I t J I. |."V'V ^( I' h "> t )? <•- 1 ¦¦ I'&feM&^KM^fiV ,'4'^,,. ,, rf * " I' , ..»w,» Yale Center for British Art and British Studies GEORGE MORLAND'S PICTURES: THEIR PRESENT POSSESSORS, WITH DETAILS OF THE COLLECTIONS. *^* As omissions are inevitable in a work like this, wherein for the first time, an attempt is made to catalogue George Morland's Paintings, proprietors whose names and pictures are omitted are invited to send details to the Author, 7o the Publisher, for a future edition. GEORGE MORLAND'S PICTURES : T»tfg ©efatfs of i^e ^loffecftons. BY RALPH RICHARDSON, F.R.S.E., F.S.A. Scot., AUTHOR OF 'GEORGE MORLAND, PAINTKR, 1763 — 1804." r LONDON ELLIOT STOCK, 62, PATERNOSTER ROW, E.C 1897 PREFACE. A Notice appended to my book on the Life and Works of George Morland, which was published in 1895, invited proprietors of Paintings by Morland to communicate to me the details of their collections. This invitation was very kindly responded to by numerous collectors, and the present publication con tains their names and addresses, and the particulars of their Morlands with which they favoured me. In several cases owners of important collections of Morlands were so good as to put themselves to con siderable trouble in preparing catalogues of their collections expressly for this publication. To such I again tender my warmest thanks. It is evident, however, from the activity with which Morland is known to have pursued his calling, and the extraordinary number of paintings which left his easel, that those detailed in the follow ing pages represent only a tithe of his works. vi Preface Contemoprary Engravings after Morland by the great English mezzotinters are justly prized. My chief endeavour was to discover the original paintings after which those engravings were executed ; and in the following pages it will be found that I have, in several instances, been successful. I am, however, by no means satisfied with the result of my quest, and should gladly hear of the originals of many more engraved Morlands. As a first contribution, however small, to a know ledge of the whereabouts of Morland's paintings, now so universally and deservedly appreciated, it is hoped that the present publication will meet with the approval of Connoisseurs. Perhaps it may prove to be of some use if ever an attempt is made to bring together on a large scale an Exhibition of the works of one of the most prolific, most original, and most attractive of Old English Masters. R. R. Xmas, i8g6. CONTENTS. PART PAGE I. ALPHABETICAL LIST OF PROPRIETORS OF PAINTINGS BY GEORGE MORLAND, WITH DETAILS OF THEIR COLLECTIONS - - I II. PROPRIETORS OF ENGRAVED PAINTINGS BY GEORGE MORLAND, WITH TITLES, ENGRAVERS, AND DATES OF PUBLICA TION OF ENGRAVINGS - - "94 III. INDEX TO LOCALITIES WHERE PROPRIETORS OF PAINTINGS BY MORLAND RESIDE - I02 I. PROPRIETORS OF PAINTINGS BY GEORGE MORLAND. ^*ii; The references to Pages throughout this List relate to Mr. Richardson' s work on George Morland, where the pictures mentioned are described. Abraham, Walter J., i la. King Street, St. James's Square, London. ' Shepherds Re- (From the late C. F. Huth's posing.' (Octa- Collection.) gonal. ) En graved by W. in. Bond, 1803. ... I2X 15^ Signed. Anderson, Robt. W., 93, Mulgrave Street, Liverpool. ' The Intruder ' : three dogs meet on a country in. road ... ... 15x18 Unsigned. (Said to have been painted at a village alehouse by Morland.) George Morland Armitage, Benjamin, Sorrel Bank, Pendleton, Manchester. ' The W oodcutter .' (Upright can- (Cf Oldham and Peck.) vas.) Engraved by W. Ward, in. 1792... ... 20x36 Signed. AsHTON, Mrs., Widow of Charles Ellis Ashton, Woolton Hall, Lancashire. ' The Sportsman's Return ' En- (Page 44.) graved by W. in. Ward, i']^^ ... 25x30 Signed. 1792. Asiatic Society, Calcutta. 'The Farmer's Stable ' : A man leaning against a horse eating at a stall, be- (Cf Huth, Louis, No. 3.) neath which are two dogs. An amorous couple to right among in. straw 30x40 Signed. Baker, Miss, EndclifFe Edge, Sheffield. ' Farmer's Boy, with Cart horses, Pigs, in. etc' 30x36 Signed. Undated. Proprietors of Paintings Baker, Rev. Sir Talbot, H. B., Bart., Ranston, Blandford. I. 'A Stable' ... 2, ' Farm Yard ' 3. 'Smugglers'... 4- ' Wreckers' m. 39ix54i Signed. 392X54i Signed. 1792. 1793- 392^552 Signed. 1792. 39jx55i Signed. 1793. All above exhibited at Bur lington House Exhibition of Old Masters in 1892. No. 2 is considered one of Morland's best. Barratt, Thomas J., Bellmoor, Hampstead Heath, London. I. 'Belinda.' En graved by Bur rows, 1794 ... 2. 'The Pledge of Love.' En graved by W. Ward, 1788... 3. ' Caroline of Lichtfeld.' Engraved by J. R. Smith ... 4. ' The Farm Yard.' (Hori zontal) (Described page 98.) (Described page 98.) (Described page 98.) m. 28 X 35 Signed. Undated. 4 George Morland Farm outhouse under a spread ing tree. On left, beside a wheelbarrow,donkey suck ling foal. Pigs. A farm man converses with woman leaning over gate. A dog at his feet. 5. 'Constancy.' (Upright.) Engraved by W. Wa r d, 1788 Girl in large hat and feathers leaning on rock by seashore, weeping and looking out to sea. 6. 'Setters.' (Horizontal) One black- marked stand ing : one red- marked couch ing. in. 10 X 11^ Unsigned. Undated. A portrait of Companion' Variety.' Mrs. Ward. picture to in. 9! X 11^ Unsigned. Undated. Proprietors of Paintings Barton, C. A., 44, Fitzjohn's Avenue, Hamp stead, London. I . ' The Shep herd's Meal.' Engraved by J. R . Smith, in. 1803... ... 24x30 Signed. 1793. 2. ' The Carrier's Stable.' En graved by W. Ward, ly^i ... 19x25 Signed. 1790. 3. 'The Bull Inn' 19x25 Initialed. 4. ' A Hunting Scene ' ... 9x12 Initialed. Beardsley, Amos, Surgeon, Grange-over- Sands, Lancashire. 'Two Sheep under a Tree. (Oak in. panel) ... 9! x 1 3 Birch, Claude C, Granville House, Gran ville Place, Portman Square, London, W. 'The Woodland Cottage.' Same as Mr. Cleve land's (Page in. 97) ... ... 19^x22 Signed. 1779. George Morland Birkett, James, 37, Heaton Park Road, Newcastle-on-Tyne. ' Black and White in. Pigs Feeding ' 72X9 Birmingham, City of. Museum and Art Gallery. 'Pigs' (on canvas). Exhibited by Morland at R.A. Exhibi- ft. in. ft. in. tion of 1797. 2 4x3 if Signed. Undated. Blackburn, G. A., Northgate, Halifax. ' Winter Scene ' : oak-tree ; far- mer ; young man with hay under his arm, going towards in. three sheep ... 17x26 Signed. Blathwayt, Mrs. E., Huntspill Rectory, Bridgwater. I. 'The Rutland in. Fencibles' ... 28x36 Signed 1795. Interior of a (on cornbin). stable. To right, a man Proprietors of Paintings 7 in red jacket, tight breeches, and pigtail, sits, mug in hand. Another leans against a stall. A stableman forks up straw, and a fourth man leans against a corn- bin This painting was purchased by Mrs. Blathwayt's husband's father ofF Morland's easel. Her husband was the Rev. C. W. Blathwayt.— R.R. Morland's Last Sketch (that of a bank and a tree). (Page 83.) Pencil. Morland's mother gave this sketch to the grandfather of Rev. Mr. Blathwayt, Rector of Huntspill, Bridgwater, who purchased from Mor land ' The Rutland Fen cibles.'— R. R. Blathwayt, Rev. R., 7, De Vere Gardens, Dover. ' St. James's Park ' (sketch in oils on paper). En graved by F. D. Soiron, 1790 (Page 147.) 8 George Morland BoussoD, Valadon & Co., 5, Regent Street, London. I. 'Women Drawing Water from a Pond ' 2. ' Three Men Chatting, seated on Large Stones ' in. (Panels, a pair) 7^^x10 Signed. 1795. Boyes, Edward, 26, Delauney Road, Crump- sail, Manchester. Oil Paintings. I. 'The Shep herds.' (Very fine.) En- (Page 135.) graved by W. in. Ward, 1S06 ... 19x25! Signed. Undated. 2. 'The Thatcher.' (Faded.) En- (Page 137.) graved by W. Ward,\%o(i ... 18x24 Signed. 1795. 3. ' Return from Market.' (In good condi tion.) ... 18x22 Signed. 1793. A woman on left with mob- cap and red Proprietors of Paintings cloak, kettle in left hand, jug in right. A man (lifting latch of door) in light brown long coat carries a small tree over his right shoulder. Boy with dark ruby coat. Both man and boy wear broad- brimmed hats. Dog near cot tage door. On right a thatched roof and old oak. Snow- clad winter scene behind. Water Colours. Drawing of Group Child on don- key. Man, woman and child lighting fire under pot on crossed- sticks. 4 m. 5^x8 Initialed. Sold at Christie's, in 1868, for j^i3, from Hanbury Collec tion, of Stamford. lo George Morland 5. Drawing of in. Gipsies ... 10^x13 Signed. A man leads a pack-horse. 6. Drawing of Scene in Wood. (Fine) ... iofxi4 Signed A group of hay makers resting. Thatched cot tage and water. 7. Rustic Scene with Woman and Children. (Damaged) . . . Sketch in Oil (on panel). 8. Man, with broad-brimmed hat and red coat, looking at pigsty ... 6^ X 1 2 Initialed. Bridport, Viscount. ' A Storm.' Sold at Christie's, 1 3 July, 1895, for 600 gs. Calcutta {See Asiatic Society.) Proprietors of Paintings 1 1 Initialed. 1798. Signed. Dated, but illegible. Chancellor, Edward, Murieston, Midcalder, N.B. I. 'Gipsy En campment.' in. (On oak) ... 5^x6^ A number of figures, includ ing an old woman wash ing clothes. Linen hangs on a tree to dry. 2. Cottage ... II X 13I Female figure in red cloak, with boy. Two horses, one feeding. (On canvas.) Coats, Sir Thomas Glen, Bart., Ferguslie Park, Paisley. Two Portraits of Children. En graved by Apple- in. ton, 1896 ... 14x16 Unsigned. Undated. Collins, Ernest, The Gables, Wedderburn Road, Hampstead, London, N.W. in. I. 'The Gleaners' 9x11 12 George Morland 2. ' Vagrant in a Wood" 3. 'Peasant and Pigs.' En- (Cf. Hatherley, Mather, graved by J. McClintock, and Richard- R. Smith, 1803 son.) Collins Wood. {See Wood.) Corcoran Gallery, The, Washington, U.S.A. 'The Farm in. House' ... 35x44 (One of the first pictures ac quired by Mr. Corcoran.) Cornish, John R., 187, St. Ann's Road, South Tottenham, London, N. Isle of Wight in. Coast Scene ... 