Yal£ universitv AUG 121920 THE EQUESTRIAN STATUE OF^'^"^^^^ GEORGE III AND THE PEDESTRIAN STATUE OF WILLIAM PITT ERECTED IN THE CITY OF NEW YORK 1770 By Alexander J. Wall Ass't LlBR.AiRIAN, THE NeW YoRK HISTORICAL SoCIETY Reprinted from The Quarterly Bulletin, July, 1920 the new YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY 1920 G i^: 0 u G !: !!j i;i.\Gm-GRKAr KiillAIN. ^ fktili" THE GEORGE III STATUE ERECTED IN BOWLING GREEN 1770. BY CHARLES M. LEFFERTS. THE STATUES OF KING GEORGE III AND THE HONORABLE WILLIAM PITT ERECTED IN NEW YORK CITY 1770 To the. Colonial disturbances in the Colony of New York brought about by the enactment of the "Stamp Act" on March 22, 1765 may be laid the cause for the erection in 1770 of the two very interesting works of sculpture, the equestrian Statue of King George III and the pedestrian statue of the Honorable William Pitt, later the Earl of Chatham. It is evident from contemporary accounts that it was William Pitt (the Champion of the American Cause in Parliament and his efforts for the repeal of the Stamp Act on March 18, 1766) whom the Colonists desired mostly to honor in consideration of his many services for the Colonies during those troublesome times. But the Legislature apparently could hardly justify the expenditure of a sum of money to honor Pitt and ignore the King, so we find the first suggestion for the famous Equestrian Statue of King George III originating in the Assembly of the Colony of New York in June, 1766 when for several months previously the Statue of Pitt had been a matter of discussion which resulted in a petition to the Assembly. That both these statues should have been authorized and paid for simultaneously, both executed by the same sculptor in London, both erected in the City of New York the same year three weeks apart and both destroyed six years later, one by the Americans and the other by the British and all that is left of each of them should now rest in the New York rooni of the New York Historical Society close by each other, al though they had strayed far apart for many years, are facts in the story of the fate of these two most interesting local statues which romance could not mould better. It is, therefore, impossible to separate the accounts of these statues in history, as the story of one relates to the other. The statue of George III was the first Equestrian Statue erected in America.^ One of the earliest mentions of the intention to erect the Pitt Statue occurs in the Journals of Captain John Montressor who under date of March 18, 1766 writes: ' The Equestrian Statues of the World, 1913, page 8. Two other Equestrian statues were erected to George III according to this list, one in London and another in Liverpool. 38 T H E N E W-Y ORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY "The Sons of Liberty preparing to have a procession, with Sir Jeffry Amherst's effigy, afterwards to burn it, as they say he pro posed to augment the military forces in America, towards the more effectual forcing the Stamp Act. Also propose, erecting a statue of Mr. Pitt (as a friend) in the Bowling Green, on the iden tical spot where the Lieut. Governor's chariot was burned and to name that Green 'Liberty Green' forever."^ Bowling Green, therefore, was first suggested for the Pitt statue, but afterwards the king's equestrian statue was given this imposing location while Pitt was placed at Wall and Wilham Streets. William Pitt enjoyed the favor and gratitude of the populace of both England and America. After the Repeal of the Stamp Act the news from London under date of April 22, 1766 stated that "a great number of rings, set with the head of Mr. Pitt, are intended to be sent as presents to some of the principal merchants in Amer ica, by their correspondents in this city," ^ while on May 3, 1766 it was reported from London in the New York press that a handsome medal had been struck the size of a crown-piece bearing the head of Mr. Pitt with his name and on the reverse the inscription, "The man who, having saved the parent, pleaded with success for her children" and on the same day it was announced that the fine statue of Mr. Pitt to be placed in the Guildhall at Cork, Ireland, was finished by Mr. Wilton, at an expense of 500 pounds and that it bore the following inscription : The Right Honorable William Pitt. This Statue was erected by The Corporation and Citizens of Cork, As a lasting Memorial of Gratitude. Anno 1766. Nil oriturum alias nil ortum tale fatentes. Hor^ Whether this statue, which is still standing in the corridor of the Crawford Municipal School of Art, in Emmet Place, Cork, Ireland,^ was the original inspiration for the sons of Liberty to do ^ The New York Historical Society Collections, 1881, p. 353. 