wmmmmmmam ratic YALE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY From the estate of Mrs. Carrie A. Middleton In Memory of JAMES MIDDLETON Class of '79 '<'C/ON *v° Questions on S./7 K^tuau in (consciousness Price 25 Gents San Francisco ffiran.cn *JheosophicalSocieti/ academy of Sciences Building, 819 Market St. SMV FRMVGISeO, GAL. 1905 FOREWORD These questions have been prepared by a fellow-student with the desire of affording some assistance to those studying Mrs. Annie Besant's most valuable and interest ing Contribution to the Science of Psychology, entitled " A Study in Consciousness." Condensed but comprehensive answers should be sought and any supplementary information, derived from Theo- sophical, scientific or general literature, explaining and supporting the text, should be added by the student. "Sirra." Honolulu, T. H. August, 1905. . Part I. Consciousness QUESTIONS ON "A Study in Consciousness" INTRODUCTION. Pages 1-16. What comprises the field of our evolution ? Can much at present be learned about the unfolding of consciousness ? What consideration of the field of evolution must precede this study? § 1. Origins. How many great modifications of matter exist in a solai system ? What planes are the field of the normal evolution? For what purpose do the next two serve? Name them. Having transcended these five planes, what does man be come? What proceeds from the Divine activity on the remaining two planes ? Mention what is here said about these highest planes and what names are given to them. Into how many groups are these seven planes divided and of what are they respectively the fields of activity? Illustrate, in tabular form, these planes of a universe. Wkat distinction is here made between the two planes of the highest group, and what points of resemblance have they ? Make a symbolical diagram of this preparative work. Name the two aspects. Explain what the central Point in the Circle symbolizes. As clearly as possible, state Why three Logoi in every universe. 8 QUESTIONS ON Also explain the symbol of the triple manifestation of the Logic Consciousness. Mention the two ways of naming this divine Triad. How does the Pratyag-atma — the Universal Self— orig inate these three expressions of Consciousness ? State how every Logos of a universe repeats this uni versal SELF-Consciousness. Why is every manifested God spoken of as a Trinity? How is the Tetractys formed and what is implied by the Three becoming the Four? Give the name applied by Emerson to this totality. To what are due the effects of these aspects when they affect Matter? State the relation between the three Gunas and the three Aspects. Whar is accomplished by the aid of Matter thus prepared ? When viewed by spiritual sight, what is the appearance of the still-undivided Logos, ere His Second Manifesta tion begins ? Explain the symbol of the triple Logic Activity in Matter. From the side of Form, what results from the vibration of the Point ? Is this " drawing apart " a reality or an idea? How is this expressed in mystic phraseology? What is the time-limit of this relation as Father and Son ? Mention the comparisons used to illustrate how the pas sive becomes the active, the unmanifest the manifest. On the physical plane, what images this separation within the First Logos? State how the symbol of the Third Logos is formed. What is this symbol called when the Circle is dropped ? Draw a diagram representing the three stages of the Di vine unfolding. § 2. Origination of Monads. Relate what is said of the generation of the Monads. What two aspects of Will are mentioned ? Define a Monad and state whence its origin. " A STUDY IN CONSCIOUSNESS." 9 What accounts for the triple aspect of life in the Monads ? How do the Monads rank, compared with the Second Logos ? Why is He more advanced ? What is the condition of the " divine fragments " while awaiting the Day of Manifestation? Explain the work then being accomplished by the First Outpouring. Repeat the graphic description of the stupendous nature of the Logos. CHAPTER I. PREPARATION OF THE FIELD. § 1. The Formation of the Atom. Pages 17-31. Upon what does the Third Logos begin His creative ac tivity ? What correspondences may be drawn from " H. P. B.'s " statements regarding our atomic sub-planes and the " atoms of space "? Describe the condition of this virgin Matter as it exists in Infinite Space. Give the results when the closed circle is broken. What is the condition of matter during a period of Kosmic manifestation ? Describe the stages of atom-formation. What is a " Tanmatra " ? Reproduce drawings of the axes of crystals. (See Theo- sophical Review, vol. XXXI, pp. 142-156.) What are the possessions of every atom? How many different kinds of atoms does the Third Logos prepare ? What characterises the ultimate atom of a plane ? § 2. Spirit-Matter. From what is the special matter of each system devel oped? 10 QUESTIONS ON When veiled in Mulaprakriti, what is the Oversoul called ? Describe the result of the activity of Fohat on the highest plane. What may be said about the formation of the atoms of the second plane. Briefly follow this involution of Spirit through the suc cessive planes, to the physical. What is ever regarded as Spirit and what as Form or Matter ? Upon what is evolution dependent? § 3. The Sub-Planes. To which states of matter may the chemical atom belong ? Besides, the three familiar states of matter, what four oth ers exist? Mention the composition of molecules : the force that preserves their unity; and the correspondences of axial arrangement. What completes the field of evolution ? How do the original sub-planes correspond with those now existing? What energies, besides those of the Third Logos, were re quired to assist in these integrations? State what is said of the interpenetration of planes and sub-planes. Why is this an important feature? Is this atomic road used? Mention a characteristic of a physical atom. What results from attraction between these vortices within the atoms? Where are the spirilla? ? What is their distinguishing motion and whence derived ? What is their normal development? Through how many spirilla? does the life-stream now cir culate ? How may the evolution of the atom be hastened ? What results from the harmonious vibration of the two powers ? " a study in consciousness." 11 § 4. The Five Planes. State what depends upon the measure of limitation im posed by the Third Logos on the atom. Give the relation of the Tanmatra to the three Aspects of the Logos. What transmutation will be effected by the evolution of the atom? Whence comes the vibratory capacity of response in mat ter? What name is given to this work of the Third Logos ? CHAPTER ii. CONSCIOUSNESS. § 1. ThE' Meaning of the Word. Pages 32-57. What is the despair of modern thought? Define consciousness. When separation in thought is made, what does analysis show? Give the name for consciousness when considered as unity. To what is the idea of multiplicity due ? What confusion arises from confounding the abstract and the concrete aspects of Life? Upon what does the awareness of a living being depend ? What would follow the anihilation in thought of every veil of matter? What does the existence of consciousness imply ? How is this also expressed by the modern name for con sciousness 7 Primarily, what is Awareness? What additional factor appears in Self-consciousness ? Give the terms used in expressing this inseparable rela tionship. Illustrate, by electricity, the .alternating unity and duality. What understanding of Consciousness and Matter obvi ates the necessity for a " bridge " over the " gulf " ? 12 QUESTIONS ON Of what must a conscious unit consist? In reality, what are these two separate somethings ? Why do they affect each other? Upon what non-existent things does the " gulf " depend ? What is true, even of the highest separated Self? Explain further the relations of this pair of bpposites. Looking out of consciousness from within, what knowl edge is gained? Consciousness being the One Reality, what inference necessarily follows? Define fully " Absolute Consciousness," " Universal Con sciousness " and " Individual Consciousness.'' How is the Lord of a Universe controlled ? What are the limitations imposed upon the inhabitants of a solar system by its Ishvara ? Upon what does the apparent reality of our matter de pend and when will it vanish as a dream ? When a realisation of the Unity of Spirit is gained, how is matter then regarded ? What change in matter is followed by a change in con sciousness ? Explain the constituents of a " pair.'' Give an instance showing that this constant relation does exist. What aid does observation of* subtler matter give in ob taining a realisation of the illusory nature of matter ? Explain how the Will to Multiply causes Consciousness to appear as conscious entities. What erroneous ideas may be corrected by a mental grasp of the distinctions between Absolute, Universal and In dividual Consciousness ? Explain clearly why the Perfect never becomes the imper fect ; the All-Power the powerless, etc. What are the names given to this duality, which is insep arable while there is manifestation? § 2. The Monads. Which Logos provides the Field and which the Knower of the Field? " A STUDY IN CONSCIOUSNESS." 