Churclo of Entfland Mr-p52 1*747 E/17 FORM O F PRAYER To be ufed In all Churches and Chapels throughout that Part of Great Britain called England, Domi nion of Wales, and Town of Berwick upon Tweed, upon Wednefday the Seventeenth Day of February next, being the Day appointed by Proclamation for a General Fas t and Humiliation before Al mighty God, to be obferved in moft Devout and Solemn Manner, by fending up our Prayers and Supplications to the Divine Majefty : For obtaining Pardon of our Sins, and for averting thofe heavy Judgements which .our manifold Provocations have moft juflly deferved •, and imploring His Bleffing and Afliftance on the Arms of His Majefty, and for reftoring and perpetuating Peace, Safety, and Pro- iperity to Himfelf, and to His Kingdoms. 1Bg $te agajeflp'g Special Commano, LON DON, Printed by Thomas Bafkett, Printer to the King's moft Excellent Majefty ; and by the Affigns of Robert Bafkett. 1747. [T] The Order for Morning Prayer. q The Service fhali be the fame with the ufual Office for Holy-days, except where it is in this Office otherwife ap pointed. ^f Let him that miniftereth, read with a loud Voice thefe Sen tences of Scripture ; and after them the Exhortation, Dearly beloved Brethren, &c. JLDED, coneftme, out foith jutige*j*-*.' ment, not in thine anger, left thou14, fctfng me to nothing. 31 toill arife, ano go to mg father, l^f* anD toill fag unto him, .father, 31 haue finnen againft fceaoen, ano he* fo?c thee, anu am no moie toontp to be calleD t&g fon. ^f Inftead of the Venite, this Hymn fhali be ufed. Tlt)<£ facrifice of <£oD is a trouoleD fpirit: a biofc ma. en anD contrite heart, © <£oo, tbou toilt not'7, tefpife. I faid, I will confefs my fins unto the Lord : and fo thou ™? . Forgaveft the wickednefs of my fin. 31 toill lotie thee, © Ho?D, mg ftrength; the Lofl™™ is mg ftong rocit anD mg Defence: mg §>atiiour, mg ' ' #oD, t&e pom alfo of mg faioation, ana mg refuge. a 3 lwiii 6 Morning Prayer. £f*!™ I wiH call upon the Lord, which is worthy to be praifed : fo fhali I be fafe from mine Enemies. £2? , $*i this ujall. etierg one. that is goDlg malte. U& pjager unto thee, in a timetofoen thou mageft he founD. pfaim Thoq art my.King, O God : fend help unto Jacob, vevr. s7: jroi 31 toill not truft in mg fcoto : it is not mg ftootfj tliai mail help me. ver. «. But it is thou that faveft us from our Enemies : and putteft them to confufion that hate us. Si .j. Chere is>na king .t&atcan he. fatoetb ug tpe multi* tuoe of an poft : neither is ang migptg man Deliver* eo hg much ftrength. pfai.xci.z. J will fey unto the Lord, Thou art, my. hope andmyftrong hold: my God; in him , will I truft, ver... cahofo Dtoelleth unDer the Defence of t&e moft ^igh, ftjall afaiDe unDer the ftjaDoto of the aimightg. Ver. 4. He fhali defend thee under his wings, and thou Ihalt be fafe, under his feathers : his faithfulnefs and, truth fhali be thy fhield and buckler. xxxi? . ^hou art a .place to 6io^ me in j thou ujalt pieferae ' ' me from trouble : thou ftaltcompafs me ahout toitfc fongs of Delinerance* xSi7. My t'me *s 'n .thy, hand : deliver me from the hand of mine Enemies. i ™v lt © faPe thg people, anD giioe thg bleffing to thine ' inheritance: feeM&era, an&Ietthemupfoie&er. praim The Lord fhali give ftrength unto his people : the Lord fhali give his people the Bleffing Of Peace. ®to£g he to toe lather, ano to the Stow ; anD to the §olg ®hoft ; As it was in the beginning, is . now, and ever fhali be : world without end. Amen. f Proper xxix. I'O. Morning Prayer. 