^ c/i/'f(:mo f^wnd' -A J: /m**s SIR BEVES OF HAMTOUN. W$t ^Umante of &tr Mtbt a nf fjamtoun. cv SIR BEVES OF HAMTOUN: A METRICAL ROMANCE. NOW FIRST EDITED FROM THE AUCHINLECK MS. PRINTED AT EDINBURGH M.DCCC.XXXVIH. PRESENTED ffitttfbttZ of fbt jflaitlantr eiufc WILLIAM B.D.D. TUENBULL. THE MAITLAND CLUB, DECEMBER, M.DCCC.XXXVII. THE EARL OF GLASGOW, [PRESIDENT.] HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS THE DUKE OF SUSSEX. JOHN BAIN, ESQ. ROBERT BELL, ESQ. SIR DAVID HUNTER BLAIR, BART. BERIAH BOTFIELD, ESQ. SIR THOMAS MACDOUGALL BRISBANE, BART. K.C.B. WALTER BUCHANAN, ESQ. THE MOST NOBLE THE MARQUIS OF BUTE. ALEXANDER CAMPBELL, ESQ. ARCHIBALD CAMPBELL, ESQ. THE RIGHT HONOURABLE LORD JOHN CAMPBELL. THE MAITLAND CLUB. THE HONOURABLE LORD COCKBURN. J. T. GIBSON-CRAIG, ESQ JAMES DENNISTOUN, ESQ. JAMES DOBIE, ESQ RICHARD DUNCAN, ESQ [TREASURER.] WILLIAM JAMES DUNCAN, ESQ. JAMES DUNLOP, ESQ. JOHN DUNLOP, ESQ. JAMES EWING, ESQ. KIRKMAN FINLAY, ESQ. THE REVEREND WILLIAM FLEMING, D.D. WILLIAM MALCOLM FLEMING, ESQ JOHN FULLERTON, ESQ. JOHN BLACK GRACIE, ESQ RIGHT HONOURABLE THOMAS GRENVILLE. JAMES HILL, ESQ. LAURENCE HILL, ESQ. GEORGE HOUSTOUN, ESQ. JAMES IVORY, ESQ. JOHN KERR, ESQ. ROBERT ALEXANDER KIDSTON, ESQ. GEORGE RITCHIE KINLOCH, ESQ. JOHN GIBSON LOCKHART, ESQ. ALEXANDER MACDONALD, ESQ WILLIAM MACDOWALL, ESQ. [VICE PRESIDENT.] THE VERY REVEREND DUNCAN MACFARLAN, D.D. ANDREW MACGEORGE, ESQ. ALEXANDER MACGRIGOR, ESQ. DONALD MACINTYRE, ESQ. JOHN WHITEFOORD MACKENZIE, ESQ. GEORGE MACINTOSH, ESQ. ALEXANDER MACNEILL, ESQ. THE MAITLAND CLUB. JAMES MAIDMENT, ESQ. THOMAS MAITLAND, ESQ. WILLIAM MEIKLEHAM, ESQ WILLIAM HENRY MILLER, ESQ. WILLIAM MURE, ESQ. ALEXANDER OSWALD, ESQ. JOHN MACMICHAN PAGAN, ESQ. WILLIAM PATRICK, ESQ. EDWARD PIPER, ESQ. ROBERT PITCAIRN, ESQ. JAMES CORBETT PORTERFIELD, ESQ. HAMILTON PYPER, ESQ. PHILIP ANSTRUTHER RAMSAY, ESQ. JOHN RICHARDSON, ESQ. WILLIAM ROBERTSON, ESQ. ANDREW RUTHERFURD, ESQ. JAMES SMITH, ESQ. JOHN SMITH, ESQ. JOHN SMITH, YGST., ESQ WILLIAM SMITH, ESQ. WILLIAM SMYTHE, ESQ. MOSES STEVEN, ESQ. DUNCAN STEWART, ESQ. JOHN SHAW STEWART, ESQ. SYLVESTER DOUGLAS STIRLING, ESQ. JOHN STRANG, ESQ. THOMAS THOMSON, ESQ. WILLIAM B. D. D. TURNBULL, ESQ. PATRICK FRASER TYTLER, ESQ. ADAM URQUHART, ESQ. WILSON DOBIE WILSON, ESQ. PRELIMINARY REMARKS. The valiant exploits of Sir Bevis of Southampton, his exemplary virtues and most chaste conjugality, the beauty of his fair Josian, and the many perilous adventures which he encountered, have supplied, during several ages, a theme for the poets of chivalry, and the narrators of those " worthie faictes and gestes of armes," which equally excite the enthusiastic fancy of youth, and smooth the heart-furrows of declining age. To the inquisitive genealo gist, or patient garnerer-up of family-facts, little satisfaction per taining to the house of our hero can be afforded, beyond that evidenced by the pages of romance ; and, perhaps, in order to save much expense of time and final discomfiture, it may be as prudent to waive the general question of pedigree, and confine ourselves to the notice set down by Doctor Fuller, in his " His tory of the Worthies of England," in that portion allotted to the " Souldiers of Hantshire." " Beavois, an English-man, was Earle of South- Hampton, in the time of the Conqueror ; and, being unable to comport with b Xli PRELIMINARY REMARKS. his oppression, banded against him, with the fragments of the English-men, the strength of Hastings the Dane, and all the as sistance the Welch could afford ; in whose country a battel was fought near Carcliffe, against the Normans, anno Domini 10*70, wherein Three Nations were conquered by One. Beavois be ing worsted {Success depends not on Valour), fled to Carlile (a long step from Carcliffe); and afterwards no mention what be came of him. " This is that Beavois whom the monks cried up to be such a man, that since it hath been questioned whether ever such a man, I mean, whether ever his person was in rerum natura ; so ingenious those are, who, in the reports of any man's perform ances, exceed the bounds of probability. " All I will add is this, that the sword preserved and shewed to be this Beavoises in Arundel-Castle, is lesser (perchance worn with age) than that of King Edward the Third, kept in Westminster-church." So far plain History. The Fiction will probably prove more attractive. The metrical version contained in the following pages is now for the first time printed from the Auchinleck Manuscript, in the Advocates' Library. It is No. 26 in the volume, and occu pies twenty-five folios, complete. After the first three leaves, the versification changes into rhyming couplets, and continues throughout in the same measure. By an omission on the part of the writer of the manuscript, the thread of the narrative is PRELIMINARY REMARKS. xhi interrupted at page 89 (of the printed copy), and the defect is here supplied from the prose version of 1689, which in this and other places varies considerably from the metrical. The prose romance informs us that King " Jour" being gone a-hunting, when Bevis arrived at the city of Mombraunt, it was agreedbetween Josianandthe latter, that, « upottljer&eclaringher self to he a pure birgin, that tfie Iting heing absent, he s!}oul& tafte her thence to ang lanfc, fohcre eber he pleased, anif there upon or&erefc at his request, her Page to fetch Us horse Arun del (foho Searing his Jflaster's boice ha& hrofte Us chains) his Sfoortr Morglay, anil Us Armour be Uft in the ©its, anfl to pre= pare her lEtiuipage instantly ; fobich being all in a rea&iness thes mounted, an&.'mounting the Page, bjfio tooulft accompany bis ^lueen, upon tfie l^orse Sir Bevis left in the Enn, tbes foitb much fog an& secrecg UeparteJK the @itg ; but far baft not t&ea gone, but tfieg perceibefl the ©ountrg in pursuit of them, upon notice the (JBtueen toas missing ; thereupon Sir Bevis fooulfc babe turned bacfe, to babe fought the pursuers, fobilst the ^ueen anir ber Page, might babe opportunity to escape ; but she being as careful of bis safetg, as her olun, tooulU not consent; hut rather chose to mafte fobat speeii tbeg coulSj out of the territories of the Iting; anir so succesful tbes foere, that bg passing through iforrests anir 2$g=toags, thes lost the pursuers; butnoto night coming on, antf the CBtueen being foearg, anDf no Souse near, theg foere oblige* to tafte up their lodging in a Hocftg cabe : 2$ut tohilst Sir Bevis foas gone in search of such probision as that foilb place affor&ett, a &gon anir a Egoness entreh, it being it seems the place of their repose, to &tfen& them against Sobom, xiv PRELIMINARY REMARKS. Boniface the Queens Page hrefo bis sfoorfr, anir maintained a stout ©ombat, in hope Sir Bevis might in the mean time come to bis rescue ; but be not hoing it, an& the other probing too foeaft, foas tmmehiatelg trebouretr ; but the ^Btueen protecteb bg ber &ogaltg, as the daughter of a 3&ing, anfrber unspotted 'i7ir= ginitg remained safe ; but no sooner Sir Bevis approached the CTabe, hut she crgeh out to bim to fig an& sabe Us life, gibing bim to unfcerstanh the danger, anfc tobat else baft happened, but bis hauntless courage toulh not be afraitr, for resolutelg en= tring, as suspecting bis fair Jftistress in more hanger than she toas, be came upon them toitb sucb furg, that after a long (£om= bat, not Mtbmt receibing seberal gripes anh foounhs, be lata tbem fceatf at ber feet ; anh Sg this be toas farther ronffrmeh that she baK preserbeh ber Uirginitg, nottoitbstanhing she hair been seaben gears a Brifce, anh thereupon enguireh fottb inttx= mixtures of mang tnther fusses, fis &*bat means She bah hone it, fobo accorhinglg tola bim Soto it bappench : anh so babing refreshed tbemselbes faith gome Uenison be SaO brought, fx)Ucf) tbeg roasteh in the ©abe, the fair $tueen, such is the potoer of lobe, conhescenhing to cooft iu Che next morning, foben the Sun=beams began to hart from the 2£ast, tbeg mountehanh ftept on their hjag»" Of this virginal paction, — the devouring of poor Boniface, — and the sylvan cuisine, we are deprived by the scribe of the Auchinleck MS. It is worthy of note, that the romance of Sir Bevis affords the only proof — but a satisfactory one — of the existence of female itinerant minstrels in the middle ages. This is shown by M. Paulin Paris to have been the case in the two most PRELIMINARY REMARKS. xv highly cultivated centuries of romantic poetry ; and in support of his assertion, he cites the French metrical version, which ap pears to have been written about the middle of the 13th cen tury. The passage may be found in VHistoire Litteraire de la France, torn, xviii. p. 701 ; and the incident therein alluded to occurs, though by no means so explicitly detailed, at page 143 of this volume. M. Amaury Duval is of opinion {Hist. Litt de la France, xviii. 749), that the romance of Sir Bevis is of French extrac tion, and borrowed thence by the English ; and that instead of Southampton in Britain, our hero was lord of Anlonne, or some other town of a similar name, in France. His words are as fol low: — " II paralt que le roman de Beuves de Hanstone eut un long succes. Ou en trouve des manuscrits dans nombre de biblio- theques, et les Anglais le traduisirent dans leur langue, mais en changeant le theatre des evenements, le lieu de la scene, on plutot en s'appropriant tout le sujet. Beuves, dans leur tra duction, n'est plus seigneur suzerain de Hanstone, mais bien de Southampton dans le Hantshire. " Peut-etre on nous demandera ou nous placons, nous, le duche de Hanstone, ce duche que le roman frangais appelle la terre, les etats de Beuves. Nous repondrons qu'on peut choisir entre Antonne, dans le departement de la Dordogne, pres de Perigueux, et quatre a cinq autres villes et bourgs d'un nom a xvi PRELIMINARY REMARKS. peu pres semblable dans les anciennes provinces du Dauphine, du Perche, et meme de l'Orleanais." Warton seems to incline to a like view. " Beuves de Han- ton, or Sir Beavis of Southampton," says he {Hist Eng. Poetry, i. 145, 8vo. ed.), " is a French romance of considerable antiquity, although the hero is not older than the Norman Conquest. It is alluded to in our English romance on this story, which will again be cited, and at large. " Forth thei yode so saith the boke. " And again more expressly, " Under the bridge wer sixty belles, Right as the Romans telles. " The Romans is the French original. It is called the Romance of Beuves de Hanton, by Pere Labbe, &c. &c." For my own part, I concur with both ; but the point is, on the whole, of comparative indifference. The romances of chi valry, like all other tales of fiction, appear to flow from one common source, and are modified by the various impressions of their rehearsers, or the manners of the soil whence their great est popularity was obtained. In the following pages, the reader will perceive a singular re- PRELIMINARY REMARKS. xvii semblance between the fate of Bevis' stepfather, Divoun, and that of Lord Soulis, in the Border Minstrelsy. The bibliography of this romance is so extensive, that in or der to avoid a dry detail of MSS., or editions, I refer the reader to Ferrario, Sloria ed Analisi Degli Antichi Romanzi di Caval- leria, torn. iv. — to the Catalogue des Manuscrits dans la Biblio- thdque du Roi, — Lhuyd's Archceologia Britannica, — the works of Ellis, Lowndes, Warton, — and the other numerous publications bearing upon the subject. An analysis of the romance were absolutely a work of supererogation, as the volume, it is hoped, is not destined to blockheads ; and, should it unfortu nately lapse into the hands of such, no summary or exegesis could possibly " lighten their darkness." For the extremely elegant and appropriate frontispiece I am indebted to the pencil of my friend Charles Kirkpatrick Sharpe, Esq., whose graphic abilities are only equalled by his uniform courtesy and kindness. A faithful fac-simile of the original manuscript is also prefixed. The romance of Bevis' father, Sir Guy of Warwick, has been transcribed from the same MS. and is about to be printed for that very flourishing and remarkably select association — the Ab- botsford Club. To conclude, in the words of the Editor of the prose romance of 1689,— xviii PRELIMINARY REMARKS. " Courteous Reader, " I here present you with the pleasant History of the Fa mous and Renowned Knight, Sir Bevis of Southampton, a Man for his Virtue and Valour, highly esteemed throughout the World : In whose many Actions and glorious Achievements, you will find things that may reasonably surmount an ordinary credit; however in perusing them, you may plainly perceive the difference between Elder times and these we live in, which are too much divolved into effeminacy, and please your self in consulting the many rare Adventures of such, as gave themselves up to the practice of Arms and Love, which being mingled in their many excellencies, appear as beautiful and gay as a Bed of Roses and Lillies, in their blushing Glory and innocent Candure, and as the noble Enter- prizes of others have stirred up the Spirits of such as read them, to an illustrious imitation of what is truly great, and held in the highest esteem : So past all peradventure, what is here laid down, will not come behind the most exaulted Actions of Heroes, set forth to the advantage, either in Love or Arms, those two Excellencies that adorn mankind ; for here you will find our Champion, though early crushed by the adverse hand of Fortune, making his way to Glory, before he could aspire to Man hood, cutting it by Dint of Valour and Heroick Conduct from a dejected state by degrees, till he mounts to the highest pinnacle of Honour, in rescuing the distressed, destroying Monsters and Tyrants, gaining King doms, and converting Infidels to the Christian Faith, obleiging by his Affability and excellent parts Queens and Princesses, to lay their Diadems and Grandure at his feet, and doing such things as have amazed Man kind. Therefore, for the honour of our Country, of which he has so well PRELIMINARY REMARKS. xxix deserved, let his Memory live in the thoughts of every true English Man, and be to them a pattern of Heroick Virtue, that by imitating him, they may raise the very name of the British Empire, as formerly it was, to be the Terror of the World, which is the wish, " Reader, " Of your most " Humble Servant." Edinburgh, 67, Great King Street, January 1838. frr leneS of bsmvcotm I; i) FIK o I) in 0 rt F o f 4 2)i orfcngef Jjertaier to mc ttile if mmer i>ri pe nimtigflle o F flfctiifl-u') milt loll; voimc bl»iu»r fllf Ktt? of hdnrboiine c ^om ten en dito 0flA«! f fffTUttitt- find of if fij«n>e ire b« f Jvrmtotm be muT fire iid of rti wit tldk' iHmc o titflrdi ordifiBrr ytr of mixm r* e tRobfr flftnf WU<1 one par After nil 'buttrltSte iin \}Hddi be ivHUVy&Alftf lodi add* be Mil'*? for ftiise iieht rtlhif iK'tohfliiboiul* e kinder droff of nation* o TftUPP rtntl bi»«r llrtf fitt be bire ww' ifcer ui' I/ipc (one l;/i' I if file/* ty meii/ei -onrur IT mmd* i«*tfite of y ton Oivo mnuktfje Miaft bold nd fl-e i> (>op en f ftlmwnt vat emreeur IPC W*k lneii paraiwir CI l»rtr l»e fl»'«**» fte to bire flkfer rt rente «d be l/tm ihni' j'i'd'p ifeete or dire i»*e Pte jn»i»iieifcl>iii?Jt©ii}ui« p htwgr Ibr- liojnnflriHiiie olit6«'C /jtut-bflte fc m**f otre-to fire oft ftfttibonl t'i'l andWi'di c^> ®>U.W%&,<&<&% herkneth to me tale ; Is merier than the nightingale That Y fchel finge. Of a knight Ich wile yow roune, Beues a-highte of Hamtoune, Withouten lefing. Ich wile yow tellen altogadre Of that knight and of is fadre. Sire Gii 10 Of Hamtoun he was fire, And of al that ilche fchire To wardi. SIR BEUES OF HAMTOUN. Lordinges, this of whan Y telle, Neuer man of flefch ne felle Nas fo ftrong, And fo he was in ech ftriue, And euer he leuede withouten wiue Al to late and long. Whan he was fallen into elde, 20 That he ne mighte him felf welde He wolde a wif take ; Sone thar after Ich vnderftonde Him had be leuer than al this londe Hadde he hire for fake. An elde a wif he tok an honde, The kinges doughter of' Scotlonde So faire and bright ; Alias that he hire euer ches ! For hire loue his lif a-les 30 With mechel vnright. This maide Ichaue of y-told, Faire maide fhe was and bold, And fre y-boren ; Of Almayne that emperur Hire hadde loued paramur Wei thar beforen. SIR BEUES OF HAMTOUN. Ofte to hire fader a-fente, And he him felue theder wente For hire fake ; 40 Ofte a-pruede hire to wiue, The king for no thing aliue Nolde hire him take. Si the a-gaf hire to fire Gii, A ftalword erl and hardi Of South Hamtoun. Man whan he falleth into elde Feble a-wexeth and vnbelde Thourgh right refoun. So longe thai yede togedres te bedde, 50 A kneue child betwene hem thai hede, Beues a-het. Faire child he was and bolde, He nas boute feue winter olde Whan his fader was ded. The leuedi hire mifbethoughte, And meche agen the right ihe wroughte In hire tour ; Me lord is olde and may nought werche, Al dai him is leuer at cherche 60 Than in me bour. SIR BEUES OF HAMTOUN. Hadde Ich i-taken a yong knight, That ner nought brufed in werre and fight Al fo he is, Awolde me louen dai and night, Cleppen and kiffen with al his might, And make me blis. I nel hit lete for no thinge That Ich nel him to dethe bringe With fum braide : 70 Anon right that leuedi fer To confaile clepede hir mafager, And to him faide : Mafeger, do me furte, That thow nelt nought difcrure me To no wight, And yif thow wilt that it fo be I fchel the yeue gold and fe, And make the knight. Thanne anfwerde the mafager, — 80 Falfe a-was that pautener And wel prut, — Dame, bonte, Ich do the nede, Ich graunte thow me forbede The londe thourgh out. SIR BEUES OF HAMTOUN. 5 The leuedi thanne was wel fain, Go, fhe feide, in to Almaine Out of me bour ; Mafeger, be yep and fn'el, And on min helf thow grete wel 90 That emperur ; And bid in the ferthe dai That cometh in the moneth of May, For loue of me That he be to fighte preft, With his ferde in Hare foreft Befide the fe. Me lord Ich wile theder fende, For his loue for to fchende And for to fie ; 100 Bid him that hit be nought beleued That he ne finite of his heued And fende hit me. And whan he haueth fo y-do, Me loue he fchel vnder fo Withouten delai. Thanne feide that mafager, Madame, Ich wile fone be ther, Now haue gode dai. > SIR BEUES OF HAMTOUN. Now that mafager him goth, no That ilche lord him worthe wroth That him wroughte. To fchip that mafager him wode ; Alias ! the wind was al to gode That him ouer broughte. Tho he com in to Almayne, Thar a-mette with a fwain And grette him wel. Felawe, a-feide, paramur, Whar mai Ich finde themperur 120. Thow me tel ? Ich wile the telle anon right, At Rifoun a-lai to night Be me fwere ; The mafager him thankende anon, And theder warder he gan gon Withouten demere. Themperur thar a-fonde ; Adoun akneulede on the grounde Afe hit was right, 130 And feide, the leuedi of South Hamton The grette wel be Godes fone That is fo bright : SIR BEUES OF HAMTOUN. And bad the, in the ferthe day That cometh in the moneth o May, How fo hit be That ye be to fighte preft With your ferde in Hare for eft Befide the fe. Hire lord fhe wile theder fende, 140 For the loue for to fchende With lite meini, Thar aboute thow fchoft be foufe, And thow fchelt after wedde to fpoufe To thin amy. Sai a-feide, Icham at hire hefte ; Gif me lif hit wile lefte Hit fchel be do. Glad Icham for that fawe Than the fouel what ginneth dawe, 150 And fai hire fo. And for thow woldes hire erande bede, An hors i-charged with golde rede Ich fchel the yeue, And withinne this fourtene night Me felf fchel dobbe the to knight, Gif that Ich hue. 8 SIR BEUES OF HAMTOUN. The mefager him thankede yerne, Horn agen he gan him terne To Hamtoun : 160 The leuedi a-fond in hire bour, And he hire clepede doceamur And gan to roun. Dame, a-feide, I the tel That emperur the grette wel With loue melt : Glad he is for that tiding, A-wile be preft at that fighting In that foreft. Yif thow ert glad the lord to fie, 170 Gladder a-is for loue of the Fele fithe. The mefager hath thus i-faid ; The leuedi right wel a-paid, And maked hire blithe. In Mai, in the formefte dai, The leuedi in hire bedde lai Afe hit wer nede ; Hire lord fhe clepede out of halle, And feide that euel was on hire falle, 180 She wende be ded. SIR BEUES OF HAMTOUN. That erl for hire hath forwe i-kaught, And afkede yif fhe defired aught That mighte hire freure. Ye, fhe feide, of a wilde bor I wene me mineth boute for, Al of the feure. Madame, a-feide, for loue myn Whar mai Ich finde that wilde fwin ? I wolde thow it hadde. 