FAC-SIMILES CHURCH DOCUMENTS: PAPERS ISSUED BY THE HISTORICAL CLUB AMERICAN CHURCH. 1874-79. PRIVATELY PRINTED. PREFACE, During the session of the General Convention in New York, October, 1874, a few clergymen and laymen associated together to form the Historical Club, for the purpose of putting in print, by photo- lithographic process, important documents connected with the early history of the American Church. Many such documents are in the archives of the General Convention ; others of great value belong to individuals. It was thought that an effort by which such papers might be multiplied, and, in their integrity, placed beyond the possibility of destruction, would commend itself to all interested in our early ecclesiastical annals. In the following pages are presented, in a collected form, the pa pers printed for the .Historical Club of the American Church, during the five years of its existence.* In this collection we see letters from English prelates, who, in colonial days, manifested a hearty sympathy with the Church here in its difficulties and trials ; we trace the successive steps by which the American Church was constituted a duly organized autonomous branch of the Church Catholic ; we read the Letters of Consecration of Seabury and White, and the like Letter given to Claggett, the first Bishop consecrated on American soil ; we find important testimony on several points of controversy. On the importance of many of these documents we need not dwell, nor does it require words to show how much more interesting and valuable they are in the exact fac-simile which photo-litho graphy affords than they could be in ordinary print. •Except that No. 13, the "Concordat." is also printed in a larger form, not suitable for bind ing. In this form it may be had separately. It is expected that, ere long, perhaps reorganized under a new name, and with some change of plans, the Club will begin again the issue, in fac-simile reprint, of important documents, which have been placed at its disposal. Whatever profits may accrue "from the present series of papers will be applied towards defraying the expense of future issues. The expression of views of persons interested would be very acceptable to the Council of Publication. Letters may be addressed to either member of this Council, The Rt. Rev. WM. STEVENS PERRY, D. D., LL. D., Bishop of Iowa, Davenport, Iowa. The Rev. CHARLES R. HALE, D. D., 239 Maryland Avenue, Baltimore, Md. LIST OF PAPERS ISSUED BY THE HISTORICAL CLUB AMERICAN CHURCH. 1874-79. # No. of Pages. (1) Heliotype of Lambeth Palace Chapel (Frontispiece.) (2) Title Page (and reverse) 2 (3) Preface „. 2 (4) List of Papers 4 (5) Introductory Remarks 2 (6) Extract of a Letter of Bishop Sherlock, Feb. 19, 1759, in the handwriting of Bishop White, (G. C.) 8x13 2 (7) Letter from Archbishop Seeker to the Rev. Wm. Smith, D. D., Oct. 12, 1760, (Maryland Archives) 7x8^ 4 (8) Letter from Archbishop Seeker to the Rev. Richard Pe ters, August 11, 1764, (G. C.) 7x9 1 (9) Letter from the Archbishop of York to the same, May 28, 1765, (G. C.) 7^x9^ 1 (10) Bishop Seabury's Letters of Orders, (W. J. S.) 6^x12... 2 (11) Bishop Seabury's Letter of Consecration, (W. J. S.) 14^x83^ ! (12) One of the earliest Letters of Orders given by Bishop Seabury, (The Rev. Andrew Oliver, D. D.) 6^x9 1 * Names and initials within parentheses indicate the present ownership of the original doc uments, (G. C.) designating the Archives of the General Convention; (W. S. P.) the Rt Rev. W. S. Perry, D. D., LL. D.; (W. J. S.) the Rev. W. J. Seabury, D. D. The figures follow ing such parentheses give, in inches, the size of the originals. (13) Concordat between the Scottish Bishops and Bishop Sea bury, (W. J. S.) 22x23 4 (14) Bishop Seabury's Testimonials, (W. J. S.) 7x12 1 (15) Letter from Bishop Home to Bishop Seabury, (W. J. S.) 7*9^ J (16) Letter irom Bishop Seabury to the Rev. Wm. Smith, D. D., (G. C.) yxny2 6 (17) Paper signed by Bishop Seabury and the Eastern Dele gates, (G. C.) 5^x7 1 (18) Various signatures of Bishop Seabury, (W. S. P.) 6^x9. 1 (19) Letter from Bishop Jolly, referring to Bishop Seabury's Consecration, at which he was present, (Md. Archives) 7x8^ 4 (20) A Declaration of Rights, signed by Maryland Clergy, August 13, 1783, (Md. Archives) 7x12 3 (21) Letter of the Rev. Dr. (afterwards Bishop) Claggett to Bishop White, (G. C.) 7x8^ 1 (22) Minutes of the Meeting of Clergy in Philadelphia, March 29 — April 6th, 1784, (G. C.) 7x8^ 12 (23) Letter from the Rev. Dr. (afterwards Bishop) Parker, (G. C.) 7x8^ 2 (24) Letter from the Rev. J. Graves, Moderator of the Con vention of Massachusetts and Rhode Island, (G. C.) 7x8^ 4 (25) Extract from the Minutes of the Convention of Massa chusetts and Rhode Island, Sept. 8, 1784, (G. C.) 7x8^ 2 (26) Minutes of the meeting in New Brunswick, May, 1784, in the handwriting of the Rev. Benjamin (afterwards Bishop) Moore, of New York, who presided, (G. C.) 7^x12 1 (27) Proceedings of a General Convention in New York, Oct. 1784, from a rare "Broadside," (G. C.) 6x11 y2 1 (28) '' Proceedings of a General Convention held in New York, Oct. 6, 1784, in the handwriting of Dr. Smith, who presided," (G. C.) 7x12^ z 1 (29) "A General Ecclesiastical Constitution," (G. C.) 7x123^ 4 (30) Alterations to " render the Liturgy conformable to the principles of the American Revolution," (G. C.) 7x12^ 2 (31) Service for the Fourth of July, (the Epistle and Gospel, wanting in the MS., supplied in the handwriting of the Rt. Rev. B. B. Smith, D. D., LL. D., Presiding Bishop), (G. C.) 7X™2SA 4 (32) Proposed alterations in the Book of Common Prayer, (G. C.) 7^6x12 8 (33) Articles of Religion, (as proposed), (G. C.) 7x12^ 8 (34) " Plan for obtaining Consecration," signed by the mem bers of the General Convention of 1785, (G. C.) Jj4xi2)4 2 (35) Letter of the English Bishops, in answer to the address of the General Convention of 1785, (G. C.) 6^x12 ^ 2 (36) Letter of the Rev. Dr. (afterwards Bishop) Provoost, (G. C.) 634x8% 3 (37) Letter of Richard Henry Lee, (G. C.) 7^x7 1 (38) Letter from the English Archbishops to the Committee of the General Convention, (G. C.) 7^x12.^2 4 (39) Black Letter Act of Parliament authorising the Conse cration of Bishops for America, (G. C.) 5^x9 4 (40) Letter from the Archbishop of Canterbury enclosing the above, (G. C.) 7^x8^ * (41) Memoranda relative to the Consecration of Bishops White and Provoost, (G. C.) "jy^xioy^ 1 (42) Bishop White's Letter of Consecration. (The Rev. Wm. White Montgomery) 20x24 4 (43) Letter from Bishop Tozer describing Lambeth Palace Chapel, 5^x8 2 (44) Letter from Bishop Seabury to Bishop White, (G. C.) 7x11^ 2 (45) Letter from the Rev. Dr. Griffiths, D. D., Bishop Elect of Virginia, to Bishop White, (G. C.) 7x8^ 2 (46) Letter of Bishop Inglis (of Nova Scotia) to Bishop White, (G. C.) 7x11^8 2 (47) Bishop Claggett's Letter of Consecration, (Md. Archives) 20XII. 2 (48) Circular Letter of the Rev. John Wesley to the Rev. Dr Coke and others, (G. C.) S2AX1}& z (49) Letter of the Rev. Charles Wesley to the Rev. T. B. Chandler, D. D., (W. J. S.) 7x12 (50) Reasons against a Separation from the Church of Eng land. By the Rev. John Wesley. Reprinted from a copy given by the Rev. Charles Wesley to Bishop White, with memoranda by Bishop White, (G. C.) 3x6. 12 (5 1 ) Letter from the Rev. John Wesley to the Rev. Dr. (after wards Bishop) White, (G. C.) 6x7 2 (52) Letter of Bishop White in regard to the Letters of the Rev. Dr. Coke, (Md. Archives) 8x13 3 (53) Memoranda of Bishop White referring to the same, (Md. Archives) 8x13 1 (54) Letter of the Rev. Dr. Coke to Bishop White, (G. C.) 7x11^0 6 (55) Letter of the Rev. Dr. Coke to Bishop Seabury, (W. J. S.) 7x11^ 6 (56) An account of the Consecration by one Bishop, a Bishop in parlibus, of the first Romish Bishop in the United States. From a contemporaneous Romish Pamphlet, (W. S. P.) 3x6^ 24 Total number of pages 188 A**- Co /ieAuAAes'A. r *ix. jya.c ¦ 4*»*i*A*. , -Ay z&. fair. /CO - AtAticO ¦* OJ&Aot c- VlAu>ceU4 , AX*r?cLo*.i!(- //Set j/u^Coc^-AA/ t*/ aiu&Ctt^c&T*. ,40161 Q)~i~<*~*t .^4£A/ Ai 2&^ejt- yttriUi at*. (^cjiPU^^i W At*- A**£>nc~jc 'Zlit.etLiJ f etfUc*aA& s&ti**^ AvAotA-*. n*f A 4*U- M4- /aaamATcL , ytUAcL ^iftJie At. c&c*.*4l*C CUu^f 'Oy yrffotL /&&o m.a*S ecUm.f^u*A*Uy 4c*Af&r~i<. ^fce. ' &*** e**~ ^?0vu<.ciA fl^J^nx A&i. A*«r£A , 4t*l £&. ^«^af- tfA A^o- d~L^..<.i.~/ jCtrtcUU /oaJevrt . ***, s&U*n- Aewc£J . *ltf --t tW3 taA IA.aiZu/1^. t £i~ stjLit^JL- CLs AoJiafL. au^m^*i. J/Aj**^- /UAaa. ovC f &jui tt ' All ^A/A"1- Ate* tPictitt^iir*. -*£- c^C** yj>~ JcU*. f XtuT (U>eu&/ 4h/ Sk cfiaAtJ At*~1 ^t*^Ayt^C Ahj. fh**k jtAdiA*- eA. A£Z yAAiA a.cc***Ar—*<>eJ -£&u ClA.cuX-*sr* (UaM. t£lu*fc*AU -dRi. JtCtorgy sAfnJ^t^Ai**^ Ai ttiu. fa cJr yu*. ^£x AptfAutA- ****!«. LTtyuA* <««« *£.»£. ,^«»Ue>raAc&*.. ejf- fty. ^rfeau&usr* r*>sU fAu**>,<*~> a£ a A&. eteUx , jAb- c*AJn-oAtC Juttu. acee6vuMj_ 4u Ar: AooAjl. te 7ty. /WLtAt , Au^L <0*ua, c£*c~^.i~G iMvufacAzi*.* tCU. JtcutA* t. */ *A£i£C*eU*->~*. covijuaA ajl /£az u CUrr*, &cS*4*. 2f&*" &* &&* -^&«atf:. <^- -,^S£ia», 'W *^X «A^S-^A^/^ -^ ^,aa^ *""*~? /Ktj>S. *r«&~^ Y '¦• ^i^,,^ ^,*&^> ^ _ ^tw*» A*&'Z&A&c-e^'t*7-''*^z &**~<^-& *£-«-» A^& A^> o-z~ A^A^b ic-o £^.><&- *s» r«-«- fj-'^TS eSL*, ^.'^ co^Aifua, ^TV Ze-ZJZ^ Ac> «»-«£ < (^o-o-rl/Ay JhwHi trvr tr\AcvU*i-c*~ l~e tnaA^foy ^ pflc- for ipru^ CU^cuM- ff^-Jwm §<"*- Un^ Jvky M> . thf^lUxwt^c, HiaA LA CUuuaKen, f fa a*** , Hivmy n-n/ft rt^sltAtyurA- <2^rUMtrL^^^chi)% ¦} ImA m*u./}v m*rr^eLUAtowf& h m. ¦ cu.U-aA-& w'h-oAw-mr' JjuM^f Arm-dMr- (Lfrm. h** £~mm aauL urhj/Jr- Osirr (XrAuMf k-L~ cAeSrp-f Hitnris UnAh Ajtwpmto tn-jUurfiAvn* . Tut Hum. i/unAs ^tcaMm dAf i/yc^UA-. hvyvt fat hfu^j Ceiuin^An« hAm, A, hAMs pUajL^aA^iru pyw-tii^i/ AKm. tU A urirfu tnoCAru^ e^ttA omumff). vuj , h^-eA u>^Leurt^ n-erf i^jt^hiALJufyAi&n,lKu- yyl- anjr-2>\/Cj!SUn-t^ 07V hLu fnucokAr 2>o-divnU Al (AvnjhjvnAkj , luir «H^arvtAUJury' unAh ^atU*M^ Oktwhivn frurlvvis itfiL/ L&Alu {umvcfLctL rf-t- tKx/HurcCuA^ Dc. fftfuvrr unAtj cl. $LevnAAA for rt^ryt^^^Ama ty, exAAxU&f& tfu<» umm-a U-4 IruA hku* UrUujtzffclv h-t^ irw tfi-t. tlAA , amuL'fo dc^-fA^ rriMYtyJ(m^>\arniL''d^ errrkjs-^ncy {h-c^uAtr?, umUfcr u*c^dunUL- o4i-cmx,r rv' &*- arAA- tmjt^ • VH^lMSMAT C&U-KjpC-- jX^AL^I^m^ Cffri^uM^A^b-tAtrnA^riA^a&tyvA **w-r CjewrvrArLorV) J^r lumXAyhjio-e^'lhe-on^ rruuok- afrtuA ofoiAzr av iArlA 0ffotlCls ¦' H^M^h^^-a^rU'^tmy' J&ru/otet/j tA*A~ u^ul. man av tULew^vHf- to-c kertAy'pru^xA/ip CanA-eAVK'U^Sj astvtta errhJUr~JeA df- facto'. firxL-.tr*^ HlaaAuL, tiMA- umL^ft0Art^-af (fotv-csrr^af, UrtU> k&Ah/ ip-UjlkA^ lAu^ truUt&y vn^-/r> fu^p-^ ¦ A^jfcA • fa"" Un^/ (-^^ixwAu b^. CuvytA^dsfvns-fraunr jfo/fvure^ fru^tAvriffj h^cUiur fv p^e^KMn^ t^ar Hu^ iHnplt^-afawj Je.- fkvnA fttf"^ uxwUAL hzuri^Aeru.. IrtMxWj of" pn^ keLA &j4-t-A Aos 0pvnum Jprew^ousUr , bsJuMusr friM- t/h^uAei. ItlAj^ hh^j JItJ) O^A-f un-fiij hkeAr ttiru^ ti*A o-dA^-x^^J^u^wr-iteAv<^hv \^/tn otUli, <**-*U-^iAr~t,S(K- Kasti , amA/p-cAA CuxAx/hf h} tn^-.- forUrfu^Ai fy~djLJvn^ UpnL-j fyo-trtA 2AJ'miAli ^ hi TrtAwrn. irni vjcm- /u&rty ^KamAs h> Mu- brh-A-t^ Aj^cmAAy a> Ykulir tu.xA~ftu_tAvrij< eun.A xjfwyc. fAtsyn. A- nut zarmjAi- Ali-jurc h tie Oj-cru aru^-4- Hu^n. m jhvrii^Ltm-/ LcCn UrAfi Hum, m. Jtnrwry twr Qmvm^n. Qu^C . h-o oruJtaAh, rrum^f kauri ^'£AUtMLfhm*^.0J(^h^.t^Om^^ if asujj Leu>^hx£vn- mjrr^ foum^i h> c*nA^nt^ Hur*<., an. ufay^ iA AifvnAt, of ifa fuU, *rU Us*fcMu«r *f -A. (ft^ fa 5k*<, fox A- .v turt tpA ceimu. . fyrzL LffhrfvKa Hu~*/ju/}y rf- cur. GktvAk h dlsvrt, Uj, amA~- hU. ^ L/J^nAtynr trf tdL^ftrrh h> tUAfUtJ-Us m- iA , i L&jrxm. lA . IO lAtumAHus, Qrvutvrht) for A Ufill &nJj*-- YtAarnL iA. J- asm, vxnu. fnaAh eiAupA. lo /itftwftvW tty M^totwi Korv for rku* OLu^oton/r ty fa. Je^wtxU- ItVw/i^n^r : dc jLenoLLlrt, t-xtrvrrLotf Ajl,cL h> fteurc, Huu-lLkx, OLct-vuvi/kf Ctm^um-iyrL^ £- Irvn*- enA^} Ma/A tv ivnjlvr tfa, Cevrc^efy' t^L- xftrL-ceAt . ZPLtyUstflUA euffrA' nu-' inyr*. rriMX/h vn rnjiAAn^ for nu* enun, iL+c* saz, odUAu, /UffCtut *f t^L" IsAmAc, fa uAuAk. j^anUA t-ej^Auiu en.*UL- (He*. - h.fff\i AaW- (k&ciwtyci . J-mu*rr zn^Luturowr h, m^aAc ju-Ah, a, on*. a_j £evr^ &4 J%uu^ <&Uua-C- ¦' for UA. tL^v. J-fadL-iuj? heuj~t~- A> XC^hruA a, tlcfam.j cL/ /" em-^Uj ^f mAsnp pasAuixAAsr?- CbmjttLfft off^r tfcrup*, /*U^ jjawt k^rAi /W- -revved $twrfa*r #W h-c, trut^nAcAn frlt^rhjriAs'n^f vn. jAmus- fo-tujUj Urkvrt^ rA*^ (jmaaJ' tLaA^erJ M*AhA UftM" truu-n-bum. frUsnu hmf for K^m^/ei^rC^. fS h^iLC^^w^ tsktzlturrtus,! hvforrnuJhjrri-/ TxlsAvny h> M*^ tllaJBfc or cvruj efav uAhAt v ™Yf*^ rt> -^^^'W ^«^W^^^' Om^r^*n &{fou>*rr . QuAf*** InAsftciulv Ley AJi* «L*C fo&Mll JeMJWhfa "3fa SJumx. for $ULefc in, crn^- (ptcruu*/ & m fitsJ&nAv Ah flu- JCwifrf husAskstf , Ocfa L&ist; prcmureA-h cctusiAiv lA inA Liv*. mA vui foom, A'cAArd-irrcudh hs $KAert,/ iperu. uruH frf&fiZAtfiMt'^ tAkpAC <* Aae^UC& A, ?2a0j-ij& 44ji_T£~~y+c*Ao Ij&fiiZiA. IS udutsuJ-l — -£-imyA6 t^^Tj^aA- ; AiAfi . HtjAteArTA 0t*A**e*AAnyie*l4,/ C^A1 e^iA^/uf^<»^iUja^/'J:t:' VtAjQ it'^ctefdCc^LoAAjj t^U t>Aurjb^ ' &^A&) £*&&,£% fflZ^ t^yA^pJlectA ^.fZ~./u**Us*p. ^Ay^A+stj&y-. iA fitAAAAL. iAfl, A f***Jk2L h>ixA\owi hfid98y>-c83frdfa ii\oMlxny\9-ox. uA\an\ §"- vm (^^CM ' -ge W7W1 W ~#- fr tf ftotfrofooJ&Wof <&w!»tH* 4 ir # f t*b*h&tMo- -VV* fl3M*wfi?u£lxA. ofo«lttoi*tdfefivv' u& f*£\_ ^Aru^-trC^i^., r ¦^ 'ViCnCV V' V^**MS-l£drM+ifova<. «&K»#op of 9^AMB~^eAlwii^ , i-.'.,IL^r—JsLif.sse-.:'!L /> *S s t &»^&Vfc>X&1^ OAofc &f©> CX*U> NjWuOtt^ ^_Z ^ r. &x&4wwAdan&evprpx0v^l(^ *a&4a^c#lv»&o-p. \Jn.3e*ftirnoiWiiA*Tj^todlh&ijQ f»w»J r^8(3«rppcA6 &?7fry A As&*v£&&} ¦A£*Au*T*&'**4L£Avtt&nr Asa^A/z^AAvitgAtAzA-*^- -fifay-A?dfc?*j Afo?>Ar'y*'t'*'7 rttt-tA- *f Au^aA**^ A-* 4A**?^~^A-Ar £*?* ; &s/yAt€>7'M*? AAsAA6s,awb Jtu.iltiAd li-^Ab ^it-.'/ltAAy. tifr/i&ar&j ff>Aw/*-*i* -AAe,i,^-Atx^yi At twriiAfcy ftt*AtAr-t2 &?&£. eAtAer-Afc/u. rfA^t/A&£-. A&£' ***_ Ai/Z y / s-AtAAjAZA n /frw??yA>&&*>7 AjfirAfr /7^^tf^^vr/7m ^M« 4W«V |ife/;l«A' X-** ^C*r £%$&% S&/s SAz y A-f -?*z&**£f*s%*A*w **&rti^?3££*r -rrway&k s0£s&e&p ^fc&*-~^ - &^s4S'£r*&WfAi£ <*?¦*+ *$AA- tpX,?Z- A&A* A*&A*v jrw7-J*crf*A*3- ^?A^/0At^^. &*&— %^&*UZ. A?^&. ^_^2**^-^____^__[__) 'tie-*- 1£* /H-cAZuJ-fu^Aisc^ t^_ -^fiH^t^flo^t^Y . $ Gsft- IruAsif Jtrryir fnj*A- n^r cs^AxAlcA sfi^u^We-uA^ n^^***^if'r~*'—?%*~ h*rAY*~ v>rK ft-*- ?l*Trfc- in**fvf<-jA> u><- h^j }^Ak^L; ^^*^_ (iAiA)flscAA4-jAT/-<- /fiMXsfi- CM^Kf^- -&*fjbiJOi )C&*/<. A^^r eA~ pfc*. ^ACot,/n^c^A ef-if0~l*S cALt»*siA- t<^~ftc^^r-u_ J. ^trMi**/v**fc -^ -teA&f ffcesK Wv$. £&<*. ^rVMs: flew J^sytefon. £U*~a. Sf/A-rfpfitfT fi*4S- 4*riJ -lAe-a,l «?*>*-' rP appitA. ¦&'"??*&- rA-j£t^y /^/K-f sf+rffo^Al fa, *ir*fiirrfo**«'' #'/*'£ J*<'t-t*A* ib^tt 6 p&rn-A-Kt/cJ', />£*- fi**rtJ jU*jhcg*£fy /X»-/^/__,>W ,;—**/ JtyT/i-Act^farn* for- (^^'U-trt^'sLrr*' *¦?> U*f&nJ, ffi^f%<^^f .nrr*. s£fa r*t»~m*> *?i#»njtt3/*r-fa*. &M fi*f*p*>l fa*J-M**^ — '*'* ' u" ' &w**£. %^r#U**K+*^—/^fot^K*'&*s*4t? w &»«**¦ Ae*A ^*~V» $w- <£y&^^, J fAw^' c<^n^t ^/~,^^ -^^ rn- a- f£-r%*n+ rf\Af*4-+6(%r , f*&c**p<6 fa*^ Aw*-*/!. C^^A^U^^ ^/^-, ,. i/^w,, *.^L, £^0H>*y6^aA&d*J AAhwt*} m ^^rt 4^t usy+tsCA- i 0u. ¦ &*& f^t^dOn^ W*- #/t-. <7c£&i*H? f£t- &*-#£& 'AP/t^'/V rsi*~ i^rr*Trt*-n4 is£, _^ £^&£*4 a. £€a**/£j fer~ £»*ds*suv/£r*2^ ft?r*&*i~t~**T*' ftfy?, /$?%*& /*~& si*? j2fot<*, *&$ trt**4-* AJv-ri ft*** '*>*&4'f as77*4p**d^iyr&^fc+4£f*f tf Crpwn dC^«^yt^) +*>w^ *f*y*m^rn, &±- ***-*¦%>#¦ ''*.<*¦>£-£, *&> *^-— J^Si^u*^ &r>y fistfZitStvri' A /&t^tr&rn. 4.r*~r rffe+ fiAAfiri? -7-?\4<'<-rzi-+^- i>t**-K''^- , AitA&W-t, Lfri%J&44^/farm? ¦^yj\*KmJ 'Us&M. ^-^. (J f***ri ' —^ CmA^ fa jlp^A&trri- **s*^A*r*v.*ru*~f£L, £m*.