Lhurrh cJ* knS)a3, © <£oO, art piaifeo in ©ion : anlJpraim UL, unto thee QraH the fcoto be perfoimeo in,xv" ^^ 3lerufalem. Cftou haft fijeftm U0 tuonoerful things; in tfevtr.;. righteoufnefiai, 2D <£oD of our faluation : thou that a 2 art Morning Prayer. art the $>ope of all the enDS of the #arth, ana of them that remain in the b?oaD ©ea, pfaim 2D let the Nations rejoice anD he glaD : to? thou Djalt juDge the folk rigbteouflp, anD govern the na* tions upon €arth( ^f Inftead of the Finite, this Hymn fhall be ufed. lxvii. 4. Pfalm xcvi. 7 Pfe.!m T COill loioe thee, 2D lo?D, mp firength ; the Ho?D V1"" '' X is mp flonp tocfe, anD mp Defence : mp ^atoiour* mp olp ©hofi ; As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever fhall be: world without end. Amen. •ff Proper Pfalms, XXI; XXXIII, CXXIV, CXXV. f The Firft, Zechariah VIII. Te Deum. The Second, S. Luke 111. to Ver. 15. Jubilate Deo. ^ The Creed, &c. to the End of the Lord's Prayer. f Then the Prieft (landing up, fhall fay, Prieft. 2D lo?D, Qjeto thp mercp upon us, Anfw. anD grant us thp furcation. Prieft. 2D JLo?D, fahe the l&ing. Anfw. Too putteth his trufl in th^e. Prieft. ^eno him help from thp holp place. Anfw. anD ebermo?e mightilp DefenD him. Prieft. let his enemies haue "no aouantage agarnfl him. Anfw. let not the toic&eD app?oach to hurt him. pneft. CnDue th? s©iniliers toith rigbteoumefS\ Anfw. anD mate thp chofen people jopral. Prieft. 2D lo?D, faue thp people } Anfw. anD blefs thine inheritance. Prieft. ©iue peace in our time, 2D lo?D. Anfw. Morning l^rayer. Anfw. OBccaufe there is none other that figfjtett) toi US. but onlp thbu, 2D femeo the utmofl of thp to?ath anD inDignation againfl us, bp our manifoID anD repeateD p?ouoca* tions. SBben in thp fatbetlp gooanefs, Chou hafl turneD our hcaoinefs into jop, bp- putting an eno to our chafliferaent'anD the mifecies of OBloooujeo, anD blefling us toith the happp return of publick Cranquillitp. 3Be p?aife thp iSamc fo? thp mer ciful pioDiDence ; anD toe befeech thee to grant, that out of a Due fenfe of this great anD toonDetful inflance of it, toe map li&c as becomes a people fafteo bp thp hanD. IBan ilb, toe p?ap thee, fcom among us, all immO?alitp anD p?ofanenefs, purge us from all our abominations, take atoap all ha- treD anD DifXenfions, anD cnDue us toith a fpirit of true pietp anD holinefs, of lofee anD charitp, of unitp anD conco?D : Chat the bleflings of fl^eace, together toith the Puritp of religion, unlhafccn bp 31nftDeiitp, anD unamnpteD bp Isupcrfiitian, map be fecuteo to us, anD continueD to our pofleritp, fo? the merits Of thp onlp®cn our ^a&iour Cbltft Am-en, b f In Morning Prayer. f Then fhall follow the fecond and third ColleSs at Morning Prayer : And the Litany. f In the End of the Litany after the Colleft [We humbly bt- feeeh thee, &c] fhall be faid this Prayer following: O^ofl great anD mightp 1o?d, toljo art glo* rions in holinefs, fearful in p?aifes, Doing toonsers } €23e mofl humblp p?efent outfeloes at the th?one of thp grace to blefs anD aooje thj> unfpeafcable sooonefs fo? all thp late mercies Pouch* fafeD unto us: Chou hafl ujeton us toonDerful things in thp rigbteoumefs, 2D ©oo of our falba* tiem. Co thee alone toe afcribe the glo?p of all our Deliverances 5 fa? it is thou toho haft fo?ougbt all our too?fes fo? us* Cherefo?e not unto us, 