¦ //¦ 0- y FROM THE LIBRARY OF JOHN WHITEHEAD 1850-1930 PRESENTED TO YaAe Uvi\vey&\lv UiVxav^ BY HIS HEIRS BOOK OF DOCTRINE, CONTAINING SUMMARIES OF DOCTRINE, FROM THE WRITINGS OF THE CHURCH. Philadelphia : ACADEMY BOOK ROOM, 1821 Wallace St. 1896. Bg4 R«>^ PREFACE. This Book of Doctrine has been prepared, in order that the entire Doctrine and Theology of the Ne-vv Church might be jaut together in a summary form, for the uses of reading, study, instruction, and worshij). The use of such a Book in the -worship of the Church has been specially in vie-w ; a few of the passages have therefore been abridged, or not literally transcribed ; and where the general introductory statements have been -wanting in the text, they have been supplied from elsewhere. The Summaries in this Book are taken bodily from the Writings, with the exception of the two on Conscience and Perception ; these have been put together from various jjarts of the ^^^ritings. It was the original intention to treat other subjects in tho same way, but it soon became evident that such a 4 PEE FACE. course would swell this work to a greater size than necessary and convenient for present use ; this how ever may be done in a separate work in the future, if the need of such a work should appear. The Index has been prepared especially with a view to a comparison of passages, for the sake of study and meditation. CONTENTS. PAGE I. The Faith op the New Heaven and New Church. 1. The Faith in a Universal and Singular Form, 13 2. The Faith in a Universal Idea, 17 3. The Faith in a Simple Form, . . 18 4. A Summary of the Faith of the New Church, 19 5. A Summary of the Faith of the Old Church, . 20 II. The Commandments. 1. The Universal Law of Life, 22 2. Love to God and the Neighbor, 23 3. Evils to be removed as Sins, 25 4. Nothing more Holy, . . .27 III. A SummjVby Exposition of the Doctrine or the New Church. 1. A Doctrine of Faith and Life, 30 2. Imputation, .... .... 35 IV. Universal Theology of the New Church. 1. The Unity of God, 37 2. The Divine Esse, -which is Jehovah, .... 38 3. The Infinity of God, . . . . . . 39 4. The Essence of God, which is the Divine Love and the Divine Wisdom, 40 5 Q CONTENTS PAGE 5. The Omnipotence, Omniscience, and Omni presence of God, . ' . 41 6. The Creation, . . . . 42 7. The Lord the Redeemer, .... 44 8. Eedemption, . ... 45 9. The Holy Spirit, ... 46 10. The Divine Trinity, 47 11. The Sacred Scripture, ... .... 49 12. Faith, 52 13. Charity and Good Works, 56 14. Free Will, 58 15. Repentance, ¦ 60 16. Reformation and Regeneration, 61 17. Imputation, 63 18. Baptism, . . 64 19. The Holy Supper, . ... 65 20. The Advent of the Lord, 67 V. Summaries of the Coronis, or Appendix to the UxivEHSAL Theology. 1. Consummation of the Old Church, and Insti tution of the New, . 69 2. Redemption, 76 VI. The Four Doctrines. 1. The Lord, 78 2. The Sacred Scripture, 79 3. Life, . 81 4. Faith, 83 VII. The Canons of the New Church. 1. Prologue to the Canons, 85 CONTEXT.S. 7 PAGK 2. God the Creator, , 86 3. The Unity of God, 87 4. The Divine Esse, . . ... 89 5. The Infinity and Eternity of God, . . 90 6. The Creation of the Universe, ... 92 7. Love and Wisdom in God, 94 8. Cireation from Divine Love by Divine Wisdom, 95 9. The End of Creation, . . . 97 10. Omnipotence, Omniscience, and Omnipres ence, . . 100 11. God the Redeemer, Jesus Christ, . . . 103 12. The Divine Love and Wisdom, 103 13. The Assumption of the Human, ... . 105 14. The AVord made flesh, . . . . . 106 15. The Holy Spirit and the Power of the Highest, 107 16. The Son of God, . . . 108 17. Exinanition and Glorification, . . 109 18. The Temptations of the Lord, . . Ill 19. The Glorified Human, . 112 20. Glorification successive, 114 21. The Divine and the Human in one Person, . 115 22. Redemption, . . 116 23. The Successive Decline of the Church, . 117 24. The End of the Church, 119 25. The Increase of Evil, . . .121 26. Described in the Word, . . 122 27. Imminent Damnation, • . 123 28. Redemption of Men and Angels, . 124 29. Redemption to Eternity, . ... 125 30. Redemption by God Incarnate, . . 129 31. The Holy Sphit, 131 8 CONTENTS. PAGE 32. The Divine proceeding, 132 33. The Holy Spirit in its essence God, 134 34. Passes through Heaven to men, .... 135 35. By men to men, . 136 36. The Holy Spirit is the Word, 137 37. The Divine Trinity, 139 38. The Trinity in general, 140 39. Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, . . .142 40. Three Essentials of one God, . . . 144 41. No Trinity before the Creation, . . . 146 42. The Trinity after Creation, . . .148 43. The Trinity of God in one Person, ... 150 44. Falsification of the Word, 154 45. Affliction and Desolation of the Church, . 156 46. The Rise of a New Church, 158 VIII. The Last Judgment, . ....... . . 162 IX. Influx, or the Intercourse of the Soul and the Body, 164 X. The Divine Love and Wisdom. 1. God, . . . 167 2. The Spiritual Sun, 168 3. Degrees, 170 4. The Creation, 174 5. The Creation of Man, 177 XI. The Divine Providence. 1. The Divine Government, 182 2. The End of the Divine Providence, . . . 184 3. The Infinite and the Eternal, 184 (XtySTEXTS. 9 PAGE 4. Freedom and R^'ason, . . . 185 5. The Remo\al of Evil by means of IMan, . 187 6. No Compulsion in the things of Religion, 188 7. The Appearance that jMan leads and teaches . himself, . . .190 8. Man not sensible of the operation of Provi dence, . . 191 9. Human Prudence, . . 192 10. Things Eternal and things Temporal, . 193 11. Profanation, . . . .... .196 12. The Laws of Permission, . . . 199 13. The Permission of Evil, 204 14. The Divine Providence universal, 206 15. Tire Appropriation of Good and Evil, . . . 207 16. Predestination, 210 17. The Lord cannot act against His Divine Law, . 212 XII. CoNJUGiAL Love. 1. Marriage in Heaven, . 214 2. The State of Consorts after Death, . 215 3, Love truly Conjugial, . . . 216 4. The Origin of Conjugial Love, . . 218 5. The jNIarriage of the Lord and the Church, 219 6. The Chaste and the non-Chaste, ... 221 7. Conjunction of Souls and Minds by Marriage, . 223 8. Change of State of life, -with Men and Women by Marriage, 226 9. Universals concerning ^Marriages, . . 228 10. Causes of Cohl, Separation, and Divorce, . 231 11. Causes of apparent Love, Friendship, and Favor in Marriage, . 233 10 CONTENTS. PAGE 12. Betrothals aud Nuptials, .... 235 13. Repeated Marriages, . .... .... 238 14. Polygamy, . 239 15. Jealousy, . . . 241 16. Conjugial Love aud the Love of Infants, • • 243 17. Scortatory Love, . . ... . . 245 18. Fornication, ... . 247 19. Concubinage, . 249 20. Adulteries, and their Kinds and Degreee . . . 250 XIII. Charity. 1. The First thing of Charity, . . 253 2. The Second thing of Charity, . . . 2.54 3. The Neighbor in the spiritual idea, . . 255 4. The Neighbor in the strict and wide sense, 256 5. Man the subject of Charity, 256 0. Use, . 257 7. How man becomes a form of Charity, 258 8. The Signs of Charity, 259 XIV. Sumjfaries from the Arcana Cuolestia. 1. The Celestial Man, the Spiritual Man, and the Dead j\Ian, . . . 261 2. Vastation, . . 262 3. The Spiritual World, . . . 263 4. Appearances, . . , 264 5. Appearances of Truth, . 2fl(i 6. Fallacies of the Senses, . . 2G7 7. Why the Lord was born on our earth, . . 2(19 8. Conjuiirlion of the Angelic Societies in heaven, 271 9. The Internal of the Word, of the Church, and of Worship, 272 CONTENTS. 11 page XV. Summaries prom the Apocalypse' Explained. 1. Doctrine, . ... 274 2. The Divine Power, . 275 3. La-R's of Divine Providence, . 275 4. The Understanding and Will, 279 5. Nature, . . .281 6. The Omnipresence and Omniscience of God, . .282 7. The Divine Love, .... 284 8. The Divine Wisdom, . . 286 I. Formation of Man in the Womb, . . 287 II. Conjunctionof the Body and Spirit of Man, 288 III. No Angel or Spirit, not born a Man, . . 289 IV. Conjunction reciprocal, . . ... 290 V. Love and Wisdom in Charity and Faith, . 291 VI. The Lord animates all things even to Ultimates, . . . . 292 XVI. Conscience, 294 XVII. Perception, 297 THE FAITH OF THE NEW HEAVEN AND NEW CHURCIT. THE FAITH IN A UNIVERSAL AND SINGULAR FORM. It is said, the Faith of the Neiu Heaven and of the New Church, because Heaven lohere angels are, and the Church in which men are, make one, as the internal and e.viernal with man. In the Netv Heaven, which the lord is at this day establishing, this Faith is its face, gate and summary. 1. The FAITH OF THE NE^W HEAVEN AND NEW CHURCH IN THE UNIVERSAL FORM, is this : The Lord from eternity, who is Jehovah, came into the worki, to subjugate the Hells and glorify His Human ; and without this, no mortal could have been saved ; and they are saved who believe in Him. It is said in the universal form, because this is the universal of faith, and the universal of faith is that which must be in all and single things. It is 13 14 THE FAITH. a universal of faith, that God is one in Essence and in Person, in wliom is the Divine Trinity, and that the Lord God the Saviour Jesus Christ is that God. It is a universal of faith, that no mortal could have been saved, unless the Lord had come into the world. It is a universal of faith, that He came into tlie world to remove Hell from man, and that He removed it, by combats against it and victories over it ; thus He subjugated it, and reduced it to order, and under obedience to Himself. It is a universal of faith, that He came into the world, to glorif}' His Human, which He took on in the world, that is, unite it to the Divine from Which ; thus He holds Hell in order, and under obedience, to eternity. Since this could not have been done, except by temptations admitted into His Human, even to the last of them, and the last of them was the Passion of the Cross, therefore He underwent that. These are the universals of faith concerning the Lord. The universal of faith on the part of man is, that he believe in the Lord, for by believing in Him conjunction with Him is effected, by which is salvation. To believe in Him is to have confi dence that He saves ; and because no one can have confidence but he that lives well, therefore this also is understood by believing in Him. This the Lord also says in John : " Tins is the will of the Father, that every one who bclievetJi in THE FAITH. 1.5 the Son may Jiave eternal life" (vi, 40). "He that believeth in the Son, hath eternal life; bid lie that believeth not the Son, sliull not see life, but the ivrath of God remaineth on Jiim" (iii, 36). 2. The faith of the new heaven and new CHURCH IN the SINGULAR FORM is tllis : JollOVall God is Love Itself aud AVisdom Itself, or Good Itself and Truth Itself, aud ITe, as to the Divine Truth, which is the AVord and which was God with God, descended and assumed the LIuman, that He might reduce to order all things which were in Heaven, and all things which were in Hell, and all things which wore in the Church ; since the power of Llell then prevailed over the power of Heaven, and on earth the power of evil over the jsower of good, and hence a total dam nation stood before the doors and tlireatened. This impending damnation Jehovah God took away by His Human, which was the Divine Truth, and thus redeemed angels and men: and afterward in His Human He united the Divine Truth to the Divine Good, or the Divine AVisdom to the Divine Love, and thus returned into His Divine, in which He was from eternity, together with and in the glorified Human. These things are understood by this in .John : " The Word luas with God, and God tuas the Word : and the Word was made flesh " (i, 1, 14,) and in the same : "I 16 THE FAITH. went forth from the Fatlier, and came into the world : again I leave the world, and go unto the Father" (xvi, 28) ; and further by this : " We knoiu that the Son of God hath come, and hath given us un derstanding, that lue may knmo th.e truth, and we are in the truth, in His Son Jesus Christ. He is tlie true God and eternal Life " (John I Epist. v, 20, 21). From these things it is evident, that without the coming of the Lord into the world, no one could have been saved. It is similar at this day; wherefore, unless the Lord come again into the world in the Divine Truth, which is the Word, neither can any one be saved. The singulars of faith on the part of man are, God is One, in AAHiom is the Divine Trinity, and He is the Lord God the Saviour Jesus Christ. Saving faith is to believe in Him. Evils are not to be done, because they are of the devil and from the devil. Goods are to be done, because they are of God aud from God. And these are to be done by man as from him self ; but it is to be believed that they are from the Lord with him and through him. The first and socoi-id are of faith, the third and fourth are of charity, and the fifth is of the con junction of charity and faith, thus of the Lord and man (T. C. R. n. 2, ,3). THE FAITH. 17 the faith in a universal idea. The faith of the new heaven and the NEW church in the UNIVERSAL IDEA is this : The Lord from eternity, who is Jehovah, came into the world, to subjugate the Hells and glorify His Human ; and without this no mortal could have been saved; and they are saved who be lieve in Him. It is said in the universal idea, because this is the universal of faith, and the universal of faith is that which must be in all and single things. It is a universal of faith, that God is one in Per son and in Essence, in whom is the Trinity, and that the Lord is that God. It is a universal of faith, that no mortal could have been saved, un less the Lord had come into the world. It is a universal of faith, that He came into the world to remove Hell from man, and that He removed it, by combats against it and victories over it; thus He subjugated it, and reduced it to order, and under obedience to Himself. It is a univer sal of faith, that He came into the world, to glorify His Human, which He took on in the world, that is, unite it to the Divine from Which ; thus He holds Hell in order, and under obedi ence, to eternity. Since this could not have been 18 THE FAITH. done, except by temptations, even to the last of them, and the last of them was the Passion of the Cross, therefore He underwent that. These are the universals of faith concerning the Lord. The universal of faith on the part of man is, that he believe in the Lord, for by believing in Him conjunction with Him is effected, by which is salvation. To believe in Him is to have confi dence that He saves ; and since no one can have confidence, but he that lives well, therefore this also is understood by believing in Him {A. R. n. 67). 3. THE FAITH IN A SIMPLE FORM. Faith Ih'uly Saving is Faith in the Lord God the Saviour Jesus Christ. There is one God, in whom is the Divine Trinity, and He is the Lord Jesus Christ. Saving faith is to believe in Plim. Evils are to be shunned, because they are of the devil, and from the devil. Goods are to be done, because they are of God, and from God. And these are to be done by man as from him self; but it is to be beheved that they are from the Lord with him and through him {S. E. n. 43). These are the five precepts of regeneration for the New Church {S. E. u. 111). TIIE FAITH. 19 A SUMMARY OP THE FAITH OF THE NEW CHURCH. The origin of the Faith of the New Church is spiritual, which is, by going to the Lord, learning truths from the Word, and living according to them. The Esse of the Faith of the New Church is. Confidence in the Lord God the Saviour Jesus Christ. Trust that he who lives well, and believes aright, is saved by Him. The Essence of the Faith of the New Church is, Truth from the Word. The Existence of the Faith of the New Church is. Spiritual sight. Harmony of truths. Conviction. Acknowledgment inscribed upon the mind. The States of the Faith of the New Church are. Infant faith, adolescent faith, and adult faith. Faith of genuine truth, and faith of the ap pearances of truth. Faith of memory, faith of reason, and faith of light. Natural faith, spiritual faith, and celestial faith. 20 THE FAITH. Living faith, and miraculous faith. Free faith, and faith compelled. The Form itself of the Faith of the New Church, in the universal idea, and in the particular idea, may be seen in the True Christian Religion, num bers 2 and 3 (T. C. R. n. 344). A SUMMARY OF THE FAITH OF THE OLD CHURCH. The Faith of the Old Church is a merely natural Faith, and is in itself a persuasion counterfeiting Faith, which is a persuasion of the false. The denominations of the Faith of the Old Church are. Spurious faith, in which falses are commin gled with truths. Meretricious faith from falsified truths, and adulterous faith from adulterated goods. Closed or blind faith, which is a faith of things mystical ; which are believed, al though it is not known whether they be true or false ; or whether ihej be above reason, or against reason. Wandering faith, which is a faith in many gods. Purblind faith, which is a faith in any other than the true God ; and with Christians, THE FAITH. 21 in any other than the Lord God the Saviour. Hypocritical or Pharisaical faith, which is that of the mouth, and not of the heart. Visionary and inverted faith, which is the appearance of the false as true, from in genious confirmation (T. C. R. 345). II. THE COMMANDMENTS. 1. THE UNIVERSAL LAW OP LIFE. The laivs of the Decalogue are not only civil and moral laivs, but also Divine laws ; and to act against them is not only to do evil to the neighbor, but to sin against God. The Decalogue was holiness itself in the Israel- itish Church. The Decalogue, in the sense of the letter, con tains the general precepts of doctrine and life ; but, in the spiritual and celestial sense, all uni versally. Thou shalt have no other God before my face. Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain ; for the Lord will not hold him in nocent that taketh His name in vain. Eemember the day of the Sabbath, to hallow it ; six days shalt thou labor, and do all thy 22 TIIE COMMANDMENTS. 23 work ; but the seventh day is the Sabbath to the Lord thy God. Honor thy father and thy mother, that thy days may be prolonged, and that it may be well with thee in the land, which the Lord thy God giveth thee. Thou shalt not kill. Thou shalt not commit adultery. Thou shalt not steal. Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's house. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's wife, nor his man-servant nor his maid-servant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor anything that is thy neigh bor's. The Ten Commandments contain all things which are of love to God, and all things which are of love toward the neighbor {T. G. R. n. 282-331). 2. LOVE TO GOD AND THE NEIGHBOR. The Commandments of the Decalogue contain all things luhich are of love to God, and of love toward the neighbor. . So far as man shuns evils, he wills goods, be- 24 THE COMMANDMENTS. cause evils and goods are opposites ; for evils are from Hell, and goods from Heaven ; wherefore, so far as Hell is removed, that is, evil. Heaven draws near, and man looks to good. That it is so, appears manifestly from eight commandments of the Decalogue, seen thus : So far as any one does not worship other gods, he worships the true God. So far as any one does not take the name of God in vain, he loves those things which are from God. So far as any one wills not to commit murder, and to act from hatred and revenge, he wills well to his neighbor. So far as any one wills not to commit adultery, he wills to live chastely with his wife. So far as any one wills not to steal, he acquires sincerity. So far as any one wills not to bear false wit ness, he wills to think and speak truths. So far as any one does not covet the things which are his neighbor's, he wills that his neigh bor should have that which is his own. To these are to be added two canons for the use of the New Cliurch . No one can shun evils as sins, and do goods which are good before God, from himself ; but so THF. OOMMAXDMFXTS. 25 far as any one shuns evils as sins, he does goods, not from himself, but from the Lord. ^lan ought to shun evils ;is sins, and fight against tliem, as of himself ; and if he shunsevils from any other cause whatsoever, than l.iecause they are sins, he does not shun them, but only causes them not to appear before the world {T. a R. n. 330). 3. EVILS TO BE REMOVED AS SINS. So far as evils are removed as sins, goods inflow, and man cfterwards does goods, not froin himself but from the Lord. So far as man does not worship other gods, so far also as he does not love himself and the world above all things, the acknowledgment of God inflows from the Lord ; and then he worshijis God, not from himself, but from the Lord. So far as man does not profane the name of God, so far also as he shuns the lusts arising from the loves of self and of the world, he loves the holy things of the AA^ord and of the Church ; for these are the Name of God, and the lusts, arising from the loves of self and of the world, profane them. 26 THE COMMA XDMEXTS. So far as man shuns thefts, so also frauds and un lawful gains, sincerity and justice enter ; and he loves what is sincere and just, from sincerity and justice, and hence acts sincerely and justly, not from himself, but from the Lord. So far as he shuns adulteries, so also unchaste and filth}'- thoughts, conjugial love enters, which is the inmost love of Heaven, in which love chastity itself resides. So far as he shuns murders, so also deadly hatreds and revenge, which breathe murder, the Lord enters with mercy and love. So far as he shuns false testimonies, so also lies and blasphemies, truth enters from the Lord. So far as he shuns the lust of possessing the houses of others, so also the love and the lusts thence of possessing the goods of others, charity toward the neighbor enters from the Lord. So far as he shuns the lust of possessing the wives, the servants, and the goods of others, so also the love and the lusts thence of ruling over others, love to the Lord enters. In these eight precepts of the Decalogue, are contained the evils that aro to be shunned ; but in the other two, the third and the fourth, are contained some things which are to be done, namely, that the Sabbath is to be hallowed, and that parents are to be honored (A. E. n. 949). TIIE COMMANDMENTS. 