2 Holt's New York Gautte, July 3, 1766, Supp. * Weyman's New York Gazette, June 30, 1766. 6 Hart's Peale's Allegory of William Pitt, 1915, page $• s^t-iiiSiaj'^r-1 , >^-, V" i!^C:_ii^^_/_Li_l-.,t;U-tii.Ji /' \ ¦^.--- s, «fir 1" Tf »"»'¦•"« ! -¥v- -n^_j C^ ' v.^V^-Sj^''^**^ THE PLAN OF THE GROUND AS LAID OUT TO BE RAILED ROUND THE GEORGE III STATUE. SURVEYED BY GERARD BANCKER. 00 CD 40 T H E N E W-Y ORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY likewise in the Colonies or the Citizens of Cork conceived the idea from the Colonies, is difficult to determine, but tjie fact is that the project was first carried out in Ireland and by the same sculptor, Joseph Wilton, who later executed the work for the Colonies. Following closely upon the completion of the Cork statue, South Carolina resolved on May 8, 1766 "that they will make provision, for defraying the Expense of procuring from England, a Marble Statue of the Right Honorable William Pitt, Esquire; to be erected in this Province" ® which (according to the Charleston press of the day) met with many adverse comments. On June 19, 1766 a notice appeared in the New York papers stating that "the Freemen and Freeholders of the City of New York are requested to meet at the House of Mr. Richard Howard, To-morrow in the Afternoon, at five o'clock, in order to choose a Committee to InstBuct their Members to move in the House of Assembly, that provision be made for erecting a Statue to Mr. Pitt, in Testimony of the Grateful sense they entertain of his Services to the American Colonies; and to write Letters of thanks to all those illustrious personages who have so zealously exerted them selves In both Houses of Parliament, In obtaining the Repeal of the Stamp Act." ' This meeting resulted In a petition dated June 23, 1766 which was presented and acted upon by the General Assembly of New York the same day it was dated. It reads as follows: A petition addressed to John Cruger, Leonard LIspenard, and William Bayard, Esq"' Representatives In the General Assembly of the Freemen and Freeholders of the City of New York read as follows : "We, Freemen and Freeholders of the City of New York, assembled at the CofFee-House the 23*^ Day of June 1766, impressed with the deepest Sense of Gratitude to all the Friends of Liberty and America who exerted themselves in promoting the Repeal of the Stamp Act, think It our indlspensible Duty to endeavour, by erecting a proper Monument, to perpetuate the Memory of so glorious an Event, to the latest posterity. . .- . We therefore earnestly entreat of, and strenuously recommend to, you Gentlemen our Representatives, that you will move in the ' S. C. Hist, y Gen. Mag. Vol. 15, page 21, & Supp. N. Y. Gazette, June 12, 1766. ' Holt's N. Y. Gazette, June 19, 1766. QUARTERLY BULLETIN 41 ..>ty!T?iij>^ ¦a^£&¦^^,?pS^^:zj THE STATUE OF MARCUS AURELIUS IN ROME, ITALY, USED AS A MODEL FOR THE GEORGE III STATUE. House of Assembly, now sitting, for a Vote of the Honourable House, to make provision for an elegant Statue of Brass of the Rt. Hon. William Pitt, Esq.; whom we regard in the sacred Light of having a second Time been the preserver of his Country. . . . Signed by Order, and at the Request of a considerable Number of respectable Inhabitants of the City of New York, assembled as above. James DeLancey Isaac Low, Wilham Walton, Jun. Henry White, John Thurman, Jun. J. Harris Cruger."^ 8 Weyman's N. Y. Gazette, June 30, 1766. 42 T H E N E W-Y ORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY On June 23, 1766 Montressor states that subscription papers were being carried about for a Statue of Mr. Pitt to be erected here.