2D lo?D, not unto us, but unto thp JQame be the p?aife, fo? thp lotting mercp anD fo? thp truth's fafee. let this* toe befeech thee, be the blefTeo fruit of thp maruellous lobing kinDnefs totoaros us, that toe map turn eoerp one from the coil of his toap, anD liue as a people that haue been fo often the niuble care of thp p?ooiDence. let the facreD perfon of our pacious. §)ODereign Eing george be altoaps p?ecious in thp fight, let DiS Eeign be p?ofperous, anD Dis 0aps manp : ®uarD Dim from all Dangers here, anD b?ing Dim to thp ®lo?p hereafter} fo lhail toe gioe thee thanks in the aifemblies of thp ©aims, anD be Dailp ujetoing fo?th thp p?aife from generation to generation, th?ough 3ieCus Ch?ifl our onlp a^eDiatoj anD aoioocate. Amen. * f A Prayer 8 Morning Prayer. f A Prayer for the High Court of Parliament. M£>©C gracious ®od, toe humblp befeech thee, as fo? this EingDom in general, fo efpeciallp fo? the Digh Court of parliament, unoer our mofl re* ligious anD gracious King at this time afrembleo j that thoutooulDeflbepleafeD td Direct anD p?ofper all their confultations, to the aDbancement of thp glo?p, the gooD of thp church, the fafetp, honour, anD toel* fare of our £>otiereign anD $is EingDoms j that all things map be fo o?Dereo anD fettleo bp their enoea* Doursupon the befl anD furefl founDations, that peace anD happinefs, truth anD juflice, religion anD pietp map be eflabliujeo among us fo? all generations. Chefe anD all other neceflaries, fo? them, fo? us, anD thp tohole church, toe humblp beg in the jQame ano feoiation of 3lefus Ch?ifl our mofl bleflfeD lo?D anD atHOUr. Amen. ^f The General Thankfgiving. Almightp <£oD, .father of all mercies, toe thine untoo?thP feruants Do gibe thee mofl humble anD heartp thanks fo? all thp gooDnefs anD lofr tob™M in5 WnDnefs to us anD to all men [* particularly to when any thofe, who defire now to offer up their prahes and thankf- been'iave givings for thy late mercies vouchfafed unto them] ffiQC payed ijjgfg jftee fo? our creation, p?efctbation, anD all the te?emm bMngs of this life ; but abobe all, fo? thine inefti* Pra>fe. mfJQjg (nfog jn the reDemption of the too?lo bp our lo?D 31efus Ch?ifl; fo? the means of grace, ano fo? the hope of glo?p. £nD toe befeech thee, gibe us that Due fenfc of all thp mercies, that our hearts map be unfeigneDlp.thankful } anD that toe map ujeto fo?th thp P?aife, not onip toith our lips, but in our libes, bp t gibing Morning Prayer. gibing up ourfelbes to thp ferbice,- anD bp toalking befo?e thee in holinefs anD tighteoufnefs all our Daps, th?ough 3lefus Ch?ift our 1o?d j to tohom, toith thee anD the i£>Qli? <$hoft, be all honour anD glo?p, too?lD toithout enD. Amen. •J A Prayer of St. Cbryfojlom. Almightp ©oD, toho haft giben us grace, at this time toith one acco?o to make our common ftip* plications unto thee; anDDoflp?omife, thattohenttoo o? th?ee are gathereD together in thp J13ame, thou toilt grant their requefts : fulfil noto, © lo?D, the Defires anD petitions of thp fertrants, as map be mofl ejcpeDi* ent fo? them j granting us in this too?lD knotoleDge of thp truth, anD in the too?lo to come life eberiatt* ing. Amen. 2 Cor. XIII. 14. Tl^C grace of our lo?D 3!efus Ch?ifl, anD the lohe of^oD, anD the fellotoftjip of the IMp ©hofl, he toith us all ebermo?e. Amen- 'B The [ 10} The Communion Service. f