-r-n ****^«^ rfffli &***<** 4-fe /w- frn+u***; A^ 4fo* r/Ytr# % r/fts&rj, >f&~^ jCfa*^, My^ffZ-f^- ^ £Lw£v7£* t*&4i*i f^'^^^, ¦%**£y£ii*ml)£*™"t<**«t >n rt^&n, $/%*. fifed, rf 2*AiA}; A+~(#l*p «*~ /£«-«• »r/*«ife=»'/^-^u55^/%»>«4-w- /SteC— w iJtMy .7*afe~ -6 ><**• <*»f^i/%- 6&*'> ~Aud. #Lty **^~™*yi^fy,^n*>A*~fy -Ai ^r»^*S^* £^.^«* -rZ*,^,Jlnf ?1**mmcrM/»d*»* t/MZ* *,-^. ctX£:,r-Z, ius7- . Z^^^. A^t^xi^y X^ *!<*-<-*- «-^/t- ^1?*^ *^A^^&. I faUAu-fi V", 4 **~*^ iyt+rA, *<^«A"^' ^*7 cArm*rM&*Ar*J. Xi««//]^fi(w»4 tei^v} &t^n*uA.f**£*i. ^*J*A*™n' ,^1rZAv)&HAn~ *****-, *J?~r~i& A*7&f y*sA*&/ lC-*rrAmt- **™#>r»6 ***? '&*"*•**&' **ALA. Ate irvn+fO Gimnrftn* y^.A^v^Aiui -wyt*"- 6~ 61, m?i*id&fc*rf- /irA™-"^! A*& dAil,. £&'m*ni6«st-tl£v*yjA.0u.Jl*rM/ riy^A A^/CAlmt^fyA?: A^*» "^ Ar£**A»*f, +%**^*tA} fi*»>Ac<+A. -mA*t rf*^£l*4. rAstvn*- MAf /£*Ar*' *^- »^*f-tA~*y&a~?J &*6AfA>*;kAi tirf- ft*>*Tri*y-*y**' A-ZntAt, St Am. *yr**t%*y mifffe Anulj -**™*.i*. .-^ /u^A^^A /%+- ja. m j, yvMUcjft) rAfuJt!praffrr-"™r*t,ff<*A*&' rACtt .-u,-n >A*6e Jf*£- •"f** •/*£"*¦ ^^3^i tA&^vxA,^fr. ,/£«,;<£-*— ~~4^CsZ/ii *£_.,£ «Jt(™— frm i**.A~~^ **¦"*: {-*-i+**6- CA*un*Jty ic^mrtC -r~**, .attyyt*** J, «<"<£* AU*J* tA*s£vL+c y6*7*^Z. ^'AA^A +*>° 6* tAt**n.6lA*2 /4U-/..^'<^ fc.«HW «»- &*<: <^, ** /&-»•* A ¦'*/> ^.?yV/^-yt /ft^1~«_^$___~!:._i^ 6-**-*«'"**'7<»~~- «m>f"«*7*' Aa^-AtvAA&L. /t**4*~7~ * &/** Ar /C*vt-+^.S& C&&-, /%*? **<'<, frrm fc A>/i-, fhrnrtf-KM^H, «*¦ Jf* t^^^^Ur^ t^AC-, rr~~/i-M<. m-Am AAt~. &»1 /*~uf*t *_ ^ «^ «^Uv Ak~y *aa &Ayy*rr£-^T:' *~-Uvx/-~A*** A**9n*7—*fo> */+f &*¦ ^t*t **ts**o*~«_^- i/Aaa^c ^ftl^ t~~f*f~4'f»- /m"'~*r™<- Jt&*y4'/^ &/>.. 7fu/ *A~c> *A/A* 6/2. fj ~* **t 4Ut*f*«, 6~*-M^.~-,*<™ >.— &*-> »** * u. /, t»yi*M&A~~ m,.s/-A*** /*• "p** *f/"jpy >~A^tC^i& & AfMruT.fi,,- Ar--'rl**t'. ifet &;-^e/iy* i, A^x./£A?. &U A£,/y1t^ A+vi) ,tr'£^Acrf'*~#£? . ^%77UA~z^f'"'^,"'/u $£*>*&>/&£'. /A #a*a c+nrtA^ **&*%» *f**6^ 4 *™%av>*? cAcfAoi jAa-t^*-. lui *™ - AAM» ^*~~«^- C^**^; +****. **U*aS~~As*, t, a^, a^AiA' a«4LM$ 'rfl /&.***•&, Ai.rM-fAveAMwd; f&AtA^-"A ^nAty a /'«** *• J%,-LlU> CArnA* A Ar> lAvfic ,A Art^y <#«i ftp-; mr a* M^4. An *4*Ag> k^aAc/ a* ***** «"&*¦, &A*t*^A*ti/M*<*/<~*r*«., tuXfru-CA*-. #*^ ' f*.*r»fv*j?* AMe. A*aA,A An-T~r*vi *» ¦m^,, A^Avm- *> & *7Z_--»- 4*' , I^^AAmaaa 1aaA~*&, A-k ^A^AAy f& A^rCn paA, ti~J-«~A~£-,*_- *»la+~*a> ACrT^'^^^rtA^-'nA^^j— Ai A& -^f™4"*'' ^^A^-fAA9^n^^i,A^:. a fy /&_ /uttTuA***' pfA*Af-tnAm£t-*>AfA»2 Lrfiu.AAfy tmrym** ca^.A^. ^^A'«^/^/S5^'fc^'-fo'*,' *^<- n^tiZ^ tC &&*>¦ *?**<»- ~« JA*.^?^"^? M'-'Zyr aA/il^a~~ ^A^^^if *A~At*A£TA/A -a^/a^A^ fa*&Af»», <*- ' ^^kvAaa*^ *faA/ AA^foj^U^r^^n^A. T^^t^^A «rrAU*fWT, ««.,/rA~"- A ****¥! tv«A»fiAiA.t%u-it tur HxAtru'fy'd' mfii fitwi', /t*K.*A*. C mn^A 6*a„~£A? 4ta*TAC„t.lMr»A~i *"' Ar»™-'jAM*»A4r*> <* 4^3, ^ y fKT~,vr 0|/A^tWj^m. At '&t£p*A aJ*v . A/Co-uA a£ IJ-^/A^A^ruyA^'/ t^/%^Az*y~^AA%'/** A7*,&> TiAl A****- ^A^W tf tArry^AA^; Af^-A*"* f&- ^rtA ' tW«J.en, .//^W>'; ^^ t-^fA^~ Ah- «WWW^, /•*»*— «< J^ AaSA yMnAmAt tAAit- fiCzt, .^,/feU^ ^aA/&*. M- fl^it- a <^*/ ^w*mw- av^aJ- Mey a^,; ^Aav*, nm*/ -&,Aa- t£w- %gy A^t>. An f*l™<~**AcAr rjlA9tU£- 0U^AW»rr*nAAd\ *4tAy AtAr?~> ^565v thrifts^?! m And- autb™-<**t tAe-A^-j ///^w/ww- AAT&t ^A-pA&LAr^ , W~hA4c ArX,J*t&to4& A "A *A -*" *™ /l**-K**<~*A tfyftAut^J Arti^AuJ/ AaAaA-^a t4*AteA<&4, dtA—HA./tAit^A'^JcA^nt^fA; AAA /&*/ ^jfe^/sC^^v^fct^t.*^ tAt^n^j JnA& &*' «***y ^* ^,^4- fi*.AAA*h,j ./&*Af&t./A*AinA)Ay*it**I.A*&iA*AAc> ^ylw ' Aur^-.^tr^An^^ J*vAoA**A tt***<}/Am.«yi.. J'tt P*A TnaAtAi. Aat^-i^- *»4aua£A, fity fi^Aj ctA^*f 4A«A*?LfPAtt~tA~fUAeltu, nJtrAtj-iAAfA) t% fMAA*4- £rA6 , fy*Ai1Ai**A'l'A* ~ lft*4MA AOtAlt 6 AAA*~rt*T,{%A&AA ll^^^lt^A^AA^^^^-^At^y^, **A> Itt&n, tAnAttA **t> AAAWttrmAtlA A&tA^nu/, lA^tAtytA^ntJ— fa*4-Men AnAy -*e- nA S^Atfem **tnr^^—*Vfy?tA^r^A:6Zfi_m)*&%*itf AAt?t *J>»*(AV t?l^n,'iAtUA/ AA A 97tAAA*t fft*4 SlnA*^AAfi(V. ^/awI. ^7tCt»^«f^ *£*¦ AlfC^VAAy »-*&- 'A 6*. 1AA^IAA>£^. AAt Afc&im~nAdiAlS AVtJ%» ' A^&UAAAt?AtyA™y aAtC £rtUAA*A*J&tV>1t1 , Attl AAt,fir^AAuAtytAAttJ, ^^7^^^«i^^#SS&J*-«^^»^^aw«l^«»*c- ^L&X—1 4?tnAiAtUA)m*rf/CAt.Ae!AWAeA'; -^Ai /%AuA) /^AU. At,/iA*.UA**~m - ^f /k*rf- Al/IAjSl Aa*A -AiK-A^lAA71AA6f 'dlAA'n* AUAaAahA AAt&t AtAAtnAnJ /AAAt,f-J>n TAA* A/lA*A'*tAAt-ttui~ it™.- ¦ AirAAttAAth-tAAU. nAAZ^t>t71**> CA^tATA, iaaaaacaA/ A -0b^m- fin~*A*rv. <^— «-*«*& aA»^uaahav eA£ A*.v^£ t^AtL SCJ^iAAACi- jAr~AA^-*m m ~HA,At&A AX*m^ A o^X^tuC^^*^-'''' AtA -^A*Ar?i,, %*<¦ A^9 £*t. Autr>-&e- ~& &£u A^i^sA^A^Ai^TA, y^ffltZoA&r***?*'^—} OCecfcp ^JtontirfjA l^l^rtfa (AeWvf-Ai /&?,/*- sAtX^rft. <*ih,^ *A WA1— £r7**T~"/A: rty^rnA. My^AiAfXAtiAeJ K?e?A%A€ t-~ *AeefnA[ C~7 Af^AnA~~y{e.?u-rrvsi4d ^.!)wy AiA - Wwr im my ft.fe At/A ? AcsA /ner^e Atffi*\teA& ch maAAny ffatiGZny /&66re/& tfbz* ?A» aA/z»wiA~ %.A*rttovr w£#A fypm, ^A^m/&6aA An^iA* *«, tee* M/Ltr+rt ^ ,„£/ Ctnfe/ry ^ ^AAt^dl^f^ f/to^wVtiwyWzfe ^ ^^^ ™AMtx./Ai4iAi>A-L&.riCe ^e *&*-&£&»>*£&. Ary,/x*r 'hnnnfli^M-nQfoe ^ tfc ™u^.-&*u ^^WU ^^V^W^. ¦hrfatfan eayivtf. -AJ&6&&U, ?^,^Ai%i.rwi*ktrA»«*, UAfe /tar A/7l(Z^A/-utAian ¦tAArjAa.snyjli.'.ji Avnpw iv?ztp7^z-v~L.f£'lr'&irT-i.eT*,- to/L.c£ fAt^eJv^ Afa^'if&i &Af&ae 1r-mA i/iAAc^/taJ fee qf £ "ztxAAaj uAvA ^A^e.t ^SurtAatrAAh,^^- fetiAj, Ty^/wttf An2fc~%fiA£.'£ArfiA ^v'/^ h^:cX tntr&hn?** A?*A. ,-£njz,l%' csnn*rn. KA/pLAAfefiA ^n'A^riAAz4A' Jyy4j^rtfi#%*££ A£A&»>*1 tot f/tA/vretKnAAtiAri ff/riu &\AfA, Ale.#ayrhr ^^ 6 /na/uL-my-AieArf^tyAALJi ^i/^^^rrie^^ -ATmtntiffi. ffc fneas-ieA^KK&r f£a,t Ai^ ti^valtA? f*nAe£e /J^^z/idwt ^5«zSr L'mrv/LiAui fftuL L/mAi'nzsuxA Afri/inwrqp fze/zxsen ^aAAArn^^ C%t s-es-iAi.tu'f tniA~rriei-n,y t?'/jm/i^% %^A^rp/i/ta^li~A^} AmAt/e. f-fu z>ery refiwnAnffA?~t4S nev^e^A^tne. t'n x. jwjf/w. $tu&uf mastf-ieir, /fAfot'nJl ^'/lK--^aj:C 6/ul rrvi»AdL/Ti,atv& ^-cdzMf-tn^ j/iztAAnesL. Am. *£z£ ^^AittiA/^K A. *nc#rzA ?57A£-n - -y?fy ^*>. ~ /i££t7-nfiasujeb nAfn An£v> ^ri%tH:&^r&hAeA ' iv&ar fAc»nA, 4Ai foitri, Awkrt u- yi*d uma- /preserve, ^rw?^/ ffihn-V^A^ £it '''A-nc-mlAe- €rf&-&tfvte<' - ifr/m&r of ' te&e&e. tisiii>etzvi:eA _J _ AThUUt&AeA remains, AztfrrzAf iuutA^A tri- tmActrmsH4£Sit.;m $^35^ AAaZA^/zjvrttAcA, mzasi Acme- &/ tu hsijAz ez£4Jirii*e_Ar£jzAZ£. /rizeAv* faJiAiAnzJb Ttr&Ati- z*te. AAA-& u>e lyujAAh, enA&a-jnsiy* tzAjz&Az, A&r tfttitf/vrwcovAfarrLj^^/A/^/^^ It— T^f^^Amict'^^^^p^e: /72^/&f~ ftutn. e^t^^j'f/mAA^n.^tA^- dAxpc /rue. £y ^zwk^" forum* ArZe, /ii'f&t-ftetw, *JiA%*A?rrA%A Arr $»W %^ruuy $£C£&A£fzffdf trA&b&£ %L-^7T^3AreA^ecntiA£u dmnrfAA. Aasxtt&_ S&. *~« <*-»*, ^,~ fo * c~aCl.A~ -» *i_ ^—w/*-***- £*** ter, A-t&A~rAA " C / -A./M " , _y„X? AA><™** Y^ , / _* \ A/ 4~- ' ^-^^^t-^-TT?*' /¦« /#; <*JZS~a- it a* j£ ^Aa^^D A-fU-, *p>A tt A> ^A^Aa^.^- CftlAt*A*U (Ar*r*A.+ri «»»»».«^ »A/ (5V ^£?-£^. *^<3/ « 4**n*A*4^ ^_^_____(, A^AAyjA j. l~r „„£i^ *-*t*LA, i~ ft U~* Jt^yfrtAy* rr ~tt~* A^Ai***~", *>°f~ "~ T ^JtM. /ML*. lAA.*- fliyfrt* if tA****Ay QU^~ y /£ 4Ur.* ^a*w^~- — ,m~~A~~ p^~* 4y 'ajta.. «;6__^,/fi____J^rf^«!*crr.'~-'/^*'A^ 4^"^ t^T^ :.A~~~~JL£a~~) CA~~A ¦ v~^t&. tAv^y ^ivt*^ CAr^*i*»*r^ CA*~t cA*tl vttrr^**&l 4^/t. *^rh?A* e>y fc^»j ,Avt*« *^ -fa A, *-r^- ^.tX^^w-Y^*^ 6tAUw}*^f-AA~At~A*J CA^aAH^ d*^t.-u *fl"l ™~ £~Alr~.~r,«^*t A*-*r,~7A f£~-^- /A^~>~* rf /??>~r~~' 2~~t 4^ -«~~»— ^.jU «~ Ar.t~~r~ / ' "rrV*-. C^--*^y*y *V*~y »Y •4L c&~,*4~~, Uaj ,-pt*. *~. i^. jf.-u£.,* Lt J>" 'Ai^^ ^^//S^yAiy.^, ±/AryA^ 4-y /A C^z,, ^ ^i^J A-rLm>*~AC~r. a/ $£, ,Ufifr-~J- <2V}^->-«. y 'A^ S»~hT~~*i--y <*£) A~/Ac-& rt-AVf^t. A~r AA„»~ . Ifrr^-r^ a4 (Arfyt" % ¦A>~£AAi>~?^A*/.) t^. Ai-n. »i ^y^r^Tl*-*- ^ ^vQv^.A. ~vf- v^r X^t^r^A. CAtr*1^~T* ti ^T. *-/ t£*~> r*v-i^C A^ ft/nM m,lt.+-A'/ «™< _^C»- A-r j '*A$Ut {J*A~~fc.,r_ -irrrr. OdL /It-^n+v t*&A &T-^A- o4rl i-c-tAi&jAA- .7 Arm~v *4,?2>t^ «"^-yf Art 0*. C^^A A 4>-m~ srt>&*-r**~ sw*. j-U*^t}i^^A-j L-f*~Z) t^/^-^^-^-pC g&~~^ *f ¦~~r^A,4~A^ - 1Ur foA. JdjiyMA*- «^y*z &L~a*Z- <%* ?rut.A $-L$nt ^orrvAca^jifiA\^irra^AiAr^m4.t€A^- ^^¦^¦: '0772S07L, J?lAeAdt&s &a>otA <^*~, ,A*.7A™J" tfA»~4. vJrrrr- &CAi~A-l f£A* 9^f'^»- - a&-AM/A^Aa.u^^ . _,.,,,. *^~<^~* ~~ a ^> -*_^ £t£*.t^H. /Aa/ tf- Atty- tit ,6 %-tl -in -ftr tfvtJ AtxA^C &t Attn* t*T.A&£' /%*"• *¦& AOAr *MA «•> t,li -itt„ A. /AtA Ak/t t JiitS frt*./Ar> a/ 6t~fA.t4CfA.4~At lit i*C„ 6tt~.y4& 'fur I.' t'fl) . Jt, Wit/ ft tti tt,/tt->i> it/ vttr /yA«<*~t J At~t^d -fe&* SZs AiAtrty & i*S4tL Ij^UA V^AtcttlT) ?£u> y #<-.. 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A .yy.y 4A^4kptpy\(, y,r..-..yy%., -AHi&piy y~«, y**&*ai*Hc Ay^'AA {Ayp /&£*£, yty, J&..y< ^~y4<£. ^-y^«— «~~ y-A^^ pi,*,***. z%H.A4tAAzf*,:Az(.A., *4, 'jr*yy^,, A-. 'itt'^^zy* *a*&s~~a y*i-AACp^ y„ O-yfytu., Aa. ^vttAeAtf—zx, ¦A:.;<>~a.''46a*aa,, /L. ' ^-<^,v^^ ^.iyrtf/~.Ar*,^pZ~~ ?£*<^ ffitplA. tAi,-,.., A-ttttfttAij^..^ J.A~ y^At i&~~~., /yA&rffyty..^-. * ii>-A~.A yAAAA*-. <*^^^C^.v^^^C__(>di^»-#»/^--^««. -_| ¦|Mll^"V *^"J^'"'^" -TJT^yp p^AAA^AAXzt^tA-Ay^ AA*. & AZi. . ZAA.t~A*.*A* AT. ASa tftiy&tApU^Y A" Z%+~-t1y A>zzt( „,„/> jyt£,,„ . y J*A WtAplA- p\*t&*A&i.p4&A*'~ 4SA**-.'~n*-.r*tA A-A&C Atzt t-~- t*A.zx*\ VTA - .*', m_. *a -*~tiy ^^/u-n^^Mi^,,. v y 'A,„^ ^y£pis^Ap yr,{L iyAtzA-y AA~t^,, ,». jlftf ' A&c*£y'y?4*AZ*A.e~_. pS* pz-"" f Au^,,,.4a, — ,/_^-i_^r»«i, „>i*A> AKp/f^t y-AtpztAiVtA zt Z^n^yp(A-z.3AAy^JA^^C^St^r0A,AAr**^t~A_ AAfAi&pi^.plt, AA <&ptpy- p,y~f'A~- ,a y^^uirx, sf/r^i, **^ p* & £p^Ay~L.fZ~~y fpUrttdjU*. Q^ApA^-^tysliL, £aa.aa~~*., yfTt£ m*AzA AA—tC A, '. ApA -AtAA^^t,, A^A-^ry^. ^Stm^tfir &a~Aa*< &~.*^yyyit:..~< , ^__. fxy^pz*. iL^y^ A**~*~~Uy ALa€,~~.^**~^<™~- yA ^ <^i* A JzAAt ¦ zt, y^zyp y A" yr/zz TA z^/^pi^yyAe^ ajljunnAzA SltAtdrp. ' ~3%M-*a<— apjvriySyvrj Jfjir4er»j krHv ^ ^t/W^ JAAA&rvCy i^^^w 0/pywc4aU+*%A--ai4 0^^«^yS^^•* ~ * *" /I ? ' y? . > A,.My~*A^Ay^z^"y~ y* AA**^'*;, * Art»zM ****?• #* ?*. *y yr / pf-yft* ££z* Xy) ,,**, y ~*~ ~— —^ Q * . .-v9 eAt^yy^y,^^ *> y yyyc, AAc^tyA -?** '/ ¦ __ >• ^r. Cpy»ytty A*/i%*y ^ A . ,yKz?^Z~- y *v **^» ^^L^ ^ ¦f.^~~*vzr£-~—'< °r'^p, s> T £.2 «y*.AZ*t A ^^t^^^AyAL.y> ,tyyA~*A.t£)ttA£l ' ' y r\ /v y -a. t. •f-*ArATy tzr- ^Ayft A~. y^ **: n, yt~*£> 'Kpy.j yy&*~y^pj; • , n ' 0%. *-*«*' AfyAAcA, ZiAAApj t,A~> ^At-^y£A ^^ *yr *£*ha,a*AaAAaA ? ^*~AA7ZA~-> y ^•^i.^Zy,.. *«-y^*,^^ A, AA^^AyAiitpiAyj A ' u~r*Ap u- j. ^J? VA^^y OfA z^tAcAL lAtyft^z**.-**^* Azt. zA 4&t-A\**3 j /. ' V/ttA AIiai A*?- ^y-y <%&A UzZAtAj o*. y'A 'SX&'k?'' t""A *-?%>* -**•.*. ft* lAutAyAcz. «A,pfc&&L *~jfcDZ> y~ ^-^^ ^-*~ r« *& fe^F^ ''fitfc*. ~ - yfy„y? *y* ^i/y^^^T^f;^^ /£? y ^tt~tyAAAA*. yZ £ A^ "*«* *<¦ "y^ y a%~*->; yz * *& ^y* y"* *.-? en-yAp' A y yupfZ^p**, rt^ & <^a,cA^ <-<-«-? y/U. (AvAAli^ y Z-A-^^Tn.z~A. ytHyA-t A «•(*.•. l*> AzlzAA^i, ^. y f **« A^W^ f ^^ (AZylCjfC^^zA, ^ * <_ CyActzyazA, a_ct*i ' _ «A) ^yA. j/A*y*- AI^a c^y^Ad ~A $ .*- A^.^yAAty,: L*y &&*. "/^4- CAnyAZy f .«- AAKA^ci* tJ yy* y£t, tyizit A/>yL*S AA~y, yypUzrr tAiTA-t^y^ty,; <~-^a «*-pAt*J~£> -*~y~- ¦¦Ay. t^ z^ylr^ £y A**y £A*A,cyA 0A:yZAZAL ty ,, Cytl>AAtt 2oy ¦ ^yyy/y aa. ~Ai~pj *-* - 4--*^ y*~ *~~j. Jt 7 2^ ^ J 7. , -A-AOyfZ: (%4, **£..*- trr 2^ .-^^4. & a^*. «yi^. 7Z~z ¦*¦ *~^y"y * X^^ *~~** y, d^.f, +> f*~ ~ •* y-^AA~~A-^A^^ — <*£?., *£*yt. AA-At^iLAtA ^zttA A: y^- •y , ¦ ^&yp % yy ^y-AZyy •, f Cp^A cJAy^ AlD *Ma~a~, Ay?*, ~pt*u*yA- f^-f- <-B-K*l*K-'A* A*. tA/t w*a-a y a, pp &»„.„_ &»» rtftdi ^fe £****_*_/ _& S**~-&L.J y igy~~AC ty?^ zy.Af^/t>-^,*yAs./p\yAy~y y^ -yAA*A 2 ,A& pyAt£txA/t~.y y*~^*At*.tMy piAtt/^: 3AA/ A z^.tAJyyy' AAt/ rAyAtyttA tp Aizyz.^ ?35w£r 0£-A*/Zy A-ACrtA z-t, tAAAy4£At.^A: yyt,AA~r <~" yy*i2yyy*i^iAy ly1y%AA£y2^Ay%. ACt Aa*A yA**~^A p&ZA*y>At. A*y> hjSA^-pAAMAAtAA **A^s/^yys*-&y& fcA _ Al-ftr i*-/jj im'rJXJ/iA. AyyAy aAAC yA-Apyt p^*- A **a&£z*-A Afe/y^^A /zAAy-y *-*'3L* AC A'>r&Aa£~^ y A^yt-ty- z^r - S - - - -^~ ft******* ,y ti*y*A A> * Zfigfcr. i?y/?^ s*&jy,te. /-Ay y*&%t y yp*AA^y\ jy*' a***" z*Aa r.t.C zk~z ftzyy>, yz*~ AAy*~y yy^.^yzyA p/A-pA*^ jALA~ yjl J 6&<~'itep/y, izs-i£ %aJ- p[z&v. jy? ty**yyt~t. AALy/ZJzbA? t/ JtAyzA^O^Af ty^AZA. Jc^y&W- * 5£m~w ^XA^yyy? r~ »<___^_^ -t^AAumi Atptv tA^AyyJo m&LfyUAAtZA, pyy, 'c^.aJEJ j /y~~c. s? -jizy .jytip yty^-, 4_g/~ ^Cy n^yy y£yop - y^iAcA^t. &~ iA^f A^ty* fi^-a-AA ,A -fyCZj tye,*) ? +j!ty* A^j^Aiy^yaz- -t&a yy^A AA^y lAA&Aj z^tztAU ¦e A y^tyAiA- y? ttTztAA^tf va-. y iziA^yjye-^ & &*¦ £ar ttnsdxpjAi -AAj A^y^fOp* f JtA AUa^z ' 'i 6*, zZ. £A~£Z2r ~jt~ pi .if. Asnz% rfJr JL - £t£-t- tZstziJ z^zAaA iUnA^yy^y £. tZ.cy.yZ3 J M*-~> • ' <*— _^~w^ -— y A J /IrAAu^- O.J* f *) /^ <£r~? ^ — **** J ^^ "Af^r* _, yfA.pl y^^y^p^^^t^yrAh-y a&~a~ y~ &"***,' / zt> Wit*, jp Mm.^* 4-yj c4tzrTz t>U*yrf fiC . ' Va /AaAI -AAyyT./ /&- yztt^. ApUytAiiy. AaA^A. y~pALt ttAtylf-? u*y> *& a£ jyzjy**ArA&Y •# "&^ -£ At. Ayy**- u^y y***; ¦i(y*' y**As2- i^AAAt., ^t^p m* AA—Ae AL, pz Apyyi'-A-*~yt Aye- yAa&A -ZzAzAzxy -ztzA&z-y ¦ztCy 2*9rj4*.A£. ccA^y^y^^ .¦ £y^ ^aa/^s— **L~ffrAt ^ J^A.Az€y4A^. ^Aj^A^zzAy^ A *~>AG^y. . ^£aSI^L: a£aa£? ~y* ***>»- *a~~a~~>.- AAy yA^-#^ytyp^tty/ty^-A aaa, ^atAaaap y *>**- *"^**yy tZ .dU-4L &<£¦ *~~ ~ ->"_*- y.tL zAtAZ^&p*uyut£ytm*~p **•¦»& ^* "^ rfJMfr*t-- «£•, £Ls *s *J&dLptf£zj£& "~ "£/AA«y .yLy-, Afp3, £*t'/i~~A> ~y,: J&iy~4<* J&yA t£v9~. ^zt-CAt- zty ttzA^cyiy £*/ Aaa t*. - &L a^a *zr,A~A~Ay **>*-"% /C^z| ayyjA^ <+, yC^. ~— ^AtZ^^y:^ AC? y*?A^+*AAt~ZASyC^y> * jy *j* ^ <*~***~ Try. /a? *~t* ^y*x^Y~~Z o^J*^AL~y<~ A, ALyy &¦ yJk,.A£ — 7^ ^ - J>tA^> ^aAAA *a-< zy^^^AAtn^yy. /rm. - . ACa . ,, t^9A&, ?Arp yA^py&zAlty^/ *^r 7"~_ 7 * ^yZL> 7A~y a€ /L* *s— Ad~*~,*** y?* J o .. _/_ Ay Adz Arty / ««&. y'y*Ap zuzAAy .. jfLy 'y/^jUy SaM^a**. -£/&£* ^^— / *,, Ay ^9 ^i-*'*, /*--* ' tt:?/ y, y3y 7Z& TiZZZl 7ttZ~ ~* a. y /Ly a- OzAptA^ ZA-tCj /&TA AA,/ p*+tyZ~t~tA A^zy^^yty-A AAA *A.jL yuy^, AAAffcyy. tATZAtp WA- ZtnplAAmy' ,pityc -ye**** -aL Au At<«A%L. tizAv*~**r>y% .- /&*. /<,ymy^z <, ye^^i ro-n c-cij 'ryyc*. AAcc / -cyr-c^>-c.y y<. A*y £/?«: S/c/r-f-t^y $aJ^jzirlly(r--(;AtyaAti,t &A1. AA^ „ £&*iJ. XXX iH.2> nAp'TW-c/ titt CJ/ el**, ^AY ^^ ylzxJi-fc. ,__^ ¦,_£, £/A< -Aoe^Az/z^yy^i gyAjzxcAy,, ^Aaiy/AAiCy A tlA ctrr>i ctytA-J *y*r<, } ztj^e z%t-? A<*Tf»*^s/ ' ft,? r z>t- vAa/A y*fe tA<>~rz<. y-/< fci-vtrt-tv-KzA- 6-y /A<. yorcA ' ,•„ -z%a, ^,A /A.C ^tw-r-d y /Ay <^yA/y*-i,cy.v™r.ty, ¦?Ac Ar-eAt^r (A%C'/y>*i y cxviii ,*x«.y.AJt>.t/,n.v. 1/ JA< _5_____f ^%^'<, 6x. /zn^riArui ^t^Ati- a/it ^t^y ezr- ct->4^ ^tiyipi/fccentnyi, yw zyi.txztAALyAitvt'rtqycz yaw* -yxcytt-ey^T trx, ?*t.etAA(j Anvi^i -«*^*z* fft/cA ', yi^ y AA<.y CK^t-c^A-y{ ix** yzzryArt+i tAn 4, jAaAt A*e/£ yoT*yrAcAyyt- J^V«^, yS-AAiztA/y , A/S-r-eyzAX-ri>-iAi r -teA *y? 0-4^^,,-. /Aycy <*y?~C ~&hu.<_, iy. efZy, e-ety-iy-r y£ ' tAt. up? et>^ At o~H ^.if-r-j ¦tycJft-vtA'trr-'fA.y.ppA/ zxyr*_ji4,r,A, iyi cy f/.ct-t.'yzff ixyy~t__ t>t^r^i t*iAt etAffo &n- y /isy-vyy <_r /tf-iy/- trA- /r%eA0-*~iy nt-acy'/teti' cA^y^ey : Cf/^o/ tpc 0Aa,£/ Awo***- /A<-4rt*iAA, ccoiat' /Ac fate /A -^ActSt Wa/t^-fTw fr-eAe. (/Aty 'zt*?'>n(ffcfAdo*-<. L, /Az tzTrvtutrT y w>* . aa>* J //<< z?&z-v<:t'ty~'H,/\tA-/c.-/A?vT. A**A( An ey.-e^tpcn/- Az/azal , yz. ,-,^£4^ £¦<. jQy-e*. cy.y-ee.y . Jlhyxajriiy* a. frylvsA' 4 '(yy*"-4"" fyy^f <^*~*s- -HaC tl*hA» /yX^*^7 rf£t /£*&$ &***- -r^^f ttietsruA+v+yi** y J &"* $A~ {*A"~*A ^J fc pgj-Z&y ruiMyA^"- l- /:c i\y>- -.'-err /ftfir-iuMp- Jey-t/u& 2). ^^&*u~~-&~y^_!__. Pj&A^t'r.yr pzt Ay^y ty/k***, aAaA A &AAA>'yA~ tA~*zZA<^ ay Asi-AAAny-AlZAA trAC*\- a~*A ApX*- /jfc aaCAt^a 'ttAz.. £¦* AS^ZaaI 'AAytd /ZaA^/^^^I * "#~&*~ * -ALr-zO/Zy, z,^:..y^ A A >.^^_^_jgi^~^L^i^^r4y; „ y A /py^-y*? A.ly—^ yA^Ay^t*y aytA -•* a^yA y£*. **^*^ a4£ Aw_y^ ^£ ^^2S^i-^>^__- -Y^r_ - ^ ^^ ^ ZA^^A^Gy yAJtAAAy Z^/A^AA^AAl^AA^t —LztA. ^ yAy y AAiALAyj%£z, Az. tnriz&ATtiyzzpii^ACA. ¦¦ tfAm^ AAzty A^-A " z^*c Ai. Ato-rAt aA^aaa &L-*> Z"Aaa. -A .»ilfc~J ,* Aa-GA/zAASa A AC AAtAyr/A: tZA^y ~" a AtyS} z&'y-^A^AA- sy^ ycyyAiAA, y *//£y aa A& At a$**~ t~y/t~yyp AAy~A.yA. *AA ~ti£p. *y*ArnyAL A*ty- ^ , A z>yrpA.-A- ~ /^ y y , z—.Ar~A At., A-A.y AyAA,.yOp AfArr AC £j&-pA~y.