27 4. NOTHIN(; MORE HOLY. The Commandments of the Decalogue, because they were the first-fruits of the Word, and thence the first-fruits of the Churcli about to be instituted with the Israelitish nation, and because they were, in a brief summary, a compiler of all things of religion, by which there is conjunction of God with man, and of man with God, therefore they were so holy, that there is nothing more holy. That the Commandments of the Decalogue were most holy, is evident from the follow ing : The Lord Jehovah Himself descended upon mount Sinai, in fire and with angels, and pro mulgated them with a living voice, and the moun tain was hedged around, lest any one should draw near and die ; Neither the priests nor the elders approached, but Aloses alone ; They were written upon two tables of stone, by the finger of God ; When Moses brought those two tables down, the second time, his face shone ; The tables were afterward laid up in the ark, and the ark inmostly in the tabernacle ; and over 28 THE COMMANDMENTS it was set the propitiatory, and ui^on this cherubs of gold ; The inmost in the tabernacle, where the ark was, was called the holy of holies ; Outside of the veil, within which the ark was, were arranged many things which represented the holy things of Heaven and the Church, which were : The table overlaid with gold, upon which was the bread of faces ; The golden altar, upon which the incense burned ; The golden candlestick with seven lamps ; And the curtains round about, of fine linen, purple, and scarlet. On account of the holiness of the tabernacle, from the law in the ark, and the presence of Jehovah in that law. All the Israelitish people by command encamped in order around it, and marched in order after it ; A pillar of cloud was over it by day, and a pillar of fire by night ; Jehovah spoke with Moses npon the propitia tory between the cherubs ; The ark was called .Jehovah there ; It was not lawful for Aaron to enter within the veil, except with sacrifice and incense, lest he should die. THE COMMANDMENTS. 29 Miracles were also done by the ark, where the law was, in which Jehovah was present. The waters of the Jordan were divided, and the people passed over on dry ground ; AVhen it was carried around, the walls of Jericho fell ; Dagon, the god of the Philistines, fell upon his face before it and lay upon the threshold of the temple ; The Bethshemites were smitten, to the number of several thousands ; Uzzah, because he touched it, died. The ark was introduced by David into Zion with sacrifice and shouting ; And afterward by Solomon into the temple at Jerusalem, where it became the inmost shrine. From all of these things it is manifest, that the Decalogue was holiness itself in the Israelitish Church {T. C. R. 283). III. A SUMMARY EXPOSITION OF THE DOC TRINE OF THE NEAV CHURCH. 1. A DOCTRINE OF FAITH AND LIFE. The doctrine of the New Church is not only a doctrine of Faith, but also a doctrine of Life. 1. The Churches, separated by the Reformation from the Roman Catholic Church, disagree in various things ; but they all agree in the articles concerning the Trinity of Persons in the Divinity, the Origin of Sin from Adam, the Imputation of the Merit of Christ, and Justification by Faith alone. The Roman Catholics, before the Reformation, taught the same things as the Reformed after it, concerning the four articles mentioned, except that they conjoined that Faith with Charity and Good Works. The leading Reformers retained all the dogmas concerning those four articles, such as they were then, and had been, with the Roman Catholics, 30 SUMMARY EXPOSITION. 31 but they separated Charity or Good AA^orks from that Faith, and declared that they were not at the same time saving, in order that they might be totally severed from the Roman Catholics, as to the very essentials of the Church, wdiich are Charity and Faith. Nevertheless, the leading Reformers adjoined Good Works to their Faith, and also conjoined them, but in man as a passive subject, the Roman Catholics, however, in man as an active subject ; and still there is actual conformity between them, as to faith, works, and merits. The whole theologj' in the Christian world at this day, is founded on the idea of three Gods, arising from the doctrine of a Trinity of Persons. The dogmas of that theology appear to be erroneous, after the idea of a Trinity of Persons, and thence of three Gods, is rejected, and the idea of one God, in whom is the Divine Trinity, is received in its place. Then the Faith truly saving, which is the faith in one God, united with good works, is acknowl edged and received. The Faith truly saving in its simple form is this : There is one God, in AA^hom is the Divine Trinity, and that God is the Lord Jesus Christ. Saving faith is to believe in Him. Evils are to be shunned, because they are of the devil and from the devil. Goods are to be done, because 32 SUMMARY EXPOSITION. they are of God, and from God. And these are to be done by man as from himself, but it is to be believed, that they are from the Lord with him and by him. 2. The faith of the present day has separated religion from the Church, since religion consists in the acknowledgment of one God, and in the worship of Him from the faith of cliarity. The faith of the present Church cannot be con joined with charity, and produce any fruits, which are good works. From the faith of the present Church, a wor ship of the mouth and not of the life flows forth, when yet the worship of the mouth is accepted by the Lord, according to the worship of the life. The doctrine of the present Church is bound together by many paradoxes, which are to be embraced by faith ; and therefore its dogmas enter into the memory only, and not into any understanding above the memorj', but merely into confirmations below it. The dogmas of the present Church cannot be learned and retained, except with great difficulty ; nor can they be preached and taught, except with much care and caution, lest their nakedness ap pear, because true reason neither perceives nor receives them. The doctrine of the faith of the present SUMMARY EXPOSITION. 33 Church ascribes human properties to God ; for example, that He viewed men from wrath, that He wished to be reconciled, that He is reconciled by love to His Son, and by intercession ; that He wished to be propitiated by the misery seen in the Son, and thus be brought back to mercy ; and that He imputes the justice of the Son to an un just man, who supplicates from faith alone, and thus from an enemy makes him a friend, and from a child of wrath a child of grace. From the faith of the present Church has been produced a monstrous progeny ; such as, instan taneous salvation from immediate mercy ; pre destination ; no iittention of God to the acts of man, but to faith alone ; that there is no bond between charity and faith ; that man in conver sion is as a stock ; besides many more. The heresies, from the first ages to the present day, have sprung from no other source, than from a doctrine founded upon the idea of three Gods. 3. The last state of the present Church, when it is at an end, is meant by the Consummation of the Age,and the Advent of the Lord (Matthew xxiv,3). Infestation from falses, and thence the consum mation of all truth, or desolation, at this day in the Christian Churches, is meant by the great affliction, such as was not from the beginning of the world, nor ever shall be (Matthew xxiv, 21). 3 34 SUMMARY EXPOSITION. That neither love, nor faith, nor the knowl edges of good and truth, would be in the last time of the Christian Church, when it is at an end, is meant by these words in Matthew (xxiv, 29), After the affliction of those days, the sun shall be obscured, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from, heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be commoved. They who are in the present justifying faith, are meant by the he-goats in Daniel, and in Matthew. They, who have confirmed themselves in the present justif3''ing faith, are meant by the dragon in the Apocalypse, by his two beasts, and by the locusts ; and that faith itself confirmed, is there meant by the great city, which is spiritually called Sodom and Egypt, where the two witnesses were slain, as also by the pit of the abyss, out of which the locusts came. Unless a New Church be established by the Lord, no one can be saved ; this is meant by these words in Matthew (xxiv, 22), Unless those days be shortened, no flesh can be saved. The opening and rejection of the dogmas of the faith of the present Church, and the revela tion and reception of the dogmas of the faith of the New Church, is meant by these words in the Apocalypse, He thai sat upon the throne said, Be hold, I make all things new ; and He said. Write, for these words are true and faithful. SUiMMARY EXPOSITIOX. 3-) The New Church, about to be established by the Lord, is the New Jerusalem treated of in the Apocalypse ; and it is there called the Bride and Wife of the Lamb. The faith of the New Church can by no means be together with the faith of the former Church ; if they should be together, such a collision and conflict would take place, that everything of the Church would perish with man. The Roman Catholics at this day know noth ing of the imputation of the merit of Christ, and of justification by faith therein, into which their Church was initiated, because it lies altogether covered by their externals of worship, which are many ; if therefore they recede in part from the externals of their worship, and immediately ap proach God the Saviour Jesus Christ, and receive the holy Eucharist in both kinds, they may be introduced into the New Jerusalem, that is, into the New Church of the Lord, more easily than the Reformed. 2. imputation. The Imputation of the justice or merit of Christ, enters at this day into the whole theology of the Re formed Christian ivorld, and the faith of that Im putation is regarded as the only medium of salva,- 36 SUMMARY EXPOSITION. tion ; it is therefore important that it be made known what Imputation is. To every one after death is imputed the evil in which he is, and in like manner the good. Every one has his own proper life. The life of every one remains with him after death. To an evil man is then imputed the evil of his life, and to a good man is imputed the good of his life. The induction of the good of one upon another is impossible. Everj'- man is born in evil. Man is led into good by the Lord through regeneration. This is effected by faith in the Lord, and by a life according to His command ments. Wherefore the good of one cannot by appli cation be induced upon another, and thus imputed. The faith of imputation, or application of the justice and merit of Christ, because it is im possible, is an imaginary faith (Sum. Exp. 109-111). IV- UNIVERSAL THEOLOGY OF THE NEW CHURCH. THE UNITY OP GOD. The acknowledgment of God from a knowledge of Him, is the very essence and soul of all things in universal Tlieology. The whole Sacred Scripture, and hence all the doctrines of the Churches in the Christian world teach, that God is, and that He is One. There is a universal influx from God into the souls of men, that God is, and that He is One. Hence it is, that in the whole world there is no nation, which has religion and sound reason, which does not acknowledge God, and that God is One.As to what the one God is, nations and peoples have differed, and do differ, from many causes. Human reason, from many things in the world, can perceive and conclude, if it will, that God is, and that He is One. 37 38 UNIVERSAL THEOLOGY. If God were not One, the universe could not have been created and preserved. The man, who does not acknowledge God, is excommunicated from the Church, and damned. With men, who do not acknowledge one God, but many, nothing of the Church coheres. THE DIVINE ESSE, WHICH IS JEHOVAH. Tlie Divine Esse is Esse itself, from which all things are, and which must be in all things, that they may be. The one God is called Jehovah from Esse, be cause He alone is, -was, and will be, and because He is the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End, the Alpha and the Omega. The one God is Substance itself and Form itself, and angels and men are substances and forms from Him ; and so far as they are in Him, and He in them, they are images and likenesses of Him. The Divine Esse is Esse in itself, and at the same time Existere in itself. The Divine Esse and Existere in itself cannot produce another Divine which would be Esse and UNIVERSAL THEOLOGY. 39 Existere in itself ; consequently another God of the same essence'is not possible. A plurality of gods in the ancient ages, and also in the modern, has existed from nothing else than from not understanding the Divine Esse. THE INFINITY OP GOD. The Infinity of God comprehends both Immensity and Eternity, but it transcends the finite, and the knowledge of it a finite mind ; still it may in some measure be perceived. God, since He is and exists in Himself, and all things in the universe are and exist from Him, is Infinite. God, since He was before the world, thus before spaces and times arose, is Infinite. God, after the world was made, is in space without space, and in time without time. The Infinity of God in relation to spaces, is called Immensity, and in relation to times is called Eternity ; and although there are these relations, still there is nothing of space in His Immensity, and nothing of time in His Eternity. Illustrated reason, from very many things in the world, can see the Infinity of God. 40 UNIVERSAL THEOLOGY. Every created thing is finite, and the Infinite is in finites, as in receptacles, and in men as in its images. THE ESSENCE OP GOD, WHICH IS THE DIVINE LOVE AND THE DIVINE WISDOM. The Esse of God is more universal than the Essence of God, as the Infinity is more universal than the Love of God. The Esse of God enters into the Essence, as an adjunct, cohering, determining, forming, and at the same time elevating. God is Love itself and Wisdom itself, and these two make His Essence. God is Good itself and Truth itself, because Good is of Love and Truth is of Wisdom. God, because He is Love itself and AA^isdom itself, is Life itself, which is Life in itself. Love and Wisdom in God make one. The Essence of Love is to love others outside of itself, to will to be one with them, and to make them happy from itself. These things of the Divine Love were the cause of the creation of the universe, and they are the cause of its preservation. UNIVERSAL THEOLOGY. 41 THE OMNIPOTENCE, OMNISCIENCE, AND OMNIPRES ENCE OP GOD. Infinity, Immensity, and Eternity pertain to the Divine Esse, and Omnipotence, Omniscience, and Omnipresence to the Divine Essence. The Divine Wisdom from the Divine Love has Omnipotence, Omniscience, and Omnipresence. The Omnipotence, Omniscience, and Omni presence of God cannot be cognized, unless it be known what order is, and unless these things be known, that God is order, and that together with the creation He introduced order into the uni verse, and into all and single things of it. The Omnipotence of God, in the universe, and in all and single things of it, proceeds and ope rates according to the laws of His order. God is Omniscient, that is, perceives, sees, and knows all and single things, even to the most minute, which are done according to order; and from these, also the things which are done con trary to order. God is Omnipresent from the firsts to the ulti mates of His order. Man was created a form of Divine Order. Man is so far in power against the evil and the 42 UNIVERSAL THEOLOGY. false from the Divine Omnipotence, and he is so far in wisdom concerning good and truth from the Divine Omniscience, and he is so far in God from the Divine Omnipresence, as he lives accord ing to Divine Order. 6. THE CREATION. A just idea of the Creation of the Universe cannot be procured without some universal knowledges, wh ich- put the understanding in a state of perception. There are two worlds, the spiritual world, in which angels and spirits are, aud the natural world, in which men are. In each world there is a sun, and the sun of the spiritual world is pure Love from Jehovah God, who is in the midst of it ; from that sun proceed heat aud light, and the heat thence pro ceeding in its essence is Love, and the light thence proceeding in its essence is Wisdom ; and these two affect the will and understanding of man, the heat his will, and the liglit his under standing; but the sun of the natural world is pure fire, and therefore the heat thence is dead, likewise the light ; and they serve spiritual heat and light for clothing and support, that they may pass to man. UNIVERSAL THEOLOGY. 43 The two things, which proceed from the sun of the spiritual world, and hence all the things that exist there by them, are substantial, and are called spiritual ; and the two similar things which proceed from the sun of the natural world, and hence all the things that exist here by them, are material, and are called natural. In each world there are three degrees, which are called degrees of altitude, aud hence, three regions, according to which the three angelic Heavens are arranged, aud according to which human minds are arranged, which thus cor respond to the three angelic Heavens ; and the remaining things both here and there are ar ranged in like manner. There is a correspondence between the things which are in the spiritual world, and those which are in the natural world. There is order, into which all and single things of both worlds were created. An idea concerning these things is to be pro cured first of all ; unless this be done, the human mind, from mere ignorance concerning them, would fall easily into an idea of the creation of the universe by nature, and from ecclesiastical authority alone, would say that nature was created by God ; but, because it knows not how, if it scrutinizes interiorly concerning this thing, it falls prone into naturalism, which denies God. 44 UNIVERSAL THEOLOGY. THE LORD THE REDEEMER. Knowledge concerning the Lord exceeds in excel lence all the knowledges which are in Heaven and in the Church. Jehovah God, the Creator of the universe, de scended and assumed the Human, to redeem and save men. He descended as the Divine Truth, which is the Word, and yet He did not separate the Di vine Good. He assumed the Human according to Divine Order. The Human, by which He sent Himself into the world, is what is called the Son of God. The Lord, by acts of Redemption, made Him self Justice. By the same acts He united Himself to the Father, and the Father Himself to Him ; also according to Divine Order. Thus God was made Man, and Man God, in One Person. The progression to Union was the state of His Exinanition, and the Union itself is the state of His Glorification. Hereafter no Christian can come into Heaven, UNIVERSAL THEOLOGY. 45 unless he believes in the Lord God the Saviour, and goes to Him alone. The Lord, before His Coining into the world, was present with the men of the Church, but mediately through angels, who represented Him ; but after His Coining, He is present with the men of the Church immediately. 8. REDEMPTION. Thefn-e are two things, for which the Lord came into the world, and by which He saved men and angels, Redemption and the Glorification, of His Human. These two are distinct from each other, but they make one for salvation. Redemption was the subjugation of the Hells, and the ordination of the Heavens, and thereby the preparation for a new spiritual Church. Without that Redemption no man could have been saved, nor could the angels have subsisted in a state of integrity. The Lord thus redeemed not only men, but also angels. Redemption was a work purely Divine. Redemption could not have been effected ex cept by God incarnate. 46 UNIVERSAL THEOLOGY. The Passion of the Cross was the last temp tation which the Lord, as the Greatest Prophet, sustained ; and it was the means of the Glorifica tion of His Human, that is, of Union with the Divine of His Father, and not Redemption. That the Passion of the Cross was Redemption itself, is a fundamental error of the Church ; and that error, together with the error concerning three Divine Persons from eternity, has perverted the whole Church, so far that not anything spir itual is left remaining in it. 9. THE HOLY SPIRIT. The Holy Spirit is not a God by Himself, but by Him in the Word is understood the Divine Opera tion proceeding from the One and Omnipresent God. The Holy Spirit is the Divine Truth, and also the Divine Virtue and Operation, proceeding from the one God, in whom is the Divine Trinity, thus from the Lord God the Saviour. The Divine Virtue and Operation, which is understood by the Holy Spirit, is in general re formation and regeneration ; and according to these, renovation, vivification, sanctification, and justification ; and according to these, purification UNIVERSAL THEOLOGY. 47 from evils and remission of sins, and finally, salvation. The Divine Virtue and Operation, which is un derstood by the sending of the Holy Spirit, with the clergy in particular, is illustration and in struction. The Lord operates these virtues in those who believe in Him. The Lord operates of Himself from the Father, and not the reverse. The spirit of man is his mind, and whatever proceeds from it. In the AA^ord of the Old Testament, the Holy Spirit is nowhere mentioned, but only the Spirit of Holiness ; and it is nowhere said that the prophets spoke from the Holy Spirit, but from. Jehovah ; but it is other wise in the New Testament. 10. THE DIVINE TRINITY. When the Divine Trinity is known, a just idea of God may be obtained; for on this depends the ivhole body of- Theology, as a chain on its staple. Every one is allotted his place in the Heavens, according to his idea of God. There is a Divine Trinity, which is Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. 48 UNIVERSAL THEOLOGY. These three. Father, Son, and Holj' Spirit, are the three essentials of one God, which make one, as soul, body, and operation with man. Before the -world was created, this Trinity was not ; but, after the world was created, when God became incarnate, it was provided and made, and then in tlie Lord God, the Redeemer and Saviour, Jesus Christ. A Trinity of Divine Persons from eternity, or before the world was created, is, in the ideas of thought, a Trinity of Gods ; and this cannot be abolished b}^ the oral confession of one God. A Trinity of Persons was unknown in the Apostolic Church, but it arose from the Nicene Council, and was thence introduced into the Roman Catholic Church, and from this into the Churches separated from it. From the Nicene and Athanasian Trinity together, a faith in three Gods arose, which has perverted the whole Christian Church. Hence that abomination of desolation and affliction, such as has not been, nor will be, which the Lord predicted in Daniel and the Evangelists, and in the Apocalypse. Hence also it is, that unless a New Heaven and a New Church be built by the Lord, no flesh can be saved. From a Trinity of Persons, each of whom singly is God, according to the Athanasian Creed, UNIVERSAL THEOLOGY. 49 many dissonant and heterogeneous ideas concern ing God have existed, wliich are phantasies and abortions. 11. THE SACRED SCRIPTURE. Jehovah Himself, the God of Heaven and Earth, spoke the Word by Moses and the Prophets ; and the Lord the Saviour, who is Jehovah, sp)ohe the Word in the Evangelists, from His own mouth, or from the Spirit of His mouth, which is the Holy Spirit, by His twelve Apostles. 