& ''¦'*vlJ i is, i "I give thefe Books for the founding of a ColUgi in this Colonf » iLUBBKAisy - ™^w£W£^5^5iiSiSiS^ :¦.¦:¦:::.-,--- -— .'. ~- "-—--- 1~ . - -¦¦¦ Bought with the income of the Class of 1872 Fund ¦•-¦• - ¦'¦¦• ' - ~- -'• ¦¦ ¦ ¦ ~ ¦ ¦¦¦¦¦ ¦¦¦ — Of Caterfjam, §&uxvt}). TRANSCRIBED BY CAPT. R. R. BRUCE BANNERMAN, M.C, THE QUEEN'S (R.W. SURREY REGT.) EDITED BY W. BRUCE BANNERMAN, F.S.A., HON. SEC. SURREY PARISH REGISTER SOCIETY. CONTENTS. Baptisms Register I. Marriages 1543 — 1661 1 — 21 BORIALS ' Baptisms ] II. Marriages r . Burials ' 1662 — 1758 22 — 52 Briefs 1707 — 1740 52 — 54 „ III. Banns | Marriages j • 1755 — l8lz 55—63 ,, iv. Baptisms i Burials [ • 1759 — x761 64 PART I. PRIVATELY PRINTED 1917 CROYDON : ISSUED TO THE SUBSCRIBERS BY W. B. BANNERMAN, 4, THE WALDRONS. Jlaraf) Kegtftter of eater&am, leister #. [The first leaf of parchment has been torn out at some period prior to 1831, when Returns as to Parish Registers were made under The Population Act, 1 1 Geo. IV, c 30. The Register is a transcript of an earlier one made circa 1599. — Ed.] 1543 Aug. 20 "Edward Myles was the 20 daie of August 1543 buried " 25 Joan wife Symond Burningham bur. 29 Denys wife Richard Rapkyn bur. Sep. 4 William Stapleforte bur. 4 Katerann daughter Symond Burningham bur. 14 Joan d. Symond Buriigha bur. 19 Thomas sonne Symond Burigha bur. 24 Symonde Burningham bur. 25 "John the sonne of Edward Myles was the 25 daie of September 1543 baptized" 28 William s. Richard Rapkyn bur. Oct. 24 Richard s. John Burningham bap. Jan. 6 William s. John Woodwar bap. 29 "Ror3t Laker and Margret Walter were the 29 daie of Januarie 1543 maried " Feb. 10 John s, John Hutonn bap. 1 7 Margrete wife Thomas Beckitt bur. 1544 Apr. 10 William s. Alexander Hubbarte bap. 26 Katherine d. Richard Weller bap. 28 John Burningham & Margret Miles mar. May 31 Margret d. Richard Best bap. June 9 Margret Burningham bur. July 5 John Rapkyn & Alice Adams mar. Aug. 16 William Woodwarr bur. 19 John Eytonn bap. Oct. 24 Richard Weller bur. Jan. 29 Alice Best bur, . 2 THE PARISH REGISTER OF CATERHAM. 1545 July 6 Richard Best & Joan Parker mar. 9 John Burningham bur. 16 Joan Messinger bur. Aug. 1 Thomas Rowhed & Alice Weller mar. Sep. 1 2 John s. Wittm Churley bap. 28 Margerie d. John Huton bur. Oct. 10 Thomas Beckitt & Idenn Netlefolde mar. Dec. 4 William s. John Burningham bap. 20 Joan d. John Woodward bap. 1546 May 29 John s. Wittm Churley bur. June 16 John s. John Gyles bap. July 6 Joan d. John Rapkyn bap. 16 Joan d. John Rapkyn bur. Aug. 6 Joan & Wittm Browne bap. 20 Agnes d. Alexander Hubert bap. Sep. 5 John s. Thomas Bassett bap. Dec. 8 Joan d. Thomas Beckitt bap. Jan. 22 John Roundo [Rounde] & Agnes Best mar. 2 1 [sic] Katheran Wetley bur. 23 John s. Thomas Roffe bap. [A leaf of parchment has been torn out. — Ed.] 1550 Oct. 20 John s. Robert Darbey & Clement his wife bap. Dec. 1 1 John s. Mr Weston of Newington bur. Feb. 1 John Shelley & Elizabeth Rottes mar. Mar. 14 John s. John Burningham & Agnes bap. 1 55 1 Apr. 17 Richard s. Robert Adamson & Isabell bap. June 2 Alice d. John Bulloigne & Alice bap. 1 7 Agnes d. William Hayte & Katherine bap. 25 John Eculls bur. 28 John s. John Gyles & Alice bur. 30 Mildred d. Robert Adamson & Isabell bur. July 5 William Eyton bur. 23 Joan wife William Eyton bur. 1552 Sep. 15 "Sr John Barber vicar here was the 15 of September 1552 buried" 17 James Robinson bap. 1553 Aug. 15 William s. John Robynson & Johan bap. Sep. 20 Joan d. John Gyles & Alice bap. 22 John Jeale & Anne Ryckson mar. x554 Jan- 20 John s. William Heyte & Katherine bap. Mar. 7 Alice d. Thomas Becket & Eden bap. 1555 May 13 Thomas s. Thomas Roffey & Alice bap. Dec. 2 Thomas Roffey bur. 13 Roberte s. John Jeale bap. Jan. 10 Roberte Jeale bur. 1556 Apr. 7 Katherine d. Thomas Basset & Joan bap. 13 Edwarde Best bur. * In all subsequent entries the words " his wife " have been omittecj,— Ed. THE PARISH REGISTER OF CATERHAM. 3 1556 Sep. 14 Richard s. Robert Hiller & Katherine bap. Nov. 20 Roberte s. Richard Terrey & Elizabeth bap. Jan. 6 William s. John Jeale & Anne bap. 1557 May 19 John s. John Rapkin & Alice bap. 26 Richarde s. Thomas Roffey & Alice bap. Aug. 19 John Rostall & Margaret Gorret mar. Sep. 2 Henrye Herman bur. 29 John Gyles bur. Dec. 18 Katherine d. John Gyles & Alice bap. Mar. 1 2 Robert s. William Browne & Joan bap. 14 Grace d. Thomas Becket & Iden bap. " In the yeare of our Lord God 1558 & vpon ye 17 of November began the raigne of Queene Elizabeth of famous memorye." 1558 June 6 William Stylley & Agnes Ryckson mar. 14 Christopher Coffyn bur. Nov. 13 Elizabeth d. Alexander Hubberde and Jone bap. 1559 Jan. 6 Richard s. John Jeale & Anne bap. 15 Richard Jeale bur. 22 Johan d. Thomas Nicholas & Elizabeth bur. 1560 Oct. 11 Richard s. Richard Terrey bap. [The next entry is dated "7 of Aprill 1566," but no leaf has been torn out. — Ed.] 1566 Apr. 7 Anne d. John Robinson & Elizabeth bap. 20 Katherine Lyngfielde bur. Sep. 29 Richard Saunder & Agnes Drewe mar. Nov. 9 Roger Martyn & Alice Heuson mar. 16 William Jewell & Agnes Browne mar. Dec. 20 Agnes d. Robert Hiller bap. 28 Henry Blondell bap. 1567 Oct. 2 George Foxe & Margaret Jouls mar. 1568 Apr. 29 George Bowell bur. May 6 Agnes Burningham bur. 12 John Burningham bur. June 10 Jarrat s. Thomas Jewell bap. Aug. 10 Alice d. Richard Best bap. 1 7 Alice d. William Robynson bap. Oct. 27 Henry s. Richard Terrey bap. 27 Joan d. Roger Martyn bap. Nov. 2 Anne d. John Jeale bap. Jan. 10 William Chapman & Joan Rounde mar. 1569 June 20 Richard s. Richard Burningham bap. July 30 Katherine d. Richard Best bap. Aug. 29 William s. William Robinson bap. Sep. 25 Arthur Elgar & Johan Woodwarde mar. Dec. 23 George Blondell bur. Jan. 6 Arthur s. Richard Terrey bap. 10 Richard Tey bap. P ? 4 THE PARISH REGISTER OF CATERHAM. 1569 Jan. 13 Richard Tey aforesayde bur. Feb. 5 James s. John Robynson bap. Mar. 4 Sarah d. John Jeale bap. 1570 Oct. 8 Jerard Drewe & Elizabeth Shorey mar. Nov. 5 Thomas Duglas & Joan Rapkin mar. 1 57 1 Nov. 24 Richard Best bur. Jan. 2 1 Alice Best bur. 22 Elizabeth Jewell bur. Feb. 26 John s. Jerarde Drewe & Elizabeth bap. Mar. 20 Richarde s. Richard Tey bap. 1572 Apr. 29 William Best & Alice Becket mar. May 3 Abraham s. Roger Martyn bap. 25 Elizabeth wife John Woodward bur. July 23 Anne d. Thomas Glover bap. 25 Alice d. Richard Best bap. Aug. 3 William s. William Jewell bap. Sep. 28 Richard s. Thomas Duglas bap. Oct. 1 2 Thomas s. Richard Terrey bap. Mar. 7 Oliver s. Richard Burningham bap. 1573 Mar. 29 Mary d. John Robynson bap. May 24 Oliver Burningham bur. June 21 Agnes d. John Huton bap. Sep. 13 Elizabeth d. Jerard Drewe & Elizabeth bap. Dec. 3 John s. William Best bap. 6 John Best aforesayd bur. 23 Alice d. William Best bur. 25 Agnes wife Richard Best bur. Jan. 26 Thomas Best bur. Mar. 14 John Berrey bur. 2 1 Michaell s. Thomas Glover bap. 1574 Apr. 17 Owen s. Richard Burningham bap. 27 Owen Burningham aforesayd bur. Sep. 1 1 Amey d. Richard Jeale bap. Dec. 28 John s. John Pope bap. Jan. 14 Thomas s. Roger Martyn bap. 27 John s. William Jeale bap. 2 7 John Jeale aforesayd bur. 30 Vrsula wife John Dallard bur. Mar. 13 William s. Richard Terrey bap. 1575 Apr. 2 Thomas s. Richard Burningham bap May 8 John Dallat & Edyn Brigges mar. June 12 William s. Ralphe Brooker bap. 20 Thomas s. William Jewell bap. 26 John s. Richard Best bap. Feb. 28 John Best aforesayde bur. Mar. 22 Joan d. John Huton bap. 1576 Mar. 28 Jeremy s. John Robynson bap. Apr. 1 2 Katherine d. Thomas Glover bap. June 2 Katherine d. Jerard Drewe & Elizabeth bap. THE PARISH REGISTER OF CATERHAM. 5 1576 July 8 William Drewe & Maudlyn Steere mar. 9 John Woodward & Margaret King mar. 9 Joan d. John Dallat bap. 2 1 Peter Philyppes bur. Aug. 5 William Jeale of Sanderstead bur. Oct. 7 John Brygges & Audry Walbey mar. Nov. 9 Richard s. John Brigges bap. 30 John Slevins & Mary Ballard mar. Jan. 4 Katherine d. Jerard Drewe & Elizabeth bur. Feb. 2 Richard s. Richard Best bap. 18 Richard Best aforesayd bur. Mar. 21 Johan Best, widdowe, bur. 21 William s. William Drew bap. 24 Thomas s. John Stevins bap. 1577 Apr. 7 Henry s. Henry Laurence bap. 20 Thomas s. William Jeale bap. 23 Henry Laurence bur. Aug. 1 1 Elizabeth d. Richard Terrey bap. Sep. 18 John Jeale bur. Oct. 6 Richard s. Christopher Fynch bap. 27 Thomas s. John Basset & Katherine bap. Dec. 14 Grace d. John Pope bap. Mar. 9 Nicholas s. Jerrard Drewe & Elizabeth bap. 1578 Apr. 6 Richard s. William Jewell bap. 6 William & Vrsula s. & d. of Richarde Burningham bap. 11 William Burningham bur. 20 Vrsula Burningham bur. June 8 Henry s. John Dallas bap. July 6 William s. Richard Best bap. 26 Agnes wife William Jewell bur. Aug. 7 Anthony s. William Jewell bur. 8 William Jewell bur. 9 William Jewell his sonne bur. 2 1 Thomas Jewell bur. 23 Joan wife William Browne bur. 27 William Browne bur. Sep. 1 7 Grace Becket bur. 22 Thomas Becket bur. Oct. 6 Elizabeth d. John Woodward bap. 18 Robert Stone bur. Nov. 1 2 John Huton bur. 14 Richard Burningham bur. 29 Elizabeth d. Roger Martyn bap. Jan. 4 Charles s. John Robynson bap. 9 John s. John Huton bap. Mar. 1 Elizabeth d. Thomas Glover bap. 1579 Apr. 30 John Woodward bur. May 22 Margaret d. Richard Burningham bap. July 26 Thomas Chittey & Isabell Martyn mar. 6 THE PARISH REGISTER OF CATERHAM. 1579 Sep. 13 Katherine d. John Rapkyn bap. Oct. 18 John Rapkyn bur. Nov. 8 William Rootes & Joan Terrey mar. 1 2 Michaell Heath & Jane Burningham mar. 12 Anthony Basset & Margaret Woodwarde mar. Dec. 3 Jane d. William Wood bap. Feb. 24 Aungell d. William Rootes bap. 1580 Mar. 27 William s. William Jeale bap. Apr. 1 7 Katherine d. Richard Terrey & Elizabeth bap. May 5 " John Lentall late Vicar of Catarham (who deceased the 17 of Aprill) was the 5 of May 1580 buryed"* 15 John & Garret sonnes of Henry Laurence bap. July 18 Thomas s. Richard Best bap. 24 William Woodden & Joan Woodward mar. Aug. 19 Alice d. Thomas Chittey bap. Oct. 27 Edward Wanaway & Alice Rapkyn mar. 30 William Medgate & Anne Jeale mar. 31 Joan d. William Wood bur. Jan. 8 William s. Anthony Basset bap. 1 7 James Basset & Agnes Ownstead mar. Mar. 19 Lettyce d. John Basset bap. 1 581 Apr. 9 Alice d. James Basset bap. May 21 Jane d. Christopher Fynch bap. Aug. 20 John s. John Haswell bap. Sep. 29 Susan d. William Drewe bap. Nov. 1 Robert s. Robert Ownstead bap. Dec. 10 Joan d. William Wood bap. Jan. 7 Robert s. Robert Plowe bap. Mar. 18 Henry s. William Rootes bap. 1582 July 22 Richard s. John Rapkyn bap. Sep. 26 Agnes d. Lancelot Mylles bap. 26 Christian d. of ye sayd Lancelot Mylles bap. Oct. 24 Elizabeth d. Mathewe Dey bap. Dec. 9 John s. John Sherman bap. Jan. 25 Beniamin s. Richard Best bap. Feb. 18 James s. Richard Terrey bap. 24 Elizabeth d. William Jeale bap. Mar. 24 Alexander Hubbard bur. 1583 Apr. 25 Jane d. Anthony Basset bap. June 23 Jerrarde Vanaway & Joan Piers mar. 30 John Greenestead & Anne Feviam mar. Sep. 1 Thomas s. Symon Odgate bap. Oct. 20 Richard Stone & Elizabeth Hayte mar. Nov. 10 Henry s. Michaell Heath bap. Jan. 19 Christopher s. William Drewe bap. 26 Katherine d. Philip Budgyn bap. Feb. 26 William s. Christopher Fynch bap. * Instituted 5 March, 1571-2. — d. THE PARISH REGISTER OF CATERHAM. 7 1583 Mar. 1 William s. Robert Ownsteade bap. 1 William s. John Basset bap. 3 Jesse d. James Basset bap. 8 Alice d. James Wood bap. 1 2 Katherine d. Philip Budgin bur. 1584 Apr. 26 Elizabeth d. John Haswell bap. May 3 Richard s. Richard Stone bap. 15 Elizabeth wife Richard Stone bur. June 14 William s. Thomas Glover bur. 22 Alice wife Henry Foulsdon bur. Aug. 23 Richard s. John Goodwyn bap. Sep. 29 Henry s. Mathewe Dey bap. Oct. 4 Anne d. John Woodley bap. Nov. 6 Richard s. Richard Stone bur. Jan. 22 Jerrard s. Henry Laurence bur. Feb. 16 James s. Mr Stydoll bur. 2 1 Susan d. Thomas Glover bap. Mar. 1 Iden wife Thomas Becket bur. 7 Thomas s. William Wood bap. 14 Elizabeth d. Richard Best bap. 14 William Jeale of ye streete bur. 1585 May 16 William Best & Joan Philipps of Wickham mar. 23 Richard s. Henry Laurence bap. June 28 John Spacie & Joan Jeale mar. July 14 Thomas s. Robert Plowe bur. at Tootinge. Aug. 1 5 Elizabeth d. of one Greene of Hoborne bur. Oct. 1 2 Katherine d. Syman Odgate bap. 24 Richard s. Anthony Bassett bap. 31 John s. John Crosbey bap. Dec. 5 Thomas s. Walter Baker bap. 5 Symon at Leigh & Elizabeth Gyles mar. 6 Thomas s. John Greestead bap. 30 Thomas Greenesteade aforesayde bur. Jan. 23 Anne d. John Spacie bap. Feb. 2 Henry Witham bur. 6 Joan d. John Sherman bap. 20 Richard s. William Drewe bap. Mar. 2 Richard Drewe aforesayd bur. 13 Elizabeth d. John Haswell bap. 1 7 Thomswhit Saunder & Elizabeth Haynes mar. 20 Katherine d. Symon Leigh bap. 1586 Mar. 28 Joan d. William Best bap. Apr. 10 Susan d. Jerard Drewe bap. 1 o Nicholas s. Richard Terrey bap. Mar. 28 [sic] Beniamin s. Richard Best bur. May 23 Richard s. Anthony Basset bur. Sep. 18 Edward s. Christopher Fynch bap. Oct. 27 "[blank] the sonne of [blank] was the 27 day of October 1586 buryed" 8 THE PARISH REGISTER OF CATERHAM. 1586 Jan. 22 Avis d. Robert Ownstead bap. Feb. 16 Elizabeth d. John Tattersall bap. Mar. 5 John s. James Wood bap. 1587 Mar. 28 William Wood bur. Apr. 9 Elizabeth d. John Basset bap. July 5 William Nicholas & Katherine Burley mar. 27 William Swashburie bur. Sep. 24 "A woman harboured in the house of Michaell Heath had her infant buryed not baptized the 24 of September 1587" Oct. 1 Katherine d. John Greenestead bap. Nov. 19 Edward s. William Philippes bap. 22 Gabriell s. Richard Best bap. Dec. 13 Richard s. John Woolfe bap. Jan. 1 Henry s. James Basset bap. Dec. 25 [sic] Alice d. Lancelot Mylles bur. Feb. 18 James s. Mathew Dey bap. Mar. 15 Elizabeth d. Wln Jeale bur. 1588 May 12 "Henry the sonne of an vnknowne woman (being noursed at Michaell Heaths) was ye 12 of May 1588 buryed" 19 John s. [blank] Harrison bap. 28 Robert Hilles & Martha Mathewe mar. Aug. 18 Katherine d. William Drewe bap. 18 Katherine d. John Spacy bap. Sep. 5 Richard Powell bur. 6 Katherine Spacye bur. 9 Richard Hubbert & Joan Mersh mar. Jan. 30 Grace d. John Haswell bap. Feb. 9 Alice d. Symon Leigh bap. 1 7 Thomas s. Agnes Ward bap. 18 John Sherman bur. 1589 Apr. 6 Magdaline d. Robert Ownstead bap. May 26 Thomas Bish & Katherine Stevin mar. June 21 "A sonne of Jerard Drew being not baptized was the 21 daye of June 1589 buried" July 24 Thomas Clarke & Anne Robynson mar. Aug. 31 Erasmus s. Christopher Finch bap. Sep. 2 1 Thomas s. Richard Dunmoole bap. 22 Mary d. John Wolfe bap. Oct. 17 "William Harvey and Alice Vanway were (according to their owne confession) at Blechingley by one of the clocke in the morninge, the 17 of October 1589 marryed" * Nov. 30 Jane d. Richard Powell bap. Feb. 2 Agnes d. Richard Hubbart bap. 1590 May 24 John s. John Walley & Emlyn bap. * 1589 Oct. 16 William Harvy & AIs Vanwy married. Vide Blechinelev Reg.— Ed. s ' THE PARISH REGISTER OF CATERHAM. 1590 May 31 Susan d. Richard Best bap. June 22 John s. Thomas Clarke bap. Nov. 1 5 Joan d. Mathew Dey bap. 22 John s. Michaell Dod bap. 22 [blank] d. Thomas Stoneham bap. 28 Grace d. John Basset bap. 28 Mary d. Wm Drewe bap. Dec. 20 Anne d. John Tattersall bap. Jan. 1 7 Embe d. John Bat bap. Feb. 21 Henry Foulsdon bur. Mar. 7 Thomas s. James Basset bap. 1 59 1 Aug. 1 William s. John Haswell bap. 14 William Haswell aforesayd bur. 29 Elizabeth d. John Jackson bap. 30 Elizabeth Jackson aforesayde bur. Nov. 25 William Jenkynson bur. Jan. 8 John Drewe bur. Feb. 18 Agnes Saunder widdowe bur. Jan. 9 Feb. 1 o sic Elizabeth d. Richard Powell bap. Richard Burningham & Johan White mar. Mar. 29 "Priscilla the daughter of Mary Tomlynes was y" Feb. 29 29 of March 1591 baptized & the 29 of Februarie 1 591 buryed" Mar. 5 Richard s. Symon Leigh bap. 1592 Mar. 27 Christian d. William Best bap. Apr. 9 Margaret d. Richard Burningham bap. May 22 Robert Kempe & Elizabeth Achin of Betchworth [altered by another hand from "Blechingley." — Ed.] mar. 22 Edward Drewe & Margery Shorter mar. June 18 "William Stevyn cut his owne throate whereof hee dyed, the 18 of June 1592" [the word "buryed" is not written against this entry. — Ed.] Aug. 4 Elizabeth wife Symon Leigh bur. Sep. 3 Thomas s. John Bat bap. 1 7 Jane wife Robert Plowe bur. 30 Thomas Bat bur. Nov. 5 John s. John Jackson bap. Jan. 7 Patience d. Richard Best bap. 14 Thomas s. William Sherman bap. 14 Mary d. Thomas Clarke bap. Mar. 1 1 Thomas s. Thomas Jackson bap. 14 Agnes wife James Basset bur. 1593 Apr. 8 Michaell s. William Wood bap. June 10 [blank] d. Thomas Stoneham bap. July 22 Joan d. Richard Hubbert bap. Oct. 28 Jeremy s. Symon Leigh bap. Nov. 4 Grace d. John Bat bap. 30 Jeremye Leigh bur. 10 THE PARISH REGISTER OF CATERHAM. 1593 Dec. 2 John Shorrey bur. Jan. 25 Anne Woodden bur. Feb. 24 Richard s. Richard Powell bap. Mar. 10 John s. Richard Burningham bap. 1 594 Apr. 2 1 Richard s. Symon Leigh bur. June 30 Edward s. Edward Drewe bap. May 20 [sic] Amey d. John Basset bap. July 10 John Haswell bur. 2 1 Martha d. [blank] Lomas bap. Nov. 9 Martha Lomas bur. 21 Elizabeth d. Symon Leigh bap. 22 Richard Stone & Agnes Jeale mar. Dec. 5 Agnes wife John Symons bur. 6 Thomas s. John Beard bap. Jan. 13 William s. John Tattersall bap. 16 [blank] the servaunte of John Audley bur. 22 Peter s. John Hartley bap. Feb. 16 William Husse & Johan [blank] mar. 1595 Apr. 17 Mary d. Richard Best bap. May 5 Hellen Best bur. 6 William Drewe bur. June 16 Thomas Meade bur. Nov. 10 Henry Saunder & Jane Bonnicke mar. Jan. 1 Thomas s. Thomas Stoneham bap. 4 Peter s. John Bat bap. 1596 [blank" Alice d. Richard Hubbert bap. 'blank' Anthony Basset bur. blank' Jane Basset bur. Sep. 19 Anne d. Thomas Clarke bap. Nov. 10 Dennys wife Laurence Rowed bur. [blank] William s. Michaell Dod bap. [blank Mercye d. Richard Burningham bap. 1597 Apr. 24 Richard s. John Jackson bap. [blank] John s. Richard Powell bap. May 25 Joan wife John Spacy bur. July 16 Alice wife Richard Best bur. Richard s. Richard Tey bap. Penelope d. John Audley bap. Anne d. John King bap. Judeth d. John Bat bap. 1598 Mar. 30 Richard Powell bur. William s. Edward Drewe bap. Michaell s. Laurence Rowed bap. James Arnolde & Jane Wood of Mestham mar. Richard Rapkyn & Malyn Powell mar. Michaell s. Danyell Clarke bap. Penelope d. John Audley bur. John s. Symon Leigh bap. Thomas s. Richard Hubbard bap. [blank] Dec. 27 Jan. Feb. 8 5 Mar. 3° Apr.Aug. 17 13 Oct. 29 2 8 Dec. 27 10 Feb. 12 THE PARISH REGISTER OF CATERHAM. n 1599 Apr. 29 Anne d. Michaell Dod bap. May 20 George s. John Mylles bap. Sep. 5 Anne d. Michaell Dod bur. Oct. 2 1 Thomas s. Richard Tey bap. 2 1 Anne d. Richard Rapkyn bap. Feb. 3 Embe d. Richard Burningham bap. 17 Jane d. John King bap. 27 Malyn d. John Bat bap. [N.B. — This is the last entry in the handwriting of the person who made the transcript which com mences with the entry on 20 Aug., 1543, and ends on 27 Feb., 1599. — Ed.] Feb. 16 "Letice the wief of John Tatersall was the xvith day of Febr. 1599 buried when she had lyved 37 'yers, 10 monthes & one day. She bare vnto her said husband Elizabeth, 12 Ferj. 1586. Ann, 12 of Decemt? 1590 and Wittim 30 of Decemrj 1594"* 161 1 June 29 Michaell s. Tho Thornton & Amy bap. [Mem. — The following entries from 31 July, 161 1 — 3 April, 1627, appear on (pencil) pp. 39 — 43 of the Register, and are here set out for con venience of reference. It should be noted that a leaf has been cut out of the Register before pencil fol. 39. — Ed.] 161 1 July 31 Thomas Martin & Alice Wood ["buried" erased] maried Sep. 15 Edward Rogers & Jane Finch mar. 22 Marie d. John Taylor ats Lauriice bap. 26 Henry s. Henry Frith bap. Oct. 20 Elizabeth d. Edward Jenkins bap. 25 Elizabeth Jenkins bur. Dec. 29 Alice Glover, ye late wief of Thomas Glover bur. Mar. 16 Nicholas Parker & Johane Best mar. 1 [sic] Thomas s. Tho. Bassett bap. Dec. 2 [sic] Ann Tatersall bur. 161 2 June 21 Richard Yonge & Katherin Drewe mar. Nov. 23 Elizabeth d. Nicholas Drewe bap. Apr. 18 [sic] Julian wife Thomas Stoneha bur. Dec. 1 7 Richard Terrey bur. [Dec. blank] Malin Dye bur. Jan. 2 1 John s. Thomas Phillip of Tyllyngdowne bap. Feb. 7 William Kempsall & Katherin Terrey mar. 1613 Mar. 25 Thomas s. Wittm Best bap. Apr. 5 Robert s. James Browne bap. June 1 John Halsteed & Susanna Hartley mar. 4 Henry s. Alexander Mylner bap. * Probably in the autograph of and identical with "John Tattersole Vicer of Katrani," who married at Reigate on " 2 Dec. 1613 Joan Holver Wydowe." — Ed. 12 THE PARISH REGISTER OF CATERHAM. 1613 July 25 Christopher Drewe & Elizabeth Howe mar. May 9 [sic] Elizabeth d. Rich. Yonge bap. [this entry is interlined. — Ed.] Jan. 6 Barbery d. Thomas Woodroff ats Sharpe bap. Feb. 6 Henry s. Henry Frith bur. 9 Elizabeth d. Edward Rogers bap. Sep. 8 Ann d. Mich : Hayward bap. [this entry is inter lined. — Ed.] Mar. 13 John Gyles bur. Jan. 30 Thomas s. Thomas Thornton bur. Oct. 29 Rich. Rapkin bur. [" 1613 Decemri. The 2 daie was maryed John Tattersole Vicer of Katram and Joan Holver Wydowe." Vide Reigate Register II. — Ed.] 1614 May 9 John Dye bur. 13 Richard Wooddroffe ats Sharpe bur. 2 [sic] Eme d. Thomas Martin bap. Apr. 14 Henry Sander bur. July 29 Richard Denby & Johan Dare mar. 1615 Apr. 8 Robert Best bur. May 25 Laur Rowhed bur. July 8 Eme Laufnce ats Taylor bur. 24 George Tatersall bur. Aug. 25 Edward Drewe bur. Oct. 5 Gabriell Best & Dorathy Lystney mar. Nov. 9 Thomas Hore bur. 13 George Heath & Jane Sander mar. 26 Elizabeth d. Nicholas Terrey was borne at her grand mothers howse and was bap. Jan. 16 George s. Tho. Martin bap. 22 Barbery d. Nich. Drewe bap. Feb. 8 Jane d. Tho. Bassett bap. 9 Wittm Whitt bur. 1 616 July 8 Edward Drewe & Alice Hubbert mar. Aug. 18 Agnes & Dorothy children of Edward Rogers bap. 2 1 Jane wife Edward Rogers bur. [A blank space of one line. — Ed.] 25 Dorithie d. Gabrill Best bap. Sep. 1 2 Jane d. Wittm Best bap. 29 Morgan s. Elizabeth Blondell bap. Dec. 26 Elizabeth d. Thomas Hore bap. Feb. 20 Elizabeth d. Alexander Millner & Elizabeth bap. Jan. 17 [sic] Thomas s. Michaell Hayward & Anne bap. [altered from "27."— Ed.] 1 61 7 June 1 William s. Christopher Drewe bap. 3 The same Win bur. Sep. 14 Wittm s. Wittm Weller, then of Wylley, bap. July 26 [sic] Edward s. Edward Drewe bap. Oct. 24 Elizabeth d. Christopher Hore bur. THE PARISH REGISTER OF CATERHAM. 13 161 7 Oct. 25 John s. John Beard bur. 13 [sic] Thomas Henton of Bedington & Joanne Bishe of Burstowe mar. Nov. 1 7 Thomas s. Henry Allayne bap. 7 [sic] Agnes the late wief of Thomas Hore bur. Dec. 23 Michaell s. Thomas Martin bap. 28 The same Mich: bur. [Here follow the remains of several leaves of parch ment (at the bottom of the first appears the date 16 18) which have been cut out of the Register. The period comprised is from 28 Dec, 1617, to 17 Nov., 1625, and some traces show that they were by the same hand that made the entries from 161 1 to 1627. — Ed.] Edward Filder & Arrabell Browne, wyd., mar. Marie [" Ann " cancelled.— Ed.] d. of Wm [" Edw." cancelled. — Ed.] Drewe bap. Henry s. Edw. Drewe bap. Marie d. Wm Drewe bur. Thorns Heath & Alice Horne mar. Jon Leigh & Tymothy Jewell mar. at Greensteed * Ann d. Wln Comis bap. Thomas s. Thorns Martin bap. 20 Thomas s. Rofct Rogers bap. John s. Thorns Heath bap. Wm Tatersall & Bridget [blank] mar. Thomas Kinge & Susan Shurley mar. Margaret Heath, wydow, bur. [Here follows a blank space of 1 \ inches. — Ed.] 1630 Jan. 30 Henry s. Henry Frisby & Mary bap. [N.B. — At the foot of this page of the Register is written " the tenneth of August the 1665 a breefe was garthered the som of three shillinges." — Ed.] 1628 Aug. 10 John s. Richard [altered from "John." — Ed. J Burningham bur. 1 7 Margarett d. James Bassett bap. Jan. 5 Amy wife Thomas Thometon bur. 1629 Apr. 12 Fraunces s. Rofct. Rogers bap. 16 Alice d. Gabriell Best bap. 2 1 George s. George Heath bap. 26 Alexander s. Richard Young bap. Jan. 18 Alexander Quiddinton & Agnes Staples mar. Mar. 2 Willia Horsham & Catherine Best mar. ["Fraunces sonne to Rori Rogers," erased; but compare entry on 12 April, 1629, ante. — Ed.] May 25 John Pinkard & Alice Hore mar. * Marriage- "May 2g,h 1626 John Lee and Tymothy Jewell." Vide East Grinstead Register, per information of the Vicar, The Rev. W. W. Youar, M.A., 15 May, 1912.— Ed. 1625 Nov. 17 Dec. 18 Feb. 26 Mar. 22 1626 Apr. MayJuly Dec. 3°29 9 3i Jan. 20 Feb. 4 5 1627 Apr. 5 3 14 THE PARISH REGISTER OF CATERHAM. 1629 May 25 John s. John Sewer bap. June 29 Susanna d. Andrew Carter bur. July 5 Rich : s. Willia Hersham bap. 29 Rose d. John Laurence bap. Aug. 2 Rose d. John Laurence bur. Nov. 19 John s. Tho. Martin bap. Oct. 15 [sic] Robert s. Tho. Ockley bap. Jan. 1 2 John Drew & Auis Norwood mar. 17 John s. Humfery Shallcrust alias Humfrey bap. [In left-hand margin "Tillinge Downe." The name of a farm. — Ed.] Mar. 3 Thomas s. Rich. Rockley bap. 8 Alice wife John Drewe bur. [sic] John Elmer bur. Elizabeth wife Rich. Tirrey bur. Thomas s. Rofc. Rogers bur. Thomas Martin bur. Alice wife William Tirrey bur. Jarrett Drewe bur. " Jan the last." [Jan. 30 Henry s. Henry Frisby & Mary bap. Ante, p. 13. — Ed.] John Sherman bur. " Feb. the last." Henry s. Tho. Martin bur. Willia s. Witt Commis [sic] Jane Drewe d. John Drew ye you bap. Willam s. Witt Hersham bap. "but in the yeare of our lord god 1630 " Edmund Shirley & Jane Powell mar. William s. Willia Hersham bur. Susanna d. Edward Drew bap. Thomas s. Tho Earlidge, a straunger, borne in a barne bap. Judith d. Robert Wood bap. 15 Margery Drew, vidua, bur. Judith d. Nicholas Heath bap. 14 Morris Jones & Elizari Gyles mar. 1 7 John s. John Drew ye younger bap June 18 Vidua Elmer bur. July 24 Willia Beckett bur. Mar. 24 [sic] Matthew Dye bur. 1633 May 20 Catherin d. George Heath bap. June 6 Elizabeth d. James Basset bap. 6 Susanna wife Tho. Kinge bur. n Robert & Mary twinnes Mary Thorneton bap.* 21 Robert & Mary Thorneto bur.* July 7 Anna d. Jaacob Hancock bap.* * These entries also appear in an incomplete form on the inside covet at the end of the Register.— Ed. Feb. 11 1630 May 3 10 Aug. 22 Sep. 3 Jan. Feb. 1 63 1 Apr. 26 Oct. 3° May 12 1630 Nov. 8 1 63 1 Sep. 8 Oct. 3 Jan. 5 Feb. 5 1632 Mar. 29 Dec. 15 Jan. 2 THE PARISH REGISTER OF CATERHAM. 15 1633 July " Judith d. Tho. Ockley bap.* Aug. 1 1 Thomas Lambkine & Ellen Smarte mar. [" Smarte " written over an erasure. — Ed.] Oct. 6 Susanna Drew bur. Nov. 7 Jasper s. John Humfrey bap. Dec. 23 Willia Best bur. Jan. 9 Elizabeth d. Morris Jones bap. 1634 Apr. 5 Henry Frith bur. June 9 John Betts & Elzafc Life mar. 9 Thomas s. Thomas Best bap. 13 Margaret Jackson bur. 23 Mary Mills bur. Aug. 1 1 Augustine Fayreman & Mary Lairence [sic] mar. 12 Robert Fist & Mercy Holmewood mar. Sep. 4 Mary wife Michaell Skinner bur. 6 Thomas s. Thomas Best bur. Oct. 20 Thomas s. Rod Fiske bap. Nov. 9 Willia Royden & Alice Jackson mar. 24 William Tirrey & Mary White mar. Dec. 1 Robert s. Nicholas Ireland bap. 10 Michaell s. Willia Hersham bap. 26 Roger s. Edward Drewe bap. 29 Alice wife Edward Drewe bur. Jan. 8 Thomas s. John Drewe bap. 9 Edward Drewe bur. 9 Roger s. Edward Drewe bur. Mar. 2 John Roweninge & Mary Durkin mar. 1635 Apr. 2 Henry s. Nicholas Heath bap. 13 Ellen d. Robert Wood bap. 16 'William s. Rich Rockley bap. May 2 Mary d. Mary Thorneton bur. 24 Thomas s. William Commins bap. June 3 John Drewe & Jane Shirley mar. 28 Mary d. John Humfrey alias Shalcrust & Alice bap. July 18 "Memorandu that a poore woman whose name was vnknowe, but a hatter's wife was buried " 1636 May 30 Richard s. William Hopwood bur. June 29 John Bradfield & Mary Shorey mar. Aug. 14 John Bullen & Mercy Lamkin mar. Sep. 30 Widow Beckett bur. Oct. 7 John White bur. 13 Jasper s. Tho. Ockley & Grace bap. Nov. 30 Anna d. Christopher Burstowe & Anna bap. Dec. 20 Thomas s. Nicholas Ireland & Andra bap. Feb. 5 John s. Robert Fist & Mercy bap. Mar. 24 Winnifride Drew, widdowe, bur. * This entry also appears in an incomplete form on the inside cover at the end of the Register.— Ed. 1 6 THE PARISH REGISTER OF CATERHAM. 1637 Apr. 16 George s. John Shorter & Rachell bap. June 18 Robert s. John Bullen & Mercy bap. July 2 Willia s. Marice Jones & Elizabeth bap. 13 Rich Den by bur. 16 Edward Shallcrust & Anna Best mar. 30 William Mills & Barbary Sharpe mar. Sep. 21 Edward Burningham & Joane Denby mar. Oct. 8 Willia s. George Heath & Ellen bap. 16 Willia Tayler & Anna White mar. Nov. 19 Mary d. John Fish & Agnes bap. Dec. 31 John s. John Humfrey & Emma bap. Jan. 14 Elizabeth d. RoBt Wood & Anna bap. 18 Elizabeth wife John Smith, trauailer, bur. Feb. 1 1 Willia s. Cnpr. Burstow & Anna bur. 13 Alice s. John Drew & Auis bap. Mar. 18 Barbara d. John Drew & Auis bur. [altered from 31 Mar., 1638. — Ed.] 1638 Mar. 31 Alice d. John Drewe & Auis bur. Apr. 1 John s. Chrp. Burstow & Anna bap. 8 Dorothie d. Jeffery Rogers & Joane bap. 20 Christopher Drewe bur. May 15 Martha d. John Humfrey & Alice bap. Aug. 25 Alice Jackson, widow, bur. Sep. 13 Rich Burningham bur. Nov. 1 2 Christopher Wheeler & Elizabeth Hope mar. 13 Willia Jordan, gent., bur. 27 John Drew the elder bur. Dec. 2 Anna d. Witt Mills and Barbara bap. 9 Elizabeth d. John lues & Mary bap. 30 John s. Nichol Ireland & Anna bap. 31 Hunnis s. Rich Rockley & Ithamar bap. Jan. 1 Anna wife Aexad : Quiddenton bur. 13 Anna d. Witt Mills & Barbara bur. 27 John s. John Bullen & Mercy bap. Feb. 14 Jane d. Alexander Miller & Elizab. bur. 1639 Apr. 16 Grace d. John Drew & Auis bap. 28 Alexander Quiddenton & Anna Bryan mar. May 23 Vidua Browne bur. June 3 Jane d. Roht Hore & Jane bap. July 3 Vidua Humfrey bur. 24 Alice d. Willia Comins & Dorothie bur. Sep. 10 Mary wife Witt Askew bur. 18 Jane d. Edward Fielder & Jane bap. Oct. 30 Jasper & Aexander sonnes Aexander Cuddingto & Anna bap. Nov. 4 Jasper Cuddington bur. 8 John Bassett bur. Jan. 6 Witt s. Witt Mills & Barbara bap. 9 Mary wife Henry White bur. THE PARISH REGISTER OF CATERHAM. 17 1639 Feb. 2 Robert Wilkins & Jane Drew mar. 9 Maurice Joanes bur. 20 Arthur s. Witt Best & Joane bap. 25 Gabriell & Witt sonnes Witt Hersham & Catherin bap. 25 Catharan wife Witt Hersha. bur. Mar. 16 Witt s. to [Witt] Hersham bur. [altered from 1640.— Ed.] 1640 Apr. 6 Mary d. Christopr Bristow & Mary bap. 6 Jane d. RoEt Wilkins bur. 22 Richard Blundell of Tillingdowne, seruant to Gab" Best, bur. 26 Jane d. Robert Bennett & Jane bap. May 3 Thomas Pace & ElizaE Hooker mar. June 1 " Richard Rockeley Curett heer wase the first of June 1640 burid" 14 Daniel [written over an erasure. — Ed.] s. Micaell Clarke & Frances bap. Aug. 24 William Darrant & Jone Sharp mar. Oct. 11 John s. Richard Hubearde bur. Nov. 1 1 Amye d. Willyam Wood & Amy bap. Jan. 27 Thomas s. Thomas Ocklye bap. 1 64 1 Apr. 4 Thomas s. Alexander Cuddington bap. 18 John s. John Fish bap. 26 Arther s. Willia Best bur. May 16 Richard Waker et Eizabeth Miller mar. 31 Robert Gadd et Anne Arisse mar. July 25 Jarrett s. John Drew bap. Aug. 15 James Halleday et Arabella Wignall mar. Nov. 14 Richard Greene, servant to Thomas Ockley, bur. 23 Jane d. John Lambert, gent., bur. [altered from 22. — Ed.] 24 Patience d. John Lambert, gent., bur. [altered from 23.— Ed.] Edward Fielder bur. Willia s. Willia Best bap. Willia s. Christopher Burstoe bap. John s. Willia Mills bap. 1642 Mar. 25 Michael s. Michael Clarke bap. Elizabeth d. Thomas Lampkin bap. Martyn Dennis bur. Mary d. Nicholas Ireland bap. Anne d. Anne Chambers bap. [sic] John s. John Bullin bur. [ „ J John s. John Fish bur. Thomas s. Willia Humphrey bap. Willia s. John Humphrey bap. Willia Jeale bur. Jan. 20 26 Feb. 13 27 Mar. 25 July 3 14 Sep. 25 25 12 18 Jan. iS Feb. 5 Mar. 1 1 8 THE PARISH REGISTER OF CATERHAM. 1643 Mar. 30 Hunnis Pounsett, clerke, bur.* Apr. 10 Robert s. John Drew bap. 11 Mercie d. John Bullin bap. May 1 Henry Shepheard & Ellin Lampkin mar. 7 Jasper s. Robert Bennit bap. 16 Jane wife Robert Bennit bur. 24 Thomas s. widdow Terry, a stranger, bur. July 3 William Wood bur. Aug. 24 Jane d. Willia Wood bap. Oct. 2 1 Henry Drew bur. Nov. 13 Willia s.Rob*Hoare&Janebap.[altered from 10. — Ed.] 27 Christopher Burstow bur. 1644 Apr. 11 Richard s. Willia Best bap. July 3 Robert Bennit & Jone Burlingha mar. 4 Widdow Heyward bur. 13 John Laurence bur. Nov. 3 Grace d. Willia Milles bap. Dec. 15 Mary d. Michael Clarke bap. [altered from Nov. — Ed.] 30 Thomas s. John Lambert bur. Jan. 28 Robert s. Robert Hoare bur. Feb, 2 Ann d. George Shelly bap. 9 Sarah d. Samuel Lucas bap. 13 Elizabeth d. Willia Brookes bap. Mar. 16 Thomas s. Thomas Wilkins bap. 16 Thomas s. Thomas Wilkins bur. 18 Joane Burlingha, widdow, bur. 23 Alice d. John Humphrey bap. 1645 May 30 John Woodin bur. Dec. 31 Thomas s. John Drew bur. Feb. 14 Henry White bur. 16 Jane d. Robert Browne bap. 22 John s. Alexander Quidenton bap. 23 blank] Milles, widdow, bur. Mar. 24 „ ] wife of Willia Terrye bur. 1646 May 18 John s. William Brookes bap. 24 Bridgeot d. Henry Shepherd bap. June 26 John s. John Laurence bap. 26 John s. John I>aurence bur. 29 John Sharpe & Elizabeth Terrye mar. Oct. 26 Elizabeth d. John Drew bap. Nov. 1 John s. John Bullin bap. 9 Joan wife Robert Bennit bur. 9 Joan d. Robert Bennit bap. 19 Francis s. Willia Best bap. Dec. 9 Jane d. Thomas Ockley bap. 13 Elizabeth d. Jeremie Martin bap. Feb. 2 1 Jone d. George Shelly bap. * Instituted 16 Sep., 1631.— Ep. THE PARISH REGISTER OF CATERHAM. ig 1646 Mar. 1 John Woodin bur. 12 Richard Yonge bur. 1647 Apr. 13 John Lambert, gent.,* bur. [M.I.] May 2 Thomas s. Michael Clark bap. 23 Elizabeth d. John Drew bap. July 4 Elizabeth d. John Fish bap. 15 Elizabeth d. Willia Milles bap. Oct. 10 William s. Willia Brookes bap. 1 1 Elizabeth d. John Sharpe bap. Jan. 16 Grace d. Willia Humphrey bap. 23 Judeth d. John Laurence bap. Feb. 2 Francis wife Michael Clarke bur. 4 Daniel Clarke bur. 23 Francis s. Francis Best of Chaldon bur. at Caterha 1648 Apr. 17 Thomas Wilkins & Anne Smith mar. June 16 Elizabeth Price, widdow, bur. 19 Katherine wife Willia Brookes bur. Aug. 4 Thomas Hoare bur. Nov. 4 John s. John Sharpe bap. 5 John s. John Sharpe bur. Dec. 22 Elizabeth wife Alexander Miller bur. 25 Alice wife Thomas Sharpe bur. Jan. 15 Robert s. Robert Browne bap. Mar. 10 Joane d. Henry Shepherd bap. 22 Joane wife Edmond Burlingha bur. 1649 Apr. 8 Robert s. John Humphrey bap. June 27 Patience d. Thomas Ockley bap. July 14 Elizabeth Pounset of Chaldon, wid., bur. at Caterham Sep. 16 Thomas s. John Drew bap. Oct. 14 Abraha s. Jeremie Martyn bap. Feb. 21 John s. Willia Brookes bap. Mar. 4 Katherine wife John Clarke bur. 2 1 Jane d. Willia Best bap. 1650 May 5 John s. Thomas Wilkins bap. 6 Robert s. Willia Humphrey bap. 19 George s. George Shelly bap. June 1 1 John s. Robert Hoare bap. 29 Reuben s. John Wood bap. July 1 1 James Basset bur. Aug. 1 1 Elizabeth d. Edmond Burlingha bap. Sep. 18 Samuel s. Robert Snelling bap. Nov. 18 Philip Lambert & Grace Ockley mar. 19 Alexander s. Alexander Yonge bap. " Looke for what followes next of this Regester att ye end of this booke" [pencil, p. 44, post 20.— A leaf has been torn out of the Register between pencil pp. 38-39. — Ed.] * Yeoman of His Ma'1" Chamber, died nth April, 1647.— Ed, C 2 20 THE PARISH REGISTER OF CATERHAM. 1651 May 20 KatherinewifeWilliaKempsallbur.[pencilp.44— Ed-] Aug. 14 Willia Terrye bur. Nov. 6 Jane d. Edward Gauson bap. 23 Thomas s. Robert Browne bap. Feb. 1 7 Alice d. Edmond Burlingha bap. 22 Robert s. John Drew bap. 26 George Medhurst & Mary Smith [altered from " Hubbard."— Ed.] mar. 27 Henry Miller bur. Mar. 21 Grace d. Thomas Wilkins bap. 1652 Apr. 22 Thomas s. Willia Brookes bap. May 2 Anne d. Jeremy Martyn bap. 9 Willia s. Robert Bish bap. 10 Richard s. Willia Humphrey bap. 1 1 Walter Batcheler & Mary Ireland mar. 27 Robert s. Robert Browne bur. 30 Jasper s. John Drew bap. June 5 Roger Hough bur. July 25 Mary d. Mercy Bullin bap. 27 John Bullin bur. Aug. 1 5 Thomas s. John Fish bap. 4 [sic] Willia Kempsall bur. Oct. 10 Robert s. Alexander Quidenton bap. Dec. 6 Nicholas s. Robert Hoare bap. 14 Elizabeth Drew, widow, bur. 16 John s. George Medhurst bap. Jan. 16 Richard s. Robert Snelling bap. 29 Mary d. John Plaw bap. Mar. 1 1 Thomas Sharpe brought fro Warlingha and buried at Caterha 18 Susan wife Robert Staples bur. 1653 Apr. 2 Ay mie wife Willia Wood bur. 8 Joane wife Robert Snelling bur. Elizabeth d. John Laurence bap. Willia s. Alexander Yong bap. Elizabeth Allin, widow, bur. Anne d. Willia Milles bap. Rohert Barham & Katherine Heath mar. Edward s. Edward Gauston bap. 20 Elizabeth Gladwin, widow, bur. Alice Best, widow, bur. Jone d. Johne Dene bap. Robart s. Robarte Selleng [Snelling] bap. Katharne d. Willyam Bookes [Brookes] bap. Richard s. Geoorge Medest [Medhurst] bap. 14 Jone d. Jermeye Marten bap. June 19 Jone d. Edmone Bouringome [Burlingham] bap.* This entry is repeated on p. 48 of the Register under date 14 July, 1655.— Ed. May 3° June 23 27 Aug. 2S Sep. 15 17 Jan. 20 Feb. 7 1654 Jan. 4 Feb. 7 1655 Mar. 3° May 7 THE PARISH REGISTER OF CATERHAM. 21 1655 July 3 Willyam s. Thomas Payes [Pace] bap. 13 Niclose s. Niclose White bap. Sep. 14 Marye d. Robart Barrome bap. 14 Willyam s. Jesper Wood bap. 1656 Apr. 8 Ezsbeth d. Sander Yonge [Alexr Young] bap. June 18 Jesper s. Willyam Humfrye bap. Nov. 25 Ane d. Charles Dinnes bap. Mar. 19 Robart s. Willyam Bookes [Brookes] bap. 20 George s. George Medest bap. Apr. 16 Ane d. Richard Borente [? Bruarton] bap. May 22 Geabrell s. of Willa Wood & Seara bap. 1658 July 25 William s. Richard Brvent & Jone bap. 1 66 1 [sic] Apr. 27 Jone d. Richard Brvent & Jone bap. 1658 Nov. 28 Ane d. Matthew Dye bap. 1659 May 13 Grace d. John Drue [Drew] bur. Aug. 27 Annes d. John Drue bur. 1663 Feb. 11 Mchalls. "of Wood" bap. * Jan. 5 Judye Woodd d. Jasper Wood • [whether a bap. or a bur., not stated, but see post, p. 22. — Ed.] 1662 [sic] Dec. 12 William s. Robert Boulling bap.