20 x 24 Unsigned. Undated. In background, a ruin on a lofty clifF. In foreground, to left, three men, with their coats off, pulling something ashore. Proprietors of Paintings 13 Courcelles, Rev. J. Hector de, M.A. Oxon., 24, Arundel Gardens, Kensington Park Road, London. Two Dogs about to quarrel over a Stick brought out of water in in. background ... 27^x35 Unsigned. Undated. Dawe, in his ' Life of Mor land,' 1807 (p. 236), states that this picture was then in the Collection of Mr. H. H. Townsend, of Busbridge, near Godalming, Surrey. It was afterwards acquired by Sir John St. Aubyn, grandfather of the present proprietor's wife. — R. R. Crosse, E. Meredith, Newhouse Park, St. Albans. I. 'Rabbits.' Engraved by W. Ward, 1806, and J. in. R.Smith, i%oq 20^x26! Signed. Undated. 2. ' Guinea Pigs.' 20^x26 J Signed. 1792. 'Rabbits' and 'Guinea Pigs' were engraved as a pair by W. Ward, 1806, and by J. R. Smith, 1807.— R. R. (Cf. Lowther.) (Replica of paint ing engraved by T. Gaugain, 1789.) 14 George Morland 3. Two Fisher men landing Fish. Other two fishermen and dog resting on beach. Dog looking out of in. boat... ... 25x38-^ Signed. Undated. Daniel, George A., Nunney Court, Frome, Somerset. 'The Hard Bargain.' En- (Page 135.) graved by W. in. Ward, I Soo... 21x26 Unsigned. DowDESwELL & DowDESWELL, Limited, 160, New Bond Street, London. I . ' S o w and in. Litter' ... 10x12 Signed. 1791. 2. Gipsy Scene .. . 8fxi2|- Initialed. 3. Landscape (Sketch) ... 10x12 Signed. 4. Beach Scene .. . 11 x 14;^ Initialed. 5. ' The Wreck ' 40 x 50 Unsigned. 6. ' Smugglers ' Engraved by James Ward, 1793 I2|-x 1 4I Unsigned. 7. ' Rustic Court ship' ... i6Jx2oJ Signed. 1794. Proprietors of Paintings 15 8. Cavern Scene, Isle of Wight 20 X 26 Initialed. 9. Gi p sy En campment ... 1 7f X 24 Signed. I o. Coast Scene ... 17x23 Unsigned. II. Morland's Summer. En graved by W. Barnard, 1S02. 20x24 Signed. 12. 'Smugglers Carousing' ... 12 x 14 J Signed. Drake, T. Clayton, Elm Grove, Dawlish, Devon. ' Evening ; or, The Post-Boy's (Page 1 1 3.) Return.' En graved by D. ft. in. ft. in. Orme, 1796 ... i lox 2 6 Unsigned. (Supposed to be a replica of that sold at Chris tie's, March 24, 1888.) Egerton, J. M., Hendersyde, Torquay. 'Selling Fish.' Engraved by J. in. R. Smith, 1799 25 X 30 Unsigned. Undated. i6 George Morland (This painting is represented in an illustration opposite page 71 of Mr. Richardson's' Life of Mor land.' Its his tory is related in a footnote, page 62.) A sketch for this painting was sold at Dowell's, Edinburgh, Nov. 14, 1896. — R. R. Fine Art Society, 148, New Bond Street, London. ' La Fleur and the Dead Ass.' Scene from Sterne's ' Senti mental Jour ney.' (In oil.) Exhibited Oct., 1896 Flamank, Henry, 153, Kensington, Liver pool. in. I. 'Smugglers' 21x31^ Signed. 2. ' Mussel Ga therers ' ... 17x22 Signed. 1797. Proprietors of Paintings 17 (Sold at Christie's, January 4, 1896, f o r ^«5 "¦' in. 3. 'Land Storm' 14^X18 4. ' Fishermen going out ' ... 18x25 Signed. (Sold at Christie's, January 4, 1896, for lZ9 1 8s.) 5. 'Shipwreck'... 27^x35 Signed. (Sold at Christie's, January 4, 1896, for ;^44 2S.) 6. 'Boatwreck'... 18x25 Signed. Fleming, John, 83, Portland Place, London, W. I. 'The Turn- (cf Knight, J. W.) pike Gate. (Oblong.) En- (Page 136.) graved by W. in. Ward,iSo6... 24x29 Signed. 1793. (Exhibited some years ago at Burlington 1 8 George Morland House at an Exhibition of Old Masters.) 2. ' Mare and Foal.' (Ob- in. long) ... 12x14^ Signed. 1792. (Belonged to a partner of Overend, Gur- ney and Co.) 3. 'Waggoner buying Vege tables from a Woman with two Children.' (Upright) ... 24x29 Signed. 1797. Waggon loaded with full corn sacks, on one of which, in red, is signed, 'G. Morland.' The woman is very good- looking, and the waggoner evidently ad mires her. Proprietors of Paintings 19 ' Foxhunters leaving a Way side Inn.' (Ob long) Five horsemen and pack and a small dark terrier with light brown muzzle (the original fox- terrier). A rustic on horse back looks on, and holds another horse at the door ot inn, on sign of which is painted a horse. . 'The Death.' (Oblong) ... The hounds are killing the fox, and the hunts man (in pink) is whipping them off. The small terrier is near the hounds. Hunters are arriving. in. 31x41 Signed. Undated. (Companion to No. 5.) in. 31x41 Signed. 1803. Mr. Fleming acquired Nos. 4 and 5 about thirty years ago. He has also a fine painting by Morland's brother-in-law, James Ward, representing a scene on the beach (fisherman, fish- woman, etc.). 2 — 2 20 George Morland George Morland used to paint and hunt in Leicestershire with Charles Loraine Smith, a great foxhunter, and known as ' the Enderby Squire.' He was the second son of Sir Charles Loraine, third Bart, of Kirke Horle, Northumberland. — R. R. Gilbey, Sir Walter, Bart., Elsenham Hall, Essex. ft. in. ft. in. I. 'TheFoxInn' 46x53 Signed. 1790. 2. 'Death of the Fox' ... 48^x7 8| Signed. Undated. 3. 'Duck Shoot- in. ing'... ... 9|xii| Signed. Undated. 4. ' Partridge ^ Shooting ' 5. ' Pheasant Shooting ' ' (Nos. 4 and 5 etched by T. Rowlandson, 1790.) 6. 'Setters.' En graved by W. Ward, i?,o6... ii|xi4f Signed. Undated. Oh I5-|x20 Unsigned. Undated. < (Cf Huth, C. F.) Proprietors of Paintings 21 7. ' The Weary Sportsman. ' Engraved by in. W.Bond, iSo^ ii|xi5f Signed. Undated. 8. 'Winter' (Cattle) ... iifxi4f Signed. Undated. 9. ' W i n t er'ft.in. ft. in. (Skating) ,..i 7^x2 i^ Signed. Undated. 10. 'Gipsy En campment' ... 2 o|^ X 2 5|- Signed. 1791- II. 'Gipsy En campment' ... I 5f X 2 o Signed, 1791. G. Morland, J. Rathbone. 12. ' Wreckers "... 4 10x6 8 1^ Signed. Undated. 13. ' Sand Carting ' i 6| x 2 i Signed. 1791. 14. 'Post Boys and Horses Re freshing' ... I 7x2 I Signed. i794- 15. ' The Dram.' Engraved by W.Ward,\']()6 ^ o|- x 2 5f Signed. Undated. 16. 'The Deserter's in. Farewell' ... 16^x21^ Signed. 1792. 22 George Morland 17. 'The EiFects of Youthful Extravaganceand Idleness.' Engraved by ft. in. ft. in. W. Ward,i'jS^ 2 o^ x 2 5 J Unsigned. Undated. 18. 'The Merci- in. less Bailiff' ... I3fxi8 Unsigned. Undated. 19. 'The Cottage ft. in. ft. in. Door ' •••29^x39^ Unsigned. Undated. 20. 'Innocents Alarm'd ; or, The Flash in the Pan.' En graved by J. R. Smith, junr., 1803 ... 2 3^x3 o Unsigned. Undated. 21. 'Boy tending Sheep' ... I 6|- x 2 i Signed. Undated. 22. ' Gathering in. Sticks' ... 11^x15^ Signed. 1791- 23. 'The Fair... 9jxii| Signed. 1794. 24. ' The Dipping Well' ... ii|^xi4|- Signed. Undated. This catalogue was specially prepared for the present publication by Sir Walter Gilbey's directions. — R. R. Proprietors of Paintings 23 Glasgow. The Corporation Galleries of Art. I. Landscape. An Inland in. ft. in. Stream ... 11 x i 2J Unsigned. Undated. Sketch of a landscape with stream spanned by a bridge, near which are a cottage and some figures. 2. Sea-coast Scene, ft. in. ft. in. Smugglers ... i oj x i 3 Signed. 1793. A rocky sea- coast, with boat containing bar rels, which men are unloading in a creek, where stands a man with white horse. 3, Sea-coast Scene. Storm and Wreck ... i 7 J x 2 o Signed. Undated. Rock-bound sea-coast, with stormy sea and ship wrecked 24 George Morland near the shore. Men launch a boat from shore, whilst man and woman in fore ground look on. ft. in. ft. in. 4. Sea Piece ... i oxi 4 Initialed. Undated. A sea-shore with high cliffs and calm sea. Several boats (All the above on canvas.) drawn up on shore. Figures in foreground. Hamilton, Duke of. The late. in. ft. in. Stable Scene ... 20x2 2^ A postilion in a hay-loft ca resses a very pretty girl seated on his Previously belonged to Mr. knee. A man Louis Huth. peeps from be hind a truss of hay. (Beauti fully painted.) Proprietors of Paintings 25 Hassell in his ' Life of Mor land.') Hamilton, Lieut.-Col. Sir Chas. E., Bart., 82, Cadogan Square, London, S.W. I. 'The Cornish ft. in. ft. in. Plunderers ' ... 4 6x6 6 Signed. Undated. (Described by J. (Page 123 of Mr. Richardson's book.) This picture belonged to Louis Philippe, and hung for years in the Louvre. It then came into the Standish Col lection, on the sale of which Sir Chas. Hamilton obtained it. In 1892 £84.0 was bid for it at Christie's, but it was not sold, but withdrawn. It represents an animated scene on a beach, with ' Cornish wreckers ' ransacking ship wrecked goods. — R. R. ' Shrimping off the Isle offt, , in. ft. in ,. Wight' ... 2 6x40 Unsigned. Cottage with Donkey and Boy (Snow in. Scene) 19 X 28 Unsigned. Sheep, Cow and Boy 18 X 24 Unsigned. Sea-coast, Men and Boat 18 X 24 Unsigned. 26 George Morland 6. Alehouse Kitchen. En graved by R. S. in. Syer, 1801 ... (Referred to by Hassell.) 7. Donkey and Pigs in Farm yard ... 8 and 9. Rustic Scenes, painted on iron tea- trays, each ... (Painted by Mor- land when under nineteen, when he was trout-fishing on the borders of Lancashire and Yorkshire.) II X 24 Unsigned. 19 X 25 Unsigned. 10. Portfolio of Sketches by Morland Hatherley, H. Brighton. ' Peasant and Pigs. ' Engraved by J. in. R. Smith, 1803 17 X 24 1 8 X 24 Unsigned. Mr. R. Dyson Nutt, 2, West- field Terrace, Loftus-in- Cleveland, has a painting done on a tea-tray, and signed ' G. Morland,' repre senting sheep and lambs in a barn, with two children looking in. The family has possessed the picture for a very long time. — R. R. 23, Brunswick Place, (Page 133.) Unsigned. Proprietors of Paintings 27 (Larger than Mr. Richardson's (Cf Mather, McClintock and picture, but un- Collins.) signed.) Hawkins, C. H., 10, Portland Place, London. Two Landscapes, in. each about ... 10x10 Hearn, Arthur H., 20, West 14th Street, New York. 'Forester's in. Home' ... i6Jx24|- Hearn, George A., 20, West 14th Street, New York. I . ' Weary Way- in. farers ' ... 16x21 2. 'Noonday Rest ' ... 17x19 3. 'Shepherds reposing ' ... 15x18 4. ' Blissful Pigs ' ioxi2|^ Hogarth, D., Union Bank of Scotland, Dundee. I. 'Gipsies.' En graved by W. in. Ward,i']^2 ... 27|-x36 Signed. 1792. 2 8 George Morland (Cf McClintock, This painting is represented Paton, and in an illustration, opposite Peck.) page 89, of Mr. Richardson's ' Life of Morland.' 