1. The Sacred Scripture, or the AVord, is the Divine Truth itself. In the Word there is a spiritual sense, hitherto unknown. What the spiritual sense is, does not ap pear in the sense of the letter. The spiritual sense is in all and single things of the AA'ord. The Lord, when He was in the world, spoke by correspondences, thus spiritually, when He spoke naturally. It is from the spiritual sense that the AA^ord is Divinely inspired, and holy in every sjdlable. The spiritual sense of the Word has been hitherto unknown. 50 UNIVERSAL THEOLOGY. The spiritual sense of the Word will not hereafter be given to any one, unless he be in genuine truths from the Lord. From the AA^ord in its spiritual sense wonder ful things appear in the spiritual world. The sense of the letter of the AA^ord is the basis, the continent, and the firmament of its spiritual and celestial sense. Divine Truth, in the sense of the letter of the AA'^ord, is in its fullness, in its holiness, and in its power. The truths of the sense of the letter of the Word are understood by the precious stones, of which the foundations of the New Jerusalem consisted. The goods and truths of the sense of the letter of the Word are understood by the urim and thummim in the ephod of Aaron. Truths and goods in ultimates, such as are in the sense of the letter of the AA^ord, are understood by the precious stones in the garden of Eden, in which the King of Tyre is said to have been. The same were represented by the curtains, veils, and columns of the tabernacle. Likewise by the externals of the temple at Jerusalem. The AVord in its glory was represented in the Lord, when He was transformed. UNIVERSAL THEOLOGY. 51 The power of the Word in ultimates was represented by the Nazarites. The power of the Word is ineffable. 2. The doctrine of the Church is to be drawn from the sense of the letter of the Word, and confirmed by it. The AVord without doctrine is not understood. The genuine truth, which will be of doctrine, in the sense of the letter of the Word, does not appear to others, than those who are in illustration from the Lord. By the sense of the letter of the Word there is conjunction with the Lord, and consociation with the angels. The Word is in all the Heavens, and thence is angelic wisdom. The Church is from the Word, and it is such with man, as is his understanding of the Word. In the every thing of the AVord is the mar riage of the Lord and the Church, and hence the marriage of good and truth. Heresies may be taken from the sense of the letter of the Word, but to confirm them is dam nable. Many things in the Word are appearances of truth, in which genuine truths lie hidden. By confirming the appearances of truth fal lacies exist. 52 UNIVERSAL THEOLOGY. The sense of the letter of the Word is a guard for the genuine truths, which are concealed. The sense of the letter of the Word was represented by cherubim, and is signified" by til em in the Word. The Lord fulfilled in the world all things of the Word, and by this He became the AA'ord, that is, the Divine Truth, even in ultimates. Before this AA^ord, which is at this da)^ in the world, there was a AA'^ord, which was lost. By the AVord those also have light, who are out of the Church, and have not the AV^ord. Without the AVord, no one would have any knowledge of God, of Pleaven and Hell, of the life after death, and still less, of the Lord. 12. FAITH. Faith is first in time, but Charity is first in end. 1. Saving Faith is in the Lord God the Saviour Jesus Christ. Since He is the visible God, in whom is the invisible. Faith in the sum is, that he who lives well, and believes aright, is saved by the Lord. tNIVERSAL THEOLOGY. fjS The first of Faith in Him is the acknowl edgment that He is the Son of God. Man receives Faith by going to the Lord, learn ing truths from the AVord, and living according to them. Faith merely natural is a persuasion coun terfeiting Faith. The abundance of truths, cohering as in a bundle, exalts and perfects faith. The truths of Faith are capable of being- multiplied to infinity. There is a disjiosition of the truths of faith into a series, thus, as it were, into bundles. According to tlie abundance and coherence of truths, faith is perfected. The truths of faith, however numerous they are, and however diverse they appear, make one from the Lord. The Lord is the AVord, the God of Heaven and Earth, the God of all flesh, the God of the vineyard or the Church, the God of Faith, and the Light itself, the Truth, and eternal Life. Faith without Charity is not Faith, and Charity without Faith is not Charity, and neither lives except from the Lord. Man can procure for himself faith, charity, and the life of faith and charity ; still nothing of faith, nothing of charity, and 54 UNIVERSAL THEOLOGY. nothing of the life of each, is from man, but from the Lord alone. There is a distinction between natural faith and spiritual faith, and the latter is inte riorly in the former from the Lord. 2. The Lord, Charity, and Faith make one, as life, will, and understanding in man ; and if they are divided, each perishes, as a pearl reduced to powder. The Lord, with all His Divine Love, with all his Divine Wisdom, thus with all His Divine Life, inflo-ws with every man. Consequently, the Lord, with all the essence of Faith and Charity, inflows with every man. The things wdiich inflow from the Lord are received by man, according to his state and form. But the man who divides tlie Lord, Charity, and Faith, is not a form receiving but a form destrojdng. The Lord is Charity and Faith in man, and man is Charity and Faith in the Lord. Conjunction with God is that by which man has salvation and eternal life. Conjunction with God the Father is not pos sible, but with the Lord, and by Him with God the Father. UNIVERSAL THEOLOGY. 55 Conjunction with the Lord is reciprocal, which is, that man is in the Lord, and the Lord in man. This reciprocal conjunction of the Lord and man is effected by Charity and Faith. Charity and Faith are together in Good Works. Charity is to will well, and Good Works are . to do well from willing well. Charity and Faith are only mental and perishable, unless, when it can be done, they are determined into acts, and coexist in them. Charity alone does not produce Good AA^orks, still less Faith alone, but Charity and Faith together. There is true faith, spurious faith, and hypo critical faith. The Christian Church began from its cradle to be infested and torn asunder by schisms and heresies. There is one only true Faith, which is in the Lord God the Saviour Jesus Christ ; and it is with those who believe Him to be the Son of God, the God of Heaven and Earth, and one with the Father. Spurious faith is ever}' faith that recedes from the one only true Faith, and it is ¦ with those who ascend some other way. 56 UNIVERSAL THEOLOGY. and regard the Lord not as God, but only as a man. Hypocritical faith is no faith. There is no faith with the evil. The evil have no faith, because evil is of Hell, and faith is of ITeaven. All those in Christendom have no faith who reprobate the Lord and the A\"ord, although they live morally, and speak, teach, and write rationally, even concerning faith. 13. CHARITY AND GOOD WORKS. Charity is the complex of all things of good, which a man does to the Neighbor, and Faith is the com- pilex of all things of truth, whicli a man thinks con cerning God and things Divine. There are three universal loves, the love of Heaven, the love of the world, and the love of self. These three loves, when the}' are rightly sub ordinated, perfect man ; but when they are not rightly subordinated, they pervert and invert him. Every man in the singular is the neighbor who is to be loved, but according to the equality of his good. UNIVERSAL THEOLOGY. 57 Man in the plural, which is a lesser and greater society, and man in the composite of these, which is the country, is the neighbor that is to be loved. The Church is the neighbor which is to be loved in a -superior degree, and the kingdom of the Lord in the supreme. To love the neighbor, regarded in itself, is not to love the person, but the good which is in the person. Charity and Good AVorks are two distinct things, as willing well and doing well. Charity itself is to act justly and faithfully in the office, business, and work, in which any one is, and with whom he has any intercourse. The benefactions of Charity are, to give to the poor, and to help the needy, but with prudence. There are duties of Charity ; some public, some domestic, and some private. The diversions of Charity are dinners, suppers, and social parties. The first thing of Charity is to remove evils, and the second is to do goods, which are of use to the neighbor. Man, in the exercises of Charity, does not place merit in works, when he behoves that all good is from the Lord. A moral life, when it is at the same time spir itual, is Charity. 58 UNIVERSAL THEOLOGY. The friendship of love contracted with a man, of whatsoever quality he is, as to the spirit, is detrimental after death. There is spurious charity, hypocritical charity, and dead charity. The friendship of love among the -evil, is in testine hatred for each other. Love to God, and love toward the neighbor are conjoined. 14. FREE WILL. Free Will in spiritual things, is given to man from the womb, even to the end of life in the world, and afterwards to eternity. In the garden of Eden were placed two trees, one of life and the other of the knowledge of good and evil, which signifies that Free AA^ill in spiritual things is given to man. Man is not life, but is a receptacle of life from God. Man, so long as he lives in the world, is held in the middle between Heaven and Hell, and there in spiritual equilibrium, which is Free AVill. From the permission of evil, in which is the internal man of every one, it is evidently mani fest that man has Free AA'ill in spiritual things. VNIVEJ;SAL THEOLOGY. 59 Without Free Will in sjiiritual things, the Word would not be of any use, nor the Church anything. AVithout Free A\'ill in spiritual things, there would not be anything of man, by which he could conjoin himself in turn to the Lord, and thence no imputation, but mere predestination, which is detestable. Without Free AVill in spiritual things, God would be the cause of evil, ami thus there would be no imputation of charity and faith. Every spiritual thing of the Church, which enters in freedom, and is received from freedom, remains ; but not the reverse. The voluntary and intellectual of man are in this Free ^Yil\ ; but the doing of evil in both worlds, the spiritual and the natural, is restrained by laws, since otherwise society would perish in both. If men had not Free A\'ill in spiritual things, all in the whole earth might be led within one day to believe in the Lord ; but this cannot be done, because that which is not received by man from Free Will, does not remain. Miracles are not done at this day, because they take away Free Will in spiritual things, and compel. 60 UNIVERSAL THEOLOGY. 15. REPENTANCE. No man can be regenerated, until the more griev ous evils, ivhich make him detestable before God, are removed, and these are removed by Rejjentance. Repentance is the first thing of the Church with man. Contrition, of which it is at the present day said, that it precedes faith, and is followed by the consolation of the Gospel, is not Repentance. Oral confession alone, that one is a sinner, is not Rej^entance. Man is born into evils of every kind, and unless he removes them in part by Repentance, he re mains in them, and he who remains in them, cannot be saved. The knowledge of sin, and the exploration of some one sin in one's self, begins Repentance. Actual Repentance is to explore one's self, to know and acknowledge one's sin, to make suppli cation to the Lord, and to begin a new life. True Repentance is to explore, not only the acts of one's life, but also the intentions of his will. Those also repent, who do not explore them selves, but still desist from evils, because they UNIVERSAL THEOLOGY. 61 are sins ; and this Repentance is done by those, who do the works of charity from religion. Confession ought to be made before the Lord God the Saviour, and then supplication for help and power to resist evils. Actual Repentance is easy with those .who have done it several times, but very difficult to those who have not done it. He who has never repented, or has not looked into and examined himself, at length does not know what damnable evil is, nor what saving good is. 16. reformation and REGENERATION. Man must enter and undergo two states, while from natural he becomes spiritual, the first is called Reformation, and the second Regeneration. A man, unless he be born again, and, as it were, created anew, cannot enter into the king dom of God. The new generation or creation is effected by the Lord alone, by means of charity and faith, man co-operating. Since all have been redeemed, all can be re generated, every one according to his state. Regeneration is effected comparatively as a 62 UNIVERSAL THEOLOGY. man is conceived, carried in the womb, born, and educated. The first act of the new generation is called Reformation, which is of the understanding, and the second act is called Regeneration, which is of the .will, and thence of the understanding. The internal man is first to be reformed, and by this the external, and man is thus regen erated. When this takes place, a combat arises be tween the internal and external man, and then that which conquers has dominion over the other. The regenerate man has a new will and a new understanding. The regenerate man is in communion with the angels of Heaven, and the unregenerate man with the spirits of Hell. So far as man is regenerated, sins are removed, and this removal is the remission of sins. Regeneration is not possible without free will in spiritual things. Regeneration is not possible without truths, by which faith is formed, and with which charity conjoins itself. UNIVERSAL THEOLOGY. 63 17. imputation. The Faith of the present Church is not Christian, because it differs from the Word, and the Imputation of that Faith is vain, because the merit of Christ is not imputable. The merit of the Lord is Redemp tion, a work purely Divine, and cannot be applied, ascribed, and imputed to man, any more than the creation and conservation of the universe. The Faith of the present Church, which alone is held to justify, and Imputation, make one. The Imputation, which is of the present Faith, is two-fold, one of the merit of Christ, and the other of salvation thence. The Faith, which imputes the merit and jus tice of Christ the Redeemer, first arose from the decree of the Nicene Synod concerning three Divine Persons from eternity, which Faith, from that time to the present, has been received by the whole Christian world. The Faith, which imputes the merit of Christ was not known in the Apostolic Church, and is nowhere meant in the Word. The Imputation of the merit and justice of Christ is impossible. 64 UNIVERSAL THEOLOGY. There is Imputation, but of good and evil, and at the same time of faith. The Faith and Imputation of the New Church can by no means be together with the Faith and Imputation of the former Church ; and if they are together, such a collision and conflict takes place, that everything of the Church perishes with man. The Lord imputes good to every man, and Plell imputes evil to every man. Faith, with whatsoever it conjoins itself, makes a sentence ; if true Faith conjoins itself with good, a sentence is made for eternal life ; but if Faith conjoins itself with evil, a sentence is made for eternal death. Thought is imputed to no one, but will. 18. BAPTISM. When the Lord came into the world. He abrogated the representatives, which were all external, and in stituted a Church, all things of which should be internal. Of all those representatives. He retained only two. Baptism instead of washings, and the Holy Supper instead of the lamb of the daily sacrifice, and of the passover. AA^ithout a knowledge of the spiritual sense of the AVord, no one can know what the two sacra- UNIVERSAL THEOLOGY. 65 ments. Baptism and the Holy Supper, involve and effect. By the washing, which is called Baptism, is meant spiritual washing, which is purification from evils and falses, and thus regeneration. Baptism was instituted in the place of circum cision, because by the circumcision of the fore skin was represented the circumcision of the heart, to the end that an internal Church might succeed the external Church, which, in all and single things, figured the internal. The first use of Baptism is introduction into the Christian Cliurch, and at the same time in sertion among Christians in the spiritual world. The second use of Baptism is, that the Chris tian may know and acknowledge the Lord Jesus Christ, the Redeemer and Saviour, and follow Him. The third use of Baptism, which is the final use, is, that man may be regenerated. By the Baptism of John, a way was prepared that Jehovah the Lord might descend into the world, and perform Redemption. 19. THE HOLY SUPPER. The two sacraments. Baptism and the Holy Sup per, are the most holy things of worship in the 66 UNIVERSAL THEOLOGY. Christian Church ; they are as two gates to eternal life. There are no more universal gates. Without a knowledge of the correspondence of natural things with spiritual, no one can know the uses of the Holy Supper. From correspondences known, it may be known what is understood by the flesh and blood of the Lord, and by the bread and wine ; namely, the Divine Good of His Love, and all the good of charity ; and the Divine Truth of His Wisdom, and all the truth of faith ; and by eating appro priation. From these things understood, it may be com prehended that the Holy Supper contains, univer sally and singularly, all things of the Church and all things of Heaven. The whole of the Lord is in the Holy Supper, and the whole of His Redemption. The Lord is present, and opens Heaven to those who go to the Holy Suj^per worthily ; and He is also present with those who go unworthily, but to these He does not open Heaven ; conse quently, as Baptism is introduction into the Church, so the Holy Supper is introduction into Heaven. Those go to the Holy Supper worthily, who are in faith in the Lord, and in charity toward tlic neighbor, thus who are regenerate. UNIVERSAL THEOLOGY. 67 Those who go to the Ploly Supper worthily, are in the Lord and the Lord in them ; consequently, by the Holy Supper conjunction is effected with the Lord. The Holy Sapper is to those who go worthily a sign and a seal that they are the sons of God. 20. THE ADVENT OP THE LORD. The Consummation of the Age is the last time of the Christian Church, when the Lord comes and institutes a New Church, into which all may be gathered, who believe in Hvm and live according to His Commandments. The Consummation of the Age is the last time or end of the Church. Now is the last time of the Christian Church, which was predicted and described by the Lord in the Evangelists and in the Apocalypse. The last time of the Christian Church is the very night in which the former Churches have come to an end. After this night the morning follows, and this is the Advent of the Lord. The Advent of the Lord is not to destroy the visible heaven, and the habitable earth, and to create a new heaven and a new earth, as many 68 UNIVERSAL THEOLOGY. have hitherto supposed, from not understanding the spiritual sense of the A\'^ord. This Advent of the Lord, which is the second, exists, that the evil may be separated from the good, and that those may be saved who have be lieved and do believe in Him, and that from them a New Angelic Heaven may be formed, and a New Church on the earth ; and without this no flesh could be saved. The Second Advent of the Lord is not in Person, but in the Word, which is from Him, and is Himself This Second Advent of the Lord is effected by means of a man, before whom He has manifested Himself in Person, and wliom He has filled with His Spirit, to teach the doctrines of the New Church by the AVord from Him. This is understood by the New Heaven and the New Eartli, and by the New Jerusalem descending thence, in the Apocalypse. This New Church is the Crown of all the Churches, that have hitherto been in the world. SUMMARIES OF THE CORONIS, OR AP PENDIX TO THE UNIA^ERSAL THEOLOGY. 1. CONSUMMATION OP THE OLD CHURCH, AND INSTI TUTION OP THE NEW. When the Church is consummated, the Lord comes, and institutes a New Church. 1. Four Churches have been upon this earth since the day of creation : the Adamic, the Noahtic, the Israelitish, and the Christian. Each Church had four periods, or successive states, which are understood in the AVord by morning, day, evening, and night. Four successive changes of state have followed in each Church : first, the appearing of the Lord Jehovih and Redemption, and then its morning, or rise ; second, its instruction, and then its noon, or progression ; third, its decline, and then its evening, or vastation ; fourth, its end, and then its night, or consummation. 69 70 SUMMARIES OF TJIE CORoNIS. After consummation, the Lord Jehovih ap pears, effects judgment, separates the good from the evil, elevates the good to Himself into Heaven, and removes the evil from Himself into Hell. After these things, the Lord Jehovih forms a new Heaven and a new Hell, and induces order upon each, that they may stand under His auspices, and obedience, to eternity. The Lord Jehovih, from this new Heaven, derives and produces a new Church upon the earth, which is done by revelation from Plis own mouth, or from His Word, and by inspiration. This Divine Work collectively is called Re demption, without which no man could be saved, because no man could be regenerated. After these four Churches a new Church will arise, which will be truly Christian. This Church was predicted in Daniel, and in the Apocalypse, and by the Lord Himself in the Evangelists, and was expected by the Apostles. 2. The Church declines successively from the truths of faith, and the goods of charity ; and so also from the spiritual understanding, and genuine sense, of the AVord. The Church in consequence recedes successively from the Lord, removes Him from itself, and draws to its end. The end of the Church is, when there is no SUMMARIES OF THE ('(JUOSIS. 