*13L"A. aA-aCA Ak-JH^ ACyt-tA/At A AL tpA.pzA*A Atf&jpAJA. o ALytz^AaC' tt pUy* yzAzAAt^, sf *iv*<&L«- A- ,mz..A- *«/a««4u dC- ZAA&BAaazaA, A AAAtZA^AAAy. AZA* At. A9^.Ay aAAaAAa. '7 aACxA AC ytu^A. y/ti-y/L i£t ayg*^tAA,t,,pUzttiip A< -ApC*.. zt. o A£y/A A~niiA*AA 4tz t,/Ay7zAy -Apy "jp. AJyAAAtAz za^z* Ay^y "-1& Aa^aaHIaA) Clf ^AaaA ZtAz yt^CtA^AtyZA^AA. ZAAtAtC yieAA^J AtAA^ £¦ yA-ZA^Ay, zmA&A a yKAy'zyti, tt£ A^t^Ar^y'^y^ a^aCac jl~A' a^j£AAAAA&- A ZlC A~AV aAz. # AfTA^A -^faZA*. ACtA[,y^^Z^AAy ZAA^n. Aty0 ZtP*AA*,' .*!£, t^ZZt^/A. /AttA /, /AAa*, At 'Ay^yhA.^. zsAad zA, Al&AA-tA. .. .^pfaptyy A -^4__ *_^£- AaA*a~ tA*~^AtA-A t*. * 4*ti. ytOAy " si AAa\a,€ <&A,yA$** ^^ *"*-*"¦ A^&AA^yAA^' y^tAA^A />*». .AtA AA'ArASti. 'y£*~. A£ a£aa y&~A A A^Ay,. ^: jSyzz«y y»~'pZA~j,,Ajr, -/¦ 4&ya*e*&ax- yfrffcL z&rtzA^y&o /¦^aACaAACI AtUyzpi^y^ AffU 4C &-*£}, *- y*~yy~ Ayy. ^yAA^yL???!zpi/Ay*z^-£^i_£trgc t?J&AA{ AzA^Ap^yA^A^py^^ _ -ptAA.y AAA AC*, Ayaz^*, C?-&A*4a/- . toASttA, KtAtAA AK-tAAy tAyizAt ZAy AtAAAtC '--A^At-tzA AtA ABzzy7rAzt*& A Azzt Zpyl ztA*l/4Cy*y /*C1"~ —-—--' _//_7^7t_l AL y^Aste? A/%Z, #_7-_J___*__i__s^ ^^^^__^^-^^^7-- A *^ ~Z*Z k\& -*> ~<*f' . ,y/ X^wU^ A A£~~r~ f-^, aC- -^___j^_^_v_l^^* ^yyy aa^> y. .. AAtAAAAzyy yJA/ S**~ zz*^Ay£~~ *'+**¦* %* ZaIaZ AHy-itA3 yAzyiy t^l ty~*ZA*yAJ AAA Ai4»^t^ *A~ /a., 'AAata' 1*y -m+nAATtzZy yAitA< ~A~iA/tyt A zjiaaaaa^p AIaaaAaAAA' .^, A ^/_2?____ .22 . ATAy/A Ac*. A^AyztA/^i Y*yAiAi~p4t**AAiAr-^Atpy^^d£p- 23 24 *v*zr tArXM^T- /$__. ¦7}*.y s *U-**y \UA^**Jbm*A*±y SVAAt^-y , _*¦? /fa StA*^l*y * ±^Y~^*aJa *A^yAA»ytf <~ y4**». ^2W aA£a ? A^'y^AA^'*^ -*"*>/- &j&? 4f. 4A?-Aci,y x 4 *^-C££*-« * '5}^7~ — ¦yy—y^A.y- -p±r_^____£_~.^*__£iE^* ff>y*~ AC u/ytfir _±£__^^ A. ,aQ^ „ • *~A» . yy a " - a*^ ,,y/A.'.\ _- zyyAy zz-~ zt. aiu, -*y yy___yy — : — — ^ : y. — A' — * "^ Z y _ . /nt.,yyyAz * -sftrt-r- >^___E2i ^f yy^yAATL^y^AA~y,/\£Tt jy^^yAy 'y\>iy y tyti^fz? A*p«' *{./&*.¦-&•*-** ' ^^.V**-^ Aff£p* 3 a j»,zAL vtAjtyb^ yS/4£ hALa, *~_^? yAd 4-4^- Ayit. AZSlA i?tyTAA-yAiZ*AA4r tAtyz^A /a%L AtAtAtAfc"- yA^A"^' A ZaA ZtA^yZAtAAy AtZ zaXz. £ATA*AAAZZA*^y»~jyA*AZ~ yz. zyAiAyA. pzy\L Aa^a ZAttt\izAi!t'/ ZAyA^zA Ztzty. /At^tzA-- y*Amy AA f^JiyytAt^ jfcL-y A^yp^yy^ziAy A- a%X z4yzA*y ^AcAytAtzAr^Ay, *yy yyy^J-y^Ly^ yAtrzzy~A> aa?^^*; pA^AAuzy.AA ?Cz*AyA4- -yp X~Zf^ zfCc ztA/LAy CyWfz^y _ zzlltitzrAtyyAA&tAyy t*y z^AoA Af pyitt-*y '**m*y ¦ - A!*- a, i4*b=*b j^ja~ yA^&z ~~>~ /y«_^^4^^ A^y/L^y tf AytiAyAiyy M. 0n*rnAy zryZ&y AiClAAfALzAty' aAaa^aJz zA\\z%AyAtA, <_/ y*yA-,yASA-A yA y Af-fy- Cty^-cy /%z- zZA-AaAA tny/pL ti-AtAAtzA^A^ Ai€-Ai £*-nJtiZA*yy—*A». ztC-. -^S«Z__5_f -iV-izAy j£ Ar AiAySyAzC yAtypv yC,' .^V^si^^^M-S^^^^T _»»w/ A^y, AAJtAy/i /TittTA;, Aty zrfyj2 Ay y%z- ytyAA^At /yAiL AyAyA^A. ~yLyy zzy <-%»>,-¦ .... J£y£yA>/ <**A-A *Aty A*y?A&4, mAAy,^y. yj -AppAAt-tZAAtlt 'm^pzA/. yp 'z9-~/ ) ipy%*tZA\\T ZyAyfc y^^ Vt^y AaaA?* ZJACAa*,- tAiy y^A. -•tArltAAtyCy yAt/Kj-^, . A tA4*iA?ltt-ttn. At AaiAaAaa-a^ . Ayjt-tAW, y***p*.rA^y CAIi^aaaa t~yrtAtA*A ~ -yiz/4, ., tA>AAA-A-vrt. t^A-^t Ayy,fiJ z^Ay'iAyyr'7' 39 ^ 'ft -y-A- y i '••¦ A\ <£ * r • ~~fc "• At • m, ri«p4*pr.i-> vtzy/fayr.- aczA al ^Wtf*«>*-^^^w_^«^' /^y^*«e>-e--^ ^Ay^^py^ z^aza^ Ai, tyAAJ ~SA£A'ty, A&*. t^ ^ttAtzXyty^Ay. zzaJ? AzAAyLtyAAL ytttz^y*AZzy, ^L^/ / /A aAA> a/c Atyc^y /Atr 3 izy. Az\y^ #y -y*A^y?yAjs p/Za^ac-ALai*. /L_ cyAL^A- _^ Ai-tA A!/-y>.A^.Z>-p, ^__^? ,__. At^A yAL zzy z^y AAu~A,ttA A%A~yy ^zzZt^yAAi. aA AtyAy A)cy-ypy AAAt^yu-*, A^cyy, _^ %7-^ Az^A AU& /^ A/y, g/.^ AL& fay. ^*~v <*. 7hA.-y,tiyr It. P/\y ^ftAz-A A«<^--_-«^&5 :¦ //A z&aAI y {AzyvyAU?A^~. ytf/Ay ^a^"- "&*»«*+ fefV\Ay*ft>\. CLy* \A3 faT tyyty^™ lSt-7<^v» / A2&AA- '&>*• L v* ¦— 7 , &AtA\Si*uj fHyy)^,tyAA~A>o~j ALttUyttpUAA. 2>«*7 y <$>*%«*>* p% j£» _£>- yy> / ('pv-zz, yy*^^yyy£y ^ y*yzy. y npA/yt>-„j,; ey ^>pAy,AA yitej^ *,,*<,**£-?*. zAD ^sw^ #*¦ yn/\/Atyi- 0r». ^ «,<*&/*¦ rft-*> ' . 1 vi? ^ /^q.^ - - //f ^Aofe*^, +>•' -'*" 9^ yyyy Ayy^-^' yy- y A p, St;* a+A1 <**. .tu'Ay *y%*AA, — — ^ ^^^^4 ^~*™^ ^ %^r^ ~* «^> ^ ^ *- ^^/^•- ^ ^ +».* ._?* ~a *»"•> & """ *?*^ yL~, -Aza^A ^cyyAp^-^Ayy^^ey,,^ 7A^ toz^.yar/to AA+yaA* o**^ ^g, <***J hAZAA ua^A- AL %>^ -?ttr-A *-r,ye) ,/Aftztt **v, -*7<7> x«_y Aa /iVffttAD /iAintAAty^ Ae> tozrA ^> A<. O-t He. ay ~tAtAhe4,U). Aytto OfyzA. tAei.it/tctia, CAtirntn-t • a 'CuycApAM-fnt. {Attvaty, C/J. &r*. y A-a. ~»~, yAfoA y i*** A i6aZ/z,D aZZi&) y SAy<* "* *"*• *^w- ay/A, yzy*^ \y ¦Htzy.y'i^ yAc <£w„,^ /At A&y, p '?AA,*.i*i>, ^AtZ A*tAp t%A.—JL %?.£*. y Aty, AlAiAU-y^At,-^ tpy. &y(.y&'°"J-A- 'Q/ A /£-£ .zyAtAs^, i- AAD AA ymrrt^. A ^^ <<*~&Jr y A.*1GJKh y~~~f«v*A taU j tA,sr»yt- y/4 '*-- - ' W.-a*?...?. ^y ~. A*-- fr^f- cA)j*,« *%*¦-*- y-y>ui7 AA «"* 7 y-y /QfA Cz€(%*rAL» f JAJAZ Vez,/^ Att.tuzn/1 A/**. *aA,A-r>t-*-*.JLy ^rt^A^ y AyAy, yU 'J tAry~»yf % P$~a y A»A**. 3. yA/A- i*Af-. sAtAy M^tA/tCAtS •-¦'cAAAZmfr* ' 'A-Cy-Tf «-/¦ &~ yczypA^y AtACfTAArrvzmip iZ,} / &C — ' zty- _ My^p-tze^tyr -U_J2£_* et-r,. -rfAy z&AZsCy - yt£ iy*^yf yt-ctsty***-*-* i*y zAy^A~s ,,.„A_-^ aZa£/Az ' Ail, . yy A A y ' yA y> r/t^At, g,,. t^t .y -yy *??l&-A-t_A^ ZtA .Aa ty-ZZrZ^AAt-r^ty.Z &t -££<. C,- „ t^T ^±Zt AA^f yy 9t~y **-* y^^ yAyzzA, . ^y *A?yy*AA**i^y*~cA £ ¦y^r*ZA*9*4*yr-AZA^*A*iA*~*i& £&?!*'**& y%<^ AJ^A^-ty'^y-ty^, A/ ? y Atztzt, .A, y.AS ty„tAA.^,.A zazzVaP y Zplyt-yA A-^z-ziy AttyAA A A '-'tft tA-t.J \' AAzha,^^/ ,-laa^ l£ p^yt^A AZx, sOt. ^A-€y Lp> y ' A ' y y y* tp./Zc-t,, . ¦A p, t^r t?7ipz**tiA cALa<- A ZLzA AAAzArtrty A AC- ^Cc^/w^&P_ ALzA/ zyj-izpy t^tz£A-zi ZzyzA^t- --ty/tyrC- tz-A-r.^z^iy -ZAW-ZAl. /^f A£t. Gtrt-Ai^rjA^Ztr . zzz^Aa — (zzAaaa. .A^*y zt'At, tv*/ zYy yt..A vzCf azza a-^.— y/-~pftz ~ Aj. yA ¦ A y A CzKytAtyy .zA^A yyAtyyc'- *v yy**y '?yt. 4tA-+t '£t.t> i,*.i. & st-SyWc tAA'A+tyn^yfiy ypt+ir. t^fyy- AyJ-t- ,y?m*sy 4t-fArt^y*A^^A*p&A:J t*v%4 - y yCz.. zzAtAe. iSyhA*, t&y?*- xC2^-n- fzT'?? AAay/*- >£-t /~4*AiHyn-0~A ^yji^yty^ty £t^% , 1&<^A*Ayl£0-yA syA%^a^ Af&AAty y^C y_£^ 0^ <£ Jt*^*r ^yZi,^ ¦% / y^i^li*^. -fr**Ttp-4y&^ &yy &.* Jt-t&n^ '/H.*yi;^C *** a.&a**-2 ay-**yz e~y*~yyyA:Ay~0yAjrn^c^ yy^z ^zAtAzAyy zZ~, P yzAt, ZztA*y *AtrA Zr*. Az-A A" p»i,Air*. tyztf •vtAt' t^y AAi*y ruy lAyin&i y u**~ A~ -Writ -tj-Az "faztA*. -^c/^ tAO oA, aAa,aAsA:,/ 11 A^yta' y-f-ryA^;- A.yA t^yy i/tAttA y&~A yC' "A'ZAtzy h. uAAtAf aKfOz*. vA-tyA* t>tu,t yzZtz^ yf^t,^ 4*y&J^. (r'V'ht At* AA R . ;r.,;l(*$, «¦/ At (fiA^ y tre\.^t.>.y '/At ct^t z^-zuA 'A zAzcwtA. t£f y^t-. i cyy *>< *..**> a *Vi*._v». yey* /""*"<. *y AAty AA.*>M™ ytZSAU>A<.«~y y A- f *" t A. ft~" ^/iA &L>y *y> t/y^t»y. GX y.yyi $a~'* ~ - tv'^^ A// *.~~~j*-~ yy .*.*•**-* *<-.>y,T. &rf ~Z-~-~ ~ <" Atyt-y^-y **ry>* >^ fr^^^.A At *.~ ttAt^zAt^A^ VyS* y,t,,^< #~p*>» *•< -"Sir* f J^f ^ y (Apr *Hiy*faty, ejj /»• Aft 5«w«»taA/«v? A/ u f.trf Au.y*U/ /trr *"T ***** 1i*«Auu> -Ay AiL. #A yAy y AaA* y«**<~%l> ~ *<-"Ay, f-*?~, ' /* * Ar j AyL. xjA &*-- .-. *-.•_*" » -ac <"yy- OA)A& u< *:py *-,*+ -***0 *¦*-*> ,JU^ lot au (AtHtA, fi *« *-.*# V «*? A*A.±*»-~f/L <£-.' »-?** /«CA.^.yr-~ytA^Aj y &,**- a ^ ^ ^ »r ft*** y &AyAA~ ~,,w >,^>— Aa *.& ^ yyy-^ y~ yf^ytJA) $.& yAA) .__'.__> :Z^-<» *-.fA*~ ijx,y y s-jr-^y »<*^>£ ~ -« ^ *****" **Ay pztAtyA^, AU *Ar V*y*~ k '-¦/&**- yiny-A^ **» AAy~. _ Mt") /^B-t^ rAC-> /%*yA & i*ry-A< l^CfAz ¦/£*«- <}¦ AuA tyt ,1, *&, „ t>zy*J *y tAac^AAG^ 0> •?* Zty lyt>nyA U/Au-zAp It, typ At*, oAnAAAAHtt^t^ Z/Zt, Atyu ?*i*4»zj A%y,Ayy *Tty/A^ ztztfj^yc *„yJ^ gAL, *A; y£. jA+t~t„ iA pa y Ah. y>-p itH^y* *y v**, xAA) y **z~ A2cApA4tAA zA &L A£ ***£- ep> <%q cz% AS A/y^ '$/**, *~ u"^ y % *£ c^^ZA. yzA«p~ *~Z~t?^- AA&yZA »• aa AZyLy - — / -r--" ~^^ (zAA /*azA cA£?Ay~ &Ayyiy>. AA y,y^ty y AA- A) i* ms-a *-* &y *. (Ay/,/ »A/% oAxaa AAtA _^L^£*_«, zHtyAA ^ A*„i «_. «,«.>/ /^M.w^«v <**-«. A tkAH<>Ai*A\.l.y€t,A*'iy?zA A^ ~ "a, yALtAA-ez^Ay* y **~ «*««W^ 4 ^K zA^r.. Ak*-—yyc Si~* ¦**«** «* yA*f, "~^ *-*? ^AA^y^^ **Azz,z/ ALyyt^, A%.^*Aj asiA^C «aa A^tA/Ayy^^^Ai^yy y^ *} a. * p^y^y-^y ^ <**ay&A&. ^^HAttT^AAlar^y a& *t Ai^otzy fyzVAy/AA A^iAy^y^y^AAA. y-A^J ¦W^ At* pl^Al Ay J&f A*AA; AS* « -^pcy^,^ zA *y yA>z~ ^a y _%«J^^wg- A%r /zaziaAuZ y - y^ y^AyjAHF 4-*c*«_^*/ tXz* .*& i.*Ay ¦/tr/t, fr^, 'A At, yicWy a A 6hAAtt,A- tt yit,lA-,rAlAe^ W cny,„ AC frAypC^*- y A& zy,y n-ny opAATt, zt,,. Ay.^tp [A Oyizt t Au i \. ^y frt-AyAtyAty.^.. tAp^A -AAz to. ,,y) eayAT. /?* AY% <-rtt AyAayAy y UA*4rtv^ Aj0r*A. Mi ~&yy>- y$ yyty-t-zty y (&y/rlAlA /t-ZtyA. ¦z*x..Aa &tAt- / /<*¦ /,?*/? A'y-t ¦ /A / 7xAarAiy,,yyA~, -y ... At,y< cy&t&v ..yA) yCzzy— trTYpz&iyj a^,Ay /1-zyAyAy.A OiatA, Azty^. ty -AAAtri.. v-Am. -&*yAyyyy y y*™, A~a /A«y Ay,-, Ay7 A^aA!a^aV ^yyy%/y^rjy AA< AAiotX y &~«. -AkyAprA-pl AzH. -rey"*- . AcA A^ ^A _, _ ^y~ ~y A^y A*iaaAz: y. aa a^Attz- '* **^~~> y - y^r «ey..«^. V *yy<«*yA) •* A^^"- y az A/y (AZyyy*. A'-- ?«_£l-_a^-# $(~~ A^ «e*~'-~v LS*«- yy^Ay~^'&P+**^**^ _;_. AA^ty^zyA^ y^-yAzzi a y 7i ¦€&. & .^.-iLy -<»»»•*-« 1 AA Az^yy. lep/ y?iy- tptttryf^/UzAA^yf^ jAZAt.} zA>A,Ayy zyA£y. A%z^zyyy^&^ALzy>wA'^^ yv AkAyAtyyAzA y^y^yA^zzA^A^zA^,z>y^^ ?#•, yAyryty*^/^. /z^yzy^yy^z^^^pyzp^ a^z 2. ttfAzXyy^yyi^^y^y^Ay^^ztAi^. 'AA*. ' y*S A*% '^yyycyrt zA(yyy. A^.A<>^AACAyz^ty^ /*«*^ ^^ toi^/^i^ij/jfetj/ AApny:ny<*iyk z4-t*y AfAyyy^ Ahzap/ A^ty^Aziyity rZyttytyAyA^AgA AaAyyy/AitAt AamAAyAtAiyy zAzmyzyy^yy^AAC^Jty^y. ** '2A> AAyfrA^ y^y^Ap^Ay ^^^^^*^^^ /AA- A^tu^pAyt^y^y ^A^y^^y^y ^y y%A cAA&py yycy Ay^yy^^iAtzy^^^p^y z^y* . yyj A*y) /AAyyiZAtz /fry A^A^y^^A^yA^z^yj^y ^104:^ ty*,y%iA. A,A%yy>L. S.A&yyi /g^^jfo^sjj.^gs,^ yyytZ.z£*&. A. yyA^yuryz^yyyyzy^ ^Ayy%kyA .. lA^yst' /#A AytAyytAzXA^yyAA- iyy^i4^yz^AAAA^y tzyzAA^^tey'tAAzi, y au^ z^^A^y^yA^f^A^zayiii, AAyc^/^AyyyAAACi- AAayy*4y^A*^ z&*^yi*& Ai AMACAAyyAAAv y'y^y'yAyytAyyy y^^y ^<«a^ y^ y yAzt, yAt/ Ay^tAtyyy^y^yC' /A^/iy^yyyy zAygA,^ jAtAyyAf^yAVtyyzAtAy 4z^^yy^yyz\AAAAy y^ •& e£S y-ytyAA^e \y»A%tny a y . ~ ' " — ~'yy' ~ ¦W y%yyAe-- /vrAo*tanl Qy.,tyal ^^mcA _*£? a/&^^azaC ^az^A iu~rJA<&"<"*- C fctAdL-ZAAtA-^ A&&yyAA»*y-A S(Are/CyyiACot. yDtimA ^zAyoy ££>/y,y e. -r ztyt^tA. i '**•¦ y^Z^A' &%y£ ^U&py^yf -A&C> ?A£a£-^. . A^A JpriAdiTrjy/A^itAiAyj 2y- iy&f. ZfC /lit lut-Lca/ and Xai/ ^Aefiu/y of tfay v/ioh-imnf cjjt*tcoJt>tA ChaxtA m tfunJmj ay AH. unz'nzA AHaJey of tAmAtt atiA^daLi ^ &»,*>/,„, _&,/ 'cfLJ MAyJ^JL-z^ OcAin rtJgSlAtm,f&A4AlAAd^ALj Qty-A**, «//& ^fatn,Aff*~c»j»tA.ci>^y a, *u„tU4j y& ,,n.%A<%/« ty y>n**.y, z/y^j /„ /& ayLL/u, «_,./ Aa/a/{ cfSry^A, a„J 'utj.uA/Anm. /_«_ /_, etmfe* A. ^ia/aJ 1 (Aa-yzzAn .m ^t„k fattwn -/ aj tj/iatf Sf tietvm mcnAJ bit Ki- r/t,ua,y,'JziAtJ £,, /&— . ttn'/fi -A! a/- nut ami- 2peeA,9ntttt *tpat4t »*i'o( fheu httziz QAttiml* .»<*u/&»n An STmtAezt. l/t au ntiin enaffttU fa -Aauaa. yztt, ftCAnarhirim aa ,»t»zA t, ott, m^ /£.„ £ t^fjf,/tum.A ,.al„ yAttttyti r/ftfatM; Ao -Sc rn~fat*wn*eiHo/ m foxa*utt+tq /at t/an /Kt <&rr^a£y ^Llay^-Ajci^/AL^, ,o4;J #?£&«. /, i. IaJj -^ lAtnAtiAjfcon - AA Xiijr. ,'a mIS&Ij Jo- Uzviv- ttn«&i)/A.e,un/n*nA4/ /cw, /&y C'tztt fOeAteus tAAitUt nifiicK ,/fftt U'vc' ttr-jti fAi Jeyitz uot- ** aa. IzexjttndtJ . fhtii /K on cwi /etui* lam tit*, 'ut &*' u>^««»| t, PyAA Ly^zlty- ycz^Lnj *»£ & l»*r* T") Qeq*4*ve Uoii-i flAAtt/.i. Tfitn tnzAP Jen/imAtA* nt n*4 Aij/jOAAy At, mziALt. ~-r—. &VAttt IsflAtua-nzt- /tjA/zfy /a/tJouz eazi yttarp'y/ fo* Ahe t AjJfle,, rtit-t ctf yont A/it ntftrn , truf tt/ /& Aamz A'enz. D" Ween*/ help otnitj etpaiA, th.tttf tn /be hi otmAztVrttiA zpt/oitx tonvniAfm , AtttM, nP/vuiA tr, A'art^z/ », tptm AfzAAyJfai OaxJ ztz attA AAnatACctArA oiAhttm aa no mat* than t*> ha.AA.tty **nefi*J (Li Mttautl K /zt^ftt/e nnJ/ijC cetAtlm tt«in»*, /K- Ka/u ipu tttiS /KmK JyitzA, Ho/A Aa z/at...a,'J Act Omy/VHf, '/fit Uitttf y an ExAebzntitrm- "'n iirhztz fYe «_ ziahiAauai A nice cum.i /ftctf, no/ tm£z yeut&tttAAy tyfa/.^ filfey£. jg^f. _ /UmJlJ/. Ifzt* m*KaAl ftf. e^„ff H/ £. «_/£„,_.£ ctuA/otzy, /L/ #£ SfiriAfJ St /Se JftAAumtnA ofey AttM^&ny t*n l%4&a(t*jAetA- 4aa,~ zfg^A .wtf e^ctA&d zz zi^y jf At* cLzt.iy '"jr&rrtA, iiJ A%t4tt/n^^4 *iizt£ AM*cAJa» or A. Qt.ySne. Jn /JL m-or, Am,, /A!4lmtf,iyramn,*„c/y,u 4, 1/oAa yt fyxcAtA-, "^llkLcyAtA&Jf A%4>:/<^»oii.' ' AfC'izAA^rAit-.r -:z.-yyy,y oaia4 A&'Jftw/zy*? ' nAztzzayz, pffT tA^/ztptzt-Zlzzt ttAcAAAjArtztA; A^tSyp^^-p A^y^yAA\JJA:^im^^yi,^3^r'y AiiaAy tATurzAttt-*- oza /Xrez/mA/Av£*S»r. *\.£Af*tyL&&ti*$p*^ ^li)^ttxy^4W^^^py^^m .-/jfjfiey, A^V^^wiw^r-- *~- +*A '&Z3£ri* ^«<4 Ait A^y^yAiy/i&4Ax3tAp AitaW' J*AuyC; A*Az^,-.-A^A-y- yzt-trttAt-!**. -yAAAzney^ vCeTtAtyZ&ytAzyCcytA^'tSAHyAntAtJl. Z*AiXA~/ta*A. ^y^«wa$^ AtjAQ^yAyyyWAvt^yg^^ 4&; 'Z/^yy^ AA/tytA^,, j;A4MAi>y-Q t'^s^y, y&y*^ J"*u^' AAj*A yp>4*rHAS QyAt* oAA: ^^««. p/ZAp%4^yy<£™yA**' *-. jAa z%A,Az%t*y ayAJ^/y^ Aty (A'i-^yytA-z^-uACyiA y-y/ 'A,zt4Ae,yA,Ay~A,4 a^l4AYp4^A>yy^,A4^A%t\4*y- ?^Tj^ y^ Jyz^-yixyyAc^ ^^^L^a, t*A ' ACAC^yAyyziZ^^^^^ ^_ _^_»_1.a_._5-j__2_ss_^_s_-^!l nzr-AAzZ-Ae y^^ny yAym Ai&s~iiiAAt£tA- y%. ^^-s^^*^- y/' y^y Acj&yjA^tA „ &<«,,„. j^n,yyi,ly/'my ydny&Au <£y> c //* i ^(t)ir/t-n/ a/irf lyfn/utrttn :tti hi /fit Jam? t-'ruA/rnZltfA .'/h.li-r Htfa&tJ 4 ^ ^•¦^•4/" "^ b'J*/" »> f/>™ tf>w<*« & *V*m AAAAyC, ftfAy, l/on fa be /.v^>ta/iAfA A^it/ // ffe hat/r AtoA t/A own Atf/c Aa c>+mAfy Atn'ffl ifa/i** n'jttcArf f/u ^y>4>/aty Jin*/ Jirtaered'tA /ttrri no ^ai*///?r/v tni out ken A. *YAe A*?//// Latutc *>/ ' */ na* ofrn /At litiectfn/nAii At? loAiicAj /ft /fete try/ bit ¦z*r*ti>m*j aijuz l/J/fte/J tiriaec//Uf At /he Jaa/jm Aaft.tt pn *ftt.-A %.%/veto aa /t/ete Aiesffaavtf fo A%c l^Jb/t/'an. o/ tfotvz. //fcfLs. J/Lt tJo^zZiiffA 0/ /¦£*- CtT7AVrA/Ayn , nrid /& y*,/ /oat/ /t.!c^t/n a* u//\%^3cfatt u Ajq/jtA/Aky'' /n.Am. tt-do UmAf'tftwAim. aA, utma a/T tuno coc/c£ fheti **-i AorrA^n anA ai a ft A& a/tetJAl/ae'iAt. *A waua —_-, trnjt>o/-**Au. via/ At? t>l'*6*tte AvT-fn, Ctrrice-vn, Ana/ // Arte AyttftAtnA^AocAttt,'^ ay/xi'-ty <— *— , L/rm-mffin Kn»m 'vetA*. teAa/ntA*. ley AeifreeA Aiotvev&t ao/w bat'/i' Ac* o/tx UtAu-uia /\hany-^' i/*> ou/n UccMferiets.antA tjo//yr /Aer/ate/A »QiHarAiT,,t>n/ fv '/, nad Uei uj Ad Krbeeft'A2a/-^ Aa ,7Ti.eAnf£on a 'Uatir/u ayvto&r A7t%tAt/t0/i*t, of/Ate twtd&t // at foia&t/r/y {jfto/UcAy- Art at' tAu no /n^Atn-t, .Aa/so /%*&. /ft deitv tii'fH C/vifr, AAzaAAAtyV 0//Aa Ctty£p*i'0riAj ty i-'in CrHiutAiAiri tmifS% tftA//temAu fet Afouc llnAiqtiiAtf, AtAttte Aav/i AnAr&Aty A&AA a*, tab? an a{ Aftateveri Art k/Aut/ e srweiAeA Ain/ft AT i/t-r/o A* a &tn//i-*tA-itt AAAezzfytty, *n 1 vet-i/ saiti/ Alge. 0/ one (ftttt/Ai, a?,d. Aa*) jntcr. jt-r?c£ n/ta Ane isenettrtuJi- • — , Ja*ti cUcn 0/ t^iVBAutal A%AuAe£'iT7i . Cz^ueUy^Ai^^ ^ A Aft^A ay /& M/zvtjQgttiu- Ao/nyh. AAP f/f/Ao CffnA/fUte ATI* yy^tAr/ni(Arrimii?7tOzn /tt/'/Tt Affe £ f'c,ntOC4-J 6/ //aw Cfi'iTc/i 471 l%n*H4ca, and Av CAm&,'t.Ae AAA*- ft*An-( Aty/faa*. fy/f/m't/^t. asiiA At*tj*Arftq Mai/ /he tlmfntuiica/tffnj £o£Ac/i Aft ^aff/na/c /? yu. *&* jflm' <~ _-- fti*mnoAAin.t>*, fhthsAixtr/ 4 /$/// /01 c/rrnAtt/fiti il /o ll*t /Ac y Centre** fie/^yZniy Jri A/>/j — /OutAhojc. J/tnffm ofiw ®nty ft fr/ntr,/^ /a &£n»*»i/, +»// /££«„* •/& f„A- /Ua*»vt4 /oym/tt A/ra/ ,/ ' itirfC^eet^eA/^t AtfetrrJ 0/ AALt, Mq-jAAAitts, \\AAut ,tyf$ty$ — *na*lt /Att AlxcAA/%f/icy anA /Afu/hoAtf Ay qtvt, ifajjcoytf LffrttatAerAffy/tn A? /fie htt^cruf 10,00 oAtauGt ucc7M?%£ri£A*'at, 4aima/t/ ' }.-j///x/a?ai ftev?i A/hm. a//y OaAf* az ^A/A-zeii/fAjotut -•-*—> tn*/>7t^wAi**^ttdt% Me Ji'Auah/m tn tfAn'cn tfe A.i/z /7ytittA///e/tri A/w /'A/teed A/u*n/ Hy-tin l%nd//idn MaA'A/u ///£/ da^fitrf/'ah (fMt Jt*MWe>n en tt tfflt a> lit/ /At //tf/tt A/ddtry /At g/vtn //> Afe (heAAAfAopi/f a?j/A /iA/A'Ao/i*. \ < — . (ljo/t t/nf£AAzz/j/f%jt AUeAtve t/eu a c/taiA (krAft efot/t /t/'utA/ftA ^&t\ifiayiA^in At**au/* ty^ and aftna Q/le*vtty Ao *>inea iilrCff*ta/i tm /^w ^wl^, /rtwm /7>/* £_£*/*&// O^/afftthtru '/if afc/?n.v''/tntJ A t/*n Muf J/riAff/qt -"<=£, iii.d M*tTft4. fotet^ i^OJ A/t^faoJfrijf. P/we/ueA tf/itejAed Atz-iffi/faZ/ffititee. Atf/ii'cA /%*- tj&at i&Ate* Jf* Have t£0/ltut/r.Aj & *A*Ac /o ijoti /jnxUc/ifaxftj Mt seve^/d^ /A/tad* , itfaan *o/>i'rA /fiaf JaAAafiteAUn wJti'cf tfott --, tffl&t, Atrfft ft acee/?