^ It will be noted that until now no aggitatlon had been carried on for a statue of George III and not even a mention of it had been made, until the General Assembly of New York acting upon the above quoted petition took "Into consideration the Innumerable and singular Benefits received from our most gracious soverign, since the Commencement of his auspicious Reign, during which they have been protected from the Fury of a cruel, merciless, and savage Enemy; and lately from the utmost Confusion and Distress, by the Repeal of the Stamp Act: In Testimony therefore of their Gratitude, and the Reverence due to his Sacred Person and Char acter; Resolved, That this House will make Provision for an Equestrian Statue of His present Majesty, our Most Gracious Sovereign, to be erected in the City of New York, to perpetuate to the latest pos terity, the deep Sense this Colony has, of the eminent and singular Blessings derived from him, during His most auspicious Reign." Whereupon Mr. Cruger moved "That In consideration of the many eminent and essential Services done the Northern Colonies by the Right Honourable William Pitt, Esq; but particularly In promoting the Repeal of the late Stamp Act, and to perpetuate to the latest posterity, the grateful Sense this Colony entertains on that Account; provision might be made for erecting an elegant Statue of Him In Brass: whereupon It was "Resolved, That this House will provide ways and Means to procure and pay for a Statue of the Right Honourable William Pitt, Esq; accordingly."" The General Assembly which enacted these Resolves was prorogued on June 12, 1766 and took recess on July 3 having com pleted the business recommended to them by His Excellency Sir Henry Moore, Governor of the Colony of New York. In his Speech to the Assembly the Governor made no mention of the statues" nor did he give his assent to the act passed providing for ' N. Y. Hist. Soc. Collections 1881 page 374. 10 Weyman's The New York Gazette, June 30, 1766. 11 See Speech in Weyman's N. Y. Gazette, June 16, 1766. ^ See Four Acts assented to by the Governor in Weyman's N. Y. Gazette, July 7, 1766. QUARTERLY BULLETIN 43 Apparently no further action was taken towards erecting these statues until February 6, 1768 when the Assembly passed an act reciting their previous action in June 1766 In consequence of which "Robert Charles, Esq. the Agent of this Province was directed with all expedition to cause the before mentioned" statues to be completed In the best manner and authorized Sir William Baker Knight and Robert Charles Esquire, of the City of London, out of the monies now In their hands belonging to the Colony, to pay Robert Charles, one thousand pounds for the Equestrian Statue of his Majesty and five hundred pounds for the statue of the Right Honorable William Pitt, Esqulre.^^ On the same day that the New York Assembly voted to provide for the erection of the two statues, June 23, 1766, the Commons House of Assembly of the Province of South Carolina voted seven thousand pounds for a marble Statue of William Pitt to be erected in that province and ordered the public Treasurer to procure good bills of Exchange to the amount of one thousand pounds Sterling and remit the same to their agent towards the payment of the Statue.^^ The work of executing the George III statue as well as the two statues of Wilham Pitt was entrusted to Joseph Wilton (1722-1803) the noted sculptor of the period, one of the founders of the Royal Academy of Arts, who created the monument In Westrhlnster Abby erected to General Wolfe who fell at Quebec. On May 9th, 1770 It was stated at a meeting of the Common Council that the statue of George III was daily expected from England and that it was the desire of Lieut. Governor and Council to erect it In some part of the Bowling Green, fronting the fort, who requested leave of the Corporation for that purpose, which was granted. ^^ On June 4, 1770 It was announced that the ship Britannia Captain Thomas Miller, had brought over "the Statues of his Majesty and Mr. Pitt now Earl of Chatham,"^* and the Common Council was again appealed to on June 25th, 1770, on behalf of his Majesty's Council and the City members of the General Assembly 1' Colonial Laws of New York, 1894, pages 1002-3. " S. C. Hist, y Gen. Mag. Vol. 15, page 22. 