71 longer any truth of faith, and any genuine good of charity. AVhen the Church is at an end, it is in falses and thence in evils, and in evils and thence in falses. Hence, out of those who depart from the world. Hell increases, rising up toward Heaven, and interposing itself between Heaven aud the Church, as a black cloud between the sun and the earth. This interposition prevents any truth of faith, and thence any good of charity, from penetrating to the men of the Church ; but instead of these, truth falsified, which in itself is false, and good adulterated, which in itself is evil. Then naturalism and atheism together invade the Church. This state of the Church is understood and de scribed in the Word by vastation, desolation, and consummation. AVhile vastation continues, and before consum mation arrives, the Coining of the Lord is an nounced, and Redemption by the Lord, and after this a New Church. 3. Redemption, by which alone is salvation, was effected by Jehovah God incarnate, who is our Lord Jesus Christ. The first act of Redemption was the total sub jugation of the Hells. 72 SVMMARIFS OF THE CO HON IS The second, was the separation of the evil from the good, and the casting of the evil into Hell, and the elevation of the good into Heaven. And lastly, the ordination of all things in Hell, and of all things in Heaven ; and at the same time instraction in the truths which are of faith, and in the goods which are of charity ; and thus the institution of a New Church. The final and efficient cause of Redemption was the regeneration of man, and by this salva tion. Since the Lord alone is the Redeemer, He alone is the Regenerator, and thus He alone is the Saviour. 4. The Lord by His first Coming, and by the Redemjition then effected, could not form a New Heaven, and from this Heaven a New Church of Christians, because there were no Christians as yet ; but men became Christians successively, by the preachings and writings of the Apostles. Neither could it be effected afterwards, since from the beginning so many heresies broke into the Church, that scarcely any doctrine of faith appeared in its own light. And at length the Apostolic doctrine was rent, torn asunder, and adulterated by nefarious heresies. Since the Lord foresaw these things, therefore SUMMARIUS 01' THE CORONIS. 73 in order that man might be saved, He promised that He would again come into the world, and effect Redemption, and thus institute a New Church, which would be a Church truly Chris tian. The Lord Himself foretold His second Coming, and the Apostles often prophesied concerning it, and John openly in the Apocalypse. In like manner of the New Church, which is understood by the New Jerusalem in the Apocalypse. This second Redemption is effected in like manner as the first, namely, by the total subjuga tion of the Hells, by the separation of the evil from the good, by the casting- of the -evil into Hell, and the elevation of the good into Heaven, by the ordination of all things in Hell and of all things in Heaven, and at the same time by in struction in the truths of faith and the goods of charity ; and, lastly, by the institution of a New Church, and the regeneration of the men of the Church, as the final and efficient cause. 5. The falses, which have hitherto desolated the Christian Cliurch, and at length consum mated it, were principally the following : They receded from the worship of the Lord, preached by the Apostles, and from faith in Him ; 74 SUMMARIES OF TIIE CORONIS They separated the Divine Trinity from the^ Lord, and transferred it to three Divine Persons, consequently to three Gods; They divided saving faith among these three Persons ; They separated charity and good works from that faith, as not being at the same time saving ; They deduced justification from that faith alone, that is, the remission of sins, regen eration, and salvation, without the co operation of man ; They took away from man free will in spiritual things, thus establishing that God alone operates in man, and man on his part not at all ; The necessary consequence was predestina tion, liy which religion is abolished ; They made the passion of the cross to be Redemption itself Falses burst forth in such abundance from these, that not any genuine truth was left, -which was not falsified, nor any genuine good, which was not adulterated. The Church knows nothing of this its desola tion, and consummation, and cannot know any thing, until the Divine Truths revealed by the Lord in the work, entitled 71ie True Christian Religion, be seen in the light, and acknowledged. SUMMARII'S OF TIIE COROXtS. 'ir, The AA^ord is thus so obscured and darkened, that no truth any longer appears in it. 6. This New Christian Church will not be established, as the former, by miracles; but in stead of miracles, the spiritual sense of the Word is revealed, the spiritual world discovered, and the quality of Heaven and Hell manifested, also that a man lives a man after death ; which sur pass all miracles. This New ChurcIi, truly Christian, which the Lord is at this day establishing, will endure to eternity, and was foreseen from the creation of the world ; it will be the Crown of the four pre ceding Churches, because it will have .true faith and true charity. In this New Church there will be spiritual peace, glory, and internal blessedness of life. These things will be in this New Church, be cause of conjunction with the Lord, and by Him -with God the Father. The whole Christian world is invited to this Church, and exhorted worthily to receive tli<' Lord, who has foretold that He will come into the world for this Church and to it. 76 SUMMARIES OF THE CORONIS. REDEMPTION. The Redemption, effected by the Lord when He was in the world, was the subjugation of the Hells, the ordination of the Heavens, and thereby the pre paration for a new spiritual Church. Liberation from enemies, is that which in the Word is called Redemption. Consequently, Redemption is a liberation from evils and falses, which, being from Hell, are spiritual enemies ; for they kill souls, as natural enemies kill bodies. Hence it is evident, that the first act of Re demption, performed by the Lord, was the sepa ration of the evil from the good, and the eleva tion of the good to Himself in Heaven, and the removal of the evil from Himself into Hell ; the good were thus liberated from the evil. This first act of Redemption is the last Judgment. The second act of Redemption was the co ordination of all things in the Heavens, and the subordination of all things in Hell, by which the good were still more distinctly separated and lib erated from the evil ; and this is the New Heaven and the New Llell. The third act of Redemption was the revela tion of truths from the New Heaven, and thence the raising up and establishment of a New SUMMARIES OF THE CORONIS. 77 Church on earth, by which the good were further separated and liberated from the evil, and are hereafter separated and liberated. The final cause of Redemj^tion was the possi bility that the Lord, from His Divine Omnipo tence, might regenerate aud thus save man ; for unless a man be regenerated he cannot be saved (John iii, 3). The regeneration of man, since it is a sepa ration and liberation from evils and falses, is a particular Redemption by the Lord, existing from His general redemption. With those who are regenerated, evils are first separated from goods, and this is like the Judg ment ; afterwards goods are bound together into one, and disposed in a heavenly form, and this is like the New Heaven ; lastly a New Church is implanted and produced thereby, whose internal is Heaven ; and the external from the internal, thus both together with man, is what is called the Church. All are redeemed, since all who reject the falses of the former Church, and receive the truths of the New Church, can be regenerated ; still the regenerate are properly the redeemed. The goal of Redemption, and the palm of the redeemed, is spiritual peace. A Redemption has at this day been accom plished by the Lord, because now is His Second Advent, according to prediction (Coronis, n. 21). VI. THE FOUR DOCTRINES. 1. THE LORD. There is one God, in whom is the Divine Trinity of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit; and this one God, in His Divine Human, is the Lord Jesus Christ. The whole Sacred Scri2:)ture is concerning the Lord, and the Lord is the Word. That the Lord fulfilled all things of the Law, means that He fulfilled all things of the AA^ord. The Lord came into the world to subjugate the Hells and glorify His Human ; and the Passion of the Cross was the last combat, by which He fully conquered the Hells, and fully glorified His Human. The Lord, by the Passion of the Cross, did not take away sins, but He bore them. The imputation of the merit of the Lord, is nothing else than the remission of sins after repentance. The Lord, as to the Divine Human, is called 78 THE FOUR DOCTRINES. 79 the Son of God, and as to the Word, the Son of Man. The Lord made His Human Divine, from the Divine in Himself, and He thus became one with the Father. The Lord is God Himself, from whom, and concerning whom, the AVord is. God is One, and the Lord is that God. The Holy Spirit is the Divine proceeding from the Lord, and this is the Lord Himself The Doctrine of the Athanasian Faith agrees with the truth, if only by a Trinity of Persons is understood the Trinity of a Person, which is in the Lord. A New Church is understood by the New Jeru salem, in the Apocalypse. 2. THE SACRED SCRIPTURE. Tlie Word is from God, Divinely Inspired, and Holy in every syllable. The Sacred Scripture, or the AA'"ord, is the Divine Truth itself. In the AVord there is a spiritual sense, hitherto unknown. The sense of the letter of theAA^ord is the basis. 80 THE FOUR DOCTRINES. th'e continent, and the firmament, of its spiritual and celestial senses. Divine Truth, in the sense of the letter of the Word, is in its fullness, in its holiness, and in its power. The doctrine of the Church, is to be drawn from the sense of the letter of the Word, and con firmed by it. By the sense of the letter of the Word, there is conjunction with the Lord, and consociation with the angels. The Word is in all the Heavens, and thence is angelic wisdom. The Church is from the Word, and it is such with man, as is his understanding of the Word. In every thing of the Word is the marriage of the Lord and the Church, and thence the marriage of good and truth. Heresies may be taken from the sense of the letter of the Word, but to confirm them is damnable. The Lord came into the world to fulfill all things of the AVord, and by this He became Divine Truth, or the Word, even in ultimates. Before this Word, -which is at the present day in the world, there was a AA^ord, which was lost. By the Word those also have light, who are out of the Church, and have not the AA''ord. TIIE FOUR DOCTRINES. 81 Without the Word, no one would have any knowledge of God, of Heaven and Hell, of the Life after death, and still less of the Lord. 3. LIFE. He who lives well is saved, and he who lives ill is condemned. All religion is of life, and the life of religion is to do good. No one can do good, which is good, from him self. So far as man shuns evils as sins, he does goods, not from himself, but from the Lord. If man wills and does goods, before he shuns evils as sins, the goods are not goods. If man thinks and speaks pious things and does not shun evils as sins, the pious things are not pious. If man knows and is wise in many things, and does not shun evils as sins, he is still not wise. So far as any one shuns evils as sins, he loves truths. So far as any one shuns evils as sins, he has faith, and is spiritual. The Decalogue teaches what evils are sins. 6 82 THE FOUR DOCTRINES. Murders, adulteries, thefts, false witness, of every kind, with the concupiscence to them, are evils, which are to be shunned as sins. So far as any one shuns murders of every kind as sins, he has love toward the neighbor. So far as any one shuns adulteries of every kind as sins, he loves chastity. So far as any one shuns thefts of every kind as sins, he loves sincerity. So far as any one shuns false witness of every kind as sins, he loves truth. No one can shun evils as sins, so as to hold them inwardly in aversion, except by combats against them. Man ought to shun evils as sins, and fight against them, as from himself. If any one shuns evils as sins, from any other reason whatsoever, than because they are sins, he does not shun them, but only causes them not to appear before the world. Every one has Christian charity, as he per forms his function faithfully ; for thus, if he shuns evils as sins, he daily does goods, and is himself his own use in the common body ; thus also provision is made for the common good, and for each one in particular. Other works are not the proper works of char ity, but are either its signs, or benefactions, or duties. THE FO UR D 0 L 'TRINES. 8 3 PAITH. Faith and Truth are one, and is with those who are in Charity. Faith is the internal acknowledgment of truth. The internal acknowledgment of truth, which is Faith, is not given -with any, but those who are in Charity. The knowledges of truth and good are not of Faith, before man is in Charity ; but they are a store, out of which the faith of charity can be formed. The Christian Faith, in a universal idea, is this. The Lord from eternity, who is Jehovah, came into the world, to subjugate the Hells, and glorify His Human ; and without this no mortal could have been saved ; and they are saved who believe in Him. The Faith of the present Church, in a universal idea, is this, God the Father sent His Son to make satisfaction for the human race ; and by reason of the merit of His Son, He has mercy, and saves those who believe this. They, who are in faith separated from charity, are represented in the AVord by the Philistines. 84 THE FOUR DOCTRINES. They, who are in faith separated from charity, are understood by the Dragon in the Apocalypse. They, who are in faith separated from charity, are understood by the he-goats in Daniel and in Matthew. Faith, separated from charity, destroys the Church and all things of it. VII. THE CANONS OF THE NEW CHURCH. 1. PROLOGUE TO THE CANONS. At this day nothing else than the self-evidencing reason of love will institute the New Church, because they have fallen. The Church of this day has erred concerning God, it has erred concerning faith, it has erred concerning charity, and it knows nothing of eternal life ; thus it is in thick darkness. Upon the idea of God the whole of religion is founded, and the latter follows according to the former. This Church is that to which all churches, from the first in order, have as it were aimed ; concerning which Daniel prophesied. The New Church could not have been insti tuted until the Last Judgment was accomplished, that holy things might not be profaned. It was then promised that the spiritual sense So 86 THE CAXOXS OF THE XEW CHURCH. of the AVord would be disclosed, and that the Lord alone is the Word, whose Advent then takes place. There is religion with few at this day, because, It is not known concerning the Lord that He alone is God, in person and in essence, in whom is the Trinity ; when neverthe less all religion is founded upon the knowledge of God, and the adoration and worship of Him ; It is not known that faith is nothing else than truth, nor whether that which they call faith is truth or not ; It is not known what charity is, nor what evil and good are ; It is not known what eternal life is. So far as the truths of life become of life, the truths of faith become of faith, and not in the least more or less. Some are of science, and not of faith. 2. god the CREATOR. THERE IS ONE GOD. THE ONE GOD IS ESSE ITSELF, -\VHICH IS JEHO VAH. GOD HIMSELF IS PROM ETERNITY, AND HENCE IS ETERNITY ITSELF. TIIE CAXOXS OF THE XEW CHURCH. 87 GOD, BECAUSE HE IS ESSE ITSELF, AND FROM ETERNITY, IS THE CREATOR OF THE UNIVERSE. THE ONE ONLY GOD IS LOVE ITSELF, AND WISDOM ITSELF, THUS LIFE ITSELF. HE CREATED THE UNIVERSE FROM THE DIVINE LOVE BY THE DIVINE WISDOM ; OR WHAT IS THE SAME, PROM THE DIVINE GOOD BY THE DIVINE TRUTH. WITH HIM THE CREATION OF THE UNIVERSE HAD FOR ITS END AN ANGELIC HEAVEN FROM THE HUMAN RACE : CONSEQUENTLY THE < OMMUNICATION AND CON JUNCTION OF HIS LOVE AND WISDOM WITH MEN AND ANGELS, AND THENCE THEIR BEATITUDE AND FELICITY' TO ETERNITY. THIS END IN GOD THE CREATOR WAS PROM ETERNITY, AND IS TO ETERNITY ; AND THENCE IS TIIE CONSERVATION BY HIM OF THE CREATED TNIVEKSE. GOD, BY HIS DIVINE PROCEEDING, HAS OMNIP OTENCE, OMNIPRESENCE, AND OMNISCIENCE. 3. THE UNITY OF GOD. There is one God. The supreme and inmost of all the doctrinals of the Church, and thence the universal of them, 88 THE CAXOXS OF THE XEW CHURCH. is the knowledge and acknowledgment that God is one. Unless there were one God, the universe could not have been created and preserved. In the man who does not acknowledge God, there is no Church, thus no Heaven. In the man who does not acknowledge one God, but several, nothing of the Church coheres. There is a universal influx from God, and out of the angelic Heaven, into the soul of man, that God is, and that He is One. Human reason from many things in the world can perceive, if it will, that God is, and also that he is One. Hence it is that in the whole world there is no nation, which has religion and sound reason, which does not acknowledge and confess one God. The Sacred Scripture, and thence the doctrines of the Churches in the Christian world, teach that there is one God. But as to what the one God is, peoples and nations have differed, and do differ. They have differed, and do differ, concerning God, and concerning His Unity, from many causes. THE CANONS OF THE NEW CHURCH. 89 4. THE DIVINE ESSE. The one God is Esse itself, which is Jehovah. The one God is called Jehovah from Esse, thus that it is He who is, who was, and who is to come ; or what is the same, that He is the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End, the Alpha and the Omega. Hence the one only God is Essence itself. Sub stance itself, and Form itself; and men and angels are spiritual essences, substances, and forms, or images and likenesses, so far as they draw from that one only Divine Essence, Sub stance, and Form. This Divine Esse is Esse in itself. The Divine Esse in itself is at the same time the Divine Existere in itself. The Divine Esse and Existere in itself, can not produce another Divine, which is Esse and Existere in itself. Consequently, another God, of the same Essence with the one God, is not possible. A plurality of gods in the ancient ages, and partly in the modern, has derived its origin from no other source, than from not understanding the Divine Essence. 90 THE CANONS OF TIIE NEW CHURCH. 5. THE INFINITY AND ETERNITY OP GOD. God Himself is from. Eternity, and hence is Infinity itself, and Eternity itself. God, since He was before the world, thus before spaces and times, is Infinite. God, since He is and exists in Himself, and all things in the world are and exist from Him, is Infinite. God, since after the world was made, He is in space without space, and in time without time, is Infinite. God, since He is the all in all things of the world, and especiall}' the all in all things of Heaven and the Church, is Infinite. The Infinity of God, correspondently to spaces, is called Immensity ; and correspondently to times, is called Eternity. Although the Immensity of God is correspond ently to spaces, and His Eternity correspondently to times, still there is nothing of s])ace in His Im mensity, and nothing of time in Ilis Eternity. By the Immensity of God, is understood His Divinity as to Esse, and by the Eternity of God, His Divinity as to Existere ; both in itself, or in Himself. THE CAXOXS OF THE NEW CHURCH 91 Every created thing is finite ; and the Infinite is in finites, as in its receptacles. Angels and men, since they are create and thence finite, cannot comprehend the Infinity of God, nor His Immensity and Eternity, such as they are in themselves. Nevertheless, when illustrated by God, they can see, as through' lattice-work, that God is Infinite. The Image of the Infinite is also impressed on varieties and propagations in the world ; on varie ties, that there is no one thing the same as another ; on propagations, animate and inanimate, that the multiplication of one seed may be to in finity, and prolificatiou to eternity ; besides many other things. So far as man and angel acknowledges the Unity and Infinity of God, he, if he lives well, becomes a receptacle and an image of God. It is vain to think what was before the world, and what is outside of the world ; since before the world there was no time, and outside of the world there is no space. Man, from thought concerning these things, may fall into a delirium, unless he is in part with drawn by God' from the idea of space and time ; which inheres in all and single things of human thought, and adheres to angelic thought. 92 THE CANONS OF TIIE NEW CHURCH. 6. THE CREATION OF THE UNIVERSE. God, because He is Esse itself, and from Eternity, is the Creator of the Universe. No one can conceive in idea, and perceive, that God created the universe, unless he first knows something concerning the spiritual world, and its sun ; as also concerning the correspondence, and hence the conjunction, of spiritual with natural tilings. There are two worlds ; a spiritual world, where spirits aud angels are, aud a natural world, where men are. There is a sun in the spiritual world, and another in the natural world ; and the spiritual world exists and subsists from its sun, and the natural world by its sun. The sun of the spiritual world is pure love, from Jehovah God, who is in the midst of it; and the sun of the natural world is pure fire. All that proceeds from the sun of the spiritual world, is living ; and all that proceeds from the sun of the natural world, is dead. Hence all that proceeds from the sun of the spiritual world, is spiritual ; and all that proceeds from the sun of the natural world, is natural. THE CANONS OF THE NEW CHURCH. 