Bought with the income of the Edward Wells Southworth Fund, 1915 SELECTIONS UNPUBLISHED MANUSCRIPTS COLLEGE OF ARMS AND THE BRITISH MUSEUM IIXUSTKATING THE REIGN OF MARY QUEEN OF SCOTLAND M.DXLIIL— M.DLXVIII. GLASGOW: MDCCCXXXVII. THE EDINBURGH PRINTING COMPANY. PRESENTED TO THE MAITLAND CLUB BY KIRKMAN FINLAY OF CASTLE TOWARD. THE MAITLAND CLUB, NOVEMBER, M.DCCC.XXXVI. THE EARL OF GLASGOW, [PRESIDENT.] HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS THE DUKE OF SUSSEX. ROBERT ADAM, ESQ. GLASGOW. JOHN BAIN, ESQ YOUNGER OF MORRISTON. 5 ROBERT BELL, ESQ. ADVOCATE. SIR DAVID HUNTER BLAIR, BART. BERIAH BOTFIELD, ESQ. OF NORTON HALL. SIR THOMAS MACDOUGALL BRISBANE, BART. K.C.B. WALTER BUCHANAN, ESQ. OF SHANDON LODGE. 10 THE MOST HONOURABLE THE MARQUIS OF BUTE. ALEXANDER CAMPBELL, ESQ. OF BARNHILL. ARCHIBALD CAMPBELL, ESQ. OF BLYTHSWOOD. THE RIGHT HONOURABLE LORD JOHN CAMPBELL. JOHN DONALD CARRICK, ESQ. KILMARNOCK. 15 THE HONOURABLE LORD COCKBURN. J. T. GIBSON CRAIG, ESQ. W.S. EDINBURGH. JAMES DENNISTOUN, ESQ. OF DENNISTOUN. JAMES DOBIE, ESQ. BEITH. RICHARD DUNCAN, ESQ. [TREASURER,] GLASGOW. THE MAITLAND CLUB. 20 WILLIAM JAMES DUNCAN, ESQ. LONDON. JAMES DUNLOP, ESQ. W.S. EDINBURGH. JOHN DUNLOP, ESQ, OF DUNLOP, M.P. JAMES EWING, ESQ. OF LEVENSIDE, LL.D. KIRKMAN FINLAY, ESQ. OF CASTLE TOWARD. 25 THE REV. WILLIAM FLEMING, D.D. PROFESSOR OF ORIENTAL LANGUAGES, UNIVERSITY OF GLASGOW. WILLIAM MALCOLM FLEMING, ESQ. OF BARROCHAN. JOHN FULLERTON, ESQ. OF OVERTON. JOHN BLACK GRACIE, ESQ. W.S. EDINBURGH. RIGHT HONOURABLE THOMAS GRENVILLE. 30 JAMES HILL, ESQ. OF ROWMORE. LAURENCE HILL, ESQ. OF BARLANERK, LL.B. GEORGE HOUSTOUN, ESQ. YOUNGER OF JOHNSTONE. JAMES IVORY, ESQ. ADVOCATE. JOHN KERR, ESQ. GLASGOW. 35 ROBERT ALEXANDER KIDSTON, ESQ. GLASGOW. GEORGE RITCHIE KINLOCH, ESQ. EDINBURGH. JOHN GIBSON LOCKHART, ESQ. LL.D. LONDON. ALEXANDER MACDONALD, ESQ. EDINBURGH. WILLIAM MACDOWALL, ESQ OF GARTHLAND, [VICE PRESIDENT.] 40 THE VERY REV. DUNCAN MACFARLAN, D.D. PRINCIPAL OF THE UNIVER SITY OF GLASGOW. ANDREW MACGEORGE, ESQ. GLASGOW. ALEXANDER MACGRIGOR, ESQ. OF KERNOCK. DONALD MACINTYRE, ESQ. GLASGOW. JOHN WHITEFOORD MACKENZIE, ESQ. W.S. EDINBURGH. 45 GEORGE MACINTOSH, ESQ. YOUNGER OF CROSSBASKET. ALEXANDER MACNEILL, ESQ. ADVOCATE. JAMES MAIDMENT, ESQ. ADVOCATE. THOMAS MAITLAND, ESQ. YOUNGER OF DUNDRENNAN, ADVOCATE. THE MAITLAND CLUB. WILLIAM MEIKLEHAM, ESQ. GLASGOW. 50 WILLIAM HENRY MILLER, ESQ. OF CRAIGENTINNY, M.P. WILLIAM MURE, ESQ. OF CALDWELL. ALEXANDER OSWALD, ESQ. OF CHRIST'S CHURCH COLLEGE, OXFORD. JOHN MACMICHAN PAGAN, ESQ. M.D. GLASGOW. WILLIAM PATRICK, ESQ. OF ROUGHWOOD. 55 EDWARD PIPER, ESQ. OF EASTCRAIGS. ROBERT PITCAIRN, ESQ W.S. EDINBURGH. JAMES CORBETT PORTERFIELD, ESQ. OF PORTERFIELD. HAMILTON PYPER, ESQ. ADVOCATE. PHILIP ANSTRUTHER RAMSAY, ESQ. EDINBURGH. 60 JOHN RICHARDSON, ESQ. LL.B. LONDON. WILLIAM ROBERTSON, ESQ. GLASGOW. ANDREW RUTHERFURD, ESQ. ADVOCATE. JAMES SMITH, ESQ. OF JORDANHlLL* JOHN SMITH, ESQ. OF SWINDRIDGEMUIR. 65 JOHN SMITH, YGST., ESQ. OF CRUTHERLAND, [SECRETARY.] WILLIAM SMITH, ESQ. OF CARBETH GUTHRIE. MOSES STEVEN, ESQ. OF POLMADIE, ADVOCATE. DUNCAN STEWART, ESQ. EDINBURGH. SIR MICHAEL SHAW STEWART, BART. M.P. 70 JOHN SHAW STEWART, ESQ. ADVOCATE. SYLVESTER DOUGLAS STIRLING, ESQ. OF GLENBERVIE. JOHN STRANG, ESQ. GLASGOW. THOMAS THOMSON, ESQ. ADVOCATE. WILLIAM B. D. D. TURNBULL, ESQ. ADVOCATE. 75 PATRICK FRASER TYTLER, ESQ ADVOCATE. ADAM URQUHART, ESQ. ADVOCATE. SIR PATRICK WALKER OF COATES, KNIGHT. WILSON DOBIE WILSON, ESQ. ADVOCATE. PREFACE. The present volume contains a selection of Letters and Papers, as well public as private, which serve to illustrate the History of the Reign of Mary Queen of Scots, from her accession to the throne until her flight into England. In forming this selection, the Editor has not been influenced by any prejudices whatsoever ; his sole aim has been to collect such documents as tend to throw light upon a period of history, which, from the party spirit with which it has been discussed, may be said to be as obscure as it is interesting. An admirer of the talents of Elizabeth and Cecil, he admits that, as far as developed in the ensuing pages, they were almost uniformly employed in the gratification of a selfish spirit of aggrandizement ; no less an admirer of the genius and accom plishments of Mary, he regrets that her genius and accomplish ments were unable to counteract a feminine caprice, to which she was willing to sacrifice her own reputation and the interests of her country. No paper has been rejected by him because it might happen to contain statements inimical to the theories or subver sive of the sentiments of the apologists or antagonists of either princess; and it is therefore not improbable that the present b x PREFACE. volume contains matter upon which a fairer estimate of the cha racter of each may be formed, than is to be attained from the preju diced works of Anderson or of Goodall, of Laing or of Chalmers, To examine into the statements conveyed in these letters, to test their accuracy, and to institute a comparison between them and other authorities, is fortunately not the duty of the Editor. When the Historian of Scotland shall arrive at this period of his labours, equally interesting with any which have preceded it, .cer tainly more interesting than any which will follow, the value which the Editor is induced to attach to the ensuing pages may appear not to have been overrated. And if, after the publication of a History of Queen Mary, written by one admitted into the con fidence of Burghley and Maitland, of Randolph and Throckmor ton, the real character of that " most unhappy of an unhappy race," shall continue undefined, we may justly despair of ever seeing it freed from the obscurity in which it has been enve loped by prejudice and fanaticism. The Papers here printed are taken from the immense mass of documents deposited in the valuable Library of the College of Arms and in the British Museum. The following extract from Lodge's preface to his " Illustrations of British History," a work compiled entirely from the Talbot Papers, will show the general character of these important volumes, and how they came into their present repository.* * 3 vols. 4to, London, 1791 ; Preface, p. vii. PREFACE. xi " The manuscripts distinguished by the title ' Talbot Papers,' were extracted from fifteen volumes, which are preserved in the Library of the College of Arms, to which they were given, with many others of singular curiosity, by Henry, sixth Duke of Nor folk of the Howards. They contain upwards of six thousand original letters, to, or from, the fourth, fifth, sixth, and seventh Earls of Shrewsbury; besides many other valuable public papers, which are foreign from the intention of this work, such as royal surveys, muster-rolls of several of the Midland Counties, abbey leases, and other topographical matters of importance. The Chapter books of the College are nearly silent with respect to this splendid gift, and we must have contented ourselves with merely knowing that the collection still existed there, but for a manu script, with the loan of which his Grace the Duke of Roxburghe* lately honoured the Editor. It consists of transcripts from seve ral of the Talbot Papers, and was probably once the property of the laborious Mr Strype, as extracts from some of the letters con tained in it are to be found scattered in his various works, and may perhaps be occasionally recognized by the reader of the fol lowing sheets. Two memorandums which appear at the begin ning of the book afford us as much intelligence as the subject requires. ' I dob humbly desire those that will take the paines to read over or peruse these ' copies of letters following, in respect of my age, and the weaknesse of eyesight, to ' pardon the badd writeing, and correct and amend the faults, errors, and mistakes ' therein. The twentieth of October, 1676. J. H. of L.' * John third Duke of Roxburghe, who died in 1804. xii PREFACE. ' The courteous reader is likewise desired to take notice, that, by the favour of ' the right honourable the earle of Norwich, I having access to the evidences of ' Sheffield Mannor, 1671, at severall tymes, from amids multitudes of waste papers, ' and the havock that mice, ratts, and wett, had made, I rescued these letters, and ' as many more as I have bound up in 15 volumes, and I have more to get bound ; ' wherby they may be perfected for the use of posterity, in my Lord Marshall's ' library, or where els his Lordship will please to dispose of them. May 14, 1677. ' N. Johnston.' " To these persons, then, we find that Henry Earl of Norwich, soon after Duke of Norfolk, committed the charge of examining and methodizing this great body of papers. The former was John Hopkinson of Lofthouse, near Wakefield, clerk of the peace for the West Biding of Yorkshire; the latter, Nathaniel Johnston, a physician at Pontefract. Both were antiquaries of some emi nence, yet the Talbot Papers are most confusedly arranged, and the dates and even the signatures are frequently mis-stated in the indorsements, which are written by Doctor Johnston." Francis Talbot, Knight of the Garter, fifth Earl of Shrewsbury, from whose Papers the selections contained in the present volume have been made, was born in the year 1500. It is unnecessary to lay before the reader an outline of the exploits of this able soldier; but it may be important to exhibit his connexion with northern affairs, to which we have to attribute the existence of so many letters in the Talbot Papers which illustrate the history of Scotland. In 1542 he accompanied the army which Henry the Eighth sent into Scotland, for the purpose of avenging the insults which, he affirmed, James the Fifth had passed upon him; an PREFACE. xiii expedition which ended in the decisive battle of Solway Moss. In the following year he commanded the rear of the English army, which, under the command of the Earl of Hertford, plun dered Leith and ravaged a considerable portion of the south-east of Scotland; and was at the same time appointed the King's Lieute nant-general in the North, an office which had been previously filled by his father. In the second year of the reign of Edward the Sixth, he was sent, as Lieutenant-general of the army, to relieve Hadding ton; and, in the same year, was constituted Justice of all the forests beyond Trent. Early in the year 1549, notwithstanding his steady adherence to the doctrines of the Church of Rome, he appears to have been admitted into the Privy Council of Edward the Sixth; and in the next year we find him styled President of his Majesty's Council in the North, an office which was confirmed to him by Queen Mary. The penetration of Elizabeth induced her to retain the Earl, notwithstanding his determined recogni tion of the Papal authority, in the number of her Privy Council, an honour which he did not long enjoy, for he died on the twenty- first of September, 1560. The matrimonial alliances of the family of Talbot contributed to the support of this connexion with the affairs of the north of England. Of the daughters of George Talbot, fourth Earl of Shrewsbury, Margaret became the wife of Henry Clifford, Knight of the Garter, first Earl of Cumberland ; Mary was married to Henry Algernon Percy, Knight of the Garter, fifth Earl of Nor thumberland; and Elizabeth to William, third Lord Dacre of xiv PREFACE. Dacre, Greystock, and Gillesland; and the wife of Francis, the fifth Earl, was Mary, daughter of Thomas fourth Lord Dacre. For permission to examine this interesting collection of papers, and to transcribe from it such as came within the scope of his subject, the Editor is indebted to the kindness of Charles George Young, Esquire, York Herald. The Cottonia.n Manuscripts,* in the British Museum, are too generally known, and too correctly appretiated, to require either * The volumes of Scottish State Papers, marked Caligula B i. to Caligula D ii. inclusive, contain nearly 4000 separate articles, which extend through about 8500 folio pages. These documents are, with very few exceptions, either originals or contemporaneous copies, and throw the most important light upon the history of Scotland, as connected with the affairs of England, from the accession of James the Fifth to the union of the Crowns in the person of James the Sixth. It has been stated by an authority entitled to the highest respect, that the documents contained in these volumes were lent by the State Paper Office to Sir Robert Cotton, the founder of the Cotton ian Library; that soon after his death in 1631, directions were issued by the Privy Council that they should be restored to their proper depository, an order which was not put into execution in consequence of the Civil Wars which soon after broke out. The value of these documents would be greatly enhanced by the formation of a descriptive catalogue of them, arranged in strictly chronological order, with a reference to the work in which such of them as may be printed are to be found. The total absence of information upon this last head has been productive of much inconvenience, much waste of time, and much unnecessary expense, many documents having been transcribed during the preparation of this volume, which, by a more extended research having been found to be previously printed, have consequently been rejected. The Editor regrets, however, to find that, although no pains were spared, one or two papers here printed have previously been given to the public. PREFACE. xv description or eulogium. They have supplied to this collection many interesting and valuable documents, and contain many more of equal importance, from which future editors may gather an abundant harvest. The Harleian and Lansdowne Collections of Manuscripts have also contributed their share to the volume; but the documents which they have supplied are neither sufficiently numerous or important to demand a specific description. Amongst the Sloane or Additional Manuscripts, are two volumes which possess considerable interest. The Sloane Ma nuscript 3199 contains a collection of letters, transcribed about a century ago, by Dr Bobert Gray, from the papers belonging to the Scottish College at Paris. The letters here printed from that volume contain much important and novel information, and derive additional interest from the fact, now too well esta blished, that the whole of the original correspondence was destroyed in the French Bevolution. For reference to these important documents, the Editor gratefully acknowledges that he is indebted to the kindness of P. F. Tytler, Esquire, to whom they had become known in the progress of a minute ex amination into the Manuscript stores of the British Museum and State Paper Office, which he instituted while collecting authentic materials for the sixth volume of his History of Scot land. The Additional Manuscript 4126 contains transcripts which were made by Dr Forbes, from documents relative to Scottish affairs during the most interesting part of Mary's reign, pre served in the State Paper Office. From this volume a copious xvi PREFACE. selection has been made. The copies which it contains have been carefully collated by Dr Forbes, and from the fidelity with which the two volumes of State Papers which he printed are executed, as well as from internal evidence, there seems little cause for regret, as far as this selection is concerned, that access was not obtained to the originals. JOSEPH STEVENSON. London, November 183G. CONTENTS. 1543. * PAGE May 2. 1. Letter from Thomas Lord Wharton, addressed to the Earl of Shrewsbury. Dat. Carlisle, 2d May [1543.] From the original in the Talbot MS. A, p. 107, 1 Dec. 3. 2. " The names of the Lordes of the Counsail att Edinburghe," [3d Dec. 1543.] From the contemporaneous copy in the Talbot MS. A, p. 367, 2 1544. Ma"y .. 3. Journal of the expedition of the Earl of Hertfort into Scotland, in May 1544. From the contemporaneous copy in the Harl. MS. 6047, fol. 58, b. 3 July 5. 4. Letter from the Lords of the Council, addressed to the Earl of Shrewsbury. Dat. Westminster, 5th July 1544. From the original in the Talbot MS. A, p. 125, 6 Aug. 6. 5. Letter from Thomas Lord Wharton, addressed to the same. Dat. Carlisle, 6th Aug. [1544.] From the original in the Talbot MS. A, p. 129, 7 Aug. .. 6. Letter from Robert Scot of Wamfray, addressed to Thomas Lord Wharton, inclosed in the preceding letter, [.. Aug. 1544.] From the original in the Talbot MS. A, p. 128, . . . . . ib. Aug. 21. 7. Letter from the Lords of the Council, addressed to the Earl of Shrewsbury. Dat. Hampton Court, 21st Aug. 1544. From the original in the Talbot MS. A, p. 133, ....... 8 Oct. 27. 8. Letter from Thomas Lord Wharton, addressed to the same. ~Dat. Carlisle, 27th Oct. [1544.] From the contemporaneous copy in the Talbot MS. A, p. 85, 9 Nov. 30. 9. Letter from John Kerr of Fernyhurst and John Ogle, addressed to the English Warden of the Middle Marches. Dat. Fernyhurst, 30th Nov. [1544.] From the contemporaneous copy in the Talbot MS. A, p. 173, . 11 Nov. 30. 10. Letter from the Lords of the Council, addressed to the Earl of Shrewsbury, the Bishop of Durham, and Sir Ralph Sadler. Dat. Westminster, 30th Nov. [1544.] From the original in the Talbot MS. A, p. 171, . ib. Dec. 1. 11. Letter from Robert Scot of Wamfray, addressed to Thomas Lord Wharton. Dat. Wamfray, [1st Dec. 1544.] From the contemporaneous copy iu the Talbot MS. A, p. 177, .... .13 Dec. 4. 12. Letter from Thomas Lord Wharton, addressed to the Earl of Shrewsbury. Dat. Carlisle, 4th Dec. 1544. From the contemporaneous copy in the Talbot MS. A, p. 175, ..... . • ib. Dec. .. 13. Letter from the Baitsones and Thomsones, addressed to Thomas Lord Whar ton, [.. Dec. 1544.] From the original (?) in the Talbot MS. A, p. 179, 15 C xviii CONTENTS. 1544. PAGE Dec. 20. 14. Letter from John Kerr, Laird of Ferneyhirst, addressed to the Earl of Shrews bury. Dat. Ferneyhirst, 20th Dec. [1544.] From the original in the Tal bot MS. P, p. 325, ..... . 16 1545. Feb. 19. 15. Letter from the Lords of the Council, addressed to Thomas Lord Wharton. Dat. Westminster, 19th Feb. 1544 £-5.] From the contemporary copy in the Talbot MS. A, p. 285, . . . . . .17 Mar. 1. 16. Letter from John Wright, addressed probably to the Earl of Shrewsbury. Dat. Alnwick, 1st Mar. 1544 [-5] From the original in the Talbot MS. A, p. 299, ........ 18 Mar. 28. 17. Anonymous letter, addressed apparently to the Earl of Shrewsbury. [Dat. 28th Mar. 1545.] From the original (?) in the Talbot MS. A, p. 417, 20 1547. Aug. 22. 18. Letter from Sir Ralph Sadler, addressed to the Earl of Shrewsbury. Dat. Berwick, 22d Aug. [1547.] From the original in the Talbot MS. B, p. 17, 21 Sept. 6. 19. Letter from the same, addressed to the same. Dat. Berwick, 6th Sept. [1547.] From the original in the Talbot MS. B, p. 27, 22 Sept. 11. 20. Letter from Sir Edward Dudley, addressed to the same. Dat. Hume Castle, 11th Sept. [1547.] From the original in the Talbot MS. B, p. 65, . 24 1548. June 21. 21. Letter from N. Boyvyle, addressed to the same. Dat. Newcastle, 21st June 1548. From the original in the Talbot MS. B, p. 103, . . ib.' Aug. 5. 22. Letter from Sir John Luttrell, addressed to the same, and to the Lord Grey of Wilton. Dat. Bourty Craig, 5th Aug. 1548. From the original in the Talbot MS. B, p. 41, . . . . . . 25 Aug. 21. 23. Letter from Thomas Lord Wharton, addressed to the same. Dat. Carlisle, 21st Aug. 1548. From the original in the Talbot MS. B, p. 89, . 27 Oct. 4. 24. Letter from William Lord Grey of Wilton, addressed to the Lord Protector] Somerset. Dat. Roxburgh, 4th Oct. 1548. From the original in the Cotton. MS. Calig. B, vii. fol. 323, ..... 29 Oct. 11. 25. Letter from Thomas Fisher, addressed to the same. Dat. Camp at the Pethes, 11th Oct. 1548. From the original in the Cotton. MS.' Calig. B, vii. fol. 325, ..... . .30 1549. July 24. 26. Letter from Sir Thomas Holcroft, addressed to the same. Dat. Camp at the [Pethes,] 24th July 1549. From the original in the Cotton. MS. Calig. B, vii. fol. 398, ...... 36 July .. 27. Fragment of a Letter from the same, addressed to the same. [,, July 1549.] From the original in the Cotton. MS. Calig. B, vii. fol. 399, . 39 Sept. 25. 28. Letter from the same, addressed to the same. Dat. Fort at Dunglass, 25th Sept. [1549.] From the original in the Cotton. MS. Calig. B, vii. fol. 486, 42 Sept. 27. 29. Letter from the same, addressed to the same. Dat. Fort at Dunglass, 27th Sept. [1549.] From the original in the Cotton. MS. Calig. B, vii. fol. 494, 47 CONTENTS. xix 1550. PAGE Feb. 23. 30. " Therle of Angus talkes and message sent to me, therle of Levenax, witht my servaunt, William Patersone, the xxiij day of Februarii 1549" [-50.] From the contemporaneous copy in the Cotton. MS. Calig. B, vii. fol. 436, 52 Mar. 11. 31. Letter from Matthew Earl of Lennox, addressed to the Earl of Northampton. Dat. 11th Mar. 1549 [-50.] From the original in the Cotton. MS. Calig. B, vii. fol. 435, ..... . . 54 1552. Nov. 1 . 32. Letter from Patrick Earl of Bothwell, addressed to the Lords of the Privy Council of England. Dat. Newcastle, 1st Nov. 1552. From the original in the Cotton. MS. Calig. B, vii. fol. 470, 55 Nov. 5. 33. Letter from Thomas Bishop, addressed to Thomas Lord Wharton. Dat. Newcastle, 5th Nov. 1552. From a copy written by Ralph Starkey in the Harl. MS. 353, fol. 125, ... . . .57 1553. Feb. .. 34. Letter from John Lord Conyers, addressed to the Earl of Shrewsbury. [.. Feb. 1553.] From the original in the Talbot MS- C, p. 129, . i 59 1555. June 26. 35. Letter from the Lords of the Council, addressed to William Lord Dacre. Dat. 26th June 1555. From the contemporaneous copy in the Talbot MS. C,p. 67, • 60 June 26. 36. Letter from the same, addressed to the Earl of Shrewsbury. Dat. Hamp ton Court, 26th June 1555. From the original in the Talbot MS. C, p. 71, 62 July 4. 37. Letter from John Lord Conyers, addressed to the same. Dat. Berwick, 4th July 1555. From the original in the Talbot MS. C, p. 75, . . 63 July 23. 38. Letter from Thomas Lord Wharton, addressed to the same. Dat. Alnwick, 23d July 1555. From the original in the Talbot MS. C, p. 91, . 65 1556. July 23. 39. Letter from Leonard Dacre, addressed to the same. Dat. Carlisle, 23d July 1556. From the original in the Talbot MS. C, p. 266, . . 66 1557. Sept. .. 40. Letter from William Swinhoe, addressed to the same. Dat. Cornhill, .. Sept. 1557. From the contemporaneous copy in the Talbot MS. D, p. 162, 67 Oct. .. 41. "jArticlesoftheprocedingesofthequeneof Scottes," [.. Oct. 1557.] From the contemporaneous copy in the Talbot MS. D, p. 197, . ¦ • 68 Oct. 25. 42. " The intellygence that Barwyke the Purcevaunt brought from Ayllmowthe from Kirkaldy, the xxvth of October," [1557.] From the contemporaneous copy in the Talbot MS. D, p. 265, 69 Nov. 10. 43. " The names of the gentlemen taken at the battaylle of Blackberrye [or Black- » atter], the xth of November 1557." From the contemporaneous copy in the Talbot MS. D, p. 278, . .... 70 1558. May 21. 44. Letter from Sir Henry Percy, addressed to the Earl of Shrewsbury. Dat. Norham, 21sl May 1558. From the original in the Talbot MS. P, p. 323, 71 PAGI xx CONTENTS. 1559. Nov. 10. 45. " Intelligence out of Scotland, 10th Nov. 1559." From the contemporaneous copy in the Cotton. MS. Calig. B, x. fol. 52, . . . .75 Nov. 17. 46. Letter from James Stewart, Prior of St Andrews, addressed to- Sir Ralph Sadler, and Sir James Croft, Knights. Dat. St Andrews, 17th Nov. 1559. From the original in the Cotton. MS. Calig. B, x. fol. 187, b. . 78 Nov. 19. 47. Letter from Henry Balnaves of Hallhill, addressed to the same. Dat. St Andrews, 19th Nov. 1559. From the original in the Cotton. MS. Calig. B, ix. fol. 82, .... ib. Dec. 21. 48. Letter from James Hamilton Earl of Arran, addressed to Sir William Cecil. Dat. Hamilton, 21st Dec. [1559.] From the original in the Cotton. MS. Calig. B, x. fol. 180, . . . . . . . 73 1560. Mar. 27. 49. Letter from Jacques de la Brosse, and Nicholas de Pelleve, Bishop of Amiens, addressed to the Cardinal of Lorrain and the Duke of Guise. Dat. Edin- burgh, 27th Mar. 1560. Ft. From the contemporaneous copy in the Cot ton. MS. Calig. B, ix. fol. 95, b. . . . . . 79 May 3. 50. Letter from Mary Queen Dowager of Scotland, addressed to M. D'Oysel, [3d May 1560.] Fr. From the contemporaneous transcript in the Cotton. MS. Calig. B, ix. fol. 98, b. .... 80 May 4. 51. List of the number of troops to be employed in the assault made upon Leith by the English. Dat. 4th May 1560. From the contemporaneous copy in the Talbot MS. E, p. 97, . . . . . . 82 Dec. 31. 52. Portion of a letter from a person unknown, addressed to Sir Robert Dudley. Dat. Orleans, 31st Dec. 1560. From an early transcript in the Harl. MS. 6990, art. 2, . . . . . . . .84 53. " Thoffice of the Treasurer of the Quene's Majestie's armye sent into Scot land to the seige of Leethe" in 1560. From a copy, made in 1588, in the Lansd. MS. 58, art. 67, . . 85 1561. June 30. 54. Letter from Sir William Cecil, addressed to Thomas Randolph. Dat. Green wich, 30th June 1561. From the original in the Harl. MS. 6990, art. 6, 89 Sept. 1. 55. Letter from Mary Queen of Scots, addressed to Queen Elizabeth. Dat. Holyroodhouse, 1st Sept. 19 Mary. From the original in the Cotton. MS. Calig. B, ix. fol. 165, . . ... 90 Oct. 5. 56. Letter from Thomas Randolph, addressed to Sir William Cecil. Dat. Edin burgh, 5th Oct. 1561. From the original in the Cotton: MS. Calig. B, ix. fol. 170, ... 91 Oct. 12. 57. Letter from the same, addressed apparently to the same. Dat. Berwick, 12th Sept. [Oct.?] 1561. From the original in the Cotton. MS. Calig. B, ix. fol. 167, . ...... 93 1562. Feb. 9. 58. Letter from Thomas Bischop, addressed to the same. Dat. 9th Feb. 1561 [-2.] From the original in the Harl. MS. 289, fol. 73, ... 97 X Nov. 30. Dec 3. 1564. Feb. 10, CONTENTS. xxi 1562. PAGE Feb- 9. 59. Memorandum, apparently in the writing of Thomas Bischop, without signa ture, address, or date ; but apparently early in 1562. From the original in the Harl. MS. 289, fol. 75, . . . .... 101 Nov. 18. 60. Letter from Thomas Randolph, addressed to Robert Lord Dudley. Dat. Edin burgh, 18th Nov. 1562. From the original, in the Cott. MS. Calig. B, ix. fol. 175, ...... 102 61. Letter from the same, addressed to Sir William Cecil. Dat. Edinburgh, 30th Nov. 1562. From the original in the Cotton. MS. Calig. B, ix. fol. 177, 105 62. Letter from the same, addressed to the same. Dat. Edinburgh, 3d Dec. 1562. From the original in the Cotton. MS. Calig. B, ix. fol. 179, . . 107 63. Letter from the Lords of Privy Council, addressed to Thomas Randolph. Dat. Winsdor, 10tfi Feb. 1563 [-4.] From the original in the Lansd. MS. no. 6, art. 18, . . ... 112 Dec. .. 64. Anonymous letter, addressed apparently to the Earl of Bedford. Without date, but written in Dec. 1564. From the contemporaneous copy, in a Scot tish hand, in the Cotton. MS. Calig. B, ix. fol. 210, . . . Ill 1565. April 3. 65. Letter from Sir John Forster, addressed apparently to the Earl of Bedford. Dat. at his house near Alnwick, 3d April 1565. From the contempora neous copy in the Cotton. MS. Calig. B, ix. fol. 230, . . 113 May 1. 66. Letter from the Lords of the Privy Council of England, addressed to Queen Mary. Dat. Westminster, 1st May 1565. From the original in the Harl. MS. 6990, art. 32, . ...... 115 67. Letter from Queen Mary, addressed to Queen Elizabeth. Dat. Perth, 14th June 1565. From Forbes' transcript in the Addit. MS. 4126, n. 3, .117 68. Letter from the Earl pf Argyll, and James Stewart, addressed to Thomas Ran dolph. Dat. Lochleven, 1st July 1565. From the original in the Cotton. MS. Calig. B, ix. fol. 236, . . . . . 118 69. Letter from Thomas Randolph, addressed to Sir William Cecil. Dat. Edin burgh, 16th July 1565. From the original in the' Cotton. MS. Calig. B, x. fol. 311, ....... ib. 70. Letter from Queen Elizabeth, addressed to Thomas Randolph. Dat. 30th July 1565. From Forbes' transcript of a copy in Cecil's hand, in the Addit. MS. 4126, n. 4, . . . . . . . 127 71. Letter from the Earl of Bedford, addressed to Sir William Cecil. Dat. Berwick, 18th Aug. 1565. From the original in the Cotton. MS. Calig. B, x. fol. 331, 128 72. Letter from Henry Lord Scrope, addressed to the same. Dat. Carlisle, 22d Aug. 1565. From the original in the Cotton. MS. Calig. B, ix. fol. 226, 131 73. Letter from Queen Mary, addressed to Thomas Randolph. Dat. Glasgow, 8th Sept. [1565.] From the contemporaneous copy in the Lansd. MS. no. 8, art. 39, . . . . . . . . 133 June 14. July 1. July 16. July 30. Aug. 18. Aug. 22. Sept. 8. xxii CONTENTS. 11565. page Sept. 24. 74. " The principall poyntes to be remembred and considered in the matter of Scotland," 18th Nov. 1564— 19th Sept 1565. Dat. Westm. 24th Sept. 1565. From the original in Cecil's hand, in the Cotton. MS. Calig. B, x. fol. 340, ...... 133 Oct. 5. 75. Letter from the Earl of Bedford, addressed to the Earl of Leicester. Dat. Alnwick, 5th Oct. 1565. From an early transcript in the Harl. MS. 787, fol. 11, ... . 145 76. Letter from Thomas Randolph, addressed to Sir William Cecil. Dat. Edinb. 16th Jan. 1565 [-6.] From the original in the Cotton. MS. Calig. B, ix. fol. 220, ...... .146 77- Letter from the same, addressed to the same. Dat. Berwick, 24th Jan. 1565 [-6.] From the original in the Cotton. MS. Calig. B, ix. fol. 216, 148 78. Letter from the same, addressed to the same. Dat. Edinburgh, 7th Feb. 1565 [-6.] From the contemporary transcript in the Cotton. MS. Calig. B, x. fol. 369, • . ... . . . . 152 79. Letter from the Earl of Bedford, addressed to the same. Dat. Berwick, 8th Feb. 1565 [-6.] From the original in the Cotton. MS. Calig. B, ix. fol. 214, 154 80. Letter from the same, addressed to the same. Dat. Berwick, 14th Feb. 1565 [-6.] From the original in the Cotton. MS. Calig. B, x. fol. 390, 156 81. Letter from Queen Elizabeth, addressed to Sir John Forster. Dat. Green wich, 7th May 1566. From the contemporaneous copy, endorsed by Cecil, in the Lansdowne MS. no. ix. art. 19, .... 159 82. Letter from the same, addressed to Thomas Randolph. Dat. Greenwich, 24th May 1566. From the original in the Lansdowne MS. no. ix. art. 20, 161 83. Letter from the Earl of Bedford, addressed to Sir William Cecil. Dat. Ber wick, 3d Aug. 1566. From the original in the Cotton. MS. Calig. B, x. fol. 380, ..... . . .163 Nov. 13. 84. Letterfrom Sir Robert Melvill, addressed to the Archbishop of Glasgow. Dat. London, 13th Nov. 1566. From Dr Gray's transcript in the Sloane MS. 3199, fol. 144, b. 166 85. " Informacione for my Lord of Bedforde, concernynge the Erie of Morton, Lorde Ruthven, and uther frendes, to be declared to the Queues Majestie of Englande, and such others as the said Lord pleseth best," [1566.] From the contemporary transcript in the Harl. MS. 289, fol. 96, . 169 1567. Feb. 18. 86. Letter from Queen Mary, addressed to the Archbishop of Glasgow. Dat. Seton, 18th Feb. 1566 [-7] From Dr Gray's transcript in the Sloane MS- 3199, fol. 133, ... . . .170 Mar. 11. 87. Letter from the Archbishop of Glasgow, addressed to Queen Mary. Dat. Paris, 11th March 1567. From Dr Gray's transcript from the Archbishop's autograph draft, in the Sloane MS. 3199, fol. 135, . . 173 1566. Jan. 16. Jan. 24, Feb. 7. Feb. 8. Feb. 14. May 7. May 24. Aug. 3. CONTENTS.- xxiii 1567. PAG* May 27. 88. Letter from Queen Mary, addressed to the Archbishop of Glasgow. Dat. Edinburgh, 27th May 1567. From Dr Gray's transcript from the original, in the Sloane MS. 3199, fol. 150, .... 176 May 27. 89. Letter from Lord Bothwell, addressed to the same. Dat. Edinburgh, 27th • May 1567- From Dr Gray's transcript from the original, in the Sloane MS. 3199, fol. 150, b. ...... 178 June 30. 90. Letter from Queen Elizabeth, addressed to Queen Mary. Dat. Richmond, 30th June 1567. From Dr Forbes' transcript from a copy in Cecil's hand, in the State Paper Office, in the Addit. MS. 4126, n. 7, . . 179 July 1. 91. Letter from Sir Nicholas Throckmorton, addressed to Sir William Cecil. From Dr Forbes' transcript from the original in his own hand in the State Paper Office, in the Addit. MS. 4126, n. 8, . . . 180 July 1. 92. Letter from Secretaiy Maitland, addressed to Sir William Cecil. Dat. Edin burgh, 1st July [1567-] From Dr Forbes' transcript from the original in his own hand in the State Paper Office, in the Addit. MS. 4126, n. 9, 182 July 2. 93. Extract of a Letter from Sir Henry Norreys, addressed to Queen Elizabeth. Dat. Poysey, 2d July 1567. From Dr Forbes' transcript from the original in his own hand in the State Paper Office, in the Addit. MS. 4126, u. 12, 184 July 2. 94. Letter from Sir Nicholas Throckmorton, addressed to Sir William Cecil. Dat. Ware, 2d July [1567-] From Dr Forbes' transcript from the original in the State Paper Office, in the Addit. MS. 4126, n. 11, . . 186 July 2. 95. Letter from the Earl of Murray, addressed to the same. Dat. Paris, 2d July [1567.] From Dr Forbes' transcript from the original in the State Paper Office, in the Addit. MS. 4126, n. 10, . . . . 187 July 3. 96. Letter from Sir Nicholas Throckmorton, addressed to Sir William Cecil. Dat. Stylton, 3d July [1567.] From Dr Forbes' transcript from the original in the State Paper Office, in the Addit. MS. 4126, n. 13, . . 188 July 6. 97. Letter from the Earl of Morton, addressed to Sir John Forster. Dat. Edin- burghe, 6th July [1567.] From Dr Foibes' transcript from the original in the State Paper Office, in the Addit. MS. 4126, n. 14, . . 189 July 7. 98. Letter from Sir Nicholas Throckmorton to Sir William Cecil. Dat. New castle, 7th July [1567.] From Dr Forbes' transcript from the original in the State Paper Office, in the Addit. MS. 4126, n. 15, . . 190 July 8. 99. Letter from Maitland of Lethington to Sir Nicholas Throckmorton. Dat. 8th July [1567.] From Dr Forbes' transcript from the original in the State Paper Office, in the Addit. MS. 4126, n. 17, . . 191 July 8. 100. Letter from Mr Heneage, addressed to Sir William Cecil. Dat. from the Courte, 8th July [1567.] From Dr Forbes' transcript from the original in the State Paper Office, in the Addit. MS. 4126, n. 16, . . 192 July 9. 101. Letter from Sir Nicholas Throckmorton, addressed to Sir William Cecil. Dat. Berwick, 9th July [1567.] From Dr Forbes' transcript from the original in the State Paper Office, in the Addit. MS. 4126, n. 18, . 193 xxiv , CONTENTS. 1567. PAGE July 10. 102. Order of the Lords against the Queen for cunzing her plate. Dat. Edinburgh, 10th July [1567-]° From Dr Gray's transcript from the original, in the Sloane MS. 3199, fol. 157, ..... 194 July 11. 103. Letter from Sir Nicholas Throckmorton, addressed to Sir Wilham Cecil. Dat. Berwick, 11th July [1567-] From Dr Forbes' transcript from the original in the State Paper Office, in the Addit. MS. 4126, n. 19, . 195 July 11. 104. Letter from the Earl of Argyle, addressed to Sir Nicholas Throckmorton. Dat. Castle Campbell, 1 1th July [1567.] From Dr Forbes' transcript from the State Paper Office, in the Addit. MS. 4126, n. 20, . . ' 196 July 12. 105. Letter from Sir Nicholas Throckmorton, addressed to Sir William Cecil. Dat. Fast Castle, 12th July [1567.] From Dr Forbes' transcript from the original in the State Paper Office, in the Addit. MS. 4126, n. 21, 197 July 12. 106. Letter from the Archbishop of St Andrews and the Abbot of Arbroath, addressed to Sir Nicholas Throckmorton. Dat. Hamilton, 12th July [1567.] From Dr Forbes' transcript from a copy by Sir Nicholas's secretary, in the State Paper Office, in the Addit. MS. 4126, n. 22, 199 July 13. 107. Letter from Mr Jenye, addressed to Sir William Cecil. Dat. Rye, 13th July [1567.] From Dr Forbes' transcript from the original in the State Paper Office, in the Addit. MS. 4126, n. 23, ... 200 July 14. 108. Letter from Queen Elizabeth, addressed to Sir Nicholas Throckmorton. Dat. 14th July [1567.] From Dr Forbes' transcript from a draft corrected by Cecil, in the State Paper Office, in the Addit. MS. 4126, n. 27, . 202 July 14. 109. Letter from Sir Nicholas Throckmorton, addressed to Queen Elizabeth. Dat. Edinburgh, 14th July [1567.] From Dr Forbes' transcript from the original in the State Paper Office, in the Addit. MS. 4126, n. 26, 203 July 14. 110. Letter from the same, addressed to the Archbishop of St Andrew's and the Abbot of Arbroath. Dat. Edinburgh, 14th July [1567.] From Dr Forbes' transcript from a copy written by Sir Nicholas' secretary, in the State Paper Office, in the Addit. MS. 4126, n. 25, . . 209 July 14. HI- Letter from the same to the Earl of Argyle. Dat. Edinburgh, 14th July [1567.] From Dr Forbes' transcript from a copy written by Sir Nicholas' secretary, in the State Paper Office, in the Addit. MS. 4126, n. 24, . . . .210 July 14. 112- Letter from the same, addressed to Sir Wilham Cecil. Dat. Edinburgh, 14th July [1567- ] From Dr Forbes' transcript from the autograph original in the State Paper Office, in the Addit. MS. 4126, n. 28, . 211 July 16. 113- Letter from Charles the Ninth, king of France, to Queen Elizabeth. Dat. Escoven, 16th July [1567-] Ft. From Dr Forbes' transcript from the original in the State Paper Office, in the Addit. MS. 4126, u. 73, . 212 July 16. 114- Letter from Catharine de Medicis, queen dowager of France, addressed to Queen Elizabeth. Dat. Escoven, 16th July [1567.] Ft. From Dr Forbes' transcript from the original in the State Paper Office, in the Addit. MS. 4126, n. 74, .213 CONTENTS. xxv 1567. PACK July 16. 115. Letter from Sir Nicholas Throckmorton, addressed to the same. Dat. Edinburgh, 16th July [1567.] From Dr Forbes' transcript from the original in the State Paper Office, in the Addit. MS. 4126, n. 29, . 214 July 16. 116. Letter from Sir Nicholas Throckmorton, addressed to Sir William Cecil. Dat. Edinburgh, 16th July 1567» From Dr Forbes' transcript from the autograph original in the State Paper Office, in the Addit. MS. 4125, ii.30, 218 July 18. 117- Letter from the same, addressed to Queen Elizabeth. Dat. Edinburgh, 18th July 1567. From Dr Forbes' transcript from the original in the State Paper Office, in the Addit. MS. 4126, n. 31, . . . 219 July 18. 118. Letter from the same, addressed to Sir Wilham Cecil. Dat. Edinburgh, 18th July 1567. From Dr Forbes' transcript from the original in the State Paper Office, in the Addit. MS. 4126, n. 32, 224 July 19. 119- Letter from the same, addressed to Sir WiUiam Cecil. Dat. Edinburgh, 19th July 1567. From Dr Forbes' transcript from the autograph original in the State Paper Office, in the Addit. MS. 4126, n. 34, . . 225 July 20. 120. Letter from Sir Walter Mildmay, addressed to Sir William Cecil. Dat. Ap- thorp, 20th July 1567. From Dr Forbes' transcript from the original in the State Paper Office, in the Addit. MS. 4126, n. 35, 226 July 20. 121. Letter from Sir Nicholas Throckmorton, addressed to the Earl of Bedford. Dat. Edinburgh, 20th July 1567. From Dr Forbes' transcript from the original in the State Paper Office, in the Addit. MS. 4126, n. 36, . 227 July 20. 122. Letter from Queen Elizabeth, addressed to Sir Nicholas Throckmorton. From Dr Forbes' transcript of a draft corrected by Cecil, in the State Faper Office, in the Addit. MS. 4126, a. 37, . . . 229 July 20. 123. The answer of the Lords of Scotland to Sir Nicholas Throckmorton, am bassador there. From Dr Forbes' transcript from the original in the State Paper Office, in the Addit. MS. 4126, n. 39, 232 July 21. 124. Letter from Sir Nicholas Throckmorton, addressed to Queen Elizabeth. Dat. Edinburgh, 21st July 1567. From Dr Forbes' transcript from the origi nal in the State Paper Office, in the Addit. MS. 4126, n. 38, . 237 July 23. 125. Letter from Sir Henry Norreys, addressed to Queen Elizabeth. Dat. Paris, 23d July 1567. From Dr Forbes' transcript from the original in the State Paper Office, in the Addit. MS. 4120, n. 75, . . 241 July 24. 126. Letter from the Archbishop of St Andrews and the Abbot of Arbroath, addressed to Sir Nicholas Throckmorton. Dat. Hamilton, 24th July 1567. ' From Dr Forbes' transcript from a copy by Sir Nicholas' secretary, in the State Paper Office, in the Addit. MS. 4126, n. 42, . . 244 July 25. 127. Letter from Sir Nicholas Throckmorton, addressed to Sir William Cecil. Dat. Edinburgh, 25th July 1567. From Dr Forbes' transcript from the autOr graph original in the State Paper Office, in the Addit. MS. 4126, n. 45, 245 July 26. 128. Letter from the same to the Archbishop of St Andrews and the Abbot of Ar» broath. Dat. Edinburgh, 26th July 1567. From Dr Forbes' transcript from d xxvi CONTENTS. 1567- PAGE a copy written by Sir Nicholas' secretary, in the State Paper Office, in the Addit. MS. 4126, n. 46, . . . . 246 July 26. 129. Letter from- the same, addressed to Queen Elizabeth. Dat. Edinburgh, 26th July 1567. From Dr Forbes' transcript from the original in the State Paper- Office, in the Addit. MS. 4126, n. 47, ... 247 July 26. 130. Letter from the same, addressed to the Earl of Leicester. Dat. Edinburgh, 26th July 1567. From Dr Forbes' transcript from the- original in the State Paper Office, in the Addit. MS. 4126, n. 48, . . 253 July 26. 131. Letter from the same, addressed to Sir WiUiam Cecil. Dat. Edinburgh, 26th July 1567. From Dr Forbes' transcript from the autograph original in the State Paper Office, in the Addit. MS. 4126, n. 49, . . 254 July 31. 132. Letter from the same, addressed to Queen Elizabeth.. Dat. Edinburgh, 31st July 1567. From Dr Forbes' transcript from the original in the State Paper Office, in the Addit. MS. 4126, n. 51, 255 July 31. 133. Letter from the same, addressed to the Earl of Leicester. Dat. Edinburgh, 31st July 1567'. From Dr Forbes' transcript of the autograph original in the State Paper Office, in the Addit. MS. 4126, n. 52, . . 260 Aug. 2. 134. Letter from the same, addressed to Sir WiUiam Cecil. Dat. Edinburgh, 2d August 1567- From Dr Forbes' transcript from the original in the State Paper Office, in the Addit. MS. 4126, n. 53, 263 Aug. 4. 135. Letter from Sir Walter Mildmay, addressed to Sir Wilham Cecil. Dat. Apthorp, 4th August 1567. From Dr Forbes' transcript from the original in the State Paper Office, in the Addit. MS. 4126, n. 54, . . 264 Aug. 7. 136. Letter from Mr Bernard Hampton, addressed to Sir Wilham Cecil. Dat. Windsor, 7th August 1567- From Dr Forbes' transcript from the original in the State Paper Office, in the Addit. MS. 4126, n. 76, . . 266 Aug. 9. 137. Letter from Sir Nicholas Throckmorton, addressed to Secretary Cecil. Dat. Edinburgh, 9th Aug. 1567. From Dr Forbes' transcript from the original in the State Paper Office, in the Addit. MS. 4126, n. 56, . 267 Aug. 12. 138. Letter from the same, addressed to Queen Ehzabeth. Dat. Edinburgh, 12th Aug. 1567. From Dr Forbes' transcript from the original in the State Paper Office, in the Addit. MS. 4126, n. 57, . . . 268 Aug. 13. 139. Letter from the same, addressed to the same. Dat. Edinburgh, 13th Aug. 1567. From Dr Forbes' transcript from the original in the State Paper Office, in the Addit. MS. 4126, n. 59, . . ... 272 Aug. 14. 140. Letter from the same to the same. Dat. Edinburgh, 14th August 1567. From Dr Forbes' transcript from the original in the State Paper Office, in the Addit. MS. 4126, u. 61, ..... 274 Aug. ... 141. Letter from the Archbishop of St Andrews and others, addressed to Sir Nicholas Throckmorton. N. D. From Dr Forbes' transcript from the State Paper Office, in the Addit. MS. 4126, n. 62, . . 278 Aug. 20. 142. Letter from Sir Nicholas Throckmorton, addressed to the Archbishop of CONTENTS. xxvii 1567. St Andrews and others. Dat. Edinburgh, 20th August 1567. From Dr Forbes' transcript of a copy written by Sir Nicholas' secretary, in the State Paper Office, in the Addit. MS. 4126, n. 63, . . 280 Aug. 20. 143. Letter from the same, addressed to Sir WiUiam Cecil. Dat. Edinburgh, 20th Aug. 1567. From Dr Forbes' transcript from the original in the State Paper Office, in the Addit. MS. 4126, n. 65, 281 Aug. 22. 144. Articles agreed upon between the Earl of Murray and the Lords of the Secret Council and others of the nobility and estates of Scotland. Dat. 22d Aug. 1567. From Dr Forbes' transcript from the State Paper Office, in the Addit. MS. 4126, n. 77, 283 145. The Oath made by the Earl of Murray at the acceptation of his regency. Dat. 22d Aug. 1567. From Dr Forbes' transcript from the State Paper Office, in the Addit. MS. 4126, n. 78, . . . 286 146. Letter from Lord Hemes, addressed to Sir Nicholas Throckmorton. Dat. Dumfries, 23d Aug. 1567- From Dr Forbes' transcript of a copy sent to Cecil, in the State Paper Office, in the Addit. MS. 4126, n. 67, . 287 147. Letter from Sir Nicholas Throckmorton, addressed to Queen Elizabeth. Dat. Edinburgh, 23d Aug. 1567. From Dr Forbes' transcript from the original in the State Paper Office, in the Addit. MS. 4126, n. 68, . . 289 148. Letter from the same, addressed to Lord Herrys. Dat. Edinburgh, 24th Aug. 1567. From the Addit. MS. 4126, n. 69, 292 149. Letter from the same, addressed to Sir William Cecil. Dat. Edinburgh, 26th Aug. 1567. From Dr Forbes' transcript from a copy by Sir Nicholas' se cretary, in the State Paper Office, in the Addit. MS. 4126, n. 70, . 293 150. Letter from Queen Elizabeth, addressed to Sir Nicholas Throckmorton. [Dat. 29th Aug. 1567-] From Dr Forbes' transcript from a copy by Cecil, in the State Paper Office, in the Addit. MS. 4126, n. 71, . . . 295 151. Letter from the Earl of Murray^ addressed to Sir WUliam Cecil. Dat. Edin burgh, 30th Aug. 1567. From Dr Forbes' transcript from the original in the State Paper Office, in the Addit. MS. 4126, n. 71, ... 296 152. Letter from Sir Nicholas Throckmorton, addressed to Sir WiUiam Cecil. Dat. Berwick, 1st Sept. 1567- From Dr Forbes' transcript from the original in the State Paper Office, in the Addit. MS. 4126, n. 72, . 297 Dec. 8. 153. Letter from the Archbishop of .Glasgow, addressed to the Cardinal of Lor raine. Dat. 8th Dec. 1567- Fr. From Dr Gray's transcript in the Sloane MS. 3199, fol. 157, ...... 302 Dec. ... 154. Questions asked to be solved by the Lords of the Articles. Dat. Dec. 1567- From Dr Gray's transcript in the Sloane MS. fol. 168, . . 304 1568. Feb. 6. 155. Letter from the Archbishop of Glasgow, addressed to the Cardinal of Lor raine. Dat. Paris, 6th Feb. 1567[-8], Fr. From Dr Gray's transcript in the Sloane MS. 3199, fol. 159, . . ... .305 Aug. 22. Aug. 23. Aug. 23. Aug. 24. Aug. 26. Aug. 29. Aug. 30. Sept. 1. xxviii CONTENTS. 1568. TAGI May 3. 156. Cecil's advice to Queen Elizabeth upon the afiairs of Scotland. Dat. 3d May 1568. From the original in Cecil's hand, in the Cotton. MS. Calig. C. i, fol. 58, 308 May ... 157. Instructions given to Mr Thomas Leighton, sent into Scotland. Dat. May 1568. From the contemporary copy in the Cotton. MS. Calig. C. i, fol. 57, . • • • • • . • 309 ILLUSTRATIONS THE REIGN OF QUEEN MARY. LETTER FROM THOMAS LORD WHARTON TO THE EARL OF SHREWSBURY, May 2, 1543.* Pleasid your honorable lordlhipe to be advertifed that I appoyntid ane efpiall of myne to lie at Edinburghe to get intelligence as he could, and as he might to write the fame unto my deputie cuftomer of Carlifle, to whome he haith fent a bill, whiche I fende unto your lordfhipe herein enclofed. The bill was wryttin at Edinburghe upon Wednifday laft. By all the intelligence I cane here the erll of the Ylles preparithe to anoy therlles of Argill and Hunttley, and to kepe theme occupied. Advertising your lordlhipe that the laft of Aprill in the day light the fouldiours of Langhollme brent a towne in Tividaill callid Whitflaides, with muche come in the fame, and in thare home cummyng the countrie aroofe with fray and perfewide them varie ftrait. They have, in the en- countres amongft theme, hurt fondrie Scottifmenne and flaine fum of thare horfes, brought away five prefoners, one a gentlemane callid Watt Scot, ner kynnefman to the lairde Bukcleughe, with xxx nowt, fex horfe and naiges ; and came away with out hurt. The firft of May in the night on Criftie Armftrang with xxx Scotifh- men allured brent a towne in Anerdaille called Sowrefakes, and all the * From the Talbot Papers, vol. A, p. 107. 2 ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE* come ther ftandinge on the watter of Mylk, brought away certaine naiges, and iiij prefoners all hurt. Robert Maxwelle came the xxviij of Aprill to Dumfriis and [is] in gret favour and truft with the Governour and Cardenall. Thus Almightie God preferve your lordlhipe in honpur. At Carhfle the fecond of May, Your lordfhipes humble at comaundement, Thomas Whartton. To the right honorable my lord of Shrewfburie, the kinges majefties lieuten ant in the north, haft, poft, haft, haft, haft. THE NAMES OF THE LORDES OF THE COUNSAILL ATT EDINBURGHE, [December 3, 1543.] * Firft, the Governour. X)n his right hande; The Cardinalle, Bufhope of Glafco, chauncellour, The bufhope of Murrei, Bufhope of Brechan, Bufhope of Dunbleane, The lord of Saint Johne, Thabbot of Cambufkennelle. On his left hande; Therle of Angus, Therle Bothwell, Therle of Crawfurthe, Therle of Caffill, Therle of Glencarr, The lord Bortike, The lord Graie, The lord Ogelbe, The lord Glames. * From the Talbot Papers, vol. A, p. 367. REIGN OF QUEEN MARY. 3 Mr James Folles, .clerke of the regiftarie. Thabbote of Pane, going after the counfaill. Standing before the barre, John of Cledifdelle and Archebawd Beton. The Governour, the Cardenall, and the Frenche ambaffadoure fpak long gether in fecret&. It was fhewed unto me by fome of the lordes that the king of Fraunce could fend no fupporte by caus he thought the lordes fo fleighte and unconftant, but att the fpringe of the yere [he] belevid well he fhold fende in fo many as fhold conqueft Scottland, feing he fawe it was to be con- queft; and befoughte every good Scottifman to ftand att defenfe unto that tyme, and thei that did otherwife thei fhold be praye to Fraunce att their commyng afore Englande. JOURNAL OF THE EXPEDITION OF THE EARL OF HERTFORD INTO SCOTLAND, in May, 1544.* Anno regni regis Henrici odlavi 35, in Marche, 1544, therle of Hertford, beinge the kinges majefties lieftenaunte generall in the parties of the northe, was recevid into the towne of Nuecaftle as followeth, where he * From the Harl. MS. 6047, fol. 58, b. 4 ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE leyet in gatheringe and poyntinge of his menn till the latter ende of Aprell and the begynnynge of May, anno 36 Hen. VIII., 1544. In primis, fyrft rodde iij M1 northerne^ horfe men, in jackes, with fpeares. Thenne nobles and gentlemenn, in cotes of blacke velvett and cheynes of golde, to the noumbre of vfiij**- Then iij trumpettes and iij claryons. Then iij offycers of armes in theyre cotes of armes. Then a gentleman beringe a naked fword. Then therle hym celfe in ryche apparrell. Then iiij pages of honour rychelie clothid. Then viijxx of his fervauntes in his lyverey. And laft vm fotemen on fote. The iij of Maye, beinge Settredaye, the landed in the Frythe with ijc fayle, the vifcont Lifle being lord Admyrall; and bernyd St Mynettes. Item, the iiijth of May tharmye landed about Newehaven, and pro- ceaded forward in iij battells, the lord Admirall the forward, therle of Shrewlburye the rerewarde, and therle of Hertford the battell, where be- lide Lythe the founde the Scottes readie, with vjm horfemen befide fote men, to ftoppe the paffage, but feinge our men fo willinge to fight with them they fledd awaye, the Cardinall and Governour and other erles fyrft, and there the wanne Lythe towne and the haven. The vth day the galley with certen fhipps burnyd the Quenes Ferye on both fides the wattre, and toke a fortreffe called Hynchegarayn, and tharmye proceaded toward Edenboroughe. The vjth day of Maye the wanne Edenboroughe with affaulte, and burnyd and fpoyled parte therof, with thabbay called Hollye Roode Howfe and the kings pallyce adjoynyng to the fame. Fryday and Setterday next followinge the burnyd the reft of the towne, and the horfemen burnyd Lawrefhtone with the Graunge, a pyle called the Weft or Wefter Cragge, Dreylawe, the pyle and towne of Ender leghe Cragge, the Maynes of Enderleghe, Browton, the Den, the Eftre REIGN OF QUEEN MARY. 5 Seeles and the Wefter Seeles, Heyprycke, the Eftre Myles, and the Wefter Myles. Aboute this tyme cam ijm light horfemen fent thether by the kinge, after whofe comynge the clere forfoke theyre fhippes and fente them home laden with fpoyle and gunfhotte, and returnid home on fote throwghe the mayne cuntrey of Scotland, burnynge bothe pyle, fortreffe and towne which was in theyre waye, and loft fkante xl. perfons. The xij of Maye the wonne the caftle and towne of Craggemylner, alfo Cragge Mylls, and rayfid the pryncypall townes, and burnyd Nether Dudftone, Fyckettes, Sandhinche, Buttretone, with Prefton towne and caftle. The xv daye the burned thabbay of Newebottell, parte of Mufkle- browghe towne, with the chappell of our Ladye of Lawrett. The xvj the burnid Lyeth towne and diftroied the haven and peere, and reyfid Seyton caftle, and burnyd Traynnynt, Prefton, and Granges; and here was made xlv. knightes. The xvij daye of May they burnid Dunbarre, Hadyngton with the Freeres and Nunrye, thabbay of Benyftone, Stenton, Warkhill, Trapren, the Hill, Lynton, Kyrkbye. The xviij the burned Dunbarre towne, Telton unto the caftle foote, and put the lord Humes and other to flight and had the fame quyetlie, and burnid Eft Barnes, Fawwaynorthe, Lees, Rangenfide, Barton, Cou- teredge, Quynwoode, and Blackthorne. The xix they burnyd Raynton or Raynto, and the Maynes, with foun dry villages, and rayfid the pyle Byckley. Alfo they burnid a caftle of Olyver Seyncleres, Benerton, Warkley, Hatherwike, Bowland, Blackbourne, Cheftrefelles, Stanhowfe, Travent, Trapren, Beltone, Crawnend, Shenfton, Kyrkland hill, Quyckwood, Byldre, and the towre, with dyverffe other townes and villages which I cannot name. The fleete burnyd Kynkone, part of Pettiewaynes Ifland, and dyverfle other. ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE LETTER FROM THE LORDS OF THE COUNCIL TO THE EARL OF SHREWSBURY, July 5, 1544.* After our right harty commendacions unto your good lordfhippe. It may like you to underftand that the kinges majeftie, having lately receyvid, as your lordfhippe knowyth, a letter from the Dowager of Scotland and confiderid the contynew of the fame, hath thought convenient to make fuch anfwer unto the fame as fhall appere unto your lordfhippe by the copye therof, which youe fhall receyve herewith. Praying youre lordfhip to take ordre for the conveyng of it to the fayd Dowager with as moche fpede as may be conveniently, fignifying further unto your lordfhip that youe fhall receyve herewith a double of the names of all the prifoners which be called in at this prefent, not doubting but if any of them cum in youe will take order for them accordingly. And wheras your lordfhippe defyred lately to know the kinges majefties pleafure for your procedings in his highnes abfence, we will not faile to take a tyme with his majeftie, and to advertife your lordfhippe of his highnes pleafure as fhall apperteyne. And thus fare your good lordfhip moil hartly well. From Weftminfter, the vth of July, 1544. Your good lordfhippes allured loving frendes, T. Cantuarien. Thomas Wriothesley Cancel. Tho. Westm- E. Hertford. William Petrie. To our very good lord therle of Shrewfbury, the kinges majefties lieutenaunt gene- rail in the northe parties. From the Talbot Papers, vol. A, p. 125. REIGN OF QUEEN MARY. LETTER FROM THOMAS LORD WHARTON TO THE EARL OF SHREWSBURY, August 6, 1544.* Right honorable. Pleafid your lordfhipe to be advertifede that I have receyved a lettre from the larde of Wamfrey, prifoner, whiche lettre I fende unto your lordfhipe herin enclofed. Ande our Lorde Gode preferve your lordfhipe in honour. At the kinges majefties caftle of Carlifle, the vj of Auguft. Your lordfhippes humble att commande, Thomas Whartton. To the right honorable my lorde Shrewfburie, the kinges majefties lieutenaunte, in the north. Haft, poft, haft, haft. LETTER FROM ROBERT SCOT OF WAMFRAY TO THOMAS LORD WHARTON, August, 1544. f My lord, I commende my fervif? to 30 w. 3e ^ underftande at the Governour kepys the towne of Edinburghe ftyll, and the queyn cum nocht furtht of Styrlyne hef5 gyt, and my lordis of Anguwf5 and Boythwell gad- deryt thar folkis and wayttyt one the cummyng of the erll of Huntle and Argyll. The erll of Argyll com tyll Edinburghe and fpak with the Governour and raid hif? way agane, and the erll of Huntle com nocht fra his awne cuntre, and fa they kepyt nocht thar promyf? at thay made to the erll of Anguif? and Bothwill; and quhen I get may tythandis I fall avertis you. And gif thare be ony fteyde or plefour I may doy * From the Talbot Papers, vol. A, p. 129. f Fr°m the Talbot Papers, vol. A, p. 128. 8 ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE avertis me hef* gour lordfhip thynkis, and Crift haif gour lordfhip in kepynge. Be gouris at powar, Robert Scot of Wamfray. To ane honorable lord my lord Quhartoun, wardin of the weft merchis of Ingland. LETTER FROM THE LORDS OF THE COUNCIL TO THE EARL OF SHREWSBURY, August 21, 1544.* After our right harty commendacions unto youre good lordfhipp. Wher as this berar, the lorde of Fyve, being difpeched from the kinges majeftie and having his pafport by the quenes highnes doth now prefently repare to yow towardes Scotland, we have thought good to commend hym on to your lordfhipp, praying yow to tak order for his paffag in to Scotland eyther by lande or by the fees as fhall feem to hym molt convenient. And thus we bydd yow moft hartely fare well. From Hamptone Court, the xxj8t of Auguft 1544. Your good lordfhippes allured loving frendes, T. Cantuarien. Thomas Wryothesley Cancel. Tho. Westm. William Petre. To our very good lord therle of Shrewfberye, the kinges majefties lieutenaunt gene- rail in the north parties. * From the Talbot Papers, vol. A, p. 133. REIGN OF QUEEN MARY. LETTER FROM THOMAS LORD WHARTON TO THE EARL OF SHREWSBURY, October 27, 1544.* Right honorable, pleafe it youre lordfhippe to be advertifed that I wrote a lettre unto the erle of Angwifhe and fent the fame to hym by Richie Grame anenft the entree of the larde of Fentree, taken prifoner at Solemme Moffe, for whofe entreffe the faid erle ftandeth boundene. And albeit I have fondrie tymes, at reaqueft of his takers, callid upon hym to entre the faide larde, yet I cannot have that matre difcharged accordinge to therles bonde and promyffe. And touchinge the fame he hathe writen a lettre unto me by the faide Richie, whiche lettre I fende unto youre lord- fchippe heerin enclofed, and for the credence he referrethe to Richie Grame. He fhewethe me that the faide erle delivered unto hym a bill of the names of certaine noble men and gentlemen within that realme, all whome arr promifed to bee of the Dowgiers partie againfte the Governour, whiche bill I fende alfo unto youre lordfhippe heerewith. The erle defired Richie Grame to lett me fee the bill, as he faiethe. Richie Grame fhewethe me furthre that upon Tuefdaie laft, the erle of Angwifhe and the lorde Flemynge had moche fecreate conference togithers, where the lord Flemyng required therle of Angwifhe to fend unto me that the faid lord Flemyng wold ferve to the beft he coulde for the advauncement of the kinges majefties affaiers in that realme accord inge to his former promiffe, and ther with defired therle of Angwifhe to bee meane unto me that his landes and frendes might bee forborne by the inhabitauntes of Efkdail, Ewfdaill, and Wacopdaill, Scotifhmen, from doeng of difpleafour whiche he fearethe, and I truft fhall have caufe, for I entende to pra&ife that by them he maie bee annoied this wintre as theye maie. Richie Grame fhewethe me alfo that upon Wednefdaie laft there was a meetinge betweene therls of Angwifhe, Glencarne and Caffelles, and • From the Talbot Papers, vol. A, p. 85. 10 ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE the fhireff of Ayre, all whiche then agreede to ftande with the Dowgier againfte the Governour, as heertofore theye have promifed. He faiethe furthre that the Governoure intendethe to keepe a parlia ment in Edenburghe whiche Ihalbe begynne the xijth daie of Novembre, and in licke maner the Dowgier with thofe noble men promifed unto her entendethe to keepe a parliament at Sterlinge viij daies aftre the or- deres. The Governoure liethe at Edenboroughe and George Dowglas at Dalkethe. There arr many argumentes of difpleafure betweene them. And thus the holie Trinitie have youre lordfhippe evermore in his bleffed prefervacion. At Carlifle the xxvij of Ociobre. Aftre the writinge heerof came unto me oone Davie Yrwin, Scotifhe- man, with whome I fent the lorde Maxwelles lettre to Roberte Maxwell whiche your lordfhippe fent unto me by the laft pofte. Yrwyn faiethe that aftre the deliverie and readinge of the lettre Robert Maxwell faid to hym, "Davie, howe faies thou? I thinke my fathre woll comme home againe and woll deliver the houf5 and holdes that he hathe to the king of Englonde and I fhall have no thanke therfore, and woll deliver for his pledge Jok Maxwell my brothre." Davie faiethe that he faid to hym again, " Sir, is it not well that youre fathre maie comme home againe, and to deliver thos houf5 to the kinges highnes of Inglond and your felf to lie in pledge or that fhold faile?" Robert Maxwell aunfuerid exprefflie, as Yrwyn faiethe, that he wold never entre in to Englonde as his fathers pledge. I know that Robert Maxwell hathe faid that he woll never con- fent to deliver aine the houf5 his fathre hathe to the kinges majefties ufe nor entre him felf in to Englonde, what fo ever becamme of his fathre. He hathe faied thees wourdes to oone whome he fpeciallie truftethe. Your lordfhippes humble at commaundement, Thomas Whartone. Endorfed, The copie of the lord Wharton's lettre of the xxvij of 06tobre. REIGN OF QUEEN MARY. 11 LETTER FROM J. KERR OF FERNYHURST AND JOHN OGLE TO THE ENGLISH WARDEN OF THE MIDDLE MARCHES, November 30, 1544.* Please it your lordfhip to be advertifed of fuche newes as we ar credibly enformed of, at the Governour [and] Cardinall with the lordes of Fyffe and Anguf5 ar this nighte in Adingtone and, as we ar advertifed, entendes to be at Coldingham and drawes eaft wardes thether, but when they Ihalbe at the fame we ar not furely advertifed therof, but therle of Hunte- ley and therle of Argile ar not with the Governour nor none of ther folkes. Alfo therle of Anguf5, therle Glencarne, and therle of Caffels, with the weft lande men ar this nyght at Peobles and hath bene there the two nyghtes by-paft, but we canne not have no knowledge what they woll do as yet, but as fone as they entend to come towardes Jedburghe or any other place your lordfhip fhalbe advertifed in haft. Thus the Holly Gooft etc. At Famyherft, the xxx of Novembre, Your lordfhips at commaundement, J. Farnyherst, Johne Ogle. Poft fcript. My lorde, if therle of Anguf5 do paffe eaftwardes we fhalbe redy at your commaundement. To my lord warden of the myddle marches give this. LETTER FROM THE LORDS OF THE COUNCIL TO THE EARL OF SHREWS BURY, THE BISHOP OF DURHAM, AND SIR RALPH SADLER, November 30, 1544. f After our right harty commendacipns to your good lordfhippes, the fame fhall undreftonde that we have receyved your fondrye lettres lately writ- * From the Talbot Papers, vol. A, p. 173. f From fhe Talbot Papers, vol. A, p. 171. 12 ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE ten unto us, and therwith all others allfo fent to you from the lord Whar ton and fir George Bowes ; the contentes of all which being declared unto the kinges highnes his majeftie for anfwer hathe commaunded us to fig- nifie unto you, firft, touching the pryorye of Cannebye, a hous of religion of the cote of Jedworthe, his majeftie is content the fame to be ordered according unto the devyfe of the faid lorde Wharton, who his grace is pleafed fhall fuppreffe the fame according as others lyke have been fup- preffed here in England. The late priour to be named parfon therof, with an honeft and convenyent livinge to be afflgned unto him out of the landes and other comodities of the hous, and the reft to be beftowed on | ] Greme brother to the faid priour, which his grace wolleth afwell the faide late priour as the faide Greme fhall receyve at the handes of the lord Wharton, as committed unto his free difpofition, to thentent they maye by that bonde the more willinglye ferve his highnes undre hym. And touching fir George Bowes, albeit the gift of a hole baronye in apparence importeth much, yet, in confideracion of his fondrye good fervices, his grace is content to gyve the faid baronye unto him and unto his heyres males, referving fumme fmall yerely rent therof to be payed for a knowledge unto his highnes, the faid fir George obferving all fuch conditions for the keping and mayntayning therof as him felf hath devyfed in his faide lettres fent unto you. And thus we bydd you right hartelye well to fare. From Weftminfter, the xxxth daye of Novembre, Your loving frendes, Thomas Wriothesley Cancel Charles Suffolk Anthone Browne J. Russell F. Cheyne William Paget. To the right honorable and our very good lordes, the erle of Shrewfbury the kinges highnes lieutenaunt gene- rall in the north parties, and the bifhoppe of Durefme, and to owre lov ing frende fir Raufe Sadlair, knight. REIGN OF QUEEN MARY. 13 LETTER FROM ROBERT SCOT OF WAMFRAY TO THOMAS LORD WHARTON, December 1, 1544, enclosed in his letter of Dec 4, 1544.* Efter my harty recommendacioun. Pleafit gour lordfhip tunderftand that my lord of Anguf5 and the lordis of our weftcountre come to Pebles upone Sattirday at night laft by-paft, and upone Sondaye there came ane poll fra the Governor to my lord of Anguf5 and bad him cumme till Col dingham in the Merf5, and they lap onne Sonday at nyght at ane of the clok and rayd furth of Pebles ane thowfand men by cariages, and es it is fhawene me the Cardinall is byddene ftill in Edinburghte and cummis noght to the bordour at this tyme ; and geif thar be any thinge ye wald I did advertife as your lordfhip thinkis. At Wamfray this laft Tuyfday at nycht, and Chrift haif your lordfhip in his keping. Be yoyers at all power, Robert Scot of Wamfray. To ane honorabill lord my lord Quhartoune, wardene of the weft marche of Inglond anentis Scotland. LETTER FROM THOMAS LORD WHARTON TO THE EARL OF SHREWSBURY, December 4, 1544.f Pleased your honorable lordfhip to be advertifed that this iiijth of De- cembre at afternone came to Carlifle one Johne Murray, Scottes man, whome the lorde Tulybarne afore had fent to his houfe of Tulybarne for certaine neceflaries to be brought unto him. Aftre whofe arrival at • From the Talbot Papers, vol. A, p. 177. t From the Talbot Papers, vol. A, p. 175. 14 ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE Carlifle Tulybarne repayred unto me and fhewed me a lettre writtene at lengthe, as he faid, from his wif, which conteyneth many the newes in Scotland to hir knowledge. The lettre is one every fyde of a hole fheite of papyr, excepts a parte of a leif of the bagger fyd. After the redinge wherof and upon devife betwene him and me it was thought good to us bothe that the fame lettre, as it was, fhuld pafTe by poft to therle of Lynoux, of intente his lordfhip myght fhewe the fame to the kinges ma jefties moft honorable counfell. He faid there was fundry vayne woordes myghte be rayfyd furth, which I advyfed him not to do, and extemed the fame to be a wife lettre convenient in all pointes to be fene. And in that conference betwene him and me he fhewed him felf defyrouf5 and thought it convenient that therle of Lynoux fhuld write a lettre to the Dowagier of Scotland to the effe6le, as in one pointe of his lettre is mentioned, at which pointe of her lettre as appereth unto me, that there fhuld a couri- tenaunce of favour be betwene the Dowager and therle Bothwell, which her letter I think be inclofed within his lettre which I fend to your lord fhip herewith. In the fame conference Tylybarne fhewed me that his wif entended to be at Carlile upone Tuyfday at nyght next, which Ihalbe the ixth of this inftaunt, and ther cummeth in her cumpany a Frenche- womane, doughtoure to one Latufhowe nowe the kinges highnes prifoner, takene at Boleyne, as he faith, fervaunt to the Dowager, who came with her at her cummyng in to Scotlande, which Frenchwomane entendeth to mak fute for the libertie of her father; and perceyving 'he fame to be by the Dowager leave and apointment I faid to Tulybarne that I thoughte it good that he fhould remayne at Cokpoole with one Patrik Murrey [his] kynnefmane unto I myghte knowe your lordfhipes pleafour what faff con duit fhalbe graunted to the faid Frenchwomane, which devife he liked veray well as he faid; lauly defiring that I may be afcertayned of your lordfhipes pleafure howe I fhall ufe as well the faid Frenchewomane as his wif anempft faff conduites to be graunted to them. I do perceyve by the faid larde Tulybarne that the Cardinalles croffe with other neceffaries are in Cokepoole, redy to be broughte unto him to Carlifle, wherwith the larde is mery, for there hath bene fundry devifes betwene him and me REIGN OF QUEEN MARY. 15 howe the fame croffe and neceffaries myghte be broughte throughte that untrewe countre. I fend unto your lordfhip herewith a lettre which the lard of Wamfray fent unto me. Many newes was in Jedburghe and weft Tyvidaile yefter nyght that they hade wone Coldinghame. Thus Almightie Jefus preferve your lordfhip with moche encreafe of honor. At the kinges majefties caftle of Carlifle the iiijth of Decembre. Your lordfhips humble at commaundement, Thomas Whartone. To the right honorable my lord of Shrewfbury, the kinges ma jefties lieutenaunt in the north. Endorfed, Fro the lord Wharton, off the iiijth of Decembre, 1544. LETTER FROM THE BAITSONES AND THOMSONES TO LORD WHARTON, enclosed in bis letter of December 4, 1544.* My lorde, we commende our fervice to your lordfhip. For fa mekill we thanke gowr lordfhip grettualy that gowr lordfhip has faverit us fa lange as gowr lordfhip has done, and gif that it pleaf5 gowr lordfhip we defire to be falf fuerit to come and gang and fpeak with gowr lordfhip ane cer taine of the beft of oure freindes, and apoint gowr lordfhip the day and place and we fall kepe it, and we fall do al we may to pleaf5 gowr lord fhip in all thinges. And at we be fikar qholl gowr lordfhip, mettene and howrs, bayt at hame and on the felde. My lord the matter of Maxwell has holdene us fray gowr lordfhip, and nowe we man lieff him and all Scot- * From the Talbot Papers, vol. A, p. 179. 16 ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE land and tak thar difpleafoures. Nocht elles, but God Almychty haff gowr lordfhip in his keping. ^owr fervauntis at commaunde, The Baitsons and the Thomsones. To ane wrfchipfull lord my lord Whartone, and my lorde wardene. LETTER FROM JOHN KERR, LAIRD OF FERNEYHIRST, TO THE EARL OF SHREWSBURY, December 20, 1544.* My lord, efter moft hartlie commendacioun. I do perceive be this berar and utharis of the grete fawuour and kindnef5 yowr lordfchip doythe fchew on to my yowng fone Thome Ker, and of yowr lordfchipis gwd mynd to hym anentis the fcuyll, for the quhiche kindnef5 and fawore I am nocht fuffitient to rander wnto yowr lordfchip thankis. Qwhairfor, yf it mycht ftand to yowr lordfchipis plefowr, I wald hartlie defyre yowre lordfchip, and alf5 for the lowf of God I do pray yow, to hald hym ftill witht your lordfchip felf and nocht to fend him fowithwort, for I am aget and crafit, and it dois me grete comfort to heyr how he is intretyt and his weil fayr, be cawf5 he is haldyn fo neir witht yowr lordfchip, wyche I wald nocht hawe yf he war farder fowyth. Alf5 I belyf it is nocht unknawin to yowr lordfchip that I am aget and crafyt, and may nocht trawell to mayke the kinges majeftie fie fervice as I wald do, quhayrfore I hawe grete loif5 off the lakyn of my fone Johne, for he is well knawin and the cuntreth men will do mekill for him, for he hes the ufe of the bordorris wele. Quhair- for I hartlie defyre gowr lordfchip to take fie fouertef5 for him as we maye get wyth in boyth the realmes and lat hym cum home to do the kingis majeftie fervice, quhiche I traift fowld be to his majeftie plefour and all5 * From the Talbot Papers, vol. P, p. 325. REIGN OF QUEEN MARY. 17 yowr lordfchip fowld be contentit with all, as knawis God, quhame haif yowr lordfchip in his kepin. Frome the Farnyherft, the xx daye of Defcember, 3owris at all powar, Farnyherst. To ane rycht honorrable and my good lord the erll off Schrewifberrye, leftennand to the kingis majeftie in the northe partis. LETTER FROM THE LORDS OF THE COUNCIL TO THOMAS LORD WHARTON, February 19, 1545.* My lord wardene, aftre our right harty commendacions. The kinges majefty hathe feene your lettres lately written unto my lord lieutenant, wherby, and by a difcourfe fent therwithall in writing, his majefty per- ceyveth your procedinges with fir George Douglas, with his defyre one the behalfe of the Governour and the refte for embaflatours to cumme to treate, and alfo his to the kinges majeftie with requeft to have his grace and favour againe. Wherin, and in all the reft of your doynges bothe nowe and at other tymes, his majeftie dothe moche commende your wifdome, and taketh your fervice in veray good and thankefull parte. And what anfwer his majeftie maketh unto the faid fir George fhall appeare unto you by a copye herinclofed of his majefties lettres unto him, which letter his highnes requyreth you to fe conveyed to him with dili gence, and to procure ane anfwer likewife with fpede to the fame; for his majeftie intendeth not to tary any longe delayes, wherof you fhall adver- tife fir George, and requyre him therfore to ufe expeditioune concernyng theffecle of the fame. And furthermore, in cace fir George or any other * From the Talbot Papers, vol. A, p. 285. 18 ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE fhall motioune an abftinence duringe the tyme of treatye, you fhall; anfwe>r that nother you thinke good to move the fame to his highnes* nor yet wolde advife theim to demaunde it ; for confideringe howe that all theyre pro- cedinges heretofore hath, as they knowe right well theim felfes, ended al to gether in delayes, if they fhuld nowe for the tyme of the treaty of this mater, (which be not altogedre newe but hath the fubftaunce of that which is now to be commoned upone bene maturely heretofore debated and confydered on both fydes), requyre an abftinence, it is to be thoughte there is no thinge ment but onely delay. For if they be difpofyd to have thinges cumme to an honeft effect, as they pretende, they may foone go thorowe with the fame, confyderinge that the place which is apointed for theyre metinge is fo nere, and that his highnes commiffioners fhall cumme fo fully inftrudted as they fhall not nede any after fendinge hither for further knowledge of his majefties pleafure. And this poynt touching thabftinence you fhall not nede to fpeake except that fir George or others fhall make requeft or go about to fett furth the fame. Thus fare yow moft hartely well. From Weftminfter, the xix of February, 1544, Your lordfhip affuryd lovinge frendes, Thomas Wriothesley Cancel. Charles Suff. William Essex John Lisle Tho. Westm. John Gage Antony Browne Anthony Wyngfelde LETTER FROM JOHN WRIGHT, PROBABLY TO THE EARL OF SHREWSBURY, March 1, 1545.* Please it youre lordfhippe, in mofte humble wiefe , thees may be to fignifie unto the fame that where at my lorde warden of the MydcUe Marches, upon whos foule Jefu have mercie, his departinge from Alne- wicke towards Scotlande, commaunded me and anoodre to looke unto fuche Scotifhe pledges and prifoners as werr at that prefent with in the caftell and towne of Alnewicke, and alfo at my faide lordes beeing at * From the Talbot Papers, vol. A, p. 299. REIGN OF QUEEN MARY. 19 Warke, agayne commaunded me by his lettres, wiche I fende to youre lordfhippe herewith, that I fholde put them in fave keepinge till his commeing home, wiche accordinglie was doone; and furthre, aftre I was acertayned of his deathe I, with my felowe, put the faide Scottes in to ftreiter holde; — befechinge youre lordfhippe wee maie knowe your plea fure for theire ferthre beftowinge. All thinges as yet ftbnde not at anie certayne ftaie heere with in the caftell, wherfore I thought it my duettie tadvertife you. The names alfo of the faid Scottes I fende to your lordfhippe herewith. And Almightie God preferve the fame for ever. From Alnewicke, the firft day of March, 1544. Your lordfhippes moft humble beadifman, John Wrighte. prisoners. The larde of Bemerfide, The larde of Marton, Thomas Kerr, Alifaunder Hamylton, Thomas Reddell, Robert Kerr, The larde of Philiphawghe. PLEDGES. Patricks Rotherforde, pledge for the lard of Hundelee. Willie Dowglas, pledge for Bounjedwqrthe. Andrewe Kerr, pledge for the lard of Corbett. Edie Scott, pledge for Hobbie Scott. George Prhigle, pledge for George Pringle. Davie Douglas, pledge for Davie DouglafTe TIVIDALE PRISONERS, wiche werr ones ajjured andfakified their prpmejje. Dandie Haliburtone, Robert Hogg, John Trumble. 20 ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE ANONYMOUS LETTER ADDRESSED APPARENTLY TO THE EARL OF SHREWSBURY, March 28, 1545.* Pleasythe it your honorable lordfhip to be advertiffed, as I am crediblie informed, that on Fryday the xxvijth of Marche the Governour of Scot land with monye oder lordes of Scotland was come to Addingtone and ther confultyd and devifed what they wold doo. The Governour faid that he wold that thay fhuld goo to Tevidall and to the Marfe to bring in al ther men agayn, and yf they wold be good Scotifmen they fhuld have al ther pardones. Then was their oders lordis and gentylmen, what they war I cannot tell, bot they faid, " Sir, ye have monye good lyke men here with yow, and thar ar come nowe of ther awen good willes, and yf ye do noo dyfpleafur to Ingland nowe or ye retorne home agayne your folkes will not come fo foyne another tyme." So they concludyd, as the Scotifman told me, who I broughte to my lord warden, that the Governour and his companie fhuld come to Mwrofe abbay this Saterday, and fo to come throughte Tevidall and bring theame with hym, and fo to come forwardes to the borders. Therle of Angus, therle of Bodwell, Georg Dowglas, fhuld come throughte Lodyne and fo to the Marfe, and they to be in Wederborne this Saterday at night or elles to morowe, and taik in all the Afiurid Men and to gyf theim a generall pardon, and fo on Monday in the morning thair purpofe is to invade Ingland and to borne Cornell, and in thair ways home to borne Wark, and to have done their feitt by ix of the clok in the morning, and fo to retorne home wardes. This was their purpofe when he partyd with them, whiche was this Satter- day at Addington, and come to Berwyk by vj. aclock at after noon. Alfo my lord, he telles me that he hard men fpeke of two lordes that lyes in Carlell, and yf by onye meanes or polycie that can be devifed they will be gotten home. Alfo he telles me that he faw never fo monye well • From the Talbot Papers, vol. A, p. 417. REIGN OF QUEEN MARY. 21 gered men as they ar; he telles me that they ar above xij thowfand men, and that the Governour is in oon hoft and his cumpany, therle of Angus, therle Bodwell, and fir Georg Dowglas, is in another hoft, with all their frendes. LETTER FROM SIR RALPH SADLER TO THE EARL OF SHREWSBURY, August 22, 1547 ,*, Please it your good lordfhip tunderftonde that Ihave receyved your feverall lettres, for the which I do right humblie thank your good lordfhip, and am glad of your profperous fucceffe in this journey, trufting your lordfhip fhall retourne with moche honour, for the which I do and fhall pray unto the lyving God Almightie. Your other lettres to my lorde Protector's grace I have depeched, and alfo have wrytten myne opynyon to his Grace what lack wolbe of vidlualles if the furnyture that is loked for here comme not fhorteley out of the fouth. I have fpokene to Mr Stonehoufe to pre pare for the lading of your cartes whene they fhall com for vidlualles, and fpecyally for drynke, according to your lordlhips apoyntement ; and Mr Stonehoufe humblie preyeth your lordfhip to take order that the cafke may be faved and retourned to him, whereof he fayeth that he hathe greate lacke. And alfo I have taken order with the capteyne of this towne for fending of the garrifon and countrey men here at hande to conducte your cartes hither, which fhalbe done accordinglie. The waf- ters be come, and the fhippes laden here with victailes do tary but for the wynde, trufting they wolbe at Aberlady right fhortly, and wherein I affure your lordfhip there Ihalbe afmoche diligence ufed as is poffible. I have ben fo bolde as to wryte to my good lady your wife, of your lordefhippes good helth and of your good fucceffe in your journey, which I knowe wolbe good newes to her ladyfhip. And fynally, your lordfhip muft remember that when your cartes fhalbe ladene and depeched hens, * From the Talbot Papers, vol. B, p. 17. 22 ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE which Mr Stonehoufe hath promifed me fhalbe don on Fryday, your lord fhip do apoynte fom convenyent nomber of horfemen to mete them at the Pethes to convey them to your campe. Thus Almightie God preferve your good lordfhip in long lyfe and helth, with increafe of honour. At Berwyke, the xxijth of Auguft, at viij a clocke at night, with the rude hande of Your moft affuredly to commaunde, R. Sadleyr. To the right honourable and my very good lorde the erle of Shrewfbury, lieutenaunte generall of the kinges majefties armye in Scotlande. LETTER FROM SIR RALPH SADLER TO THE EARL OF SHREWSBURY/ September 6, 1547.* It may like your lordfhip to underftond that I have receyved your lettres, and wolde have fpoken with Mr Stonehous for the prifes of the lhepe and oxene, according to your lordfhip's pleafure if he had ben here, but a litle before your lettres arryved here he was departed hens to Holy Hande for the difpeche of victualles to the navie, which fhalbe furnifhid to morowe and the next day with xxj dayes vietuall, and then my lord Clynton with the fame woll depart towardes the ryver of Tay for the accomplifhement of his entreprifes. I commonid this day with Mr Stonehoufe for the vitteling alfo of your campe, and devifed with him for the fending of victalles to you by the fee, but he fayeth playnely that there is no fhip, crayer, or other veffell here * From the Talbot Papers, vol. B, p. 27. REIGN OF QUEEN MARY. 23 that can lande you any vietualles nerer then beyonde Donbarre; and therefore you muft nede, he fayeth, fende your caryages to fetche it by lande, and he woll do all that he can to provyde for the furnyture and lading of your caryages when they com hither. Mary, becaufe he muft nedes be himfelf at Holy Hande he humbly befecheth your lordfhip to fende hither one of the clerkes that is there in the campe to remayn here to helpe him, for whiles he is at Holy Hande he lacketh one to attende here to play his parte in his abfence. And where as your lordfhip wrote to me that your laft convey was very fmall, and fpecyally of breade, Mr Stonehoufe fayeth that he loded all the cartes which cam hither, and when they were all ladyn they lefte behynde them here, for lacke of caryage, more breade then they toke with them. This he fayed before my lord Grey, my lord Dacres, and me, and dyvers other, affirming it to be trew. I fende your lordfhip agayne hereinclofed therle Bothwelles lettre, and myn opynyon is that your lordfhip can not well denye to fatiffie his re queft. Your lordfhip, if it fo pleafe you, may lette him have fo moche of the kynges money, letting him knowe non other but that you lend it him as your owne, becaufe you may alwayes more boldely afke it agayne then the kingis majeftie may. And thus Almightie God have your lord fhip in his keping. At Berwyk the vjth of September, with the rude hande of Your lordfhippes moft affuredly to commande, R. Sadleyr. To the right honourable and my very good lorde, therle of Shrewsbury, , lieutenaunt generall of the kinges majeftes army in Scotlande. In hafte, poft, haft, poll, haft. « 24 ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE LETTER FROM SIR EDWARD DUDDELEY TO THE EARL OF SHREWSBURY, September 11, 1547.