7 f Proper Pfalms, XXV, XXVII, XLVI. Firft Leflbn, Ifaiab LVlll. enb us help from thg bolg place. Anfw. anDebermoie migbtilgDefenDus. Prieft. Let tbe €nemg babe no aDbantagc againft us> Anfw. j#o? tbe toicfeeD appjoacb to butt us. Prieft. iU?D, bear our p^ager. Anfw. anb let our erg come unto tbee. ¦> f Thefe 8 Morning Prayer. f Thefe two Colle&s to be ufed inftead of the firft Colled for Morning Prayer. Oaimigbtg ®od, tobo ruleft ober alltbe feingDomg of tbe earth, anD on tobofe moft gracious p?obi* Dence theg Depeno ebermo?e fo? p?eferbation ano Piofperitg j erteno tbine accuftomeo gooonefs to the people of this lano, tobo looking up to tbtfe as the fup?eme autho? of all bleffings, anD their fure fafe* guarD anD migbtp Deliberer in all Dangers antroiflff* cuities, do noto implo?e tbg toatebful care anD p?o* tection j befeecbing thee to guiDe them continually totth tbg counfel, to Strengthen them toitb thg potoer* fui arm, anD to croton tbeir necelTarg enoeabours againft the unjuft attempts of their Enemies toitb perpetual fuccefs, tb?ougb our Ho?D anD §abiou* lefUS Cb?ift. Amen. OLo?D <$od of our falbation, in tobofe banDS are tl}e iflues of life anD Death, of gooD ano ebil. anD toitbout tobofe aio tbe toifeft counfels of frail men, anD the multituoe of an boft, anD all the in* liruments of toar are hut toeaft anD bain ; incline thine ear, toe. p?ag tbtey to tbe earneft anD oebout Amplications of tbg ferbants, tobo, not confi'Ding in tbe fplenoo? of ang thing that is great, o? tbe ftabilitp of ang tbing that is flrong here beloto, Do moft hum* big flee, © £o?D, unto tbee fo? fuccour, anDputtbeic truft unber the Qraooto of tbg toings. 'Be tbou to us a totoer of Defence againft the aftaults of our <£ne* mies, our ftjielD anD buckler in tbe Dag of battle ; am* fo blefs tbe arms of our gracious §>obereign, in the maintenance of tyis juft anD latoful rigbts, anD the aobancement at the toelfare of Ms EingDoms, tbat toe being p?efertoeo ^ tbg pelp anD gooDnefS from all ?. perils The Litany. perils anD Difaflers, ano mane bappilg triumphant ober all tbe Difturbers of our peace, mag jogfullg lauD anb magnifg tbg gloncus name j anD ferbe tbzz from generation to generation in all goolinefs anD tmietnefs, tb?ougb liefus oD, anD merciful jFatber, tobo baft companion upon all men, ano bateft no* thittg that tbou baft inaoe, tobo toouiDeft not tbe ocatb of a finner, but tbat be fljouio rather turn from bis fin anD be fatieD ; mercifullg fo?gibe us our trefpalTes s receibe anD comfo?t ns, tobo ate griebeo anD toearieD toitb tbe burDen of our fins. €.hv. p?opertp is altoags to babe mercg } to tbee onlg it appertained to fo?gibe fins. ^>parc ns tberefo?e, gooo Lo?o, fpare tbg pea* pie tobom tbou haft teDeemeD j enter not into juoge* ment toitb tbg feroants, tobo are Pile eartb, anD mi* ferabie finnetfs ; but fo turn tbine anger fcom us, tobo meefclg acknotoleDge our bilenefs, anD trulg re* pent us of our faults, anD fo make bafte to help us in tbis toojlo, that toe mag ebet libe toitb thzz in tbe toojlD to come, tb?ougb 3lefits €f>im our £o?d. Amen. % f