93 Jehovah God, by the sun, in the midst of which He is, created the spiritual world ; and by this, mediately. He created the natural world. Spiritual things are suljstantial, and natural things are material ; and the latter exist and sub sist from the former, as the posterior from the prior, or the exterior from the interior. Hence all things that are in the spiritual world, are also in the natural world, and the reverse ; with a difference of perfection. Since the natural arises from the spiritual, as the material from the substantial, they are every where together ; and thus the spiritual by the natural exercises its activities, and operates its functions. The idea of creation perpetually exists in the spiritual world ; since all things which there exist and are done, are created by Jehovah God in a moment. Around every angel in Heaven is an idea of creation. Between those things which are of the spiritual world, and those which are of the natural world, there is a correspondence; and by correspond ence conjunction. From these things it is manifest, that the crea tion of the universe by the one and Infinite God, can never be conceived, without a previous kno-wledge of the spiritual world and its sun. 94 THE CANONS OF TIIE NEW CHURCH. and of correspondence ; and because of this, hy potheses concerning the creation have come forth, founded upon naturalism, which are foolish. LOVE AND WISDOM IN GOD. The one only God is Love itself, and Wisdom it self, thus Life itself. Love and Wisdom are the two essentials and universals of Life ; Love the Esse of Life, and Wisdom the Existere of Life from that Esse. God is Love itself and AVisdom itself, because He is Esse itself, and Existere itself in itself. If God were not Love itself and Wisdom itself, there would be nothing of love and nothing of wisdom, with the angels in Heaven, and with men in the world. So far as angels and men are united to God by wisdom and love, they are in true love and in true wisdom. Heat and light proceed from Jehovah God, by the sun in the midst of which He is ; and the heat thence proceeding is Love, and the light Wisdom. The light thence proceeding is the splendor of love, which in the AVord is understood by glory. That light is life itself. TIIE CANOXS OF TIIE XEW CHUllCH. 95 Angels and men are so far living, as they are in the wisdom of love from God. It is similar, whether it be said, that God is Good itself and Truth itself, or Love itself and Wisdom itself; since all good is of love, and all truth is of Avisdom. Love and -n'isdom are inseparable and indi visible ; in like manner good and truth ; where fore such as the love is with angels and men, such is the wisdom with them ; or what is the same, such as the good is, such is the truth ; but not the reverse. 8. CREATION FROM DIVINE LOVE BY DIVINE WISDOM. Tlie one only God created the Udverse from the Divine Love by the Divine Wisdom; or, what is the same, from the Divine Good by the Divine Truth. Reason illustrated sees that the first origin of all things of the world is Love, and that the world was created from Love by Wisdom. Hence it is, and from no other source, that the world, from its firsts to its ultimates, is a work cohering to eternity. The world was created from Love by AA^isdom, thus by the Sun, which is pure Love, in the 96 THE CANONS OF THE NEW CHURCH. midst of which is Jehovah God ; which may be seen from the correspondence of love with heat, and of wisdom with light. By these two, heat and light, the world subsists, and every year all things are created upon its surface; and if these two were witlidrawn, the world would fall into cliaos, and thus into nothing. There are three things which follow in order, and proceed in indivisible companionship, name ly. Love, Wisdom, and Use. Love by Wisdom exists and subsists in Use. These three are in God, and proceed from God. The created universe consists of infinite recep tacles of these three. Since Love and AVisdom exist and subsist in Use, the created universe is a receptacle of uses, which, from their origin, are infinite. Since all good is from God, and good and use are one, and the created universe is the fullness of uses in forms, it follows that the created uni verse is the fullness of God. That the creation was effected from the Divine Love by the Divine AVisdom, is understood by these words in John, In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and God was the Word ; all things were made by Hvm ; and the world njas made by Him (I, 1, 3, 10). By God is here understood the Divine Good of Love; and THE CANONS OF THE NEW CHURCH. 97 by the AA^ord, which also was God, the Divine Truth of AVisdom. Evils, or evil uses, did not exist until after Creation. 9. THE END OP CREATION. With the one only God, the Creation of the Uni verse had for its end an angelic Heaven from the Human Race. 1. In the created world there are perpetual progressions of ends; that is, from first ends, by mediate ends, to ultimate ends. The first ends are of love, or are relations to love ; the mediate ends are of wisdom, or are re lations to wisdom ; the ultimate ends are of use, or are relations to use. These things are, be cause all the Infinite things in God, and from God, are of love, wisdom, and use. These progressions of ends proceed from firsts to ultimates, and return from ultimates to firsts ; and they proceed and return by periods, which are called the circles of things. These progressions of ends are more and less universal ; and these are the complex of singular ends. The most universal End, which is the End of 98 THE CANONS OF THE NEW CHURCH. ends, is in God ; and it proceeds from God, from the firsts of the spiritual world, to the ultimates of the natural world ; aud from these ultimates it returns to those firsts, and thus to God. This most universal End. or End of ends from God, is an angelic Heaven from the human race. This most universal End is the complex of all ends, and of their progressions in both worlds, spiritual and natural. This most universal End is the inmost, and is as the life and soul, the force and conatus, in all and single created things. Hence there is a continued connection of all things in the created universe, from firsts to ulti mates, and from ultimates to firsts. From this End, implanted in created things, in general and in particular, is the preservation of the universe. 2. Love is spiritual conjunction. True love cannot rest in itself, and be restrained within its own limits ; but it wills to go forth, and to embrace others with love. True love wills to be conjoined to others, and to communicate and give its own to them. True love wills to dwell in others, and in itself from others. The Divine Love, which is Love itself, and God Himself, wills to be in a subject, which is His THF CAXOXS OF TIIE .XEW CHURCH. 99 image and likeness ; consequently. He wills to be in man, and man in Him. In order that this may be done, it follows from the very essence of the Love which is in God, and thence from the urgent cause that the universe must be created by God, in which are earths, and upon them men, and in men minds and souls, with which the Divine Love can be conjoined. Therefore all things, that have been created, look to man as the end. Since the angelic Pleaven is formed from men, from their sjiirits and souls, all things, that have been created, look to the angelic Heaven as the end. The angelic Heaven is the very habitation of God with men, and of men ^vith God. Eternal beatitudes, felicities, and joys, are at the same time ends of creation ; because they are of Love. This End is the inmost; thus as the life and soul, and as the force and conatus, in all and single created things. This End is God in them. This End implanted in created things, in general and in particular, causes the universe to be preserved in the state created, in so far as the ends of an opposite love do not obstruct and de stroy. God, from His Divine Omnipotence, Omnipres- 100 THE CAXOXS OF THE XEW CHURCH. ence, and Omniscience, continually provides, lest opposite ends from opposite loves, should prevail, and the work of Creation be ruined, even to de struction. Preservation is perpetual creation, as subsist ence is perpetual existence. 10. OMNIPOTENCE, OMNISCIENCE, AND OMNIPRESENCE. God, by His Divine proceeding, has Omnipotence, Omniscience, and Omnipresence. The . Omnipotence, Omniscience, and Omni presence of God do not fall into the human un derstanding, because the Omnipotence of God is Infinite Power, the Omniscience of God is Infinite Wisdom, and the Omnipresence of God is Infinite Presence, in all the things which have gone forth and do go forth from Him ; and the Divine Infi nite does not fall into the finite understand ing. That God is Omnipotent, Omniscient, and Omnipresent, is acknowledged without rational scrutiny ; since this inflows from God into the superior part of the human mind, and thence into acknowledgment, with all wdio have religion and sound reason. It also inflows with those who mi: CAXOXS OF THE NEW CHUIiCH. lOl have no religion, but with them there is no recep tion, and hence no acknowledgment. That God is Omnipotent, Omniscient, and Omnipresent, man can confirm himself from innumerable things which are of reason and at the same tiaie of religion, as from the following : God alone is and exists in Himself; and every other being, and every other thing, from Plim ; God alone loves, is wise, lives, and acts from Himself ; and every other being, aud every other thing, from Him ; God alone has power from Himself; and every other being, and every other thing, from Him ; Consequently, God is the Soul of all ; from whom all beings and all things are, live, and move. Unless all and single things in the world and in Heaven related to the One, who is, lives, and has power from Himself, the universe would be dissipated in a moment. Hence the universe created by God is the full ness of God. Wherefore He Himself says that He is the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End, the Alpha and the Omega, AA^ho was, and AVho is, and AVho will be, the Omnijiotent. The preservation of the universe, which is perpetual creation, is a full testimony that God is Omnipotent, Omniscient, and Omnipresent. The opposites, which are evils, do not take away 102 THE CAXOXS OF THE XEW CHURCH. that God is Omnipotent, Omniscient, and Omni present ; for evils are outside of subjects, and outside of created things, and do not penetrate to the Divine things which are within. Evils, by the Divine Providence, which also is universal in most singular things, are more and more removed from interiors, and cast out to exteriors, and thus are alienated and separated, lest they bring any injury to things internal, which are Divine. The Divine Omnipotence is by His Human. This is meant by sitting on the right hand, and by being the First and the Last, as is said of the Son of Man in the Apocalypse , and there, that He is Omnipotent. The reason is, that God acts from firsts by ultimates, and thus contains all things. The Lord acts from firsts liy ultimates with men ; not by anything of man, but by His own in him. AA^ith the Jews He acted by the AA^ord with them, thus by His own ; by this He also did miracles through Elias and Elisha ; but because the Jews perverted the AVord, God Himself came, and made Himself the Ultimate. Thus He then (lid miracles from Himself. Order was first created, according to which God acts. Wherefore God made Himself Order. THE C.iXOXS OF THE XEW CHURCH. 103 11. GOD THE REDEEMER, JESUS CHRIST. IN GOD THERE IS DIVINE LOVE AND DIVINE WISDOM, OR DIVINE GOOD AND DIVINE TRUTH. HE DESCENDED AS TO THE DIVINE TRUTH. THIS TRUTH IS THE WORD. THE HOLY SPIRIT IS THE DIVINE TRUTH, AND THE POWER OF THE HIGHEST IS THE DIVINE GOOD. THE HUMAN OF THE LORD IS THE SON OF GOD. THE LORD HAD TWO STATES WHEN HE WAS IN THE WORLD, A STATE OP EXINANITION, AND A STATE OF GL0RIFI1.:ATI0N. THE LORD UNITED THJC DIVINE TRFTH TO THE DIVINE GOOD, AND THE DIVINE GOOD TO THE DI VINE TRUTH, IN HIS HUMAN. AFTER UNITION HE RETURNED TO THE FATHER. HE SUCCESSIVELY GLORIFIED HIMSELF. THIS UNION IS LIKE THAT OF THE SOUL AND THE BODY. 12. THE DIVINE LOVE AND "WISDOM. In Jehovah God there are two thin.gs of the same essence. Divine Love and. Divine Wisdom, or Divine Good and Divine Truth. Universally and singularly, all things in both worlds, the spiritual and the natural, relate to 104 THE CAXOXS OF THE XEW CHURCtt. Love and Wisdom, or to Good and Tmth ; since God the Creator and Establish er of the uni verse, is Love Itself and Wisdom Itself, or Good Itself and Trutli Itself. Just as all things universally and singularly, in man relate to will and understanding ; since the will is the receptacle of good, or love, and the understanding the receptacle of wisdom, or truth. And just as all things of the universe, as to existence and subsistence, relate to heat and light ; and heat in the spiritual world, in its essence, is love, and light there in its essence is wisdom ; and heat and light, in the natural world, corres})ond to love and wisdom in the spiritual world. Hence it is that all things in the, Church relate to charity and faith ; since charity is good, and faith is truth. Therefore, in the prophetic Word, there are double expressions, one of which relates to good, the other to truth ; and thus to Jehovah God, who is Good Itself and Truth Itself In the Word of the Old Testament, Jehovah signifies the Divine Esse, which is the Divine Good, and God the Divine Existere, which is the Divine Truth ; and Jehovah God signifies both ; likewise Jesus Christ. Good is good, and truth is truth, according to the quantity and quality of their conjunction. THE CAXONS OF THE XEW CHURCH 105 Good exists by truth ; consequently, truth is the form of good, and hence the quality of good. 13. THE ASSUMPTION OP THE HUMAN. Jehovah God descended as to Divine Wisdom, or Divine Truth, and assumed a Human in the Virgin Mary. Jehovah God assumed a Human, that in the fullness of time He might become the Redeemer and Saviour. He became the Redeemer and Saviour by Jus tice, which then, as to the Human, He put on. He could not have become Justice, and thus the Redeemer and Saviour, as to the Human, except by the Divine Truth ; since by the Divine Truth, from the beginning, all things were made which were made. The Divine Truth could combat against the hells, and could be tempted, blasphemed, repro bated, and suffer; Bui not the Divine Good ; neither God, except in a Human, conceived and born according to Divine Order. Jehovah God therefore descended as to the Divine Truth, and assumed a Human. 106 THE CAXOXS OF THE XEW CHURCH. This is according to the Sacred Scripture, and according to reason illustrated in it aud from it. 14. THE WORD MADE FLESH. This Divine Truth is understood by the Word, which was made flesh. Word, in the Sacred Scripture, signifies vari ous things ; as, for example, it signifies a thing which really exists ; also the thought of the mind and thence speech. It .signifies primarily everything that exists and goes forth out of the mouth of God, thus the Divine Truth ; consequently the Sacred Scripture, since in it is the Divine Truth in its eiBsence and form ; it is from this that the Sacred Scripture is called, in one term, the AA^ord. The Ten AVords of the Decalogue signify all Divine Truths in a summary. Hence the Word signifies the Lord, the Re deemer and Saviour ; since all things in it are from Him, thus are Himself From these things it may be seen, that by the AVord, which was in the beginning with God, and which was God, and which -was with God before the world, is understood the Divine Trutii, which THE CAXOXS OF THE XEW CHl'HCH 107 was before creation in Jehovah, and after creation from Jehovah ; and finally the Divine Human, which Jehovah assumed in time; for it is said that the AA^^ord was made flesh, that is, Man. The hypostatic AA'ord is nothing else than the Divine Truth. 15. THE HOLY SPIRIT AND THE POWER OF THE HIGHEST. The Holy Spirit, which came upon Mary, signifies the Divine Truth; and the Power of the Highest, which overshadowed her, signifies the Divine Good, from which the Divine Truth is. The Holy Spirit is the Divine proceeding, thus the Divine teaching, reforming, regenerating, and vivifying. This is the Divine Truth, which Jehovah God spake by the Prophets, and which the Lord Him self spake from His own mouth, when He was in the world. This Divine Truth, which also is the AA'ord, was in the Lord by bii'th from conception; and afterwards was beyond all measure, that is, in finite!}' increased ; which is understood by tlie Spirit of Jehovah being given upon Him. The Spirit of Jehovah is called the Holy Spirit, 108 THE CAXOXS OF THE XEW CHURCH. because holy in the Word is said of the Divine Truth. Hence it is, that the Human of the Lord born of Mary is called the Holy ; and that the Lord Himself is called the Alone Holy ; and that others are called holy, not from themselves, but from Him. The highest in the Word is said of the Divine Good ; wherefore the Power of the Highest sig nifies Power proceeding from the Divine Good. Hence those two things, the Holy Spirit coming upon her, and the Power of the Highest overshadowing her, signify both ; namely, the Divine Truth and the Divine Good ; the latter making the soul, and the former the body. Consequently, those two things in the Lord when He was born were distinct, as the soul and body are, but were afterwards united. In like manner as is done in man, who is born and afterwards regenerated. 16. THE SON OP GOD. The Human of the Lord- Jehovah is the Son of God sent into the world. Jehovah God sent Himself into the world, by assuming the Human. THE CAXOXS OF THE XEW CHURCH. 109 This Human, conceived from Jehovah God, is called the Son of God, who was sent into the world. This Human is called the Son of God, and the Son of Man ; the Son of God from the Divine Truth and the Divine Cxood in Him, which is the Word ; and the Son of IMaii from the Divine Truth and the Divine Good from Him, which is the Doctrine of the Church from the AA'^ord. No other Son of God is understood in the Word, but He who was born in the world. A Son of God born from eternity, who is a God by Himself, is not from the Sacred Scripture ; and it is also contrary to reason illustrated by God. This was invented and made by the Nicene Council, as an asylum, into which those could betake themselves, who wished to avoid the scandals disseminated by Arius and his followers, concerning the Human of the Lord. The Primitive Cliurch, which was called the Apostolic Church, knew nothing concerning the birth of any Son of God from eternity. 17. EXINANITION AND GLORIFICATION. The Lord, so far as He was in the Divine Truth as to the Human separately, was in the stcde of Ex- 110 TIIE CAXOXS OF THE XEW CHURCH. inanition ; and so far as He was with the Divine Good conjointly. He was in the state of Glorifica tion. The Lord had two states ; one which is called the state of Exinanition, the other the state of Glorification. The state of Exinanition, was also a state of Humiliation before the Father ; and the state of Glorification, was a state of Unition with the Father. The Lord, when He was in the state of Exin anition, or Humiliation, prayed to the Father as absent or remote ; but when He was in the state of Glorification, or Unition, He spoke with Him self, when with the Father ; altogether as the states of the soul and body with man, before and after regeneration. The Lord, when He was in the Divine Truth separately, was in the state of Exinanition, since that could be assaulted by the Hells, or by the devils there, and reprobated liy men ; wherefore the Lord, when He was in the Divine Truth separately, could be tempted and suffer. But on the other hand, the Lord, when He was in the Divine Good conjointly, could not be tempted and suffer Ijy devils in hell, nor by men in the world ; since that cannot be approached, still less assaulted. THE CAXOXS OF THE XEW CHURCH. m The Lord was alternately in these two states when in the world. The Lord could not otherwise have become Justice and Redemption. A similar thing takes place with the man who is regenerated by the Lord. This is manifest from experience, from reason, and from the Sacred Scripture. 18. THE TEMPTATIONS OF THE LORD. The Lord united the Divine Truth with the Divine Good, and the Divine Good with, the Divine Truth, thus the Hnnan with the Divine of the Father, and the Divine of the Father with, the Human, by Temp)- tntions, and fully by the Passion of the Cross. The Lord, when He was in the world, admitted into Himself and underwent grievous and cruel temptations from the Hells, and at length the last of them, which was the Passion of the Cross. The Lord in temptations fought with the Hells, and conquered and subjugated them. By this He reduced the Hells to order, and at the same time the Heavens where angels are, and the Church where men are ; since the state of the one continually depends upon the state of the other. 112 THE CAXOXS OF THE XEW CHURCH. The Lord also by temptations and reproba tions, and lastly by the Passion of the Cross, rep resented the state of the Church, such as it then was, as to the Divine Truth, thus as to the Word. The Lord, by the fulfilling of the Word, and by temptations, and fully by the last of them, which was the Passion of the Cross, glorified His Human. Thus He took away the universal damnation, which threatened not only the Christian world, but also the whole world, and likewise the angelic Heaven. This is understood by His bearing and taking away the sins of the world. He underwent the temptations and reproba tions, when He was in the state of Truth sepa rately, which was the state of His Exinanition. The conjunction of the spiritual man with the natural, and of the natural man with the spiritual, is effected by temptations. 19. THE GLORIFIED HUMAN. • After the Unition was accojnplished. He returned into the Divine in which He was from eternity, to gether with and in the Glorified Human. Jehovah God from eternity had a Human such THE CAXOXS OF THE XEW CHURCH 113 as the angels in heaven have, but of Infinite Essence, thus Divine ; and tie had not a Human such as men have on earth. Jehovah God assumed a Human such as men have on the earth, according to Plis own Divine Order; which is, that He should be conceived, born, grow up, and be imbued successively with the Divine AA^isdom and the Divine Love. Thus He united this Human with His Divine from eternity ; and thus He went forth from the Father and returned to the Father. Jehovah God in this Pluman, and by it, ex ercised justice, and made Plimself the Redeemer and Saviour. And by Unition with His Divine, He made Himself the Redeemer and Saviour to Eternity. Jehovah God, by the Union of this Human with His Divine, exalted His Omnipotence ; which is understood by His sitting on the right hand of God. Jehovah God in this Human is above the Heavens, illuminating the universe with the light of Wisdom, and inspiring into the universe the power of Love. They receive these two gratis who approach Him as a Man, and live according to His pre cepts. Jehovah God alone is a full Man with the angels. 114 THE CANONS OF THE NEW CHURCH. 20. GLORIFICATION SU( CESSIVE. Jehovah God successively put off' the Human from the mother, and put on a Hm nan from the Fcdhei^ ; and thus He made that Human Divine. The soul of the offspi-ing is from the father, and in the womb it clothes itself with a body from the substance of the mother ; analogically, as the seed in the earth, and from the substance of the earth. Hence the image of the father is in the body ; first obscurely, then more and more evidently, as the son applies himself to the studies and offices of the father. The body of Christ, so far as it was from the substance of the mother, was not Life in itself; but a recipient of Life from the Divine in Him, which was Life in itself. Christ, successively, as He exalted the Divine Wisdom and the Divine Love in Himself, took upon Himself the Divine Life, which is Life in itself. Christ, so far as He took on Life in itself from the Divine in Him, put oft' the human from the mother, and put on a Human from the Father. Christ by this made His Human Divine, and THE CANONS OF TIIE NEW CHURCH. 