13 Give the technical names for the units of consciousness. What is the object of our garnering all experiences ? A knowledge of what physical facts will aid in grasping the great truth ? Describe the condition of the Ego while its physical body is building. State what must be accomplished by the embryo and dur ing what, period of time, ere the Ego can fully ensoul it. During this slow evolution, what is the Ego doing ? On the higher planes, what resembles the Monad and his relation to his new physical body? Relate something about the condition of the Monad on his own plane and during the subsequent stages through which he passes. Explain how the latent aspects of Will, Wisdom and Ac tivity in the undetached Monads at the first stage, de velop into the " individual Will to Live." Are we voluntarily taking part in the present scheme of evolution ? What is the relation of the Monads to their lower ve hicles ? Illustrate how the " Will to Live " expresses itself in all nature. What is the goal for those Monads who will to struggle through the five-fold universe ? How does life know itself? What is the condition of those who choose not to become creators ? Explain how the Monad is able to be conscious on the sec ond plane but totally unconscious on the lower five. State fully how the unit of consciousness will evolve his consciousness on the lower planes. In matter, what are the vibratory powers called ? Of what power of consciousness is " three-dimensional matter " the expression ? Compare the Hidden Self — the Monad — with the Unman- ifested. 14 QUESTIONS ON Whence the sense of unity that ever persists in us amidst all changes ? What is said about the three out-streaming rays from the Monad? On the mental plane how does the triplicity of Conscious ness appear? What are the three aspects called on the astral plane. ? On the physical plane, what organs are assigned as instru ments for Will, Wisdom and activity? Give the order of the full manifestation of these three as pects of Consciousness in man and to what do they cor respond in the Logos. CHAPTER III. THE PEOPLING OF THE FIELD. § 1. The Coming Forth of the Monads. Pages 58-84. When does the activity of the Second Logos begin ? How are His directing and attractive forces employed ? What accompany this Second Outpouring? Mention why it is more accurate to say that the Monads " shine forth " not " go forth." How did " H. P. B." describe their forthcoming? What does the three-faced Monad do ? Usually, what is meant by the term " reflection " ? In the present case, what is the meaning attached to it ? Explain fully how the Monad makes to himself a triple ray, and state what aid the Devas give. What is said of the Watcher and his Shadows ? Of what is the Heavenly Man the expression ? How may we regard the three aspects of the Monad on the human plane ? What is the difference between the Spirit in Man and the Monad ? What is said about the manifestations and the identity of the human consciousness ? " A STUDY IN CONSCIOUSNESS." 15 How is the work of the Monad begun ? What enables him to live and work below the second plane ? Draw a figure expressing this action. Describe this spiritual Triad. Define the Monad as it exists in Eternity and in Time and Space. How does its evolution progress, and what is its ultimate goal? How only is the power of creating a universe gained ? Whence must the materials for a system be drawn ? What is, at first, the condition of the spiritual Triad ? Mention how the early stages of its evolution correspond with the ante-natal life of a human being. What must precede the beginning of conscious separate existence in both ? When does the " birth " of the infant Ego take place ? Point out the analogy between the evolution of the Monad and the successive re-births. What is this process of preparation called? Where must evolution of the consciousness begin and why ? Whence come the slight thrillings, prior to awakening? § 2. The Weaving. What is done by the life-power of the Second Logos ? How far does the life-wave carry the spiritual Triads? What may all the atomic sub-plane atoms be called ? For distinction, how are the two kinds termed? Define the term " Monadic Essence." What is its relation to the Logos ? In what is the life of the Second Logos itself clothed ? In what does the response of the third plane matter ex press itself? Of what are the First and Second Elemental Kingdoms constituted ? What distinction must be kept in mind between the Mo nadic and the Elemental Essence ? 16 QUESTIONS ON Explain clearly, the work of the Second Logos on the desire plane. What essential points of Elemental Essence are here men tioned ? What takes place on the earth-plane through the action of the Second Life-wave ? What is the most appropriate word for expressing this tissue-building work ?, Give fully the similes of the Eternal Weaver and the Eter nal Chemist. What is given to matter by this weaving? Mention the bodies produced by the different kinds of cloth. How is the Monad affected by these combinations ? How many great types are fixed by the nature of the atom? What does all this effect for Consciousness? Of what is the downward sweep of the Life-wave through the three worlds to the turning point in densest matter, productive ? What use is made of this on the upward arc ? Who are classed among the " Minor Gods " ? For what is man indebted to them ? § 3. The Seven Streams. State what the number seven is called and why ? In how many ways may a triad be arranged ? When the life of the Logos arouses the Gunas, what re sults ? By. what Sanskrit words are the three types known ? Tabulate the seven groups, distinguishing the predomi nant qualities. Mention what is said of the seven streams of Logic Life. Are these streams the same as the seven planes ? Give the reference in the Book of Dzyan to the seven types. For what does this account ? " a study in consciousness." 17 § 4. The Shining Ones. What have we already found to be a result of the Second Life wave ? Mention an additional result. Whence come these Beings and what is their work ? Give some of the names applied to them. Why is the Theosophical term particularly appropriate ? Describe their bodies. Mention some of their activities. What is their work in connection with the Logos? Of which classes are memories still found in Folk-lore ? What prevents man from being conscious of them at present ? At this early stage, what was the work of the Shining Ones? Describe the condition, at that period, of the seed of hu man consciousness. CHAPTER IV. THE PERMANENT ATOM. § 1. The Attaching of the Atoms. Pages 85-113. In the Jivatma., what precedes external activities ? Describe how the Sutratma becomes attached to the lower mental molecule. Of what does this attached unit become the centre ? How do the vibrations of these forms affect the seed of consciousness ? Do we find that each centre has always around it a form of its own ? State what ultimately results from these faint thrillings. How is progress aided by Higher Entities? What separation exists between the seven groups ? Describe the repetition of this process on the desire plane. On this plane, with what are the vibrations connected ? At this stage, what classes of Devas assist? What addition is made to the dividing wall between the typical groups? 18 QUESTIONS ON Is the process the same when the physical plane is reached ? Owing to the denser matter, what is noticeable ? Mention what is done by the Shining Ones. Describe the composition of each permanent atom. Why has the name " Sutratma " been given to the thread of Buddhic consciousness?