146. Thomas, 146. Sandes, Elizabeth = Forster, 133. WilUam, Lord, 133. Sandford, Elizabeth (Griffin), 167. Sandon, — =Stratham, 392. SanguiU, Johanna=Reynolds, 243. Sapcott. Elizab.=Burnaby, 146. Sapir, Sir John, 136. Sibell (—7—), 136. SAUNDERS, 370, 371. Abra=Waller, 371. Anna (Brasbridge), 371. Anna=Gilbert, 371. Anna, 371. Constancia= Waller, 371. Dorothea=Adams, 371. INDEX OF NAMES. 453 SAUNDERS— continued. Edward, 371. Elizab. (Foxley), 371. Elizab. (Purifoy), 371. Elizab.=Purifoy, 265. Elizab., 371. Francis, 371. Humphredus, 371. John, 371. Lawrence, 371. Libius, 371. Margareta (Booty), 371. Maria=Tompson, 371. Michaell, 371. Nicholas, 371. Richard, 371. Robert, 371. Roger, 371. Thomas, 371. Thomazin (Turner), 371. Timothy, 371. WilUam, 371. -(Lago), 371. Saunders, Elizabeth = Belcher, 65. Maria=Barker, 361. Savag, Anne (Sheldon), 3, 21. Francis, 21. Mary, 3. William, 3. Savage, Anne=Daston, 3, 21. Francis, 21. Sir Galfrid, 178. Lectuca (Arden), 178. Maria=Combe, 291. ScarshuU, Catherin=Cotesford, 77. Sir WUliam, 77. Scarsmith, Margareta=Grosve- neur, 387. Richard, 387. Scot, -^=Clarke, 200. Scott, John, 186. Scroope, Richard. 189. Susanna=Repington, 189. Scudamore, Agnes (White), 153. Anna (Middlemore), 333. Joanna=Devereux), 279. John, 279. Thomas, 123. Seamour, Lady Mary=Peiton, 379. Edward, D. of Somerset, 379. Seaney, Anna (Wheate), 193. WUliam, 193. Seddall, Agnes (Clarke), 17. Richard, 17. Sedenhall, Joane = Fulwood, 237. John, 237. Sedney, — =Harman, 105. Seffington, Sir WilUam, 411. SEGINTON, 249. Agneta (—?—), 249. Elizab. (—?—), 249. Galfrid, 249. Gerard, 249. Jocosa=Nicholls, 249. John, 249. SEGINTON— continued. Margareta (Ward le), 249. Nicholas, 249. Robert, 249. William, 249. Segrave, Henry, 155. Isabell=Gregory, 155. Richard, 155. Seimour, Edward, Duke of Somerset, 399. Elizab.=Knightley, 399. Seiton, Anne=Catesby, 127. Everard, 127. SERGEANT, or SERGIANT, 211. AUcia (Barnesdale), 211. Anna (Pettye), 245. Euina, =7 211. Francis (Bagnall), 211. Francisca, 211. Johanna, 211. John, 211. Katherin (Trie), 211. Nicholas, 211. Thomas, 211, 245. WilUam, 211. Setterthwait, Richard, 389. Sara (Langham), 389. Sewall, Elizabetha, 327. Margareta, 327. Maria (Dugdale), 327. Maria, 327. Richard, 327. Seymore, Aleanora = Ashfield, 165. Elizabeth (Throgmorton), 87. Seyton, Jane (Bellers), 17. Thomas, 17. Shakerley, Elizab. (Peto), 173. Emma (Grosveneur), 385. Peter, 385. Shakespeare, Thomas, 183. Shalwen, Margaret (Middle- more), 333. Sharp, Richard, 186. Shaw, Julian, 185. William,'l85, Shawell, Anna (Wagstaff), 289. William, 289. SHELDON, 2, 3. Anne=Daston, 21. Anne=Pershall, 3. Anne=l Savag, 2 Paston,3, Anne (Throgmorton), 3. Baldwine, 3. Clare=Worley, 3. Daniell, 3. Edward, 3. Elizabeth (Hawes), 405. Elizabeth (Lewson), 3. Elizabeth (Markham), 3. Elizabeth=Russell, 3. Elizabeth, 3. Emme (Throgmorton), 88. Frances=Alderford, 59, Frances=Maney, 3. Frances, 3. Frauncis, 3. Godith=Bran, 3. SHELDON— continued. Jane=Flower, 3. Jocosa=Rugeley, 163. John, 3, 59. Joye, 3. Katherin (Littleton), 59. Katherin=Plowden, 3. Katherin=Trenham, 3. Lettice=Alderford, 3, 69. Margaret (Harman), 106. Margaret=Standen, 3. Mary=Fowler, 3. Mary=Silvester, 3. Mary (WiUington), 3, 333. Morris, 3. Murell=Clare, 3, PhUlepe=Pollard, 3. Phillipe=Sulleard, 3. Phillip, 105. Raphe, 3, 83, 153, 165, Richard, 359, 105. Thomas, 3. William, 3, 21, 333, 405. — =Ashfield, 165. —(Cotton), 3, — (Hickford), 3. — =Norwood, 139. — (Rudinge), 3. Sheldon, Alicia = WoUey, 157. Hugo, 157. Shelf ord, Margareta de = Puri foy, 255. Simon, 255. Shepard, — =Kempston, 411. Shepey, Elizab., 204. Goodall, 204. Jana (Goodall), 204. Jana, 204. Johanna (Kempston), 412. Maria, 204. Thomas, 204. William, 412. Sherley, Beatrix=Brome, 97. John, 387. Sir Raph, 97. — =Grosveneur, 387. Sherwood, Margareta (Bauld wine), 377. Richard, 377. Shewell, Matilda (Home), 343. William, 343. Shilton, EUena = Perkins, 281. Thomas, 281. Shirley, Cicily (Ardren), 73. Dorothea (Devereux), 280. Elizab.=Cotton, 305. Sir George, 280. Henry, 73, 280. Shotesbrooke IsabeUa (Will- cotts), 131. Sir Robert, 131. Shrimton, Edward, 151. Elizabetha, 151. Henry, 151. John, 151. Katherina (Turner), 151. Thomas, 161. Thomazine, 151. 3 N 454 INDEX OF NAMES. SHUCKBURGH, or SHUK BROUGH, 344, 345. Alicia=Palmer, 221. Anna (Foxley), 345. Anthony, 345. Balthaza, 345. Benedick, 62. Christian (Younge), 345. Dorothea=Butler, 357. Elizab. (Arden), 74, 182, 345. Elizab. (Combes), 345. Elizab.=Greswold, 62. Elizab.=Knightley, 401. Elizab,=Stanton, 345. George, 345. Henry, 345. Isabell (Medley), 107, 345. Jana (Sidenhall), 345. Jasper, 345. Joana (Fulward), 345. Joane (Napton), 345. John, 221, 333, 344, 345, 357, 401. Margeria (Middlemore), 333, 345. Mellcher, 345. PhiUippa (Vaux), 345. Richard, 345. Symon, 74, 182, 345. Thomas, 107, 345. William, 345. —(Smith), 345. Shurt, Benedicta= Woodchurch, 199. Robert, 199. SHUTTLEWORTH, 38. Elizab. (Mottershed), 38. Jana, 38. Johanna (Wright), 38. John, 38. Lawrence, 38. Maria (Mathew), 38. Thomas, 38. William, 38. Sibthorpef Margareta= Stough ton, 141, 315. Side, Anne (Ratcliffe), 150. William, 150. Sidenhall, Catherin (Lunnell), 345. Henry, 345. Jana=Shukbrough, 345. Thomas, 345. Sidney, Francisca (Walsing- ham), 280. PhUip, 280. Silvester, Mary (Sheldon), 3. Simeon, Edward, 215. Margeria= Betham, 215. Skeffington, Anna = Ludford, 150. Katherin=Brome, 98. Thomas, 98, 160. Skelt, Elizab. (Wagstaff), 