190 And fhe anfwerde with trefoun meft, Be the fe in Hare foreft Thar abradde. That erl fwor, be Godes grace, In that foreft fhe* wolde chace That bor to take ; And fhe anfwerde with trefoun than, Blefled be thow of alle man For mine fake ! That erl is hors began to ftride, 200 His fcheld he heng vpon is fide, Gert with fwerd Mofte non armur on him come, Him felf was boute the ferthe fome Toward that ferd. * Sic MS. 10 SIR BEUES OF HAMTOUN. Alias ! that he nadde be war Of is fomen that weren thar Him for to fchende. With trefoun worth he thar i-flawe, And i-brought of is lif dawe 210 Er he hom wende. Whan he com in to the foreft, Themperur a-fond al preft. For enui A-prikede out before is oft, For pride and for make boft And gan to crie, A-yilt the treitour ! thow olde dote, Thow fchelt ben hanged be the throte. Thin heued thow fchelt lefe : 220 The fone fchel an honged be, And the wif that is fo fre To me lemman i-chefe ! Therl anfwerde at that fawe, Me thenketh thow feift agen the lawe, So God me amende ! Me wif and child that was fo fre, Yif thow thenkeft beneme hem me, Ich fchel hem defende. SIR BEUES OF HAMTOUN. 11 Tho prwede is ftede fire Gii, 230 A ftalword man and hardi While he was founde. Themperur he fmote with is fpere, Out of is fadel he gan him bere And threw him to grounde. Traitour, a-feide, thow ert to bolde ! Weneftow thegh Ich bo olde To ben a-fered ? That thow haueft no right to me wif I fchel the kithe be me lif, 240 And drough is fwerd. That erl held is fwerd a-drawe, Themperur with he hadde flawe Nadde be fokour. Thar come knightes mani and fale, Wel ten thofent tol be tale, To themperur. Tho fire Gii him gan defende, Thre hondred heuedes of a-flende With is brond ; 250 Hadde he ben armed wel, N wis, Al the meifter hadde ben his Ich vnderftonde. 12 SIR BEUES OF HAMTOUN. Thre men were flawe that he thar hadde, That he with him out ladde And mofte nede ; To haue merci that was is hope, Themperur after him is lope Vpon a ftede. Therl knewlede to themperur, 260 Merci a-bad him and fokour And is lif : Merci, fire, afe thow ert fre, Al that Ichaue I graunte the Boute me wif. For thine men that Ichaue flawe Haue her me fwerd i-drawe And al me fe : Boute me yonge fone Bef, And me wif that is me lef, 270 That let thow me. For Gode, queth he, that Ich do nelle, Themperur to him gan telle And was agreued, Anon right is fwerd out drough, And the gode knight a-flough And nam is heued. SIR BEUES OF HAMTOUN. 13 A knight a-tok the heued an honde, Haue, a-feide, her this fonde Me leue fwet ; 280 The knignt to Hamtoun tho gan gon, The leuedi thar a-fond anon And gan hire grete. Dame, a-feide, to me atende : Themperur me hider fende With is pray ; And fhe feide, bleffed mot he be ! To wif a-fchel wedde me Tomorwe in the dai. Sai him me, fwete wight, 290 That he come yet to-night In to me bour. The mefager is wei hath holde, Al a-feide afe fhe him tolde To themperur. Now fchalle we of him mone, Of Beueth that was Guis fone How wo him was. Yerne a-wep is hondes wrong, For his fader a-feide among 300 Alias! Alias! 14 SIR BEUES OF HAMTOUN. He clepede his moder and feide is fawe. Vile houre the worft to drawe And al to twight ; Me thenketh Ich were tharof ful fawe, For thow haueft me fader flawe With mechel vnright. Alias moder ! the faire ble Euel becometh the houre to be, To holde bordel. 310 And alle wif houren for the fake, The deuel of helle Ich hii betake Flefch and fel ! Ac othing, moder, Ifchel the fwere, Yif Ich euer armes bere And ben of elde, Al that hath me fader i-flawe, And i-brought of is lif dawe, Ich fchel hem yilde. The moder hire hath vnderftonde ; . 320 That child fhe fmot with hire honde Vnder is ere ; The child fel doun and that fcathe His meifler toke him wel rathe That highte Saber. SIR BEUES OF HAMTOUN. 15 The knight was trewe and of kinde, Strenge'r man ne fcholde men finde To ride ne go. A-was i-brought in tene and wrake Ofte for that childes fake 330 Afe wel afe tho. That childe he nam vp be the arm, Wel wo him was for that harm That he thar hadde. Toward is kourt he him kende ; The leuedi after Saber fende And to him radde. Saber, fhe feide, thou ert me lef, Let fie me yonge fone Bef That is fo bold ; 340 Let him an hange fwithe highe, I ne reche what deth he dighe Siththe he be cold. Saber ftod ftille and was ful wo, Natheles a-feide a-wolde do After hire fawe ; The childe withe him hom he nam, A fwin he tok whan he hom cam And dede hit of dawe. 16 SIR BEUES OF HAMTOUN. The childes clothes that were gode, 350 Al a-bifprengde with that blode In mani ftede, Afe gif the child wer to hewe, A-thoughte to his moder hem fchewe And fo a-dede. At the lafte him gan a-drede, He let clothen in pouer wede That hende wight : And feide, fone, thow moft kepe Vpon the feide mine fchepe 360 This fourte night. And whan the fefte is come to thende, Into another londe I fchel the fende Fer be fouthe, To a riche erl that fchell the gie, And teche the of corteifie In the youthe. And whan thow ert of fwich elde That thow might the felfe wilde, And ert of age, 370 Thanne fcheltow come in to Ingelonde, With werre winne in to thine honde Thin eritage. SIR BEUES OF HAMTOUN. 17 I fchel the helpe with alle me might, With dent of fwerd to gete the right, Be thow of elde : The child him thankede and fore wep, And forth a-went with the fchep Vpon the velde. Beues was herde vpon the doun, 380 He lokede homward to the toun That fcholde ben his ; He beheld toward the tour, Trompes he herde and tabour And meche blis. Lord, a-feide, on me thow mone ! Ne was Ich ones an erles fone And now am herde, Mighte Ich with that emperur fpeke, Wel Ich wolde me fader awreke 390 For al is ferde. He nemeth is bat and forth a-goth, Swithe fori and wel wroth, Toward the tour ; Porter, a-fede, let me in reke, A lite thing Ichaue to fpeke With themperur. 18 SIR BEUES OF HAMTOUN. Go hom truant, the porter fede, Scherewe houre fone Y the rede Fro the gate, 400 Boute thow go hennes al fo fwithe His fchell the rewe fele fithe Thow come ther ate. Sixte the fcherewe ho be itte A-loketh a-wolde finite With is bat; Speke he ought meche more I fchel him fmite fwithe fore Vpon is hat. For Gode, queth Beues, natheles 410 An houre fone for foth Ich wes, Wel Ich it wot Y nam no truant be Godes grace; With that a-lefte vp is mace Anon fot hot. Beues withoute the gate ftod, And fmot the porter on the hod, That he gan falle; His heued he gan al to cleue, And forth a-wente with that leue 420 Into the halle. SIR BEUES OF HAMTOUN. 19 Al aboute he gan beholde, To themperur he fpak wordes bolde With meche grame. Sire, a-fede, what doftow here ? Whi colles thow aboute the fwire That ilche dame? Me moder is that thow haueft an honde, What doftow her vpon me londe Withouten leue? 430 Tak me me moder and mi fe Boute thow the rather hennes to I fchel the greue. Naftow fire me fader flawe, Thow fchelt ben hanged and to drawe Be Godes wille. Aris fle hennes I the rede. Themperur to him fede, Foul be ftille. Beues was nigh wod for grame, 440 For a-clepede him foul be name, And to him a-wond ; For al that weren in the place, Thries a-fmot him with is mace And with is honde 20 SIR BEUES OF HAMTOUN. Thries a-finot him on the kroun, That emperur fel fwowe adoun Thar a-fat. The leuedi is moder gan to grede, Nemeth that treitour fhe fede 450 Anon with that. Tho dorfte Beues no leng abide, The knightes vp in ech a-fide, More and laffe ; Wo him was for the childes fake, Boute non of hem nolde him take, Hii lete him pafe. Beues goth fafte afe he mai, His meifter a-mette in the wai, That highte Saber ; 460 And he him afkede with blithe mod, Beues, a-feide, for the rode What doftow her? I fchel the telle altogadre, Beten Ichaue me ftifadre With me mace; Thries I fmot in the heued, Al for ded Ich him leued In the place. SIR BEUES OF HAMTOUN. 21 Beues, queth Saber, thow ert to blame : 470 The leuedi wile now do me fchame For thine fake. Boute thow be me confaile do Thow might now fone bringe vs bo In meche wrake. Saber Beues to his hous ladde, Meche of that leuedi him dradde. The leuedi out of the tour cam, v To Saber the wei fhe nam. Saber, fhe feide, whar is Bef 480 That wike treitour, that fule thef? Dame, a-feide, Ich dede him of dawe ; Be the red and be the fawe This beth his clothe thow her fixt. The leuedi feide, Saber thow lixt, Boute thow me to him take Thow fchelt abegge for is fake. Beue[s] herde his meifter threte; To hire a-fpak with hertte grete, And feide, lo me her bename, 490 Do me meifter for me no fchame, Yif thow me fext to whar Ich here. His moder tok him be the ere, Fain fhe wolde a- were of liue, Foure knightes fhe clepede bliue, 22 SIR BEUES OF HAMTOUN. Wendeth fhe feide to the ftronde, Yif ye feth fchipes of Painim londe Selleth to hem this ilche hyne, That ye for no gode ne fine, Whather ye haue for him mor and lefie 500 Selleth him right into hethenefie. For the knightes gonne te Til that hii come to the fe, Schipes hii fonde ther ftonde Of hethenefie and of fele londe ; The child hii chepeden to fale, Marchaundes thai fonde ferli fale, And folde that child for mechel aughte, And to the farafins him betaughte. Forth thai wente with that child, 510 Crift of heuene be vs mild ! The childes hertte was wel colde For that he was fo fer i-folde, Natheles though him thoughte eile Toward Painim a-mofte faile. When hii riuede out of that ftrond, The king highte Ermin of that londe, His wif was ded, that highte Morage, A doughter a-hadde of yong age, Jofiane that maide het, 520 Hire fchon were gold vpon hire fet, So faire fhe was and bright of mod Afe fnow vpon the rede blod, SIR BEUES OF HAMTOUN. 23 Whar to fcholde that may difcriue, Men wifte no fairer thing aliue, So hende ne wel i-taught, Boute of Criftene lawe fhe kowthe naught. The marchauns wente an highing And prefente BeUes to Ermyn king. The king thar of was glad and blithe, 530 And thankede hem mani a fithe. Mahoun, a-feide, the might be proute And this child wolde to the aboute, Yif a-wolde a farafin be, Yit Ich wolde hope a-fcholde the ; Be Mahoun that fit an high Afairer child neuer I ne figh ! Neither alingthe ne on brade, Ne non fo fairie limes hade. Child, a-feide, whar wer the bore ? 540 What is the name ? telle me fore, Yif Ich it wifte hit were me lef . For Gode, a-feide, Ich hatte Bef, I-boren Ich was in Ingelonde, At Hamtoun, be the fe ftronde ; Me fader was erl thar awhile, Me moder him let fie with gile, And me fhe folde into hethen londe ; Wikked beth fele wimmen to fonde. 24 SIR BEUES OF HAMTOUN. Ac, fire, yif it euer fo betide 550 That Ich mowe an horfe ride, And armes bere and fcheft to breke, Me fader deth Ich fchel wel wreke. The kinges hertte wex wel cold When Beues hadde thus i-tolde, And faide, Inaue non eir after me dai, Boute Jofian this faire mai ; And thow wile the God forfake, And to Apolyn me lord take, Hire I fchel the yeue to wiue, 560 And al me lond after me Hue. For Gode ! queth Beues, that Inolde For al the feluer ne al the golde That is vnder heuene light, Ne for the doughter that is fo bright, Inolde forfake in none manere Ihefu that boughte me fo dere, Al mote thai be domnand deue —That on the falfe Godes beleue ! The king him louede wel the more 570 For him ne ftod of no man fore, And feide, Beues, while thow ert fwain Thow fchelt be me chaumberlain, And thow fchelt, whan thow ert dobbed knight, Me baner bere in to eueright fight. SIR BEUES OF HAMTOUN. 25 Beues anfwerde al with fk.il, What ye me hoten don Ich wil. Beues was ther yer and other, The king him louede alfo is brother, And the maide that was fo fligh, 580 So dede eueri man that him figh. Be that he was fiftene yer olde, Knight ne fwain thar nas fo bolde That him dorfte agenes ride Ne with wrethe him abide. His ferfte bataile, for foth te fay, A-dede a Criftes mefTe day, Afe Beues fcholde to water ride, And fiftene farafins be is fide, And Beues rod on Arondel 590 That was a ftede gode and lei, A farafin began to fay And afkede him what het that day ? Beues feide, for foth Y wis I no neuer what dai it is, For Inas boute feue winter old Fro Criftendome Ich was i-fold, Tharfore Ine can telle noughte the What dai that hit mighte be. The farafin beheld and lough ; 600 This dai, a-feide, I knowe wel inough : 26 SIR BEUES OF HAMTOUN. This is the ferfte dai of Youl, The God was boren withouten doul, For thi men maker ther mor bliffe Than men do her in hethenefie, Anoure the god, fo I fchel myn, Bothe Mahoun and Apolyn. Beues to that farafin faid, Of Criftendom yit Ichaue a-braid, Ichaue feie on this dai right 610 Armed mani a gentil knight, Torneande right in the feld With helmes bright, and mani fcheld, And were Ich alfe ftith in pi as, Afe euer Gii me fader was, Ich wolde for me Lordes loue, That fit high in heuene aboue, Fighte with yow euerichon Er than Ich wolde hennes gon. The farafines feide to his felawes, 620 Lo ! brethern hire ye nought this fawes, How the yonge Criftene hounde A-faith a-wolde vs fellen to grounde, Wile we aboute him gon And fonde that treitour flon ? Al aboute thai gonne thringe, And hard on him thai gonne dinge, SIR BEUES OF HAMTOUN. 27 And gaf him wondes mani on Thourgh the flefch in to the bon, Depe wondes and fore 630 That he mighte fofre na more ; Tho his bodi began to fmarte He gan plokken vp is hertte, Afe tid to farafin a wond, And breide a fwerd out of is honde, And fifti farafins in that ftonde Thar with a-gaf hem dedli wonde, And fum he ftrok of the fwire That the heued flegh in to the riuere, And fum he clef euene afonder, 640 Here hors is fet thai laine vnder, Ne was ther non that mighte afcape. So Beues flough hem in a rape, The ftedes hom to liable ran Withoute kenning of eni man. Beues hom began to ride ; His wondes bledde be ech fide ; The ftede he graithed vp anon, Into his chaumber he gan gon, And leide him deueling on the grounde 650 To kolen is hertte in that ftounde. Tiding com to king Ermyn That Beues hadde mad is men tyn ; 28 SIR BEUES OF HAMTOUN. The king fwor and feide is fawe For thi a-fcholde ben to drawe. Vp ftod that maide Jofian, And to hire fader fhe feide than, Sire, Ich wot wel in me thought That thine men ne flough he nought, Be Mahoun ne be Teruagaunt, 660 Boute hit were him felf defendaunt ! Ac fader, fhe feide, be me red, Er thow do Beues to ded, Ich praie, fire, for loue o me Do bringe that child before the, Whan the child that is fo bold His owene tale hath i-tolde, And thow wite the foth aplight, Who hath the wrong who hath right, Gef him his dom that he fchel haue, 670 Whather thow wilt him flen or faue. King Ermyn feide, me doughter fre Afe thow haueft feid fo it fchel be. Jofiane tho anon rightes Clepede to hire twei knightes, To Beues now wende ye, And prai him that he come to me, Er me fader arife fro his des, Ful wel Ich fchel maken is pes Forth the knightes goflne gon, 680 To Beues chaumber thai come anon, SIR BEUES OF HAMTOUN. 29 And praide, afe he was gentil man, Come fpeke with Jofian. Beues ftoutliche in that ftounde Haf vp his heued fro the grounde, With ftepe eighen and rowe bren So lotheliche he gan on hem fen, The twei knightes thar thai ftode, Thai were hii wer nigh wode. A-feide, yif ye ner mafegers 690 Ich wolde yow fie, lofengers. I nele rife o fot fro the grounde For fpeke with an hethen hounde ; She is an honde, alfo be ye, Out of me chaumber fwithe ye fie ! The knightes wenten out in rape, Thai were fain fo to afcape. To Jofian thai wente aftit And feide of him is gret defpit, Sertes a-clepede the hethene hound 700 Thries in a lite ftounde, We nolde for al Ermonie Eft fones fe him with our eie. Hardeliche fhe feide, cometh with me, And Ich wile your waraunt be ; Forth thai wente al i-fame, To Beues chaumber that he came. 30 SIR BEUES OF HAMTOUN. Lemman, fhe feide, gent and fre, For Godes loue fpek with me ! She kefte him bothe moth and chin, 710 And gaf him confort gode afin, So him folafte that mai That al is care wente awai ; And feide, lemman thin ore, Icham i-wonded fwithe fore. Lemman, fhe feide, with gode intent Ichaue brought an oyniment For make the bothe hoi and fere, Wende we to me fader dere. Forth thai wenten an highing 720 Til Ermyn the riche king ; And Beues tolde vnto him than How that ftour ended and gan, A.nd fchewed on him in that ftounde Fourti grete grifli wounde. Thanne feide king Ermin the hore, I nolde Beues that thow ded wore, For al the londes that Ichaue Ich praie doughter that thow him faue, And proue to hele afe thow can 730 The wondes of that doughti man. In to chaumber fhe gan him take, And riche bathes fhe let him make, SIR BEUES OF HAMTOUN. 31 That with inne a lite ftonde He was bothe hoi and fonde. Thanne was he afe frefch to fight So was the faukoun to the flight. His other proweffe who wile lere Hende herkneth and ye mai here. A wilde bor thar was aboute, \ 740 Ech man of him hadde gret doute ; Man and houndes that he tok With his tofkes he al to fchok. Thei him hontede knightes tene, Tharof ne yef he nought a bene. At is mouth fif tofkes ftoden out, Euerich was fif enches about, His fides wer hard and ftrong, His broftles were gret and long, Him felf was fel and kouthe fighte; 750 No man fle him ne mighte. Beues lay in his bedde anight, And thoughte a-wolde kethen is mighte Vpon that fwin him felff one, That no man fcholde with him gone. Amorwe whan hit was da cler, Arifeth knight and fquier; Beues let fadlen is ronfi That bor a-thoughte to honti, 32 SIR BEUES OF HAMTOUN. A-gerte him with a gode brond, 760 And tok a fpere in is hond, A fcheld a-heng vpon is fide, Toward the wode he gan ride. Jofian that maide him beheld, Al hire loue to him fhe feld ; To hire felf fhe feide ther fhe ftod, Ne kepte Y neuer more gode, Ne na more of al this worldes blifle Thanne Beues with loue o time te kifie; In gode time were boren 770 That Beues hadde to lemman koren. Tho Beues into the wode cam, His fcheld aboute is nekke a-nam, And tide his hors to an hei thorn, And blew a blaft with is horn ; Thre motes a-blew al arowe That the bor him fcholde knowe. Tho he com to the bor is dan, A-fegh ther bones of dede man The bor hadde flawe in the wode, 7S0 And eten here flefch and dronke her blode. Aris, queth Beues, corfede gall, And yem me bataile wel in haft ; Sone fo the bor him figh, Arerde is brofteles wel an high, SIR BEUES OF HAMTOUN. 