2. Young Man courting Young Woman. A girl on white pony. Dogs, donkey, in. etc. ... ... 19X23I- Unsigned. 3. 'Sheep' ... 9^x13 Unsigned. 4. 'Farmer's Stable ' ... 17x21 Unsigned. Hogg, John, 13, Paternoster Row, London. Two Pigs in a Sty, one stand ing, the other in. lying down. ... 26fx33^ Unsigned. Undated. Hohenlohe, Prince, Castle Duino, near Trieste. ' There are two pictures here that I am convinced are by Morland.'^ — Princess Mary of Thurn and Taxis in 'Travels in Unknown Austria ' (Macmillan and Co., London, 1896, p. 19). Proprietors of Paintings 29 Holloway College, Royal, Egham. I. ' The Carrier preparing to Set in. Out'... ... 34x46 Signed. i793- (From the Earl of Dunmore's Collection.) 2. 'JackintheBil- boes.' Engraved by W. Ward, 1790, and R. Clamp, 1']^']... 14x18 Signed. 1790. 3. 'The Con tented Water man.' En graved by W. Ward, 1790, and R. Clamp, i-ji^-j ... 14x18 Signed. 1790. (The two last are companion pic tures. ) Huth, Charles Frederick, The late. I. 'Visit to the Child at Nurse.' Engraved by W.Ward,jyU (Sold at Christie's, July 6, 1895, for 1,050 gs.) (Page 145.) 3° George Morland < 2. ' Partridge Shooting ' 3. ' Pheasant Shooting ' Nos. 2 and 3 etched by T. Rowlandson, 1790. (Sold at Christie's, July 6, 1895, for 480 gns. the pair.) 4. 'A Cottage Door' (Sold at Christie's, July 6, 1895, for 710 gns.) (Cf Gilbey.) (Page 147.) Huth, Louis, Possingworth, Cross-in-Hand, Hawkhurst. . 'Interior of Alehouse ' A tired sports man, in green coat, sitting astride a chair, and resting his head and arms on back asleep. in. 9 J X 1 1 J Unsigned. Undated. Mr. Huth kindly prepared for the present publication this description of his Morlands. — R. R. Proprietors of Paintings Two dogs at his feet, also his hat. Two men in back ground sitting at a window. (Thinly painted, silvery and har monious.) 2. Man in blue coat and red collar, leaning against a tree in middle of a wood and talk- i n g to two seated women, one of whom suckles a baby. Setter in fore ground 3. ' Interior of Stable.' En graved by W. Ward White horse (much admired by Sir E. Land- seer). A man 31 in. 9-1- X 11^ Unsigned. Undated. 20 X 26|- Unsigned. Undated. (Cf. Asiatic Society.) 32 George Morland leaning on same looking at man and woman romping in straw (men tioned by Has sell, page 14). 4. Two Donkeys, one with cropped ears. A pig with collar lying in. down ... ii|-xi4f Unsigned. Undated. ft. in. ft. in. 5. Winter Piece 2 3I x 2 11/^ Signed. Undated. Cottage and oaktree covered with snow. Three donkeys, dog, and woman in red cloak. Children slid ing on small pond, one of whom has fallen. 6. Rustic Scene. . . 13^x15 Unsigned. Undated. Cottage and oak-tree on Proprietors of Paintings 33 bank. Pigs, donkey, and group of gipsies. 7. 'Morning; or, The Higlers preparing for Market.' En graved by D.ft.in. ft. in. Or»?f, 1796 ... 2 3|- X 2 unsigned. 1791. 8. Snow Piece ... 2 3^x2 unsigned. 1790. Cottage and oak-tree. Two ponies. Two lads snowball ing an old woman, who shakes her fist at them, whilst a dog barks at her. IcHENHAUSER, J., Berkeley Galleries, Bruton Street, London. I. 'The Village Pump' 2. 'The Charcoal Burners ' Both reproduced in The Sketch of Nov. 27, 1895. 3 34 George Morland Joule, A. J., 45, Montreal Street, Victoria, British Columbia. Woodland Scene, with cow, sheep, and goat in right fore- in. ground ... 13x15 Initialed. Undated. Kelly, F. A., South Street Brewery, Shef field. in. I . 'A Scene in Derbyshire'... 34x50 Signed. 1792. Cottage door. Man and grey horse. 2. 'The Dead Porker' ... 25x30 Initialed. Undated. Farmyard with No. 2 from John Raphael butcher, pea- Smith's Collection. See sants looking Hassell's 'Life of Morland.' on, dog, etc. Kensington. {See South.) Knight, J. W., 33, Hyde Park Square, London, W. I. George Mor land's portrait, (Page 100.) done by himself in. when a youth 19^x23 Unsigned. Proprietors of Paintings 35 2. ' The Gipsies' Tent.' En- (Cf. Rutherfurd. ) graved by J. in. Grozer, 1793 36x41 Unsigned. 3. 'A Farmyard' 27^x35^ Signed. 1789. A farmer on grey horse faces a brown horse, whose near foreleg is ex amined by a man. A brown horse in loose- box. Dog in foreground. Landscape and farm-building. 4. ' The Turn pike Gate.' (Cf Fleming, John.) Engraved by in. W.Ward,i8o6 24^x29! Signed. 5. 'The Horse Feeder.' En graved by J. R. Smith, 1-]^^ ... 16^x21 Signed. 1794. 6. ' Gipsy En campment' ... iijx 1 4i Unsigned. 7. 'Shipwreck'... 15JX19 Unsigned. 8. Landscape with Gipsies... i4x Hi Signed. 1795. 3—2 36 George Morland 9. Landscape in. with Gipsies ... 6^ x 8f Signed at back on panel. 10. Female Por trait. (Oval.) 6 X 45 Lawrie & Co., 15, Old Bond Street, London. ' Mr. Lynn's Cot tage at Cowes, (Dawe's 'Life of Morland,' Isle of Wight,' page 231.) with portrait of Mr. Lynn look- in. ing at his horse 34 x 42 I799- Leicester Art Gallery. ' Calm off the Coast of the in. Isle of Wight ' I il x 16I Signed. Undated. (Painted on a ma hogany panel.) Louvre, The, Paris. ' La Halte.' Scene outside an inn. Engraved by Rajon, Paris. Lowther, Captain Francis, R.N., y^-, Pont Street, London, S.W. I. 'Guinea Pigs.' (Cf. Crosse.) Engraved by T. in. Gaugain, 1789 25x29! Unsigned. Undated. Proprietors of Paintings 37 2. 'Dancing Dogs.' En graved by T. in, Gaugain, 1790 25 X 29^ Unsigned. Undated. No. I engraved (with 'Rabbits') by W. Ward, iio6, and J. R. Smith,, 1807. Manchester Art Gallery. 'The Farrier's in. Forge' .., 28x36 Unsigned. Undated. Mappin Art Gallery, Sheffield. in. ' The Village Inn ' 23x30 Signed. Undated. Marshall, George W., LL.D., Sarnesfield Court, Weobly. Pigs in a Sty. Woman look ing over gate in. at them ... 24 x 30 Initialed. Undated. Mather, Dr. George H., i i, Annfield Place, Dennistoun, Glasgow. (Died, Nov. 29, 1895.) 'Peasant and (Cf Hatherley, Collins, and Pigs.' En- McClintock.) graved by J. R. in. Smith, lioT, ... 12x15 Signed. Undated. 38 George Morland Same as Mr. Richardson's picture (page 133), except that the little girl has a brown frock. The canvas also is smaller. This painting is represented in an illustration opposite page 50 of Mr. Richardson's ' Life of Morland.' Mawson, John, 44, Railway Terrace, South- port. ' Gipsy Encamp- ment.' (In in. crayons) ... 15x19 Signed. McClintock, Major H. S., Kilwarlin House, Hillsborough, Co. Down, Ireland. I. ' Paying the Horseler.' En- (Page 133.) graved by S. W. in. Reynolds, 1805 23x32 Initialed. Undated. (On canvas.) 2. 'The Public- house Door.' (Page 155.) Engraved by in. W.Ward,iSoi 18x21 Unsigned. Undated. (On canvas.) Proprietors of Paintings 39 3. ' Gipsies.' En (Page 136.) graved by W. in. Ward, 1792... 2 1 x 24 Signed. Undated. (Cf Hogarth, This painting is represented Paton, and in an illustration opposite Peck.) page 89 of Mr. Richardson's (On canvas. ) ' Life of Morland.' 4. ' Peasant and (Cf Hatherley, Mather, Pigs.' En Richardson, and Collins.) graved byJ.R. in. Smith, 1803 ... 18x24 Signed. 1791. (On canvas.) This painting is represented (Page 133.) in an Illustration opposite page 50 of Mr. Richardson's ' Life of Morland.' Mee, Rev. Dr., The Chantry, Westbourne, Emsworth, Hants. I. Landscape. Village Inn, with figures. in. (On canvas) . . . 20 J X 25 2. Landscape. Cattle and figures. (On panel) ... 15x20^ 3. Winter Scene. (On panel) ... ii^X 15 40 George Morland 4. Landscape and Cattle. (On in. panel) ... 12x14^ No dates or signatures on above. Metropolitan Museum, New York. in. ' Midday Meal ' 28 x 36 (Presented by Mr. George A. Hearn.) Michaelis, Max, Tandridge Court, Oxted, Surrey. I. 'Temptation.' A replica of fainting en graved by W. Humphrey, in. 1790 ... 25x30 Signed. 1792. 2. ' Selling Cher ries.' Engraved by E.Bell, 1801 20x36 Signed . Undated. 3. ' The Death of the Fox.' En graved by J. Wright, i-]^^ 20x26 Signed. 1794. Proprietors of Paintings 41 Montagu, Sir Samuel, Bart., M.P., 12, Kensington Palace Gardens, London. ' Farmyard with in. Pigs' ... 25x30 Signed. Undated. (Bought at J. M. Eager's sale at Christie's, 1 883. Exhibited at R. A. Exhibi tion of Old Masters, 1894.) Morland, Capt. George, 22, St. Stephen's Square, Bays water, London. (Grand- nephew of George Morland.) in. 'Girl with Doll' 7 X 8^ (Never engraved.) Nathan, J., Burlington Gallery, 27, Old Bond Street, London. Landscape with in. Gipsies ... 28^x361 New York. {See Metropolitan Museum of) National Gallery, London. I. ' The Farmer's (Pages 92 and 109.) Stable.' En graved by W.ft.'m. ft. in. /F«r^, 1792 ... 4 9x6 7^ Signed. Undated. 42 George Morland Two horses and a pony are being led by a boy into a stable. To the left a man is stooping and collecting together some straw. (On canvas.) 'A Quarry, with Peasants ' Broken ground, with a high gravelly bank studded with scrub. (On wood.) No. 1 35 1. — ' Door of the Red L i o n ft Country Inn ' 3 Farmer on white pony at inn-door. Landlady offers him a mug of ale. Children at door. Two dogs. Youth This painting (considered Morland's masterpiece) is represented in an illustra tion opposite page 109 of Mr. Richardson's ' Life of Morland.' in. 7x9 Unsigned. Undated. (Page 93.) , in. ft. in. 5x41 Signed. Undated. This painting is described in the new Official Catalogue, published in 1896, where, however, some errors occur in the biographical notice of George Morland. i. Maria Morland was married to Proprietors of Paintings 43 burns brush wood. Distant hills and mea dows. (On canvas.) (Bequeathed by Sir Oscar M. P. Clayton, C.B., in 1892.) (The original, or a replica, was sold in June, 1896, by Messrs. Col- naghi to Mr. Orrock, q.v.) William, not James, Ward. 2. George Morland's wife never separated from him, for they were always a most affectionate couple. 3. The portrait of Morland by Muller, engraved by Edwards, is unreliable, being unlike other contemporary portraits, including those by Morland himself. 4. The ' Drawing with a Poker ' was not Morland's first ex hibit at the Royal Academy. — R. R. (Page 93.) Signed. Undated. National Gallery of Scotland, Edinburgh. 'The Stable Door : a Study ' in. (Canvas) ... 