Church «¦ fcn/1 a.riii Mrp> 1746 5/4 A FORM O F PRAYER AND THANKSGIVING T O Almighty GOD; To be ufed At Morning and Evening Service After the General Thanksgiving, Throughout the Cities of London and Weftminfterr and cllewhere within the Weekly Bills of Mortality, on Sunday next, being the Fourth D.iy of A%, \ 746 ; and in all other Places throughout England, Woks, and the Town of Berwick upon Tweed, on Sunday the Twenty fifth Day of the fame Month: For the complete Victory vouchfafed to His Majefty's Forces, under the Conduct of His Royal Highnels the Duke of Cumberland, over the Rebels in Scotland. T5p l£)t0 agajeflg'st fpecial Commann. LONDON: Printed by Thomas Bafkett, Printer to the King's moft Excellent Majefty ; and by the Afiigns of Robert Bafkett. 1740, (3 ) F O R M O F PRAYER and THANKSGIVING T O Almighty GOD; To be ufed After the General Thanksgiving. EHBg8S§S® XI)p untbotfftp ^erbants* ^S^^S moft gracious ilojb, Do again S|le&Jfg| l)umblp beg 5Uabe to pic> KfS State ourfctbes Mm Xijee, §§|g§|fiS| a&ozing Xf)p infinite d^oo23> nefe, as fo? our man? former SDeliberances from tlje Ibicfceb Slbettojs of #opiff) 3>uper(fition an& lalblefo Softer, fo fo? t!)e late tfgnal 3Uitfo?p boucltfaf b to $te*Mri*P'£ Jfojces, unber ttje Ibife anb Valiant Conbutf of $is iaopal $iglmef2E tje SDufte of Cumberland, ober t|)e fame cruel mti> bloob*tl)irffp enemies, MUttth % x be (4) be Xtjou, D 3lo?b, tb|)o Ja0 not foj our manifolb anb great Offences, beliber b us up as a #jep unto tftem, 2Ut, tbe befeecft Xftee, a jull £>enfe of Xjjp ILong^fuffertng anb i©ercp turn us from tt*e Cbil of our ftftaps, anb map tbe libe l)encefo?lbarb as bttomts tt)ofe, tbtjo ftabe Utn t|)e pecu* liar Care of X!jp jbobibence; tl)at it map pleafe X&ee Hill to tncreafe X!)p lob* ing iftinbnefs to usi, till all tfte G&ojlb confefs, tljat Xftou art our &abfcmr anb mtgljtp SDeliberer, permit no SDefign to pzofper, tb|)ic!) ffmll be fojmb againft X&p true Religion, Xl)p anointeb £>erbant our moU d&taeious ^obereign Sting ci e or g e, o? tl)e |0eace anb Welfare of us*X|)p people. Crotbn tbitl) Gutters $is 3@a* jeftps 2lrms anb Counfeis; anb in Xijp otbn goob %imt boucjtfafe to us tl)e Blef* lings of a fafe, honourable, anb lafting ideace ; tl)at tbitl) bebout anb jopfiil hearts Ibe map, from feneration to feneration, utter fojtl) X|)p ^aife, titfoiig!) our JUtfb mt Sabiour jefus Ctuift, Amen. F i N i s. J YALE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY 3 9002 08866 3357