* Aftre my moft humble recommendaciones. Beyng informyt be Hary Ray, harrold, prefoner, that his taker, the lard Gyrulay, hath noght onelye wfed him gentlye, bot where he was takyne frome hyme to the Gwnerour and lordes of Scotlande he hath maid fuche procurement that he had recwured hyme againe, and of his awin will haith browght hyme with his hors and all that he had of hym to Howme Caftell, diffyryng your lord fhipp to wf5 the faid lard accordynlyie. This moft humblye I taik my lewe. Wretten at Howme Caftell the xj. day of Septembre, Youre lordefhypes to commande, E. DUDDELEY. To the ryght honorable and my vere good lord the erle of Shorburye, lord lewtennant of the kinges majefties armye in the north partes. LETTER FROM H. BOYVYLE TO THE EARL OF SHREWSBURY, June 21, 1548.f Please it your lordfhip to be advertifed that there be Fraunche galleys and other fhippes of Fraunce at Leight, and hath fet a laud v. or vj. ml men, whiche men be Italyans and Gafcans and of al other gatheryns, • From the Talbot Papers, vol. B, p. 65. f From the Talbot Papers, vol. B, p. 103. REIGN OF QUEEN MARY. 25 brave foldiours and ware lyke, and they make very great bragges; and there fainge is that they wil come to Haydington, but I think it is to hote for them; they wilbe befye. I truft to fee your lordfhip and other in thies partiez to welcome them to the contrye and to qualifye their boftynges. At this prefent tyme I have receyved municions that cam from Lon- done, as pouder and al thinges perteyning, that when tharmy commyth they fhalbe wel furnyfhed. Our Affured Men in Scotland dyvers leapes out for the truft that they have in the faid Frenchmen, and other fome of them commyth fune to my lord Grey to Berwyk. The galleys hath bene at Borthy Crage to viewe it and is retyred bak a geyn into the flete. Other occurrent newes her is none. But Thal- myghty God preferve your lordfhip and my very good lady. From New- eaftel the xxj. of June, 1548. Youres to command, H. Boyvyle. To the right honorable and my very fyngular good lord, therle of Shrewefbury. LETTER FROM SIR JOHN LUTTRELL TO THE EARL OF SHREWSBURY AND THE LORD GREY OF WILTON, August 5, 1548.* Aftre my moft humble commendaccions unto your good lordlhips. Maye yt pleafe yowe to underftand I have receved my lorde of Shrewef- buries joynt letter and your lordfhipps, by which I underftand your pleafures ys to have advertifemente of my wantes. I did prefently at that tyme uppone the receyte ther of fend my lettres unto your lordfhippes * From the Talbot Papers, vol. B, p. 41. 26 ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE of fuche wanttes as I had be fyde my vittayles, wher of yf I be not fur- niffhed yt maye growe to an inconvenience by decaye of the workes. As touching my vittayles I am forniffhed but untyll the xxvij of October, and therfore my truft ys your lordfhippes wyll commande a newe forni- ture out of hand, while oportunite dothe ferve, in which I wolde wyffhe ther were appoynted as muche butter, chefe and byfket, as maye be ; for thofe vittayles requyre no water to the ketle, which ys a thing verie fkant; ther ys none with in the forte, and that that ys withoute ys fcante and hard and defycyle to kepe yf I were nere approached. But yff 1 maye have good ftore of drynke and fuche vitayle as ys afore fayd I fhall, I dought not, do ryght well, and fythe ther ys no other fere but that, I humblie defyre your good lordfhipp to fee me forniffhed accordynglye, as the greateft dowbte maye be prevented by your wyfdoms in tyme. As touchinge the eftate of thefe parties theyre pride ys fuche as re- querethe fpedye punyffhment, trufting yf anye number of menne be fent I wyll fkorge them fufnciently. I kepe the paffage of Dunde and Burt the iij of this month theyre vilages in the Fyfe, and troble [the] contreth here as moche as I maye, to difcorage theyre goyng towardes the campe. I thinke the erle of Argyll wylle not be there at this tyme, nor none of his. I flewe in the Fyfe iiij men, xij foldyars of Donde, in gevyng a charge uppone theyre horfemen, who had certen fote menne emongft them, and in theyr fleyng I cutt thofe herkebufyeres of, and made iijc fotemenne breke home, yf I myght have put to execufione yf my fote menne had byn nere, but I durft nott entre among theyre fote men whenne they were nere brokene, by caufe theyre numbre of horfemenne was greatre thenne myne. Dunde hath in garrifonne ij ordynarie foldyars, but yf I hed the leaft helpe in the wordle I wolde make the towne frye abowte theyre earys. Yt ys declared unto me that ther hath byne certene wordes fpoken unto my flaunder for certene monaye that I have caufed to be employed at Londone for the relyfe of my power, naked, foldyares ; meanyng I fhulde occupye the kynges monaye to myne owne ufe that fhulde have byne other wyfe employed. I befyche your lordfhippe to hyare no fuche ille and untrue reportes made of me, but bothe to anfwere for me and call the tryall to a profe, for though I be not fo ryche as others ar nor REIGN OF QUEEN MARY. 27 have nott fo profytable and eafye entretaynementes, yett I truft yt fhall not appere that I exteme anye of the kinges majefties monaye above the dutie off ane humble trewe fubjecte; and I have difburfed vjc crownes and more out of myne owne purfe for his majeftie more then I have received, as myne accompte will fhewe, wherfore yt grevys me to be fo fclaundred with out caufe. Alle my drinke is donne, referving a lytle wyne, which ys nere hand fpent. Thus humblye byddyng your lord- fhippes fare well, praying God to fend you good lucke in your forraye. The Scottes here faye there contrehe menne wyll nott fyght with yowe at this tyme. Frome the kynges majefties newe fort at Burthe in Angwyffhe, by your lordfhippes to commande ; the vtp of Auguft, 1548. I lacke a ftone of pudour and fhott. John Luttrell. The yong quyne ys embarked at Donbritayne and gone towardes Fraunce. To the ryght honourable the erle of Shrewfbere, lord lyutenennt ge- nerall of the kynges majefties armye, and myne efpeciall good lord the lord Graye of Wyltone, this be delivered with all pofTebJe fpeed. haft, haft, haft, for thy lyf, with fpede. LETTER FROM THOMAS LORD WHARTON TO THE EARL OF SHREWSBURY AND THE LORD GRAY OF WILTON, August 21, 1548,* Right honorable and my verie good lordes. Pleafed your lordfhips to be advertifed that the xxjth of Auguft I receyvid your lordlhips lettres of * From the Talbot Papers, vol. B, p. 89. 28 ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE the xvijth of the fame, delyvered to me by a fervaunt of the lard of Fer- nyhyrftes, conteynyng that wher certane compleyntes wer maid to your lordfhip my lord Gray, for the fpoille of divers tenantes of the lardes of Ceffurthe and Fernyhirft by certane menne under my reull, wherin I was herto afor writtin unto and nothing donne, as your lordfhips be infour- med; Yt may pleafe your lordfhips to underftand that upone your lordfhips lettre, my lord Gray, wryttin to me, I hadd the perfons complayned upon before me, and in the prefent hering of Fernyhirftes manne the matter examyned and meitting appoynted betwene the parties for ordre of the matter. And as the Armftranges infourmeth me no defaut was in theme touching that meitting, but wold have don therin, and for the ordre of the caufes as the fame fhuld have requyred. I do perfave that the lard off Fernyhyrft kepith in flrait ward in yrons certane Ynglifhmenne who canne not be relieved at his handes upon any fufficient bond or feurtie of gentle menne nor others, nor by other entretie, but crewellie deteigned ; whoo, being frendes to the Lidifdaillis moveth of the evill fort the rather to evill difpleafour towardes Fernyhyrft and thofe boundes. I fhall, as your lord fhips hath commaundid, do the beft may bee for the ordre of thofe caufes, and likwife fhalle, in all I may, caufe anoyfaunces be forborne. And Allmightie God fend yore lordfhips proufperous fuccefs and encres of honour. At Carlifle, the xxjth of Auguft, 1548. Your lordfhips at commaundement, Thomas Whartton. To the right honorable and my varie good lordes, therll of Shrewifburie, the kinges ma jefties lieutenaunt, and my lord Gray. REIGN OF QUEEN MARY. 29 LETTER FROM WILLIAM LORD GRAY OF WILTON TO THE LORD PROTECTOR SOMERSET, October 4, 1548.* It maie pleafe your Grace, according as I fignefyed unto the fame before as the caufe of my commyng hyther was partely to kepe our garryfons in good ordre and to plant them for the defence and holding in of this wonnen countrey after thennemy had put our men from Jedworth, and alfo that our newe frendes fholde not thinke but that I wolde, in there nede, be helping unto them. So when I was come, bycaufe the Gover nour and his fholde not perceyve but I mynded to ftere among them, I put forth the fame nyght the Tynfdale and Rydefdale men to gyve them thallaram, who very honeftly went to Ancram where a power laye, fet iij or iiijor houfes on fyer, drave meny to the ftronge houfes, and put moft in fuche feare that forfaking there lodginges they fled to a warde neare by. The next daie, as I advertifed your Grace, making our approche with the horfemen towardes Jedworth, where I my felf was proffering to the uttermoft the fkarmifhe, they forfoke the towne in fuche dyfordre and fo amafed as the lyke hath not bene fene ; and fo halting to be henfe with out ones reftinge, marched the hoole nyght to Peables, and forth this daye to Edenbroughe. Whereupon,, feyng an enterpryfe fo welle commenced, I thought good not to leave it fo, but under one beyng here to make a more profytt and notable jorney to thannoyance of thennemye ; and there fore, as my lafte lettres to your Grace purported, I fent for certayne peices of artillerie, and to be the ftronger, bycaufe the Frenche had lefte gar ryfons of fotemen of thers in thefe parties, I defyred Mr Holecrofte to fende hyther fuche Almaynes as wear remaynynge at the Peathes, (whofe lying there I thought to fmale purpoofe, the peece beyng of fo good a ftrengthe as it is, and bycaufe- the reft, wiche war fent into Lothyane, be nowe agayne in there retorne), who anfwered in fuche forte as your Grace maie perceyve by the copie of his lettre here inclofed, and I agayne fent my mynde thereto, the whiche alfo I fende herewith unto your Grace ; • From the Cott. MS. Calig. B, vii. fol. 323. 30 ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE and for my dyfcharge was compelled thus to do that your Grace may knowe though this jorney hap not fo welle as I truft it fhall, yet no fault was in me, neverthelefs with the power I have tomorrowe I fhalle followe my entendyd purpoofe, and for no man wille ftaye the thinge which I hoope fhalle content your Grace and be to thadvauncement of the kinges majefties fervice, with no more charges in a manner to his highnefle then yf we fholde lye ftille at hoome, where otherwyfe retornynge awaye by his meanes it wolde be more to confume treafour, lofe the good tyme and opourtunyte with honour begonnen, whereby to your Grace my fervice myght be devaled. And fo I take my leave of your Grace. From Rox- brough, the iiijth of Octobre, 1548. Your graces allured to commaunde, William Grey. To my lorde Protectors grace. haft, haft, haft, haft, poft, haft with alle poffyble dilligence. LETTER FROM THOMAS FISHER TO THE LORD PROTECTOR SOMERSET, October 11, 1548.* May it like your Grace tanderftande this evening came hither from Eden- brughe Thomas Carlile, who was taken pryfoner at the firft overthrowe afore Haddington, and remayning ever fins in Edenbrughe, is now delyverd for his raunfome, being ijc xlti crowns of the fonne, whiche he hathe paid, as he faithe. With whome queftyoning howe thinges procede and arr taken betwene the Scottes and Frenche, and fpecyally after the hurle lately emonges theym at Edenbrugh, and fins of the overthrowe of the Frenche and Almaynes at Haddington ; he faith for the firfte, that when this ruffle was emonges theim at Edenbrughe, which he 'faith contynewed a good hower and more, the French could no foner efpie a Scotifhe man, woman, * From the Cott. MS. Calig. B, vii. fol. 325. REIGN OF QUEEN MARY. 31 or childe, ronne out of their dores, or put their heddes out at a windoo, but ilraight way was markede with an harquebute, fo as of that nacion they fpared nonne, wherat the Governer and his counntreymen, as they tlirft, were not a litell ftomaked. Whiche feing, monfr Deffee gathered his holl band in haft togithers, and that night in a gret rage, nothing pleafed towardes the Governer, departed the towne, not all after the gentelleft maner, fending for the Ringrave to mete him with his band, as furthwith he did, and ceaffed not till he came to Mufkelburghe where he tarryed awhile, and fo to Haddington to their cofte, as was lately wrytten to your Grace. They were, faith he, no foner out of Edenbrughe but the gates were fhutt, and then the townes menn feking for fuch French as were lefte, were he fick or holle, he was no foner founde but furth with flayne and cut in pieces. So fearched they the towne eftfones on the morrowe, and as they found difpatched as afore, contynewing ftill the like order as they can get onne or two French a part, which they kill and thruft into holes and corners to hide theyme as they maye. He alfo faith that at fuche tyme as monfr Defile and the Ringrave with their bandes were at Haddington, — whiche journey he faith was refolved uppon xiiijten dales before the execution of the fame, in this forte, either to attempt the fteling of that towne or elles the forte here, and to have diftroyed us in our campe, — newes came to the Governour, being at dyner in Edenbrugh, that the Frenche and Almaynes had wonne Hadding ton and flayne all the foldiours faving a fewe gentlemen that were gotten with in Windham's bulwark, which they kept, to be dely[vered] only uppon promife for faving their lyves, whiche the meffenger faid to the Governer the Frenche wold not fo take neither graunte, and other curtefie then deithe, faid he, they fhuld not have. Wheruppone the Governer and the towne of Edenbrughe, rejoicynge not a litell, and clerely forgett ing and frankely forgeving the French former myfdemeanors as though it had not byn, caufed his trumpet to warne all thorfemen of the towne to be forthwith ready to ryde with him to Haddington, hoping to have come in tyme either him filf and his band to have wonne Wyndham's bulwark, whiche he wold have defired of monlfr Defile, or at the leeft to have affifted the French in the wynning therof. And fo haftyng forwardes 32 ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE with his band of horfemen as far as Laftericke, a mile out of Edenbrughe, met with thother newes of the repulfe and overthrowe. Wherwithall being aftonyed rode to a hill not farr of, wheras he difcovered and faw the French and Almaynes commyng towardes him, wherat he eaft downe his hede and withall fpede retorned to Edenbrughe, and after him came thither both mon#r Deffie and the Ringrave, with the French and part of Thalmaynes, whom Thomas Carlile faith that Handing in his hoftel hous he fawe enter the towne, and with them in compa[ny] either xxvijth or xxviijth cartes and carriages laden with hurt men. And when that monfr Deffie and the Ringrave had put of their harnes and fhifted theim, they both paffing the ftretes went to the Governers/ lodging to have fpoken with him, who wold not be fpoken withall that night nor this daye untill ix aclock in the' morning, fo as they departed for that prefent, and havinge audience with the Governer this daye unto whom, not fhowing anny frendely countenaunce, he anfwered they were come rather to fpoile and diftroye the realme then to affift and defend yt, as was promyfed ; and feing no better fucceffe of their fervice, with alfo considering the flaughter lately made by the Frenche uppone the liege people and fpecially the Hammyltons, he told theim playnly and openly in the hearing of manny that without more ado the matier fhould be enquered uppon and thoffenders fhall fuffre therfore without remyffion, and fo departed from theym and they retorned to their lodginges very faddly, as he faith. Wherupon the Ringrave repayred to Leghe wheras he with his holl band, faving vc left behind him with the lord of Buclughe for a feafon, wool remayne all the wynter, as yt is fayde. He faith alfo yt is reaported in Edenbrughe, both by the Frenche and Almaynes, that at this confiicte at Haddington there was flayne and hurte of their belt men betwene iiijor and vc, and that the more part of the hurte men, as is fuppofed, cannot efcape death; emonges the whiche there was flayne in the bafe courte a very nere kynefman of the Ringraves, who being uppone the firft repulfe left behind ded in the courte, certen of the worthieft Almaynes at the defire of their coronnell with a newe fhoute eftfones approached and reentred the fame, of purpofe to fetche away his faid kynefman, of whom was alfo flaynwith the culverin being newly charged REIGN OF QUEEN MARY. 33 with hayle Ihot xixten, dyvers of thothers fore hurte, and in fyne retorned without their defire for the ded man, faving one of his armes which they recovered and toke with theym ; God fend them many fuche bankettes ! and faithe alfo the Scottes rejoiceth as moche of this overthrowe as we do, and that it is fpoken in Edenburghe the Hamyltons woll, for their bludfheding, feeke no other amendes at thandes of the Frenche but to be revenged with the fworde, and therfor it is thought there wolbe good fport emonges theym or yt be long to. Marye, had not that affray, by the provicion of God, fo tymely happened emonges them, the caftell of Edenbrugh for trothe had byn on the morrowe morning by the appoynte- ment of the quene and the Governer with thaffent of Mr Hamilton, con^ ftable of [the] fame, and the provoft of the towne, now fore hurt, and the reft of the Governers freindes, delyvered to thandes and charge of mon- fieur Deffie, which I truft will not nowe be fo departed withall. And yt is thought in Edenbrugh, faith he, that yf money arryve not out of Fraunce within a fortenight or three wekes the Frenche and Almaynes arr like to famifhe for any relief they fhall get without money, yf in the meane tyme the power of the realme fett not uppon theym, which, as he faith, is in queftion emonges many. And alredye monfieur Defile and the Ringrave have pledged all their wages, jewelles, cheynes, plate, and credit for money to fatiffie their bandes, untill more come, which is dayly loked for; I pray God yt may be intercepted by fea, and then I doubt not youre Grace fhal here good accompt of theym. Ferther, he faith that about xvj dayes pafte, Hughe Dowglas of Lorig- netherye, being in Edenbrughe and lodged within two houfes where he, the said T. Carlile, lodged, he faw the Governer com to him in the evenyng, wheras they conferred three howres togither, and then the Governer retorned home fuffering no light to be carried before him in the ftretes, and Hugh Dowglas furthwith departed the towne. And faith he certenly knoweth, told him by the matter of the houfholde to the quene, that the next night after, fomewhat late in the evening, the lardes of Ormefton and Bromfton came to the fame lodging, unto whom alfo the Governer and monfieur Deffie reforted that night in fecrecie, and tarryeng with them the fpace of twoo or three howres, they went to their 34 ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE lodginges, and the two lardes departed the toune before the breke of the next day. This, he faith, is very true, and woll fo prove it unto their faces, yf yt fo pleafe your Grace, or elles offreth to be hanged for yt. What juggement may be herin, unles they have ferther commifiion from your Grace then I knowe, confidering there famyliarite here and the credite they arr in with fom in thies parties, your princely wifdom can beft judge, and for my parte I pray God yt be for goode, as, faving your Graces reformacion, I beleve yt not. This day alfo, as -he came hitherwardes, he faith that betwene Eden brugh and Long Netherye he met ij°. horfes and nagges, at the leeft, of Thaffured Mens, laden with bred, butter, drinke, cheefe, and other victuelles, going towardes Edenbrughe and Leghe to relief the French and Almaynes, and no daye efcapeth but a number of them goeth thither to the market, and yet in thies parties we ceaffe not to graunt aflurances. And under your faveor to fhowe my folifhe opynyon in difcharge of my bounden duetie unto your Grace, howe had it byn pofiible for fuch a powere as the Frenche and Almaynes were, not under iijm or above as is reported, to com in the night tyme thorough our Allured Mens tounes from Mufkelbrugh to Haddington ? and never a one of them fhuld heare, either of their commyng or pafiing, as they fay they did not, or as I thinke they wold not, although in my judgement a goode part of them knewe full well of thentended enterprice ; and yf they did here, or were previe therunto, why had they not then let it be knowen by fome meane to the capten of Haddington, as it was not ? He ferther faith the French arr at this prefent in fuche defperacion as they had rather adventer and be killed with Englifhmen then by the Scottes, and yet do they dayly make faire tayles to the Scottes, and emongges the reft fay that for troith open warr is proclaymed in France betweene them and England, and that prefently they have a mayne power afore the toune of Bulloigne, which the Englifh men have offered to rendre yf they might be fuffred to departe with bag and bagage. Thies lyes, faving your honour, and fuch like they devife and ymagen to make the blynd Scottes beleve that Fraunce woll fo annoy England as they may do their willes in Scotland. But God, who feeth and REIGN OF QUEEN MARY. 35 knoweth all, woll, I doubt not, fcuorge them for their untroith and nawghtines, according to his moft divyne will and pleafure. Laftely, he faith that having had libertie to walke abrode in the toune of Edenbroughe with his taker, and fomtymes betwene that and Leghe, he telleth that Legh is entrenched round aboute, and that befides a bulwarke made by the haven fide towardes the fea, on the ground where the Chapell ftode, which I fuppofe your Grace remembreth, their is an other greater bulwerk made on the mayne ground at the gret churche, Handing at the upper end of the towne towardes Edenbroughe. And that their engener having at the firfte commyng of the Frenche, devifed a traves walle betwene the towne of Edenbrugh and the caftell, the fame, faith he, is alredy a good piece builded and ryfen breft highe of a man, at the charges of the Governer, which wall with a poynted bulwerk in the myddes ronneth,, by the jugement of his eye, twhart the grene where fir Chriftopher Morres planted thordenance at your Graces .firft approche there, in forte hereunder grocely pricked out, and at the fouth end therof is thentree therunto, which diftance feameth to be like a bafe court to the caftell. The towne. ^ The caftell. Fynally, bicaufe the fort here groweth nowe in fuche ftrength as yt woll not long defire the tarryeng heir of the campe, it may like your Grace to fignifie your pleafure howe and where you mynde to employe the fervice of Thalmaynes, which as yt is thought might be well placed in the Weft Bordres, wheras they may be doing both to annoye thenemye and 36 ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE alfo well victuelled for this wynter tyme, as knoweth the living God, who ever proufper your Grace in honor and feliQitie longe tendure. From the campe at the Pethes, the xjth. of October, 1548. Your Graces moft humble and bounden fervant, Thomas Fisher. To the right highe and mightie prince my lorde Protector his good grace. LETTER FROM SIR THOMAS HOLCROFT TO THE LORD PROTECTOR SOMERSET, July 24, 1549.* Pleasethe your Grace to be advertifed, according to your Graces direction for Spanyardes or Italiones to be fent to the Hermytage, upon fute made by the erll Bothwell, my lord of Rutland did write his letters to therll as alfo to the lord of Bromfton to know what day they fhuld be with him, and w[hich] way they might be belt convoyd, the l[ord] Bromfton hath written to my lord of Rutland that x Spanyards may come to my lord Dakers houfe and to be ther the xxiijth or xxiiijth of this inftant, fo that I dowt not the nombre of fo many Spangardes as your Grace did apoynt fhalbe at my lord Dakers houfe by the xxvjth of this fame at the fertheft. Notwithftanding I am informed therll wilbe at my lord Dakers houfe the xxiijth of this prefent monethe, taking his jorney towards your Grace, and yet by as moche as I can lerne he hath given fpeciall direction, thoughe he go throughe with your Grace, notwithftand ing anny letter that he fhall wryte down to them that kepe the houfe they fhall in nowife deliver the houfe. The plage being great in Edinburghe [the] quene lyeth at Holy Rood * From the Cott. MS. Calig. B, vii. fol. 398. REIGN OF QUEEN MARY. 37 Houfe, the Governor gone to Dunfermeling, where did mete him therlls of Huntley and Arguyle; the buffhope of Dunkeld unto St Andros to be confecrat buffhope therof, making great feaftes, having with him the greateft nombre of all the gentilmen of Lowdyane, Litcofhire, and Clyddefdale; therll of Angus gone into Dowglas dale. . Monfieur de Termes hath bene at Sterling to put things in ftrenghe there, and the xxjth of this inftaunt retorned to his campe at Long Nethery and Aber- lady, who yefterday came to Dunbar to view it and to put things in order there with his hole power of horfemen ; and for the tyme that he was in viewing Dunbar, his horfemen came to view our campe, whereunto iffued out Mr Leek with our horfemen, and made honeft fkermifhes, wher was one principall gentilman of Monfieur de Termes, named Monfieur de Founteralles, ftroken with one of our light horfemen throw the face and out at the neck and yet is it told me he will lieve, his horfe ftroken throw the neck, and throw the filletts, fo that then light iij. northeren ftaves upon him and his horfe all at ones. Ther was one of their Almeignes hurt with one of our harquebufyers on horfback, alfo ther was one Skottyfhe gentillman killed with a Frenfhe man of ther own company as the French man came to difcharge his piece at our company, killed him in the way, his name is the laird of Skogall, dwelling by Temptallon ; and we loft ne[ither] man nor horfe but one horfe ; and fo they retyred to Dunbar and fo over Bell Ha .... towards ther campe. As the brute renneth moche that the Skotts doth not favour the Frenfhe, yet I cannot lerne but ther convention holdeth the fecond of Auguft, and alfo ther hole power to be in armes with fourty days vitells .... by the fixt of the fame, and yet I am greatly borne in hand the day w[ilbe] deferred and put further of. And for all the kinges majefties pieces here I truft your Grace fhall perceive they fhalbe applyed from tyme to tyme fo that the ennemy fhall take no comfort in any thing, and what fervice we are able to do befydes fhall riot be forflowen. And my lo[rd] intendeth to morow to remove the campe towa[rdes] Hume, and as we procede fo fhall I advertife your Grace. 38 ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE Wher Mr Bowes, Mr Wilforde, Mr Pa . . . , and other gentillmen are fo ftraightly kept as the like hath not bene hard, for Mr Wilford can have no kind of lib[erty], but is compelled to put Skottifhmen fuerty to the Mr of Erfkin in the fome of x m1 lb. to be true prifoner in word and dede, and the Skotts will have no les counterband than my lord of Rutland, the captens of Barweke, Norhame, and Haddington. And for the letters that Monfieur de Toys and Caffe fent to the quene, with a letter fent to Mr Secretary Smithe to Mr Wilforde, my trompet went with them iij weks agoo and more, and hitherto have they deteyned him in ward. Where the kinges majefty hath a great nombre of pryfoners in York- fhire, Buffhoprick, Northumberland, and other places, and for that our gentillmen are fo ftreightly ufed in Scotland as aforefaid, my lord of Rutland hath wryten his letters to the kepers of theim that they may be like ufed as oures be in Scotland, yet notwithftanding my lord of Rut- landes letters I do know they have fuche liberty as if they were at home in their own countrey, and hath their daily repair of ther countrey men to them, what conference renneth betwix I refer it unto your Grace, info- moche as the lard of Cefford fent by his own fervaunt a brace of grey houndes unto the deane of Durefme. Remeady I know none, unles it wold pleafe your Grace to wryte ftreightly to the archebuffhope of York, therll of Weftmer[land], the buffhope of Durefme, the bail [lie] of Hexame, the mayor of Newcaftle, the captens of Barwike and Norha[m], as alfo to Robert Colynwood, Geor[ge] Heron and Giles, and to Johne Car of Wark, that no Skottyfhman fhall pas throw them into England without the lord wardeins licence. I am not abill to declare fo moche ill of this matter as I know doth grow of it, for I know George Dowglas hath made promes to the quene that th[er] fhall no men ftir in England agan [ft] Scotland but he fhall know of it .... of theis countreys afore faid. And if anny Englifhman be taken prifoner he fhall neither be delivered for reafonable raunfon or few or any Englifhmannes band taken for the fame, and if we take any Skottifhmen prifoners it is the ordynary fute of our borderers, gentillmen and others, to delyver him home and REIGN OF QUEEN MARY. 39 they to become fuerties for theim. And thus befeching Allmighty God to ... . your Grace. From the campe at the [Pethes], the xxiiij* of July, 1549, Your Graces moft humble at commandment, Th. Holcroft. FRAGMENT OF A LETTER FROM SIR THOMAS HOLCROFT TO THE LORD PROTECTOR SOMERSET, July 1549.* a throughe poft unto your Grace. Alfo he declared unto me that monfieur de Termes hath requyred that they two might mete and fpeke together for exchange of pryfoners, which the capten had of his freindes and he had of the captens freindes taken at Inchekethe. I advifed the capten to fpeak with him, and throughe that communication, might myniftere occafion for the commif- fion of exchange of all prifoners, forefeing all way es he refufe the Mr of Erfkyn, bicaufe he is a prifoner, untill your Graces pleafure be knowen. And when the lieutennant of the gallais was a commilfioner on ther part and gone into Fraunce, and that Mr Cotton a commilfioner on our part was dead, that the commifiion culd take no place, fo that they might name another in the lieutennant of the gallais place and we to name the capten of Haddington in Mr Cottons place ; and fo the capten faid unto me, if he thought to be a commiffioner he wold procede in the matier. Aftre the difcourfe of this betwixt us, he faid he thought through this matier to dryve greater matiers, affirming and faing unto me this is no winter towne, and no fouldiers will tarry here, and if that he knew your From the Cotton MS. Calig. B, vii. fol. 399. 40 ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE Graces pleafure he thought he could dryve with monfieur de Termes as a fute made by him from the Frenche king unto your Grace for the leav ing of the towne ; to that I anfwered I wold he fhuld procede in the former matier with the meting of monfieur de Termes, and to mete him without the town, making him a dynner [with] the beft chere he could, wherby monfieur de Termes might take occafion to re[quelt] the capten another daye to dynner, in the meane tyme I fhall wryte [my] opynyon unto your Grace, fo as tyme might be wyn, that your Grace might declare your fancy unto the capten of thes [partes], or ells not to medle with that matier otherwais than by your Graces letter unto him. As to the newes, monfieur de Termes this day went to Edinburghe to the quene, who lyeth at Holly Rood Houfe, where was the buffhope of St Andros newlie come from his confecration, the Governor lieth at Hammilton, therll of Angus in Dowglas dale, George Dowglas in Gallo way, Arguyle and Huntley in their countreys. It is faid that they gather, and proclamation is made for all Sterlingfhire, Lithcofhire, Edinboro- fhire, and Lowdian, to mufter and be upon Sonday night next comming at Edinborough with x days victuells. Mary, I do not here that the Governor wilbe ther, and as for the buffhope he goth to Sainct Andros againe, but therll of Caffills lieutenant, Coldineknolles, and Hobby Ham milton now Mr of houfhold to the Governor, fhall have thordre of the matier, and fome telleth me it is to victuell Dunbar by lande, for their victuells by fee is intercept by our navy, and fome faithe it is to raife our campe, which I do know if they have no mo that cometh than theis aforefaid they are not abill to do it. Mary, I think it is to vitell Hume, which I truft we wilbe vigilaunt to prevent. But if the Skotts kepe not ther day, as I think they will not, for their lieutennant as yet is a nobill lieutennant, without either horfmen or footemen, and we intend, God willing, upon Tuifday next to make a convoy to Lawther of malt and fioure and other his wantes, trufting they fhall nede no mo convoyes theis ij monethes at left, and by that tyme ther wilbe new corne, and if he play the good hufbande I thinke he nedeth to charge the king with no mo convoys. And under the cullor of our convoy to Lawther I truft your Grace fhall here we will burne Peobles and other things which we never REIGN OF QUEEN MARY. 41 burned to welcome monfieur de Termes to the contrey, if the gathering of the Skotts for the vitelling of Hume be not the let ; and if they do gather it is but deferring x or xij dayes longer. I am informed that monfieur de Termes this next weke will remove his horfmen and part of his footemen and ly at Elveftoun and Urmefton, fo doing he giveth Haddington a fkope of vj myles ferther, and that he will fend ij auntienzeis mo to l[ay] at Dunbar, and leaveth iij antienz at Loofnes and iiijor at Muffilburgh, and the reft of his footeband to lye at Liethe, and that his horfmen fhall kepe athisfyde Muflilburghe water untill wynter, and fo to fave all forage and other thinges fafe about Edenburghe, where he intendeth with his horfmen to lye all the winter. But it is told me there be a c of his horfes fitten down and ftollen by the Scottes ; and intendeth to make thofe frountiers ftrong which he founde, and after to buyld and get thinges in his handes as he canne and to lofe no part of thofe thinges that he founde, he forceth not what we deftroy and wafte in Tyvydale, Marffhe, and Lawderdale. Where preparation and great brute is made of the affembling of ther hole power the xxiiijth of this inftaunt, I am informed, unles a fupply of money come from the Frenfhe king wherby the nobilyty here may be liberally ufed, they will not be fo great a nombre. After this my long letter I have thought good to declare unto your Grace in ij or iij matiers my opynyon, the firft is in this troblefom matter of Haddington, if your Grace doth refolve according to the captens letter I think it good fome thing muft be done and yet the kinges majefty no further chardged. Your Grace knoweth Mr capten hath offred tat- tempt Inchekethe, knowing it to be a thing of great moment, as alfo many good captens and fouldiers under him willing to the fame. The things being brought away ones from Haddington as fer as Barwike why fhould not we embark thole band of Haddington in our navy, and to take up all our fhips and botes at Newcaftle and Barwike for the fame ufe, and fo to pas to Inchekethe and to lie iiij or v daies about it, in which tyme I think they might have it without a ftroke ? for that I am informed they have no vitell but that that cometh from day to day to them. 42 ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE LETTER FROM SIR THOMAS HOLCROFT TO THE LORD PROTECTOR SOMERSET, September 25, 1549.* Pleseithe yt your Grace to be advertyfed I have receyved your letter dated the xij. of this inftant, and alfo one other the xviij. of this inftant, by the handes of Sandy Pryngel ; and I mofte nedes confeffe your Grace hathe fatiffied me in the writyng of quyknes, nor I neyver had other caufe nor thoght bot to be alwayes well contented in all your Graces com- mandements unto me. And wheare I doe knowe your Grace dyd com- mytte the charge unto me for a trufte, in that your Grace hathe done me bot right, for as long as I have lyffe or lande your Grace fhall not be dyffeyved in me ; and forafmych as there was many that dyd not take yt in the beft parte nor mofte honeft fervice otherwayes then a pioner your Grace dyd ymploye me, I colde noe leffe doe then wryte unto your Grace to procure your Graces letter, wherby yt myght feme unto the worlde yt was of trufte and noe otherwayes to be taken, for the witch I moft humly thancke your Grace. Sandy Pryngle this day is ryden unto Gedwurth for to knowe the ftate of the cuntrey there, he hathe promyfed to write unto your Grace as he findes and knoweth there. My lorde Graye dyd tell me he had laide garryfons in Gedworthe, Hauwycke, and Pepulles ; and for that he fecched all the horfemen from hens bot one lyttle c. I have writtene unto my lord Graye to fee Petytts man conveyed unto Hauwycke for the platte. I am informed the abbot of Paffelow hathe put iiijxx hagbutts into Hauwycke, and the lorde of Bocloghe hathe c. waygers of horfemen to be at Pepulles and Selkyrke ; howe this matter hathe ben prevented from us I doe not knowe, whether for lacke of fecretenes, or our horfemen did not lye wheare they weare appoynted. The Governor and moncier Deffe lyeth in Edenborowe; the Governor * From the Cott. MS. Calig. B, vii. fol. 486. REIGN OF QUEEN MARY. 43 hathe made proclamation for vj. dayes vitayles, and all men warned to be reydy in xxiiij owres, and to what place as yet is unknowne. The quene lyeth in Faukeland ; moncier Shapell, beyng nowe coronell of the foteband of the Frenche, lieth with all his bande in Eyffe in townes after the fea fyde ; there hathe ben a fkyrmyffhe bytewne the prior of Saint Androwes men and the Frenche ; Jamy Dogge lyethe at Sanct Johnftowne; the Ryngreve and his bande at Leethe. There was one of the anfons of the Almayns commyng away, for that they weare not paide ; moncier Deffe and Ryngreve weare gladd to delyver them theyre chenes and promyfe them payment. The horfemen that belongeth unto moncier Deffe lyethe at Criftofer. I am informed that the quene or the Governor fhall paffe into France. George Duglas laborethe mycch to have the Governor to goe. Alfo I am advertyfed that George Duglas came unto Daukethe and foe intendet to have fpoken with me, and the fame nyght the capten of Hadyngton brende Daukethe and all his corne, and George Duglas fledde into Edenborowe, and the larde of Blacater fledde away out of the towne in his fhurte. The abbot of Paffelow is now at Edenboroe. Peter Lanfted, leyvetenant unto Cortpeny, whoe is a ftowte man of warre and lovys to be occupied, as he hathe every other day, made his courfe unto Dunbarre with one anfon or ij, and at every tyme brende within the towne, foe that there is few or none dwellyng in the towne. The xxiiijth. of this inftant I lycenfed hym to goe unto Dunbarre, and as he was marchyng towarde Dunbarre with one anfon, to the nombre of cccc, beyng within one myle at the towne, there came a pece owt of the caftell and kylled ij of his bande next unto his anfon and very nere unto himfelfe, and foe he repaired unto the towne of Dunbarre and brende. And where there be iij. great ftone howfes within Dunbarre, witch colde neyver be entered oppon, he brake the wyndoes of one of them and therin put his men, and there gate Holes, formes, and cupboards, with other fucch neceffaries, and made a fyre and deftroyed that howfe, with fuch corne and other thynges as was gotten there, the caftell fhotyng contynually dyd nother hurt ner kylle bot thofe 44 ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE ij that weare kylled a myle furthe of the towne. The leivetennant telles me it is a very old houfe, and he thincks it can not be ftrong ; he faithe he can bryng them fo nere the caftell to make theyre trenche that they fhuld have hoote abydyng in the caftell. Alfo, he faithe that the walles of the caftell next unto the towne be very old and lowe, and fyns the firft day of his commyng unto Dunbarre they have reyfed the wall with yerthe and moundes, the refydue of the caftell he faith is of nature ftone, and ftone laid uppon yt. Alfo, he faithe there is one nue bulwerke bot wynne the walle of the caftell, and yt beates the bulwerke that noe man is able to abyde in yt. Alfo, he faithe that the walle of the inner court is foe highe and lyeth faire to be beaten over the firft walle, and as he thynckith noe man is able to abyde in nother court. I entend to appoint hym another daye for the other two ftone howfes within the towne, and to fend one with, him to drae a platte of the howfe. The leyvetennant hathe declared unto me that he hathe ferved in the French court, and was made prevey unto the French kynges procedyngs, and that the French kyng hathe ben almoft this ij yere preparyng for a navy and to fend men into Scotland ; and alfo that the Frenche kyng had his commiffioners with king Criftian of Denmarke for to affifte and ayde him with his navy and power, and that he fhuld have the doughter of Scotlande for one of his brether ; and alfo the Frenche dyd practyfe with duke Otto of Lynnuynbrygge, lorde of the cuntrey of Horbrygge, for to take men in his cuntrie into his fhippes, and that he would rather the realme of Scotland fhuld comme unto kyng Cryftians handest then unto the kynges majeftes handes. Alfo, he faithe if your Grace take order with the king of Denmarke that there comme noe fupplie of fhippes from thens, the kynges majefte moft nedes have Scotlande within ij yere, for the fupplie that commes owt of Fraunce lyeth foe ferre of that the Frenche wilbe were of the cofte. If it myght ftande with your Graces pleafure to determyn whoe fhuld have the kepyng of this forte, wicch nowe groweth in a greate ftrength, and alfo to appoynt all fuch officers as your Grace fhall thinck mete*. REIGN OF QUEEN MARY. 45 and wheare of late I dyd write unto your Grace in the favor of Frances Affelbe and for that I am not anfwared, thyncken your Grace otherwayes refolved, I have receyved a letter from Mr Affhton, marfhall of Hadyng- ton, whoe defyreth me to write unto your Grace in his favor ; and wheare of late at my beyng at Hadyngton I, fynding many honeft men of fervice there, and to incorage them in the fame I promyfed them for that, that I was able to doe of myfelfe to be a meane to helpe them for that honeft fervice that they have done there ; and accordyng unto my promeffe I can noe leffe then commende Mr Afhton unto your Grace, whom I founde a carefull man and paynefull, and fucch one as I juge to be dylygent and to have a great refpect unto his charge. And for that he hathe an honeft interteynement of a marke by the daye, whicch will lighten the kinges majefte of fomyn charge here, and alfo for that I thinck Frances Affelbe were a fytte man to be marfhall of Hadyngton, for that yt apperteneth alwayes the marfhall to have the charge of the horfemen, for there is the place for fervyce for the horfemen, I doe thyncke that if Mr Affelbe may have the c. horfemen wycch he hath here with me now, and the c. wycch which Mr Afhton hathe at Hadyng ton, I thynck he wilbe content with thenterteynement with the name of the marfhall, and thus the kynges majeftee fhalbe noe further charged, and the captens wages faved by yt. I doe thyncke cc. footemen are enoe for this pece, and c. lyghthorfe- men to lye in the towne wyich are nowe here, that is fo faye yong Bowes and George Selbe. My opynyon is, yf yt fhall feme gud unto your Grace, that the capten of the one c. men fhalbe as yt weare marfhall for the orderyng of matters and chargying the wacche, and his peticapten as provoft marfhall. Alfo, the other capten of the other c. men as maifter of the ordynances, and his peticapten as clerke of the fame, and to ufe and treyne theyre fouldiers to fhote in great peces ; and thus I thyncke the kynges majeftie fhall not be dubble charged. I would wyffhe that the capten of this forte and of all other the kynges peces to have men allowed to wayte oppon them as theyre degree, and as fhall feme gud unto your Grace ; bot to have noe bandes, neyther 46 ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE horfemen ner footemen, and then fhall alwayes your forces be well fur- nyffhed of men. I have fend unto your Grace here inclofed a bille of remembrance, what I thyncke is for this forte. I have thought gud to put your Grace in remembrance of one fpeciall article for this cuntre. Firft, that noe enyme that hathe any bande lying within this the kynges pale, that noe Affhured Man, being a kynne or frende unto the enyme, fhall have the occupacion or the ufe of the ennymey howfes or landes, bot fhalbe put unto Affhured Man that is not of kynne or frende, or ells unto fome Engleffhe man, whom may unfware the kynges majeftie for the rents of the fame. Alfo, if your Grace thynck yt gud that commiflioners and auditors myght be appoynted to furvey all fuch landes of abbies and other as now are in the kynges majefties handes, and fucch landes of the ennyme as lyeth within the pale, and whoe doeth occupy them, and who fhall anfweare the rent, and not to mycch graunted to noe Affhured Man, nor yet Engleffhe men, for there is fome Ingleffhe that is not content with ij or iij holle baronies. This pece ones put in ftrengh and a difcrete man here, the kynges majeftie fhalbe anfwared of the revenyeus of all betwixt this and Ber wyke, and from Lawther to Drybroughe, and part of land nere unto Dunnbarre, as I dowte not the capten of Haddyngton wilbe anfwared of the revenyeus of the Merce and other landes abowte hym. And as I doe take yt, the corne and the money that will ryfe unto the kynges majeftie of the abbey landes and other betwyxt this and Berwycke will groe unto an honeft fome towarde the kynges majefties charges, and foe fhall the ennyme have noe relef out of this the kynges pale. If your Grace doe fee we foloe not your iriftruccions and command- mentes I may faye the nature of fome is to put noe thyng in execucion bot that ryfeth by theyre owne hed and devyfe, though it be not foe worthy to be foloed as the expreffe commandment ; I can compayre theyre avyfes unto yll workes, levyng the expreffe commandmentes un- REIGN OF QUEEN MARY. 47 done. And thus praying to God to fend your Grace gud helthe with long lyffe in honour. From the kynges" majefties forte of Dunglaffe, the xxvth of September, Your graces moft bounde, eyver to commande, Th. Holcroft. To my lorde Protectores grace ; in hafte, hafte, pofte, haft, haft, with all pofiible dylygence. LETTER FROM SIR THOMAS HOLCROFT TO THE LORD PROTECTOR SOMERSET, September 27, 1549.* Plesaith yt your Grace to be advertyfed I have receyved your letters, dated the xxjth and xxijth of this inftant ; and as towchyng George Dug las he is paffed into Murrey lande, and as unto Elvefton he hathe fende me wurde he will fpeke with the capten of Hadynton and that he derre not come fo ferre as unto me. And where your Grace makethe mencion that Mr Goore, Sandy Pringle, and I, fhall conferre togeyther for certen townes within the Merfhe and Tyvidale for the better furnyture of the kynges majeftes fortes and peces here, affone as we have taken order here and know what the townes are able to doe we fhall advertyfe your Grace. I have receyved by feverall intellygens this daye that the Governor doethe fet furthe of Edenboroe, and this nyght will lye at Nuebotell. The Frenche is comen over the water and cometh unto Davkethe ; the Ryngreve and the Almaynes come this nyght unto Davketh. * From the Cott. MS. Calig. B, vii. fol. 494. 48 ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE It is telled me that the Governor is myndet to come unto Lawther and foe to Jedworthe, and that the lardes of Tyvidale will take the Gover nors part. The Ryngreve hathe taken in hande to wynne Lawther not- withftanding the Governors proclamacion, he is bot a fmall compeny of Scottyffhmen. Alfo the lord Elvefton fende me worde that this exployt that the Go vernour is abowte to doe myght afwell be to ryde oppon the Affhured Men as unto Lawther ; and if it were unto Lawther the caufe is there is a greate ftore of ftackes of corne and heye gotten into yt, and they are myndet to fet fyre in yt and foe to wynne the forte. Alfo he faithe that the Governour can not tary above xxiiij owres, for they lacke money and vitales. I am informed the Governour prepayreth to lye all wynter at Edenboroe for feare the towne fhoulde revoke ; the quene fhall lye at Sterlyng or Dumbretane ; George Duglas wulde have gone into France imbacetor, if he myght have had the makyng of the comyflion, wicch the quene wuld not agre unto. The quene and George Duglas have labored mycch to have the Governor to goe into France ; the abbot of Paffelow and the Hamiltons have anfwared playnly he fhall not goe out of Scotland. I am informed the Governour giffeth noe credite unto George Dug las. I doe underftand after the Governour hathe done his exployt the greateft nombre of the Frenche will paffe into France ; it is thought the quene will goe hyrfelf into France. There are v gales remayning at Leethe, one fhippe of cc, and iiij other little fmalle fhippes. To declare unto your Grace how the prior of Saint Androwes hathe dryven moncier Shapell and all the Frenche from St Androws and out of Fyffe, and fome of the Frenche flayne and part of the Scottes. The quene is gone unto Saint Androwes to appece the matter, I here bot of a lyttle welcome. that fhe is. The Governour had not ned to have fend for the Frenche unto Edenboroe for they weare dryven out of Fyffe. The Governor hathe declared that the emperor is deade and the Frenche kyng chofen emperor, and that the kynges majefte fhall nother have Almaynes nor other to ferve hym the next yere, and what a greate REIGN OF QUEEN MARY. 49 armye the Frenche kyng will fende into Englande this next yere and not to troble them in Scotland, defyring all men to be content with the Frenche for this yere though they lacke money and falle fycke. There was ij of the anfons of the Ryngreves commyng from him on Tuyfday lafte for lacke of payment, wheare Ryngreve hathe folde his chene and plate to paye them. The payment amowntes not to every man above a crowne. The Ryngreve hathe hanged one of the capitens for goyng away. It is faide the Governor doethe take them to doe an exployt wheare they may have fome fpoyle, for feare they fhulde goe awaye. The Frenche and the Almaynes afke wayges for v monethes and they are bot paide for ij monethes. I am informed that the Goyernour waxeth wery of the Frenche, and as I can lorne more I fhalbe gladd to mynyfter a preparatyve and doe my dylygens to advertyfe your Grace. Hugh Duglas of Longnether is with the Governour, and clerely reT mytted the Ryngreve labores for Urmyfton and Brymfton, and their alli- gacion is they meaned noe hurt unto the realme of Scotland bot fled for opinyon fake. Maifter Fyffher nowe goyng unto Porticragge I colde noe leffe doe then advertyfe hym of myn opynyon, Firfte, of George Duglas goyng into Murrey lande, paffyng through the towne of Saint Johnftones and foe into Angwiffe and over the brygge of Britheqhnell into the Mu- rynes, I have willed Mr Fyffher to conferre with fir John Loterell, callyng unto them my lorde Gray of Angwiffe yf he will take in hand to appre- hende George Duglas at Brethqnell brygg, wicch is bot viij myles from Porticragge, and to delyver George Duglas unto fir John Loterelles handes, and that the lorde Graye fhalbe well rewardet for his labor ; and if he will not, then to praetife with Robart Carrenygene, wicch may be a furtherance of the delevery of his maifter the erle of Huntley ; and if thefe will not take place then to fpeke with the gentelmen of Fyffe, that is to faye the larde of Bughany ; the larde of Graunge, .... and frendes called Kyrkeaude, and alfo Normant Lyfeley fry[ndes] whoe nowe remayne prifoners in France, the takyng of George may be the delevere Q 50 ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE of theyre frendes furthe of prifon in France. Or alfo to adventure to fpeke with the maifter of Ryven, yf he thoght yt gud, whoe myght well take hym in Sanct Johnftowne, bot I have declared the maifter of Ryven hathe maried my lorde of Angwiffe doghtor. Even as I doe knowe yt hathe ben coftely unto the kynges majefte to wynne George Duglas, foe I doe thyncke honorable unto your Grace to have hym by one waye or other, thogh it cofte your Grace more money. Where I have wryten unto your Grace my fanfie for that the kynges majeftie myght be acertenly anfwared afwell of the fervice of the foul- diers belonging unto every anfon as money remayng in captens handes, bothe deade and alyve, wicch commyffion dyd not extende unto Mr Brende to feafe any money into his handes, beyng bot mufter-mafter, and oppon your Graces inftruccions fend unto hym, I truft your Grace thyncketh no otherwayes in hym bot he hathe execute his office dyligently without feare or parcialite, nor I am not able to charge hym bot in doyng his thynges bothe wifely and honeftly and oppon a greate refpect; and I wulde wiffhe, yf it myght feme gud unto your Grace, that it may appere unto Mr Brende yt is noe other wayes taken by your Grace. For that I doe perceyve the kynges majefte affaires groeth greate here and fortificatione like to increafe, and many neceffaries lackyng and fcarce- nes of wude, and other ; at my commyng from Hegham unto the Newcaftell at Efter, rydyng through wuddes ftandyng oppon the water of Tyne within vij myles at the Neucaftell, and late beyng the erle of Northumberlandes, I fawe many fayre tymber trees groyng and a great nombre newly fallen wicch weare a greate deale better then c. li. femyng unto me that they had ben for the kynges majefties fervice, and I did inquire. Yt was faide unto me the trees weare fallen for the reparacion of the weare that late was the erle of Northumberlandes, and letten to ferme for v. markes by yere. I will fay unto your Grace yt were better the kyng fhulde lofe the rent then the wudde fhuld be fo lofte ; yf yt myght ftande with your Graces pleafure I wulde thincke yt gud that there weare fallen fyve or fix hundreth trees this wynter in thofe wuddes and other wuddes oppon the water of Tyne, and made reydy to be broght downe unto the New- REIGN OF QUEEN MARY. 51 caftell or Cheldes, and there your Grace may converte them wither your Grace thynketh gud. I doe perceyve by my lorde Greye your Graces pleafure is oppon the commyng of the navie hither I fhall fet aborde ccc. of the foldiers here. Firft, I mofte declare unto your Grace I have abowte xiiij hundreth remayng here of the bareft and nakeft men your Grace hathe feen ; and within this ij dayes above cccc. fallen fycke and not able to ftyrre furthe of theyre cabens, foe that I care how to get them with careages into England, and a great nombre very lofe opon theyre bodyes. The con- tynuall labor of carying bafkettes, foddes, and going unto the wudde and waching hathe ben fuch that I thynck your Grace hath not feen the lyke paynes taken, and I truft to doe my dylygence to helpe to make an ende of this peeee. And further, your Grace may not loke for any fervice of thefe men for this yere, for if I fhulde put them in any other fervice for the kynges majeftie I fhulde not ferve his Grace well, for I knowe I fhuld deceyve his Grace in the fame. Bot for that I wuld the navie fhuld be mayn- tened I underftande there cummeth ccccc. cleane men furthe of Lanca- fhire and Chefhire, wicch wilbe at Berwyc on Sonday at nyght next commyng, and wheare they weare fent for bot as pieners, for that I underftande the laft fouldiers the commiffioners fende weare not lyked bot fende home or elles made pioners, they thought to make amendes and fend of the beft, and giffen every one fyve nobles or xl s. in his purfe, wicch draeth a great charge to the cuntre. And for that the cuntre fhuld be at noe charges bot fendyng the men yt was appointed that fir Richarde Legh fhuld fende ij of his men unto Lancafter for the conduct of the ccccc. hither, becaufe the cuntre fhulde be at noe charges. I have willed my lorde Graye to take ccc. of the beft of them and fet them aborde the fhippes, and fend the reft to me. And occafion rifeth dayly that I do mynyffhe my nombre and not with out gud caufe ; foe am I nowe fory to advertyfe your Grace of myn owne eftate lying in my bodie more reydy with great payne to goe unto the ftole then unto a faire whoman. And thus praying to God to fend your Grace 52 ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE gud helthe and long lyf in honour. From the kynges majefties forte of Dunglaffe, the xxvij of September ; Your Graces moft bounde eyver to commande, Th. Holcroft. To my lorde Protectors grace ; in hafte, hafte, pofte, hafte, hafte ; for the lyf, for the lyf, for the lyf. THERLE OF ANGUS TALKES AND MESSAGE SENT TO ME, THERLE OF LEVENAX, WITHT MY SERVAUNT, WILLIAM PATERSONE, THE XXIII. DAY OP FaBRUUARII, 1549.* William Patersone, Scottifman, being at Dowglas for a call of halke[s] promift to me, therle of Leuenax, by James Lyndfaye, falconar and fervaunt to therle of Angus, the faid erle hering of Paterfonis being there appoynted in the dawing of the day nixt ' following to mete him without the caftell upoun the grene ; where therle of Angus, as he fayeth, kyndlie afkyd whow my lorde of Leuenax his fone dyd and his doichtare, and there yonge fone, for he wolde be glaid to here [of their] good wel fare. He inquyryd what my lorde his fone thought [him] felf, and what he intendyd to doo, " ys there noo fecrete thing th[at he] haith byddin the fchew to me?" Paterfone anfweryd, " his lordfhippe [comman]dit me no thinges in fpeciall at this tyme but to bring his h[alkes], and if I faw your lordfhippe to commend him to his father therle of Angus, and wolde be glaid he wor in good health, and moore kynde to him nor he hath bene in tymes paft." Therle of Angus faid " we [11], feing he haith fend no thing elles to me I will brek a lytill of my mynde to the, for I truft the well enewcht, and haith gevin the fervauntts of my landes • From the Cotton MS. Calig. B, vii. fol. 436.. REIGN OF QUEEN MARY. 53 charge to reffave the at all tymes. Thou fhall declare my doichtare ys thing in the worlde that I luve beft and my lorde hir hufband and that yonge boye there . . . ., for my chyldren ar deid that thou faw, and yf thei be at hom[e and] well than I am in comforte, and yet I am als ftrange to there doy[ings] and procedinges or whow thei intend to pas over the worlde as ony innyme they have, nor I can not fe them, nor thei me, whiche brekes my hart ; trowis thou that I wolde fe any man aboufe but that man and that boye whiche is my bloode ? And he haitht bene of a noble houfe and I have fene him lyke a man, and will he do my counfale I fhall ware thefe ould bones of myne but I fhall mak him a man yet ; the worlde is very ftrange, I have fene mony chenges, yt haitht bene faid in oulde times that a erle of Levenax and Angus could have rulyd fum thing upoun this fyde Fortht. Shew my fone there ys a greate man to cum furt of Franche this yere [to] tak the rule and authoritie of the realme uponne him, yt is fufpe[cted] he wilbe ftrait to greate men here, and we will abhorre Franche lawes and thei be fcharpe, and yt is towlde me . . . cowling, the lorde Graye fhalbe put at fyrft. Therefore [de]fyre my fone to get leve and my doichtare to cum down to Carlifle that I may fe her or I die, and that I may know his mynde. And [if] his wave be better nore myne I will ufe his counfale, and yf myne be better nor his yt is naturall for him to tak yt, for I will gife him advife in no thing but that whiche fhalbe for the well of boitht the realmes, and fhall not be for the hurt of ony thing he broukis in that realme. What care I all the reft of the worlde yf thei be in honour ? thou may tell him there was bandes betuyn us affore this, but now there is greater bandes of flefh and bloode, and where he haitht alwayes put a dowbt in George, my brother, fchew him noder he nor Drumlangrig fhall go ony waye or doo ony thing but as I will. And thus I pray the mark well my wordes and bring me anfwer againe, and he fhall knaw more at our meting." To the right honorable and my Angular good lorde, my lorde mar ques of Northampton., 54 ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE LETTER FROM MATTHEW EARL OF LENNOX TO THE EARL OF NORTHAMPTON, March 11, 1550.* Pleasyd youre honorable lordfhippe to be rememberit that yifterday, the tent of Marche, I dyd entre partly to declare unto youre lordifhipps h . . . . thoccationis of my cuming hyther ; and perfayving youre lord fhippe not to have tyme to here the hole difcourfes thereof, and alfo being now myfelf crafyd I have thowght goode to put youre lordfhippe in remembrance of theffectes thereof by this my wryting. Fyrft, lyke as I have declaryd all rady to my lorde Greate Thefe . . . rar and to youre lordifhippe, I have, according to youre lordifhipps letter and commandment fent of before to me, takin order witht one Patrik Murray, Scottifman, for recovery of the houfe of Cokpule to the kinges majefties ufe; and for the furtherance thereof haith fent him fum money of [mine] awin purfe, the interpryfe, as I fuppofe, being now in wirking. Secundlie, albeitht I have had fundry offers and meffaiges from fum of my frendes and fervantes furth of Scotlande for furpryfing of the caftell of Dunbertane to the kinges majefteis ufe, being heretofore fo untrewlie handlit in that purpofe witht otheris there, I gave fmall eris and refpeet to there bare wordes and devifes ; notheles thei being very, as thei faye, of the yll handling of Franche men and other, my innymeis there, haitht fent, thre dayes affore my cuminge here, one of the principall attemptares thereof, declaryng the interpryfe in furetie wroicht ; the portare, watchis, and otheris my natyve fervauntes within the place corrupt and wyn, putting [no] dowbt to have the caftell, capitane, treffoure, munitioun, [and] all within the fame to the kinges majefties pleafour, to be dely- veryd uppon relief and aide, fending to them after the act doying. I have flayed the fame gentilman at a houfe of my[ne] in Yorkefchyre, unto fuche tyme your lordifhipps pleafour may be knowen. Thrydlie, where as therle of Angus, according to his accuftomyd fawcioun, haith oftyn fent me fare wordes withtout deids, and having * From the Cott. MS. Calig. B, vii. fol. 435. REIGN OF QUEEN MARY. 55 experience of his untrewthis to the kinges majefte and unnaturalnes alfwele to me in Scotland as in this realme, I paft the fame lythly over. Now of late, the xxiij day of Fabruary, th[ey] being importune upoun me witht a more hote meffage I thought goode to putt the fame in wryte, whiche I fent herewitht to your lordfhippe, withtout agmenting or paring, to know your lordlhips pleafour, witht the reft of my lordes of the kinges majefties mofte honorable previe counfale, whow I fhall procede witht him. And yf it ftande witht there lordfhips pleafour that I fhall repare to Carliflie, according to his diffyre, oder to allure him to the kinges majefteis fervice or to put him in greater fufpitioun witht that real[m], I fhall obedientlie accomplifh the fame. My lorde, I wold be fory to be a inftrument to fet furtht ony thing to the hyndrance of ony good purpofes or of peax, but having fuche offeris fent to me, in difcharge of my dewite I thowght mete to exonerate my felf to there lordifhipps ; moft hartly differing youre good lordifhippe to be a meane that I may know there anfwers and pleafours herein. And Almyghty God preferve your lordfhipp in moft long lyf, witht increfs of honour. Written this xj. day of Marche, 1549, Youre lordifhipps affuryd to his powar, Mathew Lenox. LETTER FROM PATRICK EARL OF BOTHWELL TO THE LORDS OF PRIVY COUNCIL, November 1, 1552.* Yt may pleafe your right honorable lordfchippis to be advertifed that where at thefe prefentes ftandyth fyndrye greate divifiones within the realme of Scotlande, my freyndes their amongis whom the Karris and Humes, forfeing the eftait therof, willing alfo to have me home, haitht of lait by large overtures and meffages travaled for my repair, and being of mynd alfwele to fatiffie their diffyre, feing the tyme convenient, as • From the Cott. MS. Calig. B, vii. fol. 470. 56 ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE alfo to repoffede my roumes and poffeffiones in thofe parties wheir I may the better menteynie my owin poore honour and eftait, yet remembring with my felf the honouris, charges, and benevolence by me receyved of the kingis majeftie and of yow, my lingular good lordis, during my aboode heir, I durft not at the firft grant to my freyndis defyres, but of my dewite fubmit and accounfale my doyngs to his highnes plefour. Moift humblie praying your good lordfchippis to be futors to his majefte for the con- tynewance of his highnes goodnes unto me, and yff the faid Karris, Humes, and otheris my freyndis doitht conftantlie percift in there over tures and interpriffes whiche they pretend, as moore at lenth I have per- ticipate witht my lord Warthoun, deputie generall here, whom I find my verray good lord and that gentillie haitht ufed me, to licenc me with his majefties favour to jone witht them and fucche otheris as I can adhere unto me in that realme, whereby I may be the more abill to gratefie hereeftir fum parte of that his majefteis liberalite to me fchewed, whiche I fhalbe, God willing, never unmyndfull of the fam : And yff I and my faide freynds fhalbe at ony extremite, that it will pleis his majeftie and your lordfchippis to permitt and fuffar his hieghnes officeris heir to be favorable and helping to ws and oure poore pretenfis. Forthermore, where I am behynd a yeare and ane half unpayit of my pencioun, being now at no lytill charges, that yt will pleafe your honouris to geve a command to the paymafteris therof to anfwer my fervaunt whiche I have prefentlie fent for the fame ; and that your lordfhippis will fignefye your pleffuris in the premiffes witht fuche reffonable fpeede as your difcretiones fhall think convenient. And thus prayis Almyghty God to preferve your honorable lordfhippis in mofte long life, witht mutche increffe of honour. From the Newcaftell, the firft of November, 1552, Be your lordfhippes humelie to command, Pat. Bothwell. To my fingulare goode lordis, my lordis of the kingis ma jefties moift honorable Prive Counfale This be deliverit. REIGN OF QUEEN MARY. 57 A LETTER WRITTEN BY THOMAS BISCHOP DIRECTED TO THE LORD WHARTON, LORD DEPUTIE LIEUTENANT AND GENERALE OF ALL THE MARCHES OF ENGLAND FORANEMPTIS SCOTLAND, DECLARINGE WHAT FORCES THE FRENCHE KINGE INTENDES TO DRAWE OUT OF SCOTLAND; AND THE EARLE BOTHWELLE APPOINTED GENERALL THEROF, AT THIS Tl[ME RE]MAINING IN ENGLAND IN BANISHMENT. DATED AT NEW- CASTELL THE 5 OF NOVEMBER, 1552.* Pleased your right honorable lordfhippe to be advertifed this Friday at night, the fourth of Novembere, arrived here one fir David Dowglafe, a wittie ould fellowe, and one other Scotifhemane, fervants to the earle Bothwell, forth of Scotlande ; they fhewe that the Governor with the nomber of fower thoufande horfmen was at Jedbrught keeping a Juftice Court, where was appointed affore the killinge of Botlewith. He hath caried with him fower faulcones, feild peeces ; the queene and bifhope of St Andrewes remaineth at Edenburgh, and as for the Governores procedinges there they wold declare nothinge therof, I trufte your lord fhippe fhall knowe all the fame more riplie nowe at Barwicke nor I cane advertize. The earles faid fervants brought him their lettres, one from his fifter the lady Fleminge, as I was informed, one other from Mr Karnagy one of the privie counfell of Scotlande, treafourer, clarke and all, ruler' of the Governor and bifhoppe of St Andrewes, the third from Mr Michaell Balfoure, folicitor of the earles caufes in that realme ; they had fpeciall credence from the ladie Fleminge and Karnagey. The earle fhewed me the credence of his fifter, but not the letter, which was that the French kinge had by pofte fent to the queene and Governor for to fend him five thoufande footemen and five hundred light horfemen forth of Scotlande. They have for accomplifhmente of that purpofe a convention at Edenburgh the xxiiij. daie of this inftante month ; the earle of Caffilles and the lord Ruthin feweth to bee generalles of thefe • From the Harl. MS. 353, fol. 125. H 58 ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE men, but the queene willed the earle Bothvilles fifter to fend him word that he fhalbe generall ; and for the further charge of the earles appointe- ment with the Governor and bringinge of this purpofe to pafTe the queene hath fent monfer Docye to the Governor at Jedbrught to conclude the earles appointment conforme to the French kinges minde and requefte. And therefore fhe defired her brother the earle to repaire to the Border and come in fpeaking with the Governor, and he fhould have what affu- rance he woulde. He is verie pleafant with thefe newes and ftaies till he knowe what conclufion Docye takethe with the Governor, which he looketh to be advertized of within thefe three or fower daies by a gentle man,, fervante to his fifter, who goeth pofte into Fraunce. The earle fhewed me Karnagys letter, which was verie flatteringe, thankinge the earle for the encrefe of certayne landes which he holdeth of him in Scotlande, and declaringe that he had fhewed the Governor and the bifhope of St Andrewes the earles mefuage and credence lafte fente to him, who both was verie glade therof. He writeth alfo in his letter that he fhall fhortely do fuch a pleafure for the earle that he fhall thinke him felfe endebted to him. I demaunded what he ment by that pointe ; the earle fhewed me he was travelinge to have his fonne to marrye witn the Governors daughter, which he faid he would not do to leave the queene and Fraunce but abufe him with faire wordes and vaine hope. The third letter from his fervante Balfoure was no othere then the earles privat affaires in Scotlande, as he faid. I have, in my communicaiones with the earle affore this, learned that the Frenche kinge was his good lorde, and that he had thrife written to the Governor to revocate him to his honores and poffeffions in Scotland, and that there is intellygence and fecrete tokeninges betwixt the French ambaffadore above at London and him, and alfo that the queene was his good ladie, and that there paffed faire wordes betwixte the Governor and him, who protracted his finall appointemente becaufe he knewe him [ ] towards the queene and French partie. But breifly, my lorde, I perceave his appointement in maner mad with them all, and now remaneth under the pretence of an honefte leave-takinge of the kings majeftie to gett the filver he may of his highnes and the counfell and to departe with as good an Englifh harte REIGN OF QUEEN MARY. 59 as the earle of Anguifh or George Douglas caried when they went. I writte thus plainelye and truly in difcharge of my poore oppinione and dutie, to be weied nottheles and praetift with him as your lordfhippes wifdom thinketh meete. My lorde I had forgotten in my other letters to certefye your lordfhippe that the earle had fent a French man, his fer- vant, to the French ambaffador at London with writinges in French in the favore and helpe of the Duche captaine who ftaieth here for the buyinge of the Trinitie fhippe at Newcaftle. Doubtelefe, my lorde, yf fo many men goe fourthe of Scotlande as the earle affures me nothing to be truer, the divifiones ftandinge as they are, and fuch wante of noblemen there as nowe is, that realme is in great hafarde and lycke to be an oppen praye. What your lordfhippes pleafure is to commaunde I fhall redyly obaye the fame, God willinge, who preferve your lordfhippe in mofte long life with increfe of honore. From the Newcaftle, this Sat- tordaye the fyfte of November, 1552, Your lordfhippes mofte bounden with fervice, Thomas Bischop. LETTER FROM JOHN LORD COYNERS TO THE EARL OF SHREWSBURY, February, 1553.* The xiijth. day of Februarye laft paft Johne Gordone, larde of Loghin- ver, hafe lade the earle of Throghwen, Alexander Gordone his brother, and Roger Gordone, to remayne and lye wyth my lorde Warden of the weft marches of Englande for him in Cayrlyfle, and hafe promyfed to fende Roger Gordone his uncle, and William Gordone his broder, to my faid lorde Warden on Monday the xxth day of the faid moneth to enter and lye for their releyfe, or the faid lorde Loghinver to enter in his proper perfon for there fayd releyfe. And for performaunce herof the faid lorde * From the Talbot Papers, vol. C, p. 129. 60 ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE has founde the lordes of Hempiffelde, Cokpule, and Johne Thomfone cuftomer of Carlyfley, furetyes 1e°. John Conyers. per me Johannem Thomfone propria manu mea fcriptum ; facta collacione concordat cum originali. Endorfed, Undertaking for Scottifhe prifoners, 1555. COPIE OF THE LORDS OF THE COUNSELLES LETTRE TO THE LORD DACRES, xxvj. Junii, 1555.* Efter our verie hartie commendacions to your lordfhip. We have re- ceved your lettres of the xxj. of this moneth with the coppie of the Mafter of Maxwelles letter unto you. And lyk as we be very glad tunderftande the humble fubmiffion that the Greymes have made to your lordfhip, fo do we well commende your determination to ufe them welle and gently hencefurth in cafe their behaveour fhall deferve the fame, whereby ye fhall the better contynue them in their duties of obedience as becommith good fubjeetes, and by that meanes kepe there marches the rather in quiet and good order. As touching the Mafter of Maxwelles earnefte callinge upone you for redreffe of thattemptates committed by the Greames, albeyt we thinke very reafonable that juftice be doone afwelle in thefe as all other cafes uprightly and according to the treatees betwene bothe realmes, yet for afmuche as by the kinges and queues majefties proclamation, lately fent unto you under their highnes grete feale, it is ordered that alle matters touchinge the faid Gremes fhalbe harde and determined according to juftice by our very good lorde thearle of Shrewifbury at his cumming to New Caftell, we fe not how this order may with their majefties honour be alterid or broken. And nevertheles • From the Talbot Papers, vol. C, p. 67. REIGN OF QUEEN MARY. 61 feing we have taken fureties of the Greames to be anfwerable to juftice and that it will not now be long before my lord of Shrewilbury cum to Newcaftell, havinge allredy taken his leve of their majefties and put himfelf in aredines to repaire with as convenient fpeade as he may thetherwardes, ye may in the meane while procure by faire meanes and gentell perfwacion to move the faide Gremes to agrea to fum reafonnable redreffe of the wronges they have don to the Scottes ; wherein, never- theles, we wolde your lordfhip had fuche regarde to the kinges and quenes majefties honnoures as without breking thorder taken by their proclamation ye did rather feame to procede herein by way of counfell and perfwacion than by any extremity or compulcion, untill my lord Shrewifburyes coming downe, who, we doubt nat, will caufe fuche order to be taken in this behalf as may be anfwerable to juftice, and in refon fatiffie bothe Mr Maxwelle and alle others. And becaufe the faid Mafter of Maxwell may perceve that the kinges and the quenes majefties meane for their partes to caufe juftice to be as uprightly and indifferently, and the league and treaties to be as welle obferved in all pointes, as the quene his miftres dothe for hirs, ye may bothe fende unto him a coppie of fuche parte of this our letter as may ferve for the declaratione of their majefties meaninge herein, and farder to fignefy unto him that, becaufe the diforder committed by the Greames were don afwell againfte your lordfhip and your tenauntes as againfte the fubjectes of Scotlande, the king and the quenes majefties thinking it not convenient for thorder of juftice that your lordfhip being a partie againfte them fholde be alfo their judge, have appointed my faid lord of Shrewifbury, who is a per- fonage bothe of honnour and indifferency, to underftande and order thefe matters that the faid Gremes ar to be charged withall, wherein he is bothe willed by the king and quenes majefties and fo enclined of himfelf to ufe fuche uprightnes and indifferency as we miftruft not the faid Mafter of Maxwell and others fhall have caufe in refon to be fatiffied. And of that he fhall anfwer hereunto we pray you we may be advertifed as foon as ye conveniently may. As touching the lord Whartons entring to the charge of the Mid- dell Marches, albeit he did by his lettres written unto you appointe to enter that charge within xx dayes after the writing thereof, yet may 62 ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE not your lordfhip confider that one in his cafe can none otherwife dif- pofe of himfelf than his difpoficione and helthe will give him leve. And yet do we fuppofe by that we have harde from him that he is alredy, or will be very fhortly, on his jorney towardes the Middell Marches to receve his charge, and in the mene tyme your lordfhip fhall do well to fe to thordering of thefe marches to thende ye may at his entry finde the fame in fuche good eftate as he have no caufe to note any lak in your lordfhips parte. We have fo often and fo erneftly written unto you touching the good agreament and frendly joyneng togetheres of you and the lord Wharton that we are wery to put you any more in remembraunce thereof, and yet fhalbe very forry if you, for your part, fhall not fhew your felf as conformable to the king and quenes majefties defier and ours herein, as we perceve the lord Wharton, for his parte, very honorably dothe, who continueng therein, as we doubt nat he will, can not but deferve for that refpect the prayfe of a good and tractable gen- tlemanne, as we have good hope your lordfhip will on your behalf deferve the lyk. And thus we bid you 1c. LETTER FROM THE PRIVY COUNCIL TO THE EARL OF SHREWSBURY, June 26, 1555.* After our right harty commendations to your good lordfhip. We have lately receyved lettres from the lord Dacres, whereby he fignifyethe unto us afwell the humble fubmiffion that the Greames have made unto hym as allfo the earneft requeft that the Mafter of Maxwell, warden of the Scotyfhe marche, makethe to have redreffe of thattemptates commytted by the Greames, as by the coppy of the faid Maxwelles lettre written unto the lord Dacre, whiche we fende unto you herewith, may at better lengthe appere unto youe. And for as muche as the ordering of the fayd Greames cafe is, as your lordfhip knowethe by the proclamacioun, appointed unto your difcrecion and confideracion at your coming to * From the Talbot Papers, vol. C, p. 71. REIGN OF QUEEN MARY. 63 Newecaftle, we have made fuche aurifwer unto the lorde Dacre as by the coppie of our lettres unto hym, whiche we fende alfo herewith, ye may more fully perceyve j who, we doubt not, will hereuppon fo fatiffie the fayd, Maxwell as he fhall have caufe to be content to abyde your lord fhippes coming downe for that purpofe, whiche we truft will nowe be very fhortly. And thus we byd your good lordfhip right hartely well to fare. From Hampton Courte, the xxvjth. of June, 1555. Your good lordfhippes affured loving frendes, Ste. Winton Cancelfi. Winchester Arundell John Gage William Petrey Frauneys Englefyld Robert Rochester Ric Southwell To our very good lorde the earle of Shrewfbury, lorde prefident of the king and quenes ma jefties counfell eftabliffhed in the north. haft, haft poft, haft, haft, haft. Delyvered to the poft at London, the xxvj of June at viij of the clok at after none. LETTER FROM JOHN LORD CONYERS TO THE EARL OF SHREWSBURY, July 4, 1565.* Pleasith it your honorable lordfhippe to be advertifed that of late here hathe bene a greate voyce of certen fhippes which fhulde have bene fene in Scotlande, fuppofed to have bene a flyte of the kinge of Denmarkes ; and the Scotifhe quene much affrade, as I am enformed, of their landinge, and hath gyven ftreighte commandement to all hir officers a longe the fea coftes to have a carefull refpecte unto their charge, and that in nowife the fhulde [be] fuffred to lande untill fuche tyme as hir Grace * From the Talbot Papers, vol. C, p. 75. 64 ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE were ad[vertifed.] And alfo their hath bene of late a fhippe with certen Englifhmenne with in the fame cofte and hathe takyne a fhippe, as I am . . . queines, wher at hir Grace was muche offended appointed a fhippe of warre to go furthe and fee if they culde mete with the faid Catt of Lynne, and traverfinge the feas the faid Scottes fhippe mett with the faid Catt of Lynne, and pairing by feamynge to the Englifhmen as thoughe fhe hadd bene but a merchaunte. Wher- uponne the fhipp called Catt of Lynne fhot a pece of ordenaunce, and the Scottes fhippe fhot of butt a flynge, as thoughe fhe hadd beene but a merchaunte, and valed hir bonett, and then the Englifhmenne beinge in the Catt of Lynne called and afked what they were lodene with all, and they anfwered, with victualles ; and then they defired them to borde and lett them have a tonne of beare for their money, and the Scottes anfwer ed and faid they fholde, and fo fone as they were on borde their raffhedd oute of the Scottes fhippe c or iiij" menne welle appointed in armour, and ftowtly fet uponne the Catt of Lynne and hath taken her and all her menne, and is at this prefent in the haven at Lyeth ; and by that that I can learne there is at the left iij or iiij of the chefeft of the Englifhmen like to fuffre deathe. Other newes I have none at this tyme to certifie your lordfhippe, and fo I commytt the fame unto the tuicion and go- vernemente of Almightie God. Fromme Barwicke, the iiijth of Julye, 1555. Your lordfhippes to commande, John Conyers. To the right honorable and my finguler good lorde the erle of Shrewifburye, lieutenaunte generall from Trente north. In haft, poft, haft, haft, with all poffible diligence ; poft of Ferry bridge I charge youe with the delyverye herof ac- cordinge the direction. REIGN OF QUEEN MARY. 65 LETTER FROM THOMAS LORD WHARTON TO THE EARL OF SHREWSBURY, July 23, 1555.