- Illustrate by a diagram this relation and the connection with the Spiritual Triad. Mention other cases where the term " Thread-Self " is employed. § 2. The Web of Life. Through what is the connection of the permanent atom with the Spiritual Triad made? When Buddhic vision is employed, how do we appear ? What forms this golden network? Whence does it proceed and how long is its period of growth ? Describe the departure of this Web of Life and the life- breath from the physical body. Within the casual body, how does the lower triad ap pear ? § 3. The Choosing of the Permanent Atom. What determines the seven main types of matter of each plane ? Whence may the permanent atoms be chosen? Are they selected from the same or from various types ? Mention the respective functions of the Hierarchies and of the Monad concerning the permanent atoms. What is here mentioned as acquired by the Monads from a Planetary Logos? Give the other names for our key-note. How do the Hierarchies aid the Monad in strengthening his original key-note? What is the process when the Monad decides to develop another and modifying aspect of his nature? " A STUDY IN CONSCIOUSNESS." 19 State what effect the latter choice has upon the character. Why do the permanent atoms of the lower triad corre spond with those of the Higher ? Mention the difference between the bodies on the lower and on the higher planes. § 4. The Use of the Permanent Atoms. What is the use of the permanent atoms ? Taking the physical atom as an illustration, explain what is mentioned about its functionings during life and the results. After the disintegration of the physical body, what be comes of the physical permanent atom ? When the time for reincarnation comes, what influence does the permanent atom exert? Mention another force that also strongly affects the new life-period. What is effected by the Lords of Karma ? State what is determined by the " temperament." Which is the important factor,, the temperament or the astrological " Star " ? Mention what is said of the minute particle — biophor — that transmits ancestral peculiarities. Give some examples of physical heredity which strengthen the idea of the possibilities of the permanent atom. What is the correct idea of the composition of this atom ? How does modern science now describe an atom? During this Round, how many spirilla? are normally ac tive in both permanent and unattached atoms ? In the case of a very highly evolved man, how many spi- rillse are working ? Whence would the elemental obtain the materials for this high order of body ? What advantages would such a man gain from association with highly-evolved persons ? Are the relations and ultimate condition of the permanent astral atom similar to what has been related concerning the physical permanent atom ? 20 QUESTIONS on State what is said about the permanent mental unit. At the close of the mental life in Devachan, where are the representatives of the three lower bodies retained ? Describe the awakening of the lower triad of permanent atoms. Explain how the permanent atoms remain unchanged within the causal body. § 5. Monadic Action on the Permanent Atoms. How does monadic action affect the permanent atom at this early stage? Toward what is the special activity of the spiritual Triad directed ? During the downward arc, upon what are its energies mainly expended? Mention what part is taken by the Third Logos, the Sec ond Logos and the Monad in preparing the permanent atoms and their walls. Describe the results of the temporary vivification of the other atoms by the Monad. Why do the permanent atoms evolve more rapidly ? State clearly what is said about the vivifying of the spi rilla? during the four Rounds. What difficulties beset the man who takes up the abnor mal human evolution? What awakening of consciousness has been attained by those called "Fifth Rounders" and "Sixth Rounders"? Mention the danger that may occur if this training be im properly pursued? CHAPTER v. GROUP-SOULS. § 1. The Meaning of the Term. Pages 114-133. Describe a Group-Soul. How many types of Group-Souls are seen before there are any definite forms ? " A -STUDY IN CONSCIOUSNESS." 21 What is their appearance ? Upon closer examination, what is observed ? When does the golden life-web become visible ? Mention the composition of the three layers. Are these layers identical in the seven Group- Souls ? What is a function of the triple envelope? To what does the division and multiplication of the seven Group-Souls lead? State what may be a cause of Group-Soul division. Illus trate. How is this division of the Group-Soul and its contents effected ? Through which kingdom must all the triads pass ? What now awakens? During these early stages upon what does evolution de pend ? Give the analogy between the germinating lives in the mineral, vegetable and animal kingdoms and the human ante-natal period. What in plant life illustrates this ? Describe the successive evolutionary changes through which the Group-Soul passes. What is accomplished when the Third Outpouring, from God the Father, unites with the preceding Life- Waves ? § 2. The Division of the Group-Soul. Where and how will the first distinction between the " I " and the " Not-I " be obtained ? How long will this self-consciousness persist? Explain the difference between the " I " and the " Not-I." What is said of the condition of this consciousness in the lower kingdoms? In the mineral kingdom, what is the first action of the permanent atom? To what are the lines of cleavage in the Group-Soul at tributable ? How is the slumbering consciousness aroused ? 22 QUESTIONS ON What are " vibratory powers " ? Describe the beneficial and stimulating action of these vi brations. Explain how division is produced within the Group-Soul ? To what plane does mineral consciousness attain? Mention some effects of chemical affinity. What is the condition of the astral atom in the mineral ? Is the mental atom at all affected ? Has every plant a permanent atom within it, evolv ing to humanity during the life of this system ? Give the results of the atom's evolution in the vegetable kingdom. According to present knowledge, to what would the evo lution of the lower kingdoms seem to belong ? What is said about grass and short-lived plants ; and what Entities are connected with their development? Are permanent atoms found in all minerals and lower vegetable forms? Trees appear to be related to what evolution and what position does the permanent atom hold to them? Describe the growth of astral form and consciousness in a long-lived forest tree. How many planes are touched by vegetable conscious ness? What differences in vegetable development would be in dicated by the first manifestations being in stationary or in wandering animal forms ? State what is mentioned about the lowest types of mi crobes, amoeba?, etc. Give the results of accelerated activities upon the Group- Soul in the animal kingdom. With highly domesticated animals, what serves the pur pose of a causal body and why is it wiser that the en velope of the Group-Soul be not too hastily shattered ? Unless human co-operation work in harmony with the Laws of Nature, what will be the results for the ani mal? " A STUDY IN CONSCIOUSNESS." 23 CHAPTER VI. UNITY OF CONSCIOUSNESS. S 1. Consciousness a Unit. Pages 134-151. Mention two important factors to be remembered in studying the manifestations of consciousness. Give the illustration of the sea, as an example of the " one-ness " of all consciousness. How does individual consciousness appear and what is the cause of that complexity ? Through what must the ordinary waking-consciousness of a man work and what limitations does this instru ment impose ? When only the etheric portions of the brain are used, what change is noticed? What results when consciousness withdraws completely from the physical plane? When the astral plane also is transcended, what difference is apparent? Upon which plane is the unity of consciousness now capable of being demonstrated ? § 2. Unity of Physical Consciousness. Why has the unity of physical consciousness been lost sight of? Give what is quoted from the Secret Doctrine regarding the One Life ? What differences of sentiency would naturally be ex pected in the various grades of evolution ? From Professor Bose's experiments, what has been de finitely proved? Give the comparative results of stimulation applied to metals and muscles. What organic disarrangement of functions produced by shock, drugs, etc., are noted in minerals and plants? Mention the signs of vegetable consciousness observed by Mr. Reed. 24 QUESTIONS ON What confirmation is given by observations