33 And ftarede on Beues with eien howe, Al fo a-wolde him haue a-fwolwe ; And for the bor yenede fo wide, A fpere Beues let to him glide ; On the fcholder he fmat the bor, 790 His fpere barft to pifes thore, The bor ftod ftille agen the dent, His hyde was harde afe any flent. Now al to borfte is Beues fpere, A-drough his fwerd him felf to were, And faught agen the bor fo grim, A-fmot the bor and he to him. Thus the bataile gan lefte long Til the time of euefong, That Beues was fo weri of foughte, 800 That of is lif hen ne roughte ; And tho the bor was alfo, Awai fro Beues he gan go, Wile Beues made is praier To God and Mari is moder dere, Whather fcholde other flen : With that com the bor agen And bente is broftles vp faunfaile, Agen Beues to yeue bataile : Out at is mouth in aither fide 810 The foim full ferli gan out glide, E 34 SIR BEUES OF HAMTOUN. And Beues in that ilche venev, Thourgh Godes grace and is vertv, With is fwerd out aflinte Twei tofkes at the ferfle dent ; A fpanne of the groin beforn With is fwerd he hath of fchoren. Tho the bor fo loude cride, Out of the foreft wide and fide, To the caftel thar that lai Ermin, 820 Men herde the noife of the fwin ; And, alfe he made that lotheli cri, His fwerd Beues hafteli In at the mouth gan threfle tho, And karf his hertte euene ato : The fwerd abreide agen fot hot, And the bor his heued of fmot, And on a tronfoun of is fpere, That heued a-ftikede for to bere. Thanne a-fette horn to mouthe, 830 And blew the pris afe well kouthe, So glad he was for is honting. That heued a-thoughte Jofian bring, And er he com to that maide fre Him com ftrokes fo gret plente, That fain he was to weren is head, And faue him felf fro the ded. SIR BEUES OF HAMTOUN. 35 A ftiward was with king Ermin, That hadde tight to fie that fwin ; To Beues a bar gret envie 840 For that he hadde the meiftrie ; He dede arme his knightes ftoute, Foure and twenti in a route, And ten forfters alfo he tok ; And wente to wode, feith the bok. Tharof ne wifte Beues noght, Helpe him God that alle thing wrought ! In is wei he rit pas for pas, Herkneth now a ferli cas, A-wende pafi in grith and pes, 850 The ftiward cride, leith on and fles ! Beues feigh that hii to him ferde, A-wolde drawe to is fwerde, Thanne hadde he leued it thor Thar he hadde flawe the bor. He nadde nothing him felf to were Boute a tronfoun of a fpere ; Tho was Beues fore defmeid, The heued fro the tronfoun abraid, And with the bor is heued a-faught, 860 And wan a fwerd of miche maught, That Morgelai was cleped aplight ; Beter fwerd bar neuer knight. 36 SIR BEUES OF HAMTOUN. Tho Beues hadde that fwerd an honde, Among the hethene knightes a-wond, And fum vpon the helme a-hitte Into the fadel he hem flitte, And fum knight Beues fo of raughte The heued of at the ferfte draughte, So harde he gan to lein aboute 870 Among the hethene knightes ftoute, That non ne pafede hom aplight ; So thourgh the grace of God almight, The kinges ftiward a-hitte fo, :That is bodi a-clef ato. The dede kors a-pulte adoun, And lep him felf into the arfoun. That ftrok him thoughte wel i-fet, For he was horfed meche bet. He thoughte make pes doun rightes 880 Of the forfters afe of the knightes. To hem fafte he gan ride, Thai gonne fchete be ech afide, So mani armes to him thai fende, Vnnethe a-mighte him felf defende, So that in a lite ftounde The ten forfters wer feld te grounde, And hew hem alle to pices finale, So hit is fonde in frenfche tale. SIR BEUES OF HAMTOUN. 37 Jofian lai in a caftel, 890 And fegh that fconfit euerich del. O Mahoun ! fhe feide, oure drighte, What Beues is man of meche mighte ! Al this world yif Ich it hedde Ich him yeue me to wedde : Boute he me loue Icham ded. Swete Mahoun, what is the red Loue longing me hath becought ! Thar of wot Beues right nought. Thus that maide made hire mon, 900 Thar fhe ftod in the tour alon, And Beues thar the folk beleued, And went hom with the heued : That heued of that wilde fwin He prefente to king Ermin. The king tharof was glad and blithe, And thankede him ful mani a fithe, Ac he ne wifte ther of no wight How is ftiward to dethe was dight. Thre yer after that bataile 910 That Beues the bor gan afaile, A king ther com into Ermonie, And thoughte winne with meiftrie Jofiane that maide bright, That loued Beues with al hire might. 38 SIR BEUES OF HAMTOUN. Brademond cride afe he wer wod To king Ermin thar a-ftod, King, a-feide, fwithe bliue, Yem me the doughter to wiue ; Yef thow me werneft, withouten faile 920 I fchel winne hire in plein bataile, On fele half I fchel the anvghe, And al the londe I fchel deftrughe, And the fle fo mai betide, And lay hire anight be me fide, And after a wile the doughte yeue To a weine pain that is for driue. Ermin anfwerde bliue an highe, Be Mahoun, fire, thow fchelt lighe ! Adoun of his tour a-went, 930 And after al his knightes a-fent, And Brademond him afailed hadde, And afkede hem alle what hii radde. A word thanne fpak that maiden bright, Be Mahoun ! fire, wer Beues a knight A-wolde defende the wel inough ; Me felf i-fegh whar he flough Your owene ftiward him befet, Alone in the wode with him a-met, At wode he hadde his fwerd beleued 940 Thar he fmot of the bores heued ; He nadde nothing him felf to were Boute a tronfoun of is fpere, SIR BEUES OF HAMTOUN. 39 And your ftiward gret peple hadde, Four and twenti knightes a-ladde, Al y-armed to the teth,* And eueri hadde fwore is deth, And ten forfters of the foreft With him a-broughte afe preft, That thoughte him haue flawe thore, 950 And take the heued of the bore, And yeue the ftiward the renoun. Tho Beues fegh that foule trefoun, A-leide on with the bor is heued, Til that hii were adoun i-weued, And of the ftiward a-wan that day His gode fwerd Morgelay. The ten forfters alfo a-flough, And hom a-pafede wel i-nough, That he of hem hadde no lothe. 960 King Ermyn thanne fwor is othe That he fcholde be maked knight, His baner to bere in that fight. He clepede Beues at that fake, And feide, knight Ich wile the make. Thow fchelt bere into bataile Me baner Brademond to afaile. * In MS. deth. 40 SIR BEUES OF HAMTOUN. Beues anfwerde with blithe mod, Blethelich, a-feide, be the rod ! King Ermin tho anon righte 970 Dobbede Beues vnto knighte, And gaf him a fcheld gode and fur, With thre eglen of afur, The champe of gold ful wel i-dight With fif fables of feluer bright ; Sithe a-gerte him with Morgelay. A gonfanoun wel flout and gay Jofian him broughte for to bere, Sent of the fcheld Y yow fwere. Beues dede on is adloun, 980 Hit was worth mani a toun ; An hauberk him broughte that mai, So feiden alle that hit i-fai, Hit was wel i-wroughte and faire, Non egge tol mighte it nought paire ; After that fhe gaf him a ftede That fwithe gode was at nede ; For hit was fwift and ernede wel, Me clepede hit Arondel. Beues in the fadel lep, 990 His oft him folwede al to hep, With baner bright and fcheldes fchene, Thretti thofent and fiftene. SIR BEUES OF HAMTO.UN. 41 The ferfte fcheld trome Beues nam Brademond agenes him cam ; His baner bar the king Redefoun That leuede on fire Mahoun. Row he was alfo a fchep Beues of him nam gode kep. He fmot Arondel with fpures of gold, 1000 Thanne thoughte that hors that he fcholde. Agen Redefoun Beues gan ride, And fmot him thourgh out bothe fide, Hauberk ne fcheld ne actioun Ne vailede him nought worth a botoun, That he ne fel ded to the grounde. Refte the, queth Beues, hethen hounde, The hadde beter atom than here ! Lay on fafte a-bad his fere. Tho laide thai on with eger mod, 1010 And flowe Sarfins as hii wer wod, And fire Beues the criftene knight Slough afe mani in that fight With Morgelay him felf alone Afe thai deden euerichone. And euer hii wer preft to fight* Til that the fonne fet right. Beues and is oft withinne a ftounde, Sexti thofent thai feide to grounde, * In MS. to fight prest. 42 SIR BEUES OF HAMTOUN. That were out of Damefke i-fent, 1020 That neuer on homeward ne went. Tho Brademond fegh is folk i-flayn, A-flegh awei with mighte and mayn ; Afe he com ride be a coft Twei knightes a-fond of Beues oft, Of his ftede he gan doun lighte And bond hem bothe anon righte, And thoughte hem lede to his prifoun, And haue for hem gret raunfoum. Afe he trofede hem on is ftede, 1030 Beues of hem nam gode hede, And hafteliche in that tide After Brademond he gan ride, And feide, Brademond olde wreche, Ertow come Jofiane to feche? Erft thow fchelt pafe thourgh min hond, And thourgh Morgelay me gode brond. Withouten eni wordes mo, Beues Brademond hitte fo Vpon his helm in that ftounde, 1040 That a-felde him flat to grounde. Merci, queth, Ich me yelde Recreaunt to the in this feide, So harde the fmiteft vpon me kroun, Ich do me alle in the bandoun SIR BEUES OF HAMTOUN. 43 Sexti cites with caftel tour Thin owen Beues to thin onour, With that thow lete me afcape. Beues anfwerde tho in rape, Nay, a-feide, be fein Martyn! 1050 Icham i-fwore to king Ermin Al that Ich do it is dede, Thar fore fire, fo God me fpede, Thow fchelt fwere vpon the lay Thow fchelt werre on him night ne dai, And omage eche yer him yelde, And al the londe of him helde. Brademond anfwerde anon righte, Thar to me treuthe Y the plighte, That Ine fchel neuer don him dere, 1060 Ne agen the Beues armes bere. And whan he hadde fwore fo, Beues let king Brademond go. Alias! that he nadde him flawe, And i-brought of is lif dawe ; For fiththe for al is faire behefte, Mani dai ^-maked him fefte, In is prifoun a-lai feue yere Afe ye may now forthward here. Beues rod hom and gan to finge, 1070 And feide to Ermin the kinge, 44 SIR BEUES OF HAMTOUN. Sire, Brademond king of Sarafine, A-is become one of thine : The man a-is to then hefte While his lif wile lefte, Londes and ledes al that he wait, A-faith fire of the hem halt. Thame was king Ermin at that fithe In his hertte fwithe blithe ; A-clepede is doughter and faide, 1080 Jofian the faire maide, Vnarme Beues he wer at mete, And ferue the felf him ther ate. Tho nolde that maide neuer blinne, Til fhe com to hire inne, Thar fhe lai hire felue anight ; Thar fhe fette that gentil knight, Hire felf gaf him water to hond, And fette before him al is fonde. Tho Beues hadde wel i-ete, 1090 And on the maidenes bed i-fete, That mai that was fo bright of hiwe /"Thoughte flie wolde hire confaile fchewe, ¦ And feide, Beues lemman thin ore Ichaue loued the ful yore, Sikerli can I no rede, Boute thow me loue Icham dede, And boute thow with me do the wille. For Gode, queth, that Ich do nelle; SIR BEUES OF HAMTOUN. 45 Her is a-feide min vnliche, 1100 Brademond king that is fo riche, In al this world nis ther man, Prinfe, ne king, ne foudan, That the to wiue haue nolde, And lie the hadde ones beholde. Merci, fhe feide, yet with than Ichauede the leuer to me lemman, The bodi in the fcherte naked, Than al the gold that Crift hath maked, And thow woft with me do the wille. mo For Gode, queth he, that I do nelle. She fel adoun and wep right fore, Thow feideft foth her before, In al this world nis ther man, Prinfe ne king ne foudan, That me to wiue haue nolde, And he me hadde ones beholde, And thow cherl me haueft forfake. Mahoun the yeue tene and wrake ! Beter become the i-liche 1120 For to fowen an old diche, Thanne for to be dobbed knight, Te gon among maidenes bright ; To other contre thow might fare, Mahoun the yeue tene and care ! Damefele, a-feide, thow feift vnright ; Me fader was bothe erl and knight. 46 SIR BEUES OF HAMTOUN. How mighte Ich thanne ben a cherl Whan me fader was knight and erl ? To other contre Ich wile te, 1130 Scheltow me namore i-fe, Thow yeue me an hors lo it her, I nel namore of the daunger. Forth him wente fire Beuoun And tok is in that toun, Sore aneighed and afchamed For fhe hadde him fo gramed. Tho Beues was to toun i-go, Tho began that maidenes wo, Thanne was hire wo with alle, 1140 Hire thoughte the tour wolde on hir falle. She clepede hire chaumberlein Bonefas, And tolde to him al hire cas, And bad him to Beues wende, And fai him Ich wille amende Altogedre of word and dede Of that Ichaue him mifede. Forth wente Bonefas in that ftounde, And Beues in is chaumber a-founde, And feide fhe him theder fende, 1150 And that fhe wolde alle amende Altogedres to is wille, Bothe londe and eke flille. SIR BEUES OF HAMTOUN. 47 Thanne anfwerde Beues the fer, Sai thow might nought fpeden her ; Ac for thow bringeft fro hir mefage, I fchel the yeue to the wage A mantel whit fo melk The broider is of tuli felk, Beten abouten with rede golde, 1160 The king to were thegh a-fcholde. Bonefas him thankede yerne, Hom agen he gan to terne. A-fond that maide in forwe and care, And tolde hire his anfware, That ne mighte nought fpede Aboute hire nede. And feide thow haddeft vnright So te mifin a noble knight. Who gaf the this ilche wede ? 1170 Beues that hendi knight a-feide. Alias ! fhe feide, Ich was to blame, Whan Ich feide him fwiche fchame. For hit was neuer a cherles dede To yeue a mafeger fwiche a wede. Whan he nel nought to me come The wei to his chaumber Y wil neme ; And what euer of me befalle, Ich wile wende into is halle. 48 SIR BEUES OF HAMTOUN. Beues herde that maide ther oute ; 1180 Afe yif aflep he gan to route. Awake lemman, fhe feide, awake, Icham i-come me pes to make. Lemman for the corteifie Spek with me a word or tweie. Damefele, queth Beues thanne, Let me ligge and go the wei henne ; Icham weri of foughte fore, Ich faught for the Inel na more. Merci, fhe feide, lemman thin ore. 1190 She fel adoun and wep wel fore. Men, faith fhe, feide in olde riote, That wimmannes bolt is fone fchote, Foryem me that Ichaue mifede, And Ich wile right now to mede, Min falfe godes al forfake, And criftendom for the loue take. In that maner, queth the knight, I graunte the me fwete wight, And kifte hire at that cordement ; 1200 Thar fore he was negh after fchent. The twei knightes that he vnbond That were in Brademondes hond, He made that on is chaumberlain, Him hadde be beter he hadde hem flein. SIR BEUES OF HAMTOUN. 49 Thei wente to the king and fwor othe, No wonder fire thegh ye be wrothe, No wonder thegh ye ben agreued, Whan Beues fcherewe mifbeleued The doughter he hath now forlain, 1210 Hit gode, fire, that he wer flain. Hii lowe the fcherewes that him gan wreie, In helle mote thai hongen beie! He dede nothing boute ones hire kifte, Nought elles bi hem men ne wifte. Tharfore hit is foth i-faide, And in the rime right wel i-laid, Deliure a thef fro the galwe He the hateth after be alle halwe. Alias ! queth Ermin the king, 1220 Wel fore me reweth that tiding. Seththe he com me ferft to So meche he hath for me ido, I ne mighte for al Peynim londe That men dede him eni fchonde, Ac fain Ich wolde awreke be, Boute Ine mighte hit nought i-fe. Thanne befpak a farafin, Haue he Criftes kurs and myn ! Sire, ye fcholle for is fake, 1230 A letter fwithe anon do make Q 50 SIR BEUES OF HAMTOUN. To Brademond the ftronge king, And do him theder the letter bringe, And in the letter the fchelt faie That he hath Jofian forlaie. Whan the letter was come to thende Atfer Beues the king let fende, And feide, Beues thow moft hanne To Brademond thin owene manne, Al in folas in deli it 1240 Thow moft him bere this ilche fcriit, Ac yif thow fchelt me letter bere, Vpon the lai thow fchelt me fwere That thow ne fchelt with no man mele To fchewe the prente of me fele. I wile, queth Beues afe fnel, The leter bere treuliche and wel. Haue Ich Arondel me ftede, Ich wile fare into that thede, And Morgelai me gode bronde, 1250 Ich wile wende into that londe. King Ermin feide in is fawe, That ner no mefager is lawe To ride vpon an heui ftede, That fwiftli fcholde don is nede, Ac nim a lighter hak'enai, And lef her the fwerd Morgelai, And thow fchelt come to Brademonde Sone withinne a lite ftounde. SIR BEUES OF HAMTOUN. 51 Beues an hakenai beftrit 1260 And in his wei forth a-rit, And bereth with him is owene deth ; Boute God him helpe that alle thing feth. Terne we agen thar we wer er, And fpeke we of is em Saber. After that Beues was thus fold, For him is hertte was euer cold; A-clepede to him his fone Terri, And bad him wenden and afpie Into euerie londe fer and ner, 1270 Whider him ladde the maroner. And feide, fone, thow ert min owen, Wel thow canft the lord knowen. Ich hote the fone in alle manere That thow him feche this feue yer, Ich wile feche him mowe thow him fynde, Though he be biyende Ynde, Terri is fone is forth i-fare, Beues a-foughte eueri whare In al hethenes nan toun non 1280 That Criftene man mighte ther in gon, That he ne hath Beues in i-fought, Ac he ne kouthe finde him nought. So hit befel vpon a cas That Terri com befide Damas, 52 SIR BEUES OF HAMTOUN. And afe he com forth be that ftede A-fat and dinede in a wede, Vnder a faire medle tre, That fire Beues gan of [see]. Sire, queth Terri, for fein Juline, 1290 Is it the wille com nere and dine. Beues was of hongred fore, And kouthe him gret thank therfore ; For twei dawes he hadde ridde Faftande in that ilche wede. The palmer nas nought withouten ftore ; Inough a-leide him before; Bred and flefc out of is male, And of his flaketes win and ale. Whan Beues hadde eten gret foifoun, 1300 Terri afkede at fire Beuoun, Yif a-herde telle yong or olde Of a child that theder was folde, His name was i-hote Beuoun, I-bore a-was at South Hamtoun. Beues beheld Terri and lough, And feide, a-knew that child wel inough, Hit is nought a-feide gon longe I fegh the Sarfins that child an honge. Terri fel ther doun and fwough ; 1310 His her, his clothes, he alto drough; SIR BEUES OF HAMTOUN. 53 Whan he awok and fpeke mighte, Sore a-wep and fore fighte, And feide, alias ! that he was boren, Is me lord Beues forloren ? Beues tok him vp at that cas, And gan him for to folas, Wend hom, a-feide, to the contre, Sai the frendes fo Ichaue the, Though thow him feche thes feue yer, 1320 Thow worft that child neuer the ner. Terri on Beues beheld, And fegh the boifle with a fcheld. Me thenketh thow ert a mafager That in this londe walkes her, Icham a clerk and to fcole yede Sire let me the letter rede, For thow might haue gret doute Thin owene deth to bere aboute. Beues feide, Ich vnderftonde 1330 He that me tok this letter an honde, He ne wolde me non other Than Ich were is owene brother. , Beues him thankede and thus hii delde : Terri wente hom and telde His fader Saber in the Ilde of Wight, How him tolde a gentil knight That Sarfins hadde Beues forfare, And hangede him while he was thare. 54 SIR BEUES OF HAMTOUN. Saber wep and made drem, 1340 For he was the childes em, And ech yer on a dai certaine, Vpon themperur of Almaine, With a wel gret baronage Acleimede his eritage. Let we now ben is em Saber, And fpeke of Beues the mafeger. Forth him wente fire Beuoun Til a-com to Dames toun, Aboute the time of middai, 1350 Out of a mameri a-fai Sarafins com gret foifoun, That hadde anoured here Mahoun. Beues of is palfrei alighte, And ran to her mameri ful righte, And fleugh here preft that was ther in, And threw here godes in the. fen, And lough hem alle ther to fcorn. On afcapede and at orn In at the caftel yete, 1360 Afe the king fat at the mete. Sire, feide this man, at the frome Here is i-come a corfede gome, That throweth our godes in the fen, And fleth al oure men; Vnnethe ifcapede among that thring For to bringe the tiding. SIR BEUES OF HAMTOUN. 55 Brademond quakede at the bord, And feid, that is Beues my lord. Beues wente in at the caftel gate, 1370 His hors he lefte ther ate, And wente forth in to the halle, And gret hem in this maner alle. God, that made this world aronde, The faue fire king Brademond, And ek alle thine fere That I fe now here ; And yif that ilche bleffing Liketh the right nothing, Mahoun that is God thin, 1380 Teruagaunt and Apolin, The blefli and dighte Be alle here mighte ! Lo ! here, the king Ermin The fente this letter in parchemin, And afe the letter the telleth to A-bad thow fcholdeft fwithe do. Beues kneuled and nolde nought ftonde, And gaf vp is deth with is owene honde. Brademonde quakede al for drede, 1390 He vndede the letter and gan to rede, And fond i-writen in that felle How that he fcholde Beues aquelle. Thanne feide Brademond to twenti king That were that dai at is giftning, 56 SIR BEUES OF HAMTOUN. A-fpak with trefoun and with gile, Arifeth vp, he feide awhile, Euerich of yow fro the bord And welcometh your kende lord. Alle hi gonnen vp right ftonde, 1400 And Brademond tok Beues be the honde, And held him fafte at that fake That he ne fcholde is fwerd out take, And cride alfe he hadde be wod To hem alle aboute him flod, Afe ye me louen at this ftounde Bringeth this man fwith to grounde. So fafte hii gonne aboute him fcheue Afe don ben aboute the heue, So withinne a lite ftounde 1410 Beues was i-brought to grounde. Brademond feide him anon right, Yif thow me naddeft wonne with fight, Inolde for nothing hit beleue That thow fchoft ben hanged er eue, Ac afe euel the fchel betide In me prifoun thow fchelt abide, Vnder therthe twenti teife, Thar thow fchelt haue meche mifeife. Ne fcheltow haue til thow be ded 1420 BoutQ ech a dai quarter of a lof bred ; Yif thow wilt drinke, thegh it be nought fwet, The fchelt hit take vnder the fet. SIR BEUES OF HAMTOUN. 