Then i© The Litany. f Then' the People fhali fay -this that folloiwethj after the Minifter. T®iRH3 tbou us, SD gooD &o?tr, anD fo ffjaii toe bt turneD. TBe fabourable, © Lo?D, TBe fabourablec to tbv people, (KUbo turn to tbee in toeeping,fafting,anD p?aging. jTo? tpcu art a merciful olg spirit, tbat being turneD from tbe erro? of our toap0, anD createD to netonefs of life, toe magtoalk befo?et!;ce in all riafjteoufncfif anD bolinefs in this too?lD, anD inherit tbine etier= lafting kingbcm in that tobicb is to come, tfaouirb tbe merits of Jefus €b\i^ our onlg e$e.Diato? anD ao- tiOCate. Amen. % In the Time of War and Tumults. Oaimightg Amen. % A Prayer to be ufed every Day during the prefent War. Oagoft merciful <$od, the fup?eme iDifpofec of all ebents, anD the Eefuge of all tbofe tobo truft in tbee, toe, tbg untoo?tbg ferbants, do moft bumblg implo?e tbg gracious aiD anD p?otefiion, IBe tbou to us, SD lo?D, in this time of Danger anD trouble, a fure guarDian anD rock of Defence. <3o fo?tb, toe befeecb tbee, toitb our jTleets ano 0t= mics : let tbg aimigbtg bano euer be ober tbem, ano tbz ligbt of tbg countenance tbine upon tbem. 16 2 Ooucbfafe it- The Litany, ©oucbfafc alfo tbg efpecial bleffing to our moft gracious ©obereign Eing george : DefenD UMnt from all ferret confpiracies, anD open biolencer Direct MS counfels, anD p?ofper all Ms enDeabours fo? the toelfate of tbefe Nations. anD, © Ioid, let neither cur unbappg Dibifions, no? our other mant* folD fins anb pjooocations, obftruft I£is Defigns fo? tbe publick gooD, no? b?ing DOton tbg juDge* ments upon us : but fpare tbg people, © 3Lo?D, fpare us ; anD bg, the grace of tbg 8)olg~©pirit, fo unite us in a firm anD unifo?m courfe of obeoience to tbv toill, anD an heartg ?eal fo? tbg honour anD fetbice, that toe mag ebermo?e rejoice in tbg falbation, tb?ougb 3Iefus Cb?ifi our £o?D. Amen. q[ A Prayer /or the High Court of Parliament. M©©C gracious <85od, toe bumbig befeecb tfcefc, as fo? tbis Eingoom in general, fo- efpeciallp fo? tbz IDigb Court of parliament, unDer our moft te* ligious aho gracious filing at tbis time afTembleD : tbat tbou toouiseft be pieafeD to Direct anD p?ofper ail tbeir confultations, to the aDbancement of tbg glo?g, the gooD of tbg cburcb, tbe fafetg, honour," anD toel*« fare of our ©obereign anD MS EingDoms j tbat all tbings mag be fo o?Dereo anD fettleo bg their enDea bours upon tbe beft anD fureft founDations, that peace ano happinefs, tcutfo anD j'uftice, religion anD pietg mag be eftablilbeD among us fo? all generations. Cbefe anD all other neceflaries, fo? tbem, fo? us, ana tbg tobole cburcb, toe bumbig beg in the name ana meaiation of 3efus (IbnO, our moft bleffea ilo?o anD ©abiour. Amen. % The General Thankfgiving. Almiabtg ®od, JFatber of all mercies, toe tbine untoo?tbg fetbants Do gibe tbee moft bumble anb heartg thanks fo? all tbg gooDnefs ano lob* 4 ing? The Litany. t% ing4inbncfs to us anD 'to all men f* particularly toj-™^ thofe, who defire now to offer up their praifes and thankf- when any givings for thy late ^mercies vouchfafed unto them] C(Ke been'iave blefs tbee fo? our creation, p?efcrbation, anD all t&e {£»*„. bleffings qf this life ; but abobe ailv fo? tbine, inefti= to^unr* mable lobe in the r coemption of the too?ftu bg ourpraife> !Lo?D 3lefus Cb?ift; fo? tbe