13X15 Two horses drinking at a trough. Two men, one in a blue coat with a glass in his hand, stand be side door of thatch -covered stable. A poor example of Morland. — R. R. 44 George Morland National Gallery of Ireland, Dublin. Landscape, with figures and cattle (on can- in. vas) ... ... 2o|-X26^ Signed. Undated. The Registrar of the Gallery (Mr. Strickland) remarks : ' This is an undoubted and genuine work of Morland, although the signature is not quite above suspicion.' — R. R. Oldham, John, St. Vincent's Presbytery, 13, Hardy Street, Liverpool. 'The Wood cutter.' En- (Page 149.) graved by W.^.m. ft. in. Ward, 1792... I IIX2 3| Unsigned. (Cf. Armitage and Peck.) Orton, Dr. Charles, Ochiltree, near Hast ings. Sheep and Shep- in. herds in a Storm 25 x 30 Signed. i790or 1796. Orrock, James, 48, Bedford Square, London, W.C. Door of the Red Lion Country Inn ... Proprietors of Paintings 45 (The original, or a replica, of Mr. Louis Eluth thinks Mr. painting in Orrock's is the finer in tone. National Gal- — R. R. lery, q.v.) Paton, James, Superintendent of the Corpora tion Galleries of Art, Glasgow. in. I. ' Gipsies.' A group of four figures under an oak-tree. En graved by W. Ward, 1792... (Cf. Hogarth, McClintock and Peck.) 2. 'Hilly Land scape, Sussex.' A slight sketch (injured) ... 5I X 7 This painting forms an illus tration opposite page 89 of Mr. Richardson's ' Life of Morland.' 19X24-^ Unsigned. Undated. Unsigned. Undated. Peck, George, 9, Belgrave Square, London, S.W. in. 20 X 26 I. 'The Wood cutter.' Eyi- 20x26 Signed. Undated. graved by W. (Cf, Armitage and Oldham.) Ward, 1792... 46 George Morland A woodman lops the branches off an oak, whilst two children play with a donkey. In background gipsies beside a fire. In fore ground dog asleep and baskets. 2. 'Washing Day' Cottage scene. A woman pours water from a kettle into washing-tub. On right a man dips up water from a pond. In foreground two children play with dolls. To left, a woman hangs up clothes to dry. Mr. Peck kindly prepared for the present publication this description of his fine gallery of Morlands.— R. R. in. 20 X 26 in. 3. 'The Quarry' 16x20 Signed. Proprietors of Paintings 47 Stone quarry near roadside. Two men work whilst three pull up with ropes a trolley laden with stone. A cart waits to receive it. in. 4. Coast Scene .. . 10x12 Initialed. Sea-coast with high ground, and a cottage on right. Four figures on shore. 5. Forest Scene 13^X17 Signed. Outskirts of a wood, with man, woman A rather stiff, early work, and child seated very carefully painted. on a bank in foreground. 6. ' The Fisher man's Toast ; or, Fishermen Ashore.' En graved by W. in. Hilton, 1806... 19x22 48 George Morland In centre a fish woman with a basket on her head. Two fishermen sit ting on right hold up their glasses to her health. Behind, a view of sea and a ship. On left, a dog. On right, an inn. 7. ' Market Cart.' A country lane, down which passes a cart with a man driving, a red -cloaked woman and white dog fol lowing. A spreading oak to right and some felled timber. in. 17x221 Initialed. A bad copy of a part of this picture is in the Foster Gallery at the South Ken sington Museum. 8. 'Pigsty ' in. 272X35i Signed. Undated. Proprietors of Paintings 49 On the left, a sow and two little pigs. Carrots and turnips in fore- ground. On right, a trough, against which rests a broom. A man with carpenter'sbasket leans against the rails of the sty, dressed in a white smock, and without a hat. (. 'Gipsies.' En graved by TV. Ward, 1792 ... (Cf. Roe.) in. 17x231 (Cf. Hogarth, Paton, and McClintock.) This painting is represented in an illustration opposite page 89 of Mr. Richardson's ' Life of Morland.' 10. 'Louisa.' (Oval.) Engraved by T. in. Gaugain, 1789. I2|x 15^ Signed. 1782. 4 50 George Morland Louisa is lis tening to the voice of her lover, which she seems to hear through the storm which is <^ r ^, ¦ , ^ One or the pair engraved to ° ° illustrate a poem by Mrs. sea-coast, where , of Bath. a vessel being wrecked is seen in the distance. (A very beauti- ftilly finished work. S o f t colouring.) II. 'The La- bonrers' Lun cheon.' En graved by C. in. Josi,!-]^-] ... 10^X13^ Signed. 1792. In foreground, two labourers, one seated on the ground with a mug in his hand, whilst the other, holding a knife, stands with his back Proprietors of Paintings 51 turned. A dog looks up at the standing figure. 12. 'Children Fishing.' En graved by P. Dawe, 1788 ... Two children on the bank of a stream. The boy holds a stick which has a string to it, from which hangs a small fish he has caught. The girl is seated, but turns to wards the boy to try and se cure the fish. Her hat lies on the ground beside her. She wears a white dress and scarlet shoes. in. I o X 1 1 Signed. Undated. This picture is an exquisite gem, both in finish and colour, and forms one of the finest examples of Mor land's combined breadth and finish, with lovely colour, especially in the painting of the children and of the dress of the girl. The old oak behind the figures, and the bank, grass and water are also beautifully painted. (Fide Remarks under Sir Charles Tennant, No. i, as to Morland as a painter of children.— R. R.) 13, 'Forest Glade' in. 7ixio Signed. 179'^- 52 George Morland A small (rather dark) view in a wood. In the foreground, a man wearing a red jacket, and a dog. In the distance, another figure and dog. (Picture in bad condition.) Signed. 1791 14. 'A Stableft.in. ft.in. Yard' ...24x30 Exterior of a turf-thatched stable - hut. Two men at door, one in a red vest, the other holding An excellent picture, which I a bag. An old describe here after inspec- brown horse, tion, — R. R. harnessed, is about to enter stable. Three pigs in fore ground. In background a precipice, and two small waterfalls to right hand. Proprietors of Paintings 53 Peynton, Rev. Francis J., Rector of Kelston, near Bath. ft. in. ft. in. ' A Farmyard ' . . . 2 3 x 3 o Phillips, Rev. Canon, Manor House, Stoke d'Abernon, Cobham, Surrey. The catalogue of this extensive collection was kindly pre pared for the present publi cation bv Canon Phillips himself, to whom the paint ings descended, chiefly from his father and uncle. The collection is known as the ' Abiss and Phillips Collec tion,' and its nucleus appears to be the collection of ' William Phillips, Esq., of Gloucester Place,' mentioned at page 233 of Dawe's ' Life of Morland.'— R. R. I. 'Wreck of in. Boat' ... iifxi4j Signed. Undated. Sailors climb ing up a rock. (Oblong.) 54 George Morland ' The Storm ' (off Black Gang ft_ ft_ in. 3 X 4 6^ Signed. 1790. Exhibited at Messrs. Dowdes- well's Galleries, Bond Street, London, in spring of 1894. Chine)Sea breaking over a rocky coast. Men drawing up a boat and bales of goods. Ship under double- reefed sails. Small lugger under shelter of the land. (Ob long.) 3. 'The Blindft.in. ft.in. White Horse.' 2 3-| X 2 xi Signed Man driving horses to water from stable. (Oblong.) Undated. Exhibited at Messrs. Dowdes- well's Galleries, Bond Street, London, in spring of 1894. 'Portrait of Morland and his Dog ' Morland rests at table and talks to fisher men with nets. (Upright.) (Page 78.) in. ii^^X 15 Unsigned. Undated. Exhibited at Messrs. Dowdes- well's Galleries, Bond Street, London, in spring of 1894. (Bought from a public-house at Carshalton.) Proprietors of Paintings 55 'Man in Snow.' (Upright.) ... ' Miller and his Men' Sacks of corn. (Page 78.) (Upright) . ' Sea-piece ' . . . Wreck of boat. Sailors climbing up a rock. Dis masted ship in distance. (Ob long.) . 'Bargaining for Fish' ... Fishermen in boat returning from fishing. Selling fish on shore. (Ob long.) , 'The Discon solate and her Parrot ' Portrait of Mrs. Morland. (Up right.) in. lox 12 Signed. Undated. iilxi4i Signed. 1797. Exhibited at Messrs. Dowdes- well's Galleries, Bond Street, London, in spring of 1894. ft. in. ft. 2 3a X 3 Signed. Undated. 2 32X3 Signed. Undated. in. 91x11^ Signed. Undated. Exhibited at Messrs. Dowdes- well's Galleries, Bond Street, London, in spring of 1894. 56 George Morland I o. ' Peasants Tra velling ' Figures outside building. Don key laden. Dog. (The woman is a portrait of Mor land's sister-in- law.) (Oblong.) ft. in. ft. I 5-| X 2 Signed Undated. (on donkey's pack). II. ' Selling Fish ' Figures sitting in foreground with fish and basket and dog. Cart with white horse. (Ob long.) 12. 'The Cottage ft. in. ft.in. ft. ft.in. 2x26 Signed Undated. (on a rock). Exhibited at Messrs. Dowdes- well's Galleries, Bond Street, London, in spring of 1894. Door' Summer. Fam ily group. Man cutting wood in foreground. Church in the distance. (Ob long.) 2 3-| X 2 II Signed. Undated. Exhibited at Burlington House, 1870. Exhibited at Messrs. Dowdes- well's Galleries, Bond Street, London, in spring of 1894. 13. 'Woman Feed- ft. in. ft.in, ing Pigs ' I 2^ X I 7 J Signed. Undated. Proprietors of Paintings 57 .\ Exhibitedat Burlington House, child with dog. o ° 1870. (Oblong.) ' 14. 'Farmer, Wife ft. in. ft.in. and Child ' ... 12x17^ Unsigned. Undated. Lad asks for work. Donkey saddled. (Ob long.) (Companion to No. 13.) 15. 'Wood-gather ers in the Snow.' (Up right) ... I 14 XI si Signed. Undated. Exhibited at Burlington House, 1870. 16. 'Gamekeeper (or Poacher) ft.in. ft.in. with Dogs '...12x15^ Unsigned. Undated. Portrait of Exhibited at Burlington House, Morland's ser- 1870. vant Simpson. Exhibited at Messrs. Dowdes- (P a g e 76.) cell's Galleries, Bond Street, (Upright.) London, in spring of 1 894. 17. 'Friend.' En graved by W. ft.in. ft.in. Ward ... 3 3X4 i Signed. Undated. 58 George Morland Portrait of the Newfoundland dog which saved Mr. Wm. Phillips from being drowned whilst bathing in the sea at Portsmouth,October 4, 20, Exhibited at Guildford, May, 1884. Exhibited at Messrs. Dowdes- well's Galleries, Bond Street, London, in spring of 1894. 1789. long.) (Ob- 18. 'The Shep- ft.in. ft.in. herd Asleep'... Dog keeping watch over sheep. (Up right.) 