289. Francis, 289. Skepwith, Susanne (Rowlatt), 13. Thomas, 13. William, 13. Skepwith — continued. — (Brasbridg), 9. Sketton, Alicia (—1—), 385. William, 385. Skevington, Elizabeth=Brome, 98. EUzabeth=Gruffeth, 15. Sir John, 15. Mary=Cumb'ford, 35. Thomas, 98. William, 35. Skidemore,Isabell(Langley),37. Skinerton, Henry, 399. Jane=Knightley, 399. SKINNER, 294, 295. Alicia (Oldenhall), 295. Andrew, 295. Anthony, 295. Edward, 295. Elianora, 295. EUzab. (Gage), 295. Jacob, 295. Jana (Billing), 295. Maria, 295. William, 295. —(Blunt), 295. Slaughter, Anna (Clapham), 367. John, 367. Slead, — =Underhill, 31. Sloddeshall, Elizab. = Arden, 181. Richard, 181. Sloughter, Maria (Palmer), 221. Thomas, 221. Slurrey, — (Sacheverell), 392. Smart, Michaell, 185. SMITH alias CARINGTON, 71. Agnes (Harwell), 71. Anne (Markha'), 71. Anne, 71. Charles, 71. Clement, 71. Dorithy, 71. Edward, 71. Elizabeth (Brudnell), 71. Sir Francis, 71. George, 71. Henry, 71. Hugh, 71. Isabell (Tofte), 71. John, 71. Sir John, 71. Leonard, 71. Mary (Gifford), 71. Mary (Moreton), 71. Mary, 71. Nicholas, 71. Reynold, 71. Robert, 71. Thomas, 71. Ursula, 71. — (Hamond), 71. —(Wood), 71. -(-7-), 71. SMITH OF CAMPDEN, 162, 163. Anthony, 163. Daniell, 163. Elizabeth=Walsh, 163. SMITH OF CAMPDEN— con- Grisogoneda, 163. Joane (Martin), 163. Katherin (Throgmorton), 88, 161. Katherin=Tracie, 161. Lucas, 161. Maria (Elston), 161. Mary, 161. Paulus, 161. Richard, 161. SUvanus, 161. Thomas, 88, 161. Smith, Anna (Knightley), 401. Anna (Newsam), 317. Anna (Woodward), 227. Anne=Ashfeld, 165. Anne= Ashfeld, 165. Anne=Griffin, 168. Bridgett (Wigston), 38. Christopher, 78. Dorothea (Beaufo), 203. Elizab.=Raleighe, 78. Elizab. (TraveU), 409. Erasmus, 293. Frances (Griffin), 168. Francis, 185. George, 238, 345. Henry, 185, 317. Johanna=Fulwood, 238. John, 168, 201, 248, 401. Leonard, 227. Lucia=Gobard, 293. Richard, 401. Roger, 168. Ruth (Butler), 357. Susanna (Rogers), 201. Thomas, 165, 203. William, 185. — =Maio alias Nicolls,248. — =Shukburgh, 345. Smithwick, Hugo, 47. Jane (Damprecourt), 47. Snagge, EUzab. (Decons), 231. Thomas, 231. Snede, Philippa (Fulwood), 237. Snell, John, 359. Margareta (Waring alias Warren), 359. Snitterton, — = Sacheverell, 391. Snowe, William, 377. — =Bauldwine, 377. Solman, Agneta = Canninge, 225. John, 225. Matilda (Marshall le), 225. Someri, — =Alisberie, 33. Lord, 33. SOMERVILL, or SUMMER- VILL, 32, 33. Anna=Graunt, 33. Elizabeth (Corbett), 33. Elizabeth (Ferrers), 33. Elizabeth, 33. Grace, 33. Jana=CoUes, 247. Jane (Alisberie), 33. Jane=Cooles, 33. INDEX OF NAMES. 455 SOMERVILL— continued. Joane=Gruffeth, 15. John, 33. 73, 182. Margaret (Arden), 33, 73, 182. Margarett, 33. Mary (GreviU), 29, 33. Matilda (—?—), 33. Sir PhiUp, 15. Robert, 29, 33, 247. Roger, 15, 33. Thomas, 33. Walter, 33. William, 33, Sir WilUam, 33. Sonky, Margaret = Thicknes, 145. Sonor, Walter, 168. Soore, Sir John, 178. Juliana (Arden), 178. Sotherin, Agnes=Stockley, 61. Thomas, 61. SOUTH, 79. EUzab. (Holbech), 79. Jana (Kelke), 79. John, 79. Juditha, 79. Susanna=Adlard, 79. Susanna, 79. Thomas, 79. WilUam, 79, 361. Zacheus, 79. Southampton, Henry, E. of, 285. Penelope=Spencer, 285. BouthweU, Katherin = Verney, 25. Robert, 25. Sparner, Mary=Fox, 119. SPARREY, 161. Anna, 161. Catherin (Berkeley), 161. CicUey, 161. EUzab. (Betham), 161, 215. Elizab. (WeUe), 161. EUzab., 161. Francisca, 161. George, 161. John, 161, 215. Richard, 161. Susan, 161. Susanna (Maynard), 161. Thomas, 161. WiUiam, 161. Speeke, Dorithy (GUbert), 103. Dorithy=Gorges, 103. Elizabeth (Beale), 103. Elizabeth=Chedell, 103. George, 103. Hugh, 103. Speherd, Constance (Hawes), 405. Thomas, 405. SPENCER, 282, 283, 284, 285. Alicia=E. of Derby, 285. AUcia= Jeninges, 285. Alicia=Lucy, 285, 288. Ahna=Boteler, 285. Anna=Goodwin, 285. Anna = Lord Monteagle, 285. SPENCE R— continued. Anthonius, 284. Broket, 285. Dorithy=Catsby, 126. Dorothea=Spencer, 285. Edward, 284, 285. EUza=Vane, 285. Elizab.=Carye, 285. Elizab.=Culpeper, 285. Elizab.=Grevill, 29, 285. Elizab.=Russell, 285. EUinora (Brokett), 285. Sir George, 285. Henry, 284. Isabella=Cotton, 285. Isabella (Gaunt), 284. Isabella (Lincolne), 284. Isabella=Strelley, 285. Jana = Knightley, 285, 399. Jane=Bridges, 285. John, 29, 135, 284, 285. Sir John, 81, 126, 285, 399. Julian (Oliver), 79. Julian=Wylmore, 135. Katherina (Kitson), 285. Katherina=Leigh, 81, 285. Margaret= Anderson, 285. Margaret, 285. Margareta=Alington, 285. Margareta (Bowier), 285. Margareta (Branthwait), 285. Margareta (Catlin), 285. Margareta (Willoughby), 285. Maria=Bowes, 285. Maria (Cheeke), 285. Maria=DaUson), 285. Mary=Aston, 285. Matilda=Darsett, 79. Nicholas, 284. Penelope (—7—), 285. Richard, 285. Sir Richard, 285. Sir Robert, 285. Susanna (Knightley), 285. Thomas, 135, 284, 285, 288. WiUiam, 79, 284, 285. Sir WiUiam, 285. — (Anderson), 285. — (Cleere), 284. — =Colvile, 285. — (Empson), 284. — =Montague, 285. — (Pollard), 284. — (Warsted), 284. — =Woodward, 285. — (Wylmore), 135. Sperrey, Anna (Piers), 233. Daniell, 233. Spicer, Elianora=Decons, 231. Ursula (Rugeley), 229. WiUiam, 229, 231. Spineo, Elinor=Throgmorton, 87. Guido, 87. Sponer, Randolph, 186. Spret, Alicia=Travell, 67. WiUiam, 57. Sprigge, Francisca (Cocke),261. William, 261. Squire, — =Harman, 105. Stafford, Matilda de (Arden), 177. Sir Richard de, 177. Stafford, Francis, 135. Sir Humphry, 25, 309. John, 25. Margareta = Archer, 309. — (Thame), 25. — =Wylmore, 