57 A-dede Beues binde to a fton gret, That wegh feue quarters of whet, And het him cafte into prifoun That twenti teife was dep adoun. At the prifoun dore Beues fond A tronfoun that he tok in his hond, Thar with a-thoughte were him there 1430 Fram wormes that in prifoun were. Now is Beues at this petes grounde, God bringe him vp hoi and fonde ! Now fpeke we of Jofian the maide, That com to hire fader and faide, Sire, fhe feide, whar Beues be That me mighte him nought fern i-fe ! Doughter, a-feide, a-is i-fare Into his londe, and woneth thare In to is owene eritage, 1440 And hath a wif of gret parage, The kinges doughter of Ingelonde, Afe men doth me to vnderftonde. Thanne was that maide wo ynough, In hire chaumber hire her fhe drogh ; And wep and feide euer mo That fum trefoun thar was y-do. That me ne telde ord and ende What dai awhanne a-wolde wende. H 58 SIR BEUES OF HAMTOUN. Of Mombraunt the king Ynor, 1450 A riche king of gret trefore, Whan he owhar to werre wolde, Fiftene kinges him fewe fcholde, Comen a-is Jofian to wedde, Agen hire fader fo a-fpedde That he hire grauntede to his wiue, And al is londe after is liue. Tho Jofian wifte fhe fcholde be quen, Hit was nought be hire wille I wen ; Hire were leuer haue had laffe, 1460 And haue be Beues is contaffe. Natheles, now it is fo, Hire fader wil fhe mofte do. Ac euer fhe feide, Beuoun, Hende knighte of Southe Hamtoun, Naddeftow me neuer forfake Yif fum trefoun hit nadde make : Ac for the loue that was fo gode, That i-loued afe min hertte blode, Ichaue, fhe feide, a ring on 1470 That of fwiche vertu is the fton, While Ichaue on that ilche ring To me fchel no man haue welling ; And Beues, fhe feide, be God aboue ! I fchel it weren for the loue. Whan hit to that time fpedde That Ynor fcholde that maide wedde, SIR BEUES OF HAMTOUN. 59 He let fende withouten enfoine After the foudan of Habiloine, And after the fiftene kinge 1480 That him fcholde omage bringe, And bad hem com left and mefte, To onoure that meri fefte. If that fefte nel Ich na more telle, For to highe with our fpelle. Whan al the fefte to yede Ech knight wente to is ftede, Men graicede cartes ane fomers, Knightes to horfe and fquiers, And Jofian with meche care 1490 Theder was brought in hire chare. King Ermin nom Arondel And let him fadlen faire and wel, A-wente to Beues chaumber ther he lay, And nom his fwerd Morgelay ; With Arondel a-gan it lede To king Ynor, and thus a-fede, Sone, a-fede, haue this ftede, The befte fole that man mai fede, And this fwerd of flel broun 1500 That was Beues of Hamtoun. A-nolde hit geue wer it in is honde Nought for al Painim londe. 60 STR BEUES OF HAMTOUN. Ne Ich, queth the King Ynor, For al the gold ne the trefor That thow might in the cite belouke. Sone, queth Ermin, wel mot the it brouke. Ynor gan homward te ride, And dede lede Arondel be is fide. Whan he com withoute Mombraunt, 1510 A-fwor is oth be Teruagaunt, That he wolde into his cite ride Vpon Arondel before is bride, Arondel thar he beflrit ; That hors wel fone vnder fit That Beues nas nought vpon is rigge, The king wel fore fcholde hit abegge. He ran ouer dich and thorn, Thourgh wode and thourgh thekke korn ; For no water ne for no londe 1520 Nowhar nolde that ftede a-ftonde; At the lafle a- threw Ynor doun, And al to brak the kinges kroun, That al is kingdom wel vnnethe Arerede him ther fro the dethe; And er hii mighte that hors winne Thai laughte him with queinte ginne. A wonder thing now ye may here; After al that feue yere To rakenteis a-ftod i-teide, 1530 Nas mete ne drinke before him leid, SIR BEUES OF HAMTOUN. 61 Hey ne oten ne water clere, Boute be a kord of afolere. No man dorfte com him hende, Thar that hors flod in bende. Now is Jofian a quene, Beues in prifoun hath gret tene. The romounce telleth ther a-fet Til the her on is heued greu to is fet; Snakes and euetes and oades fale, 1540 How mani can I nought telle in tale, That in the prifoun were with him, That prouede euer with her venim To fie Beues that gentil knight, Oc, thourgh the grace of God almight, With the tronfoun that he to prifoun tok A-flough hem alle, fo faith the bok. A fleande nadder was in an hole, For elde blak afe eni cole. Vnto Beues fhe gan flinge, 1550 And in the forehed thoughte him ftinge ; Beues was redi with is tronfoun, And fmot hire that fhe fel adoun. Vpon agen the nadder rowe, And breide awei his right browe ; Tho was Beues fore agreued And fmot the nadder on the heued. 62 SIR BEUES OF HAMTOUN. So harde dent he hire gaf The brein cleuede on is ftaf. Doun fel the nadder withouten faile, 1560 And fmot fo Beues with the taile, That negh a-les ther contenaunfe Almeft is lif was in balaunfe. Whan he awakede of that fwough, The tronfoun eft to him a-drough, And bet hire al to pifes finale, Afe hit is fonde in Frenfche tale. Tho he hadde flawe the foule fendes, Be that hadde Beues lein in bendes Seue yer in pe.ines grete, 1570 Lite i-dronke and laffe i-ete. His browe flank for defaut of yeme, That it fet after afe a-feme, Whar thourgh that maide ne kneu him nought Whan hii were eft togedre brought. On a dai afe he was mad and feint, To Jhefu Crift he made is pleint ; And to his moder, feinte Marie, Reuliche he gan to hem crie. Lord, a-feide, heuene king, 1580 Schepere of erthe and alle thing, What haue Ich fo meche mifgilt That thow fext and tholen wilt SIR BEUES OF HAMTOUN. 63 That the wetherwines and the fo Schel the feruaunt do this wo? Ich bedde the lord for the pite That thow haue merci on me, And geue grace hennes to gange, Or fone be drawen other an hange. Me roughte neuer what deth to me come, 1590 With that Ich were hennes nome. The gailers that him fcholde yeme, Whan hii herde him thus reme, Thef, cherl, feide, that on tho Now beth the lif dawes y-do, For king ne kaifer ne for no fore, Ne fcheltow leue no lenger more. Anon rightes with that word A laumpe he let doun be a cord, A fwerd a-tok be his fide, 1600 And be the cord he gan doun glide, And fmot him with that other hond, And Beues to the grounde a-wond. Alias! queth Beues, that ilche ftounde; Wo is the man that liih y-bounde Medel bothe fet and honde. Tho Ich com ferft into this londe, Hadde Ich had me fwerd Morgelay, And Arondel me gode palfray, For Dames nadde be trefoun 1610 Inolde haue geue a botoun, 64 SIR BEUES OF HAMTOUN. And now the mefte wreche of alle With a ftrok me adoun falle ; Bidde Ich neuer with Jhefu fpeke, Boute Ich therof ben awreke. A-fmot the gailer with is feft, That is nekke him to berfl. His felawe aboue gan to crie : Highe hider, felawe, queth Beues, highe ! Yif thow moft haue help, a-fede, 1620 Ich come to the with a gode fpede. Yif, queth Beues, al for gile, And knette the rop thar while, Afe high afe a-mighte reche. Tho queth Beues with reuful fpeche, For the loue of fein Mahoun Be the rop glid bliue adoun, And help that this thef wer ded. Whan he hadde thus i-fed, That other gailer no leng abod, 1630 Boute be rop adoun he glod. Whan the rop failede in is hond, Beues held vp that gode bronde, And feide to gronde that fori wight, Thourgh out is bodi that fwerd he pight. Now er thai ded the geilers tweie, And Beues lith to the raken teie : SIR BEUES OF HAMTOUN. 65 His lif him thoughte al to long, Thre daies after he nett ne drong. Tofore that, for fothe to fai, 1640 A-was woned ech other dai, Of bere lof to haue a quarter To his mete and to his diner ; And for his meifters wer bothe ded Thre daies after he ne et no bred. To Jhefu Crift he bed abone And he him grauntede wel fone ; So yerne he gan to Jhefu fpeke That his vetres gone breke, And of is medel the gret fton ; 1650 Jhefu Crift he thankede anon. A-wente quik out of prifoun Be the rop the gailer com adoun, And wente into the caftel right, Ac it was aboute the midnight; He lokede aboute fer and ner, No man wakande ne fegh he ther. He beheld forther a lite To a chaumber vnder a garite, Thar inne he fegh torges i-light, 1660 Beues wente theder ful right ; Twelf knightes a-fond ther aflepe, That hadde the caftel for to kepe. The chaumber dore a-fond vnfteke, And priueliche he gan in reke, i 66 SIR BEUES OF HAMTOUN. And armede him in yrene wede, The belle that he fond at nede ; And gerte him with a gode bronde, And tok a gode fpere in is honde. A fcheld aboute is nekke he caft, 1670 And wente out of the chaumber on haft. Forther a-herde in a ftable Pages fele withoute fable, Afe thai fete in here ragin In at the dore Beues gan fpring, An for thai fcholde him nought wrai, Vnder his hond he made him plai. And whan the farafins were i-flawe, The befle ftede he let forth drawe, And fadelede hit and wel a-dight, 1680 And wente him forth anon right, And gan to crie with loude fteuen, And the porter he gan neuenen. : Awake, a-feide, proude felawe, ; Thow were worthi ben hanged and drawe ! i Highe the gates wer vnfteke, Beues is out of prifoun reke, And Icham fent now for is fake, The treitour yif Ich mighte of take. The porter was al bewaped : 1690 Alas! queth he, is Beues afcaped? Vp he cafle the gates wide, And Beues bi him gan out ride, SIR BEUES OF HAMTOUN. 67 And tok is wei ful haftelie Toward the londe of Ermonie. He nadde ride in is wei Boute feue mile of that contrei, He wex afleped wonder fore, He mighte ride no forther more ; He reinede his hors to a chefteine, 1700 And felle aflepe vpon the pleine. And alfe a-flep in is fweuene, Him thoughte Brademond and kinges feuen, Stod ouer him with fwerdes drawe, Al flepande him wolde han flawe. Of that fweuen he was of drad ; He lep to hors afe he wer mad, Toward Damas agein aplight. Now refte we her a lite wight, And fpeke we fchalle of Brademond ; 1710 Amorwe whan he it hadde i-fonde That Beues was afcaped fo, In is hertte him was ful wo. That time be comin acent, Thar was comin parlement, Erles, kinges, lafle and more, And fiftene kinges wer famned thore. To hem Brademond tolde thare That Beues was fro him i-fare, And bad help with might and main 1720 For to feche Beues again. 68 SIR BEUES OF HAMTOUN. A king ther was fwithe fer, His nam was hote Grander. An hors he hadde of gret pris, That was i-cleped Trinchefis ; For him a-gaf feluer wight Er he that hors haue might. He armede him in yrene wede, Seue knightes he gan with him lede, And prikede forth on Trenchefis 1730 And wende wenne meche pris, And Beues fone he gan fe Afe he rod toward the cite.. A-yilt the, a-feide, thow fox welp, The God fchel the nothing help, For her thourgh min hondes one For fothe thow fchelt the lif forgon ! So me helpe God ! queth Beues, tho, Hit were no meiftri me to flo, For this is the ferthe dai agon 1740 Mete ne drinke ne bot I non, Ac natheles God it wot Yif Ich alle nedes mot, Yit Ich wile afaie A lite box the to paie. King Grander was of herte grim, And rod to Beues and he to him : SIR BEUES OF HAMTOUN. 69 And afe thei bothe togedre mete, With here launces thei gonne mete, That hit gonnen al to driue 1750 And te borften on pifes fiue. Here fwerdes drowe knightes ftoute, And fighteth fafte it is no doute, The medwe fquaughte of her dentes, The fur flegh out fo fpark a-flintes; Thus thai leide on in bothe fide Betwene midmorwe and vndetide. King Grander was agremed flrong That fire Beues him flod fo long, And with his fwerd a-hitte i-fcheld, 1760 A quarter fel into the feld. Hauberk, plate, and aktoun, Into Beues forther arfoun, Half a fot he karf doun right. Tho Beues fegh that ftrok of might, A-feide, that dent was wel i-fet, Fallen Y wile another bet. With that 'word Beues fmot doun Grander is fcheld with is fachoun, And is left hande be the wreft 1770 Hit flegh awei thourgh help of Crift. Tho Grander hadde his fcheld i-lore, He faught afe he wer wode ther fore; A-gaf Beues ftrokes that tide, Non ne mofte other abide. 70 SIR BEUES OF HAMTOUN. Beues therof was agreued, And fmot of king Grander is heued, The dede kors in that throwe Fel out ouer the fadel bowe. Tho king Grander was i-flawe. 1780 The feue knightes of hethen lawe Beues flough that ilche ftounde; So hit is in Frenfch y-founde. For nought Beues nolde belaue The beter hors a-wolde haue ; Beues *Strenchefis beftrit, And in is weie forth a-rit; And Brademond with al is oft f Com after with meche boft; So longe hii han Beues driue, 1790 That hii come to the cliue, Thar the wilde fe was. Herkneth now a wonder cas ! Into the fe a-mofte I wis Other fighte agenes al hethenes. To Jhefu Crift he bad abone, And he him grauntede wel fone. Lord! a-fede, heuene king, Schepere of erthe and alle thing, Thow madeft fifch afe alfe man, 1800 That nothing of fenne ne can, » Sic in MS. (¦ In MS. bost. SIR BEUES OF HAMTOUN. 71 Ne nought of fifches kenne, Neuer yet ne dede fenne Of this hethene hounde That befte the and bounde, And bete the body to the dethe ; Thar fore Ich may alfe ethe To-water fie in this ftede, To fifch that neuer fenne dede, Than her daien in londe 1810 In al this farafines honde. Beues fmot his hors that it lep In to the fe that wel dep. Whan he in to the fe cam, Ouer the fe Y wot a-fwam; In a dai and in a night A-bar ouer that gentil knight. Whan he com of that wilde brok His gode ftede him refede and fchok, And Beues for honger in that ftounde 1820 The hors threw him doun to grounde; Alias! queth Beues, whan he doun cam. Whilom Tchadde an erldam, And an hors gode and fnel, That men clepede Arondel; Now Ich wolde geue hit kof For a fchiuer of a lof. 2 SIR BEUES OF HAMTOUN. A-reftede him ther a lite tide, His gode ftede he gan beftride, And rod ouer dale and doun, 1830 Til he com to a gret toun ; The leuedi tharof ouer the caftel lai, And Beues hire fone of fay, And wende ben al out of care, And thoughte wel to fpede thare. Beues to the caftel gate rit, And fpak to hire aboue him fit: Dame, a-feide, that fit aboue. For that ilche lordes loue, On wham thin herte is on i-fet, 1840 Geue me to day a meles met. The leuedi anfwerde him tho, Boute thow fro the gate go The wer beter elles whar than her, Go or the tit an euel diner; Me lord, fhe feide, is a geaunt, And leueth on Mahoun and Teruagaunt, And felleth criftene men to grounde, For he hateth hem afe hounde. Be God ! queth Beues, I fwere an othe, 1850 Be him lef and be him lothe, Her Ich wile haue the mete With loue or eighe whather I mai gee. The leuedi fwithe wroth with alle, Wente hire forth in to the halle, SIR BEUES OF HAMTOUN. 73 And tolde hire lord anon fore, How a man hadde i-fwore That he nolde fro the yete, Er he hadde ther the mete. The geaunt was wonder ftrong, i860 Rome thretti fote long. He tok a leuour in is hond, And forth to the gate he wond. Of Beues he nam gode hede, Ful wel a-knewe Beues is ftede. Thow ert nome thef, Y wis, Whar ftele thow ftede Trenchefis That thow rideft vpon. here ? Hit was me brotheres Grandere. Grander, queth Beues, Y gaf hod, 1870 And made him a kroune brod, Tho he was next vnder me feft Wel Y wot Ich made him preft, And high dekne I wile make the Er Ich euer fro the te. Thanne feide the geaunt, meiff fire, Slough thow me brother Grandere, For al this caftel ful of golde A-liue lete the Ich nolde. Ne Ich the, queth Beues, I trowe ; 1880 Thus beginneth grim to growe. K 74 SIR BEUES OF HAMTOUN. The geaunt that Ich fpak of er, The ftaf that he to fighte ber Was twenti fote in lengthe be tale, Thar to gret and nothing finale. To fire Beues a-fmot therwith A fterne flrok withouten gritb, Ac afailede of his diuis, And in the heued fmot Trenchefis, That dede to grounde fel the ftede. 1890 O ! queth Beues, fo God me fpede, Thow haueft don gret vileinie, Whan thow fparde me bodi, And for me gilt min hors a-queld, Thow witeft him that mai nought weld. Be God ! I fwere the an oth, Thow fchelt nought whan we te goth Langande me wende fram, Now thow haueft mad me gram. Beues is fwerde anon vp fwapte, 1900 He and the geaunt togedre rapte, And delde ftrokes mani and fale, The nombre can nought telle in tale. The geaunt vp is clobbe haf And fmot fo Beues with is ftaf, That his fcheld flegh fram him thore, 'Thre akres brede and fumdel more. SIR BEUES OF HAMTOUN. 75 Tho was Beues in ftrong erur, And karf ato the grete leuour, And on the geauntes breft a-wonde 1910 That negh a-felde him to the grounde. The geaunt thoughte this bataile hard, Anon he drough to him a dart, Thourgh Beues fcholder he hit fchet, The blold ran doun to Beues fet. The Beues fegh is owene blod Out of is wit he wex negh wod, Vnto the geaunt ful fwithe he ran, And kedde that he was doughti man, And fmot ato his nekke bon ; 1920 The geaunt fel to grounde anon. Beues wente in at caftel gate, The leuedi a-mette ther ate. Dame, a-feide, go geue me mete That euer haue thow Criftes hete. The leuedi fore a-drad withalle Ladde Beues in to the halle, And of eueriche fonde That him com to honde, A-dede hire ete al ther ferft, 1930 That fhe ne dede him no berft ; And drinke ferft of the win That no poifoun was ther in. 76 SIR BEUES OF HAMTOUN. Whan Beues hadde ete inough, A keuerchef to him a-drough, In that ilche ftounde To ftope mide is wonde. Dame, dame, Beues fede, Let fadele me a gode ftede, For hennes Ich wile ride, 1940 I nel no lenger her abide. The leuedi feide fhe wolde fawe, A gode ftede fhe let forth drawe, And fadeled hit and wel a-dight. And Beues that hendi knight Into the fadel a-lippte, That no ftirop he ne drippte. Forth him wente, fire Beuoun, Til he com with oute the toun Into a grene mede. 1950 Now, louerd Crift ! a-fede, Yeue it Brademond the king, He, and al is offpring, Wer right her vpon this grene, Now Ich wolde of me tene Swithe wel ben awreke, Scholde he neuer go ne fpeke ; Now min honger is me a-fet, Ne lifle me neuer fighten bet. SIR BEUES OF HAMTOUN. 77 Forth a-wente be the ftrem, I960 Til a-com to Jurifalem, To the patriark a-wente cof, And al his lif he him fchrof. And tolde him how hit was bego, Of is wele and of is wo. The patriark hadde reuthe Of him and ek of is truethe, And forbed him vpon his lif That he neuer toke wif, Boute fhe were clene maide. 1970 Nai for fothe, fire Beues faide. On a dai agenes the eue Of the patriarke he tok is leue ; Erliche amorwe whan it was dai Forth a-wente in is wai. And al fo a-rod him felf alone, Lord ! a-thoughte whar mai I gone ? Whar Ich into Ingelonde fare ? Nai, a-thoughte, what fcholde I thare, Boute yif Ichadde oft to gader 1980 For to fie me ftifader ? He thoughte that he wolde an hie In to the londe of Ermonie, To Ermonie that was is bane, To his lemman Jofiane ; 78 SIR BEUES OF HAMTOUN. And al fo a-wente theder right A-mette with a gentil knight, That in the londe of Ermonie Hadde bore him gode companie ; Thai kifte hem anon with that, 1990 And ather afkede of otheres ftat. Thanne feide Beues and lough, Ichaue fare hard inough, Sofred bothe honger and chele, And other peines mani and fele, Thourgh king Ermines gile ; Yet Ich thenke to yelde is while, For he me fente to Brademond To haue flawe me that ftonde ; God be thankede a-dede nought fo ! 