* 1660 [„] June 10 John s. Edw. Bourlingham bap. [blank] Elezebeth d. Thomas Larance bap. [year illegible. —Ed.] Jan. 3 Thomas s. Rooger Chillman bap. July 14 Jonne d. Edomond Burlinghm bap.f Oct. 16 Richard Dye & Elizabeth Kidder mar. J 26 William s. Jasper Young bap. J [Remainder of page blank. — Ed.] [Written on the inside of the back cover of the Register. — Ed.] § Robert & Mary Thornton bap. vppon Whitson tuesday §Rob was June the 21 bur. §Ann d. Jaacob Hancock was Jul. 7 bap. § Judith d. Tho. Ockley Jul. 11 bap. John [entry not completed. — Ed.] [Remainder of back cover blank. — Ed.] * These entries appear in Register II, post, p. 22. — Ed. t This entry appears ante under date 19 June, 1655.— Ed. X These entries appear in Register II, post. — Ed. J These entries are entered under date June-July, 1633, see ante, pp. 14, 15.— Ed. 672 sic 655 t j» t 715 . j> . 22 THE PARISH REGISTER OF CATERHAM. Eegister HE. A Registry of such Marriages Christnings and Burialls as haue been in the Parish of Catterham in the County of Surrey from the year 1662. Michaells. William Wood baptized [1663 ante p. 2 1] Judith d. Jasper Wood bap. [1663 ante p. 21] William s. William Boullingbap. [Robert ante p. 2 1] Hannah d. [blank] Rawlens buried Gabriell Best bur. )ert Standish [entry not completed. — Ed.] married. [Here follows a blank space of 2\ in., of which an 662 Feb. 11 Jan. 5 Dec. 12 May 12 June 10 [blank] Ro oblong strip 5! in. in width by 1663 [blank m. in height -Ed.] Jan. 7 10 23 3° 664 Apr. 17 24 May 13 4 1 H July Aug. 1 IS 19 7 18 26 [blank] Feb. 14 26 Mar. 10 about the centre has been cut out.- Nicholas s. Robert Hoar bur. John Drew bur. William Hoar bur. Michaell s. William Wood bur. Ann d. Tho. Martin bap. Jane d. Robert Snelling bur. John Davies bur. George s. George Shorter bap. & ye 30th bur. [1663 Dec. 30 Jasper Wood of Caterham bur. Vide Coulsdon Register. — Ed.] William s. Robert Croucher bap. Jane d. Matthew Dye bap. [sic] John s. John VVooddin bap. Ann d. Tho : Lawrence bap. [sic] Edmund s. Henry Roffe bap. Thomas s. Thomas Bennet bap. George Medest bur. Jasper Humphrey & Ann Burstow mar. Mary d. Richard Bruarton bap. The wife of Thomas Martin bur. Richard Bully bur. Dorathy the d [of William Wood] [remainder of entry cut out, as well as the entry which followed, and which ended . . . mber 1664. — Ed.]. Widdow Whittington bur. William Brookes bur. Richard s. Richard Bully bap. THE PARISH REGISTER OF CATERHAM. 23 1665 Apr. 9 Richard s. Tho. Fist bap. May 10 [blank] Jordon bur. 10 John Lawrence bur. June 4 Thomas s. Richard Snelling bap. July 5 Thomas Barham bur. 4 [sic] Richard Bulley bur. 21 Jane Brown bur. Feb. 1 1 Elizabeth d. Edward Best bap. 19 Elizabeth wife Thomas Snelling bur. July [sic] 15 Henry s. John Jordan bap. ["July" written over an erasure. — Ed.] 1666 Mar. 26 Grace d. George Shorter ["and his wife" crossed out. — Ed.] bap. Apr. 18 Michael s. Alexander Young bap. 20 William Best bur. 29 Elizabeth Drew bur. July 14 Sarah d. M1" John Jordan bap. Oct. 1 Ann wife Nicholas Jordain bur. Nov. 20 Elizabeth d. John Humphrey bap. 20 John s. John Bateman bur. at Croydon.* 25 Thomas s. Thomas Bennett bur. Dec. 30 Michaell s. William Wood bap. 30 Matthew s. Matthew Dye bap. Jan. 4 Mary d. Thomas Bennett bap. 20 John s. Robert Matthew bap. Mar. 1 7 William s. Henry Roffe bap. 1667 Apr. 14 Richard s. Richard Brewarton bap. July 28 Richard s. Lawrence Rowhead bap. Aug. 5 William s. Edward Best bap. 5 Mr Standishf bur. [this entry is written over an erasure. — Ed.] Sep. 16 John s. John Jordain bap. 15 [sic] Widdow Shorter bur. Dec. 5 Thomas Snelling bur. 19 Jane Martin bur. 29 Nicholas Jordain bur. May 19 William Burstow & Frances Lusted mar. Mar. [sic] 15 Dorathy d. George Shorter bap. 1668 Mar. 25 John Waters & Elizabeth Pace mar. Apr. 13 Richard Snelling bur. 26 Thomas s. Thomas Fist bap. June 13 The wife of Henry Sheppard bur. Oct. 22 John Humphrey bur. Nov. 4 Elizabeth Humphrey his wife bur. Jan. 14 John s. John Waters bap. Dec. 28 Alice Humphrey bur. * This entry does not appear in the Croydon Register.— Ed. t John Standish was Rector.— Ed. 24 THE PARISH REGISTER OF CATERHAM. 1668 Feb. 9 Catherine d. William Humphrey bap. 12 William Brookes* bur. 19 John & Mary s. & d. of Will™ Marchant bap. 22 Ann d. John Brookes bap. 23 John s. John Waters bur. Nov. [sic] 14 John s. Wm Burstow bap. Feb. 28 Mary d. John Pace bap. 1669 May 5 John Fish bur. 1 3 Thomas s. Wm Wood bap. [1669 June 1 Daniel Berry & Mary Little of Caterham mar. Vide Coulsdon Reg. — Ed.] July 16 Widdow Drew bur. 26 John s. Wm Marchant bur. Oct. 1 Grace d. George Shorter bur. Sep. [sic] 20 Edward s. Edward Best bap. Nov. 28 Jane d. Daniell Clarke bap. Dec. 3 The wife of George Heath bur. 15 Catherine d. Robert Barham bap. 1670 Mar. 29 George Heath bur. Apr. 2 The wife of Daniell Dallaway bur. 9 John s. Daniell Dallaway bur. Aug. 4 Ann d. John Jordain bap. 28 John Humphrey bur. Sep. 25 Gabriell s. John Waters bap. Oct. 7 William s. Wm Burstow bap. 9 George s. George Shorter bap. Dec. 4 The wife of Wm Marchant bur. Oct. [sic] 8 John Humphrey bur. Feb. 17 Elizabeth d. Tho. Fist bap. 167 1 Mar. 27 Sarah d. Edward Best bap. 28 Mary d. Wm Humphrey bap. July 20 Thomas Drew bur. Aug. 6 Thomas s. John Chinner bap. Jan. 14 Sarah d. John [altered from "Tho." — Ed.] Pace bap. 1672 Mar. 15 [sic] Elizabeth d. John Pace bap. Mar. 15, "1672 " Apr. 3 William s. Wm Milles bur. May 24 William Milles. senior, but. June 7 Mary d. John Pace bur. 23 Michaell s. Dan. Clarke bap. July 1 7 Ann d. John Answell bur. 22 Christopher Poulter & Elizabeth Milles mar. Oct. 7 Sarah d. Wm Humphrey bap. 24 Fcelix Tax & Jane Drew mar. Dec. 30 Catherine d. Wm Burstow bap. Mar. 20 Edward s. Tho. Lawrence bap. 1673 APr- 27 Elizabeth d. Christopher Poulter bap. " From an inscription on the two Bells, made in 1664, it appears that William Brookes was one of the Churchwardens. — Ed. THE PARISH REGISTER OF CATERHAM. 25 1673 July 10 Elizabeth d. John Chinner bap. 17 John s. Robert Barham bap. 21 John s. John Courtop bap. Aug. 12 Mary d. Ed. Best bap. Mar. 22 Ann d. John Waters bap. 1674 Mar. 29 John s. John Drew bap. Apr. 9 John s. Christ : Poulter bap. Feb. [sic] 13 Robert s. Wm Humphrey bap. '„] 17 Elizabeth d. George Shorter bap. July 1 Widdow Bassett bur. 21 Edward s. Ed. Best bur. [1674 July 29 Thomas Oakley (or Ockley) of Catterham, yeoman, he marks, bachelour, 30 or thereabouts and Mary Greene of Sutton, wid'dow 27 or thereabouts : at Banstead or Esheare. Vide Allegations for Marriage Licences in the Commissary Court of Surrey. — Ed.] 1675 Apr. 10 Judith wife of Rob* Staplest bur. July 4 William Wood bur. Aug. 16 Mary d. Gabriell Best bur. Sep. 6 Charity d. Wat. Hatcher bap. 1676 Apr. 5 Mary d. Rich. Snelling bap. Aug. 9 Margaret d. Ed. Best bap. Nov. 5 Elizabeth d. Wm Humphrey bap. Dec. 3 Jasper s. Wln Burstow bap. Feb. 5 Susan: d. Tho. Fist bap. [blank] Widdow Rogers bur. 1677 Apr. 28 Jeremiah Martin bur. Sep. 2 William s. George Shorter bap. Dec. 13 Mary d. Wat: Hatcher bap. Nov. [sic] 18 Thomas s. Tho. Brooks bap. Dec. 22 Martha d. John Waters bap. 1678 June 25 Nathan s. Hen. Roffe bap. Aug. 18 Hannah d. Ed. Best bap. Dec. 29 Mary Young bur. Jan. 2 Wln Humphrey bur. Mar. 6 Robert Snelling bur. 1679 [blank] The wife of Robert Churcher bur. _ William Horsham bur Robert Churcher bur. Mary Poulter bur. The wife of Wat. Hatcher bur. Apr. 18 Mat. Waters bur. Nov. 20 A Stranger bur. Jan. 1 1 Mary d. Henry Roffe bap. 1680 Apr. 6 John s. Ed. Best bap. Aug. 15 Nicholas s. John Hoar bap. Jan. 16 Ann d. Jephery Hatcher bap. May [sic] 15 Wm s. Tho. Brookes bap. 26 THE PARISH REGISTER OF CATERHAM. 1680 May 31 Thomas Fist bur. Nov. 1 Mary d. Tho. Fist bap. Oct. [sic] 13 Edward s. John Waters bap. 1681 Oct. 20 Henry s. Michaell Thornton bap. 17 [sic] William Wood bur. Jan. 1 Alice d. Win Haward bap. Dec. [sic] 25 Mary wife of John Rowhead of Coulsdon bur. 1682 Apr. 23 Grace d. Abraham Martin bap. 21 [sic] Thomas Dubery bur. May 16 Richard s. Ed. Best bap. Oct. [sic] 22 Richard s. John Hoar bap. June 4 Richard s. Christ. Poulter bap. 4 Thomas Wilkins bur. . Sep. 28 William s. Francis Best bap. Oct. 1 7 Richard Haward of Tillingdown mar. 22 Charity d. Jephery Hatcher bap. Jan. 25 Richard Sharp of Meastham bur. Oct. [sic] 29 Richard s. Christophr Poulter bur. 1683 May 6 Ann d. John Chinner bap. June 3 Ann d. Wm Burstow bap. Aug. 12 Will™ s. John Waters bap. Sep. 30 Elizabeth d. John Haswell bap. Oct. 14 Elizabeth d. George Shorter bap. Nov. 1 1 Nicholas s. John Hyames bap. 18 Abigail d. Christ. Poulter bap. Dec. 6 Alice Humphrey, a widdow, bur. Feb. 13 George Drew bur. Mar. 9 William Brown bur. 19 Edward Burlingham bur. 1684 May 29 Elizabeth wife Christopher Poulter bur June 1 2 Thomas s. Michael Thornton bap. July 10 Robert Ockley * bur. 1 1 Alexander Young bur. Aug. 3 William s. William Haward bap. Oct. 1 2 Jane d. John Hoar bap. Nov. 26 Mary d. Philip Lambert bur. Dec. 22 Thomas s. Jasper Wood bap. 29 Leonard s. Edward Best bap. Jan. 15 Mary wife Robert Hoar bur. Feb. 1 5 Elizabeth d. George Drew bap. Mar. 3 John Vail & Elizabeth Lambert mar. 3 Nicholas Batchelor & Ann Mills mar. 1685 Apr. 23 Emma d. Daniell Bellamy f bap. May 1 7 Jeffery s. Jeffery Hatcher bap. June 18 Simpson Roffe & Mary Francis mar. * From an inscription on the two Bells, made in 1664, it appears that Robeit Ocley was one of the Churchwardens. — Ed. t Instituted Rector 16 Nov., 1681.— Ed. THE PARISH REGISTER OF CATERHAM. 27 1685 Aug. 4 Elizabeth Fitz-Gerrald, Londinensis bur. 19 John Wooddin bur. 24 Joan Snelling, a widdow, bur. Sep. 26 Margaret d. Elizabeth Dinis bap. Oct. 7 Abraham s. Abraham Martin bap. Jan. 6 Robert Humphrey bur. Feb. 21 Ann d. Thomas Brook bap. 1686 Apr. 13 Richard Best bur. May 2 Thomas s. Nicholas Batchelor bap. June 27 John Jennings of Oxted [bach. 25] & Sarah Chisman [or Chilman] of Tandridge [spinster 23] mar. July 25 Mary d. Jeffery Green bap. Aug. 8 George s. William Burstow bap. Sep. 22 Simpson s. Simpson Jeffery bap. Oct. 28 Simpson s. Simpson Roffe bap. Dec. 10 Richard s. Jasper Young bap. 2 1 Dorothy wife Francis Best bur. Jan. 4 Alice d. Edward Best bap. 16 Francis s. Francis Best bur. 25 Catherine d. Daniell Bellamy bap. Feb. 2 Richard s. William Haward bap. 18 Mary Rabbet, a widdow, bur. 1687 Mar. 28 John Plaw of Chauldon & Jane Poulter of War- lingham mar. 29 Alice d. Richard Humphrey bap. Apr. 3 Benjamin Fowler of All Hallows Stainings London & Jane Wood of St. Olave Hartstreet mar. Aug. 2 1 William s. John Haswell bap. Oct. 30 Mary d. Wm Barham bap. Nov. 5 William s. John Haswell bur. 6 Mercy Newman, a widdow, bur. Jan. 6 Ann d. Edward Haswell bap. Feb. 26 Elizabeth d. Jasper Wood bap. 29 Ann d. George Drew bap. 29 Ann wife George Drew bur. Mar. 18 John s. Abraham Martin bap. 1688 Mar. 25 John s. Jeffery Hatcher bap. May 24 Jasper s. Jasper Wood bur. Sep. 30 Sarah d. Nicholas Batchelor bap. Nov. 7 Margaret d. Elizabeth Dennis bur. Oct. [sic] 16 Ann wife Nicholas Batchelour bur. Nov. 5 Catherine d. Daniell Bellamy bur. 1 2 James s. John Haswell bur. 25 Jasper Wood bur. Dec. 30 John s. Simpson Roffe bap. Mar. 5 Rebecca d. Richard Humphrey bap. 1 7 Jane d. Walter Hatcher bap. 1689 Apr. 2 John s. John Hoar bap. 4 Thomas Snelling & Elizabeth Best mar. - 28 THE PARISH REGISTER OF CATERHAM. 1689 Apr. 18 Margaret wife Michael Haward bur. May 8 Daniel s. Daniel Bellamy bap. 2 1 Joseph Allingham & Alice Holmden mar. July 1 1 John Rowett & Elizabeth Lambert mar. 21 Thomas s. William Haward bap. Sep. 12 Jacob s. Samuell Ward bap. 19 George Drew & Ann Martin mar. 1690 [sic] Aug. 5 Thomas Haward bur. 1689 Oct. 4 Ann d. George Lambert bur. Nov. 12 Thomas Wood & Elizabeth Russell mar. 1690 [sic] Nov. 23 Henry Roffe bur. 1690 „ Nov. 28 Elizabeth d. Francis Best bap. 1690 ' ,, ] Dec. 30 John s. Abraham Martin bur. 1689 Feb. 6 Amy [altered from "Ann." — Ed.] d. Ed: Haswell bap. Mar. 16 Charity d. Watt: Hatcher bap. 1690 Mar. 25 Robert Hoar bur. Apr. 21 John s. John Haswell bap. 29 Richard Dye & Dorothy Wood mar. June 10 George s. Thomas Sanders bap. 29 Anna d. Nich: Batchelour bap. 29 Jane d. Wln Haward bap. July 2 Richard s. Wm Haward bur. 17 Christopher Poulter & Mary Bucknam mar. 27 Elizabeth d. Wm Barham bap. Aug. 5 Joan Snelling bur. Oct. 22 Joseph s. Joseph Allingham bap. 23 Michael Haward bur. Nov. 2 John Wootton of Ketton co. Rutland & Mary Townesend of Oundle co. Northampton mar. in the parish church of Wollingham Sep. [sic] 14 John s. George Drew bap. Dec. 26 Mary d. Tho. Wood bap. Jan. 14 Richard s. Thomas Snelling bap. Jan. [blank] Widdow Rowett [Rowed] of Coulsdon bur. Mar. 1 Margarett d. Simpson Roffe bap. 3 Arrabella d. Ri : Humphrey bap. [169-J Mar. 16 John Dennis of Catterham, bachelor, 30, & Jane Clerke of Catterham, spinster, 22, at Catterham, "at her own dispose." Vide Allegations for Marriage Licences. — Ed.] 1691 Mar. 29 Gabriell s. Francis Best bap. Apr. 13 Richard s. Ri: Dye bap. 16 Jasper s. John Hoar bap. 1 2 [sic] Tho. s. Christopher Poulter bap. 26 Edward Best bur. 29 Tho. Pace bur. July 31 Martha d. Daniel Bellamy bap. Aug. 9 John Hatcher bap., buried 23d Oct. 16 William s. Jeff. Hatcher bap. THE PARISH REGISTER OF CATERHAM. 29 1 69 1 Nov. 24 Michael s. Michael Wood bap Dec. 2 Elizabeth d. Tho. Sanders bap. Mar. 17 Thomas s. Edward Haswell bap 1692 Apr. 20 Elizabeth d. Jasper Young bap May 8 Benjamin s. Joseph Allingham bap. 27 Thomas s. Robert Fist bap. June , 4 Widdow Drew bur. 2 [sic] William s. Nicholas Boarer bap. 5 Elizabeth d. Jeffery Green bap. 1 1 William s. William Haward bap. 12 Elizabeth d. John Dennis bap. Oct. 9 Eliz. d. Tho. Wood bap. 16 John s. Nich. Batchelor bap. Nov. 12 Alice wife Tho. Dye of Bletchemly bur. 13 Tho. s. Tho. Snelling bap. Dec. 6 Laurence s. Ri. Rowett* bap. 29 John Shove & Elizabeth Snelling mar. Jan. 15 Walter s. Walter Hatcher bap. Feb. 26 Henry s. Ri. Dye bap. Mar. 5 Isaac s. Simpson Roffe bap., bur. Apr. 27. 92. [sic] 9 William s. Daniel Bellamy bap. 14 Eliz. d. John Dennis bur. 1693 Mar. 30 Mary d. Ed. Staplis alias Lawrence bap., bur. ApT9th Apr. 6 William s. Wm Haward bur. [1693 June 11 John Green of Caterham & Amy Wood mar. Vide Coulsdon Reg.— Ed.] July 4 Jeremiah s. Abraham Martin bap. 23 Edward s. John Haswell bap. Aug. 29 Thomas s. Michael Wood bap. Nov. 20 Mary d. Christ1, Poulter bap. 26 Jane d. John Dennis bap. Jan. 17 Mary d. Tho. Sanders bap. Feb. 4 George s. Jo : Allingha. bap. 14 Mary d. Ri. Humphrey bap. 14 Alice wife Jo: Allingham bur. Mar. 2 Elizabeth d. Wm Haward bap. 11 Grace d. Wat: Hatcher bap. 1694 Apr. 8 Rob* s. Rob* Fist bap. 10 John Tapsell & Ann Tapsell mar. May 20 Rob* Wood & Ann Wood mar. June 26 Jane d. Geo. Drew bap. Dec. 18 Eliz. wife Tho. Snelling bur. 30 Catherine wife Rob* Barham bur. Jan. 10 Henry s. Ri. Rowett bap. 25 Ann d. Ri. Dye bap. * 21 June 1691 Richard Rowed of Caterham, bach., 23, & Mary Frisby of Burstow, single woman, 23, at St. George Southwark " with ye consent of Henry [Frisbee], her father." Vide Allegations for Marriage Licences issued by the Commissary Court of Surrey, by A. Ridley Bax, F.S.A. — Ed. 30 THE PARISH REGISTER OF CATERHAM. 1694 Feb. 14 Sarah d. Jasper Young bap. 19 Susan Fist bur. 27 Mary d. Will"1 Roff bap. 1695 May 9 Widdow Dennis bur. June 3 Thomas Snelling & Jane Mainard mar. Aug. 18 Jeremiah Medhurst bur. Oct. 30 Tho. s. Tho. Sanders born 19 bap. Dec. 4 Jane d. John Barham born & bap. June [sic] 17 Richard Haward & Alice Glover at Willi . . .* [torn away] mar. [This entry is inserted at the bottom of the page. —Ed.] Dec. 28 John s. Wat. Hather born 4 bap. Feb. 9 Mary d. John Dennis born 2 bap. Mar. 18 John s. Tho. Snelling born 19 Feb. bap. 19 Rob* Fist bur. 19 Elizabeth wife Richard Mason, a Travellr, bur. 21 Grace d. Wat. Hatcher bur. 1696 Mar. 31 Richard s. Ri. Humphrey born 24 Mar. 1695 bap. 29 [sic] John Fist born 28 bap. Apr. 20 Thomas Fist bur. May 5 Philip Lambert bur. 10 John Matthew bur. 31 George Lusted bur. June 2 John Newett & Margaret Budgen mar. 14 Elizabeth wife W" Merchant bur. 15 Widdow Matthew bur. July 22 Isabella wife John Martin bur. Aug. 9 Will™ Merchant & Sarah Sifnonds mar. Sep. 15 Mary d. Richard Rowed born Aug. 18 bap. Dec. 27 Thomas s. Rich. Dye born 18 bap. Jan. 3 Joel s. Nich. Boarer born 20 Dec. bap. Feb. 11 Judith d. Tho. Sanders born 25 Jan. bap. Mar. 3 Richard s. Edw. Back born 10 Feb. bap. 1 1 Alice Jordan bur. 1697 Apr. 4 Mary d. John Harper of AUhallows Lumbard Street b. Mar. 27 bap. May 16 Joan d. Wm Haward b. 8 bap. 12 [sic] John s. Jeff. Hatcher bur. 13 Edmund Roff & Mary Beck mar. 28 John Plaw bur. June 9 Mary d. John Matthew born & bap. 15 Joseph Allingham & Em. Martin mar. 29 Widdow Woodden bur. July 4 Widdow Brown bur. 31 William s. Wm Barham born & bap. 31 Sarah d. Wm Barham born & bap. * Willey Farm. THE PARISH REGISTER OF CATERHAM. 31 1697 Sep. 30 Ann d. Christ1' Poulter born & bap. Oct. 5 William s. Wm Barham bur. Nov. 19 Wm s. W,n Haswell born & bap. 22 Thomas s. Geo. Drew born 21 bap. Dec. 7 Jane d. Jeff. Hatcher born Nov. 29 bap. 25 John s. John Barham born 20 bap. Mar. 10 Francis s. Simpson Roff born 9 bap. 1 7 Edward s. Jasper Young born & bap. 21 John s. Daniel Bellamy born 19 bap. 1698 Apr. 3 Alice d. Jo. Allingham born 2 bap. 10 Charles s. John Dennis born & bap. 10 Alice d. Gab. Best of Tillingdown born 6 bap. June 7 Ann Wood bur. July 12 Richard Young bur. Sep. 1 1 Catherine Rowed d. Richard Rowed born 18 Aug. bap. Nov. 6 Sarah d. Wm Best born Nov. 4 bap. Dec. 1 Francis s. Simpson Roffe bur. Feb. 5 Elizabeth d. Ri. Humphrey born Jan. 29 bap. 24 Widdow Plaw bur. Mar. 19 Mary d. Edward Back born 12 bap. 22 Frances wife Wm Burstow bur. 1699 Apr. 10 Richard Ledger & Mary Morgan mar. May 14 William s. Ri. Dye born 2 bap. 28 Edward s. Edmund Roff born & bap. June 13 Susanna d. Wm Barham born & bap. [1699 June 25 William Haswell of Caterham bur. Vide Coulsdon Reg.— Ed.] July 23 John s. Stephen Lewens of Croydon born July 7 bap. Aug. 4 Widdow Pace bur. 20 Mary d. Wm Young born 4 bap. Oct. 8 Jane d. Widdow Haswell born & bap. 20 Grace d. Tho. Sanders bur. 22 John Wood bur. Dec. 7 Tho. s. John Barham born & bap. 27 Sarah d. Rich. Rowed born 8 bap. 31 John s. John Dennis born 27 bap. 1700 May 9 Susanna wife Jasper Hoar bur. [interlined.— Ed. I [1 700 Aug. 1 1 Susan Hoare of Caterham bur. (date altered from May 9). Vide Coulsdon Reg.— Ed. J 19 Ann d. Joseph Allingham born 13 bap. Sep. 8 Elizabeth wife Daniel Clark bur. 17 Jasper Hoar & Mary Maynard mar. Oct. 9 Grace Lambert bur. 20 Grace Morgan bur. 22 Tho. s. Nicholas Boarer born 4 bap. Nov. 21 Elizabeth d. Edward Back born 9 bap. Dec. 5 John s. Edmund Roff born Nov. 11 bap. 15 Edward s. Wm Best born 11 bap. Jan. 1 Widow Lawrence bur. 32 THE PARISH REGISTER OF CATERHAM. 1700 Mar. 23 William s. Christopr Poulter born 7 bap. 1 70 1 June 1 Amy d. Simpson Roff born Apr. 31 bap. July 10 John More of Coulsdon & Mary Kellick mar. Aug. 5 Isaac Lanchett of Coulsdon & Jane Drew mar. Sep. 30 William s. Jasper Young born Aug. 31 bap. Oct. 27 Richard s. Richard Rowett [Rowed. — Ed.] born 4 bap. Nov. 15 James s. Richard Dye born Oct. 21 bap. Dec. 4 Mary Sanders bur. Jan. 1 1 Ann d. John Dennis born 3 bap. 20 Ann d. John Dennis bur. Feb. 1 7 Michael Best of Tandridge & Mary Best mar. 22 Mary d. Tho. Sadler of St. Anns Westminster bur. 1702 Apr. 5 W™ s. John Barham born Mar. 28 bap. May 7 Ann d. John Newett bur. 27 John s. Nicholas Boarer born 10 bap. 31 Robert s. Edward Back born 29 bap. Aug. 30 William s. Wm Young born 4 bap. Oct. 27 John s. John Moor born 18 bap. Nov. 6 George s. George Drew born 30 Oct. bap. 13 George s. Geo. Drew bur. 23 John s. Nich. Boarer bur. Dec. 8 Tho. s. Nich. Boarer bur. Feb. 6 Edward s. John Dennis born Jan. 24 bap. 25 John s. Richard Rowed born 6 bap. 1 2 [sic] Daniel s. John Newett born & bap. 17 Ann d. Joseph Allingham bur. Mar. 3 Edward s. John Haswell bur. 19 Edward s. W"1 Bull of St. Peters Cornhill born 8 bap. 1703 Apr. 16 Mary d. Wln Best born 14 bap May 30 George s. Edmund Roffe born 6 bap. June 1 5 Elizabeth d. Ralph Steer born 5 bap. Sep. 19 David s. Ann Cooke born Aug. 22 bap. Oct. 1 1 Mary Whiffin bur. Nov. 5 David Cooke bur. Jan. 19 John s. Richard Dye born 15 bap. Mar. 5 Sarah d. Nich. Boarer born Feb. 16 bap. 1 5 Richard s. Jasper Young born & bap. 1704 Apr. 21 Daniel Clarke bur. June 10 Jane Hatcher bur. 11 James Dye bur. 17 Jane Barham bur. Aug. 20 Wnl Bucknal & Mary Ledger mar. 23 Widow Additer of Stockwell in Lambeth Par. bur. Sep. 4 Edward Dennis bur. Oct. 7 Sarah d. Nich. Boarer bur. Dec. 30 Mary Arnold bur. Jan. 14 John Newett bur. 1 5 Ann wife J° Bist [Best] bur. 16 John Haward bur. THE PARISH REGISTER OF CATERHAM. 33 1704 Jan. Feb.Mar. Apr. 1705 Apr.May Sep.Oct. Dec. Jan.Dec. Jan. 29 Thomas Rockley bur. 31 Will™ s. Widow Newett born & bap. Elizabeth d. J° Cole born & bap. and was bur. Wm s. Widow Newet bur. Wm Haward bur. John s. Lazarus Smith of Farnham-riall Bucks born Feb. 21 bap. Caleb s. Edmund Roffe born Mar. 2 1 bap. 22 Caleb s. Edmund Roffe bap. [Vide previous entry. — Ed.] 8 John Kennard of Chauldon & Sarah Pace mar. 29 John Medhurst & Elizabeth Birtchfield mar. 9 Widow Young bur. Samuel s. William Young bap. Rob' Barham bur. William s. Wm Best born & bap. Elizabeth d. Cristopher Poulter born Nov. 13 bap. 17 Robert s. Jn° Barham born Dec. 22 bap. 10 Mar. 1706 Mar. Apr. May July 3i2212 26 sic Sep. 29 Feb. 18 1707 Apr. 28 May 23 June 2 25 July 9 Sep. 9 Oct. Dec. Thomas s. Richard Rowett born Dec. 25 bap. _ Elizabeth d. Ri. Berkin, a parishoner of Croydon, born 27 bap. Ralph s. Ralph Steer, a parishoner of Blechinly, born 10 bap. Richard s. Nich. Bourer bap. Thomas s. Jn° Denis born Mar. 17 170^ bap. 26 Thomas s.Jn0 Dennis bap. [ Vide previous entry. — Ed.] 21 Elizabeth d. Ri. Berkin bur. 16 Francis s. Rich : Dye born Apr. 21 bap. 20 John s. Jn° Best born Apr. 20 bap. 7 Rob' Humphrey & Eliz. Haswell mar. [1706 Sep. 22 Thomas Brooks of Caterham & Mary Wood mar. Vide Coulsdon Reg. — Ed.] Thomas s. Rich. Haskins, a parishioner of Wickham, co. Kent, bap. John s. Rich. Dye bur. Widow Clouser bur. Elizabeth d. Rich. Berkin of Croydon bap. Mary d. Rob* Humfrey bap. John s. Edwd Beck bap. Thomas s. Tho. Wrood bap. Elizabeth d. Rich. Rowett bap. 12 Ann wife Jn° Bristow bur. 13 Thomas s. Tho. Wood bur. 1 7 Joseph s. of a traveller sojouning at Catterham bur. 23 John Chapman & Elizabeth Cantler of Oxted mar. p Dan1 Phillips, Rector [Instituted 16 Oct. 1705.— Ed.] 15 Ann d. Tho. Brooks bur. 34 THE PARISH REGISTER OF CATERHAM. 1 707 Jan. 2 John Bristow bur. 11 Richard s. Jn° Barham born 7 bap. 22 John s. Daniel Phillips Rectr born 12 bap. Feb. 2 John Collier of Battersea & Ann Humfrey mar. Mar. 16 Mary d. Jn° Muggridg born 13 bap. 1708 Apr. 5 Tho. s. Jasper Ycung bap. 7 Martha d. Wm Young bap. May 2 Mary Barham bur. June 1 Hester Beck bur. July 25 Thomas Brooks bur. Aug. 1 Thomas s. Tho. Wood bap. Oct. 31 Ann d. Rob* Humfrey bap. Nov. 1 1 Richard s. Richd Berkin of Croydon bap. Jan. 14 Mary d. Ralph Steer of Blechingly bap. Mar. 2 Elizabeth d. Wm Best bap. 1709 Apr. 3 John s. John Pucknall of Blechingly bap. 26 Thomas s. Tho. Brooks bap. May 2 William s. Jn° Best bap. 19 James Lashford & Elizabeth Hollingshead of Epsom mar. June 12 Sarah d. Wm Berry bap. 15 Elizabeth d. Daniel Phillips, Reef, born May 27 bap. 27 Elizabeth d. Wm Best bur. July 31 John s. Jn° Muggridg bap. Oct. 29 Richard Humfrey bur. Nov. 4 Sarah wife Wm Merchant bur. 10 Susan d. Rich. Rowed bap. Dec. 3 John Drew bur. Jan. 10 Felix Tax bur. 1 7 10 May 26 Widdow Ward bur. June 4 Margaret d. John Dennis bap. \ 20 and bur. ) Aug. 31 Jasper s. Wm Best bap. Oct. 7 Jasper s. Wm Best bur. 16 Widw Keddar bur. 19 Daniel s. Paul Phillips, Rectr, born Sep. 30 bap. Jan. 28 Catherine Best bur. 1 71 1 Mar. 28 William s. Rich. Berkin, a parishioner of Croydon, bap. Apr. 1 John s. Wm Burstow of Leniston [sic] in Kent bap. 1 5 Mary d. Wm Berry of Colsdon bap. May 3 Michael s. Richard Rowed born Apr. 14 bap. June 3 Jane Tax, widow, bur. 10 Francis Kent of Coulsdon & Mary Haswell mar. July 15 Henry s. John Barham bap. Aug. 5 Thomas s. Ralph Steer bap. 5 Patience d. Geo. Matthew of Coulsdon bap, 19 Wm s. Wm Round bap. 23 Thomas s. Edw. Beck bap. THE PARISH REGISTER OF CATERHAM. 35 171 1 Sep. 21 John Kidder & Alice Best mar. Oct. 11 Charles s. Daniell Phillips, Rector, bom Sep. 23 bap. 16 Stephen Vennur of Wallingham [Warlingham] & Alice Humphrey mar. Nov. 5 Rob* Bullen bur. Jan. 13 Jane d. John Drew bap. Feb. 27 Lawrence Rowed bur. 7 [sic] Elizabeth wife Jn° Hoar bur. 1712 Apr. 21 Charles s. Dan1 Phillips, Rectr, bur.* 29 Elizabeth d. John Kidder bap. July 13 Richard s. John Best bap. Aug. 31 Stephen s. Stephn Vennur bap. Sep. 2 1 William s. James Phips bap. Nov. 25 Ann d. John Roffey born 17 bap. 27 Mary d. Tho. Green bur. Dec. 8 Rob* Kidder & Elizab'h Best mar. 14 William s. Mary Powell alias Mary Rose bap. Jan. 18 William s. Rob* Humphrey bap. 17 13 May 2 John Haswell bur. 4 Mary d. Richd Berkin of Croydon bap. June 16 Alicia d. Wm Round bap. 30 John Martin bur. July 28 Mary d. John Kidder born 15 bap. Sep. 27 John s. Jn° Drew bap. Oct. 1 1 Ann d. John Kecket of Chaldon bap. 1 7 14 Apr. 4 Mercy d. John Bullin bap. May 2 1 Elizabeth Brooks bur. June 13 Mary d. James Phips of Chaldon bap. 20 Thomas s. Francis Kent of Coulsdon bap. 28 Catherine d. Ralph Steer bap. July 3 Mary Newett bur. 6 Jasper Hoar bur. Aug. 15 Alexander s. Tim. Garland of Chaldon bap. Nov. 7 Alee d. Steven Venar of Wallingham bap. 16 Ann d. John Kidder bap. Dec. 4 Charity Cackett bur. Feb. 13 John s. John Bentley of Coulsdon bap. 171 S Mar. 27 Mary Barham bur. July 3 Briant Budder of Croydon & Elizabeth King of Sanderstead mar. June 22 [sic] Robert s. John Roffey bap. Oct. 16 Richard Dye & Elizabeth Kidder mar.f 26 William s. Jasper Young bap.j Nov. 1 Mary d. Jon Muggeridge bur. 26 Simon s. John Barham bap. Dec. 5 Mary wife Jon Pace bur. * M. I. on stone in floor of chancel, "Car Philips hie jacet 1712." t These entries are also contained in Register I, ante p. 21.— Ed. D 2 36 THE PARISH REGISTER OF CATERHAM. Sarah Dennis, bastard, d. Jane Dennis & [blank] bap. Robert Burkin s. Richard & [blank] his wife bap. William Merchant bur. John Rogers of Warlingham & Rebeccah Umphry mar. John Kidder s. John & Alice bap. Richard Roffey s. John & [blank] bap. Lenard Best bur. Elizabeth d. Timothy Garland of Chauldon bap. Francis s. Francis Kent of Coulsdon & Mary born 10 bap. John Kidder s. John bur. Richard Roffey s. John bur. Anne Roffe, widow, bur. John Bullin s. John & [blank] bap. James s. James Phips of Chaldon bap. Elizabeth d. John Drew, yor, bap. 2 1 Richard s. Steven Vennar of Warlingham bap. John 2do s. John Kidder & Alice bap. Mr Lawrence Rowed, Gent., bur. Mrs Catharine Rowed, widow, bur. Alice Best, widow, of Tandridge, bur. Mary Bulin, spinster, bur. Elizabeth Inch, a child of Jon Inch's, bur. Nicholas Boorer bur. " by order of the Coroner " Judith wife John Hampton bur. 20 Thomas Underwood of Meastham & Margaret Roffe mar. May 4 Henry s. John Bently & [blank] bap. June 20 Thomas s. Mr Thomas Gunner of Godstone & Mary bap. July 14 Mary d. John Rofey & [blank] bap. Nov. 7 John Drew bur. 22 Mary Dennis of Blechingly bur. Dec. 14 John s. James Phips of Chaldon & [blank] bap. 27 Mary Roffey d. John & Mary bur. 28 Thomas s. Timothy & Elizabeth Garland of Chauldon bap. Jan. 6 Mary Owen d. Mary Owen bap. 19 John Hampton bur. 25 Alice d. George & Elizabeth Matthew of Coulsdon born 24 bap. Mar. 1 Jasper s. jasper & Elisabeth Young born & bap. 20 George Inch, a child of John Inch, bur. 1 7 19 Apr. 3 Mary d. Henry & Mary Bently born Mar. 20 bap. 6 Thomas Glover & Dorothy Hall mar. May 3 Thomas s. John Drew & Abigail bap. 31 Amy d. Francis & Mary Kent born 16 bap. June 7 Richard Humphrey bur. 16 Sarah Young d. Jasper & Elizabeth bur. 1715 Mar. 4 1716 Apr. 1 3 May 3 June 7 July S 5 22 Aug. 19 Sep. 10 Oct. 7 Dec. 14 17 Jan, 13 Mar. 6 1717 July 21 Oct. 2 9 Nov. 6 19 Dec. 2 19 Mar. 11 1 7 18 Apr. IS THE PARISH REGISTER OF CATERHAM. 37 1 7 19 June 19 Henry s. John & Elizabeth Bently bur July 26 Mary d. Walter Hatcher & [blank] bap. 26 Amy d. Thomas Underwood & Margaret bur Jan. 10 John s. Jn° Roffey deceas'd & Mary bap. Feb. 14 Amy d. Franc : & Mary Kent bur. 1720 Apr. 17 Francis Best bur. May 22 John s. Michaell Thornton & his wife Jane born 1 3 bap. 16 [sic] Sarah d. John Bentley & his wife Elizabeth born & bap. June 25 Michaell s. Thomas Drew & his wife Elizabeth born 24 bap. July 5 Sarah d. Daniel Belton & his wife Ann bap. 16 Mary Kidder d. John Kidder & his wife Ann bur. Aug. 1 8 Michael Drew s. Thomas Drew & his wife Elizabeth bur. [1720 Sep. 11 Sarah Berry (of Catterham) bur. Vide Coulsdon Reg. — Ed.] Sep. 1 7 Walter Hatcher bur. 30 Katherin d. Henry Bentley bap. [blank] Jane d. Jeremiah Marten & his wife Elizabeth bap. Jan. 8 John s. Stephen Venner & his wife Alice bap. 1 72 1 Apr. 9 Sarah d. John Drew & his wife Abigu bap. 17 Mary d. William Phillips &: his wife Mary bap. Memorand the parents att psent are certificat inhabitants of Warlingham but ab origine et de jure Parish13 of Becknam in Kent. 1 7 Jasper Wood bur. May 14 Elizabeth d. [blank] bap. 2 1 Ann d. George Mathews & his wife Elizabeth bap. June 1 Ann d. of Jane Dennis, a bastard, bap. Sep. 1 2 William Willett of par. of Burstow & Mary Gall [? Gale] of par. of Wooden [sic] mar. Oct. 5 Richd Rowed bur. 18 Martha d. Ralph Steer bap. \ 21 and bur. ) Dec. 10 [sic] Thomas s. James Phips bap.* Jan. 23 Richard s. Thomas Glover bap. Feb. 11 Eliza. Thornton bur. 28 Jefferey Hatcher bur. 1722 Apr. 25 Joan Drew, widow, bur. 26 Mary Poulter bur. May 6 John s. Frances Kent bap. June 4 Daniel s. Daniel Belton bap. July 26 Thomas s. Jeremiah Martin bap. 26 Alee d. John Smith bap. Feb. 2 Elizabeth d. James &: Mary Martin bap. 1723 Apr. 21 Margarett d. Henry & Mary Bently bap. * " 1721 Thomas the son of James Phips and Griszell his wife was born Dec'. 17th & Baptized Dec'. iSl]x at Catterham." Vide Chaldon Register.— Ed. 38 THE PARISH REGISTER OF CATERHAM. 1723 Apr. 28 Simpson Roff: [Roffey] bur. May 29 Cornelius s. Cornelius White bap. 29 John s. James Fips [Phips] bur. 30 Elizabeth Best, widow, bur. June 6 Jane wife John Barham bur. Sep. 6 William Broughton, a child of ye par: of St. George's Southwark bur. Oct. 10 Katherine d. John & Susan Wood bap. Feb. 16 Amie d. John & Elizabeth Bently, bap. Mar. 22 Francis Kent of Coldsdon bur. 1724 Mar. 29 Christopher Poulter Sen1" [? "Senr" blotted out. — Ed.] bur. Apr. 19 Elizabeth d. James Fips & Grizzell bap. 30 John Rowed bur. May 10 Jane d. [blank] Martin & Judith his wife bap. ["April" crossed out. — Ed.] 24 Mary d. John & Abigail Drew bap. June 19 Mary d. John & Abigail Drew bur. 29 John Inch of Coulsdon bur. July 1 2 Sarah d. James & Eliz. Hollyday bap. 13 Sarah d. Jeremiah & Eliz. Martin bap. Aug. 30 Ann d. William & Ann Poulter bap. Nov. 1 2 James s. James & Mary Martin bap. Dec. 1 Elizabeth d. James Phips & Grizzell bur. 20 John Hoar Sen1' bur. Jan. 5 Jane wife Abraham Martin bur. 1725 Apr. 19 Samuel Nodding & Dorcas Cannum mar. 25 Aaron s. Stephen Venner & [blank] bap. May 20 John s. Will. Cox & Sarah of Chaldon bap. 21 Michael s. John Kerrell & Mary of Coulsdon bap. 23 John s. Tho. Drew & Elizabeth bap. July 14 Elizabeth Dennis of Bromley Kent bur. Aug. 9 Katherine wife Ralph Steer bur. Oct. 15 Tho. s. Timothy & Elizabeth Garland bap. 1 7 James s. James & Elizabeth Hollyday bap. 24 Edward s. Jasper Young Junr & Elizabeth bap. Nov. 25 Mary Kent, widdow, of Coulsdon bur. Jan. 15 Mary Hatcher, widdow, bur. Feb. 20 William Poulter of Chaldon & Elizabeth Matthew mar. Mar. 6 Henry s. Henry & Mary Bentley bap. 16 Ann Dennis, a child, bur. " Mary y e daughter of Ed wd Denis bap. Feb. 2 1726." [? This entry crossed out. — Ed.] 1726 Apr. 20 Henry Baker & Jane Mash man "John ye son of James Martin bap' 26 1776." [?This entry crossed out. — Ed.] May 16 Mary wife Will. Young bur. 25 Tho. Ives, a stranger, bur. Aug. 3 Elizabeth d. Daniel & Ann Belton bap. THE PARISH REGISTER OF CATERHAM. 39 1726 Oct. 9 Jane d. James Fips & Grizzell bap. Mar. 19 Mary d. William Poulter & Anne bap. Oct. 30 [sic] Jn° Pace bur. 1727 Apr. 19 Thomas Rowed bur. 25 Jasper Young bur. Aug. 13 Mary Street bur. Sep. 30 Richd Kill bur. Nov. 14 Martha d. Stephen & Alee Vennar bap. 14 John s. Ralph Steer bap. 19 Hannah Best bur. 26 Elizabeth d. John & Anne Haswell bap. Dec. 8 Abraham Martin bur. [1727] Dec. 12 Henry Thornton bur. from Catterham. Vide Coulsdon Reg. — Ed.] Jan. 14 Jo : Alingham bur. [1727 Jan. 31 Ann Inch, widow, bur. from Catterham. Vide Coulsdon Reg. — Ed.] Feb. 4 Richard s. Jasper Young bap. 1728 Mar. 25 Martha Venar bur. Apr. 4 Sarah d. James Herbert bap. 26 John s. John Thornton bap. 28 Anne d. Henry Bentley bap. May 13 James s. Jn° Millams bap. 29 Elizabeth wife Jn° Muggeridg bur. June 9 Edward s. Hen. Baker bap. 23 Mary d. Tho. Haskins bap. Aug. 24 Tho. Underwood of Godstone bur. 30 John Barham bur, 30 Mary Hoskins bur. Sep. 8 Aaron Vennar bur. Oct. 13 Susan d. James Holyday bap. Nov. 14 Mrs Sarah Dod bur. 14 M18 Sarah Dod her daur bur. Dec. 8 Mary d. Tim. Garland bap. 18 Gabr1 Best of Tandridg bap. Jan. 26 Thomas s. Jn° Sherley bap. Feb. 10 John Steer & Elizabeth Frith both of Sanderstead mar. by licence Mar. n Jn° Kidder bur. 1729 May 4 Elizabeth d. Wm Poulter bap. 23 W,n Young bur. June 7 Jn° Dennis bur. 19 John s. John Haswell bap. Aug. 10 Eliz*h d. James Herbert bap. 15 Eliz*h Beck bur. 19 Mary d. James Martin bap. Sep. 2 1 Edward s. Wm Best bap. Dec. 7 Rob* s. Rob' Percival bap. Jan. 18 Richard s. Tho. Haskins bap. 40 THE PARISH REGISTER OF CATERHAM. 1729 Feb. 19 Mary Clark of S' George Martir in Southwark bur. Mar. 1 Agnes d. Steven Vennar bap. 15 Susannah d. Rob' Garner bap. 1730 Apr. 5 John s. Jasper Young bap. 16 Mra Eliz. Rowed bur. 30 John s. Jn° Haswell bur. May 18 Mary Thornton bur. 23 Susannah Thornton bur. June 1 Mary Roffey, widow bur. 12 William s. Jn° Mills bap. July 14 Tho8 Barns bur. Aug. 16 Benjamin Munday of Lambeth bur. Sep. 5 Richd s. Jn° Sherley bap. 9 Richd s. Jn° Sherley bur. 2 7 Mary d. Jn° Miles bap. Dec. 14 Sarah d. Henry Baker bap. Jan. 15 Timothy s. Tim Garland bap. 23 Wm s. Dan1 Belton bap. Dec. 27 [sic] Mary & Martha Berkin bur. 1 731 Apr. 23 Eliz. Berkin bur. 24 [?] Margaret Ridgaway bur. May 16 Mary d. John Christmas bap. June 2 John Dennis bur. Oct. 8 Patience d. James Martin bap. | 15 and buried ) 24 Thomas s. Thomas Hoskins bap. 25 Widow Hassel bur. 31 Mary d. John Shirley bap. Nov. 17 Widdow Hoar bur. 22 Margarett d. Ralph Steer bap. 28 Sarah d. Edward Dennis bap. Dec. 19 Margarett d. Ralph Steer bur. 31 Sarah d. Edward Dennis bur. Feb. 20 George s. Robert Gardner & Anne bap. 25 Jeremy Martin bur. 27 Mary d. John Hassell & Elizabeth bap. Mar. 2 Sarah d. William Poulter & Anne bap. 3 Elizabeth d. Thomas Hayward & Anne bap. 1732 Apr. 4 Gabriel Best bur. 9 Mary d. Richard Berkin & Martha bap. 10 Elizabeth d. Charles Campbell & Elizabeth bap. 23 Mary Poulter, widow, bur. May 7 Margaret d. John Ridgaway & Mary bap. July 1 Anne wife William Poulter bur. 8 Mary d. William Chambers & Jane bap. 9 John s. John Mills & Mary bap. 27 George s. Robert Gardiner bur. Aug. 20 Lydia [altered from "Lettice." — Ed.] wife William Barham of Tupwood bur. THE PARISH REGISTER OF CATERHAM. 41 1732 Sep. 12 Rose & Mary d.'s John Carter & Massey his wife bap. 22 Elizabeth d. Sarah Gibbins, a Traveller, and her re puted husband William Gibbins bap. Nov. 5 Edward s. John Beck & Elizabeth bap.* 6 Martha d. James Martin & Mary bap. 13 Jeremiah s. Jeremiah Martin & Elisabeth bap. "with the private form"; "admitted publickly Novr 25 " Dec. 10 Thomas s. Matthias Barns, yeoman, & Elizabeth bap. 21 William Best from Coldsdon bur. Feb. 24 Edward s. John Beck bur. 1733 Apr. 8 Sarah d. John Hamilton & Elizabeth bap. 15 William s. William Batt & Elisabeth bap. 19 William s. Ralph Steer & Jane bap. May 10 Thomas Brooke [M. I. Ch. yard " Thomas Brooks " died 7 May aged 55. — Ed.] bur. 1 3 John s. Timothy Garland & Eliza : bap. 22 Anne d. Daniel Belton & Anne bap. July 27 Richard Weller bur. Aug. 22 Thomas Barns bur. Sep. 1 1 Mary Dennis bur. Oct. 3 Richard s. Richard Berkin bap. Nov. 22 Edward s. Edward & Mary Dennis born 15 bap. 25 John s. Hen. Baker & Jane bap. 27 Edwd s. Mary Deiiis bur. Feb. 17 John s. John Christmas & Frances bap. 20 Ann d. Thomas Hayward & Ann bap. Mar. 18 Jeremy s. Jeremy Martin & Eliz. bur. 1734 Mar. 31 Sarah d. William Cox & Sarah of Chaldon bap. Apr. 7 Charles s. Charles Campbell & Elizabeth bap. 14 John s. John Ridgaway & Mary bap. 28 Elizabeth d. Tho8 & Elizabeth Gilbert bap. June 2 Richard Hoskins bur. 12 William s. Anthony & Mary Wood bap. 29 Dorothy Dye bur. Oct. 7 Robert Caket bur. 14 Thomas Dye & Catherine Poulter mar. Nov. 24 Mary d. Will"1 & Eliz. Batt bap. Jan. 1 Ann d. John & Elisabeth Sharley bap. 16 Alice wife John Kidder, a pauper, bur. Feb. 9 John s. Edwd & Mary Dinnis bap. 10 Thomas [altered from "John"- — Ed.] s. James & Mary Martin bap. 12 Willm s. Richd & Martha Berkin bap. John Beck bur. 20 Will. s. Ric. & Mar. Berkin bur. 1735 Apr. 16 Eliz. wife John Hambleton of Wallingha bur. * 4 Oct. 1731 John Beck of Caterham, miller, bach., 23, & Elizabeth Provost of Chipsted, spinster, 22, at Hedley. Vide Allegations for Marriage Licences.— Ed. Married at Headley, 4 Oct., 1731- Vide Headley Reg.— Ed. 42 THE PARISH REGISTER OF CATERHAM. 1735 Apr. 20 Patience d. Sam1 & Ann Mugridge bap. 22 Will"1 s. Willm & Mary Poulter bap. 25 Will™ s. Willm & Mary Poulter bur. June 15 Thomas s. John & Mary Mills bap. July 13 Elizabeth d. Tho" & Mary Easthead bap. Oct. 1 2 John s. Tim. & Eliz. Garland bap. Nov. 16 Thorn8 s. Matt. & Ann Dye bap. 30 Tho8 s. Matt. & Ann Dye of Chaldon bur. Dec. 25 Thomas s. Henery and Mary Bentley bap. Mar. 7 Richard s. Tho8. & Catharine Dye bap. "J. Howes, Cur." [N.B. — From this point to 1738 the entries are made under separate heads, and errors occur as to the commencement of the years.