/cd> atlAb.mt d/zAkzU m . /**&# a-> et/zrtt/n Ait Mty L%/fc.eA a/Oig/nria/ A .Aitvtt i A /fit ^n/i//xt''an ayun-y/'tafCfM/Se-tttanAi (n/o-wtn me i*jpfW Ajfflct^ 0/011,1 eA&tn/^At/! ean/tim^ ant- o/vri JcnA'wnertA*. *md- {torn A* //o/iA'/v At otiz S$//At/t vox// eaane/tMi n? .tea/Htc/ Afce #na*tA~*tt£t /fe &*„„'„ yr,Ae?7 yj/M^y /b/^Aff// am Ao A« ^4/f/i'e/ emery /n Jeatr/itti/; jAe awt* Aft fsta/ut JtettirAry ay 6/4 __ ^ tJ>//i,dndi, tn /ne *At/M f/i. /fit Jtt$je*i/*KOAx4 A/Su/en At tt fn ade- ffztaiau^fy ai*yt- JIL- t*r 'teg itt^ttd fa Ottna Ae-fAtmofi/aAt cyA/* 'tzirA/ta/hj ASnvettaA/'a/i- divufia, Mt ty/Mety* ^-, /oieeedn^ij //carj; rtnA Airrr* ' 7to. £///ode OfJn/yini/ -rnatt Ae Om/'/A/f, Aoti£a,'f tfyhArft 0y^AAAd AjffiiymAt&trMdy-A* <«>. rryju'-n-y Aj- mbm A*i Ma /&BAn-M tf&itAt'cAl At/Ai."} c mr-wj/dt-* ax. OAjtzT^-ut/e^A, and mt fae/itAe ant V* AtmrHt/ ^a/Wtd- upon A3 /Aeefaze, /y/nr// Ano/tA ant/ —~ , Jm/tfdi'mtnt foi A& A/iAt /'M fa a/tg£/to/>A k ft /tdwnt'M-d. ft/ Mt JFme efOts/diilAtcmA 1& /he *)ame <)0&mn Aa U A- maele an Mt/ /anattAta/t'on Men y^W/w/f /&AwtitfZAtAt/m ,J/i6scri/?/r/yrt. A*Mtt A^+ferrietnta/if «__ 71a/ -en eteej'tt/bctt As-A, Q-rA/U- i07iMe7i cfei*i Ari, Aeea4tA€ ASe /ffe^aarj A? fe cvrtirectaALA. hcut ada*e/f ' Ao AAt Jes/ 11 /A/ca aivtwaA.hu> fotmn fod/naAAon* /AaA *.&rp<* /X/^^^,,;/^/^/^^^^,,, rfttre£ "?/>,,/ fi^/^d./.er/A A&<\ l/tn^/ma and ped/// f3rivt*,a//as* , Aa zUrmr/^y Mrn t AAi,t/-«4y d*My A A&^&^a/**. a/ "//**/, „„d Me iA/,f,,;,?0 offo (Mz/trf, nnd A> fe t^^^/r &«„,/,&. *»U&i/Avr*« "AoAfeJtccA afdx/f/" n/6///tt/eA7d Ma/ /fit A'd/'er/tn-y /? /y%*Attm , 4->/io •'* A* fe ad^>///ed At Mt fift** ^yety Ai\}/uy At M,*^ — -. Oidirtafior* Otdtnnhon ofMttJv a/nd^eaatrtAA, tnAgfAufitn /£*/ ttztAtzztn/A CtA'snaA'an, ur-AuefL- 3/iq A/ titt/a fo vtyf/ttOtaAed farm /AtyA/y/yf what IhatyTrn-t .' /ft A/tttfyotc do naA teyuizzeJatUf y./he* t/nAt^Azr/tOA,- an Mm fa/r/n/ Man /vi/Aba. Ai/Vtn Ao //,> /hi mt &tmu ajL ulJ- de*ifM7i&f,iaf*A uv /he, eiTivtrzxed yQnAie* / ft/ftii fittitfitia Ana/ fftoje tv/ty) J'gn fnem- ~~>»w be. wed atvate , f^ottr a-un/hl J^ic^/ri.kr/eii*t fin fhttj Aicdpetf ¦nittoA CeAen AAcyA tftilfjjsrijt 'Atu/fod/tj of '/A-e fy*F,0fi find a fee/ Me Gedd a/Cffe Apy^J/yJ'^^J. /tridti /& -St-caud yffrad, /At*/ -0/ 'A*'"** *'*/**• 0*1 , a/ia^iAf^/zzm. *J fe? tt/yt/t/v A/'/t/ *''/4" ¦'*¦'/> /tan em/if fo M ttfjt-ifed. iofyt./i y,f/ /uiue nheadti Apmti Caffed ft/sort A Mrf/p/Ay Mt^Atnffi faf/eft 0/fc™A/L,A^At,if&^ /t/wr/i /fe awe. A atu tnun (Jlu>,cA. a/td « Azft^A/o^feon^' Mt fnve -/fit/an A corafeff .udM Mt f/ratfe% tftfo/tx AldAtA, ffCff/nA */^_-aT— znc-tn/zt*/ it/xm i/ta fo uot l}t,m ,drn*J SthA/Iaw a&o fir Mi /bn/at>d af«nty «_ ^ 'u/"mf$b 6^"fffi™> <«k4*»«'/ fafcfy fir*** a» OfJ.Jt A Mt Ve/tctApf d. A% fJUtfoie noJen^M/ trfoJ/y/. tfraf/jwaad/ A /& J?W t^tf/fl** JafAtta **J ' JU/d/j/^ p,, W/Ut A & Jjyt;//f & a^MJ. at J, A. iJ/'Jy*,u £auJ otnifltd an a>A*A tntAjfy a* ,'/ mm, /l,n tyj/tta/t/nefutwar. of/id Jemty Ai /*>/?,' */?.!/, L.*i*?tUtorA0e/fy out CfluiJ,, fat tan ftCfjf, adf Arty, AJee/A/ffAsjL yu taffi/fAti A f/J-a ^^//^^yV^^^-/^^/ ,,,/,;,./, y*,/ fao^, A, //Sc xJSiitt'** Ay^atep - dtoAfj/, A atve, A M* a/&* /,»* tlted* c\ fjfnte t-'n ifott* &/,/,f #f Corner, faa*/** tvtfl Mo ' dyfit-'fAoe. ff ?/ftm s/iau/d&fffdsJc.ieA]rnaAW if tt/ me Jrmt Atf/tArsi ijott nxt U*jt /&/*?. a ¦faes&hfa* ehtntn/ oyyffyh^A^ /n ///rut. *— ? vnnAiofy,' ifc Afu( AnerAi/ternqft/ it fete* en A A tfou Maf Me, M'qAfr? /T*£cit oft/ant- --. CceUzf/a^f/'ea/ UrntAfuhAn afa/ttrtt*! A //a A ve- a ®p*qx.a da Aon 0/ Mt^-C&rieaf an A jftAc ?n9it.0y me. Pfn*scaArtf On/t%fiteAr. r% /s>ea*ftt>ivd£. 4ttMtfve*t /Aa/in i/****. cnsii/jiq Ahvtz-ed/ion Jom* OfAtnA'art ttrpff Ut Mottqf/ •n,ee*y%ta*tf *n tfft'0 CkA'/>&, — - hfote /Aft*? xtaehstA if*// ; at.jffttr/ MaA-Arft ftf/en/tan Uflf ut- given -A if tn Gn-tt///tenet. o/'dn. A*Uj,9'C/>tn/ri/t'trj'i. On Me Oh/iti etndl%*/{Mei'a, m /,,',* A t&AecA /ft/*Af>f 0/ td/a?rne'tn A/AatUea, fot Me ny*ee*.nA'/mf,,MwfAet{^n Afe*. &¦ */<> te--«^- Cce?r ATttg/i Aon earn/cottedo/Afiff^eAzfo fvAam /fit /ffe-xatm fo _>* camtecxaftd *v tinftnoetAn.. i/hr ij/iif/Trioni'AiC* tf/ni/ed oa Jfou>/r, m h'uinn en tnofand. ttdm/f af/v/tYti-i-e*-, erntAAA^ &**rn4i4iiAt07V, Una me /%f%*/*pfvt-* . 0/ fn*M- toA* rttve. Met* /Jw «*/w'ftr ^ d***t Ant/, <»¦*»< /¦n. &*ej ffjMrmirttlfQotete/A w/nMAtntenf im C^ofiOtA'pTJ O* /Utte Oxe4irr.. frtnte* J /tit fe£ aftftfieeilA A AftnArnoniaf* fie?/i%i*et*e*A*ri, >Aoi4niaf/tani /ft tyriftaf tarivanA'en At/ .fit tpXi^eapCaf {Afinx.'fi, ttdff at ni0i.ii/ Jinn *t fate* -V turn be ff/aintd, and 'a more fjatft'cufai one. fto»t /fi^liiifotijiaff^JAfeAtuAlcA tfCO**,U't//d.*izfttn - $/ Ivi ft a fifteen feat'. Mt K'Atr?ffl of Mt zJiffe** $*ftnta//iaf ttscf *t Utafiwef a ASu.i 0/ tufitA u* ftr,*,eje*AAA*tf /ft tyf/tnt-dAw iofio Jiqr, Mem Am Je^/nnan if A AAeyiiafifatAianA a/ffie Ani/e&daftA On ffttn own htMOrinf dfn ctv ledge. Judi O AA^f/m 0 1 > tj euaifif/aSt e-rfterArf /torn foe i-mtttivettt off/At /Atnwa/ Aantttn fiaer of /fit Lfj/JeCy,'afyf>>iren et/ Aim en cet tm- AT*-**} • — . Oetftston 4teMAiAtfjtJAden/f7ittejA>t* fhnf/fotfAteefaiAtsffaytSiwtv™ o t, / Witt eve fhc tjAAjnm A of- eoneeotafed ij afn vnftto'tij J /ft and donna ifa/Aa* 'ft he. */£nr //0 OSfccfian, A mt O/Uftf/'on a/ At $nm 0/ a ^/Atn^eyiaf lofir/, ej n.?in+z*d a-ud dtaitm tifton aft Jam* Jtineiftjea And ftn/amint) Me J*r.r,e CAfffe/a/ten*/ o/AttuartaA- Jtnati* fce/pc IftlA ffyrt/ /W0tm/toiAo,n.ed a* teautted fziteei dm fy A */k OtdinaAon* fie fxu-tf ,'fe s*half-tece*v+ ffic-JC Jcyfitna&jaftf ¦tigntdL-// , bp tbe latoa of tfiijt p,«mbi». Bcalm, no Jperfon tan be confe; cratcD to the fiDfftee of a TBI (hop _ttb« out tbe Ring's licence fo; ftis Clec= tion to that fflffire, anb toe Eopal s@anbare unbec the cBjeat ®cal fo; bis Confirmation anb Confutation : Snb Whereas tWtp perron toho Ibalt be canfecrateb to the faib JDfttte is require? to tafce tbe ©afbs of allegiance anb ftupjemat", anb alfo tbe flDatb of bue flDbebience to tbe arcbblfhop: ant sohcrtas there ace Disrrs Perrons, &ub= ieuso? Citizens of Countries oucof J&is 8©ajeftp'e!Domi-- nions, anb inhabiting anb rcttbtng tottrjin tbe faib Conn. tries, toho pjofefs tbe pubiufe iElojtbf p of aimigbtp (Sob, accojbing to the pnncinles of the Church of England, anb tebo, in ojber to pjotnDea regular ©uccclfion of QSir.iOrrs fo? tbe fecrbice of there Church, are beu'rotts of babing certain of tbe Subject* oj Citizens of tbofe Countries con= rectateb "Bithopa, accojbing to tbe jro;m of Confecration in tbe Church of England : TBe it cnafteD by tbe king's moO Crcelicnt 8jf)aictt>, tip anb tath tbe aobicc anb Content of tbe ILojbs Spiritual anb Ceinpojaf, ano Commons, in this pjefem parliament aflembleb, anb bp [18 A 2] tbe- [is6S] ANNO REGNI VICESIMO SEXTO, &c. Cap. 84. -rhc Arch- tbe autbojitp of the fame, Chat, from anb after tbe pair.. *£'»*" ing of tbts aa,. it (ball anb map be latoful to anb fo? tbe SIKJ artbbiftop Of Canterbury, 0? tbe arebbifljop Of York, ft? Siikft»l!r. «)« Ctme being, together tottb fucb other TBiOjops as! tbep ftcnHX"' *al1 taIi to ttieir aflKtance, to contecrate perfans, being '&" bkTJ8." ®ubjeas 0? Citizens of Countries out of iptg $>ajeup's .'tbouc'thT' dominions, 'BiQjops, fo? tbe purpofes afojefatc, taitfeout fcr"fh'.LS" tbe filing's licence fo? tbelr Cleftion, 0? tbe mopal £j9an. £°uV*«* bate, unber tbe cjfjeat ©eal, fo? tbeir Confirmation anb StaioVu.', Consecration, ano toftbout requiring them to tatte tbe iDaths of allegiance anb &up?emacp, anb the £>ath of bus £>ocbicnce to tlhje acebbiujop fo; tbe Cime being. t>*o«,rih. 11. ptobibeb altoaps, Chat no perfons ujall be confe= Sng'Su crateb "Biihops in the fanner IjerEin pjobibeb, until S^RLt. tbe arcDbiujop of Canterbury, 0? tbe arebbifljop of York, 'ngthe'twi- f0? tbe Cime being, fijall babe firfl appiieb fo? ano obtained cmiom -tu, fpi9 aeaiettp's licence, bp. astarrant unber Ibis ©opal Sfg= net anb Sign Manual, autbo?tttng anb empotoering him to perform fucb Confecration, anb erp?euing the iBarne 0? jSanres of the perrons fo fo be confecrateb, no? until tbe faib aubbiOjop has been fulls afcettaineb of their. futlit= encp in goob Learning, of the Sounbnefs of tbeir JFaltb, anb of tbe puritp of tbeir fanners. soPerfon.«i in. p?obibed alfo, anb be itbetebp betlareb, Cbat no u" thereby perfbn 0? perfons confecrateb to tbe Dulce of a OBflbop in y^ti Soii tbe fanner atbjefafb, no? anp pecfon 0? perfons betibtng MtieBy-X- tbeir Confecration from 0? unber anp 'Bifljop To tonfe* winiow. trateb, no? anp perftm oj perfons abmitteb te tbe ®?bet of Deacon 0? p?ieft bp anp TBiBjop 0? ISilJjops fb confe« crateb, 0? bp tbe ducceflb? 0? ©ucceOTojs of anp TSiftjop 0; OBiQjops fo conCwrateTj, Qjaff be tberebp enableb to ererdfe bis 0? their refpettibe ©face o? ©ffices rottbin pis S#a» jeftp's Dominions. c«rtiftcat«of iv. p?ouibeb a,ltoaps, anb be it further enafteb, Cbat tob.gn.c»i.y a Certificate of fucb Confecration Qjall be giben unber iboP*Stb'' the Ipanb anb ©eal of the arebbifljop tobo confecratw, con» taining the Barne of the perfon fo confecrateb, Wtb tbe abbi tion, as toell of tbe Counttp tohereof be te a ®ub/> jifft o? Citijen, as of tbe Church in tohicb be isappainteb iBifljop, anb the further Defcrfpcion of bis not Dabtng taken the faib Oaths, being erenipteb from tbe ©blfga= tion cf To boing bp birtue of this aa. 9 FINIS. ^yZA^- *^s>, 4*4/1,3-1.4^- A2 ' 4*y A-* -Ay%yy y> *^^yzAyAyy-, yd**^. ytz ^^^kC^^i-*- *yy /fr-r*. ^v*, ^- yyyAi%%p As*- yA~~p>4V*. . ^ ~* .* „*,*>--_ •Ay **A*yA A*\> ya. AyAp **/A*- <&&*• aS ^^--w- £^»-»^, >^v2>^"",»*-*-». 4 Ar*£t j^yyAyzA yy*v*y y»^A yAy Ayti. £,A*yA~yA A^AL^y aA!**,-* AtC yAfr^y AztA Ay*-*^yt^*A. yCA^yH-j AAt+y Aaa »_#—-«, Ay(,trK. AzZfiy. «_«_ zyyy^yAyiA SAA*~*yA*iy 4*0. ^jr*-*, ^ <.^at- z^tCl^A yy> — - y&* j#*. rAZAA -y£*AKr ye^^»Mt^-*<_«_/ AAAy a>»- Ay A&yyiH^_ y s.(^r.4tys£~ Ay&tAAA? AKy-yAZc-Avy y^yZArA., ty. sn^r^ aA^. y/Cty-yy, aA >4-<-_-*-i?Vi*a^ . ,dAt, A ydtAftAZi^. A*tt. 7 A A | fy fet#rAi*ti*.yizts . ...._. _/ Cu_«»3y^0----^^*-^~^^ .4-6-8 QpC4*AA~p A&.AA,£yey*rA ~Aa,^a . 4.-40 0 .o~wS OpcziL o&aA. - • "> A t ft? .r h J! & y s ?^^ itMfitUf. mil pHifn^ fill 14. 414 1 St ^3 ¦it* It* H - 11 $ i 'J « .t '* \ J|4 u^ (zTCAr-Ct-tA Ayttm. a. ctA^fWt. pytrTyi*. rll,D. Ao-ie^- cAyty^-iAy^p /£*- i^.tA,y.iyr. ff/ A?iy. AyA-z&A-Ay .y ^a^A~y*yAyi AeeAy^y. . fltf.fk fern. krUfc^yiU Ikjfi/K iu ffltfk. mail' kca /hctAul 'L k iMiMJAfl^Afr^ jddu IruM &(Ma fUf falufak. fffy / Ukd I Mil tfiinyr^iyuy-ycztnnz^A*4i.yAcA^ AAa'A /hzymAvA-AtAAvAy zzneAXAS wzAf/ttt, ^av^AW t%y.pv2444ifA rtf/f^A y Cfrtr-rfTiyn.- tA/mpy.-^- Awyytrrt-eiiAyAnA aAA AAc, AcAtZ' CzytyAAzAyti p //u. 'iiyAAAAa-'Ay '. ALi. y ,yfiK.zieitr'r.» ty aAu-OaA yy-^zA : ^-fnA^ A U-ntnt .mAC' tietAAiztzt.- tnc^izvAtAj A ptXfO i&puX/ e*U*pp d yt--$piH>t#*n£y AyiaAtz*. <^r<^«^^v. f%fcl*£ z&ritizAi. A A$y- t^tAtA^A-tAyt-AA^pAyztzA *4W.^««5- AteAh, 4 ttnye4 zaa> ,y Abe- sAAAaT AyTtAtKAtAm- ApzAr &4p»rwAtAyy A Az-AzAa/. AyA(AttAtyy AtcCZSAizp tpU-l.ActizAxtALt£lZ4A . ^~^t«4^ji A%y AtyAzAKz. AAmtV e^^yC^tArAytay^iAC ytcvmzAytc Ar tAryzy/ZAA AnzViZtl.- ff -yr^AtAztA ^t^yyetA /M AAz-tCtAizAAi. zp^i/trtza AIzzaa^zi yyztivA ^t-AttfAasAyy'. ^yApp yy zAt&zAtX-S t^ttzX^AttAtpy ! ^0yzzA^crA tnzy, A>Ay (AzpAA Alz-t^LznJ^ eAzAyAy d~ Azz-mAAz" fA^zaiynyA tAyUZzyAAI/l-. tATtAzyyA ^ AizuAzfyt-. ArKZATr r^Arfay yyy, Ad^y^yfysy ^OWr ^LtyWe^- yA1 fhy*- /$* • A^/ftf/tyA-H.* yteeTZy^ ^/^ 7&6&7i AT-WAiypAt sm-tr stAt-At,**, AH&fidlyty — - l/pZi *a r* ,6tyertyf JtdfrAzy^ny-ip tyf&AaTifj _jZZ 7 y ffp Vt- adM-cAzA AAzy lA Al zt^fAztyKzi ,^A. zrir, AAm^Ae /AyziSzyy. &A A . - (- A Aiitd Aa-h AtAlzzA zptrrtrr tt-eziA yrintAt ,>rtzyAAy-AizmA tm Ait. ffez-a. yyy> . . l*"i7're^ tAAiaAAUt. yd AAu iA-fCttAa^x^y.A yd AAty^-ddyiA ~/Aa v*-t(p yt.Atta.At.Am- ) y<> trttztzA ztyAAyyyAz Atz-iA,. zA~&sTrz<-A<) /tzzy^yi. 0u.r ttrAzA. Adi^A trf wM««^W Ao AizAiyny >ty tftt,r- 4>)Ztit.tA- yz-Au aActryt. . AeAr?Ty?zaAty~.'?Tztt Arz^r^. Oaz rt^eriy c-rA- aA A /caA,f(?yl~A fi-m tzAipttnty-ALj Zztz2, A ,iz> AAlz .. -7~_a2£>*j? &/** ifAyTyrAyyyi. //& - y/ap / cVzIa A Aye /est A? tAtA* f — Ayr" AtyZAZZyT^A. -itr/a/ ti Ut-yizr A Ac- At™*-. AtLyZA-At AAy fil*. yyctttz, dztydrtt-yl A /a-az-zzaI ftt£~A)z.adi4L -Ao <3?T.pfztAy' , J j/a& Ac/ trn.y- siaz A*trr,x ay' 'Azp rW*/X ,-w< ^AyiZrZ4,z-el,tAtAZ za., -lyi./. /Z* ALiy- «~ fr^A cyy^-zzAtz-A yfz~~ AC, .a^La. /^AjA^ 61/14% 04/ /: tn^tzzAttyy^ty- fArAe1 tAfUiyr. i-*ty. fttA: Ai ,AAi.yjyu^.^ 'Auaaz. ) atAti tzAtt A Mnmt) y itA yAitrtA, yzzzAzAeAA ^n-. mzitzf7i4,A? yyitxy, yAz. ay/Ar AALz -wwwwii. zry-ziy-t/, zA yy *n-y -cayiAty^d . f/y. _____ A • y * _/-¦ ? -A fffyzyny zaAc Al44ytzlA^/yArtTApy£*tt*y<>*^J //ZAT-Atrt., 4ifA c zA, _^!_<___ CtZy ffAntA yhx. d&- y^ZlrLA . y^t^AuyrA/y-eptt-ZAAryptrt.^ Ji CmtAt. fiy y/z7i-t ZA, yztAt-th rfAyy ty-f /¦AttntA' ^ACZiAZAyyt- / trr Arr- //ALe, /z^zpzzAtA^ztt?-., gy/mp trttyr^. Ctrn fzzzA y ^AtAiAA.yAyAe^ yiyHyyAz^/yri^^^zAAAe'Viytzyj &YtAAc*yAh yeAAt*AzA~r y^cnrAAi , im AAity .occzt-yz^-^. , tf-At.^ ^w/»w««' /letrzzrr' zA&tlAaa*-j ytnzyr e_£^3?-r fAAAyy-r cata-t- , g/t, . ro£*-Ae. y^yty^^Ayzy yAz,,AAA Av-*^-^^* /laykzzxAzy __*___. tyyAc yizn cAty* A^z^jeAytzyyi^z^, zt-ae. . <* A/~~.^.ty. . %*-*/'.y yy . v.: * — j^. r? fitly, Aziz*, •za, ya yzt~i.p4y-*Zzy ^AtyAypyzAx.j a, yOATzV/Ai d Az/y ~AtZy Ala (?IOtAAe. AAA OaQ ,z*A.zAbyytyAy tH.ptyya^&. Ae.zxyty>— ^tsiye tcStr*-* rriyAzr-c -AtA AiytiAAAt . v^-m*^- a, Ao 7t-e>r**rZ-wy**yr' ymy. /_u^_.y /iz^yuyAAAAi. ^y — . . A _, p A y^ /fzAAz\y. trzcziyrty>A y t^ytnt-r t?A-/< zz-zAa-i^. AzX-yn ^— •— j. IpeTzzr vnzAAbA^A jAAy) Azt^tz Aazaa-. Am-Ai/^AAi /t, .i.^ fi£~~y. A„di-Ay?yt.t ^>. - aaAl,. yy> yy _- a/*^ a A iy*iAA- *_«, 04**4,/: aaa^a, 04**4/ (A?>yffl^ zTtzilrl <%/?.-&* Aft&At AAy^yAyfrAA, Ahw _7_yj_*^ '.- >i>ttAt>Ayrt^t,4f yt^Anryu-eyj ^yy A%yyyAA\yAyty <^ JtAvuydy /L~*rJ ^£2W^» "~*~J **"*''"""?,/* A.0^y^^-^iy^Ayy~.y^'^-^- .^UAtz, y*yrAtp. . _ /A^Mzt4tt,A~**>Ay*" *r~*~~A,**y 17 __-.._!_-_ ,/«/»* yhz+utAt, tyy**t*y, «*» , , .?_,,_,„-. I ^ ^Ayy^fUzAAA-A^y,; AtAtA^AU^/y » f***^ .^ ^£^ _._*__ ^~ ,,.W-~Wm *a* /»""• >*?""?._ Z4tyi4zy, *4U« Aru, Ap^yfr", dzytt^ o/aZoUh „* ^AaAA^^^^a,,. Oi4X4AL4A*}/^eA4y*i*i-+*tA4AylAytji^ AtA^tty, *cyyAd7t4tAlAA'. A%4tAf #/£«/> AArflA-ty-tAiyy. SAaAAaZ Aa/Uia, izXey lAftA, AAtzzAmy.. TiyAT^A.ttf^AAt f *ttA44 mt*A>/, *4tAi^4*rl~;/AyArtA*A*p z, AZAAotyyAAt^tyy t AAH-tyiey A£z /Vt^»4^u/£_l» yAlzl A>T_a*^*_^_^,_^_^_<***'*-'*'• p^tAzi fAAAyyUArt. a*, t^ttyptApAi^yiAzyz^AtAfA*^ °/o &**¦*— eyyAytAyy A-cAAtztAeA Ab^Ay/ yn-cpi^AiAHAfy tyiyyA- yeAAz^^tZASAzyuA, ™'/bAA*(Uy firr**p***" J-**r>At /t>,^Afy»A>>4y*, Utizl, AApyttA^ HUA U^zyA*y^.—H^^ A^,A4^A-*^^»7^fA^^ 4, dAy^A******^ Ay I/aha. yfe>cAi^T-yz*icy #rri>AHAYiy zyz\At//d>y AAt*^r>AyA.,z'yyu^A*^yA> -f^_2____ //^^^(/Ad&yry y.A. /itz /a ^a-aW tty AytyytyiAA^ty At^Azaaa^ A^^'^-z^yAr Aa^zAAAz'aam^^aa. At***. A^zfrAtzAytAT A yzAt-A-Acy-AyAAtt^pzAt zi^/A Ant y^p A/AHZft/AAy, ifttx /K_ A/fttA AdtA*™ Aa-a, yAAA-ttA/T^r^AyyArA^ zJ&yAt A^tnzyy ~w sa ztAtzzA. AA*/. jeiyt-. A,yyii foAmAt /rji^rA,lAriAt AlJA~yy OveCtAyC, Jo tA-, AttAnymJ^ frtz n^Ai Af-^A-yiAAAA^z^ty Aaa Az^ynA /v/_»^»/£//«*'' f _^£___ y»_>/.£»«^ AtrArr. o-vtyi AAzt-tyl ' zjAttAiy. *Azy Ao-r-tp Aattz e^r r*AAT~yo Jttfiyt A_t.' t_ zzAa^. 'Aty^iy it-tjAttAtyi At t-y SaAULa/ A-i y\-izyty,t=. A^M/L/^AyA/zpy/Ay Aittidzy i fr 1 4 1 iQ •J .^ i g > x J? , J ^ •J > ^ 4 ? -i A >*i\ 'i A \ | 1 4 H 1 ^ Ay A o 5 4 n y^ V'-\v'?,\ ¦*•_ s ^ V <4 X^ V<0) * n _*- /iyAAp C^t^y^A/fK'' aA^y/A^ p Sf,>tytcAALAl.A ¦ y /lie ^*-a=_w3_»_ e-/*A % ' /S***-*^ ¦4t.y,iy.Ay*.zzy JrA*. ^Aypc^ D.23. V>A*Ay> e/Me /jw^iw.