Lewis FAMiLf ¦Ja^jfis^s GENEALOGY ?!«"'' !]$iimmmn mmm" Lewisiana, Oarll A. Lewis, Elliott, Conn. Bet 197 ^x'tmifitrr: ry 're.) ^v/ /i' SKIC I'A.(,I'. 22. BOOK XVIII. GENEALOGY OF THE Lewis family BY SIMEON D. LEWIS BUFFALO CHARLES WELLS MOULTON 1891 RECORD OF FAMILIES. The figures preceding the names give the generation of the children. The figures after the names, the page. 8. Avery, Reuben, and Corinna Lewis 38 10. Bumford, Richard R., and Lucy Lewis 49 10. Cleveland, Almon M 51 9. Cleveland, Eli T., and Corinna Lewis 51 10. Cleveland, Frank L 52 9. Cleveland, George C, and Pamelia Lewis 52 ID. Cleveland, Truman L 52 8. Cody, Lyman, and Serena Lewis . . .' 33 8. Cooley, Timothy, and Sarah Lewis 45 II. Curtis, Charles E 42 9. Faxon, George 38 9. Faxon, Hiram L 37 8. Faxon, Isaac D., and Corinna Lewis 35 9. Faxon, John H 36 10. Gregory, William L 52 10. Humphrey, Marcus C, and Frances Lewis 48 8. Judson, Josiah, and Theodocia Lewis 32 10. Kent, Henry L 42 9. Kent, Marvin 42 8. Kent, Zenas, and Pamelia Lewis 41 6. Lewis, Benjamin 21 7. Lewis, Benjamin 21 8. Lewis, Benjamin A 22 9. Lewis, David 48 9. Lewis, Frank 54 10. Lewis, George A 54 — 4 — 8. Lewis, Jason 44 4. Lewis, Nathaniel 13 5. Lewis, Nathaniel 15 6. Lewis, Oliver 18 7. Lewis, Oliver 22 8. Lewis, Oliver H 44 9. Lewis, Simeon D 54 8. Lewis, Truman 29 2. Lewis, William 8 3. Lewis, William 9 10. Lewis, William M 48 3. Lyman, Benjamin 14 6. Payne, Abram, and Hannah Lewis 26 8. Pitkin, Truman, and Theodocia Lewis 33 10. Potts, Andrew R 53 9. Shoemaker, Frederick, and Jane Lewis 53 10. Snow, Clemon H 50 9. Snow, Edwin, and Julia Lewis 49 10. Snow, Oliver S 50 10. Snow, Theodore 49 10. Stich, J. M 47 9. Stone, Harvey, and Eliza Lewis 50 10. Stone, Maurice L 51 10. Stone, Truman L 51 9. Stratton, Ebenezer H., and Charlotte Lewis 47 10. Strawder, Samuel 40 8. Tinker, Jonathan, and Lucinda Lewis 39 8. Tyrrell, Horatio, and Eliza Lewis 46 10. Van Alstine, Albert T 52 PREFACE. In the year 1887, I prepared for publication in "The Lewis Letter," at the request of its editor, a very imperfect gene alogy of my branch of the great Lewis family. In the classi fication of the various lines of descent published in that paper by the editor, Mr. F. P. Lewis, this was designated as Book XVIII. I have therefore entided this litde volume ' ' Book xviii. OF THE Genealogy of the Lewis Family." I was so dis satisfied with this first effort, that I then determined to occupy a part of my leisure in searching the records of our family, and in tracing back our descent as far as possible. In doing this I find that Book xviii. merges into, and for several generations, is iden tical with Book xii., as classified by the same authority. To undertake a complete genealogy of the Lewis family, would be far beyond the time at my disposal, even were I com petent for the task. This work is, I think, contemplated by a man far better quahfied than myself, and I do not doubt that many will join me in hoping that he will sometime be able to carry out his purpose. I have simply confined myself to my own branch of the family, excepting that in a few instances I have given some collateral families whose names have incidentally come to me in my researches. In accomplishing what I here present, I am indebted to many friends for information and suggestions. I cannot name them all. Very many of them are members of some branch of the family, and therefore, in some degree, have an interest in the undertaking. I especially wish to express my obligation to Mr. Rollin H. Cook, of Pittsfield, Mass., who has freely given me — 6 — the results of years of