made by M Jean Becquerel, with the N-ray? § 3. The Meaning of Physical Consciousness. Define the two senses in which the term " physical con sciousness " is used. In the more accurate and restricted sense what would it include? When the spiralla? are active, what results? Give illus tration. How is man — the microcosm — represented as resembling the macrocosm ? What activities belong to the body's physical conscious ness and what to the consciousness of the Jivatma? When did the workings of physical consciousness directly affect the " waking consciousness " in man and the higher animals? How does this automatic consciousness now manifest itself ? Which form of consciousness was tested by Prof. Bose in his experiments? What additional working of consciousness is needed to make the animal feel the stimulus? Is there any difference in the consciousness working in physical matter ? Why do men and the higher animals respond more in telligently and extensively than the lower kingdoms ? Why is there a lack of sensitiveness in minerals and most plants ? Describe the building of the nervous system in the animal kingdom, and by whom is it effected? Where is organization by the consciousness being carried on at this stage ? What precedes the out-pouring of the Third Life-wave? " A STUDY IN CONSCIOUSNESS." 25 CHAPTER VII. THE MECHANISM OF CONSCIOUSNESS. § 1. The Development of the Mechanism. Pages 152-169. In reality, what form the mechanism of consciousness ? What may be included under the term " tiny lives " ? State what is said of the ruling central consciousness ana the nervous apparatus, in the physical body ? Whence comes this nervous mechanism? How are heat and other energies generated ? Mention what is said of the Master-builder and the directive intelligence. The forces of what two planes build the nervous matter? What is said of the P'rana sent down directly from the astral plane and the purely physical Prana? Mention what accounts for the difference in Prana in the various kingdoms. How does the causal body affect the Prana circulating in the physical body? Give the derivation and meaning, according to Hindu thought, of Prana. - On the physical plane what are some of its manifesta tions ? Individually, what does it connote ? From this vital energy what are derived and what occa sions this partial manifestation? Mention what is said by H. P. B., in the Secret Doctrine, concerning the relation of Prana and the nervous system. What is accomplished by Prana on the physical plane and how is its presence indicated? What combinations of Prana begin the building of ner vous matter? Relate what is given about the building- of the cell and its development. Of what does every nervous system consist? 26 QUESTIONS ON How does the cell meet the requirements of the expand ing consciousness ? What is the result of thought activity? Trace the building of the nervous system, from its be ginning to the vertebrate order. What is this first-formed system then called ? Relate what is said of the cerebro-spinal system. What is effected through the permanent atoms? In the animal, how is sensitiveness evolved? What increases the acuteness of sensation? §2 . The Astral or Desire Body. In what way is the astral body dependent upon the physical ? Give the Samskrit terms for the vehicles bf consciousness when acting as sheaths, and when functioning as inde pendent bodies. Describe the astral sheath in the three lower kingdoms. Distinguish between the aggregations of the astral matter and the chakras. What is the connection between these aggregations and the sympathetic system? Whence originate the ten organs of the cerebro-spinal system ? What are the Jnanendriyas ? Name the sense-organs, their correspondences and func tions. What is said of the Karnxendrivas and their connections ? Explain the interaction of astral sheath and physical body with the Consciousness. § 3. Correspondence in Root-Races. Mention how- the characteristics of the Rounds are re peated in the Root-Races. Why were the first two Races not affected by the " pairs of opposites " ? How is the Ego aroused to consciousness of sensation ? "A STUDY IN v CONSCIOUSNESS." 21 CHAPTER VIII. FIRST HUMAN STEPS. § 1. The Third Life- Wave. Pages 170-193. State what took place when the middle of the third Root- Race was reached? During these preparatory ages where did the Monads dwell and how was communication with all planes be low their own maintained? Describe the action now taken by the Third Life- Wave, which resulted in the formation of the causal body. How is the triad benefited by the causal body? Is the Monad able to control fully and immediately the lower vehicles? § 2. Human Development. How was this low development displayed in the Le- murians ? Mention the advancement made by the Atlanteans. What insensitiveness to pain and injury is found in the descendants of these early races? How may these differences be accounted for ? State the method by which the fifth Race man's delicate nervous system was built up. Where is the consciousness of the average fifth Race man working ? Name its vehicle on the physical plane. What work devolved upon the sympathetic system ? In the more highly evolved members of our race, where is the consciousness more active? Compare the responsiveness of the fourth and of the fifth Races to purely physical impacts and to emotional sen sations. Describe the effect of shock on the fifth Race body. What is a potent factor in ill-health? 28 questions on §3. Incongruous Souls and Bodies. When are belated third and fourth Race souls forced to reincarnate in a more advanced Race? Explain fully how this anomolous condition expresses it self when the third or fourth Race savage has taken a fifth Race body. How should such criminals be treated? § 4. Dawn of Consciousness on the Astral Plane. Describe what precedes the definite organization of the astral body. On the physical plane, what takes place coincident with the evolution of astral consciousness ? Explain how connection is made between astral impacts and the sympathetic system. When and why does consciousness not discriminate be tween astral and physical impacts? How is this fact manifested by horses, dogs, etc. Il lustrate. In what way does the savage dispose of this difficulty? Mention the predominant characteristics of theLemurians and the Atlanteans. What followed the subordination of the sympathetic system ? Relate what is said of the low form of clairvoyance and its dangers. In India what useless results follow the practice of these easiest forms of Hatha Yoga ? How may crystal reading, etc., be explained ? Describe the evolution of the true astral senses — the Chakras. Upon what plane does consciousness then work? What is the " higher clairvoyance " ? Trace the awakening of the powers of consciousness. Before the higher powers can use the prepared ap paratus, what final action is required? "A STUDY IN CONSCIOUSNESS." 29 CHAPTER IX. CONSCIOUSNESS AND SELF-CONSCIOUSNESS. § 1. Consciousness. Pages 194-209. Mention what was the condition of the astral sheath during the ages prior to the present time. On what plane will consciousness first become Self-con sciousness ? How is the Self affected by the awakening Consciousness ? Explain how feeling is produced both by attraction and repulsion. How are the sheaths affected by vibrations of pleasure? Give the result of impacts from repulsion upon the sheaths. Which sheath is specialised as the recipient of painful and pleasurable sensations? What is the state of the germ of consciousness ? How only can consciousness exist? Describe the changes within the germ that precede definite consciousness. With what is the first aspect of consciousness afterwards connected ? Mention what gives rise to desire. Compare the differentiations of consciousness with Kos mic production of the Three from the One. § 2. Self-consciousness. Towards what does desire first direct its energies? Explain how the sense of a " within " and a " without " is gradually acquired. Which vehicle becomes the seat of this sense of difference between the " I " and the " Others " ? Describe the relation of sensation to consciousness. State how the vibrations are transferred to the mental sheath. What may the mind be called ? Explain how the mind is the " eleventh sense." 