^ &4ycyA>ziA A%A44,tyt- iz- AAzA/A/z. ey. 'y A\yd-cy/«m/»- \7fl fiitAyvple /AAiyyeAZr c/AAaa-^- rA _>> BRISTOL, Swr. 10, 1784. To Dr. COKE, Mr. ASBURY, and our Brethren in NORTH-AMERICA. 1. XX Y a very Uncommon train of Providences, many of the Provinces of North- America are totally disjoined from their Mother-Country, and erected into Independent States. The Engliih Government hat no Autho rity over them either Civil or Ecclefiailical, any more than over the States of Holland. A civil Authority is exercifed over them, partly by the Con- grefs, partly by the Provincial Anemblies. But no one either exercifes or claims any Ecclefiailical Authority at all. In this peculiar Situation fome thoufands of the inhabitants of thefe States defire my advice -, and in com pliance with their denre, I have drawn up a little Sketch. 2. Lord King's Account of the Primitive Charch convinced me many years ago, That Bilhops and Prelbyters are the fame Order, and confequently have the fame right to ordain. For many years I have been importuned from time to time, to exe.cife this right, by ordaining part of our travelling Preachers. But I have ftill refufed, not only for Peace' fake : but becaufe I was determined, as little as pomble to violate the eftablifhed Order of the national Church to which I belonged. 3. Eut the cafe is widely different between England and North-America. Here there are Biihops who have a legal Jurisdiction. In America there are none, neither any Parifh Miaifters. So that for fome hundred miles together there is none either to baptize or to administer the Lord's Supper. Here therefore my fcruples are at an end : and I conceive myfelf at full liberty, as I violate no Order and invade no man's Right, by appointing and fending Labourers into the Han-eft. 4-i ( * ) 4. I have accordingly appointed Dr. Coks and Mr. Francis Assury, to be joint Superintendents over our Brethren in North-America : As alfo Richard Whatcoat and Thomas Vasey, to act as Elders among them, by bn.p- tizin* and adminiftring the Lord's Supper. And I have prepared a Liturgy little differing from that of the Church of England (I think, the beft conftituted national Church in the World) which I advife all the Travel- liDg-Preachers to ufe, on the Lord's Day, . in all their Congregations, reading the Litany only on Wednefdays and Fridays, and praying extempore on all other days. I alfo advife the Elders to adminifter the Supper of the Lord on every Lord's Day. c. If any one will point out a more rational and fcriptural way, of feeding and guiding thofe poor flieep in the wildernefs, 1 will gladly embrace it. At prefent I cannot fee any better method than that I have taken. o.It has indeed been propofed, to defire the Englijb Biftiops, to ordain part of our Preachers for America. But to this I object-, i. I defired the Bifbop of London, to ordain only one ; but could not prevail : 2. If they con- fented, we know the Slownefs of their proceedings ; but the -matter admits of no delay. 3. If they would ordain them now, they would likewife expect to govern thern. And how grievoufly would this intangle us f 4. As our American Brethren are unw totally difentangled both from the State, and from the Englijk Hierarchy, we dare not intangle them again, either with the one or the other. They are now at full liberty, fimply to follow the Scripture* and the Primitive Church. And v.e judge it beft that they fhould ftand faft in that Liberty, wherewith God has fo ftrangery made them free. JOHN WESLEY. ^^/X^nAAA^-. c_W£*r /4, A»y ak-aO^ aAv/a^aI-aH^j,, y/£U ^»^4y^Ai^_ ^^^^sAL^AtZy^py77^ ^^ y^^^dP^^AzU^y^y yy^/S, a> *yJZpA£* *** ' *£*'*+»>'* * a/a-^*,, /a* aapaA'Aa^ y^Ah^y/ *A*»y*~> SzIa. Asy^yy y,y^^ yAiiAA,yy w z-za^at, ^Adyy/y?,.^ 'A^t-y^p^yJAy ^ ¦ '^Ay^/^yys^, kyyyp, ^,/^^p^ A3? X^ zyy^Ay.AXt^z ^/^^yp^ + ^^^ z^Ay-tAy y^z, A^y. _?_? . L-y * V ^^ *™***iy ****** ^XwS^A^^r/^^- ' y ^'>^*^^*-'v^/4#i4^/^/M^i^!w«?^**>^' dp>?i^AZ4>AtAy /v ^£-v#»»*4«*>-. A tVA,y t^& ,*>**¦*** A,'*** /e-ewAAfpA* J%r?- Oj/iJAA%p>AU /id? A*A?e ytAA^dAlriy _^&a«£***. tdA/y+y't-iA jd>*AyyT*i-yAf * &/*¦& aA? *Z>JrSyr>Atop , zvA/sA //nd? ,>?>,*- /rdt/d./f*9zPMt ___ ^Xfr^v*-_»A*» tA* >y**AA-AiT zCMyzlUdy'- SAAp u&»*^&-»*S»*»_P aAAi ytt&^ytAt* . lyf/z-A/zVZ- za^aO to#tdA*~3. dy-zh- yz^AtyjAQ, Ay}zAiL/2(**sA ^./WW. tzli^y^y Azydpi ,d /A,'* &AzV *y7y>ri ytey>y>y,tytiA '_-/_i**.; z**rA ***/* - •d'^-t, ziyp AP»A-,yA^/»y,y /yAd^A^yj^. zA^,*y^'y->/lA>S>Ay, tr^y fi.-Hn~AAr>yy ATI a%aAAa*A*- _-^>-vx__. sAy*A&n*yr /4» A^t^tA aA*z>^- y^-^i*^i^»__?V»7^j_! — du^/Adj&jjBttAy^y/i^AAy/yr^ jy>l$ *». **£)yr»yA zvpfyyyyd Ay &z^y y/ l/y **dA*y y/d Adz-ys^^. .Zz%'y Az^/A^dA ** A&zz*^ .*. >^ j^-X- *"Uy®: Uj4- *Az»*A4y* '*>*%•*£ ^ ^/^aJz?™ OzhA Wn'Arefp ; £*£?,A>'>ip _4/_ V*? zd/zyiz^^ A /eAtd** <-7-d/: . Al4KA)A^- iVfy d$>*zdid- //nwty* $y&yi*>-4rhyx~ d»y*^, O,*^ y AvAr/df M/UA, AtzWziAz»A& zh A*£t^yd^AA*4-^AA>y\?*yty Aid? ^/h^a^^^A. /a>p^AwA£ ^Ak *A? S*&y*-&*yp &yA* ti*<>-*//j?A*%»A'>*^y'. fe/j.** *tz-A^y>A. ZA^AA^^y^^A&/t,ptojf¥^yA&- A^iAAA^ZAy, -^aM^/-^;**^^/*.^^^^) y **'dtX''"/nfAd> ¦ &^,^yZ^/r&*,A>z-(yy >*a>&a, z-4*,yd ^ yW&ty^pA* M^A^y^dAp »^^ Az^A&a* dd^- 0M**i^ Wj»m^^W y^^p^d^ ^AdiAlny+z. a, »ZAo*" /?*rx4»& y/A taw**^ ^^P - feCyi^^^^ "s~~~-J^4*jL~y f^^d^j^t^t^^^jy ^dAT^lZ- ^ *?""**. vAMzr&a&ap ab»ac Uy»dA>4.,li-AAi- tnti- d#yyp _ i 'A? **rtjiAA*y>y a^Ayd AAe-i/Aty!). /?? /A-A*/}, *& AAt+/»p y&y,AA& Ad? » **W£* //sw-yAipp z>*£ *W A? Av AyA>At?A.yyiVAi-#.£t^, aai ^T/ydAy-yyAtA dy^"-A *y.ddy ^^tttyzzyy^y-y tyypA^5*^yM^ - y4y>A*A,A^, y _A*-_V_^ii__ ffliiV- ^/%* /? -_^<»v ~% Al^AfiAhAt. » a3Aa<>Aa- y&y/At*z*dr /d^tzZmty**** /AA'Ar&dyAz' .? J//W AfiyPT-AAtp £***, i-%A>/p-eA A,*-. iT/ty *^ /*aA**1*'*--* ^^/d*fe^-,/dy At^ >,Q&Air2-yi**t— 6 dLU/dltA/dz^yr^/fAA^, yy^y',^^^ fr#A*A*yd2- h dy/p- See/y tfydzpdy, zv6* zi*y>/A^dAAzA*/**A*A>'y»r- /rfm y**^fy^/iASz4- d^/fAy^y, aA3 O+z A*^AyVyAt&yiAA _> z*a4a9h. t^y A&.<& /few^»- y/QyAyf? dzC/td-Ai-ytp Is Ay^U^Ad, A»0 A&yAA+Kdy,* y/A, A^s^y 'f*>j/*£? d/** A/yvy JAa$/Az 64^,^ A* yyt^y, yy£ tf^ Hylp AAy/^AAUAAiA frz^.H/tU, /y /-^^W^.^.*^^^*-^ tAm- fitAf Sh^atZ. Ap A yr,, $***_. ^ /d}s»^. l^/zdAzd jy-z^- yd+ Ar'Uzded'jzz' a»- A»w^, i%y ^ti>AdO ,**>*,», /iH-y y/t&A%»y A*} H/AS HAzA? th AAl-dtyr'ty. /i,»p A/SAUt** ^A^AvaZ zVzAtK* A*.-- jAy/y/ziQ d/2> f***A>ArA?- JriyA/id,H*y>'s^y u/A*d?ht*idd* $ty*»,y izaA?/ > ad? f/*?y/y>zdA- J4*A a^<^>^*_!-^^^^_»^/*?^^!«^5' *H*y- , 3*Ap ^Xy^^deedtd^AHdA^tdA^y. Ad) */*~»y? <%>»*£»> ¦ TV . REASONS AGAINST A SEPARATION FROM THE Church of England. By JOHN WESLEY, A.M. Printed in the Year 1758. WITH HYMNS for the Preachers among the Methodists (fo called), By CHARLES WESLEY, A.M. LONDON: Printed by W. Strahan, and Sold at the Foundery in Upper-MoorfieWs, MDCCLX. /d/A^en j/A2A>0 £/&s*AAhd /A*A/?yAA^ fiG^ A&4 $*>4*?*~ •>y%£<€d^- AAa/tzi i?n^AT&&bf dA^.'sAdy^ f&&afer^Aj&j6t& 2 & %ea^/^/a.*^ty^Ay&a ¦p^zii, ^^d-dsiuy gAyUpAt**yS*A;eA*»? *,/&* REASONS AGAINST A SEPARATION FROM THE Church of England. S\%zSAdK H E T H E R it be lawful or no (which yxr )§( itfelf may be difputed, being not lb clear )J( 3§C a P°int as fome may imagine) it is by _L_F2___i no Means expedient for us to feparate "**•*¦"¦ frorn the Eftablifh'd Church : i. Because it would bs a Contradi«9ion to the folemn and repeated J)eclarations, which we have made in ali Manner of Ways, in Preaching, iu Print, and in private Converfation : a. Because (on this as well as many other Ac counts) it would give huge Occafion of Offence to thofe who feek and defire Occafion, to all the Ene mies of God and his Truth : 3. Because it would exceedingly prejudice againft us many who fear, yea, who Jove God, and thereby hinder their receiving fo much, perhaps any farther, Benefit from our Preaching : 4. Because it would hinder Multitudes of thofe who neither love nor fearGoo, from bearing us atali : A 2 5. Be- C 4 ] 5- Because it would occafion many Hundreds, if not fome Thoufands of thofe who are now united with us, to feparate from us ; yea, and forjie of thofe who have a deep Work of Grace in their Souls : 6. Because it would be throwing Balls of Wild fire among them that are now quiet in the Land. We are now fweetly united together in Love. We nioftly think and fpeak the fame Thing. But this would occafion inconceivable Strife and Contention, between thofe who left, and thofe who remained in the Church, as well as between thofe who left us, and thole who remained with us : Nay, and be tween thofe very Perfons who remained, as they were variously inclined one Way or the other : 7. Because, whereas Controverfy is now afleep, and we in great Meafure live peaceably with all Men, fo that we are ftrangely at Leifure to fpend our whole Time and Strength, in enforcing plain, practical, vital Religion. (O what would many of our Forefathers have given, to have enjoyed fo Weffed a Calm ?) This would utterly banifh Peace from among us, and that without Hope of its Re turn. It would engage me for one, in a thoufand Controversies, both in Publick and Private; (for I fhould be in Confidence obliged to give the Reafons of my Conduit,- and to defend thofe Reafons againft all Oppofers) and fo take me off from thofe- more ufeful Labours, which might otherwife employ the ihort Remainder of my Life : 8. Because to form the Plan of a New Church would require infinite Time and Care, (which might be far more profitably beflowed) With much more Wiiliom and greater Depth and Exteniivenefs cf Thought, than any of us are M afters of: 9. Because from fome having barely entertain ed a diftant Thought of this, evil Fruits have al ready followed, fuch as Prejudice agair.ft the Clergy in general . and aptnefs to believe 111 of them ; Con tempt (not without a Degree of Bitternefs), of Clergy- Clergymen as fuch, and a Sharpneft of Language toward the whole Order, utterly unbecoming either Gentlemen or Chriftians : io. Because the Experiment has. been fo fre quently tried already, and tbe fuccefs never anfwer'd the Expectation. God has fince the Reformation raifed up from Time to Time many Witneffes of pure Religion. If thefe lived and died (like John Arndt, Robert B»!tant and many others) in the Churches to which they belonged, notwithstanding theWickednefs which overflowed both the Teachers and People therein ; they rpread the Leaven of true Religion far and wide, and were more and more ufeful, 'till they went to Paradife. But if upon any Provocation or Confederation whatever, they fepa- rated, and founded diftinc. Parties, their Influence was more and more confined ; they grew lefs and lefs ufeful to others, and generally loft the Spirit of Religion themfelves in the Spirit of Controverfy : I r. Because we have melancholy Instances of this, even now before our Eyes. Many have in our Memory left the Church, and formed them felves into diftinc. Bodies. And certainly fome of them, from a real Perfuafion, that they fhould do God more Service. But have any leparated them felves and profpered ? Have they been either more holy, or more ufeful than they were before ? 12. Because by fuch a Separation we fhould not only throw away the peculiar Glorying which God has given us, That we do and will fufter a_ Things for our Brethren's Sake, tho' the more we love them, the lefs we be loved . But fhould aft in direct Contradiction to that very End, for which we believe God hath raifed us up. The chief Defigrt of his Providence in fending us out, is undoubtedly, To quicken our Brethren. And the firft Meffagc of all our Preachers i% to the loft Sheep of the Church of England. Now would it not be a flat Contradi&ion to this Defign, To feparate from the A- 3 Church? _ 6 ] Church ? Thefe Things being conlidered, we can not apprehend, whether it be lawful in itfelf or no, that it is lawful for us : were it only on this Ground, That it is by no means expedient. II. It has indeed been objected, That 'till we do feparate, we cannot be a compact, united Body. It is true, we cannot 'till then be a compaft united Body, if you mean by that Exprefllon, A Body diflir.dt from all others. And we have no Defire fo to be. It has been objected, Secondly, " It is mere Cow ardice and Fear of Perfecution which makes you defire to remain united with them." This cannot be proved. Let every one examine his own Heart, and not judge his Brother. It is not probable. We never yet, for any Per fecution, when we were in the Midi! of it, either turned back from the Work, or even flackencd our Pace. But this is certain: That although Perfecution many Times proves an unfpeakable Bleffing to them that fuffer it, yet we ought not wilfully to bring it upon ourfelves. Nay, we ought to do whatever can la wfully be done, in order to prevent it. We ought to avoid it, fo far as we lawfully can . when perfe- cuted in one City, to flee into another. If God fhould fuffer a General Perfecution, who would be able to abide it, we know not. Perhaps thofe who talk loudeft, might flee firft. Remember the Cafe of Dr. Pendletm. III. Upon the whole, one cannot but obferve, how defirable it is, That all of us who are engaged in the fame Work, mould think and fpeak the fame Thing, be united in one Judgment, and ufe one and the fame Language. Do we not all now fee Ourfehei, the Metbodijls (fo called) in general, tbe Cburch and the Clergy in a clear Light ? We I 7 ] We look upon turfehei, not as the Authors, or Ringleaders of a particular Sect or Party . (It is the fanned Thing from our Thoughts :) but as Mef- fengers of God, to thofe who are Chriftians in Name, but Heathens in Heart and in Life, to call them back to that from which they are fallen, to real, genuine Chriftianity. We -are therefore Debtors to all thefe, of whatever Opinion or De nomination : And are confequently to do all that in us lies, to pleafe all, for their Good, to Edification. We look upon the Methodiftt (fo called) in general, not as any particular Party . (This would exceedingly obflruct (he Grand Defign, for which we conceive God has raifed them up), but as living Witneffes in, and to every Party, of that Chrifti anity which we preach ; which is hereby demon- ftrated to be a real Thing, and viiibly held out to all the World. WE look upon England as that Part of tbeWorid. and the Church as that Part of England, to which all we who are born and have been brought up there in, owe our firft and chief Regard, We feel in out felves a ftrong Zroeyti', a Kind of Natural Affec tion for our Country, which we apprehend Chrifti anity was never defigned either to root out or to impair. We have a more peculiar Concern for our Brethren, for that Part of our Countrymen, to whom we have been joined from our Youth up, by Ties of a Religious as well as a Civil Nature. True it is, that they are in general, without God in the World. So much the more do our Bowels yearn over them. They do lie in Darin/ft and tbe Shallow of Death. The more tender is our Com panion for them. And when we have the fullett Conviction of that complicated Wickcdnefs which covers them as a Flood, then do we feel the moft (and we defire to feel yet more) of that inexpreflible Emotion, with which our blcffed Lord beheld Je~ rufalem, and wept and lamented over it. Then are A 4 we [ 8 3 we the nioft willing tofpend and it be fpent Tor them, yea, to lay dawn our Laves for our Brethren, We look upon the Clergy* not only as a Part of thefa our Brethren, but as that Part whom God by his adorable Providence, has called to be Watch men over the reft, for whom therefore they are to giye a ftri& Account. If tbefe then neglect their important Charge, if they do not watch over them with all their Power, they will be of all Men moft miferable, and fo are entitled to our deepeft Com panion. So that to feel, and much more to