15-^x26 Unsigned. Undated. Exhibited at Messrs. Dowdes- well's Galleries, Bond Street, London, in spring of 1894. ' Fi shermen Selling their ft. in. ft. Fish on Shore ' 2 3 J X 3 Signed. Undated. Storm brewing. Exhibited at Messrs. Dowdes- (Oblong.) well's Galleries, Bond Street, London, in spring of 1894. ' The Red Lion ft. in. ft. Inn ' . . . ... 2 3^ x 3 Signed. Undated. Man on chest nut horse is drinking, whilst Exhibited at Burlington House, 1870. Proprietors of Paintings 59 landlord and landlady talk to him. Pigs The ' Red Lion ' is also de- in foreground. picted in No. 3, National Man leaning Gallery.— R. R. over fence. (Oblong.) 21. ' Yarmouth Fort.' Sea- ft, , in. ft. piece ... ... 2 3i X 3 Signed 1803. Stormy day. (on sail). Boat with sailors. (Ob long.) 22. 'Wood Ga therers in Savernake Park' ... 2 3f X 3 Unsigned. Undated. Donkey laden. Exhibited at Burlingt on House, (Oblong.) 1870. 23. ' W a t er ingft, , in. ft. in. Horses ' . . . i 7^X2 ii Signed. Undated. Farm men seated outside barn. Boy on chestnut horse. Dog. (Ob long.) 6o George Morland ft. in. ft. in. 24. ' I St September.' 2 5^x2 6 Unsigned. Undated. , .,,.r ^' Exhibited at Burlington House, the New Forest. ^ Sportsmen and does in fore- Exhibited at Messrs. Dowdes- ground. (Ob- ^^^^'^ Galleries, Bond Street, JQ > London, in spring of 1894. ft. in. ft. 25. ' I St October.' 2 3^ x 3 Unsigned. Undated. Pheasant- Exhibited at Burlington House, shooting in 1870. Savernake Exhibited at Messrs. Dowdes- Forest. (Ob- ^^ly^ Galleries, Bond Street, §v London, in spring of 1894. ft. ft. in 26. 'Winter' ... 2x26 Signed. Undated. Snow scene. Woman and Exhibited at Messrs. Dowdes- girl at door well's Galleries, Bond Street, ajar. Horses London, in spring of 1894. and dog. (Ob long.) 27. ' The Stable in. Yard' ... 9^X11^ Signed. Undated. Man in red •^ , , -_ Exhibited at Messrs. Dowdes- stable. Horses, ii> -^ ,, ¦ t. 1 1- , . . well s Galleries, Bond Street, one lying in ^ , . . . „ /_ , London, in spring or 1894. straw. (Ob- ^ t & y^ long.) Proprietors of Paintings 6i 28. ¦ Gipsy En- in. campment' ... 6fX9| Signed. 1795. Man, woman and child in a wood. (Ob long.) 29. ' Portrait of Mrs. Jordan ' (Actress, mo ther of first Earl of Munster.) (Upright oval.) ft. in. ft. in. 12x15 Unsigned. Undated. Exhibited at Burlington House, 1870. Exhibited at Messrs. Dowdes- well's Galleries, Bond Street, London, in spring of 1894. 30. ' Wreck of an Indiaman ' (off the Needles, Isle of Wight). (Oblong) ... ft. ft. in. 2 X 2 5 J Signed Undated. (on a package). Exhibited at Burlington House, 1870. Exhibited at Messrs. Dowdes- well's Galleries, Bond Street, London, in spring of 1894. 31. 'The Day after ft. ft.in. the Wreck'... 2x25 Signed Undated. (on a package). 62 George Morland Hauling in and Exhibited at Burlington House, gathering up ^§70. wreckage. (Ob- „ , ., . I \ Exhibited at Messrs. Dowdes- long.) well's Galleries, Bond Street, London, in spring of 1894. 32. ' Cow and Calf worried by Dog.' (Up- ft. in. ft. in. right.) ... I 2x1 4^ Signed. Undated. Exhibited at Burlington House, 1870. Exhibited at Messrs. Dowdes- well's Galleries, Bond Street, London, in spring of 1894. 33. 'Feeding the ft. in. ft.in. Calves ' Cowhouse. Woman stand ing by door. (Oblong.) 12x15 Unsigned. Undated. Exhibited at Messrs. Dowdes- well's Galleries, Bond Street, London, in spring of 1894. 34. ' Wayfaring Man in the Snow ' Dog running beside him. (Upright.) in. lox 12 Signed. Undated. Proprietors of Paintings 63 35. ' Fishermen waiting for E V e n i n gft. in Breeze ' . . . i ft. in. 10^X2 6 Background of chalk cliffs. Men resting on shore. Women standing. (Ob long.) Signed Undated. (on boat). 36. 37- ' Morning ' . Sheep. Shep herds resting. Peasants talk ing to shep herds. Cottage with water. E ngr aved. (Oblong.) ' Evening ' ... Man driving cow and sheep. Figure of boy behind. Castle on wooded height. (Ob long.) 2 4-^ X 3 2-^ Unsigned. Undated. Exhibited at Messrs. Dowdes- well's Galleries, Bond Street, London, in spring of 1894. ft. in. ft. 24X3 Unsigned. Undated. 64 George Morland 38. ' Girl on Sea shore in a Gale. ' in. (Oblong) ... I of X 12 Signed. Undated. 39. ' The Hermit' (Upright) ... 9fxi2 Signed 1795. Exhibited at Messrs. Dowdes- well's Galleries, Bond Street, London, in spring of 1894. 40. 'Crossing the ft. in. ft.in. Brook ' ... I lix I 4^ Unsigned. Undated. Figures and donkey. (Ob long.) 41. ' The Smug glers ' ... I 4x2 Signed. Undated. Band of smug glers hauling up a boat carrying bales and casks. A woman, loaded horses, etc. (Oblong.) 42. 'Shepherds ft.in. ft.in. Reposing' ... i 3^x1 8 Signed. Undated. Two shepherds and dogs. Exhibited at Burlington House, Sheep. Even- ^^70. Proprietors of Paintings 65 ing. Farm house in dis- Carefully finished. A fine tance. (Up- work.— R. R. right.) in. 43. 'Landscape',.. 9^X12 Signed. i794- Figures and Exhibited at Messrs. Dowdes- donkey in fore- ^^j^,^ Galleries, Bond Street, ground. (Ob- London, in spring of 1 894. long.) in. 44. ' The Ferry '.. . 10x14 Unsigned. Undated. Men waiting for the boat. (Oblong.) 45. ' Landscape ' . . . 9| X 1 2 Unsigned. Undated. Cows resting under trees. Two figures. (Oblong.) 46. ' Sheep in the Snow. (Ob long) ... 12x14 Signed. 1793- 47. 'Sheep in the Snow. (Ob long) ... 12x15 Signed. Undated. 5 66 George Morland (Companion to No. 46. The same sheep, but in different positions.) 48. 'Summer' ... Waggon and horses descend ing hill. Guide- post. Wag goner directing a woman sitting beside a pond and pointing to guide-post. (Oblong.) ft. ft.i in. 2x2 5 Signed. 1795. Exhibited at Burlington House, 1870. Exhibited at Messrs. Dowdes- well's Galleries, Bond Street, London, in spring of 1894. 49. ' Mending the Nets' Two fishermen mending nets ; other men painting boat. (Oblong.) in. II X 16 Signed (on boat). 1796. 50. ' Seashore ' ... Men and boats. (Oblong.) 10x14 Unsigned. Undated. Proprietors of Paintings 67 51. 'A Winter Night' in. 8jx iij Unsigned. Undated. Farmer and his man driving sheep home from market. Snow on tree. (Oblong.) 52. 'Breaking Cover.' (Up right) 5I X 7 Signed. Undated. 53. ' Full Cry.' Engraved 1824. (Ob long) 6-1 X 8^ Unsigned. Undated, Described page 140. (Cf Richardson.) Platt, Mrs. T., 716, Country Road, Small- heath, Birmingham. The Startled Horse.' (Sepia in. drawing) ... 18x24 A wild horse startled by a lion. Signed. 1780. 5—2 68 George Morland Price, James. I. 'The La bourer's Home ' Very small . (Sold at Christie's on June 15, 1895, for 320 guineas.) 2. 'Mutual Con fidence ' ... Very small. (Sold at Christie's on June 15, (Page 153.) 1895, ™'' 94° guineas.) Rawlinson, James, 124, Granby Street, Liver pool. 'Watering the Pages 65 and 154. Cart Horse.' . Watering the Cart Horse ' is Engraved by J. erroneously attributed to R. Smith, x-]^^. Gainsborough by Ernest Chesneau in his 'English School of Painting ' (Cassell and Co., London, 1887, page 116), showing how the occasional similarity of style in both artists may deceive Art-critics. — R. R. Proprietors of Paintings 69 Read, J. H., 48, Wilbury Road, West Brighton. Landscape and Portraits of Dr. Lynn (page 75) and his Man- ft. in. ft. in. servant ... 2 9X3 8 A horse, dog, Painted at Cowes, 1797. Sold, and two pigs. on Mr. Read's behalf, by P. and D. Colnaghi for j^350. Present owner un known. Revell, Frank F., 130, Belmont Road, Liverpool. Three pigs in a in. shed 9x12 Richardson, Ralph, F.R.S.E., 10, Magdala Place, Edinburgh. I. ' Peasant and Pigs.' En- (Page 1 33-) graved by J. R. Smith, 1 803. in. (Canvas) ... 16x20 Signed. 1751. A boy leans ''J > 2^> ^¦-•-^- /,,:.^ »,.mv- /•¦i'--y/ against the out- (Cf Mather, McClintock, side of a Hatherley, and Collins.) thatched pig- 7° George Morland sty. Beside him is a little girl in a blue frock. Two pigs, one black, one yel low, drink out of a trough. A white and brown spaniel looks into it. This painting is represented in an illustration opposite page 50 of Mr. Richardson's ' Life of Morland.' An indifferent example of this painting without the little girl was sold at Dowell's, Edinburgh, November 14, 1896.— R. R. 2. 'Full Cry.' Hunting scene. Engraved 1824... A red - coated huntsman on grey horse is followed by a blue - coated huntsman on a brown horse. Other hunts men in dis tance. in. 54x7 (Page 140.) Unsigned. Undated. (Cf Phillips, No. 53, which represents the same scene. 3. 'Ret ur ning from Work ' . . . A woman in a red cloak carries a bundle in. 92 XI if. Signed. Undated. (Page 97.) Proprietors of Paintings 71 of feggots over her shoulder and a carpen ter's basket in Exhibited at Grosvenor Gallery, her left hand. WinterExhibition, 1887-88. A boy and hairy dog fol low her. .'Stormy in. Weather' ... 164x20^ Signed. Undated. In foreground, preceded by a white dog, a red-cloaked woman carry ing a vegetable basket is fol lowed by a blue-cloaked little girl. Be hind, a man on an ass holds on his hat, whilst his hand also grasps a stick. In background, a thatched cot tage and a stormy sky. ;. 'Burning Brushwood ' . . . 9^X14 Unsigned. Undated. 72 George Morland A smock-clad man, a woman, and two chil dren round a fire. In back ground a cart with two men, followed by woman and child. This water - colour drawing belonged to Mr. Billington (the celebrated singer's hus band) in 1789. Ridpath, Thos., 12, Church Street, Liverpool. 'Interior of in. Stable ' ... 20x24 Unsigned. Undated. To left, two horses standing Formerly in collection of late at stall. To ^^ Whittle, Liverpool. right, sheep, poultry, etc. Roe, Robt. H., 68, Ommoney Road, New Cross, London, S.E. in. 'Contentment'... 13^x201 Initialed. 1787. A man looks pigsty in n , „ . , . , . . "^ ,. Mr. Koe IS etching this picture on copper.— R. R. into a which reclines a sow. Beside her are three Proprietors of Paintings 73 little pigs, one standing. A pail, crossed by (Cf- Peck, No. 8.) a broom, to right. Rutherfurd, Mrs. Andrew D., 9, Prince's Terrace, Dowanhill, Glasgow. 'The Gipsies' Tent.' En- (Cf Knight.) graved by J. in. Grozer, 1793. 22x28 Signed. 