30 questions on § 3. Real and Unreal. When comes a discrimination between the "objective" and the " subjective "? How does a jelly fish or a human infant register external objects? What personal change arises from the realisation of separateness ? This Ahankara is followed by what step? Upon what does the evolution of the outer vehicle depend ? Mention what is said of the distinguishing between the " real " and the " unreal." Where has Self-Consciousness its first centre? What still limits the normal man to physical plane con sciousness ? Summarise how his infantile intelligence deals with what, to him, would be " subjective " phenomena. chapter x. HUMAN STATES OF CONSCIOUSNESS. § 1. The Sub-Consciousness. Pages 210-241. Besides the life-sustaining processes, what phenomena also belong to sub-consciousness ? How have traces of these events been preserved and what stimuli may arouse them ? Mention what is said about the numerous instincts and their origins, which lurk below the " threshold of con sciousness." What other fragments of the past still remain in this relic-chamber ? State what divisions of consciousness belong to the three Time-periods ? Mention how the atoms, etc., use this sub-conscious re gion and what results from their wars. Describe the difference between the workings of human sub-consciousness and human super-consciousness. " A STUDY IN' CONSCIOUSNESS." 31 What two organising activities of consciousness do not, as yet, form part of man's normal waking-conscious ness ? § 2. The Waking Consciousness. What is the human waking-consciousness? Describe the condition of the brain during waking-con sciousness. Give a summary of the state of consciousness in the average man : In the more advanced person. What occurs when impacts on the astral or mental planes impress the waking-consciousness ? Give the exact definition of waking-consciousness. How may consciousness be symbolised? When will astral consciousness become part of the wak ing-consciousness ? Will still other kinds of consciousness awaken? What brain development accompanies the enlarging of waking-consciousness ? For the inclusion of astral and mental Self-consciousness, what organs and what sets of spirilla? must be thor oughly active? Until this is achieved, can the evolved Self-consciousness become waking-consciousness ? Upon what does a good expression of waking-conscious ness depend while man has a physical body ? When after-death conditions of waking-consciousness . are considered, how may that phase of consciousness be defined ? With the expansion of the inner Consciousness, what does the brain become? Mention the danger that threatens the physical instru ment. Give the proverb applying to this condition. Define " madness " and state causes that may produce it. § 3. The Super-Physical Consciousness. By what names have Western psychologists designated conditions of consciousness other than the waking? 22 QUESTIONS ON Instead of a disordered brain, what explanations are now offered about these little-understood phenomena? In the East, how has this state of Other-consciousness long been regarded? What is said about dreams in this connection? Mention the requirements to be met before dream- memories become useful and reliable. Compare the Eastern and Western methods used for in ducing quiescence in the physical vehicle. What is included in Super-consciousness? Mention some of the workings embraced by this con sciousness. What characterise these irruptions of the super-con sciousness into the physical plane ? In the early stages, to what condition must the physical body and the brain be reduced to permit manifestations of super-consciousness ? What is trance and how may it be induced ? Of what means only would a highly-evolved person per mit the use? What other means is there of producing trance or ecstasy ? Describe the difference, as seen by the higher vision, in the Aura of a hypnotised subject and of a Yogi. Mention also changes in the " principles " during trance in the two men. When is artificially produced trance not Black Magic? Describe the difference in the results of the trance in the Yogi and the little-evolved man. When the entranced subject is Self-conscious on the astral plane what benefit may be derived through him ? Mention the essence of the trance state. When physical plane vibrations are silenced, what be come audible? In hypnotic trance, what change in memory is found? Give illustrations. When deeper trahce ensues, what are the consequences? " A STUDY IN CONSCIOUSNESS." 33 Illustrate — if possible — by relating such cases as those of Leonie I., II., III. ; some of the numerous ones men tioned by Binet in his " Alterations of Personality " ; of Mollie Fancher, of Brooklyn, N. Y. ; or others. In mesmeric trance, what glimpses are sometimes gained ? What is the result of trance produced by Hatha Yoga methods ? Explain the superiority of the Raja Yoga method. How do the saints produce ecstasy, etc. ? To whom do they ascribe their visions ? Give the correct explanation. Mention William James's view regarding " sudden con versions." Give some of the evidence against only morbidly nervous persons showing signs of this super-physical con sciousness. To what point is the normal brain evolved ? When required to respond beyond its limit what are the consequences ? Mention the important point. When is the change permanent and when may a " fall from grace " follow ? From what other cause may visions, etc., result? Describe the strain to which the nervous system is then subjected. How do these facts affect the importance of these ex periences ? Of what must the crest of the evolutionary wave con sist? Give the result of the play of the astral plane forces on a sensitive brain. What will many purposive activities probably become in the future? In whom will the subtler vibratory effects first show themselves ? Mention what is written by two psychologists confirma tory of this idea. 34 QUESTIONS ON Explain why abnormal physical symptoms do not de crease the value of the manifesting energies. By what means may the higher consciousness be exer cised without injury to the physical instrument ? Account for the slowness of development in the ad ditional spirilla? of the atom. Between what two methods does the choice lie ? CHAPTER XI. THE MONAD AT WORK. § 1. Building His Vehicles. Pages 242-262. What is the work of the Monad, as Atma-Buddhi-Manas, when he has the causal body as His treasure-house ? Describe fully the building of the new mental body. Is there any change of process when ' the astral recloth- ing takes place ? On the physical plane, what disturbing influence now ap pears ? Explain fully the necessity for the adjusting interference of the Lords of Karma. When will similar limitations present themselves on higher planes? Give the reason for so much of the consciousness being dormant. What is the next point to be considered, in connection with this building? During the descent and the ascent of the Second Logos what takes place? In what condition does the Monad find the nervous system when he begins to direct? How will he connect the predominant nervous system with the astral centres? Explain the difference between the vehicles as transmit ters of energy and as independent bodies. Mention the two tasks to be performed. " A STUDY IN CONSCIOUSNESS." 35 Describe the process by which the Spiritual Man is im pelled to use the physical brain and nervous system as his organ of consciousness. State how the organisation of astral and mental matter is affected. Define the chakras and tell how they are vivified. What determines the location where the greatest activity in building the " wheels " takes place. § 2. An Evolving Man. Given the case where the lower Manas temperament pre dominates, trace the Ego through the Third Root- Race. Mention what is said of two small bodies in the brain. How is the Third Eye regarded by biologists ? When did it cease to function ? When the Ego under consideration became an Atlantean, how would his temperament assist him ? How would he adapt himself to the characteristics of the Fifth-Race ? § 3. The Pituitary Body and the Pineal Gland. Mention the original function of the Pituitary body. What has the future in store for this organ ? How is the pineal gland used for thought transmission? Give the other and higher method for thought transmis sion. What is the object of the vivifying of the chakras? Explain the importance of physical purity in diet, etc. What is a frequently asked question ? To one practising meditation, what becomes evident ? Whence comes such knowledge? Mention one reason why the circumstances attending the receipt of the communication are not remembered. What is the other reason ? Why is the functioning of the pituitary body compared to a burning glass ? Mention the additional activity necessary to complete the essentials for " remembering." 