- — Ed.] Baptisms in y° year 1735. 1735 Mar. 14 James s. John & Sarah Brown bap. 14 Mary d. Edward [altered from " Will1"."— Ed.] & Elizabeth Tarrantt bap. Baptisms in y° year 1736. 1736 May 16 John s. Rob* & Eliz. Beck bap. June 20 John s. Thos. & Eliz. Gilbert bap. Oct. 3 Sarah d. Rich. & Eliz. Barkin bap. [blank] ["Eliz. daughr of Alice Gilbert, a suppos'd Bas." crossed out. — Ed.] Dec. 20 Susanna Lucia Henrietta dau. of John* & Henrietta Susanna Howess bap. 28 William s. Will™ & Mary Poulter bap. Mar. 10 Mary d. Tho8 & Mary Easthead bap. 13 Robert s. John & Eliz. Sherley bap. 1737 Apr. 17 Joseph Allingham of Sanderstead, batchellor, & Elisabeth Jones of Croydon, spinster, mar. by Lie. May 22 Elizabeth d. Henry & Elizabeth Dye bap. Aug. 2 1 John s. John & Elizabeth Best bap. Sep. 4 William Frank s. of Samuel & Ann Mugridge bap. 16 George s. Ralph & Jane Steers born 5 bap. 25 Ann d. Matthew & Ann Dye born 14 bap. Oct. 14 John Parsons of Oxted, bac, & Elizabeth Dunn of the same par., sp., mar. by Lie. 23 Edward s. Edward & Mary Dennis born 15 bap. Baptisms and Marriages in the year 1738. 173J Jan. 29 Henry s. John & Mary Mills born 21 bap. Feb. 23 Thomas s. John & Sarah Brown born 17 bap. * He was Curate. — Ed. THE PARISH REGISTER OF CATERHAM. 43 173J Mar. 8 Thomas s. George cS: Sarah Elliot bom 10 Feb. bap. "Joseph Guibert, Rector" [Instituted 2 1 Aug. 1734. Burials in y° year 1736. 1736 Apr. 14 John Best bur. 25 Geo. Allingham of Coulsdon bur. June 2 Mary Rowed, widow, bur. 25 Ann Hatcher, widow, bur. Nov. 21 Eliz. dau. of Alice Gilbert, a supposed Bastard, bur. 26 Mary Knight, a Travell1', bur. Dec. 20 Henrietta Susanna wife John Howess, Curate, died Fryd : Dec. 17 and on Monday bur. Burials in the year 1737. 1737 June 28 John Bull of Godstone bur. Nov. 8 Ann d. Matthew & Ann Dye bur. 18 Tho"" ["Richard" crossed out.— Ed.] Glover bur. 20 Elizabeth Fist, a widow, bur. Burials in the year 1738. 1738 [sic] Feb. at Mary wife Thomas Easted of Tandridge bur. Mar. 1 Michael Rowed of Ry egate bu r. "No affidavit brought in within the eight days — brought March the 13 instead and dated the 9"1 of the said month " 1738 June 29 John Medhurst of Tuphood bur. Aug. 3 Ann bast'1 d. Elizabeth Fuller of this par. and of John Curtis of Warlingham bur. " No affidavit brought." i 7 Martha Birkin wife Richard Birkin bur. Thursday Nov. 9 " Elisabeth the daughter of Richard a pauper" bur. Burials in the year 1739. Feb. 18 [sic] Sarah Bentley of Coulsdon bur. [1739] May 26 Robert Humphrey bur. 38 Henry Rowed s. Richard & Elizabeth Rowed bur. " Joseph Guibert, Rector" Baptisms in the year 1738. 1738 Mar. 26 Thomas s. Thomas & Catharine Dye born 11 bap. May 21 Henry s. Robert & Susan Roffey of Chaldon bap. Sunday — being Whit-Sunday Bastard Carr supposed 24 "Mary the Daughter of JohnA& Mary ACarr Travellers" born & bap. June 35 Anne the Bastard of Elizabeth Fuller of this par. & of John Curtis of Warlingham born Wed. 2 1 bap. July a Elizabeth d. Henry & Marg. Bentley born Tuesday June 27 bap. Sunday, 44 THE PARISH REGISTER OF CATERHAM. !738 July 21 Jane d. Thomas & Emma Belsh of Culesdon born 12 bap. 22 Elizabeth d. Richard & Martha Birkin born 15 bap. Saturday Sep. 12 Thomas s. Thomas & Elizabeth Brooke bora 3 Aug. Thursday — bap. 16 William Humphrey, batchellor, & Mary Page, spinster, mar. by Banns Saturday. "Jos. Guibert, Rector" [N.B. — After this date the entries are intermixed, but see ante, p. 43, for some " Burials in the year i739."—Ed.] 173-g- Jan. 10 Henry s. Richard & Elizabeth Rowed born 8, priv. bap. 10, admitted 24 Feb. 4 Ann d. Robert & Elizabeth Beck born 31 Jan. bap. 1739 May 13 Elizabeth d. William & Mary Humphry born & bap. June 10 Ann Haswell, widow, bur. July 29 Sarah d. Matthew & Ann Dye born 23 bap. Aug. 5 William s. Thomas & Elizabeth Gilbert born July 28 bap. 27 Elizabeth d. William & Mary Humphry bur. Sep. 6 Edward s. Edward & Elisabeth Tarrant born & bap. Nov. 4 Ann d. Thomas & Mary Poulter born Oct. 29 bap. 1 2 Robert Birkin, batchellor, of Chaldon (as he saith) & Judith [altered from " Sarah " — Ed.] Martin of this par., spinster, mar. by Banns 18 Ann d. John & Elizabeth Matthew, Clerk of Coulsdon born 6 bap. IIJog_ ^^ Rector„ Nov. 25 Elizabeth d. John & Mary Boarer born 15 bap. Dec. 14 Thomas s. Thomas & Mary Richardson born 1 bap. 29 Sarah Richardson bur. [1739 Feb. 10 William Berry of Catterham bur. Vide Coulsdon Reg. — Ed.] 1740 [sic] Jan. 14 The widow Ann Howard bur. 13 [sic] Thomas s. John & Elisabeth Best born 10 bap. [1740] Apr. 1 James Cole of Chaldon bur. 1 6 The widow Cacket bur. aged 84 26 John s. Thomas & Elisabeth Brooke born 22 bap. May 18 Mary d. Edward & Mary Dennis born & bap. 18 Thomas s. Daniel & Mary Breddin, a Traveller, bap. June 1 William s. John & Sarah Brown born & bap. July 1 Edward Tarrent bur. 31 Sarah Martin bur. Sep. 5 Thomas Brown bur. „ Joseph ^^ Rector„ Sep. 19 Mary d. Richard & Alice Stenning born 4 bap. 28 Robert s. William & Mary Humphrey born 17 bap. Oct. 2 Richard s. Henry & Mary Rowed of the Court House at Catterham bap. THE PARISH REGISTER OF CATERHAM. 45 [1740] Oct. 5 William Brown bur. [1740 Oct. 17 James Halliday of Catterham bur. Vide Coulsdon Reg. — Ed.] 22 Sarah d. John & Elisabeth Shirley born 12 bap. Dec. 5 Richard s. Henry & Mary Rowed bur. 1 74r Jan. 4 Mary d. Thomas & Mary Poulter born 30 Dec. bap. 4 Mary wife Thomas Fowler of Blechingly bur. Feb. 8 Henry Burle bur. 1 741 May 24 Richard Lewis of St. Botolph Bishopsgate London bur. 26 George Drew bur. June 10 Richard s. Richard & Elisabeth Rowed born 25 May bur. Aug. 16 Edward s. Robert & Elisabeth Beck bap. 16 Richard s. Richard & Elisabeth ["Mary" crossed out. — Ed.] Rowed bur. Sep. 9 Elisabeth d. Henry & Mary Rowed born Aug. 25 bap. 1 1 Ann Roffey from Croydon bur. Oct. 18 William s. Thomas & Elizabeth Brook born 14 bap. 20 William s. Ralph & Jane Steers bur. 24 Jane d. Ralph & Jane Steers bur. Nov. 8 Thomas s. Thomas & Elizabeth Brook bur. 15 John s. Richard & Elisabeth Birkin born 6 bap. Dec. 6 William s. Robert Pike & Jane born 3 bap. 8 " The widdow Wood who died in her hundredth year " bur. 13 Thomas s. John Brown & Sarah born 9 bap. 2 1 Elisabeth d. Henry Rowed & Mary bur. 174^ Feb. 22 Henry s. Henry Dye & Elisabeth* born & bap. 1742 Apr. 18 John s. William & Mary Humphrey born 14 bap. 19 Phillip s. Mary & Phillip Vice born 4 bap. 25 Elisabeth d. John & Elisabeth Best born 18 bap. "Joseph Guibert, Rector" May 16 Alice d. Matthew & Ann Dye born 8 bap. June 29 Sarah Best aged 72 bur. July 18 Sarah d. William & Elisabeth Poulter born 12 bap. Sep. 12 Robert s. John & Mary Mills born 7 bap. [1742 Sep. 16 Susan Holliday of Catterham bur. Vide Coulsdon Reg.— Ed.] 19 Thomas s. Thomas and Ann Withers born 10 bap. [1742 Oct. 9 Elizabeth Poulter of ) Catterham bur. ( Vide Coulsdon Oct. 10 Patience Pitts of Cat- f Reg.— Ed.] terham bur. ) Oct. 12 Jeremiah Martin bur. Dec. 25 Michael s. Richard & Elizabeth Rowed born 16 bap. * 23 July 1736 Henry Dye of Caterham, wheelwright, bachelor, 40, & Elizabeth Barnes of the same parish, spinster, 30, at St. George, Southwark. Vide Allegations for Marriage Licences.— Ed. 46 THE PARISH REGISTER OF CATERHAM. 1743 [sic] Jan. 15 William s. Thomas Brook bur. Jan. 19 Henry s. Henry & Mary Rowed born 3 bap. 30 Hesketh s. Hesketh & Mary Radley born 24 bap. 1743 Apr. 5 William s. John & Mary Boarer born Mar. 13 bap. 23 The widow Roffe aged eighty-seven years bur. 27 Mercy d. John & Elisabeth Pearcy born 26 bap. 27 "Nathaniel my Godson the son of Nathaniel and Elisabeth Brooker" * born 19 bap. [This entry is in the autograph of Joseph Guibert, Rector. — Ed.] May 5 John Roffey, batchellor, & Mercy Bullen, spinster, mar. by Banns Thursday 6 Michael s. Richard & Elisabeth Rowed bur. June 15 Michael s. Robert & Jane Pike born 14 bap. 19 Richard s. Edward & Mary Dennis born 15 bap. July 14 Michael s. Robert & Jane Pike bur. Sep. 4 Emma wife Edward Beldram bur. 4 Henry s. Henry & Elisabeth Dye bur. 8 John s. Nathaniel & Patiance Clement born 7 bap. 1 2 Elisabeth d. Edward & Emma Beldram born Aug. 25 bap. 18 Mercy d. John [&] Elisabeth Pearcy bur. Dec. 24 Ann d. Zeb. & Ann Stone born 24, bap. priv. 24, pur)1* 31 27 Thomas Fowler of North Park, Blechinly bur. [M. I. Chyard, d. 24 Dec, aged 37. — Ed.] 1744 [sic] Jan. 30 William s. Richard & Elisabeth Birkin born 17 bap. Feb. 1 Jane wife Ralph Steers bur. "Joseph Guibert, Rector" 1 74! Feb. 1 2 William s. William & Mary Humphry born 1 bap. 1744 May 25 Elisabeth d. John & Elisabeth Piercy born 21 bap. July 8 Mary d. Elisabeth & William Mugeridge born 7 bap. 19 John s. Richard & Elisabeth Rowed born 11, priv. bap 19, publly admitted 31 Aug. 19 Sarah d. John & Sarah Brown born 7 bap. Sep. 9 Thomas s. Thomas & Elisabeth Brook born Aug. 26 bap. Oct. 10 Michel s. Henry & Mary Rowed born Sep. 28 bap. Dec. 4 John s. Richard & Elisabeth Rowed bur. 1745 [sic] Jan. 1 John s. John & Elisabeth Miles born Dec. 21 1744 [sic] bap. " Joseph Guibert, Rector " 174* Feb. 18 Elisabeth d. Robert & Jane Pike born Jan 30 bap. Mar. 4 Elisabeth Loyd bur. 1745 May 12 The widdow Young bur. aged four-score years. 28 Ann d. John & Mercy Roffey born 27 bap. * 9 Nov. 1741 Nathaniel Brooker of Katerham, bachelor, yeoman, October 21, and Elisabeth Tarrant, of Katerham, 21, at Tooting. Nat1 Brooker signed the Marriage Licence with a X. Vide Allegations for Marriage Licences. — Ed. THE PARISH REGISTER OF CATERHAM. 47 1745 Juty 5 Mary d. Ellis & Elisabeth Hall born June 30 bap. 14 John s. John & Mary Boarer born 10 bap. Sep. 22 John s. Thomas & Jane Drew born 17 bap. 29 Thomas s. Mary & Richard Glover born 23 bap. Nov. 17 Henry s. Richard & Elisabeth Birkin born 2 bap. i74f Mar. 4 Elisabeth wife Will'11 Barham bur. in the 89 year of her age 1746 Apr. 13 William s. Thomas & Elisabeth Brook born 1 bap. " Joseph Guibert, Rector " May 4 JoR [s.J John & Mary Boorer bur. 18 William Barham bur. in the 82 year of his age June 22 Thomas Fowler bur. in the 78 year of his age July 23 Thomas s. John & Elisabeth Piercy born 20 bap. 30 Mary d. Henry & Mary Rowed bap. Aug. 3 Thomas s. William & Mary Humphry bap. 3 Mary d. Henry & Mary Rowed bur. Sep. 28 Jacob Woodgyer & Elizabeth Clowder both of Croydon, he batchellor and she spinster, marr. by Lie. on Sunday Oct. 8 "I Joseph Guibert D.D. and Rector of Catterham in the County of Surr. did name Ellis Hall, Wheel- right, Clerk of this Parish by virtue of the right vested in me October the 8th 1746" 29 Elisabeth d. Nap. & Elisabeth Brooker born & bap. Nov. 16 Sarah d. Thomas & Sarah Piercyfull born 9 bap. 24 Elisabeth Drew bur. "Joseph Guibert, Rector" 174-5- Jan. 25 John s. John & Mary Ledington born 23 bap. ) Elisabeth d. Thomas & Jane Drew born 21 > ¦ 25 iilisabeth a. 1 nomas ¦ bap. ) Feb. 3 Thomas s. Wm & Mary Humphrey, an infant, bur. 1 5 Isaac s. John & Sarah Brown born 5 bap. j a(. one 15 Emma d. William & Elisabeth Mugeridge > tjme born 11 bap. ) 18 Edward Beck bur. in the 85 year of his age 19 Mary d. Robert & Elisabeth Beck born 6 bap. Mar. 1 Emma d. William & Elisabeth Mugeridge bur. 1 Michael s. Robert & Jane Pike born 23 Feb. bap. 1 5 Anna Maria d. John & Elisabeth Bullen bap. 20 Mary d. John & Mary Boarer bap. 23 Mary d. John & Mary Boarer bur. Joseph Guibert, Rector. 1747 Mar. 27 Robert s. Ellis & Elisabeth Hall born 18 bap. Apr. 5 Elisabeth d. Richard & Hannah Venner born 2 bap. 15 Sarrah Kennard of Chaldon, widdow, bur. in the 74 year of her age June 2 Mary wife William Humphrey bur. July 5 Ann wife Daniel Belton bur. Aug. 5 Ann d. Zebuln & Ann Stone bur. 48 THE PARISH REGISTER OF CATERHAM. 1747 "I Joseph Guibert D.D. Rector of Catterham in Surrey have appointed Thomas Scammel of the Parish of Tandridge Clerk of this Parish upon condition y' he shall not become chargeable to this Parish having had a certificate from ye Parish of Tandridge on that account dated September ye 6th 1747 now in the hands of Mr Henry Rowed of Catterham Court House." Oct. 4 Henry s. John & Elisabeth Miles born & bap. Nov. 22 William s. James & Elisabeth Dodd born 15 bap. " Joseph Guibert, Rector " Dec. 5 Thomas Wood bur. 174^ Jan. 3 John bastard s. John Ledger & Elisabeth Burstow bap. 1748 Mar. 29 Richard s. Richard & Mary Glover born 26 bap. Apr. 3 William s. William & Elisabeth Mugeridge, bap. 30 Richard Dye bur. aged 82 June 1 Elisabeth Medhurst bur. July 1 7 Robert s. Henry & Catherine Glocester born 8 bap. 31 Nathaniel s. Thomas & Elisabeth Brooke born 14 bap. Aug. 6 Mary d. Elisabeth & John Curtis born & bap. 7 Michael s. Richard & Elisabeth Birkin born Aug. 4 bap. Sep. 7 Richard s. Henry & Mary Rowed born 2 1 Aug. bap. 15 Abigail Drew wife John Drew bur. Oct. 1 Samuel s. Thomas & Ann Pocock born Sep. 19 bap. " Joseph Guibert, Rector " Oct. 23 Mary d. John & Sarah Martin born 19 bap. 26 Samuel s. Thomas & Ann Pocock bur. Nov. 6 George s. John & Mary Ledington born 1 bap. Dec. 31 Ralph Stear who was formerly Clerk to this Par. bur. i74f Jan. 4 Mary d. John & Elisabeth Bullen born 3, priv. bap. 4, admitted 22 1749 Apr. 2 William s. John & Sarah Brown born Mar. 14 bap. 19 Elisabeth wife Matthew Barns who had a funeral sermon preachd for her bur. 30 John s. John & Mary Boarer born 29 bap. May 6 Sarah d. Thomas & Jane Drew born Apr. 29 bap. 19 Elisabeth wife Tho. Dennis bur. "Joseph Guibert, Rector" May 27 Mary d. John & Mercy Rutter born & bap. June 24 John s. John & Elisabeth Pearcy born 16 bap. July 11 William Humphrey bur. Aug. 6 John s. Zebulun & Ann Stone born July 23 bap. 15 John s. Zebulun Stone & Ann bur. Sep. 17 Richard s. Richard Venner & Hanah born 10 bap. Oct. 2 Buried by permission of Harvey Acton, Coroner, Samuel Smith, who was killed by a fall from a waggon near the Half Moon in ye Turnpike Road 8 Elizabeth Beck, widow, bur. aged 83 years THE PARISH REGISTER OF CATERHAM. 49 1749 Dec. 7 Richard Rowed of Salmon bur. 1750 May n Elisabeth d. Richard & Mary Glover born 1 bap. June 18 John Drew bur. 26 Anne wife Thomas Scammell, Clerk to this Par., bur. "Joseph Guibert, Rector" Aug. 5 Elisabeth d. John & Elisabeth Curtis born July 24 bap. 12 Emma d. Thorn8 & Sarah Piercyfull born 6 bap. 19 Richard s. Thomas & Elisabeth Brooke born 4 bap. Sep. 23 William s. Matthew & Ann Dye born 11 bap. Oct. 2 1 Thomas s. Thomas & Jane Drew born 6 bap. Nov. 4 W7iddow Dennis bur. in the 81 year of her age 8 Lawrence s. Henry & Mary Rowed born Oct. 16 bap. 18 William s. John & Mary Ledington bap. Dec. 6 James Dodd bur. 9 Thomas s. James & Elisabeth Dodd born 7 bap. 25 Thomas s. John & Mary Snelling born 4 bap. "Joseph Guibert, Rector" 175° Jan. 13 William s. John & Ann Cox born Dec. 29 bap. 27 John s. John & Elisabeth Piercy bur. 31 Robert s. John & Elisabeth Piercy born & bap. Feb. 10 Thomas Scammel, Clerk to this Par., and Mary Poulter of Coulsdon mar. by Banns 1 75 1 Apr. 25 Thomas s. Richard & Elisabeth Birkin born 22 bap. 28 Richard s. Jasper & Barbara Young born 22 bap. May 20 John Saunders bur. 22 Thomas Martin bur. 2 6 Elisabeth d. John & Mary Cullingham born May [blank] bap. Aug. 25 Joseph s. Robert & Ann Royston, Travellers, born 19 bap. Sep. 18 Henry Baker bur. "Joseph Guibert, Rector" Sep. 19 The widdow Newit bur. 22 Elisabeth d. John & Elisabeth Bullen born 19 bap. Oct. 8 Mary d. John & Elisabeth Bullen bur. 18 Henry Dye bur. 20 Elisabeth d. John & Mary Brook, Travellars, born 12 bap. Nov. 10 Sarah d. Thomas & Mary Scammel born 7 bap. Dec. 15 Robert s. John & Mercy Roffey born 7 bap. 29 Elisabeth d. John & Sarah Brown born 9 bap. 1752 Jan. 26 Mathias s. Mathias & Jane Barns born 18 bap. Mar. 1 1 Elisabeth Bentley bur. 12 James s. Richard & Mary Glover born Feb. 29 bap. " Joseph Guibert, Rector " 29 Jane d. Thomas & Jane Drew born 19 bap. May 10 Jasper s. Jasper & Barbara Young born 3 bap. 1 1 Richard s. John & Mary Boarer born 3 bap. June 1 4 James s. Thomas & Elisabeth Brooke born May 30 bap. 50 THE PARISH REGISTER OF CATERHAM. 1752 June 20 Ann d. Jeremiah & Mary commonly call'd Lily [a Surname. — Ed.] born 16 bap. July 13 Richard Whiffin [yeoman, 30], batchellor, & Catherine Fowler, widow, mar. by Lie. 28 Thomas Beck bur. Aug. 3 1 Matthew Barnns bur. Oct. 1 7 Susanna d. John & Elisabeth Curtis born 3 bap. Nov. 1 2 Patience d. Henry & Sarah Cullingham born 6 bap. [N.B.— The right-hand half of the next leaf of parchment, which is blank, is cut away. — Ed.] Nov. 19 Jane d. Robert & Jane Pike born 15 bap. Dec. 25 Thomas s. Henry & Elisabeth Bently born 15 bap. 1753 Jan. 28 Sarah d. John & Catherine Mills bap. Apr. 8 John s. John & Mary Cullingham born 2 bap. 9 Mary reputed wife of William Poulter bur. 22 Elisabeth d. John & Elisabeth Bullen bur. 22 Nathanael s. John & Mary Durrant born 18 bap. 26 John Bullen bur. aged seventy years May 20 John s. John & Mary Snelling bap. " Joseph Guibert, Rector " June 2 Edward Gulliffer bur. 3 Elisabeth Fortune d. James & Agnes Othen bap. July 1 James s. Jasper and Barbara Young born June 2 bap. Aug. 5 Thomas s. Thomas & Mary Scammel born July 29 bap. Sep. 2 Robert s. Robert & Jane Hayne born Aug. 12 bap. 30 William s. John & Mary Pouley born 25 bap. Oct. 5 Elisabeth wife John Piercy of Tupwood bur. 20 Thomas s. John & [blank] Glover bap. 26 Isaac Guibert Esqr bur. aged 81 Dec. 9 Mary d. Thomas & Jane Drew born Nov. 24 bap. " J. Guibert, Rector " 1754 Mar. 24 Michael s. James & Elisabeth Dodd born 17 bap. Apr. 4 Mary d. Richard & Mary Glover born Mar 14 bap. May 26 Margaret Underwood, widow, bur. June 30 Jonathan s. Richard & Elisabeth Birkin born May. 27 bap. July 7 John s. Ruth & William Dubery born June 9 bap. 20 Sarah d. Edward & Jane Richardson born 8 bap. Sep. 1 Frances d. John & Elisabeth Bullen born Aug. 27 bap. 22 Richard s. Richard & Alice Illman born Aug. 21 bap. "J. Guibert, Rector" Oct. 10 The widow Bullen of Upwood bur. 27 Benjamin s. John & Sarah Brown born 6 bap. 1755 Jan. 5 Ann Drew, a widdow, bur. from Coulsdon aged 91 years 19 John s. Jasper & Barbara Young born 10 bap. Apr. 1 7 Sarah d. John & Mary Boarer bap. 20 Ann d. John & Catherine Mills born 13 bap. 27 Henry s. John & Mary Cullingham born 18 bap. 1755 May 11 Aug. 16 Sep. 7 Sep. 9 21 Oct. 9 i»j 12 k 1926 29 Dec. 14 1756 Jan. 4 Feb. 15 THE PARISH REGISTER OF CATERHAM. 51 1 1 John Drew of Haystone bur. aged 80 years 16 Ann wife John Haswell bur. Thomas s. Robert & Jane Hayne bap. "Jos. Guibert, Rr" Margaret Wallis of Limpsfield bur. by order of the Coroner Margaret d. Thomas & Sarah Piercyfull born & bap. Elisabeth widow of Richard Rowed of Salmon bur. William s. John & Mary Pouley bur. Robert s. John & Elisabeth Bullen bap. Frances d. John & Elisabeth Bullen bur. Robert s. John & Elisabeth Bullen bur. John s. Richard & Elisabeth Copper bap. Mary d. John & Mary Hatcher bap. Sarah d. Jasper & Barbara Young born 8 bap. B, "Jos. Guibert, Rr" f Feb. 15 George s. Thomas & Jane Drew born & bap. 19 Ann d. John & Elisabeth Curtis born 13 bap. Apr. 8 One whose name was Sarah Piper, a Travellar, bur. 15 Richard Birkin of the par. of Croydon, an inhabitant of Chipsted, bur. aged 80 years 25 Emma d. Thomas & Mary King* born 10 bap. ""' May 2 Emma d. John & Mary Snelling born Apr. 17 bap. I'ft 9 Widow Brooke bur. aged 75 years ™ 23 Elisabeth d. Roger & Mary Clement born 19 bap. f 26 Richard s. William & Ruth Dubery born Apr. 28 bap. June 13 Alice d. Richard & Alice Illman born May 23 bap. " Jos. Guibert, Rector " Aug. 1 7 John s. Richard & Mary Glover born 6 bap. )k Sep. 21 James s. Thomas & Mary Scammel born 20, priv. * bap. 21, puB'r admd 26 ¦ty Oct. 29 James s. Thomas & Mary Scammel bur. I'M 1757 Jan. 16 John s. John & Sarah Brown bap. 1756 [sic] Nov. 28 Mary Millams, a pauper, bur. „|i,! 1757 Aug. 2 Lowrence Rowed, an infant, bur. Oct. 16 Samuel s. Tho8 & Elizabeth Brooke bom Sep. 25 bap. :M July 3 Isaac Darr bur. jwj 18 Anne d. William & Sarah Humphry born & bap. „;A Aug. 16 Beniamin s. John & Sarah Brown bur. ^ 28 Thomas s. John & Mary Cullingham bap. Jj Sep. 2 Thomas s. Thomas and Mary Scammel bur. Nov. 6 John Brown bur. [Remainder of this leaf blank. — Ed.] "John Brown was buried." [Entry not completed. Vide previous entry. — Ed.] 1758 Jan. 7 Elisabeth Humphry bur. aged 74 years * 17 May 1755 Thomas King of Limsfield, abode 4 weeks, wheeler, bach., 25, & Mary Pocock of Coulsdon, abode 4 weeks, spinster, 22, at Coulsdon. Thomas Drew of Catherham, gardener, 2nA Surety. Vide Allegations for Marriage Licences. Mar. at Coulsdon 18 May 1755. Vide Coulsdon Reg.— Ed. E 2 1% 52 THE PARISH REGISTER OF CATERHAM. 1758 Dec. 24 Nathanael s. Richard & Mary Glover bom 20 bap.* 1 743 [sic] Jan. 20 Henry s. Henry & Mary Rowed born 3 bap. 20 1 "Dr Guibert R. of this Parish Died the 12th of Feb1'' 1769. Succeeded by John Jones." "Died since that time. Look into a little Book [Register IV] after the year 1769 & there you will find Christenings & Burials since ye Death of Dr Jos. Guibert." [Remainder of leaf and the two following leaves are blank. — Ed.] BRIEFS. On the fly leaves at the beginning and at the end of Register II are lists of collections made in Caterham Church upon sundry Briefs. These, arranged in order of date, as they appear in the Register, are (in shortened form) as follows : — Oct. 5 1707 Collected on Heavitree brief [Devon] 2 6 12 Orford Church brief [Suffolk] 2 6 26 Dursley Church brief [Glos.] 3 o Feb. 29 Charles Street brief [West minster], [fire] 2 o Mar. 7 Shadwell brief [Middx.] 3 o 21 ye Protestant Church brief of Oberburmen in ye Dutchy of Berge [Germany] 1 10 Apr. 11 1708 Southam brief 2 3 July 25 G* Yarmouth brief [Norfolk] 1 o Aug. 1 Wincanton brief [Som*] 1 6 July 10 1709 Holt Market brief [Norfolk] 1 8 1 7 Harlow brief [Essex] 1 6 24 S' Mary Redcliffe brief [Bristol] 1 5 31 Llanvilling Church brief [Montgom3'] 1 o Aug. 7 Market Rayson brief [Lincoln] 2 ih [Here follows a blank space] Nov. 6 [blank] Coll : on Stoak brief [Suffolk] 1 8 June 7 17 16 Spalding brief [Lincoln] 11 • o" July 15 James Aron's brief [of Little Drayton co. Salop] 1 7 Aug. 12 Thames Street brief [Middx. 1 2 2 Sep. 16 Upton [Essex] & Tempsforfd' brief [Beds.] 2 1 30 Burton in Lancaster brief 1 6 . * The date " 24 " is altered from " 25 " or vice versa. — Ed. t This entry is entered in its proper place in the Register, but the date of the bap. is there stated as 19 Jan. — Ed. THE PARISH REGISTER OF CATERHAM. 53 J^y ; May ii 1717 Coll 1 7 18 [sic] Aug. 18 1717 Mar. 9 Sep. 8 Feb. 9 July 28 Sep. 2 2 May 18 1 7 18 Nov. 10 1734 24 Dec. 8 Jan. 19 Collecte 5 Feb. 2 Mar. 30 2 blank" 4 » Jan. 15 1735 July 13 Aug. 3 Sep. 7 Oct. 29 Nov. 2 Dec. 7 Jan. 4 25 Feb. 29 Mar. 21 June 20 [1736] 11 Aug. 15 29 2 Dec. Jan. 1 Feb. 2 Apr. 96 0 3 J737 May on G' Baldwin, Wilts. 2 Pulny [Putley, Salop] & Jay [Salop] 2 Oldbury, Glos. 1 Frampton, Dorset 1 Benenden [Kent] 2 Ellingham [Norfolk] and Wis bech [Cambs.] 2 Harstoft, Derby 2 Helthwaite hill [Yorks.], &c. 1 Arnold [Notts.] o North Meels, Lancaster 1 Onnisley, Staffordshire 1 Monford, Salop 1 Collected for [not completed] Cottenham [Cambs.], loss by fire 2 Epworth [Lincoln], loss by fire 2 Greffingham Chapel [Lan cashire], for rebuilding 2 All Saints, Middx. 1 Ealing, Middx. 1 Poulton, Lancashire, fire 1 Barnwell, Cambridg, fire 10 io| Shaw Chapel, Lancaster 3 1 Preese, Lancaster, fire 2 South Thorsby, Lincoln 2 Brampton, Hunts. 2 Machynleth, Montgomery 1 East Stoke, Notts. 1 Titsworth, Oxford 1 Llanarmon, Denbigh 1 Norton, Stafford 2 Empsoy, York, fire 2 Milton, Cambridge, fire 1 Recd 5 Briefs May 12 1736. Cobham, Surry, fire 2 Royston, Hertford, fire 1 Mobberly, Chester, storm of hail 2 Walton in y Woulds, Leicester 2 Swaffham Prior, Cambs., fire 1 Pendle Chapel, Lancaster 1 Houghton Regis, Bedford, fire 1 Houghton, Stafford o Castle Hayes [Staffordshire], fire o S'John,Wapping [Middx.], fire o si 3 o4 "4 oo 4 9i 7 o o 10 10 3 6 Aug. 7 21 Sep. 7 Jan. i 2 1738 Feb. 19 Mar. 12 May 2 54 THE PARISH REGISTER OF CATERHAM. July 2 [1737] Collected for Stoney Stratford, Bucks., fire 1 6 1 7 Ravensdale, Westmoreland, building 2 6 Bledworth, Notts. 2 6 Meatham Church, Derby 1 1 Puttenham, Surrey 5 4 S' John Baptist Church, Coventry, building 1 6 Penchrych, Stafford, fire 1 3 Preston, Salop, building 1 1 Abton, Salop, building o 10 Upchurch [Kent], inunda tion of water at 80 July 2 1738 Collected for Dunstew & Dadington, co. Oxon, hail storm o 8 23 Fairwell, Stafford o 7 Aug. 6 Ledbury, Hereford 1 3 20 Marthal, Cheshire, fire 1 10 Sep. 24 Kelshall, Chester, fire 2 35 Oct. 15 Berkswich, Stafford 1 10 Dec. 3 St. Mary's, Gateshead, Durham 1 2 Jan. 28 Longdon, Salop 1 10 Feb. 25 Royston, Cambridge, fire 2 8 Apr. 1 1739 Dunbar Harbour, Scotland ) ,• Collectedfromhousetohouse ) June 22 Boby & Villar, inundation in the Valley of Lucerne 12 6 July 8 Marchington, Stafford o 7 29 Dorchester, Oxford 1 6 Nuneaton, Warwick 1 o Aug. 26 Fenn Stanton, Hunts., fire 1 10 Sep. 2 Standon, Hereford, hail storm 9 9 Oct. 7 Macclesfield, Chester o i\ Dec. 16 Twyford & Stenson, Derby shire o 92 Mar. 2 S' Chad, Stafford o 1 1 22 Walton, Worcester, fire 1 2 Apr. 20 [1740] NewAlresfordjSouthampton, fire, [collected] from house to house 9 6 June 1 Shareshill, Stafford [blank] Mem : at the end of Register II : — ; October the 5 Wednesday 1737 made the Will of John Medhurt of Tupwood — proved in Drs Commons February the fifth 1 73 J made the Will of Richard Dye j He had it again" ) THE PARISH REGISTER OF CATERHAM. 55 Ulster Mfc. MARRIAGES. [Memorandum. — In this Register are entries of publication of Banns of Marriage. The entries have been carefully checked with the Register of Marriages. The first entry of a Marriage is set out in full, and the subsequent ones are somewhat shortened by the omission of mere formal words. It is to be presumed that the contracting parties signed their names unless the contrary appears by an asterisk * after the surname. — Ed.] [1755 Sep. 15 James Russell of Caterham abode half a year, husbandman, bachelor, 22, & Elizabeth Harding of Banstead abode half a year, spinster, 22, at Banstead. Thomas King of Catherham 2nd Surety. Vide Allegations for Mamage Licences. No marriage is recorded in the Banstead Reg. — Ed.] 1755 Sep. 7 ) Banns of Marriage between Timothy Garland & 14 > Elizabeth Tanner were published by Joseph 21 ) Guibert, Rector [1757 July 4] Thomas Hoskings & Anne Poulter both of this Parish were Married in this Church by Banns this Fourth day of July in the Year One Thousand Seven Hundred & Fifty Seven by me " Geo. Piggott," fCurate ("Thomas Hoskings" This marriage was ) "Anne Hoskings late solemnized between Us ) Anne Poulter's x ( mark" In the presence of "Thomas Scammell's x mark" "Thomes [Thomas] King" I7S7 July 26 John Smith of Coulsdon, batchelor [abode 6 months, husbandman, 30], & Mary Haswell of C. % [abode 6 months, spinster, 24], by Licence by G. P. Wit. : John Snelling* [farmer], Thomas Brooke 17S8 Mar. 25 Job Chandler* of C. & Sarah Shirley* of C. Banns by G. P. Wit. : Thomas Brooke, Mary Glover i7?q Tan. -10 Thomas Martin of C. & Sarah Howard* of C. Banns by G. P. Wit.: Thomas Scammell,* Parish Clerk, Richard Glover t In all subsequent entries the initials of the officiating Clergyman are only given where the name is repeated.— Ed. J C. = of this Parish [Caterham]. 56 THE PARISH REGISTER OF CATERHAM. 1759 May 10 George Tyler of C. & Mary Skinner* of Home. Banns by G. P. Wit.: Thomas Scammell*, Job Chandler* 1760 Sep. 6 William Richardson* of C. & Anne Evans* of C. Banns by W. Williams, Curate of Coulsdon. Wit.: Henry Rowed, Henry Dod, inhabitants [Banns published by Jn° Jones, Curate. — Ed.] Oct. 14 Richard Isemonger* of C. & Mary Dorant* of C. Banns by W. W. Wit: Henry Rowed, Hen. Dod, inhabitants of C. Dec. 9 James Agent* of C, b., & Jane Weller* of C. Banns by W. W. Wit.: Henry Rowed, Benjamin Brown, inhabitants of C. 2 1 William Coston* of Bromley, Kent, & Sarah Poulter* of C, s. Banns by W. W. Wit.: Hen. Dod, Thomas Scammel,* inhabitants of C. [176 1 Feb. 2 Napkin Brooker* of Caterham abode 6 weeks, farmer, widower, 49, & Mary Wicking of Godstone abode 6 weeks, 48, at Godstone. Vide Allegations for Marriage Licences. — Ed.] 1762 May 31 Thomas Lew of C. & Mary Stanning of C, s. Banns by W. W. Wit. : Thomas Scammel,* John Brooke July 31 Robin Skinner* of C, b., & Elizabeth Dye* of C. Banns by W. W. Wit.: Henry Rowed, Hen. Dod [The next form is cancelled. — Ed.] Aug. 29 Henry Dodd.t w., of C, & Ann Dye, w. Banns by John Jones, Curate. Wit.: Thomas Brooke, Thomas Scamell* Oct. 9 James Hersey of C. & Elizabeth Borer* of Coulsdon. Banns by W. W. Wit.: Thomas Brooke, Tho8 Scammel * [1762 Nov. 15 John Scriven* of C, lab1', & Mary Da vies,* s. (servant with Joseph Hodgkin, Esq., at Garston Hall). Banns — married at Coulsdon. Vide Coulsdon Reg. — Ed.] 1763 Oct. 26 Thomas Lew,* w., of C. & Sarah Rumsey.* Banns by W. W. Wit. : James Beck, Thomas Scammel [both witnesses' names are in the handwriting of W. W.— Ed.] [1764 Oct. 5 John Harling of C. abode 4 weeks, carpenter, bach., 25, & Mary Ware of Godstone, abode 4 weeks, sp., 20, at either of Parish Churches — with consent of William Ware of Godstone, yeoman, the father of the said minor. Vide Allegations for Marriage Licences. —Ed.] t Signed "Dod." THE PARISH REGISTER OF CATERHAM. 57 1765 Aug. 9 John Mitchell of Caterham, bachelor [abode 4 weeks, 25], & Elizabeth Brooker, minor [19], of C. Lie, with consent of father [Natkin Brooker of Caterham, husbandman] by H. Goodricke, Minr. Wit. : John Brooker, Thomas Scammell* n William Borer* & Elizabeth Clarke* of C. Banns by J- J- Wit. : Henry Budgen, Thomas Scamell 1766 Jan. 23 Thomas Icemonger* & Ann Botten* of C. Banns by J- J- Wit. : Thomas Brooke, Thomas Scamell Apr. 7 Edward Galyor* of Blechingley & Mary Smith* of C. Banns by J. J. Wit.: Edward Mitchel,* Thomas Scammell. [" Galyer" in Blechingley Register. — Ed.] [1776 Dec. 22 Thomas Quiddington & Mary Ridge* of Catterham. Banns — married at Coulsdon. Vide Coulsdon Reg. — Ed.] 1767 Feb. 17 John Beck* & Mary Dalton* both of C. Banns by J. J. Wit. : Henry Rowed, Michael Rowed Dec. 3 John Challton * & Sara Scammell* both of C. Banns by J. J. Wit. : Moses Marshall, Richard Miller 3 Nathaniel Brooker of Caterham [abode four weeks, husbandman, bach1', 24] & Sara Pigot * [Piggott of Caterham, spr, a minor, with consent of William Piggott of Cowden, Kent, shoemaker, her father.] Lie. by J. J. Wit. : Moses Marshall, Thomas Scammell 1768 July 27 William Hemen of C. & Mary Barr of C. Banns by J. J. Wit. : Thomas Brooke, Thomas Scamell Aug. 6 William Williams of Fulham, Middlesex [gardener, bachelor, 21], & Anne Shirley of Caterham [abode four weeks, spinster, 21]. Lie. by H. G. Wit: Eliz. Shirley, Mary Shirley 1769 July 16 William Brooke of C. & Elizabeth Glover of C. Banns by J. J., Curate. Wit. : Thomas Scammell, John Charlton* Oct. 15 Robert Skinner of C, labourer, & Elizabeth Chalton of C, s. Banns by Jo. Jones, Rector. Wit. : Thomas Scamell, Wm Rowed 1770 Aug. 21 Thomas Brooke of C. & Ann Young of C. Banns by J.J. Wit. : Martha Moorey, Thomas Scammell Oct. 30 Richard Miller & Elizabeth Pitts both of C. Banns by J. J. Wit. : John Brooke, Thomas Scamell 31 William Popplet * & Elizabeth Swaine both of C. Banns by J. J. Wit. : Thomas Brooke, Thomas Scammell 1772 Jan. 7 Joseph Isted* of C, journeyman butcher, & Hester Allen of C. Banns by J. J. Wit. : Thomas [illegible], Nathanel Brook Aug. 12 John Boarer* of C. & Ann Clarke* of C. Banns by J. J. Wit. : John Brooke, John Caudery 58 THE PARISH REGISTER OF CATERHAM. 1772 Oct. 6 Thomas Watkings of C. & Elizabeth Sanders of C. Lie. by J. J. Wit. : James Brooke, William Brookef 1773 -^ug. 12 Abraham Filewood of Godstone, bricklayer, & Mary Roffey of C. Banns by J. J. Wit. : John Brooke, Mary Hemmans, William Brooke Dec. 13 John Chell J of C. & Elizabeth Cliff* of C. Banns by J- J- Wit. : Thomas Brooke, William Brooke 1775 Feb. 8 John Hatcher of C. & Ann Bullen of C. Banns by J. J. Wit. : John Roffey, William Brooke Oct. 5 John Brooke of C. & Mary Clement * of C. Banns by G. P. Wit. : Thos Clement, William Brooke [1775 Oct. 12 John Cooper of Caterham & Eliza beth Alfrey.* Banns — married at Coulsdon. Vide Coulsdon Reg. 1776 July 11 James Fowell* & Anne Cumber* of Caterham. Banns — married at Coulsdon. Vide Coulsdon Reg. — Ed.] 1777 Nov. n Richard Divall* of C. & Jane Mathew* of Chipsted, s. Banns by John Lorimer, Curate. Wit. : Henry King, William Brooke 1778 Mar. 16 William Nickols, of C, b., & Mary Borer of C, s. Banns by John Hill Thompson, Curate. Wit. : William Brooke, Thomas King May 21 George Buckland of C. & Elizabeth Drew of C. Banns by G. P. Wit. : Thomas Brooke, William Brooke July 21 Nathanael Brooke of C. & Anne Russell of God stone. Banns by G. P. Wit. : John Brooke, William Brooke Sep. t 7 Jasper Wood * of C. & Sarah Divall * of C. Banns by G. P. Wit. : Thomas Brooke, Henry Miller 17 John Page* of C. & Jane Davis* of C. Banns by G. P. Wit. : Thomas Brooke, Henry Miller 1779 Oct. 3 j Banns of Marriage, Thomas Bentley of C. & Mary 10 | Keel of Merstham published by G. P. [Married 17 ] at Merstham, 28 Oct., 1779. — Ed.] Nov. 22 William Edwards,* b., & Mary Lew* both of C. Banns by G. P. Wit. : W111 Farlow, W'1' Brooke 1780 Apr. 3 Richard Brooke* of C. & Mary Glover of C. Banns by H. G., Minister. Wit: John Brooke, Wm Brooke 29 Thomas Cheesman* of C. & Sarah Garland* of C. Banns by H. G. Wit. : Wm Brooke, Tho8 Wood Nov. 28 Henry Miller of C. & Elizabeth Winchester* of C. Banns by R. Laxton. Wit: Jn° Brooke, Wm Brooke t Nominated clerk and sexton, 19 July, 1772, by J. Jones, Rr of Catterham. —Ed. t Signed "Cheabb." THE PARISH REGISTER OF CATERHAM. 59 [1781 Jan. 24 Benjamin Talbut of Caterham & Mary Letts* of Coulsdon. Lie. Married at Coulsdon. Vide Coulsdon Reg. — Ed.] 1781 Apr. 17 John White* & Elizabeth Gadd* both of C. Banns by Anthony Freston, Cur. Wit. : Wm Brooke, Tho8 Weston Oct. 1 7 John Hillman* of Beddington & Patience Clements* of C. Banns by H. G. Wit : Wm Brooke, Jon Brooke 1782 Feb. 7 Thomas Borer of C. & Mary Mills* of C. Banns by J. B. Ferrers. Wit. : Jn° Brooke, Wm Brooke [1782 Oct. 8 Michael Rowed of Caterham & Sarah Dabner* of Coulsdon. Banns. Married at Coulsdon. Vide Coulsdon Reg. — Ed. ) 1783 Nov. 16 j Banns of Marriage bet. Thomas Patrick of C. & 23 > Sarah Webb of Bletchingley, pub. [Married at 30 ) Blechingley, 1 Dec, 1783. — Ed.] 1784 Nov. 9 John Wooder* of C, b., & Mary Brooker,* s., of C. Banns by Richard Ball, Cur. Wit. : Jn° Brooke, Tho3 Pawsey 22 John Sears* of C, b., & Elisabeth Wood* of C, s. Banns by R. B. Wit. : John Mills, William Nicholls 1785 Apr. 7 Jeremiah Alliff* of C, b., & Rebecca Dinnis* of C, s. Banns by H. G. Wit : Jn° Brooke, Will" Nicholls Sep. 12 James Miller of C. & Sarah Gilliham* of C. Banns by J[ohn] T. Lamb, Cur. Wit. : Henry Neale, William Nicholls Nov. 22 George Elliott* of C. & Ann Tyler* of C. Banns by Joseph Sharpe, Minister. Wit. : Thomas Rig, Wiallm [William] Nicholls 1786 May 9 Thomas Bentley* of C. & Susan Stockwell* of C. Banns by J. T. Lamb. Wit. : J°n Roffey, Jn° Brooke 1787 Feb. 5 William Nichols t of C. & Mary Boarer* of C. Banns by J. T. L. Wit. : Wm Brooke, Nthiell Brooke June 11 Edward Lloyd* of C. & Ann Wicher* | of Warlingham. Banns by J. T. L. Wit. : Jn° Brooke, Wnl Brooke [1787 Oct. 14 William Snelling* & Sarah Haward* of Caterham. Banns — married at Coulsdon. Vide Coulsdon Reg. — Ed.] Oct. 30 Abraham Sanders of C. and Elizabeth Gadd* of C. Banns by J. T. L. Wit. : Jn° Brooke, William Jewell 1788 Sep. 6 William Martin* of C. & Eliz. Austin of C. Lie. by J. T. L. Wit: John Durnford, John Brooke Nov. 18 Robert Drew* of C. & Jane Holliday* of C. [Banns] by J. T. L. Wit. : Jn° Brooke, George Buckland 1789 May 30 William Edwards of C. & Eliz. White of C. [Banns] by J. T. L. Wit. : Stephen Quartermain, Jn° Brooke + Signed "Nicholls." J " Wicker " in Warlingham Register.— Ed. 60 THE PARISH REGISTER OF CATERHAM. 1789 July 2 Wm Hersey of C. & Sarah Bently * of C. Banns by J. T. L. Wit: Thomas Bently,* John Brooke 1790 May 3 Will™ Hatfield* of C. & Eleanor Richardson* of C. [Banns] by J. T. L. Wit. : Christian Cunningham, Jn° Brookes July 8 Thomas Eades * of C. & Hannah Page * of C. Lie. by J. T. L. Wit. : Jn° Brooke, John Clark 1 791 Mar. 28 Richard Illman & Elizabeth Medhurst of C. Banns by James Beresford. Wit. : Jn° Brooke, Nathell [sic] Brooke Apr. 26 George Hoare of C. & Sarah Smith of Brastead. Lie. by J. T. L. Wit: John Dench, John Coombes, Jn° Brooke. " Duty paid to this time." 1794 Nov. 26 John Seers* of C. & Hannah Dunford* of C. Banns by J. B. Wit. : Jn° Brooke, Richd Brooke 1795 Jan. 8 Edward Neal of C. & Judith Hersey* of C. Banns by J. B. Wit: Jn° Brooke, senr, John Brooke, jun1' 22 William Hatfield* of C. & Harriett Brooke* of C. Banns by J. B. Wit. : Jn° Brooke, Joseph Elin [?] 1796 Oct. 3 William Gratwick,* sojourner in this parish, & Elizabeth Knight, sojourner in this parish. Banns by J. B. Wit. : Jn° Brooke, John West 9 Joel Borer of Bletchingley & Sarah Bayleyf of C. Banns by J. B. Wit. : Jn° Brooke, Josiah Shergold 18 Thomas Argent* of C. & Mary Borer* of C. Banns by J. B. Wit. : Jn° Brooke, Charles Couper 24 John Crane of C. & Hester Istead* of C. Banns by J. B. Wit. : Jn° Brooke, sen1", Jn° Brooke, junr 1797 Aug. 3 William Lockyer* of C. & Elizabeth Heath* of C. Banns by James Legrew, Minister. Wit.: Jn° Brooke, Richd Brooke 1798 July 28 James King of Merstam, b., & Jane Tanner of C, s. Banns by J. L. Wit : Jn° Brooke, James Weller c, ) Banns of Marriage between Richard Brook of C. 23 I [w.]t & Anne Lew [s.], of Chelsham. Pub. by n ">° c H. G. on 23 & 30 Sep. & by Richard Smith on uc ' 7 ) Oct. 7. [Mar. at Chelsham 7 Nov., 1798] 1799 Sep. 15 William Roffey* of C, b., & Amy Tatnell* of C, s. Banns by J. L. Wit : John Ward, Jn° Brooke Mar. 10 ] Banns of Marriage between James Chandler, b., of 17 > C. & Elizabeth Wibsdale of Sundridge, published 24 ) by J. L. May 1 Thomas Daws* of C, b., & Elizabeth Holman* of C, s. Lie. by J. L. Wit. : John Hollman, Tho8 Patrick + Signed by mark. % Signed " Bailey. " THE PARISH REGISTER OF CATERHAM. 