135. - (-7-), 166. Stainton, Christopher, 189. Rachell (Repington), 189. Stamford, Edward, 160. Elizab. (Cumb'ford), 35. Frances = Repington, 191, Mary=Cumbford, 35. Robert, 35. Ursula=Guibon, 160, Sir WilUam, 191. William, 35. Standen, Margaret (Sheldon), 3. William, 3. Standish, Alexander, 149. Sir Alexander, 149. Edmond, 149. Margaret (Ratcliffe), 149. Raph, 149. Stanford, PetroneUa = Cran- ford, 129. WUliam, 129. Stanhop, — =Statham, 392. Stanlaye, — =Underhill, 31. Stanley, Anna (Grosveneur), 385. Dorothie=Heningham, 35. Elianor (Lee), 23. Sir Humphry, 23. Isabell=Moyle, 23. Sir John, 7, 23, 177. John, 23. Mabell (Ardren), 23. Margaret (Cumb'ford), 35. Margaret (Gerrard), 23. Margaret (Holt), 19. Margareta = Grosveneur, 386. Margery (Davers), 115. Mary=Carles, 23. Matilda (Arden), 177. Maude=Ferrers, 7. Maude (—7—), 23. Peirs, 386. Thomas, 23, 177. William, 35, 385. Stanney, Christiana (Knight ley), 401. GiUes, 401. Stannor, Elizabeth = Griffin, Geffrie, 168. STANTON, 276, 277. Alicia, 277. Dorothea = Peiton, 277, 380. Elizab.=May, 277. Elizab. (Townesend), 277. Humphry, 281. 456 INDEX OF NAMES. STANTON— continued. Isabella (Ludford), 277. Johanna=Perkins, 281. John, 277. Katherina (Washington), 277. Maior, 277. Margareta, 277. Maria (Pudsey), 251, 277. Maria, 277. Richard, 277. Susan=Askew, 277. Thomas, 251, 277, 380. William, 277. Stanton, Elizab. (Shukbrough), 345. Hugh, 189. Katherina (Repington), 189. Reginald, 345. Stanton alias Everard, Matilda (Cumbford), 35. Staple, Thomas, 140. Ursula (Bussell), 140. Stapleton, Leonard, 56. Mary=Montford, 56. Statham, Goditha(Massey), 392. Henry, 392. Jane=Sacheverell, 392. John, 392. Thomas, 392. Sir Thomas, 392. —(Booth), 392. — (Curson), 392. —(Cornwall), 392. —(Langley), 392. —(Sandon), 392. Stathom, Katherina (Reping ton), 189. Staveley, Katherin (Reping ton), 189. Thomas, 189. Stech alias Hitch, 247. Stereton, Pamell=Brome, 97. Robert, 97. Stevens, Margareta=Randolph, 303. Steventon, Anna=Fisher, 217. WUliam, 217. Steward, Mary=Forster, 133. Stiant, Sara (Stoughton), 142. William, 142. Stirley, Anthony, 190. CkiUa (Arden), 181. Henry, 181. Rosa (Repington), 190. Stockley, Agnes (Sotherin), 61. Elizabeth=Salte, 61. Joane=Greswold, 61. John, 61. Jone (Wells), 61. Margaret (Hewet), 61. Raph, 61. Roger, 61. Thomas, 61. William, 61. Stokes, Anna (Pettye), 245. JuUan=Repington, 191. Thomas, 245. WiUiam, 191. Stone, John, 193. Margaret=Warner, 51. Sara (Chidlowe), 193. Stonell, EUzabeth (Audeley), 168. Sir John, 168. Stonley, William, 97. — =Brome, 97. Stonnor, Alice=Forster, 133. Thomas, 133. Stonor, Elizabeth, Lady (Stan- nor), 168. Katherin (Brome), 98. William, 98. STOUGHTON, 141, 142. Adrian, 142. Albany, 141. Amy, 141. Anna=Bowyer, 142. Anthony, 141, 142. Beniamin, 141. Daniell, 142. Dorothea (Brett), 141, 315. Editha, 141. Edward, 141. Elizab.=Knight, 142. Elizab. (Mustian), 141, 315. Elizab. 141. Francis, 141, 142. Galathea (Chomley), 142. George, 141. Sir George, 142. Gilbert, 141. Henry, 141. Jana (Jones), 141, 315. Jana (Cranley), 142. Jana (Garton), 142. John, 141, 142. Jonathan, 141. Lawrence, 141. Sir Lawrence, 142. Margaret (Sibthorpe), 141, 315. Maria=Gunter, 142. Nathaniell, 141. Nicholas, 142. Rosa (Jury), 142. Richard, 141. Sara=Stiant, 142. Sara= Weston, 142. Thomas, 141. Timothy, 141. WiUiam, 141. — (Beardsey), 141. =(Comes), 141. —(Fleming), 141. — (Jordaine), 142. — (Lewkenor), 141. =(Mompesson), 141, 316. STOUGHTON, of St. John's, Warwick, 314, 315. Anna, 315. Anthony, 316. Dorothea (Brett), 141, 315. Editha, 315. Elizab. (Mustion), 141, 315. Elizabetha, 315. Gilbert, 315. Jana (Jones), 141, 315. Jana, 315. STOUGHTON— continued. John, 315. Jonathan, 315. Lawrentius, 315. Margaret (Sibthorp), 141, 315. Nathaniell, 315. Thomas. 315. Timothy, 315. William, 315. — (Mompesson), 141, 315. Stoughton, Anna=Barker, 361. Elianor (Forster), 133. George, 133. Hunston. 133, Lawrence, 361. Stradling, Sir Edward, 117. Grisogona=Porter, 117. Stradlinge, Anne=Davers, 115. Sir Edward, 115. STRATFORD on AVON, Seal of, 185. Strelley, Isabell (Spencer), 285. Sir Nicholas, 285. Strete, Anna (Clopton), 110. Stretford, Maria = Randolph, 303. Strickland, — (Nevill), 293. Stringer, Abigail (Lisley), 383. Sudeley, John, 177. Margaret= Arden, 177. Sudley, Bartholomew, Lord, 55. 56. Matilda (Montford), 55, 56. Sulleard, Edward, 3. John, 3. Phillipe (Sheldon), 3. SUTTON, 78. Aleanora=AUesley, 78. Alice=Darsett, 79. Sir Gilbert, 78. Grisager (Repington), 189. Henry, 78, 189. Margaret (Peytot), 78. Thomas, 78, 79. Sir William, 78. —(Brayles), 78. — (SachevereU), 391. SUTTON COLDFIELD, Seal of, 186. SWANLAND, 39. Beatrix=Brakenberie, 39. Dionisia (—7—), 39. Elizab., 39. Joan (Ley), 39. Joane=Newdigate, 39. 'John, 39. * Katherin, 39. Mawde, 39. Nicholas, 39. Simon, 39. Sir Simon, 39. Stephen, 39. Thomas, 39. William, 39. Swetenham, EUzabeth=Thick- nes, 145. Swift, Francisca = Kempston, 411. Jaue=Gregory, 156. INDEX OF NAMES. 457 Swift — continued. Roger, 411. SwUUngton, Margaret = Feld- ing, 11. Swinerton, AUcia = Beaufo, 203. Ann=Lisley, 383. Thomas, 203, 383. Swinfen, Arthur, 327. John, 383. Elizab.=Dugdale, 327. Maria (Lisley), 383. Mary (Repington), 191. Swinford, Agnes=Raleigh, 77. Johanna (Arden), 180, 182. Sir John, 180, 182. Sir WiUiam, 77. TADLOW, 270, 271. Anna (Treene), 271. Anna, 271. Edward, 271. Henry, 271. John, 271. Lucia (Wise), 271. Lucia, 271. Nathaniell, 271. TaUor, Anna (Woodward), 227. Thomas, 227. Tallows, Anna (Lisley), 383. Tamar, EUzabeth (Langston), 21. WUliam, 21. Tamhome, Jane (—7—), 103, 397. Sir Thomas, 103, 397, Tamworth, Bridgett, 103. Colbie, 103. Dorothie (Colby), 103. EUzabeth, 103. John, 103. Katherin, 103. Tarpley, Agnes (Kempston), 411. John, 411. Tate, Elizab.