1* Minutes of the Common Council, City of New York, Vol. 7, pages 212-213. 1^ New York Gazette & Weekly Mercury, June 4, 1 770. 44 T H E N E W-Y ORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY for permission to erect the Pitt statue In "Wall Street, opposite to the houses of John Thurman and Evert Bancker, nearly where the pump now stands," which was granted accordingly.^^ With the arrival of the statues and the necessary permission granted for erecting them In their respective locations, the stage was set for carrying out the projects started four years previously. The newspapers of the day describe the ceremonies at the erection of King George III statue In the following words. "Thursday last (August i6, 1770) being the Anniversary of the Birth Day of his Royal Highness Prince Frederick, an elegant Equestrian Statue of his present Majesty, was erected in the Bowl- ing-Green, In this City, near Fort-George. On this occasion, the Members of his Majesty's Council, the City Corporation, the Cor poration of the Chamber of Commerce, the Corporation of the Marine Society, and most of the Gentlemen of the City and Army waited on his Honour the Lieutenant Governor, in the Fort, at his request, where their Majesties and other loyal Healths were drank, under a Discharge of 32 Pieces of Cannon from the Battery, accom panied with a Band of Music. This beautiful statue is made of metal, richly gilt, being the first Equestrian one of his present Majesty, and Is the workmanship of that celebrated Statuary, Mr. Wilton, of London. We hear that In a few days a Marble Pedestrian Statue of Mr. Pitt, will be erected in Wall-Street." ^^ Another account says: "Thursday last the Statue of his Majesty, King George the Third, was fixed on the pedestal erected for it in Bowling Green. His Honour the Lieut. Governor having invited most of the principal Gentlemen in the City, both Civil and Military; about 12 o'clock they attended his Honour In Fort George, where his Majesty's Health, &c. was drank, under the Discharge of 3 1 Cannon from the Battery. The following Inscription Is on the pedestal of his Majesty's Statue: "Minutes of the Common Council, City of New York, Vol. 7, page, 220. '^ New York Journal or the General Advertiser, Aug. 23, 1770. QUARTERLY BULLETIN 45 AN INCORRECT VIEW OF THE DESTRUCTION OF THE KING'S STATUE, PUBLISHED IN FRANCE. ANDERSON'S INCORRECT WOODCUT OF THE DESTRUCTION OF THE STATUE. 46 T H E N E W-Y ORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY Equestrian Statue of George III King of Great Britain, &c. Erected MDCCLXX."i^ Lieutenant Governor Cadwallader Colden tells of this celebra tion In a letter to the Earl of Hillsborough dated New York August 1 8, 1770. He says: . . . . "An Equestrian guilt Statue, of the king, made by direction of, and purchased by this Colony, came over In one of the last ships from London. On Thursday last it was opened to view, erected on Its proper pedestal, in a square near the Fort and fronting the principle street of the City. I was attended on this occasion by the Gentlemen of the Council, and Members of Assembly then In Town, the Magistrates of the City, the Clergy of all Denomina tions, and a very large number of the principal Inhabitants. Our Loyalty, firm attachment and affection to His Maj*''^ person was expressed by drinking the kings Health, and a long continuance of His reign, under a discharge of 32 pieces of Cannon. A Band of music playing at the same time from the Ramparts of the Fort. The General and Officers of the Army gave us the honor of their company on the occasion. The Whole Company walked in pro cession from the Fort, round the Statue, while the Spectators ex pressed their Joy, by loud acclamations, the procession having returned with me to the Fort, and the ceremony concluded with great chearfulness and good humor." ^^ No mention Is made In the correspondence of Lieut. Gov. Colden to the erection of the Pitt statue on September 7, 1770 three weeks after the above