61 1799 Sep. 15 ) Ba"ns of Marriage between Matthias Barnes, w., of 22 V V't ^nne Matthew> w-> of Coulsdon, pub. by J. L. [Married at Coulsdon 17 Nov. 1799. Vide 9 ) Coulsdon Reg.— Ed.] V Nov. 24 Thomas Jackson* of C, b., & Sarah Buckland* of C, s. Banns by J. L. Wit. : Martha Drew, Jn° Brooke 1800 Feb. 7 William Smith* of Coulsdon, b, & Jane Brooke* of Caterham. Lie. by J. L. Wit: Nathaniel Brooke,* Jn° Brooke Apr. 19 James Dolton* of Tandridge, b., & Elizabeth Smith of C, s. Banns by J. L. Wit. : Jn° Brooke, Nathaniel Brooke* [1802 Aug. 22, 29 and Sept. 5 Adam Neldratt & Mary Shove of Caterham. Banns published at Coulsdon. Vide Coulsdon Reg. — Ed.] 180- Aug; 17 i Banns of Marriage between Samuel Bentley, b., & J 24 J Henrietta Clear, s., both of C, pub. by J. L. xi I [This entry is interlined and no marriage is ¦* ( recorded.-— Ed.] Feb. 12 Benjamin Ellis of Albury, b., & Elizabeth Puplet* Lie. by J. L. Wit. : Tho8 Patrick, Jn° Brookes Oct. 15 John Fairall* of C, b., & Ann Waterford of C, s. Banns by J. L. Wit. : Michael Waterford,* John Brooke 1804 Sep. 29 Francis Bish* of C, b., & Lydia White of C, s. Banns by J. L. Wit. : Joseph Chun,* Jn° Brooke Nov. 27 Thomas Hoskings of C, b., & Rebecca Rivers* of Coulsdon, widow. Banns by J. L. Wit. : Robert Pittat,* John Brooke. [Banns published at Couls don 1804 Nov. 11, 18 and 25. Vide Coulsdon Reg.— Ed.] Dec. 17 John Fuller of Coulsdon, b., & Sarah Sayer Hitchens of C, s. Lie. by J. L. Wit. : Maria Hitchins, John Hitchins 1805 Mar. 30 James Turner of Warlingham & Hannah Dutnal of C. Banns by J. L. Wit: John Shearley, John Brooke, junr Apr. 22 Robart Pettard* of C., b., & Sarah Annis of C., s. Banns by J. L. Wit. : Phebe Brooke, Wm Bull Oct. 17 William Reygate* of C, b., & Rebecca Collins* of C, s. Banns by J. L. Wit : George Burnell *& John Brookes 1807 May 11 William Payne of C, b., & Elizabeth Dolton* of C, s. Banns by J. L. Wit. : Thomas Payne, John Brooke Oct. 2 William Gatton* of C, b., & Anne Chard* of Bromley, Kent. Banns by J. L. Wit.: Thomas Davis, Jn° Brooke Oct. 25 ] Banns of Marriage between William Wareham of C, Nov. 1 \ b., & Mary Maynard of Godstone, widow, pub. by & 8) J. L 62 THE PARISH REGISTER OF CATERHAM. 1807 Dec. 20 Richard Wood of C, b., & Elizabeth Sampson* of C, s. Banns by J. L. Wit: James Sampson, John Brooke 1808 June 26 j Banns of Marriage between William Burgess of July 3 !• Merstham, b., & Elizabeth Ellis of C, s., pub. & 10 ) by J. L. [Mar. at Merstham, 16 July, 1808. — Ed.] Nov. 10 Thomas Payne of C, b., & Sarah Brooke, of C, s. Banns by J. B. Wit. : William Payne, Mary Bishop* 1809 Nov. 21 Joseph Istead* of C, w., & Elizabeth Roffe* of C, s. Banns by J. L. Wit. : Henry Roffey, John Brooke Dec. 9 Thomas Songhurst* of C, b., & Lucy Hunt* of C, s. Banns by J. L. Wit: James Songhurst,* John Brooke, junr 5 William Henry Blackmore of Hatfield, Herts., b., & Elizabeth Bull of C, s. Lie. by J. L. Wit: Elizabeth Goodman, Mary Bull, Wm Bull 14 Bartholomew Jackson of C, b., & Sarah Saxby* of C, s. Banns by J. L. Wit. : Sarah Borer, John Brooke, junr 1810 Sep. 22 Charles George Hitchins of C, b., & Mary Bull of C, s. Lie. by J. L. Wit. : Ann Goodman, Ann Bull, Wm Bull . Oct. 27 William Bull of C, w., & Martha Elizabeth Morgan of Pimlico, St. George, Hanover Square, Middlesex, w. Lie. by J. L. Wit. : Ann Bull, Thomas Clarke, junr 181 1 Jan. 5 Edward Putland of Carshalton, b., & Maria Thomasin Hitchins of C, s. Lie. by J. L. Wit: Amelia Hitchins, John Fuller Feb. 1 1 William Boarer* of C, b., & Mary Smith* of C, s. Banns by J. L. Wit. : William Apted, John Brooke, jun1' 181 2 June 20 Thomas Lewis* of Coulsdon & Anne Cook.* Banns by J. L. Wit. : Susan Howard, Thomas Vocks* [Banns published at Coulsdon, 181 2, May 31, June 7 & 14. Vide Coulsdon Reg. — Ed.] Oct. 12 Thomas Hailer of C, b., & Sarah Clark, of C, s. Banns by J. L. Wit. : Ann Elief, Jesse Brooker Dec. 29 William Harris of C, b., & Anne Rowed of C, s. Banns by J. L. Wit. : Mary Rowed, John Brooke, junr [Here follows 13 entries of Banns of Marriage from 1813 — 1823, after which the remainder of the printed forms are blank. — Ed.] 18 13 May 16 | winiam Iles of Q & Keturah Stevens of Egham, M ( by J- L. 3° ) Robert Woolford marriage at C. recorded. — Ed.] Oct -?i \ XT ' ¦* / Robert Woolford of Cudham & Sarah Tamplin of C. NOV. 7 > , T T r,T Tl by J. L. [No ma THE PARISH REGISTER OF CATERHAM. 63 1815 Apr 2 3 ] 30 i William Rowed, b., & Ruth Smith, s., both of C, May 7 j by J. L. [Married 24 July 1815, Caterham] 18 1 7 Feb 2"? ) Mar 2 i Richard Hersey, b., & Sophia Belsom, s., both of C, j by J. L. [Married 15 Mar. 181 7, Caterham] 1818 May 10 | Charles Russell of C, b., & Sarah Tetchener of 17 - Godstone, s., by J. L. [Married 30 June 1818, 24 ) Caterham] Oct 1 I James Shirley of Godstone & Mary Miller of C, by of J- L. [No marriage at C. recorded. — Ed.] 1821 May 13 j Gabriel Waterford of C, b., & Phillis Creesy of East 20 j- Grinstead, s., by J. L. [No marriage at C. re- 27 ) corded. — Ed.] °' ( Thomas Bentley, wid1", & Sarah Snelling, w., both of f C, by J. L. [Married 7 Nov. 1821, Caterham] 1822 Jan. 13 ) John Tulett, singleman, & Anne Elieff, singlewoman, 20 > both of C., by J. L. [Married 28 April 1822, 27 ) Caterham] Apr. 21 ) Richard Shepherd of C. & Sarah Everest of Couls- 28 > don, by J. L. [No marriage at C. or Coulsdon May 5 ) recorded. — Ed.] Sep. 29 ] John Gibb & Mary Ann Bish, both of C, Sep. 29, ( by J. L. Oct 6 i by Revd T. Walton, Rector of Chaldon [Married 13 ) 19 Oct. 1822, at Caterham] 1823 Feb. 9 | joseph Bull> b ; & Elizabeth Greenfield, s., both of ( C, by J. L. [Married 14 Mar. 1823, Caterham] 23 I July 13 ) Thomas Watson, b., & Martha Cornish, s., both of 20 ( C, by J. L. [Married 30 July 1823, Caterham] 27 ) [Remainder of printed forms blank] 64 THE PARISH REGISTER OF CATERHAM. Agister V&. [Mem. — The variations, in square brackets, in italic type, are taken from a transcript of Register IV which was made in 1801 by the Rev. T- Legrew, a subsequent Rector of Caterham. See Register V post. The entries in Register IV are here printed in the order they appear in the Register. — Ed.] "22 May 1760 bought this Book at London for a Shilling one shilling and is to serve for a Register Book for Catterham Parish." 1759 Oct. 28 Jane Hatcher baptized 1760 Apr. 13 Edward s. Jasper & Barbara Young bap. May 1 1 William s. John & Mary Smith bap. "taken down from Thomas Scammels notes, Parish clerk, Monday 19 May 1760 by me Jos. Guibert Rr " Aug. 10 John s. John & Catherine Mills born Sat/ 9 bap. Suny 1 7 Ann, an infant d. of John Dennis, now going living, and of Ann Denis, deceased, buried Oct. 1 2 Richard s. Thomas & Ann Haskings [Hoskings] born 6 bap. Nov. 30 Richard s. Sarah & reputed s. of Richard Roffey born 16 bap. "Joseph Guibert, Rr" Nov. 30 Richard s. Sarah & reputed s. of Richard Roffey born 16 bap. [sic] Dec. 23 The widow Birkin of Croydon parish aged 88 bur. 16 Thomas s. Thomas Wood, an infant, bur. 17" The widow Lee was burd " [Lancet in transcript, a misreading. — Ed.] 28 Elisabeth d. Sarah & John Constable born 10 bap. "now is Sunday 4 January in the year of our Lord 1 76 1 this day I entered their names in this Book. Joseph Guibert, Rr " 1 76 1 Jan. 18 Henry s. William & Ruth Duberry bap. 25 Richard s. Emma & Benjamin Brown bap. Feb. 8 John s. Ann & Will™ Richardson priv. bap. 14 The widow Glover bur. 15 " 14th right" aged 77 years 22 William s. Richard & Mary Glover bap. Mar. 1 John s. William & Ann Richardson bap. 1 Ann d. Thomas & Jane Drew bap. 1 5 Thomas s. Thomas & Sarah Peercyfull [Percifull] bap. 22 Sarah d. Mary & John Glover born & bap. Cartel) iaegtstets of Caterham, gmrrep* TRANSCRIBED BY CAPT. R. R. BRUCE BANNERMAN, M.C, THE QUEEN'S (R.W. SURREY REGT.) EDITED BY W. BRUCE BANNERMAN, F.S.A., HON. SEC. SURREY PARISH REGISTER SOCIETY. CONTENTS. Register IV. Baptisms | Burials J 1761 — 1803 65-86 Churchwardens 1770 — 1786 86 — 88 V. Baptisms | Burials J 1803 — 1812 89 — 97 VI. Burials 1813 — 1837 98 — 102 VII. Banns ) Marriages 1 1813 — 1837 103 — 105 „ VIII. Baptisms 1813 — 1837 106 — 116 117 — 136 Index Locorum ¦ 137— 139 PART II. PRIVATELY PRINTED CROYDON : ISSUED TO THE SUBSCRIBERS BY W. B. BANNERMAN, 4, THE WALDRONS. THE PARISH REGISTER OF CATERHAM. 6 o 1 76 1 Apr. 18 Jeremiah s. Jeremiah & Mary, commonly called Lilly [a Surname. — Ed.], bap. by me Jos. Guibert, Rr "Jos. Guibert, Rr" May 24 Henry s. Henry & Elizabeth Bently bap. June 14 Elizabeth,* the bastard child of Elizabeth Clement & Thomas Poole ["Thomas Lew, Lewe, Lewe" is written by the same hand. — Ed.] bap. July 26 Anna [Ann] d. George & Mary Tylar [Tyler] bap. 28 Daniel Belton, a pauper, bur. 1 2 [sic] Edward s. Jasper & Barbara Young bur. Aug. 30 William s. John & Elizabeth Brown bap. [1762 Nov. 15 John Scriven of Catterham, labourer, & Mary Davies, spinster, at Garston Hall, servant with Joseph Hodgkin, Esq., mar. by Banns. Vide Coulsdon Reg. — Ed.] 1763 [sic] Apr. 15 Sarah d. Richard & Sarah Argent bap. 1766 sic May 11 Sarah wife John Hatcher bur. 1766 sic 11 Sarah d. John & Ann Thornton bap. 1768 [sic] Jan. 31 Henry Bentley bur. " Jos. Guibert, Rector " 1761 Dec. 13 Richard s. John & Mary Snelling bap. 1762 Apr. 4 Ann d. William & Ruth Dubery bap. Sunday 9 Elizabeth Brooke bur. 14 Elisabeth Wood of Warlingham, widow, bur. May 5 Dorothy Dennis bur. 30 William s. Richard & Sarah Argent bap. 9 [sic] Sarah d. Sarah & William Humphry bap. Feb. 8 [sic] Thomas Brown bur. 14 Thomas s. Thomas & Mary King bap. 15 Ann d. Ann & William Richardson bap. 24 Ann d. Ann & William Richardson bur. Mar. 12 Mary d. John & Mary Boarer bap. June 13 William s. Richard & Sarah Argent bur. 26 Elisabeth,f a bastard, d. of Elizabeth Clement & Thomas Lewe bur. Aug. 15 James Brown bur. Dec. 1 Thomas s. Thomas & Sarah Piercyfull bur. 1764 [sic] Nov. 1 1 Mary d. Thomas & Mary ) [Compare entry (by the Haskings bap.J ( same hand) under 1764 [sic] Nov. 10 [sic] Mary d. Thomas & f date, 17 Nov., 1764. Mary Haskings [sic] J ) Vide y.bT post. — Ed.] 1762 July 18 [sic] Mary d. Thomas & Mary Lew bap. 2 1 Thomas s. John & Sarah Hatcher bap. Sep. 12 Thomas s. Thomas & Ann Haskings [Hoskings] bap. 1763 Jan. 2 Emma d. John & Elisabeth Brown bap. 20 Emma d. Robert & Elisabeth Skinner bap. * For burial see entry 26 June, 1762. — Ed. t For baptism see entry 14 June, 1761, ante.— Ed. % These entries are not contained in the transcript. — Ed. 66 THE PARISH REGISTER OF CATERHAM. 1763 Feb. 25 Elizabeth d. Benjamin & Emma Brown bap. Mar. 6 Martha d. Thorn8 & Jane Drew bap. 23 Henry Rowed bur. Apr. 12 Mary Lew bur. "Jos. Guibert, Rr" Apr. 21 Isaac Jeffery bur. 24 George Tyler s. George & Mary Tyler bap. July 4 Margaret d. Henry & Elizabeth Bentley bap. Aug. 28 John Bentley aged 83 years bur. Sep. 10 John Shirley aged 79 years bur. Oct. 28 Elisabeth Brooker bur. [M. I., churchyard, states "Ann" wife of John Brooker d. Oct. 24, 1763, aged 53. — Ed.] 1758 [sic] Dec. 24 Nathanael s. Richard & Mary Glover born 20 Dec. & bap. 24 Dec. 1758 "entered in this Book 5 December 1763 owing to Mr Piggott death." [See ante, p. 52. — Ed.] 1764 Jan. 2 Hannah d. Richard & Mary Glover bap. 22 John s. Jasper & Barbora Young bur. [Jan. 13 is incorrectly given in the transcript. — Ed.] Mar. 14 William s. James & Elisabeth Hayssy [Haysey] born Mar. 7 bap. Nov. 25 Thomas s. Elizabeth & Robert Skinner bap. 30 John s. John & Ann Thornton J [Dec. 11 is incor- bap. priv. ( rectly given in 30 John s. John & Ann [blank] ( the transcript. — bap. priv. [This entry is not) Ed.] repeated in the transcript. — Ed.] 1765 Feb. 24 Emma d. John & Sarah Scriven bap. [Mary is incorrectly given in the transcript.— Ed.] 1766 June 1 Patience d. Elisabeth & Henry Bentley bap. 1763 [sic] June 26 Robert s. Barnet [Barnard] & Sarah Martin bap. [Date altered from 1764 and note "1763 right"— Ed.] 1764 Apr. 30 Susannah Guibert of the par. of S* Mary la Bone Middlesex, widow, bur. aged 90 years May 6 Elisabeth Brown bur. Sunday June 1 1 Ann wife Zebulon Stone bur. [blank] Mary An d. [blank] & Ann [blank] bap. [This entry is not contained in the transcript. — Ed.] [Mary Ann d. of Thos. 6° Ann Williams bur. June 21, 1764. This entry does not appear in the Register. — Ed.] July 17 [?] William Page born June 21 bap. [This entr)> is not contained in the transcript. — Ed.] 22 Mary Muggeridge bur. [1764 Aug. 10 Mrs. Thornton, widow, of Catterham bur. Vide Coulsdon Reg. — Ed.] Sep. 16 Henry s. Mary & John Snelling bap. THE PARISH REGISTER OF CATERHAM. 67 1764 Sep. 16 Henry s. John & Mary Snelling bap. [sic] [This entry is not repeated in the transcript. — Ed.] 25 Richard Young aged 60 bur. Nov. 16 Thomas s. Elisabeth & Robert Skinner bap. Dec. 1 1 John s. John & Ann Thornton bap. 23 Helenger [Eleanor] d. William & Ann Richardson bap. Nov. 17 [sic] Ann d. Thomas & Ann Haskings [Hoskings] bap. [See ante, p. 65. — Ed.] "Here begins the year of our Lord 1765." [1765 Jan. 19 John s. John & Ann Thornton of Catterham bur. Vide Coulsdon Reg. — Ed.] 1765 [Feb. 10] Robert s. Jane & Thomas Drew [bap.] 10 Roberts. Jane & Thomas Drew bap. [This entty is not repeated in the transcript. — Ed.] 5 [sic] Thomas s. William & Ann Poulter bap. "Jos. Guibert, Rr" "Jos. Guibert, Rr" [sic] June 14 Eleanor d. William & Ann Richardson bur. July 1 1 Edward s. William & Ruth Dubery born & bap. Sep. 5 Henry s. Thomas & Mary King bap. [The date is incorrectly given in tlie transcript as " IJ." — Ed.] Oct. 6 Mary Hatcher bur. 9 Ann d. Thomas & Mary Green bap. Dec. 3 William s. John & Mary Harling bap. [The date is incorrectly given in the transcript as "2." — EdJ 3 William s. John & Mary Harling bap. [sic] [This entry is not repeated in the transcript. — Ed.] 1.766 Jan. 25 Elisabeth d. Mary & George Tyler bap. 26 William s. Sarah & Bamet [Barnard] Martin bap. 28 Charlote d. Elisabeth & John Mitchel bap. [Altered from " 24."— Ed.] 29 John Easted aged 85 years bur. Mar. 8 James s. Elisabeth & William Birkin bap. Apr. 1 Sarah d. James & Elisabeth Haysy [Haysey] bap. 5 Richard s. Thorn8 & Ann Isemonger bap. May 26 Sarah d. Elisabeth & William Boarer bap. June 26 Catherine d. Henry & Susannah Rowed bap. July 4 Susannah Rowed bur. Aug. 26 Richard Rowed bur. 31 Mercy Roffey bur. Sep. 5 Thomas s. Thomas & Elisabeth Clement bap. [" from Welcombs" in transcript — but such statement is not in the Reg.— Ed.] ,„-,.. 17 Robert s. William & Judith Pierciful [Perctfull] bap. ["from Coulsdon" in transcript— but such state ment is not in the Reg. — Ed.] 18 Mary d. William & Mary Page bap. F 2 68 THE PARISH REGISTER OF CATERHAM 1766 Sep. 16 Sarah d. William & Ann Page bap. [This entry is not contained in the transcript. — Ed.] Oct. 1 Ann d. John & Emma Boarer bap. Nov. 13 Thomas s. Sarah & William Humphrey bap. 1767 Jan. 11 Robert s. John & Mary Snelling bap. " Joseph Guibert, Rector " Jan. 18 James s. Sarah & John Lane bap. 24 Mary d. Thomas & Mary Green bap. Feb. 26 Frank Dye bur. ["Francis Dye" is written twice in the same handwriting against the entry. — Ed.] Mar. 8 William s. Ann & Thomas Hoskings bap. Apr. 8 Sarah d. John & Elizabeth Mitchel bap. [Mar. 8 is erroneously given in the transcript. — Ed.] 11 Elisabeth d. Thomas & Elisabeth Quidington bap. [The mother's name is given as "Mary" in the transcript.— Ed.] 1 2 Henry s. Robert & Elisabeth Skinner bap. May 13 Eleanor d. John Brooker & Ann Richardson bap. [The entry in the transcript is given as d. of William <5^ Ann Richardson.- — Ed.] Moses s. James & Elisabeth Wood bap. 12 Thomas s. John & Catherine Mills bap. Mary Bottin bur. Samuel Brook bur. Mary d. Thomas & Jane Drew bur. Henry s. William & Ann Poulter bap. William s. William & Elisabeth Birkin bap. William s. William & Elisabeth Boarer bap. 19 Isaac Brown, killed by a stroke, bur. 23 Anna Maria d. James & Elisabeth Haysy [Haysey] bap. 24 Mary d. Nathanael & Sarah Brooker bap. May 7 Mary d. William & Ruth Dubery bap. 24 Elisabeth d. James & Mary Beck bap. July 10 Mary d. Barnet [Barnard] & Mary [Sarah] Martin bap. 30 Mary d. Thomas & Mary Quidington bap. Aug. 2 1 An infant travellar bur. Sep. 24 Samuel, Samuel [sic] s. Thomas & Mary King bap. [The date is erroneously given as 21 in the transcript —Ed.] "Joseph Guibert, Rector" Sep. 27 Sarah Morgan, infant, d. William Morgan & Anne Page bur. Oct. 1 Mary d. Henry & Elisabeth Bentley bur. (Jane [written over Mary] 2 [Mary d. Thomas & Jane Drew bap. [The transcript gives Mary as a burial. — Ed.] 1 [sic] Samuel s. Thomas & Jane Drew bap. "right" [The transcript gives the date as " 8." — Ed.] June July 7 12 21 Nov. 3° 5 1768 Jan.Feb. 10 7 Mar. 29 Apr. 19 THE PARISH REGISTER OF CATERHAM. 69 1768 Oct. 9 Marguarith [sic] Murguarita [Margaret] d. Henry & Elisabeth Bentley bur. [Headstone in churchyard broken and illegible. — Ed.] 14 Joan Griffith, widdow, from London, aged 85 bur. 16 Robert s. John & Mary Roffey bur. Sunday Nov. 2 1 [?] Henry s. George & Mary Tyler bap. Dec. 4 Sarah d. John & Sarah Chalton bap. 9 [?] Abraham Martin, a pauper, bur. [This is the last entry in the handwriting of Joseph Guibert, Rector. —Ed.] [Mem.: After 9 Dec, 1768, the Baptisms and Burials are entered separately down to 28 Nov., 1779, after which date they are intermixed to 29 Apr., 1787, after which they are again entered separately from 7 Oct., 1789, to 26 Mar., 1803.— Ed.] [1769 Jan. 23 Joanna d. William & Anne Page of Caterham bap. Vide Coulsdon Reg. — Ed.] BAPTISMS. 1769 Apr. 23 William s. Thomas Richardson & Mary May 5 Elisabeth d. John Mitchel & Elisabeth 1 5 Sarah d. Thomas Haskins & Ann June 5 William s. William Brooke & Elizabeth July 16 Aaron s. James Wood & Elizabeth Nov. 30 Polly d. John Thornton & Ann Dec. 17 Thomas s. Will™ Clarke [Clark] & Amy 24 Elizabeth d. Richd Gadd & Elizabeth 19 [sic] William s. Philip Stredwick & Mary 1770 Feb. 17 Charlotte d. William Borer & Elizh Mar. 4 Elizabeth d. William Burkin & Elizabeth 27 John s. John Challton [Chalton] & Sarah May 13 James s. William Poulter & Ann 27 Will"1 s. Anthony Parmer & Hannah June 5 Will"1 s. Willm & Elizabeth Brooke Aug. 5 Napkin s. Nathaniel Brooker & Sarah 21 Sarah d. Henry Bentley & Elizh Oct. 13 Elizabeth d. John Smith & Mary 27 James s. James Hearsy & Elizabeth 1 77 1 Jan. 27 James s. Tho8 Drew & Jane Feb. 17 John s. William Popler & Eliz11 Mar. 3 Leah d. George Tyler & Mary 15 Ann d. Robert Rose & Ehzh 19 Samuel s. Will"1 Brooke & Elizabeth May 20 John s. Thomas Brooke & Ann 21 Samuel s. William Hemen & Mary 31 Joseph s. Will"1 Page & Ann June 10 Sarah d. Richard Gad & Elizabeth 70 THE PARISH REGISTER OF CATERHAM. 1 77 1 July 3 Henry s. Henry Rowed & Mary Aug. 4 James s. John Snelling & Mary 1 8 Joseph & Mary (twin-born) s. & d. Robert Skinner & Elizabeth Oct. 7 William s. William Clarke & Amy 1 6 Annd. Philip Stredwick & Mary Dec. 29 Mary d. John Filewood & Mary 1772 Feb. 2 William s. Thomas Richardson & Mary Mar. 1 George s. Anthony Parmer & Hannah 22 Maria d. Thomas Haskins & Ann May \6 Sarah d. William Burkin & Elizabeth June 14 Mary d. Sarah & John Charlton 21 Samuel s. William Brooke & Elizabeth 23 Joseph s. Joseph Isted & Hester July 25 Elizabeth d. William ["Samuel" erased] Hemen & Mary Sep. 27 Saint-John s. Henry Rowed & Mary Dec. 8 Samuel Jenner s. Samuel Jenner, b[ase] b[orn], & Elizabeth Parmer 10 Mary d. John Mitchel & Elizabeth 1773 Apr. 3 Hannah d. John Boarer & Ann. [This entry is written at the bottom of the page. — Ed.] Feb. 14 [sic] Ann d. William Poplet & Elizabeth Mar. 6 Richard s. William Boarer & Elizabeth 26 Elizabeth d. Robert Rose & Elizabeth June 27 Thomas s. James Hearsey [Hersey] & Elizabeth Aug. 6 Thomas s. Thomas Watking & Elizabeth 15 Mary d. Joseph Isted & Easter 29 Henry s. Willm Page & Ann Oct. 24 Elizabeth d. Richd Dival & Mary Dec. 1 5 Mary d. John Teale & Elizabeth 27 John s. William Poulter & Ann 1774 Jan. 29 James s. Barnard Martin & Sarah Feb. 10 Sarah d. Anthony Parmer & Hannah 25 James s. Henry Bentley & Elizabeth 26 Mary d. William Brooke & Elizabeth Mar. 3 Rebecca d. Thomas Pausey & Mary 12 Thomas s. William Burkin & Elizabeth 23 Thomas s. Henry Batchelor & Elizabeth 27 James s. John Filewood & Mary Apr. 17 David s. William Brown & Martha 29 William s. Thomas King & Mary May 13 Sarah d. William Clerk & Amy 22 Sarah d. Richard Tanner & Hannah June 8 John s. George Tyler & Mary 26 Judith d. Jasper Wood & Sarah Aug. 4 Elizabeth d. Thomas Brooke & Ann Oct. 13 Sarah d. Robert Rose & Elizabeth Dec. 1 Sarah d. John Borer & Ann THE PARISH REGISTER OF CATERHAM. 71 1775 Mar. 18 Rebecca d. William Brooke & Elizabeth Apr. 22 John s. Thomas Watking & Elizabeth 27 Sarah d. Thomas Tatnell & Sarah 30 William s. Thomas Bentley & Mary May 1 1 Maria d. Henry Rowed & Mary 19 John s. John Harlin & Mary 28 William s. William Hemen & Mary 9 [sic] Elizabeth d. John Hatcher & Ann June 23 William s. John Rowed & Ann 30 Ann d. Joseph Isted & Hester Jewell* s. William Borer & Elizabeth Thomas s. Thomas Pauseyt & Mary John s. Richard Gad & Elizabeth John s. John Cornson & Sarah 3 1 William s. William Popler & Elizabeth Benjamin s. Timothy Garland & Elizabeth Jane d. William Page & Ann Sarah d. Nathaniel Brooker & Sarah Elizabeth d. John Filewood & Mary 26 Nanny, bastard, d. John Cooper & Sarah Diveall William s. William Brown & Martha William s. William Brooke & Eliz. Ann d. William Burkin & Eliz. Elizabeth & Mary, twin-born, bastard d.'s of James Luck & Mary Cressy Robert s. Robert Rose & Eliz. John s. John Brooke & Mary Hannah d. Richard Tanner & Hannah Richard s. Richard Borer & Mary John s. Thomas Pausey & Mary 20 [sic] Samuel s. John Borer & Ann 20 Sarah d. Barnard Martin & Sarah 27 Mary d. William Clarke & Amy Dec. 1 Richard s. Richard Hewin & Catharine 22 Elizabeth d. James Fowel & Ann 1777 Jan. 19 Judith d. James Hearsey & Elizabeth May 11 James s. James Hitchcock & Elizabeth 18 Sophia d. Will. Brooke & Elizabeth born 2 June 14 Elizabeth d. John Charlton & Sarah July 13 Mathias s. Mathias Barns & [blank] Aug. 31 Henry s. William Borer & Elizabeth Oct. 31 Richard s. Henry Rowed & Mary born 10 Nov. 28 Esther d. Joseph Isted & Esther born 22 Dec. 14 William s. Richard Gad & Elizabeth 21 William s. Robert Caket & Mary 1778 Feb. 15 Sarah d. John Brooke & Mary * "Joel " written above by another hand. — Ed. t " Pawsey " written below by another hand.— Ed. July Sep. Nov. 15 6 19 Dec. 3i 776 Jan.Feb. 3i 7 4 Apr. 23 6 26 May M 19 19 19 June July 3° 26 28 Aug.Oct. 4 23 72 THE PARISH REGISTER OF CATERHAM. 1778 Feb. 27 Charlotte d. William Page & Ann Mar. 1 2 Sukey d. Thomas Pausey & Mary Apr. 5 Thomas s. William Nickols & Mary May 31 Elizabeth d. William & Elizabeth Puplet 31 Sarah d. William & Mary Hammond June 7 Nancy d. William & Elizabeth Brooke July 26 George s. Richard & Mary Borer Aug. 23 Sarah d. George & Elizabeth Buckland Sep. 6 John d. William & Elizabeth Burkin 20 Thomas s. James & Elizabeth Hiscock Oct. 4 George s. Robert & Elizabeth Rose Dec. 6 Benjamin s. Benjamin & Elizabeth Shepherd 25 Nathanael s. Nathanael & Sarah Brooker 1779 Jan- 17 John s. Barnet & Sarah Martin 24 John s. William & Amy Clark 31 Elizabeth d. Nathanael & Anne Brooke Mar. 1 1 Mary d. Thomas & Mary Pausey Apr. 1 2 James s. Henry & Mary Rowed May 23 Thomas s. Matthias & Sarah Barns 23 Jane d. Richard & Hannah Tanner July 2 Charlotta d. John & Ann Borer Sep. 19 Richard s. James & Elizabeth Hearsay Oct. 31 Charles s. Thomas & Anne Haskins Nov. 14 Harriot & Anne drs John & Mary Brooke 14 Sarah d. Joseph & Esther Isted 28 John s. John & Mary Filewood [N.B. — From 28 Nov., 1779, to 29 April, 1787, the entries of baptisms and burials are inter mixed. — Ed.] 1780 Jan. 18 Robert Beck bur. 23 John Moorey bur. Feb. 23 Roger s. John & Mary Harling bap. 27 Richard baseborn s. Mary Tyler bap. Mar. 5 John s. John & Mary Harber bap. 5 Susan d. John & Sarah Charlton bap. 12 Samuel s. Thomas & Mary Bentley bap. 1 2 Anne d. William & Martha Browne bap. Apr. 30 John s. William & Mary Nichol bap. June 4 Amy d. George & Elisabeth Buckland bap. 1 1 Catherine d. William & Elizabeth Borer bap. 23 Ann d. Henry & Mary Rowed bap. July 16 Mary d. Richard & Mary Borer bap. 2 1 Ann d. William & Ann Dutnall bap. Aug. 6 Jane d. Nath1 & Ann Brooke bap. Nov. 19 Rob' Wyatt s. Mary Young bap. 26 William s. Nathanill & Sarah Brooker bap. 26 Elisabeth Miles bur. Dec. 31 Sarah d. Wm & Elisabeth Poplet bap. THE PARISH REGISTER OF CATERHAM. 73 1 781 Feb. 27 Elisabeth & Sarah d.'s Phillip Mitchell Fairhall & Elizabeth Fairhall dom : bap. : secund : off: privat : baptism : Received into the Church, Mar. 1 1, 1781 Mar. 25 Richard s. Wm & Amy Clark bap. 9 [sic] The body of John Goodnight was buried Apr. 20 Martha d. Robert & Elisabeth Rose dom: bapt : secund : off: priv : bapt : December, 1780. Reced. into the Church May 20 Elizabeth d. Henry & Elizabeth Miller bap. 1779 Feb. [blank] Elisabeth Brooks bur. 1 78 1 May 24 John Clark bur. June 3 Amy d. Wm & Elisabeth Birkin bap. May 29 John Curtis of Wallingham bur. [blank] Anne Brooks, an infant, bur. June 21 Mary d. Henry & Mary Rowed priv. bap., sec: off: priv : bapt : by the Revd M1' Goodricke 29 Mary the above mention'd bur. July 25 William s. Thomas & Mary Pausey priv. bap. March, sec : off: priv : bapt : received into the Church Aug. 1 2 William s. Richard & Mary Brooke bap. Sep. 2 Richard Bax* bur. Nov. 4 James s. John & Mary Brooke bap. 25 Olave d. Benjamin & Elisabeth Sheppard bap. "Anthony Freston" [Curate.— Ed.] 1782 Feb. 12 Thomas Drewe bur. Mar. 3 Martha d. Richd & Mary Borer bap. 8 Ann Richardson bur. 8 Roger Brooke Brooker s. Sarah Brooker bap. 24 Mary d. James & Ann Foe bap. 31 Wm s. Tho8 & Sarah Cheesman bap. 31 Richard s. Joseph & Esther Isted bap. Apr. 17 Zebulon Stone bur. May 5 Richd Burkin bur. 5 John Miles bur. June 16 Rebecca d. Robert & Elizabeth Rose bap. 23 Richard s. John & Mary Filewood bap. 26 Thomas Argent bur. Aug. 1 1 Mary d. Richd & Hannah Tanner bap. Sep. 1 James s. Nathaniel & Ann Brookes bap. 19 Napkin Brooker bur. 22 Michael (natural child) s. Sarah Staynes bap. Nov. 1 Jane Baker bur. 3 Chivers d. William & Mary Ham men bap. 14 Sally d. Benjn & Mary Flint bap. Dec. 8 Jane d. Michael & Sarah Rowed [" Dabner " erased. — Ed.] bap. 29 Henry s. Henry & Elizab1'1 Miller bap. * " Beck " written over by another hand. — Ed: 74 THE PARISH REGISTER OF CATERHAM. 1783 Mar. 3 Ann Fowel bur. 3 Charles Parlow, infant, bur. 16 Jesse s. Richd & Mary Brooke bap. 16 Richard s. Matthias & Sarah Barnes bap. Apr. 1 Phoebe d. John & Mary Brooke dom : bapt : secund : officium privat : bap : Admitted into the Church, Apr. 6 6 Sarah d. Henry & Mary Rowed bap. 13 Susannah d. William & Mary Nicolls bap. May 9 [The above Susannah. — Ed.] bur. June 8 Susan d. Thomas & Sarah Cheeseman bap. 8 Henry s. Will111 & Elizabeth Poplett bap. 17 Honour Clarke bur. 29 Lucy d. Will111 & Elizabeth Borer bap. July 27 Thomas s. Thomas & Mary Bentley bap. Aug. 30 Michael Brooker bur. Sep. 4 John Dutnall bur. 8 Mary Pawsey bur. 15 Thomas Wood bur. [M. I., churchyard — late of Warlingham, d. Sep. 5, aged 75.— Ed.] 21 Elizabeth d. Thomas & Mary Pawsey bap. 2 1 Sarah Percivall bur. 2 1 Benjamin s. Philip & Elizabeth Fairall bap. "Births, Christenings, & Burials since the first of October 1783, at which time an Act took place imposing a duty of threepence on each." Oct. 26 Mary Argent bur. Nov. 5 Elixabeth Hammond (a pauper) bur. 26 Mary d. Benj11 & Mary Flint born Nov. 26 bap. 30 [The above Mary. — Ed.] bur. 30 James s. Richd & Mary Borer bap. Dec. 28 William White (natural child) s. Martha Brown & William White the reputed father bap. The mother of the above infant received Alms from ye Parish 1784 Jan. 4 John Bullen (a pauper) bur. Feb. 22 William s. Thomas & Mary Payne bap. Mar. 2 1 Rebecca d. George & Mary Tyler dom : bap : sec : off: privat: baptism: May 19, 1781 Admitted into the Church 21 Mary (natural child) d. Elizabeth Gibbs (a pauper) bap. 2 1 Mary (natural child) d. Ann Tyler (a pauper) bap. 28 Elizabeth d. Benjamin & Elizabeth Shepherd bap. Apr. 4 John s. George & Elizabeth Messenger bap. 4 Judith d. Joseph & Esther Isted bap. 25 Wm s. Michael & Sarah Rowed bap. May 29 Susannah d. Sarah Brooker bap THE PARISH REGISTER OF CATERHAM. 75 1784 July 12 William s. William & Mary Nicholls bap. 20 Sally d. Henry & Elisabeth Miller bap. 3 Rebecca d. John & Sarah Chalton bap. 18 Ann d. Mary Brooker & Wm Woodyer the reputed father bap. Sep. 19 Elisabeth d Tho8 & Sarah Patrick bap. Oct. 10 James s. William & Amy Clarke bap. Aug. 5 Sarah Miles bur. [M. I. in churchyard— Sarah— (wife of John Miles) died 4 Aug., aged 56. " When God doth cut the Thread of Life," Then fatal Death parts Man and Wife."— Ed.] July 1 2 John Brooker bur. 1785 Jan. 30 Martha d. Nathaniel & Ann Brookes bap. Feb. 13 Bernard s. Barnard & Sarah Cheesman bap. 27 Thomas s. Tho8 & Sarah Bentley bur. Mar. 12 George s. John & Mary Filewood bap. 18 Elisabeth Seers bur. Apr. 8 Bartholomew Stockwell bur. May 1 Mary d. Rob* & Elisabeth Rose bap. 13 Patience Isemonger bur. 28 Henry Miller bur. 28 George s. Wm & Eliz. Berkin bap. May 4 John s. Wm & Ann Dutnal born Apr. 3 June 9 Sarah Curtis bur. 13 Mary Nicholls bur. July 24 William Nicholls bur. 28 Mary Scamel bur. " J. T. Lamb, Curate " Aug. 7 Elisabeth d. Jeremiah & Rebecca Aliff bap. 15 Richard Glover bur. Sep. 18 Sarah d. Richard & Mary Borer bap. 18 Benjamin s. Benjn & Mary Flint bap. Oct. 30 Mary d. John & Mary Brookes bap. Dec. 1 1 Mary wife Thomas Bentley, a pauper, bur. 1 786 Jan. 8 Thomas s. Thomas & Mary Payne bap. 22 Michael s. Michael & Sarah Rowed bap. 27 John Fowler, Gen', bur. [M. I. in churchyard — late of Bletchingley, d. Jan. 19, aged 74. — Ed.] 29 Fanny d. William & Elizabeth Puplett bap. May 2 1 William s. Thos & Mary Boarer bap. 28 William s. Matthew & Sarah Barns bap. 28 John s. Joseph & Hester Isted bap. June 14 William Glover bur. 18 George s. William & Sarah Wheeler bap. July 9 Edward s. Edward & Patience Stretter bap. 9 Amey d. Nathaniel & Ann Brooke bap. 2 1 Amey d. Nathaniel & Ann Brooke bur. 30 David s. John & Ann Prowett born Mar. 23 bap. Aug. 6 William s. Joseph & Phillis Gatton bap. 76 THE PARISH REGISTER OF CATERHAM. 1786 Aug. 13 Rachael d. Philip & Eliz. Fairall bap. 13 Jane Smith bur., a pauper Sep. 1 o Thomas Poulter bur. 22 Thomas Boarer bur. Oct. 8 William s. Jeremiah & Rebecca Ayliff bap. 25 Edward Apps bur. 29 William s. George & Mary Messenger bap. Dec. 25 Rachael d. Phillip & Eliz. Fairall bur. 28 Ann d. John & Mary Wooder bur. 1787 Jan. 14 Richard s. Benjn & Eliz. Shepherd bap. 2 1 Mary wife John Harling bur. Feb. 2 Thomas s. Thomas & Eliz. Wood of Warlingham bur. [M. I. churchyard — T. W. Junr d. 26 Jan., aged 7 yrs. 4 mo et 18 days. — Ed.] 4 Martha d. Nathanael & Ann Brooke bur. •5 William s. Thomas & Mary King bur. [" Sally daughter of William & Ann Dutnall born Feb. 4, was baptized March 9, 1787, by the Revd T. Brathwaite." This entry has been erased, but see three entries further on. — Ed.] Mar. 4 Mary wife John Wooder bur. 8 Eliz. d. John & Mary Filewood bur. 9 Sally d. William & Ann Dutnall born Feb. 4 bap. Apr. 2 2 Amey d. William & Amey Clarcke bap., a pauper 29 Eliz. Knight bur. [N.B. — The next burial occurs on 7 Oct, 1787, and all subsequent entries are entered at the other end of the Register under the head of Burials. See post, p. 83. — Ed.] [BAPTISMS.] May 13 Robert s. Michael & Sarah Rowed June 1 1 James s. Nathanael & Sarah Brooker, a pauper 1 7 Michael s. William & Eliz. Birkin, a pauper July 9 James, a pauper, s. Martha Brown 10 Sarah d. Thomas & Mary Pawsey 10 Eleanor d. Thomas & Mary Pawsey 29 Thomas s. Richard & Mary Borer Oct. 14 Richard s. Robert & Elizabeth Rose 14 Robert s. John & Mary Filewood 21 Ann d. John & Ann Edwards Dec. 2 Mary d. Jeremiah & Rebecca Cliff 2 Sarah d. William & Sarah Wheeler 1788 Jan. 13 Harriot d. John & Sarah Chalton, a pauper 26 Rebecca d. Susanna Stacey, a pauper 27 George s. George & Ann Dalton, a pauper 30 Mary d. Matthias & Sarah Barnes Feb. 3 Abraham s. Abraham & Eiz. Sanders 24 John s. William & Mary Nicolls THE PARISH REGISTER OF CATERHAM. 77 1788 Mar. 21 William s. Richard & Hannah Tanner, a pauper May 1 1 Ann d. John & Susan Mills, a pauper 25 Robert s. John & Ann Prowett born 4 Feb. July 24 William s. Edward & Patience Stratter [Streater] Aug. 24 Amey d. Will"1 & Sarah Snelling Sep. 7 Eliz. d. John & Mary Brooke born Aug. 20 28 Robert s. Will"1 & Eliz. Martin Dec. 16 Arabella d. Nathaniel & Ann Brooke 21 Sarah d. Mary & Richard Hill 28 John s. Michael & Sarah Rowed 1789 Jan. 21 Tho8 Percifull buried Jany 21 1789 [Written on inside front cover of Reg. — Ed.] May 22 Samuel s. Thomas & Mary Pawsey 31 George s. George & Mary Messenger June 7 James Burkin s. Hannah Page, a pauper Aug. 2 Alice d. Jeremiah & Rebecca Ayliffe 30 Stephen s. W,n & Amy Clarke, a pauper Oct. 25 John s. Richard & Mary Borer, a pauper 25 Jesse s. Sarah Brooker, a pauper 1790 Jan. 31 John s. Abraham & Eliz. Saunders Feb. 14 Harriot d. Michael & Sarah Rowed 16 Jane d. William & Eliz. Burkin, a pauper Apr. 4 Sarah d. John & Mary Filewood 25 John s. John & Sarah Balcomb May 2 Sarah d. Will1" & Sarah Hasey [Hersey] July 1 1 Jane d. Will1" & Sarah Wheeler n John s. John & Ann Edwards 12 James s. John & Ann Prowett born May 16 Aug. 29 John s. James & Hannah Birkin 29 Sarah d. John [altered from " Will"1."— Ed.] & Mary Garland Oct. 3 Ann d. Will1" & Eleanor Hatfield Nov. 2 1 Rebecca d. Jeremiah & Rebecca Alyff 21 Mary d. Eliz. Smith 28 Thomas s. John & Sarah Charlton, pauper Dec. 26 Rebecca & Charlotte d.'s of Ann Dalton, paupers 1 79 1 Jan. 9 Richard s. Richard & Mary Hills 16 Sarah d. James & Sarah Price Feb. 9 James s. Thomas & Mary Pawsey Apr. 3 Rebecca d. Nath1 & Ann Brooke July 5 Jessay & Isaac sons Richard & Mary Borer 1 7 Thomas s. Joseph & Phillis Gatton Sep. 25 Thomas s. John & Mary Garland Oct. 2 William s. John & Sarah Balcomb Dec. 1 1 Sarah d. Michael & Sarah Rowed 1792 Jan. 15 James s. James & Sarah Price 29 Ann d. Willm & Sarah Hersey* [altered from Percy] * " Hersey" written over surname by another hand. — Ed. 78 THE PARISH REGISTER OF CATERHAM 1792 Mar. 29 Phoebe d. Philip & Eliz. Fairall Apr. 22 Sarah d. Samuel & Jane King May 8 Thomas s. John & Mary Ward June 22 George s. Martha Brown, a pauper July 1 Amelia d. Willm & Eleanor Hatfield 8 Sarah d. Thomas & Ann Brooke 22 Charles s. John & Ann Prowet born [blank] Aug. 2 Sarah d. Nath1 & Ann Brooke. "Duty paid to Oct. 1, 1792 " Nov. 13 James s. James & Hannah Burkin Dec. 10 Mary* d. John & Mary Filewood 1 793 Jan- 2° Mary d. Will"1 & Sarah Wheeler 27 Thomas s. John & Ann Edwards Feb. 17 John s. Richard & Mary Hills 1 7 Sarah d. Jeremiah & Rebecca Ayliffe July 7 Nathaniel s. Abraham & Eliz. Saunders Aug. 4 Mary d. Eliz. Burkin, a pauper Sep. 27 Joseph s. Will"1 & Mary Bull, born Feb. 9 Nov. 3 Joseph & Charles sons John & Mary Ward 3 James s. Will™ & Sarah Harsey [Hersey] 17 Willm s. Will™ & Eleanor Hatfield Dec. 29 Ann d. Edward & Eliz. Dewberry 1794 Jan. 31 George s. George & Sarah Hoare Feb. 3 Mary d. Daniel & Rebecca Constable Mar. 16 John s. John & Mary Garland May 25 Tho8 s. ThoB & MaryTJavis Sep. 21 Tho8 s. James & Sarah Price 28 Jn° s. Henry & Ann Allen born Sep. 3 1795 Jan. 4 Elizabeth d. Jn° & Elizabeth West 1 1 Nathaniel s. Nathaniel & Ann Brooke Feb. 22 Jane d. Phillip & Elizh Fairall Apr. 5 Jeremiah s. Jeremiah & Rebecca Aylif 12 Tho8 s. Jn° & Sarah Baulkam 26 Susannah d. Jn° & Mary Watson May 13 Sarah d. Daniel & Rebecca Constable 31 Edward s. Edward & Elizabeth Dewberry Aug. 30 Will"1 s. James & Hannah Burkin Sep. 20 Jenny d. Henry & Ann Roffey Oct. 4 Jane d. Edward & Judith Neal Nov. 8 Martha d. Willm & Sarah Wheeler 28 Rachael & Catherine d.'s Will"1 & Mary Rowed 29 Sarah d. Geo. & Sarah Hoare Dec. 6 Tomson d. Jn° & Mary Filewood 1796 Mar. 6 James s. Michael & Sarah Rowed May 8 Harriot d. Mary Ledington baseborn 15 Will™ s. Jn° & Mary Garlant 22 Harriot d. Will"1 & Sarah Hersey * " Martha " written below by another hand. — Ed. THE PARISH REGISTER OF CATERHAM. 79 1796 Aug. 21 George s. Jn° & Elizabeth Mills Sep. 18 Thomas s. David & Sarah Drayton Oct. 16 Mary d. Tho8 & Mary Davis Dec. 5 Rob' s. Jn° & Hester Crane 1 1 James s. Henry & Ann Roffey 1797 Jan. 6 Elizabeth Sophia Tomlins d. Will'" & Sarah Cooper Feb. 5 Richard s. Nathaniel & Ann Brooke 7 Susannah ["Suckey" erased. — Ed.] & Eleanor d.'s Daniel & Rebecca Constable 19 Ann d. Jerimiah & Rebecca Aylif "J. Beresford Curate" Apr. 16 Jn° s. Jn° & Mary Watson July 3 Michael s. W"1 & Mary Rowed Aug. 27 Elizabeth d. Jn° & Sarah Baulkam Sep. 6 Tho8 s. Edward & Patiance Streatter priv. bap. Reced into Church Nov. 7 Dec. 31 Charles s. Richd & Mary Boarer 1798 Jan. 14 Sarah d. Joel & Sarah Boarer Feb. 1 1 Martha d. Edward & Judith Neal 26 JemimaAnned. James Legrew,Clerk,and Elizabeth his wife (late Elizabeth Harrison, spinster) born and priv. bap. "Received into the Church July 31s' 1799 " Mar. 1 5 Anne d. Michael Rowed & Sarah (late Sarah Dabner, spinster) born and priv. bap. "Reced into the Church Nov. ist " Apr. 8 William Nuttle s. William Cooper & Sarah (late Sarah Hersey, spinster) born Feb. 26 22 Samuel s. Daniel Constable & Rebecca (late Rebecca Pawsey, spinster) May 20 Thomas s. James Burkin & Hannah (late Hannah Dalton, spinster) Sep. 23 Joseph s. John & Sarah Baulcomb (late Sarah Gad, spinster) born [blank] priv. bap. June 10 William s. William Camfill & Sarah (late Sarah Langridge, spinster) Nov. 1 Louisa d. Benjamin Searles & Mary (late Mary Dabner, spinster) of Croydon Dec. 1 Robert s. Robert Snelling & Elizabeth (late Elizabeth Seers, spinster) priv. bap. " Received into Church Jan^ 6 1799." 2 David s. David Dayton & Sarah (late Sarah Harber, spinster) 25 John s. Henry Roffey & Anne (late Anne Chun, spinster) 1799 Jan. 14 Robert s. John Crane & Esther (late Esther Istead, spinster) born & priv. bap. " Reced into the Church Feb. 3rd" 17 Mary Anne d. Benjamin Quiddington & Mary Anne (late Mary Anne Wood, spinster) So THE PARISH REGISTER OF CATERHAM. 