36 questions on § 4. The Paths of Consciousness. Mention the two paths which consciousness may follow. In normal working, how does the wave descend ? When sudden illumination comes what has been the route traveled ? State the difference between reasoning and illumination. CHAPTER XII. THE NATURE OF MEMORY. § 1. The Great Self and the Little Selves. Pages 263-293. When consideration of memory is attempted, what ques tions present themselves ? What must an acceptable theory include ? Mention the first step towards obtaining such a theory. What is one of the main facts bearing directly on the problem of memory? Mention the correspondence between vibrations in the vehicles and changes in consciousness. In this connection, why is the question of the bodies in which the Self is working all-important? What is included in the Universal Self or Consciousness that is shared by all the fragments of that One Self ? Explain why the individualised Self though one with the Logos, still differs from him. State what is said about the evolution of the atom. Within the perfected consciousness of a separated self, what are found ? What is Memory ? How should the Self be thought of as regards all other Selves and as regards the One Self, the Logos? Explain how the vehicles, while limiting the powers of the Self, render clear and definite such perceptions as pass through. " a study in consciousness." 37 § 2. Changes in the Vehicles and in Conscious ness. Describe the process by which vibrations from without ultimately produce a change in consciousness and then the reaction from within which initiates a repetition of the vibrations, inducing memory of the subject. Wherein lies the value of the " without." What develops from repeated changes in consciousness? Define a perception and a memory. What is the special work of the mental body? § 3. Memories. When this complex unity flows outwards, how does it compare with its component parts that flashed inwards ? While the consciousness is more in touch with the physi cal sheath, what kind of memories will there be ? What sort of memories are associated with consciousness working more in the astral vehicle? How is human consciousness now working? In a lowly-evolved human type, what kind of pictures predominate ? In a higher type to what will the attention be drawn ? When will astral objects grow " real " ? What is said about anticipation ? § 4. What is Memory ? After the breaking up of the bodies between death and reincarnation, when all memory of the cells perishes where is stored the seed for future responses ? Where then- is memory preserved ? What is embraced in the consciousness of a Logos? For us, what constitutes Memory ? Why are all " memories " recoverable ? What useful part do the permanent atoms here play ? Does it make any difference in the method of recovery, whether the memory be in the present or in a long-past life? 38 QUESTIONS ON What is the only memory and what is it we call onr memory ? According to Pythagoras, what is all learning ? What prevents our sharing the consciousness of the Logos ? As we cannot directly improve our memory, what two methods will tend towards greater sensitiveness and concentration ? What enables one- to- draw upon the Universal Con sciousness ? § 5. Remembering and Forgetting. Where do all events, " remembered " or " forgotten " exist ? By whom can the circumstances be recovered ? Of what do the activities through which we pass form part and why do we consider them our own ? Under different time and space conditions, how do our experiences vary? What limits our consciousness? When do we feel ourselves to be amongst the events and when do we remember the circumstances ? What is the test of objectivity that we apply? To whom do we look for confirmation ? Is this test valid if vne persons are using different sheaths ? What is " common sense " ? Is it limited to the physical plane? To what is this expression " common sense " an eloquent, though generally unconscious, testimony? . Why are we, in a general way, similarly affected by the same things ? How has the Logos made it possible for us to recognise all simultaneously and each everywhere? Explain why many physical plane events, lost from physi cal consciousness, are recovered in the trance condition. Give Bhagavan Das's illustration of this. " A STUDY IN CONSCIOUSNESS." 39 Describe the difference between the patency and 'the latency of the object. What results for the consciousness when the area of light increases ? When the causal body responds to vibrations, what fol lows? § 6. Attention. To what, in the physical body, does " turning the atten tion," closely correspond? Describe the operation of focusing the eyes and what is the consequence when the eyes are not focused ? Explain how a man learns to turn his attention to things long-past and what benefit is derived from the presence of a more advanced student. Even after one has learned to put himself in touch with his own past and that of those connected with it, what difficulties has he still to encounter? Can he pass to another planetary system? § 7. The One Consciousness. What must the student be able to use before he can con tact the Universal Memory beyond the limits of his own Chain? Explain how this theory of Memory fulfills the conditions found to be required in an acceptable theory, (ante page 263). How is it true that " we are all, at all times, on all planes " ? What vista of joy and peace opens before us, as we begin to grasp the meaning of this mighty Consciousness? Part II. Will, Desire, and Emotion Will, Desire, and Emotion CHAPTER I. THE WILL TO LIVE. Pages 299-304. What did the Monad show in his nature, when coming forth from the First Logos? How does Will manifest on the lower plane and what is inseparably attached to that aspect ? What determines our presence and continuance in the lower worlds? Define the hidden power of Will. What is the relation between Thought and Will ? Give the substance of what is written in one of the Upanishads concerning Atma and His vehicles. In evolution, what is attributable to the great Will and what to the separate Wills ? How does the Will to know, develop the latent qualities of Atma? What does a study of evolution reveal ? By whom are the successful attempts accomplished? When does the plan of the Logos become intelligible? What does this groping, divine Self eventually become? State how the Inner Ruler becomes, in manifestation, what he ever is in essence. CHAPTER II. DESIRE. § 1. The Nature of Desire. Pages 305-326. What is mirrored in the human Atma-Buddhi-Manas ? Give the characteristics of Desire, 44 WILD, DESIRE AND EMOTION. State the resemblance and the distinction between Will and Desire. How is Will modified into Desire ? Explain the nature of the truth underlying the phrase, " the greater the sinner the greater the saint." What should be done with the lower desires ? Of what are the revolts of Desire against the guiding Intelligence a sign ? Explain how the Will to Live is hampered in a nature where the desires are weak. Is the storm more beneficial for such than the calm ? § 2. The Awakening of Desire. State the difference between the physiologist and the Oc cultist in locating the centres of sensation. Which theory is supported by the effects of ana?sthetics ? Where does Desire awaken and what give birth to it ? How does the development of Thought assist the feeble efforts of Desire ? Explain how the two great motor-energies of Life arise in Desire. § 3. The Relation of Desire to Thought. How does the Wisdom-aspect of the Monad appear on the higher plane and on the lower ? On the astral and mental planes how does the activity- aspect of the Monad show itself? With which aspect is Desire joined and what name is given to the union? Mention the characteristics of the lower mind and of its corresponding quality on the astral plane. Explain the dependence of Desire upon Memory. How does Desire then rule the mind and what result is forced ? § 4. Desire., Thought, Action. Mention what two activities produce Action and how that result is brought about. When Thought becomes the Ruler, what change is. ef fected ? will, desire and emotion. 