exprefs either Contempt or Bitternefs towards them, betrays an utter Ignorance of ourlelves and of the Spirit which we efpecially fhould be of. Because this is a Point of uncommon Concern, let us c»nfider it a little farther. The Clergy wherever we are, are either Friends to the Truth, or Neuters, or Enemies to it. If they are Friends to it, certainly we fhould do every Thing, and omit .every Thing we can with a fafe Confcience, in order to continue, and if it be poflible, increafe their Good-will to it. If they neither further nor hinder it, we fhould do all that in us lies, both for their Sakes and for the Sake of their feveral Flocks, to give their Neutrality the right Turn, that it may change into Love rather than Hatred. If they are Enemies, ftill we fhould not defpair ©f leftening, if not removing their Prejudice. We fhould try every Means again and again. We fhould emplpy all our Care, Labour, Prudence, joined with fervent Prayer, to overcome Evil with Good, to melt their Hardnefs into Love. It is true, that when any of thefe openly .wreft the Scriptures, and deny the grand Truths of the Gorpel, we cannot but declare and defend, at con venient Opportunities, the important Truths which they derty. But in this Cafe efpecially we have _ked of all Gentlenefs and Meeknefsof Wifdom. Contempt, r y i Contempt, Sharpnefs, Bitternefs can do no Good 7 he Wrath of Man wtri/tb'W, tb* Righttoufnefs of Goo. Harfh Methods have been tried again and again (by two or three unfettled Railers) : At Wed- nejhuTj,. St. Ives, Cork, Canterbury. And how did they fucceed i They always occafioned numberlefs Evils-, often wholly ftopt the Courfe of the Gofpel. Therefore, were it only on a prudential Account, were Confidence unconcerned therein, it fhould be a facred Rule to all our Preachers, " No Contempt, no Bitttrnefs to the Clergy." a. Might it not be another (at leaft prudential) Rule, for every Methodifi Preacher, " Not to fre quent any Diflenting Meeting ? " (Tho' we blame none who have been always accuftomed to it) But ifw. dothis, certainly our People will. Now this is actually leparating from the Church. If therefore it is (at leaf!) not expedient to feparate, neither is this expedient. Indeed we may attend our AfTem- blies, and the Church too ; becaufe they are at dif ferent Hours. But we cannot attend both the Meeting and the Church, becaufe they are at the fame Hours. If it be faid, " But at the Church wc are fed with Chaff, whereas at the Meeting we have wholefome Food :" We anfwer, i . The Prayers of the Church are not Chaff: They are fubllannal Food for any who are alive to God. 2. The Lord's Supper is not Chaff, but pore and wholefome for all who receive it with upright Hearts. Yea, ?. In nlmoft all the Sermons wc hear there, we hear many great and important Truths. And whoever has a fpiri- tual Difcernment, may eafily feparate the Chaff from the Wheat therein. 4- How little is tbe Cafe mended at the Meeting? Either the Teachers are New Light Men, denying the Lord that bought them, and overturning his Gofpel, from the very Foundations : Or they are Predelliii arians, and fo preach Predcftination and Final Perfeverancc, more A5 f io ] or lefs. Now whatever this may be to them who were educated therein, yet to thofe of our Brethren who have lately embraced it, repeated Experierce fhews it is not wholefome Food : Rather to them it has the Effect of deadly Poifon. In a fhort Time it deftroys all their Zeal for God. They grow fond of Opinions and Strife of Words. They de- fpife Self-denial and the daily Crofs; and to cam- pleat all, wholly feparate from their Brethren. 3. Nc-R is it expedient for any Methodiyl Preacher, to imitate the DhTenters in their Manner of Praying : Either, in his Tent : All particular Tones both in Prayer and Preaching fhould be avoided with the uemoft Care : Nor in his Language j aR his Words mould be plain and firople, fuch as the loweft of his Hearers both ufe and understand : Or in the Length of his Prayer, which fhould not ufually ex ceed four or five Minutes, either before or after Sermon. One might add. Neither fhould we ftng, like them in a flow, drawling Manner 1 We iing fvvift, both becaufe it faves Time, and becaufe it tends to awake and enliven the Soul. 4. Fourthly., If we continue in the Church not by Chance, or for want of Thought, but upon folid and well weighed Reafons, then wc- fhould never fpeak cortfemptuouSyof the Church, or any Thing pertaining to it. In fome Senfe, it is the Mother of us all, who have been brought up therein. We ought never to make her Blemifhes Matter of Di~ verfion, but rather of fokmn Sorrow before God, We ought never to talkludicroufly of them ; no, not at all, without clear Neceffity. Rather, we Ihouid conceal them, a&f_r as ever we can, without bringing Guilt upon our own Confcience. And we fhould all ufe every Rational and Scriptural Means, io bring others to the fame Temper and Behaviour. \&*,-AH\ for if fome of us are thus minded, and others of an oppofue Spirit and Behaviour, this \vi)i breed a real Schifm among ourfclves. It will of Courfe 3 divide [ " _ .divide us into Two Parties; each of which will be liable to perpetual Jcaloufies, Sufpicions and Animo- fities againft the other. Therefore on this Account Hkewife, it is expedient in the higheft Degree, that we ihould be tender of the Church to which we belong, 5. In order to fecure this End, to cut off all Jea- loufyand Sufpicion from our Friends, and Hope from our Enemies, of our having any Defign to feparate from the Church, it would be well for every Methe- dijl Preacher, who has no Scruple concerning it, to attend the Service of the Church, as often as conve niently he can. And the more we attend it, the snore we love it, as conftant Experience fhews. On the contrary, the longer we abftain from it, the le_ Defire we have to attend it at all". 6. Laj'Ujy Whereaswc are furroundcd on every Side, by thofe who are equally Enemies to us and to the Church of England \ and whereas thefe are long pra£.ifed in this War, and fkiiled in all the Ob jections againft it : While our Brethren on the other Hand are quite Strangers to them all, and fo on a fudden know not how to anfwer them : It is highly expedient for cvciy Preacher to be provided with found Anfwers to thofe Objections, and then io in- ftruct (he Societies where he labours, how to defend themfelves againft thofe Afiaults. It would be there fore well for you carefully to read over the Preferva- tive agaiiift unfettled Notions in Religion, together with Serious Thoughts concerning Ptrfeveranet ind Prdeflintitioit calmly anfidtred. And when you, are Mafters of them yourfejves, it will be eafy^foryout to recommend and explain them to our Societies : That they may no more be tcfl to and fro by every Wind of Dsgirine; but being fettled in one Mind ami one Judgment, by folid fcr.ipturjl and rational Arguments, may grow up in all Things into Him U/ho is our Head, even Jefus Chrift. JOHN WESLEY. A G I think [ ia ] I think myfelf bound in Duty, to add my Tefti- mony to my Brother's. His Twelve Reafons againft our ever Separating from the Church of England, are mine alfo. I fubfcribe to tbem with all my Heart. Only with regard to the Firft, / am quite clear, that it is neither Expedient, nor Lawful for Me to Separate: And I never had the leaft In clination or Temptation fo to do. My Affec tion for the Church is as ftrong as ever : And I clearly fee my Calling ; which is, to live and to die in her Communion. This, therefore. I am determined to do, the Lord being my Helper. I have fubjoined the Hymns for the Lay- Preachers . ftill farther to fecure this End, to eut off ell Jealaufy and Sufpicion from our Friends , or Hope from our Enemies, of our having any Dtf'gn *f ever Separating from the Church. I have no fecret Re serve, or diftant Thought of it. I never had. Would to God all tbe Methodift Preacheri were, iu this refpect, like minded with CHARLES WESLEY yw *Aiy XA£ -^**»-v^4t. * Ctd *-ia+4a/. led. JitfiWlA Ac*y*t *£***% _»*~-J__-«^ (yid*~*Ay/dyty~et . JV#v»v£fc*w. yy aA*. AtCA/^4,Ay tdLy^ J _^ j„ye_ ,^ fi,^Q .^AAL. J___ j?*--j__— £em*m—f *dlZ+de. f£T d 4-*. _-»__-^. dz** ** . £ ¦»*_*_/»-'£. -^ -*-*?»-. -*0->-__^, f&Z^ J C-«*— «-*-*«.« «-P £w J-<-t-4?**£- Ari-^-V-^lxA, $ t^tf? f,. A»-»-»o~*~r 4~e^*-^y. ¥ **+>*y.d ^X_o^ _^ *^jf__£- *-»- / ^ch_ fnAL-yzAA aA^ Ae. I- . mn Aa^, #-~ A»_ ft2 o~~y a*.;, , tZi£- A^aZ/ . _f *}- (ALT - A,yy%. a~a-A*A AA It,. ».._<-_.« oat^ a&^aA , ». aCA£A fe^._v- *-*. y /A-iAA-ptZ^ An.t^.A /y~M~y*~A-y £* yp AA ,/f t,~- t~l~-J <*— '"¦'A-d'" Atz *A%i~j ..v _V _£. <»_.», A AAaa~- z-a*. Aim,, r'y t^.^.r.^M. AA^/A.yA>^-, z~~-£C.ty, J&-^»_//h%^n___~ £ryyd2y*-y*-*r y *y^A<^&^^^ _-*~_fe <5«__-L-fc j It X U yA&zy At,t-I P p^z^ y%z,^y^ y^ a*. y& A yfdztzrt. tyyyty}' yy lAZtyty-Af y Adzy* z'A ftu^ A-*- zyyAr,z>yiA-y AW z-"-Aziz- tX frVAl^ty-ey,^- yAA.A-fr, yAtyAT-yA tp zyty-^-zn. yA~/A-y CACyizyt^yJ^r^p ZriyzAAt. 'zzy\. *^ z-*~ z^-n. S _—«>_£/, t? y^zy^yzyr- y-D zy^yy^. y^^.^y ^y^z^y y^y^y? ^__ y- ^^^u*,^ "/epdzy) y ' dLyy. AdAzpyy^ Az, tyzyy^y zAA y£z.y~y*~ '/-, ze^yy, zt-AyA^y. Adddy€^ yyCtpAi yA^ Ayyz~y~A-~yA ^<^T^2C^__i_^ t^y^*dtyzy, tA* £-_-^~_-. <»-v.*-^__^ _ _5-<: zt- y/zyy trpd tAt&A,. p^ctAy-dAy ydy£tn&AAiA**-~~-T l__*s«2 ZAcyy^y a/aA* za~ y 'i^^_-w£~__u_^ 'ty^t^tyt-yz «_*_L> Z1 lAAcy _ 4^4,0^4, , _7y_l» _^_ zxyffiz. zyiyC^ 4*Br zAp A\yA+~>tAi. , .p f*«Atr yAtSex-ty yA yf*~A^^*- *-—**"-»¦ <^^*»«_Q <£-!>— --_-—-' __. /_ ^ "t—* «_--?-« tiCzzrAy- ytAA. 2JA*p4rb-*-t) '>_ AZAytAAA^A. ZyAzASV ^__^*2^Ut_<-__. ^__^^C_. >^ '^^ ^^ prf-y^A^y^ _^_ ^ _^_~* sCAryZAy ^yCA-A^Ai? /& «3_n»»»->^_^<»<: ___0 /» zy^yyzyyd-ryA, ,y ' y Ayyy^^^^yzy^^^^y^^^ ¦zHyyxyz- y[ r *_*-__<£ >«r . v_> ^z_> *v yy s7y- ^y Ayr^y- -y^^g yA£^ aAaa *Ar-i-tAp ' txpArf^- z-zyAAyy, yA p~A4A^A^A^t /y-*^~ rZ-^ArCt. -?-^yiyzyZ~^- z^Xr-A* A7-y-t && tyzAAt^Ai 'zAuAt, y <_=-"-/ *tyr-A- Vz^ay-cyey _-«-c^_ XA^-y^y^ yLyyt-^ ,) jA^a-^v-a AaZ-^-A. f *-w*-z _^-*_ 'tAZy-^ y*t a^z^-4^ . tA^A Aeyyyyz^yr y%r t^A-t^, AAtAoyP- y ALy^-ziy^y __^.' d_2__-^ »-o^<_L^_^^»i_^ Ays y yA^A-yr ^_ ~-*_. c^y p,^^ ^_s-!_, -d^ dA z^y-4<-dtAf ydex^ty-ey .*»____ .**»_-_£ ^t^^i^-.. "-~~_y _^_S> C-CAyt^L.4, Jy £ .J^ aA y ydztzyAAyy yCzAy z^y^^yyH^v *-£-A*~^-t'-y. ^s_^ -_ z*ytA-zr-ty-My tAt z~y-z£ziy^>. y a^aCaa^A-O, cha-^4. ___« y, zy^'typ^ydd^ydy, ,y yes * Ct^y- _?^ • yrz>y zyy_ z^^zf^yy fdAL, Ayy*^. __ _= - _Vt_^_ #_^-5pZ_ y^^y^zi^AriAAty/*L y ___>.s_ «__*_=, fi/rm.t.A' IrU & utxAaAdt. &- u-aUAa »_ 4i__r Sctnz. u-ptrr^ 0- /izAyzAtAi- try tyrzj^t (Atn.pArriKt\.i.rA/Lr eA. 4U Atfu.r»A!yi. of Au-r Ap4A,rx.ii tfx A^ruiznczK ^6>*. PiL." l//tf*44A Arm. tAfaoln. / h*} rXtcAtrii fiy Co7n^rUAt(^tn./ _© i*.AzA}. 9U "gti c/yAAi ttAieytrvri.'&j- trlwcAtt fn*. Aa" fayr ICzt fit- rtexi _t riAAt- fo 6i ^$ %nAt (yUtyyA frc-tArn^ &ut J1!) fi47f- tAtc^ 3 tAUiAi tAtW*,*. Ct\Aitre /cpx^TK&-ejT. //Lck-Cj CixA^ pytei.ct.. yC (n.-/ A fat AAi f0z-t.*>lAtA*. /eon*- «mwt* MCeicA. /viUtz-ie. flA> tfc*< J **>¦ Uzrtsy ^ — cA-Ur-fu. U fU>U A/zrry y4t- (hy ytf\yLtnAlirK . fat* 1/6** ceutx {A Iotxa, for a >-- 6 ALCCAA^y^/t tiAAc/'ttl? rYuA*, fA/Hn ho )^- tmJ>U4t AU ty^r^ ii &i ttftrwtA 7/_ A^_i^. tf fL W*, .. J y J '"*¦> ^«^6-vJ_^ My tyycyAtA. *»»*;*»> v**A**& rrU^p^ K&y ^ pT^ _/'_.-__ ~)' y ' A av tp*? *£***&¦ tfyece; ,/A n»Jvyt Uy y/^ /' £ fcJA JAe /AoA^^OfUryAyrcyyffiA A%y*vA & fi- Uyu.6i,. frit t™. „r_yw^ //t,^ ^ tycSyzA^^^^z^ ^ /Utrc /,«_ /ynnrc, So. too AQuA6 ck ntyr /trtAzAtj U &L,t. fta-to. q Uout-2^ 7ti>unleUy /K^&r, f Arut-cA^. ^J^ K ' f^^Ac^ Afy^rrjiA %MA-y4l -bvry/fiyr eyuA^cA^ d- fu,Ljy^ t/7r*ircal*y ArtAc/eyr? jf ytj^ if ^* /pA^^^jJiy-, g^ }*>*"¦ of ircyry _^m*_>e4"z.^_ tx/fACA^^ fyitdf'y ' *. fiyt^c-uyUr- 6v $O0j 00 0, Aa/ia) y /yC CeA.c.) &A tutuy Aotron. /AzrtAi. c4r tsuAZ ftrt/aAA ffiAArtt/t fa/VLeAAAtty. j& _43*__& /r/ 0J^£/C^7-^/tt<^^_771^r-c^<&7i^ Oft. tAjtyc /cfctet iXzrnxru^\tr/s /S'O 066. ^Vz4.(ra7ip y-ftt trf ^Cs*t ALtrc. fifczyyAy, 9K_ IrorA two tUt-dCn)* _^_ /a^aA/ Amr*. /oczt^on. Ao //&¦ A"Ay* in- fabric*.. /Stc^u^t tAc ; AAty *n_^ 9 /Aia\xAa SfiU** At*. 'U.yttiAi. yAcuA, aAi trt/ru MtAot /n*A. uu j/uy A\zrx rvelr eu.aMAAKln£i tAArt ftt, ^iouf-At) »<^^_^_.. AbtyAtty fay ijiriCe* Oyiyuii Jfrffu, yrtyunye /bL,/uy4 Krru2> Ueyn. &(*- itrUctA. of f/t -Aey.ttTi-4 ,^U**_\a*#, UUASyAr An-tuAerz fTutatUrrwb; ^ •„ ^_ ^tv"rT V *• rc-uyJ.**. U ee y. '-.«_-. fl*0 taw«- £&--,__» .^femf fn-ei-A* frvL Crtyr^ArtA; Ara lyzt /r/^A.Aet£*<*- AftKrrMyt^yl ttiurvi,-. J //Gu* X^UkV ^ AiA-ccy/i : /trf MLy ftu. CAx/tyAiyixy. Xn^znu. t£ ffytAAi Attf U. tKty* /(*&* Oaa kxA g^, l* CtAjr-wyk.1 C*>i $¦ ytnA.£*r iu>* _.-im<^ u-At-fh,? (L/bvyy rShATtt lAyfiyAM-ntA, Lr Vxzry cy>yit4tt,) KrAl h-tt tAzcA tyrrytp. fitxy 9 An*f fut. %nti ax. ey/ccAzyt^yC. (Xizxztyc tie it: Jk U^r-ty*,, tAKz-rx. /aim, /6eyX< At*) dxAyn, £AAzy\/ fchyvM l&~0, /t/tChvAAtn,, ptAt, il, (UTtXAy, tttd. .faA 9A*&y t4t t^tttrndtity &**nj (f i*j fiyQ $ fiAturx tyAzAy from*, *_. pytun. a^ jujcyxA/iU. &Httn^. xajtA't^otrlzt'. /AaAA S /x. y4«w»-) t^t/ Oi-jKrUnz-^ itAZrwUzu hrA* AW «^ J/zA^y-yM^ ? 9 jie.it Irt £&**. tfa uAty5j f^ fc,S>A4y £rt rjf 9/tA^, k AyrtzUK^ 9'U bxj "AT #1****} £& J fo^ &. tUrnyrvyr gf ' /kA^ U^. y/L, U,u. /*, J l^rt, fnyHt. *- 6»% trm&A~ trn.l^^^r <.*- ex* feur ** Ma, cz*A£nzV rf ' *. j*.tAl y^a*- %nAt /Attru t^. J/ Ur* hAtiAre.yoi.eA. Cyrn/Ci tytxcz. in. tM, Un*. ti-iU AiZi Dm, cauSO) jjj MyAyiA- 9 AA« lurtfAytitzx+iiiyria &t*n. tyy.^AAj ^ti^ft-ar&H-c^w. piru tevtsZy 9 ynzApy trupx.y ' g&Cicpy /AvrtA*- Aa^JC^.*^ */ t^J Cyrryczy^-y "to fyrltz tz- /uLipy-ti'tACoJ. ,/tJtizr At fnA /\tuj . /K. Jurntt tS/uicA Oex* A' rt4tAyr*.u. frXtzn. 9 fjZLf {eiy/ly in, AzpyyrityL, 9 yXtrxyfiyrxy oAi GWT-.t^Vc Art ts&y 9d/ei» .yy l^^y *AXIKT fnleytA^ furUAky tfAitA ksmJ. A ietyytvy**- or tjfi ***<¦*>*. filif A&truyn. tpnAiKzt'lynAiitrcyl^K'yy (3 ttz-yyy X- JujfeA*) jottxt- rx-/&AAy« on. 4u cAeuetx^Aoz g/ ifu l/h txAtrV*/M*z6+*i24 £*.t\AtA7njAfi. (Z IfX tynycrW. iyx. £Ay ftl&.0yyyTi*- nrr tSfuitA. 9 Aft^ VXzty Atmi: /nAy yrtfitxfay jK4*At. i\4tfr txrit- t£U J Ae.tr'- ftxA^z. try lucAnirlA&iynvLyyl' tnyrrc Ai4Ar£c.j frteiAy. fit ¦ p»yrrvUt Sexy furt- 'btyirx iA. Jm*. turtr Jiurt. %AA,t/Atyr S /Coyr* tiAre-eAto yjAtAAi* UoTt-./tr k* XCCyLpyA** (A or**, ef tA*. effw fh/yt- tny- vy $/nA,yi) fi. fiUMH, 4 fly f-A l)y firei- trCA^e fcj%AA£»^yAU-. %Ji;4/*vAryArirUy^ (f^ gy rUir J^^ yy /i^&^jrr* d- AztAyrtA. gf £^_,o. 3 A 3 )£ gf^^ J ttoJrtrS ^t> tAtyxtAyJlj fan. tAAy-tUgy. Jty. ^ #£ eiy/utyr fc fitT AAaAa**} fioAlAt*. gy* /tfryAiatx) J jc^y^^y fa ^^ &A) A .r fozXAAKfjp A^jt,. 3'A ttbe^imAzy If A *_?_). /i>tU^ itAjiy .' j $,1*. _» A^A/ t-sie-A cyx-tty/izr*. . 3 iAtU UittruXti* Cr*y~r fiztyrxAttAtUr. Otut AA.y ha.6. Suite cAoutY. P*t>. Utnzyr /txAierA-r — tA**tr i/ (fen-. AaX^c /»_ tfatoAftC&ef UM.ySyrW-irvtj iAi' /vrtyny lyW tAit Ouath &/** ^tAtArgy^A^L ti* p^erx Kettty. gf uir / fvr iA" %jwi*&.6xgt /.z*A)t ffifiyrU 2 A. //i} t- y^T/Xig^A /itv? 9/AAezr- ie. A&. faA^ \%fc&* (An. fnx-Atf tAe^cnAfc ^__r-*^«>--<2»>-; fe. *** 9 a**- y*c-rf A_a^ t^tt fc* *W~#ry, li &«<" ** &**¦ dr'-W-wM.*. V h t to- 1 4 Si* _ y,yyt./)rt*ij /i*, piy.yyt' y,yyx_ ytv/n Ipmzyr 9j~cU '- /fu>%m- AK^n^tAzf 3 Ain /ptti-?>.A &> yzz\ fny ftu.rJ tp lym,. crn, 4*- JtzApctfy Imru yccU'lt^Att-nuynAr' /l4.-i\-C) tJutAtAAy (L, fJXjtnx^yr A/fAz. AytttrtA tf UyAayn,) prifri Iriy (a.y**t~ 9n/*yrityy frittuj irr)ct*iA} A? iAa.fr- fn*"***) AiAy) KOUnna fe/tn, &h ^tyxzy cz\ AU-tS a*u) [An ^tfrxzy &*<. /i*Ac A*»*i lA eZu Uy^xyzAf a/* fiixyrr, is/At,/ i, tyb-zAy ¦ tyAjcy tA*. AfiArvnytyt. y (Ay /A-U/rxA. of CntyAeKAXA) A Uny O-Afnyritr <*. Actytrtr £>l A* fn-trvv.4- lAhz*. 9 Arzt-ytniA) y<>^ y-A.*-t - #.Aa Ap/z /i\t*-n /nr 9a&. fAUAy yAlcA uf /iriAyfcy<. tye-n- <*.*». Ver Am or ,y u-C/^. _yfe- *iJ 2$*,= %*& fr r feu&y 9 rx-H^yz fty) „" ^. ^(t^A^.