=Beaufo, 203. Sir Robert, 203. Taverner, Edmond, 95. Katnerin=Raynsford, 49. Lucy (Hales), 95. Taylor, Dorothea (Wolley), 157. John, 339. Susanna= Sadler, 339. Thomas, 157, 186. — =Holbeech, 351. — =Sadler, 339. Teken, Elizabeth (Griffin), 167. Temple, Elizab.=Chawley, 303. EUzab.=Gibbes, 213. Thomas, 213. WiUiam, 303. Templer, Katherin (Newsam), 317. Thomas, 317. Teringha', Anthony, 88. Elizabeth (Throgmorton), 88. Terry, Agneta=Nuttall, 159. Alice (Gregory), 155, 159. Alice=Richards, 159. Terry — continued. Amicia=Davers, 159. Hellena=Bishop, 159, John, 155, 159. Thacker, Elizab. = Knightley, 401. Thame, Agnes (Grevill), 25. Alice (—?—), 25. Edmond, 25. Sir Edmond, 25. Sir Edward, 25. John, 25. Katherin (—?—). 25. — =Langley, 37. -(-?-), 25. THICKNESS, 144, 145, 146. Agnes=Chaloner, 145. Anne (Barber), 145. Editha (Rugeley), 145, 153. EUzabeth (Swetenham), 145. George, 145. Henry, 145. Isabell (Manwaring), 145. Isabell=Ward, 146, 153. IsabeU (Whithead), 146, 153. Jacob, 145. Joane=:Foxe, 146, 153. John, 145. Lawrence, 145. Margaret (Chaloner), 145. Margaret (Sonky), 145. Raph, 145. Richard, 145, 146, 153. Robert, 145. Rowland, 145. Thomas, 145. Ursula=Garnett, 145. Thornburge, Alice = Griffin, 167. John, 167. Thornbury, — =Goodier, 67. Thome, Mary (Wigston), 37. Nicholas, 37. — =Huggan, 37. Thornton, Anne (Wylmore), 135. Henry, 135, 201. Jana=Roger, 201. THROCKMORTON OF WOT TON, 111. Agnis (Hide), 111. Francis, 111. Sir George, 87, 111, 207. John, 111. Judith=Edwards, 111. Judith (Tracy), 111. Judith, 111. Katherin (Marrow), 69, 87, 111, 207. Katherin (Vaux), 87, 111, 207. Mabella (Corniu'), HI. Michaell, 111. Rebecca (Crampom), 1 11. Sir Robert, 87, 111, 207. Timothy, 111. Throckmorton, Johanna (Beau fo), 203. Richard, 203. THROGMORTON OF COUGHTON, 86, 87, 88, 89. Agnes (Abberbury), 87. Agnes (Wilford), 88. Agnes=Windelson, 87. Agnes, 87. Alice, 87. Amey, 88. Amphilis, 89, 207. Anne (Carew), 89. Anne=Catesby, 88, 126. Anne=Digby, 17, 88. Anne, 87, 89. Anthony, 87, 89. Arthur, 89. Bredget, 87. Clement, 88, 207. Constantyne, 88. Dorithy (Vernon), 89, 207. Edward, 89. Egedius, 87. Elinor (Spineo), 87. Elizab.=Russell, 87. Elizab., 88, 89. Elizabeth=Gifford, 88. Elizabeth = Goodwin, 88, 90. Elizabeth=Gruffeth, 88. Elizabeth (Hussey), 88. Elizabeth = Inglefeld, 87, 123. Elizabeth= Seymore, 87. Elizabeth=Teringha', 88. Elizabeth, 89. EUinor=Jerningha', 88. Elnor=Knightley, 87, 399. Emme=Sheldon, 88. Frances (a bredges), 89. Frances=Brereton, 88. Frances=Medley, 89, 107, 207. Frances, 89. Francis, 89. Frederick, 88. George, 88, 89. Sir George, 17, 87, 111, 163, 209. Godithon=Pett, 87. Henry, 89, 207. Hester, 88. Jane, 89, Joane, 89. Job, 89, 207. Jobe, 89. John, 87, 88, 89. Josias, 89, 207. Katherin (Marrow), 69, 87, 111, 207. Katherin (Nevill), 88, 207. Katherin=Norwood, 88. Katherin=Smith, 88, 163. Katherin (Willington), 89. Katherin=Winter, 88. Katherin (Vaux), 87, 111, 207. Katherin=7, 88. Katherin, 88, 89. Kennolm, 89, 207. Killome, 88. Margaret=Cave, 88. 458 INDEX OF NAMES. THROGMORTON OF COUGHTON— continued. MargarefcGruffeth, 88. Margaret (Olney), 87, 89. Margaret (Pulman), 89. Margaret=Rous, 87. Margaret=Tracye, 87. Margaret (Whorwood), 88. Margaret, 87, 88, 89. Margeria = Middlemore, 87, 333. Margery, 88. Marie, 88. MarpoUan, 88. Martha=Linne, 89. Martha, 89. Mary = Arden, 73, 88, 182. Mary=Burdett, 87, 101. Mary=Hubard, 88. Mary, 88. 89. Maud=?, 87. Michell, 87. Muriell (Barkly), 88. MurielL=Barkly, 88. MurieU=Tresham, 88, Mymsbery, 88, Nicholas, 89. Sir Nicholas, 89. Octaevan, 88. Raph, 88. Richard, 87. Robert, 69, 71, 87, 88, 89. Sir Robert, 73, 87, 88, 89, 101, 111, 123, 126, 182, 207. Sara, 88, 89. Simond, 87. Suzan, 88, 89. Temperance, 88. Theodor, 88. Thomas, 87. 88, 89, 333. Sir Thomas, 87. Ursula=Gifford, 71, 87. Ursula, 89. William, 87, 89. —(Barkly), 88. — (Baynham), 87. — (Bredge), 87. THROGMORTON OF HASE LEY, 206, 207. AmphUlis, 89, 207. Sir Clement, 207, 217. Dorfithea (Vernon), 89, 207. Edward, 207. Elizab. (Harecourt), 207. Elizabeth. 207. Fisher, 207. Francisca = Medley, 89, 107, 207. Sir George, 17, 87, 111, 163, 207. 209. Henry, 89, 207. Job, 89, 207. Josias, 89, 207. Juda, 207. Katherina=Harby, 207. Katherina (Marrowe), 69, 87, 111, 207. THROGMORTON OF HASE LEY — continued. Katherina (Nevill), 88, 207. Katherina=Paget, 207. Katherin (Vaux), 87, 111, 207. Kenehnus, 89, 207. Letticia (Fisher), 207, 217. Maria=Forster, 207. Martha = Linne, 89, 207. Martha, 207. MichaeU, 207. Sir Robert, 73, 87, 88, 89, 101, 111, 123, 126, 182, 207. Susanna, 207. Ursula=Bigges, 207. Throgmorton, Anne = Sheldon, 3. Sir Robert, 3. Thomas, 168. — =Griffin, 168. Thruston, Emma = Repington, 190. John, 190. Thurgood, William, 261. — (Cocke), 261. Thurland, Jana= Catesby, 142. Tickeridge, Elizab. (Gibbes), 213. Thomas, 213. Tikebrome, Margery (Harman), 105. Thomas, 105. Timmes, Anna (Rutter), 235. John, 235. Tindall, Dorothea = Peiton, 380. Sir John, 380. Tiringham, Anna = Palmer, 222. Thomas, 222. Tirrell, — =Porter, 117. Tirringham, Alicia (—?—), 113. Anthony, 217. Elizab.