1799 Feb. 17 George s. Nathaniel Brooke & Anne (late Anne Russell, spinster) 24 William s. William Hersey & Sarah (late Sarah Bentley, spinster) May 12 George s. Jeremiah Ayliff & Rebecca (late Rebecca Dennis, spinster) 20 Elizabeth d. William Rowed & Mary (late Mary Bliss, spinster) priv. bap. June 16 Susanna d. Thomas Davis & Mary (late Mary Fuller, spinster) 30 John, baseborn, s. Anne Gad Sep. 22 Elizabeth Isabella d. William Cooper & Sarah (late Sarah Hersey, spinster) Nov. 3 Harriet d. Thomas Argent & Mary (late Mary Borer, spinster) 1800 Jan. 12 George s. Michael Rowed & Sarah (late Sarah Dabner, spinster) Feb. 2 George Hall s. Daniel Hughes & Mary (late Mary Ashcraft, spinster) Mar. 27 Harriet d. William Smith & Jane (late Jane Brooke, spinster) priv. bap. " Received in the Church June 22nd" Apr. 19 Constant d. James Chandler & Elizabeth (late Eliza beth Websdale, spinster) priv. bap. "Reced in the Church July 20th" 20 William s. Henry Allen & Anne (late Anne Curtis, spinster) June 1 James s. Richard Norris & Anne (late Anne Brown, spinster) born Feb. 11 & priv. bap. Feb. 23 in the parish of Rumbalds Wyke, Sussex, and being sent home by order of a magistrate, was received into this Church 2 2 Daniel s. Richard Borer & Mary (late Mary Cornford, spinster) July 6 Anne d. Edward Neale & Judith (late Judith Hersey, spinster) 6 Mary d. Jeremiah Mills & Sarah (late Sarah Simmonds, spinster) [1800 Aug. 7 Sophia Smith d. George & Mary Smith Bellsom, from Caterham, bom July 2, privately baptized. Vide Coulsdon Reg. — Ed.] Nov. 2 Sophia Smith d. George Bellsom & Mary (late Mary Smith, spinster), born July 2, priv. bap. Aug. 7 & received into the Church 16 Anne d. Daniel Constable & Rebecca (late Rebecca Pawsey, spinster) Dec. 14 A child, born in or near London and put to nurse to Sarah the wife of William Cooper, living in this parish, was brought to church on Sunday the 14th THE PARISH REGISTER OF CATERHAM. 81 of December and there baptized by the name of Priscilla Smith. I have in vain endeavoured to learn the names of the Parents for the regular registering of the child but they have been carefully concealed, and therefore, not knowing the surname of the child could only insert what was given her at her baptism. J. Legrew, Minister 1800 Dec. 29 John s. Thomas King & Martha (late Martha Burgess, spinster) priv. bap. 1801 Jan. 25 John s. James Dalton & Elizabeth (late Elizabeth Smith, spinster) Apr. 26 Anne Maria d. William Taylor & Rebecca his wife of the parish of East Coker Somersetshire but sojourning in this parish was publicly bap. June 28 Edward s. Thomas Bedell of Lambeth & Elizabeth (late Elizabeth Howard, spinster) July 26 Charles s. Michael Rowed & Sarah (late Sarah Dabner, spinster) Oct. 25 John s. William Edwards & Mary (late Mary Lew, spinster) Nov. 29 Dinah d. Jeremiah Ayliff & Rebecca (late Rebecca Dennis, spinster) 1802 Jan. 10 Jane d. William Smith & Jane (late Jane Brooke, spinster) Mar. 12 John s. John Brooke & Sarah (late Sarah Knight, spinster) 12 Henry s. William Hersey & Sarah (late Sarah Bently, spinster) priv. bap. " Received in the Church June 26th 1803" 14 Richard s. John Crane & Esther (late Esther Oystead, spinster) .May 2 Robert s. William Rowed & Mary (late Mary Bliss, spinster) 16 Philip s. William Cooper & Sarah (late Sarah Hersey, spinster) July 4 William s. Robert Snelling & Elizabeth (late Eliza beth Seers, spinster) 1803 Jan. 9 James baseborn s. Elizabeth Puplet priv. bap. " received into the Church Jan* 9th " Feb. 27 Anne d. Thomas Davis & Mary (late Mary Fuller, spinster) May 1 Mary d. John Crane & Esther (late Esther Istead, spinster) June 12 Sarah d. William Roffey & Amey (late Amy Tatnell, spinster) [Remainder of page blank.— Ed.] 82 THE PARISH REGISTER OF CATERHAM. [1769 Feb. 12 "In Memory of | the Revd Joseph Guibert | late Rector of this Parish | died ye 12th of February 1769 | aged 65 Years" M.I., Church.— Ed.] John Jones Clr was Instituted to this Church August the 5"1 1769 Burials since that Institution. 1769 Sep. 21 Mary Bentley, a poor widdow Dec. 19 Catherine Dye, a widdow 1770 June [sic] 24 Elizh wife John Bullen May 1 9 Mary Clarke, a young woman June 9 William Brooke, an infant 1 77 1 Feb. 18 Susan Fowler of Blechingly Mar. 13 Charlotte d. William & Elizh Borer 22 Samuel s. Will™ & Elizabeth Brooke Apr. 3 Mary wife John Smith May 8 Jane Monk June 27 Samuel Heman July 5 John s. Tho8 & Ann Brooke Nov. 1 1 Joseph & Mary Skinner, twins 1772 Feb. 22 Richard Constable Mar. 11 Susan Haskins Nov. 1 2 George Moorey, a journeyman butcher Dec. 7 William Poulter 1773 Jan- 26 Sarah Boarer Dec. 10 Thomas Haskins, pauper 31 John Poulter, an infant 1774 Feb. 5 Henry Dodd Aug. 21 James s. Thomas & Ann Haskins 1775 Apr. 22 Joseph Carter May 13 Susanna Curtis [M. I., Churchyard — d. May 10, aged 23. — Ed.] 15 Thomas Drew 16 Elizabeth Rowed from Tatsfield [M. I., Church yard — dau. of Michael & Elizabeth Rowed, died 14 May, aged 1 year 5 months, bap. Tatsfield 17 Jan., 1773.— Ed.] July 4 John Piercie (of Croydon) Oct. 6 Mary Isted Nov. 28 Revd Mr. John Jones* Rector 1776 Mar. 24 Elizabeth Shirley Oct. 3 William Brooke 4 Thomas Hatcher (of Chaldon) Dec. 1 Elizabeth Cressy 1777 Jan. 29 Mary Cressy * Instituted 5 Aug., 1769. Died 21 Nov. Aged 76. M.I.,Ch.— Ed. THE PARISH REGISTER OF CATERHAM. 83 [Feb. 12 Mrs Susanna Fowler, wife MrJohn Fowler of Bletchingly, died aged 61. M. I., Churchyard. — Ed.] 1777 Mar. 11 Sophia Brooke 19 John Barrott, a poor traveller 28 William Brown Nov. 9 Thomas Glover Dec. 2 Robert Rose 1778 Mar. 22 Rebecca Brooke May 8 Samuel Borer July 9 Anne Dod, widow (from Epsom) Oct. 19 Henry Bentley 27 Jane Humphrey from White Hill 1779 Jan. 21 Alice Die Feb. 5 Elizabeth wife William Brooke 14 Elizabeth d. Nathanael & Anne Brooke Mar. 14 Edward Lee Apr. 27 Daniel Day May 2 Jane Miller June 13 Richard Gad 16 Sophia Brooke d. William & Elizabeth, deceased July 3 Robert Matthew 29 Nathanael s. Nathanael & Sarah Brooker Sep. 19 George s. Richard & Mary Borer [The Burials between Sep. 19, 1779, and Apr. 29, 1787, are intermixed with the Baptisms, see ante, pp. 72—76. — Ed.] [N.B. — Here follow several blank pages, after which the Register is reversed and after several entries of Nomination of Churchwardens [see post, pp. 86 — 88. — Ed.] entries of Burials commence on 7 Oct., 1787, to 26 Mar., 1803.— Ed.] BURIALS. 1787 Oct. 7 Elizabeth Shirley from Croydon [M. I., Churchyard— Mra Elizabeth Shirley — remainder illegible. — Ed.] 1788 Tan. 2 John Pullen Feb. 3 William Harrington, a traveller, a pauper 3 Rebecca Stacey, an infant, a pauper Mar. 13 Mary d. Matthias & Sarah Barnes Apr. 18 Eliz. Tyler May 8 John s. William & Mary Nicoll, a pauper June 18 Richard Eyesmonger Sep. 17 William s. Richard & Hannah Tanner, a pauper 2 1 Will"1 Nichols, a pauper Oct. 3 Frances Fowler of Bletchingly [M. I., Churchyard- wife of John Fowler gent. d. 25 Sep., aged 66. —Ed.] 1789 Jan. 21 Thomas Percival, a pauper g 2 84 THE PARISH REGISTER OF CATERHAM. 1789 Apr. 29 Thomas Easted, a pauper June 2 1 Thomas Scammel, a pauper Sep. 10 James Burkin, a pauper 1790 Jan. 22 Eliz. Rose 24 Thomas Brooks Feb. 16 James s. Sarah Brookes, a pauper Apr. 18 John Taylor May 4 Abraham Sanders, a lad 24 John Horley July 1 1 John Roffey Nov. 18 Will"1 Brooke Dec. 8 Willm Humfries 1791 Apr. 10 Mary Isted July 8 Eliz. Cliumm Sep. 7 Thomas s. Joseph & Phillis Gatland 1 1 Jesse & Isaac sons Richard & Mary Borer 25 William Dye 28 Mr Robert Baldwin from London [M. I., Church yard — R. Baldwen Junr a Bookseller in Paternoster Row, London, d. 22 Sep., aged 24. — Ed.] Nov. 9 Widow Barns, a pauper 1792 May 19 James s. Will1™ & Ann Poulter 23 Ann Poulter, the mother 26 Will"1 Poulter, the father June 18 Sophia d. John Mills July 26 John Dunford Sep. 16 Thomas s. John & Mary Ward "Duty paid to Oct. i8' 1792 " Dec. 30 Robert Rose 1793 Jan. 27 John Chalton, pauper Feb. 12 Sarah Siggs from London Mar. 24 Jane wife Thomas Drew June 25 Thomas Isemonger July 7 Sarah wife Matthew Barnes 7 John Whale, a pauper 10 Harriot Chalton, a pauper Sep. 1 John Snelling Nov. 5 Richard Tanner, a pauper 10 Joseph & Charles Ward 1794 July 17 Mary Pully, a widow Nov. 26 Hannah Tanner Dec. 1 5 Jn° Drawbridge, kill'd by a horse 19 Mary Tanner 1795 Feb. 4 Jn° Stenning, kill'd by a wag" June 7 Jn° Boarer Aug. 21 Will"1 White Sep. 6 Mary wife Richd Brooke • 10 Ann Istid 22 Ann d. Edward & Elizabeth Dewberry THE PARISH REGISTER OF CATERHAM. 85 1795 Dec. 6 Sarah an infant d. of George and Sarah Hoare [M.I, Churchyard— died 21 Nov., aged 3 days.— Ed ] 17 Solomon Hesse Esqr of Sarmons [M. I., in Church- late of London, was occupier of Salmons, d. 9 Dec, aged 85. His grandson was the Revd James Legrew. — Ed.] 31 Jenny infant d. Henry & Ann Roffey 1796 Apr. 19 Mercy infant d. Jn° & Elizabeth West Dec. 11 Rob' s. Jn° & Hester Crane 1797 Jan. 5 Elizabeth Curtis, a widow Feb. 19 Sarah wife Tho8 Lew 26 Susannah d. Dan1 & Rebecca Constable ) . Mar. 5 Eleanor d. Dan1 & Rebecca Constable f twlns J. Beresford, Curate Apr. 16 Mary Wicks from Croydon [M. I., Churchyard- died 8 Apr. aged 65.— Ed.] July 10 Michael s. Wra & Mary Rowed Sep. 7 Reuben an infant s. Tho8 & Sarah Cox Oct. 20 Jn° s. Tho8 & Mary Pawsey aged 21 years Nov. 6 Edward infant s. Geo. & Sarah Hoare [M. I., Church yard—died 3 Nov., aged 15 days. — Ed.] Dec. 17 Eleanor Hatfield, a widow 25 Elizabeth d. Jn° & Sarah Baulkam 1798 Feb. 4 Rob' Pitt May 16 Sarah d. Elizabeth Burkin 29 Elizabeth d. Philip Mitchell Fairall & Elizabeth his wife (late Elizabeth Shepherd, spinster) Oct. 7 Thomas Drew aged 79 1799 Feb. 17 George Hoare of Warlingham d. Feb. 10 In the 32nd year of his age [M. I., Churchyard. — Ed.] May 13 Anne d. William Hatfield & Eleanor (late Eleanor Richardson, spinster) 31 Jeremiah s. Jeremiah Ayliff & Rebecca (late Rebecca Dennis, spinster) June 3 Elizabeth Bently, a widow, aged 80 Sep. 22 William s. George Hoare & Sarah (late Sarah Smith, spinster) [M. I., Churchyard — died 17 Sep. aged 8 months. — Ed.] 1800 Feb. 19 Elizabeth d. John West of Godstone & Elizabeth (late Elizabeth Peckham, spinster) Mar. 9 James s. Richard Borer & Mary (late Mary Cornford, spinster), killed by the kick of a horse June 2 George s. Michael Rowed & Sarah (late Sarah Dabner, spinster) July 26 Elizabeth d. John Brooke & Mary (late Mary Clement, spinster) Aug. 15 Anne d. John Brooke & Mary (late Mary Clement, spinster) 31 Sarah Wood from Warlingham, aged 76 , 86 THE PARISH REGISTER OF CATERHAM. 1800 Oct. 12 Sarah Ives, single woman Nov. 13 Jane wife Joseph Chunn, aged 78 years Dec. 14 Martha Brown ["Wattle" erased.— Ed.], widow 16 Thomas s. James Leaney & Elizabeth 1 80 1 May 10 Jane wife William Rowed, aged 83 years 10 A child baptized Priscilla Smith bur. July 24 Phillip Mitchell Fairall Aug. 13 Elizabeth wife Michael Rowed of Chiselhurst, Kent Oct. 29 Sarah d. Elizabeth Fairall, widow Dec. 1 7 Elizabeth d. Henry Allen & Anne (late Anne Curtis, spinster) 31 William Rowed, aged 78 years 1802 Mar. 4 Mary Snelling, widow, aged 71 years June 9 Mary Borer, widow, aged 84 years Aug. 22 Elizabeth wife George Buckland [Nov. 13 George s. Robert & Elizabeth Rose- died aged 24. M. I., Churchyard. — Ed.] 1803 Jan. 20 Thomas d. John West of Godstone & Elizabeth (late Elizabeth Peckham, spinster) Mar. 26 Peter, a chimney sweeper [This is the last entry of Burials in Register IV.] [The following nominations of Churchwardens appear in the Register and are here set out in chronological order. — Ed.] Easter Monday April 16 1770 I nominate and appoint John Smith Church Warden for y6 year ensuing "J. Jones, Recr" Easter Monday April 1 1771 I nominate according to the Parish's choice John Thornton Church Warden for ye year ensuing " Henry Rowed " " J. Jones, R1' " " The mark -+- of Richd Illman " '772 I nominate and appoint John Roffey Church Warden for ye ensuing year " Henry Rowed " " J. Jones, Rr " " John Thornton " Easter Monday April ye 12 1773 I nominate jointly with the Parish Henry Rowed Esqr Church Warden for ye ensuing year " John Thornton " " J. Jones, Rr " "John Roffey" April 4 1774 Easter Monday I appoint Henry Rowed Esqr to be continued Church Warden for ye year ensuing "J. Jones, Rr" THE PARISH REGISTER OF CATERHAM. 87 Easter Monday April 17 1775 I nominate Henry Rowed Esqr to be continued Church Warden for ye year ensuing Witness my hand " by consent of ye parrish " [added by another hand. — Ed.] " J. Jones, Rr of Catterham " Easter Monday April 8 1776 I nominate Henry Rowed Esqre to be continued Church Warden for the year ensuing Witness my hand " John Lorimer, Curate of Catterham " Easter Monday March 31 1777 Nominated by the Parish Henry Rowed Esqre Church Warden for the ensuing year Witness my hand "John Lorimer, Curate of Caterham" Easter Monday April 20 1778 I nominate Henry Rowhed [sic] Esq1' to be continued Church Warden for the ensuing year Witness my hand "John Hill Thompson, Curate of Caterham " Easter Monday April 5 1779 We nominate Henry Rowed to be continued Church Warden for the ensuing year Witness our hands The Minister did not " John Thornton " attend this Vestry " Zebulon x Stone, his mark " " Wm Brooke, Overseer" Easter Monday March 27 1780 We nominate (as the Minister did not attend this Vestry) Henry Rowed to be continued Church Warden for the ensuing year Witness our hands " The mark x of Zebulon Stone " " John Thornton " " Wm Brooke " Easter Monday April 16 1 781 I nominate John Thornton to be Church Warden for the ensuing year Witness my hand " Anthony Freston, Curate of Caterham " " Henry Rowed " 88 THE PARISH REGISTER OF CATERHAM. Easter Monday April i 1782 We nominate John Thornton to continue Church Warden for the ensuing year Witness our hands " Henry Rowed " No Minister attended " Henry Miller " "John Dunford" " Rob' Rose " Easter Monday, April ye 21 1783 We nominate John Thornton to continue Church Warden for the ensuing year Witness our hands " Henry Rowed " ' No Minister attended " Henry Miller" "JohnDurnford" "Wm Brooke" Easter Monday April ye 12 1784 We nominate Robert Rose Church Warden for the ensuing year Witness our hands No Minister attended „ w^r00^> "Henry Miller" Easter Monday 28 March 1785 We nominate Thomas Brooke to be Church Warden for the ensuing year Witness our hands " John Thornton " No Minister attended " Rob' Rose " " John Dunford ' "Henry Miller" Easter Monday April 17 1786 I nominate and appoint John Smith Church Warden for the ensuing year "J. T. Lamb, Curate" Henry Rowed being Nominated Church Warden by the Parishioners was sworn in at y6 Visitation held at Kingston on ye ist of June 1786 in succession to John Brooke as John Smith did not appear there. THE PARISH REGISTER OF CATERHAM. 89 Register V. " This Register-Book was purchased in the Year of our Lord 1801 ; when the former Register, from the year 1759, being scarcely legible, was faithfully transcribed into this Book by the Revd James Legrew Minister — — ¦* and John Brooke clerk." [Mem. — Register V contains a transcript of the entries of Baptisms from 28 Oct., 1759, to 12 June, 1803 (all of which entries are con tained in Register IV, ante), after which Register V becomes an Original Register of Baptisms commencing 31 July, 1803 — 26 Dec, 181 2. The book is then reversed and contains a transcript of the entries of Burials from 17 Aug., 1760, to 26 March, 1803 (all of which entries are contained in Register IV, ante), after which Register V becomes an Original Register of Burials commencing 29 April, 1803 — 29 Dec, 1812. — Ed.] BAPTISMS. 1803 July 31 Eleanor Anne d. Daniel Hughes & Mary his wife (late Mary Ashcroft, spinster*) Aug. 7 Thomas s. William Robinson & Jane (late Jenner, s.) 21 Jane d. Jeremiah Ayliff & Rebecca (late Dennis, s.) 21 Edmund s. James Reding & Sincere (late Marlow, s.) Oct. 8 John s. William Smith & Jane (late Brooke, s.) priv. bap. " Received in the Church April i8' 1804 " 30 Joseph s. James King & Jane (late Tanner, s.) Nov. 2 James s. James Legrew, Clerk, & Elizabeth (late Harrison, s.), b. Oct. 5, priv. bap. " Received into the Church June 26th 1804 " 1804 Feb. 19 Jemima Anne d.Thomas Argent & Mary (late Borer, s.) Mar. 10 Sally d. John Baulkham & Sarah (late Gad, s.) priv. bap. " Received into the Church April 18' " 18 Edward s. Henry Roffey & Anne (late Chunn, s.) Apr. 1 Samuel s. William Cooper & Sarah (late Hersey, s.) May 28 Sarah d.ThomasKing&Mary(lateBurgess,s.)priv.bap. July 2 Mary d. James Weller & Mary (late Brooke, s.) priv. bap. " Received in the Church Sept' i6*h " Aug. 19 James s. John Brooke & Sarah (late Knight, s.) 19 Emily d. William Bull & Mary (late Brookes, s.), b. Apr. 18, priv. bap. "Received in the Church July 30 1810 " * To save space "spinster " is abbreviated to s.— Ed. 1805 Jan. 20 20 May 12 19 June 2 Sep. 10 90 THE PARISH REGISTER OF CATERHAM. 1804 Oct. 28 George s. Richard Uppenton & Anne (late Burkin, s.) Dec. 9 William s. Benjamin Ellis & Elizabeth (late Puplet, s.) Joseph s. John Crane & Esther (late Istead, s.) George s. George Bellsom & Mary (late Smith, s.) Mary Anne d. William Smith & Jane (late Brooke, s.) Thomas s. William Hersey & Sarah (late Bentley, s.) William s. James Reding & Sincere (late Marlow, s.) Eliza d. James Legrew, Clerk, & Elizabeth (late Harrison, s.), born Sep. 7, priv. bap. " Received in the Church May 7th 1806" Oct. 20 Henry s. William Bull & Mary (late Brookes, s.), born Apr. 22, priv. bap. "Received in the Church July 30 1810" Dec. 6 James s. Thomas Gibb & Elizabeth (late Miles, s.) priv. bap. "Received in the Church Jany 5th 1806" 30 James s. John Ward & Mary (late Mills, widow) priv. bap. 1806 Jan. 5 Eleanor d. Jeremiah Ayliff & Rebecca (late Dennis, s.) Mar. 2 Susan d. Edward Neale & Judith (late Hersey, s.) 30 Phoebe d. John Fairall & Ann (late Waterford, s.) Apr. 1 William s. George Bellsom & Mary (late Smith, s.) priv. bap. " Received in the Church July 20"1 " 27 James s. Robert Pettard & Sarah (late Annis, s.) May 25 Louisa Anne d. David Hughes & Mary (late Ashcrafr,s.) 25 James s. George Nash & Mary (late Buckland, s.) Aug. 31 George s. William Reigate & Rebecca (late Collins, s.) Sep. 8 Richard s. Richard Butt & Phebe (late Brooke, s.) priv. bap. " Received in the Church Sepf 14 " 14 Joseph s. Joseph Gatlon & Lucy (late Shoebridge, s.) Oct 12 Sarah, baseborn, d. Elizabeth Tilbury 26 Rebecca d. Richard Durrant & Anne (late Frend, s.) Dec. 22 William s. William Smith & Jane (late Brooke, s.) priv. bap. "Received in the Church Jany 4th 1807" 1807 Feb. 24 Sarah d. Thomas Davis & Mary (late Fuller, s.) priv. bap. " Received in the Church March 8 " Apr. 19 Anne d. Edward Wright & Elizabeth (late Mills, s.) 21 Jonathan s. William Bull & Mary (late Brookes, s.) priv. bap. 21 James s. John Baulcham & Sarah (late Gad, s.) priv. bap. " Received in the Church May 24th " 26 Susan d. John Simmonds & Patience (late Walker, s.) 26 John s. Benjamin Ellis & Elizabeth (late Puplet, s.) priv. bap. "Received in the Church May 24th" May 3 James s. Thomas Argent & Mary (late Borer, s.) June 7 Patience d. James Dod & Patience (late Perciful, s.) July 5 Sarah d. William Standing & Martha (late Dawson, s.) priv. bap. " Received into the Church July 26th " THE PARISH" REGISTER OF CATERHAM. 91 1807 Aug. 9 Thomas Fowler s. Fowler Thomas Wood & Agnes (late Pennington, s.) born Aug. 27 1805, priv. bap. at Lambeth, Surr., Oct 2 1805 and received into the Church at Caterham Aug8' 9th 1807 9 Elizabeth d. William Nash & Elizabeth (late Perryn, s.) Sep. 18 Henry s. Henry Roffev & Anne (late Chunn, s.) priv. bap. " Received in the Church Octr 18th " Oct. 4 Harriet d. James Reding & Sincere (late Marlow, s.) Nov. 1 Matthew Phillip s. William Cooper & Sarah (late Hersey, s.) Dec. 26 Eliza d. William Brown & Sarah (late Perry, s.) priv. bap. "Received into the Church Aug. 5th 1808" 1808 Feb. 10 Mary Anne d. John Fairall & Anne (late Waterford, s.) priv. bap. "Received into the Church Feb17 218'" Mar. 14 William s. Charles & Jane Hanmore born Mar 9 priv. bap. 20 Martha d. John Reigate & Anne (late Cox, s.) priv. bap. "Received into the Church April 17th" Apr. 3 Sarah d. John Isted & Elizabeth (late Garston, s.) May 29 Rebecca d. William Smith & Jane (late Brooke, s.) July 5 Michael s. George Bellsom & Mary (late Smith, s.) priv. bap. "Received in the Church Novr 13th" 10 Anne d. James Songhurst & Martha (late Horley, s.) 24 Thomas s. William Bull & Mary (late Brookes, s.) priv. bap. Aug. 2 1 Harriet d. George Nash & Mary (late Buckland, s.) Oct. 2 Lydia Caroline d. Daniel Hughes & Mary (late Ashcroft, s.) 1809 Jan. 25 Martha d. Thomas Gibb & Elizabeth (late Miles, s.) priv. bap. "Received in the Church Feby 19th" 30 Edward s. Jeremiah Ayliff & Rebecca (late Dennis, s.) priv. bap. "Received in the Church March 19" Feb. 19 Mary Anne d. Isaac Roberts & Sarah (late White, s.) bap. at Grays in Essex Sep. 1883 and "received into this Church Feb. 19" 19 Elizabeth d. Isaac Roberts & Sarah (late White, s.) Apr. 25 Mary d. James Snelling & Elizabeth (late Tilbury, s.) priv. bap. " Received in the Church May 14th " May 26 James s. Thomas Peters & Martha (late Collins, s.) priv. bap. " Received in the Church July 9th " 31 Thomas s. Benjamin Ellis & Elizabeth (late Puplet, s.) priv. bap. "Received in the Church July 23" July 22 Mary d. Thomas Crockford & Eleanor (late Buckland, s.) priv. bap. Aug. 3 Sarah d. Thomas Payne & Sarah (late Brooke, s.) priv. bap. " Received in the Church Octr i8fc" Sep. 13 Jane & Abraham, twin d. & s. of James Reding & Sincere (late Marlow, s.) priv. bap. "Abraham received in the Church Octr 29th " 92 THE PARISH REGISTER OF CATERHAM. 1809 Sep. 19 Benjamin s. John Fairall & Anne (late Waterford, s.) priv. bap. Oct. 1 Elizabeth d. William Smith & Jane (late Brooke, s.) Dec. 29 Thomas s. Thomas Songhurst & Lucy (late Hunt, s.) priv. bap. 1810 Feb. 18 John s. John Catton & Mary (late Annis, s.) belonging to S' Edmunds, Suffolk, but sojourning in this Parish, priv. bap. "Received in the Church March 4"1" Mar. 23 Rebecca d. William Standing & Martha (late Dawson, , s.) priv. bap. 23 Jesse s. Thomas Argent & Mary (late Borer, s.) priv. bap. " Received in the Church May 6th " 14 [sic] Robert s. Thomas Davis & Mary (late Fuller, s.) priv. bap. " Received in the Church June 24th " Apr. 12 Henry s. Joseph Istead & Elizabeth (late Rolfe, s.) priv. bap. " Received in the Church June 24th" 2 2 Sarah, base born, d. Martha Filewood, priv. bap. 29 James s. John Ryegate & Anne (late Cox, s.) priv. bap. "Received in the Church July 22 " Aug. 6 Abraham s. Thomas Gibb & Elizabeth (late Miles, s.) priv. bap. "Received in the Church Septr 16th" 19 Anne d. John Istead & Elizabeth (late Garston, s.) Sep. 1 7 Anne d. Joseph Chandler & Jane (late Challwood, s.) priv. bap. " Received in the Church Octr 7th " 30 Anne d. William Inwood, sojourning in this Parish, & Elizabeth (late Harlow, s.) 30 William s. Thomas Payne & Sarah (late Brooke, s.) priv. bap. " Received in the Church Novr 1 ith " Nov. 3 Frederick s. James Legrew, clerk, & Elizabeth (late Harrison, s.) b. Oct. 25 priv. bap. Dec. 4 Sophia d. George Nash & Mary (late Buckland, s.) priv. bap. " Received in the Church Jan. [? June] 2 1 1812 23 Alice d. John Simmonds & Patience (late Walker, s.) 31 Robert s. William Smith & Jane (late Brooke, s.) priv. bap. "Received in the Church March 318' 181 1" 181 1 Jan. 7 Richard s. John Mockford & Mary (late Chambers, s.) priv. bap. 14 George s. James Snelling & Elizabeth (late Tilbury, s.) priv. bap. "Received in the Church Feby 17th" 14 Anne d. Jonathan Trush & Anne (late Barnes, s.) priv. bap. " Received in the Church Feb. 3d " 24 James s. James Songhurst & Martha (late Horley, s.) priv. bap. Mar. 30 Eliza d. William Bird & Lydia (late Ward, s.) priv. bap. " Received in the Church Aug8' 4 " Apr. 15 Edward s. Benjamin Ellis & Elizabeth (late Puplet, s.) priv. bap. THE PARISH REGISTER OF CATERHAM. 93 181 1 Apr. 1 2 [sic] Michael s. Michael Rowed & Mary (late Bristy, s.) June 16 Mary d. Richard Lover & Anne born June 30th 1794 & privately baptized at S' Mary Cray in Kent was received into the Church June 16th 16 William natural s. Anne Lover born Apr. 3 1799 & priv. bap. at Warlingham was received into the Church June i6'h July 6 Maria d. Thomas Peters & Martha (late Collins, s.) priv. bap. " Received in the Church Septr 29th " 10 Robert s. William Reigate & Rebecca (late Collins, s.) priv. bap. "Received in the Church Octr 13" Aug. 4 Anne d. James Brooke & Elizabeth (late Samworth, s.) priv. bap. at S' Giles's in the County of Middlesex and received into the Church August 4th Sep. 1 Mark s. George Bellsom & Mary (late Smith, s.) Dec. 10 William s. William Wareham & Mary (late Mayner, widow) priv. bap. "In May 181 1, in pursuance of an Act of Parliament passed for that purpose a general account was taken of the population in the Kingdom by the Overseers of each Parish, when the amount in this Parish was found to be 178 males, 155 females." 1 81 2 Feb. 12 James s. Bartholomew Jackson & Sarah (late Saxby, s.) priv. bap. "Received in the Church May io'h" 24 Arthur s. James Legrew, clerk, & Elizabeth (late Harrison, s.) born Feb. 1 7 & priv. bap. " Received in the Church June 24th " Mar. 4 Anne d Edwin Glover & Abigail (late Flint, s.) priv. bap. " Received in the Church April 12th " Apr. 9 James s. Joseph Istead & Elizabeth (late Rolfe, s.) priv. bap. " Received in the Church July 19th " 16 John s. John Baulcomb & Hannah (late Harling, s.) priv. bap. " Received in the Church April 26 " 18 Phoebe d. Thomas Gibb & Elizabeth (late Miles, s.) priv. bap. " Received in the Church May io'h " 26 Jesse s. Thomas Payne & Sarah (late Brooke, s.) May 21 Elizabeth s. James Reding & Sincere (late Marlow, s.) priv. bap. " Received in the Church June 2 1 1812" 30 Elizabeth d. John Reigate & Anne (late Cox, s.) pnv. bap. July 5 Harriet d. Joseph Chandler & Jane (late Challwood, s.) 11 Sarah d. William Boarer & Mary (late Smith, s.) priv. bap. & "received in the Church July 19th" 19 Charles s. Thomas Clark & Anne (late Sturt, s.) 94 THE PARISH REGISTER OF CATERHAM. 1812 Nov. 21 Jane d. Michael Rowed & Mary (late Bristy, s.) priv. bap. " Received in the Church Jany 10th 181 3 " Dec. 26 Charles s. Thomas Argent & Mary (late Borer, s.) priv. bap. "Received in the Church March 14th 181 3" [Remainder of page blank, after which follow 19 blank pages. — Ed.] " December 14th 1804. " To all whom these may concern. " I, Thomas Clark of Upper Bellgrave Place in the Parish of Saint George Hanover Square in the County of Middlesex, Owner of the Manor of Caterham in the County of Surrey, having lately inclosed a piece of land containing a little more than an acre on Caterham Common at the North end of the Village of Caterham, & having built thereon a House adapted and intended for a School & planted an Orchard &c. I hereby give to the Parish of Caterham the said House, Out-buildings, Plantations & whatever appertains thereto, with all my claim, right or title to the said piece of Common-land either as landowner or in right of the Manor for ever, upon the following conditions : that the said House and Premises shall be occupied as a School for the instruction of Children, Rent free to the School Master with a right to the produce of the Orchard & Garden, but subject to the free Education of some Children (not less than six in number) of the Parish of Caterham whose Parents cannot afford to pay for their instruction ; and that the control, direction, care and management of the same, the choice of the School-Master, power to displace him, choice of children, with full powers to do all things requisite, shall be vested in the Resident Clergyman, the Acting Overseer of the Poor, and Owner of the Manor, for the time being, and in case both Overseers act, then the elder man only to have a voice in this business, and in case of no resident Clergyman, the Farmer that occupies the Manor Farm to be a Manager in his stead. And, from an anxious wish that this humble Institution may be useful, I particularly recommend to the Managers, in the choice of a School Master, to select a man that has the command of his Temper, & is a good moral character. Thinking it proper that all who have an interest or property in Caterham Common should join with me in giving up their interest & claims in the before mentioned piece of land, they will give me pleasure in doing so by subscribing to this with me. [Signed] "Thomas Clark" "John Hitchins" " Wm Bull " " John Searle " "James Legrew" THE PARISH REGISTER OF CATERHAM. 95 " Mr Henry Smith Alderman of London who died * and was buried at Wandsworth in the Year 1628 | left three pounds { a year for ever to the poor of this Parish that receive no Alms. " In his will, dated April 24"1 1627 [P. C. C, Barrington 1. Proved 23 Jany., 1627, and 19 June, 1628. — Ed.] he describes himself to be of Silver Street Cheapside, where he carried on the business of Silversmith. § He acquired a great deal of money & purchased estates in different counties; and in the latter part of his life, 1620, he conveyed the same, & all his personal estate, to trustees for charitable purposes. He died Jany 3 1627-28. After his decease his Trustees bought several estates with his personal property." [Here follow 6 blank pages, 2 cut out, and 19 blank pages, after which the Volume is turned the other way up and the entries of Burials are recorded. — Ed.] BURIALS. [See Mem. on p. 89, ante. — Ed.] 1803 Apr. 29 James Hersey Oct. 6 Anne wife William Page 31 Henry Rowed of Croydon buried in the family vault in this Church Dec. 8 Maria d. Michael Rowed of Chisselhurst, Kent, widower 1804 Apr. 4 Maria d. John West of Godstone & Elizabeth (late Elizabeth Peckham, spinster) 26 Elizabeth wife John White July 10 Mary Tilbury, base born, d. Elizabeth Tilbury 10 Joseph s. John Baulkham & Sarah (late Sarah Gad, s.) Oct. 4 Phillip s. William Cooper & Sarah (late Sarah Hersey, s.) 1805 Jan. 30 John s. James Burkin & Hannah (late Hannah Dalton, s.) Mar. 6 Amv wife William Clarke 27 Joseph s. John Crane & Esther (late Esther Istead, s.) 31 George Tyler aged 75 May 1 5 Sarah wife William Hersey June 30 Anne wife Richard Rowed of Christ Church, Surrey, buried in the family vault * Died in Silver Street, London, 3 Jany, 1627-8.— Ed. t Buried at Wandsworth, 7 Feb., 1627-8.— Ed. % Now issues out of a Rent-Charge of £130 per annum secured on a Farm at Bexhill and Cowding in Sussex, granted to the trustees in exchange for part of an estate purchased by Mr. Smith in his lifetime, consisting of the manor house, park and other property at Knowle in Sussex. — Ed. § In the Will he is described " Henry Smith of Silver Streete in London Esq'. In a Deed dated 30 April, 37 Elizabeth [1595]. when Mr. Smith purchased the Eastbrooke Estate in Sussex from Charles, Lord Howard of Effingham, he is called "Salter" of London.— Ed. 96 THE PARISH REGISTER OF CATERHAM. 1805 July 3 William West, batchelor Sep. 12 Thomas Hoskings aged 74 15 Mary d. John Crane & Esther (late Esther Istead, s.) 1806 Jan. 24 May d. John Fisher & Elizabeth (late Elizabeth Alphick, s.) [M. I. Chyard.— died 16 Jan., aged 19. —Ed.] Feb. 9 William Puplet, aged 73 y1"8 18 Mary Isemonger, widow Mar. 2 Michael Rowed of Norrards Farm, co. Kent May 4 James Beck, aged 73 yrs Aug. 14 Elizabeth d. Jeremiah Ayliff & Rebecca (late Rebecca Dennis, s.) Oct. 1 2 Edward Hoare from Merstham Dec 31 John Martin aged 79 yrs 1807 Feb. 8 Eleanor d. Jeremiah Ayliff & Rebecca (late Rebecca Dennis, s.) 11 Joseph s. Joseph Gatlan & Lucy (late Lucy Shoe- bridge, s.) 25 Samuel s. William. Cooper & Sarah (late Sarah Hersey, s.) Mar. 17 Sarah, base born, d. Elizabeth Tilbury Sep. 5 Jonathan s. William Bull & Mary (late Mary Brookes, s.) [M. I. Chyard. — died Sep. 1, aged 21 weeks. — Ed.] 8 Jemima d. John West of Godstone & Elizabeth (late Elizabeth Peckham, s.) Nov. 6 Sarah d. Jeremiah Ayliff & Rebecca his wife (late Rebecca Dennis, s.) Dec. 23 Anne wife Thomas Allen of Cudham, Kent 1808 Aug. 28 Thomas s. William Bull & Mary (late Mary Brookes, s.) [M.I. Chyard. — died 24 Aug., aged 2 months. — Ed.] Feb. 2 Grace Skeet, w., aged 89 years Mar. 5 Henry Wicks from London 8 Esther wife Joseph Istead 15 William Whiffin from Croydon May 2 1 John West from Godstone 25 Martha d. Thomas Gibb & Elizabeth (late Elizabeth Miles, s.) 1809 June 20 Thomas Rowland Aug. 9 Mary d. Thomas Crockford & Eleanor (late Eleanor Buckland, s.) Sep. 6 Mary wife William Bull [M. I. Chyard. — d. 28 Aug., aged 43.— Ed.] Oct. 3 Jane d. James Riding & Sincere (late Sincere Marlow, s.) 1810 Mar. 18 John Smith aged 86 Apr. 11 Hannah Friend June 5 Mary Hoare, widow of Edward Hoare of Merstham July 8 Anne Hoskings, w. Sep. 23 James Burkin from Chaldon THE PARISH REGISTER OF CATERHAM. 97 1810 Sep. 25 Abraham s. Thomas Gibb & Elizabeth (late Elizabeth Miles, spinster) Oct. 10 Elizabeth d. William Smith & Jane (late Jane Brooke, s.) Nov. 6 Arthur Butcher Dec. 19 Hannah wife John Sayers 19 William Richardson aged 84 years 181 1 Jan. 1 Jesse Brooke, batchelor 20 Mary wife Thomas Bay man Feb. 3 Charles s. Richard Borer & Mary 28 Frederick s. James Legrew, clerk, & Elizabeth (late Elizabeth Harrison, s.) Mar. 3 Sarah d. Michael Rowed & Sarah (late Sarah Dabner, s.) Nov. 24 Elizabeth wife William Hewitson [M. I. Chyard. — [Hewetson] d. 18, Nov., aged 39, — Ed.] Dec. 19 William s. William Wareham & Mary (late Mary Mayner, widow) 1812 Feb. 22 Mark s. George Bellsom & Mary (late Mary Smith, s.) Apr. 16 Sarah, base born, d. Martha Filewood June 27 Phoebe d. Thomas Gibb & Elizabeth (late Elizabeth Miles, s.) Oct. 5 Emma d. William Rowed & Elizabeth (late Elizabeth Matthew, s.) Dec. 20 Joseph Chunn aged 80 years 29 Charles George Hitchins [M. I. Chyard. — "Charles Hitchin," son-in-law of William & Mary Bull, d. 21 Dec, aged 26. — Ed.] [The above is the last entry of Burial. — Ed.] [On a loose slip of paper] "There are ten coffins in Mr Roweds Vault April 14th 1849-" 98 THE PARISH REGISTER OF CATERHAM. Megista YJi. BURIALS. When buried. Name. Abode. Age. By whom the Ceremony was performed. 1813 Jan. 5 (No. 1) Harriet Chandler Caterham 6 months James Legrew Minister 1813 Apr. May June July Sep. Oct. 1814 Feb. Mar. JuneJuly 1815 June 1816 JulyAug. Sep. Nov. Dec. 1817 Jan. Feb. Apr. 1 7 Elizabeth Taylor of C., 88 years, by J. L. 13 Philadelphia Baldwin of C, 51 years, by J. L. 10 Elizabeth Reigate of C, 1 year, by J. L. 20 Jane Blackman of Hatfield, Herts., 1 year, by J. L. 11 Elizabeth Sophia Tomlins Cooper of C, 16 years, by J. L. 15 Richard Borer of Chaldon, 61 years, by Thomas Welton, Rector of Chaldon 10 Rebecca Ward of Croydon, 8 months, by J. L. 13 William Drew of Chaldon, 56 years, by J. L. 25 George Gibb of Merstham, 4 months, by J. L. 27 Amy Miles of C, 61 years, by J. L. 16 Anne Rowed of C, 34 years, by T. W., Chaldon 27 Anne Brooke of C, 66 years, by J. L. 6 John White of Southampton, killed by a timber carriage going over him, on which he was riding, 45 years, by J. L. 23 Henry Gibb of Merstham, 5 months, by J. L. 25 Elizabeth Pitt of Newington, 47 years, by J. L. 25 James Rowed of C, 1 month, by J. L. 6 Hannah Perry of C, 79 years, by J. L. 25 Mary Tyler of C, 80 years, by J. L. 11 William Hersey of C, 52 years, by T. W., Chaldon 28 John Sayers of C, 63 years, by J. L. 10 Thomas Slade of C, 55 years, by J. L. 21 Jane Ellis of C, 3 years, by J. L. 24 John White of C., 68 years, by J. L. 19 Thomas Baulkham of C, 14 weeks, by J. L. 22 William Heme of C, 65 years, by J. I,. 26 Sarah Chaldon of C, 66 years, by J. L. 29 Jane Smith of C, 15 years, by J. L. 2 John Filewood of C, 7 1 years, by J. L. 6 George Buckland of C, 65 years, by J. L. 13 Mary Beck of Kennington, 67 years, by J. L. THE PARISH REGISTER OF CATERHAM. 99 18 1 7 May 9 Samuel Harrison of Clerkenwell, Middlesex, 30 years, by T. W., Chaldon 15 Martha Drew of C, 54 years, by H. J. Todd, Rec. of Coulsdon Aug. 20 Sarah Hoare of Brasted, Kent, 56 years, by J. L. Sep. 30 Anne Rowed of C, 14 days, by J. L. 1818 Jan. 19 Richard Shorter of S' Dunstans, Stepney, Middx., 4 months, by J. L. 22 Mary Brooke of C, 73 years, by J. L. Feb. 24 John Snelling of C, 65 years, by J. L. Mar. 15 William Shorter of S' Dunstans, Stepney, Middx., 24 years, by J. L. Apr. 26 Susannah Bentley, 86 years, by J. L. May 8 James Lowed, a stranger who had sojourned in this Parish only a few days & came it was thought from Hertfordshire Sep. 13 George Russell of C, 5 weeks, by J. L. Nov. 4 Anne Brooke of C, 59 years, by J. L. Dec. 1 2 Philip Fairall of Warlingham, 43 years, by J. L. 1819 Jan. 24 William Clarke of Chelsham, 76 years, by J. L. 27 Henry Conyers Bate of C, 1 month, by J. L. Oct. 15 John Miles of C, 75 years, by J. L. Nov. 2 1 Charles Dennis of C., 88 years, by J. L. 25 William Brown of C, 10 months, by J. L. Dec. 1 Thomas Blackmore of Walworth, 19 days, by J. L. 1820 Jan. 16 John Mort Bate of C, 3 weeks, by J. L. *Mar. 4 Jane King of Chaldon, 40 years, by J. L. 7 Alfred Rowed of C, 3 weeks, by J. L. Apr. 16 Mary Rowed of C, 59 years, by J. L. May 7 Elizabeth Hersey of C, 80 years, by J. L. June 28 Jane Griffin of C, 6 weeks, by J. L. Sep. 26 James Tamplin of C, 4 years, by J. L. Oct. 21 John Fisher, 64 years, by T. W., Chaldon 1 82 1 Jan. 14 John Brooke ["Parish Clerk" in left hand margin] of C, 81 years, by J. L. Mar. 2 Elizabeth Waghane of Croydon, 9 years, by J. L. Apr. 8 Elizabeth Fisher, 62 years, by J. L. July 4 William Edwards, 69 years, by J. L. 8 Catherine Rowed, 25 years, by J. L. 15 George Steer, 77 years, by J. L. Sep. 26 Joseph Perry of Coulsdon, 75 years, by J. L. 1822 Jan. 10 Sarah Cooper of C, 55 years, by J. L. Feb. 10 Michael Rowed of C, 63 years, by J. L. June 26 Richard Butt of C, 17 years, by J. L. * Written in the margin of page 7= "On l Jan* 29>t 1820 died our much revered & beloved Monarch George 3d in the 82°d year of his age and Sixtieth of his reien. -IFor the last nine years he was unable to direct the affairs of Government owing to the continuance of that dreadful malady which he was released only by death." — Ed. H 2 ioo THE PARISH REGISTER OF CATERHAM. 