1791. Salting, George, 86, St. James' Street, London. I. 'Gipsy En- in. campment' ... 20x26 Signed. 1789. 2. ' Cowherd and Milkmaid.' {Engraved) ... 20x26 Signed. 1792. 3. 'Country Inn' ('The Grapes') 20x26 Signed. 1790. Group of gip sies reposing in foreground to right. White horse led to stable. Two 74 George Morland travellers on horseback leav ing the inn. 4. 'The "Bell" Inn ' : Summer- in. time... ... 20x26 Signed. Undated. Hay-wain and group of hay makers regal ing themselves in front of the inn. Landlady and little girl appear at inn- door. 5. 'The Alehouse Door.' En graved by R. S. Syer, 1801 (Upright) ... 11x14 Signed. 1792. Two labouring men, the elder one seated with pipe and pot of beer, the younger stand ing and talking to him. Proprietors of Paintings 75 Sargeaunt, John, Burton Latimer, Kettering, Northamptonshire. ' An Evening Landscape.' in, (On wood) ... 9Xii-| Unsigned. Undated. In the fore ground stands a white horse, and behind it a peasant boy seated. Scott, Alex, Queen Mary's House, Jedburgh, N.B. in. ' Winter Scene'... 18x26 Unsigned. Undated. Three sheep in snow near a snowclad tree. Bareheaded lad with bundle of hay. Man with pole. Scott, Col., C. H. S., 17, Eccleston Square, London, S.W. Portrait, said to be of the artist's wife. in. (Oval) ... 25x30 Unsigned. Undated. 76 George Morland Mob cap with blue ribbons. Dark eyes; long dark curl ing hair. White muslin dress, blue sash. Background,blue hill and trees. ScoTT, E. Erskine, Linburn, Kirknewton, Midlothian. ' Interior of a in. Stable' ... 26-|x33 Signed. Undated. Sheffield. {See Mappin Art Gallery.) Smith, H. Haskett, Trowswell, Goudhurst (deceased). I ' Selling Cher- r i es. ' E n- graved by E. in. Bell, 1 801 ... 20x36 Signed. This picture was sold at Christie's, May 9, 1896, for 1 ,000 guineas ; bought by McLean. 2. 'The Death of the Fox.' En- Proprietors of Paintings 11 graved by E. Bell, 1800 ... 3. Landscape, with gipsies round a fire ... , ' Return from Market.' Original En graved by J. R . Smith, 1793 Signed. 1794. Sum offered at Christie's, May 28, 1864, 41 guineas, when the picture was exposed, but bought in. This picture was sold at Christie's, May 9, 1896, for 300 guineas ; bought by Dowdeswell. in. 19X25 This picture was sold at Christie's, May 9, 1896, for 380 guineas; bought by Agnew. in. 25x30 Signed. 1795. Sum offered at Christie's, May 28, 1864, 62 guineas, when the picture was exposed, but bought in. This picture was sold at Christie's, May 9, 1896, for 130 guineas ; bought by Philpot. 78 George Morland 5. ' Temptation.' Original En graved by W. Humphrey, in. 1790 25x30 Signed. 1792. This picture was sold at Christie's, May 9, 1896, for 410 guineas ; bought by Dowdeswell. in. 6. ' The Piggery ' 1 8 x 24 Signed. This picture was sold at Christie's, May 9, 1896, for 320 guineas ; bought by Dowdeswell. Exhibited at Burlington House, 1872. 7. ' The Catas- in. trophe ' ... 20x20 Signed. 1791- Sum offered at Christie's, May 28, 1864, 36 guineas, when the picture was exposed, but bought in. This picture was sold at Christie's, May 9, 1896, for 320 guineas ; bought by Wilson. Exhibitedat Burlington House, 1872. Proprietors of Paintings 79 8, Interior of Stable, with two peasants. dog and don in. key ... 15x20 Sum offered at Christie's, May 28, 1864, 45 guineas, when the picture was exposed, but bought in. This picture was sold at Christie's, May 9, 1896, for 100 guineas ; bought by Price. 9. 'The Wreck in. ers' 41x54 Signed. 1791. Sum offered at Christie's, May 28, 1864, 161 guineas, when the picture was exposed, but bought in. This picture was sold at Christie's, May 9, 1896, for 520 guineas ; bought by Frazer. Exhibited at Burlington House, 1872. 10. ' Fishwife Buy ing Fish on in. Beach' ... 27x35 Signed. 1794- 8o George Morland Sum offered at Christie's, May 28, 1864, 121 guineas, when the picture was exposed, but bought in. This picture was sold at Christie's, May 9, 1896, for 240 guineas. The foregoing details are given to show the advance in the prices of Morlands which has taken place of late years. Mr. Max Michaelis is now owner of ' Temptation,' ' Selling Cherries,' and 'The Death of the Fox.'— R. R. South Kensington National Gallery of British Art. I. ' The Reckon ing.' (Oblong; in. fine) ... 29x39 2. ' Horses in a Stable.' (Ob long) ... 34X46I Signed. 1791. 3. ' Seashore.' Fishermen hauling in a boat. (Oblong; fine) 33|X46i Signed. 1791. Proprietors of Paintings 8i ^. ' Coast Scene.' Boats and figures on the beach. (Panel, in. oblong) ... 8xi2-| Signed, 1792. 5. A Girl seated in a Landscape and fondling a Dove. (Oval) 7f X 9 Signed. 6. 'Valentine's Day ; or Johnny going to the Fair.' En graved by J. Dean, 1787. (Upright, fine) 13-^x18 7. Winter Scene, with woman and donkeys. Sketch. (Panel, upright) ... 5X6| 8. Landscape and cottage, with Said to be a copy of Mr. market cart, Peck's No. 7. dog, etc. (Ob- in. long) ... 16X17I 9. Beach Scene, with boats, boatmen, and 82 George Morland dogs. (Ob- in. long) ... 19IX25I (By or after Mor- A portrait in this gallery by land.) John Russell, R.A., said to be of George Morland, was the subject of letters by Mr. Richardson in the Times of 7 th and 20th November, 1895. He maintained, and Mr. Arthur N. Gilbey sup ported his contention, that it was not a portrait of George Morland, as it bore no re semblance to contemporary portraits of him, such as those by Morland himself, or by his friend T. Rowland- son. A reproduction of Rowlandson's water-colour sketch of Morland forms the frontispiece of Mr. Richardson's ' Life of Mor land.'— R.R. Tennant, Sir Charles, Bart., of The Glen, Innerleithen, N.B. I. 'Children play- Sir Charles Tennant kindly ing at Soldiers.' requested Messrs. Thomas Engraved by G. Agnew and Sons to prepare Keating, 1788. 0^ for the present publication Proprietors of Paintings 83 Painted , for Dean Mark- ham of York. (Canvas) ... Woody land- scape ; other children look- ing on. Ten figures. From the col- lection of Joseph Strutt, Esq., of Derby. this catalogue of his collec tion of Morlands. — R. R. in. 28x35 Unsigned. Undated. Exhibited at the Art Trea sures Exhibition, Manches ter, 1857 (page 94). Although Morland is facile princeps as the English painter of children, none of his paintings of children were exhibited in the recent ' Fair Children ' Exhibition in the Grafton Gallery. (See Peck, No. 12.) Morland's ' Juvenile Navigators ' is represented in an illustration opposite page 19 of Mr. Richardson's book. — R. R. 2. 'Boys robbing an Orchard.' Engraved hy E. Scott, 1790. Four boys have been robbing apples, when a farmer appears with a bull dog. (Canvas.) (Page 48.) in. 27x35 Unsigned. Undated. Exhibited at the Annual Ex hibition of the Glasgow Institute of the Fine Arts in March, 1889 (pages 41 and 48.) 84 George Morland From the Bol- ckow Collec tion. in. 3. 'The Find.' lo^X 15 Unsigned. Undated. A spirited scene Exhibited at the Grosvenor in the hunting- Gallery Exhibition of 'A field. (Canvas.) Century of British Art,' 1888 (page 97). 4. 'Full Cry' ... in. 10^X15 Initialed. Undated. A spirited scene Exhibited at the Grosvenor in the hunting- Gallery Exhibition of ' A field. (Canvas.) Century of British Art,' 1888 (page 97). 5. 'Landscape in. with River' ... 1 2^ X 1 7-| Unsigned. Undated. A horseman going down a road, and a peasant talking to a woman in a red cloak. seated, holding a baby. To the right a man fishing. (Panel, oval. ) Proprietors of Paintings 85 6. Two Donkeys, mare and foal, standing in a landscape. in. (Canvas) ... 10 x 12 7. Landscape with Figures. A stage-coach going down a road. Cattle and a horse in foreground.Sheep on grass to right. (Can vas.) 8. Hilly Land scape, with river and figures. in. (Canvas) ... 12x15 Signed. Undated. 12x16 Signed. 1792. Formerly in Collection of J. H. Anderdon, Esq. Unsigned. Undated. 9. 'Idleness.' Engraved by C. Knight, 1788. (Canvas, oval) 9-^X 11^ Unsigned. Undated. (Described page Exhibited at the Old Masters' 95.) Exhibition, Burlington House, 1885, and at the Grosvenor Gallery Exhibi tion of 'A Century ot British Art,' 1888. 86 George Morland lO. Diligence.' Engraved by C. Knight, 1788. (Canvas, oval) (Described page 96.) in. 9JX 11^ Unsigned. Undated. Exhibited at the Old Masters' Exhibition, Burlington House, 1885, and at the Grosvenor Gallery Exhibi tion of ' A Century of British Art,' 1888. Trotter, Coutts, 17, Charlotte Square, Edinburgh. Farm Stable, with ft. in. ft. two horses ... 2 45- X 3 Unsigned. Undated. A youth sits on (Belonged to Mr. Trotter, of Dreghorn, owner's grand father.) The physiognomies seem rather too refined for G. Morland. — R. R. ground. A girl hands him mug of beer. Turner, Thomas, 42, Norwich. I. Outside an Inn. Man with white • horse in con versation with a woman. (On in. canvas) ... 11 Ixi6 Mill Hill Road, Unsigned. Undated. Proprietors of Paintings 87 in. 2. Three Sheep under stunted Pollard Oak. (On canvas) ... i2X 14-^ Unsigned. Undated. 3. Exterior of a . Farmhouse, with figures, carts and ani mals. (On panel) 4. Coast Scene, with figures. A storm coming up. (On panel) 10JX13 Unsigned. Undated, 11x13 Initialed. Undated. Walker, Rev. George, B.D., The Manse, Castle Douglas, N.B. 'The Nag's Head, or Tooting Inn, Surrey ' On sign, head of black horse with white face. A stable-boy holds a white pony; from which a blue- coated rustic has alighted. in. 28x36 Signed. 1791. 88 George Morland The landlady hangs clothes on a line. Two dogs eye each other. Waller, J. G., 68, Bolsover Street, London, W. Scene outside Cot tage. Farmer in conference with woman and child. Two horses, one white, one bay, held by a youth. A woman hangs out clothes. Oak-tree before in. cottage ... 18^x24 Signed. Undated. Walling, John, 24, Holland Road, New Brighton, Cheshire. ' The Country Butcher.' En graved by T. Gosse, 1802, and W. Bar nard, I 8 I o. (Painted on Proprietors of Paintings 89 mahogany or in. teak) ... 1 6|^ X 2 1 Signed. Date indistinct. Wallis & Son, i 20, Pall Mall, London, S.W. in. 