115 from the son of Mary He made Himself the Son of God. Christ Jesus could thus, and not otherwise, be in angels and in men, and angels and men in Him. But because Alary, His mother, afterwards rep resented the Church, in this respect she is to be called His mother. Christ, when He was in the Human of the mother, was in the state of Exinanition, and could be tempted, reprobated, and suffer. In this state He prayed to the Father, because He was then as it were absent from Him. 21. THE DIVINE AND HUMAN IN ONE PERSON. The Divine from eternity, and the Human in time, united as soul an.d body, are one Person, which is Jehovah. In Jesus Christ, the Divine from eternity, and the Human in time, are united as soul and body in man. Unition was and is reciprocal, and thus full. Consequently, God and ]Man, that is, the Di vine and the Human, are one Person. In the Human of the Lord all the Divine things of the Father are together. 116 THE CANONS OF THE NEW CHURCH. Thus the Lord is the one and only God, Who has all Power in the Heavens and on earth from eternity, and to eternity. He is the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End, AA'ho was, AVho is, and Who is to come, the Alpha and the Omega, the Omnipotent. He is the Father of Eternity, Jehovah Justice, Jehovah the Saviour and Redeemer, Jehovah Zebaoth. They who go to Him as Jehovah and Father, and are united to Him, become His sons, and are called the sons of God. These are the receptacles of His Divine Human. 22. REDEMPTION. THE CHURCH DECLINES FROM GOOD TO EVIL SUCCESSIVELY. THE END OF THE CHURCH IS, WHEN THE PO-WER OF EVIL AND OP HELL IS OVER THE POWER OP GOOD AND OF HEAVEN. IN LIKE MANNER, THE CHURCH GOES AWAY PROM THE INTERNAL TO THE EXTERNAL. THE END AND PROGRESSION OF THE CHURCH IS DESCRIBED IN THE WORD. IN THE END OF THE CHURCH A TOTAL DAMNA TION THREATENS. TIIE CANONS OF THE NEW CHURCH. 117 THE LORD REDEEMED MEN AND ANGELS. THE LORD SUSTAINED THE MOST GRIEVOUS TEMPTATIONS. REDEMPTION IS NOT POSSIBLE EXCEPT BY GOD INCARNATE. 23. THE SUCCESSIVE DECLINE OP THE CHURCH. The Church in process of time goes away from the good of charity, and then to the falses of faith, and dies. There is a Church in the Heavens, and a Church on earth ; and they make one, as the internal and external with man. The Church in the Heavens and on earth is together before the Lord, and appears before the angels as one man. Hence the Church may be compared to a man, who is first an infant, then a youth, afterwards a man, and lastly an old man. When the Church is an infant, it is in the good of charity ; when as a youth and a man, it is in the truths of faith from that good; and when an old man, it is in the marriage of charity and faith. The Church, when it is and remains such, en dures to eternity; but otherwise, if it recedes from the good of charity of its infancy. 118 THE CANONS OF THE NEW CHURCH. If the Church recedes from the good of charity of its infancy, it is in thick darkness as to truths, and falls into falses as a blind man into a pit. The four essentials of the Church are, a knowl edge of God, a knowledge of the goods of charity, a knowledge of the truths of faith, and a life ac cording to them. When the Church recedes from charity, it also recedes from these four essentials ; and then falses inflow concerning God, charity, faith, aud wor ship. These falses inflow into the primates of the Church, and from them into the people, as from the head into the body. There are two causes why falses inflow into the primates, and flow forth from them ; one is the love of ruling from the love of self; the other is intelligence from the proprium, and not from the Sacred Scripture. Then falses flow forth from one falsity in a continual series, and this until nothing of truth remains. The Sacred Scripture, when it is applied to con firm those things, is totally falsified, and thus the Church perishes. THE CANOXS OF THE NEW CHURCH. 119 24. THE END OF THE CHURCH. The end of the Church is at hand, when the power of evil by falses begins to prevail over the power of good by truths, in the natural world ; and at the same time the power of Hell over the power of Heaven. Every man after death comes into his own good and thence into his own truth, in which he was in the world ; in like manner into his own evil and thence into his own falsity. They who are in good, and thence in truth, enter into Heaven ; and they who are in evil and thence in falsity, enter into Hell. They who are in good on earth, are interiorly in truths ; and if in falses, still after death they receive truths comformable to their good ; but it is otherwise with those who are in evils ; the rea son is, that good and evil are of the will ; and the will is the esse of man, and the under standing exists thence. From the state of Heaven and Hell, in the spiritual world, it is known how far good prevails over evil, or evil over good, on earth ; since every man after death is gathered to his own, that is, comes into his own evil, or his own good ; and Heaven and Hell are from the human race. 120 THE CA NONS OF THE NE W CHUR CH. This could by no means be known on earth, for many reasons. Between Heaven and Hell there is an Inter stice, into which evil exhaled from Hell ascends, and good from Heaven descends, and meet each other. In the midst of the Interstice, is the equilib rium between good and evil. From this equilibrium, it is known how far good prevails over evil, or evil over good. The Lord weighs this there as in a balance. This equilibrium is elevated towards Heaven as evil prevails over good, and is depressed to wards Hell as good prevails over evil ; because good from Heaven depresses it, and evil from Hell elevates it. This equilibrium is as a footstool to the angels of Heaven, in which their good terminates, and upon which it subsists. According to the degree in which this eriui- librium is elevated, the felicity of the angels of Heaven, from their goods and the truths thence, is diminished.When evil prevails over good on earth, Hell at the same time prevails over Heaven. From these things it is manifest that the end of the Church is at hand, when the power of evil prevails over the power of good. It is said, the power of good by truths, and the THE CANONS OF THE XEW CHURCH. 121 power of evil by falses, because good has power by truths, and evil has power by falses. 25. THE INCREASE OF EVIL. As the Church goes away from good to evil, so also it goes away from internal worship to external. So far as evil increases in the Church, the man of the Church becomes external. So far as the man of the Church becomes ex ternal, he becomes double ; that is, he is evil in internals, and apparently good in externals. Every man after death becomes at length such as he was in internals, but not such as he was in externals. Hence also it is that the world, because it judges from externals, does not know what the state of the Church is ; so also, it does not know how the Church decreases and verges to its end. Every man has an internal and an external, which are called the internal and external man. In the internal man the will rules, thus the principal love of the life ; but in the external man the understanding rules, which either mani festly, or prudently, or cunningly, favors the in ternal. If the internal man is evil, and the external 122 THE CAXONS OF THE NEW CHURCH. man good, he is in the latter a dissembler and a hypocrite. No man is good, as to the internal man, except from the Lord. 26. DESCRIBED IN THE WORD. The progression of the Church to the end, and the end itself, is described in very many p>laces in the Word. The successive decrease of good and truth, and increase of evil and falsity, in the Church, are called in the AA''ord vastation and desolation. The last state, when nothing of good and truth remains, is there called consummation and cut ting off. The end itself of the Church is the fulness of time. Similar things are also understood in the Word by evening and night. And also by these words in the Proiihets and Evangelists, Then shall the sun be obscured, the moon shall not give her light, the steers shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the hruvens shall be commoved. There is then a Church no longer, except as to name ; but still this residue is there, namely, THE CANOXS OF THE XEW CHURCH 123 that man can know and understand truths, and do goods, if he will. 27. IMMINENT DAMNATION. In the end of the Church a total Damnation threatens men on earth and angels in. the Heavens. Every .man is in the equilibrium, which is between Heaven and Hell, and thence in the freedom of looking and turning himself, either to Heaven or to Hell. Every man after death comes first into this equilibrium, and thus into a state of life similar to that in which he was in the world. They who in the world looked and turned themselves to Heaven, or to Hell, look and turn themselves in like manner after death. In the end of the Church, when the power of evil prevails over the power of good, this equi librium is distended and filled by the evil, who stream thither from the world. Hence this equilibrium is more and more ele vated towards Heaven, and according to approach infests the angels there. All those who are in this elevated ec{uilibrium, are interiorly infernal and exteriorly moral. These, because they are such, perpetually 124 THE CAXOXS OF THE NEW CHURCH. endeavor to destroy Heaven, which is above them ; which also they do by cunning devices from Hell, with which, as to their interiors, they make one. Hence it is, that in the end of the Church, de struction and hence damnation, threaten even the angels of Heaven. Unless Judgment were then effected, no man on earth could be saved, nor could any angel in the Heavens subsist in safety. 28. REDEMPTION OP MEN AND ANGELS. Jehovah God, by His Advent into the world, took away that total Damnation ; and by this He re deemed men on earth and angels in the Heavens. Jehovah God came into the world, to deliver men and angels from the assault and violence of Hell, and thus from damnation. He did this by combats against Hell, and by victories over it ; and He subjugated it, reduced it into order, and put it under obedience to Him self. After this Judgment, He also created, that is, formed, a New Heaven, and by this a New Church. THE CAXO.XS OF TIIE XEW CHURCH. 125 By these things Jehovah God put Himself in the power of saving all, who believe in Him, aud do His precepts. Thus He redeemed all in the universal world, and all in the universal Heaven. This is the Gospel which He commanded to be preached in the whole world. This Gospel is to those who repent, but not to those who from purpose transgress His jjrecepts. 29. REDEMPTION TO ETERNITY. The Lord, when He was in the world, sustained the most grievous Temptations from the Hells, and also from the Jewish Church; and by Victories in them. He reduced all things to order, and at the same time glorified His Human; and thus He redeemed angels and men, and redeems them to eternity. 1. All spiritual temptations are combats against evils and falses, consequently against the Hells ; and these temptations are more grievous, the more they invade the spirit of man, and at the same time his body, and torment both. The Lord sustained the most grievous tempta tions of all, because He fought against all the Hells, and also against the evils and falses of the Jewish Church. 126 THE CANONS OF THE NEW CHURCH. His temptations are but little described in the Evangelists ; only by combats with beasts, that is, with satans in Hell, forty days in the desert, and afterwards by infestations from the devil, and lastly by His sufferings in Gethsemane, and by the terrible Passion on the Cross. But His temptations or combats with the Hells, are de scribed more particularly and more fully in the Prophets, and in David ; which, because they were invisible, could not be manifested. The Lord underwent these temptations, in order that He might subjugate the Hells, which infested Heaven and at the same time the Church ; and that He might deliver angels and men from that infestation, and thus save them. The end of all spiritual temptations is the thorough subjugation of evil and falsity, thus also of Hell ; and at the same time the thorough subjugation of the external man, for into him evils and falses from Hell inflow. For in temp tations there is a contest for the dominion of evil over good, and of the external man over the in ternal ; wherefore, on which side the victory stands, on that side also stands the dominion. When therefore victory stands on the side of good, good takes hold of the dominion over evil, and also the internal man over the external. The Lord suffered these temptations from childhood even to the last period of His life. THE CAXONS OF THE XEW CHURCH. 127 and thus successively subjugated the Hells, and successively glorified His Human ; and in the last temptation upon the cross, which was the most grievous of all. He fully conquered the Hells, and made His Human Divine. 2. The Lord fought with the Hells, and also against the falses and evils of the Jewish Church, as the Divine Truth Itself, or the A\'ord, which He Himself was ; and He suffered Himself to be reprobated, to l.te treated with contempt, and to be slain, just as the Cliurch had then done with the Word. Such a thing was done in like manner with the Prophets, because they represented the Lord as to the AVord ; consequently with the Lord, who was the Prophet Himself, because He was the Word Itself. That it was so done, was ac cording to Divine Order. An image of the victories of the Lord over the Hells, and of the glorification of His Human, by temptations, is presented in the regeneration of man ; for as the Lord subjugated the Hells, and made His Human Divine, so He subjugates them with man, and makes him spiritual, and thus regenerates him. It is known that the Lord snatches man from the jaws of the Devil, that is, of Hell, and elevates him to Himself into Heaven ; and that He does 128 THE CAXOXS OF THE NEW CHURCH. this with man by a withdrawal from evils, which is eftected by contrition and repentance. These two are the temptations, which are the means of regeneration. 3. The Lord as the Prophet bore the iniquities of the Jewish Church, and did not take them away. His Glorification, or Unition with the Divine of His Father, which was in Him as the soul in man, could not be effected except by reciprocal operation, the Human co-operating with the Divine; nevertheless it was principally from the Divine ; but still the reception, action, or reaction, was from the Human as from Itself. But so far as it was conjoined, He acted at the same time from both. In like manner as man is regenerated and becomes spiritual from the Lord. When an infant He was as an infant ; when a boy. He was as a boy ; and from boyhood He grew in wisdom. He could not be born AA^isdom, but became Wisdom according to Order. He progressed to full conjunction. THE CANONS OF THE NEW CHURCH. 129 30- REDEMPTION BY GOD INCARNATE. Redemption could not have been effected, and hence Salvation could not have been given, except by God Incarnate. The AVord of the old and new Testament teaches that God was incarnate. All the worship of the Church before God be came incarnate, foreshadowed, and looked to Him, after He was incarnate ; hence, and from no other ground, was that worship Divine. God Incarnate is Jehovah our Justice, Jehovah our Redemption, Jehovah our Salvation, and Jehovah our Truth ; and all these are understood by the two names, Jesus Christ. God not incarnate could not have fought against the Hells, and conquer them. God not incarnate could not have been tempted, and still less suffer the Cross. God not incarnate could not have been seen and known, thus could not have been approached, and so could not have been conjoined with men and angfls, except through Himself incarnate. Faith in God not incarnate is not possible, but only in Him incarnate. Hence it is that it was said by the ancients that 9 130 THE CANONS OF THE NEW CHURCH. no man can see God and live ; and by the Lord, that no man hath seen the shape of the Father, nor heard His voice. God also exhibited Himself to the sight of the ancients by means of angels, in a human form, which form was representative of God in carnate. Every operation of God is effected from firsts by ultimates, thus from His Divine by His Human ; hence it is, that God is the Fir.st and the Last, VA'^ho was. Who is, and AA'ho is to come. In the Ultimates of God all Divine things are together ; thus in our Lord Jesus Christ, are all things of His Father. From these things it follows, that Redemption could by no means have been effected except by God incarnate ; And that Salvation could not be given except by God incarnate, thus except by the Lord the Redeemer and Saviour ; which Salvation is per petual Redemption. Hence it is, that they who believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, have eternal life ; and that they who do not believe in Him, have not that life. THE CANONS OF THE NEW CHURCH. I3I 31. THE HOLY SPIRIT. THE HOLY SPIRIT IS THE DIVINE WHICH PRO CEEDS FROM THE ONE INFINITE, OMNIPOTENT, OM NISCIENT, .\ND OMNIPRESENT GOD. THE HOLY SPIRIT, IN ITS liSSENC'E, IS THAT GOD himself; but in the SUB.IECTS where it IS RE CEIVED, IT IS THE DIVINE PRO< ¦FEDING. THE DIVINE, WHICH IS CALLED THE HOLY SPIRIT, PROCEEDS FR(.iM THAT GOD HIMSELF BY HIS HUM.VN ; (,'OMPAR.VTIVKLY AS THAT WHICH PROCEEDS FROM JIAN, TH.VT IS, WHAT HE TEACHES AND OPERATES, PROCEEDS FROM HIS SOUL BY HIS BODY. THE DIVINE, WHICH IS CALLED THE HOLY SPIRIT, PROCEEDINC^ FROM GOD BY HIS HUMAN, P.VSSES THROUGH THE ANGELIC HEAVEN, AND BY THIS INTO THE WORLD, THUS BY ANGELS INTO MEN. HENCE BY MEN TO MEN, AND IN THE CHURCH ESPECIALLY BY THE CLERGY TO THE LAITY. THE HOLY IS CONTINUALLY GIVEN, AND IT RECEDES IP THE LORD IS NOT APPROACHED. THE DIVINE PROCEEDING, WHICH IS CALLED THE HOLY SPIRIT, IN THE PROPER SENSE IS THE HOLY WORD, AND THE DIVINE TRUTH THEREIN. AND ITS OPERATION IS INSTRUCTION, REFORMA- 132 THE CANONS OF THE NEW CHURCH. TION, AND REGENERATION, AND HENCE VIVIFICA TION AND SALVATION. SO FAR AS ANY ONE KNOWS AND ACKNOWLEDGES THE DIVINE TRUTH, WHICH PROCEEDS FROM THE LORD, HE KNOWS AND ACKNOWLEDGES GOD ; AND SO FAR AS ANY ONE DOES THIS DIVINE TRUTH, HE IS IN THE LORD AND THE LORD IN HIM. THE SPIRIT, IN RESPECT TO MAN, IS HIS INTELLI GENCE, AND WHATEVER THENCE PROCEEDS, AS HIS OPERATION AND PO-WER. 32. THE DIVINE PROCEEDING. The Holy Spirit is the Divine which proceeds from the one Infin.i.te, Omnipotent, Omniscient, arnd Omnipresent God, by His Human assumed in the world. The Holy Spirit is not a God by Himself, or singly ; nor does it proceed from God by the Son, according to the doctrine of the present Church. This does not at all square, because a person is defined, as not being a part and a quality in another, but as subsisting- by itself It is also said, that although the property and quality of the one are separated from that of the other, still they are from one indivisible essence. Hence inevitably results, not only the idea. THE CANONS OF THE XEW CHURCH l;j;j but also the confession, of three Gods, which nevertheless from the Christian faith, are not to be called three but one, according to the Atha nasian Creed. The trutii is, that from eternity, or before cre ation, there were not three Persons, each of which Avas God ; thus there were not three infinite, three uncreate, three immense, eternal, omnipotent beings, but one. But after creation there arose a Divine Trinity ; inasmuch as then from the Father was born the Son, and from the Father by the Son proceeds the Holy, which is called the Holy Spirit. Hence, because the Father is the Soul and Life of the Son, and the Son is the Human Body of the Father, and the Holy Spirit is tho Divine pro ceeding, it follows that they are consubstantial ; and hence they subsist not singly, hut conjointly. And because the property of one, according to order, is derived and ])asses over into the other, and from this to the third, they are one Person, thus one God. Comparatively, as in every angel and in every man, all operation proceeds from the soul by the body. Reason, illustrated by the Sacred Scripture, per ceives this ; consec^uently there is a Trinity of a Person, which is a Trinity of God; but not a trinity of persons, because this is a trinity of gods. 134 THE CANONS OF THE NEW CHURCH. 33. THE HOLY SPIRIT IN ITS ESSENCE GOD. The Holy Spirit, which proceeds from the one God by His Human, in its essence is the same God; but apparently to subjects, wliich are in spaces, it is the Divine proceeding. What God was before the creation, He is after it; thus what He was from eternity. Pie is to eternity. God before the creation was not in extended space, so neither is He after creation to eternity. Consequently, God is in space without space, and in time without time. Thus the Holy Spirit, which proceeds from the one God by His Human, is the same God. Concerning God, since He is everywhere the same, it cannot be said that He proceeds, excej-jt apparently to spaces, because these proceed ; hence apparently to subjects, which are in spaces. And since these are in the created world, it follows that the Holy Spirit there is the Divine proceeding. The Omnipresence of God fully convinces, tfiat the Ploly Spirit is the Divine proceeding from the one and indivisible God, and not a God as a Person by Himself. THE CAXONS OF THE NEW CHURCII. 