^ & &. fay (fttu^y. ^*/e^tyyir»^ n»„ opAfyiir^ e. fr^ *0 ^ ^, 9 cAz^yi ha, WW sJ/rtwi9 ^ Y^ 9**. to* SkcAaj*:*: a^ tAn^/AtL fa^Ay&^Ay/*, rx£Zrz^. J i&rA J^ aiA^cAAz fr^^ ^ ^ ^^ ^^^ fito „^.^w^ t^y fy ^ 6 ) f(y/^ Aty/y^^. >/Z fruiLAy a d*y r&*- t*Af error j htAr & 6x A-//U,frjLA tf (AmAZy* **. tzmrr-tAAxn. temt,tx. JtyyynA^ /%,»_ OUjAy^A 'ff CyCtJUi U- iztrpyL) f tcgtrvrd _4^_ a ^Wiv. ^ /r^A^^t^y^yU U Av.faU tm. a Ayttty:AUn:iy^^ /ffc yrxeviyCy. ^ <^4^2Sk/ ttt%ce.fi !,*<¦ ftutr t-/nAnoh&j 4r «. reCA/tffeSSn. tftny. lyrrvr. Ao7m.£Ciki fJ6fv*Ar\il 3 rc/iyS) ify- Ji*.**y. ik truy fn-ny-'ft /CyyAz i^ ^Cim. V M StUTtyraA AfAr yorCi _r/ tryttK^ j, 3^^^ ; ff 3 /CUfX rza*mAc~ QxiiUvx C/i%jy%j yrvx*A Lyvaj iAh, tXA, rxyy-ct' Aeutx tytrxn. <* 'itzxOLy trCtru to e-fc Cny- tiayn y^.tt.y\^4rt>AtoA. lAhAtA. i,^y teu-ttrin. jjd pu-Ajj g/ 'frhyj un, fflnt. /\un.iyie7nAi. fin. tA JMntt /nnypiAt-A 3 piyr/t- rATreLtAAiA fjitjC far _». /\*- ry-nyim. (Al ' lA frtfc'fatLt ^U#c-AA^ *A* AAa flUAAAlcyt (AuzrtAA i*% /AtSt /(gAiU. a7ki gtytyr-iA ey vtxyt-}wyAA£)A,. Ou,r %>ffA/L yw r**-eAtei\ HaitSA/jrAij to hAUA« -fny^ iA ^urt^t*-, /ffttAKAtjet^j f. Co fi£6**>%, %W7n.ry A/Ay t%4%A*.y\At*.izn.t fiAij&f*. &n) /icaAiAaa /tUOj-nAi. A &matA A ' x/rv%y^/4pe- huAz4/ fiAz) et. 6rce£btr* y ircAesxAyi. fee ff feoo. Ouy/rttAz un, th StAto fi.A>un<-Ayr Ac tytjrv,-), Af So »oo. Atuyt 3 a^.yzrzuJjD^ friAiz. t/iAlt jeA^y 6*- hnt.itcpAi2i h /£_/t 6f tAtix. ua nzy- rxyz-tnir /tzjtdtyz /rn.frrx.At>Act7ny tAAccA In/H fny-At jfic 000. 9/btt, uAzzAeJtz gf ' /fffrxz /yrxnzt- WritZtrf VCUzAt/r ffCrty. yA/tAy ff *.ny, aitrtn. ftnzfytfy t^Utf/ i/*y>hA£- A ^yrtA $W^ {A AtUu.t£i efts/itA. rxfAA*rtAj Ajecnz XtAny AtAraxA. a*.-"^ «** a^t^v. a-c^^ & t/L Put,' gf L *_. tAt, jer**yt. rf p^fay [Ijt/6 Iftru- fiex »u dtn.erx & ce.At iA/e } 9 tn*-** & /rgt^t^nA- XfJytyyAJ if tAz. fch A&Ay isxrx i»w3e otiy. f *yfrOl*y?- iS-tzAAt ImtT 7^^-/^/. in aA. eur/Ue*~ gf t^^y en OL 4*'* J&u, tsirud gf tyowAx. A £ff_f^f____t/ *- cyAczAutm, ire j/yZi to fittf). & MaxA, trn. ay fyuyd-ff tAfnjy ft tu>JGi a cAmjy-^n): AfC) thyrx- tsjmA __, / 'dtryAt tut ft/juy Cfinyt-tAimiyi &~fa. fnznie. Ay loc fayrtAfafytr teti.cy.d/.yy MvptAAt y/^hejyefiayrty Arr ^_^*P#u_Xe- ?" &r<6_- ^wk^ ff tAd J^^y^trey/tj^AyaiAkL ctnOatz^ uir %>yi h A-y^ „-&*_ ^ trizz. g/^j&freyfit. fa—'^ u {As. ft^At^iyterfartAi U tAty,. /fr£d. rVt. KtrAtrz. eArmAttr %&0 z^rturtAAiynM fn-^t/Ctn ¦ A-tO A tr?M*&« ArxtAS- tiAAynAnyr gf AetAfU frx4\x.AiAAZit 3 lKztKy\ /rx^yftyri lAU £At. an. AAtzy ifA^yZAvnA fr *yx fX.uyJzy ^ /fc__. e^ctyrUt, gf VrtUey err J jut- ctAt tAjunj y Jrxpiyt&h. ^?Ktyc *yr* tftt *v*7^(**ix_V_«^- AyD pvezt-fyyrwxA ^jA mAa-cU fifty: jt a. Vt*y «c.c/tU^- iutrof f/Htrfy J yxeAi, txtUzrx ifcy f^. 9Ac iCurx- *AtAa jAl Jfc*^ M^fa* pf jtt*At+nAZ atrumj -(A*. Vr>4rx^^-/nA9AtA'ir,) fj/t, ^ctzrxzAfi Mt- flf/jct. of/tttTU-e^ eUzloriunA ti cAt, jGy^ef lyA /yurxA of injmAeAif. Afu-tt faiyiytCirj, (**?/¦ fnyiiy&iri A^pD '.a**** it*uj£ Ac cAcAa h, a. fruyoriAj ff fA-*- A'rrAt/,rt*M-i vx/arx i/y C4X4A. VX. ePlouAtz. A- /lApAtyryyAJcAnAtry, orie^yr\At flu. fitaj*r*i • xA* e. ftyyt-m^UcAiAt }ruAAtfr fnzxAy. etxx ef (A*. 7rxA,6yto*y far (Ax ^«*u~_iv ^a ?r tttyty: OyrA tn* /tyAyiAvArAi c aU» fiurx vnyfXydSi tj-iAA. a At aou&m. UrUc Un, rc^yu-ctr & (Aa. GriUeAccn. efxAy ptznon (At*t- Aa„ d^tn. _<£__! fvr(/y OfftCy CyAnyy- ef ¥&€*¦ efz'/ltetXC.On.. ttMymq ,Ay AAaAkA AxzuAi t/ztrx U ru> fa/fritzr PAfiu. (Aa*. (KAJr gf a fittix**.. C5u A^/xyA Jrx.eut./*r- "dozy M^W tAtrvwaA &*- &t*Awn- fir-'tAU 0/ficc:vu*' lA fu. vriznM A- AcyfopMrUitlj jiepAty fa. (Ayrxc vUun ftmjt. gftsXem. pmytr^ tJKey-%ix. ceAi, a- frtyTyiyu, - Ct/ty eou. *A)Ce Any (tC, tpnrtyrrrttiAy^gf A-AUtex-tt' f. c. ^_i*) Ctu\tAK*A (ft*Xc ^LAX-OV, (A*xy tyyyit^yA, /rCAy*.^ aAa) ztrXy. MAtyvnAq y (Ac- l^f1 gf+sAilA. fiJ- U x9fU4tAfxzr~ firr^Ae, J-_^?vr_>* *A) ^Ast*? gf &>¦ tAiKeri*. AtrxAtyij gf ' •sKicA A*, it __ 9/UyiryxyrJ *_ |^cyut»T^fV^£?i>ei>v^'^A*r (fxtzn. A /y y&-A*<-f eritky.iv fuu*\ .' fiyriy A. eyrceyr'fny^tvAA ei (Au ftitAAt aaU wUeyt gf AA*- ^ca-^ Arey^cAyyr* fgutrx BXAtAn- ar^eAAU _0_ac^*v on. (i\u4t fit*.*.. fWnj en, A A*-«-«^<-» t%/y» yA***., eizyr /fc*W*<£» &t>4e AtyyKApA rxm^vx t%/t /Jw/tn»' U07vtyyrny.M .»£_>¦• /butr tAy.y CynzzV apm ny> JtAZZAAnAC Ay A/aiaa- /ux-typtAn Or for A^nyy h*** fitf/y^ 9J/I0 Hunt. Vx. CaTm t.c*?>.£) Ar jAt. tfuiyCAoyiyA. /AcrxA in- (Aynt. 3tA&At) K4«/ /.A.- rt-trt^ A^tryArxA, tz^- Azn- (fU*LyHeA /_tn*o&*-. AKl. rxyty.4t.AlA. gf jgy^pnppp* Ar- IJCi fiu-nyytrif ( / fne^n. jeC /yznyiyyy. gf fity fU*J ^'Co Cy-Any aU- un. &- ()Yi.eyn*At, gAU gf ' /h JpAt*. 9enyit*J ytlAty Ac A*. t*yu.yU-r**itt fyAZin- <*- &* yr*»A>, ** t^ fexyttfUr AUAy*, aAj &fyny. ffU^Afz gf 4^ fnyurU AU^J^CAA, fi<*x A* ^____t AtXAyuriii, Lr tA xye-Kt (AxCy yrxA,i4^tr .^yWvf-foOe-A-^ (AaAt (AaLa, fAA-lt un. ?«_ Gy*y rise. (i (fU Aiyhr 9/fx\t— gf tA* fy-zurtA AJUUrriunj (o(A*Ar- rxAtpu.cJfrt >_rl_* fgr DaA*j cAz^n-y gf ft£&AC*n. un, yt/AcA /A. Cm/U '*-.£_ (/**} jiUy t&yn yxy/t UTntA A*_~^t tyzyUnAtyJr. fjutr iJiy 9 A*. AAzAytiny nye^, 3 Aaox K, "feiAtr (f a fu*y-en. y fuzA/ci*- CA*Houy; 2 /* 9 /a«t a. A'-ii>u«. to frut^n. At-AfAr*. Aty) InrAct oyAr Mt^y* tAzUr tnzy ^.c«^^ CA (A 6xyt- ef 'my yUtymty (fanm, Uip£t-pf\ aL /eAyeAir; flA} J TA VXCaAUah. 9 ¦MLaA. 3 A**. nzrtrzA. "ift^yey farm, ly^r cvCa*-. As/rC jyArit- ft '/x .^t^ec-jS in. (A A-v_t un4,tA%n.ct. ff yrxf,',,*,) a/6gt uvrit/y Amznyzr; Ay itr to fyg^AU J '//Let l/x. t6. A. *yrxJ>Ar aA) A-zpi ^a*. 9U fue/tt/ttA,. aAa fw&y, tAjt. eyCZty^y >_? tref (&¦ yrxAy-A** if friATTtrff (At. JuopA. faeny, if (A. ApLny.rvJt fpn.trt.Atie>>. y (At A^-^i Crn^m-da (A*yffa>- sAoA** 6x CAmyt-tr**€) A AU/iy f '^_ fhjLtMiflrZpyutrpAy. ffXzy.Arx.4*. „_ (Aa J typpf tA^rtt, ffzK /4a.' lzLA\y.On./ a- vxrtf CA-yi/AA /AiUm-nx* t-rjrAy dx rx4nAoinJ e-izJr yy (Al iyvy. (Lyny.^ 9 ioVX (/L ffludrur, L,t9 U. (Lfny.rxXA^) eJU tATz-2i Kcrt {&*.£¦ ff ^Atrxntj tLm. e/U&r-_l, yef^tuvxy JrU-aKf A*./yU*~ frfi*. in. 'L.nrfiA- VtC- ?n.At./j. 4*-_-ca^ teyfa^r^rty^ eJU kyy.Ay> /.~ArKt, rf &L ... aA~\ ~ . S - 4. ' zJ y __/. z, . .4 f _'/ a ' - J^ (I — —•- '/ tA*~ /*- VtAT^AVrt. l/t f\A. I*4A /Miflf izASiizr hzrvy+y tnzv-dA*./, /£ft«, /»_&>,_»,• aAa cyyey*. thAtftAt. /tettMi /nUAj lk*3l KaazX. tL Ttyt-tAzr JuyyU, en. (L-lto-it. ff tt*y /^/yyi fiAU ft> Ai ftt^yiAsiutn, thz a-rryj i i/fizztA^ un. rt-e/m ut~ t> A& /ntuAiur, *J*Ab fc rifn*vzi (aia, lymAA AAzn. Ma Jaasa. mztn. di urn/Lit U. Kt£riK (Kty. fuAVX- At furtytAJr f aA etfLe- fryytuyy /^fc«^4-~ %rvt*2, let*. __ ItHtzA. ) /eA) in. rx+fuutAr t* X* /rxAjeAHn^ Arr f "}, **?- fu-ACy /Caw M- ."" itehzyy 'z in4.nJ en. (a* 'n&yAAzAl: J Aa«. f^y. f*.n4*» in re*u.e.<" df 6<-* jAn-ttiAyyM : Ayy if /a "le /w_- ^cU^e (f/AU tinz.^ it tAet Kft AxA* peetu Il CAjhytxAtiytA a* 9 etnAl SaU/. 3 trUd. (An. UnA) /"¦ mA/iUtKiAt Av4a-aJ(aa*. iz, Cf^yy<.4Yt<-- 9 dLU JlA) Kft-gtz-m i/At-ydLnAy. ^ A^A^&^Ayfy j/iut Isz Jtieu-to lAdA- etya.U- (f unfvy /At au-r riyi& A* «. A^utO; in (L Purtt ueuL.Ai^. /onst., M ^ ?' A^ i*- ^-'J** : *»"**¦ &¦ rxcA^nzj cr KyttCy nU4n.tc.z- i*. gryAem g^z /tox/i*. A*A>'t £rx-fa**>j f". ok tb. eUf^jf tn*-*terr»f/*A>**~- *»¦ & /^^ i** ,&nf 9 puyytr Cy*x~t (A fi*~* f?1f**- A-Aey tetU H^ ^ ^ C^te.ttU &i*>/. A> If ft- A*n,«zy- f*y lA* e- A**" 4 ^ fa- !*&,&>'*¦, 3 *A* »AA A-ffem eyA^A/Zr- A «*** tv+rjy*/- a ,. y., y A^ twHrltto-.dr y Iavx ^aAaa- in- rJridimJ 6~ yW. %-yArln*. &T /oAzt-AAr* myyeiA/yrAt yx*t rxff*A- fcyttr /*.. fa tfruy vxyy KAm-^ A*. gOx)Lntr Stvtnn*' 9/£m~ rAA _ CS . 1 .4 ^ A SHORT ACCOUNT OF THE ESTABLISHMENT OF THE I3eto §>tt of Baltimore tn iHatplanti, AND OF CONSECRATING THE Right Rev. Dr. John Carroll firft bishop thereof On the Fettfi of the Affumpthn, 1 790. WITH A DISCOURSE DELIVERED ON THAT OCCASION, AND THE AUTHORITY FOR CONSECRATING THE BISHOP, AND ERECTING AND ADMINISTERING THE SAID SEE. TO WHICH ARE ADDED EXTRACTS from the different bills of right and constitution of the UNITED STATES,— Thar Liberty of Conference is the Birth-right of every Man, and an Exclufion of any religious Teft for ever. LONDON: Printed by J. P. Coghlan, No. 37, Duke-Street, Grofvenor-Square, j 790. A SHORT ACCOUNT Of THE ESTABLISHMENT OF THE NEW SEE OF BALTIMORE. H E Roman Catholic religion was intro duced into Maryland, together with the firft fel lers in the reign of Charles I. who granted that province to the Lord Baltimore a catholic nobleman, as a refuge for perfons of his reli gion from the feverity of the penal laws, which that unfortunate monarch wanted either the power or the fortitude to reftrain. A num ber of catholic gentlemen and others emi grated from England and Ireland with the hope of enjoying that repofe in the new fet- tlement, which was denied them in their na tive country. The unrelenting fpirit of per- B fecution _ * ] lecution purfued them over the Atlantic. It deprived them of the juft fruits of their la bours, it debarred them from every poft of truft and profit in the colony which they had fettled, it compelled them to maintain Prote- ftant minifters, and finally it enforced a- gainft them many of the Britilh penal laws, from the cruelty of which they had fled. R. F. Andrew White an Englifh Jefuit of eminent piety and zeal accompanied the firft colonifts in 1632, and from that date till the late revo lution the American catholics in Maryland and Virginia were conftantly ferved by Je fuit miflioners fucceffively fent from England. About the year 1720 the R. F. Grayton and others introduced catholicity into Penfylva- nia and it has fince received a remarkable increale in that province. Since the peace of 1783 and the feulepent of the American conftitution, penal laws are no longer known, and Catholics enjoy an equal participation of the rights of human nature with their neigh bours of every other religious denomination. The very term of toleration is exploded, be caufe it imports a power in one predominant feft to indulge that religious liberty to others, which all claim as an inherent right. Ca tholic clergymen of various orders and na tions C 3 ] tions have reforted to America, and they every where find an ample vineyard to cultivate. In this ftate of religious freedom the clergymen judged it expedient to give liability and dig nity tp the catholic religion by the eftablifh- ment of a regular hierarchy, and they there fore petitioned from the Pope the creation of an epifcopal See and the appointment of a diocefan Bifhop. The Pope applauding their zeal gracioufly admitted their requeft, and allowed them to ele_t their firft Bifhop. The Rev. Dr. John Carroll who had been for fome years the fuperior of the miflion was the obje-t of their choice, and this Gentleman was accordingly appointed firft Bifhop of Baltimore. Upon the receipt of his Bulls from Rome he immediately repaired to Eng land where his perfon and merit were well known, and prefented himfelf for confecra tion to the Right Rev. Dr. Charles Walmefley Bifhop of Rama, fenior Vicar Apoftolical of the catholic religion in this kingdom. By invitation of Thomas Weld Efq. the confe cration of the new Bifhop was performed dur ing a folemn high Mafs in the elegant chapel at Lulworth Caftle, on Sunday the 15th day of _ 4 3 of Auguft 1790, being the feaftof the AfTump- tion of the BlefTed Virgin Mary, and the mu nificence of that gentleman omitted no cir- cumftance which could poffibly add dignity to fo venerable a ceremony. The two Pre lates were attended by their refpe£live affiftant priefts and acolytes according to the rubric of the Roman Pontifical; the richnefs of their veftments, the mufic of the choir, the multi tude of wax lights and the ornaments of the altar concurred -to increafe tbe fplendor of the folemnky, which made a lafting impreffion upon every beholder. When the whole com pany was feated, the following fhort addrefii was delivered to the congregation by one of the affiftant Priefts. A SHORT t 5 ] A SHORT ADRESS, DELIVERED AUGUST I J, 1790. IN THE CHAPEL OF LULWORTH CASTLE, AT THE CONSECRATION OF THE RIGHT REVEREND Dr, JOHN CARROLL* APPOINTED FIRST BISHOP OF THE NEW ERECTED SEE OF BALTIMORE IN NORTH AMERICA. o U R bleffed Lord and Redeemer hav ing defeated the powers of hell by the triumph ef the crofs, formed tohimfelf a kingdom on earth which was to confift of the chofen of every nation, becaufe all nations were now become his own by right of conqueft. The Sun of juftice which rofe from the Eaft, has in its progrefs enlightened every region of the globe, and the kingdom of Chrift, the church* under the government of his Vicar and of pallors [ 6 ] paftors deputed by him, has fucceflively em braced the whole world. Ages fucceed ages, empires fubvert empires, but the empire of Jefus Chrift perfeveres ever one and the fame, ever perfecuted and ever conquering, becaufe all human revolutions are entirely fubfervient to it, and the formation of the kingdom of Chrift is the ultimate objeft of the whole difpenfatiori of providence in the government of this world. Never perhaps was this truth more fenfibly evinced, than in the late violent convulfions, by which the hand of the Al mighty has difmembered the great Britifh em pire, and has called forth into exiftence a new empire in the Weftern world, the deftinies of which, we truft, are founded in his tendereft mercies. For although this great event may appear to us to have been the work, the fport of human paffions, yet the earlieft and moil precious fruit of it has been the extenfion of the kingdom of Chrift, the propagation of catholic religion, which heretofore fettered by reftraining laws, is now enlarged from bondage and is left at liberty to exert the full energy of divine truth. Already is catholicity extended to the utmoft boundaries of the im- menfe continent of America, thoufands are there earneftly demanding catholic inftru&ors, and C 7 _ and all penetrated with reverence for the apo ftolical See of St. Peter have concurred to demand, from his fucceffor a catholic prelate, whofe knowledge and whofe zeal may eftablifh the faith of Peter upon the ruins of thofe er rors, which the firft inhabitants carried forth with them from this country. But if Britain infefted them with error, we have the confola- tion to know that their catholicity is alfo de rived immediately from us ; and as we in for mer ages received the faith of Rome from the great St. Gregory and our apoftle St. Auftin, fo now at the interval of twelve hundred years, our venerable prelate the heir of the virtues and labours of our apoftle, will, this day, by commiffion from the fucceffor of St. Gregory, confecrate the firft Father and Bifiiop of the new church, deftined, as we confide, to inhe rit thofe benediftions which the firft called have ungratefully rejefted. Glorious is this day, my brethren, for the church of God which fees new nations crouding into her bo- fom ; glorious for the prelate elefl;, who goes forth to conquer thefe nations for J efus Chrift, not by the efforts of human power, but in the might of thofe weapons which have ever tri umphed in this divine warfare; he is not armed with the -ftrength of this- world, but he is C 8 J is powerful in piety, powerful in zeal, powerful in evangelical poverty and firm reliance on the protection of that God who fends him. Glorious is this event, for his numerous fpiri- tual children, to whom his virtues have long endeared him, comforting it is to us who have been long connected with him by the virtu ous ties of education profeffionandfriendfhipj but in a fpecial manner, my brethren, honou rable and comforting is this awful foleranity to his and our common benefa&or, the foun der of this holy fanftuary, which fhall be re vered through fuceeeding ages, even by chur ches yet un-named,as the privileged, the hap py fpot, from whence their epifeopacy and hierarchy took their immediate rife ; and this precious diftinction