* My dewe commendacions to your honorable lordefhippe remembred. Yt may pleafe the fame to be advertefed that the xxij of Julye I receyved your lordefhippes lettres of the paffage of the Frenfhmenne, and of the newes frome my lorde Conyeres anempfte the commeng of the quenfe Doweger of Scotland to Jedworth ; 1 do hertlye thanke your lordfhippe for the fendinge therof. I was enformed the daye before that the Doweger mynded her yntended purpofe to Dumfreis ; I was enformed alfo that Johne Maxwell had fent. to the Belles and fome of the Johne- ftones, Scottefmen, accompted ther rebelles, to kepe them felfes the tyme of the Dowagers being ther, and after the fame he wold releve them. Sondrye of thofe two farvaundes who ferved under me in the late warres haith fent to me that I wold over fee them in the waiftes of Tyndaill yf thei be purfwede to thextremetye, which fute I have paffed over faing ther wilbe no fuch power againft them and yf ther be then let me knowe and I woll confider the fame ; requiring to knowe your lordlhips pleafour yf a feconde fute do comme what I fhall do therin. Advertifing your lordfhipp that upon Thurfdaye in the afternone after the lorde Dacres commeng, the commilfioners and myne the Wedenfdaye next night before, to Newe Caftell, Ingrame Suynborne and Roger Suynborne, bretheren, offered to fight with one [ ] Rede, whereuppon a great affraye arofe at Sandhill and in the towne ther, uppon knowlege wherof I fend to the maior to fend the Suynbornes to me, who was departed the towne ymmediately, as the maior faid. Whereuppon I wrote for theire repare, who at theire comeng nowe faith they have bene in Yorkfhire which occafioned their long tarrye, bothe whome I do fend to your lordfhippe with my fervaunte this berer to be further ordered at your lordfhipps commandement. And Almighty God fend unto your lordfhipp moft * From the Talbot Papers, vol. C, p. 91. 66 ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE honorable fucceffe in all your affares. At Alnewik, the xxiij of Julye, 1555. Your lordfhips at commandement, Thomas Whartton. To the right honorable and my fingler good lorde, therle of Shrewfburye, lord prefedent of the king and quenes ma jefties honorable counfell ef- tablifhed in the northe. LETTER FROM LEONARD DACRE TO THE EARL OF SHREWSBURY, July 23, 1556.* My moft humble dewtie unto your honorable lordfhip premifed. Pleafeth the fame to be advertifed the rebellis of Scotland, to the nomber of two hundrethe men, gathered to gythers yefterday in the mornyng, purpofing fome exployt of annoyfaunce to be done to the earle Bothwile, lyeutenent nowe returned againe and lyeng at Annon, fent furth xvj. perfones, horfe men, and reefed xij horfes abowt Annon town. Wneruppon arofe the frey, and the lieutenunt and his foldiores purfewyng to have refkewid the horfes followed fo far whils they ranne to the rebelles ambufhe, who fett uppon theym and hayeht flaine one capten of the Frenchemen and twoo others, and alfo hurt diverfe in perile of deathe, the faid rebels efcaping with out eny hurt or daunger, and woone divert* horfes, returned hom, wherof I have thought yt my dewtie to adverteifl your lordfhip, this berer mayking his repayr thyther, and fhall not fayl as the lyk newes her fhall occurr to fignifie the fame frome tyme to tyme, or to accomplifh eny other * From the Talbot Papers, voL C, p. 266, REIGN OF QUEEN MARY. 67 thinge which may be with in my compafs by fervice or otherwife to your lordfhips contentacion, wherin I fhall moft humbly befiech your lordfhip to commaund me as your own. Even fo I commit the fame to the tuicion of Almightie God. From Carlifle, the xxiij of Julij, 1556. Your good lordfhips nephewe moft humble at commaundement, Leonard Dacre. To the right honorable and my finguler good lorde and uncle the erle of Shrewfburie, lorde prefident of the kinge and quenes majefties counfell in the north partes. Yeftirday the rebelles about x of clock fornon, beyng the xxiiij. of Juli inftaunt, run a forrey about Annon, and reifed and had away ccc hed of catle and lyke many fheepe, without refkewe, for that the lieutenant was a myle beyond diftroyeng Alexander Carliell corn, an owtlaw. LETTER FROM WILLIAM SWYNHOO TO THE EARL OF SHREWSBURY, September, 1557.* Right honorable, my moft humble and bounden dewtie remembred. Theife may be to fignyfie unto your lordfhip that there came yefterday to Hoome xxx fcore of cannon fhott caryed on horfeback in creles, and alfo there came before viij punchions of wyne, as they fay, it was a parcell of the quenes own provifyon and that fhe will come forwards in perfon hir « From the Talbot Papers, vol. D, p. 162. 68 ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE felf. As I can yet lerne they intend to befeige Wark, and the captain thereof is this daye entered in Scotlande to his taker. The hoole power doth mufter upon Fawlawe more on Saterday next, and, as I am en formed, fetteth forwardes on Sondaie, and wilbe a greter power then ever I fawe of Scotlande together at one tyme. I truft to get more perfyte knoledge before they fet forwardes of there procedinges and if they hold gayt, yf your lordfhip will give me lycence I truft to finde the meanes to fende one Inglyfheman that fhall lye in there campe and fe the maner of there doynges, there power, there order of marching, and fo farre as he can lerne there intent. And thus I comytt your lordfhip to the tuytion of the Hooly Ghoft. From CornhiU this prefent Wednifdaie at viij of the clok at night this [ ] of September, 1557. Your lordlhips moft humble to command, William Swynoo. ARTICLES OF THE PROCEDINGES OF THE QUENE OF SCOTTES, TO BE DELYVERED TO THE RIGHT HONOURABLE THE EARLE OF SHREWES- BERRY, LORDE LEVETENNAUNT FROM TRENT NORTHWARDE.* The quene of Scottes haithe hir harmy in redynes, and dothe entend to laye feidge to Warke. She comes to Howme Caftille where hir provifiione is comede alredy, fortie tonne of wyne. The ducke of Chatteler is the levetennante generalle of the holle army. The erle of Argille and thearle of Huntley with the holle nobelytie of Scotland dothe come in this jornaye. • From the Talbot Papers, vol. D, p. 197. REIGN OF QUEEN MARY. 69 The feconnde of Octobre fter upone Fallaye More, ande that night des on ther jornaye to the borderes. The fpiritualle men of burguffes dothe feind fyve thouffand charges. Thare ordenaunce is com nombre is xxti pece, whereof there is cannon and demye cannon, as it is faid, the Skottes, the faid carriges and ord . . . . . . . come over Sutter, the wefter ftreat by Ladder, whiche feam- ethe the rather thaie fhulde laye to Warke. It is proclamede in Edinburghe fortie daies vettelles. All the nobillitie of Scotland are prefently at Edenbroughe, fave only the earle of Sonderland, whiche is linge prefently in Jedworthe with no great compeny. Thaie are prefently thus myndyd one this thare jornaye at this tyme. Yet is it dowbtit with many whether thaie fhall agre to come forwardes in this jornaye or not. But what fo ever thare procedinges fhalbe your lordfhippe fhall have perfyte entellygence by my next letter to your lordfhippe. THE INTELLYGENCE THAT BARWYKE, THE PURCEVAUNT, BROUGHT FROM AYLLMOWTHE FROM KIRKALDY, THE XXVTH OF OCTOBER.* The fame Kirkaldy faid that munf? Dofell hade changed his purpofe for going to Edenbroughe as yett, becaufe he belevid that the Scottes wold * From the Talbot Papers, vol. D, p. 265. 70 ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE apprehend the quene ; and untill he harde from her, which he thought fhuld be fhortly, he wolde not departe from Ayllmouthe, for he was in dowbte of hym felfe till the Scottes lordes ware fcallid whoo be yett in Eddynbroughe. Souche jellycy and fufpecte as prefently is betwixte the Dowager, Docelle, and the ftaites of Scotland of many yeres hath not byn feen of lyk perfons. For the better fayfty of Docelle he hathe erneftly fpoken to Kyrcalldy and the larde of Urmeftone to gyve hym one hondrithe lyght horfmen, of the beft and moft truftiefte that they coulde by eny meanes gette, to garde his perfon contynewally whylles he remaynythe in Scotland, as well in peace as in ware, and will move the quene for the fame. Alfo Docell faid to Kirkalldy this day that ther fhuld arrive thre or iiij hundrithe horfmen in the weft havens of Scotland betuix this and Creflyn- mas, commyng out of Fraunce, and that the cheyfe leader of them fhalbe Docell fone-in-lawe, all which only commythe for the better garde of the quenes perfon. THE NAMES OF GENTLEMEN TAKEN AT THE BATTAYLLE OF BLAKBERYE, THE XTH OF NOVEMBER 1557.* Sir Andrew Carr of Lyttelden. The lard of Gradon, Watt Carre. The lard of Corbett. Davyd Carre of Shilftokbreye. Davyd Carre of Roxbroughe. • From the Talbot Papers, vol. D, p. 278. REIGN OF QUEEN MARY. 71 Robyn Carre of the Lowghe. Andrewe Rotherforde of the Hundele. Johne Rutherforde lard of Hunthill. James Hebburne. Phillip Rotherford of Eggerftane. Johne Rotherford of Nefbet. Johne Rotherforde of Hunthill. The lard of Marqftone. Sander Make-Dowell. Ryvyan of Crinftone. The lard of Brineftone. George Tromell, lard of Towne. Davyd Anfleye, lard of Farlowe. Thomas Rotherforde, lard of Deftroborne. George Younge of Ottorburne. Johne Davyfon of Whytone. Andrew Rotherforde of Nefbet, and George and Marton Rotherforthes. The younger lard of Marqftone. v Theefe and to the numbre of iiijc or above alredy knowne be taken prifoners, befides xltie flaine on the Scottes partie, and but foure Eng- lifhe men only flaine and fome hurte. Endorfed, The names of the pryfoneres taken at the battayll of Blackatter. LETTER FROM HENRY PERCY TO THE EARL OF SHREWSBURY, May 21, 1558.* Pleasith hit your honorable lordfhip to be advertyfed that yefter nighte being the xxth of this inftantt, William Swinnho, Rauffe Swinho, the band • From the Talbot Papers, vol. P, p. 323. 72 ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE of Norham and my awne band were in Tyvydall, wheras they were ap- purpofed to lye cloffe untill vij of the cloke in the morninge and then to rone a forray unto theire cattell, whereas the thing was done accordinglye, and broght awaie viij** head of notte, towe hundrethe fhepe, halfe a dofen nagges, fower prefoners, and did retorne home againe withoutt the loffe of any man ; God be praifed therefore ! And by iij of the cloke in the morninge I had perfytt intellygence that the lard of Urmefton, William Kirkalldaie and Robyn Lowder withe theire garrifons wold runne al Horke- leye that daie and fo feafe fuch goodes as was betwen that and Bar wicke. Thus perfayvinge that the moft part of my horfe men were in Tyvydall I caufed a poft to go to my lord Eewerye, difyringe that I might have the horfemen whiche was to the number of one hundreth and myne awne here remayninge, a thre fcore ; and about viij of the clok Mr Rauffe Ewers and the marfhall of Berwicke came to me hether to Norham, wher as I defyred theym to caufe theire men to lie cloffe in a fecrett place befyde Horkeley and my men with theym. So after dynner thaforefaid Mr Ewers and Mr Marfhall and my felfe lept on horfe bake and did go untto oure companye, wheras we had not taryed halfe an houre butt we faw the Scottes broken and the phorraye commed over the watter into Horkeley, and feing theym in the towne we brake at the faid Scottes and put theym to flight, being the nowmber of an hundreth men. And then did the refydeue of my men which had bene in Tyvi- dall come to us even as we drave them over the watter, wheras we did take the number of xxviij or xxx prifoners, very good lyke garryfon men. And underftandinge bothe by my intellygence the mounff Docell with his fottemen to the noumber [of] xvten hundrethe was in the feld, and agayne the fmall commyffyon that I have to go into Skottland I caufed the chafe to retyer, whereafe I do conffeffe more profet might have bene had by venture and greter hafarding. And thus when we had over- thrawene theire horfemen monf Docell marches forwardes to the watter fyde, which caufed me to fend a fpedy meffinger to my lord Eweres defyring him of a fupplye of fottemen ; and moft willingly, as I daily fynd him in thadvauncementt of fervice, came forward him felfe with towe thowfand fottemen. Howbeit the Scottes were fo evell afhamed on theire partt, and mownff Docell withall, bycaufe he had mad a vowe to REIGN OF QUEEN MARY. 73 have burned either Norham or Horkeley that daie, retorned homward before the feid lord Eweres came unto us ; and this withoutt the loffe of one man, faving one that was taken, we retorned hom, howbehit theyre was a greate nomber of the Scottes that efcaped awaie by fwym- myng of the horffe, and fome of theym drowned, which as yett I can nott learne the certaine, but I afure your lordfhip he that had a love did break a ftaffe for her fake. And forafmoche as I had none I did nott fo as othyr men did, howbehit I do efteme Gray Brufk better then I have done him heretofore. Thus defyring your lordfhip to attribute this victory and all others to Godd, geving Him thankes for the fame, and I fhall dailye pray for the encreafe of your lordfhips honoure. From the caftell of Norham, the xxj of Maij, 1558, Your lordfhips moft humble to comand, Henry Percy. LETTER FROM JAMES HAMILTON, EARL OF ARRAN, TO SIR WILLIAM CECIL, September 25, 1559.* Sir, Eftir my maift hartly and affectionat recommendations to yowr honour ; this prefent fall be to lat yow underftand quhow all befines hes paffit fens my arrivel in this contri, and be raifin it war not feffand to maik fo long ane difcowrs to the queinis majefty, I will pray yow, if commodite prefentis, that ye will make hir majefty fertain of fie newis as I knaw at this prefent. Quhilks are as yit na oder bot that eftir I had fund my lord my fader heir in his hus of Hamilton, I remanit bot ane day with him, tariing on my cufing the erle of Argil and the Priour, that war in Dumbartan. Thay biand cowmit we went all thre to Stirling, quhair we fand the reft of the Congregation, quhairof the prinfipalis wer the erl of Monteith, the erle of Huntles broder, the erl of Kinkern, the • From the Cotton MS. Calig. B, x. fol. 180- K 74 ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE lord Riwwen, the lord Ochiltre, the lord Boid; wdirs was their many, findre lardes and barrons, quhirof I haiwe not weill the namis in me- more. So being thair affamblit mani findri maters war proponit, bot be raifon their wes no man their that wald tak on him to be hedifman thair was litill thing determinet. I feing this callit them aU togidder and chew them quhow, quhowbeit the mater fuld haive tuichit to my fader of beffor for religions caws, that now if twichit him far nerer, fens that the pro- fidings of the French chew cleirly that thair heill intention and deffaing tended bot to the defrauding of us that ar the richt eris to the crown and to impayr them of the rewme ; and praiid them that in confederation of this that thay wald all togidder tranfport them to my faders hows, and that be the experiens that I had of him I juget that he fuld in him to them in that fam. Se thay trout my cownfeill, and hes bein all thir twa daiis bi paffit with him, and hes fund my faiings trew, for he hes fubfcrivit all the bandes. Mairowr he hes wrettin ane letter to the Regent, declarand to hir that all the nouble men and he with them pleignis and findis marvoulus ewill the maner of hir profidings, and gif chew put not the French men owt according to hir promis, and alfua lewis not the fortifiing of Lith, the quhilk chew garris fortifi, that he is determit with the reft of the nobilite to pwt remeid in to it fwa far as it lyis in his powar, and all thes that will tak his part. Farder, he hes gart writ fertan articles in his name and of the leiwe of the nouble men of the Congregation, continan all the extor tions, fik as fewngning (?) of wul . . mwrdors and fclachters, quhair thay hes bein na redres apon the oft feling of hir promes, and this to be chawn both to hir felf and alfua opnly befor the peiple. Forder, it is determit that at the xv day of the nixt moneth all the heiU fors that may be maid in Scotland fall be togidder, and than to cri doun hir awtorite. Now in the mein time that the greit fors be affemblit wi ar in powrpos to tak the toun of Edinburg, iw it may be poffible, for we think takan it the Dorier fall be conftrinit to go to Dumbar, for chew dar not tare in Lith and we win Edinbourg. It that retards that enterpris is bot quhiles we be affurit of the lord Arfkin, quhilk is capitain of the caftell, and to that affek the Priowr, quhilk is his lifters fone, and I, fuld meit him upon Setirday nixt in Locklewin; and now prefently my fader hes wrettin to him remem- REIGN OF QUEEN MARY. 75 bring him of all his promiffis, and chawand him the greit dangers1 he puttis him felf and his hows if he neclek him felf in that cace. Alfua, he hes writen to the erle of Huntly and I alfua, and he . . . affis me that he is als afturit of him as of ony man of Scotland. Now haiw [I] maid yow raport of the heill newis at I knaw at this time, praiand your honour to maik the queinis majefty partiffipent of them, for fo I haive chaw to hir majefty that I have wrettin to yow al at linth ; and fo I maik an end, praiand the leiwing Lord to haiw yow in his keping and to me grace cum day to chaw yow how far I am your freind. At Hamylton, this xxj day of De cember, Your moft hartly and truft freind, James Hamiltone. INTELLIGENCE OUT OF SCOTLAND, November 10, 1559.* Firste, thearle Bothwell, the lord Bortwick and the lord Seaton are with the queen Dowager of Scotland, and taketh a plaine parte with her; and no other noblemen of Scotland. All the reft of the noblemen of Scotland taketh part with the Governor of Scotland. The Governor, his eldeft fonne, thearle of Argile, Huntley, Glen- came, the lord Revin, the Prior of St. Andrews, the Mr. Maxwell, the lord of Levington, are made regents of the realme of Scotland by the Congregacion, to have the governance of the fame realme untill they have a righteous prince amongft them. The which regents with their traines came to Edinburgh the xxiijth. day of October laft with xij.m men with them, and fate in counfell, and there deprived the faid queen Dowager of all rule in Scotland, for that fhe did not kepe promife with • From the Cott. MS. Calig. B, x. fol. 52. 76 ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE them nor followe the counfaile of the nobilitye of Scotland for the wealth of the realme and libertye of the fame. At the comeinge of the faid lords to Edinburgh the queen with her partie, beinge 3000 Frenchmen and 400 Scotifh, removed to Leith. The laft of October laft paft in the night thearle Bothwell, accom- pained with 24 men, mett the lord of Ormefton accompanied with 7 men, about Haddington, and there tooke from him vjm. crounes fterlinge, which the faid lord was carienge to the Governor, and hurte the fame lord with a fword upon the face fore that he lieth upon the fame at his houfe at Ormefton. Thadvertifement of the takeing of the fame money came to the Go vernor, who fent his eldeft fonne, the Mr. Maxwell, the Prior of St. An drewes, and others, being 700 men or thereabouts, to the caftle of CrigTiton, thearle Bothwell his cheefeft houfe, diftaunt from Edinburgh viij miles ; who entred into the fame and put 1. gonnefs into it upon St. Hallow day, and lay that night there, and came to Edinburgh the next daye. Upon Alhallayes day after the rideing furth of the faid Governor, his fonne, and others, the fame was declared to the queen by a fervaunt of the bifhop of Dumblaynes ; and imediatly after the fame declaracon about xvc. Frenchmen and Scottifhmen iffued out of Lieth and lkermifhed with about cc. Scottfhmen that had layed two pieces great ordince upon a little hill befides the Hallyrood Houfe to fhoote at Lieth, and the Frenchmen wan thone pece and thother was bruften. And the fame Frenchmen entred into Cannogate, and fpoyled the fame to the porte of the toune, and flew xxj Scottifhmen and three women, and fixe Frenchmen were flaine at the fame fkirmifh, and xl4? men of armes of France rode in at the porte and went almoft to the Trone, where they were put back by the Governor and his partye. The caftle of Edinburgh fhott two cannons at the French partye at the faid fkirmifh, for the which the queen reproved the lord Afkyn, keeper of the caftle, as an unjuft man to the crowne of Scotland, who made anfwere that he would fhote at any perfon that went about to annoy the toune of Edinborough. REIGN OF QUEEN MARY. 77 The third of November prefent the Governor fent his fonne and the Mr Maxwell with 300 horfmen to Crighton caftle, who at their arrivall there fent to thearle Bothwell, beinge at the caftle of Borthwick, and willed him to come and take parte with the lords, which he refufed to doe, and then the Governor his fonne fpoyled the caftle of Crighton, and had the fpoyle and all his evidence to the Governor. The iiijth of November aforefaid the queen fent to the lords and moved them to quietnes, fayeinge fhe woulde kepe all promifes with them if they would doe the like, whereunto they would not agree, faying they had found her fo falfe and unnaturall that they would never truft her, nor have to doe with her nor France but by the fword. The vjth. of November inftant the Congregacion and the French men fkermifhed together, at which was flaine Alexander Hallyburton, brother to the tutour of Peticur, one of the beft captaines of Scotland, and xxxtJ. footemen of Scotland, and divers taken ; and of the French 6 or 7 flaine and 6 taken. The lords of Scotland, perceavinge that theis fkirmifhes chaunced not well with them and that they were not in a perfect readines for the warres, put all there ordinance in Edinburgh caftle upon band of the lord Afkyn to have the fame fafely delivered to them againe, and the faid vj. of November about midnight, removed to Lightgoe, where they remaine in confultation preparing for the warres, and will fet up a coyne, fayeing they fhall coyne a good parte of their plate for maintenance of the word of God and the wealth of Scotland. The morowe next after, beinge the vij. of November, the queen re moved to Edinburgh about x of the clock before none, where fhe remain- eth, haveing all thinges there at her will. The moft parte of the inhabi tants of Edinburgh fledd out of the towne with bag and baggage before her comeinge hither, and put a great parte of theire beft ftuffe in Edin burgh caftle for the fafety thereof. The bifhops of St Andros and Glafco are with the queene, and the bifhops of the Out Hies and Galloway are with the lords and Congrega cion. 78 ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE LETTER FROM JAMES STEWART, PRIOR OF ST ANDREWS, TO SIR RALPH SADLER AND SIR JAMES CROFT, November 17, 1559.* Ryght wyrfhipfull and traift freindes, efter my harty commendation. Albeit I haif of laitt wryttin to you of before, 3ft feing it is laitly cum unto my knaulaig that monfieur Ruby is direct from the quene Dowiare to the quene majefte of England to impefche I dout not, gif it may be, the quenis majefte from fchawing of guid will and ayde to our common caufe, heirfor I thought expedient to gif yow botht advertifment thairof, not doutting bot as I am perfuaded of 3our favour towart this our caus, fa 3e will not faill to meitt be 30m lettres to the quenis majefte the malice and craft of our common enemeis batht to 30U and ws, for fa juftly I dout not to call thayme, as I dout not bot fa ye efteme thaym. And this to do maift erniftly I defyr 30U batht, as 3e tender the procedings quhilk I refer to this gentil man the berar. And fa committis 30U to protection of God, T;c. Sanctandros, the xvij. of November, 1559, Be youris affured frend, James Sanctand. LETTER FROM HENRY BALNAVES TO SIR RALPH SADLER AND SIR JAMES CROFTE, November 19, 1559.f Ryght worfchipfull, after my moft harty commendations. Having no other materis to write at this tyme to you, nor they whiche ar knowing mani- feftlie by common report, and alfo the bringer hereof can at more lencht declare nor is neidfull to me till write, yit thought I it nedefull to fhew you that, notwithftanding theis lait alterations and changes, there is • From the Cott. MS. Calig. B, x. fol. 187, b. t From the Cott. MS. Calig. B, ix. fol. 82. REIGN OF QUEEN MARY. 79 no purpois alterit whiche ever was begun here by the lordes and nobilite of this realm, ather concerning the menteyning of true religion or kep ing of this realme in the ould liberte thereof from the tyranny of Frenche- men. And to declare thare myndes to the quenes majeftie they have fend Mr Secretarie Ledington fully inftructed with their myndes, to whois returning the counfales of our fyde makes refidence in Glafquow and Sanctandros for the keping of the countres in order and making of mo frendes, as we doubt not bot they will increffe daly, and the rather that it be knowing we have your frenfhip, as at more lentht the bringer hereof, Mr Randolphe, will fhew you, whom I committe to the tuition of Almyty God. From Santandros, the 19 of November, 1559, Your loving frend at power, Henry Balnaves of Halkill. To the ryght worfchipfull knytes, fir Rauff Sadler and James Crofte, be thefe deliverit. LETTER FROM JACQUES DE LA BROSSE AND NICOLAS DE PELLEVE, BISHOP OF AMIENS, TO THE CARDINAL OF LORRAIN AND THE DUKE OF GUISE, March 27, 1560.* Messeigneurs. Parce que la royne vous a faict ample refponce aux deux lettres quelle a receu, qui eft tout ce que avons eu de vous depuis la venue du & Octavian, ne vous en ferons aultre rediete, et auffy que monfr- de Ville Parifis vous efcript bien au long tant de leftat des fortiffi- cations que des vivres, et fuyant ce quil vous a pleu efcrire par lune de voz dictes lettres je, La Broffe, efpere partir dans quatre jours, et pour ceft effect ay envoye devers le due de Norfolk, qui eft fur la frontiere, pour eftre affeure de mon paffage encores que jaye ung faufconduict de • From the Cott. MS. Calig. B, ix. fol. 95, b. 80 .ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE la royne, fa maiftreffe, ne voullant fallir a vous dire encores particuliere- ment quil neft riens obmis de tout ce quil a efte poffible pour mettre la royne d'Angleterre hors de fufpicion dentrer en la guerre, et pacifyer les rebelles qui ont toufjours infifte, comme ils font encores, de veoir le roy pardeca fans fortification et gens de fa nation. MefPrs, nous fupplyons Dieu, tc. De Edinbourg, ce xxvij Mars, 1560. Meffeigneurs. La royne Douugere vous efcript pour les expeditions de Pevefche de Roffe en faveur du doyen de Glafcou, qui eft prefident de la Selfion. Son age et fort bonne vye et emynent fcauvir ce recomman- dent affez ; et n'avons voulu faillir a vous en porter fa tefmoignage, et vous dire quil eft bien affedtione et bien neceffaire pardeca. L'evefche eft encores entier. Depuis cefte lettre efcripte eft revenu de devers le due de Norfolk le trompette, nayant le dit due voullu accorder le feurete de mon paffeport fans premierement en avoir adverty fa maiftreffe. Je ne fcay ce quil en adviendra. Vous m'aviez faict promeffe et affeurance avant mon parte- ment et depuis par lettre quil vous avoit pleu efcrire pardeca, monfeig- neur le cardenal, dung office de confeillier pour mon nepheu, dont il n'a obtienu expedition, comme il m'a efcript. Je ne [fcai pas] quelle faulte luy ou moy pourroins avoir commis pour nen avoir eu la defpefche. Voz trefhumbles et trefobeiffantes ferviteurs, J. Delabrosse. N. E. D'Amyens. LETTER FROM MARY, QUEEN DOWAGER OF SCOTLAND, TO M. D'OYSEL, May 3, 1560-* Depuis la venue de l'ennemy a Petit Lyth je n'ay eu aulcunes nouvelles de vous. Je vous ay envoye plufieurs, et ay fceu que tous ont efte pris • From the Cott. MS. Calig. B, ix. fol. 98, b. REIGN OF QUEEN MARY. 81 en allant, fi ung genitilhomme qui eft a monf$r de Seton n'eft entre, par lequel vous ay amplement efcript. La negociation f'eft rompue fur la venue de due de Norfolk, pource que noz gens ne veuiUent ou pouvent laiffer, et fen alia il ya huict jours. La royne d'Angleterre continue fes diflimulations, mais que le roy ne fy repofe tant quil . . en ayt adverty le roi gne qui lui promict bailler vaiffeaux et vivres. Le roi . . peu .... a faict armer vingt quatre gros navires pour envoyer pardeca avecques les aultres forces quil faict tenir preftes. Voila la fomme d'une lettre que meffrs mes freres ont efcript ; le chiffre eft fort dangereux, m'ayant depuis deux jours efte monftre une tranfla- tion faicte en Anglois de mot a mot de la lettre que je receuz de trois endroitz du xix Februaire, ou il eft tant parle du chafteau et de tem porizer avecques les rebelles. Ce que eft efcript de Mr Baptifte eft a bon eftient, et vous prye que la remide me foit envoie. J'ay envoye quatre cens efcuz au feignur de Sarlaboz a deux foiz depuis dix jours. Voyez ung memoire qui me vierit d' eftre envoye, bailie de l'enterprife de l'ennemy. Ca propos eftoit hier au foir de faire leur trenches du cofte du north de leau a l'endroict de la citadelle, affin a miner la dicte cita- delle leau deffoubz la dicte citadelle. Unz homme nagueres venu de Londres a promis a my lord Gray de feparer, dedans trois jours et trois nuictz, le nouveau boullevert de Sainct Anthoine d'avecques la ville, on forte quil leur fera aife d'affailer la refte de la ville; pource donnez ordre de ce coufte la. My lord Gray fe vante que dedans Lundy ou Mardy prochain, qui fera le fix ou feptiefme de May, il entrera dedans la ville, ou il lui couftera beaucoup de fes gens, et eft lour intencion de donner raffault au poinct du jour. Hz ont de- mande que les lordz, lardz, et gentilzhommes Efcoffois, preigne chaf- cun ung Anglois par la main de pareille qualite quant ilz vont a 1'affault. 82 ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE LIST OF THE NUMBER OF TROOPS TO BE EMPLOYED IN THE ASSAULT MADE UPON LEITH BY THE ENGLISH, May 4, 1560.* May 4, 1560. orders for thassalt. Uppon Saturdaye in the mornyng at thre of the clock, God willinge, we Ihalbe in aredynes to geve the affalte in order as followithe, if other ympedyment then we knowe not yet of hyndre us not. For the firft affalt. Captein Rede iijc Captein Markham cc Captein Yaxley cc Captein Suttone cc Captein Fairfax cc Captein Mallorye cc The provoft marfhall cc Captein Aftone cc Captein Conwey cc Captein Drurye cc Captein Barkleys bande cc Captein Fitzwilliams cc Of the Scottes vu Harquebuziers borowed jc xx Summa, iij"1 XX From the Talbot Papers, vol. E, p. 97. REIGN OF QUEEN MARY. 83 For the feconde affalt. Captein Wade cc Captein Deickare\ Captein Cornelle > cc Captein Shirley J Captein Litelton cc Captein Southwoorthe cc Captein Babthorpe cc Captein Hefkett cc Captein Ulewport cc Captein Stanley cc Captein Lowe c Captein Pringle xl Captein Cunftable cc Captein Mannering cc Summa, m1 m1 cc x To kepe the fielde. Captein Somerfett ccc Captein Cliftone ccc Captein Guarde ccc Captein Dennye ccc Captein Capelle cc Peter Leghe cc Richarde Leghe cc Capteine Buttler cc Capteine Gifforde cc Capteine Vernane cc Summa, m1 m1 iiij Item, it is ordered that the Vyce-admyralle of the quenes majefties fhipps fhall, when a token is given, fend vc men out of the navye into the haven of Lyethe, to give an affaulte on that fide of the towne at the fame inftaunt wher thaffault fhalbe gevene on the breche. 84 ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE It is further ordered that captyne Vaughan fhall, at the tyme of thaffault of the breache, attempt an affault unto the fyde of the towne that lyethe next to the forte of Mounte Pelham. And the Scottes ar ordered, with fuche numbre as they canne make, to attempt an affalt uppon the weft part of the towne towardes the fea fyde. LETTER FROM A PERSON UNKNOWN, ADDRESSED TO SIR ROBERT DUDLEY, December 31, 1560.* Since the deathe of the late king things proceade heare in fuche fort as thofe that were worft affectid to the quenes majeftie and moft defyerous to troble her realme fhall not have fo good and readye meanes to execute their malice as they had in the late kinges time. And yet, my lord, this I trufte fhalbe no occafion to make her majeftie leffe confiderate, or her counfell leffe provident. For affuredly the quene of Scotland, her ma jefties cofen, dothe carrye herfelfe fo honorably, advifedlye and dyfcryte- lye, as I can not but feare her progreffe. Me thinkethe it were to be wiffhed of all wyfe men, and her majefties good fubjectes, that the one of thefe two quenes of the ile of Bryttaine were tranffermed into the fhape of a man to make fo happie a marriage, as therby ther might be an unitie of the holl ile, and their appeneances. Whofo ever is converfant in ftoryes fhall well perceave eltates hathe by no on thing growen fo greate, and laftyd in their greatnes, as by manages, whiche have unyted contreyes that do confyne together. The profe thereof is notorioufly feane by the howfe of Aufteritche, in whofe handes the one halfe of Europe being Chrifteynd, is at this daye, whiche is come to paffe by manages only. Their firft anceftor was not many yeres agon a meane counte of Habfbourge in Swiferland. • From the Harl. MS- 6990, Art. 2. REIGN OF QUEEN MARY. 85 And as they have come to this greatnes by this meanes, fo dothe that race retayne ftill that principle, to mayntayne their greatnes and to increafe it ; and that I beleve your lordfhip fhall fe well veryfied by the beftowing of the prince of Spayne, and the emperours children in marriage. From Orleanns, the laft of December, 1560. Endorfed, An unknown perfon from Orleans, to the lord Robert Dudley, giv ing fome account of Mary queen of Scots after the death of her hufband, the French king. THOFFICE OF THE TREASURER OF THE QUENES MAJESTIES ARMYE SENT INTO SCOTLAND TO THE SEIGE OF LEETHE.* A brief abftraete of thentertaynement, wages, and rates allowed per diem unto the lord levetennant generall, principall officers, captens, and there companyes, fervinge in her majefties army there, as in thac- compte of fir William Inglebye, knight, treafurer of the fame army, anno regni regis Elizabeth tertio, amongeft others may appeare. THENTERTEYNEMENT AND WAGES OF OFFICERS OF THE FIELD. Thomas duke of Norfolke, lorde lieveteunte generall, for thenter taynement of himfelfe and his retynewe, per diem . . xip. xijs. ijd. The lord Graye of Wilton, lieve teunte of the faid armye, per diem .... lxvjs. viijd. * From th.e Lansdown MS. 58, Art. 67. 86 ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE The lorde Scroope, marfhall of the feild, for himfelf per diem xls., Ix. light horfemen at xijd. per diem the pece lx. s, and xxtie foot men at viijd. the pece per diem xiiijs. viijd.; in all per diem . cxiij. iiijd. Sir Ralphe Sadleir, knight, warden of the eafte and midle marches, for his enterteynemt per diem lxs- Thomas Hogan, efquire, provofte marfhall, for his entertaynemt at vjs- viijd. per diem, one gaylor and viij tipftaves at xiid. the pece per diem, ixs., one harbenger per diem ijs. viijd., one clarke of the markett per diem ijs., and one clarke of the watche per diem ijs. ; in all per diem .... xxijs. iiijd. Sir Nicholas Straunge, mufter maf ter, for himfelf per diem xs., two clarkes at xijd. the pece per diem ij9., and ten fervantes at ixd. the pece per diem vij. s. vjd. ; in all per diem ... . xixs. vjd. Sir William Ingleby, threafurer, for him felf per diem vjs. viijd., two clarkes at xijd. per diem the pece ijs., and xij horfmen at ixd. the pece per diem ix3. ; in all per diem xvijs. viijd. Edward Randophe, ferjaunte ma jor, for him felf per diem xxB., and more of increafe per diem vs. ; in all per diem . . xxvs. REIGN OF QUEEN MARY. 87 Roger Witherington, harbenger, for himfelf per diem ij3., and one fervaunte per diem xiid. ; in all per diem .... iij3. William Ifelham, trenchemaifter, per diem .... xiijs. iiijd. Fower corporalles at vj3. viijd. the pece per diem . . . xxvjs- viijd. Chefter Harrould at armes at iiij3. per diem, and two men at vjd. le pece per diem xiid. ; in all per diem ..... vs. Roudge Crofce, percevant at armes, at ij3. per diem, and one man vjd. per diem; in all per diem . ijs. vjd. Three Trompeters, at ij3. the pece per diem, and iij. fervants at vjd. the pece per diem ; in all per diem vij8. vjd. Francis Killinghall, fcoutemafter, per diem .... iiij3. Thomas Gower, mafter of thordi- nance, for him per diem x3., his lyvetenant per diem iiij3., and two clarkes at xijd. per diem the pece ij3. ; in all per diem . . xvj3. Richard Overton, on of the clarkes of the mutters, for himfelf and two fervants attendinge on him, per diem .... vs. Anthony Overton, clarke of the mutters, for himfelf and one fer- vant, per diem . . . ijs. vjd. xxxiij". ij3. ijd. 88 ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE DEMYLAUNCES. The lorde Grey of Wilton, leive- tennante of the feilde, for the wages of ltie demi launces, at xxd. per diem, iiij1'. iijs. iiijd., one captene per diem vs., lieveten- nante per diem ij3. vjd., guydon xxd., one trompeter per diem xijd., one harbenger per diem xiid., one harrold ijs. vjd., one harbinger, one furgeon, one fecratorie, one chaplyn, one phificion and one mafter of the guydes, at ij3. the pece per diem, xijs. and xen other guydes at xvid. per diem the pece, xiij8. iiijd. ; in all per diem . vju. ijs. iiijd. Mr George Hawarde, knight, ge neral of the demy launces, and capten of cth launces, for himfelf per diem xx3., his lieutennante x3., guydon ijs. vjd., one trompetor and one furgeon at ijs. the pece per diem iiij3., and cth launces at xxd. the pece per diem viij11. vja. viijd. ; in all per diem . . x1'. iij3. ijd. Arthur Greye, efquire, capten of cth launces, for him felf per diem x8., his livetenante vs., guydon ij8. vjd., one trompetor and one furgeon at ij9. the pece iiij8., and ctb launces at xxd. the pece per diem viij1'. vj3. viijd. ; in all per diem . ix11. viij3. ijd. REIGN OF QUEEN MARY. 89 LIGHTHORSEMEN. John Conftable, capten of cth lighthorffemen, for himfelfe per diem vj3., his livetennant iij9., guy don xviijd., one trompetor and one furgeon at xvjd. the pece per diem ij8. viijd., and cth lighthorffemen at xid. the pece per diem c9. ; in all per diem . cxiij3. ijd. FOOTEMEN. William Markeham, efquier, capten of cth footemen, for himfelf per diem iiij3., his leivetennante ij9., one enfigne, one ferjeant, one drome and one fargeon at xiid. the pece per diem iiij8., liiij armed fouldiers at xd. the pece per diem xlv3., and xlvj other atviijd- the pece per diem xxx3. viijd.; in all per diem . iiij11. v3. viijd. xxv11. xiijs. viijd. Examined, xviij. Jany., 1588. p Jo. Conyers. LETTER FROM SIR WILLIAM CECIL TO THOMAS RANDOLPH, June 30, 1561.* Sir, I have not much to wryte in the matter now mentioned in the quenes majefties letters; ye fee our opinion here is that it fhall doo much hurt in Scotland if the quene fhuld come thither before thinges be better eftablifhed ; to ftey her is no better waye than that fhe and her frendes in France maye fynd lack of conformyte there to the end propofed by hir, which is to fubvert the courfe of relligion, and to withdraw the good will of hirs hytherward; why ther it be rightly judged of here or no I know not. I have uppon theis news of hir comming wifhed to have had but * From the Harl. MS. 6990, Art. 6- M 90 ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE one howres conference with my lord of Ledyngton, as yet I here not of Doyzills comming, but as this French embaffador fayth he is purpofed to be here about the viiij of July. Nowallees is paft here yefterdaye, fome what difgrafed, for the quenes majeftie wold not fpeke with hym for that he fought not to fee hir majefty at his paffadg into Scotland. Uppon the recept of thefe letters I pray you make me fome anfwer, although it be but that ye can not make any full anfwer. I fend you fuch pamphletts as be here, and bid you well to fare untill my better leafure. Me thynketh, feing the lords of Scotland be not together, that it war well doone for ij. or iij. of the principall recayving the quenes majefties letter to fend to all the reft fome difperfed coppyes of the letter, for I have fo proved it that fhall do no hurt to be made publick, and fo I end. From Grenewich, the 30 of June, 1561, Yours affured, W. Cecill. To my very lovyng frend T. Randall, efquire, Scotland. LETTER FROM MARY QUEEN OF SCOTTS TO QUEEN ELIZABETH, September 1, 1561.* Richt excellent, richt heich and michty princes, oure darreft fuller and coufin, we grete gou hartlie Weill. We have prefentlie directit towartis gou our rich troufty and weilbelovit the goung larde of Lethingtoun, oure fecretar principall, for fie gude offices as he hes in charge of ws, quhilk ge will fufficientlie underftand be his report; praying gou in our maift hartlie maner to gif him als ferme credence thairin as ge wald gif unto oure felf. Thus richt excellent, richt heich and mighty princes, * From the Cotton MS. Calig. B, ix. fol. 170. REIGN OF QUEEN MARY. 91 oure darreft fufter and coufin, we commit gou to the tuitioun of Almichty God. At our palace of Halirudhous, the firft day of September, and of our regnne ye xix yere, 3our gud fifter and cufign, Marie. To the richt excellent, richt hiech and michty princes, our darreft fufter and coufin, the quene of England, Ttc. LETTER FROM THOMAS RANDOLPH TO SIR WILLIAM CECIL, October 5, 1561.* Maye yt pleafe your honour ; thys prefent berrer [ ] is defpached from hence at the requefte of certayne marchantes that ar partyners in the fhyppe that was flayed by the embaffadeur of Spaynes fute, whear of John Morton is mafter. Theie have informed the quene here that John Morton is, and alwayes hathe byne, an honeft man and no pyrate ; that the fhippe that is flayed was frawthe onlye with wyne and falte, nor anye unlawfull goodes in her. I alleged as myche as I had harde to the contrarie ; that Morton was commenlye one of thofe that, under pretence of the letter of marque agaynft Portugales, tooke of all men that he mette. I alleged for an example v. Iryfhe men, my meftres fubjeetes of Waterforde, that had taken from them v. ducates, and were them felves fett alande upon the cofle of Flaunders. I knowe alfo that theie had, at what tyme the fhippe was flayed, fuger chelles abourde. I thought alfo that it wolde be proved that the fhippe named the John was a Portugales fhyppe. Thefe thynges beinge ether knowne « From the Cotton MS. Calig. B, ix. fol. 165. 92 ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE or fufpedted unto Mr Holdflocke, the quenes majefties admirall for that tyme, myght gyve hym good occafion to ftaye the fhyppe and brynge the parties unto their tryall. All wayes I dyd affure them that theie fholde fynde upryght and indyfferent juftice, to whiche effecte the quenes grace here hathe geven them her letters fent by thys berrer, and I alfo am requyred to wryte unto your honour to* that effecte. Morton is myche pyttyed, whom men faye to be in great daynger of hys lyf. Wylliam Loggen, whoe is cheffe partener of the whole ladinge in the fayde fhippe, is he whoe is owner of the letter of marque ; hys harde dealinge at other tymes with my cuntrye men gevethe me lyttle occafion to commende hys cawfe farther then that I knowe he fhall have no wronge. Thus far I am bolde to troble your honour in thys matter. May yt pleafe your honour farther to knowe that upon Wenfdaye lafte, namely the fyrfte of thys inftant, ther arryved here fir Peter Mewtes, upon Thurfedaye he had audience, upon Satordaye he dyned wyth the lord James, and to morrow, Mundaye, fhall dyne at the courte with the noble men of France, whoe uppon Twifeday take their jornay towardes Barwycke. Their accompagnied the embaffadour hyther Mr Tremayne, Mr Cornewall, captene Preglie. I truft that hys aboode here fhall not be longe, the noble men ar the mofte parte abfent, only nowe prefent the lord James, earles Morton and Huntlye, and the lord of Lidington. I have good occafion to commende unto your honour the berrer hereof, Mr David Lyndefaye, Rothefay Herawlde of Armes, for that good wyll he bearethe unto me and frendefheppe that I have founde at hys handes. Thys is he that only adhered unto the lords in the defence of hys coun trie, and reddye alfo to do that lawfull fervice he maye unto the quenes majeftie my foveraynge. To lette hym be the better knowne unto your honour he is brother unto the notable David Lyndfaye, Kynge of Armes. He is hable to procure me the fyghte of a booke with one worde of your honours mouthe wherin are all the armes of all the noble men and baron [s] bothe newe and olde that are in Scotlande. Thus moft humbly I take my leave. At Edenbourge, the vte of October,l56l, Your honours to commaunde, Tho. Randolphe. REIGN OF QUEEN MARY. 93 The ftaye of the quenes majefties horfes was here myche mufed at, I burdayned the Flemynges and her owne fervantes that payed not their franche. I wrote at the lordes requefle unto fir John Fofter. [To the] righte honorable fir William [Cecil], knight, prin cipall fecre[tary] unto the quenes majeftie of Englande. LETTER FROM THOMAS RANDOLPH, APPARENTLY TO SIR WILLIAM CECIL, October 12, 1561.* Althoughe I wrote verie latlye unto your honour by fir Peter Mewtes, and at his beinge in Scotlande informed him as I coulde of all thynges of that country, yet, for as myche as I have byne in thys towne at the re- ceavinge of the noble men of France that thys daye departed towardes the courte, I thought it my parte to fignifie unto your honour thoccafion of my beinge here, and alfo what I have feen of the quenes majefties officers and thofe mens doynges that have charge in this place. Al thoughe fir Peter Mewtes was well accompagnied to Edenbourge with fuche captaynes as came thyther with hym, which' were Mr Tremayne, Mr Cornewall, and Mr Pregles, yet I thought yt nothynge les honorable for hym yf I fholde convoye hym myfelf owte of the countrye. I had alfo to confer at that tyme with the Deputie warden concernynge matters of the borders, of accufations made agaynfle the lord Hume ; fomewhat alfo I had to do with the Treafurer for my owne partyculer ; but mofte of all, for that I knewe that yt was the quenes majefties pleafure that the noble- * From the Cott. MS. Calig. B, ix. fol. 167. 94 ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE men fholde be receaved unto her highenes honor, that I might be wytnes therof and do my indeveur to farther the fame. I[n] doynge whearof I affure your honor I never fa we in men better wyll nor more reddynes to fet forthe her majefties honor then was in them, for the number there were. The Maryfhall, Treafurer, and Controuler, accompagnied with dyvers gentlemen mette them fomewhat withowte the bounde roode, for fo farre the lord James merrilye promyfed me that theie wolde ryde into Englefhe grownde as our men came into Scottyfhe. The Deputie war den with his compagnie and the vice Marfhall paffed not their lymites. I mette them before theie came ther with fome gentlemen with me iij. myles before thaye came togyther. Ther were of the noblemen of Scotlande thefe ; the lord James and his two brytherne, the erle of Mor ton and erle Bothewell, lordes Borthwycke, Hume, gefter, [and] abowte iijc befydes the French men, as we geffed. At my fyrfte commynge unto the lord James he defyred me that no token of unkyndnes myght be ufed either to the lord Hume or lord Bothewell, bycaufe that he purpofed to convoye them as nere unto the wales as he myghte, here of I affured hym that I wolde do my indeveur, which was juftlye performed. At the metinge ther were maynie good wordes and alfo at the departeur. The Scottyfhe men never offerde to departe before theie had harde all the artyllerie fhotte of, and floode in the meane feafon within the fhotte of the harquebufe to the towne. Yt lyked all men fo well that the Prior fwhore by his honour that he never harde thynge more royeal ; monfieur Danville fayde that yt was worthye fuche a princes as my meflres was ; other ther wer that fayde verie honorably their myndes in heringe of the greatefle in the compagnie. Monfieur Prior requefted me alwayes to be by hym ; to all fuche queftions as he demaunded I anfwered as then I thoughte good. All thynges were in fuch good order that I am fure he coulde rather envie it then myflyke yt. Monfieur Danville commended well the harquebufiers, for of them was the greatefle number, the refle were armed pyquys. The maior and hys brotherne mette them in the foreace, he gave them and receaved good wordes agayne. In the Mar fhall there lacked no good wyll to fhewe that theie wer welcome. The Treafurer yf he dyd ever fhewe hymfelf noble, that daye was hys honor, REIGN OF QUEEN MARY. 95 he had in one liverie xx parfones well horfed with partifanes, he lodged them in his owne lodginge well furnyffhed with all thinges, and place inoughe. He gave them that nyght their fupper and breakefafte in the mornynge, not one that departed with owte hys belly full of good cheare. He gave unto eache of the noble men a geldinge, better then anye theie broughte owte of Scotlande. Theie were the nexte mornynge as hono rably put owte of the towne, favinge the number of great lhotts, as theie were received. Thus your honour knowethe the maner of their inter - teynement in the quenes majefties towne at their fyrfle entrye. Theie them felves fpake no les unto me of yt then yt was. Monfieur Prior, by cawfe he knewe that I was to retorne, defyred me to tell the quene of Scotlande what honour had byn done unto them by two of the lord James gentlemen that he lefte of purpofe by hynde to attende upon them untyll that theie were owt of the towne, bothe noble men wrote backe unto the quene. The Scottyfhe lardes wente that night to Cowdingeham ; I lerned by the waye of the lord James that the quene took their departeur greveufly. She roofe that mornynge to bed them fare well, and to her beddie agayne. She lente unto the Grand Prior taccompagnie hym of her ladies, Seton, Beton, Livefton, and Flemmynge, as farre as Seton wheare theye dyned. That nyght theie laye in Dombarre, and the erle of Huntly, commynge that nyght owte of the caftle as he faythe hym felf, with a fawle dyd put his arme out of joynte ; fome are fo uncharita ble that the wyfhe that yt had byne hys necke. He, theie faye, dyftur- bythe the whole courte, and yet ys ther not one that gyvethe hym credyt ; yf thys myffortune had not byne he had come farther forwarde, and yet I affure you ther is no man cane tell whether he be hurte or not. Nowe that thefe Frenche men are departed we fhall fone gyve a geffe unto what yffue thynges wyll growe ; her maffe is terrible in all mens yees ; the erle of Caffels faid unto my felf that [he] wolde never here anye moe. I knowe not yet what myfchef yt maye worke. Her uncle, the marquis, fpeakethe great wordes, I fe not in hym to worke anye great matter, I fynde that ther lackethe no good wyll ether in her or hym. Mr Knox hathe wrytten unto your honour hys mynde; I am not all wayes of his opinion for his exacte feveritie, and yet I fynde yt 96 ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE dothe mofte good. She hathe myflyked the provofte and baylies of Edenbourge newe chofen, which lykethe me never a whytte ; what fhe myndethe farther yt cane not be well favored as yet. The povertie of her fubjectes greatlye advancethe whatfomever fhe intendethe. From France commethe her whole counfell, what face fomever fhe bearethe here. Thyther goethe fhortly St. Come throughe England, as he thynkethe to fette a newe leffon. The love to the Frenche is nothynge augmented by thefe mens beinge here, nor wyll myche increace by the marquis tarrienge byhynde. What for gayne or for favour fhe fhall fynde maynie frendes ; I here nothynge of the dukes or my lord of Arranes comynge to the courte. The erle of Argile lykethe nothynge in her. James Macconell, byfydes that that he fpake unto fir Peter Mewtes, affurethe me that he wyll at all tymes be at the quene my meftres devo tion. He had refufall of a requefle he made unto the quene, I knowe not yet what yt was. He made monfieur Danville hys meane. He hathe promyfed me not to have to do in anye matter of Irelande that I fhall not be previe unto. His opinion is that ther wylbe no greate good done agaynfle Onel excepte he be invaded upon bothe fydes ; of the fame mynde is alfo the erle of Argile, whoe faythe unto me that yt were an eafye matter to perfwade Eche Macconell, hym felf, and Mac Lane to tayk that enterpryfe in hande. Thus muche I wryte as I have harde of them, leavinge the confyderatyon therof unto your wyfdome. I have not farther for thys tyme to troble your honour, but that yt wyll pleafe you to have in remembrance the quenes majefties my fove- raynes warrant unto Mr. Treafurer that my allowance maye be monethlye avancede, for that Scotlande is no place whear I cane lyve withoute monye in my puree ; he wyll, I trufte, upon your honours letters, fhewe me fome frendefhippe therin. Greate meanes is maid bothe unto hym and me by Scottyfhe men for Englefhe monye. Thoughe of hym I dowte not, and affure your honour of my felf, yet I feare myche wyll goe that waye. Thus mofte humbly I take my leave, reddie to retorne towardes Eden bourge, whear I praye God that my fervice maye [be] unto the quenes ma jefties as I defyer, and unto your honour fo agreable as thopinion that yt REIGN OF QUEEN MARY. 97 hathe pleafed your honour to conceave of me. At Barwicke, xijth of September, [October?] 1561, Your honours to commande, as he is bounde, Tho. Randolphe. Endorfed, 12 Septembris, 1561. Mr. Randolph to my mafter. LETTER FROM THOMAS BISCHOP TO SIR WILLIAM CECIL, February 9, 1562.* It may pleafe your honour. Being unlooked for charged witht flander- ous and untrew inftructiones againft the rule of honeftie, I have this laft Setterday fent in the cuntreye a fervaunt of myne for fome letters to an fwer that infamie. I fhall think myfelf well rewarded yf your honour, witht one or two of the quenes majefteis counfaile, may be then appoynted throughtlie to heare my anfwer; and difchargeing myfelf, as I dowbt not, to my praes and honeftie, I fhall then fludie without feare trewlie to ferve hir highnes, and as I truft, to hir majefteis and your honours con tentment. I have drawen in the meane tyme hereafter expreffed fome fpeciall notes of my fervices, forted not for my vane glory, having not ment the fame at thys tyme but for declaration of my demeanour. I fhall mofte humble diffyre your honour at your lafar to geve the reding therto. I have written them advifedlie and looketh to prove every poynt thereof, whiche I am redye. And wheare in one artykle againfte me I am touched with George Hammylton, yf he wer fent for by my lorde Prefedent and fent up as no prefonar, I thinke he will not onlie difcharge my tryfling poynt objected, but alfo after the fame I fhall caufe him, as * From the Harl. MS. 289, fol. 73. N 98 ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE I trow, do good fervice for thinges in hande, being in place where he may boethe heare and fee, and knoweth more nor he dar fend worde ; it fhalbe coft to nobodie but to me, he fhall have a gelding of myne and a man to wayte uponn him at my charges. The Lorde preferve your honour in long lyef. Written thys ix of Fabruarii, 1561. SPECIALL SERVYCES DONE BY THOMAS BISHOP IN ENGLOND. At the jorney in Dunbertane Caftell uponn difclofing of the trefone againft the kinges majeftie and us, openlie in the Chapell I willed therle of Levenax tak a marrifhepyke and feight, rather then returne witht fhame in Englande. For my harde efkaping, dowblett alone, with my lyef, and by my good polycye after oure betraying in preferving the kinges majefteis powar uponn lande eight myles from there fhipps ; the munition, wittelles, and the exploeites done at Arrane, Bewte, Dynone, in Argilie, and otheres in that fervice, for whiche I am attented ; at Bullen I was imbrafed in the kinges majefteis armes, witht wordes of comforte, before his hole previe counfele in his privie chambre, and had xxv. ti. annewite during lyef, two hundret crounes, mony letters in Ynglande to the Previe Counfele, and x. s a daye after for my dyet abrode. His majeftie, not repenting his former gyftes of landes, pencion and mony, a lytill affore his deatht and after the breache with my lady Leve nax, gave to me and my heyres tuenty merkland caUed Fangefs, withoute fute ; and caufed tell me I fhould be called to another vocation nor I looked for. Yf his majeftie had leved all by me receyved had been but triffills. His hieghnes fone king Edwarde, for my fervices done undre my lordes Wharton and Dakres, fpeciallie in tranying thould erle of Glen- carne after his trefone done at Dunbertane in this realme agane, for my good fervice at the feage of Langhome wheare the hole armye of Scot lande was, at Caftell Mylk and at Annande, gave me for my better provytion in leafe Newbygging befide Carliflie, wortht c. merkes a yeare. For the notable explote done uponn Drumlanrig, devyfed by me and REIGN OF QUEEN MARY. 99 put in execution by fyr Hary Wharton and me witht oure bodys in the feilde, therle of Lenenax xvj. myles from ws fleping in his bed, and for the oitht to all the Affuryd in that fervice by me geven, I had in rewarde ijc fourty crownes and the abbacye of Holywood, worthe a thoufand crownes a yeare ; I was at thys jorney. Yf cruiU fortene had chanced betrayed to the duke and Dowager by the proctor of Bute for ije. crownes and a ferme of xl li a yeare. For my fervice done at Dufdeare, where therle of Angus was chafed and efkaped witht fyve men and himfelf, my good advife in ferving the hole wardanerye being there by the Affuryde betrayed and others in that jorney, fyr Hary Wharton was made knyght, I was taken witht the erle of Arrandale to the clofet at Weftmifter to the king, who openlie witht oration of thankes, promife of rewarde, in prefens of therles of Huntlie and Boithvilej my cuntraye men, kiffed his hieghnes hande, either of ws had in rewarde foure hundret crownes a pece. Meting the duke of Somerfett by bis appointment in his jorney to Muffilbrught feilde* tarying, but one day at the Newcaftell and fetting the affore none in counfale, afternone omitting all befynes and futeres openlie in his garden from denner unto mete was uponn the table at nyght, conferred his hole entent witht me, underftude my knowlege and intelligence, devyfed at the fame his; entre lyke invation uponn the weft, after whoea returne from Seotkmde to his deying daye ever ufed me in all affayrest far Scotlande lyke a counfalor. I loefl by his deatht ijc merklande prwnifL My devyfe to him and the duke of Northumberlande at Shene flopped my lord Graye for entring Scotlande witht vj thowfande men, whereof the greateft force lixMrfineffl* be»g then the floure of Englande, his jorney hewg devyfed by George Dowglas ta have broowght them to the bowchery as well was knawen after,, the artykle to him in that matter at good lenghl will declare. From the duke of Northuwbeirlamdle in his latter tyme I had the fecrete garde of therle Boithvile wspanni the nuarehes, where he intended to flollen away and brakm the pace, andi for tranyng him from thenfe at the coun- 100 ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE fales devife to the courte, the fecrete whereof to thys houre I have kept from therle of Levenax and him alfo. Quene Marie, thoo my lady Levenax told hir I was an heretyke, hir majeftie gave me, unknowen of hir whoo wolde have ever had me for- faiking levinges here to have followed hir, my pention of new witht addition of the wordes lakking ; and to thende of hir majefteis dayes in thaffayres of Scotlande trufted me wheare fhe dyd not hir deare coufing of Levenax. Whatt plattes, what bookes for knowlege, what orations for fuppref- fing the Frence men in Scotlande, and for my difpleafor fent to the Dovagere, remane fome witht Counfalors, fome others yet to fhew with myfelf! For my allegeance to the croun of Englande fence my cuming, yf I have not at my poore powar above all otheres my cuntraye men been mofte earneft, mofte inventyve, mofte cruelle and carefuU to fubverte that realme of Scotlande, lett a trumpett be blowen uponn the marches, requyring any of that nation or of France to cum and charge me for the fame. I feik not Scottes to trye my doynge, but noble men of Englande under whom I have ferved. Wheare ever therle of Levenax for any intelligence to thys realme gave a croun to any afpyell, I have geven foure fcore; where ever befyde the dyet of the prence, being to him fyve markes a daye and for the fame fometymes having undre him eight fervantes, fpent one crown, I have fpent of my owne goodes franklie one hundreit poundes ; wheare my lady and he, to the ewill brute of the cuntreye, hathe defaced caftelles and manors, and fould awaye the lede, tymber, byrk and ftones, and as I think never in there dayes fpent one hundret markes in beilding, I have fpent for planting me and my poore rafe eight hundreit markes and above. Noo marvell, feing Newbigging gotten away from me by doctor Smytht, deyne of Carliflie, Holywood, my cheif preferment, by the Scottes; the deatht of the tuo dukes my frendes, my difpleafour fuftened for my dewi- tie by my lady Levenax, above a thoufande poundes throught hir and other wayes to long to refyte, and that never man on lyve fau my Ampli cation in Confale for any fute or releif thoo I be fome thing behynd the REIGN OF QUEEN MARY. 101 nande ; and yet let it be inquyred by my Lorde Prefedent where I dwelle and all other places in Englonde yf in houfe keping, appereU, trane of men, horfes, and all that belongeth to a gentilman I am als lyke the fame as my leving wil beare. Where of late therle for my dewitie haith practis my flaughter in Scotlande, in whiche place he knowetht I dar not'goo, nor no money will fave me for the fervice done heare, and as I am in formed haitht done the lyke heare in Englande, and now witht infamye untrewlie by his wieffes procurement goetht aboute to unable my dewite, I truft upoun my honefte tryall the quenes majefte wilbe alfgood foverane unto me as hir gratious father my mafter was in the lyke, and as hir hiegh- nes predeceffores my mafters haitht been, whom without feare of my lady Levenax or any others trewlie and withoute malice I fhall ferve. Youre honours mofte humble, witht fervice during lyef, Thomas Bischop. To the right honourable fyr Wil liam Cecill, knight, principale fe- cretarie to the quenes majeftie. Endorfed, Thomas Bifhopps lettre of his fervice done in England, anno 1561. MEMORANDUM, APPARENTLY IN THE WRITING OF THOMAS BISCHOP, WITHOUT SIGNATURE OR ADDRESS.* One Elder, a Scottifheman, my acquentance, haitht been witht me; he tould me he had letters from my lorde Oben3e to my lorde of Levenax, * From the Harl. MS. 289, fol. 75. 102 ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE my lorde Dernelie as I think to my lady. Amonges otheres talkes he faid my lorde Dernelie was muche fpoken of in France, and that my lorde Oben3e tould him the king of Naverne afked him in talkes of my lorde Dernelie, his ftature, age, and upbringing. Elder faid he fhew the quene of Scottes in France my lorde Derneleis hande, whiche he wrote being eight yeares of age; he feameth to few for his pencion, and yf he fpede not thinketh he fhalbe welcum to the Scottifhe quene. I know the man, and haitht gone no fardar witht him as yett; yt forcetht not yf he be traited a lytill in his difpeche; he confeffed to me he had fyftie crownes in his departour from the cardinall of Lorraine ; he haitht wytt to playe the afpye where he liftitht. The Lorde preferve your hon our in long lyef. LETTER FROM THOMAS RANDOLPH TO ROBERT LORD DUDLEY, November 18, 1562.* My humble deutie confyderede. Since my laft letters unto your honour ther hathe occurred here no great matter of importance, which hathe cawfed me the longer to flaye my wrytinges. Immediately after the defeate of the erle of Huntlie and execution done upon his fone Johne Gordon, and certayne other offenders to the number onlye of vj. perfones, the quenes grace departethe from Aberdyne to wardes Edenbourge, havinge lefte fuch order in the northe partes as fhe thought mofte neadefull. At her beinge at Downotarie, a caftle of the erle Marfhalls, thyther eommethe unto her Villenaonte; maynie furmyfes ther wer what fhoulde be the cawfe of hys commynge. Suche as knewe hym befle coulde eaflye conjecture that he came for lyttle good. His whole arrant was to lyttle effecte; he broughte with hym fewe letters, and not one of great importance, more then that the Quene Mother dyd * From the Cistton MS. Calig. B, ix. fol. 175. REIGN OF QUEEN MARY. 103 grevieuflye complayne unto thys quene of the quenes majeftie my fove- reigne, that fhe had poffefFede certayne of her fonnes townes and geven aide unto his fubjectes agaynfte hym, which fhe thought wolde be a cawfe of fome greater dyfcorde betwene the realme of France and Englande then coulde fonne be appeaced. Whear yt was dowted that he had fome privie commiffion from the quenes uncles unto her, to cawfe her myflyke my meftres doynges, and that fhe fholde feeme fo farre to favour ther enterprifes that fhe wolde evle aUowe whatfomever was done agaynfte them, the truthe hereof hathe byne fo farre fearched that yt is for cer tayne knowne that he had no fuche charge, and came rather to feeke fome commoditie ether by fervice or other ways then that he was fent by anye man. Of this I am affured, and therfore do the boldlyer wryte yt; marrie he is a man that faylethe with all wyndes, and fafhion- ethe hym felfe to all mens fantafies that he hathe to do with. He fpeakethe to the quene whatfomever fhe lykethe befle, and of my meftres doynges to her he fpeakethe dyfpytefullye inoughe. I fee here hys cre- dyt lyttle, ether with her Graces felf or anye other. I have oft talked with hym, but more accompte I thynke not to mayke of hym then I fynde cawfe worthye. At Mounte Rofe ther commethe one other, a fervant of monfieur Danvilles, of hym there is no leffe thoughte then of the formore; we looked then for none nother but opon warre, wherof the brute rane fo fafte before that the quene her felf foonde great faulte therat. He arrivethe abowte one hower before the quenes fupper ; he prefented unto her, in the fyght of as maynie as were in the chamber, onlye one letter from his mafter, and moe then that he had not unto her. Yt contayned iij whole fheetes of paper, I was prefent at the deliverie, and fawe her Grace reade yt, greatelye yt appeared to her contentment. He reportethe the whole ftate of thinges in France, as well of the prince and his power as the Guifians, with all the fupportes, I thynke as trewlye as he coulde. DiveTs and longe tawlke hathe byne betwene the quene and hym, the purpofe is more fecrete then ys yet knowne unto anye excepte yt be unto the lord of Lidmgeton, whoe thoughe he ether will not or yet cane not affure me what his arrant is, yet dothe he put me owte of dowte that yt 104 ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE nether concernethe my meftres nor anye thynge that cane be prejudiciall unto her. I thoughte yt better for a tyme to contente my felf with this then over erneftlye to preffe hym for further knowledge then he was wil linge to imparte unto me, thoughe I wyll not fo leave but rather lette tyme worke yt. This advantage I have gotten by the haftie arrivall of thefe two gentlemen and by the fufpicion that is growne of their com- mynge, which gave all men occafion to thynke that theye came for lyttle good, that I perceave that yf thys quene were bothe of wyll and power to annoye my meftres that fhe fholde wante bothe counfellers thereunto and mynifters to be imployide therin, excepte fuche as dwell upon the borders, whoe what kynde of men theie are your honour knowethe righte well. Excepte that I had fomewhat to perfwade me thus to wryte, yt were to great boldenes of me fo to affure your lordfhip. Touchynge the good will that is borne unto the quenes majeftie my fovereigne in the quene her felf, I fynde yt nothynge demenyffhede of that that at any tyme I have before wrytten; and in her fubjectes, I meane onlye the godlie, I fynde yt fo increace, in fpeciall fince the fupporte fent into France, that I thynke her majeftie the happiefte woman alyve. Her majefties fyckenes hathe byne hevelye lamented, and God nowe as great- lye prayfed for her recoverie, whome He for his mercies fake fo preferve that His glorie in her acles maye alwayes be knowne unto the worlde. At Dundie ther commethe unto the quene the duke to demaunde par don for his fonne-in-lawe, the lord Gordon, whome he hym felf flayede by the quenes commandement. He hathe receaved hytherto lyttle com- forte, nor fhall not knowe what fhall become of hym before the parli- ment, which wilbe abowte Candlemas. At Dundie I tooke my leave of her Grace to be before her in Edinbourge, wheare fhe purpofethe to be within viij dayes, takynge her jornaye by Sterlinge. I here that James Graye is arryved ; he wente the nexte waye to meete the quene, and fo I dyd myffe hym. This quene at thys prefent wrytethe to my fovereigne, as alfo the lord of Lidingeton unto your honour ; my lord of Murraye willed me to prefent his hartie commendations unto your lordfhip, he defyrethe God to fende your lordfhip to the increafe of honour that latlye you have worthylie receave fuche advauncement as maye be mofte unto REIGN OF QUEEN MARY. 105 your hartes defire. Mofte humblye I tayke my leave; at Edenbourge, the xviijth of November, 1562. Your honours lordfheps at commaunde, Tho. Randolphe. . . the right honourable my verie good lorde, . . . rte Duddelie, one of the . . . mofte honorable Previe .... LETTER FROM THOMAS RANDOLPHE TO SIR WILLIAM CECIL, November 30, 1562.* Maye yt pleafe your honour. Immediatlye upon the quenes arrivall here fhe fell acquaynted with a newe dyfeafe, that is common in thys towne, called here the Newe Acquaintance, which paffed alfo throughe her whole courte, nether fparinge lorde, ladie, nor damoyfell, not fo muche as ether Frenche or Englifhe. Yt ys a payne in their heades that have yt, and a forenes in their flomackes with a great coughe; yt re- maynethe with fome lenger, with other fhorter tyme, as yt fyndethe apte boddies for the nature of the dyfeafe. The queene keapte her bedde vj dayes, ther was no appearance of daynger, nor maynie that die of the dyf eafe, excepte fome olde folkes. My lord of Murraye is nowe prefentlye in yt, the lord of Lidingeton hathe had yt, and I am afhamed to faye that I have byne free of yt, feynge yt feekethe acquayntance at all mens handes. By reafon of thefe occafions I have not feen her Grace lince fhe came to towne. I was the unwillinger alfo to reforte to the court untyll the commen brute of the takynge of Roan was pafle, whear I fholde ether have harde that that wolde have greved me, or perchance fpoken • From the Cott. MS. Calig. B, ix. fol. 177. 106 ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE that that fholde have greved other, for that I fee nether meafure in their joye nor moderation in their doynges, when anye thynge, be yt never fo lyttle, come to their knowledge to be as theie defyre yt. Hytherto theie knowe nothynge for certayne but that which I have reported by fuche advertyfement as I had from my lord prefident of Yorke, and that in fuche forte that nowe theye begyne to dowte what honour was had of that victorie, or what great caufe theie have to rejoyce, Ther came nether fhippe nor man by lande oute of France fince Chatellet came to the courte. Theie have as lyttle intelligence here as the cofte is that theie beftowe to have yt, yet notwithftandinge their neighbors of Barwicke wyll not fpare to lett them knowe what theie here. The duke came unto thys towne upon Thurefdaye lafte; he broute with hym the lord Gore (?) by commandement of the quene; upon Sater- daye he was committed unto the caftle. Upon Sondaye at nyght the duke fupped with Mr Knox, wher the duke defyered that I fholde be. Thre fpeciall poyntes he hathe promifed to performe to Mr Knox before me; thone is never to goe for any refpecte from that that he hathe pro mifed to be a profeffor of Chryfles worde and fetter forth of the fame to hys power ; the ruexte all wayes to fhewe hym felf an obbedyent fubjeete to his fovetegne, as farre as in deiaitie and confcience he is bounde ; the thyrde merer to alter from that promes he hathe made for the maynte- nance of peace and amytie betwene bothe the realmes. I had of hym byfydes thys maynie good wordes my felf touchynge thys latter poynte, I wyll beleeve them all as I fee them tayke effecte, but trufte that yt fhall never lye in his worde alone. Before the parliment be appoynted ther fhalbe a convention at Newe Yeres tyde, we are defyerus to here farther of the fucces of Ithynges in France before we fommon our parli ment, les that we tyne our fillie poore meffe agaynfte our wylles. Ther hathe byne here fome good report made unto the quene of the vafentaes of certayne of her fubjectes in the defence of Roan, lyttle I thyroke to her Graces contentment, but fpoken by hym that yet never worde owte of his mouthe came to her amyffe, the erle of Glancare, fo that yt was forced to be paffed over in merrines, what fomever fhe thynk- ethe. But yf nede were of any fuche men in fpeciall of light horfemen, REIGN OF QUEEN MARY. 107 I beleve ther wolde yet am honefte eompanie be founde that wolde be glade to receave intertaynement and wolde do well their partes; I wryte yt not unto your honour but that I thynke ther are of my owne countrie that cane do as well as theie, but bycawfe I knowe dyvers here well wyll- inge, and wyfhe that the fholde all wayes be fome in the eye of the papyftes, that thei fholde not overwell conceave of the whole cuntrie. I leave farther for thys prefent to trouble your honour, mofte humblye takynge my leave. At Edenbourge, the lafte of November, 1562. Maye yt pleafe your honour, Davis is arrived at the wrytinge hereof, yt wilbe two dayes before he receave hys anfwer, and more I thynke cane not be fayde then is alreddie wrytten. Your honours all wayes to commande, Tho. Randolphe. To the right honorable fir Wil liam Cecill, knighte, principall Secretarie quenes ma jeftie. LETTER FROM THOMAS RANDOLPH TO SIR WILLIAM CECIL, December 3, 1562.* I have receaved your honours letter by Davies, the ladie Throkemor- tons fervant. Wher yt pleafethe your honour to write that two fpeciall refpectes ther are to be had in all our doynges, thone that the papyftes growe not fo ftronge and bardie that theie over looke the whole worlde yf theie become victors, thother that the Guifes builde no>; their caftles • From the Cott. MS. Calig. B, ix. fol. 179. 108 ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE in other princes dominions and poffeffions, yf their tyrannie be not re- ftrayned, I thynke your honour judge therof as you fynde mofte lykelye and as by experience you are taughte, but in whofe handes yt lyeth to fuppreffe their rage, or whoe dothe any thynge therin, the quenes majeftie onlye excepted, yt lyttle apperethe; and therfore is thoughte of the worlde that examinethe not the cawfes fo dieplye as the wyfer forte do, that yt ys a great adventeur for her majeftie to mayke her felf partie alone to fuche a prince, and to fo maine fupportes as he fhall fynde in thys cawfe. Thys worldelye reafon of theirs, wayinge lyttle the power of God or the juftenes of the cawfe, maketh them bothe colder then theie fholde be and negligenter then theie oughte to be to the fupporte of the Godlye, and to the withftondinge of the rage and furrie of that vayne and ambitious forte of men that are the authors of all thefe mifcheves. I knowe them as mortallye hatede here of the mofte parte of men as ever anye generation was, but I fynde not that thefe men do fo farre cafte before hande as to provide for the dayngers that maye infue yf their wicked purpofe tayke effecte. For ther is no thinge more allured but that the contynuance of thys maffe, the flackenes of punifliement of offenders daylie agaynfte fuche ordinances as are made for the fuppreff- inge of papyftrie, fhalbe an entrye to brynge in agayne as myche wicked- nes as ever was ufede. Thys is ofte fpoken, thys is maynie tymes called upon ; the Godlye notwithftandinge goe to wracke, the mefchevous ftande and prevaile in difpyte of God and his Worde. Seinge that yt hathe pleafed God to flurre up the harte of our fovereigne to gyve her that boldenes and courrage, poftponynge all hazardes and perils, to be the defence and I doubte not but the deliverance of Hys people owte of the handes of tyrans, what great cawfe have we to prayfe God in her and to praye God for the maynteynance of her majefties profperus eftate ? Seinge ther is here no kynde of fupporte or aide to be had, lett the God lye yet at the leafte, as I affure your honour daylie theie do, praye tafiyfle her with Hys gyftes, ftrengthen her with His myghtie hande, that His power maye be knowne as well in the hande and wyfedome of a woman as at other tymes hys glorie hathe appered in the actes of men. Of REIGN OF QUEEN MARY. 109 thys nation onlye thys maye be fayde, that the quene her felfe, howe well fomever fhe favour her uncles, that yet fhe lovethe better her owne fub- jectes ; fhe knowethe the neceffitie of my fovereignes frendefhipe to be greater then a prefle bablinge at an autour ; fhe is not fo affectioned to her maffe that fhe wyll leave a kyngdome for yt, but whenfomever fhe will do her wo rfle, byfydes that that God will be her enemye, fhe fhall fynde but fewe frendes at home and les abroode. Your honour neade not dowte anye thinge of thys quenes evel mynde, her defyer was never greater to lyve in peace, nor never more hartelye defired the quenes ma jefties kyndnes and good wyll then nowe fhe dothe. Yefterdaye fhe fpoke yt, and wylled me to wryte the fame. Maynye vayne rumours ther are fprede here of warres, in fo myche that I fholde be fent home, that charge was given unto the wardens to mayke a roode into Englande, with fuch lyke ; fhe fheweth herfelf greatly offended therewith. I harde yefterday a newe charge gevin to the lord Cofforde to do good juftice. Upon Twefdaye lafte I dyned wyth the lordes of the Counfell at the provofts houfe of the towne, their whole tawlke was of little other purpofe then of the amytie betwene the quenes, minifterde of purpofe that being ther prefent of dyvers partes everie one myght report what he harde. I accompagnied the lordes to the courte that daye, I fpake with the quenis grace above ij. hours in their fyght and heringe, I never fawe her grace merrier nor better dyfpofed. Some thynge of thefe matters, bycawfe theie were merrie, I have written unto my lord Robert. To gyve your honour thys affurance of thys quenes good wyll towardes our foveregne, and of the devotion of thys people towardes her majeftie, excepte I fawe good reafon that moved me yt were no fmall offence and fuch a faulte as none coulde be greater ; wherfore I ought the more advifedlye to con- fider what I wryte, or howe I do reporte. Maynie wyfer men then my felf have had their eyes blynded in courte, fo that wyfedome wolde I fholde have rather a miftrufte in my felf in my wytte and judgement, and report rather the lefte and to keape me within my boundes, then to fpeake the mofte and to let yt paffe under my penne, whearof nothynge coulde be keapte backe or hylde in ftore. Thys hathe byne the good 110 ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE advice unto me of fome, which I accepte frendlye in parte, but not fo that I fhall do injurie to anye parte. My deutie is to my foveregne to confile nothinge of that that is trothe when I am called to make an ac- compte therof; the deutie of an honefte man to fpeake honorablye of all princes and trewlye of all men. Seinge tyme requirethe that I fholde trewlye report what I knowe or can judge, I mufle agayne affure yt unto your honour that I beleve the quenes majeftie our fove regne was never better beloved of anye quene or princefe then fhe is of thys, nor never fo honored of anye ftraynge nation as fhe is of thys people univerfallye. The reafon of my knowledge is thys, I here the quene her felf fpeake yt, yt is the opinion of all men ; and not onlye that, but thofe that knowe in her mofte of anye other, nerrefle unto her in confill, preiveft unto all her doynges, do affure me of the fame, and I my felf fynde nothynge done nor faide to the contrarie. Whear your honour wyffhethe that thys quene fholde wryte, I perceave that then her Graces lafte letter wry tten at Dundie was not come unto the quenes ma jefties hande, their wilbe no want therof, at the leafte to gyve letter for letter ; and at thys tyme I here that the quenes majeftie hathe one to thadvantage. Yf Chattellet retorne fhortlye I thynke her Grace wyll wryte by hym, yf not ther wilbe none written excepte thoccafion of the lafte letter maye move my foveregne to wryte unto her Grace againe. I leave in thefe matters forther to troble your honour, onlye gevinge your honour to wytte that wheare you thynke that trafique wyll growe colde betwen the Frenche and yow, yt femethe alfo that yt dothe the lyke wyth us here ; ther is not one fhipe with wyne come thys yere. The counfell have made an ordenance that none fhalbe folde above iiij ft. x s flerling the toune ; other trafique by reafon of the trobles theie have none. I leave further to troble your honour. At Edenbourge, the thyrde of December, 1562. Yefter nyght ther came unto me George Butfheade from Jame Mac conell, and he fullye fatiffyed of what fomever he cane demaunde ; he hathe fent a fervant of his to confer with me of certayne matters-, I REIGN OF QUEEN MARY. Ill knowe not yet the purpofe. Your honour fhall lacke no advertyfement what fomever the matter be, but I here faye he is offended. Your honours bounden at commaunde, Tho. Randolphe. To the right honorable fir Wil liam ..... knyghte, prin cipall fecretarie .... enes majeftie. ANONYMOUS LETTER TO LORD .... December, 1564.* Upone this laft Monday I wes in Edenborough bot thre hours, quhair I faw and hard the erle of Lennoxis reftitutioun at the market cros pro- clamed be fyve harrottis in coit armour, tua maifferis, in prefence of the lordes on hors bak fittand ; the market cros hung with tapaftrye, how for the fpeciall fawour the quenis graice bure towart him of her fpeciall graice and ryall authorite, and at the requeft of her derrefte fyfter Elizabeth quene of England, and for others gret and weythye caufis movand her graice, reftorit him in integrum to all his honours, dignyties, offices, lordfhippis, barronis landis, roumes, and poffeffionis ; caffand and adnullaird the forfaitor led be my lord duke agains him the xlv 3eir of God, and all procefles led and proeeiding thair uppone. And to that effect, and for uthers caufis concerning the weill of the realme, proclamit be b-Iaft fyclyke of trumpett the parliament to begyn the ferd day of De cember. The lordis raid up the gait in pairis, my lord of Argyle and Lennox togidder, and doun the gait my lords of Lennox and the chance- lare ; all the lordis that day dynit with the erle of Lennox. One Mon day it wes belevit be fum that my lord duik fuld be in Edinburgh this * From the Cott. MS. Calig. B, ix. fol. 210. 