means of grace, anD fo? tbe bope of glo?p. anD toe befeecb tbee, gibe us. that Due fenfe of all tbg mercies, tbat out hearts mag tie unfetgneDIg thankful ; anD tbat toe mag ftjeto fo?tb tbg P?aife, not onlg Mtb our lips, but in otic liues, b% gibing up ourfelbes to tbg ferbice, anD bg toalking befoje thee in bolinefs anD rigbteoufnefs all our Dags, tb?ougb 3!efus QLHiVi our L0?D j to tobom, toitb tbee ana tbe l£>olg <85boft, be all bonour anD glo?g> too?lo toitbOUt enD* Amen. f A Prayer of St. Chryfejlom. AJLmigbtg ®od, tobo baft giben us grace, at this time toitb one acco?D to make our common fup* plications unto tbee j anD Doft p?omife that tohen ttoo o? tb?eearegatbereatogetber in tbgiSame, tbou toilt grant tbeir reguefts : fulfil noto, ©1o?d, tbe De* fires anD petitions of tbg ferbants, as mag be moft ejcpeDient fo? tbem } granting us in tbis too?lD knoto* leage of tbg trutb, ana in tbe too?lo to come life ebes> tailing. Amen. 2 Cor. XIII. 14. Tg> <& grace of our lo?D 3Iefus Cb?tft, ana tbe lobe of #od, ana the fellotottjip of tbe $>oig <£boff* be toitb ns all ebermo?e. Amen. Here endeth. the Order of Morning Prayer. Th« I 14 ] The Communion Service. ^ After the Prayer for the King [Almighty God, whofe King. ¦4om is everlcifting~] fhali be read the two Collects of the Day, as in the Morning Prayer [O Almighty God ; O Lard God, &c] and then fhali follow The Epiftle. Eph. VI. Ver. 10. F^nallg, mg b?etb?en, be ftrong in tbe Lo?d, ana in the uotoer of bis migbt. l&ut on tlje tohole acmour of ®od, tbat gc mag be able to ftanb againft tbe toiles of the Debil. JFo? toe to?efue not againft ileftj anD hlooD, but againft p?incipalities, againft poteecs, againft tlje rulers of tbe Darknefs of this taotfb, againft fpiriiuai toicfeeDneffes in higb places. Cberefo?e take unto gcu the tobole armour of ©oD, tbat pe mag be able to ftanD in tbe ebil Dag, anD babing Done all, to fiano. The Gofpel. St. LukeXlll. Ver. 1. TlpCiSC toere p?efent at tbat feafon, fome tbat tola bim of the Galileans, tobofe bloob Pilate haD mingieD toitb their facrifices. ana 3efus an* ftoering, faiD unto tbem, ©uppofe ge tbat fbefe <$a-> lileans toere tinners abone all the ©alileans, be= caufe tbeg fuffereo tbcfe tbings $ 31 tell gou, JSap : 5 but The Communion Service: t>t Jut ercept ge repent, ge ftjall ail liketoifi* perifij. ©? thofe eigbteen, upon tobom tbe totoet in ©iloam fell, anD fleto tbem, think ge tbat tbeg toere finners abobe all men that Dtoelt in 3etu= falem i> 31 tell gou, Jl3ag : but ercept ge repent, ge ftjall all liketoife periu). M fpake alfo t&is parable : a certain man baa a fig=tree plantea in bis bineparD, ana be came ana fought fruit thereon, ana founa none. Chen faio be unto the D?efler of bis bine* paro, IBebolD, tbefe tb?ee pears 31 come feeking fruit on this fig*ttee, ana fina none : cut it ooton, tobg cumberetb it the gtounD f ana be anftoering, faiD unto bim, Lo?D, let it alone this gear alfo, till 31 ftjall Dig about it, anD Dung it : anD if it bear fruit, toeil ; anD if not, tben after tbat, tbou ujalt cut it Doton. f Then fhali be faid the Creed following. ITSeliebe in one <£oD, the JFatber aimigbtg, ^aker of beaben anD eartb, ana of all tbings bifible ana inbifible : ana in one *Lo?a Jews QLbii^, tbe onlg=bcgotten ©onof ®oD, IBegotten of bis JFatber bcfo?e all