45 § 5.' The Binding Nature of Desire. Relate how, through Desire, the Self is tied to the wheel of births and deaths. Explain how Desire influences future binths. What Kosmic effects are products of the energy of De sire? When the desire is for an unworthy object what does the Sermon on the Mount direct should be done ? Is this breaking away from the hooks of Desire an easy task ? § 6. The Breaking of the Bonds. What must be used to break the bonds of Desire? Describe the conflict until Desire is conquered, after the mind has learned to discriminate. How does Thought overcome Desire by using Desire against itself? In this connection, what is the value of devotion ? What must man learn in order to direct his enegies to higher objects? When may the Will be said to be free ? CHAPTER III. DESIRE (Continued). § 1. The Vehicle of Desire. Pages 327-347. By what study may we learn how to subdue the lower desires ? Does the Desire-body correspond, on its plane, with the composition of the physical vehicle ? Describe how the Astral Body varies on the different sub-planes. How will the mind check the lower vibrations ? By changing the elements of the form what is effected ? What results when consciousness evolves more rapidly than the form can change? 46 WILL, DESIRE AND EMOTION. Describe how this discarded material is used by evil desire-elementals and what disturbances it may cause the man. What should the man do ? Relate what is saM of a man, formerly a drunkard, whose astral matter was affected during sleep. What two facts may that man learn from his dreams ? § 2. The Conflict of Desire and Thought. To what stage of evolution does the struggle between Desire and Thought belong ? Which is the more strongly established habit, possessing or renouncing? Explain how each defeat of the young Mind only makes his final victory more certain. Understanding this, how are failures regarded ? Whence arises the sense of right and wrong? Relate -how the evolving separated Self learned to attach the word wrong to some desires. What made the impression the more powerful ? Define Consciousness. Explain how admonition and good counsel aid a person in learning his lessons. What is a necessary element in the growth of the Soul? How has the struggle of the weak Will against the strong Desire been worded? Illustrate how a stronger attraction may be used to over power a weaker one. § 3. The Value of an Ideal. Define an Ideal. Upon what does the value of an ideal depend ? What two forms of ideals may be used ? According as the intellectual or the emotional temper ament predominates, which form of ideal will prove more satisfactory? Mention the disadvantage connected with each. When is the proper time for the mind to create its ideal ? WILD, DESIRE AND EMOTION. 47 What does the Thinker try to embrace in this ideal ? How will the man of intellect keep his ideal ? What is the course for the emotional person to pursue, daily and diligently? What safe-guard does this devotion to a great ideal be come ? Why may the results of the Higher Criticism be disre garded when an ideal Krishna, Buddha or Christ is considered ? • State again how Desire may uplift instead of depressing. § 4. The Purification of Desire. What is a most potent means for the purification of the vehicle of Desire? Explain how abstention from gratification of wrong de sires aids in purifying the nature. State fully how the repulsive force of Desire may be em ployed in extreme cases. With what danger is this repulsion method attended? Mention the three ways by one of which Desire must be purified. By whom is this necessity imposed and what is the in evitable end ? When Will has taken the place of Desire, how are good and evil regarded ? To the wise man, how do pain and pleasure, the saint and the sinner appear? CHAPTER iv. EMOTION. § 1. The Birth of Emotion. Pages 348-380. Define Emotion and state of what it is born. How is the fundamental identity of Emotion and Desire ascertained ? What are the two original and strongest desires of all living beings? 48 WILL, DESIRE AND EMOTION. Why does the desire for food never become an emotion? State how, between two savages, the attraction of sex transforms a desire into an emotion. With them, what constitutes an emotion? Describe how from this desire, sympathy, self-sacrifice, etc., evolve. Of what are these -moods of the love-emotion the germ? To what is the growth of the emotions likened ? Mention the two main expressions of Desire. What names are applied to these two stems from the root of Desire? Describe the essential nature of Love and Hate. § 2. The Play of Emotion in the Family. How is man's development best stimulated? What important place does the family occupy in the scheme of ethical evolution? From a study of the play of Emotion in the family, what may be learned ? What qualities will be evolved when either husband or wife suffers from temporary physical disability ? Between parents and children, what love emotions will respectively be manifested? Into what two classes may these be reduced ? How may the common characteristics of Love between superiors and inferiors be generalised ? Give a description of the manifestation of love between equals and what may its common characteristics be called ? Under what three main divisions, may all love emotions be classed? How will the Hate-Emotion show itself between superiors and inferiors? What are the characteristics then found? Between equals how will Hate declare itself and what is its common characteristic called? Summarise the three main characteristics of the Hate- Emotion. WILL, DESIRE AND EMOTION. 49 What are the qualities of Love that show its relation to the Spirit? Similarly mention the factors of Hate and to which side of the universe is it allied ? What difference is found in the play of Emotion in the family and in society and, consequently, which side of Emotion is likely to predominate in the latter? § 3. The Birth of Virtues. When family limits are passed, which emotion-aspect seems to be manifested towards other people ? How is a society to be composed of the separate family units ? When the intellect bestows on the emotion a permanent character what are the results called ? Relate more fully what is said about Virtue and Vice. State how the objection to the theory that the permanent mood of a love-emotion is a virtue may be met. ' § 4. Right and Wrong. What view is held by some regarding the idea that virtue is the path to bliss ? When the ' intellect realises the power of harmony and the law of evolution, towards what will it .direct its energies ? What conclusions regarding Right and Wrong may be thence deduced? § 5. Virtue and Bliss. What does harmony with the divine Will bring to the divine fragments ? Explain why even though the practice of a virtue may lead to temporary suffering, the effects are beneficial to the righteous. How does virtue lead to Self-realisation? § 6. The Transmutation of Emotions into Virtues ' and Vices. Define virtue and vice. For the well-being of a family or a nation, what is requisite ? 50 WILL, DESIRE AND EMOTION. Mention the results when these duties are and are not properly discharged. How may harmonious relations be established between those not drawn together by ties of love? What distinguishes a virtuous man ? Describe the relation between the Hate-Emotion and the vices, taking anger and cruelty as an illustration. § 7. Application op the Theory to Conduct. Mention the quickest way of strengthening the virtues and eliminating the vices. What advantage is derived from a clear understanding of the change of emotions into virtues and vices ? Explain why many good and earnest people make but slight progress. § 8. The Uses of Emotion. What are the uses of the love-emotion? Mention the work of the smaller units. How may the law of love be formulated? Describe the expansion of the love relations until man has become the " friend of ever}' creature." Where should the would-be servant of humanity begin his labors ? At first sight how does hate appear? Mention the first use of hate. Secondly, what benefit is derived by the average man from hatred of evil ? What terms are used for what may be called beneficial forms of hate ? How does the little-evolved man guard himself against yielding to temptations ? At the next stage of his evolution, how will he regard sin and the sinner? What must he become before it is safe not to hate the evil? Of what should a feeling of repulsion from the faults of others warn us? When only may the destructive force be safely used ? WILD, DESIRE AND EMOTION. 