=Fisher,Elizab. (Travell), 409. John, 113. Joseph, 409. Tirwhett, Katherin = Gruffeth, 15. Sir Thomas, 15. Tirwhit, Martha = Colles, 247. Tofte, Isabell=Smith, 71. William, 71. Tomlyn, Mary=Willis, 311. Tompson, Golde, 371. Maria (Saunders), 371. Tomset, — =Clarke, 200. Tong, Joane (Greswold), 62. William, 62. Tonge, Dorothea (Maio alias Nicolls), 248. Francisca=Holbeech, 323. George, 248. Peter, 323. Torkenton, Lawrence, 305. MabiUa=Cotton, 305, Tottam, — =Barington, 85. Townesend, Anna = Archer, 309. Anna=Clerke, 167. EUzab.=Stanton, 277. John, 183. Maria (Everton), 301. Raphe, 183. Sir Robert, 309. Thomas, 301. Townsend, Jane=01ney, 113. Peter, 113. Tracey, Barbara (Lucy), 111, 287. Dorithye=Conwaye, 27. Sir John, 27. Tracie, Katherin (Smich), 161. Katherin, 161. SamweU, 161. Tracy, Judith=Throckmorton, 111. Margeria=Archer, 309. Sir Paule, 111. Richard, 111, 287. Tracye, Margaret (Throgmor ton), 87. William, 87. Trafford, — =Leighe, 81. Trapnell, Elizab. (White), 123. TRAVELL OF STRATFORD ON AVON, 57. Alexander, 57. Alicia (Spret), 57. Alicia, 57. Edward, 57. Henry, 57. Johanna (Trevor), 57. Johanna, 57. Juliana (Vaughan), 57. Juliana, 57. Magdalena = Ketleby, 57. Margareta (Hanmer), 67. Margareta (Plaisted), 57. Margareta, 67. Maria (Poynes), 57. Richard, 57. Robert, 57. Roland, 57. TRAVELL OF COVENTRY, 408, 409. Alicia=Harpole, 409. Alexander, 409. Beniamin, 409. Daniell, 409. Dorothea=Pywell, 409. Edward, 409. Elizab. (Barnard), 409. Elizab. (Hesket), 409. Elizab. (Holland), 409. Elizab. (Ridge), 409. Elizab.=Smith, 409. Elizab.=Tirringham, 409. Elizab., 409. Emanuell, 409. Francis, 409. George, 409. Henry, 409. Isabella=Ekins, 409. John, 409. Joseph, 409. Katherina, 409. INDEX OF NAMES. 459 TRAVELL OF COVENTRY— continued. Margareta (Leverich), 409. Maria, 409. Nathaniell, 409. Richard, 409. Robert, 409. Samuell, 409. Thomas, 409. WiUiam, 409. — (Chapman), 409. — (Haroourt), 409. Trayley, Elizabeth (—?—), 287. John, 287. Katherin=Pabenham, 287. Reignold, 287. Walter, 287. Treene, Anna=Tadlow, 271. John, 271. Trefoy, — =Hales, 210, Trenha', Katherin (Sheldon), 3. Trentham, Margeria = Gram mer, 51. Tresham, IsabeU = Catesbie, 127. MurieU (Throgmorton), 88. Sir Thomas, 88. Trevor, Edward, 57. Johanna=TraveU, 57. Trie, John, 211. Ka;herin=Sergiant, 211. Trillow, Blackett = WUlcotts, 131. Johanna=Arden, 179, 182. John, 131. Sir John, 179, 182. Trumpington, Elinor = Lucy, 287. Walter, 287. TRUSSELL, 92, 93. Addreis, 93. Alured, 93. Anne (PowtreU), 93. Anne, 93. CicUy (Curson), 93. Cicily=Kempshe, 93. Dorithie (Boughton), 93. Dorithie=Palmer, 93, 239. Edward, 93. Elizabeth (Domas), 93. EUzabeth=FreviU, 93. George, 93. Henry, 93. IsabeU=St. Peter, 91. Joane (—7—), 93. John, 93. Katherin=Peckham, 93. Katherin (Trussell), 93. Lawrence, 53. Margaret=Cappe, 93. Margaret (Fulwood), 237. Margaret=Fulwood, 237. Margaret=WatermanaZia« Dixon, 93. Mary=GUtborps, 93. Mary (Grimston), 93. MatUda (Charnells), 63. Robert, 93. Thomas, 93, 237. Ursnla=Roche, 93, TRUSSELL— continued. William, 91, 93. -(-?-), 93. — (Nellsonn), 93. Tuck, Elizab. (Clerke), 200. Richard, 200. Tudlet? Katherin (Burdett), 101. Turbervill,Isabella=Colles,247.Turchillus, 176. TURNER, 151. Anna (Fetherston), 151. Elizabeth (Bartlett), 151. Elizabeth (Davis), 151. Elizabeth (Wilcockes), 151. EUinora (Brooke), 151. Henry, 151. Jana=Mark, 161. John, 151. Katherina= Shrimton, 151. Maria=Richardson, 151. Richard, 151. Thomas, 151. Thomazine = Saunders, 371. William, 151. Turner, Margaret=Kinardsley, 103. Richard, 186. Ullenhall, Lora=Montford, 55. Umpton, Anna = Knightley, 399. Edward, 399. UNDERHILL, 30, 31. Agnes (Porter), 31. Alicia, 31. AUianora (Meddlemore), 31. Anna=Mathew, 349. Anna (Winter), 31, Anna, 31, 45. Christiana, 31. Dorithy, 45. Dorothy=Young, 31. Edward, 31, 266. Elinora, 31. Elizabeth=Ager, 31, Elizabeth=Bury, 265. Elizabeth (Congreve), 31, 45. Elizabeth=Lideat, 31. Francis, 31. Fulco, 31. George, 31. Guilford, 31. Henry, 31. Hercules, 31. Humphrey, 31. Johanna (Pourins), 31. John, 31, 45. Margareta=Piers, 233. Margarett, 45. Maria (Colles), 247. Maria=Dalby, 369. Prudence, 31. Rachell, 31. Raph, 31, Richard, 31. Robert, 31. UNDERHILL— continued. Susan=Salvay, 31. Thomas, 31, 45, 233, 275. Thome, 31. Unica, 31. Ursula (Congrave), 46. WilUam, 31, 45, 349. — (Congreve), 31. — =Harman, 105. —(Loud), 31. — =Rowley, 275. — (Slead), 31. — (Stanlaye), 31. Unett, John, 343. Margareta (Home), 343. UPTON, 228, 229. Agneta (Walden), 229. Isabella=Rugeley, 229. John, 229. Valentyne. Henry, 133. Katherine (Forster), 133. Vane, Eliza (Spencer), 285. Sir George, 285. Vaughan, Juliana=Travell, 57. Juonis, 57. Vaughton, Maria = Lingard, 347. Thomas, 347. Vaux, Katherin=Throgmorton, 87, 111, 207. Nicholas, 345. Nicholas, Lord, 87. Ill, 207. PhUlippa = Shukbrough, 345. Vavasor, Emmat = Repington, 190. Sir Peter, 190. Veisey, Christopher, 186. Vellers, Sir George, 12. Suzane=Feldinge, 12. Venables, Anne (Gargrave), 140. Katherina (Grosveneur), 385. Thomas, 140. William, 385. — =Davenport, 373. VENOUR, 313. Auna= Wagstaff, 403, John, 313. Richard, 313, 403. Verdon, Alice (Morley), 392. Vere, John, E. of Oxon, 399. Ursula=Knightley, 399. VERNEY, 24, 25. Anna=Briton, 25. Anne=Montford, 56. Dorothy=Danvers, 25. Elian or=Grevell, 29. Elizab.=Roydon, 25. Elizab., 25. Frances (Raleigh), 77. George, 25, 288. Grevill, 25, 29. Jane (Lucey), 25, 288. Joane (Clinton), 91. John, 25. Katherina (Southwell), 25. 