1822 Sep. 1 James Miles of C, 1 day, by J. L. Oct. 28 George Hall Hughes of C, 22 years, by J. L. Nov. 1 7 Robert Russell of C, 3 years, by J. L. 26 John Tamplin of C, 4 years, by J. L. Dec. 26 Elizabeth Swaine Ellis of C, 11 weeks, by J. L. 1823 Jan. 12 William Rowed of C, 4 years, by J. L. May 19 William Bull of C, 66 years, by J. L. Sep. 3 Thomas Tamplin of C, 4 months, by J. L. 1824 July 29 Mary Filewood of Coulsdon, 75 years, by J. L. Aug. 15 Harriet Russel of Limehouse, Middlesex, 20 months, by J. L. 27 Mary Priest of C, 45 years, by J. L. Sep. 1 Mary Brown of C, 2 years, by J. L. Oct. 10 Daniel Istead of C, 14 months, by J. L. Nov. 29 William Screase of C, age unknown, supposed to be between 40 & 50 years old, by J. L. 1825 Jan. 30 Thomas Lew of G, 92 years, by J. L. May 15 Jonathan Trosh of Coulsdon, 39 years, by J. L. 21 Pinder Simpson of C, 18 years, by J. L. June 12 Edward Wright of C, 6 years, by J. L. Sep. 13 Elizabeth Legrew of C, 54 years, by Arthur Drummond, Min. of Coulsdon 17 Alfred Blackmore of S' Michael's, Crooked Lane, 5 weeks, by T. W., Chaldon Nov. 6 Anne Rowed of Blechingley, 72 years, by J. L. 1826 Jan. 30 Caroline Lawrence of C, 4 years, by T. W. Mar. 5 George Mills of C, 82 years, by J. L. May 12 Harriet Bellsom, 13 years, by T. W. June 2 Alfred Judge, 8 months, by J. L. July 16 Elizabeth Dyer, 2 weeks, by J. L. Aug. 20 John Rowed of C, n years, by J. L. Sep. 10 Elizabeth Coulbourn, 1 month, by J. L. 24 Mary Anne Butt of Nuffield, 2 years, by J. L. Oct. 28 Allan Rayner of C, 14 months, by J. L. Nov. 5 Ruth Rowed of C, 4 years, by J. L. 26 Anne Roffey of C, 60 years, by J. L. Dec. 7 Sarah Brooke of C, 61 years, by J. L. 1827 Feb. 5 Matilda Bourner of C, 6 weeks, by J. L. June 29 Elizabeth Reading of G, 15 years, by J. L. July 29 Thomas Davis of C, 58 years, by J. L. Sep. 2 Sarah Jane Simms of G, 10 weeks, by J. L. 23 William Bentley of C, 2 weeks, by J. L. Nov. 20 Elizabeth Mills of C, 2 1 months, by J. L. 1828 Jan. 23 Ann Barns of C, 83 years, by J. L. Feb. 13 John Rowed of Godstone, 39 years, by J. L. 13 Caroline Rowed of Godstone, 4^ years, by J. L. 28 Elizabeth Rowed of Godstone, 8 years, by J. L. Mar. 12 Mary Cole of Burstow, 56 years, by J. L. May 21 William Rowed of G, 35 years, by J. L. THE PARISH REGISTER OF CATERHAM. 101 1828 June 1 Sarah Russell of Godstone, 33 years, by J. L. 1829 Mar. 8 Elizabeth Weaver of G, 54 years, by J. L. 29 William Butt of G, 26 years, by J. L. May 10 Richard Hoare of Deptford, Kent, 41 years, by J. L. Aug. 9 Charles Rowed of Shoreditch, Middlesex, 2 years, by J. L. 11 Elizabeth Boyes of Chaldon, 29 years, by J. L. Sep. 20 James Eliffof G, n months, by J. L. Oct. 16 John Percifull of G, 9 years, by J. L. Dec. 13 Mary Songhurst of G, 5 years, by J. L. 25 William Vine of G, 2 months, by J. L. 26 James Reading of G, 64 years, by J. L. 1830 Feb. 10 James Letts of G, 70 years, by J. L. Mar. 7 Eliza Wright of G, 20 years, by J. L. 21 Jacob Edmonds of C, 78 years, by J. L. Oct. 2 Mary Buckstone of G, 93 years, by J. L. July [sic] 1 7 William Dyer of G, 2 years, by J. L. 1831 Jan. 2 Henry Roffey of G, 73 years, by J. L. Apr. 29 Jasper Wood of Croydon, by J. L., Minister Sep. 9 John Brooke of G, 55 years, by John Duffus, offg. Min. 25 Jane Histed of G, 10 years, by J. L., Rectr Oct. 23 Anne Elliot of G, 78 years, by J. D. 23 Matthias Barns of C., 79 years, by J. D. Nov. 6 Elizabeth Datton of G, 61 years, by J. L. 20 Harriet Borer of G, 13 months, by J. L. 20 Albert Burberry of G, 14 days, by J. L. Dec. 11 Dinah Vernham of G, 16 months, by J. D. 1832 Feb. 5 Jane Eliffof G, 13 months, by J. D. 8 William Tidy of G, 2 weeks, by J. L. June 1 Thomas Wood of Warlingham, 84 years, by J. L. Oct. 4 Hannah Susannah Fairall, 7 years, by J. D. 21 John Buckstone of G, 80 years, by J. L. Dec. 2 Thomas Brooke of G, 88 years, by J. L. 30 Mary Anne Vernham of G, 24 years, by J. L. 1833 Apr. 27 Mary Snelling of Coulsdon, 84 years, by J. L. May 14 William Butt of G, 63 years, by J. L. 18 John Wood of Warlingham, 45 years, by J. L. June 19 Jane Bentley of G, 47 years, by A. D. Sep. 25 Robert Pittard of G, 65 years, by J. L. Nov. 5 Mary Eliff of G, 6 months, by J. L. 1834 Jan. 7 Thomas Clements of G, found in the well at the Half Moon, 33 years, by J. D. Feb. 10 Edward Evans of G, 1 month, by J. L. Apr. 23 Edward Streater of G, 83 years, by J. D. May 17 John Smith of G, 43 years, by J. L. June 1 James Brooke of Godstone, 52 years, by J. L. Aug. 10 Jane Wright of G, 2^ years, by Edward Perry, off. Min. 15 Frederick Reading of G, 2 years, by J. L. Sep. 4 Caroline Reading of G, 4 years, by E. P. 102 THE PARISH REGISTER OF CATERHAM. 1834 Nov. 9 John Fairall of G, 4 months, by E. P. Dec. 7 George Belsom of G, 56 years, by E. P. 1835 Feb. 27 Mary Hughes of G, 71 years, by J. L. Mar. 29 Jacob Shepherd of G, 71 years, by E. P. May 3 William Wright of G, 6 months, by J. L. 1 7 Nathanael Brooke, sexton, of G, 86 years, by J. L. Sep. 10 Bell Everitt of G, 2 years, by Arthur Legrew, offg. Min. Oct. 4 Thomas Edwards of G, 20 months, by A. L. 9 Amy Edmonds of G, 79 years, by A. L. 11 Henry Borer of G, 15 months, by A. L. 1836 Feb. 14 John Gethin Saunders of G, 77 years, by A. L. Mar. 1 John Radley of G, 21 years, by J. L. 6 Alfred Fairall of G, 2 months, by J. L. June 5 Richard Brooke of G, 85 years, by A. L. July 6 Thomas Bentley of G, 83 years, by J. L. 24 Anne Perciful of G, 59 years, by A. L. Aug. 23 Maria Bocakes of G, 21 years, by J. L. Oct. 16 John Fairall of G, 60 years, by J. L. Nov. 20 Sarah Bentley of G, 76 years, by J. L. 25 Elizabeth Cheal of Union Workhouse at Blechingly, 91 years, by J. L. Dec. 16 Mary Cheal of Union Workhouse at Blechingly, 65 years, by A. L. 1837 Jan. 12 Martha Elizabeth Bull of Croydon, 66 years, by A. L. 22 Mary Ann Atkins of G, 10 months, by J. L. Feb. 5 Hannah Daughton of Chaldon, 75 years, by J. L. 5 Elizabeth Fairall of Blechingly, 84 years, by J. L. Mar. 7 William Reynolds, killed by a tree falling on him as he was driving a waggon through Croydon, 39 years, by A. L. Apr. 22 Anne Judge of G, 13 months, by J. L. May 2 Mark Belsom, 22 years, by A. L. June 1 1 Charlotte Histed, 9 years, by J. L. 30 Sarah Pittard, 69 years, by J. L. July 23 Elizabeth Brooke, 9 months, by A. L. Aug. 26 Patrick Carrol, a sojourner from Limerick, killed by a blow & buried by order of the Coroner, 35 years, by J. L. Sep. 1 Abel Vernham of G, 50 years, by J. L. Nov. 5 Anne Brooke of G, 82 years, by James Legrew, Rector [p. 25. (No. 194)] [Here follows the entries of Burials com mencing with Entry No. 195, 21 Jan., 1838, on p. 25. No. 816, 19 April, 1879, on p. 102. Form No. 336 blank, p. 42. 348—352 blank, p. 44. inclusive. (5 forms.) — Ed.] THE PARISH REGISTER OF CATERHAM. 103 MARRIAGES. [1813 Jan. 15] James Russell of the Parish of Blechingley in the County of Surrey Bachelor and Elizabeth Patrick of this Parish Spinster were married in this Church by License this fifteenth Day of January in the Year One thousand eight hundred and thirteen By me James Legrew, Minister. This Marriage was solemnized [ James Russell between us j Elh. Patrick No. 1 In the Presence of j ™°8 w«bb ( Catherine Russell 18 1 5 July 24 William Rowed of G,f b., & Ruth Smith, s. Banns by J. L. Wit. : Mary Catton, John Rowed Aug. 2 Matthias Barnes* of G, w., & Mary Catton of G, w. Banns by J. L. Wit: Sarah Pittard,* William Cooper* 1816 Jan. 31 Richard Walter of Godstone, b., & Elizabeth Fisher. Lie. by J. L. Wit. : Jane Ockenden, John Walter 18 1 7 Mar. 15 Richard Hersey of G, b., & Sophia Belsom of G, s. Banns by J. L. Wit: John Brooke, Junr., Tho" Patrick 1818 June '30 Charles Russell* of G, b., & Sarah Tichener of Godstone, s. Banns by J. L. Wit. : Fanny Carver, William Tichener* 1821 Nov. 7 Thomas Bentley* of G, w., & Sarah Snelling* of G, w. Banns by J. L. Wit: Hannah Dalton,* Tho. Patrick 1822 Apr. -28 John Tulett of G, b., & Anne Eliffof G, s. Banns by J. L. Wit. : Dinah Elliff, John Brooke Oct. 19 John Gibb* of G, b., & Mary Ann Bish* of G, s. Banns by Thomas Welton, Rector of Chaldon. Wit. : Tho8 Patrick 1823 Mar. 14 Joseph Bull of G, b., & Elizabeth Greenfield of G, s. Banns by J. L. Wit. : William Mills, Th° Patrick July 30 Thomas Watson* of G, b., & Martha Cornish of G, s. Banns by J. L. Wit : John Gadd, Tho8 Patrick 1824 Apr. 19 George Elliff of G, b., & Elizabeth Brown of G, s. Banns by J. L. Wit. : Ann Tullet, John Tullet * Signed by X . t C. = " of this Place. " 104 THE PARISH REGISTER OF CATERHAM. 1824 Dec. 25 William Edwards* of G, b., & Sarah Istead* of G, s. Banns by J. L. Wit: Matthew Martin, Tho. Patrick 1825 Jan. 19 James Reading of G, b., & Mary Ken ward of G, s. Banns by Arthur Drummond, offg. Min. Wit: George Pratt, Eleanor Reading Dec. 31 James Vernham* of G, b., & Mary Anne Fairall of G, s. Banns by J. L. Wit: Phebe Fairall, Thomas Bellchambers* 1827 Oct. 3 Joseph Brown* of G, b., & Maria Hawkins of G, s. Banns by J. L. Wit. : Amy Chandler,* Edward Chandler 1828 May 27 Thomas Bellchambers* of G, b., & Phebe Fairall of G, s. Banns by J. L. Wit. : Eliza Gilby, Robert Vernon * 1829 Aug. 11 William Wright of G, b., & Priscilla Mulcock of Streatham, s. Banns by J. L. Wit. : Ann Read, James Wright 1830 July 28 James Birch Kelly of Inner Temple, London, b., & Mary Seymour Clark of G, s. Lie. by J. L. Wit. : Thomas Clark, Fanny Clark, Amey Clark 1831 Apr. 11 William Tiday* of G, b., & Jane Bentley* of G, s. Banns by J. L. Wit: Caroline Bentley, James Bentley Sep. 24 William Reading of G, b., & Mary Lucas of G, s. Banns by J. L. Wit. : Harriet Reading, Edmund Reading Dec. 27 Charles Julius Roberts of Saint Anne, Blackfriars, London, Doctor of Medicine, b., & Marianne Simpson of G, s. Lie. by J. L. Wit. : Georgiana Simpson, Pinder Simpson 1832 Jan. 1 Peter Morris of G, b., & Mary Bliss Rayner of G, w. Lie by J. L Wit. : Elizabeth Rowed, Isaac Dod Mar. 3 James Dewdney of Dorking, b., & Georgiana Simpson of G, s. Lie. by J. L. Wit. : Harriet Dewdney, Pinder Simpson, Geo. Dewdney 1833 Feb. 18 James Bentley of G, b., & Elizabeth Powell of G, s. Banns by J. L. Wit. : Caroline Bentley, William Tiday* May 4 John Fairall of G, b., & Jane Gatland of Godstone, s. Banns by J. L. Wit. : Sarah Fairall, Benjamin Fairall* 1834 June 21 James Vincents of G, b., & Amy Bentley* of G, s. Banns by J. L. Wit.: Caroline Bentley, James Harbour* July 20 William Tamplin of G, b., & Mary Hill of G, s. Banns by J. L. Wit. : Lydia Hill, Sophe Hill * Signed by X. THE PARISH REGISTER OF CATERHAM. 105 1836 May 3 Thomas Ellis* of G, b., & Sarah Main* of G, s. Banns by Arthur Legrew, Offg. Min. Wit.: Richard Tamplin, Harriet Harmand* Sep. 20 Thomas Bentley of G, w., & Mary Smith Belsom of G, w. Banns by J. L. Wit: Philadelphia Gadd,* John Gadd* 1837 Jan. 3 John Butt of G, w., & Sophia Tidy of G, s. Banns by J. L. Wit: Thomas Watson,* Martha Watson* June 5 James Balch of G, b., & Elizabeth Bryant of G, s. Banns by James Legrew, Rector. Wit: Anne No. 32 Balch, Henry Bryant* [Forms No. 33 to 300 blank. — Ed.] [Extracted from the previous Register of Banns & Marriages. — Ed.] 18 13 May 16 i Banns of Marriage between William lies of G & 23 > Keturah Stevens of Egham, Surrey, published by 30 ' J. Legrew, Minister 18 1 3 Oct. 31 j Banns of Marriage between Robert Woolford of Nov. 7 > Cudham, Kent, & Sarah Tamplin of G, pub. 14 ) by J. L. Of I Banns of Marriage between James Shirley of God- Uct< g [ stone & Mary Miller of G, pub. by J. L. y 3 | Barins 0f Marriage between Gabriel Waterford of G, ( b., & Phillis Creesy of East Grinstead, s., by J. L. 27 1 pr. 1 ^ j}anns 0r Marriage between Richard Shepherd of G y, I & Sarah Everest of Coulsdon by J. L. Signed by X . io6 THE PARISH REGISTER OF CATERHAM. Agister UMtt. BAPTISMS When Child's Christian Name. Parents' Name. Abode. Quality, Trade, or Profession. By whom the Ceremony Baptized. Christian. Surname. was Performed. 1813 Janyi7th James son of William and Hannah King Caterham Husband man J8 Legrew * Minister Nathaniel s. Wm. & Jane Smith of G, h. f Jane d. John & Anne Fairall of G, h. Anne Maria d. Wm. & Lydia Bird of G, h. Wm. s. Thos. & Martha Peters of G, h. Susannah d. Wm. & Anne Harris of G, sawyer Harriet d. Geo. & Mary Bellsom of G, h. Elizh. d. Jno. & Elizh. Istead of G, sawyer Helen d. Jas. & Elizh. Snelling of G, shepherd Jane d. Benjn & Elizh. Ellis of G, thatcher Allen s. Geo. & Mary Nash of G, sawyer Louisa d. Wm. & Elizh. Rowed of G, h. Geo. s. Thos. & Elizh. Gibb of G, h Caroline d. Thos. & Jane Bentley of G, h. Henry s. Josh. & Jane Chandler of G, victualler Jonathan s. Jonathan & Anne Trosh of G, ostler Richd. s. Richd. & Anne Tamplin of G, h. Edwd. s. Edwd. & Maria Elliff of G, farmer Thos. s. Wm. & Elizh. Elliff of G, farmer Sarah d. Bartholomew & Sarah Jackson of G, h. Sarah d. John & Hannah Balcomb of G, h. John s. Wm. & Keturah lies of G, carpenter Wm. s. Jno. & Anne Reigate of G, h. Wm. s. Wm. & Mary Borer of G, h. Eliza d. Jos. & Elizh. Istead of G, gardener John s. Michael & Mary Rowed of G, carpenter * It is to be assumed that the Ceremony was performed by James Legrew unless the contrary appears against the entry. — Ed. + h = husbandman. 1813 Feb. 1 Mar. 2 26 Apr. 11 May 25 13 June 11 July 4 Aug. 19 29 Oct. 29 3 16 18 Dec. S 18 14 Mar. 7 20 Apr. 3 3 May June 7 11 26 July Sep. 28 6 8 1814 Nov. 5 Dec. 31 1815 Mar. 26 Apr. 9 22 June 2 4 July 9 Sep. 3 10 10 Oct. 9 Dec. 17 1816 Jan. 1 11 3i Feb. 7 18 Mar. 16 Apr. 12 May 22 THE PARISH REGISTER OF CATERHAM. 107 Wm. s. Wm. & Anne Harris of G, sawyer Richd. s. Wm. & Elizh. Rowed of G, h. Harriet d. Edwd. & Maria Elliff of G, farmer Mark s. Jas. & Elizh. Snelling of G, shepherd Harriet d. Richard & Phoebe Butt of G, farmer Sarah d. Andrew & Martha Dar of Carshalton, tanner Thos. Breedon s. Susan Day of G [blank] Phoebe d. Jos. & Jane Chandler of G, victualler, by Revd Thomas Welton [Rector of Chaldon] Thos. s. Thos. & Sarah Payne of G, woodcutter Henry s. Wm. & Keturah lies of G, carpenter Lydia d. Wm. & Lydia Bird of G, h. Mary d. Jno. & Elizh. Istead of G, sawyer Dec. 1 7 Lydia d. Bartholomew & Sarah Jackson of G, h. Anne d. Benjn. & Elizh. Ellis of G, thatcher Mark s. Geo. & Mary Bellsom of G, h. Mary d. Wm. & Ruth Rowed of G, carpenter Amy d. Thos. & Jane Bentley of G, h. Wm. s. Jno. & Mary Roff of G, h. Jas. s. Richd. & Anne Tamplin of G, h. Sarah s. Jno. & Anne Fairall of G, h. Richd. s. Wm. & Jane Smith of G, h. June 18 Betsy d. Wm. & Elizh. Elliff of G, farmer July 10 Jas. s. Wm. & Elizh. Rowed of G, h. Aug. 30 Thos. s. Jno. & Hannah Balcomb of G, h. Sep. 7 Anne d. Edward & Maria Elliff of G, farmer Aug. [sic] 1 2 Chas. & Sarah Techiner of G [blank] Martha d. Wm. & Anne Percifull of G, butcher Mary Ann d. Jas. & Elizh. Istead of G, gardener Elizh. Lucas d. Wm. Hy. & Elizh. Blackmore of Kennington, cotton broker Jos. s. Jos. & Jane Chandler of G, victualler Thos. s. Wm. & Mary Borer of G, h. Richd. s. Wm. & Anne Harris of C., sawyer Rachael s. Wm. & Ruth Rowed of G, carpenter Jas. s. Michael & Mary Rowed of G, carpenter Wm. s. Wm. & Keturah lies of G, carpenter, by T. Welton Amy d. Jas. & Elizh. Snelling of G, shepherd Anne d. Wm. & Elizh. Rowed of G, h. Jno. s. Jno. & Anne Reigate of G, h. Susanna d. Thos. & Sarah Davis of G, quarryman Wm. s. Jno. & Hannah Balcomb of G, h. Amy d. Wm. & Mary Hall of G, carpenter Susannah s. Jno. & Elizh. Istead of G, sawyer Thos. s. Thos. & Martha Allen of Chaldon, shepherd Phoebe d. Richd. & Phoebe Butt of G, farmer Bartholomew s. Bartholomew & Sarah Jackson of C.,h. Oct. 6 Dec. 29 1817 Jan. 12 Feb. 9 Mar. 26 Apr. 6 12 May July 2 12 Aug. Sep. 24 13 14 Dec. 14 14 28 1818 Feb. 8 8 Mar. 6 18 ioS THE PARISH REGISTER OF CATERHAM. 1818 Mar. 22 Eliza d. Richd. & Sophia Hersey of G, h. 25 Sarah d. Benjn. & Elizabeth Ellis of G, thatcher Apr. 5 Luke s. Geo. & Mary Bellsom of G, butcher 9 Geo. s. Jno. & Anne Fairall of G, h. 12 Sarah s. Jno. & Sophia Rowed of G, carpenter 19 Caroline d. Jno. & Mary Roff of G, h. May 5 Thos. s. Thos. & Jane Bentley of G, h. Aug. 24 Geo. s. Chas. & Anne [Sarah] Russell of G, ostler, by T. Welton Sep. 3 Mary Anne s. Carrington & Martha Symons of G, servant, by T. Welton 20 Eliza d. Wm. & Anne Perciful of G, butcher Oct. 24 Jno. s. Richd. & Anne Tamplin of G, h. Dec. 20 Thomas s. Jos. & Jane Chandler of G, h. 27 Wm. s. Wm. & Ruth Rowed of G, carpenter 1819 Jan. 9 Henry Conyers s. Jno. Mort & Mary Bate of G, schoolmaster 24 Sarah d. Jas. & Mary Gatland of G, h. 24 Mary d. Thos. & Elizh. Laker of G, blacksmith Mar. 7 Rebecca d. Wm. & Lydia Bird of G, h. 14 James Vashan s. Wm. & Elizh. Rowed of G, h. 18 Eliza d. Wm. & Elizh. Elliff of G, farmer 28 Edwd. s. Edwd. & Elizh. Wright of G, blacksmith Apr. 18 Anne d. Wm. & Anne Harris of G, sawyer May 2 Anthony s. Jos. & Elizh. Istead of G, gardener 2 Mary Anne d. Wm. & Mary Borer of G, h. Aug. 1 1 Robt. s. Chas. & Sarah Russell of G, ostler 22 Elizh. d. Jno. & Sophia Rowed of G, carpenter Oct. 3 Geo. s. Wm. & Jane Smith of G, h. 16 Anne d. Wm. & Charlotte Hebbard of G, carpenter 1 7 Harriet d. Edwd. & Harriet Brooker of G, h. 1820 Jan. 9 John Mort s. Jno. Mort & Mary Bate of G, school master Feb. 6 Richd. s. Richd. & Sophia Hersey of G, h. 14 Alfred s. Wm. & Elizh. Rowed of G, h. 19 Jno. s. Robt. & Catherine Cooper of G, h. Mar. 4 Reuben s. Geo. & Mary Bellsom of G, butcher Apr. 2 Henry s. Jas. & Elizh. Snelling of G, shepherd 16 Henry s. Thos. & Harriet Nicholls of G, h. 16 John s. Wm. & Anne Perciful of G, butcher May 7 Eliza d. Jno. & Mary Roff of G, h. 7 Jonathan s. Jno. & Anne Fairall of G, h. 1 1 Jane d. Thos. & Sarah Griffin of G, groom 28 James s. Thos. & Sarah Davis of G, quarryman Oct. 1 Eliza d. Geo. & Elizh. Fielder of G, h. 1 82 1 Jan. 7 Eliza d. Bartholomew & Sarah Jackson of G, h. Feb. 4 Jesse s. Wm. & Ruth Rowed of G, carpenter 4 Frances d. Jas. & Martha Elliff of G, h. 18 Jane Maria d. Jno. & Elizh. Istead of C, sawyer THE PARISH REGISTER OF CATERHAM. 109 [Page 15: In the left hand margin: "Feby 27 1821 I appointed Thomas Patrick to fill the vacant office of Clerk of the Parish. — James Legrew, Minister "] 1 82 1 Mar. 4 Sarah d. Wm. & Anne Harris of G, sawyer 4 Martha d. Wm. & Elizh. Buck of G, bricklayer 4 Caroline d. Jas. & Jane Chandler of G, victualler 13 Benjn s. Richd. & Anne Tamplin of G, h. 1 7 Elizh. d. Wm. & Mary Borer of G, h. Apr. 22 John s. Chas. & Sophia Edwards of G, h. [In the right hand margin : " The twenty-eighth day of May in this year was fixed by Act of Parliament for ascertaining the population of the Kingdom ; when that of this Parish amounted to 241 males & 194 females (together 435) — there were 8 1 houses 84 families "] June 18 Geo. s. Jas. & Mary Gatland of G, h. July 22 Jemima s. Chas. & Sarah Russell of G, ostler Aug. 5 Wm. s. Wm. & Lydia Bird of G, h. Sep. 2 Amy d. Jos. & Elizh. Istead of G, gardener 2 Henry s. Richd. & Susannah Simms of G, h. 7 Caroline d. Henry & Martha Lawrence of G, groom Dec. 9 Caroline d. Geo. & Anne Tuck of G, h. 1822 Jan. 6 Anne Maria d. Jas. & Maria Bourner of G, victualler 30 Sarah d. Wm. & Elizh. Elliff of G, farmer Feb. 20 John s. Thos. & Jane Bentley of G, h. 23 Abel s. John & Anne Fairall of G, h. Mar. 20 James s. George & Mary Bellsom of G, butcher May 12 Edward s. Robert & Catherine Cooper of G, h. July 7 James s. Wm. & Anne Blake of G, h. 14 Thos. s. Thos. & Sarah Davis of G, quarryman Aug. 4 Mary Anne d. Wm. & Mary Mills of G, farm bailiff 18 Isaac s. Thos. & Eliza Dod of G, baker 18 Olave s. Richd. & Sophia Hersey of G, h. 31 James s. Thos. & Winifred Miles of G, h. Sep. 8 Harriet Eleanor d. Richd. & Harriet Bashford of G, ostler 8 Jane d. Thomas & Jane Baker of Edenbridge, Kent [blank] 12 Ruth d. Wm. & Ruth Rowed of G, carpenter Oct. 2 Elizabeth Swaine d. Benjn. & Elizh. Ellis of G, thatcher, by T. Welton 9 Elizh. d. Edwd. & Harriet Brooker of G, h. 22 Elizh. d. Jno. & Mary Roff of G, h. Nov. 2 1 Jane d. Wm. & Anne Harris of G, sawyer Dec. 8 Harriet d. Bartholomew & Sarah Jackson of G, h. 1823 Jan. 5 Rebecca d. Jas. & Elizh. Snelling of G, shepherd Feb. 2 Jeremiah s. Jas. & Mary Allison of G, h. no THE PARISH REGISTER OF CATERHAM. 1823 Feb. 15 Wm. s. Richd. & Sarah Shepherd of G, h. Mar. 16 John s. Jno. & Anne Tulett of G, sawyer 30 Geo. s. Geo. & Elizh. Pratt of G, schoolmaster Apr. 6 John Streeter s. Eliza Smith Bellsom, of Clerkenwell [blank] 27 Harriet d. Chas. & Sarah Russell of G, ostler May 1 1 Esther d. Jno. & Elizh. Istead of G, sawyer 13 Thos. s. Richd. & Anne Tamplin of G, h. June 15 Jas. s. Jos. & Jane Chandler of G, victualler 15 Eliza d. Wm. & Mary Borer of G, h. 27 Emma d. Edwd. & Elizh. Wright of G, blacksmith, by A. Drummond, Minr of Coulsdon Aug. 14 Daniel s. Joseph & Elizh. Istead of G, gardener 17 Eleanor d. Thos. & Winifred Miles of G, h. 3 1 Rebecca Sarah d. Richd. & Susannah Simms of G, h. Oct. 26 Eliza d. Geo. & Anne Tuck of G, h. Nov. 19 Elizh. d. James & Maria Bourner of G, victualler Dec. 7 James s. Wm. & Lydia Bird of G, h. 25 Charlotte d. Wm. & Frances Mosely of G, h. 1824 Mar. 5 Elizh. d. Jno. & Anne Fairall of G, h. 28 Patience d. Hy. & Patience Bryant of G, shopkeeper Apr. 14 Jane d. Wm. & Mary Mills of G, farm bailiff May 23 Mary d. James & Amy Songhurst of G, chalk digger July 27 Mary d. Richd. & Anne Tamplin of G, h. Aug. 1 Elizabeth d. Wm. & Ruth Rowed of G, carpenter Sep. 18 Geo. s. Isaac & Rachel Dodd of G, mealman Oct. 1 7 Mary Anne d. Richd. & Phoebe Burt of G, farmer 29 Mary Anne d. John & Mary Anne Gibb of G, h. Nov. 2 Geo. s. Richd. & Sophia Hersey of G, h. 1825 Feb. 24 Sarah d. Thos. & Frances Streater of G, carpenter Mar. 13 Edwd. s. Geo. & Elizh. Elliff of G, h. Apr. 10 Frances d. Jas. & Maria Bourner of G, victualler May 8 Daniel s. Richd. & Susannah Simms of G, h. 22 James s. John & Anne Tulett of G, sawyer 29 John s. Richd. & Harriet Bashford of G, ostler June 19 Mary d. Wm. & Anne Blake of G, h. 26 Abner s. Jno. & Mary Everitt of G, h. Aug. 14 Wm. s. Bartholomew & Sarah Jackson of G, h. Sep. 3 John s. John & Elizabeth Istead of G, sawyer 18 Geo. s. Thos. & Jane Bentley of G, h. Oct. 11 Alfred s. Michael & Esther Judge of G, groom , 23 Jane d. Wm. & Elizh. Elliff of G, farmer 23 Wm. s. Wm. & Sarah Edwards of G, h. 29 Harriet d. Gabriel & Philadelphia Waterford of G, h. Nov. 30 John s. Wm. & Mary Borer of G, h. 1826 Jan. 15 Robt. s. Jno. & Mary Roff of G, h. 22 Mary d. Thos. & Sarah Davis of G, quarry man 29 Fanny d. Geo. & Mary Bellsom of G, butcher Mar. 26 Elizh. d. Wm. & Mary Mills of G, farm bailiff May July Aug. 21 3 6 r3 U Sep.Oct. 23 10 24 Nov. l9 Dec. 17 1827 Jan. 7 M THE PARISH REGISTER OF CATERHAM. in 1826 Mar. 26 Thomas s. Wm. & Lydia Bird of G, h. 26 Maria d. Isaac & Rachel Dodd of G, mealman Apr. 16 Geo. s. Joseph & Jane Chandler of G, victualler 16 Elizh. d. Joseph & Jane Chandler of G, victualler 21 James s. Geo. & Elizh. Pratt of G, schoolmaster Elizh. d. Wm. & Mary Ann Dyer of G, gentleman Charles s. Wm. & Hannah Ayres of G, h. Wm. Thos. s. Wm. & Ruth Rowed of G, carpenter Elizh. d. Richd. & Mary Colbourn of G, gardener Geo. s. Geo. & Anne Tuck of G, h. Phoebe d. James & Mary Anne Vernham of G, h. 24 James Mark s. Hy. & Patience Bryant of G, shop keeper James s. James & Elizh. Snelling of G, shepherd Edward s. John & Anne Tulett of G, sawyer Frances d. Thos. & Frances Streater of G, carpenter Harriet d. Richard & Sophia Hersey of G, h. 2 1 Matilda d. James & Maria Bourner of G, victualler 21 Mary Anne d. James & Maria Bourner of G, victualler 28 Dinah d. Geo. & Elizh. Elliff of G, h. 28 Mary d. Robert & Sarah Russell of G, carpenter June 6 Sarah Jane d. Wm. & Jane Eliza Friend of G, h. 13 Louisa d. John & Mary Anne Gibb of G, h. July 15 Sarah Jane d. Richd. & Susannah Simms of G, h. Aug. 1 2 Rebecca d. Richd. & Harriet Bashford of G, ostler Sep. 6 Williams. Thos. & Jane Bentley of G, h., by T. Welton, Chaldon 17 James s. Wm. & Mary Borer of G, h., by T. Welton, Chaldon Oct. 10 Mary d. John & Mary Everitt of G, h. Nov. 16 William s. Wm. & Mary Mills of G, farm bailiff 18 Joseph s. Jonathan & Elizabeth Jenner of Eden- bridge, Kent, shoemaker Dec. 2 Amos. s. Wm. & Ruth Rowed of G, carpenter 16 Elizh. d. James & Bridget Daws of G, h. 28 Sarah d. Richd. & Anne Tamplin of G, h. 1828 Mar. 2 Charlotte d. Jno. & Elizh. Istead of G, sawyer Apr. 13 Richard s. Richd. & Mary Colbourn of G, gardener 20 Thomas s. Jno. & Anne Tulett of G, sawyer May 29 Wm. s. Wm. & Mary Anne Dyer of G, gentleman June 1 Isaac s. Isaac & Rachel Dodd of G, mealman 11 Wm. s. Thos. & Elizh. Youell of G, h. 13 Wm. s. Wm. & Jane Kilby of G, shepherd 25 Charles s. Michael & Esther Judge of G, groom July 1 Jane d. James & Mary Anne Vernham of G, h., by Rev. J. W. Lockwood, Coulsdon Aug. 31 Emily d. Bartholomew & Sarah Jackson of G, h. Oct. 12 Henry s. Henry & Martha Lawrence of Greenwich, Kent, coachman ii2 THE PARISH REGISTER OF CATERHAM. 1828 Oct. 26 Geo. s. Geo. & Elizh. Elliff of G, h. 27 James s. Edward & Maria Elliff of G, h. [In the left hand margin : " Isabella daughter of Frederick Clarke of Lympstone Devonshire and y&jai f Jane bis wife was received into the Church here [Ada form De(;r 29th ig2gj Jt having been stated at the 243 -1 time that she was born at Kensington Middx. Jany. 11th 182 1 and baptized there some time in February or March following, — James Legrew."] July 13 [sic] Sarah d. Thomas & Sarah Davis of G, quarry- man, by T. W. Lockwood 1829 Jan. 7 Pleasance d. Richd. & Sophia Hersey of G, h. Mar. 15 George s. Robt. & Sarah Russell of G, carpenter Apr. 22 James s. Richd. & Susannah Simms of G, h. May 1 7 Henry s. James & Maria Bourner of G, victualler 26 William s. Joseph & Amy Green of G, shepherd June 7 Thomas s. James & Amy Songhurst of G, chalk digger 15 Charles s. Thomas & Frances Streater of G, victualler July 5 Wm. s. Isaac & Rachel Dodd of C, mealman 30 Elizh. d. Wm. & Amy Dalton of G, h. Oct. 25 Thos. s. John & Mary Everitt of G, h. 30 Wm. s. James & Anne Vine of G, horsekeeper Nov. 8 Anne d. John & Anne Tulett of G, sawyer Dec. 1 Anne d. Thos. & Phebe Bellchambers of G, h. 6 Charlotte d. Wm. & Mary Mills of G, farm bailiff 22 John s. Hannah Bish of C. [blank] 23 John s. Joseph & Maria Brown of G, h. 1830 Mar. 7 Wm. Thos. s. Thos. & Mary Ware of G, chalk digger Apr. 7 Thos. s. John & Mary Anne Gibb of G, h. 1 1 Emma d. Wm. & Anne Reynolds of G, h. 18 Thomas s. Thos. & Martha Watson of G, h. 29 Sarah Jane d. Wm. & Jane Byles of G, h., by Henry Burgess, Min. of Merstham June 6 Caroline d. Edmund & Ruth Reading of G, carpenter 20 Eliza d. Wm. & Priscilla Wright of G, blacksmith 27 James s. James & Bridget Daws of G, h., by J. Duffus, offg. Min. Sep. 5 Dinah d. James & Mary Anne Vernham of G, h, 5 Harriet d. Wm. & Mary Borer of G, h. 20 William s. James & Mary Allison of G, h. 1 83 1 Jan. 1 John s. Dancy & Sophia Overy Cracknell of G, carpenter 9 Eliza d. John & Elizh. Histed of G, sawyer, by John Duffus, offg. Min. 23 Robt. John s. Hy. & Patience Bryant of G, shop keeper, by John Duffus, offg. Min. 30 John Geo. s. Thos. & Elizh. Gutteridge Ellis of G, farmer THE PARISH REGISTER OF CATERHAM. 113 1 83 1 Feb. 1 Elizh. d. Michael & Esther Judge of G, groom 13 Jane d. Geo. & Elizh. Elliff of G, h. 22 Richd. s. Wm. & Jane Kilby of G, shepherd Mar. 28 Mary d. James & Mary Nicholson of Brighton, mariner. [In margin in pencil : " a Traveller "] Apr. 17 Henry s. Thomas & Sarah Davis of G, quarryman. John Duffus, offg. Min. May 3 Caroline d. Mary Ann Elliff of G [blank] 22 Anney d. Joseph & Amy Green of G, shepherd [In the right hand margin: "On May 30th 1831 The population of the Parish was taken when there were 237 males & 212 females — 449 — 78 Inhabited Houses occupied by 83 families "] June 12 John s. Wm. & Mary Anne Dyer of G, gentleman 20 Anne d. Thomas & Jane Bentley of G, h. Oct. 16 Fanny d. Richd. & Sophia Hersey of G, h., by John Duffus 30 Benjn. s. John & Mary Everitt of G, h. by John Duffus Nov. 1 Albert s. Stephen & Mary Anne Burberry of G, quarryman Dec. 4 James s. Isaac & Rachel Dodd of G, mealman 11 Thomas s. John & Mary Roff of G, h., by John Duffus, off. Min. 1 7 Esau s. Thos. & Phebe Bellchambers of G, h. 1832 Jan. 28 William s. Wm. & Jane Tidy of G, h. Feb. 12 Jane d. Wm. & Priscilla Wright of G, blacksmith Mar. 25 Edward s. Bartholomew & Sarah Jackson of G, h., by John Duffus, off. Min. Apr. 8 Jane d. John & Martha Ellis of G, h., by John Duffus, off. Min. May 3 Anne d. Richd. & Anne Tamplin of G, h., by John Duffus, off. Min. July 29 Charles s. Wm. & Mary Reading of G, wheelwright [Page 37 : In the left hand margin : "The Vestry- room was erected, not being one before, the Porch re-built : and the Church repaired, in the year 1832 at the joint expense of Charles Day Esqre Lord of the Manor and the Rector. The cost was ^207. The former gave ;£ioo, and the Rector paid the remainder."] Aug. 12 Jane d. John & Anne Tulett of G, sawyer Sep. 9 Ellen d. Wm. & Mary Mills of G, victualler, by J. Duffus, off. Min. Oct. 23 Eliza d. James & Anne Wright of G, blacksmith Nov. 1 1 Michael s. Michael & Esther Judge of G, groom, by J. D., off. Min. Dec. 2 Louisa d. Wm. & Mary Borer of G, h., by J. D., off. Min. n4 THE PARISH REGISTER OF CATERHAM. 1832 Dec. 16 Abel s. James & Mary Anne Vernham of C.,"h. ' 23 John s. Geo. & Elizh. Elliff of G, h., by J. D., off. Min. 1833 Feb. 10 Harriet d. John & Mary Anne Gibb of G, h. [Page 38 : In the right hand margin : " In the year 1833, the Parishioners built the wall round the Churchyard, there being only a wooden fence before : the Rector defraying the expense of the Piers and Iron Gates. The former cost £8 : the latter ;£ii.]" [Page 39 : In the left hand margin : "Jan? 6 1833, I appointed Jesse Brooker to fill the office of Parish Clerk vacant by the death of Thomas Patrick. — James Legrew, Rector."] Apr. 30 Mary d. Edwd. & Maria Elliff of G, h. May 6 Jane d. Wm. & Jane Tidy of G, h. 12 Edward s. James & Mary Songhurst of G, chalk digger, by J. D., offg. Min. June 30 Joseph s. Joseph & Mary Atkins of G, chalk digger, by J. D., offg. Min. July 27 Anne d. Henry & Patience Bryant of G, shopkeeper, by J. D., offg. Min. Aug. 18 Jane s. Richard & Sophia Hersey of G, h. Sep. 1 John s. Edward & Ann Sparrow of G, h. 22 Bell s. John & Mary Everitt of G, h., by J. D., offg. Min. 22 Robert s. Thos. & Sarah Davis of G, quarryman Oct. 13 Alfred s. Thos. & Elizh. Gutteridge Ellis of G, farmer, by J. D., offg. Min. Maria s. Susannah Harris of G [blank] Edward s. Saml. & Elizh. Evans of S' Ann's, Soho, shoemaker, by J. D., offg. Min. Robert s. Charles & Phillis Russell of G, ostler Thomas s. William & Sarah Edwards of G, h. Rachel d. Isaac & Rachel Dodd of G, labourer Benjamin s. John & Martha Ellis of G, thatcher Harriet d. Wm. & Harriet Birkin of G, h. Abraham s. Edwd. & Eliza Harris of G, h. 8 Anne d. James & Anne Wright of G, blacksmith George Wm. s. Edward & Amelia Ellis of G, baker Mary Anne d. Wm. & Mary Anne Dyer of G, gentleman 27 Mary Anne d. William & Mary Tamplin of G, h. 28 John s. John & Jane Fairall of G, h. Aug. 3 Charles s. John & Anne Tulett of G, sawyer 5 Frederick s. Edmund & Ruth Reading of G, carpenter, by Edward Perry,. offg. Min. 24 Henry s. Wm. & Mary Borer of G, h. 24 Ellen d. Edmund & Ruth Reading of G, carpenter, by E. Perry, off. Min. Dec. 15 1834 Jan. 29 Feb. 9 Mar. 9 23 May 11 24 June 25 8 July 24 2 THE PARISH REGISTER OF CATERHAM. 115 1834 Sep. 14 Thomas George s. Thomas & Mary Gambrell of G, taylor 28 Jemima d. James & Jane Carter of G, h. Oct. 6 Anne Eliza d. Thomas & Frances Streater of G, victualler 26 Eliza d. Joseph & Mary Atkins of G, limeburner Nov. 16 William s. Wm. & Priscilla Wright of G, blacksmith 16 Emily d. Wm. & Mary Reading of G, wheelwright Dec. 17 Abel s. Thos. & Phebe Bellchambers of G, h. 1835 Jan. 18 John s. Thomas & Sarah Clark of G, h. 18 Richard s. Wm. & Elizh. Harman of G, carpenter, by Ed. Perry, offg. Min. 25 Louisa Jeffery d. Israel Jeffery & Mary Ann Francis Standing of G, farrier Feb. 1 Mary Anne d. Martha Garland of G [blank] 15 Anne d. Benjamin & Amy Garland of G, h. Mar. 22 Elizabeth d. George & Elizabeth Elliff of G, h. Apr. 3 Thomas s. Wm. & Jane Bylett of G, h., by E. Perry, off. Min. 27 Elizabeth Gadd d. Eliza Cullingham of G, [blank] [Page 44: In the right hand margin: "June 18 1835. I appointed Richard Hersey to the office of Sexton. — James Legrew, Rector."] July 3 Harriet d. James & Caroline Harbour of G, h. 7 James s. John & Mary Anne Gibb of G, h. 15 Mary d. Edwd. & Anne Sparrow of G, h. 26 Susannah d. Samuel & Elizh. Evans of St. Giles's, London, shoemaker, by Arthur Legrew, off. Min. Dec. 25 Mary Anne d. Wm. & Mary Reading of G, wheelwright. 26 Alfred s. John & Jane Fairall of G, h. 1836 Jan. 18 Alice d. John & Mary Everitt of G, h. 31 Abram s. Wm. & Anne Hannah Pullen of G, h., by A. Legrew, off. Min. Mar. 5 Mary Anne d. Joseph & Mary Atkins of G, lime- burner [Page 45 : In the left hand margin : " March 26th 1837. I appointed James Balch to the office of Parish Clerk, on the resignation of Jesse Brooker. — James Legrew."] 27 Mary Elizh. d. Thos. & Mary Gambrell of G, tayler, by A. Legrew, off. Min. 28 Edmund Frederick s. Edmund & Ruth Reading of G, carpenter Apr. 10 Charles Palmer s. Thomas & Elizh. Gutteridge Ellis of G, farmer, by A. Legrew, off. Min. to Charles s. Wm. & Sarah Edwards of G, h. by A Legrew, off. Min. 116 THE PARISH REGISTER OF CATERHAM. 1836 May 16 Mary Anne d. Wm. & Priscilla Wright of G, black smith, by Wm Wood, Rect, Coulsdon 16 Emma d. Wm. & Priscilla Wright of G, blacksmith, by Wm Wood, Rect., Coulsdon 29 Martha d. Benjn. & Sarah Allen of G, h. June 16 Mary d. Thomas & Sarah Ellis of G, h. July 16 Sarah d. Wm. & Jane Tidy of G, h. 17 Edward s. Edward & Amelia Ellis of G, baker 27 Caroline d. James & Caroline Harbour of G, h. Oct. 9 Harriet d. Wm. & Eliza Barton of G, shepherd 16 Eliza d. Edward & Eliza Harris of G, h. Nov. 6 Elizabeth d. James & Elizabeth Brooke of G, blacksmith 7 Hannah d. Thomas & Phebe Bellchambers of G, h. 20 Edward s. James & Anne Wright of G, farmer Dec. 8 Elizabeth d. James & Jane Carter of G, h. 10 Thomas s. Thomas & Sarah Clark of G, h. 1 3 James s. James & Amy Vincents of G, h. 1837 Jan. 14 Henry s. John & Jane Fairall of G, h., by A. Legrew, off. Min. Feb. 18 Martha d. Wm. & Mary Reading of G, wheelwright 19 William s. Geo. & Elizh. Elliff of G, h. Mar. 26 Alfred s. Isaac & Rachel Dodd of G, labourer Apr. 2 Eliza d. Thomas & Sarah Davis of G, quarryman June n Sarah d. Benjamin & Amy Garland of G, h., by A, Legrew, off. Min. 18 Maria d. Richard & Sophia Hersey of G, h., by A. Legrew, off. Min. 28 George s. William & Elizh. Buck of G, bricklayer, by A. Legrew, off. Min. Sep. 3 Henry s. John & Martha Ellis of G, thatcher Dec. 1 Mary d. John & Sophia Butt of G, h. 25 William s. Joseph & Mary Atkins of G, limeburner, by James Legrew, Rector [Page 49, No. 385] [Here follow Baptisms from 28 Jan., 1838 {No. 386, on p. 49), to 11 Nov., i860 (No. 800, on p. 100). End of Register. —Ed.] INDEX NOMINUM. Achin, Elizabeth, 9 Acton, Harvey, 48 Adams, Alice, I Adamson, Isabel, 2 (2) ; Mildred, 2 ; Richard, 2 ; Robert, 2 (2) Additer, Widow, 32 Agent, James, 56 ; Jane, 56 Alfrey, Elizabeth, 58 Aliff, Alliff, Alyff, see Elliff Allayne, Henry, 13 ; Thomas, 13 Allen, Ann, 78, 8o, 86, 96 ; Benjamin, 1 16 ; Elizabeth, 20, 86 ; Henry, 78, 80, 86 ; Hester, 57 ; John, 78 ; Martha, 107, 116; Sarah, 116; Thomas, 96, 107 (2) ; William, 80 Allingham (Alingham), Alice, 29, 31 ; Ann, 31, 32; Benjamin, 29 ; Elizabeth, 28, 42; Em., 30; George, 29, 43; Joseph, 28 (3), 29 (3), 30, 31 (2), 32, 39. 42 , . , Allison, James, 109, 112; Jeremiah, 109; Mary, 109, 112; William, 112 Alphick, Elizabeth, 96 Annis, Mary, 92 ; Sarah, 61, 90 Answell, Ann, 24 ; John, 24 Apps, Edward, 76 Apted, William, 62 Arg-ent, Charles, 94; Harriet, 80; James, 90 ; Jemima Ann, 89 ; Jesse, 92; Mary, 60, 74, 80, 89, 90, 92, 94 ; Richard, 65 (3) ; Sarah, 65 (4) j Thomas, 60, 73, 80, 89, 90, 92, 94 ; William, 65 (2) Arisse, Ann, 17 Aron, James, 52 Arnold (Arnolde), James, 10; Jane, 10; Mary, 32 Ashcraft (Ashcroft), Mary, 80, 89, 90, 91 Askew, Mary, 16 ; William, 16 Atkins, Eliza, 115; Joseph, 114 (2), 115 (2), "6 5 Mary» "4, "S (2). 116; Mary Ann, 102, 115; William, 116 Audley,. John, 10(3); Penelope, 10(2) K Austin, Elizabeth, 59 Aylif, Ayliff, Ayliffe, see Elliff Ayres, Charles, III ; Hannah, III; William, III B. Back, Edward, 30, 31 (2), 32 ; Elizabeth, 31; Mary, 31; Richard, 30; Robert, 32 Balch, Ann, 105 ; Elizabeth, 105 ; James, 105, 115 Balcomb, Hannah, 106, 107 (2) ; John, 77 (3), 106, 107 (2) ; Sarah, 77 (2), 106; Thomas, 107; William, 77, 107, see also Baulcomb. Baldwin, Philadelphia, 98 ; Robert, 84 Ball, Richard, 59 (2) Ballard, Mary, 5 Baker, Edward, 39 ; Henry, 38, 39, 40, 41, 49 ; Jane, 38, 41, 73, 109 (2) ; John, 41 ; Sarah, 40 ; Thomas, 7, 109 ; Walter, 7 Barber, Sir John, 2 Barham, Catherine, 20, 24, 29 ; Eliza beth, 28, 47 ; Henry, 34 ; Jane, 30, 32, 38 ; John, 25, 30, 31 (3), 32, 33, 34 (2), 35. 38, 39 ; Lydia, 40 ; Mary, 27, 34. 