135 34. PASSES THROUGH HEAVEN TO MEN. The Divine, which is called the Holy Spirit, pro ceeding from God by His Hummi, passes through the angelic Heaven into the world, thus by angels into men. The one God in His Human is above the angelic Heaven, appearing there as a sun, from which proceeds Love as heat, and AAlsdom as light. Thus the Holy of God, which is called the Holy Spirit, inflows in order into the Heavens ; immediately into the supreme Heaven, which is called the third, immediately and also mediately into the middle Heaven, which is called the second ; in like manner into the ultimate Heaven which is called the first. It inflows through these Heavens into the world, and through this into men there. Nevertheless the angels of Heaven are not the Holy Spirit. All the Heavens, together with the C'hurches on earth, are in the sight of the Lord as one man. The Lord alone is the Soul and Life of that man, and all who are animated and live from Him, are His body ; hence it is said, that the 136 THE CANONS OF TIIE NEW CHURCH. faithful make the body of the Lord, and that they are in Him, and Pie in them. The Lord inflows into the angels of Heaven, and into the men of the Church, in a certain likeness as the soul inflows into the body with man. 35. BY MEN TO MEN. Hence by men to men, and in the Church especially by the Clergy to the Laity. No one can receive the Holy Spirit, except from the Lord Jesus Christ, because it proceeds from God the Father by Him ; aud by the Holy Spirit is understood the- Divine proceeding. No one can receive the Holy Spirit, that is, the Divine Truth and the Divine Good, unless he goes to the Lord immediately, and is at the same time in love. The Holy Spirit, that is, the Divine proceed ing, can never become man's own, but is con stantly of the Lord with him. Therefore the Holy, which is understood by the Holy Spirit, does not inhere, and does not remain, except so long as the man who receives it, be lieves in the Lord, and is at the same time in the doctrine of truth from the Word, and in a life according to it. THE CANOXS OF THE XEW CHURCH. \:\1 The Holy, which is understood by the Holy Spirit, is not transferred by man to man, but by the Lord through man to man. God the Father does not send the Holy Spirit, that is. His Divine, through the Lord into man; but the Lord sends it from God the Father. The clergy, because they are to teach doctrine from the AA^ord concerning the Lord, and con cerning Redemption and Salvation by Him, are to be inaugurated by the solemn promise of the Holy Spirit, and by the representation of its translation ; but it is received by the clergy ac cording to the faith of their life. The Divine, which is understood by the Ploly Spirit, proceeds from the Lord through the clergy to the laity, by preachings, according to the reception of the doctrine of truth thence. And by the sacrament of the Holy Supper, according to repentance before it. 36. THE HOLY' SPIRIT IS THE WORD. Tlie Divine proceeding, which is called the Holy Spirit, in the proper sense is the Word, wherein is the Holy of God. The AA^^ord is the Holy itself, in the Christian Church, from the Divine of the Lord, which is 138 THE CAXOXS OF THE XEW CHURCII therein and thence ; wherefore the Divine pro ceeding, which is called the Holy Spirit, in the proper sense, is the AVord and the Holy of God. The Lord is the AA'ord, because it is from the Lord, and concerning the Lord, and thus in its essence is the Lord Himself. The Lord, because He is the AA'ord, is alone Holy ; and He is the Holy One of Israel, who is so often mentioned in the Prophets, concerning whom also it is there said that He alone is God. Hence it is, that the place, where the ark was in the Tabernacle, was called the Sanctuary and Holy of Holies ; because in it was the Law, the be ginning of the AA^ord, over which was the Pro pitiatory, and over this the Cherubim, all which signified the Lord as the AVord. Hence also it is, that the New Jerusalem, which is the Church that a])proaches the Lord alone, and draws truths from His VA^^ord, is called Holy, and also the City of Holiness ; and the men in whom that Church is, a people of holiness; this Church is also the kingdom of saints, which will endure to eternity. The Prophets and Apostles, because the AA'ord was written by them, are called saints. The Holy Spirit, from the Holy AA'ord which is taught by the Lord, is called the Spirit of Truth ; of whom the Lord says that He speaketh not The CAXtJXS OF THE XEW CHURCH 139 from Himself but from the Lord, and that He Himself is He. That to him who speaketh a word against the Holy Spirit, it is not remitted, is because he de nies the Divinity of the Lord, and the holiness of the Word ; for he has no religion. That to him who speaketh a word against the Son of Man, it is remitted, is because it is re mitted to him who denies this or that to be Divine Truth from the AVord in the Church, if only he believes that in the AA'ord, and from the AA'ord, are Divine Truths. The Son of Man is the Divine Truth from the AA^ord in the Church, and this cannot be seen by all. 37. THE DIVINE TRINITY. THERE IS A DIVINE TRINITY ; NAMELY, FATHER, SON, AND HOLY SPIRIT. THE FATHER, SON, AND HOLY SPIRIT, ARE THE THREE ESSENTIALS OF ONE GOD. THERE WAS NO TRINITY OF GOD BEFORE THE WORLD WAS CREATED. THE TRINITY OP GOD, AFTER THE WORLD WAS CREATED, W.VS MADE IN JESUS CHRIST. THIS TRINITY IS FROM THE WOKD, AS ALSO FROM THE apostles' CREED ; BUT NOT FROM THE NICENE. 140 THE CAXOXS OF THE XEW CHURCH. DISCORDANT IDEAS ARISE PROM THE NICENE TRINITY. THIS TRINITY HAS PERVERTED THE CHURCH. IT HAS ALSO FALSIFIED THE WHOLE -WORD. HENCE IS THAT AFFLICTION AND DESOLATION PREDICTED BY THE LORD. THERE IS NO S.\.LV ATION, UNLESS A NEW CHURCH BE INSTITUTED BY THE LORD. THE DIVINE TRINITY IS IN THE LORD GOD THE SAVIOUR ; HENCE HE ALONE IS TO BE APPROACHED, THAT THERE MAY BE SALVATION, OR ETERNAL LIFE. 38. THE TRINITY IN GENERAL. The idea of the common people concerning the Divine Trinity, is, that God the Father sits on high, and His Son at His right hand, and that they send the Holy Spirit to men. The idea of the clergy concerning the Trinity, is, that there are three Persons, each of whom is God and Lord, and that the three have one and the same essence. The idea of the wise amcmg the clergy, is, that there are three communicable properties and qualities ; but thuse that are incommunicable are understood by three persons. That there is a Divine Trinity is manifest from the Sacred Scripture, and from reason. THE CAXOXS OF THE XEW CHURCH. 141 From a trinity of persons there inevitably fol lows a trinity of gods. If God is One, the Trinity of God is necessary, thus the Trinity of a Person. The Trinity of God, which is also a Trinity of a Person, is in God Incarnate, or Jesus Christ. This is confirmed from the Sacred Scripture ; and also from reason, since there is a trinity in every man. The Apostolic Church never thought of a trinity of persons, as is evident from the Creed of that Church. A trinity of persons was first invented by the Nicene Council. It was derived thence into the Churches after that Council, even to the present time. Not until this day could that doctrine be recti fied. A trinity of persons has inverted the whole Church, and falsified all and single things of it. All say, that it exceeds comprehension, and that the understanding is to be held captive under obedience to faith. In the Lord is the one Trinity, and Unity in Trinity. 142 THE CAXOXS OF THE XEW CHURCH. 39. FATHER, SON, AND HOLY SPIRIT. There is a Divine Trinity ; namely. Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. The Unity of God is acknowledged and re ceived in the whole world, wherever there is re ligion and sound reason. Therefore the Trinity of God could not be known ; for if it had been known, yea, if only mentioned, man Avould have thought of the Trinity of God as of a plurality of gods ; which both religion and sound reason abhor. Therefore the Trinity of God could not be known, except from Revelation, thus no otherwise than from the AVord ; nor could it be received, un less the Trinity of God were also the Unity of God, for otherwise there would be a contradiction, which begets a nonentity. The Trinity of God did not actually exist, until the Son of God, the Saviour of the world, was born ; and not before was there a Unity in Trinity, and a Trinity in Unity. The salvation of the human race depends uj^on the Trinity of God, -R'hich at the same time is a Unity. By the Trinity of God, which at the same time THE CAXOXS OF THE XEW CHURCH. 143 is a Unity, the Divine Trinity in one Person is understood. The Lord, the Saviour of the world, taught that there is a Divine Trinity ;. namely, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. For He commanded His disciples to baptize in the name of the Father, of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. He also said He Avould send to them the Holy Spirit from the Father. He moreover often mentioned the Father by name, and called Himself His Son, and ITe breathed upon the disciples, saying, Receive ye the Holy Spirit. Furthermore, when Jesus was baptized in the Jordan, a voice came forth from the Father, say ing. This is my beloved Son; and the Spirit in the form of a dove appeared over Him. The angel Gabriel also said to Mary, Tlie Holy Spirit shall come tipon thee, and the Power of the Highest shall overshadow thee, and the Holy which is born of thee shall be called the Son of God. The Highest is God the Father. The Apostles also in their Epistles often name the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit ; and John in his first epistle says. There are three that testify in Heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Spirit. 144 THE CANONS OF THE NEW CHURCH. 40. THREE ESSENTIALS OF ONE GOD. Tliese three. Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, are three Essentials of one God; since they are one, as the soul, body, and operation, are one with man. The Divine Trinity, which at the same time is Unity, can by no means be comprehended by any one, except as the soul, body, and proceeding operation with man. Therefore in the Christian Church it is every where acknowledged, that in Christ, God and Man, that is, the Divine and the Human, are one Person, as the soul and body in man. Wherefore he who has knowledge of the union of the soul and body, and the operation thence, knows the Trinity, and at the same time the Unity, of God, in a kind of shadow. The rational man knows, or may know, that the soul of the son is from the father, and that the soul clothes itself with a body in the womb of the mother, and that afterwards all operation proceeds from both. He who has knowledge of the union of the soul and body, also knows, or may know, that the life of the soul is in the body, and thus that the life of the body is the life of the soul. THE CAXOXS OF TIIE NEW CHURCH. 145 Consequently, that the soul lives, and therefore sensates and operates, in the body aud from the body ; and that the body lives, sensates, and oper ates from itself, while from the soul. This is because all things of the soul are of the body, and all things of the body are of the soul; thence and from no other source is their union. It is only an appearance that the soul operates separately, from itself through the body ; when yet it operates in the body, and from the body. From these things the rational man, who has knowledge of the intercourse of the soul and the body, may comprehend the words of the Lord : That the Father and He are one ; That all things of the Father are His, and all His are of the Father ; That all things of the Father come to Him ; That the Father hath given all things into the hand of the Son ; That as the Father operates, so also the Son operates ; That he who seeth and knoweth the Son, also seeth and knoweth the Father ; That they who are one in the Son, are one in the Father ; That no one hath seen the Father except the Son, who is in the bosom of the Father, He hath set Him forth ; 10 146 THE CANONS OF THE NEW CHURCH. That the Father is in the Son, and the Son in the Father ; That no one cometh to the Father, except by the Son ; That as the Father hath life in Himself, so hath He given to the Son to have life in Himself ; That in Jesus Christ all the fulness of Divinity dwelleth bodily. The Son is the Human of the Father. From these things it follows, that the Divinity and Soul of the Son of God, our Saviour, are not distinctly two, but one and the same. 41. NO TRINITY BEFORE CREATION. Before the world was created, there was no Trinity of God. The Sacred Scripture teaches, and reason, illus trated by the Lord therein and thence, sees, that God is one ; but the Sacred Scripture does not teach, and reason thence illustrated does not see, that God was triune before the world was created. Nor does reason illustrated from the Sacred Scripture see, that the Son was born from eternit}', or that the Holy Spirit proceeded from God the Father by the Son from eternity. THE CANONS OF THE NEW CHURCH. 147 Hence, a Trinity from eternity is not a real Trinity, but ideal ; still more a Trinity of Per sons. A Trinity of Persons in the Divinity, before the world was created, did not come into the mind of any one, from the time of Adam even to the Advent of the Lord ; as is manifest from the AVord of the old Testament, and from the his tories of the religion of the ancients. Neither did it come into the mind of the Apostles, as is manifest from their writings in the AVord. Neither did it come into the mind of any one in the Apostolic Church, which was before the Nicene Council, as is manifest from the Apostle's Creed. A Trinity of Persons from eternity is not only above reason, but contrary to it ; it is contrary to reason that three Persons created the universe ; that there were three Persons, and each person God, and yet there were not three Gods but one. The future New Church will call the age of the old Church obscure, or barbarous, when they worshipped three Gods. A Trinity of Persons in the Divinity from eternity was first put forth by the Nicene Council, as is manifest from the two Creeds, the Nicene and the Athanasian; and afterwards it was re ceived as the principal dogma, and as the head 148 THE CANONS OF THE NEW CHURCH. of doctrines, from that time even to the present day. For this there were two causes ; first, they did not know how otherwise to disperse the scandals of Arius, who denied the Divinity of the Lord ; second, because they did not understand what is written by the Evangelist John (I, 1, 2, 10, 14 ; xvi, 28 ; xvii, 5). The belief, according to' the Nicene Council, and the Churches after it, that the Divinity, be fore the world was created, consisted of three Persons, each of which was God, and that from the first Person was born a second, and from these two went forth a third, is the faith of a paradox, which is contrary to the reason of the understanding ; a faith in which there is nothing of the Church, but is a persuasion of the false, such as is with those who are insane in the things of religion. 42. THE TRINITY AFTER CREATION. Tlie Trinity of God was made, after the world was created, a.nd actually in. the fulness of time, and then in God Incarnate, who is the Lord our Saviour Jesus Christ. The Trinity of God did not exist, and could not exist, before the world was created. THE CANONS OF TIIE NEW CHURCH. 149 There are three essentials of one Person in God Man, of which is predicated the Trinity of God. That God came into the world as the AVord, and assumed a Human in the virgin Mary, and that the Holy thence born was called the Son of the Highest, the Son of God, the Only Begotten Son, is known from the old Word, where it is pre dicted, and from the new, where it is described. Since, therefore, God the Highest, who is the Father, by His Divine proceeding, which is the Holy Spirit, conceived the Human in the virgin Mary, it follows that the Human, born from that conception, is the Son, and the Divine conceiving is the Father, and that both together is the Lord God the Saviour, Jesus Christ, God and Man. It follows also that the Divine Truth, which is the Word, in which is the Divine Good, from the Father, was the seed from which the Human was conceived. From the seed is the soul, and by the soul is the body. In confirmation, this arcanum shall be men tioned : The spiritual origin of all human seed is truth from good, but not Divine Truth from Divine Good, in its own essence, infinite and un create, as in the Lord, but in its own form finite and created. It is known that the soul adjoins to itself a body, which may serve it for performing uses. 150 THE CANONS OF THE NEW CHURCH. and that afterwards it conjoins itself to the body as it serves ; aud this even until the soul becomes of the body, and the body of the soul. This is what the Lord says. That He is in the Fcdher, and the Fatlier in Him. From these things it follows, that the Trinitv of God was made after the world was created, and then in God Incarnate, who is the Lord the Saviour, Jesus Christ. 43. THE TRINITY OF GOD IN ONE PERSON. Tlie Trinity of persons in the Divinity is from the Nicene Council, and was thence in the Catholic Church, and in the Churches after it; it is therefore to be called the Nicene Trinity. But the Trinity of God in one person, in the Lord God, the Saviour, is from Christ Himself, and was thence in the Apostolic Church; and it is therefore to be called the Christian Trinity ; and this Trinity of God is the Trinity of the New Church. 1. There are three summaries of the doctrine of the Christian Church concerning the Divine Trin ity, and the Divine Unity, which are called Creeds ; the Apostolic, the Nicene, and the Athanasian. These three Creeds were acknowledged and received by the Christian Church, as ecumenical THE CANONS OF TIIE NEW CHURCH. 151 and catholic, that is, as the universals of doc trine concerning God, the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. From the things put forth in the three Creeds, it may be gathered, how in each the Trinity of God in Unity, and the Unity in Trinity, was understood. For the Apostolic Creed teaches that God the Father is the Creator of the universe ; that His Son was conceived by the Holy Spirit, and born of the virgin Mary ; and that there is a Holy Spirit. The Nicene Creed teaches that God the Father is the Creator of the universe ; that the Son was begotten before all ages, and that He descended and became incarnate ; and that the Holy Spirit proceeds from both. But the Athanasian Creed teaches that the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, are three Persons, co-eternal and co-equal, and that each of them is Ctod ; and yet that there are not three Gods, but one ; and, although from the Christian verity, each person singly is God, still from the Catholic religion it is not lawful to say three Gods. From these three Creeds it is manifest, that two Trinities are taught, one which existed before the world was created, the other after it ; the Trinity before the world was created, in the Nicene and 152 THE CANONS OF THE NEW CHURCH. Athanasian Creeds, but the Trinity after it, in the Apostolic Creed ; consequently, that the Apos tolic Cliurch knew nothing of a Son from eter nity, but only of a Son born in the world, and thus that Church invoked the latter, and not the former ; and on the other hand, the Church after the Apostolic Creed, as it were established anew, acknowledged a Son from eternity as God, but not so the Son born in the world. These two Trinities differ as much from each other as evening and morning, yea, as night and day ; and thus both together can by no means be confirmed in one man of the Church, because re ligion would perish with him, and with religion sound reason ; because from the Nicene and Athanasian Trinity, one God cannot be thought of, but He can be in the Apostolic Trinity ; and He can be thought of in this Trinity, because it is in the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God born in the world. 2. That the Divine Trinity is in the Lord God the Saviour, Jesus Christ, He Himself teaches, for He says, That the Father aud He are one ; That He is in the Father, and the Father in Him; That all things of the Father are His ; That he that seeth Him seeth the Father ; THE CANONS OF THE NEW CHURCH. 153 That he that believeth in Him believeth in the Father ; And it is according to Paul, that all the ful ness of Divinity dwelleth in Him bodily ; And according to John, that He is the true God and eternal life ; And according to Isaiah, that He is the Father of eternity ; And in the same, that He is Jehovah, the Redeemer, the only God ; And that from Redemption He is Jehovah our Justice ; And that He is called, God, and Father ; And that His glory He will not give to an other ; Also that the Holy Spirit is from Him. Now because God is One, and because there is a Divine Trinity, the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit ; it follows, that that Trinity is in one Person, and in the Person of Him who was conceived from God the Father, and born of the virgin Mary ; and hence He is called the Son of the Highest, the Son of God, the only begotten Son. Since therefore this Divine Trinity, is in the Lord God the Saviour, Jesus Christ ; it follows, that He alone is to be approached, invoked, and worshipped ; and when this is done, the Father is at the same time approached, and man receives the Holy Spirit. 154 THE CANONS OF THE NEW CHURCH. Since the Divine Trinity, and at the same time the Divine Unity, is in the Lord Jesus Christ, the Redeemer and Saviour of the world, this is the Trinity of the New Church. 44. FALSIFICATION OF THE WORD. The confirmation of a Trinity of Persons, each of which is a God from eternity, according to the Nicene and Athanasian Creeds, has falsified the whole Word. Every heretic can confirm, and does confirm, his heresy by the Word, since this is written by appearances and correspondences ; wherefore the Word is called by some the book of all heresies. Man after confirmation does not see otherwise than that his dogmas are true, although they are false. A plurality of Gods can be confirmed by many things from the Word; also the faith imputing the merit of Christ, in which three Gods singly have their parts ; and also that the works of char ity contribute nothing to faith, and thus to salva tion. A plurality of Gods can be confirmed by these things : THE CANONS OF THE NEW CHURCH. 155 That a Trinity wa:^ named by the Lord ; That a Trinity appeared when the Lord was baptized ; That there are three who testify in Heaven, the Father, the AA^ord, and the Holy Spirit ; That Jehovah God said. Let us make man in our image and likeness ; That three angels appeared before Abraham, who were called Jehovah ; That in the new Word, the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are often named by the Lord in the Evangelists, and by the Apostles in the Epistles, and it is not there said that they are one. Also that faith is imputative of the merit of Christ, and that this fai^h alone is saving, and that the works of charity do not conduce to salva tion. Beside this, a mind given to ratiocination may add to them creeds of its own, and estab lish them. All and each of these cannot be seen as false, and thus cannot be dissipated, unless reason, illustrated by the Lord, confirm by means of the Word that God is one, and that there is a con junction of charity and faith. When this is so done, it appears clearly, that a theology founded upon a Trinity of Persons, each of which is God, and upon a faith appropriated to each one singh', and upon the unavailableness of charity for salvation, has falsified the whole 156 THE CANONS OF THE NEW CHURCH. Word ; chiefly because these three, God, Charity, and Faith, are together the universals of religion, to which all and single things of the Word, and hence of Heaven and the Church, relate. Hence results this enormity, that the confirmer thinks of three gods, because of one from three, wherever he reads of the Father, Son, or Holy Spirit, yea, wherever he reads of Jehovah and God ; he also thinks of no other than the faith imputing the merit of Christ, wherever he reads of faith ; and he thinks of charity as not con tributing anything to salvation, or he thinks of that faith in the place of it, wherever he reads of charity. Confirmation once imbued bears this with itself. 