2000 Ac in is prifoun with meche wo Ichaue leie this feuen yare, Ac now Icham from him i-fare Thourgh Godes grace and min engyn, Ac al Ich wite it king Ermyn, And ne wer is doughter Jofiane Sertes Ich wolde ben is bane. Jofiane, queth the knight, is a wif, Agen hire wille with meche ftrif. Seue yer hit is gone and more, 2010 That the riche kinff Ynore SIR BEUES OF HAMTOUN. 79 To Mombraunt hath hire wedde, Bothe to bord and to bedde, And hath the fwerd Morgelai, And Arondel the gode palfrai : Ac fithe the time that I was bore, Swiche game hadde Ich neuer before, Afe Ich hadde that ilche tide Whan I fegh king Ynor ride Toward Mombraunt on Arondel ; 2020 The hors was nought i-paied wel, He arnede awai with the king Thourgh feide and wode withouten lefing, And in a mure don him caft, Almeft he hadde deied in haft. Ac er hii wonne the ftede Ropes in the contre thai leide, Ac neuer fithe withoute fable Ne com the ftede out of the liable, So fore he was arneied that tide 2030 Siththe dorfte no man on him ride. For this tiding Beues was blithe, His ioie kouthe he noman kithe. Wer Jofiane a-thoughte afe lele Alfe is me ftede Arondel, Yet fcholde Ich come out of wo. And at the knight he afkede tho Whiderwardes is Mombraunt ? Sere, a-fede, be Teruagaunt ! 80 SIR BEUES OF HAMTOUN. Thow might nought thus wende forth, 2040 Thow moft terne al agen north. Beues ternede his ftede, And rod north gode fpede ; Euer a-was pafaunt Til a-com to Mombraunt. Mombraunt is a riche cite In al the londe of Sarfine ; Nis ther non ther to i-liche, Ne be fele parte fo riche. And whan that hende knight Beuoun 2050 Come withouten the toun, Thar with a palmer he mette And fwithe faire he him grette : Palmer, a-fede, whar the king? Sire, a-feide, an honting With kinges fiftene. And whar, a-feide, is the quene? Sire, a-feide, in hire bour. Palmer, a-feide, paramour, Yem me thine wede 2060 For min and for me ftede. God yeue it, queth the palmare, We hadde driue that chefare. Beues of is palfrei alighte, And fchrede the palmer as a knighte, SIR BEUES OF HAMTOUN. 81 And gaf him is hors that he rod in For is bordon and is fklauin. The palmer rod forth afe a king, And Beues wente alfe a bretheling. Whan he com to the caftel gate, 2070 Anon he fond ftonde thar ate Mani palmer thar ftonde Of fele kene londe, And he afkede hem in that ftede What hii alle thar dede. Thanne feide on that thar flod, We beth i-come to haue gode And fo thow ert alfo. Who, queth Beues, fchel it vs do ? The quene, God hire fchilde fro care ! 2080 Meche fhe leueth palmare ; Al that fhe mai finden here, Eueriche dai in the yere, Faine fhe wile hem fede And yene hem riche wede, For a knightes loue, Beuoun, That was i-boren at South Hamtoun ; To a riche man fhe wolde him bringe That kouthe telle of him tiding. Whanne, queth Beues, fchel this be don ? 2090 A-feide, betwene middai and noun. Beues hit ful wel he fai Hit nas boute yong dai, L 82 SIR BEUES OF HAMTOUN. A-thoughte that he wolde er than Wende aboute the barbican, For to loke and for to fe How it mighte beft be Yif he the caftel wolde breke, Whar a-mighte beft in reke; And al fo a-com be a touret 2100 That was in the caftel i-fet, A-herde wepe and crie, Thederward he gan him hie. O alias! fhe feide, Beuoun, Hende knight of South Hamtoun, Now Ichaue bide that day That to the trefle I ne may, That ilche God that thow of fpeke, He is fals and thow ert eke. In al the feuene yer eche dai, 2110 Jofiane, that faire mai, Was woned fwich del to make, Al for fire Beues fake. The leuedi gan to the gate te The palmeres thar to fe; And Beues after anon To the gate he gan gon. The palmers gonne al in threfle, Beues abod and was the lafte, SIR BEUES OF HAMTOUN. 83 And whan the maide fegh him thar 2120 Of Beues fhe nas nothing war; The femeft, queth fhe, man of anour, Thow fchelt this dai be priour, And beginne oure deis ; The femeft hende and corteis. Mete and drinke thai hadde afyn, Bothe piment and plente a wyn. Swithe wel thai hadde i-fare, Thanne feide the quene to palmare, Herde euer eni of yow telle 2130 In eni lede or eni fpelle, Or in feld, other in toun, Of a knight Beues of Hamtoun ? Nai, queth al that thar ware. What thow, fhe feide, niwe palmare? Thanne feide Beues and lough, That knight Ich knowe wel inough. Atour, a-feide, in is contre Icham an erl and alfo is he: At Rome he made me a fpel 2140 Of an hors men clepede Arondel ; Wide whar Ichaue i-went, And me warfoun i-fpent, I fought hit bothe fer and ner, Men telleth me that it is her; Yif euer louedeftow wel that knight, Let me of that hors haue a fight. 84 SIR BEUES OF HAMTOUN What helpeth it to make fable? She ladde Beues to the liable. Jofian beheld him before, 2150 She fegh his browe to tore ; After Bonefas fhe gan grede, At liable dore to him fhe fede, Be the moder that me hath bore, Ner this mannes browe to tore,. Me wolde thenke be his fafoun That hit were Beues of Hamtoun. Whan that hors herde neuene His kende lordes fteuene, His rakenteis he al te rof, 2160 And wente into th[e] kourt wel kof, And neide and made miche pride With gret ioie be ech afide. Alias! tho queth Jofiane, Wel mani a man is bane, To dai he worth i-laught Er than this ftede ben i-caught. Thanne feide Beues and lough, Ich can take hit wel inough, Wolde ye, a-fede, yeue me leue 2170 Hit me fcholde no man greue. Take hit thanne, fhe fede, And into liable thow it lede, SIR BEUES OF HAMTOUN. 85 And teie it thar it flod, And thow fchelt haue mede gode. Beues to the hors tegh, Tho the hors him knew and fegh, Hit ne wawede no fot Til Beues hadde the ftirop ; Beues into the fadel him threw, 2180 Tharbi that' maide him wel knew. Anon feide Jofian with than, O ! Beues gode lemman, Let me with the reke In that maner we han i-fpeke, And thenk thow me to wiue tok Whan Ich me falfe godes forfok : Now thow haft thin hors Arondel, The fwerd Ich the fette fchel, And let me wende with the fiththe 2190 Hom to thin owene kiththe. Queth Beues, be Godes name ! Ichaue for the fofred meche fchame, Lain in prifoun fwithe ftrong, Yif Ich the louede hit were wrong. The patriark me het vpon me lif, That I ne tok neuer wif Boute fhe wer maide clene, And thow haueft feue yer ben a quene, 86 SIR BEUES OF HAMTOUN. And eueri night a king be the, 2200 How mightow thanne maide be? Merci, fhe feide, lemman fre, Led me hom to the contre, And boute the finde me maidewimman Be that eni man faie can, Send me agen to me fon Al naked in me fraok alon. Beues feide, fo I fchel, In that forward I graunte wel. Bonefas to fire Beues fede, 2210 Sire, the is beter do be rede. The king cometh fone fro honting, And with him mani a riche king, Fiftene told al in tale, Dukes and erles mani and fale. Whan hii fond vs alle agon, Thai wolde after vs euerichon With wonder gret cheualrie, And do vs fchame and vileinie ; Ac formefte, fire, withouten fable 2220 Led Arondel into the ftable, And ate the gate thow him abide Til the king cometh bi the ride ; A-wile the afken at the frome Whider thow fchelt and whannes thow come, SIR BEUES OF HAMTOUN. 87 Sai that thow haueft wide i-went, And thow come be Dabilent, That is hennes four iurne, Sai men wile ther the king fle, Boute him come help of fome other, 2230 And king Ynor is brother; And whan he heretb that tiding, Theder a-wile an highing, With al is power and is oft ; Thanne mai we with lite boft Forth in oure wei go. Beues feide, it fchel be fo, And Arondel to ftable lad, As Bonefas him bad, And to the gate Beues yode 2240 With other beggers that ther ftode, And pyk and fkrippe be is fide, In a fklauin row and wide. His berd was yelw to is breft wax, And to is gerdel heng is fax ; Al thai feide that hii ne fighe So faire palmer neuer with eighe, Ne com ther non in that contre, Thus wondred on him that him gan fe; And fo ftode Beues in that thring 2250 Til noun belle began to ring. Fram honting com the king Ynore, And fiftene kinges him before, 88 SIR BEUES OF HAMTOUN. Dukes, and erles, barouns, how fale, I can nought telle the righte tale. Mervaile thai hadde of Beues alle. Ynor gan Beues to him calle, And feide, palmer, thow comft fro ferre, Whar is pes and whar is werre ? Trewe tales thow canft me fain. 2260 Thanne anfwerde Beues again, Sire, Ich come fro Jurifalem, Fro Nazareth and fro Bedlem, Emavns caftel and Synaie, Ynde, Erop, and Afie, Egippte, Grefe, and Babiloine, Tars, Sefile, and Sefaoine, In Fris, in Sodeine, and in Tire, In Aufrik and in mani empire, Ac al is pes thar Ichaue went 2270 Saue in the lond of Dabilent ; In pes mai no man come thare, Thar is werre forwe and care. Thre kinges and dukes fiue His cheualrie adoun ginneth driue, And meche other peple i-fchent, Cites i-take and tounes i-brent ; Him to a caftel thai han i-driue That flant be the fe vpon a cliue, And al the oft lith him aboute 2280 Be this to daie a-is in doute. SIR BEUES OF HAMTOUN. 89 King Ynor feide, alias! alias! Lordinges this is a fori cas; That is me brother ye witen wel, That lith befeged in that caftel : To hors and armes, laffe and more ! In hafle fwithe that wer thore, Thai armede hem anon be dene, Ynor and his kinges fiftene. Stoutliche the liouneffe than 2290 Afailede Beues that doughti man, And with hire is fcheld tok So flerneliche, faith the bok, That doun it fel of is left hond. Tho Jofian gan vnderftonde That hire lord fcholde ben flawe, Helpe him fhe wolde fawe; Anon fhe hente that lioun. Beues bad hire go fitte adoun, And fwor, be God in trinite, 2300 Bout fhe lete that lioun be, A-wolde hire fle in that deftreffe Afe fain afe the liouneffe. Tho fhe ne mofte him nought helpe fighte, His fcheld fhe brought him anon right, M 90 SIR BEUES OF HAMTOUN. And yede hire fitte adoun faunfaile, And let him worth in that bataile. The liouneffe was flout and flerne, Agen to Beues fhe gan erne, And be the right leg he him grep, 2310 Afe the wolf doth the fchep, That negh fhe braide out is fparlire. Tho was Beues in gret yre, And in that ilche felue veneu, Thourgh Godes grace and is vertu, The liouneffe fo hard he fmot With Morgelai that biter bot Euene vpon the regge an high, That Morgelai in therthe fligh. Tho was Jofian ful fain 2320 To that hii were bothe flain, And Beues was glad and blithe, His ioie ne kouthe he no man kithe, And ofte he thankede the king in glori Of is grace and is viktori. Ac wo him was for Bonefas, And tho he fegh non other it nas, A-fette Jofian vpon a mule, And ride furth a lite while, And metten with a geaunt 2330 With a lotheliche femlaunt. He was wonderliche ftrong, Rome thrette fete long ; SIR BEUES OF HAMTOUN. 91 His berd was bothe gret and rowe ; A fpace of a fot betwene is browe ; His clob was to yeue a ftrok A lite bodi of an ok. Beues hadde of him wonder gret, And afkede him what a-het, And yef men of his contre 2340 Were afe meche afe was he ? Me name, a-fede, is Afcopard ; Garci me fente hiderward For to bringe this quene agen, And the Beues her of flen ; Icham Garci is champioun, And was i-driue out of me toun, Al for that Ich was fo lite Eueri man me wolde finite ; Ich was fo lite and fo merugh 2350 Eueri man me clepede dwerugh, And now Icham in this londe I woxe mor, Ich vnderftonde, And flrengere than other tene, And that fchel on vs be fene ; I fchel the fle hir yif I mai. Thourgh Godes help, queth Beues, nai. Beues prikede Arondel afide, Agen Afcopard he gan ride, 92 SIR BEUES OF HAMTOUN. And fmot him on the fcholder an high, 2360 That his fpere al to fligh ; And Afcopard with a retret Smot after Beues a dent gret, And with is ofot aflintte, And fel with is owene dentte. Beues of is palfrai alighte, And drough his fwerd anon righte, And wolde haue fmiten of is heued; Jofian befoughte him it were beleued. Sire, fhe feide, fo God the faue ! 2370 Let him liuen and ben our knaue. Dame, a-wile vs betrai. Sire, fhe Ich ben is bourgh, nai. Thar a-dede Beues omage, And becom is owene page. Forth thai wenten alle thre, Til that hii come to the fe; A dromond hii fonde ther ftonde, That wolde into hethene londe, With farafines flout and fer, 2380 Boute thai nadde no maroner. Tho hii fighe Afcopard come, Hii thoughten wel, alle and fom, He wolde hem furliche hem lede, For he was maroner god at nede. SIR BEUES OF HAMTOUN. 93 Whan he into the fchippe cam, His gode bat an honde he nam, A-drof hem out and dede hem harm, Arondel a-bar to the fchip in is arm, And after in a lite while, 2390 Jofian and hire mule, And drowen vp faile a[l]fo fnel, And failede forth faire and wel, That hii com withouten enfoin To the hauen of Coloine. Whan he to lond kem, Men tolde the bifchop was is em, A noble man wis afin, And highte Saber Florentin. Beues grete him at that cas, 2400 And tolde him what he was. The befchop was glad afin, And feide, wolkome, leue cofin ! Gladder I nas fethe Ich was bore, Ich wende thow haddeft be forlore. Who is this leuedi fchene? Sire, of hetheneffe a quene ; And fhe wile, for me fake, Criftendome at the take. Who is this with the gret vifage ? 2410 Sire, a-fede, hit is me page; And wile ben i-criftnede alfo, And Ich bidde that ye hit do. 94 SIR BEUES OF HAMTOUN. The nexfte dai after than, The befchop criftnede Jofian. For Afcopard was mad a koue, Whan the befchop him fcholde in fchoue, A-lep anon vpon the benche, And feide, preft, wiltow me drenche ? The deuel geue the helle pine ! 2420 Icham to meche to be Criftine. After Jofian is crifting, Beues dede a gret fighting ; Swich bataile dede neuer non Criftene man of flefch ne bon, Of a dragoun ther befide That Beues flough ther in that tide, Saue fire Launcelet De Lake, He fought with a fur drake ; And Wade dede alfo; 2430 And neuer knightes boute thai to. And Gii a Warwik, Ich vnderftonde, Slough a dragoun in North Homberlonde. How that ilche dragoun com ther, Ich wille yow telle in what maner. Thar was a king in Poyle londe, And another in Calabre, Ich vnderftonde : This twe kinge foughte i-fere More than foure and twenti yere, SIR BEUES OF HAMTOUN. 95 That hii neuer pes nolde 2440 Naither for feluer ne for golde, And al the contre, faundoute, Thai diftreude hit al aboute : Thai hadde mani mannes kours, Whar thourgh hii ferden wel the wors; Tharfore he deide in dedli finne, And helle pine thai gan hem winne. After in a lite while Thai be come dragouns vile, And fo thai foughte dragouns i-fere, 2450 Mor than foure and thretti yere. An ermite was in that londe, That was feld of Godes fonde ; To Jhefu Crift a-bed abone That he deliure the dragouns fone Out of that ilche ftede, That hii na more harm ne dede. And Jhefu Crift, that fit in heuene, Wel herde that ermifes fleuene, And grauntede him is praiere. 2460 Anon the dragouns bothe i-fere To here flight and flowe awai, Thar neuer eft man hem ne fai. That on flegh anon with than Til a-com to Tofcan, That other dragoun is flight nome To feinte Peter is brige of Rome ; 96 SIR BEUES OF HAMTOUN. Thar he fchel leggen ay, Til hit come domes dai. And eueri feue yer ones, 2470 Whan the dragoun moweth is bones, Thanke cometh a roke and a ftink Out of the water vnder the brink, That men ther of taketh the feuere That neuer after mai he keuere ; And who that nel nought leue me, Wite at pilgrimes that ther hath be, For thai can telle yow, I wis, Of that dragoun how it is. That other thanne flegh and highe 2480 Thourgh Tofkan and Lombardie, Thourgh Prouince, withouten enfoine, Into the londe of Colayne ; Thar the dragoun gan ariue, At Colayne vnder a cliue. His eren were rowe, and ek long; His frount be fore hard and ftrong ; Eighte tofkes at is mouth flod out, The lefte was feuentene ench about ; The her the cholle vnder the ching ; 2490 He was bothe leith and grim ; A- was i-maned afe a ftede ; The heued a-bar with meche pride ; Betwene the fcholder and the taile Foure and twenti fot faunfaile ; SIR BEUES OF HAMTOUN. 97 His taile was of gret ftringethe, Sextene fot a-was a lingthe ; His bodi afe a win tonne; Whan hit fchon the brighte fonne, His wingges fchon fo the glas ; 2500 His fides wer hard afe eni bras ; His breft was hard afe eni fton ; A foulere thing nas neuer non. Ye that wile a ftounde dwelle, Of his ftringethe I mai yow telle. Beues yede to bedde anight With torges and with candel light. Whan he was in bedde i-brought, On Ihefu Crift was al is thought. Him thoughte a king that was wod 2510 Hadde wonded him ther a-ftod; He hadde wonded him biter and fore, A-wende a-mighte leue na more, And yet him thoughte a virgine Him broughte out of al is pine. Whan he of is flepe abraid, Of is fweuene he was afraid. Thanne a-herde a reuli cri, And befoughte Ihefu merci, For the venim is on me throwe, 2520 Her I legge al to blowe, N 98 SIR BEUES OF HAMTOUN. And roteth me flefch fro the bon, Bote ne tit me neuer mo. And in is cri a-feide alias ! That euer yet I maked was ! Anon whan hit was dai light Beues awakede, and afkede right, What al that cri mighte ben ? His men him anfwerde agen, And feide that he was a knight, 2530 In bataile he was holden wight ; Alfe a-wente him to plaie Aboute her in this contrai, In this contre aviroun, A-mette with a vile dragoun, And venim he hath on him throwe ; Thar a-lithe al to blowe. Lord Crift ! queth Beues tho, Mai eni man the dragoun flo ? His men anfwerde withouten lefing, 2540 Thar nis neither emperur ne king That come thar the dragoun were, An hondred thofend men and more, That he nolde flen hem euerichon, No fcholde hii neuer thannes gon. Afcopard a-feide, whar ertow ? Icham her, what wilte now ? Wile we to the dragoun gon ? Thourgh Godes help we fcholle bim flo[n]. SIR BEUES. OF HAMTOUN. 99 Ya, fire, fo mot I the, 2550 Bletheliche wile I wende with the. Beues armede him ful wel, Bothe in yrene and in ftel, And gerte him with a gode bronde, And tok a fpere in is honde ; Out ate gate he gan ride, And Afcopard be his fide ; Alfe hii wente in here pleghing Hii fpeke of mani felkouth thing. That dragoun lai in is den, 2560 And fegh come the twei men ; A-made a cri and a wonder, Afe hit were a dent of thonder. Afcopard was adrad fo fore, Forther dorfte he go na more A-feide to Beues that was is fere ; A wonder thing ye mai here. Beues feide, haue thow no doute, The dragoun lith her aboute ; Hadde we the dragoun wonne, 2570 We hadde the feirefte pris vnder the fonne. Afcopard fwor, be fein Jon ! A fot ne dorfte he forther gon. Beues anfwe[r]de, and feide tho, Afcopard, whi feiftow fo ? Whi fcheltow afered be[n] Of thing that thow might nought fen ? 100 SIR BEUES OF HAMTOUN. A-fwor alfe he mofte then He nolde him neither hire ne fen ; Icham weri, Ich mot haue refte, 2580 Go now forth and do the befte. Thanne feide Beues this wordes fre, Schame hit is to terne age. A-fmot his ftede be the fide, Agen the dragoun he gan ride ; The dragoun fegh that he cam, Yenande agenes him anan, Yenande and gapande on him fo Afe he wolde him fwolwe tho. Whan Beues fegh that ilche fight 2590 The dragoun of fo meche might, Hadde therthe fprede anon For drede a-wolde ther in han gon. A fpere he let to him glide, And fmot the dragoun on the fide ; The fpere fterte agen anon, So the hail vpon the fton, And to barft on pices fiue. His fwerd he drough alfe bliue ; Tho thai foughte, alfe I yow fai, 2600 Til it was high noun dai. The dragoun was atened flronge That oman him fcholde ftonde fo longe ; The dragoun harde him gan afaile, And fmot his hors with the taile, SIR BEUES OF HAMTOUN. 