460 INDEX OF NAMES. VERNEY— continued. Margaret (Grevill), 25, 29. Margaret=Raleigh, 77. Maria=Samuell, 25. Radus, 29. Sir Ralph, 77. Sir Richard, 25, 29, 56, 62, 77. Sir Thomas, 25. William, 91, —(Thame), 25. —(Rawley), 25. — =Greswold, 61. Vernon, Anna=Andrewes, 395. Anne=Gray, 43. Dorithy =Throgmorton, 89, 207. Elizab. (Devereux), 280. Elizabeth=Corbett, 63. Sir Henry, 63. Joane=Montford, 56. John, 280. Juditha=Grosveneur, 388. Matilda (Grosveneur), 385. Ralph, 43, 179, 182, 385. Sir Richard, 56. Roisia=Arden, 179, 182. Thomas, 207, 396. Sir Thomas, 388. — =Sacheverell, 391. Vincent, Alicia=Sadler, 339. EUzabeth (Langham), 389. Francis, 389. Isabell=Lingard, 347. Jana= Yardley, 110. Richard, 347. Thomas, 110. Waddington, Johanna=Brad- ley, 355. Waferer, Francis, 181. Maria (Arden), 181. Waferey, Francis. 73. Mary (Ardren), 73. WAGSTAFFE OF HAR- BURY, 289. AUcia=Barker, 289. Anna (Hanslap), 257, 289. Anna=Shawell, 289. Anna=WiUis, 289. Anna, 289. Edward, 289. EUanora (Fitkin alias Earcner), 289. Elizab.=Skelt, 289. EUina, 289. Gertruda, 289. Henry, 289. John, 289. Joseph, 289. Maria=Greene, 289. Maria, 289. Richard, 257, 289. Thomas, 289. William, 289. WAGSTAFF OF WARWICK, 402, 403. Abigail, 403. Anna (Venour), 403. Anna, 403. WAGSTAFF OF WARWICK — continued. Elizab. (Fulwer), 403. Elizab., 403. Gertruda (Broome), 98, 403. Henry, 403, John, 403. Thomas, 403. Timothy, 403. Wake, EUzabeth (Catesbie), 126. John, Lord, 47. Robert, 126. • — =Damprecourt, 47. Wakehurst, IsabeUa = Wood church, 199. Richard, 199. Waks, Christian (Wigston), 38. Walden, Agneta= Upton, 229. Alicia=Boneton, 229. Hannah (Decons), 231. Johanna (—7—), 229. John, 229. Radus, 231. Waldiffe, Agnes=Burdett, 27. Editha= Rugeley, 145, 153. John, 27, 375. Waldish, Anne=Burdett, 101. Waldon, Isabell (Marrow), 69. Walford, Anne, 156. Margaret=Cranford, 129. Martha, 156. Rebecca, 156. Roger, 129. William, 185. Winifred (Gregory), 156. Walgrave, Julian (Rainsford), Sir WiUiam, 49. Walkden, Anne (Godier), 67. Walker, Anna (Kempston), 411. Henry, 185. John, 411. Waller, Abra (Saunders), 371. Constancia (Saunders), 371. Constancia, 371. George, 209. John, 371. Maria (Hardres), 209. Raph, 371. WiUiam, 371. Walles, AUce=Digbie, 17. John, 17. WaUiston, John, 215. Margareta=Betham, 215. Wallop, Elizabeth (Corbett), 63. Sir Henry, 63. Walsh, EUzabeth (Smith), 163. Walshe, — =Bishopston, 131. Walsingham, Franciscar=Deve- reux, 280. Sir Franciscus, 280. Walter, AbigaU = Hales, 95, 210 273 WUliam, 95, 210, 273. Walwin, Francis, 157. Ursula=Clerke, 157. WARD, 274, 275.' Anna (Bishop), 276. Anna=Dove, 275. Anna=Prescot, 275. Anna=Rogers, 201, 275. George, 275. Henry, 275. Humphry, 275. Jana=Anslow, 275. Joanna (Harbourne), 275. John, 275. Joyce, 275. Katherina, 275. Leticia, 275. Lucia (Harcourt), 275. Margareta=Day, 275. Margareta=Eden, 275. Maria=Fox, 275. Martha (Rowley), 275. Martha, 275. Michaell, 275. Richard, 201, 275. Rowley, 275. Thomas, 275. Walter, 275. WUliam, 275. Winifred=Fountaine, 275. -(-?-), 275. Ward, Alice=Finnes, 146. An ne= Penifather, 146. Christopher, 146, 153, 155. Elizabeth = Gregory, 146, 155. Francis, 146. Isabell (Thickness), 146, 153. John, 146. MichaeU, 146. Samwell, 146. Thomas, 146. Ward, Margareta le=Seginton, 249. Stephen, 249. Warde, Jana=Adderley, 263. Susanna (Cocke), 261. Thomas, 263. Ware, Alice dela=Montford, 65. William, Lord, 200. — , Lord, 261. WARING, 340, 341. Anna (Butler), 341. Anna (Huband), 341. Anna=Persons, 341. Anna, 341. Charles, 337, 341. Edward, 341. Elizab., 341. Ellianora=Wise, 341. Humphry, 341. Letticia (Hugford), 337, 341. Lucia, 341. Margaret, 341. Margareta (Baskervile), 341. Robert, 341. Thomas, 333, 341. WiUiam, 341. Winifrida (Middlemore), 333, 341. INDEX OF NAMES. 461 WARING, WARIN alias WARREN, 358, 359. Alicia (—?—), 359. Christopher, 359. Edward, 359. EUina (Eedes), 359. EUina, 359. John, 359. Katherina, 359. Margareta=Snell, 359. Prudence, 359. Richard, 359. Thomas, 359. William, 359. — (NethermUl), 359. WARNER, 51. Anna (Holt), 51. Anna (Lichland), 51. Anna, 51. Cressent, 51. Daniell, 51. Dorithia (Blinco), 61. Elizab. (Nason), 51. George, 51. Jana=Apletree, 61. John, 51. Julian (Cawdrie), 51. Margaret (Stone), 51. Prudence=01dnole, 61. -Richard, 51. Robert, 51. Samuell, 51. WiUiam, 51. — (Bosse), 51. Warren, Jana (Astley), 365. Katherin (Wigston). 38. Richard, 365. Sara=Ludford, 160. Thomas, 38, 150. Warsted, — =Spencer, 284. Warwick, Godmundus de, 176. WARWICK, Seal of, 183. Wase, Johanna (Knight), 219. WUliam, 219. Washbourne, Elizab., 222. Washington, Alicia (Morden), 319. Katherina=Stanton, 277. Walter, 277, 319. Wasnes, AmphilUs, 392. PhilUp, 392. Waterman alias Dixon. Mar garet (Trussell), 93. Richard, 93. Watkin, Francis, 355. Francisca=Bradley, 355. Watson, Margareta (Dixwell), 297. Wattes, Francis, 159. Isabell (Nuttall), 159. John, 159. Watton, Elizab. (Dalby), 369. William, 369. Waynman, Frances (Godier), 67. Francis. 67. Webb, Anna'=Randolph, 303. WilUam, 303. Wedgwood, Elizab.=Everton, 301. Richard, 301. Weeks, John, 37. Maude (Langley), 37. Welesborowe, John, 255. Katherina=Purifoy, 255, Welle, Elizab.=Sparrey, 161. Wellerscotte, Ellinor (Burdett), 101. Welles, Jocosa = Grosveneur, 387. John, 387. Wells, Jone=Stockley, 61. — (Gregory), 155. Welsh, Anna (Dilk), 269. Wenlock, Margaret = Darsett, 79. Roger, Lord, 79. Wentworth, Piers, 38. Suzane (Wigston), 38. — =Dilke, 269. Werley, Augustus, 53. Mary (Charnells), 53. West, Agnes (Langham), 389. Anna=Langham, 389. Anne (Holt), 19. Edward, 19. Elizab. (Cocke), 261. EUzab. (Ludford), 150. Sir George, 200. Margareta=Clarke, 200. Robert, 261, 389. Thomas, 160, 389. — =Goodier, 67. — =Lucy, 288. Weston, Elizabethe (Holt), 19. Henry, 142. Sara (Stoughton), 142. — =Conwaye, 27. Wharton, Dorithie (Colby), 103. Phillip, 103. Whatley, Isabell=Brasbredge. 