112 ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE Furifday, or elles the morne, and be other few that he wald not cum in at this tyme. It is fuppoiffit the quenes graice will not depairt of Edin- borough befoir Zule. The bruyt is my lord Lennoxs fone fuld be haiftellie in, and the bruit is fyclyk in court that my lord of Murray fuld be cheffin be the quenes graice and lordis of Secret Counfell lufeten- nand generall of this realme, but not yit proclamit. It is ment that how fone ye wedder beginnes to be ftablit and apparand to continew that my lady Murray will fe ye water of Tueid ; gyf fcho cumis there I think your m. will get her 1. prefente. Poft fcripta. It is thought ftrainge the fuddane ftayment of the meiting between the Lordis Commiffioneris, and fpeciallie be you, bot gyf all be at reft at the courte abouff I taik the les cair. To my lord this be deliverit. LETTER FROM THE PRIVY COUNCIL TO THOMAS RANDOLPHE, i February 10, 1564.* After our verie hartie commendacions. We have of late receved ad- vertifementes that the Frenche have fent into Scotlande twoo fhippes of viij"' tonne the piece, with ordnance, armure, powder, and other muni tions ; meaneng, as is to be thought, to attempte fome exploite upon the frontiers of this realme adjoyneng to Scotlande. And albeit we thinke that if theife advertifementes were certaine you fhould have knowledge thereof, and fo fignify the fame unto us, yet for that we have underftanding otherwife that the Frenche have made preparation to the feas and per- happes meane to fende the fame into Scotlande, we have thought good to require you to have efpeciall care and regarde hereunto, and to ufe all * From the Lansdowne MS. No. 6, Art. 18. REIGN OF QUEEN MARY. 113 the beft meanes you can poffibly certainly to underflande what prepara tion of the Frenche is either alreadye come into that realme, or by any likelyhode to come thither out of Fraunce, and to advertife what you fhall lerne herein with all fpeade unto us. The more care and diligence that you fhall ufe in the doing hereof, the more acceptable fervice lhall you do unto her majeftie. And thus we bid you hartely fare well. From Windefore, the xth of February, 1563. Your loving frendes, F. Bedford Penbroke R. Duddley W. Howard E. Rogers. Willm Petre. Thomas Randolphe, efq. Endorfed, To our very loving frende Thomas Randolphe, efquier, . . . fident for the quenes majeftie .... Scotlande. Haft, haft, poft, haft, haft, for life, for life, for life. at Windefor, x. February, at thre, after noone. LETTER FROM SIR JOHN FORSTER APPARENTLY TO >> THE EARL OF BEDFORD, April 3, 1565.* May it pleafe your honour to be advertifed of the Scottifhe newes in Liddifdale, toching therle Bodwell his procedinges. Upon Tewfday at nyght laft paft the faid erle, being at his fupper in the Armitage aboute * From the Cotton MS. Calig. B, ix. fol. 230. 114 ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE tenne of the clok, a fervaunt of his lordfhips called Gabriell Symple came from Edenbrugh in moft fpedefuU manner, and cryed at the gates, " Horfe, horfe." My lord Bodwell demaunding what the matter dyd meane, " Therle of Murray," faid he, " is commyng towardes your lord fhip with a great company of horfemen, and all the furnames of Carres and Scottes doeth mynd to be in your way." Therle hearing this, by his owne trufty fervaunt, tooke prefent order for the keping of his houfe, and he hymfelf dyd horfe and rode to the hylles all that nyght, where all the Liddefdales did accompany hym ; and perfayving on the morrow that there was no fuche partie nyghe hym he paffed to the Armitage agayne, and fent the faid Symple bak agayne into Lodyan for difpatche of certen his bufynes, which he doith acredyte hym withal, more then any other fervaunt or frende that he, the faide erle, hath. The fame nyght it fortuned therle to leave his horfe keper at home in the Armitage, who then prefently did fleale twoo fhertes of the erle, for which cryme he caufed him to be put in pryfon and did threten to hang hym for the fame, by reafon wherof the horfe keper grew in feare and defired that he might fpeke with therle his mafter, faiyng that and his lord would be mercifull unto hym and forgyve hym that offence he fhould open matters of more greater ymportance touching his lordfhips owne perfone. Therle then, being contented to here what he wold fay, called hym before hym, where he then confeffed that Symple, Murrey, Pringall, and his lordlhips page and he, the faid horfe keper hym felf, was all of one confederacie and mynde, and alfo his lordfhips barbor, a Scottefman that he carried with hym to France, they all thynking to have pufoned hym in Fraunce, and had all their pufon reddy myxed for the myneftring to his lordfhip. The faid barbor, his harte wold not ferve hym to do his feete, as he was purpofed to have done. That being fo left then they devifed to have flayne hym in his owne chamber, and when they were going up the fleres to have don the fame, being three fleppes up, and none in the chambre but therle hymfelf, they darred and grew in feare of the matter, and fo paffed yt over without proceding any farther. Thus muche the horfe keper hathe confeffed, and the page hath made the fame confeflion, and faith that they were hired and procured to the doing therof by fecretory REIGN OF QUEEN MARY. 115 Lyddington and the lord of Pencreth. Therle Bodwell Hayes unto the returne of his man Symple fourth of Lodyan, to heare what he will opon in this matter, and then myndeth to fend them all and their confeffions to the quenes grace to confyder upon. All which matter he never knew nothing therof unto Fryday laft paft ; all which I thowght good to figni fie to your honour at length, and fo humbly taking my leave I committ the fame to the tuyffion of Almighty God. From my houfe nigh Alne- wick, the third of Aprill, 1565. Endorfed, 3 April, 1565. Sir John Forfter, towching therl Bothwell. LETTER FROM THE PRIVY COUNCIL OF ENGLAND TO QUEEN MARY, May 1, 1565.* The quenes majeftie having underftand from hir good fifter the Quene of Scottes, by hir principall fecretory the lord of Liddington, that the quene his miftres continuing in hir former intention to require the advife of the quenes majeftie in hir mariadg, and having for hir fake, as he fayeth, forboren to harken to the matching with any foren prince, hath thought mete to fend him hither to underftand hir majefties mind in a matter moved to the quene his miftres for a mariadg with the lord Darnly, what her Majeftie liketh therof; and farder to lett hir- majeftie underftand that if the quene his miftres may have hir majefties good will and affent therto, fhe could enclyne hir felf to the fame. Herupon, although hir majeftie at the firft found this matter very ftrange and un- likelye on the part as well of hir fifter as of the parentes of the lord Darnley and himfelf, being her majefties fubjectes and fo much bound to * From the Hark MS. 6990, Art. 32. 116 ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE her and the crown of England as none could be more, yet hir majeftie thought it convenient to communicat this meffage to hir Privy Counfell and to underftand their advifes in the fame, and to this intent the Coun- fellors, whofe names be underwritten, were mad privye to the meffage abovementioned, and to all other circumftances thereinto conveniently belonging. And after fundry conferences, long deliberations, and many argu ments amongft them felves, they all with one affent and judgment thought this mariadg of the lord Darnly, being attended with fuch cir cumftances as therin do appeare, to be unmete, unprofitable, and directly prejudiciall to the fincere amity betwixt bothe the quenes ; and confe- quently perillous to the continuance of the mutuall good concord and tranquillity that prefently is knowen to be and were to be earneftly de fired on both partes to be made perpetuall betwixt both the realmes. And therfore the faid counfellors did, for farder advife therein, think mete that if the proceding in this intended mariadg with the lord Darnly fhould depend upon the quenes majefties affent, fhe fhould do well not to accord therunto, but according to the profeffion of the fincere amity that is betwixt their majefties and in refpect of continuance of the com mon tranquillity, fhould move her to forbeare from this as a thing playnly prejudiciall to them both, and confequently dangerous to the weale of both their contreys, and offer unto her a free election of any other of the nobility either in thys wholl realme or ile, or in any other place being fortable for hir eftate and agreable to both the realmes, and therwith alfo for hir fatiffaction to yeld unto hir as much frendfhip and benefitt as upon furder conference might be devifed ; to be firft as hono rable as this is that is intended, and fecondly more commodious to both the princes, and more profitable and plaufible to the nobility and common people of both the realmes. Wherin the faid counfellors, thinking the like of the reft of the nobility and fage men of the realme, did for their partes according to their moft bounden duties, humbly offer to hir ma jeftie that whatfoever fhuld feme mete to hir majefty and could be de vifed for the fatiffaction of the quene of Scottes, with fome other meter mariadg, being agreable to the honor of God and to juftice and conve- REIGN OF QUEEN MARY. 117 nient to manteine the concord and amity alredy begon betwixt the two realmes, the fame fhuld be allowed with their advifes and furdered with their fervices at all tymes whan hir majefty fhuld command them, accord ing to their moft humble and loyall dutyes. Wherupon they do firmely truft that if the matter may be furder thought upon and confidered by wife and good men on both partes, good fuccefs may enfew to the comefort and honor of both the princes, and to the eftablifhing of a perpetuall concord, peace, and tranquillity betwixt the nations. At Weftminfter in the Palace there, the firft daye of Maye, 1565, et anno feptimo Elizabethae reginae. Winchester Pembroke E. Rogers Ambrose Cave John Masone T. Norffolk E. Clynton E. Knollys Willm Petre Ry. Sakevyle Edward Derby W. Howard W. Cecill THE QUEEN OF SCOTLAND TO THE QUEEN OF ENGLAND, June 14, 1565.* Richt excellent, richt heich and michtie princeffe, oure deareft fufter and coufin, in our maift hertlie maner we commend us unto gou. For certane matteris of importance, tending to the mantenance and conferva- tion of the gude intelligence and amytie flanding betwix ws, we have pre- fentlie direct towartis gou the berair hairof, oure trufty and weilbelovit counfalour, maifter John Hay, Commendatare of Balmerynoch, oure principall maifter of Requeftis; praying gou thairfore, gude fufter, to grant him audience ; and, in fie thingis as he fall declair unto gow on Addit. MS. 4126, n. 3; from the State Paper Office. 118 ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE our behalf, to gif him firme crydet as unto our felf. And fa, richt heich, richt excellent and michtie princeffe, oure deareft fufter and coufyn, we commit gou to the tuitioun of Almichtie God. Gevin under oure fignet at oure toun of Sanct Johneftounn, the xiiij day of Junij, and of oure regime the xxiij geir, 1565. LETTER FROM THE EARL OF ARGYLL AND JAMES STEWART TO THOMAS RANDOLPH, July 1, 1565.* After maift hartly comendaciones. This is fartife you that my lord of Argyll, me lord Boyd and I hais conwined this day togythar to detter- myn apon fome matters of confequence, the whiche we are wyllinge to communicatt unto you, and tharfor hais fent this barrar unto you to declair our mynd att lenthe, to quhom we pray you to gyfe credit as ontw our felvis; and this we commyt you to God. At Lochlevin, ye firfte of Jully, 1565. Be your affured frindes, Ar. Argyll James Stewart To maifter Randolph, agent for the queens majeftie of Englande. LETTER FROM THOMAS RANDOLPH TO SIR WILLIAM CECIL, July 16, 1565.J Of the receate of the queens majefties letter, and alfo your owne bearing date the xxvij of June, I wrote unto your honour immediately after theie came unto my hands, with declaration of the cawfe whye the anfwer unto * From the Cott. MS. Calig. B, ix. fol. 236. f From the Cott. MS. Calig. B, x. fol. 311- REIGN OF QUEEN MARY. 119 them requyred fome longer tyme then perchance her majeftie looked. Nowe that I have fpoken with this queen I thoughte good with fuch diligens as convenientlye I cane tadvertife your honour in what forte I have proceded, gevinge your honour by the waye to underftonde of fome of the occafions that fo longe delaye my intente foner to have wrytten. For two dayes after the embaffadors arrivall ther was fuche dyfpleafure taken that I thought their whole boddies wolde have byne torned into dyfpyte, fo lyttle the anfwer he broughte dyd contente them. Theie retorne at lengthe to their owne nateur, and I, perceavinge the fume to be palle, thoughte upon the Mondaye to have fpoken with the queen. That whole daye was folemnifed, as I do believe, to fome divine God, for fuche quietnes'was in courte that fewe coulde be feen and as fewe fufferde to enter. After thys ther ryfeth a brute upon letters wrytten, as was faide, by my ladies grace to her howfband, which I beleve not, that he fhoulde be of good comforte and flowtlye go forward in his matters, for that the queen of England dyd but bofl ther wolde be nothinge of the matter. Thefe newes were broughte to me, I fhewe as maynie appar- ances as I cane of the unlykelyhoode that that fhoulde be trewe, and blafe that as farre abroode as theie had done theirs. That nyght her horfes were fecretlye prepared, and at viij. of the clocke at nyghte roode to Seton accompagnied for women onlye the lady Erfken ; for even thefe, the father, the fonne, one brother of the lord Erfkens, fir David, and monfieur Fowler. Howe Seton flondethe from Edenborough your hon our knoweth, and with what honour or fuertie fhe maye fo ryde I reporte me to other, but here yt is altogyther myflyked. Here upon rofe maynie fowle tales, whear libertie inoughe is geven for men to fpeake what theie wyll. Thys was the befte that fome faide, fhe durfte not tarrie in thys towne but wolde to Donebar, the fyrfle viage to Seton, and from thens the lord Hume to convoye her ; of thys ther was nether apparance nor cawfe geven for her to fufpeete. Other faide that the lord Seton and lord Bothewell were arrived, and that fhe wente to confer with them and to welcome them home. Two nightes fhe tarried ther and the next daye came to her dinner to the caftle of Edenboroughe; then was it faide that fhe wolde remayne ther. That afternone fhe and my lord Darlye walked 120 ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE up and downe the towne dyfguyfed untyll fuppertyme, and retorned thyther agayne, but laye that nighte in the Abbaye ; thys manner of paf- finge to and fro gave agayne occafion to maynie men to mufe what might be her meaninge. The nexte daye in lyke forte fhe comethe after dyner upon her feete from the Abbaye, the lord Darlye ledinge her by the one arme and Fowler by thother. In that troupe ther were the ladie Erfken and old ladie Seton, the erle of Lenox and feignor David, with 2 or 3 other. Thefe vagares mayke mens tonges to chatter fafte, in fpeciall whear fo great libertie is for them to fpeake what theie lyfle, or at the leafte fo greate occafion as thys is that movethe them fo to do. The commiffioners in thys meane tyme attende for anfwer of the articles accorded upon at the lafte convention, whear of I fente your honour a copye; upon Frydaye the matter was in longe confultation, nothynge coulde be refolved upon, and fo were theie commanded to retorne upon Sondaye nexte, which is this daye 8 dayes. In thys tyme I coulde have no opertunitie to fpeake with her Grace and as farre as I cane perceave fhe hathe as lyttle wyll to have to do with me. Upon Thurefdaye my lord of Liddington retorned in the morninge from the lord Athall, but dyd lyttle good betweene the parties ; no hurte is yet done but theie flonde upon their gardes and wayght their tymes. That daye after dynner the lord of Liddington commethe to my lodginge, he faythe fhortlye that the queen his meftres founde her felfe greved that the queen my miftrefs fholde fende a heraulde oute of England to pro- clayme my lord Darlye and his father traytors in her realme, her Grace not beinge fyrft advertyfed. I afked hym whear that was done and when, he anfwerde that he knewe not, but defyred me to let hym knowe yf anye fuche man were come to me, and whye I keapte hym fecrete. He faide that the rumour hereof was greate, and that the earle of Lenox had reported to the queen; I wolde fayne have made the lord of Liddington beleve that yt had byne fo but he was to wyfe. I tolde hym that the queen his meftres dyd injurie to the queen my meftres to thynke that fhe had fo lyttle underftandinge as to fende a heraulde hyther to that effedle, but fuche counfell as fhe receaved fuche fhe muft utter, but wolde that fhe had chofen an other meffenger for that arrante. " I have more," REIGN OF QUEEN MARY. 121 faythe he, " to faye unto you. The queen is informed that you perfwade the lord of Lenox men and the lord Roffes to leave their miftres, which fhe thynketh evle done of you." I denied that I had fo done, and therin- had forgotten to do as I fhoulde have done, for that I knewe yt dyd not ftonde with the queens majefties pleafure that anye fubjecte of hers fhoulde be in this countrie without her licence, and that yt was agaynft the treatie betwene the two princes, and yf that that dyd offended, yt fholde be fhortlye feene whoe wolde tarrie, for that I dyd intende to charge them all upon their allegiances to retorne and avoide the countrie. The thirde accufation was that I had fpoken evle of fome fervantes of theirs. I anfwerde that yt was falfe^ favinge of Fowler, whome feinge the queen his miftres had taken into her protection, and that my man coulde not be revenged upon hym for his falce reporte, nor gett other order of hym, bothe I myfelfe wolde, and all theie that ferve me fholde let hym be knowne to be a villayne^ a Iyer, and fpeake as muche evle of hym as theie coulde. Thefe were the thre greveus matters that fhe founde her felfe offended with ; and when I locked that the lord of Liddington wolde have entered with me in tawlke of fome grave matters howe thys breache of amytie myght be reconciled, and what offers wolde be made of hys meftres parte to that effecte, he faide that he had ended his comif- fion, for of thofe matters he hearde not a wordeJ I defyred that to the poyntes fhe founde her felf greved with I might have acceffe to her Grace, and anfwer them my felfe, he thought that verie good, and therby I thought to have the better occafion to feele her mynde in thofe poyntes contayned in the queens majefties letter. ;" < The nexte daye yt pleafed her Grace to gyve me audience. I anfwer fyift unto the accufations, and fomewhat fharplyer then I had fpoken to the lord of Liddington, asquarels rather fought e then jufte cawfe offerde; the injurie not finale to the quene my meftres to be thought fo unadvifed as to fende ' a i herawlde to proclaime her rebels traytors in a ftraynge country e at; the marquet croffe^ a thynge agaynft order, agaynft cuftome, andunadvifedJye fpoken' of hym that was the ! author1 of it to her Grace1. Thother two matters,, for that theie dyd louche my felf, I dyd avouche the doynge and my wordes, and yf ther be no matters greveufer then thefe Q 122 ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE the occafions were fmale to be offended, yf fhe had anye greater fhe had power yf fhe wolde to commande me home, yf not fo fhe myght informe my meftres whome I ferve, whoe wolde not allowe of my myfbehaviour. Yt was had in confultation with the queen, the lord of Lenox, the lord Darlye and fome other, whether I fhold be fuffered to go and ryde whether I wolde and fpeake with fuche as I pleafe. No man fo cruele as my lord Darlye to have me awaye, yt was refolved that yt would not be with her honour to reftrayne me, but fhe might ufe fuche ftrayngnes towardes me her felfe as fhe wolde. After thys tawlke, which fhe mytti- gated with maynie good wordes, I gave fome token of forrowe that my fortune was fo evle eveir to have feen her Grace, or fo longe to have re- mayned in her countrie to fee fo greate apparance as I do of the breache of that amytie which I hoped fholde have byne contynued betwene them for ever. She excufed her felf that yt came not of her. Manye matters were called to remembrance, and fome thyngs of her parte fpoken in coller. I faide that yt myght appeare ether yt was done for dyfpyte, fo I knowe fhe faide herfelf, or els her ingratitude was to greate after fo manye promefes had paffed her to followe the advife and counfell of my miftres fo in thende to deale with her as fhe dyd. " I knowe," faythe fhe, " that your meftres wente aboute but to abufe me, and fo was I warned oute of England, France, and other parts, and when I founde yt fo indeade I thought that I wolde no longer ftaye upon her fayer wordes, but beinge free as fhe is I wolde flonde to my owne choyce ; for yf your meftres wolde have ufed me as I trufted fhe wolde have done, fhe cane not have a daughter of her owne that wolde have byne more obediente to her then I wolde have byne, and yet defyer to lyve in that peace and amytie with her that before I dyd. Let not her be offended with my mariage, no more than I am with hers, and for the refte I will abyde fuche fortune as God will fende me. I knowe," faythe fhe, " that kinge Harrie in hys teftament thoughte hym worthye more favour then is nowe fhewed hym, but yf he have dyffavour for my cawfe I wyll recompence yt the befle I maye, and will feeke that frendefhip that I cane yf injurie be done unto me or hym alfo." Thys kynde of fharpe fpeache gave me occafion to anfwer her Grace with the lyke, thoughe with reverence inoughe, REIGN OF QUEEN MARY. 123 whear fhe faide that my meftres wente abowte to abufe her, yt was not her Graces parte fo to faye, for whear fhe had good cawfe and jufle oc cafion to become her ennemie before her home commynge, and myght when fhe wolde force her to the fulfillinge of her howfbondes promes and her owne, yet fhe forbore fo to do, and willinglye offorde her felf to be come her Graces frende, and fhewed as maynie tokens of good will as fhe coulde, excepte fhe fholde prefentlye have taken the crowne from her owne heade and put yt upon hers. Theie were no fmale tokens of good will that fhe offerde, to ufe her as her fyftar and to do with her as her daughter, and for her parte to rejecte all thefe thinges of fo greate wayght, or to neglecte fo greate a benefyte as was lyke to infue hereof, for fantafie of one man at the fyrfle fyght, with owte inquifition of his eftate, maner, or behaviour. No man coulde blame my meftres yf that fhe were offended, or if fhe foughte to have hyt knowne unto the worlde the injurie that was done unto her and, the unkyndnes that was fhewed unto her for her good wyll. Whear fhe faide that fhe was a free princeffe as my meftres is, and therfore might tayke her choyce, I faide that the queen my ^neftres never chalenged farther righte in her then her owne promes, and in that poynte rather gave her advife, beinge defyered therunto by maynie requefts, then that fhe wolde clayme anye autoritie above her in that matter. For that which fhe fpake of kinge Henries teftamente I thought that her grace knewe not much of his mynde, or howe fo ever yt were of valeur or ftrengthe theie coulde not bothe have anye greate righte from thens, and therfore whoe foever he was that dyd put anye fuche matter into her heade dyd but abufe her, which in thende fhe fhoulde verie well knowe ; and that I dyd well knowe that by other meanes then my meftres favour nether fhe nor the lord Darlye coulde never have foote within the realme of Eng lande. For her frendes I knewe none better hable to flonde her in fteade then the queen my meftres, yf fhe had fo byne counted of, for the reft theie were as well knowne to my meftres as to her felf, nether of fuche power nor of fuche wyll as perchance fhe dyd imagen, nor at all tymes reddie when fhe hathe neade of them. " Yt mufte nowe," faythe fhe, f( be with me as yt maye be, and I praye you tell me what wolde the 124 ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE queen my good fyftar that I fhoulde do?" I faide that I knew no better then to fende iiome bothe the lord of Lenox and lord Darlye, then fholde. my meftres and fhe be frendes and her countrie at good repofe and, quietnes as yt was before. " To fende them home I maye not; is there no other waye but that?" I faide that I knewe that to be the beft, fhe had wyfe men aboute her that coulde thynke upon the matter, and paradventur fynde fome what els that myght at the leafte llaye the prefente evle, and the refle might be gotten in tyme. " What yf your majeftie woulde alter your religion?" "What wolde that do?" faythe fhe. " Par adventure," faide I, " fome- what move her majeftie to allowe the founer of your marriage." " What ! Wplde you," faythe fhe, " that I fholde mayke marchandize of my religion, or frame, myfelf to your meneftors willes? yt cane not be fo." I tolde her that to knowe her deutie to God and by that meane to be called was no makinge of merchandes, and to frame her will to Godes will was but the humble defyer and prayer of , her Graces fubjectes and mynefters of Godes trewe worde. I procede no farther with her Grace in thys kynde of tawlke, but defyred her Grace to confyderher eftate in tyme, that the queen my meftres were not forced by her unkinde dealinge towardes her to do that for honors cawfe that agaynfte her fhe wolde be loothe to attempte. " I mufte," i faythe fhe, "abyde the worfle, and yet am I loothe to offende her, and fo I wolde you fhulde affure her." I tolde her that the worlde was nowe growne to wyfe, >or at the leafte we our felves become to fyne and.fubtyle to gyve greate credit to wordes. " And feinge the fayle pro- cedethe from your majeftie felf yt mufte be repayred by fome apparante deade." " You cane never perfuade me," faythe fhe, "that I have fayled to your meftres, but rather fhe to me ; and fome incommoditie yt wilbe as well for her to lees my amytie as hers wilbe to me ; and yet," faythe fhe, " I will refufe to do nothinge that well I maye." Thys was theffecte of a whole howers tawlke ; and havinge obferved as nere as I coulde with what mynde her wordes were fpoken, do rather fynde that in anye thynge that is fpoken unto her of miflykinge of her mariage dothe more offende her then anie thinge that cane be faide, and in no cafe wolde be thoughte but her doynges have byne upon confydera- REIGN OF QUEEN MARY. 125 tion inoughe. For fendinge of any other man with anye offers, or that fhe hathe wiU to have farther tawlke of conference of the matter, I. nether here nor fee anye likelihoode... Counfell fhe takethe of no man but the lord Lenox and his fonne, David, and the ladie .Erlken. At this prefent of her olde. counceliors fhe hathe at the courte onlye thefe, the lord Erfken and lord of Liddingiton ; thone medelethe not, thother maye i do ssihat he wyll, for nether is he nor wilbe of their counfell. , Your honour hearde in fo myche as is above wrytten what conference I have had, with the queen, and doubte not but that your honour lookefche alfo to here fomewhat of thother partie, who hytherio remayne in one cfinftante mynde, that whatfoever be attempted agaynfte religion or the amytye, or yf anye one perfone be put at for anye of thefe cawfes, that theie wiU not onlye not gyve their eonfentes, but withftonde the attempters agaynfte the fame with all their forces. For this cawfe theProteftantes had appoynted agaynfte thys daye the XVth an other affemblye, thone half at St Johnftone, thother ;at Glafcowe, .which bothe by her commande- ment fhe hathe discharged, and to impeache the fame hathe fente the lord Ruthven to St Johnftone, and thys daye is my lord of Lenox departed towardes Glafcowe ; but the Proteftantes Jiayinge forewarainge of this affemble themfelves in fome other partes, as hereafter your honour fhall knowe, as alfo of theyre doynges. I fee no appearance but of con- tynuall troble, and as lyttle care taken therof as ever was feen in anye realme. I have written in my other letters what trufte is repofed in the queens majeftie not to fee fo greate a number of good frendes as fhe hathe in this realme to be overthrowne, whoe whollye do yelde and put them felvesin her majefties will, fo farre as in honor theie maye, and as ever iier majeftie requerede. Your honour knoweth nowe their: eftate and cafe, you are not ignorant what theie do demande, no man cane fee farther then the queens majeftie felf howe myche yt will avayle not to fuffer thys queen to have her wyll, whearunto I affure your honour fhe is myche bente, and as I thynke in my confcience intendethe; but to drive tyme, excepte that fhe be forced to greater confyderation of her felfe and ftate then yet fhe beinge onlye transported with love can frame her 126 ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE felf unto. Yt is pyttie to here the lamentation that is amongefte all fortes of men, the Papyftes I faye that myflyke her maners and mifgoverne- mente of her felfe as the Proteftantes that knowe the lykelyhoode of Gods worde to be overthrowne, and the weale of the comon wealthe; theie thanke God that theie have fo good a neighbores, that nowe that the whole countrie maye be their owne theie will yet rather beholde their miferie and pyttie their cafe then do them hurte. The borders never in worce order, more murder and fpoyle amongefte them. Within thefe fix dayes a dyfcorde ryfen betwene the lord 5efler and the Humes in an action of the lord of Liddington ; the lord Seton looked for, whoe hathe quarell agaynfte the Duglas; the earle Bothewell, ennemie to all honefte men, wrytten for; Edenbourge never fo withowte order; in Fyff the erle of Rothes and lord Lindefaye at daylye dyfcorde ; of the earle of Argile and Atholl your honour hathe hearde. Here your honour feethe our prefent flate, we lyve as we lyfle and do what we will; I nowe onlye attende what fhalbe farther the queens ma jefties pleafure. The more ftrayngenes that is ufed the foner I am fure thys queen wilbe broughte to knowe her erreur ; better fomewhat beftowed in tyme, thoughe yt be agaynfte her will, to the prefervation of her flate, then ether to have thefe noblemen ruenede or driven owte of the coun- trye to fet here after releef and livinge at the queens handes. Your honour confyderethe more hereof then I cane fpeake. I beleve that theie wyll tayke fome determination to fende unto her majeftie fome one man from themfelves fufficientlye inftructede, and that verie fecretlye ; of this advyfe ther is one whome your honour befle knowethe. Your honour judged not amiffe in that you wrote that you thought the lord of Liddington to be of counfell, or knewe the man that anfwerede the booke ; he fhewed me your honours letter fente by the embaffadour, wrytten to verie good purpofe and reade to the queen, but little accompte made therof. Yt Ihalbe anfwer but I knowe not howe fone, we are lefte beholdinge unto thre perfons that have receaved mofte good of Englande of late, and are all thre prefoners; the lord Graye, fir Andrewe Carre, and yonge Coudingeknows, as he fayeth hym felf, to fir James Croftes ; REIGN OF QUEEN MARY. 127 your honour will confyder whether yt were beft to have them called for to their entres. The parlement, that fholde have byne the 20 of this inftante, is proroged I knowe not how longe; this is the lord of Lidding- tons opinion, thoughe an other tolde me the contrarye. Moft humblye I tayke my leave; at Edenborouge, the xvj of Julye, 1565. Your honours bounden at commande, Tho. Randolphe. Yt wyll pleafe your honour to remember a lipher. I knowe that my letters paffe throughe maynie dayngers, and myfelf no fmale care howe faulflye theie come to your handes. Tyme dothe not ferve me to overfee that which I have wrytten ; yf anye thynge haftelye hath efcaped, your honour muft pardon yt. I trufte fo well at this tyme to here of fome releef towardes my owne charges by my fervant that I wyll trouble your honour no farther at this tyme. THE QUEEN TO MR RANDOLPHE, July 30, 1565.» Trusty and wellbeloved, we grete yow well. We have fent our trufty fervant, Jhon Tomworth, on of our pryve chamber, to the queen there, and therfor uppon the impartyng to yow of the meffadg which he hath in charg, we require yow both to creditt hym and to imploy your knoledg and labor that accordyng to the intention of our inftructions our fervice may be furdered. Gyven under our fignet [30 July, 1565.] 30 July, 1565. M. of the queen's majeftie's lettres to th'Erle of Bedford and to Mr Randolph, by Mr Tamworth. • Addit. MS. 4126, n. 4. 128 ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE LETTER FROM THE EARL OF BEDFORD TO SIR WILLIAM CECIL, August 18, 1565.* After my haftie commendacions. I moft hartely thank you for procur ing fo fpedie refolucion from her majeftie for thes matters of Aymowthe, but the fame ftandeth upon fo many uncerteine and doubtefull pointes as I, for my parte, do not well underftande, fo do I alfo moft hartely for your long and frendely letter of advife towching the fame, which I receyved before I have written to her majeftie for fome further explana- cion of her pleaf ur, and to cleare us of fome doubtes which we conceive ; that we maye, as occafion fhalbe offred, more certeinely and redyly pro- cede herin, wherof I hartely praye you faile not to do your beft. If Mr Tamworthe come in tyme he fhall be the bearer herof. Common newes be thes, referring matters of eftate to his reporte. There newe kinges fouldiers and the townefmen of Edinbroughe have bene togither by the eares, and fome of the townes men flayne ; their king was putting on his armor to have parted the fraye but did not, or if he did, came not abrode. He lofeth many of his freindes dayly, who feing his government leane to thother parte. The quene getteth as many to her maffe, and never was there fo many as now there were at it on Sondaye laft. The Broodies have done great thinges of late, as the burnrng-of a towne called Hawycke, and therefore are to be confidered 5 preparacion is made to ryde upon them by that realme, and had they not fo ftyrred as- 'they did on their owne neighbours and countreymen, our marches' bad hong before this time fmarted therefore ; and if they be ridden upon and be not holpen they cannot hold out but muft nedes give over, and fhall have theire par dones, as it is thought, for this time offred them; and if the earle Bothe well come, who is their lorde, then will they gowithi him if there) be none other waye taken before, which I referre to your wifedomet 'And to feye to you mine opinion, things might be wrought on their partie and behalfe, • From the Cott. MS; CaEg. B, x. fol. 331- REIGN OF QUEEN MARY. 129 and that in fuche forte, if the quenes majeftie fo wold, as bothe might diverte the force me'ante againft them fome other waye, and no dommage enfue to therle of Murrey by fuche as wold flirre againft hym ; how and in what forte I fhall declare to you herafter. He that was fcholemafter to the lord Darley, whether he be an Eng- lifhman or a Scott I knowe not, is, as I heare, come out of Flanders into Scotlande and is well receyved there. Towching the books that fhould declare the payes and impreftes of late made here, as well in the garryfon as in the workes, I have receyved copies from fir Richard Lee and Mr Marfhall, whereby you fhall fee howe the fame is deffraied, and if you have not all nowe you fhall have them by the next. I wrote unto you heretofore that there were iij. men of the quenes flaied here, they are fo poore that they cannot paye their owne charges, and to kepe them where they fhould putt fuche poore men as they are with all to more charges were pitie. I praye you procure both refolucion what fhall become of them, and alfo fome order howe their charges fhalbe anfwered. Here was flayed of late, and yet remayneth here, a young fellowe that fometime was Mr Sheres man; he was going into Scotlande, he had no letters about him and was, as I heare him faye, departed long before from his mafters fervice. The erle of Glincarne fent a gentleman to me from his houfe of Cunyngham, to declare that, thoughe he were not nowe with the erle of Murrey and the reft, yet was he of their minde, and wold defende the Gofpell, and defiered me in the meane time to have none evill opinion of him. To whome I made not any wordes, but faied I hoped he wold do like a good Gofpeller, who had fo long contynewed therin, and whome all that knewe hym conceyved well of ; for nowe, I faied, I thought reli gion there was quite overthrowen excepte it were now holpen; and fo we ended with other talke, and I gave him thankes for his paynes. I was this other daye at a meeting at Morpeth, where were the erle of Weft- merlande, the lord Scrope, and the lord Eury, and fir John Fofter, with a great mayny other gentlemen ; the byfhop being ficke came not. My 130 ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE lord of Weftmerlande and the reft were fo honourable and fo forward for that fervice as could be devifed. I declared to them that the queens majefties pleafure was to have all thinges in readynes as if it were warres, notwithftanding fhe meante all peace and good amitie, and fhewed to them both my commiflion, and alfo her majefties letter for the temparing of the commifiion in fome pointes, and faid further that if the queen of Scottes wold not agree to fuche honorable offers as her majeftie had fent, that then fhe wold deale otherwife, wherin I did comforte them, and publifh- eng my commiflion I declared that her majefties pleafure was that if any attemptes or diforders were committed by her fubjeetes the fame fhould be punifhed as the lawes of the Marches do require, and fo willed every man to live in peace and be obedient to their warden till the queens pleai- feire were further knowen. I praye you helpe us with money and victualles as fone as you can, of thone though we heare ther is non yet come, and of thother ther is almoft none leaft. If thes matters growe hotter then wold there be both fome men fent and fome of wifdome and experience, as have bene in tymes pafte, by caufe you fee we have litell helpe here. I heare out of Scotland by good meanes, albeit it came not from Mr Randolphe, that bothe the lord Hume and the lard of Gofford were checked and tamed at ther king and quenes handes for not making the proclamacion at their laft dayes of trewe in his name alfo. At the tyme appointed for their next trewe dayes eyther we fhall not meete at all or if we do I will provyde fo as to make our parley as good as theirs, come if they will. And fo, with right hartie thankes, I commit you to God. From Barwick, this xviij'1 of Auguft, 1565, Your right affured frende, F. Bedford. And whereas I faid before that I wold fende to you the copies of the booke you write for, bycaufe the fame be not al redy I will fend them to you by Mr Tamworth. REIGN OF QUEEN MARY. 131 LETTER FROM HENRY LORD SCROPE TO SIR WILLIAM CECIL, August 22, 1565.* It maye pleafe you to be advertifed, where by my lafte letters I did fig nifie unto you that I was enformed the lords of the Congregation wolde write unto me to devyfe caufe whie to call home fome fuch as thei thought were then attendaunte upon their quene and to theym unfrendlie, that I have nowe received letters from thearle of Murraye to the like effecte, wherin, and in all other his caufes, I doo meane and intende lefullie to fhewe him and his the furtheraunce and frendfhip that I maye, fo long as the fame maye ftande with the quenes majefties pleafure. I have alfo received intelligence from Edenbrough that Mr Tomworth was there aunfwered and willed to departe on Fridaye Iaifte, and for his fafegarde had unto him fent a pafporte, whiche he refufed becaufe the fame was graunted both in the king and quenes name, alledging he knewe no fuche king; whereat the quene, being greatlie movid and doubting of his fudden departure, did ymmediatelye direete hir letters towardes all hir frountiers for his ftaye and apprehenfion. Wherof, as my dewtie was, I made advertifment unto my verie good lorde, my lord lieutennante, al though Rdoubte not but his lordfhip had both received and advertifed the fame in more perfect ordre before. I have received fro my faide lord commiflion formufters, whereaboute I and thothers, juftiees of peax, nowe prefentlie are; and upon the viewe I affure you wee doo fynde a greate wante and weakneffe bothe of hable men, horfes, and their furnytures, and that, as thei alledge, thei are not hable to amende, thei are fo impove- rifhed, partlie by meanes of the late dearthes, and partlie by exaccions dailie made upon theym by their landes lordes, in levying of fynes and greffumes, in more extreme forte than hath ben accuftomed, fo as if any bufyneffe fhall fall furth upon thefe caufes of Scotlaunde, as almofle of all men is looked for, I mufte be forced with thayde and frendfhip of you and others my frendes to become an humble futer unto the quenes ma jeftie for fufficient guarrifons here to be planted. • From the Cott. MS. Calig. B. ix, fol. 226. 132 ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE Alfo, it maye pleas you tunderftande that upon the brute of warres, and fpeciaUie upon thefe mufters, the borderers doo growe wanton and verie gredie of the firfle fpoile, and are in fuche hope therof as thei have in their headdes, that the princes on both fides are fullie bent and doo meane warres, and that the peax is onlie contynued by their officers contrarie to their pleafures. Wherebie I am driven, to keep theyme in good order, at one tyme to ufe feveritie and at an other to ufe them frendlie; by whiche dealing, God be praifed ! thefe marches are at this prefente in as quiett flate, both towardes this realme and thothers, as thei have ben long before; wherin, fo long as it fhall ftande with the quenes majefties plea fure, I will do my beft to kepe them. I have alfo intelligence from Eden- brough that if it wolde pleas the quenes highnes, of hir bounteous Ube- ralitie and greate goodneffe, to make fome ayde and reliefe to the gentlemen and others nowe there for Chriftes Churche diftreffed, that certenlie many of the beft forte nowe bearinge towardes their quene right faire countennance wolde become whoUie hir majefties affured. And then I have thought good to befeche you, if hir highnes fhall intende that matter, or otherwife by force to come even with the Scottifhe dealinges and attemptes fo dyverflie offered, practifed, and innovated, that you woll on my behalfe humblie declare to her majeftie that according my moft bounden dewtie either here or elles where it maye pleafe hir highnes tem- ploye my fervyce undre my verie good lord of Bedford, to whom I ftande greatlie bounden, I fhall mofte willinglie and obedientlie ufe the fame with my life and uttermofle force, in all places and refpectes as to my dewtie apperteynith. And fo praying you taccept in good parte that I am thus bolde at all tymes to troble you, I commit you to Almightie God. At Carlifle, the xxij of Auguft, 1565. Your frende affured to commande, H. Scrope. To the right honorable fir Wil liam Cecill, knight, principall fecretarie to the quenes majeftie. Haft, haft, poft, haft, with all diligence poffible. REIGN OF QUEEN MARY. 133 LETTER FROM MARY QUEEN OF SCOTS TO THOMAS RANDOLPH, September 8, 1565.* Trustie and welbeloved we grete you well. Whereas the earle of Sutherlande, a borne fubyect of this our realme, comynge fro beyonde fea and reparinge towardes this his native countrie, is taken, ftaied, and deteyned pryfoner at Barwicke, we mervalle of it in deede, feinge it a thinge tendinge fo manyfeftlye to the breche of the good intelligence be twixt us and our good fifter the queen, your foveragne; prainge you therefore that ye will write to the erle of Bedforde with the berer hereof that, by your letter, the faid erle of Sutherlande may be put at libertie and fuffred to departe frelie towardes this our realme without flope or in- quietacion, as you will do us good pleafure. Subfcrived with our hande at Glafcoo, the viii of September. The Queen of Scottes to Tho. Randolphe. THE PRINCIPALL POYNTES TO BE REMEMBRED AND CONSIDERED IN ,. v THE MATTER OF SCOTLAND. September 24, 1565, anno 7 Elizabeths Regin^e, afud Westm'4 18 November, 1564. The erle of Murray and Lyddyngton mett at Barwyk with the erle of Bedford and Thomas Randolph, to treate of a mariadg with the queen of Scottes, where they lyked not the nomination in fpeciall wordes of the earle of Leicefter, but wolde have the choifs gyven to the quene of any noble perfon within England; and furder to have the quene of Scottes title examyned and ftablifhed to be next heyre to the quenes majeftie. 23 November they departed. • From the Lansdowne MS. No. 8, Art. 39. f From the Cott- Ms- CaliS- B- x» fol" 3*0, 134 ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE 3 December. The erle of Lennox reftored by parlement to all his for- mar eftat in Scotland. 14 December. The quene was content that it fhuld be ordered that no mafs fhuld be ufed within the realm but in hir owne chappell, and that only for hir owne howfhold. 11 January [1565]. It was foght to have a new conference for the queen of Scottes mariadg; wherunto was anfwered by the quenes majefties order by the fecretories lettres to the erle of Murray, that the proceding of the quenes majefty to nominat any perfon cam of the quene of Scottes, who alweis preffed hir majefty to gyve hir advice, and exprefily to nomi nat fome perfon. 13 Februar. The lord Darnly went to the quene in Fiff from Eden burgh. Nota, about the 5 of Februar, a noyfs of armed men was hard in the high flretes of Edinburgh, in the mydnight, and yet no perfpn cold be feene. 4 Marcij. Mr Randolph ; that the quene of Scottes defyreth to be made ether apparant doghter adoptyve or fiftar to the quene of Englande. He noteth by his lettres exceding great love in the quene of Scottes towardes the quenes majefty, and gyveth great hope of a full contentation in the fayd quene to marry as the quenes majefty will, and a defyre to lyve here in England with the quenes majefty. 5 Marcij. Before the recept of the letters from England of the 4th, the queries majefty willeth Mr Randolph to acerteyn the quene of Scottes that if fhe will be content to follow hir advife in the mariadg with the erle of Leiefter fhe fhall fynd hir reddy to avance hym to all the honor fhe can, and to favor his title in all forte that fhe maye ; faving for the inqui- fition and declaration therof fhe wold have that quene underftand that therin npthyng lhall be doone untill hir majefty fhall be marryedj pr fhall REIGN OF QUEEN MARY. 135 notefy hir determination never to marry that on of which fhe meanetft fhortly to doo. Hereuppon is the quene of Scottes fo offended as fhe ufeth evill fpeche of the quenes majefty, alledging that fhe hath abufed hir, and made hir fpend hir tyme. 15 Marcij. Randolph wryteth that the erle of Argile told hym that he miflyked the comming into Scotland of the lord Darnly, for he fufpectedl the quenes great favour to hym; but Randolph affirmeth that he doth not dout any thyng therin, but only that it is of hir curteous natur than other- wife. 17 Marcij. Randolph wryteth that he hath fhewed that quene the mef fadg fent from the quenes majefty by letters of the 5 of March, where with fhe is much difmayed and wept; fhe faid fhe wold fend for a paffpott for Lyddyngton to pafs through England into France, and he wryteth that the duke,- the erle of Argile, complayne to hym of danger lyke to eome both to relligion and to ther felves if fhe fhall marry with a papifL Meffadg was fent to that quene from the two cardinals;,. Lowayrr and Granveile, that fhe fhuld not haften hir mariadg. 20 March. Randolph wryteth that great miflykinges ar growing be twixt that quene and hir fubjectes; fhe hateth the duke and the erie of Argile, thefe twoo feare that fhe will marry with a papift ether in Spayrae or otherwhere. The lord Darnly is much favored by the quene, but yet Mr Randolphe doth not thynk any marriadg lykly. The erle his father maketh a band with the erles of Athell, catnefs, the lord Rythen, and fuch. The quene protefteth that fhe will be at liberty in relligion, and that all perfons fhafi lyve as they will. 27 Marcij, Mr Randolph. How much that quene is greved with the news of the cardinal of Lorrayns evill entreatment at Paris by the Mare- fhall Montmorency. The erl of Mmvay fayeth that the fayd cardinal hath motioned mar- 136 ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE riadg for that quene with the duke of Orleance, which that quene miflyk- eth. The cardinal alfo defyreth that Lyddington might be fent into France to conferr for hir mynd in hir mariadg. The erl of Murray ftill profequuted mariadg with England, and with out that fuccede douteth of all thynges in Scotland ; the quene hir felf fheweth ftill a difpofition therto. The quenes chapplen, tarryeng at Hol- lyrood Houfe whan the quene was in Fiffe, faid openly mafs, wheruppon complaynt was made to the quene and fhe anfwered that it fhall be re- medyed. 30 Marcij. The new bifhop of Dumblayn cam from Lovayn with a Jefuite. The quenes phificion Lufery paffeth into France with fondry French men. 7 Aprilis.. The lord of Lyddington is in redynefs to depart hyther ; the erle of Murray gon from the court to avoyde the fuperftitious cere- monyes of that queen in relligion, but yet it is reported that he is departed in that quenes difplefur, becaufe he hath bene fo erneft with hir to dif- fuade hir from idolatry. 15 Aprilis. Randolph wryteth that now he fyndeth it playne how that quene is affected to the lord Darnly, even to marry with hym, and he thynketh the lord of Lyddyngton at his commyng fhall fhew the truth therof. 18 Aprilis. Randolph wryteth that all good men fee the ruyn of that contree by the marriadg with the lord Darnly, which is defyred by them to be difappoynted. A cave found at Muffelburgh lyke a moniment of the Romayns, where in is a flon found graven thus, Apolloni Granno Q. L. Sabinianus Proc. Aug. The lord of Lyddyngton arryved at Weftminfter, 18 Aprill. His mef fadg is to require the quenes confent to the marriage with the lord Darnly. REIGN OF QUEEN MARY. 137 23 Aprilis. A confultation at Weftminfter uppon Lyddyngtons mef fadg; the marriadg miflyked of all. The quenes majefty fendeth letters to the erle of Lennox and the lord Darly to revok them. 30 Aprilis. The lord Darly fick of the meffells, that quene watcheth with hym. Primo Maij. A generall determination by the whole counfell at Weft minfter to difallow of the marriadg with the lord Darnly. Sir Nicholas Throkmorton appoynted to retorn with the lord of Lyd dington to fhew the quenes majefties difcontentation therwith. His in- ftruetion refted upon two poyntes ; the one to procure that quene to ftey hir marriadg with the lord Darly, the fecond, to marry with the erle of Lecefter or fom other in England, and if he fhall fynd it paffed remedy, then to fhew how much it lhall greve the quenes majefty. Sir Nicholas went towardes Scotland the 7 of Maij. 3 Maij. Randolph wryteth that the erle of Argile and Murray cam to Edenborough with vm. horfees to the law daye ageynft the erl Both- well, who was condemned for lack of apparance, and yet the quene com manded the Juftice Clerk to forbeare judgment ; wheruppon a generall miflyking of that quene by hir nobles, and the erle of Murray oppenly in difplefur with the quene. 8 Maij. Randolph wryteth that my lord of Murray was fent for to Sterlyng wher that quene made as much of him as ever fhe did, and being togither in the lord Darnlys chamber fhe fhewed to hym a wryting, conteaning a promifs to confent to hir marriadg with the lord Darly, and that he fhuld fortefy it ; and fo being required to fign it, he defyred re- fpect to confider uppon it, but that was denyed to hym, and he more preffed to figne it becaufe others had promifed to do the lyke after hym. He refufed, and alledged that it might be fome difhonor to hir fo haftely in that fort to feke it without firft makyng hir frendes abrode prive ther- 138 ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE to, and in fpeciall feing fhe had fent Lyddington to the quenes majefty, who was not yet retorned but was on the waye. Befide this he miflyked this match becaufe he douted that the lord Darly wold be an enemy to trew relligion, and heruppon he departed, in fome difplefure of the quene. Other noble men are fent for to be at Sterlyng the 13 of Maij. The quene hath fent Beton to ftey Lyddington, for fhe wold nether have hym nor any from England untill the matter wer accorded by the nobilite. 11 Maij. Sir Nicholas Throkmorton and Lyddington arryve at Bar- wyk. Lyddington receaved letters from that quene about Newark, by which he was commanded to retom to the quenes majefty; and to declare that feing fhe had bene fo long trayned in hir mariadg without fruit by the quenes majefty, fhe was determined with thadvife of hir flatis to ufe hir own choife in hir mariadg. He was alfo willed to repayre into France and to make the French King tc to allow of hir choifs, with lardg promiffes of reward to him for doing hir this fervice, but Liddington did not follow this commandment but proceeded northwardes. Sir Nicholas wryteth of the doutfull flate of thynges in Yorkfhyre of the E. M. 12 Maij. Sir Nicholas Throkmorton wryteth that 13 of the nobilitie hath confented and figned a wrytyng to accord to the marriadg. The duke is on, to whom is promifed affurance for his oun eftate ; the erle Morton and Juttyce Clerk are great doers in it ; the erl Murray will not confent ; the erl of Argile cometh not to the court. 21 Maij. Mr Randolph wryteth to the erle of Leicefter how the lord Darnly was, xv of May, firft created lord, knight; fecond, than a baron, a bannerett, and named lord of Armonoch ; third, was beltit erle of Rofs, and after that he made 14 knights, wherof four wer Stuardes ; he made othe of a knight, which ar fondry articlees ; he did alfo homag to the quene, not referving any duety to the quenes majefty or crown of England. Ther is fuch miflyking of this marriadg, that if fome ther might know REIGN OF QUEEN MARY. 139 wherunto to truft, they want no will to put both father and fonne from ther purpoofe. 21 Maij. To W. C. Randolph wryteth how the lord Darnly offered to have ftrycken the lord Rythen with his dagger, becaufe he brought hym word that the creation of hym to be a duke was proroged till an other day. 21 Maij. Sir Nicholas Throkmorton to the quenes majefty wryteth that he arfyved at Edenborough the xiijth, wher the lord of Lyddington was commanded to flaye hym untill all the creations war doone at Ster lyng, neverthelefs he departed to Lythgoo the 14; in the morning of the 15 at Sterlyng, and comming to the caftle the gates were fhutt uppon hym. The Mr of Arfkyn with the Juftice Clerk cam to hym, and re quired hym to retyre to his lodging and afterward he fhuld know the quenes pleafure for his audience, fo he went to his lodging, and in that afternoone was fent for by the lords Arfkyn and Rythen, and at his com ming to the quene he did his meffadg by fetting furth the quenes ma jefties myflyking of the match, as well for the matter as the manner, and for that the lord Darnly and his father had erred in their duetyes to en- terprefs fuch a matter without the quenes majefties advife. That quene anfwered that fhe had made the quenes majefty privee of hir intent as foone as her felf was determined ; and for the party fhe thought of all other that hir majefty wold be content therwith, becaufe fhe was by Mr Randolph advertifed that the quenes majefty left to hir hir choifs, fo fhe wold forbeare the houffes of France, Spayn, and Auftria ; and confyder- yng the lord Darnly was an Englifhman, and nere kynfman to the quenes majefty, fhe thought hym meteft. Mr Throkmorton replyed, fhewed the quenes majefties advife to have allweis confifted in 3 poyntes ; firft, to take on for hir own contentation ; fecondly, on to be allowed by her people ; thirdly, to be on that fhuld contynew the amyty betwixt them two and ther contrees. He wryteth that the matter is irrevocable otherwife than by vyolence, and yet it is not confummat, but fhe promifeth not to finifh it thefe 3 140 ILLUSTRATIONS OF^THE monthes, which ought to be about the 15 of Auguft, and meaneth in the meane tyme to procure the quenes majefties allowance ; for which pur- pqofs fhe will fend on, but not Lyddyngton, who is in fufpicion with hir. The lord Darnly receaved all the honors above mentioned the fayd 15 daye, after audience of fir Nicholas Throkmorton. The 18, fir Nicholas Throkmorton dyned with the quene alone, and Mr Randolph with the duke ; at his comming awey, being the 19, the queen fent hym a chayne of 50 ounces of gold. A memoryall fent by fir Nicholas Throkmorton for advifees of thynges to be done. 3 Junii, Randolph. Monfieur Malvafyer arryved at Edenborough. A man of the lord Bothwells, commyng by fea, was taken in Fiffe with fon- dry letters of practice ageynft the erl of Murraye. 4 Junij. A generall confultation of the confell, which was fhewed to hir majefty in wrytyng. 14 Junij. The quene of Scottes letters by Mr. Thomas Haye, he cam hither the 24, the fame daye the lady Lenox was committed to the Towre. Ult. Junij. The French kyng wryteth to the quenes majefty in favor of the lord Darnly, and to relefs his mother. 4 Julij. Randolph writeth of a fals rumor fpredd that the erll of Ar gile and Murray had affembled power to have taken the quene and the lord Darnly, wher in dede the lord Murray was lick at Lorghlevyn and the erl of Argile quietly at his howfs. Heruppon the quene cam in haft to Edenburgh and declareth hir indignation againft thefe lordes, and they make all meanes that may to pacefy hir ire, but nothyng avayleth. 4 Julij. A command from the quene of Scottes to apprehend four burgoofs of Edenburgh, being known proteftants, heruppon ryfeth alarme, and the nobilite begyn to looke to their favety. REIGN OF QUEEN MARY. 141 Randolph wryteth that the lords ar loth to defyre fupport of men but only of money, and doo require for this yere but iijm flerlyng. 6 Julij. Mr Thomas Hay arrived at Edenburgh. 7 Julij. The erles of Argile and Atholl gather ther powers, on to offend the other. The lord Ruthen and lord of Lyddington ar fent to Athell ; the Juftice Clerk and St. Colms ar fent to Argile to perfwade them to peace. 11 Julij. The quenes majefty fent by letters to Randolph to give good advife both to the quene and the lords. 16 Julij. The quene of Scottes was marryed to the lord Darnly at Holly Rood Howfs in fecrett the 9- of this month, and from thence went to the lord Setons houfs to bedd. 16 July to W. C. a long letter, Mr Randolph. The quene and lord Darly walk difguifed in Edenburgh in the ftretes. The quene chargeth Mr. Randolph with three thynges; 1, that the quenes majefty fhould fend a harrold to Edenburgh to proclayme the erl and lord Darnly tray- tors to England ; 2, that he perfwaded the erle of Lennox and lord Dar- lyes men to forfake ther mafters ; 3, that he had fpoken evill of ther fervantes. She alfo fayd that kyng Henry the 8th. thought the lord Darnly by his teftament wordy of more favor than is fhewed hym. The lord Grey, fir Andrew Carr, yong Coldyngknowfs, being prifon ers to England, wold be fent for to repayre into England, for they ar not frendes. 18 Julii. Letters fent by Levynftun from the lords to Rychmont. 19 Julij. Mr Randolph maketh anfwer to the quenes majefties letters of the 11; firft, the quene hath affembled all hir force to be at Eden burgh the 20, ether to affayle the duk, erl of Argile, and Murray, who 142 ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE ar affembled at Sterlyng to confider for ther owne fuerty, or els to affift the folemnization of the mariadg, which fhall be the 29 of July. Nota, in the letters fent by her for the affembly fhe maketh mention of hir old enemyes. Mr Randolph hath received a cipher from me. The erl Bothwell is fent for. 20 Julij. Mr Drury, marfhall of Barwyk, wryteth of an outrage doone by Scottifhmen in throwing downe certen burghes, wherfor the fame morning he hath caufed a mill to be overthrown, without breach of any peace. 21 Julij. Randolph maketh anfwer to the quenes majefties letters of the 10th, for gyving advife to the quene and to the lordes. The quene thanketh the quenes majefty for hir good will, but they that ar called hir beft fubjectes are not fo to be called, for that they obey hir not, and therfore fhe hath remedy ynough to rule them, tc. At that anfwer wer the erle of Morton, lord Arfkyn, lord Lyddyngton, Juftice Clerk, Mr Maxwell. He alfo wryteth that the 20, after he had fpoken with the quene, he fpak with the erl Lennox, puttyng hym in mynd of the formar chardg gyven hym to retorn upon payne of his allegiance, for that he before fufpended his anfwer untill the retorn of Haye. The erle anfwered that, confydering the emprefonment of his wiff, he ment not to come into England except he wer more fure of the quenes majefties favor. The lord Darly anfwered that he did acknowledg no other duety or obedyence but to that quene ther whom he ferveth and honoreth ; " and feing," fayth he, " that the quene your miftres is fo envyofs of my good fortune I dout not but fhe maye alfo have neade of me as you fhall know within a few dayes. Wherfor for to retorn I intend not, I fynd my felf very well wher I am, and fo purpofs to kepe me." 23 Julij. The erle of Murray is commanded, uppon payne of treafon, to fhow who wer the authors of the brute that he fhuld have bene killed at St Johns Town. Levynfton fent from the lords. REIGN OF QUEEN MARY. 143 Beton fent to the quenes majefty, who cam to Rychmont about the 28 of July. 24 Julij. Randolph wryteth that the 22, being Sonday, the bannes of matrimony wer afked betwixt the quene and lord Darnly. Information o Rpger Laffells. 25 Julij. The erle of Bedford writeth that he arryved at Barwick the 20 ; he moveth to have licens to fuccor the erle of Murray and hym felf to beare.the blame. 28 Julij. The quene of Scottes anfwer to the lords of Scotlandes re queft. 29 July. The quenes majefties letter to the lordes by lord Levynfton. 30 Julij. Randolph wryteth that on Sonday the 29 the marriadg was erly, betwixt 5 and 6. The lord Darly was not prefent at the maffe; The quene was thus ferved; erle AthoU, fewar; Morton, carvar ; Crayford, cupberar. He was thus ferved; Eglenton, Caffells, and Glancarn. Commiffion of lievte- nancy to the erles Salopp and Bedford. 30 Julij. The quenes majefty fendeth Mr Tomworth with inftructions to fhew the Scottifh quene the caufees of hir miflyking of the mariadg, whofe negociation with the anfwers ar in wrytyng Nota, that he was flayed at Dunbarr in his retorn. 19 Auguft. Mr Tomworth retorned from Edenburgh. 21 Auguft. Mr Tomworth at Hume Caftle. 25 Auguft. Capten Bryckwell fent from Barwyk. 144 ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE 27 Auguft. Mr Maxwells letter to the lord Scroope, with a copy of the quenes letter of the 23 to hym to repayre to Sterlyng. i 27 Auguft. Randolph writeth that the quene wold have had hym garded, or promifs not to deale with her rebells, or to refort to Barwick, but with good anfwer made he enjoyed his liberty. The quene hath levyed a powre, and hath in wages vjc harquebufiars. The lord Gordon reftored to honor by proclamation. The provoft of Edenburgh put out and Cragmiller put in; Petarrow, the controller, re moved and the lord of Tillibarn in his place. Francifs Yaxley arryved the 26 of Aug. The quene is gon with hir power agaynft the lords who are in Ayre. 28 Auguft. Captain Brickwell depeched with power for vjc new men to be levyed in Yorkfhire. Ult. Auguft, Randolph. The duke and his company cam that day to Edenburgh, being about xv° horfs; the quene is vm. The French ambaffador with Malvefyre at the court at Wyndfor. 1 Sept. Staffort fent with the letters of the French ambaffador and Malvefyre to Scotland. 1 Sept. Erl of Bedford writeth of the taking of the erl of Sutherland by Wilfon. 2 Sept. Randolph writeth that the lordes depart from Edenbrough, being not hable to remayne in the town for battery of the caftle. 3 Sept. Randolph. The lords ar at Dumfrefs, conducted by the Mr Maxwell. 5 Sept. The Mr Maxwell fignefyeth to the lord Scroope in comming of the lords to Dunfrefs anl requyreth ayde REIGN OF QUEEN MARY. 145 9 Sept. Randolph writeth by Staffort his fervant. The quene of Scottes anfwereth to Mr Randolph by hir letter the 7. Arthur Lallard is drowned. 10 Septemb. Beton cam from Barwyk and fo paffed through into France. 1 1 Sept. Mr Melvyn with letters from the lords at Dunfreefs. 12 Septemb. The quenes majefty fent to the erl of Bedford to fend iijc foldiers to Carlifle to be nere to ayde the lords at Dunfrefs. 19 Sept. Mr Randolph writeth of juftyce denyed to fondry Englifhmen. LETTER FROM THE EARL OF BEDFORD TO THE EARL OF LEICESTER, October 5, 1565.* After my hearty commendacions to your good lordfhip. The laft letter was fent to the lords, who receyved the fame. The earl of Murray above all the reft feemeth beft to continue a good opinion of us, notwithftanding he thinketh that our ayde might here before now have in much better fort appeared unto them; and they thinke they have gone too farr, and trufted us too much. They fee now none other waye but by theyr flight to provide for themfelves; whether, or where, are divers opinions amongft them. The duke would over into Germany or Italy, the earle of Mur ray fticketh onely to our country, and meaneth fhortly to come to me, whom I will receyve and ayde all that I can. They are of noe force and ftill growe weaker; our ayde they have already will doe them fmall plea fure or good to encounter with the queen, and fhe will heare of noe peace, but will have eyther the duke or the earle of Murrayes head. The coun- * From the Harl. MS. 787, fol. 11. 146 ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE tefs of Murray is, upon her comming to Berwick, to be there delyvered of child. The earl Bothwell hath wrought fore with the Elwoods to call them to him, but my lord Warden here of the Middle Marches hath de fended great thankes for keeping them, as ftill he will. And this being all that at this tyme I have to fay, with my moft hearty thankes I commit your lordfhip to God. From Anwicke, this 5th of October, 1565. Your lordfhips right affured, Fr. Bedford. LETTER FROM THOMAS RANDOLPH TO SIR WILLIAM CECIL, January 16, 1566.* I have the longer forborne to write unto your honour, attendinge upon fome matter worthe the reportinge. Thys courte of longe tyme hath byne verie quiet, fmale reforte of anye, and maynie of thofe that come but flenderlye welcome for the greate and importune fute made by them for my lord of Murraye and the refle, whoe by no meanes cane fynde anye favour at her Graces handes, in fo myche that Roberte Melvin hathe receaved for refolute anfwer that let the queen of England do for them what fhe wyll theie fhall never lyve in Scotlande and fhe togyther. I cane not but thynke them in verie hevie cafe, and fo God affyfte them as yt is Hys wyll. Roberte Melvin departethe towardes them fhortlye agayne, and what farther commethe of hym, I knowe not. Yt is nowe fpoken for certayne that fhe is with chylde ; and, as yt is faide, fhe fealte yt flurre in her bellye upon newe yeres daye. Some ladies aflirme that fhe hathe milke in her breftes ; and fyndinge all other tokens to concur belonginge to women latlye maried, affure yt for certayne that yt cane be none other. What other foulkes opinions are I neade not to wryte, onlye I maye faye that maynie cane hardlye beleve that ther is any fuche matter, and therefore I dowte not but you wyll for a tyme fufpende your * From the Cott. MS. Calig. B. ix. fol. 220. REIGN OF QUEEN MARY. 147 judgemente, feing ther are here fo maynie that knowe not what theie maye thynke that are as cureious to knowe the verietie, yf yt were poffi ble, as anye men maye be. I cane not tell what miflykinges of late ther hathe byne betwene her Grace and her howfbonde ; he preffeth erneftlye for the Matrimonial Croune, which fhe is loothe haftilye to graunte, but willinge to keape fbmewhat in ftore untyll fhe knowe howe well he is worthye to injoye fuch a foVereigntie, and therfore yt is thoughte that the parliament for a tyme fhalbe dyfferred, but hereof I cane wryte no certayntie. The foddayne deathe of the late pope hathe greatlye altered manye of our purpofes, and to have the more to greve us with we here that: the legate that laye in Flanders that came from hys hollynes is drowned in a fhippe befydes Abordyne, driven by tempefte to that cofte. We here alfo of the fhippe that wracked befydes Bambreke, and feare that yt was he whom from hens we fente into' Spayne ; we defyer rather the -letters that were fende with hym then than mayke any greate accompte of fo fmale a fome of money as ij™ H. that was founde with hym. Yf of all thefe cares we be not releeved throughe the good hope we have that the cardinall of Lorayne fhalbe pope, we thynke our felves farre behynde hande. Ramboyliet is daylye looked for with the order; whether he commethe to anye other intente or purpofe that unto the good amytie that is to be defyered betwene the ij countries maye be hurtefull, your honour knowethe better then I, and am affured wyll provyde for yt in tyme yf any fuche be. I am forrie to fee thynges flonde in fuche termes that I cane not affure the queen's majeftie at this prefent whoe in this countrie is her frende. I am loothe to mayke anye thynge appere worce then yt is, but am myche bother that her majeftie fholde be abufed, for fo I feare her hyghnes fhall fynde yt. This queen attendethe daylye the anfwer touchynge commiffioners, but in fpeciall what fhalbe faide to the lafte complaynte agaynfte the erle of Bedforde, upon which onlye yt ftayethe, that Blacader and other feeke not the revenge whear theie thynke to tayke mofte advantage . Yf of my doynges her Grace have made anye reporte, I trufte fo myche in the queens majeftys mofte fpe ciall goodnes and favour 'that her hyghnes judgement fhalbe fufpended 148 ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE untyll I maye prefentlye anfwer what fo ever anye of this nation is hable to charge me with. I have wrytten unto your honour at fome tyme of fome confederacie or league to be betwene my lord of Argile and Shane Onell, I fee nowe that withowte delaye yt takethe effecte. Theie have of late mette to gyther and mariage concluded betwene James Macconel fone and Onel daughter, and Onel fone and James daughter, to injoye the lande that James Macconel made clayme unto in Irelande. The earle of Argile fyndinge here fo lyttle favour, and fo finale fupporte otherwyfe, makethe hym felf by other meanes fo ftronge as he cane. His wyff is prefentlye here in this towne, arrived but yefterdaye, and hathe not yet byne at the courte ; what her fute is I knowe not, nor yet James Macconel wyf, whoe alfo is here, with whome I trufte to fpeake with in one daye or two to knowe farther of thefe matters. I have no farther to troble your honour with at this tyme, but mofte humblye tayke my leave. At Edenborough, the xvjtb of Januarie, 1565. Your honour's bounden ever at command, Tho. Randolphe. Excepte yt pleafe your honour to chyde my man from courte, he carethe not in what cafe he leave me, bothe for monie or anye thynge els. LETTER FROM THOMAS RANDOLPH TO SIR WILLIAM CECIL, January 24, 1566.* Yt maye pleafe your honour. Immediately upon the receate of the queens majefties letter of the xth of thys inftant by Robert Drax, my fervante, * From the Cott. MS. Calig. B. ix. fol. 216. REIGN' OF QUEEN MARY. 149 who arrived at Edenbourgh the xvijth of the fame, I defyred to have au dience of the queens grace, and was appoynted the nexte daye, Sater- daye, to come unto her. Her Grace that daye keapte her bede, and yet was I admitted to her prefence. I declared unto her Grace that I had receaved anfwer from the queens majeftie my foveraign touchynge the appoyntinge of commiflion, and for her majeftes parte, for the good trufte and credit her majeftie hathe in the earle of Bedford, her majefties lieutenante, and fir John Fofter, one of the Wardaynes, that her majef tie hathe appoynted thofe two to concurre and meete with any fuche of lyke eftate and degre that her Grace fholde thynke fitt to do good, for the compoundynge of fuche controverfies as prefentlye are betwene their majefties; and as her Grace myndethe in myght be knowne, fo fholde the tyme and place be appoynted, and commiflion fent unto the faide lord of Bedforde and fir John Fofter to theffecte above faide. To thefe wordes her Grace gevethe thys anfwer, " I looked," faythe fhe, "for little better, and howe feete thefe men are to do good in thefe matters I refer me to your felf, in fpeciall my lord of Bedforde, agaynfte whome I have mofte jufte cawfe to complayne upon his lordfhips doinges;" and of all that her Grace could charge my lord with we tawlked verie longe, and in the ende fhe confeffed that fhe coulde have allowed no les of hys doynges yf he had byne her owne fubject, yf the matters were no other wyfe then I fpake them ; and fo her Grace and I dyfferynge upon the ftate of the cawfe in controverfie could growe to no certayne poynte, and for anfwer referred me untyll the nexte daye that fhe had fpoken with her counfell. Beinge nowe reddie to departe fhe afked me howe the queens majeftie dyd, I anfwered, verie well, her majeftie being in repofe and good quietnes, and never better accorde between the nobilitie then at this prefent. I fpake the more of this matter bycaufe of divers brutes that are fprede here to the contrary; and for that I knowe fhe is nuryffhed with fuche lyke fantafie I had the better affurance to faye fo myche by the teftimonie of your honours letter concernynge good matter to that effecte, which feryethe me to mervileus good purpofe. Her Grace excufed her lyenge in her [bed] and that fhe had not fleapt that nyghte. I tolde her that I thought that fhe had fomewhat in her bellye that 150 ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE keapte her wakinge, with that fhe fmyled and faide, " in deade I maye nowe fpeake with more affurance then before I coulde, and thynke my felfe more owte of dowbte that yt fholde be as you thynke then before I dyd." So that nowe your honour knowethe in what cafe fhe belevethe herfelf to be, thoughe I mufte allwayes faye that yt is hardelye beleved of maynie. Upon Sondaye after dyner there come to my lodginge the perfon of Flyfke and Juftice Clerk ; their arrante was to declare the queen's anfwer touchynge the commilfioners. The perfon begynnethe a longe dyfcourfe of the quene his meftres good will and ernefle defyer to live in peace, and fayde that he was forrie that ther was lyttle apparance of the fame mynde to be in the queen my meftres that had named fuche men as were partes them felves and nurryfhers of the unkindenes ; yet not- withftondinge, bycawfe yt fholde appere that his fovereigne wolde be conformable to all reafon, fhe was willinge to name of her parte the two Wardens of the borders as the queen my meftres had done, and therfore had appoynted the lord Hume and larde of Cefforde, whome fhe thought as fufficient of her parte as thofe whom the queen my miftres had namede and therefore other then fuche fhe wolde not name, and therfore defyred me to accepte that for an anfwer. Havinge thus underftonde her Graces mynde, I afked of them wheather that theie tooke thofe ij. men the fettefle to do good in the matters in controverfie. Theie confeffed unto me playnlye that theie thought them as feete as thofe named by my fove reigne, and that theie looked for lyttle good to be done of nether parte. I alleged the imparitie of the perfones, in fpeeiall the inequalitie of my lord of Bedforde, a earle, a counfiller, and lieutenant to my fovereign. Theie faide that the queen their meftres thought yt to be but a Warden Metinge, and therefore appoynted the Wardens,, and yf that the queen my meftres had appoynted anye other fhe wolde have done the lyke. Marrie, for that I fpake of the inequalitie of the perfons theie wold fpeake agayne with the queen, and let me knowe the nexte daye farther of her mynde. The nexte daye, beinge Mondaye, theie bothe came to my lodgynge' agayn. Theie tolde me that the queen their meftres had farther confydered of the matter, and in place' of the lord Hume had REIGN OF QUEEN MARY. 151 appoynted the earle Bothewell, of equall degree with the earle of Bed forde. I fayde that I wolde not greatlye withftonde or withfaye her Graces determination yf that were yt, but defyred their lordfhips to put her Grace in mynde what good opinion the queen my meftres coulde conceave of her meaninge when fuche men were appoynted, and yf that good infued not that is to be defyred for her owne weale, fhe fholde im pute yt onlye to her felf, or at leafte to fuch counfell as fhe had takene. Yt maye therfore pleafe your honour to tayke this for the refolution, that other then the earle Bothewell and lard of Cefforde fhe will not appoynte, and this have I taken for a refolute anfwer by them as the queen theire fovereyns mynde for this prefent. In longe tawlke with them I founde that their meftres cane be well contented to appoynte in plaice of them both, or either of them, fome other to joyne with my lord of Bedforde, of whom though at thys tyme fhe hathe no good lykinge, yet by her complayntes made of hym hathe procured herfelfe fuche envie that I beleve fhe wold that thofe matters fhe had dealte more moderatlye. Yf therfore yt feeme good unto the queens majeftie to fende anye other one or two to joyne with his lordfhip, I dowte not but fhe wilbe perfwaded to do the lyke; and in fo doynge I dowte not but thynges maye be ended to her majefties honour, whear other wyfe no good is to be looked for but farther envie daylye to increace to the dyfpleafure of both the countries. Towardes my lord pf Murraye I fynde that fome parte of her extre- mitie is affwaged ; fhe nether ufethe fo greveus wordes as fhe hathe done, nor fo unpatient to here hym fpoken of as fhe was. Nowe as he defervethe by anye fute or meanes that he cane mayke that no fuche thynges as fhe wolde be at or wolde have granted by the quenes majeftie to her advantage, fo lhall he fynde at her Graces handes. Into particu lates, withowte farther knowledge, I cane not dyfcende, but leave thofe matters to be gueffed at by others that knowe no farther. Of the anfwer to the complaynte made of my lord of Bedforde ther hathe not one worde byne fpoken unto me, and therfore I maye beleve that ether fhe is eon- tent therwith or that yt hathe not byne fhewed to the counfell. Wheather the parlement yet holde or not yt is uncertayne ; her howf- 152 ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE bonde preffethe fo erneftlye for the Crowne Matrimoniall that fhe repent- ethe to have done fo myche for him as' is pafte. Hering of my lord of Bedfordes evle dyfpofytion with leave optayned of the queen for viij. dayes I came to Barwicke, whear I fynde his lordfhip better at eafe then I luked for. Mofte humblye I tayke my leave. At Barwicke, the xxiiijth of Januarie, 1565. Your honours bounden at commande, Tho. Randolphe. LETTER FROM THOMAS RANDOLPH TO SIR WILLIAM CECIL, February 7, 1566.* My humble duetie confidered. What to write of the prefent ftate of this countrey I am fo uncertaine, by reafon of the daylie alteracion of mens mindes, that it maketh me much flower then otherwife I would. Within theis xv dayes there was fome good hope that this queen would have fhewed fome favor towards the lords, and that Robert Meluin fhould have returned unto them with fome comfort upon fome conditions. Since that time there are come out of France Clernaw by land and Thorneton by fea, thone from the cardinall, the other from the bifhop of Glafcowe ; fince whofe arrivall neither can there be good word gotten nor apparance of any good intended them, except they be able to perfwade the queens majefty our foveraigne to make her heir apparent to the crowne of Eng land. I write of this nothing les then I know that fhe hath fpoken, and by all meanes that fhe thinketh beft doeth travayle to bring that to paffe. There was a bande lately devifed, in which the late pope, themperor, the king of Spayne, the duke of Savoy with divers princes of Italie, and the queen Mother fufpeeted to be of the fame confederacy, to maintaine * From the Cotton MS. Calig. B. x. fol. 369. REIGN OF QUEEN MARY. 153 papiftrye throughout Chriftendome. This bande was fent out of France by Thorneton and is fubfcribed by this quene, the copie whereof re- mayneinge with her, and the principall to be returned very fhortly, as I heare, by Mr Steven Wilfon, a feit minifter for fuch develifh devifes ; yf the copie hereof can be gotten it fhalbe fent as conveniently I maye. Monfieur Rambolet came to this towne upon Munday, he fpake that night with the queen and her hufband, but not longe. The next day he had long conference with them boeth, but nothinge came to the knowledge of any whereof thei intreated. I cannot fpeake with any that hath any hope that there wilbe any good done for the lords by him, though it is faid that he hath verie good will to doe to the uttermoft of his power ; he is lodg'd nere to the court and leveth upon the queens charges. Upon Sonday the order is geven, great meanes made to many to be prefent that daye at the maffe, upon Candlemas day theye carryed their candles, with the queen her hufband, thearle of Lennox and earle AthoU. Divers other lords have been called together and requyred to be at the maffe that daye ; fome have promifed, as Caffels, Montgomerie, Seton, Catnes, other have refufed, as Fleminge, Leveftan, Lindfay, Huntley and Bothwell, and of them all Bothwell is flowteft but worft thought of. Yt was moved in counfell that maffe fhould have bene in St Giles Church, which I believe was rather to tempt mens minds then intended, indeed fhe was of late minded againe to fend Robert Melvyn to nego- ciate with fuch as fhe trufteth in amongft the queens majefties fubjects, of whofe good wille this way I truft that the brute is greater than the truthe, but in theis matters her majefty is too wife not in time to beware and provide for the worft. Some in that countrey are thought to be privy unto the bands and confederacye of which I have written, whereof I am fure there is fomethinge, though perchance of all I have not heard the trouthe. In this courte divers contencions, quarrels, and debates, nothing fo much fought as to maintaine mifchief and diforder. David yet re- tayneth ftill his place, not without hart-griefe to many that fee their fove- raigne gwyded chiefely by fuch a fellowe. The queen hath utterly re fufed to do any good to my lord of Argile, and it is faid that that fhalbe the firft voyage that fhe will make after that fhe is delivered. Of her u 154 ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE beinge with childe the brute is common that fhe is, but hardlie beleeved of many, and of this I can affure you that there hath of late appeared fome tokens to the contrary. Two of the Haules, the beft of thofe that latelye loppe out of Eng land, are futers here for fupport and comforte; what aunfwer they fhall get as yet I know not. My lord of Argile and Shan Oneil have mett and accorded to take each others parte. I trouble your honour no further at this tyme, but mofte humblye take my leave. At Edinburgh, the vijth of February, 1565. Your honour bounden alwayes to comaund, Tho. Randolphe. LETTER FROM THE EARL OF BEDFORD TO SIR WILLIAM CECIL, February 8, 1566.