35 ; Richard, 34 ; Robert, 20, 24, 25, 29, 33 (2) ; Sarah, 30 ; Simon, 35 ; Susanna, 31 ; Thomas, 23, 31 ; William, 27, 28, 30 (3), 31 (3), 32, 40, 47 (2) . Barkin, see Birkin Barnes (Barns), Ann, 61, 92, 100; Elizabeth, 41, 45«, 48; Jane, 49; Mary, 76, 83, 103; Matthew, 48, 50, 75, 84; Matthias, 41, 49(2), 61, 71 (2), 72, 74, 76, 83, 101, 103; Richard, 74 ; Sarah, 72, 74, 75, 76, 83, 84; Thomas, 40, 41 (2), 72; Widow, 84; William, 75; —,71 Barr, Mary, 57 Barrome, Mary, 21 ; Robert, 21 Barrott, John, 83 Barton, Eliza, 116; Harriet, 116; William, n6 n8 THE PARISH REGISTER OF CATERHAM. Bashford, Harriet, 109, no, in; Harriet Eleanor, 109 ; John, no; Rebecca, in; Richard, 109, no, in Bassett (Basset), Agnes, 6, 9 ; Alice, 6 ; Amy, 10 ; Anthony, 6 (3), 7 (2), 10 ; Elizabeth, 8 ; Grace, 9 ; Henry, 8 ; James, 6 (2), 7, 8, 9 (2), 13, 19 ; Jane, 6, 10, 12 ; Jesse, 7 ; Joan, 2 ; John, z, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 16; Katherine, 2,5; Lettice, 6 ; Margaret, 6, 13 ; Richard, 7 (2) ; Thomas, 2 (2), 5,9, 11(2), 12; Widow, 25; William, 6,7 Batt (Bat), Elizabeth, 41 (2) ; Embe, 9 ; Grace, 9 ; Malyn, II ; Mary, 41 ; John, 9(3), 10(2), n ; Judith, 10; Peter, 10 ; Thomas, 9 (2) ; William, 41 (3) Batchelor (Batchelour), Ann, 26, 27 ; Anna, 28 ; Elizabeth, 70 ; Henry, 70 ; John, 29 ; Mary, 20 ; Nicholas, 26, 27 (3), 28, 29 ; Sarah, 27 ; Thomas, 27, 70 ; Walter, 20 Bate, Henry Conyers, 99, 108 ; John Mort, 99, 108 (3) ; Mary, 108 (2) Bateman, John, 23 (2) Baulcomb (Baulcham, Baulkam), Eliza beth, 79, 85 ; Hannah, 93 ; James, 90; John, 78, 79 (2), 85, 89, 90, 93 (2), 95; Joseph, 79, 95; Sarah, 78, 79 (2), 85, 89 (2), 90, 95 ; Thomas, 78, 98 ; see also Balcomb ¦Bax, A. Ridley, 2g». ; Richard, 73 Bayley, Sarah, 60 Bayman, Thomas, 97 ; Mary, 97 Beard, John, 10, 13 (2) ; Thomas, 10 Beck, Ann, 44; Edward, 33, 34, 41 (2), 45, 47 ; Elizabeth, 39, 41, 42, 44, 45, 47, 48, 68 ; Hester, 34 ; James, 56, 68,96; John, 33, 4I(3)&«.,42, 57; Mary, 30, 47, 57, 68, 98 ; Richard, 73« ; Robert, 42, 44, 45, 47, 72 ; Thomas, 34, 50 Becket (Beckett, Beckitt), Alice, 2, 4 ; Eden, 2 ; Grace, 3, 5 ; Iden, 2, 3, 7 ; Joan, 2 ; Margaret, I ; Thomas, 1, 2(3), 3. 5. 7 5 Widow, 15 Bedell, Edward, 81 ; Elizabeth, 81 ; • Thomas, 81 Beldram, Edward, 46 (2) ; Elizabeth, 46 ; Emma, 46 (2) Bellamy, Catherine, 27 (2) ; Daniel, 26, 27 (2), 28 (3), 29, 31 ; Emma, 26 ; John, 31 ; Martha, 28 ; William, 29 Bellchambers, Abel, 115; Ann, 112; Esau, 113; Hannah, 116; Phcebe, 104, 112, 113, 115, 116; Thomas, 104(2), 112, 113, 115, 116 Belsh, Emma, 44 ; Jane, 44 j Thomas, 44 Bellsom (Belsom), Eliza Smith, iWi Fanny, no ; George, 80 (2), 9° 3). 91, 93, 97, 102, 106, 107, 108 (2), 109, 1 10 ; Harriet, 100, 106 ; James, 109 ; John Streeter, 1 10 ; Luke, 108 ; Mark, 93, 97. i°2, 107 ; Mary, 80, 90 (2), 9L 93. 97. 106, . 107, 108 (2 , 109, no ; Mary Smith, 80 ; Michael, 91 ; Reuben, 108 ; Sophia, 63, 103 ; Sophia Smith, 80 (2) ; William, 90 Belton, Ann, 37, 38, 41 (2), 47 ; Daniel, 37 (3). 3§. 4°. 41. 47. 65 ! Elizabeth, 38 ; Sarah, 37 ; William, 40 Bennet (Bennett, Bennit), Jane, 17(2), 18 ; Jasper, 18 ; Joan, 18(3) ; Mary, 23; Robert, 17, 18 (5); Thomas, 22 (2), 23 (3) Bentley (Bently), Amy, 38, 104, 107 ; Ann, 39, 113; Caroline, 104 (3), 106 ; Elizabeth, 37 (3), 38, 43, 49, 50, 65, 66 (2), 68, 69 (2), 70, 85, 104 ; George, 1 10 ; Henry, 36 (2), 37 (3), 38 (2), 39, 42, 43. 5°. 65 (3). 66 (3), 68, 69 (2), 70, 83 ; James, 70, 104 (3) ; Jane, 101, 104, 106, 107, 108, 109, no, in, 113; John, 35 (2), 36, 37 (2), 38, 66, 109 ; Katherine, 37 ; Margaret, 37, 43, 66, 69; Mary, 36 (2), 37, 38, 42, 68, 71, 72, 74, 75, 82 ; Mary Smith, 105 ; Patience, 66 ; Samuel, 61, 72 ; Sarah, 37, 43, 60, 63, 69, 75, 80, 81, 90, 102, 103 ; Susan, 59 ; Susanna, 99 ; Thomas, 42, 50, 58, 59, 60, 63, 71, 72, 74 (2), 75 (3), 102, 103, 105, 106, 107, l°8 (2), 109, no, in, 113; William, 71, 100, m ; — ,36 Beresford, J., 79, 85 ; James, 62, 60 (8) Berkin, see Birkin Berry (Berrey), Daniel, 24 ; John, 4; Mary, 24, 34; Sarah, 34, 37; William, 34 (2), 44 Best (Bist), Agnes, 2, 4 ; Alice, I, 3, 4 (4). 1°. 13. 20, 27, 31, 35, 36; Ann, 32 ; Anna, 16 ; Arthur, 17 (2) ; Benjamin, 6, 7 ; Catherine, 3, 13, 34; Christian, 9 ; Dorothy, 12 (2), 27 ; Edward, 2, 23 (2), 24 (3), 25 (6), 26 (2), 27, 28, 31, 39 ; Eliza, 92 ; Eliza beth, 7, 23, 27, 28, 34 (2), 35, 38, 42, 44, 45 (2); Francis, 18, 19 (2!, 26, 27 (3), 28 (2), 37 ; Gabriel, 8, 12 (2), 13, 17. 22, 25, 28, 31, 39, 40; Hannah, 25, 39 ; Helen, 10 ; Jane, 12, 19 ; Jasper, 34 (2) ; Joan, 2, 7 (2) n , 17 ; Johan, 5 ; John, 4 (4), 25. 32, 33 (2), 34. 35. 42 (2), 43, 44, 45; Leonard, 26, 36; Margaret, I, 25; Mary, lo, 25 (2), 32 (2); Michael, 32 ; Patience, 9 ; Richard, 1, 2. 3 (2), 4 (4). 5 (4), 6 (2), 7 (2), INDEX NOMINUM. 119 8, 9 (2), 10 (2), 18, 26, 27, 35 ; Robert, 12 ; Sarah, 24, 45 ; Susan, 9; Thomas, 4, 6, n, 15 (4), 44; William, 4(3), 5, 7 (2), 9, n, 12, 15, 17 (4), 18 (2), 19, 23 (2), 26, 31, 32, „ 33 (2), 34 (5). 39, 41 Betts, Elizabeth, 15 ; John, 15 Bird, Anne Maria, 106; James, no; Lydia, 92, 106, 107 (2), 108, 109, no, m; Rebecca, 108; Thomas, in; William, 92, 106, 107, 108, 109 (2), no, in Birkin (Barkin, Berkin, Burkin), Ann, 71, 90; Amy, 73; Elizabeth, 33(3), 40, 42, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 67, 68, 69 (2), 70(2), 71, 72, 73, 75, 76, 77, 78, 85 ; George, 75 ; Hannah, 77, 78 (2), 79, 95 ; Harriet, 1 14 (2) ; Henry, 47; Jane, 77; James, 67, 77. 78 (3), 79. 84, 95. 96 ; John, 45, 72, 77, 95; Jonathan, 50; Judith, 44 ; Martha, 40 (2), 41 (2), 43, 44 ; Mary, 35, 40 (2), 78 ; Michael, 48, 76 ; Richard, 33 (3), 34 (3), 35, 36, 40, 41 (4). 42, 43. 44. 45. 46, 47. 48, 49. 50. 51. 73! Robert, 36, 44; Sarah, 42, 70, 85 ; Thomas, 49, 70, 79 ; Widow, 64 ; William, 34, 41 (2), 46, 67, 68 (2), 69, 70 (2), 71, 72, 73, 75.76.77,78, 114; —.36 Birtchfield, Elizabeth, 33 Bish(Bishe), Francis, 61 ; Hannah, 112; Joan, 12; John, 112; Katherine, 8 ; Lydia, 61 ; Mary Ann, 63, 103 ; Robert, 20; Thomas, 8; William, 20 Bishop, Mary, 62 Bist, see Best Blackman, Jane, 98 Blackmore, Alfred, 100 ; Elizabeth, 62, 107 ; Elizabeth Lucas, 107 ; Thomas, 99 ; William Henry, 62, 107 Blake, Ann, 109, no; James, 109; Mary, no; William, 109, no Bliss, Mary, 80, 81 Blondell, (Blundell), Elizabeth, 12; George, 3 ; Henry, 3 ; Morgan, 12 ; Richard, 17 Bocakes, Maria, 102 Bonnicke, Jane, 10 Bookes, see Brooks Borente, Ann, 21 ; Richard, 21 Borer (Boarer, Boorer, Bourer), Ann, 57, 68, 70 (2), 71, 72 ; Catherine, 72 ; Charles, 79, 97; Charlotte, 69, 72, 82; Daniel, 80; Eliza, no; Eliza beth, 44, 56, 57, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71 (2), 72, 74 82, 109; Emma, 68; George, 72, 83; Hannah, 70; Harriet, 101, 112; Henry, 71, 102, 114; Isaac, 77, 84; James, 74; 85, m; Jessay, 77; Jesse, 84; (Joel) Jewell, 30, 60, 71, 79 ; John, 32 (2), 44, 46, 47 (6), 48 (2), 49. 5°. 57, 65, 68, 70 (2), 71, 72, 77, 84, 1 10 ; Louisa, 113; Lucy, 74 ; Martha, 73 ; Mary, 44, 46, 47 (6), 48, 49. 50, 58, 59 (2), 60, 62, 65 (2), 7L 72 (3), 73. 74, 75 (2), 76, 77 (2), 79. 80 (2), 83, 84, 85, 86, 89, 90, 92, 93. 94. 97. 106, 107, 108, 109, 110(2), in, 112, 113, 114; Mary Ann, 108; Nicholas, 29, 30, 31, 32 (5). 33, 36 5 Richard, 33, 49, 70, 71 (2), 72 (2), 73, 74, 75, 76, 77 (2), 79. 80, 83, 84, 85, 97, 98 ; Samuel, 71, 83 ; Sarah, 32 (2), 50, 60, 62, 67. 70, 75, 79 (2), 82, 93 ; Thomas, 31, 32, 59, 75, 76(2), 107 ; William, 29, 46, 57, 62, 67, 68 (2), 69, 70, 71 (2), 72, 74, 75, 82, 93, 106 (2), 107, 108, 109, 110(2), in, 112, "3, "4 Botten (Bottin), Ann, 57 ; Mary, 68 Boulling, Robert, 21 ; William, 21, 22 (2) Bourlingham, Bouringome, see Burling- ham Bourner, Anne Maria, 109 ; Elizabeth, no; Frances, no; Henry, 112; James, 109, no (2), in (2), 112; Maria, 109, no (2), in (2), 112; Mary Ann, in ; Matilda, 100, in Bowell, George, 3 Boyes, Elizabeth, 101 Brad field, John, 15 ; Mary, 15 Braithwaite, Rev. T., 76 Breddin, Daniel, 44 ; Mary, 44 ; Thomas, 44 Brewarton (Bruartin, Bruarton), Mary, 22 ; Richard, 22, 23 (2) ; — , 21 Brigges (Brygges), Audry, 5; Edyn, 4 ; John, 5 (2) ; Richard, 5 Bristow, Ann, 33 ; Christopher, 17 (2) ; John, 33, 34; Mary, 17(2) Bristy, Mary, 93, 94 Brook (Brooke), Amy, 75 (2) ; Ann, 27, 57. 58, 69, 70, 72 (3). 76, 77 (2), 78 (3), 79. 80, 82,. 83, 85, 93, 98, 99, 102 ; Arabella, 77 ; Elizabeth, 44 (2), 45 (2), 46, 47, 48, 49 (3), 51. 57. 65, 69 (3), 70 (3), 71 (3), 72 (2), 77, 82, 83 (3), 85, 93, 102, 116(2); George, 80; Harriet, 60, 72 ; Jane, 61, 72, 80, 81, 89, 9° (2), 9t 92 (2), 97 5 James, 49, 58, 73. 89, 93, 101, 116; Jesse, 74, 97; John, 44, 49, 56, 57 (2), 58 (5). 59 (10), 60 (12), 61 (8), 62 (2), 69, 71 (3). 72, 73. 74. 77, 81 (2), 82, 85 (2), 88, 89 (2), 99, 101, 103; John jun., 60 (2), 61, 62 (4), 103; John, sen., 60 (2); Martha, 76; K2 i2o THE PARISH REGISTER OF CATERHAM. Mary, 49, 58 (2), 70, 71 (2), 72, 73 (2), 74 (2), 77, 84, 85 (2), 89, 99 ; Nancy, 72 ; Nathaniel, 48, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61 (2), 72 (2), 76, 77 (2) 78 (3), 79, 80, 83, 102; Phcebe, 61, 74, 9°; Rebecca, 71, 77, 83; Richard, 49, 58, 60 (3), 73, 74, 79, 84, 102 ; Samuel, 51, 68, 69, 70, 82; Sarah, 62, 71, 78 (2), 81, S9, 91, 92, 93, 100; Sophia, 71, 83 (2); Thomas, 27, 41, 44 (2), 45 (3), 46 (3), 47, 48, 49 (2), 51, 55 (2), 56 (2), 57 (4), 58 (4), 69, 70, 78, 82, 101 ; Widow, 51 ; William, 45, 46., 47, 57, 58 (13), 59 (5), 69 (5), 70 (2), 71 (4), 72, 73, 82 (3), 83 (2), 84, 87 (2), 88 Brooker, Ann, 66, 75 ; Edward, 108, 109; Elizabeth, 46 & n., 47 (2), 57, 66, 109 ; Harriet, 108 (2), 109 ; James, 76; Jesse, 62, 77, 114, 115; John, 57, 66, 68, 75 ; Mary, 56, 59, 68, 75 ; Michael, 74 ; Napkin, 47, 56, 69, 73 ; Nathaniel, 46 (2) & «., 57, 68, 69, 71, 72 (3), 76, 83 (2); Natkin, 57; Ralph, 4; Roger Brooke, 73 ; Sarah, 57, 68, 69, 71 (2), 72 (2), 73, 74, 76, 77, 83; Susanna, 74 ; William, 4, 72 Brooks (Bookes, Brookes), Ann, 24, 33. 73 (2), 75 (3); Elizabeth, 18, 35, 73; James, 73, 84; John, 18, 19, 24, 60, 61 (2), 75; Katherine, 19, 20; Martha, 75 ; Mary, 33, 75 (2), 89, 90 (2), 91, 96 (2); Nathaniel, 73, 75 (3) ; Robert, 21 ; Sarah, 84 ; Thomas, 20, 25 (3), 33 (2), 34 (3), 41, 84; William, 18 (2), 19 (4), 20 (2), 21, 22, 24 & »., 25 Broughton, William, 38 Brown (Browne), Agnes, 3 ; Ann, 72, 80; Arabell, 13; Benjamin, 50, 51, 56, 64, 66; David, 70; Eliza, 91; Elizabeth, 49, 65 (2), 66 (2), 103 ; Emma, 64, 65, 66 ; George, 78 ; Isaac, 47, 68 ; James, 1 1, 42, 65, 76 ; Jane, 18, 23 ; Joan, 2, 3, 5 ; John, 42 (2), 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51 (5), 65 (2), 112; Joseph, 104, 112; Maria, 104, 112; Martha, 70, 71, 72, 74, 76, 78, 86; Mary, 100; Richard, 64; Robert, 3, II, 18, 19 (2), 20 (3) ; Sarah, 42 (2), 44, 45. 46 (2), 47. 48, 49, 5°, 51 (2), 91 ; Thomas, 20, 42, 44, 45, 65 ; Widow, 16, 30 ; William, 2, 3, 5 (2), 26, 44, 45. 48, 65, 7° 71 (2), 72, 83, 91, 99 Bruent, Joan, 21 (3) ; Richard, 21 (2) ; William, 21 Bryan, Anna, 16 Bryant, Ann, 114; Elizabeth,, 105; Henry, 105, no, in, 112, 114; James Mark, in ; Patience, 1 10 (2), in, 112, 114; Robert John, 112 Buck, Elizabeth, 109, 116; George, 116; Martha, 109; William, 109, 116 Buckland, Amy, 72; Eleanor, 91, 96; Elizabeth, 58, 72 (2), 86 ; George, 58, 59, 72 (2), 86, 98 ; Mary, 90, 91, 92 ; Sarah, 61, 72 Bucknall, Mary, 32 ; William, 32 Bucknam, Mary, 28 Buckstone, John, 101 ; Mary, 101 Budder, Briant, 35 ; Elizabeth, 35 Budgen (Budgin, Budgyn), Henry, 57 ; Katherine, 6, 7 ; Margaret, 30 ; Philip, 6, 7 Bull, Ann, 62 (2) ; Edward, 32 ; Elizabeth, 62, 63, 103 ; Emily, 89 ; Henry, 90; John, 43; Joseph, 63, 78, 103 ; Jonathan, 90, 96 ; Martha Elizabeth, 62, 102 ; Mary, 62 (2), 78, 89, 90 (2), 93, 96 (3), 97; Thomas, 91, 96; William, 32, 61, 62 (3), 78, 89, 90 (2), 91, 94, 96 (3), 97, 100 Bullen (Bulin, Bullin), Ann, 58 ; Anna Maria, 47 ; Elizabeth, 47, 48, 49 (3), 5° (3), 51 (3). 82 ; Frances, 50, 51 ; John, 15, 16 (3), 17 (2), 18 (3), 20, 35. 36 (2), «tf, 48, 49 (2), 5° (3), Si (3). 74. 82 ; Mary, 20, 36, 48, 49 ; Mercy, 15, 16 (2), 18, 20, 35, 46; Robert, 16, 35, 51; Widow, 50; -.36 Bulley (Bully), Richard, 22 (3), 23 Bulloigne, Alice, 2 (2) ; John, 2 Burberry, Albert, 101, 113; Mary Ann, 113; Stephen, 113 Burgess, Henry, 112; Martha, 81; Mary, 89 ; William, 62 Burkin, see Birkin Burle, Henry, 45 Burley, Katherine, 8 Burlingham (Bourlingham, Bourin- gome), Alice, 20 ; Edmond, 19 (2), 20 (2), 21 ; Edward, 21, 26; Eliza beth, 19;' Joan, 18, 19, 20, 21; John, 21 Burnell, George, 61 Burningham, Agnes, 2, 3; Edward, 16; Embe, 11; Jane, 6; Joan, I (2), 9. 16; John, 1, 2 (4), 3, 10, 13 ; Katerann, 1 ; Margaret, I (2), 5, 9 ; Mercy, 10; Oliver, 4 (2); Owen, 4 (2) ; Richard, 1, 3 (3), 4 (3), g (2), 10 (2), n, 13, 16; Symond, 1 (5); Thomas, 1, 4; Ursula, 5 (2); William, 2, 5 (2) Burstow (Burstowe), Anne, 22, 26; Anna, 15 (a), 16 (2) ; Catherine, 24 ; INDEX NOMINUM. 121 Christopher, 15, 16 (2), 18; Eliza- beth, 48 ; Frances, 23, 31 ; George, ?7; Jasper, 25 ; John, 16, 24, 34 ; William, 16, 17, 23, 24 (4), 25, 26, „ 27> 31, 34 Butcher, Arthur, 97 Butt, Harriet, 107 ; John, 105, 1 16 ; Mary, 116; Mary Ann, 100, no; Phcebe, 90, 107(3), »o; Richard, 9° (2), 99, 107 (2), no; Sophia, 105, 116; William, 101 (2) Byles, Jane, 112; Sarah Jane, 112; William, 112 Bylett (By let), Jane, 115; Thomas, 115; William, 115 Cacket (Cackett, Caket), Charity, 35 ; Mary, 71 ; Robert, 41, 71 ; Widow, 44 ; William, 71 Camfil, Sarah, 79 ; William, 79 (2) Campbell, Charles, 40, 41 (2) ; Eliza beth, 40 (2), 41 Cannum, Dorcas, 38 Cantler, Elizabeth, 33 Carr, John, 43 ; Mary, 43 (2) Carrol, Patrick, 102 Carter, Elizabeth, 116; James, 115, 116 ; Jane, 115, 116 ; Jemima, 115; John, 41 ; Joseph, 82 ; Mary, 41 ; Massey, 41 ; Rose, 41 Carver, Fanny, 103 Catton, John, 92 (2) ; Mary, 92, 103 (2) Caudery, John, 57 Chaldon, Sarah, 98 Challwood, Elizabeth, 92, 93 Chalton (Challton), Elizabeth, 57', 75 ; Harriet, 76, 84; John, 57, 69 (3), 75, 76, 84 ; Sarah, 57, 69 (3), 75, 76 Chambers, Ann, 17 (2) ; Jane, 40 ; Mary, 40, 92 ; William, 40 Chandler, Amy, 104 ; Ann, 92 ; Caroline, 109 ; Constant, 80 ; Edward, 104 ; Elizabeth, 80, in; George, in; Harriet, 93, 98 ; Henry, 106 ; James, 60, 80, 109, no; Jane, 92, 93, 106, 107 (2), 108, 109, no, in (2); Job, 55, 56; Joseph, 92, 93, 106, 107, (3), 108, no, in (2) ; Phcebe, 107 ; Sarah, 55 ; Thomas, 108 Chapman, Elizabeth, 33 ; Joan, 3 ; John, 33 ; William, 3 Chard, Ann, 61 Charlton, Elizabeth, 71 ; John, 57, 70, 71, 72, 77; Mary, 70; Sarah, 70, 71, 72, 77 ; Susan, 72 ; Thomas, 77 Cheal, Elizabeth, 102 ; Mary, 102 Cheesman (Chisman), Barnard, 75 ; Bernard, 75; Sarah, 27,' 58, 73, 74. 75.5 Susan, 74 ; Thomas, 58, 73, 74 ; William, 73 Chell, Elizabeth, 58 ; John, 58 Chillman, Roger, 21 ; Thomas, 21 Chinner, Ann, 26 ; Elizabeth, 25 ; John, 24, 25, 26 ; Thomas, 24 Chittey, Alice, 6 ; Isabel, 5 ; Thomas, 5.6 Christmas, Frances, 41 ; John, 40, 41 (2) ; Mary. 40 Chun (Chunn), Ann, 79, 89, 91 ; Jane, 86 ; Joseph, 61, 86, 97 Churcher, Robert, 25 (2) ; — , 25 Churley, John, 2 (2) ; William, 2 (2) Clark (Clarcke, Clarke, Clerk), Amy, 69. 7o (2), 71, 72, 73, 75, 76 (2), 77, 95. l°4; Ann, 8, 10, 57, 93; Charles, 93 ; Daniel, 10, 17, 19, 24 (2), 31, 32 ; Elizabeth 31, 57 ; Fanny, 104; Frances, 17, 19; Frederick, 112; Honour, 74; James, 75 ; Jane, 24, 28 ; John, 9, 19, 60, 72 73, 115; Katherine, 19; Mary, 9, 18, 40, 71, 82 ; Mary Sey mour, 104 ; Michael, 10, 17 (3), 18, 19 (2), 24 ; Richard, 73 ; Sarah, 70, 115, 116; Stephen, 77; Thomas, 8, 9 (2), 10, 19, 69, 93, 94, 101, 104, 115, 116 (2); Thos., jun., 62; William, 69, 70 (3), 71, 72, 73, 75, 76, 77. 95, 99 Clear, Henrietta, 61 Clement, Elizabeth, 51, 65 (4), 67; John, 46; Mary, 51, 58, 85 (2); Nathaniel, 46 ; Patience, 46 ; Roger, 51 ; Thomas, 58, 67 (2) Clements, Patience, 59 Cliff, Elizabeth, 58. See also Elliff Cliumm, Elizabeth, 84 Clouser, Widow, 33 Clowder, Elizabeth, 47 Coffyn, Christopher, 3 Colbourn (Coulbourn), Elizabeth, 100, in ; Mary, in (2) ; Richard, in (3) Cole, Elizabeth, 33 ; James, 44 ; Joseph, 33 ; Mary, 100 Collier, Ann, 34 ; John, 34 Collins, Martha, 91, 93 ; Rebecca, 61, 90, 93 Comis, Ann, 13 ; William, 13 Commins (Comins), Alice, 16 ; Doro thy, 16; Thomas, 15; William, 15, 16 Constable, Ann, 80 ; Daniel 78 (2), 79 (2), 80, 85 (2) ; Eleanor, 79, 85 ; Elizabeth, 64 ; John, 64 ; Mary, 78 ; Rebecca, 78 (2), 79 (2), 80, 85 (2) ; Richard, 82 ; Samuel, 79 ; Sarah, 64, 78 ; Susanna, 79, 85 Cook (Cooke), Ann, 32, 62; David, 32 (2) 12 2 THE PARISH REGISTER OF CATERHAM. Coombes, John, 60 Cooper (Couper), Catherine, 108, 109 ; Charles, 60 ; Edward, 109 ; Eliza beth, 58; Elizabeth Isabella, 80; Elizabeth Sophia Tomlins, 79, 98 ; John, 58, 71, 108 ; Matthew Philip, 91 ; Philip, 81 ; Robert, 108, 109 ; Samuel, 89, 96; Sarah, 79 (2), 80 (2), 81, 89, 91, 96, 99 ; William, 79 (2), 80 (2), 81, 89, 91, 96, 103; William Nuttle, 79 Copper, Elizabeth, 51 ; John, 51 ; Richard, 51 Cornford, Mary, 80, 85 Cornish, Martha, 63, 103 Cornson, John, 71 (2); Sarah, 71 Coroner, The, 51 Coslon, Sarah, 56; William, 56 Courtop, John, 25 (2) Cox, Ann, 49, 91, 92, 93 ; John, 38, 49 ; Reuben, 85 ; Sarah, 38, 41 (2), 85 ; Thomas, 85 ; William, 38, 41, 49 Cracknell, Dancy, 112; John, 112; Sophia Overy, 112 Crane, Esther, 60, 79 (2), 81 (2), 8S, 90, 95, 96; John, 60, 79 (2), 81 (2), 85, 90, 95, 96 ; Joseph, 90, 95 ; Mary, 81, 96 ; Richard, 81 ; Robert, 79 (2), 85 Cressy, Elizabeth, 71, 82; Mary, 71 (2), 82 ; Phyllis, 63, 105 Crockford, Eleanor, 91, 96; Mary, 91, 96; Thomas, 91, 96 Crosbey, John, 7 (2) Croucher, Robert, 22 ; William, 22 Cuddington, Alexander, 16 (2), 17 ; Anna, 16 ; Jasper, 16 (2) ; Thomas, 17 Cullingham, Eliza, 115 ; Elizabeth, 49; Elizabeth Gadd, 115 ; Henry, 50 (2) ; John, 49, 50 (3), 51 ; Mary, 49, 50(2), 51 ; Patience, 50; Sarah, 50; Thomas, 51 ; Christian, 60 Cumber, Ann, 58 Curtis, Ann, 51, 80, 86; Elizabeth, 48, 49 (2), 5°, 51, 8S 5 John, 43 (2), 48, 49, 50, 51, 73 ; Mary, 48 ; Sarah, 75 ; Susanna, 50, 82 D. Dabner, Mary, 79 ; Sarah, 59, 79, 80, 81, 85, 97 Dallard, John, 4 ; Ursula, 4 Dallas, Henry, 5 ; John, 5 Dallat, Edyn, 4 ; Joan, 5 ; John, 4, 5 Dallaway, Daniel, 24 (2) ; John, 24 ; — , 24 Dalton, Amy, 112; Ann, 76, 77; Charlotte, 77; Elizabeth, 81, 101, 112; George, 76 (2); Hannah, 79, 95, i°3; James> 8l' J0i£-'ir8l; Mary, 57; Rebecca, 77 J William, 112 Dar (Darr), Andrew, 107 ; Isaac, 51 ; Martha, 107; Sarah, 137 Darbey, Clement, 2 ; John, 2 ; Robert, 2 Dare, Joan, 12 Darrant, Joan, 17 ; William, 17 Daughton, Hannah, 102 Davis (Davies), Ann, 81 ; Eliza, 116; Henry, 113 ; James, 108 ; Jane, 58 ; John, 22 ; Mary, 56, 65, 78, 79 (2), 80, 81, 90, 92, no ; Robert, 92, 114 ; Sarah, 90, 107, 108, 109, no, 112 (2), 113, 114, 116; Susanna, 80, 107 ; Thomas, 61, 78(2), 79, 80, 81, 90, 92, 100, 107, 108, 109 (2), no, 112, 113, 114, 116 Dawes (Daws), Bridget, III, 112; Elizabeth, 60, in; James, in, 112 (2) ; Thomas, 60 Dawson, Martha, 90, 92 Day (Dey), Charles, 113; Daniel, 83; Elizabeth, 6 ; James, 8 ; Joan, 9 ; Matthew, 6, 8, 9 ; Susan, 107 ; Thomas Breedon, 107 Dayton, David, 79 (2) ; Sarah, 79 Denby, Joan, 12, 16 ; Richard, 12, 16 Dench, John, 60 Dene, Joan, 20 ; John, 20 Dennis (Denis, Dinnes, Dinnis), Ann, 21, 32 (2), 37, 38, 64 (2) ; Charles, 21, 31. 99; Dorothy, 65; Edward, 32 (2), 38, 40 (2), 41 (4), 42 (2), 44, 46; Elizabeth, 27 (2), 29 (2), 38, 48 ; Jane, 28, 29, 36, 37 ; John, 28, 29 (3). 3°. 31 (3). 32 (3). 33 (2). 34. 39. 40, 41, 64 ; Margaret, 27 (2), 34 ; Martin, 17 ; Mary, 30, 36, 38, 41 (4), 42, 44 (2), 46 ; Rebecca, 59, 80, 81, 85, 89, 90, 91, 96 (3) ; Richard, 46 ; Sarah, 36, 40 (2) ; Thomas, 33 (2), 48 ; Widow, 30, 49 Dewberry (Dubery, Duberry),"Ann, 65, 78, 84; Edward, 67, 78 (2), 84; Elizabeth, 78 (3), 84; Henry, 64; John, 50; Mary, 68; Richard, 51 ; Ruth, 50, 51, 64, 65, 67, 68; Thomas, 26; William, 50, 51, 64, 65, 67, 68 Dewdney, George, 104; Georgiana, 104 ; Harriet, 104 ; James, 104 Dey, see Day. Die, see Dye Dinnis, Dinnes, see Dennis Dival (Divall, Diveall), Elizabeth, 70 ; Jane, 58; Mary, 70; Nanny, 71; Richard, 58, 70; Sarah, 58, 71 INDEX NOMINUM. 123 Dod (Dodd), Alfred, 116 ; Ann, n (2), 56, 83; Eliza, 109; Elizabeth, 48, 49, 5° ; George, no ; Henry, 56 (6), 82; Isaac, 104, 109, no, m (3), 112, 113, 114, 116; Katherine, 5; James, 48, 49(2), 50, 90, 113 ; John, 9; Maria, in; Michael, 9, 10, n (2), 50; Patience, 90(2); Rachel, no, 111(2), 112, 113, "4(2), 116; Sarah, 39 (2); Thomas, 49, 109; William, 10, 48, 112 Dolton, Elizabeth, 61 ; James, 61 Dorant, Mary, 56 Drawbridge, John, 84 Drayton, David, 79; Sarah, 79; Thomas, 79 Drew, Abigail, 36, 38, (2) 48 ; Agnes, 3 ; Alice, 12, 15, 16 (2) ; Ann, 27 (2), 28, 50, 64 ; Annes, 21 ; Avis, 16 (4) ; Barbara, 16 ; Barbery, 12 ; Christopher, 6, 12 (2), 16 ; Edward, 9, 10 (3), 12 (4), 13, 15 (4) ; Eliza beth, 4 (6), 5 (2), 11, 12, 18, 19, 20 (2), 23, 36, 37, 38, 47 (2), 58 ; George, 26 (2), 27 (2), 28 (2), 29, 3t 32 (4), 45, Si : Grace, 16, 21 ; Henry, 13, 18; Katherine, 8, 11; James, 69 ; Jane, 15, 17, 24, 29, 32, 35, 47 (2), 48, 49 (3), 5°, Si, 59, 64, 66, 67 (2), 68 (3), 69, 84 ; Jarrett, 17 ; Jasper, 20 ; Jerrard, 4 (4), 5 (2), 7, 8 ; Joan, 37 ; John, 4, 9, 15 (2), 16 (5), 17, 18 (3), 19 (2), 20 (2), 21 (2), 22, 25 (2), 28, 34, 35 (3), 36, 38 (3), 47, 48, 49, Si ; Margery, 9; Marie, 13 (2) ; Martha, 61, 66, 99 ; Mary, 9, 38 (2), 50, 68 (2); Maudlyn, 5 ; Michael, 37; Nicholas, 5, n, 12 ; Robert, 18, 20, 59, 67 (2) ; Roger, 15 (2) ; Richard, 7 (2); Samuel, 68; Sarah, 48 ; Susan, 6, 7 ; Susanna, 15 ; Thomas, 15, 18, 19, 24, 31, 36, 37, 38, 47 (2), 48, 49 (3), 5°, 51 & «., 64, 66, 67 (2), 68 (3), 69, 73, 82, 84, 85 ; Widow, 24, 29 ; William, 5 (3), 6 (2), 7, 8, 9, 10 (2), 12 (2), 13 (2), 98 ; Winifred, 15 ; — , 8 Drummond, A., no; Arthur, 100, 104 Dubery, see Dewberry Duffus, J., 112, 113, 114; John, 101 Duglas, Joan, 4 ; Richard, 4 ; Thomas, 4(2) Dunmoole, Richard, 8 ; Thomas, 8 Dunn, Elizabeth, 42 Durkin, Mary, 15 Durnford (Dunford), Hannah, 60; John, 59, 84, 88 (3) Durrant, Ann, 90; John, 50; Mary, 50 ; Nathaniel, 50 ; Rebecca, 90 ; Richard, 90 Dutnall (Dutnal), Ann, 72 (2), 75, 76 (2) ; Hannah 61 ; John, 74, 75 ; Sally, 76 (2) ; William, 72, 75, 76 (2) Dye (Die), Alice, 29, 45, 83 ; Ann, 21, 29, 42 (4), 43 (2), 44, 45, 49, 56; Catherine, 41, 42, 43, 82 ; Dorothy, 28, 41 ; Elizabeth, 21, 35, 42 (2), 45 & «., 46, 56; Francis, 33, 68; Frank, 68 ; Henry, 29, 42, 45 (2) & «., 46 (5), 49 ; Jane, 22 ; James, 32 (2); John, 12, 32, 33; Malin, n ; Matthew, 14, 21, 22, 42 (3), 43, 45, 49 ; Richard, 21, 28 (3), 29 (2), 30, 31, 32 (2), 33 (2), 35, 42, 48, 54 ; Sarah, 44; Thomas, 29, 30, 41, 42 (3), 43 (2) ; William, 31, 49, 84 Dyer, Elizabeth, 100, in; John, 113; Mary Ann, in (2), 113, 114 (2); William, 101, m (3), 113, 114 Eades, Hannah, 60 ; Thomas, 60 Easthead (Easted), Elizabeth, 42 ; John, 67 ; Mary, 42 (3), 43 ; Thomas, 42 (2), 43, 84' Eculls, John, 2 Edmonds, Amy, 102 ; Jacob, 101 Edwards, Ann, 76 (2), 77, 78; Charles, 109, 115; Elizabeth, 59 ; John, 76, 77 (2), 78, 81, 109 ; Mary, 58, 81 ; Sarah, 104, no, 114, 115; Sophia, 109; Thomas, 78, 102,114; William^ 58, 59, 81, 99, 104, no (2),~n"4, H5 Elgar, Arthur, 3 ; Joan, 3 Elm, Joseph, 60 Elliff (Aliff, Alyff, Aylif, Ayliff, Ayliffe, Elief, Elieff, Eliff, Cliff), Alice, 77 ; Ann, 62, 63, 79, 103, 107 ; Betsy, 107; Caroline, 113; Dinah, 81, 103, III ; Edward, 91, 106 (2), 107 (2), no, 112, 114; Eleanor, 90, 96; Eliza, 108 ; Elizabeth, 75, 96, 103, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110(2), in, 112, 113, 114, 115 (2), 116 ; Frances, 108; George, 80, 103, no, in, 112 (2), 113, 114, 115, 116; Harriet, 107; James, 101, 108, 112; Jane, 89, 101, no, 113 ; Jeremiah, 59, 75, 76 (2), 77 (2), 78 (3), 79, 80, 81, 85 (2), 89, 9°, 91, 96 (3); John, 114; Maria, 106, 107 (2), 1 12, 1 14; Martha, 108; Mary, 76, 101, 114, Mary Ann, 113 ; Rebecca, 59, 75, 76 (2), 77 (3). 78 (2), 79, 80, 81, 85, 89, 90, 91, 96 (3) ; Sarah, 78, 96, 109 ; Thomas, 106 ; William, 76, 106, 107, 108, 109, no, 116 124' THE PARISH REGISTER OF CATERHAM. Elliott (Elliot), Ann, 59, 101 ; George, 43, 59 ; Sarah, 43 ; Thomas, 43 Ellis, Alfred, 114; Amelia, 114, 116; Ann, 107 ; Benjamin, 61, 90 (2), 91, 92, 106, 107, 108, 109, 114; Charles Palmer, 115; Edward, 92, 114, 116 (2) ; Elizabeth, 61, 62, 90 (2), 91, 92, 106, 107, 108, 109; Elizabeth Gutteridge, 112, 114, 115; Elizabeth Swaine, 100, 109 ; George William, 114; Henry, 116; Jane, 98, 106, 113; John, 90, 113, 114, 116; John George, 112; Martha, 113, 114, 116; Mary, 116; Sarah, 105, 108, 116; Thomas, 91, 105, 112, 114, 115,116; William, 90 Evans, Ann, 56; Edward, 101, 114; Elizabeth, 114, 115; Samuel, 114, 115 ; Susanna, 115 Everest, Sarah, 63, 105 Everitt, Abner, no ; Alice, 115 ; Bell, 102, 114 ; Benjamin, 113 ; John, no, III, 112, 113, 114, 115; Mary, no, 111(2), 112, 113, 114, 115; Thomas, 112 Eyesmonger, see Isemonger Eyton (Eytonn), Joan, 2 ; John, I ; William, 2 (2) F. Fairall (Fairhall), Abel, 109; Alfred, 102, 115; Ann, 61, 90, 91, 92, 106, 107, 108(2), 109, no; Benjamin, 74, 92, 104 ; Elizabeth, 73 (2), 74, 76(2), 78(2), 85(2), 86, 102, no; George, 108 ; Hannah Susanna, 101 ; Henry, 116 ; Jane, 78, 104, 106, 114, 115, 116; John, 61, 90, 91, 92, 102 (2), 104, 106, 107, 108 (2), 109, no, 114(2), 115, 116; Jonathan, 108 ; Mary Ann, 91, 104 ; Philip, 74, 76 (2), 78 (2), 99 ; Philip Mitchell, 73, 85, 86 ; Phcebe, 78, 90, 104 (2) ; Rachel, 76 (2) ; Sarah, 73, 86, 104, 107 Farlow, William, 58 Fayreman, Augustine, 15 ; Mary, 15 Ferrers, J. B., 59 Feviam, Ann, 6 Fielder (Filder), Arabell, 13 ; Edward, 13, 16, 17; Eliza, 108; Elizabeth, 108 ; George, fo8 ; Jane, 16 (2) Filewood, Abraham, 58 ; Elizabeth, 71, 76; George, 75; James, 70; John, 70 (2), 71, 72 (2), 73, 75, 76 (2), 77, 78 (2), 98 ; Martha, 92, 97 ; Mary, 58, 70 (3), 71, 72, 73, 75, 76 (2), 77, 78 (3), 100 ; Richard, 73 ; Robert, 76 ; Sarah, 77, 92, 97 ; Tomson, 78 Finch (Fynch), Christopher, 5, 6 (2), 7, 8 ; Edward, 7 ; Erasmus, 8 ; Jane, 6, 1 1 ; Richard, 5 ; William, 6 Fish, Agnes, 16; Elizabeth, 19; John, 16, 17 (4). 19, 20, 24; Mary, 16; Thomas, 20 Fisher, Elizabeth, 96, 99, 103 ; John, 96, 99 ; May, 96 Fiske, Robert, 15; Thomas, 15 Fist, Elizabeth, 24, 43 ; John, 15, 30 ; Mary, 26 ; Mercy, 15 (2) ; Richard, 23; Robert, 15 (2), 29 (3), 30; Susan, 30 ; Susanna, 25 ; Thomas, 23 (3), 24, 25, 26 (2), 29, 30 FitzGerrald, Elizabeth, 27 Flint, Abigail, 93; Benjamin, 73, 74 75 (2) ; Mary, 73, 74 (3), 75 5 Sally, 73 Foe, Ann, 73 ; James, 73 ; Mary, 73 Foulsdon, Henry, 9 Fowell (Fowel), Ann, 58, 71, 74; Elizabeth, 71 ; James, 58, 71 Fowler, Benjamin, 27 ; Catherine, 50 ; Frances, 83 ; Jane, 27 ; John, 75, 83 (2) ; Mary, 45 ; Susan, 82 ; Susanna, 83 ; Thomas, 45, 46, 47 Foxe, George, 3 ; Margaret, 3 Francis, Mary, 26 Freston, Anthony, 59, 73, 87 Friend (Frend), Ann, 90 ; Hannah, 96 ; Jane Eliza, in; Sarah Jane, III ; William, III Frisby (Frisbee), Henry, 13 (2), 29*. ; Mary, 13, 29«. Frith, Elizabeth, 39; Henry, II (2), 12 (2), 15 Fuller, Ann, 43 (2) ; Elizabeth, 43 (2) ; John, 61, 62 ; Mary, 80, 81, 90, 92 ; Sarah Sayer, 61 Fynch, see Finch Gadd (Gad), Ann, 17, 80 ; Elizabeth, 59 (2), 69 (3), 71 (2); John, 71, 80, 103, 105 ; Philadelphia, 105 ; Richard, 69 (2), 71 (2), 83 ; Robert, 17 ; Sarah, 69, 79, 89, 90; William, 71 Gale, Mary, 37 Galyor (Galyer), Edward, 57 ; Mary, 57 Gambrell, Mary, 115 (2) ; Mary Elizabeth, 115; Thomas, 115(2); Thomas George, 115 Gardiner (Gardner, Garner), Ann, 40 ; George, 40 (2); Robert, 40 (3); Susanna, 40 Garland (Garlant), Alexander, 35 ; Amy, 115, 116; Ann, 115; Benjamin, 71, 115. "6; Elizabeth, 36(2), 38, INDEX NOMINUM. 125 41, 42, 71 5 John, 41, 42, 77 (2), 78 (3); Martha, 115; Mary, 39, 77 (2), 78 (2); Mary Ann, 115; Sarah, 58, 77, 116 ; Thomas, 36, 38, 77 J Timothy, 35, 36 (2), 38, 39, 40 (2), 41, 42, 55, 71 ; William, 78 Garston, Elizabeth, 91, 92 Gatlan (Gatlon), Joseph, 90 (2), 96 (2) ; Lucy, 90, 96 Gatland, George, 109 ; James, 108, 109 ; Joseph, 84 ; Mary, 108, 109 ; Phyllis, 84; Sarah, 108 ; Thomas, 84 Gatton, Ann, 61 ; Joseph, 75. 77 ; Phyllis, 75, 77 ; Thomas, 77 ; Wil liam, 61, 75 Gauston (Gauson), Edward, 20 (3) ; Jane, 20 Gibb, Abraham, 92, 97 ; Elizabeth, 9°, 91, 92, 93, 96, 97 (2), 106 ; George, 98, 106; Harriet, 114; Henry, 98 ; James, 90, 115 ; John, 63, 103, no, in, 112, 114, 115; Louisa, in ; Martha, 91, 96; Mary Ann, 63, 103, no (2), in, 112, 114, 1 15 ; Phcebe, 93, 97 ; Thomas, 90, 91, 92, 93. 96, 97 (2), 106, 112 Gibbins, Elizabeth, 41 ; Sarah, 41 ; William, 41 Gibbs, Elizabeth, 74 ; Mary, 74 Gilbert, Alice, 42, 43 ; Elizabeth, 41 (2), 42 (2), 43, 44 ; John, 42 ; Thomas, 41, 42, 44 ; William, 44 Gilby, Eliza, 104 Gilliham, Sarah, 59 Gladwin, Elizabeth, 20 Glocester, Catherine, 48 ; Henry, 48 ; Robert, 48 Glover, Abigail, 93; Alice, 11, 30; Ann, 4, 93 ; Dorothy, 36 ; Edwin, 93 ; Elizabeth, 5, 49, 57 ; Hannah, 66; James, 49; John, 50, 51, 64; Katherine, 4 ; Mary, 47, 48, 49 (2), 50 (2), 51, 52, 55, 58, 64 (2), 66 (2) ; Michael, 4 ; Nathaniel, 52, 66 ; Richard, 37, 47, 48 (2), 49 (2), 50, 51. 52, 55. 64, 66 (2), 75; Sarah, 64; Susan, 7; Thomas, 4 (3), 5, 7, n, 36, 37, 43, 47, 5°, 83 ; Widow, 64 ; William, 64, 75 ; — , 50 Goodman, Ann, 62 ; Elizabeth, 62 Goodnight, Tohn, 73 Goodricke, H., 57, 58 (2), 59 (2), 60; Rev., 73 Gorret, Margaret, 3 Gratwick, Elizabeth, 60 ; William, 60 Green (Greene), Amy, 29, 112, 113 (2) ; Ann, 67 ; Elizabeth, 7, 29 ; Jeffery, 27, 29; John, 29; Joseph, 112, 113; Mary, 25, 27, 35,67, 68 (2) ; Richard, 17 ; Thomas, 35, 67, 68 ; William, 112;— ,7 Greenfield, Elizabeth, 63, 103 Greensteade (Greenestead), Ann, 6 ; John, 6, 7, 8; Katherine, 8; Thomas, 7(2) Griffin, Jane, 99, 108; Sarah, 108; Thomas, 108 Griffith, Joan, 69 Guibert, Isaac, 50 ; Joseph, 43 (2), 44 (3), 45. 46 (3), 47 (4), 48 (4), 49 (4), 50 (3), 51 (3), 55, 64 (5), 65, 66, 67 (2), 68 (2), 69 ; Dr. Joseph, 52 (2) ; Rev. Joseph, 82 ; Susanna, 66 Gulliffer, Edward, 50 Gunner, Mary, 36 ; Thomas, 36 (2) Gyles, Alice, 2 (2), 3 ; Elizabeth, 7 ; Joan, 2; John, 2 (5), 3 (2), 12; Katherine, 3 H. Hailer, Sarah, 62 ; Thomas, 62 Hall, Amy, 107 ; Dorothy, 36 ; Eliza beth, 47 (2) ; Ellis, 47 (3) ; Mary, 47, 107 ; Robert, 47 ; William, 107 Halliday (Halleday, Holliday, Holly day), Arabella, 17 ; Elizabeth, 38 (2) ; James, 17, 38 (3), 39, 45 ; Jane, 59 ; Sarah, 38 ; Susan, 39, 45 Halsteed, John, n ; Susanna, 11 Hambleton, Elizabeth, 41 ; John, 41 Hamilton, Elizabeth, 41 ; John, 41 ; Sarah, 41 Hammen, Chivers, 73 ; Mary, 73 ; William, 73 Hammond, Elizabeth, 74 ; Mary, 72 ; Sarah, 72 ; William, 72 Hampton, John, 36 (2) ; Judith, 36 Hancock, Ann, 21 ; Jacob, 21 Hanmore, Charles, 91 ; Jane, 91 ; William, 91 Harbour (Harber), Caroline, 115, 116 (2); Harriet, 115; James, 104, 115, 116; John, 72 (2) ; Mary, 72 ; Sarah, 79 Harding, Elizabeth, 55 Harlin, John, 71 (2) ; Mary, 71 Harling, Hannah, 93 ; John, 56, 67 (2), 72, 76 ; Mary, 56, 67 (2), 72, 76; Roger, 72 ; William, 67 (2) Harlow, Elizabeth, 92 Harman, Elizabeth, 115 ; Richard, 115; William, 115 Harmand, Harriet, 105 Harper, John, 30 ; Mary, 30 Harrington, William, 83 Harris, Abraham, 114; Ann, 62, 106, 107 (2), 108 (2), 109 (2) ; Edward, 114, 116; Eliza, 114, 116(2); Jane, 109; Maria, 114; Richard, 107; Sarah, 109; Susanna, 106, 114; William, 62, 106, 107, 108, 109(2) 126 THE PARISH REGISTER OF CATERHAM. Harrison, Elizabeth, 79, 89, 90, 92, 93, 97 ; John, 8 ; Samuel, 99 ; — ,8 Harsey, Haysey, Haysy, see Hersey Hartley, John, 10; Peter, 10; Susanna, n Harvey, Alice, 8 & «. ; William, 8 & n. Haskins (Haskings, Hoskings, Hos- kins), Ann, 55, 64, 65, 67 (2), 68, 69, 70, 72, 82, 96 ; Charles, 72 ; James, 82 ; Maria, 70 ; Mary, 39 (2), 65 (4) ; Rebecca, 61 ; Richard, 33, 39, 41, 64; Sarah, 69; Susan, 82 ; Thomas, 33, 39 (2) 40 (2), 55. 61, 64, 65 (3), 67, 68, 69, 70, 72, 82 (2), 96 ; William, 68 Hassell (Hassel), Elizabeth, 40 ; John, 40 ; Mary, 40 ; Widow, 40 Haswell, Amy, 28; Ann, 27, 39, 44, 51 ; Edward, 27, 28, 29 (2), 32 ; Elizabeth, 7 (2), 26, 33, 39 ; Grace, 8 ; James, 27 ; Jane, 31 ; John, 6 (2), 7 (2), 8, 9, 10, 26, 27 (3), 28(2), 29, 32, 35. 39 (3). 4° (2), 51 5 Mary, 34, 55 ; Thomas, 29 ; Widow, 31 ; William, 9 (2), 27 (2), 31 (3) Hatcher (Hather), Ann, 25, 43, 58, 71 ; Charity, 25, 26, 28 ; Elizabeth, 71 ; Grace, 29, 30; Jane, 27, 31, 32; Jeffery, 25, 26 (3), 27, 28, 30, 31, il ; John, 27, 28, 30 (2), 51, 58, 64, 65 (2), 71 ; Mary, 25, 37, 38, 51 (2), 67 ; Sarah, 65 (2) ; Thomas, 65, 82 ; Walter, 25 (3), 27, 28, 29 (3), 30 (2), 37 (2); William, 28; — , 25, 37 Hatfield, Amelia, 78 ; Ann, 77, 85 ; Eleanor, 60, 77, 78 (2), 85 (2); Harriet, 60 ; William, 60 (2), 77, 78(3), 85 Hawkins, Maria, 104 Hayne, Jane, 50, 51 ; Robert, 50 (2), 51 ; Thomas, 51 Haynes, Elizabeth, 7 Hayte (Heyte), Agnes, 2 ; Elizabeth, 6 ; John, 2 ; Katherine, 2 (2) ; William, 2 (2) Hayward (Haward, Heyward), Alice, 26, 30 ; Ann, 12 (2), 40, 41 (2) ; Elizabeth, 29, 40 ; Jane, 28 ; Joan, 30 ; John, 32 ; Margaret, 28 ; Michael, 12 (2), 28 (2) ; Richard, 26, 27, 28, 30; Sarah, 59; Thomas, 12, 28(2), 40, 41 ; Widow, 18 ; William, 26 (3), 27, 28 (3), 29 (5), 30, 33 Heath, Alice, 13 ; Elizabeth, 60 ; Ellen, 16; George, 12, 13(2), 16, 24 (2) ; Henry, 6, 15 ; Jane, 6, 12 ; John, 13 ; Katherine, 20 ; Margaret, 13 ; Michael, 6 (2), 8 (2) ; Nicholas, 15; Thomas, 13 (2); William, 16; —,«4 Hebbard, Ann, 108; Charlotte, 108; William, 108 Heman (Hemen), Elizabeth, 70; Mary, 57, 69, 70, 71 ; Samuel, 69, 82 ; William, 57, 69, 70, 71 (2) Hemmans, Mary, 58 Henton, Joan, 13 ; Thomas, 13 Herbert, Elizabeth, 39 ; James, 39 (2) ; Sarah, 39 Herman, Henry, 3 Heme, William, 98 Hersey (Harsey, Hasey, Haysey, Haysy, Hearsay, Hearsey, Hearsy), Ann, 77 ; Anna Maria, 68 ; Eliza, 108 ; Elizabeth, 56, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 99; Fanny, 113; George, no; Harriet, 78, in ; Henry, 81 ; James, 56, 66, 67, 68, 69(2), 70, 71, 72, 78, 95 ; Jane, 114 ; Judith, 60, 71, 80, 90; Maria, 116; Olave, 109; Pleasance, 112; Richard, 63, 72, 103, 108 (3), 109, no, in, 112, 113, 1 14, 1 15, 116 ; Sarah, 60, 67, 77 (3), 78 (2), 79, 80 (2), 81 (2), 89, 90, 91, 95 (2), 96 ; Sophia, 63, 103, 108 (2), 109, no, m, 112, 113, 114, 116; Thomas, 70, 90 ; William, 60, 66, 77 (2), 78 (2), 80 (2). 81, 90, 95, 98 Hersham, Catherine, 17 (2) ; Gabriel, 17; Michael, 15 : William, 15, 17 (5) Hesse, Solomon, 85 Heuson, Alice, 3 Hewin, Catherine, 71 ; Richard, 71 (2) Hewetson, Elizabeth, 97 ; William, 97 Heyward, see Hayward Hill (Hilles, Hills), John, 78 ; Lydia, 104; Martha, 8; Mary, 77 (2), 78, 104; Richard, 77 (3), 78; Robert, 8; Sarah, 77 ; Sophie, 104 Hiller, Agnes, 3 ; Katherine, 3 ; Richard, 3 ; Robert, 3 (2) Hillman, John, 59 ; Patience, 59 Hiscock, Elizabeth, 72 ; James, 72 ; Thomas, 72 Histed, see Istead Hitchcock, Elizabeth, 71 ; James, 71 (2) Hitchins (Hitchens, Hitchin), Amelia, 62 ; Charles, 97 ; Charles George, 62, 97 ; Maria, 61 ; Maria Thomasin, 62 ; Mary, 62 ; John, 61, 94 ; Sarah Sayer, 61 Hoare (Hoar, Hore), Agnes, 13 ; Alice, 13 ; Christopher, 12 ; Edward, 85, 96 (2); Elizabeth, 12 (2), 35; George, 60, 78 (3), 85 (4); Jane, 16 (2), 18, 26 ; Jasper, 28, 31 (2), 35 ; John, 19, 25, 26 (2), 27 (2), 28, 35, 38; Mary, 26, 31, 96; Nicholas, 20, 22, 25 ; Richard, 26, 101 ; Robert, 16, 18 (3), 19, 20, 22, 26, 28; Sarah, 60, 78 (3), 85 (4), 99; INDEX NOMINUM. 127 Susan, 31 ; Susanna, 31 ; Thomas, 12 (2), 13, 19; Widow, 40; William, 18, 22, 85 Hodgkin, Joseph, 56, 65 Holliday, Hollyday, see Halliday Hollingshead, Elizabeth, 34 Holman (Hollman), Elizabeth, 60 ; John, 60 Holmden, Alice, 28 Holmewood, Mercy, 15 Holver, Joan, ll«., 12 Hooker, Elizabeth, 17 Hope, Elizabeth, 16 Hopwood, Richard, 15 ; William, 15 Horley, John, 84 ; Martha, 91, 92 Home, Alice, 13 Horsham, Catherine, 13 ; Wm., 13, 25 Hoskings, Hoskins, see Haskins Hough, Roger, 20 Howard, Ann, 44 ; Charles, Ld. Howard of Effiingham, 957*. ; Eliza beth, 81 ; Sarah, 55 ; Susan, 62 Howe, Elizabeth, 12 Howes (Howessj, Henrietta Susanna, 42, 43; J., 42; John, 42, 43; Susanna Lucia Henrietta, 42 Hubbard (Hubearde, Hubberde), Alexander, 3, 6 ; Elizabeth, 3 ; Joan, 3 ; John, 17 ; Richard, 10 (2), 17 ; Thomas, 10; — , 20 Hubbarte (Hubbert, Hubert), Agnes, 2, 8; Alex., 1, 2; Alice, 10, 12; Joan, 8, 9 ; Richard, 8 (2), 9 ; Wm., I Hughes, Daniel, 80, 89, 90, 91 ; Eleanor Ann, 89 ; George Hall, 80, 100 ; Louisa Ann, 90 ; Lydia Caroline, 91 ; Mary, 80, 89, 90, 91, 1 02 Humfrey, alias Shalcrust, Alice, 15 ; John, 15 ; Mary, 15 Humphrey (Humfries, Humfrey, Humphry), Alice, 16, 18, 23, 26, 27, 35 ; Ann, 22, 34 (2), 51 ; Arabella, 28 ; Catherine, 24 ; Elizabeth, 23 (2), 25, 31, 33, 44 (2), 51 5 Emma, 16 ; Grace, 19; Jane, 83; Jasper, 15, 21, 22 ; John, 15, 16 (3), 17, 18, 19, 23 (2), 24 (2), 45; Martha, 16; Mary, 24, 29, 33, 44 (4), 45, 46, 47 (3) ; Rebecca, 27, 36 ; Richard, 20, 27 (2), 28, 29, 3c (2), 31, 34, 36 ; Robert, 19 (2), 25, 27, 33 (2), 34, 35. 43, 44 5 Sarah, 24, 51, 65 (2), 68; Thomas, 17 (2), 47 (2), 68; Widow, 16; William, 17 (2), 19(2), 20, 21, 24 (3), 25 (3), 35, 44 (4), 45, 46 (2), 47 (3). 48, 5L 65. 68, 84 Hunt, Lucy, 62, 92 Husse, Joan, 10 ; William, 10 Huton (Hutonn), Agnes, 4 ; Joan, 4 ; John, I (2), 2, 4(2), 5 (3) ; Margerie, 2 Hyames, John, 26 ; Nicholas, 26 I. lies, Henry, 107; John, 106; Keturah, 106, 107 (2) ; William, 62, 105, 106, 107 (3) Illman, Alice, 50, 51 (2) ; Elizabeth, 60; Richard, 50 (2), 51, 60, 86 Inch, Ann, 39; Elizabeth, 36; George, 36 ; John, 36 (2), 38 Inwood, Ann, 92 ; Elizabeth, 92 ; William, 92 Ireland, Andra, 15 ; Ann, 16 ; John, 16; Mary, 17, 20; Nicholas, 15 (2), 16, 17; Robert, 15; Thomas, IS Isemonger (Eyesmonger, Icemonger), Ann, 57, 67 ; Mary, 56, 96 ; Patience, 75; Richard, 56, 67, 83; Thomas, 57. 67, 84 Istead (Histed, Isted, Oystead), Amy, 109; Ann, 71, 84, 92; Anthony, 108; Charlotte, 102, in; Daniel, 100, no; Eliza, 106, 112; Elizabeth, 62, 91, 92 (2), 93, 106 (3), 107 (3), 108 (2), 109, no (3), in, 112; Esther, 57, 60, 70 (2), 71 (3), 72, 73. 74. 75. 79. 81 (2), 90, 95, 96 (2), no; Henry, 92; James, 93, 107; Jane, 101 ; Jane Maria, 108 ; John, 75. 9i. 92, 106, 107 (2), 108, no (3), in, 112 ; Joseph, 57, 62, 70 (3), 7i (2), 72, 73, 74. 75. 92, 93, 96, 106, 108, 109, no; Judith, 74; Mary, 70, 82, 84, 107 ; Mary Ann, 107 ; Richard, 73 ; Sarah, 72, 91, 104 ; Susanna, 107 Ives, Elizabeth, 16; John, 16; Mary, 16 ; Sarah, 86 ; Thomas, 38 Jackson, Alice, 15, 16; Bartholomew, 62, 93, 106, 107 (3), 108, 109, no, in, 113; Edward, 113; Eliza, 108; Elizabeth, 9 (2); Emily, in; Harriet, 109 ; James, 93 ; John, 9 (3), 10; Lydia, 107; Margaret, 15; Richard, 10 ; Sarah, 61, 62, 93, 106 (2), 107 (2), 108, 109, no, in, 113; Thomas, 9 (2), 61; William, no Jeale, Agnes, 10 ; Amy, 4 ; Ann, 2, 3, 6 ; Elizabeth, 6, 8 ; Joan, 7 ; John, 2 (2), 3 (3), 4 (3), 5 ; Richard, 3 (2), 4 ; Robert, 2 (2) ; Sarah, 4 ; William, 3. 