9. Whatton, Dorothea (Kendall), 325. William, 325. Whaverley, Elnor (Harman), 105. William, 105. WHEATE, 192, 193. Alicia=Armson, 193. Anna=Dighton, 193. Anna (Quiney), 193. Anna=Seaney, 193. Beniamin, 193. Edmond, 193. Henry, 193. Isabella=Chidlowe, 193. Isabella (Gareway), 193. Jeremie, 193. John, 193. Joseph, 193. Maria=Kempe, 193. Martha=Cruchloe, 193. Nicholas, 193. Oliver, 193. Prudence, 193. Richard, 193. Samuell, 193. 8usanna=Murdack, 193. Thomas, 193. WHEATE— continued. Thomazine, 193. William, 193. Wheeler, Humphrie, 185. Whethill, Etnma=Griffin, 167. Richard, 167. Whitbrooke, Hugo, 388. Sara (Grosveneur), 388. Whitby, Elizab. (Holbeech), 351. White, Agnes '= Scudamore, 123. Anne (Englefeld), 123. Elizab.=Trapnell, 123. Henry, 123. Jane=Ferrers, 5, 123. Jocosa=Cloville, 123. PhUlipa=Gifford, 123. Robert, 123. Sir Thomas, 5, 123. Whitgrave, Alicia = Gros veneur, 387. Robert, 387. Whithall, Ellen (Kinardsley), 103. Robert, 103. Whithead, Isabella = Mosely, 146. Isabella = Thicknes, 146, 153. John, 145, 146, 153, 373. Margaret (Passelow), 145. Sara=Davenport, 373. Whitney, Henry, 307. Johanna=Lane, 307. Whorwood, Elizabeth = Cates by, 126. Isabella (Grosveneur), 387. John, 387. Margaret = Throgmorton, 88. Owen, 126. William, 88. Whorwoode alias Harward, Anna =Canning, 225. Thomas, 225 Wickha', EUzabeth (Willcotts), 131. Sir Thomas, 131. Widicombe, Isabell de (Bus- sell), 139. Richard de, 139. Wightman, Anna (Adderley). 263. Elizab.=Eglionby, 329. William, 263. WIGSTON, 36, 37, 38. Alice=Cocksey, 37. Anne=Crofes, 38. Anne=Hugford, 38. Anne, 38. Bridgett= Smith, 38. Christian (Langley), 37. Christian=Waks, 38. Edward, 38. Elizabeth = Dabredgcourt, 37. 47. Elizabeth=Davenport, 38, Elizabeth (Peyton), 38. 380. 3 o 462 INDEX OF NAMES. WIG STON— continued. Elizabeth, 38. Frauncis, 38. Huntington, 38. Jacob, 37. John, 37. Katherin=Forster, 133. Katherin=Purifoy, 38, 255. Katherin= Warren, 38. Margaret (Croft), 38. Margaret (Davenport), 38. Mary=Thome, 37. Mary, 38. Nicholas, 37. Roger, 37, 47, 133. Suzane=Wentworth, 38. William, 37, 38. Sir William, 38, 255, 380. — (Boxfield), 37. — (Markham), 37. -(Mody), 37. —(Poultney), 37. Wikes, Elizab. (Langham),'389. Roger, 389. Wilcockes,Elizab.=Turner, 15 1 . Robert, 151. Wilcocks, (—?—), 317. WUcotts, EUzabeth (Hall), 49. Elizabeth=Rainsford, 49. John, 49. Margaret=Ashfield, 49. Thomas, 49. Wild, Dorithy (Greswold), 62. John, 62. Wilde, Edward, 335. Elizab. (Colemore), 335. Wilford, Agnes = Throgmor ton), 88. Wilkes, Hugo, 237. Margaret (Fulwood), 237. Margareta=Gibbes, 213. Wilkin, Alicia (Fulwood), 238. Theophilns, 238. Wilkins, Brigetta (Colemore), 335. John, 336. Wilkinson, Alicia (Fulwood), 238. George, 238. Willcotts, Anne = Corners, 131. Blackett (Trillow). 131. Elizabeth=Wickha', 131. Isabell=Shotesbrooke. Margaret=Beawfoe, 131. Phillipa=Bishopston, 131 William, 131. WILLIAMS, 90. Anne, 90. Eleanda, 90. John, 90. Kath. (—7—), 90. Lodov'cus, 90. Lucy, 90. Richard, 90. Robert, 90. William, 90. -(-?-), 90. Williams. Katherina = Averey, 407. WillinghaU, Elizab. = Kendall, 325. WILLINGTON, 374, 375. Alicia=Willington, 375. Alicia (Willington), 375. Alicia, 375. Anna, 375. Beniamin, 375. Content, 375. Elizab.=Aston, 375. Elizab.=Growtage, 375. Elizab., 375. Francisca, 375. George, 375. Hugo, 376. Ichabod, 375. Isabella (Litherland), 375. Jacob, 375. Jana=Younger, 376. Johanna (Nitingall), 375. John, 376. Joseph, 375. Judith, 375. Loyis, 375. Margareta (Brasbridg), 9, 375. Margareta (Cooke), 376. Maria, 375. Michaell, 375. Patiencia, 375. Prisilla, 375. Prudencia, 375. Susan, 375. Temperancia, 375. Thomas, 375. Waldiffe, 375. William. 375. —(Crow), 375. WUUngton, Alicia = Bishop, 223. Godetha=Felding. 11. John, 223. Katherin=Catsby, 126. Katherin = Throgmorton. 89. Margery=Holt, 19. Mary= Sheldon, 3. WilUam, 3, 11, 19, 29, 56, 89, 126, 339. — =Grevill, 29. —(Middlemore), 333. — =Montford, 56. — =Sheldon, 333. WILLIS, 310, 311,312. Agneta (Coles), 311. Ambrose, 311. Briget (Young), 311. Elizabeth=Knowles, 311. George, 311. Henry, 311, 312. Hester (Chamber), 311. Johanna (Jeames), 311. John, 312. Maria, 311. Mary (Tomlyn), 311. Mary, 311. Peter, 312. Richard, 311, 312. Thomas, 311, 312. William, 311, 312. WILLIS — continued. —(Blount), 311. — (Grante),311. —(Hancock). 312. —(Wright), 312. -(?-), 311. WiUis, Anna (Wagstaff), 289. Richard, 289. Willmore, Maria (Perkins), 281. Thomas, 281. Willoughby, Dorithie (Colby), 103. Dorothea=Lisiey, 383. Edward, 29, 186. Elizabeth (Beauchamp), 29. Elizabeth=Grevill, 29. Frances (Marowe), 69. Francis, 69. Sir Francis, 103. 285. Francisca=Colemore, 336. Fraunces, 103. George, 383. Henry, 335. Sir Hugh, 383. Margareta (Garnish), 279. Margareta=Spencer, 285. Robert, 29. WiUiam, Lord, 279. Wilmer, John, 185, 207. Katherina (Throckmor ton), 207. Wilson, Dorothea = Lingard, 347. Henry, 185. Joyce=Brasbredg, 9. Margaret=Burdett, 101. Thomas, 101. William, 347. Windelson, Agnes (Throgmor ton), 87. George, 399. Windsor, Ursula (Vere), 399. Windsore, Andrew Lord, 63. Anne=Oorbett, 63. Bridgett=Firrers, 5. William, Lord, 5. Winnington, Katherina (Gros veneur), 385. Richard, 385. Winson, Henry, 237. — =Fulwood, 237. Winter, Anna=Underhill, 31. Elizabeth=Brasbredg, 9. EUzabeth=Bussell, 139. George. 