* After my hartie commendacions. I have receyved your letter, and the quenes majefties alfo directed to Mr Randolphe I have fent unto him, thanfwere wherunto maye chance to be the longer for thes Frenche men and the ceremonies of that order. Towching this commiflion, and by caufe I fee by your letters fo litell likelyhoode of affiftence graunted therin, I cannot but thinke that leffe fruyte and good fucceffe fhall every waye enfue therof then peradventure every one maketh juft accompt of; for as concerning thes lordes, whos cafe is not, I am fure, the leaft parte of the caufe of this meating if any be, their parlament in Scotlande long fythens appointed holdeth, as I thinke you here, at the prefixed daye, and in the meane tyme the lordes of the fame are alredy affembled, as I doubt not you underftande their maner is, to determyne and conclude before hande upon fuche and fo many articles as fhall there be brought • From the Cott. MS. Calig. B. ix. fol. 214. REIGN OF QUEEN MARY. 155 in queftion. Whiche lordes mofte of them being herunto appointed are utter enemies to the cafe, and the chiefeft pointe, or if it be not the chieffeft it is not the leaft, is that thes good lordes be excluded from all pardon and their goodes and landes confifcate, and fo farre forwarde it is with fome of them alredy, that therle of Murrays landes be gyven awaye, and he having nowe but a litell place leafte muft fell the fame for the further maintenance of him felfe, like as I thinke he will nowe fhortely fignifie and declare to the queens majeftie. As to the quiete ordering of Border matters, as long as Bothewell is contynued in the commiflion I fee not what good Can be done, for if he eyther feared God or loved juftice there were fome hope that fome what wold be amended. As for myfelfe and my fervice therein to thuttermoft fhall not wante, and as for degrees to matche me eyther with hym or any other inferior then he of that realme I paffe not ; for fo I maye ferve my prince, do good to thes borders, and proffite to fuche as I knowe have nede therof, it is all one to me, if my health, which I have not well had thes three weeks paft, be no lett herunto. If that contynewe which hathe troubled me then muft eyther the commiflion for the tyme ceafe, onles fome further affiftance be fent. Thone I referre to God, and thother to your confideration to thinke on. The lord Dameley and this quene fall ftill to popery, for on Candlemas day laft they caried their candells, and fyns that tyme, feeke further to advaunce it, wherunto whether this ambaffadors comming will do good or evill it is hard to faye. He was with the quene the firft night of his comming, and very well ufed. Ther have bene many maffes fayd of late in that realme in private houfes, as well in the inlande countrey as here nere the border. I hartely thanke you for letting me underftand of Fowlers apprehen- fion and examination alfo, I was very fure, as I wrote, he came not this waye; dyvers men thinke that he can difcover many fecret practifes, which your wifdomes there and tyme alfo will fone bring to light. I praye you lett me hartely defire you to have confideracion of us here for money; as Well for our paye, being fo long behinde, as foi^other neceffarie caufes many and great which dayelye maye occurre, for never 156 ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE was thys towne fo long without money, nor this poore garryfon dryven more hardelye to deale for lack of theire paye. Herewith I fende you a letter of fir John Forfters, whereby you fhall fee that dyvers of his Riddefdale men to the nombre of c. or vijx\ were lopen abrode ; who, hearing of his preparacion to ryde upon them, are all come in, as you fhall fee by hys letter more at large, faving that two be yett abrode who went to the Scottes queene furthwith, and were by her very well receyved and welcome. Albeit I have tarried fo long therabout yet do I at the leaft fende you an anfwere from my lord of Durefme towching D. Maifters matter ; this might indede have come foner for it is long Athens I receyved the fame, but I did not till now underftande what he wold fo faye as I might fende, till that now verye lately he was contented that I fhould fend this letter of his unto you. And thus with my hartie thankes I ende and comitt you to God. From Barwicke, this viijth. of February, 1565. Your right affured frende, F. Bedford. To the honorable fir William Secill, knight, the quene's majefty's principall Secretarie. LETTER FROM THE EARL OF BEDFORD TO SIR WILLIAM CECIL, February 14, 1566.* After my hartie commendacions. I fende you herewith Mr Randolphes letters, wherby you fhall, I doubt not, underftande the whole eftate of thinges there. Religion is moche feared by the godly and honeft, and poperie fought to be fett up and advaunced. • From the Cott. MS. Calig. B. x. fol. 390. REIGN OF QUEEN MARY. 157 The quene there ufeth fome fpeche to fome, and to other fhe ufeth to take them by the handes and offereth to leade them with her to maffe, which thinge therles of Bothwell and Hunteley bothe refufe to do, that thone fo did I mervell not a litell. The lord Darneley fometyme wold fhutt up the noble men in chambres, thereby to bringe them to heare maffe, but fuche kinde of perfuafions take no place with them. At this great affemblie now at thembaffadors comming were ten erles, wherof thone halfe went to maffe, thother halfe to the fermon, and fo did all the luftie gentlemen and courtiers triple in nombre in refpeete of thother went to the fermon, notwithftanding the ceremonie, fo that the quene at their retourne thence marveled thereat not a lytell. Thambaffador hathe, as I heare, dealt verie effectually for thes good lordes, but nothing will be heard nor no goodnes graunted for them. The parliament draweth now neere, whereat both ther lands and goodes fhalbe confifcate. It wold do well that the commiffion were haftened, if it were but for their caufe, to affure what good might be done for them, peradventure fomewhat might be done for to drive of time and to pro- longe their parliament, or otherwife by friends at home fome eafe might be had thoughe grace be not granted them in fuche forte as they delire. And it maye be that this fetting at libertie of therle of Sowtherland at the fuite of my lord of Murrey may be a meanes to do therle fome goodnes, thoughe not prefently yet will it in tyme to come encreafe amitie and frendfhip betwene therles of Murrey and Hunteley, and I hartely thank you for the fpedie refolucion for this erle of Sowtherland's enlargement. I have fent Colwiche, my man, to the courte of Edinbroughe to de clare to the lordes there the delayes and wante of juftice ufed by Cef- ford, and to demaunde redreffe therof now while Ceffourd is there ; I hope ther will fome good order be taken therin. As for the matter of the keping of Carre, Ceffourdes man and coufyne, I have referred the fame to be betwen us compromitted to two borderers for eche parte, wherof fir John Forfter to be one, and what order they fhall agree upon the fame to be followed. For our other matters of the Marffhe, as the deteyning on eche fide certeine prifoners upon thoccafion of the fpoile made upon the victuallers 158 ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE in our boundes, my lord Hume and I fhall, I doubt not, right well com- pounde the fame. The duke of Chaftelheraulte hathe altered his determination for going by fea, and mindeth now to come poft thether to the courte, for the which purpofe I have a fewe dayes paft gyven him a commiflion for himfelfe and xvjten. to poft thither with him. His oune horfes he fendethe by lande, as fhall appere unto you by my certificate mentioning the numbre and coulours of his geldinges, the marks, paffes, and height fhall as nere as maye be appere thereunto annexed under the handes of the maior of Newcaftell and fir Robert Brandling, knight, and under the common feale of the toune, which thing they for their prefence could better do then I. Many here do conjecture that the quenes majeftie meaneth to make warres, by caufe they fee neyther good peace, neyther yet nothing in hande towards the redreffe of fuche caufes as might minifter warres. But herin I knowe her majefties meaning and difpoficion to be fully bent to the contrary, and that fhe myndeth peace and good amitie as moche as maye be. I receyved a letter from the quene here for the reftitution of the money loft on this coft, the copie wherof I fende you ; to like effecte, as I geffe, fhe wrote to my lorde of Northumberlande, and the lords Hume and Liddington fhould have come to me for this matter and for" the compoficion of other matters on the borders betwene the lord Hume and me ; and fhe perceiving that according to her commandement Liddington was willing to come, fufpected bylike his upright dealing, and faid fecretly that he was verie willing to deale with me, thoughe he femed to the contrary, fo as hearing therof and being booted and ready he refufed to come. He is but in meane favour as nowe, and never did better in religion then at this prefent, nor never fo conftaunt. Ther cometh now verie fhortely unto you, Robert Melvyn, to treate for the lady Lennox libertie, for Fowler, and for reftitution of the money loft. I cannot tell what to faye to it, that his credite is now fo great having heretofore bene employed on a contrary parte. This is all I can faye, Scottes be and will be Scottes for their owne matters. As for the man, I have opinion of him good enoughe till I heare credibly the contrary; yet thought I good to advertife you of thus muche that you might harken REIGN OF QUEEN MARY. 159 with whome he dealeth and practifeth withall. Affure yourfelfe the poore afflicted lords are in that hard eftate as depende onely upon the quenes majeftie next under God, and otherwife they are in utter ruyne and undone. There is a league concluded betwene the king of Spayne, the duke of Savoye, and dyvers other papifts princes for the overthrowe of religion, as you fhall heare more by other, which is come to this quens hand but not yet confirmed. Thereof and of her uncles the houfe of Guyfe fhe hopeth moche, and Clerevault with his coming hathe moche altered her difpoficion, as well towching religion as to the earle of Murray, wherof Robert Melvyn will declare to you more at lengthe. Thus with my hartie thankes I ende, and committ you to God. From Barwicke, this xiiij th of February, 1565. Your right affured friend, F. Bedford. I thinke you fhall underftande by Mr Randolphes letters that ther is fome hope that for Bothwell fome other maye be placed in this commif fion. Monfieur Remboullet will, as I heare, be here to morrowe or on Saturdaye at the furtheft; and of my rheume I am now better then I was. LETTER FROM QUEEN ELIZABETH TO SIR JOHN FORSTER, May 7, 1566.* THE COPPIE OF THE QUEENS MAJESTIES LETTER. Trusty and right welbeloved, wee grete you well. Whereas the quene of Scottes, our good fifter, charginge the erle Morton, lorde Ruthven, * From the Lansdown MS. No. ix. Art. 19. 160 ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE and otheres their complices, remayninge nowe at our towne of Newe- caftle, not onlye with the flaughter of hir fervant David, the Italian, riot far frome hir perfone, but withe certen other treafons towardes hir owne perfon, haithe thereupon maide diverfe erneft meanes to us, bothe by meffages ande letters, to deliver them unto hir; and on hir behalfe the Frenche kinge haithe erneftlie required us to deny them any fuccour ; ande feinge that wee maye not in dede maintein the keppinge of them withe in our realme, ande yet confideringe the difpleafour that the quene their foveraigne prefentlie bearethe towardes them, we wolde be lothe to committ them in to hir handes duringe the tyme of hir indingnation, wee therefore wolde that thaie fhulde devife of fome place out of our realme where they maie provide for ther lives and fafety untill fuch tyme as ether they maye procure their foveraignes wrath and difpleafure to be affuaged towardes them, or ells that fuche indyfferency of lawe as they cane reafonablye defier may, accordinge to ther doinges, be miniftered unto them. Wherefore, we requier you furthwith to repaire to them, ande thus muche to fignify unto them, that therafter thay maie take fpedy order for fome place for theyr faiftie oute of our realme where thaie fhall think meteft. This matter you fhall, as of your felf, frifle declare unto them as a thinge convenyent ande necelfary for them to do ; ande if they fhall not thereupon mak their refolution to departe, then you fhall figniffie unto them this our pleafure in our name expreffely. And therefore faile you not to fee it executed. Geven under our fignet, at our manor of Grene- wiche, the vijth of May, 1566, the eight yere of our reigne. Endorsed by Cecill, The coppie of the queens majef ties letter to fir John Fofter, for the retorne of the lords. May 8, 1566. REIGN OF QUEEN MARY. 161 LETTER FROM QUEEN ELIZABETH TO THOMAS RANDOLPH, May 23, 1566.* Elizabeth R. By the Quene. Trusty and welbeloved, we grete you well. Forfamuch as of late we percaved by fome advertifementes fent you out of Scotland, that there fhuld in a communication lately betwixt the erle of Argile and another certen wordes paffe from the faid erle, pretending fome remiffenes and diminution of his former good will towardes our fervice, and fpecially for the matters of Irland, in refpect, as he alledgeth, that he found fome lack of our favour in time of his nede; and yet it feemeth by thofe ad vertifementes if he might be fure of our favour towardes him he wold be as redy to gratify us with his good will as in former times he profeffed to be. We have hereupon thought mete to have the faid erle fomewhat delt withall for the reteyning of him to beare like good will to our fervice, fpecially in Irland, as heretofore he did ; and to forbear from all maner of ayde and comeforting of fuch as are knowen to be rebellious in the fame realm, lyke as by the faid advertifement fent unto you it doth appeare, that he which is the principall and almoft the only rebell in that realme hath his fervices, fecretly following practifes about the quene there in Scotland and others to fuch purpofes. And therfore, firft, we wold have you, by fuch good meanes as you can fecretly lerne, to knowe the truth of the difpoficion of the faid erle of Argile towardes us; and if he be dowtfull in dede upon the refpectes intended we wold gladly have him reduced from the fame, and to be made affured, as the truthe is, that we were not only right forry for the troble wherin he and his frendes was, but did alfo as much as we could be in honour perfwaded to be convenient for us to do, omitting nothing but open hoftility for the prefervation of him and the other noblemen * From the Lansdown MS. No. ix. Art, 20. 162 ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE joyned with him [in] that action, as we truft the erle of Murray can truly report. And becaufe we knowe not by what more convenient meanes he might be induced to be affured of our good will and favour, we wold have you, for the acquaintance you have with the erle of Murray or fome others as you fhall think mete, to require them to communicat thus much to the faid erle of Argile. And as you fhall think meteft fo wold we have you ufe any convenient perfwafion for the time to alter the faid erle of Argiles mind herin, and to withdrawe him from the favouring of that principall rebell, being not only rebellious towardes us but alfo a fwprne, cruell adverfary to the ftate of all true religion. For which refpept we think the faid erle of Argile ought to be rnoved tp impeache his enterprices ; and yet this we do not conceave of that rebell as of one whom we can not correct and fuppreffe, though he fhuld have aide of diverfe, but for that if he be not ayded and comeforted otherwayes he fhall ether fubmitt himfelf the foner to our correction, as he dpth alwayes in fpeches do, or be the more fpedily and with our leffe charges chaftifed or fuppreffed: Aqd fo; we wold have you ufe this matter as none might think otherwife of him, for in dede fo we well underftand what we can do to the fubver- fion of him and fo we meane playnly to procede if we fhalbe thertp prp- vpked. Neverthples, cpnfidering we think the faid rebell may growe the more audacious upon the hope of helpes and fuccour out of Scotland, and therby provoke us to the greate charges for the fubduing of him, we could be well content to have all good meanes ufed both to underftand his practifes there and his affurances, and finally to have him difapointed of the fame. And the rather then he fhuld receave any ayde or comefort from thence, we could be content' tp have fome portion of money by way of reward fecretly beftowed there to the hindrance of his ayde, or rather to the playne anoyance of him at fuch convenient tune as fhuld be thought mete by our direction, or by thadvertifement pf; our deputy in Ireland. And yet of this laft matter pf money wp rather make mention as of a, thing far you tp, think thereupon untill you may heare farder from, us then that you fhall deale with any perfon therin, for we have of late fent our vicechamberlen into Irland to confer with our deputy there; and untill REIGN OF QUEEN MARY. 163 fome returne of arifwef from him we have fufperided our refolutiori. And yet upon thefe advertifeirientes fent from yow we thought mete to com municat thus much unto yow, not dowting but you will ufe the fame fecretly and difcretely to the beft of our fervice as the time may ferve 'yow. Yeven under our fignet, at our flianof of Grenewieh, the xxiilj*11 of Maye, 1566, the eight yere of our regne. To our trufty and welbeloved fervant, Thomas Randolph, efqilief. LETTER FROM THE EARL OF BEDFORD TO SIR WILLIAM CECIL, August 3, 1566.* After my hartie coffimendacions; Now that Mr Marfhall hathe bene with you and declared the ftate of all things here, I fhall dayly looke for fome directions from you howe to procede, and chiefly for the letter fent me from my lord Warden, wherof I hartelye praye you lett me heare if it be thought good that I fhall do any thing as the Mr Simple r'equireth. And then let me praye you to have in remembrance my comming hence at Michaelmas, for being fubjecte to rheWme arid catarres, as doctor Hewycke, Who knoweth beft the ftate Pf my bodie and my complexion, can declare, and feeling fome grief therof alredy, this wynter will mate an ende of me; and this I fpeake not as for colour or any other caufe then prefervation of health, which being gone or declined I Pannipt ferve as is looked for, nor as I Would my felfe, I truft you will therefore tender this* my fuite. For newes out of Scotlande, you fhaU underftand tha$ Liddington fhould fpeake with the quene as yefterdaye at AUowaye, and this meeting will bring reconciliation, as it is thought. * From1 the Cott. MS. Calig. B. x. fol. 380. 164 ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE The lardes of Brymftone and Elvefon, who were abrode with the erle Moreton, have by the erle of Murreys meanes gotten their releffe and are gone home. The quene thinketh, as I heare, that therle Moreton is retorned home from where he hathe bene, and is come to the ladye of Craffordes, who of old tyme and long contynuance hathe bene a freinde and wellwiller of hys after the Scottes maner, and that he is with her, for the whiche pur pofe the quene hath fent a great company thyther to make ferche for him and thos that were with him abrode. She meaneth now fhortely to go againft the larde of Ceffourd and his fonne with great force, and to kepe a juftice feate at Jedworthe for that purpofe, but fome doubt whether it will hold or not, and that Bothwell lhall come with her force and fub- dewe all; but the gentlemen borderers, as the lord Hume, the lardes of Ceffourd and Buclughe, and the reft of the furnames, (a very few only excepte, not a handfull to be accompted of,) have promifed to lyve and dye with Ceffourd and to withftande Bothewell, oneles the quene came in perfon. And for that purpofe have the beft of thos furnames, afwell the Elwoods, whome we feared wold become open enemies, as many other ells, fent and defired my lord Warden and me that if they fhould fo be diftreffed we wold fufter them for iiij. or v. dayes to lye clofely upon our borders for their better fuccour, and we have anfwered that, as moche as we maye do without breache of amitie and as the treaty will in any wife beare we will fhewe them, and they fhall fynde with favour, and they all promife towardes us all quietenes and good neighborhod. The Mr Maxewell, who hathe long tyme depended upon Bothewell, is now farre out with him and at fuche feede as notwithftanding that the queen hath fent for him yet will not Maxewell come. The caufe is that Bothewell, he fayeth, feeketh his deathe", and he tharefore will not come at hym nor neere where he is, excepte it be againft his will or with fome force to make his partie good ; Bothewell contyneweth the moft hated man of this realme, and it is faid that his infolence is fuche as David was never more abhorred then he is nowe. The queene and her hufbande agree after thold maner, or rather worfe ; fhe eateth but verie feldome with him, but lyeth not nor kepeth REIGN OF QUEEN MARY. 165 no company with him, nor loveth any fuche as love him. He is fo farre out of her bookes as at her going from the caftell of Edenboroughe to re move abrode he knewe nothing therof. It cannot for modeftie nor with the honour of a queene be reported what fhe faid of hym. One Hickeman, an Englifhe merchaunt there, having a water fpanyell that was verie good gave him to James Melvyn, who afterward, for the pleafure that he fawe that the king had in fuche kind of dogges, gave him to the king. The quene therupon fell merveloufly out with Melvyn, arid called him diffembler and flatterer, and fayed fhe could not truft him who wold gyve any thing to fuch one as fhe loved not. Malvefier, as I heare, worketh all that he can for the calling home of the lordes that are abrode, fome thought he wold not have done any thing for them, moche leffe thus moche as nowe he dothe. I praye you remember the difpatche of fuche anfwere as it fhall pleafe her majeftie to make for the lord of Simples matter, eyther of or on. I praye you alfo remember the poore gonners of this laft fupplye, being xij in nombre, moft of them remayne difcharged out of all wages, and fome were never yet entred into_ any paye here. Their cafe therefore is pite- full, which I praye you tender. I praye you alfo if my ladie of Rutlande be at the courte or ells not farre of, caufe this letter to be delyvered to her, on whos behalfe I muft gyve you my moft hartie thankes for helpyng to difpatche her of this long and troblous journey. Graunge hathe advertifed me that Malvefier and La Crocq bothe worke verie erneftly and effectually for Moretones calling home, it wold dp well that a Dowglas fhould be called home rather by Englandes meanes than by the Frenche. The quenes majeftie might wynne moche honour and many hertes if fhe would do any thing therein, now is the tyme meeteft ; his lordfhip, as I have heard, alwayes accompted himfelfe moche beholding to you for your favour and great good will towards him and his cafe. Graunge hathe taken bis leave of writing to me, for he is the moft fufpedted man of Scotlande. I wiffhe it might pleafe the queens ma jeftie to have confultation of him and to fende him fomewhat as a token of remembrance. 166 ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE I praye you lett me heare from you, for it is nowe a long while fynce I herd eyther from my lord of Leycefter or you, excepte it were ones with a lyttell letter. And thus having troubled you to lorig, with my moft hartie thankes I ende, and committ you to Gods keping. From Barwicke, this iij. of Auguft, 1566. Your right affured freinde, F. Bedford. LETTER FROM SIR ROBERT MRLVILL TO THE ARCHBISHOP OF GLASGOW, November 13, 1566-* It may pleifs your lordfchip be advertift that I refavit ane letter frome your lordfhip be Sande Boge apone the feventhe day of this fame monethPi, quhairbye I did underftand that your lordfchip had refavit no comfortable novelfs frome- the quene's majefte, quho is Weill convaleft, thanks be to God, and dayle bettar, as this berar cane declaire your lordfhip. I refavit the firft word apone the faxt daye of this monethe, with ane packket of letters from Johne a Betoun, your lordfhip's broder, to be fend you, quhilk he willit me to deliver to the Spaynifs embaffa- dour to fend your lordfhip. I wald advertifs your lordfhip oftener, geve I had fure berars, quhilk I lake quhane I wald. Sens I WM laft to your lordfhip of the eftait heire the queue hes continewit alwayis of one myrid, contrarye that the fuceeffione' fould be tuychit at this parliament, arid the fubjectis alfs bent to knaw quho fould be ayre apparant of this realme ; and albeit the quene perfuadit them her felf to defift and deale no moire therin it ftayit them nothing, and apone the terithe' of the * From the Sloane MS. 3199, fol. 144, b. REIGN OF QUEEN MARY. 167 fame monethe fche gave the Lawer Houfs ane charge, as they wald anfwer apone theire alleageans, to meddille no moire therin, quharat they fturre marvelouflie and hefs not abfolutelie obeyit the faid charge bot hefs concludit amongft themefelf till haif the charge put in queftione, quhither be the lawefs of this realme they maye difobeye or not. In the mene tym the parliament dryvis, and at this prefent the iffew is werraye uncertane quhat is lyke to fall fourthe. At the begynning the lordis unit with the Lawer Houfs to enter in fute together to the quene, but efter the charge wefs given onder fie paynis the lordis takkis not the mater apone to difobeye the charge or to concurre with the Lawer Houfs, fuaye the eftait heir hefs byne dryven this long tyme withoute onye thing re- folvit. My awne judgement is that there falbe nothing done at this tyme tuyching the fucceffione, and albeit that it is judgit that the fubjectis will grant no fubfide I am of the contrare opinione. The quene our fove- rane hes alfs mony frendis as any other in this realme, and in caifs the tittill had cum in Wotyng it wes thought the judges and grave men with the maift part of thenobilite fould haif gone with ufs; in lyke maner the flaying of it at this tyme is judgit to be profitable for us, feing all the knyghts of the Lawer Houfs are pykkit fourthe, the maift part enemeis to our miftrefs. The quene hes faid fcho will marrye Charlis of Auftryche, and hefs promift the Spaynifs imbaffadour that fchortlie the erll of Suffex falbe fend till the Emperour for that effect ; my awyne opinione is fcho myndis no fie thing. There is ane buk pryntit in Parys fet oute in werfis to. the commendatione of our prynce of Scotland in the name of ane Scottis mane callit Patrik Ademfoune ; ane of the faid bukis is fend to the quene heir, he gives our prince the titill of Scotland, England, and Irland, quhairat the quene and counfell is offendit, and I haif beyne fend for be the counfell to wret to my foverane and declare her majeftie that the quene heire difiiris to knaw quhither fche wiU. advow the fame buk, and requires her Grace to wret to the kyng of France to fe that it be pro hibits and the prynter puniffed. And becaufe it is ane mater of confe- quenfs I thought meit to give your lordfhip knowledge quhat anfweril maid to the counfell heir ; firft, I affurit them that the quene my fove rane wefs not pryvei to it, and I belevit in lyke maner that your lordfhip 168 ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE underftud it not, adding therto geve the quene heir wefs in no waye tuychit nor the iffew of her bodie, that there wefs no caufs of offence in that buk, becaufe the quene my foverane did tak her felf nyxt the quene heire and the iffew of her bode to be ayre apparent of this realme, and that buk advancis her to be better thane any in this realme excepting her felf. They anfourit me they could not beare that tittill, it prejudgit the quenes felf, and it apperteint to none bot the prynce awyne childryng. They haif fpokkin withe the French imbaffadour to advertifs his metier that the buke maye be difchargit, quhairof he hefs not maid me pryvei. Geve it be your lordfchip's pleffor it is meit that your lordfchip advertys heirof to the cunfell there, and that theye nether difcharge the buk nor yit geve anfour to them heir till they underftand the quene my foveranifs intentione. Fore my awyne opinione me think the fetter forthe of the buk maye excufe the tittill be rayfoun we efteyme that in namyng hym prynce it prejudges not the quene heir, becaufe we do tak it meanis the fecond parfoun, and theye underftande it is the pryncipall. I refaire the reft to your lordfchip's wifdome, onlie this that theye in thifs partis fchaw not fo unkyndlie in this matter to ather allow it or difawow it withoute my myftrefs' awyne mynd; the reft I remit to the fufficiencie of the berar and ontrubling your lordfchip forder I praye God geve yow gud healthe and long lyff. At Loundoune, the 13 of November, 1566. Your lordfchip's humill to command at powar and fervice, R. Melvill, This Patrik Adamfon was at queen Elizabeth's defire imprifoned at Paris, but foon delivered; he was a dependant of the Duke of Chatelrault, who wrote in his favor from Arks. 7 Dec. 1566. REIGN OF QUEEN MARY. 169 informacione for my lord OF bedforde concernynge the erle OF MORTON, LORDE RUTHVEN, AND UTHER FRENDES, TO BE DE CLARED TO THE QUENES MAJESTIE OF ENGLONDE, AND SUCH OTHERS AS THE SAID LORD PLEASETH BEST.* In the firft, to fhewe to the quenes majeftie thoccafion and mannor as the flaughter of Davye Rifcio proceded, like as the truthe is and as you have harde by informacion. Secoundlie, to defire to the quenes majeftie not to creditt any reporte made upon us by our unfrendes unto fuch tyme as her majeftie take full triall in our caufe, whereby her highnes may underftonde the truthe there of ; for in veritye nether we, our frendes, afiiftars, nor pertakers, mened any other thinge in our proceedinges but the eftablifhinge of the religion, confervacion of the amytie betwixt the towe realmes, and the relief of our frendes. Thirdlie, to lhawe the quenes majeftie, as we are enformed, mafter James Thorneton is directed to the howfe of Gwife, to theffect that they may labor at the kinge of France and all other princes, favorers of the papiftree, for obteyning of fupporte of men and monye to the quenes majeftie of Scotlande for fettinge forwardes of her diffaignes, whereunto good head wold be taken. Fourthlie, to defire the quenes majeftie that we may have her highnes protection to us, our frendes, and fervandis beinge with us, and others that are to come to us, to remayne within her highnes realme induring the tyme that we fhall happen to abide therin. Fyftlye, we beleve the quenes majeftie of Scotlande, like as fhe haithe maide fynyfter and wronge reporte of us to the quenes highnes of Eng- lond, fo alfo we'fuppone her Grace haith enformed the like thereof to all other princes her frendes or favorers, which may bringe our good caufe to be evell fufpe&ed, and worce opynion tane thereof nor yt meryttes. Herefore to defire we may have the queens majefties of Englande favor and lycence to make our caufe and action patent unto all fuche princes • From the Harl. MS. 289, fol. 96. 170 ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE as we fhall pleafe informe of the truthe, whereby our honeft meanyrige and partes might be knowne. Sixtlie, to make our hartie comendacions to my lord of Leicefler and the Seeretorye, and declare unto there good lordfhippes that our proced- inges meaned nor tended to no other fyne but to the eftablifhing of the religion, confervacion of the. amytye betwixte the towe realmes, relief of the erle of Murray, and our frends beinge in troble for the tyme, whofe actions and ours are cowpled and convened all in one. Of the which we beleve there lordlhips wilbe fhortlie enformed by the faid erle of Murray, defyring there honnors to ftande our good lordes and frendes in obtayn- inge the quenes majeftie favor and good will unto us in fuche reafonable affaires as we fhall happen to have adoo with her majeftie induringe the fpace of our remayninge within her highnes realme, with there good lord fhips affiftance and counfaile. Item, to lett it be knowen to my lord of Leicefler and the Secretorie that it is come to our knowledge that fome papiftes have bruted that theis our procedings have bene at the inftigacion of the mynyfters of Scot lande, we affure your lordfhip upon our honour that there was none of them arte nor part of that deede, nor was participate thereof. Laft of all, it wold pleafe your good lordlhips to comunycate our caufe and procedinges to fome of the counfaile and nobilitye as your lordfhips wifdome thinkes expedyent, and when occafion ferves after your cominge to the Courte we may have advertifement from your good lordlhips in write of the fucceffe of our befynes, together with your good lordlhips counfaile in what manner we fhall further travell. LETTER FROM MARY QUEEN OF SCOTLAND TO THE ARCHBISHOP OF GLASGOW, February 18, 1567.* Maist reverend fader in God and our traift counfalor, we greit you weill. We reffavit your letter of the 28 day of Januar upoun the tenth of this * From the Sloan MS. 3199, fol. 133. REIGN OF QUEEN MARY. 171 inftant, and that fame day wrait to you with ClareVault of the fuddane mifchief happinnit to the king our hufband, which being then fa grevit and tormentit we culd not mak you anflbur to the particular heids of your faid lettre, bot remittit the fame quhill now. And firft touert your communicatioun with the king and Queen Moder for intertenyng of gude luf and familiaritie, we find your ufinge and proceding thairin fa tymouflie and perfitlie done to our weill and honour that we can wyfche na better, nor can find na thing to be amendit in ony poynt of your doyng. We wrait fumthing of our mynd heranent, and thairupoun gaif fum memoire of our mynd with monfieur Du Croeq at his returne, be the quhilk ye will have fum farther inftruclioun of our pleffour. Alwayes we pray you that with al diligence ye menteng gud offices of freindfchip with the queen, and latt her underftand how far we think us oblift to hir for hir gude counfalis and admonitionis from tyme to tyme fchewin us, alfweill be you as hir owin lettres to our felf ; and as we think thame maift prof- fitable for us, fa will we apply our felffis and our affaires to be governit be thame befoir aU uthirs ; and all gude perfuafionis that ye can ufe to this end and purpofs ar maift neidfull, and we will allow thame weill. We pray yow be verie erniftfull for the fortie thoufand franks, and tak not it quhilk ye have ellis reffavit for a refolute anflbur, bot travell for paimeftt of our aflignatioun, for it will putt ws partly by our purpos and we be fruftrat of that quhairwith in our compt we had appoynted diverfs thingis to be done quhilks can not guidly fuftene delay. And for the cumpany of men of armes we pray you ufe evin the like diligence to have the mater quickly brocht to pas in favours of the prince our fone, as we mentionat in our uther letter fent you for that purpos. And althoucht the haill companyis paiment can not be grantit, leif not of, bot tak that quhilk falbe offerit, fa that utheris be aecordinglie handillit. The cap- taine mon be our fone ; for the lieutenent thair is nane in that cuntre to quhom we can be content to place in that rowme, for it is not decent that he quha anys wes nominat to have bene captane and then refufit fall now be lieutenent, nor we cannot underftand that we can in honour fute it. Alwayes upoun your advertifinent. we fall fend thair other the lieutenent or fum qualifiit perfounage for him to tak up the cumpany, being afoir- 172 ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE hand affurit be you that he fall expeid and not find his traveU fruftrat, for utherwyfs we wold be layth that our proceding fuld be knawin without certane knawledge of the effect. Nixt, lor the capitanriie of Tours we like your awin devyfs and counfall, being fa formall that nane can gif ws better, and is weill contentit that he quha the king hes namyt enjoy the place, upoun provifioun that we be not harmit be the exemple, bot that the declaratioun be maid null according to your letter. We thank you hertlie for your advertifement maid to us of it quhilk the ambaffadour of Spang3e fhew you, as alfua of your communicatioun with the Queen Moder towert our eftait ; bot, allace ! your meffaige come to lait, and thair wes ower gude caufs to have gevin us fie warning, the like quhairof we reffavit of the Spanyfche ambaffador refident in England. Bot evin the verie morning befoir your fervands arrivall wes the horrible and tref- fonable act execute in the kingis perfoun, that may weill appeir to have bene confpirit agains our felf the circumflance of the mater being confi dent, quhairupon at this prefent we will be na mair tedious, abyding quhill God manifeft the authors to the warld. For knawlege quhairof nother we nor our counfell fall fpaire the traveU that poffiblie may be maid, quhairthrow trewth may cum to lycht, and thairin is our cheif cair and fludy at this prefent, quhilk we pray God may fuddenlye tak gude effect to his glorie and our comfort. Further, ye fall in oure naime gif thankes to monfieur de Maine for the payne that he hes takin in con voying of the uthir mannis letters to us, and defyr him that he will affuir the fame man of our recept of his letteris and gif him thankes thairof quhill we may have oportunitie and occafioun to latt him knaw further of our gude mynd and affectioun, quhilk he fall taift in effect, if God lend ws dayis. Finallie, we pray you, as of befoir, be cairfull and dili gent towart our affignatioun, for we have wrettin prefentlie to monfieur de l'Aubefpine and monfieur du Gomvoir for that purpos, quhom alfua ye fall folift and pretermit na occafioun to bring the mater to perfectioun, feing we have fa neceffary to do with the fame. And thus we commit you to God. At Seytoun, the 18 day of Februar, 1566. Your richt gud friend and meftres, Marie R. REIGN OF QUEEN MARY. 173 LETTER FROM THE ARCHBISHOP QF GLASGOW TO QUEEN MARY, March 11, 1567.* Pleiss your majeftie. Sen my laft depefche wyth my fervitour Robert Dwry, of the 27 of Januar, I have refavit your majefties pacquetts of the 20 thairof be monfieur Du Croc, of 1 1 of Februar be monfieur De Clare- vault, and of the 18 of the faming be your thefaurair Dolu. As to warts the firft, I am affurit that, the faid Du Croc has acquittit him conforme to the inftruetiouns giffin him, better than gif they had ben fend to me, and becaufs thay ware fa fpeciall, and the fam felf heids wes contenit in your wrettings fend to me and fum part mair ample, I am glaid that I wes relevit thairof, and that he cums himfelf to render you anflbur thairof, quhairby your majeftie, gif ge pleifs, may learne that thair is na occafioun juftlie to refufe me your benevolence to reteir me, having na thing ado heir, and your majefties affairis aiffellieand mair commodiouflyemaybehandyllit in femblable fort than be me. Swa I remitt the anfour onto that depefche to his fufficiance, faif onlye it refts me to anfour to that part that con cerns my fervitours, William Walkar and William Hegait, quhilk falbe fchort, that iri caice thay have controvenit the dewtye of trew fubjects to your majeftie I have na thing ado with thaime, nor never intends in that behalf to mak inftance to do forder towarts the tryall of thair deme- reits than conforme to juftice. It mot pleifs your majeftie to beleve fure- lye this for my part, and that as from the beginning I have had na knaw- ledge of thair procedings, fwa will I noucht melle me thairwyth in tym to cum. The fecond wes onlie the difcours fchortlie of the horrible, mif- chevous, and ftrange enterprife and executioun done contrair the kings majeftie, quha be craft of men hes fo violentlie bein fchorttit of his days. Off this deid giff I wald wrett all that is fpokin heir, namelie of the mi serable eftait of that reaulme, and als in England, by the difhonour of the * From the Sloan MS. 3199, fol. 135. 174 ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE nobilite, miftraift and trefoun of your haill fubjects, yea than that your felf is greittumlye and wrangouflie calumneit to be the motive principall of the haill of all, and all don be your command, I can conclud na thing by that your majeftie wretts to me your felf, that fen it hes pleflit God to preferve you to tak a regorowfe vengence thairof, that rather than it be noucht actuallye taine it apperis to me better in this warld that ye had loflit lyf and all. I afk your majefties pardon thatt I wrett fa far, for I can heir na thing to your prejudice but I man contryvitlie wrett the faming that all may cum to your knawleige, for the better ramaid may be put thairto. Heir it is neidfull that ye furthfchaw now rather than ever of befor the greit verteu,. magnanimitie, and conftance that God hes grantit you, be quhafe grace I hoppe ye fall ourcum this maift havy en- wye and difpleflbur of the committing thairof, and conferve that reputa- tioun in all godlinefs ye have conquift of lang, quhilk can appeir na ways mair cleirlie than that ye do fie juftice as to the haill warld may declair your innocence, and gif teftimonie for ever of thair trefoun that hes com- mittit, but feir of God or man, fa cruaille and ongodlie ane murther, quhairof thair is fa mekle ewyll fpokm that I am conftrynit to afk _you mercie that nothir can I nor will I mak the reherfs thairof quhilk is our odiowfs. Bot alace, madame, this day our all Europpe thair is na porpoifs in heid fa frequent as of your majeftie and of the prefent eftait of your reaulme, quhilk is for the maift part interpretit feniftrelye, yet is noucht the hand of God and his mychty powar fchortit, bot be his confort and help, imploring trewlie the faming and ferving him with all gour hart, ye may have fie confolatioun be him that ye falbe hable to remoffe that is to your majefties hairme or difavantaige, and eftableifs that expectatioun that heirthirtylls the haill warld hes confavit of your verteu. And I befeik your majeftie richt humblye, eaft heir the fondment of your releif, and al the reft of your defyrs faU cum to pafs to your contentment and honour; uthirways I feir this to be onUe the beginning and firft act of the tragedie, and all to ryn frome ewyll to worfs, quhilk I [pray] God of his infinite gudnefs to awoyd. Thredlie, be Dolu it hes pleflit your majeftie wrett to me fum anfour of my laft depefche and your will quhat I had ado at court prefent- lie for your affairis, quhilk appeiris to me to be onlie that fam wes conte- REIGN OF QUEEN MARY. 175 nit in monfieur De Crocs inftructions. I fall conferr wyth him quhat he hes done, and thaireftir fall perfew forder as fall be thocht expedient. I have noucht ben at court fen the kings departing, quhilk wes the 19th day of Februar, quhilk monfieur Du Groc arrivit, and that for mony con- fiderations. Firft, that faming day I depechit towarts your majeftie Ro bert Dury I twik the fevre, quhilk contenuit quhill neir his majefties departing, fwa I faw nathing of the facefairs of this laft faftineWin, yet thair majefties caufit vefye me bayth be gentlemen and als Caftellairie, the kings firft medicinar. Schortlie thaireftir arrivit Du Croc with fie novells that I wes conftrynit to abbyd forder refolutioun quhilk thre days therefter I rafavit be Claureuault, than wes I conftrynit to abyd quhill I had put my felf and my haill fervants in dewlle habit, the haill comme fa to pafs that gudlie I have had na moyen to depart. And trewlie fuppois thir impediments had noucht chancit it wes noucht in my powar to fal low, for I had nocht ane fowfs, and abbydds now onlye quhill Dolu gif me fom moyen to pafs fordwart, quhair I pafs agains my wyll in refpect your majeftie logein, quhairof Montmac hes ane brevette and pretends to have that logein be force efter that it wes markit for me and your chan- cellair Laubefpine, be the faid Montmacs moyen monfieur de Alancons efcurie wes logeit thairin. I fall labor for the reftitution thairof that falbe in me, abbydding your refolutioun. It war noucht importunity ye wrett twa words, to the Quein Mothir on this behalf, that fche may knaw your will heirarient, and in my next wretting I fall wrett mair particulairlie bayth anent the companye of men of armes, the alfignatioun of the 40 thoufand franks, as of this efter that I have conferrit with thair majefties thairon. I did thank the ambaffadour of Spang3e on your behalf of the advertifement he had maid you, fuppois it comme to lait, quha yit hes defyrit me to remembre your majeftie that yit he is informit and adver- teift be the famyn moyen he wes of befoir thair is yit fum notable inter- prife aganis you, quhairwycht he wyfiis you to bewar in tym; I wrett this far with greitt regraitt, be reafoun I can cum na ways to the knawleige of ony particularite of his maifter. He eftemis him to depart the 25 of this prefent, and the quen in lykwys, quha is wyth cheild, and to pafs to Flanders with him gif fche may travel, uthirways to remaine at Mylan to 176 ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE his returning. The duk of Aiwa departit alreddye, the 25 of the laft monethe. Now having na mater of confequence to wrett, I maift humblye thank your majeftie of the liberalite ufit towarts me of the brevete of five thoufand franks it hes pleflit you fend me wyth your laft depefche. God grant me his grace to do you fervice als aggreable as it hes bein to me thankfull and acceptable, fuppois it is mater noucht fchortlie to tak effect yit I refave the faming as giff alreddy it war in my hands, and hes this onlie fimpule in mynd that I lament with all my hairt that my fervice, quhilk in deid hes bein to litle effect, is fa little regairdit that your ma jeftie hes noucht thoucht me worthy anfour of my maift humble requeft that I have maid you at fundry tymis, to have your majefties benevolence to retreive me quhill I may be hable heirefter to do you fervice. I am affurit gif your majeftie knew the eftait and neceflite I am at, be the greit and furffet expenfis that I have maid and maks daylye, that ye wald now, quhen thair is litle ado in court for your affairs, fynd my requeft maift rafonable. As for generalls novells of court I remitt to the berrar heirof, monfieur Claurevault, quha I [am] affurit, as he hes wyllit to do your fervice at his uter power, fwa fall pretermitt na thing he hes hard heir that re dounds to the faming on fchawing and declarit onto you. And fwa I pray the eternall Lord God have your majeftie in his protectioun, and grant you that confolatioun that your hyenes millers. At Parys, the 1 1 day of Marche, 1567. LETTER FROM QUEEN MARY TO THE ARCHBISHOP OF GLASGOW, May 27, 1567.* Maist reverend fader in God and traift counfalour, we greit you weill. We have prefently direct the bifchop of Dunblane towert the king, the Quein Moder, oure uncle the cardinall of Lorayne, and utheris, oure • From the Sloan MS. 3199, fol. 150. REIGN OF QUEEN MARY. 177 freindis thair, amply inftructit to mak thame declaratioun and report of our prefent ftait and procedings fen our laft wretting to you of Striveling. The event indeed is ftrange and utherwifs nor, we wait, ye wald have lukit for; bot as it is fuccedit we mon tak the beft of it, and fa, for our refpect, mon all that luffis us, of quhilk nowmer we have evir thoucht and yit dois fpecially efteme you. For we think to gif you na other oc cafion quhill we leave, and on your part we lippin for na alteratioun. Becaufs we are affurit that this is noucht your firft advertyfment, bot that ye are informit and hes hard generalie of the fucceffe and proceding of the mater, we will not be prolixt in wreting; and the rather byreafoun in our inftructioun to the bifchop of Dumblane we have maid full difcours of the verie trewth of the mater, and hes willit him, befoir he feke prefence or mak ony report of his meffaige, that he mak you previe and participant of his faid inftruetion, and follow your advyfe and counfell in the handil- ling thairof in all behalffes. Praying you thairfore erneftlie and effectu- uflie, — as ye have evir in tymes paft fchewin your diligence and integritie in the procuring and advancement of all maters that hes occurrit to our pleffour, commoditie, and commendatioun, als weill fen we have particu- larlie employit you in our affaires as of befoir only upoun the favour ye bare us, fa now in this caifs, being na lefs wechtie bot rather of gretar confequence nor ony mater that evir we had in hand, — that ye beftow your fludy, ingyne, and effectuall laubours in the ordering of this prefent meffaige, and in the perfuading thame to quhom it is direct to beleve that thing thairin quhilk is the very trewth, according as we have men- tionat the famyn finceirlie from the verie beginning in our faid inftruetion, a greit part of the circumftance quhairof is alfweill knawin to your felf as to ony man levand. The mater is fie as we wald wyfche it weill, and fua forbearis prefentlie to mix it with ony uther purpos, bot remitting to new occafioun and trufting and repofing our felf chiefly upoun your dex- teritie and faithfull traveU, quhairof we doubt not, committs you to God. At Edinburgh, the 27 day of May, 1567. Pojlfcript, in the Queen's own hand. Je vous prie le conduire et affifter a toutes fes ordiauces, et faire ce que z 178 ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE il vous fayra entandre nefcere pour mon fervice, car je lui ay donne charge de vous faire entandre ma volontay en toutes mes affayres, tant par deffa que par dela, et croyez le comme moy mefmes, Voftre bonne meftreffe et amye, Marie R. LETTER FROM BOTHWELL TO THE ARCHBISHOP OF GLASGOW, May 27, 1567.* My Lord, efter oure maift hertlie commendationes. The bifchop of Dunblane is prefentlie direct in thay parts be the queens majeftie that, be your avyfs, convoy, and affiftance, he may declair and mak difcours to the king, the Quein Moder, the cardinall of Lorraine, and utheris, hir freinds, of the mariage contractit and folemnizat betwixt hir hienes and us, and the verie occafiones quhilkes hes movit alfweill hir majeftie as us thairunto. The particularitie quhairof it wer fuperfleu for us to recite, knawing the fufliciency of the melfinger and the large inftruetionis that he hes in write, quhilk he is commandit not onlie to fchau you, bot in his proceding to do that quhilk ye fall fynd maift likly and agreeable in all behalffes. Now for our felf fum quhat mon we fpeik, althoucht breifly. We can not marvel indeid howbeit this meffaige and the brute that hes preventit it appere richt ftrange to you, namelie, for our part, quhairanent to be plane with you, as with him that is oure auld acquentence and quhais undefervit freindfchip and gude will we have fund in mony hard difficulteis, as materis hes fallin out, we traift na nobleman being in our ftate and caifs wald have left ony thing undone that we have attemptit. The place and promotioun trewly is greit, bot yit with Gods grace, now- thir it nor na uther accident fall evir be able to mak us forgett ony part of our dewitie to ony noble men or utheris our freindis, and cheiflie to you, quhome we have had gude occafioun alwayes to efteme with the firft of that nowmer. * From the Sloan MS. 3199, fol. 150, b. REIGN OF QUEEN MARY. 179 Hir majeftie mycht weill have mariit with men of gretar birth and efti- mation, bot we are weill affurit nevir ane mair affectionately inclynit to do hir honour and fervice, nor mair loving and weilwilling to you in all things that may gratefie you, or do you, or any of yours, avancement and pleffour, quhilk we wald wyfche to God we mycht declair be fum effect rather nor in wordes. Bot like as at this prefent we can ufe but the ane, fwa may ye be affurit of the uther as God fall prefent the com- moditie. To conclude with you, we think not neidfull to be mair prolix, bot erniftlie and effectuuflie will we defire and pray you to beftow and extend your will, ingyne, and labour, in the convoy and accomplifching of this meffaige, fa fer as poffible may be for the honour and contentation of the queens majeftie. The blame indeid we mon confefs and underlye in fa farr as fum things may appeire omittit in ceremonyes, counfal tak ing, as utherwyfe that of dewitie aucht to have bene done, yet the wife- dome and diligent cair of a faithfull fervand and freind is able to remove and fett by the force of mony greit accufationis, and gar the excufes be taken in gude part, quhilk we doubt not bot ye will at your poflibilitie. Further the bifchop of Dunblane will fchau you at lenth, quhome we pray you credit in that quhilk he fall fpeik in our behalf ; and fa com- mitts you to the protectioun of God. At Edinburgh, the 27 day of May, 1567. Your lordfchips luifing and affurit friend, James D. LETTER FROM QUEEN ELIZABETH TO QUEEN MARY, June 30, 1567.* Madame, our perplexite is fuch, both for your trooble and for the occa- fions therof, that we cannot fynd the old waye which we were accuftomed * From the Addit. MS. 4126, n. 7. 180 ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE to walk in by wrytyng to you with our own hand ; and yet therin we meane not you fhuld conceave ori our part any lack of our old frendfhipp, in any cafe that with our honour and reafon we may exprefs. Wherfor we have fent this beror, our very trufty fervant and confellor fir Nicholas Throk morton, knight, to underftand truly your ftate ; and theruppon to impart to you our meaning at more length than we cold to your ownefaythfull fervant Robert Melvyn, who, although he did, as we beleve, accordyng to the chardg gyven hym, ufe much earneft fpeche to move us to thynk well and allow of your doyngs, — yet, fuch is both the generall report of yow to the contrary, and the evidency of fondry your acts fence the deth of your late hufband, as we cold not be by hym fatiffyed to bur degre. Wherfor we require yow to gyve to this berar firm creditt in all thyngs as you wold gyve to ourfelves, and fo we end. From our howfe of Rych- mont, the laft day of June, 1567, the ix yere of our reign. LETTER FROM SIR NICHOLAS THROCKMORTON TO SIR WILLIAM CECIL, July 1, 1567.* Syr, — Thys day I have bene with my lord Keper, and have made hym pryvie to my hole dyfpatche. I fynd hys opinion to concurre with yours for the neceffary havyng of the prynce of Scottland, the fame beyng growndyd uppon grett reafon. Me thynkythe he dothe yn thys, as he dothe yn all other matters, confyder depely and advyfiydly ; and ther fore yt fhall be well don, howfomever hys healthe do not ferve hym to be amongft yow, [you] let not hys opinion be from amongft yow. Whylfle I was with hys lordfhip, Mr Randoll fent me a paquett from the northe ; wyche, uppon your order, I was fo bold to breake upp, and have perufyd as many letters as you fe unfealyd. In them all I note fpecially that the purfute of the murderers wyll not ftand with the quens lyberte ; for * From the Addit MS. 4126, n. 8. REIGN OF QUEEN MARY. 181 fhe doth impugne that manifeftly and eameftly ; fo as, me thynkythe, howfomever after juftice done fhe may be reftoryd to hyr lybertie, I fynd not that fhe ys lyke to be enlargid untyll the principalis and accef- faries be tryed and convicted. I myflyke, alfo, that the Hambletons have Dunbryton at theyr devocion ; fo do I Argyles beyng amongft hys Redfhanks. Let the queens majeftie take hede that fhe caufe not the devidyd factions taccord on wey or other, and every wey to hyr dyfad- vantage. Syr, ether the queen hath forgotton what fhe fayd to Melvyn, or he dyd myftake hyr, or the lords be more conforted then I fe caufe. I have bene with my lord and lady of Lenox, to whom I declaryd brefely hyr majefties honorable intent to procede with the queen of Scotts, with the lords, and with the prynce, refpecting the queens lyberty, the prynce and the lords favetie, and alfo the du execution of juftice ageynfl the murderers. I fownd them moche troblyd with wante of money, my lady wepte bytterly, my lord fyghed depely. Suerly her majeftie mufte neds have fome commyferation of them, and namely for hyr owne fervyce. He ys, as you fhall perceave by Granges letter, defyerid yn Scotland. Thys afternon my lord Treafurer hathe gevyne me order to receave my money. To morrow, God wyllyng, I wyll fett forward and take the Frenche embaffador yn my way, to fe hys cowntenance, and to here what he fayethe. I do meyne to let him know that my fpeciall arand ys to procure the queens lybertye, and not to towche any other thyng. Thus I do humbly take my leave of you. At my houfe at Lon don, thys evening, the firfle of July. Yours to ufe and commande, To the right honorable fir William Cecil, knight, on of the quenes majefties cownfeil, hyr highnes principall Secretary. 182 ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE LETTER FROM SECRETARY MAITLAND TO SIR WILLIAM CECIL, July 1, 1567.* Sir, Having conferred with Mr Mailvell fence his returne, I perceave as well the continewance off your conftant frendfhip towardis me in particu lar, as gour allowance of this comon quarrell interpryfed by a good nombre of our noblemen for recovery of the honor of this country, almoft loft for that fhamefuU murther in the fam comitted and not punifhed ; for which your good difpofition I prayfe God, and do moft hartly thank yow. I do alfo onderftand by his report that the queens majefty, your miftres, is moft gently inclined to allow of the juftice of our caus, and by her countenance to advance the fame ; which doing I am fure her majefty fall never have occafion to repent herfelff. For as the mater is in the felff godly and worthy to be well taken of all Chriftian princes, fo I truft her majefty fhall fynd herafter thefe noblemen not onmyndfull off that comfort, whatfoever they fhall receave at her highnes hands to the fur therance thereoff. The minifters of thofe foreign princes, for whofe favour we leaft looked, as having no fuche particular intereft in the caus as the queen your miftres hath, have faid ynough in it to thofe have travayled with them ; and in conference with fome noblemen have made veary great and honeft offers, which no man wold have thought lit to be reffufid if fome, looking more narowly to the confequence than the reft, had not feared that under the fayre outward fhewe there were hyd fome- thing prejudiciall to thintelligence hath continewed betwix thefe two na tions fence the mater off Leyth, which is not yet paft the remembrance off fome off us. I will not deny but fome be heere of that opinion, and I ^amongft others, that it is veary convenient that we keepe France in hand in fuch forte that we do nothing whereby they may take juft offence againft us, or thinke that we have altogeather caften them of ; for fo do- * From the Addit. MS. 4126, n. 9. REIGN OF QUEEN MARY. 183 ing we may procure an onneceffary and onprofitable inimety. Yet I dare well ondertake, onles we fynd more coldnefs with yow then for myn own part I will ever fufpect, yow fhall fynd this nobility alwayes addicted to lyke beft of your amity, and for your fake neglect offers which myt feame proffitable and advantageoufe to many in particular. Lhave, althogh one of the meaneft yet having fome credit with the beft part of the whole ftate, off a long tyme bene a procurer of the union of this Ile in on mynd, wheather for myne owne private refpect or for publick I leave to your jugment. I fhall never weary till yow uterly reject us, which I truft fhall never happen in* my tyme. I have, for my particular, no caufe to miflyke off France, for they have done me more honour than many of my coun trey of greater degre, and fome will perhaps fay more then to any ; yet for that publick refpect which is paft for my part I lhall never put yow and them in equal balance, and fo I am to fynd this whole fellowfhip conformable to the fame. So that neyther they will trail France nor other nation fo moche as yow, be it in comon frendfhip or be it for the fure cuftody of our prince, if at any tyme we wold put him out of our owne hands. If any come here from the queens majefty he will on- derftand more to this effect off themfelffes, as alfo of all other purpoffes tending to your fovereygnes contentation. For our caufe I take it to be, by Gods help, in good fuerty, fo that within the realme we feare no party 'onlefs they be fet out by the queens fubflance, or by foreign fupport by money. We have, to prevent that danger, leveyed fome companies of harqueboufiers by comen contribution, the enterteyning whereof will be the greateft difficulty we will have in our whole caufe. I pray you we may, for the relieff of the noblemen who are willing aneugh according to theyr ability, fynd fome comfort at the queens majefties handes off money, which being accorded the game, I dout nothing, is wonne. Mary, whatfoever it fhall pleafe her majefty to grant, being les and fo- deynly conveyed hyther, fhall do more proffit then a greate deale more may do hereafter if it be long a comyng. I wold be fory we fhold be conftrayned to receave comfort at the hands of any other, which yet we muft neades do if we be refufed of yow. My next requeft is, that, if the queens majefty will not condefcend to fupport thefe noblemen, as I can- 184 ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE not fufpeet but fhe will, I may fynd that frendfhip with yow that I may be with diligence advertiffed ; to thende they who upon my woorde will fomewhat depend upon it may take another courfs to provide other meanes, for I wold be forry to fruftrate them long. On the other part I defyre not that any thing come to any man his private ufe, but onely to a publick, for furthfetting of this caufe. I pray yow, that I may have anfwer of this lettre with fpeede ; and that I may alwayes remayne in your gude grace, and fo, after my moft harty commendations, I take my leave. From Edinburgh, the firft off July, at nyt. Yours, at commandement, [ 3 To the ryght honorable fir William Cecill, knyght, principall Secre tary to queens majefty of Eng land. LETTER FROM SIR HENRY NORREYS TO QUEEN ELIZABETH, July 2, 1567.* Yt may like your moft excellent majeftie to be advertized that, inconti nent upon worde brought hether of the quene of Scottis takinge, which came hether the 25 of June, the earle of Murrey was prefently fent for hether ; who is now at Parys, and hathe bine and is continually plyid withe fayre words and great promiffes, yf he will ftande at the devocion of the Frenche touchinge the helpinge hether the prince and his mother; whom, the kinge hathe feyd, it fhall coft him dere but that he will have them bothe hether into France. Ther hathe bine the cardinall of Burbon, the • From the Addit. MS. 4126, n. 12. REIGN OF QUEEN MARY. 185 Conftable, and Bandelot with the kinge and his mother, to urge them to leave no means unattempted to bringe this enterprice to good effecte; and thinkinge the foner to doo yt by my lord of Murreis good helpe they have not only profferyd to offer him the Order, but alfo great giftis of lands and lyving. To which ende, I underftande, younge Villeroy is gone into Scotlande to offer them of the Spiritualty fpirituall promocions and honors, and to the temporall lords foche temporall preferments and honors as he thinkithe he may beft wine them that be now the chefeft of the contrey and in moft autoryte. My lord of Murrey dothe intend fhortly to make his repayre home ; but firft will difpatche one thether, who fhall paffe by your majeftis coorte; by him, I dowt not, but the feyd earle will advertife yow what hys deter- minacion and proceedings ys. This kynge hathe made a convocation of his nobles, as well fpirituall as temporall ; whereof fome hathe exchufed themfelfs to comme, as the Ad mirall, and fome other proteftants ; who think not good to be altogether at the coorte ; wherfor fome kepe always abrode I underftode that ther ys a brute throughe the coorte that the quene of Scottes fhulde be flaine, wherof I think your majefty is fully by this in- formyd of the truth, whiche is occafion to make them all fore trublid, as [it] apperith they are. I havynge no other newis to advertife your majefty, but that all things here are like to be very trublefum, havynge not only ther brother-in-lawe fufpect, of whom they ftand in great awe, but alfo in miche feare of their owne contrymen Proteftants, fo thatwyfeft of them are at ther witts ende what is beft to be done From Poyfey, this 2 of July, 1567, By your mayeftis moft humble and obedyent fervaunt, To the quenis moft excellent majefty. A a 186 ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE LETTER FROM SIR NICHOLAS THROCKMORTON TO SIR WILLIAM CECIL, July 2, 1567.* Sir, According as I did wryte unto yow yefterdaye, I paffed by the French ambaffadour this daye, whom I founde at cardes with mounfieur De Villeroye. He moved unto me, that yt might pleafe the quenes majeftie, that her mynifter might concurre with fuch one as the Frenche kinge fhould fende into Scotlande to procure the quenes libertie ; for that is thonelie marke I perceyve theye fhoote at. And by howe muche they defire that matter to proceede firft without anie other condycions, by fo muche the more me thinkethe her majeftie ought to qualifie her affectyon to bringe that to effecte, untill juftice be done of the offenders, and furetye pro- vyded for the lordes ; with fuche other things as flial be agreable to the quenes majefties purpoofe. I fynde theye take yt yll that mounfieur De Villeroye was denyed audyence. Me thought by fome words that the ambaffador let flyppe, eyther monfieur De Crocke weere lyke enought to be flayed in Scotland appon my goinge, or he is lyke enowghe to be retorned thether agayne apon his arryvall at London. I fhewed them that the quenes majeftie did fend me into Scotland to counforte the queen in this her calamytye and to procure her libyertie, which her majeftie did take for to great an indignytie to be fhewed to a queen by her fubjectes. I faid that I lowked for no better acceptation than monfieur De Ville roye had amongft the lords, and to be denyed to have acceffe to the quene. They femed to make no dowbte of libertye to be geven unto me to fpeake with her, I fhewed them that, in cafe they would refufe me to have aceeffe* I mynded to addreffe myfelfe to the Hambletons, and that partie which mynded to fet theire foveraigne at libertie, as the thing that the quene, my miftris, chefflye faught, thoughe her majeftie could well al- * From the Addit. MS. 4126, n. 11. REIGN OF QUEEN MARY. 187 lowe that juftice fhould be donne of the murderers. Thys muche I have thought meete to advertize yow, to thende her majeftie and yow may ufe the like fpeeche unto them to morowe at their audyence, yf yt fo ftand with her majefties pleafur and your lykynge ; for I thought not good to appeare anie other man unto the Frenche, or that her ma jeftie had anie other defygnemente. There paffed a pakette by the waye this aftemoune which I did not fee ; and therfore it maye pleafe yow by your next to let me knowe what is chaunced in Scotland fince the xxvijth of the laft, which weere the lettres that I fent yow yefterdaye. Thus I do humblye take my leave of yow. At Ware, this feconde of July, 1567. Yours to ufe and commaunde, [ J To the right honorable fir William Cecill, knight, one of her majefties privie counfell and pryncypall Se- cretorye. LETTER FROM THE EARL OF MURRAY TO SIR WILLIAM CECILL, July 2, 1567.* My Lord, efter my maift hartlie recommendatioun. I haif tain occatioun to fend this berer, my fervitour, into England, for fie cawfes as he will declair unto gowr lordfhip at lenth : to quhom it will pleis gour lordfhip gif credit. Upon this refpec, I will not wrett unto gour lordfhip at fie lenth as I wald haif done utherways. I beleif always that gour lordfhip will put to gour helpin hand quhen occackmn offers, as ge haif done at other tymes afoir; and thus comits gour lordfhip to the proteetioun of * From the Addit. MS. 4126, n. 10. 188 ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE God ; with my hartlie recomandations unto gour lordfhips wyf. Of Paris, this fecund of July, Be gour lordlhips at all pouer, [ To the richt vorchepfwll fir Villem Sifill, kneycht, fecretarie to the quenis majefte of Ingland. LETTER FROM SIR NICHOLAS THROCKMORTON TO SIR WILLIAM CECIL, July 3, 1567.* Sir, I mett with this pacquet at Stylton. Emongft other the occurrants which you fhall perceave by Mr Marifchalls letter, me thinketh I fynde fome contrarietye concerninge the lord Ceyton, but I praye God the laft advertifment of him, and other the lords partycularlye namyd, be true. I doo marveill that Boyd and Fleminge have chaingyd theyr tackle ; but I percieave they canne do lyke coninge maryners, fayle with all poynts of the wynde. I am lyke to mete monfieur Le Croq by the waye. Sir, me thinketh yt fhulde ferve to good pourpofe to brynge your deffeigments to paffe, that my lorde of Bedforde, the lorde Scroupe, and fir John Fof ter, might be wyllyd to make generall mufters in theyr wardenrys, and to gyve warninge that as well horfemen as footemen fhulde be readye upon a dayes warninge to doo as theyre governors fhulde comaunde them ; not naminge any enterprice nor part takynge of any fide. Herby the Ham- meltons wolde be afrayd, and fo become calme ; hereby the lords wolde yelde to better conditions; hereby Bodwells favorers wyll faule from him and be afrayd, and the quene of Scotts wolde become more conformable; and this is a matter of no charge. Thus havinge no other matter mete * From the Addit. MS. 4126, n. 13. REIGN OF QUEEN MARY. 189 to trowble yow, I doo humbly take my leave of you. From Stylton, the thyrde of Julye, 1567. Yours to ufe and comande, [ ] To the right honorable fir William Cecill, knight, on of hir majef ties preve counfeil and hir high nes principal Secretary. LETTER FROM THE EARL OF MORTON TO SIR JOHN FORSTER, July 6, 1567.* My Lord, after my hartye comendatioun. I wrait laitlie unto your lord fhip with my fervand, Baird Turnebull, to lat yow underftand our proced- ingis heir, and willit your lordfhip to wryte to my lord Scrupe to Hope the mafter of Maxwell unjoyned with our adverfarys, whiche I underftand may eafelye be done; for I beleve himfelf be not earneft in our contrar, nor yet the countrey willing to ferve agaynft us. Therfoir gour wryting to my lord Scrupe micht doo us pleafur, yf he wryte according to your defyer, and no difavantage but honour to hymfelf, as wil be knowin here after. But as ever it be, we are provydid for the worfle, and caris not at thofe that wil be our unfreindes, God being our freind. The bearer hereof, tweching your owne particularis, can declayr the manner therof. I have fome merlgeons to fend gow, but be reffon of the waiknes of ther fedders wer not able to be careit at this prefent. Yf any commes from gow fhortlie lat me be advertefit of your mynd at more lentche nor ye have done, and from tyme to tyme ge fhall know myne in lyk maner.. • From the Addit. MS. 4126, n. 14. 190 ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE And fo for the prefent, taking my leave, I comit your lordfhip to God. From Edinburghe, the fext day of July* 1567- Your lordfhips affured freind, [ ] Lat me be advertefit yf my lord Scrupe wrytes to the mafter of Max well and of his anfwer. To my vearye good freind fir Johne Fofter, lord wardane of the myd- dill marches of England. LETTER FROM SIR NICHOLAS THROCKMORTON TO SIR WILLIAM CECILL, July 7, 1567.* Sir, at Newcaftle I met with thys pacquet, wherby I perceyve matters frame better with the lordes than yt dyd appeare by the laft. I gather, by that Killwynninge would wynne tyme, he is in fome hoope and expecta tion to have fome thynge furthe of France to his contentation. There fore, fir, whatfoever fhall be thought meete to be brought to paffe for her majefties purpoofe, and for the benefyte of the realme, I praye yow let yt be donne fpedelye, and keape not matters longe in fufpence with delayes. I know I neede not wryte thys to yow for yourfelfe, but to yow for others. The reft I refer yow to underftande by the difpatche, and fo I humblye take my leave of yow. At Newcaftle, thys 7 of July, 1567. Yours to comaunde, [ ] • From the Addit. MS. 4126, n. 15. REIGN OF QUEEN MARY. 191 It comethe yll to paffe for my purpoofe that the lard of Lyddyngton is not at Edenboroughe, and therefore yt wyll be the longer er I goe from Barwicke, for I thynke yt not good to confer with the lordes in hys ab- fence. To the right honorable fir Wylliam Cecyll, knight, one of her ma jefties preve counfayle, andpryn- cipall Secretorye, geve theys. LETTER FROM MAITLAND OF LETHINGTON TO SIR NICHOLAS THROCKMORTON, July 8, 1567.* Sir, By your lettre, which this bearar hath delivered onto me, I have onderftand how fordward yow are on your jornay hytherwardes ; wheroff I am glade, being moft affured no minifter could have ben imployed in this meffage fo affectionat to ws as yow ar. And fo not douting but the fucces thereoff fhall worke fome good to the caus we have in hand, according to your defyre I intend to mete yow nygh Coldingham on Fri day, and to leade yow that nyt to Faftcaftle, my lord Hwme his hous ; wheare althogh yow can have no good cheare, yet, I dare well affure yow, yow fhall be welcome. The next day yow may be eafily conveyed to Edinburgh. I remit all other things to meating, and fo I wifhe yow to farewell. From [ ] this viij* of July, 1567- Yours alwayes at comandement, [ ] I pray gow take the panes to direct this other pacquet to France, quharin ther ar lettres to my lord of Murrey, with the greateft dili gence that may be. * From the Addit. MS. 4126, n. 17. 192 ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE LETTER FROM MR HENEAGE TO SIR WILLIAM CECIL, July 8, 1567.* Sir, This afternoone ther cam one owt of France from therle of Murrey ; with whome after the queen had talked an howre, fhe called me, and commanded me that I fhold imedyatelye goe to yow and tell yow that therle had fent a meffenger with letters to the queen of Scotland, ftraytly charging him that he fhold delyver them only to her own handes, and that by no meanes that the lordes fhold fee them ; telling him that he dyd not a lytle myflyke that they wear fo far overfhotte as to keepe ther miftris in durans, and that he wold be her true fervant in all fortunes. And the queen badde me fay unto yow that her pleafure was that with all haift yow fhold wryte a lettre to the queen hir fifter, which fhe wold fette her hand to ; not meaning to wryte with her own hand unto her bi- caufe fhe had not ufed her well and faithfully in thefe broken maters that be paft. Theffecte of the lettre fhold be that, whereas fhe under- flood that the caufes fhe charged therle of Murrey withall wear three, firft, that he fhold very dyffamedly fpeake of her, bothe for the death of her hufband and otherwife, the next, that he fholde deale with the queen heare for the fecret conveying of the prince her fone hether, and the third, that he fhold be a confederate with the lords to depofe her, her ma jefty coold not now in her fitters mifery but let her underftand of the trothe ; which was, that therle nether ever fpake dyfhonorable woord of her, ne ther delt any way hear for the conveyinge of her foonne, and was fo far from the confent of any confederafy agaynft her as fhe was certenly per- fwaded that their was not fo honorable and true a fervant to her in Scot land. After that fhe had thus difpatched me, comanding me in great haift to go to yow and returne hearwithall that fhe might difpatche this meffenger away with all fpeed, fhe bade me looke who yow had left hear to wayte ; and when I had told her Hampton and Somers, fhe bad me calle Hampton unto her or Somers, and fo fynding Somers in your chamber, * From the Addit. MS. 4126, n. 16. REIGN OF QUEEN MARY. 193 I called him unto her, with whom fhe dealte a good while, telling me that I fhoold not need to take the payne. Yet, confidering the true good will I beare yow, as yow have bownde me, I cannot chufe but wryte thus mooche unto yow ; leaving the reft to your judgement and my frendfhip ever faythfully youres. From the Courte, haftely, this viijth of Julye, 1567- " AU ever at your comandment, [ ] Sins, I underftand Mr Somers is fent to London, and I geffe to yow, yet it is but my mans paynes to fhewe yow that I thinke myfelfe bound ever to tell yow. To the right honorable fir Wil liam Cecill, knight, principall Secretary. LETTER FROM SIR NICHOLAS THROCKMORTON TO SIR WILLIAM CECIL, July 9, 1567.* Sir, At lengthe with muche adoo I ame arryvyd at Barwicke, and here with doo fende yow the lorde of Ledingtons letter for anfwer to myne, wher of I dyd advertife yow by my former lettres. How things doo ftande in Scotlande I doo referre yow to Mr Marefchalls lettres, datyd this daye, which I mett within fowr myles of Barwick, and wolde not flaye them becaufe of the pacquet fent to my lorde of Murrey, which ys reaquyryd earneftlye to be conveyed to him with fpede. You fhall alfo perceave by a letter of James Melvins, fent yow by Mr Marfchall, how the lorde of Ledington hathe fpedde with the earle of Argyle, and of fomme other * From the Addit. MS. 4126, n. 18. 194 ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE particularities. Thus I doo humbly take my leave of yow. From Bar- wyck, the ixth of Julye, 1567- •Sir, I- have had fome conference with fir John Fofter, and do fynde by him the ftate of the borders very tickle. I have alfo wrytten to my lorde Scrope my opinion how he fhall deale with the lorde Harrys, and what language he fhall ufe unto him, to compaffe things the better to the quenes majefties pourpofe. To the right honorable fir Wylliam Cecyll, knight, one of her majef ties Privie Counfell and pryncy- pall Secretorye, geve theys. Yours to ufe and comand, [ 1 " ORDER OF THE LORDS AGAINST THE QUEEN ; FOR CUNgING HER PLATE," July 10, 1567.* The lordis, underftanding that their is fum filver work of the quenis ma jefties in the handis of her Frenfche officiaris, quhilks necefferlie mon be cungeit, alfweill for outredding of fum fowmes of money award to the faids Frenfchmen, as furthfettang of uther hir hienes fervice, and in fpeciall. in the handis of Gervais de Condy, vallet of chambre, ane nef of filver our gilt, twa' coupis wyth thair coveris burgilt, ane affay ourgilt, twa flafkettis ourgiltj twa great1 coupis ourgilt, ane calice, ane platine ourgilt, ane bell ourgilt, twa pefees ourgilt, ane croce ourgilt in the bordis, twa chopinettis ourgilt in the bordis, twa "greit bafiiris ourgilt in the bordis, fex goblettis and ane covering arid twa feit of coppis, extending to thre fcore fourteine markis, Thairfor' ordanis, commaridis, and chargeisthe faid * From the Sloan MS. 3199, fol. 157. REIGN OF -QUE.E.N. MARY. 195 liver the pecis of filver work above fpecifiet, being in his handis, to Jhone Achefoun, hir majefteis maifter cungeour, to be cungeit be him to the effect ab6ve mentionat. Subfcrivit at Edinburgh, the tent day of July, the geir of God ane thoufand, fyve hondreth, three fcoir, fevin geirs. Atholl. Mortun. Cragmiller. Sir Jas. Balfur. Jo. Thesaue. LETTER FROM SIR NICHOLAS THROCKMORTON TO SIR WILLIAM CECIL, July 11, 1567.* Sir, Your lettre of the fixth Julye I receyved the tenth at Barwyke. I am forreye to fee that the quenes majefties difpofytion altrethe not to wardes the lordes ; for when all is doune, yt is they which muft flaride her in more lleede than the queen her coufen, and will be better inftru- mentes to worke fome benefyte and quyetnes to her majeftie and her realme than the queen of Scotlande, which is voyde of good favour. This daye I take my journeye towardes the Fauxcaftle, and am accom- panyed with Mr Marfhall and 200 horfes to the bounderoode, where the deputy wardens to the lorde Hume, well accompanyed, doe receyve me, and fo doe conveye me to my lodgynge, where I lowke to meete with the lorde Hume and the laird of Lyddyngton by theyre owne appoyntemente. Sir, I praye yow by your nexte geve Mr Marfhall thankes for my good ufage here, which is verye frendlye, and I praye yow let.hym knowe fome confirrnacion from yow and others of the queens majefties Counfell. of her majefties good acceptation of hys fervyce and dylygence in this office.; for in myne opynyon he is well advyfed, paynefull, and very dylygent. I thanke yow for the good newes of my lord Stewardes amendemente. * From the Addit. MS. 4126, No. 19. 196 ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE Sir, I doe well perceyve that the borders doe begyn to grow far owt of order, for even now at my beinge in theys partyes fpoyles and theftes be comytted by the Scotts. So as it feemethe unto me, by the maner of yt, the worlde wyll grow broken yf yt be not wyflye prevented ; and, as far as I can perceyve, it is not in the power of the wardens of Eng lande to remedye the matters without fome hazard of bretche of peax. The beft waye ys to procure the lordes of Edenboroughe, at whofe devo tion theys pryckers be, to reteyne the heade men and theyre followers in good order, or elfe peradventure it may prove a more coftlye matter than the fatiffying of the lordes in theyre demandes. Thus I humbly take my leave of yow. At Barwyck, this xjth of Julye, 1567. * Yours to ufe and comaunde ; [ ] To the right honorable fir Wylliam Cecill, knight, one of her majefties Preve Counfell and pryncypall Se- cretorye. LETTER FROM THE EARL OF ARGYLE TO SIR NICHOLAS THROKMORTON, July 11, 1567.* My Lord, after my vere hartie comendacions. Heringe of your lord fhips arryvall to this countre I could do no leffe nor to fend my fpeciall fervant with my mynd to your lordfhip, to know the eftate of matters as your honour thinks moft expedient to communicate with hym. For the good will that I know that your lordfhip doth beare to this countrie, and myne acquaintance with you, makes me more homelye to wryte to your honour, and what plefure I may do to your lordfhip in this countrie I pray you to let me underftand, and it fhal be at comaund. Further, I will not • From the Addit. MS. 4126, n. 20. REIGN OF QUEEN MARY. 197 troble your honour with longer lettre, but comitt your lordfhip to Al mightie God. From Caftell Campbell, this xj of July, 1567. Your lordfhips affured frind, [ ] LETTER FROM SIR NICHOLAS THROKMORTON TO SIR WILLIAM CECIL July 12, 1567.