too?los j olg ©boft of the toirgin fiyjarp, anD toas maoe man, ana toas cruet- fieo alfo fo?"us unDer JfcmtiuS pilate. M fuftetea anD toas buriea, anD tbe tbirD Dag be rofe again acco?Ding to tbe fcriptures, anD afcenaea into bea* ben, ana fittetb on tbe riabt banc of the JFatber. ana be ftjall come again- toitb glo?p to juoge botb the Quick anD tbe DeaD : OTjofe kingDom ftjall babe no ena. ana $6 The Communion Service, 3nD 31 beliepe in the l^olg ^ijoft, Che lo?D anD giber of life, £Obo p?oceeoetb fcom the JFatber ana the ©on j Wibo toitb tbe JFatber anD the ©on toge= tber is too?ujippeb ana glsjifieo, ©Hbo fpake bv tbe P?opbets. anD 3! beliebe one catijolick ano apofto* tick cimtb-i 3! aclmotolcoge one baptifm fo? the remiffien of fins, 8rvg 31 look fo? tbe refiirrection of tbe ocao, ana the life of tbe too?lo to come. amen. ^f Then fliall follow the Sermon. Let us pray for the. whole State of Chrift's Church Militant - - here in Earth. Almigbtg ano ebevlibing t0 tobole Council, ano to all that are put in autbo?itg unoet l£im, tbat tbeg mag trulg ahD inbifferehtlg minifter juftice, to tbe puniu> ment of toickeoncfs anD bice, ano to the mainte nance of tbg true religion ano birtue. <©ibe grace, © heabenlg JFatber, to ail IBiujops anD Curates j tbat tbeg map botb bv tbeir .life ano Do&rine fct fo?tb tbg true arto iibelp too?D, ana rigbtlg aha Dtilgaami- nifter The Communion Service. 17 nifter tbg bolg facraments : ano to all tbg people gibe tbg beatjenlg grace j ano efpeciallg to tbis congre= gation bete n?efent ; tbat toitb meek heart, ano Due reference, tbeg mag heat ano receibe tbg bolg too?o, trulg fetbing tbee in bolinefs ano righteoufnefs all tbe bags of their life, ana toe moft bumbig befeecb tbee, of thg gooanefs, © S,o?tf, to comfo?t ano fue* cour all tbem, tobo in tbis tranfito?g life are in trou= ble, fo??oto, neeo, ficknefs, 0? ang other aoberutg. ano^toe alfo blefs tbg bolg name, fo? all tbg fer= bants oeparteo tbis life in tbg faith anD fear j be* feecbing tbee to si^ us grace fo to folloto their gooa eramples, tbat toitb tbem toe mag be partakers of tbg beabenlg ffiUngoom. ®?ant this, © JFatber, fo? 3iefus Cb?ift'S fake, our onlg s^eoiato? ano aoba* Cate. Amen. f A Prayer for this Church and Kingdom. BLefleo Lo?D, tobo at funo?g times ans in oibers manners baft manifeftea tbine abunoant labour to tbefe realms, in tbg marvellous p?oteftion of our religion, iatos, anD liberties, fcom the fecret con* fpiracies, ano open attempts of maliciousCncmies; toe, aao?ing tbg glo?ious e^ajeftp vaitb all p?aifes ano tbankfgibings fo? the fame, befeecb tbee to p?e= ferbe ebcrmo?e in our minas fucb a libelg memo?g, ano grateful fenfe of tbefe thine inbaluable mercies, that bg cur eremplarg ano religious ufe of tbem, anD bappg imp?obements unoer tbem, to tbg honour anD ferbice, toe mag be accounteo too?tbg of the con* tinuance of tbg hleffings to us anD our pofteritp. Cake atoap from us, £D Lo?o, all haronefs of heart. all negleft of thine o?Dinances, ano contempt of tbg too?o » ano enDue us toitb a fpirit of pietg ano De* notion, a fpirit of iuftice anD temperance, ofbumilitg ano cbaritg, ana of all other graces, tobicb aoo?n the Cb?iftian p^ofeffionj tbat fo tbgo?eaoful Difpleafure 1 8 The Communion Service. ana j'uDgements mag be etier atiertea from us, ano