will be juftly attributed to the protection and favour of the glorious mo ther of God, whofe houfe it is*, and through whofe patronage all chriftian churches are founded. On this her greateft folemnity, my brethren.it is your duty to implore the parti cular affiftance of the great Queen of heaven. and while you are edified by the folemn rites with which the Catholic Church confecrates her prelates, you will earneftly follicit the * It is dedicated tq the S. V. Mary. defcent t 9 _ defceht of the Holy Ghoft on the Bifhop ' eleft, that like another Auftin he may wor thily fulfil the extent of the apoftlefhip to which he is called, and when you implore for him the fevenfold grace of the Holy Spirit, you will not fail to demand it through the intercefliQn of her whom you daily falute, " Mother of divine grace." In full confidence of her protection and bleffing upon our miniftry, we proceed to the folemnity of the Confecration. THE - — . ¦¦¦— — — ^BBww— " ¦ ¦ ¦— THE AUTHORITY OF HIS HOLINESS POPE PIUS VI. FOB. CONSTITUTING. THE Brto §>ee of fcattfnwre in iHarplartfr, TRANSLATED FROM THE ORIGINAL. FOR THE REMEMBRANCE Of POSTERITY. w HEN from the eminence of our apo ftolical ftation, we bend our attention to the different regions of the earth, in order to ful fil to the utmoft extent of our power the duty which our Lord has impofed upon our unwor- thinefs of ruling and feeding his flock; our care and folicitude are particularly engaged, that the Faithful of Chrift who difperfed through various provinces are united with us by Catholic communion, may be governed by their proper paftors and diligently inftrufted by them in the difcipline of evangelical life and doctiin'e. For it is our principle, that they who relying on the divine affiftance have re gulated their lives and manners, agreeably to the [ " ] the precepts of Chriftian wifdom, ought fo to command their own paflions as to promote by the purfuit of juftice their own and their neighbour's fpiritual advantage; and that they, who have received from their Bifhops, and by checking the intemperance of felf-wifdom, have fteadily adhered to the heavenly doctiine delivered by Chrift to the Catholic Church, fhould not be carried away by every wind of doctiine, but grounded on the authority of divine revelation fhould reject the new and varying doftrines of men, which endanger the tranquility of government, and reft in the un changeable faith of the Catholic Church. For in the prefent degeneracy of corrupt manners into which human nature ever refilling the fweet yoke of Chrift is hurried, and in the pride cf talents and knowledge which difdains to fubmit the opinions and dreams of men to the evangelical truth delivered by jefus Chrift, fupportmuft be given by that heavenly autho rity which is entrufted to the Catholic Church as to a fteady pillar and folid foundation whicli fhall never fail, that from her voice and in fractions mankind may learn the objeQs of their faith and the rules of their conduft, not only for the obtaining of eternal falvation, but aifo for the regulation of this life and the C 2 main- C « 3 maintaining of concord in the fociety' of this earthly city. Now this charge of teaching and ruling firft given to the apoftle. and ef pecially to St. Peter the prince of the apoftlest on whom alone the church is built, and to whom our Lord and Redeemer entrufted the feeding of his lambs and of his fheep, has been derived in due order of fucceflion to . Biftiops, and efpecially to the Roman Pontiffs, fuccef- fors pf St. Peter and heirs of his power and dignity, that thereby it might be made evi dent that the gates of hell can never prevail againft the church, and that the divine, founder of it will ever aflift it to tbe confummatiou of ages, fo that neither in the depravity of mo rals nor in the fluctuation of novel opinions the epifcopal fucceflion fhall ever fail or the bark of Peter be funk. Wherefore it having reached our ears that ih the flourishing com monwealth of the Thirteen American States many faithful Chriftians united in communion with the chair of Peter, in which the centre of catholic unity is fixed, and governed in their fpiritual concerns by their own priefts having care of fouls, earneftly defire that a Bifhop may be appointed over them to exer- cife the functions of epifcopal order, to feed them more largely with the food of falutary doclrine, C 13 3 do&rine, and to guard more carefully that portion of tbe catholic flock; We willingly embraced this opportunity which the grace of Almighty God has afforded us to provide thofe diftant regions with the comfort and mi- niftry of a. Catholic Bifhop. And that this be effe&ed more fuccefsfully and according to the rules of the facred canons, We com- miflioned our Venerable brethren the Cardie nal_ of the holy Roman church, directors of the Congregation de -propaganda fide, to ma nage this bufinefs with the greateft care, and to make a report to us. It was therefore ap pointed by their decree, approved by m&, and publifhed the twelfth day of July of the laft year, that tbe priefts who lawfully exereife the facred miniftry and have care of fouk in the united States of America, fhould be empower ed to advife together and to determine, firft, in what town the epifcopal See ought to be ere-ted, and next who of the aforefaid priefts appeared the raoft worthy and proper to be promoted to this important charge, whom We, for this firft time o§ly, _pd,by fpecial grace permitted the faid priefts. to ele-t and to prefent to this apoftolical See. In obedience to this decree the aforefaid priefts exercifing the cure of fouls in the United States of America, unanimoufly C h 3 unanimoufly agreed, that a Bifhop with ordi nary jurisdiction ought to be eftablifhed in the town of Baltimore, becaufe this town fituate in Maryland which province the greater part of the priefts and of the faithful inhabit, ap peared the moft conveniently placed for inter- courfe with the other States, and becaufe from this province Catholic religion and faith had been propagated into the others. And at the time appointed for the election, they being afTembled together, the facrifice of holy Mafs being celebrated, and the grace and afliftance of the Holy Ghoft being implored, the votes of all prefent were taken, and of twenty fix priefts who were afTembled twenty four gave their votes for our beloved fon John Carroll, whom they judged the moft pro per to fupport the burden of epifeopacy, and fent an authentic inftrument of the whole transaction to the aforefaid Congregation of Cardinals. Now all things being maturely weighed and confidered in this Congregation, it was eafily agreed that the interefts and in creafe of Catholic religion would be greatly promoted, if an epifcopal See were ere£ted at Baltimore, and the faid John Carroll were ap pointed the Bifiiop of it. We therefore, to whom this opinion has been reported by our beloved C *5 3 beloved fon Cardinal Antonelli Prefecl of the faid Congregation, having nothing more at heart than to enfure fuccefs to whatever tends to the propagation of true religion and to the honour and increafe of the Catholic Church ; by the plenitude of our apoftolical power, and by the tenour of thefe prefent, do eftablifh and erect the aforefaid town of Baltimore into an epifcopal See for ever, for one Bifhop to be chofen by us in all future vacancies; and We therefore, by the apoftolical authority afore faid, do allow, grant and permit to the Bifhop of the faid city, and to his fucceffors in all fu ture times, to exercife epifcopal power and ju~ rifdifction, and to hold and enjoy all _nd every right and privilege of order and jurifdiction, and of every other epifcopal function, and which Bifhops conftituted in other places are empowered to hold and enjoy in their refpec- tive churches, cities and diocefes, by right, cuftom or by other means, by general privi leges, graces, indults and apoftolical difpenfa- tions, together with all pre-eminencies, ho nours, immunities, graces and favours, which other Cathedral Churches, by right or cuf tom, or in any other fort, have, hold and en joy. We moreover decree and declare the faid epifcopal See thus erefted, to be fubjecr. or E i« 3 or fufFragan to no Metropolitan right br j u- rifdiction, but to be for ever fubjeft imme diately to us, and to our fucceffors the Roman pontiffs, and to this apoftolical See. And till another opportunity fhall be prefented to us of eftablifhing other Catholic Bifhops in the United States of America, and till other dif- pofitions fhall" be made by this apoftolical See, We declare, by our apoftolical authority, all the Faithful of Chrift living in Catholic com munion, as well ecclefiaftics as feculars, and all the clergy and people dwelling in the afore faid United States of America, though hither to they may have been fubje£tto other Bifhops of other diocefes, to be henceforward fubject- to the Bifhop of Baltimore in all future times ; and to this Bifhop and to his fucceffors we impart power to curb and check, without ap peal, all perfons who may contradict or op- pofe their orders, to vifit perfonally or by de puties all Catholic Churches, to remove abu- fes, to correcl the manners of the faithful, and to perform all things which other Bilhdps in their refpective diocefes are accuftomed to do and perform, faving in all things our owl- authority and that of this apoftolical See. And, whereas by fpecial grant, and for this firft C *7 3 firft time only, we have allowed the priefts exercifing the cure of fouls in the United States of America, to elecl a perfon to be ap pointed Bifhop by us, and almoft all their votes have been given to our beloved fon John Carroll Prieft; We being otherwife certified of his faith, prudence, piety and zeal, forafmuch as by our mandate he hath during the late years directed the fpiritual govern ment of fouls, do therefore, by the plenitude of our authority, declare, create, appoint and conftitute the faid John Carrol Bifhop and Paftor of the faid church of Baltimore, grant ing to him the faculty of receiving the rite of confecration from any Catholic Bifhop hold ing communion with the apoftolical See, affif- ted by two Ecclefiaftics veiled with fome dig nity, in cafe that two Bifhops cannot be had, fbft having taken the ufual oath according to the Roman Pontifical. And we commiflion the faid Bifhop elect to erecl a church in the faid city of Baltimore, in form of a Cathedral Church, inafmuch as the times and circum- fta/nces may allow, to inftitute a body of clergy deputed to divine worfhip and to the fervice of the faid church, and moreover to eftablifh an epifcopal feminary either in the fame city D or [ i8 3 or elfewhere as he fhall judge moft expedient, to adminifter ecclefiaftical incomes, and to execute all other things which he fhall think in the Lord to be expedient for the increafe of Catholic faith and the augmentation of the worfhip and fplendou'r of the new-ere&ed church. We moreover enjoin the faid Bifhop to obey the injunctions of our Venerable brethren the Cardinals Directors of the fa cred Congregation de propaganda Jide, to tranftnit to them at proper times a relation of his vifitation of his church, and to inform them of all things which he fhall judge to be ufeful to the fpiritual good and falvation of the flock trufted to his charge. We there fore decree that thefe our letters are and ever fhall be firm, valid and efficacious, and fhall obtain their full and entire effect, and be obferved inviolable by all perfons whom it now doth or hereafter may concern; and that all Judges ordinary and delegated, even audi tors of caufes of the facred apoftolical palace, and Cardinals of the holy Roman -church muft thus judge and define, depriving all and each of them of all power and autho rity to judge or interpret in any other manner, and declaring all to be null and void, if any one, C 19 3 one, by any authority, fhould prefume, either knowingly or unknowingly, to attempt any thing contrary thereunto. Notwithftanding all apoftolical, general or fpecial conftitutions and ordinations, publifhed in univerfal, pro vincial and fynodical councils, and all things contrary whatfoever. Given at Rome at St. Mary Major, under the Fifherman's Ring (Seal) the 6th day of No vember 1789, and in the \§th Year of ov.r Pontificate. DUPLICATE. L. S. R. Card.Braschi Onssti. D2 NOTES TO THE FACSIMILE REPRINT. The preceding pages, copied in fac-simile, by photo-lithographic process, for the HISTORICAL Club, from a very rare pamphlet secured in England by the Rev. Francis L Hawks, D. D., LL. D., and now in the possession of the Rev. Wm. Stevens Perry, D. D., shew that, in marked contrast with the care taken that, at the Consecration of Seabury, and of White and Provoost, all should be done in accordance with the ancient Canons, the Romish hierarchy in this country began with a most irregular con secration, by one Bishop — a Bishop " in parti- bus," and this, as will be seen, authorized by a Papa! Bull. Pages 20 to 32 of the pamphlet herewith re printed, are taken up with " Extracts from the different Bills of Right and Constitutions of the Thirteen United States of North America ; declaring Liberty of Conscience as the Bjrth- [ xxi ] right of all men. With copies of their Oaths of Allegiance and Trust." It seems sufficient here, without reprinting these Extracts in full, to cite their Headings, which are, verbatim et literatim, as follows : New Hampshire Bill of Rights, — Part I. Article 5. Dated at Concord, Oct. 31, 1783. Massacfiusets Constitution, Part I. Article 2. Dated at Cambridge, March 2. 1780. Rhode Island Charter ; — 14th Charles II. Connecticut signed the General Convention, esteeming any particular Declaration unnecessary. New York Constitution, April 20, 1777. — Articles 38. and 39. New fersey Constitution^ — fuly'2, 1776. — Art. 18. Pensylvania Declaration of Rights, — Sept. 28, 1776. — Chap. 1. Art. 2. — Chap. 2. Sect. 10. — Sect. 40. Delaware Declaration of Rights, — Sept. 20, 1776 — Sect. 2. and 3. — Constitution, Art. 22. Maryland Declaration of Rights, — Aug. 14. 1776.-^- Art. 33: 35."— Constitution, Art. 55. Virginia signed the General Convention. North Carolina — Dec. 19. 1776. — Declaration of Rights, Art. 19. — Constitution, Art-. 34. 40 41. South Carolina signed the Convention. Georgia Constitution — Feb. 5. 1777. — Art. 56. Extracts from the General Constitu tional Declarations of the Thirteen United States of America, assembled in CONGRESS, September 17, 1787, and the 12th of their INDEPENDENCE. [ xxii ] It is curious to notice the evident satisfaction these Declarations as to liberty of conscience gave to English and American Romanists in 1790, and then read the Encyclicals of Gregory XVI, (August 13, 1832), and of Pius IX, (De cember 8, 1863), denouncing the "insanity" * of those who -declare, that, " Liberty of con science is the right of every man, and that this right ought in every well governed State to be proclaimed and asserted by the law," f and the 79th Article of the Syllabus, stigmatizing the error of those who deny " That the civil liberty of every mode of worship, and, the full power given to all of overtly and publicly manifesting their opinions, and their ideas, of all kinds whatsoever, conduce more easily to corrupt the morals and minds of the people, and to the propagation of the pest of indifferentism4 * " Deliramentum." f " Libertatem conscientiae et cultuum, esse proprium cujus- cumque hominis jus, quod lege proclamari et asseri debet in ' omni recte constitute societate." % "Civilem cujusque cultus libertatem, itemque plenam potes- tatem omnibus attributam quaslibet opiniones cogitationesque palam publiceque manifestandi, conducere ad populorum mores animosque facilius corrumpendas, ac indifferentismi pestem propagandam."