'The Storm.' 28x36 Signed. 'A Gipsy Camp ' ... 1 8 x 24 Signed. 3. 'Winter' ... 25x30 Signed. 4. ' The Stage- Coachman ' ... 12x15 Signed. 5. 'The Shep herd' ... 25x30 Signed. 6. 'The Shep herd' ... iifxi5 Signed. I793- ' The Gentle Art' 10x12 Initialed. ' Sheltering from the Storm' ... 12x14 Unsigned. A man holding on his hat, and mounted on a ^ sketch for this painting was rough white sold at Dowell's, Edinburgh, pony, takes November 14, 1896.-R.R. shelter under an oak - tree, be- 90 George Morland neath which are seated a woman in a red cloak, with a basket on her left arm, and a little boy dressed in a blue coat and wear ing a Scotch blue bonnet. Warren, E. B., 2013, Spruce Street, Phila delphia, U.S.A. 'A Storm.' (Fine in. oil painting) ... 34x45^ Signed. Undated. Sold by Lord North's Trustees to Mr. L. C. Delmonico, New York, through Messrs. Agnew and Sons, London, and acquired by Mr. Warren, October, 1895. Washington, U.S.A. {See Corcoran.) White, Lieut.-Col., F. A., Castor House, Northampton. 1. 'Boys Bathing.' Engraved by E. Scott, 1 804. in. (Canvas) ... 26x35 Unsigned. Undated, Proprietors of Paintings 91 2. 'Blind Man's Buff.' En graved by W. Ward, 1788. (Canvas) 3. 'Children Birdnesting.' Engraved by W. Ward, 1789. (Can vas) ... 4. 'Juvenile Na vigators.' En graved by W. Ward, 1789. (Canvas) in. 26x35 Unsigned. Undated. 24 X 30 Unsigned. Undated. 24 X 30 Unsigned. Undated. No. 4 forms an illustration opposite page 19 of Mr. Richardson's work on Mor land. Whitehead, T., Down's House, Cedars Road, Clapham, London. ' The Fisherman.' (Never en- in. graved) ... 20x26 Williams, Romer, 58, Great Cumberland Place, Hyde Park, London, W. in. 1. 'The Bell Inn' 15X18 92 George Morland Outside inn. Landscape. Horses, one white. Figures reclining on seat round a tree in front of inn- door. 2. ' Youth divert ing Age.' En graved by J. (Described page 99.) Grozer, 1789 in. and 1794 ... I i^X 14 3. ' The Startled Milkmaid' ... I2XI4-| Young milk maid sits by cow with over turned milk- pail, she being startled by young man coming up sud denly behind her. {En graved. ) WoLSELEY, Field-Marshal the Right Honourable the Viscount, etc., War Office, London. Several drawings by G. Morland. Proprietors of Paintings 93 Wolverhampton Art Gallery. ' The Coming Storm ' (Isle of Wight). Wood, Edward Collins, Keithwick, Coupar Angus, N.B. ' The Comforts of Industry.' Engraved by H. Hudson, 1790 'The Miseries of Idleness.' Engraved by H. Hudson, 1790 in. I2X 15 Unsigned. 12x15 Unsigned. Presented by George Morland to Mr. Wood's grandfather, E. Collins, Esq., of Maize Hill, Greenwich. II. PROPRIETORS OF ENGRAVED PAINTINGS BY GEORGE MORLAND, WITH TITLES, ENGRAVERS, AND DATES OF PUBLICA TION OF ENGRAVINGS. {The Proprietors^ Addresses are given in preceding Alphabetical Index I,) PROPRIETOR. TITLE OF PICTURE. ENGRAVED BY Abraham, W.)c. i j -n • fW. Bond, ' Jbhepherds Reposing. J Armitage, B. The Wood Cutter. ] ' ' I 1792. Ashton, Mrs. ("^^^^ Sportsman'srW . Ward, ( Return. [ 1792. Barratt,T.J. Belinda. Burrows, 1794. Do. The Pledge of Love. I ' ' Do. Caroline of Lichtfeld. J. R. Smith. Proprietors of Engraved Paintings 95 PROPRIETOR. TITLE OF PICTURE. ENGRAVED BY rW. Ward, Barratt, T.J. Constancy. \ „„ fThe Shepherd'sfJ. R. Smith, Barton, C.A.| j^^^j | ^g^^^ fW . Ward, Do. The Carrier's Stable. I „ ^ i 1792- Blathwayt, ¦". ^ , ^ , fF. D. Soiron, Ti Ti fSt. lames s Park. \ ,„ ^ Rev. R. j •' y 1790. fW. Ward, Boyes, E. The Shepherds, i ^o^^:^ f W . Ward, Do. The Thatcher. j ^g g Coats, Sir T.l ,^, ., , /Apple ton. Glen. ^Portraits of Children. | ^§96. Collins, Er-I „ , x,- JJ- R- ^"^^*^' I Peasant and Pigs. \ n NEST. ( I i^°3- /W . Ward, 1806. Rabbits. j_ ^_ 5^.^j^^ I 1807. T. Gaugain, 1789. W. Ward, Do. Guinea Pigs. I ^g^g^ J. R. Smith, 1807. rW . Ward, Daniel, G. A. The Hard Bargain. | ^ g^^ !r o s s E, E.l Meredith. J 96 George Morland PROPRIETOR Dowdeswell TITLE OF PICTURE. ENGRAVED BY owdeswell"! (cj' Dowdes- V Smugglers. y well. j ames Ward, 793- Do. Morland's Summer, ("Evening ; or. The (W. •1 I W. Barnard, 802. ^^^^^' ^- ^- { Postboy's Retur'n;}!^-^'-"^^'^ 796. Egerton, J. M. J. R. Smith, ( Selling Fish. P' ^' I ^ 1 1799- rw Fleming, J. The Turnpike Gate. ] W. Ward 806. Gilbey, Sir! Walter. [Partridge Shooting.-j T.Rowlandson, Do. Do.Do. Do.Do.Do. Pheasant Shooting. J '° ' Setters. f W . Ward, 1 1 806. fThe Weary Sports- \ man. The Dram. |w. Bond, 1805. ¦|W. |W. Ward, [796. 'The Effects of Youthfiil Extra vagance and Idle ness. 'Innocents Alarm'd ;] or, The Flash in the Pan. W. Ward, 1789. J. R. Smith, jun., 1803. Proprietors of Engraved Paintings 97 PROPRIETOR. TITLE OF PICTURE. ENGRAVED BY. Hamilton, Sir"! .,.,,. . , t^ ^ ,- P P 1^ Ale House Kitchen. R.S.Syer, 1801. Hatherley,) fj. R. Smith, ^ I Peasant and Pigs. | ^g^^_ fW. Ward, Hogarth, D. Gipsies. \ HoLLOWAYl,. , „.„^ fW. Ward, \ Tack in the Buboes. llege. j •* College fThe Contented °' \ Waterman. 1790 ; and R. Clamp, V 1797. Huth, C. F.l Visit to the Child at jW . Ward, (the late) Nurse. 1 1788. Do. Partridge Shooting.") T.Rowlandson, Do. Pheasant Shooting, f 1790. [Morning ; or, The| Huth, Louis. ] Higlers Prepar-lD. Orme, 1796. i ing for Market. J IcHENHAUSER,) ^, ^,.,, _ , [ The Village Pump. The Charcoal fThe C: ^°- 1 Burners, The Sketch, \ 1895- Knight, J. W. The Gipsies' Tent. J. Grozer, 179 3. rw. Ward, Do. The Turnpike Gate.j ^g^g J. R. Smith, Do. The Horse Feeder. , '¦ lyy 98 George Morland PROPRIETOR. TITLE OF PICTURE. ENGRAVED BY T. Gaugain, 1789; W. Lowther,^ _ . _. xtt j o ,^ Ca t F I Guinea Pigs. Ward, 1806; P ¦ ¦ ^ and J. R. Smith, 1807. . (T. Gaugain, Do. Dancing Dogs. 1 x^ T^ , ^. fJ- R- Smith, Mather, Dr. Peasant and Pisfs. V ° [ 1803. McClintock,) „ . , ^ fS. W. Rey- Major. |PayingtheHorseler.| ^^j^^^ ^g^^_ fThe PublichousefW . Ward, 1 Door. I 1801. ^ „. . rw. Ward, Do. Gipsies. { { 1792. Do. Peasant and Pigs, i ' ' ^ ' ^ 1 1803. Michaelis,} . (W.Humphrey, Max. I Temptation. { ^^^J Do. Selling Cherries. E. Bell, 1801. ^^ /The Death of theU. Wright, 1 Fox. j 1794. National") /- rW Ward Gallery, [The Farmer's Stable. J ' ' London. ) 1 ^792. Oldham, J. The Woodcutter. \ ' ^ *" ' I 1792. T, T ^. . rw. Ward, Paton, James. Gipsies. 1 ^ I 1792. Proprietors of Engraved Paintings 99 PROPRIETOR. TITLE OF PICTURE. ENGRAVED BY W. Hilton. Peck, G. Fishermen Ashore. , „ r i8o6. fW. ¦I li W. Ward, Do. The Woodcutter. . 1792 Do r-. . |W. \\ ^^P^'^^- 1 1792. W. Ward, 792 Do. Children Fishing. P. Dawe, 1788. _ . fT. Gaugain, Do. Louisa. \ o I 1789- /The Labourer's! . 1 Luncheon. f' J°^'' ^797- Do. Phillips, Rev. Canon. \ Full Cry. 1824. Do. 'Friend.' W. Ward, f Watering the Cart] J. R. Smith, Rawlinson, J.j ^^^^^ | ^^^^^ Richardson,) „ , „. /J. R. Smith, Ralph. j Peasant and Pigs. | ^3^3 Do. Full Cry, 1824. Rutherfurd,) ^, ^. . , ^ t /- M- The Gipsies' Tent. J.Grozer,i793. /R. S. Syer, Salting, G. The Alehouse Door.j ^g^^ Smith, H.-i H A s K E T T [ Selling Cherries, E. Bell, 1 801 . (the late). ^ 7—2 loo George Morland PROPRIETOR. TITLE OF PICTURE. ENGRAVED BY Smith, H. Haskett (the late). The Death of thel„ „ .. 1800. Fox. h B'"' Do. Temptation. jW- Humphrey, ^ I 1790. South Ken-' S 1 N G t o N Museum. Do. Return from Market. -i*** ' ' 1793- Hu 79c Valentine's Day. J. Dean, 1787. Tennant, SirlBoys Robbing an/ Charles. j Orchard. |E. Scott, 1790. /Children Playing/G. Keating, I at Soldiers. I 1788. T^ T,. fC. Knight, Do. Idleness. | ^^gg ^ T>, ^.,. fC. Knight, Do. Diligence. | ^^gg_ ^ T. Gosse, 1802; and W. Bar nard, 1810. White, Lieut.- f t> t> ... • t- c C 1 F A I "^^ Bathing. E. Scott, 1804. TTT T fThe Country Walling, J. | ^^^^^^^^ V Do. Blind Man's BufF. (^ " ^ ^ ^ I 1788. 78i /Children Bird-nest-1 W . Ward, 1 ing- J 1789. Do. Juvenile Navigators.] W. Ward, 1789. Proprietors of Engraved Paintings loi PROPRIETOR. TITLE OF PICTURE. ENGRAVED BY .„ , ,. • {]• Grozer, ^ (Youth diverting „ , Williams, R. j . ^-^ 1789 and /The Startled Milk- i maid. /The Comforts of/H. Hudson, ' ¦ ¦ I Industry. 1 1790. /The Miseries of/H, Hudson, I Idleness. I 1790. III. INDEX TO LOCALITIES WHERE PROPRIETORS OF PAINTINGS BY GEORGE MORLAND RESIDE. The Paintings will be found under Proprietors^ names in preceding Alphabetical Index I. PROPRIETOR. Bath ... Birmingham ... Blandford BrightonBridgwater ... Burton Latimer CalcuttaCastle Douglas, N.B. Castor Ho, North ampton Dawlish, Devon Dover...Dublin Peynton. Birmingham Art Gallery. Platt. Baker. Hatherley. Read. Blathwayt. Sargeaunt. Asiatic Society. Walker. White. Drake. Blaythwayt. National Gallery. Index to Localities 103 LOCALITY. PROPRIETOR. DuiNO, Austria Hohenlohe. Dundee Hogarth. Edinburgh National Gallery. Richardson. Trotter. Egham Holloway College. Elsenham, Essex Gilbey. Emsworth, Hants ... Mee. Frome, Somerset Daniel. Glasgow Glasgow Corporation Galleries. Mather. Paton. Rutherfurd. Goudhurst Smith. Grange-over-Sands, Lancashire Beardsley. Halifax Blackburn. Hastings Orton. Hawkhurst ... Huth. Hillsborough, Ire land McClintock. Jedburgh, N.B. Scott. Keithwick, Coupar Angus, N.B. Wood. Leicester Leicester Art Gallery. Linburn, Kirknewton, N.B Scott. Liverpool Anderson. Flamank. Oldham. Rawlinson. Revell. Ridpath. London Abraham. Barratt. Bar ton. Birch. Boussod. Collins. Cornish. I04 George Morland PROPRIETOR. Manchester ... Murieston, Mid Calder, N.B. New Brighton, Che shire Newcastle-on-Tyne New York Norwich Oxted, Surrey PaisleyParis ... Philadelphia, U.S.A St. Albans Dowdeswell. De Courcelles. Fine Art Society. Fleming. Hamilton. Hawkins. Hogg. Ichenhauser. Knight. Lawrie. Lowther. Montagu. Morland. National Gallery. Nathan. Orrock. Peck. Roe. Salting. Scott. South Kensington Museum. Tennant. Waller. Wallis. Whitehead. Williams. Wolseley. Armitage. Boyes. Man chester Art Gallery. Chancellor.Walling.Birkett. Hearn. Metropolitan Museum. Turner. Michaelis. Coats. Louvre. Warren. Crosse. Index to Localities 105 LOCALITY. PROPRIETOR. Sheffield ... ... Baker. Kelley. Mappin Art Gallery. Southport, Lanca shire ... ... Mawson. Stoke d'Abernon, Surrey ... ... Phillips. Torquay ... ... Egerton. Victoria, British Co lumbia ... ... Joule. Washington, U.S.A. Corcoran Gallery. Weobly ... ... Marshall. Wolverhampton ... Wolverhampton Art Gallery. Woolton, Lancashire Ashton. Recently Published by Mr. Elliot Stock, in handsome demy %vo,, printed tastefully on antique paper , with 6 full-page illustrations, price Js, 6d, George Morland, Painter, London, 1763-1804. "B^LFK %ICB<^'RJ)SO^, F.