iniquitg not become our ruin. TBz tbou pleafeo alfo toitb tbine efpecial fatiour to guaro ano p?ofper out gracious ©otiereign King george, toitb all tbe mogal jFamilg. IBetbouto $>im, ©Lo?o, an helmet of faltiation againft i^is enemies that Delight in toar.. 2Do tbou, toe p?ag tbee, hlaft tbeir toickeo oefigns,. Defeat their ftratagems, ano fo put tbem to fligbt ano confufion befo?e l£is face, that tbe terro? of i£>is arms mag aDD Oignitg anD luftre to ^is croton, ano b?ing fafetg, jog, ano bappinefstol^imfelf ano H)is Eing? ooms. <0?ant this, S> merciful JFatber, fo? 3lefus Cb?ift'S fake, to tobom, toitb tbee ano the feolg ®boft„ be altbonour ano glo?g, too?lo toitbout eno. Amen. AJtmigbtg ®oo, tobo baft p?omifeo to bear tbe petitions of tbem that ask in thg ©on'sname * toe befeecb thee mercifullg to incline tbine ears tous that babe maoe noto our p?agers ano fupplicationsn unto tbee j ano grant tbat tbofe. things tobicb toe bane faithfullg askeo acco?Oing to thg toill, mag cffeftuallg be obtaineo, to tbe relief of our neceffitg, ano to tbe fetting fo?tb of tbg glo?g, tb?ougb 31efus (Ebiifi our LO?D. Ameru ^ Then the Prieft (or 3ifhop, if he be prefent) fhali let them- 'depart with this Bleffing. TJ^C peace of <3on tobichpafifctb all unoerftano* ing, keep gour hearts anD minos in the knoto* leoge ano lobe of ©oo, ano of his ©on.3leuis Cb?itt our lo?o t ano tbe bleffing of (Sod aimigbtg, the JFatber, tbe ©on, ano tbepolg &boft, be amongft: pou, ano remain toitb gou altoags. Amen. The [i9l The Order for Evening Prayer. ment, ano in tbp to?atb tbinkeft upon mercg. ©pare tbg people, gooo lo?D, fpare tbem, ano let not thine heritage be b?ougbt to confufion. $ear us, © Lo?o, a? tbg mercg is great j anD after tbemultitube of tbg mercies look upon us, Cb?ougb tbe merits ano meoiation of tbg bleffeD ©on 3efus ^bliQ our Lo?o* Amen. OLo?o moft gooo ano potoerful, toe tbg finful pco* pie, here aflembleo befo?e tbee, do acknotoleoge it tbine unfpeakable mercg, tbatfo? out manifolo ano beinous p?otiocations toe are not utterlg confumeo,. ano gitien otier fo? a p?eg to the Cnemg ano abenger. £22e confefs toitb fo??oto anb confufion, our longun* fruitfulnefs unoer tbe means of grace, the light of. tbg gofpel, ano the mang toonoerful Delitierances of tbis Cburcb ano ©tate, mitt tbou in tbg great gooo- ners baft tioucbfafeo unto us. © JLo?D, ujouiocft tbou; enter into juogement toitb us fo? tbe crping fins of tbis nation, our p?ofanenefs anD infioelitg, berefies 7 anOi 14 Evening Prayer. ano fcbtfms, out grofs impurities, ano otber mant* folo offences, tbou migbteft juftig inflift upon us the febetitg of tbp to?atb, ano Oelitier us up to tbt te* P?oacbes ano infults of our enemies : but there is mercp toitb thee, tbetefc?eujalttboube^feareO: tbou art tbe lo?o ®oo, tenoer anD full of companion, not toiiling tbat ang ujoulo periftj, but tbat all ftjoulo tepent anD libe. Look Doton tberefoie, toe befeecb tbzz, toitb an epe of pitp ano lobing^kinonefs upon tbg ferbants, tobo toitb b?ofeen ano contrite bearts Do here betoail our tranfgreffions ano to?etcheonefs. Let our lano, in this time of trouble, ftill enjog the light of tbp countenance, anD the bleffings of tbp bountiful hanD i ano fo too?k upon our hearts ano minas bg tbe gracious influences of tbg&olp©pirit, that being