investigation, and furnished me with copies of numerous old records, through which I have obtained valuable information. I am also indebted to I. W. Havens, of Hartford, Julius Gay, of Farmington, Conn., E. R. Estabrook, of Hoosick Falls, N. Y., and many others, for information of great value to me. To these gentlemen, and all others who have contributed to my knowledge, I desire to make suitable acknowledgements. I should have been pleased to give in fiiUer detail the history and characteristics of the children and grandchildren of Oliver33 and Lucinda Lewis, together with a record of their great grandchildren, but after some effort I found that to carry out this idea with any degree of accuracy, was a task too great for me to undertake with the time at my command. With a few exceptions, therefore, in which lists have been furnished me, I have confined myself in this respect to my own father's family, but have caused to be bound in the book a few blank pages for family records, upon which any line of descent other than my own may be written out, and upon which future generations may carry down the record of their branch of the family, should they desire to do so. I have taken considerable pains to be accurate in both names and dates. In all cases where records of the same family, kept by difTerent persons, have disagreed, I have adopted that which seemed to be sustained by the weight of evidence. If those of the Lewis family who may receive this, shall consider it of any value, I shall feel myself amply repaid for the time and labor I have given to it. S. D. L. Warsaw, N. Y., July 75, i8gi. Genealogy of the Lewis Family. FIRST GENERATION. CHAPTER I. William Lewis, came from England in the ship Lion, landing in Boston, September i6, 1632. He was admitted freeman November 6, 1632, and was a member of the Baintree Company, which in August, 1633, located at Cambridge, Mass. In 1635 he re sided at the northwest corner of Winthrop and Hol- yoke streets, Cambridge. He moved to Hartford in 1636, being one of its earliest settlers. In 1641 he was a juryman and selectman. In 1659 he removed to Hadley, Mass. , signing an agreement with his son William Lewis, Jr., Luke Hitchcock, and others, in all fifty-nine persons, to do so, and thus became one of the founders of Hadley. He represented Hadley in the General Court in 1662, and Northampton in 1665. In 1663 he was one of ten troopers in The Hampshire Troop. His wife's name was Felix . She died in Hadley, April 17, 1671. The will of Thomas Olcutt, of Hartford, November, 1653, leaves — 8 — one pound (/ 1 ) to " brother William Lewis senior, ' ' It has been suggested that this might indicate that Felix , his wife, was a sister to Olcutt. Some time after the death of his wife, and before Novem ber 29, 1677, he moved to Farmington, Conn., where he died August 2, 1683. His will was ad mitted to probate August 10, 1683, and the inventory filed December 3, 1683. The will bequeaths to his grandchild Ezekiel, the estate at Hadley, he to pay his brother Nathaniel £16, if he lives to the age of twenty-one years; if he dies, it to go to his grand child Abigail. He also bequeathed to his grandchild Abigail his land at Hartford "unless her brother Philip needs and cannot do without it, and pays her for it." The executors named were his son William Lewis, Samuel Steele, of Wethersfield, Conn., and Samuel Partrigg, of Hadley. The court records at the State Library in Hartford show that Philip claimed his grandfather's real estate in Hartford under the English law of primogeniture. William and Felix Lewis had but one child, a son. SECOND GENERATION 