* Sir, As yow might perceave by my lettres of the xj of July, I lodgyd at Fafcaftle that night, accompanyd with the lorde Hume, the lord of Le dington and James Melvin ; wher I was intretyd very well accordinge to the ftate of the place, which is fitter to lodge prifoners then folks at ly- bertye, as yt is very little fo yt is very ftronge. By the conference I have had with the lorde of Ledington I do fynde the lords his affociats and he hathe left nothing unthought of which maye be eyther to their daynger or worke them fuertye ; wherein they doo not forgett what good and harme^ Frawnce may doo them, and lykewife they confyder the fame of England. But as farre as I canne perceave, to be playne with yow, they fynde more peryll to growe unto them throwgh the quenes majefties dealynge then eyther they doo by the Frenche or by any contraye faction emongft them- felffs, for they affuer themfelffs the quene wyll leave them in the bryars yf they runne hyr fortune. And thowghe they do acknowledge greate benefit, as well to them as to the realme of Englande, by hyr majefties doings at Lethe, wherof they faye mutuallye hir majeftie and bothe the realmes have receaved great fruit, yet, upon other accidents which have chawncyd Athens, they have obfervyd fuche things in her majefties doings as have tendyd to the dainger of fuche as fhe hath dealt withall to the overthrowe of your owne deffeigments, and lyttle to the fuertye of any partye, and upon thefe confiderations and difcourfes at lengthe, me think eth, I fynd a difpofition in them, that eyther they mynde to make their * From the Addit. MS. 4126, n. 21. 198 ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE bargine with Frawnce, or els to deale neyther with France nor yowe; but to doo what they fhall thinke mete for theyr ftate and fuertye and to ufe theyr remedyes as occafion fhall move them, meaninge neyther to irritate Frawnce nor Englande untyll fuche tyme as they have made theyr bargin affurydlye with on of yowe, for they thinke yt convenyent to proceade with you bothe for a whyle " pari paffu," for that was my lorde of Le- dingtons terme. I doo perceave they take the matter very unkindlye that no better anfwer ys made to the lettre which the lordes did fende to hyr majefte, and lykewife that they here nothinge from you to theyr fatif faction. I have anfweryd as well as I canne, and have alledgyd theyr owne proceadings fo obfcuerlye with the quene and theyr uncertentye hath qccafionyd' this that is yet happenyd ; and therfpre hyr majeftie hathe! fent me to thende I may enforme hyr throwghlye of the ftate of the matter, " and upon the declaration of theyr myndes .and intents to fuch purpofes as fhall be by me propofyd on hyr majefties behalfe unto them, they fhall be reafonablye and reafolutelye anfweryd. At thefe thinges the lorde of Ledington fmyled and fhoke hys head, and fayd, " yt were better for us you wolde let us alone then neyther to do us nor yourfelffs good, as I feare me in the end yt will prove." Sir, yf there be any trothe in Ledington, La Crocq ys gonne to pro- cuer Ramboillet hys cominge hither, or a man of lyke qualitie, and to de- lyver them of theyr quene for ever, who lhall leade hyr lyef in Frawnce, in an abbey reclufyd ; the prince at the Frenche devotion ; the realme governyd by a cownceil of theyr election as the Scottifhe nation ; the forts commyttyd to the cuftodye of fuche as fhall be chofen emongft them- felffs. As yet I fynde no great lykelihode that I fhall have acceffe to the quene; yt is objectyd they maye not fo difpleafe the Frenche kinge un- leffe'they were fuer to fynde the quene of Englande a good frynd; and when they have ones by my acceffe to the quene offendyd the Frenche, then, they faye, you wyll make your proffet therof to theyr undoinge. And as to the quenes libertye, which was the firft head that I propofyd, they fayd that therby they dyd perceave that the quene ment theyr un doinge, for as for the reft of the matters yt was but follye to talke of them, the lybertye goinge before, " but," fayd they, " yf yowe wyll doo REIGN OF QUEEN MARY. 199 us no gPod, do us no harme, and we wyll provyde for.our,felflk" Tn the enlfle they* fayde we fhulde reafufe our owne comoditie before they con cludyd 'With any' other, which I fhulde here of at my cominge to Eden burghe.- By my next I hope to fend yow the bande concludyd by the Hairibletoris, Argyle, Huritlye, and that faction, not fo muche to the pre judice of the lords at Edenburgh as that which was fent into Frawnce. Thus havinge no more leyfure, but compelled to leap on horfe backe with thefe lords to goo to Edinburghe, I humblye take my leave of yowe. From ;Fafcaftle, the xij th of Julye, 1 567. Yours to ufe and comande, [ ] To the right honorable fir WiUiam % "Ceeyll;' knight, one' of 'Kef majef ties Prive CoUnfell arid' priricipall Secretorye. LETTER FROM THE ARCHBISHOP OF ST ANDREWS AND THE ABBOT OF ARBROATH TO SIR NICHOLAS THROCKMORTON, July 12, 1567.* Right honorable, efter maift hartye comendacions. Heringe of your cominge in this realme, as we underftand, dyrected from the quenies majeftie of England for releve of our foveraigne, wee thought gude to certefie you of the good mynde of the gretteft and maift parte of her no- bylytie altogether to employe themfelves as gudde fubjectes for her highnes relieve. And that your wifdpme fhould not thinke ftraunge of our longe delaye, yt proceeds of no lacke of gud will but for efchew- ing of gretter inconvenyences ; for wee are verye laith to enter into blude arriengs our felfes, gyv her majefties lybertie may otherwaies be honeft' and reasonable condycions, which we have cravit and luks efter at • From the Addit. MS. 4126, n. 22. 200 ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE theire hands, wyllinge na waies the hurt of the noblemen detenars of her graces perfon maire than our awne, but is alwaies delyberate to procure theire fecurytie as gyf our felves, whilk God forbid, weere fallen in lyke cace. And gyf they refufe the famin, wee doubt nought of the gud fa vour and affiftance of the quenes majeftie your miftris, as becomis her grace, na les of tendernes of blude nor of her princelie honour for man- teynaunce of her lyke eftate. And heirefore [we requeft] yow, in our maift effectuus maner, to graunt us that favour, that gyf by your gud pleafur, that we may knaw ane part of your foveraines mynde in that behalfe. As concerning the poniffh- ment of the fklaunderous murther comytted in the perfon of the hufband of our foveraigne, and the fure perfervation of our natyve prince, her fonne, ther fal non in this realme be maire willinge to affift theireto nor wee, which fhalbe notorlie knawen as occafion fhall ferve. Not willinge to trouble your honour with longe wrytinge, wee hartelie defire yow to credyt this bearer in the premiffes. Thus comytts you to the protectyon of the Eternall. At Hamilton, the xijth daye of Julie, 1567- Your luffing friends to comaund, St Andrews. Arbrothe. To the right honorable fir Nycholas Throckmorton, ambaffadour to the queens majeftie of Ingland. 12th Julye, 1567- The copye of the bifchop of St Andrews and lord of Arbrothes lettre to the ambaffador. LETTER FROM MR JENYE TO SIR WILLIAM CECIL, July 13, 1567.* It maie pleafe yow, right honorable fir, that my lorde of Murraye, fynd- ing hymfelffe in fome difcontentmente by his longe delayes of the Frenche kinge, as alfo in hazerd of deteynynge by force, befide fome perell of his * From the Addit. MS. 4126, No. 23. REIGN OF QUEEN MARY. 201 perfon by fuche as have grutcht muche his affection towardes Englond, requyred my lorde my mafter to aflift him by fome policye to efcape fe- cretlie owt of Fraunce. Wherupon I was depeched towardes Deepe to ftaie fome Englifhe barke under fome colour, for my lord of Murraie will paffe in no Frencheman, and if I found not an Englifhman there to haft over thether to Rye to provide hym with all diligence ; where I am arrived this afternowne at foure of the clocke, and meanes as fowne as tide and wynde ferves, God willinge, to repaire towardes Depe againe, where a meffenger attendes my arrivall to give knowledge to my lord of Murraie at the court, wherebie he may, under an affurance of his veffell, determyne and adventure his purpofe. The prince of Condye fodaine departure from the courte bothe with muche difficultie and muche myfcontentment, as alfo other emulacion in courte and differences other where, which promyfeth fome newe garboyle in one partieuler of the myftrufle my lorde of Murraye haith of hymfelffe, befide other caufs with the reft, which I have by word of mouthe to ad vertife your honour of at my arivall with yow, which fhal be, God willinge fo, fowne as I have landed my lord of Murraye, in what part of Englande fo ever it be. Thus in haft I humblie take my leave of your honour. From Rye, this xiij of Julie, Your honours humblie bounden, [ ] To the right honorable fir. William Scicill, knight, principall Secreto- rie to the quenes majeftie, and one of her highnes mofthonorable Pri* vie Counfaile, c c 202 ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE LETTER FROM QUEEN ELIZABETH TO SIR NICHOLAS THROCKMORTON, July 14, 1567.* BY THE QUEENE. Trusty and welbeloved, we greete you well. Though we thinke that the caufes there will often change upon varyetie of accidents, yet this we think for fundry refpects not amiffe ; that, as yow fhall deale with the lordes having charge of the yong prince for the committing of him into our realme, fo fhall yow alfo do well in treaty with the queene to offer her, that, where her realme appeerith to be fubject to fundry troobles from tyme to tyme, and therby, as it is manifeft, her fone cannot be free from perill, yf fhe fhall be contented her fone may enjoy fuerty and quiet- nes within this our realme, being fo neere as he knowith it is, we fhall not faile but yeld to her as good favety therin for her childe as can be devifed for any that might be our childe born of our own body, and fhal be glad to fhew to her therin the trew effect of naturall frendlhippe. And herin fhe may be by yow remembrid how muche good may enfew to her fone to be noorifhed and acquainted with our contree. And therfore, all things confiderid, this occafion for her childe wer rather to be fought by her and the freends of hym then offrid by us. And to this ende we meane that yow fhall fo deale with her, both to flay her in deede from enclyning to the Frenche practife, which is to us notoryous, to convey the prince into France, and alfo to avoyde any juft offence that fhe might heerafter conceive if fhe fhulde heere that we fhuld deale with the lordes for the prince. Minute, 14 July, 1567- To fir Nicholas Throkmorton, being in Scotland. * From the Addit. MS. 4126, No. 27. REIGN OF QUEEN MARY. 203 LETTER FROM SIR NICHOLAS THROKMORTON TO QUEEN ELIZABETH, July 14, 1567.* It maye pleafe your majeftie to be advertized ; I did fignifye to Mr Se- cretorye, by my lettres of the 11 and 12 of Julye, the daye of myne entrye into Scotlande, the caufes of my flaye, my lodgynge at Fafcaftle, a place of the lord Humes, where I was met by the faide lord and the laird of Lyddyngton, and what had paffed in conference betwixt us whileft I was at the faid Fafcaftle. Synce which tyme, accompanyed with the lordes afforefaid, and with 400 horfes by theyre appoyntemente for my better conduct, I cam to Edenboroughe the 12 of this prefent. The 13, beinge Soundaye, appoynted for a folempne comunyon in thys towne, and alfo a folempne faft being publyffhed, I could not have conference with the lordes which be affembled within thys towne, as I defyred ; that is to faye, the earles of Athell and Moreton, the lorde Hume and the larde of Lyddyngton, fir James Bawfor capytayne of the caftle, Mr James Magyll and the prefydent of the Seffyon. Nevertheles, I made meanes by the lard of Lyddyngton that theye woulde ufe no protraete of tyme in myne audyence, fo I dyd lykewyfe to the earle Moreton, whom I met by chaunce. I was aunfwered by them bothe that, albeyt the daye weere deftyned to facred exercyfes, fuche as weere there of the Counfell woulde confulte uppon my mocyon touchynge myne acceffe unto them and my conference with them, and fayd alfo that in thafternoune eyther they woulde come to me, or I fhoulde heare from them. About 4 of the cloke in thafternoune, the faid 13 daye, the laird of Lyddyngton cam to my lodginge and declared unto me, on the behalfe of the lordes and others, that they requyred me to have pacyence thoughe they had dyfferred my conference with them, which was grownded pryncy- pallye upon thabfence of the earles of Mar and Glenkerne, the lordes Symple, Kreyghton, and others of the Counfell ; fayinge alfo that they dyd • From the Addit. MS. 4126, No. 26. 204 ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE confyder the matters which I was on your majefties behalfe to treate with them of weere of [fo] great importaunce as that they coulde not falfelye nor convenyentlye treate with me nor geve me aunfwer without thadvyce of the lordes and others theyre affocyates. The laird of Lyddington alfo fayd unto me, that, where he perceyvedby hys pryvat conference with me in my journeye hetherwardes, that I preffed greatlye to have fpedye acceffe to the queen theyre foveraigne, he perceived by the lordes and others which weere heere, that in that matter there was great dyffycultie for manye re- fpectes, but fpeciallye becaufe they had refufed to the Frenche ambaffadors the lyke acceffe, which beinge graunted unto me might greatlye offende the Frenche kinge, a matter which they defyred and intended to efchewe, for they dyd not fynde by your majefties dealynges with them hetherto that yt be- houved them to irrytate the Frenche kinge and to lowfe his favour and good intellygence with hym. I aunfwered that as unto theyre refufall made unto the Frenche ambaffadore, mounfieur De Villeroye was difpatched forthe of Fraunce before theys accydentes heere happened, and hys fpecyall ar- raunde was to impeache the quenes marryage with the earle Bodwell ; for fo indeede fince my cominge hether I learned his commiflyon tended to that ende, and to make offer to the queen of another maryage. And as to monfieur Du Crocq he coulde have no order forthe of Fi|aunce concern inge theys matters fynce they happened, and therefore they might verye well houlde them fufpected to have conference with the quene, leafte they might treate of matters in thys tyme without inftructyons, and fo rather do harme than good. But your majeftie, beinge advertized of all thynges which had chaunced, had fent me hether to treate with them for the weale of the realme, for the confervacion of theyre honors and credyttes, and for theyre furetye ; and I might bouldlye faye unto hym that your majeftie had deferved unto the mooft of this affemblye and to the wholle realme than the Frenche had. He fayd, for his owne parte he was -muche bounde unto your majeftie, and had alwayes founde great favour and cour- teouffye in Englande. " But to be playne with yow, fir," fayd he, " there is not manye of thys affemblye that have founde fo great oblygacyon at the quene your foveraignes handes as at the Frenche kinges ; for the earles of Moreton and Glenkerne be thonelye perfc>nes which towke bene- REIGN OF QUEEN MARY. 205 fyte by the quenes majefties ayde at Lyethe ; the reft of the noblemen weere not in that actyon. And we thynke," fayd he, " the quenes ma jeftie your foveraigne, by thopynyon of her owne counfell and all the worlde, towke as great benefyte by that charge as the realme of Scot lande dyd, or anye partycular perfon. And not to talke with yow as an ambaffadour, but with fir Nycholas Throkmorton, my lord Moreton and fuche as weere in payne for the deathe of Davye founde but coolde favour at the queens majefties handes when they weere banyffhed forthe of theyre owne countreye. But I woulde all our wholle companye weere as well wyl linge to accomplyfhe the quene your foveraignes entententes and defyres as I am for my owne parte ; I am but one, and that of the meaneft forte, and they be manye noblemen and fuche as have great intereft in the matter. Marye, yow fhall be affured I wyll employe myfelfe to em ploye my credyt and all that I may doe to fatyffyce the queen your myftrys as muche as lyeth in me, and, for your owne parte, yow have a great meanye of frendes in thys affemblye," with manye other good wordes. But for conclufyon, I mull take thys for an aunfwer, to ftaye untill the other lordes weere come ; and thereapon I thought meete to advertize your majeftie what hathe paffed, and how farforthe I have proceded, your expeclacyon beinge great to heare from hence. And now to advertyze your majeftie of the ftate of all thyngs as I have learned fynce my cominge hether, yt maye pleafe your majeftie to under ftande as followethe ; The quene of Scotland remeynethe in good helthe in the caftle of Loughe Leven, garded by the lordes Lynfey and Lougheleven, the owner of the howfe, for the lord Rutheven is employed in another comiffyon, becaufe he began to fhew favor to the queen and to geve her intellygence. She is waited on with five or fix ladyes, four or five gentlewomen, and two chamberers, whereof one is a Frenche woman. The earle of Boughan, thearle of Murreys brother, hathe alfo libertye to come to her at hys pleafure. The lordes afforefayd, which have her in garde, do keape her verye ftraytlye, and as far as I can perceyve theyre rygowre proceadythe by thorder from theys men, becaufe the queen wyll not by anye meanes be induced to lend her authorytye to profecute the murder, nor wyll not 206 ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE confent by anye perfwacyon to abandon the lord Bodwell for her hufbande, but avowethe conftantlye that fhe wyll lyve and dye with hym, and fayethe if yt weere put to her choyfe to relynquyfhe her crowne and kyngdome or the lord Bodwell fhe woulde leave her kyngdome and dignytye to lyve as a fymple damofell with hym, and that fhe will never confent that he fhall fare worfe or have more harme than herfelfe. And as far as I can perceyve the pryncypall caufe of her detentyon ys, for that theys lordes doe [think] the queen beinge of fo fervente affeetyon to wardes therle Bodwell as fhe is and beinge put at lybertye, fhe woulde ufe her authorytye and power to hys mantenaunce as they fhoulde be compelled to be in contynuall armes and to have occafyon of manye battayles, he beinge with manyfeft evydence notoryouflye detected to be the pryncypall murderer, and the lordes meaninge profecutyon of juftyce agaynft hym accordinge to hys merytes. The lordes meane alfo a dyvorce betwixt the queen and hym, as a maryage not to be fuffered for manye refpectes, which feparacyon cannot take place yf the queen be at lybertye and have power in her handes. They do not alfo forget theyre owne peryll, con- joyned with the daunger of the prynce. But, as far as I can perceyve, they entende not eyther to towche the queen in furety or in honor, for they do fpeake of her with refpect and reverence, and doe affirme, as I do learne, that, the condycyons afforefayd accomplyffhed, they wyll bothe put her to lybertye and reftore her to her eftate. Theys lordes have for the garde of thys towne 450 harquebuffhers, which be in verye good or der ; for thenterteynment of which companyes, untill all matters be com pounded, they dyd fue unto your majeftie to ayde them with fuche fomme of money as hathe ben mencyoned to Mr Secretorye by the lard of Lyd- dingtons wrytinge, amountynge, as I perceyve, to ten or twelve thoufand crownes of the fonne. They weere latelye advertized that the Frenche kynge dothe mynde to fend hether mounfieur De la Chappelle dez Ur- fines, a knight of the Frenche Order and alwayes well affectionate to the howfe of Guyfe. And howfoever La Foreft, Villeroye, and De Crocq have ufed language in the queens favour, and to theys lordes dyfadvantage thereto your majeftie, La Crocq dothe carye with hym fuche matter as fhal be lytle to the queens advauntage, fo as yt is thought the Frenche REIGN OF QUEEN MARY. 207 kynge, apon hys comynge to hys prefence, wyll rather fatyffye the lordes than pleafure the queen, for they have theyre partye fo well made as the Frenche wyll rather make theyre proffet by them than anye other waye. Herewith I fende your majeftie the laft bounde agreed one and figned by the Hamyltons, the earles of Argyell, Huntleye, and foundrye others, at Dumberton. Nevertheles, fynce my cominge to thys towne, the Hamyltons have fent unto me a gentleman of theyre furname, named Robert Hamylton, with a lettre from the buffhope of Saynt Andrews and me abbot of Arbrothe, the copye whereof I fend your majeftie, and myne anfwer unto them, re- ferrynge to the bearer the declaracyon of fome thynges, as they dyd by hym unto me. The earle of Argyell hathe, in lyke maner, fent another unto me, with a lettre and credyt, I have ufed hym as I dyd others ; the copye of bothe which lettres I fend your majeftie alfo. The lord Harryes hathe alfo fent unto me, but not written; and I have retorned anfwer unto hym in lyke forte. Againft the 20 daye of thys monethe there is a generall affemblye of all the chirches, fhyres, and boroughe townes of thys realme, namelye of fuche as be contented to repayre to theys lordes to thys towne, where yt is thought the wholle ftate of thys matter wyl be handled, and I feare muche to the queens dyfadvauntage and daunger, oneles the lorde of Lyddyngton and fome others, which be beft affected unto her, do provyde fome remedye. For I perceyve the great nomber and in maner all, but chyefiye the comon people, which have affyfted in theys doinges, doe greatlye dyffavour the queen and mynde feryouflye eyther her depryva- cyon or her deftructyon. I have ufed the beft meanes I can, confyderynge the furye of the worlde here, to proroge thys affemblye, for that appear- ethe to me to be the beft remedye, I may not fpeake of dyffolucyon of yt, for that may not be abyden, and I fhoulde thereby brynge myfelfe in great hatred and peryll. The chyfeft of the lordes which be heere preafent at thys tyme dare not fhewe fo muche lenytye to the queen as I thynke they coulde be contented for fear of the rage of the people. The women be mooft furious and impudent againft the queen, and yet the men be mad 208 ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE enoughe ; fo as a ftranger ever bufye maye foone be made a facrafyce amongeft them. There was a great brute that the Hamyltons with theyre adherents would put theyre force into the feyldes agaynft the 24 of thys monethe, but I doe not fynde that entent fo true as the comon brute goethe. The earle of Argyell is in the Hyelande, where there is fome trouble amonge his owne countreymen ; the earle of Lenowxe ys by theys lordes muche defyred heere, and I doe beleave your majeftie maye fo ufe hym and dyrect hym as helhal be hable to promote your purpoofe with theys men. The earle of Argyelle, the Hamyltons and he be incompatyble. I doe fynde amonges the Hamyltons, Argyell, and that companye, twoo ftraunge and foundrye humors. The Hamyltons doe make fhow of the lybertye of the queen, and profecute that with great earneftnes, becaufe they woulde have theys lordes deftroye her rather than fhe fhoulde be reco vered from them by violence. An other whyle theye feme to defyre her lybertye and Bodwells deftructyon, becaufe they woulde compaffe a mar- ryage betwixte the queen and the lord of Arbrothe. Thearle of Argyell dothe affecte her lybertye and Bodwells deftruc tyon, becaufe he woulde marye the queen to hys brother, and yet neyther of them, notwithflandynge theyre open concurrence as appearethe by theyre bande, dothe dyfcover theyre myndes to eache other, nor mynde one ende. Knox is not heere but in the weft partyes ; he and the reft of the my- nyfters wyl be heere at thys great affemblye, whoofe aufterytye agaynft the queen I feare as muche as anye mans. By fome conference which I have had with fome of thys counfell me thynkethe they have intellygence that there [is] a dyfpofycion in the quene of Scotland to leave thys realme and to retyre herfelfe eyther into Eng- launde or into Fraunce, but mooft willinglye into Englaunde, for fuche traveries and myflykynges as fhe knoweth hath ben and is ment unto her in Fraunce, leavynge the regymente of thys realme eyther to a nomber of perfons deleagued and authorized by her, or to fome one or moe. And yt pleafe your majeftie, I thynke yt not amyffe to put yow in re- REIGN OF QUEEN MARY. 209 membraunce that, in cafe the faid queen come into Englaunde by your al lowance without the Frence kynges confent, fhe fhall lowfe her dowrye in Fraunce and have lytle or nothynge from hence to enterteyne her, and in cafe fhe doe goe into Fraunce with the kynges contentemente fhe maye be an inftrument, yf fhe can recover favor, as tyme wyll helpe to cancell her dyfgrace, eyther by matchynge with fome hufband of good qualetye, or by fome other devyfe to worke newe unqueyetnes to her owne countrey, and fo confequentlye to your majefties. Therefore, yt maye pleafe your [majefty] to confyder of thys matter, and to let me know your pleafure with convenyent fpeede how I fhall aunfwer the fame, yf yt be propounded unto me, eyther by the queen or by thys counfell as a peece of thende and compofytyon. For I am fure of late fhe hathe femed very defyrous to have the matter brought to paffe that fhe might goe into Englaunde, reteyninge her eftate and juryfdyctyon in her felfe, thoughe fhe doe not exercyfe yt. And lykewyfe I underftande that fome of thys counfell, which be beft affected to her falfetye, doe thynke there is now other waye to fave her. Thus Almightye God preferve your majeftie in helthe, honor, and all felycytie. At Edenboroughe, the 14 of Julye, 1567- Youre majefties mooft humble, faythefull, obedyent fubjecte and fervaunt, To the quenes moofle excellent majeftie. LETTER FROM SIR NICHOLAS THROCKMORTON TO THE ARCHBISHOP OF SK ANDREWS AND THE ABBOT OF ARBROATH, July 14, 1567.* It maye lyke your good lordfhips. I have, by Mr Robert Hamylton, receyved your lettre of the xij of Julye, the xiij of the fame, and therby * From the Addit. MS. 4126, No. 25. Dd 210 ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE doe perceyve your honorable difpofycions and refolucyons for the enlarge ment of the quene, your foveraigne, annexed to other good confidera- tions; whereof I wyll not faile to advertize the queens majeftie, my fove raigne, who dothe concurre with you in thoffe heades, as I double not but Mr Hamylton fhall perceyve at his cominge to her majefties courte, whom I have recomended to have favourable paffage through her realme. As unto the ftate of things heere fince myne arryvall, and howe theis lords dothe deale and treate with meane, I leave your lordfhips to be informed by the gentleman, this bearer, unto whom I have declared fum- marlye theffecte of that I knowe. Thus, with my humble comendacions to both your lordfhips, in the fame wyfe I take my leave of you. At Edenboroughe, this xiiij of Julye, 1567- Your good lordlhips to ufe and comaunde, [ J LETTER FROM SIR NICHOLAS THROKMORTON TO THE EARL OF ARGYLL, July 14, 1567.* My verie good lord. After my due commendations to your good lord fhip, this fhal be to geve yow myne humble thankes for your gentle vyfy- tation, bothe by your lettres and by your fervaunte, this bearer, unto whom I have declared breefelie the heades which the queens majeftie, my foveraigne, hathe geven me in charge to treate of with the noblemen heere, as well for the queen their foveraignes enlargement, as for the ponyfhinge the late horryble murder, the prefervation of the prynce, the fecurytie of the lordes which have put theire hands to this actyon, and laftlie, a good concorde betwixt the quene and her fubjects with a gene- * From the Addit. MS. 4126, No. 24. REIGN OF QUEEN MARY. 211 rail tranquillytie in the holle realme. Thus, prayinge God to fend your lordfhip good helthe with muche honour, I humblye take my leave of yow. At Edinboroughe, this 14 of Julye, 1567- Your lordfhips to ufe and comande, N. Throkmorton. LETTER FROM SIR NICHOLAS THROKMORTON TO SIR WILLIAM CECILL, July 14, 1567.* Syr, I do at thys tyme wryte unto yow partyculerly with gretter brevyte then if I had not wryten at large to hyr majeftie, whearunto I reaffere yow, and do humbly pray yow to confyder the ftate of thyngs as they be, and to let me know from yow what certayne poynte her majeftie wyll grow to, for thefe men be to well acquaynted with ower humors. I do fynd by the lard of Lydyngton, who is wyfyfte, to hyr majeftie and hyr realme befte affectyd, and ys the only meyne to workejany good thyng fo as yt be probable, that it ys no tyme to fpeake of the delyvery of theyr prynce, and yet, as on that wold wyn thyngs to your porpofe by tyme and degres, he whyffythe that hyr majeftie wold not have made fuche dyffycultie to have employed amongft them 10 or 12,000 crowns ; in re- fpecte publykely that hyr majeftie wolld purfu fuche a murder comytted ageynfle hyr fubgett and kinfman, and to feparate fuche a advowterer from the quene hyr coffyn as Bothewell ys, thowghe hyr majeftie do not wey theyr fecurities, nor the prefervation of the prynce. He fayethe, at long rekonyng the benefytt wyll prove almofle as moche to hyr advantage and the realmes as any money beftowed fynce her comyng to the crowne, and fhuld have won hyr more fuer fervants and trends heere to compaffe * From the Addit. MS. 4126, No. 28. 212 ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE hyr defyers then foure tymes as moche beftowed amongfte them by any other prynce, or at any other tyme. Syr, I pray you note the poynts yn her majefties letter whyche requier hyr pleafure to be fyngnyfied unto me, and by your good meyns let me here of yt withowte delay. Thus I humbly take my leave of yow. At Edenborowghe, the xiiij of July, Yours to ufe and comand, LETTER FROM CHARLES THE NINTH, KING OF FRANCE, TO QUEEN ELIZABETH, July 16, 1567.* Tres haulte et tres excellente princeffe, noftre tres chere et tres amee fceur et coufine. Ayant fceu au retour du fieur de Villeroy, et, depuis, du fieur du Croc, noftre ambaffadeur en Ecoffe, Peftat auquel ilz y ont laiffe les chofes, qui a befoing du confort et vifitation de fes amys ; et pour le defir que nous avons d'y veoir plus de repoz et tranfquillite qu'il n'y avoit lors, et la royne du diet pays, noftre tres chere et tres amee belle fceur et coufine, hors de l'affliction en laquelle elle eft ; nous avons ad vife y envoy er le fieur de Lignerolles, gentilhomme de noftre chambre, prefent porteur ; auquel nous avons donne charge vous vifitter en paf- fant de notre part, et dire de noz bonnes nouvelles, auffi nous rapporter des voftres a fon retour. Vous pryant, tant et li affeetueufement fur ce que faire pouvons, le croyre et adjoufter foy a tout ce qu'il vous dira de noftre part, tout ainfy que vous feriez a nous mefmes ; qui prions Dieu, tres haulte et tres excellente princeffe, noftre tres chere et tres amee foeur • From the Addit. MS. 4126, n. 73. REIGN OF QUEEN MARY. 213 et coufine, vous avoir en fa tres faincte et digne garde. Efcript a Efco- ven, le xvjme jour de Juillet, 1567- Votre bon frere et coufin, Charles. DE L AUBESPINE. A tres haulte et tres excellente prin ceffe, noftre tres chere et tres amee fceur et coufine, la royne d'Angleterre. LETTER FROM CATHARINE DE MEDICIS, QUEEN DOWAGER OF FRANCE, TO QUEEN ELIZABETH, July 16, 1567.* Tres haulte et tres excellente princeffe, rioftre tres chere et tres amee fceur et coufine. Envoyant le roy, noftre tres chere feigneur et filz, le fieur de LigneroUes, gentilhomme de fa chambre, prefent porteur, en Ecoffe, pour l'occafiori qu'il vous efcript ; nous lui avons donne charge vous vifiter, en paffant, de noftre part, affin de confirmer et conforter, par tous bons offices, la commune, fincere, et parfaicte amitye que eft entre nous. Vous pryant tres affectueufement le croire et ajoufter foy a tout ce que fur ce il vous fera entendre de par nous, tout ainfy que feriez a noftre propre perfonne. Pryant Dieu, tres haulte et tres excel lente prynceffe, noftre tres chere et tres amee fceur et coufine, vous avoir; * From the Addit. MS. 4126, n. 74. 214 ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE en fa tres faincte et digne garde. Efcript a Efcoven, le xvjme jour de Juillet, 1567- Votre bonne fceur et coufine, Caterine. DE L'AUBESPINE. A tres haulte et tres excellente prin ceffe, noftre tres chere et tres amee fceur et coufine, la royne d'Angleterre. LETTER FROM SIR NICHOLAS THROKMORTON TO QUEEN ELIZABETH, July 16, 1567.* It maye pleafe your majeftie. I did advertize by my letters of the 14 of Julye how theys lordes affembled at Edenboroughe had deferred myne audyence and conference with them untill the returne of the earles of Mar and Glenkerne, and the reft of theyre affociates, unto thys towne. But perceyvynge the fayde lordes abfent dyd not mynde to make anye fpedye repayre hether, I dyd earneftlye preffe theys lordes agayne to geve me audyence, and the rather, for that I fawe that theyre affemblye agaynft the 20 of thys monethe drawe on, wherof I advertized your ma jeftie in my lafte. Whereapon, the 15 of this monethe, the earles Athell, Moreton, the lord Hume, the lard of Lyddyngton, Sir James Bawfor, capten of thys caftle and clerke of the Regylter, the lard of Tyllyberne, and the lard of Cragmyller, provoft of thys towne, dyd come to my lod- * From the Addit. MS. 4126, No. 29. REIGN OF QUEEN MARY. 215 gynge ; where, after ordynarye falutacyons donne, I dyd requyere them to heare and receyve what I had to faye unto them from your majeftie. The lordes defyred me to forbeare thopeninge of myne inflruetyons un till theyre holle companye weere affembled, notwithftandinge I preffed them to defift from delayes, and fo the fayd lordes aunfwered me that, albeyt they cam at thys tyme to falute me and byd me welcome and to entreate me to forbeare to negocyate with them untill the reft of the com panye weere affembled, yet, to fatiffyce myne importunacye, they woulde enter into negocyacyon with me, and fo requyred me to declare your ma jefties pleafure. Whereapon I dyd delyver them your majefties letter, and dyd declare unto them your majefties inftructions geven unto me, refervynge that artycle which dyd concerne the Frenche, and thalyeana- cyon of theyre myndes from dealynge with them. The lordes receyved your majefties lettre with great reverence, and harde verye attentively e, without interrupcyon, the holle dyfcourfe of myne inflruetyons, whereunto they aunfwered by the mouthe of the lard of Lyddyngton, who fat hyeft but the two earles and the lord Hume, that they humblye thanked your majeftie, that yt woulde pleafe yow to deale fo honorablye with them ; whereby they had good occafyon to be well advyfed in theyre anfwer to your majeftie ; and therefore they ^thought convenyent to tell me they might not make aunfwer to the matters propofed by me upon the fodayne, and fo requyred me to take in good parte theyre delyberacyon of fuche matters as were conteyned and uttred by me in myne inflruetyons at good lenght. And thoughe they had, agaynft theyre owne determinacyon and good order, for the fatiffactyon of my defyre and to avoyde at your majefties handes mifconceyvinge, adventured in thabfence of theyre complyces to receyve your majefties lettre, to reade the fame,, and to heare what I had to faye on your majefties behalfe unto them, yet they requyred that bothe your majeftie would allowe, and I would take in good parte, the fufpen- cyon of theyre aunfwer untill theyre affocyates weere joyned with them. I replyed, fayinge, that thoughe there weere bothe noblemen and wyfe men abfent, and fuche as I coulde have bene verye well contented fhould have harde what your majeftie had geven me in charge, yet I knew right well that affemblye, confyflynge of fuche perfons as yt dyd, bothe for 216 ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE honor, wyfdome, and credyte, had fuffycyent habylytie and auethorytye as well to anfwer and refolve as to heare what had been declared. And therefore I requyred them to abfteyne from ceremonyous delayes, and to make me aunfwer to that I had declared on your majefties behalfe, and no longer to defer my repayre to the quene theyre foveraigne. Than thearle of Moreton anfwered, and requyred me that I woulde not thynke that they ment anye unneceffarye delayes, but dyd forbeare upon good advyfemente to make aunfwer to fo manye and weyghtye matters as had ben opened by me on your majefties behalfe without thadvyce, delyberacyon, and confent of theyre fellowes. And there with all the reft of the counfellors dyd, as yt weere with one voyce, confyrme what had ben fayde by the earle Moreton and the lard of Lyddyngton, where apon I was compelled to take thys for an anfwer at thys tyme. Then I entred with them concerninge the ftate of the borders, havynge receyved the fame daye advertizement from fir John Fofter of a great fpoyle made upon the frontyere of Englande by two hondred Scottes, accompanyed with the fugytyves of Englaunde. The lordes aunfwered, by the mowthe of the earle Morton, that they weere verye forye of fuche dyforders, and that they had geven as good order as might be to keape all thynges apon the frontyeres in good ftaye ; nevertheles, the dyvycyon beinge fo amongeft them as yt was, and Bodwell the murderer favored as he was, bothe apon the frontyers and elfe where, yt coulde not be otherwife but trowbles woulde be rayfed and nouryflhed. And fure they weere that the pryncypall aucthors of thys forreye weere eyther of Bod wells factyon or fet on by hys partye, who had" non other meane to helpe hymfelfe, thoughe yt weere but for a tyme, but by trowbles, bretche of peaxe, and fpolyacyons. Notwithftandinge, they dyd affure me they would wryte to all the wardens and to all the heade men apon the frontyer to conferve the peaxe and to lyve in good order. And moreover they woulde entreate the lard of Graunge, who had good credyt with all the borderers, and namelye with the lard of Farniheft hys fonne-in-lawe, to goe to the frontyeres and fet all thynges in good ftaye, which donne, the fayde lard of Graunge fhoulde repayre to the lord of Bedforde in Bar^ wicke to ufe hys advyce and concurrencye in the matter. REIGN OF QUEEN MARY. 217 And yt maye pleafe your majeftie, fince the wrytinge of my lafte, I do underftande the quene of Scotlande is [in] great feare of her lyffe, and therefore hathe uttred to fome of the lordes aboute her that fhe can be verye well contented eyther to lyve in a cloffe nunrye in Fraunce, or with thoulde dowgier of Guyfe, her graunte mother. The earle Bodwell hath ben of late with the earl of Huntleye at Strawboggye in the northe of Scotlande, where he hathe attempted to leveye force and make fome ftyrre. But thoughe the earle of Huntlye weere holden fufpected to theys men, he, fyndynge Bodwell fo lytle favored in all quarters, wyll not adventure muche for hym.. And now I heare faye the fayde earle can be contented that Bodwell fhoulde myfcarye, to ryd the quene and hys fufter of fo wicked a hufbande. Whereapon I underftande that Bodwell dyd haftelye retyre hymfelfe awaye from the earle of Hunteleyes howfe in the night into Spynaye, the buffhope of Mur reys howfe, where alfo yt is [ ] he wyll not make anye longe taryinge, but retyre himfelfe to the Hies of Orkeneye, which be in nomber 32, whereof the quene did create hym duke. But I heare faye, theys lordes have geven good order to impeache hys entrye into thoofe iflandes, and namelye, by the brother of fir James Bawfor, who is captayne of the ftrongeft peece there; the bufhop alfo beinge at theys lordes devocyon. The Hamyltons and the earle of Argyelle begyn to enter into trafyque with theys lordes. I doe heare faye, the Hamyltons can be pleafed with the quenes de- tencyon, or a worfe fare ; and concurre with the lordes in all thynges, fo as the crowninge of the prynce nor non other acte may be defeaite them of theyre poffybylytie to thys crowne, which they feare by the fettynge up of the howfe of the Stuardes. Theys lordes have fent Robert Melvyn over the water to Lowgheleven, to talke with the quene and the lordes which have her in garde, at whofe retorne as I can learne any thynge worthy your majefties knowledge I wyll not fayle to advertize the fame by my nexte. The lorde Roberte of Holyeroode howfe, halfe brother to thearle of Murreye, came yefler- night to thys towne well accompanyed, and repayred to the earle of Athells lodgynge, where all the lordes fat in counfell. The fayd lorde e e 218 ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE Roberte, fynce the begynninge of theys laft trowbles, hathe had no in tellygence with theys lordes untyll thys tyme, but hathe rather concurred with the Hamyltons. As yet theys lordes wyll not fuffer Mr Nycholas Elvefton, fent from the lorde of Murrey, to have acceffe to the quene, nor to fende my lorde of Murreys lettre unto her. Thus havynge non other occurauntes worthye your majefties adver- tizemente, I praye Almightye God fend your majeftie longe lyffe, encreafe of honour, and muche felycytye. Att Edenboroughe, this 16 of Julye, 1567. Your majefties mofte humble, faythfull, obedyent, fervaunte and fubjecte, [ ] LETTER FROM SIR NICHOLAS THROKMORTON TO SIR WILLIAM CECILL, July 16, 1567.* Sir, Me thynkythe thefe lordes be on the way to make an end of theyr matters with theyr foverayne amongeft themfelfes, albeyt they kepe bothe the Frenche and us yn hand ; for they can not tell how to be rydd of theyr quene; wyche I myftrufte they intend on wey or other, withowte the confent of the Frenche ; takyng them to be better inclynyd to ferve theyr humours than we. And fyndyng they wyll [ ] thys courfe, not- withftandyng any threatenynges of any princes, I mufte take hede that we lofe them not holy, and dryve them to be more Frenche then they wold be, thoroughe the queens majefties lharpe impungnyng theyr defeygnes. It wer well don to make a vertu of neceffyte, unles hyr majeftie woll ufe armes ageynfle them; and I fe no happie end deftynyd unto us in thofe * From the Addit. MS. 4126, No. 30. REIGN OF QUEEN MARY. 219 matters. To be playne with you, I feare the end, bothe for Gods dyfple- fure and for fome unaptnes amongeft ower felfes to enter and profecute the warr. To underftand what hathe paffyd fynce my lafte dyfpatche of the xiiij July, I do reafferre you to her majefties letter fent now, and fo do humbly take my leave of you. At Edynboroughe, the xvj of July, 1567. Yours to ufe and comand, [ 1 As yet thefe lordes wyll not fuffer Mr N. Elvefton, fent from my lord of Murrey, to have acceffe to the quene, nor to fend my lord of Mur reys letter unto hyr. To the right honorable fir William Cecill, knight, on of the quenes majefties Prevye Cownfayle, princypall Secretorye. LETTER FROM SIR NICHOLAS THROKMORTON TO QUEEN ELIZABETH, July 18, 1567.* TO THE QUENES MOOSTE EXCELLENT MAJE3TIE. It maye pleafe your majeftie; yow might perceyve by my lettres of the 16 how far I had proceded with theys lordes, and what was theyre aun fwer. Synce which tyme I have fpoken particulerly with the earle Moreton, the lard of Lyddyngton, and fir James Bawfor, captayne of * From the Addit. MS. 4126, No. 31. 220 ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE thys caftle, at whoofe handes I cannot perceyve that as yet acceffe to the quene to Lougheleven wyl be graunted me ; ftayinge themfelves ftill by thabfence of the lordes and others theyre affocyates, which, they faye, they lowke for within twoe dayes. And for that I fynde by lykelyehoode and apparaunt prefumptyons that myne acceffe to the quene wyl be hardelye graunted, I have thought good not to defer thys dyfpatche un tyll I have a refolute aunfwer in that matter. Maye it therefore pleafe your majeftie to underftande, Roberte Melvyn retorned from the quene at Lougheleven to thys towne the 17 of Julye, and brought a lettre from her, wrytten of her owne hande to theys lordes, which dothe contayne, as I underftande, matter as followethe. A requeft unto them to have confyderacyon of her helthe, and yf they wyll not put her at lybertye, to chaunge her place of reftraynte to the caftle of Sterlynge, to thend fhe might have the comforte and companye of her fonne. And yf they wyll not chaunge her from Lougheleven, fhe requyred to have fome other gentlewoman about her, namynge non, to have her pothecarye, to have fome modeft mynifter, to have an imbro- derer to draw forthe fuche worke as fhe would be occupyed about, and to have a verlet of her chamber. Touchynge the govememente of the realme, fhe maketh twoe offers, which are but generally towched in her lettre ; the particularyties be not fpecyfyed, but referred to Roberte Melvyns credyt. Thone is to corny t yt onely and whollye to the earle of Murray, thother is to the lordes whoofe names enfue, affyfted by fuche others as they fhall call unto them, that is to faye, the duke of Chaftilleroe, the earles Huntlye, Argyelle, Athell, Lenowx with muche adoe, Moreton, Murray, Marr, and Glenkerne. She hathe written unto them that I might have acceffe unto her. She requyreth further that yf they wyll not treate her and regarde her as theyre quene, yet to ufe her as the kynge thayre foveraignes daughter, whom many of them knewe, and as theyre prynces mother. She wyll by no meanes yelde to abandon Bodwell for her hufbande, nor relynquyfhe hym ; which matter wyll doe her moofte harme of all, and hardnethe theys lordes to greate feverytye agaynft her. She yeldethe in wordes to the profecution of the murder. REIGN OF QUEEN MARY. 221 I have founde the meanes to let her knowe that your majeftie hath fent me hether for her relyeffe. I have alfo perfwaded her to conforme herfelfe to renounce Bodwell for her hufbande, and to be contented to fuffer a dyvorce to paffe betwyxte them ; fhe hath fent me worde that fhe wyll in no wyfe concent unto yt but rather dye, groundinge herfelfe apon thys reafon, that, takynge her felfe to be feven weekes gon with chylde, by renouncynge Bodwell fhe fhoulde acknowledge her felfe to be with chylde of a baftarde, and to have forfayted her honoure, which fhe will not doe to dye for yt. I have perfwaded her, to fave her owne lyffe and her chylde, to chewfe the lefte harde condycyon. Mr Knox arryved here in thys towne the 17 of this monethe, with whom I have had fome conference, and with Mr Cragge alfo thother mynifter of thys towne. I have perfwaded with them to preache and perfwade lenytie. I fynde them both verye auftere in thys conference ; what I fhall doe hereafter I know not. They are furnyfhed with manye arguments fome forthe of the fcripture, fome forthe of hyftoryes, fome grounded, as they fay, apon the lawes of thys realme, fome upon prac- tyzes ufed in thys realme, and fome apon the condycyons and othe made by theyre prynce at her coronatyon. The buffhop of Gallowaye, unckle to the earle of Huntleye, hathe fent hether to theys lordes, that hys nephewe the earle and fome others of that fyde maye at Lyethcoe or Ster- lynge have fome comunycacyon with fome appoynted on thys fyde ; affur- ynge them that there is a good difpofycion in the lordes of thother partye to concurre with theys ; affyrmynge further, that they wyll not dyffent for tryfles or unneceffarye thinges, and, as I am gevin to underftande, they can be pleafed the quenes reftraynte be contynued untill the murder be punyffhed in all perfones, wherebye the feparacyon of the quene and Bodwell is implyed, the prefervacyon of the prynce, the fecuritye of all men, and a good order taken for the governaunce of the realme in tran- quyllytie. Capten Clarke, which hathe ferved fo longe in Denmarke and ferved at Newhaven did the 16 of this monethe, accompanyed with one of his fouldyers, or rather the fouldyer as the gretter fame goethe, kyll one 222 ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE Wylfon a feaman, and fuche a one as had great eftymacyon amongeft theys lordes, bothe for hys fkyU, hys hardynes, honeftye, and wyllingenes in thys actyon ; where apon Gierke hathe retyred hymfelfe. Theyre quarell was about the fhyp which towke Blacketer; which fhip was ap poynted by theys lordes to goe to the northe of Scotlande to impeache the paffage of the earle of Bodwell, in cafe he went eyther to the Ifles or any other place; by the deathe of which man thys enterpryfe is daffhed. The buffhop of Gallawaye is come to Lyethcoe, and dothe defyre to fpeake with the lard of Lyddington. The abbot of Kyllwynnye hathe fent to fir James Bawfor, capten of the caftle, to have conference with hym. As I wrot unto your majeftie in my lafte, the Hamyltons now fynde no matter to dyffever theys lordes and them a fonder, but woulde concurre in all thynges, yea in anye extremytie agaynft the quene, fo as they might be affured, yf the prynce of Scotlande weere crowned kynge and fhoulde dye without iffue, that the earle of Lenowx fonne lyvynge fhoulde not inheryt the crowne of thys realme, as nexte heyre to his nephewe. And thoughe theys lordes and counfellours fpeake reverentlye, myldelye, and charytablye of theyre quene, fo as I cannot gather by theyre fpeeches anye intencyon to crueltye or vyolence, yet I doe fynde by intellygence, that the quene is in verye greate peryll of her lyffe, by reafon that the people affembled at thys conventyon doe mynde vehementlye the deftruc tyon of her. It is a publyke fpeache amongeft all the people and amongeft all eftates, faving the counfellors, that theyre quene hathe no more lybertye nor pryveledge to comyt murder nor adulterye than anye other pryvat perfon, neyther by Gods lawe, nor by the lawes of the realme. The earle of Bodwell and all hys adherentes and affocyates bee put to the home by thordynarye Juftyce of thys towne, named the lordes of the Seffyon, and comaundemente geven to all fheryeffs and all other oflycers to apprehend hym and others his fawtors and receyptors. The earle of Bodwells porter and one of hys other fervauntes of hys chamber, beinge apprehended, have confeffed fuche foundrie cyrcum- flances as yt appearethe evydently that he, the fayde earle, was one of the REIGN OF QUEEN MARY. 223 pryncypall executors of the murder in hys owne perfon, accompanyed with fondry others; of which nomber I cannot yet certeynlye learne the names, but of three of them, that is to faye, twoe of the Ormiftons of Tyvydalle and one Hayborne of Bolton. The lordes woulde be glade that non of the murderers fhould have anye favor or receypte in Eng land; and hereof theyre defyre is that thoffycers upon the border maye be warned. BodweU doethe ftyll remayne in the northe partyes; but the lordes Seaton and Flemynge, which have ben there, have utterlye abandoned hym, and doe repayre hetherwardes. The intellygence dothe growe daylye betwixte theys lordes and thoofe which helde of; and notwithftandinge theys lordes have fent an hundred and fyftie harquebufliers to Sterlynge, to keape Ihe towne and the paffage from furpryfe, and fo have they donne in lyke maner to Saynct Johnftouns, which be the twoe paffages from the northe and the wefte to thys toune. I doe underftande the captayne of Dunbar is muche bufyed in fortefyinge that peece. I doe merveyle the caryages be not impeached otherwyfe then they bee. Of late thys quene hathe wrytten a lettre to the capteyne of the fayde caftle, whiche hathe ben furpryfed, and thereby matter is dyfcovered which makethe lytle to the quenes advauntage. Thus havynge non other matter worthye your majefties knowledge, I befeache God to profper your majeftie with longe lyffe, perfect helthe, and profperous felycytie. At Edenboroughe thys 18 of Julye, 1567, Your majefties mooft humble, obedyent, faythefull, fubject and fervaunt, [ ] 224 ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE LETTER FROM SIR NICHOLAS THROKMORTON TO SIR WILLIAM CECIL, July 18, 1567.* Sir, Your letter of the x of Julye, wrytten at Collyarrewe, I have re- ceavyd the xviij of the fame; fince my laft of the xvj. yow fhall perceave by my letter to hir majeftie what ftate things ftande in here. I dyd never fe greater confufion emongft men; for they chainge theyr opinions very often. Marye, always they be refolute to ufe all feveritye to the quene; they cannot agree yet emongft themfelffs abowt the forme of yt. The preachers, with a great nomber which depende upon them, be of on mynde; the lordes be devyded emongft themfelffs; the wyfeft wyll not fpeake to advoyde the furye of the people. Always I fynde the quene in very greate dainger, as yet they wyll not fuffer Mr Elvefton to have acceffe unto hyr. Sir, I praye you let me underftande how I fhall dyrect myfelfe, confederinge in what tearmes thinges be here. I doe perceave thefe men be not afrayde of anye boaftinge, and they be to farre over the fhewes to leave them felfs unprovydyd for. The people be greatlye anymatyd againft the quene, they lett not to fhewe yt. Thus I humbly take my leave of yow. From Edinboroughe, the xviij. of July, 1567> Yours to ufe and commande, To the right honorable fir Wylliam Cecyll, knight, one of her majef ties Preve Counfell, and pryncy pall Secretorye. From the Addit. MS. 4126, No. 32. REIGN OF QUEEN MARY. 225 LETTER FROM SIR NICHOLAS THROKMORTON TO SIR WILLIAM CECIL, July 19, 1567.* Sir, By my letter to her majeftie you may perceave the ftate of the worlde here. I pray you advyfe fubftancially what ys the befte, and fo as, the quene beyng deadd ether yn body or eftate, thys prynce and contre runne not the Frenche devotion to ower comber. If hyr majeftie do not yn tyme wyn thefe lordes and recover hyr crafyd credytt amongft them, before they have endyd theyr matters and fettlyd theyr porpofys withowte hyr ade, I fe they wyll take a cowrfe lytyll to ower advantage, and paraventure as lytyll to theyr owne. Herewith I fend you a tragicall dyalogue wyche I dyd omytte by my lafte; and verely, thowghe yt feme to procede from a poetts fhoppe, the hole nomber here, I feare me, and the lordes alfo do thynke as ys conteynyd theyryn ; and fo meyne to performe the effecte. What you wold have browght to paffe mufte be wrowght by the eyrie of Murrey, and that in tyme. Thus I humbly take my leave of you. At Edynborowgh, the xix of July 1567, Yours to ufe and comand, C J Sir, You fhall do well bothe to caufe my lord of Lecefter and your- felffe to dyffypher truly how the Frenche have procedyd with my lord of Murrey and to advprtyfe me thereoff. To the right honorable fir Wil liam Cecill, knight, on of her majefties Preve Cownfayle, and principal Secretory. * From the Addit. MS. 4126, No. 34. 226 ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE LETTER FROM SIR WALTER MILDMAY TO SIR WILLIAM CECIL, July 20, 1567.* Sir, I moft hartelie thanke you for fparing fo much tyme as to remember me with your lettres, which I was veary glad to receave. For thowgh fir Nichilas Throckmorton paffed by me, yet his taryinge was fo fhort, and the cornpany fuch by chaunce as my talke was fmall with him; fo as, thowgh fummerlie, yet I did not fo particularlie underftand the caufe of his legation as now I doe by this your gentle advertifment. And as of thos Scottifh matters there is to be hoped for good fucceffe, fo I promife you to my underftanding they remayne yet in dowbtefull termes, fpeciaUie if a man confider the practifes of the French and the natur of the Scotts, which heretofore have been mervayloufly carried by them. Therefore in my pore opinion it behoveth us to be the more carefuU, and by no meanes to fuffre the Frenche to have that auctoritie or credyt emongft them which they feek; for if they have, you fee well inough how nice our trouble is. If thees lordes in Scotland agree, the cafe is the bettre ; if not, that good end which is to be defired I fear will not follow. I nede not fay thus moch to you, that feeth farther into the matier than I can expreffe, but as one that wiffheth all things for the beft, I am bolder with you than otherwife I nede to be, taking thereby alfo an occafion to falute and thanke you with thes few lynes. The lriffhe matiers I perceave profper fo well as I cannot but be glad to heare of them as I doe. The taking up of vij thoufand pounds by fir Thomas Grefham doeth en creafe the queens eating charge, yet being employed as I underftand from my Lord Treaforer in fo neceffary a fervice, I fee not that it could for the tyme be otherwife. Thus for end, I wiffhe, as you doe, that ye were here to vifite youre owne things for a while. And thowghe theis Scottifh matiers will fcarfely fuffre you, yet me thinketh it lhall go hard but ones or fummer paffe ye may perform your defire, which I pray you * From the Addit. MS. 4126, No. 35. REIGN OF QUEEN MARY. 227 in any wife doe. In the meantyme, if occafion ferve here that may con- cerne you or yours, that litle I can do I fhall be readye. And fo with my vearie hartie commendations and my wives to you and my good lady, I leave you both to Gods tuicion. From Apthorp, the 20th. of July, 1567, Your veary affured to my poowre, [ ] Your fonne and I entend to mete fometymes thowgh we cannot have you; furely you have caufe to be glad of him, for he is veary honeft and well liked emongeft his neighbours. To the right honorable fir Wil liam Cecill, knight, the quenes majefties principall Secretarye. LETTER FROM SIR NICHOLAS THROCKMORTON TO THE EARL OF BEDFORD, July 20, 1567.* My Lorde, I think yow fee and fynd dalye newe occafions to gyve you caufe to feke from above the remedye of the diforders comytted upon the borders, and my advyce to your lordfhip fhal be that you follow and procuer the fame with all fpede you canne, for I perceave and fynde here that theye be fhewdlye bent that waye, and do meane to do unto yowe all the difpleafure they canne, fo fone as they fynde that the queenes "From the Addit. MS. 4126, No. 36. 228 ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE majeftie our miftrys fhall not favour them in thefe their prefent actions. As unto the late offenfe donne upon youre border, I can affure your lord- lhip, yt was not by anye knowledge from thefe lords, but only by Ferne- herft and his followers, at the folicitations of Bodwell and hys frynds ; for your frynds here be forye for yt and wyll not lett to gyve yowe fome warninge before they breake with yowe, yf the fame mayebe donne by any convenyent meanes. In the meane tyme, my lorde, travayle for fome order from above ; for I promife you yt is high time. And touch- inge myfelf and my beinge here, I muft confeffe to your lordfhip, I never was in fo bufy and dangerous a legation in my liffe ; not knowinge al moft which way to tome me. Thefe lords have not yet geven me any audience ; excufinge the fame by the abfence of the erles of Marre and Glencarne, the lord Simple and others of their bande, fayinge they dare not take upon them the hearinge and the anfweringe of fo weightye matters without the prefence of the hole companye ; but I take yt rather to be ufyd towards me for delaye then otherwyfe, not beinge in any fort wyllinge that I fhall fpeake with theyr quene. Notwithftandinge I have earneftlye preffed the fame and have wonne on of the wyfeft amongft them to my defyer therein, but no otherwife then that he dare not yet be acknowen to the reft of the fame, fuche is theyr difficultye in this matter. What hereafter may come from them I knowe not. My perplexitye is the more, when I reamember thefe mens defyers here and our humors at home, and thereof breadethe my greateft dowbte of any good to be donne for us in this tyme. I have been wrytten unto by the other fyde, as namely by the Hambletons, the earle of Argyle, by the mafter of Max well and others ; and I do beare them all fayre in hande, to thende I may the better be able to difcover theyr meanings and deffeignes ; al- thowghe I muft tell you truly I lyke nothinge of theyr doings. The quene is in great danger by reafon of the great rage and furye of the people againft her. The earle Bodwell ys thowght to be in the north partyes with the earle of Huntleye and others, to make the beft partye he canne. The affembly contynuethe the 20th daye of this monthe, where I thinke lytle wyl be donne to the quene of Scotlandes advantage. I do REIGN OF QUEEN MARY. 229 humblye pray your lordfhips, dyfpatch thys pacquet with great dylygence to mailer Secretary. Thus I doe humbly take my leave of your good lordfhipe. At Edenboroughe, this 20 of Julye 1567- Theys men have heere in paye fowre houndred and fyftye harquebuf- fhyers in convenyent order. Your good lordfhips to ufe and commande, [ J To the right honourable the earle of Bedforde, knight of the Order and one of the lordes of her majef ties moft honorable Prevye Coun fell, lievetenaunte of the borders of Englaunde forgeinft Scotlande. LETTER FROM QUEEN ELIZABETH TO SIR NICHOLAS THROKMORTON, July 20, 1567.* We greete yow well. By your lettres from Edinburgh, the xiiij of July we perceive at good length how yow have procedid to have had audy ence of the lordes there, for declaration of your charge, and in what fort you have ben anfwerid to forbear untill the reft of their affociats now ab- fent be returnid thither, and in what other fort, by privat conference had with the lard of Liddington and. yow, it appeerith the lords will be loth to have yow repaire to the queene, fpecially becaufe of a refufall made * From the Addit. MS. 4126, No. 37. 230 ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE to the French ambaffadors in the lyke cafe, although it was by yow well anfwerid for the diverfitee betwext your coming thither with expreffe comaundement from us to fee her, upon knowledge of her reftrainte, whereas the French cold have no fuch commaundement, her captivitee being not knowen to the French king at the depech of Villeroy. We perceive alfo by Liddingtons other pryvate fpeech to yow, as a privat man, dyvers things whereby we are moved to behold fome harder difpo- fityon in the lords there towards their quene than feemeth to us conven yent. And fuerly we think the more part of them regard their owne furety upon thefe actions already attempted, howfoever the pretence is made for the profequution of the murder and prefervacion of the prince ; which two things we meane as eameftly and perchance more eameftly then moft of them. And to gyve them any ayd for thofe two pourpofes we do not refufe for any miflyking we have of any parfon that is zealous in profequution thereof ; but confidering we fee the purfute is by theim, as it wer of neceflitie, joyned with her captyvitee, whereof wee can for no refpects allow, we do forbeare to fatiffye their demaunds in that behalf. And therefore if any devyfe can be fownd by them, wherby the queen may be reftorid to her liberty and ftate, and that it fhall appeere need- full to have our ayd to the profequution of the murder or the preserva tion of the prince, they fhall fynde us very ready to fatiffy fuch reafonable requefts as may be made in that behalf. Arid otherwife we cannot devyfe how to confent to their demaunds, how beneficiall foever the matter may be made unto us by ayding of theim from adhering to the French, whilft the quene there fhal be in this maner of captivitie. We lyke very well of your dealing with the erle of Argile and the Ha- miltons. As to the laft mater in your lettre, which we perceive you have under ftand by fome fecret meanes, that fome of that counfell which favour the quene thinke her beft end fhulde be to comme into this realme and to com mit the government to fome there, whereof alfo yow think the quene her- felf very defyrous to have it brought to paffe, we cannot prefently refolve of any certeyn anfwer thereto ; but wifhe yow, if it be moved unto yow by the quene herfelfe or any other from her, to anfwer that you will here- REIGN OF QUEEN MARY. 231 of advertife us, and fo wold we have yow to do ; at which tyme we fhall gyve yow a more direct anfwer. For we fynde her removyng either into this our realme or into France not without great dyfcommodityes to us, and yet the dyffycultyes thereof grow upon divers refpects, as we doubt not but yow can well confider. Thus much for the things conteynid in your lettre requyring our anfwer. We think it not amiffe that fome perfwafion be ufed to the lords there to forbeare any hafty proceeding untiU the retorn of the earle of Murrey, whome we truft they fhall fhortly fee. We underftand by lettres from our coufin thearle of Bedford of dyvers diforders and forreys made upon our frontyers there, for remeady where of he hath writen to know our pleafure. And, for the firft degree, we have requyrid him to advertife yow particularly of the fame fpoiles and to requyre yow, as we alfo do, to impart the fame to the counfell there and fuch others as yow fhall think have the moft powre to refourme the fame, and to procure fome reafonable day to be lymited for the fame redreffes. And if they will not agree therunto you may fay unto them, as from us, that now of long tyme our people upon our frontyers have indured notorious and open fpoiles, fpecially upon the Middell Marches, the redreffe whereof hath ben according to the treatyes orderly and fre quently demaundid, and yet without any effect, and hitherto fuffrid upon promiffes and hope, which now we fee by new and greater incurfyous more doubtfuU than before. And therefore yow fhall, as yow fynde it meete, preffe theim to make fome fpedy reformation and redreffe, or other- wife not to finde it ftrange that redreffe be otherwife fought. And upon your doings heerein, we will yow to advertife our coufyn of Bedford, for we have given him ordre how to proceede upon advertifement from yow. 20 July, 1567. Minute of the queens majefties lettre to fir Nicholas Throk morton in Scotland. 232 ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE " THE ANSWER OF THE LORDS OF SCOTLAND TO SIR NICHOLAS THROKMORTON, AMBASSADOR THERE," July 20, 1567.* We cannot convenientlie at this tyme gif gou a refolute anfwer to the firft part of gour meffaige declared unto ws on the quenes majeftie gour foverains behalff, being heir bot a fmall part of that nowmer for the pre fent affembled, to qubome ge are directed ;' the others being before gour cuming difperfed in feverall corners of the realme upon gude occafiones tending to manetenance of the juft querell we have in hand, and for fup- prefling of dangerous interprifes mycht be attempted for the owerthraw thairoff. In abfence of quhom, their confent not obteyned, we may not refolve ony matter of confequence, leaft the fame mycht breade in thame occafyon of myflyking, and confequentlie breache of the affociation quhair- by we are joyned togidder, quhairin we praye gou to beare with ws. Nochtheles, acknowledging how far we are bounde to the quene gour foverane, in that it pleafith her hienes thus lovinglie to deale with ws, and to allowe of the grundes quhairupoun our interprife is foundit, add ing allfua thairunto a fpeciall care of our faulfgarde, we meane to dryve na mair tyme with you towards the anfring of gour demandes then the cais itfelf doith of necefiitie require. For quhilk propos we have written out of hand for the remanent noblemen abfent to be here with all fpede ; at quhaife cuming ge fall weill perceave, by our and there procedynges with gou, quhat refpecte we beare to the quene gour maiftrefs, as a prin ceffe in whom we have repofed our fpeciall truft, as weill in confidera- tion of the juftice of our caufe as that the murther quhilk we ga about to revenge wes perpetrated in the perfon of him quha had that honour to be nere her majefties blude ; and that the prince, for quhais prefervation we have put ourfelves in hazard, is hir hienes next coufing. Althogh we can prefentlie fay na further for fatiffying of gour demandes till the cuming of the remanent noblemen, git perfaving by that ge have * From the Addit. MS. 4126, No. 39, REIGN OF QUEEN MARY. 233 propounded unto wsthat the queens majeftie gour maiftreffe findis ftrange our behaviour towards the queens majeftie our foveraigne and her hienes imprifonment, quhairupon ge have maide ws a large and greate remon- ftrance, putting ws in mynde of dewitie of fubjectz towards theire natu ral princeffe ; we will, for your bettir fatiffactioun thairin, difclofe fome part of our intention and procedynges, quhilkis we will defyre gou to im part to the quene gour miftres, not doubting bot, quhen hir hienes fal have underftand the fame, fhe fal not fo far difallowe our doyngis in that behalf. And firft, we praye her heynes thus to confave of ws, that we take no plefur to deale with our foveraigne after this fort as we are pre- fentlie enforced to do, being the perfoun in the warld quhome, according to our bounde dewitie, we have in our hartes maift revered and honourit, quhais grandeur we have maift earneftlie wifhit, and with the verie ha zard of our lyves wald have endevoured ourfelffs to have procured it. We nevir wer about in any wyfe to reftrayene hir libertie, nor nevir en- terit in deliberatioun at the begynnynge of this caufe of ony thing mycht touche hir perfon ; the groundes of our intentes are to weill knawen to the warld and bettir a greate deale then we wyfhe they were ; forfa- mekle as thay import the ignominy of this haill natioun, and touch in ho nour als weill the quene hirfelf as ws all. How horribly the king, hir majefties hufband, wes murthered is the commoun fable of the vulgarp throghout Chriftindome ; quhat forme of juftice hes bene kepit for pun- ifhment thairof, or rather how fcomfully a difguyfed mafk wes fett up in place of juftice ; Gif our teftimony be fufpect, we traift the quene your maiftres awn confcience is fufficiently informed of the trewth by other meanes. How fchamfullie the quene our foveraigne wes led cap tive ; and by feare, force, and, as by mony conjectures may be weill fuf- pected, other extraordinary and mair unlauchfull meanys, compelled to become bed-fallow to another wyves hufband, and to him quha not thre monethis afore had in his bed maift cruelly murtherid hir hufband, is ma nifeft to the warld, to the great difhonour of hir majeftie, ws all and this haill natioun. In quhat cafe the innocent babe, our native prince, then flude, is eafie to be confident, quhen the murtherair by fie ungodlie meanes had atteyned the place of him quhome to the fame end he had Qg 234 ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE murtherid. Quhat end, think ge, culd we have luket for the erll of Boithwillis procedyngis with progres of tyme ? or in quhat boundis culd his immoderat ambitioun have bene concludit, quha, not content of his awne eftate, had in thre monethes founde fie hap in an unhappy enter- prife that, by the murther of the babes father, he had purchafed a pre- tendit mariage of the mother, feafed her perfoun in his handes, envyroned with a continewall garde of twa hundreth harquebufiers alfweil day as nycht, quhair ever fhe went (befides a nomber of his fervandes and others naughty perfonis, murtheraris, and pyrattis, quha, to impetrate impuni- tie of there wickkit lyffe and libertie to do ill, maid thair dependence on him,) and by thir meanys brocht the nobilitie to that miferable poynt, gif if ony had to do with the prince, it behovit him, before he culd come to hir prefence, to ga throgh the rankes of harqueboufiers under the mercy of a notorious tyran, as it wer to pas the picques, a new exemple, and quhairwith this natioun had nevir bene acquayntid ; and git few or nane admitted to hir fpeche, for that his fufpicious hart, brocht in feare by the teftimony of ane evill confcience, mycht not fuffer the fubjectis to have acces to hir majeftie as thay were wont to do ? Befides all this, the prin cipall ftrengthis, fortreffis, with the haill artalliery and munitioun, the haill governament and direction of all the affairs of the realme, feafed in his handes. Quhat refted to finifh the work begonne, and to accomplifhe the haill defir of his ambicious hart, but to fend the fone after the father ? and as mycht be fufpeeted, feing him kepe another wyfe in flore, to mak the quene alfua drink of the fame cupe, to thende he mycht inveft him felf with the crowne of the realme ? quhilk behovit to be the mark he fchot at ; for that quhilk be wikkit meanes is purchaffed mon be by the like manteaned. Quhen this wes the condicion and eftait of the realme, quhat wes the office of the nobilitie ? or quhat became it thame to do quhome God had callit to honourable place in this common weill ? Sould they have wincked at it? AUace, that wes to lang done, and that we may fair repent 1 Sould thay have contented thamefelffis to deale by way of advife or counfale, quhen no counfellour of the realme had the libertie of free fpeeche nor furetie of there awin lyfe, gif they fuld in counfale refill the inordinat affectionis of that bloody tyran, gea, quhen REIGN OF QUEEN MARY. 235 a few nombre or in a manner nane durft refort to court ? Quhair ge have fpoken that, failgeing thairof, we fuld have recomended the reft to Almichtie God, the advife may be good for the foule but not fauf for the body, and hard to be followed, for thairwithall it behuiffit ws affurit- lie to have recommendit the foule of our prince, and the maift part of ourfelffis, in God his handes, and, as we firmlie beleve, the fade alfua of the quene our fouveraigne, quha fuld not haife levit with him haulf ane geir to ane end, as may be conjectered by the experience of the fchort tyme they levit togidder and the mayntenyng of his other wyffe at hame in his hous. The refpeetis forefaid, with many others and verie neceffitie, moved ws to interprife the querrel we have in hand, quhilk wes onlie intended agains therll of Boithuilles perfon, to deffolve that difhonnorable and unlawfull conjunctioun under the name of mariage, quhilk neither be God his law nor man his law culd be valable nor al lowed by eyther relligioun, Papift or Proteftant, but wes deteftable in the eyis of the haill warld ; to remove the fchamfull fklander quhilkis amangis all nationes wes fpred of this poore realme, by revenging of that cruell murther, and to preferve the maift noble perfon of that innpcent babe. Thefe effectis culd not be othervis brocht to pas then by punifh- ment of therll Boithuille in his perfon, quhilk culd not be apprehendit onles we had put ourfelffs in armes to that effect. It apperit weill, quhen at the firft enterprife we came about Borthuik, we ment nathing to the quenes perfon ; in fa far as, hearing that he was efcaped out of the hous, we infifted na farther to perfew the fame, it being maift eafie to have bene taken, but cam bak to Edinburgh, there to confult how farther we fuld proceid for his apprehenfioun. During quhilk tyme, for avoiding of the danger hang ower his heade, covering himfelf with thefchaddo of the quenes autoritie, caryiug alfua with him hir maift noble perfon, he put a greate nombre of her fubjectis in armes, of mynde to invade ws in Edin burgh and to difturb our eonfultatioun, quhilk he knew to be fa danger ous to him. Quhat did enfew thairon we think ge fufficientlie under ftand ; and caring litle or nothing for hir he favit himfelf, and fhe came in our company to Edenburgh. As our interprife wes intended direetlie agains him, fua we began to deale with hir majeftie and to perfuade hir 236 ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE that, for hir awn honour, the faftie of hir fone, the difchargeing of hir confcience and the publick tranquiUitie of the haill ftate, fhe wald be content to feparate hirfelf from that wickit man, to quhome fhe wes never lauchfullie joyned, and with quhome fhe culd not remayne without the manifeft loffe of honour and hazard of her haill eftait, with all the gude remonftrances that to gude fubjectis did apperteyn to fpeake to thair prince in fie a caifs ; but all in vane, for plat contrarie to our ex- pectatioun we fand hir palfion fo prevaill in mayntenance of him and his caufe that fhe wald not with patience heir fpeake onything to his reproche, or fuffer his doyngs to be callit in queftioun ; but, be the contrair, offred to gif over realme and all fa fhe myt be fufferid to enjoy him, with mony threatnyngis to be revengit on every man had delt in the mater. The fcharpnes of hir words wer good witneffes of the vehemence of hir paf- fioun. Quhair upoun we had juft occafion offred to conceave that fhe wald not faill, induring that paffion, fa lang as ony man in Scotland wald take armes at hir command, to put thame to the feeldis for mayntenance of the murtherair, and fa fuld it behuiff ws every day to fecht a cruiU bat tel. Quhat inconvenientis mycht have followit ther upon to herfelf, to her fone, to ws all, and the haill realme, we leave to gour jugement. And get we thocht, as we ftill do think, knawing the greate wifdome quhair- with God has endewed hir, that within a fhort tyme, hir mynde being a litle fettled and the eyis of hir underftanding oppyned, fhe wald better confidder of herfelf and the ftate of every thing. And, fa, for efchewing of the prefent inconvenientis, being fie as neceffarlie wald have brocht on the decay of hir awn honnor and overthraw of the haill eftate, it behuvit ws of twa evills to choife the leaft, quhilk wes to fequeftrate hir perfon for a feafon from his company, and from having intelligence 'with him or fie others as wer of his faction, to the end we mycht have a breathing tyme and leifure to goo fordwart in the profequutioun of the murther ; not doubting bot, fa fone as be a juft triall we mycht make the trewth ap peare and that he had reffaved the recompenfe dew to that maift abo minable fact, fhe wald conform herfelf to allow of our doyngs, tending mair to hir awn honour than ony particuler intereft that ony of us hes in the mater. Of this opinion we ar, that quhen all our procedingis REIGN OF QUEEN MARY. 237 from the begynning of this aetioun to the end fal be examinat and richt- lie weyed, it fall appeare manifeftlie that na Chriftian prince fal have occafion to miflike of ws, but rather be the contrary think that hir honour hes of ws bene fa refpected that we have not cared for the regard thair of quhat become of our felffis, or what judgement mycht be taken in the warld of our doyngs. And of a poynt ge may weill affure the queenes majeftie your maiftres that, in the prefequutioun of this mater, we have alwayes kepit fie moderatioun as we have not gone nor fall ony wys pro- cede further than juftice and the necefiitie of the caufe fall leade ws. This far only for our difcharge, leaving the anfwer of gour demandes to the cuming of the reft. 21 Julye, 1567- Anfwer by the lordes of Scotland to fir Nicholas Throkmorton, embaffador there. "LETTER FROM SIR NICHOLAS THOCKMORTON TO QUEEN ELIZABETH, July 21, 1567.* It maye pleafe your majeftie; fynce the difpatche of my laft, of the .19 of July, I have preffed theys lords to geve me awnfwer to fuche thinges as I propofed unto them the 15 of thys monethe; and, namely, to per- myt me to have acceffe to the queen theire foveraygne without anye longer delay e, and lykewyfe to fatiffye your majeftie in thenlargement of her. Ther earle Moreton aunfwered me that fhortelye I fhoulde heare aun fwer from them, but the day being deflyned as I dyd fee, to the comu- * From the Addit. MS. 4126, No. 38. 