described ceremony nor is it recorded that he took any part in the event which is described as follows : Last Friday [September 7, 1770] the Statue of the Right Hon. William Pitt, Esq., Earl of Chatham, was fixed on the Pedestal erected for It in Wall-Street, amidst the Acclamations of a great Number of the Inhabitants. The Statue is of fine white Marble, the Habit Roman, the right Hand holds a Scroll, partly open, whereon " New York Gazette or the Weekly Post Boy, Aug. 20, 1770. ^'' New York Historical Society Collections, 1877, page 226. QUARTERLY BULLETIN 47 BULLET MOULD USED FOR MAKING THE LEADEN BULLETS, THE FRAGMENTS OF THE EQUESTRIAN STATUE OF GEORGE III. 48 T H E N E W-Y ORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY we read, Artlcull Magna Charta. LIbertatum; the left hand is ex tended, the Figure being in the Attitude of one delivering an Ora tion. On the "South Side of the Pedestal, the following Inscription is cut on a table of white Marble: THIS STATUE OF THE RIGHT HONOURABLE WILLIAM PITT, EARL OF CHATHAM, WAS ERECTED AS A PUBLIC TESTIMONY OF THE GRATEFUL SENSE THE COLONY OF NEW-YORK RETAINS OF THE MANY EMINENT SERVICES HE RENDERED AMERICA, PARTICULARLY IN PROMOTING THE REPEAL OF THE STAMP-ACT. ANNO DOM. M,DCC,LXX.^i Another contemporary newspaper prints the simple announce ment: "Friday last a marble pedestrian Statue of Lord Chatham was erected in Wall-Street in this city." ^^ The George III statue was placed in the center of Bowling Green facing the Fort. It was modelled by Joseph Wilton after the equestrian statue of Marcus Aurelius In Rome, Italy, Illustrated in this article. No contemporary picture of the George III statue has come down to us. An imaginative view of its destruction pub lished In France, showing the king as a pedestrian is wholly Incor rect. Anderson's early wood engraving does not correspond with facts. But we are Indebted to our member, Mr. Charles M. Lef- ferts, who after very careful study has reproduced for the Society a correct representation of this Equestrian statue which we illus trate as a frontispiece. On May 3rd, 1771 the Common Council of the city agreed to fence in the Green with Iron rails and a stone foundation according to a plan exhibited to the Board and con tracted with Richard Sharpe, Peter T. Curtenlus, Gilbert Forbes ^^ New York Gazette or the Weekly Post Boy, Sept. lo, 1770. '"'New York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, Sept. 10, 1770. QUARTERLYBULLETIN 49 and Andrew Lyall to complete the same at a cost of £800.^^ The plan of Gerard Bancker, City Surveyor, Is reproduced In this arti cle and gives Interesting dimensions of the green oval. From a contemporary map of the city we find that the Pitt statue stood in the center of the roadway at the intersection of Wall and William Streets.^* This statue was also enclosed with a railing for we learn that certain measurements for grading Smith (now William) Street were made from "the railing at Mr. Pitt's statue "26 In 1773. Lieutenant Isaac Bangs of the American Army gives us a con temporary descriptive picture of the King's statue as he saw It on April 19th, 1776: "Near the Fort, is the Equestrian Statue of King George 3''' a present from himself to this City. The design was In imitation of one of the Roman Emperors on Horseback. The Man George is represented about }/^ larger than a Natural Man; the Horse, in pro portion, both neatly constructed of Lead gilt with Gold raised on a Pedestal of White Marble, about 15 Feet high, enclosed with a very elegant Fence about 10 feet high, the two lower feet Stone,' the re mainder of open worked Iron; the enclosure was oval, containing about 3^ of an acre of beautiful green. This, with several churches and other Elegant buildings on either side of the spacious street, forms a most beautiful prospect from the Fort." ^^ On February 6th, 1773 the General Assembly of New York passed an Act to prevent the defacing of the statues erected in the City of New York under a penalty of five hundred pounds fine or one year In the common gaol.