2. i. William, who was bom in England, and died August 18,1 690. He was a prominent man in Farm ington, being the first Recorder of the town, which was incorporated in 1645, and was also Captain of a military company. The history of Waterbury says that William Lewis, of Farmington, and Samuel Steele, had a deed from Indians February 8, 1657, of a tract of land ' ' with black-lead. ' ' One very com petent to judge thinks this tract was what is now a part of Harwinton, Plymouth and Litchfield. He was twice married. First to Mary Hopkins, daughter of William Hopkins, of Stratford, Conn. , and second to Mary Cheever, November 22, 1671. She was daughter of Ezekiel Cheever, of New Haven and Boston, a noted schoolmaster, was baptized Novem ber 29, 1640, and died January lo, 1728. She mar ried for a seconc' husband Dea. Thomas Bull, January 3, 1692. Thomas Bull's first wife was Esther Cowles, daughter of John Cowles, of Farmington, who was bom in 1649, married April 29, 1669, and died in 1691. THIRD GENERATION. CHAPTER II. children of WILLIAM LEWIS^ AND MARY HOPKINS, HIS FIRST WIFE. i. Mary, was born May 6, 1645. She married Benjamin Judd, who was born about 1642 at Hart ford, and who lived in Farmington from 1644 to 1679. lO — 4. ii. Philip, was baptized December 13, 1646. He married Ashley, daughter of Robert Ashley, of Springfield, Mass. Philip was made freeman at Farmington in 1689, and lived afterwards at Hart ford and Fairfield. 5. iii. Samuel. He bore the military title of Sergeant; was born August 18, 1648, and died in 1725. He was made freeman in 1676; was married to Elizabeth Judd, and probably lived in Farmington. . 6. iv. Sarah, was bom in 1652, and died August 10, 1722. She married Sergeant Samuel Boltwood, of Hadley, Mass. , a son of Robert and Mary Boltwood, who was killed by the Indians Febmary 29, 1704. 7. V. Hannah. Date of birth and death unknown. She married, first, Samuel Crow, of Hadley, Mass., and second, Daniel Marsh, of Hartford. 8. vi. William. Date of birth not known. Was bap tized March 15, 1656 or 57, and died in 1737. He married Phoebe More, daughter of Dea. Isaac More, of Farmington. He (William) also lived at Farm ington. 9. vii. Felix, was baptized December 12, 1658, and died after 1738. She married Thomas Selden, of Had ley, who died November 24, 1734. 10. viii. Ebenezer. Date of birth unknown. He was married, December 2, 1685, to Elizabeth Merriman, who was born September 14, 1669, a daughter of Captain Nathaniel Merriman, one of the first settlers of Wallingford, Conn. Ebenezer lived in the east- em part of Wallingford in 1684. II. ix. John. Born May 15, 1665, and died about 1694. 12. X. James. Born July 10, 1667. He was in Farm ington in 1696; later on Long Island. He appealed from his father's will, and afterwards ran away to Jamaica and died in 1728. CHILDREN OF WILLIAM LEWIS^ AND MARY CHEEVER, HIS SECOND WIFE. 13. xi. Elizabeth, was bom October 20, 1672, and died in 1674. 14. xii. Ezekiel, was born November 7, 1674, and died August 14, 1755. He graduated at Yale College, Class of 1695, and was a merchant in Boston when he died. The executors of his will were Ezekiel Lewis, of Woodbury, and William Judd, of Farm ington. He married first, March 18, 1702, Mary Braden, who died February, 1703. He married second, October 11, 1704, Abigail Kilcup, the widow of Rodger Kilcup. 