238 ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE nyon and coutynuaH preachynge and comon prayer, they could not be ahfeot nor attend© matters of the worlde, for firfte they muft feeke the matters of God and take counfell of Hym who coulde beft dyreete them. Notwitbftaiidinge, he promyfed there fhoulde be no delaye ufed; and the fame nighte, about 1 1 of the clocke, the lard of Liddington came to me to nay lodgynge and delyvered me, on the lords behalfe, thys wrytynge which I fende your majeftie; fayinge, becaufe the matter was longe and conteyned manye partes, theye thought good, for the helpe of my memo- rye, to put the fame in wrytinge ; for the which I thanked hym. Marye, I coulde have ben better contented yf the woulde have fubfcrybed theyre names to the fame. He fayde that was needles, for that was but onely to eafe me of payne to cowche it in wrytinge ; otherwife your majeftie woulde have beleaved what I had wrytten unto you of them of myne owne reporte without theyre wryting or fubfcryptyon ; " and yet," quoth he, " the quene and her counfell wyll know that this cometh from us, and the rather becaufe I delyver yow on behalfe of the lordes." I preffed to have acceffe to the quene theyre foverayne; he aunfwered me that, for that and other thynges propofed by me on your majefties behalfe, I mufte needes tarye untill theyre affocyates were joyned with them. This pa- rentarye aunfwer beinge geven me, wherewith I fhewed myfelfe nothinge contented, he fayde unto me, " Sir, I wyll talke more frankelye with you than with any man of your natyon, were it not with my lord of Leycefter and Mr Secretorye. You fee our humors heere and how we be bent ; let the quene your foverayne and her counfell be well advyfed, for fure ly yow run a cowrfe which wyll breede us greate peryll and trowble, and yourfelves moft, of all. Doe yow not fee that yt dothe not lye in my power to doe that I faynefl woulde doe? which is to have the quene my miftris in eftate and in honor. I know well enoughe yt is not hidden from you thextremytie that the chyfeft of our affemblye be in concerninge thendynge of thys matter. Yow harde yefterdaye and fomewhat this daye how both yow and I weere publykely taxed in the preachynges, thoughe we weere not named. Wee muft be fayne to make a vertue of neceffytie, and forbeare neither to doe ourfelves good, the quene nor our countreye. And the quene your miftris had neede to take heede that fhe REIGN OF QUEEN MARY. 239 make not Scotlande by her dealynge better French than either they woulde be or fhoulde be. Yow fee in whofe hands reftethe the power; yow know the Frenchemen have a fayinge, ' II pert le jeu qui laiffe la partie.' To my great gryeffe I fpeake yt, the quene my foverayne may not be abydon amongeft us, and thys is not tyme to doe her good if fhe be ordeyned to have anye. Therefore take heede that the quene your foveraigne doe [not] loofe altogether the good wyll of thys companye irre- cuperablye. For thoughe there be fome amongeft us which would reteyne our prince, people, and amytie, to Englaundes devotion, yet, I can affure you, if the quenes majeftie deale not otherwyfe than fhe dothe yow wyll lowfe all, and yt fhall not lye in the power of your wellwyllers to helpe yt, no more than yt dothe in our powers now to helpe the quene our foveraigne." Agreable hereunto, yt may pleafe your majeftie, yow might perceyve by my lettres of the 19 of Julye, upon fuche groundes as I made my col- lectyons, that thyffue of thys great matter heere was lyke to be deter- myned by one of the 4 degrees and endes in my fayde lettres mencyoned, albeit I dyd pryncypalye relye, by conjecture, upon the twoe lafte and extremeft. But now I have, by affured intellygence, notwithftanding thys fmowthe fpeacche uttred by theys lordes in thys wrytinge which I fende your majeftie, they be refolved to put in executyon forthewithe the coronatyon of the yonge prynce, with the quenes confent yf they can obteyne the fame, promyfinge her that her conformytye in thys matter fhall affure unto her that they meane not neyther to towche her in honor nor in lyffe neyther; otherwyfe to procede agaynft her judycyallye by way of proces; otherwyfe they are determined to procede agaynft her publykely by manyfeftation or fuche evydence as they are hable to charge her with, and for the perfectynge of thys theyre entent they have fent for all the lordes and gentlemen which they thynke wyll conjoygne with them. And, as I underftande, they make theyre accompte to end thys matter before the latter ende of thys monethe. They meane alfo in the prynces name fo crowned to governe thys realme by nyne fuche noblemen and others as I have named unto your majeftie in my former lettres. And as far as I can underftande, they do 240 ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE not meane to fuffer the quene to departe forthe of theyre owne garde,; neyther to paffe forthe of thys realme, albeyt the Frenche kynge or your majeftie woulde be pleafed to have her, and albeit the Frenche kynge woulde deteyne the profettes of her dowrye. Thys is alfo to be feared, that, when theys lordes have fo far pro- ceded as to towche theyre foveraigne in honor and credyt, they wyll never thynke to fynde anye falfetye as long as fhe lyveth, and fo not onelye de prive her of her eftate but alfo of her lyffe. When I had perufed thys wrytinge delyvered me by the lard of Lid dington, I afked hym how far theys wordes, " neceffytie of theyre caufe," in thende of the fame, dyd extende, and howe far they might be led. He made me none other aunfwer, but fhakynge hys heade, fayd, " Vous etes ung renard." The earle Bodwell, as I underftande, hathe affembled 4 or 5 fmalle fhyppes together; he hath equipped and manned the fame, and myndeth, as yt is fayd, to ufe the fea for hys uttermoofle refuge. He begynnethe, as I heare, to fpoyle at the fea alreddye; he meaneth to allure the pyrates of all countreys unto hym. It weere good that your majefties fleete from Ifelande took good heede that they faile not into hys lappe. Mr Knox dothe in hys fermons dalye praye for the contynuacyon of amytie betwixte Englaunde and Scotland, and dothe lykewife admonyfhe hys auditorye to efchewe theyre oulde allyaunce with Fraunce as they woulde flye from the pottes of Egypte, which brought them nothynge but fugred poyfon; notwithftandinge he dothe continewe hys feveare exhor tations as well againft the quene as agaynft Bodwell ; thretnynge the greate plage of God to thys wholle countrey and natyon yf fhe be fpared from her condigne ponyfhement. The earles of Mar, Glenkeme, and Caffels, with the reft of theys lordes affocyatts, wyll be heere, as I am informed, the 24 or 25 of this monethe, and not before. The convencyon of all the churches, whereof I made mencyon in my laft to your majeftie, notwithftandinge all my perfwacyons to the con- trarye, dothe houlde; and thys daye, beinge the 24[?] of the monethe, they are affembled in the Tollebowthe, where they do propounde fuche mat- REIGN OF QUEEN MARY. 241 ters as they entende to treate of at thys tyme. The lard of Liddington hathe trayvaylled with foundrye of the wyfeft to make them defyfte from dealynge in anye matter which dothe concerne the quene or thys cryme. But, as far as I can learne, yt wyl be very harde to wyne thys at theyre handes, for they be verye audacyous; and yt appearethe theyre hartes be marveylowflye hardened agaynft theyre foveraigne, which God mollefye. For as much as I do heare an inkelynge that theys lordes do meane to defyre me to affyfle with them at the coronatyon of the prynce at Ster- lynge, it may pleafe your majeftie that I may knowe your pleafure howe to dyrecte myfelfe in that matter, in cafe I be by them fo requyred. Thus I praye Almightye God to preferve your majeftie in perfecte helthe, longe lyffe, and profperous felycytie. At Edenboroughe, this 21 Julye, 1567, Your majefties mooft humble, faythefull, obedyent, fervaunte and fubject, [ To the quenes moofle excellent majeftie. LETTER FROM SIR HENRY NORREYS TO QUEEN ELIZABETH, July 23, 1567;* It may pleafe your majeftie; the xvij of July the duke of Chaftillerault came to this towne, and the xix following went to the court, accompanied with the Scottifhe ambaffadour; who, I perceyve, is not fo muche a Hammelton in bloudde as Frenche in devotion, and by them wholly em- * From the Addit. MS. 4126, No. 75. Hh 242 ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE ployed in all thefe matters in Scotlande, to perfwade and winne fuche to them as may any way ftande them in fleade. The duke being there, the kinge declared unto hym the miferye whiche his countrey was prefently in by the captivitie of the queene and difobe- dience of her fubgects, whiche, he fayd, was nowe highe tyme to be looked unto and remedied ; and therfore, as one that ment not to forfake her in extremite, woulde neither fpare coft nor any thing elz to fette her at libertie and to reftore to her abfolute aucthoritie; fo as he, the fayd duke, and others whiche had power and creditte at home, woulde alfo mynde the matter and joyne togethers therein. The duke made aunfwer that, lyke as he had alwaies borne a faithfull harte towards his prince and countrey, and for the fervice therof adventured his lieff, as it was well knowen, at Pinkey and other places, fo was he ftill ready to hazarde the fame, with all the frends he coulde make, to redrefs his foveraignes caufe. The kinge thanked him for yt, and fayed the neceflitie of the caufe would require no delay ; and therfore his advife was, that he fhoulde haften himfelfe home where his prefence might do muche good ; adding further, that by the faythe of a prince, he woulde ayde them all to the uttermofle of his power. " And thoughe," fayd he, " the queene of Englande do make fayre femblaunce in this matter, yet do I not greatly trufte her; for I have difcovered of late that fhe dothe fecretly practife with the lordes to work her owne comodite, as the fending thether of fir Nicholas Throkmorton and certayne money dothe well de clare. But," fayd he, " it fhall coft her deere as any thing that ever fhe took in hande." The duke beganne to declare to the kinge howe affectionate he and all his houfe had been, next the queen his foveraigne, to the crowne of Fraunce, of whome he had receaved many benefittes, having the hon- nour to be one of the eldeft knights of the kinges order, and by his prede- ceffors made duke of Chaftillerault, although he was nowe, he knewe not for what caufe, difpoffeffed therof, and theruppon would fayne have gone farther touching his dukedome, but that the Frenche, defiring not to heere on that fyde, cut it fhorte and offred other talke. Wherein mon fieur de Martigny Handing by, fette in a foote, faienge to the kinge that REIGN OF QUEEN MARY. 243 if he would gyve him but iij thoufande harquebuziers, payd for iij monethes, he durft take uppon him to fet the queen at libertye, in de- fpite of her owne fubgects or any other that woulde take their parte, or elz he woulde never returne agayne into Fraunce. The king gave him thanks for his offer, but the queen Mother fayd, it was more tyme for him to return to his governement and do good juftice then to talke of fuche matters when they had yrons ynowe in the fyer; which the Conneftable alfo confirmed, faienge, " Ho, ho, is it nowe tyme to enter agayne into thofe matters?" By this your majeftie may perceyve, that notwithftanding their great bragges, whiche are gyven fourthe for the nones, to aftonifhe your majef tie and to keepe yow from dealing therein, they woulde fayne ferve their turnes with wordes and promeffes if they might, beeinge not well able to depart with more, althoughe they vaunte the contrarye, and fay they will fend thether out of hande twoo thoufande harquebuziers. The queen Mother, I know, loves not the queen of Scotland ; and, but that fhe fearethe to be prevented by your majeftie either in curtefye or otherwyfe nowe in this tyme of her neade, fhe woulde lette her try it by the teethe for any greate devotion fhe hathe to procure her libertye. I would to God, therfore, it might pleafe your majeftie to deal roundelye therin and to make your profict fo as the Frenche may be difappointed of their pur pofe ; the honnour and fuerty whereof muft nedes be greate, bothe to yourfelf and your realme. The duke of Chaftillerault, having promifed to runne the French courfe and to carry with him as many as he may, had fent him from the kinge, the xxij of July, a fayre prefent of plate, efleamed three tymes the vallue of that was gyven to thearle of Murreye, which, as I have learned fince, was worthe but a thoufande franks. It is reported the fayd duke fhall take his jorney homewards verey fhortly, but whether he dothe paffe throughe Englande or no it is yet doubted. Some fay he fhall, and that the kinge will write unto your majeftie for his fafe paffage; others fay agayne he lhall go bylonge feas aTni'conducte fomme force with him. This kinge is gon to Villers-Coftretz, from whence fome thinke he will 244 ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE returne backe agayne and not go to Compeigne; but I beleeve rather he will, and fo farther towards CaUais, if fomme fouddaine occafion alter not his purpofe. The kinge of Spaynes army, led by the duke of Alva, hathe already paffed throughe the Franche Conte and Lorrayne, betwene Metz, Thou, and Verdun; fo as it is thought by this they are come to Luxembourg. The kinge of Spayne himfelf will follow by the later ende of September, as it is certainly reported, with the prince his fonne, who fhal be marryed at his comming into Flaunders to the emperours eldeft daughter. The cardinal of Lorrayne and all the reft of his houfe are at Man- teuil, xiiij leagues from this towne, being minded to bee at the courte when the kinge commethe to Compeigne, where is lyke to be a great affemblye. Thus, having no other matter'at this tyme worthy your majefties adver tifment, I ceafe to trouble yow any farther; befeching Almighty God to profper yow in helthe, honnour, and felicite. From Paris, the xxiij of July, 1567. Your majefties mooft humble and faithful fubject and fervaunt, [ ] To the queenes moft excellent majeftie. LETTER FROM THE ARCHBISHOP OF ST ANDREWS AND THE ABBOT OF ARBROTHE TO SIR NICHOLAS THROKMORTON, July 24, 1567.* Efter maift hartlie commendacioun unto your gude lordfhip; pies the famyn, we reffavit your wrytinge from the bearer, quhairby, and by his * From the Addit. MS. 4126, No. 42. REIGN OF QUEEN MARY. 245 reporte, we have underftandit the quenes majeftie your foveraines gude meaninge towart our foveraigne and the common weale of this countrey; quhairof we are verye glad, and thankis your lordlhips hartelye of your advertizemente. The caufe why we ftait this bearer unpafte to my lord duke of Chattelauraulte unto this prefente is uppon certeyne confideration, to wyt, that is to fee quhat conclufion the nobylytie convenit in Eden brughe takes with your lordfhip ; and gif they wil be contented to put our foveraigne to lybertye uppon gude and honeft condycions, as we wrait to your lordfhip of before. Quharfore, we have dyrected the faid bearer towardes your lordfhips to knaw fa far in her behalffis as yt fall pleis yow to make us participant thareof, and has gevin to him the copie of our bande quhilk we defired to be delyvered to yow, quharby, and by all our procedings, the quenes majeftie your foveraigne and all other princes fall knawe our upright mynde towardes the quenes majeftie our fove raigne, the nobylytie of this realme, manteynance of juftice, and quyet- nes of this our comon weale. And becaufe wee have ordanit the bearer to declare our myndes mair fpeciaUie towart the premifles, wee will not make yow longer wrytinge; but will comyt your lordfhip to the protec tion of Allmightie God. Of Hamilton, the xxiiij of July, 1567, Your lordfhips affuret frendes to comaunde, St Andrews. Arbrothe. LETTER FROM SIR NICHOLAS THROKMORTON TO SIR WILLIAM CECIL, July 25, 1567.* Syr, Notwithftandynge thefe mens fayre langage to her majeftie, as you myght fe by theyr anfwer wych I did fend at my lafte dyfpatche, by thys • From the Addit. MS. 4126, No. 45. 246 ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE you fhall perceave how they meyne to go to worke more riggorufly then gently. And by that tyme you fhall have confyderyd the progreffe of theyr doyngs and the ftate prefent, I thynke you wyll be of mynde that no partie ys fo to be fought and allueryd as thefe lordes wyche have the power and theyr partie fo well made. Syr, I pray you let me knowe hyr majefties refolution and dyrection, to thend I may fe how to dyrecte my doyngs to hyr majefties contentation and for the fervice of the realme. Thus I do humbly take my leave of you. At Edynborowgh, the xxv of July, 1567, Yours to ufe and comand, To the right honorable fir Wylliam Cecil, knight, one of her majef ties Prevye Counfell and princi pall Secretorye. LETTER FROM SIR NICHOLAS THROKMORTON TO THE ARCHBISHOP OF ST ANDREWS AND THE ABBOT OF ARBROTHE, July 26, 1567.* Your good lordfhips lettres of the xxiiij of July dated at Hamylton I have received the xxvj of the fame by this bearer, Mr Roberte Hamilton, together with the bande which yow and your frends have accorded unto. And for aunfwer, it maye lyke your lordlhips to underftande that I will by my next advertize the quenes majeftie my foveraigne of your good devocyon for the enlargement of the quene your foveraigne ; and will not * From the Addit. MS. 4126, No. 46. REIGN OF QUEEN MARY. 247 faile alfo to fend her majeftie the copye of your bande. As to the con- clufion taken with me by theis lordes and others affembled heere at Edenboroughe, your lordfhips fhall underftande I can growe to no refo- lucyon with them; but am deteyned by theire delatorye aunfwers into longe tracte of tyme; and can obteyne in no wyfe at their hands eyther permiflion to have acces to the quene your foveraigne, neyther her high nes enlargement of her captyvytie. Suche other things as Mr Hamilton hathe on your lordfhips behalves defired to be informed of me, I have not fpared to inftruete him of my intelligence; unto whom I refer your lord fhips to be advertized of the fame. And thus Almightie God have your lordfhips in his bleffed tuycyon. At Edenbrughe, this xxvj of July, 1567, Your lordfhips to comaunde, N. T. 26 July, 1567. My letter to the buffhop of St An drews and abbot of Arbrothe. LETTER FROM SIR NICHOLAS THROKMORTON TO QUEEN ELIZABETH, July 26, 1567.* It may pleafe your majeftie ; your letters, dated at Richemounte the 20th of Julye I received the 24th of the fame in the night at Edenbrughe. The next morninge, beinge the 25th, I took occafyon to requyere the earles of Moreton and Marr, and the laird of Lyddynton, that I might have conference with them, and with fuche other of the lordes as theye thought meete ; and further requyred them to fufpend theyre haftye pro- • From the Addit. MS. 4126, No. 47. 248 ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE » cedynges with the quene theyre foveraigne, whereof I had fome intelli gence, untill I had fpoken with them. They aunfwered they would advife of the matter and fende me worde ; but prefentlie this forenon they coulde not, for other matters which were appoynted to be treated of. And I, havinge intellygence that the lord Lyndfeye was retorned thys morninge, beinge the 25th, from Lougheleven, dowbted that theye woulde proceede to accomplyfhe theyre ententes, whereof I made mencyon to your majeftie in my lettres of the fayde 25th. I doe underftande that the lord Lynfeye hathe obteyned of the quene his foveraigne her confent and conformytye to all fuche matters as weere proponed unto her on the lordes behalfe by him; and hathe alfo obteyned her figne with her owne hande to the inftrumente conteyninge the coro- natyon of her fonne, and to the twoe comiffyons of regentcye durynge his mynoritye, whereof I made mencyon unto your majeftie in my lafte dif patche before thys. The laird of Lyddynton, about 1 1 of the cloke in the forenon of the fayd 25th day, came unto me to my lodginge and fayde; " Sir, the lordes have fent me unto yow, to requyere yow to haulde them ex cufed, that yow cannot have conference with them this day, beinge ne- ceffarylye otherwyfe occupyed, and therefore they have fent me unto yow to knowe what yow have to declare unto them." Than accordinge to your majefties inftructions geven me in your lafte lettre, I treated with hym to know whether they coulde devyfe anye waye that the quene might be reftored to her lybertye and ftate, and that donne, in cafe it fhoulde appeare needefull to your majeftie to geve them ayd to the profecutyon of the murder or to the prefervacyon of the prynce, they fhoulde fynde your majeftie readye to fatiffyce fuch reafonable re- quefts as might be made in that behalfe, otherwife your majeftie coulde not confente to theyre demaundes nor fhew them anye benefyte. I fayde alfo, that yt woulde be demed a verye temerarious aete for them to proceede with anye riggowre agaynfte the quene theyre fove raigne, and further ufed perfwacyons unto them to fufpende the matter untill the retorne of the earle of Murreye. I did alfo declare unto hym REIGN OF QUEEN MARY. 249 your majefties pleafure towchinge the ftate of the borders, accordinge to your inftructions. My lord of Lyddynton aunfwered, that he would informe the lordes of all that I had fayde, and requyere them alfo to geve me aunfwer unto the fame. Then he fayde unto me, " Sir, nowe I fpeake of myfelf, and as one that dothe concurre in opynyon and defyre with the quenis majef tie your miftris and yow, towchynge the quene my foveraigne; but beinge in place to knowe more than yow can knowe, I faye unto yow, as one that woulde of all ills chewfe the lefte, in cafe yow doe on the quenes behalfe your miftris preffe this companye to enlarge the quene my fove raigne and to fuffer you to goe unto her, or doe ufe anye thretnynge fpeache in thoofe matters the rather to compaffe them, I affure yow, yow wyll put the queen my foveraigne in greate jeoperdye of her lyffe. And therefore there is none other waye for the prefent to doe her good but to geve place and ufe myldnefs. I wyll declare unto them theys matters which yow have fpoken in fuche forte as yow maye have the befte aun fwer and doe the quene my miftris moofle, good." It may pleafe your majeftie that I maye knowe your further pleafure, whether I fhall repayre to the quene of Scotlande and fpeake with her, accordinge to your majefties former inftructions, in cafe the prynce be crowned and that theys lordes will accorde unto me acces unto her, as I thynke they wyll not, and lykewyfe that I may know your majefties further pleafure concerninge myne abode heere, fynce my commiffyon of legacyon ys altred by thys mutacyon, the prynce beinge in veiled with the royall eftate and dygnetye, and the quene hys mother depryved of the fame, which I thynke wyll come to paffe with in theys 3 or 4 dayes, all the no bylytie and gentlemen within this towne beinge readye thys daye to de parte hence to goe hence to Sterlinge to crown the prynce with greate folempnytie. Herewith I fend your majeftie the copye of a lettre which the buffop of Sainct Andrewes and the abbot of Arbrothe fent unto me, and the copye of myne aunfwer unto them agayne. The bande mencyoned in theyre lettre I fent your majeftie in my former lettres. The countes of Murrey, of whom I wrot to your majeftie in my lafte i i 250 ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE to be in Lougheleven, is departed thence to Saynt Andrewes. There was greate forowe betwixte the quene and her at theyre metinge and muche gretter at theyre departinge. Maye yt pleafe your majeftie, I doe underftand the quene of Scotlande hathe had twoe fyttes of an ague, fo as fhe dothe keape her bed. It maye pleafe your majeftie, thys daye about 12 of the cloke at nonne, theys lordes came all unto me to my lodginge, booted and fpurred, redye to mounte on horfebacke, and after falutacyons I proponed unto them on your majefties behalfe the fame matters which I had declared to the lard of Lyddyngton the daye before, whereunto they aunfwered by the mowthe of the fayd lard of Lyddynton, as followethe. " My lord ambaffador, as unto the matter of the borders, the lordes have geven as good order for them as they can devyfe to all fuch men as have charge of them, and fure they are, that for the wardenrye of lord Hume there is no man of Englaunde hathe caufe to complayne ; the lyke they maye faye for the Eafie Tyvydall, which is under the lard of Sef- ford. As unto the Weft Tyvydalle they mufte needes confeffe the pryn cypall murderers of the kinge, as the lard of Ormefton with hys adhe- rentes, be the pryncypall doers of myfchyeffe upon the borders, which they commyt of purpofe to brynge the realms into unquyetnes, as the ut- termooft refuge that they have now to keape themfelves from aunfwer- inge to the lawe heere ; for they knowe they be put to the home and can have no beinge in Scotlande yf juftyce take place. " Theys lordes doe defyre that the myfchyeffs and outrages of Bodwells faction be not imputed to them ; for no men woulde gladlyer put theyre handes to the reformacyon than theye. " The lordes doe truft that by theyre meanes thearle of Bedford and fir John Fofter be fatiffied upon fuch affurance as ys made unto them with in theys twoe dayes. " As unto the fufpendinge of our procedynges with the quene our fove raigne untill the comynge of thearle of Murreye, we doe meane to fatif- fyce the quene your miftris defyre in that behalfe ; nevertheles, my lordes have wylled me to declare unto yow what yt hathe pleafed the quene my foveraigne to conclude on for the ftate of thys realme upon her owne REIGN OF QUEEN MARY. 251 voluntarye advyfe. That is to fay, fyndinge herfelf, bothe in helthe unmeete to take the care and governaunce of this realme and alfo unfor tunate in thadmyniftracyon thereof, beinge verye defyrous to fee her fonne the yonge prynce fetled in her feate in her lyffe tyme, hath com- maunded them under her hande wrytinge to procede to the coronation of her fonne, as a thynge that fhe fhall take moofte pleafure to fee, which they weere now redye to accomplyfhe, and therefore entended prefentlye to goe forthe of thys towne to Sterlynge to the inauguracyon of the fayd prynce." At which folemnytie they defyred me, beinge your majefties ambaffador, to affyfte; which my doinge they trufted your majeftie woulde allowe, confydryinge that the yonge prynce was your majefties nereft kynfeman of the blood royall both of Englaunde and Scotlande ; humblye defyrynge your majeftie that in refpecte of hys yowthe and in refpect of the trowbles, dyvycyons, and parcyalyties, of thys realme, and in refpecte of fome forreyne practyzes and devyfes which myght enfue to his prejudyce, that yt woulde pleafe your majeftie to take hym, hys honor and caufes into your protectcyon, and lykewyfe all thoofe noblemen and gentlemen and others, hys good fubjectes and fervauntes, which, beinge molefted for hys fervyce, myght always fynde ayde, fupporte, and refuge at your majefties handes. I aunfwered that there was a contraryetie in that which had ben fpoken concerninge the quene; for fyrft, yt was fayde they entended nothynge untill the comminge of thearle of Murreye towchynge theyre foveraigne, and now it femethe they weere in hande and about to depryve her of her eftate and to crowne her fonne. And as to my goinge to Sterlinge with them, I fayde, for as muche as theys accidentes weere chaunfced and theys matters concluded contrarye to the quene my foveraignes expecta- cyon, and contrarye to her advyfe, I could not affyfte at anye fuche doinges, and yet I was fure that your majeftie wyfhed the prynce as muche good and honour and as muche falfetye as anye of them, albeyt yow coulde not allowe that the fonne fhoulde depoofe the quene hys mother from her eftate; nether dyd your majeftie fo prefer the prynce to hys mother as that fhe fhoulde be kepte in captyvytie, fpoylded of all 252 ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE honour, and he, a yonge babe, take thadmyniftration of the realm upon hym. It was aunfwered, that no prynce did govern a realme without counfell, though he weere never fo aged or wyfe, and the fame order theyre fove raygne had taken for the governinge of thys realme, meaninge that the wyfeft and fytteft of the nobylytie fhould take the charge upon them in her fonnes mynoritye. Therewithall, with a greate lowde charme, they that flood behynde fayde the realme coulde never be worfe governed than yt was, for eyther the quene was advyfed by the worfle counfell or by no counfell; and therewithall they fayde, " my lord, wee wyll trowble you no longer, the daye paffethe awaye, and we have far to ryde ;" and fo they toke theyre leave of me. The lordes have fhewed me that Tewfdaye the 29th of Julye is the daye of the kynges inauguracyon. Thaffemblye of the churches ys dyf- folved untyll yt be reaffembled by the kynges aucthoritye. The earles, lordes, barons, lardes and gentlemen, affembled at thys tyme, have fub- fcrybed to the defence of and mayntenaunce of theyre yonge kynges re- galytie, and to the fuppreffynge of all adverfaryes to the contrarye, with out exceptyon. Apon the receypt of this my dyfpatche, I truft yt fhall pleafe your majeftie to geve order for my revocacyon forthe of thys countrey. I doe intend to fend my cowfen Henrye Myddlemore, your majefties fervaunte, to Sterlynge, to thende he may fee theyre procedynges there at thys folemnytie; and alfo that your majeftie may be the more trulye advertized of all fuche thynges as lhall chaunce there. Thus Almightye God preferve your majeftie in helthe, honour, and all felycytye. At Edenbrughe, thys 26 of July, 1567, Your majefties mooft humble, faythefull, obedyent, fervaunte and fubjecte, [ ] REIGN OF QUEEN MARY. 253 LETTER FROM SIR NICHOLAS THROKMORTON TO THE EARL OF LEICESTER, July 26, 1567.* It may pleafe your good lordfhip ; theys men entende to drawe theyre matters to an ende, for thys far forthe they are ; they have obteyned the quenes refignation of her royall eftate, and her confent, confyrmed with her hande, for the coronatyon of her fonne ; which to folemnyze and per- fecte, all the noblemen and gentlemen in thys towne with foundrye of the burgeffes alfo doe repayre to Sterlynge thys daye. So as I thynke, the folemnytie of the feafte fhal be upon Tewfdaye, whereat they have requyred me to affyfte, which I have refufed to doe, confydringe thys iffue is come to paffe much otherwyfe than the quenes majefties expecta- cyon and contrarye to her opynion. They have alfo obteyned, under the quenes hande, twoe commyffions of regentcye durynge the kynges myno- ritye ; thone to the earle of Murreye alone, and, in cafe he refufe to ex- ercyfe the fame, thother to certeyn of the nobylytie and other counfellors of thys realme. My lord, amongeft other imperfections in theys pro- cedynges, thys is not the leafte, that the quene of Scotlande hath accorded and figned theys inftrumentes and condycyons, fhe beinge in captyvytie ; and therefore it is to be feared, but for theys and other refpectes, the tragidye wyll ende in the pes&n of the quene violentlye, as yt began in Dayves and her hufbandes. Now, my lord, I am to feeke what to doe, for my commiffyon of ambaffade was to the quene, who is depryved of her eftate ; and to tarye her without commiflion is inconvenyent, and to re- ! torne home to the quenes majeftie unrevoked is daungerous. So, as your lordfhip maye fee, that I have caufe to be perplexed ; and in my fymple opynion yt is verye inconvenyent that I fhoulde now preffe any longer to have acces to the quene, and to treate with her accordinge to her majefties inftructions, which be verye impertynent to her prefent eftate, and yet I thynke theys lordes in that matter wyll deale with me as * From the Addit. MS. 4126, No. 48. 254 ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE they have donne. Therefore, my lord, feinge I doe nothynge but fpende the quenes money heere in vayne, in a place where there [is] lytle plea fure and muche trowble, I humblye praye your lordfhip, procure my re- vocacyon by the nexte defpatche, for yt is in vayne to treate anye more with theys lordes about the enlargemente of the quene, or to obteyne any favorable condycyons for her ; and as for theyre yonge and new kynge, I do not thynke you wyll take the waye there to brynge hym to Eng launde. Herewith I fend your lordfhip thys lytel tycket, which was fent me forthe of an old buke of the prophefyes of this countrey. Your lordfhip maye beleave yt as yt fhall pleafe you, but there is here myckle credyt geven to yt. Thus I humblye take my leave of your good lordfhip. From Edenburghe, the xxvj of Julye, 1567- Your good lordfhips to ufe and commande, [ ] To the right honorable thearle of Leicefler, knight of the Order, and one of the lordes of the quenes majefties Prevye Cown- fail. LETTER FROM SIR NICHOLAS THROKMORTON TO SIR WILLIAM CECIL, July 26, 1567.* Syr, By hyr majefties letter you may perceave how thefe lordes have procedyd, and to what poynt they have browght theyr matters. Now, I pray you procur with fpede my revocation ; for, as the cafe flandyth • From the Addit. MS. 4126, No. 49. REIGN OF QUEEN MARY. 255 with thys myferable quene, it fhall be to lytyll porp[o]fe for me to have acceffe unto hyr and to treate with hyr, according to my inftructions ; and to wyn any thyng at thefe mens hands, confyderynge the contra- ryete betwixte us, I fe not grete lykelyhode. They undPrftonde more from thens then I wold they dyd, and be not ignorant of the lyberal fpeche of them here. I doe remayne here at Edy[n]borowghe now, fo on that hathe nothyng to doe but fpend the quenes money in a contre wheare theyr is fmale plefure. It ys to be fearyd that thys tragedy woll end yn the quenes perfon, after thys coronation, as yt dyd begin yn the perfon of Davyd the Italien, and the quenes hufband. Syr, iff I cowld go faffely, as I moche dowte of yt, I wold retyre myfelffe to Barwykke un till I here from you, thys towne beyng lefte deftytute of all noblemen and gentylmen, faffe fyr James Baufor, captayn of the caftell, and the lard of Craegmyller, provofte of the towne. Theyr ys alfo lefte here 200 harqabufiers for the garde of thys towne. Thus, truftyng I fhall here from you with fpede upon the receapte hereof, I do humbly take my leave of you. At Edynborowghe, the xxvj of July, 1567- Yours to ufe and comand, [ 1 To the right honorable fir Wylliam Cecill, knyght, one Pf her majefties Prevye Counfell, and Pryncypall Secretorye. LETTER FROM SIR NICHOLAS THROKMORTON TO QUEEN ELIZABETH, July 31, 1567.* It may pleafe your majeftie ; the 30 Julye Anthonye Rokefbye, yonger brother of Chriftofer Rokefbye, who hathe ben fo longe deteyned pry- • From the Addit. MS. 4126, No. 51. 256 ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE foner in Scotlande in the caftell of Spynaye, where the earle of Bodwell is and hath ben of longe tyme, declared unto me that his elder brother, beinge earneftlye preffed and folycyted by Archybalde Lynfeye, capten of the fayde caftell under the buffhop of Murreye, and alfo by one Hey- borne, kinfeman to the earle Bodwell, lard of Rycarleton, and lyke wyfe by one James Lyndfeye, fervaunte to the fayde buffhop, and three of the buffhops fonnes, named Heybornes, for the favegarde of hys lyffe coulde not but confent to the kyllinge of the fayde earle Bodwell, or thapprehencyon of hym at fuche tyme as the matter afforefayde fhoulde be by the perfonnes afforefayde attempted. Whereof the fayde Chrifto- pher Rokefbye thought meete and convenyent to advertyze me, your ma jefties ambaffadour, to thende your majeftie might make choyfe, whether you would have the fayde earle Bodwell fo killed, or otherwyfe, yf yt weere fo poffyble, delyverid in fome fuche forte as they coulde apprehende hym, into your majefties realme. And for that I dyd not fee anye greate facylytie or lykelyhoode, upon examinacyon of cyrcumftances, for the apprehencyon of the fayde earle, nor for the delyveringe of hym alyve into Englaunde, the fayde earle be inge accompanyed by 12 or 14 defperate perfons, which weere pryncipall doers at the murder of the late kynge, whofe names I fend your majeftie herewith, and alfo for that I dyd well knowe that yt coulde not be agree able to your pryncelie nature, neyther to your godlye mynde, to give your confent to anye murder, albeyt your majeftie coulde have bene contented that the fayde earle eyther by juftyce were executed, or otherwyfe the worlde ryd of hym by Gods hande, for the inconvenyence he hathe brought the quene your cowfen into, I dyd refufe to incorrage the fayde Rokefbye or anye of the complyces to thys confpyracye to proceede in the fame as they had declared unto me yt was entended eyther for the mur der of the fayde earle, or for hys apprehencyon. Notwithftandinge, I dyd advye the fayde Rokefby to repayre to the lard of Lyddyngton to Sterlynge, and to declare unto hym the ftate of the wholle matter and what was entended by the perfonnes before named ; in afmuche as he and the lordes hys affocyates had more intrefle in the caufe then your majeftie had. The fayde Rokefbye declared alfo unto REIGN OF QUEEN MARY. 257 me that the fayde confpyratours entended to kyll thoulde buffhoppe joyntlye with thearle, beinge of the earles furname and fowre fcore yeares oulde ; an acte furelye verye cruell and abhomynable that thoulde man fhoulde ende hys lyffe fo myferablye havynge commytted no cryme ; which dyd the rather move me to ryd my handes of the wholle matter. I doe underftande alfo by hym that the earle of Huntleye is a prac- tyzer and a pryncypall doer in thys confpyracye, and yet he bearethe hys brother-in-lawe the earle Bodwell verye fayre countenaunce ; whoofe fufter is not with her hufbande, as I wrote unto your majeftie hereto fore. Maye it pleafe your majeftie, after the wrytynge of the premyffes my cowfen Henrye Myddlemore retorned from Sterlynge to thys towne ; by whome I underftand thynges have paffed at Sterlynge as infuethe. The 29 daye of Julye, as I wrote unto your majeftie in my lafte, the yonge prynce was crowned in the greate churche of Sterlynge by the buffhop of Orkenye, the larde of Dun, and Superintendent of Lodyan. Mr Knox preached, and tooke a place of the Scripture forthe of the bookes of the Kinges, where Joas was crowned verye yonge, to treate on. Some ceremonyes accuftomablye ufed at the coronation of theyre prynces weere omytted, and manye reteyned. Thothe ufuallye to be myniftred to the kyng of thys realme at hys co ronation was taken by the earle of Moreton and the larde of Dun on the prynces behalfe. The lordes Lindfeye and Rutheven dyd by theyre othe teftefye pub- lycklye that the quene theyre foveraigne dyd refigne wyllyngelye, without compulcyon, her eftate and dignytye to her fonne, and the governemente of the realme to fuche perfons as by her feverall comiffyons fhe had named, which weere there publykelye red, together with her refignation to her fonne. After theys ceremonyes weere accomplyfhed, great feaftes weere made in the caftell to all the nobylytie and gentlemen. And forafmuche as no realme can ftande without governement, the earles of Athell, Moreton, Glenkerne, and Marr, be by proclamacyon in the kynges name authorized as regents untill the cominge of the earle of Kk 258 ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE Murreye, who refufinge the regentcye alonne, that then the duke of Chaftelleroe, the earles of Lenoux, Argyelle, Murreye, Athell, Moreton, Glenkerne, and Marr, lhall have the regentcye and govememente of the realme ; the earle of Huntelye being excluded as an unfyt man to deale in govememente, beinge not verye wyfe, inconftant, factious, and infolent. To honor the fayde coronation and to teftefye greate joye, thys towne of Edenbroughe made, the fayde 29 daye, at night verye neere, I thynke, a thoufande bonefyers; the caftell fhot of 20 peeces of artyllerye, the people made greate joye, dauncyinges and acclamacyons ; fo as yt ap- perethe they rejoyced more at thinauguracyon of the newe prynce then theye dyd forowe at the depryvacyon of theyre quene. Before thys coronacyon theys lordes fent James Melvyn to Hamylton, to the buffhop of Sainct Andrewes and the abbot of Arbrothe, requyr- inge them to affyfte with theyre frendes at the coronation of the prynce at Sterlynge. They aunfwered that they thanked the lordes for theyre gentle vyfytacyon and advertyzement, which they dyd the better lyke of becaufe yt was agreeable to the quene theyre foveraignes wyll and plea fure, and therefore had nothynge to faye unto the matter for theyre parte, fave onelye to protelle that the fayde action of coronation fhoulde not be prejudycyall to the tytle of the duke and hys heyres, yf the kynge dyd dye without yffue of hys bodye ; and that the dukes fayde tytle fhoulde remeane in the fame force that yt had before the coronation. Alwayes, theye fayde, theye weere no enemyes, but thought meete to ftande upon theyre garde, not beinge made prevye to thenterpryfe ; neyther dyd theye entend to purfue anye of theys noblemen, whome theye honor and love, and wyfhe as well as theyre own perfonnes. Notwithftandynge theys good wordes, non of them dyd affyfte at the coronation, whereunto, ne- vertheles they dyd fende one Arthure Hamylton to protefle in lyke maner at Sterlynge for the prefervacyon of the tytle of the duke ; which he was permytted to doe before the lordes in the Counfell chamber, the copy of which hys proteftacyon I fende your majeftie alfo ; and that done the fayd Hamylton departed in good peaxe. Theys lordes doe meane, as I underftande, to goe from Sterlynge REIGN OF QUEEN MARY. 259 to Patefloe, an abbaye of the buffhop of St Andrews, there I thynke to make fome reformacyon in the matters of relygion, and from thence to Glafcowe ; fo as I doe not perceyve that they meane fhortelye to come to thys towne. Herewith I fend your majeftie the quene of Scotlandes refignation of her dignetye to her fonne, and lykewyfe the two commiffyons of regent cye, together with a proclamation made on the kynges behalfe after hys coronation. And notwithftandinge thadvertizemente gevenme byAnthonyeRookef- bye, as I have advertyzed your majeftie by theys prefentes, I doe under ftande from Sterlynge that thearle Bodwell hathe kylled one of the fonnes of the buffhop, and hathe put forthe of the caftell of Spynaye all the buffhoppes fervauntes, comyttinge the garde thereof to hys owne affured affocyates, whereof he hathe had experience in thys late murder. Thys day there is dyfcovered alfo a fhippe of thearle Bodwells in good equypage upon thys coofte ; wherein, as I underftand, John Heyborne of Bolten is capteyne. Some doe thynke that thearle Bodwell fhoulde be in the fayde fhyppe ; meaninge to put hymfelfe within the caftell of Dunbar, which is fortefyed and victualled by the larde of Whytelaughe, governour of the fayd caftell, who dothe meane, as I underftande, not to render it to anye perfon but to the quene onelye. The capten of thys caftell and the provofte of this towne have com- mytted one capteyne Hayborne, beinge of the earle Bodwells furname, to warde, who was about to levye men and joygne himfelfe with the fayde earle Bodwell. The earle of Huntleye, pretendinge ignorance of the coronation of the prynce and of theys procedynges, notwithftandinge he hathe defyred that he, the fayde earle, accompanyed with the fayde Hamyltons, may have - a meetinge with fome of the lordes of thys fyde to compounde all matters ; fayinge, for hys owne parte, that in cafe the retencyon of the quene fhal be founde mete for the common weale of thys realme and the quyetnes of the fame, he wyll not be againft yt, nor be anye futor for her lybertie. Robert Melvyn, beinge not wyllinge to affyfte at thys coronation at 260 ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE Sterlynge, taryed in thys towne to keape me companye, from whome I fende your majeftie prefentlye a lettre. Thys quene dothe, as I underftande, keape her bed and is, notwith ftandinge thys her fonnes coronation, garded in the fame place as ftrayet- lye as fhe was ; the lorde Lynfeye beinge retorned from Sterlynge to Loughleven immedyately after the ceremonye was ended. Now that your majeftie feethe to what ende thynges be come heere, and how theys lordes, havynge thaucthorytye, dyfpoofe themfelves to be abfent from thys towne ; whereby yt appearethe playnely they entend neyther to graunte me acces to the quene neyther to negocyate with me ; fo yt might ftande with your majefties pleafure, methynkethe I weere better awaye than heere. Therefore I humblye defyre your majeftie to be pleafed that I maye have my revocatyon by your next dyfpatche. And fo I praye Almightye God preferve your majeftie in helthe, honour, and all felycytye. At Edinbrughe, thys lafte of Julye, 1567- Your majefties mooft humble, obedyent, faythefull, fervaunt and fubjecte, [ ] To the quenes moofte excellent majeftie. SIR NICHOLAS THROKMORTON TO THE EARL OF LEICESTER, July 31, 1567.* I have reaceaved from your lordfhip 2 letters, dated the xx July, the xxvii off the fame. The on dothe conteyne precyfely hyr majefties inftructions • From the Addit. MS. 4126, No. 52. REIGN OF QUEEN MARY. 261 and refolution, the other your lordfhips difcorfe and favorable advyfe to me. I am fory that hyr majeftie dothe ftey hyr opinion uppon fo dan gerous and dyfcommodyus fondation ; wheareby hardly can fhe apply anythynge to hyr honor, fuertie, or to proffyt off hyr realme. And thowghe I do fimplie fay to your lordfhip what I thynke off the ftate of the matter yn refpect of hyr majeftie, yet I affure your lordfhip I have lefte nothynge undon by all the befte meyns I can devyfe to have browght the iffu of thys compocition, to fuche ende as hyr majeftie prefcrybyd me. Whether yt were feare, fury, or zeale, wych caried thefe men to thende they be come to, I know not ; but I dare boldly affyrme to your lord fhip, albeyt Icowld neyther obteyne acceffe to thys quene nor procuer hyr lybertie with reftytution off hyr to hyr eftate, yet I have at thys tyme prefervyd hyr lyffe, to what contynuance I am uncertayn ; fuer I am theyr ys nothyng fhall fo foone haftyn hyr deathe as the dowte that thefe lords may conceave of hyr redemption to lybertie and aucthoritye by the quenes majefties ayde or by anye other foreyne fuccor. Arid wheare your lordfhip dothe advyfe me to retyre myfelffe hence, before thefe mens intents be put yn uer to theyr foverayns prejudice, yff thereoff I mycht have any intellygence before hand, I cannot denie bothe by vehement prefumptions and intelligence I had fome foreknowledge off theyr defyrie- ments, thowghe not fo affueryd for many refpeets as to have fene the exe cution ; yet, with your lordfhips reformation be yt fpokyn, I durfte not take that waye as mofte favyfte or expedyente, for yff hyr majeftie be pleafyd to dyffefteme my doyngs here off propenfyd intent, wych God forbyd, I am les able to anfwer my departyng hence, unrevokyd, then my taryeng here to fe all events, unles I had commandment to the contrary. And thys alfo, my lord, ys worthie confyderation, that I am yn a towne garded by men of warr wyche do vifyte all men that do enter and iffu ; I have no horfys, but mufte depende uppon thefe lords order for the fur- nyffhyng off me and my trayne ; I cannot departe the towne but at theyr pleafure ; and when I am forthe off Edynborowgh I cannot faffely retorne to Berwykke, withowte they geve me conducte, fpecially yn thys bro- kyn world. Thus moche, my good lord, for anfwer to your letter of the xx. 262 ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE The xxix off the fame I receavyd on from your lordfhip off the xxiij of July, and therby do perceave hyr majefties gracious acceptation off my procedyngs here, together with your lordfhips advyfe for my dyrec- tion. For the on I thanke God, hyr majeftie, and your lordfhip ; for the other I do accknolledge myfelf mofte bownd to your lordfhip, and wyll, as nere as I can, accomplyffhe your advyfe. Syr, yt were verye unfytt that I fhuld now fpeake with thys quene, feying I cannot fay fo moche to hyr conforte as to hyr dyfconforte, foloweng my inftructions, wyche were to hard confyderyng hyr calamite and temptation ; and on the other fides words without dedes be no conforte. I have fuffyciently made yt knowen to hyr that hyr majeftie fent me hyther porpofely to realeve hyr by all meyns poffyble, wyche I am fuer the poore ladye doth beleve ; and therfore I do humbly pray your good lordfhip to procuer that my revo cation may be fent me by the next dyfpatche. My cowfen Mydylmore dothe repofe hys hole trufte in your lordfhips goodnes, it may therfore pleafe you to make hym able to ferve hyr ma jeftie and your lordfhip with lyvyng, as he ys otherwyfe able to ferve you, bothe for hys honefty, fuffyciencie, and dyfcretion. Thus I do moft humbly take my leave of your good lordfhip. At Edynborow, the laft of July, 1567. Your good lordfhips to ufe and command, [ ] I praye your lordfhip perufe my difpatche fent to the quene at this tyme. To the right honourable thearle of Leicefler, knight of the Order, on of the lords of hyr majefties Prevye Counfaile. REIGN OF QUEEN MARY. 263 LETTER FROM SIR NICHOLAS THROKMORTON TO SIR WILLIAM CECIL, August 2, 1567.* Sir, I have no matter of anye great moment at thys tyme to advertyze yow of. I heare amongeft theys folkes that they doe daylye lowke for Lyneroll to come forthe of Fraunce hether, fo doe they alfo for a gretter perfonage after hym. They are about to fend Nycholas Elvefton into Fraunce. Marye, methynkethe by hym that he hathe no great defyre to take the voyage, and the rather becaufe he covetethe to have my lord hys mafter the earle of Murreys opynion. As I can learne, hys journey tendethe to advertyze what is donne heere, to underftande the Frenche kynges allowaunce of theyre doinges, and to prepare the waye for a gretter ambaffade thether. It is longe fince I harde from her majeftie and yow, fo as I remeyne in great ignoraunce of your intellygence forthe of Fraunce, of your dealinge with thearle of Murrey and what yow have wonne at hys handes ; and laftelye, how I fhall carye myfelfe and dyrect my procedinges, confydringe what is fucceeded heere. Thearles of Moreton, Glenkerne, and Marr, remeane with the yonge kinge at Sterlynge. The earle of Athell and Lyddington be gon to the erle of Athells howfe to theyre wyves, for three or 4 dayes ; I doe heare they meane to be in thys towne about Wenfdaye nexte. Theyre jorney to Patefloe and to Glafcoe is altred ; the buffhop of St Andrews fhew- ynge hymfelfe a conformable man, bothe in apparell and in outwarde or ders of relygion. All matters heere doe ftand at a ftay untill thearle of Murreys commynge. I doe heare, they doe meane fhortlye to call a parlyament in thys kynges name, to ratifye what is donne, and to procede in other matters as they lhall agree on ; wherein, I heare, they meane no good to the quene theyre foveraigne. The laft lettres I had from yow weere of the 20th of Julye. The quene of Scotlande is ftraytlyer kept at Loughleven then the was yet, for now fhe ys fhot up in a tower and can have non admytted to fpeake with her but fuche as be fhut up * From the Addit. MS. 4126, No. 53. 264 ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE with her. Thus I doe humblye take my leave of yow. The Hamyltons have fent to Sterlynge certeyne of theyre furname to have conference with theys lordes ; offrynge that yf fome of theme in the prefence of theys lordes may heare the quene advowe her voluntarye refignatyon of the crowne to her fonne, and lykewyfe advowe the comyffyons of regent cye to be her owne acte, that than they wyll wyllyngelye and obedyent- lye obaye the prynce as kynge, and the comiffyons accordynge to theyre tenoures. At Edenburghe, thys 2d of Auguft, 1567- Yours to ufe and command, To the right honorable fir William Cecill, knight, on of hyr majefties Prevye Cownfail, and Principall Secretorye. LETTER FROM SIR WALTER MILDMAY TO SIR WILLIAM CECIL, August 4, 1567.* Sir, The gentle forme of your laft lettres geveth me good occafion both to rendre you by thes few lynes moft harty thanks for the fame, and to renew the like for the former. The matiers in Scotland are come to a farre other conclufion than, as I perceaved by your firft, was loked for here, but furelie to none other than was like to follow, the cafe itfelf and the procedings confidered. Thees three points ye wright of, and fpeciaUie the laft, it femeth have towched her fo nire, as, for feare of the worft, fhe hath accorded to this * From the Addit. MS. 4126, No. 54. REIGN OF QUEEN MARY. 265 refignation of hir eftate ; a mervelous tragedy if a man repete it from the begynning, fhewing the iffue of fuch as lyve not in the feare of God. If the governement reft onely in the erle of Murray, it will be well, as I thinke, for flablifhing of religion and contynuaunce of amytie here ; for otherwife, as you know, emongefl many are many affections. His lord fhip paffing homewards was content to come fo ferre owte of his way as to lye with me on Friday night laft. I found him veary wife and well- affected to the mayntenance of good frendfhip betweene thes twoe realmes ; remembring to me veary thankfully benefyts receyved, fpeci ally that of Lithe, which he faid was hable to wafhe owte all particular griefs. Dowbtefull methought he was to receave his prepared auetoritie; but when he cometh home it is like inowghe that, for avoyding of con fufion, he will be drawen to it, thowgh veary hardelye. Your fonnes honeft behaviour is fuch here as I had caufe to wright as I did, I wifh myn owne to prove no worfe ; and truft uppon his retorne their aquaint- aunce fhall be fuch as they fhall continew aftre us that old frendfhip which hath been many yeres betwene you and me. I thanke you for the liberal commiflion you geve me in Cleffe Parke, I wold that any thing of myn might doe you the like pleafure. And fo I end ; trufting that ye will fynd fome fpare tyme to vifite this contrye or fomer paffe ; and praying you that I may be hartelie commended to your good lady, God kepe you both, and fend you ever as to myfelf. From Apthorp, the iiij of Auguft, 1567- Your veary affured to ufe as your owne, [ ] To the right honorable fir William Cecill, knight, the queens majefties Principall Secretarye. Ll 266 ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE LETTER FROM MR BERNARD HAMPTON TO SIR WILLIAM CECIL, August 7, 1567.* Sir, My duty humblie remembred ; uppon the comming hither of thefe laft lettres from Mr Throkmorton, the queenes majeftie hath now in the ende refolved to call hym home, and for that purpofe commanded me yeflernight to drawe a lettre to hym, but bycawfe it was very late before hir highnes figned the fame, and that my lorde of Leicefter fayd he had alfo to write by this defpache, I was dryven to forbeare the fending away of the pacquet untill this morning. The queenes majefties lettres, be fydes Mr Throkmortons revocation, conteynith a meffage to bee doon by Mr Myddlemore unto the lords of Scotland of hir majefties miflyk ing, as well of the fmale account they have made of Mr Throkmortons meffage and hir highnes good meaning towards them, as of theyr ufage towards the queene theyr miftris, as by the mynute thereof, which it may pleafe yow to receyve herewith, yow lhall at more length perceyve. It is fayd heere that the quenes majeftie intendyth to remove from hence to Otelands on Tewefday next, and fo to Guylforde and Farneham, and in the whole to contynue abrode xvj or xviij dayes, and in the meane tyme to leave the howfeholde here behynde hir. But whether this deter mination will holde or not, fume think is uncertayne. And thus having prefently nothing ells, I humbly take my leave. From Wyndefor, the vij of Auguft, 1567. Your mafterfhippes moft bounde during lyffe, [ To the right honnorable fir William Cecill, knight, the queens majef ties Principall Secretary. • From the Addit. MS. 4126, No. 76. REIGN OF QUEEN MARY. 267 LETTER FROM SIR NICHOLAS THROKMORTON TO SECRETARY CECILL, August 9, 1567.* Sir, Accordinge to hyr majefties order in your letter of the laft of Julye, I have expectyd newe orders from thence ; and have abfteyned from all negotiation with thefe lords, fave with fuche as yow fhall perceave I treatyd with by hyr majefties letter fent at this tyme. I do perceave by the lorde of Ledington they coulde be as well contentyd that I were hence, as I defyer it. And fuerlye they fee throwghlye unto your doings, and doo underftande fuche things and fpeachis as I colde have wyffhyd had never come to theyr knowledge. The fayde lorde of Ledington fayde unto me the night before the difpatche hereof, " Yt is to no pour- pofe for yow to tarye here, yow may make matters worfe then they be, for we may not fatiftice the quene your myftrys affections, unleffe we fhulde cafle our kynge, our contreye, and ourfelffis awaye; and fhe wyll doo nothinge that canne be plawfible to us. So as the leaft harme, — nay," fayd he, " we wyll take yt for a pece of good, — wyll be for hyr majeftie to lett us alone, and neyther to doo us good nor harme; and peradventure this wyll bringe for the better fucceffe then any other cour e, for now we beginne to holde all things fufpeetyd that cometh from yowe, and yf yow be over bufye with us, yow wyll dryve us falter to Fraunce then we have defyer to ronae." They have utterly reafufyd me acceffe to the quene, and I beleave Lynerolls fhall fpede no better yf he have commiffion to preffe yt. They fhew themfelves refolvyd, howfomever theyr actions be efteamyd abrode; and fo muche the more they be careleffe, becaufe they knowe there ys no partie here to be made againft them, and for that fuche as laye alofe do now feeke to concurre with them. He fayeth there be fome emongft them which canne be contentyd to intertayne practize with any fbrayne • • From the Addit. MS. 4126, No. 56. 268 ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE prince, and to get fome money from them ; but as to fheddinge of blode or ftrok ftrickynge emongft themfelffs, they wyll never come to yt by any practife of any forayne prince. " And, my lorde ambaffador," fayde he, " we knowe all the good pourpoffes which have paffyd betwext yow, the Hambletons, the earles of Argyle and Huntlye, fince your comminges into thys contreye." Now, fir, to tell yow my owne opinion, I fee no great pourpofe of my tarying here any lenger ; for whatfomever yow intende to treate with thefe men hereafter, yt were good there were fome pawfe ufyd, to fuffer them to chawe upon theyr owne brydells. Thus havinge nothinge els worthye lenger trowblynge of yow, I doo humblye take my leave of yow, and do praye yowe to caufe my letter herwith inclofyd to be fent to my wyffe. At Edinburghe, the ix of Auguft, 1567. Yours to ufe and comande, To the honorable fir William Cecill, knight, on of the quenes majefties Prevye CounfaiUe, and Principall Secretorye. LETTER FROM SIR NICHOLAS THROKMORTON TO QUEEN ELIZABETH, August 12, 1567.* It may pleafe your majeftie; the 10th of thys monethe the earle of Mur rey lodged at the lard of Whytthynhams howfe, and the 11th made hys repayre to thys towne; monfieur De Lyneroll accompanyinge hym. * From the Addit. MS. 4126, No. 57. REIGN OF QUEEN MARY. 269 Thearle was met betwixte Barwyche and Edenbrughe with great nombers of gentlemen and others ; and for that I thought yt convenient for your majefties fervyce, I dyd meete hym 3 or 4 myells before hys cominge to Edenbrughe, with whom I had conference in fuche forte as might beft advaunce your majefties purpoofe at hys hande. And as I fynde my fayd lord verye honorable, fincere, and dyrecte, fo I fynde hym not re folved what he wyll doe, nor what he wyll confent unto ; abhorringe, on thone fyde, the murder of the kynge and the circumftances conjoyned therewith which he can lyke in no wyfe fhoulde paffe with impunytye ; fo, on thother fyde, doe I fynde in hym great commyferatyon towards the quene hys fufter, and yet not fullye determyned whether he wyll accepte the regentcye or refufe yt; but rather, in myne opynion, -he wyll take yt upon hym than leave yt, beinge thereto preffed by all theys lordes and gentlemen which have delte in thys actyon, all which in verye deede bee the men he dothe valewe and efteme mooft within thys realme, and fuche accompt he makethe of them, as I perceyve by hys owne wordes, as he woulde not gladlye lyve in Scotlande yf they fhoulde mifcarye or abandon his frendfhip. Neyther coulde I perceyve by hym that he wyll doe anye thynge in thys or anye other matter without the good confent and agrement of theys lordes. And howfoever your majeftie hathe ben perfwaded by the Frenche or of theyre doinges, I do fynde that bothe my lorde of Murrey and all theys lordes doe nothynge dowbte the Frenche kynges allowaunce of theyre procedynges in thys actyon; and, as far as I can underftand, Lynerolles arraunte was rather for the maners fake to purchaffe the quenes lybertye, than for anye devocyon they had unto yt, which is the better confyrmed unto me by Lynerolles owne wordes, which he had unto me the fame daye of hys entrye to thys towne, I takynge occafyon to talke with hym by the waye ; who fayd hys comif- fyon at thys tyme tended to thys ende, to laye before the lordes that the kynge hys mafter was bounde by three refpectes to doe for thys quene ; thone becaufe fhe was a quene, a prynces, foveraigne, as he was, betwixte whom there was fome fymylytude of affections more than coulde be be twixte comon perfons. The feconde was, for that fhe was hys brothers 270 ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE wyffe, and had honored Fraunce, hys realme, with her educacyon. The thyrde was, for the manye allyaunces betwixte the howfe of Fraunce and the howfe < f Scotlande, and for thauncyent league and amytye which had contynued betwixte thoofe realmes theys manye yeares. He fayde alfo, the kynge, in beinge myndefull of the quenes relyeffe, dyd not for get the ftate of the nobylytye and the wholle realme ; and therefore he had in charge, fyrfte, to feek the unytinge of the nobylytie together which now femed to be dyvorced, and, that donne, he thought they alto gether woulde better devyfe for the quene and her relyeffe, for the con- fervacyon of the honour and quyetnes of the realme, and for theyre owne fuertyes, than they or anye of them coulde doe beinge devyded ; than, he fayd, he had to fhowe fuche reafons as the kinge had geven hym in charge to utter unto them for the quenes enlargement and for her good treatemente, concludinge that they, beinge noblemen of another countreye, and not the kinges fubjectes but hys frendes, he coulde ufe none other language nor meanes unto them but perfwaycyons and en- treatye. And yf that woulde not ferve, the kynge coulde doe no more but be forye for the quene hys fullers myffortune; feing he had no meanes to commaunde them nor conftreyne them. Before that Lyneroll had talke with me he talked with the lard of Lyddington whyleft I conferred with thearle of Murreye, at whofe handes I founde that Lynerolls commiffyon tended to thende afore fayde, which was after confyrmed unto me, even as yt weere verbatim, by the lard of Lyddington; fave that he added that Lyneroll fayd unto hym that the kynge hys mafter was as carefuU for theyre falfetyes as they themfelves could be, and to that ende advyfed them to provyde fubftancyallye. James Melvyn, brother to Robert Melvyn, who had conducted Lyne- rolle from Barwycke to Edenbrughe, accorded unto me in all poynctes the fame report of Lynerolls commiffyon that the lard of Lyddington had fayd before. The earle of Murreye was receyved into the towne of Edenbrughe with great joye of all the people. Lyneroll fayd unto me that, feinge theys lordes had refufed me to have acces to the quene of Scotland, he REIGN OF QUEEN MARY. 271 lowked to have none graunted, though he woulde preffe yt ; and that beinge refufed unto hym, and havynge accomplyfhed thoffyce that the kynge hys mafter had geven hym in charge, to teftefye hys good amytye to the quene of Scotlande, he woulde departe. Alwayes when he fpake of the kinge hys mafters name he joyned therewith alfo the quene, hys mothers. I underftand Lyneroll hathe brought partyculer lettres to mooft of the nobylytye here, and dothe entende to preffe greatlye the renovacyon and continuacyon of theyre auncyent league ; the confyrmacyon whereof, as I hearer the fayd kynge wyl be contented to receyve at theys lordes handes in the name of theyre kynge. But yt is looked that a gretter perfonage fhall come for the fyniffhynge of that affayre. I am fure your majeftie is advertyzed of the preafent my lord of Mur reye had geven hym at hys comminge forthe of Fraunce, which was valewed at fyftene hondred crownes of the fonne, and of the pencyon that Lynerolle hathe brought hym of 4000 frankes yearelye. Lynerolle hathe founde meanes, fynce hys comminge, to affure all theys lordes, before they geve hym audyence, that the kynge hys mafter ys as carefuU of theyre well doinge as they coulde wyfhe, and that he hath no practyzes daungerous unto them, but that he wyl communycate frankelye unto them all hys charge. Thus Almightye God preferve your majeftie in helthe, honor, and all felycytye. At Edenbrughe, thys 12 of Auguft, 1567. Your majefties mooft humble, faythefull, obedyent, fubjecte and fervaunte, [ ] To the quenes moofte excellent majeftie. 272 ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE LETTER FROM SIR NICHOLAS THROKMORTON TO QUEEN ELIZABETH, August 13, 1567.* Your majeftie might perceyve by my lettres of the 12 of Augufte howe thearle of Murreye and monfieur De Lyneroll arryved at Edenbrughe thaleventh of the fame, with fuche other cyrcumftances as weere con teyned in the faid letter. Theis maye be further to advertyze your majeftie, that the faid 12 daye the faid erle of Murreye went in the forenonne to monfieur De Ly nerolls lodginge, and accompanied him to the faid earles howfe to dyner, where he made him great cheare. In thafternoune the fame daye, the fayde earle brought monfieur De Lynerolls into the Counfaile chamber in the Toleboth, where the lords and other of the counfaile weere af fembled. The faid Lyneroll delyvered feverall lettres from the kynge, hys mafter, at that tyme, to thearle of AthoU, Moreton, Glenkerne, and Marr, to the mafter of Mountrofs, the lordes Hume and Symple. And that donne, he declared, as I underftande, his comiflion conformable to that which I fent your majeftie by my lettres dated the 12; preflinge fpeciaUie to have acceffe to the quene, to thende he might declare what in this cafe the kynge, his mafter, thought beft for her to doe. And lykewyfe he requyred to have lybertye, with theire good allowaunce, that he might paffe to the Hambletons; to thende that by the kynge his mafters intervention they which weere nowe in ftraunge tearmes might accorde to the tranquyllytie of the realme, and than devyfe amongeft themfelves which waye they might enlarge the quene, and howe they might provyde all other things convenyent. The lords aunfwered him by the mowth of the lorde of Lyddington, by whom they gave theire humble thankes to the kynges majeftie, his mafter, and to the quene his mother, for the honor they had donne unto • From the Addit. MS. 4126, No. 59. REIGN OF QUEEN MARY. 273 them, not onelie to fende unto them, but fo amyablye to treate with them ; and fo requyred the faid Lynerolle to take in good parte that they did. fufpende theire anfwer untill they had confulted apon the matters pro pofed by him. That don, the faid earl of Murrey repeated fommarylie the fpeciall poincts towched by the faid De Lyneroll, as matter which the French kynge had made him acquaynted withall in Fraunce, and re quyred him alfo to communycate the fame to the lordes his countrey- men at his retorne home ; which was a confyrmacyon of that that Lyne roll had faid. The faid earl did alfo, in the prefence of Lynerolle, requyre of the lordes leave with theire good confent that the fayd earle might goe to Lougheleven to fee the quene his fyfter ; whereunto both duetye and na ture moved him. The lordes aunfwered thearle of Murrey to his requefle, as they had donne Lyneroll ; delaying theire refolucyon to his demande untill they had confulted of the matter. This I underftoode by one that was prefent at the affemblye, whereat there did affyfte, befides the lordes aforefaid, the buffhop of Orkeneye, the lord of Lyddington, the provoft of the towne of Edenbrugh, fir James Bawfore, capteyn of the caftell, and Mr James Magill, fometymes clerk of the Regifter. This negocyacyon being fyniffhed, thearle of Murreye did accompanie monfieur De Lyneroll to his lodginge, where having repofed himfelf halfe an howre, the fayd De Lyneroll came into my lodginge to vyfet me ; who declared unto me his procedings in everye poynte with theis lordes, agreable to the premiffes. Emongefle other matters this alfo I fynde by the faid Lynerolle con fyrmed by his honour and credyt, that the kynge, his mafter, dothe never entend to trowble this countreye with fendinge of anie men of warre or to take anye parte, beinge fo indifferent and parcyal of no fyde. The matter that he chiefly refpectethe is the contynuance of thoulde amytye betwixt Fraunce and this crowne, and the tranquillytye of the holle realme ; wyffhinge withall, as he fayeth, thenlargement of the quene. m m 274 ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE As I did wryte unto your majeftie in my lafte, methynketh the regent cye of this realme will light upon thearle of Murreye ; for neyther doe I fee how he can efcape yt oneles he will hafarde thamytye of all theis lordes and gentlemen his frendes ; neyther do I fee great unwyllingnes in thofe which ilryke the gretteft ftroke with him to have him refufe yt. And the matter is fo contynuallie preffed on him that I thynke he fhal be placed in that eftate before this lettre come to your majefties hands. Thus Almightye God preferve your majeftie in helthe, honor and per- fecte felycytye. At Edenbrugh, this xiij of Auguft, 1567- Your majefties moofte humble, faithefull, obedyent, fervaunte and fubjecte, C 1 LETTER FROM SIR NICHOLAS THROKMORTON TO QUEEN ELIZABETH, August 14, 1567.* It maye pleafe your majeftie. I have receyved your lettre, dated at Wyndefour the 6 of Augufte, the 13 of the fame, conteyninge my revo cation from theys charge, prefcrybynge unto me your majefties order howe to procure the fame at theys lordes handes, which I fhall not fayle to accomplyfhe, God wyllinge; albeyt, by your majefties leave, I doe thynke meete to conceale the fame, and not to proceede to demaunde my pafporte and falfe conduete untill I have put in order fome other thynges meete for your majefties fervice, which wyl not be accomplyffhed untill 5 * From the Addit. MS. 4126, No. 61. REIGN OF QUEEN MARY. 275 or 6 davs be expyred, partelye for that thearle of Murreye ys in fome expectacyon to have lybertie to go vyfet the quene his fufter at Loughe leven, before whoofe retorne hether I cannot convenyently departe ; and partelye for that I have wrytten unto the Hamyltons thys daye, from whom I looke alfo to have aunfwer, the copye of which my letter unto them I fende your majeftie herewith. I have perfwaded, by the befte meanes I can, thearle of Murreye to preffe they lordes that he maye goe to Lougheleven, to counforte the quene hys fufter ; and that now at hys commynge fhe maye fynde fome con- folacyon after her longe and greavous aiflyetyon. I have alfo ufed the befte meanes I can devyfe to perfwade the faid earle to be favorable unto hys fufter. I fynde hym much perplexed with the matter ; hys ho nor and nature movynge hym to lenytye and commyferacyon on thone fyde, the affured frendfhip betwixte hym and theys lordes, theyre fuertye, and the prefervacyon of relygyon, drawynge hym as far on thother fyde. Nevertheles I hoope the befte. The Hamyltons woulde not permyt the heraulde, fent by theys lordes, to proclayme the yonge prynce kynge at Hammylton, untill they knewe the quenes confent therunto. Thearles of Murrey and Argell have appovncted a metynge about the 17 or 18 of thys monethe. I doe underftande the duke of Chaftellerault hathe a pencyon geven hym by the Frenche kynge of 4000 frankes by the yeare, in recompence of the duchye of Chaftellerault, which was worthe twelve thowfand frankes by the yeare, befyde the caufualtyes. The fayde duke was alfo prefented with a cupbord of plate, worthe fyftene hundred crownes. It may pleafe your majeftie ; apon longe conference had with thearle of Murrey, and lykewyfe with the lard of Lyddyngton, and than with them bothe joynctelye, I doe perceyve they be dyfpofed to fende fome wyfe man -and of credyt to your majeftie in legacy on, in cafe they thought your majeftie woulde receyve hym gracyouflye and make no dyffycultie to ufe hym favorablye as the kynges ambaffadour ; otherwyfe yf your majef tie cannot be pleafed to accept an ambaffador in the kynges name, they 276 ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE meane not to deale anye further with your majeftie. Hereof they have requyred me, as of myfelf, to underftand your majefties dyfpofycion, and to advertyze them therof Methynkethe they doe entend to fende Mr James MagyU, yf they can worke hym to take the matter in hande, a man well knowen to Mr Secretorye, and noted heere verye wyfe, dyfcreate, and fuffycyent, and fuche a one as hathe ben longe of the Prevye Counfell in thys realme. It maye therefore pleafe your majeftie, eyther by your owne letter, or by your order to my lord of Leycefter or Mr Secretorye, to fignefye your pleafure and allowaunce of thys matter; to thende I maye geve them know ledge of yt, accordinge to theyre defyre. I perceyve they be all holly e bent [to] adnychyllate thys theyre yonge prynces regalytye in anye theyre actyons or doinges ; and albeyt I may be on my waye homewardes, yet yt may pleafe your majeftie to geve order the fame your pleafure myfe me not by the waye, towchynge that matter. Albeyt monfieur De Lyneroll hathe not receyved, at the dyfpatche here of, hys anfwer from theys lordes, yet I doe gather partelye by the talke that the lord of Lyddyngton had with hym yefterdaye, whereof the fayd De Lyneroll dyd advertyze me thys daye, and partlye by other intelly gence, that he ys not lyke eyther to fpeake with the quene or to goe to confer with the Hammyltons. And yet hys aunfwer ys but delatorye and not parentorye, for the lard of Lyddyngton fayd unto hym, the lordes dyd not meane to denye thone or thother, but they ment to intreate hym to take in good parte theyre reafons to put of the matter for a tyme, fay- inge they weere in good hoope to have Bodwell fhortelye in theyre handes ; who havynge accordinge to hys demerytes, the quene theyre fove raigne coulde not remeane under thys reftraynete. As unto hys confer ence with the Hammyltons, the lard of Lyddyngton advyfed hym to for beare untyll they might fee an iffue of theyre treatye with them ; which not takynge fo good fucceffe as they expected and defired, he thought the lords woulde not make diffycultye to fuffer hym to goe unto them. And as far as I can perceyve De Lyneroll ys not yll fatiffyed with thys aunfwer, but takethe yt for reafonable good payment. REIGN OF QUEEN MARY. 277 I beleave yf he wyll tarye the iffue of theys matters he is lyke to make as longe aboade heere as I have donne, with as lytle fructe. Theys lordes be advertyzed that the earle Bodwell ys retyred into Scotlande ; entrye beinge refufed unto hym in Orkeneye. The preparacyon by fea for hys apprehencyon ys contynewed, as I wrot Unto your majeftie before thys tyme. I fuppofe fir James Bawfor, capteyne of thys caftell, wyll, apon good compofycion, leave the garde thereof, refigne yt, at my lorde of Murreys defyre, to the lard of Graunge. It ys thought alfo that the capten of Dunbar, who hathe hetherto holden out agaynft theys lordes, wyll eyther keape the caftell to my lord of Murreys devocyon or refigne yt into hys handes, to be garded by whom yt fhall pleafe hym. As I underftande the earles of Athell and Moreton doe accompanye the earle of Murrey to Locheleven to morowe as yt ys nowe entended. The fayd earles doe meane to retorne by Sterlinge, becaufe thearle of Murrey maye vyfet theyre yonge prynce, and now, as they call hym, theyre kynge. Thys daye thearle of Murrey invyted me to dyner to hys lodginge, where he made greate cheare. Hys ladye was accompanyed with the lord Robertes wyffe, fufter to thearle of Caffells, and twooe or three other ladyes. All the lordes which be in thys towne dyd accompanye hym alfo. We had no conference of anye matter of moment, neyther dyd I dyfcover unto anye of them your majefties revocatyon of me. After dyner thearle of Murrey, accompanyed with all the lordes, brought me to my lodginge ; where, after the lordes weere departed, the fayd earl and I had privat talke together. I underftood that hys goinge to Loche leven was lyke to be broken ; the reft of the lordes nothynge allowynge of yt, for fuche refpectes as they conceyved. I therefore infyfted ear neftlye by the beft perfwacions I coulde ufe to move hym to make the voyage thether, fo as at the dyfpatche hereof I lefthe hym well dyfpofed thereunto; God graunte fome others doe not dyverte hys opynion. I underftande that the Hammyltons and theyre frendes doe muche im pugne that my lorde of Murreye fhoulde accepte the regentcye; yt wyll 278 ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE fucceede to well for the Stuardes and to yll for the Hammyltons. Thus Almightie God preferve your majeftie in perfeete helthe, honor, and all felycytye. At Edenburghe, thys 14 of Augufle, 1567, Your majefties mooft humble, faythfull, obedyent, fervaunte and fubjecte, [ ] To the quenes moofte excellent majeftie. LETTER FROM THE ARCHBISHOP OF ST. ANDREWS AND OTHERS, TO SIR NICHOLAS THROKMORTON, August . . 1567.* My Lord, Efter maift hartie comendacyon. We have reffavet your lord fhips letter dated at Edenbrugh the xiij of thys inftant, gevinge us to under ftande howe that yt hes plefit the quenis majeftie your foveraigne to have fend yow as her ambaffadour towards the quenes hienes, hir fufter, our foveraigne, to comunicate with her majeftie beinge detenit captyve con- trar to the duetie of all good fubjects; and gave yow in charge ficlyke to treate with the lords affemblit at Edenburgh for thenlargement of her hienes perfon, the reftitucion of her to her majefties dignytye; offringe them all reafonable condycions and means might be for the fave garde of the yonge prince, ponilhement of the late horryble murder, and ficlyke theyre owne fuerties. And albeyt yow had trayvaylled longe in that matter, you coulde come to no purpoofe, nor yet prevaile in anie thinge with the fayd lordes to your foveraignes fatiffaction ; of whilke wrange procedinges towardes your foveraigne and unduetefull behaviour towards theire awne, ye had gotten further charge from your foveraigne to de- * From the Addit. MS. 4126, No. 62. REIGN OF QUEEN MARY. 279 clare unto them that fhe allowit nathinge thaire procedinges, and there- apon had revokit yow and gave yow in lyke maner charge to defire at us, what walde be affuritlye our parte and our confederates towardes the quene our foveraignes lybertie and reftitucyon to her majefties former dignytye by force or otherwayes, feinge the lordes, quha detenit her, haid refufit all other mediatioun; to thende that your foveraigne might con cur with us in lick ane honorable enterpryce, and tharfore defirit fo manie of our aunfweris, beinge willinge for hir libertie, as might be had fchortlie togidder, albeyt the reft culd not be had fa foun, becaufe ye weere to depart verray haiftelie. Plefit your honor, for anfwer, the gretteft parte and gretteft men, quha wee underftand are given for thobteyninge of her graces libertye and the reftoringe of her to her awine eftate, tick as my lordes Argile, Huntley, Hereis, and fundry uthers, culde not be haid heir fa haflelie to geve full refolucyon in this behalfe as ye defyrit. But for our opynion under wryttin, wee thinke the quenes majeftie your foveraigne, in fekinge our foveraines libertie by all honeft meanes, does the duetie of ane noble princes towardes her fuller our foveraigne ; and for our awne parties, and as wee beleave fuerlye for our confederals, we are delyberate by all honeft meanes poffible to feike our fayd foveraignes libertie and to reftoire hir to hir former eftait, as gud and duetifull fubjects ought to doe, conforme to our promeffe and bande, quhareof before wee fend your lordfhip the dubble. Wyllinge alfwa prefervacyon of our natyve prince, ponifhement of the horryble murder to be execute, and the fuertie of thaime that hes enterprycit againft hir ma jeftie to be maid ; fwa that the common weale of this realme maye be eflablifhed, and juftyce adminiftrat as yt aucht and fuld be ; defiringe maift humbly the quenes majeftie your foveraigne to contynewe her hienes good mynde towartes our fayd foveraigne, and to procure her lybertye and reftytucyon to her eftate in maner foirfayd, lyke as we will requeft and defyre verray humblye all other princes to doe the fame, be caufe yt is verye odious to anye fubjects to put hands in theire natyve prince in fick ane fort. And gyf yt fhall pleis your foveraigne to halde hand in this caufe, fen our procedinges are maift reafonable and conforme to her majefties awne defires by all honeft meanes to procure our fove- 280 ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE raignes relief, we dowbt not but her hienes will concurr and helpe us for performinge of the faime ; in doinge of the quhilke her grace will obleiffh ws all to doe her majeftie all lefuU fervice. And wee befeke yow, that we may knawe her graces mynde hereintill, in fpeciall quhat wee maye lippin to, and to be fent to the lord Herryes on the Weft Border, quha is ane of our confederals, with dylygence, for that is the redieft waye. Forder, pleaffe to reffave the dubble of the proteftacyon made at the princes co ronation, as ye defirit, quharby ye maye perceyve yt is as well made for her hienes weale as for anye particuler perfonne. And fwa, not wyllinge to cumrnir your lordfhip with longer letter, wee comyt your honour to the protection of Almightye God. Your lordfhips affured at power, St. Andrewes. Arbrothe. Flemynge. R. Boyde. Receyved the xix of Auguft by the hands of Mr John Hamil ton. The buffhop of St. An drews, and the lords of Ar brothe, Flemynge, and Boydes lettre to me. LETTER FROM SIR NICHOLAS THROKMORTON TO THE ARCHBISHOP OF ST. ANDREWS, AND OTHERS, August 20, 1567.* After my due commendations to your good lordlhips. I have receyved your lordfhips lettre by this gentleman Mr John Hamylton, bearinge no * From the Addit. MS. 4126, No. 63. REIGN OF QUEEN MARY. 281 no date, neyther for the tyme nor place. And as unto the contents, this that be to advertize your lordfhips, I will with expedycion fignefye them unto the quenes majeftie my foveraigne, together with fuche other things as the fayd Mr Hamylton by credyt hath moved unto me. And whereas by my laft I dyd geve your lordlhips to underftand that the queens ma jeftie had revoked me hence ; fo yt is fince that tyme yt hathe pleafed her majeftie to recontynewe my charge in this cuntreye, untill fuche tyme as fome iffue of theis lords procedings may be feene. Howe and in what forte her majeftie doth accepte theis lords doings I have communicate vnto the fayd Hamylton, the bearer hereof, and lykewyfe what aunfwer I have receyved at theire hands ; unto whom I dowbte not but your lord fhips will geve credyt, as he is well worthie. Thus Almightye God have your lordfhipps in his bleffed tuycion. At Edenburgh, this xx Auguft, 1567, Your good lordfhips to ufe and commande, [ ] LETTER FROM SIR NICHOLAS THROKMORTON TO SIR WILLIAM CECIL, August 20, 1567.* Sir, At thys dyfpatche I wyll not bemone unto you the gryeffe I take for my ftaye heere, feinge I muft and wyll mooft wyllinglye obaye her majef ties order. Surelye yf my judgement ferve me to fee into the ftate heere yt weere better that I weere revoked and non other fent hether for a tyme, than I or anye other to contynewe in theys contraryous procedings to theys mens lykyngis and ententes. For neyther is yt convenyent that I, who have fpoken fo roughlye, fhould by and by fpeake myldelye, nor any * From the Addit. MS. 4126, No. 65. N n 282 ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE other be fent hether untyll fome mynifter come from hence to her majef tie thether, or that theis lordes projectes be better eftablyfhed. The fubftaunce of my laft charge, commytted unto me by your lettres of the xj of Auguft I have not yet declared; but thys I fynd by conjecture, that the lord regent, for fo I thynke he fhall be publyfhed within theys 2 dayes, wyll goe more flowelye to worke than anye man hathe donne yet. For he fekes to imytate rather fome which have led the people of Ifraell, than anye capytayne of our age. As I can learne, he meanethe to ufe no dalyinge but eyther he wyll have obedyence for thys yonge kynge of all eftates within thys realme or yt fhall coft hym hys lyffe; and yet I fee no dyfpofycion in hym eyther to bereave the quene of her lyffe or to keape her in perpetuall pryfon. He ys refolved to defende thoofe lordes and gentlemen that have taken thys matter in hande, thoughe alle the prynces in Chriftendome woulde bande agaynft them. And as for the Hamyltons and theyre faction, theyre condycions be fuche, theyre beha- vyor fo inordynate, the mooft of them fo unhable, theyre lyvynge fo vy- cyous, theyre fydelytye fo tyckle, theyre partye fo weake, as I counte yt lofle whatfoever ys beftowed apon them. Shortlye yow are lyke to have with yow an handfome yonge man of that furname named John Hamyl ton, to procure to fet yow on fyer, to get fome money amongeft them to countenaunce theyre doinges, which ferve lytle for our purpoofe. The lord Herryes ys the connynge horfleache and the wyfeft of the wholle faction ; but as the quene of Scotland fayethe of hym, there ys no bodye can be fure of hym ; he takethe pleafure to beare all the worlde in hande; we have good occafyon to be well ware of hym. Sir, yow remember how he handled us when he delyvered Dunfryfe, Carlaveroke, and the Har- mytage, into our handes; he made us beleave all fhould be ours to the Fyrthe, and when wee trailed hym beft, how he helped to chafe us awaye I am fure you have not forgotten. Heere amongeft hys owne countrey- men he ys noted to be the mooft cautelous man of hys natyon. It may lyke yow to remember he fuffred hys owne hoftages, the hoftages of the lard of Loughanver and Garles, hys nexte neyghboures and frendes, to be hanged for promeffe broken by hym. Thys muche I fpeake of hym, be caufe he ys the lykelyeft and mooft dangerous man to inchaunte yow. I REIGN OF QUEEN MARY. 283 wyll ende for thys tyme ; I fuppofe within theys twoe dayes yow fhall heare from me agayne after I have receyved aunfwer of theys lordes to my laft commyffyon, which I am fure wyl be verye unpleafaunte unto them. I am determyned to obferve your order, and to treate with thearle of Murrey and the lard of Lyddington, otherwyfe, I am fure, I fhould doe more harme than good. And thys commyffion accomplyfflied, I pray yow, Sir, helpe that I may be agayne with fpede revoked, for truly yt ys loll money, loft labour, and loft tyme, that ys fpent heere. Thus I doe humblye take my leave of yow. At Edenbrughe, thys 20 of Auguft, 1567, Yours to ufe and comaunde, [ ] To the right honorable fir William Gecyll, knight, one of her majefties Prevye Counfayle, and Princypall Secretorye. " THE ARTICLES AGREED ON BETWIXT THEARL OF MURRAY AND THE LORDS OF THE SECRET COUNCIL AND OTHERS OF THE NOBILITY AND ESTATES OF SCOTLAND," August 22, 1567.