^^ This legislation appears to have been the result of some Injury done the Pitt statue as on February 7th, 1774 it was ordered by the Common Council that the sum of £6 be paid on account to Anthony Dodane "for work now by him doing to the statue of Mr. Pit" and on March 23, 1774 the balance of £16:6 was ordered paid to Anthony Dodane and William Valen tine "for repairing of the statue of the Earle of Chatham. "^^ 23 Minutes of the Common Council City of New York, Vol. 7, page 281. 24 Hill's Ms. Map of New York, 1782 in N. Y. H. S. Stokes' Iconography, Vol. 3, page 964, says the statue was west of William Street. ^ Minutes of the Common Council, City of New York, Vol. 7, pages 443, 448. 26 Journal of Lieut. Isaac Bangs, 1890, page 25. " Laws of New York, 1691-1773 N. Y. 1774, pages 719-20. 28 Minutes of the Common Council, City of New York, Vol. 8, pages 5, 16. 50 T H E N E W-Y ORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY The Declaration of Independence which was read on July 9, 1776 at the head of each brigade of the Continental Army posted at New York brought destruction to the King's statue the same evening through the joyous demonstrations of soldiers and Inhabi tants. For in the words of the press of the day we read that "the equestrian statue of George III which tory pride and folly raised in the year 1770, was by the sons of freedom, laid prostrate In the dirt; the just deserts of an ungrateful tyrant! The lead wherewith this monument was made, is to be run into bullets, to assimilate with the brains of our Infatuated adversaries, who, to gain a pep per-corn, have lost an empire. 'Quos Deus vult perdere, prius de- mentat.'"^' Lieutenant Isaac Bangs under date of July 10, 1776 wrote: "Last night the Statue on the Bowling Green representing George Ghewelph alias George Rex was pulled down by the populace. In it were 4,000 pounds of Lead and a Man undertook to take olF 10 oz. of gold from the Superficies, as both Man and Horse were covered with Gold leaf. The Lead we hear Is to be run up Into musket balls for the use of the Yankees, when It Is hoped that the emana tions of the Leaden George will make as deep impressions in the Bodies of some of his red coated and Torie Subjects." . . .^^ This Act met with the disapproval of General Washington who expressed himself in the general orders to the army on July 10, 1776, viz.: "Though the General doubts not the persons who pulled down and mutilated the Statue In the Broadway last night were actuated by zeal in the public cause, yet it has so much the appearance of a riot and want of order In the army, that he disap proves the manner, and directs that in the future these things shall be avoided by the soldiery, and left to be executed by the proper authority." ^^ The statue of the king was broken up and sent to Litchfield, Conn., where according to the Wolcott family papers was moulded Into bullets by the ladles of that village and a memorandum made as follows: 2' Pennsylvania Journal and the Weekly Advertiser, July 17, 1776. ^° Journal of Lieut. Isaac Bangs i8go, page 57. "' Ford's Writings of Washington, Vol. 4, page 226. TOP SLAB OF THE PEDESTAL OF GEORGE III STATUE, SHOW ING THREE HOOF MARKS IN THE MARBLE. !0 >Hm!Swcrrm REVERSE OF THE SAME SLAB WITH ITS TOMBSTONE INSCRIPTION. 52 T H E N E W-Y ORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY Cartridges Mrs. Marvin 6,058 Ruth Marvin i i>S92 Laura [Wolcott] 8,378 Mary Ann [Wolcott] 10,790 Frederic [Wolcott] 936 Mrs. Beach 1,802 Made by sundry persons 2,182 Gave Litchfield militia on alarm 5° Let the Regiment of Col. Wigglesworth have 300 Number of cartridges 42,088.^^ The Society possesses a bullet mould with a capacity for mak ing twelve bullets at one time which is said to have been used when the king's statue was turned into the above mentioned car tridges. It was presented to the Society April 17, i860 by Mr. Clinton Roosevelt, grandson of Colonel Peter T. Curtenlus of the Revolution. The head of the king's statue escaped the fate which befell his body and horse and was finally returned to England by Captain John Montressor whose own words tell the story best, viz. : "My hearing that the Rebels had cut the king's head off the Equestrian Statue (In the centre of the Ellipps near the Fort) at New