%,S.S. are WHILST George Morland's pictures familiar and highly esteemed wherever true Art is appreciated, very little is known by modern readers of the Artist himself, although he is one of the founders and glories of the British School of Painting, and although he had a most extraordinary career. The dearth of anything but superficial information regarding this great Painter called for the publication of a short authentic Life and an analysis of his works. The author of the present volume has, after many years' study, produced such a Biography and analysis ; and they are now submitted to the reading public in the belief that they will furnish accurate and much-needed information to those who are interested in the works of George Morland, and desire to appreciate his place in English art. Mr. Richardson in his Preface remarks : If the celebrity of a man at his death may be gauged by the number of biographies of him which then make their appear ance, George Morland must have died famous. No fewer than four ' Lives ' of the artist appeared shortly after his death, written respectively by William Collins (1805), F. W. Blagdon (1806), J. Hassell (1806), and George Dawe, R.A. (1807). All four may be consulted in the British Museum, but will with difficulty be met with elsewhere. In these circumstances, a new biography seems at least permissible, more particularly as George Morland still remains a famous man and numbers a greater multitude of admirers than ever. His pictures somehow appeal to the English people as no others do — perhaps because he was so thorough an Englishman himself, and because he painted English subjects in a way no man ever did before or has done since. In the following Life, the biography by George Dawe, R.A., is chiefly relied on, both because it was written by an intimate friend of Morland and the Morland family, and because it is by an artist of some standing and knowledge. No attempt in Dawe's biography, or in these pages, is made to extenuate George Morland's faults, but the reader will be gratified to learn that the artist's life, which is invariably depicted by recent writers in such dark colours, possessed many good features. Like his contemporary Robert Burns, George Morland may lay claim to that gentle forbearance which, in consideration 01 sterling work performed, ought always to be extended to genius. In an Appendix will be found a great deal of material, never yet published, not only illustrative of the life of Morland, but also, the author trusts, likely to be of interest and value to the collector and connoisseur. The scope and plan of the volume will be seen from the following consecutive divisions of its con tents, viz, : Introductory. Morland's Birth and Boyhood. Early Life in London and Margate. A Trip to France and Marriage. Camden Town, and Morland's Earlier Paintings and Prints. Paddington Glory, and Disaster. Leicestershire, and Charlotte Street, Fitzroy Square. London Hiding Places, and the Isle of Wight. ' Alas, Poor Yorick !' Besides flirnishing a comprehensive Life of Mor land and a detailed analysis of his works, the volume contains special information, never before published, which will be of the utmost service to students, as well as to collectors, of Morland Paintings and Engravings. This is given in an appendix as follows : PART I, — Paintings by George Morland. A. — Paintings by George Morland exhibited publicly IN Great Britain. B. — How Morland signed His Pictures. C. — Critical Remarks on the Works of George Mor land. By George Dawe, R.A. D. — List of Oil Paintings and some Drawings by (or attributed to) George Morland, sold by Messrs. Christie, Manson and Woods, London, from 1888 to 1892 inclusive, with the prices obtained. PART II. — Engravings after George Morland. A. — Engravings after Paintings, or Sketches, by George Morland, in the Print Room of the British Museum. (369 Engravings Specified.) B. — Chronological Catalogue of Engravings, Etchings, etc., after George Morland, showing the Years of their Publication, etc. C. — Engravings sold by Messrs. Sotheby, Wilkinson and Hodge, Dec. 20th, 1894, with the Prices obtained. Index to the Engravers of the Works of George Morland. (68 Engravers Specified.) Full-page specimens of five of the most celebrated of Morland's pictures are given, and Rowlandson's clever sketch of George Morland furnishes a Frontis piece. The volume is tastefully printed on antique paper with rough edges, and is appropriately bound in art linen. PRESS NOTICES OF Mr, RICHARDSON'S LIFE AND WORKS of GEORGE MORLAND. ' Without being unduly ambitious, yet having an excellent spirit throughout, the new life of " George Morland," by Ralph Richardson, can be accepted as the present-day attitude towards this celebrated painter. It is much more than a resume from other writers' works, for it contains considerable original matter and is altogether a very satisfactory biography.' — Art "Journal, ' The biography, containing a comprehensive study of Mor land's method and criticisms, either original or drawn from other sources, together with notes on many of the painter's principal works, is an excellent book of its kind, which many lovers of English Art will read with great interest. The volume has also an expressive portrait of Morland from the water-colour sketch by T. Rowlandson, and several illustrations taken from engravings of his most noted pictures.' — Morning Post, ' Morland's life, as recounted in these pages, reads almost like an adventurous romance, and ever linked with his turbulent, not to say drunken, mood was that bright spirit of generosity, foolishly dispensed at many times, no doubt, but nevertheless denoting that in spite of all his faults Morland had a kind heart. . . . The volume contains a very useful appendix as well as full-page illustrations of five of Morland's pictures. The frontis piece is from a water-colour sketch by T. Rowlandson, and its production, in common with the book as a whole, is excellent.' — Public Opinion, ' Mr. Ralph Richardson's little book, " George Morland, Painter, London (1763 — 1804) (Stock)," is sure of a welcome, of which, it seems to me, it is as deserving on account of its treatment as of its theme.' — Realm. ' Mr. Richardson writes not only with sympathy but with knowledge ; his method is simple and intelligible ; he is concise in statement ; and he contributes a number of valuable appen dices dealing with Morland's works and the engravings based upon them.' — Globe, ' An indispensable volume to painters and their patrons. . . . The get-up of the volume and its admirable illustrations deserve a special word of praise.' — Tie Studio, ' The facts of Morland's life as brought out in this volume tend to raise the estimate of his personal character ; but they go to show how hopelessly he was doomed to those troubles which beset the impulsive and improvident.' — Birmingham Daily Post, ' Whilst of special value to the student and the connoisseur, will also interest the reader.' — Yorkshire Post, ' The story of the painter'o extraordinary career is adequately and sympathetically told.' — Bookman. ' This is a very appreciative and affectionate sketch of Mor land's life and his extraordinary gift of rapid drawing. Mr. Richardson does not attempt to gloss over Morland's faults and the reckless way in which he ruined a valuable life, but relates Morland's vicissitudes, his hand-to-mouth style of living, and his fatal weakness, simply.' — Spectator. ' Mr. Richardson has done his work well and succinctly. Morland, he admits, had little excuse for his faults, save that he was probably not wisely brought up, and that the habits of the times were bad. The information given in the appendices is valuable, and concerns the fortunes of Morland's works. Mr. Richardson has done his best to fix their dates, and has given a list, so far as known, of those which have been engraved. . . . This new biography appears in an excellent form and is illus trated with copies of some of Morland's best known works.' — Scottish Review. ' There are certainly valid excuses for writing such a book as a new life of George Morland. Chief among them should be, one naturally conceives, the establishment, by internal evidence, of " a call " founded on the writer's possessing an equipment superior to that owned by other biographers.' — National Observer. ' The facts of the artist's career are graphically told, and the appreciation of his work, which is illustrated by six excellent plates, is judicious. The information in the appendix is valuable as new, and is certain to be prized by all lovers of art.' — Black and White. ' Well written, and exceedingly interesting.' — Echo. ' In the memoir Mr. Richardson is able to bring more light into the picture than his predecessors have done. Will be especially useful to Morland collectors. The pages of the volume abound in anecdotes.' — Daily News. ' Collectors and connoisseurs owe Mr. Richardson a debt of gratitude for his lists both of Morland's works and engravings after them. We can cordially recommend his book both as giving on the whole a just and sane estimate of an erratic man of genius, and as containing a great deal of curious and interest ing information about bygone manners and customs.' — West minster Gazette. 3 9002 08867 2531 j^ -!"*-,. V-kr^i- Ilia- " fP-4 ^ ^ il^ O-^ jS JSP I- *J"^ 'V*'t ¦^'t *!# , ^tF' I .'' d -"^ . K. , 1 ''¦' ^'C t ^ -<¦ fi 4b "l. 1 ' 1 1 -A '^f i.V'.t ' i' i t" 1 i \'i,fi]ii".;/iVJ