101 Right amideward the hed, That he fel to grounde ded. Now is Beues to grounde brought, Helpe him God that alle thing wrought ! Beues was hardi and of gode hert, 2610 Agen the dragoun anon a-ftert, And harde him a-gan afaile, And he agen with ftrong bataile ; So betwene hem lefte that fight Til it was the therke night ; Beues hadde thanne fwich thr aft, Him thoughte his herte to barft ; Thanne fegh he a water him befide, So hit mighte wel betide ; Fain a-wolde theder flen, 2620 He ne dorfte fro the dragoun ten ; The dragoun afailede him fot hot, With is taile on his fcheld a-fmot, That hit cleuede heuene ato, His left fcholder dede alfo. Beues was hardi of gode hert, Into the welle anon a-ftert. Lordinges, herkneth to me now ; The welle was of fwich vertu, A virgine wonede in that londe 2630 Hadde bathede ther in, Ich vnderftonde, That water was fo holi, That the dragoun fikerli, 102 SIR BEUES OF HAMTOUN. Ne dorfte neghe the welle aboute Be fourti fote faundoute. Whan Beues parfeuede this, Wel glad a-was in hertte, I wis ; A-dede of is helm of ftel, And colede him ther in fraiche wel, And of is helm a-drank thore 2640 A large galon other more ; A-nemeuede fein Gorge our leuedi knight, And fete on his helm that was bright. And Beues with eger mode, Out of the welle fone a-yode ; The dragoun harde him afaile gan, He him defendeth afe a man, So betwene hem lefte the fight Til hit fprong the dai light. Whan Beues mighte aboute fen, 2650 Blithe he gan thanne ben, Beues on the dragoun hew, The dragoun on him venim threw, Al ferde Beues bodi there A foule mefel alfe yif a-were, Thar the venim on him felle His flefch gan ranclen and te belle ; Thar the venim was i-caft His armes gan al to braft ; Al to broften is ventaile, 2660 And of his hauberk a thofend maile. SIR BEUES OF HAMTOUN. 103 Thanne Beues fone an highe Wel loude he gan to Ihefu crighe : Lord ! that rerede the Lazararoun, Diliure me fro this fend dragoun ! Tho he fegh his hauberk toren, Lord ! a-feide, that I was boren ! That feide, Beues thar a-ftod, And leide on afe he wer wod ; The dragoun harde him gan afaile, 2670 And fmot on the helm with is taile, That his helm cleuede ato, And his bacinet dede alfo. Tweies a-ros and tweies a-fel, The thredde tim ouer threw in the wel, Thar inne a-lai vp right, A-nefte whather hit was dai the night : Whan ouer gon was his fmerte, And rekeured was of is herte, Beues fet him vp anon ; 2680 The venim was awei i-gon, He was afe hoi a man Afe he was whan he theder cam. On is knes he gan to falle, To Ihefu Crift he gan to calle, Helpe ! a-feide, Godes fone, That this dragoun wer ouer come ! Boute Ich mowe the dragoun flon, Er than Ich hennes gon, 104 SIR BEUES OF HAMTOUN. Schel hit neuer a-flawe be 2690 For noman in Criftente ? To God he made his praiere, And to Marie his moder dere ; That herde the dragoun ther a-ftod, And flegh awei afe he wer wod. Beues ran after withouten faile, And the dragoun he gan afaile ; With is fwerd that he out braide, On the dragoun wel hard a-laide, And fo harde a-hew him than, 2700 A-karf ato his heued pan, And hondred dentes a-fmot that ftonde, Er he mighte keuren a wonde ; A-hitte him fo on the cholle, And karf ato the throte bolle. The dragoun lai on is fide, On him a-yenede fwithe wide ; Beues thanne with ftrokes fmerte Smot the dragoun to the herte, An hondred dentes a-fmot in on, 2710 Er the heued wolde fro the bodi gon. And the gode knight Beuoun, The tonge karf of the dragoun ; Vpon the tronfoun of is fpere The tonge altikede for to bere ; A-wente tho withouten enfoine Toward the toun of Coloine. SIR BEUES OF HAMTOUN. 105 Thanne herde he Beues ringe, Preftes, clerkes, loude finge ; A man ther he hath i-met, 2720 And fwithe faire he hath him gret, And afked at ilche man tho, Whi thai ronge and fonge fo ? Sire, a-feide, withouten faile, Beues is ded in bataile : Thar fore for fothe I faie the, Hit is Beues dirige. Ne, queth Beues, be fein Martin ! And wente to bifchop Florentin. Tho the bifchop hadde of him a fight, 2730 A-thankede Ihefu ful of might, And broughte Beues into the toun With a faire profefioun ; Thanne al the folk that thar was Thankede Ihefu of that gras. On a dai fire Beues fede, Eue em what to rede Of me flifader Deuoun, That holdeth me londe at Hamtoun. The befchop feide anon right, 2740 Kofin, Saber thin em is in Wight, And eueri yer on a dai certaine, Vpon themperur of Almaine 106 SIR BEUES OF HAMTOUN. He ginneth gret bataile take, Beues, al for thine fake. He weneth wel that thow be ded, Thar fore, kofin, be me red, An hondred men Ich yeue the wighte Agen themperur to fighte, Stalworde men and fer : 2750 And thow fchelt wende to Saber, Sai, Ich grette him wel i-lome, Yif he han nede fendeth to me, Ich wile yow helpe with al me might Agen themperur to fight. While thow doft this ilche tourne The leuedi fchel with me foiurne, And the page Afcopard Schel hire bothe wite and ward. Forth wente Beues with than 2760 To his lemman Jofian; Lemman, a-feide, Ich wile go And avenge me of me fo, Yif Ich mighte with eni ginne Me kende eritage to winne. Swete lemman, Jofian fede, Who fchel me thanne wiffe and rede? Beues fede, lemman min, Min em the befchop Florentin, And Afcopard, me gode page, 2770 Schel the warde fro damage. SIR BEUES OF HAMTOUN. 107 Ye haue Ich Afcopard, fhe fede, Of no man ne flant me drede ; Ich take the God and feinte Marie, Sone fo thow might to me thow highe. Beues wente forth anon, With is men euerichon That the bifchop him hadde yeue, So longe thai hadde here wei i-driue, That hii come vpon a done, 2780 A mile out of Southhamtone. Lordinges, to his men a-fede, Ye fcholle do be mine rede. Haue Ich eni fo hardi on That dorre to Hamtoun gon, To themperur of Almaine, And fai her cometh, avintaine, Al preft an hondred knighte, That fore his loue wilen fighte Bothe with fpere and with launce, 2790 Al frefch i-come out of Fraunce, Ac euer an ernefle and arage, Euer fpeketh fre[n]fche laungage, And fai, Ich hatte Gerard, And fighte Ich wile be forward, And of the meiftri Icham fure Yif he wile yilde min hure ? 108 SIR BEUES OF HAMTOUN. Forthther com on redi reke, That renabliche kouthe Frenfch fpeke ; Sire, a-fede, Ich wile gon 2800 The mefage for don anon. Forth a-wente to the caftel gate, The porter a-mette ther ate, To themperur he hath him lad, Al a-feide afe Beues him bad. Themperur and Beues fete i-fere That ilche night at the fopere, Themperur afkede him what a-het ? Gerard a-fede alfe fket. Gerard, a-feide, for foth I wis 2810 This leuedi hadde her er this An erl to lord or Ich hire wedde, A fone betwene hem to thai hadde, A proud wreche and a ying, And for fothe a lite gadling ; So was is fader of proude mode, I-comen of fum lether blode, His fone that was a proud garfoun, Men hem clepede Beuoun. Sone he was of age 2820 A-folde me his eritage, And fpente his panes in fcham and fchonde, And fithe flegh out of Ingelonde. SIR BEUES OF HAMTOUN. 109 Now hath he her an em in wight, Sire Saber, a wel ftrong knight, And cometh with gret barnage, And cleimeth his eritage, And ofte me doth her gret gile, And thow might yilden is while Him to fle with fwerd in feide, 2830 Wel Ich wolde thin here yelde. Sire, queth Beues, anon right, Ichaue knightes of meche might, That beth vnarmed her of wede, For we ne mighte non out lede Ouer the fe withouten aneighe, Tharfore, fire, fwithe an highe Let arme me knightes echon, And yef hem gode hors forth enon, An hondred men fent thow the felf, 2840 Afe mani Ichaue be min helf, Dight me the fchip and thin men bothe, And Y fchel fwere the an othe, That I fchel yeue fwiche afaut On that ilche Sabaaut, That withinne a lite while . Thow fchelt here of a queinte gile. Al thus themperur hath him dight, Bothe hors, armes, and knight, 110 SIR BEUES OF HAMTOUN. Thar to fchipes with gode vitaile 2850 Forth thai wente and drowe faile. In the fchipe the knightes feten, Y wis, On of here another of his ; Whan thai come amidde the forde Ech threw is felawe ouer the bord ; Of themperures knightes euerichon Withinne bord ne leuede non. Saber hem ful wel y-fay, Afe he vpon is toure lay, Mani baner he fegh arered. 2860 Tho was Saber fumdel a-fered That themperur with is oft come, Biker he made wel y-lome. Beues wifte wel and fede That Saber him wolde drede ; Vpon the highefte maftis top there He let fette vp a ftremere Of his fader armure, Saber the rather to make fure ; For mani a time thar beforen 2870 He hadde hit in to bataile boren. Tho the fchip to londe drough, Saber hit knew wel inough, And thoughte and gan to vnderftonde That Beues was come in to Ingelonde. Lord ! a-fede, hered thow be, That Ich mai me kende lord fe; SIR BEUES OF HAMTOUN. Ill That he wer ded Ich was of drad, Meche forwe Ichaue for him had. A-wente with is knightes bliue 2880 Thar the fchipes fcholde ariue; Gither other gan to kiffe, And made meche ioie and bliffe ; And Beues tolde him in a while, He hadde do themperur a gile. Tho feide Beues with than, Haue Ich eni fo hardi man, That dorre to Hamtoun gon Ouer the water fone anon, And fai themperur anon right, 2890 That Inam no Frenfche knight, Ne that Ine hatte nought Gerard, That made with him the forward, And fai him Ich hatte Beuoun, And cleymeth the feniori of Hamtoun, And that is wif is me dame, That fchel hem bothe terne to grame. Now of hem bothe togadre I fchel fonde wreke me fadre? Vp thar flerte an hardi on ; 2900 Sire, a-feide, Ich wile gon The meffage for doth hem bothe, And maken hem fori and wrothe. 112 SIR BEUES OF HAMTOUN. Forth a-wente afe hot, Ouer the water in a bot; Forth a-went alfo whate In at the caftel gate; At the foper alfe a-fet, Themperur he gan thus gret, Sire emperur, I the bringe 2910 A fwithe fertaine tiding, Wel the grete that ilche knight That fopede with the yerftene night; A-faith a-hatte nought Gerard, That made with the the forward, A-faith that he hatte Beuoun, And cleymeth the feniori of Hamtoun, And is i-come with the to fpeke, Of his fader deth to ben awreke, The to fle with fchame and fchonde, 2920 And for to winne is owene londe. Themperur herde of him that word ; His fone flod before the bord; He thoughte with is longe knif Bereue that mefageres lif; A-threw is knif and kouthe nought redi, And fmot his fone thourgh the bodi. The mefager fpak a gainli word Before themperur is bord, SIR BEUES OF HAMTOUN. 113 Thow gropedeft the wif a-night to lowe, 2930 Thow might nought fen aright to throwe ; Thow haueft fo fwonke on hire to-night Thow haueft negh for lore the fight ; Her thow haueft lither haunfel, A worfe the betide fchel. And fmot is hors with the fpore, And arnde out at halle dore ; Wel and faire he hath him dight, And com agen to Beues in Wight, And tolde a-flough is fone for grame: 2940 Beues lough, and hadde gode game. Lete we fire Beues thanne, And fpeke of Jofiane That in Coloine was with Beues em, Til that he agen theder kem. In that londe that ilche while Thar wohede an erl that highte Mile. To Jofian he hadde his loue caft, And gan hire to wowen faft, Faire a-fpak to terne hire thought, 2950 And fhe feide a-was aboute nought. That erl was wroth in is manere, For Jofian him nolde here, And fpak to hire with loude gret; For wham, a-feide, fcholde Ich it lete p 114 SIR BEUES OF HAMTOUN. Boute Ich mai haue of the me wille, Ich wile, a-feide, who that nille. She feide, while Ichaue Afcopard, Of the nam Ich nothing afard. For the wreththe, ne for thin oft, 2960 Ne for the, ne for thine boft. And tho thoughte that erl Mile To do Jofian a gile : A leter he let for to write, In this maner he dede it a-dite, That Afcopard come fcholde To Beues, thar the letter him tolde, Into a caftel in an Yle, The brede of the water thre mile; To Afcopard thai come fnel, 2970 Thai feide, Beues him grette wel, And befoughte for is loue In hafte a-fcholde to him come. Forth went Afcopard afe hot, Ouer the water in a bot,. Whan he was ouer the water come, Hii vnlek the gate at the frome; And whan he was comen withinne, Thai fperede him faft with ginne. Agen to Jofian Miles gan terne; 2980 For wham, a-feide, fchel Ich it werne? SIR BEUES OF HAMTOUN. 115 She thoughte for to kepe hire aplight, She fente a mafager to Wight, To Beues be letter, and tolde fore Altogedre laffe and more, Miles wolde haue is wille, And fhe bed him holde flille ; Nought thegh I fcholde les me lif, Boute Ich were the weddede wif ; Yif eni man me fcholde wedde 2990 Thanne mot Ich go with him to bedde, I trowe he is nought now here That fchel be me wedde fere. Y fchel the wedde agenes the wille, To morwe Y fchel hit fulfille, And kifte hire anon right, And fente after baroun and knight, And bed hem come lefte and mefte To anoure that meri fefte. The night is gon, that dai comen is, 3000 The fpufaile don hit is, With merthe in that toun, And ioie of erl and baroun ; And whan hit drough toward the night Here foper wer redi dight, And thegh thai richelich weren i-fed That erl wolde ben a-bed; 116 SIR BEUES OF HAMTOUN. Jofian behet lede to bour, To haue hire vnder couertour; Vpon hire bedde thar fhe fat, 3010 That erl com to hire with that, With knightes gret compainie, With pyment and with fpiforie, With al the gamen that hii hedde For to make hire dronke a-bedde ; Ac al another was hire thought, Ne gamnede hire that gle right nought. Sire, fhe feide, to that erl fone, Ich bidde thow graunte me a bone ; And boute thow graunte me this one, 3020 I ne fchel the neuer bedde non ; Ich bidde the at the ferfle frome That man ne wimman her in come, Belok hem thar oute for loue o me That no man fe our priuite. Wimmen beth fchamfaft indede, And namliche maidenes fhe fede. That erl feide a-wolde faine, A-drof out bothe knight and fwaine, Leuedies, maidenes and grome, 3030 That non ne moft ther in come, And fchette the dore with the keie ; Litel a-wende haue be fo veie. SIR BEUES OF HAMTOUN. 117 Jofian he com agen to, Lemman, a-feide, Ichaue i-do The bone, Ichaue do with lawe, Me fchon I mot me feif of drawe, Afe Y neuer yet ne dede ; Adoun a-fet him in that ftede : Thanne was before his bed i-tight, 3040 Afe fele han of this gentil knight, A couertine on raile tre, For no man fcholde on bed i-fe. Jofian bethoughte on highing, On a towaile fhe made knotte riding, Aboute his nekke fhe hit threw, And on the raile tre fhe drew ; Be the nekke fhe hath him vp tight, And let him fo ride al the night. Jofian lai in hire bed ; 3050 No wonder though fhe wer adred ! Dai is come in alle wife, Amorwe the barouns gonne arife, Sum to honten, and fum to cherche, And werkmen gonne for to werche. The fonne fchon hit drough to vnder The barouns tharof hadde wonder That therl lai fo long a bed, Gret wonder tharof he hedde. 118 SIR BEUES OF HAMTOUN. Queth fum, let him lie ftille, 3060 Of Jofian he hath al is wille. Middai com, hit drough to noune, The barouns fpeke ther eft fonne. Queth the boldeft, how mai this be ? Wende Ich wile vp and i-fe. That baroun dorfte wel fpeke, To the chaumber he gan reke, And fmot the dore with is honde That al wide vpon it wonde. Awake, a-feide, fire erl Mile, 3070 Thow haueft flepede fo longe while Thin heued oweth to ake wel. Dame, let make him a caudel. Nai, queth Jofian at that fake, Neuer eft ne fchel his heued ake. Ichaue fo tyled him for that fore, Schel hit neuer eft ake more. Yerftendai he me wedded with wrong, And tonight Ichaue him honge; Doth be me al youre wille, 3080 Schel he neuer eft wimman foille. Al hii made meche forwe ; Anon rightes in that morwe, Sum hire demte thanne In a tonne for to branne, Without the toun hii pighte a wake Thar the fur was i-make, SIR BEUES OF HAMTOUN. 119 The tonne thai hadde ther i-fet, Thai fette wode and elet. Afcopard with inne the caftel lay : 3090 The tonne and al the folk he fay ; Ful wel him thoughte that while That him trokede a gret gile, For he was in the caftel beloke, The caftel wal he hath to broke. He was maroner wel gode, A-ftertte into the falte flode, A fifcher he fegh fot hot Euer a-fwam toward the bot ; The fifcher wende fum fend it were, 3100 Out of his bot he flegh for fere. Afcopard hente the bot an honde And him felf to the londe ; Toward the fur fafte a-fchok, Beues com and him of tok. Treitour, a-feide, whar haftow be ? This dai thow haueft betraied me. Nai, fire, Afcopard feide, And tolde Miles him hadde betraide. Toward the fur thai wente bliue ; 3110 The preft that hire fcholde fchriue Godes blefiing mote he fonge, For that he held Jofiane fo longe ! In hire fmok fhe ftod naked, Thar the fur was i-maked ; 120 SIR BEUES OF HAMTOUN. Afe men fcholde hire for brenne, Beues on Arondel com renne With is fwerd Morgelay, Afcopard com be another way, And flowen in that ilche ftounde 3120 Al that hii aboute the fur founde. And that he hadde for is while, That proude erl fire Mile. A-fette Jofian on is palfrai, And wente forth into here wai ; Thai wente to fchip anon righte, And failede forth into Wighte. Wel was Saber paid with than Of Afcopard and of Jofian. Beues and Saber fente here fonde 3130 Wide into fele londe, And hii fente an hie After gret cheualrie, Of al the londe the ftringefte knight That hii owhar finde mighte. That emperur negh daide ; His wif confortede him and faide, Sire, fhe feide, doute yow nought, Of gode confaile Icham bethought. Te fcholle fende for fertaine 3140 After your oft into Almaine, SIR BEUES OF HAMTOUN. 121 And whan yowr oft is com togadre, Send to the king of Scotlonde, me fadre; He wile come to the an highe With wonder gret cheualrie, That thow derft haue no fore Of that thef Saber the hore, Ne of Beues that is me lothe, Yit ye fchollen hem hangen bothe. Tho the letters were yare 3150 The mafegers wer forth i-fare. In Mai, whan lef and gras ginth fpringe, And the foules merie to finge, The king of Scotlonde com to fighte With thretti thofend of hardi knighte Of Almaine, is owene barouny, With wonder gret cheualry. Lordinges, a-feide, ye witeth alle, Whan hii were before him in the halle, That ofte this thef, Saber the hore, 3160 Me hath aneied fwithe fore. Now is him come help to fighte Beues of Hamtoun, and hardi knighte, To farafins was folde gone longe ; Ich wende hadde ben an honge ; He me threteth for to flen, And for to winne is londe agen, With him he hath a geaunt brought ; Erthliche man femeth he nought, Q 122 SIR BEUES OF HAMTOUN. Ne no man of flefch ne felle, 3170 Boute a fend flolen out of helle ; Afcopart men clepeth him ther oute, Of him Ichaue fwithe gret doute ; Ac lordinges, a-feide, arme ye wel, We fcholle befege hem in here caftel ; The Afcopard be ftrong and fterk, Mani hondes maketh light werk. For thai wenten afe fuel Til thai come to the caftel Thar Saber and Beues weren inne, 3180 Thai pighte pauilouns and bente ginne. Saber flod on is tour an high, Al that gret oft a-figh. Gret wonder therof he hade, The holi crois before him he made, And fwor, be his berde hore, Hit fcholde fome of rewe it fore. Saber doun of his tour went, After al is knightes a-fent, Has armes lordinges ! hem gan fegge, 3190 Themperur theroute vs wile belegge ; Make we thre vintaine, That be gode and certaine, The ferfte Ich wile me felf out lede, And thow that other, Beues, a-fede, SIR BEUES OF HAMTOUN. 123 And Afcopard the thredde fchel haue, With is gode grete ftaue. Be we thre vpon the grene, Wel Ich wot and nought ne wene, Mani man is thar oute gete 3200 This dai fchel is lif forlete. Saber is horn began to blowe, That his oft him fcholde knowe. Lordinges, a-feide, ne doute yow nought Ye fcholle this dai beholde fo dought, That hem were beter at Rome Thanne hii hadde hider i-come. Tho themperur herde in caftel blowe, Thar bi he gan to knowe That hii armede hem in the caftel, 3210 His knightes he het afe fnel : Has armes, lordinges, to bataile, Out hii cometh vs to afaile ! Twei oftes thai gonne make, He of Scotlonde hath on i-take ; Themperur that othe ladde ; His deth that dai ther he hadde. Out of the caftel cam before Saber with is berde hore, And in is compainie 3220 Thre hondred knightes hardie ; 124 SIR BEUES OF HAMTOUN. Sire Morice of Mounclere His ftede fmot agenes Sabere, His fpere was fumdel kene, And Saber rod him agene ; Though is fpere wer fcharp i-grounde, Saber flough him in that ftounde ; Out on Arondel tho com Beuoun, And mette with is ftifader Deuoun, And with a dent of gret fors, 3230 A-bar him doun of his hors ; With Morgelay that wolde wel bite He hadde ment is heued of fmite ; His oft cam riding him to Wel ten thofend other mo, So ftronge were tho hii come Themperur Beues hii benome, And broughte him an horfe tho, Tharfore was Beues fwithe wo. Thar com in the thredde part, 3240 With is batte Afcopard, Euer alfe he com than A-felde bothe hors and man ; Thar with was Beues wel a-paide, A-clepede Afcopard, and to him faide, Afcopard, tak right gode hede, Themperur rit on a whit ftede ; SIR BEUES OF HAMTOUN. 