tutneo from the erro? of our toags, ano createo to netonefs of life, toe mag toalk befo?e tbee in all rigbteoufnefs anD bolinefs in this too?lo, ano inherit thine cberiafting i&ingoom in that tohich iSto come, th?ougb the merits of 3lefus olg©pirit, tbat$>e magaltoag incline ilk in tbg toag : enoue Mm plen* ilp gifts ? grant Mm in health litie j ftrengthen foim, tbat M mag banquiuj ano obercome all lj)is enemies } ano finallg, after this life, Ibe map attain etierlafting jog ano felicitg, tb?ougb ferns €mid our !o?0. Amen. f A Prayer o to tbp toill, ano tea! teouffp toitb beaben ano tocaltb long to Evening Prayer. 15- ^ A Prayer for the Royal Family. ALmigbtp ©00, the fountain of all gooonefs, toe humblp befeecb tbee to blefs tbeir iRopal Msb* neffeS Frederick Prince Of Wales, the #?incefS Of Wales, tbe Puke, tbe Princeffes, the 31fl*ue of the P?ince ano P?incefs of Wales, ano all tbe Eopal jFamilp : enoue tbem toitb tbp l^olp ©pirit j enrich tbem toitb tbg beabenlg grace ; p?ofper tbem toitb all bappinefs ; ano h?ing them to tbine ebetlaftingl&ingDom, tb?ougb ^efUS Cp?ift OUr LO?D. Amen. f A Prayer for the Clergy and People. a Lmigbtg ano etieriafting <$oo, tobo alone too?keft J~\ great marbels,feno ooton upon ourTBiujops anD Curates, ano all congregations tommittcD to tbeir charge, tbe healthful ©pirit of tbg grace ; ano tbat tbeg mag trulg pleafe tbee, pour upon tbem tbe con* tinual oeto of tbg bleffing. <£?ant this, © Lo?D, fo? tbz honour of our aDbocate ana ^eoiato? 3lefus Cb?ifJ OUr HO?D, Amen. fs enoeabours fo? tbe toelfarc of tbefe iSations. 9no, £D Lo?D, let neitbcr our.unbappp Oibifious, no? our other mani^ folo fins ano p?obocations, obfttuft $is osfigns fo? tbe publick gooD, no? b?tng Doton tbp iuoge* ments upon ns : but fpare tbp people* © &o?o, fpare' us r ano bp tbe (trace of tijp IDolp ©pirit, fo unite us in a firm ano unifo?m courfe of obeoience to tbp toill, ano an bcartp ?cal fo? tbp bonour anD ferbicc, tbat toe map ebermoje rejoice in tb£; Causation, tb?ougb 3lefus €bii^ our Ho?o. Amen. f A Prayer for the High Court of Parliament. M©©C gracious $00, toe bumbfg befeecb tbee* asfo? tbis Einoftom in general, fo efpecialip fo? the l^igh Court of parliament, tm&er max maft re ligious ano gracious &i«g at this tmz aflTfrntrteo r tpat tbou toouiDeft be pleafeD to Direa am p?ofper all tbeir ccmfultations, to the aobancement of tbg alo?p,. the gooo of tbp cburcb, tbz fafetp, bonour, ana \ml> fare of our ©obereign ano i£is feingoonts ; tijat alt. tbings mag be fo. oaoeteo ano fettleo bp tbeir cnDca* 8 uuir$ livening Prayer. 17 tJourS"upontbet«eft ano fnreff foimoationsrtbat peace ano happinefs, truth anD jMice, religion ano pietg map be eftabliftjeo among ns fo? all generations. Cbefe ano all other neceflaries, fo? tbem, fo? us, ano tbp tobole church, toe humblp beg in tbe name ano meoiation of 3!efus &bii& our moft biefl'eo lLo?o ano ©atiiOHr. Amen. ^f A Colledt or Prayer for all Conditions of Men. O®oo, tbe treato? ano p?eferoer of all mankino, toe fmmblp befeecb tbee fo? all fo?ts ano conoi* tions of men, that tbou toouiDeft be pleafeo to make tbp toaps knoton unto tbem* tbp fabing bealtb un* to all nations. a@o?e efpecialip toe p?ag fo? tbe gooD eftate of tbe Catbolick Cburcb » tbat it map be fo guioco ano goberneo bp tbp gooo ©pirit, tbat all