45. AFFLICTION AND DESOLATION OF THE CHURCH. Hence is that Affliction and that Desolation in the Christian Church, wliich were predicted by the Lord in the Evangelists, and in Daniel. The Lord when He spoke with the disciples of the Consummation of the Age, and of His Advent, that is, of the end of the Church of this day, and the beginning of the New Church, predicted these things, namely, Then shall be great affliction, such as was not from the beginning THE CAXOXS OF THE XEW CHURCH. 157 of the world until now, nor shall be ; also. There shall be the abomination of desolation, predicted by Daniel the prophet ; for after the affliction of those days the sun shall be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the powers of the Heavens shall be commoved. That there is such affliction and desolation in the Church, is altogether unknown and unseen in the world, because it is everywhere said therein, that they are in the light itself of the Gospel ; so that if an angel should descend from Heaven, and teach anything else, he would not be believed. But this predicted affliction and desolation ap pears in clear light in the spiritual world, since all men come into that world after death, and remain in the religion in which they were in the natural world ; for light there is spiritual, which uncovers all things. When the clergy are there interrogated concern ing God, Faith, and Charity, which are the three essentials of the Church, and thence of salvation, they answer scarcely otherwise than as blind men in pits. When the laity are interrogated concerning these three essentials, they know almost nothing. When the latter and the former are explored, as to whether they have in themselves anything of God, of Faith, and of Charity, it is observed that they have nothing, consequently nothing of 158 THE CAXOXS OF THE XEW CHURCH. Heaven, of the Church, and of salvation ; except with those who have done goods from religion, since these in the spiritual world are receptive of faith in the Lord God the Saviour. From these few things it is manifest, whence is that great affliction, which was not from the be ginning of the world, nor shall be ; and whence is that abomination of desolation, which the Lord predicted would be at the end of the pres ent Church. That such affliction was not from the begin ning of the world, nor shall be, is because the Gentiles, and the Jews themselves, were ignorant of the Lord God the Saviour, as the Fountain of Salvation, and ignorance excuses ; but it is other wise with Christians after His Advent, to whom this has been revealed in the Word of both Testaments. 46. THE RISE OF A NEW CHURCH. Unless a New Church exist, which shall abolish the faith of the old Church, which is in three gods, and teach a new Faith, which is in one God, thus in the Lord God the Saviour Jesus Christ, no fiesh could be saved, according to the words of the Lord. The Lord, when He spoke with the disciples of the Consummation of the Age, and His Ad- TIIE CAXOXS OF TIIE NEW CHURdL I59 vent, that is, of the end of the present Church, and the beginning of the New Church, then, after He had described the desolation and affliction, said, Unless those days be shortened, no fi.esh can be saved, that is, they would altogether perish in eternal death. The reason is, that by the faith of the present Church there is no conjunction with God, and hence no salvation ; for this depends solely upon conjunction with G-od ; yea, salvation is that conjunction. For that faith is a faith in three gods, and faith unless it be in one God does not conjoin ; moreover, that faith cannot be united with charity, and faith not united with charity, thus faith alone, does not conjoin. Hence it follows, that unless a New Church be established by the Lord, which shall abolish that faith, and teach a new faith, which is a faith in one God, and is at the .same time united with charity, no flesh could be saved, that is, no man could be saved. The faith of the present day has destroyed the universal Church and falsified the whole Word ; wherefore unless a New Church be established by the Lord, which shall restore both the Church and the Word to its integrity, no flesh could be saved. Those who are in the faith of the present Church, 160 THE CANOXS OF TIIE NEW CHURCH. dive understood by the dragon in the Apocalypse, and by the false prophet : and the faith itself by the pit of the abyss, out of which locusts went forth ; and also by the great city which is spirit ually called Sodom and Egypt, where the two wit nesses were slain ; and by the New Jerusalem there, the New Church is understood. Since it is there said, that after the dragon and false prophet were cast into Hell, the New Jeru salem descended out of Heaven from God ; it is manifest, that after the faith of the present Church is damned, the New Church will descend out of the New Heaven from the Lord, and be in stituted. From these things it is manifest, that unless a New Church exist which shall abolish the faith in three gods, and receive a faith in one God, thus in the Lord Jesus Christ, and which at the same time conjoins this faith with charity into one form, no flesh could be saved. It may also be seen above, that Redemption could not have been effected, nor could salvation have thence been given, except by God Incarnate, thus by no other than by God the Redeemer, Jesus Christ, for salvation is perpetual Redemp tion ; also that God, Faith, and Charity are the three essentials of the Church, and that upon them universal theology, thus the Church, de pends. AA^herefore, when falses concerning these THE CAXOXS OF THE XEW CHURCH. 161 three essentials are taught and imbibed, there is 110 salvation to man. No one can hereafter come into Heaven, unless he be in the doctrine of the New Church, as to faith and life. The reason is, that the New Heaven, which has now been established by the Lord, is in faith and life according to that doctrine. 11 VIII. THE LAST JUDGMENT. The Last Judgment is not in the natural, but in the spiritual world. The destruction of the world is not meant by the day of the Last Judgment. The procreations of the human race on the earth will never cease. The human race is the basis, on which Heaven is founded. The human race is the seminary of Heaven. The extension of Pleaven, which is for angels, is so immense, that it cannot be filled to eternity. They are few respectively, of whom Heaven is as yet. The perfection of Heaven increases accord ing to plurality. Every Divine AA^ork looks to infinity and eternity. Heaven and Hell are from the human race. All who have ever been born men, from the 162 THE LAST JUDGMENT. 163 beginning of creation, and are deceased, are in Heaven or Hell. The Last Judgment must be where all are together, thus in the spiritual world, and not on the earth. The Last Judgment exists, when the end of the Church is ; and the end of the Church is, when there is no faith, because no charity. All things which are predicted in the Apoc alypse, are at this day fulfilled. The Last Judgment has been accomplished. Babylon has been destroyed. The former Heaven has been abolished. The state of the world and of the Church here after, will be similar to what it has been hitherto, in the external form, but dissimilar in the in ternal. IX. INFLUX, OR THE INTERCOURSE OF THE SOUL AND THE BODY. Who does not know, or may not know, that the good of love and the truth of faith inflow from God into man, and that they inflow into his soul, and are felt in his mind, and that they flow forth from the thought into the speech, and from the will into the actions. There are two worlds, the spiritual world, where spirits and angels are, and the natural world, where men are. The spiritual world existed and subsists from its own sun, and the natural world from its own sun. The sun of the spiritual world is pure love from Jehovah God, who is in the midst of it. From that sun proceed heat and light, and the heat proceeding from it in its essence is love, and the light thence in its essence is wisdom. Both that heat and that light inflow into man, the heat into his will, producing there the good 164 LXFLUX. 1G5 tl) of love, and the light into his understanding producing there the truth of wisdom. Those two, heat and light, or love and wisdom, inflow conjointly from God into the soul of man, and by this into the mind, into its affections and thoughts, and from these into the senses, speech, and actions of the body. The sun of the natural world is pure fire, and by this sun the world of nature existed and subsists. Hence everything that proceeds from this sun, regarded in itself, is dead. The spiritual clothes itself with a natural, as man clothes himself with a garment. Spiritual things, so clothed in man, cause him to be able to live a rational and moral man, thus a spiritually natural man. The reception of that influx, is according to the state of love and wisdom with man. The understanding with man can be elevated into the light, that is, into the wisdom, in whieli the angels of Heaven are, according to the culti vation of the reason ; and his will can be elevated in like manner into the heat of Heaven, that is, into the love, according- to the deeds of the life ; but the love of the will is not elevated, except so far as man wills and does the things, which the wisdom of the understanding teaches. It is altogether otherwise with beasts. 166 INFLUX. There are three degrees in the spiritual world, and three degrees in the natural world, hitherto unknown, according to which all influx takes place. Ends are in the first degree, causes in the second, and effects in the third. From these things it is manifest, what spiritual influx is, from its origin to effects. X. THE DIVINE LOVE AND WISDOM. 1. god. God is Divine Love and Divine Wisdom. Love is the life of man. God alone, thus the Lord, is Love itself, be cause He is Life itself; and angels and men are recii^ients of Life. The Divine is not in space. God is Man Himself. Esse and Existere in God Man are distinctly one. In God Man infinite things are distinctly one. There is one God Man, from AAHiom all things are. The Divine Essence itself is Love and AA'isdom. The Divine Love is of the Divine AA'isdom, and the Divine Wisdom is of the Divine Love. The Divine Luve and the Divine AA'isdom are Sub.stance and Form. The Divine Love and the Divine AA'isdom are 167 168 THE niVIXE LOVE AND WISDOM. Substance and Form in themselves, thus the Itself and the Only. The Divine Love and the Divine Wisdom can not but be and exist in others created by itself. All things in the universe were created by the Divine Love and the Divine Wisdom of God Man. All things in the created universe are re cipients of the Divine Love and the Divine AVisdom of God Man. All created things in a certain image relate to man. The uses of all created things ascend by de grees, from ultimates to man, and through man to God the Creator, from whom they are. The Divine fills all spaces of the universe with out space. The Divine is in all time without time. The Divine in the greatest and least things is the same. 2. THE SPIRITUAL SUN. Tlie Universe with all things of it was created by God, by means of the two Suns, the spiritual and the natural. The Divine Ijove and the Divine AA^isdom ap pear in the spiritual world as a Sun. From the Sun, which exists from the Divine TIIE DIVLXE LOVE AND WISDOM. 16<) Love and the Divine AA^isdom, heat and light proceed. That Sun is not God, but it is the Proceeding from the Divine Love and Divine AA'isdom of God Man ; in like manner the heat aud light from that Sun. Spiritual heat and light, by proceeding from the Lord as a Sun, make one, as His Divine Love and Divine AVisdom make one. The Sun of the spiritual world appears in a middle altitude, distant from the angels, as the sun of the natural world is distant from men. The distance between the Sun and the angels in the .spiritual world is an appearance, according to the reception of the Divine Love and the Divine AA^isdom by them. The angels are in the Lord, and the Lord in them ; and because the angels are recipients, the Lord alone is Heaven. In the spiritual world the east is where the Lord appears as a Sun, and the remaining quar ters are thence. The quarters in the spiritual world are not from the Lord as a Sun, but from the angels, ac cording to reception. The angels turn their face continually to the Lord as a Sun, and thus have the south to the riarht, the north to the left, and the west behind them. 170 THE DIVINE LOVE AND WISDOM. All the interiors of the angels, both of mind and body, are turned to the Lord as a Sun. Every spirit, whatever his quality, turns in like manner to his ruling love. The Divine Love and Divine Wisdom, which proceed from the Lord as a Sun, and make the heat and light in Heaven, is the Divine proceed ing, Avhich is the Holy Spirit. The Lord created the universe and all things of it, by means of the Sun, which is the first pro ceeding of the Divine Love and Divine AA'^isdom. The sun of the natural Avorld is pure fire, and hence dead ; and nature, because it draws its origin from that sun, is dead. Without two Suns, the one living and the other dead, there can be no creation. The end of creation exists in ultimates ; which end is, that all things may return to the Creator, and that there may be conjunction. 3. DEGREES. All created things are in Degrees. 1. In the spiritual world there are atmospheres, Avaters, and earths, as in the natural Avorld ; but the former are spiritual, and the latter natural. THE DIVINE LOVE AND WISDOM. 171 There are Degrees of love and Avisdom, and thence Degrees of heat and light, also Degrees of atmospheres. Degrees are of a two-fold kind, degrees of alti tude and degrees of latitude. The Degrees of altitude are homogeneous, and one is from the other in a series, like end, cause, and effect. The first Degree is the all in all things of the following degrees. All perfections increase and ascend Avith De grees, and according to Degrees. In successive order, the first Degree makes the highest, and the third the lowest ; but in simul taneous order, the first Degree makes the inmost, and the third the outmost. The ultimate Degree is the complex, continent, and basis of the prior degrees. Degrees of altitude, in their ultimate, are in fulness and poAver. Degrees of both kinds are in the greatest and least of all things that have been created. There are three Degrees of altitude, infinite and uncreate, in the Lord, and three finite and created Degrees in man. These three Degrees of altitude are in every man from birth, and may be successively opened ; and as they are opened, man is in the Lord, and the Lord in him. 172 TIIE DIVINE LOVE AXD WISDOM. Spiritual light inflows by three Degrees with man, but not spiritual heat, except so far as man shuns evils as sins, aud looks to the Lord. If the superior Degree, which is spiritual, is not opened Avith man, he becomes natural and sensual. Since in the world it is not known Avhat the spiritual man is, and what the natural, therefore it shall be distinctly told as follows : What the natural man is, and what the spiritual man. The quality of the natural man, with whom the spiritual degree is opened. The quality of the natural man, with whom the spiritual degree is not opened, but still not closed. The quality of the natural man, with whom the spiritual degree is altogether closed. AVhat the difference is between the life of a natural man, and the life of a beast. The natural Degree of the human mind, re garded in itself, is continuous, but by correspond ence with the two superior Degrees, while it is elevated, it appears as if discrete. The natural mind, because it is the covering and continent of the superior Degrees of the human mind, is reactive ; and if the superior Degrees are not opened, it acts against them, but if they are opened, it acts with them. THE DIVIXE LOVE AXI> WISDOM. 17;; 2. The origin of evil is from the abuse of the faculties, proper to man, Avhicli are called ration ality and liberty. That the origin of evil is from the abuse of those faculties, shall be told in the following order : The evil man, equally with the good man, enjoys those faculties. The evil man abuses them, to confirm evils and falses ; and the good man uses them, to confirm goods and truths. Evils and falses confirmed with man re main, and become of his love and thence of his life. The things which become of the love and life, are inborn in the offspring. All evils and the falses thence, both those that are inborn, and those that are super induced, reside in the natural mind. Evils and falses are wholly opposite to goods and truths, because evils and falses are diabolical and infernal, and goods and truths are Divine and heavenly. Since many do not know the quality of evil, and that it is altogether opposite to good, and yet it is important that it should be known, the sub ject shall be examined in the folloAving order : The natural mind, which is in evils and in falses thence, is a form and image of Hell. 174 THE DIVIXE LOVE AXD WISDOM. The natural mind, Avhich is a form or image of Hell, descends by three Degrees. The three Degrees of the natural mind, which is a form and image of Hell, are opposite to the three Degrees of the spiritual mind, which is a form and image of Heaven. The natural mind, whicJi is Hell, is Avholly opposite to the spiritual mind, which is Heaven. All things of the three Degrees of the natural mind, are included in the AVorks, which are done by the acts of the body. 4. THE CREATION. The End of the Creation of the Universe is that the angelic Heaven might exist. 1. The Lord from Eternity, Avho is Jehovah, created the universe and all things of it from Himself, and not from nothing. The Lord from Eternity, or Jehovah, could not have created the universe and all things of it, unless He Avere a Man. The Lord from Eternity, or Jehovah, produced from Himself the sun of the spiritual world, and THE DIVIXE LOVE AXD WISDOM. 175 from that sun created the universe and all things of it. In the Lord there are three things, which are the Lord, the Divine of Love, the Divine of AA^isdom, and the Divine of Use ; and these three are presented in appearance outside of the sun of the spiritual world, the Divine of Love by heat, the Divine of Wisdom by light, and the Divine of Use by the atmosphere, which is the continent. The atmospheres, AA'hich are three in both worlds, the spiritual and the natural, in their ultimates terminate in substances and matters, such as are on the earth. Those substances and matters are also of three degrees. They are held in connection by the encom passing atmospheres. They are accommodated to produce all uses in their forms. In the substances and matters, from which the earths are, there is nothing of the Divine in itself, but still they are from the Divine in itself All uses, Avhich are the ends of creation, are in forms, and they take on forms from the sub stances and matters such as are on the earth. In earths there is a conatus to produce uses in forms, or forms of uses. In all the forms of uses there is an image of creation. 176 THE DIVIXE LOVE AXD WISDOM. In all the forms of uses there is an image of man. In all the forms of uses there is an image of the Infinite and the Eternal. 2. All things of the .created universe, regarded from uses, relate to man in an image ; and this testifies that God is a Man. All things created by the L(ird are uses; and they are uses in the order, degree, and respect, in AA'hich they have relation to man, and by man to the Lord from whom they are. The uses which relate to man regard these three. Uses for sustaining the body. Uses for perfecting the rational. Uses for receiving the spiritual from the Lord. Evil uses were not created by the Lord, but they arose together Avith Hell. That good uses are from the Lord, and that evil uses are from Hell, shall be demonstrated in this order : What is understood by evil uses on earth. All things that are evil uses are in Hell, and all that are good uses in Heaven. There is a continual influx from the spiritual world into the natural world. Influx from Hell operates those things that TIIE DIVINE LOVE AND WISDOM. 177 are evil uses, in places where those things are that correspond. The ultimate spiritual, separated from what is above it, operates this. There are tAVO forms, into Avhicli operation takes place by influx, the A'egetable and the animal form. Both forms, as long as they exist, receive the means of propagation. The visible things in the created universe testify, that na'ture has produced nothing and does produce nothing ; but that the Divine has produced and does produce all things from itself, and through the spiritual world. 5. THE CREATION OF MAN. Man was created into the image of God, and ac cording to His likeness. 1. Two receptacles and habitations for Himself, have been created and formed by the Lord with man, which are called will and understanding ; the will for His Divine Love, and the under standing for His Divine Wisdom. The will and understanding, which are the re ceptacles of Love and Wisdom, are in the brains, 12 178 THE DIVINE LOVE AND WISDOM. in the whole and in every part of them ; and thence in the hody, in the whole and in every part of it. Love and wisdom, aud hence the will and the understanding, make the life itself of man. The life of man is in its principles in the brains, and in its principiates in the body. As the life is in its principles, such it is in the whole and in every part. Life, by those principles, is from every part in the whole, and fi'om the Avhole in every part. As the love is, such is the wisdom, and hence such is the man. There is a correspondence of the will with the heart, and of the understanding with the lungs. All things of the mind relate to the will and understanding, and all things of the body to the heart and lungs. There is a correspondence of the will and understanding with the heart and lungs, and hence a correspondence of all things of the mind with all things of the body. The will corresponds to the heart. The understanding corresponds to the lungs. By that corresp