125 Thin hiire Ifchel the yilde wel With that thow bringe him to me caftel. Sire, a-feide, I fchel for fothe 3250 Into the caftel bringe him to the. Afcopard leide on wel inough, Bothe man and hors he flough ; Thar nas non armur in that londe That mighte the geauntes ftrok aftonde. The king of Scotlonde with is bat A-gaf him fwiche a fori flat Vpon the helm, in that ftounde, That man and hors fel ded to grounde. Thanne anon, with oute foiur, 3260 A-wente to that emperur, And hafteliche with might and main A-hente the hors be the rain. Wolde he nolde he, faire and wel, He bar hors and man to the caftel. Of al that other fiker aplighte That were enfemled in that fighte, Of Scotlonde and of Almaine, Beues and Saber with might and maine With deth is dentes gonne doun driue, 3270 That thar ne fcapede non aliue. And thus fire Beues wan the pris, And vengede him of is enemis, And to the caftel thai wente i-fame, With gret folas, gle and game. 126 SIR BEUES OF HAMTOUN. And that his ftifader wer ded, Afe tit he let felle a led Ful of bich and of bremfton, And hot led let falle theron : Whan hit al ther fwither feth, 3280 Themperur thar in a deth, Thar a-lay atenende : Wende his faule whider it wende. His moder ouer the caftel lai ; Hire lord fethen in the pich fhe fai ; So fwithe wo hire was for fore, She fel and brak hire nekke ther fore. Alfe glad he was of hire, Of his damme afe of is ftipfire, And feide, damme, foryeue me this gilt, 3290 I ne yaf the nother dent ne pilt. Thanne al the lordes of Hamtefchire Made Beues lord and fire, And dede him feute and omage, Afe hit was lawe and right vfage. Tho was Beues glad and blithe, And thankede God ful mani a fithe, That he was wreke wel inough Of him that his fader flough. Wel hafteliche fhe let fende 3300 To Coloine after the bifchop hende, SIR BEUES OF HAMTOUN. 127 And fpufede Beues and Jofiane. Of no ioie nas ther wane ; Though Ich difcriue nought the bredale, Ye mai wel wite hit was riale ; That ther was in alle wife Mete and drinke, and riche feruife. Now hath Beues al is ftat ; Tweie children on him he beyat In the formefte yere, 3310 Whiles that hii were i-fere. And Saber him redde thar Wende to the king Edgar, Tho withinne a lite ftounde The king a-fond at Lounde. Beues aknes doun him fet, The king hendeliche a-gret ; The king afkede him what he were, And what nedes a-wolde there? Thanne anfwerde Beuoun, 3320 Ichatte Beues of Hamtoun ; Me fader was ther therl Gii, Themperur for is leuedi Out of Almaine com and him flough, Ichaue wreke him wel inough; Ich bidde before your barnage That ye me graunte min eritage. 128 SIR BEUES OF HAMTOUN. Bletheliche, a-feide, fone min, Ich graunte the be fein Martin! His marchal he gan beholde, 3330 Fet me, a-feide, me yerde of golde ; Gii is fader was me marchal, Alfo Beues is fone fchal. His yerd he gan him ther take, So thai atonede with oute fake. In fomer aboute Whitfontide, Whan knightes meft an horfe ride, A gret kours thar was do grede, For to faien here al ther ftede Whiche were fwift and ftrong. 3340 The kours was feue mile long ; Who that come ferft theder han fcholde A thofand pound of rede golde. Thar with was Beues paied wel, Meche a-trefte to Arondel. Amorwe whan it was dai cler Arifeth bothe knight and fquier, And lete fadlen here fole. Twei knightes hadde the kours i-ftole, That hii were to mile before, 3350 Er eni man hit wifte y-bore. Whan Beues wifte this, fot hot Arondel with is fpures a-fmot, SIR BEUES OF HAMTOUN. 129 And is bridel fafte a-fchok, Amide the kours he hem of tok. Arondel, queth Beues, tho, For me loue go bet, go, And I fchel do faire and wel, For the loue reren a caftel. Whan Arondel herde what he fpak, 3360 Before the twei knightes he rak That he com rather to the trefore, Than hii be half and more. Beues of his palfrai alighte, And tok the trefore anon righte; With that and with mor gatel He made the caftel of Arondel. Meche men praifede is ftede tho, For he hadde fo wel i-go. The prince bad a-fcholde it him yeue : 3370 Nay, queth Beues, fo mot Y leue, Though thow woft me take an honde Al the hors of Ingelonde. Siththe that he him yeue nele, A-thoughte that he it wolde flele. Hit is lawe of kinges alle At mete were croune in halle, And thanne eueriche marchal His yerde an honde bere fchal. 130 SIR BEUES OF HAMTOUN. While Beues was in that ofice, 3380 The kinges fone that was fo nice, What helpeth for to make fable, A-yede to Beues i-flable, And yede Arondel to nighe, And alfo a wolde him vntighe ; And tho Arondel, fot hot, With his hint fot he him fmot, And to dafchte al is brain. Thus was the kinges fone flain. Men made del and gret weping 3390 For forwe of that ilche thing. The king fwor for that wronge That Beues fcholde ben an honge, And to drawe with wilde fole. The barnage it nolde nought thole, And feide, hii mighte do him no wors Boute lete hongen is hors, Hii mighte don him na more, For he feuede tho the king before. Nai, queth Beues, for no catele 3400 Nel Ich lefe min hors Arondele ; Ac min hors for to were Ingelonde Ich wile forfwere ; Min eir Ich wile make her This gode knight min em Saber. SIR BEUES OF HAMTOUN. 131 In that maner hii wer at one, And Beues is to Hamtoun gone. A-tolde Jofian and Afcopard fore Altogedre, laffe and more. Beues lep on his rounci, 3410 And made is fwein Terri, That Saber is fone is; And whan Afcopard wifte this, Whiche wei hii holde take, Agen to Mombraunt he gan fchake To betraie Beues, afe ye mai fe, For he was fulle in pouerte ; For whan a man is in pouerte falle He hath fewe frendes with alle. To him feide king Ynore, 3420 Treitour, whar haftow be thus yore ? Sire, a-feide, haue fought the quene, And haue hadde for hire meche tene. Sire, a-feide, certeine for fothe Yet Ich kouthe bringe hire to the. Ich wile the yeue a kingdom right, Bring thow me that leuedi bright. Queth Afcopart, therto I graunt, Be Mahoun and be Tervagaunt! So that Ichaue fourti knightes, 3430 Stout in armes and flrong in fightes, 132 SIR BEUES OF HAMTOUN. For Beues is ful fterne and ftoute, Of him Ichaue fwithe gret doute ; He ouercom me ones in bataile, Me behoueth help him to afaile. King Ynor grauntede anon rightes, He let him chefe fourti knightes, And armede hem in yrene wede, And with Afcopard thai yede. Now lete we be this Afcopard, 3440 And fpeke of Beues that rit forthward In is wei til Ermonie, Thourgh Fraunce and thourgh Normondie. And Jofiane, Crift here be milde ! In a wode was beflonde of childe : Beues and Terri doun lighte, And with here fwerdes logge pighte ; Thai broughte Jofiane ther inne, For hii ne kouthe no beter ginne. Beues is feruife gan hire bede 3450 To helpe hire at that nede. For Godes loue ! fhe feide, nai, Leue fire thow go the wai, For forbede for is pite That no wimman is priuite To no man thourgh me be kouthe ; Goth and wendeth hennes nouthe SIR BEUES OF HAMTOUN. 133 Thow and the fwain Terry, And let me won the and oure leuedy. Forth thai wente bothe i-fere, 3460 For hii ne might hire paines here. Alias ! that ilche cherre, Hii wente fro hire alto ferre. Alfe hii were out of the weie She hadde knaue children tweie. Alfo fhe diliuered was, Thar com Afcopard goande apas, And fourti farafins, the Frenfch feth, Al i-armede to the teth. For al hire forwe and hire wo, 3470 Thai made hire with hem te go, And gret fcorning of hire thai maked, And bete hire with fwerdes naked. Wo was the leuedi in that ftounde That was fo beten and i-bounde, And in here wei afe thai gonne wende She feide, Afcopard freli frende, For bounte Ich dede the while, And fauede the fro perile, Tho Beues the wolde han flawe, 3480 And i-brought of the lif dawe, Ich was the bourgh the fchoft be trewe, Thar fore I praie on me the rewe, And geue me fpace a light wight For wende out of this folkes fight 134 SIR BEUES OF HAMTOUN. Te do me nedes in priuite, For kende hit is wimman to be Schamfafte and ful of corteifie, And hate dedes of fileinie. Afcopard anfwerde here tho, 3490 Whider thow wilt, dame, thow fchelt go, So Ichaue of the a fight. Thanne Jofian anon right, Out of the way fhe gan terne Afe fhe wolde do hire dedes derne. While fhe was in Ermonie, Bothe fyfik and firgirie She hadde lerned of meifters grete, Of Boloyne the gras and of Tulete, That fhe knew erbes mani and fale 3500 To make bothe boute and bale. On fhe tok vp of the grounde, That was an erbe of meche mounde To make a man in femblaunt there A foule mefel alfe yif a were ; Whan fhe hadde ete that erbe, anon To the farafines fhe gan gon, And wente hem forth withoute targing Toward Ynore the riche king. . Thai nadde ride in here way 3510 Boute fif mile of that contray, SIR BEUES OF HAMTOUN. 135 She was in femblaunt and in ble A foule mefel on to fe. Tho fhe was brought to king Ynore, To Afcopard a-feide thore, Who is this wimman thow haft me brought ? What ! a-feide, knoweft hire nought ? She is Jofiane the quene ; Ichaue had for hire meche tene. Thanne feide Ynor, I praie Mahoun 3520 Tharfore yeue the is malifoun ! Swiche a leudi me to bringe So foule of fight in alle thinge. Led hire awai, God yeue yow fchame ! The and hire bothe i-fame. A caftel hadde king Ynor Fro his paleife fif mile and mor, Theder Ynor bad hire lede, And finde hire that hire wer nede. Tho Afcopard, withouten dwelling, 3530 In to that caftel gan hire bring In wilderneffe vpon a plaine, And half a yer a-was hire wardaine. v Now lete we be of this leuedi, And fpeke of Beues and of Terri. Beues agen is wei benam, Into the logge that he becam 136 SIR BEUES OF HAMTOUN. Fond he ther nother yong ne eider, Boute twei hethene knaue childer ; Swithe faire children with alle 3540 Alfe hii were fro the moder falle ; " v Beues fel thar doun and fwough : Terri wep and him vp drough, And kourfede biter that while Afcopard is trefoun and is gile. The kottede here forers of ermin, The yonge children wende ther in ; Thar nolde hii no longe abide, Thei lope to horfe and gonne ride ; In the wode a forfter thai mette, 3550 And fwithe faire thai him grette ; God the bleffe, fire ! Beues fede, Sighe the eni leuedi her forth lede Owhar be this ilche way ? Sire, for Gode ! a-feide, nay. What dones man, ertow bacheler ? Sire, a-feide, a forfter. Forfter, fo Crift the be milde ! Wiltow lete criften this hethen childe ? Right lo now hit was i-bore, 3560 And yong hit hath is moder forlore ; Wilt thow kep it for of min a-fede, And Ifchel quite wel the mede ? The forfter him grauntede ther, To kepe hit al the feuer yer. SIR BEUES OF HAMTOUN. 137 Sire, what fchel it hote yet ? Gii, a-fede, afe me fader het ; Right fone fo he is of elde, Tech him bere fpere and fchelde. That child the forfter he betok, ' 3570 And forth in is wei a-fchok. Another man a-mette there, That feide a-was a fifchere, Ten mark Beues him betok, And that other child to lok, And he him felf at the cherche flile He let neuene the child Mile. Thar nolden lengere abide, Thai lope to hors and gonne ride Ouer dale and ouer doun, 3580 Til thai come to a gret toun, And at a faire in thai lighte, And riche foper thai gonne hem dighte. Beues at a wendowe lokede out, And fegh the flrete ful aboute Of fledes wrien and armes bright, A wonder him thoughte what it be might : At here ofteffe he afkede there What al the ftoute fledes were ? Sire, a-feide, veraiment, 3590 Thai ben come for a tornement, That is cride for a maide faire, A kinges doughter and is air. s 138 SIR BEUES OF HAMTOUN. Who that thar be befte knight, And flireth him floutliche in that fight, He fchel haue that maide fre, And Aumbeforce the faire contre. Thanne feide Beues vnto Terry, Wile we tornaie for that leuedy ? Ye fire, a-fede, be fein Thomas of Ynde ! 3600 Whan wer wened he by hinde, We fcholle lete for non nede That we ne fcholle manliche forth vs bede. Amorwe the lauerkes fonge, Whan that the light day was fpronge, Beues and Terry gonne arife, And greithede hem in faire queintife; Here armes were riale of fight, With thre eglen of afur bright, The chaumpe of gold ful faire tolede, 3610 Portraid al with rofen rede. And Terri, Saberes fone of wight, In riche armes alfo was dight. Afe thai com ride thourgh the toun, Erles, barouns of renoun, Hadde wonder of here armes flie, In that londe neuer fwich thai fie. The trompes gonne here Beues blowe, The knightes riden out in a rowe, SIR BEUES OF HAMTOUN. 139 And tho the tornement began. 3620 Thar was famned mani a man The tornement to beholde, To fe the knightes flout and bolde. Thai lede on afe hii were wode, With fwerdes and with maces gode ; Thar nolde no man other knowe, Thar men mighte fe in lite throwe Knightes out of fadel i-boren, Stedes wonne and fledes loren. The kinges fone of Afie 3630 Thoughte wenne the meiftrie, Out of the renge he com ride, And Beues nolde no leng abide, He rod to him with gret randoum, And with Morgelai is fauchoun The prince a-felde in the feld; He was boren hom vpon is fcheld. And alfo Beues adoun bar A noble duk that was thar, In Aumbeforce cleped a-wes 3640 Balam of Nuby, withouten les, Taile ouer top he made him ftoupe, And feide him ouer is horfes croupe. And feuen erles he gan doun thrawe, Sum i-wonded and fum y-flawe. Saber is fone, that highte Terry, Kedde that he was knight hardy, 140 SIR BEUES OF HAMTOUN. He leide on alfe he wolde awede, And wan his lord mani gode ftede. Alle tho that hii mighte hitte, 3650 No man mighte here ftrokes fitte. So Beues demeinede him that dai, The maide hit in the tour fay, Hire hertte gan to him acorde, That fhe wolde haue him to lorde, Other with loue, other with ftrif. And euer, a-feide, he hath a wif, And feide, fhe was flolen him fro. Thanne faide the maide, now it is fo, Thow fchelt al this feuen yere 3660 Be me lord in clene manere, And yif the wif cometh the agen, Terry the fwein me lord fchel ben. Beues feide, fo Ifchel, In that forward I graunte wel. Saber at Hamtoun lai in is bed ; Him thoughte Beues a wonde hed ; Away he was him thoughte that while, Toward fein Jemes and fein Gile. Whan he awok he was afraid, 3670 To his wif is fweuene a-faid. Sire, fhe feide, thow haueft wrong That thow dwelleft her fo long; SIR BEUES OF HAMTOUN. 141 Alfe Ichanj wimman i-bore, Wif or child he hath forlore, Thourgh Afcopard he hath that gile. Twelf knightes Saber let atile In palmer is wedes euerichon, And armede hem right wel anon ; Here bordones were i-maked wel 3680 With longe pikes of wel gode ftel, And whan thai were fo i-dight To fchipe thai wente anon right, And pafede ouer the Grikifche fe ; Gode winde and weder hadden he. Whan thai come to the londe, Fafte thai gonne fraine and fonde In what londe were the quene, And men tolde hem albedene How the geaunt Afcopard 3690 In a caftel hire hadde to ward, In wilderneffe al be felue. Tho Saber and is feren twelue, Thourgh help of God that ilche ftounde, Sone thai han the caftel founde. The caftel afe fhe yede aboute For to diuife the toures ftoute, Jofian lay in a tour an high, Saber and felawes fhe figh, And to him fhe gan to crie, 3700 Help, Saber, for loue of Marie ! 142 SIR BEUES OF HAMTOUN. Tho Afcopard herde that fteuene How ihe gan Saber to neuene, He wente him out with hertte wroth, And be Mahoun a-fwor is oth To dethe a-fcholde Saber dighte. His fclauin ech palmer of twighte, Tho fchon here armur wel clere ; Tho Saber and his felawes i-fere Aboute Afcopard thai thringe, 3710 And harde on him thai gonne dinge, And hew him alle to pices fmale, And broughte Jofian out of bale ; And hafteliche tho, veraiment, Jofian with an oiniment, Hire coulur that was lothli of fight She made bothe cler and bright. Tho Saber that was wis of dede, Jofian hire dighte in palmers wede, And forth thai wente hafteli 3720 To feche Beues and fire Terri ; Seue yer togedres thai him fought, Er than hii him finde noughte. In grete Grefe, fo faith the bok, Saber gret fikeneffe tok, That other half yer in none wife Ne mighte he out of is bed arife, SIR BEUES OF HAMTOUN. 143 And trefor he nadde na more Than half a mark of olde ftore. While Jofian was in Ermonie, 3730 She hadde lerned of minftralcie Vpon a fithele for to play Staumpes notes garibles gay; Tho fhe kouthe no beter red Boute in to the bourgh anon fhe yed, And boughte a fithele, fo faith the tale, For fourti panes of one menftrale ; And alle the while that Saber lay, Jofian euerich a day Yede aboute the cite withinne, 3740 Here foflenaunfe for to winne ; Thus Jofian was in fwiche deftreffe While Saber lai in is fikneffe. At that other half yer is ende, Swiche grace God bim gan fende, And heled him of his maladie, And forth thai wente haftelie Beues and Terry for to feche, Wheder that God hem wolde teche. So thourgh a toun thai com thringe 3750 Thar Beues was in alfo a kinge ; A-broughte Jofian at here inne, And wente te toun here mete to winne. Whan he com to the caftel gate, Terry is fone a-mette ther ate, 144 SIR BEUES OF HAMTOUN. That was ftiward of al that londe ; And Saber gan to vnderftonde That hit was is fone Terry, And bad him for loue of our leuedy, And for loue of the gode rode, 3760 Yeue him fum what of hire gode. Terry beheld Saber ful bliue, And feide, palmer, fo mot Y priue, Thow fchelt haue mete' riche, For loue of me fader thert iliche. So feide the moder, fone, that i-was :. And Terry him in is armes las, And gonne cleppen and to kiffe, And made meche ioie and bliffe. Saber Jofian wel faire gan dighte, 3770 And broughte hire to the caftel righte, And tok hire fire Beues to honde, Ne cam him neuer leuer fonde. Louerd Crift ! queth Jofian tho,. Swithe wel is me bego That Ichaue me lord i-fonde ; Hadde Ich me children hoi and fonde ! That hii were ded wel fhe wende. Beues after hem let fende ; Than com the fifcher and the forfter, 3780 And broughte the children of fair cher ; Thanne weddede Terry Of that londe the riche leuedy, SIR BEUES OF HAMTOUN. 145 And after mete thar it was The children pleide at the taluas, And to the iuftes thai gonne ride : Thar was ioie be eueri fide. Thanne fire Beues and fire Terry Wente hem in til Ermonie, And Jofian and fire Sabere, 3790 And Miles and Gii bothe ifere. With that was come king Ynore To yeue bataile Ermyn the hore ; I-pight he hadde is pauiloun To befege him in that toun ; With that com Beues in that tide With gret folk be that other fide. Tho was Ermyn afered fore For trefoun he hadde don him before ; Agen Beues anon a-yede 3800 And merci cride of his mif-dede, And fire Beues tho, veraiment, Forgaf him alle is mauntalent, And feide a-wolde anon righte Agen Ynor take the fighte. Out of the cite Beues rod, And al is oft withouten abod, And flough doun rightes mani and fale, Sixti thofand told in tale. T 146 SIR BEUES OF HAMTOUN. And Beues threw Ynor adoun, 3810 And fente him Ermin to prifoun. He gan him take be the honde, The king Ermin gan vnderftonde That he ne fchel nought fcape awai, Withoute gret ranfoun for to pai. Tho fwor Ynor to king Ermin, Be Mahoun and be Apolyn ! That gret raunfoun paie he wolde Sixti pound of rede golde, Foure hondred beddes of felke echon, 3820 Quiltes of gold thar vpon, Foure hondred copes of gold fyn, And afe fele of maflin. Ye, feide Beues, a-fend it me, And wend hem to the contre. A mafager a-fente with main To Tabefor his chaumberlain, And he him fente that raunfoun ; Thus com Ynor out of prifoun. Now let we be of king Ynore, 3830 And fpeke we of Ermin the hore That in is bedde like lay ; So hit befel vpon a day, Er he out of this world went, After Beues children a-fent. SIR BEUES OF HAMTOUN. 