In the Communion Service, at the End of the Command-; ments, after the Collect for the King [Almighty God, ivhofe Kingdom is everlajting &c] inftead of the- Collect for the £)ay, fhall be ufed the following Collect. O eternal <£od, the eber bleffeD anD onlp Poten* tate, the p?ince of Peace $ accept, toe befeech thee, the thanfefgitjlngs anD p?aifes of thp ^er* bants, fo? our Deliberance from thofe great anD ap parent Dangers toheretoith toe toere encompaffeD. Jt is of thp mercp, © lo?D, that toe toere. not ut* terlp confumeD j that our Religion toas not De* firopeD, no? our libertp fubberteD, but that toe flill f reelp p?ofefs thp ^>acreD Cruth, anD jopn in thp mofl ©olp aa3o?ujip, ano poffefs the Sights anD 3Inherit* ances of our fathers, perfect, © gracious <£oo, the 2fl3o?k that thou hafl begun amongft us : TBlefs anD P?ofper the hanDS bp tohich thou haft conbepeD this mercp to us. Direct our ®oberno?s toith the fpirit of toifoom anD rightcoufnefs. Eule thou in the mioft of our publick Councils, fo? tfje aDtiancement of thp gio?p anD the lafting toelfare of this great peo* pie, that thep map ebermo?e be p?eferbeD from the Co??uptions of Poperp, the ^iferies of §>laberp, anD The Communion Service. n anD libe in the unifo?m pjaftice of pietp anD birtue. Chefe IBletu'ngs toe moft humblp implo?e fo? the fake of Ch?ift 3lefus our lo?D. Amen. The Epiftle. Galat. V. Ver. i3. F© lR,b?eth?en, pe habe been calleD untolibertp % onlp ufetiot libertpfo? an occafion to the jFiefij, but bp lobe ferae one another. iFo? all the lato i% fulfilleD in one too?D, eben in this ; Chou ujalt loDe thp neighbour as thpfelf. "But if pe bite anD Debour one anothec, take bceD that pe be not con* fumeo of one another. ChiS J fap then, 3Balk in the Spirit, ano pe ujall not fulfil the luff of the flelb. JFo? the fleuj lufieth againfl the Spirit, anD the ©pirit againfl the flelb : anD thefe are contrarp the one to the other ; fo that pe cannot Do the things that pe tooulD. TBut if pe be leo bp the Spirit, pe are not unber the lato. Boto the too?ks of the flefl) are manifefl, tohich are thefe, 9DuIterp, fomi= cation, uncleanitefs, lafcibioufnefs, iDolatrp, toitcft* craft, hatceD, bariance, emulations, tojatb, flrife, feDitions, herefies, enbpings, murbers, Djunkem nefs, rebellings* anD fuch like : of the tohich 1 tell pott befo?e, as 31 habe alfo toID pou in time paft, that thep tohich do fuch things, ftjail not inhe= rit the EingDom of <£od. IBixt the fruit of the ^>pi= rit is lobe, jop, peace, Iong=fuffering, gentlenefs, goobnefs, faith, meeknefs, temperance : againfl fuch there is no lato. anD thep that are Ch?ifi'S, habe crucifieD the fh?uj, toith the affections ano lufls. 3!f toe libe in the ©pirit, let us alfo toalk in the Spirit, let us not be Defirons of bain g!o?p, pjoboking one another, enbping one another. B 2 f The ii The Communion Service. The Gofpel. St. Luke YL Ver. 27, to Ver. 39. B(H C 31 fap unto pou tohich hear, lobe pour €ncmies, do gooD to them tohich hate pou : blefs them that curfe pou, anD p?ap fo? them tohich Defpitefuilp ufe pou. 3nD unto him that fmitetfi thee on the one cheek, offer alfo the other: anD him that taketh atoap thp cloke fo?biD not to take thp coat alfo- ^ibe to enerp man that asketh of thee J anD of him that taketh atoap thp gooos ask them not again. 