tobo p?ofefs ano cailtbemfeluesCb?iftians, map be IcD into tbe toap of trutb, ano bolD tbe faitbtn unitg of fpirit, in the bono of peace, ano in rigbteoufnefs of life. jFinallp, toe commeno to tbp fatberlp gooo* nefs all tbofe, tobo are ang toags affirfteo 0? otftrefteo in niiUO, bODg, 0? eftate [*efpecially thofe for whom our^'Th* prayers are defired] that it ttiag plCafe tljCC tO COmfO?t^«y ano reliebe tbem acco?Ding to tbeir fcoeral neceffities j ^£2$ gibing tbem patience unoer tbeir fufferings, anD a^Rca^-, frapppuTue out of all tbeir afilittons. 8no tbis toe beg fo? 3lefus QUitt bis fake. Amen. ^f The General Thankfgiving. Almigbtg &00, JFatber of all mercies, toe tbine untoo?t'bg ferbants do gibe tbee moft hum* Hie ano beartg tbanks fo? all thg gooonefs ano lob* ing'kinonefs to us ano to all men [* particularly to • ™« thofe who defire now to offer up their praifes and thankf-.^henany givings for thy late mercies vouchfafed unto them] 2jS3C tbatnhrae blefs tbee fo? our creation, p?eferbation, ano all tbz^$: fcieffings of tbis life ; but abooe all, fo? tbine inefti*^101*" 2D 2 mable praife- iB Evening r/rayer. mable lobe in the reoemption of tbe too?lo bv our &o?o 3lefus €biiH > fo? tbe means of grace, ano (o% tbe bope of glo?g. ano toe befeecb tbee, gitie us tbat Due fenfe of all tbg mercies, tbat our hearts mag be unfeigneoig tbankful j ano that toe mag ujeto fo?tb thg p?aife, not onlg toitb our lips, but in our lities, bg gibing up ourfe'lbes to tbg fetbice, ano &g toalk* ing befo?e tbee in bolinefs ano rigbteoufnefs all our oaps, tb?ougb 31efus €biiu' our Lo?o j to tobom, toitb tbee anD the l^olp ®boft, be all bonour ano glo?p» too?lo toitbout enb, Amen. fl A Prayer for this Church and Kingdom. BleUca JLo?o, tobo at funorg times ano in Diners manners baft manifefleo thine abunoant fabour to tbefe Eealms, in tbg martiellous p?oteftion of our religion, latos, ano liberties, from the fecret confpiracies, ano open attempts of malicious Cne* miesj toeaDo?ingthgglo?ious *pueftg toitb all p?aifes ano tbankfgibings fo? tbe fame, befeecb tbee to p?e* feme cbcrmo?e in our minos fucb a libelp memo?p, ano grateful fenfe of tbefe thine inbaluable mercies, tbat bp our eremplarp anD religious ufe of tbem, ano bappp imp?obements unDer tbem, to tbg bonour ana fetbice, toe mag beaccounteo too?tbg.of tbe con* tinuance of tbg bleffings to us ano our pofteritg. Cake atoag from us, © JLo?o, all barDnefs of beart, all neglect of tbine o?Dtnances, ano contempt of tbp too?o ; ano enoue us toitb a fpirit of pietg anD De* botion, a fpirit of juftice ano temperance, of bumilitg ano cbaritg, anD of all otber graces, tobicb aoo?n the Cb?tftian p?ofeffion j that fo thg D?eaDful Difpieafure ana j'uogements mag be eber aberteo from us, ano rniquitg not become our ruin. TBe tbou pleafeo al* fo toitb tbine efpecial fabour to guarD ana p?ofper our gracious ©ooeteign Sling george, toitb all tbe Evening Prayer. 19 Kopal jFamilg. 15e tbou to Mm, © lo?o, an helmet of falbation againft Ms enemies tbat Delight in toar. 2Do tbou, toe p?ap tbee, blaft their toickeo oefigns,- Defeat tbeir ftratagems, anD fo put tbem to fligbt ano confufion befo?e i]Dis face, that tbe terro? of i£is arms map aoo Dignitp ano luftre to $is croton, ano b?ing fafetp, jop, anOhappinefstoi])imfelf ano fpis Eing* Doms.