147 He clepede to him fire Gii, And with is croune gan him crouny, And gaf him alle is kenedom ; Sone thar after hit becom, That a-daide at the ende ; 3840 To heuene mote his faule wende ! Thanne fire Beues and fire Gii, / > Al the londe of Ermony /,,-¦'' Hii made Criften with dent of fwerd, Yong and elde, lewed and lered. So hit befel vpon an eue Saber of Beues tok leue, Hom te wende to his contre, His wif his children for to fe. Ne ftente neuer fire Saber 3850 Til that he in Inglelonde were : Wel fore aneighed fchel Beues be Er than he Beues eft i-fe. The king Ynor hadde a thef, God him yeue euel pref For that he kouthe fo wel ftele ! He ftel Beues Arondele With his charmes that he kouthe, And broughte hit Mombraunt be fouthe, And prefentede the king Ynore. 3860 The king be Mahoun hath fwore That Beues fcholde abegged fore The raunfoun that he hadde before. 148 SIR BEUES OF HAMTOUN. Now fire Beues let we gan, And to fire Saber wile we tan. Saber at Hamtoun in bedde lay, Him thoughte that he Beues fay In bataile wo begon, And al to hewe flefch and bon. Tho he abraide out of is fweuene, 3870 To his wif a-tolde hit ful euene Altogedres how him met. O fire, fhe feide, withouten let, Be the fweuene ful wel I wat That Beues is in femple flat ; He hath for loren Arondel, And that I wet finliche wel. Saber was wo for that fake : Eft fcrippe and bordoun he gan take, And tok leue of his wif, 3880 And to Beues a-wente belif. Beues was glad that he was come, And tolde his hors was him benome, A roboun hit ftal ful yore And hath yeue hit to king Ynore. That Saber feide, a-thenketh me Boute yif Ich mighte winne it age. Agen to Mombraunt wente Saber, Thar men watrede the deftrer ; SIR BEUES OF HAMTOUN. 149 Hit haueth breftes thikke and proute. 3890 Which is the kroupe ? terne aboute. Aboute he ternede the deiftrer. Vp behinde lep Saber, And fmot the farafin ded adoun With the pik of his bordoun. To the king Ynor he gan grede, Lo ! Arondel Ich awei lede, Ye him ftele with envie, And Ich him feche before your eie. The king Ynor was fwithe wo, 3900 And after Saber thai gonne go ; Thre thofend hath Saber befet : Jofian ftond in a toret, Al this folk fhe fegh ful wel, And Saber com ride on Arondel : Out of the tour fhe wente adoun, And feide, Beues of Hamtoun, Her cometh Saber vpon the ftede, Ihefu Crift him yade him is mede ! Ac he is befet al aboute 3910 With wonderliche grete route ; Almoft he is point to fpille. Has armes ! Beues cride fchille. Ferft fmot out the yonge king Gii, And Miles with gret cheualry; Thai com to Saber at that flour, And broughte Saber gode fokour, 150 SIR BEUES OF HAMTOUN. And leide on with alle here might, And flowe farafines adoun right. Of al that fewede him fo yerne 3920 To Mombraunt gonne neuer on terne ; That thai ner ded vpon the grene Eueri moder fone I wene : And thus Saber in this wife Wan Arondel with is queintife. Now mowe ye here forthormore Ful ftrong bataile of king Ynore. Ac er than we beginne fighte, Ful vs the koipe anon righte ! The king Ynore him ros amorwe, 3930 In his hertte was meche forwe. He let of fende and highing Thretti amirales and ten king. Thai armede hem in yrene wede, To Ermonie he gan hem lede ; Hii pighte pauilouns and bente ginne For to befege hem ther inne, And Ynore clepede at that cas Morable and fire Judas. Redeth me, a-feide, aright, 3940 Yif Ich mai vnderftonde this fight Agen Beues of Hamtoun, That is fo flout a baroun ; SIR BEUES OF HAMTOUN. 151 We redeth meintene your parti. He lep to hors and gan to crie, Sire Beues of Hamtoun, a-fede, That haueft thar inne gret ferede, And Ich her oute mani flout knight Ichaue brought with me to fight, And yif we bataile fchel abide, 3950 Gret flaughter worth in either fide. Wiltow graunte be then helue That Ich and thow mote fighte of feleue ? Yif thow fleft me in bataile, Al min onour withouten faile Ich the graunte thourgh and thourgh, Bothe in cite and in bourgh. Here glouen thai gonne vp holde In that forward that Ynor tolde, And armede hem in armes brighte, 3960 And lopen to horfe anon righte, In an yle vnder" that cite, Thar that fcholde the bataile be. Ouer that water thai gonne ride, To hire Godes thai bede in either fide. Beues bad help to Marie fone, And king Ynor to fein Mahoune. Afe Beues bad helpe to Marie, To Teruagaunt Ynor gan crie, That he fcholde help in that fight, 3970 Alfo he was king of meche might. 152 SIR BEUES OF HAMTOUN. With that hii ride togedres bothe, Afe men that were in hertte wrothe. So hard thai gonne togedres mete, And with here launces gonne grete, That thourgh the fcheldes the fperes yode, At the breinies the dent with ftode. So harde thai threfle to gedre tho That here gerthes borfte ato, And felle to grounde bothe tho, 398O A fote nedes thai mofte go. Out of here fadles thai gonne fpringe^ And with fauchouns togedere flinge ; Aither on other ftrokes fet, Of helm and fcheld and bacinet The fure braft out fo brond i-brent, So fel and eger was either dent. Thus togederes thai gonne dinge Fram prime to vnderne gan to ringe ; Alle that fighen hem with fight, 3990 Seide neuer in none fight So ftronge bataile fighe er than, Of farafin ne of Criftene man. At high midday the king Inore To Beues he fmot a dent ful fore, That fercle of gold and is creftel Fer into the mede fel ; SIR BEUES OF HAMTOUN. 153 Doun of the helm the fwerd gan glace, And karf right doun before is face, Doun right the vifer with is fwerd, 4000 And half the her vpon is berd ; Ac thourgh the help of Godes grace His flefch nothing atamed nas. Tho cride the farafins al at ones, This Beues with his grete bones Ful fone worth i-maked tame. Tho wex Beues in gret grame, And thoughte wel with Morgelay Yelden his ftrok yf that he may. To king Ynor he gan a-reche, 4010 Anon withoute more fpeche, Vpon the fcholder in that tide That half a fot hit gan in glide. For fmertte Ynor in that ftounde Fel aknes vnto the grounde, Ac vp he flerte in hafte than, And in wraththe to Beues ran, And thoughte han Beues aqueld ; And Beues keppte him with is fcheld, And Ynore with the ftrok of yre 4020 Made fle into the riuere, A large quarter of his fcheld, That neuer nas atamed in feld. Or Ynor mighte his hond with drawe, Beues the knight of Criftene lawe 154 SIR BEUES OF HAMTOUN. With Morgelay a-ftnot him tho, That his fcheld he clef ato, And his left hond be the wreft Hit flegh awei thourgh help of Crift. Whan Ynor hadde his hond lore, 4030 He faught afe he wer wod ther fore, And hew to Beues in that tide, No ftrok ne mofte other abide. Tho Beues fegh is ftrokes large, He kepte his ftrokes with is targe ; Tho Beues to Ynor gan flinge, And thourgh the might of heuene king, His right arm and is fcholder bon He made fle to gronde anon. With that ftrok Ynor the Mombraunt 4040 Cride, merci, Teruagaunt ! Mahoun, Gouin and Gibiter, Refeue now me faule her, ~ For wel Ich wot Icham dede ! Tho Beues herde him fo grede, He feide, Ynor let be that cri, And clepe to God and to Mari, And let the Criften er the deie, Or thow fchelt go the worffe weie, And withouten ende dwelle 4050 In the flronge peine of helle. Nay, queth Ynor, fo mot Y then, Criftene wile Ich neuer ben, SIR BEUES OF HAMTOUN. 155 For min is wel the beter lawe. Tho Beues herde that ilche fawe, A-felde him doun withouten faile, And vnlacede his ventaile, And tok him be the heued anon, \ And ftrok hit fro the fcholder bon ; And on his fpere he hit pighte. 4060 And tho the criften fighe that fighte, Thai thankede God in alle wife That Beues hadde wonne the prife. Thanne al the farafins laffe and more, That was y-come with king Ynore, Thai fighe her lordes heued arered, Sore thai weren alle afered ; Toward Mombraunt thei wolde fain, Ac Saber made hem terne again, And fire Beues and fire Terry, 4070 And fire Miles and fire Gii, Slough hem doun rightes thore, That ther ne fcapede laffe ne more. Tho crounede thai Beues king in that lond That king Ynore held in hond ; And Jofiane, bright and fchene, Now is fhe ther twies quene. On a dai thai wente ariuere, Thar com ride a mafagere, 156 SIR BEUES OF HAMTOUN. And euer he afkede fer and ner 4080 After the hende knight Saber. Anon Saber gan forthe fpringe, Mafager, a-fede, what tiding ? Sire, a-fede, the king Edgare The driueth to meche bifmare, Defereteth Rob aunt thin eyr; For God queth that is nought feir. And fire Saber in hafle tho Tok leue of Beues hom to go ; And fire Beues, corteis and hende, 4090 A-feide a-wolde with him wende, And fire Miles and fire Gii, And is owene fone Terry. Now wendeth Beues in te Ingelonde With is knighte fel to fonde ; And Terry with is knightes fale, Sexty thofend told in tale, Thai lende ouer the fe beliue, At Southhamtoun thai gonne vp riue. Heruebourgh Saber is wif, 4100 And Robaunt anon afe blif, Agen Saber come tho. Queth Saber, how this is i-go ? And thai him tolde at the frome, That Edgar hadde here londes benome. SIR BEUES OF HAMTOUN. 157 Thanne feide Beues fo mot Y the, Tharof Ich wile awreke be. Anon the knight, fire Beuoun, His oft he let at Hamtoun, And toward Londen a-wente fwithe ; 4110 His quene a-let at Potenhithe. He tok with him fex knightes, And wente forth anon rightes, And in is wei forth a-yode And pafede ouer Temfe flode ; To Weftmenfter whan he com than A-fond the king and mani man, And on is knes he him fet, The king wel hendeliche a-gret, And bad before his barnage 4120 That he him graunte is eritage. Bletheliche, a-feide, fone min, I graunte the be feinte Martin ! And alle the barouns that ther were On Beues made glade chere, Boute the ftiward of the halle, He was the worfle frend of alle. The king wolde haue yeue him grith, The ftiward feide, nay ther with, And feide, this for banniifte man 4130 Is come the land agan, 158 SIR BEUES OF HAMTOUN. And hath thin owene fone flawe ; He hath y-don agenes the lawe, And yif a-mot forth er gon, A-wile vs flen euerichon. Beues that herde a-was wroth, And lep to hors withouten oth ; And rod to Londen that cite, With fex knightes in meine. Whan that he to London cam 4140 In Tour ftrete is in he nam, And to the mete he gan gon, And is knightes euerichon. Let we now Beues be, And of the ftiward telle we That hateth Beues al fo is fo. Sexty knightes he tok and mo, In to Londene fone he cam, And into Chepe the wei he nam, And dede make ther a cri 4150 Among the peple hafteli, And feide, lordinges, veraiment, Hureth the kinges comaundement; Sertes hit is befalle fo, In your cite he hath a fo, Beues, that fleugh the kinges fone, That trefoun ye oughte to mone ; SIR BEUES OF HAMTOUN. 159 I comaunde, for the kinges fake, Swithe anon that he be take. Whan the peple herde that cri, 4160 Thai gonne hem arme hafteli, And hii that hadde armur non Thai toke flaues and gonne gon ; Thai fchette anon eueri gate With the barres thai founde ther ate ; And fum thai wente to the wal With bowes and with fpringal ; Eueri lane and eueri ftrete Was do drawe with chaines grete, That yif Beues wolde awei flen 4170 The chaines fcholde him agen ; Boute herof Beues wefle nought, Help him God that alle thing wrought ! Beues at the mete fat ; He beheld and vnder yat Al is fon that were ther oute ; He was afered of that route. He afkede at the tauarnere That armede folk what it were ? And he anfwerde him at that fake, 4180 Thai ben y-come the to take. Whan Beues herde him fpeke fo, To a chaumber he gan go 160 SIR BEUES OF HAMTOUN. That he hadde feghe armur inne ; In hafle the dore he gan vp winne, And armede ther anon rightes Bothe he and is fex knightes, And gerte him with a gode brond, And toke a fpere in is honde, Aboute his nekke a doble fcheld ; 4190 He was a knight ftout and belde. On Arondel a-lep that tide Tnto the ftrete he gan ride ; Thanne feide the ftiward to fire Bef, A-yilt the treitour thow foule thef ! Thow haueft the kinges fone i-flawe, Thow fchelt ben hanged and to drawe. Beues feide, be fein Jon ! Treitour was Y neuer non ; That Ifchel kethe haftely 4200 Er than Ich wende fikerly. A fpere Beues let to him glide, And fmot him vnder the right fide ; Thourgh is bodi wente the dent, Ded a-fel on the pauiment. A-fede anon after that dint, Treitour ! now is the lif i-tint ; Thus men fchel teche file glotouns That wile mifaie gode barouns. SIR BEUES OF HAMTOUN. 161 The folk com with grete route, 4210 Befette Beues al aboute ; Beues and is fex knightes Defendede hem with al her mightes ; So that in a lite ftounde / Fiue hondred thai broughte to gronde. Beues prikede forth to Chepe, The folk him folwede al to hepe, Thourgh Godes lane he wolde han flowe, Ac fone with in a lite throwe He was befet on bothe fide 4220 That fle ne might he nought that tide. Tho com ther fot men mani and fale, With grete clobes and with fmale, Aboute Beues thai gonne thringe, And hard on him thai gonne dinge. Al Beues knightes in that ftounde Thar he were feld to grounde, And al te hewe flefch and bon ; Tho was Beues wo begon, For he was on and hii wer ded, 4230 For forwe kouthe he no red, That lane was fo narw y-wrought, That he mighte defende him nought ; He, ne Arondel is ftede, Ne mighte him terne for non nede. To Ihefu he made his praiere, And to Marie is moder dere, x 162 SIR BEUES OF HAMTOUN. That he mofte pafe with is lif To fen is children and is wif. Out of the lane a-wold ten, 4240 The chynes held him fafte agen, With is fwerd he fmot the chayne That hit fel a peces twayne, And forth a-wente into Chepe ; The folk him folwede al to hepe, And all thai fetten vp a cry, A-yilt the Beues haftely ! A-yilt the Beues fone anon, And elles thow fchelt the lif forgon I Beues feide, Ich yelde me 4250 To God that fit in Trinite, To non other man I nel me yelde, While that Ich mai me wepne welde. Now beginneth the grete bataile Of fire Beues withouten faile, That he dede agenes that cite ; Ye that wile here herkneth to me. • This was aboute the vnder tide ; The cri aros be ech afide, Bothe of lane and of ftrete, 4260 Aboute him com peple grete, Al newe and frefch with him to fight ; Ac Beues ftered him afe gode knight, So that in a lite thrawe Fif thofend thar was i-flawe SIR BEUES OF HAMTOUN. 163 Of the ftrengefle that ther wore That him hadde yeue dentes fore : Ac euer his ftede Arondel Fafte faught with hertte lei, That fourty fote behinde and forn 4270 The folk he hath to grounde i-born. Thus that fight lefte longe Til the time of euefonge ; Tidinge to Potenhithe To Jofian alfo fwithe, That Beues in Londen was i-flawe, And i-brought of his lif dawe. Jofian thanne fel afwowe, Gii and Miles hire vp drowe, And confortede that leuedi bright 4280 Hendeliche with alle her might, And afkede hire what hire were ? And fhe tolde hem anon there, How Beues was in Londen flayn, And his knightes with gret pain ; Now kethe ye ben noble knightes, And wreketh your fader with your mightes. Sire Gii and Miles feide than To here moder Jofian, Dame, be him that herwede helle ! 4290 We fcholle his deth wel dere felle. Thanne fire Miles and fire Gii Gonne hem arme hafteli, 164 SIR BEUES OF HAMTOUN. And on here knes fet hem doun, And bad her moder benefoun. Sire Gii lep on a rabit That was meche and nothing lite, And tok a fpere in is hond, Out at the halle dore a-wond, Toward the cite of Londen toun ; 4300 And fire Miles with gret randoun Lep vpon a dromedary, To prike wolde he nought fpary. Whan thai come to Londen gate Mani ran thai fonde ther ate, Wel i-armed to the teth, So the Frenfche bok vs feth; Agen the childrer the yeue bataile, And hii agen withouten faile, And made of hem fo clene werk 4310 That thai neuer fpek with preft ne clerk ; And afterward, afe ye may hure, Londe gate thai fette a-fure. Whan thai come withouten faile, Tho began a gret bataile, Betwene Bowe and Londen fton, That time flod vs neuer on. Thar was a Lombard in the toun, That was fcherewed and feloun ; SIR BEUES OF HAMTOUN. 165 He armede him in yrene wede, 4320 And lep vpon a fterne ftede, And rod forth with gret randoun, And thoughte haue flawe fire Beuoun. With an vge mafnel Beues a-hite on the helm of ftel, That Beues of Hamtoun, veraiment, Was aftoned of the dent ; What for care and for howe He lenede to his fadel bowe. Thanne com priken is fone Gii 4330 To helpe his fader haftely, With a fwerd drawe in is hond, To that Lombard fone a-wond, And fmot him fo vpon the croun That man and hors he cleuede doun ; The poynt fel on the pauiment, The fur fprong out after the dent. Thanne com ride is brother Mile, Among the peple in that while, Al tho that a-mighte reche 4340 Ne dorfte he neuer afke leche, For to hele ther is wonde, That he ne lai ded vpon the grounde. And whan Beues fegh that fighte, In hertte he was glad and lighte, And thankede Jhefu our fauiour, That hadde fent him fo gode fokour, 166 SIR BEUES OF HAMTOUN. And egerliche withouten faile The grete peple he gan afaile. So meche folk was flawe and ded, 4350 That al Temfe was blod red ; The nombre was veraiment To and thretti thofent. And al fo fone fo hit was night, To the Ledene Halle thai wente right ; A-fette Jofian with faire meine To Londen to that riche cite, And helde a fefte fourtene night To al that euer come aplight. Tiding com to king Edgar 4360 That Beues hadde his men forfare : For is borgeis in is cite He made del and gret pite, And feide, Ichaue leued me lif Longe withouten werre and ftrif, And now Icham fo falle in elde That I ne may min armes welde ; Twei fones Beues hath with him brought, Tharfore hit is in me thought Miles his fone me doughter take, 4370 In this maner is pes to make. Thai grauntede al with gode entent, And king Edgar Beues of fent, SIR BEUES OF HAMTOUN. 167 And fire Saber and fire Gii, And fire Miles and fire Terry, And king Edgar Miles gan calle Before his barouns in the halle, And gaf him is doughter be the honde, And after is day al Ingelonde ; And pes and loue was maked thare, 4380 Betwene Beues and king Edgare. The maide and Miles wer fpufed fame In the toun of Notinghame. Ye witeth wel though I ne telle yow The fefte was riale inow, Afe fcholde be at fwiche a fpufing, And at the kinges couroning ; The fefte lefte fourtene night To al that euer come aplight, And at the fourtene night is ende, 4390 Beues tok leue hom to wende At king Edgar and at Sabere ; And Miles is fone a-lefte here, And kifte and gaf him is bleffing, And wente to Mombraunt ther he was king ; And his erldom in Hamtefchire A-gaf to his em Sabere ; And fchipede at Hamtoun haftely, And with him wente his fone Gii, And Terry with is barnage. 4400 The wind blew hardde with gret rage, 168 SIR BEUES OF HAMTOUN. And drof hem in to Ermonie ; Thar be lefte his fone Gii With his barouns gode and hende ; And Terry to Aumberthe gan wende, And Beues wente withoute dwelling Into Mombraunt thar he was king ; With him wente Jofian is quene, And leuede with oute treie and tene Twenti yer, fo faith the bok. 4410 Thanne fwiche fikneffe the leuedi tok,. Out of this world fhe mofte wende ; Gii, hire fone, fhe gan of fende, And Terry the riche king, For to ben at here parting. And whan thai were alle thare, To his liable Beues gan fare ; Arondel a-fond thar ded, That euer hadde be gode at nede, Thar fore him was fwithe wo ; 4420 In to chaumber he gan go, And fegh Jofian drawe to dede,. Him was wo a-mofte nede ; And er her body began to colde, In is armes he gan hire folde, And thar hii deide bothe i-fere. Here fone ne wolde in non manere That hii in erthe beried were. Of fein Lauarauns he let arere SIR BEUES OF HAMTOUN. 169 A faire chapel of marbel fin, 4430 That was i-kaft with queint engin ; Of gold he made an high cornere, And leide hem thar in bothe i-fere. An hous he made of religioun For to finge for fire Beuoun, And ek for Jofian the fre ; God on here faules haue pite ! And alfo for Arondel, Yif men for eni hors bidde fchel. Thus endeth Beues of Hamtoun. 4440 Godde yeue vs alle is benefoun ! EDINEURCH PRINTING COMPANY. 1385