* At Edinburgh, the xxij day of Auguft, the geir of God one thoufand, five hundred, thre fcoir fevin geris. The lordis of Secreit Counfale and utherairs of the nobilitie and eftaitis underfubfcrivand, being convenit in Counfall, It was exponit and declarit, how it hes plefit the quene, for the tendir luff and entiere affectioun quhilk fhe beris to hir deare fone the kinges majeftie our foverane lord, to dimit and tranffer hir crown of this realme with all dominionis perteining thairto in his perfoun, that in hir • From the Addit. MS. 4126, No. 77. 284 ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE awin tyme fhe mycht fe him fetled and eftablifhit thairin, as in hir com- miflioun grantit to that effect of the dait the xxiiij day of July laft bipaft at mair lenth is contenit. At the quhilk tyme alfua hir grace, knawing the proximitie and tendirnes of blude ftanding betuix oure faid foverane lord the king and hir derrefl brother James erll of Murray, lord Abirne- thie, of quhais affectioun and kyndlie luff towart his majeftie and the commoun weill of this realme, fhe wes and is maift affurit ; in refpect quhairof and of the certanty of hir faid brotheris fufficiency and gude qualificatioun, her grace maid, namit, appoinctit, conftitute, and ordanit him regent to hir faid derrefl fone, this realme and liegis thairof during his minoritie and les aige. And in cas of hir faid brotheris remaning abfent, being gan furth of the realme, deceis, or refufall, appointand and nominatand otheris nobillmen for adminiftration of the faid charge of re- gentcie, as in the particular commiflionis thairupoun, under hir fubfcrip- tioun and previe feill of the date above writtin, mair largelie is expreflit. Quhilk, in the tyme of oure foverane lordis coronatioun, accomplifhit and folempnizat upoun the xxix day of the faid moneth of July, were red, confidderit, fund gude and expedient, and approvit, ratifiit, and condi- fcendit unto be the eftaittis than convenit ; fen the quhilk tyme, at Goddis pleffure, the faid nobill and mychty lord retumand to this realme his native cuntre, confidderand the quenis deliberat will and intentioun not onelie be hir faid commiflioun but be hir awn mouth and voce, how- beit the charge be wechtie yit the affeelioun he beris to oure faid fove rane lordis gude eftait and weilfair, and the commoun weill of this realme and native cuntre, hes movit him to accept the fame charge. Bot not withftanding his zeale and gudewill borne in this behalf, git fal no frute nor perfectioun follow thairon without the effectual affiftance and concur rence of the counfall, nobilitie, and eftaittis of the realme. Quhairfor, and to the effect that ane uniforme concurrence may be betuix him and thame in the furthfetting of the glorie of God and governing of the affairis of the commoun weill,' they have with ane mynd and affent aggreit and condifcendit mutually and reciprocyly to the articles following. In the firft, fen the Eternall of his greit mercy efter the founding of the trumpet of his blefiit Evangell in this pover realme for the glorie of REIGN OF QUEEN MARY. 285 his awin name, hes fa oft and manifeftlie deliverit us fra the divers and mony dangeris, quhilk in all warldle apperance wer inevitabill, it be- cumis that the honour of his name be preferrit to all erthlie and temporall thingis. Thairfoir, the faid nobilitie, counfall and eftaittis fal concur with the faid lord regent in the promoting and eftabliffing of the trew religioun of Jefus Chryft and all thingis belangand thairto. And to that effect, as alfwa for eftabliffing of all other thingis concerning the polecie and gude governament of the realme, that ane parliament be haldin and kepit how fone it may gudelie. Item, the faid nobilitie, counfall, and eftaittis fal concur with my faid lord regent in the furthfetting of juftice equalie and indifferentlie to the haill liegis of this realme, according to the laWis thairof, as weill in the civile as criminall effaris, without ony gruge of thame. Item, fen it is maift notour that not onelie ar the pover liegis of this realme oppreflit and hereit by thevis, oppreffouris, and utheris, but alls the haill eftattis of the fame ar out of fie frame and ordour that gudlie it can not lang continew and be ane realme without the haiftie remeid be put thairto. Thairfoir, the faid counfall and nobilitie fall accumpany and remane with my faid lord regent in fie places as fall be thoght expe dient, quhill the kingis majefties authoritie be univerfallie eftabliffed and recognofcit throw the haill realme ; quhilk being broght to pas, that thaire- efter an reffonabill nowmer of the faid lordis affociat him and wait upoun the counfall, be quhais advifs the haill effaris of the commounweill may be ordourit. Item, forfamekill as the publict officiaris of this realme ar the princi pall nervis and fennonis quhilk joynis the haill body, and retenis and kepis thame in ordour, and the fame being dividit and out of frame the haill confequentlie mon diffolve and cum to nocht, it is thairfor fund coveni- ent that fie men be placeit in the faid offices as ar uprycht, of gude juge- ment, and ar apt and meit to brouke the famyn, the qualitie of the per- foun without refpect onelie being regardit, and all utheris prefentlie placeit in the famyn, quhilk the law will permit, to be removit thairfra, fwa that all thingis may gang fordwart uniformelie, quietnes may be kepit, and the pover eafit thairby. 286 ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE Item, thai confentit and condefcendit that na remilfioun nor refpect be grantit to ony maner of perfons for ony murther, foull flauchter, or utheris crymes equivolent thairto, to be committit fra the dait heirof dur ing the tyme that it fall pleis God to burden my faid lord regent with the charge foirfaid. Item, quhen my faid lord regent, be advyis of the faid counfall and nobilitie, fall endevoir himfelf to the promoting of the glorie of God, executing of juftice, and keping of the realme in quietnes, nane of thame fall grudge thairat ony maner of way, but aflift him in the juft executing of the lawis againis quhatfomevir perfoun rebelland agains our faid foverane lordis authoritie and contravenand the faid lawis, alfweill within the realme as out with. Item, on thother fyde, my faid lord regent faithfully promytts that in na tyme to come, during the tyme of his charge and offyce, he fall con tract with ony forreyne princes toward peace, warr, theftate of our fove rayne lord the king, his maryage, the liberty of the quene his mother, nor yet fall fpeke with her without thadvyce of my lords of the fecret councell prefent, undre fubfcribande, or of the maift part of them. 22 Auguft, 1567- Thartickles agreed on betwixte thearle of Murrey and the lordes. " THOTHE MADE BY THEARLE OF MURREY AT THACCEPTATION OF HYS REGENTCYE," August 22, 1567.* I, N. Promeffe faythefullie in the prefence of thetemall my God, that I, duringe the haill cours of my lyffe, fall ferve the fame eternal my God to the uttermeile of my power, accordinge as he requiris in his maifle * From the Addit. MS. 4126, No. 78. REIGN OF QUEEN MARY. 287 holye worde, revelit and conteynit in the Newe and Ould Teftamentis ; and accordinge to the fame worde fall manteyne the true religioun of Jefus Chrilte, the preachinge of his holye worde, and due and right my- niftratyoun of his facrementes now reffavit and praetyzed within this realme. And fall abolyfhe and ganeftand all fals religyoun contrair to the fame, and fall rewle the people commyttit to my charge accordinge to the will and commaunde of God, revelit in his forfaid worde, and ac cordinge to the lovabill lawes and conftytucions refavit in this realme, na wayes repugnant to the faid worde of theternaU my God. And fall procure to my uttermefl, to the kyrke of God and haill Chriftian people, true and perfecte peace in all tyme comminge. The rites and rentes with all juft pryveledges of the crowne of Scotlande I fall preferve and keape invyolate, neyther fall I tranffer or alyenate the fame. I fall for- byd and repreffe, in all flates and all degrees, reif, oppreflion, and all kynde of wrange ; in all judgementis I fall commaunde and procure that juftice and equitie be kepit to all creatures without exceptioun ; as he be mercifull to me and you, that is the Lorde and Father of all mercies. And out of the kinge my fovereignes landes and impyre I fal be cairefull to rute all heretykes and enemyes to the true worfhippe of God, that fal be convicte be the true kyrke of God of the foirfaid crymes. All theis thinges above wrytten I faithfullie affirme by my folempnit ayth. Then let him lay his hande uppon the Bybill with inclinatioun of his bodie. Than let him finge the lxxij pfalme. LETTER FROM LORD HERRYS TO SIR NICHOLAS THROKMORTON, August 23, 1567.* Maye yt pleafe your honorable lordfhip. Underftandinge your lordfhips contynewaunce in this countreye for the helpe of the relief of our fove- * From the Addit. MS- 4126, No. 67. 288 ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE raigne and pacifyinge of the prefent great cummers amangs us appar- aunde, I haif thought yt my duetie humblye to praye your honour, gyf yow fynde any lyke apparaunce quharby our foveraigne maye be relevit, and thapparaunte trowbles with wifdome to be pacefyet, that your honour would commaunde me to ferve yow theirein what I other maiy doe or make my frendes to that effecte. And gyf your honour cannot fynde that anie good meanes nor reafonable nor honeft condycions maye not relief our foveraigne out of the lordes handes, her fubjectes, that nowe fwa ftrayetlye deteinis her, that your lordfhip woulde commaunde your fecretar to wryte me your pleafure quharrein yow binde me to ferve yow. I humblye praye your honour appardoun me of fa lytle acquayntaunce and nawyfe defervit, that I thus far fwa trowbles yow, and fpeciaUie in fwa weightye a matter. The earneft defire that I haif to fee fome weile by yow wrought herein in the quenes majeftie your foveraignes name, movet me to take this hardines, to requyre your lordfhips favorable aun fwer. I defire hartelye your lordfhips pardon, that I come not to yow myfelfe, the caufe beande bounde with an noumer of the nobylytie of this realme to feeke my foveraignes relyef may put them in fufpycion gyf I come thaire for anie other purpoofe but knawyn her relief. What fer- vyce that I can doe your honour heere, or anie parte of the realme where the lordes deteynours of her grace are not the gretteft partye, I fal be as readye as anie Scottifman of my degree ; prayand theternaU God and to preferve your honour weill willinge the fame. Off Dumfries, the xxiij of Auguft, 1567- Your lordfhips to comaunde with all lefuU fervyce, Herys. REIGN OF QUEEN MARY. 289 LETTER FROM SIR NICHOLAS THROKMORTON TO QUEEN ELIZABETH, August 23, 1567-* It maye pleafe your majeftie. The 22 of Augufle thearle of Murreye was in the towne of Edenbrughe declared regent of thys realme after thys maner. So manye lordes, barones, and gentlemen, as weere at that pre fent in thys towne, which weere manye, dyd affemble themfelves in the Tollebuthe ; where the Juftice Clerke dyd publykelye read the quenes commiffyon of regentcye graunted to the fayd earle, figned with her hande and fealed with her prevye feale. Which donne, the fayd Juftice Clerke wylled the fayd earle, in the quene and kynge her fonnes name, to ac- cepte the fayde charge and to procede to the takynge hys othe. Where apon thearle of Murreye, with great modeftye, as I am informed, made a longe difcourfe conteyninge hys infuffycyentcye and difhabylytye for that charge ; notwithftandinge, beinge agayne preffed by the fayd Juftice Clerke in the names of the quene and kynge, and by the interceffyon of the lordes and other thaffyftauntes, he the fayd earle dyd accept yt. Whereapon the fayd Juftice Clerke dyd mynifter unto hym the fame othe which thearle of Moreton dyd make for the prynce at hys corona- tyon at Sterlynge; the copye whereof I doe fend your majeftie herewith. Which othe beynge folempnye red and made by the fayd earle, there weere certayne artyckles red unto the lordes, propofed on the behalfe of the fayd earle of Murrey, to be confented unto by the fayd lordes, and promeffe made by them and everye of them to be on there partes ob- ferved and kepte. Thys donne, thearle tooke hys place, and there was great joye made amongeft all fortes ; and immedyatlye after, hys re gentcye and aucthorytye was with heraldes and trumpettes proclamed in thys towne at the Hye Croffe, and in other places deftyned for that pur poofe. Your majeftie harde before my commynge into Scotlande that foundrye perfounes weere fommoned to appeare in thys towne the fayde 22 daye * From the Addit. MS. 4126, No. 68. O O 290 ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE of Auguft, beinge accufed or vehementlye fufpected of the murder of the late kinge. Of which nomber, yt maye pleafe your majeftie, there dyd onelye appeare the fayde 22 daye three perfonnes of fortye ; that is to faye, James Cockeborne, lard Skyrlynge, knight, Patricke Haybome, lard of Rycartton, knight, and Wylliam Edmonfton, fonne to the perfon of Tallowe, which three weere arrayned and purfued on the fayd kinges behalfe by the lardes of Mento, Dromewafell and Howfton, all which weere the fayd late kinges fervauntes and next kynfemen. But for as muche as fuche gentlemen as weere fommoned to be on the jurye dyd not appeare, there was nothynge proceded in agaynft the fayd partyes accufed and fufpected ; but they, fyndinge fuertyes for theyre feconde apparaunce agaynft the 2 1 October nexte, were dymiffed for thys tyme, and the courte dyfcharged. There ys great prefumptyon that theys three gentlemen fhoulde be innocent of thys fowle acte, in as muche as they dyd appeare uncompelled otherwyfe than by the fomounes of the lawe. The lardes of Scyrlynge and Rycartton cam to thys towne verye well accompanyed. Of the nomber fomoned which dyd not appeare, there was put to the home the fame daye 12, and proclamation made of theyre outlarye ; fo as there was about 25 refpeited, amongeft which fir Patryke Whytlaugh, captayne of Dunbar, was one. Thabbot of Kylwynninge hathe treated with thearle of Murreye in thys towne apon theys poynctes ; firft to have a fufpencion of thacceptacion of the regentcye untill the duke of Chaftylleraultes retorne. That beinge refufed, he requyred to have a lyke fufpencyon untill thearles of Argyelle, Huntely, the buffhop of St Andrewes, thabbot of Arbrothe, and other noblemen theyre affocyates, might conveene ; and that apon theyre convention, order might be taken with theys lordes con- fentes that fome of thone partye and thother might have acceffe to the quene, to knowe her mynde concerninge her commiffyons for the corona- tyon of her fonne and the regentcye of the realme. Thys beinge refufed alfo, he defyred that the Hamyltons and theyre frendes might not be conftreyned to obeye the regentcye. REIGN OF QUEEN MARY. 291 Which beinge denyed alfo unto hym, he requyred that the proclama tion as well of the kinge as of thearle of Murreyes regentcye, might be abfteyned from publycation in theyre bondes and the boundes of theyre frendes. Thys was alfo refufed unto hym. And further thearle of Murreye fayd that there fhoulde be no fubjecte nor place within thys realme ex empted from the kinges aucthorytye and the obedyence thereunto ; and lykewyfe non fhoulde be exempted from obayinge hym, the fayde earle, beinge regent of the fayd realme, otherwyfe he woulde ware hys lyffe in the matter. As far as I can perceyve, the convention, whereof I dyd wryte to your majeftie in my laft, to be had at Sterlynge betwixte the Hammyltons and fome of theys lordes, where De Lineroll fhoulde have benne medya- tor in theyre dyfferentes, the fame ys not lyke to take place, the Ham myltons refufinge to come to Sterlinge. Herewith I fend your majeftie thartyckles propofed by thearle of Murrey to the lordes, to which they have confented ; whereunto there was another artykle inferted by the lordes which the fayd earle hathe promyfed to obferve ; conteyninge, that the fayd earle fhall neyther con- tracte warr nor peafe, breake league nor make league, difpofe of the prynces perfon or maryage, difpofe of the quenes perfon or of her lyber tye, without the confent of the lordes, or of the mooft parte of them. Synce your majeftie doth fee an aucthoritye heere eftablyfhed, with what quyetnes yt wyll contynew God knowethe, it may pleafe yow to re voke me ; for thearle of Murreye beinge regent, as I doe learne, dothe mynde, by thadvyce of theys lordes and others, of thys counfayle, to take the precedentcye of all ambaffadors ; which hetherto I have had of the fayd earle, and of all others within thys realme. And now gevynge place unto hym, yt may feeme your majeftie dothe allowe, by me, of hys auctho rytye and of theyre procedinges in fome forte ; and otherwyfe contendinge with hym for the precedentcye, all meane of negocyacion and treatye with hym wyl be taken awaye from me. So as your majeftie may per ceyve how convenyent yt ys I be revoked, for otherwyfe I cannot avoyde to fall into thinconvenyence one waye or other. Thus Almightie God 292 ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE preferve your majeftie in all helthe, honor, and perfecie felycytye. At Edenbrughe, thys 23 of Auguft, 1567, Your majefties moofte humble, faythefull, obedyent, fervaunte and fubjecte, [ To the quenes moofte excellent majeftie. LETTER FROM SIR NICHOLAS THROCKMORTON TO LORD HERRYS, August 24, 1567.* Your good lordfhips lettre of the xxiij of Auguft I have receyved the xxiiij of the fame; for aunfwer wherunto yt may lyke your lordfhip tun derftande that I will fignifie unto yow playnelie howe farforthe 1 am alreadie throughlie inftructed of the quenes majeftie my foveraignes pleafure concerninge the detencion of the quene your foveraigne, and concerninge her relief. To the firfte, her majeftie hathe geven me in charge to ufe all kynde of perfwafions in her name to move theis lordes affemblit at Edenburghe to defifle from this vyolent and undutifull be haviour which they ufe towardes theire foveraigne ; and in this part, be fydes the fhewe of manie reafons and foundrye perfwafions of amyable treatye with them, her majeftie hath wylled me to ufe fome playne and feveare fpeache unto them, tendinge fo farforthe as yf they wolde not be better advyfed and reforme theis theire outragious procedings exercyfed againft thair foveraigne, that then they might be affured her majeftie neyther would nor coulde indure fuche an indignytie to be donne to the • From the Addit. MS. 4126, n. 69. REIGN OF QUEEN MARY. 293 quene her good cowfen and neighbour. And notwithftandinge theis my procedings with them, they have made prouf to be lytle moved therby; for as yet neyther will theye confent to her enlargement, neyther fuffer me to fpeake with her; fo, as yt femeth to me, yt is fuperfluous to treate anie more with them after this maner. Whereupon I have advertyzed the quenes maieftie my foveraigne, expectinge daylie her majefties further order ; and as I lhal be advertyzed therof, fo will I not faile to fignifie the fame to your good lordfhip, and in the meane tyme will advertyze her majeftie alfo what your lordfhip hath written unto me. Thus with my due commendacions to your good lordfhip, I comyt the fame to Almightie God; refting alwayes to doe yow the pleafure and fervyce that I can lefullye. At Edenburghe. 24 Auguft, 1567. To the lord Herys. LETTER FROM SIR NICHOLAS THROCKMORTON TO SIR WILLIAM CECIL, August 26, 1567.* Sir ; Yf my hap weere as good as monfieur de Lynerolls ys, I might eyther have retorned before hym or with hym; and I beleave theys men coulde not be fo backewarde to fatyffyce the quenes majefties defyre as they be nowe, I treatynge with them as I doe. For, as far as I can per ceyve, they do fo flomake my negocyacion, as that they wyll conforme themfelves to nothynge that may be gratefull unto us ; and I thynke, if you doe not revoke me, or it be longe they wyll fende me hence. Here with I fende yow the copye of a lettre which the lord Herryes dyd latelye * From th£ Addit. MS. 4126, n. 70. 294 ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE fend unto me, and lykewyfe myne aunfwer unto hym; but yit, I praye yow, forget not what I have wrytten unto yow of hym by my former dyf- patches. He hath lately wrytten a lettre to the earle of Murrey with all humylytie, but dothe make diffycultye to come to thys towne, wherin he dothe contynewe his pretence for the lybertie of the quene, or els that he maye have lycence to fpeake with her where fhe ys, and than he wyll, as he faythe, obaye the lord regent, who kepethe now hys eftate in all thynges as governour of the realme. Mounfieur De Lyneroll, now at hys leave takynge, cam to hys lodgyng, where thearle of Murrey kept the hyeft place, as I am informed. The regent hathe prefented the fayd De Lyneroll ; the valew and partycu- larytyes I can not prefentelye tell. It is thought, within theys two or three dayes thearle of Murrey wyll enter in to the caftell of Edenburghe and lodge there, to make a demonftracion of hys aucthorytie. I fuppofe, at the lard of Graunges retorne, the garde of the fayd caftell fhall be commytted to hym. Thearle Bodwell ys in Shetland, where he hath taken a great fhyppe of Breame, laden with fyffhe, which he meanethe to arme, to make hys admerall of hys arte of pyracye. The lorde Tyllyberne and Graunge doe make fayle thether to apprehende hym or to fyght with hym. Sir, I doe not wryte prefentelye to her majeftie, and therfore I praye yow fupplye for thys tyme myne advertyzement unto her ; and I befeache yow, let me not tarye heere, where I doe more harme than good. Ly neroll departed hence towardes Barwycke the 26 of thys monethe; hys preafent was a bafen and an ewer gylte, twoe ftandinge cuppes gylte, and twoe layers gylte, and twoe hackeneys, with certeyne Scottyfhe daggers garnyffhed with fylver and gylte. Thoughe thearle of Murrey dothe advertyze the Frenche kynge of hys regentcye, yet thys dyfpatche which Lyneroll hathe at thys tyme ys in the name of all the lordes to whom the Frenche kynge dyd wryte ; all whyche agayne have wrytten to the fayd kinge, from whom the fayd De Lyneroll had hys aunfwer geven, tendinge to that which I dyd wryte in my former dyfpatche. Thearle of Murrey hathe wrytten at great lenght, in cPnfirmacyon of the fame, a partyculer lettre to the Frenche kynge. REIGN OF QUEEN MARY. 295 Thus I doe humblye take my leave of yow. At Edenbrughe, this 26 of Auguft, 1567, [ 1 To the right honorable fir Wylliam Cecyll, knight, one of her majef ties Prevye Counfayle, and Prin- cypall Secretorye, give theys. LETTER FROM QUEEN ELIZABETH TO SIR NICHOLAS THROKMORTON, August 29, 1567.* Trusty and well beloved, we grete yow well. We have within theis ij dayes receaved iij fondry lettres of yours, of the 20, 22, and 23 of this month, having not before thofe receaved any vij dayes befor ; and doo fynd by thefe your lettres that yow have very dilligently and largely advertifed us of all the hafty and peremptory procedyngs there ; which as we nothyng lyke, fo we truft in tyme to fee them waxe colder and to re ceave fome reformation. For we cannot perceave that they with whom yow have delt can anfwer the douts moved by the Hamiltons ; who how- foever they may be carryed for ther privat refpeets, yet thofe thyngs which they move will be allowed with all refonable perfons. For if they may not, being noblemen of the realme, be fuffred to here the quene ther foverayn declare her mynd concerning the reports which are made of hir by fuch as kepe hir in captivite, how fhuld they beleve the reports or obey them which do report it? And therfor our meaning is, yow fhall lett the Hammyltons playnly underftand that we doo well allow of thir pro cedyngs, as farr furth as the fame doth concern the quene ther foverayn for hir releffe, and in fuch thyngs as fhall appere refonable for us therin • From the Addit. MS. 4126, No. 71. 296 ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE to doo for the quene our fifter we will be redy to perform the fame. And wher it is required that, uppon your cummyng thence, the lord Scroope fhuld deale with the lord Harrifs to impart ther meaning to us and ours to them, we are well pleafed therwith ; and we require yow to advertife the lord Scroope herof by your lettres, and to will hym to fhew hymfelf favorable to them in ther actions that may appeare playnly to tend to the releeff of the quene, and mayntenance of hir authoritie. And as we willed our Secretary to wryte unto yow that, uppon your meffadg doone to the earle of Murray, yow might retorn; fo our meaning is yow fhall. And if thefe our lettres fhall mete yow on the waye, yet we will have yow advertife both the lord Scroope and the Hamiltons of our meaning. LETTER FROM THE EARL OF MURRAY TO SIR WILLIAM CECIL, August 30, 1567.* Shir, After my maift harty comendation. Being affured that now it is al redy cum to gour knowlaige how I am changytt of latte from my privatte flate to ane publict charge, quhilk, I pray God, may to this ftate be moir commodious nor to me it is welcum or pleifing, but I muft neids with all uthers geild to necefliteis. I haif found gour good counfale and gour good fawors at all tymis paft, when thai wer not fo neidfull to me nor fo prouffitable to the ftate as now thai boyth ar. I can not but affuer my felf thairfor to fynd gou that fame to me that ge wer heirtofoir ; lyck as in me thair is nothing changytt but the rowme, and that I knaw I haif moir neid of trew freinds nor ewir .1 hayd. I will heirfor maift hartly defyir gou to profecute me with your accuftumyt good will, and to be ane moyen to mowe the quenes majeftie to continew in hir good opinion of me and all my proceidings, and no les to defyir the wealht and quyetnes of this ftate during my charge nor heirtofoyr. Many things does mowe • From the Addit. MS. 4126, No. 71.* REIGN OF QUEEN MARY. 297 me to affuir my felf that fo I fall fynd always that good difpolition in hir majefte; but nothing moir then that I knaw what worthy and wyis coun- falors hyr hychnes hayth about hir, that owpryghtly will adwis hir majefte to fal on the beft and maift aggreable way that fall mak for the fearvice of the king his majefte, hir highnes culing, his fecuryte, and quyetnes of this long trowblytt ftate ; quilk alfo, fir, I will maift hartly defyir of gow to haif for recommendit, nayther to fuffer, fo far as of dewyte ge may, the contrayre to be fought and attemptit under quhatfomever colour his hyghnes mortal enemeis, the murtheraris of the king his father, and thair faworars, can pretend to their malice. My truift is, fir, that the juftice and equite of this my petition, joyned with the knawlaige ge haif of the fincerite of my intentions, is perfuafion to gou aneouche ; not dowbting but amply be others ge fall underftand the defigns of ewery man in par ticular that within this realme hes any pretence particuleyr. And their- for I mak an end, with my harty commendations to gour good lady, quhom with gou, fir, I commytt to the protection of God. Frome Edynbourgh the xxxth of Auguft 1567. Your maift affured good freind, [ ] To the right honorable fhir William Cecill, knyght, Principal Secre tary to the Queens majeftie of England. LETTER FROM SIR NICHOLAS THROKMORTON TO SIR WILLIAM CECIL, September I, 1567.* Sir, Your lettre of the 20 of Auguft dated at Guylforde, I receyved the 27 of the fame, conteynynge the quenes majefties order prefcrybed unto • From the Addit. MS. 4126, No. 72. P p 298 ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE me by yow for my procedinges with thearle of Murrey, now regent, in fuche poinctes as are mentyoned in your fayd lettre ; and conteyninge alfo, foniewhat to my comfort, her majefties pleafure for my retorne, which ys to take place when I fhall have accomplyfflied fuche thynges as be prefcrybed me by yow. For aunfwer whereunto, thys that be to advertife yow, and her majeftie by yow, that the earle of Murrey, in the preafence of the lard of Lydding ton, hathe aunfwered me as followethe. Fyrft, to the matter declared by me, ordred fo to doe by her majefties lettre of the xj of Augufte, the earle of Murrey fayd, the lard of Lyd dington had before hym made aunfwer at good lenght fyve dayes pafte; fo as that matter neided no repetycyon. All which theyre aunfwer and dyfcourfe I fignefyed to her majeftie by my lettres of the 22 of Augufte. To my goinge to the quene at Lougheleven, he fhewed me that the lordes faw no reafon more nowe to accorde unto me acceffe to the quene than they have donne all thys whylle; but muche leffe, feinge they have refufed yt to the Frenche ambaffadour, who ys gone hys waye without yt. As to thacceptation of the regentcye, he fayde, yt was nowe paft dely- beratyon, and as for ignomynye and calumpniacyon, he had non other defence agaynft yt but the goodnes of God, hys upright confeyence, and hys entent to deale fincearelye in hys offyce; and yf that woulde not ferve, he coulde not tell what to faye, for nowe there was no other remedye and he muft goe thoroughe with the matter. As to the quenes majefties fatyff action for the quene hys foveraignes confent towchynge the governement conferred upon hym, he fayethe, he woulde be lothe to avowe anye fuche matter, and fpecially a thynge that towchethe hymfelfe, yf he had not the quenes confent thereunto confyrmed by her owne mowthe. As unto fome certeyne tyme for the quenes enlargement to be pre fcrybed, which I demaunded, he fayd, the lordes coulde not refolve there- apon, becaufe her lybertye and the tyme thereof depended apon accydentes ; " albeyt," fayd he, " for myne owne parte, I coulde be contended yt weere undelayedlye." As unto that which I demaunded for the quenes condycion and eftate REIGN OF QUEEN MARY. 299 after Bodwells apprehencion and juftfyeinge, he aunfwered, they coulde not merchaundize for the beares fkynne before they had hym. I dyd replye thereunto, fayinge, they dyd forfee by imagynation what fhoulde be meete for them to doe, and what they woulde doe at that tyme. Thearle of Murreye aunfwered, " As far as I can perceyve, the quenes libertye than wyll chyeflye depende apon her owne behavyor and confe derate doinges. For yf thes lordes may perceyve that fhe dothe dyfgeft well the juftefyinge of Bodwell, the ponylhement of hys adherentes, and dothe not dyfcover a wrathefull and revengefull mynde towardes theys procedinges ; and lykewyfe, yf the quene your foveraigne wyll fo deale as wee maye have caufe to thynke fhe feakethe quyetnes of thys realme and not the trowble of yt, as by countenauncynge and nowrifhynge con trarye factions; than theys lordes wyll feeke to doe all gratefull thynges to the quene our foveraigne, and to the quenes majeftie of Englaunde. Marye, to fyfhe fo far before the net, and to tell nowe what fhal be donne than, neyther doe I nor they thynke convenyent to geve anye determy- nate aunfwer." So as havynge theys reafolute aunfwers to the matters afforefayde, I have thought good to make no longer taryinge, but to ufe the benefyte of her majefties pleafure, fignefyed unto me by yow, concerninge my retorne. And after I had geven knowledge to thearle of Murreye and thother lordes that I woulde departe forthewith, they defyred me to tarye, to thende they might make readye my dyfpatche ; I towlde them my dyf patche might be expedyted within an howre, for I had nothynge to receyve from them but my falfe-conduycte. Thearle of Murreye requyred me to ftay, for that he woulde wryte fomethynge to the quenes majeftie, and woulde alfo requyre me to faye fomethynge to her majeftie on hys behalfe; I requyred hym there might as lytle delaye be ufed as coulde be. The 30 of Auguft, thearle of Murreye fent unto me, and requyred me after the fermon that we might goe together to hys lodginge ; whereapon, the fermon beinge fynyffhed, I dyd accompanye hym thether, Where 300 ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE weere affembled all the lordes. There the lard of Lyddington, in the name of all the lordes, made a fummarye repetycyon of all theyre proced ings fynce the begynninge of thys matter; yeldinge there theyre partycu lar reafons to everye theyre partycular actions, which was, in effecte, the fame that I have heretofore in fondrye my dyfpatches advertyzed her majeftie. At lenght he concluded that no men in the world woulde be more forye than they to have the quenes majeftie otherwayes than favor- ablye of them; towchynge, by waye of dygreffyon, thaccorde of relygion betwixte the countreys, the partycular favors lhewed to manye of them by her majeftie heretofore, and the generall relyeffe that the holle countrey and nation receyved at the tyme of Lyethe, when ftraungers weere in the waye to oppreffe them, theyre lybertye, and relygion. When the lard of Lyddington had fyniffhed hys talke, thearle of Murrey fet forthe, at, great lenght, what great gryeffe yt fhoulde be to hym in partyculer to have the quenes majeftie thynke otherwayes of hym than well; alledginge manye generall reafons and fome partyculer towchynge hym felfe ; concludinge, that there was no prynce nexte thofe which he ought hys chyefeft duetye unto, that thalyenation of theyre favoure might trowble hym fo muche as the quenes majefties. Then thearles of Murrey, Athell, Moreton, Marr and Glenkerne, and the lard of Lyddington, led me into a lytle cabanet, where they had pre pared a preafent of gylte plate, as I eftemed yt, better than twoe hundred markes, which thearle of Murrey requyred me to accept by waye of prea fent, as from the kynge theyre foveraigne lorde. I declared that I coulde not accept anye preafent from anye perfon within that realme but from the quene theyre foveraigne, of whom 1 woulde not make anye dyffyculte to receyve a preafent, yf fhe weere in cafe to beftowe anye ; but as from the kynge, whom I tooke to be prynce, I coulde receyve none, feinge he had attayned to that name by injurynge the quene his mother. Whereapon, the lordes requyred me to defyfte from fuche matters, for yt woulde but breade contentyon to no purpoofe ; and fo earneftlye preffed me agayne to receyve the prefent in the kinges name, which, to be fhort, I refufed ; and fo we parted, as yt feemed to me, they not beft pleafed. REIGN OF QUEEN MARY. 301 Than my leave beinge taken of them, the lard of Lyddington accom panyed me to my lodginge, and there perfyfted with manye perfwaycions to move me to chaunge my mynde from refufinge the preafent, whereunto I dyd not yelde, but fo tooke my leave of hym. Somewhat he required me to faye unto yow on hys behalfe, which I wyll declare at my retorne. I was accompanyed forthe of the towne, and fo 6 or 7 myells of my waye towardes Haddynton, with a good companye of my lord of Murreys gentlemen ; and becaufe yt was late before I departed Edenburghe, I laye at Haddyngton all night, andfo came the laft of Augufte to thys towne, accom panyed with Mr Roberte Melvyn, from whence towardes the Cowrte I wyll make the fpeede I maye. But I praye yow, fir, looke not for anye great haft at my hande, for fuerlye I am not in cafe fo to trayvayle. At my departinge Edenburghe, which was the 30 of Auguft, there was no newes come that the force of the lord of Tillybeme and Graunge had met with Bodwell, but that theyre fhyppes weere dyfcovered to be within 40 myelles of Shetelande, where Bodwell was. The pryncypall man of the ifle, named Fogge, dothe favoure Bodwell as yt ys fayde, whereby hys partye fhall be the ftronger. The lord of Glaymes and the mafter of Saynct-cleare are come to Edenburghe, and have affocyate themfelves with theys lordes. Thearle of Caffells ys looked for fhortelye. The Hammyltons and others have a conventyon at Lanaryeke in the wefle of Scotlande, from whence they meane to make a dyfpatche to the quenes majeftie. Herewith I fende yow a congratulacyon latelye fet forthe by one of theys poetes. Thus I doe humblye take my leave of yow. At Barwycke, thys fyrft of September, 1567- Yours to ufe and comaunde, [ ] To the right honorable fir William Cecill, knyght, one of her majefties Previe Counfaile and principall Secretory, geve theis. 302 ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE LETTER FROM THE ARCHBISHOP OF GLASGOW TO THE CARDINAL OF LORRAINE, December 8, 1567.* Les affaires de la royne ma fouveraine ne f'amandent, mays pluftofl, fcelon l'advertiflement que j'ay receu tant de mon frere que autres, f'empirent de jour en jour. Le conte de Mourray, ayant receu entre fes mains par compofition les chafteaux de Edinburg et Dumbarre, a tant faict que la plus grand partie de la noblefle ont foubfigne fa regence, hors mys le conte de Hontelly, et les enfans du due de Chaftellerault, et cinq ou fix pauvres prelats Catholiques, lefquels il a faict adjourner pour avoir contrevenu aux edicts de la royne, en ce qu'ils avoyent chante ou faict chanter meffe, qui eft feulement pour fe fayfir d'eulx mefmes, ou, f 'ils ne comparoiffent point, fe fayfer de leurs biens et benefices. Et pre tend, le 15 de ce moys, faire declarer paries Eftats que des dits beneffices les dixmes feront employes a leurs miniflres le temporel a fa crofce. Le conte de Hontelly et le fieur de Flemyn adjournez, le premier pour ouyr declarer la reftitution de fes terres et biens, qui luy a efte faite par la reyne nulle; l'autre fur peyne de trahifon de remetre entre fes mains le chafteau de Dunbertran, qui ell la feulle fortereffe pour le jourd'huy en tout le royaume d'Efcoffe qui tient bon pour fa majefte. Sa perfonne detenue continuellement en mefme lieu qu'elle eftoit, ayant remonftre ce que deffus a la Royne Mere, et en plufieurs audiences faict inftance mef- mement d'impetrer une lettre du roy ou de fa majefte a monfieur de Flemyn pour luy recommander le debvoir envers fa fouveraine et la place qui eft entre fes mains. Pour les difficultes du temps m'a efte reffuze, jajoit que je luy fis l'ouverture de deux pacquets du conte de Mourray et de Trog- morton efcrits a Stuard, qui me furent envoyez par le due de Chafteller ault, qui encores eft a Dieppe en attendant l'iffue de ces troubles, ne f'aufant comettre par la voye d'Angleterre, par lefquelles ledit conte fe * From the Sloan MS. 3199, fol. 157, b. REIGN OF QUEEN MARY. 303 declare entierement pour les feditieux ycy, et le prye de l'advertir fi aucune entreprife y avoit contre eulx par le roy, la Royne Mere, ou voftre maifon, a celle fin qu'il f'efforce de leurs fubvenir, fcelon fon pouvoir, et qu'il euft a ramantevoir a monfieur le Conneftable et a Monmorency qu'il n'oublie- roit jamays les bons offices qu'ils avoyent ufe vers luy lors qu'il eftoit icy. Qui me donna occafion de dire a la royne, " Vous voyez, madame, que le tout n'a pas efte faict par mon advys." Elle me refpondit, que vrayement il eftoit bien tenu au Conneftable. Et pareillement, Trogmorton luy efcrit que par toutes voyes poflibles il empefche que fecours ne foit donne au due de Chaftellerault, et que en cela il employe tous fes amys, fans lequel tout ce porteroit a l'advantaige dudit conte. Somme, qu'aveoir fa lettre tout ce qu'il a praticque en Efcoffe et tout ce qu'il continue en cores, e'eft pour agrandir ledit conte et advancer cefle malheureufe fedition et herefye. Le mauvays voulloir de l'ung et de l'autre, particullierement envers leurs majeflez, m'a rien advance ny ayde en ceft endroict. Au refle, ayant efte adverty par monfieur de Pafquier, de ce qui eft yffu de fa commiflion, je me remetz a ce qu'il vous en a efcrit, que la royne d'Angleterre fe querelloit bien fort n'avoir receu de vous ne de prince de voftre maifon lettre ne recomandation en faveur de la reine ma fouveraine, j'ay faict depefcher homme expres pour le due de Chaftellerault, avec la lettre que vous efcriviez pour le luy faire tenir et pour declairer la cre- ance qu'il a receu de voftre part. Se vous femble autre chofe doive eftre adjoute fcelon l'advertiffement que je recupuray, je ne faudray de le fuyvre, et vous manderay ce que me rapportera celluy que j'ay envoye pour fe trouver aufdits eftats. Et pour derniere conclufion, fuys con- trainct, monfeignour, vous fupplier de n'oblier entre tant de travaux et maux qui me prefent pour le jourd'huy, cefte pauvre princeffe infortunee le fecours de laquelle, foubs Dieu, fe me femble deppend de vous feul ; car en autre je voys bien peu d' apparance. 304 ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE " QUESTIONIS ASKIT TO BE ABSOLVIT BE THE LORDS OFF THE ARTICLES, December, 1567."* QU.ERITUR. Giff the queinis Grace be giltie off the kings flauchter, takin thairfor, fua found and dicernit, giff the prince may fucceid to ane tratrice ? QUjERITUR. Giff the quein be giltie off the faid cryme and fua dicernit, fcho being imprifonit as fufpek thairoff, giff ony thing done be hir may be off effect? Qu^ritur. Giff fcho, being culpable off the faid cryme and prefonet thairfor, mycht demit hir croun or mak ane Regent ? QUjERITUR. Giff the prince fucceid to the croun be cutting off of his moder or be hir tytill, quha fould be his Tutour or Governour ? QUiERITUR. Giff the croun fucceid to the prince on his moderis fyd, quhy is the duik Hammyltoun debarrit fra his tuturrie and governance ? QUjERITUR. Giff trefoun fould be punift equalie on art partakars and counfalairs, quhy fud mony notour to be criminat ar ovirfeine, unpunift, and all laid upon ane ? • From the Sloan MS. 3199, fol. 168. REIGN OF QUEEN MARY. 305 QUjERITUR. Quhy Ihone Hepbume and Iohne Hay off Tallo ar noucht oppinly compellit to declair the maner off the kings flauchter, and quha confentit thairto and war thairat ? Sen the miniftairs fould haiff fua mony articles abfolvit, the blind com- monis wald haiff thir queftionis difculfit. The queflions were affix'd by an unknown perfon fome days before the firft parliament in December 1567- LETTER FROM THE ARCHBISHOP OF GLASGOW TO THE CARDINAL OF LORRAINE, February 6, 1568.* Monseigneur, Si je n'ay fatiffaict a ce qu'il vous a pleu me mander par la lettre que je receus de voftre fecretaire Gatinois, et a ce qu'il me dift de bouche, c'a efte fa faute qui dernierement partit d'ycy pour vous aller trouver fans que je le fceuffe ; mais fi l'affaire euft efte de confequence qui lors j'avois envy de vous efcrire, je n'euffe failly de vous envoyer homme expres. Ayant a prefent la commodite de ce prefent porteur, le cappitaine Hay, je n'ay voullu faillir de vous efcrire le contenu des lettres que j'ay receu dernierement d'Efcoffe, mefmement de celluy que j'avois envoye expreffement pour fe trouver aux Eftats que le conte de Mourray a faict tenir ce moys de Decembre dernier. Qui eft en fomme, que la royne ma fouveraine, voftre niepce, eft en tres bonne fante, graces a Dieu, et pprte avec grande patience fa fortune amere et adverfe fans avoir aucun eflargiffement, quelque chofe qui a efte efcrite au con- traire d'Angleterre, ny liberte, autre qu'elle euft lors qu'elle fuft premiere- • From the MS. Sloan, 3199, fol. 159. oq 306 ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE ment detenue. Et a ce que mon frere m'efcrit, f'eft mife a mieux fervir Dieu plus devotement et avec meilleure dilligence que quelque temps auparavant elle n'avoit accouftume, de quoy j'ay en grande rejouiffance ; qui eft le tout que je vous puys mander de fa majefte. Et quant aux Eftats, une grande partie de la nobleffe f 'y eft trouve, et mefmement les contes de Hontely et Arguyl, fans touteffois avoir figne avec les autres. Ils ont arrefte Puniforme obfervation par tout le royaume de leur reli gion reffbrmee, approuve la coronation du prince et la regence du conte de Mourray, perfecution des meurtriers du feu roy fans exception de per- fonne, et les tiers de tous les beneffices du royaume eftre levez pour dif- tribuer a leurs miniftres ; Parchevefque de Saint Andre, ny les enffans du due de Chaftellerault, le fieur de Flemyng, les contes de Caflills et Ayglingthon, avec plufieurs autres de la nobleffe, n'ont poinct voullu eftre de la partie, et quelques uns mefmes qui y eftoyent venus, voyant le commancement de leurs proceddeures fi malheureufes, partirent de nuict et fe retirent a leurs maifons. Brief, il n'y a faulte que d'un bon chef de par de la ; car il y a encores beaucoup de gens de bien. Le conte de Mourray eft delibere de perfecuter le dit archevefque foubs 1'umbre et calomnye d'avoir efte participant du dit meurtre. II a envoye homme expres au prince de Conde et a 1' Admiral, les priant que par leur moyen il puyffe eftre quiete du due de Chaftelleraud par quelque voye, que ce foit poyfon ou aufrement, ainfy que le dit due m'a mande eftre feure- ment adverty, qui attend de jour a autre fon ills puyfne, par lequel je m'affeure cognoiftre plus particulierement de Peftat des affaires de par de la ; de quoy je ne faudray de vous mander avec la premiere commo- dite qui fe prefentera. Envyron les feftes de Noel dernier, douze ou quinze des principaux ferviteurs du conte Baudouel furent prius prifonniers aux lilies des Or- cades par monfieur de Sainte Croix, l'un des freres baftards de la royne, qui pour le jourd'huy f'eft faict conte des dites ifles, lefquels par tempefte de la mer furent contraincts y prendre terre, et apres menez a Liflebourg, et accufez de meurtre furent condamnez a mort, et touteffois executez en prifon, pour ce que quelques ungs d'eulx, ayans demande de grace eftre ouy par le conte de Mourray, confefferent bien avoir merite la mort, REIGN OF QUEEN MARY. 307 declarant l'innocence de la royne, et accufent les plus grands et princi- paux de fon confeil qui afiifloient lors avec luy, et mefmes le conte de Morthon, et le fecretaire Ledinton, et Balfour qui eftoit capitaine du chafteau de Liflebourg, et le dit conte leur maiftre en Dannemar. Au fur- plus eft arrive en cefle court, fes jours paffez, par la voye d'Angleterre, ung Lefelly, fils du feu conte de Rothes, fans m'apporter touteffois ung feul mot de lettre, ayant le pacquet du roy qu'il receut de fon ambaffa- deur a Londres ; f'addreffa a monfieur de Laubefpine et par luy fufl mene a la Royne Mere ; le lendemain me vint trouver et declara l'occa- fion qui l'avoit mene de par de ga, eltant le zelle qu'il portoit au fervice de la royne, qu'il luy femble f'il eftoit favorife jufques la de leurs ma- jeflez de pouvoir avoir quelques lettres de creance a quelques feigneurs de par de la, qu'il panfoit avec le temps pouvor faire quelque bon fervice. Mays pour ce que l'homme en mon particulier m'eftoit fort fufpect, je ne m'en fuys avance que la royne ne m'eult mande expreffement la venir trouver, ou feulement je l'ouy reciter ce que deffus. Les principaux feigneurs a qui f'addreffent les lettres font les fieurs de Flameng et d'Hommes ; l'un pour la confervation du chafteau de Dunbretran, l'autre pour ce qu'il eft entre en picque avec le conte de Morton. Mon- feigneur, de cefle praticque je n'efpere pas grand chofe y pouvoir fuyvre; auffi ne m'en fuys je voullu metier, que commes je vous ay diet cy deffus tant pour vous obeyr, fuyvant le crediet dudict Gaftinoys, qu' auffy il eftoit frere de celluy qui meurtrit feu mon oncle et feigneur monfieur le cardi nal d'Albrocht ; il eft party, et a en brevett de 1200 lb de penfion et cent efcus fols pour payer fes poftes ; qui eft le tout que je puys efcrire pour certain de cefle depefche. Ledit chafteau de Dunbretran eft affure par telle voye que je vous feray cognoiflre f'il plaift a Dieu quant j'au- ray ceft heur de vous veoir, encores que les lettres de recommendation pour ceft effect m'avoyent efte reffufees, comme je vous ay cydevant mande ; qui eft tut a prefent. De Paris, ce 6 Feburier, 1568. Monfeigneur, je ne veux oblier auffy a vous dire que la royne d'An gleterre a commande a fes depputez fur fes frontieres de f 'affembler avec les deputez d'Efcoffe, ayant feulement commiffion du prince, chofe que 308 ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE jufques a cefle derniere deffente elle avoit reffufe ; ains leur avoit com- mande de ne fe trouver en aucune affemblee, de ne traicter d'aucune reftitutions fur les dites frontieres, qu'avec ceulx qui auroyent commif- fions expreffe de la royne. Votre tres humble et tres obeiffant ferviteur, CECIL'S ADVICE TO QUEEN ELIZABETH UPON THE AFFAIRS OF SCOTLAND, May 3, 1568.* If the French pouer reftore the queen of Scottes, than fhall Scotland be more at commandment of the French, and fpecially of the houfs of Guife, than ever it was. For fuerly both the quene hir felf will, for hir own fuerty, afift hir felf with the pouer of hir owne houfs of Guife, and they alfo will not neglect the occafion to recover that which they loll whan they wer repelled from Lyth. It muft nedes follow that all Papiftes and difcontented perfons in Eng land, wherof is to be feared that the nomber is greater than wer mete to be knowen, will alfo adhere to the quene of Scottes and hir faction, wherof the confequence is over daungerous to be mentioned. If French pouer of men of warr fhall be in Scotland ordinarily, the queens majefty muft reenforce both the town of Barwyk and hir frontyers with new garrifons of foldiors ; and in dede, throgh prefently warr will not follow, yit England muft be uppon the frontyers redy to withftand all fodden attemptates, for it will be to late to provyde remedy whan townes or fortes be taken. * From the Cotton MS. Calig. C. i. fol. 58. REIGN OF QUEEN MARY. 309 TO REMEDY THESE DAUNGER3. If the quenes majefty wold fend into Scotland to the quene, and offer hir ayde if fhe will be rulyd by hir advife, than wer it mete that the fayd quene wer difhorted in no wife to fufter any power of Fraunce to com into Scotland ; for if fhe will fo doo, having offer from the quenes majefty of hir ayde, than fuerly it is mete the quenes majefty fhuld em- peach the commyng in of any French power. TO IMPEACH THE FRENCH POWER. Firft, to putt fome fhipps in redynes, and men alfo. Secondly, to fend an' exprefs meffadg to the French kyng to require hym to forbeare fendyng of any French power, for that the queens ma jefty will ayd hir ; and the ayde of England can not damnefy France, but contrary, the French ayde can not be gyven but to the prejudice of England for manny refpecles. If nether the quene of Scottes will forbeare to take the ayde of France, nor France forbeare to gyve it, than it is manifeft what wer the fpedy waie to remedy the whole matter, both to releyve the queen of Scottes, and to mak quietnes in Scotland. Note, it belongeth of very right to the crown of England to gyve ordre to diffenfions moved for the crown of Scotland. INSTRUCTIONS GIVEN TO MR THOMAS LEIGHTON SENT INTO SCOTLAND, May 1568.* You fhall make your repaire with our lettres to the queene of Scotts our good fifter, and fhall deliver to her our letter, and with our moft • From the MS. Cott. Calig. C. i. fol. 57. 310 ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE hartie commendacions, ufe fuch fpeech as fhall be meteft to expreffe our rejoycinge for her deliverie out of the captivitie wherin fhe was. Item ; yow fhall declare to her, that, upon the certen knowledge which we had of her deliverie, by her own lettres fent by her fervant, Mr Beton, and by his reporte, we did at length conferre with him upon her eftate ; and, upon his meffages to us communicated, we did determine thus to proceede. Firft, with all fpeede to fend to underftand of her ftate ; and accord inge to the fame to will you, if fhe fhould foe like thereof, to charge her fubjects to fubmitt themfelves to her, as naturall fubjects ought to doe. And yf they would not conforme themfelves therto, to let them plainlie underftand that, for our part, fhe fhould not want for her relief the af fiftance of that power which God had given to us ; and fo yow maie af fure [ ] we meane to give her aide, and have fent yow fpeciaUie to underftand whether fhe will content her felf to ftand to our order in the compofition of the controverfies betwixt her and her fubjects, without fendinge, folicitinge, or receaving of anie forraine power from France for this purpofe ; which if fhe will doe, fhe fhalbe then affured that we will have the principall regard to her ftate, foe as her fubjects maie be reduced to acknowledge their duties without Ihedding of bloud or trouble of her realme. And if they will not yeeld to reafon by treatie or perfuafion, we will give to her fuch aid as fhall be requilite to com- pell them. And if the queene, our good fifter, fhall like of this manner in our proceedinge, yow fhall offer to her in our name alfo to reforte to her contrarie parte, and to underftand of them whether they can be con tent to be advifed and ruled by us in all matters ftirred up betwixt the queene and them ; which if they will, upon knowledge therof by yow, we will fpeedilie finde fome honorable perfonages of wifdome and cre ditt in that realme to attend upon her where fhe will afligne them, and to treate betwixt her and her fubjects, and procure fuch an accord as fhall ftand to her honour, and be prolittable for her contrie. And as REIGN OF QUEEN MARY. 311 flie fhall like hereof, foe we will that yow fhall repaire to the other par- tie ; and, having delivered to the erle of Murray our lettres of credence, yow fhall fliewe him the caufe of our fendinge of yow thither, and move him with others combyned with him to be content to compromitt their whole controverfies to us, with fuch reafons as are meete to affure him of our principall intention to conferve that realme from further danger by this civill warre. In whome, yf yow find conformitie, yow fhall let both the queene and them underftand that we will not faile but fend fuche an embaffade as we truft fhall fatiffie all partes ; arid in the meane tyme we thinke it good that all force doe ceafe on both partes, and noe newe collection of power ; and fo, for that purpofe, yow fhall make haft to retorne. Yow fhall allfoe faye to the queene of Scotts that the caufes whie we fpeciaUie require that we may deale in this great matter betwixt her and her fubjects are manie. The firft, becaufe we are, of all other princes, the nixt to hir both in bloud and neighbourhood. The fecond is, becaufe we are moft meeteft to doe yt for the opinion that we have of her fub jects, that either they wilbe advifed by us, or that we have moft co- moditie to compell them by reafon of our nearnes to them by land, with out let of fea. The laft is, we fee evidentlie that, if the queene, beinge offred our aid, will follicite the aide of France to bringe in men of warre into Scotland, and that they fhall come hither, we muft needes conclude that, under pretence of aidinge of her, the principall intention fhalbe to renew old quarrells and trobles betwixt us and France, and allfo betwixt us and Scotland. Upon which weightie confideracions we have made this choice upon our owne charges to procure to that queene the refli- tucion of her eftate and the obedience of her fubjects. Which offer, if fhe lhall refufe, you may fay we fhalbe verie forry, for that we fhalbe moved to alter our minde contrary to our naturall defyre. And foe as yow fhall finde caufe, we would have yow retorne with fpeede. INDEX. R r INDEX. Aberdeen, 102, 147. Aberlady, 21, 37. Abernethy, lord, see Murray, James, earl of. Achesoun, John, master coiner, 195. Addington, see Haddington. Ademsoune, Patrick, 167, 168. Admiral, see Coligni, (185). Alencon, Francis, duke d', 175. Alloway, 163. Almains, the, employed in Scotland, 29, 30, 31, 32, 34, 35, 37, 43, 47, 48, 49. Alnwick, 18, 19, 146. Alva, duke of, 176. Amiens, Nicholas de Pelleve, bishop of, 79. Ancrum, 29. Angennes, see Rambouillet. Angus, 49. , the lordes of, 11. , Archibald Douglas, earl of, 2, 7, 9, 13, 20, 21, 37, 40, 52, 53, 54, 59, 99. , . . ., daughter of, 51. , David Douglas, earl of, 126. Annan, 66, 67, 98. Annandale, 1. Ansleye, David, laird of Farlowe, 71. Anthony's, St., 81. Anville, monsieur d', 94, 96, 103. Apthorpe, 227, 265. Arbroath, Gavin Hamilton, abbot of, 199, 207, 208, 209, 244, 246, 249, 258, 280. Argyll, Archibald, earl of, 1, 7, 11, 26, 37, 40, 68. , Archibald, earl of, 73, 75, 96, 111, 118, 126, 135, 137, 138, 140, 141, 148, 153, 154, 161, 162, 181, 193, 196, 199, 207, 208, 210, 217, 220, 228, 230, 258, 268, 275, 279, 306. , Jean, countess of, wife of Archibald, earl of, 148. Armitage castle, 36, 113, 114, 282. Armonoch, Henry Darnley, created lord, 138. Armstrang, Cristie, 1. Armstrangs, the, 28. Arran, 98. , James, earl of, governor of Scotland, 2, 3, 4, 7, 9, 10, 11, 13, 17, 20, 21, 24, 29, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 37, 40, 42, 43, 47, 48, 49, 57, 58, 68, 75, 76, 77, 104, 106, 111, 135, 140, 144, 145, 158, 220, 241, 242, 243, 245, 258, 275, 302, 303, 306. , , Hamilton, earl of, 73, 75, 76, 96. — — , , . . daughter of the second earl of, 58. Arrandale, see Arundel. Arundel, earl of, 63, 99. Ashton, Mr, 45. Asselbe, Francis, 46. 316 INDEX. Astone, captain, 82. Athol, John, earl of, 120, 126, 135, 141, 143, 153, 195, 203, 214, 215, 217, 220, 257, 263, 272, 277, 300. Aubespine, Claude de 1', 172, 175, 213, 214, 307. Austria, house of, 139. , Charles of, 167. Aylmouth, 70, 128. Ayr, 144. .sheriff of, 10. B. Babthokpe, captain, 83. Baitsones, the, 15. Balfour, sir James, captain of Edinburgh Castle, and Clerk of the Register, 195, 203, 214, 217, 219, 222, 255, 263, 273, 277, 307. , Michael, solicitor of the earl of Bothwell's causes in Scotland, 57, 58. Balmerinoch, see Hay. Balnaves, Henry of Halhill, 78. Bambreke, see Bamburgh. Bamburgh, 147. Baptiste, Mr, 81. Barkley, captain, 82. Barton, 5. Beaton, Archibald, 2. , David, cardinal, 2, 3, 4, 11, 13. , John a— 138, 143, 166. , Mary, 95. , . . . , 310. See Glasgow. Bedford, Francis Russell, earl of, 113, 128, 132, 133, 143, 144, 145, 147, 149, 150, 151, 156, 163, 169, 188, 216, 227, 231. Belles, the, 65. Beltone, 5. Bemerside, the laird of, 19. Benerton, 5. Benyston, the abbey of, 5. Berwick, 20, 22, 23, 25, 38, 41, 46, 51, 57, 72, 92, 97, 106, 133, 143, 144, 145, 152, 155, 156, 159, 166, 191, 193, 195, 196,216, 255,260, 269, 270, 301, 308. , Controller of, 94. , Marshal of, 72, 94, 95, 129, 193, 195. -, Mayor of, 94. -, Treasurer of, 92, 93, 94, 96. Bishop, Thomas, 57, 97, 101. Blackadder, 70. , laird of, 43, 147, 222. Blackberye, 70. Blackbourne, 5. Blackthorne, 5. Boge, Sandy, 166. Boleyne, 14, 34. Borders, 58, 126, 130, 132, 155, 157, 195. , Middle, 61. , West, 35, 59, 280. Borthwick castle, 77, 235. ¦ , John, fifth lord, 2, 75, 94. Borthy Craig, 25. Bothwell, Patrick, earl of, 2, 7, 14, 20, 21, 23, 36, 56, 57. , James, earl of, 66, 75, 76, 77, 94, 99, 113, 114, 119, 126, 128, 137, 140, 142, 146, 151, 153, 155, 157, 159, 164, 188, 204, 206, 208, 211, 216, 217, 220, 221, 222, 223, 228, 234, 235, 240, 250, 256, 257, 259, 276, 277, 299, 301, 306. , . . . , sister to Patrick, earl of, 58. Botlewith, . . . , 57. Bounjedworthe, 19. Bourbon, Charles II., cardinal de, 184. Bowes, sir George, 12. , Mr, 38. Boyd, lord, 118. Boyde, R., 280. Boyvyle, H., 24. Brandling, sir Robert, 158. Brechan, John Hepburn, bishop of, 2. Brende, Mr, 50. Brickwell, captain, 143, 144. Brimstone, laird of, 33, 49, 71, 164. INDEX. 317 Britheghnell bridge, 49. Broodies, the, 128. Brosse, Jacques de la, 79. Browne, sir Anthony, 12, 18. Browton, the Maynes of, 4. Brusk, see Gray Brusk. Buccleugh, laird of, 1, 32, 42, 164, see Scott. Buchan, Robert Douglas, earl of, 205. Bughany, laird of, 49. Bullen, 98. Burte, 26, 27. Bute, 98, 99. Butsheade, George, 110. Buttler, captain, 83. Buttreton, 5. Byckley, the pyle of, 5. Byldre, 5. c. Caithness, George Sinclair, earl of, 135, 153. Cambuskenneth, abbot of, 2. Cannebye, priory of, 12. Capelle, captain, 83. Carlaverock, 282. Carlisle, 2, 10, 13, 14, 20, 28, 53, 55, 59, 67. , castle of, 7, 15. , deputy customer of, 1. , Alexander, 67. , Thomas, 30, 32, 33. Carre, . . . , 157. , sir Andrew, 126, 141. , , of Lyttelden, 70. , David, of Roxburgh, 70. , -, of Shilstokbreye, 70. , John of Warke, 38. — — , Robyn, of the Lowghe, 71. , Watt, 70. Carres, the, 55, 56, 114. Carrenygene, Robert, 49. Casse, . . . . , 38. Cassellis, Gilbert Kennedy, earl of, 2, 9, 10, 1 1, 40, 57. , Gilbert Kennedy, earl of, 95, 143, 153, 240, 301, 306. Castellaine, . . . , physician to Henry the Second, king of France, 175. Castle Campbell, 197. Castlemilk, 98. Cecil, sir William, 97, 134, 170, 203, 206, 224, 225, 226, 229, 239, 245, 263, 264, 266, 267, 276, 281, 296, 297, 308. Cesfurthe, laird of, 28, 38, 109, 150, 151, 157, 164, 250. ', , his son, 164. Chancellor of Scotland, see Glasgow, Morton. Chaplain, Queen Mary's, 136. Chapelle dez Ursines, monsieur de la, 206. Charles XII., king of France, 212. Chastelherault, duke of, see Arran, James Hamilton, earl of. Chatelard, . . . , 106, 110. Chattellet, see Chatelard. Childes, see Shiels. Cheshire, 51. Chester herald, 87. Chestrefelles, 5. Cheyne, F., 12. Chisholm, William, bishop of Dunblane, 2. Clarevault, . . . , 152, 159, 171, 176. Clarke, captain, 221, 222. Cledisdelle, John of, 3. Clernaw, see Clarevault. Cliftone, captain, 83. Clinton, Edward de, lord high admiral of England, 22. Clydesdale, 37. Cockpool, 14, 54. i , (sir Cuthbert Murray) laird of, 60. Coldingham, 11, 13, 95, 191. Coldingknowes, 40, 126, 141. Collyarrewe, 224. Colwyche, . . . , 157. Colynwood, Robert, 38. 318 INDEX. Conde, Louis de Bourbon, prince de, 201. Condy, Gervais de, 194. Congregation, lords of the, 73, 74, 75, 77, 131, 141, 144, 145, 153, 155, 210. Constable, captain, 83. , John, 89. , of France, 185. Conwey, captain, 82. Conyers, John, lord, 59, 63, 65. Corbett, laird of, 19, 70. Cornelle, captain, 83. Cornuvall, Mr, 92, 93. CornhiU, 20, 68. Cosforde, the laird, see Cesfurthe. Cotton, Mr, 39. Couteredge, 5. Cragge, Mr, 221. Cragge Mylls, 5. Craggemylner, 5. Craigmiller, laird of, 214, 255. , . . . , 144. Craffordes, the lady of, 164. Cranmer, Thomas, archbishop of Canterbury, 6, 8. Crawford, John, fifth lord, 2. , Patrick, sixth lord, 143. Crawnend, 5. Crayford, see Crawford. Creighton castle, 76, 77. Crinstone, Ryvyan of, 71. Cristofer, 43. Croque, the sieur de la, French ambassador in Scot land, 171, 172, 173, 175, 186, 188, 198, 204, 206, 212. D. Dacbe, William lord, of the North, 23, 36, 62, 63, 65, 98. Dalkeith, 10, 43, 47. Danville, see Anville. Darnley, Henry lord, 102, 115, 116, 119, 120, 122, 123, 124, 125, 129, 130, 131, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 147, 152, 153, 155, 157, 164, 171, 173, 192, 253, 255. David the Italian, see Rizzio. Davis . . . . , servant to lady Throckmorton, 107. Davyson, James, of Whytone, 71. Deepe, 201. Deickarc, captain, 83. Den, the, 4. Dennye, captain, 83. Denmark, 221, 307. Christiern III., king of, 44, 63. Desse, monsieur, 3,1, 32, 33, 42, 43. Docelle, monsieur, 58, 69, 70, 72, 90. , his son-in-law, 70, Dogge, Jamy, 43. Dolu, . . . . , queen Mary's treasurer, 173, 174, 175. Donbrytayne, see Dunbarton. Douglas, 52. , Davie, 19. , sir David, servant to lord Bothwell, 57. , sir George, 10, 17, 20, 21, 38, 40, 43, 47, 48, 49, 50, 53, 59, 99. , Hugh of Longnether, 33, 49. , Willie, 19. See Angus. Douglasdale, 37, 40. Downotarie, castle of, 102. Drax, Robert, servant to Randolph, 148. Dreylaw, 4. Drumlanrig, 98. , laird of, 53. Drury, Robert, servant to Beaton, archbishop of Glas gow, 173, 175. — — , . . . , marshall of Berwick, 142. , captain, 82. Dryburgh, 46. Dudley, sir Edward, 24. , sir Robert, 84, 109. Dudstone, Nether, 5. Dumfries, 2, 65, 144, 145, 282, 288. Dun, the laird of, 257. INDEX. 319 Dunbar, 5, 23, 37, 40, 41, 43, 44, 74, 95, 143, 223, 277, 302. , castle of, 44, 259. , Gavin, archbishop of Glasgow, 2. Dunbarton, 27, 48, 73, 181, 207. , castle of, 54, 98, 302, 307. Dunblane, William Chisholm, bishop of, 2, 76. , William Chisholm, bishop of, 136, 176, 177, 178, 179. Dundee, 26, 104, 111. , passage of, 26. Dunfermling, 37. Dunglasse, 47, 52. Dunkeld, bishop of, 37. Dunoon, 99. Dunotter, see Downotarie. Durham, 38. -, Cuthbert Tunstal, bishop of, II, 38. -, James Pilkington, bishop of, 156. -, Hugh Whitehead, dean of, 38. Dury, see Drury. Dusdear, 99. Dynon, see Dunoon. E. Edinbuegh, 1, 30, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 40, 47, 57, 69, 111, 119, 131, 134, 157, 177, 179, 184, 191, 196, 203, 209, 210, 211, 212, 214, 218, 219, 220, 221, 222, 223, 224, 225, 228, 229, 235, 240, 241, 245, 246, 247, 255, 258, 260, 261, 262, 264, 268, 269, 270, 271, 272, 274, 278, 281, 283, 297, 301, 302, 307. , constable of the castle of, 33. — — — — , provost of, 273. Eglinton, earl of, 306. Elder, . . . ,101. EUzabeth, queen, 111, 159, 161, 169, 179, 202, 203, 212, 213, 229, 237, 249, 255, 262, 266, 267, 268, 272, 274, 292, 296, 308. Elveston, . . . , 47. , Nicholas, 218, 219, 224, 263. Englefyld, Francis, 63. Erskin, lord, 119, 125, 142. , lady, 119, 125. -, the master of, 38, 39. Escoven, 213, 214. Eskdale, 9. EwsdaUl, 9. F. Faibxaw, 68, 69. Fastcastle, 191, 195, 199, 203. Fentree, the laird of, 9. Fernyhirst, 28. , laird of, 28, 216, 228. Fife, 26, 49, 134. Fisher, Mr, 49. , Thomas, 36. Fleming, the earl of, 9, 223, 280, 302, 307. , the lady, 57. Flyske, the parson of, 150. Fogge, . . . ,301. Forster, sir John, 113, 149, 156, 159, 188, 194, ¦216. Founteralles, monsieur de, 37. Fowler, . . . , 119, 120, 121, 155, 158. 320 INDEX. G. Gage, John, 18, 63. Galloway, 40. , Alexander Gordon, bishop of, 73, 77, 221, 222. Garles, the laird of, 282. Gascons, 24. Germany, 145. , emperor of, 48. Gifforde, captain, 83. Glames, lord, 2, 301. Glasgow, 79, 125, 259, 263. , archbishop Gavin Dunbar, chancellor of Scotland, 2. -, James Beaton, 77, 170, 176, 178, 302. , dean of, 80. Glencairn, WiUiam, earl of, 2, 9, 11, 98. , Alexander, earl of, 75, 106, 129, 143, 203, 204, 214, 220, 228, 240, 257, 258, 263, 272, 300, 305. Gomvoir, du, 172. Goore, Mr, 47. Gordon, Alexander, 59. , , lord, son of George, earl of Huntley, 104. , John, laird of Loghinver, 59, 282. , — — , son of George, earl of Huntley, 102. Gordon, Roger, 59. , WiUiam, 59. Gore, lord, 106. Gosford, laird of, 130. Governor of Scotland, see Arran, James Hamilton, second earl of. Gower, Thomas, master of the ordinance, 87. Gradon, the laird of, 70. Grame, Richie, 9, 10. Grange, the laird of, 49, 165, 181, 216, 277, 301. Granges, 5. Granveile, the cardinal of, 135. Gray, lord of Angwisse, 49, 126, 141. , Arthur, esquire, 88. — — , James, 104. , WiUiam, lord, 2, 23, 25, 27, 28, 29, 42, 51, 53, 81, 85, 88, 99. Gray Brusk, 73. Greenwich, 90, 160, 163. Greme, . . . , prior of Cannonby, 1 2. Gremes, the, 60, 61, 62. Gresham, sir Thomas, 226. Guarde, captain, 83. Guise, house of, 107, 159, 169, 206. — — , cardinal of, 152. , duke of, 79. Gyrulay, the laird, 24. H. Haddington, 5, II, 20, 25, 30, 31, 32, 34, 38, 39, 41, 45, 46, 47, 76, 301. , Windham's bulwark at, 31. -, captain of, 43. Hallyburton, Alexander, 77. , Dandie, 19. Hamilton, 40, 73, 75, 200, 245, 246, 258, 275. Hamilton, Alexander, 19. , Arthur, 258. , John, see St Andrews, archbishop of. , , 280, 281, 282. , George, 97. , Hobby, 40. , James, see Arran. INDEX. 321 Hamilton, Robert, 207, 209, 210, 246, 247. — , Mr, 33. Hamiltons, the, 32, 48, 181, 186, 188, 199, 207, 208, 217, 218, 222, 228, 230, 256, 294, 268, 272, 275, 276, 277, 278, 282, 301. Hampton, Mr Bernard, 266. Court, 8, 192. Hatherwick, 5. Haules, the, 154. Hawarde, George, general of the English demi-lan ces, 88. Hawick, 42, 128. Hay, John, commendator of Balmerinoch, 117. , , of Tallo, 305. , Thomas, 140, 141, 142. , captain, 305. Hayborne of Bolton, 223. , see Hepburne. Hegham, 50. Heigait, William, 173. Hempesfelde, the laird of, 60. Heneage, Mr, 192. Henry the Eighth, king of England, 6, 9, 10, 50, 51, 54, 55, 56, 98, 122, 123, 141. Hepburne, James, 71. , John, 305. , , bishop of Brechin, 2. , , of Bolton, 259. , Patrick, bishop of Murray, 2, 256. i, laird of Rycarleton, 256. See Hayborne. Hermitage Castle, see Armitage. Heron, George, 38. — , Giles, 38. Hemes, lord, 194, 207, 279, 280, 282, 287. Hertford, earl of, see Somerset. Hexham, the bailiff of, 38. Heskett, captain, 83. Hewycke, Dr, 163. Heyprycke, 5. Hickman, . . . , an English merchant, 165. Highland, the, 208. Hill, the, 5. Hogan, Thomas, provost marshal of the English army in Scotland, 86. Hogg, Robert, 19. Holecroft, Mr, 29. , sir Thomas, 36, 39, 42, 47. Holdstock, B!r, an English admiral, 92. Holy Island, 22, 23. Holyrood-house, 4,36,40, 76, 91, 136, 141. , Robert, lord, 217, 306. Holyrood, abbey of, 99, 100. Hoome, see Hume. Horkeleye, 72, 73. Hornclif, see Horkeleye. Howme, see Hume. Hume, 37, 40, 41, 67. , castle of, 24, 68, 143. , George, lord, 5. , Alexander, lord, 93, 94, 119, 130, 150, 158, 164, 191, 195, 197, 203, 214, 215, 250, 272, 307. Humes, the, 55, 56, 126. Hundelee, the laird of, 19. Huntley, George, earl of, 1, 7, 1 1, 37, 40, 49, 68, 75, 92, 95, 99, 102. , George, earl of, 144, 153, 157, 199, 207, 217, 220, 221, 228, 257, 258, 259, 268, 279, 302, 306. — — — , Alexander, see Galloway, bishop of. Hynchegarayn, 4. I. INCHGARVIE, see Hynchegarayn. Inchkeith, 39, 41. Ingelbye, sir WiUiam, knight, treasurer of the Eng- Ush army in Scotland, 85, 86. Ireland, 96, 161, 162, 167. Irving, see Yrwin. Iselham, WilUam, trench master of the EngUsh army in Scotland, 87. Isles, bishop of, 77. , earl of, 1. Italians, 24, 36. Italy, 145, 152. S S 322 INDEX. James, prince, afterwards James the Sixth, 167, 171, 180, 184, 192, 198, 200, 202, 206, 210, 249, 250, 251, 252, 253, 257, 258, 259, 263, 275. Jedburgh, 11, 15, 29, 42, 48, 58, 65, 69, 164. Johnstones, the, 65. Justice Clerk, 137, 138, 139, 141, 142, 150. K. Kabnagy, Mr, one of the Privy Council of Scotland, etc., 57, 58. Kerr, Andrew, 19. , J., of Fernyhirst, 1 1. , John, of Fernyhirst, 16. , , younger, 16. , Robert, 19. , Thomas, 19. , Thome, 16. Keeper, lord, 180. Killinghall, Francis, scoutmaster of the English army in Scotland, 87. Killwinnynge, 190. , abbot of, 222. Kinkern, earl of, 73. Kinkone, 5. Kirkaldy, 69, 70. , William, of Grange, 49, 72. Kirkbye, 5. Kirklandbill, 5. Knox, John, 95, 106, 208, 221, 240, 257. Kryghton, lord, 203. L. Ladder, see Lauder. Lallard, Arthur, 145. Lanark, 301. Lancashire, 51. Langholm, 1, 98. Lansted, Peter, lieutenant to Cortpeny, 43. Lassells, Roger, 143. Lastericke, 32. Latushowe, . . . , 14. Laubespine, see Aubespine. Lauder, 40, 46, 48, 69. Lauderdale, 41. Lawresbtone, 4. Larett, the chapel of, 5. Lee, sir Richard, 5, 83, 129. i , see Leghe. Leek, Mr, 37. Lees, 5. Legh, see Lee. Leghe, Peter, 83. , see Leith, Leicester, Robert Dudley, earl of, 113, 133, 134, 137, 138, 145, 166, 170, 225, 238, 253, 260, 266, 276. Leighton, Mr Thomas, 309. Leith, 4, 24, 32, 35, 41, 43, 48, 64, 74, 76, 80, 81, 82, 83, 85, 182, 197, 204, 265, 300. , haven, 4, 5, 64, 83. , pier, 5. Lennox, earl of, 14, 52, 53, 98, 99, 100, 101, 111, 112, 120, 122, 124, 125, 134, 135, 137, 139, 141, 142, 220, 222, 258. INDEX. 323 Lennox, lady, 98, 100, 101, 140, 142, 158, 181. Leslie, Norman, 49. \ » .... 307. Lethington, sir WiUiam Maitland of, secretary, 79, 90, 92, 103, 104, 105, 115, 120, 121, 125, 126, 127, 133, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 158, 163, 191, 193, 195, 197, 198,203, 204,206, 207, 211, 214, 215, 216, 219, 222, 229, 230, 238, 240, 241, 247, 248, 249, 250, 251, 256, 263, 267, 270, 272, 275, 276, 283, 298, 300, 301, 307. , the young laird of, 90. Leveston, see Livingston. Liddisdale, 28, 113, 114. LigneroUesTthe sieur de, 212, 213, 263, 267, 268, 269, 270, 271, 273, 276, 298. Lindsay, lord, 126, 153, 205, 248, 257, 260. , Archibald, 256. , David, king-at-arms, 92. , , Rothsay Herald, 92. , James, falconer to the earl of Angus, 52. , , 256. LinUthgow, 37, 40, 77, 139, 221, 222. Linton,. 5. Lisle, John Dudley, viscount, lord admiral of Eng land, 4, 18. Littleton, captain, 83. Livingston, lord, 141, 142, 143, 153. Lochleven, 74, 140, 217, 220, 248, 250, 260, 263, 273, 275, 277, 298. , castle of, 205. , lord, 205. Loggen, WilUam, 92. Loghenver, see Gordon. London, 25, 26. Longnether, 33, 34, 37, 49. Loosnes, 41. Lorrain, cardinal of, 79, 102, 135, 136, 302, 305. Loterell, 147, 176, 178, see Lutterell. Lothian, 20, 29, 37, 40, 114, 115. , the superintendent of, 257. Louvain, 136. Lowe, captain, 83. Lowder, Robyn, 72. Lunenburgh, Otho, duke of, 44. Lusery, . . . . , physician to queen Mary, 131. Lutterell, sir John, 25, 49. LyneroUs, see LigneroUes. Lynne, the Cat of, 64. M. Macconnell, Eche, 96. — — — — , James, 96, 110. . — , , his wife, son, and daughter, 148. Macdowell, Sander, 71. Macgill, see MagyU. Maclane, . . . , 96. MagyU, James, 203, 273, 276. Maine, monsieur du, 1 72. Maister, D., 156. Mallorye, captain, 82. Malvysier, see Mauvissiere. Mannering, captain, 83. Marches, see Borders. Marischal, WiUiam, earl, 102. Markham, captain, 82. , WiUiam, 89. Marystone, the laird of, 71. , the younger laird of, 71. Marques, the, see Elbeuf. Marr, John, earl of, 203, 201, 214, 220, 228, 240, 247, 257, 258, 263, 272, 300. Marton, the laird of, 19. Marshall, see Provost. , see Berwick. Martigny, monsieur de, 242. Mary of Guise, queen Dowager of Scotland, 6, 7, 9, 10, 14, 27, 40, 43, 48, 57, 58, 63, 64, 65, 67, 68, 70, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 80, 89. Maby, queen of Scotland, 27, 44, 84, 89 311. Mary, queen of England, 60, 61, 100. Mauvissiere, Michael de Castelnau, seigneur de, 165, MaxweU, Robert, lord, 10. , , lord, 10. 324 INDEX. Maxwell, John, second son of Robert, lord, after wards lord Hemes, 10, 15, 60, 61, 62, 63, 65, 68, 75, 76, 77, 228. , Robert, 2. -, master of, see MaxweU, John. Medicis, Cathrine de, queen Dowager of France, 152, 213. Melrose, 20. Melvin, James, 165, 193, 197, 258, 270. , sir Robert, 146, 152, 153, 158, 159, 166, 180, 217, 220, 259, 270, 301. , Mr, 145, 181, 182. Morton, John, 91, 92. , James, earl of, 138, 142, 143, 159, Menteith, William, earl of, 73. Merse,.the, 20,4<1, 46, 47. Mewtes, sir Peter, 92, 93, 96. Middlemore, Henry, 252, 257, 266. Millan, 175. Mildmay, sir William, Treasurer of England, 181. , sir Walter, [ ? William], 264. Milk, the water of, 2. Monteith, see Menteith. Montgomery, earl of, see Eglintoun. Montmac, . . . . , 175. Montmorency, Francis, Marshal of France, 135. Montrose, 103. , the master of, 272. Morpeth, 129. Morres, sir Christopher, 35. 164, 169, 195, 203, 204, 205, 214, 215, 216, 219, 220, 237, 247, 257, 258, 263, 272, 277, 300, 307. Mount Pelham, near Leith, 84. Murray, James, earl of, 43, 48, 73, 74, 75, 76, 78, 92, 94, 95, 104, 105, 112, 114, 118, 129, 131, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 140, 143, 145, 146, 151, 155, 157, 159, 162, 170, 184, 185, 191, 192, 193, 200, 201, 205, 214, 217, 218, 219, 220, 225, 243, 248, 250, 251, 258, 263, 265, 268, 269, 270, 271, 272, 273, 274, 275, 277, 283, 286, 296, 298, 299, 300, 301 , 302, 305, 306, 307, 311. , Lady Anne, countess of, 112, 146, 249, 277. , Patrick, 14, 54. , , Hepburn, bishop of, 2. — , lord, 47, 49. , John, 13. , bishop of, 256. Murrey land, 47, 49. Murynes, 49. MussUburgh, 5, 31, 34, 41, 99. Mwrose, see Melrose. Myles, the Estre, 5. , the Wester, 5. Mynettes, St, 4. N. Navabbe, Philip the second, king of, 102. Newark, 138. Newbigging, 98, 100. Newbottle, the abbey of, 5, 47. Newcastle, 3, 25, 38, 41, 50, 59, 60, 61, 65, 99, 159, 190. , mayor of, 65, 158. Newhaven, 4. Noailles, Anthony, seigneur de, 90. Norfolk, Thomas, duke of, lord lieutenant general of the English army in Scotland, 79, 80, 81, 85. Norham, 38, 72, 73. Norreys, sir Henry, 241. Northumberland, 38. , Henry, earl of, 50. , John Dudley, duke of, 99. , Thomas Percy, earl of, 158. Northampton, William Parr, earl of, 53, 54. INDEX. 325 O. Obenze, lord, 101, 102. Ochiltree, Andrew, second lord, 74. Octavian, le sieur, 79. Ogle, John, 11. Ogilvy, James, lord, 2. Onel, . . . , 96. , Shane, 148, 154. Orkney, 217, 277. , bishop of, 257, 273. Orkney, wife of Robert, earl of, 277. Orleans, duke of, 136. Ormston, 41, 76. , the laird of, 33, 49, 70, 72, 76, 250. Ormistons of TyvydaUe, the, 223. Overton, Anthony, J clerks of the musters of the , Richard, J English army in Scotland, 87. Oysel, 80. Paget, sir WilUam, K. G., 12. Paisley, John Hamilton, abbot of, 3, 42, 43, 48. , see Patesloe. Papal Legate, 147. Paris, 135, 167, 184. ParUaments, Scottish, , , atEdinburgh, 2, 10, 151, 154, 157. , at Stirling, 10. Patesloe, the abbey of, 259, 263. Patersone, William, 52. Peathes, see Pethes. Peebles, 11, 13,29,40,42. Pelham, see Mount Pelham. Pelleve, see Amiens. Pencreth, the lord of, 115. Percy, sir Henry, captain of the castles of Tynmouth and Norham, 73. Perth, see St Johnstone. Petarrow, . . . , controuller, 144. Pethes, the, 22, 29, 36, 39. Peticur, tutor of, 77. Petrie, sir William, 6, 8, 63, 113. Pettiewaynes Island, 5. Philip II, king of Spain, 152, 159, 175. PhUiphaughe, laird of, 19. Pinkey, 242. Porticragge, 49. Portugal, 91. Pregles, Mr, 93. Preglie, captain, 92. President, lord, of the English Council, 97, 101. , of the Session, 203, Preston, 5. Prince, see James. Pringall, . . . , 114. Pringle, captain, 83. , George, 19. , Sandy, 42, 47. Protector, see Somerset. Provost Marshall of the English army, 82. . of Edinburgh, 109. 326 INDEX. Q. QflEENSFERRY, 4. Quyckwood, 5. Quynwoode, 5. R. Rambouillet, Jacques de Angennes, seigneur de, 147, 153, 159, 198. Randolph, Edward, serjeant-major of the English army in Scotland, 86. , Thomas, English ambassador in Scot land, 79, 97, 102, 105, 107, 112, 118, 127, 130, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 139, 140, 141, 143, 146, 148, 152, 154, 156, 159, 161, 180. Rangerside, 5. Ray, Harry, herald, 24. Raynton (or Raynto), 5. Reddell, Thomas, 19. Rede, captain, 82. , . . . , 65. Regent of Scotland, see Mary of Guise, queen dow ager of Scotland. Register, clerk of, see Balfour. Richmond, 141, 143. Riddesdale, 29, 156. Ringrave, theN31, 32, 33, 43, 47, 48, 49, 59. Rizzio, David,' 119, 120, 125, 153, 159, 164, 169, 205, 253, 255. Roan, 105, 106. Rogers, E., 1 13. Rokesbye, Anthony, 255, 259. , Christopher, 255, 256. Ross, bishoprick of, 80. Ross, Henry Darnley, earl of, 138. Rosse, lord, 121. Rothes, Andrew, fourth earl of, 126. Rothesay, Herald-at-arms,"see Lindsay, David. Rouge Cross, Pursuivant-at-arms, 87. Roxburgh, 30. Ruby, monsieur, 78. Rutherford, Andrew, of the Hundele, 71. , , of Nesbet, 71. , George, 71. , John, of Hunthill, 71. , , of Nesbet, 71, , Martin, 71. , Patrick, 19. , Philip, of Eggerstane, 71. , Thomas, of Destroborne, 71. Ruthven, Patrick, lord, 50, 57, 74, 75, 125, 135, 139, 141, 159, 169, 205, 257. Rutland, Henry Manners, earl of, 36, 38. , lady, 165. Rycarleton, laird of, 256. Rydesdale, 29. Rye, 201. Rythen, lord, see Ruthven. Ryvyan, see Crinstone. Sadlee, sir Ralph, 11, 21, 22, 78, 86. Sandhill, in Newcastle, 65. Sarlaboz, le seignur de, 81. Savoy, Emmanuel Philibert, duke of, 152, 159. Scott, Edie, 19. , Hobbie, 19. INDEX. 327 Scott, Robert, laird of Wamfray, 7, 13, 15. , Watt, and near kinsman' to the laird of Buc- cleugh, 1. Scrope, lord Henry le, of Bolton, marshal of the EngUsh army in Scotland, 86, 129, 144, 188, 189, 194. Seaton, 119. , castle of, 5. , George, lord, 75, 119, 126, 131, 141, 153, 188, 223. ,lady, 95. , 'the old lady,' 120. , ' monsieur de,' 8 1 . Seeles, Estre, 5. , Wester, 5. Selby, George, 45. Semple, Robert, lord, 165, 203, 228, 272. .Gabriel, 114, 115. -, the master of, 163. Shapelle, monsieur, 43, 48. Sheen, 99. Shenston, 5. Sheres, Mr, 129. Shetland, 301. Shirley, captain, 83. Shrewsbury, Francis Talbot, earl of, 1, 4, 6, 8, 11, 13, 16, 18, 20, 21, 22, 24, 25, 27, 60, 61. Simple, see Semple. Sinclair, Oliver, 5. Skogall, laird of, 37. Smith, sir Thomas, dean of Carlisle, 100. , Mr Secretary, 38. Solemme moss, see Solway moss. Soltra, see Sutter. Solway moss, 9. Somers, Mr, 192, 193. Somerset, Edward Seymour, duke of, 3, 6, 21, 29, 30, 33, 34, 36, 39, 54, 99. - — , captain, 83. Sonderland, earl of, see Sutherland. SouthweU, Richard, 63. Southwoorthe, captain, 83. Sowresakes, 1. Spain, 139, 147. , ambassador of, 91, 172, 175. , king of, see Philip II. — — , queen of, 175. Spaniards, 36. Spynaye, 217, 256, 259. Staffort, . . . ,144. Stanhowse, 5. Stanley, captain, 83. Stenton, 5. Steward, the lord, 195. Stilton, 189. Stirling, 7, 37, 40, 48, 73, 104, 137, 138, 139, 141, 144, 177, 220, 221, 223, 249, 251, 253, 256, 258, 259, 260, 263, 265, 277. Stonehouse, Mr, 21, 22, 23. Straunge, sir Nicholas, muster-master of the English army in Scotland, 86. Strawboggye, 217. Stuardis, the, 278. Stuard, . . . , 302. St Andrews, 37, 48, 78, 79, 250. --, prior of, see Murray, James, earl of. — , John Hamilton, archbishop of, 40, 57, 58, 77, 199, 207, 209, 244, 246, 249, 258, 263, 278, 306. St Clair, the master of, 301. St Colme, 96, 141. St John, Preceptor of the order of, in Scotland, 2. St Johnstone, 43, 49, 50, 125, 142, 223. Suffolk, Charles Brandon, earl of, 12, 18. Sussex, Thomas Ratcliffe, earl of, 167. Sutherland, John, earl of, 69, 133, 144, 157. Sutter, 69. Suttone, captain, 82. Swinborne, Ingrame, 65. , Roger, 65. Swinnho, Ralph, 71. , WiUiam, 71. 328 INDEX. Tay, 22. Telton, 5. Temptallon, 37. Termes, monsieur de, 37, 39, 40, 41. Thirlby, Thomas, bishop of Westminster, 6, 8. Thomson, John, customer of Carlisle, 60. Thomsones, the, 15. Thornton, James, 153, 169. Throghwen, earl of, 59. Throgmorton, sir Nicholas, 137, 138, 139, 140, 180, 186, 188, 195, 196, 197, 199, 202, 203, 205, 209, 210, 211, 213, 227, 229, 232, 237, 242, 244, 245, 246, 247, 253, 254, 255, 260, 263, 266, 267, 268, 272, 274, 278, 280, 281, 287, 297, 302, 303. , lady, 107. Tillyberne, the laird of, 301. Tine, water of, 50. Tindale, 29, 65. Tividale, 1, 19, 20, 41, 47, 48, 72. , West, 15, 250. , East, 250. Tomworth, John, 127, 128, 130, 131, 143. Tours, captain of, 172. Toys, monsieur de, 38. Tranent, 5. Trapren, 5. Treasurer of England, see Somerset, duke of,— Mild- may, sir William. Tremayne, Mr, 92, 93. Turnebull, Baird, 189. , George, laird of Towne, 71. , John, 19. Tulybarne, house of, 13. , laird of, 13, 14, 144, 214. Tynedale, 29. u. Ulepobt, captain, 83. Urmeston, see Ormston. V. Vacghan, captain, 84. Vernane, captain, 83. Villemonte, . . . , 102. Ville Parisis, monsieur de, 79. Villeroy, monsieur de, 185, 186, 204, 206, 212, 230. w. Wade, captain, 83. Walkar, WiUiam, 173. Wamfray, 13. Wamfray, laird of, see Scott, Robert. Warden, lord, 163. , , of the West Marches, 59. INDEX. 329 Warden, deputy, 93, 94, 195. Ware, 187. Wark, 19, 20, 68, 69. Warkhill, 5. Warkley, 5. Waterford, 91. Waucopdale, 9. Wederborne, 20. West Cragge, 4. Westminster, 6, 18, 136. Westmorland, Charles NeviU, earl of, 129, 130. , Ralph NeviU, earl of, 38. Wharton, Thomas lord, 1, 7, 9, 12, 13, 15, 17, 27, 56, 57, 61, 62, 65, 98. Wharton, sir Henry, 99. Whitslaides, 1. Whytelaughe, the laird of, 259. Whytthynham, the laird of, 268. Wilford, Mr, 38. WUson, . . . , 144, 222. , Stephen, 153. Windham's bulwark, 31. Windsor, 144. Witherington, Roger, 87. Wright, John, 18. Wriothesley, Thomas, lord high chanceUor of Eng land, 6, 8, 12, 18. Yaxley, captain, 82. , Francis, 144. Yester, lord, 94, 126. York, archbishop of, 38. Yorkshire, 38, 65, 138, 144. Younge, George, of Otterborne, 71. YUes, see Isles. Yrwin, Davie, 10. THE EDINBURGH PRINTING COMPANY SHAKSPEARE SQUARE.