4, 5 (2), 6 (3), 7, 8, 17 Jeffery, Isaac, 66 ; Simpson, 27 (2) Jenkins, Edward, II ; Elizabeth, II (2) Jenkynson, William, 9 128 THE PARISH REGISTER OF CATERHAM. Jenner, Elizabeth, in; Jane, 89; Jonathan, in; Joseph, in; Samuel, 70(2) Jennings, John, 27 ; Sarah, 27 Jewell, Agnes, 3, 5 ; Elizabeth, 4 ; Jarrat, 3 ; Richard, 5 ; Thomas, 3, 4, 5 ; Timothy, 13 & «. ; William, 3, 4 (3). S (5). 59 Jones (Joanes), Elizabeth, 15, 16, 42 ; J., 86 (5), 87 ; John, 52, 56 (2), 57 (18) & »., 82 (2) ; Maurice, 15, 16, 17 ; William, 16 Jordan (Jordain, Jordon), Alice, 30 ; Ann, 23, 24 ; Henry, 23 ; John, 23 (4), 24 ; Nicholas, 23 (2) ; Sarah, 23 ; William, 16; — , 23 Jouls, Margaret, 3 judge, Alfred, 100, no; Ann, 102; Charles, III ; Elizabeth, 113 ; Esther, no, in, 113 (2); Michael, no, in, 113(3) K. Kecket, Ann, 35 ; John, 35 Keel, Mary, 58 Kellick, Mary, 32 Kelly, James Birch, 104 ; Mary Seymour, 104 Kempe, Elizabeth, 9 ; Robert, 9 Kempsall, Katherine, 1 1 (2), 20 ; William, II, 20 (2) Kennard, John, 33 ; Sarah, 33, 47 Kent, Amy, 36, 37 ; Frances, 37 ; Francis, 34, 35, 36(3), 37, 38 ; John, 37; Mary, 34, 36 (2), 37, 38; Thomas, 35 Kenward, Mary, 104 Kerrell, John, 38 ; Mary, 38 ; Michael, 38 Kidder (Keddar), Alice, 36 (2), 41 ; Ann, 35, 37 ; Elizabeth, 21, 35 (3) ; John, 35 (4), 36 (6), 37, 39, 41 ; Mary, 35, 37 ; Robert, 35 ; Widow, 34 Kilby, Jane, III, 113; Richard, 113; William, in (2), 113 Kill, Richard, 39 King (Kinge), Ann, 10; Emma, 51; Elizabeth, 35 ; Hannah, 106 ; Henry, 58, 67 ; James, 60, 89, 106 ; Jane, n, 60, 78, 89, 99 ; John, 10, II, 81 ; Joseph, 89 ; Margaret, 5 ; Martha, 81 ; Mary, 51 & n., 65, 67, 68, 70, 76, 89 ; Samuel, 68, 78 ; Sarah, 78, 89; Susan, 13; Thomas, 13, 51 & «-, 55 (2), 58, 65 (2), 67, 68, 70, 76, 81, 89 ; William, 70, 76, 106 Knight, Elizabeth, 6o, 76 ; Mary, 43 ; Sarah, 81, 89 Laker, Elizabeth, 108 ; Margaret, I ; Mary, 108; Robert, 1; Thomas, 108 Lamb, J. T., 59 (8), 60 (4), 75 Lambert, Ann, 28 ; Elizabeth, 26, 28 ; George, 28; Grace, 19, 31 ; Jane, 17 ; John, 17 (2), 18, 19 ; Mary, 26 ; Patience, 17; Philip, 19, 26, 30; Thomas, 18 Lamkin. (Lambkine, Lampkin, Lam- kine), Elizabeth, 17 ; Ellen, 15, 18 ; Mercy, 15 ; Thomas, 15, 17 Lanchett, Isaac, 32 ; Jane, 32 Lane, James, 68; John, 68; Sarah, 68 Langridge, Sarah, 79 Larance (Lairence), Elizabeth, 21 ; Mary, 15 ; Thomas, 21 Lashford, Elizabeth, 34 ; James, 34 Laurence, alias Taylor, see Taylor, alias Laurence Lawrence (Laurence), Ann, 22 ; Caroline, 100, 109 ; Edward, 24 ; Elizabeth, 20 ; Garret, 6 ; Henry, 5 (3), 6, 7 (2), 109, in (2) ; Jerrard, 7; John, 6, 18 (5), 19, 20, 23; Judith, 19 ; Martha, 109, in ; Richard, 7 ; Thomas, 22, 24 ; Widow, 31 Lawrence, alias Staplis, see Staphs, alias Lawrence Laxtoon, R., 58, Leaney, Elizabeth, 86; James, 86; Thomas, 86 Ledger, John, 48 (2) ; Mary, 31, 32 ; Richard, 31 Ledington, George, 48 ; Harriet, 78 ; John, 47 (2), 48, 49 (2) ; Mary, 47, 48, 49, 78 ; William, 49 Lee, Edward, 83 ; John, 13K. ; Timothy, 137*. ; Widow, 64 Legrew, Arthur, 93, 102, 105; A., 115, 116; Eliza, 90; Elizabeth, 79, 89, 9°, 92, 93, 97, 100; Frederick, 92, 97 ; James, 60 (5), 61 (16), 62 (15), 63 (11), 79, 81, 85, 89 (3), 90, 92, 93, 94, 97, 98, 103, 105, 109, 112, 114, 115, 116; Jemima Ann, 79 Leigh, Alice, 8; Elizabeth, 7, 9, 10 ; Jeremy, 9 (2) ; John, 10, 13 ; Katherine, 7; Richard, 9, 10; Simon, 8, 9 (3), 10 (3) ; Symon at, 7 (2) ; Timothy, 13 Lentall, John, 6 Letts, James, 101 ; Mary, 59 Lew, Ann, 60 ; Mary, 56, 58, 65 (2), 66, 81 ; Sarah, 56, 85 ; Thomas, 56 (2), 65 (3), 85, 100 Lewens, John, 31 ; Stephen, 31 Lewis, Ann, 62; Richard, 45; Thomas, 62 INDEX NOMINUM. 129 Lilly (Lily), Ann, 50; Jeremiah, 50, 65 (2) ; Mary, 50, 65 Little, Mary, 24 Lloyd (Loyd), Ann, 59 ; Edward, 59 ; Elizabeth, 46 Lockwobd, J. W., in ; T. W., 112 Lockyer, Elizabeth, 60 ; William, 60 Lomas, Martha, 10 (2) ; — , 10 Lorimer, John, 58, 87 (2) Lover, Ann, 93 (2) ; Mary, 93 ; William, 93 Lowed, James, 99 Lucas, Mary, 104 ; Samuel, 18 ; Sarah, 18 Luck, James, 71 Lusted, Frances, 23 ; George, 30 Lyngfielde, Katherine, 3 Lystney, Dorothy, 12 M. Main, Sarah, 105 Marchant, John, 24 (2) ; Mary, 24 ; Wm.,'24(3); — , 24 Marlow, Sincere, 89, 90, 91 (3), 93, 96 Marshall, Moses, 57 (2) Martin (Marten, Martyn), Abraham, 4, 19, 26, 27 (3), 28, 29, 38, 39, 69 ; Alice, 3, n; Ann, 20, 22, 28; Barnard, 66, 67, 68, 70, 71 ; Barnet, 72 ; Elizabeth, 5, 18, 37 (2), 38, 41 (2), 59, 77; Emme, 12, 30; George, 12 ; Grace, 26 ; Isabella, 5, 30 ; James, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41 (2), 70; Jane, 23, 37, 38 (2) ; Jeremiah, 18, 19, 20 (2), 25, 29, 37 (2), 38, 40, 41 (4), 45 ; Joan, 3, 20 ; John, 27, 28, 30, 35, 38, 72, 96 ; Judith, 38, 44 ; Martha, 41 ; Mary, 37, 39, 41 (2), 68 ; Matthew, 104 ; Michael, 13 (2) ; Patience, 40 ; Robert, 66, 77 ; Roger, 3 (2), 4 (2), 5 ; Sarah, 38, 44, 55, 66, 67, 68, 70, 71 (2), 72 ; Thomas, 4, n, 12 (2), 13 (3), 22 (2), 37, 41, 49, 55 5 William, 59, 67, 77; — , 22, 38 Mash, Jane, 38 Mason, Elizabeth, 30 ; Richard, 30 Mathews, Ann, 37 ; Elizabeth, 37 ; George, 37 Matthew (Mathew, Mathewe), Alice, 36 ; Ann, 44, 60 ; Elizabeth, 36, 38, 44, 97 ; George, 34, 36 ; Jane, 58 ; John, 23, 30 (2), 44 ; Martha, 8 ; Mary, 30 ; Patience, 34 ; Robert, 23, 83 ; Widow, 30 Maynard (Mainard), Jane, 30; Mary, 31, 61 Mayner, Mary, 93, 97 Meade, Thomas, 10 Medgate, Ann, 6 ; William, 6 Medhurst (Medest), Elizabeth, 33, 48, 60; George, 20 (3), 21 (2), 22; Jeremiah, 30 ; John, 20, 33, 43, 54 ; Mary, 20 ; Richard, 20 Merchant, Elizabeth, 30; Sarah, 30, 34 ; William, 30 (2), 34, 36 Mersh, Joan, 8 Messenger (Messinger), Elizabeth, 74 ; George, 74, 76, 77 (2) ; Joan, 2 ; John, 74; Mary, 76, 77; William, 76 Miles (Myles), Amy, 98; Edward, I (2) ; Eleanor, no ; Elizabeth, 46, 48, 72, 90, 91, 92, 93, 96, 97 (2) ; Henry, 48 ; James, 100, 109 ; John, 1, 40, 46 (2), 48, 73, 75, 99; Margaret, 1 ; Mary, 40 ; Sarah, 75 ; Thomas, 109, no; Winifred, 109, no Millams, James, 39 ; John, 39 ; Mary, 51 Miller, Alexander, 16, 19; Elizabeth, 16, 17, 19, 57, 58, 73 (3), 75 5 Henry, 20, 58 (3), 73 (3), 75 (2), 88 (3) ; James, 59 ; Jane, 16, 83 ; Mary, 63, 105 ; Richard, 57 (2) ; Sarah, 59, 75 Millner (Mylner), Alexander, n, 12; Elizabeth, 12(2); Henry, 11 Mills (Mille, Mylles), Agnes, 6 ; Alice, 8; Ann, 20(2), 50, 77; Anna, 16(2); Barbara, 16 (4) ; Catharine, 50 (2), 64, 68 ; Charlotte, 112 ; Christian, 6 ; Elizabeth, 19, 24, 79, 90, 100, no; Ellen, 113; George, 11, 79, 100 ; Grace, 18; Henry, 42; Jane, no; John, n, 17,40(3), 42(2), 45, 50(2), 59, 64 (2), 68, 77, 79, 84 ; Jeremiah, 80; Launcelot, 6 (2), 8; Mary, 15, 40, 42 (2), 45, 59, 80, 90, 109, 110(2), m, 112, 113; Mary Ann, 109 ; Robert, 45 ; Sarah, 50, 80 ; Sophia, 84 ; Susan, 77 ; Thomas, 42, 68; William, 16 (5), 17, 18, 19, 20, 24(3), 40, 103, 109, no (2), in (2), 112, 113 (2); — , 18 Mitchell (Mitchel), Charlotte, 67; Edward, 57 ; Elizabeth, 57, 67, 68, 69(2), 70; John, 57, 67, 68, 69, 70; Mary, 70; Sarah, 68 Mockford, John, 92 ; Mary, 92 ; Richard, 92 Monk, Jane, 82 Moorey, George, 82 ; John, 72 ; Martha, 57 More (Moor), John, 32 (3) ; Mary, 32 Morgan, Grace, 31 ; Martha Elizabeth, 62 ; Mary, 31 ; Sarah, 68; William, 68 Morris, Mary Bliss, 104 ; Peter, 104 Mosely, Charlottee, 1 10 ; Francis, 1 10 ; William, no i3o THE PARISH REGISTER OF CATERHAM. Mugeridge (Muggeridg, Muggridg, Mugridge), Ann, 42 (2) ; Elizabeth, 39, 46, 47 (2), 48 ; Emma, 47 (2) ; John, 34 (3), 35, 39 ; Mary, 34, 35, 46, 66 ; Patience, 42 ; Samuel, 42 (2); William, 46, 47 (2), 48 (2); William Frank, 42 Mulcock, Priscilla, 104 Munday, Benjamin, 40 Myles, see Miles Mylles, see Mills N. Nash, Allen, 106 ; Elizabeth, 91 (2) ; George, 90, 91, 92, 106 ; Harriet, 91 ; James, 90 ; Mary, 90, 91, 92, 100 ; Sophia, 92 ; William, 91 Neale (Neal), Ann, 80; Edward, 60, 78, 79, 80, 90 ; Henry, 59 ; Jane, 78; Judith, 60, 78, 79, 80, 90 ; Martha, 79 ; Susan, 90 Neldratt, Adam, 61 Netlefolde, Idenn, 2 Newett (Newit), Ann, 32 ; Daniel, 32 ; John, 30, 32 (3); Margaret, 30; Mary, 35; Widow, 33 (2), 49; William, 33 (2) Newman, Mercy, 27 Nicholas, Elizabeth, 3 ; Joan, 3 ; Katherine, 8 ; Thomas, 3 ; William, 8 Nicholls (Nichol, Nickols, Nicoll, Nicolls), Harriet, 108 ; Henry, 108 ; John, 72, 76, 83 ; Mary, 58, 59, 72 (2), 74, 75 (2), 76, 83 ; Susanna, 74 (2) ; Thomas, 72, 108 ; William, 58, 59 (5), 72 (2), 74, 75 (3). 76, 83 (2) Nicholson, James, 113 ; Mary, 113 (2) Nodding, Dorcas, 38 ; Samuel, 38 Norris, Ann, 80 ; James, 80 ; Richard, 80 O. Oakley, Mary, 25 ; Thomas, 25 Ockenden, Jane, 103 Ockley (Ocklye), Grace, 15, 19 ; Jane, 18 ; jasper, 15 ; Judith, 15, 21 ; Patience, 19 ; Robert, 26 & n. ; Thomas, 15 (2), 17 (3), 18, 19, 21 Odgate, Katherine, 7 ; Simon, 6, 7 ; Thomas, 6 Othen, Agnes, 50 ; Elizabeth Fortune, 50 ; James, 50 Owen, Mary, 36 (2) Ownstead (Ownsteade), Agnes, 6; Avis, 8 ; Magdaline, 8 ; Robert, 6 (2), 7, 8 (2) ; William, 7 Oystead, see Istead Pace (Payes), Elizabeth, 17, 23 ; John, 24 (4), 35, 39 ! Mary, 24 (2), 35 ; Sarah, 24, 33; Thomas, 17, 21, 28; Widow, 31 ; William, 21 Page, Ann, 68 (2), 69 (2), 70, 71, 72, 95; Charlotte, 72; Hannah, 60, 77; Henry, 70 ; James Birkin, 77 ; Jane, 58, 71; Joanna, 69; John, 58; Joseph, 69; Mary, 44, 67 (2); Sarah, 68 ; William, 66, 67, 68, 69 (2), 70, 7L 72, 95 Parker, Joan, 2, II ; Nicholas, n Parlow, Charles, 74 Parmer, Anthony, 69, 70 (2); Eliza beth, 70 ; George, 70 ; Hannah, 69, 70 (2) ; Sarah, 70 ; William, 69 Parsons, Elizabeth, 42 ; John, 42 Patrick, Elizabeth, 75, 103; Sarah, 75; Thomas, 59, 60, 61, 75, 103 (5), 104, 109, 114 Pawsey (Pausey ),Eleanor, 76 ; Elizabeth, 74 ; James, 77 ; John, 71, 85 ; Mary, 70, 71 (2), 72 (4), 73, 74 (2), 76 (2), 77 (2), 85 ; Rebecca, 70, 79, 80 ; Samuel, 77 ; Sarah, 76 ; Sukey, 72 ; Thomas, 59, 70, 71 (3), 72 (2), 73, 74. 76 (2), 77 (2), 85 ; William, 73 Payne, Elizabeth, 61 ; Jesse, 93 ; Mary, 74, 75 ; Sarah, 62, 91 (2), 92, 93, 107 ; Thomas, 62, 74, 75(2), 91, 92, 93, 107 (2) ; William, 61, 62, 74, 92 Pearcy, see Piercy Peckham, Elizabeth, 85, 86, 95 Pennington, Agnes, 91 Percival (Peercyfull, Perciful, Percifull, Percivall, Pierciful, Piercifull), Ann, 102, 107, 108 (2) ; Eliza, 108 ; Emma, 49 ; John, 101, 108 ; Judith, 67 ; Margaret, 5 1 ; Martha, 107 ; Patience, 90 ; Robert, 39 (2), 67 ; Sarah, 47 (2), 49, 5t 64, 65, 74; Thomas, 47, 49, 51, 64 (2), 65 (2), 77, 83 ; William, 67, 107, 108 (2) Perry, Edward, 101(2), 102(3), "4> 115; Hannah, 98; Joseph, 99; Sarah, 91 Perryn, Elizabeth, 91 Peters, James, 91 ; Maria, 93 ; Martha, 91, 93, 106; Thomas, 91, 93, 106; William, 106 Pettard, James, 90 ; Robert, 90 ; Sarah, 90 Phillip, John, n ; Thomas, II Phillips (Philippes, Phillipps, Phil- yppes), Charles, 35 (2) & n. ; Daniel, 33, 34, 35 (2) ; Edward, 8 ; Elizabeth, 34 ; Joan, 7 ; John, 34 ; Mary, 37 (2) ; Paul, 34 ; Peter, 5 ; William, 8, 37 INDEX NOMINUM. 131 Phips (Fips), Elizabeth, 38 (2) ; Griz zell, 38 (2), 377*., 39; James, 35, 36 (3). 37 & "-, 38, 39! Jane, 39; John, 36, 38 ; Mary, 35 ; Thomas, 37, ; William, 35 Piercy (Pearcy, Piercie), Elizabeth, 46 (4), 47, 48, 49 (2), 50; John, 46 (3), 47, 48 (2), 49 (3), 50, 82 ; Mercy, 46 (2) ; Robert, 49 ; Thomas, 47 Piers, Joan, 6 Piggott (Pigot), George, 55 (4), 56, 58(7); Mr., 66; Sarah, 57; William, 57 Pike, Elizabeth, 46 ; Jane, 45, 46 (3), 47, 5° (2); Michael, 46 (2), 47; Robert, 45, 46 (3). 47, 50 ; William, 45 Pinkard, Alice, 13 ; John, 13 Piper, Sarah, 51 Pitt, Elizabeth, 98 ; Robert, 85 Pittard, Robert, 101 ; Sarah, 102, 103 Pittat, Robert, 61 Pitts, Elizabeth, 57 ; Patience, 45 Plaw (Plowe), Jane, 9, 27 ; John, 20, 27, 30 ; Mary, 20 ; Robert, 6 (2), 7, 9 ; Thomas, 7 ; Widow, 31 Pocock, Ann, 48; Mary, 517*. ; Samuel, 48 ; Thomas, 48 Poole, Thomas, 65 Pope, Grace, 5 ; John 4 (2), 5 Popler, Elizabeth, 69, 71; John, 69; William, 69, 71 (2) Pottard, Robert, 61 ; Sarah, 61 Pouley, John, 50, 51 ; Mary, 50, 51 ; William, 50, 51 Poulter, Abigail, 26 ; Ann, 31, 38 (2), 39, 40 (2), 44, 55, 67, 68, 69, 70, 84 (2) ; Catherine, 41 ; Christopher, 24 (2), 25, 26 (4), 28 (2), 29, 31, 32, 33, 38 ; Elizabeth, 24 (2), 26, 33, 38, 39, 45 (2) ; Henry, 68 ; James, 69, 84 ; Jane, 27 ; John, 25, 70, 82 ; Mary, 25, 28, 29, 37, 39, 40, 42 (3), 44, 45 (2), 49, 5°; Richard, 26 (2); Sarah, 40, 45, 56 ; Thomas, 28, 44, 45, 67, 76 ; William, 32, 38 (2), 39 (2), 40 (2), 42 (6), 45, 50, 67, 68, 69, 70, 82, 84 (2) Pounset, Elizabeth, 19; Hunnis, 18; Powell, Elizabeth, 9, 104 ; Jane, 8 ; John, 10 ; Malyn, 10 ; Mary, 35 ; Richard, 8 (2), 9, 10 (3) ; William, 35 Pratt, Elizabeth, no, in ; George, 104, no (2), m ; James, no Price, Elizabeth, 19 ; James, 77 (3), 78 ; 77 (3), 78 ; Thomas, 78 Pucknell, John, 34 (2) Priest, Mary, 100 Provost, Elizabeth, 4111. Prowett (Prowet), Ann, 75, 77 (2), 78; Charles, 78 ; David, 75 ; James, 77 ; John, 65, 77 (2), 78 ; Robert, 77 Pullen, Abraham, 115; Ann Hannah, 115 ; John, 83 ; William, 115 Pully, Mary, 84 Puplet (Poplet, Poplett, Popplet, Popplett, Puplett), Ann, 70; Eliza beth, 57, 61, 70, 72 (3), 74, 75, 81, 90 (2), 91, 92 ; Fanny, 75 ; Henry, 74 ; James, 81 ; Sarah, 72 ; William, 57, 7o, 72 (2), 74, 75, 96 Putland, Edward, 62; Maria Thomasin, 62 Quartermain, Stephen, 59 Quiddington (Quiddenton, Quiddinton, Quidenton, Quidington), Agnes, 13 ; Alexander, 13, 16 (2), 18, 20 ; Anna, 16 (2) ; Benjamin, 79 ; Elizabeth, 68 (2) ; John, 18 ; Mary, 57, 68 (3); Mary Ann, 79 (2); Robert, 20; Thomas, 57, 68 (2) R. Rabbet, Mary, 27 Radley, Hesketh, 46 (2) ; John, 102 ; Mary, 46 Rapkin (Rapkyn), Alice, I, 3, 6; Ann, 11; Denys, 1; Joan, 2 (2), 4; John, 1, 2 (2), 3 (2), 6 (3) ; Katherine, 6 ; Malyn, 10; Richard, 1 (2), 6, 10, n, 12; William, 1 Rawlens, Hannah, 22 Rayner, Allan, 100 ; Mary Bliss, 104 Read, Ann, 104 Reading (Reding, Riding), Abraham, 91; Caroline, 101, 112; Charles, 113; Edmund, 89, 104, 112, 114 (2), 115; Edmund Frederick, 115; Eleanor, 104 ; Elizabeth, 93, 100 ; Ellen, 114; Emily, 115; Frederick, 101, 114; Harriet, 91, 104; James, 89, 9°. 91 (2), 93, 96, 101, 104; Jane, 91, 96; Martha, 116; Mary, 104 (2), 113, 115 (2), 116; Mary Ann, 115; Ruth, 112, 114 (2), 115; Sincere, 89, 90, 91 (3), 93, 96; William, 90, 104, 113, 115 (2), 116 Reygate (Reigate, Ryegate), Ann, 91, 92, 93, 106, 107 ; Elizabeth, 93, 98 ; George, 90; James, 92; John, 91, 92, 93, 106, 107 (2) ; Martha, 91 ; Rebecca, 61, 90, 93; Robert, 93; William, 61, 90, 93, 106 Reynolds, Ann, 112; Emma, 112; William, 102, 112 i3«2 THE PARISH REGISTER OF CATERHAM. Richardson, Ann, 56, 64 (2), 65 (4), 67 (2), 68 (2), 73; Edward, 50; Eleanor, 60, 67 (2), 68, 85 ; Jane, 50 ; John, 64 (2) ; Mary, 44, 69, 70 ; Sarah, 44, 50 ; Thomas, 44 (2), 69, 70 ; William, 56, 64 (2), 65, 67 (2), 68, 69, 70, 97 Ridgaway, John, 40, 41 (2) ; Margaret, 40 (2) ; Mary, 40, 41 Ridge, Mary, 57 Riding, see Reading Rig, Thomas, 59 Rivers, Rebecca, 61 Roberts, Charles Julius, 104; Elizabeth, 91; Isaac, 91 (2); Marianne, 104; Mary Ann, 91 ; Sarah, 91 (2) Robinson (Robynson), Alice, 3 ; Ann, 3, 8 ; Charles, 5 ; Elizabeth, 3 ; James, 2, 4 ; Jane, 89 ; Jeremy, 4 ; Johan, 2; John, 2, 3, 4 (3), 5; Mary, 4 ; Thomas, 89 ; William, 2, 3 (3), 89 Rockley (Rockeley), Hunnis, 16; Ithamar, 16 ; Richard, 15, 16, 17 ; Thomas, 33 ; William, 15 Roff (Roffe), Amy, 32; Ann, 36; Caleb, 33 (2) ; Caroline, 108 ; Edmund, 22, 30, 31 (2), 32, 33 (2) ; Edward, 31 ; Eliza, 108; Elizabeth, 62, 109; Francis, 31 (2); George, 32 ; Henry, 22, 23, 25 (2), 28 ; Isaac, 29; John, 2, 27, 31, 107, 108 (2), 109, no, 113; Margaret, 28, 36; Mary, 25, 26, 30 (2), 107, 108 (2), 109, no, 113; Nathaniel, 25 ; Robert, no; Simpson, 26, 27 (3), 28, 29, 31 (2), 32; Thomas, 2, 113; Widow, 46 ; William, 23, 30, 107 Roffey (Roffy), Alice, 2, 3 ; Amy, 60, 81 ; Ann, 35, 45, 46, 78, 79 (2), 85, 89, 91, 100; Edward, 89; Henry, 43, 62, 78, 79 (2), 85, 89, 91 (2), 101 ; James, 79 ; Jenny, 78, 85 ; John, 35 (2), 36 (4), 37 (2), 46 (2), 49, 58, 59, 69, 79, 84, 86 (2) ; Mary, 36 (3), 37, 40, 58, 69 ; Mercy, 46 (2), 49, 67 ; Richard, 3, 36 (2), 64 (4) ; Robert, 35, 43, 49, 69; Sarah, 64 (2), 81 ; Simpson, 38 ; Susan, 43 ; Thomas, 2 (3), 3 ; William, 60, 81 ; — , 36 (2) Rogers, Agnes, 12 ; Dorothy, 12, 16 ; Edward, II, 12 (3) ; Elizabeth, 12 ; Francis 13 (2) ; Jane, 11, 12 ; Jeffery, 16 ; Joan, 16 ; John, 36 ; Rebecca, 36 ; Robert, 13 (2) ; Thomas, 13 ; Widow, 25 Rolfe, Elizabeth, 92, 93 , Rootes (Rottes), Aungell, 6 ; Elizabeth, 2 ; Henry, 6 ; Joan, 6 ; William, 6 (3) Rose, Ann, 69 ; Elizabeth, 69, 70 (3), 7ii 72, 73 (2}, 75> 76, 84, 86; George, 72, 86 ; Martha, 73 ; Mary, 35, 75 ; Rebecca, 73 ; Richard, 76 ; Robert, 69, 70 (2), 71 (2), 72, 73 (2), 75, 76, 83, 84, 86, 88 (3) ; Sarah, 70 Rostall, John, 3 ; Margaret, 3 Rottes, see Rootes. Round (Rounde, Rounds), Agnes, 2 ; Alicia, 35 ; Joan, 3 ; John, 2 ; William, 34 (2), 35 _ , , _ , ,, Rowed (Rowett, Rowhead, Rowhed), Alfred, 99, 108; Alice, 2; Amos, in ; Ann, 62, 71, 72, 79, 95, 98, 99, 100, 107 ; Catherine, 36, 67, 78, 99; Caroline, 100; Charles, 81, 101; Dennis, 10; Elizabeth, 28, 33, 40, 43, 44, 45 (S), 46 (3). SL So, 82 (2), 86, 97, 100, 104, 106, 107(4), 108(3), 1 10 ; Emma, 97 ; George, 80, 85 ; Harriet, 77 ; Henry, 29, 43, 44 (2), 45 (3), 46 (3). 47. 48 (2), 49. 52 (2), 56 (4). 57. 66, 67, 70 (3), 71 (2), 72 (2), 73. 74, 86 (4), 87 (7), 88 (4), 95; James, 72, 78, 98, 107 (2); James Vashan, 108 ; Jane, 73, 86 ; Jesse, 108; John, 26, 28, 32, 38, 46 (2), 71, 77, 100 (2), 103, 106, 108 (2) ; Laurence, 10 (2), 12, 23, 29, 35, 36, 49, 5l; Louisa, 106; Maria, 71, 95 ; Mary, 20, 2972., 30, 43, 44, 45 (3), 46 (2), 47 (6), 48, 49, 52, 62, 70 (2), 71 (2), 72(2), 73 (3), 74, 78, 79, 80, 81, 85, 93, 94, 99, l°6, 107(2); Michael, 10, 34,43,45,46(2), 57, 59, 73, 74, 75 (2), 76, 77(3), 78, 79(2), 80, 81, 82, 85 (2), 86, 93(2), 94, 95, 96, 97, 99, i°6, 107; Mr., 97 ; Rachel, 78, 107 ; Richard, 23, 29 (2) & «., 30, 31, 32 (3), 33 (2), 34 (2), 37, 43, 44 (2), 45 (6), 46(3), 48, 49, 51, 67, 71, 95, 107 ; Robert, 76, 81 ; Ruth, 63, 100, 103, 107, 108(2), 109(2), no, in (2); Sarah, 31, 59, 73, 74 (2), 75, 76, 77 (4), 78, 79, 80, 81, 85, 97 (2), 108; Sophia, 108 (2) ; St. John, 70 ; Susan, 34 ; Susanna, 67 (2) ; Thomas, 2, 33. 39 ; Widow, 28 ; William, 57. 63, 71, 74, 78, 79, 80, 81, 85, 86 (2), 97, 100(2), 103, 106, 107(5), i°8 (S), i°9. no, m (2); William Thomas, in Roweninge, John, 15 ; Mary, 15 Rowland, Thomas, 96 Royden, Alice, 15 ; William, 15 Royston, Ann, 49 ; Joseph, 49 ; Robert, 49 Rumsey, Sarah, 56 Russell, Ann, 58, 80, 108 ; Catherine, 103 ; Charles, 63, 103, 108 (2), 109, no, 114; Elizabeth, 28, 103; George, 99, 108, 112; Harriet, 100, INDEX NOMINUM. 133 1 10 ; James, 55, 103 ; Jemima, 109 ; Mary, in; Phyllis, 114; Robert, 100, 108, in, 114; Sarah, 63, 101, 103, 108, 109, no, in, 112 Rutter, John, 48 ; Mercy, 48 ; Mary, 48 Ryckson, Agnes, 3 ; Anne, 2 Ryegate, see Reygate S. Sadler, Mary, 32; Thomas, 32 Sampson, Elizabeth, 62 ; James, 62 Samworth, Elizabeth, 93 Sander, Henry, 12 ; Jane, 12 Sanders, Abraham, 59, 76 (2), 84 ; Elizabeth, 29, 58, 59, 76; George, 28 ; Grace, 31 ; Judith, 30 ; Mary, 29, 32 ; Thomas, 28, 29 (2), 30 (3), 31 Saunder, Agnes, 9 ; Elizabeth, 7 ; Henry, 10; Jane, 10; Thomswhit, 7 Saunders, Abraham, 77, 78; Elizabeth, 77, 78 ; John, 49, 77 ; John Gethin, 102 ; Nathaniel, 78 Saxby, Sarah, 62, 93 Sayers, Hannah, 97 ; John, 97, 98 Scammel (Scamel, Scammell), Ann, 49; James, 51 (2); Mary, 49 (2), 5°, 51 (3). 75 5 Sarah, 49, 57; Thomas, 48, 49 (3), 50 (2), 51 (4), .55(2), 56(6), 57("), 64, 84 Screase, William, 100 Scriven, Emma, 66 ; John, 56, 65, 66 ; Mary, 56, 65 ; Sarah, 66 Searle, John, 94 Searles, Benjamin, 79 ; Louisa, 79 ; Mary, 79 Sears (Seers), Elizabeth, 59, 75, 79, 81; Hannah, 60 ; John, 59, 60 Selleng, see Snelling Shalcrust, alias Humfrey, see Humfrey, a/zaj^Shalcrust Shallcrust, Anna, 16 ; Edward, 16 Sharp (Sharpe), Alice, 19 ; Barbary, 16 ; Elizabeth, 18, 19 ; Joan, 17 ; John, 18, 19 (5); Joseph, 59; Richard, 26 ; Thomas, 19, 20 Sharpe, alias Woodroff, see Woodroff, alias Sharpe Shelly, Ann, 18 ; George, 18 (2), 19 (2) ; Joan, 18 Shepherd (Shepheard, Sheppard), Ben jamin, 72 (2), 73, 74, 76 ; Bridget, 18; Ellen, 18; Elizabeth, 72, 73, 74(2), 76, 85; Jacob, 102; Joan, 19; Henry, 18(2), 19, 23; Olave, 73; Richard, 63, 76, 10.5, no; Sarah, 1 10 ; William, 1 10 ; — , 23 Shergold, Josiah, 60 Sherman, Joan, 7 ; John, 6 (2), 7, 8 ; Thomas, 9 ; William, 9 Shirley (Sharley, Shearley, Sherley, Shurley), Ann, 41, 57 ; Elizabeth, 41, 42, 45, 57, 82, 83; James, 63, 105 ; Jane, 15 ; John, 39, 40 (3), 41, 42, 45, 61, 66 ; Mary, 40, 57 ; Richard, 40 (2) ; Robert, 42 ; Sarah, 45, 55 5 Susan, 13 ; Thomas, 39 Shoebridge, Lucy, 90, 96 Shorey (Shorrey), Elizabeth, 4 ; John, 10; Mary, 15 Shorter, Dorothy, 23 ; Elizabeth, 25, 26 ; George, 16, 22 (2), 23 (2), 24(3), 25(2), 26; Grace, 23, 24; John, 16; Margery, 9; Rachel, 16; Widow, 23 ; William, 25 Shotter, Richard, 99 ; William, 99 Shove, Elizabeth, 29 ; John, 29 ; Mary, 61 Siggs, Sarah, 84 Simmonds, Alice, 92 ; John, 90, 92 ; Patience, 90, 92 ; Sarah, 30, 80 ; Susan, 90 Simms, Daniel, 1 10 ; Henry, 109 ; James, 112; Rebecca Sarah, no; Richard, 109, no (2), in, 112; Sarah Jane, 100, in ; Susanna, 109, no (2), in, 112 Simpson, Georgiana, 104 (2); Marianne, 104 ; Pinder, 100, 104 (2) Skeet, Grace, 96 Skinner, Elizabeth, 56, 57, 66 (2), 67, 68, 70 ; Emma, 66 ; Henry, 68 ; Joseph, 70, 82 ; Mary, 15, 70, 82 ; Michael, 15 ; Robert, 57, 66 (2), 67 68, 70 ; Robin, 56 ; Thomas, 66, 67 Slade, Thomas, 98 Smarte, Ellen, 15 Smith, Alee, 37 ; Ann, 19 ; Eliza beth, 16, 69, 77, 81, 92, 97 ; George, 108 ; Harriet, 80 ; Henry, 95 & n. ; Jane, 61, 76, 80, 81 (2), 89, 90 (2), 91, 92 (2), 97, 98, 106, 107, 108 ; John, 16, 33, 37, 55, 64, 69, 82, 86, 88, 89, 96, 101 ; Lazarus, 33 ; Mary, 20, 55, 57, 62, 64, 69, 77, 80, 82, 90 (2), 91, 93 (2), 97 ; Mary Ann, 90 ; Nathaniel, 106 ; Priscilla, 81, 86; Rebecca, 91; Richard, 60, 107 ; Robert, 92 ; Ruth, 63, 103; Samuel, 48; Sarah, 60, 85; William, 61, 64, 80, 81, 89, 90 (3), 91, 92 (2), 97 (2), 106, 107, 108 Snelling (Selleng), Amy, 77, 107 ; Elizabeth, 23, 27, 29 (2), 79, 81, 91, 92, 106, 107 (2), 108, 109, m ; Emma, 51 ; George, 92 ; Helen, 106 ; Henry, 66, 67, 108 ; James, 70, 91, 92, 106, 107 (2), 108, 109, in (2); Jane, 22, 30; Joan, 20, 27, i34 THE PARISH REGISTER OF CATERHAM. 28; John, 30, 49, 50 (2), 51, 55, 65, 66, 67, 68, 70, 84, 99 ; Mark, 107 ; Mary, 25, 49, 50, 51, 65, 66, 67, 68, 70, 86, 91, 101 ; Rebecca, 109 ; Richard, 20, 23 (2), 25, 28, 65 ; Robert, 19, 20(4), 22, 25, 68, 79(2), 81 ; Samuel, 19 ; Sarah, 59, 63, 77, 103; Thomas, 23(3), 27, 28, 29(3), 30 (2), 49 ; William, 59, 77, 81 Songhurst, Amy, no, in; Ann, 91; Edward, 114 ; James, 62, 91, 92 (2), no, 112 (2), 114; Lucy, 62, 92; Martha, 91, 92 ; Mary, 101, no, 114; Thomas, 62, 92 (2), 112 Spacie (Spacy, Spacye), Ann, 7 ; Joan, 7, 10 ; John, 7 (2), 8, 10 ; Katherine, 8(2) Sparrow, Ann, 114, 115 ; Edward, 114, 115; John, 114; Mary, 115 Stacey, Rebecca, 76, 83 ; Susanna, 76 Standing, Israel Jeffery, 115(2); Louisa Jeffery, 115; Martha, 90, 92; Mary Ann Frances, 115; Rebecca, 92; Sarah, 90 ; William, 90, 92 Standish, Mr., 23 ; Robert, 22 Staples, Agnes, 13; Robert, 20; Susan, 20 Staplest, Judith, 25 ; Robert, 25 Staphs, alias Lawrence, Edward, 29 ; Mary, 29 Staynes, Sarah, 73 Steer (Stear, Steere), Catherine, 35, 38; Elizabeth, 32, 39; George, 99; Jane, 41 ; John, 39 (2) ; Margaret, 40 (2); Martha, 37 ; Mary, 34; Maudlyn, 5; Ralph, 32, 33 (2), 34 (2), 35, 37, 38, 39, 4° (2), 41, 48; Thomas, 34; William, 41 Steers, George, 42 ; Jane, 42, 45 (3), 46 ; Ralph, 42, 45 (2), 46 ; William, 45 Stenning (Stanning), Alice, 44 ; John, 84 ; Mary, 44, 56 ; Richard, 44 Stevens (Stevinsj, John, 5(2); Keturah, 62, 105 ; Mary, 5 ; Thomas, 5 Stevin(Stevyn), Katherine, 8; William, 9 Stockwell, Bartholomew, 75 ; Susan, 59 Stone, Agnes, 10 ; Ann, 46 (2), 47 (2), 48 (2), 66 ; Elizabeth, 6 ; John, 48 (2) ; Richard, 6, 7 (5), 10 ; Robert, 5 ; Zebulon, 46, 47, 48 (2), 66, 73, 87(2) Stoneham, Julian, n ; Thomas, 9 (2), 10(2), n;—, 9(2) Streater (Stratter, Stretter), Ann Eliza, 115 ; Charles, 112 ; Edward, 75 (2), 77, 79, i°l ; Frances, no, in (2), 112, 115; Patience, 75, 77; Sarah, no; Thomas, 79, no, in, 112, 115 ; William, 77 Stredwick, Ann, 70; Mary, 69, 70; Philip, 69, 70 ; William, 69 Street, Mary, 39 Sturt, Ann, 93 Stydoll, James, 7 ; Mr., 7 Swaine, Elizabeth, 57 Swashburie, William, 8 Symons, Agnes, 10 ; Carrington, 108 ; John, 10 ; Martha, 108 ; Mary Ann, 108 Talbut, Benjamin, 59 ; Mary, 59 Tamplin, Ann, 106, 107, 108, 109, no (2), III, 113 (2); Benjamin, 109; James, 99, 107 ; John, 100, 108 ; Mary, 104, no, 114; Mary Ann, 114; Richard, 105, 106 (2), 107, 108, 109, 110(2), m, 113; Sarah, 62, 105, in; Thomas, 100, no; William, 104, 114 Tanner, Elizabeth, 55, in; Hannah, 70, 71 (2), 72, 73, 77, 83, 84 ; Jane, 60, 72, 89; Jonathan, in ; Joseph, m; Mary, 73, 84 ; Richard, 70, 71, 72, 73, 77, 83, 84; Sarah, 70; William, 77, 83 Tapsell, Ann, 29 ; John, 29 Tarrant (Tarrantt, Tarrent), Edward, 42, 44 (3) ; Elizabeth, 42, 44, 46/1. ; Mary, 42 Tatnell, Amy, 60, 81 ; Sarah, 71 (2); Thomas, 71 Tattersal (Tatersall, Tattersole), Ann, 9, 11 (2) ; Bridget, 13; Elizabeth, 8, 11; George, 12; Joan, iitj., 12; John, 8, 9, 10, II & «., 12; Lettice, 11 ; William, 10, 11, 13 Tax, Jane, 24, 34 ; Felix, 24, 34 Taylor (Tayler), Anna, 16 ; Anne Maria, 81 ; Elizabeth, 98 ; John, 84 ; Rebecca, 81 ; William, 16, 81 Taylor, alias Laurence, Eme, 12 ; John, 11 ; Marie, II Teale, Elizabeth, 70 ; John, 70 ; Mary, 70 Techener (Techiner, Tichiner), Charles, 107 ; Sarah, 63, 103, 107 ; William, 103 Terry (Terrey, Terrye, Tirrey), Arthur, 3 ; Elizabeth, 3, 5, 6, 12, 18 ; Henrjj, 3 ; James, 6 ; Joan, 6; Katherine, 6, 11; Mary, 15; Nicholas, 7, 12 ; Richard, 3 (3), 5, 6(2), 7, n ; Robert, 3; Thomas, 4, 18 ; Widow, 18 ; William, 4, 15, 18, 20 ; — , 18 Tey, Richard, 3, 4 (5), 10 (2), 11 ; Thomas, n Thompson, John Hill, 58, 87 INDEX NOMINUM. 135 Thornton (Thorneton), Amy, n, 13; Ann, 65, 66, 67 (2), 69 ; Elizabeth, 37; Henry, 26, 39; Jane, 37; John, 37, 39 (2), 65, 66 (2), 67 (4), 69, 86 (3), 87 (3), 88 (3); Mary, 15 (2), 21, 40; Michael, 11, 26 (2), 37; Mrs., 66; Polly, 69; Robert, 21; Sarah, 65 ; Susanna, 40 ; Thomas, 11, 12(2), 13,26 Tichiner, see Techener Tidy (Tiday), Jane, 104, 113, 114 (2), 116; Sarah, 116; Sophia, 105; William, 101, 104 (2), 113 (2), 114, 116; Tilbury, Elizabeth, 90, 91, 92, 95, 96 ; Mary, 95 ; Sarah, 90, 96 Tirrey, see Terry Todd, H. J., 99 Tomlynes, Mary, 9 ; Priscilla, 9 Townesend, Mary, 28 Trosh (Trush), Ann, 92 (2), 106 ; Jonathan, 92, 100, 106 (2) Tuck, Ann, 109, no, in ; Caroline, 109; Eliza, no; George, 109, no, m (2) Tulett, Ann, 63, 103 (2), no (2), in (2), 112 (2), 113, 114; Charles, 114; Edward, 111; James, no; Jane, 113; John, 63, 103 (2), no (3), in (2), 112, 113, 114; Thomas, in Turner, Hannah, 61 ; James, 61 Tyler (Tylar), Ann, 59, 65, 74 ; Eliza beth, 67, 83 ; George, 56, 65, 66 (2), 67, 69 (2), 70, 74, 95 ; Henry, 69 ; John, 70 ; Leah, 69 ; Mary, 56, 65, 66, 67, 69 (2), 70, 72, 74 (2), 98 ; Rebecca, 74 ; Richard, 72 U. Underwood, Amy, 37 ; Margaret, 36, 37, 50; Thomas, 36, 37, 39 Uppenten, Ann, 90 ; George, 90 ; Richard, 90 Vail, Elizabeth, 26 ; John, 26 Vanaway (Vanway), Alice, 8 & n. ; Jerrard, 6 ; Joan, 6. See also Wan- away Vennar (Venar, Venner, Vennur), Aaron, 38, 39 ; Abigail, 37 ; Agnes, 40; Alee, 35, 39; Alice, 35; Elizabeth, 47 ; Hannah, 47, 48 ; John, 37 ; Martha, 39 (2) ; Richard, 36, 47, 48 (2) ; Stephen, 35 (4), 36, 37, 38, 39, 4° ! — , 38 Vernham, Abel, 102, 114; Dinah, 101, 112; James, 104, m (2), 112, 114; Jane, in; Mary Ann, 101, 104, in (2), 112, 114; Phcebe, in Vernon, Robert, 104 Vice, Mary, 45 ; Philip, 45 (2) Vincents, Amy, 104, 116; James, 104, 116(2) Vine, Ann, 112 ; James, 112 ; William, 101, 112 Vocks, Thomas, 62 W. Waghane, Elizabeth, 99 Waker, Elizabeth, 17 ; Richard, 17 Walbey, Audrey, 5 Walker, Patience, 90, 92 Walley, Emlyn, 8 ; John, 8 (2) Wallis, Margaret, 51 Walter, Elizabeth, 103 ; John, 103 ; Margaret, 1 ; Richard, 103 Wanaway, Alice, 6 ; Edward, 6. See also Vanaway Ward, Agnes, 8 ; Charles, 84 ; Jacob, 28 ; James, 90 ; John, 60, 78 (2), 84, 90 ; Joseph, 78, 84 ; Lydia, 92 ; Mary, 78 (2), 84, 90 ; Rebecca, 98 ; Samuel, 28 ; Thomas, 8, 78, 84 ; Widow, 34 ; William, 78 Ware, Mary, 56, 112; Thomas, 112; William, 56 ; William Thomas, 112 Wareham, Mary, 93, 97 ; William, 61, 93 (2), 97 (2) Waterford, Ann, 61, 90, 91, 92 ; Gabriel, 63, 105, no; Harriet, no; Michael, 61 ; Philadelphia, no Waters, Ann, 25 ; Edward, 26 ; Eliza beth, 23 ; Gabriel, 24 ; John, 23 (3), 24 (3), 25 (2), 26 (2) ; Martha, 25 ; Matthew, 25 ; Wiliiam, 26 Watking, Elizabeth, 70, 71; John, 71 ; Thomas, 70 (2), 71 Watkings, Elizabeth, 58 ; Thomas, 58 Watson, John, 78, 79 (2) ; Martha, 63, 103, 105, 112 ; Mary, 78, 79 ; Susanna, 78 ; Thomas, 63, 103, 105, 112(2) Weaver, Elizabeth, 101 Webb, Sarah, 59 ; Thomas, 103 Websdale (Wibsdale), Elizabeth, 60, 80 Weller, Alice, 2 ; James, 60, 89; Jane, 56 ; Katherine, 1 ; Mary, 89 (2) ; Richard, I (2), 41 ; William, (12)2 Welton, Thomas, 63, 98 (3), 99 (2), 100(3), l°3, I07 (2), 108, 109, in (2) West, Elizabeth, 78(2), 85(3), 86, 95, 96 ; Jemima, 96 ; John, 60, 78, 85 L2 136 THE PARISH REGISTER OF CATERHAM. (2), 86, 95, 96 (2) ; Maria, 95 ; Mercy, 85 ; Thomas, 86 ; William, 96 Weston, John, 2 ; Mr. 2 ; Thomas, 59 Wetley, Katherine, 2 Whale, John, 84 Wheeler, Christopher, 16; Elizabeth, 16 ; George, 75 ; Jane, 77 ; Martha, 78 ; Mary, 78 ; Sarah, 75, 76 (2), 77, 78 (2) ; William, 75, 76, 77, 78(2) Whiffin, Catherine, 50 ; Mary, 32 ; Richard, 50 ; William, 96 White, Anna, 16 ; Cornelius, 38 (2) ; Elizabeth, 59 (2), 95 ; Henry, 16, 18 ; Joan, 9 ; John, 15, 59, 95, 98 (2) ; Lydia, 61 ; Mary, 15, 16 ; Nicholas, 21 (2) ; Sarah, 91 (2) ; William, 74 (2), 84 Whitt, William, 12 Whittington, Widow, 22 Wicher, Ann, 59 Wicking, Mary, 56 Wicks, Henry, 96 ; Mary, 85 Wignall, Arabella, 17 Wilkins, Ann, 19; Grace, 20; Jane, 17 (2); John, 19; Robert, 17(2); Thomas, 18 (4), 19 (2), 20, 26 Willett, Mary, 37 ; William, 37 Williams, Ann, 37, 66 ; Mary Ann, 66 ; Thomas, 66 ; W., 56 (8) ; William, 57 Winchester, Elizabeth, 58 Witham, Henry, 7 Withers, Ann, 45 ; Thomas, 45 (2) Wood (Woodd), Aaron, 69 ; Agnes, 91 ; Alice, 7, n ; Amy, 17 (2), 20, 29 ; Ann, 16, 29 ; Anthony, 41 ; Dorothy, 22, 28; Elizabeth, 16, 27, 28, 29. 59. 62, 65, 68, 69, 76 ; Ellen, 15; Fowler Thomas, 91 ; Gabriel, 21 ; James, 7, 8, 68, 69 ; Jane, 6, 10, 18, 27 ; Jasper, 21 (2), 22 (2), 26, 27 (4), 37, 58, 70, 101 ; Joan, 6 (2), 21 ; John, 8, 19, 31, 38 (2), 101 ; Judge, 21; Judith, 22, 70; Katherine, 38 ; Mary, 28, 33, 41 ; Mary Ann, 79; Michael, 9, 21, 22 (2), 23, 29 (3) ; Moses, 68 ; Reuben, 19 ; Richard, 62 ; Robert, 15, 16, 29; Sarah, 58, 70, 85; Seara, 21 ; Susan, 38 ; Thomas, 7, 24, 26, 28 (2), 29 (2), 33 (4), 34(2), 48, 58, 64 (2), 74, 76 (2), 101 ; Thomas Fowler, 91 ; Widow, 45 ; William, 6 (3), 7, 8, 9, 17, 18 (2), 20, 21 (2), 22(3), 23, 24, 25, 26, 41, 116(2); — , 21 Woodden (Wooddin), Ann, 10 ; Joan, 6; John, 18, 19, 22 (2), 27; Widow, 30 ; William, 6 Wooder (Woodgyer, Woodyer), Ann, 76 ; Elizabeth, 47 ; Jacob, 47 ; John, 59, 76 (2); Mary, 59, 76 (2); William, 75 Woodroff, alias Sharpe, Barbery, 12 ; Richard, 12 ; Thomas, 12 Wolfe (Woolfe), John, 8 (2); Mary, 8; Richard, 8 Woodward (Woodwar, Woodwarde), Elizabeth, 4, 5; Joan, 2, 3, 6; John, 1, 2, 4, 5 (3); Margaret, 5, 6; William, I (2) Woolford, Robert, 62, 105 Wootton, John, 28; Mary, 28 Wright, Ann, 90, 113, 114 (2), 116; Edward, 90, 100, 108 (2), 116; Eliza, 101, 112, 113; Elizabeth, 90, 108; Emma, 116; James, 104, 113, 114, 116; Jane, 101, 113; Mary Ann, 116; Priscilla, 104, 112, 113, 115, 116 (2); William, 102, 104, 112, 113, 115(2), 116(2) Youar, Rev. W. W., 137*. Youell, Elizabeth, III ; Thomas, III ; William, in Young (Yong, Yonge), Alexander, 13, 19 (2), 20, 21, 23, 26; Ann, 57; Barbara, 49 (2), 50 (2), 51, 64, 65, 66 ; Edward, 31, 38, 64, 65 ; Eliza beth, 12, 21, 29, 36 (2), 38 ; James, 50 ; Jasper, 21, 27, 29, 30, 31, 32 (2), 34, 35, 36 (3), 38, 39 (2), 40, 49 (3), 5° (2), 51, 64, 65, 66 ; John, 40, 50, 66 ; Katherine, 1 1 ; Martha, 34; Mary, 25, 31, 38, 72; Michael, 23; Richard, n, 12, 13, 19, 27, 39, 49, 67 ; Robert Wyatt, 72 ; Samuel, 33; Sarah, 30, 36, 51; Thomas, 34; Widow, 33, 46; William, 20, 21, 31, 32 (3), 33, 34, 35, 38, 39 Surnames not Given. Ann, 66 (2) ; Bridget, 13 : child bap., 80, 86 ; Dorothy, 22 ; Elizabeth, 37, 43; Henry, 8; Joan, 10; John, 21, 66 (2) ; Joseph, 33 ; Mary Ann, 66 ; Michael, 73; Peter, 86; Richard, 43 ; Robert, 21 ; Sarah, 62 ; Thomas, 57 INDEX LOCORUM. Bedfordshire — Houghton Regis, 53 Tempsford, 52 Buckinghamshire — Farnham Riall, 33 Stony Stratford, 54 Cambridgeshire — Barnwell, 53 Cottenham, 53 Milton, 53 Royston, 54 Swaffham Prior, 53 Wisbech, 53 Cheshire — Kelshall, 54 Macclesfield, 54 Marthal, 54 Mobberly, 53 Denbighshire — Llanarmon, 53 Derbyshire — Harstoft, 53 Meatham Church, 54 Stenson, 54 Twyford, 54 Devonshire — Heavitree, 52 Lympstone, 112 Dorsetshire — Frampton, 53 Durham — Gateshead, St. Mary's, 54 Essex — Grays, 91 Harlow, 52 Upton, 52 Germany — Berge, 52 Oberburmen, Berge, 52 Gloucestershire— Dursley Church, 52 Oldbury, 53 St. Mary Redcliffe, Bristol, 52 Hampshire — New Alresford, 54 Southampton, 98 Herefordshire — Ledbury, 54 Standon, 54 Hertfordshire— Hatfield, 62, 98 Hertfordshire, 99 Royston, 53 Huntingdonshire — Brampton, 53 Fenn Stanton, 54 Ireland — Limerick, 102 Kent— Beckenham, 37 Benenden, 53 Brasted, 60, 99 Bromley, 38, 56, 61 Chislehurst, 86, 95 Cowden, 57 Cudham, 62, 96, 105 Deptford, 101 Edenbridge, 109, III Greenwich, n 1 Leniston, 34 Norrard's Farm, 96 St. Mary Cray, 93 Sundridge, 60 Upchurch, 54 Wickham, 7, 33 138 THE PARISH REGISTER OF CATERHAM. Lancashire— Burton, 52 Greffingham Chapel, 53 North Meels, 53 Pendle Chapel, 53 Poulton, 53 Preese, 53 Shaw Chapel, 53 Leicestershire — Walton-le-Wolds, 53 Lincolnshire — Epworth, 53 Market Rayson, 52 South Thorsby, 53 Spalding, 53 London — AUhallows, Lombard Street, 30 AUhallows Staining, 25, 27 All Saints', 53 Battersea, 34 Christ Church, 95 Clerkenwell, 99, no Ealing, 53 Fulham, 57 Holbom (Hoborne), 7 Inner Temple, 104 Kennington, 98, 107 Kensington, 112 Lambeth, 32, 40, 81, 91 Limehouse, 100 London, 26, 69, 80, 84, 96 Newington, 2, 98 Paternoster Row, 84 Pimlico, 62 Shadwell, 52 Shoreditch, 101 Silver Street, 95 & n. Stockwell, 32 Streatham, 104 St. Anne, Blackfriars, 104 St. Ann's, Soho, 114 St. Ann's, Westminster, 32 St. Botolph, Bishopsgate, 45 St. Dunstan's, Stepney, 99 (2) St. George, Hanover Square, 62, 94 St. George, Southwark, 297*., 38, 4572. St. George the Martyr, 40 St. Giles's, 93, 115 St. John's, Wapping, 53 St. Marylebone, 66 St. Michael's, Crooked Lane, 100 St. Olave, Hart Street, 27 St. Peter's, Cornhill, 32 Thames Street, 52 Tooting, 7 Upper Belgrave Place, 94 Walworth, 99 Westminster, Charles Street, 52 Wandsworth, 95 & 77. Montgomeryshire — Llanvilling Church, 52 Machynleth, 53 Norfolk — Ellingham, 53 Gt. Yarmouth, 52 Holt Market, 52 Northamptonshire — Oundle, 28 Nottinghamshire — Arnold, 53 Bledworth, 54 East Stoke, 53 Oxfordshire— Dadington, 54 Dorchester, 54 Dunstew, 54 Titsworth, 53 Rutlandshire — Ketton, 28 Scotland — Dunbar Harbour, 54 Shropshire — Alton, 54 Little Drayton, 52 Longdon, 54 Monford, 53 Preston, 54 Putley, 53 Somersetshire — East Coker, 81 Wincanton, 52 Staffordshire — Berkswich, 54 Castle Hayes, 53 Fairwell, 54 Houghton, 53 Marchington, 54 Norton, 53 Onnisley, 53 Penchrych, 54 Shareshill, 54 St. Chad, 54 Suffolk — Oxford Church, 52 Stoak, 52 Surrey— Albury, 61 Banstead, 25, 55 Betchworth, 9 INDEX LOCORUM. i39 Beddington, 13 Blechingley (Blechingly, Blechinly), 8 & «., 9, 29, 33, 34 (2), 36, 45, 57 (2), 59 (2), 60, 75, 82, 83 (2), 100, 102 (3), 103 Blechingley North Park, 46 Burstow, 13, 2977.., 37, 100 Carshalton, 107 Caterham : — Churchyard wall, 1 14 Court House, 44, 48 Garston Hall, 56, 65 " Half Moon," 48, 101 Haystone, 51 Salmon (Salmons), 49, 51, 85 School, 94 Tillingdown (Tyllyngdowne), II, 26 Tupwood (Tuphood), 40, 43, 50, 54 Vestry room, 113 Welcombs, 67 White Hill, 83 Willey Farm, 307*. Wooden, 37 Wylley, 12 Chaldon (Chauldon), 19 (2), 27, 33, 35 (3), 36 (4), 37«-, 38 (2), 41, 42, 43, 44 (2), 47, 63, 82, 96, 98 (4), 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 107 (2), 111(2) Chelsham, 60, 99 Chipstead (Chipsted), 4177.., 51, 58 Cobham, 53 Coulsdon (Colsdon, Culesdon), 22, 24, 26, 28, 31 (2), 32 (2), 33, 35 (2), 36 (2), 37, 38 (4), 39 (2), 41, 43 (2), 44, 45, 49, 5°. 5i»-> 55. 56 (3). 57, 58, 59, 61 (5), 62, 63, 65, 66, 67, 69, 80, 99 (2), 100 (3), 101, 105 (2), no, in, 116 (2) Court House, Caterham, 44, 48 Croydon, 23 & 77., 31, 33 (2), 34 (5), 35 (2), 42, 45, 47, 51, 64, 79, 82, 83, 85, 95, 96, 98, 99, 101, 102 (2) Dorking, 104 Effingham, 9577.. Egham, 62, 105 Epsom, 34, 83 Esher (Esheare), 25 Godstone, 36, 39, 43, 56 (2), 58 (2), 61, 63 (2), 85, 95, 96(2), 100 (3), 101 (2), 103 (2), 104, 105 Headley, 4177. Home, 55 Kingston, 88 Limpsfield, 51 & 77. Merstham (Meastham), 10, 26, 36, 58 (2), 60, 62, 96 (2), 98 (2), 112 Nuffield, 100 Oxted, 27, 33, 42 Puttenham, 54 Reigate (Ryegate), 1177., 12, 43 Sanderstead, 5, 35, 39, 42 Southampton, 98 Sutton, 25 Tandridge, 27, 32, 36, 39, 43, 48, 61 Tatsfield, 82 Union Workhouse, Blechingley, 102 (2) Warlingham (Wallingham, Wolling- ham), 20, 27, 28, 35 (2), 36 (2), 37, 41, 43 (2), 59 & «•> 61, 65, 73, 76, 85 (2), 93, 99, 101 (2) Sussex — Bexhill, 9577. Brighton, 113 Cowding, 9577. Eastbrooke Estate, 9577. East Grinstead, 13, 63, 105 Rumbald's Wyke, 80 Switzerland— Boby, Lucerne, 54 Villar, Lucerne, 54 Lucerne, Valley of, 54 Warwickshire — Coventry, St. John the Baptist Church, 54 Nuneaton, 54 Southam, 52 Westmorland— Ravensdale, 54 Wiltshire — Gt. Baldwin, 53 Worcestershire— Walton, 54 Yorkshire — Empsoy, 53 Helthwaite Hill, 53 Errata : p. 90—1806 May 25 for "David" Hughes read " Daniel " p. 91—1808 Oct. 2 for " Ashcroft " read " Ashcraft." 3 9002 08867 0808