9. Katherin (Throgmorton), 88. Robert, 31. Roger, 139. William, 88. Winterborne, Elizabeth = Clarke, 199. WilUam, 199. Wiott, William, 185. Wirley, Charles, 65. Dorithy (Harman), 105. Emm=Belcher, 65. Humphrie, 19. John, 105. INDEX OF NAMES. 463 Wirley— continued. Katherin (Holt), 19. Thomas, 105. Wirrall, Maria=Beaufo, 203. Wise, EUianora (Waring), 341. John, 341. Lucia=Tadlow, 271. William, 271. Wisham, Anna (Palmer), 222. Stephen, 222. Wiston, Joanna=Purifoy, 255. Withwike, Maria (Peto), 173. Wittenhall, Margaret=Firrers, 5. Wolfe, Mary=Corbett, 63. Morgan, 63. WoUes, Jocosa=Goodall, 204. WOLLEY, 157. Alicia (Sheldon), 157. Dorothea=Taylor, 157. Elizab. (Edge), 157. EUzabetha, 157. Francis, 157. Jocosa (Purifoy), 157, 255. Johanna, 157. John, 157. Raph. 157. Richard, 157. Thomas, 157, 255. Wolstanus, 283. Wolverston, Anne=FrevUl, 75. Elizabeth (Fitz Raph), 75. John, 75. — =DUke, 269. Wood, Samson, 281. Winifrid (Perkins), 281. — =Smith, 71. Woodchurch, Alianora (Row ling), 199. Anketillus, 199. Anna (Harvy), 199. Benedicta (Shurt), 199. Clark, 199. Henry, 199. Isabella (Roxley), 199. Isabella (Wakehurst), 199. IsabeUa, 199. Maria=Fortescue, 199. Peter, 199. Radulph, 199. Roger, 199. Sir Simon, 199. Susanna (Clerke), 199. Thomas, 199. Woodcock, — -=Dugdale, 327. Woode, Anna=Goodall, 204. Thomas, 204. Woodhall, Elizabeth = Olney, 113. Elizabeth (Reeve), 143. Richard, 113. Woodhull, AUcia (Colles), 247. Anthony, 210. Bridgett (HaUs), 95. Fulcom, 247. Maria (Hales), 210. Wooley, Elizab. = Davenport, 373. Woodrowe, Margareta=GrevUl, 143. Woodvile, Anna = Bourchier, 279. Richard, E. of Rivers, 279. WOODWARD, QF BUTLERS MARSTON, 118, 119. Anne=Foxe, 119, 227. Elizabeth, 119. Frances (Paiot), 119, 227. John, 119. Mary=Murden, 119, 227. 319. Richard, 119. Thomas, 119, 319. —(Palmer), 119, 227. —(Rous), 119, 227. — (RudhaU), 119, 227. WOODWARD, OF AVON DASSET, 226, 227. Alicia=Bishop, 223, 227. Alicia=Dalby, 227, 369. Anna=Fox, 119, 227. Anna= Smith, 227. Anna=Taylor, 227. EUzabetha (Palmer), 119, 227. Frances (Paiot), 119, 227. Francisca (Rudhall), 119, 227. Isabella (Blenco), 227. Isabella, 227. John, 227, 369. Margareta=Robins, 227. Maria=Handes, 227. Maria=Morden, 119, 227, 319. Richard, 227. Susanna, 227. Thomas, 223, 227, 319. Ursula=Davies, 227. W illiam, 227. —(Rouse), 119, 227. Woodward, Alicia = Fulwood, 287. Edmond, 137. Elianor (Alderford), 59. John, 59, 137, 237. Sir John, 285. PetroneUa (Clinton), 137. —(Spencer), 285. Worceley, Elizabeth (Bough ton), 83. Sir Richard, 83. Worley, Clare (Sheldon), 3. Cornelius, 3. Worseley, Affabell=Repington, 189. Sir Robert, 189. Wortley, Elizab.=Goodall, 204. Francis, 204. Wotton, Margaret = Medley, 107. Sir Robert, 107. Wren, John, 67. — =Godier, 67. Wrey, Elizabeth (Feldinge), 11. John, 11. Wright, Gertrude (Grosveneur), 388. Johanna = Shuttleworth, 38. Wright — continued. John, 281. Maria= Perkins, 281. — =Willis, 312. Wriothesley, Thomas, 240, 408. Wroth, Jane (Hault), 67. Robert, 67. Wrothesley, Sir Hugo, 280. Margareta (Devereux), 280. Wroughton, Anna (Gibbes),213. Gertruda=Gibbes, 213. Sir George, 213. Sir Thomas, 213. Wye, Anthony, 222. Elizab.=Palmer, 222. WYLMER, 134, 135. Ann=Thornton, 136. Anne, 135. Audria, 135. Dorithy=Lavender, 136. Dorithy, 135. Elizabeth (Browne), 135. Elizabeth (Higenson), 135. Elizabeth = Rogers, 135, 201. Elizabeth, 135. Joane=Huckpole, 135. Johanua=Rogers, 201. John, 135. Julian (Spencer), 135. Mary=Crowe, 135. Mary, 135. Peter, 135. Richard, 135, 201. Robert, 135. Samuell, 135. Thomas, 135. William, 135, 201. Winifred (Fitz Harbert), 135. — (Godier), 136. — =.-Spencer, 135. — (Stafford), 135. Wysam, Anne (Daston), 21. Anthony, 21. George, 21. WilUam, 21. WYTTLEBURY, 120, 121. Albert, 121. Anne (Catesby), 121, 126. Isabell=Plessington, 121. John, 121. Matilda (Poynton), 121. Richard, 121. Sir Robert, 121, 126. Thomas, 121. YARDLEY, 110. Amicia (Harman). 110. Anna (Bennet), 110. Anna (Harman), 110. Arthur, 110. Christopher, 110. Jana (Vincent), 110. Jocosa=Fulwood, 110, 237. John, 105, 110, 237. Kenelm, 110, 186. Margareta (Guibon), 110. Margareta=Corbin, 110. Mathew, 110. 464 INDEX OF NAMES. YARDLEY- Raphe, 110. Thomas, 110. William, 110. Yardley, Richard, 183. YATE, Carolus, 362, 363. Cicilia (King), 363. EUzab. (Hunt), 363. John, 363. Richard; 363. Thomas, 363. WiUiam, 363. Yaxley— =Holbeech, 323. Yonge, Alice=Marow, 69. Henry, 69. Margery (—7—), 69. Richard. 69. Robert, 69. Young, Briget=Willis, 311. Dorothy (UnderhiU), 31. William, 311. Younge, Christiana = Shuk brough, 345. Elizab.=Newdigate, 39. Younge — c Elizab. (Averey), 407. Sir John, 39. Younger, Jana (WiUington), 375. WiUiam, 375. Zouch, Margaret=Catesby, 126. 131. Margarett=Gruffeth, 15. WUliam, Lord, 126. Seal and autograph of John Fetherston of Packwood, Esq. Married first, 13th October, 1624, to Isabell, daughter of John Woodward, Esq., of Butlers Marston (p. 119), by Dorothy, sister of Sir William Skipwith, Kt. of Cotes, co. Leicester, died 20th March, 1640 ; secondly, 14th Feb. 1642, to Isabell (p. 227), daughter of John Woodward of Avon Dassett, by Isabell, dau. of John Blencowe of Marston St. Laurence, co. Northants, died 17th June, 1 668. From a deed of assign ment dated 2nd of Feb. 1638. Pbihted by Mitchell and Hughes, 1A WiEDOUE Street, Losdoit. 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