51 After the Christ-aspect in man is reached how are saint and sinner regarded ? How may we strive in our daily lives to grow towards this perfection ? chapter v. EMOTION (Continued). § 1. The Training of Emotion. Pages 381-408. Of what value to man is Emotion ? Describe the turbulent, chaotic condition of those who are the prey of their emotions. Explain why the kindly but ill-directed actions of such often do more harm than good. Wherein lies his danger of not trying to control the emo tions ? Too often what are the only results of these attempts at sympathy ? When is the sympathetic man useful to his generation ? Describe the relation between emotion, intelligence and action. Through what struggles are some of the advanced ones of the fifth Race passing and what will be the outcome ? What is the work that awaits the student who determines to take his own evolution in hand? § 2. The Distorting Force of Emotion. Why is the emotional person biased ? What is the proper condition of our Aura and how is it affected by emotion? Explain how this distortion destroys correct judgment. Until the emotions are absolutely under control, what must result from this emotional disturbance? Give a description of the one way by which we can aid ourselves to a right judgment. § 3. Methods of Ruling the Emotions. What is the first and most powerful method for obtaining control of the emotions ? 52 WILL, DESIRE AND EMOTION. When is meditation most effective and for what reason? How may we prepare ourselves for conditions likely to be met with during the day ? Describe the method of curbing the emotions by control of speech. What undesired results may follow lack of discretion in presenting thoughts to others? State a golden rule of speech. What other qualities of speech and non-speech ought to be employed? Mention the value of silence. What renders such consideration before speech possible, without its attracting undue notice ? How does an orator use this selective action ? Describe the third method of mastering emotion. Point out the distinctions between impulse and intuition. What are the requisites for distinguishing between the two? What mark the efforts to live the higher life ? Repeat the three chief methods of making the emotions useful instead of dangerous. § 4. The Using of Emotion. What understanding must precede the safe use of the emotions ? What attribute gives rise to emotions and what are its motions in the desire-vehicle? On the mental plane, what similarly represent the Self as Knowledge ? Describe the man as the slave and as the ruler of his emotions. Mention as an illustration, what is said of oratory. Why is one who is deeply stirred by emotion incapable of helpful service ? What distinguishes the effective helper ? Describe a use of the emotions in arousing a beneficial emotion in another. WILL, DESIRE AND EMOTION. 53 How do we train ourselves to resist the anger-vibrations and return a gentle, loving vibration? To establish this emotion habit, how will angry persons be utilised ? What is the highest use to which we can put our emo tions in daily life ? Give a list of the correspondences in emotions which we are to practise. § 5. The Value of Emotion in Evolution. In what direction must the motive power of emotion be directed ? When discouraged by the steepness of the upward way how may emotion aid? Mention what is said about hero-worship. How should the weaknesses of the human hero be re garded ? When- does the inclination to hero-worship arise? Of what is it a sign, when love and reverence for the great are felt? What restraining influence will our ideal exert ? Is it better to honor and follow the imperfect hero or to cast him aside? CHAPTER VI. THE WILL. § 1. The Will Winning its Freedom. Pages 409-443. What has placed us in our active position in this Solar system ? What follows the willing of the Logos to become in carnate in a universe? State what has been previously studied about Will, De sire, and Emotions. What is now to be considered ? Give a description of the mastering of the Self by matter. Mention what is a part of the result of intelligence ruling- Desire. 54 WILL, DESIRE AND EMOTION. What is the condition of Will when expressing itself as Desire ? What vivid picture of the Self, when attached to objects of sense, is given in the Hindu Scriptures ? Explain how a man who is the slave of objects around him can have no free Will. Are freedom of choice and freedom of Will equivalents? What important question underlies the preceding query ? When we analyse the choice what do we find ? What structure rests upon this fact ? How is. a man regarded who is not moved by any motive or ordinary reason? Are " free of Will ", in the above sense, and " freedom of will " interchangeable phrases ? Explain how even the uttermost freedom of Will is neces sarily limited. Illustrate how this freedom of a part to other parts, while in bondage to the whole, is displayed in physical nature. On the path of evolution, how is the way in which the little Wills work within the great Will seen ? Surrounded by so many limitations, what then is meant by the " freedom of the Will " ? Explain how the knowledge of the Self as One, brings with it the sense of freedom. When may we say that a man is free ? What fetters do we find in thoughts and habits that re strict the path in which the Will works ? When the life of the Self informs the matter of our vehicles, what change will take place? With the realisation of the unity of Will, what also comes ? What idea rests on the essence of Consciousness? § 2. Why so Much Struggle ? What questions arise when the slow process of the de velopment of the Will is considered ? Mention what is here said about the relevancy of an answer to the question asked and not to any and all questions. WILL, DESIRE AND EMOTION. 55 What will be assumed in replying to the question respect ing the necessity for mistakes and falls when treading the path of evolution ? When studying our universe, what is found to be one of its ends, Further study, carried on by occult methods, will add what facts to our knowledge ? In the light of these facts, how does the path of struggle and experience appear? What kind of being might spring from the chaos of some arbitrary Extra-Kosmic God ? For what is the strenuous path preparing us ? If the Will to Live changed, where should we be ? §3. The Power of the Will. How has Occultism ever recognised the Power of the Will? Name some of the healing organisations of the present clay, that are using this power. Why have they been most successful with nervous disor ders ? When the sympathetic system is worked upon first, why are results more rapid ? What diseases usually require considerable knowledge on the part of the healer in order to effect cures ? Describe the method of cure, where knowledge is present. State fully why the methods that stimulate the solar plexus and other centres of the sympathetic system should be avoided. What dangerous diseases will concentration on the solar plexus produce? With the student intent on the knowledge of the Self, what method will be selected ? Mention what is said about the clanger of driving the dis ease out of the physical body but into higher bodies. May curative mesmerism be used without danger ? Under what conditions may mental curing safely be em ployed ? 56 WILL, DESIRE AND EMOTION. What may be the causes producing bodily disease in one pure in mind? What objections are there to using the high power of the Will to produce good physical health ? How dpes this making the Will the slave of the body, sap the quality of endurance ? Mention the occult law binding on every Initiate and what is the penalty for breaking it ? Explain the significance of the story of the temptation of Christ. What choice must would-be world Saviours make ? § 4. White and Black Magic. What is Magic ? Wherein lies the difference between " White " and "Black" Magic? Describe the qualities that stamp the White Magician. What characterise the Black Magician? State the difference in the Will of the two kinds of Magi cians. What is designed to guard the student against the peril of falling into Black Magic ? How does the Brother of the Shadow increase the discord of the world ? § 5. Entering Into Peace. When is the object of the long struggle attained? Having entered into the Peace, how is one capable of helping those who have not yet traveled so far on the path ? What seems the most desirable of goals to attain? How has the Chinese Blessed One expressed this state of mind? What gives the strength to suffer and to strive, until all enter into Peace? Finis, 3 9002 i ¦%¦ l ---'¦¦ t- Sat ¦¦-'¦,¦'-¦_ -.--¦¦