15. xiii. Nathaniel, was born at Farmington, Conn., October i, 1676, and died February 24, 1752. He married, first, Abigail Ashley, November 25, 1699. I2 She was daughter of David and Hannah (G/over) Ashley, of Westfield, Mass., and was born April 27, 1 68 1. He married second, July 4, 1726, Thankful (Pomeroy) Lyman. She was born at Northampton, Mass., May 31, 1679, and died at Northampton Sep tember 18, 1773. She was daughter of Medad and Experience (Woodward) Pomeroy, and widow of Lieut. Benjamin Lyman, who was a son of John Lyman, and born in 1674. Nathaniel Lewis and his wife joined the Church March 19, 17 10. He lived at Farmington. 16. xiv. Abigail, was born September 19, 1678, and died January 20, 1707. She married, December 10, 1696, William Wadsworth, of Farmington. 17. XV. Joseph, was born March 15, 1679 or 1680. I have found no further record of him. 18. xvi. Daniel, was born July 16, 1681. He married May I, 1718, Mary Strong, daughter of Asahel and Margaret Strong, of Farmington. She (Mary) was born January 22, 1692, and died April 9, 1751. Dan iel was a farmer. Savage says ' ' the last died young. ' ' He probably refers to Joseph instead of Daniel. 13- FOURTH GENERATION. CHAPTER III. CHILDREN OF NATHANIEL'S AND ABIGAIL (ASHLEV) LEWIS. 19. i. Nathaniel, was bom at Farmington January i, 1703. He joined the Church in i734^T)ecember 2, 1739, his father gave him a deed, in which the con sideration named is ' ' parental love and affection for my son Nathaniel." About 1752 a deed was re corded from Nathaniel Lewis, of New Hartford, to his brother Phineas, in which reference is made to their mother, Thankfiil Lewis. She was in fact their step-mother. He married, February 17, 1733, Rachel Kelsey, of Wethersfield, Conn., and died before February 17, 1759. Rachel Kelsey was daughter to John and Mary (Buck) Kelsey. Mary Buck was daughter to Ezekiel and Rachel (Andrews) Buck. She was bom in 1682, and married John Kelsey November 23, 1704. Rachel Andrews was daughter of John Andrews, one of the earliest settlers of Farm ington, and was bom in 1652. She married Ezekiel Buck, son of Emanuel (or Enoch) Buck, March 18, 1675. Ezekiel Buck was born January 15, 1650, at Wethersfield, and died March 3, 1713. 20. ii. Noadiah, was born April 27, 1708, at Farming- ton, and died November 4, 1736. He married, De cember 4, 1735, Elizabeth Smith. — 14 — 21. iii. Elish A, was baptized July 30, 17 10. <, , , 22. iv. Phineas, was born April II, 1722. He married, November 27, 1746, Sarah Norton. He was a Lieutenant in the militia from 1757 to 1766. The date of his death has not been found. Decem ber 23, 1768, he received a deed from Giles Pettibone. Whether there were any children between Elisha, born in 1710, and Phineas, bom in 1722, is not now known. It is possible, perhaps probable, that there were. It is, I think, safe to assume, that no children were born to Nathaniel and Thankful (Lyman) Lewis. She had twelve children by her first husband, as follows : I. Medad. 2. Joseph. — Born August 22, 1699. 3. Benjamin. — Born December 6, 1701, who died young. 4. Benjamin. — Bom January 4, 1704. 5. Saron. — Bom April, 1705. -6. Eunice. — Born ifi8. 7. HANNAH.^Bom 1709. 8. Caleb. — Bom 1711. 9. Wilham. — Bom December 12, 1715. 10. Daniel. — Bom 1717. II. Elihu. 12. Susanna. — 15 — FIFTH GENERATION. CHAPTER IV. CHILDREN OF NATHANIELI9 AND RACHEL (kELSEY) LEWIS, BORN AT FARMINGTON, CONN. 23. i. Charles, was bom January 6, 1734. His wife's name was Rhoda . They had seven children as follows: I. Nathaniel. — Baptized July 29, 1759. 2. Elizabeth. — Baptized March 22, 1761. 3. Chloe. — Baptized November 28, 1762. 4. Joanna. — Baptized May 5, 1765. 5. Rachel. — Baptized September 6, 1767. 6. Jerusha. — Baptized June 1 1 , 1769. 7. Charles. — Baptized April 19, 1772. 24. ii. Oliver, was bora November 28, 1736. He mar ried Hannah iM^, daughter of ]