York, which represented George the 3rd in the figure of Marcus Aurelius, and that they had cut the nose off, dipt the laurels that were wreathed round his head, and drove a musket Bullet part of the way through his Head, and otherwise disfigured it, and that It was carried to Moore's tavern, adjoining Fort Wash ington, on New York Island, in order to be fixed on a Spike on the Truck of that Flagstaff as soon as it could be got ready, I Imme diately sent Corby through the Rebel Camp in the beginning of September, 1776, to Cox, who kept the Tavern at King's Bridge, to steal It from thence, and to bury It, which was effected, and was dug up on our arrival, and I rewarded the men, and sent the Head by the Lady Gage to Lord Townshend in order to convince them at home of the Infamous Disposition of the Ungrateful people of this distressed Country." ^^ '2 Memorial of Henry Wolcott y his Descendants, 1881, page 163. '' New York Historical Society Collections, 1881, pages, 123-124. QUARTERLY BULLETIN 53 VIEW OF BOWLING GREEN 1783, SHOWING THE PEDESTAL OF GEORGE III STATUE IN THE CENTER. Governor Thomas Hutchinson in his diary under date of No vember 22, 1777 continues the narrative of events concerning the king's head: "At Lord Townshend's Portman Square. Lady Townshend asked me if I had a mind to see an instance of Ameri can loyalty? and going to the sopha, uncovered a large gilt head, which at once appeared to be that of the King, which it seems the rebels at N. York, after the Declaration of Independence, cut off from the statue which had been erected there, and sent to Fort Washington, In order to fix it on a pole or pike: but by some means or other it was buried, and after the surrender of the Fort, Mon tressor took It into his possession, and sent It to Lord T., which he rec"^ last night. The nose is wounded and defaced, but the gilding remains fair; and as It was well executed, it retains a striking like ness." ^* The top slab of the pedestal on which the King's charger stood with one foot raised served several purposes before Its final resting place with this Society. During the Revolution it was brought to Paulus Hoeck (Jersey City) and in 1783 was placed over the grave of Major John Smith of the 42d or Royal Highland Regl- ^^ Diary and Letters of His Ex. Thomas Hutchinson, 1886, Vol. 2, page 167. 54 T H E N E W-Y ORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY ment who died July 25, 1783. When Jersey City was graded, the slab was removed to the residence of Cornelius Van Vorst at Har- slmus, N. J., and used as a stepping-stone. In 1818 the stone was removed to the residence of his grandson, Cornelius Van Vorst, N. E. corner Wayne St. and Jersey Ave., where it remained until October, 1874, when it was presented by him to the New York Historical Society. Four fragments of the leaden statue still partly gilt, also sur vived. They were found in April, 1871 on the farm of E. B. Cooley at Wilton, Conn., and comprise the tail of the horse, part of the saddle and saddle cloth and perhaps parts of the flank of the horse, and altogether weigh about 200 pounds. Twenty members of the Society subscribed five dollars each (one hundred dollars) for their purchase and presented them to the Society, June 4, 1878. How these fragments became separated from the main portions of the statue Is a matter of conjecture. Tradition In Wilton was that these pieces had been thrown aside when the statue was being transported through the town.'* The white marble pedestal fifteen feet high on which the eques trian statue stood, remained In the center of Bowling Green until 1818 when it was removed. A correspondent in the New York Evening Post of May 19, 1818 asks why this pedestal which has remained standing so many years should at that time be removed and the materials thrown Into the street. Expressing deep regret the writer says: "Association entwined about this pillar a collec tion of events that no history could, convey." The Pitt statue fared no better than its Illustrious companion, for the British took possession of the City of New York September 15, 1776 and shortly afterward some British officers knocked off the head of the