3nD as pe tooulo that men ChoulD Do to pou, Do pe alfo to them Uketoife. JFo? if pe lobe them tohic6 lobe pou, tohat thank habe pe? fo? finners alfo lobe thofe that lobe. them. 9nD if pe do gooD to them tohich Do gooD to pou, tohat thank habe pe? fo? finners alfo Do -eben the fame. anD if pe lenD to them of tohom pe hope to receive, tohat thank habe pe? fo? finners alfo leno to finners, to receive as much again. 15ut lobe pe pour enemies, anD Do gooD, anD leno, hoping fo? nothing ai;ain: ano pour retoaro ujall be great, anD pe ujall be the chiiDjen of the ^ighefl: fo? he is kinb unto the unthankful anD to the ebil. 15e pe therefore merciful, as pour jFather alfo is merciful. 31uoge not, anD pe ujall not be juDgeD : ConDemn not, anD pe ujall not be conDetnneb : JFo?gi&e, anD pe ujall be fo?giben : ©iDC, ana it ujall be givsen unto pou ; gooD mca» fure, pieffeD Doton, anD ujaken together, anD run* ning o&er, ujall men gitse into pour bofom. JFo? toith the fame meafucc that pe mete toithal, it ©all be meafuteD to pou again. f Then The Communion Service. 13 f Then fhall be faid the Creed following. ITBeliebe in one ©od, the JFather aimightp, o@aket of heaben anD earth, anD of all things bifible anD inbifible : anD in one lo?D 31efus Ch?ifl, the onlp*begotten %on of ®oD,15egotten of his JFather befo?e alltoo?lDS; ©od of ®od, light of light, Oerp^oD of herp^oD, OBegotten, not maDe, IBeing of one fubflance toith the JFather, I5p tohom all things toere maDe : aufm fo? us men, anb fo? our falbation, came Doton from heaben, anD toas incarnate bpthe ^>olp ®fcoft of the CJirgin egarp, anD toas maDe man, anD toas cruci* fieD alfo fo? us unDer Pontius Pilate. $e fuffereo anD toas burieD, anD the thitD Dap he rofe again acco?Ding to the fcriptures, anD afcenDeo into hea* Den, anD fitteth on the right hanb of the JFather. anD he ujall come again toith glo?p to j'uhge both the quick anD the DeaD : SBhofe kingDom ujall habe no enb. anD 31 beliebe in the J£olp on toge* ther is too?ujippeD anD glo?ifieD, Uibo fpake bp the P?ophets. anD 31 beiiene one catholick anD apoflo* lick church, 31 acknotoleDge one baptifm fo? the remiuKon of fins, ano 31 look fo? the refurrection of the DeaD, anD the life of the too?lD to come. amen. olp Spirit, be all honour anD glo?p fo? ebermo?e. Amen. GiRant, © lo?D, toe befeech thee, that the courfe of this too?lD map he fo peaceablp o?DereD b^ thp ®obernance, that thp. Church map jopfullp ferbe thee in all goDtp ouietnefs, tb?ouM) 3lefus Ch?ift OUr 10?D. Amen. Almightp <©od, toho hafl p?omifeo to hear the petitions of them that ask in thp Son's Bame ; dBe befeech thee mercifullp to incline thine ears to us that habe maDe noto our p?apers anD fupplications unto thee ; anD grant that thofe things tohich toe habe faithfullp askeD acco?Ding to thp toill, map effe&uallp be obtaineo, to the relief of our neceflities, ano to the fetting fo?th of thp glo?p, th?ough 3lefus Ch?ifl OUr 10?D. Amen. f Then the Prieft (or the Bifhop, if he be prefent) fhall let them depart with this Bleffing : Tl£> <& peace of <$od tohich paffeth all unDerflanD* ing, keep pour hearts anD minDS in the knoto* leDge anD lobe of <£od, anD of his Son 31efus Ch?ifl our lo?D : anD the blelfing of ®od almightp, the JFather, the Son, anD the polp #boft, be amongft pou, anD remain toith pou altoaps. Amen. finis. 3 9002 08866 3340