statue on St. Andrew's night, November 30, and to this day no trace of it has come to light.'" The headless and arm less form remained standing on Its original site until on March 21, 1787, a petition of a majority of the proprietors of the Lots of Ground In Wall Street requested that the street be regulated and paved and that Pitt's statue which greatly obstructed the street be removed." The paving was ordered and the matter of removing ^ Mass. Historical Society Proceedings, 2d Ser,, Vol. 4, p. 297. '^^ztson's Annals of New Yark, 1S4.6, pages 183-4. Stokes' Iconography, Vol. 3, page 964, says 1777. . . • ^' Minutes of the Common Council, City of New York, Vol. i, page 285. THE HEADLESS STATUE OF WILLIAM PITT. THE WILLIAM PITT STATUE IN CHARLESTON. S. C, AS IT APPEARS TO-DAY. 56 T H E N E W-Y ORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY the Statue referred to the State Legislature, for in 1788 we learn that a bill from the Senate "to authorize the,* Corporation of New York to remove Pitt's statue was read a second time, and commit- ted.58 This Act which was passed March 7, 1788 recited that the lev elling and altering of Wall Street rendered It Inconvenient that the remains of the statue should continue there,'' and at a Common Council meeting held July 16, 1788 it was ordered in pursuance to the above law that the Aldermen and Assistants of the Dock and Eastwards be a committee to remove the remains of Pitt's statue from Wall Street and that they deposit the same in some safe place until the further order of the Board.*" On November 19, 1788 a warrant on the Treasury was Issued to George Gosman for £5-7-3 for removing Pitt's statue.*^ From various accounts it appears that the statue was taken to the Corporation Yard (Bridewell Yard) and from thence transfer red to the yard of the Arsenal near the Collect where It was seen in 1843 by Mr. John P. Watson, author of the Annals of New York, On August 12, 181 1 the Common Council resolved to present to the Academy of Fine Arts the remains of the Pitt's statue which on account of its excellent workmanship would be very acceptable to them.*^ It Is doubtful if the statue actually passed into the posses sion of that Society as it Is not mentioned in their first exhibition catalogue in 1816 nor In an account of the statuary belonging to the Society published in 181 5. It next appears In the possession of the "Fifth Ward Museum Hotel," corner Franklin Street and West Broadway, where it re mained until the Executor's sale of the effects of the late^ Thomas Riley (proprietor of the Museum Hotel), on February 12, 1864, when it was purchased by Mr. Samuel F. Mackle and by him pre sented to the Society the same year. The Charleston, S. C, statue of William Pitt was erected July 5, 1770 and now stands minus one arm in Washington Square near where it originally stood. It met much the same fate as the New 33 New York Daily Advertiser, March $, 1788. ^^ Laws of New York, 1886, Vol. II, page 725. *" Minutes of the Common Council, City of New York, Vol. i, page 386. *^ Ibid., Vol. I, page 418. ^ Minutes of the Common Council, City of New York, Vol. 6, page 676. QUARTERLYBULLETIN 57 York Statue, having had Its right arm destroyed by a British Can- nonball on April i6, 1780 and on December 12, 1791 the City Council of Charleston authorized its removal which was accom plished March 14, 1794 and It was lodged in the Arsenal. In re moving it, the statue was allowed to fall and the head was severed. In May, 1868 it was re-erected In the Orphan House yard where It stood until 1881 when It was moved to Washington Square, where it now stands, having been repaired to the extent of replacing the head.« The two statues while not replicas were about the same size. It is of Interest to note that Maryland in November, 1766 also passed resolutions for a marble statue of Pitt, which was not carried out, while Dedham, Mass., erected a shaft with a wooden bust of Pitt on top.** " See Full Account in S. C. Hist. Eif Gen. Mag., Vol. 15, pages 18-32. ** Hart's Peale's Allegory of Pitt, 1915, page 7, and Dedham Historical Register, Vol. i, pages 121 and 140. A. J. Wall 1129 ^v,;\:-^ \v:.. ^ J